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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
World First: Nanobot Micromotors Deliver Medical Payload Inside Living Creature
World First: Nanobot Micromotors Deliver Medical Payload Inside Living Creature
Researchers working at the University of California, San Diego have claimed a world first in proving that artificial, microscopic machines can travel inside a living creature and deliver their medicinal load without any detrimental effects. Using micro-motor powered nanobots propelled by gas bubbles made from a reaction with the contents of the stomach in which they were deposited, these miniature machines have been successfully deployed in the body of a live mouse.
The picayune robots used in the research were tubular, about 20 micrometers long, 5 micrometers in diameter, and coated in zinc. Once the mouse ingested these tiny tubes and they reached the stomach, the zinc reacted with the hydrochloric acid in the digestive juices to produce bubbles of hydrogen which then propelled the nanobots along like miniature rockets.
Reaching speeds of up to 60 micrometers per second, the nanobots headed outwards toward the stomach lining where they then embedded themselves, dissolved, and delivered a nanoparticle compound directly into the gut tissue.
According to the researchers, of all the nanobots deployed in the stomach of the mouse, those that reached the stomach walls remained attached to the lining for a full 12 hours after ingestion, thereby proving their effectiveness and robust nature.
In a world first, researchers from the University of California have reportedly delivered medicine directly to the stomach of a living organism using nanobots.
Scientists from the University of California are claiming that they have managed to deliver a medical payload directly into the gut tissue of a live organism using micro-motored nanobots.
Notably, the team behind the work notes that these little, microscopic machines can travel inside of the living creature and deliver the medical treatment without causing any harmful side effects related to the small bots.
Using micro-motor powered nanobots propelled by gas bubbles made from a reaction with the contents of the stomach in which they were deposited, these miniature machines have been successfully deployed in the body of a live mouse.
Image credit: Shutterstock
The tubular nanobots, which are about 20 micrometers long, 5 micrometers in diameter, and coated in zinc, are propelled by gas bubbles that are produced once the zinc reacts with the hydrochloric acid in the digestive system.
The nanobots travel at speeds of up to 60 micrometers per second and embed themselves in the stomach walls…where they remain after a full 12 hours.
These nanobots have been previously used on organic tissue, but this marks the first time that it was tested on a living organism. The success of this test leads researchers behind the study to further explore the technology as a way to deliver targeted drugs in humans.
However, as is always the case with medical breakthroughs, treatments must undergo rigorous testing and get approval from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) before they can be used. possible application and testing on humans will need to be studied carefully before regulatory organizations give the go-ahead.
So there is no guarantee that this will be implemented, but it is exciting research.
The study, published in the journal ACS Nano, has yet to make announcements regarding the possibility of human-based trials or when such trials may begin.
Extensive System of Caves Discovered Under the Pyramids
Extensive System of Caves Discovered Under the Pyramids
Something extremely strange is happening in Giza, both under the pyramids and in the office of Dr. Hawass. Even skeptics of the "Hall of Records" from Atlantis are now forced to admit that something big is being hidden.
In August of 2008 a system of caves was discovered under the pyramids. Certainly this is very big news. But look at the reaction of Dr. Hawass on his website:
Surely Hawass is intimately aware of such a discovery.
So Why deny it? What is he trying to hide? Dies this have anything to do with the wall that is being built to surround the Giza complex? What secrets don't they want us to know?
Inside Giza's cave underworld In December 2009, after denying that they existed, Egypt's leading Egyptologist, Dr Zahi Hawass, has had to admit that an excavation team under his charge is investigating an ancient tomb at the centre of claims regarding the alleged discovery of a cave underworld beneath the Pyramids of Giza.
This is a surprising announcement for several reasons, not the least being that the "alleged" cave system has already been explored and photographed by British writer and explorer Andrew Collins. In August 2008, Collins announced that he had rediscovered the entrance to a previously unexplored cave system, entered via a mysterious tomb several hundred meters west of the Great Pyramid.
Collins also found clues left in the 200-year-old memoirs of British diplomat and explorer Henry Salt. Salt wrote how, in 1817, he and Italian explorer Giovanni Caviglia had investigated cave "catacombs" at Giza for a distance of "several hundred yards" before coming across a "spacious" chamber. This chamber linked to three others of equal size, from which went various labyrinthine passages, one of which the Italian later explored for a distance of "300 feet further".
Collins decided to look for these caves in the area where the unmarked star of Cygnus would align in relation to the three pyramids. He discovered a series of catacombs, as Henry Salt had described, but no sign of any caves. Then, as he was about to leave the site he noticed a break in the catacomb wall which eventually revealed the entrance to this huge complex network of caves.
Excited by this monumental discovery, Collins immediately went to inform the Egyptian authorities and expected them to be as excited as he was. Wrong!
Egyptian Authorities Try to Hide the Cave's Discovery
According to Collins,
"Dr Hawass [Secretary General for Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities] actually denied the existence of the caves. He has done this publicly. Why he has done this is a matter of debate.The most easiest explanation is that the preliminary investigations that he did following our visit to inform him of the discovery of this cave, in April 2008, meant that his people went in the tomb overlooked the entrance, as we did initially."
Fifteen months later, bowing to the inquiries made by the press and Egyptian scholars, Dr Hawass confirmed that he has ordered an all-Egyptian team to explore the tomb at the center of the "controversy". Controversy? How could a discovery on such a scale be controversial?
"We are clearing this system now, and it is a Late Period catacomb, like many others around Egypt," he stated this week. "There is no mystery about it, and there is no connection with esoteric topics. We will publish our results as part of our normal process."
While applauding Dr Hawass's new interest in the site, Collins remains sceptical of his motives. "We knew in August that he had started clearing the tomb," he said. "The excavations began almost immediately after knowledge of the cave discovery hit the internet."
Collins is also unconvinced by Hawass's explanation of what he calls the "catacomb". "Does his use of the term 'system' now suggest that he has found and entered the caves, which he previously denied even existed? he asks. "My colleagues and I have examined photographic evidence of dynastic catacombs throughout Egypt, and these all appear to be carved by human hands." -Hawass
But photographs don't lie.
Collins says, "Those at Giza are natural, and penetrate the bedrock for many hundreds of metres, perhaps following the course of local geological faulting." Although Dr Hawass suggests there is no mystery surrounding the "catacomb", Collins suspects that the caves extend beneath the Second Pyramid, where ancient tradition puts the legendary Tomb of Hermes, Egypt's legendary founder. This is significant because Hermes is known as the Great Wisdom Bringer and Collins suspects that the chambers could possibly reveal something left behind by Hermes - something like the legendary Hall of Records.
The Hall of Records - as Prophesied by Edgar Cayce
According to the legendary psychic, Edgar Cayce, the pyramids were constructed by an ancient civilization that had its origins in Atlantis. This great civilization existed somewhere around 10,000 to 11,000 BC and was responsible for building the Great Pyramid, and for burying the lost history of mankind in a chamber called "The Hall of Records." "The records are one... (contain)... a record of Atlantis from the beginnings of those periods when the spirit took form or began the encasements in that land." - Cayce
The records extend through the first destructions of that ancient civilization, the exodus of Atlanteans to other lands, and the final destruction of Atlantis.
They contain a description of the building of the Great Pyramid, as well as a prophecy of "who, what, where, would come [to make] the opening of the records." Collins says,
"This has never been found. So perhaps it is still there, awaiting discovery, somewhere close to where Salt and Caviglia reached nearly 200 years ago.
"I do believe that the caves that we have entered are part of a much larger complex that stretches right beneath the entire Giza plateau."
Collins explains that the network of caves are natural and resemble Swiss Cheese. He believes they were formed long before the pyramids were built and suggests that they could be the reason the pyramids were built on this site. The early civilizations believed that part of the dying process involved traversing the so-called "underworld" and these caves might have been viewed as the entrance to this underworld. There is evidence of human activity in the deepest parts of the caves.
Satellite images help verify the caves According to Collins, "Satellite images would tend to suggest that the caves... go all the way to the Second Pyramid." A little west of here archaeologists have found a collection of bird mummies. Since the constellation of Cygnus is historically depicted as a bird, specifically a swan, it is theorized that worshippers left mummified birds as an offering associated with this star configuration or perhaps to Socar, the bird-like figure that was the ruler of the underworld.
From the entrance of the caves it appears that you can travel towards the Second Pyramid and directly under the spot where the Cygnus star, Deneb, would be aligned with the three pyramids and the wings of Cygnus. Is this where we will find the famed "Hall of Records"? Will the Egyptian government allow the world to know about what's really there? Why are they being so secretive?
What's in the caves As of February 2010, Dr Zahi Hawass revealed that the system of caves was being probed by a host of experts.
"We have experts in all fields working with us," he revealed this week. "Archaeologists, geologists, engineers, and architects, to name a few... I will be posting information about our excavation at Giza on my web site and will be publishing the results of our work in due course." Work at the cave-tomb, designated "NC2" by American Egyptologist George A. Reisner, has discovered two new rock-cut shafts and stairways leading into a maze of underground chambers and galleries never seen before in recorded history. Dr Hawass has suggested that they may date to the Old kingdom period. It appears that the caves were originally used as catacombs but leter were used for a bird necropolis, where mummified birds and other small animals were offered as sacrifices.
A British man named Richard Gabriel and his partner Judith was able to gain access to the tomb and cave system and take a sequence of breathtaking pictures. The top 5 photos are from the actual tomb.
Notice the many electrical cables (above, left) indicating the level of activity currently being undertaken in the caves (Are they taking out anything of interest? Are they covering up the signs of past civilizations? Are they hiding the entrances to the underground tunnels?).
Do you remember the YouTube videos about the night time excavations from under the Sphinx? They took out from the tunnels massive covered boxes and sent them to Cairo's airport. The boxes had been loaded into C-17's cargo airplanes belonging to the US Air Force.
The boxes had been transported ONLY during the night time! The officials denied it, of course!
One photo displays rock simulacrum in the form of a snake's head, making sense of local folk stories which claim that the caves are haunted by a giant snake called el-Nahash (Not again! Every time we dig deep enough, there is always a reptilian figure lurking in the underground!).
Inner-Earth Civilizations May Soon Reveal Themselves!
Inner-Earth Civilizations May Soon Reveal Themselves!
Author and researcher David Wilcock told C2C that an alliance of ancient civilizations currently residing inside the Earth may be soon reveal themselves to the world.
During the formation of all watery planets in the universe, he explained, hollow cavities form below the surface of the crust and have their own biome that features bacteria which gives off natural light.
"What this means is that you can actually live inside caverns in the Earth that have visible light," he marveled.
Based on his research, Wilcock said, "it appears that these cavities are used so that more advanced civilizations have a place they can live while they're managing what takes place on the surface."
Over the span of the planet's history, he said, various advanced societies, such as the Atlanteans, took refuge underground in order to survive tumultuous times and ultimately settled in their new subterranean location.
While the presence of these civilizations has been a part of UFO lore for decades, he contended that the government has direct knowledge of their presence due to accidentally discovering them via clandestine projects aimed at building secret underground bases.
"They'll have these tunnel boring machines and sometimes they break through into someplace they're not supposed to go," Wilcock claimed, "and there's already people there."
Citing the testimony of contactee Corey Goode, Wilcock revealed that the tenuous relationship between the Inner Earth people and those with knowledge of their existence has recently become fractured.
"This military industrial complex had formerly worked with these people and had treaties with them and is now trying to kill them."
As such, these Inner Earth societies have come together in response to the emerging threat and have turned to interstellar entities in the hopes of gaining help in the fight against the forces trying to destroy them.
According to Wilcock, a long sought after meeting between the two groups was finally held and Goode was allowed to observe the exchange. The strange summit resulted in a stunning request from the interstellar entities.
"The Inner Earth people came out of it quite shell-shocked," Wilcock said, "they have been asked to reveal themselves to us as part of disclosure."
Should the subterranean societies comply with the request, he mused, "I think we are going to find out that underground bases are much more extensive than we thought and much more ancient."
For the full interview with David Wilcock watch video below
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La planète rouge est-elle bleue ?
La planète rouge est-elle bleue ?
Publié par Le Nouveau Paradigme
Depuis près de 40 ans, une polémique fait rage concernant les véritables couleurs de la planète Mars. Notre voisine est-elle vraiment rouge, comme l'assurent la tradition et la NASA ? Ou son aspect est-il bien plus proche des paysages terriens ainsi que le laissent supposer certaines photos ?
La NASA s’efforce-t-elle de nous cacher que la planète rouge est en réalité aussi bleue que la terre ? Cette nouvelle polémique aux relents complotistes est partie de photos prises par le Rover Mars Spirit où l’on découvre un ciel d’azur et un sol rocailleux à la teinte bleu pâle.
« 99 fois sur cent, la NASA publie des photos avec des fausses couleurs ou en noir et blanc. Mais, cette fois, voici une vue non modifiée du paysage martien. La couleur des rochers varie du blanc au bleu et le ciel sans nuage ressemble au ciel terrien. Je voulais juste vous révéler ce petit secret que la NASA ne veut pas que vous connaissiez. »
Comme d’habitude, Ufosighting Daily n’y va pas avec le dos de la petite cuillère quand il s’agit d’accuser la NASA de cachotteries. Il n’en soulève pas moins un véritable problème : quelles sont les vraies couleurs de la planète Mars, sachant que les photos diffusées par l’agence spatiale américaine sont effectivement retouchées.
La controverse ne date pas d’hier. Sur Futura Sciences, Olivier de Goursac, responsable de Mars Society France, rappelle qu’une image prise par la sonde Viking en 1976 avait suscité bien des commentaires : les scientifiques ont fourni à la presse une photo retouchée pour compenser les défauts des capteurs de la sonde. Beaucoup trop retouchée : sur le clichés parus dans les journaux et magazines, le ciel apparaît pratiquement bleu… La NASA a voulu rectifier le tir en publiant un second tirage censé présenter les véritables couleurs martiennes, plus conformes à la tradition. Mais le mal était fait : beaucoup de personnes restent convaincues que c’est la première photo qui est authentique.
"Pourquoi le ciel de Mars serait-il rouge alors que l’atmosphère est beaucoup moins dense ?"
Pour clore le débat, Olivier de Goursac présente « la preuve des vraies couleurs de Mars ! »sous la forme d’un comparatif entre la mire de couleurs avant l’embarquement sur Mars et la même mire visible sur la planète rouge au début de la mission : « le carré bleu vire au violet sur Mars car la caméra n'a pas de réponse spectrale régulière et laisse passer du rouge et de l'infrarouge: bleu + rouge = violet Il faut donc que le carré bleu tire vers le violet pour que les couleurs de Mars soient bonnes ! »
Ce à quoi le conspirationniste aguerri aura beau jeu de rétorquer : « Qu’est-ce qui empêcherait la NASA de truquer après coup les couleurs de la mire ? »
Car la question fondamentale demeure : pourquoi le ciel de Mars serait-il rouge alors que l’atmosphère est beaucoup moins dense ?
Pour le spécialiste de l’optique et astronome amateur, Serge Bertorello, « le ciel devrait apparaître sur Mars avec des teintes appartenant à une palette de bleus plus ou moins pâles et peut-être avec une teinte rose aux moments du lever et du coucher du Soleil » explique-t-il dans un article très détaillé publié sur son site.
La raison généralement avancée pour expliquer sur la teinte ocre du ciel martien est la présence d'une grande quantité de poussière rouge en suspension dans l’atmosphère. Mais, poursuit Serge Bertorello, « pour que des poussières colorent sensiblement le ciel, il faudrait qu'elles soient constituées avec des grains de grosse taille (au moins une centaine de micromètres). Or l'atmosphère de Mars est si peu dense qu'il est invraisemblable qu'elle transporte des poussières aussi grosses en grande quantité. »
A l’origine, les photos de Mars présentant un ciel bleu étaient accompagnées de la mention « false colors » (fausses couleurs) signifiant que les images n’avaient pas été rectifiées pour mieux correspondre à la réalité martienne. Un peu comme si un magazine prévenait ses lecteurs de ne pas faire confiance à la photo d’une star trop belle pour être honnête et que les seuls clichés dignes de foi sont ceux où des rides et un peu d’embonpoint ont été rajoutés sur Photoshop…
Pourtant, comme le souligne Serge Bertorello, de nombreuses images envoyées par le prolifique Rover Curiosity depuis 2012, montrent des paysages à l’apparence très terrestre sous un ciel bleu pâle… Sans la mention « false colors ». Alors ? Mars est-elle « bleue comme une orange ? »
That air filling up your lungs, that oxygen pulled into your bloodstream, stoking your metabolic fire, making you possible, is old. Older than you, older than the Earth itself. That oxygen once lived in the heart of a star that is now long dead. That calcium in your bones? That iron in your blood? The same.
Billions of years ago, there was no Earth, no sun, nor even a solar system. There was just a relatively featureless cloud of gas and dust, hundreds of light-years across. Pretty much in stable equilibrium, that cloud could persist for hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years. But given just a little nudge — perhaps by a nearby supernova going off, sending its blast wave echoing through the nascent cloud — it quickly fragmented, folding in on itself in a complicated tangle of knots and streams.
Pockets of gas pinch off and catastrophically collapse, in some cases reaching such incredible densities and pressures that nuclear fusion begins deep in the heart of a young system: This is the birth of a star .
The shattered remains of the cloud organize themselves into a disk. The disk spawns planets that cannibalize more material as they grow and compete for space around the new sun. In fits and starts and collisions, and in migrations and bursts of intense radiation, the leftover debris is cleared from the system, leaving a family: a star (maybe two), a few rocky planets, gas giants, asteroids and frozen leftovers in the outskirts.
A solar system is born.
It's elemental
A few new elements breeze into the solar system over the millennia, but by and large, what the solar system was born with is all it has.
The elemental mixture of that primordial gas cloud determines the fate of the system. Not enough silicon? No rocky planets. Just a hint of oxygen? No liquid water on those planets. A bare handful of carbon? Nothing to use to build little critters to swim around in that water.
But how did this solar system's particular mixture of elements get in that gas cloud oh so many billions of years ago in the first place? To tell the truth, I already gave the answer: fusion.
In that newborn sun, and in its heart today, a nuclear fire rages. The crushing weight of the sun's own gravity — layer after endless layer of gas trying to squeeze itself into the center — encourages atomic nuclei to overcome their natural repulsion for each other and fuse, like every bad rom-com you've ever seen.
The process just needs to start with hydrogen, a simple proton. And there is plenty of that in the earliest moments of the universe. All else follows. Every star in the sky, including Earth's own sun, is a massive, sleepless factory for creating new elements. Hydrogen to helium. Onward to carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. In more massive stars, the chain pushes even further, to include calcium, magnesium, neon and argon. All the way to iron and nickel.
Getting heavy
But there, the party stops. After iron and nickel, fusion doesn't produce energy anymore — it takes it. Fusion still happens, but there's nothing to stop the relentless gravitational collapse, no energy production to re-flate the star and balance the contraction. The infalling material tries to jam onto the core, is stopped by the solid iron ball at the center, and quickly retreats. In other words: boom!
A supernova is one of the most fantastic displays of reckless energy seen across the universe . Billions of stars' worth of energy, wasted in a single flash lasting a few weeks. In that energetic inferno, anything is possible. Want to waste energy fusing some new heavy elements? Who cares — there's plenty to spare! Have some more! It's party time!
It's in that furious explosion that the rest of the periodic table is filled out. What wasn't fused in the heart of a star is birthed in the star's death throes, in complicated dances of nuclei and stray neutrons.
This isn't just a cute bedtime story — this is science, after all, and it requires some evidence. The theory was sweated out in a landmark paper led by physicist William Fowler, who went on to receive a Nobel Prize for his efforts.
Today, scientists can identify what elements stars are made of, as each element leaves a distinct thumbprint in the starlight. Physicists can observe the fusion happening in the core of Earth's sun by capturing stray neutrinos, a byproduct of the fusion reaction, in detectors here on Earth. Researchers can examine supernova remnants to identify trace elements drifting through the broken clouds. Scientists can explain why some elements are more abundant in the universe than are others: If a particular chain reaction is more common in stars, then the element produced by that reaction will make its mark on the cosmos.
And human beings can see how they really are made of stars — the ashes of long-dead stars, but stars nonetheless.
Those points of light in the night sky are connected to people in a deep and meaningful way. Human blood and bones are a part of the natural cycle of formation, birth, life and death of humanity's heavenly cousins. People come from stars and will return to the stars; every star dies, and in some fashion spreads its material back from where it came. And when the light from Earth's sun finally snuffs out, it will carry humanity's ashes back into the darkness, to be reshaped again into new worlds, and possibly new life.
Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on .
Braving subfreezing temperatures, snowstorms and the possibility of getting soaked in Arctic seas, a paraglider finally got his wish: a photo with the aurora borealis.
Horacio Llorens is one of the world's top acro paragliders. He has always wanted to fly during an aurora display, but hadn't managed to time his flight correctly. This month he finally managed it, and you can watch Llorens soar with the aurora in this amazing video released by Red Bull.
It was a difficult photo shoot because the aurora borealis, or northern lights, is most visible in winter. (It is hard to see during the summer at high latitudes because the nights are so short.) And that means cold weather, especially in Norway. The photos were taken near Tromsø, a city of 50,000 that is the northernmost of its size in the world.
Temperatures were about 5 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 15 degrees Celsius) and the weather was damp. On top of that, Llorens had to fly over 28-degree water (2 degrees C). He wore a wet suit to help protect against the possibility of hypothermia.
In this stunning long-exposure view, paraglider Horacio Llorens creates light streaks with green auroras in the background during a flight in Tromsø, Norway, on Jan. 13, 2016.
Credit: Frode Sandbech/Red Bull Content Pool
Snow storms and poor visibility didn't make it easy. To capture these images, Llorens waited on standby for hours in minus-15-degree-C weather, ready for takeoff in very cold, windy and damp conditions. And because he flew above the water, he also wore a wet suit under his flying outfit, in case he had to land on the 2-degree-C water.
"I've found out that flying at night is difficult, especially this far north and during the winter," he said in a statement released by Red Bull. "Tromsø was different from everything I'm used to. It was cold and dark, the wind was strong, and I was surrounded by water. So every decision was important."
Paraglider Horacio Llorens stands beneath the shimmering northern lights after a flight in Tromsø, Norway, on Jan. 6, 2016.
Credit: Frode Sandbech/Red Bull Content Pool
To get his images, Llorens had to use the latest video technology, which allowed him to capture the lights themselves. Auroral displays are visible to the eye, but difficult for cameras to pick up; usually, videos of them are time-lapse images. Using newer cameras, Llorens was able to make his videos in real time.
LE PLUS. 14 ans après la fin de la série, "X-Files" revient sur la Fox. Et le retour de Mulder et Scully était visiblement attendu : le premier épisode a réuni 16 millions de téléspectateurs. Pour Kevin Alleno, doctorant en science politique, la reprise de cette série en pleine la campagne électorale américaine a un sens : "X-Files" lui rappelle les fantasmes de certains conservateurs.
David Duchovny et Gillian Anderson dans "X-Files" (Fox Broadcasting Co.).
"X-Files", série culte des années 90, revient à la télévision après 14 années d'absence. Ce programme diffusé par la Fox, réputée pour être conservatrice, apparaît politiquement quelque peu orienté.
À bien y regarder, la série semble effectivement correspondre au "style paranoïaque" caractérisant la manière de faire de la politique des ultra-conservateurs.
"Style paranoïaque" et ultra-conservatisme
Avec le complot extra-terrestre placé au cœur de la série transparaît l'idée, chère aux ultra-conservateurs, que l’État est le problème. L'idée du complot, si elle est universelle, a toujours eu un grand succès dans l'histoire des États-Unis, surtout dans les franges extrêmes du conservatisme.
Ainsi, la conjuration visant à anéantir les humains et à les remplacer par des extra-terrestres n'est pas sans rappeler le fantasme de certains mouvements conservateurs concernant une extermination programmée des protestants par les catholiques vers la fin du XIXe et le début du XXe siècle.
Richard Hofstadter, historien du XXe siècle, assimila la droite radicale américaine à un "pseudo conservatisme" s'exprimant essentiellement par "le style paranoïaque". "X-Files", notamment à travers son personnage principal, l'illustre parfaitement. Le trait fondamental du "style paranoïaque" est ainsi de supposer :
"L'existence d'un complot organisé autour d'un vaste réseau international, procédant de façon insidieuse, doté d'une efficacité surnaturelle et visant à perpétrer les actes les plus diaboliques qui soient." [1]
Remplacer "communistes" par "extra-terrestres"
L'efficacité surnaturelle est claire dans la série puisque la cabale est menée par des extra-terrestres bénéficiant de surcroît du concours du gouvernement américain. Hofstadter décrit également dans son ouvrage les postulats de base de l'ultra droite américaine :
"D'abord, l'idée d'une conspiration permanente à l'œuvre depuis plus d'une génération […]. Deuxième affirmation : les hautes sphères de la bureaucratie gouvernementale ont été infiltrées par les communistes […]. Troisième et dernière assertion : un réseau d'agents communistes s'est introduit dans le pays [...], si bien que l'ensemble de l'appareil éducatif et religieux, la presse et les médias de masse s'emploient de concert à étouffer toute forme de résistance de la part des bons et loyaux américains" [2].
Remplacez "communistes" par "extra-terrestres" et vous obtenez l'intrigue de '"X-Files".
Mulder, Washington parano
Toute la série est imprégnée de cette méfiance pour ne pas dire hostilité envers l’État, caractéristique de l'ultra-droite américaine.
Autre élément amplifiant l'appartenance au "style paranoïaque" : l'appréhension de ce complot "en termes apocalyptiques" car "il en va de la naissance et de l'extinction de mondes, d'ordres politiques et de systèmes de valeurs tout entiers", en l'occurrence rien de moins que l'existence de l'humanité.
Et Mulder est ce "membre de l'avant-garde […] capable en tant que tel de percevoir l'existence de la conspiration avant qu'elle ne s'impose comme une totale évidence auprès d'un public encore ignorant". "Le paranoïaque est un leader prêt au combat" nous dit Hofstadter [3].
L'affaire se résume ainsi pour Mulder "à un affrontement entre le bien et le mal appréhendés comme deux absolus", interdisant de ce fait tout compromis. Le méchant de la série correspond aussi parfaitement à ce modèle. L'homme à la cigarette incarnant la conspiration est le "parfait modèle de méchanceté", "sorte de surhomme amoral : maléfique, omniprésent, puissant, cruel [...]" [4].
Un autre détail symptomatique du "style paranoïaque" est "l'importance particulière attachée à la figure du renégat" illustrée dans la série par les informateurs de Mulder [5].
Des clins d'œil qui font relativiser
Enfin, le dernier élément rapprochant le personnage principal du "style paranoïaque" est sa "pédanterie", à savoir le "soin minutieux apporté" à sa démonstration.
"Par leur nature même, ces conclusions invraisemblables exigent une quête héroïque de 'preuves' attestant que l'incroyable est la seule chose à laquelle on puisse croire" [6]. Dit autrement par Mulder :
"La vérité est ailleurs."
Heureusement, certaines répliques ironiques et de nombreux clins d'œil historiques viennent relativiser cette matrice conservatrice. Ce qui nous évite, au passage, d'imaginer Mulder en électeur potentiel du Tea Party !
[1] Hofstadter Richard, "Le style paranoïaque. Théories du complot et droite radicale en Amérique", Paris, François Bourin éditeur, 2012.
The CIA has released thousands of declassified documents on flying saucers, aliens and other unexplained phenomena.
'We've decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting,' the agency said on its website.
The post continued: 'Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity.'
All of the documents are dated from the late 1940s to the 1960s, but were top-secret until now.
Scroll down for video
Unexplained happenings: The CIA recently released files from its archives investigating reports of alien and UFO sightings. The organization said the declassified documents will interest both believers and skeptics
Investigations: Some of the documents do not find an explanation for the reported UFO sightings, but also do not have evidence they happened in the first place
One of the files attached to the post is a document from East Germany in 1952, where agents were called to investigate what witnesses described as a 'huge flying pan'.
The object was said to have a diameter of about 15 meters, according to the document.
Similar flying saucers were also spotted in North Africa and Spain, the report said.
'The picture [of the object] shows a diagonal stripe of diminishing width and lighter in shade than the sky over the dark bulk of a building cornice,' it was noted.
Included with some of the documents were three pictures of the alleged extraterrestrials.
One of the photos - taken by British student Alex Birch in 1962 - claimed to show a group of flying saucers flying over the city of Sheffield in the UK.
Flying saucer: This picture of an unexplained flying object was taken over Passoria, New Jersey in July 1952
A police officer stands near to his patrol car outside the town of Socorro, New Mexico where a flying saucer was spotted in 1964
Some of the pictures taken at the scene of the incident, for which no explanation has been offered
However the photo was proven to be a hoax.
The files also detail a case of flying saucers that were spotted over what was formerly Belgian Congo.
The document reveals that two 'fiery discs' were seen over a uranium mine, and that the discs had 'glided curves and changed position many times'.
It then adds: 'Suddenly, both discs hovered in one spot and then took off in a unique zigzag flight to the north east.
'A penetrating hissing and buzzing sound was audible to onlooker below. The whole performance lasted 10 to 12 minutes.'
Subject - Flying Saucers: This is one of the documents released by the organization investing sightings, dated October 5, 1952
The CIA has released thousand of top secret UFO files from its archives. One of the documents is seen here, showing a sketch of a 'flying saucer'
An aircraft was then set to investigate the object, and got with meters of the saucer and according to the pilot, the inner core of it remained totally still while the a knob opening could be seen from the outside.
The pilot then gave up his pursuit when the 'disc' appeared to disappear.
Also contained in the files is the case in Socorro, New Mexico in 1964, when police officer Lonnie Zamoraspotted a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert.
He went to investigate and found a shiny object the size of a sedan perched on the hilltop, which was oval in shape and aluminium in color.
The object then began to rise into the air and then sped away from him over the mountains and disappeared.
One of the files attached to the post is a document from East Germany in 1952 (pictured in part), where agents were called to investigate what witnesses described as a 'huge flying pan'
One of CIA documents even gave a 10-point list on what to do if someone were to spot a purported UFO, which was posted to Twitter.
'Take several pictures of the object; as many as you can. If you can, include some ground in the picture of the UFO,' the agency advised.
However the CIA seemed to side more with Agent Dana Scully, the character played by Gillian Anderson, who for the entire succession of the cult Sci Fi series denounced her belief in the supernatural.
In releasing the documents, the CIA said they were proving that 'there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings'.
The CIA even tweeted a list of what to do in the event of sighting a possible UFO. It tagged The X-Files, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny in the post
The CIA has always denied having any proper intelligence about aliens.
But it has often organized scientific panels to discuss the nature of these allegedly alien objects.
The scientists typically concluded that 'the subject UFO is not of direct intelligence interest', the website RT reported.
The release of the documents coincide with the long-awaited return of The X-Files on Sunday.
The beloved show was rebooted by the Fox Network after 10 years, with its two original stars reprising their roles.
Stephen Bassett, executive director of the Paradigm Research Group, who is campaigning for the US government to admit aliens are visiting Earth, told The Mirror that the CIA appears to have used the return of The X-Files to their benefit.
'It appears the CIA used the revival of the X-Files franchise as a convenient time to remind the public the agency has, in fact, engaged the extraterrestrial presence issue in the past,' Bassett told the newspaper.
'Post-disclosure the CIA will have substantial public relations issues as it has played a significant role in maintaining the truth embargo over six decades.
'These recent postings could have an inoculative effect in service to the agency's future PR strategy.'
They're back: Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are drawn back into the world of the X-Files in this still from the new season of the show
Agents Scully and Mulder are seen here in a still from season seven of The X-Files, which aired in May 2000
The X-Files releases the first minute of the new season
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Strange Cloud Formation Appears Over Portugal, People Call it “ The Hand of God ”
Strange Cloud Formation Appears Over Portugal, People Call it “ The Hand of God ”
The hand of God? This stunning yet somewhat terrifying cloud formation that appeared in the skies above Portugal looks like a fist from Heaven, which is why many have dubbed it the “hand of God.”
The cloud took this unusual form of a fist from Heaven with a hand holding a fireball as it dominated the skyline across the island of Madeira earlier this week.
The cloud was spotted by a very fortunate weather blogger, Rogerio Pacheco, who said that he “could not believe his luck when he looked up at the clouds while commuters made their way to work in the morning rush hour”.
He posted some photos on his blog and it wasn’t long before his images were noticed and spread like wildlife across the Internet.
Amazed onlookers began comparing the brilliant orange cloud to everything from a flaming fist of fury to the iconic comet featured in the classic video game Final Fantasy VII, notes the Daily Mail.
“As soon as I saw the sky, I was immediately intrigued and I just had to grab my camera to take photo,” said Pacheco. “For me, the cloud looks like an outstretched hand with a fireball“.
X-rays from Earth’s aurora captured by ESA’s INTEGRAL on Nov. 10, 2015.
Credit: ESA/Integral/E. Churazov (Iki/Mpa)/M. Türler (ISDC/Univ. of Geneva)
Although its job is to search for powerful energies emanated by distant cosmic objects, ESA's INTEGRAL space observatory recently turned its eye toward Earth and saw our home planet's aurora glowing brightly with powerful X-rays.
The animation below is made from data acquired by INTEGRAL's IBIS/ISGRI instrument on Nov. 10, 2015. Although Earth isn't itself visible its position and northern rotational pole is noted by the light blue lines as the data were captured across 8-minute intervals. The X-ray emissions from auroras dancing above Russia, Canada, and Greenland are visible as bright red, yellow, and white flashes.
Coincidentally these same auroral displays were also captured from low-Earth orbit by NASA astronaut Scott Kelly. The photo below was shared on Twitter by Kelly to mark one of the 15 sunrises ISS astronauts experience every day, as well as the completion of day 228 of his year-long mission aboard Station.
Aurora seen from the Space Station on Nov. 10, 2015.
Credit: NASA/Scott Kelly
Auroras are the result of charged particles streaming out from the sun getting caught up in Earth's magnetic field and "funneled" back down toward the poles, from where the magnetic field lines originate. When these particles collide with atoms in the atmosphere radiation is emitted across a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum, including visible light.
Launched Oct. 17, 2002, ESA's International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) is a 4-ton, 16-foot (5-meter) -tall spacecraft designed to observe the universe in high-energy wavelengths, specifically gamma rays from supermassive black holes but also in X-ray and select optical wavelengths. It orbits Earth at distances ranging from 6,200 miles (10,000 km) to 87,000 (140,000 km), outside the most harmful and interfering energy of the radiation belts.
On rare occasions INTEGRAL is aimed toward Earth to block out the background field and allow scientists to calibrate the instruments. It just so happened that this time Earth put on an X-ray performance of its own.
"Auroras are transient, and cannot be predicted on the timeframe that satellite observations are planned, so it was certainly an unexpected observation," said INTEGRAL Project Scientist Erik Kuulkers. "Although the original background X-ray measurements didn't go quite to plan this time, it was exciting to capture such intense auroral activity by chance."
INTEGRAL is the result of an international collaboration between ESA and the U.S., Russia, the Czech Republic, and Poland, and includes instruments from research teams in Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, and Spain. Learn more about the INTEGRAL mission here.
CERN dangers revealed – Paperclip Nazi’s and the Cosmology Cartel
CERN dangers revealed – Paperclip Nazi’s and the Cosmology Cartel
Dark Journalist and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell explores the deep political roots and global dangers of the controversial particle physics experiment by CERN called The Hadron Collider, which was set up in Geneva, Switzerland with a massive military style budget of over six billion dollars!
Dr. Farrell's research exposes CERN's official story of the so-called "Atom Smasher" Hadron Collider Project, as being ostensibly created for peaceful scientific experiments in particle physics, and reveals that it is actually a dangerous advanced technology project set up for secret military purposes and is seeking the ability to manipulate matter on a galactic scale and possibly even open dimensional doorways.
Strangelets Danger
He cites the massive disturbances in the magnetosphere of the earth when the Hadron Collider is turned on and outlines that it may have serious consequences for physical life on earth and a major impact on the rotation of the planet itself.
We also will discover that voices in the scientific community have raised objections that CERN is unsafe due to the potential development of "Strangelets" a distorted potential byproduct of the matter smashing experiments that have been compared to mini black holes that suck in all dense matter and energy.
He also shows the undeniable similarity between the CERN Hadron Collider and a Nazi Physics project called The Bell" that was an underground Torsion Physics project built by slave labor and overseen by the top Nazi Scientists to give them a master weapon to rule the world!
Deep State Nazi Connections
Dark Journalist and Dr. Farrell investigate the history of CERN and demonstrate clear links of a post-war Nazi International through the figure of John J. McCloy , lawyer for notorious German corporate conglomerate IG Farben. McCloy was also the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and became the American High Commissioner for post World War II Germany.
In a controversial action, McCloy helped clear and vet over 70,000 Nazis (yes, 70,000!) helping to utilize their intelligence networks to set up the CIA.
One of the major figures that he cleared was top Nazi legal theorist and prisoner of war Dr. Walter Hallstein who was eventually responsible for helping to set up CERN and who was also a key architect for developing the the Nazi plan for a European Federation that was eventually adopted as the blueprint for the European Union. McCloy, in a strange twist, also served on the Warren Commission to whitewash any Deep State connections to the JFK Assassination.
JFK was famously committed to "Smashing the CIA into a thousand pieces" as a way to root out the Nazi infiltration of the agency and regain control over the government from suspected Nazi collaborators like CIA director Allen Dulles.
Revealing, groundbreaking, shocking, unnerving, and rife with controversial, staggering implications of a massive covert military project hiding in plain sight.
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Monsterlijke gaswolk met kracht van twee miljoen zonnen ligt op ramkoers met aarde
Monsterlijke gaswolk met kracht van twee miljoen zonnen ligt op ramkoers met aarde
Een onzichtbare gaswolk van spectaculaire omvang ligt op ramkoers met de Melkweg. De gaswolk, die zich met meer dan 1,1 miljoen kilometer per uur voortbeweegt, bevat genoeg energie om twee miljoen nieuwe sterren te vormen.
Mensen die nu leven hebben niets te vrezen, aangezien de botsing waarschijnlijk pas over 30 miljoen jaar gaat plaatsvinden, zo blijkt uit onderzoek dat is gepubliceerd in The Astrophysical Journal.
De wolk is in 1963 ontdekt door de Amerikaanse astronoom Gail P. Smith, en later naar hem vernoemd. De Smith-wolk is door verschillende astronomen nauwkeurig onderzocht met behulp van de Green Bank Telescope en de Hubble-telescoop.
Gehele avondhemel beslaan
Er zijn aanwijzingen dat de Smith-wolk al eens dwars door de schijf van de Melkweg heen is gevlogen. Met behulp van de Hubble-telescoop hebben sterrenkundigen bepaald dat de wolk rijk is aan zwavel, wat erop wijst dat het gevaarte in de Melkweg is gevormd.
Volgens astronomen is de gaswolk ongeveer 11.000 lichtjaar lang en 2500 lichtjaar breed. Als de wolk vanaf de aarde met het blote oog was te zien, zou hij de gehele avondhemel beslaan en 30 keer zo groot zijn als de volle maan.
Spectaculaire explosie
“Onze Melkweg bevat zo’n 100 miljard zonnen,” zei Andrew Fox van het Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. “Als de wolk ermee in aanraking komt, zal er een spectaculaire explosie volgen, waarbij genoeg energie vrijkomt om twee miljoen nieuwe sterren te kunnen vormen.”
Rond onze Melkweg zwermen honderden hogesnelheidswolken als de Smith-wolk. Het zijn waarschijnlijk overgebleven bouwstenen uit de tijd dat ons zonnestelsel nog in aanbouw was of de restanten van kleine sterrenstelsels die miljarden jaren geleden zo dicht langs de Melkweg zijn gescheerd, dat ze aan flarden werden getrokken.
Astronomen proberen nog altijd te verklaren waarom de Smith-wolk de Melkweg ooit heeft verlaten.
Nu ook Amerika in ban van vreemde geluiden ( VIDEO )
Nu ook Amerika in ban van vreemde geluiden ( VIDEO )
Een paar weken geleden werd in Nederland over bijna niets anders gesproken dan de vreemde geluiden in de lucht.
Nu is het vooral de beurt aan de Amerikaanse oostkust waar vreemde geluiden worden gehoord en “sonic booms” waarbij alles schudt en trilt als bij een aardbeving.
Enkele dagen geleden ontvingen wij het volgende bericht van iemand die zich aan de oostkust van Amerika bevindt.
“Just wanted to let you know there are a series of loud sonic booms that are going on all across the east coast of the US, they are shaking the earth and everything”.
Een combinatie van vreemde geluiden en het gevoel alsof je midden in een aardbeving terecht bent gekomen, terwijl dat niet het geval is.
Enige weken geleden hoorde je ook in Nederland niets anders dan mensen die vreemde geluiden in de lucht hadden gehoord. Nu is het hier weer wat afgezwakt, maar in andere delen van de wereld duikt het nu dus weer op, zoals in Amerika.
Er lopen eigenlijk een aantal fenomenen door elkaar heen. We hebben de vreemde geluiden zoals we die in Nederland hoorden, maar wat men in Amerika ook hoorde waren zogenaamde “sonic booms” en het gevoel alsof men in een aardbeving terecht was gekomen omdat alles trilde.
Wanneer er ergens een vliegtuig door de geluidsbarrière gaat dan zal dat echt niet langs de gehele Amerikaanse oostkust te horen zijn.
Een voorbeeld van wat er in Amerika waar te nemen was, is te zien in de volgende video:
Een paar mensen die in een auto zitten, een heel merkwaardig geluid horen in de lucht en een auto die heen en weer gaat waardoor zij ervan overtuigd zijn dat ze in een aardbeving terecht zijn gekomen.
Deze video is gemaakt in New Jersey en het bericht dat wij ontvingen is afkomstig uit South Carolina.
Enkele dagen daarvoor werden bewoners van El Salvador opgeschrikt door dezelfde “sonic booms” en vreemde geluiden.
Al met al duurde dit ongeveer drie uur en een voorbeeld van hoe het daar klonk, is te horen in de volgende video.
Het verschijnsel van “sonic booms” zoals zich dat enkele dagen geleden in Amerika voordeed, hadden we ook in 2013 in ons land en wel in Friesland.
Ook toen stond overal de telefoon roodgloeiend van mensen die meldingen maakten van aardbevingen terwijl er geen aardbeving was.
"Daar zat ik dan vanmiddag. Thuis in Friesland, rustig een beetje aan het werk achter mijn laptop. Totdat gerommel aan de tussendeur mij liet schrikken. De honden sloegen direct aan. Het gegrom en geblaf, maakte mij nog angstiger. Het leek net of er iemand aan de andere kant aan de deur aan het schudden was. Er flitste van alles door mijn hoofd.“Staat de achterdeur nog open? Is er iemand via de achterkant bij ons naar binnen gedrongen? Hellup!!”
Verschrikt bel ik mijn partner om te vragen wat het kon zijn. Ik, angsthaas als ik ben, durfde niet zomaar te gaan kijken. Hij zei dat het misschien tocht zou kunnen zijn die door de brievenbus kwam. Nee dus, want die zit potdicht. Nou ja, het zal wel niks zijn, want als er daadwerkelijk iemand in huis bleek te zijn, dan had hij of zij de tussendeur wel opengedaan, lijkt me.
Ineens werd alles duidelijk toen dit bericht mij onder ogen kwam. Een soort aardbeving in Friesland. Trillingen van lucht, maar niemand weet waarvan of waardoor het komt. Bizar, maar waar. Het moet niet gekker worden. Ik was niet de enige die zich lam is geschrokken, want ook op Twitter brak de hel los, zo het schijnt. Wel bijzonder om nu te kunnen zeggen dat ik een “aardbeving” heb overleefd. Hallelujah!"
Wat we toen in Friesland zagen, was klaarblijkelijk een voorproefje voor wat er verder nog ging komen. Datzelfde fenomeen, gekoppeld aan de steeds verder toenemende vreemde zoem- of bromgeluiden, doet zich nu overal ter wereld voor.
In de volgende video wat voorbeelden van vreemde geluiden zoals die overal ter wereld in de maand januari te horen waren. Voorbeelden uit Amerika, Canada, Engeland, Schotland, Dubai, Singapore, Noorwegen en Polen.
Misschien ook weer niet zo vreemd allemaal als je bedenkt dat er een mini zonnestelsel onze kant op komt.
CIA Releases Some Of The Best UFO Sightings In The World
CIA Releases Some Of The Best UFO Sightings In The World
George Stock of Passaic, New Jersey has apparently snapped a series of pictures of a mysterious disc on July 29, 1952.
With the CIA highlighting the top secret investigations it implemented in the 1940s and 1950s, a series of historical UFO sightings has been released, including one of Mr Stock’s pictures.
For some reason, the US intelligence agency uploaded some of its formerly secret UFO case files to its website. UFO conspiracy theorists have been accused the CIA has been accused of a major cover up involvement to hide the evidence of ET life from the public.
Mr Stock stayed in his yard with a friend when they reportedly noticed the object in the sky at around 4:30 pm. He ran inside to his house to get his camera, before shooting five photos of the strange flying object.
Flying at approximately 200 feet before it flew away at a very high speed, the witnesses described the object as solid and metallic with a transparent domed top.
The two friends said it had a blue to grey color and around 10 meters across. It made no noise, the pair further claimed.
No substantial evidence to give absolute conclusion over the pictures. One of the speculations was that the apparent UFO could have been an elaborate hoax with the help of a saucer and an upturned teacup.
The CIA may not be just interested in UFO sightings above the American sky. The CIA also posted another image online involving a fleet of dark-looking flying saucers taken over Sheffield, in northern England, in 1962. Investigators and the media remained baffled of the saucers’ identity for ten years until the perpetrator of the hoax confessed everything.
Then 24-year-old salesperson, Alex Birch, admitted in October 1972 that he and two friends were responsible for the deception. Birch was a 14-year-old schoolboy then. He revealed that they painted five flying saucers on the glass and photographed them to give an impression of UFOs in the air.
The CIA also published an image of a massive, bright, strange-looking object that allegedly snapped on October 20, 1960, over Minneapolis in Minnesota. It is difficult to determine the object in the image, but it is believed to show a cloaked UFO – a term that applies to a flying saucer when it hides through the clouds to conceal itself.
As featured on the national cable TV series Monsters & Mysteries in America, author Dr. David Bowles tells of paranormal happenings along the Texas-Mexico Border, including UFOs, strange creatures, and other bizarre occurrences. Dr. Bowles is the author of several award-winning books, including “Mexican Bestiary” and “Border Lore.” He has also conducted research on the UFO stories told in Ancient Mexico.
UFO sightings are common in tiny Colorado town, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO sightings are common in tiny Colorado town, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of news article: Feb 1, 2016 Location of sightings: Hooper, Colorado, USA Source of news article: Colorado is known for its glowing orbs that come and go above the mountain ranges. Colorado Police have recorded them, mayors have reported seeing them and thousands of eyewitnesses have seen them at the same time, and yet, the US government has continued to deny that they exist. Aliens are real. Don't believe it...know it. Scott C. Waring News states: HOOPER, Colo. -- As part of the new series "Colorado’s Unexplained Stories," we’re taking a trip four hours south of Denver to the San Luis Valley. The area is nicknamed "The UFO Hot Spot of America." Apparently, there are more UFO sightings there than anywhere else in America. Locals refer to Highway 17, which cuts through the valley, as "The Cosmic Highway." If you take the highway into Hooper, you’ll eventually pass by an oddly shaped dome-like structure known as "The UFO Watch Tower." It was created by Judy Messoline 15 years ago. “What I find is we get people here because they need a place to talk about it and especially ones that have had experiences. Especially abductees,” Messoline said. Ask anyone who lives in the Hooper area if they’ve ever seen anything weird in the sky and chances are each one of them will tell you "Yes." Their experiences inspired Messoline to create the tower. It features plenty of things, including a log book where people can write their run-ins with the unknown. “I had an air traffic controller from DIA come in who said they get six to eight UFO reports from pilots every month. Now figure that one out,” Messoline said with a chuckle.
There are 3 videos of her sightings on the article, but they don't allow embedding, so you will have to click the source above to see the videos. And for others, 3 new videos that are not on Youtube yet...5 min after I post this they will be. I admire this woman. She knows that aliens exist and she is not hiding in the shadows. She steps forward and takes a stand, announcing it to the world and trying to catch more evidence on video. She is a warrior. Scott C. Waring
News states: Are we alone in the universe? Everyone has a theory - but for Sue Sill, there’s only one answer. Sue, 57, of Outlane, claims she’s had many encounters with UFOS - and believes she was abducted in 2010. She says Huddersfield is a hotbed of activity and has filmed UFOs in the sky all around the town. Her latest experience was just last month, when she filmed a light in the sky above her home. She said: “I was in my kitchen with my sister-in-law Colleen, who has seen quite a lot of things with me. She said, ‘there’s something over the top of your house again - a bright light in the sky.’” Sue has been an avid UFO spotter for most of her life and in 2010 had an experience she describes as an abduction, around the same time crop circles were found at Castle Hill.She said: “I was sorting my things out for the morning and running a bath. I walked back into the bedroom and it was like I had gone into a trance.
“I sat down on the bed and the next thing, some figures appeared. They were really small and they had black skin or were wearing black suits. “They had long, thin arms and their faces were obscured, like a liquid. I was thinking, ‘oh God, what’s happening here?’ “They came to the side of the bed and something like a veil came over me. The next thing I knew I was in a space on a craft looking at Earth.“The craft was iridescent like a bubble, I could see everything around me. I was thinking, ‘how can I be looking at the Earth?’ “The creatures spoke with telepathy and were showing me the Earth. At once there was a massive explosion on Earth, like a mushroom, and my heart sunk. “When the creature put its hand on my shoulder it was like ET with a long middle finger. It was like it was feeding off my emotions. I remember the creature saying, ‘don’t worry, you will be all right’. “I didn’t feel they wanted to harm me or the people on Earth, I think they were concerned about what’s happening on Earth. We are destroying the planet.” Sue said all of a sudden she woke up fully dressed lying on the bed. Hours had passed since her last memories from her bedroom. She said: “I tried to get up and I couldn’t stand up. I felt sick. I tried to do my normal routine, getting ready for work, but it was like I was jetlagged. “I saw my neighbour and he asked me what was wrong. I said, ‘I think I’ve been abducted’. He just laughed. “I thought I was going crazy so I went to the doctor. He just looked at me and sent me straight to a psychiatrist, who said I was okay. I knew I was fine. More at source.
Marta Kristen was born in Oslo, Norway, and moved to Los Angeles, California, with her family in 1959. After being discovered by Hollywood, she appeared in a memorable 1961 episode of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents.” Her first success in acting was the role of Lorelei in the 1965 movie “Beach Blanket Bingo.” She would later star in “Lost in Space” and make numerous guest appearances on television shows.
MUFON’s Conclusion of a UFO Sighting in P.E.I. Disputed
MUFON’s Conclusion of a UFO Sighting in P.E.I. Disputed
Many theories have emerged to explain the UFO sighting, but national UFO group not rocked. The subject matter is a UFO sighting in June 2014 off P.E.I.’s North Shore.
John Sheppard recorded an eight-minute video that showed bright lights in the sky over the Gulf of St. Lawrence. He was camping in the late spring of that year at Twin Shores campground when he shot the video.
He submitted the footage to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Canada, which investigated the sighting and concluded it was an unknown aerial vehicle.
But many people are looking to debunk that conclusion. Canada’s Halifax president of the Royal Astronomical Society, Paul Gray, who has been taking photographs for 27 years, believes the thing in the Sheppard’s video is likely the 11:42 p.m. Air Canada flight approaching the Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport. He explains the main runway of the airport is directly in line with the area of the North Shore where the filming is done.
He further says that the aircraft’s landing lights are turned on ten to fifteen minutes prior arrival and visible up to 160 km away, making it possible for anybody on the P.E.I shore to see them.
As for the light’s erratic behaviour, Gray says that if someone 10 to 20 miles from an airport uses a cell phone and holds it for 5 minutes or more while taking a video of the plane on approach, will also give a result that looks almost the same, which is a bright light bouncing around the screen.
However, assistant director of MUFON Canada, Stu Bundy isn’t convinced with Gray’s explanation. He says that the director of MUFON B.C. is an astronomer and ex-pilot, and he doesn’t think it is an aircraft on approach.
Bundy states their investigator looks into flight schedules out of the Charlottetown and Halifax airports that time of the night.
Bundy also says that they can be wrong, but he stands by MUFON’s conclusion.
A former worker at the P.E.I. National Park, Hugh McCormack, believes the video shows two parachute flares dropped from Canadian military aircraft, which he has witnessed during search-and-rescue training or regular exercises.
Bundy says MUFON is glad to sift through all theories but adds “this is a very polarizing subject with many on both sides who believe they know the truth.”
Ross Thompson, a Thunder Cove cottage owner, offers a third theory. He reveals that he once thought he saw a UFO in the summer of 2014 between his cottage and the water late one evening. But after some investigations, he found out that it was a large drone with multi-coloured lights operated by a cottage renter in the area.
Thompson says he sees red, blue and white lights, plus another one bright light. It flies very similar to the man’s video- moves up and down fast and at approximately the same altitude to the one in the video, says Thompson.
Bundy says they consider the possibility of a drone, but one of MUFON’s field investigator, who owns a drone company, states that it doesn’t have any characteristics or not many of a drone.
2016 Del Rio UFO Festival: Noe Torres & Ruben Uriarte
2016 Del Rio UFO Festival: Noe Torres & Ruben Uriarte
The strange relationship between America’s most secret military base, Area 51, and UFOs will be explored in a special lecture by researchers Noe Torres and Ruben Uriarte, titled “Exploring Dreamland: A History of Area 51.” The authors recently gave this same presentation at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution.
A UFO was shot down after it was picked up on the radar; Air Force officials have announced. A Su-30 MKI fighter jet of an Indian Air Force in Barmer, Rajistan has reportedly intercepted an unidentified flying object on January 26, 2016.
The object on radar was a balloon-shaped object and triggered an alert. According to the IAF, the Indian Air Force (IAF) radar picked up an unidentified balloon-shaped object between 10:30 and 11 am. Then an IAF fighter was ordered to intercept the object and bring it down. Debris from the object has been recovered and subjected to further investigation.
Some locals speculated that the object was a meteorological weather balloon from Pakistan or India. But the IAF has yet to confirm the object’s identity.
Located less than 300 miles from Jaipur, the Bamer village was first in the headline this month when locals reported seeing mysterious balls falling from the sky.
The police investigators who checked the area for debris reportedly retrieved five triangle-shaped pieces of a metal object, which were turnover to the IAF.
Many villagers had claimed that they heard a loud blast over a three-mile radius when the incident took place. Eyewitness Manoj Singh said he heard the explosion sound five times, and something went down after an aircraft flew by.
Last year, nearby Sinleejageer villagers heard similar blasts also in January, and the incident was still under investigation.
Some believe that the mysterious object was a spy equipment because it was above the border with Pakistan.
Astronomy can be bittersweet. We’ve recently caught a glimpse of a tiny galaxy, some 54 million light-years away that is in the process of dying. As its life draws to a close, it’s weeping with tears of stars and ultraviolet light, which stream out for hundreds of thousands of light-years into the bleak emptiness of intergalactic space…
Well OK, so maybe that’s all a bit melodramatic and melancholy, but the interesting fact remains that this is possibly the first time we’ve actually witnessed the death of a galaxy in detail. It’s known as IC 3418, part of the Virgo galaxy cluster, and its death knell is important news for astronomers.
You see, extragalactic astronomy is a difficult art; looking at objects so distant and faint that it’s difficult to see them clearly can make it difficult to immediately recognize what we’re seeing out there. Couple that with the fact that we’re literally gazing out into the unknown. It’s a big universe out there, and we still understand only a very little of it. So when Jeffrey Kenney, ofYale University, recognized what he might be looking at it was an understandably exciting realization.
“We think we’re witnessing a critical stage in the transformation of a gas-rich dwarf irregular galaxy into a gas-poor dwarf elliptical galaxy — the depletion of its lifeblood,” Kenney explained. Galaxies need all of their gas to form stars. Without that gas, their star formation ceases, leaving them with a population of steadily aging stars that will eventually all die off.
Astronomers categorize galaxies by the colors of light they emit. When undergoing a healthy amount of star formation, galaxies appear blue; young, hot stars shine brightly in blue to ultraviolet wavelengths of light. Older galaxies whose star formation days are over, however, appear much more red, leading some to refer to them as “red and dead.”
But the actual transition, where a galaxy loses its gas and star formation stops (technically referred to as ‘quenching’) has been elusive to spot. “Until now, there has been no clear example of this transformation happening,” said Kenney, highlighting the importance of this discovery.
Ultraviolet Tears
Those ‘tears’ you can see in the image above actually show the way in which the galaxy is dying (incidentally, the scientists involved in this study are no less melodramatic, referring to them as fireballs). It’s undergoing a process known as ram pressure stripping.
Intergalactic space is by no means empty. Instead, it’s full of a thin plasma made up mostly of hydrogen ions, known as the intergalactic medium, buffeted about by the gravitational pull of nearby galaxies. While it may be at pressures that are unfathomably low compared to what we’re used to on Earth, it’s enough that any galaxy feels some pressure as it drifts through intergalactic space — it’s perhaps easiest to think of it as an intergalactic wind.
In the midst of galaxy clusters (containing numerous large galaxies and even more numerous dwarfs), that intergalactic plasma becomes denser — usually being referred to, technically, as ‘intracluster medium’. Heated to extreme temperatures by pure gravitational energy, this hot plasma shines brightly in x-rays. As gravity accelerates entire galaxies towards the center of these clusters, they feel this intergalactic wind more strongly.
Eventually, it becomes too much, and as a galaxy falls towards the center of a cluster, its gas and dust are literally blown away. Only the heavier objects, like stars, are unaffected by this process, leaving a galaxy which has undergone ram pressure stripping in this way with no gas from which to form new stars.
In the case of IC 3418, those tears aren’t actually tears at all, they’re huge globules of gas that have been blown out of the galaxy. And all of that gas is still forming stars! Newly formed, orphaned stars born in intergalactic space illuminate the globules in ultraviolet. Kenney and his colleagues note this as a sign of active ram pressure stripping occurring.
However, since its collision with the Virgo cluster, this is almost certainly the last star formation that this ill fated galaxy is ever going to see. No new stars have formed in the core of IC 3418 for over 200 million years.
While poor little IC 3418 is not a new discovery by any means, the paper entitled “Transformation of a Virgo Cluster Dwarf Irregular Galaxy by Ram Pressure Stripping: IC3418 and its Fireballs” (due to be submitted to the Astrophysical Journal) is the first to argue the case that it is, in fact,doomed.
“It’s gratifying to find a clear example of an important process in galaxy evolution,” continued Kenney, true to the spirit of any good scientist. “I enjoy digging through evidence to assemble a story about what happens to galaxies. I’ve come to think of myself as an intergalactic forensic pathologist — someone who studies the bodies of galaxies seeking evidence of traumatic events responsible for the present state of the galaxy.”
Galaxies come in all shapes and sizes, but can generally be grouped into easily identifiable regular shapes, such as the elegant spirals or run-of-the-mill ellipticals. And then there are the irregular galaxies, which account for roughly a quarter of known galaxies, that are just kinda messy.
In this recent Hubble Space Telescope observation, one such irregular galaxy, located around 16 million light-years from Earth, has been observed. It looks like a loose collection of stars that have been thrown together and shuffled, like my end-of-semester university dorm room. But this galaxy, called NGC 5408, isn't just a scattering of stars, it's a whole galaxy and it's a galaxy with some interesting astronomical history.
Originally discovered by British astronomer and mathematician John Herschel in June 1834, NGC 5408 was presumed to be a planetary nebula -- a gaseous cloud of gas generated by a dying star. But as astronomical optics improved, its true nature was revealed; NGC 5408 is an entire galaxy living by its own rules, refusing to conform to a regular shape.
Intermediate-mass black holes (or IMBHs) are the "middleweight" black holes that are thought to be the missing evolutionary link between puny stellar mass black holes and the gargantuan supermassive black holes. They are, however, very hard to find and astronomers are currently keeping tabs on ultraluminous X-ray sources in the hope that they may signal the presence of these mid-sized black holes.
An unnamed woman claims 40 mysterious pictures, including one which appears to show a humanoid being, appeared on her mobile phone after she "lost time" to what she thinks was an alien abduction in her home.
Her claims have been reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a recognised global alien and paranormal investigation organisation, which also keeps a database of sightings and incidents.
In a report to MUFON she said asked the organisation to look at pictures she says were taken by beings and appeared on her phone.
She said she woke in the bathroom in foetal position
The woman claims to have no idea how thee images got on her phone.
She said: "I believe I was abducted that night."
The woman said she was at home in a condominium in Plymouth, Hancock County, Illinois, USA, when she had a row with her boyfriend who chose to sleep in his van on the driveway.
She said: "I was lighting a cigarette on the stove and had a scratch off ticket in my hand.
"The next thing I know I'm waking up on the floor of my bathroom in foetal position.
"The cigarette I had and ticket were on the floor in the kitchen apparently I'd dropped them."
Sceptics say that people who claim to be abducted have no evidence but missing time.
She says they could only have come from "another world"
When you truly look at the detail you see they are other worldly and cannot be faked.
Woman who claims she was abducted
She said a few days later she looked at her phone and found the 40 pictures "that neither she nor her boyfriend had taken."
She said: "When you truly look at the detail you see they are other worldly and cannot be faked."
The woman posted just ten of the pictures with her report to Mufon.
Nine of them appear to be blurred lights or colour, but one includes a humanoid which appears to be laying down with an alien-like face, although the picture is of poor quality.
The rest of the images could be simply blurred images of a light source taken in the dark.
She did not comment on who or what she thought the human like figure was or if it could have been her boyfriend snapped by someone unknown.
It has already been picked up by some uFO websites which have described the images as extremely creepy.
Sceptics argue that most claims of alien abduction include no real evidence of anything actually happening, other than the "abductee" losing time and then deducing they must have been taken by something
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De aarde bestaat eigenlijk uit twee planeten
De aarde bestaat eigenlijk uit twee planeten
De aarde is ooit frontaal op een andere planeet gebotst. Die planeet, Theia geheten, overleefde de botsing niet en barstte uit elkaar.
Uit een deel van de brokstukken van Theia is de maan ontstaan, zo zeggen Amerikaanse wetenschappers. Een ander deel is opgenomen door de aarde, waardoor onze planeet eigenlijk uit twee planeten bestaat.
Wetenschappers dachten altijd dat de aarde en Theia elkaar hadden geschampt, maar concluderen nu dat het om een frontale botsing ging. Ze schrijven over hun bevindingen in het blad Science.
Onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Californië in Los Angeles vergeleken de chemische ‘vingerafdruk’ van zeven maanstenen met die van vulkanisch gesteente uit het binnenste van de aarde. De stenen bleken zuurstofatomen te bevatten die precies hetzelfde zijn samengesteld. Volgens de wetenschappers moeten ze daarom dezelfde oorsprong hebben.
Enorme kracht
Om dat mogelijk te maken moet er bij de botsing een enorme kracht zijn vrijgekomen. Daaruit leiden de onderzoekers af dat de botsing tussen de aarde en Theia frontaal moet zijn geweest.
Een andere theorie is dat Theia destijds langs de aarde is gescheerd en daarbij in stukken uit elkaar is gevallen. Maar in dat geval zouden de stenen op de maan moeten verschillen van het gesteente op aarde, omdat ze een andere afkomst hebben.
Pluto's Surface Has a Surprising Amount of Water Ice (Photo)
Pluto's Surface Has a Surprising Amount of Water Ice (Photo)
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer |
These maps of water ice on Pluto's surface were created using data captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft during its flyby of the dwarf planet on July 14, 2015. The map at left is an early effort; the one at right used modeling techniques to achieve greater sensitivity.
Water ice is surprisingly abundant on Pluto's surface, a new map of the dwarf planet reveals.
Scientists created the map using data collected by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft during its epic flyby of Pluto last July.
The new map is more sensitive than an earlier version also produced using flyby observations, and thus shows more water ice — the dwarf planet's bedrock material — cropping up across Pluto's surface than had been seen previously, NASA officials said.
"But despite its much greater sensitivity, the map still shows little or no water ice in the informally named places called Sputnik Planum (the left or western region of Pluto’s 'heart') and Lowell Regio (far north on the encounter hemisphere)," NASA officials wrote in a statement Thursday (Jan. 28). "This indicates that at least in these regions, Pluto's icy bedrock is well hidden beneath a thick blanket of other ices such as methane, nitrogen and carbon monoxide."
New Horizons zoomed within just 7,800 miles (12,550 kilometers) of Pluto on July 14, 2015, returning history's first up-close looks at the dwarf planet and its five moons.
The new and old water-ice maps were both made using infrared-light observations captured by New Horizons' Ralph/Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA) instrument, at a distance of about 67,000 miles (108,000 km) from Pluto, NASA officials said.
New Horizons is currently zooming toward a small object about 1 billion miles (1.6 billion km) beyond Pluto called 2014 MU69. If NASA approves and funds a proposed extended mission, the spacecraft will study 2014 MU69 up close on Jan. 1, 2019.
Pluto Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Dwarf Planet?
Pluto, the most famous dwarf planet in our solar system, underwent a well-publicized (and somewhat controversial) reclassification that took away its title as the ninth and most distant planet from the sun. So, how well do you know this fascinating world?
New Horizons is also still beaming home the many photos and measurements it captured during the July 14 flyby. All of the close-encounter data should be on the ground by this coming fall, mission team members have said.
Alien Species to replace humans by 2100 says SETI Researcher
Alien Species to replace humans by 2100 says SETI Researcher
According to statements from a senior SETI astronomer, due to the vast advancements in different science and technology, humans could cease to be the dominant species on Earth as life could someday take a toll on humans with Alien beings replacing us on Earth, and all of this by 2100.
Seth Shostak of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California believes that our technology is advancing at such pace that soon we will have designer babies and AI (Artificial Intelligence) on Earth, leading to the creation of a new DOMINANT species on planet Earth. According to Shostak, the advanced in these two fields could soon lead towards the emergence of an ‘alien species’ in the next century.
Shostak wrote in January 2016 a different kind of article titled “Could This Be Humanity’s Last Century?” which takes a totally different approach on things. His writings are basically a possible ‘crash-course’ as to what life will look like in the next century or so, given the pace technology and science are advancing.
“But what about the 21st century? What will your kids and grandkids do that will still be important a thousand years from now?” he argued.
Shostak argues that he didn’t mention the numerous threats present on Earth today, such as terrorism or climate change, he rather focused on the future making mention to a possible outcome that not only he but other scientist have openly spoken about.
Not long ago, speaking at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AeroAstro Centennial Symposium in October, Musk described artificial intelligence as ‘biggest existential threat’ to our species.
He said: ‘I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with artificial intelligence.’
‘I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.’
‘With artificial intelligence, we’re summoning the demon. You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and … Is he sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.’
“The third thing you can expect before the year 2100 is the development of generalized artificial intelligence,” Shostak said.
Shostak seems to share the views bright minds such as Musk and Hawking have on the future of mankind. The SETI astronomer mentioned three things that according to him, can happen in the next 100 years on Earth. Shostak talked about how mankind will understand the DNA sequences and the molecular level of biology. He also believes that with advancements in technology, medicine, and several sciences, mankind will be able to cure numerous diseases that are deemed as incurable today.
“But our efforts won’t be limited to merely fixing ourselves; we’ll also opt for improvement. You may hesitate to endorse designer babies, but hot-rodding our children are as much on the horizon as the morning sun,” Shostak said referring to biotechnology and gene editing.
Shostak believes that re-engineering our children will create something humanity has never seen, creating drastic changes in the ‘evolutionary path’ of our species.
Shostak also mentioned space and how humans are set to explore the vast frontiers of the cosmos searching for intelligent life and valuable resources that are scarce here on Earth but abundant on other planets and celestial bodies through the universe.
With scientific advancements like these, the Homo sapiens that walked the Earth for 50,000 years might be unrecognizable in the next 100 years. He added that these changes may not happen in this century but it may happen in the next 1,000 years.
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UFO Barely Misses US Army Helicopter [Video
UFO Barely Misses US Army Helicopter [Video]
In 1973, the crew of an Army Helicopter encountered a UFO and subsequently won $5,000 for “the most scientifically valuable report of the year.”
Such a large number of sightings took place in October 1973 that the period is often referred to as the Great UFO Wave. It’s fortunate that one of them was witnessed by a crew of credible witnesses.
On October 18, at approximately 10:30 p.m., an Army Reserve Bell UH-1 (Huey) helicopter took off from Port Columbus, Ohio. It was headed for Cleveland Hopkins Airport, about 100 miles to the north. Its crew consisted of four men: Captain Lawrence J. Coyne, First Lieutenant Arrigo Jezzi, Sergeant John Healey and Sergeant Robert Yanacsek.
The helicopter climbed to an altitude of 2,500 feet and was cruising at a speed of 90 knots. Atmospheric conditions were ideal and a clear sky allowed for optimum visibility.
As they got closer to their destination, Sgt. Healey noticed a red light to their west, flying the opposite way. Two minutes later, he saw a similar light, this time far in the south-east horizon. He got the chance to observe it for a while but, like the other crew members, Healey thought it was nothing more than distant air traffic.
About half a minute later, Yanacsek spotted the mysterious light had changed course and was now heading towards the helicopter. Captain Coyne took over the Huey’s controls and began a rapid descent. He also contacted the nearby Mansfield control tower, as he was unable to establish radio communications with the unknown aircraft. Unfortunately, radio contact with the tower soon failed and could not be established again.
In the meantime, the red light had increased in intensity and was still heading on a collision course. Coyne therefore increased the helicopter’s rate of descent and airspeed.
At 1,700 feet I braced myself for the impact with the other craft, Coyne told United Press International reporters. It was coming from our right side. I was scared. There had been so little time to respond.
The thing was terrifically fast.
The crash seemed imminent when the object simply stopped and assumed a hovering position above and in front of the Huey. It was close enough for the airmen to distinguish some of its features.
The object was a metallic gray cigar-shaped craft, with “a suggestion of windows ” on the top and red light emanating from its bow. Another white light appeared on its rear side and a green “pyramid shaped” followed it. The airmen said the green beam behaved like a directional spotlight.
We looked up and saw it stopped right over us, Coyne said. It had a big, gray metallic-looking hull about 60 feet long. It was shaped like an airfoil or a streamlined fat cigar. There was a red light on the front. The leading edge glowed red a short distance back from the nose. There was a center dome. A green light at the rear reflected on the hull.
The green beam of light passed over the helicopter canopy, bathing the cockpit in an eerie green light. The airmen were bewildered as their helicopter began climbing by itself. The tractor beam was in control.
I had made no attempt to pull up. All controls were set for a 20-degree dive. Yet we had climbed from 1,700 to 3,500 feet with no power in a couple of seconds with no g-forces or other noticeable strains.
After about ten seconds, the UFO suddenly switched off the green beam and began accelerating to the west. In a few minutes, it had disappeared over the horizon. Lieutenant Jezzi approximated its speed at more than 500 knots (570 mph).
Despite traveling that fast, it made no sound at all, and produced no air turbulence. These aspects suggest it was equipped with something other than conventional propulsion systems. Its ability to pull the Huey into a rapid ascension demonstrates the effective use of antigravity.
After the unidentified object lost interest, Captain Coyne and his crew became aware of their altitude and managed to safely descend to 2,500 feet. Radio contact with Akron-Canton Airport and the rest of their flight was uneventful.
Their UFO encounter would become one of the most well-documented cases and one of the most reliable sightings. When questioned, the four men gave similar descriptions of the event and provided similar sketches. As further confirmation of the incident, ground witnesses reported seeing a mysterious light in the sky.
More than forty years later, this UFO encounter is still fascinating and still unexplained.
Furnished with the sworn testimony of an eyewitness, Oscar Linke, a 48-year-old German and former mayor of Gleimershausen, West Berlin intelligence officers have begun investigating a most unusual “flying saucer” story. According to this story, an object “resembling a huge flying pan” and having a diameter of about 15 meters landed in a forest clearing in the Soviet Zone of Germany.
Oscar Linke along with his wife and six children witnessed an extraordinary UFO sighting in East Germany in 1952.
Linke and his 11-year-old daughter, Gabriella, made the following sworn statement before a judge:
“While I was returning to my home with Gabriella, a tire of my motorcycle blew out near the town of Hasselbach. While we were walking along toward Hasselbach, Gabriella pointed out something which lay at a distance of about 140 meters away from us. Since it was twilight, I thought that she was pointing at a young deer.
“I left my motorcycle near a tree and walked toward the spot which Gabriella had pointed out. When, however, I reached a spot about 55 meters from the object, I realized that my first impression had been wrong. What I had seen were two men who were now about 40 meters away from me. They seemed to be dressed in some shiny metallic clothing. They were stooped over and were looking at something lying on the ground.
“I approached until I was only about 10 meters from them. I looked over a small fence and then I noticed a large object whose diameter I estimated to be between 13 and 15 meters. It looked like a huge frying pan.
“There were two rows of holes on its periphery, about 30 centimeters in circumference. The space between the two rows was about 0.45 meters. On the top of this metal object was a black conical tower about three meters high.
“At that moment, my daughter, who had remained a short distance behind me, called me. The two men must have heard my daughter’s voice because they immediately jumped on the conical tower and disappeared inside.
“I had previously noted that one of the men had a lamp on the front part of his body which lit up at regular intervals.
“Now, the side of the object on which the holes had been opened began to glitter. Its color seemed green but later turned to red. At the same time I began to hear a slight hum. While the brightness and hum increased, the conical tower began to slide down into the center of the object. The whole object then began to rise slowly from the ground and rotate like a top.
“It seemed to me as if it were supported by the cylindrical plant which had gone down from the top of the object, through the center, and had now appeared from its bottom on the ground.
“The object, surrounded by a ring of flames, was now a certain number of feet above the ground.
“I then noted that the whole object had risen slowly from the ground. The cylinder on which it was supported had now disappeared within its center and had reappeared on the top of the object.
“The rate of climb had now become greater. At the same time my daughter and I heard a whistling sound similar to that heard when a bomb falls.
“The object rose to a horizontal position, turned toward a neighboring town, and then, gaining altitude, it disappeared over the heights and forests in the direction of Stockheim.”
What makes the testimony so tangible, is other people who live in the same area later said they saw the same object which they thought to be a comet.
After submitting his testimony to the judge, Linke made the following statement: “I would have thought that both my daughter and I were dreaming if it were not for the following element involved: When the object had disappeared, I went to the place where it had been. I found a circular opening in the ground and it was quite evident that it was freshly dug. It was exactly the same shape as the conical tower. I was then convinced that I was not dreaming.”
Linke continued, “I had never heard of the term ‘flying saucer’ before I escaped from the Soviet Zone into West Berlin. When I saw this object, I immediately thought that it was a new Soviet military machine.
“I confess that I was seized with fright because the Soviets do not want anyone to know about their work. Many persons have been restricted to their movements for many years in East Germany because they know too much.”
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Mac's UFO News - January 2016 (Season 4 Episode 1)
Mac's UFO News - January 2016 (Season 4 Episode 1)
Published on Jan 29, 2016
This month on Mac's UFO News: Mr. Philip Mantle, The Flying Disk Press and UFO's Over Poland / Element 115 / British Astronaut Tim Peake on life in our Solar System / Hillary Clinton on UFO Disclosure / The 4th UFO Truth Magazine International Conference / Mr. Gary Heseltine appeals to serving and retired British Police Officers / UFO Sightings for January / Independence Day 2 and a cast sneak peak + Global release dates / Jason Mcclellan, Rogue Planet and UFO Modpod / UFO's In the news.
BROOKLYN, N.Y. — This weekend, a new opera about space exploration, the universe's creation and one astronaut's journey will play at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) — and audience members will be able to talk to performers and astronomers after several of the shows.
The 75-minute opera, "The Astronaut's Tale," opens tonight (Jan. 28) at 8 p.m. EST, followed by a special reception honoring retired NASA astronaut Michael Massimino, who launched on two space shuttle missions to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. This is the opera's first full production; Encompass New Opera Theatre put on a partially staged reading in 2012 and is producing this premiere at BAM Fisher's 250-seat theater, complete with a set built around vivid projections of space and the universe's mysteries.
The opera was composed and written by Charles Fussell and Jack Larson, and is directed by Nancy Rhodes. The production's website sells tickets and includes a schedule of the postshow talks.
Over the course of the narrative, a young man grapples with religious and scientific views of the universe, and is inspired to become an astronaut and blast into space. To tell the story, the opera uses song — four singers accompanied by a chamber orchestra — as well as spoken narration. The show is a multimedia experience: Three projectors display images onto the floor, a wall, and a round, hanging set piece, so the actors are surrounded by views of the cosmos.
Encompass New Opera Theatre focuses on bringing 20th- and 21st-century American operas to the theater, and has tackled scientific topics before: Its opera "The Theory of Everything" explored scientific and spiritual ideas about alternate dimensions.
Antarctic fungi survive Martian conditions on the International Space Station
Antarctic fungi survive Martian conditions on the International Space Station by Staff Writers Madrid, Spain (SPX) Jan 29, 2016
Section of rock coloniszed by cryptoendolithic microorganisms and the Cryomyces fungi in quartz crystals under an electron microscope. Image courtesy S. Onofri et al. For a larger version of this image please go here.
European scientists have gathered tiny fungi that take shelter in Antarctic rocks and sent them to the International Space Station. After 18 months on board in conditions similar to those on Mars, more than 60% of their cells remained intact, with stable DNA. The results provide new information for the search for life on the red planet. Lichens from the Sierra de Gredos (Spain) and the Alps (Austria) also travelled into space for the same experiment.
The McMurdo Dry Valleys, located in the Antarctic Victoria Land, are considered to be the most similar earthly equivalent to Mars. They make up one of the driest and most hostile environments on our planet, where strong winds scour away even snow and ice. Only so-called cryptoendolithic microorganisms, capable of surviving in cracks in rocks, and certain lichens can withstand such harsh climatological conditions.
A few years ago a team of European researchers travelled to these remote valleys to collect samples of two species of cryptoendolithic fungi: Cryomyces antarcticus and Cryomyces minteri. The aim was to send them to the International Space Station (ISS) for them to be subjected to Martian conditions and space to observe their responses.
The tiny fungi were placed in cells (1.4 centimetres in diameter) on a platform for experiments known as EXPOSE-E, developed by the European Space Agency to withstand extreme environments. The platform was sent in the Space Shuttle Atlantis to the ISS and placed outside the Columbus module with the help of an astronaut from the team led by Belgian Frank de Winne.
For 18 months half of the Antarctic fungi were exposed to Mars-like conditions. More specifically, this is an atmosphere with 95% CO2, 1.6% argon, 0.15% oxygen, 2.7% nitrogen and 370 parts per million of H2O; and a pressure of 1,000 pascals. Through optical filters, samples were subjected to ultra-violet radiation as if on Mars (higher than 200 nanometres) and others to lower radiation, including separate control samples.
"The most relevant outcome was that more than 60% of the cells of the endolithic communities studied remained intact after 'exposure to Mars', or rather, the stability of their cellular DNA was still high," highlights Rosa de la Torre Noetzel from Spain's National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA), co-researcher on the project.
The scientist explains that this work, published in the journal Astrobiology, forms part of an experiment known as the Lichens and Fungi Experiment (LIFE), "with which we have studied the fate or destiny of various communities of lithic organisms during a long-term voyage into space on the EXPOSE-E platform."
"The results help to assess the survival ability and long-term stability of microorganisms and bioindicators on the surface of Mars, information which becomes fundamental and relevant for future experiments centred around the search for life on the red planet," states De la Torre.
Also lichens from Gredos and the Alps Researchers from the LIFE experiment, coordinated from Italy by Professor Silvano Onofri from the University of Tuscany, have also studied two species of lichens (Rhizocarpon geographicum and Xanthoria elegans) which can withstand extreme high-mountain environments. These have been gathered from the Sierra de Gredos (Avila, Spain) and the Alps (Austria), with half of the specimens also being exposed to Martian conditions.
Another range of samples (both lichens and fungi) was subjected to an extreme space environment (with temperature fluctuations of between -21.5 and +59.6 + C, galactic-cosmic radiation of up to 190 megagrays, and a vacuum of between 10-7 to 10-4 pascals). The effect of the impact of ultra-violet extraterrestrial radiation on half of the samples was also examined.
After the year-and-a-half-long voyage, and the beginning of the experiment on Earth, the two species of lichens 'exposed to Mars' showed double the metabolic activity of those that had been subjected to space conditions, even reaching 80% more in the case of the species Xanthoria elegans.
The results showed subdued photosynthetic activity or viability in the lichens exposed to the harsh conditions of space (2.5% of samples), similar to that presented by the fungal cells (4.11%). In this space environment, 35% of fungal cells were also seen to have kept their membranes intact, a further sign of the resistance of Antarctic fungi.
Earth is actually made up from two planets which came together in a head-on collision that was so violent it formed the Moon, scientists have concluded.
Initially it was believed that the Moon was created when a smaller planet called Theia grazed the Earth and broke up, sending a smaller chunk into space where it was caught in Earth’s gravity.
But if that was the case the Moon would have a different chemical composition to the Earth, because it would be made up, predominantly, of Theia.
"Theia probably would have become a planet if the crash had not occurred"
Prof Edward Young, University of California
However, after studying Moon rocks brought back by astronauts on the Apollo missions, scientists at theUniversity of California have found that their oxygen isotopes are the same as on Earth.
It means that the collision between Their and the early Earth was so violent that the two planets effectively melded together to form a new planet, a chunk of which was knocked off to form the Moon.
“We don’t see any difference between the Earth’s and the Moon’s oxygen isotopes; they’re indistinguishable,” said Edward Young, lead author of thenew study and a UCLA professor of geochemistry and cosmochemistry.
“Theia was thoroughly mixed into both the Earth and the Moon, and evenly dispersed between them.
“This explains why we don’t see a different signature of Theia in the Moon versus the Earth.”
Professor Edward Young
The crash with Theia happened approximately 100 million years after the Earth formed, almost 4.5 billion years ago.
It was thought Theia had collided with Earth at an angle of 45 degrees or more, described by the report authors as a ‘powerful side-swipe’
The researchers analysed seven rocks brought to the Earth from the Moonby the Apollo 12, 15 and 17 missions, as well as six volcanic rocks from the Earth’s mantle -- five from Hawaii and one from Arizona.
The key to reconstructing the giant impact was a chemical signature revealed in the rocks’ oxygen atoms. More than 99.9 percent of Earth’s oxygen is O-16, so called because each atom contains eight protons and eight neutrons.
But there also are small quantities of heavier oxygen isotopes: O-17, which have one extra neutron, and O-18, which have two extra neutrons.
In 2014, a team of German scientists reported in Science that the Moon also has its own unique ratio of oxygen isotopes, different from Earth’s. The new research finds that is not the case.
Lunar rock from Apollo 17, credit, Paul Warren
Prof Young’s research team used state-of-the-art technology and techniques to make extraordinarily precise and careful measurements, and verified them with UCLA’s new mass spectrometer.
Theia, which did not survive the collision - except that it now makes up large parts of Earth and the Moon - was growing and probably would have become a planet if the crash had not occurred, added Prof Young.
Prof Young and some other scientists believe the planet was approximately the same size as the Earth; although believe it was smaller, perhaps more similar in size to Mars.
A head-on collision was initially proposed in 2012 by Matija Cuk, now a research scientist with the SETI Institute, and Sarah Stewart, now a professor at UC Davis; and, separately during the same year by Robin Canup of the Southwest Research Institute.
The new research was published in the journal Science.
William K. Hartmann painted this rendering of the first moments of impact
Editor's note: this is another case submitted by Karel Rasin, and described in his book.
This is a story of a possible UFO abduction released by Project Alfa UFO files. Project Alfa is a Prague-based, non-profit group of researchers in the Czech Republic. Most of project Alfa members are also members of Exopolitics Czech Republic.
Case facts: witness: a woman, named Petra Lachova, age 29, living in Prague, married, not addicted to drugs or alcohol, one child (5 year old daughter). Case explorers: Karel Rasin, Dana Rasinova. Date: 2012
Petra with TV staff
It happened about 2 years ago (2010) in her Prague flat. During the night, she woke up and saw something strange coming from the wall just next to the door. It had a grey cloud-like shape and was crawling along the bedroom towards her bed. Then it appeared over her body and was making the same crawling movements. These events repeated several times during the year. With every new visit, the entity became more and more like a figure, like a being. There was a paradox though, physically it wasn't possible to see the door whilst lying in the bed because the furniture blocks the view. Yet she saw the door while lying in the bed! When the being appeared, she would be paralyzed and she found herself in very strange "altered" state of mind and all her senses had been very sharp. The being had the power to move her body, and wherever the being looked, she moved. The man from the wall turned her in the bed to the right, to the left, on her back, on her stomach just by his eyes, and she couldn't do anything about it. When the being appeared, it just stared at her eyes for a long time without doing anything. When the being came next to her bed, it started to talk in a very fast way. His mouth moved rapidly and his mouth looked like it was made from plastic because the rapid talking sort of deformed his mouth. She never understood what he had been talking about, but it reminded her of some codes. This happened many times.
Situation sketch, bedroom visitor
Daughter shocked
Once, her daughter woke up during the night in a stark terror and burst out crying. She was lying in bed next to her mother, and it was a hysterical crying. The mother switched on the light and went over to her. "What´s happening to you?" And little girl answered: "Mum, mum, there was something watching me just right by the door". Mother: "Who was watching you?" And the girl said: "Next to the door, something was standing there! It looked like a gray cloud or gray big beetle, I am scared to death!!" She took her daughter to her bed, hugged and comforted her until she fell asleep again.
Detailed "Man from the wall"
Sexual harassment
Sometimes, when the man from the wall appeared again, there were changes to the events. After the normal long staring sessions, the being may suddenly appear face to face. She described his facial details, his weird suit (like fur with silver sparks coming out of it and the three big button-like things on his clothes). Face: very narrow mouth (rapid talking like an animation), two big, absolutely dark eyes like black holes, something that resembled a short haircut, an undistinguished nose, humanoid appearance, tall (2-2,5 meters), and very broad shoulders (like soccer defender). She didn't see his feet. She noticed his thumbs being very long (protruding).
Silver "dots" coming from his mouth
She found herself again in an altered state of mind. Suddenly she became aware of being on her knees, kneeling on the bed, facing against the wall. She started to feel sexual satisfaction by an oral method from behind. (Her husband wasn't home at that time). When it finished, she talked to herself, asking for him to leave, which he did, then she fell asleep.
Operation theatre
Operation room scene with a detailed sketch
One of the last encounters happened around the end of April 2012. She woke up during the night with a strong feeling that the man from the wall was there again. When she saw him, she become paralyzed and found herself in a changed state of mind again. The man from the wall stood very close to her – face to face. She was lying on the bed with her daughter, and her husband wasn't there. (As far as her husband was concerned, he’s never felt anything strange even if he had been present on many occasions during her encounters).
Suddenly, she felt the man from the wall is on her bed and interested in her daughter. She was very afraid and started to say to herself for him to leave her daughter alone. She described his face in detail and added that his neck had been very strange as if it had been assembled with small circles. The being was kneeling on her bed and all of a sudden, a strange (30cm) long silver stick appeared in his hand. It reminded her of a "railroad dispatcher with a signal disk allowing the train to move". Being afraid of the silver stick, she realized it may have been a sort of scalpel. She held onto her daughter very tightly.
Then the whole scene began to change. Behind the being, the wall changed into some sort of big hologram, like a film screen. She saw a room and she began to see some details. There was a very strange yellow-white light shining from the ceiling in an unusual way which she couldn't describe easily. It wasn't the kind of light you switch on when entering a room, like a normal light, this light was "directed" and only lit up the space below. She saw something like a bed in the scene and the back wall of the room was made with a type of strange material, like some kind of tiles. It was a glass like, bluish material, glowing with a cold colour. From the ceiling, there was something resembling a heavy stove pipe with folds in a brick like colour. The man from the wall was standing inside this scene.
Suddenly she was horrified, because she realized that she’d been there before! It was an operation theatre, definitely the surgery room, and then everything just stopped.
bedroom scene
Sexual harassment number two
Then, she noticed the man from the wall coming again, but this time he wasn't alone! A younger being appeared by his side, smaller, but exactly the same as the man from the wall. Both figures stared at her for a long time without any motion. She couldn't move and stayed in her changed state of mind again. Suddenly she began to turn on her bed with her bottom facing them, in a position ready for sex. She was feeling sexually aroused as if someone was satisfying her by hand. After a while everything stopped and she fell asleep.
Picture of two menan experience with intercourseThis is a scene from on-board their ship. She had been brought into a strange room with many beings, all looking the same as the man from the wall. On a table she saw a being which resembled with other beings standing around. This one was ill or without a soul or perhaps somehow dried. The tubes shown in the picture were in both of her arms with a black liquid being taken from her. She felt the being was going to die and she didn't know why they brought her there. The beings just watched to see what she would do.
This is a summary of Petra’s story, and the case investigation is still ongoing.
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Wikileaks Cable Reveals Flying “Machines” That “Obscure” Their Shape Spotted Near Military Installations
Wikileaks Cable Reveals Flying “Machines” That “Obscure” Their Shape Spotted Near Military Installations
It is more common that you might think for Unidentified Flying Objects to be seen at military installations around the world. Two well-known examples out of many such encounters include the incident at Minot Air Force base and another at RAF Bentwaters military base. Documents that have been released into the public domain indicate multiple instances of UFO sightings have occurred, and they have been both seen and tracked on radar. Significantly, their appearance at military sites also coincides with interference of critical weapons systems, like nuclear warheads.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. [And] it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
This is why defence intelligence agencies have demonstrated such a high level of interest in UFOs; there are literally thousands of now unclassified documents detailing incredible encounters. Here is a great example of a declassified document detailing what happens when the military has an encounter with a UFO.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4.” (source)
Another great example comes from Canada, when pilots were flying in a formation of four F86 Sabre jet aircraft. One of the pilots described the phenomenon as a “bright light which was sharply defined as disk-shaped,” that looked like “a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal.” Another pilot managed to photograph the object. Dr. Jacques Vallee, notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, also published a paper in the Journal of Scientific Explorationtitled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Ariel Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics.” (source)(source) In the paper, you can see the picture of the object as well as read his description of similar strange anomalies.
I just want to make it clear that there are better examples of such incidents than the few mentioned in Wikileaks cables, though there are indeed multiple Wikileaks documents which reference UFOs and show a level of interest from defence agency personnel. One of them is titled, “Unidentified Flying Objects Over Algeria,” and it provides details regarding the Secretary General of The Ministry of Defense, Colonel Abdelhamid Latrech, and his interest in “strange machines which had been maneuvering over Alergian airspace in recent weeks.”
The document outlines how these strange objects had “been seen near military installations by responsible people.” The “responsible people” list is blocked out and states “Limited Official Use,” because the people in question are military personnel. Hundreds of these people have come forward publicly, however, and here is one example.
The cable goes on to explain that the object was both seen and tracked on radar, and reveals that the Colonel said “the object had been seen five times” and “on one occasion it had remained visible for over two hours.”
It further outlines how the object “had been seen twice near Oran, once in center of country, once near Bechar and, most recently, off the coast last night.” The interesting thing to note here is that this object had multiple visual confirmations. It is described as having a “very bright light which obscures its shape.” It was also noted that it “maneuvers and has been seen to land and take off”and changes altitude continually.
Again, this is one of multiple incidents, and there are more telling documents out there detailing other verified encounters that are just as, or even more, astonishing.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source, NY Times)
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Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female
Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female
A Catholic priest from Massachussetts was officially dead for more than 48 minutes before medics were able to miraculously re-start his heart has revealed a shocking revelation that will change everything you once believed.
The 71-year-old cleric Father John Micheal O’neal claims he went to heaven and met God, which he describes as a warm and comforting motherly figure.
Father John Micheal O’neal was rushed to the hospital on January 29 after a major heart attack, but was declared clinically dead soon after his arrival.
With the aid of a high-tech machine called LUCAS 2, that kept the blood flowing to his brain, doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital managed to unblock vital arteries and return his heart to a normal rhythm.
The doctors were afraid he would have suffered some brain damage from the incident, but he woke up less than 48 minutes later and seems to have perfectly recovered.
The elderly man claims that he has clear and vivid memories of what happened to him while he was dead. He describes a strange out-of-body experience, experiencing an intense feeling of unconditional love and acceptance, as well as being surrounded by an overwhelming light.
He claims that at that point in his experience, he went to heaven and encountered God, which he describes as a feminine, mother-like “Being of Light”.
“Her presence was both overwhelming and comforting” states the Catholic priest. “She had a soft and soothing voice and her presence was as reassuring as a mother’s embrace. The fact that God is a Holy Mother instead of a Holy Father doesn’t disturb me, she is everything I hoped she would be and even more!
The declarations of the cleric caused quite a stir in the catholic clergy of the archdiocese over the last few days, causing the Archbishop to summon a press conference to try and calm the rumors.
Despite the disapproval of his superiors, Father O’neal says that he will continue dedicating his life to God and spread the word of the “Holy Mother”.
“I wish to continue preaching” says the elderly cleric. “I would like to share my new knowledge of the Mother, the Son and the Holy Ghost with all catholics and even all Christians. God is great and almighty despite being a woman…”
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has not confirmed however, if they will allow Father O’neal to resume his preaching in his former parish in South Boston.
What do you think about Alex Jones and his statement that it is Planet X. What do you think about Jones as a news source? What is this Ninth Planet really? Is it really the infamous Planet X? Let us know in the comments section and keep on moshing to the apocalypse!
People Are Saying The New ‘ Planet 9 ’ Is Going To Kill Us All - Here’s Why
People Are Saying The New ‘ Planet 9 ’ Is Going To Kill Us All - Here’s Why
A chill swept over the internet last week when scientists announced that there was a huge, unseen planet at the far edge of our solar system - Planet 9.
For decades, conspiracy theorists have predicted that an unseen planet beyond Neptune - called Nibiru or Planet X - is going to destroy Earth.
The announcement from Caltech scientists seemed to confirm there WAS a planet there - and the wilder reaches of the internet have already begun predicting apocalypse.
A message appeared on the website of Zecharia Sitchin - a writer who claimed aliens from Nibiru created the human race - despite the fact Sitchin has been dead since 2010
Pastor Paul Begley - an American preacher fond of predicting apocalypse, thundered, ‘Something is causing the heavens to shake - and it’s in your Bible! If you go into the gospel of Saint Luke, Luke 21, verse 10, “Nation shall rise against nation.Kingdom against kingdom. Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places - and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”’
Begley admits he’s not certain Planet 9 IS Nibiru - but cheerfully predicts an asteroid strike wiping out a third of Earth’s population, followed by an impact with the planet itself.
But in case you’re worried, you should note that Nibiru (or Planet X) was widely predicted to hit our planet in December last year, and before that in September.
Prior to that, it was predicted to smash into our planet to coincide with the Mayan apocalypse in 2012 - and before that, Nancy Lieder, an American website writer who claimed to have an alien implant in her brain, predicted it would destroy the world in 2003.
NASA has thoroughly debunked the Nibiru myth via its Beyond 2012 page, saying, ‘Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye.’
Soviet-born American writer Zecharia Sitchin first wrote about Nibiru in his hit 1976 book ‘The 12th Planet’ where he claimed it was inhabited by a race of ‘ancient aliens’ - the Annunaki - who had created the human race.
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NASA's New Planetary Defense Office Gets to Work Protecting Earth
NASA's New Planetary Defense Office Gets to Work Protecting Earth
By Leonard David,'s Space Insider Columnist
NASA's newly created Planetary Defense Coordination Office aims to deal with Earth-menacing space rocks.
Credit: ESA/P.Carril
A new NASA organization dedicated to protecting Earth from dangerous asteroids has hit the ground running.
In early January, NASA announced the establishment of a Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), which will synchronize U.S. efforts to deal with threatening near-Earth objects (NEOs) and will supervise all NASA-funded projects to find and characterize asteroids and comets that visit Earth's neighborhood.
"Our job is to look for that and identify a NEO as far in advance as we can," Johnson told in an exclusive interview. "Doing so means we have the maximum amount of time to appropriately deal with the object, be it a small impactor or something that's larger, calling for a kinetic impactor mission, or whatever needs to be done."
NASA's Lindley Johnson is head of the space agency's new Planetary Defense Coordination Office.
Credit: Leonard David
Busy agenda
The PDCO is getting right to work. Next month, for example, the organization will conduct an open forum in Vienna, Austria, during a meeting of the United Nation's Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
That UN subcommittee has formalized the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) and a Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG) of U.N. member states that have space agencies.
"Our intent is to work within the international forums," Johnson said, "and encourage more involvement by other countries."
Johnson said that he'll also be working closely with his European Space Agency (ESA) counterparts on NEOs.
"We congratulate NASA for the establishment of their planetary defense office," said Detlef Koschny, head of the NEO Segment within the Space Situational Awareness Program Office at ESA's European Space Research and Technology Center in Noordwijk, Netherlands.
ESA is active in the field of NEOs, Koschny said, citing the NEO Coordination Centre at ESA's European Space Research Institute in Italy.
"We are fully supporting the work on defending our planet from potential asteroid impacts," Koschny told [Photos: Asteroids in Deep Space]
NASA's European colleagues are eager to coordinate on the planetary-defense effort, Koschny's NEO Segment colleague Gerhard Drolshagen told
"We look forward to working with the new Planetary Defense Coordination Office, building on long-standing international and inter-agency cooperation in the domain of NEO detection, risk assessment and mitigation," Drolshagen said.
NASA also recently signed a charter with the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency to create a Planetary Impact Emergency Response Working Group, Johnson said.
The working group will meet regularly — initially, twice a year, Johnson said — with the goal of bringing more people up to speed on the NEO hazard, and discussing how best to handle a potential impact.
The Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) 1 telescope on Mount Haleakala in Maui, Hawaii, made the greatest number of near-Earth object discoveries in the NASA-funded NEO surveys from 2015.
Credit: University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy/Rob Ratkowski
Upcoming decisions
By the end of 2016, Johnson said, it should be clear whether ESA will go ahead with the proposed Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment mission (AIDA), and whether NASA will be a part of the project.
As it's currently envisioned, AIDA would launch two different spacecraft to the binary asteroid system Didymos: Europe's AIM probe and the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) craft, which would be built by the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. DART would slam into the smaller of the two asteroids in the Didymos system, and AIM would observe the results, as a way of gauging the effectiveness of this asteroid-deflection strategy.
Another decision expected this year is a go/no-go call on the Near-Earth Object Camera (NEOCam) mission, which NASA selected in September 2015 as a finalist for its next Discovery-class mission.
NEOCam would survey the regions of space closest to Earth's orbit, where potentially hazardous asteroids are most likely to be found. Among other duties, the space telescope would assess the present-day risk of NEO impacts.
NEOCam is competing with four other mission concepts for a Discovery slot (though it's also possible NASA could pick two of these ideas, officials have said). A decision will likely be announced in September 2016.
The Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA) mission concept study is an international collaboration among ESA, NASA, the German Aerospace Center, France's Observatoire de la Côte d´Azur and the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland.
Credit: ESA
Last-chance warning system
Also this year, the second Asteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) telescope is expected to be up and operating. The ATLAS project — developed by the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii — is designed to spot dangerous asteroids shortly before their final plunge to Earth.
The first ATLAS instrument is at work on the Haleakala volcano, on the Hawaiian island of Maui. The second telescope should be operational on the Big Island's Mauna Loa this year, Johnson said.
"ATLAS is funded by NASA's NEO Observations Program, which is now integral to the Planetary Defense Coordination Office," he said. "It makes sure nothing on the small end gets through without us knowing about it … at least days to weeks before the impact."
Johnson said that he is looking forward to a good year, "finding another 1,500 to 2,000 of these objects with the current capability … and getting a higher percentage of the NEO population in our catalog."
Currently, astronomers have identified and tracked nearly 14,000 NEOs, out of a population thought to number in the millions.
Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is former director of research for the National Commission on Space and is co-author of Buzz Aldrin's 2013 book "Mission to Mars – My Vision for Space Exploration" published by National Geographic with a new updated paperback version released in May 2015. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
Violent Impact That Created Moon Mixed Lunar and Earth Rocks
Violent Impact That Created Moon Mixed Lunar and Earth Rocks
By Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
Earth's moon was born from a violent collision between the early Earth and a Mars-size object that scientists call Theia. New research suggests that the lunar rock debris from that crash mixed in with Earth's rocks.
Credit: NASA
The colossal impact that created the moon may have spawned the cosmic mashup between the rocks that ultimately became Earth and its lunar neighbor, researchers say.
Previous research suggested that about 100 million years after the solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago, the newborn Earth was hit by a Mars-size rock named Theia, named after the mother of the moon in Greek myth. Debris from the collision later coalesced into the moon.
Much remains uncertain about the precise nature of this giant impact. For instance, scientists have long debated how much debris, including water, was exchanged between the nascent Earth and moon, and whether the collision was a glancing blow or a high-energy impact. [Watch: How the Moon Was Made, and What It Did for Life]
Now scientists find evidence that the rocks that went on to become Earth and the moon were thoroughly mixed together before they separated. This suggests that "the collision that formed the moon was a high-energy impact," said study lead author Edward Young, a cosmochemist and geochemist at the University of California, Los Angeles
The researchers analyzed seven moon rock samples collected during the Apollo 12, 15 and 17 lunar missions. They also examined one lunar meteorite — a rock that a cosmic impact knocked off the moon, which later crashed on Earth.
The researchers focused on ratios between different isotopes of oxygen in the rocks. Isotopes of an element have differing numbers of neutrons from one another — for instance, oxygen-16 has eight neutrons in its nucleus, while oxygen-17 has nine. [Violent Birth of the Moon Explained (Infographic)]
The ratio of oxygen-17 to other oxygen isotopes typically gets smaller the bigger planets and moons get. This means that different planets and moons usually have distinct isotope signatures.
However, the researchers found that Earth and the moon have indistinguishable oxygen isotope ratios, within 5 parts per million when it comes to oxygen-17.
"As we continue to improve our ability to make measurements, the moon and Earth continue to be more and more alike isotopically," Young told
Previous research from another group in Germany found subtle differences in oxygen isotope ratios between Earth and the moon, differing by about 12 parts per million when it came to oxygen-17. This prior work suggested that less mixing occurred between Earth and the moon than now proposed.
Moon-Earth mix-up
This piece of the moon collected by astronauts on the Apollo 17 lunar landing mission shows a sample of lunar highland rock as viewed in cross-polarized transmitted light.
Credit: Paul Warren, UCLA
Young and his colleagues said their analysis was more precise than previous studies because they were able to identify and overcome potentially major causes of error, such as contamination by water.
"It should be remembered that the new level of precision that we are working with is challenging, and so it is not surprising that there will be some disagreement in the beginning," Young said.
Isotope geochemist Andreas Pack at the University of Göttingen in Germany, whose group previously found oxygen-isotope ratio differences between Earth and the moon, said this new research presents "high-quality data along with a sound explanation for the surprising similarity of Earth and the moon. There is nothing for me to criticize."
These findings suggest that the newborn Earth and Theia contained substantial amounts of water bearing oxygen-17, the researchers said. This water may have come in the form of ice- or water-laden minerals, they added.
In the future, "we will be measuring many more lunar samples to get a feel for what sort of variability there might be from terrain to terrain on the moon," Young said. "For example, we see evidence for oxygen isotope differences between basalts on the moon and the highlands of the moon. These differences mimic similar variability seen here on Earth."
Alien Drone Takes Low Flyby Over UFO Researcher In Arizona On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Drone Takes Low Flyby Over UFO Researcher In Arizona On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 27, 2016
Location of sighting: Queen Creek, Arizona, USA This video was recently posted by jmhz71 of Youtube. These are done UFOs. They record anything and everything around them for scientific purposes. They have a high curiosity that changes as fast as their speed. Here a person and this drone both notice the white floating object in the sky, but the drone UFO decides to take a close flyby of the person looking at the white object. Thats happened a few times to me before. These drones...they can read thoughts (telepathy from as far as 1/2km away! They record everything from thoughts of the people below to their tastes, touches, feelings. I got all that from a sighting long ago in South America when a guy had one on one contact. Alien tech guys. Scott C. Waring
The digital eye is more perfect than our eyes and can capture the true picture for the moment in time, where we usually miss the things that move fast. Here French journalist Daniel Ubertini caught a metal disk over Waikato, NZ. The disk is viewed from its side. I can use the focus of the UFO, clouds and buildings in the photo to determine its size. Its as big or bigger than a Boeing 727. Thats one big UFO guys! Scott C. Waring News states: Retired French photojournalist Daniel Ubertini, 67, had a slightly other-worldly experience in the Waikato 10 days ago. As he uploaded shots taken at a Rotorua marae, he noticed something unusual. There appeared to be three elongated objects in the sky – a larger one at the right side of the image, and two smaller ones on the left. Ubertini has asked himself that question around several photographs he has taken over time – six to be exact.
Most were taken before the day of the drone, where misidentification might be more plausible. His first UFO shot was in Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. A subsequent photograph featuring a questionable image was taken in Tonga in 2009 … then there were two in France during 2014, another in Tonga in 2015, and now the one in Rotorua in January. The fact-driven photojournalist and aviation enthusiast is quick to deny anything akin to obsession around UFOs. But his tally is an unusual one. "I took my first photo of a UFO in 1977," said the internationally-published Ubertini. "At that time I was not completely thinking of UFOs." That incident was in Reunion Island, when he was photographing an Air France B747 taking off. When developing the shots, he noticed an object roughly the size of the engine flying above the wing, with an apparent 'tail' at the back. In 2009, he discovered "a shape resembling a DVD with a hole in the middle" appearing above and behind a plane on the tarmac in Tonga. He sent the shots to Arizona and to the French Space Agency investigations unit, Geipan - neither could identify the objects, and filed the images away. Ubertini stayed with friends in Cambridge in late January en route to his home in the south of France. While here, he visited the Rotorua marae and took his most recent UFO shots. "I never try to take those kinds of photographs – but I do photograph a lot of aircraft, and I do believe there are things happening that we cannot explain."
The bright star Sirius presides over an ancient burial mound in a dazzling new photo by project nightflight, taken at the Grossmugl Star Walk in Austria.
Project nightflight is an initiative that promotes interest in and conservation of the night sky, led by astrophotographers Karoline Mrazek and Erwin Matys. The group captured this view of Sirius, the brightest star in Earth's night sky, about a half hour's drive from Vienna. The project's work is online at
"This image, shot on January 22, 2016, shows Sirius rising above the Leeberg tumulus, a 2500 years old ancient burial mound at the endpoint of the Grossmugl Star Walk," project nightflight wrote in an email to [Gallery: Amazing Skywatcher Photos from Around the World]
The Grossmugl Star Walk, set up by project nightflight, is self-guided tour that's nearly 1 mile long (1.5 kilometers). Visitors learn how to spot different astronomical features over the course of a 90-minute walk. The burial mound acts as the tour's finale, and is featured in this new image, called "Frozen Farmland."
"The image was shot one day before full moon on a very cold and crisp winter's night," the photographers wrote. "The near full moon illuminated the frozen farmland surrounding the tumulus and gave the sky a distinct bluish hue."
Editor's note:If you capture an amazing photo of the night sky and you'd like to share it with us and our partners for a story or image gallery, send images and comments in to managing editor Tariq Malik at
The secret shugborough inscription, the key to finding the Holy Grail?
The secret shugborough inscription, the key to finding the Holy Grail?
According to legend throughout history, the Holy Grail has special powers, including the secret to immortality
The Shugborough Inscription is a sequence of letters [O U O S V A V V] between the letters D M – carved on the 18th century Shepherd’s Monument in Staffordshire, England. The monument itself is estimated to of been built sometime between 1748 and 1763, which was commissioned by Thomas Anson, and his brother Admiral George Anson, from the powerful Anson family and fashioned by the Flemish sculptor Peter Scheemakers. It has never been explained with clarity, only in theory, and is largely considered to be one of the world’s greatest cipher codes and secrets.
One of the most popular theories is that the strange sequence of letters – OUOSVAVV, framed at either end by DM – was left as a clue to the whereabouts of the legendary Holy Grail which allegedly hold the secret to esoteric knowledge including immortality. According to the legend, the code was created by the Knights Templars, the fanatical military unit that led the slaughter of the crusades.
Countless individuals have tried to crack the code, including famous historical giants, Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin, but every single one has failed to provide a tangible and agreeable interpretation.
The Anson brothers are reputedly associated with Freemasonry and the Priory of Sion. The priory also claimed links to the Knights Templar and they believed that Jesus was not a divine figure but rather just an enlightened one. Researchers believe that Jesus had esoteric knowledge that could be discovered if this code is cracked.
-Admiral George Anson, famous for his circumnavigation of the globe, possibly encrypted an acrostic of a brief poem in Latin to the memory of his late wife. This verse translates into English as: “Best of wives, best of sisters, a most devoted widower dedicates to your virtues.”
-Another attempt to solve the riddle posits that the letters are acrostics in Latin for particular biblical verses.
-Others have suggested that the letters represent initials of noteworthy residents of Shugborough Hall and its environs.
-A standard of many mysteries, it has been suggested that the letters, once decoded, will tell the location of the Holy Grail.
-Someone has speculated that the code is actually in the Norwegian language, and that attempts to use Latin or English to crack the code are futile.
-And there have been many that believe that the inscription does not represent letters at all, but is actually a string of numbers.
-Below you can view one of the newest and credible theories to date, by a former NSA code breaker,Dr. Keith Massey;
And here you can watch a documentary on the mysterious and legendary Holy Grail;
Cambrian-Genomics 3D Printing DNA (Image Courtesy
Building DNA Computers
Humans are now being described as DNA computers. Although humans still don’t know exactly how DNA works, they are moving forward with research and gaining fresh insights on a daily basis. Call it DNA artwork, genetic 3D printing, DNA printing and graphics, or DNA Canvas art; by whatever name, it is a cutting-edge tool already making waves in science, clinical research, and society. It is also redefining what it means to be human.
IndustryTap has written about human attempts to alter nature’s DNA computers, like the glowing plants in which the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) of plants is modified using a genetic compiler so they glow, acting as bedside nightlights. This technique presages the day, not too far off, when anyone, anywhere, will be able to design and create new living organisms. No wonder Stephen Hawking is worried about our future.
3D Printing a Person’s Face Using a DNA Swab
One new technique 3D prints the face of a person using information derived from DNA sequencing. This week, for example, scientists released two life-sized models of Chelsea Manning’s face using a 3D printer and her DNA information. If Manning hasn’t attained immortality yet, she has now.
Chelsea Manning 3D Printed Face from DNA
In a related development, police departments are now using this technique to create composites of suspects from microscopic DNA left at crime scenes. It’s expected this new technology will put a significant dent in the huge backlog of “cold cases,” get violent criminals off the street, and bring closure to families who’ve lost loved ones.
3D Printed DNA as Scaffolds for Nanoparticles
Researchers are also using 3D printed synthetic DNA to create scaffolding structures for assembling nanoparticles and nanodevices. This involves new techniques of DNA nanotechnology that enable the design and fabrication of static and dynamic DNA nanostructures.
Cambrian Genomics, headed by Austin Heinz and part of Singularity University’s growing Startup Lab portfolio, is leading the development of DNA technology that will allow DNA mapping and the custom-design of living creatures.
The following YouTube playlist includes 3 videos about Cambrian Genomics and 3D Printing DNA.
David Russell Schilling
David enjoys research and writing about cutting edge technologies that hold the promise of improving conditions for all life on planet earth.
SpaceX Reveals Footage of Parachutes That Can Safely Bring Astronauts Home
SpaceX Reveals Footage of Parachutes That Can Safely Bring Astronauts Home
Four red-and-white parachutes unfurled high above the desert near Coolidge, Arizona, recently during a test of the system that initially will be used to safely land SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft carrying astronauts back from the International Space Station. The test used a mass simulator as the weight of the spacecraft connected to the parachute system. The mass simulator and parachutes were released thousands of feet above the ground from a C-130 cargo aircraft. This test evaluated the four main parachutes, but did not include the drogue chutes that a full landing system would utilize.
As part of its final development and certification work with NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, SpaceX continues to perform tests of flight-like hardware that allows engineers to assess the reliability. Later tests will grow progressively more realistic to simulate as much of the actual conditions and processes the system will see during an operational mission.
SpaceX and Boeing are working in separate partnerships with NASA to build a new generation of human-rated spacecraft to take astronauts to the International Space Station. Photo credit: SpaceX.
A new release showcases successful footage of SpaceX testing new methods of bringing astronauts back to Earth after missions.
New footage shows SpaceX performing tests involving parachutes designed to bring astronauts back down to Earth. The entire process involves four large parachutes used to lower the Dragon spacecraft as it drifts back to Earth post mission.
SpaceX is a company known for making cargo runs for NASA to the International Space Station, and has been doing so since 2012. The longstanding partnership is set to extend, as NASA is (apparently) going to renew the contract long term.
In fact, NASAhas also contracted SpaceX to bring astronauts to the International Space Station, and has built a crew-rated version of the Dragon spacecraft specific to this initiative.
For this project to come to fruition, numerous tests have to be conducted; the most recent one being the parachutes, where the company placed a giant weight in place of the actual spacecraft and dropped the test chutes over Coolidge Arizona using a C-130. The tests proved to be successful and deployed as they were intended to.
Despite the test rig landing in the desert, they intend for the spacecraft to land in the ocean—this will mark the first time that astronauts will land in water since the 70s. These SpaceX missions are set to take place sometime in late 2017 or early 2018.
Simultaneously, as SpaceX is testing water landings, the company is also studying the use of jet propulsion as a way to land on solid ground or on drone ships at sea. The whole point of this focused research is to find the right technology that will allow astronauts to safely come back to Earth.
Check out SpaceX’s video of their parachute tests below.
Sonic booms were reported over southern New Jersey and along the East Coast to Long Island, New York, on Jan. 28, 2016.
Credit: USGS
At least 10 sonic booms have been reported this afternoon (Jan. 28) from southern New Jersey along the East Coast to Long Island, New York, say scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
The first sonic boom was recorded at 1:24 p.m. EST (18:24:05 UTC), about 2 miles (3 kilometers) north-northeast of Hammonton, New Jersey, and 37 miles (60 km) south of Trenton, New Jersey. In the following hour and a half, seismometers picked up at least nine other sonic booms along the Eastern Seaboard all the way to Long Island, according to the USGS.
A spokesperson for the USGS said agency scientists there have no other information except that these were sonic booms and not earthquakes that were detected today.
A sonic boom occurs when an object (or an explosion) travels faster than the speed of sound (761.2 mph, or 1,225 km/h, at sea-level), sending out a shockwave that also travels faster than sound, according to John Bellini, a geophysicist with the USGS National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colorado. [Photos: See Aircraft Breaking the Sound Barrier]
The cause of today's sonic booms remains mysterious. Bellini noted, however, that if an explosion had caused these booms, someone likely would have seen it.
Officials have also ruled out NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island in Virginia, which routinely launches small rockets and jet test flights from its Eastern Shore site. But today, no rocket launches or jet flights occurred at the NASA center, spokesman Keith Kohler said in an email.
Scientists knew these were seismic waves from sonic booms and not earthquakes because of their speed. "An earthquake moves through the ground and it moves 10,000 feet per second [3,048 meters per second]," Bellini told Live Science. In today's instance, the waves were moving away from the seismometers in New Jersey at speeds that would suggest they were moving faster than sound in the air. A seismometer that tracks waves moving through the ground can pick up a sonic boom, whose waves move through the air, Bellini said. But the seismometers usually have to be pretty close to where the boom occurs, because sound doesn't transfer well into the ground.
ABC News reported that the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and the North American Aerospace Defense Command had both confirmed they didn't have any planes operating nearby that could have generated the sonic booms.
No aircraft capable of sonic booms were operating at nearby naval air bases either, according to officials.
"We have reports of ground shaking in S. Jersey — currently our training ranges are clear and no MDL aircraft are capable of sonic booms," officials at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in Trenton, New Jersey, wrote on Twitter. "We're working with local authorities to determine the cause and will have an update ASAP."
Another World — Mars' Strange Surface | Space Wallpaper
Another World — Mars' Strange Surface | Space Wallpaper
What appear to be tiny oases nurturing a variety of trees in a vast pink desert are not, actually. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this image in April of 2008 near Mars' North Pole. Experts believe the dark spots are wet patches of Martian sand that grew from melting carbon dioxide ice due to the spring Sun. In close up views of the image sand slides are evident from swirling clouds of dust. [See more photos from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. ]
Alien abductee Sue Sill of Outlane, Huddersfield, wants to prove the truth is out there
Alien abductee Sue Sill of Outlane, Huddersfield, wants to prove the truth is out there
Sue Sill, of Outlane, has been filming UFOs over Huddersfield for years
Are we alone in the universe?
Everyone has a theory – but for Sue Sill, there’s only one answer.
Sue, 57, of Outlane, claims she’s had many encounters with UFOS – and believes she was abducted in 2010.
She says Huddersfield is a hotbed of activity and has filmed UFOs in the sky all around the town.
Her latest experience was just last month, when she filmed a light in the sky above her home – watch the video below.
She said: “I was in my kitchen with my sister-in-law Colleen, who has seen quite a lot of things with me. She said, ‘there’s something over the top of your house again – a bright light in the sky.’”
The Allen Telescope Array Photo by Colby Gutierrez-Kraybill/Flickr under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Two big ideas often come up in discussions about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI. One is the Drake Equation, which estimates the number of civilizations in our Galaxy whose signals we might be able to detect—potentially thousands, according to plausible estimates. The other is the so-called Fermi paradox, which claims that we should see intelligent aliens here if they exist anywhere, because they would inevitably colonize the Galaxy by star travel—and since we don’t see any obvious signs of aliens here, searching for their signals is pointless.
The Drake Equation is perfectly genuine: it was created by astronomer and SETI pioneer Frank Drake. The Fermi paradox, however, is a myth. It is named for the physicist Enrico Fermi—but Fermi never made such a claim.
I’d like to explain why the so-called Fermi paradox is mistaken, based on my deep-dive research on the topic, because this mistake had inhibited the search for E.T., which I think is worthwhile. It was cited by Sen. William Proxmire (D-WI) as a reason for killing NASA’s SETI program in 1981; the program was restarted at the urging of Carl Sagan, but was killed dead in 1993 by Senator Richard Bryan (D-NV). Since then, no searches in the U.S. have received government funds, even though thousands of new planets have been discovered orbiting stars other than our sun.
Enrico Fermi, a Nobel prizewinner who built the first nuclear reactor, never published a word on the subject of extraterrestrials. We know something about his views because physicist Eric Jones collected written accounts from the three surviving people present at a 1950 lunch in Los Alamos where the so-called Fermi paradox had its roots: Emil Konopinski, Edward Teller, and Herbert York (Fermi died in 1954).
According to these eyewitnesses, they were chatting about a cartoon inThe New Yorker showing cheerful aliens emerging from a flying saucer carrying trash cans stolen from the streets of New York City, and Fermi asked “Where is everybody?” Everyone realized he was referring to the fact that we haven’t seen any alien spaceships, and the conversation turned to the feasibility of interstellar travel. York seemed to have had the clearest memory, recalling of Fermi:
“... he went on to conclude that the reason that we hadn’t been visited might be that interstellar flight is impossible, or, if it is possible, always judged to be not worth the effort, or technological civilization doesn’t last long enough for it to happen.”
Both York and Teller seemed to think Fermi was questioning the feasibility of interstellar travel—nobody thought he was questioning the possible existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. So the so-called Fermi paradox—which does question the existence of E.T.—misrepresents Fermi’s views. Fermi’s skepticism about interstellar travel is not surprising, because in 1950 rockets had not yet reached orbit, much less another planet or star.
If Fermi wasn’t the source of this pessimistic idea, where did it come from?
The notion “... they are not here; therefore they do not exist” first appeared in print in 1975, when astronomer Michael Hart claimed that if smart aliens existed, they would inevitably colonize the Milky Way. If they existed anywhere, they would be here. Since they aren’t, Hart concluded that humans are probably the only intelligent life in our galaxy, so that looking for intelligent life elsewhere is “probably a waste of time and money.” His argument has been challenged on many grounds—maybe star travel is not feasible, or maybe nobody chooses to colonize the galaxy, or maybe we were visited long ago and the evidence is buried with the dinosaurs—but the idea has become entrenched in thinking about alien civilizations.
In 1980, the physicist Frank Tipler elaborated on Hart’s arguments by addressing one obvious question: where would anybody get the resources needed to colonize billions of stars? He suggested “a self-replicating universal constructor with intelligence comparable to the human level.” Just send one of these babies out to a neighboring star, tell it to build copies of itself using local materials, and send the copies on to other stars until the Galaxy is crawling with them. Tipler argued that absence of such gizmos on Earth proved that ours is the only intelligence anywhere in the entire Universe—not just the Milky Way galaxy—which seems like an awfully long leap from the absence of aliens on our one planet.
Hart and Tipler clearly deserve credit for the idea at the heart of the so-called Fermi paradox. Over the years, however, their idea has been confused with Fermi’s original question. The confusion evidently started in 1977 when the physicist David G. Stephenson used the phrase ‘Fermi paradox’ in a paper citing Hart’s idea as one possible answer to Fermi’s question. The Fermi paradox might be more accurately called the ‘Hart-Tipler argument against the existence of technological extraterrestrials’, which does not sound quite as authoritative as the old name, but seems fairer to everybody.
As for the paradox, there is none, even in Hart’s and Tipler’s arguments. There is no logical contradiction between the statement “E.T. might exist elsewhere” and the statement “E.T. is not here” because nobody knows that travel between the stars is possible in the first place.
The Hart-Tipler argument, cloaked in the authority of Fermi’s name, has made some people pessimistic about the chances for success in SETI. But the suggestion that we should not look for intelligent life elsewhere because we don’t see aliens here is simply silly. There are some signs that the pessimism is lifting, most notably Yuri Milner’s privately fundedBreakthrough Listen project, which promises to contribute $100 million in funding over ten years. But searching millions of stars for signals at unknown frequencies might take more resources. Our searches typically ’see’ a spot on the sky no bigger than the Moon at any moment, which is only a tiny fraction of the sky. If we want to find something interesting in our era, we might need to look harder.
What if one of Ufology’s most cherished cases turned out to be something very different? Something far more down to earth, but of a distinctly conspiratorial nature. Yep, I can see the daggers being drawn already. Too bad for the belief-driven. There’s nothing worse than a mind made up. And there’s nothing better than shaking things up and addressing alternative theories when it comes to the matter of UFOs. After all, none of us really know what the truth is, when it comes to the UFO phenomenon. So, thinking outside of the box is vital. All of which brings us to a certain, famous UFO event of late 1973.
On the night of October 10, 1973, two men – Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker – were fishing on the banks of Mississippi’s Pascagoula River. All was going fine. That is, until approximately 9:00 p.m. rolled around. That’s when all hell broke loose. Yet, it all began relatively calmly. It didn’t stay that way, however. As they fished, Parker and Hickson suddenly noticed a light in the distance. Not only that, it was following the river and appeared to be coming in their direction. Which was not necessarily a good thing.
As the light got closer, they could see it in its full glory: the light was actually a brightly lit, somewhat egg-shaped craft, from which came a deep, throbbing hum. Such was the intensity of the hum, it provoked intense nausea in both men. Confusion, and a sense of distinct unreality, quickly followed. The pair watched in horror and amazement as what was described as a “hatch” opened and a trio of very strange-looking creatures exited the hovering object. Even stranger, and much more unnerving, the three things floated from the craft, across the waters of the river, and towards Hickson and Parker.
The aliens were not of the famous large-headed, black-eyed, and dwarfish kind, however. They weren’t even of the benevolent-looking, so-called “Space Brothers” variety of the 1950s. Nope, this particular breed of E.T. was described later by the shocked and undeniably traumatized men as being humanoid, and with faces that appeared to be almost masked, and heads from which three carrot-style points protruded. On top of that, they had large crab-like or lobster-like claws.
Then matters got even worse: when the things from another world were practically on top of terrified Parker and Hickson, both men were rendered into a state of paralysis. Whether due to some technology of the aliens, or provoked by overwhelming fear, remains unknown. Maybe it was a combination of both. Suddenly, the entities seized the pair, who were manhandled onto the UFO. Like most abductees, Hickson and Parker were quickly reduced to the equivalents of lab rats. When the trauma-filled encounter was over, the pair was dumped back on the edge of the river.
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French visitor photographs 'UFO' over Waikato
French visitor photographs 'UFO' over Waikato
Daniel Ubertini's shot taken in late January at a marae in Rotorua – with the largest of the three unexplained objects circled. Two smaller, similarly-shaped objects were at the far left of the image.
He's An Oracle Of Business Success Read What He's Eying Up To Now
Retired French photojournalist Daniel Ubertini, 67, had a slightly other-worldly experience in the Waikato 10 days ago.
As he uploaded shots taken at a Rotorua marae, he noticed something unusual.
There appeared to be three elongated objects in the sky – a larger one at the right side of the image, and two smaller ones on the left.
Viv Posselt/Fairfax NZ
Daniel Ubertini with his 2009 UFO shot taken in Tonga (left), and his 1977 shot taken in Reunion Island.
"They are the shape of nothing I know," he said. "They were not aircraft, not birds … what were they?"
Ubertini has asked himself that question around several photographs he has taken over time – six to be exact. Most were taken before the day of the drone, where misidentification might be more plausible.
His first UFO shot was in Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.
A subsequent photograph featuring a questionable image was taken in Tonga in 2009 … then there were two in France during 2014, another in Tonga in 2015, and now the one in Rotorua in January.
The fact-driven photojournalist and aviation enthusiast is quick to deny anything akin to obsession around UFOs. But his tally is an unusual one.
"I took my first photo of a UFO in 1977," said the internationally-published Ubertini. "At that time I was not completely thinking of UFOs."
That incident was in Reunion Island, when he was photographing an Air France B747 taking off. When developing the shots, he noticed an object roughly the size of the engine flying above the wing, with an apparent 'tail' at the back.
In 2009, he discovered "a shape resembling a DVD with a hole in the middle" appearing above and behind a plane on the tarmac in Tonga.
He sent the shots to Arizona and to the French Space Agency investigations unit, Geipan - neither could identify the objects, and filed the images away.
Ubertini stayed with friends in Cambridge in late January en route to his home in the south of France. While here, he visited the Rotorua marae and took his most recent UFO shots.
"I never try to take those kinds of photographs – but I do photograph a lot of aircraft, and I do believe there are things happening that we cannot explain."
Artist's illustration of planets forming in a circumstellar disk like the one surrounding the star LkCa 15. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Scientists from Australia and the United States have observed a gas-giant planet – a giant planet composed mainly of hydrogen and helium – being formed for the first time.
They also captured photographs of an exoplanet or extrasolar planet – a planet that orbits a star other than the sun – forming around a young star called LkCa 15. LkCa 15 is located 450 light years from Earth and is surrounded by a vast disc of dust and gas, making a perfect environment for planets to grow.
Catching a planet in the making is an exciting first for astronomers. Although nearly 1,900 planets have been discovered and confirmed outside our solar system, none of them are in the process of formation.
Kate Follett, a researcher at Stanford University, said that “no one has successfully and unambiguously detected a forming planet before. There have always been alternative explanations, but in this case, we’ve taken a direct picture, and it’s hard to dispute that.”
This remarkable feat was achieved by scientists with the help of specialized instruments. These instruments include the Large Binocular Telescope or LBT, the world’s largest telescope, located on Arizona’s Mount Graham, and the University of Arizona’s Magellan Telescope and its Adaptive Optics System, MagAO, located in Chile.
Nidhi Goyal
Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. You can also find Nidhi on Google+.
The Air Force would like to forget about last year because a lot its drones crashed, most notably its Reaper drone which seemed to continuously drop out of the sky.
In fact, 2015 represents the worst year for drone crashes the USAF has ever experienced.
As a result, The Washington Post recently looked into the drone issues and concluded that Reaper crashes were a result of electrical failures.
Investigators, on the other hand, believe there are problems with the Reaper’s “starter-generator.”
All in all, 10 Reaper drones crashed in 2015, and 20 total, leading to approximately $2 million in damage.
Keep in mind, this all comes in the wake of the Air Force recently announcing plans to hire thousands more people for its drone program.
They're big-eyed and slight of build. They're the grim, greenish beings that every moviegoer recognizes as aliens -- the inscrutable inhabitants of a distant world. Playing supporting roles in countless films and TV shows, these hairless homunculi have become iconic.
But we've never seen a real alien. Indeed, we don't even know if real aliens exist.
However, astronomers have recently discovered several thousand planets in our galactic neighborhood. Consequently, the idea of intelligent life in space has eased from the realm of science fiction to scientific plausibility. Telescopes could receive signals at any time that would tell us they're out there.
What would they be like?
Is it possible that real aliens would resemble the smooth-skinned anthropomorphs of the movies? Simple engineering arguments suggest that having two eyes, an upright stance and a small number of flexible appendages make sense for any active and intelligent animal. Consequently, some biologists have sided with Hollywood, and claimed that the process of convergent evolution, a tendency for design to follow function, will ensure that aliens might vaguely resemble us.
This line of argument, as flattering as it is, misses the boat. More likely is that most advanced alien civilizations will be a special kind of artificial intelligence ("A.I.") called "superintelligence" - synthetic cognition that vastly exceeds the best that humans can manage in every category: social skills, general wisdom, scientific creativity, and so on.
We suspect this could be true based on analogy with our own near future, as we may be near to developing superintelligence ourselves. Making such machines may be the most transformative event of the 21st century, or perhaps of any century in human history. It could be as natural an evolutionary step as the emergence of land-dwelling animals 370 million years ago.
In a similar vein, we suspect that once a society creates the means to communicate across interstellar space, they are likely only a few hundred years away from changing their own paradigm of sentience from biology to A.I.
Given the age of the universe, some of these alien thinking machines could be millions or even billions of years more advanced than we are. Some may have achieved superintelligence by means of biological enhancements to their bodies, but we suspect that the majority would simply transition to silicon, rather than remaining carbon-based life forms.
Indeed, silicon appears to be a better medium for information processing than the brain itself. Neurons reach a peak data rate of about 200 Hz, which is about seven orders of magnitude slower than current microprocessors. While biological brains compensate for the slowness of neurons with efficient algorithms and massive parallelism, speedier silicon systems can borrow these design features from biological brains, and even improve upon them.
Further, focused, deliberative thought is incredibly slow in human brains, having a maximum capacity of only about seven manageable chunks of information. And the quantity of neurons in the brain is limited by cranial volume and metabolism. Computers, in contrast, could occupy entire cities, or even planets. They could survive environmental catastrophes that would wipe out biological life.
Once begun, intelligent devices can engineer their own descendants. These improved sentients can then go on to design yet another generation of machines, a scenario that may have played out many times in the history of the cosmos. This process unfolds so quickly that it seems inevitable that the majority of the intelligence now extant in the universe is built, not born. The real aliens won't be protoplasmic.
Even if we are wrong -- even if the majority of alien civilizations are biological -- silicon-based creatures are more likely to engage in space travel, having durable systems that are practically immortal. They may be the kind of the creatures we first encounter, if we encounter anyone.
What can we say about such thinking devices? Would their thoughts and interests be anything like our own?
We suspect that many alien civilizations will become post-biological either by scanning their brains and transferring the contents to a computer or by slowly replacing parts of their brains with silicon components (both amount to "uploading" the biological brain). If this is right, their thinking could be like that of the biological aliens they are derived from, though much faster, and enhanced in ways that enable them to solve problems and develop technologies that were beyond the reach of their biological ancestors.
Biological intelligences have evolved to survive and reproduce. Silicon descendants could inherit their primary motivations, such as find food, avoid injury, reproduce, cooperate, and so on. If these aliens are indeed still interested in reproduction, we might expect that given the vast computational resources at their disposal, they would create simulated universes stocked with artificial life and even other superintelligences. If the simulated beings were intended to be their "children," they may retain these same basic goals as well.
You may object that it is useless to theorize about superintelligent aliens, for they can alter their basic architecture in numerous, unforeseen ways. There are limits to this, however. If a superintelligence has survival as a primary goal, it may resist fundamental changes to its architecture, sticking to smaller improvements. It may think: when I alter my architecture in radical ways, I am no longer me.
Cognitive science could prove instructive in considering these non-biological beings. For instance, in trying to understand superintelligent minds, cognitive scientists can theorize about characteristics of biological intelligence that superintelligent creatures would want to retain and enhance, such as working memory and attention, and those they may prefer to jettison, such as decision-making biases. Further, connectomics, which seeks to provide a wiring map of the brain, could be informative. While it is likely that a superintelligent A.I. would not have the same kind of connectomes that members of the original species have, some of the functional and structural connections may be retained. And philosophers of mind have already debated whether A.I. is even capable of having inner experiences, such as curiosity or the feeling of awe when seeing a sunset.
Movie aliens, from the pointy-eared Vulcans of Star Trek to the childlike gnomes ofE.T. are merely projections of ourselves. Real aliens could be as different from us as we are from the trilobites.
De aarde bestaat eigenlijk uit twee in elkaar versmolten planeten. Die versmelting gebeurde 4.5 miljard jaar geleden. De aarde is toen frontaal op een andere planeet geknald. Die planeet, Theia, spatte daardoor uit elkaar. Uit de brokstukken ontstond de maan, maar de resten zijn ook opgezogen door de aarde en ermee versmolten.
Een groep wetenschappers concludeert dat in het belangrijke wetenschapsblad Science. Het was al langer bekend dat er een botsing tussen de aarde en Theia moet zijn geweest. Dat zou ongeveer 4,5 miljard jaar geleden moeten zijn gebeurd, toen de aarde 100 miljoen jaar oud was. Maar het was nog niet duidelijk hoe de botsing ging en wat daarvan terug te vinden is.
Chemische vingerafdruk van maanstenen Om het verleden te achterhalen, keken de onderzoekers naar de chemische 'vingerafdruk' van zeven stenen die astronauten hadden meegenomen van de maan. Die vergeleken ze met zes vulkanische stenen uit het binnenste van de aarde. De stenen waren helemaal gelijk aan elkaar, wat betekent dat ze dezelfde afkomst moeten hebben.
Frontale botsing Om dat mogelijk te maken, moet er bij de botsing een enorme kracht zijn vrijgekomen. Daaruit leiden de onderzoekers af dat de knal tussen de aarde en Theia frontaal moet zijn geweest.
"Theia is grondig door de aarde en de maan gemengd en gelijkmatig verdeeld. Dat verklaart waarom we geen verschillende vingerafdruk zien", zeggen de wetenschappers.
Een andere theorie is dat Theia destijds langs de aarde is gescheerd. Daarbij zou de planeet in stukken zijn gescheurd. De resten zouden in een baan rond de aarde zijn gekomen, wat wij nu zien als de maan. Maar in dat geval zouden de stenen op de maan moeten verschillen van de stenen op aarde, omdat ze een andere afkomst hadden.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Kleitablet toont onverwacht knap meetkundig denken: Babyloniërs berekenden snelheid van Jupiter al
Kleitablet toont onverwacht knap meetkundig denken: Babyloniërs berekenden snelheid van Jupiter al
Een pas ontdekt kleitablet toont onverwacht knap meetkundig denken door Babylonische astronomen. Op het kleitablet, dat dateert van ongeveer 350 voor Christus, wordt een grafiek van de schijnbare snelheid van de planeet Jupiter aan de hemel beschreven.
Volgens de Nederlandse astronoom Mathieu Ossendrijver van de Humboldt-Universität in Berlijn, hadden de oude Babyloniërs zich een geometrische manier van denken eigengemaakt. Op het tablet legt een anonieme schrijver in spijkerschrift uit hoe je de planeet Jupiter moet volgen.
Daarbij beschrijft hij een techniek waarvan men dacht dat die pas in het Europa van de 14e eeuw werd ontdekt. De techniek raakte in de vergetelheid, maar werd eeuwen later herontdekt.
De Babyloniërs, die leefden in wat nu Irak is, zetten de astronomische traditie voort die de Soemeriërs al rond 3000 voor Christus begonnen. Babylonische astronomen beschreven rond 700 voor Christus al de bewegingen van hemellichamen. Er zijn in de loop der jaren vele honderdduizenden kleitabletten opgegraven.
De Grieken en later ook de Arabische en westerse gemeenschap namen de astronomische kennis en gegevens over. “Die Babylonische cultuur is echt een deel van ons erfgoed, niet één of andere doodlopende cultuur,” vertelt Ossendrijver aan Science. De verdeling van onze klok in zestigtallen en de gradenboog in 360 graden herinneren bijvoorbeeld nog altijd aan de Babyloniërs.
In 2014 kreeg hij een foto onder ogen van een nog niet beschreven kleitablet uit het British Museum. Ossendrijver kwam al snel tot de ontdekking dat het kleitablet betrekking had op de afstand die Jupiter heeft afgelegd aan de hemel.
De Babyloniërs geloofden sterk in astrologie. Van de ontwikkeling van de graanprijs tot het weer, alles was volgens hen gecorreleerd aan de beweging van de hemellichamen.
Hoogleraar sterrenkunde Teije de Jong van de UvA vermoedt dat de Babyloniërs dezelfde technieken ook op andere planeten toepasten. “Wat enorm zou helpen, is als we de schep in de grond konden zetten in Irak, waar naar alle waarschijnlijk nog veel meer kleitabletten liggen.”
Weer een grote UFO die energie tankt bij de zon ( VIDEO )
Weer een grote UFO die energie tankt bij de zon ( VIDEO )
In maart 2012 ging een foto de wereld rond van een grote UFO die energie leek te tanken bij de zon.
Terwijl wetenschappers ruimtedeeltjes hebben ontdekt in een Egyptische piramide, tankt er opnieuw een grote UFO energie bij de zon.
Gisteren schreven wij over de bijzonder gebeurtenis bij de Colima vulkaan in Mexico, waar een grote UFO een vulkaanuitbarsting leek te veroorzaken.
Naar aanleiding van dat artikel, schrijft een lezer het volgende (dank!):
Hierbij wilde ik toch melden of jullie de link ook zien met UFO's die bij de zon gezien zijn en de ufo die bij vulkanen rond vliegen.
Het bewijs is nu geheel daar... als de UFO's energie nodig hebben laden ze op bij de zon. Mogelijk dat de vreemde waarnemingen bij de zon die vele malen groter zijn als op aarde de moeder schepen zijn.
Het lijkt mij duidelijk dat de ufo op jullie filmpje zich oplaadt door vulkanische warmte net als ze bij de zon doen.
Er lijkt mij geen andere reden te zijn waardoor de explosie ontstaat en de ufo er doorheen vliegt.
Heel gaaf dit dank
Bovenstaande is natuurlijk goed opgemerkt want ook bij de zon worden UFO’s gesignaleerd.
Op 11 maart 2012 ging de volgende afbeelding van een grote UFO die energie schijnt te tanken bij de zon de wereld rond.
Top op de dag van vandaag is daar nog nooit een “logische verklaring” voor gevonden.
En omdat toeval niet bestaat, hebben we ook deze week weer een voorval van een grote UFO bij de zon die net als die in 2012 energie schijnt te tanken.
De opname lijkt in eerste instantie op een soort donkere planeet, gedeeltelijk verborgen achter de zon. Maar, even later is net zoals bij de vreemde grote UFO uit 2012 een soort slang te zien.
Iets dat lijkt op de verbinding tussen de UFO en de zon waarmee het mogelijk de nodige energie tankt.
We leven in bijzondere tijden waar zich verschijnselen voor doen die we een aantal jaren geleden niet kenden.
Zo schijnen de piramides weer tot leven te komen en signalen af te geven naar een verre planeet.
In dat kader stond er onlangs een interessant artikel op RT News waarin melding werd gemaakt van het feit dat een aantal wetenschappers deeltjes (muons) uit de ruimte hadden aangetroffen in een piramide en dat daar wel eens het antwoord kon liggen op het ontstaan van deze monumenten.
Veel wijzer dan dat zijn ze op dit moment nog niet, maar ze zijn in ieder geval zoekende in de juiste richting.
Mogelijk zal het antwoord op de vraag hoe de piramides zijn ontstaan wel veel eerder worden beantwoord door de bewoners van een “onbekende planeet” die onderweg is richting aarde.
Iemand die eigenhandig onderzoek heeft gedaan naar de piramides in Egypte is een Duitse toerist die enkele dagen geleden aan de blikken van de bewakers aldaar wist te ontsnappen en helemaal naar de top van de piramide klom.
Hoe dat in zijn werk ging en het uitzicht daarna, is te zien in de volgende video.
Filer’s Files #5 -2016 Secret Space Program - PART I
Disc captured in front of the moon in Halifax, England on January 22, 2016.
Filer’s Files #5 -2016 Secret Space Program - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding UFOs Do Exist, Secret Science and the Secret Space Program, Spain: Military Aviator Recalls UFO Sighting Over Menorca, World-Changing Events Poised Ready To Break, Stonehenge and Menhirs Energy, Many underground entrances found on Mars, New Jersey Lakehurst Naval Base Sighting, and December Sighting Reports.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Iceland, Italy, Kenya, New Zealand, Qatar, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding UFOs Do Exist
Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding states, “More than 10,000 sightings have been reported, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any “scientific” explanation… I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nation on Earth. I can therefore see no alternative to accepting the theory that they come from some extraterrestrial source.”
. Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain. He is considered the mastermind of the successful defense of England from Nazi air power.
Soldier, pilot, wireless pioneer, squadron commander, spiritualist, champion skier, Dowding is perhaps best known as the creator of the first radar-based air defense system the “Dowding System.” and his no less remarkable management of such throughout the Battle of Britain. He conceived and oversaw the development of an integrated air defense system which included (i) radar (who Dowding was among the first to appreciate), (ii) human observers (including the Royal Observer Corps), who filled crucial gaps in the radar such as the altitude of incoming German aircraft), (iii) raid plotting, and (iv) radio control of aircraft. The whole network was tied together and known as Ground-controlled interception (GCI). He oversaw the creation of Britain’s first eight-gun monoplanes, the Hurricane and Spitfire. Printed in Sunday Dispatch, London, July 11, 1954.
Secret Science and the Secret Space Program
There are areas of science that are off limits to the public and are not taught in our universities. Scientists and experimenters like John Worrell Keely, Nicola Tesla, and Thomas Townsend Brown developed the science and technology of anti-gravity and extracting energy from space itself in the late 19th and early 20th century. However, today, this science is purposely overlooked and regulated to the world of “Black Projects.” The publicly acknowledged space program is but a “smoke screen” to hide a secret space program, overseen by NSA, the CIA and a secret branch of the U.N., which is so secret that even some U.S. Presidents and Congressional oversight committees are not even aware of it.
Secret Science and the Secret Space Program will document and provide an in depth look at this secret science and technology and the secret space program that has already colonized Mars, built bases on our Moon and other planet’s moons and given us the ability to travel to the stars. “Black” science is so far ahead of acknowledged science that this book will seem like science fiction to many who read it.
Herbert G. Dorsey III received a degree in Electrical Engineering from University of California at Santa Barbara in 1982. In 1985, he became acquainted with the ideas of Thomas Bearden and John Bedini, which allowed for free energy generation but ran counter to his formal schooling. Herbert Dorsey realized that there were holes in the formal science that he was taught and resolved to become a free energy researcher. Along the way, he also discovered the science of anti-gravity. In the 1990s, he attended many UFO conferences and met many interesting people that worked on secret government projects and was amazed at what he learned from them. Now, he wishes to share that knowledge with you.
Spain: Military Aviator Recalls UFO Sighting over Menorca
A flier says he pursued the object involved in the Manises Incident right to the island. The retired air force officer described in detail his pursuit of unidentified objects while aboard a Mirage fighter – a chase that led him to Menorca.
The unknown flying object incident that occurred on 11 November 1979 and popularly known as the Manises Incident is probably Spain’s most famous UFO case. The mystery even reached the halls of congress, where Deputy Enrique Múgica requested an explanation of what had taken place. There have been ample discussions about the incident, particularly following the declassification of the Ejército del Aire (Spanish Air Force) files in 1994. But, two decades later, the story is once again in the news, and in this case, with a connection that involves Menorca.
All of this arose from an interview on Radio Valencia (Cadena SER) of one of the main witnesses, retired Air Force Captain Fernando Cámara. The military man complied with the order to takeoff from the Los Llanos Air Force Base in Albacete in a Mirage fighter with the goal of intercepting some red lights that were stalking a commercial flight of the now-defunct TAE airline, which had just taken off from Mallorca on its way to Tenerife, and was forced to make an emergency landing in Valencia with 109 passengers aboard. “I saw the light, although my radar didn’t pick up anything. I was flying some 1000 kilometers an hour, and when I caught up to it, the light went from being static to flying in front of me at the same speed. I was aware that the object had detected me, because my fighter’s alarm systems were triggered. But I was only able to see it with my own eyes,” said Cámara on the radio broadcast.
The military jet requested permission to go supersonic, but when the pilot managed to approach the object, it matched his speed. He decided to pursue it to Zaragoza, but he decided to break off pursuit. Returning to Valencia, he was asked to fly over the vicinity of Sagunto, where strange lights had also been seen. “When I got there, I found myself facing a white disk. It was very different from the other light, but the interference it caused on my plane was the same. I chased it to the Menorca area, but faced with the impossibility of reaching it, and given the lack of fuel, I decided to turn back,” he said. Source: Menorca (online newspaper) [Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Ruben Atienza (Menorca) and Guillermo Giménez (Planeta UFO)]
World-Changing Events Poised Ready To Break?
Jonathan Gray writes, “If you didn’t know, events have started to happen in Europe, USA and Australia right now that are set to change the world overnight.Big upheavals are coming to your life and that of your family members. And, I am still in shock after 5 months of checking and re-checking some ancient prophecies that foretell what is happening. In addition, after that, what is going to come. The Invasion of America, Europe, and Australia with terrorists swarming into position among millions of refugees. The most amazing prophecy: how global Islam will come to its end and another prophecy has revealed in startling detail the Vatican’s rise and its sudden coming dramatic end. Dire predictions of war with China, North Korea, and possibly Russia.
Whenever predictions claimed disaster, I found it was helpful to pray:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” . 2 Chronicles 7:14
Stonehenge and Menhirs Energy
Cosmic Energy Research reports they have been studying ancient stone structures and their related places of power and energy. First, there were separate stones of various sizes, called menhirs, later followed by groupings of stones, then more sophisticated big circle structures like Knowth shown here up to pyramids. Archeologists assume that menhirs were built for cult-related, agricultural, calendar, and astronomic purposes. From our research, it was discovered that most of the menhirs were structures that created energy or were chosen because of their inherent power. Earth bulwarks can also be called menhirs such as Knowth in Ireland (shown).
Menhirs focus or accumulate energy. In order for a menhir to function as an energy accumulator, it must be insulated from the bedrock with suitable natural materials. Expert literature states how the ground under earth bulwarks were adjusted. In his work “Stones of Time,” on Page 91 Martin Brennan describes how the structure in Knowth has been insulated”. Layers of grass and clay are sandwiched with layers of slate and pebble-stone. Hundreds of menhirs are located on the American continent, the United Kingdom, and China. Quartz for example is thought to induce clairvoyance and is ideal for crystal gazing. The association with crystals and spiritual communication is worldwide. Granite often have innate radioactivity, electrical and vibratory characteristics.
When I visited Stonehenge, my family and I could feel the energy from the stones and thought we could hear sound from the stones. This may be a type of healing energy or a method for communication, or even an anti gravity system. The boulders at Stonehenge weigh 25 tons and more and the Blue Stones were brought from a hundred miles away from Wales or Ireland. Firey balls of light and and frequent crop circles are reported in the area.
Maria Wheatley a curator of archeology at a top British Museum may agree with my concept of aliens on Earth. For the first time in the history of Stonehenge, Maria Wheatley reveals that a mysterious people constructed numerous sacred sites that surround Stonehenge. They displayed distinctive facial features, their skulls were elongated, and they ruled the locality.
In Maria’s new book “Stonehenge’s Elongated Skulls”, the people with the long skulls built long structures and later Stonehenge, Avebury and numerous archeological sites. People with elongated skulls were rulers in Egypt, Sumer, and Peru and associated with royalty. The mummified remains of Pharaohs often have elongated skulls. Pharaoh Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti in Egypt who believed in one God had elongated skulls.
Maria has evaluated the remains of the elongated skulls and determined they were all murdered and their long lost history lost. Apparently, a group of invaders decided to eradicate the people of the elongated skulls after they settled the area for hundreds of years. She has also discovered a Neolithic High Queen that was laid to rest in the largest and longest barrow ever constructed in prehistoric Britain. Her book explains the untold history of the elongated skulls and how it was hidden from the Western world. Website.
It is thought the elongated skulls found in the Stonehenge area may not be human. They could come from an entirely new species that fits outside of the known evolutionary tree with the capability of advanced technology.
Cosmic Energy Research reports the people of the elongated skull apparently were able to utilize the energy in the stones to create heat or to formulate them in some way. In Western Europe, sixty fortresses were built using technology that indicates they could melt or form stone. Arthur C. Clarke has experimentally proved that using the firewood available at that time they could not reach the necessary temperatures to melt the stone. Thus, we can speculate that transforming or accumulating some type of cosmic energy gained the necessary temperature to melt the stone. Cosmic Energy Research also claims it can be derived that by connecting energy sources in a suitable manner, the energy components could also be used for defense purposes. The frequent sightings of UFOs in the area suggest the craft may have also used this energy.
The skull shown with teeth was found at West Kennet Long Barrow not far from Stonehenge. The other picture is from NASA showing the skull or a sculptured rock from Mars that suggests Martians or other aliens had elongated skulls. Some areas of Mars have pyramids and Pharaoh like statues. The entire Stonehenge area has exceptional people with elongated skulls that may have come from Mars or some other planet attempting to reproduce similar structures on Mars. They built Silbury Hill the largest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe called the “Hill of the Shining Beings, We know that Mars atmosphere and water diminished with some type of catastrophe and that gravity there is much less than on Earth. Mars gravity is only one sixth of Earths and to launch a spaceship from Mars would be relatively easy compared to a craft leaving Earth.
Some of the persons with elongated skulls were buried in the West Kennet Long Barrow a Neolithic tomb , situated on a prominent chalk ridge, near Silbury Hill, one-and-a-half miles south of Avebury in Wiltshire, England. The construction of the West Kennet Long Barrow commenced about 3600 BC, which is some 400 years before the first stage Stonehenge, and it was in use until around 2500 BC. Indiscriminate digging has damaged the mound, but archaeological excavations in 1859 and 1955-56 found at least 46 burials, ranging from babies to elderly persons many with elongated skulls. Hundreds of elongated skulls have now been found of unarmed men killed at ages of 3 to 25 years old indicating genocide.
Wiltshire is where many crop circles are located with one above the Long Barrow. UFOs and strange phenomena are frequently reported in the area. Some people claim Wiltshire is a portal where craft from other planets arrive.
Why has the circle always been considered sacred by all peoples throughout time? Whether made of stone, or simply drawn upon a piece of paper, the circular shape continually generates concentric rings of polarized energy, which can be sensed and dowsed.
Maria Wheatley states, “We have studied and understand the archaeology of Avebury; however archaeology alone can never fully answer why such magnificent sites as Avebury, Silbury Hill and Stonehenge, barrows and Cursus were skillfully crafted by our ancient ancestors.
The prehistoric architects of ancient sites were acutely aware of the Earth’s magnetic energies, which they carefully integrated into the foundation plans of their monuments using a long-lost technology. At Stonehenge, for example, certain megaliths, such as the Altar Stone, were positioned above a geometric earth energy pattern, known as geospiral, to harness the earth force, which perpetually charged the stone with magnetic energy. We can locate these enigmatic patterns in the ritual landscape and begin to sense their energetic power.”
“Looking through the viewfinder of digital cameras – vertical columns of rose colored light rising up from the ground. Yet, our eyes alone could not see the Earth’s whispering light. This is a reoccurring phenomenon associated with contained earth energy. To understand the wider picture we need to recognize the intimate relationship between the Earth Force and the stones.
There is quite a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that extraterrestrial civilizations choose to enter our world at specific planetary locations. These are either on ley-lines or on fault lines where the earth’s electromagnetic field is stronger or weaker than in the surrounding area.”
Note: There is strong evidence that ancient humans worshiped disc shaped and cylinder shaped flying objects. American Indians in Ohio were buried in their mounds with small flat flint circular stones. Although, writing has not been found, it is possible to infer that disc objects observed in the sky became objects of worship. In his scholarly book, “Egyptian Ideas of the Afterlife,” British Egyptologist E.A. Wallis Budge said that the ancient Egyptians were preoccupied with life beyond the grave and that over thousands of years ancient Egyptians had a wealth beliefs concerning immortality and the afterlife. Ancient Egyptian records described a fleet of UFOs moving across the clear blue sky over ancient Egypt.
By Mary Joyce, website editor reports, Entrance into Mars interior discovered,” more satellite images of Mars entrances have been revealed in a video posted December 5, 2015. At first glance, they may seem to be the same entrance, but a closer look reveals different dimensions as well as different details around the edges of the entryways.
According to estimates by Stephen Hannard who discovered the first entrance that it is a huge 3700 feet high and 528 feet wide. CLICK HERE to view a nine minute YouTube video about Mars entrances. It shows how the entryways were found and includes commentary. Hidden objects YouTube
Light from Black Hole
Anything falling into black holes cannot escape, not even light, earning black holes their name. However, as disks of gas and dust fall or accrete onto black holes — say, as black holes rip apart nearby stars — friction within these accretion disks can superheat them to 18 million degrees Fahrenheit (10 million degrees Celsius) or more, making them glow extraordinarily brightly. [The Strangest Black Holes in the Universe]Scientists discovered accreting black holes in the Milky Way more than 40 years ago. Previous research suggested that the accretion disks of black holes can have dramatic effects on galaxies. For instance, streams of plasma known as relativistic jets that spew out from accreting black holes at near the speed of light can travel across an entire galaxy, potentially shaping its evolution. However, much remains unknown about how accretion works, since matter can behave in very complex ways as it spirals into black holes, said study lead author Mariko Kimura, an astronomer at Kyoto University in Japan, and her colleagues.
To learn more about the mysterious process of accretion, researchers in the new study analyzed V404 Cygni, a binary system composed of a black hole about nine times the mass of the sun and a companion star slightly less massive than the sun. Located about 7,800 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, the swan, V404 Cygni possesses one of the black holes closest to Earth.
After 26 years during which the system was dormant, astronomers detected an outburst of X-rays from V404 Cygni in 2015 that lasted for about two weeks. This activity from the accretion disk of V404 Cygni’s black hole briefly made it one of the brightest sources of X-rays seen in the universe.
Following this outburst, the researchers detected flickering visible light from V404 Cygni, whose fluctuations varied over timescales of 100 seconds to 150 minutes. Normally, astronomers monitor black holes by looking for X-rays or gamma-rays.
“We find that activity in the vicinity of a black hole can be observed in optical light at low luminosity for the first time,” Kimura told “These findings suggest that we can study physical phenomena that occur in thevicinity of the black hole using moderate optical telescopes without high-spec X-ray or gamma-ray telescopes.” Thanks to
New Jersey Lakehurst Naval Base Sighting
Near Lakewood Naval Base –I was about 12 or 13 years old in June 1963, when I heard a loud humming and fluctuating sound from my front yard I looked up but trees obstructed my view until the craft slowly moved into view right above the tree tops. It then stopped over me. I felt paralyzed and knew to pay attention to everything I saw. The craft was shaped like a disc, but it tapered in the back to a point. It was a little more round at the top and flatter (but not flat) underneath, like a disc. It had three elongated lights around the front, but were spaced. It was about 30-40 feet in diameter. After a few moments, it moved slowly over me and that is when I saw the back of it. I was very scared, thinking- “What is going to happen to me?
I felt like those inside knew I was there and they were observing me and had called me outside. The reason I say this is because I can’t understand why no one else in the house came out. It was so loud! After the craft had moved very slowly over me a very short distance, it took off extremely fast. I became completely hysterical, screaming as I ran into the house. I yelled at my parents to call the police the government but nobody believed me. It wasn’t shaped like a plane and didn’t sound like a plane. My dad went out to look around and said he saw a transport plane out there in the distance. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In December 2015, there were 624 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In November 2015 there were 791 sightings reported to MUFON CMS.
United States 496, Canada 31, UK 19, Australia, Brazil, India 6, Germany 5, and South Africa 4.
Sightings in the United States were California 90, Florida 29, Texas 28, Michigan 25, New York 20, Pennsylvania 18, Tennessee 18, Arizona 15, Missouri New Jersey, North Carolina, and Ohio 14.
In December, the National UFO Reporting Center had 421 reports. About half of November’s 888 reports.
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Filer’s Files #5 -2016 Secret Space Program - PART II
Filer’s Files #5 -2016 Secret Space Program - PART II
Sightings in the United States
California Lights
Beach — I didn’t really notice the UFO until I looked closer at the picture. I was on the beach taking pictures on September 20. 2015.
An Unidentified Flying Object was captured in the background that moved in the photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Fork — At 4:18 PM, on January 1 2016, I was taking photographs of the sunset. I did not notice anything in the sky but later I enlarged the photographs, and noticed an object. It appeared to be moving from south to north. I used a Samsung Galaxy 5 phone to take the pictures. The lights on it changed from the pictures and it kept the same shape although a turn was a blur in one of the pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Disc
Bogota – I did not witness the event but saw the news on Facebook, an hour after it happened on January 24, 2016. I found a video on YouTube, and Twitter. There are five balls emitting intense blue light between 8 and 9 pm, moving in the sky.
They changed their pattern of flight, sometimes in a V pattern, then in an M pattern. I do not know what happened at the end of the event, if they landed or disappeared behind the trees.
There are many witnesses. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
I saw the airplane and saw something flying beside the plane. I had my camera with me so I shot the photo of the craft.
I saw how the object was six times faster than the plane flying in the direction of the sea (Is Veschunden.)
It was so fast. It was a great experience during my vacation on April 23, 2012 and it looks like a planet. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Object
Turner –I did not know about this craft until I got home and reviewed the footage a few days later after I shot it on December 25, 2015.
I also had a night time sighting on January 5, 2016. I was standing by my car on Pearl Street facing Upper Street on cross road. (MUFON Sighting Report 73673). .I would like to thank my two friends in the UK for their help with photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Orbs
Reisterstown – I was at my house shoveling out my truck with my neighbors on January 21, 2016. I noticed a beautiful cloud formation and started taking photos one after another. Later when admiring the strange looking clouds, I started to see hundreds of orbs and black cone shaped pyramids in the clouds. Please evaluate photos has there is another explanation for these strange clouds and objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle
Bound Brook — I looked out my window at our middle school with tee highway parallel to my apartment building and runs east to west. To the east of my apartment is the Newark airport. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see planes flying low to land at airport. When I went to the window, I saw above the tree line and the school flying west to east 60+ unidentifiable objects on November 8, 2015. Some in formation holding altitude and some not but all moving silently east… I went to get my phone, when I returned I saw at least 60 lights. When I put the phone down, I grabbed binoculars and got a look at the last one. I saw a red triangle glowing with an orange under glow to it. The last one then sped up, moved in a diagonal direction, and disappeared. However, I know what planes, drones and lanterns look like and they did not fit any of those disruptions. Also my phone wi fi was going in and out, normally this doesn’t happen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Light
Delco – On January 19, 2016, I was in the bathroom talking to wife and had this energy come over me and my inner voice said, “Go outside” twice, and then I heard “West”.
I immediately grabbed my wife and went outside, and took pictures of a Bright Star. It then glided up, turned and seemed to wink at me as it floated away!
It was amazing for me, but scared my wife! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Object
Saylor Park – On January 19, 2016, the first two pictures show the object behind the jet by about an inch. I first saw the object because of flashes of light that I thought was the sun’s reflection. I watched it move from left of the plane to almost over it, and to in front of the plane. These movements were instantaneous.
It would disappear and then reappear in the new location. The plane was heading southwest around 8 AM. After a few minutes, I pulled over to take some pictures. In the third picture, it had disappeared from the field of view, but reappeared three more times. I saw two more flashes directly overhead and it bolted to the northern horizon leaving a visible wake in front of it. This object cleared 140 degrees of the sky in less than three seconds.
Note:If I were looking at the photos alone and did not use the sighting information provided by the witness, I would say that the object is a portion of “un-evaporated” contrail. However, the witness saw the object disappear, reappear and move erratically so this explanation is doubtful. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Oregon Light
Portland– On January 16, 2016, the witness was driving southbound on I-205 at 9 PM and noticed a bright slow moving fiery object. He pulled off Highway 14 and took a video.
He said, “Several vehicles had pulled off the road looking at the object that moved slowly and then disappeared into the clouds.”
The object was oval shaped and left no smoke trail. The object was visible for three to five minutes. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Texas Orbs
Colleyville— Two separate craft were both zigzagging then taking off in opposite directions on January 22, 2016.
I observed them up to up to six different times. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Orb
Everett – On January 16, 2016, I saw seven unidentified flying objects travel over Everett, WA, from south to north. They were not planes, helicopters, drones or anything else I could determine. They were glowing orange, in a round bubble shape and were flying erratically. They were more like hovering with no sound, one after another, about ten seconds apart. They seemed too big and moving too fast to be any kind of Chinese candle. One of them flew in front of the moon just as I was taking the picture.
Note: The witness has made a good argument that the orbs were not Chinese Lanterns or other flotation devices. The winds aloft were from the south which means that orbs were moving with the wind. This “suggests” that they could have been flotation devices or lanterns. Thanks to William Puckett, DirectorWebsite
Sightings All Over the World
Australia Blonde Woman
Sydney — When I was young I had sleep paralysis, and would wake up, but could not move, and had to wiggle a finger until I could break free. Often when I was falling asleep, an electronic sound would fill my ears. I was drawn to light; I often would stare at the bulbs. Once I was staring at the bulb and a fly flew into my eyeball on September 9, 2015. It crawled into my eye, and bopped myself on the back of the head to get it out. When I was 10 years, old a buzz sound came and I saw a beautiful irresistible blonde woman like creature before me. She positioned herself so that I couldn’t see her hands or feet. She was irresistible, I felt intense sexual feelings for her, but she disappeared when I approached. The next time she came to me she allowed me to approach, this but the world burst into a blue flame, exploded into light, then I blacked out.
This was my sexual awakening. After my experience, women have always been drawn to me, throwing themselves at me since 1981. When I was in the Navy, I had an unexplained object removed from my foot. The doctors said from the x-rays it looked like a sewing needle pieces deep in my left heel. The doctors were being strange about it, but they did say they couldn’t get the last piece. I had no memory of stepping on a sewing needle and why was it now in pieces? Thanks to MUFON CMS Kings Langley — I am a police officer for a violent station and I’ve seen and dealt with things no ordinary person would wish upon anyone. But, this actually made me freeze. Because it is extra terrestrial and wasn’t human. I wasn’t scared just frozen. When it knew I was following, it zipped up horizontally into the low grey clouds. I told my close friends and they said NASA sighted a UFO in space hanging over earth on 2 July 2015 so who knows. About 6 am on the 12th of July 2015, I was travelling east along Joseph Banks Drive cross of Whitby Rd Kings Langley. Thanks to Natalie.
Canada Orb
Winnipeg – I found when getting directions on Red River Boulevard East and while travelling east on Main Street an object in the sky.
The silver SUV is in the left hand lane and an object is above the tree line by a gas station on the right side of the image. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iceland Light
Reykjavik — We had a diner reservation at The Pearl Restaurant on December 2, 2015, and decided to take a short cut through some woods. We walked a little before coming to a clearing and saw The Pearl all lit up in front of us. We took some pictures on my IPhone then went inside to eat. Afterwards, when looking through the photos, we noticed a rectangular white light to the right of the building. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Object
On January 18, 2016, I was at the back of my house and noticed an object along with another long object next to it. The other long object seemed to be emitting black smoke. I then ran inside for my camera. When I returned there was only one object left that I quickly started recording. I had no clue what the object was and was very shocked and startled. It appeared almost round and dark. I went inside, later went out to see the object was still there for only a minute, and then disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kenya Light
Nairobi –. I was just looking at the sky at school and saw a light flicker quickly in the sky on January 21, 2016.
I thought it was a shooting star or a light moving in a circular path. It was a light patch, like an orbit in the sky. It was obvious I was scared when it suddenly just disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Light
Auckland — I was outside on the balcony of my two-storey home having a cigarette at exactly 9:35 pm on January 21, 2016, when I saw a large yellowish ball of bright light that was bigger than the moon flying through the sky. At first sight, it was just above the treetops. It flew through the sky at a steady pace much faster than a plane or satellite. I called for my mother who was also witness to it. It was completely silent and began ascending towards the moon. It flew further away and became smaller until it was slightly bigger than a star and completely vanished in a blink. I heard neighbors commenting on it and believe they were witness to it as well. The moment it disappeared, I heard numerous car alarms go off from around the neighborhood. I was in complete shock yet excited about the encounter. I have never seen anything like it before and I am 100% certain on what I saw. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Qatar Lights
Doha, Katara — the sky was cloudy, I was going to my car after the festival, and I see these two weird looking spherical or diamond shaped objects on January 26, 2015.
It was around 7 pm, one flying behind and slightly above the other by around 20-40 meters moving in the same speed. The objects had a very dim light on the bottom and then suddenly after they passed us the light increased in intensity like turning a candle on. A very bright white light kept increasing in altitude into cloud cover. I have witnessed this with a friend and a bunch of people who were also surprised. There was an airplane just seconds before seeing the UFOs. My IPhone 4 was around 70% and after hours, I found my phone totally dead black and not response. I sudden battery failure?? I used my charger and it was fine. It was moving quietly smoothly and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Flying Objects
Halifax — On early evening Friday I was walking my dog in the local park when I noticed that the moon looked good on January 22, 2016,. Using my Samsung Galaxy S4 I took two photos with a gap of about 20 seconds between the pictures of the moon.
Then I put my phone away and forgot about it until I checked my photos today and spotted something strange. There seemed to be a saucer shaped quickly passing silently in front of the moon. I do not know the objects size. I never noticed anything whilst taking the photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
St.Helens — Robert Newton writes, “One of several alien Starships hovering were over St. Helens, on Saturday January 9, 2016. This about 1.5 miles away, at 15,000 feet altitude at 9:45 pm!
The object was 12 miles East of Liverpool and I stood about 150 yards west of Chalon Way multi-storey car park without my tripod! I was on the way from Wetherspoon’s,Running Horses Pub! View or comment on Robert Newton’s album »
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Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on January 28, 2016, purports to reveal how sleep talking-like mirror-encrypted messages in NASA’s communications link between ground control and seven crew members of the Space Shuttle Challengeranticipated both death and search and recovery operations prior to what has been described as the disintegration of the vehicle’s launch assembly 30 years ago today. Mission STS-51-L Flight Director Jay Greene along with Data Processing Systems Engineer A. F. Algate, Flight Dynamics Officer Brian Perry and Ground Control Engineer N. R. Talbott are named in the video as sources of the involuntary disclosures.
CBS News reported earlier in their coverage of the anniversary of this historic event how the mother of astronaut Christa McAuliffe wept openly during the launch before any sign of danger in what reporter Lesley Stahl termed a “premonition” of her daughter’s passing. It was CBS Television who would later audit the analytic procedure used to detect what had remained secret Challenger premonitions undiscovered until the publication of today’s new video.
In multiple closed-door on-camera sessions, journalists and investigative reporters from Cleveland, Ohio’s 19 Action News attempted to discern the mechanism by which this reporter was shown to reveal the secrets of on-air staff and local newsmakers prior to running a story that would garner the station a number one position in the Nielsen sweeps for November, 2006. A sober reading by the anchor who introduced that segment on-air spoke volumes to the lasting impression and respect felt throughout the station for what became one of the great moments in local television news for that season.
Premonitions of death and disaster populate literature of ancient cultures including Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” and the “Mahabharata” (Skr. “Great India”) of Veda Vyasa. Such portrayals resound with faculties of mind transcendent of time possessing extensive knowledge of the past, present and future intrinsic to human experience of the everyday and the extraordinary. The “Bhagavad Gita” contained within the Mahabharata offers possibly the world’s oldest Remote Viewing transcript as the entire text is composed of a narrative uttered by the seer Sanjaya concerning events taking place on a distant battlefield.
The presence of previously undiscovered forensic information concerning secret premonitions in NASA’s ground control communications feed was detected while monitoring mirror-filtered renderings of the ground crew statements. The NASA video soundtrack from the space agency’s commemorative resource tape was loaded in the edit bay of a digital audio workstation then subjected to mirror-filtering and time-expansion in preparation for a detailed auditory study. The conduct of this procedure was informed by best practices refined through repeatedly providing military, forensic and medical-grade intelligence that had been successfully vetted through practical real-world feedback over nearly 20 years of unmatched research and reporting. has previously reported how the same procedure publicly revealed details of the Iraq War, identified the BTK Killer, named Russian spy Anna Chapman’s accomplice and uncovered the UFOs and ETs in Edward Snowden’s NSA cache weeks, months and years before such information became widely-accepted public knowledge. Below is a partial transcript of NASA ground control’s statements from January 28 1986, preceded by the pre-incident and post-incident secret messages encrypted backwards therein.
A death:Data processing systems (DPS) engineer A.F. Algate, mission control, Houston: “Liftoff confirmed.”
Big mess. A large search for body: Booster systems engineer: “Three at 65.”
Nesbitt: “… Three good fuel cells. Three good APUs (auxiliary power units)…”
Flight Director Jay Greene: Sixty-five, FIDO…”
Flight dynamics officer (FIDO) Brian Perry: “T-del confirms throttles.”
Ground control engineer N.R. Talbott, mission control: “Flight, GC, we’ve had negative contact, loss of downlink (of radio voice or data from Challenger).”
Greene: “OK, all operators, watch your data carefully.”
FIDO: “Flight, FIDO, till we get stuff back he’s on his cue card for abort modes.”
Greene: “Procedures, any help?”
Unknown: “Negative, flight, no data.”
President Reagan in his address to the nation concerning these events affirmed how “The future doesn’t belong to the faint-hearted. It belongs to the brave.” Website Spaceflight Now offers their version of a NASA Challengerincident timeline along with a complete transcript of voice communications conducted that morning’s events.
Meanwhile in the blogosphere, the astronauts never died but instead lived on to resume normal lives.
The meeting in the gardens of Castel Gandolo: The Good Pope, he met an alien before his death in 1961.
The meeting in the gardens of Castel Gandolo: The Good Pope, he met an alien before his death in 1961.
Angelo Roncalli, the Good Pope, he met an alien before his death in 1961.
The meeting in the gardens of Castel Gandolo. All witnessed by Loris Francesco Capovilla. The private secretary of Pope John XXIII. The news appeared in a British newspaper and was later taken over by Sun in 1985. But no one paid any attention.
Today that meeting back in the limelight thanks to a video appeared on YouTube.
It goes around the world. That’s the whole story of a “contact” very special. Walked. The lake is a short walk, the silence of one of the most beautiful towns in Italy. Walked. As they had done a thousand times in those beautiful summer afternoon. Side by side. As two friends. How ordinary people. Who want to sit a bit ‘on the sidelines. Out of the daily routine. It was July. One afternoon in July 1961, when it happened. “They had over our heads. Lights. Were colored lights. Blue. Orange. Amber.
A few minutes, and then … “. And then, it happened. The imponderable. The impossible. What is also difficult to tell. So in one breath. The lights are spaceships. The spaceships are discs in the sky blue of an afternoon in Castel any Gandolo. They move silently. Are. For a few minutes on those two figures unmistakable walking side by side. How ordinary people. Then the contact. One of the spacecraft detaches from the flock. Lands. Stops “on the south side of the garden.” The tailgate opens and the cockpit is something out.
... ‘”absolutely human.” Only. Just … has a light around. A light that surrounds him. Fell to their knees. The two. Then he got up and went without hesitation to Man. Towards that being “absolutely human” wrapped in a soft light and delicate. Penetrating. They talked about. “For about twenty minutes.” But they could not hear those voices. “I did not hear anything.” But talking. Gesticulating. For twenty minutes. 1200, infinite seconds. Then the man turned and went back to where he had arrived. He looked at me. And he wept.
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Planeet X: bestaat 'ie dan toch?
Planeet X: bestaat 'ie dan toch?
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Lang hoorden theorieën over een negende planeet in ons zonnestelsel thuis op fora voor doem- en complotdenkers. Maar daar kan op korte termijn wel eens verandering in komen!
De ontdekking Wetenschappers hebben de planeet nog niet direct waargenomen. Ze leiden het bestaan van de planeet af uit het zwaartekrachtseffect dat deze op zes Kuipergordelobjecten zou hebben. De Kuipergordelobjecten hebben allemaal elliptische banen, maar volgen dezelfde richting in de fysieke ruimte. De kans dat dat toeval is, is volgens de onderzoekers slechts 0.007 procent. Maar wat veroorzaakt dan de bijzondere koers van deze objecten? Simulaties tonen aan dat er maar één passende verklaring is: een ons nu nog onbekende planeet.
De oranje baan rechts is de baan van de negende planeet: planeet X. Het kleine ringetje om de zon is de baan van Neptunus. De andere banen zijn Kuipergordelobjecten, die worden beïnvloed door planeet X.
De zoektocht naar planeet X Na de ontdekking van Neptunus in 1846 gingen wetenschappers massaal op zoek naar planeet X. De banen van Uranus en Neptunus vertoonden namelijk afwijkingen die alleen verklaard konden worden door de aanwezigheid van een eventuele negende planeet. Volgens voorspellingen van William Pickering en Percival Lowell schuilde er nog een grote planeet achter de baan van Neptunus. Jaren verstreken en er werden in de negentiende eeuw tientallen voorspellingen gedaan van de omlooptijd, positie en massa van planeet X, maar zonder succes. De mysterieuze planeet werd niet gevonden.
In de twintigste eeuw haakten veel wetenschappers af. Lowell overleed in 1916, waardoor de zoektocht naar planeet X tijdelijk stopte. Een vriend zei ooit dat het feit dat Lowell de negende planeet niet kon vinden een strop voor hem was. Astronoom Clyde Tombaugh zette het levenswerk van Percival Lowell voort en begon – als een van de weinigen – te zoeken naar de negende planeet. Op 23 januari 1930 maakte Tombaugh een foto van een klein stukje hemel. Zes dagen later bracht hij dit gebied opnieuw in kaart met zijn 13 inch astrograaf. Toen hij de platen achter elkaar afspeelde, zag Tombaugh een klein wit stipje verplaatsen: Pluto.
Pluto wordt echter niet gezien als planeet X, daar deze dwergplaneet te klein is om de banen van grote planeten te beïnvloeden. In 1931 dachten wetenschappers nog dat Pluto even zwaar was als de aarde, maar na verloop van tijd daalden de schattingen. In 1978 werd de massa van Pluto vastgesteld op 0,2% van de aarde (oftewel 1/500ste van de aarde). Na 1978 is de zoektocht naar Lowells planeet X hervat, maar tot op heden zonder succes. Wel zijn er relatief grote Kuipergordelobjecten gevonden, zoals Sedna, Quaoar, Makemake en Eris.
Planeet X werd nooit ontdekt en nieuwe metingen van onder meer de baan van Uranus toonden aan dat er ook niks mis was met die baan en dat er dus geen Planeet X nodig was om deze te verklaren. Maar zelfs daarna bleef het idee van Planeet X zo af en toe opduiken. Bijvoorbeeld in 2012 nog, toen velen – ingegeven door de Maya-kalender – dachten dat de aarde zou vergaan en dat Planeet X daar een leidende rol in zou hebben. En nu suggereert nieuw onderzoek dus voorzichtig dat er inderdaad een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel huist. De baan ervan is al voorzichtig in kaart gebracht en geen reden tot paniek. Wetenschappers zijn dan misschien een negende planeet op het spoor, het is niet de onheil brengende planeet X.
Grote afstand Maar nu is er dan eindelijk bewijs dat er toch echt een grote planeet in de Kuipergordel schuilgaat. Dat we die planeet nog nooit eerder gespot hebben, is goed te verklaren. Vermoed wordt dat de planeet zo’n 90 miljard kilometer van ons verwijderd is. Bovendien moet een telescoop maar net op het juiste moment de ogen richten op het stukje ruimte waar de veronderstelde planeet zich op dat moment bevindt.
Slag om de arm Het is dus zeker niet ondenkbaar dat ons zonnestelsel nog een planeet bevat. Maar tegelijkertijd moeten we een flinke slag om de arm houden. De planeet is immers nog niet gedetecteerd. In feite voorspellen de onderzoekers – op basis van modellen – dat er op grote afstand van de zon nog een planeet te vinden is. En hoe overtuigend dat bewijs ook is; het is pas zeker als we de planeet daadwerkelijk gespot hebben.
Keck en Subaru Dat spotten van die planeet hoeft echter geen tientallen jaren meer te duren, zo vertelde onderzoeker Mike Brown eerder deze week aan “De kans is heel, heel groot dat we Planeet X gaan vinden binnen een periode van vijf jaar.” De Keck-telescopen en Subaru-telescoop zijn – op het moment dat de planeet op het verste punt van zijn baan staat, de aangewezen instrumenten om de planeet te spotten.
WISE Het enthousiasme van Brown werkt aanstekelijk. Maar hoe verhoudt zijn voorspelling zich tot een onderzoek uit 2014 dat het bestaan van een grote negende planeet uitsloot? Het onderzoek – uitgevoerd met behulp van ruimtetelescoop WISE – gooit het idee van Brown niet direct aan gruzelementen. WISE sloot het bestaan van een planeet groter dan Saturnus uit, maar de planeet die Brown voor zich ziet, is kleiner. En dat is dan ook de reden dat deze in 2014 niet in gegevens van WISE is opgedoken.
Hard bewijs voor het bestaan van de negende planeet mag dan ontbreken; hard bewijs dat de planeet niet bestaat, is er tot op heden ook niet. En dus zijn het spannende tijden. We zien de wetenschap op z’n best: hypotheses ontwikkelen, toetsen en uiteindelijk bevestigen of ontkrachten.
Tot op heden hebben we in de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven vooral geluisterd. Zonder resultaat: we horen niets. Wordt het dan misschien tijd om naast luisteren ook te gaan praten, oftewel: berichtjes naar ET te sturen?
Zijn we helemaal alleen? Onderzoekers kunnen het zich moeilijk voorstellen. Naarmate ze meer onderzoek doen naar het universum en nieuwe planeten ontdekken, komen ze meer en meer tot de conclusie dat de aarde met haar ingrediënten voor leven helemaal niet zo uniek is. En waarom zou het leven op aarde dat dan wel zijn? Theoretisch gezien lijkt het vinden van buitenaards leven dan ook een kwestie van tijd.
SETI Maar tijd..tja…dat hebben we eigenlijk niet. Wij mensen zijn ongeduldig en velen vinden dat buitenaardse leven liever vandaag dan morgen. En dus werd er enkele jaren geleden actie ondernomen. Men startte misschien wel het beroemdste project gericht op het vinden van (intelligent) buitenaards leven: SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Met enorme radiotelescopen wordt continu ‘geluisterd’: uiteindelijk hoopt men zo een signaal op te vangen dat overduidelijk afkomstig is van een buitenaardse beschaving en dus bewijs te vinden voor het bestaan van buitenaards leven.
Luisteren naar buitenaards leven. Afbeelding: SETI.
METI Maar hoewel aan SETI verbonden onderzoekers dus al een tijdje hun oor te luister hebben liggen, hebben ze nog niets opgevangen dat wijst op het bestaan van intelligent leven buiten de aarde. Het maakt sommige mensen nóg ongeduldiger. En ze pleiten voor een andere – aanzienlijk actievere – aanpak: niet luisteren, maar spreken! Ze willen actief berichten de ruimte insturen en hopen vervolgens dat buitenaards leven door die berichten ons weet te vinden. Deze aanpak wordt ook wel aangeduid als METI (Messaging to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) of actieve SETI.
De Areciboboodschap bevatte de meest uiteenlopende informatie: onder meer een tekening van de mens en het zonnestelsel, de getallen 1 tot en met 10 en de atoomnummers van de elementen die de bouwstenen van ons DNA vormen.
Areciboboodschap Het idee van METI is zeker niet nieuw. Sterker nog: wij mensen hebben al wel eens doelbewust berichten de ruimte ingestuurd. In 1974 bijvoorbeeld de Arecibo Message. Met behulp van de Arecibo Radio Telescope werd een radioboodschap richting het grote Herculesbolhoopcluster (op zo’n 21.000 lichtjaar van de aarde) gestuurd. En in de jaren die volgden werden nog regelmatig met opzet boodschappen de ruimte ingestuurd. Een antwoord kregen we nooit.
Discussie Ondanks die initiatieven blijft de mensheid toch voornamelijk een luisterende soort. Want terwijl SETI jaarlijks een flink budget heeft om het oor te luisteren te leggen en dat allemaal ook heel gecoördineerd verloopt, zijn de pogingen om berichten naar ET te versturen een stuk minder professioneel. Vaak gaat het om een eenmalige actie, meer bedoeld om aandacht van het publiek te vragen voor de wetenschap of telescoop in kwestie dan de aandacht van aliens te trekken. De boodschappen zijn bovendien weinig substantieel en soms zelfs ludiek van aard. In de meeste gevallen gaan de zenders er niet eens vanuit dat ze de aandacht van aliens gaan trekken. Kortom: er is tot op heden geen serieuze poging ondernomen om actief een bericht naar buitenaardse wezens te sturen. En daar moet verandering in komen, zo vinden een aantal onderzoekers. Vorig weekend werd daar tijdens een bijeenkomst van deAmerican Association for the Advancement of Scienceover gediscussieerd. Want actief berichten sturen naar een buitenaardse beschaving: dat is een plan met voor- en tegenstanders.
Niet doen! Een argument waar tegenstanders vrijwel direct mee op de proppen komen, is dat we niet weten waar we contact mee leggen. We weten niet hoe het buitenaardse leven eruitziet en welke intenties en vaardigheden het heeft. En wat als dat buitenaardse leven veel geavanceerder is dan wij en ook nog eens kwade bedoelingen heeft? Wat roepen we dan over onszelf af? Tevens wijzen tegenstanders er graag op dat we SETI nog een kans moeten geven. Tientallen jaren zoeken naar buitenaards leven lijkt in onze optiek misschien lang, maar het kost nu eenmaal tijd om het universum af te speuren. Waarom zouden we het vertrouwen in die aanpak nu al verliezen? Een ander tegenargument is het feit dat het wel even duren kan voor een buitenaardse beschaving onze boodschap opvangt. De afstanden in het universum zijn groot en een boodschap kan zomaar duizend jaar of langer onderweg zijn alvorens deze onderschept wordt. Tegen die tijd is de boodschap wellicht allang niet meer relevant (de geschiedenis leert dat er in 1000 jaar een hoop veranderen kan). Bovendien is het twijfelachtig of er 1000 jaar nadat we de boodschap verstuurd hebben nog iemand op aarde te vinden is die daadwerkelijk op een antwoord zit te wachten en dat ook op zal vangen.
Doen! Voorstanders kunnen zich totaal niet vinden in de angsten van de tegenstanders. Ze vinden het vaak zelfs angstaanjagender om geen contact te zoeken. Zo schrijft astronoom Alexander L. Zaitsev bijvoorbeeld: “Ik weet het niet zeker, maar volgens mij was Sebastian von Hoerner de eerste die in de jaren zestig aangaf dat ‘apathie’ of ‘verlies aan interesse’ de echte oorzaak is van het uitsterven van geavanceerde beschavingen (…) Beschavingen die gedwongen worden om zich te verschuilen en te beven voor vergezochte gevaren, zijn gedoemd om te verdwijnen.” De voorstanders benadrukken bovendien dat we wellicht een hoop van buitenaards leven kunnen leren: wellicht hebben zij problemen waar wij mee worstelen – ziektes, klimaatverandering – al onder de knie. Een ander veelgehoord argument is dat we – onbedoeld – al flink wat radiosignalen de ruimte insturen. Is het niet beter om naast die vaak vermakelijke radiosignalen ook een radiosignaal uit te zenden dat een heldere, substantiële boodschap heeft en een goed beeld geeft van de menselijke beschaving?
Aliens die reageren op onze berichtgeving: zitten we daar eigenlijk wel op te wachten?
Meer discussie In reactie op de discussie hebben een aantal mensen – waaronder een aantal wetenschappers – recentelijk een statement uitgegeven, waarin ze pleiten voor een wereldwijde discussie over dit vraagstuk. “We hebben het gevoel dat de beslissing om wel of niet een bericht uit te zenden gebaseerd moet zijn op een wereldwijde consensus en niet het resultaat moet zijn van de wensen van enkele individuen die toegang hebben tot krachtige communicatiemiddelen (…) Het opzettelijk seinen naar andere beschavingen in de Melkweg geeft aanleiding tot bezorgdheid voor alle mensen op aarde, zowel als het gaat om het bericht als de consequenties van het contact. Daarom moet wereldwijd een wetenschappelijke, politieke en humanitaire discussie plaatsvinden alvorens een bericht wordt verstuurd.”
Dat het een lastige discussie zal worden, is duidelijk. Dat komt vooral omdat de consequenties van het al dan niet versturen van een bericht niet te overzien zijn. We weten immers niet hoe het buitenaards leven dat we met ons bericht proberen te bereiken in elkaar steekt. Sterker nog: we weten niet eens of buitenaards leven bestaat. Hoe kunnen we dan een onderbouwde keuze voor of tegen het versturen van een bericht, maken? Het lijkt erop dat deze discussie – tegen wil en dank – toch vooral draait om het onderbuikgevoel dat mensen erbij hebben. En daarmee is het twijfelachtig of een wereldwijde consensus überhaupt mogelijk is. Maar laten we hier op eens een poging wagen. Wat vind jij? Moeten we actief op zoek gaan naar buitenaards leven door berichten de ruimte in te slingeren? En zoja, dan zijn we ook wel heel nieuwsgierig wat er volgens jou dan in die berichten zou moeten staan. Laat het ons hieronder weten!
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'We kunnen geen aliens vinden, omdat ze al zijn uitgestorven' 22 januari 2016Caroline Kraaijvanger47
'We kunnen geen aliens vinden, omdat ze al zijn uitgestorven.
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Waarom kunnen we geen buitenaards leven vinden? Omdat leven op andere planeten maar kort kan bestaan en snel uitsterft, aldus onderzoekers.
Wetenschappers vermoeden dat er in onze Melkweg alleen al miljarden leefbare planeten te vinden zijn. Je zou dan ook verwachten dat we al snel op een buitenaards wezen moeten stuiten. Maar dat is tot op heden niet gebeurd. Waar zitten die aliens toch?
ET is dood Wetenschappers van de Australian National University komen met een mogelijke verklaring voor het feit dat we nog steeds geen kennis hebben gemaakt met ET. ET is dood. “Het universum is waarschijnlijk gevuld met leefbare planeten, dus veel wetenschappers denken dat het moet wemelen va de aliens,” vertelt onderzoeker Aditya Chopra. “Jong leven is echter zo kwetsbaar, dat we denken dat het zelden snel genoeg evolueert om te kunnen overleven.”
Instabiele systemen “De meeste planetaire systemen zijn niet stabiel. Om een leefbare planeet te produceren, moeten levensvormen broeikasgassen zoals water en koolstofdioxide reguleren om de oppervlaktetemperatuur stabiel te houden.” Dat is wat levensvormen op aarde waarschijnlijk gedaan hebben. “Leven op aarde speelde waarschijnlijk een leidende rol in het stabiliseren van het klimaat van de planeet,” vertelt onderzoeker Charley Lineweaver.
De aarde, Venus en Mars De onderzoekers wijzen erop dat zo’n vier miljard jaar geleden in ons zonnestelsel meerdere leefbare planeten te vinden waren: de aarde, maar ook Venus en Mars waren mogelijk leefbaar. Maar ongeveer een miljard jaar nadat Venus en Mars waren ontstaan, trad er een – fatale – verandering op. Venus werd een broeikas en Mars werd ijskoud. Als er al leven op de twee planeten was ontstaan, dan moet het ergens in die periode – nog voor het in staat was om het klimaat te reguleren – het veld hebben geruimd.
Geen stabiliteit “Dat we nog geen signalen van aliens hebben gevonden, heeft mogelijk weinig te maken met de waarschijnlijkheid dat er leven of intelligent leven ontstaat,” aldus Chopra. In plaats daarvan zou het alles te maken hebben met het feit dat leven er niet snel genoeg in slaagt het klimaat op een planeet te reguleren, zodat het stabiel blijft. In feite wordt klimaatverandering aliens dus al in een vroeg stadium fataal.
Aliens die al in een vroeg stadium van hun evolutie uitsterven en zo aan detectie door mensen weten te ontsnappen. De onderzoekers noemen het de ‘Gaian Bottleneck’. “Een intrigerende voorspelling op basis van het Gaian Bottleneck-model is dat het merendeel van de fossielen in het universum afkomstig zal zijn van uitgestorven microbieel leven en niet van meercellige soorten zoals dinosaurussen of mensachtigen die miljarden jaren nodig hebben om te evolueren,” stelt Lineweaver.
UFO Near Space Station Makes Beam Of Light Scanning Earth! Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Near Space Station Makes Beam Of Light Scanning Earth! Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 28, 2016 Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and shows a UFO with a beam of light hitting Earth. The UFO is scanning the planet for some reason, probably trying to calculate the number of life forms/types in the ocean. Human pollution and how fast we destroy our own planet does concern them...since it was theirs long before it was ours. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 of states: These appeared at the right hand side of the screen briefly then moved out of frame again. I took a still photo of them and sharpened the picture which appears at the beginning and end of this short video. Streetcap1.
Secret Base Found In Nepal Himalaya Mountains, But Is It Govt Or Alien? Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Secret Base Found In Nepal Himalaya Mountains, But Is It Govt Or Alien? Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 28, 2016 Location of sighting: Kang Tanga Mountain, Nepal Coordinates: 27°47'43.40"N 86°49'6.40"E This is an excellent discovery by MexicoGeek of Youtube. This dark area on Google map is in the Himalaya mountains. Its along the highest ridge. There are two possibilities why this occurred. First, this could be an open area only visible with high end digital equipment. Meaning this could be a entrance way for UFOs to enter and exit, but a holographic wall is created to cover up so no one will notice it. Its actually on the wall of a cliff, so that not the direction any climber would take. Second, Google may have deliberately covered up this area so that we cannot see a top secret US govt military facility. You say Area 51 is, thats old school. There are newer and more secret bases located around the globe. Scott C. Waring
Watch Classified Video Of An Alien Craft In Phoenix Lights Event
Watch Classified Video Of An Alien Craft In Phoenix Lights Event
Former U.S. Air Force aviator has recently leaked a classified military video of the Phoenix Lights UFO phenomenon. It is being claimed that the footage showed a cockpit video of Lockheed-Martin F-16 and Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter jets.
The never-before-seen footage had received a lot of interest from the public as it showed the two fighter jets in action in the night when the famous Phoenix Lights UFO took place 19 years ago. The report further claimed that another footage has been obtained showing multiple civilian casualties.
Dubbed as one of the largest UFO sightings in North America, the Phoenix lights incident had alarmed thousands of Arizona residents when they apparently saw a massive object in the sky above Phoenix.
Several eyewitnesses reported a craft in diamond shape hovering over the city for a couple of hours. Until today, questions about the incident are still being asked. The eyewitnesses can still recall the phenomenon clearly, and the newly released video has stirred more tension on the infamous event.
Multiple internet documentaries have featured government denials of the incident, which has been the subject of intense scrutiny.
KWBTV news journalist David Collins released the newly leaked video on the internet this weekend. The footage allegedly depicts military and UFO on the night of the 1997 mass sighting in Phoenix.
Meet the Loon Copter, a Drone That Can Fly and Go Underwater
Meet the Loon Copter, a Drone That Can Fly and Go Underwater
Futurism/ M. A
We've seen our fair share of underwaterdrones before, but drones that are equally nimble in the air and beneath the water's surface are much more rare.
Enter Loon Copter: A drone that can fly, operate on the surface of water, or dive deep.
A project from Oakland University's Embedded Systems Research, the Loon Copter operates pretty similarly to other flying drones when airborne. When it lands on water, its buoyancy chamber keeps it floating on the surface, but the drone can also fill the chamber up, making it sink beneath the surface, where it tilts 90 degrees and uses its rotors to move around.
The drone can resurface by ejecting the ballast water, letting it go airborne once again and take off rom the water's surface.
The first prototype of the Loon Copter was tested in early 2015; a newer iteration is a semifinalist in the UAE Drones for Good Award, a competition whose finals are held in Dubai in early February.
Possible uses for such a versatile drone are many, including reconnaissance as well as search and rescue missions. Its advantages over traditional vehicles are many; for example, it's faster than a submarine and it can easily hover over an area of interest.
There's also room for improvement. The Oakland University team says priorities include extending wireless range underwater, underwater navigation and hull redesign for more efficient diving.
The Loon Copter is not just any flying drone. It can sink, dive underwater, and then resurface to fly again.
Flying drones are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, but now a new type of drone takes flying to a higher level. The Loon Copter boasts the ability to fly and dive underwater.
This drone is a project of the Oakland University’s Embedded Systems Research. As a flying drone, it is pretty similar to the other drones that we have seen in the air. However, the difference comes when it lands on water.
It has a buoyancy chamber that keeps it afloat on the water. To make it dive underwater, this chamber is filled up with water until it sinks, tilts 90 degrees, and then uses its rotors to move around. To resurface, it ejects the water, allowing it to go airborne once again and take off from directly from the water’s surface.
The first prototype of the Loon Copter was tested in early 2015; a newer iteration is a semifinalist in the UAE Drones for Good Award, a competition whose finals are held in Dubai in early February.
Drones are expected to be used for search and rescue missions. This tech could one day be used by lifeguards to help monitor swimmers and even deliver flotation devices when necessary.
However, the Oakland University team states that they are still in the earlier stages of research and development. To that end, they note that there is till plenty of room for improvement.
Their priorities include extending wireless range underwater, improving underwater navigation, and working on hull redesign for more efficient diving.
This 3D Printed Engine Combustor Just Passed its Hypersonic Test Flight at NASA
This 3D Printed Engine Combustor Just Passed its Hypersonic Test Flight at NASA
photo credit: Artist's impression of a NASA scramjet concept. NASA
This is seriously cool. American aerospace company Orbital ATK has tested a 3D-printed hypersonic engine combustor, one that could supposedly be used in a high-speed plane known as a scramjet.
The test was carried out at NASA’s Langley Research Center, with the combustor being made by a process known as powder bed fusion (PBF). According to Gizmag, this is when "a layer of metal alloy powder is laid down by the printer and a laser or electron beam fuses areas of it by following a digital pattern. Multiple layers are added until the product is finished.
“Additive manufacturing opens up new possibilities for our designers and engineers,” said Pat Nolan, Vice President and General Manager of Orbital ATK’s Missile Products division of the Defense Systems Group, in a statement. “This combustor is a great example of a component that was impossible to build just a few years ago. This successful test will encourage our engineers to continue to explore new designs and use these innovative tools to lower costs and decrease manufacturing time.”
In the tests, the combustor was put through high-temperature hypersonic flight conditions in a wind tunnel for 20 days, and it passed with flying colors. Supposedly such a combustor could allow for stable combustion even at speeds of more than Mach 5 (6,200 km/h, or 3,800 mph), achievable by scramjet vehicles.
It’s unclear what exactly this engine will be used for at the moment, if anything. But in the statement, Orbital said they were exploring “one of several manufacturing methods” such as PBF.
A scramjet, or a supersonic combusting ramjet, works by using the intake of oxygen and high speeds to provide the oxidizer for its combustion engine, rather than carrying oxygen like other vehicles. The speed of the vehicle compresses the air, meaning it operates most efficiently at high speeds.
There have been a few experimental scramjet tests in the past, but no vehicle has ever gone into prolonged operation. A successful scramjet engine could theoretically get from London to New York in a rather brisk 30 minutes.
A new type of combustor has been manufactured and passed tests with flying colors. Also, it was 3D printed.
In a press release that came out this past January, Orbital ATK announced that they have successfully tested a 3D-printed hypersonic engine combustor at the NASA Langley Research Center.
The combustor was produced through an additive manufacturing process known as powder bed fusion or PBF. It was subjected to various high-temperature hypersonic flight conditions for 20 days, which includes one of the longest duration propulsion wind tunnel tests ever recorded for this kind of unit.
The results of the analysis indicate that the unit has met, or at points even exceeded, all of the test requirements.
A scramjet combustor is one of the most challenging parts of the propulsion system. It houses and maintains stable combustion within an extremely volatile environment. The tests were done to ensure that the PBF-produced part would be robust enough to meet the mission’s objectives.
“Additive manufacturing opens up new possibilities for our designers and engineers,” said Pat Nolan, Vice President and General Manager of Orbital ATK’s Missile Products division of the Defense Systems Group. “This combustor is a great example of a component that was impossible to build just a few years ago. This successful test will encourage our engineers to continue to explore new designs and use these innovative tools to lower costs and decrease manufacturing time.”
The tests conducted at the Langley Research Center enabled the company to challenge the new combustor design which was made possible through an additive manufacturing process. Complex geometries and assemblies that once required multiple components can be simplified to a single, more cost-effective assembly.
However, since the components are built one layer at a time, it is now possible to design features and integrated components that could not be easily cast or otherwise machined.
PBF is one of several manufacturing methods currently being explored by Orbital ATK and its technology partners. Final assembly of the test combustor was completed at the company’s facilities in Ronkonkoma, New York, and Allegany Ballistics Laboratory in Rocket Center, West Virginia.
Orbital ATK’s Defense Systems Group is invested in a diverse array of works, from providing precision and strike weapons to advanced propulsion and hypersonics, missile components across air-, sea- and land-based systems, and other ammunition and related energetic products.
Star Wars: History and Legacy on Space Exploration
Star Wars: History and Legacy on Space Exploration
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
"That's no moon, it's a space station..." Actually Obi Wan, that IS a moon, it's Saturn’s moon Mimas. It simply resembles the "Death Star" from Star Wars. (Or that's what the Sith Lord would have us believe.)
A long time ago — roughly four decades — the world was introduced to Jedi knights, lightsabers, droids, Wookies and the Force.
"Star Wars" exploded into movie theaters in 1977, and it became an instant hit, eventually spawning a pop-culture empire, including sequels, prequels, books, comics, video games, television series and radio shows. Before long, elements of the space fantasy had an effect on real-life space technology.
Below is a brief overview of the franchise and its effect on space technology in the decades since.
Franchise overview
The "Star Wars" franchise is divided into three sets of films — the originals, the prequels and the sequels — as well as myriad off-canon television series, video games, radio shows and other forms of media. In this article, we will focus on the films.
The tale, from "a galaxy far, far away," concerns the adventures of young Luke Skywalker, the nephew of a moisture farmer who lives on a desert planet. Luke learns that he is adept at harnessing the Force, described as an "energy field … that binds the galaxy together." He eventually joins the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, along with his newfound allies — two robots ("droids"), C-3PO and R2-D2; Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi knight in seclusion; a smuggler, Han Solo, and his Wookie co-pilot, a large sentient beast named Chewbacca; and a princess and rebel leader, Leia Organa. Luke also encounters Darth Vader, a Jedi knight who has fallen to the dark side, and (— spoiler alert! —) turns out to be Luke's father.
With the help of his allies and others in the rebellion, Luke destroys the Death Star, a planet-killing satellite, as well as its bigger, more powerful replacement. In a final showdown, Luke confronts the Emperor and battles Darth Vader, who redeems himself by turning against the Emperor and aiding his son.
The original trilogy — later subtitled "A New Hope," "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" — was released into theaters between 1977 and 1983. Director George Lucas expressed frustration with the technology of the 1970s and 1980s, and when digital technology came along in the 1990s, he chose to re-edit the originals and in some cases, alter or add scenes. (The most infamous scene came in the first movie. The original version of "A New Hope" has Han Solo shooting the bounty hunter Greedo, while the re-mastered version has Greedo firing first.)
Lucas also released three prequels between 1999 and 2005 — "The Phantom Menace," "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith" — to chart the path of Darth Vader's rise and fall, and the birth of Luke and (—spoiler alert! —) his twin sister, Leia. In 2012, Disney announced that it would take over the franchise's production and pledged to release several sequel films to the original series. The first of these films, "The Force Awakens," premiered in December 2015. It is set many years after "Return of the Jedi" and concerns the aftermath and legacy of the Empire's defeat.
Space fantasy meets space fact
As popular culture became entrenched in "Star Wars" references, words, phrases and ideas from the franchise entered the vernacular of science and technology.
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative, which would use ground- and space-based lasers, particle beams, missiles and other weapons to help protect the United States from attack by nuclear missiles. Critics derisively referred to it as "Star Wars."
The defense system would have some parts of it based in space. One idea, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, was Earth- and space-based laser systems that could (simply put) shoot down missiles before they reached their target. The proposal also called for surface-to-air missiles placed beside strategically important locations (such as ICBM silos). The program led to the development of items such as the Extended Range Interceptor, which successfully caught a missile in-flight in testing in 1987. The U.S. Army also had a successful hit-to-kill on a target on the fourth try with a Minuteman missile, in 1984.
The program was eventually abandoned. There were concerns that the program violated the anti-ballistic missile treaty that was part of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, according to the Cold War Museum. The program was also killed due to budget cuts and lack of results. After $30 billion spent, no laser and mirror system was ever used.
In 2007, shuttle Discovery launched Luke Skywalker's lightsaber into space to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the franchise. The ceremonies on the ground surrounding its handover to NASA included appearances by Chewbacca and Imperial stormtroopers.
The first-generation Robonaut looks more than a little bit like the bounty hunter Boba Fett from "Star Wars."
Credit: NASA; Disney/Lucasfilm
Close-up images of Saturn's moon Mimas in our own solar system showed it looks similar to the Death Star, which had a distinctive circle on one side of its sphere shape. In real life, the moons that have these large circles are actually showing off the remnants of a large asteroid smacking into the surface and leaving behind a crater.
NASA has also referenced "Star Wars" when talking about the moon Iapetus, which also orbits Saturn. "The moon Iapetus, like the 'force' in Star Wars, has both a light side and a dark side," the agency wrote in 2015.
"Star Wars" is also referenced frequently when speaking about planets with two suns, similar to Luke's home planet, Tatooine. Most of the planets that orbit two stars are huge gas giants, but a handful of planets similar to Earth have been found as well, such as Kepler 16b, Kepler-34b, Kepler 35b. In 2015, a study from the University of Utah suggested these sorts of planets might be more common than was once thought. Simulations showed it was possible that planetesimals — the precursors to planets — could safely orbit in an oval around two stars without necessarily crashing into each other.
A TIE fighter from "Star Wars."
Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm
Droids and robots
Today, there is a real-life R2-D2 — at least the 21st-century equivalent of it — on the International Space Station (ISS). NASA's humanoidRobonaut 2 is sometimes called R2. It is still in testing, but R2 is intended to flip switches and do other simple science experiments and free up time for the astronauts to do more complicated things. In the future, NASA hopes to outfit a version of the robot to do work outside the space station, rather than sending astronauts out on risky spacewalks.
C-3PO's role was to serve as a translator for his human companions. While robots aren't quite at that stage yet, in 2013 a Japanese child-like robot called Kirobo (created by university researchers in association with Toyota) had a chat with ISS commander Koichi Wakata about their journey into space. Kirobo is intended to be an interactive robot for lonely people, whether they are astronauts in space far from home, or isolated seniors who are unable to get out of the house very easily. [Photos: Meet Kirobo, Japan's 1st Talking Space Robot]
In 2006, NASA launched a set of droids to the space station to test synchronized flying in space, and the technology was used by several ISS crews. The droids are intended to be aware of each other and to synchronize their flying so as not to crash into each other, which is technology that could be useful for satellites. In "Star Wars," robots like these were used for lightsaber training.
There are other, less obvious uses of technology from "Star Wars" being used in space:
Solar panels: The Empire's TIE fighter spacecraft appear to have solar panels on their outer hulls, which is a technology that NASA uses for many of its Mars probes (including the Opportunity rover on the surface) as well as the International Space Station. Solar panels are most useful on spacecraft that are closer to the sun. This means that a mission such as Rosetta — which chased a comet beyond Mars' orbit — had to have extremely large solar panels to catch the sunlight required. Spacecraft operating farther away require nuclear power.
Lasers: While lasers are used for combat in "Star Wars," NASA is testing using lasers for high-speed communications between space and the ground. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe, for example, tested out a laser system from the moon and received a picture of the Mona Lisa sent from Earth. NASA is discussing doing laser tests from the International Space Station to increase the flow of communications from the orbiting complex. This would be particularly useful for experiments, which send out quite the amount of data for investigators back home.
For years, astronomers have been puzzled by a quandary known as the global missing baryon problem, which struggles to pin down the whereabouts of unaccounted for matter in the universe. So where has all the matter gone? Scientists may have just figured it out.
Astronomers at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization's Compact Array station in Eastern Australia have reportedly made a mind-bending discovery. Using Compact Array telescopes located onsite, IFL Sciencereports that researchers may have uncovered "invisible" entities so large that they could stretch the length of space it takes Earth to make a full rotation around the sun. The entities are located in the Sagittarius constellation, and the missing matter scientists have been searching for could be contained within them.
In a Thursday press release, CSIRO astronomer Dr. Keith Bannister said the "lumps" could drastically reshape how we understand how gas exists in our galaxy. "They could radically change ideas about this interstellar gas, which is the Galaxy's star recycling depot, housing material from old stars that will be refashioned into new ones," Bannister said. "Lumps in this gas work like lenses, focusing and defocusing the radio waves, making them appear to strengthen and weaken over a period of days, weeks or months."
Astronomers believe that these invisible space entities exist some 3,000 light-years away, though the shape of the lumps remain unknown for now. "We could be looking at a flat sheet, edge on," said CSIRO's Dr. Cormac Reynolds, in the release. "Or we might be looking down the barrel of a hollow cylinder like a noodle, or at a spherical shell like a hazelnut."
As if that conceptional visual isn't mind-imploding enough, scientists believe the invisible structures are also moving at a speed of 30 miles per second.
And digging deeper into the missing baryon problem, IFL Science explains that one element of the Big Bang Theory suggests that atoms should make up 4% of all matter in the universe. However, after a tally of the matter scientists can see, the amount of matter on paper doesn't add up to 4%. That means that the remaining matter can't be seen.
That sounds an awful lot like dark matter. Yet speaking to IFL Science, Bannister said this most recent discovery isn't thought to fall into that category. "The existence of dark matter is often inferred from how galaxies are able to hold themselves together, despite their rotation," IFL Science reports. "These structures are not thought to play a part in that."
Though much remains to be explained about this discovery, Bannister is hopeful that continued research will advance what scientists understand about the unseeable elements of our solar system.
"These structures are real," he said in the release, "and our observations are a big step forward in determining their size and shape."
Alien skeleton found on Mars: Is this the ultimate proof Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings in the past?
Alien skeleton found on Mars: Is this the ultimate proof Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings in the past?
Are these claims far-fetched or is it possible that someone just made an incredible finding on Mars? Is it possible that UFO hunters have accidentally made one of the best discoveries on the surface of Mars?
Facebook page ‘Journey to the surface of Mars’ has posted yet another incredible and provocative image from the surface of the red planet. In the photograph, taken by NASA curiosity rover, we can clearly observe what eerily resembles a mysterious skeleton on the surface of the red planet.
In the past, numerous images have been posted of mysterious objects on Mars. While some of these images can be explained logically, there are numerous images that defy every logical explanation, and the images presented here could very well be one of those.
Our views about Mars have drastically changed over the past 5 years. From thinking that Mars was an inhospitable and dry planet, we have come to learn that our neighboring planet was in fact very much like Earth in the distant past. Even today, NASA reports that there is liquid flowing water on Mars. Scientists have learned that in the distant past, Mars’ atmosphere was very similar to that of Earth and that the red planet had huge oceans, lakes and rivers, just as our planet has today. Having that said, it isn’t far fetched to theorize that life could have developed on Mars in the distant past.
The original RAW images can be found by clicking here.
Dr. John Brandenburg, who has a Ph.D. in Theoretical Plasma Physics from the University of California and he is currently working as a plasma physicist at Orbital Technologies in Madison Wisconsin believes that in the distant past, the red planet was inhabited by two ancient Martian civilizations, and he calls them Cydonians and Utopians. According to Dr. Brandeburg, these civilizations were massacred in a giant nuclear attack – and evidence of the genocide can still be seen today.
According to Dr. John Brandenburg, there is enough evidence to prove that at least two major nuclear blasts went off on the surface of the red planet in the distant past. The theory proposed by Dr. Brandenburg is based on the traces of uranium and thorium that have been registered on the surface of Mars. This Martian civilization was wiped out by another hostile alien race from elsewhere in the universe.
Dr Brandenburg states: “The high concentration of Xenon-129 atmosphere, the evidence from Krypton-80 and the detected pattern of excess abundance of Uranium and Thorium on Mars surface, relative to Mars meteorites, first seen by the Russians and now confirmed by the Mars Odyssey Spacecraft Gamma Ray Spectrometer, mean that the surface of Mars was apparently the site of massive radiological events, which created large amounts of signature isotopes and covered the surface with a thin layer of radioactive debris enriched in certain elements relative to its subsurface rocks. This pattern of a phenomenon can be explained as due to two large anomalous nuclear explosions on Mars in the past.”
The image discovered by Facebook Page journey to the surface of Mars seems to provide physical evidence that goes hand-to-hand with the theory proposed by Dr. Bradenburg.
In the image, many viewers suggest we can observe a fossilized skeleton on the surface of the red planet, a skeleton that could have belonged to one ancient civilization that inhabited Mars in the distant past.
However, skeptics firmly deny something like this is possible saying that Mars was never inhabited and all of the alleged artificial ‘objects’ and ‘structures’ that have been found on countless NASA images are nothing more the natural formations on Mars.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
BREAKING NEWS: Unidentified flying object shot down by the Indian Air Force at Barmer (VIDEO)
BREAKING NEWS: Unidentified flying object shot down by the Indian Air Force at Barmer (VIDEO)
Officials from the Indian military announced that yesterday, January 26, 2016, a Sukhoi MKI 30 fighter jet of the Indian Air Force has shot down an unidentified balloon-shaped object over Barmer district of Rajasthan, India, after the IAF radar picked it up, setting off alarm.
Metallic objects from the object have been collected for further investigation. The IAF has not confirmed what the object is.
Barmer is less than 300 miles from Jaipur, where villagers reported this month mysterious metal balls falling from the sky.
Last year in November similar metal balls fell from the sky in Spain and Turkey and this year on January 9th strange metal balls fell from the sky in Vietnam.
The prime crew of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) first manned Apollo Space Flight, named on March 21, 1966, are pictured during training in Florida. Left to right are astronauts Virgil I. Grissom, Edward H. White II, and Roger B. Chaffee.
Credit: NASA
This article was originally published in 2013.
In NASA's early years, the agency learned by doing; developing tests and procedures as programs wore on. One test developed and used in the Mercury program was the "plugs-out test," a prelaunch test of the spacecrafts systems through a simulated countdown on launch. It was never considered a dangerous test, but on Jan. 27, 1967, Apollo 1's plugs-out test claimed the lives of the crew.
Typical for the first flight of a new program, the plan for Apollo 1 was a simple shakedown cruise. The crew — Mercury astronaut Gus Grissom, Gemini veteran Ed White, and rookie Roger Chaffee — would take just the Command and Service Module (CSM) into Earth orbit.
The plugs-out test started out routinely with the flight-ready spacecraft mounted on its unfueled Saturn IB rocket. The umbilical power cords that supplied power were removed — the plugs were out — putting the spacecraft on its internal batteries and the crew cabin was pressurized with 16.7 pounds per square inch of pure oxygen. As the crew entered the spacecraft around 1pm that afternoon, a full launch-day staff of engineers in mission control took their positions for the test. There was also a staff of men in the White Room; the room that gave the astronauts passage to the spacecraft remained attached to the vehicle.
For the first five hours, minor things interrupted the test. Grissom complained of a foul odor like sour buttermilk in his oxygen unit and at one point a high oxygen flow rate in the astronauts suits tripped an alarm. But these were minor problems compared to the persistent communications problems. Static made conversations between the crew and mission control nearly impossible. Grissom, frustration rising, remarked that they'd never get to the moon if they couldn't talk between two or three buildings.
Just after 6:31pm that evening, technicians monitoring the spacecraft from Mission Control noticed a sudden increase in oxygen flow and pressure inside the cabin. This irregularity in telemetry was accompanied by a garbled transmission: "Fire," someone said, then "they're fighting a bad fire — let's get out. Open 'er up" or "we've got a bad fire — let's get out. We're burning up." Because of the static, it wasn't even clear who was speaking.
Monitors showing a live video feed of the white room told the story: flames visible through in spacecraft's small window. Crews in the White Room tried to open the hatch, but no one could move the inward opening design against the pressure inside the spacecraft. Three seconds after the crew's first mention of a fire, the CSM's pressure reached a critical point. The hull ruptured, flames poured into the White Room. Telemetry and voice communication from Apollo 1 went silent.
It was a half hour before firemen and recovery personnel were able to remove the astronauts' bodies; Ed White was found turned around on his couch reaching for the hatch.
The accident investigation lasted a year. It took two months for technicians to disassemble the spacecraft; it was taken apart piece by piece with everything removed checked against another full Apollo CSM. The accident review board finally determined that a wire over the piping from the urine collection system had arced. In the pure oxygen environment, and with everything inside soaked in pure oxygen, that spark turned into a full fire easily. The pattern of damage suggested that the fire started below the crew's feet, a point out of their line of sight. The best estimates said it took about ten seconds for spacecraft to fill with flames. But it wasn't the fire that killed the crew. Autopsies showed they asphyxiated after their oxygen hoses were severed. They were gone less than a minute after reporting the fire.
The accident investigation focused on NASA's controversial decision to run a test with a spacecraft under high pressure with pure oxygen. The Apollo CMS' manufacturer, North American Aviation, had recommended NASA not test the spacecraft under pressure, warning of risks of fire, but NASA pressed on and ran the test as it had before all six Mercury flight and all ten Gemini missions. In retrospect, head astronaut Deke Slayton said, it was sheer luck that plugs-out tests in the McDonnell built Mercury and Gemini spacecraft hadn't ended in tragedy. It was an unfortunate oversight that the plugs-out test had never been classified as hazardous. That designation was reserved for tests involving fueled vehicles, hypergolic propellants, cryogenic systems, high pressure tanks, live pyrotechnics or altitude chamber tests.
The accident led to two significant changes in the Apollo spacecraft. The inward-opening hatch was replaced with a quick-operating, outward opening, lightweight design made of aluminum and fiberglass that could be opened in less that 10 seconds. NASA also changed the spacecraft's cabin atmosphere for pre-launch testing. The 100 percent oxygen was replaced with a mixture of 60 percent oxygen and 40 percent nitrogen, a mixture that was far less supportive of combustion though the astronauts' suits still fed them pure oxygen. After launch, the oxygen/nitrogen mix was gradually replaced with pure oxygen for the duration of the mission.
No crew ever flew on Apollo 1. The mission was redesignated Apollo 204 and manned missions continued with Apollo 7 in October of 1968. The plugs-out test was never reclassified as hazardous, but Apollo 7's plugs out test was run with the hatch open.
STERRENKUNDEAstronomen hebben het grootste zonnestelsel tot dusver ontdekt. Het bestaat uit een grote planeet, die er bijna een miljoen jaar over doet om rond zijn ster te cirkelen.
De gasreus bevindt zich een biljoen kilometer van zijn ster. Zijn baan is daardoor 140 keer groter dan die van Pluto rond onze zon. De voorbije jaren werd een handvol van dergelijke extreme systemen ontdekt, maar dit is veruit het grootste: bijna drie keer zo groot als de vorige recordhouder.
De planeet, 2MASS J2126-8140, en zijn ster, TYC 9486-927-1, waren al bekend maar astronomen wisten niet dat ze samen hoorden. Dat werd eerder toevallig ontdekt door een internationaal team, tijdens een studie naar jonge sterren en bruine dwergen. Details van het onderzoek verschijnen binnenkort in het vakblad Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
'Ze zijn zo zwak met elkaar verbonden dat om het even welke nabije ster hun baan volledig verstoord zou hebben'
Simon Murphy, onderzoeker
Toen de onderzoekers vaststelden dat zowel de planeet als de ster zich op ongeveer honderd lichtjaren van de aarde bevonden, zijn ze de beweging van de twee gaan vergelijken. Zo constateerden ze dat ze samen bewogen.
De planeet is ongeveer 12 tot 15 keer zo groot als Jupiter. "Het was een grote verrassing dat een object met een dergelijke kleine massa zich zo ver van zijn centrale ster bevindt", zegt onderzoeker dr. Simon Murphy van de Australische National University. "Dit zonnestelsel kan zich onmogelijk op dezelfde manier gevormd hebben als het onze."
De onderzoekers speculeren dat de ster en de planeet zich 10 tot 45 miljoen jaar geleden vormden uit een filament van gas dat ze samen in dezelfde richting duwde. "Ze kunnen niet in een dichtbevolkte omgeving geleefd hebben", klinkt het. "Ze zijn zo zwak met elkaar verbonden dat om het even welke nabije ster hun baan volledig verstoord zou hebben."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO veroorzaakt uitbarsting vulkaan in Mexico ( VIDEO )
UFO veroorzaakt uitbarsting vulkaan in Mexico ( VIDEO )
Naast de vreemde lichten bij de piramides en de bizarre geluiden in de lucht zien we nu heel gekke dingen bij een vulkaan in Mexico.
De webcam van de Colima vulkaan laat zien dat deze “slaapt” totdat er een cilindervormige UFO in beeld komt.
De afgelopen weken zijn spannend geweest want niet alleen is er opeens bekendgemaakt dat er een nieuwe planeet zou zijn ontdekt in ons zonnestelsel, ook gebeuren er allerlei andere merkwaardige dingen die wellicht te maken kunnen hebben met de nadering van de onbekende planeet Nibiru.
Ook de steeds heftiger wordende aardveranderingen vallen voor een deel in die categorie en dat geldt zeker voor de vulkanen op deze aarde. Het lijkt alsof er talloze vulkanen zijn die een lange winterslaap hebben gehouden en die nu ineens weer klaarwakker zijn.
Net zoals de piramides die door middel van vreemde lichtstralen lijken te reageren op iets.
Eén van de vulkanen die de afgelopen jaren weer heel actief is geworden, is de Colima vulkaan in Mexico.
Mexico is ook het land bij uitstek voor buitenaardse objecten en dat gaat ook zeker op voor de vulkanen in Mexico zoals de beroemde Popocatépetl waar op regelmatige basis UFO’s worden gesignaleerd en waarvan ufologen denken dat er zich onder de vulkaan een buitenaardse basis bevindt.
Eenzelfde verschijnsel doet zich ook voor bij de Colima vulkaan. Daar werd op 3 januari van dit jaar een cilindervormige UFO gesignaleerd die over de vulkaan vloog waarbij het leek alsof deze een uitbarsting veroorzaakte.
Het zag er ongeveer als volgt uit:
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring lijkt het alsof de UFO iets of iemand transporteert naar of van een buitenaardse basis onder de vulkaan die daarop reageert door een uitbarsting van vuur en lava.
Wanneer je de video bekijkt dan is de vulkaan inderdaad rustig tot de ufo in beeld komt en na de uitbarsting en de passage van de UFO wordt het wederom rustig.
In een artikel van ons gisteren werd duidelijk dat ook de Maya’s bekend waren met de omloopbaan van de planeet Nibiru. Dit is bekend geworden door voorwerpen die in Mexico zijn gevonden.
Ook het bovenstaande speelt zich af in Mexico en wie weet is ook hier een verband te leggen tussen de vreemde gebeurtenissen bij de Colima vulkaan en de komst van Nibiru.
Evert Jan Poorterman, auteur bij ons met zijn Anunnaki serie, stuurt nog de volgende aanvulling op zijn opmerking gisteren aangaande de ontdekking van een nieuwe planeet en het feit dat deze al veel eerder bekend was.
Het was de Amerikaan Clyde Tombough die in 1930 de planeet Pluto ontdekte. Tombough vergeleek fotografische platen met behulp van ‘blink-comparator’ toen hij werkzaam was in het Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. De afwijkingen op de platen toonden aan dat er een planeet moest zijn. Niet een optische waarneming door een telescoop leverde het resultaat op, maar een theoretische aanname, gebaseerd op nauwgezet speurwerk van negatieven leidde tot de ontdekking van planeet Pluto.
In 1978 kwamen enkele resultaten bij elkaar. De Voyager2 seinde beeldmateriaal naar NASA en daaruit bleek dat Pluto veel kleiner was dan aangenomen. Men ging er van uit dat Pluto een doorsnede had van ca. 6.000 Km. (bijna even groot als planeet Mars – 6.794 Km.) en nu bleek Pluto slechts 2.400 Km. in doorsnee te zijn... begeleidt door een kleinere planeet; Charon (1.207 Km.). We zouden Pluto en Charon kunnen zien als een ‘dubbelplaneet’, maar ook als een planeet met een satelliet.
Inmiddels weten we dat Pluto wel vijf satellieten heeft (zeg nooit ‘maantjes’, want der is in ons stelsel maar één Maan! Alle andere begeleiders van planeten moeten we dan ook ‘begeleiders’ noemen of gewoon satellieten). En de andere ‘ontdekking’ was die van de twee astronomen van het Marine Observatory in Washington... en tegelijkertijd ontdekte James Christy van het U.S. Naval Observatory (ook Flagstaff, Arizona) planeetje Charon. De twee astronomen in Washington verbaasden zich over de kleinheid van Pluto...
(gingen uit van 6.000 Km. in doorsnee) en stelden dat ze Pluto niet langer konden zien als de ‘veroorzaker’ van de schommelingen in de banen van Neptunus en Uranus. En als het kleinere Pluto niet de veroorzaker was... wie was het dan wel. En op dat moment komt Zecharia Sitchin in het verhaal; bezoekt de beide astronomen... en in 1983 lanceert NASA ‘warmtezoeker’ IRAS. Sitchin schrijft;
‘Natuurlijk maakte ik de marine-astronomen opmerkzaam op de Soemerische bewijzen, die in dit boek neergelegd zijn. Ze meenden dat de aanwezigheid van een grotere planeet – de verklaring zou kunnen zijn. Enkele weken geleden werd mij meegedeeld, dat deze mogelijkheid zo ernstig genomen werd, dat men nu – een zoeken naar zo’n planeet – begonnen was... naar ‘mijn’ Twaalfde Planeet! Met andere woorden; gezaghebbende astronomen hebben ingezien dat de Soemeriërs 6.000 jaren geleden meer wisten dan wij nu’...
Robert Schroeder is the author of the book “Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs.” (Amazon link) His presentation will show how modern science can help us understand the technology observed in UFOs.
Travis Walton (born February 10, 1953) is an American logger who was taken aboard a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona. For five days, Walton could not be found, despite an intensive search by law enforcement officers and volunteers. His story of what he saw aboard the UFO will amaze you! Also, check out his book called Fire In The Sky
Here’s one new daytime footage of a bright object flying across the sky above San Antonio in Texas. This was filmed on 23rd January 2016.
Witness report: Here is some Undeniable U.F.O Evidence of a UFO Orb Monitoring an Area over San Antonio,Texas…This U.F.O was clearly Under Intelligent Control…Sighting lasted about 10 min it Traveled in a Controlled Manner while Rotating in Place….As if it was Monitoring the Area you can see how it travels in a Constant Speed..At times it Stops/Hover then Change Direction…At one point it Descends clearly Under Some Sort Of Control..With Perfect Points Of Reference we can see the altitude it was traveling Speed/Direction.I followed until it was out of sight…..In my opinion this object is clearly not an aircraft or weather balloon/satellite..
A declassified CIA document. (Public Domain) Background: (Glenneroo/iStock)
In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below.
The CIA rode the X-Files trend and published lists of its top declassified UFO documents last week.
The lists, titled “Top 5 CIA Documents Mulder Would Love to Get His Hands On” and “Top 5 CIA Documents Scully Would Love to Get Her Hands On,” feature cases from the late 1940s to 1950s.
This was a period of intense CIA interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Around the same time, the Air Force recorded 12,618 sightings, of which 701 remain “unidentified,” as part of Project Blue Book.
Former CIA Chief Historian Gerald K. Haines is quoted by the CIA as saying: “While the Agency’s concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s, CIA has since paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomenon.”
One of the cases is titled “Flying Saucers Reported Over East Germany, 1952.”
Former mayor of Gleimershausen, Germany, Oscar Linke reported a UFO sighting. The report reads: “According to this story, an object ‘resembling a huge flying pan’ and having a diameter of about 15 meters [16.5 yards] landed in a forest clearing in the Soviet Zone of Germany.”
" An object ‘resembling a huge flying pan’ and having a diameter of about 16.5 yards landed in a forest clearing in the Soviet Zone of Germany."
The tire had blown on his motorcycle while he was riding with his 11-year-old daughter. As they were pulled off on the side of the road, he saw two men about 45 yards away.
He reported: “They seemed to be dressed in some shiny metallic clothing. They were stooped over and were looking at something lying on the ground.”
Linke moved closer, until he was about 10 yards away. “I looked over a small fence and then I noticed a large object whose diameter I estimated to be between 13 and 15 meters [14–16 yards]. It looked like a huge frying pan.
“There were two rows of holes on its periphery, about 30 centimeters [1 foot] in circumference. The space between the two rows was about 0.45 meters [17 inches]. On the top of this metal object was a black conical tower about 3 meters [10 feet] high.”
The two figures noticed him when his 11-year-old daughter called to him. They got into the machine. He’d noticed that one of them “had a lamp on the front part of his body which lit up at regular intervals.”
Part of the machine started to glitter, with green light that turned red. He heard a humming. The conical part moved from the top to the bottom of the object. It spun as it rose into the air, apparently surrounded by flames.
Linke later checked the ground where he had seen the machine and saw that it was freshly marked.
The report states: “Many other persons who live in the same area as Linke later related that they saw an object which they thought to be a comet.”
“I had never heard of the term ‘flying saucer’ before I escaped from the Soviet Union into West Berlin,” Linke said. “When I saw this object, I immediately thought that it was a new Soviet military machine.”
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Secret Space Program And The Secret Black Budget
Secret Space Program And The Secret Black Budget
Most of the people are now fully aware that the Secret Space Program do exist, but how do they get all their money? And they need a lot of it! Well it is rather easy: They steal it from the government budget like a thief would rob a bank, and they don’t mind if people get killed along the way.
Remember the day before the 9/11 attacks? Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars had disappeared from the Pentagon!
And what about all that gold missing from the WTC before 9/11:
Very convenient to have these attacks exactly where the money went missing. Yes, the Pentagon’s accounting offices which dealt with the missing trillions were the one hit with the missile…
Why so much money? Well, they are building all sorts of crafts like the TR-3B, bases on the moon, and even underground military bases. The money that goes into these programs are for what’s called Special Access Programs (SAP). Some of these are completely unacknowledged. In fact, 1997 US Senate report described them as ”so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress (Dolan, M. Richard and Zabel, Bryce. A.D. After Disclosure. New Page Books. 2012)
Also Phil Schneider was assassinated for bringing us the truth about the secret underground bases:
Let’s have a listen to the ex-defence minister in Canada: Hon. Paul Hellyer, he is certainly a man in the know:
And this has been going on for a very long time, only the high elite know about this, like the MJ-12, Rothschild and some members of the Bilderberg group, some of them are still working with alien species, the following video is a must-watch:
Bob Dean, a Retired Command Sargent Major and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO once stated:“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”
And finally, let’s never forget what Gary McKinnon has found on the Pentagon and NASA’s computers. He has risked his life to bring us the ugly truth that so much is done in secrets, we are being kept in the dark by a very evil and secretive cabal, this has to stop now!
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Major conspiracy theories such as a faked Moon landing cannot be true or they would have been exposed within a few years a scientist has concluded.
Dr David Grimes, an Oxford University physicist, worked out a mathematical formula to calculate the chances of a plot being leaked by a whistle-blower or accidentally uncovered.
He was able to show that the more people involved in a conspiracy, the shorter its lifespan is likely to be.
For a plot to last five years, the maximum number of plotters turned out to be 2,521. To keep a scheme undetected for more than a decade, fewer than 1,000 people could be involved, while a century-long deception had to include fewer than 125 collaborators.
Since Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon in 1969, conspiracy theorists have proposed that the landing was faked. They point to photographs showing the American flag blowing in the breeze, despite there being no atmosphere and the fact the astronauts' shadows do not match the lunar module light source.
But applying Dr Grimes' formula to the Moon landings, which would have involved an estimated 411,000 people who worked at Nasa, any hoax would have been found out in three years and eight months.
"It is common to dismiss conspiracy theories and their proponents out of hand but I wanted to take the opposite approach, to see how these conspiracies might be possible," said Dr Grimes. "To do that, I looked at the vital requirement for a viable conspiracy - secrecy." Dr Grimes's conspiracy equation factored in conspirator numbers, length of time, and even the effects of conspirators dying, whether of old age or non-natural causes.
Also required was a realistic estimation of any one individual disclosing a conspiracy. This was based on three genuine conspiracies, including the United States' National Security Agency Prism spying programme revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Dr Grimes, whose research appears in the online journal Public Library of Science ONE, said his work was inspired by the numerous communications he receives from people who believe in science-related conspiracies.
"A number of conspiracy theories revolve around science," he said. "While believing the Moon landings were faked may not be harmful, believing misinformation about vaccines can be fatal. Not everyone who believes in a conspiracy is unreasonable or unthinking. I hope that by showing how eye-wateringly unlikely some alleged conspiracies are, some people will reconsider their anti-science beliefs.
"If we are to address the multitudinous difficulties facing us as a species, from climate change to geopolitics, then we need to embrace reality over ideologically motivated fictions. To this end, we need to better understand how and why some ideas are entrenched and persistent among certain groups despite the evidence, and how we might counteract this."
Four famous conspiracy theories and the length of time it would take before their secrets leaked out into the public domain:
Moon-landing hoax
Many people still believe that Nasa faked its Apollo missions, and has never landed a man on the Moon.
However, Nasa had 411,000 employees at the time of the Moon landing and one of them should have blown the whistle within three years and eight months.
Cancer cure cover-up
It has been claimed that big pharmaceutical companies are hiding a cure for cancer to maintain profits for chemotherapy drugs.
But if everyone from Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, Merck and Co, and Johnson and Johnson, to GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca were involved it would amount to 714,000 people and the story would get out within three years and three months.
Climate change fraud
If man-made climate change was a myth, a huge number of scientists, academics and policymakers would need to be involved in the cover up.
Including members of the American Geo-Physical Union, American Academy for Advancement of Science, European Physical Society, the Royal Society, and Nasa, as well as published climate scientists, 405,000 would have to keep quiet. That would be possible only for three years and nine months.
Unsafe vaccine conspiracy
If unsafe vaccines were being produced, a cabal of the Centre for Disease Control the World Health Organisation, and almost certainly pharmaceutical companies would be needed adding up to 736,000 people. Such a plot would crumble within three years and two months
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
At Saturn, Cassini Spacecraft Adjusts Orbit for Titan-ic 'Grand Finale'
At Saturn, Cassini Spacecraft Adjusts Orbit for Titan-ic 'Grand Finale'
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Artist's illustration of NASA's Cassini spacecraft at Saturn.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
NASA's Cassini probe has begun reshaping its orbit around Saturn in preparation for the spacecraft's "grand finale" at the ringed planet next year.
Cassini performed a 35-second engine burn on Saturday (Jan. 23) to set up an orbit-changing Feb. 1 flyby of Saturn's huge moon Titan. It was the second of five such burns Cassini will conduct, all of which will be followed by a close encounter with Titan.
"Titan does all the heavy lifting," Cassini project manager Earl Maize, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, said in a statement. "Our job is to get the spacecraft to a precise altitude and latitude above Titan, at a particular time, and these large propulsive maneuvers are what keep us on target to do that." [Latest Saturn Photos From NASA's Cassini Orbiter]
The Jan. 23 burn changed Cassini's velocity by 22.3 feet (6.8 meters) per second, whereas the Feb. 1 Titan flyby will adjust the probe's speed by 2,539 feet (774 m) per second, NASA officials said.
The first engine firing occurred on Dec. 30, which set up a Jan. 15 Titan flyby. The next burn is planned for March 25, with the subsequent Titan encounter occurring on April 4, NASA officials said.
The overall goal of these maneuvers is to get Cassini to a higher plane above Saturn's equator, which the probe has been circling since 2015.
"By late November, the spacecraft will be on a path that will carry it high above Saturn's poles, approaching just outside the planet's main rings — a period the mission team calls the 'F-ring orbits,'" NASA officials wrote in the same statement. "After 20 F-ring orbits, Cassini will begin its Grand Finale event, in which the spacecraft will pass 22 times between the innermost rings and the planet before plunging into Saturn's atmosphere to end its journey on Sept. 15, 2017."
The $3.2 billion Cassini mission, a joint effort involving NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency, launched in 1997 and arrived in the Saturn system in 2004. In addition to its own science work, Cassini delivered a piggyback probe called Huygens onto Titan's surface in January 2005.
Cassini has returned countless spectacular images of Saturn and its moons, and it has made a number of important discoveries. For example, in 2005, the spacecraft spotted geysers of water ice blasting from the south pole of the Saturn moon Enceladus. Cassini has flown through the plume generated by these geysers and found carbon-containing organic molecules — the building blocks of life as we know it — within it.
The mission's home stretch should be productive as well, Cassini team members said.
"We have an exciting year of Saturn science planned as we head for higher ground. And the views along the way should be spectacular," Cassini project scientist Linda Spilker, also of JPL, said in the same statement.
Calltech researchers find evidence of Zecharia Sitchin’s PlanetX/Nibiru in our solar system
Calltech researchers find evidence of Zecharia Sitchin’s PlanetX/Nibiru in our solar system
Caltech's Konstantin Batygin, an assistant professor of planetary science, and Mike Brown, the Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy, have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a bizarre, highly elongated orbit in the outer solar system beyond Pluto.
The object, which the researchers have nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun on average than does Neptune (which orbits the sun at an average distance of 2.8 billion miles). In fact, it would take this new planet between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make just one full orbit around the sun.
The researchers discovered the planet’s existence through mathematical modeling and computer simulations but have not yet observed the object directly however they noted that the putative planet Nine—at 5,000 times the mass of Pluto—is sufficiently large that there should be no debate of the existence of this planet.
Furthermore, there is an unique configuration of six objects which fall within the same plane as planet Nine, however, planet Nine is required to be anti-aligned to the six objects, but shares the same plane. Read more at
Even NASA’s Director of Planetary Science, Jim Green, made a statement of the discovery of this planet Nine saying ‘there is a so-called planet X out there’ (second video).
For many years conspiracy theorists have been saying that there is another unknown planet, what they call PlanetX or Nibiru, on a long and elliptical orbit.
The Calltech researchers call it Planet Nine or ‘Ninth Planet’ but if we follow Zecharia Sitchin’s claim, it is the tenth planet and according to his theories of Sumerian cosmology, Nibiru or planet X was the twelfth member in the solar system family of planets (which includes 10 planets, the Sun, and the Moon).
Regardless of your view, here’s the order of the planets, starting nearest the sun and working outward through the solar system:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto = 9 Planet Nine = 1 Moon and Sun = 2
Despite led scientists reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet we cannot deny that this newly discovered planet supports Zecharia Sitchin’s theory of the existence of a tenth planet (twelve which includes the sun and moon) aka Nibiru/PlanetX.
This artist's impression shows the Dream Chaser Cargo System concept in orbit above Earth.
Credit: Sierra Nevada Corp.
PARIS — Sierra Nevada Corp.'s win of a NASA contract to ferry cargo to the International Space Station will trigger a $36 million investment by the 22-nation European Space Agency following a cooperation agreement to be signed in the coming weeks, ESA said.
Once the agreement is signed, ESA will begin work building the first flight model of the International Berthing and Docking Mechanism (IBDM), which Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser Cargo System will use to attach itself to the space station.
ESA said it would spend 33 million euros ($36 million) to complete the design of the IBDM and build a flight model for Dream Chaser's first cargo run. Future IBDMs will be financed by Sierra Nevada, ESA said. [Dream Chaser: A Private Space Plane in Pictures]
ESA and Sierra Nevada in early 2014 agreed to adapt the IBDM to Sierra Nevada's winged Dream Chaser, which was originally designed to carry astronauts and more recently has been adapted for unmanned cargo missions.
The agency spent about 8 million euros on the early work, which slowed after Sierra Nevada failed to win a NASA contract to send commercial crews to the space station.
Sierra Nevada VP Mark Sirangelo and Johann-Dietrich Woerner, then head of Germany's DLR, sign a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate on the Dream Chaser space plane. Woerner now heads ESA, which is investing in Dream Chaser.
Credit: SNC Corp.
ESA said it had spent some 20 million euros in total in recent years working on IBDM and on preparatory work for Dream Chaser.
But Sierra Nevada's surprise Jan. 14 win of the second round of NASA's Cargo Resupply Services (CRS-2) business, which promises at least six missions to the space station for the Dream Chaser Cargo System through 2024, breathed new life into the agreement.
ESA Director-General Johann-Dietrich Woerner said the NASA contract revives not only the IBDM collaboration, but also studies of future launch of the Dream Chaser inside the fairing of Europe's Ariane 5 rocket.
Louisville, Colorado-based Sierra Nevada Space Systems has designed the Dream Chaser in configurations to launch aboard United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 and the European Ariane 5 rockets. To fit under the Ariane 5 fairing, the Dream Chaser would fold its wings.
"There is a memorandum of understanding not only with ESA and SNC, but also between SNC and some of the other national space agencies [in Europe]," Woerner said during a Jan. 18 press briefing here. "These are looking at different technologies, coming from Europe, to be used in Dream Chaser, as well as using Dream Chaser for European purposes such as microgravity research.
"There is also the launching aspect," Woerner said. "The idea is to have Dream Chaser also launched with an Ariane. We have checked and that is possible. There is already a plan to have folded wings. There was some discussions about whether this would be possible with astronauts, but that is not what we are discussing now, although even that would be possible."
Before arriving at ESA in July 2015, Woerner was head of the German Aerospace Center, DLR. In April 2015 he signed a cooperation agreement with Sierra Nevada Corp.
In response to SpaceNews inquiries, DLR said Jan. 22 that NASA's selection of Dream Chaser for cargo supply would not trigger any immediate investment by the German agency.
"DLR appreciates that Dream Chaser will now get its chance to prove itself in real-life service," DLR said. "It is an innovative concept. However, no immediate actions on DLR's side are foreseen. We will closely monitor the progress of the Dream Chaser project and we will evaluate if a more involved cooperation makes sense for both parties. No formal contract is foreseen, and thus no budget is allocated to this kind of work."
This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.
New 5.000-year-old Egyptian Inscriptions Found Rewrite Egyptian History
New 5.000-year-old Egyptian Inscriptions Found Rewrite Egyptian History
About 60 drawings and hieroglyphic inscriptions, dating back around 5,000 years, have been discovered at a site called Wadi Ameyra in Egypt’s Sinai Desert.
Carved in stone, they were created by mining expeditions sent out by early Egyptian pharaohs, archaeologists say. They reveal new information on the early pharaohs.
For instance, one inscription the researchers found tells of a queen named Neith-Hotep who ruled Egypt 5,000 years ago as regent to a young pharaoh named Djer. Archaeologists estimate that the earliest carvings at Wadi Ameyra date back around 5,200 years, while the most recent date to the reign of a pharaoh named Nebre, who ruled about 4,800 years ago.
The inscriptions carved by a mining expedition show that queen Neith-Hotep stepped up as ruler about 5,000 years ago, millennia before Hatshepsut or Cleopatra VII ruled the country.
An inscription found at Wadi Ameyra shows that Memphis, an ancient capital of Egypt that was also called "the White Walls," is older than originally believed. Ancient Greek and Roman writers claimed that Memphis was constructed by a mythical king named Menes, whom Egyptologists often consider to be a real-life pharaoh named Narmer, Tallet explained.
The new inscription shows that Memphis actually existed before Narmer was even born.
A faked moon landing or a hidden cure for cancer are just a couple of large-scale conspiracies that, if true, would have come to light within five years following their alleged cover-ups, according to a mathematical formula put together by one physicist.
David Robert Grimes, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Oxford who studies cancer, is familiar with conspiracy theorists. His mainstream writing for the likes of The Guardian and BBC News has included controversial topics that lend themselves to conspiracies, including homosexuality, climate change and water fluoridation.
"The charge that there is a scientific conspiracy afoot is a common one," said Grimes, in an email interview with Live Science, "and almost inevitably those making these charges will descend into accusing one of shilling or being an agent of some malignant entity." In response to his work, conspiracy theorists have threatened him, even tried to get him removed from his academic position. These interactions made Grimes curious about why conspiracies have such a strong hold on so many people, and the chances that they might be true. [Top 10 Conspiracy Theories Explained]
For this new study, Grimes considered four common conspiracy beliefs:that NASA faked the 1969 moon landing during the Apollo 11 mission, that human-caused climate change isn't real, that vaccines are unsafe, and that pharmaceutical companies are hiding cancer cures from the public. He created an equation to figure out how long these four cover-ups would likely last (if indeed they were cover-ups), given how many people are involved, the likelihood of leaks from the inside (whether on purpose or by accident), and how much upkeep would be required to keep everything under wraps.
To estimate the chances that any one person would reveal secret activities, Grimes looked at three actual leaked conspiracies: the National Security Agency's surveillance program, which was brought to light in 2013 by NSA contractor Edward Snowden; the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, in which a then-new treatment of penicillin was withheld from infected participants in the experiment, finally exposed by Peter Buxtun in 1972 ; and the pseudoscientific forensic tests of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that resulted in innocent men being held or even executed for crimes they didn't commit. It took six years, 25 years and six years for the three conspiracies to be exposed, respectively. With those numbers, he found the odds of a conspiracy-ending leak, whether accidental or deliberate, could be as low as around 4 in 1 million. [The Reality of Climate Change: 10 Myths Busted]
Grimes then calculated the potential success of the four conspiracies that continue to garner support. He used the best-case scenario for the conspirators, where the fewest number of people are involved who could leak such undercover machinations. The moon landing had an advantage over the other three scenarios because it could've potentially occurred without having to bring in new conspirators to preserve the hoax — this means the only people who are keeping secrets die off over time. Using peak NASA employment numbers from 1965 (411,000 people), and allowing for the fact that those involved would eventually die, the moon hoax still lasts less than four years, according to Grimes' calculations. In the end, Grimes finds that if any more than 650 people were involved in creating the moon hoax and keeping it a secret, the cat would be out of the bag.
Using the same equation but modifying it to consider the need for added conspirators, the "lie" of climate change would last nearly 27 years if only scientists were involved in the cover-up, but under four years if scientific bodies were to take part. The vaccination conspiracy makes it to almost 35 years if it's confined to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, but is revealed in three years and two months if drug companies are co-conspirators. The suppression of a cancer cure — maintained by Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, Merck and Co., Johnson and Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca — fails after around three years and three months as well.
Although he seems to be talking directly to the conspiracy-minded with this piece, Grimes is not idealistic about its impact.
"I think true believers will never change their views; in the words of Leon Festinger, 'A man with a conviction is a hard man to change,'" he said. "While these people are ideologically deeply invested in a given narrative, I would hope that this paper might help the more rational people who have maybe heard some claims and want to ascertain if they're probable or not."
His main concern is the myths and conspiracies that could cause serious harm, such as climate change doubters and the anti-vaccination movement. As more people forgo vaccinations for their kids, so-called herd immunity — in which large numbers of people with immunity from a disease can shield smalls numbers of people who are not immune because outbreaks are unlikely — collapses. With this work Grimes is attempting to chip away at the less confident conspiracists and move them toward more science-based beliefs.
UFO Shot Down By Rajasthan Military Jets, Jan 26, 2016, Videos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Shot Down By Rajasthan Military Jets, Jan 26, 2016, Videos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 26, 2016 Location of sighting: Barmer, Rajasthan News source: Its not everyday a UFO gets shot down. This one is thought to be a balloon with a bomb tied to it. It looks like a giant cloud orb to me. Sometimes if they are struck by lightning, they can malfunction and fall to the earth. This one...disintegrated except for two sharp finger size metal objects. Its was a enough of a threat that they called out fighter jets to shoot it down. At 9 feet in diameter (3 meters) it would be hard not to see. It took 97 shots and no harmful payload was found. Why would they care about a balloon? And it did show up on radar. If balloons were a threat, Los Angeles, CA would have a squadron of fighters jets at war in the sky over Disneyland. Scott C. Waring
News states: The suspicious object flying over Jaisalmer in Rajasthan on Tuesday, that led to Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter jets and helicopters scramble for it and shoot it down, turned out to be a helium-filled balloon with 'Happy Birthday' written on it. IAF said in a statement on Wednesday that "On 26 Jan, an IAF radar had picked up an unidentified flying object moving easterly in Jaisalmer area.
A fighter jet intercepted the object which was found to be a balloon of about 3-metre diameter. Due to heightened security alert, the balloon was shot down as it would have been carrying unknown payload." "However, on analysis of the debris, it was established that there was no dangerous payload," the IAF release said further. Reliable sources in IAF added that the object was detected by radars at 25,000 feet. At first, two Mi-17 choppers were launched to engage the object but since it was flying at a level higher than the helicopters could go, two Sukhoi-30 jets flew from Jodhpur airbase to get it.
"The balloon was shot down within 15 minutes of it being detected and a total of 97 rounds were fired from the aircraft," said a source. Even as sources said that the balloon came from across the India-Pakistan border, defence minister Manohar Parrikar told reporters here, "Our radars picked up a shiny flying object entering our air space. A fighter jet was quickly scrambled which intercepted it and shot it down". He, however, refused to elaborate further. The IAF said that it is investigating reports of cracks in some houses at Gugdi town in the neighboring Barmer district even as residents claimed it happened due to "bombs" that were dropped from fighters.
The fact is, most people just don't look up. If you come to this site, then you probably are the exception to that rule. Also, this UFO is ring shaped. It has an opening in its bottom that goes to its top. I can make out that the ring is made up of many small sides. Its shape is like an octagon donut. Extraordinary catch. Scott C. Waring
News states: UFO in sight: where was this photo taken? It was taken last week with the mere intention to portray the characteristics of the place. However, the photographer was surprised to see in the picture an unidentifiable flying object. "The person took the picture with a mobile phone, and it is my understanding and I can attest that, it is a serious and responsible person," he told Dr. (lawyer, teacher and psychologist) Ruben Diaz. It was taken in the countryside La Aurora, the area establishing Daymán Salto (ROU), a place that became a center of controversy since the 1970s is said that there had been a number of sightings. Since then they have traveled to the place many times, most tourists arrive from Argentina, but have not been able to witness other sightings. Last week the person provided that the person declined to identify the photograph. It was discovered only when looking at the image, so it is presumed that it could be an unidentified flying object.
In this video we see a moment with two UFOs in it. The objects move unusually and suddenly speed up and slow down. They have their own source of illumination, but as they were close to the streetlight, they became easier to see. Awesome catch, I wish I had been there to see that. Scott C. Waring News states: Anomalous Object Over Tucumán The video shows the flying object over the city of Yerba Buena (Tucumán Province). After a series of movments, it rises swiftly and disappears. A video published on YouTube displays an alleged UFO in flight in the skies over the Province of Tucumán, more specifically the city of Yerba Buena. "A mighty UFO filmed over Yerba Buena this Monday at 21:15 hours," said the reader who submitted the clip to Diario Contexto (newspaper) via WhatsApp. "I recorded it from the 300 block of Aconquija Avenue. Another UFO passed by shortly, distancing itself quickly. The distance kept me from recording it," he added. [Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO; Diario Contexto; Nuevo Diario Web]
Fire Officer’s Guide to Disaster Control, Chapter 13, “Enemy Attack and UFO Potential”
Fire Officer’s Guide to Disaster Control, Chapter 13, “Enemy Attack and UFO Potential”
Case File Information
Date of Event / Case File: 01/01/1992
Case File Details
Note from The Black Vault
Chapter 13 of the FIRE OFFICER’S GUIDE TO DISASTER CONTROL by WILLIAM M. KRAMER, Ph.D & CHARLES W. BAHME, J.D. deals with an enemy attack associated with the UFO phenomenon. It should be noted that this is not an official declassified government document, but rather, a book that was published in 1992. All copyrights are owned by their respective owners, and this excerpt below is considered ‘fair use’ under the copyright law. It is archived here for reference, and research.
Also included below, thanks to a member of The Black Vault, is a .pdf high resolution scan from the book itself. Although the text has circulated for many years, there are not many sources for the book itself. Special thanks for their anonymous contribution.
(29th paragraph page 458) In this chapter we will now turn our attention to the very real threat posed by Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), whether they exist or not. The well-documented and highly publicized War of the Worlds radio drama by Orson Welles shows how even a perceived existence to alien creatures can cause very real disaster-like conditions and panic among a given populace. In addition, if the apparent visits by alien beings and their space vehicles should pose any type of threat, it will, as always, be the fire service that is called upon to provide the first line of life-saving defense and disaster mitigation. On April 25,1991, radio station KSHE in St. Louis, Missouri was fined $25,000 by the Federal Communications Commission for broadcasting a mock warning of a nuclear attack during the Persian Gulf War. The seriousness with which the FCC treated this case is indicative of the very real panic that can be created from even illusionary or fictional phenomena. Certainly if these unexplainable events become more prevalent, the possibility of panic could be even greater; and again, the fire department will be the agency called upon to handle the situation.(35) Hence, as we near the year 2000 and move beyond, any comprehensive disaster plan should address the potential for panic and other deleterious effects that might befall a populated area when unexplainable phenomena occur. We will see, as we continue our discussion in this chapter, that widespread blackouts, communication disruptions, and other potentially disastrous conditions have been linked directly to UFO sightings. Hence, fire service leaders who want to ensure that their disaster planning is complete will not neglect an appendix to outline those things that could be done in preparation for the occurrence of such phenomena. Throughout this book, many of the references to actual events are based on the experiences of both of the authors. However, in this area of UFOs and their potential, we are relying largely on the research and experiences of Charles Bahme. Chuck has made a considerable study of this subject and is acquiring many publications and VCR tapes to augment his library on this and related phenomena. His interest in UFOs was greatly heightened when Congress in 1969 adopted a law (14 CFR Ch. V Part 1211–Extraterrestrial Exposure) which gave the NASA Administrator the arbitrary discretion to quarantine under armed guard any object, person, or other form of life which has been extraterrestrially exposed. The very fact that our congressmen believed there was a necessity for such drastic authority made Chuck wonder if they had only our astronauts in mind when they adopted it. Could it be applied to anyone who has had a UFO encounter? Whether it has or not is not likely to be a topic for public dissemination.
UFO Discussion – Why Now?
The subject of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) was not included in previous editions of this book. The first edition was the Handbook of Disaster Control which Chuck personally published in 1952 following his release from active naval duty in the Korean War. Although his services in the conflict as Security Coordinator for the Chief of Naval Operations involved the creation of a worldwide disaster control organization for the protection of the physical properties of the Navy, it must be admitted that the directives approved for this new organization did not reflect any significant concern for a flying saucer threat to its shore establishment. That was in the 1950s. Now that we are in the 1990s it is doubtful that the UFO potential would be brushed off so lightly by our military security forces. This change of attitude was evidenced as far back as December 24, 1959, when the Inspector General of the Air Force issued the following Operations and Training Order: “Unidentified Flying Objects– sometimes treated lightly by the press and referred to as ‘Flying Saucers’–must be rapidly and accurately identified as serious Air Force business….”(36) There is no uncertainty about the reality of the war between nations on our planet and the disastrous effects of military actions. The 200 sorties flown every hour against Iraq in the Persian Gulf provided ample evidence of global war’s destructive power. On the other hand, there are many persons who may believe that a discussion of the theoretical harm that could be caused by a real or imaginary invasion of UFOs would be ‘far out!” But this is not so for the thousands of witnesses of unexplained aerial phenomena. To them it is also serious business. Chuck’s interest in UFOs commenced during the early morning hours of August 26,1942, while he was roller skating from his house to the nearest fire station a few blocks away; the wail of sirens had signaled his recall to fire duty, and with the stringent blackout orders in effect. driving was not wise; besides, it was much more exciting to be out in the open where he could see the spectacular aerial “fireworks” that filled the heavens all around him. Few residents of the U.S. had ever experienced a real or imaginary invasion of UFOs like that which occurred in what has become known as “The Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942.” The Army announced the approach of hostile aircraft and the city’s air raid warning system went into effect for the first time in World War II. The defense to this “attack” is described in dramatic terms in the opening paragraph of this chapter. But what enemy had been routed? No one ever knew. All the fire fighters saw in the sky were the 15 or 20 moving “things” which seemed to change course at great speed apparently unaffected by the flak from bursting shells all around them. Rumors that one had been shot down were never verified, nor was the explanation that these zig- zagging invaders were weather balloons ever taken seriously. In any event, for Chuck, that unforgettable episode aroused a continuing interest in UFOs, rivalling his professional fields of law and fire protection. The fact that he subsequently was a member of a group whose sighting of a flight of UFOs was authenticated by airport radar helped to sustain that interest. UFO Background Information With no intention of trying to prove or disprove the authenticity of the numerous UFO encounters often related by very credible witnesses including airline and military pilots, astronauts, police officers, fire fighters, members of Congress, and even a U.S. President, the balance of this chapter will present a brief history and nature of UFOs and their alleged occupants; their widespread sightings over the globe since ancient times; their appearance, propulsion origin, and possible motives for continuing reconnaissance. A quick look at some of the classic accounts of encounters documented in numerous foreign and U.S. publications might help us judge the magnitude of their threat, if any, to social stability, and, if deemed desirable, propose a fire service plan for coping with some of the conceivable catastrophic effects that UFOs could produce on cities and densely populated areas. For readers who already have made up their minds that there is no such thing as a UFO notwithstanding the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it should be pointed out that there is circumstantial evidence that disastrous effects have already been attributed to UFO activity in more than one nation, including the United States.
UFO Background Information
With no intention of trying to prove or disprove the authenticity of the numerous UFO encounters often related by very credible witnesses including airline and military pilots, astronauts, police officers, fire fighters, members of Congress, and even a U.S. President, the balance of this chapter will present a brief history and nature of UFOs and their alleged occupants; their widespread sightings over the globe since ancient times; their appearance, propulsion origin, and possible motives for continuing reconnaissance. A quick look at some of the classic accounts of encounters documented in numerous foreign and U.S. publications might help us judge the magnitude of their threat, if any, to social stability, and, if deemed desirable, propose a fire service plan for coping with some of the conceivable catastrophic effects that UFOs could produce on cities and densely populated areas. For readers who already have made up their minds that there is no such thing as a UFO notwithstanding the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it should be pointed out that there is circumstantial evidence that disastrous effects have already been attributed to UFO activity in more than one nation, including the United States.
UFOs – What Are They?
William Shakespeare put a fitting observation in the mouth of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, that went like this: “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy.” Whether Hamlet was referring to those strange lights or objects that appear in the sky or near the ground and have no known cause, we will never know, but the World Book Encyclopedia defines such things as UFOs.(37) Several theories have been propounded as to what they might be. Some scientists believe that they are of extraterrestrial origin– coming from other planets. Military officers conjecture that they might be alien aircraft. Some attribute them all to natural causes, such as meteors, comets, sun dogs, light reflections, marsh gas, ball lightning, even though they must admit that scientists cannot explain all UFO reports in that manner. Still others are inclined to believe that they may be forms from other dimensions which can materialize and dematerialize at will perhaps by making a wavelength or frequency transition so as to become invisible to humans. Some believe they are time travelers from the future.
UFO Classification System
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Northern University Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and an advisor to the Air Force’s Blue Book Project adopted a very simple classification system based solely upon the manner of observation: 1. Nocturnal lights 2. Daylight disks 3. Close encounters (day or night) 4. Radar readings. He concluded that this system tells us nothing about the nature of the UFOs, but can suggest a means for gathering data.(38) He found that while a large number of such reports were readily identifiable by trained investigators as misconceptions of known objects or events, a small residue (about 1.000) were not. These came from credible witnesses from such widely separated places as Canada. Australia. South America, and Antarctica. He concludes with: “Although I know of no hypothesis that adequately covers the mountainous evidence, this should not and must not deter us from following the advice of Schroedinger: to be curious, capable of being astonished, and eager to find out.”(39) Dr. Hynek has an excellent, well-illustrated article on UFOs in a 1982 book which gives a detailed history of the UFO sightings, together with the reports of some well-known people who made them, including President Jimmy Carter while governor of Georgia.(40)
Shapes of UFOs
Witnesses have described the shapes of UFOs as anything varying from a sphere to a boomerang. Some have resembled flying saucers with a lid; others a glowing tube; some as semi-spherical with colored apertures; some with reddish-orange glows, or fire-like or sparking discharges. Incredible speed and maneuverabilities not attainable by aircraft of any kind are commonly observed. Many of the books and articles in Appendix H have excellent photographs of these unexplained visitors–photos that have been checked by experts for their authenticity.
History of UFOs
For hundreds of years mysterious objects in the sky and strange moving lights have been reported by many people, including the military pilots in World War II who called them foo fighters, (“Where there’s Foo, there’s Fire”). In the middle of the 1900s flying saucers were increasingly observed in the United States and other countries. Scientists at the University of Colorado hired by the Air Force from 1966 to 1968 to study this type of aerial phenomena could explain most of the UFO reports as a star (Venus), meteor, planet, balloon, rocket, artificial satellite, etc. Sometimes atmospheric conditions, aircraft exhaust trails, or unusual lighting conditions may produce optical illusions that observers thought were UFOs. After investigating more than 12,000 reports, the U.S. Air Force was unable to explain where the unexplained UFOs come from, but apparently concluded that the national security was not threatened by them.(41) The emphasis of the university’s team, headed by Edward U. Condon, seemed to be more concerned with the establishment of the emotional stability or instability of those who reported the sightings than with other evidence. Psychiatrists have examined the witnesses who claimed to have encountered UFOs and even been taken aboard their craft, such as the two shipyard workers in Mississippi, and found that they are not unbalanced people.(42) “They’re not crackpots. There was definitely something here that was not terrestrial.”(43) Dr. J. Allen Hynek agreed, and added. “Where they are coming from and why they are here is a matter of conjecture. but the fact that they were here on this planet is beyond a reasonable doubt.”(44) The Air Force. after 20 years of being deluged with UFO sightings and spending millions of dollars on their investigation, decided to drop the inquiry business and turned the project over to a Kensington, Maryland, group called NICAP (National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena). This left NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) with part of the task of trying to run UFO sighting reports, including many by its own Apollo and Skylab astronauts. By 1974 over a score of astronauts saw and photographed UFOs during their flights beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Early in the Apollo 11 mission, which culminated in the moon walk, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins reported sightings of what seemed to be a UFO during the first half of their flight to the lunar surface. There were many more sightings by U.S. and Soviet Astronauts. On November 11,1966, Gemini XII astronauts Jim Lovell and Edwin Aldrin said that they saw four UFOs linked together, and on October 12, 1964, three Russian astronauts aboard Voskod reported that they were surrounded by a “formation of fast-moving disc-shaped objects.”(45) UFO Organizations In addition to NICAP, some of the other organizations that study UFO phenomena are MUFON (Mutual UFO Networks), CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secrecy), GSW (Ground Saucer Watch), CUFOS (the Center for UFO Studies), and APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization), an Arizona nonprofit scientific and educational organization, founded in 1952.(46)
UFO Organizations
In addition to NICAP, some of the other organizations that study UFO phenomena are MUFON (Mutual UFO Networks), CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secrecy), GSW (Ground Saucer Watch), CUFOS (the Center for UFO Studies), and APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization), an Arizona nonprofit scientific and educational organization, founded in 1952.(46)
Why The Secrecy?
In their book UFOs Over America, authors Jim and Carol Lorenzo charge that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has been closely involved in the collection and suppression of UFO information. “Witnesses to the phenomena have been bribed, coerced, and threatened by the CIA, who wanted valuable evidence given to them alone.”(47) One reason given is that military intelligence may view the UFOs as a tool of either a known or unknown potential enemy. “If these vehicles prove evasive and surreptitious, all the more reason to suspect them…. the probability looms large that the minds behind these vehicles may well be gathering intelligence of their own.”(48) Another reason for secrecy may lie in the hope of obtaining knowledge relating to advanced propulsion methods and anti-gravity systems before other potential enemies on earth may acquire it. Hence, though many nations are secretly investigating UFOs, they are reluctant to share their findings. Robert Lofton, in his book Identified Flying Saucers, claims that the Air Force became the “goat” in the effort of the CIA to debunk many sightings by pilots, radar technicians and reliable civilian observers. He thinks that the suppression of information about how dangerous UFOs can be is wrong. After citing a case where a child was burned over 50 to 60 percent of her body by a low flying UFO and then taken to an Air Force hospital, no one would explain why her clothes were not burned at the same time. He also describes another burn case in New Mexico and another man who recently received a sledge-hammer like blow that knocked him unconscious by the force field of a 100-foot diameter UFO. “The public ought to be told the danger! . . . Nothing helps rumors and panic more than ignorance.”(49) Major Donald Keyhoe describes in his book “Aliens from Space: The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects”, the difficulties he had in 1957 in trying to get the truth from government agencies after he was director of NICAP, the world’s largest UFO research organization with over 30 subcommittees in the U.S. and abroad.(50) According to some UFOlogists the attempts at cover-up by the CIA extend to destruction of evidence that it could not confiscate. Apparently some of our nation’s important leaders have been denied access to some UFO secrets in the possession of an agency of the United States, the very existence of which is classified above top secret.(51) Senator Barry Goldwater, a retired Air Force Reserve Brigadier General and pilot with many decades of flying experience, was quoted as saying “I certainly believe in aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities.” He said he was refused permission to check the Air Force files on UFOs and added, “I think some highly secret government UFO investigations are going on that we don’t know about–and probably never will unless the Air Force discloses them.”(52) He said that he put faith in the reports of the Air Force, Navy, and commercial pilots who reported instances where a UFO would fly near them–right off their plane’s wing–and then just zoom away at incredible speeds. “I remember the case in Georgia in the 1950s of a National Guard plane going after a UFO and never returning. And I recall the case in Franklin. Kentucky, when four military planes investigated a UFO. One of them exploded in midair and no one knows why.”(53) Unleashed by the policy of Glasnost (greater openness) the Soviet media felt free to include accounts of UFO sightings. A Tuss report of October 10, 1989, reported a large shiny ball or disk hovering over a Voronezh park; residents saw the UFO land and three creatures similar to human beings emerged, accompanied by a robot.(54) Apparently the Russians felt no need to suppress this report which was poked fun at in Newsweek and Time magazines(55) but not in U.S. News and World Report: “A scant few decades ago, both the U.S. government and the media treated flying objects as no laughing matter–which even Congress looked into. In 1966, Representative Ford responded to a rash of sightings in his home state of Michigan by calling for, and getting, a House hearing on UFOs.”(56)
UFO Missions
Many reasons have been advanced for the purpose of the UFOs visits to our planet. Although some of the persons who apparently have been the subjects of genetic investigation, such as the family of Whitley Streiber may not agree, the majority of those who have studied possible UFO visitors feel that they are friendly. Mr. Streiber described his experience as terrifying, and believes that these “little figures with eyes that seem to stare into the deepest core of being are asking for something. Whatever it is, it is more than simple information. The goal does not seem to be a sort of clear and open exchange that we might expect; whatever may be surfacing, it wants far more than that. It seems to me that it seeks the very depth of soul; it seeks communion.”(57) From the thousands of reports he has studied. William Spaulding, aerospace engineer and head of the Arizona-based Ground Saucer Watch, believes that a pattern indicates that UFOs are here on a surveillance mission: the fact that a majority of sightings occur around our military installations, research and development areas leads to the conclusion that a methodical study is being made of the earth and its defensive and offensive capabilities. “The phenomena is not unlike our own space explorations: scout ship survey: soil samples; landing.”(58) In his book Incident at Exeter, John Fuller discusses the seeming affinity of UFOs for electrical power lines in the northeastern part of the United States. In a later section of this chapter dealing with the effects of UFOs on our terrestrial activities, we will see how this affinity may have been responsible for causing 36 million people to lose power over an area of 8,000 square miles.(59) Because of our recent adventures into space, there are some who speculate that UFOs are more concerned with what we will do there than in settling here. In any event, the Air Force’s official publication (issued by the Government Printing Office 1968) called Flying Objects says that ‘No UFO has been determined to represent a threat to our national security.’ That conclusion, however, should not rule out less disastrous consequences than the overthrow of our government. Adverse Potential Of UFOS Regardless of its past evaluations, the Air Force could be wrong about a number of things. “It can’t even guess within a couple of billion dollars what one of its planes is going to cost; maybe, despite the skepticism of the scientists and other investigators, the UFOs sent from other planets do exist and have visited earth.”(60) And maybe they have exhibited some destructive effects, whether or not intentionally in every instance, which we need to consider when drafting a plan for coping with an emergency situation where UFOs are involved. Some of these documented effects are as follows.
UFO Hazards
The two principal hazards noted with relation to UFOs have been attributed to powerful electrical fields which they can project in a general or localized area and the psychological effects they have produced on the general populace or individual contacts.
Force Field Impact
The disruption of air and ground travel has often been reported in the presence of UFOs. The ignition systems of auto and aircraft engines have apparently been affected by energized force fields to such an extent as to stop their operation; the headlights and radios have also ceased to function. Here are a couple of examples. In Buenos Aires, on March 29, 1978, “A strange force shut off their engine and headlights of their Citroen CG, lifted it 15 feet off the road, then set it down a minute later and 75 miles to the north.” The driver had noticed a yellow and violet light shining in his rear view mirror while driving the last leg of a long stock car race, and he realized that it was approaching too fast to be a competitor. A month later a Colombian bank manager and a navy officer had their car headlights go off when buzzed by a UFO, with the navy man suffering temporary paralysis. Other South American countries in which similar actions were reported around that time included Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay.(61) These effects have also been noted to influence the controls and instruments of aircraft, e.g., the pilot of a Piper PH-24 reported that his controls became inoperable when he was approached by three disk-shaped objects, 10 to 12 feet in diameter, over Mexico City on May 3,1975.(62) Similar cases have been reported by military pilots, illustrated by the classic case of the near mid-air collision of an army helicopter with a UFO on October 18, 1973, over Ohio, where not only did both the UHF and VHF radio wave- lengths go dead temporarily, but the downward movement of the helicopter with its four occupants was levitated upward by a green beam from the UFO in time to prevent its crash into the ground.(63)
Communications Disruption
In addition to the impedance of radio transmissions and reception, such as that described in the preceding incident, telephone interference has occurred, illustrated by the chagrin of President Lyndon Johnson in having his conversation from the Texas White House cut off while talking to assistants in Washington, D.C.(64) The ability to render inoperable all electronic forms of communications, including those that control the launching of defense weapons systems, has been considered within the range of UFO capability. Whether this could extend to the erasing of recorded computer data such as bank records, personnel data, FBI, CIA, and NSA files, along with critical information of every kind, is not beyond the realm of possibility.
Regional Power Blackouts
It has long been suspected that UFOs have the capability of blacking out a city, state, or many states by exerting a force field sufficient to overload the circuits of public and private utility installations. “Few things are more disturbing than to be plunged into pitch darkness without warning; it is dangerous for masses of people. It paralyzes cities, blocks highways, stops trains, leaves elevators suspended between floors. In general it simply plays hell with the modern way of life.”(65) You would think that the power companies would have achieved sufficient reliability in their high tech systems that a mass failure such as that which blacked out New York and New England in 1965 would never happen–but it did. Although, as we have mentioned before, it was known that UFO activity was associated with disturbances with compasses. instruments, ignition systems, radios, etc., it was inconceivable that it could also interfere with generation and distribution of electrical power. Such a connection was also inferred in November 1953, when a glowing red object went over a residential area of New Haven, Connecticut, causing lights to dim out on both sides of the object’s path and then come on when it went out of sight. Power failures were also reported in association with UFOs in Brazil in 1957 to l959, Rome, Italy, in 1958; and Mexico in 1965. Likewise, in Uberlandia, where the power station operators promptly closed the circuits when the UFO apparently caused them to open, it did no good, and they were unable to restore the power until the UFO departed. “The Granddaddy of all blackouts to date was the stygian blanket that fell over 30 million people in the northeastern corner of the U.S. during the early evening rush hour period on November 9, 1965.”(66) Relay services that were supposed to automatically transfer the load in case of failure in one area to an alternate source malfunctioned. Military communications relying on public power without alternate backup systems also failed, but communications were operable to make a quick public announcement that there was no military emergency. Though it was largely over by the next morning, the official explanation about a malfunctioning small device in a Canadian hydroelectric generating plant never accounted for the failure of millions of dollars worth of electronic devices to shift the load when the breakdown occurred.
Fireballs Over Syracuse – The Blackout Connection
Airplane pilots reported that UFOs were being chased across Pennsylvania about 4:30 P.M., and electronics and construction engineers who were driving in the area of the Syracuse airport saw UFOs moving about 5:30 P.M., just prior to the Great Blackout. A veteran flight instructor who had been flying over Syracuse on a training flight saw a glowing globe over the power lines leading to the Niagara Falls generating plant. Hundreds of others saw the glowing object in the sky on the night of the big power failure. That was on November 9th. On December 2nd, about 700,000 persons in Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico also had their power fail. It was said to have originated in a regular failure in El Paso; then on December 5th, three nights later. 40,000 homes plus military installations in the area of East Texas were also blacked out– overloaded! Missile grounds (White Sands), Fort Bliss, Holloman Air Force Base, and numerous airports were all blacked out (with no emergency power backup), and this was when President Johnson’s telephone call to the White House in Washington, D.C. was cut off. In response to his request for an explanation, President Johnson was told that his calls were fed into a cable system that went dead when the surge of power caused by the El Paso regulator blow-up hit it, and the backup batteries didn’t work. Though it may be debatable whether the above cases of electrical transmission failure were merely coincidences with UFO activity, an incident on April 18,1962, involving a UFO that had been tracked from New York, through Kansas to Eureka, Utah, was well documented. The Air Force spokesman admitted that the object had landed, and during the 42 minutes that it was on the ground near the power station there was no power, but it was restored when the UFO left. The object was pursued by jet interceptors summoned from Phoenix and Stead Field in Reno until it exploded over the Mesquite Range in Nevada in a brilliant glare that was visible over five states.(67)
UFOS – The Panic Hazard
The second major disastrous effect that UFO activity, real or imagined, can have on the populace, is the creation of fear, panic, flight, and all kinds of irrational behavior. We have mentioned already the rather well-documented case of hysterical contagion and mass hysteria created by War of the Worlds, the radio drama by Orson Welles about an invasion of Martians. It was broadcast on Halloween of 1938 during the period of the invasions of Germany into Austria and Japan into China. “The drama, realistically presented in the form of news bulletins and interviews concerning an alien spaceship landing in New Jersey, resulted in many kinds of hysterical actions, including thousands of panic-stricken phone calls, wildly fleeing automobiles, and impromptu shot gun brigades.”(68) Though most persons reporting UFOs do not interpret them as personal threats, it is possible that some of the large volume of reports may be attributable to hysterical contagion. In any case, one of the reasons often cited for the tight secrecy on government UFO research findings is the need to prevent the possible panic that a revelation of the truth might arouse. Rumors that people were being abducted, dematerialized, burned, made radioactive, rounded up and impounded, liquidated with ray guns and lasers or shipped off to Mars or Venus might well give rise to fear–fear of the unknown. Hysteria could cause frightened persons to imagine that their water was poisoned, the air contaminated with undetectable but lethal aerosols or nerve gases. With hundreds of UFO squadrons zooming across the landscape from California to New York, Toronto to Mexico City, communications disrupted, widespread power failures, airports and railroads paralyzed, highways turned into giant parking lots of immobilized vehicles full of terrified motorists, the problem of restoring order and sanity would be a tremendous challenge to all of the emergency services, assuming their personnel would remain calm, detached. and able to resist the human impulse to put the safety and well being of their own families ahead of the public’s. To make matters worse, some of the more excitable gun owners might be tempted to rush out Rambo fashion, and in utter disregard of the damage that falling bullets might cause innocent residents below their fallout, start firing at the evasive objects regardless of the range.
Personal Hazards – Physiological
The force field affects on the physical environment– communication, transportation, illumination, and computerized data storage–have already been considered. We might have added that some physical effects have been observed at locations where UFOs have landed– circular patterns of crops destroyed by heat or radiation and baking or sterilization of the soil at the site. On a more practical basis there may be grounds for concern that more than just the environment can be adversely affected by UFO actions. While pursuing UFOs, military aircraft have disappeared in mid-air, exploded, and suffered harassment. Persons on the ground have sustained serious burns, paralysis, and “blows” from a force field, radiated emissions, or rays and beams that have been described like that of a “stun-gun”(69) In 1980, three witnesses saw a red ball of light hovering above houses in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when suddenly a bolt of blue light shot down and two houses burst into flames.(70) An Indiana man saw a bright light flash pass his window; the power went off in his house so he went outside to investigate and found a brilliantly lit object hovering above him; when he started to walk toward it his body commenced to tingle and he was unable to move until the object disappeared. A similar tingling sensation swept over another man in Lvnn, Massachusetts. one night when he approached a domed object with a red glowing cone rising from a parking lot. He too was immobile until the object moved out of sight. Some believe that even animals may be at risk by UFOs; in trying to account for the death of 15 ponies, the leader of an investigative team believed they were crushed by the anti-gravity field of a flying saucer as it took off.(71) Thus, UFOs may not only have the power to control some of our military and industrial establishment’s highly technical scientific hardware, they may also possess the ability to impose pain and control over people who attempt to attack them, even to the extent of “liquidating” them in one way or another.
UFOs – Emergency Action
In view of the fact that many UFOlogists believe that we are fast approaching a time when overt landings of UFOs will become less remarkable, and in the absence of our knowing whether their visits are friendly or hostile, it would not be remiss to give some thought to the part that fire departments might play in the event of the unexpected arrival of UFOs in their communities. For example, what would be your course of action as an incident commander at the scene of a school ground where a UFO has crashed into the boiler room, rupturing a fuel line, and ignition has occurred in the spilling oil, endangering the occupants of the craft who are trapped in the wreckage? If your rescue attempts are successful, and two of the five small alien creatures are injured but still alive, how do you dispose of the dead and treat the survivors? How would the presence of children on the school grounds affect your actions? What persons and agencies would be notified? The authors have never read any advice on these matters. The following admonition was printed on the inside front jacket of Frank Edward’s book on flying saucers:
“Near approaches of UFOs can be harmful to human beings. Do not stand under a UFO that is hovering at low altitude. Do not touch or attempt to touch a UFO that has landed. In either case the safe thing to do is to get away from there very quickly and let the military take over. There is a possibility of radiation danger and there are known cases where persons have been burned by rays emanating from UFOs. Don’t take chances With UFOs!”
In view of the federal law (cited earlier) empowering NASA’s administrator to impound, without a hearing, anyone who touches a UFO or its occupants. it would be inadvisable to make personal contact unless you are willing to submit to NASA’s quarantine requirements, should the law be invoked. Besides the possible physical effects of approaching a UFO, e.g.. burns, radiation, etc., there may be psychological effects produced by force fields that could induce a hypnotic state in the viewer, loss of consciousness, memory relapse, and submission to the occupants. Jacques Vallee, author of “The Invisible College” cautions that we should consider psychic effects, such as space-time distortions experienced by percipients of craft-like devices which appear to fade away–dematerialize–and then reappear; of alien, strange voices or thoughts that may effect involuntary changes in the manner in which witnesses may react in such circumstances.(72) Perhaps the above warnings of Edwards and Vallee are a little too cautious and apprehensive to adopt as a general pattern of conduct in every situation. In the absence of overt acts indicating hostility, there may be no danger in approaching a landing (or landed) UFO with a positive, solicitous attitude of wanting to be of service. This nonaggressive mental state may be telepathically sensed by those aboard or emerging from the craft; a form of nonvocal communication is a possibility. It goes without saying that any display of firearms or other weapons on your part could be construed as unfriendly and likely to thwart your intention of conveying a helpful attitude. In a best case scenario, you may be able to obtain guidance as to the appropriate actions to take, whether of a life-saving nature, e.g., in quelling a fire, abating a spill, and of preservation of property, or even in the reduction of apprehension on the part of your response team and the spectators. In a less optimistic scenario, you may have engine trouble upon approaching the scene, and radio contact could be lost with your dispatcher. If at night, your headlights could go out, the city could be blacked out, and your portable generators may malfunction when you attempt to use them for fans and portable lights. It would certainly be an inopportune time for your comrades to announce that they had decided to take their pensions, effective immediately. In any event, the incident could provide invaluable experience for further training in coping with rare and difficult emergencies. Whatever “inside” information you are able to pass along to your fellow officers and citizens of the world might help to alleviate unreasonable fear, so that there would be less likelihood that we would ever again experience the panic and hysteria that was created by War of the Worlds a half century ago. Truth is the best cure for the unknown. A list of some of the available books on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) is found in Appendix H.
Some fire chiefs have little confidence in disaster plans, especially those dealing with UFOs or enemy attack. If you develop a plan that sets forth your responsibilities, resources, organizations, supplies information, telephone numbers, and special data that will be useful in obtaining help and fulfilling your role in disaster control, commit it to an electronic medium, a computer with a capability for continuous updating through modern word processing. Bring it forth when the need requires. With a good plan, good leadership, and adequate resources, you may save many lives in any disaster, including attack from possible enemies.
Chapter 13 References
1. Smith. Iack. “The Night L.A. Bombed.” Los Angeles Times, September 9, 1975, Part 1, p. I . 2. World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 21, p. 21, Chicago, IL Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, 1976. 3. Cloud, Stanley W. “Gathering Storm” in Time, September 3, 1990, pp. 24-28. 4. “Secret History of the War” in Newsweek, March 18,1991, p.28. 5. “Snubbing People Power” in U.S. News ~ World Report, April 8,1991, p.38. 6. World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 21, p.22. Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, Chicago, IL 1976. 7. “Preparing for Iraqi Chemical Warfare,” photo and story in Time, September 3,1990, p.26. 8. “Steel Rain’ in Newsweek, March 18,1991, p.31. 9. See note 2, volume 9, p. 416. 10. See Chapter 8 for a more in-depth discussion of terrorism. 11. Gilliam. l. “A-Bomb Materials Can Be Stolen, Expert Says,” Los Angeles Times, December ll. 1975, Part Il, p. 1. 12. Nuclear Blackmail Emergency Response Plan for the State of California, Officer of Emergency Service, State of California, June 1976. 13. “After the Storm” in Newsweek, March 11, 1991, pp. 26-29. 14. Nuclear Attack and Industrial Survival, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Special Report, 1962, p.52. 15. Willenson, K., and L. Norman. “Missiles on the Move” in Newsweek, February 16, 1976, p.42. 16. CBS News broadcast, April 1991. 17. Disaster Planning Guide for Business and Industry, Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, 1974, p.7, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 18. L. A. Postal Report, Volume 10, No. 9, April 23,1965, p.2, Los Angeles, CA. 19. Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War–Some Perspectives, a Report of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1975, p. 5, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20. Ibid. p. 6. 21. “Turning Up the Heat on the Greenhouse” in Newsweek, April 22, 1991, p. 69. 22. See note 19, p. 6. 23. Seenote 19, p. 5. 24. “Deadly Meltdown” in Time, May 12, 1986, p. 39. 25. “A ‘Big 50’ for Pearl Harbor in USA Today, Thursday, May 9, 1991. p. 3A. 26. Bahme,.Charles W. Fire Officer’s Guide To Disaster Control, Ist ed., Boston, MA: NFPA 1978, p. 340. 27. Fire Effects of Bombing Attacks, Technical Manual 9-2, October 1959, Office of Civil Defense Mobilization, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 28. Fire Aspects of Civil Defense, TR-25, Office of Civil Defense, July 1968, p. 4, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 29. World Book Encyclopedia, 1991. 30. Disaster Operations, Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, 1972. p. 29, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 31. Bruno, Hal. “The Wait May Be Over at FEMA” in Firehouse, Vol. 15, No. 5 (May 1990) p. 10. 32. See note 30, p. 40. 33. The U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. has several publications available as of 1991 which suggest measures that can be taken to safeguard dwellings and other buildings, in preparation for a nuclear attack; they illustrate the relative protection afforded for fallout radiation by various types of construction and in various locations within a building. Two available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, are Fallout Protection and ln Time of Emergency, both Office of Civil Defense. 34. Weldon, Curt. “The Fight for Fire Protection” in Firehouse, Vol. 16, No. 4 (April 1991), p. 20. 35. Radio Broadcast on station KSHE, St. Louis, MO, reported on April 25, 1991. 36. Edwards, Frank. Flying Saucers–Serious Business, NY: Lyle Stuart,965. p. 315. 37. World Book Encyclopedia, World Book Inc., 1988, Vol. 20, p. 19. 38. Sagan, Carl, and Thornton Page. UFOs–A Scientific Deoate, Cornell Univ., 1972, p. 44. 39. Ibid. p. 51. 40. Readers Digest. Mysteries Of The Unexplained, p. 219. 41. Steiger, Brad, Editor. Project Blue Book. NY: Ballantine Books, 1976, p. 170. 42. Uphoff, Walter and Mary lo, New Psychic Frontiers, Colin Smyth Ltd., 1975. p. 152. 43. Ibid., quoting Dr. James Harder, University of California. 44. Ibid. p. 152. 45. Macomber, Frank. “UFOs Spotted by Astronauts Still Haven’t Been Identified,” Santa Cruz Sentinel, April 17, 1974, p. 30. 46. APRO’s addre$s was given as 3910 E. Kleindale Rd.. Tucson, Arizona, 85716. 47. Lorenzen, lim and Coral. UFOs Over America, NY: Signet. 1968, pp. 182 et seq. 48. Ibid. p. 186. 49. Lofton, Robert. ldentified Flying Saucers, NY: David McKay Co., 1968, p. 86. 50. Kehoe, Donald, Major. Aliens From Space, The Real Story of the UFOs, New York: Doubleday, 1972. 51. Friedman, Stanton. Cosmic Watergate, New Realities, 1979; Hvnek, l. Allen. “UFOs.” This World, Aug. 30, 1981, p. 13. 52. Zullo, Allan A. “I Believe That Earth Has Been Visited By Creatures From Outer Space,” National Enquirer, December 1973. 53. Ibid. p. 2. 54. Press Democrat, October 10, 1989, p. A-5; also reported in weekly news magazines; see notes 22 and 23. 55. Time, October 23,1989; Newsweek, October 30,1989; UFO update, Omni, January 1990. 56. U.S. News ~ World Report, “UFOs in Uncle Sam’s Closet,” October 23, 1989, p.19. 57. Streiber, Whitley. Communion, NY: William Morrow, 1987, p. 15. 58. Adamski, George, lnside the Flying Saucers, NY: Paperback Library, 1967. p. 11. 59. Fuller, John. lncident at Exeter, cited in UFO Update, in New Realities,1978. p.52. 60. “Shooting Down The Flying Saucers,” Los Angeles Times, December 15,1959, Pt. Il, p. 5. 61. Boudreaux, Richard. “South Americans Take UFOs Seriously,” Los Angeles Times, November 29, 1978. Pt. VI, p. 7. 62. See note 6, p. 224. 63. Randles, Jenny. The UFO Conspiracy, NY: Sterling Pub. Co.. 1990, p. 105. 64. See note 1, p. 267. 65. See note 1, p. 255. 66. Ibid. p. 259. 67. Ibid. p. 269. 68. See note 4, p. 216. 69. Blundell, Nigel, and Roger Boar. The World’s Greatest UFO Mysteries, NY: Berkeley Books, 1990, p. 175. 70. Ibid. p. 176. 71. Ibid. p. 179. 72. Vallee. Jacques. The Invisible College, NY: E. P. Dutton, 1975 p. 6.
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Grey Aliens
Grey Aliens
Grey aliens, also referred to as “Alien Greys”, “Greys”, “Grays”, “Roswell Greys”, and “Zeta Reticulans”, are alleged Extraterrestrial beings whose existence is promoted in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their skin colour. Around half of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens. Such claims vary in every respect including their nature (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), origins, moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances (even varying in their eponymous skin colour). A composite description derived from overlap in claims would have Greys as small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey-coloured skin, enlarged head and large black eyes.
The origin of the idea of the Grey is commonly associated with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction claim which took place 1961, although sceptics see precursors in science fiction and earlier paranormal claims. The Grey aliens are also famous from the Roswell UFO incident from 1947.
Greys are typically depicted as dark grey-skinned diminutive humanoid beings that possess reduced forms of, or completely lack, external human organs such as noses, ears or sex organs. Their bodies are usually depicted as being elongated, having a small chest, and lacking in muscular definition and visible skeletal structure. Their legs are shorter and jointed differently from what one would expect in a human. Their limbs are often depicted as proportionally different from a human’s; their humerus and thighs are the same lengths as their forearms and shins, respectively.
Greys are depicted as having unusually large heads in proportion to their bodies. They are depicted as having no hair anywhere on the body, including the face, and no noticeable outer ears or noses, but only small openings or orifices for ears and nostrils. They are depicted as having very small mouths, and very large opaque black eyes with no discernible iris or pupil. Sometimes Greys are depicted as having no noticeable nostrils or mouths. Also reports of alleged encounters state their height to be 2–4 ft tall.
In the 1893 article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. (Compare the Morlocks of Wells’s 1895 novel, The Time Machine, who appear greyish-white and large-eyed, but hairy.) In his 1901 book The First Men in the Moon, Wells described Selenites (natives of the Moon) as having grey skin, big heads, large black eyes and wasp-stings. He also briefly describes aliens resembling Greys brought down to Earth as food by the Martian antagonists of his 1898 novel The War of the Worlds.
In 1933, the Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, using the pen name Gabriel Linde, published a science-fiction novel called Den okända faran (The Unknown Danger), in which he describes a race of Extraterrestrials: ” the creatures did not resemble any race of humans. They were short, shorter than the average Japanese, and their heads were big and bald, with strong, square foreheads, and very small noses and mouths, and weak chins. What was most extraordinary about them were the eyes – large, dark, gleaming, with a sharp gaze. They wore clothes made of soft grey fabric, and their limbs seemed to be similar to those of humans.” The novel, aimed at young readers, included illustrations of the imagined aliens. Star map of Zeta Reticuli, according to Betty Hill and Marjorie Fish In 1965 newspaper reports of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction brought Greys to international attention. The alleged abductees, Betty and Barney Hill, claimed that in 1961 alien beings had abducted them and taken them to a saucer-shaped spaceship. (The term “Greys” did not come into usage until many years later, but the alleged beings described by Betty and Barney Hill generally fit many of the common traits of the so-called Greys.) From a star chart reported by Betty Hill, Marjorie Fish, an elementary-school teacher and amateur astronomer, located the home planet of these beings in the Zeta Reticuli star-system (allegedly the fourth planet of one of the stars of the Zeta Reticuli binary system). The Greys therefore sometimes became known as Zeta Reticulans.
The Greys also appear as the (benevolent) aliens in the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
1980 – 1991
During the early 1980s popular culture linked Greys to the alleged crash-landing of a flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. A number of publications contained statements from individuals who claimed to have seen the U.S. military handling a number of unusually proportioned, bald, child-sized beings. These individuals claimed that the beings had over-sized heads and slanted eyes—but scant other facial features—during and after the incident.
In 1987, popular novelist Whitley Strieber published the book Communion, in which he describes a number of close encounters he purports to have experienced with Greys and other extraterrestrial beings. The book became a New York Times bestseller, and New Line Cinema released a film adaption starring Christopher Walken in 1989.
In 1988 Christophe Dechavanne interviewed the French science-fiction writer and ufologist Jimmy Guieu during a weekly French TV Live Show which, at the time, was entitled “Ciel, mon mardi !”. It was broadcast by TF1, one of the three national TV channels in France. Besides mentioning Majestic 12, Jimmy Guieu described the existence of what he called “the little greys” which, later on, became better known in French under the following name: les Petits-Gris.[3] In early 90’s, the same ufologist Jimmy Guieu has written two docu-dramas, using as plot the Grey aliens / Majestic-12 conspiracy as described by John Lear and Milton William Cooper : the series “E.B.E.” (for “Extraterrestrial Biological Entity”) : E.B.E. : Alerte rouge (first part) (1990) and E.B.E. : L’entité noire d’Andamooka (second part) (1991).
1992 – Present day
During the 1990s, popular culture began to increasingly link Greys to a number of military-industrial complex/New World Order conspiracy theories.[4] A well-known example of this was the FOX television series The X-Files, which first aired in 1993. It combined the quest to find proof of the existence of Grey-like extraterrestrials with a number of UFO conspiracy theory subplots, in order to form its primary story arc. Other notable examples include Dark Skies, first broadcast in 1996, which expanded upon the MJ-12 conspiracy, and Stargate SG-1, which in the 1998 episode “Thor’s Chariot” introduced the Asgard, a race of benevolent Greys who visited ancient Earth masquerading as characters from Norse Mythology. Greys, referred to as ‘visitors’, appear in two episodes of South Park, and Roger Smith, a regular character on the animated comedy series American Dad! since its debut in 2005, is a Grey-like alien. On Babylon 5, the Greys were referred to as the Vree, and depicted as being allies and trade partners of 23rd Century Earth.
In 1995 filmmaker Ray Santilli claimed to have obtained 22 reels of 16 mm film that depicted the autopsy of a “real” Grey supposedly recovered from the site of the 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico.[5][6] However, in 2006 Santilli announced that the film was not original, but was instead a “reconstruction” created after the original film was found to have degraded. He maintained that a real Grey had been found and autopsied on camera in 1947, and that the footage released to the public contained a percentage of that original footage, but he was unable to say what that percentage was. This incident became the subject of the British comedy film Alien Autopsy, starring television presenters Ant & Dec.[7][8]
The 2011 film Paul tells the story of a Grey who attributes the Greys’ frequent presence in science-fiction pop-culture to the US government deliberately inserting the stereotypical Grey alien image into mainstream media so that if humanity came into contact with Paul’s species, there would be no immediate shock as to their appearance.
The 2012 video game XCOM: Enemy Unknown uses grey aliens (called Sectoids) as a main enemy type.
In close encounter claims and ufology
Greys are commonly included in alien abduction claims. Among reports of supposed alien encounters, Greys make up approximately 50 percent in Australia, 43 percent in the United States, 90 percent in Canada, 67 percent in Brazil, 20 percent in Continental Europe, and around 12 percent in the United Kingdom. These reports include two distinct groups of Greys that differ in height. Abductees say that they recognize the leader of their abductors by its “demeanour. “Some ufologists and abduction researchers believe that taller Greys, with their reported increased authority and apparently more complex psychology, may be the only Grey type to be biologically alive and that the shorter form could be their artificially constructed robot or cyborg servants.
Some alien abduction reports have depicted variant skin colours such as blue-grey, green-grey, or purple-grey and sometimes not grey at all. The skin is typically described as being extremely smooth, almost as if made of an artificial material like rubber or plastic.
Abduction claims are often described as extremely traumatic, similar to an abduction by humans or even a sexual assault in the level of trauma and distress. (Research has shown that emotional impact of perceived abduction can be as great as or even greater than that of combat, sexual abuse, and other traumatic events.)
The eyes are often a focus of abduction claims. They are said to not move or focus in any observable way to the naked eye. Claims often describe a Grey staring into the eyes of an abductee when conducting mental procedures. This staring is claimed to induce hallucinogenic states or directly provoke different emotions. Although abduction claimants often say that the Grey was only inches from their face during the staring mind scan procedure, they often subsequently claim to not feeling breath or seeing the Grey’s chest move from breathing.
Evolutionary feasibility debate
According to English reproductive biologist Jack Cohen, the typical image of a Grey, given that it would have evolved into a world with different environmental and ecological conditions from Earth, is too physiologically similar to a human to be credible as a representation of an alien. Their physical structure has been sometimes viewed as supporting the Panspermia theory of origins, although the level “parallel evolution” (using the term in as it is used in Sci-Fi, distinct from the use in Biology and the related term Convergent Evolution) required is statistically next to nil. The “parallel evolution” concept is utilized as a plot device by Star Trek writers Gene Roddenberry and Gene Coon and referred to as “Hodgkins Law of Parallel Planet Development”.
Some Ufologists say such seemingly impossible coincidences show that extraterrestrial beings had some influence on the evolution of life on Earth in the distant past (the theory of “ancient astronauts”), specifically that extraterrestrials were directly involved in the evolution of primates, including humans. This was supposedly done by genetic engineering, cross-breeding, or a combination of both. This idea may have first gained widespread exposure with the 1968 publication of Chariots of the Gods? by Erich von Däniken and has since been the source of much controversy, inspiring numerous other books with various related theories.
Proponents of this theory of alien genetic/evolutionary intervention on Earth argue that if the Greys (or similar beings) were performing genetic manipulations and/or experiments with pre-human life forms on Earth (and could somehow overcome the vast genetic and biochemical differences involved in the completely separate evolutionary histories) that these alleged aliens may have attempted to influence the evolution of life forms here in a direction consistent with their own genetic makeup, and similar to their own physiology and general physical structure, since genetically that is what they would presumably be most familiar with.
Since the history of life on Earth gives some idea of what is and is not feasible on other worlds, and there is no conclusive evidence of any alleged past extraterrestrial genetic manipulation in our own evolution, some Ufologists have offered alternative explanations to accommodate for the evolutionary improbability of Greys (or any other bipedal, humanoid “extraterrestrial” species) by explaining them as being native hominids to Earth either having left or living in hiding, as Mac Tonnies proposed in his book The Cryptoterrestrials, or from another dimension, as proposed by John A. Keel and J. Allen Hynek.
Conspiracy theories
Some conspiracy theorists believe that Greys represent part of a government-led disinformation or plausible deniability campaign,[14] or that they are a product of government mind control experiments.[15][16] Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, head of CSETI, and a prominent UFO conspiracy theorist, claims to have over 400 “government, military, and intelligence community witnesses” that have offered testimony to the existence of aliens and UFOs or efforts to cover up their existence and who have stated that they would be willing to defend their claims under oath.
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Extra-terrestrial Life – What The ELITE Don’t Want You To Know!
Extra-terrestrial Life – What The ELITE Don’t Want You To Know!
It is now clear for many of us around the world that we are NOT alone and being visited by sophisticated Beings not of this world. From the findings that are being announced by leading scientists to admittance off people in the know from a position of authority that Aliens exists (Former Astronauts, Ex Politicians and even Obama!).
But the very unfortunate thing is that the Elite like hiding the truth in plain sight, which is a favourite tactic of the theirs against us all. I suppose the biggest factor working in the elites favour is massive and widespread public incredulity at their schemes, because let’s be honest with ourselves people, the scale of all this is simply unimaginable for the average Joe Bloggs to comprehend, and THIS is what those supposedly in control use to their advantage!
Its time for change against those few that control us!?
To be fair it is very hard to accept that a tiny little group of people, disconnected from all levels or care or compassion, empathy and the rest of humanity, would actively promote war, encourage depopulation and the destruction of our home Planet Earth, but the evidence proves it to the case: from Kissinger’s 1974 Memorandum 200 (depopulation) to the spraying of our skies with toxic metals (geo-engineering).
But please do not worry people, because as bad as this all is, it still has not gone so deep into the rabbit hole as of yet. The Elite keep getting over cocky and smart and If you really want an extreme version of hiding truth in plain sight of us all, then check out the short clip below of President Barack Obama glibly coats the truth of alien intervention with a layer of extremely calculated sarcasm…..but sometimes a persons eyes tells a thousand words Mr Obama!
“The Aliens Exercise Strict Control Over Us”
It is clear for the majority of people around the world watching this clip would have watched this and not given it a second thought and then walked just thinking that the whole thing was a joke. But people this response is EXACTLY the kind of pre-calculated response those supposedly in control want to encourage around the whole ‘Alien’ topic! They do this by hiding truth in plain view of us all by making it all into one big massive joke, or perhaps even turn it into science fiction perhaps some kind of movie which either mocks Aliens or makes them out to be the bad guys! This is all a far more effective strategy at shielding the true reality from a rather sceptical public than mere obfuscation or just a point blank denial. But the Elite need to remember one thing, the people of this world are wakening and people like us who know that we are being lied to, are helping to wake the world!
The people of this world are slowly but surely waking!
This particular theme of hiding truth in plain view of the world’s population can be found everywhere especially in the entertainment industries – kids cartoons, music videos, movies and comedy shows! – and one area which is usually highly used is science fiction. Age old Movies and TV series such as Star Trek and V are a particular way that the elite can release a little pressure but without having to engage in FULL open disclosure. And on the flip side of this It’s also a very cunning way that they can claim some plausible deniability, by explaining away all the evidence and shunning it all as “science fiction”….But indeed what we are being presented with is actually Science FACT!
When looking at movies and hiding hidden ‘truths’ look at even more recent films such as Jupiter Ascending, which has Reptilians in it, Alien Greys in it, Government cover-ups, Galactic rulers etc etc the list goes on….
The ‘Reptilian’ guest appearance in the film Jupiter Ascending.
And whilst the Elite believe that such comical rhetoric can keep the masses of this world in disbelief and ridicule, peoples’ minds may remain closed on a short term basis, but now thanks to technology people can see the truth, ‘Google’ the truth from the palm of their hand without of visiting a library. But think of the amount of UFO sightings around the world which are being captured daily on peoples HD cameras (everybody has a smartphone now)…..the world is slowly but surely going through an ‘Awakening’ process and people like us at U.I.P and yourselves are helping to speed up this process – the Waking of the Masses!
The truth is in the skies above us!
It is clear, and like most leading politicians, Barrack Obama is an extremely good actor! Just look at his delivery as he says these words below;
“The Aliens won’t let it happen.”
“They [Aliens] exercise strict control over us.”
“I can’t reveal anything.”
“That’s what we’re instructed to say.”
No matter how very hard Obama may try to hide the truth, he can’t hide the truth by acting skills. far too many of us in our millions, perhaps even BILLIONS already KNOW the truth about the Alien Beings presence here on Planet Earth, and guess what Obama and co, that number is only going to increase daily and there is NOTHING you can do to stop this!
Overwhelming Evidence Aliens Do Actually Exist
It’s important that if you actually take the time to properly study eyewitness testimonies, and also listen to visitation/abduction accounts and read the vast amount of declassified military documents on this topic, you will most definitely discover a HUGE amount of evidence which not only confirms the existence of ETs, but also that they have been here for a very long time and have already interacted with humanity – some of these Alien Beings have actually entered into set arrangements with our Governments, but sadly NOT in the best interest of humanity…..purely for greed and ‘control’ of the Elite!
Here is a sample of the thousands of credible sources, many of which come from hardened rational military men, who confirm that aliens do exist among us:
Former Command Sergeant Bob Dean who worked at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe), the centre of NATO, who personally had many experiences of interacting with Nordic ETs. He reveals that the Shadow Government is deeply involved with ETs in underground facilities (e.g. with the jumproom connecting S4 [Area 51] in Nevada with Pine Gap in Australia) and how there is a big battle between the NWO factions that favour disclosure and the ones that vehemently oppose it.
Veteran Clifford Stone, who had a personal relationship with a green ET called Korona and has numerous alien tales. Some of these many involved his time in Vietnam where he went on UFO crash recovery missions. He even helped an alien escape from military custody! Stone has publicly stated many times there are 57 alien species already interacting with humanity in some way or another.
ET Contactee Alex Collier, who has had a long ongoing relationship with evolved beings from the Andromedan Galaxy. Throughout his many video interviews he discusses, in astonishing detail, the ET presence on Earth, the Reptilian control of our government and institutions, the truth about our Moon, bases on Mars, human treaties signed with evil alien races, the Government selling us out for greed and technology and many other topics.
Former US military man Phil Schneider, a brave whistleblower who not only encountered alien beings underground, but also got into a gun fight with them – killing one and wounding another. He was a geologist, structural engineer and underground tunneling expert who participated in the construction of many deep underground cities and bases in North America. In his many video presentations he describes in detail these cities, tunnels and bases, the Government’s secret deal with hostile ETs and advanced alien technology being used by secret US agencies.
ET Contactee Billy Meier, who was one of the first prolific contact stories. Meier was reportedly contacted by an extraterrestrial named Semjase who claimed to be from the Pleiades. She allowed him to take over 1000 clear daytime pictures of her craft and others like it as well as live video – in the 1970s before computers and Photoshop were widespread, so fakery would have been difficult or impossible.
Former US Air Force officer Charles Hall who became familiar with Areas 53 and 54 (called “Dreamland”) and the Dogbone Lake field where the ETs landed their craft. He actually lived with a certain species, which he describes as tall, thin, with large eyes and transparent hair, and with the ability to dress and look like humans, and to grow again once they get old.
Former US Air Force officer Bill Holden who had many UFO and ET experiences, including several encounters with alien beings and UFO craft demonstrations. He witnessed 2 Greys in jumpsuits, and a flying double-saucer UFO emerge from water without a splash. He reveals how relations between aliens and the US government are both on-going and extensive.
Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer, A former defence minister has accused world leaders of concealing the presence of aliens. Paul Hellyer, who was a Canadian minister from 1963 to 1967, is now urging world powers to release what he believes to be hidden data on UFOs. ‘Much of the media won’t touch [the documents]’, he said during a keynote speech at the Disclosure Canada Tour at the University of Calgary.
There are MANY cases of other ET contacts which include;
Simon Parkes, Arizona Wilder, Whitley Strieber, Mark Richards, Maurizio Cavallo, Ernie Sears, Bonnie Meyer, Alec Newald, Jonathan Reed, James Casbolt, Kim Carlsberg, Douglas Taylor, Travis Walton and Stan Romanek are also worth investigating, not to mention those who are believed to have seen or worked on UFOs, such as Bob Lazar and U.S. Airforce Captain Robert Salas etc etc etc (probably missing a fair few!).
Researchers Bringing The Truth About ET Reality
There are now numerous credible researchers around the world who have spent their lives studying the ET phenomenon. Take for example Roger Leir, an expert on alien implants; Ann Eller, who worked with the father of UFO and Alien research, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, and who served as Hynek’s personal secretary; and Professor David Jacobs who has fascinating evidence of a disturbing ET agenda of building a hybrid human-alien race. Or, listen to Barbara Lamb, Stan Friedman, Bill Cooper, Mary Rodwell, Timothy Good, Steven Bassett, Steven Greer, Linda Moulton Howe or Philip Corso.
Another person of particular interest is the late Dr. Karla Turner, who investigated the ET abduction phenomenon for decades and collected massive testimonial evidence of the existence of grey and reptilian ETs. Many people have said that she was murdered because of the truth she told and the knowledge she knew! These are all brave people risking their life for the TRUTH!
We Have Been Helped
Here is a quote from Dr. Herman Oberth, a NASA Space Scientist, who said this in 1972. Not much more needs saying after this:
“Today, we cannot produce machines that fly the same as UFOs do. They are flying by means of artificial fields of Gravity. This would explain the sudden changes of directions. This hypothesis would also explain the piling-up of these discs into a Cylindrical or cigar shaped “Mothership” upon leaving the Earth. Because it is in this fashion, that only one field of gravity be required for all the flying saucers. We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been HELPED. And we have been helped by the people of other WORLDS.” Not all ETs are “bad”. Not all are “good”. There are countless species, and motivations within those species, for us to make many generalizations. There is a whole universe of hominoid beings out there waiting for us to end the planetary secrecy and take our place in the galactic community. However, it’s not going to happen until a critical mass can discern the truth, hiding in plain sight.”
One thing is for sure, not all ET Beings are bad and not all are good!(a bit like Human Beings!) It is clear that there are countless, possibly endless amount of species out there in the Infinite Universe, and I guess the different species have their very own motivations for us to make many generalizations.
Out there, in the vastness of ‘unknown’ there is an entire universe of hominoid beings waiting for us to end the planetary secrecy and take our place within the galactic community. But, and it is a big BUT, this is NOT going to happen until a significant mass of this planets population can decipher the truth, which hiding in plain view from us all.
One other thing, it is becoming clear by the sheer amount of UFO sightings being seen around the world (of course some will be hoaxes) that some of the ET’s are potentially trying to force their very own disclosure….Together as one we can force our own Disclosure!
I salute all of the brave Truth seekers out there and the people in the know who have helped to push for the Truth.
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4D Printing” Creates Objects That Change Shape
4D Printing” Creates Objects That Change Shape
Scientists improved upon 3D printing technology by adding another dimension, time. By modeling the natural behavior of plants, they have created objects that can shift their shape.
Drawing inspiration from how plants change shape in response to environmental stimuli, Harvard scientists from the Wyss Institute and John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a novel approach in 3D printing that allows the printed objects to also shift their structures.
Wherein most 3D printers are designed to create objects that have to remain rigid in structure and shape, 4D printing, as it is called, allows the 3D printed objects to change their shape and structure through time thus adding the additional dimension, time. A demonstration of this technology using hydrogel composite structures, a type of structure that adheres to water, shows that it changes shape upon immersion in water.
In their study in Nature Materials, the authors were able to utilize real life examples of plants’ leaves, tendrils, and flowers responding to external factors to develop a mathematical framework on how the 4D printed objects will respond in water.
Aside from this, the object was able to change its structure by aligning cellulose fibers in the composite ink during printing. This technique allows for the object to have anisotropic properties which means that, instead of having uniform properties throughout the object, it instead has directional properties similar to that of wood.
This quality of anisotropy, which allows wood to be chopped easier along the grain rather than across it, is also what provides the flexibility of the 4D printed objects to swell and change shape.
While the current demonstration simply showed an object swelling like an orchid in water, the potentials are endless. In a Harvard Gazette report, A. Sydney Gladman, a co-lead author of the study, emphasized the techniques adaptability. By utilizing a composite ink, this allows the technique to be easily adapted in current 3D printers with minimal modifications.
“Using one composite ink printed in a single step, we can achieve shape-changing hydrogel geometries containing more complexity than any other technique, and we can do so simply by modifying the print path,” said Gladman. “What’s more, we can interchange different materials to tune for properties such as conductivity or biocompatibility.”
The mathematical modelling also resolves the “inverse problem” of 3D printing which is determining the printing toolpath or the process of the object will be printed. By using 4D printing and their model, they are instead able to reverse engineer the needed properties of the object to attain its final shape. The authors expect that 4D printing may hold potential applications smart textiles, biomedical devices, and even tissue engineering.
UFO Recorded at High Altitude Over the Netherlands
UFO Recorded at High Altitude Over the Netherlands
A bizarre UFO was seen hovering over the Netherlands on January 12, 2016 at high altitude.
One local man managed to film the flying object and then report back to MUFON for further investigation.
"I was on my way to the car with my girlfriend, when we suddenly saw a bright moving light up in the sky, the witness reported.
It wasn’t an airplane and it sure wasn’t a satellite. This object was changing speed constantly and it wasn’t moving in a straight line. Luckily that we caught it on camera!"
After closely analyzing the video, several flight anomalies were indeed identified. The craft’s flight path is changing abruptly, also the speed of the UFO is fluctuating, going from fast to slow and so on. A peculiar glow is also noticed, similar to the bright orbs reported worldwide. However, since the pulsing is observed only when zooming in, it’s likely that it occurred as a result of the camera not being held in a stable position.
Hypothesis on this one vary from the ISS orbiting around Earth to police drones surveilling the community. From our perspective, a drone scenario is unlikely since the UFO appears at a really high altitude. Apart from this, if it were a drone with led lights attached, we would clearly see a specific blinking pattern and also colored lights.
Could this be the International Space Station seen from ground level? Or is it rather another example of an orb-UFO?
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Comet Catalina and the Pinwheel Galaxy Caught in Stargazer's Photo
Comet Catalina and the Pinwheel Galaxy Caught in Stargazer's Photo
By Nina Sen, Contributor
The Pinwheel Galaxy and Comet Catalina shine in this skywatcher image.Astrophotgrapher Greg Hogan took this image on Jan. 18, 2016 from Kathleen, GA.
Credit: Greg Hogan
The Pinwheel Galaxy and Comet Catalina shine in this skywatcher image. Astrophotographer Greg Hogan took this image on Jan. 18, 2016 from Kathleen, GA.
"I was clouded out the previous days, so had to zoom out with a prime lens at 85mm to get a widefield shot. It still came out pretty good I think," Hogan wrote in an email to
The Pinwheel Galaxy, which is also known as Messier 101 or NGC 5457, is a spiral galaxy 21 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy was first discovered by Pierre Méchain on March 27, 1781. Charles Messier confirmed its position and it was included in the astronomer's famous Messier Catalogue as one of the final entries.
To see more amazing night sky photos submitted by readers, visit our astrophotography archive.
Editor's note: If you have an amazing night sky photo you'd like to share with us and our news partners for a possible story or gallery, send images and comments in to
If you've had clear skies the last few nights, you probably enjoyed the sight of the nearly full moon rising in the east around dusk. Tonight (Jan. 27), the moon will not be alone; it will rise with the planet Jupiter just a short distance above it.
Over the next few weeks, Jupiter will rise a few minutes earlier each night, until it reaches opposition on March 8, meaning it will be directly opposite the sun in the sky, and visible the whole night. The moon, meanwhile, will rise about 50 minutes later each night due to its orbit around the Earth. Tonight, it rises around 9:30 p.m. your local time, possibly slightly earlier or later depending on your location. [12 Must-See Skywatching Events of 2016]
Jupiter is the second brightest planet in the sky, outshone only by Venus, which is currently rising just before the sun. So if you go out in the late evening, the brightest thing you will see, other than the moon, will be Jupiter.
This planet can be enjoyed by anyone, whether or not they have optical assistance. With the naked eye, Jupiter is just a point of light, but it shines as brightly as the headlight on a locomotive. If you look carefully in binoculars, you can spot the tiny dots of Jupiter's brightest moons alongside the planet; it helps if you steady the binoculars on a tripod.
In a telescope, Jupiter really comes into its own. The planet's four brightest moons change positions, hour by hour and night by night, but almost always in a straight line east and west of the gas giant. At times, they move in front of or behind the planet, and frequently they cast their shadows on Jupiter, creating tiny, black dots. Even in the smallest telescope, you should be able to see a couple of dusky cloud belts on Jupiter's face. Larger telescopes reveal a wealth of detail, including multiple narrow belts.
Then there is Jupiter's Great Red Spot, a gigantic storm in the planet's cloudy atmosphere. The spot is several times larger in diameter than planet Earth, and has been tracked by astronomers for hundreds of years. Its color has varied over the years, at times brick red and at others totally pale so that it almost vanishes against the background clouds, only detectable by the gap it makes in Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt.
Currently the Great Red Spot is a difficult object to see in most amateur telescopes, its color a pale salmon pink. I've been unable to see it in anything smaller than a 6-inch-aperture (15.2 centimeters) telescope. If you go looking for this feature, remember that because of the planet's rotation, the Great Red Spot is on view only during the half of the rotation when the spot is pointing toward Earth. Even then, it must be fairly close to the center of Jupiter's disk to avoid getting hidden by the hazy edges of Jupiter's atmosphere.
If you use a planetarium program like Starry Night to determine when the spot is visible, be sure that the program has up-to-date data on the spot's position, as the feature drifts back and forth in longitude over time. That's because the spot is an atmospheric feature, not tied to any particular location on the planet below.
If you look again later in the week, the two bodies will no longer be together. Jupiter is rising a few minutes earlier every night, while the moon rises 50 minutes later.
Jupiter and the moon rising together should make for some excellent photo opportunities. Be sure to zoom in on the two objects to simulate the "moon illusion" seen with the naked eye, but which doesn't photograph well without extra magnification. Under this illusion, the brain sees a rising moon as much larger than it really is, but cameras are not fooled in the same way.
Editor's note:If you capture a stunning view of Jupiter and the moon tonight, and would like to share it with us and our news partners, you can send in images and comments in to managing editor Tariq Malik at:
Note from The Black Vault: Playing off the popularity of the return of The X-Files, the CIA has created a few pages online showcasing their UFO documents, and even creating a, “How To Investigate a Flying Saucer” guide. This guide has been archived below for research purposes, in case the online page ever disappears or is taken offline. It is not edited in any way.
Southbound on a lone desert highway, police officer Lonnie Zamora was in pursuit of a speeding car outside the town of Socorro, New Mexico, when he was startled by a loud roar! Seconds later, he saw a large flame rise from the ground and pierce the sky above a remote patch of desert southwest of the highway. Fearing a nearby dynamite shack might have exploded, Zamora let the speeding car go, turned right, and drove down a bumpy gravel road that ran alongside the shack.
Zamora’s cruiser clunked along the rocky road until he came upon a steep hill. Rising from behind the hill was a smokeless fire that glowed in a funnel of blue and orange tinted flames. The hill obscured the origin of the flames, so Zamora attempted to drive up it. His cruiser’s tires slipped and swayed on the loose gravel, but after three attempts, Zamora finally made it to the top.
A shiny object, the size of a sedan, sparkled in the late afternoon sunshine about 150-200 yards from where Zamora was perched on the hilltop. At first glance, he thought it was a car overturned in an arroyo (dry creek bed), but when he drove closer, it appeared to be aluminum in color, not chrome, and oval-shaped like a football.
Zamora drove toward the object, along the hill’s crest, for about 50 feet and then stopped the car. He radioed back to the sheriff’s office that he would be busy checking on a wreck “down in the arroyo,” and then he descended on foot down the hill toward the object.
Roooaaarrr! Zamora was startled again by a very loud rumble, not exactly like a blast but also not steady like a jet engine. It started at a low frequency, with the pitch slowly rising. The flame appeared to be coming from the underside of the object, glowing light blue on top and orange at the bottom. Zamora panicked, afraid the object was about to blow.
He ran to take cover but turned back to look at the object as he fled. He noticed a red symbol on the side, shaped like a point that was about 2 inches high and 2 inches wide. The object was smooth, a shiny white aluminum, with no visible windows or doors. There appeared to be two metal legs, slanted outward, supporting it.
Zamora sprinted to his car, hit his leg on the fender, and crashed to the ground. He got up, ran another 25 feet or so, and when he looked back again, he saw the object begin to rise.
It rose to the level of the car, then higher, about 20 to 25 feet in the air.
Zamora ran another 50 feet from his car, just over the edge of the hill, and ducked. Kneeling as close to the ground as he could, he covered his face with his arms for protection. Suddenly, the roar stopped. In the uneasy silence, Zamora lifted his head and looked.
The object sped away from him, toward the southwest, appearing to go in a straight line at about 10-15 feet off the ground. It cleared the eight foot tall dynamite shack by about three feet and then continued in a southwesterly direction, until it went over the high desert mountains and disappeared…
Hector Quintanilla, the last chief officer of the US Air Force’s famous UFO investigation program, Project BLUE BOOK, was in charge of the Zamora case. His team was convinced that Zamora was telling the truth, and despite an extremely thorough investigation, they were unable to locate the object or its origins. In an article for Studies in Intelligence called, “The Investigation of UFO’s,” Quintanilla says that the Zamora sighting is “the best-documented case on record.” It remains unsolved.
Project BLUE BOOK was based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. Between 1947 and 1969, the Air Force recorded 12,618 sightings of strange phenomena — 701 of which remain “unidentified” like the Zamora case. Although the CIA was not directly affiliated with Project BLUE BOOK, the Agency did play a large role in investigating UFOs in the late 1940s and early 1950s, which led to the creation of several studies, panels, and programs. Former CIA Chief Historian, Gerald K. Haines, wrote an in-depth article looking at the Agency’s role in studying the UFO phenomenon for Studies in Intelligence. In his article,“CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90,” Haines says that “while the Agency’s concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s, CIA has since paid only limited and peripheral attention to the phenomena.”
With over 20 years of investigations, from the late 1940s until Project BLUE BOOK’s termination in 1969, the CIA and USAF have learned a thing or two about how to investigate a UFO sighting. While most government officials and scientists now dismiss flying saucer reports as a quaint relic of the 1950s and 1960s, there’s still a lot that can be learned from the history and methodology of “flying saucer intelligence.”
10 Tips When Investigating a Flying Saucer:
1. Establish a Group To Investigate and Evaluate Sightings
Before December 1947, there was no specific organization tasked with the responsibility for investigating and evaluating UFO sightings. There were no standards on how to evaluate reports coming in, nor were there any measurable data points or results from controlled experiment for comparison against reported sightings.
To end the confusion, head of the Air Force Technical Service Command, General Nathan Twining, established Project SIGN (initially named Project SAUCER) in 1948 to collect, collate, evaluate, and distribute within the government all information relating to such sightings, on the premise that UFOs might be real (although not necessarily extraterrestrial) and of national security concern. Project SIGN eventually gave way to Project GRUDGE, which finally turned into Project BLUE BOOK in 1952.
2. Determine the Objectives of Your Investigation
The CIA’s concern over UFOs was substantial until the early 1950s because of the potential threat to national security from these unidentified flying objects. Most officials did not believe the sightings were extraterrestrial in origin; they were instead concerned the UFOs might be new Soviet weapons.
The Project BLUE BOOK team, according to Quintanilla, defined three main objectives for their investigations:
To determine if UFO phenomena present a threat to the security of the US;
To determine if UFO phenomena exhibit any technological advances which could be channeled into US research and development; and
To explain or identify the stimuli which caused the observer to report a UFO.
Although BLUE BOOK, like previous investigative projects on the topic, did not rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial phenomena, their research and investigations focused primarily on national security implications, especially possible Soviet technological advancements.
3. Consult With Experts
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, various projects, panels, and other studies were led or sponsored by the US government to research the UFO phenomenon. This includes the CIA-sponsored 1953 Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects, also known as the “Robertson Panel.” It was named after the noted physicist H.P. Robertson from the California Institute of Technology, who helped put together the distinguished panel of nonmilitary scientists to study the UFO issue.
Project BLUE BOOK also frequently consulted with outside experts, including: astrophysicists, Federal Aviation officials, pilots, the US Weather Bureau, local weather stations, academics, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NASA, Kodak (for photo analysis), and various laboratories (for physical specimens). Even the famous astronomer Carl Sagan took part in a panel to review Project BLUE BOOK’s findings in the mid-1960s. The report from that panel concluded that “no UFO case which represented technological or scientific advances outside of a terrestrial framework” had been found, but the committee did recommend that UFOs be studied intensively to settle the issue once and for all.
4. Create a Reporting System To Organize Incoming Cases
The US Air Force’s Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) developed questionnaires to be used when taking reports of possible UFO sightings, which were used throughout the duration of Project BLUE BOOK. The forms were used to provide the investigators enough information to determine what the unknown phenomenon most likely was. The duration of the sighting, the date, time, location, or position in the sky, weather conditions, and the manner of appearance or disappearance are essential clues for investigators evaluating reported UFO sightings.
Project BLUE BOOK categorized sightings according to what the team suspected they were attributable to:Astronomical (including bright stars, planets, comets, fireballs, meteors, and auroral streamers);Aircraft (propeller aircraft, jet aircraft, refueling missions, photo aircraft, advertising aircraft, helicopters); Balloons;Satellites; Other (including missiles, reflections, mirages, searchlights, birds, kites, spurious radar indications, hoaxes, fireworks, and flares); Insufficient Data; and finally,Unidentified.
According to Quintanilla, “a sighting is consideredunidentified when a report apparently contains all the data necessary to suggest a valid hypothesis, but its description cannot be correlated with any known object or phenomenon.”
5. Eliminate False Positives
Eliminate each of the known and probable causes of UFO sightings, leaving a small portion of “unexplained” cases to focus on. By ruling out common explanations, investigators can focus on the truly mysterious cases.
Some common explanations for UFO sightings discovered by early investigations included: misidentified aircrafts (the U-2, A-12, and SR-71 flights accounted for more than half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s and most of the 1960s); celestial events; mass hysteria and hallucination; “war hysteria;” “midsummer madness;” hoaxes; publicity stunts; and the misinterpretation of known objects.
Even history can shed some light. An interesting citation found by the 1953 Robertson Panel noted that some sightings had been attributed to an older phenomenon – “Foo Fighters” – that pre-dated the modern concept of UFOs: “These were unexplained phenomena sighted by aircraft pilots during World War II in both European and Far East theaters of operation wherein ‘balls of light’ would fly near or with the aircraft and maneuver rapidly. They were believed to be electrostatic (similar to St. Elmo’s fire) or electromagnetic phenomena… but their exact cause or nature was never defined. If the term ‘flying saucers’ had been popular in 1943-1945, these objects would have been so labeled.”
6. Develop Methodology To Identify Common Aircraft and Other Aerial Phenomena Often Mistaken for UFOs
Because of the significant likelihood a common (or secret military) aircraft could be mistaken for a UFO, it’s important to know the characteristics of different types of aircraft and aerial phenomenon to evaluate against each sighting. To help investigators go through the troves of reports coming in, Project BLUE BOOK developed a methodology to determine if the UFO sighting could likely be attributable to a known aircraft or aerial phenomenon. They wrote up detailed descriptions characterizing each type of aircraft or astronomical phenomenon, including how it might be mistaken for a UFO, to help investigators evaluate the incoming reports.
7. Examine Witness Documentation
Any photographs, videos, or audio recordings can be immensely helpful in evaluating a reported UFO sighting.
A famous case examined by the Robertson Panel was the “Tremonton, Utah Sighting” of 1952, where a couple and two children traveling cross-country on State Highway 30 outside of Tremonton saw what appeared to be 10-12 bright shining objects moving westward in the sky in a rough formation. The husband was able to capture some of the objects on film.
The case was considered significant because of the “excellent documentary evidence in the form of Kodachrome motion picture films (about 1600 frames).” The Panel examined the film, case history, ATIC’s interpretation, and received a briefing from representatives of the USN Photo Interpretation Laboratory on their analysis of the film. The laboratory believed the objects were not birds, balloons, aircraft, or reflections, and therefore had to be “self-luminous.” The panel disagreed with the assessment that the objects were self-luminous, believing that if a controlled experiment was conducted, a terrestrial explanation for the sighting would be confirmed.
8. Conduct Controlled Experiments
As suggested by the Robertson Panel for investigating the Tremonton, Utah sighting (mentioned in tip #7), controlled experiments might be required to try and replicate the unknown phenomena. In the Tremonton case, the Panel suggested an experiment where scientists would photograph “pillow balloons” at different distances under similar weather conditions at the site. They believed such an experiment could help dispel the “self-luminous” theory about the objects in the film. Unfortunately, in this case, the cost of conducting such an experiment made the idea unfeasible.
9. Gather and Test Physical and Forensic Evidence
In the Zamora case (from the introduction), Quintanilla contends that during the course of the investigation and immediately thereafter, “everything that was humanly possible to verify was checked.” This included bringing in Geiger counters from Kirtland Air Force Base to test for radiation in the landing area and sending soil samples to the Air Force Materials Laboratory. “The soil analysis disclosed no foreign material. Radiation was normal for the ‘tracks’ and surrounding area. Laboratory analysis of the burned brush showed no chemicals that could have been propellant residue,” according to Quintanilla. “The findings were all together negative.” No known explanation could be found for the mysterious event.
10. Discourage False Reporting
The Robertson Panel found that the Air Force had “instituted a fine channel for receiving reports of nearly anything anyone sees in the sky and fails to understand.” This is a classic example of needing to separate the “signal from the noise.” If you have too many false or junk reports, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the few good ones worthy of investigation or attention.
The CIA in the early 1950s was concerned that because of the tense Cold War situation and increased Soviet capabilities, the Soviets could use UFO reports to ignite mass panic and hysteria. Even worse, the Soviets could use UFO sightings to overload the US air warning system so that it could not distinguish real targets from supposed UFOs.
In order to lessen the amount of false-positive reports, the Robertson Panel suggested educating the military, researchers, and even the public on how to identify objects or phenomena commonly mistaken for UFOs. For example, they recommended training enlisted, command, and research personnel on how to properly recognize unusually illuminated objects (like balloons or aircraft reflections), as well as natural phenomena (such as meteors, fireballs, mirages, or noctilucent “night” clouds). By knowing how to correctly recognize objects that were commonly mistaken for UFOs, investigators could quickly eliminate false reports and focus on identifying those sightings which remained unexplained.
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New Image Reveals the Largest Concentration of Massive, Luminous Stars in the Milky Way
New Image Reveals the Largest Concentration of Massive, Luminous Stars in the Milky Way
NASA & ESA, Jesús Maíz Apellániz (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia)
The new image of Trumpler 14 shows a clearer picture of what's happening in the chaotic Carina Nebula.
This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the star cluster Trumpler 14, one of the largest gatherings of hot, massive, and bright stars in the Milky Way.
NASA & ESA, Jesús Maíz Apellániz (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia)
Previously, Trumpler 14 was observed by ESO’s Very Large Telescope in 1994. The resulting photo is shown below.
Around 1100 open clusters have been discovered within the Milky Way, although many more are thought to exist. Trumpler 14 is one of these, located some 8000 light-years away towards the center of the Carina Nebula. At a mere 500,000 years old, it’s actually the youngest cluster within the nebula. It’s also the most populous, and seems to be forming stars at an incredible rate.
Astronomers estimate that around 2000 stars reside within Trumpler 14, ranging in size from less than one tenth to up to several tens of times the mass of the Sun. The most prominent star in Trumpler 14 is the supergiant HD 93129Aa, one of the hottest stars in our entire galaxy, and the brightest star in the image.
These stars are quickly burning through their hydrogen, and have only a few million years of life left before they explode as supernovae. Before this happens, though, the stars are making a huge impact on their surrounding environments.
As the stars fling out high-speed particles from their surfaces, strong winds surge out into space. These winds collide with the surrounding material, causing shock waves that heat the gas to millions of degrees and trigger intense bursts of X-rays. These stellar winds also kickstart the formation of new stars by carving out cavities in nearby clouds of gas and dust. One such arc-shaped cloud is visible at the bottom of the image.
Specifically, the arc is thought to be a result of the wind flowing from the nearby star Trumpler 14 MJ 218. This star is quick. It moves through space at some 350,000 kilometers per hour, sculpting the surrounding clumps of gas and dust as it does so.
As with any young stars, this cluster could give us new insight into the star formation process. We’ll be excited to see how enhanced telescopic technology impacts the scene in another 12 years.
Micro-motor powered nanobots have delivered a nanoparticle compound directly into the gut tissue of a live mouse (Photo: Shutterstock)
In a world first, researchers from the University of California have reportedly delivered medicine directly to the stomach of a living organism using nanobots.
Scientists from the University of California are claiming that they have managed to deliver a medical payload directly into the gut tissue of a live organism using micro-motored nanobots.
Notably, the team behind the work notes that these little, microscopic machines can travel inside of the living creature and deliver the medical treatment without causing any harmful side effects related to the small bots.
Using micro-motor powered nanobots propelled by gas bubbles made from a reaction with the contents of the stomach in which they were deposited, these miniature machines have been successfully deployed in the body of a live mouse.
Image credit: Shutterstock
The tubular nanobots, which are about 20 micrometers long, 5 micrometers in diameter, and coated in zinc, are propelled by gas bubbles that are produced once the zinc reacts with the hydrochloric acid in the digestive system.
The nanobots travel at speeds of up to 60 micrometers per second and embed themselves in the stomach walls…where they remain after a full 12 hours.
These nanobots have been previously used on organic tissue, but this marks the first time that it was tested on a living organism. The success of this test leads researchers behind the study to further explore the technology as a way to deliver targeted drugs in humans.
However, as is always the case with medical breakthroughs, treatments must undergo rigorous testing and get approval from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) before they can be used. possible application and testing on humans will need to be studied carefully before regulatory organizations give the go-ahead.
So there is no guarantee that this will be implemented, but it is exciting research.
The study, published in the journal ACS Nano, has yet to make announcements regarding the possibility of human-based trials or when such trials may begin.
Bad UFOs: Critical Thinking About UFO Claims…..a must read book by Robert Sheaffer
Bad UFOs: Critical Thinking About UFO Claims…..a must read book by Robert Sheaffer
A must read book:
Bad UFOs: Critical Thinking About UFO Claims(by Robert Sheaffer)
This book covers the broad outline of contemporary Ufology….sightings, photos and videos, saucer crashes, UFO abductions, conspiracies, disclosure, etc…with everything brought up-to-date as of the date of publication (January, 2016)…..Betty and Barney Hill, the Phoenix Lights, Travis Walton, Rendlesham Forest, Roswell ‘crash’, Leslie Kean, etc. :
In this book Sheaffer goes into the discussion of Betty and BarneyHill, the Phoenix Lights, “mystery” missiles off the coast near Los Angeles, Richard Hoagland, Steven Greer’s “Disclosure Project” and ET Contact Protocol, Trent UFO photos, Heflin UFO photos, TravisWalton, Exopolitics, Rendlesham Forest, Roswell “crash” and Roswell slides, ‘Fly UFO’ video from Chile and Leslie Kean, Whitley Strieber, “Planet X”/Nibiru and many more.
“No matter what you ultimately believe about UFOs, there is no doubt that critical thinking is important. There are those who urge their audiences to believe almost anything and certainly much of ufology makes an easy target. Claims about the “Roswell Slides” were readily disproven although most who were involved in it remain on the circuit today; many have concluded that Billy Meier really did not meet people from the Pleiades but his representative is still featured on talk shows or podcasts; and the times must have bypassed George Adamski because he is not even indexed here although his photos may have inspired the cover of this book. Still, it’s hard to attend any UFO conference without running into those who use hypnotic regression to uncover the latest abduction scenario or assure us that disclosure will soon be coming.
What are we to make of it all? In many ways, the phenomenon remains as much out of reach today as it did when Kenneth Arnold reported seeing objects that flew like a saucer skipping across the water. But amid all the claims, Sheaffer offers a much needed critical voice and is not afraid to take on some of the cases that are often touted: from Rendlesham Forest to the abductions of the Hills or Travis Walton.
For those who believe in UFOs as craft from another star or dimension, it is not enough to simply dismiss his work as being that of a “debunker” (the ultimate insult in many circles). Carl Sagan observed that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof, but regardless of the type of proof it is important to look carefully at any claim – even if that means challenging your own beliefs you will learn something in the process.
For those who who are intrigued about the subject but wonder who to believe, the book provides a good introduction that might spur your own thinking or lead to further research. Indeed, many of the topics that Sheaffer discusses are worthy of a book or two in themselves, so look upon it as a starting point for thought or discussion.
The book is written in a style that is easy to read and Sheaffer encourages your own research by suggesting Internet search terms with a bold typeface. I may not always agree with some of his conclusions – I am sure that he would not want you to accept all of his conclusions without further thought – but his research is solid and his point of view should be considered by all with an interest in the phenomenon.
UFOs have defied both skeptics and true believers but the beginning point should always be critical thought. Without that you will end up with a pile of nothing and will be exploited or manipulated in the process. To this end, Sheaffer is an interesting and entertaining guide.”
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A physicist has calculated the probability that four widely believed conspiracy theories could have lasted this long without being uncovered. And - mathematically speaking - it's not looking good for Moon-landing deniers or anti-vaccers.
The equation revealed that for an old-fashioned cover-up to stay under-wraps for a decade, fewer than 1,000 people would need to be involved. And to remain secret for a century, the number of people 'in on it' would need to be below 125. Considering that the most popular conspiracy theories would realistically involve thousands of people, the odds aren't great.
"My results suggest that any conspiracy with over a few hundred people rapidly collapses, and big science conspiracies would not be sustainable," physicist David Grimes from the University of Oxford in the UK told The Guardian
Although Grimes's research usually focusses on cancer, he also regularly writes science stories for the media, and was inspired to conduct this study after being bombarded with emails from people believing in popular conspiracies.
"It is common to dismiss conspiracy theories and their proponents out of hand but I wanted to take the opposite approach, to see how these conspiracies might be possible," he explained. "To do that, I looked at the vital requirement for a viable conspiracy – secrecy."
He applied his equation to four big conspiracy theories: the belief that vaccines cause autism; that climate change isn't real; that the Moon landing was a hoax; and that a cure for cancer already exists, but is being hidden by big pharmaceutical companies.
Taking into account the number of people that would need to be involved to pull off each of these four scenarios, and how long they've been around, his results suggest:
-If the Moon landing was really a hoax, around 411,000 NASA employees would have known, and it would have been revealed in just 3.7 years.
-A cover-up of the link between vaccines and autism would have been exposed anywhere between 3.2 and 34.8 years after it started.
-A climate change 'fraud' would have been revealed in 3.7 to 26.8 years.
- The suppression of a cancer cure would have been leaked by someone inside big pharma in just 3.2 years.
The calculations were based upon the best-case scenario for conspirators, which means that Grimes's equation assumed that conspirators are really good at keeping secrets, and that no external investigations were going on.
To create the equation, Grimes had to first establish the probability of a cover-up being exposed over time. To do this, he considered three IRL, confirmed conspiracies, including the US National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program that was famously uncovered by Edward Snowden after just six years.
He also factored in the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, where the cure for syphilis - penicillin - was purposefully withheld from African-American patients. That conspiracy involved up to an estimated 6,700 people, and was eventually revealed around 25 years later by one of the doctors involved.
Grimes also analysed the FBI forensic analysis scandal. All of these cases are testament to the fact that conspiracies and mass cover-ups do occur, but that they don't last very long.
"Not everyone who believes in a conspiracy is unreasonable or unthinking. I hope that by showing how eye-wateringly unlikely some alleged conspiracies are, some people will reconsider their anti-science beliefs,"explained Grimes.
"While believing the Moon landings were faked may not be harmful, believing misinformation about vaccines can be fatal."
The results have been published in PLOS One.
There's good news for Making a Murderer fanatics though - considering Grimes's calculations, it's still feasible that a handful of sheriffs in the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office could have kept any potential framing of Stephen Avery quiet for this long. Well, more feasible than the Earth actually being flat at least - sorry, BoB
A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know.
For millenia, it is believed that our cosmic neighbors in the Universe have sent messages for us to decode. We have struggled to understand the symbols sent to us. But now, for the first time in history an alien message has been received. This could be ground Breaking. 36 years ago two men made Contact with an unknown craft.
Tonight we will reveal it’s Meaning and the way we look at ufo encounters will change. Everything that people thought they knew about ufo’s For the last 7 years is probably wrong. Join us as we crack the alien code and it’s secrets are Unseals. Secret files hidden from the Public for decades are now available to the public. We are about to uncover the truth about these classified Documents. Find out what the government Doesn’t want you to know. “unsealed alien files.
” Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth. No evidence of alien life has been more soft after than a Message from another world. people have seen ufo’s but to Communicate with an alien, that would be the key to unlocking The secrets of life in the universe. But one historic incident stands above the rest.
The year is 1980. In the midst of the cold war, The entire war is on edge. The possibility of annihilation Sparked by america and the USSR is at an all time high this is December 1980. A period of international Tension Ronald Reagan has been elected President. This is a period that the cold War is defrosting and a danger that it might become pretty hot.
Troops are stationed at the royal air force base in the UK. Around 3:00 am on the night of December 26th, radar loses track in the woods. They notice something strange high above the forest. Radar indicated it could be a downed aircraft. Among the soldiers to witness these lights are airmen first Class boroughs and pendeston. What they find after driving Into the forest is not a downed aircraft. as I was getting out of the vehicle, it felt like there was Static electricity in the air. Things felt abnormal.
Both of us looked at each other and realized something was going on. Above the trees the two men see The silhouette of a try angular shaped craft. The object was dancing on our skin and clothes. At that point in time I knew I had an unknown object in front of me. Sergeant reaches for his Notebook to record the details of the object that was almost Six feet tall with mysterious symbols etched on the side of The craft. One of the things that sets The forest apart is this wasn’t just lights in the sky. This was a landed ufo. They both got extremely close to this object.
It had turned down in a small Clearing in the forest and Jim claims that he got so close to This thing he was able to reach out and touch it. I took my hand and ran it over the bottom all the way across. It felt like going over the smoothest of metal to like sandpaper, but then something happens That will change his life forever. Out of all of them one was larger. I decided to touch that one. I touched that symbol and I had An explosion of white light where I couldn’t see, I was Blinded. I started seeing 1′s and 0′s. They were like inside my mind’s eye. They burn into his memory leaving an imprint of an alien Code.
I think I was plain terrified. Somehow I was able to pull my hand off and stop. The craft started to move a Little bit and then it was gone in the blink of an eye. Next, the two men we witnessed the craft in the Forest reveal a shocking secret and their hunt for the truth Reveals a shocking alien contact.
It is coming this way. This is “unsealed alien Files.” Exposing the biggest secret on Planet earth. Late in the night two men Experience something in the forest. He is shaken by his experience and the vision it leaves behind. John boroughs maintains a different memory of the events Entirely. I do not remember seeing Jim walk around the craft. What I clearly remember was we Got close to something and the next thing I know it appeared to go out into the sky. But the most unexpected Difference, the time on their synchronized watches differs by almost 45 minutes. Whatever we encountered Affected our memory. At one point I looked towards Whatever was in the air could have affected our memory or Could have affected what we saw.
When they returned to base it transpired that more time had elapsed than they realized. Time it seemed not only had run on, but had maybe one at different speeds for them. This takes us to quite Extraordinary territory. But when you talk to John and Jim and people who looked at this case. Theories had bounced around. Could the ship have caused The exception of time, their search for the answer uncovers evidence that must be heard to be believed. Unsealed case file the Charles halt recording. The following evening. John boroughs meets with base Commander shalt to reexamine the site of the commander. They checked nearby trees for radiation. One of the things that came up was that the radio traffic was being recorded through the command post. The side facing the expected landing site. We were taking the sample now. That is the strongest point on The tree? yes, sir. It had gone all the way to the side of the meter. The course of the investigation changes when a Soldier on the team notices something unusual. A glowing light spotted in the distance.
There it is. What is it? I don’t know, sir. It is a strange, small red Light. Maybe a quarter to a half. There is no doubt this is genuine and it is extraordinary. You can hear the tension and fear in their voices as the ufo Approaches them. You can hear the ufo’s coming Closer. The object exploded into a Great white light and shot back out. He is thinking about this and he said was this communication? A warning? What was it? On January 13th, 1981, colonel halt writes a memorandum about The incident. In it he confirms that what they Encountered on the previous night was no figment of the Imagination but a real phenomenon.
Two pieces of evidence to support the incident was the Memo and the tape recording. But what we found out years Later was that there was a more significant piece and that was the code that he received when he touched the craft. But he was still keeping the code a secret. I was still having the codes Flashing. After I completed 16 pages I Felt great. But I wasn’t going to report That because it sounds in sane. So I kept it quiet. When he touched this the huge jolt and information somehow transferred to him. He forgot about this. Maybe he didn’t realize it was important. It was only 30 plus years he realized he was sitting on Something of the utmost significant. coming up next, we reveal the meaning mind the code in his notebook and uncover the shocking identity of the beings who sent it to us.
This is “unsealed alien files” Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth. Welcome back to “unsealed alien files. ” Retired usair force sergeant has kept a secret from the world.
Received in a vision. For 30 years these pages remained hidden until a chance Reunion with his partner in as we were going through the book he came to pages that had I said these are binary Codes. In 1974 scientists broadcast A message at a power of 1,000 kilowatts into deep space. When the message was sent up at that time it was the most Powerful message that we had sent. It was sent up in long strings of 0s and 1s. The easiest way to understand binary code is to think of it as Morse code. You put 8, 1s or 0s together and You get a band. The code watts was decided to be The universal language. It would be the easiest thing to Decipher. When we sent the message to the Heavens we gave details about the universe and details about Who we are as humanity.
If pensatan received Communication and we were able to decode it. That message could change humanity. The al yen code. In 2012 I was given six pages From his notebook. I was asked to see if there was a message inside. Nick was asked to take the First six pages and determine if in fact they meant anything at All. I was skeptical that I would Find anything. I started running them into my Translator and I was shocked to find a message. Which red latitude and longitude coordinates. When I saw the message a chill ran down my spine. I was not expecting to find anything. And here was a message that would appear to come from the Aliens if they were trying to communicate for us. The message could be in instruction or perhaps a warning A possibility made more intriguing by the numbers that Appear in the code.
It is the right number of Digits appearing somewhere on planet earth. When plotted on a map. They fall off the coast of Ireland and island once known as high procele. It has been dubbed a sort of lost land a mythical country as It were that some believe were the site of an advanced Civilization. According to legend. Those who have seen it reported a land filled with a wealthy Civilization whose architecture was filled with domes. Then the island disappeared from the map. But in the pages that followed. Continued analysis has uncovered Other coordinates around the globe. It clearly shows grid coordinates from around the Globe. United states, central America, South America, Greece, Egypt and China. Many have speculated that it points to alien ancestors on Planet earth.But there is more to this story Than we have been led to believe. many believe that this code could be the smoking gun that Blows open the whole mystery of UFO phenomenon itself.
But to fully understand the message we must answer the question who sent it to the human race and perhaps the most Shocking revelation of the encounter is that Jim believes he has the answer. Why would a race that Traveled thousands of light years play hide and seek with us, give us a binary message and why is it in English and why Does the craft have markings like the US air craft? It doesn’t point to alien. This is not a ufo. Coming up next jim exposes the creatures in the forest with An answer that will shock the world.
” Within the 16 pages of code Recorded by Jim in the forest, the most important detail may be his explanation of who gave it to him. This is not about UFOs. It doesn’t point to alien. What I seen was a craft that was us for the future. Perhaps the code is actually a message from our own species. If Jim is correct the true message of the code is an Assurance that mankind will survive well into the centuries Ahead and the revelation that UFOs on planet earth may be a Glimpse into our future this is unsealed alien files. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth.
Maya culturen wisten ook van de planeet NIBIRU (VIDEO )
Maya culturen wisten ook van de planeet NIBIRU (VIDEO )
Niet alleen in het heden wordt er nu zomaar ineens een totaal onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel ontdekt, ook uit het verleden duiken steeds meer aanwijzingen op.
De Mexicaanse overheid heeft gedurende zo’n 80 jaar objecten uit de Mayatijd verborgen gehouden die hele specifieke aanwijzingen geven over buitenaardsen en meer.
De Oostenrijkse onderzoeker, auteur en spreker Klaus Dona komt regelmatig met interessante objecten.
Hele oude objecten, meestal duizenden jaren, die vaak dingen uitbeelden die volgens de bestaande regels in onze maatschappij niet mogelijk zijn. Het zijn dan ook dingen die door de mainstream archeologie maar liever worden vermeden want daar houdt men niet zo van een “inconvenient truth”.
Eén van de objecten die via Klaus Dona bekend zijn geworden is de volgende. Het is een afbeelding zo te zien op steen van duizenden jaren oud die is gevonden in centraal Mexico.
Op het kunstwerk staan afbeeldingen die gewoonweg niet anders uit te leggen zijn dan als zijnde ruimteschepen/UFO’s. Zelfs met de beste wil van de wereld is er niets anders van te maken.
In de volgende video heeft Klaus Dona te gast ene Nasim Haramein. Samen bespreken ze voor een publiek een aantal van de gevonden objecten in centraal Mexico waaronder die op het plaatje hierboven.
Haramein is nogal omstreden vanwege zijn theorieën, maar daar gaat het nu niet om, maar wel om een aantal interessante dingen waar hij komt.
Zoals dat het voor hem helemaal duidelijk is dat op één van de objecten die Dona hem laat zien de UFO’s uit zogenaamde wormgaten komen.
Een wormgat, ook wel een Einstein-Rosen brug genoemd, is een theoretische doorgang in de ruimtetijd. Hierbij zou een wormgat de mogelijkheid bieden tot het afleggen van enorme afstanden in het universum, of zelfs tussen verschillende universa, aan snelheden groter dan het licht.
Dit is natuurlijk toch wel erg interessant om dit nu juist is wat de laatste jaren veelvuldig wordt waargenomen. UFO’s die via wormgaten of dimensieportalen zoals wij ze noemen, tevoorschijn komen en weer verdwijnen.
Een ander interessant punt uit de hiernavolgende video is de uitleg van Haramein bij het hierboven getoonde object.
Volgens hem is het duidelijk dat één van UFO’s (aan de rechterkant) aankomt op aarde in de baan van een komeet. De planeet op de afbeelding is de aarde vanwege de afgebeelde atmosfeer.
De reden dat Haramein zegt dat we een komeet zien op de afbeelding uit Mexico is vanwege de elliptische omloopbaan.
Als we vervogens kijken naar de eveneens elliptische omloopbaan zoals die begin jaren tachtig door de astronoom Dr. Robert Harrington werd getekend, van de planeet Nibiru dan zien we een verbluffende overeenkomst.
Het zou ook niet echt logisch zijn voor die oude Mayaculturen om een komeet af te beelden. Kometen zijn er altijd geweest en zullen er waarschijnlijk altijd zijnen dus op zich niet zo veel bijzonders.
Wat wel bijzonder is, is dat een planeet die eens in de zoveel jaar langskomt naast alle ellende ons ook weer in contact brengt met de buitenaardsen die waarschijnlijk verantwoordelijk zijn voor onze creatie.
Zo zien we misschien op een kunstwerk uit een ver verleden de antwoorden voor de nabije toekomst. Filmmaker John Gress was vergevorderd met het maken van een film over de Anunnaki welke om onbekende redenen nooit is uitgekomen en waar de betrokkenen op mysterieuze wijze geheel uit beeld verdwenen. Hij gaf kort voor het geplande verschijnen van zijn film een interview met een Nederlands televisiestation.
Is de afbeelding uit Mexico misschien een boodschap die ons laat zien dat UFO’s gebruikmaken van dimensieportalen en dat ze, onder andere, afkomstig zijn van een planeet die naar de onze gaat komen in een elliptische omloopbaan?
Het is natuurlijk ook niet voor niets dat één van de meest bijzondere astronomen ooit op deze wereld, Carlos Munoz Ferrada, de planeet Nibiru een cometa-planeta noemde, zoals wij eerder schreven:
Voor het eerst zien we hier fysiek, goed onderbouwd bewijs, wat ons betreft, over het daadwerkelijk bestaan van Nibiru, deze cometa-planeta. Overweldigend wordt het voor ons omdat wat deze man al in 1940 berekende alle andere serieuze theorieën, voorspellingen, channelings, verslagen, visoenen, overleveringen, legendes en verhalen ondersteunt. Dit is het eerste serieuze wetenschappelijke bewijs van het bestaan van een onbekende komeet-planeet in ons zonnestelsel. Jammer dat het zo lang heeft liggen onderstoffen. Zegt het voort!
Enkele dagen geleden schreven wij een artikel over dat er onlangs bekend is gemaakt dat er een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel is ontdekt en dat deze al veel eerder is ontdekt zoals dat bleek uit een krantenartikel in de Washington Post in december 1983.
Wij ontvingen hierop de volgende reactie van Evert Jan Poorterman uit Brummen (Gelderland), auteur op deze site:
De genoemde planeet (die in 1983 al ontdekt zou zijn...) is al in 1978 door twee astronomen van het Marine-Observatorium in Washington ontdekt.
Zecharia Sitchin heeft hen, meteen na de publicatie in 1978, reeds bezocht. Hij sprak met hen en overhandigde hen zijn boek; ‘De Twaalfde Planeet’ en reeds vijf jaren later hadden de Amerikanen, samen met Nederland, reeds IRAS in elkaar geknutseld en de ruimte ingestuurd... met als bedoeling ‘warmtebronnen’ te gaan zoeken.
IRAS was het gevolg van het contact tussen Sitchin en de twee astronomen. Dit als aanvulling op jullie bericht.
Sitchin schrijft dit voor in zijn boek (de eerste druk in het Nederlands – Uitgeverij Mirananda, Wassenaar, uit 1980), vier jaren na de verschijning van het boek in Amerika.
IRAS was voor meer dan 50% een Nederlands project... en gezien de relatie Nederland-Anunnaki-Marduk, geen toeval... en ook niet omdat de VS/USA/Amerika nog steeds een kolonie is van Holland.
De banden (achter de schermen uiteraard – zijn zeer nauw).
Every August, the night sky is peppered with little bits of comet debris in what we call the annual Perseid meteor shower. In 2016, the Perseids will peak on Aug. 12 and 13, with up to 100 meteors per hour possible for observers with clear, dark skies, according to NASA. The Perseids are bits of the comet Swift-Tuttle and often create the most amazing meteor shower of the year.
Here are 10 cool facts you can use to impress friends and family late at night or early in the morning while watching for shooting stars:
Comet Swift-Tuttle, whose debris creates the Perseids, is the largest object known to make repeated passes near Earth. Its nucleus is about 6 miles (9.7 kilometers) across, roughly equal to the object that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Back in the early 1990s, astronomer Brian Marsden calculated that Swift-Tuttle might actually hit Earth on a future pass. More observations quickly eliminated all possibility of a collision. Marsden found, however, that the comet and Earth might experience a cosmic near miss (about a million miles) in 3044.
Perseid meteoroids (which is what they're called while in space) are fast. They enter Earth's atmosphere (and are then called meteors) at roughly 133,200 mph (60 kilometers per second) relative to the planet. Most are the size of sand grains; a few are as big as peas or marbles. Almost none hit the ground, but if one does, it's called a meteorite.
When a Perseid particle enters the atmosphere, it compresses the air in front of it, which heats up. The meteor, in turn, can be heated to more than 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,650 Celsius). The intense heat vaporizes most meteors, creating what we call shooting stars. Most become visible at around 60 miles up (97 kilometers). Some large meteors splatter, causing a brighter flash called a fireball, and sometimes an explosion that can often be heard from the ground.
Comet Swift-Tuttle has many comet kin. Most originate in the distant Oort cloud, which extends nearly halfway to the next star. The vast majority never visit the inner solar system. But a few, like Swift-Tuttle, have been gravitationally booted onto new trajectories, possibly by the gravity of a passing star long ago.
Perseid meteoroids (and if you've been following along, you know these are things in space before they hit Earth's atmosphere) are anywhere from 60 to 100 miles apart, even at the densest part of the river of debris left behind by comet Swift-Tuttle. That river, in fact, is more like many streams, each deposited during a different pass of the comet on its 130-year orbit around the Sun. The material drifts through space and, in fact, orbits the Sun on roughly the same path as the comet while also spreading out over time.
As Earth rotates, the side facing the direction of its orbit around the Sun tends to scoop up more space debris. This part of the sky is directly overhead at dawn. For this reason, the Perseids and other meteor showers (and also random shooting stars in general) are usually best viewed in the predawn hours.
Comet Swift-Tuttle was last seen in 1992, an unspectacular pass through the inner solar system that required binoculars to enjoy. Prior to that, it had last been seen in the year it was "discovered" by American astronomers Lewis Swift and Horace Tuttle, 1862. Abraham Lincoln was president.
Swift-Tuttle's orbit has been traced back nearly 2,000 years and is now thought to be the same comet that was observed in 188 AD and possibly even as early as 69 BC.
Swift-Tuttle is due back in 2126 (as you know now, it won't hit us) and astronomers think it might become a spectacular naked-eye comet like Hale-Bopp. If historical calculations are correct (see Fact #9) then the 2126 appearance will mark the comet's 3rd millennium of human observation, assuming someone is in fact around to see it.
Editor's Note: If you snap an amazing picture of the 2013 Perseid meteor shower or any other night sky view that you'd like to share for a possible story or image gallery, send photos, comments and your name and location to managing editor Tariq Malik
2 Correctional Officers See UFO’s Near Nuclear Facility
2 Correctional Officers See UFO’s Near Nuclear Facility
Case File Information
Date of Event / Case File: 10/18/2015
Case File Details
The following case is used on The Black Vault with permission from the author/investigator. It can not be reproduced in any way without contacting Mr. William Puckett.
Radar Analysis and Computation Worksheet Hanford, WA sighting of Large Orange Objects October 18, 2015 Prepared by William Puckett UFO Investigator and Meteorologist
Background: 2 Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) Officers saw bright orange lights for around 50 seconds between 9:52 and 9:57 PM on Oct 18, 2015. The lights were sighted in a southwesterly direction. The lights were larger than yard lights and were about 25 to 30 degrees above the horizon.
The officers were traveling south on Highway 395 between Connell and Mesa, WA.
James Clarkson MUFON Director for Washington State received the sighting report and requested assistance with analysis of radar data. In response to this request I wrote a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requesting aviation radar data for the Pasco, WA (Tri-cities) area.
I received the radar data submission from the FAA about 2 months later (December 18, 2015). The FAA provided the data that I requested.
Notes on Radar Data: The radar data were received for Pasco, WA Traffic Control and a NTAP (National Transportation Analysis Program) was also received. The NTAP included a long range radar from Fossil, Oregon which is about 100 miles south of Pasco, WA and the Pasco, WA Traffic Control radar. (See Figure One to the left).
The closest returns on radar were about 18 miles to the southwest (near Pasco, WA airport). (See Figure Two below.) The interesting thing about the data in Figure Two is that the Pasco radar report listed that returns were “target reports.” This suggests that data were filtered and weather returns, gr0und traffic, birds and radar angels were removed. This suggests that the remaining returns were actual moving aerial targets. All of the primary returns are shown in Figure Two below. A typical “unfiltered” radar map is shown in Figure Three below. The radar map in Figure Three is for Albany, New York. You can see A “conglomerate” of returns and it is difficult to determine real moving targets while Figure Two shows small patterns of returns.
We can’t definitively say for sure if the radar picked up the objects seen by the witnesses, but we can say that radar returns were in the direction (southwest) and at the time (9:50 to 10 PM) that the witnesses saw the objects. The radar returns were around 18 miles from the estimated witness location and near the Pasco radar. (See Figure Four below.) Figure Four shows the area of returns and a zoom in showing the speed and direction of movement of the returns.
The zoom in box to the left is for returns detected from 9:50 to 9:51 PM. For the box to the left there were six radar returns in sequence. The target was moving slowly east, then abruptly changes direction to the south-southwest at a higher speed and then turned east-southeast at original speed (38 MPH). One can’t say for sure if each return represents the same target, but the targets were in sequence with each turn of the radar antenna. The targets were not detected after 9:51 PM.
FIGURE TWO – ALL RETURNS 9:30 TO 10 PM – OCT 18, 2015.
The zoom in box to the right shows returns from 9:54 to 9:55 PM. The box to the right fits more closely with the witness observation time. Again the speed of the target is slow (38 to 48 MPH) and moving to the west-southwest. The target then turned direction to the northwest and nearly increased it’s speed tenfold. Again we can’t say for sure if this is one target, but it fits with the radar antenna rotation sequence. The direction of movement (westerly direction ) fits with what the witnesses saw. The targets were no longer detected after 9:55 PM.
Of course the targets could have been multiple targets, but may have showed up as one target on the radar scope if they were close together. The witnesses observed multiple targets.
There were also returns noted in the same area observed by the witnesses before the sighting time, but the witnesses would not have been in position to observe the returns.
Doppler weather radar data were collected from Portland, Oregon and Spokane, Washington. Both of these radars reach the Pasco, WA area. Some light showers were observed a few hours prior to the sighting. Skies were clear at Pasco Airport at the time of the sighting. The Doppler radar maps did not show anything unusual. The radar sites did show some scattered showers, but the area was well removed from the sighting area. However, Doppler radars are not designed to detect aircraft. The radars have a narrow beam width (one degree) which means that objects will not be detected unless they happen to fly through the narrow beam.
The discussion below makes the assumption that the object(s) seen by the witnesses were detected by radar:
One of the officers said that his thumb would cover up the object. A thumb has a width of 2 arc degrees. (The moon has a width of 30 arc minutes which is about 25% the size of a thumb in apparent width.) Let’s assume that the object had a width of 1 arc degrees:
Using trigonometry the width of the object would be around 1,650 feet if what the witnesses saw was detected by radar. For comparison purposes the length of a 747 aircraft is 231 feet with a wingspan of 211 feet.
The witnesses thought that the object(s) were at an elevation of 20 to 30 degrees. For computations we will assume that the elevation was 25 degrees. If we assume that the primary radar returns belonged to the object we can say the following:
Using trigonometry if the radar returns represented the object, the elevation would have just over 44,000 feet.
If the returns represent what the witnesses saw the objects would have been quite large and would have been very visible from the Pasco, WA area. The fact that the time of the sighting was late (around 10 PM on a Sunday night before the week) and the fact that the objects were only visible for a short time may have resulted in fewer (in any) witnesses. Also there is a possibility that the objects may have appeared larger to the witnesses due to light scattering in the atmosphere which can make objects appear bigger. This is particularly true if objects are lower on the horizon (25 degrees or lower).
Conclusion and Summary:
2 DOC officers saw 2 large orange objects to the Southwest while returning home from work around 10 PM on October 18, 2015. The officers were near Connell, WA and were returning to the Tri-Cities area. The officers had never before or have since seen the lights.
The lights were near the Hanford Nuclear Facility in Richland, Washington.
Aviation radar data were heavily filtered which eliminates most superfluous returns (birds, weather, ground targets, angels, etc.) Radar targets were detected in the direction and times when the witnesses saw the objects. The distance was large (around 18 miles).
The radar targets were only visible for 2 periods of time (9:50-9:51 PM & 9:54-9:55 PM) of around one minute. This is consistent with the brief time that the witnesses saw the objects. The radar targets were in a southwesterly direction which is where the witnesses saw the objects.
The targets were moving in a westerly direction at speeds of 38 to 48 MPH and then accelerated to over 300 MPH before vanishing from the scope. The radar detected this from 9:54 to 9:55 PM. This is consistent with the direction of movement reported by the witnesses and closest to the time (9:52 to 9:57 PM).
If the targets represent what the witnesses saw the objects would have flying around 44,000 feet and would have been over 1,500 feet in width.
The witnesses saw multiple targets. Perhaps the targets were so close to one another that the radar only painted one return?
The targets were close to Pasco Airport. One would think that others would have witnessed the objects if the radar targets represented what the witnesses saw due to their large size and proximity to the Pasco area.
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UFO Causes Explosion Over Colima Volcano, Jan 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Causes Explosion Over Colima Volcano, Jan 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 3, 2016 Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico This long UFO was caught over Colima Volcano on Jan 3. The UFO passes over and through the lava shot up from the mouth of the volcano. As it gets above the mouth, there is a bust of light and all goes black. The UFO then flies away. I believe that as the UFO went over the mouth, it transported someone or something to or from the underground base below the volcano. Scott C. Waring
White UFO Change Shape Over San Antonio, Texas Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
White UFO Change Shape Over San Antonio, Texas Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2016 Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA These UFOs are appear all over the world, but are easiest to see during the day when there are few clouds and a blue sky. I caught a similar one in Taiwan on Nov 2015. I didn't have a zoom like this guy. I only had a phone. Great catch. It is probably recording human history. Something we tend to forget and alter. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: For those unfamiliar with this phenomenon U.F.O VARIABLE....It is believed that these Crafts are converting the Suns Energy into Electromagnetic to travel around..If you pay close attention you will notice these U.F.O's have spheres that rotates inside them....According to the Hypotheses Thermomagnetic: In reality these spheres are converting Suns Energy into Electromagnetic.. I have researched this subject and come to realized this a Real Phenomenon..In my opinion i believe to have captured one traveling overhead...Thanks to my good friend and fellow Skywatcher Jason Bales...For a first we will clearly see it change shape..And witness for yourself as these U.F.O Orbs move around inside its structure...Rare look at how these U.F.Os Interact.... A High Definition Camera was used EQUIPMENT:JVC GZ-HD3U
If drone agriculture takes off — and there’s good reason to think it will — we’ll be spending a lot more time looking at farmland from the air. That’s great news for farmers looking to increase the output of their fields or minimize the negative effects of too much fertilizer. That’s bad news for people who want to preserve the mystery of crop circles, mainstays of pop alien mythology which have alwaysbeen made in pretty much the same way they are currently created — by guys with surveying tape and wooden boards.
Eyes in the Sky
A surprising amount of drone research comes out of the American heartland, and that’s because many of those institutions have deep agricultural roots. Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos, a roboticist at the University of Minnesota, told Inverse in December that a major reason he wants to develop small, solar-powered dronesis to give farmers a tool that doesn’t have to come down frequently. From this vantage, farm drones can give you daily updates and resolution at the centimeter scale — fidelity that satellites currently can’t match.
As long as you’ve got the right sensors to collect data and the right algorithms to process the information, you can learn a lot. Proposed drone agriculture techniques include everthing from weed mapping to monitoring the application of glyphosate herbicides. A 2012 review in the journal Precision Agriculture lists disease, water levels, leaf chlorophyll concentration, crop height, plant species, soil quality, pest management, and others as possible data collection targets. There will likely be others that have not been yet put into practice.
Surveillance Agriculture
So what does that mean for would-be extraterrestrial messengers? Simply put, it will be tougher to sneak in and out of cornfields undetected. Though the cover of darkness will still be helpful, drones that monitor crop data don’t necessarily need the same amount of light as human eyeballs. Plus, in areas that are prone to vandalism — or, perhaps for crops, large nocturnal pests — flying monitors are still possible without solar power; the drone company CyPhy Works has proposed drones powered by tethers, for instance, that float in place like sleepless sentinels. We know drones work for spotting human-sized animals, particularly when there’s little tree cover — ecologists can easily spot 5-foot alligators from300 feet over a marsh.
Martin et al. 2012, "Estimating Distribution of Hidden Objects with Drones: From Tennis Balls to Manatees"
That’s not to say that drones couldn’t help us solve some mysteries of crop circles. The crop circle craze triggered some weird theories at its height — Stephen Hawking believed strange air vortices could have caused the crops to fall, and others thought they were the product of mating hedgehogs — but in 1991 two British men confessed to more than two decades and hundreds of crop circles. Though we know they’re man-made, the vandal/artists behind them have kept mum on just how they’re able to map out such complex symbols.
Cold Circle War
Richard Taylor, a University of Oregon materials scientist, wrote in 2011 that crop circle makers have adopted increasingly sophisticated techniques and technology— such as laser guides — to create intricate fractal shapes during a single night. Taylor cites the hypothesis (though he raises it as speculation more than anything else) that crop circles could be formed using magnetrons taken from microwaves, as the radiation would allow superheated stalks to bend in strange ways.
Catching the creation of a crop circle in the act has been tough for decades — but if there’s one way to clear up any questions that remain, it’s aerial surveillance.
Photos via Price and PLOS ONE/Martin et al. 2012 and Petit Poulailler
As it turns out, the CIA did not use this opportunity to reveal that it has or ever had made contact with extraterrestrial beings, decided an unidentified flying object was alien in origin, or that aliens are among us — but there are plenty of choice cuts within the text that gives a glimpse of how seriously the government took the UFO phenomenon when it received its first massive wave of public scrutiny
The papers are dated from between 1949-1953, and there isn’t an overly obvious glut of redacted writing, so the reading is easy. For the most part, the material is focused on reported sightings and how UFOs can be explained — but there’s also steady chatter concerning governmental worries of the time, such as the Soviet Union and the ability to spot an invasive threat (as well as moments that practically scoff at the possibility of these sightings being unearthly visitors.)
Furthermore, tiny bits of jargon from the time add dated flavor to the content — with mentions of “Foo Fighters,” “St. Elmo’s Fire,” and “P.I.L.” — showing how buzzwords of yesteryear can eventually serve future generations with band names and movie titles.
The CIA presentation also explains “How To Investigate a Flying Saucer”— not so much to civilians trying to verify a sighting, but apparently to agents attempting to get to the bottom of a reported UFO. The column’s advice includes such dry and intense subheadings as “Conduct Controlled Experiments,” “Create a Reporting System To Organize Incoming Cases,” and “Determine the Objectives of Your Investigation.”
Finally, in what is surely just a strange coincidence, the CIA offers links to a few black-and-white photos taken roughly 50-60 years ago — but the links all turn up404 Not Found. However, the pics are elsewhere on the web:
Interesting to see those early photos when compared to the sort of UFO proof people capture in the 21st-century:
Mankind’s relationship to space changed in 2015: Not only did we find liquid water on Mars, the commercial space race heated up, making our own starry ambition seems more plausible than ever. But we didn’t find life and life didn’t find us — at least not in a verifiable way. UFOs were spotted, sure, but they stayed stubbornly U.
The most exciting and provocative alleged UFO sighting actually came from someone who probably has a better view for spotting them than anybody else: Astronaut Scott Kelly was floating 259 miles above the surface of the Earth aboard the International Space Station when he snapped and tweeted this pic:
Immediately, people began asking what that mysterious glint of light was in the corner. What could it be?
The answer, it turns out, was: “Lot of stuff.” Forbes made a pretty convincing argument that it was the High Definition Earth-Viewing System mounted on a module attached to the ISS. Light from the instrument seems to have reflected back at Kelly’s camera as he took the picture. In fact, you can see this much more clearly when you increase the contrast on the image:
That’s a letdown, sure. But there were plenty of other big, weird sightings throughout the year. There were strange lights flying over Los Angeles a few weeks ago, but the Navy claimed responsibility, saying it was part of a missile test flight off the Pacific coast.
Did you notice the UFO's flying over #capetown yesterday? 👽 Photo by @mijlof 📷
Naturally, not everyone bought that explanation.
Lenticular clouds freaked out a bunch of people over in Cape Cod, South Africa last month. And, to be fair, the whole thing did look an awful lot likeIndependence Day. In this instance, however, it’s much easier to accept a scientific explanation involving strange variations in the atmosphere. Still looks freaky though:
There were two big UFO sightings in India this year — one in June documented by a fifth grade student; and another, much larger object snapped by an individual who claims to have seen the mysterious ship rotating in the air. Both sightings were in the state of Uttar Pradesh and so far, there aren’t any clear explanations as to what they might have been.
That doesn’t necessarily mean those and other UFOs are signs of extraterrestrial objects zipping around through our sky. There are actually a ton of rational explanations for UFOs, ranging from aircraft balloons, aberrations of light, natural objects from space, and even birds. And ticking off those things from the list doesn’t mean it must be a ship from another planet.
Mankind’s constantly increasing access to the internet certainly hasn’t helped people keep a more rational mind about what they’re seeing. Just Google “UFO” one of these days and get lost in a k-hole community of people who are convinced those are alien objects coming to abduct human beings and signing secret deals with the government. In addition, the ubiquity of smartphones means everyone can document whatever strange things they see, and immediately post it to social media. Insert an appropriate hashtag like #UFO or #aliens or #FlyingSaucer. One can get lost in the pile of evidence.
Unfortunately, although smartphone cameras are getting better with every month, they’re still subject to a lot of the deficiencies that limit pretty much any kind of photographic equipment. Strange light or reflections can appear much brighter than they actually are. They might obscure the focus of an object and make it look more strange than it really is. While a lot of cameras allow you to manipulate the image quality in ways that offset those problems, most people neglect to do that before they send something straight to Twitter.
The only UFO this year that actually got scientists’ attention was the WT1190F object that burned up in Earth’s atmosphere about four weeks ago, over the Indian Ocean. No one was really what that piece of debris was, but scientists were pretty sure it was the remnants of some old rocketry equipment used in a previous launch.
Scientists were pretty excited about studying WT1190F reentry into Earth’s atmosphere to study the behavior of how objects plummet down from space into the Earth. It’s unclear yet what they found, but it ought to lead to some insights as to how meteors crash into Earth, and how humans can build better heat shields on spacecraft that are carrying astronauts back to Earth.
Photos via NASA and YouTube
Neel is a science and tech journalist from New York City, reporting on everything from brain-eating amoebas to space lasers used to zap debris out of orbit, for places like Popular Science and WIRED. He's addicted to black coffee, old pinball machines, and terrible dive bars.
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Largest Solar System Ever Discovered: Planet Takes A Million Years to Complete One Orbit
Largest Solar System Ever Discovered: Planet Takes A Million Years to Complete One Orbit
Astronomers have learned that a planet, previously thought to be free-floating, actually orbits a neighboring red dwarf star at a distance of over 1 trillion kilometers.
Astronomers have found that a planet, formerly believed to be unattached and free-floating, is actually in a very distant orbit around another star. Ultimately, this makes the system the largest solar system ever discovered.
The object, called 2MASS J2126-8140, was previously identified as a member of the Tucana Horologium Association, a small cluster of stars and substellar objects about 140 million years old. Based on its youth and low mass, 2MASS J2126-8140 was classified as one of a very rare group of objects known as “free-floating planets,” which presumably formed about a star in the customary fashion, but were subsequently ejected through gravitational interactions within its parent system, or through the influence of nearby stars in the natal cluster.
But the team of astronomers involved in the new discovery reexamined the data, and learned that 2MASS J2126-8140 seemed to be moving through space in association with a small red dwarf star, TYC 9486-927-1, and that both objects were about 104 light years from the Earth.
It turned out that star and planet were simply so distant from one another that astronomers had failed to associate the two. And no wonder. 2MASS J2126-8140 orbits at a spectacular 6900 Astronomical Units from its primary, or 6900 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun.
That’s over 1 trillion kilometers (621 billion miles), by far the largest orbital radius of any planet so far discovered. Indeed, Its orbit is ultimately 140 times wider than Pluto’s.
At that distance, the red dwarf TYC 9486-927-1 would seem to be but another star in the night sky, and hardly even the brightest; and 2MASS J2126-8140 would complete a single revolution in about a million years.
In fact, the star and its planet are so loosely bound that it’s hard to imagine the two remaining together for much longer. The slightest tug from a passing star would be more than enough to dislodge the planet, and it’s impossible that the system formed in a tightly-bound stellar cluster, as our own is believed to have done.
“We can speculate the pair formed 10 million to 45 million years ago from a filament of gas that pushed them together in the same direction,” observed Dr. Simon Murphy of the Australian National University, one of the astronomers involved in the study.
Once the age of the system was known, it was possible to estimate the mass of 2MASS J2126-8140 as between 11.6 and 15 times that of Jupiter, which places the object firmly astride the 13 Jupiter-mass so-called “deuterium-burning” dividing line that separates planets and brown dwarfs
Infrared image of the planet 2MASS J2126-8140 and its primary star. Arrows indicate common direction of motion for both objects.
Credit: 2MASS/S. Murphy/ANU.
With such a remote orbit, in the cold, distant reaches of its system, 2MASS J2126-8140 seems unlikely to host any sort of life as we know it; however, if it sits on the further end of the deuterium-burning line, it may generate enough heat to warm any moons it may possess (which could conceivably be as large as the terrestrial planets of our own solar system), and this fact—coupled with the system’s extreme youth—may be enough to foster some sort of biological evolution, unfamiliar to our experience but no less viable.
But the window is fast closing. Within a few million years, even a deuterium-burning brown dwarf will be unable to stave off the encroaching cold of deep space. Beyond that, only the prospect of billions of years of darkness remains for this strange, lonely planet.
Dying Star Betelgeuse Keeps Its Cool ... and Astronomers Are Puzzled
Dying Star Betelgeuse Keeps Its Cool ... and Astronomers Are Puzzled
By Calla Cofield, Staff Writer
A direct-sky image of Betelgeuse, a star that is shedding its mass as it nears the end of its life.
Credit: ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgment: Davide De Martin.
The bright, red star Betelgeuse, in the constellation Orion, has entered the twilight of its life. Like many stars of a similar size that reach the end of the road, Betelgeuse is slowly shedding its mortal coil — by ejecting much of its mass out into space.
This phase of star death is extremely common in the universe — in about 5 billion years, when the sun starts to die, it too will become a "red giant." It will shed much of its mass and swell to such an enormous size that it will engulf Mercury, Venus and Earth. But new observations of Betelgeuse show that scientists still can't explain what causes a red giant's massive expulsion of matter.
"In the next million years, if Betelgeuse lives that long, it is going to shed about a quarter of its current mass, and the problem is we don't understand the basic physics of how that happens," said Graham Harper, an astrophysicist and senior research associate at the University of Colorado, Boulder. "This is a big astrophysical problem." [The Brightest Stars in the Sky: A Starry Countdown]
Earlier this month, at the 227th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Harper presented new observations of Betelgeuse that appear to further complicate the story of how these red giant and supergiant stars shed so much mass.
The findings show that the gas moving away from the star is much colder than expected, and so far, scientists can't come up with a mechanism that can eject so much mass from the star, but also generate so little heat. It's a problem of balancing energy in and energy out and right now the accounting doesn't add up.
This collage shows Betelgeuse as it appears in the Orion constellation (left; the star is identified by the marker), a zoom toward Betelgeuse (middle), and the sharpest-ever image of this red supergiant, obtained the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.
Credit: ESO, P. Kervella, Digitized Sky Survey 2 and A. Fujii
The flying observatory
NASA's SOFIA instrument is neither a space-based telescope nor a ground-based one. Instead, it's on an airplane.
An observatory that can fly at 45,000 feet has some advantages over ground- and space-based telescopes. At that altitude, SOFIA can get almost entirely above the Earth's atmosphere, which is helpful because studying the cosmos through those protective layers can be like looking through a pair of glasses with the wrong prescription, or a windshield battered by rain. (This distortion may not be obvious to the human eye, but it does arise at the level of precision sought by astronomers).
The distortion is particularly bad when studying infrared light, which is what Harper and colleagues wanted to collect from Betelgeuse's outer layers (the star has now swelled to the point that if it were placed in Earth's solar system, it would extend to the orbit of Jupiter, according to NASA). There's no space-based observatory that gathers the specific wavelengths of light they were after, and gathering data with SOFIA was not only faster but significantly cheaper than launching something into space. Plus, scientists can strap new equipment onboard SOFIA with every flight.
So that's exactly what Graham and his colleagues did — they fitted a custom-made detector onto SOFIA to look at Betelgeuse in a way that had never been done before, and their results were immediately surprising.
Back in the 1980s, according to Harper, scientists came up with an explanation for what caused red giants, as well as red supergiants like Betelgeuse, to shed their mass The theory posited that the energy was created largely by magnetic fields shoving the electrically charged gas (called plasma) out into space. Magnetic field activity in the sun can set off massive explosions, and move around the glowing-hot material on the surface.
The red supergiant theory drew on what scientists know about magnetic fields in the sun, Harper said. With the theory in place, "Everyone got a little bit comfortable," Graham said.
That ended in 1997, when a group of scientists decided to scrutinize Betelgeuse using the Very Large Array (VLA), a massive radio observatory in New Mexico. The new high-resolution observations allowed the researchers to peer into the layers of material coming off Betelgeuse, and measure the temperature therein. They found it to be only about one-third of what the magnetic field model predicted it should be.
Heat is a common byproduct whenever energy is exchanged – consider how friction can make your hands warm when rubbed together, or how a computer heats up while it is on. When objects collide, they can also generate heat. The magnetic field theory of red supergiants predicted that the energy pushing the gas outward would also warm it up, but the observations showed that wasn't the case.
"The basic underlying physics was way off," Graham said. "If you're going to throw out and eject matter, you need to put energy in — and that energy is not heating the plasma at all."
Harper and his colleagues are hunting for answers to the red supergiant problem. But their most recent observations of Betelgeuse with SOFIA — along with some supplemental data from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea in Hawaii — only seem to complicate the problem further. Their infrared detector aboard SOFIA observed even cooler temperatures than those found in the VLA study. They "[go] way below what we already thought was cold," Graham said. The finding agrees with the VLA observations that "there is much less hot material than we ever would have expected," based on the magnetic field model.
"Magnetic fields are very plausible but we don't know how to make them behave to get the right answer," Harper said, referring to scientists' current inability to come up with a model that matches the observations.
Solar Quiz: How Well Do You Know Our Sun?
Many of us take the sun for granted, giving it little thought until it scorches our skin or gets in our eyes. But our star is a fascinating and complex object, a gigantic fusion reactor that gives us life. How much do you know about the sun?
So what mechanism could put so much energy into the material but not heat it?
In addition to magnetic fields, the explanation could be shockwaves, or great releases of plasma ejected from inside the star. All of these things could add up to explain what scientists are observing.
He also cautioned that the results from the SOFIA flight have not yet been repeated. The team is planning another flight for this year to verify their initial result. Once the findings are verified and published, they'll be tossed to the handful of theoreticians grappling with his problem and trying to come up with a solution (and Harper said there are some theoreticians working very hard on this problem).
There are other ways that scientists can try to crack this problem, including studying another nearby red supergiant, Antares. In addition, Harper said he and his would like to observe Betelgeuse and Antares using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in Chile. While ground-based, ALMA is located 16,400 feet (5,000 meters) above sea level, where it can avoid many of the distorting effects of the atmosphere. When the observatory is operating with the full power of its 66 antennas, ALMA will allow astronomers to peer deeper into Betelgeuse's layers, closer to the surface of the star, where they may find clues about what's driving the star's shedding, Harper said.
"As a physicist, I'm really interested in trying to fundamentally understand this so we can apply it to many other objects," Harper said.
At some point in the next million years, Betelgeuse is expected to follow the path of many red supergiants before, it and explode into a supernova. From Earth, it may appear as bright in the night sky as the full moon. This stellar explosion could take place tomorrow, but with any luck, scientists will have enough time before Betelgeuse explodes to solve the curious case of the cool red supergiants.
Of all the fringe interest groups orbiting the landscape of American politics, there are perhaps none quite as maligned as those committed to uncovering the truth about extraterrestrial life. In recent elections, these UFO advocates have mostly laid low, ignored—if not openly mocked—by politicians seeking higher office. But as the 2016 race gets officially underway, alien hunters are starting to wonder if this election might be different.
The group got some high-profile encouragement last month from none other than Hillary Clinton. In an interview with a small New Hampshire newspaper, the Democratic presidential candidate promised that, if elected, she would share whatever information exists about the government's contact with extraterrestrials.
"I'm going to get to the bottom of it," Clinton told the Conway Daily Sun. "I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure."
The comment may have been tongue-in-cheek, but it was enough to excite the diehard skeptics who have been fighting, unsuccessfully for more than half a century, to get the government to disclose what it knows about aliens. For this group, the remark seemed to confirm long-held suspicions that Clinton is sympathetic to its cause—suspicions rooted in her 90s-era ties to UFO activists like Laurence Rockefeller, and in her relationship to campaign chairman John Podesta, a noted skeptic who has called for greater government transparency around the alien question, and whose influence Clinton cited in her interview.
"He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out one way or another," Clinton told the newspaper. "Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51."
Regardless of whether Clinton meant for any of this to be taken seriously, the interviewsignaled to alien hunters that the 2016 presidential election could be a significant one for their movement—marking the first time since the other Clinton was in office that the topic of extraterrestrial contact might be broached by politicians on the national level.
A 1995 photo of then-First Lady Hillary Clinton embracing billionaire philanthropist Laurence Rockefeller, a well-known UFO activist.
Photo via the William J. Clinton Presidential Library
Beyond the UFO skepticism and government conspiracy theories, the election is also being watched by another group of alien hunters—namely scientists involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI, a global research field dedicated to scanning the cosmos for signs of alien life.
Since its inception, the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence has been plagued by politics. NASA's own SETI program, developed in the mid-1970s, was a frequent target of politicians who saw its mission—"to bag little green fellows," as one senator put it—as a joke and a waste of taxpayer dollars. It was permanently defunded in 1993. While NASA continues to fund research into the search for extraterrestrial life, the money now mainly goes to the field of astrobiology, with research focused on looking for microbes and other unintelligent life forms. Officially at least, the government is no longer interested in the search for thinking beings like us.
"SETI is very political, or has been in the past," said Seth Shostak, senior astronomer and director of the SETI Institute, a California-based nonprofit that conducts research on the "origin and nature of life in the universe." "Politics was extremely important when I joined the SETI Institute—it killed the NASA efforts."
Inthe absence of government funding, SETI research in the US has relied on private donations, which tend to be sporadic. While a $100 million infusion from Russian billionaire Yuri Milner last year has given the field a measure of legitimacy, and assured future research, the lack of federal recognition means that SETI continues to exist outside of mainstream scientific circles.
"When somebody is studying something that doesn't have any obvious practical implications, [Congress] tends to think it is a waste of money," Shostak told me. "That's exactly wrong. Basic research is the kind that pays off in the long term—far more than the applied research."
There is little indication that will change under the next president. Most of the leading 2016 presidential candidates from both parties have voiced general support for NASA, and they have called for directing more federal resources to space exploration (the notable exception is Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, who has voted in the past toslash NASA's budget). But Shostak is skeptical that any of this would translate into support for a revamped SETI program at the space agency.
"It isn't a matter of 'let's vote for this person because they're interested in SETI,'" he said. "You're not going to find anybody like that."
In the absence of direct support for SETI research, SETI researchers say they are looking for candidates who show broad knowledge and support of scientific endeavors. "Anyone you elect to high office should have some knowledge of science," Shostak said. "So many of [the 2016 candidates] don't seem to have much knowledge of science, and that's distressing because of much greater considerations than SETI."
Shostak and his colleagues have also noted that making contact with intelligent alien life will have immense political repercussions here on Earth. Given that many SETI proponents believe this is likely to happen in our lifetime, they are looking at the 2016 presidential contenders for indications of how they might handle a post-contact world.
"One would expect individual SETI proponents to be generally supportive of those parties and candidates who have voiced strong support for a solid science agenda," said Paul Shuch, executive director of the SETI League, a grassroots group that promotes private SETI research and education.
"Since SETI is a multinational cooperative endeavor," Shuch continued, "we—as individuals—would tend to oppose those factions and candidates in all countries who would be likely to exhibit nationalistic tendencies to restrict the free flow of information."
Paradigm Research's Hillary Clinton ET flag.
Photo courtesy of Stephen Bassett
Of course, UFO activists who believe aliens have already made contact have more pressing concerns—namely, getting the government to end what disclosure advocate Stephen Bassett, Washington's only registered UFO lobbyist, calls the "truth embargo" on information about extraterrestrials.
"The extraterrestrial issue is perfectly analogous to the Cuban embargo," said Bassett, who works on behalf of the disclosure advocacy group Paradigm Research. "People knew there was an island down there, they knew there was a Cuba—they just couldn't go there. It's very much what happened with the extraterrestrial issue. Every year more and more people know that this phenomenon is not human, it's extraterrestrial, but they can't go there."
Like the Cuba embargo, Bassett said, the government's insistence on withholding information about extraterrestrial contact from the public seems increasingly anachronistic, and no longer justifiable as a national security concern. The issue, he explained, is trying to convince politicians that the problem even exists in the first place.
"This extraterrestrial advocacy movement has a problem that no other advocacy movement in history has had," Bassett said. "This movement is about something the government has claimed doesn't exist at all."
Bassett may have found an ally in Podesta. A consummate Washington insider who served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and as a special counselor to President Barack Obama, Podesta is a well-known X-Files fanatic who has publicly defended the public's right to know "what the truth is that's really out there," as he put it in a forward to the 2010 book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. Last year, as he was leaving the Obama administration, Podesta ignited the UFO blogosphere by tweeting that his "biggest failure in 2014" was "once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files."
Stephen Bassett, Washington's only registered UFO lobbyist. Photo courtesy of Bassett
Podesta hasn't shied away from this position in his new role heading Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign. "Notwithstanding the fact that serious scientists, military leaders, business people, and average citizens are interested in the subject of intelligent life in the universe, political leaders tend to worry about whether they will be lampooned if they broach the subject," he told me in an email. "I, on the other hand, am interested in just making the universe great again."
While Bassett seems to have gotten behind Podesta—and by extension, Hillary— not all disclosure activists agree that Clinton would be an ally in the Oval Office, with some citing her less than stellar record on government transparency as a possible red flag. But Podesta seems confident that, on this issue at least, his candidate will follow through on revealing government secrets. "She promised me she would!" he wrote in his email.
"Look, I believe that the government, in the name of transparency and openness should declassify and release information in regards to unidentified aerial phenomena," Podesta continued. "Obviously, there have been decades of speculation about what, if anything, is contained in these files. I'm confident that the American people can handle the truth."
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“De kans is heel, heel groot dat we planeet X binnen nu en vijf jaar gaan vinden”
“De kans is heel, heel groot dat we planeet X binnen nu en vijf jaar gaan vinden”
Afgelopen week zeiden twee Amerikaanse wetenschappers nieuw bewijs te hebben voor het bestaan van een grote planeet achter Pluto. Groot nieuws natuurlijk, en sindsdien wordt er volop gespeculeerd over planeet X.
Eén van de twee wetenschappers, Mike Brown, zegt dat deze planeet binnenkort ontdekt gaat worden: “De kans is heel, heel groot dat we planeet X binnen nu en vijf jaar gaan vinden.”
Geen toeval
De planeet moet circa 10 keer groter zijn dan de aarde en 500 keer zwaarder dan Pluto. Planeet X beïnvloedt de baan van veel objecten in de Kuipergordel. De kans dat deze objecten toevallig op dezelfde manier om de zon draaien is slechts 0,007 procent. “Het kán haast geen toeval zijn,” aldus Brown. “Er moet iets zijn wat de koers van deze objecten bepaalt.”
De planeet zou mogelijk al te zien zijn op foto’s van de Subaru-telescoop in Japan en het Keck-observatorium op Hawaï. Het is goed mogelijk dat de planeet dichterbij de aarde staat en misschien al wel op bestaande foto’s van het heelal zichtbaar is.
Dit is nummer drie
Brown en zijn collega Konstantin Batygin hebben met wiskundige berekeningen op supercomputers bewijs gevonden voor het bestaan van de gigantische planeet. “Er zijn sinds de oudheid twee planeten ontdekt, dit is nummer drie,” aldus de hoogleraren astronomie.
De grote vraag is: waar komt de planeet vandaan? En hoe komt het dat deze zo’n aparte baan heeft? “Ik zou het geweldig vinden als wij hem zouden vinden,” zegt Brown. “Maar als een ander met die eer gaat strijken, vind ik het ook best. Ik hoop dat ons artikel mensen inspireert om de zoektocht naar de planeet te starten.”
VIDEO: Enorm prehistorisch bouwwerk in Israël stelt archeologen voor raadsel
VIDEO: Enorm prehistorisch bouwwerk in Israël stelt archeologen voor raadsel
Een reusachtig prehistorisch bouwwerk in het noorden van Israël, bijgenaamd Stonehenge van de Levant, blijft een groot raadsel.
Galgal Refaim (Hebreeuws voor ‘rad van geesten’) is de grootste en oudste structuur van steen in het Midden-Oosten. Het bouwwerk bestaat uit meer dan 42.000 basaltblokken en is meer dan 5000 jaar oud.
De vindplaats is gehuld in mysterie en experts kunnen maar niet achterhalen waar de structuur voor werd gebruikt. Het bouwwerk bevindt zich in de Golanhoogten en bestaat uit metershoge concentrische cirkels in de vorm van een labyrint.
Tijdens de winter- en zomerwende schijnt het zonlicht precies door enkele gaten in de stenen. Om die reden denken sommige archeologen dat de structuur werd gebruikt als een soort kalender. Anderen denken dat Galgal Refaim werd gebruikt voor astronomische doeleinden.
De zes meter hoge grafkamer in het midden van de structuur doet sommige experts vermoeden dat er belangrijke mensen werden begraven. In de jaren zestig werden er voor het eerst opgravingen verricht.
Hoewel beroemde prehistorische bouwwerken zoals Stonehenge, Chichén Itzá en Machu Picchu ieder jaar zo’n vier miljoen toeristen weten te lokken, brengt slechts een handvol mensen een bezoek aan Galgal Refaim. De meeste Israëliërs weten zelfs niet eens dat het bouwwerk bestaat.
Dat komt misschien omdat er weinig over wordt geschreven, omdat de cirkels alleen goed vanuit de lucht zichtbaar zijn of omdat het Israëlische leger doordeweeks in het gebied traint en mensen alleen in het weekend of op feestdagen welkom zijn.
Bedenker X-Files: “Ik dacht dat de productie zou worden stilgelegd door de FBI, te dicht bij de waarheid”
Bedenker X-Files: “Ik dacht dat de productie zou worden stilgelegd door de FBI, te dicht bij de waarheid”
Chris Carter, de bedenker van The X-Files, was bezorgd dat de FBI de productie van de hitserie zou stilleggen. Een mysterieuze man vertelde hem dat hij te dicht bij de waarheid zat.
“Toen de serie net op tv was, kwam er iemand op me af die zei dat hij voor een geheim overheidsagentschap werkte en dat we erg dicht bij de waarheid zaten,” vertelde hij aan The Huffington Post.
“Toen ik de pilotaflevering schreef belde ik de FBI op om onderzoek te doen,” vervolgde hij. “Ze waren aardig, maar wilden niet al te veel kwijt.”
Vrije energie
“Toen we op het punt stonden om de aflevering uit te zenden, werd ik gebeld door de FBI: ‘Wie ben jij en wat doe jij?’ Ik dacht even dat de productie zou worden stilgelegd door de lange arm der wet,” aldus Carter.
De iconische serie is voor het eerst in 14 jaar weer op tv te zien. Er komen allerlei onderwerpen voorbij zoals buitenaards leven, valse vlag-operaties, paranormale fenomenen, vrije energie, geheime technologie, reverse engineering en ontvoeringen.
Nog vreemder
Van The X-Files werden tussen 1993 en 2002 in totaal meer dan 200 afleveringen uitgezonden, verdeeld over negen seizoenen. De serie was wereldwijd een groot succes en won 16 Emmy Awards, vijf Golden Globes en tal van andere prijzen.
“De wereld is nog vreemder geworden tijdens de lange pauze van 14 jaar en het is daarom het perfecte moment om deze verhalen te vertellen,” zei Carter. De reeks gaat over twee agenten van de FBI, Dana Scully en Fox Mulder, die onderzoek doen naar mysterieuze zaken, zogeheten X-Files, waar de FBI geen raad mee weet. Van graancirkels tot overheidscomplotten die de aanwezigheid van buitenaardse wezens op aarde moeten verhullen.
FBI and WIKILEAKS CONFIRMS: Extraterrestrials Visit Us From Other Dimensions, Aliens and UFO’s…
FBI and WIKILEAKS CONFIRMS: Extraterrestrials Visit Us From Other Dimensions, Aliens and UFO’s…
As we progress even further into our future, it is becoming evidently clear that extraterrestrial life does in fact exist. Earlier last May, activists, political leaders, researchers, and other high ranking agency/military personnel have testified to extraterrestrial anomalies in front of several formed United States members of congress.
The official documentation released by dozens of governments worldwide and paint a picture of the reality that is the UFO phenomenon.
In fact, it is now clear that UFOs are able to be tracked on radar and can be seen performing multiple maneuvers that definitely defy humanity’s idea of what physics is.
Further documentation and other sources of information upon extraterrestrial life is almost impossible to breach or come across simply for how hard and dedicated our world is to studying/researching these flying spacecrafts.
As we all know, however, Wikileaks has been known to publish secret information, news, leaks, and other varieties of classified material from anonymous sources has proven that what we have thought about UFOs/extraterrestrials are absolutely true.
Wikileaks has proven to be a tremendous threat to the oppressive elite forces for many many years. In fact, they pose such a threat that they have gained the attention of a menagerie of mainstream media outlets all over the globe.
As of January 13th, Ambassador had called upon Dushanbe Mayor and Chairman of the upper house of Parliament Mahmadsaid ubaidulloev in his office.
To which the mayor then began the meeting with a seemingly long discourse of Afghanistan, which he thanked the United States for its contributions/sacrifices that had took place, and saying that U.S. activities there were very important.
However, it’s not that much of a surprise if the U.S. Ambassador in Canada was pretty worried about this group.
Considering that high level agencies are also concerned with abductees and ET contactees, that they even stamp their mail in such a way, even going as far as being constantly surveyed by army intelligence, phone tapping, and even being confronted by men in black.
So, it is pretty fair to say that the U.S. ambassador had good reason to be interested in this kind of UFO cult.
FBI Website:
The FBI have admitted on their very own website that we have been visited by “beings from other dimensions”.
The document says that the aliens are peaceful, human-like (but much larger), come from a different “etheric” planet, and can be reached by radar.
The website reveals:
A transcript of some of the most important details of the report have been compiled by UFO Sightings:
1. Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control
2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane
3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size
4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world
5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us
6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter
7. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace
8. The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoteric matters will understand these terms.
9. They probably can not be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that (apparatus)
The Lokas are oval shape, fluted length oval with a heat-resistaning metal or alloy not yet known the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray.
Aerospace Engineer Veteran Blows The Whistle On UFOs. William Mills Tompkins was assigned by the Navy to Intelligence because of his remarkable memory skills, Bill was exposed immediately to the Navy’s knowledge of Hitler’s UFO program.
After the war he began working in a Think Tank at Douglas Aircraft Company for aerospace executive Elmer Wheaton and with Naval Intelligence to offer creative suggestions and designs for huge Naval spacecraft carriers.
The authenticity of part of the story is corroborated by Editor Wood, who was employed at the same facility at the same time and knew some of the same company leaders.
The cute Nordic secretaries Bill was given may have used their psychic powers to keep NASA on the right track for an effective Apollo program, and to begin the covert Naval exploration of the galaxy.
Stephen Hawking has warned of the potential downfalls of humanity
The theoretical physicist identified artificial intelligence (AI), nuclear war and genetically-engineered viruses as just some of the man-made problems that pose an imminent threat to humanity.
And the 74-year-old said that as we rapidly advance in these fields, there will be "new ways things can go wrong”.
We are at a point in history where we are "trapped" by our own advances, with humanity increasingly at risk from man-made threats but without technology sophisticated enough to escape from Earth in the event of a cataclysm.
He warned: "Although the chance of a disaster to planet Earth in a given year may be quite low, it adds up over time, and becomes a near certainty in the next thousand or ten thousand years.
"By that time we should have spread out into space, and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race.
Hawking has touted nuclear war as one of the things that might kill us
"However, we will not establish self-sustaining colonies in space for at least the next hundred years, so we have to be very careful in this period.”
He added that humans do have a knack of "saving the day" just in time, and urged fellow scientists to continue trying to make advances in their respective fields.
Prof Hawking said: "We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we have to recognise the dangers and control them. I'm an optimist, and I believe we can.
Hawking is still optimistic
"It's important to ensure that these changes are heading in the right directions.
“In a democratic society, this means that everyone needs to have a basic understanding of science to make informed decisions about the future.
"So communicate plainly what you are trying to do in science, and who knows, you might even end up understanding it yourself."
Hawking's comments come just months after he warned the human race could be wiped out by Terminator-style killer robots after research into "autonomous weapons".
He was among more than 1,000 leading scientists and businessmen to sign an open letter from the Future of Life Institute. The letter, presented at a conference in Argentina, suggested the ability to create autonomous weapons that think for themselves is "feasible within years".
It said: "If any major military power pushes ahead with AI weapon development, a global arms race is virtually inevitable.
"Autonomous weapons are ideal for tasks such as assassinations, destabilising nations, subduing populations and selectively killing a particular ethnic group. A military AI arms race would not be beneficial for humanity."
The Drake equation, formulated in 1961, estimates the number of alien civilizations we could detect. Recent discoveries of numerous planets in the Milky Way have raised the odds.
The final step: Multiply the number of radio-savvy civilizations by the average time they're likely to keep broadcasting or even to survive. If such advanced societies typically blow themselves up in a nuclear holocaust just a few decades after developing radio technology, for example, there would probably be very few to listen for at any given time.
The equation made perfect sense, but there was one problem. Nobody had a clue what any of those fractions or numbers were, except for the very first variable in the equation: the formation rate of sunlike stars. The rest was pure guesswork. If SETI scientists managed to snag an extraterrestrial radio signal, of course, these uncertainties wouldn't matter. But until that happened, experts on every item in the Drake equation would have to try to fill it in by nailing down the numbers—by finding the occurrence rate for planets around sunlike stars or by trying to solve the mystery of how life took root on Earth.
It would be a third of a century before scientists could even begin to put rough estimates into the equation. In 1995 Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz of the University of Geneva detected the first planet orbiting a sunlike star outside our solar system. That world, known as 51 Pegasi b, about 50 light-years from Earth, is a huge, gaseous blob about half the size of Jupiter, with an orbit so tight that its "year" is only four days long and its surface temperature close to 2000°F.
Nobody thought for a moment that life could ever take hold in such hellish conditions. But the discovery of even a single planet was an enormous breakthrough. Early the next year Geoffrey Marcy, then at San Francisco State University and now at UC Berkeley, would lead his own team in finding a second extrasolar planet, then a third. After that, the floodgates opened. To date, astronomers have confirmed nearly two thousand so-called exoplanets, ranging in size from smaller than Earth to bigger than Jupiter; thousands more—most found by the exquisitely sensitive Kepler space telescope, which went into orbit in 2009—await confirmation.
None of these planets is an exact match for Earth, but scientists are confident they'll find one that is before too long. Based on the discoveries of somewhat larger planets made to date, astronomers recently calculated that more than a fifth of stars like the sun harbor habitable, Earthlike planets. Statistically speaking, the nearest one could be a mere 12 light-years away, which is practically next door in cosmic terms.
That's good news for astrobiologists. But in recent years planet hunters have realized that there's no reason to limit their search to stars just like our sun. "When I was in high school," says David Charbonneau, an astronomer at Harvard, "we were taught that Earth orbits an average star. But that's a lie." In fact, about 80 percent of the stars in the Milky Way are small, cool, dim, reddish bodies known as M dwarfs. If an Earthlike planet circled an M dwarf at the right distance—it would have to be closer in than the Earth is to our sun to avoid being too cold—it could provide a place where life could gain a foothold just as easily as on an Earthlike planet orbiting a sunlike star.
Moreover, scientists now believe a planet doesn't have to be the same size as Earth to be habitable. "If you ask me," says Dimitar Sasselov, another Harvard astronomer, "anywhere from one to five Earth masses is ideal." In short, the variety of habitable planets and the stars they might orbit is likely to be far greater than what Drake and his fellow conferees conservatively assumed at that meeting back in 1961.
A microbe retrieved in 2013 from Lake Whillans, half a mile beneath the Antarctic ice, reveals life's ability to take hold even in the most extreme environments. TRISTA VICK-MAJORS AND PAMELA SANTIBÁÑEZ, PRISCU RESEARCH GROUP, MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BOZEMAN
That's not all: It turns out that the range of temperatures and chemical environments where extremophilic organisms might be able to thrive is also greater than anyone at Drake's meeting could have imagined. In the 1970s oceanographers such as National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Robert Ballard discovered superheated gushers, known as hydrothermal vents, nourishing a rich ecosystem of bacteria. Feasting on hydrogen sulfide and other chemicals dissolved in the water, these microbes in turn feed higher organisms. Scientists have also found life-forms that flourish in hot springs, in frigid lakes thousands of feet below the surface of the Antarctic ice sheet, in highly acidic or highly alkaline or extremely salty or radioactive locations, and even in minute cracks in solid rock a mile or more underground. "On Earth these are niche environments," says Lisa Kaltenegger, who holds joint appointments at Harvard and the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. "But on another planet you can easily envision that they could be dominant scenarios."
The one factor that biologists argue is critical for life as we know it is water in liquid form—a powerful solvent capable of transporting dissolved nutrients to all parts of an organism. In our own solar system we've known since the Mariner 9 Mars orbiter mission in 1971 that water once likely flowed freely on the red planet. So life might have existed there, at least in microbial form—and it's plausible that remnants of that life could still endure underground, where liquid water may linger. Jupiter's moon Europa also shows cracks in its relatively young, ice-covered surface—evidence that beneath the ice lies an ocean of liquid water. At a half billion miles or so from the sun, Europa's water should be frozen solid. But this moon is constantly flexing under the tidal push and pull of Jupiter and several of its other moons, generating heat that could keep the water below liquid. In theory, life could exist in that water too.
In 2005 NASA's Cassini spacecraft spotted jets of water erupting from Saturn's moon Enceladus; subsequent measurements by the spacecraft reported in April of this year confirm an underground source of water on that moon as well. Scientists still don't know how much water might be under Enceladus's icy shell, however, or whether it's been liquid long enough to permit life to exist. The surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has rivers, lakes, and rain. But Titan's meteorological cycle is based on liquid hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane, not water. Something might be alive there, but what it would be like is very hard to guess.
Mars is far more Earthlike, and far closer, than any of these distant moons. The search for life has driven virtually every mission to the red planet. The NASA rover Curiosity is currently exploring Gale crater, where a huge lake sat billions of years ago and where it's now clear that the chemical environment would have been hospitable to microbes, if they existed.
Penelope Boston of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and the National Cave and Karst Research Institute captures a drop of biofilm from the Cueva de Villa Luz ("cave of the lighted house") in Mexico. The viscous goo—dubbed a snottite—harbors bacteria that derive energy from hydrogen sulfide within the toxic cave. Life-forms in such extreme ecosystems serve as earthly analogues for organisms that might thrive in extraterrestrial environments.
A cave in Mexico isn't Mars, of course, and a lake in northern Alaska isn't Europa. But it's the search for extraterrestrial life that has taken JPL astrobiologist Kevin Hand and the other members of his team, including John Leichty, to Sukok Lake, 20 miles from Barrow, Alaska. The same quest has lured Penelope Boston and her colleagues multiple times to the poisonous Cueva de Villa Luz, a cave near Tapijulapa in Mexico. Both sites let the researchers test new techniques for searching for life in environments that are at least broadly similar to what space probes might encounter. In particular, they're looking for biosignatures—visual or chemical clues that signal the presence of life, past or present, in places where scientists won't have the luxury of doing sophisticated laboratory experiments.
Take the Mexican cave. Orbiting spacecraft have shown that caves do exist on Mars, and they're just the sorts of places where microbes might have taken refuge when the planet lost its atmosphere and surface water some three billion years ago. Such Martian cave dwellers would have had to survive on an energy source other than sunlight—like the dripping ooze that has Boston so enchanted. The scientists refer to these unlovely droplets as "snottites." One of thousands in the cave, varying in length from a fraction of an inch to a couple of feet, it does look uncannily like mucus. It's actually a biofilm, a community of microbes bound together in a viscous, gooey blob.
The snottite microbes are chemotrophs, Boston explains. "They oxidize hydrogen sulfide—that's their only energy source—and they produce this goo as part of their lifestyle."
Snottites are just one of the microbial communities that exist here. Boston, of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and the National Cave and Karst Research Institute, says that all told there are about a dozen communities of microbes in the cave. "Each one has a very distinct physical appearance. Each one is tapping into different nutrient systems."
One of these communities is especially intriguing to Boston and her colleagues. It doesn't form drips or blobs but instead makes patterns on the cave walls, including spots, lines, and even networks of lines that look almost like hieroglyphics. Astrobiologists have come to call these patterns biovermiculations, or bioverms for short, from the word "vermiculation," meaning decorated with "irregular patterns of lines, as though made by worm tracks."
Microbe-rich biofilms—referred to as snottites—drip from the sunless walls of Cueva de Villa Luz in Mexico. Living off sulfur compounds, the microbes in turn feed midges that live in the cave.
It turns out that patterns like these aren't made only by microorganisms growing on cave walls. "It happens on a variety of different scales, usually in places where some resource is in short supply," says Keith Schubert, a Baylor University engineer who specializes in imaging systems and who came to Cueva de Villa Luz to set up cameras for long-term monitoring inside the cave. Grasses and trees in arid regions create bioverm patterns as well, says Schubert. So do soil crusts, which are communities of bacteria, mosses, and lichens that cover the ground in deserts.
If this hypothesis holds up—and it's still only a hypothesis—then Boston, Schubert, and other scientists who are documenting bioverms may have found something crucially important. Until now, many of the markers of life astrobiologists have looked for are gases, like oxygen, that are given off by organisms on Earth. But life that produces an oxygen biosignature may be only one kind among many.
"What excites me about bioverms," says Boston, "is that we've seen them at all these different scales and in all these wildly different environments, and yet the characters of the patterns are very similar." It's highly plausible, she and Schubert believe, that these patterns, based on simple rules of growth and competition for resources, could be literally a universal signature of life. In caves, moreover, even when the microbial communities die, they leave the patterns behind. If a rover should see something like this on the wall of a Martian cave, says Schubert, "it could direct you where to focus your attention."
At the opposite end of North America, the scientists and engineers shivering at Sukok Lake are on a similar mission. They're working at two different locations on the lake, one next to a cluster of three small tents the scientists have dubbed "Nasaville," and the other, with just a single tent, about a half mile away as the crow flies. Because methane gas bubbling from the lake bottom churns up the water, ice has a hard time forming in some places. To snowmobile from one camp to the other, the scientists have to take a curving, indirect route to avoid a potentially fatal dunking.
It was the methane that first drew the scientists to Sukok and other nearby Alaska lakes back in 2009. This common hydrocarbon gas is generated by microbes, known collectively as methanogens, that decompose organic matter, making it another potential biosignature astrobiologists could look for on other worlds. But methane also comes from volcanic eruptions and other nonbiological sources, and it forms naturally in the atmosphere of giant planets like Jupiter as well as on Saturn's moon Titan. So it's crucial that scientists be able to distinguish biological methane from its nonbiological cousin. If you're focused on ice-covered Europa, as Kevin Hand is, ice-covered, methane-rich Sukok Lake isn't a bad place to get your feet wet—as long as you don't do it literally.
Hand, a National Geographic emerging explorer, favors Europa over Mars as a place to do astrobiology, for one key reason. Suppose we do go to Mars, he says, and find living organisms in the subsurface that are DNA based, like life on Earth. That could mean that DNA is a universal molecule of life, which is certainly possible. But it could also mean that life on Earth and life on Mars share a common origin. We know for certain that rocks blasted off the surface of Mars by asteroid impacts have ended up on Earth. It's also likely that Earth rocks have traveled to Mars. If living microbes were trapped inside such spacefaring rocks and survived the journey, which is at least plausible, they could have seeded whichever planet they ended up on. "If life on Mars were found to be DNA based," says Hand, "I think we would have some confusion as to whether or not that was a separate origin of DNA." But Europa is vastly farther away. If life were found there, it would point to a second, independent origin—even if it were DNA based.
Europa certainly seems to have the basic ingredients for life. Liquid water is abundant, and the ocean floor may also have hydrothermal vents, similar to Earth's, that could provide nutrients for any life that might exist there. Up at the surface, comets periodically crash into Europa, depositing organic chemicals that might also serve as the building blocks of life. Particles from Jupiter's radiation belts split apart the hydrogen and oxygen that makes up the ice, forming a whole suite of molecules that living organisms could use to metabolize chemical nutrients from the vents.
The big unknown is how those chemicals could make it all the way down through the ice, which is probably 10 to 15 miles thick. The Voyager and Galileo missions made it clear, however, that the ice is riddled with cracks. Early in 2013 Hand and Caltech astronomer Mike Brown used the Keck II telescope to show that salts from Europa's ocean were likely making their way to the surface, possibly through some of those cracks. And late in 2013 another team of observers, using the Hubble Space Telescope, reported plumes of liquid water spraying from Europa's south pole. Europa's ice is evidently not impenetrable.
This makes the idea of sending a probe to orbit Europa all the more compelling. Unfortunately the orbiter mission the National Research Council evaluated in its 2011 report was deemed scientifically sound but, at $4.7 billion, too expensive. A JPL team led by Robert Pappalardo went back to the drawing board and reimagined the mission. Their Europa Clipper probe would orbit Jupiter, not Europa, which would require less propellant and save money, but it would make something like 45 flybys of the moon in an attempt to understand its surface and atmospheric chemistry, and indirectly the chemistry of the ocean.
All told, Pappalardo says, the redesigned mission should come in at under two billion dollars over its whole life span. If the mission concept goes forward, he says, "we envision a launch sometime in the early to mid 2020s." If that launch takes place aboard an Atlas V rocket, the trip to Europa will take about six years. "But it's also possible," he says, "that we could launch on the new SLS, the Space Launch System, that NASA is currently developing. It's a big rocket, and with that we could get there in 2.7 years."
BRUIE (Buoyant Rover for Under-Ice Exploration) crawls along the underside of the surface ice in a test in Sukok Lake. Bubbles of methane and other compounds signal the presence of life below.
The Clipper likely wouldn't be able to find life on Europa, but it could help make the case for a follow-up lander that could dig into the surface, studying its chemistry the way rovers have studied Mars's. The Clipper could also scout out the best places for such a lander to set down. The next logical step after a lander—sending a probe down to explore Europa's ocean—could be a lot tougher, depending on how thick the ice is. As an alternative, mission scientists might try to reach a lake that may be entirely contained within the ice near the surface. "When that undersea explorer eventually does come to fruition," says Hand, "in evolutionary terms, it'll be like Homo sapiens to the Australopithecus we've been testing in Alaska."
Frank Drake is still looking for extraterrestrial signals—a discovery that would trump everything else.
The relatively crude rover Hand and his crew are testing at Sukok Lake crawls along under a foot of ice, its built-in buoyancy keeping it firmly pressed against the frozen subsurface, sensors measuring the temperature, salinity, pH, and other characteristics of the water. It doesn't look for organisms directly, however; that's currently the job of the scientists working on another aspect of Hand's project across the lake, including John Priscu of Montana State University, who last year extracted living bacteria from Lake Whillans, half a mile under the West Antarctic ice sheet. Along with geobiologist Alison Murray, of the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada, and her graduate student Paula Matheus-Carnevali, Priscu is investigating what characteristics frigid environments need to make them friendly to life and what sorts of organisms actually live there.
Useful as the study of extremophiles is to contemplating the nature of life beyond our planet, it can only provide terrestrial clues to an extraterrestrial mystery. Soon, however, we will have other means to fill in missing parts of the Drake equation. NASA has approved a new planet-hunting telescope known as the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. Scheduled to launch in 2017, TESS will look for planets around our nearest neighboring stars, finding targets for astrophysicists searching planetary atmospheres for biosignature gases. The James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled for a 2018 launch, will make those searches far easier than they are today— although recent observations with the Hubble, including the discovery of clouds on a super-Earth known as GJ 1214b, make it clear that nobody is sitting around waiting for the Webb.
Mysteriously Powerful Particles from Solar Explosions Unveiled in New Study
Mysteriously Powerful Particles from Solar Explosions Unveiled in New Study
By Calla Cofield, Staff Writer
A photo of a solar eruption from Oct. 14, 2012, as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory.
Credit: NASA/SDO
A couple of times a month — sometimes more, sometimes less — an explosion goes off on the surface of the sun, releasing energy that's equal to millions of hydrogen bombs.
Mind boggling as that number is, this tremendous energy output cannot explain how material that is spit out by these explosions gets ramped up to nearly the speed of light. It's like expecting a golf cart motor to power a Ferrari.
In a new study, researchers provide a first-of-its-kind look under the hood of these solar eruptions, taking specific aim at the physical process that accelerates the superfast particles. [Biggest Solar Flares and Sun Storms of 2015 in Photos]
Explosions on the sun
There are currently 18 NASA space missions dedicated to studying our nearest star and its effect on the solar system. Some of these satellites stare directly at the sun almost nonstop, providing a 24/7 stream of images of the sun's swirling, churning surface.
When a solar eruption happens, these satellites also see the incredibly bright flashes of light that are called solar flares. Occasionally, the eruptions also hurl a cloud of extremely hot and electrically charged gas (called plasma) out into space. The expelled plasma is called a coronal mass ejection, or CME for short.
A snapshot of a coronal mass ejection firing off the surface of the sun, captured by NASA's SOHO spacecraft. This image shows the sun in ultraviolet light, while the field of view extends over 2 million kilometers, or 1.243 million miles, from the solar surface.
Credit: NASA/JPL
A solar explosion releases roughly the same amount of energy that would come from "millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs," according to NASA, where one hundred megatons equal to one hundred million metric tons of TNT.
While that certainly sounds impressive, it's hard to imagine something so enormous. The best way to understand the colossal nature of these events might be to consider an image taken by NASA that shows a particularly massive CME. For comparison, a snapshot of the Earth (to scale) is placed next to this great, flaming ribbon. The planet looks like a daisy in the path of a flamethrower.
CMEs travel at roughly 1 million miles per hour (1.6 million kilometers per hour), according to a video from NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center. But one of the most energetic CMEs ever recorded had particles clocked at over 7 million mph (11.2 million km/h), said C. Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist at Goddard. However, these are what solar scientists call the "slower" particles that are produced during a solar eruption, Young said.
The "fast" particles, usually called solar energetic particles (which are not part of the CME), reach speeds that are near the speed of light — 670 million mph (1.079 billion km/hr). That's more than 100 times faster than the particles in a CME.
These superfast particles can be seen in videos taken by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph Experiment (LASCO) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory satellite (SOHO). LASCO blocks out the light from the sun so it can see the material spewed out by a CME. In these videos, seconds after the cloud of material is seen leaving the surface, white speckles of static fill the screen, sometimes completely obscuring any view of the star. These are the superfast particles colliding with the detector. Similar static storms can be seen by other solar satellites. The static looks like snow, which is apt, because these and similar solar events are referred to as "solar weather." (These videos are sped up in time; in reality, it would still take the superfast particles about 10 to 15 minutes to reach the satellite's detector, Young said.)
But even the sheer force of the solar explosion isn’t enough to explain that kind of bump in energy, Young said. So how do these particles get going so fast? [Solar Flare vs. CME - What's The Difference? | Video]
Image of the Earth to scale with the filament eruption. Note: the Earth is not this close to the sun, this image is for scale purposes only.
Credit: NASA
Shockingly fast
When an airplane breaks the sound barrier — physically overtaking the sound waves traveling in front of it — it creates a shock wave, and a deafening sonic boom. The boom is evidence that the shock wave is a source of energy.
Bin Chen, a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is the lead author on a new research paper that provides the first solid observational evidence that ultraspeedy particles released during a solar eruption are accelerated by a kind of stationary shock wave called a "termination shock."
One of the intriguing elements of solar eruptions is that, unlike most explosions on Earth, they aren't chemically driven. Rather, these sunshine bombs are detonated by a rapid release of magnetic energy. The same force that makes a magnet stick to a refrigerator or makes a compass needle point north is also responsible for these massive belches of light and material.
The solar eruptions that create solar flares and CMEs occur when one of the sun's magnetic-field lines break, and rapidly reconnects, near the surface. During the explosion, plasma is flung out into space, but others go back down toward the surface at incredibly high speeds, where they crash into more magnetic-field loops — kind of like a waterfall crashing into the surface of a pond. At the point of collision, a termination shock forms in the electrically charged plasma.
"Charged particles that cross a [termination] shock can pick up the energy from the shock and get faster and faster. That's how shock acceleration works," Bin told
This collage of solar images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) shows how observations of the sun in different wavelengths helps highlight different aspects of the sun's surface and atmosphere. (The collage also includes images from other SDO instruments that display magnetic and Doppler information.)
Credit: NASA/SDO/Goddard Space Flight Center
Chen and his coauthors saw evidence of this termination shock during a solar flare on March 3, 2012, using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico. The recently upgraded telescope was beneficial for two reasons. First, it detects radio waves, which means it isn't overwhelmed by the brightest flashes of light emitted during a solar flare. But looking at a solar flare radio frequencies does reveal the particles accelerated by the termination shock.
Second, the telescope can effectively take around 40,000 images per second. It does this by capturing thousands of radio frequencies at the same time. The frequencies are then separated into individual "images." Chen told that in order to see termination shock in action, it was necessary to collect that many images for about 20 minutes.
"So if you do the math, that's millions and millions of images [you need] in order to extract the information," Chen said. "That’s a new capability provided by the upgraded VLA."
Chen said the new findings don't necessarily mean that termination shocks are responsible for accelerating particles in all solar flares. He said he and his colleagues would like to conduct further observations to find out if this is the case in all shocks, or only a subset.
Solar Quiz: How Well Do You Know Our Sun?
Many of us take the sun for granted, giving it little thought until it scorches our skin or gets in our eyes. But our star is a fascinating and complex object, a gigantic fusion reactor that gives us life. How much do you know about the sun?
"[The new result] reveals that we're on the right track with the standard-flare model," DeLuca said.
An image of coronal loops on the sun that are linked to magnetic fields.
Credit: Photo by NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory
Look out for powerful particles
All those NASA satellites studying the sun are not just working to create mesmerizing images; they're also there to help protect Earth. Solar flares and coronal mass ejections pose a hazard to the planet. The particles they eject can damage satellites and solar panels, and could pose a serious threat to astronauts doing spacewalks outside the International Space Station, on the moon or Mars.
The superfast particles are of particular worry, because their high speeds mean they can penetrate more layers of material than their "slower" counterparts. When those particles penetrate a piece of solid-state equipment, they can cause a "bit flip" — which could not only damage the equipment but also change what it does.
"If that little flip of the bit means a computer command that normally says, 'keep taking snapshots of the sun,' instead says 'shut down the spacecraft,' that's bad," Young said. "So a lot of times, if there is a large particle event, spacecraft operators will often put their spacecraft into what's called a 'safe mode.'"
That reaction has to happen fast. Light can travel from the sun to the earth in 8 minutes, so the solar energetic particles can reach an orbiting satellite in about 10 to 20 minutes, Young said. Coronal mass ejections leave a little more time, but a delayed response can mean serious consequences.
For that reason, scientists are trying to get better at predicting when solar flares and CME's will occur and how intense they will be.
DeLuca said the new understanding of termination shock will not, most likely, be immediately useful for improving forecasting of solar explosions. But it is a piece of the solar-flare puzzle, and he said it will be incorporated into "next-generation" solar-weather technology and prediction techniques. It's one more step toward helping humans ride out the solar storm.
Conspiracy theorists have uncovered a host of sites online that are obscured through pixelation, blurring or have a case of total wipe out.
We've picked some of those sites and gone behind the scenes to find out why they are so taboo.
Anthrax Island - Gruinard, Scotland
Anthrax island: Gruinard in Scotland is a no man's land after testing was conducted
This small, oval-shaped Scottish island is just over a mile long and less than a mile wide, but if you try to hone in you won't find much.
Located in Gruinard Bay, about halfway between Gairloch and Ullapool, it has been uninhabited for decades after British scientists exploded a series of anthrax bombs there during the Second World War.
Google Maps
Close up: this is as close to Gruinard Island as you will get on Google Maps
They tested the chemical weapons on 60 sheep all of whom died within days.
While it was "decontaminated" in 1990 - it was shut for five decades before this and to this day remains a Google Earth mystery - not to mention a no go zone.
Crash site: the Roswell UFO Museum Sign is there for all to see
Roswell is one of the most notable UFO sights in the world but try and take a peak at what it looks like from the sky on Google Earth and you'll find difficulty.
This world-famous New Mexico community became notorious in 1947 when a United States Air Force 'surveillance balloon' crashed at a ranch close by.
Google Maps
Blackout: try and zoom into Roswell and you will have difficulty on Google Earth
Back then there were many reports that an "extraterrestrial spaceship" had crashed - and the military were quickly accused of being involved in a cover-up after claiming the incident involved a weather balloon.
Later in the 1970's there was more claims an alien spacecraft had crash-landed and that the aliens were taken to a secret facility.
Beautiful: the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem as it looks from the ground
Gethsemane or גת שמנים in Hebrew is one of the most sacred Christian pilgrimage sites on the planet.
Mentioned in both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark it is said to be the garden where Jesus spent the night before he was crucified.
Covered in olive trees, some of which are 900 years old, it is situated at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, Israel.
Google Maps
Obscured: the garden of Gethsemane where Jesus is said to have spent his last night is a blur
Its exact location has been disputed over the years with some historians claiming it's a few hundred yards north of its current site.
As well as being the place Jesus is thought to have settled the night before he died, it's also said the Virgin Mary was buried there before being assumed to heaven.
But while millions of pilgrims have made it to the site to see for themselves - onGoogle Earth it's all a bit of a blur.
Artic circle: while it's a draw for explorers some parts of Greenland are blurred out on Google Earth
The 1968 Thule Air Base crash was one of the most shocking in history and was probably one of the most contaminated.
A B-52 aircraft carrying four hydrogen bombs came down after a fire started and forced the crew to abandon the plane over Baffin Bay near Narssarssuk.
While six crew of the members ejected safely one did not have an ejection seat and was killed trying to bail out.
Google Maps
Out of focus: Narsaarsuk cannot be seen clearly from the Google Earth posting
The nuclear weapon carrying bomber crashed onto sea ice in the North Star Baycausing its on-board explosives to detonate, which in turn caused the nuclear material to rupture and disperse making the entire site contaminated with plutonium.
Nowadays you'd be hard pushed to see what it looks like using satellite imagery.
Coloured in: Volkel Air Force base looks like someone took crayons to it
Volker is one site which has been digitally obscured from viewable satellite map services. According to reports the site was outed by WikiLeaks as having nuclear weapons on site.
And while it's quite often used for air shows and by the Dutch Royal Air Force it's presence is somewhat controversial.
Ground base: a military helicopter is pictured at Volkel Air Base
It's well known that it has 22 tactical nuclear bombs which are said to be owned by its ally the USA, it was a strategic centre during the cold war, but in latter years has been described by the country's former Prime Minister as "absolutely pointless".
It is home to two F-16 Fighting Falcon squadrons, 312 and 313 as well as a traumahelicopter operated by ANWB Medical Air Assistance.
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Don't Blame 'Planet Nine' for Earth's Mass Extinctions
Don't Blame 'Planet Nine' for Earth's Mass Extinctions
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Artist’s illustration of “Planet Nine,” a hypothesized world about 10 times more massive than Earth that may orbit far beyond Pluto.
Credit: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)
Life on Earth has little to fear from the hypothesized Planet Nine, astronomers say.
Some scientists have suggested that a big undiscovered body lying on the far outer reaches of the solar system could be responsible for many of the mass extinction events throughout Earth's history, by shaking up the distant comet repository known as the Oort Cloud and sending some its denizens screaming toward our planet.
"I suspect it has something like zero effect on us," said Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena.
Brown and lead author Konstantin Batygin, also of Caltech, suggested the existence of Planet Nine in a paper that was published last week. They infer the planet's presence based on indirect evidence: Computer models suggest that a distant, unseen world has shaped the strange orbits of a number of small objects in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy bodies beyond Neptune.
Here's what we know of this potential "Planet Nine."" data-options-closecontrol="true" data-options-fullsize="true" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="261" height="536" />
Planet Nine likely has an elliptical orbit, coming within 200 to 300 astronomical units (AU) of the sun at its closest approach and getting as far away as 600 to 1,200 AU, Brown said. (One AU is the distance from Earth to the sun — about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers).
Neptune orbits about 30 AU from the sun, and Pluto never gets farther than 49 AU from our star. So Planet Nine, if it exists, is very distant indeed — but not distant enough, Brown said, to stir up any of the trillions of comets in the Oort Cloud, which begins perhaps 5,000 AU from the sun.
The existence of such a "perturber" has been hypothesized as a way to explain the mysterious periodicity of big extinction events on Earth, which have recurred roughly every 27 million years over the last quarter-billion years or so.
"Really big planets really far away could do that," Brown told "Planet Nine is smaller than all these things that people have called 'Planet X' — that's always been sort of Jupiter-sized, or even brown dwarf-sized, or something. This is a good bit smaller, and a good bit closer; it's not in the realm of the comets."
The putative Planet Nine also completes one orbit every 10,000 years or so, he added.
"That sounds like a long time, but it's a pretty short orbit," Brown said. "If it were doing this thing every time it went around the sun, it would've been doing a lot of it, and I don't think there's anything going on like that."
Astronomer Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., who is not part of the Batygin/Brown team, voiced similar sentiments. (Sheppard is conducting a hunt for undiscovered objects in the outer solar system; he co-discovered 2012 VP113 — one of the "trans-Neptunian objects," or TNOs, whose orbital characteristics hint at the existence of Planet Nine.)
If Planet Nine exists, it could conceivably dislodge some TNOs (not Oort Cloud comets) and send them toward the inner solar system, Sheppard said.
"But most likely, the unknown massive object has been out there a very long time and thus cleared most objects near it long ago," Sheppard told via email.
"I do think it could throw a few small objects into the inner solar system every so often, but I don’t think it would significantly increase the odds for a mass extinction event," he added.
Major Daylight Fireball Over Southeastern US - American Meteor Society The American Meteor Society (AMS) has received over 50 reports of an extremely bright daylight fireball on Sunday, January 24th, 2016.
Finland Fireball Meteor 23JAN2016 The bright fireball blazed above southern Finland, There were many of reports of a large, bright fireball that lit up skies over towns across southern Finland at about 8 pm on Saturday. http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot...)
Fleet of UFOs Seen During Sunset Over Maryland, Jan 20, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Fleet of UFOs Seen During Sunset Over Maryland, Jan 20, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 20, 2016 Location of sighting: Reisterown, Maryland, USA Source: MUFON #74077 UFOs are often seen during sunset. This person was lucky enough to catch a bunch of them. The UFOs appear dark because of the angle of the setting sun. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: At my house shoveling out my truck with neighbors. Noticed a beautiful cloud formation. Started making photos 1 after another. Later when admiring features of strange looking clouds started to see orbs. Cone shaped pyrimids that looked black. Then hundreds of them. With otherobjects in cloud. Please evaluate photos is there another explanation for these strange clouds and objects. Thank you.
Collision with giant ice planet thought to lurk on the edge of our solar system 'will wipe out Earth in 2016'
Collision with giant ice planet thought to lurk on the edge of our solar system 'will wipe out Earth in 2016'
Ominous 'Planet Nine' may collide with earth, according to some theorists AP
CONSPIRACY theorists have claimed a giant planet lurking on the edge of our Solar System will wipe out humanity in a collision with Earth this year.
Keen conspiracy theorists have long believed in the existence of a distant 9th planet in our Solar System, but were ridiculed by the scientific community for years.
However, the claims of these theorists were lent weight after space experts at the California Institute of Technology revealed they had found evidence for a giant ice planet just beyond Pluto.
The frosty world, known as ‘Planet 9’, was recently found to be on a 20,000-year orbit of the Sun, with a mass 10 times that of Earth.
It is claimed humanity will be wiped out by a collision with giant Planet Nine Getty
Worryingly, the same group who turned out to be right about Planet 9’s existence also had an apocalyptic warning that a massive hidden planet with a very long orbit will crash into Earth in 2016.
Rogue scientists had speculated about the existence of another planet since the 1800s, but their theories were rubbished and the search for what they termed ‘Planet X’ was called off.
They also claimed to have found a description of a huge planet among the work of the ancient Babylonian civilisation, a society well known for being pioneers of astronomy.
These maverick theorists now believe Planet 9 was the planet we were being warned about by the Babylonians, with theories emerging to suggest this planet will smash into Earth this year.
NASA has, however, warned it is too early to confirm the existence of Planet 9 for sure but pledged “if it's there, we'll find it.”
HOOPER, Colo. -- As part of the new series "Colorado’s Unexplained Stories," we’re taking a trip four hours south of Denver to the San Luis Valley. The area is nicknamed "The UFO Hot Spot of America."
Apparently, there are more UFO sightings there than anywhere else in America.
Locals refer to Highway 17, which cuts through the valley, as "The Cosmic Highway."
If you take the highway into Hooper, you’ll eventually pass by an oddly shaped dome-like structure known as "The UFO Watch Tower." It was created by Judy Messoline 15 years ago.
“What I find is we get people here because they need a place to talk about it and especially ones that have had experiences. Especially abductees,” Messoline said.
Ask anyone who lives in the Hooper area if they’ve ever seen anything weird in the sky and chances are each one of them will tell you "Yes."
Their experiences inspired Messoline to create the tower. It features plenty of things, including a log book where people can write their run-ins with the unknown.
“I had an air traffic controller from DIA come in who said they get six to eight UFO reports from pilots every month. Now figure that one out,” Messoline said with a chuckle.
Hooper, Colo., is nicknamed the UFO Hot Spot of America
Without a doubt, what’s inside the tower is neat. But what’s outside is really out of this world.
“The meteor showers are just awesome from up here,” Messoline said as she stood on the tower.
From high atop the tower, people come to experience something different.
“About 40 psychics have been by and they’ve all said the same thing -- that there are two large vortexes in front of the tower,” Messoline said with a serious tone.
It might sound weird, but Messoline said there’s something special about the land the UFO Watch Tower sits on.
So much so, she created a "UFO Garden." The garden is scattered with all sorts of trinkets, left behind by visitors from our world.
“When you walk through the garden you should pay attention to your body so you can feel the energy from the vortexes,” Messoline said.
Vortexes are defined as being a portal between our world and other worlds. Almost like a gateway to a different universe, Messoline said.
“And I thought that’s kind of special, ya know? Doggone,” Messoline said.
For some, this sort of stuff is hard to believe. But in Hooper, the supernatural just comes naturally.
“Lots of things happen here and they can keep on happening because I’m having fun with it,” Messoline said with a laugh.
Our paranormal series "Colorado’s Unexplained Stories" will continue through this season of "The X-Files." If you have a supernatural story you’d like us to investigate, contact FOX31 Denver’s Kevin Torres at kevin.torres@kdvr.comor on hisFacebook page.
25-01-2016 om 23:53
geschreven door peter
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Sorry, UFO Hunters: Area 51 Just Banned Hobby Drones.
Sorry, UFO Hunters: Area 51 Just Banned Hobby Drones.
A map of Area 51, the secretive U.S. Air Force base that's the subject of countless conspiracy theories and a new ban on drones.PHOTO: WIKICOMMONS
There's some bad news for anyone trying to use their drone to find out what the U.S. government is up to at Area 51. Unmanned aerial vehicles are now banned from flying near the facility.
That's according to a new batch of warning signs posted around the U.S. Air Force base in Nevada. The exact purpose of Area 51 remains classified, though it's believed to be the military's primary development and testing facilities for aircraft and new weapons. The landscape surrounding Area 51 is patrolled by trucks and is dotted with stern signs warning visitors they're subject to search and possible arrest if they cross a boundary.
The new drone policy shouldn't come as a surprise. Not only has Area 51 remained one of the U.S. military's most closely guarded secrets for decades, security teams also patrol the restricted air space with low-flying HH 60G Pave Hawk helicopters. A collision with even a small drone could be enough tto cause one of those helicopters to crash.
The Federal Aviation Administration has also sought to reduce unsafe and illegal drone activity by asking all pilots flying a drone that weighs more than .55 pounds to register with the government. That way, the FAA says, officials will know who's responsible when a drone flies too close to an airport, interrupting normal flights operations.
More than 250,000 people have signed up their UAV in the first 30 days since registration began, the FAA reported.
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Hinckley UFO: reader says "I knew instantly it was not of this earth"
Hinckley UFO: reader says "I knew instantly it was not of this earth"
Colin Saunders has contacted us having read Michael Roberts’ article on a UFO sighting. He tells the story of his own close encounter with the unknown
It was with great interest that I read Michael Roberts account of his UFO sighting in The Hinckley Times and felt compelled to write and tell you of our experience along with some further information regarding Mr Roberts sighting.
I became interested in the subject of UFOs after my own “close encounter” back in 1999.
This occurred with my family and took place on the old Fosse Way close to the turning for Monks Kirby.
Our encounter has been described as one of the closest and most detailed ever in the UK.
We had been out for a family birthday meal at Pailton and were driving back towards Hinckley on the Fosse Way when we saw some very bright red lights hovering very low close to the side of the road.
We drove excitedly towards the lights which were now only approximately 100ft from our car, as we stared at the lights an object materialised around the lights, de-cloaking to reveal a triangular (delta) shaped metallic craft now hovering in front of us.
As an ex aerospace engineer I knew instantly that this was not an earthly object.
The craft was so close I could have hit it with a cricket ball.
At this point the nose of the triangle rose in the air or rather “floated” up in the air to reveal a liquid like surface with white girder box sections sitting on top.
My wife, who was driving at the time, pulled the car off the road into a gateway so we could all four of us get out for a better look but by the time we got out of the car the UFO had unfortunately disappeared.
Given the chance, two of us would have got on board!
The experience really was earth shattering for me and totally “out of this world” but not at all frightening.
I decided to build a model of the craft we saw that night and armed with this I appeared on TV several times and made many presentations around the UK.
My own research into UFOs brought me into contact with a Hinckley man who we shall call Keith X.
I took a witness report from Keith in 2001, and his description of the UFO he encountered was identical to Mr Roberts.
Back in 1978, Keith was riding home from Nuneaton to Hinckley when his motorbike stopped working outside the old gas works (now Transco). This was approximnately 11.30pm.
Keith looked up and to his amazement there was a huge black triangle, which he described as the size of one-and-a-half football pitches at an extremely low altitude (approximately 100ft), gliding silently overhead at 15 to 20mph towards the town centre.
Underneath the UFO he described a glass dome structure like a cockpit. After the triangle was out of sight he managed to start his motorbike and continue his journey.
On arriving home he discovered the time was now after 1am, he woke his parents to confirm the time and realised he had lost approximately one-and-a-half hours.
I tried at the time to find other witnesses to this triangle but was unsuccessful until now.
It would seem logical that this has to be the same craft seen by Mr Roberts.
The only difference is the time slot, the latest report says the craft (with a glass cockpit) was seen by several witnesses over the old gas works at 6.35pm. Keith had his encounter outside the old gas works at 11.30pm.
I personally believe that this was a genuine UFO. What was it doing? Who knows?
Perhaps it was more interested in the goings on at Transco than the latest production showing at the Concordia Theatre that night.
More details of our encounter can be seen at
Underneath the UFO he described a glass dome structure like a cockpit. After the triangle was out of sight he managed to start his motorbike and continue his journey. Anyone wishing to contact me with their own sighting can do so by email to
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The truth is out there? Irish UFO spotters hoping return of 'X-Files' revives interest
The truth is out there? Irish UFO spotters hoping return of 'X-Files' revives interest
Jane O'Faherty
Cast members Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny pose at a premiere for "The X-Files" at California Science Center in Los Angeles, California. Photo: Reuters
While Ireland might be well known for leprechauns, another variety of little green men have also captured the imagination of many across the country.
A cloudy and rainy island on the edge of Europe may not seem like the best place for flying saucers, but UFO spotters (or Ufologists) believe Ireland has not been exempt from encounters with beings from other planets.
And believers hope the return of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in a brand new season of 'The X-Files' could rekindle interest in visiting spacecraft.
Yvonne McConnell, a member of the Northern Ireland UFO Society, said she hopes the return of the iconic American series will draw more attention to otherworldly phenomena.
"You had Mulder and Scully, and the amount of coverage it got was huge," she said.
"We think anything that brings people into it and creates awareness is great.
"We are very serious about Ufology, but we are hoping 'The X-Files' gets more people in to it - or even gets them looking up at the sky," she said.
She told the Irish Independent that the society has been holding UFO-watching tours, but is now trying to get a database to collate all sighting reports in once place.
"There's no cross-referencing of data - so, in that case, it's very hard to place anything that's reported," she added.
"It should be treated like all investigations - and this is an investigation."
While Yvonne acknowledges that sightings have been scarce recently, numerous reports of close encounters exist online.
In 1997, UK newspaper 'The People' reported that a group of British SAS troops allegedly met some extra terrestrials while on an assignment in south Armagh some years earlier.
The soldiers were planning to ambush IRA gunmen on a hillside at night, but their mission was said to be thwarted by "up to four small grey figures" who appeared in front of them.
The article says the figures approached the undercover soldiers on a hillside in 1993, stood facing them for one minute, and then disappeared.
In 2008, a senior garda said he filmed unusual light formations in the sky above Dunboyne, Co Meath.
Meanwhile, received nine reports of sightings in Ireland in 2014. According to the international website's statistics, 2009 and 2010 were the biggest years for sightings, with 40 and 70 reports respectively.
However, the UK's National Archive, which stores some correspondence of UFO activity in the UK, notes a similar spike in British sightings in 2009 could have been due to a Chinese lantern fad at the time.
It comes as the UK's Ministry of Defence said it planned to release confidential UFO files by March this year.
Meanwhile, the German government was ordered by a court to release its files on extra-terrestrial incidents last year.
In Ireland, however, the Department of Defence said it did not maintain a file on UFO sightings and has not done so since 1984.
Just five Freedom of Information requests have been sent to the department on the topic, but all have been refused. The reason given for all five refusals was that "records do not exist".
Meanwhile, the Irish Aviation Authority stated it had never received any reports relating to unidentified objects spotted in Irish airspace.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (WKBN) – According to a recent entry on the Central Intelligence Agency’s website,hundreds of documents that were declassified in 1978 detailing the Agency’s investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been categorized into the top five most compelling.
The documents date primarily from the late 1940s and 1950s.To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in the Freedom of Information Act UFO Collection, a few documents have been highlighted that both skeptics and believers will find interesting.
Top CIA Documents of reports and investigative outcomes pertaining to UFO sightings and investigations: Reports:
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La NSA répond avoir perdu des documents originaux sur les ovnis
La NSA répond avoir perdu des documents originaux sur les ovnis
Le chercheur sur les ovnis John Greenewald a déposé une pétition pour obtenir la déclassification par la National Security Agency (NSA) des fichiers liés aux ovnis. Cela concerne des publications en date des années 90. Suite à leur déclassification après une bataille juridique, la plupart des informations furent modifiées. Beaucoup d’entre elles ont été noircies ou marquées de blanc. La NSA a néanmoins récemment fait savoir à Greenewald qu'ils ne retrouvaient pas un seul des cent originaux au sujet des ovnis. Greenewald a reçu cette information en réponse à une « demande de révision d'une déclassification obligatoire » (MDR) des dossiers d'ovnis de la NSA.
La « demande de révision de déclassification obligatoire » exige que l'agence réexamine les documents retouchés et précédemment publiés. Ce même processus a été utilisé pour révéler l’an dernier la mention de « zone 51 » dans les documents de la CIA. La MDR a été réalisé sur la base de « l’affidavit Yeates » lié à une demande en date de 1980 auprès de la NSA, au sujet de la déclassification de documents liés aux ovnis. Voici la réponse de la NSA : « À l'exception du document ci-joint, nous ne retrouvons ni les copies non retouchées, ni les documents originaux, sauf ceux qui ont été précédemment examinés et accessibles au public. »
Rappelons qu’à la fin des années 70, la Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), dirigée par l'avocat Peter Gersten, a cherché à obtenir des fichiers sur les ovnis, de plusieurs organismes gouvernementaux, rendus publics grâce au Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Suite au refus de la NSA de rendre publics leurs fichiers, la CAUS les a poursuivis en justice. La NSA possédait une quantité importante de fichiers sur les ovnis, non pas du fait qu’ils enquêtaient sur ce sujet, mais parce qu'ils surveillaient les communications dans le monde entier. Ces fichiers sont appelés « COMINT » ou en français « renseignements d'origine électromagnétiques ».
Parmi cette grande quantité de données, il existait des centaines de fichiers faisant référence aux ovnis. L'affidavit « Yeates » a été initialement déposé par la National Security Agency (NSA) en 1980 lors d’un procès. Le document est en grande partie déclassifié et certaines parties furent découpées, sous prétexte de protéger les noms des employés et de préserver des technologies sensibles de la NSA… Une lecture du document donne un aperçu de la façon dont une agence telle que la NSA s'est emparée du phénomène OVNI. Rappelons que le document de 1980 explique qu'un total de 239 documents liés aux ovnis se trouvaient dans les archives de la NSA, et que 79 d’entre eux émanaient d'autres organismes gouvernementaux. Finalement, en 1997, en raison des lois rendant plus difficile la classification des fichiers durant plus de 25 ans, la NSA a publié « l’affidavit Yeates » avec moins de termes expurgés, et 156 documents au sujet des ovnis.
In a recent interview by Michael Parker from Antidote, award-winning author Graham Hancock talked about the deepest mysteries of Earth’s ancient civilizations, which mysteriously vanished from history, leaving behind only clues that could help researchers today, uncover the lost pieces of ancient man’s history.
There is a huge puzzle scattered across the globe, where numerous civilizations from different parts of Earth, left hundreds and thousands of clues behind which could help us ‘remember’ the lost episodes in mankind’s ancient history.
Graham Hancock thoroughly described what we discovered about incredible megalithic constructions such as those of Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang, the numerous hidden power sources used by numerous ancient cultures around the globe, the various periods of mass extinctions that could even follow a mysterious pattern and much more. Graham Hancock has helped piece together the countless possibilities in order to solve the gigantic puzzle that has been left behind by ancient civilizations across the globe.
Graham Hancock has written numerous books which made him a best-selling author around the world. His books include “Magicians of the Gods,” “Fingerprints of the Gods,” “The Message of the Sphinx,” “Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization,” and the “War God” series.
In Graham Hancock’s newest book “Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization – The Sequel to Fingerprints of the Gods“ which can be acquired here, the author argues that in the next twenty years, it is very likely that a comet big enough to end life on Earth could hit our planet. Graham Hancock believes that there are over 200 myths around the world which speak of a human civilization brought to end by “fire.”
According to Hancock, there is enough evidence which suggests that between 10800 and 9600 BC, a tsunami of epic proportions swept across the planet due to the impact of a comet. In the Temple of Horus in the ancient Egyptian town of Edfu, inscriptions known as the Edfu Texts describe god-like beings who were refugees from a sacred island that was destroyed by flood and fire.
The best-selling author claims that an ancient extinction event that wiped out Atlantis and advanced societies 12,000 years ago. From the megalithic structures at Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang, to the buried ancient power centers that are hiding a history that archeologists are unwilling to acknowledge–the MAGICIANS OF THE GODS author fills in a blank space in human understanding. The Younger Dryas climate change catastrophe that was caused by meteoric impacts and the lost golden age of man is explored on this uncensored Antidote interview which you can see in the video posted below:
Find out more about Graham Hancock and his books by visiting the following links:
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A Photo Seems To Provide Evidence That A UFO Once Landed On Mars
A Photo Seems To Provide Evidence That A UFO Once Landed On Mars
An incredible UFO sighting story came out during the holiday week last month. A new photo of the Martian surface seems to show a UFO crash site. That’s according to many UFO researchers online who are interested in sifting through thousands of photos on UFO-related incidents on the Red Planet, our moon, and any other places in the galaxy.
A video from YouTube user UFOvni2012 tries to dissect the crash site using an imaging software.
The alleged UFO’s path is 1,500 meters wide, which may involve nearly a mile wide object to create such huge impression. It appears, according to observers, that whatever large object that made a landing on this particular surface took off from the landing area eventually.
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Strange spheres falling from the sky in North Atlanta (Video)
Strange spheres falling from the sky in North Atlanta (Video)
On January 20, 2016 at approximately 1:24 pm in North Atlanta, strange bb size spheres fell from the sky.
Witness states: What I thought was sleet turned out to be a clear salty hard unknown matter. I still have them and plan to send them somewhere to be tested for what in the world it is!
Could the atmosphere of earth have been propagated by wave frequencies just prior to one of the most historic storms in US history?
Image left:Massive wave burst extending over North and South America prior to historic storm in US.
And the strange ‘salty’ spheres have been sprayed into the atmosphere at high altitudes in order to make it snowing sooner and heavier than it might have done?
We have seen it before that Governments have the ability to cause massive floods, droughts, earthquakes and other severe weather patterns by using technologies to devastating effects – even on their own people, indeed.
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CIA maakt tijdens nieuwe seizoen The X-Files honderden UFO-documenten openbaar
CIA maakt tijdens nieuwe seizoen The X-Files honderden UFO-documenten openbaar
Afgelopen weekend werd in de Verenigde Staten de aftrap gegeven voor zes nieuwe afleveringen van de iconische tv-reeks The X-Files. De Amerikaanse spionagedienst CIA besloot op hetzelfde moment honderden documenten vrij te geven over het onderzoek naar UFO’s.
Op de website van de CIA staat dat de stukken vooral afkomstig zijn uit de jaren veertig en vijftig. “We hebben besloten om een aantal documenten onder de aandacht te brengen die zowel sceptici als believers interessant zullen vinden,” meldt de spionagedienst.
De CIA kondigde de openbaring van de stukken aan op Twitter:
De documenten hebben onder meer betrekking op vliegende schotels die zijn gezien boven Oost-Duitsland, vliegende schotels boven uraniummijnen in Belgisch-Congo en de bevindingen van het wetenschappelijke adviespanel over ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten.
De CIA verwees rechtstreeks naar de hitserie. De spionagedienst droeg vijf documenten aan die ‘Fox Mulder goed kan gebruiken om anderen te overtuigen van het bestaan van buitenaardse activiteit’. Er zijn ook vijf documenten openbaar gemaakt die ‘Dana Scully kan gebruiken om te bewijzen dat er een wetenschappelijke verklaring is voor UFO-waarnemingen’.
Er is afgelopen week nogal wat opwinding ontstaan doordat enkele astronomen de ontdekking van een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel aankondigden.
De hele wereld deed uiterst verbaasd want niemand had dit verwacht. Complete onzin natuurlijk want de planeet waar deze twee astronomen over spreken, is al heel lang bekend.
De wereld heeft meestal een kort en vaak ook een nogal selectief geheugen. Zo kan het gebeuren dat alles en iedereen afgelopen week in staat van opwinding verkeerde vanwege de ontdekking of liever gezegd de berekening van een nieuwe planeet in ons zonnestelsel.
In 1983 verscheen het volgende artikel in The Washington Post:
Het grote verschil met het verhaal van astronomen nu en het verhaal toen is dat het in 1983 wel degelijk werd waargenomen.
Wat niet in het gedrukte artikel stond, maar nog wel steeds online staat bij de Washington Post, is het volgende stukje:
The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time.
Zoals we inmiddels weten, verdwijnt na 1983 de onbekende planeet plotsklaps uit beeld en is nu ineens weer terug.
Waar we dus over praten is een grote planeet die niet of nauwelijks schijnt te bewegen:
Planeetonderzoekster Daphne Stam van de TU Delft noemt de ontdekking een verrassing. Er zijn de afgelopen jaren wel veel dwergplaneetjes gespot in de buitengebieden van het zonnestelsel, 'maar dit is echt een joekel'.
Waar we hier dan ook over praten is niet de planeet X of Nibiru, maar de zusterplaneet van onze zon. Een planeet die door Nancy Lieder en de Zeta’s al zo'n twintig jaar geleden werd omschreven als de planeet Nemesis.
De planeet Nibiru en de bijbehorende planeten en manen draaien zowel om deze planeet als om onze zon en verschijnen ook uit de richting van Nemesis en verdwijnen na de passage ook weer die kant op.
De voornaamste reden dat deze zogenaamde binaire tweeling van onze zon nooit wordt waargenomen, is omdat het altijd een donkere ster is gebleven en geen licht uitstraalt zoals onze zon. Het geeft daarom ook nauwelijks enige warmte af en is derhalve bijna niet op te merken, behalve door telescopen zoals de infrarode IRAS in 1983.
Daarmee is dan ook de reden verklaard dat toen IRAS na zes maanden voor de tweede keer deze onbekende planeet vastlegde, deze ogenschijnlijk niet van positie was veranderd. Net zoals in ons zonnestelsel voor ons de zon niet van positie veranderd, zo gaat dit ook op voor de zusterplaneet van de zon.
De planeet Nibiru en de andere planeten bewegen echter wel degelijk in de bekende ovale omloopbaan om hun zon, de net opnieuw ontdekte zusterplaneet van onze zon.
De reden dat men het bestaan van deze planeet en de om haar heen bewegende planeten zoals Nibiru tot nu altijd geheim heeft gehouden, is om de elite de kans te geven de nodige voorbereidingen te treffen zoals gigantische ondergrondse schuilplaatsen en soms zelfs complete steden. De tweede reden is dat men de wereld zolang mogelijk normaal wil laten doordraaien.
Nu komen we langzamerhand in een periode waarbij zich zoveel vreemde verschijnselen voordoen dat men er toch niet aan zal ontkomen om op een gegeven moment het bestaan van een aantal onbekende planeten toe te moeten geven. WE hebben altijd voorspeld dat het scenario zich zo zou ontvouwen.
Je ziet nu hoe het gaat in de praktijk. Ondanks dat er gewoon aan te tonen is dat men al heel lang op de hoogte is van een grote onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel reageert de hele mainstream-wereld, als op commando, heel verbaasd.
Mensen die nog steeds moeite hebben met het concept van een aantal planeten waarvan ze nooit het bestaan vermoedden, willen wij aanraden om zich eens te verdiepen in wat er gebeurde na 1983.
Waarom zijn ongeveer vanaf die datum enorme ondergrondse projecten opgestart?
Waarom wordt vlakbij de Amerikaanse stad Denver niet lang daarna begonnen met de bouw van het meest enge vliegveld ooit? De werkelijke reden is niet omdat er zo nodig een nieuw vliegveld moest komen, maar wel omdat er een excuus moest zijn om te beginnen met de bouw van een ondergrondse stad.
Een vliegveld dat landingsbanen heeft in de vorm van een hakenkruis.... maar hey, dat is toeval.
Het vermoeden van een ondergrondse stad onder dit vliegveld bestond al veel langer, maar kon nooit echt bewezen worden totdat ook hierover klokkenluiders begonnen te praten.
Nu is de tijd dat ongeveer alle ondergrondse faciliteiten klaar zijn en belangrijke instanties zijn verkast.
Zo vind je in de al eerder geciteerde Washington Post al vanaf 2005 verhalen over hoe de CIA bepaalde afdelingen heeft verhuisd naar Denver omdat dit efficiënter zou zijn. Naast de CIA duiken er nog veel meer veiligheidsinstanties op in Denver. Niemand begrijpt trouwens dat dit de efficiëntie zou bevorderen.
It is unclear how a move to Denver would increase the effectiveness of the domestic division's operations, said several former intelligence officials.
Colorado has become a major intelligence hub since Sept. 11, 2001.
Bovenstaande is slechts een kleine greep uit over hoe men wel degelijk weet van het bestaan van onbekende planeten in ons zonnestelsel en hoe men zich al tientallen jaren bezighoudt met het voorbereiden hun komst.
Het enige dat eigenlijk nu nog rest is om te kunnen vaststellen wanneer deze passage van Nibiru met bijbehorende satellietplaneten zal plaatsvinden.
De meningen daarover zijn enorm verdeeld en het enige correcte antwoord is dat helemaal niemand (of bijna niemand) dat weet.
Niemand van de huidige mensheid heeft ooit zoiets meegemaakt en ook onze voorvaderen niet, dus van de geschiedenisboeken worden we ook al niet veel wijzer.
We zitten op dit moment in een fase waarin duidelijk wordt dat er “iets” is en dat er bepaalde ongewone gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden zoals de vreemde geluiden en de vreemde lichten zowel op in ieder geval aarde alsook op Mars.
In de komende jaren zullen waarschijnlijk bepaalde verschijnselen heftiger worden en zullen er misschien nog meer “vreemde” dingen voorvallen.
Een goede manier om te ontdekken of er werkelijk wat staat te gebeuren, is om de agenda’s van de elite te controleren. Op het moment dat zij zo ongeveer allemaal een periode hebben met “lege agenda’s” kun je er gevoegelijk vanuit gaan dat er iets staat te gebeuren.
Gezien de manier waarop ze zich op dit moment gedragen, lijkt daar op dit moment vooralsnog geen sprake van.
Harvard is trying to build an AI as fast as the human brain
Harvard is trying to build an AI as fast as the human brain
A reconstruction of cortical connectivity
Lichtman Lab/Harvard
Harvard University has been awarded $28 million (£19m) to investigate why brains are so much better at learning and retaining information than artificial intelligence. The award, from the Intelligence Advanced Projects Activity (IARPA), could help make AI systems faster, smarter and more like human brains.
While many computers have a comparable storage capacity, their ability to recognise patterns and learn information does not match the human brain. But a better understanding of how neurons are connected could help develop more complex artificial intelligence.
Most neuroscientists estimate that the 'storage capacity' for the human brain ranges between 10 and 100 terabytes, with some evaluations putting the number at close to 2.5 petabytes. In terms of functionality, the human brain has a huge range -- data analysis, pattern recognition and an ability to learn and retain information are just a few processes the brain goes through on a daily basis.
A human being only need look at a car a few times to recognise one, but an AI system may need to process hundreds or even thousands of samples before it's able to retain the information. Conversely, while functionality may be more complex and varied, the human brain is unable to process the same volume of data as a computer.
Harvard's John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Centre for Brain Studies (CBS) and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biologies will work together to record activity inside the visual cortex. This, they hope, will help us understand how neurons are connected to each other with the end goal of creating a more accurate and complex artificial intelligence system. These learnings could allow the creation of the first computer systems that can interpret, analyse and learn information as quickly and successfully as human beings.
The systems could be used to detect network invasions, read MRIs, drive cars, or complete just about any task normally reserved for human brains. The project will generate over a petabyte of data, which will be analysed by a series of complex algorithms to create a detailed 3D neural map.
"The pattern-recognition and learning abilities of machines still pale in comparison to even the simplest mammalian brains," said Hanspeter Pfister, professor of computer science at Harvard.
"The project is not only pushing the boundaries of brain science, it is also pushing the boundaries of what is possible in computer science. We will reconstruct neural circuits at an unprecedented level from petabytes of structural and functional data. It requires us to make new advances in data management, high-performance computing, computer vision and network analysis".
Once the detailed neural map has been collated, the teams will try to understand exactly how connections between neurons allows the system to process information. These 'biologically-inspired' algorithms will far outperform current AI capabilities, and could see major improvements in computer vision, navigation and recognition.
"This is a moonshot challenge," said project leader David Cox, assistant professor of molecular and cellular biology and computer science. "The scientific value of recording the activity of so many neurons and mapping their connections alone is enormous, but that is only the first half of the project.
"As we figure out the fundamental principles governing how the brain learns, it's not hard to imagine that we'll eventually be able to design computer systems that can match, or even outperform, humans."
“We have a huge task ahead of us in this project, but at the end of the day, this research will help us understand what is special about our brains," he added. "One of the most exciting things about this project is that we are working on one of the great remaining achievements for human knowledge -- understanding how the brain works at a fundamental level."
A Russian scientists injected himself with a 3.5 million year old ‘bacteria’ found in Siberia and the results are staggering
A Russian scientists injected himself with a 3.5 million year old ‘bacteria’ found in Siberia and the results are staggering
Controversial ‘Mad Scientists’ Anatoli Brouchkov has injected himself with a 3.5 million year old bacteria said to be the key to ‘eternal life’. Broushkov found the revolutionary cells in the Siberian permafrost and says that ever since he injected himself with the bacteria, he feels stronger and healthier than ever.
The cells discovered in the Siberian permafrost have an incredible level of vitality and high resistance to environmental factors. Tests on animals showed that these cells substantially increased physical activity and strengthened the immune system.
Prof Anatoli Broushkov is the head of the Geocryology Department at Moscow State University and according to Russian media, he has not gotten sick in two years, ever since he started experimenting on himself.
The 3.5 million year old Bacillus F is believed to be a key component in improving the longevity of humans. Researchers from Russia have managed to unlock the DNA of the bacteria and have been testing it on Mice and human cells. Broushkov however decided to test it out on himself, the results? A healthy and strong body resisting time better than ever.
What makes this bacteria so special? Well Bacillus F as it has been dubbed by scientists has managed to survive for millions of years in Siberia, one of the most extreme places on Earth.
‘I started to work longer, I’ve never had a flu for the last two years,’ he told The Siberian Times
‘After successful experiments on mice and fruit flies, I thought it would be interesting to try the inactivated bacterial culture.’
Prof Broushkov believes that there are trace amounts of the bacteria in the water supplies of the region.
‘The permafrost is thawing, and I guess these bacteria get into the environment, into the water, so the local population, the Yakut people, in fact, for a long time are getting these cells with water, and even seem to live longer than some other nations. So there was no danger for me.’
At first it was difficult to understand what the bacteria was doing with inside the body said Broushkov.
‘But we do not know yet exactly how it works. In fact, we do not know exactly how aspirin works, for example, but it does. ‘The same is true here: we cannot understand the mechanism, but we see the impact.’
‘Perhaps there were some side-effects, but there should be some special medical equipment to spot them.’
‘Of course, such experiments need to be conducted in clinic, with the special equipment and statistics.’
‘Then we could say clearly about all the effects.’
‘If we can find how the bacteria stays alive we probably would be able to find a tool to extend our own lives,’ he told RT in an interview.
The 3.5 million year old bacteria could not only be the key to human longevity but it can be a key factor to fertility say scientists. Once injected into mice, Bacillus F allowed older female mice to reproduce after they stopped being able to. The bacteria has the ability to heal plants as well.
Dr Viktor Chernyavsky, an epidemiologist from Yakutsk described the discovery as a ‘scientific sensation’ and as an ‘elixir of life,’ saying ‘The bacteria gives out biologically active substances throughout its life, which activates the immune status of experimental animals.’
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Colonel Halt addresses nation on the rendlesham UFO
Colonel Halt addresses nation on the rendlesham UFO
Published on May 30, 2015
Halt tells his story (covered on CNN, date/year unknown) on what happened over a 3 night period in and around bentwaters/woodbridge bases in DEC 1980. he confirms what was seen as either from another dimension or extraterrestrial !!! this is a MUST watch as this IS real and DID happen and people really need to start learning the truth, and see that UFO's of an alien nature are real and not to be laughed at or ridiculed.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
A Doctor Claims To Have Proved Aliens Exist
A Doctor Claims To Have Proved Aliens Exist
Dr Richard O’Connor locked two motion detector cameras in the sky at his home in Helena, Montana in the U.S., which allowed him to snap nearly 280,000 photos.
But only on his recent photos he believes he’s able to capture the long-sought proof of alien-flown UFOs. Dr O’Connor, a semi-retired anesthesiologist at Helena’s St. Peter’s Hospital, claims he captures an object flying through the skies in a series of five pictures.
He says that even a hardened sceptic would say “wow!” as this is what he expects of a UFO would look. He adds that it appears to be a light source, and the photographs are evidence that UFOs are real.
After Dr O’Connor had posted those pictures online, a frenzy of debate flared among the UFO community, with some suggested they were not conclusive proof, and other said they were fake. Now, he is enlisting more experts to check and examine the photos.
Dr O’Connor set up two Reconyx Hyperfire PC 900 Trail cameras, 30 feet above the ground on the south-east corner of his house, in hopes to get some evidence of UFOs once they set off the motion detector.
The cameras shoot 20 photos at about a second intervals when triggered by motion. They had captured several squirrels, birds, and windblown treetops, but Dr O’Connor believed he finally snapped proof of UFOs this winter.
He said: “Basically what you see is a very symmetrical, smooth and reflective surface that appears to have its light source.”
He further claims that he has no knowledge about image manipulation. His photos were sent to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), which keeps and investigates a database of UFO sightings.
Head of NUFORC, Peter Davenport, sent the pictures to a photo-analyst for further investigation. According to the unnamed analyst, the images are real, but still a mystery. The analyst suspects the lights in the first and last photos are sun reflections of something rather than any propulsion system. In conclusion, the analyst says it’s a puzzle to solve rather than a fake.
However, another analyst who also examined them suggested they were completely fake, which angered Dr O’Connor, who promised to take a polygraph test about the authenticity of his photos. Dr O’Connor said that what people saw in there was what came off that camera. He added that they were deserving to be studied in a well-funded, unbiased scientific study to determine if we were being visited.
A third analyst said that the photo was an interesting one. The colours of the object resembled the surrounding clouds and blue sky. It would occur naturally with highly reflective silver objects. The fact that it was 1/20 second frame could rule out balloons or other terrestrial objects. It also indicated the objects decelerated and accelerated and held the position for just one frame, as no elongated motion line would have occurred if the velocity was constant, explained the third analyst.
For almost 60 years the public has been hearing about flying saucers and then UFOs. Press coverage has ebbed and flowed, but polls have always shown a very high awareness score. Motion pictures, tabloids, and TV programs have picked up the slack with a mélange of fiction and some truth. Unfortunately, much of what has been told by the “powers that be” has been false. Many different government agencies have shared in the misrepresentation and have provided outright LIES as well. The press and other academic and scientific groups have often blindly accepted and promulgated nonsense without any effort to get at truth. Webster's Dictionary defines LIE as an untrue statement made with the intent to deceive. Hopefully, the LIES presented in this paper will help cause these protectors of the public to do their job: seek and present truth.
A new documentary about the space shuttle Challenger accident airs tonight (Jan. 25), three days before the 30th anniversary of the tragic event.
On Jan. 28, 1986, Challenger exploded just 73 seconds after blasting off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, killing all seven astronauts aboard, including Christa McAuliffe, whom NASA had chosen to become America's first teacher in space.
The new documentary, called "Challenger Disaster: Lost Tapes," re-examines the disaster using contemporary audio recordings and rare video footage, including interviews with McAuliffe and clips of the New Hampshire social-studies teacher practicing some of the lessons she had planned to send down to kids on Earth from orbit. [Challenger Remembered: Photos from NASA's Tragic Shuttle Disaster]
"Christa was just a wonderful teacher, a wonderful human being and a wonderful representative of our profession," former NASA astronaut Barbara Morgan told Morgan, an educator herself, served as McAuliffe's backup on the Challenger mission and eventually made it to space aboard the space shuttle Endeavour in 2007.
"Challenger Disaster: Lost Tapes" premieres tonight at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT on the National Geographic Channel. The film will also air on National Geographic Channels in 171 countries in 45 languages, and in Spanish on Nat Geo Mundo, network representatives said. You can watch a teaser trailer for the documentary here.
McAuliffe was a payload specialist on the doomed Challenger mission, which is known as STS-51-L. The other astronauts who lost their lives that day were mission commander Dick Scobee; pilot Mike Smith; mission specialists Judy Resnik, Ellison Onizuka and Ron McNair; and payload specialist Greg Jarvis.
Investigators later determined that a rubber seal called an O-ring in one of the shuttle's solid rocket boosters failed during launch, partly as a result of unusually cold weather (which caused the O-ring to harden).
This failure allowed hot, high-pressure gas to escape and damage Challenger's huge external fuel tank, as well as the equipment that attached the solid rocket booster to the tank.
The space shuttle fleet was grounded for 32 months in the wake of the Challenger disaster, finally taking to the skies again in September 1988 on Discovery's STS-26 mission. The program suffered another disaster on Feb. 1, 2003, when the shuttle Columbia broke apartupon re-entering Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard.
The shuttles stopped flying for good in July 2011, and the surviving orbiters are now museum pieces. NASA currently relies on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to get its astronauts to and from orbit, though the space agency is encouraging privately developed American spaceships to perform this taxi service. Indeed, NASA awarded a total of $6.8 billion to Boeing and SpaceX in September 2014 to finish work on their crew capsules, which the agency hopes will be up and running by the end of next year.
"Challenger Disaster: Lost Tapes" airs tonight on the National Geographic Channel at 9 p.m. (check local listings).
Scientists Claim To Have Invented A ‘Magnetic Wormhole’
Scientists Claim To Have Invented A ‘Magnetic Wormhole’
Scientists in Spain have created a “magnetic wormhole” in the laboratory which is reportedly capable of transmitting magnetic fields invisibly through space.
While the manufactured wormhole does not connect two separate points in “spacetime” as does a genuine theoretical wormhole and cannot answer physic’s and cosmology’s fundamental questions, it can however connect two points in three dimensional space, albeit electromagnetically.
Researchers at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have developed a spherical device capable of transferring a magnetic field from one point in space to another via a path that is magnetically undetectable. The results are published
The experiment involved designing a three-layer device which had two spheres connected by an interior spiral cylinder. It enabled the magnetic field to travel from one point to another on a hidden path. The inner layer was made of a ferromagnetic mu-metal, giving it a high level of magnetism, while the next two layers worked to conceal the travelling field.
One was a superconductor shell that bent the field as it travelled through the ferromagnetic material, the other was a different mu-metal, cut and formed so as to cancel out the bending. The entire device was placed in liquid nitrogen to aide the superconductors.
Normally, as a magnetic field travels its path can be detected, but the device enabled it to disappear while in transit so it appeared to arrive from out of nowhere at its destination, like a cloaking effect.
“This device can transmit the magnetic field from one point in space to another point, through a path that is magnetically invisible,” said Jordi Prat-Camps, a co-author of the study. “From a magnetic point of view, this device acts like a wormhole, as if the magnetic field was transferred through an extra special dimension.”
While what’s been created isn’t a space-time wormhole, or Einstein-Rosen bridge, like the sort seen inInterstellar and Thor (see below), it does hold real-world potential. For instance it could have applications for MRI scanners which use strong magnets and require people to sit inside a huge machine.
Using a more refined version of this technique means the magnet could still be effective placed further away, doing away with the confined space of an MRI.
Of course, these are all the positive applications that it could possibly used for, but just to keep you on your toes the sphere does have more than a passing resemblance to a certain film (below), Event Horizon, where things didn’t go quite as planned:
How Planet Nine may have been exiled to solar system’s edge
How Planet Nine may have been exiled to solar system’s edge
Both images: Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)
Our solar system might not be the weird kid on the block after all. Astronomers announced this week that they’ve seen strong evidence for a planet around 10 times Earth’s mass lurking unseen in the outer solar system. If it bears out, this world would fill a hole in our solar system’s family tree: a missing super-Earth.
Super-Earths, also known as mini-Neptunes since they may be gassy or rocky, are among the most common planets in the Milky Way. Hundreds have been spotted in other solar systems over the past two decades, but even so there appeared to be none back home.
“We didn’t want to invoke a distant giant planet to explain anything about the outer solar system,” says Batygin. “We tried every trick in the book, and some that aren’t in the book. Simply nothing else worked.”
“We usually talk about how the most common type of planet, two to three times the size of Earth, is not found in our solar system, yet now we might have one,” says Sara Seager at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology. “That’s cool.”
But even if there is a super-Earth out on the edges of our solar system, we’re still pretty weird. “Even with Planet Nine bringing us a bit closer to the galactic planetary catalogue, the solar system does still appear to be an overall outlier,” says Batygin, as super-Earths in other star systems are much closer to their stars.
Jupiter is the culprit
Simulations of the young solar system suggest that the early formation of Jupiter probably prevented this from happening here. But those simulations also suggest that a super-Earth couldn’t have formed as far away as Planet Nine would have to be, at least, not then – there simply wasn’t enough material out there to make a planet that big.
So how did Planet Nine, if it exists, get all the way out there?
The answer must lie in the very beginnings of the solar system, when our stellar neighbourhood was a very different – and much more dangerous – place. “We know the process of planet formation is not placid,” says Batygin. “There was a very chaotic sequence of events.” Planets were thrown around by their gravitational pulls on each other, occasionally colliding, as in the process that is thought to have formed Earth’s moon.
Planet Nine was the “core of a giant planet, which was forming with the other planets we know and love, that was thrown out of the solar system,” says Batygin.
Violent births
“We know that Uranus and Neptune probably had a very violent final phase of formation,” says Sean Raymond of Bordeaux Observatory in France – they essentially came together through a series of collisions. Last year he and colleagues simulated this process and found that planets around five times the mass of Earth were ejected from the solar system during the pileup.
At the time the team didn’t think too much about their eventual fate, but hints of Planet Nine suggest one could have settled down into a lengthy orbit. “This extra planet could be representative of the building blocks of the ice giants,” says Raymond.
That gives us a new mystery: what prevented the planet’s escape? Brown believes that gas and dust in the very early solar system may have slowed down the planet, but Batygin has his eye on a different culprit: the other stars nearby in the early days of our solar system. He thinks that gravitational tugs from those stars, are the best candidates for slowing down Planet Nine enough to keep it in a huge, elongated orbit around the sun.
Random pattern or real object?
But Planet Nine might not even be there. While Batygin and Brown have pointed out compelling evidence for the existence of Planet Nine by studying the unusual orbits of six distant rocks called Kuiper belt objects (KBOs), that is not the same as a discovery, says Brown. “People are good at seeing patterns in places, and maybe we have just seen a random pattern and convinced ourselves it’s statistically significant. That’s my biggest worry.”
Future discoveries of KBOs will provide the true test. “If you find more of these objects and they really are randomly distributed around the sky, then it’s time for us to hang our heads in shame and retreat from the national media,” says Brown. But if the anomalies in the outer Kuiper belt remain, then Planet Nine will remain a likely explanation for them.
“Further work is needed to explain the origin of Planet Nine,” says Lucie Jílková of Leiden Observatory in The Netherlands, who last year suggested the strange orbits of these KBOs could be explained if they were stolen from a passing star. “Observations of more outer solar system bodies will help to further constrain and distinguish the theories.”
Lightbulb on the moon
If Planet Nine really is out there, with any luck astronomers will be able to spot it soon, despite the scant light it reflects from the sun. “Finding this object is like finding a lightbulb on the moon,” says Batygin. “But our calculations have provided a roadmap for where to look for this very dim object in the sky. Hopefully, that will trigger a hunt.”
We might even send a probe there one day. “It’s not as crazy as it sounds,” says Brown. “The way you do it is head straight for the sun, and as you swing around the sun and you’re getting this gravitational slingshot, you fire a whole bank of rocket engines.” Depending on the distance to Planet Nine, this could take anywhere from a few years to 20 years.
Other schemes like this have been proposed in the past, some with nuclear-powered rockets, but they never got past the planning stages. But a target like Planet Nine could make all the difference. “The societal impact of having that destination would be very exciting,” says Greg Laughlin at the University of California, Santa Cruz. “The stars are just too far away, we’re not going there. But this is a place where we could get to.”
Galaxy-mapping Gaia space telescope gets an eye test from Pluto
Galaxy-mapping Gaia space telescope gets an eye test from Pluto
Gaia spies, with its gigapixel eye, something beginning with “P”. The European Space Agency launched its Gaia space telescope in December 2013 to map the locations of a billion stars in the Milky Way, but it can also spot objects a little closer to home. Between September 2014 and December 2015 it made nine observations of Pluto and its moon Charon, which have served as a kind of eye test for the probe.
When you take an eye examination, your optometrist asks you to distinguish between increasingly small letters on a chart. The test is designed to determine the resolution of your vision. Having 20/20 vision means you can distinguish two distant objects separated by one sixtieth of a degree, otherwise known as an arcminute. Any closer, and the objects blur together, appearing as one.
Gaia can do the same trick with Pluto and Charon, though it is a little more difficult because both bodies are moving with respect to each other and the spacecraft, slightly changing their angular separation. But Gaia has the advantage of being in orbit. Observations from Earth’s surface can be thrown off by the shimmer of the atmosphere, which can slightly bend light and make it harder to distinguish distant objects.
A good warm-up
In seven of the observations, Gaia was able to make out both the dwarf planet and its moon, but only saw a single point of light in the other two.
From these measurements, Gaia team member François Mignard of the Côte d’Azur Observatory in Nice, France, was able to calculate that Gaia’s resolving power is between 0.23 and 0.36 arcseconds – around 200 times better than 20/20 vision.
Mignard says this value should improve once the Gaia team starts detailed analysis of data from binary stars, which also orbit each other. But it’s a good warm-up challenge for this particular test.
“Pluto and Charon have a symbolic value of a source not easy to resolve from the Earth,” he says. “These observations with Gaia epitomise the gain in spatial resolution we get when go outside the atmosphere.”
Gaia will also help pinpoint the orbit of Pluto, eventually bringing down errors in its measurement from 2000 kilometres to around 50 kilometres. Improvements will partly come from tracking Pluto itself, but also from clearing up the positions of the stars behind it, which should benefit all astronomical measurements, says Mignard. “This will be a lasting legacy of Gaia.”
New rumours that gravitational waves have finally been detected
New rumours that gravitational waves have finally been detected
A rumour that the world’s largest gravitational-wave observatory has caught the first whiff of its quarry is heating up.
Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time produced by massive bodies accelerating through space, such as pairs of neutron stars orbiting each other or the merging of two black holes.
They were predicted as part of Einstein’s general relativity a century ago, but have yet to be seen directly. Finding them would confirm the final piece of his theory, and also give us a new way to view the universe, allowing us to probe distant objects that might otherwise be dark or obscured by interstellar dust.
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) searched for such signals from 2002 to 2010 with no luck. Its more sensitive successor, Advanced LIGO or aLIGO, started collecting data on 18 September.
Fresh sighting
Barely a week later, cosmologist Lawrence Krauss at Arizona State University tweeted a rumour that the detector had already picked up a signal.
“Stay tuned!” he tweeted. “Gravitational waves may have been discovered!! Exciting.”
Off Twitter, however, Krauss was more cautious. The signal could have been a false one deliberately injected into the data to test the detection team. “I’m told this isn’t that,” Krauss told New Scientist. His source says that the LIGO collaboration is writing up a paper on the possible find. “That suggests it’s not a false signal – but who knows for sure?”
The official word from the LIGO team is tha
t they are still analysing the data from the first run, which should finish on 12 January. “It takes time to analyse, interpret and review results,” says spokesperson Gabriela González at Louisiana State University. “We expect to have news on the run results in the next few months.”
“We’ll use something other than the rumour mill when we have a contribution to the discussion!” adds David Shoemaker at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
By John Ale (Reporter)
The Denver International Airport (DIA) is nestled on a vast 53 square mile complex and is owned and operated by the City of Denver. In fact, it’s the largest airport in the United States, in terms of land mass garnered, and the second largest airport in the world to Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd International Airport as I pointed out in my appearance on the Travel Channel series America Declassified.
The airport serves over 50 million passengers a year and is now incorporating a massive new project called “Airport City” an aerotropolis which has been presented publicly by the Mayor of Denver, Michael Hancock, who respectively declined an interview with Intellihub News. However, interestingly, the new aerotropolis will incorporate an expansive business district with new lodging as well as an agricultural and technical district within the confines of the airport property to attract more revenue to Denver’s growing economy. In fact, between the planed aerotropolis and Colorado’s booming marijuana industry, DIA just might be the next biggest thing since sliced bread.
The concept is innovative, a first for an airport in America, and is likely to become the envy of other airports around the world. In fact, according to Airport City Denver’s official website:
In 2010, DIA and the City and County of Denver took a major step in DIA’s evolution to fulfill its gateway role by inviting firms from around the world to submit proposals to assist DIA in planning, assessing and creating an Airport City at DIA as the core of and competitive accelerator for the emerging Denver aerotropolis. Later that year, DIA selected MXD Development Strategists (MXD) and its collaborative team including Design Workshop, CH2M Hill, Dr. John Kasarda, Integrity Parking, Transcore and Ambient Energy to prepare the Denver International Airport City Development Strategy.
However, local residents and others have been questioning the new construction in and around the airport property as several red flags have been raised. In fact, since the first construction phases of the airport started in the early 1990′s, there have been several indicators that something else may be taking place on or under the grounds of the 53 square mile complex.
Some speculate that a deep underground military facility, part of the Continuity of Government (COG) program exists on the site. A massive underground city to be used by our government in the event that Washington or our central governments command hub is compromised. According to some investigative reports, including one headed up by the former Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, the underground city that lies beneath the airport quite possibly connects to other deep underground military installations throughout the country.
Now, a source of mine within the airport confirmed for the first time astonishing information regarding the underground facility, providing details unknown to airport staff and the general public until now.
The following are details regarding a deep underground military installation located on the grounds of the DIA as provided by my source:
Level 1 of the airport is inset into the ground to protect from vibrations coming from underneath. The base board characteristics lead on to this technical design. The employees have been told the reason for this is to protect from vibrations from the public train that leads back and forth to all concourses, A, B, and C. The airport’s gate and door numbers correspond to emergency action and response plans that indicate specific details to people “in the know”. The design of the airport is built to throw people off as levels are labeled differently on each in some cases and grading changes make it difficult to pinpoint your actual elevation. This was a security feature added by the designers. Due to lawsuits (or potential staged events) in the “United Airlines, Inc.” section of one of the basement levels at DIA, an infectious bio-hazard or fungal outbreak has instigated quarantined off areas of the underground, as they are now inaccessible to the airport staff and personnel. The quarantined section of the underground was confirmed by the source to be located in Concourse B’s East side lower levels. The landfill located off of Tower Rd. two miles west of the Jeppesen Terminal was added onto in the early 2000′s despite the Airports Appeal To The District Court Against The Landfill in 2002, claiming it was a FAA safety hazard. The landfill has a functioning element to it but is “mocked-up” to look like a landfill hidden in plain sight. There is a militarized intermediary entrance located in the “United Airlines” section of the underground. The actual door number was reveled by my source with great hesitation. The actual door code is “BE64B” unknown until now to the general public. A swift door will also allow access to the intermediary entrance of the facility if you have the proper “speed-pass” clearance on a Department of Defense (DOD) level. This door was also a secret to the general public until now. The actual door number is “T-47 M” located on the level 4 exterior. Update: Airport Staff, “I just went in to T47-M… nothing goes down, no steps, no elevator”. The dirt in parts of the train tunnels looks unnatural, and “if anyone steps on it they know”, said my source. Gates can “lock-down” certain sections of the airport in the event of an emergency. A nearly 3 mile long tunnel heads out from the intermediary entrance “BE64B“, to a full-blown Department of Defense (DOD) sanctioned militarized entrance nestled in a set of 5 buildings 120′ beneath the surface located Northeast of theJeppesen Terminal. All VIP activity typically originates under the Northwest section of “Concourse C” The information provided by the whistleblower does indeed beg the following question. Does the DOD have any ties to areas of the airport owned and (or) operated by domestics airline carriers?
New information uncovered by Intellihub News investigators concludes that, yes indeed the DOD has ties to a commercial airline carrier that operates out of the Denver International Airport.
Documents requested by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Investigative Report Workshop in 2004 reveal that, “United Airlines, Inc” is involved in a DOD “Air Transportation Program” likely connected to COG. This contract would allow United Airlines to fly VIP’s, sitting Senators, Congressmen, and top elected officials including Head’s of State to-and-fro the main COG hub located on DIA grounds.
According to the Investigative Report Workshop, “The Department of Defense audits commercial air carriers it contracts with to fly DOD employees. The Workshop and PBS FRONTLINE sent a FOIA request to learn about United Airline’s maintenance procedures. Last year, we had sent the same request for another company and the audits proved to be very informative. This time, however, we received about 94 mostly blank pages.”
THE DIRT CAME FROM SOMEWHERE According to my source from inside, a massive pile of dirt was added to an existing landfill in the area despite the FAA’s request that it was dangerous to travelers and could pose a radar issue causing a potential disaster. This addition to that landfill was pressed hard and was supposed to take place over a 40-60 year period, but instead took place over the course of about 4 years. The pile of dirt, which is masked as a landfill in-plain-sight, now exceeds 300′ in altitude.
An excerpt from the FAA appeal reads, “In the Hazard Determination and Affirmation, the FAA found that the Tower Road landfill at its proposed height “would be in the radar line of sight and vehicles [i.e., dump trucks and graders] operating at the landfill may cause radar reflection and consequently create false targets.” JA 7.
The Determination and Affirmation themselves provide no evidentiary basis for the “false target” finding. Indeed, we can find at most only two pages in a 462-page record to support it. The FAA’s aeronautical study reports that Airways Facility radar technicians have “identified the potential for false targets. At the current elevation of 5,423′ AMSL[above mean sea level], the landfill is below the radar line-of-sight. At the new height of 5,542′ AMSL, the large dump trucks, graders, and other heavy equipment create the potential for reflecting the radar and causing false targets…. The impact in this circumstance would be an erroneous position indication for the aircraft.”
CONCLUSION The Denver Airport (Location) is part of a Continuity of Government Program and does indeed house an underground facility.
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New X-files Series to Reveal: 9/11 Conspiracy, Global Warming, NSA Spying, Chem-trails, Police Militarization, FEMA Camps, and a “takeover of America” by a UN-like group of “multinational elites.”
New X-files Series to Reveal: 9/11 Conspiracy, Global Warming, NSA Spying, Chem-trails, Police Militarization, FEMA Camps, and a “takeover of America” by a UN-like group of “multinational elites.”
The cult classic TV series X-files is coming back on the air after nearly a 14 years hiatus. On January 24th, 2016 a six-episode miniseries will air on Fox to the excitement of fans everywhere. To many interested in secret Earth governments, UFOs, extraterrestrials and the military industrial complex, the series is a tantalizing display of purely fictional musings with no real basis in reality, or is it? Since the show's final episode aired in 2002, a slow and steady release of information related to the aforementioned topics has given many Sci-fi fans something to think about. Perhaps what is revealed in movies, TV shows, and comic books has more truth to it than meets the eye. And perhaps all of these works are secretly an effort to hide the truth in plain site. RelatedDecoding Movies (Maxims and Aphorisms): 7 Lessons J.K.Rowling taught us about life As the X-files introduction says, "the truth is out there," but if we label it as fiction without any investigation, this bias will literally blind us to any truthful elements contained within a working. I contend this is one of the reasons science fiction has so much soft disclosure embedded in it, chiefly for the purpose of normalizing the data within the viewers mind.
RelatedAwakening Your Force | Science Fiction and Psychology - Star Wars, Ancient Tibet, and Jedi Training The following is an article by Kauilapele regarding this newly rehashed X-files series set to debut this Sunday. With the items he highlighted, along with a fair understanding ufology, secret space program disclosures and the truth movement in general, it is easy to see how this show is hiding information in plain site. This section of an article he cites is particularly revealing:
“In the first return episode screened for reporters (trailer below), paranormal investigators Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) team up with a charming web-series host named Tad O’Malley… O’Malley eventually sways Mulder and Scully to adopt a new conspiracy that lays a framework for the six-episode revival. The theory involves global warming, war in the Middle East, NSA spying, chem-trails (here called “aerial contaminants”), police militarization, supposed FEMA prison camps, and the eventual military “takeover of America” by a UN-like group of “multinational elites.” [Sound familiar?]
“The most eyebrow-raising moment in the premiere is when O’Malley brings the 9/11 terrorist attacks into his conspiracy framework. “9/11 was a false flag operation,” O’Malley declares on his Truth Squad with Tad O’Malley show, echoing on Infowars theory. “It’s all part of a conspiracy dating back to the UFO crash at Roswell.” The clip is presented early in the episode. Later, Mulder and Scully embrace O’Malley’s overall position, though the 9/11 element isn’t referenced." (Emphasis added)
I think even the most close-minded person can see the writing on the wall. Clearly this show is an effort to label all these concepts and more as fictional, to be dismissed, ridiculed and scoffed at. But as a wise man once said:
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Here is the Entertainment Weekly article about the new X-Files that was mentioned in the Kevin Barrett post, and the video. As I see it (and I’ve checked with our local listings over here), this is airing, on Fox, on 1-24-16 (Sunday). Locally, I see it begins at 6:30 (30 minute intro), then at 7 PM (one -hour episode).
There is a 21-minute preview video at this article.
“In the first return episode screened for reporters (trailer below), paranormal investigators Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) team up with a charming web-series host named Tad O’Malley… O’Malley eventually sways Mulder and Scully to adopt a new conspiracy that lays a framework for the six-episode revival. The theory involves global warming, war in the Middle East, NSA spying, chem-trails (here called “aerial contaminants”), police militarization, supposed FEMA prison camps, and the eventual military “takeover of America” by a UN-like group of “multinational elites.”
“The most eyebrow-raising moment in the premiere is when O’Malley brings the 9/11 terrorist attacks into his conspiracy framework. “9/11 was a false flag operation,” O’Malley declares on his Truth Squad with Tad O’Malley show, echoing on Infowars theory. “It’s all part of a conspiracy dating back to the UFO crash at Roswell.” The clip is presented early in the episode. Later, Mulder and Scully embrace O’Malley’s overall position, though the 9/11 element isn’t referenced.
“I don’t think Mulder and Scully adopt any political position so much as a new approach in their search for the truth. While I think their politics are balanced, I think the turn they take is toward a more heretical political position… it will be interesting to see how fans respond to their heroes exploring a conspiracy framework that touches on issues more sensitive than the ones when the show first aired.”
Fox’s upcoming and eagerly awaited revival of The X-Files is updating its conspiracy theories — only this time, the sci-fi series might cause more controversy than when the show told tales of government-aided UFO cover-ups during its initial 1990s run.
In the first return episode screened for reporters (trailer below), paranormal investigators Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) team up with a charming web-series host named Tad O’Malley (played by the usually comedic Joel McHale, here in a dramatic role). The character, loosely based on conservative online personalities Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, bashes the “liberal media” in the episode; at one point, Mulder compares O’Malley to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly (“What Bill O’Reilly knows about the truth can fill an eyedropper,” O’Malley retorts).
Now we don’t want to reveal too much about the episode, or how the conspiracy relates to the show’s existing labyrinthine mythology. What we will report – and stop reading if you don’t want to know anything about the first hour – is that O’Malley eventually sways Mulder and Scully to adopt a new conspiracy that lays a framework for the six-episode revival. The theory involves global warming, war in the Middle East, NSA spying, chem-trails (here called “aerial contaminants”), police militarization, supposed FEMA prison camps, and the eventual military “takeover of America” by a UN-like group of “multinational elites.” The conspiracy theory plays a bit like Oliver Stone during his JFKfever pitch — only if his source material was Infowars instead of UFO lore.
“We live in a CitizenFour world now,” says creator Chris Carter, referring to the documentary on NSA leaker Edward Snowden. “We’ve given up certain rights and freedoms because we want the government to protect us after 9/11. We see the admitted spying by the government. These are not things we’re making up and it informs everything Mulder and Scully and doing are doing.”
Carter describes himself as a “mostly interested observer” in the conspiracy world, and notes he researched the new show by combing through conspiracy websites and attending a conspiracy convention.
“I’ve kept my finger to the wind and trying to figure out what’s relevant and possible credible,” Carter says. “People know the show deals with science and fact and also deals with far-flung theories about not only the supernatural but government conspiracies. It throws out as many questions as it does answers. And I have to say what it’s done for me and the writers it has given us a whole new open field which to run. It’s given the show an interesting new life and context that it might not have had in 2002.”
The U.N. takeover threat, however, is something Carter suggests is credible. “The idea of a New World Order is relevant,” Carter says. When we suggest the show is embracing “right-wing” theories, Carter counters, “It’s not necessarily. I don’t see Alex Jones as right-wing, I see him as libertarian … [and O’Malley is] a character who casts everything in doubt.”
The most eyebrow-raising moment in the premiere is when O’Malley brings the 9/11 terrorist attacks into his conspiracy framework. “9/11 was a false flag operation,” O’Malley declares on his Truth Squad with Tad O’Malley show, echoing on Infowars theory. “It’s all part of a conspiracy dating back to the UFO crash at Roswell.” The clip is presented early in the episode. Later, Mulder and Scully embrace O’Malley’s overall position, though the 9/11 element isn’t referenced.
“So here’s the thing,” Carter says when we asked about the “false flag” line. “Chris Carter doesn’t believe that. Chris Carter is very open minded about these things. But the character O’Malley believes it. And he convinces Mulder to – not necessarily believe that – but to believe many other things he’s exposing. I don’t think Mulder and Scully adopt any political position so much as a new approach in their search for the truth. While I think their politics are balanced, I think the turn they take is toward a more heretical political position.”
X-Files is obviously as fictional of a series as they come, but it will be interesting to see how fans respond to their heroes exploring a conspiracy framework that touches on issues more sensitive than the ones when the show first aired.
For more on what to expect from The X-Files revival, pick up this week’s issue ofEntertainment Weekly. The series returns Jan. 21. Here’s the trailer:
Le phénomène étrange dans le ciel Perrigny-sur-l'Ognon immortalisé
Le phénomène étrange dans le ciel Perrigny-sur-l'Ognon immortalisé
Voici un mystère qui ravira les amateurs d'Ovni et de Fox Mulder et Dana Scully en ce jour de retour sur les écrans (américains) de la célèbre série X-Files. Plusieurs témoins racontent en tout cas avoir vu la même chose en divers points de la Côte-d'Or samedi.
Mélissa Mottey a immortalisé la scène depuis la rue des Saint-Georges, à Nuits-Saint-Georges. Photo Mélissa Mottey
Photo illustration LBP
Que s'est-il passé samedi soir, vers 18h30, dans le ciel de Perrigny-sur-l'Ognon ? Mystère. Mais Guy et Eliane Rondot sont encore très marqués, ce dimanche matin, par ce qu'ils ont vu hier.
A 18h30 donc, Guy se trouvait dans sa cour lorsqu'il a aperçu "une grosse boule orange scintillante, trois fois plus grosse qu'un avion". Une différence de taille que l'homme peut assurer puisqu'il certifie qu'un avion est passé dans le ciel juste après la première boule.
Le phénomène se répète quelques minutes plus tard
C'est à ce moment-là qu'Eliane découvre elle aussi ce qui traverse le ciel de la commune. "J'étais en train de fermer les volets quand j'ai entendu mon mari crier. Il me disait de regarder le ciel et c'est alors que j'ai vu ce cylindre orange qui brillait. Je suis partie couper le son de la TV, il n'y avait plus aucun bruit. Cette chose superbe donnait l'impression de glisser dans le ciel et ne laissait aucune trace derrière elle."
Et le couple n'est pas au bout de ses surprises. Car, selon leurs dires, trois autres "boules ou sphères" sont apparues une à deux minutes plus tard. Toujours avec le même silence et la même forme. Avant de disparaître à l'horizon vers le sud.
Deux autres témoins... à Seurre
Ce dimanche, le couple se demande toujours de quoi il peut s'agir. Et regrette de n'avoir pas eu le réflexe de prendre en photo ce qu'ils ont vu. D'autant plus que ni la gendarmerie ni la société d'astronomie de Bourgogne n'ont eu de signalement de la sorte pour le moment. Ce qui n'empêche pas Guy et Eliane d'être confiants : "C'était tellement impressionnant, on ne pouvait pas le rater. D'autres gens ont forcément vu la même chose..."
Et justement, à peine notre article était-il publié que Sophie Petitjean, une internaute, nous contactait. "Mon copain et moi-même avons vu la même chose mais dans le ciel de Seurre en regardant dans la direction de Chamblanc. Nous n'avons pas de photos, je conduisais et le phénomène a rapidement disparu", explique-t-elle.
Et si c'était la lune ?
D'autres internautes sont, en revanche, plus sceptiques et avancent une hypothèse : la lune. En effet, celle-ci était pleine samedi soir et avait une apparence un peu différente de d'habitude. Parmi eux, Lionel raconte : "Nous étions sur l'autoroute A38 avec ma famille. Je me rappelle avoir dit aux enfants "Regardez, c'est la pleine lune, elle est 10 fois plus grande que d'habitude". Elle était orange et brillait à l'entrée de Dijon."
Une théorie que rejette vigoureusement Sophie : "Cette chose avançait doucement et je peux certifier qu'il ne s'agissait pas de la lune qui se trouvait à ce moment là plus à l'ouest de la position de ce phénomène. J'ai aussi lu sur Facebook que des gens songeait à des lanternes thaïlandaises. Pour en avoir déjà vu, je peux certifier que cette chose brillait bien plus qu'une lanterne."
Si vous avez été témoin du même phénomène samedi soir, n'hésitez pas à nous raconter cela à l'adresse Et si vous avez pris une ou plusieurs photos n'hésitez pas à nous les transmettre.
Alien Life on Ceres: New evidence points towards intelligent life on the dwarf planet
Alien Life on Ceres: New evidence points towards intelligent life on the dwarf planet
NASA has tried really hard to understand all the enigmas surrounding the dwarf planet Ceres. Ever since the first image was beamed back by NASA’s Dawn Spacecraft scientists around the world have tried to explain all the mysteries about one of the most interesting dwarf planets in the solar system. But what makes Ceres so unique?
Well we could say that the mysterious bright lights that were spotted on the surface of Ceres are the most talked about mystery surrounding Ceres. The truth is that no one has been able to accurately explain what the mysterious lights are, what causes them, and why they are not present anywhere else. The first high-resolution images of the surface of the dwarf planet arrived to Earth in January 19, 2015 and since then everyone started talking about the unique and mysterious features of Ceres.
Ok so, what do the lights look like? Well, to be honest if you compare the image of the bright lights on Ceres to an image of a city on Earth, taken from Space, I’d say that the two look very much alike… It’s as if we are looking at an Alien city on Ceres… But optical illusion can play around with your mind. While no one can rule out at this point an alien city on Ceres, no one can rule out Pareidolia either.
Let’s compare the bright spots on Ceres with an image of a city on Earth as seen from space:
Ummm… Is that an Alien city on Ceres?
As if the mysterious bright lights of Ceres weren’t enough, there is more about Ceres that could creep you out. New images of the dwarf planet show what appears to be a pyramid-shaped structure located on a flat landscape. According to scientists, that mysterious pyramid should be there geologically speaking. The ‘Ceres pyramid’ measures around 3 miles in height, but the size of the ‘pyramid’ isn’t the most mysterious part of the story. What has caused even greater confusion is the fact that one side of the oddly shaped mountain is nearly completely dark on one side while the other side glows just like the bright spots on the dwarf planet.
So what is causing the bright spots to shine like that? And why is there a pyramid in the middle of nowhere?
Bright lights that cannot be explained… a huge pyramid sticking out of nowhere… Ceres is as mysterious as it gets.
According to Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator of the Dawn Mission declared: The surface of Ceres has revealed many interesting and unique features. For example, icy moons in the outer solar system have craters with central pits, but on Ceres central pits in large craters are much more common. These and other features will allow us to understand the inner structure of Ceres that we cannot sense directly.”
What does this mean? Well it means that Ceres is as mysterious as it can get with distinct features that make it extremely rare and unique when compared to other celestial bodies in our solar system. There are many things on Ceres that simply put, should not be there.
But if the pyramid-shaped structures and huge bright lights that resemble a city aren’t enough, Ceres has more to offer. According to scientists, the dwarf planet is split into a rocky core and an icy mantle and is believed to have an internal ocean of LIQUID WATER under its thick coating of ice. Scientists picked up ‘traces of water’ back in 2014 when they spotted emissions of water vapor from different regions on Ceres something that caused great confusion among experts since massive bodies located in the asteroid belt DO NOT emit vapors.
All of the above means that Ceres is one of its kind. No other planet- dwarf planet is as mysterious as this one. Its incredible features have given us a lot to talk about and its mysterious geology still continues to amaze anyone who looks at it. The only thing left to do is continue following the Dawn spacecraft mission as it explores one of the most mysterious objects in our solar system, an object that could have an Alien connection according to UFO hunters.
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Glowing Orb Over Netherlands Changes Speed And Direction, Jan 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Orb Over Netherlands Changes Speed And Direction, Jan 2016, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: January 12, 2016 Location of sighting: Groningen, Netherlands Source: MUFON #73825 This glowing orb was seen this week over the Netherlands and for it to change speed helps us to rule out Chinese lantern. These glowing orbs have been seen all around the world this year and seem to be scanning the communities, recording everything. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I was on my way to the car with my girlfriend, when we suddenly saw a bright moving light up in the sky. It wasn't an airplane and it sure wasn't a satelite. This object was changing speed constantly (from fast to slow to fast, etc.) and wasn't moving in a straight line. Luckily we caught it on camera!
Arjun Walia
I am well aware that just because somebody (no matter what their ‘position’) says something to be true, does not mean it’s true. Exceptions, however can be made if there is evidence that goes beyond their words and correlates with what they say. At the end of the day, you have to listen to what your heart tells you.
Paul Hellyer was the Canadian Minister of National Defense in the 1960’s during the cold war. He was responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Navy and Army into what is known today as the Canadian Forces. He was the highest ranking person (on paper) inside of the Department of Defence for Canada. The Honorable Paul Hellyer is the highest ranking person among all g8 countries to openly speak about UFOs and extraterrestrials.
He has been speaking about UFOs and extraterrestrials for quite some time now, and he recently made an appearance on RT news stating that there are at least 4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.
Upon retirement, Hellyer began to blow the whistle on UFOs and extraterrestrials. His testimony is backed up by hundreds of other high ranking military and political personnel all over the world, including official documents released by dozens of governments worldwide that have officially acknowledged the presence of UFOs.
I think it’s also important to point out that the Canadian government recently acknowledged the fact that various federal agencies, including Transport Canada, the RCMP and the Department of National Defence used to track and investigate UFO sightings. (1) They claim to have stopped those programs, but that contradicts the defence minister’s (Hellyer) claims. There is good reason to believe, and a lot of evidence to suggest that some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial space craft (not all military), and the activities of the agencies responsible for these programs goes far beyond just tracking of UFOs, but into contact with various extraterrestrial races, other classified technological developments and more.
Here is some of what Paul Hellyer has to say, for more you can watch the video clip below:
“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb. They are very concerned about that and if we will use it again, because the whole cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos. They’re very much afraid that we might start using atomic weapons again and this would be very bad for us, and them also.”
– Paul Hellyer
“Many are benign and benevolent, and a few are not. They come from various places, for a long while I only knew about ones that came from different star systems, the Pleiades. There are extraterrestrials that come from Andromeda, and ones that live on one of Saturn’s moon’s. There is a federation of these people, and they have rules, one of them is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited. They have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and we have the right to run it but they are very concerned, they don’t think that we are good stewards of our planet. We are ruining our planet, we’re doing all sorts of things that we shouldn’t be doing, and they don’t like that. They’ve made it clear, and they have given us a warning.”
– Paul Hellyer
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.”
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Scientists Say There’s Evidence That Aliens Might Be In Our Galaxy
Scientists Say There’s Evidence That Aliens Might Be In Our Galaxy
According to a new study published this week by astronomers, the naturalistic properties behind the mysterious Star KIC and its variations in brightness has led numerous scientists to suspect that the reality behind the anomalies of KIC is evidence of intelligent Alien life in our galaxy.
According to scientists, their best shot at explaining the mystery behind KIC and its fluctuations in brightness were a huge mass of comets which was erratically orbiting the star, and creating enough dust to dim the light coming from the star. However, a look inside the Star’s history has completely rendered that hypothesis implausible since, according to astronomers, the unprecedented dimming coming from the star has continued for over a century.
What does this mean? Well, it means that in order to dim for such a prolonged period of time, the star (KIC 8462852) would basically need to have MILLIONS of times more dust and comets orbiting it than expected.
According to astronomers, they estimate that in order for the dimming to be caused by comets, it would roughly require around 648,000 of giant comets with a diameter of 200 kilometers, all aligned to pass in front of the star, for the dimming to be explained by this –now debunked—theory.
“Either one of our refutations has some hidden loophole, or some theorist needs to come up with some other proposal,” Bradley Schaefer, an astronomer at Louisiana State University, told the New Scientist. “The comet-family idea was reasonably put forth as the best of the proposals, even while acknowledging that they all were a poor lot. But now we have a refutation of the idea, and indeed, of all published ideas.”
Last year in October, astronomers with Yale University and other educational facilities published a study using NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope to examine the star KIC 8462852. What they found when they peaked at KIC 8462852 was both exciting and scary as they noticed light patterns consistent with large orbiting masses which blocked out a large portion of the star’s light.
Alien Dyson Spheres
Now that we know that comets aren’t causing the mysterious dimming in the star’s light… then what is? Is it possible that an advanced alien civilization is actually out there, and we are looking at the ‘remains’ of their technology today?
According to tom some researchers, the structures located near KIC 8462852 are eerily similar to what “Dyson spheres,” — hypothetical, energy-harvesting “megastructures” – would look like. Scientists have theorized about ‘Dyson Spheres’ since the 1960’s, where they propose that an advanced – extremely ancient— alien civilization could have advanced to such a stage in their life cycle, that they had the ability to harvest energy from their star through mega structures or Dyson spheres. Astronomers from SETI have long argues that we could see, or better said identify, giant alien megastructures from Earth by searching for technological artifacts orbiting other stars.
However, according to research, the ‘mega structures’ located around KIC 8462852 aren’t consistent with its age, which has led scientists to believe that these structures must have appeared fairly recently around the star. Even though KIC 8462852 is only 1481 light years, it cannot be seen without telescopes.
Curiosity has found fossilized traces of life on Mars according to geobiologist
Curiosity has found fossilized traces of life on Mars according to geobiologist
As we meticulously scrutinize high-resolution images that are sent to Earth by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars, we see strange formations, configurations that seem artificial, and rocks of all kinds that have caused people from all around the world to believe intelligent beings (or, at least, some sort of life form) inhabited the red planet in the distant past.
Sometimes the Martian landscape plays tricks with our imagination, and sometimes suspiciously observed characteristics match natural processes that we have seen on our own planet. But now, in an article published in the journal Astrobiology, one geobiologist found in images of sedimentary rock from Mars, proof of structures created by microbial life on the red planet.
The discovery was made by Nora Noffke, a geobiologist at Old Dominion University in Virginia. She has spent the past 20 years studying these microbial structures. In 2014, she reported the discovery of MISS that are 3.48 billion years old in the Western Australia’s Dresser Formation, making them potentially the oldest signs of life on Earth, a discovery of huge importance if we are to understand how life evolved on Earth.
Now, Noffke details striking morphological similarities between Martian sedimentary structures in the Gillespie Lake outcrop (believed to be at most 3.7 billion years old) and microbial structures on Earth.
The image in question was taken by the Curiosity rover on Lake Gillespie, an area located in the Bay of Yellowknife, Gale Crater where the rover arrived in December 2012. The sedimentary rock photographed by Curiosity is sandstone, which formed when Mars had water on its surface. The layers of sedimentary rock and conglomerations that exist in them led scientists to conclude that Curiosity was exploring an ancient lakebed.
Overlay of a sketch on a photograph from above to assist in the identification of the structures on the rock bed surface. Image credit: Noffke (2015). Courtesy of ASTROBIOLOGY, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
The Martian Lake Gillespie, which has been dated to around 3,700 million years, seems to have its very own structures which can be attributed to ancient Martian microbes. In her study, Noffke emphasizes that his is only a hypothesis and should be taken as such while she is certain that this meets the necessary goal of explaining the process of formation responsible for the visible structures on the surface of sedimentary rocks on Mars.
“All I can say is, here’s my hypothesis and here’s all the evidence that I have,” Noffke says, “although I do think that this evidence is a lot.”
“The fact that she pointed out these structures is a great contribution to the field,” says Penelope Boston, a geomicrobiologist at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. “Along with the recent reports of methane and organics on Mars, her findings add an intriguing piece to the puzzle of a possible history for life on our neighboring planet.”
To check out all of the images used by Noffke in her study, click here.
So… traces of life on Mars?
Mars is just incredibly interesting since it is so different yet so similar to Earth and in the views of many people around the globe if there was life anywhere else in the solar system than that place is surely Mars.
“I’ve seen many papers that say ‘Look, here’s a pile of dirt on Mars, and here’s a pile of dirt on Earth,” says Chris McKay, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center and an associate editor of the journal Astrobiology. “And because they look the same, the same mechanism must have made each pile on the two planets.’”
McKay adds: “That’s an easy argument to make, and it’s typically not very convincing. However, Noffke’s paper is the most carefully done analysis of the sort that I’ve seen, which is why it’s the first of its kind published in Astrobiology.”
Mars has proven to be far more similar to Earth in many ways than what scientist have been willing to accept. After over 3 years of collecting data, images and readings from Mars, researchers are finally accepting the idea that Mars could have been inhabited by life forms in the distant past when the red planet had an atmosphere similar to that of Earth, rivers, lakes and oceans.
“In one image, I saw something that looked very familiar,” Noffke recalls. “So I took a closer look, meaning I spent several weeks investigating certain images centimeter by centimeter, drawing sketches, and comparing them to data from terrestrial structures. And I’ve worked on these for 20 years, so I knew what to look for.”
Potential MISS erosional remnant on Mars (top); edge of a microbial mat–overgrown erosional remnant on Portsmouth Island, USA (middle); an erosional remnant of a modern MISS on Mellum Island, Germany (bottom). Image credit for Mars: NASA; Earth: Nora Noffke
Noffke meticulously compared several images taken on Mars by NASA’s rovers to several sites photographed on Earth including modern sediment surfaces in Mellum Island, Germany; Portsmouth Island, USA; and Carbla Point, Western Australia; as well as older fossils of microbial mats in Bahar Alouane, Tunisia; the Pongola Supergroup in Africa; and the Dresser Formation in Western Australia. Interestingly, the images showed incredible morphological similarities between the terrestrial and Martian sedimentary structures.
Researchers note that distribution patterns of microbial structures on our planet usually vary depending on where they are found. This is why different types of structures are located together in different environments. As noted by, microbial mats that grow in rivers will create a different set of associations than those that grow in seasonally flooded environments.
Interestingly, the patterns which Noffke found in the Gillespie Lake outcrop are consistent with the microbial structures found in similar environments on Earth.
But the similarities found by Noffke are quite a few. According to the geobiologist, terrestrial structures change in a certain way over time, and this is something Noffke found on Mars since the distribution pattern in Martian rocks eerily resembles microbial structures on Earth which have changed over time. This is why Noffke has been able to make strong arguments with respected data even though she has also taken the time to describe other processes that could have created similar patterns. In her study Noffke noted that the chips, pits, and cracks could be the product of erosion by salt, water, or the wind.
Comparison of cracks in Gillespie Lake outcrop on Mars and in a modern microbial mat in Bahar Alouane, Tunisia. Credits Mars image: NASA; Earth image: Nora Noffke
“But if the Martian structures aren’t of biological origin,” Noffke says, “then the similarities in morphology, but also in distribution patterns with regards to MISS on Earth would be an extraordinary coincidence.”
“At this point, all I’d like to do is point out these similarities,” she adds. “Further evidence must be provided to verify this hypothesis.”
Even though confirmation of the discovery made by Noffke is still pending, the geobiologist has outlined a strategy to confirm the potential biological nature of the Martian structures, the only issue is… returning a sample to Earth in order to properly test it. Since this is not an option at the moment, Noffke has listed a series of measurements NASA’s curiosity rover could perform if it came across similar structures again, one of them is looking for organic chemical signatures using the SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars) instrument, something that according to McKay wouldn’t work: “In principle, that instrument could tell us something about the nature of these materials biologically, if there were still large amounts of biological organics in the samples,” he explains. “But these are just ancient sedimentary structures, and biology has long since left.”
“What’s more, in practice this instrument is restricted,” he adds. “There was a contamination spill in the instrument presumably during landing. So it has a very high background contamination level.”
So, as you can see we could be onto a groundbreaking discovery, one which we cannot confirm at the moment. However, the study itself is more than incredible and proves that Mars is a planet full of surprises.
July 10, 2015 - Saddle up, it’s time for an awesome conspiracy theory. If you’re a fan of science fiction, you know about Arthur C. Clarke’s (and Stanley Kubrick’s) seminal novel series 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the second installment, 2010: Odyssey Two, the alien monolith that was orbiting Jupiter replicates itself and begins condensing the gas giant, eventually transforming it into a smaller sun. This process turns the former planet’s moons into habitable worlds suitable for life. The people of Earth consequently name the second sun in the sky Lucifer. Without getting too ecclesiastic, the term Lucifer comes from Latin and literally means ‘light-bringing.’ Fitting name for the solar system’s new star. Most of us regard this concept as nothing more than science fiction and nigh impossible to achieve with our current level of technology. But a number of conspiracy theorists not only believe it possible, they actually claim this is one of NASA’s ongoing projects. Here’s why.
Jupiter has been called a failed star, in the sense that if it had more mass, it could have started nuclear fusion and effectively become a star. Unfortunately (fortunately?), astrophysicists calculated it would have needed to be 75 times more massive in order to do so. Conspiracy theorists believe this mass deficit could be corrected with the addition of nuclear fuel that could jump-start the process of nuclear fusion. Enter NASA’s space probes Galileo, Cassini, Voyager and the rest.
In order for these space probes to work, they need a reliable fuel source as solar energy becomes difficult to catch once you get past the orbit of Mars. Therefore, NASA equipped its probes with an energy source called an RTG, short for radioisotope thermoelectric generator. The radioactive decay of the Plutonium-238 pellets contained in an RTG steadily produces electricity that powers the probe. For example, the Galileo space probe contained 2 RTGs, each carrying 17 pounds of Plutonium-238. What would happen if this payload were detonated inside Jupiter?
Well, nothing, or at least, nothing observable. In 2003, Galileo was deliberately crashed into Jupiter’s atmosphere. NASA followed this approach because they feared crashing it into one of Jupiter’s solid moons carried the risk of contamination with terrestrial bacteria.
Conspiracy theorists saw this venture as an expression of Project Lucifer. They feared that, as Galileo fell through Jupiter’s dense atmosphere, the pressure would have steadily increased, causing the Plutonium in the RTGs to trigger a thermonuclear reaction, birthing the new sun.
It’s been almost twelve years since Galileo was buried in the heart of the gaseous planet and nothing’s happened. There is no second sun on our sky. So we’re in the clear, right?
Not exactly. There’s another gas giant in our solar system: Saturn and it’s not much smaller than Jupiter. And there’s another probe orbiting Saturn, the Cassini space probe. And it’s equipped with 73 pounds of Plutonium-238. And it’s still orbiting Saturn, until commanded otherwise by NASA. So are we in danger?
Physics says no.
Even if every atom of Plutonium aboard the space probe would participate in a nuclear detonation, it wouldn’t be enough to start a chain reaction. It would be like a drop of water in a swimming pool – harmless.
Our technology would need to steadily advance for hundreds if not thousands of years before we could reach the capability of star formation. And even if such technology would be available today, why would we need a second sun? Our own functions perfectly, even with massive UFOs stealing its energy once in a while. If one of the gas giants were to suddenly become a star, it would most likely disrupt the delicate balance of our solar system. Its gravitational pull would tug on the asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, undoubtedly sending some of them our way.
So why did this conspiracy theory gain traction? It must be our fascination with doomsday scenarios.
Groot nieuws, verschillende onderzoekers beweren dat ons zonnestelsel niet acht maar negen planeten heeft. Niemand heeft de mysterieuze negende planeet al gezien, toch zijn er sterke aanwijzingen om te geloven dat de spookplaneet bestaat.
Toen Pluto werd gedegradeerd van planeet tot dwergplaneet, ontstond er heel wat ophef. Mensen vonden het onterecht en plots was ons zonnestelsel een planeet armer. Nu kan iedereen weer op beide oren slapen want wetenschappers van Caltech beweren dat er toch negen planeten rondzweven in ons zonnestelsel.
De mysterieuze planeet draait op een erg grote afstand om de zon en dit is de reden waarom de planeet nog niet werd opgemerkt door ruimtetelescopen. Toch gaat het om een grote planeet: hij is maar liefst 500 keer zwaarder dan Pluto en tien keer groter dan de Aarde. De wetenschappers baseren zich op de vreemde manier waarop andere hemellichamen zich bewegen. Ze volgen een vaste baan, wat erop wijst dat er wel een negende planeet moet bestaan.
De planeet zal wellicht over enkele jaren dicht genoeg bij de zon staan om te kunnen opgemerkt worden door telescopen.
The year 2016 won't be much of a year for realistic space movies, but apocalypse, beloved franchises like "Star Wars" and "Star Trek," and romance on an interstellar stage will make for a year of epic adventure. And frankly, we can't wait to see them all.
Here is our guide to the most intrguing space movies of year, and maybe some surprising sci-fi finds:
"Moonwalkers" (Jan. 15)
Start off the year with this weird satire (based on a real conspiracy theory, apparently): A CIA agent is directed to hire Stanley Kubrick, legendary director of "2001: A Space Odyssey," to fake the moon landing in case the Apollo astronauts don't make it. When the real director proves elusive, the filming must go on — and hijinks ensue.
"The Fifth Wave" (Jan. 22)
A young woman fights to save her younger brother and survive an alien invasion after four waves of alien attacks have destroyed much of the Earth. The film is based on a popular science fiction novel published in 2013 — it's one in a series, so if all goes well, you'll likely see more from this franchise.
"Lazer Team" (Jan. 27)
Humanity is sent a superpowered suit to defend against an incoming alien threat. The only problem is, instead of a highly trained "Champion of Earth" getting his hands on the suit, it's four random guys, each sporting a single piece of the high-tech armor. The online comedy group Rooster Teeth funded the project (the team's first full-length film) through the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. It will have a limited theatrical release and will also be released through YouTube's new paid subscription service.
"The Last Man on the Moon" (Feb. 26)
A new documentary follows the life of Gene Cernan, commander of NASA's Apollo 17 mission and the last man to walk on the moon. The film features new interviews with Apollo 12 crewmembers Alan Bean and Dick Gordon, Apollo 13 Cmdr. Jim Lovell, former NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz, and Chris Kraft, founder of Mission Control. Those interviews and rare archival footage are interspersed with Cernan's own recollections of the Apollo program and his life. (Space.comreported on the film's creation in December.)
"The Little Prince" (March 18)
A retired aviator describes his adventures with a little boy who lives on an asteroid to a young girl on Earth. Later, she is drawn into the story herself. The movie is inspired by the famous 1943 novella of the same name. The segments of the movie drawn from that classic story are filmed in stop-motion animation, while the rest is computer animated.
"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (March 25)
Everyone's favorite Kryptonian alien, Superman, squares off against Batman in an epic-scale DC Comics crossover blockbuster. Plus, Wonder Woman joins the fight against a bigger threat.
"Independence Day: Resurgence" (June 24)
Twenty years after aliens attacked Earth in the 1996 blockbuster "Independence Day," they're coming back — and the next generation of heroes prepares to fight them off. Although "Independence Day" star Will Smith won't be in the new movie, it will feature his character's stepson and about half of the original cast. Perhaps a line from the trailer referring to a looming alien ship best reflects this movie's main goals: "That is definitely bigger than the last one." The film features Joey King, Maika Monroe, Liam Hemsworth and Bill Pullman.
"Star Trek Beyond" (July 22)
The new generation of "Star Trek" heroes sets out again in their third movie. This time, they're stranded on an alien planet that doesn't seem to appreciate the Federation's incursion. It's the first of the new movies not directed by J.J. Abrams, so it'll be interesting to see what the new team brings to the table. (Screenwriter Simon Pegg, who also plays Scotty, and director Justin Lin have said they hope to recapture the spirit of the original show.) Plus, Idris Elba is cast as an original villain.
"The Space Between Us" (July 29)
An online romance blooms between the first human born on Mars, played by Asa Butterfield, and a teenage girl living on Earth. He seeks her out, and the duo race to understand the mystery of his birth and secret upbringing (while dealing with the life-threatening embrace of Earth's gravity on the space-raised protagonist).
"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" (Dec. 16)
The first of Disney's stand-alone spinoffs of the "Star Wars" franchise is set in between the prequel trilogy and before "A New Hope" — following the rebel fighters who stole the Death Star's secret plans, which Luke later used to blow up the moon-size superweapon. Confirmed cast members include Felicity Jones, Alan Tudyk, Mads Mikkelsen and 40 British soldiers. Stories like "Rogue One" will alternate with Disney's entries into the main series on a yearly basis.
"Passengers" (Dec. 21)
Jim Preston (played by Chris Pratt) wakes up from cryogenic sleep 90 years early on an interstellar voyage. Stuck awake among thousands of hibernating travelers, he decides to wake up another passenger, too (played by Jennifer Lawrence).
Some others to watch for:
"400 Days" (Jan. 12):In this movie produced by Syfy films, four astronauts make their way underground for a simulated deep-space mission. Then, things get scary.
"Terminus" (Jan. 22): A mysterious alien organism gives a man visions showing him how to prevent the Earth from destroying itself.
"Ratchet & Clank" (April 29):This film was originally slated for last year, but the galactic origin story of the beloved PlayStation video game characters is back with a new release date.
"A Beautiful Planet" (April 29):This vivid documentary made for IMAX screens will show Earth as seen from space.
"Captain America: Civil War"(May 6): These Avengers-focused Marvel movies often have space cameos one way or another, although this fight between Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Tony Stark (Iron Man) about superhero accountability seems particularly Earth-bound.
"Ice Age: Collision Course" (July 22):The fifth "Ice Age" installment ventures to space after a frozen flying saucer activates and the series' animals have to stop an incoming threat to Earth.
"Trolls" (Nov. 4):In this upcoming flick starring Justin Timberlake, the famous troll dolls from the '80s are aliens.
So which space movie are you looking forward to most this year? Let us know in the comments below and happy watching!
New Paper Asserts that Life Could Survive on a Planet Orbiting a Black Hole
New Paper Asserts that Life Could Survive on a Planet Orbiting a Black Hole
Living on a planet orbiting a black hole might be a reality in our future.
Living on a planet orbiting a black hole might be better than you’d imagine. In fact, looking for real estate in such a location could be in our (very) distant future.
According to the second law of thermodynamics, life requires a temperature difference to provide a source of useable energy. Life on Earth, for example, relies on the heat of the Sun and the cold vacuum of space. What if you reversed the situation, though?
A planet orbiting a black hole, for example, would experience a cold sun and a hot sky. That’s what Tomáš Opatrný of Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic says in his research.
Comparing a black hole to a Sun might sound strange, but black holes, despite the name, are actually some of the brightest objects in the universe. Gas and other matter that falls into the hole is superheated and glows as it accretes. However, an older black hole that has already cleared its surroundings, effectively has zero temperature, meaning it could potentially act as a cold Sun, according to Opatrný.
The rest of the universe is actually pretty warm compared to a black hole, thanks to the heat left over from the explosion of the big bang.
Avi Loeb of Harvard University has previously pointed out the universe’s background temperature would be 300 kelvin (27 ˚C) around 15 million years after the big bang, making it warm enough to host liquid water.
At this temperature, a planet around a cool black hole would receive enough power to support complex life. However, because the planet would be so new to the universe, it’s unlikely that it would have had enough time to evolve to explore this power source.
The team, led by Opatrný, decided to check out the film Interstellar, which they learned explored a similar concept. The film depicts a world called “Miller’s planet” which orbits very close to a massive, spinning black hole called Gargntua.
Paramount/Warner Brothers/The Kobal Collection
Like any good researchers, the team began to ask questions. “We saw the movie, it was a very interesting idea, but then we started thinking about the problems,” says Opatrný.
For example, the planet in the film is swept by huge tidal waves of water. But Opatrný says that, for a planet like one depicted in the movie, molten aluminum would be more likely. That said, if the planet was further out from the black hole, conditions would be cooler, and the planet might be able to sustain life.
In the paper, when discussing the ultimate hope for life around a black hole, Opatrný explains: “For nonrotating black holes and the present temperature of the cosmic microwave background, the available power appears to be rather small for the living standards of our civilization. One might speculate of the distant future when hydrogen as the nuclear fuel for stars is exhausted and black holes together with background radiation become one of the few relevant sources of negative entropy. Nevertheless, with the accelerated expansion of the Universe the background radiation becomes colder so that even less power would be available.”
Thus, it sounds like there isn’t any hope for life forming on planets orbiting these monstrous beasts. However, remember that we are just talking about nonrotating black holes. Things change when they start spinning.
Opatrný continues, “the situation is different for fast rotating Kerr black holes and planets on close orbits: gravitational and Doppler shifts change the temperature map of the sky to allow for harvesting much more power”
All of these speculations do have a purpose. For example, research into sustaining life near a black could become relevant 100 trillion years from now, when all the stars have died out and the universe is an eternal wasteland of coldness and eternal darkness.
Planets around black holes will certainly be an option for inhabitants.
“When the stars are gone, black holes will be a last-resort source of energy,” says Krauss. However, he adds, “for the practical future, there are much easier ways to live.”
Today, astronomers at the California Institute of Technology announced that a giant icy planet might be hiding at the edge of our known solar system. This planet has been appropriately named “Planet Nine” (usurping the title previous held by Pluto).
An artist’s version of Planet Nine, which could sit at the edge of our solar system. (R. Hurt, California Institute of Technology)
Notably, this is early research, and the existence of the planet is, at the present point, simply inferred.
In other words, the planet has not been seen directly using telescopes, but in the published paper in the Astronomical Journal Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin explained how they acquired evidence of this planet’s existence based on other astronomical data.
The two astronomers initially set out to prove that Planet Nine does not exist. In 2014, another paper published in the journal Nature, hinted at the possible existence of this new planet. It was written by Scott Shepard from the Carnegie Institution of Science and Chad Trujillo from the Gemini Observation in Hawaii.
They suggested that this giant planet existed due to the impact that it seemed to have on the orbits of other, nearby dwarf worlds.
Brown even admitted he thought that this idea “was crazy,” saying that it is always suggested that a new planet exists when strange orbital behavior occurs.
To that end, with the help of Batygin, they used mathematical equations and computer models to prove this theory wrong. Or at least, they tried to. They were utterly surprised at the results of their “investigation”.
Their results indicate that a 9th planet does exist. “Until then, we didn’t really believe our results ourselves. It just didn’t make sense to us,” Brown said.
Planet Nine is described to have 10 times the mass of Earth. This planet would exert an influence over the orbits of the smaller bodies and keep them from coming as close to the Sun as they should. It would also slowly twist these orbits by 90 degrees, making them periodically perpendicular to the plane of the solar system.
“In the back of my head, I had this nagging memory that someone had found some of these modulating objects and not known what to make of them,” Brown said. “And sure enough, these objects do exist. And they were exactly where our theory predicts they should be.”
Now, the search is on to find and prove the existence of Planet Nine.
Sheppard stated that the chances of finding it has increased from 40% to 60%. Planet Nine is estimated to be located 20 times farther than the eigth planet, Neptune. It is believed to be made out of ice, rocks and gas.
Planetary scientist Alessandro Morbidelli from the Côte d’Azur Observatory in Nice, France agreed with Brown that the chances of finding it is much bigger this time. “I immediately felt that this paper, for the first time, was providing convincing evidence for a new planet in the solar system,” said Morbidelli, an expert in these kinds of orbital movements who was not involved in either study.
“I don’t see any alternative explanation to that offered by Batygin and Brown.” It is now just a matter of “when” they will discover this massive planet.
There don’t appear to be any official records of a UFO ever shutting down a major airport in the U.S. In China on the other hand, it’s happened three times in five years. Are Chinese air traffic controllers more respectful of UFO airspace … or more fearful?
The latest instance of a Chinese airport closing down because of a UFO sighting appears to have happened late last week or over the weekend. A video of a newscast showing the UFO was posted on August 29th, 2015.
There’s no indication of which airport it is (at least for non-Chinese speakers). At the beginning, it shows a round object passing over the airport. The object appears to change forms and become elongated to a cigar shape. The video shows military personnel apparently watching the UFO but no one seems to be mobilizing or panicking. Could it be because they’ve been through this before?
On July 7th, 2010, a UFO was spotted at the Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China, at 8:40 p.m. by the crew of a plane preparing to land. The crew notified air traffic control and the airport was immediately shut down. All outgoing flights were grounded and 18 incoming flights were diverted to airports in Ningbo and Wuxi.
UFO shuts down Xiaoshan Airport in China
Normal operations were resumed somewhere between one and four hours later, but passengers and local residents were left in the dark as to what the UFO might be. Speculation ranged from a U.S. missile to a Russian satellite to a secret Chinese military plane to a meteor. Officials from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) told the media that the incident was “under investigation” but no record of any formal explanation is readily available. There seems to be no information from the Shanghai UFO Investigative Research Center either. Why not?
Perhaps they were warned by yet another UFO shutting down an airport, this time on October 6, 2010, in Inner Mongolia. The news report mentions the previous sighting and says it was a military test, but gives no details nor no information on the next one.
Three Chinese airports shut down by UFOs in five years. Do you think there’s more shutdowns that we don’t know about? Why are Chinese officials so quick to close airports after UFO sightings? What do they know and why don’t WE know it?
Now I have been saying for years that IR cameras or night vision cameras can see things our eyes can't. Also, the angle of the sun during a UFO sighting causes the UFO cloak to become visible. Everything these doctors say in this video confirms that there are cloaked UFOs or Entities that our eyes cannot see. Scott C. Waring
News states: Thunder Energies Corp (TNRG:OTC) has recently detected invisible entities in our terrestrial environment with the revolutionary Santilli telescope with concave lenses (Trade Mark and patent pending by Thunder Energies). Thunder Energies Corporation has previously presented confirmations of the apparent existence of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids and antimatter cosmic rays detected in preceding tests. In this breaking news, Thunder Energies presents evidence for the existence of Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE) if the dark and bright type. Technical information can be obtained from the scientific paper R. M. Santilli, “Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE),” American Journal of Modern Physics (in press), or from the scientific archives of the R. M. Santilli Foundation. ABOUT Thunder Energies Corp: Thunder Energies Corporation is a breakthrough technology company featuring three cutting edge technologies in the fields of optics, nuclear physics and fuel combustion. Thunder Energies is led by Dr. Ruggero Santilli, CEO and Chief Science Officer and Dr. George Gaines, President & COO. Dr. Santilli is a former faculty at MIT, Harvard and other leading institutions around the world.
Band Group Recalls Triangle UFO Sighting 50 Feet Above Kansas City
Band Group Recalls Triangle UFO Sighting 50 Feet Above Kansas City
A witness in Kansas City recalled a UFO sighting incident from 1978 where he and two fellow bandmates had encountered a flying object just 50 feet overhead. The strange incident was reported to Mutual UFO Network or MUFON and filed under Case 73425 in the network’s witness reporting database.
While in the show band in April 1978, the witnesses traveled the Midwest and rehearsed a new act at the parent’s farm of the singer just outside Kansas City, KS.
According to the reporting witness, the keyboard player, guitar player and himself went outside for a smoke break at around 8 in the evening when they noticed a bright light in the eastern sky. As they watched, they saw that it grew larger and moved directly towards them.
When the object reached directly overhead, the group clearly saw the triangle-shaped or delta-wing shaped craft hovering without any noise approximately 50 feet above them. They saw two globes hanging from the UFO, one from each wing. One of these two globes was a bright, white light and another one was dark.
While they observed it hovering in silent, the guitar player went inside to grab his camera. When he came back outside, the mysterious object darted off at a very fast speed towards the north – Kansas City.
The group continued to watch it and spotted an electrical storm in the area where it was headed. As it came close to that storm, the globe under the craft began to glow evenly with another globe.
he ship entered the storm and disappeared. The group concluded that it must be an electric or magnetic powered aircraft because of its ability to replenish from electrical storms.
Cube-shaped UFO filmed over Chiapas in Mexico 15-Jan-2016
Cube-shaped UFO filmed over Chiapas in Mexico 15-Jan-2016
Check out this interesting footage of a cube-shaped object hovering in the sky above Chiapas in Mexico. This was seen and recorded on 15th January 2016.
What do you think about this video? Real or fake? Please leave your comment below!
CIA Murdered JFK After Demanding The Release Of Top Secret UFO Files
CIA Murdered JFK After Demanding The Release Of Top Secret UFO Files
It has been claimed that CIA killed former US President John F Kennedy after requiring the agency to release top-secret UFO files.
Kennedy was shot dead while in an open-topped car travelling on November 22, 1963, through the centre of Dallas, Texas.
The incident brought shockwaves not just in the US but also around the world and has created dozens of conspiracy theories.
However, UFO experts recently shared perhaps the most astonishing claim to date. They said that the president made a letter and sent it to the CIA head ten days before he was assassinated.
They further revealed that the president also made a visit to NASA’s base at Cape Canaveral in Florida just four days after he sent the memo.
In the letter, JFK seemingly asks the CIA to give details about everything it knows about UFO sightings.
The letter specifically asks a review of the high threat cases. It stresses the important to have a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns. It also proposes an arrangement of the program of data sharing with NASA where unknowns are a factor. The president also apparently sent a letter to NASA requesting the agency to cooperate with the Soviets on UFO issues.
UFO conspiracy theorists believe that JFK was worried that the Soviets could mistakenly identify UFOs over Russia as spy planes. They also think that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who makes a promise to release all UFO files to the public if she wins, does not know it yet, but she doesn’t have the power to release such information. They add that CIA would kill Hillary before she could do it, just like JFK. They believe that Hillary will be too scared to release the truth.
IT’S BEEN JUST over two years since Edward Snowden leaked a massive trove of NSA documents, and more than five since Chelsea Manning gave WikiLeaks a megacache of military and diplomatic secrets. Now there appears to be a new source on that scale of classified leaks—this time with a focus on drones.
On Thursday the Intercept published a groundbreaking new collection of documents related to America’s use of unmanned aerial vehicles to kill foreign targets in countries ranging from Afghanistan to Yemen. The revelations about the CIA and Joint Special Operations Command actionsinclude primary source evidence that as many as 90 percent of US drone killings in one five month period weren’t the intended target, that a former British citizen was killed in a drone strike despite repeated opportunities to capture him instead, and details of the grisly process by which the American government chooses who will die, down to the “baseball cards” of profile information created for individual targets, and the chain of authorization that goes up directly to the president.1
All of this new information, according to the Intercept, appears to have come from a single anonymous whistleblower. A spokesperson for the investigative news site declined to comment on that source. But unlike the leaks of Snowden or Manning, the spilled classified materials are accompanied by statements about the whistleblower’s motivation in his or her own words.
“This outrageous explosion of watchlisting—of monitoring people and racking and stacking them on lists, assigning them numbers, assigning them ‘baseball cards,’ assigning them death sentences without notice, on a worldwide battlefield—it was, from the very first instance, wrong,” the source tells the Intercept. “We’re allowing this to happen. And by ‘we,’ I mean every American citizen who has access to this information now, but continues to do nothing about it.”
Reports first surfaced in the fall of last year that theIntercept, a news site created in part to analyze and publish the remaining cache of Snowden NSA documents, had found a second source of highly classified information. The final scene of the film “Citizenfour,” directed by Intercept co-founder Laura Poitras, shows fellow Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald meeting with Snowden in Moscow to tell him about a new source with information about the U.S. drone program, whom he says has been communicating with the Intercept‘s Jeremy Scahill. At one point, Greenwald draws Snowden a diagram of the authorization chain for drone strikes that ends with the president, one that looks very similar to the one included in Thursday’s publication.
“It’s really risky,” Snowden tells Greenwald in the scene. “That person is incredibly bold.”
“The boldness of it is shocking,” Greenwald responds, “But it was obviously motivated by what you did.”
In the scene, Greenwald also tells Snowden the security tools the Intercept is using to communicate with the source, writing the names of the software on a piece of paper in what may have been an attempt to avoid eavesdroppers. Those security tools, along with the Intercept‘s reputation for combative, unapologetic investigation of the U.S. government, may help explain how the site seems to have found another Snowden-like source of national security secrets. The Intercept and its parent company First Look Media employ world-class security staff like former Googler Morgan Marquis-Boire, Tor developer Erinn Clark, and former EFF technologist Micah Lee. Far more than most news sites, its reporters use tools like the encryption software PGP and the anonymous upload system SecureDrop to protect the identities of its sources.
Whether those measures can actually protect this particular source—or whether the source Greenwald told Snowden about is even the same one who leaked the Intercept‘s Drone Papers—remains to be seen. Yahoo News reported last year that the FBI had identified a “second leaker” to the Interceptand searched his or her home as part of a criminal investigation.
If that reported search of the leaker’s home did happen, however, it doesn’t seem to have slowed down the Interceptor its whistleblower. A year later, no arrests or charges have been made public, and the site has now published what appear to be the biggest revelations yet from its new source.
In the Citizenfour scene, Snowden tells Greenwald he hopes that the new leaks could help change the perception of whistleblowers in general. “This could raise the political situation with whistleblowing to a whole new level, he says.
“Exactly,” Greenwald responds. “People are going to see what’s being hidden by a totally different part of the government.”
Read the Intercept‘s full Drone Papers release here.
1Correction 10/15/2015 12:45pm: An earlier version of this story stated that a former US citizen, Bilal el-Berjawi, was killed by a drone. In fact, el-Berjawi was a former British citizen.
2Updated 10/15/2015 2:15pm to include Erinn Clark in the list of First Look Media security engineers.
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Aliens & Animal Mutilations
Aliens & Animal Mutilations
We have the unique opportunity to speak with Richard Bonenfant, Ph.D. a retired research scientist and lecturer who is now dedicated to the investigation of phenomena that lie on the fringes of scientific understanding. Prior to his interest in cattle and animal mutilations, Dr. Bonenfant's research career at Albany Medical Center Hospital and the New York State Department of Health was centered on the study of birth defects in newborn children. With advanced degrees in anthropology and psychology, Dr. Bonenfant served as an adjunct professor at Siena College in Loudonville, NY and City College in Gainesville, Florida. Dr. Bonenfant most recently retired from the Veterans' Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, and Richard is likewise credited with publishing several professional articles on near-death experiences. Agent D - Richard, I just finished listening to a podcast with Randy Maugan's Off Planet Radio on Animal mutilations and was impressed with the depth of the discussion on the topic in that interview. We will assume the readers here on The Object Report blog have a basic awareness of animal or cattle mutilations and likewise are aware that an ET angle might be involved here. Richard - Thank you for your gracious introduction Agent D. Hearing it makes me seem larger-than-life. Actually I come to the subject at hand with only limited knowledge of the phenomenon of animal mutilations. Therefore, my interpretations may appear naive to those more experienced with this ongoing mystery. I plead for patience as research leads me into deeper levels of entanglement with various aspects of this complex phenomenon. My hope is that previous experience as a medical research scientist can add some understanding as to the purpose and method behind these mutilations. Okay, I guess we can now proceed to chip away at the problem. Agent D - Cattle mutilations and half cat mutilations have been going on for quite some time, and there is an incredible consistency spanning decades where cattle tissue around the mouth and anus is removed very precisely and at times without any traces of blood. Do we have a theory why these two areas of the cow are consistently the focus of tissue removal?
Richard -That's an interesting observation Agent D. Like most organisms, human beings are consumption machines. We take in food, digest it to sustain ourselves, and remove waste matter that serves no purpose in this process. Of course this is but one functional aspect of existence but a very fundamental one. Without absorbing the nutrition of food, we would soon become extinct. The mouth initiates this ingestion process, the digestive tract sorts out what can and can't be used, and the final segment of this tract discharges waste that is toxic to our bodies. This leads back to your initial question. The organs you mentioned, the mouth and the anus, are the alpha and omega points of the process. Therefore, as an environmental epidemiologist, I would say that whatever agency is responsible for animal mutilations has an interest in what is eaten, absorbed, and discarded by cattle and other animals from the environment in which they live. In other words, it suggests to me a kind of environmental monitoring less the moral implications of the methodology being used.
The techniques and instrumentation used in these mutilations imply a technological sophistication far in advance of current technology. This is immediately evident in what is medically termed exsanguination or the removal of blood from the body. In most cases, the carcass contains little or no trace of blood. It's almost as if some pump-like device had been inserted into the circulatory system in a way that would completely drain the animal of its blood with little or no wastage. This is no mean feat in a clinical setting, let alone in some remote natural environment without the advantage of surgical devices. Then, there is the evidence of laser-like incisions creating portals through which internal tissue and organs are removed. To do this would require some kind of device be inserted into the body cavity which could break down collagen, the main component of connective tissue, such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, blood vessels and guts in order to remove them from the body cavity through the small portals previously mentioned. This process would basically turn organs to mush from which it would be suctioned out from the body cavity. One example, is the creation of a small aperture in the skull through which an animal's brain are suctioned out from its skull. While I have no knowledge of what is currently being done in highly advanced medical research facilities, I seriously doubt that such capabilities were available over the past duration of animal mutilation events. Therefore, to answer your question more concisely, the only logical conclusion that can be drawn is that the technology necessary to carry out these mutilations lies far in advance of our own.
Agent D -Linda Moulton Howe has been researching cattle and half cat mutilations for over three decades, having been the first reporter to cover cattle mutilations in fact, and she continues to cover these ongoing mutilations from a journalist's perspective. Your approach to cattle mutilations is from that of biological interest - do you feel your findings and theories on cattle mutilations parallel Linda’s perceptions or is there some deviation?
Richard - Let me just say at the outset that this interview probably would not be taking place were it not for the investigative journalism of Linda Moulton Howe. She almost single handedly alerted the general public to the mysterious mutilations that were taking place in the western prairies. Through her archival website, she continues to accumulate a wealth of data not only on various forms of animal mutilations but also on other strange and unexplained phenomenon that we should all pay attention to, especially those in the scientific community. For just as Stanley Prusiner, the 1997 Nobel prize laureate, once remarked, “While it is quite reasonable for scientists to be skeptical of new ideas that do not fit within the accepted realm of scientific knowledge, the best science often emerges from situations where results carefully obtained do not fit within the accepted paradigms.” With regards to your question, I would say that our views concerning animal mutilations are in very close alignment. In fact, while preparing a follow up article to“Significant Observations Relating to Animal Mutilations,” Ms. Howe graciously provided me with a reference to an abductee’s observation from her 1989 book Strange Harvest. This abductee reported witnessing the mutilation of a young calf by aliens aboard their craft. While doing this I soon realized that Ms. Howe’s archive of abductee accounts may contain a treasure trove of data to other professional investigators who take the time to review these accounts from their various perspectives. The only variations readily evident in our views stems from differences of focus. Ms. Howe presents compelling evidence that these mutilations are the result of alien intervention while my limited research attempts to determine why these mutilations may be carried out. We concur in the sense that mutilations are being purposefully carried out with a high degree of technological precision. I suggest that a possible motive for these mutilations may be to monitor a quiet epidemic of neurological pathologies related to prion diseases. I believe Ms. Howe holds a slightly different view. It doesn't matter who’s correct, what matters is that we diligently work towards finding the reason behind these atrocities regardless of what it might be.
Agent D - I've always had the inclination that the tissue from cattle is used in an ongoing study of man made pollution and the effects of this global pollution on animals, particularly mammals. During the last decade or so the idea of an ongoing Human ET Hybrid project has gained traction - do you have any evidence or leads that would suggest the study of non-human animal tissue could in some way be connected to this ongoing ET-Human genetic program?
Richard - Up to very recently I would have responded that, from my limited perspective, I couldn't see any direct connection between the animal mutilations and the accepted ET-Human hybridization program. But while working on a follow up article to my Prion proposal, I came across something that has changed my mind. This article intended to demonstrate the link between UFO activity and cattle mutilations in a convincing way. When I began to investigate one particular account, that of abductee Judy Doraty, I discovered a direct connection between gray aliens, cattle mutilations and human abductions. This connection will be reviewed in great detail in my forthcoming article. So my answer to your question is yes, I believe there is indeed a connection between these two types of activities.
Agent D - The insensitive way the animal mutilations are being carried out seems to be in keeping with the M.O. of the Grays from what we have heard from other eyewitnesses, and perhaps this is in itself a small clue the Grays are involved to some degree. It has been noted before on the Off Planet Radio show - and this is quite subtle - whomever is carrying out these dissections and studies is leaving the carcass behind in an almost deliberate manner versus simply disposing of the evidence which logically might have prevented humans from being aware of animal mutilations from day one. Is there possibly a read between the lines message to us here through their choice to put the carcass back?
Richard - The question of why aliens dump mutilated carcasses in the vicinity of where they were abducted comes up quite frequently. Certainly, the carcasses could be disposed of in a way that would not bring attention to what is being done to them. It seems to me that there could be at least two reasons why they do so. The first one is that they simply don’t care and are contemptuous of any consequences. But, that does not explain why the carcasses are discarded so near the location where the animals were captured. Assuming cattle and other animals are dissected within some surgical area within UFOs, it is highly unlikely that simply dumping their carcasses after a mutilation would result in their being deposited so close to the point of capture. Therefore, a logical argument could be made that the way carcasses are disposed is indeed intentional. In consequence, it would be just a matter of time before we humans would come to associate the presence of UFOs with the mutilation phenomenon. The question now arises; why have they chosen to do so? Our curiosity would certainly be evoked and lead us to focus greater attention on the matter. Of the two possibilities, I would lean towards the view that their actions are indeed intentional and directed towards awakening our awareness. Once again I remain cautious about attributing human motives to alien behavior. However, if it is intentional, they certainly have gotten our attention.
Agent D - Richard, do you remember the moment or circumstance when you decided to take a step forward from the silent majority and become directly involved with the study of cattle and animal mutilations?
Richard - You caught me unprepared on this one! I guess it would be fair to say that I've been interested in UFOs since first reading about them in comic books and various other magazines as a teenager. However, at the time more pressing matters prevented me from taking an active role. Even then my interest in UFOs and particularly in human abductions led me to feel that there was little I could do or contribute beyond what was already being done by such prominent investigators as John Mack, Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs and a number of others who where active at the time. After retiring I made a deliberate effort to read the accounts of various individuals who had actually undergone an abduction experience. During this process I came across the account of one particular abductee that greatly impressed me. I was touched by the genuineness, intelligence, and I dare say even virtue of her testimony. Out of respect for the privacy of this person, I choose not to mention her name. Anyway, after reading even more about her experiences as well as those of other abductees, I decided to do something to get the attention and respect of the abduction community. To do so I focused on what I knew best, namely the study of environmental epidemiology to make sense of animal mutilations. What followed were several months of intensive research in which I attempted to make the case that mammals were being subjected to an silent epidemic of prion related diseases. And furthermore, that these mutilations were the result of some alien agency monitoring of the spread of these diseases. I guess that was the point were I jumped in. So here we are.
Agent D - Most people think of cats and or cows when we say animal mutilations, but these activities are not just happening to cats and cattle, they appear to be happening to other animals as well, is this correct?
Richard - Absolutely! During my initial analysis I broke the species into two categories; domestic and wild animals. For example, Domestic included family pets such as cats and dogs, farm animals such as sheep, goats, cattle and horses. Everything else fell into the wild category; some examples include elk, deer, bison, badgers and foxes. But more and more, wild mutilated animals are being found all the time. Recently, I was even alerted that mutilated seals, and dolphins have been found in the coastal regions of the northern United Kingdom, especially in Scotland and Ireland. The only common denominator was that they were all mammals. But, this may be about to change. The Director of the the U.K.’s Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU) has recently told me that birds have now joined the mutilated community after a large flock of seabirds were found decapitated in this same region of the U.K. I would venture to say that as time goes on the list of mutilated species will become even larger. Agent D - The new buzzword associated with animal mutilations on the web is Prions. Rik, can you give a "Prions 101" introduction to our readers who have never heard of this term before?
Richard - Now that’s a real challenge; in how many words or less? Let's begin by stating that prions are protein chains found in our cells. We don’t know their purpose but they are likely to serve some function. Recently, scientists discovered that these prions proteins have a rogue double. While rogue prions are similar in form to their functional counterparts, they contain a mutation in their protein chain which converts normal prions into dysfunctional ones simply by contact. So over time there is a geometric increase in the dysfunctional prions which lead to a plaque build up in the brain. This plaque destroys neurons creating dark lifeless islands giving the brain’s overall architecture a sponge-like appearance. Thus, neurologists refer to prion related diseases as Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). TSEs are generally recognized by which areas of the brain they affect; the cerebral cortex in cases of classic Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease, the brain stem in cases of Scrapie and Chronic Wasting Disease, the thalamus in cases of Fatal Familial Insomnia and the Cerebellum in cases of Kuru Disease. Mutated prions have been found in both humans and other mammals. Mammals also suffer from prion related diseases. The most common are known as Chronic Wasting Disease in deer and elk, Scrapie in sheep, Feline Spongiform Encephalopathy in cats, Transmissible Mink Encephalopathy in minks, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in cattle...etc. The problem is that these diverse brain diseases were always believed to be confined to the species in which they were found. However, in the late 1980s and early 90s British scientists discovered that Mad Cow Disease had somehow managed to cross this species barrier. A version of Mad Cow Disease had mutated to humans through the ingestion of infected meat. This new infection now became internationally recognized as an entirely new TSE in humans. Its defining characteristic was an early onset, (28 instead of 68 Years) accompanied by a wide range of behavioral problems and the distortion of the senses, particularly that of touch. From that initial awakening, scientists soon came to realize that similar trans-species infections were also taking place in a wide range of other mammals such as mink, deer, elk and many more. The question then became; What’s causing this violation of the species boundaries in TSEs? There presently is no answer to that question. Epidemiologist only know that something very “scary” is taking place. What makes this silent epidemic of prion diseases so dangerous is that prions are nearly indestructible. Since they have no genetic material like RNA or DNA, they are immune to radiation and most traditional means of eradicating infectious diseases. They can even survive traditional incineration and autoclave sterilization. So we have no means of either treating or eradicating TSEs. Cattle and other mutilations could be a rather harsh means of monitoring the spread of TSEs throughout the world's mammal populations. There are a number or reasons for taking this view, the primary one being that many mutilated animals are decapitated and even when they are not, a number of cases have small holes in their skulls from which their entire brains have been removed. It’s also very likely that other organ systems and tissues are involved of which we have no knowledge. Therefore, I feel the Prion Hypothesis offers a starting point in the search for determining why the entire phenomenon of animal mutilations is taking place.
Agent D - The resistance of prions to eradication through traditional means does sound rather disturbing to say the least. Speculating here, do you have the impression we've been alerted to something that could have detrimental effects on homo sapiens down the road and we have benefited in a round about way from the cattle mutilations and the subsequent investigations?
Richard - Yes, I do think that and you’re absolutely right in your estimate of the situation. A number of problems are nested within it. First and foremost, the medical community must become better informed about the seriousness of the matter in order to focus their attention on the nature mutated prions. It’s critical that we learn how abnormal prions are able to convert normal prions to their own mutated form. We must also investigate how prion diseases have managed to cross the species barrier in so many different types of mammals. In addition, we must do a better job of detecting TSE infected animals and containing them in a way that will prevent their spread. For example, at present we incinerate infected domestic livestock without addressing the issue of how recycled animal byproducts continue to promote the spread of TSEs. Prions have managed to survive this process. The recycled protein supplement added to cattle feed not only reinfects cattle, it also infects wild animals that scrounge left over feed from fields and feed bins. What will society do if TSEs spread to other livestock we consume like chickens, pigs, and other animals products? I suggest that our medical authorities immediately ban this practice. This is a problem of our own doing not something introduced by some alien agency. The only involvement by aliens that I see, is that they are acutely aware of the nature and extent of TSEs and may be waiting to see how we respond to the crisis. Their unwanted intervention appears to represent a kind of global environmental monitoring of something of great significance. I myself only came to understand the full extent of this potential epidemic through the investigation of animal mutilations. Early on I could only see that UFOs and aliens were the most probable cause of these mutilations. However, my research clearly suggests that such a wide range of domestic and wild animal mutilations must represent something of significance. Furthermore, the fact that aliens discard mutilated cattle so near the point where they were captured may be an indirect way of alerting us of the problem. However, what they are doing must also serve their own interests in ways we cannot currently understand. I cannot help but wonder if this potential epidemic is not part of the warning many abductees are often subjected to regarding some eminent environmental catastrophe. Let’s hope not, but there is no question that humans are indirectly responsible for the spread of prion diseases and we must find the courage to address it without further procrastination.
Agent D - Rik, this has been a very intense, revealing discussion on animal mutilations and you've delivered a lot of new information to us. My final question to you - do you see the animal mutilations continuing into the future and more mutilations occurring as human pollution intensifies?
Richard - Like so many things in life, the spread of prion related diseases is a complicated problem that will not be quickly or easily solved. It may be but one aspect of a far more complex problem relating to how human activity has altered a long standing equilibrium in the natural world. I feel that global warming, commercial exploitation of natural resources, and our species attitude that all things on this planet are subject to the fulfillment of human needs are all involved. Advance entities must surely be aware of how we have disrupted this fragile architecture. Yet, I really don’t know if they will intervene on our behalf. I tend to doubt it. We humans have a tendency to attribute benevolence, malevolence or indifference to non-humans based on our perceptions of how “we” should be treated. But we must accept the premise that their behavior and activities may have purposes beyond our understanding. Based on logical speculation, I believe that we will witness greater numbers of animals being mutilated in the future. So far, these events have largely been limited to mammals, but I suspect that the mutilations will soon spread to birds, and sea life of all kinds. So yes, I see the mutilations continuing in a more diverse range of animals. Lets hope I’m wrong. Regardless of how things turn out, we should try to empathize with the animals being mutilated. There is extensive evidence that they too experience fear, pain and suffering.µ
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Disclosure may be Imminent. But can We Take It?
Disclosure may be Imminent. But can We Take It?
Hillary Clinton has told a questioner that she will "get to the bottom" of the UFO controversy. Her friend and adviser John Podesta said in a tweet last February that it was not only time for disclosure, but that "it's the law." In September, George H.W. Bush said that "Americans can't handle the truth." In 1988, when questioned about the matter, he commented that he was "very careful in public when dealing with classified information."
The question is always asked, "why can't we handle the truth?" If we were told that there were aliens here studying us, we could handle that. But that cannot be the whole truth, not from all that I have experienced and observed, and it might not be part of the truth in any way. Colonel Philip Corso, the author of "The Day After Roswell" told me that he'd had a direct encounter during which he had asked the question "what's in this for us?" The answer was "a new world, if you can take it."
How Colonel Corso came by that answer I cannot say, but it certainly resonated with me. My experience of the beings I call "visitors" is that their responses are multi-layered. To me, this response would mean both if we can bear it and if we can wrest it from them. Should we ever decide to face them, then, we will need to work hard to understand what is actually on offer. We should not expect anybody to be handed blueprints for a starship, in other words, or for them to open up interstellar trade routes or whatever.
But what would be so difficult that we couldn't handle it? Comments such as Podesta's and Bush's have left the coverup in tatters. The only places where it is still supported with denial is in old media venues with long-standing connections to the intelligence community. For the most part, the media has accepted that something strange is going on, but not drawn any conclusions about what it is. Nor should they. It is not at all clear what the visitors are or what they are doing here, or if they are even "visitors" at all, or something separate from us.
One reason--I think the primary reason--that disclosure has been so long in coming is the abduction phenomenon. Ask most conventional UFO researchers about it, and they'll say as little as possible. Many won't deal with it at all, and those who do seem to come very quickly to conclusions that cannot be supported without ignoring one type of evidence or another. I've had it explained to me by conventional researchers that the abduction phenomenon mustn't be mentioned because it's "too controversial." I've even heard it said that disclosure should come in "stages," first with an acknowledgement by NASA that there may be objects in the sky being flown by unknown parties, then that they might be intelligently guided by non-humans, etc.
They must be dreaming. If any sort of unknown presence is acknowledged in any way at any official level, it will be no more than a few days before the media is demanding answers about the abduction phenomenon. Millions of people who have had the experience will be intensely energized to find out what has happened to them and their families. For, after all, it isn't only adults who are involved, it's children, too.
I think that the hidden truth is that the abduction phenomenon is just as commonplace as it seems, that at official levels it is not well understood, and that nothing whatsoever can be done about it. I also think that the thesis of Super Natural is correct, that we are embedded in a much larger reality that we are just beginning to awaken to. It isn't that the visitors have just come here, but rather that we have just begun to notice what is actually a very ancient presence in our world and our lives. How that presence relates to reality I cannot certainly say, but I do know that it is not as we now believe, and not has we have been taught in the past.
Many things have blocked our progress in the past. Among them is official fear of admitting that the situation is going to be very disturbing to the public and that it cannot be controlled. Another is the intellectual arrogance of scientists and educated people, who cannot face the fact that an intelligence greater than theirs might be present here in some way, but hiding itself from them. A third block is that there is abundant evidence that, when the truth becomes known, it is going to overturn so much of our understanding of the world that it will literally overwhelm us with a flood tide of the new.
What is most likely to come to the forefront, and very quickly, is the issue of the soul. The idea of the soul has been more-or-less completely rejected by western science and the western intellectual community. We are assumed to be automata with no relevance outside of physical reality.
That is, quite simply, not my experience. Not at all. On the contrary, judging from the thirty years I have now spent living with and thinking about the visitors, I can say with conviction that the soul is of absolutely central importance--that, in fact, the physical world is embedded in a much larger, more ancient nonphysical reality that is far more alive--indeed, more conscious--than we physical beings are or can be. And it is this reality and the issues, requirements and needs associated with it, that are the primary driving force behind the actions of the presence that we have discovered among us.
I have tried to address this presence as honestly and directly as I could, indeed, to surrender myself to it. I didn't do this because it was pleasant. It was not pleasant. But I had been offered access to a "new world," and no matter the cost, I determined that I would take up that offer. The cost has been high, both in terms of my life in this world and my new life that extends beyond it. Just yesterday an old friend who is entirely innocent of any of this, spent some time casually mocking me. If I wasn't indifferent to that sort of thing by now, I wouldn't be much good at fulfilling the mission I have set myself, but his innocent teasing yet again reminded me of the gulf between our vision of reality and the extraordinary truth of the world in which we actually live.
As I write this, a dog lies at my feet. I reflect on the fact that he has absolutely no idea where he is or what he is. He cannot know what a table is, a carpet, an automobile, any of that. He doesn't know the meaning of the world in which we live. Nor do we, but there is a great difference. We can know. We can know far more than we do. We can achieve, if not a complete understanding of the presence that embraces us, a much more accurate understanding of the reason for that embrace.
We run from the soul. The reason we do this is deep instinct. We don't want to face the fact that our transitory lives have permanent consequences in our own personal connection to the greater consciousness. We want to live by instinct and desire, but we must find our way to the much harder path of love and compassion if we are to do what we are capable of, which is to become craftsmen of our souls. Our lives make us light and beautiful or they do not, and it is very hard to fact the fact that small choices may have such very large consequences, especially as we have so little real self knowledge.
This may seem a digression from the issue of disclosure, but it isn't. On the first day, there will be an admission of some sort of "alien presence." The next day will bring the questions about the abductions. Then will come the third day, which will last for the rest of the time human being is expressed into the physical world. On that day we will ask who are we, why are we here, and where are we?
We will wrestle for many generations with these questions, but in a new and more useful way. The question of whether or not the soul exists will be in the past, and with it the childhood of man. We will be facing both in ourselves and in the cosmos in which we live, a truly new world--if we can take it.
This is what contact is really about, and why it has been so long in coming. Over the next weeks and months, I will be discussing this in the context of my own experiences in the "special interviews" section of this website, which runs in conjunction with Dreamland. As best I can, I have accepted the challenge of this new world. I have experienced both wonders and terrors in the first few steps I've managed to take, and I am sure that more of both will be forthcoming.
Fine. I say bring it on. I can take it--and so can you.
Among the anticipated duties of Manned Orbiting Laboratory crews was overhead reconnaissance, but a range of other tasks were considered. Credit: NRO
A newly released treasure trove of historical data reveals intriguing details about a secret Cold War project known as the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL).
The U.S. Air Force's MOL program ran from December 1963 until its cancellation in June 1969. The program spent $1.56 billion during that time, according to some estimates.
While the program never actually lofted a crewed space station, those nearly six years were quite eventful, featuring the selection of 17 MOL astronauts, the remodeling of NASA's two-seat Gemini spacecraft, the development of the Titan-3C launch vehicle and the building of an MOL launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. [Photos: Declassified US Spy Satellite Photos & Designs]
Early in the MOL program, its architects weren't quite sure what MOL was all about. "Is the MOL a laboratory?" reads one of the newly released documents, which were put out by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). "Or is it an operational reconnaissance spacecraft? (Or a bomber?)"
Even today, aspects of the MOL initiative remain secret.
Superpowerful eye spy The anticipated duties of MOL crews included reconnaissance activities under the code name Project Dorian. Dorian was a superpowerful camera system that could acquire photographic coverage of the Soviet Union and other locations with a resolution better than the best unmanned system at the time, the NRO's first-generationGambit spacecraft.
But the historical documents suggest numerous other jobs were on the MOL docket for deliberation, including the use of side-looking radar, the evaluation of electronic intelligence-gathering gear and the assembly and servicing of large structures in space.
Also discussed were the use of MOL-carrying "negation missiles" that would use non-nuclear warheads, the inspection of satellites, and the encapsulation and recovery of enemy spacecraft, which may have been accomplished using rocket-propelled net devices.
For a spacewalking MOL crewmember, a remote maneuvering unit was considered key for approaching and circumnavigating a target while the astronaut remained at a safe distance "to prevent harm from an active defense or booby-trapped target."
Notably, there was much reflection regarding the biological and psychological responses of MOL crewmembers in orbit for 30 days or more. [The Human Body in Space: 6 Weird Facts ]
Rediscover and recover facts The NRO's release of MOL information was timed for an event held Oct. 22 at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, which is located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio.
Would-be MOL crewmembers and other program officials took part in the event, which was called "The Dorian Files Revealed: The Manned Orbiting Laboratory Crew Members' Secret Mission in Space."
"Time often allows for facts to be distorted or forgotten," said James Outzen, chief of historical documentation and research at the Center for the Study of National Reconnaissance in Chantilly, Virginia. "But history allows the opportunity to rediscover and recover facts."
MOL was born in a Cold War environment in which it was difficult to learn what the United States' adversaries were up to, Outzen said.
Patricia Cameresi, chief of the NRO's Information Review and Release Group, said the declassification of more than 20,000 pages of MOL documents was no easy task.
"It took over a year to get all the stakeholders involved … to get them to agree to [the] declassification of additional material and then to do the actual line-by-line review," Cameresi said.
Behind the Iron Curtain Former MOL astronauts taking part in the Oct. 22 event included James Abrahamson, Karol Bobko, Albert Crews, Bob Crippen and Richard Truly. Michael Yarymovych, who served as technical director of the U.S. Air Force MOL effort, also participated.
"We were doing something that was exciting and important," Yarymovych said. "We're going to also do something very important for national security. We are going to go look behind the Iron Curtain … defend the nation while doing the exciting things of manned spaceflight."
After the termination of MOL, Truly, Crippen and Bobko became NASA astronauts, with Truly eventually ascending to NASA administrator status. Abrahamson led NASA's space shuttle program in the early 1980s, then later headed President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, dubbed the "Star Wars" program.
Memory lane For the MOL astronauts, the Wright-Patterson museum event was a trip down memory lane.
"It got canceled on June 10, 1969, a date that will live in my memory for a long time, which was one of the low points in my life," Crippen said.
Truly said MOL "was not a trivial thing that we were working on." He thought the program had solved some complex problems before "black Tuesday," when delays, cost overruns and other factors brought the program to an end.
MOL, which would have zipped around Earth in a polar orbit, pioneered complex human interaction with an automated film camera system, Truly said. "It would have made it far better than it could be done strictly as an automated system," he said.
Humans in the loop In the view of Abrahamson, who was also assigned the job of building a training simulator for utilizing the MOL camera system, putting humans in the loop was an added benefit.
The MOL film camera was going to be so precise, Abrahamson said, that it could have photographed Soviet airfields or snagged imagery of aircraft flight tests and the testing of specialized munitions.
But the field of view through the camera would have been akin to "looking down a soda straw," making human judgment important, Abrahamson said. The astronauts "were supposed to use judgment and training … and to say, 'Look here, not here; don't waste a pass here,'" he added.
Important legacy In the end, the death of MOL provided Abrahamson a lesson he has applied to other programs. "If you can just get an empty can up there … do it. Because then, you can build on it," he said.
The strategy with the Congress, "not the technical challenge," was the biggest risk, Abrahamson said.
According to Outzen, the reconnaissance historian, "There is often a misplaced assumption that a canceled program has no important legacy. This should not be said of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program."
The MOL program should be recognized "for its rich legacy in both civilian and national reconnaissance space histories," Outzen concluded.
Wetenschappers staan voor raadsel: onzichtbare entiteiten ontdekt op aarde met revolutionaire telescoop
Wetenschappers staan voor raadsel: onzichtbare entiteiten ontdekt op aarde met revolutionaire telescoop
Het Amerikaanse bedrijf Thunder Energies heeft onlangs met de revolutionaire Santilli-telescoop onzichtbare entiteiten ontdekt op aarde. Ze hebben de naam Invisible Terrestrial Entities (onzichtbare aardse entiteiten) gekregen.
Het bedrijf, dat gerund wordt door dr. Ruggero Maria Santilli, kondigde eerder al bewijs aan voor het bestaan van sterrenstelsels en asteroïden die volledig bestaan uit antideeltjes.
“Dit is een spannende ontdekking,” zei Santilli, die voorheen werkzaam was voor onder meer het MIT en Harvard. “We hebben geen idee wat deze entiteiten zijn. We kunnen ze niet waarnemen met onze ogen, verrekijkers of traditionele telescopen. Ze worden echter wel opgepikt door de camera’s die aan onze Santilli-telescoop zijn bevestigd.”
Ruimteschepen behoren bij mini-zonnestelsel NIBIRU ?
Ruimteschepen behoren bij mini-zonnestelsel NIBIRU ?
Is het een vreemde gedachte om te voorstellen dat de eerste ruimteschepen van het naderend Nibiru zonnestelsel zich nu in onze omgeving vertonen?
Op 18 januari van dit jaar rijdt een man in zijn auto in het Italiaanse Bologna wanneer hij een merkwaardig object in de lucht ziet, tegelijk met iets dat lijkt op een tweede zon.
Je ziet steeds meer foto’s van een planeet/lichtbron aan de linkerkant van de zon. Deze planeet die door Marshall Master de planeet Helion wordt genoemd, hoort bij het naderend mini zonnestelsel Nibiru.
Ook zie je tegenwoordig steeds meer opnames van wolken welke helemaal geen wolken zijn, maar grote ruimteschepen in vermomming. Een term die men hiervoor gebruikt is het Engelse woord “cloaking”, dat zoveel betekent als verbergen.
Wanneer je beiden in één en dezelfde opname ziet, is dat wel bijzonder.
Dan ga je je toch onwillekeurig afvragen of deze wolken/schepen misschien afkomstig zijn van de planeet Nibiru of één van de satellietplaneten.
Het verhaal van de getuige en de opname die hij heeft gemaakt zien er betrouwbaar uit en er was die dag dus wel degelijk iets te zien in de lucht bij Bologna.
How did humanity surpass the test of time? Did we make it on our own, or were we in fact guided by intelligent extraterrestrial beings who were willing to help us grow and prosper in their own image?
According to numerous legends and beliefs, the “White Gods“ once came to Earth and helped humanity develop and thrive by offering knowledge in many ways.
Quetzalcoatl is considered to be one of the first “white gods“ to visit our planet. He was one of the most important Gods from ancient Mesoamerica and was also known as “Kukulkán” to the Mayans, “Gucumatz” to the Quichés of Guatemala, and “Ehecatl” to the Huastecs of the Gulf of Mexico.
Based on Mesoamerican folklore, Quetzalcoatl is the one who created the world and all of mankind, and was regarded as the god of wind and rain. He is also known for structuring art and culture and was looked upon as the organizer of society.
Since 1200 CE in Central Mexico, he was considered the god of learning, agriculture, science, and arts. He was the patron god of merchants, as he managed to discover corn with the help of a giant red ant who led him to a mountain packed full of grain and seeds. Legends named this entity, Quetzalcoatl, or the “God of Dawn”. This is one of the reasons why he is believed to be from a far-away planet.
Keep in mind that according to Maya paintings and sculptures, many structures arose during this period and strongly resembled spaceships from the 21st century. Many images representing the gods showed similarities to what astronauts look like nowadays.
It is believed that Quetzalcoatl burned himself and vanished into the skies towards the planet identified today as Venus. Could this be interpreted as an extraterrestrial being fulfilling its mission on Earth and quickly vanishing through the skies to reach new planets in need of guidance?
The writer Robert Marx has written broadly about the concept of “white gods,“ after he came to the conclusion that they are present in almost every indigenous culture in America.
After his journey in South America, the British writer Harold Wilkins also came to the conclusion that a vanished white race occupied all of South America in ancient times,helping the indigenous people cultivate food, and build up pyramids along with other large structures that would otherwise be impossible to buildconsidering the lack of knowledge and tools during that period. He also claimed that Quetzalcoatl was from Atlantis.
Sharing his beliefs, some ancient astronaut and UFO writers have suited that the “white gods“ were actually extraterrestrial beings. Peter Kolosimo believed that the myths of Quetzalcoatl had support, in fact he stated that the legends actually described a full race of white men who were born in spaceships and migrated to Atlantis; after the city was destroyed by water, the remaining white men moved to the Americas where they were treated like “white gods“ by the “primitive earth – dwellers.“
other interesting theory is based on the writings of the Franciscan friar, Bernardino de Sahaguan, from the 16th century in which he describes the meeting between the Mexica emperor “Moctezuma the 2nd” and the Spanish captain “Hernan Cortes”.
At first sight of the white Spanish men, emperor Moctezuma thought the “white gods“ have returned from the east, and Captain Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl. Because of his beliefs, the Emperor gifted him a mask representing the “Feathered Serpent”.
The mask was carved from a single piece of cedar wood and covered with turquoise mosaic work. The teeth were made of white clam shell. The design consisted of two serpents green and blue, encircling the eyes and entangled over the nose and around the mouth.
According to Sahagun’s description, it was worn with a crown of dazzling long green – blue shimmering feathers, possibly those of the quetzal, a tropical rain forest bird with iridescent green – blue plumage.
Much of the idea of Captain Cortes being seen as a deity can be followed back to the Florentine Codex written down about 50 years after the conquest. In the codex’s tale of the first meeting between Moctezuma and Cortes, the ruler of the Aztec is illustrated as giving a speech in classical oratorical Nahuatl, a dialect which as reported verbatim in the codex written by Sahagun’s informants, added such prostrate announcement of divine, or near divine adoration.
An imperfect intellectual understanding of high Nahuatl oratory style make the exact intent of these comments tricky to approve, but some argue that Moctezuma politely offering his throne to Cortes may well have been meant as the exact opposite of what it was taken to mean: kindness in Aztec culture was a way to affirm dominance and show superiority.
This speech, which has been extensively referred to, has been a factor in the widespread assumption that Moctezuma was addressing Cortes as the returning god Quetzalcoatl.
Quetzalcoatl is described as light skinned, bearded and tall, with a serpent head hiding his human appearance. The earliest surviving image of Quetzalcoatl comes from the Olmec civilization with a sculpture at La Venta, of a beaked snake with a feather crest surrounded by two quetzal birds.
The earliest representations found in Mexico, is at Teotihuacan where there are sculptures of feathered snakes dating from the 3rd century CE and that is also the place where a six – tiered pyramid was built in the honor of the Serpent God of knowledge.
The deity was often described in architectural and sculptural decorations, appearing in other sites such as Xochivalco but he was rarely represented with any human form before the Late Postclassical period.
Since 1200 CE, Quetzalcoatl was usually represented in his human form and mostly wore shell jewelry and a tapered hat. Representations of the god often have “wind jewelry“ which is a cross section of a clam whorl worn as a pectoral, and often wear red masks like a goose’s beak bearing long canine teeth.
As time passed by, we educated ourselves through history and managed to see a glimpse of what life used to be. At our current level of understanding, we realize that some things from the past might have been impossible to accomplish without any external help.
The White Gods could have given us knowledge, thus explaining how the Mesoamericans used to obtain power.Butas the extraterrestrials left, the indigenous people couldn’t suffice in controlling that power, a force given perhaps too early, and without any warning of its side effects.
It ultimately led to self-destruction of the most knowledgeable and prosperous civilizations of our past because the guidance of aliens had long disappeared.
Will they return as the prophecies foretell and help us again to build a better future?
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Mysterious Sounds Coming From the Sky Reported All Over the World
Mysterious Sounds Coming From the Sky Reported All Over the World
In the last couple of weeks, Dutch citizens have reported hearing strange sounds in the sky. Martijn Mastenbroek from Pijnacker, a town in the Dutch province of South Holland, was at home on the evening of January 10th, 2016 when he suddenly heard a peculiar sound.
It sounded like trumpets, he recalls. It lasted about five seconds. No, it wasn’t coming from the washer. It really came from outside. My girlfriend heard it too.
A week earlier, on the evening of January 3rd, residents in Casablanca, Agadir, Tangier and other Moroccan cities also heard similar strange sounds, ‘coming from the sky.’ Several citizens were able to catch the sound on film and posted recordings on YouTube.
The following day, on January 4th, a British man – Youtube user ‘Stevie B’ – recorded the same kind of sound in Bristol, southwest England
We suspect that these sounds are some kind of transduced extra-low frequency radio waves. While we wouldn’t normally be able to hear them, due to changes in our near-space and the broader cosmic environment, they seem to interact with other electromagnetic factors in, on and around the planet, causing them to be amplified and converted into sound waves.
Although nobody knows for sure what these sounds are, they are almost certainly related to each other, and together they constitute a unique natural phenomenon that had also been described in ancient times.
The Hopi Indians speak of the trumpet sound coming from earth and sky and consider it to be a precursor of the Red Star Kachina – The Purifier. Could this bizarre “trumpet sound” be interpreted as a sign announcing the arrival of the notorious Planet X? Well, if we look at the recent discovery of a ninth planet in our solar system, the Hopi Indians prophecy doesn’t sound so absurd after all.
Other analysts have suggested that the anomalous sounds are emanating deep from within the earth’s crust. Are the ancient beings finally awakening? Or maybe Mother Earth has had enough of us humans and is now preparing to eradicate us?
Whatever the case, we cannot deny the importance of this sign. Something BIG is upon us and more and more people are feeling it. More evidence in the video below filmed in Morocco.
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5 Alien Species That Already Walk Among Us
5 Alien Species That Already Walk Among Us
While it is often believed that most aliens are an unfriendly bunch, there are a few species that proved to be quite benefical for humanity. Some of the more friendly alien species are listed below.
It is widely believed that the Lyrans are our oldest ancestors. In fact, there are those who believe the Lyrans were actually the first “humans” to form a civilization in the Milky Way galaxy.
The world famous Billy Meier was the first to spill the beans about Lyrans. He claims that they revealed to him their origins and story. Lucky for us that he was wishful enough to share this story with mankind.
They have described their ancient past, and consequently ours, as originating in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know today as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we refer to human beings from what we call the Pleiades.
These early Lyrans during their numerous migrations in their great cosmic Arks, went to many other star systems and found suitable habitat, and put down colonies, eventually launching their own space travelers.
Many millennia ago, their civilization achieved a great level of technological advancement, ranking high on Kardashev’s scale of comparison, however, conflicts between different factions turned into a total war. The situation escalated to such a point that many fled and colonized Hyades, the Pleiades and the Vega systems.
The offspring of these colonies eventually began to settle on Earth approximately 22 million years ago and have existed here on Earth before taking off for other star systems. Some UFO researchers believe the Lyrans could be the gods depicted in many ancient religious texts. If this theory is correct, then the Lyrans could be credited for being one of the main influences in creating and shaping mankind.
By most accounts, the Lyrans are often depicted as Nordic in appearance; they are tall people with blue eyes and long blonde hair. They have also been referred to in some circles as “The Galactic Historians” of the human species.
After many eons of existence, one of the oldest alien species in our galaxy, the Arcturians managed to reach such an ascendant state that many classify them as a fifth dimension civilization, the most evolved on Kardashev scale.
Their home planet orbits the largest star in the Bootes Constellation and is located approximately 200 light years away from Earth.
Millions of years ago, the Arcturians achieved the level of technology we now have on Earth. They now possess some of the most advanced technology in the Milky Way galaxy, if not the entire universe.
While few people have directly interacted with the Arcturians, those who had describe them as being between 3 and 5 feet tall, with large heads and big black almond shaped eyes. Their skin is normally a greenish color and they have three fingers on each hand.
In addition, they appear to be masters of telepathic communication and can move objects or interact with their environment using only their minds. Furthermore, aging and the concept of dying have been virtually removed from their society due to their godlike development.
It is believed that their fleet of starships crisscrosses the galaxy and that one of their crafts – Starship Athena, remained in our solar system to prevent a deadly cataclysm that would otherwise wipe our entire human species.
The Arcturians take their role as protectors extremely seriously. So seriously that one of their envoys, the Black Knight Satellite, is believed to have been orbiting Earth for the last 13,000 years.
Described as being tall, blonde humanoids, the Telosians are considered by many to be the last survivors of a long lost human-like civilization on Earth.
There are those that say they are the survivors of the cataclysms that sunk Atlantis and Lemuria, while another group of researchers believe they are much older than that.
Their name derives from the ancient Greek word “telos” meaning “end’ or “purpose.” It is a fitting name for their gigantic city of Telos considered by some to be located under Mt. Shasta, California.
Using highly developed cerebral abilities, their advanced society has been in constant contact with a number of other extraterrestrial civilizations including the Pleiadians and Arcturians.
The first person to describe the Telosians was Admiral Richard Byrd in his diaries that were published after his death. He spoke of a secret North Pole mission which led him deep inside the hollow earth where he discovered the home of an advanced subterranean race.
Admiral Byrd wrote a detailed paper about this alien species, revealing that they had been living in a few secret underground settlements until our nuclear bombs forced them to come out to the surface. He mentioned this in his diary from Antarctica.
“Our interests rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads” to your surface world to investigate what your race had done”.
You see, we have never interfered before in your race’s wars and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely that of atomic energy.
“Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our culture and science is many thousands of years beyond our race”.
Thousands of years of scientific advancement offered the Telosians the ability to evade disease and aging. The Telosians are widely known for their longevity and it’s likely that some of our earthly shamans also received a glimpse of this knowledge. They are also the true protectors of Earth’s environment and keepers of knowledge about our planet’s past.
The extraterrestrials from Alpha Centauri are considered to be the most technologically advanced alien species in the Milky Way galaxy, but at the same time the species with the most destructive force.
They got in this position because they are reported to be highly intelligent and possess a natural curiosity which in turn led them to rapid growth in the fields of science and technology.
Over time they evolved into an aquatic species with gills and webbed limbs. Some researchers believe they are responsible for most of the underwater and the USO phenomena.
It’s also believed that they have a number of bases that operate on the bottom of our seas, oceans, and lakes around the planet.
In keeping with their nature, the Alpha Centaurians are believed to be very benevolent towards the human race and have a desire to help us overcome some of the many challenges that come with the evolution of our species.
It’s believed that they communicate telepathically and their subtle influence is also felt upon us humans. Many researchers believe that the Alpha Centaurians promote social justice and human rights as they are responsible for teaching us not to abuse destructive mass-effect weapon.
Believed to be descendants of the early Lyrans, the Pleiadians, in some circles, have come to represent one of humanity’s most active allies.
Their home is located in the Pleiades Star Cluster, which is a group of stars located about 400 light years from Earth. Their name is derived from the ancient Greek verb, “plein” meaning “to sail”.
The Pleiadians have always played an important role in humanity’s cultural expanse. One of their chosen representatives, Billy Meir, transmitted the messages of Semjase, a Pleidian female who was deeply concerned for our fate:
We are neither guardians of Earth nor beings of God. Many people believe we are watching over Earth and over its beings and that we control the fate.
This is not true, because we only perform a self-selected mission which has nothing to do with supervising or regulating Earth’s fate. Thus it is wrong to expose us as supra terrestrial messengers and guardians.
Despite the message from Semjase, the Pleiadians were the first to warn Earth about the danger that Grey aliens posed. The Pleiadians accused the Greys of having a lack of wisdom and empathy when using inferior humans to serve their evil, remorseless purposes.
For this reason, the two alien species have fought one another not only here, but in other star systems also.
Those who have been in contact with the Pleiadians claim that they have been trying to free ourselves from oppression for quite some time.
Extraterrestrials walk among us, we only have to open our eyes to see them. Signs and signals are everywhere, people only need to stop denying them. If they will further protect us from harm or decide to annihilate us remains only a matter of time. The hour of disclosure is coming.
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ALIENS ARE SILENT BECAUSE THEY ALIENS ARE SILENT BECAUSE THEY PUBLISHED 17:42, 23 JANUARY 2016 New research into how life might have evolved elsewhere in the Universe has thrown up a rather depressing possibility - we haven’t found any aliens yet be
New research into how life might have evolved elsewhere in the Universe has thrown up a rather depressing possibility - we haven’t found any aliens yet because they’re probably already dead.
The hypothesis is based on what we know about the first billion years or so after a new planet forms - its environments are extremely unstable, fluctuating in temperature and atmospheric composition so wildly that the chances of a new life form evolving quick enough to cope are very slim (which means give yourself a pat on the back, fellow human, we made it.)
"The Universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens," said lead researcher, Aditya Chopra from the Australian National University. "Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive."
Chopra and his team reference the early environments on Venus and Mars - some 4 billion years ago when they first formed, they were likely fairly habitable, and there is a chance that life forms did in fact appear on their rocky surfaces.
But we have evidence to suggest that around a billion or so years after these planets had formed, Venus was well and truly on course to become the smouldering hothouse of death we know it as today, and Mars did the opposite - its temperatures plummeted, and any early life that might have formed on its surface was likely frozen out of existence.
So what makes Earth so special? Turns out, it’s us. Well, our earliest ancestors, at least. The researchers suggest that the success of life on Earth is down the fact that the earliest life forms actually had a stabilising effect on the rapidly fluctuating environment. "Most early planetary environments are unstable," says Chopra. "To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable."
The researchers simulated this scenario using a model they call the Gaian bottleneck, which basically means that if life can’t evolve fast enough to stablise its environment, it dies out. If we’re looking at examples such as Venus and Mars, the Gaian bottleneck states that if you don’t make it through that brief period of rough but possible habitability, you’ve probably missed your chance.
We know from previous research that life on Earth managed to evolve so fast, it ended up regulating greenhouse gas emissions on a planetary scale, and this appeared to have a favourable effect on what’s known as our planet’s albedo - the ratio of reflected radiation to absorbed radiation.
That's important, because when Earth was just forming, the Sun was up to 25 percent less luminous than it is now, but all the evidence points to the oceans being liquid, or at least not completely frozen. This seemingly impossible scenario is known as the faint young Sun paradox.
Back in 2012, researchers in the US came up with a possible solution - the high concentrations of warming greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), that were being regulated by early life likely kept the planet sufficiently warm before the Sun could. This ensured that Earth escaped the 'snowball state' that we see in the majority of rocky planets we know about today.
The interaction between these large patches of frozen and liquid water on the surface of Earth interacted with the radiation, and established the planet’s albedo, which ultimately determined its surface temperature.
"In extremely rare cases - like on Earth - the relatively rapid evolution from single- to multicellular organisms to complex life forms did not produce enough greenhouses gases to cause runaway negative feedback and heat the planet enough to evaporate all its liquid water," explains Campbell Simpson at Gizmodo. "It’s that particular and so far unique quirk that has kept us alive, if the Gaian bottleneck explanation is accurate."
The hypothesis, if we can somehow prove it, answers the problem posed by the Fermi paradox: if the Universe is a colossal space, filled with trillions upon trillions of potentially life-sustaining stars and habitable planets, why haven’t we found any aliens?
"The mystery of why we haven't yet found signs of aliens may have less to do with the likelihood of the origin of life or intelligence and have more to do with the rarity of the rapid emergence of biological regulation of feedback cycles on planetary surfaces," says one of the team, astronomer Charles Lineweaver.
The research has been published in the journal Astrobiology, and the team has also posted it here with free access, to encourage other scientists to come forth and scrutinise it. If what they're proposing ends up matching what really happened all those billions of years ago, it's a huge bummer that alien life probably died out before we ever had a chance to meet them. But it's also incredibly humbling to think about how incredibly lucky we all are to exist. High fives all 'round
Apart from abductee testimony, some researchers have suggested that the government has signed a "treaty" or "contract" with the aliens and are allowing the aliens to abduct people, and even helping them, in order to gain productive knowledge of extraterrestrial technology. They have been doing what they want with absolute impunity for perhaps over 100 years. Their technological superiority over us is supreme. Furthermore, they have been abducting people around the world.
1.) Is it possible that secret human experiments or covert operations could occur in western democracies?
2.) What is the human agenda which seems to be involved in the alien abduction phenomenon and what is the purpose of MILABs?
A new science project launched in 2015 with a lofty goal: to record data on reported sightings of "Unidentified Flying Objects" (or UFOs) in the hopes of identifying what they are.
The group is called "UFODATA" – short for UFO Detection And TrAcking – and is based on building a network of automated surveillance stations with high-tech sensors for gathering scientific data on sightings of alleged UFOs.
The aim is to move toward a scientific solution to the UFO reports by implementing an effort to gather systematic instrumented observations. [10 Alien Encounters Debunked]
Anomalous aerial phenomena
UFODATA stations would measure anything unusual that comes within their range. While detecting anomalous aerial phenomena is top priority, the stations are sure to record already known but rare natural events, such as ball lightning.
The main project goal is to directly record physical data – photos, videos, magnetometer readings, electromagnetic radiation, etc. – about unexplained aerial phenomena "in a more comprehensive manner than has ever been done before," the website adds.
"Whether or not our observations suggest an extra-terrestrial presence," the website explains, "collecting such data would show (a) that UFO phenomena can be studied in a rigorous and systematic fashion, and (b) thereby hopefully break down the 'taboo’ that has long stymied basic scientific research in this area."
Do you believe alien life exists elsewhere in the universe?
Regarding the UFODATA stations, the expense of developing a prototype station — including not just the equipment, camera, and sensors — but also software, construction and testing is in the range of several tens of thousands of dollars. Subsequent stations should be less-costly once the design and construction details are in place.
UFODATA's initial goal is to raise enough money to design and construct one prototype station that would undergo testing for up to one year. The group then expects to fully deploy the first station and begin construction of as many additional stations as funding permits. Ideally, the stations would eventually be deployed on a global basis.
Given an assessment of the instrumentation and software necessities for the system, UFODATA intends to launch a crowdfunding campaign to secure needed funds to pursue building and installing a network of stations.
Silent partners
The intellectual sparkplugs behind UFODATA are over a dozen volunteers, a confab of scientists, engineers, and UFO researchers. “We are also joined by several 'silent partners,’ all scientists and engineers at academic institutions who are prepared to help, but because of the cultural stigma attached to UFOs have chosen to keep their involvement private,” explains the UFODATA website.
A UFODATA board member is Leslie Kean. She is an investigative reporter and author of the New York Times best-selling book, "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record" and is also co-founder of the Coalition for Freedom of Information.
"I'm a journalist and not a 'ufologist’. I remain agnostic about the nature and origin of UFOs," Kean told Inside Outer Space. "The popular debate tends to go back and forth between two extremes: conspiracy theorists convinced that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft, and debunkers equally convinced that UFOs don’t even exist. Neither position is the rational one."
Kean said because so little science has been done on UFOs "we remain ignorant about what UFOs actually are."
UFODATA aims to change that, Kean said. “We now have the opportunity to elevate UFO investigations so that they become part of the larger scientific search for extraterrestrial life and will eventually be recognized as such by the world community.”
For detailed information on UFODATA and its plans, including a call for volunteers to assist in their work, go to:
Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is former director of research for the National Commission on Space and is co-author of Buzz Aldrin's 2013 book "Mission to Mars – My Vision for Space Exploration" published by National Geographic with a new updated paperback version released in May 2015. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
Independence Plaza at Space Center Houston is the only place in the world where the public can see a space shuttle (mockup) mounted atop a Boeing 747 jetliner. It is also the only exhibit where the public can enter both vehicles. Credit:
HOUSTON — A large sign outside the entrance to Space Center Houston promotes the six-story-tall centerpiece of the new Independence Plaza as "bigger on the inside."
Starting on Saturday (Jan. 23), the public will have a chance to see for themselves as general boarding begins of the largest single artifact saved from NASA's space shuttle program: the original Boeing 747 jumbo jet that ferried the shuttle orbiters across the country between missions. Making the 8-story-tall exhibit even bigger is the addition of a full-size space shuttle replica. [Photo Gallery: First Look at Houston's New 747-Shuttle Exhibit]
Space Center Houston visitors can enter the replica space shuttle Independence to peer into a detailed replica of the flight deck, where the commander and pilot were seated to fly the orbiter, and then take a turn posing for a photo in replica shuttle chairs. Credit:
"It is a world-class [exhibit]," said Frank Marlow, who was among the NASA pilots who flew the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. "It was such an honor to fly it."
Almost four years in the making, Independence Plaza is the only place in the world where the public can see a (mock) space shuttle atop a Boeing 747 jetliner and be able to go inside both. NASA's retired space shuttle orbiters and its second Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, NASA 911, are on display at other museums across the nation but those vehicles can only be viewed from their outside.
Inside the mock space shuttle Independence, guests can tour a detailed replica of the orbiter's two-level crew cabin. On the flight deck, they can see the controls the commander and pilot used to fly the shuttle. On the mid-deck, the public can enter where the astronauts lived, as well as walk into payload bay.
One of the new hands-on exhibits inside NASA’s original Shuttle Carrier Aircraft at Space Center Houston replicates a wind tunnel like the type NASA used to ensure the jumbo jet could safely fly with the space shuttle. Credit:
A hands-on museum now fills the length of NASA 905's fuselage, providing guests with a look back at the history of the space shuttle and how a jumbo jet was able to fly the orbiters between the launch and landing sites. Visitors can try their hands at mating a shuttle atop a 747, run the aircraft and spacecraft stack through a wind tunnel and view the original flying scale model of the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft that convinced NASA a jetliner could carry an orbiter piggyback.
The eight-story-tall access tower that enables guests to enter both the aircraft and shuttle also offers panoramic views of NASA's nearby Johnson Space Center and the surrounding Clear Lake area in Houston.
"Visitors will be a part of history entering this one-of-a kind exhibit," Richard Allen, the president and CEO of Space Center Houston, said.
An unnamed witness who photographed the flying object from a back garden on Monday immediately reported the sighting to official investigators because they were so puzzled by it.
In a brief report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) the homeowner, from New Orleans in America, said: "It blocked out the sun's rays."
The person said they "observed the object's activity in all lines" of their vision."
In the image it looks like a so-called cigar-shaped UFO, which left trail almost like that of a plane.
It looked like they were going about the same speed. When they got about the length of ten jets apart the second jet made a 45 degree turn to the right and shot out of site.
UFO witness
New Orleans has been a hotbed for UFO sightings according to the MUFON database.
It lists 36 sightings - 21 of which were since 2010 - but dating as far back as 1965
On July 18 1993 two men reported seeing a jet at a bout 20,000 feet, with another approaching that "made an erratic movement."
One of them said: "From the opposite direction we notice what we thought was another jet heading right at it.
"They were about five miles apart when we first saw them.
"It looked like they were going about the same speed. When they got about the length of ten jets apart the second jet made a 45 degree turn to the right and shot out of site.
"We both looked at each other and new right away it was a UFO.
"The turning object had to be going three-times the speed after the turn. After that day I new for sure that UFOs are real."
Alien visitation is a big topic for “The X-Files.” (Credit: Fox)
UFOs are back in style, thanks in part to the return of “The X-Files” to television this weekend, almost 14 years after the last episode had its original airing. And while Mulder and Scully are delving into new anomalies in prime time, the folks who deal with UFO reports in real life are gearing up for renewed attention as well.
Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute
“X-Files, Y-Files, No-Files, I get calls from people who say they have evidence of alien visitation,” said Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute. “Either they’ve seen something, they’ve photographed something or they’re in touch with something.”
The calls generally come in at a regular rate, but Shostak does recall that there was a noticeable uptick while the original “X-Files” show was on TV.
Don Lincoln, a physicist at Fermilab who’s the author of “Alien Universe,” notes that attitudes toward UFOs tend to reflect depictions in popular culture, ranging from flying saucers and little green men to mysterious “Men in Black” and alien conspiracies. The original “X-Files” told tales of gray extraterrestrials and government coverups, and he’s curious to see whether the new series will follow the same path.
“It could well be that what the new X-Files will ultimately accomplish is to introduce a new generation to the mysteries of Area 51 and the unsettling idea of the Men in Black,” Lincoln wrote in an email. “I have said enough. They’re watching…”
One expert who won’t be watching is Peter Davenport, who’s the director of the National UFO Reporting Center, or NUFORC. He doesn’t even own a television.
“I try to avoid addressing works of fiction, because I am a scientist,” he told GeekWire from his home base in Harrington, Wash. “I collect data that is appropriate and accurate. … I find [fictional UFO tales] to be unsatisfying, seeing that I deal with the real thing, all day, every day.”
Since he took over NUFORC in 1994, Davenport has compiled more than 100,000 reports of UFO sightings. Some of the records are stored in a decommissioned missile silo that he bought years ago. Almost all of them are available online. (The exceptions tend to be obvious hoaxes or pranks.)
“From my vantage point, after 22 years of doing this work, it appears to me that this planet has been visited routinely by these objects that we call UFOs,” Davenport said. “This is very good evidence that we are being visited, apparently by creatures from other parts of our galaxy. We are just beginning to awaken to phenomena beyond what our five senses seem to tell us is the case.”
What Davenport can’t figure out is why it takes something like “The X-Files” to get the broader public interested in UFOs. Here are five of the cases that he puts at the top of his list for Washington state:
April 22, 1998:Ten reports come in from observers as far north as Whistler and as far south as Portland, about a bright flash, oval, fireball or disk that was seen in the skies. (It’s worth noting these reports came during the annual Lyrid meteor shower, and that meteor-watchers were interested in this fireball.)
April 8, 2000: A formation of glowing objects is sighted over downtown Seattle.
Jan. 15, 2015: Orange lights sighted in the skies over Friday Harbor.
June 6, 2015:More orange lights, this time over Arlington.
Some folks regard Mount Rainier as a mecca for flying saucers, in part because it was where one of the seminal sightings took place in 1947. But Davenport says he sees no evidence of UFO hot spots — with the possible exception of Myrtle Beach and its environs in South Carolina, for unknown reasons.
“Many people contact me and ask where they can take the spouse and the kiddies to see UFOs,” Davenport said. “My response traditionally is, just go out on your back porch and look up at the sky, and be alert.”
So what happens when someone sees something, and then gives Shostak a call or sends him an email at the SETI Institute? He tries to keep an open mind about the sighting and reply with possible explanations if he can. “I’ve never seen something where I say, ‘This is absolutely it,'” he said.
Shostak notes that it’s a lot harder to investigate the circumstances of a UFO report than it is to report it. Because he has a day job that focuses on scientific studies using radio astronomy, he doesn’t have the time to go into X-Files mode: “You’re seldom in a situation where you can say, ‘Yeah, I know what that was. That was Flight So-and-So.'”
Last fall, a project called UFODATA started trying to close that evidence gap. The UFODATA team brings together well-known names from the UFO field — such as Mark Rodeghier of the Center for UFO Studies and investigative journalist Leslie Kean — plus astronomers, engineers and even a former Pentagon official.
The project’s main objective is to develop automated stations that can record data from anomalous events — a Mulder-Bot, if you will. The instruments on the Mulder-Bot could include an all-sky camera, high-resolution imagers with spectrographic capability, a magnetometer, a weather station, a gravimeter or accelerometer, radiation sensors and perhaps a gamma-ray sensor.
“Technically, the big challenge is going to be the software, not the hardware,” Rodeghier told GeekWire.
The monitoring stations would be placed in areas remote enough to be off the beaten track, accessible enough to be serviced, and interesting enough to provide a likelihood of something happening. Someday, they could show up in Washington state, or Montana, or northern New England.
“We will be lucky to get a couple of honest-to-goodness UFOs,” Rodeghier said.
The way Rodeghier sees it, the first step is to build a community of supporters for the project. The second step is to raise the money, perhaps through a crowdfunding effort.
“If things go well, it’s possible we might do the crowdfunding by the end of 2016,” he said. “Around $40,000 should be enough.”
So stay tuned, UFO fans: The truth — along with the Kickstarter campaign — is out there.
Saturday: Meet the woman who specializes in “X-Files” science. And coming up later today: TV columnist Melanie McFarland’s review of the “X-Files” reboot.
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Chronicles of the Future: The secret diary of a man who saw the future
Chronicles of the Future: The secret diary of a man who saw the future
It is one of the most incredible things you will probably read for years. The Chronicles of the Future tell the bizarre, incredible and “controversial” experience of Amadeus Dienach Paul, who lived at the beginning of last century in Central Europe. Due to a serious illness, the author was in a coma for a whole year, during which he claims his conscience traveled to the future and entered a different body, allowing him to interact with people of that distant era. Even though this might sound extremely bizarre and many will consider these the texts as a “cheap shot”, Dienach writings about the future have been taken very seriously by certain organizations around the world. Some of those are believed to be the Masons. There are many books that contain alleged prophecies and futuristic visions, but none of those come close to the strange circumstances surrounding the experience of Dienach. Furthermore, only a handful of selected individuals have had the privilege of reading these stories; in fact, there are only few printed copies published in Greece.
In 1921, Dienach fell victim to a sleeping sickness, and, as a result of the disease fell into a coma and remained in that state an entire year in the hospital of Geneva. When he woke, he recorded in his diary that he was awake and alert all the time, but not in the year or the place where his body was.
According to the diary of Dienach, his consciousness had traveled into the body of another man, called Andrew Northman, and the year was 3906 AD.
According to Dienach, people noticed that the year 3906 a different consciousness had invaded the body of Andrew Northman, so they decided to show and explain everything about that era, as well as exactly what happened from the twenty-first century until the beginnings of the fortieth century.
In the future, people mentioned that a new species of humans called Homo Novus Occidantalis were created, these are the next step in evolution. For fear of being treated crazy or exposed to ridicule, both personally and professionally, Dienach did not tell his story to anyone but that changed when he moved to Greece.So how did the story of Dienach end up being told?At the age of 36, with a very poor health after recovering from coma, Dienach moved to Greece in the fall of 1922, as a gentler and more mediterranean climate would certainly improve his quality of life. Once there, he took the opportunity to practice and teach in a German university. It was there that he met the student George Papahatzis, who later became the vice president of the National Council of Greece, a founding member of the Philosophical Society, and senior Mason.After two years, his health had deteriorated once again and Dienach decided to move again, this time to Italy. Before leaving, Dienach confided to his favorite student, Papahatzis, a briefcase full of notes, urging him to read in the future. In 1924 Dienach died of tuberculosis.George Papahatzis translated Dienach notes gradually over a period of 14 years, from 1926 to 1940. Initially he thought his teacher had written a strange novel, but as Papahatzis ead more and more, he realized that what he was translating were the very memories of his teacher.
World War II and the subsequent civil war in the Hellenic country, made Papahatzis temporarily abandon translations of the notes. Subsequently, in the period from 1952-1966, he tried to track down the relatives of his deceased teacher, even traveling to Zürich on twelve occasions. Once the translation of the incredibly story of Dienach was complete, Papahatzis shared the notes with a closed circle of fellow Masons. The writings were seized by the secret society as critical to the future of mankind and, among insiders, Dienach received the title of prophet of modern times.
The notes of Dienach were available in philosophical circles of Freemasonry, which believed that such information should not be visible to an audience that would not be prepared to handle it. Papahatzis strongly disagreed and published the diary of Dienach which caused him countless problems. He lost his job, was accused of heresy by the Church, and most copies of the book disappeared quickly. In 1979, when Greece was moving onto democracy Papahatzis decided to try again but with similar results.
The Chronicles of the future will probably, one day, become the ideal script for a Hollywood movie that many of us would love to see in theaters. The incredible stories and information contained inside the “diary” of Dienach, if true, will change history of mankind as we see it, the question is, will this diary, which was never intended to become a book, come to its “unintended” audience across the world.
The only case of air combat against a UFO: the Peruvian secret (VIDEO+)
The only case of air combat against a UFO: the Peruvian secret (VIDEO+)
In all these decades of UFO sightings, only one man tried to shoot against them: the Peruvian fighter pilot Colonel Oscar Santa Maria Huerta that over 35 years ago, on 11 April 1980 was the star of the only documented case of fighting between a military jet (a Sukohi-22) and a UFO in the shape of light bulb.
Santa Maria Huerta, Peruvian Air Force pilot Lieutenant at the time, with eight years of experience in combat missions, was preparing for the daily exercises along with about 1,800 military and civilians at the air base of La Joya, 1,000 kilometers south of the Peruvian capital. Suddenly he was ordered to take off with his Sukohi-22 to intercept a strange UFO silver that had been reported in flight over the end of the runway. The object was located about 5 kilometers in the air at about 600 meters above the ground, and had not responded to any attempt at communication. Huerta said that the object “was in an airspace without authorization and posed a severe challenge to national sovereignty” Peruvian also Huerta continues to say that “La Joya was one of the few bases in South America that had equipment of Soviet origin , and we were worried about possible espionage activities “. After taking off, Huerta reached 2,500 meters above sea level by starting a running attack. “I have reached the necessary distance and I fired a volley of bullets sixty 30 mm, they have created a” wall of fire “in the form of cone that normally would erase everything in its path,” he writes, adding that the former military pilot “one of these bullets would destroy a car, but they had no effect against ‘UFO’.
“I thought that the” ball “was torn and gas jets would emerge out of it. But nothing happened, seemed that the enormous projectiles had been absorbed by the balloon, and was not at all damaged.” The object then moved away quickly from the base toward the sky, forcing Huerta to activate the afterburner aircraft to hunt him remaining 500 meters behind. When they reached the city of Camana, 84 kilometers from the base, the subject underwent a sudden stop, forcing Huerta to divert to side. Turning upward and to the right Huerta tried to hire again a fighter plane but just when the UFO was at the center of the viewfinder and Huerta was ready to hurl a new burst, the object suddenly stood up, “breaking” the attack . Twice more the maneuver was repeated twice more and the object escaped the attack, jumping up a few moments before Huerta could fire. Meanwhile the UFO had risen to 14,000 meters above sea level, so the pilot tried to attack from above, but the object was able to take up to 19,200 meters above sea level, beyond the limits of Sukohi-22. Huerta, afraid of running out of fuel, trying to get closer to what until then had been considered to be a balloon aircraft. But 100 meters away he realized that was not what he thought it “an object that measured about 10 meters in diameter with a dome on top glossy cream, similar to a light bulb cut in half.
The fund was a large circular base, in silver, and it seemed a kind of metal.It lacked all the typical components of aircraft; he had wings, jet propulsion, drains, windows, antennas. He had no visible propulsion system”. Huerta was face to face with a UFO and at that point began to be run out of fuel and to have suspected that it can be an easy target, so he decided to return to base with evasive zigzag, hoping not to be chased the UFO. After the 22-Sukohi of Huerta was landed, the UFO remained in place for another two hours visible to anyone base, reflecting the sunlight. Another similar incident had already happened in 1976 to a pilot Iranian Air Force, General Parviz Jafari, but due to a malfunction of the machine guns had failed to open fire on a UFO.
The Peruvian case was made by the Department of Defense in 1980 in a dossier entitled “UFO sighting in Peru” in which you came to the conclusion that the origin of the mysterious object was unknown. Since then, over 35 years later, there have been no recorded “close encounters” between UFOs and military aircraft.
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Speed of light 'broken': life changing scientific discoveries
Speed of light 'broken': life changing scientific discoveries
The science world has been left in shock after it was announced that CERN scientists had recorded subatomic particles travelling faster than the speed of light in a finding that could overturn fundamental law of physics. Here are a selection of other major scientific discoveries.
Galileo Galilei Photo: GETTY IMAGES
Galileo Galilei overturns nearly 2,000 years of Aristotelian belief that heavier bodies fall faster than lighter ones by proving that all bodies fall at the same rate with his Law of Falling Bodies in 1604. More than 60 years later Sir Issac Newton concludes in his "Universal Gravitation" theory that all objects in the universe, from apples to planets, exert gravitational attraction on each other. Then in 1687 he changes our understanding of the universe by formulating three laws to describe the movement of objects. 1) An object in motion remains in motion unless an external force is applied to it. 2) The relationship between an object's mass (m), its acceleration (a) and the applied force (F) is F = ma. 3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921Photo: AP
Relativity has revealed the bizarre world of black holes and told us that the universe had a beginning. With his Special Relativity theory in 1905 Albert Einstein that explained the relationship between speed, time and distance. Einstein’s theory stated that nothing in the universe can travel faster than the speed of light.It overthrew basic assumptions about time and space by describing how clocks tick slower and distances appear to stretch as objects approach the speed of light. That same year E = mc^2 or energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. His famous formula proves that mass and energy are different manifestations of the same thing, and that a very small amount of mass can be converted into a very large amount of energy. One profound implication of his discovery is that no object with mass can ever go faster than the speed of light. It is Special Relativity that scientists had CERN appear to have disproved.
Best known for his treatise "On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres", The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus asserted that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun - contrary to the medieval belief that the earth was the centre of the universe. He presented his theory in 1532 to a select audience in the Vatican Gardens. The theory was viewed with suspicion by the Church, and his treatise was not published until 1543, the year of his death. Eventually the theory became the cornerstone for a future generation of scientists including Kepler and Galileo, but one of its ardent advocates, Italian cleric Giordano Bruno, was burned at the stake as a heretic in 1600. Galileo discoveries proved the Copernican System.
Quantum theory
The theory has made the modern world possible, giving us lasers and computers and iPod nanos, not to mention explaining how the sun shines and why the ground is solid. Danish physicist Niels Bohr, considered one of the most important figures in modern physics and the "father" of quantum mechanics, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922 for his research on the structure of an atom. Although he help develop the atomic bomb, he deplored its use for war and instead promoted atomic power for peaceful purposes.
Charles Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, in which he challenges contemporary beliefs about the creation of life on Earth. His seminal work, which popularised the theory, was published in 1859 and drew fierce criticism from the Church of England for the way it challenged the notion of divine creation. Darwin had served as an unpaid naturalist on the HMS Beagle, which set out on a five-year scientific expedition to the Pacific coast of South America in early 1832. The data he collected on the expedition, especially specimens from the Galapagos Islands, was the inspiration for his theories on evolution by the mechanism of natural selection. His work has been at the centre of controversy ever since it was published. Darwin's The Descent of Man, published in 1871, aroused even greater debate as it suggested that humans descended from apes. Although Darwin is the most familiar name associated with evolution, he was only persuaded to publish his work when another young scientist, Alfred Russel Wallace, came forward having independently come up with a similar explanation for how evolution occur.
Disease and bacteria
Before Louis Pasteur, the French chemist and and biologist, began experimenting with bacteria in the 1860s, its cause was unknown. He not only discovered that disease came from microorganisms, but he also realized that bacteria could be killed by heat and disinfectant. This idea caused doctors to wash their hands and sterilize their instruments, which has saved millions of lives. He was able to demonstrate that organisms such as bacteria were responsible for souring wine and beer (he later extended his studies to prove that milk was the same), and that the bacteria could be removed by boiling and then cooling the liquid. This process is now called pasteurisation. Pasteur then undertook experiments to find where these bacteria came from, and was able to prove that they were introduced from the environment. This was disputed by scientists who believed they could spontaneously generate.
The era of antibiotics began in 1928 when Alexander Fleming spotted how penicillin produced by green mold killed bacteria. The improbable chain of events that led him to the discovery in 1928 is the stuff of which scientific myths are made. The young Scottish research scientist, who had a profitable side practice treating the syphilis infections of prominent London artists, was pursuing his pet theory that his own nasal mucus had antibacterial effects. He left a culture plate smeared with Staphylococcus bacteria on his lab bench while he went on a two-week holiday. Upon his return he spotted a clear halo surrounding the yellow-green growth of a mold that had accidentally contaminated the plate. Unknown to him, a spore of a rare variant called Penicillium notatum had drifted in from a mycology lab one floor below. He decided not to store his culture in a warm incubator and during a cold patch of weather, gave the mold a chance to grow. Later, as the temperature rose, the Staphylococcus bacteria started growing in a similar fashion to a piece of lawn that eventually covered the entire plate except for the area surrounding the moldy contaminant. Seeing that halo is considered to be Fleming's "Eureka" moment and he later correctly deduced that the mold must have released a substance that inhibited the growth of the bacteria. It was a discovery that would change the course of history. The active ingredient in that mold, which Fleming named penicillin, turned out to be an infection-fighting agent of enormous potency.
Scientists said on Thursday they recorded particles travelling faster than light - a finding that could overturn one of Einstein's fundamental laws of the universe.
Antonio Ereditato, spokesman for the international group of researchers, said that measurements taken over three years showed neutrinos pumped from CERN near Geneva to Gran Sasso in Italy had arrived 60 nanoseconds quicker than light would have done.
"We have high confidence in our results. We have checked and rechecked for anything that could have distorted our measurements but we found nothing," he said. "We now want colleagues to check them independently."
If confirmed, the discovery would undermine Albert Einstein's 1905 theory of special relativity, which says that the speed of light is a "cosmic constant" and that nothing in the universe can travel faster.
That assertion, which has withstood over a century of testing, is one of the key elements of the so-called Standard Model of physics, which attempts to describe the way the universe and everything in it works.
The totally unexpected finding emerged from research by a physicists working on an experiment dubbed OPERA run jointly by the CERN particle research centre near Geneva and the Gran Sasso Laboratory in central Italy.
A total of 15,000 beams of neutrinos - tiny particles that pervade the cosmos - were fired over a period of three years from CERN towards Gran Sasso 730 (500 miles) km away, where they were picked up by giant detectors.
Light would have covered the distance in around 2.4 thousandths of a second, but the neutrinos took 60 nanoseconds - or 60 billionths of a second - less than light beams would have taken.
"It is a tiny difference," said Ereditato, who also works at Berne University in Switzerland, "but conceptually it is incredibly important. The finding is so startling that, for the moment, everybody should be very prudent."
Ereditato declined to speculate on what it might mean if other physicists, who will be officially informed of the discovery at a meeting in CERN on Friday, found that OPERA's measurements were correct.
"I just don't want to think of the implications," he said. "We are scientists and work with what we know."
Much science-fiction literature is based on the idea that, if the light-speed barrier can be overcome, time travel might theoretically become possible.
The existence of the neutrino, an elementary sub-atomic particle with a tiny amount of mass created in radioactive decay or in nuclear reactions such as those in the Sun, was first confirmed in 1934, but it still mystifies researchers.
It can pass through most matter undetected, even over long distances, and without being affected. Millions pass through the human body every day, scientists say.
To reach Gran Sasso, the neutrinos pushed out from a special installation at CERN - also home to the Large Hadron Collider probing the origins of the universe - have to pass through water, air and rock.
The underground Italian laboratory, some 120 km (75 miles) to the south of Rome, is the largest of its type in the world for particle physics and cosmic research.
Around 750 scientists from 22 different countries work there, attracted by the possibility of staging experiments in its three massive halls, protected from cosmic rays by some 1,400 metres (4,200 feet) of rock overhead.
It might be relatively easy for life to evolve on hospitable planets throughout the universe, but very hard for it to get any kind of a foothold, a new study suggests.
"The universe is probably filled with habitable planets, so many scientists think it should be teeming with aliens," lead author Aditya Chopra, of the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, said in a statement. "Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive."
Chopra and co-author Charley Lineweaver, also of ANU, posit that environmental conditions on young planets are unstable, and there is thus likely only a small window of time for life to get going, even on initially hospitable worlds.
In the first 500 million years or so of a wet, rocky planet's life, for example, it will be too hot and heavily bombarded to support life. Life could emerge over the next 500 million years, as the planet cools and the impact rates settle down a bit.
During that time, however, the planet will probably be losing its liquid water, perhaps as the result of a runaway greenhouse effect (as occurred on Venus), or perhaps because it got too cold. There's a good chance that the planet will end up shifting from habitable to uninhabitable, as Venus and Mars apparently did, by roughly 1 billion to 1.5 billion years after its formation — unless life gets going fast enough to stabilize things, Chopra and Lineweaver say.
"Between the early heat pulses, freezing, volatile content variation, and runaway positive feedbacks, maintaining life on an initially wet rocky planet in the habitable zone may be like trying to ride a wild bull. Most life falls off," they write in the study, which was published in the journal Astrobiology. "Life may be rare in the universe, not because it is difficult to get started, but because habitable environments are difficult to maintain during the first billion years."
The researchers term this idea the "Gaian bottleneck" hypothesis. They contrast it with the "emergence bottleneck" concept, which postulates that it's tough for life to get started at all. (Good news: Earth life has made it over both of these putative hurdles.)
It's unclear, of course, which of these hypotheses better represents reality, or if either of them represents reality well at all. But there are possible (albeit difficult and time-consuming) ways to test such ideas out, the researchers said.
"One intriguing prediction of the Gaian bottleneck model is that the vast majority of fossils in the universe will be from extinct microbial life, not from multicellular species such as dinosaurs or humanoids that take billions of years to evolve," Lineweaver said in the same statement.
Has the Kepler Space Telescope Discovered an Alien Megastructure?
Has the Kepler Space Telescope Discovered an Alien Megastructure?
By By Ian O'Neill, Discovery News
The artist's concept shows NASA's planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft operating in a new mission profile called K2.
Credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/T Pyle
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope is tasked with finding small, rocky worlds orbiting distant stars. However, exoplanets aren’t the only thing Kepler can detect — stellar flares, star spots and dusty planetary rings can also pop up in the mission's observations.
But there's also been speculation that Kepler may have the ability to detect more than natural phenomena; if they're out there, Kepler may also detect the signature of artificial structures orbiting other stars. Imagine an advanced civilization that's well up on the Kardashev scale and has the ability to harness energy directly from its star. This hypothetical alien civilization may want to construct vast megastructures, like supersized solar arrays in orbit around their host star, that could be so big that they blot out a sizable fraction of starlight as they pass in front.
When Kepler detects an exoplanet, it does so by sensing the very slight dip in starlight from a given star. The premise is simple: an exoplanet orbits in front of star (known as a "transit"), Kepler detects a slight dimming of starlight and creates a "lightcurve" — basically a graph charting the dip in starlight over time. Much information can be gleaned from the lightcurve, such as the physical size of the transiting exoplanet. But it can also deduce the exoplanet’s shape.
Normally the shape of an exoplanet isn't particularly surprising because it's, well, planet-shaped. It's round. The physics of planetary formation dictate that a planetary body above a certain mass will be governed by hydrostatic equilibrium. But say if Kepler detects something that isn’t round. Well, that's when things can get a bit weird.
For the most part, any dip in star brightness can be attributed to some kind of natural phenomenon. But what if all possibilities are accounted for and only one scenario is left? What if that scenario is this object appears to be artificial? In other words, what if it’s alien?
In a chilling article written by Ross Andersen of The Atlantic, at first glance, it seems we may be at this incredible juncture.
The research paper is thorough, describing the phenomenon, pointing out that this star is unique - we've seen nothing like it. Kepler has collected data on this star steadily for four years. It's not instrumental error. Kepler isn't seeing things; the signal is real.
"We'd never seen anything like this star," Tabetha Boyajian, a postdoctorate researcher at Yale University and lead author, told The Atlantic. "It was really weird. We thought it might be bad data or movement on the spacecraft, but everything checked out."
The Planet Hunters volunteers are depended on to seek out transits in Kepler's stars in the direction of the constellation Cygnus. This is a huge quantity of data, from over 150,000 stars in Kepler’s original field of view, and you can’t beat the human eye when identifying a true dip in starlight brightness. The Planet Hunters described KIC 8462852 as "bizarre," "interesting" and a "giant transit." They're not wrong.
Follow-up studies focus on two interesting transit events at KIC 8462852, one that was detected between days 788 and 795 of the Kepler mission and between days 1510 to 1570. The researchers have tagged these events as D800 and D1500 respectively.
The D800 event appears to have been a single transit causing a star brightness drop-off of 15 percent, whereas D1500 was a burst of several transits, possibly indicating a clump of different objects, forcing a brightness dip of up to 22 percent. To cause such dips in brightness, these transiting objects must be huge.
The transit data for KIC
8462852, featuring the obvious transit features D800 and D1500.
Credit: Boyajian et al.
The researchers worked through every known possibility, but each solution presented a new problem. For example, they investigated the possibility of some kind of circumstellar disk of dust. However, after looking for the infrared signal associated with these disks, no such signal could be seen.
Also, the star is a mature F-type star, approximately 1.5 times the size of our sun. Circumstellar disks are usually found around young stars.
The researchers also investigated the possibility of a huge planetary collision: could the debris from this smashup be creating this strange signal? The likelihood of us seeing a planetary collision is extremely low. There is no evidence in data taken by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) that a collision happened, creating a very tiny window of opportunity between WISE's mission end and the beginning of Kepler's mission (of a few years) for an astronomically unlikely cosmic event like this to occur.
The only natural explanation favored by the researchers seems to focus on an intervening clump of exocomets.
"One way we imagine such a barrage of comets could be triggered is by the passage of a field star through the system," write the researchers.
Indeed, they argue, there's a nearby star that might have tidally disturbed otherwise dormant comets in the outermost regions of the KIC 8462852 star system. This small star is located around 1,000 AU from KIC 8462852 and whether it's a binary partner or an interstellar visitor, its presence may have caused some cometary turmoil. Like the other scenarios, however, the exocomet explanation still falls short of being fully satisfactory.
This research paper focuses only on natural and known possible causes of the mystery transit events around KIC 8462852. A second paper is currently being drafted to investigate a completely different transit scenario that focuses around the possibility of a mega-engineering project created by an advanced alien civilization.
This may sound like science fiction, but our galaxy has existed for over 13 billion years, it's not such a stretch of the imagination to think that an alien civilization may be out there and evolved to the point where they can build megastructures around stars.
"Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilization to build," Jason Wright, an astronomer from Penn State University, told The Atlantic.
Indeed, hunting down huge structures that obscure the light from stars is no new thing. The Search for Extraterrestrial Technology (SETT) is one such project that does just this. Only recently, a survey of the local universe focused on the hope of detecting the waste heat generated by a technologically advanced civilization, specifically a Type II Kardashev civilization.
On the Kardashev scale, a Type II civilization has the ability to utilize all the available energy radiating from a star. Using a vast shell or series of rings surrounding a star, a Dyson sphere-like structure may be constructed. This has the effect of blotting out the star from view in visible wavelengths, but once the solar energy has been used by the alien civilization, the energy is shifted to longer wavelengths and likely lost as infrared radiation.
This recent search for aliens' waste heat drew a blank, reaching the conclusion that as there appears to be no alien intelligence cocooning stars to harvest their heat, there’s likely no Type II civilization nearby.
But as KIC 8462852 is showing us, there may be something else out there — possibly an alien intelligence that is well on its way to becoming a Type II civilization, which is setting up some kind of artificial structure around its star.
Of course, these mystery transit events are nowhere near "proof" of an alien civilization. In fact, it's barely evidence and a lot more work needs to be done.
The next step is to point a radio antenna at KIC 8462852, just to see whether the system is generating any artificial radio signals that could indicate the presence of something we'd define as "intelligent." Boyajian and Wright have now teamed up with Andrew Siemion, the Director of the SETI Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, to get a radio telescope to listen into the star and if they detect an artificial signal, they will request time on the Very Large Array (VLA) to deduce whether any radio signals from that star are the chatter of an alien civilization.
It might be a long shot, and the phenomenon is more likely a clump of comets or some other natural phenomenon that we haven't accounted for blocking star light from view, but it’s worth investigating, especially if there really is some kind of alien intelligence building structures, or perhaps, ancient structures of a civilization long-gone, around a star only 1,500 light-years away from Earth.
Examples of organisms and trajectories observed in sackhole brines of Malene Bay, Greenland, using digital holographic microscopy. (A) Appearance of a nearly full-screen image containing objects suggestive of bacteria (arrows). (B) Zoomed-in appearance of a single bacterial cell. (C) Amplitude image of non-motile diatom. Note the clear resolution of cell walls and nuclei. (D) More slowly swimming, typical photosynthetic algal cell. (E) Zig-zag motility of a bacterium, observed as a projection through 60 seconds of time. Credit: Jay Nadeau et al./Caltech
The first evidence of alien life may be recorded as a hologram.
Scientists have detected microbes in Greenland sea ice using a specially built digital holographic microscope, suggesting that the instrument could have similar success on icy moons in the outer solar system, if any of them harbor life.
Indeed, the holographic microscope could theoretically make a contribution to NASA's mission to the Jupiter moon Europa, which the agency plans to launch by the mid-2020s, the instrument's developers say. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Alien Life]
"This was designed from the beginning to have a path to flight," said Chris Lindensmith of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who presented the team's latest results last month at the annual fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco. "We're ready to jump up and say, 'Pick us! Pick us!'"
Photographing life
Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) uses the interference of light (which is produced by an internal laser) to record information about an object as ahologram. A computer then uses this information to construct a viewable image of the object.
Digging the digital holographic microscopy unit into the sea ice during a field trial near Nuuk, Greenland. Credit: Shelly Carpenter, University of Washington
DHM has several advantages over ordinary imaging microscopy when it comes to possible use on a space mission, Lindensmith said. For example, it's easy to make DHM instruments autonomous; there is no need for knob-twiddling to bring a target object into sharp view.
"The thing that makes it magic is, we don't have to do any focusing," Lindensmith told at AGU. "We can reconstruct any image in the object field."
DHM images can be recorded in the form of videos, which allow researchers to detect microbe motility — one of the least ambiguous signs of life.
The team built a field-ready DHM system that’s about the size of an airplane carry-on bag, then put it to the test last March in three different sea-ice sites near Greenland's capital city, Nuuk, which lies on the giant island's southwestern coast.
The results were extremely promising, Lindensmith said. The instrument was able to resolve objects smaller than 1 micron (or 1 millionth of a meter), and it detected moving eukaryotes — organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles — in every single one of the more than 100 sea-ice samples it examined.
Do you believe alien life exists elsewhere in the universe?
It was obvious from the DHM footage that the microbes were actively swimming, and not merely being swept along by fluid flow, Lindensmith said. Some of the imaged eukaryotes were motionless, but in many cases their cellular structure clearly identified them as organisms, he added.
"Big eukaryotes — those things just scream out," he said.
The story was a bit different for the prokaryotes — organisms such as bacteria that have no nuclei or other membrane-enclosed internal structures. Most of them were not moving upon initial observation, and when motionless they were tough to tell apart from random debris.
However, the researchers were able to induce prokaryotic movement by adding the amino acid serine to the samples.
Similar goosing strategies would likely be employed on a space mission to get microbes to move, Lindensmith said. For example, samples could be heated slightly, or hit with light and/or a magnetic field. It would even be possible to offer up food to alien microbes without adding sugars or other contaminants from Earth, he added — simply kill a small portion of the native prokaryotes, and let the others swim over and feast on their brethren. [6 Most Likely Places for Alien Life in Solar System]
Going to Europa?
The DHM unit's performance in the Greenland ice could make it an intriguing contender for future life-detection missions to moons such asEuropa and the Saturn satellite Enceladus, both of which possess global oceans beneath their icy shells.
Close-up of the digital holographic microscopy unit during field trials in the sea ice near Nuuk, Greenland. Credit: Shelly Carpenter, University of Washington
NASA is already developing a Europa mission, a $2 billion project that's scheduled to launch in the early to mid-2020s. The as-yet-unnmaned spacecraft will perform 45 flybys of Europa from Jupiter orbit over the course of 2.5 years or so, assessing the moon's habitability with nine different science instruments.
The Europa spacecraft's payloads are not set in stone yet; NASA is considering adding a lander to the mission, possibly to hunt for signs of life on or near the moon's surface. If the agency does decide to go this route, a DHM unit would make a lot of sense, Lindensmith said; the microscope could be integrated into an instrument suite that also contains spectrometers, which would perform chemical analyses of target samples to complement the imaging work.
There shouldn't be any trouble getting a DHM instrument ready to go in time for the Europa mission's launch, he added. The unit that got a workout in Greenland last year is already nearly in "space mode," and the team should have a design for a bona fide flight version laid out by the end of February, Lindensmith said.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope spotted signs of a plume of water vapor emanating from Europa's south polar region in late 2012 (though future efforts to confirm the plume have not been successful), and geysers near Enceladus' south pole continuously blast out large amounts of water ice, organic compounds and other material.
A DHM instrument could theoretically search for signs of life in Europa orEnceladus plume material collected during flybys, Lindensmith said, but such work would pose challenges that a lander-based instrument wouldn't face. For example, plume samples would be very small, so the odds of seeing something interesting would be lower. Further, plume material would be snagged by a spacecraft at high velocity, possibly killing and/or destroying any cells that were picked up.
UFO Passes Between Earth And Moon, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Passes Between Earth And Moon, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 2, 2015 Location of sighting: Earths moon This UFO is moving very slowly, which is proof that its very far away at the time it was recorded. The UFO may be in Earths orbit or passing by Earth on its travels. Fantastic catch and I hope to see more from this up and coming UFO researcher Richard205Maria of Youtube. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I recorded this flying object last year, but never put that much attention to this flying strange object... you decided what it is, I just recorded this flying object and it is very strange.
Alien conspiracies, monsters, cryptids, mutants, paranormal phenomena -- just a typical day for the fictional FBI agents of "The X-Files."
But how close to fiction was it?
Creator, writer and director Chris Carter tells a real-life tale about the show in its early days that's worthy of the show's catchphrase, "The truth is out there."
"I had someone come up to me during the original run of the series, who said they worked in some high place in a secret government agency, [and] said that we were very close to the truth," Carter told The Huffington Post.
"I didn't know whether to take that person at their word or not. I can tell you this: When I wrote the [1993] pilot, I called the FBI to do some research, and they were nice enough, but didn't really give me the time of day.
"Then, all of a sudden, as we got close to airing, the FBI called and said, 'Who are you and what are you doing?' And for a second, I thought it was going to be the long arm of the law coming in to shut me down."
The science fiction classic returns to TV this weekend after a 14-year absence, and Carter tells HuffPost Weird News that the feds eventually took a liking to him -- and he took a liking to them.
"They became unofficial fans [of the 'X-Files']. And as a member of the FBI Citizens Academy, I've had a chance to shoot many a firearm with the FBI. I got to shoot a few rounds at the firing range at FBI headquarters in Washington."
Sunday night's premiere of the long-awaited 10th season mini-series marks the first of six installments, combining the alien conspiracy mythology of the original "Monster of the Week" series with stand-alone episodes.
"The X-Files" first invaded the consciousness of viewers in 1993, eventually producing more than 200 episodes over nine seasons along with two feature films.
An ardent worldwide audience has anxiously waited to see the reunion of FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), as they continue to unravel the fictional unsolved cases that have plagued the bureau.
The show's updated catchphrase: "The truth is still out there"
While Mulder's obsession with the paranormal propelled him forward in his quest to prove that Earth is visited by colonization-minded aliens, level-headed skeptic Scully spent an equal amount of time doing her best to remain focused, trying to provide logical explanations for all of the weird stuff they've come in contact with.
One thing for sure, after more than a decade since the last time he wore Agent Mulder's alien conspiracy shoes, Duchovny told HuffPost it was a no-brainer stepping back into the character for the new season.
"It was easy because we had so many years doing it with one another, and for those eight or nine years that we shot the show, we would've spent more time with each other than with our families. And, very much like a family, we fall into a certain way of being and relating and bring that to the characters. You can't fake that kind of history. It's such a gift for an actor to be able to have that much time with the people that he or she is working with."
Check out the following behind-the-scenes video: "The X-Files: Re-Opened"
Carter, Duchovny and Anderson have all hinted they'd be interested in continuing the "X-Files" franchise beyond these upcoming new episodes.
While the series has featured many bizarre, dangerous and mind-bending adversaries -- human and otherwise -- what about Carter, the creator and life force behind it all. Has he ever seen anything he couldn't explain?
"Not a UFO and I've never had a visitation. I've certainly had experiences that seemed somewhat paranormal, but I'm still in the 'I want to believe' camp."
Note to Carter: How about a newer catchphrase: "The truth is always out there"
The two-night premiere of "The X-Files" returns to Fox on Jan. 24 at 10 p.m. and Jan. 25 at 8 p.m. Check your local listings.
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Ontdekking nieuwe planeet in ons zonnestelsel leidt tot speculaties over Planeet X of Nibiru
Ontdekking nieuwe planeet in ons zonnestelsel leidt tot speculaties over Planeet X of Nibiru
Nu er sterke aanwijzingen zijn voor de aanwezigheid van een negende planeet in ons zonnestelsel, is er veel aandacht voor de doemdenkers die al decennialang zeggen dat Planeet X of Nibiru op ramkoers met de aarde ligt en dicht langs de aarde zal scheren.
Volgens hen is de NASA al jaren op de hoogte van dit mysterie, maar houdt het ruimtevaartagentschap belangrijke informatie achter.
De nieuwe planeet is volgens wetenschappers van Caltech 10 keer zo zwaar als de aarde en draait in ongeveer 15.000 jaar om de zon. De New York Daily News vraagt zich af of ‘Planet Nine’ in werkelijkheid Planeet X is.
Astronoom Percival Lowell trapte begin jaren 1900 de zoektocht naar Planeet X af toen hij voorspelde dat achter Neptunus nog een grote planeet moest staan. Aan de hand van zijn berekeningen ontdekten astronomen Pluto in 1930.
De Amerikaan Zecharia Sitchin schreef in de jaren zeventig als eerste over Nibiru. De naam komt uit de Babylonische astrologie en heeft betrekking op astronomische objecten. Volgens Sitchin, die oude teksten en Bijbelse geschriften interpreteerde, beschrijft Nibiru een elliptische baan en komt de planeet eens in de 3600 jaar in de buurt van de aarde.
Hij stelde dat astronauten van de mysterieuze planeet zo’n 400.000 jaar geleden een bezoek hadden gebracht aan de aarde en door middel van gentechnologie de mens hebben gecreëerd.
Hoewel Sitchin in 2010 is overleden, wordt zijn website nog altijd onderhouden. Woensdag werd daar een bericht geplaatst over de ontdekking van de nieuwe planeet. Hoewel het spannend nieuws is, gaat het hier mogelijk niet om Nibiru, aangezien de omloopbaan afwijkt, aldus de site, die er gelijk aan toevoegde dat er sinds de laatste omwenteling misschien iets veranderd is aan de baan van de planeet.
Nancy Lieder uit Wisconsin begon vanaf de jaren negentig te beweren dat de komst van Nibiru rampzalige gevolgen zou hebben. De aantrekkingskracht van Nibiru zou leiden tot massale verwoestingen op aarde. Ze claimde in eerste instantie dat Planeet X in 2003 zou aankomen.
Toen de wereld in 2003 niet verging, werd het einde der tijden verplaatst naar 21 december 2012, de dag waarop de Mayakalender zou zijn afgelopen. De NASA begon steeds meer vragen over Planeet X te krijgen.
In 1983 zouden twee NASA-wetenschappers volgens sommigen een Jupiterachtig object – Planeet X – hebben waargenomen. In 1984 meldde de Associated Press dat de dinosaurussen waren uitgestorven als gevolg van een dwergster die van tijd tot tijd kometen onze kant op stuurt.
In 2011 laaide de discussie weer op toen komeet Elenin werd ontdekt. Volgens sommigen was de komeet verantwoordelijk voor zware aardbevingen in Japan en Chili. Toen wetenschappers uitlegden dat kometen geen magnetisch veld hebben, speculeerden complottheoretici dat de komeet in werkelijkheid Nibiru was. De komeet viel uiteindelijk uit elkaar bij de zon.
NASA-wetenschappers zeggen al jaren dat Nibiru niet bestaat.
Stel je hebt jaren geleden naar een science fiction televisieserie en een film zitten kijken die speelt in de ruimte.
En dan plots komt een ruimteschip uit die film in het echt tevoorschijn op beelden van NASA.
Het is zo langzamerhand een bekend feit dat in films en televisieseries soms dingen aan het grote publiek worden bekendgemaakt zonder dat het gros hier ook maar iets van merkt.
Zo zijn er natuurlijk talloze films gemaakt zoals Starwars en televisieseries zoals Battlestar Galactica. Het is in die serie en film waar een ruimteschip voorkomt dat heet de Battlestar Galactica star fighter.
De bekende Youtubegebruiker Streetcap1 heeft iets ontdekt op de SOHO telescoop van NASA wat verdacht veel lijkt op het ruimteschip uit de film.
Scott Waring van Ufo Sightings Daily heeft de opnames van Streetcap1 en die van de Battlestar Galactica fighter naast elkaar gelegd en dan zie je het volgende.
De UFO die we op de Soho beelden zien, heeft dan ook alle kenmerken van een door mensen gemaakt object. Dat zou dan weer passen in de verhalen van hacker Gary McKinnon die bij NASA een lijst met namen van buitenaardse officieren tegenkwam.
Het zou ook overeenkomen met verhalen van andere klokkenluiders over de geheime ruimtevloot van de Bilderbergers waarover wij eerder schreven.
Uiteraard wordt er door NASA geen toelichting gegeven en dus is het aan ons om uit te puzzelen waar we hier mee te maken hebben.
'We kunnen geen aliens vinden, omdat ze al zijn uitgestorven'
'We kunnen geen aliens vinden, omdat ze al zijn uitgestorven'
Waarom kunnen we geen buitenaards leven vinden? Omdat leven op andere planeten maar kort kan bestaan en snel uitsterft, aldus onderzoekers.
Wetenschappers vermoeden dat er in onze Melkweg alleen al miljarden leefbare planeten te vinden zijn. Je zou dan ook verwachten dat we al snel op een buitenaards wezen moeten stuiten. Maar dat is tot op heden niet gebeurd. Waar zitten die aliens toch?
ET is dood Wetenschappers van de Australian National University komen met een mogelijke verklaring voor het feit dat we nog steeds geen kennis hebben gemaakt met ET. ET is dood. “Het universum is waarschijnlijk gevuld met leefbare planeten, dus veel wetenschappers denken dat het moet wemelen va de aliens,” vertelt onderzoeker Aditya Chopra. “Jong leven is echter zo kwetsbaar, dat we denken dat het zelden snel genoeg evolueert om te kunnen overleven.”
Instabiele systemen “De meeste planetaire systemen zijn niet stabiel. Om een leefbare planeet te produceren, moeten levensvormen broeikasgassen zoals water en koolstofdioxide reguleren om de oppervlaktetemperatuur stabiel te houden.” Dat is wat levensvormen op aarde waarschijnlijk gedaan hebben. “Leven op aarde speelde waarschijnlijk een leidende rol in het stabiliseren van het klimaat van de planeet,” vertelt onderzoeker Charley Lineweaver.
De aarde, Venus en Mars De onderzoekers wijzen erop dat zo’n vier miljard jaar geleden in ons zonnestelsel meerdere leefbare planeten te vinden waren: de aarde, maar ook Venus en Mars waren mogelijk leefbaar. Maar ongeveer een miljard jaar nadat Venus en Mars waren ontstaan, trad er een – fatale – verandering op. Venus werd een broeikas en Mars werd ijskoud. Als er al leven op de twee planeten was ontstaan, dan moet het ergens in die periode – nog voor het in staat was om het klimaat te reguleren – het veld hebben geruimd.
Dr Aditya Chopra, Image Stuart Hay, ANU
Geen stabiliteit “Dat we nog geen signalen van aliens hebben gevonden, heeft mogelijk weinig te maken met de waarschijnlijkheid dat er leven of intelligent leven ontstaat,” aldus Chopra. In plaats daarvan zou het alles te maken hebben met het feit dat leven er niet snel genoeg in slaagt het klimaat op een planeet te reguleren, zodat het stabiel blijft. In feite wordt klimaatverandering aliens dus al in een vroeg stadium fataal.
Aliens die al in een vroeg stadium van hun evolutie uitsterven en zo aan detectie door mensen weten te ontsnappen. De onderzoekers noemen het de ‘Gaian Bottleneck’. “Een intrigerende voorspelling op basis van het Gaian Bottleneck-model is dat het merendeel van de fossielen in het universum afkomstig zal zijn van uitgestorven microbieel leven en niet van meercellige soorten zoals dinosaurussen of mensachtigen die miljarden jaren nodig hebben om te evolueren,” stelt Lineweaver.
Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver, Image Stuart Hay, ANU
Filer’s Files #4 – 2016 ET Walks Among Us - PART I
UFO near sun that looks like ViperBattlestar Fighter, January 2016
Filer’s Files #4 – 2016 ET Walks Among Us - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, “ET Has Visited Us,” David Jacobs “Walking Among US,” Death on Mars, The Last Pope’s Christmas Predictions, and Scientists find evidence of ninth planet in solar system
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Italy, Portugal, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Projects
Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, “ET Has Visited Us”
Quote from Dr. Edgar Mitchell in his book titled “The Way of the Explorer”.
“Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or may not be associated with government at this point that have this knowledge. They have been attempting to conceal this knowledge. People in high-level government have very little, if any, valid information about this. It has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out. “
Edgar D. Mitchell, book The Way of the Explorer Edgar is in the hospital and we wish him a quick recovery.
David Jacobs “Walking Among US”
Dr. David Jacobs is among a small but surprising array of well-known folks who reportedly believe in extraterrestrial life, including former U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, former astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and celebrities Mick Jagger, Dan Aykroyd, Muhammad Ali and William Shatner.
David Jacobs writes, “The abduction phenomenon is inter-generational and the children of an abductee will all be abductees as will their children, and so on. The abduction phenomenon keeps up with population growth and more people are being abducted than ever before. Abductions begin in childhood and continue into old age. It is difficult to know and most abductions are not remembered.
If a person is forty years old and has ten abductions a year, that means he has been abducted perhaps 300-400 times already.
There are four different entities aboard UFOs and strongly suspect abductions are under the direction of biological creatures of so-called “Insectoids/Reptoids.” The main aliens are the insect-like ones that give orders to the others. Sometimes, but not always, these are reptilians. Dr. David Jacobs suspects that they are at the top of the alien socio-political hierarchy, although rarely encountered; they often give the impression of being in overall charge. They seem in control of small grays in joint projects, but who are more often than not in competition with them for our resources, genetic and otherwise.
Jacobs writes, “There are both tall and small, grays and finally the humanoid hybrids who are all probably created with human DNA and gray alien DNA There are humanoid early-stage hybrids, who are probably crosses between humans and grays, perhaps 80% gray and 20% human; humanoid middle stage hybrids who look more 50-50%; humanoid late stage hybrids who look 80% human 20% gray, humanoid humans, 95% human and 5% gray, and hubrids, 98% human and 2% gray. The hubrids are the ones whose task it is to live here in human society. Each group of beings has been bred for specific tasks and obviously represent a serious concern for the future of humanity
They have a brilliantly thought out program of integration and they have put it into effect. Many are moving into apartments on Earth in numerous countries. What they know is that their task is to live here. The “whys” and “whens” are not forthcoming. Jacobs said, “In my opinion, this is the greatest existential threat to humanity that has ever occurred.”This is a clandestine phenomenonand they don’t want us to know what they’re doing – because what they’re doing benefits them and not us.”
He reported that a “change” is coming when very human-like hybrids will intermingle with humans in everyday life. “Soon we will all be together,” the aliens said. “Soon everyone will be happy and everyone will know his place.” Jacob’s book examines the disturbing phenomenon that the alien integration action plan has kicked into high gear. The incidents of alien abductions have accelerated, as have occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life. A silent and insidious invasion has begun. Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and have been trained to blend in to society, to appear as normal as your next-door neighbor does.
This book illustrates in detail the process of alien integration into society and the strategy and support structure that has been developed to make this happen seamlessly. While he is not certain why they are doing it, the final chapter of the book will provide some chilling possible answers as to why they are here and what they want to accomplish.
Jacobs is a careful researcher who has investigated more than 1150 abduction events experienced by more than 150 abductees. This book focuses on the experiences of thirteen abductees.
Jacobs feels the so-called “Nordics” are most likely “late-stage” human-alien hybrids. The blond folks may considered to biological, but of a lesser than advanced ETs. Blonde blue-eyed peoples are thought to have been on Earth only for ten thousand years. The Nordics claim to be our ancestors and many insiders claim, the Nordics are helping humans fight off other ET species.
Michael Salla and Ken Bakeman report Reptilians sometimes-called Draco’s are often claimed to be part of the Dark Forces. They are intelligent, technologically very advanced, and clever with strong psychic powers. Can exercise degrees of mind control including taking possession and control of a human body. They seldom if ever speak vocally, but rely mainly on telepathic communication. May also use technology to “speak” through electronics, eg, telephones, radios, etc. Can vocalize sounds, however, such as a roar for anger and a whimper for other emotion. They can run very fast although some have trouble walking with their large feet. Have pencil-like multi-purpose tools, including weapons, which may operate from a backpack worn with shoulder harness. Their communications are simple and direct, not nuanced or subtle. They use vehicular travel, including small, utility, “acorn” shuttlecraft/transitional portal chambers. They appear as small glowing red balls with the ability to pass through matter, and later to materialize as a body. They can shape-shift, move transdimensionally, and become invisible. After the Zetas, the Draco’s are the next best-known alien race. They are the ruling class of aliens on the Earth.
They are considered a “fallen angelic race,” and think of themselves as the original intelligent race who have seeded Earth and other planets, as owners of Earth and its inhabitants. Star Capella was important to Babylonians, Arabs, Greeks and some Egyptian temples. Interestingly, in China, Capella and four other stars of Auriga were known as the Five Chariots. Website
Interesting Space Anomaly
This looks slightly different from previous captures. This to me looks like it has been designed here on Earth and resembles some sort of space Viper Battlestar Fighter vehicle.
New proof of a nuclear catastrophe on Mars! In an epic story of discovery, strong evidence is presented for a dead civilization on Mars and the shocking reason for its demise: an ancient planetary-scale nuclear massacre leaving isotopic traces of vast explosions that endure to our present age. The story told by a wide range of Mars data is now clear. Mars was once Earth-like in climate, with an ocean and rivers, and for a long period became home to both plant and animal life, including a humanoid civilization.
Then, for unfathomable reasons, a massive thermo-nuclear explosion ravaged the centers of the Martian civilization and destroyed the biosphere of the planet. An advanced space power appears to have discovered a civilization on Mars who had built pyramids and cities. Mars was destroyed by a space power like the planet Alderan in the movie Star Wars. The Dark Forces destroyed them by diverting an asteroid into the North of Mars followed by two massive nuclear weapons detonated in mid-air to spread radioactive fallout around the planet.
But, the story does not end there. This tragedy may explain Fermi’s Paradox, the fact that the cosmos, seemingly so fertile and with so many planets suitable for life, is as silent as a graveyard. We must immediately send astronauts to Mars to maximize our knowledge of what happened there, and learn how to avoid Mars’ fate. There likely exits advanced intelligent technological forces in the universe that destroy more primitive civilizations when they start to become a threat to them. It is apparent that Earth is in danger from the Dark Forces.
Pope Francis: “The Last Pope’s Christmas
Firstly, notice what Pope Francis of the Vatican said as 2015 ended.
On December 25, 2015, Pope Francis told crowds in St Peter’s Square “This may be our last Christmas.” “The current chaotic state of the world marks the beginning of the end times, and this time next year the world is likely to be unrecognizable.“ (Video)
Queen Elizabeth allegedly went off script on December 24, during her taped message she told the BBC production staff, and said bitterly. “I hope you enjoy your final Christmas.”…That is the claim making the rounds on social media due to a bizarre set of comments she allegedly made during the filming of her annual Christmas message for the BBC last year. She may be ill, is resigning her position, or his concerned about terrorism. Under strict orders from palace advisors, the take was cancelled and junior staff was sent on an early lunch. Later in the day, the Christmas message was re-done.
Predictions for 2016
Dire Predictions of World-Changing Events Poised Ready To Break
If you did not know, events have started to happen in Europe, USA and Australia right now that are set to change the world overnight.
Big upheavals are coming to your life and that of your family members. In addition, I am still in shock after 5 months of checking and re-checking some ancient prophecies that foretell what is happening. And after that, what is going to come.
The 2016, predictions are looking interesting. While World War 3 fears have become common due to saber rattling by China and Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Some people are combining the 2016 Nostradamus predictions with Bible prophecies related to Jesus and the Antichrist’s end times. Throw a giant asteroid into the WW III mix, and these 2016 conspiracy theories are certain to be a blast. A modern-day Nostradamus predicts a 2016 asteroid impact on Earth.
Pastor Ricardo Salazar a Christian pastor claims refugees in Europe will soon find the borders closed to them. Salazar claims World War 3 starts with China attacking Japan in February of 2016. Again, others have made similar predictions, including writers for the American Thinker and George Soros, who believed there was a “likelihood” that China’s Communist Party would start an external conflict in order to unify the people against a common enemy if their economy begins to falter.
It is claimed that in April of 2016 that Russian scientists will spot a 5.6-mile wide asteroid. In May of 2016, the asteroid is supposed to impact on either May 15 or May 17, and the resulting destruction will kill 1.2 billion people. “NASA knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth
China and Russia will supposedly continue World War 3 with an attack on the United States. This war eventually expands to include Israel, and the Bible does speak of foreign nations attacking during the end times. Website
Note: The financial situation in China could cause a dire situation.
The Planetary Defense Coordination Office and Asteroid Danger
When a NASA mission to study Mars’ deep interior blasts off in 2016, it may also carry a tag-along experiment that will slam an impactor into a potentially hazardous asteroid.
Scientists are studying the possibility of adding the asteroid-deflection effort — dubbed Impactor for Surface and Interior Science (ISIS) — to NASA’s InSight Mars mission, which is slated to launch a Lander toward the Red Planet in March 2016.
Once set loose in space, ISIS is designed to slam into the potentially dangerous asteroid 1999 RQ36 in September 2016. [Gallery: Potentially Dangerous Asteroids]
Asteroids capable of inflicting damage on a global scale hit the Earth roughly every million years, and we may be developing a method of deflecting them away from Earth. Scientists have proposed a variety of strategies to nudge an asteroid off course. The list includes using lasers, mirrors or atomic weapons launched from Earth. Unlike any other type of natural hazard, an asteroid impact could kill billions of people. However, it is also the only natural hazard that can be prevented, at least in principle.
“It’s a thing we know will happen sometime in our future so we need to do something about it,” said William Ailor, of The Aerospace Corporation. Astronomers estimate there are between 900 and 1,100 near-Earth asteroids one kilometer – about six-tenths of a mile – or larger in diameter. It is not clear what sort of damage one of those asteroids could cause were it to strike Earth. Destruction on a global scale is likely although we do not know what they could do.” said David Morrison of NASA’s Ames Research Center.
“Even something of that size, were it to strike, say, the Pacific Ocean, could generate a tsunami capable of destroying the major cities along the West Coast,” Ailor said. Early detection of an inbound asteroid could provide years to prepare for a hit, but current technology allows experts to detect some incoming smaller objects no earlier than three days ahead of time.
Asteroids have hit other planets. Planet Phaeton located between Mars and Jupiter exploded into millions of bits after being hit by an asteroid 1,000 meters wide. Comets and asteroids have been slamming into Earth since time began. A huge asteroid that hit this planet 65 million years ago is believed to have killed off the dinosaurs. But, it has only been in the last 10 to 20 years that scientists have started to seriously consider the threat that asteroids, comets and other or Near Earth Objects called NEOs, potentially pose a threat to our civilization.
Scientists now agree that there are millions of asteroids out there that have a chance of hitting the Earth. If an object of more than 10 kilometers in diameter hits the Earth then there is not much chance of anyone surviving, according to a British task force that published research on NEOs. More dangerous are the smaller objects of one kilometer or more, which may not be detected, that could destroy cities, change the climate and cause huge tidal waves all over the Earth. Two large asteroids have already hit Russia in the last 100 years. In 1908, an asteroid crashed into Tunguska, a remote area of Siberia, causing devastation across an area the size of London. Nearly 40 years later another asteroid hit Sikote-Alin, also in Siberia, smashing more than a hundred craters into the land. If one of these asteroids had hit a city then millions of people would have died.
Fortunately, NASA has formalized its ongoing program for detecting and tracking near-Earth objects (NEOs) in the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO). The office will be responsible for supervision of all NASA-funded projects to find and characterize asteroids and comets that pass near Earth. It also is taking a leading role in coordinating interagency and intergovernmental efforts in response to any potential impact threats.
Recently, American scientist proved that a meteorite caused a huge crater in the state of Arizona.
More than 13,500 near-Earth objects of all sizes have been discovered to date — more than 95 percent of them since NASA-funded surveys began in 1998. About 1,500 NEOs are now detected each year, and NASA hopes to identify an additional 40 percent of the asteroids within the next decade.
“Asteroid detection, tracking and defense of our planet are something that NASA, its interagency partners, and the global community takes very seriously,” said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “While there are no known impact threats at this time, the 2013 Chelyabinsk super-fireball and the recent ‘Halloween Asteroid’ close approach reminds us of why we need to remain vigilant and keep our eyes to the sky.”
NASA has been engaged in worldwide planning for planetary defense for some time, and this office will improve and expand on those efforts, working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies and departments. “The formal establishment of the Planetary Defense Coordination Office makes it evident that the agency is committed to perform a leadership role in national and international efforts for detection of these impact hazards, and to be engaged in planning if there is a need for planetary defense,” said Lindley Johnson Planetary Defense Officer.
Astronomers detect near-Earth objects using ground-based telescopes around the world as well as NASA’s space-based NEOWISE infrared telescope. Tracking data are provided to a global database maintained by the Minor Planet Center, sanctioned by the International Astronomical Union. Once detected, orbits are precisely predicted and monitored by the Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Select NEOs are further characterized by assets such as NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility, Spitzer Space Telescope and interplanetary radars operated by NASA and the National Science Foundation. Such efforts are coordinated and funded by NASA’s longtime NEO Observations Program, which will continue as a research program under the office.
The Planetary Defense Coordination Office is being applauded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), which supports research and education in science and engineering. “NSF welcomes the increased visibility afforded to this critical activity,” said Nigel Sharp, program director in the agency’s Division of Astronomical Sciences.
This diagram maps the data gathered from 1994-2013 on small asteroids impacting Earth’s atmosphere, disintegrating to create very bright meteors, technically called “bolides”, and commonly referred to as “fireballs”. Sizes of orange dots (daytime impacts) and blue dots (nighttime impacts) are proportional to the optical radiated energy of impacts measured in billions of Joules (GJ) of energy, and show the location of impacts from objects about 1 meter (3 feet) to almost 20 meters (60 feet) in size.
With more than 90 percent of NEOs larger than 3,000 feet (1 kilometer) already discovered, NASA is now focused on finding objects that are slightly bigger than a football field — 450 feet (140 meters) or larger. In 2005, NASA was tasked with finding 90 percent of this class of NEOs by the end of 2020. NASA-funded surveys have detected an estimated 25 percent of these mid-sized but still potentially hazardous objects to date.
NASA’s long-term planetary defense goals include developing technology and techniques for deflecting or redirecting objects that are determined to be on an impact course with Earth. NASA’s Asteroid Redirect Mission concept would demonstrate the effectiveness of the gravity tractor method of planetary defense, using the mass of another object to pull an asteroid slightly from its original orbital path. The joint NASA-European Space Agency Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA) mission concept, if pursued, would demonstrate an impact deflection method of planetary defense. Website
Scientists find evidence of ninth planet in solar system
January 20, 2016 Updated Jan 20, 2016 at 4:32 PM CST
Scientists say we might have nine planets in our solar system after all, and no, we don’t mean Pluto.
Nicknamed “Planet Nine,” the new planet has 10 times more mass than Earth and orbits about 20 times farther from the sun than Neptune, meaning it takes between 10,000 and 20,000 years for it to make a full orbit.
Researchers have not yet seen Planet Nine, but say they are sure it’s out there because frozen debris outside of Neptune is consistently being pulled into strange orbits. The scientists say this could only be caused by the gravity of another planet. Planet Nine would make only the third planet to be discovered in recent history. By WEEK Producer and MGN Online
New Planets Bigger Than Earth Possibly Found In Our Solar System
Ryan Gorman writes, “Scientists may have found Planet X — the long-rumored object believed to be larger than Earth and further from the sun than Pluto. Planet X and another object dubbed “Planet Y,” are among 13 “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) orbiting the sun at great distances, according to a report in Space, which quoted a new research paper. They are believed to follow elliptical paths averaging about 200 astronomical units (AU) from the sun. Earth is 1 AU, or 93 million miles, from the sun.
“This excess of objects with unexpected orbital parameters makes us believe that some invisible forces are altering the distribution of the orbital elements of the ETNOs, and we consider that the most probable explanation is that other unknown planets exist beyond Neptune and Pluto,” lead author Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, of the Complutense University of Madrid, said in a statement.
“The exact number is uncertain, given that the data that we have is limited, but our calculations suggest that there are at least two planets, and probably more, within the confines of our solar system,” he added. They are far enough away to be nearly impossible to spot with current instruments, according to Space. Planet X was previously hypothesized in a 2014 research paper. Called 2012 VP113, researchers Chadwick Trujillo and Scott Sheppard claimed that the object never came closer to the sun than 80 AU., Pluto was only recently reclassified as a planet, albeit a Dwarf planet, after losing the distinction in 2006. Thanks to Space.
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Filer’s Files #4 – 2016 ET Walks Among Us - PART II
Filer’s Files #4 – 2016 ET Walks Among Us - PART II
Sightings in the United States
California Lights
Escondido — My husband, brother in law and I were driving on Valley Parkway and I took random pictures around 3 pm. In the first picture, there is this black thing that resembles a blimp? But there was no blimp in the sky at the time. I also noticed a gray orb on top of the mountain directly in front of the car and some strange black things in the sky above the palm trees. In the second picture, the black thing is still in the sky but the gray orb has moved up beneath a cloud. You must enlarge these pictures to see the objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Pensacola — My sister was photographing the sunset on the of Florida and Alabama border on January 4, 2015. Facing south there is a Bayou that flows out to the bay where she shot two photographs. She posted the photos on Facebook and commented about how beautiful the sunset was especially with the “moon” in the picture by the tree. I immediately commented that this was not the moon. She responded, “You’re right. I checked the moon phase and it was a waning quarter.” “What is that?” I told her I was not sure if it was a UFO. Included are the photographs. Looks more like a planet. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tampa— In the sunset over the Hillsborough Bay, on June 20, 2015, I took this picture with my Android as I was driving over the Gandy Bridge. The sky caught my attention because of the attractive clouds at sunset. I did not notice the craft (UFO) in the sky at the time. I was driving 55 mph and just snapped it quickly.
I just noticed the craft in the sky today, January 18, 2016, when I was looking through photo’s in my Florida library media. I zoomed in and noticed the silver oval craft in the picture in the upper right corner. The distinctly oval silver craft flying over the bay has two black portals below and antenna like cylinders pointing upward. There are also other much smaller black images in the area.
I hope this photo can be analyzed, I have some idea what this craft is, but it is definitely not a jet and likely a UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Disk
Jekyll Island – My wife was infatuated with the “suds” coming off the surf and took several pictures on November 21, 2015.
When we got home and downloaded them this evening, one had a strange object in it. My wife says that at the time she took the picture, she did not notice anything!
We did notice that at about this same time the dog got spooked, jumped up on a stump, and would not come down. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Light
Gretna – I blocked out the sunrays an observed the object’s activity. On January 18, 2016, I shot this view of the sky of a line of bright lights.
I watched star like objects doing sharp turns, flying straight across sky and fading.
Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Michigan Lights
Rockford— We were at the grocery store and could hear the thunder and lightning. When we came outside, we could see how dark the clouds were on August 2, 2015. I took a picture with my cell phone. It wasn’t until I returned home and looked at the picture that I saw the cluster of lights. I took the picture standing in the parking lot. No one noticed the lights until we looked at the picture later as well. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Craft
Florence— Looking out of my kitchen window I saw a shiny reflective craft just sitting in the sky in full sunshine on June 2, 2014, at 10:52 am. After a few minutes of observation of the craft with no sound or movement, I went to fetch my Nikon Coolpix P520 camera. When I returned it was still there in the same spot. Now it was higher up near the clouds so my camera had difficulty focusing on the object. I took five pictures and two videos of the craft until about 11am, and had to leave to feed my baby. So alas I did not get to see it move or leave, but it was gone after I fed my baby and went back to see if it was still there. My UFO video is on YouTube titled “UFO over Florence.” It comes into focus. (@1:00 & 1:52). I just watched a show about the mass sightings in Bucks County, PA, which is directly across the Delaware River where birds are often seen circling, riding the updrafts. This is a half mile from the landfill in Tullytown on the Delaware River. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Orbs
Buffalo— Two ufos were hovering low, and they seemed to cloak one another on January 11, 2016. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Orb
My friend and I were on a walk to a dock in our neighborhood and taking pictures of the scenery, when we heard a low hum. I snapped a picture of a tree; and we found a dark orb in the photo. Our stomachs dropped. We looked into the sky and felt heat on our faces (despite the 32-degree wind chill). The sunlight was reflecting off it rapidly and with a flash, it disappeared.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon String of Lights
Eugene— At 11:20 pm on January 17,-2016, I was on my deck and saw a strange string of lights that looked like radiating stars in perfect alignment and spaced equally like on a kite string. I took pictures for 20 minutes until my phone died. I was shocked to see this and got my sister to look at them, as I had never seen anything like this. At first, we thought they were airplanes arriving at the airport, but they never moved and then they glided down in formation following the arc pattern in the sky. They were white with various levels of brightness. One in the middle seemed to be further away and then moved into alignment and was the same brightness.
The lowest one had a blue tinge in the center and shaped like an orb. The top one was the same size and density as the bottom one. They were stationary and in perfect alignment staying in place for 45 – 60 minutes then suddenly, they moved down to the horizon in synch at 12:20 AM, and seemed to land.
My sister witnessed the entire event with me. The point at which I concluded I was seeing something unidentifiable was when I realized they disappeared so quickly. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Star
North Wales— I was at my girlfriend’s parent’s house when I went out back on the deck and noticed a moving bright star on January 18, 2016. It was moving and changing shapes. I had an eerie feeling as if it knew I was looking at it. I ran inside the house, grabbed a camera, and took as many photos as possible. Each picture had a different look from a ball like orb to a worm like abject. I zoomed in to see what it was. Also in one of the photos, I noticed there was a brownish copper object that was a long worm like figure.
It had five round joints and on each joint, there was a blue sphere on each joint. I finally lost sight of the object and that was the end of that.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Orb
Gainesville — I was texting pictures of the sunrise and discovered that I had taken the picture of the orb on January 17, 2016.
The yellow ball could be a reflection on the lens from the sun.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Light
Canberra ACT — My wife and I returned home from the coast on July 12, 2015, and I went outside at 7:30 PM, and looked up to watch the lightning in the distance. A plane flew across the storm clouds heading southwest with a bright light flying behind the aircraft. It was zigzagging in quick sharp movements about 100 meters behind of the aircraft. I watched for about a minute in awe and finished talking to my dad on the phone. I was mesmerized by the sighting and asked my wife to come out. I realized this zigzagging was by some sort of non-human craft. When I turned to look back at the bright light, it stopped for a second and then shot off into the storm clouds. I have seen many things I cannot explain including ghosts and other ufo phenomena. Thanks to MUFON
Bundaberg –On January 19, 2016, I was on the verandah, when I notice two stars slowly fall for three seconds and instantly disappear. They were too star like to be flares falling at an angle of 10 degrees. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Orb
Oshawa Harbor— I arrived at about 9:30 AM, at the gate on September 28, 2016. I felt uncomfortable as if someone was watching me.
I felt uneasy and paranoid and noticed an object hovering above Lake Ontario. I managed to snap to pictures. .If you like to see more of them let me know…I can email them to you.Thanks to MUFON CMS
Scarborough — On December 9, 2015, I went out for my morning work break on a clearer day and noticed a fast low flashing white light heading south. Being camera ready, I snapped four pictures at 10:10 AM, and one appears round as shown in the photo. I have attached the enhancement to ID it quicker. 2015, has been the highest in number of UFO sightings.
Note: This witness has sent other good photos of UFO sightings in the past. Enhancements reveal a bright circular object a long distance away. The object could have been a balloon or possibly an aircraft at long distance. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Italy Light
Bologna — I was driving my van towards a long straight road when I saw a brilliant light in the sky on January 18, 2016. The light was yellow/orange and seemed quite hot, just like a little sun; with a beautiful little rainbow on its lower area. Both the light and the rainbow were very clear with a huge gray disc-shaped object on the left of the light. The “object” seemed disguised as a light grey cloud Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Lights
Porto — Our 23 member’s family group travelled to Portugal for my nephew’s wedding in Porto. After the wedding, the Bride and Groom, stayed behind in Porto, along with a few members of the family.
All but the bride and groom travelled to Sao Felix Hotel 40 km from Porto for a bit of rest and recreation. On September 6, 2015, at 11:40 PM, nine younger members of our family witnessed a formation of several hundred bright sparkly lights, which travelled directly above them, and flew towards the coast. I have some pictures taken by my Nephew in Porto, and a video/audio of the sighting in Sao Felix. The Groom in Porto and other family members also had witnessed the lights! Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
Between Leicester & Derby — I was driving southbound on M-1, near Junction 21 on January 15, 2015, when I noticed an unusual white, short sharp trail. It was 5mm in length and looked over a mile away. I felt that an object was causing this vertical trail although I could not see it. It then changed direction again flying back on itself, which I have never seen before.
I took several pictures on the hope that with my camera on maximum focus and managed to capture something quite remarkable. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Seth Shostak, senior SETI astronomer suggests this could be humanity’s last century
Seth Shostak, senior SETI astronomer suggests this could be humanity’s last century
Is this the last century of humanity as we know it? It won’t be a World War or famine what will cause the eventual destruction of the human species.
According to Seth Shostak Senior Astronomer and Director of SETI research, humanity as we know it, will disappear later this century as a result of technological and scientific advances, these are developments that – over the long term – will dwarf such quotidian concerns as politics, war, or economics.
According to Seth Shostak Senior Astronomer and Director of SETI research, humanity as we know it, will disappear later this century as a result of technological and scientific advances, these are developments that – over the long term – will dwarf such quotidian concerns as politics, war, or economics.
According to Shostak, during the twenty-first century, “three big things that are not necessarily bad will take place.” The first major event in the words of the director of SETI is that people will understand biology at the molecular level. As a result, “humanity will be able to cure all diseases, and this will give way to an era of designer babies.”
In his article, Shostak wrote:
“To begin with, we’re finally going to understand biology at a molecular level. DNA’s double helix was discovered a mere six decades ago, and now – for hardly more than a kilobuck – you can sequence the genome of your Yorkie or yourself.”
He also believes that humans will expand into space, relieving the overcrowding of our planet. The famous astronomer wrote: “We need more resources – both acreage and raw materials – unless we’re happy to condemn our descendants to a limited lifestyle and unlimited war. You may worry about running out of oil, but that’s not the resource that should really make you antsy. We’re going to eat through the easily recoverable reserves of stuff like copper, zinc, and the platinum group metals in a matter of decades.”
Finally, before 2100, Shostak predicts that humanity will develop generalized artificial intelligence (GAI), allowing machines to perform work normally people do, something that will change our lives forever. Shostak believes that in the near future, powerful machines will coexist with humans and computers won’t only be playing games like chess or jeopardy, but will be capable of doing the thinking required for any white-collar job, including all the ones at the top.
Shostak writes: “Such machines won’t necessarily be large. A synapse in your brain is a few thousand nanometers in size. A transistor on a chip is hundreds of times smaller. The hardware necessary for human-level smarts – even today – could fit in an iPad.”
According to the SETI director, the process of putting large people in off-Earth colonies will eventually lead to a kind of speciation. (Speciation is the evolutionary process by which new reproductively isolated biological kinds, species, arise.) Shostak argues that off-Earth colonies have a physical environment different than Earth and according to historic data, the social environment will also be special
“Re-engineering our children will transform our species even faster. We can eventually produce offspring that is as different from us as dogs are from gray wolves. The haphazard, bottom-up alterations to our species occasioned by Darwinian evolution will yield to the directed improvements of future engineers,” wrote Shostak.
Times change quickly and the human species is destined for change. We are a species eager to learn, explore and evolve.
“The people of the 11th century might be disconcerted by today’s technology, but they would have no trouble recognizing us. However, it’s unlikely we would recognize humans a millennium hence.”
"First ever flower grown in space makes its debut!"
With that declaration, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly revealed to the world the bright orange zinnias that had blossomed on board the International Space Station on Jan. 16.
"Yes, there are other life forms in space!" he exclaimed on Twitter from 250 miles (400 km) above the Earth. He even coined a hashtag: #spaceflower. [Space Food Photos: What Astronauts Eat]
Kelly, the space station's commander, had good reason to crow. Just a few weeks earlier, the zinnias, which are part of the NASA plant growth experiment "Veggie," had come close to dying due to a break out of mold. If it was not for a revised care plan by NASA botanists on the ground — and Kelly's own "green thumb" on orbit — there may not have been any flowers to tweet about.
But in conveying his excitement, Kelly made a mistake. His newly-bloomed zinnias were not the first flowers grown in space.
Rooting through history
Four years ago, astronaut Don Pettit took it upon himself to grow a few different types of plants on board the station in what NASA labeled as a "personal biology experiment." Lacking the sophisticated growth chamber that would later launch as part of the Veggie study, Pettit used plastic bags as his pots.
In addition to growing zucchini and broccoli sprouts, Pettit also successfully cultivated a sunflower to blossom — and beyond.
"Sunflower is going to seed!" Pettit wrote in his blog, "Diary of a Space Zucchini," in June 2012. "His blossom is wilted-brown and has a few lopsided packed seeds. This is not quite normal, but then we are living on a frontier and things are different here." [Over Earth: Day & Night from ISS (Video)]
NASA astronaut Don Pettit's sunflower blooms on the International Space Station as part of his personal biology experiment in 2012. Credit: NASA
Pettit's sunflower, with its bright yellow petals (before they wilted), was the first flower grown aboard the International Space Station. It was not however, the first flower grown in space.
Prior to the space station, NASA's space shuttle missions were just too short to grow flowers from seeds, but in the 1990s, cosmonauts grew dwarf wheat stalks through their full lifecycle — including flowering — on Russia's space station Mir. Before that, Soviet cosmonauts attempted to use a small greenhouse to cultivate orchids on the Salyut 6 station, but only those plants that were already budding when they were delivered to the outpost ever did bloom.
Surprisingly enough, the Guinness Book of World Records includes an entry for the "first species of plant to flower in space."
"In 1982, the then Soviet Union's Salyut 7 space station crew grew some Arabidopsis on board," the record reads. "During their 40-day lifecycle, they became the first plants to flower and produce seeds in the zero gravity of space."
But even that may not be quite right — by a difference of more than a decade and a half.
In 1966, the Soviet biosciences space probe Cosmos 110 launched with two dogs (named Veterok and Ugolyok) and several species of plants on a 22-day uncrewed mission.
"Seeds had been moisturized on entry to orbit [...] but haricot beans germinated poorly," authors Brian Harvey and Olga Zakutnyaya described in their 2011 book, "Russian Space Probes: Scientific Discoveries and Future Missions" (2011, Springer). "Those that did grow developed sooner, faster and flowered twice more than controls."
Future first flowers
So Kelly's zinnia wasn't the first flower grown in space, but it may still lead to future firsts for space-grown plants.
The Veggie chamber, which was first used to grow lettuce, was developed to test food production in space. Kelly and his station crew mates snacked on the red romaine lettuce they grew.
Ultimately NASA is hoping that astronauts can supplement their menus with freshly-grown greens, especially on future deep space missions to destinations beyond the Earth, like Mars. Growing plants also offer psychological benefits, and they can assist in atmosphere recycling.
"The farther and longer that humans go away from Earth, the greater the need to be able to grow plants," said Gioia Massa, science lead for Veggie at NASA. "I think that plant systems will become important components of any long-duration exploration scenario."
The zinnias, which are in fact edible (but were not eaten), were intended by NASA as a test run for growing tomato plants on the space station in 2017.By then, Kelly will be long back home on the Earth. He and cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko are set to complete a nearly yearlong stay on the station in March. As such, the zinnia flowers and previous lettuce offered more than sustenance for the stomach, but satisfaction for the mind.
"#SpaceFlower out in the sun for the first time!" exclaimed Kelly on Twitter. The photo attached to his tweet displayed the orange flower floating in front of a window with a view of the blue Earth below.
A new documentary is hoping to shed light on a growing number of alleged extraterrestrial encounters.
The film, Australien Skies, studies 'evidence' of UFO sightings across the country, and the people who spend their days gazing upwards hoping to spy something from outer-space.
The documentary's director, Don Meers with Dojo Media, said he made the film in an effort to get a grasp on the UFO phenomenon.
'The first goal of this film is to see if we can understand what is happening,' Mr Meers said.
'Secondly, I want to try to work out what these object are... and lastly, I want to see one of these objects up close for myself.'
One of the key figures of the documentary is Damien Nott, a qualified UFOlogist, who claims have more than 2000 pictures and videos of sightings - many of which feature bright objects hovering in the sky, and shapes inexplicably appearing and disappearing beyond the horizon.
'A lot of people think that I'm definitely an abductee or I'm definitely a contactee,' Mr Nott said, in a preview released ahead of the documents premiere next month.
'I'm not going to come out and say I've spoken to aliens, and they've told me all these things about the planet... that has never happened.
All I know is I've had a number of very strange experiences.' The documentary also featured the story of Liam Freaney, who claims he was approached by the men in black following his own UFO encounters.
Mr Freaney said he first started seeing the visitors in March 2013, which led to him spotting a number of helicopters sinisterly hovering near his house, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
'I would see and film an object then directly afterwards I would get home and a helicopter would show up and sit over the house,' he said.
'So I started filming the helicopters as well as the unidentified flying objects.
It happened over and over again, 20 or 30 times at least.'
He also told the story of when he claims he was approached by shadowy figures in black limousines.
'Once you put yourself above other people... it puts you on another level altogether. We are all the same.'
'Australien Skies is about getting people answers... what we see these things in the sky do is incredible.
'This is the time to get this out there, to get the truth to people.'
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Ancient people inhabited the Arctic over 45,000 years ago
Ancient people inhabited the Arctic over 45,000 years ago
Another discovery has been made that drastically alters our views on ancient mankind as researchers discovered the carcass of a woolly mammoth with what are ‘unmistakable’ signs of spear wounds.
Researchers have discovered the frozen carcass of a woolly mammoth in Siberia with what are ‘unmistakable’ signs of spear wounds, a piece of evidence that suggests people inhabited the arctic regions around 45,000 years ago, a number that changes everything we thought about ancient mankind. The male mammoth which was excavated at the Yenisei Bay on the Arctic Ocean is the ultimate evidence of people inhabiting the region thousands of years sooner than previously thought possible.
According to Vladimir Pitulko, senior research scientist at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for the History of Material Culture in St. Petersburg, until this discovery, it was estimated that the oldest evidence of people in the Arctic dated back some 30,000 years.
Researchers believe that the people who inhabited the harsh region of the Arctic were most likely hunter-gatherers.
“Indeed, these animals provide an endless source of different goods: food with meat, fat and marrow; fuel with dung, fat and bones; and raw material with long bones and ivory,” Pitulko said.
“They certainly would use them as food, especially certain parts like tongue or liver as a delicacy, but hunting for the ivory was more important,” added Pitulko, with the ivory substituting for wood in the treeless steppe landscape.
According to Pitulko, the mammoth which was excavated in 2012 had injuries which unequivocally indicate it had been killed by people. Pitulko added that damage to its ribs appears to have been made by spears thrown by ancient hunters, the mammoths cheekbone injuries were most likely caused by hand-held thrusting spears. Pitulko added that researchers found that the damage to the mammoth’s right tusk was most likely caused by people chopping at it after the animal was killed.
“The main part of it is that the mammoth was really killed by humans, and evidence for that is unbeatable,” Pitulko said.
Scientists agree that mammoth-hunting was a crucial factor that helped ancient man survive under the harsh environment of the Arctic and travel across northernmost Siberia. It is believed that ancient people reached the vicinity of the Bering land bridge that at the time linked Siberia to Alaska and that the first humans to reach the ‘New World’ crossed the icy land and then eventually spread through the Americas. Pitulko also believes that given the fact that people were present in the Arctic over 45,000 years ago, it is very likely that humans crossed the Bering land bridge much earlier than previously thought, and consequently reaching the Americas much earlier.
Astronomers detect enormous ‘invisible’ structures moving 50km per second across the Milky Way
Astronomers detect enormous ‘invisible’ structures moving 50km per second across the Milky Way
Astronomers have detected what appear to be enormous ‘invisible’ structures located 3,000 light-years from us and moving 50km per second across the Milky Way
Photo credit: Shown is a still from an animation of the lensing effect produced by the structures. Keith Bannister (CSIRO)/Artem Tuntsov (Manly Astrophysics)
Astronomers have discovered invisible structures lurking in the interstellar space in the Milky Way. Although previously, researchers speculated these invisible structures exist, the new study, published in the Journal Science will help astronomers contain their size and shape much better.
According to reports, these things are HUGE – roughly the size of planet Earth’s orbit around the Sun – and could prove to be helpful in explaining where the missing matter in the universe is. The detection of the ‘invisible’ structures was made thanks to researchers at the CSIRO’s Compact Array telescope in eastern Australia. The discovery of these giant structures might help scientists explain the mystery surrounding a distant quasar (a mass of energy and light) and why it appeared brighter in radio telescopes over three decades.
However, researchers warn that these aren’t big solid objects though. Astronomers state that these mysterious structures appear to be clumps made of some sort of meatier, even possibly clouds of extremely cool gas, in an existing thin gas that is found between stars. Astronomers have described the shape of the mysterious invisible structures as “noodles” or hazelnuts – with material on the outside and a hollow center.
Where these mysterious structures come from, their exact age, purpose and the exact number remain a great mystery for astronomers.
Where they came from, how old they are, or how many there could be in our galaxy remains a mystery, though. “It’s all guesswork at this stage,” lead author Keith Bannister of CSIRO told IFLScience. “There could be many thousands of these in the galaxy.”
Astronomers are positive to have identified the speed of the structures. According to initial studies, the invisible noodle-shaped structures are travelling at a speed of around 50 km (30 miles) per second through the interstellar medium. The structures so far detected by astronomers are located at a distance of about 3,000 light-years from us, a thousand times farther than the nearest star, Proxima Centauri.
Even though it’s really interesting to know that these structures are there and are moving relatively fast across the interstellar medium, the more exciting part of this discovery is that according to astronomers, these previously unseen structures could be accounting for a large fraction of hidden mass in the Milky Way.
Bannister noted that these anomalous structures have nothing to do with dark matter.
While no one has mentioned the word ‘Aliens’ yet, we are sure that given the mystery behind this incredible yet enigmatic finding, it won’t take long for the story to rise to another level where ‘Aliens’ might become a viable option for many.
While there are numerous enigmas surrounding these invisible ‘noodle-shaped’ structures that are traveling at 50km per second across the Milky Way, these structures are real and our observations are a major step forward in determining their size and shape,” says Bannister.
NASA-funded study finds: Dozens of advanced ancient civilizations collapsed before us
NASA-funded study finds: Dozens of advanced ancient civilizations collapsed before us
Is it possible that just like many other advanced civilizations in the past, ours too is heading towards an impending collapse? Is the collapse of society imminent? These are some of the questions a study from NASA aims at answering. The study, partly sponsored by the Goddard Space Flight Center suggests that civilizations as we know it could come to an abrupt end in the coming decades due to a number of factors.
If we look back in history, 3000 – 5000 years, we will find a historical record that clearly shows us how advanced and complex civilizations were just as susceptible to collapse as we are today. This ongoing pattern has led researchers to question the future existence of society and civilization as we know.
If we were to look back further back in time, over 10,000 years, we would encounter evidence of advanced civilizations that possibly predate the Pre-Inca, Olmec, and Ancient Egyptian civilization, not to mention other advanced ancient civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia.
It is difficult to overlook the repeating patterns identified by scholars in most of these civilizations and the NASA funded study is clear evidence of the path ancient civilizations on EArth have taken for thousands of years. This is considered by many people as a sign that clearly states that ancient civilizations have reset a number of times.
These factors have kept on repeating themselves and have been the culprit for ancient civilizations before us. In the report, applied mathematician Safa Motesharri and his “Human and Nature Dynamical” model claims that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history.”
“The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent.”
The study came to the conclusion that there are two key social features that contributed to the collapse of every single advanced civilization from the past: “the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity”; and “the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or “Commoners”) [poor]” These social phenomena have played “a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse,” in all such cases over “the last five thousand years.”
Even though our civilizations is at a very advanced technological stage, this does not necessarily mean that we are saved from imminent chaos. In the study we find that“Technological change can raise the efficiency of resource use, but it also tends to raise both per capita resource consumption and the scale of resource extraction, so that, absent policy effects, the increases in consumption often compensate for the increased efficiency of resource use.”
One of the best examples of advanced ancient civilizations disappearing can be found in Mesoamerica.
If we take a look at the ancient Maya who were an extremely advanced ancient civilization we find that several factors played a crucial role for this once great empire to crumble eventually. While most researchers would agree that Deforestation, Famine and Drought where some of the key components in the failure of the ancient Maya, we find a similar pattern in other civilizations, not only I the Americas, but around the globe.
Motesharrei and his colleagues conclude that under conditions “closely reflecting the reality of the world today… we find that collapse is difficult to avoid.” In the first of these scenarios, civilization:
“…. appears to be on a sustainable path for quite a long time, but even using an optimal depletion rate and starting with a very small number of Elites, the Elites eventually consume too much, resulting in a famine among Commoners that eventually causes the collapse of society. It is important to note that this Type-L collapse is due to an inequality-induced famine that causes a loss of workers, rather than a collapse of Nature.”
The universe is big — and possibly home to countless civilizations. Credit: NASA, ESA, H. Teplitz and M. Rafelski (IPAC/Caltech), A. Koekemoer (STScI), R. Windhorst (Arizona State University), and Z. Levay (STScI)
"Are we alone?" is a pretty big question. But if the answer is "no," humanity may have to grapple with an even bigger issue — how to cope with crowds of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Over the last 20 years, astronomers have detected about 2,000 alien planets, and these discoveries suggest that potentially habitable worlds are common throughout the Milky Way galaxy (and likely throughout the universe as a whole).
There are thus many possible abodes for life throughout the cosmos and, given the age of the universe — about 13.8 billion years — there has been plenty of time for life forms to evolve complexity and intelligence, many experts say. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Alien Life]
Are intelligent aliens out there? If so, when will humanity make contact with them? sent its own signal out to several top experts in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) field, to ask whether 2016 could be the year of contact with ET — and if not, when?
The ongoing search for extraterrestrial intelligence makes use of such instruments as the Allen Telescope Array in Hat Creek, California. Credit: Seth Shostak, SETI Institute
"I'm not holding my breath that we'll find conclusive evidence of alien technologies before the end of 2016. But the chances are getting better with every passing year," said Douglas Vakoch, Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California.
"Over the next decade, we should be able to search for radio signals from a million stars or more," he told "That's a big enough number to make it reasonable to think that we'll find intelligent life … if it's actually out there and trying to make contact."
So don't place your bets for winning the SETI lottery in 2016.
"But within the next decade, we may well discover we're not alone in the universe," Vakoch said.
That discovery may come in the form of a radio signal directed at Earth from another star, or through indirect evidence gleaned by studying the atmospheres of distant exoplanets.
"Either way, the discovery of life beyond Earth would be one of the most profound events of the century," Vakoch said. [10 Exoplanets That Could Host Alien Life]
A different take is offered by astrobiologist David Grinspoon, author of the forthcoming book, "Earth in Human Hands" (Grand Central Publishing; due out in October 2016). The book delves into long-term implications of human influence on our own planet, and how this should affect how we think about SETI.
"My initial thought is that there is nothing very different about 2016 from 2015, 2014 or 2017," Grinspoon told
In Grinspoon's view, exoplanet detections are encouraging, but they have not really changed the landscape very much from what early SETI pioneers in the 1960s assumed.
As for why contact has not been made already, Grinspoon suggested that the question itself indicates "a time scale of attention and impatience that is an impedance mismatch to the time scale of the question."
We may indeed make contact this year, Grinspoon said "and wouldn't that be fantastic? Or it may take another thousand years … which is nothing, really" on broader cosmological time scales.
Searching exoplanet atmospheres
It is clearly true that humanity has some promising new places to search, if certain assumptions about alien civilizations are correct, Grinspoon said.
"Radio searches should be targeted at nearby planets that seem potentially habitable," he said. "But let's not delude ourselves into thinking that this hugely raises the expectation that this will be the 'year of contact.'"
"Soon" is a relative term, of course. In Grinspoon's view, the term refers to the next few decades "as we develop the space telescopes that can start to discern the spectral signatures of planets that have been modified by intelligent activities."
And in these same decades, Grinspoon said, we need to see if we can start to transform our own planet into one that has been modified by intelligent activities — because the modifications to date have not been very smart.
Earth is undergoing "unintelligent modification" of its atmosphere. What would a habitable world look like under the care of an intelligent technological species? (Image of Earth taken by the Deep Space Climate Observatory, or DSCOVR, satellite.) Credit: NASA/NOAA
"First and foremost in this effort is to stop the unintelligent modification of our atmosphere that is currently going on," Grinspoon said. "We need not look for similar pollution in other atmospheres. That will be a brief phase, and therefore, with the mathematical logic of SETI, basically unobservable elsewhere. What we should really be thinking about is what it would look like for a truly intelligent technological species to be interacting with their planet's atmosphere."
Such signs,Grinspoon said, would be visible but would look very different from Earth today.
Thinking about this, he said, can help us Earthlings in the related tasks of searching for alien intelligence, as well as trying to preserve technological intelligence on our own planet.
SETI is not something that makes sense to carry out on a one-year or one-decade time scale, Grinspoon said.
"In order to have a decent chance to be a communicating species, you would have to learn to think, and plan, and act over time scales of a century or a millennium," he said. "But this year is one in which we can continue to make progress in ensuring our own longevity and searching for the hopeful signs of others who have successfully navigated the existential challenges we are facing today." [Earth in the Balance: 7 Crucial Tipping Points]
Living with uncertainty
Uncertainty will always be a part of the SETI search, agreed author Michael Michaud, a former diplomat for the U.S. State Department.
"There is no way to predict when contact will take place," said Michaud, who is also a member of the International Academy of Astronautics. He coordinated the drafting of the First SETI Protocol, an effort to set some guidelines about the steps humanity should take following a SETI detection.
"The only generalization I can offer is that expanding ways of searching while continuing to send out our own signals — both intentional and unintentional — may make contact more likely. Until we have solid evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, we must live with uncertainty," he said.
Michaud said that science fiction has imprinted two extreme visions of contact on our minds: receiving a message, or facing an invasion of the Earth.
"There are many other possible scenarios, including a detection that does not lead to communication. They have different implications," Michaud said. "Our response, and theirs, might depend on the way contact takes place."
First of all, we cannot be sure that we are looking for the right evidence or using the right means, Michaud said. SETI became possible, given the new tools of radio astronomy, which in turn grew out of wartime radio and radar developments. New astronomical observatories coming online in the next decade may be more able to detect evidence of life or intelligence in exoplanet atmospheres, he said.
Testing human intelligence
"Our ideas about aliens and their behavior usually rest on analogies with humankind. Yet we cannot assume that we are representative of the galaxy's intelligent life," Michaud said. "Astronomers used to think that our solar system was typical; now we know that it is not."
Finding evidence of ET may be more difficult than most searchers had hoped, Michaud said.
"It may require rigorous and repetitive search and data analysis that last beyond individual lifetimes. It may require a broader strategy and a willingness to look in new places. It may require technical means not yet available to us."
Still, this is not a reason to give up, Michaud concluded. It is a reason to be more clever and more determined. "The search for extraterrestrials is a test of human intelligence," he said.
Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is former director of research for the National Commission on Space and is co-author of Buzz Aldrin's 2013 book "Mission to Mars – My Vision for Space Exploration" published by National Geographic with a new updated paperback version released in May 2015. Follow us@Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
If Planet Nine really exists, astronomers have a pretty decent chance of spotting it.
On Wednesday (Jan. 20), scientists announced that a planet about 10 times more massive than Earth likely lurks in the distant outer solar system, orbiting perhaps 600 times farther from the sun than Earth does on average.
The evidence for the existence of this "Planet Nine" is indirect at the moment; computer models suggest a big, undiscovered world has shaped the strange orbits of multiple objects in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy bodies beyond Neptune. But direct evidence could come relatively soon, in the form of a telescope observation, Planet Nine's proposers say. [Evidence Mounts for Existence of 'Planet X' (Video)]
Orion the Hunter: Spot Beloved Constellation Overhead Now
Orion the Hunter: Spot Beloved Constellation Overhead Now
On these crisp winter evenings, the southern sky is dominated by the famous constellation Orion, surrounded by a circle of six brilliant stars. Credit: Starry Night software.
Step outside on any evening this month and look toward the south. You will see one of the best-loved constellations, Orion the Hunter, surrounded by a circle of six brilliant stars.
Orion is one of the best-known star patterns in the night sky, along with the Big Dipper. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the Big Dipper is always somewhere in the northern sky, because it is a "circumpolar constellation" — it lies close to the north celestial pole and circles the pole constantly.
The Orion constellation has a very striking pattern in its stars. Four bright stars mark the Hunter's shoulders and knees: Betelgeuse and Bellatrix are his shoulders and Saiph and Rigel are his knees. In the middle of the rectangle formed by these four stars are three stars on a slant, representing Orion's belt, with three smaller stars below for his sword. Above and between his shoulders is a small triangle of stars representing his rather tiny head.
Betelgeuse and Rigel are two of the brightest stars in the sky, but they're very different from each other. Betelgeuse is an ancient, red-giant star that lies 500 light-years from the sun and is nearly 700 times wider than Earth's star. Rigel, on the other hand, is 900 light-years distant and is a young blue giant, 90 times the diameter of the sun. If you look closely, you can distinguish the difference in color between the two stars.
The three stars that form Orion's belt, which seem so perfectly placed in our sky, are actually nowhere near each other in space. The two outer stars, Alnitak and Mintaka, are relatively close to us at 700 light-years, but the middle star, Alnilam, is nearly three times more distant, at 2,000 light-years.
The three stars that appear to line up to form Orion's sword are also an illusion of perspective. From north to south, they are 830, 1,920 and 1,860 light-years away. Thus, the stars that make up Orion are actually spread over thousands of light-years of space, and only appear as a group here on Earth by an accident of perspective.
Look closely at the middle star in Orion's sword, called the Trapezium. To the naked eye it appears a little bit fuzzy; this fuzziness becomes obvious in binoculars or through a small telescope. What you are seeing is the Orion Nebula, a vast cloud of glowing gas that is the nursery for a new star cluster.
Grouped around Orion are six bright stars that form a rough circle. Once you see Orion, it becomes easy to identify the stars around it. Remember that east and west in the sky are the opposite of the directions we're familiar with on maps of the Earth, because we are looking outward.
Orion's three belt stars point northwestward toward Aldebaran, another red-giant star, in the constellation Taurus the Bull. High over Orion's head is Capella, in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer.
Rigel and Betelgeuse point toward the twin stars Castor and Pollux, in Gemini the Twins. East of Orion is Procyon in Canis Minor, the Little Dog, and the belt stars point southeastward to Sirius in Canis Major, the Big Dog.
These six stars are all bright because they are relatively close to the sun, whereas the stars in Orion are all much more distant. Sirius is nearest at only 8.6 light-years away, and Procyon is not much farther at 11.5 light-years. Castor, Pollux and Capella are all between 34 and 52 light-years distant, and Aldebaran is 67 light-years away.
When you look at these stars on a crisp winter night on Earth, be aware that they are actually scattered far and wide through the depths of space.
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Fox’s upcoming and eagerly awaited revival of The X-Files is updating its conspiracy theories — only this time, the sci-fi series might cause more controversy than when the show told tales of government-aided UFO cover-ups during its initial 1990s run.
In the first return episode screened for reporters (trailer below), paranormal investigators Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) team up with a charming web-series host named Tad O’Malley (played by the usually comedic Joel McHale, here in a dramatic role). The character, loosely based on conservative online personalities Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, bashes the “liberal media” in the episode; at one point, Mulder compares O’Malley to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly (“What Bill O’Reilly knows about the truth can fill an eyedropper,” O’Malley retorts).
Now we don’t want to reveal too much about the episode, or how the conspiracy relates to the show’s existing labyrinthine mythology. What we will report – and stop reading if you don’t want to know anything about the first hour – is that O’Malley eventually sways Mulder and Scully to adopt a new conspiracy that lays a framework for the six-episode revival. The theory involves global warming, war in the Middle East, NSA spying, chem-trails (here called “aerial contaminants”), police militarization, supposed FEMA prison camps, and the eventual military “takeover of America” by a UN-like group of “multinational elites.” The conspiracy theory plays a bit like Oliver Stone during his JFK fever pitch — only if his source material was Infowars instead of UFO lore.
“We live in a CitizenFour world now,” says creator Chris Carter, referring to the documentary on NSA leaker Edward Snowden. “We’ve given up certain rights and freedoms because we want the government to protect us after 9/11. We see the admitted spying by the government. These are not things we’re making up and it informs everything Mulder and Scully and doing are doing.”
Carter describes himself as a “mostly interested observer” in the conspiracy world, and notes he researched the new show by combing through conspiracy websites and attending a conspiracy convention.
“I’ve kept my finger to the wind and trying to figure out what’s relevant and possible credible,” Carter says. “People know the show deals with science and fact and also deals with far-flung theories about not only the supernatural but government conspiracies. It throws out as many questions as it does answers. And I have to say what it’s done for me and the writers it has given us a whole new open field which to run. It’s given the show an interesting new life and context that it might not have had in 2002.”
The U.N. takeover threat, however, is something Carter suggests is credible. “The idea of a New World Order is relevant,” Carter says. When we suggest the show is embracing “right-wing” theories, Carter counters, “It’s not necessarily. I don’t see Alex Jones as right-wing, I see him as libertarian … [and O’Malley is] a character who castseverything in doubt.”
The most eyebrow-raising moment in the premiere is when O’Malley brings the 9/11 terrorist attacks into his conspiracy framework. “9/11 was a false flag operation,” O’Malley declares on his Truth Squad with Tad O’Malley show, echoing on Infowars theory. “It’s all part of a conspiracy dating back to the UFO crash at Roswell.” The clip is presented early in the episode. Later, Mulder and Scully embrace O’Malley’s overall position, though the 9/11 element isn’t referenced.
“So here’s the thing,” Carter says when we asked about the “false flag” line. “Chris Carter doesn’t believe that. Chris Carter is very open minded about these things. But the character O’Malley believes it. And he convinces Mulder to – not necessarily believe that – but to believe many other things he’s exposing. I don’t think Mulder and Scully adopt any political position so much as a new approach in their search for the truth. While I think their politics are balanced, I think the turn they take is toward a more heretical political position.”
X-Files is obviously as fictional of a series as they come, but it will be interesting to see how fans respond to their heroes exploring a conspiracy framework that touches on issues more sensitive than the ones when the show first aired.
For more on what to expect from The X-Files revival, pick up this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly. The series returns Jan. 21. Here’s the trailer:
GMH : On parle de plus en plus d'une planète X que beaucoup d'auteurs et médiums associent à l'astre Nibiru (ou Neberu) des tablettes mésopotamiennes. Qu'est-ce que Nibiru ? N'est-ce pas l'auteur Zecharia Sitchin qui en a parlé le premier ?
Anton Parks : C'est effectivement Zecharia Sitchin qui est à l'origine du "virus" planète X ou Nibiru. D'après ses calculs, cette planète devrait rejoindre notre système solaire entre 2012 et 2060. Manifestement, comme 2012 approche à grands pas, il pencherait plutôt pour la date la plus éloignée. On trouve trace de Nibiru ou Neberu / Marduk dans la littérature mésopotamienne. Il s'agit d'un astre mystérieux que quelques rares tablettes (l'épopée Enuma Elish et les tablettes : KAV 21B ; CT 26.41 ; CT 25.35.7 ; K.6174 et K. 12769) évoquent comme ayant un rapport avec les activités des dieux (royauté, guerres) et celles de l'humanité (déluge, travail de la terre). Toute la thèse de Sitchin est échafaudée sur la notion de cette planète errante et qui appartiendrait au système solaire, mais dont l'orbite fortement elliptique autour du soleil posséderait, selon lui, une période de 3.600 années terrestres. En terme clair, cela veut dire que ce chiffre correspondrait au temps que mettrait cette planète hypothétique à revenir vers la Terre de façon cyclique. Ce que ne précise pas M. Sitchin et que j'explique dans mon second ouvrage Adam Genisis, c'est que le Šár (3.600) était une unité de mesure fréquemment utilisée par les Mésopotamiens. On la retrouve sur de nombreuses tablettes qui n'ont absolument rien à voir avec Neberu. Notons par exemple le récit du déluge dans l'épopée ninivite de Gilgamesh où le Noé mésopotamien confectionne son bateau à l'aide de "3 x 3 600 unités d'asphalte (Šár)" à la ligne 65 de la tablette. L'embarcation possède d'ailleurs "une superficie de 3.600 mètres carrés (Ikû)" comme formulé à la ligne 57… De nos jours, en géographie, 3.600 secondes (1/60ème de minute) représentent un degré. Bref, c'est en se référant à la tablette d'argile VA-243 que M. Sitchin nous dit avoir relevé la présence de l'astre mystérieux tournant autour de ce qui lui semble être un soleil. Pourtant, cette tablette n'est absolument pas un document astronomique. Elle a fait l'objet d'une publication en 1940 par les soins d'Anton Moortgat pour le Vorderasiatisches Museum de Berlin. Les trois lignes qui composent le texte de cette tablette évoquent simplement : "Dusbsiga (nom personnel), Ili-Illat (nom personnel), ton serviteur". Donc, aucune allusion à Neberu et aucune trace de cette planète en tant que demeure des "dieux" Anunna.
La tablette VA-243 n'est pas un document astronomique, et Neberu n'y est absolument pas citée.
GMH : Voulez-vous dire que les propos de Zecharia Sitchin au sujet de Neberu ne sont pas crédibles ?
Anton Parks : Je n'ai rien contre M. Sitchin, mais puisque vous m'en donnez l'occasion ici, je vais rétablir une vérité malheureusement déformée involontairement ou volontairement par cet auteur depuis plusieurs décennies. Je ne suis pas contre l'idée q'un astre puisse vagabonder dans des systèmes planétaires, mais le problème ne se situe pas là. Selon les propos de M. Sitchin, les "dieux" sumériens Anunnaki proviendraient de la planète Neberu (qui est en perdition), et ces derniers trouveraient de l'or sur Terre pour restaurer leur atmosphère. Sauf preuve du contraire, les tablettes mésopotamiennes qui formuleraient ces informations n'existent pas. Aucun érudit, aucun spécialiste n'en a jamais fait mention, même entendu parlé ! J'ai fait de longues recherches dans de multiples bibliothèques spécialisées et auprès de plusieurs éditeurs spécialisés dans l'Orient ancien : rien, ces textes n'ont jamais été catalogués… Depuis plus d'une trentaine d'années il a été maintes fois réclamées à Zecharia Sitchin de fournir les références de ces tablettes, mais il ne l'a jamais fait. Je rappelle aux personnes qui liront ces lignes attentivement, qu'à ce jour, bon nombre de lecteurs et magazines croient toujours aveuglément à la thèse fictive de Sitchin selon laquelle l'astre mésopotamien Neberu serait une planète d'où proviendraient les "dieux" sumériens. Idem pour cette idée d'or tirée des mines terrestres pour filtrer et stabiliser l'atmosphère de cette planète soit-disant en perdition, selon les propos de cet auteur. Libre aux magazines spécialisés de colporter ces inepties. Maintenant que les récits mésopotamiens sont disponibles dans les plus grandes bibliothèques et sur le Net, plus d'excuses ! Tout journaliste sérieux pourra vérifier et constater par lui-même… Je suis totalement sidéré de voir un tel contentement autour d'un sujet aussi sérieux et qui finalement génère à la fois de la peur et surtout de la désinformation. Le problème vient aussi du crédit que l'on porte à Zecharia Sitchin qualifié, probablement à raison pour certains points, de grand érudit, notamment grâce à son CV. Cependant, l'auteur allemand Frank Dörnenburg a récemment mis le doigt sur un problème dans le CV de Sitchin. Il est écrit noir sur blanc à son propos qu'il aurait "acquis son diplôme au London School of Economics" (LSE)". Or dans cette école, on ne peut absolument rien y étudier qui ait un rapport avec l'archéologie, la sumérologie, le cunéiforme et les hiéroglyphes. Frank Dörnenburg note que de toute évidence, l'école LSE s'est transformée dans sa biographie en "Université de Londres" où là, on peut effectivement étudier l'archéologie. Et à Dörnenburg de conclure : "Il est plutôt probable que, comme adolescent, Sitchin ait bouquiné de la littérature appropriée. Il est évident que le CV de Sitchin a été maquillé soigneusement pour faire d'un journaliste économique un "expert spécialisé" en langues antiques et en archéologie", source : Je pense simplement que M. Sitchin a dû se dire, au début de ses travaux, qu'il ne serait jamais mis en défaut par les spécialistes des tablettes parce qu'il savait qu'ils ne s'abaisseraient jamais à cela. Bien entendu, cela n'enlève rien aux recherches de cet auteur concernant les sujets autres que Neberu. Son travail est important, particulièrement celui qui concerne certaines de ses traductions des tablettes mésopotamiennes et ses déductions.
GMH : Si la planète des dieux sumériens n'est pas Neberu, alors quelle était, selon vous, la planète des Anunna ?
Anton Parks : Le nom généralement utilisé, sur les tablettes en argile, pour désigner la demeure originelle des Anunna est Dukù ou Duku(g) ("saint monticule"). Avant de débarquer sur la Terre et de résider dans le Kharsag, dans les montagnes du Taurus (Turquie), les Anunna vivaient clairement sur le Dukù, un lieu céleste inconnu. Cela impliquerait que les dieux sumériens Anunna seraient à nos yeux des extraterrestres, ce qui est impensable et inacceptable pour de nombreux historiens, sumérologues et auteurs. L'importance du Dukù est telle que ce même nom fut donné en Mésopotamie aux temples et terrasses consacrées aux dieux. Il n'y a aucun rapport entre Neberu et le Dukù, aucun rapprochement entre ces deux lieux cosmiques sur les tablettes mésopotamiennes. Par contre, la présence de la constellation des Pléiades sur de multiples tablettes d'argile, est confirmée par de nombreux spécialistes. Les Pléiades sont souvent présentes auprès des dieux ou de vaisseaux volants. Cette constellation se nomme MUL-MUL, litt. "la constellation des constellations". De mon point de vue, ce nom est très approprié pour nommer un lieu d'origine.
Tablette BM-89331. La constellation MUL-MUL (les Pléiades) se trouve en haut à droite.
GMH : Alors qu'est-ce que Neberu selon vous, et d'où provient cet astre ?
Anton Parks : Les tablettes mésopotamiennes indiquent que Neberu est un astre nomade qui bouleversa périodiquement les affaires des dieux et des humains. Son origine est "le lieu de la bataille céleste". Cette localisation est extrêmement importante, car elle nous rappelle la symbolique de l'arbre Išed, le pivot éclaté de l'horizon ou celui de l'éclatement de la colline primordiale des ancêtres chez les anciens Egyptiens. Cette idéologie suggère que le sacrifice de cet arbre permet la sortie d'un serpent céleste qui n'est autre qu'Horus. Or le seigneur Horus se dit Neb-Heru en ancien égyptien. Quant à l'arbre Išed, les spécialistes de l'Egypte ancienne savent qu'il s'agit d'une image d'Osiris. L'arbre Išed tourne autour d'un thème mythologique récurrent qui est celui d'une bataille perpétuelle entre les forces osiriennes et les forces sethiennes. Le Seigneur Horus (Neb-Heru), fils de l'arbre sacré, assure un rôle de guetteur et de protecteur. Ses allées et venues autour de l'arbre mourant déterminent la bonne course du soleil. Lui-même est considéré comme étant un nouveau soleil. Nous sommes exactement dans la même thématique que l'astre Neberu mésopotamien qui semble effectuer des allers et retours vers la Terre et qui s'illumine, lui aussi, comme un nouveau soleil lorsqu'il apparaissait dans notre ciel. Pour déterminer un peu mieux les acteurs célestes qui ont créé le drame cosmique à un moment donné de l'histoire terrestre, il faut se pencher sur la littérature chaldéenne. Chez les Assyriens et les Chaldéens qui étaient de grands astronomes, MUL-GE6 (litt. "astre noir") était "le maître de l'enfer" ou encore "le maître des abysses". Les traces de cette colline de l'horizon égyptienne est parfaitement identifiable dans les formules chaldéennes sous la forme de cette Mulge qui est le maître de l'abîme inférieur, là où descendent les morts. Elle est la montagne de l'occident, où se couche le soleil. L'entrée des enfers est à proximité de cette montagne céleste, mais au-delà des eaux du grand réservoir de l'océan astral. La planète Vénus est son éclatant prolongement dans le ciel :
"La grande montagne Mulge, dont la tête égale les cieux. Le réservoir sublime des eaux [baigne] ses abysses. Entre les pays, elle est comme un buffle puissant qui se repose. La corne, comme un rayon de soleil, étincelle comme l'étoile du ciel qui annonce Dilbat (Vénus), achevant son éclat". Traduction Don Moore, tiré de W. A. I. IT, 27, 2
Nous savons que dans la littérature égyptienne, Osiris règne sur le monde des morts et que sa forme mésopotamienne (le dieu Enki-Éa) est le maître des abysses. Mulge est un astre qui n'existait plus à l'époque de Babylone, mais qui, dans l'inconscient collectif, symbolisait la mort et la destruction. L'idée que cette montagne céleste, que cet astre noir, ait apporté son ombre sur la Terre ressort clairement des textes chaldéens :
"Ô toi qui ombrages, seigneur et qui répands ton ombre sur les pays. Grande montagne, dieu-père Mulge, qui répands ton ombre sur les pays. Pasteur qui règle les destinés, qui répands ton ombre sur les pays. […] Mulge, Pasteur [véritable], seigneur de la totalité des pays, Pasteur [véritable], seigneur de la totalité des anges".
Traduction Don Moore, tiré de, W. A. I. IV, 23, 1
En fait, c'est le fils de Mulge que la littérature chaldéenne dénomme En-Zuna ou encore Nin-Dar ("le seigneur qui fracasse" en sumérien), qui est le véritable responsable des bouleversements terrestres. Il est "la peste personnifiée, qualifiée de fils favori de Mulge, engendré par Nin-ki-gal" (W. A. I. IV, 1, col. 1). Ninkigal ou Ereskigal n'est autre qu'Isis-Hathor, la déesse du grand bas, comme je le démontre dans mes différents ouvrages. Le fils de Mulge (Osiris) est donc bien Horus, c'est-à-dire Neb-Heru. Nin-dar est le Soleil nocturne, le soleil qui se cache dans le monde inférieur pendant la moitié de sa course. Il est l'équivalent du Ra'af égyptien, le soleil noir, nom donné à Osiris après sa mort et à sa prolongation, son fils réincarné en lui-même : Horus. Nin-dar doit triompher des ténèbres, c'est pour cela qu'il est le dieu guerrier par excellence. Régulateur du temps et des heures terrestres, il influe sur les mouvements et la vie des dieux et de l'humanité : "Nin-dar, seigneur, fils de Mulge, mesure et juge. […] Nin-dar, seigneur, fils de Mulge, décide la destinée"(W. A. I. IV, 13, 1). Aussi précis soient ces extraits, il ne faut pas perdre de vue que les Assyriens et Babyloniens avaient la fâcheuse habitude d'employer des informations astronomiques plus anciennes (au moins d'époque sumérienne) et de les insérer dans leurs catalogues sans le spécifier pour autant, ce qui nous a parfois procuré des catalogues astronomiques assez confus. Cette information est capitale.
Dès mon deuxième ouvrage, j'ai démontré que la fameuse Mulge éclatée serait en fait la ceinture d'astéroïdes qui se trouve entre Mars et Jupiter. Si nous suivons le déroulement historique retracé dans les Textes des Pyramides égyptiens, Osiris serait mort peu de temps avant ou pendant l'éclatement de la colline primordiale et la venue de "l'œil du son", un planétoïde dévastateur que l'on retrouve dans les textes du temple d'Edfu en Egypte. Une association évidente a été faite entre la mort d'Osiris (et plus tard son corps fragmenté) et les milliards de débris qui constituent les restes de cette ancienne Mulge suméro-chaldéenne. Dans mes différents livres, je soutiens également que l'ancien satellite de Mulge (sa lune ou son fils) serait la planète Vénus avant qu'elle ne se place à l'endroit qu'on lui connaît aujourd'hui. J'ai compilé pas mal de légendes du monde entier qui prétendent ou sous-entendent que la planète Vénus aurait bougé plusieurs fois dans le système solaire avant de se stabiliser et qu'elle aurait provoqué des problèmes climatiques sur la Terre. C'est pourquoi, par un étrange et heureux hasard, la planète Vénus (l'Etoile du Matin) est associée à Horus et à tous les rois d'Egypte, eux-même étant une image d'Horus et donc de Vénus dans la pensée de l'Egypte ancienne.
Il existe de nombreuses similitudes entre Vénus et Horus. Après la destruction de Mulge aujourd'hui la ceinture d'astéroïdes), son satellite Vénus a été éjecté de son orbite et a cherché à se stabiliser dans le système solaire, tel Horus, né de son père Osiris assassiné, cherchant à s'imposer et à trouver sa place dans un monde en guerre. Le bruit que Vénus émettait et les dégâts qu'elle occasionnait créait la panique chez les humains et les dieux. Comme je l'ai annoncé dans le Testament de la Vierge, Horus, en quête de recouvrer les territoires perdus de son père, ainsi que sa royauté légitime, profitait des passages de Vénus pour attaquer ses adversaires, car les dieux étaient désorganisés lors de ces déluges. Neb-Heru (Horus) était furieux, comme l'était la planète Vénus, errante dans le système solaire, laquelle créait de gros dommages sur ses passages. Une association évidente a été faite entre Vénus et Horus, qui sont tous deux nés en même temps… Mes travaux concernant Vénus sont plutôt en accord avec ceux menés par le Dr Immanuel Velikovsky dans son ouvrage "Mondes en Collision". Le Dr Velikovsky a brillamment remarqué et démontré que la planète Vénus a engendré au moins un cataclysme sur la Terre par le passé et qu'elle n'était donc pas à la place qu'on lui connaît aujourd'hui. La seule divergence entre nous serait la datation possible de la stabilisation de Vénus. Immanuel Velikovsky situe cette stabilisation plus récemment que moi. Ce n'est finalement qu'un détail.
GMH : Si Neb-Heru est la planète Vénus, quelle est votre position par rapport aux rumeurs d'apocalypse de 2012 faisant état de l'arrivée de la planète X appelée aussi la "planète du passage" ? A l'évidence, cette planète X n'est pas Neb-Heru (Vénus)… Alors, quel est cet astre selon vous ? Pensez-vous que nous soyons en danger ?
Anton Parks : Non, je ne pense pas que nous soyons en danger. Le seul danger potentiel étant ce que les grands groupes d'influences qui détiennent tous les pouvoirs et certains groupes dits spirituels vont tirer de ce virus : de la peur et de l'argent, et pour les moins "alarmistes" et intègres, de l'optimisme, malheureusement basé sur une forme de génocide planétaire. Nous allons en reparler plus loin.
Le virus Neberu / Nibiru - planète X a été mis sur le marché en 1976, avec le premier ouvrage de Zecharia Sitchin. Désolé de revenir sur ce sujet. Depuis, c'est la foire à l'information, plutôt à la désinformation. De mon point de vue qui ne regarde que moi, il n'y a pas de planète errante Dans le milieu dit new age, la catastrophe à venir serait provoquée par :
une planète
une comète
un amas d'astéroïdes
la planète Jupiter qui deviendrait un soleil
un nouveau soleil en approche…
Le tout savamment synchronisé sur l'année 2012, précisément le 21 décembre, date tirée du calendrier maya, laquelle correspondrait à la fin d'un cycle. Je précise bien la fin d'un cycle, et non la fin du calendrier maya lui-même, puisque ce dernier fonctionne par cycle : la fin du calendrier revenant à son début à cette date. Le calcul du temps sur une notion linéaire est typiquement occidental, bons nombres d'anciens peuples comme les Amérindiens calculaient le temps par cycles. Je dois ajouter également qu'aucun calendrier n'a jamais prédit l'avenir ! Contrairement à ce que de nombreux auteurs new age prétendent, les Mayas n'ont jamais annoncé une fin du monde pour 2012. Leur calendrier s'arrête simplement en 2012 selon nos calculs modernes basés sur notre calendrier grégorien. Autre point que tout le monde oublie d'évoquer, nous ne sommes certains de rien concernant la fixation temporelle du début du compte long du calendrier maya par rapport à notre calendrier occidental. Nous connaissons sa valeur (4 Ahaw, 8 Kumku de l'an, c'est tout. Avec notre façon de calculer le temps, c'est comme si cette date pointait vers, disons au hasard, les années 80. Mais de quelles années 80 était-il question ? De 1980, de 1880, de 2580, de 3180… ? La date du début du calendrier maya a été déterminée pour l'année 3.114 av. J.-C. par plusieurs experts. Pour des raisons trop longues à expliquer ici, je pense que cette date est plausible, tout du moins, dans une fourchette approximative. Cependant, avec le problème évoqué à l'instant, s'agit-il de 3.114 av. J.-C., ou bien de 3.014 av. J.-C. ou encore de 2.914 av. J.-C. ?, etc.
Voici le véritable visage du calendrier maya !
Un autre point vient considérablement compliquer le calcul de la fixation exacte de l'année 2012 par rapport à notre calendrier : le moine romain Denys le Petit est responsable de la mise en place de notre calendrier dans la mesure où c'est lui qui a substitué à l'ère de Dioclétien, l'ère chrétienne sur laquelle est fixé notre calendrier occidental. Mais nous savons pertinemment qu'il a confondu les années de Rome et qu'il se trompa en fixant le point zéro de notre ère. Ce qui donne que nous avons entre 3 et 7 ans de décalage. Cela veut dire que si le début du compte long maya était bien fixé par rapport à notre ère, le 21 décembre 2012 serait déjà passé ou bien qu'il serait, dans le pire des cas, pour le 21 décembre 2009… Je vous laisse méditer sur ce point.
Revenons à 2012. Pour justifier l'importance de cette date 2012, de nombreuses personnes annoncent qu'à ce moment temporel du 21 décembre de cette année, se présentera un alignement exceptionnel des planètes de notre système solaire. Oui, c'est exact, mais cet événement se produit chaque année, à la même époque, soit chaque 21 décembre. L'astrophysicien Neil deGrasse Tyson (directeur du planétarium Hayden à l'American Museum of Natural History de New York) l'a démontré à la télévision américaine (, le 4 février 2009. Son intervention est disponible en vidéo sur Internet, ici par exemple :
Alors les pros 2012 évoquent un alignement exceptionnel de notre système solaire sur le centre de notre galaxie, ce qui provoquerait des répercussions catastrophiques pour notre Terre… C'est encore exact, nous sommes effectivement dans un alignement que l'on pourrait qualifier "d'alignement sur le plan galactique", mais le lecteur doit savoir que l'éminent astronome Jean Meeus, grand spécialiste des mécaniques célestes, a calculé en 1997 (Mathematical Astronomy Morsels) que cette zone d'alignement s'étend de 1980 à 2016. Nous avons donc largement dépassé la moitié de cet alignement à ce jour et nous avons vécu de nombreux 21 décembre depuis 1980, sans aucune fin du monde ! Nous sommes justement en train de quitter cette zone d'alignement. En fait, l'alignement parfait se serait produit en 1998...
GMH : Pourtant de nombreux chanels ou médiums prédisent une catastrophe en 2012. Pensez-vous qu'ils divaguent tous ?
Anton Parks : Je sais parfaitement que je ne vais pas me faire des amis et que je vais perdre quelques lecteurs en évoquant ce que je m'apprête à dire, mais ce n'est pas bien grave. Au fil des années, j'ai pris l'habitude de ne plus perdre de temps et d'aller à l'essentiel. Si cette démarche fait mal, tant pis, je dirai que c'est un mal pour un bien. De nombreux auteurs préfèrent brosser leurs lecteurs dans le sens du poil, ce n'est pas mon cas parce que la situation est grave, trop grave pour se taire. Comme l'a dit Albert Einstein "Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire !".
Cela fait plusieurs années que des alertes de type "fin du monde" font leurs apparitions, quelques exemples qui me viennent à l'esprit :
En 1910, les astronomes de l'époque prédirent que la queue de la comète de Halley allait entrer en contact avec la Terre. Les journalistes s'empressèrent de prédire la fin du monde.
En 1986 et 1997, les comètes de Halley et Hale-Bopp suscitèrent également des goûts de fin du monde.
En 1990, l'auteur Francis r. Trestournel publie "la Fin de l'Eden". Son ouvrage semble recycler l'idée de Sitchin en reportant le drame cosmique à une ancienne collision de entre un planétoïde (ou Baryplanète) et notre ancienne Terre (Terre primitive) à l'époque du tertiaire, l'ensemble ayant formé notre planète actuelle.
En 1998, V. H. Rabolu recycle le thème de Neberu en "Hercolobulus ou planète rouge", livre édité dans différents pays entre 1999 et 2004.
Pacco Rabanne a prédit la destruction de Paris pour le 11 août 1999. Relevons qu'il était sincère puisque, avant cette date, il a définitivement déménagé son entreprise et qu'il a quitté Paris.
Tout le monde se souviendra du passage à l'an 2000. De nombreuses prédictions de type "fin du monde" ont été évoquées à cette époque.
Richard W. Noone prétendait dans son ouvrage à sensation 5/5/2000 (Three Rivers Press, 1982) un cataclysme planétaire à cette date précise et un retour à l'âge glacière.
Dès 1995, la prophétesse Nancy Lieder (Zetatalk) a proclamé l'apparition de la planète X / Neberu pour mai 2003. Comme cela ne s'est pas produit, le jugement dernier a été reporté à 2012...
Comme évoqué précédemment, tout démarre en 1976 par suite d'une mauvaise interprétation de Zecharia Sitchin concernant Neberu. Je pense que M. Sitchin a dû remarquer son erreur au fil des années, mais comme toute sa théorie est fondée sur cette idée de planète errante des Anunna, il ne pouvait plus faire marche arrière. Avant son premier ouvrage et l'année 1976, aucun chanel ou médium ne parlait de Neberu ! Ensuite, peu à peu, la paranoïa s'est reportée sur cet astre hypothétique et sur le calendrier maya ainsi que sa date de 2012. En fait, ce type de pensée est amplement soutenu par l'idéologie new age, agrémentée de ses discours chanélisés, qu'ils soient authentiques du point de vue de leurs auteurs ou totalement manipulés. Les personnes qui soutiennent la venue de cet astre sont bien souvent dans l'attente d'évènements transformateurs "christiques", notamment dans l'expectative de changements planétaires. Ces changements sont généralement regardés comme foudroyants, ne laissant aucune marge de manœuvre à ceux qui ne seraient pas prêts ou qui n'auraient pas suffisamment travaillé sur eux-mêmes pour vivre cette transformation, bien souvent regardée comme un saut quantique vers une dimension supérieure. Ce basculement de dimension implique généralement l'irruption d'un déluge planétaire qui aboutit à la destruction du monde de la 3D dans lequel les différentes espèces d'hominidés et animales vivent pourtant depuis au moins 7 millions d'années… Combien de survivants-élus sont-ils prévus dans la charte new age ? Les avis diffèrent, mais ils seraient peu nombreux et on chiffrerait les morts à plusieurs milliards.
Affiches promotionnelles d'un film sur 2012 avec le calendrier aztèque et non maya !! Le nombre de magazines, de livres et de sites Web qui ont perpétué cette erreur est tout bonnement hallucinant. C'est aussi la preuve qu'aucune vérification de l'information n'a été effectuée par les concernés et qu'il est très facile de propager des concepts déformés.
Rassurez-vous, cette vision terrible et monstrueuse n'est pas nouvelle, elle a fait plusieurs fois son apparition au cours de l'histoire humaine sans pour autant se matérialiser. Je pense, par exemple, à la conception que se faisait la secte gnostique sethienne (1) du sauveur de ce monde qui était proche de celle des zoroastriens, pour qui la venue de ce dernier devait marquer la disparition du mal. Mais pour eux, le retour du sauveur devait irrémédiablement déclencher un retournement complet de l'univers, la droite devenant la gauche, le dessus, le dessous, et inversement. Je prévois que ce concept serait simplement en relation avec des faits anciens. Nombreux sont ceux qui gardent peut-être inconsciemment en eux le souvenir douloureux d'un cataclysme ou d'un engloutissement vécu dans une autre vie. C'est possible si l'on croit à la réincarnation. La Terre connaîtra d'autres cataclysmes plus ou moins proches, c'est certain, néanmoins, je n'envisage pas que ces bouleversements se combineront avec un saut quantique dont seuls quelques élus bénéficieront. Peut-être que cet événement quantique se produira bientôt. Mais, envisager une "évolution" sur le dos de plusieurs milliards de morts n'est pas un bon calcul d'un point de vue karmique.
(1)Je demande aux lecteurs de faire la distinction entre le "dieu" Šeteš (Seth), assassin d'Osiris, et Seth, le troisième fils d'Adam et Eve d'où les gnostiques sethiens tirent leur nom et leur enseignement.
D'une façon générale, les véritables changements s'effectuent par degrés et non subitement. Un changement brutal n'est jamais bon dans la nature. Regardez la dite évolution des espèces. La science ne trouvera jamais aucun chaînon manquant entre les espèces d'hominidés du fait que chaque transformation génétique s'est effectuée par palier, c'est indéniable. La science officielle ne mentionne pas ce phénomène avéré, puisque cela impliquerait une intervention supérieure. La mafia scientifique préfère rassurer le docile travailleur qui finance ses recherches en octroyant au genre humain un caractère exceptionnel dans l'univers.
De leur côté, les gnostiques avaient cette conviction et cet espoir d'être sauvés uniquement grâce à la gnose (du grec gnôsis : connaissance) qu'ils possédaient. Mais comme bien souvent, la connaissance d'un secret ou d'un savoir caché peut monter à la tête et provoquer une ségrégation intellectuelle. Malgré tout le bien que l'on puisse penser de la gnose et de certains de ses messages (sans doute d'origines osiriennes), il ne faut pas oublier que la gnose s'est progressivement transformée en une doctrine d'élite. Elle prônait des messages élitistes résultant de révélations secrètes du Christ, que ce dernier aurait transmis à quelques disciples privilégiés. Pourchassés par les chrétiens, et se regardant comme les héritiers d'un savoir supérieurs, les gnostiques se sont enfermé dans une forteresse intellectuelle et philosophique qui ressemble fort à celle inventée par le clergé osirien resté fidèle aux mystères du dieu assassiné et qui a dû faire face, lui aussi, à l'idéologie du clergé d'Atum-Râ. N'oublions pas qu'après sa mort, Osiris était regardé comme le dieu des morts et Atum-Râ, celui des vivants. Généralement, l'esprit humain préfère toujours se placer du côté de la vie...
Le pensée qui appartient au Chilam Balam, le livre prophétique maya (qui n'a rien à voir avec le calendrier maya et 2012 !), s'apparente également à cette vision gnostique et contemporaine des élus sauvés grâce à leur savoir : "La parole, don des dieux, interprétée par le Prêtre Chilam, était à l'origine même du pouvoir et du gouvernement. Les usurpateurs, les étrangers étaient 'ceux qui ne savent pas parler notre langue'. […] Alors pour ceux qui n'avaient pas [la connaissance], c'était le châtiment suprême : 'Telles sont les paroles. Si elles ne sont pas comprises par les Batab (magistrats) des villes, néfaste sera l'étoile qui orne la nuit… Ils mourront, ceux qui ne pourront pas comprendre'…" (Les Prophéties du Chilam Balam", éditions Gallimard, 1976). Comme vous le voyez, l'aventure humaine n'est qu'un éternel recommencement philosophique et historique.
GMH : D'autres médiums prédisent plutôt une élévation des consciences en 2012.
Anton Parks : Il est indéniable que l'être humain évolue positivement et que son niveau de conscience s'élève progressivement. Un niveau de conscience qui s'élève implique un changement de fréquence, c'est certain. Ce changement est en marche et nombreux sont ceux qui l'ont déjà senti. Cependant, je suis convaincu qu'un changement de fréquence n'est approprié que si la fréquence expérimentée a été pleinement vécu et comprise. De mon point de vue, une véritable modification de fréquence ne pourra s'effectuer que lorsque la majorité de la planète l'aura unanimement décidée. Simplement, lorsque l'humanité aura pris conscience de ses origines et qu'elle aura une meilleure compréhension de la place qu'elle occupe dans l'univers et, de surcroît, une meilleure compréhension de la Source de toute chose. Le genre humain est coupé de ce concept depuis la nuit des temps. Un relevé de puissance n'est concret que lorsque l'énergie est additionnée et non lorsque cette énergie se disperse stupidement au point de créer des courts-circuits. L'accumulation d'énergie forme une puissance phénoménale qui peut dépasser l'entendement humain et créer des prodiges. C'est là l'élément qui manque chez certains qui ont décidé de créer l'élitisme et la division plutôt que l'union. Pas besoin d'être prophète pour prédire que l'être humain créera son monde idéal grâce à l'unité et la cohésion. Le genre humain forme une communauté douée d'un potentiel impressionnant. Une seule décision prise de façon unanime et c'est déjà une part du système de ce monde qui s'effondre d'un coup.
GMH : De ce fait, pensez-vous que nous ne puissions pas faire confiance en l'invisible ?
Anton Parks : Non, bien entendu. Je serai mal placé pour affirmer une telle chose, le problème ne se situe pas là. La pensée new age autour du thème de "la fin du monde" n'est pas éloignée de ce concept gnostique qui prône la recherche de soi-même à travers des informations provenant des sphères invisibles. Des informations très souvent invérifiables, qui, de ce fait, apportent le rêve et l'espérance. Des renseignements qui doivent absolument garder leur part de mystère, car la vérité des hautes sphères ne peut être accessible pleinement en 3D. Parmi la sphère new age se trouvent des gens sincères et altruistes qui cherchent la réalité qui se cache derrière la nôtre. Certains ont déjà compris qu'il s'agit d'une réalité multiple. Parmi ces individus, nombreux autres sont en fracture sociale et en grande souffrance. Ils n'attendent plus grand chose de ce monde, tant notre société est difficile à vivre et souvent cruelle. La 3D n'étant que matière peu fréquentable pour ces personnes en détresse, certains d'entre eux (ils sont nombreux !!) prévoient et espèrent un effondrement du monde qui leur servira de propulseur inter-dimensionnel. Dans le cas de cette dissolution de la 3D, pourquoi faire des projets, travailler à un monde meilleur, puisque celui-ci est destiné à disparaître ? La zone céleste convoitée par ses individus ressemble fort à un endroit idyllique où on ne semble pas se nourrir (si ce n'est de lumière), où on ne travaille pas, où on ne souffre pas, etc. Il est impossible d'avoir des renseignements clairs et précis sur ces sujets, vu le nombre de messages contradictoires en ce qui concerne ces hypothèses sur notre futur. Ceux qui véhiculent ces théories sont très peu enclins à être pragmatiques dès qu'il s'agit de comprendre et d'analyser dans les détails. Ils sont encore moins disposés à mettre leurs théories en communs ou à débattre objectivement sur les théories qu'ils avancent et qui se contredisent notoirement. Par contre, je remarque chez ce type d'individus, qu'il est facile de renier la matière, celle qui nous a donné la vie, comme il est aisé de renier ses parents. Répudier la matière qui nous a apporté nos différentes perceptions équivaut à renier ce pourquoi nous sommes fait et tout le processus créateur qui a été élaboré en son sein depuis des milliards d'années par les différentes énergies créatrices, qu'elles soient bonnes ou mauvaises.
GMH : Vous pensez que l'inquiétude autour d'une possible fin du monde est donc déplacée ?
Anton Parks : Chacun a le droit de croire ou de penser ce qu'il souhaite dans la mesure où il respecte le point de vue de son prochain. Là où le culte du catastrophisme impliquant le "sauvetage" de quelques élus devient dangereux, c'est lorsqu'il use de méthodes compulsives, comme celle de la peur, à l'image de certaines personnes ou certaines sectes qui génèrent un prosélytisme important tout en dénigrant en permanence les autres possibilités, aussi cohérentes soient-elles. Différentes religions utilisent cette arme pour conserver leurs adeptes : "celui qui n'a pas la foi en Dieu, n'est pas un bon croyant et n'ira pas au Paradis"… Considérer qu'on est en droit à faire partie d'élus est très dangereux. Avec ce genre d'idéologie sectaire, les plus grands génocides ont été engendrés, l'histoire nous l'a prouvé. Reprocher à son prochain de ne pas avoir la foi en une doctrine est aussi très dangereux à mon sens. En cette époque de grande collision entre les religions, les cultures, les idéaux et la science, le monde se retrouve au bord d'un gouffre de plus en plus profond à mesure que le temps s'écoule. La Terre et ses richesses n'a jamais été aussi maltraité par la main de l'Homme, mais tout est sous contrôle, vous ne risquerez rien si vous suivez à la lettre les règles imposées par ceux pour qui vous avez voté ! De même, la nature est gravement endommagée et le règne animal n'a jamais été aussi malmené. Les paysans sont acculés par les charges et le système de production mondial leur demande toujours plus au détriment de la qualité. Il n'y a plus aucune liberté, juste une peau de chagrin afin de produire l'effet d'une autonomie individuelle. L'écart entre les riches et les pauvres s'agrandit jour après jour, mais tout va bien, tant que les caisses des impôts sont réapprovisionnées. Savez-vous que si tout le monde ne payait plus ses impôts en même temps, le système s'écroulerait instantanément ? Inutile d'attendre un retour messianique ou une fin du monde pour changer le système. Le système changera le jour où l'humain sera solidaire avec son prochain, ce n'est pas bien plus compliqué.
GMH : Alors, selon vous, que se passera t-il en 2012 ?
Anton Parks : Je pense que 2012 est une date butoir qui servira au gouvernement mondial déjà en place à verrouiller les cadenas de toutes les portes de sortie (les rares qui restent), et à enterrer définitivement les libertés individuelles. 2012 est un leurre qui leur permet de berner et d'hypnotiser les individus qui reconnaissent d'autres théories que la très sainte et officielle. Tétanisés, devant l'attente de cette planète X et de ses bienfaits ou de son action destructrice, beaucoup de gens de bonne volonté s'évertuent à travailler uniquement sur leur esprit (puisque celui-ci est supposé avoir un effet déterminant sur l'orientation prise par la planète X : destruction ou transformation), au détriment du travail dans la matière. C'est une belle excuse pour ne pas regarder les difficultés à agir honnêtement et vivre sainement dans notre monde moderne. Cette pensée offre à la fois de grandes possibilités monétaires aux pollueurs et à ceux qui n'ont aucune morale, et de petites ouvertures à ceux qui sont intègres et consciencieux.
Quoi qu'il en soit, le sujet Neberu et 2012 éveille craintes ou délectations morbides de catastrophisme. Pendant ce temps, les conditions de vie se dégradent au lieu de s'améliorer, comme cela devrait être le cas pour une société qui a développé des technologies pour son bien être. Les banques et les assurances ont pris le pouvoir sur l'ensemble de la planète ! Plus de la moitié des habitants ne mange pas à sa faim, et l'autre ingère des aliments qui les empoisonnent. L'industrie pharmaceutique et chimique se frotte les mains ! De nombreux conflits et guerres sont savamment entretenus dans des endroits stratégiques. La santé et le bien être deviennent de plus en plus rares, seuls quelques privilégiés y ont droit… monnayant de grosses sommes à l'industrie médicale, bien entendu. Ceux qui vivent du système sont peu enclins à le remettre en question, certains vont même jusqu'à le défendre de toutes leurs forces, tellement ils en sont dépendants. Quant à ceux qui sont ouverts d'esprit et osent regarder de l'autre coté du voile, ils se retrouvent "gavés" d'une multitude de renseignements mêlant informations et désinformations. C'est bien dommage, car ce sont eux qui ont le pouvoir de faire changer les choses sur cette planète. Nous sommes arrivés à un non sens, et il est nécessaire au gouvernement mondial de trouver des solutions fortes aux questionnements et à la possible révolte qui s'ensuivra.
Je ne suis pas spécialement partisan d'un conspirationisme systématique, mais je pense que les providentiels virus et l'arrivée de la planète X sont des chances pour le gouvernement mondial de ne pas être mis en cause. Ses membres sont prêts à tout, et ils possèdent une science très en avance sur la "science officielle". Il leur sera tout à fait possible d'utiliser des images holographiques projetées dans notre ciel (projet Blue Beam) pour nous faire croire à l'arrivée d'une planète errante ou, pourquoi pas, à de vilains extraterrestres belliqueux. Tout dépend des objectifs de leur plan d'action. Si ce plan possède un programme court, il est possible que cela se passe comme cela. Si leur programme s'étend plus longuement dans le temps, les méthodes offensives contre l'être humain pourront être plus progressives. Quant aux problèmes graves que l'humanité devra affronter : la dégradation du climat, les sécheresses, et à d'autres endroits, les pluies diluviennes, les inondations, etc, nous devons en chercher la cause dans la dégradation des sols qui se minéralisent sous l'effet de la déforestation et des produits phytosanitaires chimiques qui tuent toute vie organique, empoisonnent nos aliments et notre air. C'est un comble, mais un sol qui se minéralise devient un désert et ne peut plus rien produire s'il n'est pas gavé de chimie…C'est ce qu'il se passe un peu partout aujourd'hui, n'en doutez pas.
Et en ce qui concerne les tremblements de terre qui s'accentuent d'années en années, posons-nous la question de savoir de quel outrage la Terre se défend. Peut-être que les peuples primitifs n'ont pas tort en affirmant que le pétrole est le sang de la Terre. Il faut savoir aussi que cette histoire de planète X est censée, selon certaines théories, être responsable des dégâts climatiques et des tremblements de terre. Une fois encore, une aubaine quant à la responsabilité des industriels et de ceux qui les suivent et leur font confiance aveuglément. Les solutions écologiques existent, mais elles demanderaient de placer l'être humain, sa santé et son bien être, au centre de toutes les attentions, mais ceci est incompatible avec son rôle de docile travailleur et consommateur. Le peu de considération, le chantage permanent et la précarité qui sont entretenus envers les producteurs qui nous nourrissent, montre bien à quel point ceux qui tirent les ficelles ne veulent pas de citoyens souverains.
D'une façon certaine, une fois l'échéance 2012 passée, les pros planète X avanceront que "l'humanité n'était pas prête". Les plus engagés dans cette fumeuse propagande (si le projet holographique de projection d'une fausse planète X n'a pas lieu), diront que eux personnellement l'on bien vue, mais que l'habitant lambda qui n'a pas élevé sa conscience dans les dimensions supérieures n'est pas capable de voir des choses qui sont au-delà de la 3D. Il est possible aussi que l'échéance 2012 soit revue à 2060, qui est la date avancée par Sitchin pour sa visite. La planète X ne sera alors plus associée à 2012. Quoi qu'il en soit, après 2012, il est certain que beaucoup culpabiliseront ou essayeront de faire culpabiliser d'autres individus plus faibles, car l'avenir ne sera pas au niveau de leurs espérances. Une chose est sûre, 2012 sera un point culminant, l'apogée de toutes les peurs pour certains d'entre nous.
Il est communément admis que la pensée créée notre vie, et beaucoup de spiritualistes acceptent ce point. Mais c'est tout un processus, la pensée crée des énergies, des motivations, des rencontres. Une idée au départ va inciter à une réflexion, une autre façon d'aborder les choses. Puis ces pensées vont modifier notre vie, mais à la seule condition que nous mettions en actes, en pratique ces pensées. Sinon, il n'y aura aucun changement, juste peut-être l'illusion d'une modification. En prolongeant cette idée de pensée créatrice, n'oublions pas non plus que le contraire est possible et qu'il est en action aujourd'hui, sous nos yeux. Installer une peur mondiale donne de l'énergie et de grandes possibilités aux carnassiers qui détiennent tous les pouvoirs sur l'ouvrier humain. Cela leur permet de faire passer toutes les lois qu'ils souhaitent sous notre nez. Voilà le portrait futur de notre planète si l'humanité ne se réveille pas très vite. Voilà aussi le cœur du problème concernant cette fameuse planète X. C'est savamment orchestré. Cependant, l'humanité a le choix de tout changer, et bon nombre d'entre nous ne le sait pas encore.
Ons zonnestelsel bestaat mogelijk toch uit negen planeten
Ons zonnestelsel bestaat mogelijk toch uit negen planeten
Wetenschappers van Caltech beweren dat ons zonnestelsel wellicht niet uit acht, maar uit negen planeten bestaat. Er is overtuigend bewijs gevonden dat een mysterieuze planeet op grote afstand om de zon draait. Deze planeet is tien keer groter dan de aarde en 500 keer zwaarder dan Pluto.
De onderzoekers beweren in het persbericht dat de afstand van deze planeet tot de zon ongeveer twintig keer groter is dan de gemiddelde afstand van Neptunus tot de zon. Ter info: Neptunus is 4,5 miljard kilometer van de zon verwijderd, dus dat betekent dat een ruimteschip in totaal 90 miljard kilometer moet afleggen om de negende planeet te bereiken.
Onderzoekers Mike Brown en Konstantin Batygin ontdekten de aanwezigheid van de planeet dankzij computersimulaties op basis van zes Kuipergordelobjecten. Deze zes Kuipergordelobjecten hebben allemaal elliptische banen, maar volgen dezelfde richting in de fysieke ruimte. “De kans dat dit toeval is, is slechts 0,007 procent”, zegt Brown. “Kortom, het kán haast geen toeval zijn. Er moet iets zijn dat de koers van deze objecten bepaalt.”
Aan de andere kant van de zon De wetenschappers onderzochten verschillende scenario’s, maar uiteindelijk bleef één scenario over: een grote negende planeet die aan de andere kant om de zon draait. “Je denkt waarschijnlijk dat dit niet kan en dat deze planeet en de Kuipergordelobjecten uiteindelijk op elkaar botsen, maar het systeem is juist zeer stabiel”, vervolgt Brown. Er is altijd sprake van een evenwicht. “Als de negende planeet – bijvoorbeeld – vier rondjes aflegt, dan legt een Kuipergordelobject er vier af. Planeet 9 is net een ouder die zijn kind op een schommel af en toe een duwtje geeft.”
Opvallend is dat er de afgelopen drie jaar vier Kuipergordel-objecten zijn gevonden die precies passen binnen dit model. “Toen ik daar achter kwam, viel mijn mond van verbazing open”, aldus Brown.
De objecten met blauwe en paarse banen passen exact in het nieuwe model, waarbij er een negende planeet bestaat (oranje baan).
Planeet 9 is al te zien Op dit moment is de ruwe baan van de negende planeet bekend, maar de exacte locatie helaas nog niet. Als de planeet op het verste punt van zijn baan staat, dan is deze te spotten op foto’s van de Subaru-telescoop en de Keck-telescopen. Het is heel goed mogelijk dat planeet 9 dichterbij de aarde staat. In dat geval is de planeet misschien wel op bestaande foto’s van het heelal zichtbaar en kan dit hemellichaam zelfs ontdekt worden door een amateur-astronoom!
Waar komt deze planeet vandaan? Ook is er nog onzekerheid over de oorsprong van de negende planeet. Is het een planeet die niet rondom de zon geboren is, maar is ‘gevangen’ door de zon? Waarschijnlijk niet. Het duo vermoedt dat deze Neptunus-achtige planeet 4,5 miljard jaar geleden – toen ons zonnestelsel ontstond – is weggeslingerd door Jupiter en Saturnus.
Wie vindt planeet 9? “Ik zou het fantastisch vinden als ik deze planeet vind”, vervolgt Brown. “Maar het is natuurlijk ook leuk als die eer naar iemand anders gaat. Daarom publiceren wij dit paper: om mensen aan te sporen om op zoek te gaan.” Het paper is gratis online in te zien op de website van The Astronomical Journal.
Alle personen die treuren om het verlies van Pluto als negende planeet, kunnen na vandaag weer zorgeloos ademhalen. Brown: “De jacht is geopend! Het zonnestelsel kan weer negen planeten tellen.” Nu maar hopen dat de negende planeet ook echt bestaat. De simulaties vormen immers geen direct bewijs. Wordt ongetwijfeld vervolgd…
In Honduras hebben archeologen op de vermoedelijke locatie van de legendarische Witte Stad tientallen artefacten opgegraven die meer vertellen over de eeuwenoude stadsbewoners. Een van de ontdekkingen is dat de bevolking waarschijnlijk niet van Mayaanse afkomst is. Dat is opvallend, want de Maya's domineerden toen de regio.
Bij de opgravingen werden ongeveer zestig stenen en keramische fragmenten van bijvoorbeeld potten en andere voorwerpen gevonden. Op veel scherven - die tussen de 500 en 1.000 jaar oud zijn - staan jaguars, hagedissen en vogels afgebeeld. De meest bijzondere vondst is een soort van troon, met ook hierop verscheidene jaguars.
Dat de inwoners van de stad niet van Mayaanse afkomst zijn, vinden de onderzoekers opvallend. Waar de roots van het volk dan wel liggen, is vooralsnog onduidelijk. "Dit lijkt op een nieuwe cultuur, of op z'n minst een andere bevolking dan we normaal in de regio zien'', zo zegt de voorzitter van het Hondurese instituut van antropologie.
De archeologen zijn niet de enige mensen die enthousiast zijn over de opgravingen. De Hondurese president Juan Orlande Hernandez zei in een verklaring dat "we gezegend zijn om zo'n belangrijk moment in de Hondurese geschiedenis mee te maken", zo meldt de Telegraph.
Grootsheid en rijkdom Toch is het nog steeds niet zeker of de beruchte plek daadwerkelijk Ciudad Blanca is. De legende van de stad, die vermoedelijk gehouwen is uit wit steen, is ontstaan in de 16de eeuw toen de Spanjaard Hernán Cortés het verhaal te horen kreeg over een metropool vol gouden standbeelden. In een brief aan de Spaanse koning schrijft hij over een plek die "de steden in Mexico zou evenaren in grootheid en rijkdom". De ontdekkingsreiziger vond de plaats echter nooit.
De legende stopte daar echter niet, en in 2012 laaide het eeuwenoude verhaal weer op. Een vliegtuig met laserapparatuur ontdekte opvallende rechte lijnen in het landschap, wat vervolgens de aandacht van archeologen trok. Toen een expeditie op onderzoek uit ging, werden de resten van een standbeeld gevonden. Genoeg bewijs dus om een groter onderzoek te starten.
Het kan volgens de wetenschappers nog wel jaren duren tot er duidelijkheid is over de echtheid van de stad, maar één ding is zeker: spannend is het allemaal wel.
Check hieronder een documentaire van National Geographic over de Witte Stad.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Deze vrouwen beweren ‘buitenaardse’ kinderen te hebben die aan boord van ruimteschepen leven
Deze vrouwen beweren ‘buitenaardse’ kinderen te hebben die aan boord van ruimteschepen leven
Een aantal Amerikaanse vrouwen claimt kinderen te hebben die zijn verwekt door buitenaardsen. Bridget Nielson uit Sedona en Aluna Verse uit Los Angeles zijn lid van de zogeheten Hybrid Baby Community. Ze geloven dat hun kinderen op reusachtige buitenaardse ruimteschepen leven, meldt de Britse Daily Mail.
Aluna Verse (Solent)
De groep gelooft dat aliens DNA verzamelen om perfecte kinderen te creëren. Nielson (27) zegt dat duizenden vrouwen op aarde niet beseffen dat ze ook hybride kinderen hebben. Ze zegt tien buitenaardse kinderen te hebben; vier jongens en zes meisjes.
“Ze nemen onze kinderen niet zomaar, ze creëren een hybride ras om de mensheid te verbeteren,” zei ze. De vrouwen hebben tekeningen gemaakt van hun hybride kinderen. Hoewel ze ook menselijke trekjes hebben, doen de meeste denken aan de Reptilians en hebben ze zwarte ogen. “Het was de beste seks die ik ooit heb gehad,” voegde Nielson toe.
Bridget Nielson (Solent)
De 23-jarige Verse is naar eigen zeggen moeder van drie buitenaardse kinderen. “Het klinkt gek en mensen vragen me wel eens of ik van mijn medicijnen af ben, maar dit gebeurt echt,” zei ze.
Sommige vrouwen die lid zijn van de Hybrid Baby Community claimen meer dan 10 kinderen te hebben met aliens. Die kinderen ontmoeten ze nooit op aarde. “Dat is droevig omdat je niet bij ze kunt zijn,” zei Nielson. “Wij denken dat er honderdduizenden vrouwen zijn op aarde die hybride baby’s hebben, ze weten het alleen niet.”
“Mensen zeggen dat we gek zijn, maar dat zijn we niet,” besloot Nielson. “Dit overkomt ons echt.”
This building on Pluto stands out from its surroundings. I say building, because I have seen structures like this before on Earths moon and Mercury. This structure has an opening facing us. This building is unique to others I found in that there is a trail made from it moving back and forth along the surface of Pluto. Yes, I said it can move. The shininess of the black structure is due to a coating of ice over it. Its normal appearance is non-reflective black (stealth). These buildings always have a different shape. The seem to have been grown, rather than created. More biomechanics in style. Saves people time if people don't have to make them right? The best one I ever found was on Mercury. It had a the face of an African male about 30 years old and happy, round and the best detail I had ever seen. I could even see there were seams in it, much like the statue of liberty has in its face...lines were it was put together. That doesn't mean it was grown, but it was high detail. My Windows computer got a black screen virus the next day, destroying everything. I had to toss the computer out. So I had no evidence of it, but I still see his face in my head. Africans...are descended from the stars. Scott C. Waring
UK Hacker Gary McKinnon Who Saw Off World Soldiers & Ships On US Gov Computers Had Extradition Blocked!
UK Hacker Gary McKinnon Who Saw Off World Soldiers & Ships On US Gov Computers Had Extradition Blocked!
It's not often a pure soul comes along with such knowledge and skills and turns the world of UFO research upside-down over night, but the valiant Gary McKinnon (The Peoples Champion) has done just that. The US Gov has deviously tried to get Gary extradited out of the UK and sent to the US to face an American trial…more like a witch hunt. But today the US Gov lost! The people won! The UK Blocked extradition of hacker Gary Mckinnon. Also note, hacking in the UK at that time was only a misdemeanor…not a serous crime.
Why did the US want Gary so badly? That's easy, on some of the computers he hacked into, he discovered files about twenty to thirty non-terrestrial officers (off world). He saw their ranks, and ship to ship transfers off world. He believes the US gov is using reverse-engeneered technology that they recovered from UFO crashes. Gary was fearless as he hacked into the Army, Navy, Air Force, DOD (Dept. of Defense) and NASA.
Check out the two videos below and hear it in his own words. I made the videos myself as a tribute to him, so go easy on me for that. SCW
Ce que l'on sait sur la potentielle neuvième planète de notre système solaire
Ce que l'on sait sur la potentielle neuvième planète de notre système solaire
Des scientifiques affirment avoir des preuves de l'existence d'une neuvième planète dans notre système solaire.
Des scientifiques américains ont publié, mercredi 20 janvier 2016, des éléments laissant penser à l'existence d'une neuvième planète dans notre système solaire. (MENDOWONG PHOTOGRAPHY / MOMENT RM / GETTY)
Par Camille Adaoust
Et si notre système solaire était plus vaste que nous ne le pensions ? Deux astronomes de l'Institut de technologie de Californie (Caltech) ont trouvéplusieurs éléments accréditant l'existence d'une neuvième planète, comme ils le démontrent mercredi 20 janvier dans The Astronomical Journal (en anglais). "Il n'y a eu jusqu'à présent que deux planètes découvertes dans notre système solaire depuis l'Antiquité et ce serait dans ce cas la troisième", a déclaré Michael Brown, professeur d'astronomie planétaire et coauteur de l'étude. Francetv info fait le point sur ce que l'on sait de cette planète mystérieuse.
Une planète géante et fort, fort lointaine
Si la "Planète 9" existe, elle est énorme", assure le Washington Post (en anglais).Elle serait même la cinquième plus grosse planète de notre système, derrière Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus et Neptune. Selon les scientifiques, il s'agirait en effet d'une planète géante qui serait dix fois plus massive que la Terre.
Son orbite serait en moyenne vingt fois plus lointaine que celle de Neptune, déjà à 4,5 milliards de kilomètres du Soleil. Elle ferait donc le tour du Soleil en 10 000 à 20 000 ans.
S'il y a bien une 9e planète dans le Système solaire, voilà vers où il va falloir la chercher. A plus de 600 UA...
Cette découverte est un pur hasard
Dans un premier temps, Scott Sheppard et Chad Trujillo avaient, en 2014, publié un article parlant de l'existence d'une potentielle neuvième planète. "On pensait que leur idée était folle", a expliqué Michael Brown. Le chercheur a pourtant vite changé d'avis. Alors qu'il travaillait avec Konstantin Batygin sur le mouvement de planètes naines et d'autres petits objets, ils se sont aperçus que la gravité d'une planète devait influencer le trajet de ces objets.
"Jusque-là, nous ne croyions pas vraiment nos résultats nous-mêmes. Nous pensions tout simplement que ça n'avait pas de sens", explique Michael Brown dans leWashington Post. "Mais leur modélisation a montré qu'une planète à la masse dix fois plus importante que celle de la Terre influencerait l'orbite des plus petits corps, les empêchant de se rapprocher du Soleil comme ils devraient le faire", ajoute le journal.
Rien n'est confirmé
Cette planète n'a pas été observée directement. Mais Michael Brown et KonstantinBatygin sont formels. Pour eux, la probabilité que le mouvement de ces objets soit dû au hasard est de 0,007%. "La chasse à la neuvième planète est désormais officiellement ouverte", note 20 Minutes. L'observer directement relèverait de l'exploit, la planète étant environ 10 000 fois moins brillante que Pluton.
"Mais Mike Brown estime que des télescopes sur Terre sont assez puissants pour toucher le gros lot, avec de la chance", continue le site. Les chercheurs s'étonnaient, de plus, de l'absence de ce type de planète – courante dans l'Univers – au sein de notre système solaire.
Nibiru a largement inspiré Melancholia, la planète errante du film homonyme de Lars Van Trier.
L'annonce de la probable découverte d'une neuvième planète aux confins du Système solaire donne un second souffle aux théories jugées fantaisistes sur l'existence de Nibiru, une planète mythique et menaçante qui reviendrait régulièrement semer la désolation sur la terre.
La quête de la neuvième planète En 1846, lors de la découverte de Neptune par le Français Urbain Le Verrier, de nombreux astronomes se disent qu’il n’y a aucune raison de s’arrêter là et redoublent d’efforts pour dénicher d’autres planètes après la géante glacée. Parmi les plus acharnés, l’Américain Percival Lowell. L’astronome délaisse l’étude ingrate des inexistants canaux martiens pour rechercher, sans plus de succès, l’hypothétique Planète X, selon le nom que lui attribue Percival Lowell. C’est cet astre introuvable qui serait à l’origine des anomalies dans les orbites d’Uranus et Neptune.
Pluton, planète née sous X Pluton, découverte en 1930 par Clyde W. Tombaugh, fait figure d’excellente candidate au titre de Planète X. Mais, au fil des années, la masse de Pluton est sans cesse revue à la baisse jusqu’à l’humiliation finale de sa relégation au rang de planète naine. Pluton ne peut pas être responsable des contradictions dans les orbites des planètes géantes.
Au cours des 40 dernières années, la Planète X est devenue l’Arlésienne de l’astronomie. Son existence, toujours supputée mais jamais démontrée, s’apparente désormais à un mythe moderne : parmi les théories scientifiques les plus originales, celle de Richard A. Muller, de l’université de Californie, décroche la palme. Il postule l’existence de la planète Némésis, du nom de la déesse grecque de la colère des dieux. Cet astre à l’orbite capricieux reviendrait régulièrement dans nos parages pour semer la mort et la désolation sur terre avec les météorites qu’elle traîne dans son sillage. Némésis serait responsable, entre autres, de la disparition des dinosaures. Cette sinistre planète rappelle par bien des aspects la mythique Nibiru, popularisée par l’écrivain Zecharia Sitchin.
Nibiru, planète pas nette Avec Zecharia Sitchin, écrivain d’origine russe décédé en 2010 à l’âge de 90 ans, on quitte les rivages de la science pour arriver dans le grand n’importe quoi. En s’appuyant sur les tablettes cunéiformes de l’époque sumérienne, qu’il prétend avoir traduites, Sitchin affirme que l’humanité aurait été crée par une race extraterrestre, les Annunaki, révérés comme des dieux par les Sumériens.
Le bas-relief sumérien sur lequel Sitchin croit avoir trouvé la preuve de l'existence de Nibiru, la neuvième planète.
Dans la cosmogonie de Zecharia Sitchin, la Terre a été formée par la collision de deux planètes, Tiamat et de Nibiru. Tiamat a été détruite, mais Nibiru, manifestement plus résistante, continue à rôder dans notre système solaire et revient tous les 3600 ans pour, à l’instar de Némésis, déclencher de terribles cataclysmes. Dans l’espèce de syncrétisme loufoque qui caractérise les théories apocalyptiques, c’est d’ailleurs Nibiru qui, en 2012, aurait dû provoquer la fin du monde annoncée par les Mayas.
La home de Planet X NewsDR
Mais ce n’est sans doute que partie remise. Nibiru est si présente dans la culture populaire qu’on ne compte plus, sur Internet, les photos et les vidéos de cette planète fantôme repérée par des prophètes à la petite semaine. Tous les sites et les blogs consacrées à la menace Nibiru font leur « une » sur l’annonce de la découverte de la planète X sur l’air de « on vous l’avait bien dit ». Difficile de leur jeter la pierre…
Japanese astronomers have detected what may be an intermediate-mass black hole within a molecular cloud near the galactic center. If proven, its existence may hold clues to the formation of supermassive black holes at the center of our own galaxy and others.
The existence of supermassive black holes, with masses millions to billions of times that of the Sun, commonly exist in the centers of large galaxies like our own; but what is less understood is how such monstrous astrophysical objects came to be in the first place.
Some theories have been proposed that suggest a kind of “snowball effect”—an effect in which a black hole of more modest size, perhaps only tens to hundreds of times more massive than the Sun, grows through the steady accretion of matter from gas clouds, ripped-apart stars, or whatever else strays too near.
Another theory holds that larger black holes, between ten and a hundred thousand times more massive than the Sun, are created through stellar collisions and eventually coalescence at the centers of compact star clusters. Ultimately, it is argues that these so-called “intermediate-mass black holes” form the seeds whence the larger, supermassive varieties grow.
Problem is, no intermediate-mass black hole has ever actually been detected.
That is, until now—if the findings made by a team of Japanese astronomers, led by Tomoharu Oka of Keio University, prove correct. Using the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m radio telescope, together with the ASTE telescope in Atacama, Chile, they investigated a compact gas cloud called CO-0.40-0.22, located only 200 light years from the galactic center.
What they discovered is that the cloud exhibited a curious dichotomy in the velocity of its gases: a small area of high velocity, and another, larger component with a low velocity. Further analysis in the infrared and x-ray wavelengths revealed no compact sources, suggesting the influence of something massive and invisible.
Oka and his team performed a simulation showing that a black hole of 100,000 solar masses, occupying an area with a radius of only 0.3 light years (with an event horizon about 4 times the diameter of Jupiter), best fits the observed data. In this scenario, the black hole attracts the surrounding gas, accelerating it to a high velocity at nearest approach; the material subsequently slows as its distance from the black hole increases.
Image of the gas cloud CO-0.40-0.22 in relation to the center of the galaxy, together with radio and velocity maps of the cloud. Credit: Tomoharu Oka (Keio University), NAOJ
If CO-0.40-0.22 truly does harbor an intermediate-mass black hole, it lends credence to the theory that such objects might be fairly common in large galaxies, and through accretion and coalescence gradually swell to the immense black holes that anchor the very largest galaxies.
Recent studies have shown that there are a number of other gas clouds within the galaxy that exhibit the same sort of velocity disparities as CO-0.40-0.22, indicating that there may be many more intermediate-mass black holes lurking out there…somewhere. Stay tuned for more discoveries to come.
Astrobiologists have a new theory for why we haven't found aliens: They're all extinct
Astrobiologists have a new theory for why we haven't found aliens: They're all extinct
Alexander Gerst / ESA via Getty Images
Astrobiologists from the Australian National University Research School of Earth Sciences suggest that the reason why we haven't encountered alien life is because all the aliens are extinct, the university reported Thursday. In studying how life might develop on other planets, the scientists realized that early critters likely had a hard time quickly evolving to their heating or cooling planets and did not survive.
"Early life is fragile, so we believe it rarely evolves quickly enough to survive. Most early planetary environments are unstable. To produce a habitable planet, life forms need to regulate greenhouse gases such as water and carbon dioxide to keep surface temperatures stable," Dr. Aditya Chopra said in the paperpublishing the astrobiologists' findings.
"Life on Earth probably played a leading role in stabilizing the planet's climate," co-author Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver said.
The paradox of astrobiology is that many planets likely check all the boxes for being habitable for life, but we have yet to discover any. The researchers have named their solution to this paradox the "Gaian Bottleneck." "One intriguing prediction of the Gaian Bottleneck model is that the vast majority of fossils in the universe will be from extinct microbial life, not from multicellular species such as dinosaurs or humanoids that take billions of years to evolve," Lineweaver said.Jeva Lange
Hij blijkt toch te bestaan: de mysterieuze negende planeet. Nog niemand heeft de nieuwkomer gezien, ook de twee Amerikaanse ontdekkers niet. Maar de astronomen hebben wel sterke bewijzen: achter Pluto, een heel eind verder zelfs, ligt nog een planeet. In een verre uithoek van ons zonnestelsel cirkelt, volgens de knappe koppen, een hemellichaam rond dat 10 keer groter is dan de aarde.
Hints that a planet 10x bigger than Earth might be lurking at the edge of the solar system
Planeet 9 'Planeet 9' of 'Planeet X', zoals de geheimzinnige planeet voorlopig is gedoopt, zou twintig keer de massa van onze aarde moeten hebben en ongeveer 15.000 jaar over een rondje om de zon doen. De ontdekkers leggen het uit in de nieuwste editie van het belangrijke wetenschapsblad The Astronomical Journal, dat woensdag is uitgekomen. Ook het tijdschrift Science wijdt er een artikel aan.
"Dit keer gelijk" Over de aanwezigheid van de verre planeet wordt al langer gekissebist, al eeuwen om wat preciezer te zijn. Geen enkele theorie heeft tot nu toe iets opgeleverd. Konstantin Batygin en Mike Brown, van het California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, denken echter beet te hebben en komen met een ijzersterke claim. "Als je zegt bewijs te hebben voor planeet X, reageert vrijwel iedere astronoom met 'alweer?','' zegt Brown. "Dat zou ik zelf ook zeggen.'' Waarom zou het deze keer anders zijn? "Omdat we dit keer gelijk hebben'', is het zelfverzekerde antwoord.
Gedetailleerde analyses Batygin en Brown hebben zich goed voorbereid op de onvermijdelijke golf van scepticisme, en komen met gedetailleerde analyses van de banen van andere verstaande ruimteobjecten. Ze draaiden daartoe maandenlange computersimulaties. Achter Pluto ligt de zogeheten Kuipergordel, vernoemd naar de Nederlandse astronoom Gerard Kuiper. De band bestaat uit miljarden rotsblokken. Die rotsblokken blijken in groepjes rond de zon te draaien. De kracht die planeet X uitoefent, zou die groepen kunnen verklaren. Meer nog: de banen en bewegingen van de ruimtekeien vallen alleen te verklaren door de effecten van een groter object, nog verder weg.
"Mijn dochter is nog altijd boos dat Pluto door mijn werk geen planeet meer is. Ze heeft gezegd dat ze me pas vergeeft als ik een nieuwe planeet ontdek. En dat hebben we nu gedaan"
Weggestoten De planeet zelf zou, gedurende het onstaan van ons zonnestelsel, zo'n 4,5 miljard jaar geleden, uit het gebied zijn gestoten waar de overige planeten, waaronder onze eigen aarde, zijn ontstaan. Gaswolken zouden de planeet uiteindelijk hebben vertraagd en hem in een vergelegen omloopbaan om de zon hebben gebracht.
Nog nooit gezien En daar, in de verre uithoeken van het ons bekende zonnestelsel, draait planeet X volgens de wetenschappers zijn rondjes. Gezien heeft niemand de planeet ooit en er is, volgens Batygin en Brown, nog veel onderzoek nodig. Alle ruimtefanaten die in 2006 een traantje plengden, toen Pluto werd afgeserveerd als planeet en het sindsdien met het predicaat dwergplaneet moet doen, hebben iets om naar uit te kijken.
Dochter Brown is trouwens de ontdekker van diverse dwergplaneten van de grootte van Pluto. Het zijn zijn ontdekkingen die er onder meer toe geleid hebben dat Pluto niet meer wordt beschouwd als de negende planeet, omdat hij te klein is. "Mijn dochter is daar nog altijd kwaad over", vertelt hij aan de Washington Post. "Ze heeft gezegd dat ze me pas vergeeft als ik een nieuwe planeet ontdek."
Telescoop Als de negende planeet werkelijk bestaat zullen wetenschappers meer objecten vinden die, door de invloed van X, in langgerekte banen om de zon heen draaien. Brown zelf houdt er rekening mee dat, ondanks dit soort aanwijzingen, men pas in het bestaan van de planeet zal geloven als hij te zien is met een telescoop. "Tot er een directe waarneming is, blijft het een hypothese'', zegt de astronoom. "Zelfs al is het een heel goede hypothese.'' Om hun claim kracht bij te zetten, hebben Batygin en Brown tijd gekregen op een van de grootste telescopen van het observatorium van Mauna Kea op Hawaï.
Hey all, please no ridicule, I’m telling not one word of a lie.. I still can’t fathom what the hell I witnessed. I’m writing this in hope that someone that night witnessed something, as I was alone, just my dog & I in my car. I’m from South Australia. Last night at around 10:50-11:00PM driving down South in Onkaparinga /Hackham driving along States Rd /Penny’s Hill Rd, I witnessed a massive weird shaped object on a vertical angle. I pulled over & watched it just suspended there with Clear glowing white bright lights under neath it, made absolutely no sound. It looked very very overwhelmingly large sinister looking, sort of dark metallic ripple look.
Nothing what I would have suspected a UFO would appear to look like. It was suspended there not that far above the housing suburb maybe 6 streets away and looked around 3-4 houses large if not much wider.
My brain was pushing that much adrenaline/anxiety all at once, couldn’t comprehend what the hell I was witnessing. Once it flew away, I drive quick down Penny’s Hill following its view .
It flew very gracefully with elegance like a plane, but simultaneously at a very quick speed North/West. No sound still the whole time. Once it moved on, was out of view in about 20 seconds. Felt like minutes and my heart was racing like hell. I’m hoping someone witnessed this & not just myself . I know exactly what others probably think , but trust me , I still having trouble grasping this I was hoping you guys may have a photo of what you may think it could of been. As if all happened in under a minute & it was a hell of a lot to mentally take in, when it’s so far out from reality of the norm. Thanks this is very important to me.
NOTE:The above image is a rendering.
Special thanks to Matt H. for this exciting account.
The 21st century could be the last one for humans, Seth Shostak of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute said. The vast scientific advancements may someday take a toll on humans with alien species to replace them by 2100.
Photo: Jeff Keyzer | Flickr
The 21st century could be the last one for humans, warns a senior astronomer. The vast scientific advancements may someday take a toll on humans with alien species to replace them by 2100.
Seth Shostak of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California argues that designer babies and artificial intelligence (AI) will lead to the creation of a new dominant species. The advancements in the two fields may lead to the emergence of "alien species" in the next century.
On Jan. 15, 2016, Shostak wrote a post titled, "Could This Be Humanity's Last Century?" which is a less-than-sunny concept about Earth and humanity's fate in the coming century, as shaped by happenings in the past millennium.
"But what about the 21st century? What will your kids and grandkids do that will still be important a thousand years from now?" he argued. He added that his argument is not about the numerous threats present today such as climate change or terrorism.
Shostak mentioned three things that can happen in the next 100 years. First, he talked about people's understanding of DNA sequences and the molecular level of biology. With advancements in science, technology and medicine, scientists in the future may be able to cure diseases that are deemed incurable today.
"But our efforts won't be limited to merely fixing ourselves; we'll also opt for improvement. You may hesitate to endorse designer babies, but hot-rodding our children is as much on the horizon as the morning sun," Shostak said referring to biotechnology and gene editing. Re-engineering future children will transform them into something different from humans in many aspects like how dogs are from gray wolves after domestication.
The second development he mentioned is human expansion into outer space to explore other resources. Scarce resources like metals and minerals can be extracted from asteroids and humans may soon establish settlements on Mars or the Moon.
"The third thing you can expect before the year 2100 is the development of generalized artificial intelligence," Shostak said. He believed that the rise of artificial intelligence will be the biggest influence on the future of humanity.
Machines of the future will not just play games in computers but can do more than that. These machines can perform the thinking on behalf of humans. The development of AI is more than just improving future children but entails substituting them with engineered successors.
Humans may rely on AI to do the work for them. With scientific advancements like these, the Homo sapiens that walked the Earth for 50,000 years might be unrecognizable in the next 100 years. He added that these changes may not happen in this century but it may happen in the next 1,000 years.
A 40-year-old woman who believes she was abducted by aliens has sent in images, allegedly captured on her phone, to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) - an organisation dedicated to the study of UFO, aliens and paranormal activity.
In an attempt to convince the network that the pictures are real, the photographers appear to have used several filters to show viewers a blurry amalgamation of human-like features that apparently belong to extraterrestrial beings.
While these shots were most likely taken on an earthly location (such as a garage), the unnamed woman is a firm believer that she was a victim of an abduction.
The story, first reported by the Express, cites her conversation with MUFON in which she said: "I believe I was abducted that night."
The Illinois resident said her boyfriend was sleeping in his van in the driveway, as the couple had an argument at the time.
"I was lighting a cigarette on the stove and had a scratch off ticket in my hand," she added.
"The next thing I know I'm waking up on the floor of my bathroom in foetal position.
"The cigarette I had and ticket were on the floor in the kitchen apparently I'd dropped them."
In response to those who accused her story of being fake, she said: "When you truly look at the detail you see they are other worldly and cannot be faked."
MUFON's lead investigator for "alien experiences" Kathleen Marden described the types of people who often file alien reports to the network.
In an interview with VICE she said: "A very small percentage of experiencers who request an investigation and file a report have done so in order to attempt to pull off a deception."
However, she also added "if they bring publicity to themselves, it's of a negative type. They're criticised by the public and by skeptics, and nobody makes a lot of money doing this."
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Planeet X? Mysterieuze planeet die vier keer zo groot is als de aarde ontdekt achter Pluto
Planeet X? Mysterieuze planeet die vier keer zo groot is als de aarde ontdekt achter Pluto
Astronomen van over de hele planeet zijn in de zevende hemel. Volgens twee Amerikaanse wetenschappers staat ver achter Pluto aan de rand van het zonnestelsel een nog onbekende planeet.
Omdat er acht planeten in het zonnestelsel bekend zijn, hebben de twee astronomen van de Technische Universiteit in Californië de onbekende planeet ‘Planeet Negen’ gedoopt.
Het bewijs voor het bestaan van de planeet is gebaseerd op berekeningen. Uitgangspunt voor die berekeningen is een groep kometen en andere objecten die zich in de Kuipergordel bevinden. Die bestaat uit een verzameling van allerlei objecten.
Sluitend model
De manier waarop enkele van die objecten zich bewegen, zou het bestaan van de negende planeet kunnen verklaren. De planeet zou volgens de berekeningen tot 10 keer zo zwaar en vier keer zo groot moeten zijn als de aarde en er 20.000 jaar over doen om rond de zon te draaien.
Er wordt al langer geschreven over het bestaan van de planeet, maar deze wetenschappers hebben voor het eerst een sluitend theoretisch model gepresenteerd dat het bestaan kan verklaren.
Planeet X
“Als je zegt bewijs te hebben voor Planeet X, reageert vrijwel iedere astronoom met ‘alweer?’, zegt Mike Brown, één van de astronomen. “Dat zou ik zelf ook zeggen.” Waarom is het deze keer anders? “Omdat we gelijk hebben,” zegt hij zelfverzekerd.
Er wordt nu tussen astronomen een informele competitie verwacht om zo snel mogelijk de nieuwe planeet te lokaliseren. Als blijkt dat Planeet Negen daadwerkelijk bestaat, moeten we alle handboeken astronomie herschrijven.
While the Martian conspiracy thickens, an unanticipated clue emerges from the planet’s “soft soil”. Is this the evidence that proves NASA lied to us all along?
In 2003, the renowned space agency launched its robotic Spirit rover towards Mars. After a successful landing on the Red Planet in 2004, the rover collected precious data until it got stuck in mud. Yes, you heard it well – mud or soft soil on the dusty, arid planet. From 2009 to 2010 NASA tried to free the captive wheels of their precious Spirit, but without success.
In their attempt to unlock the rover however, the assigned team of scientists stumbled upon the most curious find – traces of water and ice. Yes, NASA already knew about the wet past of Mars, they might even know about the former civilization that inhabited the planet in its distant past for all I know. Check out the picture below showing the trail left behind by Spirit rover stuck in the so-called “soft sand”.
A white trail is also seen behind the robot. Could it be ice, or is it something else? Well, according to scientists, the white substance is in fact silica, a chemical compound usually found in nature as quartz crystals, but also in various living organisms.
Albert Yen, a Curiosity science team member at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory explained how the silica ended up there, after Curiosity rover discovered a high concentration of it at some of the investigated sites on Mount Sharp.
"These high-silica compositions are a puzzle. You can boost the concentration of silica either by leaching away other ingredients while leaving the silica behind, or by bringing in silica from somewhere else, Yen said.
Either of those processes involve water. If we can determine which happened, we’ll learn more about other conditions in those ancient wet environments.”
This proves NASA knew about water on Mars and its distant and probably inhabited wet environment for at least 6 years, when the first photos from the Spirit rover arrived. As reported in an official article, the discovery came as a surprise, leaving room for heated debate regarding its origins.
"Apart from presenting a puzzle about the history of the region where Curiosity is working, the recent findings on Mount Sharp have intrigued threads linked to what an earlier NASA rover, Spirit, found halfway around Mars."
Other pictures prove the same – the existence of ancient Martian lakes. So why did they admit about water only recently if they knew about it for so many years? Is the white trail silica, or could it be something else such as permafrost? Are they preparing us for a far greater discovery?
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DNA test results: Paracas skulls are not human
DNA test results: Paracas skulls are not human
The desert peninsula of Paracas is located on the southern coast of one of South America’s most enigmatic countries: Peru. It is there, in this barren landscape where Peruvian archeologist Julio Tello made one of the most mysterious discoveries in 1928. During excavations, Tello uncovered a complex and sophisticated graveyard under the harsh soil of the Paracas desert.
In the enigmatic tombs, Tello discovered a set of controversial human remains that would forever change how we look at our ancestor and our origins. The bodies in the tombs had some of the largest elongated skulls ever discovered on the planet, called the Paracas skulls. The Peruvian archeologist discovered over 300 mysterious skulls which are believed to be at least around 3000 years old.
As if the shape of the skulls wasn’t mysterious enough, a recent DNA analysis performed on some of the skulls presented some of the most enigmatic and incredible results that challenge everything we know about the origin and human evolutionary tree.
Skull Deformation: An Ancient religious practice
While several cultures around the globe practices skull deformation (elongation), the techniques used were different, meaning the results were also not the same. There are certain South American tribes that used to ‘bind infants skulls’ in order to change their shape, resulting into a drastically elongated cranial shape that resembled anything but ordinary humans. By applying constant pressure over a long period of time with the use of pieces of mood, the ancient tribes would achieve a cranial deformation which can also be found in ancient cultures from Africa. However, while this type of cranial deformation changed the shape of the skull, it did not alter the size, weight or cranial volume, all of which are characteristic traits of regular human skulls.
This is where the details about the Paracas skulls gets interesting. The Paracas skulls are anything but ordinary. The cranium of the Paracas skulls is are least 25 % larger and up to 60% heavier than the skulls of regular human beings. Researchers firmly believe that these traits could not have been achieved through head bindings as some scientists suggest. Not only are they different in weight, the Paracas skulls are also structurally different and only have one parietal plate while ordinary humans have two.
These strange characteristics have further deepened the decade-old mystery surrounding the Paracas skulls and researchers still have no idea what they were in the past.
Further Testing
The director of the Paracas Museum of History sent five samples of the Paracas skulls to undergo genetic testing, and the results were mesmerizing. The samples which consisted of hair, skin teeth and some fragments of cranial bones gave incredible details that have fueled the mystery surrounding these anomalous skulls. The genetic laboratory to where the samples were sent was not informed of the origin of the skulls in order to avoid ‘influenced results’.
Interestingly, the mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited from the mother, showed mutations that were unknown to any man, primate or animal found on planet Earth. The mutations present in the samples of the Paracas skulls suggest that researchers were dealing with a completely new ‘human-like being’, very different from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans.
Brien Foerster reported the following on the geneticist’s findings:
It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans.
According to reports, the individuals from the Paracas skulls were so biologically different that it would have been impossible from humans and them to ‘interbreed’. “I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree,” the geneticist wrote.
Who were these mysterious beings? Did they evolve separately on Earth? What cause
d them to have such drastic differences from ordinary humans? And is it possible that these beings are actually not from Earth? All of these possibilities are theories that cannot be overruled given the current testing. The only thing that we know so far is that there are many things out there that go far beyond the understanding of researchers, historians, and scientists. It is possible that after all, the question to whether we are alone in the universe can be answered thanks to the Paracas skulls.
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New Evidence of Reptilians plus! more facts
New Evidence of Reptilians plus! more facts
You don’t have to believe what you are watching on this video. Take your time to think in the posibility of this hapening nowadays. Take your own conclusions. “The reptilians are all over the planet, you find the ancient legends and accounts of “gods” from another world who interbred with humanity to create a hybrid network of bloodlines.”
The Old Testament, for example, talks about the “Sons of God” who interbred with the daughters of men to create the hybrid race, the Nefilim.
Before it was translated into English, that passage read “the sons of the gods”, plural. But the Bible accounts are only one of so many that describe the same theme.
The Sumerian clay tablets, found in what we now call Iraq in the middle of the 19th century, tell a similar story. It is estimated they were buried around 2,000 BC, but the stories they tell go back long before that. The tablets talk of a race of “gods” from another world who brought advanced knowledge to the planet and interbred with humans to create hybrid bloodlines.
These “gods” are called in the tablets, the “Anunnaki“, which apparently translates as “those who from heaven to earth came.”
The ancient accounts tell us that these hybrid bloodlines, the fusion of the genes of selected humans with those of the “gods“, were put into the positions of ruling royal power, especially in the ancient Near and Middle East, in advanced cultures like Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt.
But it happened elsewhere, also, as you will find, for example, in the amazing information provided on this site by the African Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, and in the incredible Credo videos, Reptilian Agenda, parts one and two.
He tells the same story from the black African tradition that I have uncovered elsewhere in the world.
The accounts of the “serpent race” in ancient cultures are simply endless wherever you look and the serpent, reptilian, symbolism in relation to the Anunnaki and other versions of these “gods” is equally widespread. We see this in the Bible, for instance, with the serpent in the “Garden of Eden”- a story which clearly comes from the Sumerian accounts, as does the story of Moses in the bulrushes, a story told about a Sumerian king long before the Bible.
This is why I found it so astounding when I was told by Zecharia Sitchin, the best-known translator of the Sumerian tablets, that there was no evidence of a serpent race in the ancient world. Of course there is.
He also strongly advised me in relation to the serpent race… “Don’t go there”.
Why, when the evidence, ancient and modern, is so enormous?
David Icke “If you are new to my work, the most bizarre information you will find on this site is that concerning the reptilian connection. I understand that. It is quite something to absorb from our conditioned version of reality. But, then, that is the very point. If you want to keep something from the people, give them a version of reality and possibility that is so far from what is really going on that even if the truth comes to light it will seem far too ludicrous and extreme for most people to believe it.
Indeed, if you do your job well enough, the people will laugh at the truth, call it insane, and ridicule anyone who promotes it. To truly understand how all the information on this site fits together into one coherent whole (which it does), read my book, The Biggest Secret. But for those who have not yet done so, here is some basic background.
When I reached the point some years ago where I had put together the structure through which a few people control the direction of the world (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free), it was clear that this network of secret societies and covert groups manipulating global politics, business, banking, military, media, and so on, could not have been put together in a few years or decades. It had to go back a very long time.
So I began to trace it back into what we call history. I did this in the knowledge that, for some reason, bloodline and genetics were vitally important to these manipulators, the Illuminati or Illuminated ones – illuminated into knowledge that the public never see.
I followed the trail back comfortably to the time of the Crusades in the Middle East, the 12th and 13th centuries, that kind of period, and on it went far back into the ancient world and pre-history.
From these bloodlines has come the origin of the “divine right of kings”, the belief that only certain bloodlines have the god-given right to rule. In truth this is not the “divine” or “God” at all. It is the right to rule from the reptilian “gods” by way of your hybrid genetics.
These bloodlines later became the royal and aristocratic families of Europe and, thanks to the “Great” British Empire and the other European empires, they were exported to the Americas, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and right across into the Far East, where they connected with other reptilian hybrid bloodlines, like those, most obviously, in China, where the symbolism of the dragon is the very basis of their culture.
These reptilian-human hybrid lines became the political and economic rulers of these lands occupied by the European empires and they continue to rule these countries to this day.
The United States of America has been home to hundreds of millions of people since 1776. What’s more, these people came from an amazingly diverse genetic pool. And yet, wait for this, the 42 who have become Presidents of the United States are all related!!! Thirty-Three of them alone go back to Charlemagne, one of the most famous monarchs of what we call France.
He just happens to be a major figure in the story of these bloodlines and their expansion out of Britain, France, Germany, and elsewhere.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the US and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines.
This is why the so called Eastern Establishment families of the United States interbreed with each other as obsessively as the European royal and “noble” families have always done. And similar families across the world. It is not because of snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure – the reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to “shape-shift”.
You will also see references on the site to “shape-shifting”, the phenomena in which witnesses have reported seeing people (most often those in positions of power), transform before their eyes, from a human form to a reptilian one and then back again.
You will find much about this in The Biggest Secret and Credo Mutwa confirms exactly the same experience in black Africa. Once again, ancient and modern accounts support each other.
The ancient gods of the Indus Valley, the Nagas, were said to have been able to take either human or reptilian form.
Former US president, George Bush, incidentally, is mentioned more than any other person in my experience in relation to shape-shifting. This is why his son is being brought through in the 2000 presidential election.
Presidents are not EL-ected by ballot, they are SEL-ected by blood. Al Gore, his “Democratic” opponent in the one-party state, is also from this bloodline. Look almost anywhere in the world in a position of significant power and you will find the same.
The reptilian symbolism you see around you with gargoyles, in coats of arms, in advertising, and so on, is all part of this.
These “gods” could not take over the planet openly because there are not enough of them, so they are doing it covertly by appearing human. Movies like They Live, The Arrival (the first, not the sequel), and the US television series, V, tell the story of what is REALLY going on.
I urge you to think about watching these movies to get up to speed if you are new to all of this.
New World Order and conspiracy researchers also have political and religious belief systems to defend and while they uncover one level of the conspiracy, most reject and even ridicule what I am saying about the reptilian connection. That’s fine, but unless they encompass this bigger picture they will never, in my view, understand what is truly happening all around us.
As Ghandi said: “Even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth”.
And as a result of the waves The Biggest Secret has caused, and the new information, experiences, and accounts the book and this website have attracted from all over the world, there is a growing understanding that this apparently bizarre, crazy, story is actually true.
That the world may indeed be controlled by reptilian bloodlines that hide behind apparently human form and it is this understanding which pulls together all the apparently unconnected information on this site into a very much connected whole.
Here are some examples:
If you wish to control a mass population, you have to disconnect them from the true knowledge of who they are and their own infinite potential to manifest their own destiny and control their own lives. You have to persuade them that they are insignificant and powerless so they will live their lives in accordance with that.
This is where religion has been one of the most effective weapons of the Illuminati and the reptilian bloodlines. It fills people with fear of a judgmental God and tells them that unless they believe that the “truth” of all that is can be found in one book or belief system, they are going to hell or will experience other extremely unpleasant consequences.
Different religions have also been wonderful vehicles for dividing and ruling the people through arrogant, self-righteous, inter-religious conflict. The reptilians created the religions for this reason and the key players within them do not even begin to believe the nonsense they parrot to their followers. They just want the population to believe it, so they will be easy to control.
This is why you find so many famous “Christian” evangelists, for example, are actually Satanists. Their “Christianity” is just a smokescreen.
The suppression of the true knowledge of healing and the domination of drug and surgery-based “medicine” ensures that the human physical body operates at far less than its optimum potential.
This is the reason for the blatant misrepresentation and suppression of the so-called “alternative” forms of healing which have been around for thousands of years longer than modern “medicine”.
Food additives, fast food, flouride in the water supplies, the poisons we put on the land and therefore eat in our food and drink in our water, are all suppressing not only our physical health and vibrance, but, most crucially, our brain functions and intellect. A fully awake, mentally sharp, population is the last thing you need if you want to control them.
Thus the reptilian bloodlines also put so much emphasis on controlling “education“ and the media. This allows them to feed us a constant diet of brainless crap, like game shows, while the “news” media tells us what the controllers want us to think.
Most journalists are so brain-dead themselves, so lacking in understanding of what they are part of, that they, like most of the population, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not even know exists.
This is obviously very related to religion, which is, for me, the greatest form of mass mind control yet invented.
So is advertising and television. But mind control goes much deeper than that. The Illuminati-reptilian mind-control projects have produced literally millions of mind-controlled robots in endless walks of life, who are programmed to carry out the Illuminati agenda.
There are many electronic ways that this is done today, but one of the key methods is trauma-based mind control. This is where people are traumatized through sexual abuse, violence, being forced to witness and take part in human sacrifice rituals, and countless other horrors. Such experiences activate the mechanism in the mind which shuts out memories of extreme trauma.
One expression of this, which many people have experienced, is when they cannot recall the memory of a bad car crash. They can remember before and after, but not the impact. The mind puts an amnesic barrier around the memory so we do not have to keep re-living it.
This is a good thing, but the Illuminati have developed methods of using this technique to traumatize a mind over and over until it fragments into a honeycomb of disconnected amnesic barriers. They then program these different fragments of mind (altars as they call them) with different tasks. The tasks are pre-programmed to be activated with a “trigger” word, color, sound, or whatever. Once the trigger is given that programming locks in and the person will do whatever they have been programmed to do.
This can be to have sex with a famous politician, which they will not remember; to assassinate someone like John Lennon; to go crazy with a gun in a school, which leads to gun control etc.
The concentration camps of Nazi Germany under the supervision of the “Angel of Death”, Josef Mengele, were one of the major centers for such experimentation. Mengele was taken to the United States and South America after the war by the Illuminati under the name Doctor Green or Greenbaum to continue his horrific “work”.
This manifested as the notorious mind-control project, MK Ultra. The China Lake Naval Weapons Center in the California desert was one of his premier bases of operation.
The most effective time to start this process of creating human robots is before the age of five or six. Hence you have the colossal child abuse networks and the Satanic ritual abuse of children exposed on this site and in my books.
Staggering as it may seem, all of the above are massively widespread all over the world.
It is happening in your community now, I don’t care where you are. I, and others, have been highlighting this for years and now, as you will see on this site, the scale of it, and the famous people involved, are coming to light at last.
Partly these rituals and abuse networks are to do with traumatizing people, especially children, but it is far more than just that. Follow the Illuminati-reptilian bloodlines from the ancient world to now and they have ALWAYS taken part in human sacrifice ceremonies and blood-drinking. The sacrifices to “the gods” in the ancient accounts were literally sacrifices to the reptilians and their hybrid bloodines.
The story of the blood-drinking Dracula is symbolic of these reptilian “vampires”. One of the locations of this reptilian group would appear to be the star-system known as Draco and “draconian” certainly sums up the Illuminati.
To hold their human form, these entities need to drink human (mammalian) blood and access the energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their “human” expression. If they don’t, they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like. “Oh, my God, Mr. President, do you always eat your breakfast from across the room?”.
From what I understand from former “insiders”, the blood (energy) of babies and small children is the most effective for this, as are blond-haired, blue-eyed people. Hence these are the ones overwhelmingly used in sacrifice, as are red- haired people also, it appears.
This is why people like George Bush, Henry Kissinger, and a stream of the other Illuminati “big names” are exposed in my books and on this site as reptilian shape-shifters who take part in human sacrifice and blood drinking. The two go together.
There also appears to be a very significant emphasis among the Illuminati-reptilians and their offshoots with pedophilia, which is rampant on this planet.
I would emphasize also before I end here that I am exposing certain reptilian GROUPS behind the Illuminati, not the reptilian genetic stream in general.
There are many of reptilian origin who are here to help humanity to free themselves from this mental and emotional bondage. Indeed, every one of us has a body with much reptilian genetics, including part of the brain called the R-complex, the reptilian brain. It is merely a matter of degree.
I trust this brief summary will help you to see the relevance of all the articles and information you will find on this site. In the end all these apparently unconnected “conspiracies” are part of ONE conspiracy designed to introduce ONE agenda.
The final flight of the prototype space shuttle Enterprise apparently made a big impression on late actor Leonard Nimoy.
A newly released video shows Nimoy — best known to legions of dedicated "Star Trek" fans as Mr. Spock — calling the ferry flight that brought the shuttle Enterprise to New York City for museum display the "most thrilling, amazing sight."
Nimoy, who died last year, was on hand at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport when Enterprise, riding atop NASA's shuttle carrier aircraft, landed there in April 2012. It was Enterprise's last stop before being shipped to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, which is now the spacecraft's permanent home. (NASA's space shuttle fleet was grounded in 2011.) [Final Voyage of Space Shuttle Enterprise (Photos)]
The shuttle Enterprise was named after the starship Enterprise, which Spock, Capt. James T. Kirk and other crewmates used in "Star Trek."
The newly released video, which is part of an upcoming film on Nimoy's life, was provided exclusively to Nimoy's family is creating the new documentary called "COPD: Highly Illogical" to talk about Nimoy's life and the disease that claimed his life.
The Enterprise-related footage shows Nimoy reminiscing about his 2012 visit to New York. He went there with his wife to see friends and family, and also to visit some contemporary-art galleries, a hobby of Nimoy's. While he was in the city, Nimoy heard a news report saying the space shuttle would be landing there that week.
"I contacted the Inteprid people and asked them if we could get on the Intrepid to watch the flyby," Nimoy said in the video. "They came right back and said, 'Why don't you come up to JFK where it will be landing, and, if you'd like to, you could say a few words.' So I said, 'OK.'"
Leonard Nimoy of "Star Trek" fame speaks after NASA's prototype space shuttle Enterprise landed at New York City’s John F. Kennedy Airport on April 27, 2012. Credit: Tariq Malik/
Along with a small crowd of spectators, Nimoy watched the shuttle and its modified 747 carrier aircraft zoom by at 500 feet (150 meters) from the ground, leave for a planned loop around Manhattan and return for a final touchdown.
"It was cold and windy. It was freezing!" Nimoy said with a laugh. "But it was exciting, really exciting to be there, and I was thrilled we were able to work it out."
Most castmembers of the original "Star Trek" TV series, including Nimoy, were on hand for the shuttle Enterprise's unveiling in 1976. The vehicle was used for test flights in 1977; it did a world tour after testing was completed, and was eventually restored and displayed at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, part of the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum.
But NASA awarded the space-flown shuttle Discovery to the Smithsonian after the program's retirement, leading to the Enterprise's move to New York in 2012.
Nimoy died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), an inflammatory lung disease most commonly present among smokers. Nimoy quit smoking decades before he developed the disease. After Nimoy made his medical diagnosis public, he tweeted occasionally about the dangers of smoking.
Fundraising is ongoing for the film. After a campaign at that concluded last year, Nimoy's family is now raising money through Indiegogo.
On 28 June 2012 I wrote a blog piece about the discovery of two Australian government files relating to the disappearance, in 1978, of pilot Frederick Valentich, over Bass Strait, Australia.
Last year, in September, while randomly checking the National Archives of Australia's RecordSearch database, I found a two part file which also relates to the disappearance.
The new file is NAA file series B638, control symbol M116/783/1047 parts 1 and part 2; barcodes 10499635 and 10499636. Series B638 is comprised of 299 air safety, accident and incident files, where M stands for Melbourne.
I immediately requested that the files, whose status was "Not yet examined" be examined. On 18 December 2015, I was advised that both parts of the file were now "open." I then submitted a request to have the file digitised, and paid the relevant fee.
The file, when "open" is titled "Accident on C182L - Moorabbin Vic/King Island Tas - 21 October 1978. VH-DSJ [including multiple newspaper cuttings regarding incident folder contains two piles.]"
The file had just been digitised.
What is on the file?
Perhaps firstly, the question is, where did this new file originate? We know that the already known file, NAA file series B1497 control symbol V116/783/1047, was owned by the Department of Civil Aviation, Victoria-Tasmania region. However, this new file NAA file series B638 control symbol M116/783/1047 was owned by the Department of Civil Aviation, Central Office.
Part one of the file is 200 pages, with part two being 139 pages long. Between the two, there are:
* dozens and dozens of newspaper clippings about the disappearance, perhaps the largest collection of articles I have come across
* numerous documents where statements were taken from individuals such as aircraft refuellers; pilots; and briefing officers. We have previously seen all of these statements on NAA file series A4703 control symbol 1978/1205 and NAA file series B1497 control symbol V116/783/1047
* a few, previously unseen typed and handwritten official minutes between individuals. However, even these really add very little to the debate as to what caused the disappearance.
One interesting set of papers is a letter from Allan Brunt, Regional Director for South Australia for the Bureau of Meteorology. Allan was open to taking a look at UFO reports, and he and I had a series of discussions about specific sightings, such as the 1988 Knowles car lift case.
On 3 August 1982 Allan forwarded a three page letter to the Department of Transport about the disappearance. Amongst his comments was one in regards to the fact that the UFO reported by Valentich was not seen continuously but on three separate occasions. Allan wrote "This type of sighting is consistent with a multiple meteor observation or a "meteor shower" with not just one, but several phenomena in procession. From the evidence available, I am unable to rule out the possibility that the pilot of VH-DSJ was frightened by the appearance of one or more meteors and, fearing a collision, took evasive action, or being seriously distracted by the frightening phenomena, flew into the sea."
You can view the file
To take a look at the file for yourself, or to download the file's PDF, go to http://www, on the home screen type "dsj" into the "search the collection" window, and click on "go."
Finally, yet another Valentich file revealed
We now know of three Australian government files relating to the disappearance of Valentich. However, the latest file's inside cover reveals yet another, unknown file. This is a Department of Transport file number 123/1/30 titled "ASIB requests for information regarding accident to Cessna 182L aircraft VH-DSJ on 21/9/78." (This date of 21/9/78 is incorrect, it should be 21/10/78.) I checked the NAA's RecordSearch and this fourth file is not listed. I checked using words within its title, but found no trace of it in RecordSearch. Yet another mystery.
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UFO Passes Very Quickly Over El Cajon, Jan 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Passes Very Quickly Over El Cajon, Jan 14, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 14, 2016 Location of sighting: El Cajon, California, USA Source: MUFON #73895 Here is a great catch of a UFO shooting past a contrail of a jet to investigate it. UFOs monitor the closest things to them, and things that fly interest them a lot. I have tried similar techniques of recording planes and have caught UFOs fly past a few times. Its more common that you know. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I was getting ready to go to work at about 11:30 am. I noticed a plane or jet heading straight up which got my attention. I started recording the jet till it was out of range of the camera. I later came home from work to see the video when I noticed a very fast object me and my girlfriend didn't see during the time I was recording. It was at about 0:10-0:11 seconds into the video when I saw a object past extremely fast from the right side of the video and head to the left side of the video. I took screenshots to analyze it a bit better. It looks like something I've never seen. Not a bug or bird. When I saw it more clearly I was excited and sort of skeptical, but I then uploaded it to YouTube so my friends and family can see it and give me their opinion and most said its definitely a ufo. I'm not sure what it is but I want to share this video with MUFON and maybe I can get a answer or maybe you guys can have more evidence of real UFOs. This is not faked or tampered in any way. I appreciate your time.
Planet X is real, we all knew that already. NASA evidence points to it. Today scientists declared they believe a hidden 9th planet to exist in our solar system. Some people believe the planet is teaming with alien life and is responsible for reading humans on this planet. But the concern is, why did they create humanity? Some worry that humans will be harvested like cattle when Planet X comes back around. Me...I think they will just have a closer eye on their experiment and continue to be observers. SCW News states: CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Scientists reported Wednesday they finally have "good evidence" for Planet X, a true ninth planet on the fringes of our solar system. The gas giant is thought to be almost as big as Neptune and orbiting billions of miles beyond Neptune's path — distant enough to take 10,000 to 20,000 years to circle the sun. This Planet 9, as the two California Institute of Technology researchers call it, hasn't been spotted yet. They base their findings on mathematical and computer modeling, and anticipate its discovery via telescope within five years or less. The two reported on their research Wednesday in the Astronomical Journal because they want people to help them look for it. "We could have stayed quiet and quietly spent the next five years searching the skies ourselves and hoping to find it. But I would rather somebody find it sooner, than me find it later," astronomer Mike Brown told The Associated Press. "I want to see it. I want to see what it looks like. I want to understand where it is, and I think this will help." Once it's detected, Brown insists there will be no Pluto-style planetary debate. Brown ought to know; he's the so-called Pluto killer who helped lead the charge against Pluto's planetary status in 2006. (It's now officially considered a dwarf planet.) More at source.
Interesting daytime sighting over El Cajon, California 14-Jan-2016
Interesting daytime sighting over El Cajon, California 14-Jan-2016
Here’s one new interesting footage of an unidentified flying object flying near a plane. This happened over El Cajon in California on 14th January 2016.
Witness report:I was getting ready to go to work at about 11:30 am. I noticed a plane or jet heading straight up which got my attention. I started recording the jet till it was out of range of the camera. I later came home from work to see the video when I noticed a very fast object me and my girlfriend didn’t see during the time I was recording. It was at about 0:10-0:11 seconds into the video when I saw a object past extremely fast from the right side of the video and head to the left side of the video. I took screenshots to analyze it a bit better. It looks like something I’ve never seen. Not a bug or bird. When I saw it more clearly I was excited and sort of skeptical, but I then uploaded it to YouTube so my friends and family can see it and give me their opinion and most said its definitely a ufo. I’m not sure what it is but I want to share this video with MUFON and maybe I can get a answer or maybe you guys can have more evidence of real UFOs. This is not faked or tampered in any way. I appreciate your time.
Astronomen ontdekken onbekende planeet in zonnestelsel ( VIDEO )
Astronomen ontdekken onbekende planeet in zonnestelsel ( VIDEO )
Het wordt steeds duidelijker dat datgene wat door de christenen de eindtijd wordt genoemd, samenvalt met de komst van de planeet Nibiru.
Nu dit hemellichaam door het grote publiek meer en meer wordt waargenomen, kondigen een aantal wetenschappers opeens de ontdekking van een nieuwe planeet aan.
Vaak staren dingen ons gewoon in het gezicht en kijkt iedereen er overheen of registreert het niet.
In juni 2014 werd via onder andere via RT News bekendgemaakt dat een aantal Spaanse astronomen zeggen dat er zich voorbij Pluto een aantal (grote) onbekende planeten bevinden.
Ze baseren hun bevindingen op de vreemde omloopbanen van een aantal rotsachtige objecten in de buurt van Pluto.
Zoals gewoonlijk verdwijnen dan dit soort berichten weer net zo snel als dat ze zijn gekomen omdat het grote publiek nog niet mocht weten dat er een mini zonnestelsel onderweg is naar de aarde.
Misschien is het dan nu wel tijd geworden want opnieuw komen er in allerlei wetenschappelijke publicaties berichten naar buiten dat twee wetenschappers nu echt Planeet X oftewel Nibiru hebben ontdekt.
Het gaat om Konstantin Batygin en Mike Brown van het California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. Zij zijn er nu ook van overtuigd dat er zich een (grote) planeet achter Pluto bevindt die zich in een grote ecliptische omloopbaan om de zon beweegt.
Het volgende plaatje geeft aan hoe zij denken dat de omloopbaan van deze planeet er ongeveer uit zou zien.
Niets gebeurt bij toeval en dat twee gerenommeerde astronomen/wetenschappers nu met de ontdekking komen van een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel heeft dan waarschijnlijk ook alles te maken met het feit dat binnen niet al te lange tijd er helemaal niets meer te ontkennen valt omdat iedereen vreemde dingen aan de hemel kan waarnemen.
Alhoewel het bestaan van Nibiru bij instanties zoals NASA uiteraard al heel lang bekend is, moet er nu ineens, ook in Nederlandse media, heel verbaasd worden gedaan:
De stomverbaasde astronomen hadden aanvankelijk moeite hun meetgegevens te geloven, zeggen ze. Maar het lukte ze niet de data op een andere manier te kunnen verklaren.
Er moet nu natuurlijk van officiële zijde wel iets gebeuren want de waarnemingen van planeten in dit mini zonnestelsel komen nu steeds vaker voor.
Eind december kwamen er via Marshall Masters prachtige opnames naar buiten van één van de planeten in het Nibiru zonnestelsel, de planeet Helion.
Rond diezelfde tijd ook een schitterende opname van Helion die door een dame in Canada werd gemaakt tijdens zonsopgang.
En daar komt nu de volgende opname bij van enkele dagen geleden.
Wederom een zonsopkomst zo te zien en wederom aan de linkerkant de planeet Helion. We kregen deze opname toegestuurd via een lezer (dank!).
Naast alle waarnemingen zijn er natuurlijk ook nog de geluiden die eveneens wijzen op de nadering van het zonnestelsel, evenals de vreemde lichtstralen.
Bovenal de geschiedenis die ons keer op keer vertelt dat we in de eindtijd leven. Een ingrijpende tijd die niet het einde van de wereld betekent, maar wel een tijd die in alle opzichten heel turbulent zal verlopen.
Eerder deze week werd duidelijk dat ook in de moslimwereld de komst van het zonnestelsel wordt voorspeld. Maar, ook in de bijbel vinden we steeds meer aanwijzingen dat wat christenen noemen de eindtijd, in aantocht is.
We plaatsten enkele dagen geleden de volgende foto van de Syrische hoofdstad Damascus:
De profeet Jesaja zei het volgende over de eindtijd:
Jesaja 17:1 Zie, Damascus wordt weggenomen zodat het geen stad meer is, het wordt een puinhoop, een bouwval.
De stad Damascus zal niet meer bestaan, het zal een bouwval, een ruïne worden. (...) Efraïm heeft zijn vesting verloren en Damascus zijn koninkrijk.' Aldus de schrijver van het bijbelboek Jesaja ruim 2700 jaar geleden. Gaat zijn profetie nu in vervulling?
Als Damascus is aangevallen, zullen de vestingsteden 'doods en uitgestorven' zijn - 'de stilte van een uitgestrekt bos'. 'Op die dag zal ieder de blik op zijn maker richten, naar de Heilige van Israël de ogen opslaan'.
Van de bijbel tot de remote viewers; allemaal hebben ze het over een bepaald punt dat gaat komen waarop de mensheid naar de hemel zal staren.
Wanneer de grote gebeurtenis dan echt plaatsvindt dan ziet hij beelden van vechtende soldaten wereldwijd die allemaal naar de lucht staren omdat daar iets heel indrukwekkends gebeurt. Zij zullen dan massaal hun wapens neerleggen en naar huis gaan. Waar Ed Dames vooral de nadruk op wil leggen, is dat het niet het einde van de wereld is, maar wel het einde van een leven zoals wij dat nu kennen.
Ed Dames gaf ook als ijkpunt voorafgaand aan het eindstadium, de ontploffing of crash van een space shuttle-achtig voertuig. Ook dat lijkt nu te zijn uitgekomen.
Volgens de laatste nieuwsbrief van Nancy Lieder van Zetatalk zijn we nu fase 8 ingegaan (Zij definieert 10 verschillende fases waar bij iedere volgende fase de verschijnselen heftiger worden).
We hebben lange tijd in fase 7 verkeerd, de tijd waarin de tektonische platen heftig bewogen en we bevinden ons nu eigenlijk in de op één-na-laatste fase.
De volgende, fase 9, zal volgens haar kort zijn en beslaat een periode van enkele maanden of weken voordat de zogenaamde poleshift zoals zij die voorspelt, zal plaatsvinden. Fase 10 is dan de poleshift zelf.
De meningen zijn nogal verdeeld over of deze poleshift nu wel of niet zal komen. Volgens Nancy Lieder gebeurt dit wel en ze gaat zelfs zo ver dat ze een nieuwe wereldkaart presenteert.
Een kaart waarop alles anders is en waar Europa op het zuidelijk halfrond komt te liggen en de noordpool bij Zuid Amerika.
Of die poleshift er nu wel of niet komt, duidelijk is wel dat we in een bijzondere tijd in onze geschiedenis leven.
Een tijd die wordt omschreven als eindtijd, maar die je ook kunt interpreteren als begintijd. Het begin van een hopelijk mooiere wereld.
Wetenschapper denkt buitenaardse energie op te vangen ( Video )
Wetenschapper denkt buitenaardse energie op te vangen ( Video )
Dat we in bijzonder tijden leven waar zaken heel snel veranderen en waar steeds vaker vreemde dingen gebeuren, blijft zich telkens bewijzen.
Nu zijn wij benaderd door een Australische wetenschapper die een afwijkende energie heeft ontdekt die misschien wel afkomstig is van een buitenaardse beschaving.
Wij troffen in onze inbox een email aan van een wetenschapper die werkzaam is in Australië.
De man werkt in een mainstream omgeving en heeft daar een aantal dingen ontdekt waarmee hij eigenlijk bij zijn collega’s niet veel verder komt.
Hij heeft ons nu benaderd met de vraag of wij zijn verhaal willen publiceren en vraagt daarbij tegelijkertijd om hulp bij het publiek om hem te helpen het door hem ontdekte mysterie verder op te lossen.
Zijn verhaal gaat als volgt,
Ik ben een wetenschapper uit Australië en heb gewerkt aan een onderzoek dat de veranderingen in energie op onze planeet analyseert.
Tijdens dit onderzoek werd er samengewerkt met een onderzoekscentrum in Rusland en daarbij werd een interessant fenomeen ontdekt.
Toen dit werd ontdekt, raakte ik hier in steeds meer geïnteresseerd maar mijn collega’s vonden het niet zo belangrijk en probeerden het weg te wimpelen. Ik heb geprobeerd hen van mening te laten veranderen, maar zonder succes.
Daarom vraag ik nu jullie hulp om mijn verhaal te publiceren want misschien heeft iemand anders ook iets gemerkt en kan die meer informatie geven.
Het ontwaken is begonnen! Mysterieuze energieniveaus in Nieuw-Zeeland
Met alles wat er op dit moment in de wereld gebeurt, zoals ISIS in Europa en het Midden Oosten, Amerika dat probeert de wereldorde te veranderen en een ramp zoals met de MH17, merken wij niet of nauwelijks gebeurtenissen op in andere delen van de wereld die ons misschien een beter begrip kunnen bieden aangaande de geheimen van het universum.
Misschien omdat Nieuw Zeeland zo ver weg is voor de meesten van ons zijn we het bestaan ervan een beetje vergeten. Het lijkt er echter op dat andere energievormen dit land niet vergeten zijn.
Tijdens het onderzoek naar veranderende energieniveaus ontdekten Russische wetenschappers schommelingen in Nieuw Zeeland.
Vanaf begin maart 2015 werd er een schommeling ontdekt in de fotonische energie op het zuidelijk eiland, in het gebied van Otago. Tijdens metingen in de periode tussen maart en oktober bleek dat deze energieniveaus zelfs heftig fluctueerden.
Omdat de energiebron niet stabiel bleek (en omdat het doel van het onderzoek niet het analyseren van deze fluctuatie was), waren we niet in staat om de bron te identificeren, die wellicht afkomstig is van een biologische levensvorm.
Naast de schommelingen in energieniveaus werden door de wetenschappers ook veranderingen in de omgeving opgemerkt. Dit riep vragen op over de relatie tussen de energiefluctuaties en de veranderingen die in de omgeving plaatsvonden. En opeens verdween halverwege oktober ieder spoor van deze energie.
Aangezien dit fenomeen per ongeluk was ontdekt tijdens een heel ander onderzoek was men niet echt geïnteresseerd in de energiefluctuaties en werd dit al snel afgedaan als meetfouten.
Echter, begin december 2015 werd er een identiek fenomeen ontdekt in centraal Mexico. Deze energie was wel wat anders doordat het zodanig heftig fluctueerde dat het leek alsof iets of iemand de controle erover had verloren. De piek in deze energie duurde drie uur, totdat het iets verminderde. In de vier dagen die daarop volgden werd de energie nog gemeten en toen stopte het plotseling.
In Mexico werden geen veranderingen in de omgeving gemeld zoals dat in Nieuw Zeeland het geval was.
Er is behoefte aan verder onderzoek.
Tot op dit moment hebben we geen verdere voorvallen van deze fluctuerende energie meegemaakt. Misschien was er zoals het eindrapport van het onderzoek aangaf, sprake van een meetfout of misschien was dat niet zo en probeerde iets of iemand met ons te communiceren.
Deel bovenstaande informatie alstublieft met mensen uit de genoemde gebieden of mensen die daar in die periode waren. Misschien is er iemand die iets weet of meegemaakt heeft en die deze kennis met ons wil delen.
Tot zover het verhaal van onze Australische wetenschapper.
Hij heeft in een latere email nog het een en ander verder toegelicht waaruit blijkt dat hij openstaat voor de mogelijkheid dat die energiefluctuaties te maken kunnen hebben met UFO’s en/of buitenaardse beschavingen.
Ook stelt hij zichzelf de vraag of dit alles te maken kan hebben met energievormen die ergens vandaan komen en zorgen voor zodanige biologische veranderingen in het leven op aarde dat wij als mensheid wakker worden.
We weten natuurlijk ook dat er talloze verhalen zijn over mensen die ontmoetingen of ervaringen met ufo’s hebben gehad en waar sprake was van veranderde energiestromen. Dit gebeurde dan vaak in de vorm van automotoren die uitvallen, koplampen die tegelijkertijd minder fel schijnen en statische geluiden die waarneembaar zijn op de radio. Maar ook eengrote energievortex die zichtbaar werd op radars, rond de inmiddels beruchte vulkaan Popocatepetl toen er (weer eens) een UFO invloog.
Waar we hier mee te maken hebben, is een wetenschapper die zeker weet dat wat hij heeft waargenomen in de vorm van energiefluctuaties “niet normaal” is, in de zin dat hij denkt dat het geen meetfouten zijn en dat er ergens een bron bestaat die verantwoordelijk is voor die fluctuaties.
Verder staat hij open voor mogelijkheden aangaande UFO’s en/of buitenaardse beschavingen, maar aangezien dit soort dingen in de omgeving waarin hij zich bevindt dikwijls niet zo op prijs worden gesteld, vraagt hij om voorlopig anoniem te kunnen blijven en ons om op te treden als contactpersoon voor mensen die hem iets zouden willen vertellen.
Mensen die willen reageren op dit verhaal en/of een bericht willen doorgeven aan onze Australische wetenschapper kunnen dit doen via email naar redactie(apenstaart)
Zoals de man zegt aan het eind van zijn bericht:
“Open your eyes, mind and heart for those beings with energy, they can help you to find the path, but be prepared for their energy it can be overwhelming, don’t be afraid to look for them”
Een illustratief voorbeeld van hoe UFO’s in de praktijk vaak zorgen voor storingen in bijvoorbeeld automotoren is te zien in een scene uit de film klassieker Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Is this where Nessie's been hiding all these years? Fisherman discovers 900-foot-deep trench that would be big enough for the legendary monster and her whole family
Is this where Nessie's been hiding all these years? Fisherman discovers 900-foot-deep trench that would be big enough for the legendary monster and her whole family
Keith Stewart, 43, found the crevice using state of the art sonar equipment
Loch Ness was previously mapped as being 813ft deep
Monster hunters says discovery could show where mythical beast is living
A former fisherman has discovered a trench in the bottom of Loch Ness that makes it 900 feet deep, that would be big enough for the mythical monster to live in.
Tourist sightseeing boat skipper Keith Stewart, 43, found the crevice around nine miles down the loch, south east of Inverness, using state of the art sonar equipment.
His discovery raises questions as to how deep the world-famous loch really is, and given hope to monster fans that Nessie could be lurking down there with her whole family.
Former fisherman Keith Stewart, 43, has discovered this trench in the bottom of Loch Ness, that makes the water 900ft deep and would be big enough for the mythical monster to live in
The most famous picture apparently of the Loch Ness Monster was taken in 1934 (above). However, it was later said to have been faked using a toy
Britain's deepest loch is Loch Morar, allegedly home to another elusive 'water kelpie' Morag at 1017 feet, while Loch Ness, the second largest, was measured at 813 feet deep.
Mr Stewart's sonar mapping of the trench however revealed that it could be 889 feet deep.
Mr Stewart's colleagues at Jacobite Cruises, which operates sight seeing tours down Loch Ness from Inverness, have christened the trench 'Keith's Abyss', and he says it has whetted his appetite to look for more mysteries the huge water expanse may harbour.
'I wasn't really a believer of the monster beforehand,' he said. 'But two weeks ago, I got a sonar image of what looked like a long object with a hump lying at the bottom. It wasn't there when I scanned the loch bed later.
Tourist sightseeing boat skipper Mr Stewart (pictured) found the crevice in the loch, around nine miles east of Inverness, using state of the art sonar equipment
Mr Stewart on board his boat. His colleagues at Jacobite Cruises, which operates sight seeing tours down Loch Ness from Inverness, have christened the trench 'Keith's Abyss'
'That intrigued me and then I found this dark shape about half way between the Clansman Hotel and Drumnadrochit which transpired to be a crevice or trench. I measured it with our state of the art 3d equipment at 889 feet, which is 77 feet deeper than the previous recorded deepest point called Edwards' Deep.
'I don't yet know how long it is. But I have gone back several times over the abyss and I have verified my measurements. It gets deeper from 825 feet to the recorded depth.'
Mr Stewart says he found the crevice just a few hundred yards offshore whereas previous sonar searches have concentrated on the middle of the loch.
Mr Stewart (pictured) says he found the crevice just a few hundred yards offshore whereas previous sonar searches have concentrated on the middle of the loch
'Searches of the monster have also been in those areas as well as Urquhart Bay so maybe the local legends of underwater caves connecting Loch Ness to other lochs and perhaps even the waters of the east and west coast are true,' he said.
'Obviously it will need more research. But it is an intriguing prospect. It is possible that an underwater earthquake has opened this up in recent times because the Great Glen lies in a well known fault in the earth's crust and tremors have been felt along it.'
Mr Stewart had previously used sonar equipment to map the depths of the world's seas, but started working at Loch Ness in March.
'I quit the open sea having been round the world and back using sonar equipment for years and decided to look for something more sedate,' he said. 'Being captain of the Jacobite vessel was something different and appealed to me.
'I started the job in March but now this discovery has made my job even more interesting.'
Gary Campbell, president of Loch Ness Monster Fan Club and Registrar of Sightings said Mr Stewart's discovery could provide clues as to the whereabouts of the Loch's monster.
'This just adds another dimension,' he said. 'We thought the loch was 810 feet deep and just had a 20 foot diameter hole at the bottom. Now we've discovered a whole trench that makes the loch nearly 900 feet deep which is twice the depth of the North Sea.
'There could be more trenches which make it deeper. This looks like where Nessie and her whole family could really hide out and explain why they are rarely seen.
'Remember, Loch Ness is part of a huge earthquake fault line that runs from Canada to Norway. In 2013, there was a 2.4 magnitude quake in the loch - this was when Nessie disappeared for a whole year for the first time since 1925. It could be that this massive tremor opened up the trench giving the monster a new hiding place
'This now needs real research. No-one has done any real at the Loch for over 10 years. Lets get a submarine down to properly investigate the new monster trench.
'This summer we hope someone will come to the loch with the best detection sonar in the world down to the depths just to see what is really at the bottom of the loch.'
The legend of the Loch Ness Monster has been around since the sixth century, when Irish monk Saint Columba witnessed locals burying a man who had been attacked by a 'water beast.'
Sightings were scarce until the first modern newspaper report of a monster in the Northern Chronicle of in 1930 which told of fishermen in a boat on Loch Ness being 'disturbed' by a 18 feet long creature.
But it was a sighting in 1933, when George Spicer and his wife claimed they saw 'a most extraordinary form of animal' which was 4ft high and 25ft long crossing the road near the loch, that started Nessie mania.
In 2001 semi-retired photographer James Gray and friend Peter Levings took this while they were out fishing
This picture, said to show the loch's famous monster, was taken by Hugh Gray in 1933
Among the most famous claimed sightings is a photograph taken in 1934 by Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson. However, it was later exposed as a hoax by one of the participants, Chris Spurling, who, on his deathbed, revealed that the pictures were staged.
And in 1935, renowned big game hunter Marmaduke Wetherell found a footprint he said was the monster's.
It was later revealed to have been made by him using a dried hippo's foot of the type used as umbrella stands at the time.
In December last year, it was revealed that sightings of the Monster are at their highest in more than a decade, with five people claiming to have spotted the creature in the last year.
But in July 2015, a famous 'monster' hunter Steve Feltham, who spent 24 years watching the Loch, made global headlines, by declaring that the creature - or creatures - in the loch was probably a Wels Catfish, native to waters near the Baltic and Caspian seas in Europe.
The Loch Ness Monster tourism industry is believed to be worth around £25million-a-year to the local area.
A submarine joins the search for the famous Loch Ness Monster in 1994
Structure extraterrestre près de l'étoile KIC 8462852 ?
Structure extraterrestre près de l'étoile KIC 8462852 ?
Le télescope spatial Kepler avait observé il y a quelques mois un phénomène inhabituel entourant une étrange étoile entre les constellations Cygnus et Lyra. C’est alors que les astronomes avaient provoqué un véritable buzz médiatique après avoir annoncé la découverte par Kepler de l’étoile, KIC8462852, autour de laquelle gravitait une masse "d’objets non identifiés".
Des astronomes avaient affirmé que les variations de lumières brutales et irrégulières de l'étoile pouvaient s'expliquer par la présence d'une hypothétique sphère de Dyson, une mégastructure extraterrestre chargée de capter sa lumière et son énergie. Quant à l’agence spatiale américaine, elle avait relayé une étude conduite par l’astronome Massimo Marengo de l’université d’État de l’Iowa. Il y expliquait que le comportement inhabituel de KIC 8462852 était provoqué par un "essaim de comètes" se trouvant à proximité. Le New Scientist rapporte les dernières découvertes de l'astronome américain Bradley Schaefer, de la Louisiana State University. Ce dernier relance la piste extraterrestre et essuye celle de la nuée de comètes.
Pourquoi l’hypothèse extraterrestre parait la moins improbable pour l’instant
Selon l’étude, ce qui est étrange avec KIC8462852, ce sont les changements brutaux de l'ordre de moins 20% de sa luminosité. Il faut savoir que lorsqu’une planète éclipse son étoile, en passant devant, la lumière de l'étoile diminue d’environ 1% maximum. Alors que dans ce cas précis la lumière de l'étoile a diminué de 22% », avait déjà expliqué le physicien Michio Kaku. Théoriquement, il y a quelque chose de suffisamment gigantesque autour de l'étoile pour bloquer une partie de sa lumière.
Bradley Schaefer explique : "Pour que la théorie des comètes soit valable il faudrait que, depuis un siècle, environ 648 000 comètes géantes de 200 km de diamètre au moins passent chacune à leur tour devant l'étoile [...] ce qui est totalement invraisemblable". C’est ce qui le fait rebondir sur l’hypothèse extraterrestre. Il ajoute néanmoins : "Une mégastructure alien ne colle pas avec mes observations". Il indique : "même des extraterrestres très avancés ne seraient pas capable de construire quelque chose qui occulte un cinquième de la luminosité de l'étoile en à peine un siècle… Un objet de cette taille, qui absorbe lumière et chaleur de l'étoile, devrait irradier, or les signaux infrarouges en provenance de l'étoile paraissent normaux". Est-il seulement possible d’imaginer le degré d’évolution d’une civilisation de type 3 ou 4 par exemple ?
Strange Vehicles Found at UFO Landing Site in Antarctica
Strange Vehicles Found at UFO Landing Site in Antarctica
A Google Earth image of what appears to be a UFO that crashed into the show in Antarctica just got a little more mysterious with the discovery of prior satellite images showing what looks like four strange vehicles lined up at the site. Who could they belong to? Why are there no tracks … tire or otherwise?
The site was first discovered this past summer by Russian UFO researcher Valentin Degterev who believed the crack-shaped opening was the result of a saucer-type UFO crashing vertically into the snow and ice. The saucer was estimated to be 240 feet in diameter and 40 feet high and the Google Earth image was taken on February 15, 2012.
The February 2012 Google Earth image of the alleged UFO crash site
Researchers looking at previous satellite images of the same site taken in April 2011 and December 2011 found what appear to be four massive vehicles parked in the snow and pointed at the crack. In addition, these prior images show what could be the actual flying saucer with a skid mark in the snow making it look like the craft landed, possibly in an emergency.
A magnified view of the strange vehicles near the UFO
What should we make of these earlier satellite images? While some reports identify the shapes as “tanks,” if they really are vehicles, they’re massive in size, probably around 70 feet in length. There are no tire tracks, but they could have been covered by snow or blown away.
Then there’s the saucer itself. It certainly looks like a landing imprint in the snow behind it which the wind hadn’t blown away. But why is it horizontal in this image and vertical in the later one? Did the occupants of the vehicles attempt to bury it? If so, why did they stop? Why are they no longer in the later images?
What has happened at this site since 2012? Why are there no later images? Were the saucer, the crash site and the vehicles eventually covered up with snow? Taken away? By whom … or what?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Women 'had sex with aliens and gave birth to hybrid babies' - and so might YOU
20-01-2016 om 21:42
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO Shoots Down Meteor Over the California Coastline
UFO Shoots Down Meteor Over the California Coastline
A couple of months back, an unusual sighting caught the attention of the general public.
People were intrigued and at the same time scared of what was happening above their heads. On November 7, 2015, a huge ball of light perturbed the silence of the night. Concerned about a nuclear attack, the citizens gathered outside to watch the spectacle.
Youtube user Ian Houser, described the event as it follows: “At San Onofre beach in southern California. Started as a fireball coming over the ocean, reflecting off the water and showing heat distortion. Explodes at :28 [below video] and spent the next five minutes as a glowing, expanding gas cloud radiating down to the surface. It left a blue cloud in the sky for 10 mintues. No sound during the explosion.”
While this can be taken as a mere missile launch, the events that followed might prove otherwise. We’ve seen the missile launches this autumn and they all had a thing in common – a scheduled launch date available prior to the launching of the missile. However, in this particular case there were no information available. Could this be a secret Navy project, or could the luminous object be something completely different?
Apart from this missile-or-not enigma, there is something else going on, I’d say of greater importance. After a while, another smaller UFO enters the scene only to cause havoc. The sneeky flying device passes close to the other object, and after a few moments the presumed missile blows up without making any noise whatsoever. It leaves behind a blue trail while also gaining a radiant whitish aura.
After many people reported this “unscheduled event”, the Navy came with a reasoning explanation: the launch of a Trident missile (without the nuclear load obviously). However, there was no official report regarding the mysterious UFO that appears to have caused the explosion. Can we trust the Navy? Or is it only a cover-up of a greater event?
After analyzing the bizarre occurence, we’ve found a few similarities between the luminous object and a test missile, however, there are too many thing that do not add up. Some analysts believe that what we saw in the sky was in fact a meteor blown up by a mysterious UFO of either human or alien origins. Do you think aliens might try to prevent a nuclear disaster? Or is this some kind of secret Navy program meant for testing their “otherworldly toys”?
Whatever the case, the below vide will speak for itself. What do you think?
It won't be war, politics or poverty that eventually wipes out humanity.
According to Seth Shostak, our end will come about as a result of designer babies and artificial intelligence.
The outspoken director of the Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Seti) Institute believes developments in these areas will lead to new 'alien' species.
Scroll down for video
It won't be war, politics or poverty that eventually wipes out humanity. According to Seth Shostak, our end will come about as a result of designer babies and AI. The outspoken director of the Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Seti) Institute believes developments in these areas will lead to new 'alien' species
'We can eventually produce offspring that are as different from us as dogs are from grey wolves,' he said in an opinion piece for Seti.
‘I'm not talking about the various self-destructive threats of the moment - the ones that fill the papers and spark pontification on the nightly news,' he says.
‘No, the three big things that I believe will take place in the 21st century are more profound, and not necessarily bad.’
The first change, Shostak believes, is that we will finally understand biology at a molecular level.
As a result, humanity will be able to cure all diseases, and usher in an era of ‘designer babies’.
He also believe that humanity will expand into nearby space in a drive to gain more resources, such as copper, zinc and platinum.
This, he says, will also help alleviate overpopulation.
'We can eventually produce offspring that are as different from us as dogs are from grey wolves,' said Seth Shostak in an opinion piece for Seti
‘Everyone expects our progeny to establish colonies on the moon or Mars, but the better deal is to build huge, orbiting habitats in which you can live without a spacesuit.
‘Think of scaling up the International Space Station a few thousand times. We can put unlimited numbers of people in such engineered environments.’
We can eventually produce offspring that are as different from us as dogs are from grey wolves
But it’s not just designer babies and space colonies that will change humanity as we know it.
Before 2100, Shostak predicts that we will develop generalised artificial intelligence (GAI).
This will allow machines to take over jobs normally done by humans.
‘Such machines won't necessarily be large,’ he said.
‘A synapse in your brain is a few thousand nanometers in size.
‘A transistor on a chip is hundreds of times smaller. The hardware necessary for human-level smarts - even today - could fit in an iPad.’
The scientist claims that these developments, over the long term, will dwarf concerns in politics, war, or economics.
But, he adds, they will also change us.
‘Putting large numbers of people in off-Earth colonies will inevitably lead to a kind of speciation.
The first change, Seth Shostak believes, is that we will finally understand biology at a molecular level. As a result, humanity will be able to cure all diseases, and usher in an era of ‘designer babies’
‘After all, their physical environment is somewhat different than Earth, and history suggests that their social environment will also be special.
‘A thousand years from now, the inhabitants of a Martian colony may not be so similar to those still living on Earth.’
‘Re-engineering our children will transform our species even faster.
This might sound like a dramatic shift, but Shostak predicts it will be super-intelligent robots, that will have the most significant impact on humanity.
‘It is less a matter of improving our descendants than replacing them with our engineered successors.
‘Perhaps we can promulgate our culture and ourselves by putting chips in our brains or simply uploading our brains to the machines.
‘But you can be sure that the result will not be Homo sapiens as we've known him for 50,000 years.’
We could all soon witness a day when man and machine combine to make humans immortal, says Zoltan Istvan, a third-party presidential candidate
We could all soon witness a day when man and machine combine to make humans immortal.
That’s the firm belief of Zoltan Istvan, a third-party presidential candidate who wants to not only beat Trump at the polls, but also cheat death itself.
‘I’m hoping I will live indefinitely, that’s a major priority,’ the 42-year-old tells ‘Even if don’t, I would freeze myself or use some other type of mechanism.’
Istvan says one possibility is uploading parts of his personality to a machine so that future generations can reconstruct a realistic avatar that recreates his being.
‘What happens is you take a complete scan of the brain with incredible detail using technology that is already available to some extent,’ he said.
‘Then in 20 or 30 years when the technology arrives, we upload these detailed scans to a machine, which reconfigures the brain circuitry using sophisticated algorithms.’
If all goes well, it may be possible to have an uploaded consciousness that exactly resembles someone’s personality.
From this point, he says, people could transform themselves as an avatar and live in virtual reality.
By then, robotics would be so advanced that you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell the difference between who is a real human and who is a machine.
‘In the next 20 years we're going to become cyborgs, we're going to become healthier, and probably a lot more interesting.’
'We are going to become cyborgs!' Zoltan Istvan predicts
Image copyrightCaltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)Image captionArtist's impression of a ninth planet: Telescopes are sure to try to track the object down... if it really exists
American astronomers say they have strong evidence that there is a ninth planet in our Solar System orbiting far beyond even the dwarf world Pluto.
The team, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), has no direct observations to confirm its presence just yet.
Rather, the scientists make the claim based on the way other far-flung objects are seen to move.
But if proven, the putative planet would have 10 times the mass of Earth.
The Caltech astronomers have a vague idea where it ought to be on the sky, and their work is sure to fire a campaign to try to track it down.
"There are many telescopes on the Earth that actually have a chance of being able to find it," said Dr Mike Brown.
"And I'm really hoping that as we announce this, people start a worldwide search to go find this ninth planet."
Strange swing
The group's calculations suggest the object orbits 20 times farther from the Sun on average than does the eighth - and currently outermost - planet, Neptune, which moves about 4.5 billion km from our star.
But unlike the near-circular paths traced by the main planets, this novel object would be in a highly elliptical trajectory, taking between 10,000 and 20,000 years to complete one full lap around the Sun.
The Caltech group has analysed the movements of objects in a band of far-off icy material known as the Kuiper Belt. It is in this band that Pluto resides.
The scientists say they see distinct alignments among some members of the Kuiper Belt - and in particular two of its larger members known as Sedna and 2012 VP113. These alignments, they argue, are best explained by the existence of a hitherto unidentified large planet.
"The most distant objects all swing out in one direction in a very strange way that shouldn't happen, and we realised the only way we could get them to swing in one direction is if there is a massive planet, also very distant in the Solar System, keeping them in place while they all go around the Sun," explained Dr Brown.
"I went from trying very hard to be sceptical that what we were talking about was true, to suddenly thinking, 'this might actually be true'."
Models and observations
The idea that there might be a so-called Planet X moving in the distant reaches of the Solar System has been debated for more than a hundred years. It has fallen in and out of vogue.
What makes this claim a little more interesting is the lead author behind it.
Dr Brown specialises in finding far-flung objects, and it was his discovery of 2,236km-wide Eris in the Kuiper Belt in 2005 that led to the demotion of Pluto from full planet status a year later.
At that stage, Pluto was thought to be slightly smaller than Eris, but is now known to be just a little bit bigger.
Others who model the outer Solar System have been saying for some years that the range of sizes seen in the objects so far identified in the Kuiper Belt suggest another planet perhaps the size of Earth or Mars could be a possibility. But there is sure to be strong scepticism until a confirmed telescopic observation is made.
Dr Brown and Konstantin Batygin report their work in the Astronomical Journal.
Belgian UFO Wave - Interview Ufoloog Prof Vermeirs (1995)
Gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2016
Belgian UFO Wave - Spionage vliegtuigen ufoloog Marc Broux (1995)
Gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2016
Belgisch UFO-Netwerk interview met ufoloog Marc Broux (1995) Belgische UFO-golf, waren het spionage vliegtuigen !
Belgian UFO Wave - Hoax photo interview Wim Van Uthrecht
Gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2016
Ufoloog Wim van Utrecht beweerde en verklaarde al in 1995 dat de foto van de Belgisch UFO golf vals. Aangezien de licht punten niet overeenkomen van de film en de foto. En hij had gelijk ! 15 jaar later in 2010 maakte de vervalser bekend dat hij de hoax foto had gemaakt
Belgian UFO Wave - Interview ufoloog WIm VanUtrecht (1995)
Gepubliceerd op 16 jan. 2016
Belgisch UFO Netwerk (, interview met uflooog Wim Van Uthrecht (1995) over de Belgische UFO-Golf 1989.
Scientists have discovered something truly remarkable above the Earth’s atmosphere. An invisible shield is located approximately 7,200 miles above Earth that scientists are likening to “force fields on Star Trek.”
According to Front Line Desk, the shield was discovered in the Van Allen radiation belts, two doughnut-shaped rings above Earth that are filled with high-energy electrons and protons. Held in place by Earth’s magnetic field, the Van Allen radiation belts swell and shrink in response to incoming energy disturbances from the sun. The Van Allen radiation belts were first discovered back in 1958. However, scientists only discovered two belts, an inner and outer belt extending up to 25,000 miles above Earth’s surface.
However, last year, Professor Daniel Baker from the University of Colorado Boulder and his team used the twin Van Allen Probes launched in 2012 to discover a third, transient ‘storage ring.’ According to their research, the third belt is located between the previously known inner and outer Van Allen radiation belts. This belt is different in that it seems to come and go as space weather changes.
The purpose of the ring was quite clear to the researchers — the ring is used to block killer electrons from entering deeper into the Earth’s atmosphere. These electrons can be extremely devastating at their near-light speed and have been known to threaten astronauts, fry satellites and damage space systems.
Beta Wired notes that Baker likened the invisible shield to Star Trek force fields. The Earth’s magnetic field holds the belts in place, but the scientist says that the electrons in these belts — which travel at nearly the speed of light — are being blocked by some invisible force that reminded him of the kind of shields used in television series like Star Trek to stop alien energy weapons from vaporizing starships. However, in the case of Earth, the invisible shield is being used to stop killer electrons from entering the atmosphere.
Prior to the invisible shield discovery, scientists assumed that electrons making it into the upper atmosphere of the planet would be dispersed by air molecules, but it looks like these particles don’t even get that far thanks to Earth’s invisible electron shield.
Now that the scientists know the invisible shield exists, they are trying to determine how it was formed and exactly how it works.
“It’s almost like these electrons are running into a glass wall in space. It’s an extremely puzzling phenomenon.”
In 1972, an attempt to contact extraterrestrial life was cast into space with the launch of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft. This space vehicle was designed to explore the environment of Jupiter, along with asteroids, solar winds, and cosmic rays. Among a succession of firsts achieved by the spacecraft, Pioneer 10 would attain enough velocity to escape the solar system. This tacked on yet another first: the possibility of the interception of a human machine by an extraterrestrial civilization, providing us the opportunity to make contact with life from another world.
The suggestion of a message on Pioneer 10 was brought to Dr. Carl Sagan mere months before launch—a staggeringly brief period in the timescale of the design and test of spacecraft. Sagan passed along the idea to NASA, and to his surprise, the suggestion was embraced and approved by every level of the hierarchy. At that, Sagan joined Professor Frank Drake of Cornell University and, Sagan’s then-wife, artist Linda Salzman Sagan, to craft this extraterrestrial message. How would this great undertaking be fulfilled? What would we say? What in our roughly five-thousand-year recorded history needs to be said to tell the universe who we are? And how would we say it?
Humans speak nearly seven thousand languages, some with multiple dialects. The countless other species on Earth communicate with innumerably more, nearly all of which we have, thus far, failed to understand. By extrapolation, it is presumable that an alien language is different than any language we have developed. Human languages are products of human minds, and thereby, can be understood by human minds, by means of human senses—sight, sound, touch. How could we begin to imagine an extraterrestrial language if we cannot imagine with what senses the beings communicate? They may not have vocal chords with which they produce sounds or ears with which they capture them. So we must rely on universally-understood concepts, and devise a communication method neither specific to location nor species nor world. Perhaps, the only similarity between our species is the universe in which we both live. Thus, the language we are most likely to share is the study of the universe itself: science. The result of this conclusion was the Pioneer Plaque.
The Pioneer Plaque is a physical, symbolic message affixed to the exterior of the Pioneer 10 spacecraft. At the core of this message is a fundamental concept that establishes a standard of distance and time, which, thereafter, is employed by the other components of the plaque. The design team postulated that hydrogen, being the most abundant element in the cosmos, would be one of the first elements to be studied by a civilization. With this in mind, they inscribed two hydrogen atoms at the top left of the plaque, each in a different energy state. When atoms of hydrogen change from one energy state to another—a process called the hyperfine transition—electromagnetic radiation is released. It is this wave that harbors the standard of measure used throughout the illustrations on the plaque. The wavelength (approximately 21 centimeters) serves as a spatial measurement, and the period (approximately .7 nanoseconds) serves as a measurement of time. The final detail of this schematic is a small tick between the atoms of hydrogen, assigning these values of distance and time to the binary number 1.
The most prominent figures on the plaque are those of two adult humans: a man and woman. The man bends his arm and displays an open palm—an international greeting, but one that, admittedly, may be meaningless to an extraterrestrial civilization. The woman hangs her arms by her sides and stands with her weight shifted rearward as to dispel any misunderstandings regarding a fixed body and limb position; we are mobile and flexible. Beside the illustrations of the humans is the binary number 8, inscribed between two ticks, indicating the height the woman. The civilization could then conclude that the woman is 8 units tall, the unit being the wavelength (21 centimeters) described by the hyperfine transition key; thus, the woman is 8 times 21 centimeters, or about 5.5 feet tall.
At the heart of the plaque is an array of lines and dashes—a cosmic address on the interstellar letter. In the center is our home star; the radial spokes signify the relative distances and directions to pulsars—rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit electromagnetic radiation at regular intervals. Accompanying each line is the period of the respective pulsar—once again, in binary. Not only does this map communicate position, but time as well—an epoch in the lifetime of the universe during which the message was sent. The rate of electromagnetic bursts from pulsars changes over time; thus, the period of the pulsars denoted on the plaque serves as a timestamp. It is presumed that a civilization that has developed radio astronomy will have the capability to comprehend the nature of pulsars. Given the information presented in the pulsar map, it is feasible that such a civilization could date back the message and triangulate our position. As further confirmation of our locale, our solar system’s planets (nine at the time) are depicted in the bottom margin of the plaque with their respective distances to the sun in binary. Supposedly, in the history of the Milky Way, only one star has ever fit the characteristics displayed on the plaque.
Pioneer Plaque
The Pioneer Plaque fixed to the Pioneer 10 spacecraft.
The last signal from the Pioneer 10 spacecraft was received on January 22, 2003; NASA reported that the power source had depleted. Although the spacecraft can no longer speak to us, it presses onward—it now speaks for us. As interstellar courier, it bears the accumulated voice of every human, transcribed in, perhaps, the only common language in all the cosmos. We are but cosmic toddlers just learning how to take our first steps into space, and just learning how to speak to the universe.
Since Pioneer 10 was directed neither to an exoplanet nor a star, contact is extremely unlikely. But if, by the merest happenstance, the spacecraft is intercepted by an alien species, there is at least a chance that the species can interpret our message. In all likelihood however, Pioneer 10 and its plaque will be lost in the immense tranquility of empty space. But in no case was our attempt for naught. Pioneer 10 remains more than just a ghost of a ship, and the plaque is more than a shout into the void. The message we sent to the universe still echoes in our ears. Born from such a mission—one that spans space, time, and perhaps, civilizations—is a new mindset, an otherworldly perspective.
From the vantage of a distant world, our sun will be just another star, and our planet hidden in the radiance of the stellar glow. On such a world—one so distant and different from our own—we have not the slightest indication of what life will be like, how it began, how it evolved. If beings were to emerge, we know not their anatomy nor biology nor psychology, their physical traits, their sensory capabilities, their intellectual sophistication, their disposition; more or less, we are blind to every aspect of their species. They could be different in every way—in ways we have yet to understand or could even imagine. We make numerous assumptions about what life is and what life is not—educated guesses based off a sample size of one. But if, in some form or another, advanced consciousness arises elsewhere in the cosmos, it is possible that those beings will wonder, as we did: What are the lights in the sky? Where did the planets come from? What else is out there? Who else is out there? They may compile a system of knowledge of the cosmos and the laws that govern it; we call this “science.” About this hypothetical species, we know but one thing: the science they develop—the natural laws they discover—if they were to do so, would be exactly the same as our own.
Although not every human conducts science, it is conducted for every human. Science speaks to all of us in a way nothing ever has. It sparks new ideas and alternate perspectives. It brings each of us together and all of us forward. It is, at the very least, an international language, because there is an implied assertion with every question: there is something we do not know; and with our missions, we learn together. We probe the unknown looking for answers, venturing to understand the universe as it is—not the way we want it or believe it to be. Every step of the way, we strive not to fit the universe to the limits of our minds, but stretch our minds to the limitlessness of the universe.
For every great scientific discovery and technological advancement, there was a time before, when the universe was a little less known. The significance and brilliance of our technologies and the science that drives them is too often overlooked. We forget the time before—a time without cell phones and personal computers, automobiles and airplanes—during which we wondered what it would be like to communicate at the speed of light and fly around to the other side of the planet in a matter of hours. Right now, at this time, we wonder what it would be like to find life elsewhere in the cosmos and to make first contact. This is the time before that great discovery, and there will be a time after. Maybe in the near future, or maybe a more distant one, it will be commonplace to carry on conversations with extraterrestrials; and again, we will forget how, right now, we are ceaselessly wondering, in endless search for an answer.
A world leading scientist on the search for extraterrestrials pointed out a flaw in Stephen Hawking's fear of finding intelligent aliens
A world leading scientist on the search for extraterrestrials pointed out a flaw in Stephen Hawking's fear of finding intelligent aliens
For decades, humans have been hunting for extraterrestrial intelligence, but 32 years after the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute was founded, the cosmos remains eerily quiet.
This silence has influenced a new group of experts over recent years which says it's time to stop listening and start talking — by deliberately transmitting messages into space for anyone who might be searching for them. They call the project Active SETI.
Many intellectual leaders of our age, including Stephen Hawking, say that the idea behind Active SETI should be avoided at all cost, but co-founder and former director of the SETI Institute Jill Tarter pointed out a serious flaw in Hawking's philosophy.
While Hawking fears that giving aliens our cosmic address could potentially bring death and ruin — much like what happened to many groups of Native Americans when Europeans invaded North America — Tarter thinks that aliens advanced enough to skip across star systems and reach Earth will be friendly, not aggressive.
"The idea of a civilization which has managed to survive far longer than we have ... and the fact that that technology remains an aggressive one, to me, doesn't make sense," Tarter told Business Insider. "The pressure of long-term survival — of limiting population ... I think requires that the evolutionary trends that ratcheted up our intelligence ... continues to evolve into something that's cooperative and take on global scale problems."
As humans continue to evolve, our society and the way we handle controversies changes along with us.
"We're kinder and gentler than we've ever been in the past," Tarter said. According to onecross-cultural study of 31 hunter-gatherer tribes, researchers discovered evidence that more than half — 64% — engaged in warfare within a two-year period. Yet that taste for warfare has dwindled over the years, says Tarter, with the aid of emerging technologies and innovation.
So, if growing kindness is a direct consequence of humanity's time on Earth, then, according to Tarter's theory, we can expect 10,000 years from now to be less warlike than we are today — and Tarter suspects the same for other intelligent civilizations beyond our solar system.
Warner Bros.
Having spent most of her career as director of the SETI Institute, Tarter is one of the world's leading experts on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Her work caught the attention of Carl Sagan, who drew strongly from Tarter's life for his sci-fi book "Contact," which was later adapted into the 1997 film of the same title.
Tarter said the idea of transmitting messages into space, as opposed to listening for them, has been on members' minds since the very beginning of SETI. And while she doesn't think a visit from aliens would spell disaster, she agrees with Hawking that humanity should not be sending signals into space — at least, not yet.
"I think that when we grow up and are an advanced technology, and can take on very long-term projects, then we ought to begin transmitting," she said. "But at the moment, in our very youthful state as an emerging technology we should listen, first."
On Wednesday, the people behind WeTransfer — a cloud-based file transfer service — launched its second season of "Creative Class," which honors some of "the most influential people in the creative space." Tarter, along with three others, were recognized for their work. You can learn more about Tarter and her research in this Creative Class feature on Vimeo or below:
Wetenschappers: “Er bestaat mogelijk een parallel universum waar de tijd achteruit loopt”
Wetenschappers: “Er bestaat mogelijk een parallel universum waar de tijd achteruit loopt”
In een parallel universum loopt tijd mogelijk in precies de tegenovergestelde richting dan we gewend zijn. Ons verleden bestaat daar als verre toekomst.
Wetenschappers van Caltech en het Massachusetts Institute of Technology spelen al enige tijd met dit idee. In een interview met New Scientist leggen Sean Carroll van Caltech en Alan Guth van het MIT uit dat het binnen de natuurkunde niet uitmaakt in welke richting de tijd loopt.
Het tweetal meent dat er na de geboorte van het heelal nog een tweede universum is ontstaan waarin tijd in tegengestelde richting loopt. Voor ons lijkt tijd in het parallelle universum achteruit te lopen en voor mensen die daar leven is het alsof tijd in ons heelal achteruit loopt.
Als tijd achteruit loopt worden er geen natuurkundige wetten overtreden. Hoewel mensen gewend zijn geraakt aan het idee dat gebeurtenissen leiden tot andere gebeurtenissen, hoeft dat volgens Carroll niet per definitie het geval te zijn.
“Het is niet zo dat een oorzaak een gevolg moet hebben,” zei hij. Als basis voor hun model gebruikten de twee onderzoekers entropie, een maat van wanorde die na verloop van tijd toeneemt. In ons universum is de toekomst de richting van tijd waarbij entropie toeneemt.
Vlak na de geboorte was de entropie veel lager dan nu, aldus de natuurkundigen. Ze gooiden een specifieke hoeveelheid deeltjes in een oneindig universum. Op een bepaald moment ging de tijd spontaan een bepaalde kant op lopen.
In het model verspreidde de helft van de deeltjes zich richting de rand van de wolk, waardoor entropie toenam. De andere helft bewoog richting het centrum en zorgde voor een afname van de entropie. Uiteindelijk gingen ook deze deeltjes richting de rand.
Hierdoor ontstaan pijlen van de tijd die in tegengestelde richting wijzen. “Het punt dat we proberen te maken is dat het onder die omstandigheden heel natuurlijk is dat overal in het heelal pijlen van de tijd ontstaan,” zei Carroll. “Vervolgens probeer je het model realistisch te maken en te laten lijken op ons universum. Dat is nog niet zo gemakkelijk.”
De onderzoekers zeggen dat het model van toepassing is op alles wat bestaat, inclusief het multiversum.
Lets not deny the fact that nowadays there appears to be a rather strong finger-pointing towards the fact that Aliens could very well created the Human Race! Without meaning to offend ANY religion the Science behind our existence is proving that the missing link in Mans creation ‘appears’ to be unknown ‘Alien Genes’ found in our DNA (please click HERE for more information on this). BUT also, Ancient writings on the wall and images from past and even verses from the Bible ‘appear’ to show a connection with us ‘the Human Race’ and Alien Beings…..who knows perhaps there is a creator of all in the Universe!?
Perhaps we were created to be slaves!?
It is very clear that in many sacred age-old ancient texts, we can find stories reference the creation of mankind. Among the most important texts we have the Sumerian creation texts, which mention the creation of man and their creators, The Anunnaki – “Those who from heaven came to Earth.” There are even several important Bible verses that refer to the creation of Adam and Eve, which a lot of people believe to be based on writings of Sumerian clay tablets that speak of “superior” beings which created the first human species. Genesis 1:26-27:
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
The REAL version of Adam & Eve!?
Even in other important ancient texts, like the Popol Vuh which is known as the sacred book of the Quiché, the great Maya family, the “powerful ones from the sky” created man.
Mayan Artefacts appearing to show some kind of ‘Alien’ presence!?
I’m sure the vulgar ‘Islamic State’ will not appreciate this thought very much, but even in the Qur’an, One night in the month of Ramadan, in the year 610 CE, Muhammad suddenly came up with a story that angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him revelations from Allah. Gabriel ordered Muhammad to read in the name of your god as stated in the following verses:
. Verse 96.1: “read in the name of god who created”; . Verse 96.2: “created man from a clinging substance”; . Verse 96.3: “read and your god, the most generous”; . Verse 96.4: “who taught by the pen”; . Verse 96.5: “Taught man what he did not knew”.
Could this visitor of been an Alien and the clinging substance some kind of Alien genetic creation for Mankind!?
Could it have been some kind of Higher intelligence that created man!?
Even in Japanese creation myths and stories, it is believed by many that, in Ancient times, a heavenly couple descended from the heavens, breaded on Earth, leaving their children on Earth and forming the Japanese people.
This old Asian scroll from Japan depicts a Japanese merchant happening upon a small flying saucer that’s landed near a rice field!
Much evidence is suggesting that all of these apparent religious links to Aliens is actually very much fact than FICTION! Back in 2002 with the discovery of the human genome, researchers indicated that humans have 223 genes that do not have predecessors in the genetic tree of evolution – Much evidence over the years have suggested that we were genetically created by Aliens, please read our article on this – Scientist Confirm: Aliens Created Our Species!
It very much appears that the important answer as to why only humans have had such an abrupt evolution from all the species on Earth, could possibly be answered by the mere number of ancient texts that speak of how life was created on Planet Earth. But the BIG question is Why do we ignore them?!? Because science does not agree with them OR because the world leaders do know want us to learn the TRUTH!?!?
Even Cambridge researchers say we acquired essential ‘foreign’ genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times.
U.I.P SUMMARY – The evidence is building up and the people are ‘waking up’ to the fact that we may have been created by Aliens! Scientists have even discovered what appears to be genetically modified seeds in the earths atmosphere suggesting these could have been made by Aliens to create LIFE on earth (please see our story on this HERE!)
According to MANY other top leading researchers that are far more open-minded, it does not seem far-fetched that humans were created by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization in the far distant past, possibly with the assistance of genetic engineering, something that could perhaps help to explain the 223 plus “alien genes” present in our very own DNA.
Many important leading figures in the world have suggested that Humans were created by Aliens! Francis Crick an English biochemist, who has actually won the Nobel prize, discovered in 1953 the DNA structure. He sustained that extra-terrestrial beings discovered our world in the distant past and decided to create “intelligent” life on the planet.
The increasing evidence about our existence on Planet Earth can NO LONGER be ignored……does this mean that religion is no longer important though?! Well NO, but it is important for the free world to keep an open mind on this very important subject? YES!!
Some scientists believe this is a seed sent to earth by aliens
This was captured by a doctor in Montana last month. He used a special software that catches moving objects and has worked two years trying to catch one. This has to be the most clear UFO photo we have seen all year long. It was shot during the day, in a part of Montana that has a very low population. This is how its done. #1 catch of 2015! I gota try this motion sensor tech. I will look into it and tell you more soon. Scott C. Waring
Dr. Richard O’Connor Next To His Cameras.
News states: CLANCY, Mont.— For nearly two years Dr. Richard O’Connor has kept two cameras pointed at the sky with the deep hope and belief that something might be out there. And then, after nearly 280,000 photos captured by motion detection, it happened. Or maybe not. But O’Connor’s findings of what he believes are two unidentified flying objects has set off a barrage of email exchanges, some of them angry, in the community of UFO fans and experts. About noon on Nov. 4, his cameras captured five photos of something flying through the skies of Montana that is hard for some to explain. “It appears to be a light source,” O’Connor said. “In my opinion, even a hardened skeptic would say ‘Wow, that is what I expect a UFO would look like.’” But his discovery has sparked some debate, leaving the doctor to find his own photo experts to determine what his cameras may have captured. The answers to this mystery remain up in the air. (More at source).
UFOlogy has often been accused of being “provincial.” On the whole, the average researcher or reader of materials dealing with anomalies has little interest in cases dealing with matters beyond sightings over their hometown, state or even country. Many cases – no matter how fascinating – are relegated to the “Here be dragons” category: the text on ancient sea maps indicating that anything was possible beyond what was normal or of interest to those at home. Keep away.
Piotr Cielebias’s UFOS OVER POLANDencourages us to take a contrary perspective, leading us by hand into a part of the world that has not been particularly well known for UFO/paranormal sightings. Eastern Europe as a whole has been overlooked by U.S. researchers, aside from books on Soviet – era cases by Paul Stonehill and translations of originals in the 1970s involving psychic phenomena.
With the careful eye of a trained historian, Cielebias guides us through a fascinating landscape of cases old and new, a tapestry of enigmas reaching far back into the past, when Poland was one of Europe’s largest and most influential countries. UFOS OVER POLANDcan be described as a full-service book: no reader will walk away with an empty sensation, as all tastes are covered.
Those interested in high strangeness events will delight in learning of the Glinik Anomalous Zone, where UFO, religious and entity phenomena blend into one; students of the abduction phenomena will marvel at the Zofia Namlik experiences; adepts of nuts-and-bolts ufology will find a wealth of cases involving strange flying machines, substantiated by the testimony of airline pilots and police officers.
Piotr Celebias
Author of “UFOs OVER POLAND“
“Most of the close encounters and other perplexing cases revealing the complicated nature of the UFO phenomenon, contained in this book, have never been known in the West [...]
Many things we will mention here may sound exotic to some readers,”Cielebias writes in his introduction, and this is precisely what the reader will find. Events from the distant and recent past alike that constitute a refreshing break from the shopworn UFO histories that have cluttered the landscape for two decades.
It can only be hoped that this will be the first of many books by Mr. Cielebias, and we owe a debt of gratitude to Philip Mantle’s Flying Disk Press for making it available to Western audiences. “UFOs Over Poland” is now available on
Here’s one new daytime sighting of a two bright orbs hovering in the sky above San Antonio in Texas. This was taken on Saturday, 16th January 2016.
Witness report:As I was Skywatching facing north, I Notice this object high altitude it did not appear to be an aircraft. When zooming in two rotating Orbs traveling high in altitude came into view. You can clearly see a Larger Orb and a Smaller Red underneath. They were traveling at high altitude used the top of the roof top as reference point(giving the altitude it was traveling). At one point you can see the Small Red orb Enter/Exit the Larger Orb. They appear to be under some sort of controlled and they traveled in constant speed,direction and elevation. On the video stills you can clearly see smaller U.F.O Enter/Exit larger U.F.O. I tried to keep them in frame as they traveled. I followed them until losing sight of them. In my opinion these glowing objects were clearly no aircraft,weather-balloon or satellite.
This is a great capture of some UFOs cloaked in clouds this week over Flagstaff. We know that they are not clouds, because the wind is blowing hard and the real clouds are moving to the right fast. However these UFO clouds are hovering in place, observing the city of Flagstaff. They don't move!!! They might even be picking up or dropping off aliens to walk around the city for recreation. Since they probably look, walk and talk like us, its going to be very difficult to tell them from a normal person. This is very close to Nellis AFB where there is a known alien base located inside the USAF base area. This is an alien base of tall whites, which the only distinguishing traits are they hate humans touching them, they are extremely white, tall and walk oddly. Also their eyes are larger, so they will wear sunglasses most the time. There is no video here because the source doesn't allow embedding, but if someone posts it to Youtube, I will put it up soon. Scott C. Waring
News states: Strange shapes in the clouds were caught in Flagstaff, Arizona in this beautiful time-lapse video.
UFO Revealed During Sunset Over Bologna, Italy On Jan 18, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Revealed During Sunset Over Bologna, Italy On Jan 18, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 18, 2016 Location of sighting: Bologna, Italy Source: MUFON #73961 As I have said before, UFOs become visible for a small amount of time during sunset. This one was during a cloudy day, yet it still cannot hide from the sunset revealing it. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: I was at job driving my van towards a long straight road in Bologna, the city where I live. I was looking ahead at the traffic when I saw brilliant light in the sky in front of me. The light was yellow/orange and seemed quite hot, just like a little sun; it was also sorrounded by a beautiful little rainbow on its lower part. Either the light and the rainbow were very clear in the sky. Although the day was quiet cloudy. Right after this, I also noticed a huge disc-shaped object floating steady just on the left of the light. The "object" seemed to me like disguised as a cloud; it was like a disc shaped cloud of a totally different color than its sorroundings. It was light grey/silver/white,quite bright,but the whole sky around was cloudy grey or clean.
UFO Near Sun That Looks Like Battlestar Galactica Fighter, January 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Near Sun That Looks Like Battlestar Galactica Fighter, January 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 16, 2016 Location of sighting: Between Earth and Sun Source Photo: This UFO has all the signs of being a intelligently made craft. It has about three tail wings and and nose area. It has an uplifted cockpit area. There is a trail behind it where there is a small orb drone it has dropped off. The trail was probably made on purpose to hide the fact that they were sending out the drone scout. Is it just me or does this look like the old Battlestar Galactica star fighter? We have found Starbuck. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 of Youtube states: This looks slightly different from previous captures. This to me looks like it has been designed here on Earth and resembles some sort of space fighter vehicle. Just my opinion. Streetcap1.
The Story of the So-Called Smoking Gun Evidence Of Aliens
The Story of the So-Called Smoking Gun Evidence Of Aliens
According to Bob White, he and a friend discovered an unusual lump of metal close to a remote highway in Colorado after a claimed UFO sighting.
The mysterious thing was found in the area where they claimed to witness a multi-coloured object that released down an enormous ball of light as it went upwards into the sky.
The strange event is now known as Bob White’s UFO artefact. Because of its strangeness, along with the description of the way he discovered it, UFO believers considered the object not just the smoking gun evidence for aliens, but the bullet.
Bob White
Mr White has claimed that a companion drove him through remote areas while he was asleep between Grand Junction, Colorado and the Utah border.
His friend awake him around 2am-3am for a second time to say the light in the sky they spotted earlier was getting bigger. His account stayed firm until his death in 2009.
He said the light was approximately the same size as a full harvest moon. And as they got closer, it grew larger. He said that they were a few hundred yards from it, then he turned off the ignition, and they moved slowly towards the bizarre thing.
He described it as huge, about the same size of a huge barn. Mr White then got out of the car for a better look. Jan, for some unknown reason, turned on the headlights. The light then ascended as fast as the eyes could follow it, Mr White stated.
Then another light came into view to Mr White. He described it as small, bright orange with a tinge of blue, white, and yellow falling from the massive object.
Mr White then went to the area where he believed it would have landed. He claimed to have discovered a groove on the ground around 18 inches deep and 9 inches wide. He followed it, and he found the object was still growing.
For the next 11 years, he reportedly hid the object because he was afraid that it could damage a career in the entertainment business should he declare it.
In 1996, he started telling a story about the metal object and spent the next 13 years trying to get it recognised as a historical discovery.
He toured with the subject matter in several UFO conferences. He even established the Museum of the Unexplained and housed the object together with other mysterious objects there. He then has it analysed scientifically in 13 laboratory tests. It was confirmed that the object was a solidly centred aluminium alloy, and 33 elements were all known. No two labs provided the same results, and none concluded that the object could be of extra terrestrial origin.
However, it was reportedly found out that some of the object’s isotopic ratios matched those observed in meteorites found on Earth.
Despite all Mr White’s efforts and many considered it the smoking gun, the origin of the object was never confirmed.
Amateur Photographer Snaps Rectangle UFO Near The Statue of Liberty
Amateur Photographer Snaps Rectangle UFO Near The Statue of Liberty
The images showing a bizarre cassette-shaped UFO have created contrasting opinions between UFO researchers and photo experts. An amateur photographer took several pictures of the strange unidentified flying object and sent them to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), an organization that accepts UFO-related reports and investigates them.
The UFO sighting pictures show an unusual sight, which the photographer doesn’t notice when he snaps the famous New York landmark. According to the report of the unnamed witness, he was on the base of the Statue of Liberty shooting photos of New York.
It was cold, and the skies were clear during the sighting, the witness said. He reportedly used two different cameras to take pictures.
When the witness got back to his hotel and reviewed the images, he noticed a large cassette-like object floating over the bay and city. Interestingly, in every other photo, the witness saw the object getting further from him.
The witness reiterated that at the moment he snapped the photos; he observed nothing in the sky. He said that there were no parachutes, no airplanes, or any other activities, other than the police patrolling the bay.
MUFON marks the case as unresolved.
While it’s hard to establish the object’s identity, photo experts are skeptical on the cases similar to this one – when nothing was observed while the image was shot. They usually argue that it’s likely to be an internal camera anomaly, lens flare, or smudge on the lens.
But some UFO researchers are convinced that it is an alien craft powered by extra terrestrials. They even claim to have noticed two other UFOs in one of the photos, although one of them looks to be a building roof in the distant skyline.
These UFO researchers even claimed that those UFOs were only revealed because they were caught in the digital eye. The human eye probably can’t see them, they further stated. They explained that the camera probably had an IR filter or any other the same filter over the lens that allowed it to see the UFOs.
Authorities in northeast Georgia have a mystery on their hands after two cows were found mutilated, with neatly-cut circles sliced into their rear ends.
Harold Edge told investigators he found one of his Black Angus cows dead a few weeks ago.
The dead cow was found with a precise circular cut to its anus, which led Edge to rule out an animal attack.
However, he didn't go to police with his concerns until January 6, when he found another one of his cows dead and with the same wound.
Two Angus cows at a farm in Braselton, Georgia have been found dead within a month. The deaths are considered mysterious because each animal was found with a cut in their anal area. Above, a stock image of Angus cattle
The first cow that died was recently purchased, so Edge sent the body to the University of Georgia for examination.
'We thought she might have a disease because we just bought her,' Edge said. 'We learned the cow was not diseased. That’s all (UGA officials) said.'
The second cow that died had been in the pasture for four years, and Edge says his grandson saw the cow the day before it was found dead and it looked fine.
He also pointed out that neither cow had bite marks or gunshot wounds.
'If coyotes killed them, there would be other markings on them, but there were no marks except around the rear end,' he said.
Jackson County sheriff's Capt. Rich Lott said investigators can't explain the deaths on Edge's pasture near Braselton.
Edge says that people might be motivated to kill a cow for a particular body part, like the kidneys, and that they can extract such organs through the rectum.
And a few years ago, a farm in Hall County, Georgia suffered the loss of some 20 cattle which were found with body parts missing like their genitals or udders. But authorities could not identify any suspects in the mysterious case.
But truth seekers claim 2016 could be the year humanity is told the truth behind one of the greatest mysteries in history.
Towards the end of last year Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and 2016 presidential candidate, said she was “going to get to the bottom” of extraterrestrials, adding: “I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.”
ET: Are aliens out there?
And just a few months before John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, posted an intriguing tweet.
He wrote his biggest failure of the past 12 months was “once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files”.
It’s statements from positions in power that have sparked a frenzy among underground investigators.
UFO disclosure activist Stephen Bassett, of the Paradigm Research Group, claims 2016 will be the year “the truth out there” finally gets revealed.
He told the Washington Post cryptic messages from Clinton and Podesta “mean something” and claims he will “make the case” for disclosure to happen in the next 12 months.
DISCLOSURE: Does Hillary Clinton have the knowledge?
“You will see a shift in focus from the world”
Stephen Bassett
He said: “I believe Clinton’s team has calculated that they cannot make it out of the election without first dealing with the ET issue.”
In an open letter to Clinton, Mr Bassett claims security documents obtained by a freedom of information request revealed billionaire businessman Laurance Rockefeller approached Bill Clinton’s administration to discuss the “potential availability of government information” about UFOs.
The letter adds Rockefeller wanted to inform Mr Clinton “there is a belief in many quarters that the government has long held classified information regarding UFOs which has not been released and that the failure to do so has brought about unnecessary suspicion and distrust”.
It adds: “Thus began a three-year effort by a notable American to convince your husband to essentially be the ‘Disclosure President’ and then end a then 46-year truth embargo on providing the full facts to the American people regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.”
CRYPTIC: John Podesta's tweet got people's tongues wagging
REVELATION: John Podesta's tweet about UFO disclosure
ACTIVIST: UFO truthseeker Stephen Bassett
Mr Bassett’s letter continues: “Madam Secretary, it is your ambition to reach a significant milestone in American history by becoming the first President of the United States who happens to be a woman, or put another way, the 49th female head of state.
“While this would be an admirable legacy, what the American people need is less legacy and more truth. The people have lost patience with ‘in local parentis’ government that treats them like children and candidates with long lists of issues they can’t discuss because it is not convenient to their campaign or the people ‘can’t handle the truth’.”
Mr Bassett later said: “You will see a shift in focus from the world.
“More transparency, more communication among countries, an age of reform.”
ALIEN LIFE: The top UFO sightings in the US
LIFE ON MARS: Water was discovered on the Red Planet last year
OTHER LIFE: Is 2016 the year we find out the truth about aliens?
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Is the Danube Civilization script the oldest writing in the world?
Is the Danube Civilization script the oldest writing in the world?
Oldest evidence of writing found in Europe.The Mystery of the Danube Script - The Old Europe - Danube Valley Script Oldest Writing in the World 5300 BC.
Older than Sumerian script? The Danube Valley civilization is one of the oldest civilizations known in Europe. It existed from between 5,500 and 3,500 BC in the Balkans and covered a vast area, in what is now Northern Greece to Slovakia (South to North), and Croatia to Romania (West to East).
During the height of the Danube Valley civilization, it played an important role in south-eastern Europe through the development of copper tools, a writing system, advanced architecture, including two story houses, and the construction of furniture, such as chairs and tables, all of which occurred while most of Europe was in the middle of the Stone Age.
They developed skills such as spinning, weaving, leather processing, clothes manufacturing, and manipulated wood, clay and stone and they invented the wheel. They had an economic, religious and social structure.
In the video below, Harald Haarmann the world leading specialist of ancient scripts and languages explains the Danube Civilization Script.
Fighter jets chasing UFO near Nova Zagora, Bulgaria
Fighter jets chasing UFO near Nova Zagora, Bulgaria
The following unique images were taken on January 14, 2016 near Nova Zagora in Bulgaria and show two fighter jets chasing a UFO.
The fighter jets and the UFO were flying at very low altitude over three small villages, Stoil Voyvoda, Zagorci and Han Asparuhovo.
Local citizens said that within minutes the UFO, which made no sound, suddenly changed its position, which caused spectacular maneuvers by the two military craft.
At one point the UFO disappears at high rate speed leaving both fighter jets behind.
Note: This 'flying saucer' situation is not imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. They are real and flying around.
However, in my opinion, this UFO is not a craft piloted by aliens it’s more likely a man-made secret project UFO and piloted by black-ops pilots.
Whether it is a UFO from outer space or it is a man-made the images below are strong evidence of the UFO phenomenon.
Atteint de la maladie de Charcot, Stephen Hawking se déplace en fauteuil roulant et parle à l'aide d'un ordinateur. Imminent scientifique, il pense que l'intelligence artificielle pourrait mettre fin à la race humaine.
L'astrophysicien britannique Stephen Hawking, qui s'exprime par l'intermédiaire d'un ordinateur en raison de la maladie de Charcot, a averti que le développement de l'intelligence artificielle pourrait signifier la fin de l'humanité. Dans un entretien accordé à la «BBC», le scientifique a en effet déclaré que ce type de technologie pourrait évoluer rapidement et dépasser l'être humain dans les années à venir. Un scénario digne des films «Terminator» ! Le professeur affirme dans cette interview que : «Les formes primitives d'intelligence artificielle que nous avons déjà se sont montrées très utiles. Mais je pense que le développement d'une intelligence artificielle complète pourrait mettre fin à la race humaine».
Stephen Hawking va même plus loin. Dans sa théorie et son raisonnement, il pense que les machines dépasseront l'homme très rapidement. «Une fois que les hommes auront développé l'intelligence artificielle, celle-ci décollera seule, et se redéfinira de plus en plus vite. Les humains, limités par une lente évolution biologique, ne pourront pas rivaliser et seront dépassés», considère Hawking, l'un des plus brillants scientifiques vivants.
Le scientifique reste néanmoins en faveur des nouvelles technologies de communication et déclare avoir été un des premiers à être «connecté» aux débuts de l'ère internet. L'explication est d'autant plus simple qu'il est atteint de la maladie de Charcot qui l'oblige à se déplacer en fauteuil roulant et à communiquer à l'aide d'un ordinateur. M. Hawking a déclaré qu'internet avait apporté à la fois des dangers et des bénéfices. La toile serait devenue avec le temps un centre de commandement pour criminels et terroristes. «Les entreprises du net doivent faire plus pour contrer la menace, mais la difficulté est de le faire sans sacrifier la liberté et la vie privée», a soutenu l'astrophysicien âgé de 72 ans.
Autre grande annonce de Stephen Hawking : son système de communication, amélioré par le groupe américain Intel, sera accessible gratuitement à la communauté scientifique dès janvier 2015. C'est une avancée formidable pour toutes les personnes paralysées. Le système permet, en activant un capteur grâce à la contraction d'un muscle de la joue, de sélectionner des caractères qui sont alors prononcés par une voix artificielle. «Cette voix était très claire bien qu'un peu robotique. Elle est devenue mon signe distinctif et je ne la changerais pas pour une voix plus naturelle avec un accent britannique», a-t-il dit à la «BBC». Il conclue surces mots : «Apparemment les enfants qui ont besoin d'une voix synthétique en veulent une comme la mienne !»
"Une catastrophe planétaire est certaine d’ici mille ans"
"Une catastrophe planétaire est certaine d’ici mille ans"
Selon le célèbre astrophysicien de 74 ans Stephen Hawking, l’humanité pourrait vivre ses derniers instants sur Terre d’ici mille ans. Il appelle les hommes à être très prudents avant d'envisager une colonisation extraterrestre.
L’humanité fait face à l’un des plus dangereux siècles de son existence, au vu des progrès de la science et des technologies, a avertit le célèbre physicien Stephen Hawking, sur la radio BBC 4. Selon lui, une catastrophe planétaire va se produire dans les milles prochaines années.
Pour l’éviter, une solution pas simple : la conquête spatiale. Mais là encore, le Britannique de 74 ans, membre de la Royal Society of Arts (Londres), prévient qu’il faudra plus d’un siècle pour mettre en place des colonies dans l’espace où les humains pourraient vivre parmi les étoiles. Il appelle alors les hommes à être «très prudents durant cette période» : «On ne va pas cesser de faire des progrès, donc nous devons reconnaître les dangers et apprendre à les contrôler. Je suis un optimiste et je crois que nous le pouvons», a-t-il expliqué.
Dans des précédentes interventions, il a mis en évidence les risques potentiels liés à l’intelligence artificielle, qui pourrait devenir assez puissante pour provoquer l’extinction de l’humanité. Néanmoins, il a insisté sur le fait que des moyens seront trouvés pour y faire face.
«Les générations futures de chercheurs doivent être conscientes de la façon dont le progrès scientifique et technologique est en train de changer le monde. Il est important de veiller à ce que ces changements aillent dans la bonne direction. Dans une société démocratique, cela signifie que chacun nécessite d’un minimum de savoir scientifique pour prendre des décisions éclairées quant à l’avenir », a-t-il ajouté.
Stephen Hawking, un modèle
Depuis qu’il s’est fait diagnostiquer une forme rare d’évolution lente de sclérose latérale amyotrophique, surnommée «maladie de Lou Gehrig», Stephen Hawking a toujours travaillé pour surmonter les défis physiques de son handicap. Sa fille Lucy, journaliste et écrivain, expliquait à son sujet : «Il est extrêmement têtu et puise dans toutes ses réserves, toute son énergie, toute sa concentration mentale pour écraser sa maladie», avant d’ajouter : «Pas seulement pour survivre, mais pour continuer à produire un travail extraordinaire, écrire des livres, donner des conférences, et inspirer d’autres personnes atteintes de maladies neurodégénératives».
Over the long timescales of Earth’s history, asteroids have hammered our planet from time to time . For example, K/T impact, an asteroid about 65 million years ago made a huge explosion that supposedly resulted in the end of the age of the dinosaurs.
Now scientists think 2880 is the year the world will end, as asteroid 1950 DA is hurtling through space and has a risk of striking our planet, which could cause several collisions with the earth with devastating consequences.
1950 DA asteroid is a huge rock having a diameter of around one kilometer. It is traveling at a speed of 14 kilometers per second and is expected to hit Earth at a speed of 61,000 kilometers per hour and with the force of around 44,800 megatons of TNT.
It is rotating so fast that at its equator, 1950 DA effectively experiences negative gravity.
But the best part is, the probability of an impact from 1950 DA is only 0.3%. However, this represents a risk 50% greater than an impact from all other asteroids. Scientists say there is no immediate cause for concern as they are closer to finding the solution of how to stop this asteroid. If it’s any comfort, at least they have more than 800 years to find a solution.
Nidhi Goyal
Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. You can also find Nidhi on Google+.
Black holes are the places in space where extreme gravity pulls so much that even light cannot escape. According to NASA, black holes can be as small as just one atom and supermassive black holes have masses that are equivalent to more than 1 million suns put together.
Black holes cannot be seen because strong gravity pulls all of the light into the middle of the black hole. But scientists are using satellites and telescopes that are traveling in space to learn about black holes.
When a star comes too close to a black hole, the black hole’s intense gravitational forces rip the star apart. In these tidal disruptions, most of it hurls toward the black hole while some of the stellar debris is flung outward at high speed, which forms a disk of orbiting debris.
Image courtesy
One such tidal disruption was detected using X-ray telescopes in multiple orbiting observatories by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). The star was orbiting too close to the galaxy’s black hole and was caught in its tidal forces. Astronomers have witnessed stellar debris being blown away after the black hole destroyed the star.
This black hole is located in the center of the galaxy PGC 043234 and is about 290 million light-years away from Earth. This event, dubbed ASASSN-14li, provides an excellent opportunity to study the physical properties of a newly formed accretion disc around a black hole.
Nidhi Goyal
Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. You can also find Nidhi on Google+.
Best UK UFO Footage Ever Caught Live on BBC News | UFOs England
Best UK UFO Footage Ever Caught Live on BBC News | UFOs England
Published on Oct 21, 2015
8 Best UK UFO Footage Ever Caught on Tape. BBC News UFO England. This is the best 8 cases of Credible UFO Footage, some , Captured Unexpectedly during Live broadcasting, on the BBC news channel.
8 - 14/9/2014. A bright orb shape can be seen in the sky, and is captured on tape during a live broadcast. BBC News, Pakistan.
7 - 07/08/2009. during the morning news report. A strange light can be seen. notice the speed of the object, as it passes from the left corner of your screen. Millennium Bridge. Newcastle
6 - 07/04/1998. In This Footage, we look at THE Rod Dickinson UFO sighting in Somerset. South west England. visual and special effects supervisor Bill George, was asked to analyse the authenticity of this footage.
5 - An Orb craft was filmed while watching a BBC news report in an unknown destination. No Facts on this video can be found. Please Comment if you have any information.
4 - 06/08/2008. A mysterious cylinder shaped UFO is spotted in the clear blue sky's above a holiday camp in Somerset. The object appeared in the sky and remained for more than 10 minutes. This footage was captured on film.
3 - Sept 30, 2014 Hong Kong, China. During a rights protest, a brightly lit object appeared in the sky above the throng, moving slowly at first and then, the UFO suddenly shot up in the air out of sight. BBC News caught it on camera.
2 - 03/08/2000. Piloting a police helicopter,Sergeant John Tickner and Sean mitchel of the Sussex police were investigating suspicious air traffic reports in the night sky above Brighton. The Pilots spot an unusual craft like object, Start Filming, and begin to give chase.
1 - Oct 8, 2014. UFO's in Essex, England. The sighting was fortunately recorded from the BBC News channel during a live broadcast. Gathering any credible Information regarding this footage is impossible. The original news feed and reports have been removed from the BBC's archives.
Het unieke lichtpatroon van KIC 8462852, de vreemdste ster in de kosmos, wordt niet veroorzaakt door een groep kometen. Na een analyse van sterren die de afgelopen honderd jaar onder de loep zijn genomen, ligt de eerder zo plausibele verklaring van de NASA in de prullenbak. Is dit astronomische raadsel dan toch het werk van aliens? Volgens de New Scientist zou dat zomaar eens kunnen.
De mysterieuze ster verandert steeds op onverklaarbare wijze van helderheid. Er is iets wat de ster, soms wel voor een vijfde deel, afdekt. Astronomen proberen erachter te komen wat dat iets precies is.
Afgelopen oktober waren er drie verklaringen voor het opmerkelijke verschijnsel: resten van botsende asteroïdes, een enorme groep kometen, meegekomen met een andere ster die dichtbij de bijzondere ster kwam, of een aanwijzing voor buitenaards leven.
Onderzoek Om het raadsel te ontrafelen werd de ster de afgelopen vier jaar gemonitord. Dit proces werd de Kepler missie genoemd, naar de Kepler Space Telescope waarmee het unieke exemplaar in 2009 voor het eerst werd gespot. Met de telescoop werden 150.000 andere sterren bekeken, maar bij geen enkele andere ster is het lichtpatroon dat ster KIC 8462852 uitstraalt te zien.
Bradley Schaefer, onderzoeker aan Louisiana State University, ontdekte dat de ster nog vreemder is dan verwacht. Hij berekende dat er 648.000 kometen van stuk voor stuk meer dan 200 kilometer wijd langs de ster zouden moeten zijn gekomen om het verschijnsel te verklaren. "Onmogelijk," zo stelt hij in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift.
De KIC 8462852 Het is de opmerkelijkste ster van dit moment. De ster werd voor het eerst bekeken in 1890. De afgelopen 126 jaar, en misschien al wel langer, is de gloed rond de ster gegroeid. Het mysterieuze exemplaar in de kosmos verandert steeds op onverklaarbare wijze van helderheid: het kan zomaar twintig procent van de straling verliezen.
In 2009 werd de ster voor het eerst waargenomen met de Kepler Space Telescope.
In 2011 viel het meerdere burgers op dat één 'bizarre' ster een heel ander lichtpatroon uitstraalde dan de andere sterren. Ook onderzoekers hadden nog nooit zoiets gezien. Een verklaring voor het opmerkelijke lichtpatroon was in eerste instantie een hoop objecten die om de ster heen cirkelt.
Dat zou niet zo raar zijn als de ster jong is. Maar, de ster is niet jong. Als dat zo was, zou er stof omheen zweven dat infraroodlicht uitstraalt. En dat is niet zo.
Nu kometen geen optie meer zijn, wordt het werk van buitenaardse wezens wederom aangehaald. "Aliens moeten altijd de laatste verklaring zijn waar je naar kijkt, maar dit ziet eruit als iets dat buitenaardse wezens zouden bouwen," zei onderzoeker Jason Wright van de Penn State Universiteit eerder tegen The Atlantic. Volgens de researcher zijn de objecten rond de ster mogelijk een soort lichtpanelen waarmee buitenaardse wezens proberen energie op te wekken.
De Nederlandse wetenschapsjournalist Govert Schilling noemde het idee dat het mysterieuze licht duidt op aliens eerder al 'flauwekul'. "Een Amerikaanse wetenschapper zei eens dat je voor buitengewone claims ook buitengewoon bewijs moet hebben. En het bestaan van buitenaards leven is een buitengewone claim, waarvoor geen bewijs is. Je moet pas gaan denken aan buitenaardse wezens als al het andere is uitgesloten.''
Ook Schaefer is niet overtuigd van een zogenoemde alien-megastructuur. Het strookt niet met zijn nieuwe bevindingen. Daarbij denkt hij niet dat aliens in 'maar een eeuw' iets kunnen bouwen dat een vijfde deel van een ster kan afdekken. "Of er zit een maas in een van onze weerleggingen, of we hebben een theoreticus nodig die met een nieuwe verklaring komt."
Voor ons is tijd unidirectioneel. De tijd gaat in één richting: vooruit en nooit achteruit. Maar er zijn geen fysicawetten die dit principe als enige optie naar voren schuiven. Een 'spiegeluniversum' - eentje omgekeerd aan het onze - is dus niet uitgesloten. Sommige wetenschappers geloven in zo'n parallel universum, waarin de tijd volgens ons perspectief in omgekeerde richting beweegt.
Waarom de tijd maar in een bepaalde richting beweegt, is een vraag die fysici al langer bezighoudt. Het antwoord zou entropie zijn, de maat van moleculaire wanorde van een systeem, die constant toeneemt. Maar twee gescheiden onderzoeken van prominente fysici, die focussen op de initiële voorwaarden aan de basis van de tijdslijn, tonen aan dat de tijd in twee verschillende richtingen beweegt.
Volgens de wetenschappers creëerde de Big Bang niet alleen ons eigen universum, maar ook een omgekeerd spiegeluniversum, waarin tijd zich in de andere richting verplaatst. Achteruit dus, vanuit ons perspectief. Maar voor wie in het parallelle universum vertoeft, is het net omgekeerd en gaan wij dus 'achteruit'.
Het eerste model werd iets meer dan een jaar geleden gepubliceerd in Physical Review Letters. Het stelt dat een van de basisimplicaties van Newtons zwaartekrachttheorie de voorwaarden creëert om tijd in een bepaalde richting te laten bewegen. De onderzoekers beweren dat de zwaartekracht voor elk afgebakend systeem van deeltjes - zoals ons universum er een is - een punt bereikt waarop de afstand tussen de deeltjes minimaal is. Als de deeltjes dan naar buiten uitdeinen, doen ze dat in twee verschillende tijdsrichtingen.
Januspunt Het ogenblik vóór het uitzetten van de deeltjes wordt het 'Januspunt' genoemd, naar de tweekoppige Romeinse god. "Tijd is niet iets dat vooraf bestaat", vertelt onderzoeker Julian Barbour van de universiteit van Oxford aan Quartz. "We moeten de richting en de stroom van de tijd afleiden van wat er in het universum gebeurt. Als we het zo bekijken, is het logisch te stellen dat de tijd op dat centrale punt aanvangt en wegvloeit in tegengestelde richtingen."
Barbour vergelijkt het Januspunt met het moment waarop een rivier zich in tweeën splitst en in tegengestelde richtingen verderstroomt. "Het is heel eenvoudig", zegt Barbour. "Je begint aan dat centrale Januspunt, waar de beweging chaotisch is, maar dan vormt er zich in beide richtingen een structuur."
Let wel: het is niet omdat de tijd de andere kant zou kunnen opgaan, dat wij dat ooit zo zouden kunnen ervaren. "Wij staan aan de ene kant van het Januspunt", zegt Flavio Mercati van het Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics aanQuartz. "Aan de ene kant krijg je jouw eigen tijdslijn en je kan nooit die andere ervaren. Die ligt in jouw verleden."
Entropie Deze theorie is lang niet algemeen aanvaard, maar deed wel stof opwaaien in het wetenschappelijke wereldje. En nu blijken nog eens twee andere fysici, Sean Carroll van het California Institute of Technology in Pasadena en Alan Guth van het Massachusetts Institute of Technology, een gelijkaardig model te hebben ontwikkeld. Ook zij gaan uit van twee parallelle universums, met tegengestelde tijdslijnen en ontstaan uit de Big Bang.
De studie werd nog niet gepubliceerd, maar de wetenschappers beweren dat de theorie nog eenvoudiger is dan die van Barbour en zijn collega's (onder wie ook nog Tim Koslowski van de universiteit van New Brunswick). Het model van Carroll en Guth steunt niet op de zwaartekracht of op deeltjes in een afgebakend systeem, maar enkel op het concept van entropie. De helft van de deeltjes zetten uit naar buiten toe en verhogen zo de entropie. De andere helft convergeert en worden heel compact met als gevolg een afname in entropie. Tot ze langs het centrale punt van het systeem passeren en entropie creëren in de tegengestelde richting.
Trampoline Vergelijk het met een hoop ballen op een trampoline. De helft van de ballen springt op, terwijl de andere helft in het midden samenklit en door de trampoline breekt om een chaotische hoop ballen aan de andere kant achter te laten. Zo leidt de big bang tot entropie in twee verschillende richtingen, in twee verschillende universums. Guth heeft het in de New Scientist over de "tweekoppige tijdslijn". "Omdat de fysicawetten onveranderd blijven, zien we exact hetzelfde in de andere richting."
Ook deze theorie staat nog lang niet op punt. Barbour zegt dat het onderzoek gestoeld is op de klassieke fysica en dat "alles te herdoen is" eens de quantumfysica er wordt bijgesleurd. "In plaats van twee stromen die voortvloeien uit één rivier, zou het meer iets als een fontein kunnen zijn, met heel wat bronnen", zegt Barbour. "Of gewoon een hele reeks bronnen die voortvloeien uit een fontein in verschillende richtingen."
En toch. Als de klassieke fysica op zich al onze voorstellingen van tijd verdraait, dan suggereert dat toch dat er méér zit achter tijd dan onze lineaire, unidirectionele ervaring.
WETENSCHAP Volgens Stephen Hawking staat de mensheid aan de vooravond van wat wel eens één van de meest uitdagende eeuwen van haar bestaan zou kunnen worden. Innovaties op vlak van wetenschap en technologie zijn volgens de wetenschapper zo vergevorderd, dat ze de mens in zijn voorbestaan als soort bedreigen.
De kans dat er zich binnen dit en 1.000 jaar op aarde een allesvernietigende ramp voordoet, is volgens Hawkins nagenoeg 100 procent. Omdat het nog een honderdtal jaren kan duren vooraleer de wetenschap in staat is zelfbedruipende kolonies op andere planeten op te richten, is het volgens de wetenschapper van stellig belang dat we de komende eeuw uiterst voorzichtig zijn. Dat zegt hij in een reactie op de wetenschappelijke doemtheorieën die Lord Rees, een astronoom met blauw bloed, in zijn boek Our Final Century op de wereld loslaat.
'Er zal geen stop gezet worden op de technologische vooruitgang, daarom is het belangrijk ons bewust te worden van de gevaren ervan, en die onder controle te krijgen'
Stephen Hawking
Net als Lord Rees lijkt Hawking ervan overtuigd dat de grootste gevaren waar de mensheid mee af te rekenen krijgt, er van eigen makelij zullen zijn. Vooral de voortsnellende innovatie op vlak van wetenschap en techniek zal zich volgens beide wetenschappers tegen ons keren. Hawking wijst onder meer op de gevaren van nucleaire wapens en genetisch gemanipuleerde virusvarianten. "We zullen niet stoppen met het maken van vooruitgang - laat staan dat we het proces zullen omkeren - dus moeten we ons bewust worden van de gevaren die zo'n vooruitgang met zich meebrengt en proberen om die onder controle te krijgen", zo zegt hij aan The Guardian.
Zijn pessimistische wereldvisie ten spijt lijkt de inmiddels 74-jarige wetenschapper er persoonlijk dan weer een vrij optimistische levenshouding op na te houden. Ondanks het feit dat hij al ongeveer 50 jaar lang lijdt aan een slepende ziekte die langzaam maar zeker zijn hele zenuwstelsel aantast, laat Hawking zich niet ontmoedigen. "Mijn ziekte hindert me nauwelijks in wat ik echt wil doen, namelijk theoretische fysica bedrijven", zegt hij aan The Guardian.
Vorige week nog gaf de briljante fysicus een lezing over zwarte gaten aan het Royal Institution in Londen. Daarin drukte Hawkins zijn overtuiging uit dat het mogelijk moet zijn via een zwart gat door te reizen naar een parallel universum. Hij voegde daar wel aan toe dat het om een "zeer groot, en actief tollend zwart gat" moet gaan. Wie zo'n tijdruimtelijke reis aanvat, hoeft volgens de wetenschapper overigens ook niet meer op een retourticketje naar het thuisfront te rekenen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Zeldzame samenstand: Vanaf woensdag vijf planeten samen te zien aan de hemel
Zeldzame samenstand: Vanaf woensdag vijf planeten samen te zien aan de hemel
Voor het eerst in 10 jaar is het mogelijk om vijf heldere planeten bij elkaar te zien aan de hemel. Vlak voor zonsopkomst kun je tussen Mercurius, Venus, Mars, Jupiter en Saturnus een denkbeeldige lijn trekken.
De samenstand, waarin de planeten dicht bij elkaar lijken te staan, is van woensdag 20 januari tot het einde van februari te zien.
Venus, Mars, Jupiter en Saturnus zijn sinds begin dit jaar al aan de ochtendhemel te zien. Jupiter is de heldere stip in het zuiden, daarnaast staat Mars, gevolgd door Saturnus en Venus, die boven de oostelijke horizon is waar te nemen. Nu ook Mercurius zich bij het viertal voegt is de familie compleet.
Mercurius zal in eerste instantie laag boven de oostelijke horizon te zien zijn. Rond begin februari staat de planeet net onder Venus.
Er is nog een reden om voor zonsopkomst op te staan. Vanaf eind januari zal de maan langs de afzonderlijke planeten gaan, waardoor ze haast niet te missen zijn.
Op 28 januari staat de maan naast Jupiter, op 1 februari bij Mars, op 4 februari naast Saturnus, op 6 februari naast Venus en op 7 februari vergezelt de maan Mercurius aan de hemel.
De samenstand volgt de ecliptica, de schijnbare baan van de zon ten opzichte van de sterren aan de hemel. De ecliptica grenst aan het sterrenbeeld Schorpioen, dat makkelijk te herkennen is. Vlak boven Saturnus staat de rode superreus Antares, de helderste ster in het sterrenbeeld.
Het is alweer even geleden dat de vijf planeten samen aan de hemel stonden. Om ze goed te kunnen zien, kun je het beste een plek uitzoeken waar je helemaal van het zuiden naar de oostelijke horizon kunt kijken.
Vondst stenen werktuigen wijst op mysterieuze menssoort in Indonesië
Vondst stenen werktuigen wijst op mysterieuze menssoort in Indonesië
Uit stenen werktuigen blijkt dat het Indonesische eiland Sulawesi 200.000 jaar geleden al werd bewoond. De ontdekking ontkracht de theorie dat het eiland tussen 50.000 en 60.000 jaar geleden voor het eerst werd bereikt door Homo sapiens afkomstig uit Afrika.
De ontdekking wijst erop dat het eiland ver voor de komst van Homo sapiens werd bewoond door een nog onbekende menssoort. Hoofdonderzoeker Gerrit van den Bergh van de Universiteit van Wollongong zei dat de makers mogelijk verwant zijn aan de minimensen die op Flores leefden (Homo floresiensis), een eiland ten zuiden van Sulawesi.
Nog ouder
Van den Bergh stuitte in 2007 op de vindplaats. Tussen 2009 en 2012 verrichte hij met zijn collega’s opgravingen. Er werden in die periode meer dan 200 voorwerpen gevonden. Dr. Bo Li van de Universiteit van Wollongong was in 2011 in staat om te bepalen wanneer de werktuigen voor het laatst waren blootgesteld aan zonlicht.
Op basis van verschillende dateringsmethodes werd vastgesteld dat de stenen gereedschappen minstens 200.000 jaar oud zijn. Er zijn ook voorwerpen gevonden die waarschijnlijk nog ouder zijn.
Dichte begroeiing
Op basis van grotschilderingen hebben archeologen bepaald dat de moderne mens zo’n 40.000 jaar geleden op Sulawesi woonde. Wat er in de tussenliggende periode is gebeurd weet Van den Bergh niet. Door de dichte begroeiing in het gebied is het lastig om fossiele resten van mensen te vinden.
In onze moderne geschiedenis komen we talloze verhalen tegen waarbij ontmoetingen tussen militaire jets en UFO’s voor de betrokkenen niet altijd even goed aflopen.
De afgelopen week vond er op het platteland van Bulgarije een confrontatie plaats tussen een UFO en twee militaire jets waarbij gelukkig iemand aanwezig was met een camera.
Regelmatig duiken er toch weer verhalen op waaruit blijkt dat ook de militairen soms worden verrast door UFO’s en niet goed weten hoe ze daar mee om moeten gaan.
Daar had het enkele dagen geleden in Bulgarije alle schijn van.
Het verhaal speelt zich af op 14 januari 2016 in de buurt van de plaats Nova Zagora in het zuidoosten van Bulgarije.
Lokale plattelandbewoners zagen op een gegeven moment een UFO verschijnen in de lucht boven hun hoofden en iemand had de tegenwoordigheid van geest om daar een foto van te maken.
De UFO maakte geen enkel geluid en volgens de dorpelingen duurde het een paar minuten voordat er twee laag vliegende militaire jets in beeld verschenen.
Plotsklaps veranderde de UFO van positie en de twee vliegtuigen moesten allerlei capriolen uithalen om dit bij te kunnen benen.
Dit “gevecht” in de lucht duurt enige tijd totdat de UFO er genoeg van had.
Plotseling verdwijnt de UFO met grote snelheid en blijven de twee vliegtuigen achter om zich af te vragen waar de UFO is gebleven.
De opnames zijn echt want er waren vele getuigen die dit alles met eigen ogen hebben gezien.
Voor zover ons bekend, is er zoals meestal in dit soort gevallen van officiële zijde geen verklaring gegeven voor deze gebeurtenis.
We weten dat er in het verleden dikwijls is gejaagd en ook geschoten door militairen op UFO’s.
Sommigen zeggen dat wij als aarde of althans één of meerdere overheden, in oorlog zijn met buitenaardsen, zoals wij schreven in een eerder artikel:
Al sinds de late jaren '40 is de wereld in oorlog met buitenaardsen. Dat is wat sommige Ufo-onderzoekers en militairen van over de hele wereld claimen. Enkelen, zoals de beroemde vliegendeschotelonderzoeker Major Donald Keyhoe, zeiden in 1955: “De luchtmacht vertelde mij in 1949 dat ze opdracht hadden gekregen om “hoe dan ook” een vliegende schotel te bemachtigen. Dit werd bevestigd door een inlichtingenofficier in het Pentagon, Majoor Jere Boggs, in het bijzijn van Generaal Sory Smith. Er werd mij verteld dat een luchtmachtpiloot had geschoten op een schotel boven New Jersey”.
De auteur Frank Feschino Jr. beschreef de vroegere oorlog die door de Amerikanen werd geleid in zijn boek: “Shoot them down. The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952”. Er zijn aanwijzigingen dat ook de Sovjet Unie oorlog voerde tegen vreemde objecten die hen lastigvielen op diverse luchtmachtbases. Alleen in juni en juli 1952 verloren de Amerikanen wereldwijd 94 straalvliegtuigen en vielen er 51 doden. De vliegtuigen stortten soms met twee of drie tegelijk naar beneden. Voor de hele maand september zijn de archieven weg. Volgens de New York Times raakten er in de jaren tussen 1951 en 1956 een totaal van 192 vliegtuigen zoek. Een aantal hiervan was niet verdwenen, maar werd vernietigd.
In de jaren die volgden hielden vliegtuigen voldoende afstand als ze een Ufo waarnamen. De Ufo’s hadden klaarblijkelijk de gewoonte om op vliegtuigen te schieten met energiestralen.
Een bekend incident vond plaats boven Teheran en werd gevolgd door de Amerikanen. Twee Iraanse F4 straaljagers zaten een grote Ufo achterna die boven een militaire luchtmachtbasis hing en vervolgens over de stad vloog, gadegeslagen door duizenden getuigen. Eén van de jets moest de achtervolging staken toen alle systemen uitvielen en de ander stortte neer, nadat de piloot met de schietstoel het vliegtuig had verlaten.
Hieronder nog enkele voorbeelden uit een ander artikel dat wij schreven over ontmoetingen en militaire jets die niet goed afliepen.
Op 23 november 1953 pikt de Amerikaanse luchtmachtradar een vreemd object op boven Lake Superior. Er wordt onmiddellijk een vliegtuig de lucht ingestuurd, de F-89 Scorpion, met als bemanning de luitenants x Moncla en Wilson. Met een snelheid van rond de 500 knopen bereiken ze hun doel op een hoogte van 30.000 voet. Er zijn moeilijkheden met het radiocontact en wanneer ze hun duik beginnen richting object ziet men op het radarscherm dat de twee “bliebs” één worden en dat is het laatste wat men ooit gezien heeft van de F-89 Scropion. Ook zoektochten later op de grond leveren geen enkel resultaat op. De luchtmacht geeft als verklaring dat er een botsing geweest zou zijn tussen het toestel en een Canadees transporttoestel, maar deze ontkennen dit want ze hadden daar op dat moment geen vliegtuig in de buurt.
Een andere ontmoeting met een UFO, met eveneens dodelijk afloop, is afkomstig van de NSA die van deze gebeurtenissen de boordradiogesprekken heeft opgenomen. Het verhaal begint met de Cubaanse luchtmacht die in 1967 een snel naderend onbekend object waarneemt boven de Atlantische oceaan wat hun kant op komt. Er worden twee MIG-21 vliegtuigen de lucht ingestuurd om het onbekende object te onderscheppen.
De bemanning van één van de toestellen maakt visueel contact met een metaalachtige schotel waarop het licht fel reflecteert. De piloot, een ervaren door de Russen opgeleide vlieger, probeert via diverse radiofrequenties contact te maken met het object. Wanneer er geen antwoord komt, draait hij een knop om waardoor zijn wapens op scherp worden gezet en het volgende moment verandert het MIG toestel in een brandende vuurbol. De tweede piloot, een goede vriend, wordt dusdanig hysterisch dat hij minutenlang in de microfoon schreeuwt terwijl het object wegvliegt.
Er wordt natuurlijk dikwijls gesteld dat veel van de schotels die wij zien vliegen van aardse oorsprong zijn en onderdeel vormen van de geheime programma’s van overheden zoals die van Amerika.
Wanneer we echter het aantal keren in ogenschouw nemen dat er jets worden afgestuurd op onbekende objecten en dat er in de geschiedenis ook regelmatig sprake is van dodelijke incidenten aan de kant van de mens, dan lijkt het er toch meer op dat we hier te maken hebben met buitenaardse entiteiten.
Bright Disk In Sky Near Two Passenger Jets Over Germany, Jan 2016, Photo, UFO Sighting News.
Bright Disk In Sky Near Two Passenger Jets Over Germany, Jan 2016, Photo, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2016 Location of sighting: Between Turkey-Germany I found out about this sighting thanks to Christian Mace at Ovni Paranormal site. He has a great UFO site in French. This UFO is not alone in the sky. Also in the window is a passage jet with a long contrail behind it. The UFO looks like its checking out the pollutants that the contrail makes or it could be scanning the DNA of the passengers on board the jet. This UFO looks like a tilted pink disk. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I was flying from Alanya ( Turkey ) to Germany ( Düsseldorf ) and we spotted a real UFO above Germany, take a look!!
I was going thought the archive for Popocatepeti when I found this object near the mouth of the volcano. The UFO has a distortion around it like many UFOs often have due the propulsion system. Also the focus of the UFO and the side of the mountain match, meaning that this object is far away, and not close up. I have been watching this volcano for about 5 years, even before I had this blog. I have recorded on video UFOs many times, and many other UFO researches have done the same. The fact that there is a underground base a few km below this volcano is evident. Scott C. Waring
A Californian man at San Diego County claimed to have watched three strange lights floating in the sky and recorded one of them on video, according to MUFON’s Case 73527 witness reporting database.
The witness was waiting for a go signal from the traffic light at 10:15 p.m. on December 31, 2015 when he first noticed the three lights overhead.
He pulled over in a parking lot to stop, get a better look at the strange light, and take pictures. While watching the hovering three craft, two of them began moving straight up and away from him as their lights got smaller and flew out of his sight.
One of them retained its position and moved erratically from side-to-side. After about five minutes, it took off in a similar direction as the other two and shot straight up overhead at an incredible speed in the same direction as the other two.
The witness included two video clips along with his report to MUFON, which was filed on the first day of January 2016. Jason Sieckman, MUFON Californa field investigator, is still investigating the case.
Augustine Lepe noticed a strange object in drone video recorded over the South Pacific Ocean, approximately 20km from the north of La Serena.
A drone has caught footage of a UFO moving fast into the South Pacific Ocean, just off Chile’s coast.
The video that was uploaded to the commercial video sharing website YouTube showed a spherical object flew into the area. Lepe found the strange activity recorded on her drone on January 1 and uploaded a slow motion version clip as well as real time in a hope to find out its identity.
The footage caught the UFO flew diagonally and then turned back around. It eventually disappeared.
According to Augustine’s estimate, the object was flying at around 186mph.
Is this a UFO or a product of camera tricks? What do you think?
Latest UFO sighting filmed over Deerfield Beach, Florida 16-Jan-2016
Latest UFO sighting filmed over Deerfield Beach, Florida 16-Jan-2016
Here’s another daytime sighting that was filmed over United States on 16th January. This strange event took place in Deerfield Beach, Florida.
Witness report:I was by the pool relaxing and had my eyes closed for a few minutes, but I felt the need to open my eyes and look to my top left to the sky. At first I thought I had some dots in my contacts or something affecting my vision from having my eyes closed earlier. But as I blinked it didn’t go away. First thought was like are those balloons? And at first the 2 objects were not that far from me so that’s why I thought the balloons are raising into the air. But then I knew there were not balloons as they had the same distance from each other and going in the same direction. beautifully parrellel. There was no specific sound, calmness really. The 2 objects kept moving NE but higher to the sky from the initial point I saw them. As soon as I realized this may be something, I started to taking a video and pictures with my phone. However, my video stopped recording after some seconds so I tried another video and it only did a few seconds so I just kept trying to take picture and zoom it as much possible to get a better view. It latest a few minutes. I actually called my mom to tell her and she said she was close so I was telling her I will go to her to show her and my dad. However, our connection failed. So I recalled and said I am coming but as soon as I said that I saw the 2 objects slightly move to the left and disappeared instantly. I wanted to share my experience with others because I am certain this was a unique UFO experience. I also felt an itch on my left and I saw like a line which I took a picture of. The redness lasted at least 30 minutes and don’t have it anymore.
Like the overwhelming majority of the world’s astronomers and scientists, I do not discount the possibility that we are not alone in the universe. Most likely we are not alone, even though we still have no definite evidence for it.
(I am talking about already fully developed, sentient intelligent life…….not just micro-organisms under development).
Here is my favorite quote from Arthur C. Clarke:
“Two possibilities exist…….either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying“.
2. On UFOs (as physical alien spacecraft) and Aliens (as physical extraterrestrial beings having visited or are visiting our Earth) :
Like the overwhelming majority of the world’s astronomers and scientists, I have been skeptical about it since around 1978, when I first began to devour books by John A. Keel and Dr. Jacques Vallee.
Until then I was a strong supporter of physical, nuts-and-bolts Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.
Just like Col. John Alexander, I am skeptical about the government having intentionally covered up UFO information.
I totally agree with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy that:
“The U.S. government has no evidence that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.
In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.
Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.
Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them – especially any intelligent ones – are extremely small, given the distances involved.
But that’s all statistics and speculation.
The fact is:
I am highly skeptical about it.
Over the years, Area 51 has become a social, cultural and psychological phenomenon.
It has become an integral part of the UFO subculture in America and the world.
Currently, I am assigned as the Public Information Director at:
Area 51 Facebook Page, the largest information site on Area 51 on Facebook:
I am highly skeptical about it.
However, I am open to a speculation that at one time, there may have been some type of a small, remote, off-site CIA-operated aircraft test facility on the northern slope of Mount Archuleta close to the Colorado stateline (possibly Redding Ranch).
I remain skeptical about major globally-orchestrated conspiracies.
To some folks, belief in conspiracies seems to be more comforting than reality (as we understand reality to be).
The phenomenon “seems” to be real, just as Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Dr. Jacques Vallee have stated.
However, I still do not know for sure and I will keep on searching.
I do not know the true nature of this phenomenon.
I would like to meet anyone who knows the true nature of this phenomenon.
Yes, in a way, religion is part of pseudoscience because it involves belief.
Religion is not science. Religion is religion. Science is science.
I believe there is a God and that he has given to each of us his plan in this life and the life to come.
Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth Shostak and countless number of others.
They gave us an understanding of what science is.
My favorite quote is from Stephen Hawking: “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge”.
I do not agree with them on religion.
To believe is human.
Carl Sagan said “I don’t want to believe…..I want to know”.
However, I say “I want to believe, until I know for sure…..and I also want to know more”.
Although I try my best to remain open-minded, I am a UFO skeptic in the sense that I am skeptical that UFOs represent actual physical extraterrestrial visitations in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft piloted by physical extraterrestrial entities.
But that does not mean that I am not interested in Ufology and UFO culture.
In fact, in my opinion, this is one of the most fascinating study topics in terms of Human Psychology and beliefs.
By the way, the term “UFO“ (a confusing term perhaps haphazzardly coined by the Air Force) is totally ambiguous, meaningless and divisive.
“Unidentified” is only relevant to the observer.
(An aerial phenomenon that cannot be identified? “Cannot be identified” by whom?)
Likewise, “flying” is only relevant to the observer.
Many reported descriptions fall more into the category of “disappearing” or “dematerializing” rather than “flying” as we know it.
Some say that reality is only relevant to each perceiver.
Even though I remain skeptical about physical aliens ever having physically visited our Earth, I must admit the possibility that reality may not be what it seems.
(I like Dr. Jacques Vallee’s description: “the things we call ‘unidentified flying objects’ may neither be objects nor flying”).
Although my highest respect goes to men of science, such as the late Carl Sagan,Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth Shostak, etc., etc., ad infinitum, I have never regretted the fact that throughout all these years I have somehow gotten myself involved in the weird field of “Ufology” because I still say that this is a strange world we’re living in and that there are still so many things we don’t really know about our world and our vast universe, including the question: What is reality?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Did prehistoric civilizations with advanced technology exist in the past?
Did prehistoric civilizations with advanced technology exist in the past?
We believe yes, and there are numerous incredible archaeological findings which indicate that thousands, and even millions of years ago, civilizations with extremely advanced technology existed on our planet and just like us, called Earth ‘home’. These ancient civilizations could have had far superior knowledge and technology than we have today. And what if all of mankind’s ‘modern inventions’ are nothing more than re-inventions of the past? Re-inventions from a time when a different people inhabited the planet and disappeared mysteriously from the face of the Earth.
Is it possible that all of these mysterious findings can explain, once and for all mankind’s amnesia? Because it seems that humans are a species suffering from it…
Is it possible that civilization hit 'reset' a couple of times in the distant past?
Would the existence of prehistoric civilizations explain the construction of incredible ancient sites such as Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Teotihuacan and the Pyramids of Egypt? Is it possible that our ancestors re-discovered this lost technology and used it in their own lifetime?
Let’s check out some of the revolutionary ancient technologies that still baffle researchers.
The Ancient Chinese seismograph
Over 1500 years before the invention of the modern-day seismograph, Chinese scientists Zhang Heng managed to record an earthquake that originate 480 kilometers away. The invention referred to as the seismoscope is incredibly surprising both by its beauty (an elegant vase with carved bronze animals) and its accuracy. Until today, no one knows exactly how the mysterious device works, but nevertheless it predates the modern-day seismograph by more than 1500 years.
The 1.8 billion year old “Nuclear Reactor”
Did you know that in Africa there is a 1.8 billion year old nuclear reactor? Although mainstream scientists argue that this is in fact a naturally occurring Nuclear Reactor, many scientists argue that this is in fact impossible suggesting that the conditions for the nuclear reactor are far too precise to have occurred by itself as the result of Mother Nature. As you can see, our planet gets mysteriously beautiful by the minute and we realize how little we know about our past and everything that happened before ‘civilization’.
The Baghdad Batteries
1938 the world was introduced to the mysterious Baghdad Batteries. An ancient device, believed to be more than 2000 years old that was used, according to some researchers, by ancient mankind to power certain electrical devices. It is proven that the Baghdad Batteries can actually generate electricity. Is it possible that the Baghdad Batteries are in fact the missing link to mankind’s ancient technology?
Piri Reis: Map Impossible
Did you know that the Piri Reis map depicts Antarctica before the continent was covered by ice? Yeah… it’s one of the most mysterious maps in the world actually. The map Created by cartographer and sailor Piri Reis, which was based on far more ancient maps shows Antarctica as we have never seen it. The map also depicts a piece of land that seems to be connected to South America, a part of land that could have corresponded to the Antarctic coast in prehistoric times.
300,000 year old Nanostructures: Advanced ancient technology
Found in the Ural Mountains in Russia, these objects have caused quite a buzz since their discovery. The tiny structures are believed to have been the product of an extremely ancient civilization that was capable of developing nanotechnology about 300,000 years ago. The age of these mysterious nanostructures have placed them in the list of “out of place artifacts” given the fact that researchers estimate them to be around 300,000 years old. The Russian Academy of sciences performed several tests on these mysterious objects and the results were quite interesting. Researchers found out that the largest pieces that were unearthed were made almost entirely out of copper and the smaller ones from tungsten and molybdenum.
The materials were submitted to a more extensive research a couple of years after their discovery to find out more about the mysterious objects and their composition and according to the Russian Academy of Science and their department for Geology; the metals have not originated in nature on their own, meaning that they are components that have a artificial technological origin, in other words they were manufactured.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Lost Civilization Of Planet Mars
The Lost Civilization Of Planet Mars
After many decades of studying the red planet, scientists now actually admit that there is a very high possibility that an impact of a asteroid or comet altered the the Red Planet completely!
Compared to Planet Earth, Mars has many impact craters which isn’t that strange since Mars is in a very uncomfortable position in our solar System, right next to the Asteroid belt. Because of this Mars is constantly being bombarded by asteroids, unlike Earth Mars does not have a bigger moon to shield it against incoming asteroids! (the moon is kind of like earths very own Goal Keeper!).
So looking back into our home planets history we know that the Earth has been impacted in the past by large space rocks, and even some of those immense impacts have possibly changed the history of our planet too! I guess one of the best examples of this is the Chicxulub impact crater located in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico (see image below) which many leading scientists believe to have been the number one reason for the extinction of the Dinosaurs.
The Chicxulub impact crater
So lets get this right people, if this happened here on Planet Earth, could something similar of happened on Mars? In fact on the red planet we can find an extremely interesting impact crater located in the Lyot region, and it is approx. 125 miles in diameter (that is one BIG crater!). The sheer area of this huge impact crater tells us just how powerful the impact must of been which could have been one of the main causes why Mars today is literally just a “desert”. A comet strike like this may very well of caused a profound disruption to Mars’ very own planetary system. A hit like this would have been an absolutely devastating planet climate-changing event.
Did a massive Comet strike destroys Mars’ very own atmosphere!?
So lets put this into perspective and the main question has to be “is it possible that long before losing its atmosphere, Mars sustained life??” Even potential civilizations that once called the red planet their “home”? If this is what happened, then where did the Martian’s go? and most importantly did they survive? Did they possibly escape before these cataclysmic events? And if this is all true then does this mean that Mars could be connected in any way to Earth? These are just some of many questions that desperately NEED to be answered.
July 20, 1976 – after a ten-month journey from Earth, Viking I reached its destination, the red planet. The images that Viking I sent back to Earth were pretty damn amazing, and some of the impressive images showed that Mars really was not that different from Earth. Many regions on Mars resemble places on Earth, like the Death Valley. But where the story about Viking I gets really interesting is after it performed several tests in search for life on the red planet. Viking I returned back some very controversial results. Dr. Gil Levin designed one of the tests that the Viking probe performed, a relatively “simple” test. He explained that Microorganisms breathe just like you or I or anything else, and then they give off carbon dioxide. What NASA did is, they took a small sample of Martian soil, placed it inside a small container and this container was monitored for a week for signs of “bubbles” inside of the tube, and after seven days, the unexpected happened. The test for life on Mars was positive by criteria accepted by NASA as “bubbles” were registered inside the Viking I container – this was/is huge news!
But here is the funny/predictable thing, whilst this test had returned positive for life, other tests with different criteria came up negative. But guess what guys!? Yep good old NASA were very cautious in this matter and opted to say: “There is no proof of life on Mars“. (shock horror!).
Was Life On Mars Destroyed By Some Catastrophic Event!?
Many top scientists have suggested that Mars may have had an atmosphere very much similar to Earth’s atmosphere, and it got annihilated about 65 million years ago. Some have also stated that it could of possibly been some kind of ‘made’ weapon that destroyed this planet, perhaps some kind of Nuclear Weapon like we have here on Earth! Adding to these suggestions, ideas have been put together in the recent past which tell the possibility that the civilization that once inhabited Mars, very possibly fled to Earth in search for refugee. So guys does this make us the Human Race the actual “Martians” we have desperately tried to find for many years? There are some scientists that say they’ve found powerful evidence of lost civilizations on the red planet and in fact, they believe they may have discovered a nuclear signature in the Martian atmosphere that matches Earth’s after a nuclear test like I mentioned before!? According to the scientists involved there are very large traces of Xenon-129 on Mars and the only process that we know of that produces Xenon-129 is a nuclear explosion. Is this just yet another coincidence that shows how similar Mars is to Earth? Or does this actually provide evidence that Mars was very different in the past?
Perhaps all of these images on Mars of supposed statues and ‘made’ objects are very real and evidence of the Red Planets past!
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The Ancestral Myth of the Hollow Earth and Underground Civilizations
The Ancestral Myth of the Hollow Earth and Underground Civilizations
Countless stories, myths, and legends are told about underground cities and subterranean civilizations spread through a vast network of interconnected tunnels across the planet.
There are many rumors surrounding these underground portals. We have only to remember the mysterious stories that revolve around the tunnels and galleries of the Cueva de los Tayos in Ecuador, or stories about entrances to underground worlds, supposedly located in the Andes , the Himalayas , the Gobi Desert , Turkey,and even below the Sphinx of Giza .
The Hollow Earth Theory and an Expedition to the Arctic
The Hollow Earth theory states that the Earth is a hollow planet with ancient entrances to the subterranean world scattered throughout it, including near both polar caps. This theory has been reported since ancient times and scientists such as Edmund Halley have defended it throughout history.
From 1818-1826, the American John C. Symmes passionately supported the theory as well. According to him, there was a subterranean world inside our planet illuminated by a tiny sun, and that included mountains, forests, and lakes. Symmes launched a national campaign aiming to raise the necessary funds to send an expedition to the Arctic to search for an entrance to the subterranean world. He even sent a proposal to the United States Congress, with the intention of getting government assistance to find the entrance to the inner world.
Unfortunately for him, he died before the government did allocate funding for his purpose and the expedition departed in 1838, although, in truth, its goals were not so altruistic. In reality it was part of the ploy as world powers were trying to learn the importance of the only land not yet conquered the world: both polar caps. Regardless, commanded by Charles Wilkes, the expedition lasted four years. It served to discover the vast geographical extent of the Arctic, but no sign of a passage into the earth was found.
The entrance to the Hollow Earth according to Symmes, as he believed we would see it from the moon with a telescope. Illustration of Harper's New Monthly Magazine October 1882 ( Public Domain )
Nonetheless, the idea of Symmes remained anchored in the minds of a handful of writers (who tend to love the search for attainment of seemingly impossible dreams.) Thus, Edgar Allan Poe , Jules Verne , and HP Lovecraft, among many others, paid tribute to the fascinating theory of the Hollow Earth.
Illustration drawn by Edouard Riou in 1864 from the original edition of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by the famous Jules Verne. ( Wikimedia Commons )
Interest in the Hollow Earth theory did not end there. In fact, in twentieth century, with a knowledge of geography and geology of the earth, that was still lacking, there were those who continued trying to access that mysterious world under the earth’s crust. For example, some of the Nazi leaders, the lovers of ancient myths and the occult in Germany, showed a marked interest in these types of theories.
History of Hollow Earth Theory
Edmund Halley (1656 - 1742), the English scientist who studied the comet that bears his name, may have been the first to develop a scientific hypothesis about the Hollow Earth. After a series of observations of the Earth's magnetic field, Halley concluded that the anomalies observed could only be explained if the Earth was composed of two spheres: an external solid one and an internal hollow one, each with its own magnetic axis.
Edmund Halley with a drawing showing shells of his hollow earth theory. (1736) (Wikimedia Commons )
Later on, another American, Cyrus Teed , became convinced that it is mathematically impossible to discern whether we are inside or outside of a sphere, so we could live inside a hollow universe. In the center it would be the Sun, with the planets and stars only appearing bright to us because they reflect sunlight on the surface of the concave Earth. This land was called Koresh - which is the Hebrew translation of his own name, Cyrus. Teed even founded a church and its adherents remained active and defending these ideas until at least 1982.
With the dawn of the twentieth century other scholars, such as William Reed and Marshall Gardner , also believed they could provide evidence of the existence of an inner world. One of the most curious facts wielded as an argument, made by some Arctic explorers, was that air and water temperatures warmed as they approached the North Pole. Based on these and other observations, they also claimed that mammoths were not extinct, but still inhabiting the interior of the Earth.
The Ancestral Myth of the Hollow Earth and Underground Civilizations
Mammoth model exhibited at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, Canada. Some scientists believed that warm temperatures near the North Pole could be evidence that the mammoths lived on…in the hollow earth. (FunkMonk CC BY-SA 2.0 )
As previously mentioned, there were Nazi leaders who supported the hollow earth theory. Adolf Hitler also believed in the hollow earth theory, but for him it provided the location where the “pure” and “perfect” Aryans who he thought dominated the world would meet. What is more, the German Thule Society - the main esoteric circle of the time, held a very close hypothesis, although theirs was related to the myths of lost underground kingdoms of Agartha and Shambhala.
Adolf Hitler and several of his colleagues firmly believed in the Hollow Earth Theory. ( Wikimedia Commons )
Meanwhile, the first man to fly over the poles, Richard E. Byrd , in his report said he “inspected about 26,000 km (16,155.7 miles) around and beyond the Pole .” This simple sentence with the words " beyond the Pole" are the foundation on which many advocates of the hollow earth theory accuse the US government (who funded Byrd’s flight) of a cover-up, saying that Byrd went into the Inner Earth.
The arctic continent or Hyperborea as shown in the Gerardus Mercator Atlas of 1595 ( Public Domain )
Shambhala Myths and Agartha
Myths are as old as humanity itself, so are the myths of beings that inhabit the depths of the Earth. In contrast to the angels of heaven, tradition generally sent demons underground. A clear example is the Christian hell.
In contrast, Central Asian Buddhists believe in the wonderful land under our feet which is known as Agartha (or Agartta) . Agartha is supposedly a place where beings are more beautiful and much wiser than we are and which has a king that has the power to read the human soul.
For thousands of years Tibetan scholars, besides teaching about an inner world, say they are in contact with this "King of the Inner World" or supreme ruler for the entire planet, for whom the Dalai Lama is a representative for the outside world. They also speak and write about tunnels that connect Tibet with the inner world (which they protect), saying that there are many others scattered across the Earth, such as those found under the great pyramids of Egypt and South America . Entrances to subterranean cities also are said to exist around the vast Amazon Basin, for example connecting the lost city of "El Dorado " with the rest of the ancient world.
The capital of this inner world - and therefore of the whole world is said to be a city called Shambhala where the King of the World resides and his court of advanced beings teach some of humanity about science, art, religion, and philosophy.
According to ancient Tibetan myths, pyramids of Central and South America (pictured, Tikal in Guatemala) are settled on vast networks of underground tunnels, connecting the ancient cities with the sacred kingdom they refer to as Agartha. ( Wikimedia Commons )
The Shambhala Tibetan headquarters of the "spiritual government of humanity," may be located in the vicinity of Balkh, a former Afghan settlement known as "the mother of cities" according to the prestigious scholar on Tibet, Alexandra David-Neel . The folk traditions of Afghanistan say that after the Muslim conquest, Balkh was called Shams-i-Bala (Candle High) which seems a transformation from the Sanskrit Shambhala into Persian.
Watch a video about rumors and mysteries surrounding the Hollow Earth theory:
Have you heard about the Nazca Lines, but you don’t know exactly what they are? Here we will try to discover all the mysteries around them.
What are the Nazca Lines? The Nazca Lines are spread over a surface of 350 km2 between the 419 and 465 kilometers of the south Pan-American Highway, in the province of Nazca, department of Ica, covering up to four pampas: Palpa, Ingenio, Nazca and Socos.
These figures are drawn on the arid desert floor, and hundreds of figures are more or less complex. You can find lines with human appearance, and some others like animals, plants and other varied geometry. They have been made by removing the layer of volcanic rock that covers the pampa, leaving just the yellowish color of the surface, which forms the silhouette of the figures. The designs on the gravel of the reddish desert, were made by lifting the surface of the sand, so that would be seen a yellowish coloration in the ground. According to Dr. Maria Reiche: “The depth of the lines never exceeds 1 ft. and some of them are simple scratches on the surface, but may still be recognized when the sun is low and the relief is accentuated”.
Who made them and when? The construction of the Nazca lines is attributed to the Nazca culture, which inhabited the region between centuries I and VI AD. The Nazcas had big knowledge of geography, and meteorology, and its legacy includes an impressive collection of polychrome pottery, with figures of human beings, animals and plants. Paul Kosok, an American anthropologist, determined by using the technique of carbon-14, that the Nazca lines were made in the year 550 AD. How to see them? The lines are only visible from the air so, you should take the touristic aircraft that fly over the area. They can also be seen from viewpoints built in the area, but this option offers a limited view of the lines. How they have been preserved? In the area there is almost no rain, therefore the erosion caused by currents of rain water is zero. The geoglyphs are in one of the driest and hottest areas of the earth. The annual rainfall in the Nazca desert does not reach to 1 liter per m2. The composition of the field has significant quantities of gypsum. The gypsum together with the water from dew, agglomerate and maintain firm herded the stones to the ground, preventing the wind to move or displace stones or settle land lines. So, why did the Nazcas made the Lines? There are various hypotheses of the purpose and utility of the Nazca lines; we will discuss the most important:
Nazca Lines: The Monkey Astronomic Calendar: According to the German mathematician, Dr. Maria Reiche, the Nazca culture used these lines to mark various moments of an astronomical calendar that allowed them to determine dates and seasons. While this is the most widespread hypothesis, the astronomer Gerald Hawkins, debilitated it, when he found that only 30% of the lines correspond to an astronomical event. This is a very low number for the hypothesis to be considered conclusive. Beyond her theory, we, all Peruvians are very grateful to Dr. Maria Reiche (1903-1998) by her work and dedication to the lines. This exceptional woman spent 40 years of her life to the study of the lines and thanks to her, today they are considered World Cultural Heritage by the Unesco. Thank you Maria! Religious offerings According to the historian, Maria Rostworoski, the lines would be a religious offering to God Kon. According to legend, Nazca was a rich and fertile region, with so much prosperity that locals stopped to give offerings to their god, who upset and offended punished them, leaving them without water and a few rivers. As a sign of repentance, the town decided to draw pictures on the ground that could be seen by their god, who had the ability to fly. This hypothesis is based on tradition and so far there is no scientific evidence to support it. Signals of Underground Water Sources. According to the hydrologist Stephen and Mabbe the archaeologist Donald Proulx, the Nazca lines could be signs of groundwater sources. They support their hypothesis in at least 5 cases discovered with spatial overlap between the drawings and underground water deposits. In addition, the analysis of the water indicates to be of high quality and suitable for human consumption. This research is in the process, as it requires greater data to verify a direct relationship between the drawings, the water and its use.
Nazca Lines: The Spider Signals for Extraterrestrials According to Erich von daniken, the lines are signals for extraterrestrial and the drawings could be used for the landing of their ships. No comments…….. Only that attracted many tourists to the area. Conclusion Until now, there is no theory that underpins, without a doubt, the purpose of the Nazca Lines, we can only appreciate and enjoy them. How to get there? There are 3 airports from where the aircrafts depart to over flight the Nazca Lines. Nazca. It is the most common route, as it is the most economical, over flights leave from Maria Reiche Aerodrome, located a few miles from the city of Nazca. There you can find wide range of airlines that offer this service. There are 2 types of over flights: one of 30 min and other of 45 min. You can get to Nazca: From Lima: in 7 hours by bus ( 280 mi ) From Arequipa: in 9 hours by bus ( 350 mi ) From Cusco: in 10 hours by bus ( 390 mi ) Ica This route is offered by one or two airlines, the over flights depart from the airport of Ica. It takes aprox 1 hour 30 minutes. You can get to Ica from Lima in 6 hours by bus ( 200 mi ) Paracas: At the moment, only one airline offers this service, the over flights depart from the airport of Paracas. It takes aprox 1 hour 40 minutes. You can get to Paracas from Lima in 4 hours by bus ( 177 mi ) I hope you liked this post, if you would like to visit the Nazca Lines or if you need help planning your trip to Peru, go our Services Page to learn how we can help you.
Ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial civilizations
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA For a long time now we at Pegasus have been telling people that there was, and is a corp of Astronauts who are not connected to NASA and fly secret missions. It has always been our contention that this “Secret Astronaut Corp” not only exists, but is far more active currently in space, on the Moon and on Mars…
Naturally we are told we are crazy… there is no way they could hide this… and of course as with any truly secret program, there is really no way to prove our position… The best we can do is hunt circumstantial evidence and present our case… Then things started to happen…
First there was GARY McKINNON, a British hacker who claims he accessed NASA files via open passwords… He stated in an interview…
“What was the most exciting thing you saw?” I ask.
“I found a list of officers’ names,” he claims, “under the heading ‘Non-Terrestrial Officers’.”
“Non-Terrestrial Officers?” I say.
“Yeah, I looked it up,” says Gary, “and it’s nowhere. It doesn’t mean little green men. What I think it means is not earth-based. I found a list of ‘fleet-to-fleet transfers’, and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren’t US navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet.”
“The Americans have a secret spaceship?” I ask.
“That’s what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe.”
“Some kind of other Mir that nobody knows about?”
“I guess so,” says Gary.
“What were the ship names?”
“I can’t remember,” says Gary.
Now, unfortunately, he does not have any evidence to back this up, but the action taken against him does seem to indicate he had indeed found something ‘sensitive’. So this is just one more bit of circumstantial evidence…
Gary McKinnon has been accused of committing the ‘biggest military computer hack of all time’, and if extradited to the US faces up to 70 years in jail. So how did this techno geek from north London end up cracking open the Pentagon and Nasa’s systems? He talks exclusively to Jon Ronson as he awaits his fate. His case is still in the legal system today – see Gary McKinnon
Jack and I had been following leads on projects called ALMAZ and MOL (Manned Orbiting Laboratory) but had not completed the search.. when along comes NOVA and releases a one-hour documentary called…
The Astronauts
An early photo of the first MOL crew, the “Magnificent Seven”. Maj. Robert Lawrence, the eighth member profiled here (see below), joined MOL later as part of the third crew.
They were the “Magnificent Seven” of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory program, some of the best pilots the U.S. military had to offer the officials who were making the first MOL crew selection in 1965. Two more crews would follow, including that of Bob Lawrence, the first African-American astronaut. These men, 17 in all, were set to make history in space as the first military astronauts, performing covert reconnaissance from orbit. Yet while NASA’s astronauts were gracing magazine covers and signing autographs, the MOL teams were sworn to secrecy; most of the program’s details remain classified even today. And MOL was canceled in 1969, before any of its astronauts went into space. To learn more about some of these secret astronauts and their subsequent career achievements, [see below].—Rima Chaddha
Note: While all 17 MOL astronauts deserve equal acknowledgement, we chose to focus on the first crew as well as on the one member whose status as an astronaut went unacknowledged for 30 years. The full MOL roster is as follows:
MOL Group 2: Formed June 1966 Karol J. Bobko (Air Force) Robert L. Crippen (Navy) Charles G. Fullerton (Air Force) Henry W. Hartsfield Jr. (Air Force) Robert F. Overmyer (Marine Corps)
MOL Group 3: Formed June 1967 James A. Abrahamson (Air Force) Robert T. Herres (Air Force) Robert H. Lawrence Jr. (Air Force) Donald H. Peterson (Air Force)
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA Col. Albert H. Crews Jr., United States Air Force
“We didn’t really have a pecking order, but Al was our senior guy. He was our leader and the one we all looked up to.” – Col. Lachlan Macleay Background Albert Hanlin Crews Jr. was born on March 23, 1929, in El Dorado, Arkansas. He obtained a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering from the University of Southern Louisiana in 1950 and later earned a master of science in aeronautical engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology. Career highlights The secret announcement in June 1966 that they were training as reconnaissance astronauts may have come as a shock to most of the MOL team, but to Al Crews, it was business as usual. Crews had previously been a part of X-20 Dyna-Soar, an Air Force program to build a “spaceplane” that was to engage in intelligence gathering, bomb targets on Earth, and sabotage enemy satellites. Although the military had already built a Dyna-Soar prototype, the program was canceled on December 10, 1963. That same day, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara announced plans to develop the Manned Orbiting Laboratory. Out of the six Dyna-Soar astronauts, only Crews went on to join MOL; others, including Neil Armstrong, joined NASA. When MOL was canceled in 1969, Crews also entered NASA, but not as an astronaut. He joined Flight Crew Operations at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, where he worked as a test pilot until retiring as an Air Force colonel in 1994. Crews continue to fly today.
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA Capt. John L. Finley, United States Navy
“In the space program, you can’t be impatient, but that’s what Jack was. He was hard-charging and always willing to take on new challenges, the more the better.” – Vice Adm. Richard H. Truly Background Born on December 22, 1935, in Winchester, Massachusetts, John Lawrence Finley began preparation for a career in the U.S. Navy as a teenager at Culver Military Academy in Culver, Indiana. He later attended the Naval Academy, graduating in 1957, and became an aviator the following year. Finley spent most of his later years in business before his death in 2006. Career highlights Like many of his colleagues in MOL, Jack Finley was a war hero. In April 1968, one year prior to MOL’s cancelation but after a long string of delays, Finley requested reassignment and returned to active military duty with a tour of Vietnam. For his achievements in combat during the Vietnam War, he earned multiple Distinguished Flying Crosses, Strike Flight Air Medals, and Navy Commendation Medals. Finley served as commanding officer of the USS Kawishiwi tanker before retiring as a Navy captain at 45 in 1980. Finley also found great success in his civilian life as a businessman. After leaving the military, he spent 15 years with the FedEx Corporation, where he became Vice President of Aircraft Line Operations. He also served as an Executive Vice President at Intrepid Aviation Partners as well as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer at Dee Howard Aircraft Maintenance. On September 19, 2006, Finley lost a long battle with cancer and diabetes. He received a traditional burial at sea.
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA Col. Richard E. Lawyer, United States Air Force
“Dick was the kind of guy who, if you gave him something to do and you put a brick wall in front of him, he would go through that wall to get it done.” – Col. Lachlan Macleay Background Richard Earl Lawyer was born on November 8, 1932, in Los Angeles. He received his bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1955. That year he joined the Air Force, where he trained to become a test pilot before being selected for MOL. Lawyer continued to fly until days before his death in 2005. Career highlights Dick Lawyer was a distinguished graduate of his Air Force Fighter Weapons School and Air Force Test Pilot School classes. He later flew two combat tours in Vietnam and eventually served as Chief of Fighters at Edwards Air Force Base in California. So it is not surprising that with the cancelation of MOL in 1969, Lawyer left the space program to continue flying with the Air Force. Although he retired as a colonel in 1982, Lawyer continued flying and teaching others to fly for the rest of his life. He became a flight-test manager at Martin-Marietta (now Lockheed Martin). There, he also helped run a successful program to create an infrared guidance system for nighttime flying used in the F-16 and other fighter jets. Lawyer later took a position at the National Test Pilot School in California and eventually became a chief test pilot for Flight Systems, Inc. Lawyer continued work as a test pilot until his death from natural causes on November 12, 2005. He was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA Col. Lachlan Macleay, United States Air Force
“The MOL program was not as memorable to me as the friends I made there. I got to be around some of the smartest and most dedicated people in the world, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.” – Col. Lachlan Macleay Background Lachlan Macleay was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 13, 1931. He earned a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1954 but chose to begin his career in the Air Force instead. He later earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Southern California. Career highlights For Lachlan “Mac” Macleay, the highlight of his career was not being selected as an astronaut for the MOL program but rather being a squadron commander in combat in Vietnam and keeping all 350 men working under him safe. A year after graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1954, Macleay trained as a test pilot and later became a flight instructor at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia. There he taught others to fly fighter jets such as the F-86D. Macleay also gained experience piloting the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Macleay returned for a brief stint in the Air Force following MOL’s cancelation. He served his celebrated tour of Vietnam in 1971 and retired with the rank of colonel on May 1, 1978. Later, Macleay joined Hughes Aircraft in Tucson, Arizona, where he helped develop missile systems for each of the branches of the military; one of the systems was eventually sold to more than 25 countries. Today, Macleay works as a volunteer for both Habitat for Humanity and a local hospital in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA Col. Francis G. Neubeck, United States Air Force
“Greg always got a lot done on his own. He was the quietest of all of us and maybe the most independent, and that worked for him because he really knew his stuff.” – Col. Lachlan Macleay Background Francis Gregory Neubeck was born in Washington, D.C., on April 11, 1932. He earned a degree from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1955 and later obtained a master’s degree in business administration from Auburn University in Alabama in 1972. Career highlights With the cancelation of MOL, Greg Neubeck retired from the space program and returned to the Air Force, eventually serving as Vice Commander at the Tactical Air Warfare Center at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. By 1986, he had attained the rank of colonel and retired to pursue politics. That year, he became the Republican nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s First Congressional District, but his run proved unsuccessful. He still resides in Florida today.
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA Lt. Col. James M. Taylor, United States Air Force
“To be in MOL, you had to be smart and you had to be a leader. To me, Jimmy was among the best in both categories.” – Vice Adm. Richard H. Truly Background James Martin Taylor was born in Stamps, Arkansas, on November 27, 1930. He received his bachelor of science in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan in 1959. Career highlights Following the cancelation of MOL, James M. Taylor served as an instructor pilot at the Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base. Tragically, he and a student were killed the next year, in 1970, when their T-38 jet crashed during a training mission at Palmdale Regional Airport near Edwards Air Force Base. Taylor’s fellow MOL astronauts escorted the lieutenant colonel’s body to McChord Air Force Base in Pierce County, Washington. They were pallbearers at his funeral.
Credit: NOVA/PBS/NASA Vice Adm. Richard H. Truly, United States Navy
“It’s tough to describe how hard we all worked on MOL. But it was a huge part of our lives and, because of how hard we worked, we all learned a lot about ourselves and our abilities.” – Vice Adm. Richard H. Truly Background Richard Harrison Truly was born November 12, 1937, in Fayette, Mississippi. He attended the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he received his bachelor of aeronautical engineering in 1959. In 1964, he attended what is now the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base in California, where he later became an instructor. Career highlights Following MOL, Richard Truly joined NASA and became a member of the astronaut support crew and capsule communicator (CAPCOM) for all three manned Skylab missions in 1973 as well as the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz mission. He piloted Columbia in 1981 and served as space shuttle commander during the third Challenger mission in 1983, after which he left NASA to become the first commander of the Naval Space Command. He returned to NASA one month after the tragic Challenger explosion that killed all seven crew in 1986. Truly became head of the agency for three years starting in 1989. Already a retired vice admiral in the U.S. Navy, he has since held a number of distinguished academic, government, and professional positions. His decorations include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, two Legions of Merit, and the Distinguished Flying Cross, as well as a host of honors from NASA.
Maj. Robert H. Lawrence Jr., United States Air Force
“MOL was particularly exciting for Bob because being in the program offered him an opportunity to do the two things he loved most—experimental science and flying.” – Barbara Cress Lawrence, Maj. Lawrence’s widow Background Born in Chicago on October 2, 1935, Robert Henry Lawrence graduated in the top 10 percent of his high school class at 16. At 20, he obtained his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Bradley University and later earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Ohio State University. He died in 1967 during a training exercise. Career highlights Bob Lawrence’s Air Force career began in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) when he was a teenager attending Bradley University. There he distinguished himself as a cadet commander. After graduation, Lawrence attended flight training school at Malden Air Force Base and became an Air Force pilot. He became a test pilot after training at Edwards Air Force Base in 1967, two years after earning his doctorate in physical chemistry. During his short career, Lawrence clocked over 2,500 flight hours, mostly in jets. He tested several aircraft, including the supersonic Lockheed F-104 Starfighter. His research became instrumental in bringing space shuttles safely back from orbit. Tragically, he died just months after being selected for MOL during a Starfighter training exercise on December 8, 1967. Lawrence was the first African-American astronaut, but it wasn’t until 30 years after his death, in 1997, that NASA fully recognized his achievements in MOL. His is now the 17th name on the Astronauts Memorial Foundation Space Mirror, a monument erected at the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida to honor astronauts who lost their lives during or while preparing for space missions.
Credit: NOVA/PBS Left to right: Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin, U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, French Premier Edgar Faure, and British Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden on the eve of the 1955 Geneva conference during which Eisenhower introduced “Open Skies”
Following World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union entered into the Cold War game of spy-versus-spy that ultimately led to the space race. Americans were still deeply unsettled by the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, and the U.S. government wanted to arrange flyovers of U.S.S.R. territory to learn what they could about Soviet arms. Equally, the Soviets wanted to spy on the United States but strived to keep their depleted military resources secret. In July 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower proposed an “Open Skies” policy whereby either nation would be allowed to fly reconnaissance aircraft over the other. When the Soviet Union rejected the proposal, Eisenhower sought other ways to gather intelligence. On July 29, he announced that the United States would begin work on a scientific satellite. The Soviet Union immediately announced that it too would launch a satellite.
1963 Manned Orbiting Laboratory
Credit: NOVA/PBS A 1960 conceptual drawing of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory
On December 10, 1963, the United States announced plans to build the Manned Orbiting Laboratory, a military space station designated for scientific research. The MOL’s covert mission, however, was to enable astronaut spies to take better and more detailed photographs of the Soviet Union and its allies than ever before. The Corona satellites in use in the early 1960s were not sophisticated enough to seek out and zoom in on specified targets. But as computerized reconnaissance technology improved, the need for an expensive manned mission receded. The United States finally abandoned the MOL program in June 1969, one month before NASA’s Apollo 11 landed the first men on the moon.
Credit: NOVA/PBS Cosmonauts test a pressure suit worn aboard a Salyut space station orbiting Earth.
Illustrating the Cold War’s true potential dangers, both the United States and the Soviet Union made covert plans to bring weapons ranging from cannons to laser guns into space. In 1974, the Soviet Union launched the Salyut 3 space station, code-named Almaz, which secretly carried a 23-mm Nudelmann aircraft cannon. According to Soviet cosmonauts, tests run on this very first space gun were a success—the cannon even destroyed a target satellite. Although Almaz tracked several American spacecraft, including Skylab, the Soviets never attacked any of them. More benign Soviet stations such as the Salyut 4 were utilized in research and tests similar to those conducted on Skylab.
“Although the U.S. abandons its MOL program, the Russians succeed in flying secret manned spy missions over U.S. territory and that of its allies from 1974 to 1977. “ – NOVA
Amazing! UFO fleet caught on tape over Mudgee, Australia 15-Jan-2016
Amazing! UFO fleet caught on tape over Mudgee, Australia 15-Jan-2016
Here’s one really interesting footage of an unidentified flying objects flying across the sky above Mudgee in New South Wales, Australia. This happened on 15th January 2016.
Columnist Cheryl Costa explored the world of politics, UFOs and disclosure.
I’ve gotten a bit of email from folks asking what I thought about the topic of disclosure.
“Disclosure” being the idea of getting the United States government to reveal what it knows about UFOs and all that goes with it. The focus is to get the topic elevated to a political discussion.
Why? Because since late 1968, after the release of the Condon Report, the tone from the government has been to not publicly fund research related to UFOs and to essentially squash any form of serious inquiry on the topic. As a result, the U.S. Air Force closed the only government-sponsored investigation, Project Blue Book. Also, the major media took its cue from the Condon Report and began treating UFO topic matter like a second rate fantasy and the people who report sightings as “nuts.”
But the spectacles of UFO sightings persisted, sightings were reported to civilian scientist collection organizations, like the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). In 1969 the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) came in to being for the sole purpose of investigating UFOs. One of the popular T-shirts in the UFO community is the MUFON shirt that reads: “MUFON: Doing the Air Force’s job since 1969.” In 1974, the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) was established, providing additional public reporting facilities. While these civilian groups have impressive names, it is important to remember that they are private organizations that are funded by supporters of their missions. For the record, the volume of UFO sightings reported yearly to each of these organizations is staggering.
Twenty years ago, the Paradigm Research Group (PRG) was established by Stephen Bassett for the express purpose of opening a public dialog focused on ending the government-imposed truth embargo regarding any extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
In April and May of 2013, PRG hosted the first Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. The hearings were designed to look and feel like Congressional hearings and even employed several former congressional representatives to chair the proceedings.
Last year PRG sent a full set of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure DVDs to every Congressional staff on Capitol Hill. Strong efforts are afoot to lobby Congress into hosting real hearings on UFOs and the truth embargo. Perhaps such hearings will bring about the big reveal about what really is going on. Polls suggest that well over half of Americans wants the truth.
Where is this all leading?
Perhaps the topic of the truth embargo is starting to take on a political fever of its own. There have been recent press reports that presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has suggested that she’d get to the bottom of itall if she’s elected. Will UFOs become a viable topic during the 2016 election cycle?
Disclosure and an end to the truth embargo is coming my friends.
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Editor's Corner: Cache Valley has its share of UFO stories and videos
Editor's Corner: Cache Valley has its share of UFO stories and videos
Charles McCollum
At the risk of being labeled a kook, I want to talk a bit about UFO sightings. And the issue is: What should a small-town newspaper do when local residents call or come in the office to report such things?
In my view, if we’re dealing with just one person’s eye-witness account, the paper can hardly justify doing a news article about it, even if there is some photographic or video evidence. We all know such things can be easily faked.
I’m reminded here of a hoax a former editor of mine perpetrated on his hometown newspaper when he was a boy in Nebraska. As the story goes, he and a pal glued two paper plates together, spray-painted them silver and hung them from a tree. Then they took pictures of the “flying saucer” with their trusty Brownie camera and sent them anonymously to the town weekly, which my editor’s father owned. This was in the late 1950s at the height of alien-invasion paranoia, and the photo caused quite a sensation after it was picked up by the news wires and published in papers across the state.
I don’t remember how, but the boys’ tomfoolery was exposed, and my boss had to go with his dad to that year’s Nebraska Press Association conference and apologize to all the assembled journalists for his actions. Little did he know then that he would grow up to become a newspaper editor himself.
So no, a photo or a video is not going to get it these days when trying convince the media about a UFO sighting. No matter how compelling the images are, let the “eye-witness” post his or her stuff on YouTube and see how it fares in that fascinating world of grassroots reporting. Don’t expect a newspaper to jump on the case.
But what if a lot of people come forward to report a similar sighting at the same time, and many of them have video? Can a newspaper justifiably ignore such an event? I would argue no.
The famous “Phoenix lights” phenomenon of 1997 was is a good example of this. Hundreds of people witnessed these lights — spread out over a mile or so and moving in perfect unison in a boomerang shape above the city — and dozens took video. Although it drew only brief mention in local TV newscasts that night, the story eventually attracted widespread media attention. A crazy twist to the tale came almost a decade later when former Arizona Gov. Fife Smyington, who originally mocked the witnesses, admitted he saw the lights too and was stunned by it all.
The Air Force said the lights were flares shot into the sky by a passing jet squadron, but Smyington doesn’t buy the official explanation. “I’m a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies,” he told the Prescott Daily Courier. “It was bigger than anything that I’ve ever seen. It remains a great mystery. Other people saw it, responsible people. I don’t know why people would ridicule it.”
Over the years, The Herald Journal has received a handful of UFO reports from Cache Valley residents, all much more isolated than the Phoenix lights and none resulting in a news story. This doesn’t mean we didn’t believe the people saw what they saw, only that there wasn’t enough corroborating evidence to publish an article without both the newspaper and the witnesses getting laughed out of town.
I’ve also had friends and acquaintances talk about seeing unexplained objects in the sky around Cache Valley, and since I know these people personally and respect them, I’m even less likely to summarily discount their version of events than I am with the newspaper walk-ins. Still, in the absence of physical evidence or members of an alien race doing a press conference with Mayor Petersen to announce their arrival, I’ve always just chalked these accounts up to something unexplained and filed them away in my memory banks.
Problem is, I’m a guy who loves a good story, and I like to tell stories in this column, so this week I thought why not share a couple of the more eye-popping local UFO sightings I’ve heard about. Mind you, I’m not presenting them as fact — simply passing on what people say they witnessed. Take it or leave it as you please.
Curiously, a couple of the local UFO sightings passed on to me occurred in the same place — Green Canyon — and one seems particularly noteworthy.
A Cache Valley native told me he and a friend were scared out of their socks by a strange thing they saw during a hike far up the canyon many years ago. It was a long, metallic, beam-shaped object hovering low in the sky in broad daylight. They looked up at it, looked at each other, looked up at it again and then ran as fast as they could out of the canyon without ever glancing back.
Another Cache Valley native told me he and a snowmobile companion came across an otherworldly sight in a mountain meadow one night in Franklin Basin. It wasn’t a flying craft, per se. Rather, this was described as a group of illuminated floating objects carrying out a mechanical operation of some kind just above the ground in the meadow, as if they were working on a grid. Much like the two Green Canyon witnesses, our snowmobilers turned their sleds around got the heck out of there as fast as they could.
Could there be alternative explanations for the things all these
guys saw? Certainly. Light could have been playing tricks on them, or maybe they were stoned out of their gourds, although that doesn’t explain how two guys in each case would see the same thing. Then too, they all could just be spinning yarns.
I mentioned YouTube earlier, and wouldn’t you know there are a couple videos on the website featuring unidentified objects in the Cache Valley sky. If you have a minute, check out the one taken over the airport on the night of July 4, 2014. Yeah, the camera is pointed toward a place where planes are often taking off and landing, and there were fireworks in the sky that night as well, but the blue, diamond-shaped light in the video is obviously neither.
Although you won’t see a front page article in The Herald Journal about any of this stuff, that doesn’t mean we can’t swap a few stories and speculate a bit about it all. And please don’t hesitate to phone in if you see something strange out there. I promise you won’t be met with scoffs.
Photo récemment reçue…décembre 2013.Il y a des pyramides partout sur Terre.Ici en Antartique!
La NASA et l’Agence spatiale européenne ont mis en garde le monde pendant deux ans sur les catastrophes qui peuvent se dérouler à partir de 2012 à 2013. Mais elles ont été peu écoutées.
Bien que la NASA a couvert l’étrange nuage de photons qui a maintenant enveloppé notre système solaire, la fuite a été orchestrée à partir de certains scientifiques.
Et maintenant, que le sinistre nuage se rapproche de notre système solaire, cela affecte le soleil et les planètes de façon mesurable.
Étonnamment, comme l’énergie bizarre envahit notre espace, certaines des pyramides les plus célèbres du monde se sont mises à produire une énergie intense.
Plusieurs des incidents incroyables ,montrant de puissants tirs de rayons d’énergie vers l’espace dans la région du nuage photonique sont bien documentés et nous publions quelques photos dans cet article.
Dans le même temps, les gens du monde entier ont commencé à entendre et enregistrer des sons et des bruits effrayants qui semblent dire que la Terre elle-même gémit en se lamentant.
Tous ces phénomènes, y compris des mesures des émissions électriques gigantesques sans précédents de la turbulence solaire semblent être centrée sur le nuage photonique mortel que certains ont appelé un « événement apocalyptique potentiel venu de l’espace « .
La grande pyramide de Kukulkan ,au Mexique,se mit à émettre un grondement puissant et …un rayon très visible vers l’espace,en 2013…devant de nombreux témoins.
Les touristescriaient, d’autres ont tirédes vidéoshâtivesavec leurstéléphones et appareils photo pendant que la pyramidemayagrondait.
Maisaucun tremblement de terre ne suivi, il y eut à la placeun faisceaude lumièrebrillante,une sorte detirvers le cieldans l’espacequeles spectateursébahis observèrent, se demandant ce que cela signifiait.
Mais de la pyramidemaya deKukulkan,on vit sortir une colonne d’énergieincroyable qui prit la direction de l’espace ,et,elle seraitla dernièrepyramidede le faire.
En 2009 et 2010,la pyramide du Soleil,en Bosnie,émit un mince rayon de pure énergie…toujours vers l’espace. Ceci est un dessin d’artiste.
Récemment, le gouvernement chinois a commencé à surveiller de près la pyramide Xianyang pour des signes d’activité. L’an dernier, une équipe de scientifiques chinois a étudié la pyramide et a laissé croire, qu’il peut y avoir des origines extraterrestres.
En 2012… De la pyramide de la Lune,des explosions et un vortex d’énergie à partir de l’apex. Cet incident étonnant a été suivie par le tourbillon que voici et aperçu par de nombreux témoin et capturé sur la pellicule, depuis le sommet de la célèbre pyramide aztèque de la Lune à Teotihuacan, au Mexique
Des faisceaux d’énergie, des tourbillons, des tourbillonsde forceintense …ça veut dire quoi? D’où provient cette énergie si bien dirigée vers l’espaceet pourquoi?Qui a activéle pouvoir mystérieux decessentinelles silencieusesde pierremarquanttranquillementle passage dessiècles… jusqu’à ce quequelque chose aperturbéleur sommeil?
Ce qui lesamené à la viepeut être quelque choseplus incroyable quelesactionsdes pyramides elles-mêmes: l’arrivée d’uneforce inconnuedu videgalactiquequi estmaintenant entouréune grande partie dusystème solaire.Ceci depuis avant ou un peu après le 21 décembre 2012.
Nous sommes entré dans une Ère Nouvelle!
L’Humanité est sans défense contre le danger que représente une ceinture de photons mortelle
En 1979,le Dr Dee J. Neison et sa femme réussirent à prendre la photo de cette pyramide d’énergie (l’effet Kirlian) en utilisant une bobine de Tesla.
Qualifiant «une fois dans une vie d’événement de super-tempête solaire, » la NASA avertit que des éruptions solaires « tueuses de civilisations » peuvent frapper la Terre ,tout en assommant l’infrastructure technologique de l’hémisphère Nord et nous donner de terribles coups de pied tels que cela nous ramènerait au niveau des années 1800. Les scientifiques de la NASA furent terrifiés le 14 Juillet 2010, de découvrir que notre système solaire est entré dans un immense nuage d’énergie interstellaire.Ce nuage de gaz électrifié est inquiétant et perturbe le soleil. En collaborant à l’affaiblissement du champ magnétique de la Terre et en déplaçant sa puissance, la planète Terre devient presque sans défense contre les éruptions solaires massives et le rayonnement intense. La NASA, l’ESA et la National Academy of Science ont publié un avertissement de tempêtes solaires , sans précédent , pour la fin de 2012…! Mais ce que la NASA et le gouvernement fédéral américain cachent au peuple des Humains de la Terre , selon le professeur Dmitriev, est que le soleil (et tout notre système solaire) a plongé dans un nuage photonique inconnu… une ceinture de danger qui pourrait précipiter des explosions solaires gigantesques, des anomalies magnétiques,le carénage masses cométaires et de déstabiliser les orbites de certains astéroïdes.
Le Dr Alexei Dimitriev
Maintenantl’éminent astrophysicien, AlexeiDmitrievaffirmece qui se passeestpirebienpire que ce qu’affirme la NASA etles avertissementsde l’ESA. Notre systèmesolaire tout entierest entré dansune immense, et potentiellement mortel, nuage d’énergieinterstellaire. Le DrDmitrieva révéléque les deuxsondesVoyager 1et Voyager2 nous ont prouvé que l’ensemble du systèmesolaire est àrisque.Pire, MeravOpher, unchercheurde la NASA (en héliophysique ),venant de l’Université GeorgeMason,affirmece nuaged’énergieinterstellaire estinstable etturbulent.
Le fameux nuage photonique dans lequel nous sommes entré.
Lescientifique russeaffirme en outre que ce nuagephotoniqued’énergieexcitelesatmosphèresdes planètes etsurtout la surface de notresoleil.Commece nuageinterstellaired’énergiecontinued’exciteret d’interagir avecle soleil, il provoque le soleil qui va devenir plusactif,.Cela aboutirait à une production accrue d’explosions solaires et à l’instabilité.
Le flux magnétique, en interaction avecla magnétosphèresolaire et les champsgéomagnétiquesde la Terre, peutcauser des mutationsfondamentales,des tourbillonsdechamp magnétiques anormaux, et les permutationsmagnétiquespolairescréantdes super tempêtes, des balançoires météorologiquessauvages, etle plusétonnant phénomène de tous:des sons ,des harmoniques atmosphériques etsouterrainessusceptibles d’êtreentendues toutà travers la planète.
Les réservoirs d’énergie de la terre et des condensateurs de pointe conçus pour tirer parti de la force magnétique de la planète (les pyramides naturelles de terrain) sont en train de libérer et de dynamiter une puissante énergie pure dans le nuage photonique dans l’espace ,en dérive, engloutissant notre système planétaire sans défense.
Les harmoniques prédites ont été entendues, enregistrées, et âprement discutées depuis le printemps de 2011.
Récemment, certains enregistrements sont apparus sur Youtube à partir de tous les pays dans le monde,et sont publiés par des personnes intriguées, parfois ils ont effrayé les gens, exigeant de savoir ce que pruvent être les sons . [Les tempêtes solaires causent des « Séismes de l’espace » ( Spacequake), ce qui pourrait déclencher des séisme de 6+ de magnétude.]
Alors que certains sont sans aucun doute des contrefaçons et des canulars, d’autres sont de véritables enregistrements d’harmoniques souterraines et atmosphériques.
Dans une récente interview avec GEOCHANGE Magazine sur les étranges harmoniques de la terre , l’éminent scientifique, le professeur Dr Eltchine Khalilov, a donné cette analyse:
Dr. Elchine Khalilov
« [Le] … les causes possibles de ces sons … peuvent se situer au centre de la Terre. Le fait est que l’accélération de la dérive du pôle nord magnétique de la Terre qui a plus que quintuplé entre 1998 et 2003 et est rendu au point ou aujourd’hui on a le même niveau d‘intensification des processus énergétiques dans le noyau de la Terre, puisque ce sont ces processus dans le noyau interne et externe qui forment le champ géomagnétique de la Terre.
« Pendant ce temps, comme nous l’avons déjà signalé, le 15 Novembre 2011, tous les stations géophysiques Atropatena qui enregistrent des variations en trois dimensions du champ gravitationnel de la Terre ont enregistrés presque simultanément une impulsion gravitationnelle puissante.
Situation des stations Atropatena
Les stations sont déployées à Istanbul, Kiev, Bakou, Islamabad et Yogyakarta, avec la première et la dernière étant séparés par une distance d’environ 10.000 km. Un tel phénomène est possible uniquement si la source de cette émanation est au niveau du noyau de la Terre. Cette énorme libération d’énergie du noyau de la Terre à la fin de l’année 2012 était une sorte de signal de départ indiquant la transition de l’énergie interne de la Terre dans une nouvelle phase active « . Source [GEOCHANGE Magazine]
Et les harmoniques émanent du noyau de la Terre que le bon professeur théorise.Sons similaires sont parfois entendus avant de grands tremblements de terre.
Cette fois, cependant, les sons ne sont pas des présages aux tremblements de terre massifs, mais sont générés par le champ magnétique tournant et les permutations de pulsation des parties fondamentales du manteau de la Terre,en train de se déformer. Tout ceci s’est mis à réagir lors l’arrivée de l’énorme nuage photonique qui a envahi notre région de la Voie Lactée.
Que va-t-il arriver maintenant?
C’est devenu maintenant le plus grand chantier archéologique du Monde.
Demetriev avertit de se préparer au pire. « Catastrophe mondiale! Pas dans des dizaines d’années à partir de maintenant, mais dans celles des années à venir.*
*Traduction libre
Et comme le gémissement de la Terre monte dans le ciel, les pyramides poussent de titanesques rayons d’énergie loin dans l’espace.
Les lignes telluriques et leurs alignements sur les structures mégalithiques
Il y a plusieurs millénaires,des civilisations beaucoup plus avancées que la nôtre ont mis en place tout un réseau de pyramides qui quadrillent la surface de notreTerre.Ces civilisations avaient prévues les événements qui nous surprennent actuellement depuis le…21 décembre 2012 et un peu avant..!
Comme nous avons été créé par eux,ils ont mis en place ce système pour nous protéger ,Nous ,les Humains…leurs Enfants…ainsi que toutes les autres formes de Vie qui peuplent l’ensemble des écosystème de notre Petite Planète Bleue!
Les supporteurs du Nouvel Ordre Mondial ont tout à craindre de ce système de protection et ils vont crier au danger et à la fin de l’espèce humaine.Ils vont parler d’envahisseurs de l’espace,alors que Nous sommes les Héritiers de l’Ère Nouvelle!
Tôt ou tard,Nos Ancêtres venus de l’Espace,vont être alerté par un signal lancé par l’une ou l’autre des Pyramides qu’ils ont mis en place et vont revenir nous chercher…ou nous protéger!
C’est alors qu’Ils vont se rendre compte de l’état pitoyable dans lequel se trouve le Jardin d’Eden qu’ils nous avaient donné…et vont rapidement identifier les coupables et les causes de la Sixième Grande Extinction d’espèces sur notre Terre!
La façon qu’ils vont prendre est déjà inscrite dans nos livres les plus Anciens,comme la Bible ,par exemple, afin de rendre Justice!
La Grande pyramide et son gardien,le Sphinx.
La construction du sPhinx,telle qu’on le connait,remonterait à au moins 12,000 ans.L’érosion sur son dos provient de la pluie et non du sable du désert qui n’existait pas,alors
Je vous suggère de vous placer sous la lumière des vaisseaux quand vous les verrez…car ils ne sauveront que ceux et celles qu’Ils verront dans la Lumière!C’est le message que j’ai reçu de mon Conseil!*
*J’utilise les mêmes termes que Sainte-Jeanne d’Arc.
La NASA a dévoilé ses enregistrements sonores de l’Univers… Ils vont vous glacer le sang
La NASA a dévoilé ses enregistrements sonores de l’Univers… Ils vont vous glacer le
L’immensité de l’espace ne cesse de fasciner petits et grands depuis la nuit des temps. Histoire d’alimenter un peu plus le fantasme qui règne autour de cet Univers plongé dans le noir, la NASA a récemment enregistré les sons qui rythment le quotidien de la vie spatiale. On vous fait découvrir ce ballet sonore aussi fascinant qu’angoissant…
Quels bruits y a-t-il dans le vide intersidéral ? C’est précisément à cette question que ces enregistrements fournis par la NASArépondent en musique. Cela dit, les bruits de l’espace ne ressemblent en rien à ceux que nous pouvons entendre dans notre quotidien sur Terre. Ainsi, en raison du vide qui entoure la galaxie, les enregistrements sonores de la NASA résultent d’ondes électromagnétiques qui émettent des vibrations à la façon des ondes sonores que nous avons sur notre planète.
C’est donc grâce à plusieurs sondes envoyées dans l’espace par la NASA que ces ondes ont pu être traduites de façon sonore. Ces enregistrements spatiaux diffèrent selon l’environnement dans lequel les ondes électromagnétiques ont été captées : deVenus à Jupiter en passant par la Terre, la « musique » de l’espace est aussi variée que terrifiante…
Le moins que l’on puisse dire c’est que ces enregistrements sonores font froid dans le dos : autour de la Terre, on croirait presque entendre des voix humaines ! Au bureau, toute l’équipe est aussi émerveillée que terrifiée par ces bruits venus tout droit de l’espace… Avez-vous été émerveillé par la traduction sonore de ces ondes électromagnétiques ou bien vous ont-elles terrifié ?
TOXIQUE. Les entrailles de la pyramide de Quetzalcóatl, le Serpent à plumes, un des trois plus grands monuments du célèbre site de Teotihuacan - la "demeure des dieux" (en nahuatl), à 50 km au nord-est de Mexico -, viennent de livrer un nouveau secret. Mais qui ne fait que rajouter au mystère des lieux ! Du mercure (un métal liquide) a en effet été découvert vendredi 24 avril 2015 dans une des chambres souterraines situées à l’extrémité du tunnel sacré, à 18m de profondeur, un long corridor de 103 mètres demeuré scellé pendant près de 2000 ans. Symboliserait-il une rivière sacrée souterraine ? "Je ne m’attendais pas à trouver du mercure dans le sol", s’exclame l’archéologue mexicain Sergio Gomez, de l’Institut National d’Anthropologie et d’Histoire du Mexique (Inah), qui fouille très méticuleusement les lieux depuis 2009, et à qui l’on doit déjà la découverte de milliers d’objets. On se souvient encore de ceux dégagés en octobre 2014, parmi lesquels d’extraordinaires sculptures taillées dans des jades, des parures précieuses, des restes d’ossements de jaguar, des coquillages sculptés ou encore des balles de caoutchouc.
Les anciens Mésoaméricains savaient produire du mercure liquide en chauffant le minerai de cinabre
"Le mercure a été trouvé en quantité sous forme liquide dans la chambre sud, explique l’archéologue Julie Gazzola (Inah), qui travaille également sur ce site. Il est très difficile à récupérer car il ne se trouve pas dans un récipient mais mêlé directement à la terre. Lorsqu’on appuie sur les gouttes de mercure, elles se rassemblent et forment une boule plus grosse". Pour les archéologues, la présence de cet élément (très toxique pour l’homme), pourrait être un indice supplémentaire conduisant à la découverte prochaine d’une tombe de souverain. Celle tant recherchée à Teotihuacan et encore jamais retrouvée sur ce site contemporain de la Rome antique.
Au bout du tunnel, la chambre royale ?... Crédit Bernadette Arnaud/ Sciences et Avenir.
Selon Sergio Gómez, ce mercure aurait pu à l’époque représenter… une rivière ou un lac souterrain. Ce métal, - qui n’avait jamais été retrouvé à Teotihuacan jusqu’à cette étonnante découverte -, a en effet été mis au jour en petites quantités dans des sites mayas situés plus au sud du pays. "Par le passé, du mercure a été retrouvé sur neuf sites de la zone maya. Ainsi à Copan ou Kaminaljuyu, par exemple, il figurait parmi des offrandes, associé à du cinabre [sulfure de mercure]... Il a probablement été recueilli dans des mines de cinabre, où ce minerai rouge était brûlé pour en récupérer le mercure. Des analyses sont actuellement en cours", poursuit Julie Gazzola. "Symbole rituel sans doute, nous n’en comprenons toutefois pas la véritable signification. Peut-être que ce mercure matérialisait les eaux sacrées souterraines" ? poursuit Julie Gazzola. Les anciens Mésoaméricains savaient produire du mercure liquide en chauffant le minerai de cinabre. Ils l’utilisaient pour son pigment rouge sang. Les Mayas employaient le cinabre pour colorer les objets de jade. D’autres populations sud-américaines, l’utilisaient même pour en recouvrir des statuettes en or…
CINABRE ET MERCURE Le cinabre est un sulfure de mercure composé à plus de 80% de mercure. Il se présente sous forme de poudre. Il est probablement le pigment le plus sacré de toutes les cultures mésoaméricaines (pour les civilisations précolombiennes, l'aire géographique qui englobe le Mexique, le Guatemala, le Belize et le Honduras). Dans les sépultures, le cinabre recouvrait les os des individus de haut-rang, ainsi que certaines offrandes. L'un des plus importants gisements de cinabre connu auMexique se trouve dans la Sierra Gorda, dans l'état du Querétaro. C'est en brûlant le cinabre que l'on récupère le mercure. A l'époque coloniale, les mines de cinabre était toujours exploitées, car le mercure était nécessaire pour séparer l'argent et l'or des impuretés.
Menées depuis six ans, les fouilles minutieuses de la pyramide du Serpent à plumes ont dû ralentir depuis la semaine dernière. Car les archéologuesdoivent se protéger du mercure ! Et pour cela, arborer des équipements de protection adaptés afin d’éviter tout empoisonnement. Rien d’une sinécure, en ces lieux où ils devaient déjà surveiller les niveaux de radon (gaz radioactif émanant de certaines roches) du tunnel. Pour l’heure, Sergio Gomez continue sa royale quête. "Je dirai même qu’il est en plein au milieu d’offrandes de coquillages…loin d’avoir atteint la base du tunnel", nous a confié sa collègue Julie Gazzola, jointe par Sciences et Avenir depuis la découverte. L’achèvement des fouilles des cavités souterraines qui aurait dû être annoncé en 2014, a été officiellement reporté à la fin de l’année 2015.
Vêtu de sa blouse blanche de laboratoire, le professeur Morishima règle le microscope, sous les objectifs des photographes et des cameramen. L’appareil est relié à un ordinateur. Sur le grand écran, derrière la table de conférence, apparaît une image montrant des points et des tracés. Énigmatique… et spectaculaire ! Car ces signes cabalistiques sont des muons captés par les films placés l’équipe de l’Université de Nagoya (Japon) dans la pyramide rhomboïdale de Dahchour. Une première scientifique. "Les plus petites des particules du monde pour voir le cœur des plus grands monuments !", s’enthousiasmeMehdi Tayoubi, de l’Institut français HIP (Heritage Innovation Préservation).
C’est l’une des bonnes nouvelles annoncées par l’équipe de Scan Pyramids lors de la conférence de presse qui s’est tenue ce dimanche 17 janvier 2016 au matin, au Grand Musée égyptien de Gizeh. Il s’agissait de faire un point d’étape dans cette mission internationale lancée en octobre 2014 par HIP et la Faculté des ingénieurs du Caire, avec pour objectif d’utiliser des technologies non destructives novatrices pour sonder le massif des grands monuments funéraires de la 4e dynastie.
Il va falloir interpréter les images issues de la "campagne muons"
Première réussite donc : la "campagne muons" de l’équipe japonaise. Il y a une semaine, les scientifiques ont retiré de la chambre basse de la pyramide rhomboïdale les capteurs qu’ils y avaient disposés pour piéger ces particules cosmiques qui bombardent en permanence la Terre, et comme des rayons X, permettent de radiographier les édifices en profondeur. Avec l’espoir d’y révéler des structures jusque-là invisibles. Une soixantaine de films ont d’ores et déjà été développés, des centaines de milliers de particules s’y sont montrées. Reste maintenant à interpréter les images, comme on le fait pour des radiographies médicales. Lorsqu’ils seront tous développés, les films seront envoyés au Japon pour analyse. Résultats courant mars (ci-dessous, les surfaces photosensibles utilisées avec la technologie des muons au coeur des pyramides).
INFRAROUGE. "Les capteurs disposés dans la rhomboïdale ont couvert un champ de 90° degrés. Si une anomalie de structure se cache dans le massif du monument, les images nous la révèleront", se réjouit Mehdi Tayoubi. Comme toutes les grandes pyramides, l’édifice comporte en effet son lot de mystères, avec un plan d’une grande complexité dont de nombreux archéologues et architectes supposent qu’il n’est pas entièrement connu. Autres résultats annoncés le 17 janvier, ceux de la première campagne infrarouge, dite de courte durée. Le 9 novembre 2015 avait été révélée une troublante anomalie sur la face Est de Kheops avec, en phase de réchauffement de la pyramide, une différence de température allant jusqu’à 6 degrés entre deux blocs voisins. D’autres points d’intérêt ont été détectés. Sur la face Nord de Kheops, une image très semblable à celle de la face Est, avec quasiment le même assemblage de pierres. Toujours sur Kheops, un point de température plus chaud au-dessus du chevron droit de la grande entrée, mais pas au-dessus du chevron gauche. Enfin, la pyramide rouge de Dahchour a livré un très étrange résultat. "La face ouest, précise le docteur Hany Helal, co-directeur de la mission pour l’Université du Caire,montre une franche séparation entre une zone froide et une zone chaude, qu’on ne trouve pas sur les autres faces." De part et d’autre d’une ligne oblique qui part du bas du monument, l’écart de température est de plusieurs degrés, de jour comme de nuit, entre le haut, plus chaud, et la base, plus froide. "Ce pourrait être un effet du vent, explique Matthieu Klein, spécialiste en thermographie infrarouge à l’Université Laval (Québec), mais si c’était seulement cela la délimitation ne serait pas si claire." (Ci-dessous, les bains chimiques utilisés pour révéler les images prises avec les muons).
Les films développés le 16 janvier 2016 sont installés sur un portant, avant d'être mis à sécher dans une cabine climatisée à une température de 21° durant la nuit. L'ensemble de ces dispositifs techniques a été conçu par l'équipe japonaise de l'Université de Nagoya.
DURÉE. "Il est beaucoup trop tôt pour tirer des conclusions de ces premières mesures, insiste le docteur Hany Helal. Elles sont trop ponctuelles. Il est plus significatif de voir évoluer les températures dans le temps." C’est pourquoi l’équipe de l’Université de Laval, guidée par les données de la mission courte, prépare désormais une campagne de 24 heures à quelques jours sur chacune des faces de chacune des pyramides, préambule à la mission infrarouge longue, qui observera, elle, les effets des changements de saison. "Ce qui nous intéresse, c’est ce qui est structurel, profond, qui varie lentement, explique Matthieu Klein. Toutes les images volatiles traduisent des changements qui ont lieu en surface et peuvent être induits par des phénomènes météo". Simulations, images précises des blocs et de leur disposition obtenues grâce à la future campagne de photographie 3D par drones, positionnement à l’extérieur des pyramides d’un autre type de capteurs de muons, moins précis, mais capable de reconstruire des images en temps réel… Les prochaines phases de la mission permettront de recouper les données et de les valider. "C’est une mission de longue durée,conclut Mehdi Tayoubi, qu’il faut adapter en permanence en fonction des résultats obtenus. Ces monuments ont plus de quatre mille ans. On ne peut pas s’attendre à résoudre leurs mystères en quelques semaines !"
We see the Universe as being as old as one could imagine, but could it be that there are Extra-terrestrial civilisations out there that have been around a lot longer – Scientific evidence suggests YES.
It was a Professor Roger Penrose from the University of Oxford (UK) and Vaha Gurzadian from the Center for Cosmology and Astrophysics, Alikhanian National Laboratory and Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia who have very recently published a ‘cosmic map’ and identified the places in our universe where Advanced Super-Civilizations could have existed before the Big Bang happened. In this intriguing scientific study, the leading researchers examined the anomalies of the map of the Cosmic Microwave Background, which they interpret as evidence of the existence of technologically advanced societies of a time before the emergence of our universe – If proven correct this could change the way we look at our existence in the Universe, forever!
Advanced civilisations have been around before the beginning of time?
With this completely revolutionary theory, the leading researchers created a detailed map and on it they marked the potential existence of possible super civilizations with numerous red dots on the map. The researchers and Scientists have suggested that given the current data it is possible that they might have identified the long-lost habitat of super-civilizations that inhabited the universe before the Big Bang – It has even been suggested that these civilisations have found ways surviving against all odds and possibly moving to different planets in space in order to survive the trials of time.
The two leading researchers have raised extremely interesting questions reference the commonly known ‘Fermi Paradox’ and numerous expectations that have risen from this theory. If our civilization wasn’t the first to have come into existence in our cosmic neighbourhood, it is possible that many super advanced civilization predate our very own, preceding advanced life on our planet and technological development by hundreds of thousands of centuries.
The researchers write in their study published on
“The so-called ”Fermi paradox” [1] refers to a puzzle that arises from an expectation that our own civilization is unlikely to have been the first to have arisen throughout our galactic neighbourhood, and if ours were not the first then, owing to the randomness involved in the timing of factors that lead to its development, the likelihood would have been that our civilization would have been preceded by others having an advantage of thousands of our centuries of technological development. The expectation, then, would be that such enormously advanced civilizations would have had ample opportunity to have either visited us or, at least, sent decipherable signals to us by now.”
Roger Penrose proposed in the theory of cyclic cosmology, that the history of the universe is much more older than what the mainstream scientist’s believed for many years and consists of a ‘chain’ of key era’s.
Firstly it has been predicted that a HUGE giant black hole swallows the universe to store energy, after which we have the Big Bang which forms the border between the old and the new era.
Even more intriguingly is that the two physicists have even proposed that lost ‘Alien’ civilizations would be able to transmit information through the collision of black holes.
Could it be that blackholes are hugely important for ancients advanced Alien Beings!
According to experts, the discovery of gravitational radiation waves certifies the existence of Supermassive Black Holes in the distant past, which consumed the universe and then exploited for the birth of a new system of galaxies. According to this interesting theory proposed by Penrose and Gurzadyan a big bang meant the transformation of the entire mass of the universe into energy, which was accompanied by a change in the world.
All of these potential; finds suggest that a cyclical development of the universe, where the two scientists propose one era (eon) is separated from the other Big Bang.
In their study, Professor Penrose and Gurzadian write:
“In accordance with this interpretation, we conclude that, according to CCC, there was an extremely large and very distant concentration of sources, shown in red in Figure 2 just below the equatorial excluded region, over on the right. Also, there was a comparatively close very large concentration of sources rather near the direction of the north galactic pole, just to the right of the picture. If we are to consider signals from previous-aeon beings, then such regions might well be the most promising places to look, as the CCC-interpretation would be that there might well have been vast numbers of very large galaxies in these places, and consequently a large probability of the development and long-term stability of highly evolved technological societies.”
If these theories are proven correct this could be a game changer for Space research and our understanding of the Universes history and what could lie beyond!
Science appears to keep proving itself wrong on a daily basis these days, or could it be that the drip feeding of disclosure is beginning to intensify!?
Us humans could appear prehistoric in comparison to other much older advanced Alien civilisations, hence why they do not interact with us directly – perhaps we are like a live history lesson for the extra-terrestrial beings!?
Our knowledge of the Universe has up to now been pretty much scientific guesswork, but perhaps the leading scientists around the world have some how discovered the true origins of life beyond planet earth, perhaps from studying ‘where’ our ET visitors are coming from.
Please read one of our previous articles on advanced alien civilisations:
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The Rhodope Skull – Physical PROOF Of Extra-terrestrial Existence?!
The Rhodope Skull – Physical PROOF Of Extra-terrestrial Existence?!
With all of this talk and debate over life beyond planet earth, could it be that we ALREADY have PROOF of an Extraterrestrial Being? It appears so and interestingly this particular important find has been kept out of the public eye!
The existence of Alien Beings has been shunned by the Scientific community since day one of the whole discussion, usually denied due to the lack of physical evidence at hand – perhaps this is the actual physical evidence that will change everything?
Many finds such as the Rhodope skull have been shunned as fakes or hoaxes, but this particular find could very much be the real deal – unfortunately this will never be admitted publically, in fear of how the religious folk of this planet would respond to such a find.
The Rhodope alien skull, is such a fascinating artefact, quite unlike anything ever seen or discovered before. This could potentially be a ‘game changer’.
The skull in all its glory!
This intriguing find was discovered in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria by a 38-year old local man from Plovdiv, a city located 90 miles (150 kilometres) southeast of the capital city of Sofia! Interestingly the man who discovered this mysterious skull has kept his identity hidden, and even more interesting is the fact that a rather strange ‘oval-shaped’ metal object was discovered next to the creepy looking skull.
It is said that Alien Beings visited the man prior to his discovery of the Alien Skull – Art by Raphael Terra @
The man who discovered the skull told how he had a dream prior to his mysterious find, of Alien Beings dressed in yellow metallic suits. In the dream these odd Alien Beings showed the man exactly where the skull was located with the oval shaped object, which was located in the Rhodope Mountains, near the border between Bulgaria and Greece – where on May 21, 2001, after a presumably wild goose chase, he found the skull near the exact spot revealed in the dream, almost as if it was meant to be.
The Rhodope Mountain where the skull was discovered.
This exciting find created a lot of interest in the science world at first and also quite a lot of controversy too as some leading analysts and ufologists who first encountered the skull considered this as clear evidence of extra-terrestrial beings here on Earth!
Just after the discovery the man only presented his find to a very few selected people, but it was not long after this that the secret was out and he had interest being showed from all around the world – even from some government agencies.
It was not long until government agents were showing an interest in the mysterious skull.
The bizarre cranium was first examined by leading archaeologist Katya Malamet of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and by Professor Dimiter Kovachev, the Director of the Paleontology Museum in Asenovgrad. It was then agreed by both of them said they have never seen anything like it before – and hinted that this was an ‘important’ discovery!
The unusual skull structure is about the same size as a babies but the bone structure is actually a lot thinner and lighter (only weighs about 250 grams – 8.8 ounces). Now THIS is where things get very strange, the skull has SIX cavities that the leading researchers firmly believe belonged to the alien’s sensory organs. Startlingly when alive, this unknown Being would have possessed ‘SIX EYES’ or possibly even maybe other completely ‘unknown’ organs that we may not yet understand. Very strangely, it has no mouth hole where we would expect to find one, making this skull very unique indeed.
Please see below more views of the Alien looking skull:
With finds such as this the sceptics always come out into the open and appear to shout louder than anybody else. Professor Kovachev is a 100% positive the skull is not a fossil, as it does not resemble any hominid skull known to science so far. But just because we do not know about it does this mean it cant be of an alien origin !? The Professor went on to say:
“We couldn’t find any analogy or correlation with anything from the past 30 million years.”
There have been many suggestions as to what this skull could have belonged to, perhaps even some kind of unknown animal from days been and gone! It has also been suggested that this could be some kind of genetically engineered Being created by the Atlanteans, as suggested by Bulgarian psychic Koubrat Tomov. The Psychic believes that this skull is evidence of a failed experiment thousands of years ago.
It has even been suggested that this could have been an alien being discovered in the second world war, by soldiers who dug over it in order to try and hide the evidence of life beyond planet earth.
Could soldiers from world war 2 have buried this scary unknown find?
U.I.P SUMMARY – It was confirmed not so long ago that the villager who discovered this skull was offered a ‘significant’ amount of money to sell the skull, of which he has refused for a long time. Unfortunately the skull appears to have vanished from the face of the planet with many people suggesting that it was sold to the Rockefeller, who apparently have a deep interest in Alien technology! The skull had disappeared before ay scientists could do any important DNA analysis and carbon dating tests on it – but at a guess these test probably have happened and somebody somewhere is keeping very quiet about the findings!
The evidence behind this skull could OFFICIALLY prove to the world that Alien Beings exist and have visited Planet Earth, but it appears that the person who know owns it does not want to share this information.
Yes this story could have been exaggerated, however after we did some digging we can confirm that the scientists/researchers mentioned in this post did investigate this odd skull, which in itself proves that this is a very true story! There is a very good chance that we are dealing with a real cranium of an alien being, or the remains of a undiscovered or now extinct species on the planet. This discovery could be one of the biggest pieces of evidence out there, confirming that we are not alone in the Universe and that we have been visited for a very long time.
Bob White was convinced the metal lump fell from a UFO
Taking the late Bob White's account at face value, he and a friend found this strange lump of metal near a remote highway in isolated America after an apparent UFO sighting.
It was discovered at the location where they claimed to see a multi-coloured object fall out of a huge ball of light as it ascended upwards into the sky.
As a result of the strangeness of what became known as Bob White's UFO artefact, coupled with the description of how he found it, the object has been branded "not just the smoking gun evidence" for aliens, but "the bullet", by UFO believers ever since.
Mr White has sworn that in 1985 he was asleep while a companion drove him through remote areas between Grand Junction, Colorado and the Utah border.
It was two or 3am when his friend awake him a second time to say the light in the sky they saw before was getting bigger.
His account remained steadfast until his death in 2009.
He said: "The light was about the size of a full harvest moon.
"As we got closer, it grew larger.
"When we were a few hundred yards from it, I turned off the ignition and we coasted up close to it.
Then I saw another small light, bright orange with a tinge of yellow, white, and blue falling from it.
Bob White
For the next 11 years he claimed to hide the object away for fear of any declaration damaging a career in the entertainment business.
Then in 1996 he began telling his story and spent the next 13 years trying to get the metal object recognised as an historic discovery.
He toured UFO conferences, had the object sent for scientific analysis, and even set up the Museum of the Unexplained in Reeds Spring, Missouri, to house it and other curious objects.
After 13 laboratory tests it was confirmed the discovery was a solid centred aluminium alloy.
Across all the tests, 33 elements were all know to be found on Earth were identified, but no two labs gave the exact same results.
None concluded that it could only be of extra terrestrial origin, but it was said that some of its isotopic ratios matched those found in meteorites found on Earth.
So for all his efforts, and although many have branded it the smoking gun, it never was confirmed where it came from.
But Ean Harrison says the object is not as rare as it seemed, and he used to use them as garden ornaments.
Mr Harrison, a retired steel foundry quality control supervisor, recognised it as soon as he saw it.
Mundane explanation: A foundry standgrinder which produces the metal offcuts
WETENSCHAPDe Egyptische piramides herbergen nog vele geheimen, maar een studie van kosmische deeltjes kan binnenkort mogelijk een deel van het mysterie oplossen. Onderzoekers verzamelden vorige maand informatie over die deeltjes in de knikpiramide van Snofroe, en hopen dat die de sleutel bevatten van hoe de piramide gebouwd werd.
De knikpiramide in Dasjoer, net buiten Caïro, onderscheidt zich van de andere door zijn gebogen buitenzijden. Wetenschappers veronderstellen dat dit de eerste poging van de oude Egyptenaren was om een piramide met vlakke zijden te bouwen en schatten dat hij 4.600 jaar oud is. "Maar meer dan hypothesen hebben we niet", zegt Hany Helal van het Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute (HIP). "Geen enkele theorie is honderd procent bewezen."
Het 'Scan Pyramids'-project moet meer duidelijkheid verschaffen over de bouw van de Egyptische piramides. Het project koppelt thermische technologieën aan de analyse van muonen - energetische deeltjes die vanuit de atmosfeer naar beneden dwarrelen - om de geheimen van de constructies te achterhalen. In november onthulde een warmtescan al opvallende temperatuurafwijkingen in de 4.500 jaar oude piramide van Cheops in Gizeh.
Vorige maand werden radiografische platen in de knikpiramide van Snofroe geplaatst, die gegevens verzamelden over de deeltjes die door spleten en kieren naar binnen vallen. Die deeltjes kunnen geabsorbeerd of afgebogen worden door hardere oppervlakken. Op die manier kunnen ze nuttige informatie opleveren over de structuur van de piramide.
Een internationaal onderzoeksteam start binnenkort met de analyse. Later zullen de radiografische platen geïnstalleerd worden in de piramide van Cheops, de grootste van de drie piramides in Gizeh.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Bizar geluid boven Nederland en Marokko blijft groot raadsel
Bizar geluid boven Nederland en Marokko blijft groot raadsel
Het mysterieuze geluid dat Nederland al dagen in de greep houdt, blijft vooralsnog onopgelost. Veel media berichten erover, maar niemand heeft een eenduidige verklaring.
Uit verschillende plaatsen komen meldingen van mensen die in de afgelopen weken vreemde geluiden in de lucht hebben gehoord. Het mysterieuze geluid is volgens de getuigen een soort trompetgeschal.
Het geluid dook onder meer op in Pijnacker, Gouda en Bleiswijk en op de website van Omroep Flevoland staat een filmpje dat in Almere zou zijn opgenomen. De maker zegt er kippenvel van te krijgen. Ook mensen in Moerdijk en Kijkduin werden opgeschrikt door diepe tonen die enkele seconden aanhielden. Via sociale media werden de geluiden gedeeld.
Daarnaast is in Gelderland een filmpje opgedoken. Ditmaal uit Lichtenvoorde. Twee broers hoorden daar het mysterieuze geluid. Over het algemeen worden de geluiden rond de avond waargenomen.
De meldingen beperken zich niet alleen tot Nederland. Enkele weken geleden hadden inwoners van verschillende steden in Marokko erg veel last van een mysterieus geluid. De klanken werden in onder meer Casablanca, Marrakesh, Tanger en Agadir gehoord.
Voor zover bekend was het geluid niet afkomstig uit lokale fabrieken. Op sociale netwerken gaan de wildste theorieën rond. Sommigen denken dat het einde der tijden nadert, terwijl anderen zeggen dat de geluiden worden veroorzaakt door IS. Wetenschappers daar houden het op een geologisch fenomeen of een ultrasoon geluid.
Volgens geofysicus Läslo Evers kan het geluid ook afkomstig zijn van vliegtuigen. Toch kan het mysterie alleen worden ontrafeld door exacte metingen uit te voeren. “Na de metingen zou het mogelijk zijn om de bron op te sporen. Zolang dat niet gebeurt, blijft het natuurlijk gissen,” zei hij.
Buitenaardse rassen hebben in het verleden vergelijkbare fouten gemaakt als mensen nu door niet erg zuinig te zijn op hun planeten en op zichzelf.
Dat is één van de redenen dat ze nu terugvallen op meer primitieve rassen zoals die van ons en waardoor er nu hele nieuwe hybride beschavingen zijn.
Wij mensen zijn aardig bezig om de planeet waarop wij leven te beschadigen en te vernietigen waar we maar kunnen en eigenlijk doen we hetzelfde met het menselijke ras.
Wanneer de mens zo doorgaat met leven, zal er ongetwijfeld een punt worden bereikt waarop het menselijk ras is vernietigd of de planeet of beiden.
Als je bedenkt dat buitenaardsen in feite niets anders zijn dan een verder gevorderde vorm van onszelf dan zou dat misschien ook kunnen verklaren waarom ze hier op aarde mensen ontvoeren.
Degene die daar antwoorden op heeft, is Bridget Nielsen. Zij zegt dat buitenaardsen in het verleden uiteraard hetzelfde soort fouten hebben gemaakt als de mensen nu doen en daardoor in allerlei problemen terecht zijn gekomen.
Problemen waardoor ze moeite hebben met onder andere voortplanting en daarom naar de aarde zijn gekomen om materiaal af te nemen van een ras dat dit nog wel kan, de mens.
De buitenaardsen waar Bridget dan over spreekt zijn de Gray Aliens, afkomstig van het sterrenbeeld Zeta Reticuli.
Ook zijzelf is vanaf de leeftijd van drie jaar meegenomen naar de buitenaardse schepen en zegt dat ze het altijd een spannend avontuur vond. Het schijnt dat de Grays gebruikmaken van mensen uit bepaalde families. Hierdoor kan het bijvoorbeeld voorkomen dat oma is meegenomen, haar kind en vervolgens haar kleinkind. Dit zou als reden hebben dat bepaalde families genetisch gezien heel geschikt zijn voor wat de Grays willen.
Wat Bridget zegt, is dat de ontvoerden tegenwoordig veel beter worden behandeld door de Grays dan vroeger. Waar het op neerkomt, is dat het voor beide partijen een soort leerproces is, waar uiteindelijk iedereen beter van wordt.
Dan word het fascinerend want klaarblijkelijk nemen de Grays eicellen van vrouwen waarmee ze dan kinderen gaan "bouwen".
Bridget is dan ook moeder van diverse door de Grays gemaakte kinderen die ze dan in haar dromen of tijdens trips naar de ruimteschepen ontmoet.
Op de volgende foto zie je Bridget met de tekeningen van enkele van haar kinderen.
Er zijn inmiddels zo’n vijf verschillende hybriderassen gemaakt, maar de bedoeling van deze buitenaardse kinderen is dat ze naar de aarde zullen komen om zicht te vermengen met normale aardse kinderen waardoor dan het zesde hybrideras zal ontstaan.
Tot die tijd verblijven de kinderen die “freelancers” worden genoemd op de grote buitenaardse schepen in de buurt.
Volgens Bridget waren de beroemde Phoenix Lights een voorbeeld van het passeren van één van die grote schepen.
Dit alles en nog veel meer vertelt Bridget in het navolgende interview. Wie meer wil weten over de hybride kinderen verwijzen wij naar de website van Bridget, de Hybrid Children Community.
Giant Cross Lights Up Sky During Sunset Over Michigan, Jan 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Giant Cross Lights Up Sky During Sunset Over Michigan, Jan 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2016 Location of sighting: Buchanan, Michigan, USA Source: This cross could be sign from aliens to a family nearby that really needed an answer to their prayers. Perhaps an alien overheard it since they do use telepathy and tried to calm them with a sign they would recognize. Scott C. Waring News states: (WCMH)–When she saw the sunrise, she knew she had to take a pictures of it. Now that photograph is going viral. Mechaele Loraffe of Buchanan, Michigan, said she was driving to work when she had to pullover to take a picture of the breathtaking sunrise. She shared the picture, which shows a cross on the horizon, with WSBT meteorologist Matt Rudkin. According to Loraffe, she didn’t notice the cross until after she took the photo.
Here is an interesting incident that occurred a few days ago in Bulgaria. A UFO was seen over farm land near some very tall power lines and it was being monitored by a military aircraft. The UFO seems to not be in any kind of hurry to move and and the jet seems like its only there to identify the craft to those back at base. I don't think any military will risk deliberately shooting at an alien craft. Back during the battle of Los Angeles when a fleet of silver disk UFOs flew over LA and hundreds of anti aircraft guns hit them, but could not harm them...its clear aliens can protect themselves. My mom witnessed that one. Scott C. Waring www.ufosightingsdaily.coom Source States: Fighter jets were chasing a UFO over Nova Zagora (photos) military planes chased an unidentified flying object near Nova Zagora yesterday afternoon. Reader of Portal12 provide pictures with unique footage. The machines were flying at very low altitude in the area above the villages of Gaz, Zagortci, collected and Han Asparuhovo yesterday afternoon. There are numerous witnesses. Within about 5 minutes, the object is sharply changed its location, which has caused the spectacular maneuvers on the part of two military aircraft.
Strange orbs filmed over San Antonio, Texas 16-Jan-2016
Strange orbs filmed over San Antonio, Texas 16-Jan-2016
Here’s one new daytime sighting of a two bright orbs hovering in the sky above San Antonio in Texas. This was taken on Saturday, 16th January 2016.
Witness report: As i was Skywatching facing north I Notice this object high altitude it did not appear to be an aircraft..When zooming in two rotating Orbs traveling high in altitude came into view…You can clearly see a Larger Orb and a Smaller Red underneath..They were traveling at high altitude used the top of the rooftop as reference point(giving the altitude it was traveling)…At one point you can see the Small Red orb Enter/Exit the Larger Orb…They appear to be under some sort of controlled,they traveled in constant speed,direction and elevation…On the video stills you can clearly see smaller U.F.O Enter/Exit larger U.F.O….I tried to keep them in frame as they traveled…I followed them until losing sight of them……In my opinion these glowing objects were clearly no aircraft,weather-balloon or satellite…..
10:52am. Looking out of my kitchen window I saw a shiny reflective craft just sitting in the sky in full sunshine. After a few minutes of observation of the craft with to sound or movement I went to fetch my Nikon Coolpix P520 camera. When I returned it was still there in the same spot. Now it was pretty high up near the clouds so my camera had difficulty focusing on the object.
I took 5 pictures and 2 videos of the craft until about 11am when I felt I wasn’t getting any quality pictures or footage so I stopped to feed my crying baby. What?! You see a bleeping UFO and you walk away? Yup. So alas I didn’t get to see it move or leave, but it was gone after I fed my baby and went back to see if it was still there. My better UFO video is on YouTube titled “UFO over Florence” and if you’re real quick with the pause/play button you can see the craft briefly at two points during the video where it comes into focus.
Now the reason I’m reporting this to MUFON is because I just watched a show about the mass sightings in Bucks County, PA which is directly across the Delaware River from me and nobody had any pictures or videos to share. The location of the object is also where birds are often seen circling, riding the updrafts which are always present, probably from the nearby river? Which got me thinking about the landfill in Tully-town (Bucks County, PA) right on the Delaware River, which is a half mile away. Maybe the craft was interested in the landfill?
There is currently a lawsuit against Waste Management of Pennsylvania regarding noxious odors, etcetera, from their handling the site. I would also like to point out that Military planes from Joint base McGuire-Dix often do training flights in the area and my home is in between flights coming and going from Newark & NY airports. I didn’t see any planes heading west during my observation so maybe they were directed away from their normal flight paths.? Finally today is January 14, 2016 and I haven’t seen any UFO’s since.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer Chief Investigator for MUFON New Jersey.
Mysterious shadow figure walking on clouds captured by plane passenger
Mysterious shadow figure walking on clouds captured by plane passenger
Passenger Nick O'Donoghue was on board an EasyJet flight flying back from Austria to Cork when his fellow passengers began to point to a strange phenomenon outside the aircraft.
Mr. O'Donoghue told to the Dailymail: I was gazing out the window and was amazed to see a figure in the distance in front of us and then as we flew closer the bizarre shape of a human-like figure walking along the clouds appeared.
Despite the figure was a bit away in the distance, I was able to watch the shadow figure for about two minutes and took some images of the strange phenomenon before then the aircraft slowly passed it.
To me, the shadow figure looks like a robot-like man or Michelin man but honestly I have no idea what it was, maybe it was just a rare cloud formation, said Nick.
Did Nick captured a rare natural sky phenomenon at 30,000ft or he witnessed something extraordinary, something from another world, that goes beyond the human capacity to understand what it could be?
Note: In the last enlarged and enhanced image of the shadow man, a human face is clearly visible.
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NASA Assembles Team To Protect Planet From Earth-Bound Asteroids
NASA Assembles Team To Protect Planet From Earth-Bound Asteroids
NASA just created an office focused on protecting the planet in the event of asteroid collisions.
No need to worry about about whether or not an asteroid will beading our way any time soon—because that’s the job the NASA’s newest office. The federal space agency is apparently creating an asteroid detection program. Specifically, they are making an office dedicated to cataloging and studying near Earth projectiles as a means of ensuring we know if one comes heading our way.
Moreover, the division, called the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PCDO), will be responsible for assisting other government agencies in the event that our planet is en route to a massive collision with a comet or asteroid.
Some of the planetary wanderers that we are aware of.
Credit: NASA
“The formal establishment of the Planetary Defense Coordination Office makes it evident that the agency is committed to perform a leadership role in national and international efforts for detection of these natural impact hazards, and to be engaged in planning if there is a need for planetary defense,” said Lindley Johnson, lead program executive for the PCDO, in a statement.
“Asteroid detection, tracking and defense of our planet is something that NASA, its interagency partners, and the global community take very seriously,” said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
And we should, because it could literally mean the difference between life and death.
The Lonar crater in Maharashta, India is around 6,000 feet wide and 500 feet deep and contains a saltwater lake. Scientists determined the structure was caused by an asteroid through clues such as the presence of maskelynite, a glass that is only formed by extremely high-velocity impacts. The impact occurred around 50,000 years ago. This image was captured by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer on NASA’s Terra satellite. It is a simulated true-color image
Image: NASA, 2004
The agency will ultimately be responsible for determining how Earth can defend itself against asteroids, or develop the necessary technologies that will enable us to do so. Such technologies many include plans that will allow us to redirect, deflect, or incinerate objects on a collision course.
Current methods being studied include a ‘gravity tractor method’ as a way to use the mass of another object to pull the asteroid from its collision course. Should the defense strategies prove to be difficult or near impossible, NASA will thus tap its partner agencies and government entities to develop efficient emergency response initiatives that will address impact and its aftermath.
Reconstruction of KIC8462852 showing what an alien megastructure might look like (pic credit: Andrew Collins).
Andrew Collins
In mid October 2015 scientists announced that "alien megastructures" might have been detected orbiting a distant star in the Cygnus constellation. Although this announcement, coming from leading researchers in the field of space science, might yet prove to have been premature, the long term effects of this statement could have profound implications for humanity's attitude towards intelligent life existing in the universe. Beyond this is the tantalising possibility that what has been found some 1,480 light years from earth really does constitute the first hard evidence for the existence of sophisticated alien technology. Under this presumption, might we ask what an alien megastructure actually looks like? What its function might be, and what kind of life form could have been responsible for its creation? All these questions will be answered, but first some background to the discovery.
In 2009 NASA launched the Kepler Space Telescope. It main purpose was to search for rocky worlds not unlike our own within an area of the night sky embracing the constellations of Cygnus and Lyra. So far over a thousand exoplanets have been identified, and many more will be found in the coming years.
Yet Kepler is looking for far more than simply earth-like planets. It can record stellar flares, star spots and dusty planetary rings, and in 2011 it began sending back data regarding a curious star located in the heart of the Cygnus constellation. It seemed so strange, so unusual, that any knowledge of its existence was withheld for four years so that it might be better understood. Only then did the researchers feel right about making an appropriate announcement, which came on October 14, 2015 - the upshot being that the star, known as KIC 8462852, might well be surrounded by an alien megastructure. Let me explain.
Starlight Dip
An exoplanet orbiting a distant star will periodically darken the stellar light emitted by its home star as it transits, or moves across, its face. When Kepler detects an exoplanet, it does so by sensing this very slight dip in starlight. This light curve, as it is known, becomes the exoplanet's signature, providing researchers with information about its physical size and even its global temperature and atmospheric composition. It also reveals its shape, which, as you might expect, is generally round in appearance. However, what crossed in front of KIC 8462852 in 2011 returned a highly unusual signature, implying that something of highly irregular shape was transiting the star, causing its starlight to dip intermittently.
According to a paper submitted to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society two highly significant light curves have been recorded in connection with KIC 8462852. The first occurred between days 788 and 795 of the Kepler mission, with the second coming between days 1510 to 1570 (Boyajian, 2015), that is in early 2013. The scientists involved in the mission refer to these transits as D800 and D1500 respectively. The D800 transit caused the starlight to dip by 15 percent, while D1500 consisted of a burst of transits, indicating the passage of an entire array of objects, causing the star to dim by a staggering 22 percent. To put this into perspective, when Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, crosses the path of the sun it dims its light output by no more than 1 percent. So whatever is transiting KIC 8462852 has to be seriously huge.
Potential Explanations
The above-cited paper, whose lead author is Tabetha S. Boyajian, a postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University and the discoverer of KIC 8462852, attempts to evaluate the data and offer some potential explanations. One is that the strange light curves are the result of disintegrating comets orbiting the star (Boyajian, 2015). However, this seems unlikely considering the enormous dips in the light curves, which would necessitate a whole swarm of comets entering into a tight orbit around the star (Plait, 2015). Also considered is the possibility that the dips are caused by a cluster of ringed planets, or perhaps a ring of asteroids orbiting the star following a planetary collision. Both solutions are seen as unlikely.
Astronomer Jason Wright of Penn State University, who was consulted by Boyajian, has proposed that the star's bizarre light dips are evidence perhaps that the star is much younger than previously thought, and that orbiting it is planetary material still coalescing (Wright, 2015). Yet this seems unlikely as KIC 8462852 has been firmly identified as a mature F-type main-sequence star some 1.5 times the size of our sun.
Wright, realising the failings of all these potential explanations, offers one further solution to this mystery, and this is the big one. The swarms of objects transiting KIC 8462852 - or Tabby's Star as it is called after its discoverer - might be "alien megastructures" used to collect starlight emitted by the star.
Freeman Dyson
Such megastructures have been the subject of science-fiction since the 1930s. They feature, for instance, in Star Maker, a 1937 novel by British sci-fi writer and philosopher Olaf Stapledon (Stapledon, 1937). However, it was only in 1960 that theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson (b. 1923) began discussing the topic as a hypothetical reality. Following what he called a "thought experiment" he wrote that as an alien civilization advances it will eventually exceed the levels of energy offered by its home planet. This would move it eventually to create a technology whereby stellar light could be harnessed directly from a star.
More pertinent to this debate is the fact that Dyson proposed searching the skies for evidence of infrared radiation emitted by hypothetical megastructures constructed to harness such high levels of energy. This exercise, he predicted, could lead to the first detection of intelligent life in the cosmos (Dyson, 1960). Amazingly, that quite incredible prediction might just have been realised with the discovery of KIC 8462852.
Since Dyson originally conceived of the existence of stellar light collectors others have developed his ideas into workable models. For instance, the most popular form of megastructure conceived of by theoretical scientists is the Dyson sphere (Dyson has repeatedly proposed that it should be called a Stapledon sphere after Olaf Stapledon). This would completely encase a star absorbing all its starlight. Another form of megastructure known as a Dyson swarm would consist of entire arrays of much smaller structures that would either form rings or, as in the case of KIC 8462952, large clusters around the star in question.
There is, however, a problem in assuming that the swarm of objects orbiting KIC 8462852 is an alien megastructure. As Freeman Dyson deduced the high levels of energy absorbed by a stellar light collector would produce inordinate amounts of infrared radiation. Yet to date this has not been detected in connection with the star. Although unfortunate this changes nothing, for it could simply be that the alien megastructure, or structures, orbiting KIC 8462852 operate in a different way, leaving no obvious trace of infrared radiation.
Such was the situation when news of KIC 8462852's strange light curves was announced to the world back in October 2015. Press reports stated that the researchers involved were submitting a proposal to the SETI Institute in Berkeley, California, requesting that it turn one of the radio telescopes at its disposal towards KIC 8462852. It could then monitor the star system for evidence of intelligent radio signals.
Weird Periodic Signal
SETI were quick to take up the challenge. On October 16, just two days after the public announcement regarding the possible existence of the alien megastructures orbiting KIC 8462852, the Institute's Allen Telescope Array (ATA), composed of 42 telescopes located some 500 km north of San Francisco in the Cascade Mountains, was taken off its regular programme and directed instead towards the star (King, 2015). Within two weeks there were reports that the telescope array had detected a "weird periodic signal" coming from the star. In an interview with Dr. Gerald Harp from the SETI Institute stated that "although potentially [of] natural origin … there is clearly value to examine it more closely." He added that although a natural explanation was likely for the signal, he did not rule out the possibility that it came from "a distant intelligent source" (Adl-Tabatabai, 2015).
Clearly, this announcement, coming from a leading member of SETI, had those following this baffling mystery on the edge of their seats. Yet then came silence until, finally, on November 5 the Institute issued a press release announcing that it had failed to detect any radio signals coming from KIC 8462852 (Harp, 2015a). No radio transmissions of any kind could be found in either narrow band or wide band frequencies. Yet as Gerald Harp admitted: "Clearly, the energy demands for a detectable signal from KIC 8462852 are far higher than this terrestrial example (largely as a consequence of the distance of this star), meaning that there was no way of knowing whether our telescopes were attuned to quite the right frequencies"(Harp et al, 2015 b).
How exactly the earlier reports of a "weird periodic signal" detected coming from KIC 8462852 fit into this official announcement from SETI remains unclear. Either it was an artefact caused by terrestrial sources, or it was dismissed as unrepresentative of the results in general. Whatever the answer, SETI's findings helped dampen the initial sense of excitement regarding the nature of the strange light curves associated with KIC 8462852; the news story's honeymoon period was well and truly over.
So we will have to wait patiently before what could arguably be the greatest discovery of our time unfolds in full. Yet even if no useful answers are forthcoming in the coming years, there are far greater implications behind this incredible enigma. It embeds into people's minds the idea that today scientists can very easily conclude that unusual phenomena detected in deep space might be hard evidence of extraterrestrial life and even alien technology. Such announcements, coming from scientific institutions, increase, very subtly, the public's perception and acceptability of alien civilizations existing out there in the universe. It makes the whole subject that much easier to debate, as has been shown by the large number of news channels and radio shows that have openly discussed the reality or not of the proposed alien megastructures surrounding KIC 8462852.
The Cygnus Mystery
And the fact that these alleged alien megastructures are transiting a star in the constellation of Cygnus, the celestial swan, is a bonus for me, as since 2006 I have promoted Cygnus as the source of cosmic rays that might well have affected human evolution (Collins, 2006). If these strange cosmic particles, coming from a cosmic source some 26,000 light years away named Cygnus X-3, really have affected life on earth, then equally they could have affected the development of life in star systems in a direct line of sight between their source and our own solar system. This would include KIC 8462852, which in astronomical terms is located between the bright stars Deneb (Alpha Cygni) and Rukh (Delta Cygni). If this is correct then the same course of evolution taken by humankind might earlier have been taken by any alien civilization responsible for the proposed megastructures transiting this distant star.
Is there some deep connection between us as a race and alien lifeforms existing in a star system some 1,480 light years away in the Cygnus constellation? Might our thought processes resonate the same evolutionary path already taken by this much more advanced civilization? Are these ideas in some way embedded into the collective psyche of humankind, helping to explain why ancient structures such as the 11,500-year-old stone temple complex of Göbekli Tepe in southeast Turkey and the Pyramids of Giza are aligned towards Cygnus? Are we somehow aware that somewhere in the Cygnus constellation are intelligent beings that in some unfathomable manner constitute our cosmic elders, our own precursors in the creation of civilization?
These are wild ideas, yet they allow us to ponder on our place in the universe, beyond that offered by science and religion today. Remember, it was Freeman Dyson in 1960 who following his famous "thought experiment" proposed that looking for evidence of starlight harnessing megastructures might one day lead to confirmation that we are not alone in the galaxy. Did he come to this realisation through some kind of intuitive insight that suggested this would indeed be the manner humanity finally comes to accept the existence of alien civilizations?
A Thought Experiment of Our own
And what of the alien megastructures themselves? If they exist, what might they look like? Who made them, and what exactly is their function? We can only but speculate. Yet in the manner of Freeman Dyson, a "thought experiment" of my own, conducted in the company of close friend and colleague Richard Ward, provided some potential answers. Does the megastructure consist of a sprawling array of interlinked hexagonal structures all linked together in some inexplicable manner? New sections could be created and affixed to the existing array orbiting the star. Yet if such a structure did exist then no one could have constructed it through conventional means. It would have to grow almost organically - the product of a highly advanced form of nanotechnology. Most likely these ever expanding arrays, with the appearance of crystalline honeycomb meshes, would most likely be silicon in nature, created from available planetary material. Their purpose would be to absorb and process starlight. The megastructures would act as capacitors, producing energy on a multitude of frequencies that could be channelled away as particle beams or as plasma, seas of photon-emitting electrons held within self-generated magnetic fields.
As to the nature of any alien intelligence behind such a vast enterprise, well, it seems unlikely they would be carbon-based life like us. Perhaps we would be dealing with a silicon, or perhaps even a plasma-based life form. Intelligent plasma constructs might well be behind the sentience reported in connection with so-called earthlights and energy-based UFOs of the sort recorded across the globe for hundreds if not thousands of years (Collins, 2012). Do similar life forms operate in connection with these proposed alien megastructures? Whether or not these predictions prove to be real or not, they might just give future scientists food for thought.
One last point that just has to be made. Since KIC 8462852 is 1,480 light years from our solar system, this means that it takes as many years for the light from this distant star system to reach us. So if the strange swarm of objects transiting the face of KIC 8462852 really are alien megastructures, then what we are observing is the technology of an extraterrestrial civilization that existed 1,480 years ago. This makes it the best evidence yet for the existence of ancient aliens.
Andrew Collins is a British history and science writer, and the author of various books including From the Ashes of Angels(1996), The Cygnus Mystery (2006), and Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods (2014).
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Mankind's Forbidden History Holds the Answer for the "Missing Link"
Mankind's Forbidden History Holds the Answer for the "Missing Link"
It is perhaps the most convoluted puzzle to ever exist, a timeline which pits some of today’s most dominant dogmas, whether scientific or theological, in an unrelenting war against one another.
The history of human civilization and evolution. Today most would refute the Christian story of Genesis, dubbing it a fictional parable clouded by fantasy and nonsense.
Infamous proponents of Evolution Theory or natural selection, such as Richard Dawkins, are keen on discrediting the creationist theory, yet even with the powerful backing of the science community evolutionists fall short to provide us with the proper narrative that explains our leap from Homo-erectus (our ape-like ancestors) to Homo-sapiens (modern man). The missing link – our biggest conundrum.
Today there exists many alternative theories that aim to explain mankind’s speedy evolution. The Ancient Astronaut Theory is perhaps one of the most controversial of the bunch.
This theory takes researchers back in time to the cradle of civilization in the Middle-East, the ancient land of Mesopotamia. The Sumerian Cuneiform tablets, uncovered in the 17th century, provide modern man with a new understanding of our history.
This lost knowledge has been slow to make its way into mainstream thought and is just now beginning to air on television on both the History and Discovery Channels.
Accurately decoding the complicated language of the past has taken archaeologists many decades, but fortunately today these ancient scriptures have come to light for all the public to view.
Was there an extra-terrestrial presence in ancient times which seeded modern man?
Access to scripts such as the Book of Enoch, the Nag Hamadi Gospels, the Book of Jubilees, among other historical texts help to broaden our knowledge base relative to the writings in the Canonical Bible; many of these documents predate the Canonical Bible by thousands of years, shedding light on the origins and influences of the familiar stories told therein having an immense influence on Western thought.
Many would be shocked to discover the great Deluge hero Noah was actually a Sumerian King. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the longest known stories involving the King of a Sumerian city called Uruk, Noah is visited by a King and told of the coming cataclysm, the great flood.
Sadly, the funding for early archaeological inquiries was closely controlled and channeled by early church authorities, in particular the Roman Catholic Church.
A mandate was issued to fund only the archaeological explorations that perpetuated the story told in the canonical Bible, established by the same institution at the Council of Nicea, 343 CE.
Due to the majority who were uneducated in the past, the task of knowing the truth was often delegated to authorities.
Fortunately, today, knowledge and information distribution is rampant among the internet, and the power is now left in our hands as the efforts of past decoders is finally being disseminated to the world.
Mankind's forbidden history: Clay tablets, dating 2000 years before the Canonical Bible, from Ancient Mesopotamia, tell the story of the Anunnaki — an ET species of humanoids who arrived on Earth in flying ships and genetically modified the human species
When one realizes that the God from the Old Testament Yahweh, was none other than the local deity of the Sumerian city of Ur, Enlil, the truth is revealed. Enlil and his various relatives were venerated as gods in various temples from Nineveh to Assur to the Sumerian city of Ur to name just a few.
Similarly, his brother Enki and his children Nannar and Innana also had temples in prominent cultural and trade portals within the region. More importantly, Enlil was not acting alone, but rather in consort with others referred to as the Anunnaki.
Enlil and his brother, Enki, are mentioned in the Genesis and the more historical Clay Tablets as participating in genetic trials to produce a primitive worker, Homo sapiens.
The Sumerian records reveal that “Adam” and “Eve” were not created by “God”, but rather they were genetically engineered by an advanced race of extra-terrestrials, called the Anunnaki.
A very detailed account is provided of a clinical trial that results in the archetype for the human race, “Adam,” being birthed. The trial was conducted by Enlil’s half-sister, Ninmah, and his half-brother Enki, in an African laboratory.
The historical records appeal to even the most scrutinizing scientist who readily recognized the threshold of knowledge required to discuss a topic such as genetic engineering in a document almost 5000 years old which provides a more detailed account of the creation of man, one that makes sense technically and historically versus the précis version provide by the Bible, although in many cases complementary.
This would perhaps explain the age of Noah, who was said to be 600 years old at the time of the great flood. Noah was the son of a “deity” according to the Bible. Could this father “deity” really be an extra-terrestrial being which gave rise to Noah’s lengthy lifespan?
Various deities in Sumerian and Egyptian records had also known as (AKA) names which seemed to span long periods of time and were found throughout various ancient texts. For example, the Akkadian god Sin was also known as the moon god Nannar, son of Enlil.
His sister, Inanna also sported the symbol of the crescent moon and had temples throughout Mesopotamia. She was known as Ishtar to the Akkadians.
Interestingly, many deities from other cultures such as the Greeks and Egyptians were alternate versions of original Sumerian “gods”. The Egyptian goddess Ishtar was really the Sumerian deity Inanna, who according to Sumerian text was a high ranking member of the Anunnaki.
The Greek historian Herodotus lived in the 5th century BCE and hailed from Ionia; he delineated the Egyptian civilization into three dynasties and the model is still used by Egyptologists today.
Mantheo, the Egyptian priest-historian agrees with the three dynasties, except adds one more dynasty which was ruled by the “gods” alone.
He states the first dynastic rulers of Egyptian gods ruled for 12 300 years [1]. It is interesting to note that in the Sumerian texts, Enki was assigned the regions of Egypt and Africa by his father Anu, on or before 3760 BCE.
It just so happens that the Jewish calendar, whose origins are from the Sumerian city of Nippur, begins its count in 3760 BCE as well.
The two royal Anunnaki brothers held animosity for one another, causing ancient wars often referred to as the “great wars in heaven” in the Christian dogma.
The Sumerians claimed that all aspects of civilization were taught to them by the deities that were worshiped in the temples of Mesopotamia.
Detailed knowledge about the Earth’s orbital plane, tilt axis, spherical shape, and precession behavior of its equinox were known by the Sumerian deities, who were also credited for the construction of the Zodiac.
6,000 years old Sumerian cylindrical seal shows an accurate depiction of our solar system. Modern science didn't knew this until very recently. Other texts describe the colors of Uranus and Neptune, which modern science has only very recently discovered.
Contrast this detailed level of knowledge in Sumer with that possessed in Europe during the Middle-Ages.
Scientists and church authorities in Europe were at odds whether the Earth was round or flat while the people of Sumeria and the surrounding region had advance mathematics, metallurgy, law codes, and produced many civilization first inventions and advanced achievements. [2]
The Anunnaki family tree according to Sumerian records
The correlation between the God of the Old Testament and the Sumerian god are apparent; the Sumerian storm God, Enlil, can be considered the God of wrath and vengeance in the Old Testament.
When discussing religious truth, there is what the ruling party or superpower believes and what the subordinated cultures believe which is given a derogatory label as pagan or occult.
An example of this is taking place and manifesting presently in the Middle East where religious factions representing Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are waging war in the ancient land of Canaan, near Mount Megiddo located south of Israel. Warring factions whose genealogy originates from Sumer are still in conflict today.
The devotees of Enlil, AKA Yahweh the God of the Old Testament, stand toe to toe with the followers of Enki, still at odds with each other of the domination of the Earth.
Could the conflicts involving the countries of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Israel be a result of the past wars that took place between the “gods” Enlil and Enki and their offspring as written about in “War of Gods and Men” by Zecharia Sitchin?
According to Sumerologists, the term AN.UNNA.KI literally is interpreted as those who from “heaven to Earth came.” The key point to note early on is the affiliation of the term “heaven” with the claimed planet of Anunnaki origin, namely Nibiru as detailed in “The 12th Planet” by Sitchin.
Additionally, from the list of characters detailed as “deities” in Mesopotamian literature we know that the head of the Anunnaki council of 12 was chaired by Anu, the father of the two key players and half-brothers Enlil and Enki.
NI.BI.RU is composed from the now digitized cuneiform script, listed in Unicode as 1224C, 12249, and 12292. Thus, a more accurate interpretation of the word Anunnaki is those who from Anu to the Earth came or were sent.
Equating the planet Nibiru with the word Heaven, as used in the Bible, is an important detail when re-examining prayers like “Our father who art in Heaven…,” shining a whole new light on who the Father in Heaven actually was, namely Anu (ruler of the Anunnaki and father of Enlil and Enki). Thus, the prayers must have originated from Anu’s extra-terrestrial children on Earth.
What was the reason the Anunnaki left Nibiru to come to Earth? According to Sitchin and other authors on the subject, Nibiru, located beyond Pluto, is trapped in a 3600 year retrograde elliptical orbit around our Sun.
According to Sumerian maps and reports from 1983 IRAS Naval Observatory by Dr. Harrington, discovery of a large planet in the region Nibiru was reported to reside near where the Sumerians indicated, beyond Pluto.[8] In short, the Anunnaki home planet is real and inbound to perihelion circa 1400 years from now.
Brown dwarf planets, as we know, do not receive significant solar radiation to keep the surface temperature habitable. The atmosphere on Nibiru was generated either artificially or from gases and released steam from the geothermal heated planet.
According to Sitchin’s published history timeline [6] approximately 450,000 years ago, life on Nibiru was facing extinction due to a deteriorating atmosphere and the subsequent exposure to radiation, especially at close Perihelion with the Sun.
One of the leaders of Nibiru traveled inwards and landed on Earth, discovering Earth’s surplus of gold. Because of their advancements in technology, the Anunnaki could use gold to save the failing atmosphere of Nibiru by dispersing the ionized particles into the planet’s atmosphere.
“Tree of Life”, notice the symbol at the top of the tablet, an object which closely resembles the Egyptian sun-disk. This ancient symbol has many theorized meanings, including the Sun and enlightened knowledge held and passed down by the royal lineage for millennia.
Anu and his two sons Enlil and Enki eventually came to excavate Earth for the gold as well, however, Enlil and Enki kept their distance due to a rivalry. According to Niburian inheritance rules, Enlil was the rightful heir due to his position as son of Anu and Anu’s Sister.
Enki was only son of Anu, his mother wasn’t of royal blood. The female contribution to genetic material includes mitochondrial DNA which the male does not. Enki was assigned mining operation in Africa, Enlil in Mesopotamia, and a granddaughter named Inanna was given the Indus Valley region. The division took place and was finalized in 3760 BCE.
To increase efficiency, the higher ranking members of the Anunnaki brought several subservient workers to help with gold mining labor (known as Watchers or Igigi). The Igigi worked hard for some time, but inevitably grew tiresome of their slave conditions and revolted against the Anunnaki.
This forced the Anunnaki to establish a new plan, one that developed a hybrid being, a primitive worker, to replace the Igigi gold diggers. The Homo-sapiens.
The Formation of Our Solar System According to Sumerian Text
The following is a summary of the formation of our solar system according to the Sumerian epoch, Enuma Elish. According to the text, told in an allegory of celestial warriors, ten planets composed our solar system.
Earth was not yet formed, as it was then part of a larger planet called Tiamut, which eventually crashed into Nibiru during the initial formation of the planet’s orbits, leaving behind an immense trail of debris from which the Earth formed, along with the asteroid belt.
During this cataclysm the mass of the forming Earth also captured Nibiru’s moon. It is theorized that this initial disaster transferred the original seeds of life to Earth, a form of accidental Panspermia.
The significance of the Sumerian’s Epic of Creation specifies one additional planet in our solar system, the Anunnaki’s home planet Nibiru, who’s aphelion is positioned beyond Pluto in a 3600 year retrograde orbit around the Sun.
Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief of the U.S. Naval Observatory used an infra-red satellite, IRAS, to locate a large planetary body which was causing wobbles in the orbital paths of Uranus and Neptune.
The IRAS produced results indicating a large brown dwarf, four times larger than the size of Earth, had been located without question. Harrington and Van Flandern of the Naval Observatory, published their findings and opinion that a tenth planet had been located in our solar system, even calling it an intruder planet. [3]
Harrington met with Sitchin to correlate the IRAS findings with the Babylonian Epic of Creation, the Enuma Elish. Given the evidence reported by IRAS, other space probes like Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager, and the corroborating orbital path, planet size, and retrograde characteristics of the tenth planet, Harrington agreed with Sitchin that it was Nibiru. [3]
As so, the passage of a tenth planet the magnitude of Nibiru between Mars and Jupiter would certainly have a noticeable impact every 3600 years.
With this in mind, it is highly probable that Nibiru’s passage may be responsible for pole shifts and reversals, changes in the Earth’s precession about its axis, and potentially dangerous meteors and space debris drug along from the asteroid belt inbound to Perihelion.
Could Nibiru’s Perihelion 3,600 year orbit be the cause of the great cataclysms discussed in ancient texts?
Unusual artifacts found around the world, those that seem to contradict the know abilities of the civilization under analysis, are not hard to find. Examples include hieroglyphs from the Egyptian temple of Abydos, depicting rockets, airplanes, submarines, and even an advanced helicopter.
There is also an Iraqi battery find, precision stone masonry and architecture using megalithic stones. Of all the material accessible to a culture, why use the most difficult material as possible? Massive 1000 ton blocks.
Findings from around the world to include model airplanes, incredibly sophisticated solar and lunar temples aligned to solstice and equinox alike, along with tens of thousands of advanced beings teaching civilizing technologies to indigenous peoples points overwhelmingly to the fact that the Anunnaki were here on Earth.
Sitchin was instrumental in getting the Sumerian details about the Anunnaki records for the world to see. It has taken over 100 years for the information to be accepted thus far. Tablets are now digitized for translation speed and accuracy. [4]
An important point to mention is that the Sumerian flood account was clearly copied and modified to create the Genesis account, written by Hebrew priests being held captive in Babylon, where they had access to the true story of the great flood but chose to placate Enlil as their chosen monotheistic ancient astronaut god.
After all, they were scared to death of Enlil’s wrath. Genesis 6 describes the background scene to the great flood, leaving out all references to the other members of the Anunnaki council in the Torah narrative.
Please take notice of the cross necklaces worn by the Anunnaki,
thousands of years before Christ's crucifixion -- What does this imply?
According to Sumerian records, the wrathful “God” in the Christian Epic “Genesis” was in fact an Anunnaki king named Enlil, who was weary of the his brother Enki’s genetic creation of mankind. Enlil worried that humanity would grow and eventually revolt against him, and so, Enlil ordered the destruction of mankind by disease and natural disasters.
Genesis 6:1-8 (NIV)
When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord.
Enlil (God in the Hebrew Genesis) did not create man, but rather, his half-brother Enki and their sister Ninmah were more so involved in the genetic manipulation, as evidenced in the Atrahasis, predating the Genesis account by 1700 years.
Enlil apparently wiped out man because of their incessant noise, although this motive seems bleak, and considering the animosity between Enlil and Enki, one must only consider that Enlil’s motive behind wiping out mankind had something to do with the fact that Homo sapiens were seeds of Enki and thus had the potential to rise up against Enlil.
Enlil was a ghost writer of the Bible, and consequently the truth was distorted to benefit the latter.
Furthermore, the “plant of knowledge of good and evil”, the “forbidden fruit”, was present in Enki’s first outpost city of Eridu.
Enlil (AKA Jehovah/God) tells Adapa (Adam) in Eridu’s Garden of Eden that if he eats the fruit he will die. Enki counteracts this lie and tells Adapa he will surely not die but instead become “like one of us, the gods”.
Thus, there seems to be a transformational effect produced by this plant that changes human consciousness. In any event, Enki tells the truth and is demonized and symbolized as a snake, while Enlil lies, and promotes himself as God.
This lie, the fact that Adam did not die but rather became aware of his nakedness, attests to not want the plant of the knowledge of good and evil consumed. It was about controlling the access to higher consciousness, frowned upon by Enlil.
Mankind was Enki’s proud creation with the help of his relative Ninharsag, which successfully alleviated the Anunnaki’s toils of gold mines just as he promised. Enlil said he was tired of man’s noise, and wanted Enki to release some form of disease to wipe them out.
Of course, Enki defied his brother and offered guidance and protection of man. Enlil continued to order the death of the Homo sapiens, and afflicted man with sickness, headaches, and other disease. [7]
To finalize the death of man, Enlil orders Enki to conjure up a great flood. Enki refuses, and the tension continues to build between the two brothers.
Although the Anunnaki had the technological means to manipulate the weather, it is unclear whether the great flood to come was caused by the Anunnaki themselves or by the gravitational forces wrought by Nibiru’s passing of Earth, enroute to a 3600 year solar perihelion.
Regardless of the cause, Enlil took credit to establish his perceived power to punish. Hence the correlation to the Old Testament’s God of Wrath and Enlil’s genocidal attributes.
Before the pole shift, Enki warned one of his sons, Ziusudra, about the coming disaster, helping him create a boat atop a mountain. The Biblical tale of Noah was taken from the Sumerian record.
Enki decided to modify an oath made to withhold knowledge of the impending watery disaster from the people, and instructs his son Atrahasis to build a boat. Enki helps Atrahasis relocate the boat to Mr. Ararat.
Also important to note, the idea that Noah housed a number of animal species on the boat is a misconception. It was animal DNA that was collected and saved. [7]
Thus, Atrahasis is the biblical Noah. Also noted, Ninharsag is later to be called “Isis” in ancient Egypt.
Engineering Humans
According to Sumerian records, one of Enki’s sons, Thoth, was the creator of and key proponent of mankind becoming the “Sons of God” through the awakening of the energy bodies (chakras) and subsequent consciousness, which he designed to be sensitive to the various frequencies affiliated with the radial distance and frequencies caused by a spherical resonator, i.e., the Earth.
One can read the Emerald Tablets to get a sense of the advanced energy knowledge Thoth possessed. Also, as evidenced by his staff the Caduceus, he was an adept geneticist.
Enki designed primitive workers with highly scientific abilities: genetic functional mappings with a human energy body composed of 7 chakras. The chakras provide access to an evolutionary means that allow mankind to continue on its path of conscious expansion.
These seven quantized energy states were intentionally designed by Enki providing mankind an interface for future evolution of consciousness.
Enki did not seem comfortable accepting the concept of slavery versus creating a primitive worker that just got a genetic jumpstart with the potential of becoming one of the gods. To the Anunnaki, the mechanism of evolution of consciousness was highly classified.
Could the Sumerian Narrative be the Answer?
Extensive, detailed, and controversial, the Sumerian Creation Epic stands as both an opponent and an adversary to theories of modern science as well as today’s most prominent religious doctrines, a subject of volatile discourse.
These ancient writings help to broaden our knowledge of the origin of mankind while challenging the well-established account told from the Bible.
The Ancient Astronaut Theory may test the beliefs of the majority, as depictions and dramatizations of extra-terrestrial beings in mainstream culture have stifled people’s understanding of the latter, yet one cannot deny the enigma that surrounds the innovations and knowledge that the Sumerians possessed.
Moreover, evolution’s biggest puzzle has yet to be completed – the miraculous leap from Homo-erectus to Homo-sapien. However, the Sumerians offer detailed scientific clarification on this matter.
The fact that numerous indigenous cultures world-wide built monuments which looked to worship the sky, and shared similar stories of “gods” ascending from the “heavens” should beg the question of an extra-terrestrial presence during those times.
There is an uncanny correlation between the stories and knowledge-base of the ancient cultures and the timeline in which they acquired a deeper understanding of astrology, technology, biology, and spirituality, subjects which only gained proper comprehension in the last few centuries.
The Sumerian records stand as one of mankind’s most important collections of history to date. With proper analysis, these writings not only offer insight into our humble beginnings, but they also offer answers about our ultimate fate as human beings.
To begin , I apologize for possible grammatical error , Know that I am a French author who publishes in English , to broadcast to as many people the truth about our history that is lost in the maze of time and which was also hidden us.
Knowing YOUR history is vital, because it depends on your future…
In my last video I showed you, the Pyramids, the Bible and the Planet X, all three were related and that Planet X is indeed real.
Also recently, have troubling information was published in the Mainstream Media like the .washingtonpost.
Strangely there would be two Planet, as I explain in this article, and from the information given by the builders , planet x is 9450 km in diameter.
In a previous version of my article ” The return of Planet X “, I revealed his return date and I explained that the dimensions of the pyramid of Khafre ( Planet X ) brought out the number 666 and thus that this planet was the beast of the Apocalypse.
I deliberately suppressed this passage because the archaeological evidence unfortunately were destroyed and that my hypothesis was easily contestable
Knowing that all I have is authentic reveals you and so consistent, I was able to find another way to prove it, that it is mathematical and therefore easily verifiable.
A little riddle …
As you know , the Cubits ” Star ” are symbolized by geometric figure : square, circle and triangle Look for “ Keys Of The Pyramid “
In your opinion, what is the geometric symbol that builders have used to symbolize Planet X ?
Solution :
Cubit Planet X = 0.91
0.91 corresponds to two cubits Earth ( [ 0.40 + 0.51 ] / 2 = 0.455 ), so two triangles
Knowing that Px almost the same mass as the Earth (see the pyramids appearance ) , so we can symbolize Px with two triangles .
The Hexagram is the geometric figure for Planet X.
In my book, my proofs were found in the Temple of Solomon, and with the Seal of Solomon who symbolizes Planet X, This is again confirmed…
As this symbol carries with it the number 666 , explained by many authors ( like here ) , Planet X is therefore linked to the number 666 .
Knowing that Px is symbolized by the Lion, so a beast :
Planet X is the Beast of the Apocalypse.
But there is an other beast (entity) which carries this number too, that of Solomon (again) with its 666 talents of silver – Printing money, Banking system, Goldman Sachs – ( Author P.Jovanovic) or VICARIVS FILII DEI ( Author unknown )
Apocalypse of St. John
”And he had power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. For it is a human number, and his number is six hundred and sixty to six. “
My job ends here, the second Beast is not my responsibility.
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Incredible Images From 1958 Show Mind Boggling UFO Over Mexico
Incredible Images From 1958 Show Mind Boggling UFO Over Mexico
According to a set of images released in Mexico, one of the best recorded UFO sightings took place in Colima, Mexico, in 1958. Reports state that Javier Torres and Alejandro Dueñas took the images while driving from Colima to Guadalajara. The mysterious disc-shaped object flew above them as they were taking pictures of the surrounding landscape. The four-image sequence is considered as one of the best pieces of evidence of UFOs on Earth.
The images which are beyond fascinating according to ufologists depict a classical flying saucer, which, according to many, could have been very similar to the mysterious disc-shaped object that crashed into Roswell a decade earlier.
Jaime Mausan, a renowned Ufologist from Mexico states that these images are a true historical treasure. The images have already been categorized as the best pieces of evidence of Unidentified Flying Objects in Mexico.
Ms. Carolina Estrada, the current owner of the images said the following in an interview:
These photographs were taken on the highway Colima-Guadalajara on the shortest route, the images were taken by a renowned photographer from Colima named Javier Torres in the company of Alejandro Dueñas, they were headed to Guadalajara when they stopped in order to take a couple of images of the scenery when they saw a UFO about 40 meters from them and decided to take some photographs of it. According to reports, the mysterious flying saucer traveled at incredible speed across the sky, Javier Torres took advantage at the moment the UFO made an abrupt stop and managed to photograph it while the mysterious flying saucer remained floating in the air.
Ufologists around the world believe that these images undoubtedly prove that extraterrestrial visitation have occurred in the distant past, and continue to do so in the present
Mexico is well known for having numerous UFO sightings across the country. Their most famous volcano, the Popocatepetl is considered by many as an enigmatic natural formation which attracts hundreds of UFOs each year, some of them have even flown into the volcano.
Similar UFOs have been identified around the globe by different people who claim to have seen objects that resemble the flying-saucer Javier Torres and Alejandro Dueñas photographed over Colima.
As far as Ufologists are concerned, these images prove that UFOs are not a modern-day phenomenon and are not, in any case, an isolated event as some skeptics suggest.
While looking at the images, Ufologists state that we can clearly observe how the light reflects from the objects suggesting it had to be metallic in nature. In one of the images of the mysterious objects, we can clearly see numerous small ‘windows’ along the border of the UFO.
Check out the video of the report and let us know what you think about these incredible images which are, according to ufologists one of the best pieces of evidence of UFOs in decades.
Local citizens said that within minutes the UFO, which made no sound, suddenly changed its position, which caused spectacular maneuvers by the two military craft.
At one point the UFO disappears at high rate speed leaving both fighter jets behind.
Note: This 'flying saucer' situation is not imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. They are real and flying around.
However, in my opinion, this UFO is not a craft piloted by aliens it’s more likely a man-made secret project UFO and piloted by black-ops pilots.
Whether it is a UFO from outer space or it is a man-made the images below are strong evidence of the UFO phenomenon.
The Insectothopter was a miniature unmanned aerial vehicle developed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency’s research and development office in the 1970s. The Insectothopter was the size of a dragonfly, and was hand-painted to look like one. It was powered by a small gasoline engine to make the wings move and was fueled by a very small amount of gas. The project was abandoned when the Insectothopter was found to be too difficult to control in crosswinds.
The CIA produced and released the below video, and FOIA requests are currently being processed for additional documented
Des scientifiques australiens de l’Université de Nouvelles Galles du Sud ont découvert une potentielle planète habitable. Nommée Wolf 1061c, la planète se trouve à 14 années lumière (environ 132 454 milliards de kilomètres) de la Terre. Ce qui fait d’elle la planète habitable la plus proche de nous. La planète, découverte en 2013, vient seulement de révéler tous ses secrets. Pour les scientifiques, de la vie étrangère pourrait donc exister, bien plus proche de notre planète que ce que l’on pensait auparavant. La découverte se base sur les observations collectées par le télescope de l’Observatoire Européen austral au Chili.
Les astronomes décrivent cette planète comme étant incroyablement proche de la Terre. Même s’il faudrait 60 000 années à l’homme pour y accéder et qu’elle est 100 fois trop pâle pour pouvoir être détectée à l’œil nu. Car par rapport à la taille de l’Univers, cette distance est infime.
La planète, qui possède quatre fois la masse de la Terre, est l’un des trois corps en orbite autour de Wolf 1061, une étoile naine rouge découverte au siècle dernier. Cette planète est en orbite dans la zone « Goldilocks », la zone habitable dans laquelle de l’eau liquide et de la vie pourraient exister. Les astronomes pensent que Wolf 1061c possède les critères nécessaires à l’apparition de la vie. Ils l’étudieront plus en détail dans les prochains mois quand elle sera en orbite proche de la Terre. Pour le moment, une vingtaine de planètes sont susceptibles d’abriter de la vie. Le problème est qu’elles se trouvent en général à plusieurs centaines d’années-lumière, ce qui les rend difficile à observer.
Taking the late Bob White's account at face value, he and a friend found this strange lump of metal near a remote highway in isolated America after an apparent UFO sighting.
It was discovered at the location where they claimed to see a multi-coloured object fall out of a huge ball of light as it ascended upwards into the sky.
As a result of the strangeness of what became known as Bob White's UFO artefact, coupled with the description of how he found it, the object has been branded "not just the smoking gun evidence" for aliens, but "the bullet", by UFO believers ever since.
Mr White has sworn that in 1985 he was asleep while a companion drove him through remote areas between Grand Junction, Colorado and the Utah border.
It was two or 3am when his friend awake him a second time to say the light in the sky they saw before was getting bigger.
His account remained steadfast until his death in 2009.
He said: "The light was about the size of a full harvest moon.
"As we got closer, it grew larger.
"When we were a few hundred yards from it, I turned off the ignition and we coasted up close to it.
"It was huge, the size of a very big barn. I got out of the car for a better look.
"For some unknown reason, Jan turned on the headlights, and this light went up in the sky as fast as my eyes could follow it.
"Then I saw another small light, bright orange with a tinge of yellow, white, and blue falling from it.
" Mr White said he climbed an incline and headed for where he thought it would have landed.
He said: "I found a groove in the ground about 18 inches deep and nine inches wide.
"I followed the groove and there it lay.
"It was still glowing."
Then I saw another small light, bright orange with a tinge of yellow, white, and blue falling from it.
For the next 11 years he claimed to hide the object away for fear of any declaration damaging a career in the entertainment business.
Then in 1996 he began telling his story and spent the next 13 years trying to get the metal object recognised as an historic discovery.
He toured UFO conferences, had the object sent for scientific analysis, and even set up the Museum of the Unexplained in Reeds Spring, Missouri, to house it and other curious objects.
After 13 laboratory tests it was confirmed the discovery was a solid centred aluminium alloy.
Across all the tests, 33 elements were all know to be found on Earth were identified, but no two labs gave the exact same results.
None concluded that it could only be of extra terrestrial origin, but it was said that some of its isotopic ratios matched those found in meteorites found on Earth
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Extraterrestrials and Other Governmental Cover-ups!
Extraterrestrials and Other Governmental Cover-ups!
By Dr. Joshua David Stone, Ph. D.
One of the areas of very great interest of mine over the last five years has been the area concerning the extra terrestrial involvement with our planet over the Earth’s history. This area of focus could probably take a thousand books to cover and would probably not even cover the surface of the topic. I will attempt to give you a brief overview of this subject.
It is a very interesting phenomenon that a great many very devoted and spiritual people have very little knowledge, of the extraterrestrial involvement on Earth. It will be my attempt to give some of the basics in this chapter.
First off, God’s infinite universe is filled with extraterrestrial life. It is the height of egotism to think that we would be the only life forms in God’s infinite universe. Extraterrestrials have been visiting us since the beginning of time. In the chapter on Creation, in my first book, I mentioned the electrical wars in Pre-Lemurian times. Later I mentioned in Atlantis and Egypt how extraterrestrials visited in great numbers. If people had any idea how much extraterrestrial activity has been going on in the past and in our present they would be amazed.
In Atlantis they helped with crystal technologies and in building the “Great Crystal”, which was the power source for the entire civilization of Atlantis. The extraterrestrials have come from our galaxy and other more distant galaxies. It is important at this point to say that I believe from the guidance I have received that “95%” of all extraterrestrial contact with the Earth is of a “positive nature”. Most of the civilizations are far beyond ours in technological and spiritual advancement. One of the basic laws they follow is that of respecting our free choice and never interfering unless they have been asked for help.
One of the reasons there have been so many sightings of UFOs is that we, on this planet, have moved into a fourth dimensional consciousness, and into sacred status as a planet, and this is a solar event. Each of the planets of our solar system could be likened to a chakra of the sun or of the Being that ensouls the solar system, whose name is Helios. When one chakra goes through a major transformation it affects all the other chakras. The extraterrestrial are aware of this transformation which the Earth is going through and are very interested in watching it and helping us move to the New Age.
Many of the great advancements in Earth’s evolution have come from extraterrestrial help. One important thing to understand is that not all extraterrestrials have a human-looking appearance. Our particular kind of physical body is called the “Adam Kadmon” type. There are many other types of bodies that God has created.
Also let it be known that in past lives when we have incarnated on other planets we have inhabited some of these bodies ourselves. We need to get beyond our egotistical attachment to this particular human form and realize that we are part of a galactic, universal and cosmic family of intelligent life forms. Most of them are far more advanced than our civilization.
One of the reasons that they are not more overt in visiting our planet and just making a landing on the White House lawn in full public view is that we, as a planet, have been too war-like. We have made some advancement technologically, but spiritually we have been a backwards planet.
The Negative Extraterrestrials and the Dark Brotherhood
This brings me to the subject which is the negative extraterrestrials. As I have already mentioned, at least 95% of all the extraterrestrials involvement on this planet is of a very “positive nature”. The five percent who are negative, though, are very negative. It is part of my purpose in writing this chapter to make you aware of what is actually going on behind the scenes. The information I will share with you in this chapter has been confirmed over and over again from both earthly and spiritual sources. Some of the things I share with you may even shock some of you. However, I ask you to keep reading and keep an open mind, for I believe it is absolutely imperative for the people of the United States and the world to wake up.
Negative extraterrestrials were part of the fall of Atlantis and have been trying to control this planet and its people since the beginning of recorded time. In God’s infinite universe there are always two forces. Those that serve the Law of One and those that serve more egotistical, selfish, fear-based principles. This is true for us on Earth. It is true for the extraterrestrials.
By becoming aware of these egotistical factions we are less likely to be controlled by them. The purpose of this entire book and of this chapter is to make you aware of what is going on behind the scenes so you can become even more empowered than you already are. We cannot solve a problem until we know what the problem is.
The problem, in its core essence, probably goes back to the Dark Brotherhood. The Dark Brotherhood is an organization much like the Great White Brotherhood, of spiritual hierarchy. The only problem is that these beings are working for a plan that is antithetical to God’s Divine Plan. In a sense these beings, both in the spiritual state and on the material plane, have a plan that serves their selfish interests rather than God’s Plan which is for the good of everyone.
This dark force and brotherhood is nothing to fear, for as long as you own your power and don’t walk around on automatic pilot, they cannot affect you or harm you in any way. The problem is that a great many souls on this planet don’t own their power and aren’t attuned spiritually. They take drugs, and drink too much alcohol, and don’t realize who they are, and why they are here. Their lives are focused on hedonism and materialism and all these things leave them vulnerable to the influences of dark forces. The negative extraterrestrials are obviously influenced by this dark separative, egotistical, fear-based part of themselves. They have evolved technologically which can be seen by their flying saucers. However they have not evolved spiritually. They are forcing their will upon the people of the planet Earth. They are breaking what the TV show Star Trek called the “Prime Directive” of noninterference and respecting of a free choice.
Before going into a much greater explanation of this whole process it is necessary to explain one other group that has played and continues to play a pivotal role in this whole drama, and that is a group of men on this planet who make up what I call the “Secret Government” or “Illuminati”.
The Secret Government
There are a group of men in this world who, because of their lack of attunement to their own souls, have in a sense, been taken over by the Dark Brotherhood. These men have been taken over by selfishness, greed, and power, and are attempting to control the United States and the world at large to suit their own deluded, materialistic values. These men have no respect for the United States government or any government on this planet.
Their basic game is to control the world to serve their own interests and values, which are clearly selfish to the core. We hear of occasional scandals where they are caught, however the world as a whole does not realize the extent of their power and ruthlessness.
Some of the scandals that are attributed to this group are: The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, Watergate, Contragate, Iraqgate, the Savings and Loan debacle, the total control of the banking system, the control of the CIA, and the control of most of presidents and governments of the Unites States. They have financed a great many of their illegal projects through the CIA by selling drugs. This Secret Government is known by many names, some of which are the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, and The Olympians. They are in essence, representatives or instruments of the Dark Brotherhood on Earth. A lot of these men are of great financial wealth and hold positions of great political power. At the end of this chapter I have provided a diagram of some of the people involved. Some of the names of these people will strike familiar cords. It is time for the American people to wake up and reclaim their power and take back their government.
I am happy to say that one giant step has been taken with George Bush, Dan Quail, and James Baker being voted out of office. James Baker and George Bush were very high up in the Secret Government organization. It is not the purpose of this book to spend too much time focusing on this aspect, except as it relates to the extraterrestrial situation. For now, I would like to focus on the modern history of the extraterrestrial movement and how the Secret Government has perpetrated the greatest cover-up in the history of this planet. The most mind-boggling thing of all is that they have been, for the most part, successful.
The Modern History of the Extraterrestrial Movement
The UFO movement really began in 1936 when Nazi Germany recovered a crashed UFO. They had their top scientists working to copy and understand this technology. When the allied forces invaded Germany, this entire project and technology was discovered and sent shock waves through the United States government.
In the 1940s there was a great increase in extraterrestrial activity. The single most important event was probably the Roswell crash. The Roswell crash occurred on July 7, 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico. A UFO crashed and the bodies of four dead aliens were found. The corpses were of a smallish size, with large heads, basically reptilian in appearance. This again sent shock waves through the powers that be.
Between 1947 and 1952 the United States Government obtained at least 16 crashed or downed alien UFO crafts and 65 alien bodies. One live alien was recovered.
An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948, on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1949, in White Sands, New Mexico. It was over 100 feet in diameter and a total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from the two crafts. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. This was coded as “Ultra Top Secret” because of the perceived panic that might occur if this information leaked out to the general public. During the early years the United States Air Force and the CIA controlled the alien secret. The CIA was originally formed by presidential executive order for the express purpose of dealing with this alien situation. The live alien that was found had been found wandering in the desert from the 1949 Roswell crash and was named “Ebe”. Ebe stands for extraterrestrial biological entity. Ebe had a tendency to lie and would only give answers to questions that he desired to answer.
“Ebe” began to open up more after the first year. In 1951 Ebe became ill. American doctors had no idea how to medically deal with Ebe because his system was chlorophyll-based and processed food into energy much the same as plants do. On June 2nd, 1952, Ebe died. The movie ET is based on the story of Ebe. In an attempt to save Ebe and to gain favor with this technologically superior race, the United States began broadcasting a call for help into vast regions of space.
President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. During Dwight Eisenhower’s first year in office, which was in 1953, at least 10 more discs were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live aliens. Eisenhower did not reveal the secret to the congress. Instead he turned to his friend and fellow member on the Council of Foreign Relations, (Secret Government) Nelson Rockefeller. Eisenhower and Rockefeller began secretly planning a secret group to supervise this alien situation. This group became known as the MJ12.
In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving towards the earth. At first it was believed they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be spaceships. Project SIGNA intercepted alien radio communications. Project SIGNA, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange face-to-face landings and contact with alien beings from another planet. The movie “Close Encounters” is a fictionalized version of this event. An alien was left with us after this meeting as a pledge that they would return and formalize a treaty.
This initial group of aliens were from Zeta Reticuli and have often been referred to as the “greys”. They are very small in stature, about four or five feet tall. They looked nothing like human beings of the Adam Kadmon style as we are used to. They had big heads, more almond shaped eyes and long arms.
In the meantime a race of humanoid aliens landed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida, and successfully communicated with the US government. This group warned us of this alien race that was orbiting the equator. They were warning us of the ’greys’, and a reptilian extraterrestrial race from Orion. The reptilian race has a reptilian-looking head with a humanoid-looking physical body.
The advanced positive humanoid-looking extraterrestrials offered to help us with all our technological and spiritual problems, however they had a requirement. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons. Our government refused. A third landing occurred at Edwards Air Force Base in 1954. The base was closed for three days and no one was allowed to enter or leave during that time. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day he was spirited off to the base. The excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist. Five UFO craft landed, and Eisenhower met with the aliens. All these landings were filmed. This alien group again was the greys or beings from Zeta Reticuli.
A formal treaty between the alien nation and the United States government was signed. We officially received our first ambassador from outer space who was the same being who stayed in the first landing. His name and title was His “Omnipotent Highness Krill”. The treaty basically stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on Earth a secret. They would furnish us with our advanced technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other nation on Earth.
They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purposes of medical examination and monitoring of our development. With the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, and would be returned to their point of abduction, and that they would have no memory of the event.
The greys were supposed to furnish the Majestic Twelve group with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regular scheduled basis. It was also agreed that each nation would receive the ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the alien nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel with the purpose of learning from each other. The alien guests would remain on Earth. The human guests would go to their planet and then return and then an exchange would take place. This was re-enacted in the movie “Close Encounters”. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the alien nation and that two bases would be constructed for joint use of the alien nation and the United States government. Exchange of technology would occur in the jointly-occupied bases. These alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservation in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and one in the Mojave Dessert near Yucca, California.
A secret military fund was put together to build 75 deep underground facilities. The excuse was that these were needed in case of nuclear war.
It became obvious by 1955 that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and broken the treaty. The Secret Government had basically sold out the American people without their permission. Abductions were occurring at hundreds of times the rate agreed upon. The records of these were not being provided. Animal mutilations were occurring all over the country. And there were reports of human mutilations occasionally happening also, although this was much rarer. It was also suspected that all abductees had not been returned.
The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with the greys and this later proved to be true. The greys were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood plasma and genetic experiments. The aliens said that this was necessary for their survival.
They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They said that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure, their race would soon cease to exist. I personally believe that this is true, however. The greys were also found to be impregnating human females and somehow causing an early termination of the pregnancies to secure a cross-breed of the infant. They were also implanting humans on Earth with both mechanical and non-mechanical implants for biological monitoring and tracking purposes.
It is hard to believe that the United States government has provided these clearly selfishly-oriented beings underground military bases all over this country. In a set of papers I obtained, called “The Dulce Papers”, it is said that over 18,000 greys live at the Dulce, New Mexico base alone. These papers say that the greys and the reptilian beings are in league with each other.
Some of the technology in these bases was provided by the greys and is way beyond the understanding of the United States government. There are apparently seven levels or more, with each level downward meeting a higher security clearance. In levels 6 and 7 are apparently nightmarish Frankenstein-type experiments going on, mixing human and animal genetics.
Some of the reports of things going on they are too disturbing to even mention in this book. Needless to say, what is going on is not in harmony with God’s Divine Plan. As time has gone on, the greys and reptilians have become more and more bold in doing whatever they please to serve their own purposes.
The United States government has delineated over 70 species of aliens trying to contact us. We have obtained and have in our possession over 40 flying saucer discs, many of which we have reproduced and are testing and flying ourselves. We have over 100 bodies of dead aliens.
Alternative 2 and Alternative 3
Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 are again secret programs of the “Secret Government” having to do with the colonization of the Moon and Mars. Alternative 2 was the program for the colonization of the Moon. This occurred long before our first official public landing on the Moon by astronaut Armstrong. [Correction of BVW’s Editor: Apolo 11 and subsequent “Landings” on the Moon were a total deceit filmed in Area 51.]
Long before this we had already engaged in a joint venture with the Soviet Union, had set up bases there which continue to exist to this day. There are also alien bases on the dark side of the Moon. There is also more gravity and atmosphere on the moon than we have been let to believe. For more information on this there is an excellent book by Fred Steckling which even has 125 NASA photographs blown up showing some of the strange things going on. [N. of E.: The book is called “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon”.]
The basic plan of the Alternative 2 program was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive in case of a nuclear holocaust on Earth.
Alternative 3 was a similar joint Soviet Union and United States plan to set up a similar colony on Mars. A space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment that could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on Mars began in earnest. This information was obviously not released to the American people.
This colonization went on for many, many years, however it is my understanding that this project has been abandoned for reasons unknown. Many of you may have seen some of the NASA pictures of Mars, showing previous alien civilizations. There is a clear picture of pyramids and a sculpted face that is beyond a shadow of a doubt created by some form of extraterrestrial intelligence.
There was apparently an Alternate 1 plan that had to do with the idea of using nuclear devices to blast holes in the stratosphere to let the greenhouse heat and pollution escape. This plan was abandoned as ill advised by the scientists in charge. (Thank God!) Apparently part of this Secret Government plan was also to depopulate the Earth’s population. As part of this plan there was the implementation of birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to slow the growth of the Earth’s population.
The plague of AIDS was created by the United States government as a form of bacteriological warfare. It was purposely given to specifically selected targeted populations including blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. One of the ways they did this was to lace hepatitis vaccines with the virus. This was a bacteriological warfare experiment done on the people of the United States that has gone out of control. Another one of the great cover-ups of all times is that it can only be passed on through sexual involvement. From all the sources of information I have, this is blatantly false, and a lie, just as the World Health Organizations statement saying that the AIDS virus came from a monkey in Africa is. The AIDS virus can be passed in saliva. It is not a homosexual disease. Condoms don’t always protect you because the AIDS virus is so infinitesimally small. It has been proven that the AIDS virus can live in an open air Petrie dish for 10 to 14 days.
One of the things killing people faster than the aids virus is the present treatment for the AIDS virus. From the information I have received, AZT, the common drug for the AIDS virus is absolute poison to the human body and is killing people much faster than even AIDS itself.
Lastly, the biggest coverup of all is that there is no cure. People can and are being cured from AIDS. Hanna Kroeger, an herbalist from Colorado, has come up with a cure for AIDS and many other doctors dealing with energetic medicine and holistic medicine are having marvelous results.
The most important thing I can say in this entire book I will say right now. You are not a victim of AIDS. You are not a victim of the Dark Brotherhood. You are not a victim of the greys or reptilian race. And you are not a victim of your mind, emotions or physical body, or anything else in God’s infinite universe. You are God. God created you perfectly and has given you personal power and free choice.
The only effect that anyone or anything has on you is that effect you let it have on you. No alien can abduct you if you own your God-given power. The same principle applies across the board. You are not a victim of disease. There is no such thing as contagious diseases. This is another myth of the Dark Brotherhood. This applies to AIDS also. There are only people with low resistance.
If you eat well, exercise, get sunshine and fresh air, think right, and spiritualize your emotions, and stay attuned to God, and your own true identity as the Christ, the Buddha, the Atma, or the Eternal Self, nothing can touch you including AIDS.
The Secret Government and Politics
The one president that wasn’t under the hold of the Secret Government was John Kennedy. When he found out about a lot of the Secret Government activities he was planning to blow the whistle on some of them. This is why he was assassinated. If it isn’t an obvious fact to you already, his assassination was part of a widespread conspiracy of the Secret Government, as was Robert Kennedy’s death. Again the American people bought the story. It is amazing to me how the Secret Government is able to get away with the things they do.
One of the main ways the Secret Government has financed all their projects is through drug money. George Bush was one of the original people that were approached to help the CIA start their program of selling drugs. His former Secretary of State, James Baker is even higher up in the Secret Government ladder than George Bush was. George Bush, as you know later became the head of the CIA. The fact that these men and the entire corrupt staff have been voted out of office marks a great awakening for the American people, and the beginning of the end for the Dark Brotherhood’s reign of control according to Djwhal Khul.
The Secret Government or Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission are currently in complete control of the alien technology we have obtained and in complete control of the nation’s economy. Eisenhower was the last president to apparently have a complete overview of the alien problem. The complete nature of their control can be seen when even the presidents of the United States are often not told what is going on. Succeeding presidents have only been told what the Majestic Twelve wanted them to know.
These greedy selfish servants of the Dark Brotherhood must be stopped. It is time for the American people to fully wake up to what’s been going on and reclaim their government. The people who run the government are supposed to be the servants of the American people, not servants of their own selfish greedy interest. To take back our government, we must reclaim our power within ourselves and use our power to make changes in and on the earthly world. The time of living in a temple or a cave and just praying and meditating is over. We must bring Heaven to Earth. This is the Divine Plan. A great many spiritual people don’t take enough responsibility politically for changing the earthly institutions of this world. God’s Divine Plan is not to Ascend to God and forget about the Earth. God’s Divine Plan is to make Earth a heavenly place to live. This means changing the institutions and egotistical structures that have governed our planet. This will obviously be helped with the coming of the Lord Maitreya and the externalization of the Hierarchy that is now taking place.
“If we don’t own our power then someone else will.”
Again, however, it is not for them to do it. It is for us to do it, the common people. For we, in truth, are the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is time for us to claim our power and take action, and support our president and congressmen on all levels of government. If we don’t take an interest, then the only information they receive is from the greedy lobbyists whose only care is for their particular interest group. We need more spiritual people (politicians, lawyers, bankers, counselors, doctors, real estate agents, etc.) It is absolutely essential that we take responsibility now because if we abdicate our power, then we deserve what we are getting. If we don’t own our power then someone else will.
The seeds of this revolution were seen in this last presidential election with Ross Perot and Clinton. The American people have voted for a change. We, as the American people, must continue this change and momentum, and not fall back into passivity and automatic pilot. If we don’t own our power and take back our government then the Dark Brotherhood, the Secret Government, the negative extraterrestrials will!!!
Nikola Tesla
Another one of the great cover-ups of the Secret Government and the military industrial complex has been the inventions of Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors in the history of this planet. Recent channelings have said that he actually was an extraterrestrial who was brought here as a young child. The Tibetan foundation channelings say he was a soul extension of a great cosmic being known as Melchizedek. He was raised in Yugoslavia and came to the United States in early adulthood. The Secret Government has systematically tried to strike his name from our history books because they are so frightened of the public learning about his inventions.
Nikola Tesla was really a channel. Inventions would come to him in his mind in pictures and diagrams perfectly explained. He could create a prototype of his inventions right off the assembly line from what appeared to him in his consciousness. In his biography it was said that he was in telepathic communication with extraterrestrials. He was definitely here on a mission of service. The only problem is he ran into the Illuminati and selfish greedy men in the later 1800s and early 1900s that blocked the manifestation of his inventions.
One of his inventions that would have revolutionized this world was a small antenna that would have been attached to the top of every house, office building, shop and factory. This antenna would have supplied all the electricity they needed without meters or wires of any kind. This antenna tapped the limitless universal supply of cosmic energy. Then people like J.P. Morgan told him to forget the idea because there would be no way to make money off people. Tesla was blocked at his every turn. If this invention were implemented, just look at the money people would have saved, the lack of pollution that would be in the atmosphere, and the lack of need to fight wars in the Middle East over oil. This was far too threatening for the Secret Government and military industrial complex and the greedy power elite.
Tesla invented some sort of machine that could place an energy beam, or wall of light around the United States that could have prevented any country from creating war against us. He also built a machine that could be used for interplanetary communication. He invented a method to counteract gravity. He invented technology that could make planes and battleships undetectable by radar and actually disappear. He invented a system of alternating electrical current which far surpassed Edison’s inventions, however, was blocked again by the greedy powers that be.
Tesla has been said to have made over 1200 inventions. Tesla designed what he called the sphere. A powerless aircraft that could have rivaled the jets of 1958. In 1891, Tesla built a cosmic-ray engine, a free energy device, to utilize the cosmic rays. Tesla actually contacted spaceships on his interplanetary communication device.
With Tesla’s inventions all TV towers, telephone poles, towers and wires would not be required. His anti-war machine that created the wall of light would have made Reagan’s star wars project completely unnecessary. His antigravity machine would have allowed us to begin interplanetary travel, as the UFO’s we see, are able to do.
Nikola Tesla was a total humanitarian and selfless servant for mankind. Can you imagine what this world would be like if the government and powers that be used his inventions? The only real use of his inventions and technology has been by the military industrial complex for warfare purposes which was not Tesla’s intention.
This is only one example of how the Secret Government and greedy industrialists prevent this world from evolving. What happened to Tesla is happening every day of the year to inventors even now. We hear in the news about some car that gets 200 miles to the gallon, or runs on water, or runs on solar energy, and the car and oil companies buy the patents and somehow prevent it from ever coming about.
Do you ever wonder why more of what I am telling you doesn’t come out on the television? Well, guess who owns the three main television networks. You guessed right. Members of the Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations. Any time a controversial story surfaces, the powers that be go into action to stifle it.
Other Governmental Cover-ups
One of the most disturbing governmental cover-ups to me personally is the systematic conscious effort by the Secret Government, Illuminati, and Dark Brotherhood, to poison the American people. First of all we have this enormous amount of canned, processed, frozen foods that fill 90% of our supermarkets that are filled with chemicals, and preservatives that are poisonous to the human body.
Then on every street corner is a fast food restaurant filled with these same chemicals that systematically and gradually poison the liver and weaken the immune system. Our produce is then covered with pesticides. Our air is polluted from lack of strict environmental controls over cars and factories.
We have ripped a gapping hole in the ozone level which causes certain rays from the sun to enter our atmosphere that is not healthy to the human body. [N. of E.: This article was written circa December 1993 after recently George H. W. Bush had lost the presidential race against Bill Clinton. For a long time and back then it was thought that the blocking of the sun and cosmic rays by the ozone layer was good. However, in the article about stasis Christ Michael revealed in March of 2007 that during this stasis period the Galactic Federation will remove the ozone layer so that the photonic energy can enter into the planet which is a requirement for Ascension. In the article Christ Michael Update on the Coming Changes, at , it reads: “…Of special importance will be the removal of the ozone layer. You do not need this layer, it is not important to life. Those that have been exposing that destruction to the ozone layer is somehow bad, are working to prevent its loss because they know that having it impedes the photons’ coming to Earth from the photon belt. The reason behind the hole in the ozone is not due to aerosol spray cans. It is do primarily to an awakening Earth and it needs to be gone. The ozone layer began to build up rapidly as you entered your industrial age and is mostly the result of pollution. The “hole” in it allows pollution to leave. So in removing it, some of your pollutants that rise upwards will drift away. We will also be removing pollutants…. Now you are going to have some problems however with the removal of the ozone layer. The photon belt will then do its work that it is intended to do, cleanse the Earth. Its purpose is to remove those DNA patterns that are not in the best of interests. It makes all things new.” Read also the article Stasis 101 at]. They put mercury fillings into our teeth which are absolutely poisonous to the human body. Mercury is an extraordinarily toxic substance to the human body and usually within ten or fifteen years the fillings can begin to crack and this toxic substance is leaked into the physical body.
In Los Angeles, and I am sure in other cities, they spray Malathion to get rid of the medfly. It is such a toxic substance that the nights they spray, the entire city has to cover their cars with a car cover because the Malathion will actually take the paint off your car. Yet that incredible advocate for the American people, the FDA says it is not harmful to the human physical body. It will take the paint off your car but won’t poison the physical body. A process like this is systematically destroying the immune systems of an entire city. Then to make matters worse, in many cities they fluoridate our water supply because they say it helps prevent tooth decay in children. Fluorine is poisonous to the human physical body.
Then to continue this story they vaccinate our children which the average mother and father thinks is an incredible service the government is doing, which, in fact, is just the opposite. The vaccinations continue to break down the immune system. Then the children are fed and given all kinds of sugar at school which continues the process of immune system weakening.
Then because we have not used inventions like Nikola Tesla’s there are incredible amounts of electrical power lines in our homes and cities which have a much more negative effect on the physical body than people realize. People are getting serious illness from sitting in front of computers all day. Police officers are getting cancer from using the police radar guns. This is why there have been recent inventions like the Tesla watch, which is another invention of Nikola Tesla. It protects an individual from these low-grade electrical magnetic frequencies.
There is an entire new field of technology called radionics and psychotronics which ideally uses machines to send oneself positive currents of energy for healing purposes. This, of course, has been stifled by the government and the AMA, and instead this technology is being used by the Pentagon and war machine in both the United States and the Soviet Union for warfare purposes. They use these types of machines and actually build gigantic towers to send negative electrical frequencies of energy to destroy individuals and groups of people. This type of warfare is very insidious because the people being attacked cannot even see they are being attacked. This, unfortunately, is the warfare technology of the future which is being developed now and must be stopped.
The Secret Government and Illuminati have no respect for the environment. All they care about is power and money, so they allow our environment to be systematically destroyed which continues to destroy the health of the American people and the people of this world. The ocean, rivers, and lakes are polluted.
We allow deforestation of the rain forests and the forests in the United States. This deforestation all over the world which is screwing up the oxygen balance on the planet. We are also causing a green house reaction to occur from the burning of all the fossil fuels which aren’t really needed.
Then the minds of our children and ourselves are being systematically poisoned by all the violence and low life activity on television, which poisons our minds, emotions, and physical bodies.
The newest plan of the Federal Drug Administration is to irradiate our food. What this means is that they are already shooting radioactivity at our fruits and vegetables and other foods to kill microorganisms. The only problem is that radiation is the single most poisonous substance to the human body in God’s infinite universe.
The Secret Government loves this idea for it is a way for the Department of Energy to get rid of their radioactive waste. To add insult to injury it has been decreed by the FDA that irradiated food does not require labeling. In those cases where it does have to be labeled, all they are required to do is print a sweet-looking flower symbol with the heading “Pico Wave”.
The Dark Brotherhood has such a hold on our health system that there is even legislation on the docket now that is planning to take away our right to buy vitamins, minerals, and herbs in health food stores without a doctor’s prescription. Another one of the major blunders of the FDA was the allowing of NutraSweet on the market. This low-calorie sweetener’s scientific name is Aspartame. Dr. Woodrow Monte, head of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory at Arizona State University says about NutraSweet: “If you tried to design a food additive that could cause problems for humans, you’d have to try real hard to design one as bad as aspartame.” He continues to say, “This stuff is a drug, but is being used as a food additive.”
On Fluoridation of Water
Dr. Robert Harris, Professor of Biochemistry of Nutrition, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says, “Fluorine is a toxic element… which has been shown to interfere with important processes in the body.” Dr. Charles T. Betts, D.D.S. states, “Fluorine is a poison which is cumulative in the body, similar to radium. No antidote is known.”
In regard to all the health-related statements I have made in this chapter, I don’t claim to be a medical doctor and for legal purposes I will say that these things I have said are just my personal opinion and you should consult your holistically-oriented medical doctor in all cases. However, as a “concerned citizen”, I believe that if you research for yourself what I have been saying, in my opinion, you will find it all to be true.
The Secret Government and Illuminati have taken the power and control because we have given it to them. The American people’s power can be seen in the last presidential election. The power of the people can be seen in the Soviet Union and Germany bringing an end to communism.
People are waking up now. The time is now. We must, in mass consciousness, wake up from our apathy, laziness, and indolence in these matters. The first step is knowing the problem. This has been clearly stated. The second step is being part of the solution. What is the solution? The solution is manifold: One is to talk about these things with people, to raise consciousness, to support our political leaders, to write letters to our congressman and senators and legislators, to vote, to give money to causes we support. It is to write books or give lectures, to educate people. to pray, affirm and visualize what we want to happen. It is to take action in any way we are guided. No person can do everything, however God has given each of us a gift and part of the puzzle to fulfill.
The Philadelphia Experiment
One other of the great cover-ups by the United States government was another invention of Nikola Tesla, which was used in a secret military program called “The Philadelphia Experiment”. The Philadelphia Experiment began as an experiment by the US. Navy in achieving “radar invisibility” for its battleships against the Japanese and Nazi’s during World War II. Some of the greatest scientific minds in the world were involved in this experiment including Albert Einstein and Tesla.
They did a test run experiment on an empty battleship and the experiment not only provided invisibility from radar, but the ship actually disappeared from view completely from the physical eye. The US Navy was very excited about this and immediately wanted to put real Naval personnel on the ship for the next experiment. Nikola Tesla was dead set against this and he turned out to be right. The ship disappeared and returned, however many of the crew members had burst into flames, and were actually frozen into the steel structures of the ship itself. Many of the other men went insane. We were dealing with a technology that we had no business dealing with yet. According to Al Bielek, (one of the crew members), the ship was actually transported in time and space to a grassy area to the Montauk Army Base on Long Island. The year was 1983. To Al Bielek’s account a UFO craft was sucked along with the battleship and was later dismantled there.
The navy tried one more experiment even after these disastrous results. However, this time again without a personnel. Once again the battleship, Eldridge, completely disappeared without even a waterline to mark its invisible presence. When it finally reappeared to physical vision the ship was damaged and half of its equipment was “missing”. The powers that be, pronounced that they had had enough of such experiments.
I have told of this account to just make you aware of some of the technologies the government is working with that are totally hidden from the American people. It is time for the American people to really know what is going on behind the scenes, instead of being treated like sheep. The ability to make a gigantic battleship completely disappear and teleport through time and space and return again is quite extraordinary. If this technology could ever be truly understood without harming the people involved, and placed in the hands of spiritual scientists, rather than the military, some of the possibilities and potentials are mind boggling. Many of the UFO space crafts are able to travel such long distances in such a short period of time, using technologies such as this.
The Secret Government and a Staged Alien Attack
There is one last scenario that many UFO researchers have uncovered that Djwhal Khul has confirmed to be a potential, which has to do with a “staged” alien invasion. The reason for this is that with the end of the cold war and communism, it has left us without an enemy.
There is no longer a reason to build weapons. There is no longer a reason to let the CIA and FBI have free reign in their Secret Government activities. There is no longer a reason to take away our rights and manipulate and control the people as they have been doing. They no longer have a reason to keep us in fear. If they can’t keep us in fear, they can’t control us in the same way.
The Secret Government, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, is very frightened of the prospects of peace, and certainly a world of spirituality, and the New Age movement. Their area of expertise is domination, control, manipulation, exploitation, and deceit. One idea they are tossing around that has been uncovered is to stage a fake alien invasion to create a new enemy. The panic that will be created will allow them to continue their illegal activities under the guise of a world crisis.
The Secret Government is also very frightened of the good aliens which make up at least 95% of all alien activity. This above mentioned idea may be a little more difficult with Bill Clinton and Al Gore as president. It would have been much easier with George Bush as president. This could be a last desperate attempt for them to stay in power, because on some level, I think they realize that the world is changing much faster than they can control.
I think they unconsciously realize that their reign of terror may soon be coming to an end. Even though this may be the case, do not underestimate their desperate attempts to remain in power. It is an “absolute fact” that they murdered John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. And every other president who has crossed them has either been assassinated or there has been assassination attempt. I have a video tape that I got from Bill Cooper that “clearly shows” that the man driving the car that John Kennedy was riding in, killed Kennedy. It is as plain as day. You can see the gun and him shooting it.
These are desperate men who will do anything to stay in power. Their reign of terror will be coming to an end as we move into the New Age. Please be on the look out for their deception.
The Secret Government and Trilateral Commission are also very frightened of the positive extraterrestrials. They are quite aware of their desire for a more loving and spiritual society free of nuclear weapons and so on. They realize that if the positive extraterrestrials get the public’s attention this means the end of their power. This is another reason they are covering up what is really going on and another reason why they may try to stage a fake invasion, to try to stigmatize all alien contacts as being negative.
I want to end this chapter by saying that there is, in reality, no way the Secret Government and Illuminati can ultimately stay in power too much longer. There are too many spiritual forces at work that make their destiny inevitable, yet this doesn’t mean that we can be passive and wait until it happens. They will be removed when we collectively awaken to the need to do so.
Channelings of Vywamus on the Subject of Negative Aliens and the Secret Government
One of the finest channels on the planet, before she recently Ascended, was Janet McClure, the founder of the Tibetan Foundation. In my research I came across a channeling she did in Sedona Arizona on August 31, 1989, which was published in a wonderful magazine called “Emergence! A Journal for the Golden Age”, published in Sedona, Arizona. In this article Vywamus said some amazing things and confirmed many things I had found elsewhere in my research.
He confirmed that there are only about 5% of extraterrestrials that are causing problems. Of this 5% many have been scientists who have no understanding of their emotional body. This type of invasion which Earth has been experiencing, He said, has occurred seven or eight different times in the history of our planet. Humanity has always won out, usually because of help from the Higher Forces.
He said another very interesting thing about the Secret Government and Trilateral Commission. He said that 95 individuals are controlling our planet. They live all over the world and usually are connected to wealthy families of long standing. They are also connected to great banking conglomerates and great holding companies. These 95 people and their families are also connected into 35 other planets. What this means is that the Trilateral Commission, in a sense is not just on this planet, but is a galactic problem.
The negative extraterrestrials are not very well united as a group, and this makes them a lot easier to deal with. The fact that they are run by their negative ego makes them very fragmented, and most concerned with their own self interest, which will be the thing that causes their fall. There are only a couple of planets, however, that has real power into the Earth.
Vywamus refers to them as not black or white, but more like gray in terms of their psychological make-up. What this means is that they have a whole range of mixed intentions. It is interesting that Vywamus should use this expression given that the Zeta Reticuli beings are often referred to as the grays.
Vywamus also confirmed that the CIA and this power structure do control the selling of drugs and use the money for the underground bases and Secret Government activities. Vywamus also said that the negative extraterrestrial invasion didn’t begin in 1947 with the Roswell crashed flying saucer. He said it has been going on for 500 years. 1947 is just when the United States discovered actual proof.
Another fascinating insight to this alien situation is that the grays, who are having all the physical health problems, are sick because they come from another “universe”. Vywamus termed it that they are “wearing the energy from another universe.” Apparently you can’t just change universes because each universe has its own unique source and energy matrix.
Vywamus says that these beings could be helped by Spiritual Masters from the Galactic Core, or by healers on Earth who allow Masters from the Galactic Core to work through them to change their energy matrix. Vywamus has been amazed that they have been able to survive as long as they have.
Vywamus also said that there used to be a physical civilization on Mars that has now departed. He also confirmed that we, on Earth, did have a base on Mars. He also confirmed that the Secret Government and their henchmen actually kidnapped people and forced them to go to Mars and work on this project. The information on Alternative Three is all totally true. The colony has been dismantled in recent times, however. One other interesting piece of information from Brian Grattan, who wrote “The Mahatma Book” is that he says the anti-Christ is on the planet and he is approximately 34 years old (1993) and he is an “Arab” This is not surprising when you look at two of the most recent anti-Christs (Saddam Hussein, Khomeini). He will apparently look like a savior at first, however once he gets power he will be one of the worst that this world has ever known. He will not win, however, because the Earth is moving into the status of a sacred planet and becoming forth-dimensional. It has become much too advanced. There is such an enormous influx of spiritual energy occurring on this planet that their doom is inevitable.
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The Chilean Abduction
The Chilean Abduction
Source: APRO, July, 1977
Summary:"You don't know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon." These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 mintues previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile.
"You don't know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon." These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 mintues previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile. The date was April 25, 1977 and the time about 4:00 AM. Putre is 50 air miles ENE of Arica, a larger city in Chile.
Corporal Valdes was in charge of a patrol on routine assignment near Putre in the early morning hours of April 25, 1977. He and his six-man patrol were sitting around a campfire alongside a wall of stones and mud at the secret army post of Pampa Lluscuma. They were talking and singing quite a while to stay awake. Two of the men kept watch several feet away. About four in the morning one of the men. Private Rosales, ran back to Valdes to report that two bright violet lights had landed, one of which was in sight and illuminated the whole area. The light approached closer. Valdes ordered his men to cover up their fire with blankets. The violet light with a red spot at each end withdrew and then returned closer. The patrol was terrified.
There was no sound with the UFO motion. The Chilean high plateau was amazingly silent. Corporal Valdes stated "after praying to God and ordering the light to leave . . . after demanding that it identify itself, I moved a few meters away from my men." The corporal moved toward the object. He disappeared for some 15 minutes. When he reappeared, he was shaking and his voice seemed different. The light had been illuminating the whole area. As Corporal Valdes reappeared he was heard to utter the words at the beginning of this article. He then became unconscious and was attended by his fellow men till he awoke some two hours later. The UFO also disappeared about this time.
While the unconscious Corporal Valdes was assisted by his patrol, his men made another strange observation. They saw that Valdes had a beard growth equivalent to several days without shaving. He had been well shaven before the incident. As Valdes awoke he exclaimed, "I don't remember anything from the moment I left you." He then ordered, "Get ready to leave because it's 4:30 in the morning. It was actually about 7 AM. His calendar watch had stopped at 4:30 but the date was five days advanced - to the 30th instead of the 25th.
These are the bizarre circumstances in the case. Many of the details were related some two hours after the incident to Pedro Araneda, a correspondent and lecturer. The presence of UFOs are not a surprise to Corporal Valdes. He, as well as others in the interior of Chile near Arica, often see luminous UFOs moving about the skies. Valdes states, "The surprising thing was the way it approached us. As soldiers we are trained to deal with any situation. But this phenomenon didn't seem to have any logical explanation. I would like to regain my memory of those fifteen minutes. I would even like to submit to hypnosis to draw out information about what happened."
President and Commander in Chief Augusto Pinochet of Chile has prohibited further interviews with the soldiers. Medical, psychiatric and eventually hypnotic tests are planned for member of the patrol to confirm their stories. Meanwhile more sightings have occurred at Arica, Punta Arenas, Santiago, and other locations up and down the 2700 mile length of Chile. NASA and the University of Chile jointly operate a space tracking station north of Santiago, Chile. Officials of the station could offer nothing to elucidate the facts in this case. The time fact in this particular case - increased beard growth and accelerated clock time - are elements which make this case exceptional and worthy of further consideration.
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Vreemde ‘buitenaardse megastructuren’ rond ster kunnen niet worden verklaard door kometen
Vreemde ‘buitenaardse megastructuren’ rond ster kunnen niet worden verklaard door kometen
Het verhaal rond de vreemdste ster in het universum wordt nog vreemder. En ja, mogelijk zijn er aliens bij betrokken, meldt New Scientist.
De ster KIC 8462852 stelt astronomen al maanden voor een raadsel. Ze hebben een merkwaardige hoop objecten ontdekt die rond de ster draaien. Er zijn een aantal mogelijke verklaringen, van kometen tot ‘buitenaardse megastructuren’.
Uit een nieuwe analyse is gebleken dat de ster in de afgelopen 100 jaar steeds zwakker is geworden. Niemand heeft hier een verklaring voor. Volgens sommige astronomen zouden de waargenomen dipjes in het licht van de ster het gevolg kunnen zijn van grote kunstmatige structuren die om de ster cirkelen.
20 procent zwakker
In september concludeerde een team onder leiding van Tabetha Boyajian van de Yale-universiteit dat een grote kometenwolk de beste verklaring is voor de ongewone dipjes. Een maand later suggereerden Jason Wright van de Pennsylvania State University en zijn collega’s dat ‘buitenaardse megastructuren’ zoals satellieten verantwoordelijk zouden zijn voor de signalen.
Maar het mysterie wordt groter. Bradley Schaefer van de Louisiana State University heeft nu ontdekt dat de ster tussen 1890 en 1989 20 procent zwakker is geworden. Er zouden 648.000 kometen – met een doorsnee van 200 meter – voor nodig zijn om het verschil te kunnen verklaren. Niet erg aannemelijk dus, zei Schaefer.
Vreemd gedrag
De astronoom denkt dat zelfs hoogontwikkelde aliens niet in staat zouden zijn om iets te bouwen waarmee in 100 jaar tijd een vijfde van een ster kan worden afgedekt. “Er is geen twijfel over mogelijk dat KIC 8462852 zich vreemd gedraagt,” zei hij. “Iets moet daarvoor verantwoordelijk zijn.”
“Of we hebben iets over het hoofd gezien, of een theoreticus moet met een ander voorstel op de proppen komen,” besloot Schaefer. Zijn onderzoek staat op
Enkele dagen geleden vloog een Ierse software specialist met een Easyjet toestel terug van een vakantie in Oostenrijk naar Ierland.
Vanuit het vliegtuigraam zag hij opeens iets bijzonders en wereldwijd vragen mensen zich af wat deze man (en zijn collega’s) hebben gezien.
We leven in bijzondere tijden waarin dingen gebeuren die met eenvoudige logica niet zijn te verklaren.
De hiernavolgende gebeurtenis valt ongetwijfeld in die categorie.
Enkele dagen geleden vloog een Ierse IT specialist met de naam Nick O’Donoghue met een Easyjet toestel van Oostenrijk naar Cork in Ierland.
Toen het vliegtuig op een kruishoogte van 30.000 voet rustig boven de wolken vloog, zag Nick plots iets vreemds door het raam.
Hij pakte zijn camera en maakte er een aantal foto’s van.
Wat hij zag, was een reusachtig mensachtig figuur die als het ware over de wolken liep.
Dat de opname echt is, blijkt uit het volgende verhaal van Nick:
“Ik was op de terugweg van een ski-trip met twee collega’s in Oostenrijk. Ik zat bij het raam met twee collega’s naast mij”.
“Zij waren heel druk in gesprek en ik staarde wat uit het raam, zoals mensen dat doen in vliegtuigen. Opeens zag ik dit vreemde figuur in de verte en toen wij dichterbij kwamen, verdween het”.
“Ik vroeg de dames die naast mij zaten om ook te kijken of ik mij niet iets verbeelde. Ze waren ook heel erg verbaasd. Ik nam een aantal foto’s terwijl het vliegtuig dit figuur passeerde”.
“Het figuur was ongeveer twee minuten zichtbaar voordat het verdween en wel op een behoorlijke afstand. Voor mij zag het eruit als een Michelin poppetje, maar ik heb eerlijk gezegd geen flauw idee wat het is”.
En dat hebben wij ook niet. Mochten er lezers zijn die denken te weten wat Nick heeft gefotografeerd dan horen wij dat graag.
Opmerking Peter 2011 : Ik stel me persoonlijk wel vragen bij deze beelden en ga er van uit dat het een trucage foto is.. Waarom? Gezien de waarnemer een IT-specialist is, denk ik persoonlijk dat deze wel de capaciteiten bezit om zo'n foto te vervalsen. Gezien de internationale aandacht, wil ik dit artikel wel met jullie delen, oordeel zelf maar...
Bob White Alien Artifact That Fell Off Of A UFO, Video, UFO Sighting New
Bob White Alien Artifact That Fell Off Of A UFO, Video, UFO Sighting New
Date of sighting: 1985
Location of sighting: Grand Junction, Colorado, USA This artifact fallen from a UFO is one of the many pieces of mounting evidence in Colorado that the area near the mountains has an underground alien base. Many glowing objects have been recorded over those mountains. Even police and mayors have recorded them, news agencies publish videos of them, but still the secret where the UFOs come from remains a secret. Its obvious, its an underground base. The ground opens up and closes without even a trace of them traveling through it. Scott C. Waring
Knight Ridder Newspaper of Montana states:
06/22/04 By Steve Rock REEDS SPRING, Mo. — Bob White is convinced his story deserves a grand stage, that his most prized possession should be displayed before a national audience. It should draw tourists from all over the country, he figures, and be a major attraction for people who want to see an artifact that White swears was retrieved from a UFO in 1985. Instead, White's find is in tiny Reeds Spring in southwestern Missouri, secured in a locked display case at Museum of the Unexplained, a converted video-rental store that, during a recent morning, went more than three hours without a customer. White can't figure it out. All he wants to do is find some believers.
He wants people to quit snickering and looking at him as if he's crazy. He wants them to listen to his story, to take a hard look at his metallic artifact, to give him a chance. "This," White said, "is the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life." The odds are stacked against him. He and his partner at the museum, Robert Gibbons, have been rejected and ridiculed. White estimates he has spent more than $60,000 traveling to conferences, starting the museum, having the artifact tested and retested. And yet he forges on. "I'm 73 years old," White said. "I don't have much longer. "What I'd like to see before I'm gone is the national media get their heads out of their ... "
White paused, choosing his words carefully, "out of the sand. I'd like to see the national media and everybody else realize that what I have is real." Scientists theorize that the "UFO" lights that White said he encountered could have been nothing more than a meteorite, that his artifact could be space debris. Some scientists who have tested the object said there was nothing extraterrestrial about it. Ask White whether he believed in unidentified flying objects prior to 1985, and he scrunches up his nose. "Never," he said. "Not a bit. I was the biggest skeptic in the world." That all changed overnight. Here's how he remembers it: White and a friend were driving from Denver to Las Vegas on a desolate highway near the Colorado-Utah border. It was 2 or 3 a.m., he said, and White was sleeping in the passenger seat. At one point, his friend woke him up and pointed out a strange light in the distance. White didn't think much of it and went back to sleep. Then his friend woke him up again. This time, White said, the lights were blinding. He got out of the car and stared, dumbfounded. The object was about 100 yards in front of him, he said, "and it was huge ... absolutely huge." In time, he said, the lights bolted toward the sky and connected with a pair of neon, tubular lights — "the mother ship," White guesses now.
And just like that, he said, the entire contraption zipped eastward through the Colorado sky and disappeared. "What I saw," White said, "was not of this Earth." As the craft flew away, White said, he noticed an orange light falling to the ground. A locator probe? Something that simply broke off? It was red hot when he reached it, he said, but in time it cooled enough to pick up. White shoved the object into the trunk of the car. The object is about 7-1/2 inches long and shaped like a teardrop. It has a coarse, metallic exterior and weighs less than 2 pounds. It looks a bit like it could be a petrified pine cone and is composed primarily of aluminum. White has had the item tested several times, hoping for some answers. The Nevada-based National Institute for Discovery Science in 1996 sent a sample of the object to the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. "The metallurgical analysis was pretty mundane," said Colm Kelleher, a scientist at the National Institute for Discovery Science. "We didn't find any evidence that it was extraterrestrial. Now you can make the argument that we didn't spend $1 million and look at every conceivable option. We didn't cover every base." Another scientist who tested it at a California laboratory — and who asked that his name and that of the laboratory not be used — said, "It didn't show any extraterrestrial signature." Sgt. Gary Carpenter, who works at the North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado Springs, Colo., said it was not uncommon for NORAD to get calls about strange lights and unidentified objects. Not once, he said, has the object been identified as an alien spacecraft. "Usually it turns out to be space debris from a satellite that's decaying, or it's in the realm of naturally occurring, celestial lights," he said. "It could be something like a falling star. It could be contrails, the things you would see trailing an aircraft." White opened the Museum of the Unexplained with visions of turning it into a destination. He wasn't looking to get rich — according to the Missouri secretary of state's office, the museum was registered as a nonprofit organization in August 2000 — but he hoped to spread the word about his experience. The museum, about 13 miles north of the glitzy Branson strip, might as well be in another world. There are no neon signs pointing the way, no twinkling lights outside the front door. Rather, it's sandwiched between the Humane Society thrift shop and the Sunrise Cafe on Main Street. It has struggled, unable to tap into the Branson spinoff crowd and secure a niche audience of its own. Only 2,800 people went through the doors that first year, when admission was free, and the museum hasn't been able to replicate those numbers since. These days, patrons age 12 and older pay $5 to stroll through about 2,000 square feet of space. Exhibits include a keyboard from the movie "Men in Black II" in which the shift key doesn't capitalize or decapitalize but translates from English to an alien language. Other exhibits are little more than newspaper articles or passages from the Internet affixed to the wall with thumb tacks. The focal point is White's artifact, and he takes no chances with its safety. Motion detectors, closed-circuit TV and window and door alarms protect it at all times. White packs it up in a gun case every day at 5 p.m., and the object never spends the night at the same place two nights in a row. You can never be too sure, he figures, even in a town with just 465 residents. "I'm happy for them that they're having a good time, but I guess I'm just not into that kind of thing," said Kacee Cashman, the Reeds Spring city clerk since 1998. "I really think they've been accepted, but everybody's kind of taking it with a grain of salt." Said White, "I don't know what I have to do to prove this is the truth. You can't make this stuff up."
A woman caught a UFO above Brazil that apparently zapped her phone. The mysterious shape showed in the sky as the woman took photos of the beautiful view of the city of Marmelo, after feeling bored at a football match.
The woman said she did not notice the UFO at the time, but after she had captured it on camera, her smartphone turned off all of a sudden.
She was not sure what just cause the problem with her phone. Eventually, she suspected the UFO had something to do with it.
Individuals who have examined and studied the pictures think it could be similar UFO that was reportedly sighted on December 6 in La Paz, Bolivia.
Many people have reported electronic interference, including car not starting, televisions breaking, and camera stop working during the times of UFO sightings.
Could extraterrestrial intervention be messing with the woman’s camera phone? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Hillary Clinton with Laurance Rockefeller at the JY Ranch, Jackson Hole, WY, August 21, 1995. Clinton is carrying the book Are We Alone: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by Paul Davies. (Photo: National Archives)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently made unusual comments regarding the existence of extraterrestrials during an editorial board meeting with New Hampshire’s the Conway Daily Sun. “Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it” said Clinton when questioned on the subject by reporter Daymond Steer.“I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.”
Clinton also indicated that her campaign chairman John Podesta had great interest in the UFO phenomenon. “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Clinton. “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
Podesta, who served as Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and advisor to President Barack Obama, has a spoken publicly about the issue in the past. “It’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark, on the question of government investigations of UFOs. It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there,” said Podesta during a news conference at the National Press Club in 2002. “We ought to do it, really, because it’s right, because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
To get a sense of the history behind Clinton’s statements, the Observer spoke to DC-based extraterrestrial lobbyist and head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), Stephen Bassett, who we interviewed last September and who was recently profiled in the Washington Post.
What was your initial reaction to Hillary Clinton’s remarks to the Conway Daily Sun?
Throughout 2007, PRG worked to bring the Rockefeller Initiative and the extraterrestrial presence issue into the presidential campaign. This effort failed to draw out Senator Clinton, but may have helped to generate questions asked at the October 30 Democratic primary debate in Philadelphia of Congressman Kucinich, Senator Obama, and Governor Richardson.
Eight years later, Secretary Clinton’s remarks in New Hampshire represent a breakthrough moment in American political history. Twenty-three years after her husband’s administration was engaged by Laurance Rockefeller to release all UFO documents in government files and grant amnesty to government witnesses, Secretary Clinton has finally spoken to the extraterrestrial presence issue.
Daymond Steer’s questions marked an important milestone, but it is only the beginning of the questions that need to be asked and will be asked of Secretary Clinton and all the presidential candidates.
Is there a chance these comments were meant as a joke?
The nature of the now-institutionalized truth embargo on the extraterrestrial presence issue is such, that however serious you might be, you must smile when you speak to the subject.
Anyone with an ounce of political sense would understand that no chairman of the leading candidate (John Podesta) and no former president and spouse of that candidate (President Clinton), during a campaign that will ultimately spend as much as $2 billion dollars of donated money, is going to publicly speak to the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomena issue—that is, unless they have to. If they smile and dance a bit in the process, that is to be expected.
Were you pleased with how the media picked up the story?
The media response to the Daily Sun story has been extensive. A review of various Google search listings indicates coverage by as many as 250 foreign language venues, 200 local U.S. radio/television stations and over 100 English language venues. It is notable, however, the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times did cover this story, and the Drudge Report did not link to it. PRG found this to be both remarkable and disappointing.
What is your ideal scenario for the media’s approach to the truth embargo and disclosure?
Simple. More reporters, including some from top tier political media, ask Secretary Clinton direct questions about the Rockefeller Initiative and her involvement therein. She provides serious answers, hopefully without smile or smirk. This triggers more questions to President Clinton, John Podesta, Governor Bill Richardson, Secretary Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty and Webster Hubbell. These gentlemen give truthful and serious responses. This triggers another round of questions directed to the Pentagon, CIA and the U.S. Air Force along with questions to the private principals to the Rockefeller Initiative.
What about responses from other Presidential candidates?
There has been no response, which raises a most interesting question. Since 1993, the Republican Party and many conservative media venues have been well aware of the Clinton team’s connection to the UFO/ET issue. Despite intense partisan hatred for the Clintons, the Republican candidates and conservative media have never used that connection to gain political advantage.
If the extraterrestrial presence issue was completely without merit, it is inconceivable this would be the case. This would lead one to conclude the very truth of the matter prevents such partisan attacks.
Do you think Hillary Clinton’s history regarding the Rockefeller Initiative factored into her statement?
Of course it did. It is the primary reason she is commenting at all. The same goes for John Podesta and President Clinton.
How does Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta tie into all this?
It is PRG’s view, John Podesta is the central figure in the unfolding events leading to a Disclosure event under a Democratic president. He is the only Rockefeller Initiative principal who has served President Clinton (advisor, Chief of Staff), President Obama (transition chairman, advisor) and Secretary Clinton (advisor, campaign chairman).
In 2002 and 2003 Mr. Podesta called for the release of UFO documents in government files. In 2010 he reiterated this theme in a foreword to the book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record by Leslie Kean. He was featured in the 2011 documentary Secret Access: UFOs on the Record. In 2015 Mr. Podesta also issued provocative twitter messages well covered by national and international media.
Are there any other figures from the Clinton administration or Hillary Clinton’s campaign that were involved with the Rockefeller Initiative?
PRG possesses documents confirming President Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Webster Hubbell, the late Dr. John Gibbons and the late Congressman Steven Schiff were directly involved. PRG is also quite certain Chiefs of Staff Leon Panetta and Mack McLarty, Secretary Bill Richardson and Vice President Al Gore were aware of the Rockefeller Initiative. In addition, there were 16 private citizens involved, 12 of which are still living.
Why has it taken so long for this issue to be brought into an election?
The government imposed truth embargo conceived between 1947 and 1953 that remains in effect to this day, although much weakened, has been very successful. The only president to have brought the issue up during his campaign was Jimmy Carter in 1976. I was the first balloted congressional candidate to speak to the issue in 2002. Dr. Joseph Buchman was the second balloted congressional candidate to do so in 2008.
There is good analogy for this. For 51 years the U.S. Government imposed an embargo on the nation of Cuba. Most Americans knew there was an island south of the Florida keys called Cuba; they just couldn’t go there. Now they can. All of which is to say President Obama has one more embargo to end before he leaves office.
Would you say Hillary Clinton is the best candidate to ensure the full disclosure of extraterrestrial activity on Earth?
Yes, due to the historical connection to the issue.
In a previous interview with the Observer, you said “Barack Obama will be the Disclosure President.” Do you still believe that?
Yes. The American people should not have to wait one more day for the truth embargo to end. No one knows who will be the next president or what they will do when they enter the White House. Therefore, PRG seeks the embargoes end now, meaning Barack Obama will be the Disclosure president.
What are you and your organization doing now to continue this fight for disclosure?
Not a fight—an advocacy process. One should not pick fights with nuclear powers. PRG will continue to inform the political media and the U.S Congress regarding the Rockefeller Initiative, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and the need for new, comprehensive congressional hearings. PRG will put particular emphasis on Secretary Clinton and the other presidential candidates. PRG is also seeking opportunities to address the subject on any and all network and cable news talk shows.
Robin Seemangal focuses on NASA and advocacy for space exploration. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, where he currently resides. Find him on Instagram for more space-related content: @not_gatsby
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New Developments Around KIC 8462852
New Developments Around KIC 8462852
Posted by Chris Savia
A new paper on prior observations or KIC 8462852 deepen the mystery surrounding this star. Also known as "Tabby's Star", this F3-type star is brighter, hotter, and more massive than our sun. The mystery lay in the sudden dips or luminosity seen by the Kepler Spacecraft. Kepler's mission is to detect earthlike planets transiting distant stars.
Speculation about this object captures our imagination, with Jason Wright Suggesting it could be evidence of an alien mega structure in his paper The Ĝ Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations with Large Energy Supplies [1], while others claim it's just comets. [2] The basis for arguing this is artificial stems from the lack of flux When It dims. If the cause was natural, like a cloud of dust Cometary, the dimming shouldering be gradual rather than abrupt.
Recent Attempts to detect the extraterrestrial intelligences behind this anomaly have fallen flat. No radio signals were detected by the Allen Telescope Array between the 15th and 30th of October 2015. [3] Between the 29th of October and the 28th of November, weather permit ting, the Boquete Optical SETI Observatory joined the fun. But astronomers did not detect any periodic optical signals one could ascribe to alien communications. [4] Barely two months of observations of an anomaly possibly a thousand years old is Merely a drop in the bucket. Yet the absence of evidence from this dataset only emboldens Those pushing comet Their agenda. Which reminds me of a soundbite from Jill Tarter's 2009 TED Talk on the search for extraterrestrial intelligences:
All of the concerted SETI efforts, over the last 40-some years, are equivalent to scooping a single glass of water from the oceans. And no one would decide That the ocean was without fish on the basis of one glass of water. [5]
While SETI May only have forty years of observations, traditional astronomers are sitting atop a mountain of photographic evidence Collected since the 19th century. Tabetha Boyajian, author of the original paper KIC 8462852 - Where's the flux?, Knew this and overtook advantage of the archives at the Digital Access to a Sky Century @ Harvard (Dasch) for data fits on KIC 8462852. Dasch is a treasure trove of digitized astronomical photographic plates from previous sky surveys from the late 19th century to the present. Upon review, her conclusion was summed up as "the star did not do anything spectacular over the past 100 years" [6]
Bradley Schaefer disagrees with her conclusion, having pored over the plates himself. His findings are Outlined in his new paper at arXiv.
The KIC8462852 light curve from 1890 to 1989 shows a highly signifcant secular trend of fading over 100 years, with this being completely unprecedented for any F-type main sequence star. Such stars should be very stable in brightness, with evolution for making changes only on time scales of many millions of years. So the Harvard data alone prove That KIC8462852 HAS unique and large-amplitude photometric variations. [7]
Dumbing it down a bit more, the anomaly's leg Gradually dimming the star over the past 125 years. For the extraterrestrial faithful, it supports the hypothesis of little green people engaged in one of the universe's largest public works projects this side of the Death Star. Just as Jason Wright, et al., Riffed on Boyajian's discovery, Chris Lintott and Brooke Simmons let their imagination run wild with Schaefer's evidence at the Journal of Ideas Newsletter.
We Assume our observations cover a typical construction period at a constant rate. Given the current magnitude of B 12 262 and a decrease in flux or 0165 may (or 14.099% of total observed flux) per century, an alien civilization requires at least 7:09 centuries to occlude 100% of the observable surface of its star. Thus, if this time is typical, an alien civilization capable of constructing Such a structure requires a minimum of 1 400 Earth years to do so. [8]
Regardless of what's behind this, Whether aliens, comets or something completely different, the mystery behind KIC 8462852 is not going away anytime soon.
Wanneer ze wegrijden bij een plaatselijk tankstation schiet er ineens een vreemd object voor de auto langs.
Het echtpaar zelf is stomverbaasd over wat ze hebben vastgelegd via de dashcam. Paul Mayo zegt dat hij niet vaak met de mond vol tanden staat, maar dat ook hij geen enkele verklaring heeft voor het vliegende object.
Hij zei, “Ik heb nooit in UFO’s geloofd, maar nu ben ik sprakeloos over wat we gezien hebben, om nog maar te zwijgen over de snelheid waarmee het vloog”.
Het verhaal wordt nu pas bekend ondanks dat de beelden afgelopen juni vorig jaar gemaakt zijn. Er is al een hoop onderzoek gedaan naar de beelden en dingen zoals reflectie vanwege de voorruit zijn inmiddels uitgesloten.
Dat het een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object is, een UFO dus, zoveel is duidelijk.
Maar veel verder dan dat komt eigenlijk niemand. Het echtpaar Mayo zou ook graag antwoorden hebben en hopen dat er mensen zijn die hen kunnen vertellen wat dit is. Afgezien van de lichten die op het object lijken te zitten, vinden wij het ook wel lijken op een ROD.
Filer’s Files #3 – 2016 Does Time Travel Exist? - PART I
Manchester, England a cylinder shaped craft image was captured on January 10, 2016
Filer’s Files #3 – 2016 Does Time Travel Exist? - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Astronaut Colonel L. Gordon Cooper We have Extra-Terrestrial Visitors, UFOs Visible with Night Vision Goggles and Lenses, Are Some UFOs Time Machines or Jump Rooms, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower Was Asked to go Mars?, and What is Jump Room to Mars?
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arkansas, California, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Astronaut Colonel L. Gordon Cooper “We have Extra-Terrestrial Visitors”
Astronaut Cooper states, “I wanted to convey to you my views on our extra-terrestrial visitors popularly referred to as ‘ UFOs,’ and suggest what might be done to properly deal with them.”
“I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion. We may first have to show them that we have learned to resolve our problems by peaceful means, rather than warfare. Then we may be accepted as fully qualified universal team members. This acceptance would have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in all areas. Certainly then it would seem that the United Nations has a vested interest in handling this subject properly and expeditiously.”
“If the UN agrees to pursue this project, and to lend their credibility to it, perhaps many more well qualified people will agree to step forth and provide help and information.”
“For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public.”
Colonel L. Gordon Cooper Mercury and Gemini Astronaut Address to the United Nations 1985
Bill Casey writes,” Night vision goggles and lenses are opening a new direction for researchers. I have a few friends that have personally experienced the technology live and were very impressed, and in fact blown away, by what they are seeing that precludes PS images. I think that some of the objects seen in this video are actually satellites and reflecting sunlight as they pass in a straight line. Those that stop and change direction are the exception. The illumination phenomena is probably from the EM energy force field that is commonly observed and enhanced by heat reading IR and night vision scopes. Steven Greer’s research group, that is included in this video, use lasers to attempt communications and in some cases are rewarded with illumination responses.”
We are seeing an increase in UFO activity worldwide and probably as the result of wars and potentially nukes.
The PRG (Paradigm Research Group) under Steven Bassett has sent DVD’s of the “Citizens Hearing on Disclosure” that took place two years ago at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. to every member of the Senate and House including Obama. He is now doing follow up interviews individually with each member. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Obama used the UFO/ET disclosure trump card to divert attention away from national and world crisis…Personally, I do not think that this government (or shadow government) will allow disclosure unless their hand is forced! We shall see!
Airline pilot Courant and Filer at Citizens Hearing on Disclosure”
There are other forces that are working diligently toward disclosure, but by the ET’s own timetables.
Are Some UFOs Time Machines or Jump Rooms
Lt. Col Corso speculated that the Roswell crashed UFOs were time machines because they were small and did not carry food, bathroom, or rest facilities. The basic things Phil Corso said ring true.
Roswell Craft
He wrote, “The ships are empty inside – no huge engine rooms and that the grays are “conscious” robots and use a “mental-matter” or “psychotronic” command control communication system. Telepathy and that time travel is involved” Corso’s
The ship is virtually empty inside – no toilets, no kitchens, no beds, and no large equipment. Everything is miniaturized, I suspect at the nanometer scale. The UFO seemed to jump from one planet to Earth, or it may have come from a Mothership.
Wormhole from Earth to Mars
Several extraterrestrials sit in their chairs inside the UFO in the atmosphere of Earth and place their hands on what appears to be a control panel with indentations for their hands. The UFO can interface with their consciousness and take directions from them. They tell the UFO they desire to go to Mars and in a short time, the craft is there. UFOs are frequently reported to suddenly appear in the sky or suddenly disappear. There is advanced technology aboard the craft that can read minds or pick up the instructions communicated to the autopilot. The craft’s autopilot knows it must open up a wormhole or vortex in front of the craft to a particular planet. It then takes the extraterrestrials to their destination in less time than most airline flights. This technology has apparently been expanded upon and is used in Jump Rooms. Many scientists claim time travel is impossible, conversely personnel from several aviation firms claim we are thirty years ahead of where you think we are and we can take ET home.
If the technology exists to implant memories, all information is suspect. There is no better way to introduce distortion than to present it through someone who is a believer. The people I have met believe the information they present and would likely pass a lie detector test.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower Was Asked to go Mars?
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Eisenhower claims that efforts were made to recruit her onto a human colony on Mars. She was told during the recruitment effort directed at her in 2006-07 that she would go to Mars via the Jump Room or technically the “ARC,” which stands for “aeronautical repositioning chamber.” She would be teleported to work in a secret base on Mars to help maintain the human race
Ms. Eisenhower’s and her Stanford graduate friend Ki’ Lia’s claim there is a secret Mars colony designed to allow the human race to survive if a large catastrophe occurs on Earth. A nuclear disaster or comet strike could theoretically cause a survival situation on Earth and base on Mars could keep some humans alive.
There is now also other independent whistle blower evidence of secret U.S. bases on Mars. Why would a group of people many with credentials choose to claim information about futuristic technology?
Andrew D. Basiago a lawyer and author has the most resourceful evidence of this Jump Room, which he claims was created from reverse engineering of a crashed UFO. Mr. Basiago, formerly involved in secret research and development projects undertaken by a U.S. defense agency, has verified his secret teleportation to U.S. bases on Mars, and to meeting intelligent Martian extraterrestrial life. . Mr. Basiago has also publicly confirmed that in 1970, in the company of his late father, Raymond F. Basiago, he met three Martian astronauts at the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Company facility in Wood Ridge, New Jersey. The Martians were there on a liaison mission to Earth and meeting with U.S. aerospace personnel. Mr. Basiago confirms that, “the United States has been teleporting individuals to Mars for decades and recounts the awe-inspiring and terrifying trips that he took to Mars in 1981 after he was tapped to go there. He claims he had been teleported as a child participant in Project Pegasus.
For years Richard Dolan (shown) has alluded to the Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization. Read Richard Dolan, UFO’s and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973 (Hampton Roads, 2002) with numerous references. The interesting thing about his two books is that they focus, not just upon UFO events, but also upon the U.S. government’s suppressive reaction to those events. One of the best books on UFOs that I’ve read, and Richard Dolan is one of the few authors on UFOs whom I trust.
In 1989, William Cooper, a U.S. Naval Intelligence officer, revealed in his book, “Behold a Pale Horse”(and lectures), that the U.S. had first landed on Mars on May 22, 1962. Cooper said, by the time the U.S./NASA public space program landed on the moon in 1969, the U.S. already had a moon base there, since the mid-1950s.
Colonel Steve Wilson, former director of Project Pounce wrote revelations concerning MJ-12 (aka Majic) which allegedly is a group of military, scientists, elites, etc., organized by President Truman to “Manage and Oversee” the entire UFO subject. He wanted to POUNCE on any crashed or downed UFO before the government could obtain it. Colonel Steve Wilson, USAF wascalled The Man Who “Outed” the U.S. Saucer Program.
Ben Rich –“Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber”
Ben Rich, the “Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber” and former head of Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity), provided credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft. He gave a presentation to a group of engineers from the UCLA Alumni association on March 23, 1993.When he revealed his last slide, a black disk headed for space, Ben stated, “We now have the technology to take ET home”. During the Q&A, he told Jan Harzan the Director of MUFON, “It was now possible to travel to the stars.”Months later, he died of cancer – in January 1995.
Note: Evidence of crashed UFOs indicates travel between various planets only took a few hours or days. To go to the stars because of the tremendous distances in a reasonable time requires traveling near light speed, or finding a way to shorten the distance with a wormhole, vortex or shortcut of time travel of some kind. Apparently, alien technology has found a way and we have learned the secret technology.
What is a Jump Room to Mars?
Allegedly, there is a Jump Room in a CIA laboratory in California, a sort of an elevator that transports a person or persons to Mars, or any other planet with a solid ground. Mars is well known because it has been tested many, times for the test runs. This technology allegedly came about from reverse engineering of a crashed spaceship, which was sent from Alpha Centauri, the constellation made famous from the movie Avatar.
Scientists discovered that through the consciousness of a human or alien mind, the device sets a destination you desire, and opens up a wormhole to transport you to the destination of your choice. It is similar to the Star Trek TV series where the chief Engineer Mr. Scott is told,
“Beam Me up Scotty.”
Abductees report they are beamed up with similar technology. Generally, they are asleep in bed, when they are lifted into a standing position and vacuumed or taken up through the ceiling. They remember passing though the attic or higher floors out onto the roof of their home. One woman felt she was inside a long transparent tube about the size of a wastebasket. She could see other pieces of cloth like a handkerchief being pulled up with her. She continued being lifted quickly into a waiting craft. She saw other humans being examined aboard the craft After being examined and eggs taken from her she was sent back home.. One abductee was a frequent parachutist and described her descent very similar to that of parachuting. Free falling for several thousand feet then being slowed down until landing in her bed. In her case, she was deposited in her daughter’s bed that was away on a sleep over.
Parts of the testimony from Marine Captain Kaye are consistent with that of Michael Relfe, another whistle blower who claims to have used the Jump Room to go to Mars and serve a 20-year tour on the red planet. At present, you must have another Jump Room available at the other end in order for you to be teleported from place to place. A Jump Room had to flown to Mars before people could be teleported their. Allegedly, one function for sending a probe to Mars was to carry the receiving end catcher for any object or human to be transported there.
The history of Probes of Mars by multiple countries lists 24 out of 43flights as failures. Anyone of the 24 failures or a separate probe could have carried the secret Jump Room technology to Mars.
Andrew D. Basiago claims the main function for sending Beagle to Mars was to set up the Jump Room in 1996. The European Space Agency claims the Beagle 2 crashed, but its satellite continued successfully to take images above Mars. European Space Agency officials lost contact with the Lander after it was released down to the surface of the Red Planet. Officials claim the Beagle 2 Mars Lander mysteriously disappeared during a landing attempt over Christmas 2003.
Officials now think that the Beagle 2 Lander has recently been found on some recent images as a bright spot. It partially deployed its solar panels when it reached the surface of Mars but was inoperative. Image uploaded Jan. 16, 2015.
This is an artist impression of Beagle 2 crash site.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona/University of Leicester
The Beagle 2 Mars Lander is clearly visible in new photos from NASA’s sharp-eyed Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) in orbit around the Red Planet. The discovery shows that the probe landed successfully, but failed to unfold itself properly on the Martian surface according to UK Space Agency officials. Landers that could have theoretically carried a Jump Room are as following:
1975, Viking 1, on 20 August and Viking 2 Orbiter/Landers on 9 September 1975 were allegedly the first successful landings on Mars.
1998, Mars Climate Orbiter is listed as a failure crashed into the atmosphere..
1998, Russian Phoebus 1 and 2 were failures although 2 took a few photos before stopping communication
1999, Mars Polar Lander is listed as a failure.
2003, Mars Express Beagle Lander launched by European Space Agency crashed landed on Mars.
Mars Odyssey 2003, Mars Express Beagle Lander launched by European Space Agency crashed landed on Mars.
“All I ask is that Mars Bases be further investigated. There is still much to uncover and piece together. It is crucial that the truth is revealed and that world leaders disclose their files related to any cover-ups of ET and UFO relations, and have the ethics and integrity to look deeper into the use of technologies such as ELF and HAARP.
I hope that citizens of this planet embrace with an open mind, their true origins and relationship with Universal Society and share this information with others.”
16-01-2016 om 16:01
geschreven door peter
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Filer’s Files #3 – 2016 Does Time Travel Exist? - PART II
Filer’s Files #3 – 2016 Does Time Travel Exist? - PART II
Sightings in the United States
Arkansas Triangle
Rogers – On January 1, 2016, my wife, daughter and I were outside banging pots and pans for the New Year of 2016, when we heard a strange deep sound that I relate to UFO is entering our atmosphere. Shortly after the sound, three flickering lights appeared. They were pinkish almost purplish in color in a triangle shape. They moved across the sky in a southerly direction until out of sight. I took a video and I am interested in your thoughts.
Please excuse the audio; I was a little tipsy and excited. The lights were definitely different in real life.
Venice Beach — My friend Ryan, his 19-year-old daughter Alexis and I were visiting Los Angeles in the afternoon on Venice Beach on New Year’s Day. Just before sundown, there were thin clouds and noticed a bright white light 45 degrees above the horizon. It looked similar to a welder’s torch in color and seemed to be hovering in place. As the sun was setting and I snapped several pictures with my iPhone 6. On January 13, 2016, I transferred that photo to my computer and noticed a UFO between two sailboats. The photo named “Composite” has been Photo shopped to point out the phenomenon and has an enlargement of that shape at the end of the arrow. The light and the shape are related but I now have the feeling that they were. I do not expect any resolution to be forthcoming but I thought this was extremely interesting. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Panama City – On January 6, 2015, I was out camping and one of my friends came to pick me up to hangout since they live close to the campground. On the way, back once we were back on the campground he told me to look at the horizon.
There were two pink orbs floating right above the trees, across the bay. I watched them move farther apart, come together, and then disappear once I got out of the car. A first I thought it may have been a distress flare. Afterwards I felt afraid. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Light
Clinton Township— The first sighting occurred on January 1, 2016, while watching TV, I saw a light outside of my balcony around 2000/2030. I live on the top floor of an apartment I ignored it. The light appeared to be getting brighter and changing in characteristic.
I got up and observed two bright white objects with red lights. The second object disappeared and there was only one object. The object was hovering but was making small adjustments in its position. It would stay illuminated for several minutes then it would fade away. After several more moments, the object would re-appear. This occurred for roughly two hours staying in the relatively same position. Around 10 PM, a helicopter flew over. On January 7, 2016, the object again appeared in the same position but brighter as the night before. It was sighted was from 2000 – 2130. You can see planes, stars, and helicopters in the area, which all look different from the object. He object was spherical in nature and you could see a clear row of lights that had both red and white lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Light
Morrisville – Deborah writes, “These photos were taken by my co-worker, Dave who was taking pictures at lunchtime of chemtrails. Both are of the same thing. He was over the bridge in Morrisville at about 12:20 PM, on October 23, 2015. He took them with his Samsung Galaxy 3 phone. He did not see the orb or the saucer-like object with his naked eye but only noticed it when he checked the pictures on his phone. On our way to work Monday while driving, Lance and I saw a short Chemtrail in the sky due West. Underneath it was a white glowing ball.
I was not driving so I was able to watch it for several minutes. The ball stayed in one place for a while then went up into the Chemtrail. I watched for several more minutes and it never came back out. If it had been a plane, I would have seen it rise above the trail at some point. Since the sun was behind us, (it was about 7:50 am.) I assumed the object was reflecting the sun’s light. The interesting thing about Dave’s photos is that the sun is behind this object so the front view of it as seen by the viewer should have been in shadow. That makes me believe it. Thanks to Deb M
New York Fish
I want to share this photo with my IPOD 6th generation on January 7, 2015, at 12:25 PM. Both photos were taken at the same moment.
In the first photo, there was no object. I quickly took the second photo and a small object appears. Both were snapped with sane time stamp of 12:25 pm.
The object has been enlarged and must be moving fast.
Your thoughts; Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Orb
Carolina Beach — I was photographing the ocean yesterday on January 1, 2016, next, I loaded my photographs (digital) onto my laptop and noticed three orb-like, white, objects above the horizon.
The objects are positioned in a triangle with relationship to each other. No known surface features of a craft visible.
I just wonder what this is in the photograph and wanted to report it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Triangle
Cleveland — On January 5, 2016, I looked at the stars in a very clear sky at 9:37 pm. Then I noticed a much larger very bright white and red triangular shaped object. I thought that perhaps it was a satellite. Two hours later, I went out and there were at least five triangles in the same colors. The original one I viewed had changed position, but only slightly, that was very visible to the naked eye.
Some seem mingled amongst stars, yet stand out in distinct appearance. We are in northeast Ohio about 30 miles from Cleveland. Temperature was about 20 degrees F. I have seen these twice before in the past. It seems one took three sort of oblong shapes and connected them in a center. Contact Form URL: Contact Us
Oregon Orbs
Salem – On January 1, 2016, we saw two reddish orange oval shaped lights moving at a fast rate of speed across the sky starting from the north making their way to the south at 6:45 PM. They were low flying, but no sound was emitted from the two objects. If anyone else saw, the lights contact me and let me know what you think.
Note:A check of weather conditions showed that skies were clear at the time of the sighting. Surface winds were from the north to northwest. It is difficult to identify what was captured in the video. The video doesn’t reveal the oval shape. The orbs could be Chinese lanterns. The objects were moving with the wind indicating that they could be flotation devices or balloons.
Bethlehem— On December 19, 2015, around 7:00 pm, I took a picture of the Star of Bethlehem.
After going through my photos, I realized a strange object was in the sky and was wondering if this could be a UFO.
I do not have much knowledge regarding this subject but do think that to say what is in the sky is a reflection is a huge stretch.
Note: The object may be reflection of the bright light on the lens of the camera.
Tennessee Light
Dickson — I was walking going to my car for a break on December 24, 2015, and saw a large Chemtrail that was lit up by the full moon. I thought it would make a good picture so I took out my cell phone and snapped a shot. The picture came out dark so I thought nothing more of it. Last week I was going through my phone and saw the picture again. I figured I would brighten it up hoping that I would be able to see the picture better.
When I brightened it, a red object with some sort of glowing orb underneath it showed up. At the time I took the picture, I did not see anything. I cannot figure out what it is. However, when I go back to the dark picture and zoom in, I can see the orb faintly. It appears to have been large because it seems to be partially behind the Chemtrail left by a jet. There is an electrical pole in the picture. I thought maybe it might be a light of some sort extended up from the pole, but when I looked again during the day there is nothing there so whatever I picked up in the picture was up in the sky. I have never seen anything like it before. If you have an idea of what it could be, please share. I am very curious about it. I have seen unidentified objects twice before years ago and it did not look like this. I used an app called PicsArt to brighten the photo. I thought that to brighten and contrast part of the app may have left something in the picture but it does not do that with any other pics I have taken. Thank you for your time. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Orbs
Marfa — On Tuesday, December 29, 2015, while on vacation in the Davis Mountains we drove to Alpine to get a new tire. We then drove 10 miles from Marfa when my wife and I noticed a white shape in the distance to the west. As we got closer, it was apparent it was up in the sky hovering in the distance. It seemed too rectangular a balloon and we were in the area of the famous Marfa Lights that didn’t help any.
As we got closer, the light was west of Marfa and still appeared the same size as when we had first observed it so it must have been very large. I took an iPhone picture that clearly shows the white. We then lost it behind some buildings. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Lights
Ferndale – There was heavy UFO activity near the Canadian border on January 8, 2016, with twenty UFOs witnessed about 5:30 pm. I saw these sphere/star shaped object flying east at a very fast rate. Then another one descended straight down to earth then stopped. I had dinner cooking and when I returned they were gone. I searched around in the same areas and I saw another one flying east. It was easier to see as it was getting darker outside. Later, I noticed more star like things in the sky moving slow with small zigzag movement.
I then counted three military helicopters and one flew over my house just above my trees. I called my son and his girlfriend to come out and they also saw what looked like a silent helicopter. The lights were flashing to a blue/white towards each other. The UFO on the left ascended while the one on the right started flashing blue/white lights brighter and faster, and swooped downward, then upward following the other UFO northwest. The helicopters hung around for a little while after they chased off the UFOs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Everett — I came home from work and was walking toward my apartment after parking my car on October 15, 2015. I saw two lights in the sky moving from the east and took some pictures as the lights disappeared.
Note: The photo sent by the witness has been cropped and enlarged. I don’t believe that the sighting has been “fabricated,” but I have requested the original “unedited” photo.
The witness saw two lights. Only one light shows up in the photo. Thanks to William Puckett, DirectorWebsite
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Orb
Maroochydore — I was cleaning the balcony when I looked up and saw a silent orb on January 10, 2014.
My IPhone has a shattered screen and I wasn’t sure if I captured the dark orb on the video.
If my screen wasn’t cracked, I would have followed the object until it disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada UFO
Deep Cove, British Columbia — On January 6, 2016, the witness saw a huge circular hovering craft that emitted beams of light from 9:16 to 9:40 PM. The beams of light lit up the surrounding clouds like “search lights.” The object emitted no sound. It had blue lights surrounding it and began spinning. The lights gradually dimmed and the object was no longer visible.
The witness described the object as like craft in the movie “Independence Day.”
Copenhagen — Mary Rodwell writes, “I was in Denmark to speak at the Exopolitics Denmark Conference and I was having dinner.
I was with some of the group a few days prior on September 24 2015.
We all saw an unusual haze around the moon.
I took several pictures and although the rest of the pictures just had the moon and the haze. The first picture had another image/orb in front of it.
The shot was taken in Copenhagen. Thanks to Mary Rodwell
France Space Object
My best wishes to the whole team for this New Year I hope will be more peaceful than in 2015.
On January 9, 2016, I took a video of the night of the ISS after a thunderstorm and lightning. A very fast object appeared in the video at 30 minutes to 30.59.
It then descends rapidly to the right by two angles up to 31.20, and yet right down to 32.00 minutes. PS There is a small white dot to the left under the object. Sincerely Patrick
Italy Object
Milano— We were on safari in the zoo and were sitting in the car on June 13, 2015. My boyfriend opened the window and took a picture with his phone. We didn’t see this object until we looked at the pictures later and were pretty surprised what we saw…The lion that was in the zoo was very upset and going forward and back like he wanted to escape.
I was afraid sitting in the car with our baby and these wild animals around acting upset. When I zoomed the picture in, it looked like a strange silent flying object. There was engine noise from a plane.
I may write soon for another object I saw loon time ago and that object I saw was 10 cm in front of my eyes in about 2-3 minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Cross
St Paul’s Cray, Orpington— Going back to the summer of 2009, on a nice sunny day, I was sitting in the garden with my partner looking up at the sky. I was watching the high flying airliners, and noticed a plane coming out of the murky blue sky from the north. It looked very large as it slowly came towards us. I then noticed that it did not have any engines under the wings as it got closer I could see that this was not a plane but a huge symmetrical cross. I then heard the sound of engines, but the noise was coming from a plane coming from the east, that flew under the huge cross. This is when I realized how big and high this thing really was. The cross was four times the size of the airliner and it was much higher. It flew above us and was white to grey in color. It had no marking or engines, and both ends of the wings were curved where the four wings joined together and on their outer ends. It was smooth all over, and it made no noise. It then flew into a cloud obscuring the view of the cross but we never saw it again. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Rochdale– I only noticed this object above our heads when looking at old photos of my dad, my sister, and myself. It would have been taken in about 1960, as I look about 4 or 5 years old. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Manchester — I was taking pictures of flying geese and only afterwards noted strange shapes on picture on January 10, 2016.
I was amazed. I had heard of people sighting ufos but never thought it would happen to me. I only saw it in the picture and not with my eyes.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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Ancient Egyptian papyrus contains earliest record of 'demon star'
Lauri Jetsu
Ancient Egyptian papyrus contains earliest record of 'demon star'
It's 92.25 light-years away, and they still spotted it.
Scientists studying a 3,200 year-old papyrus document from ancient Egypt think they've found the earliest record of the variable star Algol - a three-star system that's some 92.25 light-years away from Earth. It appears that not only could the Egyptians see the star without the aid of a telescope, its cycle influenced their religious calendars.
By applying a statistical analysis to the Calendars of Lucky and Unlucky Days recorded on the papyrus, researchers from the University of Helsinki in Finland were able to match the activities of Horus to the 2.867-day cycle of Algol. They say this strongly suggests that the Egyptians were well aware of Algol and adapted their calendars to match the variable star.
The extraterrestrial presence and its political implications of are not at the centre of a public interest in the Czech Republic. The same goes for the field of ufology in general. Public awareness and knowledge about UFOs in the Czech Republic are non-existent. The Czech Republic officially has two UFO groups: best-known is Project - Glow (Prague), and there also is KPUFO (Club of Psychotronic and UFO – Plzen, western part of Czech Republic); apart from these, there also are some small regional groups.
But let us start from the beginning: since childhood, I had a strong feeling that some things are completely different than science says. After reading a book, by Erich von Däniken "Chariots of the Gods? Memories of the Future" as a teenager, I knew that my hunch was correct. Intuitively, I did never accept the idea that I come from monkeys. I knew something was wrong in our human´s history development. My views were very different from ordinary people, and I was often viewed as a man with "extravagant opinions." That's why I didn't want to study, I did not want to learn something that is not true. I got a press card and became free-lance journalist.
In 1998 I joined Project Glow, because it was the only one group interested in UFOs in Prague. I began to pursue cases of UFO abduction, because I received many letters of people describing this experience. I put together an investigation team with four colleagues. Based on my experience with this phenomenon, I wrote a book “Close Encounter of Fourth Kind” (UFO abduction in Czech Republic) (Votobia, 2002), where I collected 10 cases I explored with my team. To date we register over 130 similar cases in our database. (One is listed below).
2009 was a milestone year because of a shocking event. The main activity of Project Glow is supposed to be to gather global data and information about UFO sightings and to subsequently evaluate and process the data statistically. However, this project is too static. In my experience, they got nowhere fast and have no connection with foreign colleagues. Their evaluations are superficial and some of them are the real "armchair researchers," who prefer finding "natural explanations." Most of their researchers are debunkers and the group leader picks out carefully sceptical and very critical minded members. Exopolitics was vigorously rejected as baloney without studying it at all. They have begun to demonize Exopolitics and made a mockery of Exopolitics.
What we found out was absolutely stunning. The leader of this project has been an intelligence officer working for the Office for Foreign Relations and Information - Literally speaking it is the Intelligence service of the Czech Republic and partly belongs to Ministry of Internal Affairs. Project Glow has been compiled to obtain from their unsuspecting members information on sightings and witness testimonies for further intelligence processing.
Together with four of my colleagues, I immediately left the project, and established an Exopolitics group (2009). Now, we have about 15-20 exopolitical members or active supporters.
As an example I attach one of the intriguing cases. Interestingly, many participants later experienced "strange dreams", where they saw themselves on board of a spaceship and depicted the weird scenes with “lying on the tables”, watching something like “monitors” with “holograms”. They were shown a variety of “technical devices” or propulsion technology. All “dreamers” agreed that the beings were very tall and human-like in appearance. They described them as neither positive nor negative.
According to an eyewitness living in a small city south east of Prague a very interesting case occurred during a summer camp where the children attending it experienced encounters with strange beings. The case also reports about multiple observations of the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) phenomenon.
A strange incident occurred during a summer camp for children
This incident happened in 1991. My daughter Petra was about to attend a summer camp for children, which she does every year. At the time she was 9-10 years old, and, like all school children, she was eagerly anticipating the upcoming two months of summer vacation. At the time we had recently moved to a new apartment, and while the children were attending the summer camp I used the time to complete some pending work in it.
The summer camp was located within the vicinity of Prague, in a place called Pelhrimov, approximately 120 km south east. After the summer camp was completed the children returned to their homes. During a chat with my daughter we asked her about the summer camp experiences, and she astonished me by asking what I thought about flying saucers. I was of course wondering why she asked about this, especially since the family never discussed such topics as UFOs. We were simply not interested in it.
After Petra had asked me this question, it seemed she could sense my hesitance and uncertainty, so she decided to solve the situation herself. She called on her friend, who was on a visit and who had also attended the summer camp. Both girls began to describe what they experienced while attending the summer camp only some days before.
Where do the lights come from?
Art by Sandra, 2013
It was during the last evening, and all the children were gathered around a large camp fire singing songs, playing guitar, and basically enjoying the last weekend before they were to head home the following day. Later that evening, around 10 or 11pm, the darkness around the camp suddenly changed, and the place was illuminated.
Everybody was wondering what was going on, and the children as well as the camp leaders raised their heads to watch above and see where the lights came from. All the camp participants could then observe a big flying saucer silently crossing the night sky. In a similar way as spotlights the saucer emitted three beams of light that were shining over the whole camp.
According to witnesses around the saucer itself there was a huge glow making it look as blue as a clear day. While it hovered in a still manner above the camp site its beams searched the ground easily, and of course, shortly after chaos ensued among the children and adults as well. Immediately the camp leaders brought the children into their respective tents, and a curfew was immediately implemented allowing no one to leave or look outside their tents.
But some of the most curious children kept peeping out of the tents towards the night sky. The flying saucer had set in motion and moved itself closer to the nearby forest. Again it stopped and hovered silently above some tall spruces. Disconnected from the bottom of the saucer, a large glowing sphere descended slowly towards the ground behind the forest. Shortly after a loud noise and a roar was heard, and after some time had passed the saucer started to hover above the forest again. Paradoxically, while a strict curfew had been implemented, the ban was only adhered to by the adults.
Three strange figures
Art by Sandra, 2013
A small group of girls, among them my daughter Petra, decided to pretend to go to the rest room so that they could escape from the tent to undertake an adventurous expedition. Their curiosity was great, and beside, the rest room facility was placed right next to the forest anyway. While heading back to the camp from the adventurous expedition two of the girls suddenly froze. Inside the forest on the path leading to the camp [three] tall white figures were observed, approximately two meters in height. To the girls these figures resembled tall people dressed in space suits. To see their faces was not possible since they wore something akin to modern-day space helmets. In a rather surprisingly manner the group of girls and the three white figures kept gazing at each other.
What followed appeared to be some kind of mutual examination, and shortly after the white figures began to retreat. In a slow motion they turned around and headed back into the forest. The girls ran all the way to their tents and informed the camp leaders about their experience. Apparently the girls were not the only ones who had observed the white figures. Other children had observed them as well. After the incident when the saucer first started to emerge over the camp the children had observed a sphere ascending over the top of the trees before returning to the flying saucer. Others observed that the sphere had withdrawn into the bottom of the saucer. The UFO then slowly moved away silently, and eventually the camp fell asleep.
Who made such a mess?
The next morning when everybody woke up no one could believe what they saw. A big camp fire leaves very little fine dust and ashes, and in any case, this is often scattered immediately around the camp fire area. But a sorry sight was presented to the camp participants. Everything that was composed of wood, such as benches that the children sat on around the camp fire, had been chopped and demolished into small pieces. Even the axe that had been left outside by the camp fire site had been demolished, and only its metal part was intact. How the camp destruction had happened could not be explained by anybody. Fortunately, the cabins and tents which the camp participants slept in remained absolutely undamaged.
After the morning cleaning routine, a group of the oldest children set off towards the place where the sphere or ball of light appeared the previous night. The site was only located a five-minute walk away. At the site the group could see what appeared to be a landing area. The clearing was small surrounded by high trees. The group also observed a circular pit in the middle of what was understood to be the landing area. They estimated it was six meters in diameter and one meter in depth. The edge of the pit was cut very precisely. The area of the forest ground where flora and fauna existed had disappeared. The examination completed by the group left them both shocked and surprised since they concluded that the unknown nightly visit from the night before had taken pieces of wood with them. Shortly after the examination the group returned to the camp to meet the parents who were waiting for them to take them home.
This case was released by Exopolitics Czech Republic.
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Secret Negotiations over Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Life Earth & Civilisations
Different elite groups, secret space programs and ancient “Inner Earth” civilizations are currently negotiating over how much of the truth they are willing to reveal to humanity about their respective existence and the reality of extraterrestrial life. This is according to thelatest startling update by Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode.
Goode claims that he was recently taken to the Kuiper Asteroid Belt where he witnessed a historic meeting between representatives of seven ancient Inner Earth civilizations, and a highly advanced group of extraterrestrials which Goode has previously referred to as the “Sphere Being Alliance”. The Inner Earth groups venerate members of the Sphere Being Alliance – whom they refer to as the “Guardians” – because they have been the ancient protectors of human civilizations on Earth going as far back as 18 million years.
In his January 14 update, Goode refers to the Kuiper Belt meeting as the third in series of meetings that began in early September 2015, which he discussed in a report released on September 23.
I have had 3 meetings where the “Inner Earth Breakaway Civilizations” were present. In one such meeting we met at a base in the Kuiper Belt where representatives of these breakaway groups finally had their chance to meet with the “Guardians”… Gonzales and I stood there for the entire meeting exchanging perplexed glances as the “Guardians” and the breakaway civilization representatives interfaced. They stood there silent and motionless accept for the slight waving of arms and legs of the “Guardian”.
In Goode’s September 23 report, he described a very intense emotional “mind meld” he had with “Kaaree” (Car-ee), a priestess from one of the Inner Earth groups. She was also present at the Kuiper Belt meeting. He said that the Kuiper Belt meeting with the “Guardians” had similar emotional effect on the Inner Earth representatives:
Once the exchange was over the members of the breakaway civilization were visibly shaken and overcome with excitement at the same time. I felt much of the same emotions coming from them as I did after the “mind meld” I had with Kaaree where I shared experiences and information from my adolescence. I was able to speak briefly with Kaaree as they were leaving. She was a little flustered and only made a few comments on her way down the hall.
Goode went on to assert:
I asked her how it went and she replied that her group and some of the more negative groups that had formed this ancient breakaway council had “not been proper stewards” of this planetary sphere. She was in an extreme hurry to get back to the meeting where the rest of the ancient breakaway groups were gathered.
Goode’s revelation that the “Guardians” told the Inner Earth beings that they have “not been proper stewards” is very significant. It suggests that the Inner Earth beings were being taken to task for one or more of their long standing policies dating back millennia. According to Goode’s September 23 report, these could well include collaborating with elites from Secret Societies manipulating surface humanity, yet maintaining strict separation from the rest of humanity, and their emphasis on maintaining genetic purity by isolating themselves.
This kind of chastisement from the Guardians/Sphere Being Alliances apparently led to dissension among the representatives of the seven Inner Earth Groups attending this unprecedented Kuiper Belt meeting.
It wasn’t until later that Lt. Col. Gonzales told me that this was the last meeting these 7 groups had together before a few groups split away soon after this historic meeting.
According to Goode, the Inner Earth group that Kaaree belonged to has decided to change their isolationist policy and begin revealing themselves to surface humanity:
I met with Kaaree again not long after I was briefed on the above information. She made it clear that some of the ancient breakaway groups had decided to take a slow approach to revealing their true identity to those they are in contact with on the surface. They will visit the ones they visit in craft and reach out ethereally to those they are in remote contact with. They are starting with a test group to see how they respond to the news.
Goode went on to describe how humanity is at a critical juncture as negotiations between different secret space programs, ancient breakaway civilizations and elite groups controlling surface humanity, move towards their final conclusion:
The SSP Alliance and the Sphere Being Alliance has made it clear that we as a collective consciousness are choosing a path or future timeline. We are at a critical juncture to where our future could be one of a NWO 2.0 with some debt forgiveness, a bit of free currency and a new Babylonian Money Magic Slave System OR we have a full disclosure event during this time of social catalyst.
Goode made the following appeal in his January 14 update to help bring about “full disclosure,” or otherwise the “Syndicates” (aka Cabal/Illuminati in control of surface humanity) will succeed in implementing a partial disclosure plan:
We are putting out the call for everyone to come together and get involved in whatever way they can. We need to stop focusing on our differences and focus on our common goal… The Full Truth! If we do not, we are giving “silent consent” to the negotiations between the Alliance and these Syndicates and their outcomes.
Goode says that he will soon release a long awaited conclusion to his September 23 report along with reports about more recent meetings he has attended.
While there is a great need to continue efforts to substantiate Goode’s incredible claims, there is also a need to be open to the possibility that his revelations about secret negotiations over full or partial disclosure of alien life, classified space programs and ancient breakaway civilizations are genuine.
Given current global events, it’s not hard to agree with Goode that humanity appears to be at an important cross roads – we are about to collectively decide how much of the truth we can handle about a great number of issues that have been previously withheld from us all.
Quarry Workers Discover a 10-Foot-Tall Skeleton Along the Banks of the Mississippi River
Quarry Workers Discover a 10-Foot-Tall Skeleton Along the Banks of the Mississippi River
An 1868 newspaper article trumpeting the discovery of a giant skeleton continues to mystify the city of Sauk Rapids, Minnesota.
Nearly 150 years ago, a report surfaced that quarry workers with the Sauk Rapids Water Power Co. unearthed the remains of a 10-foot-tall giant along the shores of the Mississippi River.
The story was printed on the front page of the Sauk Rapids Sentinel on Dec. 18, 1868, under the headline, “Wonderful Discovery!” where authors touted the remains as the “largest skeleton ever found.”
A few days later, the bones were nowhere to be found, rumored to have been whisked east on a late-night train and sold to the circus.
So what happened to these giant bones? Were they part of a publicity scheme, or dreamed up by a local reporter?
Wonderful Discovery! story:
The water company employees reportedly discovered the bones while quarrying rock for a dam near the present day site of Lions Park, between the Sauk Rapids Bridge
and the former bridge site.
According to the story, the workers found embedded “in solid granite rock the remains of a human being of gigantic stature.”
The grave — reported as being 12 feet long, 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep — was estimated to be about 2 feet below the level of the river. Atop the tomb, the report said, was a flat limestone rock that remained separate from the surrounding granite.
The remains are completely petrified, and are of gigantic dimensions,” the story states. The head is massive, measures thirty-one and one-half inches in circumference, but low in theosfrontis, and very flat on top.
The story offers additional dimensions, such as a 26¼-inch femur, a 25½-inch fibula and more than 59 inches for the measurement around the chest. The skeleton measured 10 feet, 9½ inches from the “crown of the head to the sole of the foot.”
Reporters estimated the “giant” would have weighed at least 900 pounds “when covered with a reasonable amount of flesh.”
The story also said parts of the skeleton were missing: the thumb and fingers of the left hand, as well as the left foot from the ankle to the toes.
We are not sufficiently posted either in geology or ethnology to form even a conjecture; and hence we shall leave it to some one (sic) more learned than we, to solve the problem, the authors stated.
The story stated the bones were in the possession of a gentleman traveling east. The unnamed gentleman supposedly sent the remains to Boston.
Possibly we may hear all that can be said on the subject, by the learned in these things, in a few days hence. It is surmised by some that he will make a nice thing by selling them to some one who will exhibit them to an astonished world.
The story ends on an expectant note: “If it should happen that this should turn out to be an antideluvian grave yard, the world will have food for reflection for the next century.”
The reporters seemed to be convinced of the validity of the marvelous discovery. But residents of Sauk Rapids complained they were left in the dark.
A story from the Dec. 25, 1868, edition of the Sauk Rapids Sentinel follows the mystery surrounding the skeleton.
When the account of the wonderful discovery of the remains of a gigantic human being, which appeared in our last was penned, we were not aware that the majority of our very townspeople had not seen them,” the story states. They now complain that they were so surreptitiously taken away.
Nearly 150 years later, townspeople still do not know if the story was real or merely fiction, leading to spirited debate over the veracity over the tale.
Museum director Mary Ostby argued to the St. Cloud Times that the detailed reporting of the skeleton’s measurements suggest it was a true story.
They couldn’t have got the details they got as a hoax,” she told the paper.
Fred Joesting, who has been a volunteer at the museum for 20 years, has more of a skeptical view of the skeleton story: “I think the majority of these things are hoaxes, but there are some that are real.However, the odds are much higher that it is a hoax”.
Whatever the case, the story of the Sauk Rapids skeleton has captivated the locals and researchers alike.
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In the last couple of weeks, Dutch citizens have reported hearing strange sounds in the sky. Martijn Mastenbroek from Pijnacker, a town in the Dutch province of South Holland, was at home on the evening of January 10th when he suddenly heard a peculiar sound. "It sounded like trumpets," he recalls. "It lasted about five seconds. No, it wasn't coming from the washer. It really came from outside. My girlfriend heard it too."
A week earlier, on the evening of January 3rd, residents in Casablanca, Agadir, Tangier and other Moroccan cities also heard similar strange sounds, 'coming from the sky.' Several citizens were able to catch the sound on film and posted recordings on YouTube
The following day, on January 4th, a British man - Youtube user 'Stevie B' - recorded the same kind of sound in Bristol, southwest England:
We suspect that these sounds are some kind of transduced extra-low frequency radio waves. While we wouldn't normally be able to hear them, due to changes in our near-space and the broader cosmic environment, they seem to interact with other electromagnetic factors in, on and around the planet, causing them to be amplified and converted into sound waves. Although nobody knows for sure what these sounds are, they are almost certainly related to each other, and together they constitute a new natural phenomenon. Well, not exactly. There are ancient and historical records of such sounds that are described in almost identical terms - trumpets, moaning, metallic, sky noises.
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WATCH: Fast-Moving UFO Baffles Astrophotographers
WATCH: Fast-Moving UFO Baffles Astrophotographers
"We were gobsmacked at this image that looked like a string of colored pearls."
Paul and Sylvia Mayo were leaving a gas station in Darwin, the capital city of Australia's Northern Territory, in the early morning hours of June 12, 2015, when their car dash cam caught something streaking through the air.
"My wife and I both saw the object shoot across the sky, and the next day we looked at the video footage from our dash cam to see if it had recorded the object and were delighted to see that it had," Paul Mayo told The Huffington Post in an email.
"We were puzzled at the time to explain what it was, but being the busy people we are, put it aside and didn't think that much more about it, particularly since we're both UFO skeptics."
Mayo explained how, six months later, he watched the video footage again, still puzzled by it all.
"Being lifelong amateur astronomers and astrophotographers, we know what a shooting star looks like, what an aircraft looks like, how fast an aircraft moves, what a satellite looks like, what the International Space Station looks like, but the object on our footage didn't fit any of these airborne objects."
Mayo decided to take a screen grab from their video, zooming in on the image and increasing the contrast.
"We sat there gobsmacked, looking at this image of what looked like a string of colored pearls."
Here's the original video taken by the Mayos' dash cam:
The Mayos are quite familiar with things in the night sky. They are professional, award-winning astro-photographers who take deep space photographs of galaxies, star clusters and many other wonders of the universe in the remarkably clear skies of the Australian Outback.
Despite their extensive collaborative background developing astronomy software and teaching Information Technology, they're still baffled by the object they accidentally videotaped in the Northern Territory.
"Over the past 30 years, we've looked at so many photographs, we can normally identify anything unusual in a photograph at a glance," Paul Mayo wrote on their website. "As astronomers, we have always been skeptical about UFOs, but the object that appears in this video is something we can't explain."
The red circle in the following image shows where Darwin is located in Australia.
"We're still at a loss to explain what our dash cam captured," Mayo told HuffPost. "We've asked the wider community to offer explanations, though we don't seem to have had any credible feedback explaining what it is."
According to Yahoo! News, "theories to explain the phenomenon included that it could be a windscreen reflection. However, this was rejected on the grounds that the unidentified object was moving too fast."
Another point about the reflection theory is that, if you look at side-by-side images of the streaking object, it appears to pass behind a pole (in the picture below). Would a reflection do that?
"That thing in the video is going along the tree tops in a straight line," Mayo told NT News, which has covered Australia's Northern Territory news for over 60 years.
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Weird star system scientists have been checking for aliens just got weirder
Weird star system scientists have been checking for aliens just got weirder
Last year, scientists spotted something strange going on around a distant star. Now it turns out it's been happening for decades, or even centuries, making it even harder to explain.
There is a star, unimpressively named KIC 8462852, that sits 1,400 light-years away and seems to be relatively similar to our own sun. But whatever circles that star is so weird and unprecedented that respected scientists concede far-fetched explanations like "alien megastructures" cannot be completely ruled out. A new analysis of observations of the star dating back to the 19th century shows that the weirdness around it has been happening for decades, if not centuries, and could rule out the leading natural explanation.
To date, the most likely scenario seemed to be that a swarm of giant comets might be passing in front of the star, but one veteran astronomer now says the star has also been growing consistently dimmer since at least 1890. That's a completely new level of weirdness that's tough to pin on just comets, especially when combined with the more recent strangeness that first brought the star to our attention.
Bradley E. Schaefer, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Louisiana State University, went to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to examine Harvard University's archival photographic plates that include about half a million photographs of the sky on glass plates taken between 1890 and 1989. He found that the light observed from KIC 8462852 consistently and significantly faded over the course of almost a complete century of observations.
"The KIC 8462852 light curve from 1890 to 1989 shows a highly significant secular trend in fading over 100 years, with this being completely unprecedented for any F-type main sequence star," reads a paper by Schaefer that's been submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letters and is available in its pre-peer review draft form here. "Such stars should be very stable in brightness, with evolution making for changes only on time scales of many millions of years."
Are there huge comets blocking the light from a distant star? Or something more unusual?
KIC 8462852 first came to our attention last year, several months after it had first been flagged by volunteer citizen scientists who use the online platform Planet Hunters to eyeball light curve data for distant stars spotted by the Kepler Space Telescope.
Tabetha Boyajian, a Yale postdoc who is also on the Planet Hunters science team, spearheaded a group that published a paper detailing the oddly significant and irregular dips in light observed from the star, which would fade by as much as 20 percent for as long as a whole day.
Boyajian's paper didn't mention alien megastructures, instead suggesting that something natural, like swarms of large comets, might be passing in front of the star and blocking its light. But she also shared the team's data and analysis with other scientists like Penn State's Jason Wright, an authority on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and hypothetical alien megastructures like the Dyson Sphere or Dyson Swarm.
Researchers at Iowa State University used infrared data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope topublish a paper in November concluding that "the scenario in which the dimming in the KIC 8462852 light curve were caused by the destruction of a family of comets remains the preferred explanation."
But Schaefer's new look at the old observations of KIC 8462852 casts doubt on what has been the leading scientific hypothesis for the system's weirdness since it was first noted.
Let's just break down how odd this is real quick. Kepler, which observed the star over the course of a few recent years in the 21st century, finds that there are some very large objects passing in front of it at irregular intervals. Then Schaefer goes back and looks at the astronomical equivalent of the dusty oldmicrofiche machines in the back of the library and finds that it has also been getting slowly dimmer for about as long as we've been watching it (or at least the area of the sky that it's in), which is the exact opposite of how stars like our sun normally behave.
An example of one of the plates from the Harvard archival collection. This one shows Halley's comet in 1910.
Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory/Harvard College
"This star is really weird; normal main sequence stars slowly increase in luminosity as they age, on time scales of hundreds of millions of years. A star that gets 20 percent dimmer in a century is unprecedented," Massimo Marengo told me. He's one of the Iowa State researchers who backed the comet swarm hypothesis in a paper published in November.
This pokes a hole in the theory that big comets are causing the big dips we're seeing in the star's light.
"With 36 giant comets required to make the one 20 percent Kepler dip, and all of these along one orbit, we would need 648,000 giant-comets to create the century-long fading," Schaefer writes. "I do not see how it is possible for something like 648,000 giant comets to exist around one star, nor to have their orbits orchestrated so as to all pass in front of the star within the last century. So I take this century-long dimming as a strong argument against the comet-family hypothesis to explain the Kepler dips."
I contacted Boyajian to see what she thought of the newly revisited history of "her" star (KIC 8462852 is informally referred to as "Tabby's Star" in astronomy circles) and she told me she has discussed it with Schaefer and is intrigued by what he found. And more baffled than ever by the phenomenon.
"I think this new analysis is very exciting. It is the second piece of evidence we now have that says what is happening to the star is very unusual (the first being the Kepler light curve). However, it does not help the case for the comet hypothesis, nor point us into any obvious direction to pursue next."
Marengo told me he agrees that the comet swarm seems a less likely explanation for all the dimming, but he thinks a ring around the star of a certain shape and composition might explain all the weirdness.
"Note that eccentric geometrically thin circumstellar rings around stars similar to KIC 8462852 are not unprecedented: Fomalhaut has one."
Throughout my reporting on this bizarre star system, every scientist I've contacted always reiterates that the "alien megastructures" explanation should be a "hypothesis of last resort," and so far there is no actual evidence besides what are basically unexplained shadows to point in that direction. Still, it's hard not to let the imagination run wild, or at least take a brisk jog around the block. Do the photographic plates from Harvard show a centuries-long construction project on a scale beyond human capability happening around a distant star?
An artist's rendering of how Fomalhaut's system might appear.
Probably not, but until we get more evidence of what's really going on, it's not impossible.
"I don't know how the dimming affects the megastructure hypothesis, except that it would *seem* to exclude a lot of natural explanations, including comets," Jason Wright wrote in an email to CNET on Thursday.
Wright notes that "since no one uses photographic plates any more, it's basically a lost art...also, the data are very noisy." But, he adds, "Schaefer is an expert at this stuff, though."
Schaefer does not go so far as to suggest a possible source of all the strange long-term and short-term dimming happening around KIC 8462852. But he does believe, perOccam's Razor -- the idea that the simplest explanation is usually the best -- that both are likely caused by the same thing, whatever that may be.
So one thing is likely causing a star to appear dimmer over time, and also to be partially blocked every now and then by something like a bunch of giant comets, each potentially as large as the size of Connecticut.
In addition to his ring suggestion, Marengo offers one other tongue-in-cheek hypothesis in an email: "Of course we may all be wrong and this could just be theStarkiller base feeding off the poor star..."
WikiLeaks-cables: “Vliegende machines die hun vorm verhullen gezien bij militaire installaties”
WikiLeaks-cables: “Vliegende machines die hun vorm verhullen gezien bij militaire installaties”
WikiLeaks heeft verschillende cables vrijgegeven over onbekende vliegende objecten. Eén van die cablesgaat over ‘ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten boven Algerije’ in 1975.
De secretaris-generaal van het ministerie van Defensie, kolonel Abdelhamid Latrech, heeft het over ‘vreemde machines die in de afgelopen weken in het Algerijnse luchtruim zijn gezien’.
Deze vreemde objecten werden door militair personeel gezien in de buurt van militaire installaties. In totaal hebben honderden mensen zich openlijk uitgesproken over dit soort voorvallen.
Meer dan twee uur
In de stukken staat verder dat de objecten niet alleen met het blote oog zijn gezien, maar ook zijn opgepikt door de radar. In één van de gevallen was het object meer dan twee uur lang zichtbaar.
Het object is twee keer gezien in de buurt van de stad Oran, één keer in het midden van het land, één keer bij de stad Béchar en één keer voor de kust. Omdat het object een zeer fel licht gaf verhulde het zijn vorm.
Ook werd gezien hoe het object zich door de lucht manoeuvreerde, landde, opsteeg en continu van hoogte veranderde. Dit is slechts één van de vele documenten die verhalen over dit soort gebeurtenissen.
Roscoe Hillenkoetter, de eerste directeur van de CIA, zei in 1960: “Hooggeplaatste luchtmachtofficieren zijn achter de schermen erg bezorgd over UFO’s. Maar door de geheimhouding en ridiculisering denken veel mensen dat onbekende vliegende objecten onzin zijn.”
Fastwalkers waargenomen nabij ISS ruimtestation ( Video )
Fastwalkers waargenomen nabij ISS ruimtestation ( Video )
Door de Amerikaanse Defensie zijn bepaalde typen UFO’s gekenmerkt als zogenaamde Fastwalkers.
UFO’s die diep vanuit de ruimte onze atmosfeer binnenschieten en die in staat zijn om net als ballistische raketten explosieve ladingen te vervoeren.
Naast de rage die er momenteel plaatsvindt omtrent de vreemde geluiden is het wellicht ook zinvol om eens te kijken wat er zoal gebeurt in de ruimte om ons heen.
Ook daar gebeuren op dit moment een aantal vreemde dingen en die hebben te maken met wat men noemt Fastwalkers.
Dit is een uitdrukking die al heel lang wordt gebruikt en afhankelijk van wie je spreekt wordt daar een ander soort definitie aan gegeven.
De bekende Dr. Steven Greer zegt dat Fastwalkers een ander woord is voor snel bewegende UFO’s. Dit dan in tegenstelling tot de Slowwalkers, wat dan staat voor satellieten.
Anderen zeggen dat Fastwalker een codenaam is zoals die onder ander door het US Space Command wordt gehanteerdom UFO’s aan te duiden die in staat zijn om projectielen te vervoeren, zoals ballistische raketten.
Weer anderen zeggen dat het woord Fastwalker afkomstig van NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) om daarmee UFO’s aan te duiden die diep vanuit de ruimte onze atmosfeer binnendringen.
Naar verluidt worden er op jaarbasis door NORAD zo'n 500 van dit soort UFO’s waargenomen.
Nu is er enkele dagen geleden door de bekende Youtubegebruiker Streetcap1 een dergelijke Fastwalker ontdekt op beelden die afkomstig zijn van het ISS ruimtestation.
Het bovenstaande gebeurde op 11 januari.
De dag ervoor was het ook alweer raak bij het ISS ruimtestation toen dezelfde Streetcap1 nog iets zag wat ook een Fastwalker zou kunnen zijn.
Niemand weet zeker wat de oorsprong is van dit soort UFO’s. Ze worden regelmatig waargenomen vanuit het ISS en soms is zelfs te zien dat ze projectielen of iets dergelijks afvuren, waardoor je dan zou kunnen denken dat er een soort (geheime) oorlog in de ruimte woedt.
Op een zeker moment, al kijkend naar de webcams, komt er een rode UFO in beeld. Dat niet alleen, maar hij lijkt ook nog eens een mysterieuze straal richting aarde af te vuren.
Nu, een jaar later, duiken er weer opnames op van een UFO die lichtstralen afvuurt. Ook deze keer zijn ze gemaakt door NASA en wel op 8 december 2015.
We zien twee verschillende opnames, waarbij de eerste een UFO laat zien die een lichtstraal de ruimte in vuurt en op de tweede twee UFO’s die een lichtstraal afschieten.
Wij denken dat wij veel weten, maar wanneer we de onmetelijke ruimte in ogenschouw en af en toe even een glimp opvangen van wat daar gebeurt dan besef je dat wij eigenlijk nog niets weten.
Dat er zich buiten ons gezichtsveld zoveel afspeelt waarvan wij werkelijk geen flauw benul hebben.
Ruimtesonde New Horizons heeft een fraaie foto gemaakt van Wright Mons: een mogelijke ijsvulkaan op het oppervlak van de dwergplaneet die maar blijft verrassen.
Wright Mons is ongeveer 150 kilometer breed en zeker 4 kilometer hoog. Onderzoekers vermoeden dat het een ijsvulkaan is. Als dat inderdaad het geval is, dan is het de hoogste vulkaan die ons tot op heden aan de rand van het zonnestelsel bekend is.
Scheervlucht De nieuwe beelden van de vermoedelijke ijsvulkaan zijn in feite al enige tijd oud, maar pas recent op aarde gearriveerd. New Horizons maakte de foto’s toen deze in juli 2015 langs Pluto scheerde.
Deze afbeelding laat zien waar op Pluto de ijsvulkaan te vinden is. Afbeelding: NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI
Eén krater De foto’s laten onder meer zien dat er op de berg maar één inslagkrater te vinden is. Dat suggereert dat het oppervlak van de berg relatief recent is ontstaan. En dat zou er weer op wijzen dat Wright Mons relatief laat in de geschiedenis van Pluto nog actief was.
Wright Mons doet qua uiterlijk sterk denken aan de vulkanen op aarde. Maar als het daadwerkelijk een ijsvulkaan is, werkt deze heel anders. De vulkaan spuwt geen gesmolten gesteente, maar waarschijnlijk een gesmolten mix van onder meer stikstof, waterijs, ammoniak of methaan.
Afbeelding; NASA / JHUAPL / SwRI.
Naast deze fraaie beelden van de vermoedelijke ijsvulkaan heeft NASA ook nieuwe beelden vrijgegeven van de nevels boven het oppervlak van Pluto. Nog niet eerder zagen we deze in zo’n hoge resolutie! Als je goed kijkt, zie je zelfs het silhouet van bergen (rechts, op vier uur).
Abduction Coverup! MJ-12 and Tau-9’s Extraterrestrial Time Travel Scandal
Abduction Coverup! MJ-12 and Tau-9’s Extraterrestrial Time Travel Scandal
Majestic 12 (MJ-12) is the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft after the Roswell, NM UFO incident.
When President Truman was informed about the crash, he authorized Defense Secretary James Forrestal to set up a committee to investigate and deal with the situation. In 1952, when Dwight Eisenhower became President-elect, he was briefed on Operation Majestic-12. The briefing paper listed a 12-man committee and gave details of the UFO crash in Roswell. The final paragraph stressed the need to ‘avoid public panic at all costs’, confirming that the government was covering up the truth about UFOs.
In 1954, in conjunction with the US military, a ship landed to recover the deceased aliens from the Roswell crash. These ET’s made a pact that assumedly still stands today.
According to the work of Dan Burisch, a treaty was created by a group of beings who stated they time traveled from 45,000 years into the future AND 52,000 years into the future in order to obtain our DNA due to a cataclysm on Earth that wiped out most of humanity. Because they were living in underground bases at the time, only some of these people survived. This treaty is known as TAU-9 and involves the exchange of advanced technology for a limited amount of abductions. As part of their agreement, any abducted person would have amnesia and would not remember any part of the abduction or being aboard any spaceship. Terms of this agreement were set to be renewed every 9 years and has been ongoing since 1958.
Because of his involvement and concern for where America was heading, President Eisenhower warned the world of the power of the military industrial complex in his exiting speech in 1961:
It is estimated that there are at least 200 deep underground bases (DUMBs) throughout the world.
According to Phil Schneider, one of these DUMBs is located in UFO hotspot, Dulce, New Mexico.
Because these bases are so secretive and information about them is hidden from the public, it is assumed that they are created for nefarious reasons, including the preservation of those who have kept us enslaved for thousands of years. Supposition has inferred that once underground, the female menstrual cycle becomes irregular and reproduction would drop off significantly. Additionally, many of these people who have been assured underground base privileges come from similar bloodlines, which would be genetically deficient through inbreeding amongst themselves.
If these are they types of beings who returned from the future to harvest our DNA, then do you really think they are benevolent people? I seriously doubt it. Chances are, THEY were the ones who were responsible for whatever cataclysm that became their demise somewhere in the future and are turning to humanity as we know it today to bail them out.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
We willen sneller dan het licht: waar blijft die warp drive?
We willen sneller dan het licht: waar blijft die warp drive?
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Star Trek vertelt ons dat de warpaandrijving in 2063 is uitgevonden. Hoever staan we anno 2016? Komt die warpaandrijving er binnenkort? Of kan reizen met warpsnelheid geen werkelijkheid worden?
Kun je ook wegdromen bij de verre reizen die ze in Star Trek-films en -series maken? Moeiteloos vliegen ze van de ene nevel naar de andere en bezoeken ze het ene na het andere sterrenstelsel. En dat allemaal dankzij Zefram Cochrane die diep in de 21e eeuw de warp drive uitvindt, zo wil Star Trek ons doen geloven. Die warpaandrijving stelt ruimteschepen in staat om sneller te reizen dan het licht.
Waarom willen we zo graag sneller reizen dan het licht?
Omdat het de enige manier is waarop we het heelal werkelijk kunnen verkennen. Laten we als voorbeeld even de ruimtesonde Voyager 1 nemen.
De dichtstbijzijnde ster bevindt zich bijvoorbeeld op 4,22 lichtjaar afstand.
Dat betekent dat we als we met de snelheid van het licht reizen, er al 4,22 jaar over doen om deze ster te bereiken.
Als we met de snelheid van Voyager 1 naar deze ster reizen, doen we er 77.000 jaar over!
Stel je voor dat ze met die snelheid in Star Trek het heelal verkennen; het zou een bar saaie bedoening worden.
Het moet dus sneller als we sterren en planeten op grotere afstand van de aarde van dichterbij willen gaan bekijken.
Waar blijft die warpaandrijving? Inmiddels bevinden we ons alweer een tijdje in de 21e eeuw en hoewel al verscheidene technologieën uit Star Trek werkelijkheid zijn geworden, moeten we het nog altijd zonder warpaandrijving doen. Waarom is het er nog niet? En kun je eigenlijk wel sneller reizen dan het licht?
De natuurwetten Een warpaandrijving laat je – als we sciencefiction-series moeten geloven – sneller reizen dan het licht. Dat lijkt in strijd met de natuurwetten. Maar dat is niet het geval. Een ruimtevaartuig dat reist met warpsnelheid beweegt in zijn lokale ruimte niet sneller dan het licht. Het ruimtevaartuig op warp speed reist alleen ten opzichte van andere objecten in de ruimte – bijvoorbeeld de aarde – sneller dan het licht. Hoe kan dat? Als je reist met warpsnelheid, dan vervorm je in feite de ruimtetijd rond je ruimtevaartuig. De ruimtetijd die voor je ligt, trek je samen, en de ruimtetijd achter je rek je uit. Heel concreet: stel je reist van Rotterdam naar Enschede. De weg achter je wordt uitgerekt en de weg voor je wordt samengedrukt. Het resultaat: de af te leggen afstand wordt kleiner, terwijl je met gelijke snelheid kan reizen.
Alcubierre Het klinkt bijna te mooi om waar te zijn. En dat is het tot op heden ook. De warpaandrijving is namelijk nog altijd sciencefiction. Maar wetenschappers staan te springen om die warpaandrijving werkelijkheid te laten worden. De afgelopen jaren hebben onderzoekers zich herhaaldelijk gebogen over de vraag hoe we met warpsnelheid kunnen reizen en het resulteert in een aantal (nu nog theoretische) plannen. Veruit de bekendste is de Alcubierre Warp Drive. Een idee van de Mexicaan Miguel Alcubierre. De Alcubierre Warpdrive maakt een golf van de ruimtetijd, waardoor de ruimtetijd achter het ruimtevaartuig uitrekt en voor het ruimtevaartuig wordt samengedrukt. Het ruimtevaartuig deint in een bubbel – de warpbubbel – op deze golf mee. Een eventuele lichtstraal in de warpbubbel zou nog altijd sneller reizen dan het ruimtevaartuig in de bubbel. Maar doordat de ruimte voor de warpbubbel wordt samengedrukt, reist het ruimtevaartuig in de bubbel wel sneller dan licht buiten de bubbel. Het klinkt heel aannemelijk, maar deze vorm van warpaandrijving heeft in de praktijk waarschijnlijk zijn beperkingen. Zo is voor het creëren van de warpbubbel volgens Alcubierre negatieve energie – energie gecreëerd in een vacuüm – nodig. Men gaat er dan vanuit dat in een vacuüm elektromagnetische golven te vinden zijn. Als je die verstoort, ontstaat negatieve energie die weer de ruimtetijd verstoort en een warpbubbel creëert. Maar dan moeten we die energie eerst zien te verzamelen en controleren en zover zijn we nog lang niet. Diverse onderzoekers hebben de afgelopen jaren aan het idee van Alcubierre geschaafd en het hier en daar – in theorie – verbeterd (bijvoorbeeld door de benodigde hoeveelheid negatieve energie terug te dringen), maar in de praktijk zien we er nog weinig van.
De Alcubierre warpaandrijving in beeld. Afbeelding: Anderson Institute.
Tenminste… In 2012 veerden fans van sciencefiction-films en -series ongetwijfeld even op. Onderzoeker Harold White vertelde toen dat hij een manier had gevonden om de energiebehoefte van de Alcubierre warpaandrijving terug te dringen. Onder meer de vorm van de warpbubbel moest daartoe worden aangepast. Het zou de warpaandrijving een stuk praktischer maken. En het bleef niet bij een idee: White en zijn collega’s ontwikkelden de White-Juday Warp Field Inferometer, bedoeld om een warpbubbel te creëren en detecteren. Vooralsnog is er vanuit die hoek echter geen brekend nieuws vernomen. Maar het laat wel zien dat de warpaandrijving ook in wetenschappelijke kringen nog altijd serieus wordt genomen.
Gevaarlijk Tegelijk zijn er ook veel onderzoekers die hun twijfels hebben. En die twijfels betreffen lang niet alleen de haalbaarheid van warpsnelheid. Sommige onderzoekers maken zich ook grote zorgen over de veiligheid ervan. Zo zouden mensen in een ruimtevaartuig dat bijna net zo snel reist als het licht gebombardeerd worden door gevaarlijke straling en vrijwel zeker het loodje leggen. Andere onderzoekers maken zich niet zozeer zorgen over de bemanning, maar over de eindbestemming. Die eindbestemming zou wanneer mensen in de Alcubierre warpbubbel arriveren in één klap vernietigd worden.
Er zijn dus nog wel wat hobbels te nemen alvorens we de warpaandrijving doorgronden en veilig toe kunnen passen. Maar: het kan relatief snel gaan. En als het snel gaat, dan hebben we dat maar aan één man te danken: Albert Einstein. Zijn algemene relativiteitstheorie biedt volgens astrofysicus Geraint Lewis de handvaten om de warpaandrijving mogelijk te maken. Lewis wijst erop dat we de theorie van Einstein – hoewel deze al honderd jaar oud is – nu pas beginnen te doorgronden. We krijgen gaandeweg een steeds beter beeld van wat de theorie voorspelt. “Eén van de dingen die uit de berekeningen komt, is een mogelijk mechanisme dat ons in staat stelt om sneller dan het licht door de ruimte te reizen. In de komende 100 of 200 jaar reikt de theorie ons wellicht de oplossingen aan die nodig zijn om efficiënt en met hoge snelheid door de ruimte te reizen.”
Russian Scientists Build And Study Pyramids | What They Found Could Change The World
Russian Scientists Build And Study Pyramids | What They Found Could Change The World
Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets is a renowned scientist from the Institute of Physics in the Ukraine, that spent over a decade building and researching many pyramids of varying heights and proportions. The Russian government even endorsed his work, producing a 144ft tall pyramid outside of Moscow. What he discovered is truly remarkable and has implications that could completely transform society as we know it. Here is a brief summary of results from one of the articles below:
Immune system of organisms improved (blood leukocyte composition increased).
improved regeneration of tissue
seeds stored in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield
soon after construction of the Lake Seliger pyramid a marked improvement of the ozone was noted above the area
seismic activity near the pyramid research areas are reduced in severity and size
violent weather also appears to decrease in the vicinity of the pyramids
pyramids constructed in Southern Russia (Bashkiria) appeared to have a positive effect on oil production with oil becoming less viscous by 30% and the yield of the oil wells increased according to tests carried out by the Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.
a study was done on 5000 prisoners who ingested salt and pepper that had been exposed to the pyramid energy field. The test subjects exhibited a greatly reduced violence rate and overall behavior was much improved.
standard tissue culture tests showed an increase in survival of cellular tissue after infection by viruses and bacteria
radioactive substances show a decreased level of radiation inside the pyramid
there are reports of spontaneous charging of capacitors
physicists observed significant changes in superconductivity temperature thresholds and in the properties of semi-conducting and carbon nano materials.
water inside the pyramid will remain liquid to minus 40 degrees Celsius but freeze instantly if jostled or bumped in any way
With the use of pyramids we could heal the planet from centuries of environmental pollution, vitalize once extinct plant species, heal the body and so on. These are just some of the things we’ve been able verify, there are no doubt countless other uses that will be discovered once more extensive research has been done.
I read with great interest the report by Bovis describing his discovery of the mummifying power of the shape of the Great Pyramid.
Having been experimenting and measuring bio-energy with the Neurophone and various other instruments described earlier, I began a series of intensive experiments on the shape of the Great Pyramid to see if I could discover its great secrets. I began by duplicating Bovis’ experiments with pyramids of various dimensions. Using Kirlian photography, GSR, voltage differential, and electrostatic fields, I was able to measure the differences of various pyramids and their effects on living organisms such as plants and people.
The very first experiments were in the area of preserving hamburger meat, liver, eggs, and milk. The first experiments were very encouraging.
It was strange to realize I had taken small pieces of cardboard and made a simple shape that could concentrate some sort of energy that would mummify food without any external power source. My controls all got so bad I had to throw them away.
Bovis and Drbal had indicated in their reports that the energy was focused in the King’s Chamber level bout one third up from the base in the middle of the pyramid.
My own research indicates that the energy is present throughout the pyramid. I was able to mummify food anywhere in the pyramid.
By careful measurement, I was able to determine that the maximum concentration of effect was in the King’s Chamber, but there were effects in the other areas of the whole pyramid. Further research with various materials of construction revealed further clues as to the nature of the phenomenon we were investigating.
A series of energy measuring machines will be described. Some of these machines measure the effects of the energy on other things, others are esoteric machines which are extremely sophisticated dowsing devices that rely on the human computer as a readout detector.
I have tried various other geometric shapes other than the pyramid and have not had the results obtained with the exact shape of the Pyramid of Gizeh.
Other geometric structures such as cones, icosahedrons, dodecahedrons, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, greater stellated dodecahedrons, etc. all have shape characteristics, but these other shapes do not have any effects demonstrated by the exact pyramid shape to be described.
As a result of preliminary research, I began a series of serious research projects on the pyramid itself.
The following is a list of pyramids in tabular form:
The dimensions are based on the exact dimensions of the Pyramid of Gizeh. These are some of the dimensions of pyramids used in my experimental work.
Based on the fact that the Pyramid of Gizeh is the only pyramid in the world that is ventilated, I have also experimented with pyramids with windows in the sides. The windows are holes up to 1/3 of the base length in diameter. The holes do not detract from the function and seem to actually aid the processes going on inside the structure.
"According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code."
One of the first recorded examples of a UFO actually came from Rome, although most people tend to think of them as a modern phenomena. In 218 B.C., a written account reports that a fleet of gleaming ships appeared to be floating in the sky of Rome. That wasn’t the only one, either—in A.D. 150 a report from an area right outside of Rome described “a beast like a piece of pottery about one hundred feet in size, multicolored on top and shooting out fiery rays, landed in a dust cloud.”
The Roman author Julius Obsequens, believed to have lived in the fourth century A.D., drew on Livy as well as other sources of his time to compile his book Prodigorium liber, which describes many peculiar phenomena, some of which could be interpreted as UFO sightings. Here are just a few examples:
216 B.C. Things like ships were seen in the sky over Italy… At Arpi (180 Roman miles, east of Rome, in Apulia) a round shield was seen in the sky. At Capua, the sky was all on fire, and one saw figures like ships…
99 B.C. When C. Murius and L. Valerius were consuls, in Tarquinia, there fell in different places… a thing like a flaming torch, and it came suddenly from the sky. Towards sunset, a round object like a globe, or round or circular shield took its path in the sky, from west to east.
90 B.C. In the territory of Spoletium (65 Roman miles north of Rome, in Umbria) a globe of fire, of golden colour, fell to the earth, gyrating. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth, and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the disc of the sun, with its brilliance. It revolved towards the eastern quadrant of the sky. [Harold T. Wilkins, Flying Saucers on the Attack, pp.164-69]
A later chronicler of inexplicable phenomena, one Conrad Wolffhart (a professor of grammar and dialectics who under the pen name of Lycosthenes wrote the compendium Prodigiorum ac Ostentorum Chronicon, published in 1567), mentions the following events:
393 A.D. Strange lights were seen in the sky in the days of the Emperor Theodosius. On a sudden, a bright globe appeared at midnight. It shone brilliantly near the day star (planet, Venus), about the circle of the Zodiac. This globe shone little less brilliantly than the planet, and little by little, a great number of other glowing orbs drew near the first globe. The spectacle was like a swarm of bees flying around the bee-keeper, and the light of these orbs was as if they were dashing violently against each other. Soon, they blended together into one awful flame, and bodied forth to the eye as a horrible two-edged sword. The strange globe which was first seen now appeared like the pommel to a handle, and all the little orbs, fused with the first, shone as brilliantly as the first globe.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Comment l’ESA compte coloniser la Lune
Comment l’ESA compte coloniser la Lune
Alors que la Nasa se focalise sur Mars et parie sur un ambitieux programme d’exploration habitée de la Planète rouge, l’ESA (l’Agence spatiale européenne) veut rester à proximité de...
Alors que la Nasa se focalise sur Mars et parie sur un ambitieux programme d’exploration habitée de la Planète rouge, l’ESA (l’Agence spatiale européenne) veut rester à proximité de la Terre et coloniser la Lune pour y réaliser de fréquents séjours.
Mise en place par la Nasa sous l’impulsion de John F. Kennedy, qui avait lancé le programme américain Apollo avec comme objectif de faire atterrir un homme sur la Lune, la mission Apollo 11 a vu l’humanité poser le pied sur la Lune pour la première fois le 21 juillet 1969 en la personne de Neil Armstrong. Mais depuis l’année 1972 et l’arrêt du programme Apollo, plus aucun humain ne s’est posé sur le satellite.
L’ESA a donc comme intention de renvoyer des hommes sur la Lune et de les faire rester bien plus longtemps sur notre satellite que lors des précédentes expéditions. En effet, le directeur général de l’Agence spatiale européenne, souhaiterait bâtir un « village lunaire » international qui se construirait par étapes robotiques et humaines sur la surface de la Lune. Dans un premier temps, un village robotique verra le jour puis, dans un second temps, une station spatiale sera construite pour que des humains y habitent et étudient la Lune de plus près. Cette station servira à l’exploration lunaire mais également à préparer des expéditions vers des destinations encore plus lointaines, en servant de point de départ par exemple.
L’ESA imagine une base lunaire imprimée en 3D / ESA
Ce projet qui devrait être réalisé atour de 2030 aura pour but de remplacer la station spatiale internationale ISS en temps que nouvelle mission inter-agences spatiales. L’ISS, en place depuis 1998, devrait voir sa mission prendre un terme en 2024. L’ESA continuera, en attendant que le projet se concrétise, son exploration lunaire en collaboration avec les agences spatiales de la Russie et de la Chine.
L’ESA imagine une base lunaire imprimée en 3D / ESA
En effet, l’ESA pourrait participer aux prochaines missions robotiques de la Russie avec entre autres un robot qui doit se poser sur la surface lunaire et un autre qui s’en ira au pôle sud de notre satellite naturel pour recueillir des échantillons. En parallèle, l’ESA et l’agence spatiale chinoise, la China National Space Administration, devraient s’associer pour le lancement d’une sonde sur la face cachée de la Lune afin d’y placer un télescope.
A California TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S. Navy SEALs are the key elements in a story that claims extensive ancient ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica. That’s according to archaeologist and adventurer Jonathan Gray of World Education Research Ltd in his free newsletter Archaeology News Flash.
A spokesman for the company is reported to have said at the time that “The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice.”
“The AtlantisTV production crew that shot the video is still missing.” reports Gray. Attorneys for the Beverly Hills-based AtlantisTV stressed at the time that the company’s primary concern was for the safety and welfare of the crew.
But they stated they would vigorously oppose any attempts to censor material that is clearly in the public interest and public domain.
The icy continent of Antarctica, they pointed out, belongs to no nation. “The U.S. has no jurisdiction there.”
McMurdo Station Antarctica
“That video is the property of AtlantisTV, said a company spokesman, We shot it. It’s ours. And as soon as it is rightfully restored to us, were going to air it. End of story.”
“Two Navy officers who saw the tape described its contents to National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers upon their return to the Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole,” asserts Gray in his recent newsletter.
Amundsen-Scott Station
So reported sources at McMurdo Station, the main American base in Antarctica.”They said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn’t go into”, an NSF scientist reported.
“We chalked it up to some kind of subzero-induced delusion,” he said, “until a helicopter full ofNavy SEALs landed and picked them up and took off. Now, were scratching our heads.”
Officials of the U.S. Naval Support Task Force in Antarctica predictably denied the story or the possession of any video shot by the missing AtlantisTV crew.
Navy sources said they found the video in an abandoned supply dump 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of Vokstok Station.
Are you keeping up with the astonishing secrets of our past? At least four YouTube posters think there just may be a lost city on the continent of Antarctica.
A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Exact details are sketchy, but the team have released three intriguing pictures of their discovery. according to Stephen Hannard ADGUK
The international team comprises researchers from the United States, and several other, are from various European countries. Two of the huge pyramid structures were found approximately 10 miles inland, the third one not far from the coastline, clearly visible from ocean.
The team are currently planning an expedition to reach one of the pyramids to find out if it is a natural or an artificial structure. No further Details have been reported from the team as of 29 August 2012. More news is pending. Im undecided on this one guys until further confirmation, so as always you decide.
Since the beginnings of ufology as a field of investigation in the 1950s, many of those conducting research into the UFO phenomenon have sought to find a means to go about this work in a rigorous manner, such that any findings might prove compelling to the general public and especially the scientific community as a whole. In the 1960s and 1970s, for instance, ufologists like David Saunders (USA) and Louis Schönherr (Austria) turned to computer technology and developed codes for recording information on sightings that then could be entered into a computer database. The hope was that this would make it possible to detect patterns across the tens of thousands of reports out there. By the 1990s, however, many academic and amateur researchers remained unconvinced that these efforts had borne any fruitful results.
A team of international researchers is now pursuing a new angle. The UFO Detection and Tracking (UFODATA) Project emerged out of conversations between Mark Rodeghier (Scientific Director and President of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies) and Alexander Wendt (Professor of Political Science at the Ohio State University). As the organizers state on their website:
Our goal is to….[build] a large network of automated surveillance stations with sophisticated sensors that will monitor the skies 24/7 looking for aerial anomalies. After over two years of developing our ideas, making plans, and testing relevant technologies we are now ready to move into the next phase – a ‘proof of concept’ by developing our first working prototype of a fully functioning monitoring station. This station will have a core optical unit with cameras capable of detecting and recording both an image and spectra, a magnetic sensing unit, instrumentation to detect microwave and other radiation, and other sensors to record atmospheric and local environmental data. Alarm triggers will initiate recording by all the equipment, permitting capture of a broad range of physical data that can then be analyzed by experts.
The basic idea here is to take advantage of the “unprecedented convergence of high resolution digital camera technologies, off-the shelf scientific instrumentation, powerful low-cost computing platforms, and ubiquitous high-speed internet access” to study the UFO phenomenon in a more systematic fashion.
As has been the case throughout the history of ufology, the project is relying on volunteers (instructions on how to get involved can be found on the website) and is seeking to finance itself through crowd-funding.
For an article on the project written by a journalist involved in it, see this piece by Leslie Kean.
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UFO Sightings in Italy, 2010-2014: Data and Map
UFO Sightings in Italy, 2010-2014: Data and Map
Marco Malaspina for Media INAF has justpublished details about the 69 sightings reported to the Italian Air Force during the years 2010-2014. According to the Air Force’s records, the UFOs reported were most commonly orange in color (36% of the cases), spherical in form (46%), spotted during the month of June (22%) between 9 pm and midnight (50%). The article includes an interactive map, showing the specific locations of the sightings reported.
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The Decline in Newspaper Coverage of UFO sightings
The Decline in Newspaper Coverage of UFO sightings
One of the more striking features of the UFO phenomenon has been the emergence of voices from within the ufology community – particularly those of veteran investigators – claiming that organized interest in UFOs has been on the decline for some time now (for an interesting discussion of the subject, see Dr. David Clarke’s post from 2012, “Ufology: Dead Again?”). To be sure, this assessment is certainly not shared by all enthusiasts and researchers. But there is enough evidence out there (e.g., the cancellation of conferences, declining membership in organizations, etc.) to justify examining the question more carefully.
I recently decided to look at one small piece of this larger sociological question, namely: Is there evidence of a decline in newspaper coverage of UFOs? The chart below shows the results of my examination of coverage among 25 U.S. newspapers from 1985 to 2014. The newspapers were selected on the basis of (1) their being indexed by NewsBank with records dating back to at least 1985 and (2) their geographical and market diversity.
Articles with headlines about UFOs or flying saucers in 25 U.S. newspapers, 1985-2014
The results are interesting, I think. They do, in fact, indicate a general decline in coverage. That said, there were three large spikes in interest – in 1987, 1997, and 2007 – that interrupted the overall pattern. Results like this raise as many questions as they provide answers. How do we account for the spikes (I have some answers, but feel free to chime in)? Is there anything behind the 10-year cycles? Why do newspapers appear to have lost interest in the subject since the late-1990s? What’s the relationship between this decline and the apparent setbacks being experienced by many UFO organizations?
I would be interested in hearing the thoughts of readers.
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Comets can’t explain weird ‘alien megastructure’ star after all
Comets can’t explain weird ‘alien megastructure’ star after all
The weirdest star in the cosmos just got a lot weirder. And yes, it might be aliens.
Known as KIC 8462852, or Tabby’s star, it has been baffling astronomers for the past few months after a team of researchers noticed its light seemed to be dipping in brightness in bizarre ways. Proposed explanations ranged from a cloud of comets to orbiting “alien megastructures”.
Now an analysis of historical observations reveals the star has been gradually dimming for over a century, leaving everyone scratching their heads as to the cause.
The first signs of this space oddity came from NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler space telescope, which continually watched the star’s region of the sky between 2009 and 2013. Most planet-hosting stars show small, regular dips in light when their planets pass in front of them. But Tabby’s star dipped erratically throughout the four years, sometimes losing as much as 20 per cent of its brightness.
Space oddity
In September, a team led by Tabetha Boyajian of Yale University, who lends the star its informal name, tried to make sense of this unusual signal. Ultimately they determined that dust from a large cloud of comets was the best explanation.
A month later, the star made headlines across the globe thanks to a paper by Jason Wright of Pennsylvania State University and his colleagues, who suggested that “alien megastructures”, such as satellites designed to collect light from the star, could be responsible for the signal.
Schaefer decided this unusual star deserved a second look. He averaged the data in five-year bins to look for slow, long-term trends, and found that the star faded by about 20 per cent between 1890 and 1989. “The basic effect is small and not obvious,” he says.
To confirm the fade was real, Schaefer went to Harvard to look at the original photographic plates and inspected them by eye for changes, a skill few astronomers possess these days. “Since no one uses photographic plates any more, it’s basically a lost art,” says Wright. “Schaefer is an expert at this stuff.”
Schaefer saw the same century-long dimming in his manual readings, and calculated that it would require 648,000 comets, each 200 kilometres wide, to have passed by the star – completely implausible, he says. “The comet-family idea was reasonably put forth as the best of the proposals, even while acknowledging that they all were a poor lot,” he says. “But now we have a refutation of the idea, and indeed, of all published ideas.”
“This presents some trouble for the comet hypothesis,” says Boyajian. “We need more data through continuous monitoring to figure out what is going on.”
What about those alien megastructures? Schafer is unconvinced. “The alien-megastructure idea runs wrong with my new observations,” he says, as he thinks even advanced aliens wouldn’t be able to build something capable of covering a fifth of a star in just a century. What’s more, such an object should radiate light absorbed from the star as heat, but the infrared signal from Tabby’s star appears normal, he says.
“I don’t know how the dimming affects the megastructure hypothesis, except that it would seem to exclude a lot of natural explanations, including comets,” says Wright. “It could be that there were just more dimming events in the past, or that astronomers were less lucky in the past and caught more dimming events in the 1980s than in the 1900s. But that seems unlikely.”
There’s no doubt KIC 8462852 is behaving strangely, so something must be responsible, says Schaefer. “Either one of our refutations has some hidden loophole, or some theorist needs to come up with some other proposal.”
The only animal known to survive the extreme environment of outer space without the help of special equipment turns out to have the most foreign DNA of any species.
Water bears, also known as tardigrades, have genomes that are nearly one-sixth foreign, meaning that the DNA comes from creatures other than the animal itself, new research finds.
The discovery, published in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, adds to the evidence that tiny water bears are incredibly unique and seemingly indestructible animals. In 2007, some were even rocketed into space on the outside of a satellite.
When the satellite returned, many of the water bears were still alive. What’s more, some of the females had laid eggs in space, with the young hatching healthily, as though nothing had happened.
“We had no idea that an animal genome could be composed of so much foreign DNA,” co-author Bob Goldstein of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill said in a press release. “We knew many animals acquire foreign genes, but we had no idea that it happens to this degree.”
Water bears are segmented, eight-legged micro-animals that measure just a miniscule fraction of an inch long. Goldstein, lead author Thomas Boothby and their team determined that water bears acquire 6,000 foreign genes primarily from bacteria, but also from plants, fungi and various single-celled microorganisms.
This means that 17.5 percent of the water bear’s genome comes from these other sources.
The DNA is acquired via a process called horizontal gene transfer. Instead of just inheriting DNA, it is swapped between species.
Boothby said, “Animals that can survive extreme stresses may be particularly prone to acquiring foreign genes — and bacterial genes might be better able to withstand stresses than animal ones.”
Water bears have astounded scientists for years with their heartiness. For example, you can stick them in a freezer for a year. Within 20 minutes, the animal thaws out and starts to scurry around as normal.
The researchers suspect that when water bears are under conditions of extreme stress, such as desiccation, their DNA will break into small pieces. When the cell rehydrates, the cell’s membrane and nucleus (where the DNA resides) become temporarily “leaky,” such that DNA and other large molecules can pass through easily.
During this process, the water bears not only repair their own damaged DNA, but also stitch in the foreign DNA, creating a mosaic of genes that come from different species.
The prior record holder for most foreign DNA was another microscopic animal called the rotifer. It is now known that rotifers just have about half as much foreign DNA as water bears, though.
The human genome also has such foreign DNA. It’s been estimated that about 8 percent of our DNA comes from retroviruses. HIV is a type of retrovirus. That refers to a virus whose RNA codes for DNA, which is then inserted into some part of the host’s DNA.
“We think of the tree of life, with genetic material passing vertically from mom and dad, but with horizontal gene transfer becoming more widely accepted and more well known, at least in certain organisms, it is beginning to change the way we think about evolution and inheritance of genetic material and the stability of genomes,” Boothby said.
“So instead of thinking of the tree of life, we can think about the web of life and genetic material crossing from branch to branch. So it’s exciting. We are beginning to adjust our understanding of how evolution works.”
Photo: A tardigrade, also known as a “water bear.” Credit: Sinclair Stammers
Révélation d’une armée spatiale secrète d’origine terrestre… ! Publié par MERLIN sur 14 Janvier 2016, 21:05pm Catégories : #Révélations... Révélation d’une armée spatiale secrète d’origine terrestre… ! La divulgation
Révélation d’une armée spatiale secrète d’origine terrestre… !
Publié par MERLIN
La divulgation n’est pas une simple histoire d’ufologues en mal de preuves concernant une vie extraterrestre.
La divulgation permettra de mettre à disposition tout un arsenal de technologies cachées dont Morphéus nous parle depuis 13 ans : générateurs électriques surnuméraires, techniques de transmutation des matières radio-actives type plutonium ou uranium, puissantes méthodes psychologiques de reconstruction, appareillages médicaux et chirurgicaux révolutionnaires de régénération cellulaire, technologie de dépollution des eaux et enfin modèles novateurs de gestion économico-politique des ressources planétaires. Les solutions sont au-dessus de nos têtes...
Des indices historiques et scientifiques laissent à penser que les choses évoquées par Randy Cramer ont un haut niveau de crédibilité. Il dessine les contours d’une conquête spatiale secrète de notre système solaire qui commença en 1948 avec un premier alunissage. Une première base lunaire fut opérationnelle en 1954. De là, il fut possible de conquérir Mars et d’y installer également une base fin des années 60.
L’homme parle de projets de bases sur Titan, lune de Saturne et sur Triton, lune de Neptune. Il laisse entendre que l’homme a déjà posé le pied sur Ganymède, lune de Saturne, sur Europe, lune de Jupiter, et sans doute Obéron, lune d’Uranus. Les révélations de Randy Cramer sont soutenues par Laura Eisenhower, petite fille du Président Eisenhower qui fut personnellement conviée à aller sur Mars et par Andrew Basagio qui participa au Projet Pégase relatif aux technologies de télétransportation.
Historique des technologies terrestres…
Le 23 mars 1956, sous la plume de l’auteur américain Intel, la revue spécialisée Interavia publia un article relatif à l’électrogravitation et aux moyens de maîtriser la pesanteur. L’article affirmait que ce type de recherches se poursuivait depuis 30 ans déjà. Alors qu’avions-nous comme recherches sur l’antigravité dans les années 1920 ?
On peut citer Tesla qui évoquait cette possibilité, malheureusement tous ses travaux ont été confisqués en 1943 et classés secret défense. On peut cependant fortement penser que Tesla connaissait et avait expérimenté les effets de puissantes différences de potentiel sur des matériaux. Dans les années 20, l’autrichien Schauberger fabriqua la Répulsine fondée sur le principe des vortex.
On peut noter également les modules lévitants verticalement de l’américain Henry Bull qui fit une démonstration en janvier 1935.
A cela s’ajoutent les travaux gravito-gyroscopiques anglo-saxons d’avant guerre qui donnèrent lieu à des brevets déposés par Henry Wallace et d’autres scientifiques plus tard.
Bien que presque tout document à ce propos ait été confisqué, il est indéniable que quelques sociétés secrètes allemandes envisageaient et travaillaient à la réalisation d’engins antigravitiques dans les années 20. Ces travaux donneront lieu incontestablement à la fabrication de tels engins fin des années 30 en Allemagne. En 1945, ces technologies seront en majeur partie saisies par les américains et dans une moindre mesure par les russes.
L’article de 1956 de la revue Interavia précise qu’avec le concours d’une douzaine d’entreprises américaines, l’antigravité sera maîtrisée sous quelques années. C’était oublier que John Searl, Henry Bull, Schauberger et d’autres scientifiques allemands et américains dans des cadres civils ou militaires avaient déjà touché au but depuis des années sinon des décennies.
Le point de vue d’Einstein…
La position d’Einstein concernant cette question, est extrêmement pudique mais très significative : « Il n’est pas vain d’espérer acquérir un jour une connaissance plus claire de la gravitation, car la généralité et le détachement extrêmes de la théorie de la relativité peuvent être éclairés par l’étude particulière d’un mécanisme précis ».
On peut difficilement imaginer que Einstein évoque « l’étude particulière d’un mécanisme précis » sans avoir eu vent de quelques techniques à différence de potentiel antigravifiques, de mécanismes inertiels de type gravito-gyroscopiques ou autres…
Même si toute cette histoire relevait d’implants mémoriaux, d’une conscience clonée ou de transferts de données via un Remote Neural Monitoring (transfert de data à distance), il n’en demeure pas moins qu’une certaine cohérence chronologique existe au vu des bribes d’informations dont nous disposons sur les technologies exotiques depuis 1945…
Une divulgation sur ordre de ses supérieurs…
Randy Cramer (alias Captain Kaye) de l’US Marine Corps (USMC), dit avoir servi durant 20 ans dans une armée spatiale secrète transnationale. Pour ses divulgations l’homme affirme agir sur ordres directs de ses supérieurs militaires. Il aurait le feu vert de la part d’un général de brigade et d’un colonel de la branche secrète de l’US Marine Corps (USMC).
Randy Cramer :
« Le Colonel Jamieson m’a mis en contact avec un homme se présentant comme le Général de Brigade Smythe. Le Général Smythe m’a donné une explication assez longue sur les « êtres sans âme du Comité » qu’il était censé servir, et sur les désaccords graves entre l’USMC avec ledit Comité.
Sans m’étendre, j’ai été convaincu par ses explications et ses choix stratégiques. Quand il m’a personnellement donné le feu vert (il a dit, et je cite, « Je vous donne le feu vert pour aller parler au public de tout ce que vous savez… »). Je demandai : « Tout ? ». Et il a dit : « TOUT ! »
L’USMC un organisme créé par Eisenhower…
Randy affirme que le président Eisenhower a créé cette section spéciale du Corps des Marines des États-Unis en 1953 afin de disposer d’un contre pouvoir face au complexe militaro-industriel en charge de « Black Project ». Icke voulait s’assurer qu’un corps militaire éthique et respectant un code d’Honneur puisse lui survivre. Il souhaitait disposer d’une unité militaire disciplinée et sous serment, en marge des services de renseignement US, de l’Armée classique et des forces aériennes.
Le recrutement s’est fait dans la première classe des officiers de la Marine et du Corps des Marines, avant de créer leur propre académie d’officiers spécialisés. L’existence de cette unité militaire n’a été révélée que fin 2013 par Randy Cramer en personne.
Fabriquer des supers soldats…
Randy affirme avoir été génétiquement modulé avant sa naissance afin de pouvoir supporter physiquement et mentalement les voyages spatiaux. Il a commencé son service à l’âge de 17 ans. Il se définit comme un être issu de brevets génétiques appartenant à l’Armée. Il est techniquement une propriété de l’Armée US.
Ses aptitudes mentales, émotionnelles, sensorielles, psychiques et physiques seraient très supérieures à celle d’un être humain naturel. Concernant la programmation mentale utilisée par les services militaires secrets, il distingue deux types de contrôle mental.
« Les techniques utilisées pour me former mentalement sont un type de programmation visant à « Agir volontairement ». Cela diffère des programmations MK Ultra visant « l’obéissance sans réflexion ». Ces dernières forcent les supers soldats à tuer sur ordre sans distinction, et au-delà à se suicider sur ordre si nécessaire sans aucune résistance, ni instinct de survie. Ce type de programmation a causé tant de désastres sur les sujets qu’il a été totalement abandonné pour l’armée spatiale… ».
« La programmation visant « l’action volontaire » ne cherche pas à créer un être qui tue sur commande autrui ou soi-même. Elle vise à générer un profond instinct de protection de sa tribu et de son territoire. Si une menace est identifiée, le soldat va alors utiliser toutes ses connaissances, ressources et ruses pour détruire toute chose qui pourraient nuire au périmètre d’un territoire, à l’habitat, ou aux êtres qu’il est génétiquement prédisposé à protéger. Toutes les unités de l’USMC fonctionnent sur ce mode de programmation. »
La guerre d’empoigne entre les directeurs des différents « Black Project »
« Autrefois il y avait un effort assez coordonné des différents programmes clandestins pour l’avancée des technologies exotiques. Cependant cette entente des débuts a dégénéré en conflits aiguës. Chaque directeur de programme « Noir Profond » qui a le contrôle d’un secteur de recherches, refuse de partager ses résultats et données. Pire, il essaye de voler et d’acquérir les données des autres. Chacun essaie de protéger les siennes en les camouflant dans des sous-programmes, de sorte qu’elles ne puissent être volées. Des alliances se font et se défont dans ces interminables conflits ».
« Toute haute technologie a pour objectif l’espionnage et vise à s’accaparer les données des autres programmes clandestins. Cela se fait dans l’espoir de gagner la « course aux Projets les plus secrets ». Doté d’une supériorité technologique sans partage, le gagnant pourra alors refaire le monde à son image et réécrire toutes les règles. Sans contre pouvoir, il n’y aura alors plus rien pour les empêcher de faire ce que bon leur semble, y compris le pire ».
Earth Defense Force…
Randy a été choisi dans le cadre d’un projet nommé Moon Shadow (ombre de la Lune). Il a intégré la Earth Defense Force (Force de Défense Terrienne). A la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale a démarré un programme spatial secret, militaire et civil qui a impliqué tous les membres des pays industrialisés (G20). Ce projet faisait partie intégrante d’un programme de sécurité de l’ONU. La découverte des technologies antigravifiques de l’Allemagne nazie et la récupération d’un OVNI aux larges de la côte Ouest des Etats Unis ont amené les nations industrialisées à s’engager dans un programme spatial international.
Le cœur secret de ce programme spatial consistait à comprendre, étudier et reproduire des technologies antigravitiques fonctionnelles existantes. Le programme spatial public avec des fusées type Saturn fut une devanture. D’ailleurs la technologie des moteur-fusées n’a pas évolué depuis les années 60, c’est dire le peu d’intérêt que suscite cette approche spatiale depuis 56 ans.
Le programme spatial secret permit de se poser sur la Lune en 1948. La première base permanente sur la Lune fut opérationnelle en 1954. A cette époque, Eisenhower établit les premières relations diplomatiques secrètes avec deux races extraterrestres. Pour l’une d’entre elles, ces rencontres donnèrent lieu à des traités et des échanges de technologies militaires exotiques contre des ressources terrestres (eau, génome humain, abductions…). Ces accords furent dénoncés dans les années 80 et les relations avec cette race, définitivement rompues en 2006.
Mars Defense Force…
En 1987, à partir d’une base américaine j’ai embarqué sur un Astra TR3B (engin antigravitique triangulaire fabriqué aux USA). Nous étions environ 40 militaires. Cet appareil nous a emmené sur la Lune dans une base où j’ai subi de nombreux examens médicaux. Les TR3B font la navette entre les bases terrestres de l’armée spatiale et les bases lunaires. Ce voyage dure en moyenne 90 minutes. Plusieurs milliers de soldats sont ainsi regroupés sur les bases lunaires.
Sur la Lune, nous sommes montés à bord d’un grand vaisseau chrome d’environ 5 étages de haut et 500 mètres de large pouvant prendre à son bord 2 à 3000 militaires. Pour des raisons de sécurité nous n’avions aucune information sur notre destination et le but de notre mission. C’est seulement arrivé à notre destination qu’ils nous déclarèrent : « Bienvenue sur Mars ! ». Après un débriefing je sus que j’étais préposé à intégrer une unité dont je ne connaissais pas l’existence : « la Mars Defense Force » (Force de Défense Martienne).
Le voyage en direction de Mars ne dura que 15 minutes, car l’énorme vaisseau dans lequel nous étions est passé par un trou de ver. Un trou de ver plie l’espace-temps localement et permet de voyager quasi instantanément d’un point à un autre de l’univers.
L’univers martien…
Même si son atmosphère est respirable pour un être humain, du fait de très violentes tornades, de fortes variations de température et d’un oxygène raréfié, la planète est difficilement habitable en surface...
The Rhodope Skull—Mystifying Cranium of an Actual Alien?
The Rhodope Skull—Mystifying Cranium of an Actual Alien?
There are many reasons why the scientific community refuses to admit the existence of extraterrestrial beings on Earth, but the most common excuse is probably the absence of bodies or physical remains.
However, this reason often creates a no-win situation because most of the evidence is either dismissed as hoaxes (even when they are not), or simply disappear before researchers get a chance to study them. Such is the case of the Rhodope alien skull, a fascinating artifact unlike anything seen or discovered so far.
The skull was found in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria by a 38-year old local man from Plovdiv, a city located 90 miles (150 kilometers) southeast of the capital city of Sofia. The man, who chose to remain anonymous dug the skull that was buried near a small oval-shaped metal object.
The man told a fascinating story about how he was guided in his dream by five mysterious humanoids dressed in yellow metallic clothing. These beings showed the man a spot in the Rhodope Mountains, near the border between Bulgaria and Greece, where on May 21, 2001, after a presumably wild goose chase, he found the skull near the spot revealed in the dream.
His finding caused a lot of excitement and controversy as some analysts and ufologists who first encountered the skull considered it clear evidence of extraterrestrial beings here on Earth. At first, the man presented his find to a limited circle of people interested in the paranormal but the skull did not remain a secret for long.
The cranium was examined by archaeologist Katya Malamet of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and by Professor Dimiter Kovachev, the Director of the Paleontology Museum in Asenovgrad. Both of them said they have never seen anything like it before.
The strange skull is as small as a human baby’s but its bone structure is lighter and thinner and it weighs only 250 grams (8.8 ounces). It has six cavities that researchers believe belonged to the alien’s sensory organs. When alive, this being possessed six eyes or maybe other completely unknown organs. Surprisingly, it has no mouth hole where we would expect to find one.
Professor Kovachev is positive the skull is not a fossil as it does not resemble any hominid skull known to science so far.
"We couldn’t find any analogy or correlation with anything from the past 30 million years."
Skeptics believe the skull is in fact from a yet-undiscovered animal species, although its characteristics do not match those of any other known animal.
There are a few interesting theories about the Rhodope skull. Bulgarian psychic Koubrat Tomov believes it belonged to a genetically engineered being, created by the Atlanteans. According to him, the skull represents the remains of a failed experiment that took place thousands of years ago in that area.
Another theory states this is likely the remains of hastily buried alien, killed by soldiers operating in the area during World War 2.
The Bulgarian villager who found the skull said that he had received several generous offers to sell it. Unfortunately, the skull disappeared before scientists had the chance to perform DNA analysis and carbon dating. Whoever the owner is today, he clearly doesn’t want to share his belongings with the rest of the world, even though it could be evidence of ET life here on Earth.
While this could be just another setup created by someone and buried on purpose, there is also a chance that we are dealing with a real cranium of an alien being, or the remains of a undiscovered or now extinct species on the planet.
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NASA has received radio signals from the center of the earth. These signals are being picked up by tracking satellites. NASA has decoded them but won't reveal the contents. The source of this information leak states that, "They obviously know more about us than we do about them. For one thing, they have found a way to communicate with us on a regular basis, but we have little or no inkling on how to communicate with them in return."
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Real X-Files: Global top secret UFO files on alien encounters 'have been released'
Real X-Files: Global top secret UFO files on alien encounters 'have been released'
FOR years alien investigators have been demanding the release by governments across the globe of ALL confidential files they hold relating to UFO and extraterrestrial sightings.
Many former confidential X-Files have already been opened, claims author Nigel Watson
It is called the disclosure movement and UFO conspiracists insist there is a worldwide cover-up to prevent the 'truth' that aliens have previously landed from getting out.
Alien believers feel if this came out it would spark mass hysteria among the general public - destroying their ideas of religion and causing society to crumble.
While many UFO investigators insist this full "disclosure" is a long way off, one claims the pressure over it has already had significant success.
But Nigel Watson, a British UFO researcher and author, claims we are halfway there.
He said: "You don't have to break into Area 51 or hack into government computer networks to discover thousands of top secret UFO documents."
He has written a new e-book - UFO Government Secrets - which he claims explains exactly where what is already out there can be accessed.
Mr Watson said many formerly top-secret and classified documents about UFO sightings and inquiries have already been released by government across the globe online, but they are not always easy to access or advertised.
Many were classified for decades, and have taken years of petitioning by ufologists to be made public
UFO author Nigel Watson
He said: "UFO Government Secrets reveals where you can find online access to these files that have been released by governments throughout the world.
"Many were classified for decades, and have taken years of petitioning by ufologists to be made public.
"For the first time ever this book provides the most comprehensive guide to these files, allowing you to outsmart even Sculler and Mulder before they return to our TV screens for the new X-Files series."
Have NASA spotted a UFO
ISS Nasa live cam cuts after 'suddenly locking on to mystery glowing UFO'
Mr Watson said although the amount of information was now plentiful, it has still not satisfied many researchers who believe the documents released are just "a smokescreen to obscure the real nature and extent of dealings between our leaders and alien beings. These ufologists are demanding that governments now come clean."
Meanwhile, sceptics argue the documents that have been released so far do not prove aliens exist - because there have been no real encounters.
Last month reported how Gary Mckinnon, a British man who hacked into the computers of NASA and several US defence agencies over several years looking for the truth about aliens found next to nothing on the subject.
WETENSCHAPDiep in het heelal hebben wetenschappers een ongekende explosie gezien. Het is een supernova, de ontploffing van een stervende ster. Deze supernova is "570 miljard keer zo helder als de zon", "twintig keer zo fel als de 100 miljard sterren in onze Melkweg"en "tweehonderd keer zo sterk als een gewone supernova".
Het is de eerste keer dat er zo'n grote sterrenexplosie is gezien. Onze zon zou meer dan 90 miljard jaar nodig hebben om zoveel energie uit te stoten, zeggen de wetenschappers. De supernova staat op 3,8 miljard lichtjaar afstand en is dus niet met het blote oog te zien.
De onderzoekers hebben de waarneming donderdag bekendgemaakt in het belangrijke wetenschapsblad Science. Ze weten niet wat voor ster zo'n knal zou kunnen veroorzaken, en hoe dat moet zijn gegaan. Het kan zijn dat de gestorven ster groter is geweest dan voor mogelijk werd gehouden. In het hart van de explosie staat mogelijk een zogeheten magnetar. Dat is een zeldzame ster, het extreem magnetische overblijfsel van een ontplofte ster. Hij is heel klein, in dit geval maar 15 kilometer in doorsnee. Om zo fel te zijn als de supernova, moet hij duizend keer per seconde om zijn as draaien. Zelfs voor een extreem verschijnsel is dat extreem.
De supernova is in juni voor het eerst gezien door een telescoop in Chili. Vervolgens werden ook andere telescopen op het licht gericht. Later dit jaar neemt de ruimtetelescoop de supernova onder de loep.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mysterieuze schedels en nazi-koffer gevonden in afgelegen gebied
Mysterieuze schedels en nazi-koffer gevonden in afgelegen gebied
In een afgelegen bergachtig gebied zijn vreemde schedels en een nazi-koffer gevonden. De schedels zouden door een team onder leiding van wetenschapper Vladimir Melikov zijn ontdekt in een grot op de Bolsjoj Tjach in Rusland.
In de bossen bij de grot zijn daarnaast een nazi-koffer en een Duitse kaart van de autonome republiek Adygea uit 1941 gevonden. Op de koffer zou het embleem staan van het mysterieuze onderzoeksinstituut Ahnenerbe dat in 1935 werd opgericht door Heinrich Himmler.
De sterk in occulte onderwerpen geïnteresseerde Himmler gebruikte Ahnenerbe ook voor eigen projecten op het gebied van paranormaal onderzoek, peudowetenschap en UFO’s.
Vreemde schedel (YouTube)
Door de vondst van de vreemde schedels wordt gespeculeerd dat de nazi’s mogelijk contact hebben gemaakt met aliens of demonen opriepen. Paleontologen uit Moskou zeiden dat de vorm van de schedels door de tijd heen kan zijn veranderd als gevolg van blootstelling aan zand.
Volgens Russische media zijn er ook andere Duitse voorwerpen gevonden in het gebied. Jagers zouden afgelopen zomer een tweede koffer met het logo van Ahnenerbe hebben gevonden. De koffer behoorde naar verluidt toe aan de Wehrmachttroepen (Gebirgsjäger) van Operatie Edelweiss, de codenaam voor een Duitse militaire operatie op het oostfront.
Buitenaards contact
In 2014 zou in hetzelfde gebied de begraafplaats zijn gevonden van Duitse soldaten die jaren daarvoor waren omgekomen door een lawine. De schedels en koffer zijn overgebracht naar het archeologische complex Belovode.
Ahnenerbe organiseerde expedities naar onder meer Tibet, Antarctica en de Kaukasus, op zoek naar tekenen van buitenaards contact en de geheimen van absolute macht, aldus professor Ivan Bormotov van het Staatstechnologisch instituut van Majkop, de hoofdstad van Adygea.
Onderzoekers claimen dat de SS in het gebied op zoek was naar goud en oude tombes. Ze zochten ook naar tekenen van natuurlijke radioactiviteit.
Giant Disk Caught At Eastbourne Along Beach, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Giant Disk Caught At Eastbourne Along Beach, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting:2012 Location of sighting: Eastbourne, England This UFO cloud was posted this week by Bob Hayes of Youtube and shows what looks like a UFO shrouded in a self made cloud. UFOs do create their own clouds. Even the US military has recorded UFOs creating clouds, for instance...the US Army Fort Belvoir incident. This sighting is a few years old, but just posted this week. When you are still thinking about it two years later, then its significant, and he was, so he posted it for us. Thats passion. Stop by (click here) to give him a thumbs up of support please. It really encourages people to talk about their sightings. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Strange cloud formation over Eastbourne sea front 2012. Second of three videos. Never seen anything quite like this before. Way to big to photograph the whole thing. Enjoy...
Many UFO researchers believe that aliens were once visited planet Earth because of an alleged 800-year-old cell phone that has been dug up in Austria.
While the claim is most likely a hoax, the online world has still gone into a frenzy with dozens of theories about the image that shows a mobile phone.
Paranormal Crucible of YouTube claims the photo shows an artefact that resembles a modern day mobile phone, which was reportedly discovered earlier this year by archaeologists digging in a city in the state of Salzburg, Austria.
Some conspiracy theorists believe the so-called device has a collection of ancient symbols called as Cuneiform, a Sumerian civilisation of Mesopotamia – modern-day Iraq.
But the discovery doesn’t have enough information online, which has led some conspiracy theorists to label it as an elaborate hoax. Searching the internet about the artefact can only result in a limited information.
The only thing an online researcher can manage to find out on the internet is that it is allegedly discovered in modern-day Austria.
Paranormal Crucible claims that artefacts like this were copied from ET technology.
A witness claims to have shot a video of a UFO while on number 10 mountain in Goren, Oklahoma on July 2, 2015. He was on the edge of the cliff, facing south overlooking Hartshorne. Then he noticed a mysterious object just sitting still with blinking lights.
The witness heard no sound coming from the aerial thing in the sky. He said: “It was perfectly quiet.” He would not notice the object if not because of the lights.
According to the witness’ description, the unusual object has a different color of lights underneath it, yellow, blue, green, and red.
The lights went in a circle with a different spotlight in the middle. Then the object turned on more lights, and it remained like this for several hours – like doing a light show, the witness stated.
Then when daylight was about to come, it took off at incredible speed, like a comet tail. The strange object travelled and vanished in a speed of light, the witness said.
Is There Another Advanced Civilization Living Beneath Our Feet?
Is There Another Advanced Civilization Living Beneath Our Feet?
As science and science fiction join, we begin to decipher the ancient mysteries of the human experience. If entities exist under the surface of our planet, they would not live in volcanic rock but in advanced spaceships meant to generate essential life habitat. Are tectonic plate shifts an act of their doing, or a truly natural part of Earth?
Theories about the Hollow Earth usually include a central sun, aliens, and legendary subterranean cities and civilizations that some open minded people believe could link science and pseudoscience, but only if discovered physically. In ancient times, this idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and it became associated with the image of “places“ such as the Christian Hell, the Greek Hades, the Jewish Sheol or the Nordic belief of Svartalfheim.
However in modern times, with both sides of the Arctic and Antarctic regions melting down at an accelerated rate, the truth behind this enigma and its allegorical connections to other genesis or creation myths in the tale of humanity’s journey on planet Earth could soon be revealed.
According to the Hollow Earth theory, our planet is either fully hollow or otherwise contains a massive interior space. There are allegedly races that live in underground cities beneath planet Earth. Often enough, these dwellers of the underground are more technologically advanced than we humans are on the surface. Some think that UFO’s are not from other planets, but are fabricated by strange beings from the inside of our planet.
Throughout time, some people have claimed that they encountered these mysterious beings from the ground, some even wrote detailed reports of the meetings or even books regarding the way they were greeted and taught.
An interesting description of such an encounter comes from John Cleves Symmes Jr, an American officer, trader and lecturer who introduced the concept of openings to the inner world of the poles. He declared that:
The Earth is hollow, and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees; I pledged my life in support of this truth, and I am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in the undertaking.
Symmes’ Hollow Earth theory described the world as consisting of five concentric spheres, with our outer earth and its atmosphere as the largest. He saw the Earth’s crust as being around 1000 miles thick, having an Arctic opening about 4000 miles wide, and an Antarctic opening measuring around 6000 miles wide.
He suggested that he managed to enter this underground realm because the curvature of the rim of the polar openings were gradual enough that it would be possible to enter the Inner Earth without being aware of the passage. He stated that because of the centrifugal force of Earth’s rotation, the planet would be flattened at the poles, and thus have ample passage into the Inner Earth.
Symmes also claimed that this inner surface of the concentric spheres in his Hollow Earth would be lit by sunlight reflected off of the outer surface of the next sphere and would be livable, being a “warm and rich land, stocked with thrifty vegetables and animals if not men.“ He ultimately concluded that the Earth, as well as every celestial orbicular body that existed in the universe, visible or invisible, which partook in any degree of a planetary type, from the smallest to the greatest, are all established, in a greater or lesser degree, in a compilation of spheres.
Symmes wasn’t the best lecturer. He felt uncomfortable as a public speaker. Still, he preserved. He started making disciples and soon his ideas began to take shape into the public’s minds. The book Symzonia appeared in 1820 and has often been associated with him.
It describes the voyage of Captain Seaborn from 1817 who set out for the South Pole in order to prove the theory of an internal world, published by Captain John Cleve Symmes. Afraid of the attitude of his crew, he does not fully inform them of his desire, hiring them rather for a commercial journey in the South Seas. The crew discover the internal continent, which is named Symzonia in honor of Symmes.
The new world appears to be of a garden paradise, consisting of:
[…] gently rolling hills within an easy sloping shore, covered with verdure, checkered with groves of trees and shrubbery, studded with numerous white buildings and animated with groups of men and cattle, all standing in relief near the foot of a lofty mountain, which in the distance reared its majestic head above the clouds.
The internals are described as a peaceful race, their power emanating from the people. They were led by a “Best Man“ and a council of one hundred, elected for their modest and exemplary merit. The most fundamental characteristic of the internals was their simple life style, as they despised material gain and sensual pleasures.
They lived equally, without the desire for wealth or carnal pleasures, while producing only what is needed for the society. The society is described as living for the unified good and prosperity of all of their people. This fairness applied even to their diet, for they were vegetarians. Because of the contrast between the principles and values of the two races, the “Best Man“ orders Seaborn to leave this paradise inside the Earth, along with his crew, as described:
It appeared that we were of a race who had either wholly fallen from virtue, or were at least very much under the influence of the worst passions of our nature.
Even though Symmes and his disciples were not able to reveal completely palpable evidence for their claims, there must be more than a grain of truth in it as countless people experience visions of this inner place and gain some kind of spiritual guidance towards it.
In our current state of understanding, we realize that planet Earth holds a lot of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. The earth is said to be almost eight thousand miles in diameter, and the deepest excavations ever attempted only reached half a mile below its surface. We are, therefore, extremely ignorant of the nature and structure of the interior of this vast mass the earth holds and might remain so unless those intraterrestrial beings decide to make the first step towards us.
When will the ice be broken and the truth uncovered?
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What is this mysterious object speeding towards the ocean? Man claims his drone captured 'UFO travelling at almost 200mph' in dive towards the sea before it suddenly changed direction and flew off
What is this mysterious object speeding towards the ocean? Man claims his drone captured 'UFO travelling at almost 200mph' in dive towards the sea before it suddenly changed direction and flew off
Drone-enthusiast was filming algae under the sea when the 'UFO' appeared
White object fell from sky at extreme speed and hurtled towards the ocean
It then stopped suddenly just above the water before changing its direction
'UFO' then travelled across the surface of sea and later vanished from sight
This is the moment a purported 'UFO' fell from the sky at speed before stopping suddenly, travelling along the surface of the sea and then vanishing.
The footage was captured on a drone by Augustine Lepe, who was flying his aerial vehicle above the South Pacific Ocean, about 12 miles from the north of La Serena, Chile.
Writing alongside the clip, which was later uploaded on YouTube, Augustine explained that he was filming the brown stain in the sea, which he says corresponds to algae.
Is this beautiful drone footage evidence of a UFO sighting?
Look out: Augustine Lepe was filming algae under the sea when a white object appeared to fall out of the sky
Incoming: The white 'UFO' reportedly travelled towards the water at a speed of around 300kmh (186mph)
He focusses on the ocean for around 20 seconds when a white object, travelling extremely quickly, falls from the sky.
It appears to stop suddenly just above the sea - coming within inches of touching it.
It then changes direction with incredible agility before hurtling along the surface of the water in a straight line.
The bizarre object then appears to consider turning back on itself before continuing on its path and disappearing from view.
Sink or swim? The 'UFO' appears to stop suddenly just above the ocean - coming within inches of touching it
On the move: The 'UFO' changes direction suddenly before hurtling along the surface of the water
The video appeared on a number of Chilean news sites, and Guioteca reported that Augustine estimated the object was travelling at around 300kmh (186mph).
Since appearing on YouTube several people have commented on the bizarre footage.
One person, writing in Spanish, even asked the video maker if he would allow him to analyse the clip frame-by-frame to try and decipher what the object is.
Writing in the comments, Augustine stated that he was not sure whether the object was indeed a 'UFO' or perhaps some sort of living creature.
One possible explanation is that the purported 'UFO' was in fact a bird diving for a fish.
Now you see me: The object appears to consider turning back on itself before suddenly vanishing from view
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"Portals appear in many books, movies and video games. Some of them connect distant places, others travel back or forward in time, and the most powerful ones bridge into different dimensions. Most people suppose these gateways exist only in the realm of mysticism or science fiction, but there are some who strongly believe that portals have been opened up in ancient times and, quite possibly, even in the present day.
According to two National Security US Informants, the Department of Defense developed time travel technology over 40 years ago. As early as 1967, the US government was using a fully operational time travel facility built on Tesla-based quantum access. This technology has been used to keep the construction of military installations secret, as well as provide political and economic advantages by way of knowing what the future holds. Some say the CIA confiscated Tesla’s papers on teleportation shortly after his death.
One of these two National Informants, Michael Relfe, is a former member of the US armed forces who claimed he was a member of a top-secret US operation. He was recruited in 1976 and spent the next 20 years helping maintain and expand one of the two or more US colonies on Mars. Those bases served as strategic research points and defense objectives, and in order to preserve their secrecy, they were built in the future.
Relfe said that after serving 20 years on the Mars colony as part of their permanent team, he was age-reversed and sent back in time. He claimed that this was the usual procedure and that staff members would have certain memories blocked or erased before being discharged.
Dr. Andrew D. Basiago was a participant in DARPA’s Project Pegasus (1968-1972) that focused on time travel in the time-space hologram. He claimed that the CIA was actively training groups of gifted American schoolchildren to become the first generation of time-explorers."
"Children were better suited for this mission for several disturbing reasons. First of all, they were considered ideal candidates due to their clear minds and lack of impressions or experience. The US government was interested in the effects of time travel over young bodies and minds. The adult volunteers usually became insane after several journeys. Fortunately, naive children had little former experience and beliefs that could drive them mad.
Another use for quantum technology was found in political control. According to Dr. Basiago, future persons of interest would be notified early about the roles they were to play in the future. He said that in the early 1970’s in Albuquerque, New Mexico he was present at a lunch at which George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were informed of their future presidencies.
Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were also paid visits and in 1982, President Obama was rumored to be approached while still a student at UCLA. To further this claim, there are many first witness accounts from people who attended college with Obama that can attest that he would often get drunk at parties and then claim that he would be the future President of The United States. Was this certainty not based on predisposed knowledge?
Basiago claims that in 1971 he viewed images from the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. They had been obtained from the future and brought back for analysis. This implies that the US government knew about 9/11 three decades in advance.
According to the informants and those who support them, this technology is held secret despite being funded by the public. It is also not the first time these missions have been kept declassified because of their immense potential. They say that the people deserve to know what is really going on, the truth about space exploration and the presence of humans on other planets. Teleportation could solve transportation problems worldwide by moving people and goods instantly. It would also immediately help to destroy the current tyrannical power pyramid that is in place.
If they’re right, we’re missing out on some revolutionary insight. To what extent can the Government manipulate our past, present and future lives? "
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Interview With A Reptilian, A Race Living In A Middle Earth Society – Aliens Are Here Video
Interview With A Reptilian, A Race Living In A Middle Earth Society – Aliens Are Here Video
According to Andy Thoo Wai Kiat, reptilians are living inside the earth. He says ”Reptilian words are like Egyptian Middle Eastern pronunciations with a lot of SSSS snake hissing sound in their words “Sssshiaassshakkkasskkhhhshhh” with a very very strong pronunciation of the “sh” and “k” sounds in their everyday languages.”
“The following should confirm to anyone with an open mind that there are benevolent reptilian humanoids in the universe who seek to mingle in peace. “
According to middle earth hybrids they said: “I´m not a human being like you and to be honest I´m no real mammal (despite my partly mammal-like body features, which are a result of evolution.)
I´m a female reptile being, belonging to a very old reptilian race. We are the native terrains and we live on that planet since millions of years. We are mentioned in your religious writings like your Christian Bible and many of the ancient human tribes were aware of our presence and worshipped us as gods, for example the Egyptians and the Inca and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion have misunderstood our role in your creation, so we are mentioned as “evil serpent” in your writings. This is wrong. Your race was genetically engineered by aliens and we were just the more or less passive visitors of this accelerated evolution process. You must know (some of your scientists have already supposed this) that your species had evolved in a naturally completely impossible speed within just 2 – 3 millions of years. This is absolutely impossible, because evolution is a much slower process if it´s natural but you have not understand this. We are native terrains. We had and have some colonies in the solar system, but we originate on this planet.
“Our language is very different from yours, but my name is – I will try to say it smoother by use of your human letters – something like “Sssshiaassshakkkasskkhhhshhh” with a very very strong pronunciation of the “sh” and “k” sounds. We have no forenames like you but only a single but unique name which is divided and characterised by the way of speaking and which is given not to children (who have an own children-name) but only in a special procedure in the adolescent age at the time of either religious or scientific “enlightenment” or awareness (as you would call it.)
“We measure the time not like you in astronomical years and in the revolve of the earth around sun, because we usually live beneath the surface of the planet. Our time measurement depends on periodically returning cycles in the earth magnetic field and according to this (and said with your numbers) I´m today – let me calculate – 57,653 cycles old. I have reached my adult phase and my awareness 16,337 cycles ago (this is a very important date for us.) According to your human time scale I´m around 28 years old.
“I´m a curious student of the social behaviour of your species. There are so many crazies and liars of your kind on this planet who claim to know the truth about us, about UFOs, about aliens and so on and some of you believe their lies. I´m interested to see how your species will react if you make the truth (which I will tell you now) public.
Some observed UFOs – as you call them – belong to us, but most do not. Some UFOs are real craft belonging either to your own species (especially to your military) or to other alien species or at last to us. We are generally very careful with our movements in the atmosphere and we have special ways to hide our ships. If you read a report about a sighting of a metalish bright-gray cigar-shaped cylindrical object with a length of – there are different types – let me say between 20 and 260 of your metres and if this object had made a very deep humming sound and if there were 5 bright red lights on the metalish surface of the cigar (one at the top, one in the middle, two at the end) then
it´s likely that someone of you have seen one of our ships and this means that it was either partly defect or that someone of us was not careful enough. We have also a very small fleet of disc-shaped craft, but such UFOs belong usually to an alien species. Triangular UFOs belong generally to your own military but they use foreign technology to build them. If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there.)
“We have two major symbols representing our species. One (the more ancient) symbol is a blue serpent with four white wings on a black background (the colours have religious meanings for us.) This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom – you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. The other symbol is a mystic being you would call a “Dragon” in the shape of a circle with seven white stars in the middle. This symbol is much more common today.
“The seven stars are planets and moons and they are a symbol for our former seven colonies in the solar system. The stars are shown in front of a blue background and the dragon-circle means the shape of Earth. The seven white stars mean Moon, Mars, Venus and 4 moons of Jupiter and Saturn, we had colonized in the past. Two colonies are no longer in use and abandoned, so 5 stars would be more correct.
“I have a head, two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet and the proportions of my body are like yours. As I´m female I have also two breasts (despite our reptile origin, we have started to give milk to our babies during the evolution process – this happened around 30 million years ago – because this is the best thing to keep the young alive.”
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Wordt teleportatie binnenkort realiteit? Wetenschappers willen organisme gaan teleporteren
Wordt teleportatie binnenkort realiteit? Wetenschappers willen organisme gaan teleporteren
Mensen teleporteren zoals in de serie Star Trek is misschien niet eens zo vergezocht. Onderzoekers willen een levend wezen op twee plaatsen tegelijk laten zijn, in een toestand die superpositie wordt genoemd, zoals de kat in het gedachtenexperiment van Schrödinger.
“Het is gaaf om een organisme op twee verschillende plaatsen tegelijk te laten zijn,” zei Tongcang Li van de Purdue University in Indiana. “In veel sprookjes kan een fee op twee plaatsen tegelijk zijn, of in een oogwenk naar een andere plaats gaan. Dit wordt iets soortgelijks, hoewel het in dit geval om een microbe zal gaan in plaats van een fee.”
Volgens de kwantummechanica kunnen voorwerpen in twee verschillende toestanden tegelijk verkeren. In het gedachtenexperiment van de Oostenrijkse Nobelprijswinnaar Erwin Schrödinger wordt een kat in een ruimte opgesloten met een apparaat dat bestaat uit een buisje met een radioactief element. Als een radioactief atoom vervalt komt er radioactiviteit vrij die gemeten wordt door een geigerteller.
Binnen drie jaar
Vervolgens slaat een hamertje een flesje met blauwzuurgas stuk. De kat zal dan sterven. Als er geen radioactief vervalt optreedt zal de kat in leven blijven. Als het atoom in twee toestanden tegelijk verkeert (wel en niet vervalt) is de kat tegelijkertijd levend en dood, totdat men gaat kijken wat er is gebeurd.
Wetenschappers zijn er nog niet in geslaagd een organisme in een toestand van superpositie te laten verkeren. Li wil nu voor het eerst een microbe op twee verschillende plaatsen tegelijk laten bestaan.
Hij wil voortborduren op het onderzoek van de Universiteit van Colorado, waaruit blijkt dat een klein aluminium membraan in een staat van superpositie kan verkeren. Li denkt binnen drie jaar een microbe in een toestand van superpositie te kunnen brengen.
“We hebben een methode ontwikkeld om een micro-organisme op twee plaatsen tegelijk te laten bestaan en de kwantumstaat van dit organisme te teleporteren,” zei hij.
“Ik hoop dat ons onconventionele werk meer mensen zal inspireren om serieus na te denken over de kwantumteleportatie van een micro-organisme,” voegde zijn collega Zhangqi Yin van de Tsinghua-universiteit in Peking toe.
The X-Files: The First Minute from the 2016 Premiere
The X-Files: The First Minute from the 2016 Premiere
Published on Jan 11, 2016
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson reprise their iconic roles as Agent Fox Mulder and Agent Dana Scully in the upcoming event series which will encompass a mixture of stand-alone investigative episodes and those that further the original show’s seminal mythology. In the opening episode, Mulder and Scully take on a case of a possible alien abductee. The all-new episodes will feature appearances by guest stars, including Joel McHale (“Community”), Robbie Amell (“The Flash”), Lauren Ambrose (“Dig,” “Six Feet Under”), Annabeth Gish (“The Bridge”), Annet Mahendru (“The Americans”), Rhys Darby (“Flight of the Conchords”), Kumail Nanjiani (“Silicon Valley”) and William B. Davis, who reprises his role as “Cigarette Smoking Man.” Three of the episodes are written and directed by Chris Carter, with the remaining new episodes written and directed by original series veterans Glen Morgan, Darin Morgan and James Wong.
'The X Files' 2016 new trailer (Parts 1 & 2) with David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi
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Deal With the GREYS — The TAU IX TREATY for the Preservation of Humanity
Deal With the GREYS — The TAU IX TREATY for the Preservation of Humanity
The US Government has made secret agreements with the Greys and there are many consistent indications to support this theory.
The exact date is unclear but most sources specify it happened in 1954, probably on February 20. At that time, a committee of Grey aliens would have landed at Edwards Air Force Base, with the express intention of meeting and discussing with Dwight Eisenhower, the US President at that time.
The deal has since been called the Edwards Agreement or, as Dr. Dan Burisch called it, the Tau IX Treaty for the Preservation of Humanity.
An agreement was reached following the discussions, one that would prove very lucrative for those involved. Unfortunately, the consequences would be disastrous for the rest of the world.
The deal specified that the US Government would allow people to be abducted on a regular basis and the Greys solemnly promised they would return them safely and only after wiping their memory.
But, as any abductee could confirm, this is not the case. More often than not, those who were snatched by aliens would recall the incident, in all its horrifying details.
In exchange for providing human guinea pigs, the Government would get their hands on advanced alien technology. Another ‘clause in the contract’ was the exchange of ambassadors from both sides.
It is unclear how many participated in this exchange program, but the most famous are Crill, the reptilian from the Draco constellation and J-Rod, the Grey from Zeta Reticulum.
The Edwards Agreement was the apex of a chain of events that began in 1947, when the wreckage of an alien spacecraft was recovered near Roswell, NM.
Inside the wreck, several alien bodies were found. This incident undoubtedly raised awareness towards the extraterrestrial phenomenon and probably gave rise to modern ufology.
In 1949, New Mexico witnessed another UFO crash but this time, there was one survivor. He was nicknamed EBE, which is short for extraterrestrial biological entity and the information he provided allowed the US Government to establish contact with his people.
In 1951, the Greys were contacted using a device built to the specifications supplied by the EBE. One year later, extraterrestrial communications were well underway, paving the road for the 1954 treaty.
On the night of February 20-21, 1954, while on a vacation to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing. It is speculated he was secretly taken to nearby Edwards Air Force base for an encounter with the Grey aliens.
His official statement was that he had to undergo an emergency dental treatment and he had visited a local dentist.
While the meeting did go as planned, there were some unforeseen consequences. The landing was kept secret in order to see how people would react when being put face-to-face with a technologically advanced alien race.
The hundreds of soldiers present at Edwards AFB during first contact received no briefing prior to the event; they were the unsuspecting test audience.
This approach would later prove to be disastrous, as a high percentage of those present began suffering from various psychological ailments, ranging from dysfunctional behavior to psychosis, criminal intentions and suicide.
Over the years there have been several confessions coming from people who claim they witnessed the event firsthand. One of them is Gerald Light, a famous metaphysical community leader at the time. Light says his involvement was gauging the effect this breakthrough would have over the general public.
“My dear friends: I have just returned from Muroc [Edwards Air Force Base]. The report is true — devastatingly true! During my two days’ visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials — with the assistance and permission of the Etherians! I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history,” wrote Light.
According to Light, several other important figures were present at the meeting. Among them was Eisenhower’s chief economic advisor, Dr. Edwin Nourse.
If he had been present, he would have done so in order to offer his expertise on the potential economic impact of a first contact with intelligent alien life. Light also said several trustworthy religious leaders had participated, their roles being obvious.
A number of other sources support Light’s claims. Notorious whistleblowers have put forward their testimonies, describing two sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrial groups.
According to former Naval Intelligence officer William Cooper, large objects moving towards Earth had been discovered in 1953. First believed to be asteroids, it was later determined they were actually space ships.
Two different missions, Project Sigma and Project Plato managed to establish contact with the extraterrestrials, through binary code.
Cooper differentiates two alien races, the Nordic ones, friendly towards humanity and the Greys, who had different plans.
According to him, the Nordics helped negotiate the signing of a non-aggression treaty between humanity and the Greys. The Nordics did not offer technology but rather the chance for spiritual advancement.
The treaty stipulated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and neither would we interfere in theirs. Their presence on Earth would be kept a secret.
They could regularly abduct humans for medical and development purposes as long as they would not harm them. The humans would then be returned to their abduction point, with no memory of the event.
Their demands were that humans dismantle and destroy its nuclear weapons arsenal. They warned humanity about its path of self destruction and condemned the fact that we were killing each other, polluting the planet and wasting Earth’s natural resources.
The committee met their demands with extreme suspicion and prejudice, believing that nuclear disarming was not in the best interest of the United States and that it would leave the world helpless in the face of an alien threat. Eisenhower rejected their proposition.
Another witness to the meetings was John Lear, the son of the creator of the Lear Jet, William Lear. According to him, the Nordics offered their help in eliminating the Greys’ threat but President Eisenhower turned it down because they offered no technology.
Did this meeting really take place? If so, it would appear to confirm the current world-wide UFO phenomenon. However, more than 60 years have passed since the alleged First Contact, and an official disclosure is nowhere in sight.
à droite, M. Rauchsauquerre (directeur du magazine « Top secret ») ; au centre, Serje Perronet ; à gauche, Jean-Jacques Vélasco, ancien directeur du SEPRA (GEIPAN). Photo DDM. DDM
De nouveaux rebondissements dans le dossier «du 5 novembre 1990 » sont apparus récemment.
Revenons un peu sur cet événement qui a bouleversé les habitants du Bassin. Le 5 novembre 1990, un objet volant non identifié traversait le ciel aveyronnais. Tous se sont interrogés sur la nature de cet objet et après de nombreuses recherches deux possibilités ont été évoquées : ce serait un bout d'une fusée russe (qui se serait désintégrée) ou une rentrée atmosphérique (type météorite ?).
Appel à témoins
Dix-neuf ans après, Serje Perronet ne lâche pas l'affaire et lançait un appel à témoins en décembre dernier dans nos colonnes.
Cet article a sollicité de nombreuses réactions. Une des premières est la réponse de plusieurs témoins, « constructifs et positifs ces témoignages prouvent la présence de cet objet », affirme Serje Perronet. Six témoins, « c'est peu, mais depuis 19 ans beaucoup sont morts, ou partis, ce n'est pas évident », avoue Serje Perronet. Ces témoins auraient donc établi des descriptions claires de ce qu'ils auraient vu en novembre 1990 : « Un objet de forme triangulaire qui est resté plus de 15 minutes dans le ciel », dixit les témoins.
Autre impact, moins positif celui-ci, est également survenu depuis le 31 décembre dernier : Serje Perronet a été exclu du CNES, « une notification par courrier m'informait que j'étais exclu », confirme-t-il.
Enfin, le GEIPAN (groupe d'études et d'informations sur les phénomènes aérospaciaux non identifiés) a réagi en refusant de reconnaître Serje Perronet comme collaborateur de cet appel à témoins.
« personne ne sait ce que c'était »
L'objet volant non identifié du 5 novembre 1990 laisse tout le monde perplexe : « Des objets titanesques, trajectoires rectilignes, lumières vers le sol… personne ne sait ce que c'était ». On a d'abord cru à des météorites, puis à une partie de fusée russe… sans réponse claire.
Quoi qu'il en soit, Serje Perronet appelle de nouveaux les témoins de cette observation « surnaturelle » à le contacter.
Il y a 23 ans, la France allait être témoin d’une très grande nuit d’obseration d’Ovni.
Il y a 23 ans, la France allait être témoin d’une très grande nuit d’obseration d’Ovni.
Source Gilles Thomas
Je vous partage la liste des différentes vidéos sur ODH Tv qui traitent de la nuit du 05 Novembre 1990:
– 05 Novembre 1990 à Aubin avec Serje Perronnet
Serje Perronnet, ufologue et responsable du Repas Ufologiques de Decazeville, vous présente l’enquête qu’il a faite à Aubin dans le département de l’Aveyron. Le 05 Novembre 1990, plusieurs lycéens d’Aubin ont observé un immense triangle volant.
L’émission Antenne Libre d’ODH Tv édition du 29 Mars 2013 vous est présentée par Gilles.T. Le lundi 5 novembre 1990 à 19h, des milliers de témoins dans toute la France et d’autres pays d’Europe (Londres notamment) observent un immense ensemble de lumières traversant le ciel lentement, d’ouest en est, dans le plus grand silence. J’ai reçu l’un des témoins de cette nuit à ovni, il vous partage ce qu’il a observé au-dessus de Pornic
– 05 Novembre 1990 en Alsace par Christian Morgenthaler
Publiée le 17 oct. 2013
La 16ème édition d’ODH interview vous est présentée par Gilles Thomas.
L’invité est Christian Morgenthaler, ufologue alsacien et président de l’association S.P.I.C.A (Sciences et Phénomènes Insolites du Ciel et de l’Aéronautique).
Ecoloog: “Verband tussen mysterieuze geluiden en stranding potvissen”
Ecoloog: “Verband tussen mysterieuze geluiden en stranding potvissen”
Ecoloog Ruben Smit ziet een verband tussen de vreemde geluiden in het westen van Nederland en de stranding van vijf potvissen voor de kust van Texel. Op Twitter speculeert hij over een verband tussen de twee opmerkelijke gebeurtenissen. In onderstaand filmpje spreekt hij met Martijn Mastenbroek van Telstar Online over zijn theorie.
Bouwe Kuipers uit Den Burg zegt in de Texelse Courant dat potvissen ook kunnen stranden als ze kerngezond zijn en daar niets tegen kunnen doen.
Wildste verhalen
Op internet duiken steeds meer meldingen op van de vreemde geluiden. De mysterieuze klanken houden ook de inwoners van Grootebroek wakker. Dano van Gelder filmde het geluid vanuit zijn raam en zette een filmpje ervan op Facebook.
Ook in andere delen van het land is het geluid gehoord. Er doen inmiddels de wildste verhalen de ronde over de herkomst ervan. Zo zou het afkomstig zijn van UFO’s of zelfs het einde der tijden aankondigen.
Het mysterieuze geluid dat Nederland al dagen in de greep heeft, blijft vooralsnog onopgelost. Geluidsanalyses van een gespecialiseerd bureau bieden geen soelaas.
Geofysicus Lennart de Groot van de Universiteit Utrecht denkt dat het gewoon een natuurkundig verschijnsel betreft. “’s Nachts koelt het aardoppervlak af en dan verandert de temperatuurverdeling,” zei hij. “Daarbij wordt geluid teruggebogen naar het aardoppervlak en verplaatst het zich zo over grotere afstanden dan overdag.”
De theorie dat het om een zonnestorm met akoestische zwaartekrachtengolven zou gaan, verwijst hij naar de prullenmand.
Een logische verklaring voor de vreemde geluiden ( VIDEO )
Een logische verklaring voor de vreemde geluiden ( VIDEO )
Er lijkt een nieuwe rage te zijn ontstaan in ons land omdat steeds meer mensen vreemde geluiden horen en er geen enkele verklaring komt.
Terwijl er een logische verklaring is voor die geluiden en ook een aantal andere vreemde zaken zoals die onder andere voorkomen op Mars.
Het is verbazingwekkend te zien hoe men zich in allerlei bochten wringt om toch maar met een wetenschappelijke verklaring voor de vreemde geluiden te komen die nu al jarenlang overal ter wereld worden gehoord.
Het beste wat er dan klaarblijkelijk bedacht kan worden is het volgende:
Ook Läslo Evers van het KNMI kan geen natuurlijke bron bedenken voor het geluid dat overal in de wereld wordt gehoord. Aardbevingen, vulkanen, meteorieten: allemaal maken ze geluid, maar dat zit net op, en veelal onder de gehoorgrens. "Bij een zware beving klinkt de aarde als een klok, maar met een veel lagere frequentie dan die van het trompetgeschal."
Evers houdt het erop dat het geluid een industriële oorsprong heeft. "Zo klinkt het mij in de oren. Tenminste, wat ik op internet heb gehoord. Het kan natuurlijk ook dat iemand hier veel plezier aan beleeft."
Mensen horen die geluiden ook buiten Youtube filmpjes en in verschillende delen van ons land. Onze inbox stroomt vol met meldingen (dank!). Daarmee komt dan al een einde aan de theorie van het KNMI.
Toch is er waarschijnlijk wel een wetenschappelijke verklaring voor de vreemde geluiden en ook waarom die nu op dit moment plaatsvinden.
Voordat de luiken naar beneden gingen en bijna de complete mainstream-media werd gedomineerd door de grootste oplichting aller tijden, namelijk klimaatopwarming veroorzaakt door de mens, schreven wetenschappers al over de opwarming van ons zonnestelsel.
Earth is heating up lately, but so are Mars, Pluto and other worlds in our solar system, leading some scientists to speculate that a change in the sun’s activity is the common thread linking all these baking events.
Wanneer ons zonnestelsel opwarmt dan kan dit de vreemde geluiden veroorzaken zoals die nu worden waargenomen.
Om dat aan te tonen gaan we naar het ECN energie onderzoekscentrum in Petten, waar men demonstreert dat warmte kan worden omgezet in geluid.
We weten nu dat zeg 20 jaar geleden dit soort geluiden niet voor kwamen, waardoor er iets moet zijn veranderd waardoor dit nu wel gebeurt en we weten ook dat onze aardatmosfeer wordt opgewarmd door invloeden van búiten onze planeet.
We weten nu ook uit de demonstratie dat opwarming van bepaalde gassen vreemde geluiden kan veroorzaken.
Waarmee we dan een wetenschappelijke verklaring zouden hebben voor de vreemde geluiden die een oorsprong hebben van buiten de aarde, buitenaards dus.
De wetenschap ging er in 2007 nog van uit dat deze opwarming van ons zonnestelsel veroorzaakt zou worden door een toenemende activiteit van onze zon. Nu blijkt ook dat niet waar te zijn want de laatste zonnecyclus heeft juist een hele lage zonneactiviteit laten zien.
Daarmee heeft formeel niemand een verklaring voor de opwarming in ons zonnestelsel.
Al helemaal niemand kijkt naar het totaalbeeld van vreemde geluiden en vreemde lichten. Want naast geluiden spelen er op dit moment ook zaken rondom vreemde lichtstralen die de hemel inschieten, dikwijls vanuit piramides zoals te zien op de volgende foto uit een eerder artikel:
De antwoorden op wat zowel de geluiden als de lichten veroorzaakt, zijn te halen uit onze geschiedenis. Want alles wat er nu gebeurt, is eerder gebeurd.
Door middel van tekeningen en oude manuscripten krijgen we een beeld van wat er lange tijd geleden gebeurd is en wat zich nu lijkt te herhalen.
Als we dan uiteindelijk terechtkomen bij iets wat op geschreven documenten lijkt, dan zien we naast de kleitabletten van de Sumeriërs iets wat de Kolbrin Bijbel wordt genoemd. Het is een verzameling van oeroude teksten die vertaald zijn. De herkomst is het oude Egypte en daarna komen we ze weer tegen in de Middeleeuwen.
De manuscripten zouden gered zijn tijdens een brand in het klooster van Glastonbury Abbey in 1184. Er gaat zelfs het gerucht dat de beroemde Nicola Tesla enkele van zijn wijsheden haalde uit de Kolbrin Bijbel. Deze bestaat uit in totaal elf boeken, waarvan men zegt dat de eerste zes geschreven zijn door Egyptenaren ten tijde van de Exodus. Het boek is nooit toegankelijk geweest voor het grote publiek, maar werd altijd geheimgehouden bestemd voor een select groepje mensen. Tegenwoordig is er een gedrukte versie beschikbaar via het Culdian Trust.
Uit de vele petrogliefen die wereldwijd zijn aangetroffen blijkt dat men bang was voor iets en dientengevolge vluchtte naar hogergelegen gebieden. Dit vinden we ook terug in de Kolbrin Bijbel. Zo staat er in het boek Manuscripts (3:6) het volgende:
“De mensen zullen in paniek overal naartoe vluchten. Ze zullen de trompetten horen en de strijdkreet van de Verwoester en zullen hun toevlucht zoeken in de grotten op aarde. Ze zullen verlamd zijn van schrik en de moed zal uit hen stromen zoals het water uit een gebroken kruik. Ze zullen worden opgegeten door de wrekende vlam en de adem van de Verwoester” Op de volgende foto zie je een rotstekening van mensen en dieren die wegvluchten naar de bergen. Op deze tekening vind je ook iets waar wij nu veel last van hebben: dode vissen.
We noemden net de kleitabletten van de Sumeriërs en ook zij vormen onderdeel van de oudste bronnen van geschreven informatie op deze aarde. Iemand die in staat was om die kleitabletten te vertalen en dat ook voor een groot deel heeft gedaan, is Zecharia Sitchin.
De mainstream wetenschap probeert dikwijls deze man zwart te maken door hem een ufoloog te noemen, maar feit is dat hij een boek heeft uitgegeven waarin geen woord door hemzelf is geschreven, maar wat een directe vertaling is van de Sumerische kleitabletten.
Wanneer je dat leest dan kom je fascinerende dingen tegen uit de oudheid.
Volgens de tiende kleitablet bouwden de Anunnaki de piramiden van Egypte als bakens voor hun nieuwe ruimtestationop aarde nadat de oude waren weggevaagd door de zondvloed. Die zondvloed, die bijvoorbeeld ook word genoemd in de bijbel, werd gedeeltelijk veroorzaakt door de passage van het Nibiru zonnestelsel, maar was niet de enige factor.
De piramides waren voor de ruimteschepen van de Anunnaki wat voor onze navigatie de GPS systemen zijn.
De nu steeds vaker waarneembare lichtstralen zijn dan ook niets anders dan de activatie van de oeroude navigatiebakens van de Anunnaki. Deze worden geactiveerd door de nadering van het Nibiru zonnestelsel.
De lichtstralen schieten dan ook omhoog richting zon omdat dat is waar het mini zonnestelsel zich nu bevindt.
Niet alleen op aarde werden dit soort navigatiestations gebouwd door de Anunnaki, dit gebeurde eveneens op de planeet Mars.
Daarmee zou een ander mysterie, waar wij verschillende keren over hebben geschreven, ook verklaard kunnen worden en dat zijn de vreemde lichten op Mars.
Je ziet een Mars landschap met in de verte een niet geïdentificeerde lichtbron. Het vreemde is dat deze lichtstraal van de grond af naar boven schijnt.
Dit zou natuurlijk een aanwijzing kunnen zijn dat er zich op dit moment intelligent leven op Mars bevindt, een beschaving die mogelijk onder de grond bivakkeert en licht gebruikt net zoals wij dat doen.
Het is geen zonnestraal of iets dergelijks en als het een kunstmatig licht is dan wordt het door iets of iemand veroorzaakt en dat is niet NASA.
Wanneer de oude navigatiebakens op aarde worden geactiveerd op aarde door de komst van Nibiru dan zal dit uiteraard ook gebeuren met de bakens op Mars. Net zoals de opwarming behalve hier op aarde ook plaatsvindt op de andere planeten in ons zonnestelsel.
Helaas mag men in de mainstream-pers bovenstaande zaken niet denken en nog minder verwoorden. Behalve dan misschien het wegzetten als een theorie van geflipte aluhoedjes.
Dus wordt zoals gewoonlijk de waarheid voor de mensheid verborgen gehouden, net zolang tot er geen ontkennen meer aan is en de elite zich heeft verschanst in hun goed bevoorrade schuilplaatsen. Er zijn talloze bewijzen, zoals ook beschreven in dit artikel, dat in de oudheid men ook wist wat Nibiru zou veroorzaken en ging men daarom ondergronds.
A UFO is reportedly spiralling around over a town in Kosovo. A man claims he saw the strange flying thing close to the village of Budakovo in the southern part of the country earlier in January 2016. He initially thought it could be a drone or an aircraft, but changed after he used his camera and zoomed in.
Several images and a video show a small black object flying high in the sky on a clear sunny sky. The man said that he didn’t have any distinguishing features while moving continually on the spot.
The witness sent his images to a local paper along with his UFO sighting report. According to the witness, the flying object eventually disappeared while going up and not down.
The footage has been uploaded to several social media platforms. Some viewers of the video say it looks more like a parachute spiralling down to earth than an alien object. Local officials have remained silent about the incident.
Discovered in the mountains of Russia a strange mysterious briefcase and two skulls. According to the journalists of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” briefcase it has written a strange logo “Ahnenerbe” This case was recently found in the mountains of Adygea.
In the mountains of the Caucasus region of Adygeya they were found two skulls belonging to an unknown creature for science with the emblem of the Ahnenerbe, probably the most secret society within the SS, dedicated to the study of the occult and the supernatural forces .
According to researchers, it is likely that members of the SS were interested in the mysteries of the ancient dolmens and the causes of high natural radioactivity in the region of Kishinski canyon. It is also possible that they should seek the golden Kuban Rada, lost somewhere in the region during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923).
Researchers have also found a German map of the territory of Adygeya, held in 1941, and have been amazed by the accuracy and completeness it is. These found objects have aroused great interest among specialists
Historians know many details of the operation of the Wehrmacht Edelweiss, which planted Nazi banners at the peak of Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe, located in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria in the Russian Caucasus. However, what it was the purpose of this secret organization in the mountains of Adygea?
The finding in the forest
In Belovodie ethnographic complex located in the village of Kamennomostsky, the enigmatic skulls and occult secret briefcase SS saved.
“Increased local man brought me a large brown suitcase with leather handle and the emblem of the secret society Ahnenerbe in the top explains the owner of Belovodie Vladimir Melikov-. It’s a real hermit, living in a cabin in the woods, but nobody knows exactly where. Then I wondered if she had found a secret hideout in the forest. In addition, all items were in good condition. For example, the matches can still be used today. Find a place so exceptional. “
We note the lid of the case, clearly showing the official emblem of the Ahnenerbe, consisting of runes.
But what they are sought in these places?
Ahnenerbe, whose full name is “Society for Research and Training in the German Ancestral Heritage”. This organization existed in Germany between 1939 and 1945 and was created to study the traditions, history and heritage of the “Aryan race”.
Ring found near the briefcase that is possibly a soldier.
They are investigating everything that was mysterious and unknown in the world, made expeditions to Tibet, Antarctica and the Caucasus, and sought contacts with UFOs for the secret of absolute power. Hitler’s Germany was actively engaged in developing new types of weapons capable of changing the course of the war. In the Ahnenerbe 350 specialists worked: they were experts with a brilliant education, a great scientific career and several degrees.
Few know that, some years before the war began, specialists in mountain roads a German military construction organization offered help to the USSR to build the road between Pitsunda and Ritsa (from the Black Sea coast a nature reserve mountain, now in Abkhazia), allegedly for reasons of international cooperation. After completing the work, the German specialists found a tragic death, as their car plunged into the gap in a curve. Until today, tourists flock to Lake Ritsa through the tunnels built by the Germans.
”Living Water” Ritsa
It later emerged that the reasons for building this strategic road were different. It turned out that hydrologists Ahnenerbe had established that the composition of the water taken from a source located in a cave under the lake Ritsa was ideal for making human blood plasma.
“The” living water “from Abkhazia in silver containers, was transported first to the coast, then by submarine to the bottom of Constance, and finally by plane to Germany,” explains Bormotov, professor of the department of economics and management companies in Maikop State Technological University. There were even plans to build tunnels for the submarine from the sea to Ritsa, but were interrupted by the war.
With regard to Adygeya, it is known stay in Maikop the 49th Mountain Corps of the Wehrmacht, who made the ascent to Mount Elbrus. In the valley of the Belaya River near the Cossack village of Dajóvskaya, the SS regiment Westland stood, and between rivers Pshish Psheja and tank regiments Germania and settled Nordland.
In autumn 1942, the airport of Maikop 3rd Squadron 14th reconnaissance group, which had twin-engine reconnaissance aircraft FW-189, equipped with the most sophisticated instruments of intelligence and time essentially consisted of flying laboratories was installed .
“That was more than enough to protect undercover investigations possibly performed the Ahnenerbe in the mountains of Adygea” says Bormotov. “Maikop was the city where the Wehrmacht had its headquarters. From there the command of all German military campaign in the Caucasus was exercised. In autumn 1942, in the mountains of Adygea it was no defense line defined and we know cases where isolated groups of German soldiers penetrated deep into the mountains. It is not clear why troops were deployed on Mount Pshekish in August 1944, when the frontline had already moved far to the west. What the Nazis did not have time to finish on Mount Pshekish? Is not this be related to the investigations of specialists Ahnenerbe? “The expert asks.
According continues, we may assume that the Nazis were interested in the dolmens, to consider “constructions of prehistoric Atlantis” and “the gateway to parallel worlds.” Even today are still talking about unusual events in the area. Recently in the local press he spoke of unearthing the skeletons of three meters belonging to an unknown human race in Georgia Borjomi canyon.
Skulls of the gods
About two years ago, a group of cavers led the ethnographer Vladimir Melikov two strange skulls with horns which they claimed had been found in a cave on Mount Bolshoi Tjach. They seemed fossilized animals. But when he began to examine in detail the findings made her skin crawl.
“Watch the round hole of a thick finger at the bottom of the head,” said Melikov, showing one of the skulls. “It is the base of the spine. And his position indicates that this creature moved on two legs. Another strange thing is the absence of cranial vault and jaws. A mouth, several holes distributed in a circle. The eye sockets are unusually large, and they two separate growths shaped horns. However, the facial bones are flat, as in hominids. “
Really they look atypical findings. Even when compared with the skull of a bear next door. It is very tempting to think that you have in your hands the remains of an alien.
Photographs of the findings paleontologists were sent from the capital, but they did not react enthusiastically. Just acknowledged that they had never seen anything like it, and hinted cautiously, perhaps it is a sheep skulls were long in a flow of water with sand and were very deformed? But if a deformation is assumed, it was synchronized, as foreign elements are the same in both skulls.
Researchers assume that such findings could also fall into the hands of Hitler’s “magicians” who were looking for extraordinary artifacts.
By the way, mythologists, noting the findings, which were immediately clear. This is the Annunaki of ancient Sumer: horned deities whose name is translated as “come from heaven”. In Sumerian mythology, they participated in the creation of the world.
The American writer Zecharia Sitchin Azeri origin identifies the Annunaki with the inhabitants of Nibiru, a hypothetical planet in the solar system with an eccentric orbit. Because of the astronomical movements, this planet appears in our range of vision once every 3,600 years. According to Sitchin, in this period the inhabitants of Nibiru descend to Earth and contact with Aboriginal, that is, us.
“We can build all kinds of versions and conjectures, but the remains found in the mountains of Aguideya will force you to think,” he said by way of farewell academic Ivan Bormotov.
In the summer of 2015 in Elbrus hunters warehouse found another suitcase “Ahnenerbe” from the country of origin of the skull, presumably belonging to the huntsman of the German division “Edelweiss”, a ring and a set of Nazi uniforms. On the ring depicts a profile of a soldier in a mountain caps to which are attached oak leaves. At the bottom of the flower edelweiss. And last year, in the same places the locals reported that excavated the burial of hundreds of bodies of two German Jaegers, which probably covered the avalanche of many years ago
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South Korea Fires Warning Shots At UFO Suspected Of Being A North Korean Drone
South Korea Fires Warning Shots At UFO Suspected Of Being A North Korean Drone
The object returned to the northern side of the border following the warning shots.
South Korea fired warning shots on Wednesday near an "unidentified flying object" over its border with North Korea, a military official told Reuters, while a news agency said it was a suspected North Korean drone.
The object returned to the northern side of the border following the warning shots, the official at South Korea's joint chiefs of staff told Reuters.
The South's Yonhap News Agency reported that South Korean forces fired about 20 machinegun rounds at the suspected North Korean drone.
The official declined to say how many shots were fired.
No, it's the the Necklace Nebula is located 15,000 light-years away in the constellation Sagitta (the Arrow). In this composite image, taken on July 2, 2011, Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3captured the glow of hydrogen (blue), oxygen (green), and nitrogen (red). The object is a planetary nebula, the glowing remains of an ordinary, Sun-like star. The nebula consists of a bright ring, measuring 12 trillion miles wide, dotted with dense, bright knots of gas that resemble diamonds in a necklace.
A pair of stars orbiting close together produced the nebula, also called PN G054.2-03.4. About 10,000 years ago one of the aging stars ballooned to the point where it engulfed its companion star.
The smaller star continued orbiting inside its larger companion, increasing the giant’s rotation rate. The bloated companion star spun so fast that a large part of its gaseous envelope expanded into space. Due to centrifugal force, most of the gas escaped along the star’s equator, producing a ring. The embedded bright knots are dense gas clumps in the ring.
The pair is so close, only a few million miles apart, they appear as one bright dot in the center. The stars are furiously whirling around each other, completing an orbit in a little more than a day.
The Daily Galaxy via JPL/NASA
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Steve Hansen: Tracking the fast pace of technology
Steve Hansen: Tracking the fast pace of technology
There’s no doubt that the most amazing events during my lifetime have been in the areas of electronic technology.
At the mid-20th century, most of us couldn’t imagine the communication devices that people take for granted today. Case in point: One of the most popular newspaper comic strips of the 1930s through the ’70s was about a fictional detective named “Dick Tracy.” Its creator, Chester Gould, had insights that were incomprehensible to his generation. His characters had such things as “two-way wrist radios and TVs.” They were about the size of today’s Apple Watch.
I remember discussing these ideas with my dad. We both agreed that color television, a relatively new invention at that time, could never be made that small. I wrote to Mr. Gould, who lived in Chicago at the time, and discussed the impossibility of devices worn by his heroic characters. He thought enough of me to write back with the same pen and ink used for his drawings and expressed the view that his imaginary creations could well be in our future.
Where is his letter today? Of course, buried somewhere in a Maryland landfill, thanks to my overzealous mother who loved to clean house and throw things away that she personally found useless.
But I digress. Other things considered science fiction back then were personal computers, DVDs, global positioning devices, cheap cell phones, and of course, the Internet.
The idea that a large room full of vacuum tubes, requiring its own power plant during the 1940s, could only do a tiny fraction of computations that hand-held devices do today — well, need I say more?
The Internet is another amazing invention, which has revolutionized communication and distribution of information. I remember in high school, cranking out term papers on a Remington portable manual typewriter, using only information from encyclopedias or other limited data gathered from the local library. Never did I dream that someday, information rivaling the resources of the Library of Congress would be available on my PC or smartphone.
So how did technology leap light years ahead in such a short period of time? Most likely, it was simply derived from several very intelligent people building on one invention and making new discoveries which led to another. But a man named Lt. Col. Phillip J. Corso had quite a different take on the subject.
Corso was a career Army officer whose second to last assignment before retirement in 1963 was chief of the “Foreign Technology Desk” at the Pentagon. According to the colonel, “foreign technology” was a code term used for discoveries of hi-tech components found in crashed UFOs during the late 1940s and early 1950s. He claimed in his book “The Day After Roswell,” published in 1997, that under his direction, the FTD office covertly sent these discoveries to Bell Laboratories, among other defense contractors, for further investigation and development — a process otherwise known as “reverse engineering.”
Because of this action, Corso stated that particle beam devices, fiber optics, lasers, integrated circuit chips and Kevlar material all became realities for earthlings.
Of course, the colonel has his detractors — some who say he was known to exaggerate knowledge of classified information. There is also an FBI file on him with one 1965 memo calling Corso “an unreliable individual.” During that time, he sued syndicated columnists Jack Anderson and Drew Pearson for what he considered to be libelous comments about his military service. Over the years, Corso fought back against his critics claiming they did not have the security clearances to access the information he had. Corso defended his military career by pointing out an assignment as a military intelligence officer, 17 decorations and 46 citations, along with written praises from four presidential cabinet members while serving in support of the National Security Council. He died in 1998 at the age of 83.
So does Corso’s explanation reveal the reason for incredible advancement in technology over the last half-century? I can’t say for sure but can conclude that although I use many of these modern technological devices today, their operational designs and workings still seem to me, in a phrase, to be “out of this world.”
Three UFOs Near Statue Of Liberty In New York, Oct 25, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Three UFOs Near Statue Of Liberty In New York, Oct 25, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 25, 2015 Location of sighting: Statue of Liberty, New York, USA Source: MUFON #73850 How did these UFOs go unnoticed? Well, first off they were only revealed due to the digital eye catching them. The human eye probably cannot see them. The camera probably had an IR filter or some kind of filter over the lens which allows it to see the UFOs. There are three visible UFOs. Why didn't people see them if they had on filtering sun glasses? Because people in New York never look up. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I went to Liberty Island on October 25th 2015. I was on the base of the Statue of Liberty taking pictures of New York. The skies were clear and it was cold. I used two different cameras to take pictures. When reviewing the pictures back at the hotel I observed a large cassette like object hovering over the bay and city. Every other picture I noticed the object getting further and further from me. At the moment of taking the pictures nothing was observed. There was no parachutes no airplanes or no other activities other then the police patrolling the bay.
UFO During Sunset At Venice Beach, California On Jan 1, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO During Sunset At Venice Beach, California On Jan 1, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: January 1, 2016 Location of sighting: Venice Beach, California, USA Source: MUFON #73865 If you want to catch a UFO the easy way, well just watch a few sunsets. Thats the moment their cloak becomes vulnerable. This one over Venice Beach looks like a disk with a raised and upper and lower center. It must have come out of the water for people not to have noticed it. If it came down from the sky, everyone would have seen it. A clear sign of an underwater base near Venice Beach. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: My friend, his 19 year old daughter and I were visiting LA and walked up and down Venice Beach all New Years Day afternoon, looking at all of the attractions. Just before sundown, as we were heading back to our car, we ventured off from the path where all of the vendors and artists were to walk across the sand toward the shoreline. There were thin clouds overhead and several times, I noticed a bright white light inside of them. It was in the NW sky, about 45 degrees above the horizon. It looked similar to a welder's torch in color and seemed to be hovering in place. I looked up several different times to check that it was still there - and it was. Honestly, I didn't give it much thought at the time, assuming it was a helicopter or star/planet or something mundane. And, maybe it was? As the sun was setting and making for a beautiful scene, I snapped several pictures of the shoreline and sky with my iPhone 6. I shot from several different perspectives and one of the photos had a pretty spectacular lens flare effect that I wanted to print or use for a computer wallpaper. Today (January 13, 2016), I transferred that photo to my computer and as I was examining it, I noticed something that I had not seen while composing the shot. Just to the left of the sun and just above the water, between two sailboat sails is what appears to be a UFO! Was this what i had seen in the clouds a few minutes earlier? I have attached 2 photographs for your scrutiny. The photo named "Composite" has been Photoshopped to point out the phenomenon and also has an enlargement of that shape at the end of the arrow. The photo named "IMG_2823" is straight off the camera and unaltered. I do not know that the light and the shape are related but I now have the feeling that they were. I don't expect any resolution to be forthcoming but I thought this was extremely interesting and I hope it helps MUFON out in some way.
Interesting footage of a UFO over Manchester, Tennessee 13-Jan-2016
Interesting footage of a UFO over Manchester, Tennessee 13-Jan-2016
Here’s one interesting video of a bright flashing object hovering in the sky above Manchester in Tennessee. This was seen and recorded yesterday (13th January 2016).
Witness report: My wife and I both at night and in daylight have seen multiple bizarre craft /we thought it was from the underground airforce base /my family moved here in 30s to work on a bomb at oak ridge then to the base here to work on flying wing for Northrop )so we didn’t think too much about them other than it was interesting. I am an engineer and what we saw and filmed tonight was so close we were mortified. It appeared to change shape and had bizarre lighting and left lights drop then vanish from what appeared to be the center lower portion. It emitted localized beams at homes near us( they didn’t go all the way like light.. It had a place the light STOPPED) my wife ran inside and I filmed and photographed it and had her load firearms as we were afraid it could be up to something nefarious. Nothing behaving in this manner ISNT. The final photo after zoom on iPhone and crop is (seriously) a silver disc with a dome top like a hat. It’s not anything like the delta wing three globe light craft we witnessed at dusk at 2.5 story height.thats what the base tests. This is something beyond what AEDC is working on. I have never reported before// I have a notebook of drawings of everything we’ve seen and this one is like something from a movie.
Researchers who worked for 13 years in the Human Genome Project indicate that they came across an amazing scientific discovery: They believe that the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in the human DNA is nothing less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. Originally referred to as “Junk DNA” its functioned remained a mystery for researchers. Now researchers believe that our DNA is extraterrestrial in origin.
After extensive analysis with the help of other researchers in diverse fields such as mathematics, chemistry and programing, Professor Chang ventured out and asked if there is a possibility that, what we call “junk DNA” is actually some sort of extraterrestrial code, created by an “Alien” programmer.
Professor Chang further explained “Our hypothesis is that a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them.”Professor Chang indicates that “What we see in our DNA is a program consisting of two versions, a giant structured code and a simple or basic code.”
Professor Chang and his team believe for a fact that the first part of our DNA code was not written on Earth and according to them it is verifiable. Secondly and most importantly, genes alone are not enough to explain the evolution/abrupt evolution process and there must be something more in ‘the game’.
Professor Chang says that “Sooner or later,” “we have to accept the fact that all life on Earth carries the genetic code of our extraterrestrial cousins and that evolution is not what we think it is.”
The implications of these scientific findings reinforce claims by other individuals and observers that claim to have had contact with aliens that look like humans. Human-like aliens could have provided some of the genetic material necessary for human evolution.
Researchers in Kazakhstan believe that the human DNA was encoded with an alien signal for an ancient extraterrestrial civilization, and they refer to it as “Biological SETI”. The mathematical code in the human DNA can not be explained by evolution. Basically, we are living and breathing holders of some sort of alien message that can be used,in a much more efficient way then using Radio-signals, to search for Extraterrestrial life.
Once the code had been set, it would remain unchanged in cosmological time-scales, in fact, researchers believe that our DNA is the most durable “construction” known, and that is why it represents an exceptionally reliable and intelligent storage for an alien signature, according to an article in the journal Icaurs.
Writing in the journal Icarus, they assert: “Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known. Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature. Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered through space and time.”
Scientists believe that the human DNA is arranged in such a precise way that it reveals a “set of arithmetic patterns and ideographic symbolic language”. These studies have led scientists to believe that we were literally invented “outside of Earth” several billions of years ago.
These ideas or beliefs are anything but accepted in the scientific community. Yet these studies have proven what some researchers have talked about for decades, that evolution could not have happened on its own, and that there is something extraterrestrial to our entire species. Is our entire history wrong?
One mystery that would remain as THE GREAT QUESTION is, if extraterrestrial beings did in fact create the human race and life on planet Earth, then “who” or “what” created these extraterrestrial beings?
Scientist Claims To Have Figured Out What The Mysterious "Wow!" Signal Was
Scientist Claims To Have Figured Out What The Mysterious "Wow!" Signal Was
by Alfredo Carpineti
photo credit: Shown is a computer printout of the Wow! Signal. The Ohio State University Radio Observatory/NAAPO
Almost 40 years ago, we received a mysterious signal from space. The signal lasted for 72 seconds and it was so unusual that it was dubbed the Wow! Signal, owing to the word scrawled by its discoverer. It has been puzzling scientists ever since. Several explanations from unusual phenomena, transient events, and even aliens have been put forward. Now a Florida professor might have found a different explanation.
Antonio Paris, a professor of astronomy at St Petersburg College in Florida, thinks the signal might have originated from one or two passing comets. The objects were not known at the time, but their orbit and position in 1977 was remarkably close to the location the Wow! Signal seemed to have originated from.
The Big Ear telescope in Ohio, which made the original discovery, had a fixed field of view, so it depended on Earth’s rotation to span the sky; it could only observe any given area for 72 seconds. On August 15, 1977 it was looking in the direction of the Chi Sagittari star group when it detected the signal. It was clearly of extraterrestrial origin and definitely worth follow-up observations.
The same region has been observed several times since, but the observation has never been replicated. For this reason, some researchers suggested that it was a one-off event, something passing in the area of the sky at the time. This made Paris think of the comets 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs). “I came across the idea when I was in my car driving and wondered if a planetary body, moving fast enough, could be the source,” he told New Scientist.
The signal was observed at 1420 MHz. The telescope used that frequency to observeneutral hydrogen, which can emit at that wavelength. Paris claims that the two comets release a lot of water and the UV light from the Sun breaks the water, liberating the hydrogen.
Some researchers are more skeptical. Comets would have to release a significant amount of hydrogen to produce a signal as strong as the Wow! Signal. Talking to New Scientist, James Bauer of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said: “If comets were radio-bright at 21 centimetres [the wavelength the signal was observed at], I would be puzzled as to why they aren’t observed more often at those wavelengths.”
“The hypothesis must be tested before it is ruled out,” added Paris, and he’ll get his chance in the next few years. Comet 266P/Christensen will be back in that region on January 25, 2017, and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) on January 7, 2018. By studying their radio emission and how quickly they move in the sky, astronomers should be able to tell if it really was this that produced the Wow! Signal.
Archéologie impossible:finalement de « grands scientifiques rationalistes » étudient la civilisation des géants
Archéologie impossible:finalement de « grands scientifiques rationalistes » étudient la civilisation des géants
Une comparaison entre le gigantopithecus et l’humain.
Il fallait s’en douter, tout comme nos ancêtres, ces incroyables bâtisseurs, que nous ne pouvons même pas encore égaler de nos jours, ne sont pour l’archéologie moderne que de pauvres australopithèques attardés qui ne connaissaient même pas la roue.
Nos ancêtres géants, encore plus anciens dans le temps apparemment, ne seraient quant à eux, que de vulgaires grands singes, qui auraient disparus de la surface de la Terre, car ils n’auraient pas voulu manger leurs légumes… !
La falsification remonte après la 2e guerre, mais l’histoire commence en 1935, quand le paléoanthropologue allemand Gustav von Koenigswald débarque de Java à Hongkong, où il cherche des fossiles d’Homo erectus. Un jour, il pousse la porte d’un apothicaire pour jeter un coup d’oeil sur ses fossiles, car cette profession en utilise pour confectionner des remèdes traditionnels.
A plusieurs reprises, certains de ses confrères ont ainsi fait des découvertes sensationnelles. Justement, au fond du gourbi, un vieux Chinois est en train de moudre des bouts d’os. Parmi eux, Gustav découvre une dent énorme. Un frisson le saisit quand il comprend qu’elle n’appartient à aucun animal connu ! Cette molaire ne peut appartenir qu’à un primate… gigantesque.
Au cours des quatre ans qui suivent, le jeune Allemand écume les échoppes de Hongkong et de Canton. Son obstination finit par payer, car il trouve trois autres dents similaires, qu’il finit par attribuer à un primate géant, baptisé Gigantopithecus blacki .
Mais voici que la guerre surprend von Koenigswald à Java. Par précaution, il enferme ses précieuses dents dans une bouteille qu’il enterre dans le jardin d’un ami. Juste à temps. Les Japonais, qui débarquent dans l’île, le font prisonnier. Cependant, quelques mois auparavant, il avait confié des moulages de ses fossiles au célèbre paléontologue Franz Weidenreich, qui s’était illustré en décrivant l’homme de Pékin, un Homo erectus.
Ce confrère parvient à rallier le Museum de New York, où il se met à défendre une autre hypothèse : Giganto appartiendrait à la lignée humaine ! L’homme descendrait donc d’un singe géant asiatique, et non pas d’un primate africain.
Bien sur, tout est fait pour discréditer cette affirmation, on trouve d’autres fossiles, de dents, de mâchoires, qui seront déclarées appartenir à des grands singes, pas questions, de reconnaitre que des géants vivaient sur la Terre, ou plutôt régnaient sur la Terre, car la datation des fossiles fait apparaître en Inde cet homme géant il y a 6,5 millions d’années et le disparaître voilà seulement cent mille ans !
Ils mesuraient pour les plus ‘’petits’’ au minimum 3 mètres, pour un poids minimum de 550 kilos…
Une empreinte fossilisée dans la pierre…bien avant l’apparition de l’homme actuel.
Preuves du mensonge officiel, c’est que l’on ne connait pratiquement rien de son anatomie ou de ses habitudes. Les seuls enregistrements fossiles le concernant sont quatre bouts de mâchoires inférieurs et des centaines de dents.
Partant de là, les scientifiques et autres archéologues à la solde du pouvoir, en déduisent et affirment, que son proche cousin moderne serait l’orang-outan, qu’il était doté de longs bras musculeux sur lesquels il s’appuyait probablement en marchant, qu’il devait forcément être lent et pataud, qu’il était strictement végétarien, qu’il ne vivait que dans la forêt, et qu’il pouvait à peine se reproduire !
Un millier de dents et quelques morceaux de mâchoire, c’est bien peu pour dresser un portrait-robot. Pourtant, les paléontologues ont réussis cet exploit de faire croire et admettre à la terre entière, que ce géant n’était un grand singe !
Et pourtant, selon plusieurs études, d’autres singes et les premiers humains en Afrique qui disposaient d’une dentition comparable ont pu survivre à des transitions similaires.
Bref, on ne connait rien à ces anciennes créatures, mais on nous affirme que ce ne sont que de grands singes, donc veuillez circuler svp, il n’y a rien à voir, merci !
Mais alors, pourquoi Franz Weidenreich, ce médecin, anatomiste, paléoanthropologue, et spécialiste de l’évolution humaine, affirmait que Giganto appartiendrait à la lignée humaine ?
Franz Weidenreich était détenteur d’un doctorat en médecine, il était d’origine allemande, et Il fut professeur invité à l’Université de Chicago en 1934, il est né le 7 juin 1873 à Edenkoben et il est mort le 11 juillet 1948 à New York. A la lecture de ce qui suit, je pense que les doutes qui subsistent s’envoleront définitivement, il avait tout à fait raison !
Franz Weidenreich
Par bien des manières, on peut affirmer que Franz Weidenreich fut, parmi les scientifiques ayant étudié l’évolution humaine au XXe siècle, l’un des plus importants et des plus influents. Jugez plutôt :
Pendant la première moitié du XXe siècle, presque tous les anthropologues croyaient que l’homme de Piltdown était l’ancêtre de l’homme moderne. L’homme de Piltdown avait des caractéristiques que beaucoup de scientifiques avaient définies comme devant être celles du chaînon manquant : une grande capacité crânienne et une denture proche de celle du singe.
Dans les années 1920, trente ans avant que des analyses au fluorure montrent, en 1953, que « l’homme de Piltdown » était un canular, Franz Weidenreich avait examiné les restes et signalé qu’ils étaient composés du crâne d’un homme moderne et de la mâchoire d’un orang-outan, avec les dents rangées vers le bas.
Franz Weidenreich, étant un anatomiste, il avait facilement pu démontrer qu’il s’agissait d’un canular. Mais, il fallut trente ans pour que l’ensemble de la communauté scientifique accepte de reconnaître qu’il avait raison.
Il faudra sans doute attendre 10 fois plus, pour que l’ensemble de la communauté scientifique accepte de reconnaître qu’il avait raison, quand il affirmait que Giganto appartenait à la lignée humaine !?
L’empreinte du géant de Lepakshi,en Inde.
Un chaud partisan de la théorie de Weidenreich fut Carleton Coon, dont les travaux sur l’origine des races furent bien sur eux aussi controversés, pourtant ce n’est pas non plus n’importe qui, jugez par vous-même…
Carleton Stevens Coon, né le 23 juin 1904 à Wakefield dans le Massachusetts et décédé le 3 juin 1981 à Gloucester dans le Massachusetts, était un anthropologue américain, professeur d’anthropologie à l’université de Pennsylvanie, maître de conférence et professeur à Harvard et président de l’association américaine d’anthropologie physique. Il est notamment connu pour avoir écrit The Origin of races.
Pour info, en 1939 il met à jour l’ouvrage de William Z. Ripley The Races of Europe qui fait autorité parmi les anthropologues.
Carleton Stevens Coon
Carleton Coon évoque son rôle au sein de l’Office of Strategic Services (OSS), agence américaine de renseignement qui sera dissoute après la guerre pour former le CIA. Son statut d’anthropologiste en Afrique du Nord lui permit en effet d’y exercer un grand nombre de responsabilités, allant de l’organisation de groupes de résistance ou de l’engagement au côté des groupes de résistance français jusqu’à la participation à certains combats.
Carleton Coon reste engagé auprès de l’armée américaine après la guerre : c’est ainsi que de 1954 à 1957, il prend des photographies aériennes de nombreuses place stratégiques telles la Corée, Ceylon, l’Inde, le Japon… pour le compte de l’US Air Force.
C’est en 1962 que paraît son œuvre majeure, The Origin of Races, travail qu’il veut préliminaire à une étude plus vaste intitulée Races of the World. C’est ainsi qu’en 1965, il publie The Living Races of Man. Le livre est âprement critiqué par ses adversaires, pour une petite erreur d’édition. Malgré ces critiques, l’ouvrage est réédité de nombreuses fois, et reste trente ans plus tard une référence utile tant pour le profane que pour les spécialistes.
En conclusion, je reprends mon introduction, qui est assez parlante je trouve : Une chose importante est à noter, c’est que tous ceux qui se voudraient critiquer, ou contester les travaux de ces deux pointures mondiale que sont Franz Weidenreich et Carleton Stevens Coon, dans ce domaine, ne leur arrivent même pas à la cheville, et n’ont même pas réalisés le 10e du ¼ de leur travaux et études, et n’atteignent aucunement leur immense renommée, et connaissances.
Mais bon, nous ne sommes que de pauvres conspirationnistes attardés, et il faut que l’on admettent une fois pour toute, que les géants n’ont jamais existés, ni les ovnis d’ailleurs, que les extraterrestres n’existent pas, puisque nous sommes seul dans l’univers, et aucune planète dans l’univers n’abrite, ou n’a jamais abritée la vie, et les monuments gigantesques construits ici-bas avec des pierres de plusieurs centaines de tonnes ne sont que des constructions faites par des australopithèques attardés qui ne connaissaient même pas la roue, et de toute façon, nous ne comprenons rien à rien, et nous délirons, car nous fumons trop de la moquette!
Est-ce que cette histoire est crédible ?
un pendentif vieux de 4500 ans environ montrant un géant. Les proportions de ce géant rappellent exactement celles des Dieux sumériens tout comme la configuration de son crâne. Ce pendentif a été offert par un archéologue à une de ses parentes, en Turquie en 1920.
Le manuscrit mexicain de Pedro de los Rios écrit : « Avant le Déluge que l’on estime à 4 008 ans après la création du monde, la Terra d’Anahuac était habitée par des êtres gigantesques, les Tzocuillixeo. »
Quand les Espagnols d’Hernan Cortès débarquent en Amérique, ils apprennent des sages des tribus indigènes qu’à l’origine des temps, des femmes et des hommes de grandes tailles existaient. Des ossements leur sont montrés. Cortès envoie même un fémur de géant à son Roi.
Nous retrouvons pareilles légendes autour du lac Titicaca jusqu’en Patagonie. Le marin et chroniqueur italien Antonio Pigafetta (1491 – 1534) dans Magellan, le premier tour du monde, y décrit un peuple gigantesque : « Un jour où nous nous y attendions le moins, un homme d’une stature gigantesque se présenta à nous. Il était si grand que nos têtes arrivaient à peine à sa ceinture ».
Des récits analogues ont été écrits par des navigateurs très connus comme Drake, Hernandez, Knyvet et de Weert. Près de Vichy, à Glozel, on relève des empreintes de mains gigantesques ayant appartenu à un homme il y a dix mille ans.
De vieux poèmes anglo-saxons racontent qu’en Grande-Bretagne habitaient des civilisations disparues, des hommes de grandes tailles. ]ennifer Westwood écrivain et experte dans la recherche des légendes anglaises, écrit qu’à l’origine, la Grande-Bretagne est une île peuplée de géants. On l’appelle alors Albion.
On raconte qu’après la chute de Troie, le héros Brutus décide d’envahir Albion avec son armée. Les géants sont défiés et vaincus, un seul est épargné, il s’agit de Gogmagog. Il mesure 4 mètres (source Albion : A Guide to Legendary Britain ; 1985).
Notre siècle compte aussi ses découvertes sur les géants…
En 1936 l’anthropologiste allemand Larson Kohl défriche sur la rive du lac Elyasi, en Afrique du Sud, des ossements ayant appartenu à un géant. Entre 1937 et 1941, les paléontologistes et anthropologistes allemands, le Pr Gustav von Königswald et le Pr Frank Weidenreich trouvent, dans des pharmacies chinoises du continent et de Hong-Kong, plusieurs ossements humains d’une taille impressionnante.
En 1944, le Pr Weidenreich fait un exposé sur ces restes de géants en présence de l’American Ethnological Society. Le Dr Rex Gilroy, un archéologue australien, directeur du Mount York Natural History Museum, découvre à Mount Victoria des empreintes fossilisées de pied de géants.
Le Dr Burkhalter de la société française de préhistoire, écrit en 1950 dans la revue du musée de Beytouth que l’existence des géants à la période acheuléenne, est un fait scientifique établi.
Lors de fouilles dans le Caucase, en 1964, on trouve dans une grotte d’Alguetca, près de Mangliss, des squelettes d’hommes mesurant de 2,80 mètres à 3 mètres. Le journaliste allemand Ernst Probst écrit sur le thème des géants. Il mentionne l’existence d’un tableau peint par un certain Bartholmaus Sarburgh, exposé au Musée de l’Histoire de Bern. La peinture reproduit un fémur de géant trouvé sur les bords du Rhin, à Oppenheim sur Mainz.
En 1895, un géant fossilisé de plus de 3,70 mètres est découvert par un orpailleur dans le comté d’Antrim. Il est exposé et photographié dans le dépôt de marchandises de la London and North-Western Rallway Company’s Broad Street, puis à Liverpool et à Manchester. Qu’est donc devenu ce géant fossilisé de 3,70 m exposé dans un dépôt de Londres en 1895 ? Des analyses pourraient aujourd’hui nous apporter des réponses inestimables.
À travers toutes les époques, sous l’Empire romain, au Moyen-âge, au XIXème siècle et encore de nos jours, dans le monde entier, des scientifiques, des archéologues, des hommes d’Eglise, des voyageurs, des historiens témoignent, cherchent, compilent dans des documentations très denses les traces et les preuves de l’existence sur Terre des géants, ces hommes ayant mesuré parfois jusqu’à plus de 4 mètres.
Goliath a toujours été considéré comme un personnage de légende, au même titre que le géant du Petit Poucet. Jusqu’à ce que le neurologue Vladimir Berginer émette l’hypothèse qu’il ait réellement existé. Sa taille démesurée (que Berginer évalue à trois mètres) serait le résultat d’une tumeur de l’hypophyse, affection appelée acromégalie-gigantisme.
Si l’on en croit la Bible, Goliath appartenait à une tribu de la vallée de Réfaïm, dans l’actuelle région de Bashan. Or, sur les hauteurs du Golan, qui surplombe leur ancien territoire, s’élève encore aujourd’hui un monument vieux de 5 000 ans, le Gilgal Réfaïm.
Selon le Dr Schroch ,cette empreinte serait celle d’un géant de plus de 15 mètres.
En outre, plusieurs éléments provenant de sources antiques semblent faire état de l’existence de géants – sinon du mythe – à l’époque : des représentations de géants sur des sceaux et dans des temples, des mentions de géants dans les légendes syriennes et égyptiennes, etc.
Depuis la fin des années 80, des chercheurs britanniques sont sur la piste de preuves. Sur le site funéraire de Tell es-Sa’idiyeh, en Jordanie, l’archéologue Jonathan N. Tubb et ses collaborateurs du British Museum ont mis au jour des ossements humains aux dimensions surprenantes. Une preuve de l’existence de géants dans l’Antiquité ?
On retrouve la trace de géants dans toutes les cultures ou presque, et j’en suis à me demander si ces statues et représentations de géants que l’on peut admirer encore de nos jours, ne seraient pas au final des représentations bien réelles, un hommage à de véritables géants qui auraient peuplés la Terre en des temps anciens, toutes les anciennes constructions sont de tailles gigantesques, et dédiées aux géants, que les moins de 2 000 ans ne peuvent pas connaitre !
Les indiens qui habitent dans la région de Tianhuanaco, dans les Andes, (à 20 Km du lac Titicaca) disent que les colossales pierres qui ont bâti cette cité mégalithique ont été acheminées par des géants. Ils sont décrits comme des hommes très intelligents, à la peau claire.
Des fouilles ont permis de trouver des restes d’ossements, des crânes et des squelettes d’hommes mesurant plus de 3 mètres. La plus prestigieuse et la plus fascinante des découvertes est celle de tunnels souterrains s’étirant sur des kilomètres et menant à de majestueuses salles aussi grandes que des hangars d’avion.
CAIRO, Egypt – The Serapeum, an ancient stone tomb of an Apis bull, is unveiled in Saqqara, Egypt, on Sept. 20, 2012. (Kyodo)
Les indiens expliquent que ces souterrains parcourent une grande partie de l’Amérique du Sud.
Au XVème siècle, le capitaine espagnol Francisco Pizzaro est le premier à découvrir ces galeries souterraines dans la montagne des Incas. Toujours au Pérou, des découvertes inattendues, comme à Ollantaytambo ou Sacsayhuaman, posent la question de civilisation de géants disparus ayant certainement eu des connaissances scientifiques oubliées et particulièrement élaborées.
Bizarrement, en certain de ces lieux nous trouvons des représentations de dinosaures. Les sites mégalithiques renvoient en permanence à une civilisation de géants. C’est le cas de Carnac, de Stonehenge dont le nom celte Chior gaur signifie « la danse des géants », ou de son équivalent dans le nord d’Israël, à Gilgal Refaïm.
Il y a deux ans, en Bosnie, des pyramides ont été découvertes sous des forêts et de la végétation. Les légendes parlent encore dans ce cas précis de géants-constructeurs.
Nous trouvons pareillement dans le monde d’énigmatiques pyramides qui font l’objet du plus grand silence scientifique, comme en Chine centrale, dans les plaines du Qin Chuan. L’une d’entre elle surnommée la « grande Pyramide Blanche », pointe à environ 300 mètres de hauteur, soit deux fois la taille des plus imposantes pyramides d’Egypte.
L’une de ces pyramides égyptienne, Khéops, d’après des manuscrits appartenant à la tradition copte, aurait été construite par une race de géants.
L’étude des géants renverse notre compréhension du monde. Car il est possible que ces géants aient existé à une époque où tout était gigantesque.
Effectivement, nous abordons de manière scientifique toutes les formes de gigantisme, dans la flore, avec les dinosaures et y compris pour les singes avec le Gigantopithecus et le Meganthropus. Pourquoi avons-nous alors oublié les géants de la race humaine ?
Outils de silex géants découverts au Botswana.
Nous pourrions logiquement supposer que des hommes gigantesques auraient pu vivre à une époque où tout était gigantesque et connaître les dinosaures. Cela est d’autant plus troublant que dans son ouvrage Buried Alive, le Dr Jack Cuozzo va dans ce sens. Il montre la photographie dans la grotte de Bernifal (France ) d’un combat opposant un mammouth à un dinosaure.
De même, Fran Barnes, spécialiste en art pariétal écrit qu’à San Rafael Swell (Utah), il y a des dessins de la préhistoire qui ressemblent à un reptile ailé, un ptérosaurien.
L’ancien peuple de Sumatra a également produit de nombreuses pièces d’art avec des créatures ayant de longues queues, de longs cous et des crêtes semblant correspondre à des Hadrosaures. Une de ces pièces est d’ailleurs exposée au Musée Ethnographique de Budapest.
Des mosaïques de l’Empire romain datant de 200 ans avant J.C. reproduisent des dinosaures marins, des Tanystropheus. En 1571, les conquistadors rapportent que sur des pierres de sépulture Inca figurent d’étranges créatures. Le Dr Javier Cabrera en a authentifié plus de mille.
En 1496, l’Evêque Richard Bell est enterré à la Cathédrale de Carlisle, en Angleterre. Des dinosaures sont dessinés sur les parties en cuivre qui recouvrent sa tombe. Autre cas très intéressant. Dans le Queensland, plusieurs récits de tribus aborigènes décrivent des créatures ressemblant à des plésiosaures.
Dans le nord de cette région australienne, les Yarru (ou Yarrba) parlent d’une créature semblable vivant dans les cavernes d’une forêt équatoriale. Cette peinture est très intéressante car elle montre des Indiens ou des hommes autour d’un plésiosaure et représente tout l’appareil digestif, gastro-intestinal de l’animal.
Cela nous permet-il de penser que les chasseurs aborigènes auraient tué et dépecé ce dinosaure ? Ces grands animaux se sont-ils alors vraiment éteints il y a 70 millions d’années ?
Il est pertinent d’envisager une époque où les hommes et les dinosaures auraient cohabité, mais l’étude des géants remet en cause le darwinisme et l’évolutionnisme, les fondements de la science contemporaine… Et c’est d’ailleurs bien pourquoi la question de leur existence est négligée, ignorée, ridiculisée par la science moderne et comme écrasée sous une chape de plomb !
Pourtant comme nous le voyons, ils ont existés, et toutes les anciennes cultures et civilisations, leur rendent hommage, avec des statues et des constructions gargantuesques…
A Dara en Syrie,on a découvert ces empreintes géantes qui auraient supporté un géant de plus de 20 mètres.
La bible et l’Islam parlent de géants, juste deux exemples :
Pour la bible : Dans la Genèse, il est dit « Et il y avait des géants sur la Terre en ces temps-là (…)
Pour l’Islam : Il est mentionné dans un Hadîth que Dieu créa Adam au paradis avec une taille de 60 coudées soit environ 30 mètres actuels !
Tiré de wikipédia, quelques faits sur des empreintes et ossements fossiles :
XIXe siècle :
En 1833, des soldats auraient découvert, à Lompock Rancho, en Californie, le squelette d’un homme de 12 pieds, soit 4 mètres, dans un terrain dans lequel ils souhaitaient enfouir de la dynamite. En 1877, on aurait découvert, à Spring Valley (Nevada) près de la localité d’Eureka, en partie scellés dans du quartzite, les ossements d’une jambe humaine mesurant un mètre du genou à l’extrémité des orteils.
En 1879, un squelette de 2,95 mètres de haut aurait été extrait d’un tertre funéraire, à Brewersville (Indiana). Il avait un collier de mica autour du cou et, à ses pieds, une figurine humaine incrustée de silex. En 1890, L’anthropologue Georges Vacher de Lapouge a déterré le bras et un os de la jambe d’un homme de 3,5 mètres de hauteur à Castelnau-le-Lez, France et pour cette raison nommé « Géant de Castelnau ». Les os ont été étudiés à l’Université de Montpellier et cela a confirmé que l’être humain mesurait le double de la taille d’un être humain normal.
En 1893, un squelette géant est découvert près du phare de Caraquet, au Canada, par le gardien. La découverte est annoncée dans Le Courrier des provinces maritimes. En 1894, un compte-rendu de presse américain parle de la découverte de gigantesques ossements humains trouvés à Montpellier, France, par des ouvriers travaillant sur un réservoir d’eau.
Des crânes humains de 71, 79 et 81 centimètres de circonférence ont été signalés parmi des ossements humains qui ont indiqué une race d’hommes de trois à quatre mètres de haut. Les os auraient été envoyés à l’Académie de Paris.
XXe siècle :
En 1908, près du parc d’État de Dinosaur Valley, des empreintes de pas humains géants furent découverts dans la Glen Rose Formation. En 1912, dans la région du Transvaal de l’est (actuellement Mpumalanga) en Afrique du Sud, une empreinte géante de pied humain pétrifiée aurait été trouvée par le chasseur Stoffel Coetzee.
La même année, 18 squelettes mesurant entre 2,3 et 3 mètres auraient été découverts dans le Wisconsin par Charleton Voice. Leurs crânes seraient bien plus grands que ceux de l’homme du XXIe siècle. Il semblerait aussi qu’ils n’appartenaient pas tous à la même ethnie.
En 1935, le géologue Clifford Burdick aurait relevé sur les bords de la Paluxy River (Glen Rose, Texas) des empreintes de géants jouxtant celles de dinosaures. En 1936, l’anthropologue Ludwig Kohl-Larsen aurait découvert, sur la rive du Lac Eyasi (Tanzanie) des ossements humains géants. Il est connu pour la découverte de la grotte Mumba (Mumba cave). En 1956, il fit paraître un livre sur les mythes Hadzabe, dont certains à propos de géants.
En 1937, deux paléontologues allemands, Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald et Franz Weidenreich, auraient trouvé en Chine plusieurs ossements humains d’une taille étonnante. Weidenreich est l’auteur d’un livre sur le sujet faisant référence au Gigantopithèque, qui est un singe et non un humain. En 1944, Weidenreich fait un exposé sur ces restes de géants à l’American Ethnological Society.
D’après Louis Burkhalter, des outils préhistoriques géants auraient été exhumés à Safita en Syrie et dans le sud du Maroc, par le capitaine R. Lafanechere. Les outils syriens pèseraient de 2,5 à 3,5 kg et ceux du Maroc de 4,15 à plus de 8 kg, ce qui validerait selon lui la théorie de l’existence historique de géants humains. La découverte d’autres outils géants a été mentionnée.
En 1964, dans une grotte d’Alguetca située près de Manglisi (province de Kvemo Kartli, Géorgie), des archéologues auraient mis au jour des squelettes d’hommes mesurant près de 3 mètres. En 2002, la ville de Dmanisi dans la même province a vu la découverte de vestiges attribués à l’Homo georgicus, qui n’est pas un géant.
En 1976, le squelette d’un être humain géant aurait été découvert près du château Trezzo d’adda, province de Milan, en Italie. Le squelette a été identifié comme Rodchis, le fils du roi de Lombardie Poto au VIIIe siècle. Son squelette était trop grand pour le tombeau de 2 mètres de long, ses genoux et la tête ont été pliés pour adapter sa taille énorme qui était d’environ 2,5 mètres de haut.
Rex Gilroy, auteur australien, aurait découvert, à Mount Victoria en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, des empreintes fossiles de pieds de géants.
XXIe siècle :
En 2004, l’équipe de prospection Aramco Exploration Team aurait découvert en Arabie saoudite un squelette humain de proportions extraordinaires qui pourrait se rattacher au peuple Ad cité par le Coran.
En 2008, les os d’un être humain géant auraient été retrouvés dans les gorges de Borjomi, en Géorgie (Caucase). La nouvelle a été rapportée par 1TV, la première chaîne de télévision en Russie. Le géant a été estimé à 2,5 ou 3 mètres de haut. Ses os ont été étudiés par le Dr Abesalom Vekua, du Musée national Géorgien.
Louis Burkhalter de la Société préhistorique française a écrit en 1950 dans la revue du musée de Beyrouth que l’existence de géants à la période acheuléenne (durant la majeure partie de la période glaciaire) était un fait scientifiquement établi…
B.E.A.M.S UFO Investigator Hilary Porter was very adamant in her message to me that the object pictured in the Ramsgate photograph was NOT A STREETLIGHT.
I then provided visual evidence to support my claim. Somehow this was interpreted as “most unpleasant behaviour” “sarcasm” and “venom”
Ive been accused of taking quotes out of context. Im also now accused of “blackmailing” and allegedly reported to Facebook for “Cyberbullying”.
All for solving a three year old mystery.
After Hilary had posted info on Facebook about his case, i stated it was nothing but a streetlight. I then was informed that they were professionals who had done their homework. I then went to Google streetview and went to Ramsgate. Within a minute or two i had established that similar streetlights were common and took a few examples and presented them to Hilary.
I also shared the post from Hilary on my Facebook feed. But then it vanished. Hilary pulled the post.
Hilary wrote:
I have just removed the Ramsgate case from our FB page, (it was causing too many arguements), but the report remains on our main BEAMS (archives section) – because that was no streetlight – they don’t even use that style of lamp in that part of Ramsgate, (see red circle), but rather the more decorative, conical style, but anyway… here’s another case from the archives with a very similar shape of object that was captured: read report here:,%… Now, is this a streetlight? GGMS… no wonder I have deactivated our FB page more times than I care to remember… out of sheer frustration!
So now i realised i was blocked by Hilary. I was however still a member of the B.E.A.M.S. Facebook community page. Outraged at the fact that a UFO group investigator wold go as far as blocking me for presenting evidence, i now felt obliged to document the treatment i had received for offering fresh insight to a three year old UFO mystery.
Rather than go all dark, i thought it would be courteous to inform Hilary Porter of my intentions to blog about the disgusting treatment i had received. (Up until that point)
Here is that message which was sent of Facebook and not Hotmail as Hilary claims.
So its clear that the blog was about the treatment i had received from B.E.A.M.S. investigator Hilary Porter and i had no intention of setting out to discredit them.
While writing up the blog, one of my tech assistants managed to locate the exact spot where the original image was taken. There was no doubting now that my initial explanation was 100% I then posted the blog along with the final nail in the coffin evidence onto the B.E.A.M.S. Facebook page. Hilary then informed me that …………..
Crazy eh?
So why not just post that the case had been solved instead of removing it altogether?
Whats the bottom line?
Are B.E.A.M.S deliberately putting out disinformation?
Why is the casefile now non existent? Why are B.E.A.M.S. now covering up this case?
Why is Hilary Porter accusing me of the “most unpleasant behaviour” “sarcasm” and “venom”
Why am i being accused of taking quotes out of context. Why is Hilary Porter accusing me of “blackmailing” and “Cyberbullying”?
Ive shown my evidence Hilary. If i’m a cyber bully please provide your evidence.
All i wanted was to help. But i was blocked when i presented evidence that melted the conclusions reached by B.E.A.M.S.
Then Hilary went on a verbal attack.
So why is this case now being swept under the rug?
Why has UFO Investigator Hilary Poster lied about me and accused me of being a cyber bully and “blackmailing” ?
NOTICE: BEAMS has decided to permanently delete its Facebook page after being the subject of a severe case Cyberbullying.
So ok, in all the time since 1991 since our foundation, here at BEAMS we have made a couple mistakes… we admit that, we’re only human after all …but at least we confess our sins openly.
Our crimes: Yonks ago we let two crafty hoaxers accidentally slip through our net, (who have since been heavily shamed and exposed by us), and now, just 10 days into 2016, we made another incorrect diagnosis; this concerned a British image of a supposed UFO that was doing the rounds on social media, and foolishly we excitedly jumped into the debate, showed the courage of our convictions by coming down on the side of it being a capture of a real unidentified flying object, and published our erroneous judgement on FB; but in all fairness, within 24 hours we quickly did a U-turn on the case after fresh data was presented to us, and ASAP we retracted everything we had previously said about it; so we expected that-to-be-that, the end of the matter, (tomorrows chip papers as it were), but no…
Someone, (we can’t mention his name here for legal reasons, who IS known in UFO circles as being a nasty piece of work), began posting some highly derogatory statements about BEAMS on our FB, page, and then after we blocked him from making any further posts, he began virtually blackmailing us, (by sending messages through our Hotmail email account – away from the public eye), bragging about he’s “going to enjoy serial posting” our mistake right across the net, in an attempt to discredit BEAMS.
Yes we got angry after being on the receiving end of this person’s venom and perhaps we also said a few things that we shouldn’t have in the heat of the moment… but what else were we supposed to do – just sit back and take his insults?
Yes you can understand the guy was uposet after being blocked, but never in a million years would we have expected THIS level of abuse/retaliation: In our opinion this ‘man’ was and still is, out for trouble… in fact he may be even be a MENTAL CASE!
From where we are sitting, this definitely looks like a case of attempted sabotage.
Naturally we reported the matter, but Facebook predictably replied sorry “we’re unable to take action on the account.”
Yet WE saw all of this coming in a way, and it was bound to happen to us eventually, (as it has already happened to so many others – with some even driven to suicide over unpleasant confrontations on FB), with all the tittle-tattle, bitching/backbiting and other childish, playground pettiness that generally goes on there amongst users: thanks alot Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, great job, you have things running perfectly… with your just let em’ fight it out and kill each other attitude.
So, with such a caring attitude from the staff at FB’s HQ, and sharks like our ‘friend’ waiting in the wings, we have finally realised that this social networking thing is total waste of time and space for us.
Strange to say that Mr ***** * ***** you have helped us see the light, and in a roundabout way you’ve done us a huge favour causing so much trouble; you have given BEAMS just the butt kicking we needed to bring us to our senses.
We have FAR more important things to concentrate on – and self excluding ourselves from that freakshow called Facebook is one of the most sensible moves we have EVER made.
“….began posting some highly derogatory statements about BEAMS on our FB, page, and then after we blocked him from making any further posts,he began virtually blackmailing us, (by sending messages through our Hotmail email account – away from the public eye), bragging about he’s “going to enjoy serial posting” our mistake right across the net, in an attempt to discredit BEAMS.
Nederland was enkele dagen in de ban van een mysterieus geluid. Heel wat Nederlanders in het westen en het zuiden van het land hoorden de voorbije weken namelijk vreemde tonen in de lucht, maar wisten niet waar het vandaan kwam. Tot er woensdag eindelijk een verklaring uit de bus kwam.
Op sociale media pennen Nederlanders die het geluid hoorden neer hoe het geluid voor hen klonk: “Het was een drukkend geluid dat ergens van buiten kwam”, zo klinkt het. Of ook: “Het was net of je trompetten hoort schallen. Of dat iemand dronken op een trombone probeert te blazen.” Een Nederlander uit Gouda kon het geluid vorige week vastleggen op video. Dat filmpje werd intussen al bijna een half miljoen keer bekeken. In de reacties op het filmpje wordt druk gespeculeerd over de oorsprong van het geluid. “Iemand die niet met zijn trompet kan omgaan”, zegt iemand. Een andere YouTube-kijker zegt dan weer dat het geluid een gevolg is van de wind en de zwaartekracht. Nog iemand zegt dat het om “achtergrondgeluiden van de aarde” gaat. Sommige mensen denken zelfs dat het geluid een teken is van God om het einde der tijden aan te kondigen.
Buitenaards leven?
In een van de reacties staat ook dat er begin januari gelijkaardige geluiden werden opgenomen in Marokko. Dat staat ook te lezen op website Volgens die website werd het mysterieuze geluid het eerste weekend van dit jaar ook al gehoord in Casablanca, Tanger en Agadir. Dat doet het mysterie rond het geluid nog groeien. Op sociale media zeggen mensen intussen dat de geluiden afkomstig zijn van buitenaards leven. Of mogelijk zijn het akoestische zwaartekrachtgolven.
Anderen geloven dan weer dat de geluiden een gevolg zijn van experimenten van het Amerikaanse leger. Nog anderen, waaronder Nederlands geofysicus Läslo Evers, gaan ervan uit dat het gewoon afkomstig is van een groot industrieel complex. “Net omdat het door veel mensen in zo’n groot gebied is waargenomen”, zegt hij aan het Nederlandse Algmeen Dagblad.
Natuurkundig verschijnsel
Geofysicus Lennart de Groot van de Universiteit Utrecht houdt het op een natuurkundig verschijnsel."Als het 's nachts afkoelt, dan koelt ook het aardoppervlak af en verandert de temperatuursverdeling. Op dat moment wordt geluid ook teruggebogen naar het aardoppervlak en kan je dat over grotere afstanden waarnemen dan dat je dat overdag zou doen", vertelt hij aan
Het geluid is vermoedelijk afkomstig van een kraanwagen die vele kilometers verder werken aan het uitvoeren was. Maar door het natuurkundig verschijnsel konden dus heel wat mensen het geluid waarnemen.
Tass, the Soviet press agency, has reported the landing of an extraterrestrial vehicle in the Russian city of Voronezh. The creatures who emerged were nine feet tall, with little knobby heads and three eyes. They had a small robot in tow and went for a ''short promenade about the park,'' Tass reports.
While some Americans have harbored reservations about Tass reports in past years, this is one they can embrace with more enthusiasm. The United States has its own share of U.F.O. watchers, but the extraterrestrials they describe have been decidedly uncouth. The aliens who visit America tend to kidnap their hosts, in some cases erasing from memory many salient details of an otherwise unforgettable experience.
The Voronezh visitors, in welcome contrast, were peaceable. They didn't interfere in current political arrangements. They didn't lecture, proselytize, or find fault with local mores. One can overlook their failure to seek an introduction to the Mayor. Behaving in a perfectly normal manner for sightseers on strange planets, they just walked around the park, leaving behind two pieces of deep-red rock of a kind that, according to a geologist quoted by Tass, ''cannot be found on earth.''
There are any number of solemn explanations for Tass's remarkable report. Some argue that the long suppression of religion in the Soviet Union has given Russians a particular fondness for the supernatural.
Others suggest that Soviet reporters and editors have only recently begun to develop the skeptical armor that Western journalists acquire after being fooled a few dozen times. That may also explain why even the hard-boiled Government officials who oversee Tass found the Voronezh report sufficiently plausible to print.
These explanations miss the point. If extraterrestrial visitors have to land somewhere, why not in Voronezh? Skepticism can be taken too far. These very columns, in 1920, poured scorn on the idea of a certain Robert Goddard that rockets could fly in the vacuum of space. Mr. Goddard, the editorial regretted, ''only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in high schools.''
As surely as rockets can never fly in space, Tass has broken the story of the century.
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The Reptilian Aliens and the Council of the 13 ‘Royal’ Families
The Reptilian Aliens and the Council of the 13 ‘Royal’ Families
The leader of the Earth’s Illuminati is called the “Pindar”. The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for “Pinnacle of the Draco”.
Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear.
The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.
Recently, there are reports that the Marquis de Libeaux is the Pindar, but this is disinformation. The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years.
He is based in Germany near Frankfurt. In the late 1970s, he oversaw the sister project to Montauk, called M.A.L.D.A. is an anagram for Montauk-Alsace-Lorraine Dimensional Activation. This project was located near the city of Strasbourg, France, historically once part of Germany.
Interestingly, there is a winery on the east end of Long Island, not far from Montauk Point, called Pindar Vineyards. This wine is growing in popularity, gaining international accolades.
This fits nicely into the plan, as this area will be a part of the capital district of the Earth/United Nations in the Empire State! Red wine is symbolic of the blood ingested by the Reptilians.
The wine can become sanctified as it did in the Roman Catholic Church, a patsy for the Reptilians. In the Catholic Church, wine replaced the blood in ceremony.
The Illuminati here on Earth have established a pyramid structure of control identical to the system that exists in the Draco Empire. The pyramid with the Reptilian eye, located on the American one-dollar bill, is symbolic of this control structure.
The eye is the cap on the pyramid, thus explaining why the original surface of the Great Pyramid in Egypt was capped in solid gold.
The Pindar is represented by the gold cap on the pyramid. The next layer, or “eye”, on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families. They are as follows:
Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) – Pindar
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)
Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a particular function to fulfill on the Earth. These particular functions include global finances, military technology / development, mind-control, religion, and media.
Each of the 13 ruling families has a Council of 13 as well. The number, 13, has great significance to them. They know that there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge.
They also know that there are really 13 Zodiac signs, not the commonly acknowledged 12. They have kept the 13th hidden for centuries because it is the sign of the Dragon (a.k.a. Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder).
As the French newspaper Le Monde explains, the 13th sign was deliberately removed more than 2,000 years ago.
They keep the qualities and traits of this sign secret to avoid giving away clues to the Reptilian mind-pattern.
The next layer is the second-in-command families who do the support work for the Pindar and 13 ruling families. While all of the 13 ruling family members are shape-shifters, all members of the 300 supporting families are not. They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA.
Alexander: In my opinion, if the so called shape-shifting actually exists, then it’s nothing more than advanced technology put at work, and we cannot yet understand the science behind it. Alternatively, it may be a misunderstood type of possession — for a better reference, you can imagine the reptilian extraterrestrials using human bodies as vehicles, similarly to the way humans used the Na’vi in the Avatar movie.
They are known as the “Committee of 300”. These families include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson. There are many others.
The Committee of 300 use many well-known institutions to accomplish their goals, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgers, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Mafia, CIA, NSA, Mossad, Secret Service (SS), International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, and Interpol, to name a few. All of these are private organizations or corporations set up as public service devices, but this is far from the truth.
The Illuminati structure also creates artificial countries to further their goals. Examples of these are the United States, Switzerland, Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Panama, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom, most of Black Africa, all of the Arab countries, and all of Central and South America.
These nations were created to amass wealth for the ruling families and their supporters, to hide or keep their wealth, and to create unstable conditions necessary to start wars or increase military budgets.
Switzerland was created as a neutral banking centre so that Illuminati families would have a safe place to keep their funds without fear of destruction from wars and prying eyes.
The United States was established with 13 colonies, one for each of the Illuminati families. The original flag had 13 stars, and still has 13 stripes. The eagle, the symbol of the United States, holds 13 arrows in its talons.
The United States is actually a corporate asset of the Virginia Company that was established in 1604 in England with direct involvement of the Rothschilds. The finances of the Rothschilds were necessary to fund the exploration and exploitation of the North American continent.
The assets of the Virginia Company, including the United States, are owned by the Holy Roman Empire via the Vatican. This occurred in 1213 when King James gave all English assets to the Reptilian Pope. Executorship remains with the British royal family, but actual ownership lies with the Roman Catholic Church.
The United States of America is not named after Amerigo Vespucci, as you learned in school. The Illuminati would never name a continent, actually two continents, after an Italian mapmaker. The name is actually a combination of words.
“Am” is the Hebrew word for “people”
“Ame” is also the command form of the Spanish/Latin verb “to love”
“Eri” or “ari” is a Hebrew term for “lion”
“Rica” is the feminine form of the Spanish word for “rich”
“Ka” is the ancient Egyptian word for “soul,” or “spirit force” within a body
There are two layers of meanings. The Ancient Hebrew/Egyptian translates to say,
Hence, the pyramid and all-seeing eye on the one-dollar bill. The Latinized version translates to say, “love riches”, in a feminized/physical reality way. This gives an idea of what they had in mind.
Take this a step further, and one sees the mixture of the feminine Latin/eagle ideas with the masculine Hebrew/lion ideas.
The symbolic statement of America is that it is a combination of Lemuria and Atlantis; a blend of the human/Lyrae with Reptilian/Draco. Perhaps the anagram LSD, an Illuminati created drug, has a hidden meaning as well: Lyrae-Sirius-Draco!
The combination of these three civilizations would produce the most powerful, technological Empire ever known!
In 1776, the creation of the United States as an independent nation coincided with the declaration into public existence of the official Illuminati organization by member Adam Weishaupt, in Bavaria.
Publicly, Mr. Weishaupt appeared to be determined to create an organization comprised of the European elite that would uplift mankind.
Of course, this was part of an Illuminati global ceremony. The creation for the United States and the Illuminati global ceremony. The creation of the United States and the Illuminati organization were artificial beginnings for public consumption.
The United States was the device to be used to bring the Illuminati into public acceptance. Current Illuminati members believe that Adam Weishaupt was a look-alike for George Washington, and it is actually Weishaupts image that appears on the one-dollar bill.
George Washington was a wealthy slave and plantation owner. He is known to have raped some of his female slaves and used some of the male slaves in ritualistic ceremony. There are many people of the Black race who can literally trace their genetics to the founding fathers.
George Washington also ordered the building of the Montauk Lighthouse in 1796. This lighthouse included an underground area for supply storage in case of a British coastline invasion. If he had only known what that area would become – or did he?
The 13 ruling Illuminati families constantly vie for control amongst themselves. During this time period, the Spanish, British, and French Illuminati all fought to win control over North and South America.
The Rothschilds kept these Illuminati factions in line by sending Hessian troops to monitor the situation. The leaders enjoyed these war games, pitting one against the other to see who would win. The hundreds of thousands of lives lost were meaningless to them.
The Manifest Destiny of the United States was created to expand the territory of the Aryans at the expense of the native populations. As always, the Illuminati seek to destroy native peoples and their cultures.
This is an attempt to destroy their knowledge of God-Mind, as well as the possibility that the natives will impart this information on to others. Especially important is their need to eliminate native cultures with ancient knowledge of Atlantis and Lyrae.
The natives that gave them the most problem were the Cherokee Indians because this tribe retained most of their Atlantean knowledge, even accessing the Bear/Bigfoot frequency for information.
For this reason, these people were uprooted from their homeland in the southern Appalachian Mountains, and forcibly marched to Oklahoma on what is now known as The Trail of Tears.
Many died along the way. Only a remnant remained in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. In the north, the vast Iroquois/Mohawk nation was disbanded. The Montauk, direct descendents of the Atlanteans who call their leader Pharaoh, were systematically eliminated.
The Rothschilds were aggressively involved with the slave trade from Africa, importing slaves to North and South America as well as the Caribbean. They were very careful not to import Blacks from the eastern areas of Ethiopia or Sudan where the descendents of Solomon were located, instead concentrating on western and central Africa for the slave populations.
These areas had the pure mixture of Anunnaki and simian genetics, and the programming desirable for the Illuminati agenda.
The Rothschilds decided that splitting the United States colonies would double their profits. So they politically created, and financially supported, the Civil War. The Civil War was actually a global ceremonial ritual to bring slavery to its next level. This war allowed the North to win, and publicly abolish slavery.
The best slaves are the ones who do not realize that they are slaves. This alleviates rebellion and resistance. This was the status immediately following the Civil War. Blacks in the South are still slaves.
There is still segregation, even in the North. The Illuminati still consider Blacks to be second or third class citizens. Only now the slavery is subtle and masked.
In5D Note: Those in power consider us ALL useless eaters and have used divide and conquer techniques against us to keep us from uniting. What we “ALL” need to keep in mind is that once the bottom of the pyramid unites, the rest will collapse.
Since the Civil War, there have been other staged wars that entrenched the trend toward globalization. The Spanish-American War of 1898-1899 acquired more land for the American Illuminati, placing a greater portion of the Earth’s surface under American jurisdiction.
World War I was designed to change the map of Europe as well as test germ and chemical warfare technology for future use. This coincided with the worldwide influenza outbreak designed to reduce the global population, making control easier. World War I also laid the foundation for the German role in the next war.
World War II was a test of the final globalization and extermination projects. It was also designed to test mind-control machinations; to test the use of fluoride which deadens brain activity and slows resistance to authority; to experiment with slave labor camps and study the development of resistance; and to teach the masses to spy and report on one another.
World War II brought three primary goals of the Illuminati to fruition.
-The first was that hidden Illuminati symbolism were brought to public attention from the underground strongholds in Tibet and Egypt, such as the Swastika and the ankh.
-The second was the creation of the State of Israel as a foundation for the New World Religion.
-The last was the creation of nuclear weapons as part of the Illuminati global ceremony.
During World War II, the Germans helped to perfect “sex-slaves” as a means of transmitting information amongst the elite. Sex-slaves can be either male or female, who are sexually programmed using Wilhelm Reich procedures, which are illegal in the United States, but used by the Illuminati and government.
These sex-slaves deliver messages and keep programmed sleepers in line. The sex-slave is downloaded with a message or function through various sexual acts and drugs, which can only be released by repeating the same sexual act with the target, or person, to be activated.
They are trained to know their target’s trigger words and trigger events to activate, delete, or change programming.
In recent years, several women have come forward claiming to be the sex-slaves of globally recognized political figures. Many were used as information couriers between high-level male Illuminati.
Usually, look-alikes of the political figures are used in the incipient programming as a focal point for the sex-slave.
The slave is put through a desensitizing process, so there is no pleasure in the sexual act; it is merely a duty to be performed. Many times the slave becomes sexually promiscuous, repeatedly having sex with people who look like the intended target. It is a sad life.
By the end of World War II, one of the three major Illuminati global rituals was accomplished. This was the nuclear explosion that took place in 1945 at the 33rd parallel as a test for the nuclear attack on Japan. This explosion was symbolic, representing the simultaneous creation and destruction of matter and energy.
The year was symbolic as well. In numerology, 1 + 9 = 10, representing the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The number 10 further breaks down to 1 + 0 = 1, representing a new beginning. Continuing, 4 + 5 = 9, representing the end of a cycle. Symbolically, the entire event represented the end of a cycle to prepare for a new beginning using the new creation of God-Mind out of destruction.
Additionally, a cylinder containing material still not explained by the government was trucked into the nuclear explosion testing. This cylinder was made from pure steel and allegedly was the same physical dimensions as the Kabala describes for the creation of Golems.
Kabala is ancient Hebrew metaphysics that has been a staple for the Illuminati for millennia. Golems are artificial beings that are used as a slave force. It is highly probable that this was a symbolic ritual for the creation of the society of Golems.
World War II also allowed the European/American Illuminati to destroy the Japanese Illuminati desires of global domination.
The Japanese royal family, represented by Emperor Hirohito, have always been ostracized as non-legitimate by the ruling 13 families. The Japanese claim to be direct descendents of Lemurian purebred Reptilians.
The European/American Illuminati claim that the Japanese Illuminati are descendents from a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. This lower species is considered a worker class without any political clout or influence.
The European/American Illuminati also claim that East Indians are a lower species in the Draco hierarchy. The 13 ruling families consider light skin and hair to be an elite characteristic.
On January 17, 1994, Japan sent a seismic event to California. Exactly one year later on January 17, 1995, the city of Kobe, Japan was seismically destroyed.
Kobe was the home of the Japanese electromagnetic weaponry centers. The European/American Illuminati will not tolerate thorns in their sides. The destruction of Japan and its royal family will continue in the coming months.
Every year, the Illuminati hold meetings to plan the events of the coming year to accomplish their main objective formulated millennia ago of global control and domination. In the 1850s, they pinpointed their target date for complete domination with an agenda called Plan 2000. This has since been revised to 2003.
The fiasco election of George W. Bush Jr. to office is a key sign that they are on target. The public lesson of the United States presidential “election” of 2000 is that the citizens do not vote for anyone! Even the Illuminati are now finding it increasingly difficult to conceal their plans.
About the author:
A gifted medical intuitive, Stewart Swerdlow is a clairvoyant who has the ability to see auric fields and personal archetypes as well as read DNA sequences and mind-patterns.
His great-uncle, Yakov Sverdlov, was the first president of the Soviet Union, and his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s. To ensure that his loyalties stayed with the US government, he was “recruited” for specific government mind-control experiments which enhanced his natural abilities.
He spent years in service to various US and foreign government agencies and special interest groups. His mind and body were used for genetic and mind-control experiments which led to severe illness, broken relationships, and premature Kundalini activation.
After several years of deep self-analysis, Stewart merged with higher levels of his multidimensional self, which saved his life. Stewart has authored and co-authored with his wife, Janet, several books and lectures worldwide for a variety of groups, organizations, and large corporations.
DOCTOR’S ORDERS: Midsomer Murders returns as ITV commission an 18th series of the global detective hit [MARC BOURDILLON]
DCI John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon, 54) and DS Charlie Nelson (Gwilym Lee, 31) will investigate sightings of UFOs over the area.
However, the story might not go down well with its diehard fans who like to tune in for a cosy British whodunnit.
“This gives us a chance to explore more strange and entertaining tales of Midsomer life”
Jo Wright, executive producer
A source said: “It’s a bit far out. We’re not sure how the fans will take it.
“We just hope that Barnaby isn’t kidnapped by aliens.”
ITV announced yesterday that it has commissioned an 18th series of its global detective hit, which launched in 1997. Six new episodes will air next year.
In addition to the UFO story, there will also be a horror tale as Barnaby and Nelson will have to probe a spate of body snatchings.
The two detectives will also get a new team member.
Pathologist Dr Kam Karimore (played by Ordinary Lies actress Manjinder Virk) will assist the pair.
Executive producer Jo Wright said: “This gives us a chance to explore more strange and entertaining tales of Midsomer life.
“And we will do it with a new pathologist, who will cause DS Nelson trouble in more ways than one.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Florida Man Claims Spotting Reptilian Humanoid inside Vehicle, Takes Pictures
Florida Man Claims Spotting Reptilian Humanoid inside Vehicle, Takes Pictures
Fla. — A motorist in Florida believes he captured the images of a “reptilian alien” who he says was driving a vehicle ahead of him.
The man, who didn’t provide a name, says he was able to snatch a few photographs of the “entity”, which was maneuvering a Kia Spectra last February.
“The rearview mirror, I think, has a reptilian staring back at my camera as I take a pic from my car,” the man reported to MUFON. “I was taking a picture of the huge monster logo decal which I had heard in the news a woman claiming it was a –religious– symbol. They were goofing on the woman in the story on the Howard Stern show. It made me think that lady wasn’t so crazy.”
The series of images show the dark sedan at a stop light somewhere in Florida. The photographer also added an edited picture of a “closeup” of the “alien” face.
“I isolated it and brightened it with contrast for added clarity. I outlined the facial features.”
The “creature’s face”, he adds, contains a pair of eyes with “heavy eyelids” and “weird scaly protrusions” in the middle of the forehead.
An edited photograph shows what the man believes to be an “alien” driving the vehicle.
Credit: MUFON
“The folds of skin are in the right places for the eyelids. The right eye reminds me of my cat’s eyes in certain lighting. Also I believe I see a glassy highlight of white light reflection on the lower part of the same eyeball,” he explained. “The eyes and pupils are where I would expect them to be, since they are looking at my hand outside my window holding up my camera.”
And, he says, the “alien” appears to be “frowning”.
“The mouth turned downward and the forehead area looking twisted from stress.”
In 2014, a Bigfoot enthusiast recorded on video what she believed to be a “Bigfoot” creature with a “cloaking” ability. Critics of the footage argued that such “cloaking ability” could be the result of a few moving branches creating an optical illusion when disturbed by a small animal walking by.
The Gestalt effect is the capability of the human brain to generate whole forms when grouping similar objects together. This principle maintains that the human mind considers objects in their entirety before, or in parallel with, perception of their individual parts, suggesting the whole is other than the sum of its parts.
Proponents of the reptilian theory, such as David Icke, suggest a conspiracy involving snake-like alien humanoids that have taken over the Earth. According to its followers, these creatures are involved in daily political decisions affecting governments across the world. They also believe that the “aliens” involved in the “hostile” taking of the planet are capable of “morphing” or “shapeshifting” at will in order to “deceive” the population.
Last month, a man in Connecticut claimed that a large family of “alien” creatures was living on the trees of his backyard.
In February, a South African woman said that a snake-like creature was living inside her body.
In 2002, a girl reportedly saw a bipedal reptilian creature while camping in northern Virginia. She stated that the unidentified animal looked like “the mix of a horse and a Komodo dragon”.
Gearing up for its 18th series, Midsomer Murders has traversed generations and charmed millions of viewers over the years; but what's its secret?
Neil Dudgeon, who plays lead character DCI John Barnaby, puts it down to the show's "intoxicating mix".
"The countryside, the rather eccentric English characters," he explains. "I think it's that thing where it all looks lovely and pretty and gentile and chocolate-boxy on the surface, but underneath, everybody is full of their jealousies, rivalries and betrayals."
"There's an innocence about it as well," adds his co-star Gwilym Lee, who plays Barnaby's right hand man, DS Charlie Nelson. "It's not like a gritty, crime drama that's specific to urban London; it's a murder mystery that's character-driven, and so it's universal in the sense that people can engage with it as a kind of problem-solving adventure."
Recommissioned for a further six feature-length episodes in 2016, seasoned spectators will be pleased to learn that Midsomer's crime rate remains at an all-time high.
"There are one or two unlikelier moments; things you wouldn't see in any other show in its right mind!" teases Dudgeon. "We've got an episode set in a sculpture park, which involves a set of grisly, sculpture-related murders - people finding themselves heavily involved with the artwork.
"Then there's the cycling episode, where people are killed in cycling-related ways..."
"My dignity was killed, as I had to appear in Lycra at the beginning of that episode," Lee, 32, cuts in.
Dudgeon would have preferred for the Lycra to be more of a feature, however: "I was slightly disappointed, as Gwilym is in the Lycra and then gets the call to say, 'There's been a murder'. So I said he can't just go, 'Oh, there's been a murder; let me just go and get changed into my civvies', but that's exactly what he did!"
Too-tight costumes aside, unnerving scenes also cropped up in the upcoming UFO episode.
"It was quite an ambitious episode - to read the stage directions of a UFO as it hovers over a caravan and you think, 'Oh OK, yeah'," recalls Lee, who previously starred in 2011's Land Girls.
"Yeah - hovers over, whizzes off, crashes into the woods, explodes, in come Barnaby and Nelson, who go, 'Here's the crash site of the UFO', and you know, it's like we're in close encounter or something!" adds an animated Dudgeon.
"We can't do this on Midsomer, can we? We can! But won't it all go a bit mad? Well, yes! But we'll save it; it will all make sense in the end."
The detectives, who up until now have solved the intricate murders as a duo, will have an extra pair of hands this series, when pathologist Kam Karimore (played by Manjinder Virk of Ordinary Lies fame) joins the workforce. But, Lee confirms, it's a move that looks set to ruffle some feathers.
"Nelson, to begin with, feels slightly threatened by Kim because he's only been there a couple of years and has just started to feel at home when all of a sudden there's this newbie coming along who's also keen to impress. It results in a slight competition between the two of them."
More fleeting guest appearances include the likes of Meera Syal, Diana Quick, Helen Baxendale and Michelle Collins; but it's American actress and singer Liza Minnelli that Dudgeon really wants to see traipsing through the landscape.
"She'd fit right in!" he says, straight-faced.
"All I'm saying is if Liza happened to be in the country, and she had a bit of free time and she wanted to come and hang around at Midsomer..."
Maybe a surprise slot to commemorate the show's 20th anniversary in two years' time?
"We haven't been re-commissioned for next year yet, but hopefully we will get series 19, and if that gets through it would be a bit churlish of them not to get us to 20," notes Dudgeon. "Even if it's just one half-hour episode to just go, 'It's series 20!'"
With a winning formula and legions of international fans, all the clues suggest that Midsomer Murders is set to continue its reign for a while yet - and Dudgeon agrees.
"The murder mystery genre is huge all over the world - add to that the beautiful countryside and men in Lycra... Well, it's impossible to resist!"
- Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Mysterieus geluid houdt Nederland in de ban: “Het was net of je trompetten hoorde schallen
Mysterieus geluid houdt Nederland in de ban: “Het was net of je trompetten hoorde schallen”
Nederland is in de ban van een mysterieus geluid. Veel mensen uit het westen en zuiden van het land hoorden de afgelopen weken vreemde tonen in de lucht, maar ze weten niet waar die vandaan komen.
“Het was een drukkend geluid dat ergens van buiten kwam,” klinkt het op sociale media. Of: “Het was net of je trompetten hoort schallen. Of dat iemand dronken op een trombone probeert te blazen.”
Iemand uit Gouda legde het geluid vorige week vast op video. Het filmpje werd al bijna een half miljoen keer bekeken. Sommigen denken dat het geluid het gevolg is van de wind, terwijl anderen menen dat het geluid wordt veroorzaakt door achtergrondgeluiden van de aarde.
Niet alledaags geluid
Zondag was het geluid goed te horen in het centrum van Pijnacker. “Het was echt een niet alledaags geluid,” aldus de lokale journalist Martijn Mastenbroek. “Het klonk als een soort dronken trompet. Mijn vriendin sprong ook meteen op.”
Ook uit Bleiswijk zijn meldingen gekomen van mensen die afgelopen weekend rare geluiden gehoord hebben.
Begin januari werden soortgelijke geluiden opgenomen in Marokko, wat het mysterie rond het geluid nog verder doet groeien. De filmpjes komen intussen overal vandaan: China, de Verenigde Staten, Indonesië, enzovoorts.
Sommige mensen denken dat het geluid een teken is van God om het einde der tijden aan te kondigen. In het Bijbelboek Openbaringen wordt beschreven hoe zeven engelen blazen op zeven trompetten. Zo komt de aarde van de ongelovigen aan zijn einde.
Er zijn ook mensen die zeggen dat de geluiden afkomstig zijn van buitenaards leven of dat het akoestische zwaartekrachtgolven zijn. Geofysicus Läslo Evers van het KNMI gaat ervan uit dat het geluid afkomstig is van een groot industrieel complex.
In een gebergte in de Russische Kaukasus zijn een aantal merkwaardige objecten tevoorschijn gekomen.
Zoals een paar vreemde schedels en een koffertje met het embleem van de Duitse geheime Ahnenerbe organisatie.
In Duitsland bestonden aan het begin van de vorige eeuw een aantal occulte gemeenschappen die razend populair waren bij de machthebbers in die tijd.
Naast occulte zaken hield men zich in die genootschappen ook bezig met buitenaardse zaken en UFO’s. Die twee genootschappen waren de Thule Sociëteit en het Vril genootschap, waarover eerder door ons werd geschreven.
In 1935 kwam daar nog een min of meer occult genootschap bij en dat was Ahnenerbe, opgericht door niemand minder dan Heinrich Himmler.
Ahnenerbe hield zich met van alles bezig waaruit de grootheid van het ras in het algemeen en de Duitsers in het bijzonder aangetoond zou kunnen worden. Zo financierde Ahnenerbe ook voor een deel de wetenschappelijke Duitseexpeditie naar Tibet in 1938.
Nu komt er een bericht uit Rusland dat ergens in het Kaukasusgebergte een vreemd uitziend koffertje is gevonden met daarop het logo van de Ahnenerbe.
Het koffertje is afkomstig van een man die als een kluizenaar leeft in de bergen van Adygea.
Op dezelfde locatie schijnen ook twee vreemd uitziende schedels aangetroffen te zijn die weinig of niets lijken op menselijke schedels.
Wat duidelijk is uit het verhaal is dat de wetenschappers die de schedels hebben gezien stomverbaasd zijn en hebben gezegd dat ze geen antwoord hebben op de vraag wat voor wezens dit zijn geweest.
De voorwerpen bevinden zich in een plaatsje Kamennomostsky in Adygea, wat weer een autonome republiek is in de Russische Federatie.
Het plaatsje ligt op de plek van de rode pijl in de volgende afbeelding.
De grote vraag is nu natuurlijk, wat deed de Ahnenerbe daar en wat voor schedels zijn het?
Het schijnt inmiddels wel duidelijk te zijn dat de schedels behoorden aan wezens die net als mensen rechtop liepen. Waarbij het dan steeds aannemelijker wordt dat we hier te maken hebben met buitenaardse schedels, ook gezien de achtergrond en doelstellingen van de Ahnenerbe organisatie.
Wie weet komen er binnenkort meer aanwijzingen naar buiten.
Vreemde geluiden nu ook gehoord in Friesland en Gelderland ( VIDEO + UPDATE )
Vreemde geluiden nu ook gehoord in Friesland en Gelderland ( VIDEO + UPDATE )
De vreemde geluiden die nu al jarenlang overal worden waargenomen, nemen plots toe en er wordt nu overal over geschreven.
Na eerdere waarnemingen in de buurt van Gouda en Almere worden de geluiden ook in Gelderland en Friesland gehoord.
Update: woensdag 13 januari 2016
We zijn er door diverse mensen op geattendeerd dat degene die de video met geluiden uit Friesland heeft geplaatst de boel voor de gek houdt door geluiden uit de film War of the Worlds te gebruiken.
Het geluid in de film klinkt als volgt:
Het geluid uit Friesland lijkt er inderdaad veel op.
Anderzijds is er nu ook een opname beschikbaar uit Groningen die rond dezelfde tijd is gemaakt en waarop ook vreemde geluiden te horen zijn.
Het mysterie duurt voort.
Origineel artikel: 12 januari 2016
Misschien een vreemd toeval, maar nadat wij enige dagen geleden weer eens schreven over de vreemde geluiden die wereldwijd door mensen worden waargenomen, inclusief ons land, schijnt het dat er opeens overal over vreemde geluiden wordt geschreven.
Natuurlijk kwamen er ook reacties bij ons binnen die zeggen dat alles is opgelost omdat de video-opnames waarop de vreemde geluiden voorkomen, nep zouden zijn.
Zoals altijd zullen er absoluut her en der video’s verschijnen waarmee gerommeld is. De kunst is dan ook om diegene eruit te halen die wel echt zijn.
De video die wij plaatsten van het vreemde geluid in Gouda is waarschijnlijk echt omdat het geluid ook is gehoord in Pijnacker en Moordrecht zoals een lezer ons schreef (dank!).
“Voor de goede orde de geluiden zijn ook gehoord in Moordrecht. Een zoon van een goede kennis van mij raakte een beetje in paniek toen hij die geluiden hoorde in het centrum, van Moordrecht.
De geluiden in Pijnacker zijn gehoord door een journalist die daarover in een radio-uitzending van Radio Gelderland vertelde.
De man was te gast daar omdat er ook enkele mensen in Gelderland zijn die de vreemde geluiden hebben gehoord.
Twee broers hoorden dinsdagmorgen een mysterieus geluid in Lichtenvoorde.
Een van hen ging het meteen filmen. Het geluid is op meerdere plaatsen in Nederland gehoord, onder meer in Pijnacker.
Vanavond kwam er een video online die gemaakt is in Friesland en waar ook onmiskenbaar het inmiddels bekende geluid te horen is.
Er wordt volop gespeculeerd, maar niemand heeft een antwoord.
Maar er is dan ook niemand in mainstream-land en de aan hen geliëerde alternatieve media die teruggaat in de tijd en ontdekt dat dit eerder is voorgekomen.
In de tijd waarin er in de Kolbrin bijbel wordt gesproken van de Verwoester.
Ook in de Kolbrin Bijbel wordt gesproken over vreemde geluiden: “Zij zullen de trompetten horen en de strijdkreet van de Verwoester” en“De ster zongzoals nog nooit eerder was voorgekomen".
Alien Drone Caught On Dash Cam Over Darwin, Australia On Dec 6, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Drone Caught On Dash Cam Over Darwin, Australia On Dec 6, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 6, 2015 Location of sighting: Darwin, Australia At first I almost dismissed this UFO as a light reflection, but on closer examination and playing of the video over 10 times, I am confident it was a UFO. This object shoots past incredibly fast, to fast to be a bird or bat. The object looks metallic and long, like a small disk drone. Aliens like to monitor humans at night with these drones, because the odds of getting seen are much lower than during the day. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Did we see a UFO on our dash cam? We were leaving a service station in Darwin NT when our dash cam captured a super fast object moving through the sky. We took some screen shots of the video and enhanced them to get a better look at the object which appear at end of the video.
Date of discovery: January 2016 Location of discovery: Cemiterio Sao Joao batista, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Method used: Google Earth Coordinates: 22°57'32.83”S 43°11'18.95"W I was looking at Google Earth when I found a UFO in the cemetery in Rio de Janeiro. On the hill in the distance, in the lower left, you see the national monument Christ the Redeemer statue. The UFO may have been investigation the peoples religious beliefs, emotions and such in the area. Also UFO over the cemetery could very possibly be studying the human grieving process. Scott C. Waring
Man Unwittingly Captures Video Of a UFO Passing Over the Moon
Man Unwittingly Captures Video Of a UFO Passing Over the Moon
When a man in St Helens, Merseyside aimed his camera at the sky to catch the first moon of the year 2016, he unknowingly filmed an unidentified flying object (UFO) passing over it.
The 43-year-old painter and decorator decided to shoot the New Year’s Eve fireworks from the top of Billinge Hill.
When the fireworks display was over, he pointed his Sony camera to the moon for a few minutes while him and mates, who had joined him on the hill, had a beer drinking.
After a couple of drinks, they headed back to Mike’s house to watch the video of the fireworks. But to their surprise, they spotted a mysterious object passing over the moon at 12.20am.
A non-alien believer Mike said: “I was very surprised as I only meant to shoot the first New Year’s moon. It got my friends and me talking. We kept rewinding it and debating about it.
Mike believes it is a satellite, but some of his friends are not so certain about it.
Mike said: “I don’t think it’s an alien, but it’s still a mystery – a strange thing in my camera. I don’t believe it’s a plane because they usually have flashing lights and leave a vapour. This strange object looks like it’s out of the atmosphere.”
Dumbfounded Mike is a self-employed painter and decorator. He has been filming things that look impressive for the last three years. He has also been running the YouTube channel Mike D, which he has been publishing his “interesting videos.”
Mike jokingly titled the video “The Black Knight,” a satellite that is believed to be an alien satellite and has orbited Earth for 13,000 years.
However, The Black Knight is generally considered as a myth.
Element 115: Infamous Alien ‘element’ mentioned over a decade ago in Area 51 added to periodic table
Element 115: Infamous Alien ‘element’ mentioned over a decade ago in Area 51 added to periodic table
With atomic numbers of 113, 115, 117, and 118, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) announced the addition of these four elements to the periodic table, but one of them, Element 115 was already announced in 1989 when Bob Lazar, famous area 51 whistleblower revealed to the public that the UFOs possessed by the government were powered by a mysterious ‘Element 115.’ Of course at that time, the claims made by Lazar were tagged as absurd as the scientific community had no knowledge of ‘Element 115’.
In 2003, his statements gained more credibility when a group of Russian scientists managed to create the elusive element, and now, twelve years after that achievement, the discovery of ‘Element 115’ was finally confirmed after numerous tests which verified its existence.
However, the scientific version of ‘Element 115’ drastically differs from what Lazar has described over the years, since according to reports, the element decays in less than a second and cannot be utilized for anything. Unununpentium, the temporary name for Element 115, is an extremely radioactive element; its most stable known isotope, ununpentium-289, has a half-life of only 220 milliseconds.
In 2014, Lazar was interviewed by Geroge Knapp where they discussed ‘Element 115’ or Ununpentium where Lazar dismissed early findings surrounding Element 115, statig that he was confident that further testing will produce an isotope from the element which will match his initial description.
“They made just a few atoms. We’ll see what other isotopes they come up with. One of them, or more, will be stable and it will have the exact properties that I said,” Lazar told Knapp.
Bob Lazar, who was ridiculed because of his sensationalistic claims, states that he worked in the past at Area 51, where top secrets projects are being developed. Interestingly, on several occasions he was subjected to a polygraph: The testing confirmed his statements regarding the secret researcher facilities and alien technology present inside some of the most infamous bases in the United States.
According to Lazar, the so-called “UFO’s” were not built by humans, the cabins inside of the craft were extremely small and only a child could fit into them. Lazar claims that these “Flying saucers” were built and piloted by extraterrestrial beings. Mysteriously, it seems as if the UFO’s were made out of one single piece, they did not have a welding point and were made from a material unknown on Earth.
In addition to ‘Element 115’, scientists introduced 113, 117, and 118. Interestingly, all of these four elements are super heavy, lab-made and VERY radioactive.
“The chemistry community is eager to see its most cherished table finally being completed down to the seventh row,” said Professor Jan Reedijk, president of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of IUPAC.
“IUPAC has now initiated the process of formalising names and symbols for these elements temporarily named as ununtrium, (Uut or element 113), ununpentium (Uup, element 115), ununseptium (Uus, element 117), and ununoctium (Uuo, element 118).”
Curious about Methane and Organic Molecules on Mars
Curious about Methane and Organic Molecules on Mars
At the 2014 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), scientists announced two important discoveries made by NASA’s Curiosity rover. The findings included Curiosity’s detection of organic molecules in drill samples taken from a mudstone that once sat on the bottom of and ancient martian lake. The second finding was a spike in levels of atmospheric methane at the rover’s research site.
Curiosity is the rover element of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission and landed on Mars in 2012. One of the key goals of MSL is to explore the potential for past or present habitable environments on Mars, and part of this objective is to search for organic compounds of either biological or non-biological origins. To accomplish this goal, Curiosity has been examining the martian regolith, drilling into martian rocks and taking samples of the planet’s atmosphere.
Organic Findings
Curiosity carries the most powerful tool for studying volatiles (chemicals with low boiling points often found in gaseous form) and organic compounds (molecules containing carbon and hydrogen) ever sent to Mars: the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite. So far, SAMhas made thirty-four measurements from ten different sites on the planet. The first was a scoop of wind-deposited sand and dust at a place called Rocknest. The elemental composition of the samples was similar to soils previously studied by the Mars Exploration Rovers, Opportunity and Spirit. This meant that the windblown materials were likely widespread on Mars and could have been blown into Curiosity’s landing site from further afield. Curiosity also found methane, a carbon-containing molecule composed of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. However, the methane was chlorine-bearing, meaning that one or more of the hydrogen atoms had been replaced by chlorine. The thought was that the chlorine came from sources on Mars, but the carbon came from terrestrial sources.
Curiosity drilled into this rock target, “Cumberland,” during the 279th Martian day, or sol, of the rover’s work on Mars (May 19, 2013) and collected a powdered sample of material from the rock’s interior.IMAGE CREDIT: NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS.
Curiosity then traveled into a region called Yellowknife Bay and found evidence of an
ancient lake of liquid water and a flowing river in the area. The rover drilled two holes (John Klein and Cumberland) in a formation of mudstone rock informally dubbed ‘Sheepbed,’ which formed more than 3.5 billion years ago at the bottom of the lake. Curiosity found that the clay-rich composition of the mudstone was ideal for preserving organic molecules. In addition, chorine-bearing hydrocarbon molecules were present, but in larger quantities than in the windblown materials at Rocknest. The quantity and structure of the molecules suggested that the organic carbon could have come from the mudstone itself, or that it was at least present on Mars before Curiosity arrived.
This discovery is what led researchers to announce that organics had definitely been identified on Mars. This announcement at the AGU conference was followed by a paper, “Organic molecules in the Sheepbed Mudstone, Gale Crater, Mars,” which featured on the cover of the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (1). The publication describes how data from Curiosity, combined with the analysis of blank samples and supporting laboratory experiments, provided the necessary evidence to conclude that organic molecules indigenous to the martian sample had been detected.
Since publication, the team has continued their work, delving deeper into the findings at Cumberland (CB) and making sure that they could not be the result of contamination or any other error. Additional molecules indigenous to the CB sample were later discovered in the same set of data, and further publications are now in preparation.
The research team uses SAM to perform a technique known as pyrolysis-GCMS. The samples are pyrolyzed (heated) to ~900 ºC and the gases that evolve from them are flushed into the instrument for separation by gas chromatography (GC) and identification using a mass spectrometer (MS). Researchers can then look at the molecules, specifically identifying some, and for others they are able to figure out the pathways that led to their formation. Information about their chemical properties can also be gleaned, providing a great deal of information about the original/precursor compounds from which they were derived.
The SAM team also developed and used derivatization. In this technique, a reagent reacts with compounds found in the sample, and those compounds are transformed into new ones of similar structure, known as derivatives. Those derivatives are more volatile than their precursors and can be analyzed more easily. This allows researchers to identify bigger molecules such as amino acids or carboxylic acids, which are typically degradation products of proteins or fatty acids.
Abundance of chlorobenzene detected at sites explored by the Curiosity rover in Gale Crater on Mars.IMAGE CREDIT: CAROLINE FREISSINET ET AL. 2015.
The samples collected by Curiosity, whether sand or rock, contain a mixture of chemical compounds. Pyrolysis-GCMS and derivatization-GCMS helps scientists separate the different compounds in order to understand the composition of the sample.
“Following the first Cumberland (CB) pyrolysis-GCMS results, we ran a derivatization experiment on a CB sample we kept in SAM for a year,” said Caroline Freissinet, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “There was a leak in one of our derivatization cups, and the derivatization reagent MTBSTFA was spreading in the samples held in SAM.”
Freissinet and her team used the leaking reagent to perform an opportunistic experiment that is helping them better understand the composition of the samples collected by Curiosity. Rather than trying to stop MTBSTFA leaking into samples, they allowed enough time to take advantage of the leak and maximize the amount of MTBSTFA in order to soak the CB sample. Then they performed the derivatization experiment without having to puncture a cup.
“From this opportunistic derivatization experiment, we detected complex molecules that are difficult to identify specifically,” explained Freissinet. “However, the mass spectra of the derivatized molecules detected in CB points towards general structures, such as long-chain carboxylic acid and long-chain alcohol, and at least one functionalized aromatic compound.”
The team is still working on identifying the precursors that led to these complex molecules, but their preliminary results were presented at the 46th Lunar Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) in March ( ) and at the 2015 Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) in June ( Ultimately, they believe that some of the molecules are products of reactions that involve complex organic precursors present in the CB sample. Previous work by Benner et al. (2000) provides some clues about the types of molecules that could have led to the formation of the products identified in the pyrolysis and derivitization experiments.
“We cannot be sure about the precursors, but benzocarboxylates, which were predicted to be the most stable end-products of several organics that would be present at Mars’ near-surface by Benner in 2000, are good candidates,” said Freissinet.
Curiosity and the team behind SAM didn’t stop with the Cumberland samples. The rover rolled to a site called Pahrump Hills, located at the base of Mount Sharp, a mountain in the center of Gale crater that towers over the landing site. A new drill sample dubbed Confidence Hills was collected and, with this sample, scientists were able to announce that the detection of organic molecules at CB was indeed definitive evidence of organics that were martian in origin.
Caroline Freissinet of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in from of a model of the SAM instrument suite.IMAGE CREDIT: CAROLINE FREISSINET.
Simply finding organic molecules does not mean they are linked to life. These molecules, which are typically built from atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, can be made in a myriad of ways that do not involve living organisms. However, life is built from these types of molecules and their discovery can help astrobiologists determine whether or not the ingredients for life’s origin were present on ancient Mars when liquid water was available at the surface.
“The origin of this organic matter (biological vs. abiotic) cannot be determined, and both hypotheses are valid,” said Freissinet. “Hence, the organic matter may be exogenous from meteorites, micrometeorites or comets, or indigenous from hydrothermal formation or biological origin.”
Yet, proving that the carbon did not come from Curiosity itself is a big step, and now the question is, “where on Mars did it come from?” As Freissinet mentions, there are a few possible answers to this question. The carbon might be from Mars itself, originating from geological processes on the planet or even biological processes. A second possibility is that it was delivered from exogenous sources, like meteorites, comets or interplanetary dust particles floating through space. Organic compounds have been detected previously in all of these exogenous sources, and if they fell to the surface of Mars they could undergo reactions that would make them stable enough to build up in the martian regolith.
The definitive discovery of organic molecules on Mars provides important context for life’s potential on the planet, and locations where habitable environments may have persisted in the past. These molecules are critical to the origin of life as we know it, and provide clues as to whether or not life could have found a foothold on Mars. They can also help scientists understand what types of signatures future missions could look for in order to identify signs of past or present life. These measurements represent the first detection on Mars of indigenous organic compounds in surface rocks and address a long standing objective of the Mars exploration program. With the whole set of capabilities of the SAM instrument, scientists are now planning experiments to look into the origin of the organic molecules present in Mars’ subsurface.
Burps of Methane on Mars
The second big discovery from Curiosity was the detection of elevated methane levels in the atmosphere local to Gale Crater. Curiosity wasn’t the first mission to get a whiff of martian methane. Earth-based telescopes and orbital missions at Mars had detected the organic chemical in the past. However, when Curiosity first stretched its wheels at Gale Crater, the rover found only a small fraction of methane in the atmosphere. This raised questions about where and how methane signals could be detected on Mars. Then came the 2014 announcement.
The results presented in 2014 showed a ten-fold increase in methane levels local to the Gale Crater site. It was a large increase over previous measurements, but it was also short-lived. The methane signal dropped down to low levels shortly after it appeared.
A spike in the abundance of methane in the martian atmosphere surrounding NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover, as detected by a series of measurements made with the Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) instrument.IMAGE CREDIT: NASA JPL-CALTECH.
The methane cannot be taken as a sign of biology because there are plenty of non-biological sources that could have produced it, such as interactions between water and rocks. However, no matter where it came from, the sharp spike in methane could mean that its source is localized to a specific area.
At first, scientists questioned whether or not the methane spike could have been caused by contamination released from Curiosity itself. That was the first question the research team had to address.
“I cannot find any logical argument to convince me that the methane detected by SAM was leaking from the rover,” said Sushil Atreya, a co-author on the study and professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Director of the Planetary Science Laboratory at the University of Michigan. “First, the rover itself does not generate methane. As for any methane that went to Mars with the rover from Earth, there was ample time for it to dissipate. Multiple observations made under different rover orientations and wind fields throughout the year, and before the methane spikes appeared, showed only a low background level of methane.”
If methane had been trapped somewhere in the rover, the likelihood of it remaining trapped for so long without dissipating is low. Keep in mind that the rover had been driving around the surface since 2012. In addition, methane returned to the same low background level after the spikes were detected (2).
“If the rover were leaking methane into the instrument, it would have shown up at other times also, rather than just when the spikes were detected,” added Atreya.
Curiosity used an instrument called the Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) to detect the methane spikes. There is some methane contained in the foreoptics of the TLS, but the amount is miniscule compared to the amount detected in the spikes.
The SAM instrument suite on the Curiosity rover.IMAGE CREDIT: SAM/NASA-GSFC, AND MSL.
“A conservative estimate is that one thousand times more methane is required to produce a 10-meter diameter cloud 7 ppbv methane around the rover than the entire amount of methane in the foreoptics, not even accounting for the fact that the cloud would need to be replenished continually over the two-month period of the spikes as methane dissipates away,” added Atreya. “In view of the above, I’m confident Curiosity is detecting martian methane at all times, not terrestrial methane hanging around the rover nor methane leaking into or out of the instrument.”
One possible source of the low levels of methane observed by Curiosity could be the breakdown of organics at the surface. As mentioned, organic molecules can originate from sources beyond Mars, such as cosmic dust or meteorites. After being delivered to the surface of the planet, the organics are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun and are eventually broken down over time.
“Geology and biology are still the most plausible origins of the methane observed by Curiosity on Mars,” said Atreya. “Although, UV degradation of surface organics delivered by exogenous sources may be sufficient for the low background level of methane, geologic and biotic contributions are not ruled out.”
This composite image looking toward the higher regions of Mount Sharp was taken on September 9, 2015, by NASA's Curiosity rover. In the foreground - about 2 miles (3 kilometers) from the rover - is a long ridge teeming with hematite, an iron oxide.IMAGE CREDIT: NASA JPL-CALTECH .
Although not impossible, this gradual breakdown of organics is not a likely source for the dramatic spikes in methane detected by Curiosity. For exogenous organics to serve as a source of the methane spikes, a specific event would have had to occur in order to release a quick burst of methane.
“Existing SAM data argue for serpentinization and/or methanogenesis as the most likely mechanisms for elevated levels of methane seen in the spikes,” said Atreya. “The methane spikes did not coincide with any specific meteor events on Mars, but we plan to investigate this possibility further in future observations.”
Serpentinization is a geological process that involves water being added to the crystalline structure of minerals found in rocks. It does not involve biology, but often occurs under geological stresses like heat or pressure. Methanogenesis is a biological process in which methane is a byproduct of metabolism. Either of these processes could be responsible for quick bursts of methane being released into the atmosphere, especially if methane was stored in clathrates that can be destabilized by any number of stresses. Right now, there is no indication as to which process is the most likely source of the methane Curiosity sniffed out, or whether or not there might be another explanation for Curiosity’s measurements altogether.
“The burps of methane we observed over a two-month period in 2013-2014 (Ls 55.7 and 81.7 deg) indicate that Mars is presently active,” explains Atreya. “However, we are constantly looking into alternate hypotheses as well.”
To explore other possible sources of methane, Curiosity is continuing to monitor changes in methane levels. The team is also considering other measurements that they could take to better understand the behavior of methane on Mars and how it interacts with other gases in the planet’s atmosphere, such as oxygen.
“Additionally, we plan to do targeted observations of methane to time with any meteor showers on Mars,” says Atreya.
Primary deployment test of the three-fold solar panel on India's Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) prior to launch.IMAGE CREDIT: ISRO.
Other missions may also help add to the story of methane on Mars, working with Curiosity to gain a better picture of methane on the planet as a whole. India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) entered martian orbit in the autumn of 2014. The European Space Agency’s (ESA)Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) is currently scheduled to launch for Mars in 2016.
“Both MOM and ExoMars TGO carry methane sensors,” said Atreya. “If successful, they have the potential of mapping methane over Mars, something a relatively localized rover cannot do.”
From orbit, MOM and ExoMars TGO will help hunt for hotspots of methane at the martian surface. They will provide maps that show when and where methane appears, and how those levels of methane vary over time.
“Combining those maps with in situ, on-surface data on methane by Curiosity holds the promise of giving new insights into the sources and sinks of methane on Mars,” said Atreya.
The exact origins of organic molecules and atmospheric methane on Mars are still unknown, but the answers get closer with each observation made by the international team of robotic explorers currently operating at the planet.
Astrobiology and SAM
Curiosity’s SAM instrument is the most complex analytical chemistry laboratories ever delivered to another planet. One of SAM’s most important astrobiological goals is to search for evidence of ancient habitable environments in Gale crater that could have supported life in Mars’ past. For more information about astrobiology and the Curiosity rover, visit the Astrobiology Missions page here.
SAM being loaded into the qualification and calibration chamber.IMAGE CREDIT: SAM/NASA-GSFC, AND MSL.
Have you ever asked yourself Why the mainstream media hide and refuse to acknowledge UFOs?
Have you ever asked yourself Why the mainstream media hide and refuse to acknowledge UFOs?
Have you ever asked yourself Why the mainstream media hide and refuse to acknowledge UFOs?
Have you ever asked yourself Why the mainstream media hide and refuse to acknowledge UFOs? There’s no subject more ignored, shunned and discounted by the mainstream media than that of UFOs.
It’s absolutely true (this refusal to report, that is) and for the life of me, I can’t understand why. The implications of the ostensibly deliberate disinterest are unfathomable not to mention those of a government cover-up. In fact, the prominent ufologist Stanton Friedman calls it in effect the Watergate of the millennium.
The subject of flying saucers represents a kind of Cosmic Watergate, meaning that some few people in major governments have known since July, 1947, when two crashed saucers and several alien bodies were recovered in New Mexico, that indeed SOME UFOs are ET. As noted in 1950, it’s the most classified U.S. topic.
And note, he unabashedly calls them flying saucers and not UFOs. How can this subject, the subject, the existence of extraterrestrial beings, especially now as the latest iteration of Star Wars breaks all box office records, be of no interest to the media? And moreover, as newsrooms are shuttered, as news resources are pared and slashed, as the current crop of journalistas are desperately shaking the bushes for something, anything, to report on or cover, how can the most fascinating subject that has captivated humans since time immemorial not be leapt upon with the usual ferocity? A cursory review of the Internet reveals numerous countries along with the Vatican openly acknowledging the existence of UFO files and investigations. Do you mean to suggest there exist no enterprising media types who are unwilling to vouchsafe the fact of the investigations themselves without verifying or acknowledging the existence of alien life and interstellar adventure?
I’ve asked this question for years and renew my query, especially in view of one-time chief of staff to Bill Clinton and an outgoing advisor to Barack Obama, John Podesta and his confession this year as to his biggest regret, viz. not securing the disclosure of UFO files. RT’s Manila Chan and I discussed this very topic in The Year in Space: 2015.
Yahoo News reported that at a 2002 presser organized by the Coalition for Freedom of Information, Podesta spoke as to the necessity and importance of disclosing government UFO investigations to the public.
“It’s time to find out what the truth really is what’s out there,” he said. “We ought to do it, really, because it’s right. We ought to do it, quite frankly, because the American people can handle the truth. And we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
Why not jump on his words for that AHA! moment? Especially from the likes of the consummate White House insider. As this is a subject of great interest to me I provide the following opinion and educated hunch.
First, in full disclosure, I’ve never witnessed or viewed anything that I could or would remotely categorize as extraterrestrial, UFO-esque and/or the like. In fact, I never gave the subject much thought for most of my life, choosing instead to believe the oft-cited trope that folks who claim to have observed flying space critters were usually drunk, draft, hallucinating or combinations thereof. I’d laugh at the usual account of some hayseed roused from sleep in his double-wide only to be anally probed by some macrocephalic, almond-eyed central casting ET.
After all, the notion was preposterous. Right?
Enter the Internet and my road to Damascus moment. I happened upon the work of Mr. Friedman, a nuclear physicist and University of Chicago classmate of Carl Sagan, and immediately delved into the subject. I simply had no idea the amount of first-hand accounts, eyewitness testimony, reports and radar records, you name it, that comprised the repository of data. Not to mention the oft-yet misquoted Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14. Yes, No. 14! What about 1-13? Good question, but that’s for another time. But suffice it to say that as for the plenitude of data that you will find when you dip into this subject, the level of misunderstanding and disinformation is simply amazing. Amazing when you consider the certitude employed by those who emphatically reduce the subject to mythology and folklore.
But what about the media and their reluctance and refusal to give any attention to the matter? Here are my suppositions, hypotheses and theories.
Institutional bias. The media reflect the world around us. They take no chances, buck no convention and challenge no public opinion. As far as they know, any suggestion as to the viability of the theory that aliens or extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) exist or have been spotted is a no-no. Similar to the notion of the conspiracy theory, these subjects represent a journalistic no man’s land and the unwritten rule is that if coverage of any form is had it will be in a jocular presentation, minimizing any suggestion of the story’s veracity or verity. In other words: It’s understood that it’s to be disregarded.
Scientific illiteracy. This represents the crux of scores of issues that are given short shrift or ignored altogether by an increasingly juvenescent newsroom. Newsers have been told that interstellar travel is pert near impossible for a host of reasons they’ve yet to verify or attempt to comprehend. Unimaginable distances, limitations on light speed are but a few. They’ve simply accepted what is to be excepted.
Blind acquiescence and patellar, Pavlovian governmental obeisance. The last thing your government would want is for there to be an acceptance of the notion that not only have we been visited (and are) but that evidence of such has been kept from the masses. And not because of the usual theory posited that we would run into the streets crazed and panicked à la the 1938 Mercury Theatre’s War of the Worlds, but because interstellar travel most probably involves a means of a locomotion source that didn’t involve chemical combustion such as antigravitic propulsion. And when petrochemical combustion in particular is not necessary, can you imagine the impact this would have on a world economy dependent on the petrodollar and petrocracies?
The dissolution of nationalism and the emergence of the “Earthling.” Just imagine what the world would look like reconfigured to think not as mini-jurisdictional borders such as countries or tribes, sects, religions and the like, but as a complete and contiguous assemblage of Earthlings. So long jurisdictional tiffs. Adios, religious disquietude. Toodle-oo, nationalism and sectarian identification. Hello, fellow inhabitants. “Kumbaya” meets “We are the world.”
Now, let me remind you what the media believe are critical and worthy of mention without surcease – Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe misfire, the latest viral video of a duck playing the piano and anything Donald Trump related. No, that’s front page. That’s the lead. But the umpteenth sighting of potential interstellar, extraterrestrial intelligent craft?! Nope. Not interested. They’re just too busy.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
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NASA just saw something come out of a black hole for the first time ever
NASA just saw something come out of a black hole for the first time ever
You don’t have to know a whole lot about science to know that black holes typically suck things in, not spew things out. But NASA just spotted something mighty strange at the supermassive black hole Markarian 335.
Two of NASA’s space telescopes, including the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), miraculously observed a black hole’s corona “launched” away from the supermassive black hole. Then a massive pulse of X-ray energy spewed out. So, what exactly happened? That’s what scientists are trying to figure out now.
“This is the first time we have been able to link the launching of the corona to a flare,” Dan Wilkins, of Saint Mary’s University, said. “This will help us understand how supermassive black holes power some of the brightest objects in the universe.”
NuSTAR’s principal investigator, Fiona Harrison, noted that the nature of the energetic source is “mysterious,” but added that the ability to actually record the event should provide some clues about the black hole's size and structure, along with (hopefully) some fresh intel on how black holes function. Luckily for us, this black hole is still 324 million light-years away.
So, no matter what strange things it’s doing, it shouldn’t have any effect on our corner of the universe.
Scientists can now “squeeze” light, a breakthrough that could make computers millions of times faster
Scientists can now “squeeze” light, a breakthrough that could make computers millions of times faster
Light-powered computers would work millions of times faster. (Reuters)
Have you ever wondered why we don’t use light to transmit messages? Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, but while we use light to carry signals along fiber optic cables, we use electrons to process sound and information in our phones and computers. The reason has always been because light particles–photons—are extremely difficult to manipulate, whereas electrons can be manipulated relatively easily.
But now a group of Harvard physicists has taken a major step toward solving that puzzle, and have brought us one step closer to ultra-fast, light-based computers.
The physicists, led by Professor Eric Mazur, have created a material where the phase velocity of light is infinite. Their results werepublished in Nature Photonics on Oct. 19th.
“The phase speed is infinite—much larger, infinitely larger than the speed of light,” Mazur tells Quartz.
This doesn’t mean light itself is traveling faster than the speed of light, which would violate the laws of relativity. “Phase velocity” refers to the speed of the crest of waves that ripple out when light strikes a material. The Harvard scientists created a material that allows these wave crests to move infinitely fast. This is a strange thought to wrap your head around, and means the crests of the waves are oscillating through time, but not space. Under these peculiar conditions, the Harvard scientists found that it’s easy to manipulate the photons, squeezing them down to the microscopic scale and turning them around. In other words, we can treat photons in the same way we currently manipulate electrons.
And it’s electromagnetic waves that count when it comes to telecommunications. “These waves are everywhere,” says Mazur. “We can talk on mobile phones because, in our phones, there are electrons that move up and down to create a wave. This wave travels to the antennae of the phone company and makes electrons there move up and down, which can be detected and turned into electrical signals that can be turned into an audio signal.”
That means the potential commercial uses for this discovery are massive. We won’t see light-based computers yet, as there are still several obstacles to address, but Mazur and his team have overcome a key challenge. “Usually, light needs to be handled very carefully and squeezed very slowly,” says Mazur. “With our material, you relax those constraints completely. You can bend the light, squeeze it, twist it.”
Light-powered telecommunications would allow phones and computers to process information millions of times faster. And because light conserves energy far better than electrons (which tend to waste energy by creating heat), battery lives would be far longer.
It may seem that we already transmit communications pretty fast. But if we could use light to process messages, everything would get a whole lot faster.
Hilary Porter of B.E.A.M.S. recently posted on Facebook a photograph taken in Ramsgate England on 19th Jul 2012 The image was taken during the Olympic torch relay at Ramsgate on the morning of July 19, 2012 and this photo was snapped by a local resident.
Here is the photo in question.
This is the information that was presented regarding his image…..
“The UFO (near top right in pic), was not seen at the time, and only later noticed when transferring her images to a PC. Note how the mystery object is in the background and the tree is in the foreground – thus discounting the falling leaf theory…Some people have even tried to suggest that this is simply the top of a streetlight; but look at the inset on image below where I have enlarged the object… (they don’t even have that shape of ‘lamp’ in this part of the town anyway; rather they use the more decorative conical style, as can be seen in the foreground), so that idea also falls by the wayside… and this is certainly not a bird; what else could it be? dirt on the lens?… now we are getting truly desperate for an explanation!”
Everything points to this picture being unprocessed, (e.g. not the product of ‘Photoshop’ or an similar image editing tool/app), so this looks to be yet another perfectly legitimate, accidental capture of a UFO!”
Immediately i knew what it was. It was a streetlight.
Knowing that B.E.A.M.S investigators were qoute: “…truly desperate for an explanation!”
I thought id investigate this matter a bit more for myself and see if i could prove my own conclusion.
So off to Ramsgate i went. Via Google maps/street view. Upon arriving and taking a short stroll down the streets of Ramsgate, i quickly ascertained that my initial labeling of the UFO as a streetlamp was indeed 100% spot on the money.
I then took some screen savers and created a similar image for comparison and in addition, provided a 100% match to the object seen on the image that B.E.A.M.S. were so desperate to identify.
So i posted the results of my findings to Hilary Porter and then quickly found that i had been blocked. I then posted my findings on the B.E.A.M.S Facebook page and was also expelled from the group.
I am truly shocked at this level of behaviour from a UFO group QUOTE: “…truly desperate for an explanation!”
No dialogue was exchanged, no thanks was given. I was simply blocked by B.E.A.M.S investigator Hilary Porter for solving the Ramsgate UFO Mystery. And then kicked out their group.
I am truly disappointed in the behaviour of B.E.A.M.S and the way they conduct themselves. It’s a sad day for Ufology indeed.
Below: the matching streetlights i found within seconds of using Google Maps Street view in Ramsgate. UFO/Streetlight top right.
“…You were blocked because I am sick of idiots who think that know everything – when clearly they know jack-all and are just a pain. Look, they don’t even have that type of streetlight in this part of Ramsgate town – they use the attractive, conical lamps (note the red circle), – not ugly overhanging streetlamps as you’re suggesting… we have done our homework…” Hilary Porter
Below: Image highlighting cropped streetlight, -identical to the one shown on the original image.
Below, enlargement of the streetlight. Note the raised bit on top.
Below: The Ramsgate UFO ……note the matching raised area.
Mystery Solved. No Thanks from B.E.A.M.S ….Just blocked. For solving their case. Sad days eh? Not the sort of behaviour i’d expect from a UFO group. Ever.
Hilary Porter yesterday:
I have just removed the Ramsgate case from our FB page, (it was causing too many arguements), but the report remains on our main BEAMS (archives section) – because that was no streetlight – they don’t even use that style of lamp in that part of Ramsgate, (see red circle), but rather the more decorative, conical style, but anyway… here’s another case from the archives with a very similar shape of object that was captured: read report here:,%… Now, is this a streetlight? GGMS… no wonder I have deactivated our FB page more times than I care to remember… out of sheer frustration!
Ok then Hilary, please have a look at the images below. Check Mate. Your argument is invalid.
Less than 24hrs after first labeling the alleged UFO on the B.E.A.M.S facebook post as nothing but a streetlight, ive been able to provide enough evidence that supports my summary. So in return i was blocked by Hilary Porter and expelled from the B.E.A.M.S. Facebook page.
For telling it like it is. A spades a spade. Sure it would be great to open our imaginations and wish and want and hope to believe that its E.T. but its only a streetlight.
I wasnt happy about being excommunicated for shedding light on this mystery and thanks to one of my the top tech assistants in my team, i was provided with the final nail in the coffin for Hilary Porter and B.E.A.M.S with regards to this matter.
I was also disgusted to see that another non related image was also inserted alongside the original image as this was misleading. So Hilary Porter and B.E.A.M.S the question i have to ask is……Are you proud to operate in this way? blocking people who expose you to the truth? It would seem that you cant handle the truth and i am tickled that i was able to shed light on this.
Do you think the papers would have fun with a UFO group that could not accept the truth?
Its a streetlight Hilary. Deal with it.
New and ongoing developments regarding this case.
I was informed by Hilary Porter on Facebook that
You were blocked because I am sick of idiots who think that know everything – when clearly they know jack-all and are just a pain. Look, they don’t even have that type of streetlight in this part of Ramsgate town – they use the attractive, conical lamps (note the red circle), – not ugly overhanging streetlamps as you’re suggesting… we have done our homework. We have numerous ufos of this type on our site – well away from any possible, imaginary ‘posst’ and ‘poles; – many in the middle of nowhere, clear, crisp objects shaped just like the Ramsgate example… It is people like you who are ruining this subject – you simply can’t accept the fact that some things in this life simply cannot be explained in rational terms; streetlamp my eye… for heavens sake, don’t you think that we considered that it was a streetlamp – we have been UFO investigators and experiencers since 1991 … so please do not insult our intelligence. THAT’S WHY YOU BLOCKED AND REMOVED… MR ‘CASE SOLVED’…. NOT!
So now ive been informed its people like me that know jack shit, don’t do my homework ….don’t know the area, that i have not been a UFO investigator since 1991 and that im ruining the subject and insulting the intelligence of the B.E.A.M.S team.
But there’s more, check out the new low that B.E.A.M.S. investigator Hilary Porter has now sunk to…
Well Hilary, cyberbullying, an even wilder claim than your Ramsgate UFO.
It was a nice of you to explain the reasons why i was blocked.
Now eat humble pie and enjoy the bottom line. You were proven wrong and in the process you insulted and shamed you and your group in the process.
The truth hurts eh?
here it is again. case you never seen it.
Yours truly,
Mr Case Closed.
James Welsh is the primary eyewitness to a series of UFO encounters during December 1999. He investigated the subject for 14 years and is the proud author of Corroborating Evidence- The UFO Investigation of the Millennium.
Corroborating Evidence is available for £1.99 on Amazon
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Massive UFOs Filmed Over Santiago, Chile
Massive UFOs Filmed Over Santiago, Chile
A massive UFO sighting has been captured on tape by a Chilean local.
The spectacular moment shows how four unidentified massive objects are hovering over downtown Santiago, Chile’s capital and largest city, and after they disappear from the field of view, other small bright UFOs take their place.
The first four flying objects slowly move across the sky before disappearing one by one. They keep no formation and have a few particularities that may identify them as human-made crafts.
But what about their other unexplained characteristics?
The massive UFOs share the same cigar shape and have four lights that flicker as they hover over the city. These could be either safety lights or coming from a quad-engine prototype, but considering that safety lights are usually colored, the four-engine hypothesis seems more viable. After the massive crafts slowly leave the area, other small UFOs come in their stead. They perform some kind of ritual this time, like following a pattern.
The smaller crafts remind us of the speeding orb UFOs, but judging after the speed and pulsating light, it’s likely that they are something else.
Are these spectacular UFOs man made? Military crafts or authentic alien ships? What are your thoughts?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Science of the X-Files: Can Extraterrestrial Life Survive a Trip to Earth on a Meteorite?
The Science of the X-Files: Can Extraterrestrial Life Survive a Trip to Earth on a Meteorite?
It's January, X-Files fans, which means we have less than a month to wait before our favorite alien conspiracy show returns for a six-episode miniseries. The pilot (which we saw at NYCC), airs on January 24th, but until then, we're going to give you daily articles about the fascinating science behind the X-Files, courtesy of science advisor Anne Simon and her book "The Real Science Behind the X-Files: Microbes, Meteorites, and Mutants."
In the X-Files episode "Tunguska," Mulder and Scully discover a meteorite has unleashed the alien Black Oil virus on the populace. In the first season episode, "Ice," a Thing-esque alien life form is found preserved in a frozen tundra but was originally delivered to Earth on-you guessed it- a meteorite. But could alien life ever actually reach Earth this way?
"In 'Tunguska' and the earlier episode 'Ice,' meteors are the delivery systems for alien hitchhikers that are able to invade a human host. This brings up several interesting questions," Simon writes. "What are the chances that an alien microbe could survive a trip through space on a vehicle that lacks such basic amenities as an atmosphere, temperature control, sunscreen, refreshments, and brakes?"
While at first blush, bacteria surviving in space may seem like a "fantasy worthy of Mulder's imagination," scientists have been theorizing that alien bacteria hitches rides on meteorites for years. In fact, many astrobiologists believe that life may have been "seeded" on Earth through unintended contamination from meteorites, comets, and asteroids, a theory known as panspermia. Extremely hardy microscopic life forms such as extremophles can survive all sorts of environments, including the anoxic, dessicated Moon and radioactive waste, so it's theoretically possible that these bacteria could survive the grueling trip to Earth.
"Believers in panspermia are not just science fiction junkies. Francis Crick (Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA) supports the theory of panspermia as does noted English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle. Even Dana Scully, in "Biogenesis," the last episode of the sixth season, concedes that panspermia is a plausible hypothesis."
Although panspermia is, of course, just a theory, evidence has been mounting since The X-Files went off the air in 2002. Most recently, scientists from the Central European Institute of Technology proved that this phenomenon is physically possible, and a further study from the Harvard Center of Astrophysics claims that panspermia would follow a distinctive pattern that we may able to detect (or not detect) in the not-so-distant future:
"In our theory clusters of life form, grow, and overlap like bubbles in a pot of boiling water," lead author Henry Lin said in August.
According to this new model, the locations of life would follow a pattern which could potentially be detected by burgeoning human technologies. Life would spread outwards in all directions, taking root when it reached a habitable environment. This would lead to overlapping clusters of life, or oases spread all over the galaxy, resembling the "outbreak of an epidemic":
"Life could spread from host star to host star in a pattern similar to the outbreak of an epidemic. In a sense, the Milky Way galaxy would become infected with pockets of life," said co-author Avi Loeb.
That sounds like an X-Files episode in itself, no?
She says Huddersfield is a hotbed of activity and has sent the Examiner videos which she believes are evidence that UFOs are buzzing the skies around the town.
She said: “I was sorting my things out for the morning and running a bath. I walked back into the bedroom and it was like I had gone into a trance.
Sue Sill, of Outlane, has been filming UFOs over Huddersfield for years
“I sat down on the bed and the next thing, some figures appeared. They were really small and they had black skin or were wearing black suits.
“They had long, thin arms and their faces were obscured, like a liquid. I was thinking, ‘oh God, what’s happening here?’
“They came to the side of the bed and something like a veil came over me. The next thing I knew I was in a space on a craft looking at Earth.
“The craft was iridescent like a bubble, I could see everything around me. I was thinking, ‘how can I be looking at the Earth?’
“The creatures spoke with telepathy and were showing me the Earth. At once there was a massive explosion on Earth, like a mushroom, and my heart sunk.
“When the creature put its hand on my shoulder it was like ET with a long middle finger. It was like it was feeding off my emotions. I remember the creature saying, ‘don’t worry, you will be all right’.
“I didn’t feel they wanted to harm me or the people on Earth, I think they were concerned about what’s happening on Earth. We are destroying the planet.”
But our readers have expressed a mix of scepticism and surprise on social media.
Paul Tom Bookfast said: "This doesn't mean it's of alien origin. Unless there is solid evidence that they have landed and greeted us for the whole world to see then no they haven't visited.
"I do believe they're out there but it's outrageous to think that people have been abducted. I'm sure they have better things to do than visit Huddersfield and watch what Sue's doing in her kitchen."
Richard Htfc Maguire said: "We are but a grain of sand in an infinite universe to actually believe we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe would be so ignorant, but then again we are good at that as a race."
Johnny Pound said: "I'm thinking, if I was an Alien travelled light years with obviously advanced technology we couldn't start to understand, why would you pick Yorkshire let alone Huddersfield, as nice as they are, have I missed something?"
And Mark Wilkinson added: "I believe she saw what she saw and i saw that silver ball in the sky over Honley last year but did not know what it was !! Just thought there may be a reasonably explanation and not ufos but who knows."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Command Sergeant Major James Norton: I Have Proof Of Alien UFO!
Command Sergeant Major James Norton: I Have Proof Of Alien UFO!
Command Sergeant Major James Norton: I Have Proof Of Alien UFO!
Way back in September 1977, during the Joint Attack Weapons Systems Test (JAWS) at Fort Benning Georgia, the entire base witnessed what appeared to be a UFO invasion. As much as 1300 troops were involved in this incredible event. Most were left with severe psychological trauma and “missing time” gaps.
Command Sergeant Major James Norton, who is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama. He was a buck sergeant (E-5) at the time when he witnessed an eerie encounter with UFOs and the military on September 14, 1977. He was sent to the range a little just before midnight along with around 1200 to 1300 troops to perform live fire with their new weapons systems called JAWS (Joint Attack Weapons System). The Secretary of the Army at the time was actually at the range too!
Command Sergeant Major James Norton: I Have Proof Of Alien UFO!
Command Sergeant Major James Norton remembers clearly when they started the live fire training when all of a sudden there were large orbs way up high in the night sky above them. The next thing he witnessed was what appeared to be lasers crisscrossing through the night sky. The command of ‘cease fire’ was heard shouted out towards the troops, because there was something down range. Military helicopters appeared suddenly out of nowhere. Explosions were then heard, complete madness had broken out around him! Orbs in the night sky were changing a variety of different colours, a lot like the kind of Orbs that are being seen around the world today! Then a Triangle shaped UFO showed up. The soldiers around Norton were in complete shock and awe at this spectacle that was now suddenly in front of them.
After this incredible incident many soldiers became very ill. Every soldier who witnessed this crazy event was briefed that if they were to EVER disclose any information reference the night of these bizarre events, they would be court marshalled immediately and sent to Leavenworth. When Norton eventually obtained his medical records it disclosed that his illness was of unknown origin, his temperature was 104, he was placed in a steel tub of iced water for 2 days, to help bring his temperature down.
Norton had a memory lapse or as we know it in UFO ‘Speak’ it is also called “missing time”. He could not remember how he was on the range and then later found himself alone in the woods. There was an awful lot of time disorientation. During a hypnosis session, he learned that he was actually abducted and taken aboard an unknown craft. Medical experiments were conducted and samples were taken from his body.
After the incident two jets came in that appeared to be white washed, no numbers or identification were on the jets. The jets were there purely to collect UFO crash site debris!
UFO Proof:
Norton picked up a metallic piece from the crash site that had/has strange hieroglyphics on it. This metallic piece cannot be burned. A hacksaw will not cut it either and if you bend it, it will just go back to its original shape. Norton has this metallic piece apparently BURIED AT HIS PROPERTY!?
Norton is now willing and ready to show this evidence to some credible UFologists and to the media! Norton claims he has a 100% proof of UFOs being real, with this solid piece of evidence that he held onto since the incident itself!!
Military helicopters shot down:
The military helicopters that were shot down during the incident, were never actually ever reported to the FAA. He was also burned from a mysterious red substance from this incident!?
Norton is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama and describes how they experiment with biological and chemical substances on this base and that something else is going on there. There is UFO activity at this base, it seems that our military is test flying UFOs all over the base!
One side note: For 62 years, the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia, has trained some of the worst human rights abusers in the hemisphere. Watch HERE & also the U.S media blackout HERE
Other Proof:
Norton even has some incredible night vision footage of all of the UFOs in their different colours taken on the base. He also has footage of a UFO going from one horizon to another horizon in only about a mere 2 seconds. He has video footage of a triangle shaped UFO that hovers over the base, no sound being emitted from it. He has all of this video footage for any credible Ufologist to review, of which he now ready to share with the right people!
John Vasquez, Co-Author of ‘Incident at Fort Benning ’ recounts his experience as a soldier at Fort Benning in down below video :
U.I.P Summary
When people of an official rank like senior ranking Military Personnel, Astronauts etc, talk seriously about UFO’s and Aliens it’s important that the people of this world listen up to what they have got to say!
This is a fascinating story and something which clearly has a lot of question Marks against it! Us guys at U.I.P are going to try to reach out to Norton, to see whether we can be the ones he discloses all of his secrets too!
Something obviously happened that night back in September 1977, and it’s very interesting the fact that these multi coloured Orbs are being seen in their MASSES nowadays!!
A video of a more recent light Orb seen in the sky:
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA opent met het Planetary Defense Coordination Office een centrum dat maatregelen moet nemen om de aarde te beschermen tegen de mogelijke inslag van gevaarlijke objecten uit de ruimte.
Onze ogen moeten op de hemel gericht blijven
John Grunsveld (NASA)
Het centrum zal een leidende positie innemen wat betreft de coördinatie van de internationale inspanningen om de aarde te beschermen tegen een impact van een asteroïde of een meteoriet. Dat gaat van het opsporen van de objecten tot het in kaart brengen van de kans op een inslag op aarde en de maatregelen die dan zouden moeten worden genomen.
"We nemen dit erg serieus", zegt John Grunsfeld van de NASA. "Op dit moment is er geen directe dreiging, maar de grote vuurbal in Tsjeljabinsk in 2013 en de recente passage van de Halloweenasteroïde houdt ons alert. Onze ogen moeten op de hemel gericht blijven."
Vandaag zijn er 13.500 near-Earth-objects ontdekt door astronomen overal ter wereld. Deze ruimtestenen, veelal asteroïden, cirkelen in een baan die - in astronomische termen -"rakelings" langs de aarde scheert. Elk jaar worden er ongeveer 1.500 nieuwe van zulke objecten ontdekt.
Negentig procent van de ontdekte asteroïden zijn groter dan een kilometer diameter. De zoektocht richt zich nu met name op brokstukken die kleiner zijn, tot de grootte van een voetbalveld.
WETENSCHAPHet enige dat je nodig hebt om een dichtbijgelegen, actief zwart gat te zien, is een telescoop van 20 centimeter. Dat zeggen Japanse onderzoekers, die ontdekten dat de activiteit van zwarte gaten waargenomen kan worden als een scherpe uitbarsting van licht.
Die schijnbare contradictie ontstaat wanneer een zwart gat materie van een nabijgelegen ster aantrekt. Eens in een paar decennia kan zo een zwart gat in actie schieten. Het rukt dan materie van de ster weg en slokt het op, waardoor een uitbarsting van licht vrijkomt.
Gelijkaardige uitbarstingen werden tot nu to enkel geobserveerd met röntgen- en gammatelescopen. Maar voor het eerst ontdekten wetenschappers nu dat de activiteit ook met bescheiden optische telescopen, bestemd voor thuisgebruik, zichtbaar is.
De Japanners vingen de eerste tekenen van activiteit van het zwarte gat V404 Cygni op met een gammadetector op de NASA-ruimtetelescoop Swift. Dat gebeurde in juni vorig jaar, toen het zwarte gat uit een 26 jaar lange winterslaap ontwaakte. Daarop schakelden ze collega's wereldwijd in om optische telescopen op het zwarte gat te richten.
In het vakblad Nature schrijven de onderzoekers hoe de telescopen in de twee daaropvolgende weken lichtflitsen van het zwarte gat opvingen. Die flitsen duurden telkens enkele minuten tot een paar uur. Sommige van de gebruikte telescopen hadden een lens van amper 20 centimeter.
"We weten nu dat we observaties kunnen doen op basis van optische stralen, of zichtbaar licht, en dat zwarte gaten geobserveerd kunnen worden zonder hoogtechnologische röntgen- of gammatelescopen", schrijven de onderzoekers in Nature.
Het zwarte gat dat bestudeerd werd is een van de meest dichtstbijzijnde van onze aarde, en heeft een partnerster die iets kleiner is dan de zon. Het zwarte gat en zijn ster cirkelen elke 6,5 dagen rond elkaar, op zo'n 8.000 lichtjaren hier vandaan.
De flikkeringen ontstaan wanneer de materie die in het zwarte gat verdwijnt x-stralen verspreidt, die de achtergebleven materie verhitten. Daardoor lijkt het zwarte gat extreem helder, ondanks de waas van gas en stof die het omringt.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mysterieus geluid houdt West-Nederland in de ban -
Mysterieus geluid houdt West-Nederland in de ban -
Het westen van Nederland is in de ban van een mysterieus geluid. Van diverse plekken komen meldingen van mensen die de afgelopen weken vreemde tonen in de lucht hebben gehoord.
Martijn Mastenbroek uit Pijnacker zat afgelopen zondagavond thuis toen hij opeens een merkwaardig geluid hoorde. "Het was net of je trompetten hoorde schallen", zo blikt hij terug. "Het was een drukkend geluid, dat een seconde of vijf aanhield. Nee, het was niet de wasmachine. Het kwam echt van buiten. Mijn vriendin hoorde het ook."
Ook elders in de regio duiken meldingen op van het vreemde geluid. Zo kreeg Mastenbroek via Facebook veel bijval van mensen die het 'trompetgeschal' zondagavond óók hadden gehoord. Ook in Bleiswijk zou het vreemde geluid te horen zijn geweest. En uit Gouda dook al een filmpje op, waarin het geluid ook daadwerkelijk is vastgelegd.
Buitenaards leven Op internet wemelde het meteen van de wildste geruchten. De een houdt het op experimenten van het Amerikaanse leger, de ander denkt aan buitenaards leven. En ene professor Khalilov uit Azerbeidzjan zou hebben gesteld dat de geluiden veroorzaakt zijn door krachtige uitbarstingen van de zon of door 'krachtige energetische processen' vanuit het binnenste van de aarde.
Bij het KNMI achten ze die laatste theorie 'onwaarschijnlijk'. "Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat zonnevlammen of het aardmagnetisch veld verantwoordelijk zijn voor dit soort geluiden", zegt geofysicus Läslo Evers. "Ik heb daar in elk geval nog nooit enig bewijs voor gevonden." Maar wat is het dan wel? "Ik heb de filmpjes op internet aandachtig bekeken. Het is een hoog geluid. Omdat het door veel mensen over een groot gebied is waargenomen, moet het om een grote bron gaan. Ik denk zelf dat het vanuit een groot industrieel complex afkomstig is. De Rotterdamse haven? Dat kan ik niet beoordelen."
Onderzoek Evers sluit ook niet uit dat het geluid afkomstig is van vliegtuigen. "Maar om er gericht iets over te kunnen zeggen, zou nader onderzoek gedaan moeten worden. Met metingen kan je de exacte aard van het geluid vast stellen. Daarna kan je een stuk makkelijker de bron opsporen. Nu blijft het toch een beetje gissen."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO Sighting with Pulsating Orb Lights in Broadway, North Carolina, Jan 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Sighting with Pulsating Orb Lights in Broadway, North Carolina, Jan 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 4, 2016. Location of sighting: Broadway, North Carolina. This UFO was caught this week and looks like an energy entity that continually morphs itself into a different shape. The object will change from a triangle, star, rectangle to a flat object all in a few seconds. These UFOs are the easiest to see at night, because of their glowing and are often reported above Canada and Colorado. Scott C. Waring
Bob Lazar Explaining his Engineering Work on Alien Spacecraft at Area S4, Inside Area 51. Video, UFO Sighting News.
Bob Lazar Explaining his Engineering Work on Alien Spacecraft at Area S4, Inside Area 51. Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of interview: Unknown Location of UFOs: Area S4, where they back-engineer alien recovered tech. Area S4 is over the mountains from the main base Area 51. Bob Lazar once worked in Area 51 and saw eight alien disk, all different and learned that the USAF knew of 56 space faring species. Even a CIA agents deathbed confession confirms it all. People often confuse where Area S4 is, so here it is on Google Map. Scott C. Waring
News states: Bob Lazar is the alleged UFO whistleblower whose claims of working on back engineering alien spacecraft at Area 51 have made the secretive base famous. Officials have denied his claims that he worked for the government as a scientist. Robert Scott Lazar or Bob Lazar (born January 26, 1959, in Coral Gables, Florida, United States, to Albert Lazar and Phyllis Berliner), claims to have worked from 1988 until 1989 as a physicist at an area called S-4 (Sector Four), located near Groom Lake, Nevada, next to Area 51. According to Lazar, S-4 served as a hidden military location for the study and possible reverse engineering of extraterrestrialflying saucers. Lazar says he saw nine different discs there and provides details on their mode of propulsion. His critics have asserted that "Lazar's credibility crumbled" after "schools he was supposed to have attended had no record of him, while others in the scientific community had no memory of ever meeting him."
Cyclist Films UFOs Above A Cornfield In Krakow, Poland
Cyclist Films UFOs Above A Cornfield In Krakow, Poland
A video showing bizarre lights in the sky left viewers baffled. It was unknown as to when the video was taken, but apparently recorded in the month of September 2015 and posted in December of the same year.
According to the report, a man riding his bicycle noticed some very strange lights in the sky in front of him. The lights appeared over a cornfield in Krakow, Poland.
After cleaning up the pixelated video, it somehow shows a foggy ground. The footage reveals five lights with another larger one, much more visible in the sky – possibly the moon.
It’s difficult to determine the lights’ identity because of the shakiness of the bicycle ride and the movement of the lights.
The cyclist appears to leave the main road and ride into the corn plants. It is also hard to determine whether the cyclist leaves the path to get a better view of the lights, or he just lost his balance.
Some say the lights are balloons, but their movement seems to rule this out. Observe the video and tell us what you think in the comment section.
Please scroll down for video
A journey beyond a terrestrial perspective, revealing the fears, hopes, and rituals of a species forced not only to confront alien life forms, but also its own self image. THE VISIT, a documentary.
Here is our interview with the makers:
Who is looking into what will happen when aliens land?
An extraordinary number of people have considered this seriously: staff at the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, legal sources,NASA personnel, space scientists, former military representatives, and experts in space communications and engineering.
In your new film The Visit: An Alien Encounter, I was most struck by the to-camera contributions of Paul Beaver and Vickie Sheriff, former Ministry of Defence personnel in London.
To be frank, I found it strangely reassuring to find such highly professional people in charge of the political machinery. Politicians may come and go, but civil servants are around forever.
They seemed to have a very clear idea of what would happen if we were visited by aliens and how to handle them. How did that make you feel?
The most frightening aspect for me was Beaver’s sense of how public panic would cause society to break down. I thought panic leading to Armageddon was just a Hollywood cliché, but the MoD officials I spoke to had seen this process under way during the Bosnian conflicts of the mid-1990s. Their assumption – that society tips into anarchy very quickly – was deadly serious and sincere. Beaver and Sheriff told me, more or less, that the varnish of society is very thin: fear cuts through it quickly.
So was Sheriff more worried by people than by extraterrestrials?
She knows how to balance risks. If such advanced beings meant us harm, they would have harmed us by now. She’s much more worried that we would harm peaceable aliens by making mistakes.
One of your interviewees, Jacques Arnould, a French theologian, said that when we’re confronted with something alien we need to treat it like a human. Do you agree?
I think he was getting at something deeper. Society’s varnish is our willingness to treat each other as beings like ourselves. If you want to communicate with aliens, you have to invest them with human characteristics, because where else do you even begin? The same applies to how you treat other people.
“Our way of thinking is perhaps just as dogmatic as religious thinking in the Middle Ages”
That’s the promise scientific thinking has been holding out to us since the Renaissance: that the world can be understood, and that we can command the world through our understanding of it. In this, our present way of thinking is perhaps just as dogmatic as religious thinking in the Middle Ages, which only permitted certain ways of perceiving and thinking about reality. Meeting a true alien would challenge our assumptions. Before us would be a dynamic agency utterly unknown to us.
Why do aliens so disturb our reality?
Because there’s this gulf between a scientific understanding of life and the way we experience it. In the film I asked Christopher McKay, an astrobiologist with the NASA Ames Research Center, if life was blind to everything beyond its own survival. He said yes, life just wants to live. A human being, in trying to extract amazing knowledge from the universe, is just doing what living things do. It’s investing in its future. It’s expanding.
What’s wrong with that?
Nothing. But it’s not enough. It doesn’t include the fact that we experience life through emotions, dreams and feelings. Towards the end of the film, Chris Welch, of France’s International Space University, imagines entering an alien craft. His thought experiment expresses extraordinary courage and open-mindedness. I hope we can bring such an attitude to an alien encounter if it happens for real.
And there’s hope in the fact that we conjure up aliens in the first place. We long to be seen by something other than ourselves, because then our own existence is strengthened. Alongside it is this suspicion that perhaps the alien is resting inside ourselves: that while we’re alone in the universe, we don’t truly know who we are ( via ).
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Des scientifiques vont traquer les OVNIs pour faire la lumière sur ce phénomène Un projet baptisé UFODATA a été lancé récemment, porté par des scientifiques désirant impulser la recherche sur les OVNIs (Objets Volants Non Identifiés) qui a tendance à piét
Des scientifiques vont traquer les OVNIs pour faire la lumière sur ce phénomène
Un projet baptisé UFODATA a été lancé récemment, porté par des scientifiques désirant impulser la recherche sur les OVNIs (Objets Volants Non Identifiés) qui a tendance à piétiner depuis...
Analyse spectrographique d'un OVNI au Norvège / DR
Un projet baptisé UFODATA a été lancé récemment, porté par des scientifiques désirant impulser la recherche sur les OVNIs (Objets Volants Non Identifiés) qui a tendance à piétiner depuis quelques années.
Ce projet UFODATA a été lancé par Mark Rodeghier, directeur du Center for UFO Studies (Chicago), et Alexander Wendt, professeur de sciences politiques à l’Université d’État de l’Ohio. UFODATA fera l’objet d’une campagne de financement participative, car aucun argent public n’est disponible en rayon du caractère pseudo-scientifique de l’ufologie. Le but du projet UFODATA ? Établir une analyse systémique du phénomène OVNI ou PAN (phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés).
« Il est clair désormais que tout progrès sérieux dans la recherche sur les OVNIs passe par une rupture avec les usages du passé. Les récits des témoins, les photos, les vidéos et les documents officiels ne nous en apprendront pas plus. Désormais, nous devons étudier directement le phénomène OVNI comme les autres sciences le font avec leurs propres objets d’étude. Bien sûr, c’est une tâche difficile, mais elle est rendue possible par les avancées technologiques récentes en matière d’informatique, de communication, de sources d’énergie, etc. », explique Mark Rodeghier pour un article du Space Daily du 2 novembre 2015.
Tout d’abord, le projet consiste en la mise en place d’un réseau de stations de surveillance du ciel afin d’obtenir un maximum de données. L’idée d’un prototype est en place, mais les scientifiques ont besoin de 30.000 dollars pour le fabriquer. Ce prototype intégrera divers instruments de mesure afin de compiler le plus de données possible : photomètre, spectromètre, spectroscope, magnétomètre, entre autres.
« En fait, il s’agit d’appliquer aux PANs (Phénomènes aériens non-identifiés, le terme scientifique pour les OVNIs) les même méthodes qu’aux objets spatiaux connus comme les étoiles et les planètes » indique Philippe Ailleris, astronome hollandais responsable de projet pour l’Agence Spatiale Européenne et par ailleurs membre du conseil d’administration d’UFODATA.
UFODATA comporte un intérêt assez inattendu : si les participants au projet sont pour certains spécialistes en ufologie, bon nombre de scientifiques proviennent de disciplines plutôt éloignées de l’étude des OVNIs. C’est le cas d’Alexander Wendt, professeur de sciences politiques à l’Université d’Etat de l’Ohio. Ce politologue est une figure universitaire de renom, étant l’auteur de l’ouvrage intitulé Social Theory of International Politics (Cambridge University Press, 1999) récompensé en 2006 par l’International Studies Association’s, qui lui a décerné le prix de meilleur livre de la décennie.
Certains autres importants contributeurs au projet préfèrent rester anonymes, car l’ufologie reste encore très stigmatisé au sein de la sphère scientifique.
A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public.Cracking the Alien Code
A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public.Cracking the Alien Code
UFO-Alienymous A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public.
We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents.
Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know.
Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth Join us as the secrets of alien technology are unsealed
Cracking the Alien Code
For millenia, it is believed that our cosmic neighbors in the Universe have sent messages for us to decode. We have struggled to understand the symbols sent to us. But now, for the first time in history an alien message has Been received. this could be ground Breaking. 36 years ago two men made Contact with an unknown craft. Tonight we will reveal it’s Meaning and the way we look at ufo encounters will change. everything that people thought they knew about ufo’s For the last 7 years is probably wrong. join us as we crack the alien code and it’s secrets are Unseals. secret files hidden from the Public for decades are now available to the public. We are about to uncover the truth about these classified Documents. Find out what the government Doesn’t want you to know. “unsealed alien files.
” Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth. No evidence of alien life has been more soft after than a Message from another world. people have seen ufo’s but to Communicate with an alien, that would be the key to unlocking The secrets of life in the universe. But one historic incident stands above the rest.
The year is 1980. In the midst of the cold war, The entire war is on edge. The possibility of annihilation Sparked by america and the ussr is at an al time high. this is December 1980. A period of international Tension. Ronald reagan has been elected President. This is a period that the cold War is defrosting and a danger that it might become pretty hot.
Troops are stationed at the royal air force base in the Uk. Around 3:00 am on the night of December 26th, radar loses track in the woods. They notice something strange high above the forest. Radar indicated it could be a downed aircraft. among the soldiers to witness these lights are airmen first Class boroughs and pendeston. What they find after driving Into the forest is not a downed aircraft. as I was getting out of the vehicle, it felt like there was Static electricity in the air. Things felt abnormal.
Both of us looked at each other and realized something was going On. Above the trees the two men see The silhouette of a try angular shaped craft. the object was dancing on our skin and clothes. At that point in time I knew I had an unknown object in front Of me. sergeant reaches for his Notebook to record the details of the object that was almost Six feet tall with mysterious symbols etched on the side of The craft. one of the things that sets The forest apart is this wasn’t just lights in the sky. This was a landed ufo. They both got extremely close to This object.
It had turned down in a small Clearing in the forest and jim claims that he got so close to This thing he was able to reach out and touch it. I took my hand and ran it over the bottom all the way across. It felt like going over the smoothest of metal to like Sandpaper. but then something happens That will change his life forever. out of all of them one was larger. I decided to touch that one. I touched that symbol and I had An explosion of white light where I couldn’t see, I was Blinded. I started seeing 1′s and 0′s. They were like inside my mind’s eye. they burn into his memory leaving an imprint of an alien Code. I think I was plain Terrified. Somehow I was able to pull my Hand off and stop. The craft started to move a Little bit and then it was gone in the blink of an eye. next, the two men we witnessed the craft in the Forest reveal a shocking secret and their hunt for the truth Reveals a shocking alien contact.
it is coming this way. this is “unsealed alien Files. ” exposing the biggest secret on Planet earth. late in the night two men Experience something in the forest. He is shaken by his experience and the vision it leaves behind. John boroughs maintains a different memory of the events Entirely. I do not remember seeing jim Walk around the craft. What I clearly remember was we Got close to something and the next thing I know it appeared to Go out into the sky. but the most unexpected Difference, the time on their synchronized watches differs by Almost 45 minutes. whatever we encountered Affected our memory. At one point I looked towards Whatever was in the air could have affected our memory or Could have affected what we saw.
when they returned to base it Transpired that more time had elapsed than they realized. Time it seemed not only had run on, but had maybe one at Different speeds for them. This takes us to quite Extraordinary territory. But when you talk to john and Jim and people who looked at this case. Theories had bounced around. could the ship have caused The exception of time, their search for the answer uncovers Evidence that must be heard to be believed. unsealed case file the charles halt recording. The following evening. John boroughs meets with base Commander shalt to reexamine the site of the commander. They checked nearby trees for radiation. One of the things that came up was that the radio traffic was Being recorded through the command post. The side facing the expected landing site. We were taking the sample now. That is the strongest point on The tree? yes, sir. it had gone all the way to the side of the meter. the course of the investigation changes when a Soldier on the team notices something unusual. A glowing light spotted in the distance.
There it is. What is it? I don’t know, sir. it is a strange, small red Light. Maybe a quarter to a half. there is no doubt this is genuine and it is extraordinary. You can hear the tension and fear in their voices as the ufo Approaches them. You can hear the ufo’s coming Closer. the object exploded into a Great white light and shot back out. he is thinking about this and he said was this communication? A warning? What was it? On January 13th, 1981, colonel halt writes a memorandum about The incident. In it he confirms that what they Encountered on the previous night was no figment of the Imagination but a real phenomenon. two pieces of evidence to support the incident was the Memo and the tape recording. But what we found out years Later was that there was a more significant piece and that was The code that he received when he touched the craft. But he was still keeping the code a secret. I could pt sleep. I was still having the codes Flashing. After I completed 16 pages I Felt great. But I wasn’t going to report That because it sounds in sane. So I kept it quiet. when he touched this the huge jolt and information somehow Transferred to him. He forgot about this. Maybe he didn’t realize it was important. It was only 30 plus years he realized he was sitting on Something of the utmost significant. coming up next, we reveal the meaning mind the code in his Notebook and uncover the shocking identity of the beings Who sent it to us
. This is “unsealed alien files” Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth. welcome back to “unsealed alien files. ” Retired usair force sergeant has kept a secret from the world. received in a vision. For 30 years these pages remained hidden until a chance Reunion with his partner in as we were going through the book he came to pages that had I said these are binary Codes. in 1974 scientists broadcast A message at a power of 1,000 kilowatts into deep space. When the message was sent up at that time it was the most Powerful message that we had sent. It was sent up in long strings of 0s and 1s. the easiest way to understand binary code is to think of it as Morse code. You put 8, 1s or 0s together and You get a band. The code watts was decided to be The universal language. It would be the easiest thing to Decipher. When we sent the message to the Heavens we gave details about the universe and details about Who we are as humanity.
If pensatan received Communication and we were able to decode it. That message could change humanity. the al yen code. In 2012 I was given six pages From his notebook. I was asked to see if there was A message inside. nick was asked to take the First six pages and determine if in fact they meant anything at All. I was skeptical that I would Find anything. I started running them into my Translator and I was shocked to find a message. Which red latitude and longitude coordinates. When I saw the message a chill ran down my spine. I was not expecting to find anything. And here was a message that would appear to come from the Aliens if they were trying to communicate for us. the message could be in instruction or perhaps a warning A possibility made more intriguing by the numbers that Appear in the code.
it is the right number of Digits appearing somewhere on planet earth. when plotted on a map. They fall off the coast of Ireland and island once known as high procele. it has been dubbed a sort of lost land a mythical country as It were that some believe were the site of an advanced Civilization. According to legend. Those who have seen it reported a land filled with a wealthy Civilization whose architecture was filled with domes. then the island disappeared from the map. But in the pages that followed. Continued analysis has uncovered Other coordinates around the globe. it clearly shows grid coordinates from around the Globe. United states, central america, South america, greece, egypt and china. Many have speculated that it points to alien ancestors on Planet earth. But there is more to this story Than we have been led to believe. many believe that this code could be the smoking gun that Blows open the whole mystery of ufo phenomenon itself.
but to fully understand the message we must answer the Question who sent it to the human race and perhaps the most Shocking revelation of the encounter is that jim believes He has the answer. why would a race that Traveled thousands of light years play hide and seek with Us, give us a binary message and why is it in english and why Does the craft have markings like the usair craft? It doesn’t point to alien. This is not a ufo. coming up next jim exposes the creatures in the forest with An answer that will shock the world. This is “unsealed alien files. ” welcome back to “unsealed Alien files. ” within the 16 pages of code Recorded by jim in the forest, the most important detail may be His explanation
of who gave it to him. this is not about ufo’s. It doesn’t point to alien. What I seen was a craft that was us for the future. perhaps the code is actually a message from our own species. If jim is correct the true message of the code is an Assurance that mankind will survive well into the centuries Ahead and the revelation that ufo’s on planet earth may be a Glimpse into our future this is unsealed alien files. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth.
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Join us as the secrets of alien technology are unsealed. A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth
The Greeks adapted many of the monsters in their legends from the near east influences. However, it can be argued that their depiction of these fabulous beasts are among the most iconic and unique in world mythology.
Some of the most formidable beasts were known as hybrids (part human and part animal). Hybrids combined the savagery of nature with the intelligence of humans, making them powerful allies or deadly foes. The following list details some of the most notable hybrids of ancient Greece, and their roles in mythology:
The Gorgons were three horrifying sisters with broad faces, and piercing eyes (some depictions even say they had flaring nostrils, yellowed tusks and protruding tongues). Their heads were wreathed in snakes, and one look from a Gorgon’s eyes would turn a man to stone. Perseus killed Medusa, one of the Gorgon sisters, by beheading the beast while looking at her reflection in his shield.
Dryads were tree spirits, typically associated with oak trees. They were said to have been born from the trees in the Silver Age of Greece, and possessed bark like features. While the tree flourished, so did its resident nymph, but when it died she passed away with it. They were normally considered to be very shy creatures, except around the goddess Artemis, who was known to be a friend of the nymphs.
The Manticore, a beast which originated from Persia, was described by the Greek physician Ctesias in one of his memoirs. He claimed to have seen one on his travels in India, describing it as having the head of a man, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. Legend says it had three rows of sharp teeth and its tail could shoot venomous spines to paralyze or kill its victims. It devoured its prey whole and left no clothes, bones, or possessions.
The Drakaina were part woman, and part dragon. Sometimes they were depicted as having a woman’s head and torso, with the hind-quarters of a dragon or snake. They were among the most deadly of monsters in Greek mythology, often used as guardians of sacred places. Campe (guardian of Tartarus), Delphyne (guardian of the oracle) and Echidna (known as the mother of monsters because the majority of monsters in Greek myth were her offspring) were the most notorious.
The Minotaur was a man-eating beast with the head of a bull and the body of a man. King Minos kept it hidden in a labyrinth in Knossos, where he used it to frighten his enemies. Legend says the Minotaur was created by Poseidon to punish king Minos for an improper sacrifice. He made Pasiphaë (Minos’ wife) fall in love with a white bull, and together they sired the Minotaur. Eventually, the Greek hero Theseus killed this abomination on one of his adventures.
The centaurs were one of the most civilised hybrid races, but even they were known to be heavy drinkers, reverting to coarseness and savagery. They had the head, arms, and torso of a human and the lower body of a horse. Chiron was one of the most popular centaurs in Greek mythology. He stands in contrast to the typical depiction of centaurs being indulgent and violent drinkers with his intelligence and enviable medical skills.
The Lamia were vamparic women with a taste for blood. Their race originated in Ancient Libya, based on a beautiful queen Lamia who became a child-eating daemon. Hera (Zeus’ wife) killed all of Lamia’s children out of spite, after finding out that she had slept with her husband. Lamia’s grief at the death of her children caused her to turn into a monster who took revenge on all mothers by hunting down and devouring their children. Many accounts say these daemons had snake’s coils in place of legs.
Satyrs are a troop of male spirits who have goat-like features. They were described as having human bodies, with the hindquarters and horns of a goat. They were often found following Dionysus, the god of feasting. They roamed the woods and mountains, playing on their flutes and drinking copious amounts of wine. They epitomize the essence of having a carefree life as they make music and drink all their days away.
The sphinx of Ancient Greece was said to have a woman’s head, a lion’s body, and the wings of a great eagle. Legend says she terrorized travellers by demanding them answer a riddle. It went “what has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed”? Those who could not answer were devoured. Eventually the Greek hero Oedipus gave the proper answer: “it is man, for he crawls on all fours in infancy, walks on two feet when grown, and leans on a staff in old age”. Bested at last, the Sphinx threw herself from her high rock to her death.
The Earth Kings were an ancient race who had human heads and torsos, but serpentine coils in place of legs. The most famous of the Earth Kings was Cecrops I, a mythical king of Athens who reigned for fifty years, and was said to have been born from the earth itself. He was preceded in the region by the earth-king Actaeus of Attica (also said to have been born from the Earth). These founding figures were heroes of Greece, who taught their people marriage, reading, writing, and ceremonial burial.
The Sirens have been depicted as either half woman half bird (in ancient Greece), or half woman and half fish (in Hellenistic Greece). They lived on rocks by the sea, where their beautiful singing lured sailors to their deaths (wrecking their ships on their rocks). Odysseus filled his sailors’ ears with wax so that they might sail safely past the Sirens haunting laments.
Harpies were winged spirits, known for their proclivity for stealing food. Zeus used them to punish a king called Phineus by trapping him on an island with buffet and a large group of harpies, thus preventing him from ever eating as the food was always stolen away. These winged monsters had the bodies of birds and the heads and torsos of women.
For the Greeks, these monsters embodied a fear of chaos. Many of the tales speak of dark and malevolent creatures being conquered by gods and mortals, the forces of order, reason and civilisation.
UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret World of Russian UFO Intelligence
UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret World of Russian UFO Intelligence
Published on Sep 5, 2015
UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret World of Russian UFO Intelligence. 2014 Education is a fundamental and integral part of our socie.
UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret World of Russian UFO Intelligence UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret .
UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret World of Russian UFO Intelligence. 2014 Education is a fundamental and integral part of our socie.
UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret World of Russian UFO Intelligence UFO Secrets of the Soviet Union : Documentary on the Secret .
Physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked the question "Where are they?" to express his surprise over the absence of any signs for the existence of other intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy. Although many potential resolutions to this so-called “Fermi paradox” have been suggested over the years, there is still no consensus on which one, if any, is correct. The question of whether we are alone in the Milky Way (or in the universe at large) remains, however, one of the most intriguing questions in science in general, and in astronomy in particular.
Given the enormous uncertainties involved with the emergence, evolution,and survivability of any extrasolar life (if it exists), we shall attempt to briefly identify the most generic, remotely-detectable signatures of alien life (both simple and intelligent), and to examine the expected effectiveness of various search strategies. This topic has become particularly timely, because observations (primarily with the Kepler space telescope) have shown that the Milky Way contains no fewer than a billion Earth-size planets orbiting Sun-like (or smaller) stars in the “Goldilocks” region that allows for liquid water to exist on the planet’s surface (the so-called habitable zone). Furthermore, the search for extraterrestrialintelligent life has recently received a significant boost in the form of “Breakthrough Listen”—a $100-million decade-long project aimed at searching for non-natural transmissions in the electromagnetic bandwidth from 100 megahertz to 50 gigahertz.
Simple life appeared on Earth almost as soon as the planet cooled sufficiently to support water-based organisms. To be detectable from a distance, however, life has to evolve to the point where it dominates the planetary surface chemistry and has significantly changed the atmosphere, creating chemical “biosignatures” that can in principle be detected remotely. For instance, Earth itself would probably not have been detected as a life-bearing planet during the first two billion years of its existence. Concerning the evolution of intelligent life, the main open questions include:
—What are the geochemical constraints on the evolution of complex life?
—What are the timescales that those constraints dictate?
—Are there evolutionary "filters" or bottlenecks that make it extremely hard to make the transition to intelligence? On Earth, for example, it took about three billion years for the most basic multi-cellular life forms to appear. It took four and a half billion years (and a series of contingencies such as plate tectonics and asteroid impacts) to reach even the most rudimentary capability of interstellar communication (That is, via radio reception and transmission). These considerations demonstrate that it is important to first establish whether planetary systems that are older than the solar system are common in the Milky Way.
The current age of the solar system is about half that of the our galaxy's disk and also half of the sun’s predicted lifetime. We therefore expect that roughly one half of the stars in our galactic disk are older than the sun. A recent study that examined planet formation history concluded that the solar system formed close to the median epoch for giant planet formation, and that about 80 percent of currently existing Earth-like planets may already had been formed (pdf) at the time of Earth’s formation. This gives us great leverage for probing extrasolar intelligent life.
Which detectable biosignature may be considered the most reliable for the existence of simple life (on a sufficiently old, rocky planet, in the habitable zone)? Even though no single biosignature would be absolutely compelling, an atmosphere that is very rich in oxygen (say 20 percent or more) would probably be the most promising target initially. Wheras non-biological processes (such as the splitting of carbon dioxide by intense ultraviolet radiation) can produce oxygen in a planetary atmosphere, only under rare circumstances would these create such high levels of enrichment. Only in combination with other potential biosignatures, however, such as methane, would the credibility of a life-based origin for the oxygen be significantly strengthened.
Consequently, an excellent first step in the quest for signatures of simple extrasolar life in the relatively near future would be to: search for oxygen, but try to back it up with other biosignatures. This can (in principle) be achieved with large, ground-based arrays of relatively low-cost flux collector telescopes (such as a next-generation European Extremely Large Telescope; with a collecting area the size of a few football fields), if these are equipped with very-high-dispersion spectrographs. The oxygen lines from the exoplanet’s spectrum would be slightly Doppler-shifted relative to oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere, making it relatively straightforward (although definitely not easy) to detect them. The more difficult detection of methane in the infrared would have to follow.
What would be the requirements from a space mission? We would want to be able to at least place a meaningful constraint on the rarity of extrasolar life, if such a mission happens to not detect any biosignatures. Simulations show that in the case of non-detection, to be able to make a statement such as: “remotely detectable life occurs in less than about 10 percent of Earth-like planets around sun-like stars,” would require the ability to image and characterize the atmospheres of at least three-dozen or so exoEarths. Such a yield, in turn, would necessitate a space telescope aperture exceeding about 8.5 meters in diameter. The proposed Habitable-Exoplanet Imaging Mission (HabEx), under discussion for the next decadal survey, would have to be designed at the upper limit of its currently conceived aperture to meet this particular requirement. The more ambitious nine- to 12-meter Large UV/Optical/IR (LUVOIR) type space telescope such as the proposed High Definition Space Telescope would be a natural mission candidate for the 2030s.
One would ideally like to go beyond biosignatures and seek the clearest sign of an alien technological civilization. This could be the unambiguous detection of an intelligent, non-natural signal, most notably via radio transmission, the aim of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program. Yet there is a distinct possibility that radio communication might be considered archaic to an advanced life form. Its use might have been short-lived in most civilizations, and hence rare over large volumes of the universe. What might then be a generic signature? Energy consumption is a hallmark of an advanced civilization that appears to be virtually impossible to conceal.
The two most plausible, long-term energy sources available to an advanced technology are through commanding stellar luminosity with a construction known as a “Dyson sphere”, possibly including harvesting the starlight from many stars, not just one, or even from an entire galaxy; the other is by controlled fusion of hydrogen into heavier nuclei. In both cases, waste heat would be an inevitable outcome, producing a detectable mid-infrared (MIR) signature. Other potential signatures of advanced civilizations that have also been suggested, such as various forms of atmospheric industrial pollution, or short-lived radioactive products, are necessarily transitory. (Basically those aliens either clean up their act ordestroy themselves). Infrared emission, on the other hand, seems almost unavoidable. A recent large survey by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite did identify five red spiral galaxies whose combination of high MIR and low near-ultraviolet luminosities are inconsistent with simple expectations from high rates of star formation. A conventional explanation for these observations, such as the presence of large amounts of internal dust, has not been ruled out, however. Such peculiar objects deserve follow-up observations before we explore whether they might represent the signatures of galaxy-dominating species.
More pessimistically, biologically-based intelligence may constitute only a very brief phase in the evolution of complexity, followed by what futurists have dubbed the “singularity”—the dominance of artificial, inorganic intelligence. If this is indeed the case, most advanced species are likely not to be found on a planet's surface (where gravity is helpful for the emergence of biological life, but is otherwise a liability). But they probably must still be near a fuel supply, namely a star, because of energy considerations. Even if such intelligent machines were to transmit a signal, it would probably be unrecognizable and non-decodable to our relatively primitive organic brains.
This could perhaps explain the Fermi paradox. If this scenario holds true, our chances of detecting simple life via biosignatures may be far greater than those of discovering intelligent ET’s. Still, the ultimate goal of detecting the signature of an advanced intelligence, whether biological or nonbiological, remains the most intriguing option. All power to proposed projects for the 2020s such as Japan's Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) and NASA’s Far Infrared Surveyor.
The key point is that for the first time in human history, we are only two or three decades away from being able to actually answer the “Are we alone?” question. Because the answer may affect nothing less than our last claim for being special in the cosmos, its importance cannot be overemphasized. In any case, echoing what Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison said at the end of their seminal 1960 Nature article on searching for extraterrestrials (pdf), we shall never know unless we search! (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)
This article is based on research conducted at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris.
Astronomie:Découverte de la plus grande structure de l’univers
Astronomie:Découverte de la plus grande structure de l’univers
Des chercheurs de l’université d’Hawaii à Manoa ont décelé la présence d’un gigantesque vide dans la constellation d’Eridan qui serait la plus grande structure jamais identifiée par l’homme dans l’univers.
Une spirale dans la constellation d’Antlia.
Les astronomes ont découvert, le 21 avril 2015, la plus grande structure jamais recensée dans l’univers : un immense trou vide, selon le Guardian. Surnommé «supervoid» (ndlr: supervide en français), il mesure 1,8 milliard d’années-lumière de diamètre et se distingue par sa vacuité inhabituelle. István Szapudi, qui a dirigé les travaux de l’Université d’Hawaii à Manoa, décrit l’objet comme «la plus grande structure jamais identifiée par l’humanité». «Compte tenu de sa taille, le fait de trouver une structure comme celle-là est un évènement très rare», ajoute lescientifique. Le trou se trouve dans la constellation d’Eridan, à 3 milliards d’années-lumière de la Terre, une distance relativement courte dans l’espace.
Un espace très froid
C’est grâce au télescope Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) de Hawaii que le supervide a été repéré, depuis le parc national de Haleakala. Les scientifiques remarquent qu’une immense zone de froid se dégage autour de lui, comparé à ses régions voisines aux températures plus douces. Pour justifier cela, les chercheurs accusent dans un premier temps l’immensité du trou qui freine la puissance de la lumière et donc de la chaleur. Car, traverser un tel espace prendrait des centaines de millions d’années, et les rayons de lumières faiblissent peu à peu lorsqu’ils traversent le vide.
Cependant, les scientifiques affirment que le vide ne peut pas être la seule explication à cette telle froideur. «Les trous vides ne sont pas entièrement vides, ils sont sous-dense. Le supervide contient environ 20% de choses en moins que dans notre partie de l’univers», nuance Andras Kovacs, un scientifique qui a participé à l’étude. En outre, les chercheurs ont même découvert qu’il manquerait près de 10 000 galaxies dans cette partie de l’espace ; ce qui expliquerait en partie ces températures si basse. Roberto Trotta, cosmologiste à l’Imperial College London explique au Guardian qu’il va désormais falloir comprendre «par quel processus ce vide s’est formé».
Astronomie: une « lueur mystérieuse » sert de preuve à l’existence d’un univers parallèle
Astronomie: une « lueur mystérieuse » sert de preuve à l’existence d’un univers parallèle
Bien plus fort que le Doc de « Retour vers le Futur », l’astrophysicien Ranga-Ram Chary, chercheur au Datacenter du télescope Planck, assure avoir retrouvé les traces d’un univers parallèle en remontant le temps jusqu’à 13 milliards d’années, peu après l’instant fatidique du Big Bang. Cette annonce qui semble tirée d’un récit de science fiction est pourtant parue dans la prestigieuse revue New Scientist.C’est en tentant d’établir une cartographie du fameux fond cosmique de micro-ondes, le rayonnement électromagnétique issu du Big Bang, que Ranga-Ram Chary a mis en évidence une « lueur mystérieuse ». Plus précisément, des zones lumineuses dans le cosmos 4500 fois plus brillantes que ce que prévoyaient les calculs.
L’irruption dans notre monde d’une matière en provenance d’un univers parallèle
Dans son article intitulé « Spectral Variations of the Sky : Constraints on Alternate Universes » (Variations Spectrales du Ciel : Contraintes sur des univers alternatifs), l’astrophysicien défend l’hypothèse que cette lueur pourrait être provoquée par l’irruption dans notre monde d’une matière en provenance d’un univers parallèle. Ces zones luminescentes se seraient formées quelques centaines de milliers d’années après le Big Bang, « au moment où les électrons et les protons se combinaient pour créer l’hydrogène émetteur de lumière. »
Au cours de ce processus, un certain nombre de ces protons et de ces électrons seraient entrés en contact avec un autre univers ce qui aurait augmenté leur luminosité. Si l’hypothèse est séduisante, elle ne convainc pas tous ses collègues. L’astrophysicien David Spergel, de l’université de Princeton, estime qu’il y a d’autres explications possibles à étudier avant de faire intervenir des univers parallèles. Ranga-Ram Chary lui-même reconnaît que « les affirmations extraordinaires exigent des preuves extraordinaires ».
The objects plummeted from the heavens without any warning. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Brian Kerry
Military officials have been conducting an investigation after the objects fell from the sky on Saturday.
Locals from Vietnam's Tan Dong and Bao Dap communities reported thunder-like sounds in the region and observed 'flying objects' prior to the incident which took place during the weekend.
In total three balls were reported to have fallen over the area. One, which weighed only 250g, landed on the roof of a house while a second, weighing 6kg, came down in a nearby garden.
The third ball, which weighed in at a whopping 45kg, fortunately missed the residential area completely and instead landed in a corn field in the neighboring Tuyen Quang province.
Military officials have since been conducting an investigation in to the incident and believe that the spheres were most likely components dropped by a Russian rocket during a failed satellite launch.
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David Bowie and the Music of Space, Aliens and UFOs
David Bowie and the Music of Space, Aliens and UFOs
There’s a hole in the world of music today with the news of the passing of David Bowie. His departure from the Earth at age 69 also marks the departure of Ziggy Stardust, Major Tom and the many space travelers, adventures and tales of aliens and other worlds he created with his music.
Ground Control to Major Tom
The first words of his first major hit foretold the direction that the career and music ofDavid Bowie would take. “Space Oddity” was released on July 11th, 1969, five days before the launch of Apollo 11. Bowie predicted the pull this song and this music would inevitably have on his career with the last line: “Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing I can do.”
There’s a starman waiting in the sky He’d like to come and meet us But he thinks he’d blow our minds
Those lyrics are from “Starman,” a song on “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars,” David Bowie’s legendary concept album based on his alter-ego, Ziggy Stardust – a rock star messenger for extraterrestrials. The name of the band comes from an alleged mass UFO sighting on October 27, 1954, during a football game at Stadio Artemio Franchi in Florence, Italy. Play was halted when a group of cigar-shaped UFOs traveling at high speed reportedly stopped suddenly over the stadium filled with 10,000 people One player described glitter falling from the sky, a glitter that some compared to spider webs falling from spaceships from Mars. Was it migrating spiders or UFOs?
The inspiration for the Spiders from Mars
What did Bowie think of UFOs?
They came over so regularly we could time them. Sometimes they stood still, other times they moved so fast it was hard to keep a steady eye on them.
David Bowie often talked about seeing UFOs as a child in England. In her book about life with her husband at the time, (Backstage Passes, Life On the Wild Side with David Bowie), Angela Bowie claims they were driving in 1974 on a concert tour near Detroit and witnessed a UFO … a UFO that was later reported to have crashed in the area with four aliens on board, possibly after engaging with US Air Force jets. There have been rumors of such a crash around that time, including bodies being taken to a base and a TV crew being fired for reporting it.
Who knows? One thing we know for sure this morning … David Bowie has an answer to his question about life on Mars. Rest in peace, Starman.
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Hoaxster apologises for viral 'strange lights over Canberra' video, reveals clip fake
Hoaxster apologises for viral 'strange lights over Canberra' video, reveals clip fake
YOUTUBE: 'Strange lights over Canberra' video now revealed as fake
The person who posted a viral video purporting to show a strange, ball-shaped light over Canberra has made an apology online, explaining the video was fake.
The video uploaded to YouTube on January 3, titled "Strange Lights above canberra 03/01/16", appeared to show a circular light exploding in the sky over the ACT during a storm.
Last week I uploaded a video here that depicted a large ball of light in the sky exploding into a doughnut. I didn't intend for it to be taken seriously, but I made an error in judgement and titled the video as if it was real. Because of this the video went viral ... I'm extremely sorry for that. I messed up bad.
After spotting the video on YouTube last week, the ABC tried unsuccessfully to contact the person who uploaded the clip.
An astronomer and the Bureau of Meteorology were also contacted, to establish whether it was possible the video could be the result of real weather activity.
Both speculated that the clip could show a phenomenon called "ball lightning".
However the second video posted by the hoaxster showed the lights were superimposed using After Effects.
The words "unfortunately this video is not real" have since posted under the original clip on YouTube.
NASA Astronaut Jeff Williams Pin It NASA astronaut Jeff Williams, seen aboard the space station in March 2010, will devote part of his next mission, launching in March 2016, to highlighting the significance of the history of the orbiting outpost. Credit: NASA View full size image
HOUSTON— NASA's next astronaut to launch to the International Space Station will use his unique position — in both time and space — to share the history of the orbiting outpost.
Jeff Williams, in March, will become the first American to spend three long-duration expeditions aboard the space station and will set a new U.S. record for cumulative time off the Earth. The astronaut will dedicate part of his upcoming six-month expedition to highlighting how the orbital complex came to be what it is today.
"It occurred to me a few months ago that I have gotten the unique opportunity to have gone in the early days, before Expedition 1, to the space station for the first time and then to be there again, about halfway through assembly with a crew of two, and then back with a crew of three, and then later with a crew of six," Williams said in an interview after a briefing at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston on Thursday (Jan. 7). "So my career covers the history of the space station." [Inside the Space Station: Take the Video Tour]
Williams, whose first trip to the outpost was aboard space shuttle Atlantis in May 2000, six months before the space station's first expedition crew arrived, is now set to join the Expedition 47/48 more than 15 years later. He will launch with cosmonauts Alexey Ovchinin and Oleg Skripochka of Roscosmos on Russia's Soyuz TMA-20M spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on March 18.
Once aboard the orbital laboratory, Williams, Ovchinin and Skripochka will join Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, U.S. astronaut Tim Kopra and British astronaut Tim Peake with the European Space Agency (ESA), who all launched in December. Later, after those three depart in June, Williams will command the Expedition 48 crew, including Ovchinin and Skripochka, as well as Roscosmos cosmonaut Anatoli Ivanishin, NASA astronaut Kate Rubins and Takuya Onishi with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
"I'm really looking forward to flying with this crew," Williams said. "I think if you add it up, I've been on orbit with about 45 different people, and this will add at least five more."
During their stay, the Expedition 47/48 crewmembers will facilitate about 250 research investigations and technology demos, as well as oversee the re-supply of the station with the arrivals and departures of American and Russian cargo vehicles. The crew is also expected to be aboard when a prototype habitat, the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), is inflated and when the first international docking adapter is installed. This adapter will enable future U.S. commercial crew spacecraft to visit the station.
Amidst that work, Williams intends to devote some of his time and outreach activities to taking a look back at what the station has accomplished and where that might lead as future missions embark outward into the solar system.
"If you go and survey the workforce right now and survey those in the general public who are following what we do, as is always the case, in the minds of many of them they don't have the awareness of how we got to where we are today," Williams said. "So, given my personal history going back ... I thought it would be a good opportunity to rehearse some of the significant milestones and the depth of history behind getting the space station built."
Jeff Williams with Soyuz TMA-20M Crewmates Pin It NASA astronaut Jeff Williams with his Soyuz TMA-20M crewmates Alexey Ovchinin and Oleg Skripochka at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016. Credit: collectSPACE.comView full size image
Williams, whose father was a high school history teacher, said he hopes to remind the world of the significance of the history behind his soon-to-be home off the Earth.
"To me, it is fair to argue that the greatest achievement of the space station program is the space station itself, and that's what I want to try, in some way, to maybe enrich the awareness of the public [about]," he said. "Not so much because of the history, but because of what that history enables us to do in the future."
Follow on Facebook and on Twitter at @collectSPACE. Copyright 2015 All rights reserved.
Overal ter wereld horen mensen steeds vaker vreemde en voor sommigen angstaanjagende geluiden.
Men brengt soms die geluiden in verband met de eindtijd en op een bepaalde manier klopt dat ook wel.
Jarenlang worden er wereldwijd al vreemde en bizarre geluiden waargenomen waarvan mensen een ongemakkelijk gevoel krijgen, een soort angstaanjagende geluiden.
In het Engelse noemt men dit soort geluiden vaak “apocalyptic”, dat wil zeggen geluiden die je in verband kunt brengen met de eindtijd, de Apocalyps.
Apocalyps is de Griekse naam voor de Openbaring van Johannes uit het Nieuwe Testament. De term wordt tegenwoordig vooral gebruikt om een situatie te beschrijven waarin de wereld lijkt onder te gaan, aangezien in dit bijbelboek het einde van de wereld wordt beschreven.
De geluiden gaan niet weg en worden zelfs in toenemende mate overal ter wereld gehoord, zoals in dit voorbeeld enkele dagen geleden Gouda.
Vele bewoners van Agadir, Casablanca en Tanger werden afgelopen weekend opgeschrikt door een vreemd geluid. Velen beschouwen het als een "slecht teken".
Het geluid werd zondagavond gehoord. Meerdere getuigen namen het op en deelden het op internet.
Sommigen denken dat het buitenaardse wezens waren, anderen het voorteken van een grote ramp of een aanslag.
Zo af en toe word er aandacht aan besteed in het mainstream nieuws, maar ook daar komt men niet veel verder dan te zeggen dat het een absoluut mysterie is en dat zelfs militairen geen antwoord weten op wat dit allemaal veroorzaakt.
Wat nu volgt is een deel van reportages op de Amerikaanse televisie met daarnaast een aantal voorbeelden van deze vreemde geluiden. De video is een jaar oud, maar het geeft een goed beeld van het soort geluiden die ook nu nog steeds overal worden waargenomen.
Een lezer stuurt ons het volgende bericht (dank!):
Ik las op Facebook dat verschillende landen geteisterd worden door vreemde geluiden uit de lucht, dat het klinkt als een trompet geluid, en dat niemand met zekerheid kan zeggen waar het vandaan komt.
Volgens sommige onderzoekers komt het bij het H.A.A.R.P vandaan (het project dat zich bezig houdt met het het met op verscheidene frequenties beïnvloeden van de elektromagnetische beschermlaag rond de aarde).
Wellicht is HAARP de oorzaak.
Om daar meer over te weten te komen raden wij om het volgende fascinerende interview te bekijken/beluisteren wat Dark Journalist (DJ) enkele dagen geleden had met de auteur Elena Freeland.
Zij schreef het boek, “Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planeth Earth”, een boek wat door DJ het beste boek ooit over dit soort onderwerpen wordt genoemd.
Het werk is het resultaat van 20 jaar onderzoek van Freeland naar de verschillende geo-engineering programma’s.
Het doel van al die programma’s is om wat zij noemt het Global Information Grid (GIG) samen te voegen met een kunstmatig geïoniseerde atmosfeer en het biologische weefsel van mensen, dieren en de frequentie van een Artificial Intelligence (kunstmatige intelligentie) programma.
Het uiteindelijke doel is om volledige controle over en centralisatie van alle mensen en gegevens te krijgen, met voltooiingsdatum 2025.
Of het bovenstaande fascinerende verhaal verantwoordelijk is voor de vreemde geluiden weten wij niet.
Echter, er is ook nog een andere hele reële mogelijkheid. Die ligt dan weer in lijn met de komst van het mini-zonnestelsel Nibiru, de vreemde lichtstralen die overal worden waargenomen en de tweede zon die zo af en toe wordt gefotografeerd.
Wij hebben in eerdere artikelen verwezen naar de Kolbrin Bijbel, waarin wordt gerefereerd aan de vorige passage van dit zonnestelsel duizenden jaren geleden. De planeet Nibiru uit het gelijknamige mini-zonnestelsel die in de Kolbrin Bijbel wordt aangeduid als de Verwoester.
Ook in de Kolbrin Bijbel wordt gesproken over de vreemde geluiden die mensen hoorden en een stam in Afrika maakt nog steeds die geluiden terwijl ze wijzen naar een heilige ster.
De Dogon is een bevolkingsgroep die woont op de helling van de Klif van Bandiagara in Mali, in West-Afrika. Ze zijn bekend om hun kleurrijke, gemaskerde dansen en ceremonies, authentieke architectuur en hun buitengewone cultureel gebonden manier van samenleven.
De Dogon mensen hebben ook het soort kennis van de kosmos welke ze eigenlijk niet horen te hebben. Deze is afkomstig van hun verre voorouders. Ze hebben het over een Donkere Ster, onzichtbaar voor het menselijk oog en een ster die de eb en vloed van de stroom van het leven op aarde bepaalt.
In de onderstaande reportage over de Dogon kun je na een paar minuten horen hoe ze een geluid maken, wat ze noemen: “De stem van de Donkere Ster”. Het geluid wat ze maken, lijkt verdacht veel op de geluiden die mensen wereldwijd waarnemen.
Er wordt wel gezegd dat de Dogon met de Donkere Ster Sirius B bedoelen, maar als je daar over nadenkt is dat niet echt logisch. Misschien hebben ze het helemaal niet over een ster lichtjaren ver weg in een ander zonnestelsel, maar over een planeet veel dichterbij in een binaire omloopbaan met onze zon. De (nog) niet zichtbare planeet Nibiru. Waarom zouden de Dogon zeggen dat een ster in ons zonnestelsel het leven op aarde beïnvloedt? Ook dat is niet erg logisch. Veel logischer zou zijn dat het gaat over een planeet, een veel dichterbij dan wij denken.
Het zijn niet alleen de Dogon die het over vreemde geluiden hebben. In een museum in Leiden ligt de Ipuwer Paypyrus, één van de oudste Egyptische documenten. Het bevat een kort gedicht met als laatste regel: “Jaren van geluid. Er komt geen eind aan het geluid”. Ook in de Kolbrin Bijbel wordt gesproken over vreemde geluiden: “Zij zullen de trompetten horen en de strijdkreet van de Verwoester” en “De ster zong zoals nog nooit eerder was voorgekomen”.
Eén ding is zeker, wij leven inderdaad in bijzondere tijden en misschien, als we willen weten wat de toekomst brengt, zouden we wat meer naar het verleden moeten kijken. Geschiedenis heeft de neiging zich te herhalen.
Zoals we eerder schreven, lijkt het dat de aarde op een bepaalde manier “ontwaakt” uit een soort diepe slaap en de komst van het mini-zonnestelsel Nibiru herkent. Dat het op diverse manieren signalen uitzendt en waarschijnlijk ook ontvangt.
In de vorm van lichtstralen, vreemde geluiden en steeds heftiger wordende aardveranderingen.
Wat in ieder geval een zekerheid is, is dat er teveel vreemde en bizarre dingen tegelijkertijd gebeuren om nog toeval te kunnen zijn.
Disk UFOs Photographed Back in 1958 Near Colima Volcano, Mexico, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Disk UFOs Photographed Back in 1958 Near Colima Volcano, Mexico, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sightings: 1958 Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico Check out these great old black and white photos from 1958 in Mexico. They so great detail of disk craft over the area of Colima and Guadalajara. Colima is famous for its disk UFOs over the area. Guadalajara is notorious for its giant disk holes that appear out of nowhere (UFO transportation tunnels coming and going.) Scott C. Waring News states: Javier Torres and Alejandro Duenas in 1958 on a stretch of the road Colima to Guadalajara took a series of very clear photographs of an object in disc form a few meters from them, the object was moving fast.
Mysterious UFOs fall from the sky and crash land in northern Vietnam, Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Mysterious UFOs fall from the sky and crash land in northern Vietnam, Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: January 2016 Location of sighting: Yen Bai, Vietnam These unknown objects could be fuel tanks for rockets or satellites, but honestly, they don't stay in the hands of the public long enough to do any tests to confirm it. They could be alien drones, or parts of damaged alien structures in space. There are a lot of possibilities. Scott C. Waring News states: YEN BAI, VIETNAM — Several mysterious, metal orbs originating from Russia crash landed in Vietnam's Yen Bai and Tuyen Quang provinces Saturday, giving locals quite the scare. Three metal balls fell from the sky and crashed down in northern Vietnam at around 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. The smallest, weighing 250 grams, smashed through the roof of a house in Yen Bai. Thanh Nien News reports that a six kilogram sphere fell in a garden three kilometres away. The largest object landed close to a stream in Tuyen Quang. Investigators determined all three balls are Russian-made compressed air tanks that likely fell from a rocket or aircraft. According to VietnamNet Bridge though, it's not clear if Russia owns the objects or if they had sold the balls to other countries. Thanh Nien News reports that none of the objects were explosive. Ngyuen Khoa Son, a professor at Vietnam's State Space Science and Technology Program, told VietNam Bridge that since the balls are intact, they probably fell from an altitude of less than 100 kilometres.
Astro-Photographers Capture A UFO Over Darwin On Dashboard Camera
Astro-Photographers Capture A UFO Over Darwin On Dashboard Camera
A mysterious light was caught on dash camera streaking across the night sky just south of Darwin in Northern Territory. The video has baffled husband and wife astrophotographers Paul and Sylvia Mayo. They captured the mysterious event on the dash camera near Berrimah when they pulled out of a petrol station.
Initially, they thought nothing about it, but after Mr Mayo had reviewed his computer files, he noticed the bizarre light moving at an incredible speed parallel to the horizon through the night sky.
Mr Mayo said that they have long careers in IT, but never encountered such thing. Their unusual sighting left them baffled. Mr Mayo said that he had seen strange jets throughout 30 years of taking pictures of galaxies and star clusters, but the light they caught on the dash camera hurtling through the night sky was moving a lot faster.
The dash-cam video was taken on June 12, 2015, at 1 am while Mr Mayo’s vehicle was pulling out of a petrol station. The light appeared from nowhere and flew past from the left at a very fast speed.
Mr Mayo studied stills from the video. He zoomed them in and increased the contrast of the light. The effort produced spectacular results.
Mr Mayo said that it appeared to be a string of coloured pearls streaking through the sky. He considered the reflection from the windscreen as the origin of the light, but eventually dismissed the theory because it was moving very fast and there were other reflections shown on the camera.
The strange thing in the video goes along the tree tops in a straight line. Mr Mayo remained open to anyone who could offer him an explanation about the identity of the mysterious light.
One of the best short interviews on UFOs and the cover up
One of the best short interviews on UFOs and the cover up
Stanton T. Friedman – UFO Expert – Interview with Bill Boggs
Stanton Terry Friedman (born July 29, 1934) is a professional Ufologist, currently residing in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident. He studied physics at the University of Chicago and worked as a nuclear physicist on research and development projects for several large companies. He is a dual citizen of Canada and the U.S.
I was in my bedroom on the second floor listening to music when I looked out my window to stare off like I usually do when I am bored. I stared awhile when I saw a star that appeared “off” I went outside and lost sight of it. A few hours later I looked back out my window and saw it again moving (seemed low) across the sky followed by a jet.(I tried to get it on my iPhone but the camera was unable to see them)
The UFO stopped and turned then the jet circled it three times but on the third time it flew away. The object stayed stationary and something confusing happened. As the jet vanished so did the UFO but it left behind a smaller object which stayed hovering. It was still for half an hour at least until it pulsed a blue light and you could see the reflection of said light on the small layer of clouds passing over. It stayed still for a long time more until it ejected a small blue light the flew across the sky like a bullet. 10 or so minutes later a second plane headed toward it. The plane was on a direct path when it suddenly banked and headed off away from it. Lost the plane really quick but then the UFO started circling a small part of the sky. It did this until it inevitably vanished at around 3:04. I was mostly in awe watching it and was really disappointed that I did not have a camera to record it. Some interesting things that I should mention: The fighter was really low and so was the UFO at first. I was with my friend who also saw it all. I called her over when I saw it both times.
The small blue light looked artificial and flew faster then anything I have ever seen. A third plane that looked different then any I ever saw passed by the UFO at one point but seemed unphased so i didn’t mention it above.
NASA’s New VASIMR Plasma Engine Could Reach Mars in 39 days
NASA’s New VASIMR Plasma Engine Could Reach Mars in 39 days
Franklin-with-VASIMR (Image Courtesy Photographers: Robert Markowitz and Bill Stafford.
NASA recently provided $10 million in funding to Ad Astra Rocket Company of Texas for further development of its Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR), an electromagnetic thruster capable of propelling a spaceship to Mars in just 39 days. NASA’s funding was part of the “12 Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnership.” Ad Astra’s rocket will travel ten times faster than today’s chemical rockets while using one-tenth the amount of fuel.
The VASIMR system would cut the trip to Mars by months according to Franklin Chang Diaz, a former MIT student, NASA astronaut, and now CEO of Ad Astra.
According to Diaz, “this is like no other rocket that you may have seen in the past. It is a plasma rocket. The VASIMR Rocket is not used for launching things; it is used for things already in orbit. This is called “in-space propulsion.”
VASIMR heats plasma, an electrically charged gas, to extremely high temperatures using radio waves. The system then provides thrust by funneling the hot plasma out of the back of the engine. According to Diaz, VASIMR will save thousands of gallons of rocket fuel and tens of millions of dollars a year.
In the following video, Diaz explains in great detail the origins of space travel and why the magnetoplasma rocket technology will revolutionize space travel and exploration.
David Russell Schilling
David lives in Boston in close proximity to Boston University, Boston College, MIT, Harvard, Northeastern, Boston’s leading companies, labs and a vibrant startup community. David is open to contacts from inventors, entrepreneurs, business leaders and investors for articles and/or podcasts.
After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics discovered
After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics discovered
An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered an elusive massless particle theorized 85 years ago. The particle could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of its unusual ability to behave as matter and antimatter inside a crystal, according to new research.
The researchers report in the journal Science July 16 the first observation of Weyl fermions, which, if applied to next-generation electronics, could allow for a nearly free and efficient flow of electricity in electronics, and thus greater power, especially for computers, the researchers suggest.
Proposed by the mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl in 1929, Weyl fermions have been long sought by scientists because they have been regarded as possible building blocks of other subatomic particles, and are even more basic than the ubiquitous, negative-charge carrying electron (when electrons are moving inside a crystal). Their basic nature means that Weyl fermions could provide a much more stable and efficient transport of particles than electrons, which are the principle particle behind modern electronics. Unlike electrons, Weyl fermions are massless and possess a high degree of mobility; the particle's spin is both in the same direction as its motion — which is known as being right-handed — and in the opposite direction in which it moves, or left-handed.
"The physics of the Weyl fermion are so strange, there could be many things that arise from this particle that we're just not capable of imagining now," said corresponding author M. Zahid Hasan, a Princeton professor of physics who led the research team.
An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered Weyl fermions, elusive massless particles theorized 85 years ago that could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of their unusual ability to behave as matter and antimatter inside a crystal. The team included numerous researchers from Princeton's Department of Physics, including (from left to right) graduate students Ilya Belopolski and Daniel Sanchez; Guang Bian, a postdoctoral research associate; corresponding author M. Zahid Hasan, a Princeton professor of physics who led the research team; and associate research scholar Hao Zheng. (Photo by Danielle Alio, Office of Communications)
The researchers' find differs from the other particle discoveries in that the Weyl fermion can be reproduced and potentially applied, Hasan said. Typically, particles such as the famous Higgs boson are detected in the fleeting aftermath of particle collisions, he said. The Weyl fermion, however, was discovered inside a synthetic metallic crystal called tantalum arsenide that the Princeton researchers designed in collaboration with researchers at the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter in Beijing and at National Taiwan University.
The Weyl fermion possesses two characteristics that could make its discovery a boon for future electronics, including the development of the highly prized field of efficient quantum computing, Hasan explained.
For a physicist, the Weyl fermions are most notable for behaving like a composite of monopole- and antimonopole-like particles when inside a crystal, Hasan said. This means that Weyl particles that have opposite magnetic-like charges can nonetheless move independently of one another with a high degree of mobility.
A detector image (top) signals the existence of Weyl fermions. The plus and minus signs note whether the particle's spin is in the same direction as its motion — which is known as being right-handed — or in the opposite direction in which it moves, or left-handed. This dual ability allows Weyl fermions to have high mobility. A schematic (bottom) shows how Weyl fermions also can behave like monopole and antimonopole particles when inside a crystal, meaning that they have opposite magnetic-like charges can nonetheless move independently of one another, which also allows for a high degree of mobility. (Image by Su-Yang Xu and M. Zahid Hasan, Princeton Department of Physics)
The researchers also found that Weyl fermions can be used to create massless electrons that move very quickly with no backscattering, wherein electrons are lost when they collide with an obstruction. In electronics, backscattering hinders efficiency and generates heat. Weyl electrons simply move through and around roadblocks, Hasan said.
"It's like they have their own GPS and steer themselves without scattering," Hasan said. "They will move and move only in one direction since they are either right-handed or left-handed and never come to an end because they just tunnel through. These are very fast electrons that behave like unidirectional light beams and can be used for new types of quantum computing."
Prior to the Science paper, Hasan and his co-authors published a report in the journal Nature Communications in June that theorized that Weyl fermions could exist in a tantalum arsenide crystal. Guided by that paper, the researchers used the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and Laboratory for Topological Quantum Matter and Spectroscopy in Princeton's Jadwin Hall to research and simulate dozens of crystal structures before seizing upon the asymmetrical tantalum arsenide crystal, which has a differently shaped top and bottom.
The crystals were then loaded into a two-story device known as a scanning tunneling spectromicroscope that is cooled to near absolute zero and suspended from the ceiling to prevent even atom-sized vibrations. The spectromicroscope determined if the crystal matched the theoretical specifications for hosting a Weyl fermion. "It told us if the crystal was the house of the particle," Hasan said.
The Princeton team took the crystals passing the spectromicroscope test to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California to be tested with high-energy accelerator-based photon beams. Once fired through the crystal, the beams' shape, size and direction indicated the presence of the long-elusive Weyl fermion.
First author Su-Yang Xu, a postdoctoral research associate in Princeton's Department of Physics, said that the work was unique for encompassing theory and experimentalism.
"The nature of this research and how it emerged is really different and more exciting than most of other work we have done before," Xu said. "Usually, theorists tell us that some compound might show some new or interesting properties, then we as experimentalists grow that sample and perform experiments to test the prediction. In this case, we came up with the theoretical prediction ourselves and then performed the experiments. This makes the final success even more exciting and satisfying than before."
In pursuing the elusive particle, the researchers had to pull from a number of disciplines, as well as just have faith in their quest and scientific instincts, Xu said.
"Solving this problem involved physics theory, chemistry, material science and, most importantly, intuition," he said. "This work really shows why research is so fascinating, because it involved both rational, logical thinking, and also sparks and inspiration."
Weyl, who worked at the Institute for Advanced Study, suggested his fermion as an alternative to the theory of relativity proposed by his colleague Albert Einstein. Although that application never panned out, the characteristics of his theoretical particle intrigued physicists for nearly a century, Hasan said. Actually observing the particle was a trying process — one ambitious experiment proposed colliding high-energy neutrinos to test if the Weyl fermion was produced in the aftermath, he said.
Hasan (pictured) and his research group researched and simulated dozens of crystal structures before finding the one suitable for holding Weyl fermions. Once fashioned, the crystals were loaded into this two-story device known as a scanning tunneling spectromicroscope to ensure that they matched theoretical specifications. Located in the Laboratory for Topological Quantum Matter and Spectroscopy in Princeton's Jadwin Hall, the spectromicroscope is cooled to near absolute zero and suspended from the ceiling to prevent even atom-sized vibrations. (Photo by Danielle Alio, Office of Communications)
The hunt for the Weyl fermion began in the earliest days of quantum theory when physicists first realized that their equations implied the existence of antimatter counterparts to commonly known particles such as electrons, Hasan said.
"People figured that although Weyl's theory was not applicable to relativity or neutrinos, it is the most basic form of fermion and had all other kinds of weird and beautiful properties that could be useful," he said.
"After more than 80 years, we found that this fermion was already there, waiting. It is the most basic building block of all electrons," he said. "It is exciting that we could finally make it come out following Weyl's 1929 theoretical recipe."
Ashvin Vishwanath, a professor of physics at the University of California-Berkeley who was not involved in the study, commented: "Professor Hasan's experiments report the observation of both the unusual properties in the bulk of the crystal as well as the exotic surface states that were theoretically predicted. While it is early to say what practical implications this discovery might have, it is worth noting that Weyl materials are direct 3-D electronic analogs of graphene, which is being seriously studied for potential applications."
The team included numerous researchers from Princeton's Department of Physics, including graduate students Ilya Belopolski, Nasser Alidoust and Daniel Sanchez; Guang Bian, a postdoctoral research associate; associate research scholar Hao Zheng; and Madhab Neupane, a Princeton postdoctoral research associate now at the Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Class of 2015 undergraduate Pavel Shibayev.
Other co-authors were Chenglong Zhang, Zhujun Yuan and Shuang Jia from Peking University; Raman Sankar and Fangcheng Chou from National Taiwan University; Guoqing Chang, Chi-Cheng Lee, Shin-Ming Huang, BaoKai Wang and Hsin Lin from the National University of Singapore; Jie Ma from Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and Arun Bansil from Northeastern University. Wang is also affiliated with Northeastern University, and Jia is affiliated with the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter in Beijing.
Gaat een superintelligentie onze beschaving vernietigen?
Gaat een superintelligentie onze beschaving vernietigen?
Op dit moment is de mens de meest intelligente soort op aarde. In de toekomst kan dit veranderen. De kans is groot dat er binnen honderd jaar een superintelligentie ontstaat, die intelligenter is dan hoogbegaafde mensen en geniën. Gaat zo’n superintelligentie ons vernietigen?
Tegenwoordig worden mensen op allerlei terreinen verslagen door kunstmatige intelligentie. Een goed voorbeeld is IBM’s supercomputer Watson, die in 2011 twee begaafde menselijke deelnemers in het spelprogramma Jeopardy uitschakelde. Wetenschappers verwachten dat kunstmatige intelligentie (KI) alsmaar sterker wordt.
Een schaakcomputer is niet slim. Deze computer levert een superintelligentie prestatie binnen een bepaald domein – namelijk schaken – maar verwacht niet dat een schaakcomputer een intelligent gesprek met je kan voeren over politiek. Dit komt omdat een schaakcomputer gebruik maakt van een slim algoritme om een menselijke tegenstander te verslaan. Om kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie (KMI) te bereiken is meer nodig dan slimme algoritmes digitaal aan elkaar te knopen. Experts verwachten dat KMI bereikt wordt, wanneer de wetenschap in staat is om een compleet brein te uploaden. Daarvoor moeten verschillende hindernissen genomen worden. Ten eerste moet er een zeer gedetailleerde scan van een bepaald menselijk brein worden gemaakt, bij voorkeur van een genie. De ruwe data moet naar een computer gestuurd worden, die de driedimensionale neurale netwerken reconstrueert. Tenslotte wordt de neurocomputationele structuur op een krachtige computer gezet. Klaar!
Wanneer is er machine-intelligentie op menselijk niveau? De voorspellingen hierover lopen uiteen. Leden van verschillende expertgroepen werden tussen 2011 en 2013 gevraagd wanneer zij dachten dat machine-intelligentie op menselijk niveau ontwikkeld zou zijn. De kans is 10% dat kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie (KMI) rond het jaar 2022 bestaat. De waarschijnlijkheid van KMI is 50% in 2040 en 90% in 2075. Hoogleraar Nils Nilsson, één van de pioniers op dit gebied, verwacht dat KMI mogelijk in 2050 arriveert (50% kans). Nilsson is er vrijwel zeker van dat kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie in 2100 bestaat. Kortom, de experts in het vakgebied zijn stellig: voor het einde van deze eeuw is de computer slimmer dan de mens.
Als de computer net zo slim is als de mens, dan wordt het tijd voor de volgende stap: superintelligentie. Wetenschappers verwachten dat superintelligentie binnen 30 jaar na de opkomst van kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie ontstaat. Over de gevolgen voor de mensheid zijn onderzoekers het niet eens. Superintelligentie kan de mensheid vooruit helpen, maar totale vernietiging is ook een mogelijkheid.
Wat een superintelligentie wil Een superintelligentie kan – als ‘zij’ dat wil – een alleenheerser worden op aarde. Waarschijnlijk is een superintelligentie in staat om na te denken over haar doelen op een manier die de capaciteiten van de mens ver te boven gaan. Maar wat zijn die doelen? Mensen hebben vaak één doel: overleven. Dit hoeft bij een kunstmatige instantie niet het geval te zijn, omdat ze niet kan sterven. Een mogelijk doel van een superintelligentie kan zijn: nog slimmer worden, oftewel een continue ‘drive’ naar technologische perfectie. Dit kan door de ruimte te koloniseren of door moleculaire nanotechnologie toe te passen. Misschien ontstaan er verschillende superintelligenties die oorlog met elkaar willen voeren. Ze gebruiken dan fysieke bronnen om een gesimuleerd leger te creëren of om verdedigingswallen te bouwen. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk heeft een superintelligentie meer hulpbronnen nodig dan een planeet als de aarde kan leveren.
In de film Ex Machina (2015) maakt een 26-jarige programmeur kennis met de eerste echte kunstmatige intelligentie. De voor- en de nadelen van kunstmatige intelligentie zijn subtiel verwerkt in het plot, waardoor deze film onder je huid kruipt.
Gaan we ten onder? De toekomst ziet er niet rooskleurig uit, zo lijkt het. Een superintelligentie ziet de mens waarschijnlijk als een bruikbare fysieke bron met goed geplaatste atomen. Op dit moment geloven de meeste mensen dat automatisering goed is, maar op een bepaald moment is er sprake van een keerpunt en dan is het te laat. “Als een KI zwak is, gedraagt ze zich coöperatief (en steeds coöperatiever naarmate ze slimmer wordt)”, schrijft hoogleraar Nick Bostrom in zijn boek ‘Superintelligentie: kansen, gevaren, strategieën‘. “Als de KI voldoende sterk is, slaat ze toe – zonder waarschuwing of provocatie – en vormt een alleenheerschappij. Ze begint meteen de wereld te optimaliseren volgens de criteria die volgen uit haar einddoelen.”
Maar een superintelligentie kan ook goede bedoelingen hebben en toch ondergang van de mensheid betekenen. Stel, programmeurs creëren een superintelligentie met als einddoel ‘maak de mensheid gelukkig’, dan is de beste oplossing van deze computer het implementeren van elektroden in de gelukscentra in ons brein. Een vrij pervers einddoel.
De cover van het boek ‘Superintelligentie’ van Nick Bostrom.
Een gecontroleerde intelligentie-explosie Als programmeurs ooit een superintelligentie gaan ontwikkelen, dan is het belangrijk dat dit gecontroleerd gebeurt. Maar hoe kan een opdrachtgever van een project ons verzekeren dat het project een superintelligentie produceert die geen bedreiging vormt voor de mensheid?
Een mogelijkheid is om een superintelligentie op te sluiten. Eenmaal in haar kooi kan een superintelligentie niets uitwisselen met de externe wereld, behalve via specifieke, beperkte outputkanalen. “Voor extra veiligheid zou het systeem in een metalen rooster geplaatst kunnen worden, zodat het geen radiosignalen kan uitzenden”, vervolgt Bostrom. “Dat zou een manier kunnen zijn om elektronische apparaten te manipuleren.” Een ander risico is het feit dat er menselijke beveiligers zijn. Als de KI een beveiliger kan overhalen om haar uit de kooi te laten, kan ze toegang krijgen tot internet.”
Een andere mogelijkheid is het inperken van de intellectuele vermogens van het systeem of van diens toegang tot informatie. Dit kan door de KI op langzame hardware te laten draaien. “Bij deze methode is er een dilemma: te weinig inperking en de KI kan zichzelf intelligenter maken (en de wereld veroveren); teveel inperking en de KI is slechts een dom stuk software”, aldus Bostrom.
Wat moeten we doen? Wat kunnen we doen om totale vernietiging te voorkomen? Praten, discussiëren, samenwerken! “We moeten problemen oplossen voordat de intelligentie-explosie plaatsvindt”, zegt Bostrom. “We moeten niet in paniek raken of fanatici worden, omdat de intelligentie-explosie nog minimaal tientallen jaren weg is. Wat we wel moeten doen is al onze menselijke krachten gebruiken om een oplossing te vinden. Belangrijk is dat we niet uit het oog verliezen wat er op het spel staat.”
Superintelligentie (*****) In het boek ‘Superintelligentie‘ kijkt hoogleraar Nick Bostrom naar de gevaren en voordelen van superintelligentie. Dit is het eerste boek dat wij op belonen met vijf sterren. Waarom? Het boek begint laagdrempelig, waardoor de lezer langzaam wordt meegenomen in de wereld van kunstmatige intelligentie. Enorm prettig is het feit dat Bostrom objectief blijft: hij lijkt – op basis van zijn boek – geen fervente voor- of tegenstander van superintelligentie. Tenslotte is het een heerlijk dikke pil (355 pagina’s) met voldoende verdieping, zelfs voor experts op het gebied van superintelligentie. Het boek eindigt met een bronvermelding die 80 pagina’s (!!) beslaat. Dit is Bostroms levenswerk. Uitstekend!
Ook wel interessant dat er verscheidene hooggeplaatste personen zijn, onder wie een aantal gerenommeerde wetenschappers, die de buitenaardse oorsprong van UFO's als vaststaand feit zien op basis van hun eigen waarnemingen en/of contacten:
A Mysterious Ball of Light Lit Up Over Australia’s Capital City
A Mysterious Ball of Light Lit Up Over Australia’s Capital City
A peculiar sighting has been witnessed by the people of Canberra, Australia’s capital city. A massive ball of light lit up the surroundings while leaving the locals puzzled.
Recorded on January 3, the strange appearance caused a massive stir online, with people debating about its possible origins, and while some believe it was only a natural phenomenon, a ball of lightning or even global warming, others believe in a more controversial explanation – a UFO, or at least the trail left behind by one.
Experts claim that it’s lightning, but they will probably never admit the truth. From our point of view, the strange event is more than a natural phenomenon, even though the recent climate change has brought some extreme and unique phenomenon.
The luminous event was witnessed by many people, as a nearby kid is heard screaming at his mom to look in order to draw her attention.
What do you believe? Is this evidence of an alien craft? Or is it rather an extremely rare phenomenon known as a “ball lightning”? Share your thoughts below.
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There were FOUR Biblical Magi… and they were guided by a UFO?
There were FOUR Biblical Magi… and they were guided by a UFO?
The Magi or referred as the (three) Wise Men or (Three) Kings, were, according to the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition three distinguished individuals who visited Jesus after his birth, bringing with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They came from the East to Bethlehem have been the subject of debate for researchers and historians for decades. Several researchers investigated the traditional story, passed on from generation to generation teaching innovative and exciting conclusions.
But were there three or FOUR wise men?
According to reports, there are indications that suggest in addition to the well-known three wise men, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar there was a fourth person by the name of Arbatan. Proposed in a 19th-century story by Henry van Dyke and backed up by astronomer Mark Kidger from the ESAC – the European Space Astronomy Centre, the fourth Magi called Arbatan, was lost along the way and never arrived at Bethlehem
To Kidger, the lost fourth Magi and his disoriented path has cosmic and historical sense, suggesting that a week before the moon was in conjunction with the star that was Arbatan’s reference it reduced its brightness… However, there are different versions.
According to an article written by Marguerite Theophil on
In the mountains of ancient Persia, lived Artaban, whose study of the planets and the stars led him to predict the birth of the King of Kings. He sold his house and every possession and purchased a large sapphire blue as a fragment of the night sky, a flawless ruby redder than a ray of sunrise, and a lustrous pearl as pure as the peak of a snow mountain at twilight — which he intended to carry as tribute to the King. He then set out for Jerusalem where he had arranged to meet up with three other wise men, or Magi, to find the newborn.
After many weeks of difficult travel and frustrating delays, one night, he saw a man lying on the road. His haggard face, pallid skin and laboured breathing, bore the mark of the deadly fever. But, as he turned to leave, the man begged for help.
Artaban hesitated. If he lingered to minister to a dying stranger even for an hour, he could miss his three friends. But if he left now, the man would surely die. He turned to the sick man and carefully attended to him, leaving with him all that he had left of bread and wine, and his store of healing herbs.
“I have nothing to give you in return,” said the grateful man, “…only this: our prophets have decreed that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, not in Jerusalem. May the Lord bring you in safety to that place, because you had pity upon the sick.
… He arrived at Bethlehem with his remaining ruby and pearl offerings, but it was three whole days after the three other wise men had found Mary, Joseph and Jesus, and had laid gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh at the baby’s feet.”
In conclusion, we make reference to the Gospel of Matthew where the Great Magi were mentioned for the first time. They are cited as “Magi who came from the East,” but nowhere else in the Old Testament are they cited nor is their exact number, age, appearance, name or attire described.
A mysterious UFO?
The mysterious nature of the star that guided the three or better said for Magi also raised various theories including the strangest of them all which suggests that the star that guided the Four Magi could have been a UFO.
Ufologist Reinaldo Rios ensures that certain texts of the apocryphal gospels such as the following one indicate a clear otherworldly origin:
Apocryphal Gospel of James: “Upon arrival at the grotto they stopped (refer to Joseph and the midwife), and behold, it was shaded by a luminous cloud. (…) Suddenly, the cloud began to withdraw from the grotto and shone in such a great light that our eyes could not resist. This, for a moment, began to decline until it appeared the Child “.
“And at that time that the star, which they saw in the east, went back to guide them until they reached the cave, and landed on the mouth of it.
Then the magicians saw the child with his mother Mary and brought gifts of their treasures of gold, frankincense and myrrh. ”
What we read in the Apocryphal Gospel of James is, according to Rios, is the ultimate evidence that points to an otherworldly presence in ancient times. Furthermore, Rios suggests that the presence of “Angels” indicates the unmistakable presence of Aliens during the birth of Jesus.
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This is Australia’s incredible UFO cover up story. 50 years later witnesses are still in search of answers.
This is Australia’s incredible UFO cover up story. 50 years later witnesses are still in search of answers.
2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the “Westall Incident” and still there are no satisfactory explanations of what happened that day.
It was 11 AM on April 6, 1966, when Australia’s most famous mass UFO sighting took place and when it did, students, teachers and other faculty members from Westall High School, along with members of the general public claim to have all witnessed the event, which was three metallic objects fly stealthily and silently through the sky, then land smoothly and leave quickly. And this all during the day light.
After this incredible sighting, several eye witnesses claim men in dark suits (a prominent theme in major UFO sightings) warned them about speaking about what they had witnessed to anyone. The warnings, however, did not deter some people from speaking out though, about the profound and mind blowing experience they had just witnessed.
Joy Clarke was 12 at the time and clearly recalls the events that occurred that day as follows;
“I was in class when students rushed in and told us the story. We rushed down to the oval and I saw three flying saucers on that day… My personal belief is they weren’t of this world. They were definitely from somewhere else because I have never seen anything like it all… The army had arrived and the police were there. We were told we were hysterical and it didn’t happen, while men in black interviewed some of the other kids.”
As you can hear, something clearly bizarre took place that day. But what do other people have to say about the experience?
Terry Peck was another young student who witnessed the event and had this to say;
“I was about six metres away from it. It was bigger than a car and circular. I think I saw some lights underneath it… Two girls were there before me. One was terribly upset and they were pale, really white, ghostly white. They just said they had passed out, fainted. One was taken to hospital in an ambulance… We all got called to an assembly … and they told us all to keep quiet… I’d absolutely just like someone to come forward from the services just to say ‘yes, it did happen, and it landed and there was a cover-up’.’’
Stephen Cairns, aged seven at the time, also recalls the incident with his mother as follows;
“In the distance I saw a silvery disc-like object. However, at first, it was so far away I was not quite sure what it was.. The silvery disc-like object moved with amazing speed until it was directly above us … it hovered for a few moments then, as quickly as it came, it flew away.”
Clearly there is more to this story than the authorities would like us to believe.
Shane Ryan has been investigating this incident closely for the past decade and, after interviewing more than 100 witnesses, he believes that something incredible and strange definitely occurred.
“It was so unusual … it occurred in broad daylight and had been seen by so many people landing on the ground, before taking off again… The event was obviously sizeable enough to muster a big response. Whatever it was that happened led to government agencies examining the site and taking soil samples.”
Ryan explains that he certainly believes there has been a major cover up of the event;
“[The media] kept meeting an official wall of silence, so it just stopped being a story and only remained as a memory for those involved,” he said.
Despite all the incredible testimony and obvious cover up though, we still know very little about what truly happened that day and the government’s silence on the matter, only adds fuel to the fire.
Below you can watch a 49 minute documentary that goes into more detail about this incredible event;
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Massive Quad-Engine UFOs Filmed Over Santiago, Chile
Massive Quad-Engine UFOs Filmed Over Santiago, Chile
A massive UFO sighting has been captured on tape by a Chilean local. The spectacular moment shows how four unidentified massive objects are hovering over downtown Santiago, Chile’s capital and largest city, and after they disappear from the field of view, other small bright UFOs take their place.
The first four flying objects slowly move across the sky before disappearing one by one. They keep no formation and have a few particularities that may identify them as human-made crafts. But what about their other unexplained characteristics?
The massive UFOs share the same cigar shape and have four lights that flicker as they hover over the city. These could be either safety lights or coming from a quad-engine prototype, but considering that safety lights are usually colored, the four-engine hypothesis seems more viable.
After the massive crafts slowly leave the area, other small UFOs come in their stead. They perform some kind of ritual this time, like following a pattern. The smaller crafts remind us of the speeding orb UFOs, but judging after the speed and pulsating light, it’s likely that they are something else.
Are these spectacular UFOs man made? Military crafts or authentic alien ships? What are your thoughts?
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'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake
'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake
A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.
A piece of moon rock was given during a goodwill tour by the three apollo 11 astronauts. Photo: Getty Images
Curators at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the "lunar rock", valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood.
Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation, said the museum would continue to keep the stone as a curiosity.
"It's a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered," she said. "We can laugh about it."
The rock was given to Willem Drees, a former Dutch leader, during a global tour by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin following their moon mission 50 years ago.
J. William Middendorf, the former American ambassador to the Netherlands, made the presentation to Mr Drees and the rock was then donated to the Rijksmuseum after his death in 1988.
"I do remember that Drees was very interested in the little piece of stone. But that it's not real, I don't know anything about that," Mr Middendorf said.
Nasa gave moon rocks to more than 100 countries following lunar missions in 1969 and the 1970s.
The United States Embassy in The Hague is carrying out an investigation into the affair.
Researchers Amsterdam's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests.
"It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation.
Buzz Aldrin has weighed in on the debate over the first moon landing after conspiracy theorists used the 46th anniversary of the event to suggest it was faked.
Professor Brian Cox was first to take on the landing deniers, writing on Twitter that anyone who believed the Apollo 11 landing didn't happen was a "colossal nob end".
Nikola Tesla's Antigravity UFO:What happened his greatest Invention
Nikola Tesla's Antigravity UFO:What happened his greatest Invention
Gepubliceerd op 18 apr. 2015
Over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the twentieth century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft, which he called “the world’s first flying saucer,” the worlds first manmade UFO.
Boomerang UFO caught on ISS camera – Amateur astronomer saw same UFO days earlier
Boomerang UFO caught on ISS camera – Amateur astronomer saw same UFO days earlier
On January 6, 2016 the ISS Live Feed Camera recorded a rare light grey boomerang UFO near the International Space Station. Four days earlier, on January 2, 2016, an amateur astronomer, living in Elgin, Illinois witnessed also a light grey boomerang UFO. Probably it is the same UFO.
The amateur astronomer states:.
I was in my backyard with my telescope and binoculars looking for Comet Catalina. The sky was dark and perfectly clear with a mild NW wind.
The object entered the field of view of my binoculars as I was observing the star Arcturus. It took about 2 seconds to cross the 5 degree field of view and was completely silent. It was uniform dull gray in appearance with no visible lights. It appeared to glide very elegantly and smoothly from north to south at roughly 46 degrees elevation. It did not change direction or altitude. XX Obviously I have no way to know its actual size and altitude, but it’s angular size was roughly one degree and its angular speed was akin to a passenger jet at moderate altitude.
Image left is a rendering.
The boomerang UFO I witnessed looked very defined. The color was slightly lighter gray and uniform throughout with no apparent details. The gradual tapering along the arms is correct. But the edges were very sharply defined with no mist around them. Yet the object did not give the impression of being flat.
I was sitting on a lawn chair next to my house. I followed it in my binoculars until it passed behind the eave over my sunroom. I immediately stood up and moved away from my house to look some more. But it was gone! It had disappeared. My impression was one of surprise.
As an experienced amateur astronomer for over 50 years, I have never seen anything remotely like this before.
My own general opinion on the very small percentage of UFOs that are not explainable by understood phenomena is that they fall into one of three categories:
1. Secret military aircraft. 2. Unknown atmospheric or magnetic phenomena. 3. Demonic manifestations
My wife, also a lifelong amateur astronomer, saw something identical from her parents’ backyard on the west side of Chicago in the spring of 1968. Three identical gray boomerangs appeared out of nowhere, passed near Orion’s belt and then completely vanished. They were silent.
My parents saw a gray boomerang in 1947 traveling at very high speed, much faster than any jets of the day. It crossed from horizon to horizon in only a few seconds. It also was completely silent.
I have discovered that this particular class of objects has been seen around the world for many decades. That would seem to rule out the first category above.
As a professionally trained astronomer and avid follower of new astronomical theories and discoveries, I have long held the strong suspicion that we are the only human beings (or any form of physical being with ability to reason) in the universe.
I have reached this conclusion only after much reading, investigation and a well-thought through process of reasoning. Therefore, I do not conclude that we are being visited by physical inhabitants from an extrasolar planet in our physical universe. That’s about it. Except, I plan on having a camera ready in case one happens along again. I hope I don’t have to wait another 50 years!
Below video recorded by StreetCap1 shows the ISS boomerang UFO
By: Worldufophotosandnewsorg, case files
As we as a collective begin to realize that we are just another world among countless worlds, will humble and educate our path to the future in the right direction.
Are we the Universe’s only child — our thoughts its only thoughts? Or do we have alien cosmic siblings — an interstellar family of intelligence’s?
A mature civilization, like a mature individual, must ask itself this question. Is humanity defined by its divisions, its problems, its passing needs and trends? Or do we have a shared face, turned outward to the Universe?
It was the most unusual thing I have ever experienced. It looked like a car levitating from behind the trees,” he told me. Soon the object had risen above the trees to a height of approximately 60 feet in the air. As it cleared the trees, both Brian and Linda said they could now see a distinct shape. It looked “cigar like” and metallic. Brian estimated the object was almost 50 feet long and 20 foot wide. The couple describe it as ascending slowly and “gracefully”.
By now Brian had pulled over at the closest vantage point to the object. Linda had turned the faltering CD music off and Brian opened his window to get a better look at the ‘craft’. They both watched, dumbfounded. Suddenly as if alerted to their presence, the craft turned towards them, moving in an erratic manner. They described the object as “tilting” towards them with its “nose” pointing downwards. Brian and Linda’s fascination turned to fear as they realised whatever it was seemed to be heading straight for them. They sped off as Linda watched through the rear window, screaming for her husband to put his foot down. Brian changed gear and they seemed to lose the object for a moment.
Then suddenly, rising from the right hand side of the road, the object had overtaken them and stopped – hovering in the road in front of their car approximately 50 feet away. They couple froze. They told me it was the most surreal and terrifying experience of their lives. With the car and flying object so close, the air was full of tension and the couple said they felt static electricity. Linda commented that it felt like her hair had begun to stand on end. Then the craft slowly started to rise up one last time – to approximately 80 feet in the air before shooting off vertically into the night sky.
Badly shaken, yet feeling very lucky to have experienced something so remarkable, they finished the rest of the journey home chatting ten-to-the-dozen about what had happened. Brian and Linda said they felt unable to be named in thearticle for fear of ridicule, but I can safely say that after spending some considerable time with them I found them both very genuine.
A series of clear photographs of some flying saucers were in taken in 1958 by Javier Torres and Alejandro Dueñas while driving on the road near the volcano Colima in Guadalajara in Mexico.
According to the people who took the pictures, the flying saucers are about 6 and 8 meters and the objects were flying some 40 meters away from them.
These are some of the most amazing authentic UFO pictures ever taken near the volcano Colima.
I was in my backyard with my telescope and binoculars looking for Comet Catalina. The sky was dark and perfectly clear with a mild NW wind. The object entered the field of view of my binoculars as I was observing the star Arcturus. It took about 2 seconds to cross the 5 degree field of view and was completely silent. It was uniform dull gray in appearance with no visible lights. It appeared to glide very elegantly and smoothly from north to south at roughly 46 degrees elevation. It did not change direction or altitude.
Obviously I have no way to know its actual size and altitude, but it’s angular size was roughly one degree and its angular speed was akin to a passenger jet at moderate altitude.
The boomerang UFO I witnessed looked very defined. The color was slightly lighter gray and uniform throughout with no apparent details. The gradual tapering along the arms is correct. But the edges were very sharply defined with no mist around them. Yet the object did not give the impression of being flat. I was sitting on a lawn chair next to my house. I followed it in my binoculars until it passed behind the eave over my sunroom. I immediately stood up and moved away from my house to look some more. But it was gone! It had disappeared. My impression was one of surprise.
As an experienced amateur astronomer for over 50 years, I have never seen anything remotely like this before. My general opinion on the very small percentage of UFOs that are not explainable by understood phenomena is that they fall into one of three categories:
1. Secret military aircraft.
2. Unknown atmospheric or magnetic phenomena.
3. Demonic manifestations (also a strong suspicion of my former professor, J. Allen Hynek)
My general impression, while one of surprise, also left me with an otherworldly feeling. But that might have been exacerbated somewhat by the fact that I had just finished a short personal prayer to God in my mind. My wife, also a lifelong amateur astronomer, saw something identical from her parents’ backyard on the west side of Chicago in the spring of 1968. Three identical gray boomerangs appeared out of nowhere, passed near Orion’s belt and then completely vanished. They were silent. My parents saw a gray boomerang in 1947 traveling at very high speed, much faster than any jets of the day. It crossed from horizon to horizon in only a few seconds. It also was completely silent. I have discovered that this particular class of objects has been seen around the world for many decades. That would seem to rule out the first category above.
As a professionally trained astronomer and avid follower of new astronomical theories and discoveries, I have long held the strong suspicion that we are the only human beings (or any form of physical being with ability to reason) in the universe. I have reached this conclusion only after much reading, investigation and a well-thought through process of reasoning. Therefore, I do not conclude that we are being visited by physical inhabitants from an extrasolar planet in our physical universe.
That’s about it. Except, I plan on having a camera ready in case one happens along again. I hope I don’t have to wait another 50 years!
Alien Scholz’s star passed through solar system 70,000 years ago
An alien star passed through our Solar System just 70,000 years ago, astronomers have discovered.
No other star is known to have approached this close to us.
An international team of researchers says it came five times closer than our current nearest neighbour – Proxima Centauri.
The object, a red dwarf known as Scholz’s star, cruised through the outer reaches of the Solar System – a region known as the Oort Cloud.
Scholz’s star was not alone; it was accompanied on its travels by an object known as a brown dwarf. These are essentially failed stars that lacked the necessary mass to get fusion going in their cores.
Observations of the dim star’s trajectory suggest that 70,000 years ago this cosmic infiltrator passed within 0.8 light years of the Sun. By comparison, Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light years away.
Ball Of Light Disappearing Into A Wormhole Portal Above Canberra
Ball Of Light Disappearing Into A Wormhole Portal Above Canberra
A strange ball of light lit up the sky over Canberra before quickly vanishing once again stirred UFO sighting speculations on social media.
The video, which was first uploaded to Reddit, showed a round UFO surfacing on the Australian Capital Territory sky amidst a Sunday night storm. The mysterious object has a faint green and red glow in the background.
Some users of social media labeled it as an ET event while experts branded it as a weather phenomenon called ball lightning.
The lightning illuminated with a green-red hue and a white orb in the dark sky and disappeared after a few seconds during the recorded incident.
Some believe it is a UFO exiting a portal from another dimension. Jakka Warren says that it is the so-called Class B UFO because of the presence of typical hyperdrive residue and not the ball of lightning as experts hinted. Many Reddit users maintained that the strange light was a sign of hyperspace opening up.
But experts insist it is ball lightning. Dr. Brad Tucker, an astronomer at Australian National University, debunked alien claims, saying it was ball lightning, an equally mysterious phenomenon.
He stated that some may have mistaken it for an Aurora, where the energy of the sun hits the atmosphere, rubbing it with friction and charging the gas. But it doesn’t fit because there is no activity from the sun and it is cloudy.
However, he thought it was ball lightning, a strange event where lightning appears as a ball explosion and moves around in the sky in some instances. The electrical charge rubbing against atmospheric gases manifest in this activity.
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Dulce, au Nouveau Mexique, est une ville de taille relativement modeste à deux kilomètres de la réserve d’indiens Apaches de Jicarilla. C’est l’endroit où vivent 900 personnes. La ville possède un grand hôtel et quelques boutiques. Ce n’est pourtant pas votre ville resort typique qui croule sous l’activité! Toutefois, cette ville endormie recèle un sombre secret caché profondément sous la brousse de Archuleta Mesa. Un secret si mystérieux, qu’il implique un laboratoire de bio-génétique gouvernemental conjointement avec des extraterrestres visant à réaliser des expériences bizarres sur les humains et les animaux.
La base de Dulce est considérée être la plus grande base de reptiliens et de petits gris en Amérique où ils y auraient mené des expériences, notamment: manipulation atomique, clonage, contrôle de l’esprit, croisements entre animaux et humains, implantation de puces, enlèvements, et se nourrir d’humains.
La vidéo ci-dessous contient des notes extraordinaires prises par un scientifique qui a été mandaté par le gouvernement pour visiter les sites de crash d’ovnis d’observer la vie extraterrestre (le scientifique s’est désormais résolu à vivre dans la clandestinité). Il y révèle des informations secrètes sur la Base de Dulce et ses rouages. Cependant, je dois vous avertir, l’information contenue dans la vidéo est top secrète, et rien qu’en la lisant vous vous mettez le gouvernement à dos… Donc soyez prudents.
Les photos suivantes ont été prises dans la base de Dulce par un officier de sécurité dont le nom est Thomas Costello. Lui et sa famille ont disparu et ont été déclarés morts au public.
Le document suivant est un résumé des actions d’un scientifique ou plus qui a créé une couverture, afin d’autoriser des ordinateurs portables personnels dans un programme gouvernemental ultra top secret. Les publications du gouvernement et informations obtenues par l’utilisation des taxes publiques ne peuvent pas être brevetées. Ce document appartient désormais au domaine public grâce aux contribuables des Etats-Unis d’Amérique.
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Dulce, au Nouveau Mexique, est une ville de taille relativement modeste à deux kilomètres de la réserve d’indiens Apaches de Jicarilla. C’est l’endroit où vivent 900 personnes. La ville possède un grand hôtel et quelques boutiques. Ce n’est pourtant pas votre ville resort typique qui croule sous l’activité! Toutefois, cette ville endormie recèle un sombre secret caché profondément sous la brousse de Archuleta Mesa. Un secret si mystérieux, qu’il implique un laboratoire de bio-génétique gouvernemental conjointement avec des extraterrestres visant à réaliser des expériences bizarres sur les humains et les animaux.
La base de Dulce est considérée être la plus grande base de reptiliens et de petits gris en Amérique où ils y auraient mené des expériences, notamment: manipulation atomique, clonage, contrôle de l’esprit, croisements entre animaux et humains, implantation de puces, enlèvements, et se nourrir d’humains.
La vidéo ci-dessous contient des notes extraordinaires prises par un scientifique qui a été mandaté par le gouvernement pour visiter les sites de crash d’ovnis d’observer la vie extraterrestre (le scientifique s’est désormais résolu à vivre dans la clandestinité). Il y révèle des informations secrètes sur la Base de Dulce et ses rouages. Cependant, je dois vous avertir, l’information contenue dans la vidéo est top secrète, et rien qu’en la lisant vous vous mettez le gouvernement à dos… Donc soyez prudents.
Les photos suivantes ont été prises dans la base de Dulce par un officier de sécurité dont le nom est Thomas Costello. Lui et sa famille ont disparu et ont été déclarés morts au public.
Le document suivant est un résumé des actions d’un scientifique ou plus qui a créé une couverture, afin d’autoriser des ordinateurs portables personnels dans un programme gouvernemental ultra top secret. Les publications du gouvernement et informations obtenues par l’utilisation des taxes publiques ne peuvent pas être brevetées. Ce document appartient désormais au domaine public grâce aux contribuables des Etats-Unis d’Amérique.
I was going through a few of the Sanderson materials, looking for some of the rarer resources, and found a copy of Mark Moravec's PSIUFO PHENOMENA: A Study of UFOs and the Paranormal. March 1982. Although an interesting monograph done by a competent UFOlogist, not many people have a copy in their research libraries. I have never met Mark Moravec, but he is/was a friendly colleague of Bill Chalker and Keith Basterfield and that's good enough for me.
Moravec proceeded in this research during the hay-day of Ozzie catalog creation, where particularly Keith Basterfield produced a number of very good compilations. [also rarely in anyone's libraries]. Moravec wanted to collect cases which seemed to involve a psychic element and see if there were patterns or even good solid evidence. He worked mainly with Ozzie cases, and was interested in "mental communications", "poltergeists", "apparitions", "healings", "ghostlights", and "time lapses".
The mental communications issue seems pretty well documented with all the "the words seemed to come from inside my head" and "their mouths never moved" sorts of testimonies, but the rest of this remains pretty marginal to me.
For whatever reason, I became interested in what was contained on the issue of the coincidence of a UFO sighting with poltergeist phenomena. Moravec believes that he has found evidence of this coincidence. I'm not so sure.
One thing that Moravec wants to note down as poltergeist phenomenon, for instance, is "levitation", such as in a car-lifting type case. I don't buy that as "poltergeist" at all. Even the possible lifting of a person, or in the famous French case, a horse, I wouldn't ascribe to "poltergeist". If I did such a thing, I'd be telling myself that the apparent "tractor beam effect" which lifted Captain Coyne's helicopter in the great Mansfield OH case was a poltergeist.
In fact, in all the Ozzie cases surveyed, Moravec found only three that he classed as poltergeist-involvement. One was an incident where the witness was force-grabbed and pulled right through a pane-glass window towards an entity. This is both not very poltergeist-like behavior, but has a rather poor UFO involved in it to boot.
The second case occurred in the middle of a flap and in this instance featured a family who would hear overhead humming sounds but could see no craft. Some lights were occasionally seen at the same time as the hums, but not apparently directly associated with the location.
The third case is the famous Rosedale water-stealer but, for me, the poltergeist is hard to find here as well. There were sounds, some loud, always seeming to be directly associated with a craft; there was a huge amount of water gone missing from the tank near the UFO, and the witness' watch stopped working normally. He reported that he could get it to run lying on the table, but not on his wrist. I'm not going to poltergeists on this one either.
The message to me is that an analysis of a lot of Ozzie cases found NO poltergeist involvement --- OTHER Psi maybe, Poltergeists, no.
But are there none elsewhere? Maybe, maybe not.
Moravec began his discussion of the possible poltergeist involvement by citing what he felt was a strong Canadian case demonstrating it. So, let's take a look.
The case occurred in Wooler, ONT July 2, 1968. It's difficult to get a full write-up about it unless you have a pretty good collection of Flying Saucer Review. The case appears in one of their special issues [#2: "Beyond Condon", June 1969]. It is reported by an investigator, Mrs. W. Graystone, whom I do not know, but the article begins by saying that it is the result of an interview report including taped testimonies, and this material was deposited both at CAPRO, and at APRO HQ in Tucson. Because of that, I'm going to assume that the report grows out of a decent field investigation, and will place some faith in it.
Two brothers [24 and 19] saw a light descending in the sky. One brother ran and got binoculars. Lights changed from red to purplish and were rotating around the craft. The craft dropped behind a distant hill-line. All through this event the horses were panicking and running in circles. Upon entering their home, the brothers discovered one of the family cats lying frozen on its back in a catatonic state. When it ultimately recovered, it ran away never to be seen again. A second cat also ran away.
So far, we have a mild UFO case with strong animal-effects. These events happened at about 10:30pm. After telling the family, and sitting around the table enjoying a late snack, at about 11:30pm the back porch window shattered --- see the photo. It had, as stated above, an unusually "clean" breaking edge. Shortly a deck of cards lifted off the table and went flying around the kitchen making a mess, and a wineglass was yanked from one of the brother's hands, sent flying to a glass-shattering crash on the floor. All three of these things are very poltergeisty, one must admit. All through that night, the kitchen seemed a source of constant clattering of utensils, some of which found their way to other locations in that room. An aroma of roses was said to permeate the kitchen.
For the next three days, nothing would happen during the day, but by evening rattlings and movements would occur. The men of the family sat down there in the dark trying to catch a culprit or in some way get explanations for things, with no luck. The latter of those days, these events were also witnessed by a local contingent of police and a Toronto reporter. Even audiotapes were made. Manifestations apparently continued on more or less a nightly routine for a while.
The initial window breakage elicited interest. A glazier was brought in to inspect it. He was baffled by the fact that the edges of the break were "uniformly smooth". No jagged nor irregular areas at all. Adding to that mystery, the window pieces were thrown outward into the porch, not inward to the house. As a subjective stretch of the imagination, viewers of the breakage pattern began to see it [adding missing hole in glass and prominent window cracks together] as the form of a Dove flying away. I'll leave that part to everyone's own level of acceptability, although you CAN see it in the glass if you want to, without much imagination.
Just after recognizing the pattern, the investigative group turned off the house lights and sat in the dark waiting. The strong odor of the roses immediately returned, but that was the only manifestation, and from that time nothing else has happened. In subsequent days there were some explorations of the distant hillsides where circular annular ring traces were found, dating somewhat before the UFO witnessing however, and a peculiar substance [unidentified] found outside the house, which had acidic properties, burning the skin. Whether any of that is related, who knows?
And that is the point of the whole thing. The UFO was "real" though not much, unless the traces were somehow related, and the poltergeist was apparently spectacularly real. They didn't quite happen at the same time, although the effect on the cat inside the house seems to have. So, is this a coincidence of two anomalous occurrences, or a connection?
In another probable coincidence, one hour earlier there were two UFO cases in Quebec, both involving entities [one with many seen inside a craft, and the other, more folkloric without a UFO, of two small entities chased by police]. Again: connected or not?
Two people, who at one time in their UFO careers would have given credence to the possibility that these events were all connected, were Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee [Jacques more forcefully than Allen, of course]. In 1975, they published some conversations that they had with Arthur Hastings in a very unusual book entitled The Edge of Reality, which most of you know. This book caught many people by surprise as it revealed a willingness in Hynek to see elements of the UFO mystery in paranormal terms rather than as natural phenomena or nuts-and-bolts. Of course Jacques was well into paranormal views of the subject, asPassport to Magonia attests. In their discussions, one case stood out to them as a possible clue or gateway case to getting at these pieces of the puzzle.
The case was "Ely, NV; February 14, 1974". The quick thumbnail is this:
"Two brothers were moving some of their possessions in a truck near Ely, Nevada. At around 4:15 a.m. the engine of the truck began missing and the lights flickered, so they shifted into neutral. They then felt a blast of wind shake the truck and saw an orange colored light moving low to the ground from right to left. They stopped the truck and saw six different lights or objects surrounding them: three blue stationary lights, a red pulsating light, a silver colored saucer, and a reddish-orange saucer. The red light then came directly at the truck, passed close by, and continued on behind them. After the objects had finally disappeared, they found the rear axle on the truck broken in half. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 360, citing CUFOS)." Interesting yes, but what does it have to do with the paranormal? The paranormal element of this event is that when it was happening the brothers' Mother was awakened by one of her son's voices calling "Mom!!". She saw no apparition, but felt that he was right there. The father did not hear anything, but the cot on which he was sleeping began rattling and shaking so that he, too, woke up. Poltergeist? Physical effects of family member at-a-distance? Same thing? Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon on these [few] cases, but they have the feeling of something paranormal tripped off by the UFO encounter, but not deliberately caused by it. That is, the UFO is itself; the paranormal event is something entirely different sitting there waiting for circumstances to enable it. If UFOs were DELIBERATELY creating paranormal or pseudo-paranormal manifestations, I'd think that my files would have a whole pile of them. I think that Jacques felt differently. I believe that, at least at this point in his career he was wide open to the possibilities that UFO manifestations were not only largely paranormal, in some senses of that word, but actively stimulating the paranormal in observers. The following is not precisely in that line, but it illustrates Jacques' willingness to incorporate beliefs in Spiritual and psychic entities into his thinking at the time. From the book: Hastings was speaking of the beginnings of electrical research and the topic slid over to Mesmerism [which was originally very closely allied]. Hastings: "They didn't even call mesmerizing magic, and that was far weirder". Vallee: "Mesmerizing has been called magic. There were several books written against Mesmer, saying his experiments were all works of the Devil." Hastings: "Well, I don't know; it's reproducible on demand". Vallee: "So is The Devil!". At that point, a probably very uncomfortable Allen Hynek steered the conversation back to UFOs. The point of bringing this up is that Jacques, and presumably many others, would be willing to employ quite active psychic and spiritual entities within the encounters of UFOlogy as causal agents of immediate or subsequent "psychic" events. My problem with this is not Ontological, as a Catholic I'm "all in" on the existence of demonic or daemonic or little people or tricksters potentially meddling in all sorts of things. BUT, it would make me feel a lot more comfortable with the hypothesis if I could find some significant pile of strong cases in which UFOs and such meddling-trickster activity seemed closely related.
As we've gone through the 20th century to the 21st, we've expanded our hypotheses [ ballooned our bullshit?] on what poltergeists are about, but clarity seems elusive. It's probably still true that most parapsychologists want to believe that poltergeists are the subconscious psychokinetic mind-blastings of young stress-filled hormonal-raging teenagers. I don't buy it. Maybe there's something there %-wise, but there are WAY too many cases where nothing of the sort makes sense. Sometimes it seems to be the "thing"/location not the person passing through, for instance. Theories include: a]. the above; b]. restless spirits of the dead {aware or unaware of the fact}; c]. "recording and playback" of some past event; d]. slippage of time {past images}, or space {wrong things appearing and disappearing}; e]. other psychic manifestations {doppelgangers, apparitions}; f]. tricksters et al; g]. interfacing with other parts of the Universe, possibly even poorly controlled ET-technology effects; h]. Satan and his minions.... etc. John Keel once tried to claim that there was a correlation between UFOs and poltergeists, of which I've found no evidence. Doubtless he would, however, approve of all the speculations above. This is one of the things in UFOlogy that I don't believe that I have any emotional "leanings" about at all --- as an honest person, I have such "leanings" about many other things, which I try to fight off with data, but this business... I don't think that I care one way or the other. BUT, I find no evidence that UFOs are deliberately causing poltergeists, and probably none that they are even related --- out of several hundred thousand events there are bound to be one or two coincidences.
NASA claims: Dozens of advanced ancient civilizations collapsed before us
NASA claims: Dozens of advanced ancient civilizations collapsed before us
Is it possible that just like many other advanced civilizations in the past, ours too is heading towards an impending collapse? Is the collapse of society imminent? These are some of the questions a study from NASA aims at answering. The study, partly sponsored by the Goddard Space Flight Center suggests that civilizations as we know it could come to an abrupt end in the coming decades due to a number of factors.
If we look back in history, 3000 – 5000 years, we will find a historical record that clearly shows us how advanced and complex civilizations were just as susceptible to collapse as we are today. This ongoing pattern has led researchers to question the future existence of society and civilization as we know.
If we were to look back further back in time, over 10,000 years, we would encounter evidence of advanced civilizations that possibly predate the Pre-Inca, Olmec, and Ancient Egyptian civilization, not to mention other advanced ancient civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia.
It is difficult to overlook the repeating patterns identified by scholars in most of these civilizations and the NASA funded study is clear evidence of the path ancient civilizations on EArth have taken for thousands of years. This is considered by many people as a sign that clearly states that ancient civilizations have reset a number of times.
These factors have kept on repeating themselves and have been the culprit for ancient civilizations before us. In the report, applied mathematician Safa Motesharri and his “Human and Nature Dynamical” model claims that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history.”
“The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent.”
The study came to the conclusion that there are two key social features that contributed to the collapse of every single advanced civilization from the past: “the stretching of resources due to the strain placed on the ecological carrying capacity”; and “the economic stratification of society into Elites [rich] and Masses (or “Commoners”) [poor]” These social phenomena have played “a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse,” in all such cases over “the last five thousand years.”
Even though our civilizations is at a very advanced technological stage, this does not necessarily mean that we are saved from imminent chaos. In the study we find that “Technological change can raise the efficiency of resource use, but it also tends to raise both per capita resource consumption and the scale of resource extraction, so that, absent policy effects, the increases in consumption often compensate for the increased efficiency of resource use.”
One of the best examples of advanced ancient civilizations disappearing can be found in Mesoamerica.
If we take a look at the ancient Maya who were an extremely advanced ancient civilization we find that several factors played a crucial role for this once great empire to crumble eventually. While most researchers would agree that Deforestation, Famine and Drought where some of the key components in the failure of the ancient Maya, we find a similar pattern in other civilizations, not only I the Americas, but around the globe.
Motesharrei and his colleagues conclude that under conditions “closely reflecting the reality of the world today… we find that collapse is difficult to avoid.” In the first of these scenarios, civilization:
“…. appears to be on a sustainable path for quite a long time, but even using an optimal depletion rate and starting with a very small number of Elites, the Elites eventually consume too much, resulting in a famine among Commoners that eventually causes the collapse of society. It is important to note that this Type-L collapse is due to an inequality-induced famine that causes a loss of workers, rather than a collapse of Nature.”
Filer’ Files #2 -2016 Space Battle Groups - PART I
UFO taken over Sac City Iowa on January 1, 2016
Filer’ Files #2 -2016 Space Battle Groups - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Hillary Clinton says “We’ll get the UFO Information Out,” Deep Space Warships, Admiral Byrd Warns of UFO Invasion, Manned Orbiting Laboratory, Jump Room to Mars, Mars Dams and Water Control,
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Chili, Guam, Ireland, Nigeria, Norway, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, England in the United Kingdom, and the Virgin Islands.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Projects
Hillary Clinton says, “We’ll get the UFO Information Out”
CONWAY— Daymond Steer writes, “Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave UFO enthusiasts a reason to cheer at the close of her recent editorial board meeting with The Conway Daily Sun.”
Reporter Daymond Steer asks Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for her stance on UFOs when she visited the Sun on Tuesday. (Margaret Mckenzie photo)During the meeting, answered serious questions about foreign policy and the economy, and at the end, she chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs the last time she visited.
She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic.“Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” said Clinton with enthusiasm.
Back in 2007, Clinton had said that the No. 1 topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received at his library was UFOs.
Last year, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn’t be surprised if aliens visit Earth since so many planets out there might support life. “I just hope it’s not like ‘Independence Day,'” said Clinton, referring to a movie about alien invaders. When asked about her husband’s nonchalant comment about contact with the third kind, Hillary Clinton responded: “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.” Clinton also said she would like to look into Area 51, a secret military base in Nevada that has long been rumored to contain aliens.At first, she called it Area 54 and then corrected herself.
But Bill Clinton told Kimmel that he had already looked into Area 51. He said everyone who works there has to stop about an hour away to put on special clothing. Clinton said Area 51 is where stealth technology is made. “There are no aliens there,” said Bill Clinton, adding at the anniversary of the supposed Roswell, N.M., crash in 1947, he released all the documents he could on the subject because he knew there would be popular demand. Kimmell had Bill Clinton promise that he would have announced the existence of aliens if he had found them. Hillary Clinton, while at the Sun, added that the chairman of her campaign, John Podesta, is a huge fan of UFO lore. Podesta served as chief of staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to the president for Barack Obama. “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Clinton. “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
Conaway Daily Sun – 12/30/15 Clinton Breaks Her Silence Website
This interview of Secretary Hilleary Clinton represents a breakthrough moment in American political history. Twenty three years after her husband’s administration was engaged by Laurance Rockefeller to release all “UFO” documents in government files and grant amnesty to government witnesses (the Rockefeller InitiativeWebsite ) It is essential to remember she had the option to speak off the record. Here is a breakdown of and background on this interview.
[Steer] During the meeting, the former first lady, chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs the last time she visited. She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic.
[Steer] “Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” said Clinton with enthusiasm.
This is a bold statement as the inevitable outcome of “getting to the bottom” on the issue would be Disclosure, which is to say Secretary Clinton would become the Disclosure president, assuming Disclosure has not already taken place.
[Steer] Back in 2007, Clinton had said that the No. 1 topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received at his library was UFOs.
Last year, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn’t be surprised if Earth is visited by aliens since so many planets out there might support life. “I just hope it’s not like ‘Independence Day,'” said Clinton, referring to a movie about alien invaders.
When asked about her husband’s nonchalant comment about contact with the third kind, Hillary Clinton
This is a remarkable statement. Secretary Clinton has just informed the Pentagon, which is quite aware of the Rockefeller Initiative and the Disclosure advocacy movement, she is heading their way if elected! [Steer] Kimmell had Bill Clinton promise that he would have announced the existence of aliens if he had found them.
Hillary Clinton, while at the Sun, added that the chairman of her campaign, John Podesta, is a huge fan of UFO lore. She said he enjoys a sc-ifi show on the FX network. Podesta served as chief of staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to the president for Barack Obama. By openly referring to Podesta in this context, she has linked her campaign to his recent twitter statements, his calls to release the UFO files, and ultimately his role in the Rockefeller Initiative. She also played a role. By doing this, she is making clear Podesta’s tweets were not jokes. This is important.
[Steer] “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Clinton. “One way or another, maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
This is very strong. Podesta was on the White House payroll as an advisor to Obama throughout 2014. This statement by Clinton would seem to again confirm the Podesta regret tweet Website was serious and indicates Podesta may have in fact advised Obama to seek the release of the UFO files to no avail. Was President Obama, as with President Carter, denied information by military/intelligence sources? If true, this would raise a significant constitutional question.
Secretary Clinton will be the messenger, and Barack Obama will be the Disclosure president. Note: I have sent her a copy of these files for years, but do not know if she reads them.
The McKinnon info validates the William Tompkins material and major parts of his story “Selected by Extraterrestrials” Everything is indeed becoming known.
Yahoo News reports, “According to a hacker who is facing a ten-year legal battle after breaking into NASA computers, the United States has a fully operational fleet of Space Warships.” Gary McKinnon firmly believes that he came across the ultimate information that proves the US has a secret space program operated by the Navy with fully operational warships that operate in Space.
In a new interview on UFO channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally reveals the entire truth about his findings saying: ‘I kept going for months and months. I kept thinking, ‘They’re going to close this door’. McKinnon said that he used a software called Landsearch, which allowed him to search all files and folders of interest to him. ‘I scanned and looked for documents, I found an Excel spreadsheet which said, ‘Non-terrestrial officers’,states McKinnon. ‘It had ranks and names. It had tabs for ‘material transfer’ between ships.
‘I took that to be, they must have a ships based in space – the names started with U.S.S.’
Gary McKinnon is accused of mounting the biggest ever hack in the history of the Unite3d States by breaking into the computers of the Army, Air force, Navy and NASA.
During his latest interview, McKinnon describes a conversation from a former NASA whistleblower Donna Hare, who had been told by a colleague that NASA was trying to hide delicate information by “airbrushing” UFOs from their photos.
“There was a colleague, who was in another room — they all had secret clearance but they were on different projects — and she (Hare) was in this chap’s lab or room or whatever it is and he said come and take a look at this,” said McKinnon.
While there are many people who firmly believe this is yet another elaborate hoax, there have been a series of former NASA and government employees who back up the claims made by McKinnon.
Structures on Mars
According to statements from a former Marine known as Captain Kaye, not only have humans made it to Mars in the past, but we have developed a secret space program and flotilla that operates in space. The former US Marine, was posted on the red planet for years and his mission was to protect the five human colonies from indigenous life forms on Mars. According to the former Marine, not only did he spend years on Mars, but he also served aboard a giant space carrier for three years. He worked for the Mars Defense Force (MDF), which is owned and operated by the Mars Colony Corporation (MCC), which is a conglomerate of financial institutions, government and tech companies. Kaye and his team were part of a special section of the United States Marines with a highly classified mission, protect and ensure the existence of five newly-established colonies on the surface of the red planet. The Space Defense Force, another secret military branch has military recruits from countries such as the United States, China and ‘.
Parts of the testimony from Captain Kaye are consistent with that of Michael Relfe, another whistleblower who claims to have served 20 years tour on the red planet.
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Eisenhower claims that efforts were made to recruit her onto a human colony on Mars, led by researcher Dr. Hal Puthoff. She was told during the recruitment effort directed at her in 2006-07 that she would go to Mars via the jump room or technically “ARC,” which stands for “aeronautical repositioning chamber.”
According to ‘Jackie’ while working as part of the team downloading telemetry from the Viking Lander on Mars, she saw a human foot on the surface of the red planet. a live feed from Mars. According to “Jackie”, there are humans on Mars, and we have been on the red planet for over 20 years. ‘Jackie’, and six other employees saw the exact same thing, suggesting this might be the evidence that proves that a secret space program did exist (or might even still). In an interview with Coast-to-Coast AM, Jackie talked about humans on Mars, something that has been discussed among other NASA employees for years.
On the Jeff Rense Radio Show William Tompkins on January 6-7, 2016, revealed that due to his excellent memory and model building skills he was assigned to Naval Intelligence working for Admiral Rick Abatta during World War II. According to Tompkins, his unit had a series of US Naval spies who returned from Germany who had discovered that the Germans were working on advanced wingless aircraft or types of discs apparently with the help of extraterrestrials. According to Tompkins, Adolph Hitler was working with Reptilian aliens and building early models of UFOs. The Reptilians had large caverns in Antarctica and numerous scientists were transferred to Antarctica to build advanced craft. The SS allowed a group of personnel to build UFOs in Germany and attempted to develop their own… Tompkins job was to take this information to various aviation companies, universities and research organizations. He often flew to Naval Development Center in Warminster, Maryland.
Tompkins explained, the Germans started in 1939, building and importing equipment into a massive cavern in Antarctica that was tied to extraterrestrial operations. They were building large transport submarines and anti gravitational UFOs. These craft allegedly flew Hitler and large numbers of Nazis to Argentina and Antarctica in the last stages of the war.
Operation Highjump was an operation designed to locate the Nazi base in the Antarctic that was organized by Rear Admiral Richard E Byrd Jr., USN. Byrd was the Officer in Charge of Task Force 68 that commenced on 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. The US Navy Officially admits Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. Tompkins claims the task force was actually much larger. Upon arriving at the polar continent, they reportedly split into three separate groups and began a massive reconnaissance operation. They apparently discovered the Nazi base, which had been established years earlier, complete with underground installations and code-named the ‘New Berlin’.
Tompkins claims the Task Force was attacked by UFOs with Nazi markings and several ships were sunk and most of the US aircraft destroyed by attacking UFOs.
Navy photos show a crashed PBM aircraft stating this aircraft with the call sign of ‘George 1’ mysteriously blew up killing three aviators.
After leaving Antarctica, Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the Polar Regions. When the Americans left, Byrd, after arriving home, reportedly began demanding that the government turn Antarctica into a nuclear test range. Byrd was sworn to secrecy and his diaries are sealed to this day.
William Tompkins further states, “That our planet has been a battleground for warring extraterrestrial cultures for thousands of years. The result has been wars, destruction and attempts to hinder our progress. Recently there has been a great spike in technical innovation due to help from friendly aliens. He believes that perhaps he and many other uniquely talented people have been gifted with skills that more closely reflect what human intelligence is capable of when not held back by outside forces. Regardless of your opinion of the UFO phenomenon, Mr. Tompkins has taken on this subject with energy and claims we have eight cylinder shaped craft 600 feet long carrying smaller fighting craft”.
He has done extensive research into extraterrestrials and unidentified flying objects. He is preparing a six-volume autobiographical study on the subject entitled “Selected by Extraterrestrials.”He states that our planet has been a battleground for warring extraterrestrial cultures for thousands of years. The result has been wars, destruction and attempts to hinder progress by some, but also recently, a great spike in technical innovation is due to help from others. Tomkins claims most of the Mars life is underground in various caverns. Some human’s ancestors are from other star systems.
After the war, some German scientists and their technology were brought to the US in Project Paperclip along with their advanced technology. He claims we were able to bring the Roswell alien craft down using an advanced technology.
Solar Warden
William Tomkins revealed US Navy has Battle Groups operating outside the Earth. He personally designed five space ships and thirty support ships. Using the latest technology, he designed different space ships for Northrop Aviation Company. Northrop started building the huge craft underground in Utah. These craft now cruise the solar system and fight against Reptilian craft. The battles with them are very short, but we need more battle groups as they are becoming stronger. The US works closely with the Nordic aliens who have similar craft. They apparently came from the Orion Constellation and influenced the building of the pyramids. A large moon size craft flies throughout the galaxy. The Reptilians attack various planets, take them over, and put the residents into slavery. The popularity of the Star Wars movie may be because the public understands the story is close to the truth being withheld from the public.
Tompkins secretary at Douglas Aviation was a Nordic who was very beautiful and gave us advanced technology.
Tomkins claims we are now building even better Battle Groups. The Apollo moon landings were also designed to build a base on the moon. We now have bases on the moon along with bases on Mars and Jupiter’s moons. The rovers are expensive cover-ups and it is time to tell the public the truth. He has been cleared by the Navy to reveal this information. TRW was part of the group with unlimited money to build these advanced craft. We do know Tomkins worked for the right companies and was inside special units where advanced designs were produced. At age 92 he chooses to reveal the projects he was working on.Website
Manned Orbiting Laboratory
A newly released treasure trove of historical data by the US Government reveals intriguing details about a secret Cold War project known as the Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL).
The U.S. Air Force’s MOL program ran from December 1963 until its cancellation in June 1969. The program spent $1.56 billion during that time, according to some estimates.
While the program never actually lofted a crewed space station, those nearly six years were quite eventful, featuring the selection of 17 MOL astronauts, the remodeling of NASA’s two-seat Gemini spacecraft, the development of the Titan-3C launch vehicle and the building of an MOL launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. MOL, which would have zipped around Earth in a polar orbit, pioneered complex human interaction with an automated film camera system. It would have made it far better than it could be done strictly as an automated system.
The MOL film camera was going to be so precise, General Abrahamson said, “It could have photographed Soviet airfields or snagged imagery of aircraft flight tests and the testing of specialized munitions. Thanks to Spacecom.
Mars Dams and Water Control
39 S 166 W 100 on Mars. Extreme water shortage may have required the Martians to build dams and methods of collecting the water and erosion control. Underground Water appears to seeping in from the sides of a crater or valley. Thanks to NASA
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’ Files #2 -2016 Space Battle Groups - PArt II
Filer’ Files #2 -2016 Space Battle Groups - PArt II
Sightings in the United States
Alabama Cylinder
Pinson– On January 1, 2016, I was taking the dog out at 7:19 pm, and noticed an inverted triangle in the southern sky, 25 degrees above the horizon towards Birmingham.
The lights were much larger and brighter than any stars. The color of each light was also different from a star, either a yellow/orange or orange. Initially I believed it could possibly be some type of lanterns but they stayed in that same tight triangle formation without wavering (as the lights were connected). The triangle formation was rotating clockwise with the left light moving further away. Three lights moved VERY slowly east, with all corners staying at a consistent distance,
The sighting lasted roughly four minutes disappearing behind some fast moving clouds. My wife, mother, and daughter also witnessed this. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Orb
Eureka — I arrived at the Pacific Outfitters and saw a double rainbow, and took two consecutive photos of a rainbow. I reviewed the photos when I got home and noticed in the first live photo that when it played something black moving very fast flew through the rainbow descending at about a 45-degree angle. The object was not in the next photo that I can tell. The video only plays on my iPhone 6 as a live photo. I do not know how to export it so that others can see the object move. If you look in between the two palm trees to the right and follow the space between them up to the rainbow, you will see the object streak through the rainbow. Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Colorado Disc
Bucaramanga – We drove on Bucaramanga Road to observe a light that was dawning in the Chicamocha Canyon on October 25, 2015.
I took out my phone and when I saw it began to rise, I did not see it anymore.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
On July 17, 2016, I called my wife and daughter to come see what they did.
The lights flew north until trees and a building blocked my site.
The exact date is not certain.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Orlando — The following event took place at night over Disney World. I noticed some silent red glowing lights that were able to change in number, orientation and even appeared to merge on April 1, 2013. The pattern of lights consisted of 1 to 4 separate but equal sized lights. The lights were able to hover and were obviously under intelligent control. I photographed the light objects with a H5 Sony Camera. Much to my surprise, there was also a clear outline of what appeared to be a craft with a propulsion system emitting white energy or light. There were other strange objects in the digital image that was some sort of electrical loops of dancing energy. These energy loops were in different colors and visible on both sides of the craft and the red light objects. The craft and red lights remained in sharp focus. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iowa Fuzzy
Sac City— I looked out the kitchen window to see if the moon was visible on January 1, 2016. I could clearly see what was less than a half moon and a bright group of rays and orbs. I grabbed my IPhone and took a couple pictures but they were fuzzy. These pictures were shot with my Canon-EOS-70D with zoom lens. When I first saw it, I saw it moving and it was something totally different! This object had very bright glowing lights, which seem to hover and fall. A collection of orbs illuminated it. At first, I thought it was chevron shaped but then as it moved it looked very different. I ran upstairs to wake my husband but it disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Lights
Turner — My friend and I was leaving Turner to go back home on December 25, 2015, when we were viewing Christmas Lights took a video of it. Recording the lights, I noticed lights on ground that we could not see with the naked eye. About five and a half minutes into recording my friend said, “Look at that thing on the mountain it’s huge.” The UFO came into view of my camera and it was an amazing sight to see on Christmas night. The ufo blinked out after a few seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Flying Object
Holyoke— On January 1, 2016, driving on the highway between Vermont and Massachusetts, I saw and object hovering and took a quick video and pictures.
I saw an object hovering over my car on the highway and took videos and pictures and then it disappeared.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Light
Eagan – It came down through clouds and then back up on December 31, 2015.
I have photographed something by accident, I think.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Sphere
Rio Rancho – I was at home when I went to the backyard to take a photo of the overnight snowfall that ended at around 8:00 am, on December 27, 2015. After downloading the photo to the computer, I notice the object in the top center of the photo. I thought that it might have been a water drop but there was no moisture on the camera and the temperature was twenty-five degrees Celsius outside.
I showed the photo to a coworker that follows UFO sightings and he asked me to submit it to MUFON. I have no idea what the object is.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Lights
Carolina Beach — I was playing computer games on January 6, 2015, during the time of the event. The lights got my attention because they were pulsating, amber-red-orange colored and unlike a typical fishing boat that would be seen on the water. The photo was taken, between the hours of 2-3 AM. The red-amber colored lights blinked off and on all night long until the sun came up.
Note: This picture was taken on a tripod, as well as, time exposed due to nighttime visibility. The lights appeared separated but followed a sequencing of left to right and then right to left repeatedly until the sun came up. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Orb
Ashland — I was at work time was close to 9 pm, I had walked out back for a quick break on January 2, 2016. I noticed a formation of two planes flying in formation very close to one another. Their elevation was high and took out my phone to zoom in and see better. I happened to notice something dark over a building in the direction of the/planes path. I snapped a few photos and was amazed to see something strange in the photo. I don’t know what the object is. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as it was danced in the sky erratically. After 15 seconds of recording in a flash of light, it shot off and up into the sky.. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Orb
Eugene – On New Year’s Eve on December 31, 2015, I was looking west out our front window towards the EUG airport. It was over the ‘Wetlands area,’ a preserved site critical for bird migration.
I saw birds and I could see the white tail feathers and head of something. I called my wife to have a look and got a photo eagles coming towards us. Later that same day, my wife spotted two eagles approaching from the west and I managed to capture a pair of eagles as they flew towards us. I used my (Nikon D3000 camera), and noticed a white sphere in the upper left in one photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Orb
Yeim– A light moved east during fireworks and then disappeared on January 1, 2016, at 12:15 AM.
I grabbed my cellphone camera and took a video.
The light eventually disappeared and then reappeared. The drunken person in the video was not me.
I finally got something on video wow Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Orb
Sydney— On our way back from coffee, we noticed chemtrails being conducted in a cross over pattern on December 15, 2015. I took a photo of the plane in action as it was undertaking the second trail. We walked back to our house and took two more photos. When I revised the photo, I spotted an orb of silver/metallic appearance with six bright lights clearly visible upon the surface of the orb. The lights are clearly distinct once uploaded to my pc. With the second lot of photos, the orb is in a different location. The orb is not visible and returns in the third photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Orb
Kelowna — I went out on my balcony to have a cigarette while talking on the phone on August 2, 2014; I observed this glowing orb moving in a way an airplane could travel. It flew behind ridges and in front of them. It hovered and flew quickly as it changed color on the opposing side. I tried to use my phone to capture pictures but was unable to focus on the object; I did get a short video of the object before it winked out of existence. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Guam Light
Yigo– I woke up around 5 am and went outside where I saw a bright light, almost like headlight beams on January 1, 2016. I thought nothing of it until about 10 minutes passed and it seemed like it was heading straight up and disappeared. Then descended leveling off and hovering, and It then repeated this maneuvering several time.
Around seven, I went back outside and the object wasn’t as bright, seemed higher in the sky, and eventually faded out. It was yellowish and had a flashing red light.
The following day I went out at 5 am and saw it again with brighter red and green flashing lights. Around 6:40 AM, I with back outside and the object was still stationary but not as bright. After filming, I noticed it was a hovering disk shaped… Thanks to MUFON CMS
Chili Underwater Rod
Serena– This is a drone recording with P3P DUI arraying industry on the Serena coast of an unidentified object underwater. The object in the video is possibly a rod type UFO.
At the time, filming there was algae on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It moved very fast, was long without wings… She was amazed, but this is not the first time she saw something unfamiliar, previously have had UFO sightings but could not catch them. The object moves out to sea and is lost. Thanks to Slds Agustin
Ireland Lights
Sligo – I was making tea after the movie and saw a huge light in the sky on November 11, 2015, where normally is nothing. It was an unknown object so I took out my digital camera and photographed the light.
It hovered glowing for over one hour and then disappeared. I could see the inner structure and a ring around the object was giving off a lot of light.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nigeria UFO
Ifot Favou Johnnie writes, “It was said that at about days after Easter of 2014 in a town in Akwa-Ibom State, that an unidentified object came from the sky while the rain was falling at about 21:00 hours. The object came as a lighted object from the other part of the village in a ship like form and with high sense of light. It entered a house around the village and all the light bulbs exploded. These object passed through a Banana tree, Coconut tree and a Pear tree. In the morning, it was found out that the trees were all decayed and dead. The unidentified object traveled down to the earth and the point where it entered the ground..The soil was very soft the next day. I think that this object needs to be examined to determine what it really is”. Thanks Reporter Johnnie Ifot and Steve Iniobong Mfon.
Norway UFO
Hessdalen –This ufo was caught by Streetcap1 onn Live Cam on December 31, 2015. ufos have been seen for the last few decades, so much so that some people put up live cams just to watch them. The world government knows about the alien craft here and an underground base in this location and aliens coming and going.
They do what they want. They probably have had this underground base for thousands of years. In reality, we are new on this planet, but aliens have been here for eons. Website Scott C. Website
Streetcap1 of Youtube states: “Hessdalen is a very remote area in Norway with a long history of ufo sightings. I noticed slight flashing so started recording. The orb was a huge surprise. Its speed over the terrain appears very rapid and it disappears into thin air toward flashing light in the top right of picture frame.”
Puerto Rico Light
Old San Juan — I was driving home from work on November 27, 2015, and looked up to see this planet-sized very bright white “orb” in the day sky. The sun was east in the sky and as seen by the photos, this object is not characteristic of the moon. I sat in the car taking various photos. This object hovered as I drove home and uploaded the pics to Facebook.
A few months later, I grew curious as to what I saw so I go0gled UFO sightings July 29, 2015. To my surprise, there were sightings in Japan and Honolulu on this same date.
I would like to know what I saw.
Thanks to MUFON
Switzerland Vortex
Geneva– TheUFO enters vortex above the CERN Hadron Collider. You can hear and see a huge vortex rapidly forming in this video and then a UFO flying into it.
The UFO white orb moves up toward center of the apparent vortex forming in the sky.
Speculation indicates some UFOs use a vortex to travel from one planet to another.
The vortex theoretically allows a craft to travel between planets in a few hours, even though it might take months in normal space travel from point to point.
CLICK HERE to watch a 1:53 minute video of a huge and fast-forming vortex on the December 7, 2015. The second act shows a UFO entering the center of the vortex and vanishing. The UFO appears to open a portal to another time or dimension through which the UFO could travel. The CERN Hadron Collider is theworld’s largest machine and the most powerful particle collider ever built with a circumference of 17 miles. Website Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK England UFO
I sat in my mother’s hospital room and saw a rainbow on the mountain opposite her room on February 27, 2015. I took four pictures about two seconds apart. When I got home and uploaded the pics on the third one was an object I’m sending you.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virgin Islands
Several pictures were being taken from the stern of the Holland America Yesterday cruise ship on December 30, 2015. The ship had docked and our stateroom was at the stern of the ship in the middle. A galaxy edge was being used to photograph the area around the ship without incident. Several pictures of a similar shot were taken, until we were reviewing the pictures, did we observe a green ball with knobs around it and a green haze. It was only present in one picture. This photograph was taken from the balcony of the ship. We have never seen anything like it in the hundreds of shots we have taken with the camera. We showed the picture to some of the crew who said they too thought it looked like an orb. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
The Anthropocene: Hard evidence for a human-driven Earth
The Anthropocene: Hard evidence for a human-driven Earth
The evidence for a new geological epoch which marks the impact of human activity on Earth is now overwhelming according to a recent paper by an international group of geoscientists. The Anthropocene, which is argued to start in the mid-20th Century, is marked by the spread of materials such as aluminium, concrete, plastic, fly ash and fallout from nuclear testing across the planet, coincident with elevated greenhouse gas emissions and unprecedented trans-global species invasions. An international group of scientists is studying whether human activity has driven Earth into a new geological epoch -- the Anthropocene. They ask: to what extent are human actions recorded as measurable signals in geological strata, and is the Anthropocene world markedly different from the stable Holocene Epoch of the last 11,700 years that allowed human civilization to develop?
The Holocene Epoch has been a time during which human societies advanced by gradually domesticating the land to increase food production, built urban settlements and became proficient at developing the water, mineral and energy resources of the planet. The proposed Anthropocene Epoch, however, is marked as a time of rapid environmental change brought on by the impact of a surge in human population and increased consumption during the 'Great Acceleration' of the mid-20th century.
Dr Colin Waters of the British Geological Survey said: "Humans have long affected the environment, but recently there has been a rapid global spread of novel materials including aluminium, concrete and plastics, which are leaving their mark in sediments. Fossil-fuel combustion has dispersed fly ash particles worldwide, pretty well coincident with the peak distribution of the 'bomb spike' of radionuclides generated by atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons." "All of this shows that there is an underlying reality to the Anthropocene concept," commented Jan Zalasiewicz of the University of Leicester, a co-author and working group Chair.
The study, co-authored by 24 members of the Anthropocene Working Group, shows that humans have changed the Earth system sufficiently to produce a range of signals in sediments and ice, and these are sufficiently distinctive to justify recognition of an Anthropocene Epoch in the Geological Time Scale. In 2016 the Anthropocene Working Group will gather more evidence on the Anthropocene, which will help inform recommendations on whether this new time unit should be formalized and, if so, how it might be defined and characterized.
A number of UK members of the group have contributed to this study, Colin Waters (lead author and Secretary of the group) and Michael Ellis, both from the British Geological Survey, Jan Zalasiewicz, Mark Williams and Matt Edgeworth from Leicester University and Colin Summerhayes from Cambridge University have provided significant input to this study and maintain the UK's strong involvement in research into the Anthropocene concept.
Reference: Colin N. Waters, Jan Zalasiewicz, Colin Summerhayes, Anthony D. Barnosky, Clément Poirier, Agnieszka Gałuszka, Alejandro Cearreta, Matt Edgeworth, Erle C. Ellis, Michael Ellis, Catherine Jeandel, Reinhold Leinfelder, J. R. McNeill, Daniel deB. Richter, Will Steffen, James Syvitski, Davor Vidas, Michael Wagreich, Mark Williams, An Zhisheng, Jacques Grinevald, Eric Odada, Naomi Oreskes, and Alexander P. Wolfe. The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene. Science, 2016: 351 (6269) DOI: 10.1126/science.aad2622
In een stad in het oosten van Rusland verschenen opeens mysterieuze lichtstralen vanuit de hemel.
Een deel van inwoners schrok zo erg dat ze in hun auto sprongen en wegvluchtten omdat ze dachten dat de buitenaardse invasie was begonnen.
Enkele dagen geleden schreven wij een artikel over hoe het lijkt alsof de wereld reageert op de komst van het Nibiru mini zonnestelsel.
Dit door middel van vreemde lichtstralen die vanaf de hemel naar bepaalde specifieke punten op aarde wijzen.
De stralen wijzen dan soms naar hele bijzondere lokaties zoals vulkanen of piramides van duizenden jaren oud.
Ook in de hemel boven Oslo deden zich afgelopen week vreemde verschijnselen voor zoals te zien in de navolgende video.
Ook hier lichtstralen die de hemel in wijzen. Echter, hier schijnt volgens meteorologen een verklaring voor te zijn.
Zo zegt meteoroloog Trond Robertsen dat deze vreemde lichtstralen in dit geval worden gevormd door een unieke combinatie van een zeer lage temperatuur, ijskristallen en de lichten van de stad.
De volgende opname is een zogenaamde “timelapse” opname van dit fenomeen.
Nu komen koude luchten, ijskristallen en stadslichten vaker voor in Noorwegen, dus op zich is het dan wel weer vreemd dat Robertsen zegt dat hij dit zelf in zijn hele leven nog nooit heeft gezien.
Of het inderdaad ijskristallen zijn zoals Roberts zegt, of misschien toch iets anders, weten wij niet, maar het zijn wel prachtige beelden.
Ook hier veelkleurige vreemde lichten die naar de hemel wezen.
Ook hier wordt ongeveer dezelfde verklaring gegeven als in Oslo, ijskristallen.
Alleen de bevolking van Birobidzhan zag dit alles wel even iets anders toen het gebeurde. Velen waren er van overtuigd dat de buitenaardse invasie was begonnen, sprongen in hun auto en vluchtten weg.
Ook voor deze stad geldt een beetje hetzelfde als voor de meteoroloog uit Oslo. Ook in Birobidzhan zijn ze gewend aan lage temperaturen, ijskristallen en lichten van de stad.
Klaarblijkelijk is het dan een dermate zeldzaam verschijnsel dat wanneer het dan gebeurt mensen wegvluchten omdat ze denken dat de buitenaardse invasie is begonnen.
Of, misschien is het toch iets anders.
In de Australische stad Canberra heeft men dan geen last van lage temperaturen, ijskristallen en dat soort dingen, maar wel ook iets heel vreemds in de lucht.
Het is 3 januari ’s nachts wanneer er bliksemflitsen zichtbaar zijn in de lucht. Dan ineens lijkt het alsof er een enorm gat in de hemel ontstaat, waarbij het zelfs even lijkt alsof het daglicht is.
Zoals te zien is in de volgende twee foto’s.
Ook hier heeft een lokale iemand, een astronoom genaamd Brad Tucker, een verklaring voor. Het zou hier gaan om bolbliksem.
Voor ons lijkt het verdacht veel op de dimensieportalen zoals die overal ter wereld worden waargenomen. Een fenomeen waar ook dikwijls bliksem bij wordt gemeld en/of een aantal UFO’s. De UFO’s ontbreken in dit geval, maar bliksem is er des te meer.
Omdat we in onze luchten waarschijnlijk te maken hebben met een combinatie van werkelijk onverklaarbare verschijnselen zoals de lichtstralen vanuit de piramides en misschien zeldzame, maar wel verklaarbare natuurverschijnselen, is het zaak om alert te blijven.
UFOs Shoot Past Passenger Jet Over Manchester, England On Sept 19, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFOs Shoot Past Passenger Jet Over Manchester, England On Sept 19, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sep 19, 2015 Location of sighting: Manchester, England News source: These UFOs are difficult to make out due to their speed and a contrail they leave behind. There is at least three of them and they are moving with a swaying moment, much like a fish has as it moves. The movement is and strong indication that these are AI alien drones. More proof that radar needs to be updated and made more powerful. Scott C. Waring News states: This footage shows a 'UFO' in the skies above Manchester – but we’re pretty confident it’s not proof of extraterrestrial life. The clip was taken by a holiday-maker as he took off from the city’s airport, and shows unusual white lines streaming through the air. It was uploaded to YouTube earlier this week by David Ball, from Chorlton, who was searching for answers from the public about what the unidentified flying object could be. He said: “I took the footage in September while I was on my way with my family to Mallorca. But I didn’t look at it for months. "Then when I came to look back at it I saw that there was a strange thing flying in the sky next to the plane after we took to the air. “I don’t personally think it is aliens, I don’t believe in them. But I do think it is a mystery that I was hoping someone might help me solve.” Under the username dmb9 David, a 38-year-old logistics manager, posts a number of videos showing unusual phenomenon to his YouTube channel. He added: “I always have phone in my hand and film things. You never know when you might see something unusual or something weird might happen. "On my channel there’s videos which could be ghosts and other things like that – the paranormal or mysterious occurrences. “I only uploaded the UFO clip this week but so far no one has come forward to say what it could be – hopefully now it can be explained.”
Ancient Extinction Revealed: Atlantis, Göbekli Tepe & Mysteries of the Gods with Graham Hancock, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Ancient Extinction Revealed: Atlantis, Göbekli Tepe & Mysteries of the Gods with Graham Hancock, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of interview: Nov 25, 2015 Person interviewed: Graham Hancock, Author of Magicians of the Gods Graham on Facebook: I have long believed that there were some ancient alien cultures that influenced humanities quick technological and biological evolution. Graham Hancock really knows his subject here as he ties in the pattern from around the globe to find one commonality that unites them. Scott C. Waring News states: An ancient extinction event that wiped out Atlantis more advanced societies 12,000 years ago is illuminated with author Graham Hancock. From the megalithic structures at Göbekli Tepe and Gunung Padang, to the buried ancient power centers that are hiding a history that archaeologists are unwilling to acknowledge--the MAGICIANS OF THE GODS author fills in a blank space in human understanding. The Younger Dryas climate change catastrophe that was caused by meteoric impacts, and the lost golden age of man is explored on this uncensored Antidote hosted by Michael Parker.
GUEST BIO: Graham Hancock is the widely read author of “Magicians of the Gods,” “Fingerprints of the Gods,” “The Message of the Sphinx,” “Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization,” and the “War God” series. Previous to authoring books, Hancock was an East Africa correspondent of the Economist.
Stephenville UFO Is Seen Again Over Davis Mountains In Texas, Dec 29, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Stephenville UFO Is Seen Again Over Davis Mountains In Texas, Dec 29, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 29, 2015 Location of sighting: Davis Mountains, Texas, USA Source:MUFON #73714 This rectangle UFO tried to blend into the sky by making itself white, but honestly, it didn't fool anyone. The shape is similar to the UFO that was recorded on radar flying over the Bush ranch in 2008. Speaking of which, Pres Bush was a well known military pilot and I believe the chances are that he was piloting the UFO over his ranch personally. Its shape and size (about 300 meters) match. This is the same UFO. It is my belief that this craft is a secret USAF project, created with tech from Area S4. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: On Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015 while on a vacation in the Davis Mountains region of Texas, we had to drive from Ft. Davis to Alpine to get a new tire. Once completed we decided we'd just drive over to Marfa, TX to see what was there and then make the loop back to Ft. Davis. This was somewhere around 10-11am CST. On that drive west from Alpine to Marfa, at about 10 miles from Marfa, my wife and I noticed a white rectangular or perhaps trapezoidal shape in the distance to the west. I first thought we were seeing something reflecting off the distant mountains, but as we got closer it was apparent it was up in the sky. It appeared to just be up there. As we were driving, I could not tell that it was moving at all. Just hung there in the distance. My wife thought it must be a weather balloon, but I said it was too rectangular for that and it didn't appear to move up or down. It was just a very odd sight. And I have to admit, being in the area of the famous Marfa Lights didn't help any.
In the screenshots below here I applied filters to allow us to see it more clearly. SCW
UFO Caught During New Years Night Full Moon Over England, Video, Jan 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Caught During New Years Night Full Moon Over England, Video, Jan 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 1, 2016 Location of sighting: Liverpool, England Source: This object is flying close for it to be so large against the moon. Probably in Earths orbit or lower. The UFO has three congruent sides and if moving at about the same speed a jet would be moving. This looks like another space station, but its not the ISS for sure, wrong shape. The first UFO catch of 2016. Scott C. Waring News states: When a St Helens-based painter and director pointed his camera to the sky to capture the first moon of 2016 he unwittingly videoed an Unidentified Flying Object passing over it. Mike Dean, 43, had climbed up to the top of Billinge Hill to film the New Year’s Eve fireworks at midnight. When they finished he left his Sony camera pointing at the moon for a few minutes while he had a beer with mates who had joined him up the hill. The group of friends then headed back to Mike’s house to watch the firework footage - only to spot a quite unexpected mysterious object passing over the moon at 12.20am. Mike said: “I was very surprised as I was only meaning to shoot the first New Year’s moon,” Mike told the ECHO. “It got me and my friends talking. We kept rewinding it and debating what it was.” Mike, who does not believe in aliens, thinks the UFO is a satellite - although some of his friends aren’t too sure. He said: “I don’t think it’s an alien but it’s still a mystery - an unexplained thing in my camera. I don’t think it’s a plane because they often have flashing lights and leave a vapour. This object looks like it’s out of the atmosphere.” More at source.
Video of 'UFO' getting struck by lightning in Austria goes viral - but is it a hoax?
Video of 'UFO' getting struck by lightning in Austria goes viral - but is it a hoax?
Austrian weather forecasters Ubimet said there was no lightning in the area at the time that the video was apparently recorded
A screenshot from the video that claims to show a genuine UFO sighting Marie Mela/Facebook
A video that apparently shows a UFO getting struck by lightning during a New Year's Eve celebration in Austria has gone viral online.
The video, apparently filmed by student Marie Mela in the Mostviertel area of Lower Austria, has been spread far and wide across the internet since it was posted on 1 January, and has cropped up on YouTube and a number of UFO-related pages since.
It starts fairly innocently, showing a group of young people ringing in the New Year with dancing, drinks and fireworks.
As the camera pans up to follow one rocket, we see a strange, brightly glowing orb in the sky, which appears to get struck by lightning. The camera pans down again, and we get a glimpse of the shocked faces of the crowd, who are questioning what they have just seen.
Unfortunately, it's safe to assume it's not real - from the artificial-looking camera shake, the split-second sudden appearance of the 'UFO' and the melodramatically shocked faces of the video's stars, it bears all the hallmarks of a hoax.
Former Canadian defence secretary Paul Hellyer calls on governments to
Local newspaperKurierlooked into the video, and asked for the opinion of Roland Reiter, a meteorologist for Austrian weather forecasting company Ubimet, which claims to have Austria's largest and most sophisticated lightning detection service.
Reiter told the paper: "We have seen the video, and we checked the weather conditions at the time - there was no lightning in the area."
The fact that Mela is also a student of Media and Communications at the prestigious University of Vienna also suggests that the UFO video isn't all that it claims to be - perhaps it's part of an experiment to show how far false information can spread online?
It's disappointing news for conspiracy theorists and alien fans, but good news for Mela and her grades - at the time of writing, the video has now been viewed almost 100,000 times in just under a week on Facebook alone.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Switzerland: UFO On Camera Enters Swirling Portal Over LHC
Switzerland: UFO On Camera Enters Swirling Portal Over LHC
Many has feared that the secret Large Hadron Collider may someday create a black hole accidentally that would swallow the Earth or give access to another dimension wherein aliens, or evil entity would emerge.
Now, something unusual has happened at the major scientific installation. A YouTube video shows swirling holes above the CERN’s massive scientific experiment.
The video’s authenticity convinces not all viewers, and many are more impressed with the CGI computer skills that resulted in producing excellent video.
The footage shows a swirling whirlpool of clouds in the sky before a UFO appears to fly into the centre of it. YouTube channel Section 51 2 posted the clip with a title “UFO entering Interdimensional Portal over Geneva SWITZERLAND.” It claims that two US tourists filmed it last month. While some viewers are convinced it is real, several others believe special effects or CGI are used.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) operates the LCH, a big network of intricate tunnels under the ground of the French border. CERN gets physicists to discover how everything in the universe started. Those physicists collide atoms together at high speed in hopes to see the smallest possible version and answer their question.
The same YouTube channel posted a video titled “New Huge phenomenon observed over Geneva – Cern area September 28.” The earlier video showed swirling clouds and an explosive lightning display.
Many people commented that it was just a powerful thunderstorm that had been manipulated digitally.
VIDEO: Astro-photographers film ‘super-fast’ UFO hurtling over Darwin
VIDEO: Astro-photographers film ‘super-fast’ UFO hurtling over Darwin
A LIGHT caught hurtling through the night sky on a dash-camera just south of Darwin has baffled a husband and wife who are quite familiar with the starry skies.
Astro-photographers Paul and Sylvia Mayo were left mystified after they captured the strange phenomenon on the dash camera when they pulled out of a petrol station near Berrimah.
At the time they thought nothing about it but, when Mr Mayo was going back through his computer files, he stumbled across the bizarre light going at an astonishing speed parallel to the horizon through the night sky.
“We were leaving the Caltex service station at Berrimah in Darwin NT when our dash-cam captured a super fast object moving through the sky - is it a UFO?” A screen grab from the video: Picture: Astro-photographers: Paul and Sylvia Mayo.
“We’re switched on people, we have long careers in IT,” Mr Mayo said
“But this video, I cannot explain it.
The still with the brightness and contrast increased: Picture: Astro-photographers: Paul and Sylvia Mayo.
“I’m baffled, and I’m not usually baffled by anything.
(Copyright 2015, Chris Holly - All Rights Reserved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>
A paranormal researcher friend of mine contacted me about my past interviews with people who have encountered unexplained lost time abduction experiences He told me he knew a man who suffered from a lifetime of strange lost time events and thought it may be good for him if to him to talk with me so he would understand he was not alone in this strange unknown of lost time experiences. .
My friend told me the man had been enduring extreme events of high strangenesssince he was a small child. He did not enjoy talking about them due to the reaction of most people including those who investigate or write about them. Luckily, my friend was able to convince him to talk to me about what he was going through.
I met with Brian. He is a tall attractive man in his mid 40's. He is well-spoken and friendly. He lives in a small town in the Pacific North West of the United States with his wife and 4 children. He does not often talk about the odd events that take place in his life, but after telling him about others I have written about (like him) he was willing to tell me part of what he has endured over the last 40 years.
Brian's Ordeal
Brian's ordeal began when he was a child about four years of age. He was living with his family in a small sleepy New England town at the time.. He recalls waking up in the middle of the night screaming and frozen in this bed, unable to get up to run to his family for help. He recalls the terror of this so strongly that it has stayed with him his entire life.
The events always occurred at night when his mother was working a night shift and he and his siblings were alone at home with his father. He recalls that his father admitted he could hear his son screaming for help on occasion yet when his father tried to move to help him, he found he was not able to move from where he was as he suffered a strange paralyzed sensation, and could not help Brian because he could not move. His father would remain paralyzed during these encounters unable to move his arms or legs .
When he could finally rise, he would run into the room only to find Brian alone terrified and crying. These encounters remained a family mystery as they never did understand what was happening to them during those strange night time events. Brian would scream for help and his father would not be able to move his body, which would be frozen in a strange state. The family felt the encounters only lasted for a few minutes, but they were never really sure about anything that took place during the strange events.
Brian's life continued on as a typical little boy on all other levels beyond the strange events at night. That is until he was in his 8th year. He has a clear memory of an incident that happened to him when he was 8 years old.
He was alone in his room playing when a very tall (at least 7-foot tall) being entered his room. The strange creature was more of a shadow-like being as Brian cannot recall it having any clear features other than wearing a robe type garment.
The being had light behind and around it. Brian will never forget the crippling fear that he felt as this being came towards him while he sat playing in his room. He recalls the fear was so overpowering he was not able to yell or move. He only remembers up to this point and has no memory at all of how the encounter ended. The fear he felt during this encounter was so horrific that he can still feel it to this day. He told me he thought his heart was going to pound out of his chest, he was so terrified at the being standing before him. He does not recall anything else from that point on.
Brian lived his childhood and teens in constant fear of having one of these ongoing strange encounters. He often experienced the feel of a rush of wind pass over him leaving the sound of being in a wind tunnel in his ears. During this stage of his life, he would also suffer from a pounding vibration in the front of his head. During these experiences he can recall being touched by hands on his wrists, and eyes. He could recall the sensation of floating during these episodes, and of being trapped in a dimly lit environment. He would feel extreme fear after one of these events occurred, one which would last with him for a very long time.
Life was not secure or happy for Brain as a child...
despite the strangeness of his childhood, Brian grew up and went about his life as"normally" as he could. He joined the military, and went about the business of becoming and being a soldier. His life seemed to remain on the road of normal as he went about the work of his military service. He was discharged after his enlistment ended, and he returned to the ranks of civilian life.
After the military tour, he married and quickly had four children. He had difficulty holding jobs and found he had to move his family often due to his need to constantly change jobs, which was becoming the ongoing way of Brian's family's life.
He also found that he was having strange lost time events that were causing him terrible problems with his wife and employers. Brian would go out to buy milk, or to do an errand for a boss andhe'd be gone for hours instead of the short time the task actually would ordinarily take to do. He told me that he would start out going about the business of what ever it was he set out to do and end up waking up as if he had taken a nap in a strange place a few hours later with no recall at all how or why any of it happened. He thought he was having extreme mental issues, which terrified him and had no answers for his odd disappearance. These events did not take place often but did occur enough to cost him two jobs.
Brian also was aware that, after these strange experiences, he would suffer a few weeks of illness with stomach issues that also made it difficult for him to hold a long term job. His stomach issues became more serious with each event until he ended up in the hospital dealing with them.
His marriage was also suffering from the strangeness in his life. He was barely able to support his family and was ill to the point, with odd health problems, that he was not able to be much of a father to his children either. One ordeal really damaged his marriage when Brian went to do a fast errand to buy milk and bread before dinner for his family and did not return for two days. He could not recall at all what had happened or where he had been. All he knows is that he set out in his car for the market a few miles from his home, but woke up two days later to find he was sitting on the town Library steps. He was just sitting there. He came around confused and feeling sick as if he had the flu.
At first, he had no idea where he was. He was disoriented, ill and worst of all wearing clothes that were not his. He had no idea where he had been or what had happened to him since he had left his house two days prior or how he ended up wearing someone else's clothes right down to the shoes!
Brian began to panic as he was afraid he was having a mental breakdown of some kind and went to a nearby hospital for help.
At the Hospital ...
Brian told them what had occurred and they admitted him for observation. They helped him with his flu-like symptoms. However, they found nothing else wrong with him and released him. They told him his ordeal may have been due to stress. Brian knew differently, but had no idea where to go for help .
Brian simply tried to pulled himself back, "into life," and hoped against hope that nothing like this lost time event would ever happen to him again.
This event did however have distinct differences from the others in his past. Forone thing, the "lost time" was obviously muchlonger, but this time Briandidhave some residual memory of other beings around him.
He had flashes of memory of a woman who was with him for part of the ordeal, as well as, creatures he could only describe as part human, andpart something else, that he thought may have been examining him and the woman in a small room with silver walls that seemed to be made of light, unlike any walls he had ever seen before. He also was able to locate his car about 6 miles outside of his small town parked behind an old warehouse. The car had burn marks on its hood and trunk. A pen and a cheap Bic lighter that was left on the dashboard had been melted into a pile onto the dashboard and the car had a nasty odor
Black and Blue Bruises - A Sign of Sexual Abuse?
Shortly after this event occurred, Brian was home with wife and kids when he decided to take a shower before going to bed. His wife was in the bedroom when he entered after his shower to get ready for bed. His wife took one look at him and started to yell at him in a rage .
Brian had no idea what had set her off as she blew up at him and started to accuse him of cheating on her. She pointed at his private parts and demanded to know how he became so black and blue and bruised?
He looked in the mirror only to discover that he was, indeed, covered in bruises and realized he had been sore and uncomfortable in that area for a few days. He thought little of it until he viewed the extent of the black and blue contusions around his groin area.
Although his wife knew that he was the victim of something beyond his control she became frightened for her children, and for her own safety. So, his wife packed up the children and moved across the country to live with her parents, leaving him broken, and with a feeling of total helplessness in his situation.
The above story, recounted by Brian, was the last contact that I had with this man, and that was about five years ago.
Then, I was contacted by the man who introduced me to Brian. He told me that Brian continued to suffer from stomach issues and he continued to have problems keeping jobs due to his occasional lost time events. His friend also told me that Brian was able to recall more about the strange beings that were taking him and told my "paranormal friend" that he knew they were draining him, but could only remember what they looked like, and still, he had no recall of what fully took place during his abductions. Brian was now able to recall a bright light hitting him just before the lost time events occurred, and he had a second car that was burned and smelled oddly after one of these events.
The hardest news to hear was that Brian never was able to return to his family. Brian became extremely ill after one very harsh lost time event. He was able to drive himself to an emergency room and sadly, I am told, that is where Brian died.
He was 49 years old.
I know many of you reading this may say he was simply crazy, or a secret drug user, or have many other reasons to explain the utterstrangeness of this man's life.However, I can only tell you what happened and what those who knew him think happened to him. His family, friends and those who knew him, all claim that the lost time events and horror of Brian's life were true events and these events are the cause of his death.
"Lost Time" - "Missing Time"
During my years of talking to those who have had similar abductions and "lost time" experiences, aka "Missing Time," I have learned that most of those "taken"have stories very much like Brian's experiences. The people that I have interviewed talk about the aftermath of these events, including illness, debilities, as well as, spine and neck problems that worsen as the events continue throughout their lifetimes.
I have to admit that in my findings, broken bodies, and frustrated hearts are an ongoing theme among those who are taken against their wills, harmed and returned to a society who views them as unstable, or liars, insane or attention seekers. Going through such terrible ordeals, and to return, to not be able to find any help at all, does cause these people to become bitter and closed-off, and to become outcasts from society.
I wish I could be one of those who report all wonderful things by way of abduction, but sadly I have found only hardship, and difficulty, for those taken, which adds another layer of abuse to be cast upon these people. When it comes to the unknown in the area of abduction, we humans fall on our faces and only further abuse those enduring these events. I feel sad about it all.
I also know that Brian is not the only one who has had his life end badly due to the interference of those who are involved with these "lost time abduction" events. I do know that after years of writing about it, I am sure that Brian was not the first, nor will be the last, to have his life end in this fashion.
I wish we as a society could stop being so ignorant and arrogant about things that we do not understand, and start wanting to know what really is going on "out there"before we allow any more to be sacrificed to the unknown. It is time for us to understand, the real mystery is why we refuse towant to know,
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Historic “Laguna Lake ‘Theremin UFO’ Incident”
By Jeff Krause, MUFON Investigator
(Copyright 2015, Jeff Krause – All Rights Reserved)
<Edited by Robert D. Morningstar>
On November 06, 2015, a local San Luis Obispo (SLO), California photographer was atLaguna Lake photographing birds, when he had an encounter with a UFO that he will never forget. The photographic evidence for this case is very compelling, however, what makes this a more significant case is not so much what he saw, but rather because of what he heard.
I first heard about this case when I was out walking my dogs, and ran into a neighbor of mine who I had met previously when we were both out in the neighborhood with our cameras takingpictures. Since he wishes to remain anonymous, for reasons that will be very clear as I go on, I will not use his name. Because I find made-up names to be confusing, I will just refer to him as “the witness”. Suffice it to say that we had previously struck up a friendship over photography, not UFOs, although we had touched upon the subject before, and he was aware of my status as State Director So CA for MUFON.
The witness is a retired Army Veteran, who served four years active duty back in the 1960s. He learned about photography from the airmen who worked at Lajes Air Force Base in the Azores, back in 1961, and had his own darkroom for a while. Today he prefers using the Nikon D800 and a Nikon D90. When asked to summarize his job in the Army this is what he had to say:
“I was asked to join the Army Security Agency because of my test scores. The ASA units served with regular army units but we took our orders from DIRNSA, Director, National Security Agency not the Department of Defense. My job was a Communications Center Specialist. I was granted a Top Secret Crypto clearance to do the job. I had access to Sensitive compartmented information that was contained under the UMBRA code word and access to information considered way above Top Secret, which I cant talk about.”
Hopefully this explains why he wishes to remain anonymous for now, and also establishes his credibility.
The witness also relies on hearing aids, and has some remarkable ones that are made bySiemens called Pure Binax. They use a Hearing Loop Induction technology that enables signals from compatible devices to be directly transmitted to the users hearing aids. This comes in handy at places such as theatres, museums, and other places that use the compatible systems. They also played a key role in the witness’ experience.
The witness explained all this to me as we continued walking my dogs, but then when he told me how it was relevant, I asked him to send me an email detailing exactly how the pictureswere taken. Here is part of his email:
“I think that I heard the sound of an unidentified object and captured that same object with my Nikon D800 on 6 Nov 2015 at the dry lake bed of Laguna Lake.”
“I am a Veteran and got brand new hearing aidson Oct 5th at the clinic here in SLO. They include the feature to use inductive hearing at movie theaters etc. that have that system. I was taking HDR images of the dry lakebed. A group of 5 images, same f-stop, different shutter speeds to gather all the image data, then move camera 15 degrees and repeat until panorama is complete. I took the photos with a Professional camera; a Nikon D800 mounted on a tripod at 4.5 frames per second. I took the first group of 5, then rotated the camera 15 degrees and grabbed the remote to press the shutter and there was a very loud noise coming thru my hearing aids that went from one side to the other and was gone. I was stunned, but being new to hearing aids I just got on with my pictures. When I got home I downloaded the photos from the camera into the computer."
Then, using Photoshop Lightroom, I assembled the HDR image from the 7 groups of 5images. Upon looking at the completed images, I noticed that a bird had been in the scene on the second group of 5. And then I noticed that in addition to the multiple images of the bird there was the image of a Disk-shaped object, but I found only one. I checked the RAW files produced by the camera, and the object is onlyon the 1st of the 5 images from the second set. ”
The UFO, a Cessna Sky Hawk, and a real hawk, all captured in the same photo have been enlarged and enhanced by photo analyst Robert Morningstar , as shown below and others that follow.
The photo shown above is the only photo out of the set showing the UFO object in it.
Also visible in photo are an airplane, and some birds, all (except the UFO) are visible in the other photos
Below is a copy of the picture that I adjusted the contrast on, and cropped to show only theobject. As you can see, the details are rather startling, and do not appear to be a “bug” or a“bird.”. It would appear to have two appendages coming from it, equidistant from each other, and a dome or bubble on the top and center.
Here I have resized the captured object, and tweaked the exposure to bring out details of the object.
Further adjustments (shown below) brought out more details.
Normally, when a witness says that they did not see anything at the time when the picture was taken, it turns out to be nothing more than birds, insects, or water drops on the lens, so it was quite surprising to find something so interesting in his photograph.
In the enlargement above and the “equalized” enhancement done by Robert Morningstar, shown below, one can more clearly see either an exhaust plume, emanating from the UFO or, perhaps, an appendage of some sort that is not easily distinguishable in the unequalized close-up.
However, I think it is much more important that the hearing aids that the witness was using were apparently able to capture the sound produced by the UFO,either from an energy field surrounding the object, electromagnetic interference, or perhaps, it may have been produced by the UFO propulsion sytem, i.e., the UFO’sElectroMagnetoGravitic (EMG)Drive itself.
The witness described the unusual sound to me as being very loud, and that it sounded like a Theremin, an electronic musical instrument, invented in Soviet Russia in 1920 by a young Russian physicist named Lev Sergeyevich Termen (known in the West asLéon Theremin).
The eerie sound of a Theremin is familiar to us all from 1940s & 50s science fiction movies, such as “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “The Man From Planent X.”
The witness also reported that he heard the sound of the UFO, picked upand amplified by the high tech hearing aids, traveling through his head from one side to the other, in less than a second.
I find the testimony about the sound, coupled along with the picture and the analysis I’ve done of it, to be compelling evidence that the witness captured a unique, and excellent photo of a genuine UFO, which has been dubbed “The Laguna Lake ‘Theremin UFO’ Incident“ by Robert Morningstar, Editor of UFO Digest.
In the Australian city of Canberra, a strange ball of light recently appeared in the night sky. No one has come up with a concrete answer about what this thing is, but people are letting their imaginations run wild. Some suggest that this is a UFO, and others seem to think that it’s merely a ball of lightning. In any case, it certainly looks bizarre. Experts insist that it’s lightning, but if you’re not convinced, you’re not alone. Many people still believe that scientists are just trying to cover up the fact that it’s an alien aircraft. Who do you believe? Sound off in the comments below
May 2015 i meet the OX team in Stockholm, together with some other good friends related to the team. I cannot state what is laying on the bottom of the sea, but i do know these guys and when they say it does not appear natural.... then I believe them. We had a long and interesting talk about the BSA (stuff for another good time). These guys have no interest in lying or or in any way make up a story like this. Believe me when I say that if they could choose... then they would rather be without all this. No Matter if the BSA is a Rock, a man made construction, or a UFO.... Its a part of our history now. The BSA and the whole story and journey for the truth has a special place in my heart until the day i die. Thomas Mikey.
Bestaan vliegende schotels echt? Wetenschappers zoeken het uit!
Bestaan vliegende schotels echt? Wetenschappers zoeken het uit!
Sinds hetRoswellincidentin 1947 worden overal ter wereld UFO’s gespot. In Nederland is er zelfs een UFO-meldpunt, waar gemiddeld 75 meldingen per maand binnenkomen over ongeïdentificeerde vliegende objecten. Hoog tijd dat er echt onderzoek naar wordt gedaan, vinden de wetenschappers van het UFODATA-team.
De ‘believers’ – zij die geloven dat ufo’s een buitenaards oorsprong hebben – worden door de sceptische mensen regelmatig voor gek verklaard. Maar is dat wel terecht? “De mensheid weet nog erg weinig over de ware aard van onverklaarde UFO-meldingen”, schrijven de onderzoekers op de site van UFODATA. “Alleen door serieus wetenschappelijk onderzoek kunnen we het mysterie oplossen.”
De wetenschappers willen onverklaarbare fenomenen in de lucht fotograferen en analyseren (bijv. met een magnetometer en stralingsmeters) om erachter te komen wat ze daadwerkelijk zijn. Hierdoor wordt een database opgebouwd, die gebruikt kan worden om onderzoek te doen naar UFO’s. Ook kunnen nieuwe meldingen gemakkelijk geclassificeerd worden.
Crowdfunding UFODATA is een gecrowdfund project. Dit betekent dat je kunt doneren om bij te dragen aan het onderzoek naar UFO’s. Een traditioneel model – waarbij de overheid of universiteiten voor het onderzoek betalen – is niet mogelijk, omdat er een taboe rust op het onderwerp. De onderzoekers hebben minstens enkele tientallen duizenden euro’s nodig om een basisstation te maken met instrumenten, sensoren en camera’s. Vervolgens wordt het station ergens neergezet, waar het een jaar lang getest wordt. Op een later tijdstip moeten er meer stations komen, waardoor een wereldwijd netwerk opgezet kan worden.
Twee kampen Een lid van het UFODATA-team is Leslie Kean, auteur van het boek “UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record.” Ze is geen ‘believer’, zegt ze tegen Inside Outer Space. “Ik ben een journalist en geen ufoloog en zie mijzelf als agnost als het gaat om de oorsprong van UFO’s.” Ze ergert zich aan de strijd tussen believers en sceptici. “Believers zijn ervan overtuigd dat UFO’s buitenaards ruimteschepen zijn, terwijl sceptici beweren dat UFO’s niet bestaan. Beide uitgangspunten zijn niet rationeel.”
Geloof jij in UFO’s? Ben jij een believer of een scepticus? En zie je de noodzaak in van een onderzoek naar UFO-meldingen of is verspilde energie? Laat een reactie achter onder dit artikel!
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“Amerikaanse toeristen filmen mysterieuze vortex boven Large Hadron Collider”
“Amerikaanse toeristen filmen mysterieuze vortex boven Large Hadron Collider”
Op internet gaat momenteel een filmpje rond waarin te zien zou zijn hoe een UFO een vortex binnengaat en in het niets verdwijnt. De beelden zouden zijn gemaakt bij de Large Hadron Collider, de deeltjesversneller van het Europees Centrum voor Kernonderzoek (CERN) in Zwitserland, zo melden Britse media.
De video, die op YouTube is gezet door Section 51 2.0, is naar verluidt gemaakt door twee Amerikaanse toeristen. In het filmpje verschijnt rechtsonder in beeld plotseling een lichtbol, die gelijk naar het centrum van de vortex beweegt.
De filmmaker zoomt in op het moment dat de lichtbol het centrum van de vortex bereikt en vervolgens verdwijnt. Over de echtheid van het filmpje, dat inmiddels meer dan een kwart miljoen keer is bekeken, wordt druk gediscussieerd.
Een aantal YouTube-gebruikers heeft gesuggereerd dat de UFO is gecreëerd door middel van CGI. Andere gebruikers zijn het oneens met deze theorie en zeggen dat het zelfs met de krachtigste computers niet mogelijk is om zoiets te maken.
De Large Hadron Collider, tussen 1998 en 2008 gebouwd door CERN, is de krachtigste deeltjesbotser ter wereld. In 2012 ontdekten natuurkundigen met behulp van de LHC het Higgsdeeltje. Ze hopen uiteindelijk te kunnen achterhalen hoe het universum ooit is begonnen.
“Vergeet Egypte!”: Britse Daily Star publiceert stuk over mega-piramides in Europa
“Vergeet Egypte!”: Britse Daily Star publiceert stuk over mega-piramides in Europa
De buitenlandse media raken maar niet uitgepraat over de Bosnische piramides in Visoko. Onlangs publiceerde de Britse Daily Star een stuk over deze ‘mega-piramides in Europa’.
De krant schrijft dat de Zonnepiramide, met 220 meter ‘de grootste piramide ter wereld’, tienduizenden jaren oud is. Dat maakt de piramide ouder dan de piramides in Egypte.
“Sommigen zeggen dat [ontdekker] Semir Osmanagic leugens verkoopt, maar de professor claimt dat de bouwwerken echt zijn,” aldus de Daily Star. “Hij wijst erop dat alles wat we hebben geleerd over de geschiedenis, onjuist is.”
Geneeskrachtige werking
Het zou gaan om een complex van vijf piramides – de piramide van de Zon, de Maan, de Aarde, de Draak en de Liefde – die via ondergrondse tunnels met elkaar verbonden zijn. Volgens Osmanagic betreft het hier het grootste piramidecomplex ter wereld. De krant besteedt ook aandacht aan ‘het energetische veld’ rond de piramides en hun ‘geneeskrachtige werking’.
“Het klopt dat sommige archeologen uit Egypte, Mexico, Duitsland en de Verenigde Staten ons voor schut zetten,” vertelde Osmanagic, die in 2008 zijn doctoraat in de geschiedenis kreeg aan de Universiteit van Sarajevo, aan de Daily Star. “Over 50 jaar zullen mensen onze wetenschappers belachelijk maken omdat ze de kennis missen.”
Status quo
“Dit zijn niet alleen de oudste piramides in Europa, maar ook de grootste op aarde,” zei hij. “Veel archeologen vinden dit moeilijk te verteren omdat de meeste mensen de status quo willen behouden.”
Ondanks de kritiek zegt dr. Osmanagich niet van plan te zijn om op te geven. “De Egyptische piramides worden al 200 jaar onderzocht door egyptologen, maar nog steeds blijven belangrijke vragen onbeantwoord.”
Another UFO sighting video has made rounds online. It shows an apparent UFO over Hessdalen, a village in Norway that is famous for UFO sightings for the last few decades. People living in the area have put up live cams just to catch some UFO activities.
Many UFO enthusiasts have claimed that governments from around the globe know about the alien flying object in the area, but they don’t care.
According to the story, the place has an underground base and aliens are coming in and out as they want. Some suspect that the underground station has been there for tens of thousands of years. If this theory is right then thinking Earth as owned by humans may not be correct. Humans might be new on this planet while aliens might be here for eons.
Hessdalen is a very remote area in the country with decades of history of UFO sightings. The uploader of the video said he noticed slight flashing, so he started recording. He thought of fireworks since it was New Year and the flashing was too frequent for lightning. Then he realized the field typically has sheep, so he ruled out fireworks as they can scare the livestock and others.
Surprisingly, the orb speeds over the terrain very quickly, and it vanishes into the thin air toward flashing light on the top right of the frame.
A jet passenger spotted cylinder-shaped UFO at an altitude below the jet’s 37,000 feet while flying between Florida and Puerto Rico, according to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Case 56602.
The strange event happened at 11:15 a.m. on March 12, 2014, and it was reported to MUFON on May 25, 2014. Ohio MUFON State Director Thomas Wertman investigated the case and closed it as unknown.
According to the report, the witness was in a passenger jet flying to Puerto Rico on Jet Blue Flight #1938. The plane departed at 10:15 a.m. in Orlando, FL, and was expected to arrive at 12:59 p.m. The UFO was spotted in the north of Mona Passage, approximately 45 minutes before landing.
The unnamed witness and his daughters noticed and observed the mysterious flying object. He revealed that other people in the jet also observed the anomaly as others even commenting about it. They saw the object hovered, which was very strange.
After their arrival, the reporting witness checked online to know if there were reports about visible stars or satellite at the same time of their UFO sighting. However, his research revealed nothing. The video shows round top and bottom of the object. It’s difficult to tell the size of the subject matter since there’s no solid background object to compare. The silver or metallic UFO seems to expand and contract.
MUFON Ohio Director Wertman said that the reporting witness used a Kodak C813 digital camera. It was taken on March 22, 2014, at 11:22 a.m. based on the camera’s date and time. The flight details were taken from the Flightaware website.
On Wertman’s investigation, the arrival of the aircraft wasn’t at 12.59 p.m., but at 12:37 p.m. The passenger plane would have been off the Turks Islands if the approximate time of the witness was correct. Wertman said that the estimate of 45 minutes by the witness appeared not right. The camera’s time of 11:22 p.m. put the jet near San Salvador, explained Wertman.
The witness can be seen in the video pointing at the object. Wertman stated that the object didn’t appear to be a reflection of the window. The UFO doesn’t move consistently with the camera movements. The witness also seems to point down at the object.
Based on the flight path, the aircraft was traveling at 37,000 feet, according to Wertman. Based on the video and report, the object appeared below the jet’s altitude. The UFO seems to be stationary and highly reflective.
The investigator said that the combination of the data from Flightaware and the video was inconclusive on identifying the unusual object.
Will 2016 Be the Year Elon Musk Reveals his Mars Colonial Transporter Plans?
Will 2016 Be the Year Elon Musk Reveals his Mars Colonial Transporter Plans?
There are several space stories we’re anticipating for 2016 but one story might appear — to some — to belong in the realm of science fiction: sometime in the coming year Elon Musk will likely reveal his plans for colonizing Mars.
Early in 2015, Musk hinted that he would be publicly disclosing his strategies for the Mars Colonial Transport system sometime in late 2015, but then later said the announcement would come in 2016.
“The Mars transport system will be a completely new architecture,” Musk said during a Reddit AMA in January 2015, replying to a question about the development of MCT. “[I] am hoping to present that towards the end of this year. Good thing we didn’t do it sooner, as we have learned a huge amount from Falcon and Dragon.”
Big Rockets
As far as any details, Musk only said that he wants to be able to send 100 colonists to Mars at a time, and the “goal is 100 metric tons of useful payload to the surface of Mars. This obviously requires a very big spaceship and booster system.”
He has supposedly dubbed the rocket the BFR (for Big F’n Rocket) and the spaceship similarly as BFS.
He has supposedly dubbed the rocket the BFR (for Big F’n Rocket) and the spaceship similarly as BFS.
A sketch shows how the top section of the Mars Colonial Transporter might be configured.
Credit: John Gardi.
Most online discussions describe the MCT as an interplanetary ferry, with the spaceship built on the ground and launched into orbit in one piece and perhaps refueled in low Earth orbit. The transporter could be powered by Raptor engines, which are cryogenic methane-fueled rocket engines rumored to be under development by SpaceX.
The future line-up of Falcon rockets is compared to the famous NASA Saturn V. The first Falcon Heavy launch is planned for 2015. Raptor engines may replace and upgrade Heavy then lead to Falcon X, Falcon X Heavy and Falcon XX. The Falcon X 1st stage would have half the thrust of a Saturn V, Falcon X Heavy and XX would exceed a Saturn V’s thrust by nearly 50%. (Illustration Credit: SpaceX, 2010)
The Challenge of Landing Large Payloads on Mars
While the big rocket and spaceship may seem to be a big hurdle, an even larger challenge is how to land a payload of 100 metric tons with 100 colonists, as Musk proposes, on Mars surface.
As we’ve discussed previously, there is a “Supersonic Transition Problem” at Mars. Mars’ thin atmosphere does not provide an enough aerodynamics to land a large vehicle like we can on Earth, but it is thick enough that thrusters such as what was used by the Apollo landers can’t be used without encountering aerodynamic problems such as sheering and incredible stress on the vehicle.
Another fan-based illustration of the modular sections of John Gardi’s MCT concept sitting on the surface of Mars.
With current landing technology, a large, heavy human-sized vehicle streaking through Mars’ thin, volatile atmosphere only has about 90 seconds to slow from Mach 5 to under Mach 1, change and re-orient itself from a being a spacecraft to a lander, deploy parachutes to slow down further, then use thrusters to translate to the landing site and gently touch down.
90 seconds is not enough time, and the airbags used for rovers like Spirit and Opportunity and even the Skycrane system used for the Curiosity rover can’t be scaled up enough to land the size of payloads needed for humans on Mars.
Artist’s rendering of a hypersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator technology concept.
Credit: NASA.
NASA has been addressing this problem to a small degree, and has tested out inflatable aeroshells that can provide enough aerodynamic drag to decelerate and deliver larger payloads. Called Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (HIAD), this is the best hope on the horizon for landing large payloads on Mars.
The Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE-3) was tested successfully in 2012. It was made of high tech fabric and inflated to create the shape and structure similar to a mushroom. When inflated, the IRVE-3 is about 10-ft (3 meter) in diameter, and is composed of a seven giant braided Kevlar rings stacked and lashed together – then covered by a thermal blanket made up of layers of heat resistant materials. These kinds of aeroshells can also generate lift, which would allow for additional slowing of the vehicle.
“NASA is currently developing and flight testing HIADs — a new class of relatively lightweight deployable aeroshells that could safely deliver more than 22 tons to the surface of Mars,” said Steve Gaddis, GCD manager at NASA’s Langley Research Center in a press release from NASA in September 2015.
NASA is expecting that a crewed spacecraft landing on Mars would weigh between 15 and 30 tons, and the space agency is looking for ideas through its Big Idea Challenge for how to create aeroshells big enough to do the job.
With current technology, landing the 100 metric tons that Musk envisions might be out of reach. But if there’s someone who could figure it out and get it done, Elon Musk just might be that person.
‘Best piece of UFO evidence in years’ filmed by NASA as Tim Peake docked with ISS
‘Best piece of UFO evidence in years’ filmed by NASA as Tim Peake docked with ISS
THIS footage of the International Space Station apparently surrounded by Unidentifed Flying Objects (UFOs) this week as been branded “the best piece of evidence in years” for the existence of aliens.
By Jon Austin
The footage has caused a storm after being uploaded on a video by YouTube channel Mister Enigma entitled “UFOs seeen everywhere during Soyuz docking on NASA USTREAM.”
It shows a portion of the docking between the Russian Soyuz TMA-19M spacecraft and International Space Station (ISS) on December 15, when Tim Peake became the first British astronaut to board the space station.
In the video, the narrator, who speaks with a creepy robotic voice, says: “This video, which was taken by the ISS on Tuesday during the docking between the Souyez spacecraft and the ISS is the best piece of UFO evidence captured in years.
“Dozens of UFOs can be seen in the background – some zipping off in the distance, others gently floating by, and even one gigantic doughnut-shaped UFO that seems to inspect the event.
“Once the camera zooms out the sun seems to light them up.”
In the video, the narrator, who speaks with a creepy robotic voice, says: “This video, which was taken by the ISS on Tuesday during the docking between the Soyuz spacecraft and the ISS is the best piece of UFO evidence captured in years.
“Dozens of UFOs can be seen in the background – some zipping off in the distance, others gently floating by, and even one gigantic doughnut-shaped UFO that seems to inspect the event.
“Once the camera zooms out the sun seems to light them up.”
Several objects are seen passing the ISS in the clip including the doughnut (ringed)
The new footage has been likened to the “Tether UFO incident” of 1996, when a satellite which was tethered to a space shuttle broke off.
When it was later filmed by the astronauts on board, it appeared to be swarmed by hundreds of “UFOs” that appeared like organisms swimming in a sea.
The narrator continued: “How crazy is this?
“The footage is like the infamous UFO tether video that took place in the 90s, and it’s very strange that it aired live and did not get cut off like most ufo’s that are seen on the NASA screen.”
During the tether incident footage the objects are brushed off by the astronauts as being “some of the debris that follows us being caught by sunlight.
Others have said these weird anomalies in NASA space videos are ice particles or just lens flares.
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Scientists Figured Out Where Aliens Might Be Hiding — And How We Could Talk to Them
Scientists Figured Out Where Aliens Might Be Hiding — And How We Could Talk to Them
At the edges of our galaxy, tens of thousands of light-years away, massive, dense clusters of stars glom together like a humongous interstellar house party. This is where, according to astrophysicists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, we might find intelligent alien life.
The CFA's lead author, Rosanne DiStefano made this hypothesis at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society on Wednesday, and — believe it or not — her logic checks out.
Let's say finding intelligent life is a hypothetical one-in-a-million chance. By the center's estimation, there are 150 globular clusters in our Milky Way galaxy, each holding roughly a million stars per 100 million light years. Plus, they're old — like, 10 billion years old — and stable, meaning they didn't get nailed by cataclysmic, planet-destroying gamma-ray bursts..
It could be that these globular clusters are full of planets twice as old as our own, that had billions more years to develop. The Fermi paradox, a theory of why alien life hasn't found us yet, refers to these clusters as Planet X.
To date, according to the center, only one planet has been found in a globular cluster. This may be because, according to current theories, the globular clusters in our galaxy don't have the heavy elements to build stable planets.
But DiStefano and her colleague, Alak Ray from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, said it's premature to say there aren't planets in these clusters. Exoplanets, or planets that orbit a stars other than our own, have been found near stars that have just one-tenth of the heavy elements of our own sun.
In fact, if these globular clusters do have planets, they're probably extremely close together. That means those planets could communicate much easier with one another than with Earth. "We call it the 'globular cluster opportunity,'" DiStefano said on Wednesday. "Sending a broadcast between the stars wouldn't take any longer than a letter from the U.S. to Europe in the 18th century."
So there could be a chance that Earth is missing out on a huge game of galactic Telephone that's being played on the edge of the Milky Way, with intelligent societies working together to noticeably expand farther into the universe. But according to Robin Hanson, a research associate at Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute, that would've happened by now.
"If there were life thousands of light years away, it could've been around for millions or billions of years," he told Mic. "If someone is alive out there, they would've long since developed as much as they can. If they didn't spread out [to Earth], it means they're stuck. And just being near other civilizations [in the globular cluster] doesn't make them any less stuck, no matter how much they developed economically and socially."
The issue is that communication is a two-way street. Two civilizations need to look for each other at the same time, know exactly where the other one is and know how to contact it.
"If everyone is looking in random directions, the chance of coordinating communication is small," Hanson told Mic. "You have to find another coordination structure."
-Hanson told Mic about a theory for sending a signal to an alien race, as long as that race has a particular human tendency. It involves really, really bright lights — in this case, a supernova.
A supernova is a rare event in which a star violently explodes at the end of its life, giving off a huge amount of light and energy. A civilization would need to turn that flash into what you might call a cataclysmic carrier pigeon.
"Right after you see a supernova, you piggyback off that and send a signal in the same direction," Hanson told Mic. "When you see that light, it will move past the cluster. So there will be that burst of light, and right behind it, the signal. You're going to be waiting a while, but when you see that, we can use it to figure out how to talk effectively."
But keep this in mind when you're thinking about potential planets on the edge of the galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is roughly 100,000 light-years across. The nearest globular clusters, NGC 6397 and Messier 4, are about 7,200 light-years away. So if we try to send communications to any of the who-knows-how-many planets within them, it would take 7,200 years to receive.
So if you read Mic, aliens, please pick up some of our galactic slack and say hi — we promise we won't try to kill off your entire species.
Whether or not you believe in Earthly visitation by alien beings, it's undeniable that UFOs have, at the least, become an essential part of modern day folklore. And in a bevy of stories that have added on to that treasure trove of fantastic tales, there's one document that, according to Atlas Obscura, has become the most popular FBI file among UFO truthers.
The document is just called "Guy Hottel," named after an agent in an FBI field office. It's publicly available on the FBI Vault website, among a handful of other UFO and related cases. In one page, it describes an incident relayed second or third hand of a three separate but related UFO crashes around 1950 in New Mexico, with three alien bodies described as having a "human shape" but only being three feet tall, clothed in a metallic fabric. "Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots," Hottel said. The craft itself was described as being 50 feet in diameter.
The agency denies that it's related to Roswell, or that they even seriously investigated it. "Finally, the Hottel memo does not prove the existence of UFOs; it is simply a second- or third-hand claim that we never investigated," it says. "Some people believe the memo repeats a hoax that was circulating at that time, but the Bureau's files have no information to verify that theory."
As Atlas Obscura points out, it's likely connected to a sort of space age snakeoil peddler namedSilas Newton, whose claims were usually to spurious mining operations along with a series of UFO crash claims. According to TopSecretWriters, Newton finally got caught in 1970 after just under 20 years of FBI investigations for selling land to out-of-state speculators, claiming it had precious ore. Of course, that land just happened to be some of the land he claimed UFOs crashed on. The memo could be related to Newton's Aztec UFO hoax, one that Newton and an accomplice duped journalist Frank Scully into believing.
Though Newton wasn't tied to the Roswell incident, it's interesting to note that Roswell itself hadfallen into obscurity from 1947 until 1978 when Stanton Friedman resurrected it. Most investigations into the matter, after the initial crash of the terrestrial experimental aircraft, took place at that time from second and third hand accounts. In fact, the reason for the crash at Roswell was declassified in the early 1970s, before Friedman's investigations into the matter.
The FBI rarely touched UFO cases at the time, with the Air Force handling most investigations under Project Bluebook. Bluebook dug up no conclusive proof of UFOs, though a few investigations proved vexxing.
It's also interesting to note that from the 1920s to the 1950s, New Mexico was ground zero for rocketry research. Robert Goddard carried out much of his early research there, with Nazi rocket engineer turned NASA pioneer Wehrner Von Braun further developing rocketry technology for the nascent American space program at the White Sands Missile Range. In other words, there was a lot going on in the skies of New Mexico for quite some time, and some of it was definitely coming back down from high in the skies.
So there you have it. The Hottel memo was either something so spurious that the FBI passed on investigating it (only relaying it to J. Edgar Hoover because of the director's paranoia on all things) or obvious evidence of a massive cover-up. But given the actors involved, it's safe to say it's the latter. That won't kill it off for sure, of course. Hillary Clinton allegedly wants to "get to the bottom" of UFO investigations if elected president. Of course, as with Area 51 and Goddard's work, it could all just be highly classified weapons testing.
The biggest proof of alien life is unlikely to come from Freedom of Information Act releases of long declassified documents. Instead, it'll probably come from a NASA mission to Mars or Europa, or maybe, just maybe, the Breakthrough Listen Initiative that pumped unprecedented amounts of money into the scientific search for technologically advanced life. But who knows. An alien craft could just fall out of the sky. But it's not likely.
Tijdens zijn weg naar de top van Mount Sharp heeft Marsrover Curiosity even de tijd genomen om een adembenemende panoramafoto te maken van de Bagnold-duinen. De duinen bestaan uit een strook zwart zand op de noordwestelijke flank van de berg.
Het panorama is samengesteld uit meerdere foto's, die de Curiosity midden december nam. Volgens de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA zal de Marsrover minstens enkele weken in het gebied doorbrengen, om duidelijkheid te scheppen over de werking van winden op Mars.
Satellietbeelden hebben onthuld dat de duinen op Mars elk jaar een meter verschuiven. De wind doet het zand op de helling van Mount Sharp belanden, waar het zich opstapelt tot er steile duinen ontstaan. Daarna schuift het zand als een mini-lawine naar beneden. De duin die op deze foto te zien is, is ongeveer 5 meter hoog.
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Very Strange UFO Sightings that could be real!
Very Strange UFO Sightings that could be real!
The 1965 Sighting In Kecksburg, Pennsylvania
You know you’ve made it in the world of mysterious alien encounters when people refer to your UFO sighting as a bona fide “incident.” Such is the case of the 1965 Kecksburg, Pennsylvania encounter, in which multiple people claimed to have witnessed something crashing into the woods near the town not far from Pittsburgh.
People who saw it claimed the object that fell from the sky was roughly the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, and say that almost immediately after it crashed to earth; the US army arrived and roped off the area. The official report is that it was a meteor crashing down into the woods, though obviously most of the folks who were present to see the object for themselves remained skeptical of this explanation.
To this day the case remains a mystery, a good evidence of a real UFO sighting.
The very strange 1964 sighting in Socorro, New Mexico
One of the most famous UFO sightings in modern United States history took place in the town of Socorro, New Mexico, back in 1964 with the chief witness being none other than a police officer named Lonnie Zamora. Zamora was in pursuit of a speeding car when he saw an object in the sky, shaped like an oval and bearing a bizarre red insignia on its side.
He claims to have seen this object rise from the ground and take off into the distance, and his story drew tremendous media and government attention, including leading to the CIA filing a report on the incident. Zamora came to be known as something of a kook, however, and retired from the police force shortly after the incident.
Case unsolved: The official police reports released 30 years after the event ask more questions than it solves!
The strange mystery of the 1991 sighting in Mexico City
In July of 1991, people living in Mexico City reportedly spotted something strange in the sky at a time when they were expecting to see nothing more or less than a solar eclipse.
However, they were met with something far more out of the ordinary, with numerous people saying they saw an unidentified flying object , with actual journalists reportedly having captured this bizarre flying object on video when trying to film the eclipse. Since this time, there have been numerous reports of UFO’s in the area, but none more peculiar than the UFO spotted that summer by multiple people looking from various positions in the huge city. A few months later, a similar UFO was spotted during an air show in the area, but no explanation has ever been offered.
The shocking sighting of 1991 in Ontario, Canada
In the town of West Carleton, Ontario, a woman named Diane Labenek claimed to have seen an unidentified flying object above a field near her home after hearing her dogs barking. Shortly after the ship took off and vanished, she claimed that a government helicopter appeared at the scene, quickly investigating before heading off in the same direction as the UFO, though there are of course no records of this. However, a few months later, a UFO researcher named Bob Oeschler received a package that included supposed military documents and a videotape featuring the same exact UFO that Labenek had supposedly seen.
All of this is unconfirmed, of course, but makes this one of the most peculiar unsolved UFO sightings in recent history. It is believed to have most likely been a hoax, but it’s still too difficult to determine just who could have perpetrated the hoax, or why.
The odd sighting of 1967 in Manitoba, Canada
Another of the most bizarre supposed UFO sightings in modern history took place at Falcon Lake in Manitoba, Canada, and involved a man named Stephen Michalak. Michalak was a prospector who claims to have encountered not one, but two UFO’s, and after investigating the objects, he was blasted with some sort of hot gas from an exhaust vent that left him with bizarre markings on his midsection and led to his being hospitalized. This remains one of the most bizarre cases of a UFO sighting on record simply because it’s one of the few in which the person who claims to have made contact with alien life suffered a very real, very strange injury.
He suffered from nausea, headaches, and the odd burn markings in a very distinct grid shape across his abdomen. He was probably just into something super kinky, but neither he nor we can come up with a reasonable explanation, so let’s stick with a close encounter for no
Some highly unusual groups of aerial lights appeared over Santiago, Chile, in December, and while the exact date of the incident isn't known, a video caught the objects moving around in very interesting patterns.
After looking at the two-part video, it's easy to wonder why only one person captured the event and from only one vantage point.
According to the Daily Mail, an unidentified woman videotaped the lights from her window while she and others are heard excitedly talking about what they're seeing in the sky.
The first two minutes show four long strips of hovering multiple lights (seen above). Then, one by one, the strips move slowly away from each other. As they do this, you can see smaller, flashing lights on each of them -- they look almost like aircraft on a landing trajectory to an airport.
Here's the complete video:
The second half of the video shows up to seven individual lights or orbs that enter the scene from right in a straight line and appear to come around in a long circle, heading back to the right and out of the picture. The following image is from that formation.
Online comments and explanations for these alleged UFOs included drones, planes, cars coming down a background hill, Chinese lanterns, window reflections and the ever-popular digital editing.
"I found that, for the first part of the video where you see the several sets of four lights traveling in a line, also has within it blinking strobes in typical aircraft strobe patterns. Perhaps it was part of a viral stunt over Santiago," said image and video analyst Marc Dantonio.
"My bet is that it's a light array hanging from ordinary aircraft or from drones. Confirmation of sightings from other locations could tell us if it's more likely aircraft or drone," Dantonio told HuffPost in an email. He's an expert in computer-generated imagery and has been commissioned to create special working models for such clients as the U.S. Joint Chiefs in Washington, Congress, the U.S. Navy and the Smithsonian Institution.
Dantonio noticed that the strip lights in the Chile video tended to sag under their own weight, "slanting slightly downward in the opposite direction of overall travel. I felt that, watching this, I was seeing a situation much like the aircraft that tow those big banners. In those cases, the banner sags and is lower than the altitude of the aircraft. All you need is wind resistance and forward motion."
The video expert also suggests that, where the lights appear to hover, they're more likely heading directly away from you or toward you -- always in some sort of forward motion.
And what about the second part of the video with the individual lights?
"As they make their curved path, you see the light brighten up a lot," Dantonio observes. "This will happen if someone attaches a light fixture to a drone or an aircraft and turns directly toward the camera and points more or less directly at it. So it could be an LED fixture with lights. I also see strobing lights on these, as well, which are common on drones."
"For now," he concludes, "it appears to be a human-made hoax."
Reporting on the UFO Sightings Daily website, Scott Waring takes all of this up a notch.
"This UFO event is not unknown to Santiago, but is actually a yearly thing, when fleets of UFOs leave the underground base in the mountains along Santiago. It is a yearly event for aliens."
So...what exactly does that mean? ETs pick this time of year to fly south for the winter?
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Please scroll down for video 1.1K Peter Sturrock is an emeritus professor of applied physics at Stanford University and one of the very few scientists who has publicly expressed a great deal of interest in UFOs and acted on that interest by twice surveying colleagues on the subject which resulted in some very surprising findings. He is also unambiguous on one particular category of UFO evidence which he happens to know a little bit about . . . . radar reports.
“Yes – radar is physical evidence,” Sturrock stated in an email exchange he was generous enough to grant me.
Professor Sturrock’s involvement with radar dates back to World War II. While studying mathematics at Cambridge University, he interrupted his studies to help in the war effort and joined the Telecommunications Research Establishment in 1942, now known as the Royal Radar Establishment, where he helped develop radar systems.
Skeptics commenting on the UFO phenomenon often claim that a major problem with UFOs is the only evidence are witness sightings, claim they are unreliable and cite a lack of physical evidence. While that is often the case, there are notable exceptions where physical evidence does exist in the form of radar reports and they corroborate the accounts of multiple credible witnesses. There have been a number of famous UFO cases that have involved radar reports and two of the most famous contemporary incidents are the JAL Alaska case from 1986 and the Stephenville, Texas sightings of 2008.
On November 17, 1986, a Japan Air Lines 747 cargo jet, piloted by Captain Kenju Terauchi, was flying westward near Mt. McKinley when he spotted a UFO. “Then there was a kind of reverse thrust, and the lights became dazzlingly bright. Our cockpit lit up. The thing was flying as if there was no such thing as gravity. It sped up, then stopped, then flew at our speed, in our direction, so that to us it looked like it was standing still. The next instant it changed course. There’s no way a jumbo could fly like that. If we tried, it’d break apart in mid-air. In other words, the flying object had overcome gravity,” Terauchi said.
Terauchi and his crew had the sighting but John Callahan, the FAA Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations branch, had the data. The radar report covered more than a half hour. Callahan states in the following video interview, “As far as I’m concerned, I saw a UFO chase a Japanese 747 across the sky for over half an hour on radar.”
He goes on to say that members of President Reagan’s Scientific Study Team, the FBI and the CIA he met with about the incident expressed excitement at the data.
The Stephenville, Texas case of January 2008 featured dozens of residents of the Texas town and its’ surroundings sighting UFOs. Some reported aircraft the size of a football field and larger. Freedom Of Information Act requests were quickly sent to the FAA, National Weather Service and local Air Force bases by radar expert Glen Schulze and Robert Powell, MUFON Director of Research, seeking radar data for January 8.
In their summary, Schulze and Powell wrote, “The enormous size of the object, its’ complete silence and its’ ability to travel at high rates of speed and to also remain stationary or travel at slow speeds is not explained by any known aircraft. Based on approximate distance of the object and witness descriptions of degrees of sky covered by the object indicated an object closer to 1000 feet in size. Twice, radar picked up an unknown object flying at 1900-2100 mph.”
They discussed their findings in the CNN interview below and the full radar report is available at this link.
I also asked Professor Sturrock if he had a favorite UFO case and he replied, “The Coyne helicopter case.”
On October 18, 1973, the four-man crew of an Army Reserve helicopter heading towards Cleveland from Columbus had an otherworldly encounter with a UFO at about 10:30 PM as they were flying near Mansfield, Ohio.
“This craft, from the angle that we saw it, was cigar-shaped. It had no wings, no vertical or horizontal stabilizer, was approximately 60 feet long, 15-20 feet in height. We were at 1,700 feet, then this craft began to move slowly to the west away from us. At this time, I was worried we were going to hit the ground, and I looked at my altimeter and our helicopter was at 3,500 feet, climbing 1,000 feet a minute with no changes in the control. We went from 1,700 feet to 3,500 feet in a matter of seconds and never knew it!,” Lawrence Coyne, the commander of the helicopter recalled.
There were civilian witnesses on the ground as well.
“I had driven a few blocks from my house and was driving north on Paul Boulevard. I stopped the car once I saw how close the UFO was above the tree line over-looking Sunset Park. The chopper was beneath my view. Here in plain view was the UFO, green light on the front, white light and a red light on the rear on a nearly sixty-foot long dark metallic-grey object that had the appearance of a cigar shaped stogie. I sat in my car marveling at its appearance. It made no sound. Suddenly the UFO shot off towards the northwest and in literally seconds it was the size of a star in the distance. Even faster, the object disappeared from sight.” said Bill Carver, brother of Jim Carver, the author of the article linked above.
Not surprisingly, skeptic Phil Klass attempted to explain the case away but the credibility of the witnesses involved and the detail of their reports render his explanation implausible.
“Any theory of the object’s being a meteor (UFO skeptic Philip Klass maintains that the object was a “fireball of the Orionid meteor shower”) can readily be rejected on the basis of:
(1) the duration of the event (an estimated 300 seconds);
(2) the marked deceleration and hard-angle maneuver of the object at closest approach;
(3) the precisely defined shape of the object; and
(4) the horizon-to-horizon flight path. The possibility of a high-performance aircraft likewise is untenable when one examines the positions and colors of the lights with respect to the flight path of the object. To have presented the reported configurations, and been in accordance with FAA regulations, an aircraft would have had to be flying sideways, either standing on its tail, tail-to to the helicopter, or upside-down head-on.”
Below is a segment about the case from the 1990s TV show Sightings.
Finally, I asked the professor about his own research into UFOs. In 1973, Professor Sturrock distibuted two questionaires, one to members of the San Francisco chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the other to members of the American Astronomical Society.
The AIAA survey results indicated that “a sample of scientifically trained persons reports aerial phenomena similar to so-called “UFO reports,” and the AAS survey revealed that “a small fraction (of order 5%) are likely to report varied and puzzling observations, not unlike so-called “UFO reports” made by the general public,” according to the professor.
He also noted that, “if you want to find out whether scientists see UFOs you must ask them, and you probably must guarantee them anonymity. Scientists have no doubt been discouraged from taking the problem seriously by the bizarre nature of some of the reports and emphasis upon the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” (ETH).
” Professor Sturrock’s full papers on his findings are available here and here.
Specifically, I asked Professor Sturrock about his opinion on expanding future queries to include social scientists like historians, sociologists and psychologists, professionals who I thought might also have some interest in and be able to contribute to the UFO field.
“I would encourage similar surveys of other professions. Then the results could be compared,” he replied.
Finally, I’d like to thank Professor Sturrock for taking the time to answer my questions and I would also like to thank my good friend, fellow UFO researcher and the pride of Surrey in the UK Peter Mandeville for providing the tip that led to this article.
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Documents Show JFK Was Murdered Days After Demanding Answers About UFO’s From The CIA
Documents Show JFK Was Murdered Days After Demanding Answers About UFO’s From The CIA
ST-C232-1-63 27 June 1963 President Kennedy’s trip to Ireland. The President greets relatives at a tea held at the home of Mrs. Mary Ryan, the President’s second cousin, in Dunganstown, Ireland, the President’s ancestral homestead. President Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Ryan (flowered dress), Mrs. Josie Ryan (light blue dress), guests, others. Photograph by Cecil Stoughton, White House, in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. (Wikimedia)
In declassified documents obtained and published by Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, John F. Kennedy wrote a letter to the head of the CIA demanding their research on alien life and UFOs just days before his death.
The memo is authentic and is a confirmed declassified document released by the CIA.
JFK wrote the memo to CIA on November 12, 1963, only to be killed on November 22, 1963.
In the memo, JFK wrote: “It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources. It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defense and space programs. I would like you to arrange a program of data sharing with NASA where unknowns are a factor.”
That same day he wrote a separate memo to NASA asking for “cooperation with the former Soviet Union on mutual outer space activities.”
The situation was obviously of great concern for JFK, because just four days later he visited NASA at Cape Canaveral, Florida, although the details and specifics of his visit are unknown.
More recently, Jimmy Carter promised during his campaign that if he was elected, he would encourage the government release “every piece of information” relating to UFOs and alien life. Coincidentally, there was actually an assassination attempt on Carter during his presidency.
The recent revelations about JFK’s interest in UFO’s have even prompted a response from Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, who promised to “get to the bottom” of the UFO mystery if she was elected.
However, UFO expert Scott C Waring says that Clinton is in over her head.
“Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn’t know it yet, but she does not have the power to release such information. CIA would kill her before she could, just like they did JFK. Hillary will be too scared of the CIA to release such information,” Waring said.
John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. You can purchase his books, or get your own book published at his website
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Tout l’univers sur une seule photo
Tout l’univers sur une seule photo
Voici le genre de photo qui exige vraiment un objectif grand angle: le musicien Pablo Carlos Budassi a créé une image censée représenter l’univers observable dans sa totalité. Pour ce faire, il a utilisé un grand nombre de photos de la NASAainsi que des cartes logarithmiques établies par l’université de Princeton. Au centre, Budassi a placé le soleil et le système solaire, entourés par plusieurs galaxies dont notre Voie Lactée et Andromède. Puis, apparaissent le fond diffus cosmologique -ou rayonnement fossile- et l’anneau de plasma, tous deux générés par le Big Bang.
Il fallait y penser…
L’ idée pour le moins ambitieuse de ramener l’univers aux dimensions d’une seule photo lui est venue de la plus simple des manières: Pablo Carlos Budassi cherchait un cadeau pour le premier anniversaire de son fils qui devra donc attendre quelques années avant de comprendre toute la complexité de cette image. Comme le précise le site Tech Insider, les logarithmes constituent le véritable secret de fabrication de la photo: « Représenter l’univers sous une forme linéaire est peine perdue. En revanche, chaque anneau contient un large pan du cosmos à une échelle bien plus importante que le précédent ce qui permet de faire tenir l’infini dans un cercle.
Une forme parfaite qui était déjà celle privilégiée par les philosophes antiques dont Platon: « Celui qui constitua le monde (…) lui donna comme figure celle qui lui convenait et qui lui était apparentée. (…) Aussi est-ce la figure d’une sphère, dont le centre est équidistant de tous les points de la périphérie, une figure circulaire, qu’il lui donna comme s’il travaillait sur un tour -figure qui entre toutes est la plus parfaite et la plus semblable à elle-même… »
CES: Geen last van stakingen met eerste zelfvliegende passagiersdrone
CES: Geen last van stakingen met eerste zelfvliegende passagiersdrone
Bij het lijstje met meest getoonde producten op CES dit jaar staan zelfrijdende auto's en drones hoog genoteerd. De Chinese dronemaker Ehang besloot de twee te combineren in een zelfvliegende drone voor één passagier.
De Ehang 184 is eigenlijk een enorme drone met een cockpit in het midden. Hij heeft het formaat van een kleine auto en heeft acht propellers verdeeld over vier armen. Die propellers zorgen voor genoeg draagkracht voor een persoon van 100 kilo en hij vliegt volledig autonoom; er zijn enkel twee knoppen voor het stijgen en landen.
De topsnelheid van de drone ligt op zo'n 100 kilometer per uur. Een groot nadeel is (nog) wel dat de drone maar 23 minuten meegaat op een batterijlading. Voor een grotere afstand zal er dus veel bijgetankt moeten worden.
Vooralsnog gaat het dan ook nog om een prototype. Uit de presentatie voor de pers is ook nog niet duidelijk of iemand het aangedurfd heeft een vlucht te maken met de Ehang 184. Ehang belooft dat de drone veiliger is dan autorijden, waar de bestuurders vaak de veroorzakers van ongelukken zijn.
Time: 11:30pm
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Orb/ circular
Could your sighting be a UFO balloon/lantern?: No
Weather Conditions:Great clear night, couple clouds in th distance, but none where the object was seen.
Description: We were out fishing, it was close to midnight, we were about to leave, as we were bringing in the rods we seen a blue light, like a beach ball? Or something like that shape shoot up over Broadbeach, looked like it was over the water off broady/out the front. It went up blue, about 1000 feet, changed to red, blue, then changed, like a ring of light were around it. They went from orange/red. Then stopped. Changed to blue then went higher, and changed to red a few more times, then back to blue and went down off in the horizon. It repeated this 3 times before we decided to drive to the beach to see it up close. By then it was gone. There MUST have been other witnesses ? Also I was browsing the recent testimonies and noticed someone has seen a similar thing ( from up in Springbrook).
Globular clusters such as Terzan 1 (shown here) contain some of the oldest known stars.
Astronomers may be looking for alien life in all the wrong places. They should be hunting in the dense, old neighbourhoods of stars known as globular clusters, a new study suggests.
Until now, scientists have largely discounted the idea of finding extraterrestrial civilizations in globular clusters, which each contain thousands to millions of stars. Only one of the thousands of known extrasolar planets occurs in such a cluster, and many astronomers think that gravitational interactions among the tightly packed stars would have long ago hurled any accompanying planets into deep space.
But the proximity of all those stars may actually be an advantage for supporting life, says Rosanne Di Stefano, a theoretical astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lots of closely packed stars could also mean lots of planetary systems not very far from one another. “If there is an advanced society in an environment like that, it could set up outposts relatively easily, because we’re dealing with distances that are so much shorter,” she says.
With such networking, civilizations in a globular cluster might endure for billions of years, and thus be available for humans to communicate with today or in the future.
Di Stefano reported the work — which she did with Alak Ray of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India — on 6 January at an American Astronomical Society meeting in Kissimmee, Florida.
Fertile ground?
In contrast to the defined architecture of a galaxy, globular clusters contain blobs of stars that hover together like swarms of fireflies. The Milky Way is home to about 150 globular clusters, which contain some of the oldest known stars — dating back 10 billion years or more.
In 1974, scientists beamed one of the most famous SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) messages to the globular cluster M13, using the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. But in the decades since, globular clusters have fallen out of favour for SETI hunts. The only planet known to reside in a globular cluster orbits an ancient pulsar, an environment unfriendly for life1. And targeted searches have failed to turn up more exoplanets in these clusters2.
But that does not mean that such planets do not exist, says Luca Pasquini, an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory in Garching, Germany. He and his colleagues found planets in an open cluster, a group of stars that is typically billions of years younger and less densely packed than globular clusters3. Astronomers had been sceptical of finding planets in open clusters until they looked, he notes; for globular clusters, he says, “there is room for very exciting discoveries” if astronomers continue to probe.
Stellar sweet spot
DiStefano and Ray began their work after thinking about the advantages that a globular cluster could offer alien life. If a civilization is close to another star system, “interstellar travel becomes a whole different thing,” DiStefano says. Civilizations could theoretically hop from star to star if threatened by cosmic dangers or extinction.
This ease of travel, combined with the ancient age of globular clusters, suggests that intelligent life could exist in these systems longer than in many other places, DiStefano adds. “The civilization might eventually be destroyed,” she adds, “but it would have a better opportunity at transferring members of itself and its knowledge.”
By analyzing the distances between stars in various globular clusters, DiStefano and Ray identified a “sweet spot” where conditions would be stable enough for a planet to form and survive for billions of years. The sweet spot varies from cluster to cluster, but corresponds to an interstellar distance of roughly to 100 to 1,000 times the Earth-Sun distance. If stars are spaced at roughly this distance within a cluster, then civilizations on planets around those stars would not have all that far to travel — or to communicate — with the next star system.
Finding these hypothetical planets is the next challenge. Di Stefano has a list of globular clusters she would like planet hunters to target, topped by one called Terzan 5 near the center of the Milky Way.
Science-fiction readers would be more than happy for her to find some. Isaac Asimov’s classic short story “Nightfall” involves a civilization that lives in a globular cluster, and then loses its collective mind when all six of its suns set at once.
WATCH: UFO filmed entering ‘swirling portal’ over Large Hadron Collider
WATCH: UFO filmed entering ‘swirling portal’ over Large Hadron Collider
IT HAS been the fear of some that the mysterious Large Hadron Collider may one day accidentally create a black hole that would swallow the Earth or open a portal to another dimension through which some evil entity or aliens would emerge.
Video claims a portal opened above the LCH but not many are convinced of it
Now, allegedly, something very mysterious has happened at the massive scientific installation.
Video footage has emerged on YouTube of TWO occasions when swirling holes formed above the monster scientific experiment run by CERN.
Not all viewers were convinced by their authenticity and many were more impressed by their CGI computer skills which went into producing the videos.
The latest footage appears to show a swirling whirlpool of clouds in the sky before an unidentified flying object UFO flies into the centre of it before all is still again.
YouTube channel Section 51 2, which posted the clip entitled UFO entering Interdimensional Portal over Geneva SWITZERLAND, alleged it was filmed by two US tourists last month".
However, a number of viewers posted that they thought special effects or CGI were used.
But several viewers were convinced it was real.
The LCH is a huge network of complex underground tunnels on the French Swiss borderwhere the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), which runs it, gets physicists to literally collide atoms together at high speed to try to discover the smallest possible version and hopefully answer how everything in the universe began.
An earlier video posted by the same channel on The YouTube clip called "New Huge phenomenon observed over Geneva - Cern area September 28" showed more swirling clouds and an explosive lightning display.
Many commenters said it was just video of a powerful thunderstorm that had been digitally manipulated.
"It's basically a mothercloud formed cloud which sometimes happen with Supercells. They can happen everywhere around the globe."
The Section 51 2 YouTube channel, which also features many slick alleged UFO sightings, has been blacklisted by many paranormal hoax exposer websites, such as UFO Theatre, after "being caught out using CGI"
A quick view of the Section 51 2 YouTube channel shows viewers one of two things:
Either they are using CGI a hell of a lot or they have assembled the best UFO footage on video ever that has yet to be investigated by recognised alien investigators.
CHILDREN as young as seven were confronted by men in sharp black suits and warned against talking, as emergency services and military swarmed the area.
It’s the mystery that has left an Australian suburb divided with witnesses wanting answers.
This year will mark the 50th anniversary of the Westall Incident and those involved are no closer to finding out what occurred on that fateful autumn morning.
It was 11.00am on April 6, 1966, when Australia’s largest mass UFO sighting took place.
Students and teachers from Westall High School and Westall State School, and members of the public claim to have watched as three metallic objects with no obvious markings manoeuvred silently through the sky.
The objects landed in a paddock adjacent to the schools before quickly flying away, leaving large circles of flattened grass with well-defined, discoloured edges behind.
In the hours following the incident, emergency services, the military and the media were in attendance trying to make sense of the baffling encounter.
Several witnesses claim sharply-dressed men in dark suits warned them from speaking about the incident.
The warnings failed to have an effect with a number of witnesses sharing their accounts.
The Dandenong Journal ran with coverage of the incident on its front page for consecutive issues and Nine News also reported the story on its 6.00pm bulletin.
However, the film canister containing the footage from the incident has since been found empty in the station archives.
Despite the initial coverage and a number of possible explanations, the incident still remains shrouded in mystery.
The front-page of the Dandenong Journal newspaper following the incident.
Researcher Shane Ryan has spent the last decade of his life investigating the incident and after speaking with more than 100 primary witnesses, he believes something strange occurred.
“It was so unusual ... it occurred in broad daylight and had been seen by so many people landing on the ground, before taking off again,” he told
“The event was obviously sizeable enough to muster a big response. Whatever it was that happened led to government agencies examining the site and taking soil samples.”
Mr Ryan said he believes there has been a concerted effort to keep the incident under wraps.
“[The media] kept meeting an official wall of silence, so it just stopped being a story and only remained as a memory for those involved,” he said.
Joy Clarke was 12 and a half at the time and vividly remembers the events that occurred that day.
“I was in class when students rushed in and told us the story. We rushed down to the oval and I saw three flying saucers on that day,” she told
“My personal belief is they weren’t of this world. They were definitely from somewhere else because I have never seen anything like it all.
“The army had arrived and the police were there. We were told we were hysterical and it didn’t happen, while men in black interviewed some of the other kids.”
More coverage from the local paper.
Terry Peck was playing cricket on the school oval when she saw the saucer and decided to chase it to Grange Reserve.
“I was about six metres away from it. It was bigger than a car and circular. I think I saw some lights underneath it,” she told the Herald Sun.
“Two girls were there before me. One was terribly upset and they were pale, really white, ghostly white. They just said they had passed out, fainted. One was taken to hospital in an ambulance.”
The now-56-year-old said no time was wasted in covering up the incident.
“We all got called to an assembly ... and they told us all to keep quiet,” she said.
“I’d absolutely just like someone to come forward from the services just to say ‘yes, it did happen, and it landed and there was a cover-up’.’’
Jacqueline Argent said she was one of the first three kids over the fence to look for the UFO landing site.
“Originally I thought it must have been an experimental-type aircraft, but nothing has emerged like that after all these years,’’ she said.
The now-58-year-old told how she was called into the headmaster’s office and interrogated by three men immediately following the incident.
“They had good-quality suits and were well-spoken,” she said.
“They said, ‘I suppose you saw little green men’.
“I spoke to my parents about it at the time and they were pretty outraged.’’
Stephen Cairns also claims to have witnessed the strange phenomenon.
The then-seven-year-old was living in Dandenong and walking to school with his mother after a dentist appointment when it occurred.
“In the distance I saw a silvery disc-like object. However, at first, it was so far away I was not quite sure what it was,” he told
“The silvery disc-like object moved with amazing speed until it was directly above us ... it hovered for a few moments then, as quickly as it came, it flew away.”
Suesan Crosthwaite, Pauline Kelly, Terry Peck and Kevin Hurley can remember vividly the 6th of April 1966 when mysterious flying objects flew overhead and landed a short distance away.
Source:News Limited
Although federal and state government agencies refused to comment about the incident at the time, government documents unearthed in 2014 offer an explanation for the sighting.
The documents revealed a secret radiation-testing project known as the HIBAL program — a joint US-Australian initiative developed to monitor atmospheric radiation levels using large silver balloons equipped with sensors between 1960 and 1969.
Each balloon was equipped with a 180kg payload and was followed by a light aircraft tasked with tracking it and triggering its 12m parachute via radio signal.
Researcher Keith Basterfield said examinations of the documents held by the National Archives and former Department of Supply indicate the mysterious flying object may have been a test balloon that was blown off course after being launched from Mildura.
“My hypothesis is that the incident involved not a UFO, but a high altitude balloon, its parachute and large payload,” he told News Corp.
“The Westall object was described as being a white/silver colour which could describe the colour of an HIBAL balloon or parachute.”
After performing a close review of all available documentation, including that searched through Freedom of Information laws, Mr Basterfield believes HIBAL flight number 292 to be the real culprit.
Up Next
They are walking among us International UFO Congress gathers
However, he admits he can’t be certain because the paperwork for the launches scheduled for the day before the Westall incident appears to have been lost or destroyed.
“What is strikingly missing is a memo reporting on the actual four launches for April 1966, one of which was scheduled for April 5, 1966, the day before Westall,” he said.
“So we have no (official) knowledge of where flight 292 went.”
When asked about the balloon theory, fellow researcher Mr Ryan said he had his doubts.
“Nothing was collected or picked up from the site as far as witnesses are aware,” he told
“The flying saucer came down and took off again, flying at high speed leaving behind large circles with a well-defined edge around perimeter.
“When a balloon becomes deflated and the gondola goes down, nothing like that happens.”
Hazel Edwards was an English and maths teacher at Westall High on the day of the incident and believes it has been blown out of proportion.
The self-proclaimed skeptic suggests overly excited kids made up the story and were responsible for the media hype.
“I think there were a lot of kids that were hyped up,” she told
“Look at the so-called evidence, most of it is just hearsay.”
Mr Ryan said while he is open to the idea of a down-to-earth explanation, none so far seems to fit the bill.
“What we’re hoping for is someone in an official capacity coming forward and talking about what happened.”
The landing site has since been turned into a memorial park to reflect the 1966 Westall UFO Incident.
Let Matthew Dunn know your thoughts on Twitter @mattydunn11
A ball of light that lit up Canberra’s skies Sunday night during a storm once again stirred speculations of UFO sightings. Experts, however, were quick to say it was actually an unusual phenomenon known as ball as ball lightning.
(Photo : YouTube | Johnson Thompson)
A strange light over the Australian capital – a ball of light that lit up Canberra’s skies before rapidly disappearing – once again stirred speculations on social media of a UFO sighting.
A video originally uploaded on Reddit showed a donut-shaped orb appearing on the Australian Capital Territory sky during a Sunday night storm, with a faint red and green glow on the background.
Some social media users branded it as an extraterrestrial event, while experts dismissed it as a weather phenomenon known as “ball lightning.”
Class B UFO?
During the recorded incident, the sky was illuminated by lightning as well as a green-red hue, and then a white orb shone bright in the dark sky and faded away after a few seconds.
Some believed it was a UFO exiting a portal belonging to another dimension.
For Jakka Warren, it was a so-called Class B UFO due to the alleged “typical hyperdrive residue” that formed, not a ball of lightning as experts suggested. “Nice try fools,” he said, as quoted by a local news outlet.
Certain Reddit users maintained that the light was a sign of hyperspace opening up.
On the other hand, there were skeptics calling the video a hoax.
Sorry, Folks, It’s ‘Ball Lightning’
Astronomer Dr. Brad Tucker of Australian National University debunked the UFO claims, saying it was an equally mysterious phenomenon known as ball lightning.
According to Dr. Tucker, the green and red light faintly glowing in the background could be mistaken for an aurora, where the sun’s energy hits the atmosphere, rubbing it with friction and charging the gas.
"But the problem is there was no activity from the sun, it was cloudy, we can't see the aurora, so it doesn't really fit,” he explained.
However, he believed it was a “really interesting occurrence” this time: a ball lightning, a weird phenomenon where lightning appears as a ball explosion and sometimes even moves around in the sky. The energy manifesting in this unusual activity can typically occur due to a lot of electrical charge rubbing against atmospheric gases.
Forecaster Sean Carson agreed as there were thunderstorms at the time, limiting the possibility to lightning.
Reportedly, ball lightning takes place more often in Australia than any other country.
Unusual Phenomena Abound
Dr. Tucker was fairly sure it wasn’t extraterrestrial passersby or visitors that caused the mysterious light, saying aliens would probably visit “somewhere more active than Canberra coming back from holidays.”
He also dismissed speculations of Photoshop enhancement, as the elements in the video and other records fit together.
However, the expert cited plenty of other weird natural occurrences everywhere, such as similar UFO-looking lights in Norway. “[It happens] every autumn for a few weeks… but the lights happen regularly like clockwork,” he added.
In the United States shortly before Christmas, an unidentified bright object torched the night sky of California, Nevada, and Arizona, inciting assumptions of another UFO or meteor sighting. Officials, however, were quick to say that it was nothing more than Russian space debris reentry.
Watch the YouTube video below of the strange lights witnessed above Canberra.
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Burbage historian recalls Hinckley's UFO
Burbage historian recalls Hinckley's UFO
"I hoped that one day I would see a UFO – but did not really believe that it would happen"
Steven Spielberg’s film Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released in 1977 upon a mainly unsuspecting public, although UFOs sightings have been reported around the world for some years prior to 1977.
With the release of the film sightings increased dramatically no doubt the film made us much more aware of the possibility of visitors from outer space and, thereafter, we were observing the night sky and also the daytime sky much more than we had in the past.
I must admit that the film fired my imagination. I hoped that one day I would see a UFO – but did not really believe that it would happen.
Well happed it did, and not on one of the occasions when I was searching the night sky – in fact, I was driving my car when the sensational event began.
It was the evening of Mayday 23rd October 1978. At the time I lived on Hinckley’s Hollycroft estate.
On Monday evenings I drove my wife to Hinckley College to a class that she attended.
On this particular Monday I was driving up Hollycroft Hill at about 6.35pm when my wife said: “what is that strange object in the sky?”
I glanced in the direction of the Gas Works in Coventry Road and saw it for myself.
The object appeared to be delta in shape and had lights dotted around it. On arriving at the junction of Upper and Lower Bond Street I observed that the object was high in the sky over the direction of the Borough.
I drove along Lower Bond Street into Council Road and then into Stockwell Head.
All the time my wife was saying the object was overhead. My curiosity overcame me and I pulled into the parking area near to the Concordia Theatre. I noticed that tow or three other cars were doing the same thing.
We got out of the car – as did other people – and looked up. Immediately above us was the object.
It was now perfectly still. How high I could not say. There was no sound coming from it.
There appeared to be some kind of observation cabin below the main structure, which seemed to have numerous windows from which lights flashed on and off.
We all held our breath not knowing what was going to happen next, when all of a sudden there was a loud “whoosh” and then the object had vanished. My wife and I spoke with the other people.
None of us could say what it was we had really seen.
I believe it was a UFO in the true sense of the word. If our Government or any other earthly power was testing some new kind of flying machine, then they have certainly kept it quiet for the past years.
Recently, I discussed the incident with someone far more learned in astronomy than I am, and his belief is that it is impossible that it could have come from another planet.
Well, I can only say what I saw. It certainly was no hallucination as a number of other people had also seen it.
So what did we see on the night of the 23rd October 1978? Whatever it was, it was an unnerving and thrilling experience.
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Mysterieuze ruimtebollen vallen uit de lucht in Vietnam
Mysterieuze ruimtebollen vallen uit de lucht in Vietnam
Het Vietnamese leger doet momenteel onderzoek naar de herkomst van drie metalen bollen die in het noorden van het land uit de lucht zijn gevallen.
Het grootste object weegt zo’n 45 kilo en is ontdekt in de provincie Tuyên Quang, meldt de websiteThanh Nien News. Een tweede bol kwam neer in een tuin in de provincie Yên Bái. De lichtste van de drie bollen kwam terecht op een dak en rolde vervolgens op de grond.
Ruimtebol van 45 kilo in Vietnam (VietnamNet)
Lokale bewoners hoorden vlak voordat de bollen werden gevonden een hard geluid dat deed denken aan donderslag. Het Vietnamese ministerie van Defensie vermoedt dat de objecten afkomstig zijn van een vliegtuig of raket. Ze zouden ongevaarlijk zijn.
Het ministerie zei dat de bollen gemaakt zijn in Rusland, maar voegde toe dat onduidelijk is of ze later zijn verkocht aan een ander land.
Ruimtevaartexpert professor Nguyen Khoa Son denkt dat de bollen onderdeel vormden van een oude satelliet die niet is opgebrand in de aardatmosfeer. Hij vertelde aan de website Vietnam Bridge dat de objecten niet beschadigd lijken te zijn, wat wijst in de richting van een mislukte satellietlancering.
Het grote onbekende: Een reusachtige oceaan in het binnenste van de aarde
Het grote onbekende: Een reusachtige oceaan in het binnenste van de aarde
We hebben allemaal op school geleerd dat de aarde bestaat uit de aardkorst, buitenmantel, binnenmantel, buitenkern en binnenkern. De meeste mensen accepteren dit als feit.
Het diepste gat ooit gemaakt door mensen is ongeveer 12 kilometer diep; terwijl de afstand tot de binnenkern ongeveer 6371 kilometer bedraagt. Mogelijk ziet onze aarde er van binnen heel anders uit dan we denken.
In 2014 liet professor Graham Pearson van de Universiteit van Alberta een goedkope diamant analyseren. De diamant was in 2008 gevonden door Braziliaanse mijnwerkers. In de diamant troffen de onderzoekers ringwoodiet aan, terwijl ze eigenlijk op zoek waren naar een ander mineraal.
Oceaan in de aarde
Het was de eerste keer dat het mineraal op aarde werd ontdekt. Eerder werd ringwoodiet wel al gevonden in meteorieten. Het mineraal bevatte water en was gevormd op 400 tot 900 kilometer diepte, de zogeheten overgangszone tussen de buitenmantel en de binnenmantel.
Dit suggereert dat er een oceaan in de aarde kan worden gevonden. En die oceaan ‘bevat mogelijk net zoveel water als alle oceanen op aarde bij elkaar’, zei Pearson in een nieuwsbericht.
Het is nog niet zeker dat de reusachtige oceaan daadwerkelijk bestaat, maar de vondst van ringwoodiet is een belangrijke aanwijzing dat het binnenste van de aarde voor een groot deel bestaat uit water, schrijft de krant Epoch Times.
Deze reusachtige oceaan zou een grote invloed uitoefenen op de platentektoniek, de vorming van vulkanen en de manier waarop rotsen onder de korst verschuiven – eigenlijk de hele geologie. De bevindingen werden gepubliceerd in Nature.
De ontdekking doet denken aan de sciencefictionklassieker Journey to the Center of the Earth van Jules Verne. In het boek ontdekt een dappere wetenschapper een ingang naar het binnenste van de aarde, waar hij een oceaan, land en intelligent leven ontdekt.
In de 19e eeuw geloofden veel mensen dat de aarde hol was. Ook vandaag de dag hangen sommigen deze theorie nog aan. Terwijl we de ruimte verkennen, leven we op een planeet die in veel opzichten nog een mysterie blijft.
One hundred and seven-odd years ago, a most unusual incident occurred in the tiny North Texas town of Aurora. It was here that one of the earliest documented encounters with an alien life form took place, in the early morning hours of April 19, 1897.
Aurora, Texas, is literally "the town that almost was" as the town’s tiny history book states, and one of its few, if not its only, claim to fame is the burial site of an alien pilot that crashed there in his “airship”, the most memorable event in a string of UFO sightings which covered a three state area between 1895 and 1898.
Aurora is located just off US 287 west of Rhome, about a mile south, on State Highway 114 to Bridgeport. There is a sign beside the highway that says CEMETERY, and points south toward the graveyard. Interestingly enough, the historical marker at the site actually includes the word "spaceship". Newspapers, along with diaries and letters by local residents, reported that an alien craft hit a windmill and was torn to pieces, along with its occupant in April, 1897. A 1986 movie, "The Aurora Encounter," produced by Charles B. Pierce, tells the tale. The official historical marker was installed by the State of Texas, and although nobody knows exactly where the grave is located, it is certain that the alien was, in fact, buried in the Aurora Cemetery, after the efforts of the local doctor failed to save it’s life following the crash. There is, unfortunately, no sign of the tombstone. It was stolen some years ago and never recovered. There are, however, picture records of its existence. There is currently a renewed movement in town to exhume the body of the alien, replace the headstone and do a complete search for remains of the crash. Also, there have been several interesting pieces of metal found in the area that have been confiscated for analysis by the military and never returned.
Aurora Cemetery TE Photo, 2-04
The historical marker reads as follows:
“Aurora Cemetery”
“The oldest known graves, here, dating from as early as the 1860s, are those of the Randall and Rowlett families. Finis Dudley Beauchamp (1825-1893), a Confederate veteran from Mississippi, donated the 3-acre site to the newly- formed Aurora Lodge No. 479, A. F. & A.M., in 1877. For many years, this community burial ground was known as Masonic Cemetery. Beauchamp, his wife Caroline (1829-1915), and others in their family are buried here. An epidemic which struck the village in 1891 added hundreds of graves to the plot. Called "Spotted Fever" by the settlers, the disease is now thought to be a form of meningitis. Located in Aurora Cemetery is the gravestone of the infant Nellie Burris (1891-1893) with its often-quoted epitaph: "As I was so soon done, I don't know why I was begun." This site is also well-known because of the legend that a spaceship crashed nearby in 1897 and the pilot, killed in the crash, was buried here. Struck by epidemic and crop failure and bypassed by the railroad, the original town of Aurora almost disappeared, but the cemetery remains in use with over 800 graves. Veterans of the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and the Korean and Vietnam conflicts are interred here”.
Aurora brings up images of high-speed space travel. In fact, the newest space shuttle in the NASA fleet is named 'Aurora' after the UFO incident that took place in 1897. In 1997, the 100th anniversary of the crash of the unknown “airship” in Aurora, the TV show "Sightings" brought renewed interest to the topic with a special called “One Hundred Years of UFO Cover-ups”, that featured the crash, the efforts of the local doctor to help the dying alien, and the burial of his body in the town cemetery.
This incident has been covered up and ridiculed by the U.S. Government (a standard operating procedure of the MAJESTIC 12 group) and has been widely reported to be a hoax (a weather balloon?). This, to say the least, sounds a lot like Roswell in 1947? The US government has a long history of cover-ups in regards to such occurrences. It is hoped that the current, renewed interest in the incident will last, and that a new investigation will clear up the Aurora event for good, although much time has passed. It is tragic that most, if not all of the original witnesses are long dead, for, at one time, up until around the early seventies, there were quite a few people still living who had been children at the time and not only remember the crash, but remember a rash of “airship” sightings, all over East and North-Central Texas, as well as the stories which were passed down to them from their “elders”. Almost everyone who grew up in those parts of the state have heard stories from their grandparents, or other “old folks” about such events, many of whom were “substantial” citizens, including doctors, clergymen, judges, army personnel, sheriffs and other professionals.
The Aurora crash was, in fact, the culminating event in a rash of “airship” sightings in East and Northeast Texas, Oklahoma, North and Central Louisiana in the period between 1895 and 1898. Robert Atkinson, of Center, Texas, a veteran of the Spanish American War, often told of seeing, as a teenager, strange, “flashing lights” in the sky, as did Polk Burns of the same city. Similar incidents were recountered by Bud Knight, a prominent resident of San Augustine, Texas, who died in 1981 at the age of 108. Lee Choron, who died in 1976 at the age of 94 recalled seeing “moving lights flashing in the sky” while living in Swift, Texas (near Nacogdoches) while in his “teens”. Nor, were civic records and town newspapers of the time completely silent on the matter. Reports, although not common, do exist. On April 22, 1897 in the small central Texas town of Rockland, John M. Barclay was intrigued when his dog barked furiously and a high-pitched noise was heard. He went out, saw a flying object circling about 20 feet above ground. He described it as having an elongated shape, with protrusions and blinding lights, it went dark when it landed, only a short distance from his home. Barclay was met by a man who informed him that his purpose was peaceful and requested some common hardware items to repair the craft. He paid with a ten-dollar bill and took off "like a bullet out of a gun."
On that same day, April 22, 1897, some one hundred miles away, in the community of Josserand, Texas, Frank Nichols, who lived some five miles east of Josserand, and was one of its most respected citizens, was awakened by what he called a “machine noise”. Looking outside, he saw a heavy, lighted object land in his wheat field. He walked toward it, but was stopped by two men who asked permission to draw water from his well. He then had a discussion with half a dozen “short, dark men” men, apparently the crew of the strange machine. He was told how it worked but could not follow the explanation.
Three days later, on April 25, 1897, in Merkel, Texas. People returning from church served a heavy object being dragged along the ground by a rope or cable, attached to a “cigar shaped” lying craft. As the assembled crowd watched, the line managed to get caught in a railroad track. The craft was too high for its structure to be visible but protrusions and a light could be distinguished. After the craft hovered in place for about 10 minutes, a man came down along the rope cut the end free, and went back aboard the craft, which flew away toward the northeast. The man was described by all witnesses, as being small and dressed in a light blue uniform.
The next day, late in the evening of April 26, 1897, near the town of Aquila, in South Texas. A local lawyer, whose name was not reported by the press, was surprised to see a lighted object fly quietly overhead as he was riding from his office to his home, just outside the city limits. His horse was scared and nearly toppled his carriage. The object was large, and “oblong”, and sported a bright light that was observed to be sweeping the ground below the object. When the main light was turned off, a number of smaller lights became visible on the underside of the dark colored, metallic craft, which revealed an elongated, transparent canopy. It continued forward, toward a hill, some seven miles to the south of Aquila. When the witness passed the same way, approximately one hour later, he saw the object rising. It reached the altitude of the cloud ceiling and flew to the northeast at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of light.
These accounts, all given by respectable witnesses, separated by several hundred miles, yet all in a direct line with Aurora, describe a very similar object. It must be remembered that in 1897, distances were much greater than they are today, and news traveled at a much slower rate. It is inconceivable that there could have been any collusion between witnesses, and highly unlikely that people living in towns separated by several hundred miles, could have heard news or read accounts of happenings in other towns within the space of two or three days. This was a time, it must be remembered, when most news traveled by wire, or by railroad, and unless there was a critical need for residents of one region to have news of another, the expense of wiring such news was avoided.
Much may be made, in some quarters of the “quaint” descriptions given of the object… it, indeed, must be a single object, or at least identical objects… such as the presence of “machine noises” and “ropes”. This is perfectly understandable in light of the fact that this was a time before sophisticated machinery, especially sophisticated flying machinery was common, or even, for that matter, known. It would be six years before the Wright Brothers would take their first, halting, leap above the ground, and the dirigible airships of such pioneers as the Count von Zeplein, were in the very early stages of development, a continent and an ocean away. Certainly no native ofEast, Central or South Texas had ever seen such an object. It is highly unlikely that very many of them had even heard of such things. Science Fiction of the day was limited to the works of Jules Verne, and the very early works of Herbert George Wells, and it is unlikely in the extreme that residents of a tiny Texas town, only a few years removed from fighting for it’s survival with the Apaches and Comanches would have access to such current works.
The point, is this. The residents of Aquila, Hillsboro, Merkel, Jossarand, Nacogdoches, Swift and Aurora, would describe what they saw in terms that they understood, and could relate to. Any unusual sound, emanating from an obviously “manmade” object would be described as a “machine sound”. Likewise, any form of line, tie-down or connector would be described as a rope, cable or line. A classic example of such a description would be the existence of the “cargo” cults of the South Pacific… religious sects of islanders who being members of a pre-industrial, stone age culture, worship the airplanes that their ancestors first saw during the Second World War, and revere the crews as Gods who brought gifts… “cargo” from the sky. Far fetched? Not at all. Imagine how anyone living today might describe an object from a thousand years or, or so, in our own future.
It is also worthwhile, at this point, to repeat the fact that people of this time and place, late 19th Century Texas, were extremely conservative in nature, skeptical by necessity, and most unlikely to take off on flights of fancy. There would simply be nothing to be gained from concocting a story concerning such a thing as an “airship." They would not only not be believed, their sanity, sobriety and competence would have come into serious question. Unlike today, when, as one must admit, such accounts are commonly hoaxed as an attempt to gain attention and momentary fame, this simply would not have been the case in 1897. The most likely result of such a story, unless absolutely and verifiably true would have been shunning by the community as the “village idiot” or as the “town drunk”. Worse, in the primarily Protestant Fundamentalist religious atmosphere of the time, which, by the way, has changed but little since that time, one would have been considered “blasphemous”, “sacrilegious” and possibly even “Satanic”, and definitely shunned by most “upright” and “upstanding” citizens of the community.
Subject: Aurora, Texas alien I am the great-great-great granddaughter of Finis Dudley Beauchamp. Dudley is the person who donated the family cemetery to the town of Aurora. My great grandmother, Robbie Reynolds, was the 91 year old person that so many of the online articles mention as having been interviewed in the 1970's.
As much as I wish the whole story were true, the fact of the matter is, it's not. My great-grandmother and I were very close. She said that the whole story was a hoax, and the original interview included that. I'm not sure how the story went from her saying it was a hoax to the story that her parents went to check out the situation, and wouldn't allow her to go. In your article you mention that most people of the time were illiterate. I know for sure that my great-grandmother and her mother and father could read and write very well. I also know that Robbie Townsend, the woman for whom my great grandmother was named, was a teacher.
I know the truth isn't nearly as cool as the stories that have been told for the last 100 years. I just wanted to set the story straight. -Sincerely, Robbie Fields, El Paso, Texas, April 09, 2005
The Aurora story is a total hoax as far as I'm concerned. I spent eight hours searching at the cemetery where the alien is supposed to be buried and found nary a grave. Even if the headstone had been stolen you would think that some one would put something in it's place so people would at least know where he is buried. Plus it is said that photos exist of the headstone but none are ever posted on the internet. We have an eyewitness account that is completely false. The great granddaughter of the woman who supposedly witnessed it said that her grandmother had said it was a hoax at the time she was interviewed but instead it said she is quoted as saying she remember it happening as though it was real. As for the newspaper article in the Dallas Morning News I have searched their archives and no such article exists or was ever written. The only thing about Aurora in that days paper is the farm report. Also mentioned is the city's town square. Unless it was totally demolished in the last few years it doesn't exist either. I drove every road in and out of town and at some point I would have found the town square but never did. This is a very small town. If traveling on highway 114 you pass through the town in about 2:30 min and that's going 45 mph. I doubt one could miss a town square. The newspaper article in all websites but two I've seen credit it to a E.E. Hayden and on the other two the say it was written by a S.E. Haydon who was an amateur writer who wrote the story as a fictional account to help revitalize a dying community. I never found signs of an old military airfield although there is a road in town that is called old base road which seems to [suggest] there was some sort of base in the area. The town doesn't seem to be laid out in base fashion - it just looks like a very small country town with a population of 376. No town to speak of - just farms and houses no main street or town square. If any one can give me better geographic info I would be glad to go out there again and see what I can find because I could never find the "old Proctor place." If someone knows where these things are send it to me and I'll investigate. - Tomy Dudley,, December 27, 2005
WASHINGTON | Recently released remote sensing photography of NASA’s Operation IceBridge mission in Antarctica led to a fascinating discovery when images revealed what some experts believe could be the existence of a possible ancient human settlement lying beneath an impressive 2.3 kilometers of ice.
The intriguing discovery was made during aircraft tests trials of NASA’s Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) lidar technology set to be launched on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) in 2017, that aims to monitor changes in polar ice.
“There’s very little margin for error when it comes to individual photons hitting on individual fiber optics, that is why we were so surprised when we noticed these abnormal features on the lidar imagery,” explains Nathan Borrowitz, IceBridge’s project scientist and sea ice researcher with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
“As of now we can only speculate as to what these features are but the launching of ICESat-2 in 2017 could lead to other major discoveries and a better understanding of Antarctica’s geomorphological features” he adds.
Although NASA scientist Nathan Borrowitz claims the infrared images are definitely intriguing, other experts claim they are clearly the proof of ancient human engineering
A human settlement buried under 2.3 km of ice
Leading archeologist, Ashoka Tripathi, of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Calcutta believes the images show clear evidence of an ancient human settlement beneath the ice sheet.
“These are clearly features of some sort of human-made structure, resembling some sort of pyramidal structure. The patterns clearly show nothing we should expect from natural geomorphological formations found in nature. We clearly have here evidence of human engineering. The only problem is that these photographs were taken in Antarctica under 2 kilometers of ice. That is clearly the puzzling part, we do not have any explanation for this at the moment,” he admits.
“These pictures just reflect a small portion of Antarctica’s total land mass. There are possibly many other additional sites that are covered over with ice. It just shows us how easy it is to underestimate both the size and scale of past human settlements,” says Dr Tripathi.
Remnants of a lost civilization
Historian and cartographer at the University of Cambridge, Christopher Adam, believes there might be a rationnal explanation.
The map of Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD shows the “ice less” coastline of Antarctica
“One of histories most puzzling maps is that of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 AD which successfully mapped the coastline of Antarctica over 1,000 years ago. What is most fascinating about this map is that it shows the coastline of Antarctica without any ice. How is this possible when images of the subglacial coastline of Antarctica were only seen for the first time after the development of ground-penetrating radar in 1958? Is it possible Antarctica has not always been covered under such an ice sheet? This could be evidence that it is a possibility” he acknowledges.
« A slight pole shift or displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth in historical times is possibly the only rational explanation that comes to mind but we definitely need more research done before we jump to any conclusion.”
ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite 2), part of NASA’s Earth Observing System, is a planned satellite mission for measuring ice sheet mass elevation, sea ice freeboard as well as land topography and vegetation characteristics, and is set to launch in may 2017.
Evidence for new state of hydrogen: Discovery gives glimpse of conditions found on other planets
Evidence for new state of hydrogen: Discovery gives glimpse of conditions found on other planets
Evidence for new state of hydrogen: Discovery gives glimpse of conditions found on other planets
An artistic representation of a hydrogen molecule under compression using opposed diamond anvil devices. The experimental work using micro-focused Raman spectroscopy explores the possibility of breaking the hydrogen molecule through means …more
Scientists have recreated an elusive form of the material that makes up much of the giant planets in our solar system, and the sun.
Experiments have given a glimpse of a previously unseen form of hydrogenthat exists only at extremely high pressures - more than 3 million times that of Earth's atmosphere.
Hydrogen - which is among the most abundant elements in the Universe - is thought to be found in this high-pressure form in the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn.
Researchers around the world have been trying for years to create this form of the element, known as the metallic state, which is considered to be the holy grail of this field of physics. It is believed that this form of hydrogen makes up most of the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn.
The metallic and atomic form of hydrogen, formed at elevated pressures, was first theorised to exist 80 years ago. Scientists have tried to confirm this in lab experiments spanning the past four decades, without success. In this latest study from a team of physicists at the University of Edinburgh, researchers used a pair of diamonds to squeeze hydrogen molecules to record pressures, while analysing their behaviour.
Micro-focused Raman spectroscopy of Hydrogen using a diamond anvil cell to exert pressures in excess of 3.5 million atmospheres and resistively heated to a temperatures of 475 K. Credit: Philip Dalladay-Simpson and Eugene Gregoryanz
They found that at pressures equivalent to 3.25 million times that of Earth's atmosphere, hydrogen entered a new solid phase - named phase V - and started to show some interesting and unusual properties. Its molecules began to separate into single atoms, while the atoms' electrons began to behave like those of a metal.
The team says that the newly found phase is only the beginning of the molecular separation and that still higher pressures are needed to create the pure atomic and metallic state predicted by theory.
The study, published in Nature, was supported by a Leadership Fellowship from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
An artistic representation of a hydrogen molecule under compression using opposed diamond anvil devices. The experimental work explores the evolution of hydrogen from its ambient dielectric molecular state (transparent molecules) through to …more
Professor Eugene Gregoryanz, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Physics and Astronomy, who led the research, said: "The past 30 years of the high-pressure research saw numerous claims of the creation ofmetallic hydrogenin the laboratory, but all these claims were later disproved. Our study presents the first experimental evidence that hydrogen could behave as predicted, although at much higher pressures than previously thought. The finding will help to advance the fundamental and planetary sciences."
More information: Philip Dalladay-Simpson et al. Evidence for a new phase of dense hydrogen above 325 gigapascals,Nature (2016). DOI: 10.1038/nature16164
Het Chinese bedrijf Ehang Inc. stelde gisteren tijdens de CES gadgetbeurs in Las Vegas de eerste drone ter wereld voor die plaats biedt aan een passagier.
De aanwezigen konden in een filmpje zien hoe de drone vliegt. Hij ziet eruit als een kleine helikopter, maar met vier dubbele propellers die parallel met de grond draaien, net zoals andere drones.
De drone, die vliegt op elektriciteit, kan volledig opgeladen worden op twee uur tijd, 100 kilogram vervoeren en 23 minuten lang vliegen op zeeniveau. In de drone is plaats voor één persoon en een kleine rugzak. Het toestel heeft zelfs airco en een leeslamp. Wanneer de propellers naar binnen vouwen, past het voertuig in een standaard parkeerplaats. Nadat ze de vluchtroute hebben ingegeven, moeten passagiers via de tablet slechts twee commando's geven: "stijg op" en "land".
De drone is ontwikkeld om zo'n 300 à 500 meter boven de grond te vliegen, op een maximale hoogte van 3500 meter en aan een topsnelheid van 100 kilometer per uur.
Shiang Hsiao, medeoprichter en CFO van Ehang zegt dat het bedrijf de drone voor 185.000 à 275.000 euro nog dit jaar op de markt wil brengen. De man erkent echter dat er op vlak van wetgeving nog veel onduidelijkheid is: "de wereld heeft nooit eerder zoiets als dit gezien," zei hij.
Passagiers hebben zelf geen controle over het voertuig. Het bedrijf wil een controlecentrum oprichten dat in geval van problemen de drone overneemt en ervoor zorgt dat het toestel veilig landt, aldus Hsiao.
Volgens marketingdirecteur Derrick Xiong heeft de drone al meer dan honderd proefvluchten uitgevoerd, waarvan meerdere keren met een passagier. De vier propellers maken de drone veiliger dan een helikopter, beweert hij.
De firma die ook kleinere drones produceert, maakte in augustus bekend dat ze 42 miljoen dollar had ingezameld van verschillende investeerders in aanvulling op de 10 miljoen dollar die werd opgehaald in 2014.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Soldaat verbreekt na 44 jaar de stilte over UFO’s bij Roswell
Soldaat verbreekt na 44 jaar de stilte over UFO’s bij Roswell
Een oud-soldaat heeft na 44 jaar de stilte verbroken over een ‘UFO-waarneming in de woestijn bij Roswell’, de plek waar in de jaren veertig een vliegende schotel zou zijn gecrasht.
De anonieme getuige zei dat twee onbekende vliegende objecten door zeker 500 andere soldaten zijn gezien in de woestijn van New Mexico. Hij voegde toe dat de mysterieuze gebeurtenis, die in totaal vijf uur duurde, hem de rest van zijn leven zal bijblijven.
De veteraan zou in juli 1971 gestationeerd zijn geweest op Fort Bliss in Texas, toen hij op een avond moest meedoen aan een oefening in de woestijn, even ten westen van Roswell.
Area 51
In juli 1947 kondigde het Amerikaanse leger aan dat in de buurt van die plaats resten van een vliegende schotel waren gevonden. Een dag erna zei het leger dat het om resten van een luchtballon ging. Getuigen zeiden later dat in het ‘gecrashte vaartuig’ lichamen waren gevonden die naar de mysterieuze basis Area 51 in Nevada waren gebracht.
De veteraan zei dat 500 soldaten tijdens de operatie getuige waren van twee UFO’s. “Het eerste object kwam uit het noorden en stopte,” zei hij. “Het andere object naderde ons vanuit het westen. In de vijf daaropvolgende uren bleven de objecten in de buurt en maakten ze vreemde bewegingen.”
Het ging volgens de getuige om cirkelvormige objecten. Hij kon moeilijk inschatten hoe groot ze waren. “De dag erna moesten we naar een andere plek in de woestijn om te eten,” zei hij. “De hele eenheid had het over de UFO’s. Mijn eenheid bestond uit meer dan 500 soldaten. De UFO’s bleven zichtbaar tot de zon te fel werd.”
De zaak wordt momenteel bekeken door MUFON. Door de jaren heen zijn er veel verschillende boeken geschreven over Roswell. In mei vorig jaar waren duizenden mensen bij een conferentie in Mexico waar foto’s van Roswell-aliens zouden worden getoond. Later bleek dat het ging om foto’s van een kindmummie.
Russia’s Mysterious ‘Ark Of Gabriel’ WEAPON – Now On Route To Antarctica
Russia’s Mysterious ‘Ark Of Gabriel’ WEAPON – Now On Route To Antarctica
A shocking report which was apparently produced by the Russian Ministry Of Defence (MOD) has been circulating around the Kremlin. This mind boggling report states that two satellites of the Aerospace Forces, are being used for the protection of the Russian Federation military research vessel, Admiral Vladimisky, which has recently left the Saudi Arabian Port of Jeddah, apparently taking on board with it a mysterious object called the “Ark Of Gabriel”
According to the report President Putin has deemed this object to be that important that he has called in naval warships, including guided missile cruiser Varyag, the Sovremennyy-class destroyer Bystry, Boris Chilikin-class fleet oiler Boris Butoma, and the powerful salvage tug Alatau that upon the ending of their current mission in India, they are to rendezvous with the Admiral Vladimisky in the Southern Ocean providing it protection as it sails to Antarctica – clearly whatever this “Ark” is, it is of a huge significance to the Russian President.
The report apparently confirmed that the mission started after the contacting on 25 September of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow by representatives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, regarding a mysterious ancient “device/weapon” discovered under the Masjid al-Haram Mosque (the Grand Mosque) during what has turned into an extremely controversial and top secret construction project which originally began in 2014 – something has clearer got the Russian Presidents immediate attention.
Please see image below of the apparent construction site:
The report apparently states that the Admiral Vladimisky research vessel began this top secret mission on the 6th November 2015 when it deported from Kronstadt on the Federation’s first Antarctica expedition in 30 years – most bizarrely the MOD described the object on board the ship as “critical military-religious” significance!? Another very strange aspect of this was that it was also mentioned that the ship’s cargo will also include ‘capsules with Russian soil which will be placed in the areas of military glory and burial sites of Russian sailors at selected ports of call’ – Could this mean that whatever is on board this ship is potentially going to kill a number of Russian military personnel !?
This intense military project all started after the representatives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, contacting His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow about the supposedly ancient “device/weapon” discovered under the Masjid al-Haram Mosque (Grand Mosque) during what has turned into a very controversial construction project begun in 2014 (please see image above). This almost comes across as if the Saudi’s were far too nervous to try to move this unknown object by themselves, hence the Russian involvement – As you can imagine the construction work under one of the most important areas of the world for the Islamic religion was frowned upon by many!
Worryingly raising the concerns of the Saudi’s and the Grand Mosque emissaries, the report went on to confirm that when this mysterious “device/weapon” was discovered on 12th September by a 15-man tunnel digging crew, who in their attempting to remove this mysterious mystical ‘weapon’ were instantly killed by a huge“plasma emission” In fact it was so powerful that it ejected from the ground toppling a construction crane killing, at least, another 107 people in the surrounding area.
The ‘Ark Of Gabriele’ apparently caused a massive plasma storm killing many whilst attending the Mecca for prayer services.
Coincidence or not, the report goes on to note/warn about the fact that barely a fortnight after the first attempt to remove this mysterious “device/weapon” was made on 12th September, a second attempt was then made on the 24th September which killed over 4,000 due to another huge “plasma emission” which put tens-of-thousands in panic. The Saudi officials then decided to blame this devastating situation on a stampede.
Just what has Putin got involved with!?
Straight after the catastrophic death toll caused by the Saudi’s second attempt to remove this mysterious “device/weapon”, the report goes on to say that His Holiness Patriarch Kirill was then contacted by the Grand Mosque emissaries in regards to one of the oldest Islamic manuscripts possessed by the Russian Orthodox Church that was saved from the Roman Catholic Crusaders in 1204 when they sacked the Church of Holy Wisdom (which is now known as Hagia Sophia) in Constantinople (present day Istanbul, Turkey)which was titled “Gabriel’s Instructions To Muhammad”.
It is rather important to note, that this apparent report explains something which is pretty much virtually unknown in the West, was the fact that the Roman Catholic Crusades were not only against the growing Islamic faith, it was also against those having Russian Orthodox faith too, and this is why, during the crusades, the Russian Orthodox Church not only protected their own religious libraries from being destroyed, but also those belonging to Muslims – there was a great unity at the time between the Russian Orthodox church and the Muslims
The contents of this ancient Islamic manuscript, which has an intriguing heading of “Gabriel’s Instructions To Muhammad”, this report briefly notes, it centres around a group of instructions given to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel in a cave called Hira, located on the mountain called Jabal an-Nour, near Mecca, wherein this heavenly being entrusted into Muhammad’s care a “box/ark” of “immense power” he was forbidden to use as it apparently belonged to God and God only, and was, instead, to be buried in a shrine at the “place of worship the Angels used before the creation of man” until its future uncovering in the days of Yawm al-Qīyāmah, or Qiyâmah, which means literally “Day of the Resurrection” – could we be building up to yet another end of the world scenario?!?
What could the mysterious Ark release on to the planet
Interestingly the MOD report hardly mentions about any conversations held between His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the emissaries of the Grand Mosque in regards to this mysterious “Ark Of Gabriel”, however what it does clearly acknowledge that when President Putin was first made aware of this grave situation, on the 27th September, the leader of Russia immediately contacted his senior military personnel and ordered the mission to Antarctica for the Admiral Vladimisky research vessel – Even more intriguing was the fact that 3 days later, on the 30th September, the Russian Airforce started bombing Daesh (ISIS) targets within Syria, could this be a DISTRACTION steering the world away from what is going on with the transportation of the strange ‘Ark Of Gable’!?
Russia’s was against ISIS is Syria being used as a distraction?
U.I.P SUMMARY – Now this story is rather creepy isn’t it, something which I did a bit of digging up on and the conclusion is that ‘something’ is definitely being covered up, but the question is WHAT!?!? This story reminds me very much of the ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark Film’ of which the Nazi’s in the film manage to get hold of an ancient Ark, which when opens releases a world of hell, devouring every mortal in its path (click HERE for more). From the destruction and deaths apparently caused when attempting to move the ‘Ark of Gabriel’ in Saudi Arabia, which was discovered next to the Mecca, one does wonder whether this could be a similar scenario to the Harrison Ford Film.
Please check out the video below of the scene from the Raiders Of The Lost Ark:
What is very interesting about this creepy/worrying story is that the mysterious “weapon/device” is being covered up intensely in fact the site which we referred back to confirmed that they would be concerned to have pushed any harder on what else this so-called MOD report mentioned – it appears that the Kremlin are desperate to keep this event under wraps as much as they can.
It does appear a little odd that the Russians are working with the Saudis, especially with something so potentially ‘powerful/dangerous’ at the same time that Russia has accused Saudi Arabia of funding the Islamic state – again could this all be a distraction from what is going on behind the scenes!?
The question we have (we have many questions)is why are the Russian Forces taking this supposedly ‘dangerous’ Ark of Gabriel to the Antarctica? – Strangely the Nazi’s also had secret bases in that part of the world – perhaps it is to keep this strange/deadly weapon as far away from the masses as possible – perhaps this is the main reason our ET friends in the skies above us are doubling in numbers!?
Aliens may have visited: Shock Hillary Clinton claim as she vows to open 'UFO cover up'
Aliens may have visited: Shock Hillary Clinton claim as she vows to open 'UFO cover up'
US PRESIDENTIAL hopeful Hillary Clinton has vowed to disclose all the US Government knows about unidentified flying objects and aliens if she makes it into the White House.
Will Hillary Clinton discover if the truth is out there?
The Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton said she also wants to open up on what is happening at the mysterious Area 51 military base in Nevada, where UFO conspiracists believe evidence of alien technology is hidden away.
Clinton claimed she would “get to the bottom” once and for all of questions and controversy over what the US Government does or does not know about the mysterious subject.
For years conspiracy theorists and UFOlogists have claimed that various governments have evidence of alien visitations and that they have been withheld from the public amid fears over the potential impact on religion and the rule of law.
The great UFO cover-up debate has rumbled on since the 1940s
Clinton has long had the support of the UFO movement for previously showing more than a passing interest in the topic.
But now she has cemented her stance on the view so no one among the so-called UFO disclosure movement is in any doubt when they go to the ballot box.
Responding to questions about UFOs from a reporter during an election interview in New Hampshire, she said: “Yes, I am going to get to the bottom of it.”
Clinton even admitted that she realises Earth may have actually been visited by extraterrestrials.
She went on to say she would try to set up a task force to investigate goings on at Area 51, where UFOers claim the remains of the alleged 1947 Roswell flying saucer crash in New Mexico and alien bodies were taken.
Will Hillary succeed where husband Bill Clinton appeared to fail?
I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.
Hilary Clinton
Clinton and husband former president Bill Clinton have allegedly tried to force disclosure of UFO files before, but even when the latter was in the White House it did not fully happen.
Bill Clinton allegedly met billionaire Laurance Rockefeller at his ranch in Wyoming in 1995 where they held discussions on the “Rockefeller Initiative” to secure release of all previously classified UFO files.
In 2007, Hillary Clinton acknowledged that among the top freedom of information (FOI) requests her husband received as president were requests related to UFO and alien disclosure.
Hillary Clinton wants to release any confidential UFO files the US authorities may be hiding
Bill Clinton once admitted while president he did investigate claims about Area 51, but said although "stealth technology" was developed there, “there were no aliens.”
Hillary Clinton added in the new interview: "I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.”
In 2014 her campaign chairman John Podesta said his biggest regret during his time as top adviser to President Barack Obama was not securing release of classified UFO files.
Referring to Mr Podesta, Mrs Clinton said, “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have a task force go to Area 51.”
"[Rockefeller] will want to talk with you about his interest in extrasensory perception"
Finally there's a nice harmless Clinton scandal that doesn't involve sexual assault, taking money from foreign governments, corruption or cover-ups. Just good old UFOs.
Earlier Hillary Clinton had made headlines with some strange comments about space aliens.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that if she is elected, she will 'get to the bottom' of questions over what the government knows about UFOs and aliens.
When asked if she would support UFO disclosure group efforts, she enthusiastically said 'yes'.
'Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it,' Hillary Clinton told The Sun reporter last week.
'I think we may have been (visited already). We don't know for sure,' she said.
She added that she would like to look into Area 51, which she first called Area 54 but quickly corrected herself.
'He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,' Hillary Clinton said. 'One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.'
Okay so that's weird. But it's not really news that the Clintons are into New Age stuff. Hillary Clinton became infamous for her Eleanor Roosevelt seance. But the UFO story gets weirder from here on in.
In 2002, Podesta told reporters at the National Press Club that the U.S. government should “declassify records that are more than 25 years old.” He was, of course, discussing UFOs. “It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there,” he said. “We ought to do it, really, because it’s right. We ought to do it, quite frankly, because the American people can handle the truth. And we ought to do it because it’s the law.”
Podesta also wrote the foreward for Leslie Kean’s 2010 book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record. In it, Podesta made the same case for disclosure. “It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. The American people—and people around the world—want to know, and they can handle the truth.”
Leaving his White House post in February, Podesta again fueled Area 51 and Roswell conspiracy theories by tweeting that his "biggest failure of 2014" was "not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files."
Stephen Bassett is ready for Hillary. Bassett, Capitol Hill's only registered UFO lobbyist, anticipates that another Clinton presidency will offer another shot at what's long been the Holy Grail for extraterrestrial enthusiasts: full disclosure of what the US government really knows about aliens. "This is the most important issue in the world," he says.
His enthusiasm is shared by Michael Salla, an academic turned UFO researcher who maintains that aliens have been secretly involved in American politics since the Cold War. He thinks a Clinton presidency would be a good thing for the UFO community. "I think Hillary would play a positive role in getting this information out," he says. "I think that Hillary definitely is much more the pro-disclosure candidate, where as someone like Jeb Bush is basically status quo."
So Jeb Bush is beholden to the aliens? Salla better check if the aliens aren't donating to the Clinton Foundation.
The other reason that UFO enthusiasts are excited about a potential Clinton victory goes back to the X-Files era. In early 1993, Laurance S. Rockefeller began to lobby the Clinton administration to release any government information related to UFOs and extraterrestrials, including the 1947 Roswell incident. The fourth child of John D. Rockefeller Jr., Rockefeller was a successful venture capitalist, philanthropist, and conservationist. One of his lesser-known interests was UFOs. (He died in 2004.)
In August 1995, Rockefeller met with Hillary Clinton, and perhaps Bill, at his Wyoming ranch. In a memo, the then-director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Jack Gibbons, warned the Clintons about Rockefeller's agenda before the visit. "[Rockefeller] will want to talk with you about his interest in extrasensory perception, paranormal phenomena, and UFO's," he wrote. Gibbons said he'd tried to persuade Rockefeller "not to bother you with this issue" and to focus instead on the administration's science and technology policies. Rockefeller, he continued, "knows that we are trying to be helpful in responding to his concerns about UFO's [sic] and human potential—and that we're keeping an open mind about such matters—but I've made no secret about my conviction that we must not be too diverted from more earthly imperatives."
Documents from the Rockefeller Initiative posted on Bassett's website suggest that the first lady was kept in the loop. A November 1995 letter to Gibbons from one of Rockefeller's lawyers included a draft letter to President Clinton "which Laurance has been discussing with Mrs. Clinton and her staff." Three months later, Rockefeller wrote Gibbons about the letter, which the White House was apparently in no hurry to receive: "It well may be that it will be timely to put this before the President late this year in order that it might receive attention in a second term. You indicated that you will keep the First Lady's Office informed, and we shall as well."
How seriously did the Clintons take this stuff? Seriously enough.
President Clinton was intrigued by UFOs and wanted to know if they really existed, says a new book by his golfing pal, disgraced Justice Department official Webb Hubbell.
Hubbell says finding out about UFOs was one of the top priorities Clinton gave him in sending him over to a job as one of Attorney General Janet Reno's top deputies.
Clinton had said, "if I put you over at Justice I want you to find the answers to two questions for me," Hubbell recounts.
"One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs."
"Clinton was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting," Hubbell adds.
So there are two possibilities. Either the Clintons will pander on anything to anyone. Or they're actually nuttier than we thought. Neither is an especially comforting thought.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The truth is that the Clintons are amoral con artists
The Clintons are weird. And UFOs are weird. Combine them together and you get extra weirdness. Like the strange Hillary Clinton passion for UFOs.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that if she is elected, she will 'get to the bottom' of questions over what the government knows about UFOs and aliens.
When asked if she would support UFO disclosure group efforts, she enthusiastically said 'yes'.
'Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it,' Hillary Clinton told The Sun reporter last week.
'I think we may have been (visited already). We don't know for sure,' she said.
She added that she would like to look into Area 51, which she first called Area 54 but quickly corrected herself.
'He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,' Hillary Clinton said. 'One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.'
Because you know, after 8 years, the Clintons couldn't get the X-Files quest done. But with the Clintons, there's always a dirty financial motive. The Clintons got interested in UFO's because of Laurance S. Rockefeller.
Laurance S. Rockefeller was a founding trustee of Rockefeller Brothers Fund (being evil since 1940) and quite wealthy. He was an environmentalist , and like many environmentalists held oddball unscientific beliefs about ESP and UFOs.
(This is the sort of thing the modern left scrubs from the historical record by pretending that their luddite obsession with environmental catastrophes is unscientific while its critics are anti-science.)
The Clintons seem to have accommodated what is known in UFO circles as the Rockefeller Initiative 1993 to 1996. This initiative involved high level meetings with the Clintons. One such meeting has a photo of Hillary with Laurance S. Rockefeller while Hillary carries a book about ETs. It's likely that it was given to her as an introductory text to make the whole thing seem plausible.
President Clinton was intrigued by UFOs and wanted to know if they really existed, says a new book by his golfing pal, disgraced Justice Department official Webb Hubbell.
Hubbell says finding out about UFOs was one of the top priorities Clinton gave him in sending him over to a job as one of Attorney General Janet Reno's top deputies.
Clinton had said, "if I put you over at Justice I want you to find the answers to two questions for me," Hubbell recounts.
"One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs."
"Clinton was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting," Hubbell adds.
But let's get back to the financial angle here. Laurance S. Rockefeller was born in 1910. He was in his 80s during the so-called Initiative. Were the Clintons simply grifting an old man by pretending to be interested in UFOs?
It wouldn't be the worst thing that the Clintons have ever done. Sadly.
By pretending to believe, Hillary and Bill could keep extracting money and gifts from a very wealthy man. Despicable and yet typical.
So why would they still keep on doing it? There might just be another wealthy donor out there that the Clintons are stringing along. This is the depressing reality of the character of the Clintons. The truth is out there and the truth is that the Clintons are amoral con artists.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
500 militaires observent des ovnis dans le Nouveau-Mexique ?
500 militaires observent des ovnis dans le Nouveau-Mexique ?
Un ancien soldat avoue pour la première fois avoir réalisé une observation d’objets volants non identifiés, en compagnie d’environ 500 autres témoins-militaire, dans le désert du Nouveau-Mexique. Son rapport a été récemment rendu public par le Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). L'homme, âgé d’environ 60 ans, a brisé un silence long de 44 ans.
Le vétéran a déclaré qu’en juillet 1971, il se trouvait au sein de l'unité de défense aérienne de l'armée américaine, stationnée à Fort Bliss au Texas, où ils avaient été envoyés pour réaliser des "manœuvres militaires" dans le désert du Nouveau-Mexique, à l'ouest de Roswell. Les faits décrits par le vétéran se seraient produits 24 ans après l'incident de Roswell. Il a déclaré : « Le premier objet a été repéré en provenance du nord avant de s’arrêter ».
« Un autre objet approché en provenance de l'ouest. »
Il les décrit comme étant de forme circulaire, sans pour autant pouvoir déterminer leurs tailles. « Toute l’unité s’est mise à parler d’ovnis ».
« Les ovnis sont restés visibles jusqu'à ce que le soleil soit devenu trop lumineux. » Il raconta que cet événement restera gravé dans son esprit à jamais. Il faut savoir que le MUFON a recueilli dans sa base de données 47 autres observations à Roswell, entre 1953 et 2012.
University Observatory Films A Real UFO: This Is What Some Of Them Actually Look Like
University Observatory Films A Real UFO: This Is What Some Of Them Actually Look Like
By Arjun Walia
Take a look at the picture above (see the film footage from video below). What you’re looking at is an irrefutably legitimate photo of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). For those of you who are unaware, the existence of UFOs has already been officially verified in the ‘mainstream’ world, as dozens of governments have released thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents over the past few years. In the process, they have revealed a high level of interest from the military and defence intelligence agencies around the world in this topic.
For example, here is the latest batch of UFO files that were released by the United Kingdom. Here is a four page U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency/NSA report detailing one out of hundreds (if not thousands) of UFO encounters with military jets. In fact, these objects are not only visually confirmed by the pilots who scramble to get a closer look, they are also confirmed on both air and ground radar.
“I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Barack Obama’s right hand man (councillor), and the current head of Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record, in which Podesta wrote the forward.
The picture shown above, again, comes from the video that’s linked below. The shot was taken from the Hessdalen Interactive Observatory in Norway, which is an observatory that’s used by scientists at the University of Ostfold, Hessdalen. It is the only 24 hour UFO observatory in the world. Powered by an automatic high definition camera, it takes multiple pictures every single minute to capture and examine the strange aerial phenomena in the area that people have been reporting for years.
“The light phenomena here in Hessdalen in Norway started in late ’81 with a lot of sightings, at the most it was 20 sightings a week. The local people here started to see the light down in the valley, sometimes close to their houses and they were wondering what could this be. Some was a little bit afraid too, because no one could give them an answer, what could it be?” – Sc.EE Erling Strand, University of Ostfold (source)
The picture above serves as just one explanation for why scientists decided to establish this permanent UFO observatory. Radar and cameras have picked up a number of astonishing pictures of the unexplained light phenomenon since its inception.
“The phenomena behaves very different. Some is moving very slowly and some lights can move very fast. The fastest speed we have ever measured was 30,000 km an hour.” – Erling Strand (source)
Yes, you read that correctly: 30,000 km per hour. This is significantly faster than the highest capability of any known manmade aircraft. Yet this is merely one example, out of thousands, of strange objects being documented performing, as UFO Research Richard Dolan said at the Citizens Hearing that took place in Washington, D.C., “impossible maneuvers at incomprehensible speeds.”
Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
This campaign of official secrecy, alluded to by CIA director Hillenkoetter, seems to have begun after President Truman announced on television that this subject is discussed at every conference that is held with the military. After this, publicity of these incidents went completely ‘black,’ into the realm of unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs may not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
“Everything is in a process of investigation, both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979), from UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2, written by Richard Dolan
Video Footage Of The Picture
The footage below comes straight from the observatory, as featured in the documentary The Day Before Disclosure:
We knew that the Earth was flat, we knew that we were the center of the universe, and we knew that a man-made heavier than air piece of machinery could not take flight. Through all stages of human history, intellectual authorities have pronounced their supremacy by ridiculing or suppressing elements of reality that simply didn’t fit within the framework of accepted knowledge. . . . But are we really any different today? Have we really changed our acceptance towards the things that won’t fit the frame? Maybe there are concepts of our reality we have yet to understand, and if we open our eyes maybe we will see that something significant has been overlooked. – (source)Terje Toftene, producer and director of the film (start at 3:99)
The production company behind the film is New Paradigm Films, and they are well aware of the fact that, soon enough, modern civilization is likely to be confronted with the biggest paradigm shift regarding our perception of reality that has been seen in human history. Through their films, they wish to shed light on serious issues that have remained in the dark for too long.
48:35 is the starting time for the video footage of the picture that this article is referring to, the video should already automatically start at that time.
“There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here . . [and]there is a serious possibility that we are being visiting and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. . . . This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source)
For more quotes along the same lines as the one above, you can check out this article.
For our most recent articles on the UFO/extraterrestrial subject, you can visit the exopolitics section of our website here. (source)
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Hillary Clinton knows where the extraterrestrials are being hidden, and it's not Area 51
Hillary Clinton knows where the extraterrestrials are being hidden, and it's not Area 51
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton winks at a supporter after speaking at a campaign rally at the Iowa State Historical Museum, Monday, Jan. 4, 2016, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) (Charlie Neibergall)
Hillary Clinton doesn't want to build a wall to keep out aliens. It wouldn't work. A dome over the whole planet would be necessary.
Besides, they're probably already here.
Last week the Democratic presidential front-runner said she wants to send a "task force" to Area 51, the famous and officially secret military base in Nevada that conspiracy theorists believe houses space aliens.
"Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it," Clinton said when asked if, as president, she'll find out what the U.S. government really knows about aliens visiting Earth.
Clinton said she'd personally like to look around Area 51, the New Hampshire paper wrote. "At first, she called it Area 54 and then corrected herself," it added.
Corrected herself? More like accidentally let the cat out of the bag. It could be that Area 51 has been a ruse, a diversion, all along. Maybe the previously unknown-to-the-public Area 54 is where the federal government is really hiding the aliens who crash-landed in the New Mexico desert in 1947.
Hillary's husband Bill, who of course spent most of the 1990s as president of the United States, has already publicly said there are "no aliens there," referring to Area 51. He carefully avoided mentioning Area 54.
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Stanton Friedman
Stanton Friedman
Published on Jan 6, 2016
Stanton T. Friedman great a legend in ufology. In fact if you have friends or someone you know that wants some information on ufology give them all of Stanton's video's to watch 1st before anyone else. His video's will teach them enough to look on all by themselves. Stanton points u were to look without telling u where to look. Peace. -James Borg-
Published on May 24, 2015
For almost 60 years the public has been hearing about flying saucers and then UFOs. Press coverage has ebbed and flowed, but polls have always shown a very high awareness score. Motion pictures, tabloids, and TV programs have picked up the slack with a mélange of fiction and some truth. Unfortunately, much of what has been told by the “powers that be” has been false. Many different government agencies have shared in the misrepresentation and have provided outright LIES as well. The press and other academic and scientific groups have often blindly accepted and promulgated nonsense without any effort to get at truth. Webster's Dictionary defines LIE as an untrue statement made with the intent to deceive. Hopefully, the LIES presented in this paper will help cause these protectors of the public to do their job: seek and present truth.
I got up this morning at about 2 a.m., awoken by a strange dream. Somewhere around 5 a.m. I noticed that there was a strange round object in the sky. I thought at first it was the reflection of my computer off the window. But then something else strange happened, I felt an odd presence watching me somehow, like a beam coming through the window, and then I grabbed a camera and started recording. And this is what I saw looking northeast.
00:29 – I zoom in on what at appears to be a star.
1:34 – It looks like a flaming ball.
3:43 – I pull back and zoom in on it again.
5:42 – I pull back as it becomes a fiery triangle.
8:05 – I zoom back in on it and it has become an object that looks like a planet or a molecule.
9:50 – It becomes more angular and bright.
15:00 – I zoom in and it starts to look like a molecule, or perhaps the death star, or a jellyfish, or a popover, or the planet Saturn or…I’m not sure what.
Now I’m sure the scientists among you will provide me with whatever reasonable explanation there is, provided that meteors, or distant planets, or nuclear explosions in space can be thought of as reasonable. I myself was somewhat sleep deprived and looked upon whatever phenomenon was occurring with a sense of mystical appreciation and wonder.
Perhaps it’s a planet, since Venus and Jupiter and Mars are visible this month in the eastern sky. Perhaps it’s a star, and this is what a nuclear explosion in space looks like, which also might make sense. Maybe it’s a meteor flying though space.
It does look like a planet, for a while at least. And then it changes, becomes more liquid, becomes more fiery, seems to breathe and change shape, and does appear to be burning, and sort of beating like a heart. Then it becomes more molecular, changes shape again, and so on.
At one point after I had concluded this video and was uploading it, I looked through the camera again, zooming in on the light source as it shuffled thorough a rapid series of geometric shape changes, square, triangle, hexagon and so on. This alas is not shown in the video.
All that said, what is this? If you have an idea, please leave a comment and let me know.
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Alien Implants Removed with Physical Evidence [Full Documentary Films]
Alien Implants Removed with Physical Evidence [Full Documentary Films]
Published on Sep 22, 2014
Alien Implants Removed with Physical Evidence [Full Documentary Films] Alien implants is a term used in Ufology to describe a physical object placed in someone's body after they have been abducted by aliens. Claimed capabilities of the implants range from telepresence to mind control to biotelemetry (the latter akin to humans tagging wild animals for study). As with UFO subjects in general, the idea of "alien implants" has seen very little attention from mainstream scientists. Alien Implants Removed with Physical Evidence [Full Documentary Films]
According to Peter Rogerson writing in Magonia magazine, the concept of alien implants can be traced to a March 1957 Long John Nebel radio show interview with UFOlogist John Robinson where Robinson recounted a neighbor's claim of being kidnapped by aliens in 1938 and kept subdued by "small earphones" placed behind his ears. Alien Implants Removed with Physical Evidence [Full Documentary Films]
Massachusetts resident Betty Andreasson claimed that aliens had implanted a device in her nose during her supposed alien abduction in 1967, first publicized by Raymond Fowler in his book, The Andreasson Affair. A Canadian woman named Dorothy Wallis claimed a similar experience in 1983. In later years, the claims of authors like Whitley Strieber would popularize alien abduction ideas in general, including reports of unusual "implants" associated with abductions. Dr. John E. Mack wrote in his book Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens that he examined a "1/2- to 3/4-inch thin, wiry object" given to him by a twenty-four-year-old woman client who claimed it came out of her nose following an abduction experience. California podiatrist Roger Leir also claims to have removed alien implants from patients. Alien Implants Removed with Physical Evidence [Full Documentary Films]
The Large Hardon Collider is a particle accelerator, based at the European particle physics laboratory CERN in Switzerland.
Whirlpool: The video is taken above the Large Hadron Collider
It allows scientists to reproduce conditions that existed just after the Big Bang (13.7 billion years ago) by colliding beam of high energy protons or ions at near light speed.
The particles race around a 27-km circular tunnel 100 metres under ground and their collisions are observed by highly sophisticated instruments.
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Mysterious metal balls found in Vietnam may be space debris: officials
Mysterious metal balls found in Vietnam may be space debris: officials
by Thanh Nien News
This six-kilogram sphere is reportedly found in a garden in Yen Bai Province. Photo: Duy Trinh
Officials from the defense ministry say three strange objects discovered in northern Vietnam last weekend are most likely space debris.
The spheres, weighing 250 grams, six kilos and 45 kilos, were found at three separate locations in the northern provinces of Yen Bai and Tuyen Quang last Saturday. They had reportedly fallen from space.
Initial investigations from the Ministry of Defense found that the objects could have been made in Russia and come from missiles or spaceships. They could have been used as compressed air equipment.
None of the objects were explosive devices, added officials.
Authorities said they will report the incidents to the Council of National Defense and Security, adding that space debris must be dealt with properly to avoid possibilities of accidents.
Witnesses said they saw the first sphere, around six kilos in weight, flying at around 6:30 a.m. before it crashed down on a garden in Yen Bai Province. They said there was a loud noise which prompted them to run away.
Local man Dang Van Canh shows a six-kilogram sphere he has discovered in Yen Bai Province.
Photo credit: VietNamNet
The second sphere of 250 grams fell on the roof of a house around three kilometers away, before landing on the floor.
The last object, weighing around 45 kilos, landed near a stream in the neighboring province of Tuyen Quang.
Many locals reported to have heard several thunder-like noises from the sky just minutes before the objects were discovered.
The last object, weighing around 45 kilos, has been found in a garden in Tuyen Quang Province.
Are These Remnants Of A 9,000 Year Old Stonehenge At The Bottom Of Lake Michigan?
Are These Remnants Of A 9,000 Year Old Stonehenge At The Bottom Of Lake Michigan?
Have scientists stumbled across a structure similar to Stonehenge at the bottom of Lake Michigan? Insanely this story is not new, it’s actually old but it went so under reported that nobody knows about it. In 2007, 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan where the Grand Traverse Bay Underwater Preserve is, Mark Holley, a professor of underwater archaeology at Northwestern Michigan University College, found the site with his colleague Brian Abbot after voyaging across the lake in a ship that contained sonar equipment, which is generally used to examine old shipwrecks.
After several passes they found a row of stones that piqued their interest. When they sent down divers to visit the site and obtain photographs, they were left somewhat discouraged. “It was really spooky when we saw it in the water,” Holley said. “The whole site is spooky, in a way. When you’re swimming through a long line of stones and the rest of the lake bed is featureless, it’s just spooky.”
In order to satisfy Grand Traverse Bay’s American Indian community, whose interests are to minimize the number of visitors to the site, and to preserve the location of his research, Holley has kept its exact location a secret.
Mark Holley & Mastadon stone.
One of the objects photographed from the site is a boulder which is believed to feature a prehistoric carving of a mastodon — an animal believed to have gone extinct about 10,000 years ago. Researchers shown pictures of the carving have asked for more evidence before they will confirm that the markings are in fact an ancient petroglyph. The trouble is that the boulder is underwater, and experts in petroglyphs aren’t necessarily expert divers.
Holley hopes that a computer model of the carving in the mastodon rock will help petroglyph experts determine whether the features were somehow natural workings or whether they were the work of ancient humans.
A skeptical Charles Cleland, retired curator of Great Lakes archeology and ethnology at Michigan State University, says that petroglyphs are rare int he Upper Midwest but have been seen. Although he is skeptical he does see the value in investigation.
“But I think this is certainly something that needs to be investigated,” Cleland said. “It would be unthinkable to leave it alone and not try to figure it out.”
Interestingly enough, if this structure is authenticated, it may not be all that out of place. Other stone circles and other petroglyph sites have been located in the great lakes, and ancient structures underneath large bodies of water in general are not unusual. There have been over 100 cities at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea recorded alone, and many more at the bottom of the oceans.
According to geographical history, the submerged site would have been tundra when humans of the hunter-gatherer era roamed it 6,000 to 9,000 years ago. Is is possible the stones came from a massive fishing weir laid across a long-gone river? Or could they maybe mark a ceremonial site? Only time will tell.
But let’s bring up an interesting question… where did all the water come from that covered so many underwater structures?
Think about this for a second: less than 5% of the ocean has been explored and only around 5% of the ocean floor has been mapped! This is truly remarkable when you consider the world’s oceans cover around 70% of the Earth’s surface! Just imagine what we still have left to discover — many ruins, ancient cities, and even pyramids have already been found and we have barely even looked. It seems like the future holds many more amazing discoveries in store for us.
Hillary Clinton Opens Up About Extraterrestrials: “We May Have Been Visited Already”
Hillary Clinton Opens Up About Extraterrestrials: “We May Have Been Visited Already”
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently made a stop in New Hampshire, during which time Daymond Steer, a journalist at the The Conway Daily Sun, brought up the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects. Her response might be surprising to some, though it shouldn’t be, since Clinton, and her campaign manager, John Podesta, have investigated this topic before, and dozens of governments have already officially disclosed the existence of UFOs. Her remarks lead one to wonder if we can expect the disclosure of UFO files from the United States if Hillary is elected (or selected)?
These objects seem to pop up all over the place, and are seen, recorded, and photographed by people all over the world. They are also commonly tracked on military radar and visually confirmed by military pilots, often performing impossible maneuvers and travelling at unattainable speeds. For example, a photo snapped by a Canadian Air Force pilot by the name of Dr. Jacques Vallee (notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA and his work at SRI International) was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration.And here is a defence intelligence agency report describing an example of something that has happened hundreds, if not thousands of times.
Here is a great summary of the issue given by author and historian Richard Dolan, taken from the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure that was organized by Stephen Basset, executive director of the paradigm research group. These are two out of many people we need to be paying attention to when it comes to this topic, not your television.
The point is, the subject of UFOs is no longer a fringe topic, and thanks at least in part to the release of thousands of pages of UFO related documents into the mainstream, people like Hillary Clinton no longer seem afraid to open up about this issue publicly.
What Hillary & Her Presidential Campaign Manager Say
Not long ago, Bill Clinton made an appearance on mainstream television talking about the topic, in a humorous yet serious manner. When Daymond Steer asked Hillary about her husband’s comments on UFOs, she said, “I think we may have been visited already, we don’t know for sure.” She also told Steer that her campaign chairman, John Podesta (also former councillor to Barack Obama and White House Chief of Staff for the Clinton Administration), has encouraged her to pursue the subject.
“He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. . . One way or another, maybe we could have, like, a task force go to Area 51.” (source)
Now, it’s important for readers to note that the existence of Area 51 was publicly revealed last year. It is no longer a secret. Whether or not there is UFO/extraterrestrial activity going on there is a different story, of course, but this was still big news. There also remains the distinct possibility, however, that this revelation was meant as a decoy to distract us from discovering or asking about the numerous hidden military facilities all across the world, many of which are deep underground. We published an article going into detail about the reality of these places a while back, you can read more about that here:
Clinton’s assertion that she thinks “we may have been visited already, we don’t know for sure” is undoubtedly significant, particularly in light of the fact that she made an appearance on CNN a long time ago stating that UFOs are a silly topic to look into, a mere ‘conspiracy theory.’ (source)
I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined. – (taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record, in which Podesta wrote the forward)
Almost a decade prior to this, he made an appearance on live television (at the national press club), arguing the following:
I think it’s time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark, on the question of government investigations of UFOs, it’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it really because it’s right, we ought to do it because the American people quite frankly can handle the truth, and we ought to do it because it’s the law.(source)
Below is another article we published a few months ago regarding Hillary Clinton and her interest in UFOs:
If this topic is of interest to you, you can find all of the articles we’ve written about it by visiting theexopolitics section of our website.
Can We Trust What The Government Will Eventually Disclose About UFOs and/or Extraterrestrials?
It’s no secret that the masses have a very tough time trusting governments, especially when you think about the fact that corporations hold, as Jane Goodall called it, a “scary” amount of power over policy decisions (which is why we see major legislature continually in the works to give corporations even more power over governments). The recent TPP is just one example of this in action. Above the corporations are the big banks, from whom corporations get their money.
Governments and mainstream media have also been caught dishing out misinformation and lies regarding global events already, with false flag terrorism being just one example of many of this kind of dishonesty. The point is, when it comes time for the government to provide the world with information about extraterrestrials, given their track record, would it be prudent for us to believe it? It’s a shame that so many countries have reached this point of utter disconnect between citizens and their governments. Lack of trust is at the core of the problem. Something to think about…
It’s important for more people to start critically thinking, questioning, and doing their own research. Rest assured, this is one topic (out of many) where it would be best to do so.
On the other hand, the evidence supporting the idea that we have been visited, and that there has been a cover up is quite overwhelming. Perhaps this is just another step in the slow process of letting the world know?
Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon
Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon
We live in a strange world, and as Neil Armstrong once said, there are “great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers.” (source) (source)
Fast forward to today, and a number of people have become aware of the fact that not all of what goes on behind the scenes is made public. This is precisely why the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was created; it’s a federal freedom of information law that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government.
There are still many obstacles in the way of full transparency, one of which is the use of ‘national security’ to keep information classified and hidden from public viewing. This has become more evident with the revelations of WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, but the problem goes deeper still. Did you know that the U.S government classifies roughly five hundred million pages of documents every single year? This is a completely separate topic in itself and if you’re interested in learning more about this, you can check out our article about the ‘Black Budget.’
NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon
Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel.
Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, we still can’t say for sure that they were real, and their poor resolution only makes matters worse. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.” (source)
The quote above is from Bob Dean, who was speaking at a conference in Europe. Bob is a retired US Army Command Sargent Major, and he also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst.
When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies. But that is a separate topic, which you can learn more about here.
It’s also important to note here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972. (source)
Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information. He’s not the only one to make such an assertion.
“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)
Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.
Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)
It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out ifsomeone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?
He then went on to state that:
Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.
If you were to tell the average person that you think another civilization, advanced enough to have mastered space travel, had been to the Moon before we got there and is possibly still going there, you would, without a doubt, receive some very peculiar looks in return. On the other hand, if that other person were to decide to hear you out, you would probably get their attention pretty quickly. For some, this type of information can be overwhelming, even terrifying, and that’s okay. Many people are not ready to open their minds up to these possibilities, but the truth of the matter is, it’s something we are going to have to confront eventually. We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability. Perhaps we can make it long enough to realize this future, or maybe it’s coming sooner than we think.
That being said, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial contact is already happening, and if you’re interested in learning more about that you can visit the exopolitics section of our website, located HERE.
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NASA Researchers Disclose the Truth About Time Travel & Dimensional Portals
NASA Researchers Disclose the Truth About Time Travel & Dimensional Portals
Physics needs some new running shoes, or at least an updated framework in which to understand itself so that it won’t be running in circles trying to get to Saturn or a distant star in a galaxy far, far away.
That’s the sentiment among those in elevated levels of government as well as individuals who understand higher consciousness. Why? There are places all over the Universe we can travel to in an instant, using energetic portals in space, and the use of our consciousness.
The proof is indeed mounting that there are portals to other worlds. Though the documentation is still ‘sketchy’ to describe how this is done in black and white, there is a trail there for those who want to follow it.
There are literary hints as well as soft evidence and testimony of numerous whistleblowers. ConsiderAlice’s rabbit hole. The tornado in the Wizard of Oz. Platform 9 ¾ in Harry Potter. The ‘Gate of Hell’ in Dante’s Inferno. These are just a few.
Ancients knew of portals not just to other Star Systems, but also to the inner earth, using stones, crystals, pyramids, and other structures aligned with the ley lines of this planet.
Within this framework we can look at the work of a NASA researcher who has revealed that there are portals to other dimensions that open and close every day. They are found within the earth’s magnetic field, and they are in a direct line to the sun’s atmosphere 93 million miles away.
Though NASA hasn’t labeled them as portals, and instead calls them Boom Tubes, electron diffusion regions or ‘X’ points, the process of magnetic resonance allows them to exist.
This means that an extraordinary’ opening in space or time’ does exist, and NASA has known about them for an undefined duration. These ‘short-cuts’ are talked about in science fiction, and often dismissed by ‘real’ scientists.
Jack Scudder, a NASA plasma physicist from the University of Iowa, refers to X-points as:
“Places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun” These portals can be elusive, however, so if one were to imagine utilizing them for space travel, they would have to be an expert in space geography and mathematics to time them correctly.“
Or, one could simply speak to the whistleblowers in the US government. Some claim that the military industrial complexhas had the ability time travel through stargate portals for over 40 years.
Andrew D. Basiago is a former participant in DARPA Project Pegasus (1968-72) who claims that the military developed Tesla-based quantum teleportation and time travel in the time space hologram, initiating the U.S. program of time-space Chrononauts.
Basiago claims the military has been using portals since the 1970s. For more than 10 years, Basiago has been trying to tell the general public that portal-based time travel is not something from a sci-fi movie, but a present reality.
Basiago not only talks about time travel to more distant places, but claims the CIA has a Mars-jump-room program which allowed our military to build bases on Mars.
He says that though he has worked with some of the leading quantum physicists, the information that he discloses is considered heretical by mainstream physicists, and the military as well.
Basiago states he participated in two ‘secret’ military programs. He says he was one of the many American children chosen to participate in time travel experiments.
His accounts of what he experienced are measured with logic and it is difficult to discount what he says as pure fantasy. It is also, of course, in the best interest of the US military to keep these technologies secret, since they can be weaponized.
This is no secret, since Rumsfeld has admitted that one of the boons of research done within Project Pegasus is the ability to use teleportation to deliver troops to the appropriate place on the battlefield.
So how does this happen?
This is a similar question that was attempted in the movie Contact staring Jodie Foster. The real life astronomer and ET chaser that inspired her character is Dr. Jill Tarter. She has stated, when asked what got her interested in the search for life beyond this planet:“The Cyclops Report from 1971 — written by Barney Oliver and John Billingham — was the result of a series of summer studies at NASA Ames and Stanford.
“In reading that workshop report, I was impressed by the notion that after millennia of asking priests and philosophers what to believe about life beyond Earth, the middle of the 20th century presented us with some tools that permitted scientists and engineers to do experiments to try to find the answer.
“Telescopes, rather than belief systems, could potentially show us what is, rather than what others said we should believe. I realized that I was in the right place, at the right time, with the right skills (undergrad degree in engineering physics and Ph.D in astronomy) to join this exploration. I got hooked, and have stayed hooked all these years.”
We’re all hooked. That’s because if alien life exists, then surely there are forms of life that are way more advanced (both consciously and technologically) than we are, and these forms of life most assuredly can travel ‘in the blink of an eye’ without necessarily having to overcome gravity, the limitations of rocket fuel, or even the scarcity of physical materials which could not easily withstand the heat of the sun or the extreme cold of deep space.
If our minds could simply create the energy we need to travel more than 9 billion light years before we’re 9 billion years old, then space travel would become commonplace.
Perhaps even our highly developed intuition would understand that strange math that allows thought to travel as a wave and to form more cogently in material form on the other side of Pluto.
Nikola Tesla alluded to something of this nature. He developed a ‘teleportation machine’ which formed a ‘shimmering curtain.’
“Radiant energy is a form of energy that Tesla discovered that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space.” – Andrew Basiago
Passing through this curtain of energy, Basiago would enter a “vortal tunnel” that would send him to his destination.
The other teleportation devices included a “plasma confinement chamber” in New Jersey and a “jump room” in El Segundo, California. There was also some kind of “holographic technology,” which allowed them to travel “both physically and virtually.”
They weren’t always safe, though. One of Basiago’s cohorts, Alfred Webre, recalls one instance in which a child returned from his temporal voyage before his legs.
As he puts it:
“He was writhing in pain with just stumps where his legs had been.”
These bugs, according toWebre, have been ironed out in the 40 or so years since the experiments began.
If our consciousness just needs to catch up to the materialization of matter, anything is possible, but we’ve got plenty of work to do before packing a bag for MACS0647-JD a mere 13.3 billion light years away.
I’d hate to forget my wallet in Sacramento while my energy was being catapulted to this distant galaxy, let alone my legs. New shoes indeed.
Romanian General (retired), expert in radiolocation (radar technology) and Doctor in geophysical war.
Currently he occupies the following positions:
- "Advisor of the Romanian Parliament on unconventional issues and asymmetrical threats."
- “Director of The Special Situations and Research Center on UFOs and Psihotronics.”
- "Founder of the Association for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena."
- Author of dozens of esoteric books.
General Emil Strainu is invited to the most important esoteric events in the world and he wrote dozens of books spreading the true knowledge. He speaks about extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials, and hundreds of other interesting subjects.
He always claimed that the reptilian extraterrestrials exist, that they have huge underground bases/cities, but nothing more. Each time he concluded: “I’m not going any further on this subject!”
After reading Aryan Hava's books "Inuaki, the reptilian inside me" (1 and 2), General Strainu contacted her because he had a mind-blowing story to tell and she was about to launch her third book on this subject: "Anunnaki Vs. Anunnaki" (or " versus"). This is how he ended up writing the book's preface.
In the introduction he speaks about a good friend of his who had seen two reptilian beings in an early morning (5:00 AM) in the Retezat Mountains (A group of Mountains in the Carpathians:
His friend is a military figure as well, a high ranking officer specialized in commando warfare, which asked for his identity to remain undisclosed. He served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and South America. Currently he is on another war theater in the Middle East. General Strainu also mentioned that his friend is not a fan of either Sci-Fi or Ufology. General Strainu stated that he trusts his friend above any doubt.
The events took place as follows:
The high ranking officer, lets call him Colonel X, was driving back from a short camping trip, which he took alone in the mountains. He was closing to Bucharest (Romania's capital city) when his car signalized that it was low on gas, so he pulled into a small rural gas station.
It was 5:00 - 5:10 AM, so nobody was around. Colonel X noticed a khaki Hummer with black windows parked outside the gas station with the engine on, but nobody around it.
After filling up his tank, he payed and headed back to his SUV. But then he noticed that the driver's door of the Hummer was opened and inside it he saw a reptilian being. The reptilian had no clothes but it was wearing military boots; he/it was entirely covered with green scales (just like a crocodile) and had a lizard-type crest on the head.
The reptilian saw Colonel X, then he got out of the car unhindered, while still staring at him. He directed some sharp sounds at someone from inside the car, this time looking irritated, then got back at the wheel and quickly drove away. The car had no license plates, either on the front or back.
Colonel X appreciated the reptilian to be 2,00m (78,7 inches) high, with yellow eyes and cat type slits.
The Colonel looked around to see if someone else had witnessed the event, but he was alone. Then he noticed the gas station's video camera. Unfortunately, the salesman told him that the camera was "just for decoration" and had no practical use, other than scare any potential robbers. Thinking that this was a very well played hoax, he got back into the car and continued his journey.
After several miles he was still very ridden by the events, when he saw the same Hummer with all four doors opened. Further, outside the road, he noticed two dark green reptilians that seemed to be arguing.
The second reptilian was 15-20 cm (5,9 - 7,9 inches) higher than the first one. He wasn't wearing clothes or boots. He had lizard-type feet and unlike the first one, he had a tail.
On the street, trucks were passing by in both directions and the drivers were pointing at the creatures, but nobody pulled over. Then, Colonel X got his mobile phone out and took several photographs of the reptilians that were totally careless of this event.
After 3-5 minutes, the two reptilians got back into the car and drove back in the direction they initially came from, with high speed. The Colonel looked again at the pictures from his mobile phone and rushed for Bucharest in order to contact General Strainu and together decide what to do with the astonishing pictures.
Back in Bucharest, the phone was clearly showing 11 pictures, but all of them were completely green. Together with General Strainu, they headed to a phone service company that couldn't help them either. It was like the Colonel photographed a bright green light.
For two weeks they analyzed the story in great detail and searched for witnesses, but all efforts ended up in failure.
General Emil Strainu concluded:
"Only one thing is sure: we live in a world that we only THINK we know, having a false impression that we are its masters. In fact we are only subtenants in transit, on a planet that never belonged to us and having no idea what our purpose really is..." [Book Source -- Introduction written in Romanian by Dr. Emil Strainu]
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People and Planes Are Vanishing in the Alaska Triangle
People and Planes Are Vanishing in the Alaska Triangle
Cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard told C2C about Alaska's unsettling number of missing persons cases and strange instances of plane disappearances in a region known as the Alaska Triangle.
In discussing his new History Channel program Missing in Alaska, Gerhard marveled that an astounding 53,000 people have gone missing in the state since 1988.
The troubling average of 500 to a few thousand people disappearing each year is made all the more remarkable by the fact that Alaska only has a population of around 600,000.
"That's about four in every thousand people that go missing without a trace," Gerhard observed.
Although there are a number of possible natural explanations for why some people may disappear in Alaska, such as the state's vast wilderness and dangerous animals, he suggested that there may also be supernatural elements at work behind the disappearances.
"Alaska does boast a number of fabulous legends that relate to all manner of really strange and somewhat menacing creatures," Gerhard said, noting that the state also has a rich history of UFO events as well.
Connecting all of this together may be what is called the 'Alaska Triangle.'
Gerhard described it as a "large swath of land that ranges all the way from the very northern part of the state ... all the way down to Juneau. It is an actual triangle."
"It is within this triangle area that most of these disappearances have occurred," he said, "very similar to the Bermuda Triangle in that respect."
Beyond merely missing people, Gerhard revealed, the Alaska Triangle appears to have claimed a number of aircraft as well.
To that end, he shared the story of a case from 1950 when "a military craft with 44 people aboard went missing. Completely vanished."
A subsequent search for the plane last 39 days, he said, and involved hundreds of aircraft and personnel.
"To this day," he said, "they've still not found a trace of this pretty sizable aircraft."
Gerhard acknowledged that one theory behind these strange disappearances could be that there are energy vortexes which either release geomagnetic energy or serve as "wormholes to other dimensions."
The phenomenon of people disappearing in Alaska is so widespread that a tourist actually went missing while Gerhard was in Juneau filming the series.
"It's an amazing proposition," he said, "that so many people up there vanish without a trace and are never found."
Coast Insiders can hear the complete interview with Ken Gerhard here.
Mysterious Numeric Symbol Found on Both the Moon and Mars ( VIDEO )
Mysterious Numeric Symbol Found on Both the Moon and Mars ( VIDEO )
Earth is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Strange signs encrypted into the planet’s surface speak of ancient civilizations that shaped the earth using advanced techniques similar to our own, or even beyond them.
You might look at Earth as a privileged planet because of all the new discoveries, but the truth is the entire solar system is full of these mysterious marks, probably left behind by advanced aliens.
A conclusive example of such symbols comes from Earth’s natural satellite, but also from the distant Mars. The amazing discovery was made by Marcelo Irazusta and his son James, two UFO analysts who hunt for anomalous sightings on Earth and its vicinity. Using Google Mars and Google Moon, the two stumbled upon what many analysts consider to be an alien symbol – number 58.
The discovery became even more intriguing when Irazusta saw the same number on two celestial bodies from Earth’s vicinity. The anomaly miraculously survived the blurry lines or stiches used by the officials to cover up essential sites on Google Earth, and it remains open to everyone interested in seeing it with their own eyes.
At a closer analysis, the number 58 present on the Moon is slightly smaller than the one from Mars, however, they are very similar if not identical. The fact that the numeric symbol is located on two celestial bodies rejects the theory of this being pareidolia, leading at most to a bizarre coincidence hypothesis. But is it really a coincidence?
According to the renowned UFO enthusiast and researcher Scott C. Warring, the numeric symbol might be “the name of a group of alien species that work together in our solar system”, backing up his claims saying that:
Roca Pia, Italy case mentioned a group calling themselves the W56. Also, in Area S4 inside Area 51, they teach the USAF newbies that there are 56 space faring species known by the military.
If his claims prove to be correct, the secret alien alliance might had gotten bigger by now since the number clearly shows “58”.
While we cannot deny Scott Waring’s theory, our thoughts are bent in a different direction. We do believe in subliminal symbols left by secret organizations, however, we consider the possibility of a big alien organization leaving symbols on the Moon and Mars unlikely. The case is extremely fascinating as the number 58 was discovered in two different locations, none of them being on Earth. The earthen numeric symbols discovered on other planets suggests that humans originated elsewhere in the universe or that maybe at some point in time, humans departed from Earth in spaceships and left signs encoded on other planets in order to preserve a long forgotten alternative history.
Other theories claim that ancient alien gods left those symbols after they left Earth in the distant past. Whatever the case, the discovery of an earthly 58 on both the Moon and Mars remains one of the most fascinating cases so far, and if they try to remove it in the near future, we’ll still have the truth archived in our minds and laptops.
See the anomaly with your own eyes before it becomes an amalgam of blurred lines, and don’t forget to share the word to support the cause.
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NASA Says Life Exists on Mars…
NASA Says Life Exists on Mars…
As Planetary Protection Officer, her Job is to Keep Mars Clean. And that’s not easy!
Dr. Conley’s job is to protect other planets from Earth and since Mars is currently being visited by our spacecraft – it tops the list. Basically we have been invading Mars since November 1971 ever since the Soviet Mars 2 Lander crashed. And no doubt that some earth borne bacteria was released! Basically it analogous to Chinese Freighter bring invasive species to our waters.
As Planetary Protection Officer, Dr. Conley’s job is to Keep Mars Clean. As she puts it, “If we’re going to look for life on Mars, it would be really kind of lame to bring Earth life and find that instead.” But NASA scientists are certain the the microbes that have hitchhiked from Earth are still around. Because even with the inhospitable environment found on Mars which is cold, dry and bombarded by ultraviolet light — it takes time for them to die off. But it is entirely possible that some bacteria and residual microbes could actually not only survive but thrive.
NASA’s has even designated areas that are off limit and have prohibited the Opportunity and Curiosity from visiting what are known as “special regions” — places that Earth bacteria might happily call home. At launch of Curiosity, NASA scientists estimate that there were probably 20,000 to 40,000 heat-resistant bacterial spores onboard and perhaps 100 or 1,000 times more microbes not counted.
And what happens with astronauts, carrying a slew of Earth microbes, arrive to colonize Mars?
“We actually do need to be careful,” Dr. Grunsfeld, NASA’s associate administrator for science, said, adding, “We do need to watch what we’re doing, because there could be life on Mars.”
DNA Analysis of the Paracas Skulls Proves They Are Not Human
DNA Analysis of the Paracas Skulls Proves They Are Not Human
On the southern coast of Peru lies the desert peninsula of Paracas. This barren landscape is where Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello made an astounding discovery in 1928. His efforts uncovered a massive and complex graveyard buried under the sand and rocks.
In these tombs Tello found some of the most controversial human(?) remains in history. The bodies had the largest elongated skulls in the world and have since been called the Paracas skulls. Tello found a total of more than 300 skulls and they have been dated at around 3,000 years old. A recent DNA analysis performed on some of these skulls has presented amazing results that could challenge the current perspective of the human evolutionary tree.
Several other cultures have practiced skull elongation or deformation but the techniques they used produced different results. Certain South American tribes used to bind infants’ skulls in order to change their shape. Binding the head between pieces of wood modified the appearance of skulls by applying constant pressure over a long period of time. This type of cranial deformation changed the shape but it did not alter the size, weight or cranial volume; these are all standard characteristics of a regular human skull.
The Paracas skulls are different however. Since their craniums are 25% larger and 60% heavier than regular human skulls, researchers strongly believe that they couldn’t have been modified through binding. They are also structurally different and only have one parietal plate as opposed to the two normally found in human skulls. These differences have deepened the decade-old mystery around the Paracas skulls and researchers haven’t been able to explain their origins.The director of the Paracas History Museum has sent samples from 5 skulls to undergo genetic testing. The samples consisted of hair, skin, teeth and fragments of skull bones. The genetic laboratory was not informed about the samples’ origins in order to avoid biased or influenced results. The results were fascinating.
The mitochondrial DNA (inherited from the mother) presented mutations unknown to any man, primate or any other animal. The mutations suggested we are dealing with a completely new human-like being, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans. The Paracas individuals were so biologically different from humans they wouldn’t have been able to interbreed. “I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree”, one geneticist added.
The implications of this discovery are huge. Who were the mysterious Paracas people? Did they evolve here on Earth on a path so different from us that they ended up looking drastically different? If not, where did they come from? Are any of them left?
This breakthrough brings up more questions than it answers but counts as another piece of evidence suggesting that we are not alone.
CHILDREN as young as seven were confronted by men in sharp black suits and warned against talking, as emergency services and military swarmed the area.
It’s the mystery that has left an Australian suburb divided with witnesses wanting answers.
This year will mark the 50th anniversary of the Westall Incident and those involved are no closer to finding out what occurred on that fateful autumn morning.
It was 11.00am on April 6, 1966, when Australia’s largest mass UFO sighting took place.
Students and teachers from Westall High School and Westall State School, and members of the public claim to have watched as three metallic objects with no obvious markings manoeuvred silently through the sky.
The objects landed in a paddock adjacent to the schools before quickly flying away, leaving large circles of flattened grass with well-defined, discoloured edges behind.
In the hours following the incident, emergency services, the military and the media were in attendance trying to make sense of the baffling encounter.
Several witnesses claim sharply-dressed men in dark suits warned them from speaking about the incident.
The warnings failed to have an effect with a number of witnesses sharing their accounts.
The Dandenong Journal ran with coverage of the incident on its front page for consecutive issues and Nine News also reported the story on its 6.00pm bulletin.
However, the film canister containing the footage from the incident has since been found empty in the station archives.
Despite the initial coverage and a number of possible explanations, the incident still remains shrouded in mystery.
The front-page of the Dandenong Journal newspaper following the incident.
Researcher Shane Ryan has spent the last decade of his life investigating the incident and after speaking with more than 100 primary witnesses, he believes something strange occurred.
“It was so unusual ... it occurred in broad daylight and had been seen by so many people landing on the ground, before taking off again,” he told
“The event was obviously sizeable enough to muster a big response. Whatever it was that happened led to government agencies examining the site and taking soil samples.”
Mr Ryan said he believes there has been a concerted effort to keep the incident under wraps.
“[The media] kept meeting an official wall of silence, so it just stopped being a story and only remained as a memory for those involved,” he said.
Joy Clarke was 12 and a half at the time and vividly remembers the events that occurred that day.
“I was in class when students rushed in and told us the story. We rushed down to the oval and I saw three flying saucers on that day,” she told
“My personal belief is they weren’t of this world. They were definitely from somewhere else because I have never seen anything like it all.
“The army had arrived and the police were there. We were told we were hysterical and it didn’t happen, while men in black interviewed some of the other kids.”
More coverage from the local paper.
Terry Peck was playing cricket on the school oval when she saw the saucer and decided to chase it to Grange Reserve.
“I was about six metres away from it. It was bigger than a car and circular. I think I saw some lights underneath it,” she told the Herald Sun.
“Two girls were there before me. One was terribly upset and they were pale, really white, ghostly white. They just said they had passed out, fainted. One was taken to hospital in an ambulance.”
The now-56-year-old said no time was wasted in covering up the incident.
“We all got called to an assembly ... and they told us all to keep quiet,” she said.
“I’d absolutely just like someone to come forward from the services just to say ‘yes, it did happen, and it landed and there was a cover-up’.’’
Jacqueline Argent said she was one of the first three kids over the fence to look for the UFO landing site.
“Originally I thought it must have been an experimental-type aircraft, but nothing has emerged like that after all these years,’’ she said.
The now-58-year-old told how she was called into the headmaster’s office and interrogated by three men immediately following the incident.
“They had good-quality suits and were well-spoken,” she said.
“They said, ‘I suppose you saw little green men’.
“I spoke to my parents about it at the time and they were pretty outraged.’’
Stephen Cairns also claims to have witnessed the strange phenomenon.
The then-seven-year-old was living in Dandenong and walking to school with his mother after a dentist appointment when it occurred.
“In the distance I saw a silvery disc-like object. However, at first, it was so far away I was not quite sure what it was,” he told
“The silvery disc-like object moved with amazing speed until it was directly above us ... it hovered for a few moments then, as quickly as it came, it flew away.”
Suesan Crosthwaite, Pauline Kelly, Terry Peck and Kevin Hurley can remember vividly the 6th of April 1966 when mysterious flying objects flew overhead and landed a short distance away.
Source:News Limited
Although federal and state government agencies refused to comment about the incident at the time, government documents unearthed in 2014 offer an explanation for the sighting.
The documents revealed a secret radiation-testing project known as the HIBAL program — a joint US-Australian initiative developed to monitor atmospheric radiation levels using large silver balloons equipped with sensors between 1960 and 1969.
Each balloon was equipped with a 180kg payload and was followed by a light aircraft tasked with tracking it and triggering its 12m parachute via radio signal.
Researcher Keith Basterfield said examinations of the documents held by the National Archives and former Department of Supply indicate the mysterious flying object may have been a test balloon that was blown off course after being launched from Mildura.
“My hypothesis is that the incident involved not a UFO, but a high altitude balloon, its parachute and large payload,” he told News Corp.
“The Westall object was described as being a white/silver colour which could describe the colour of an HIBAL balloon or parachute.”
After performing a close review of all available documentation, including that searched through Freedom of Information laws, Mr Basterfield believes HIBAL flight number 292 to be the real culprit.
Up Next
They are walking among us International UFO Congress gathers
However, he admits he can’t be certain because the paperwork for the launches scheduled for the day before the Westall incident appears to have been lost or destroyed.
“What is strikingly missing is a memo reporting on the actual four launches for April 1966, one of which was scheduled for April 5, 1966, the day before Westall,” he said.
“So we have no (official) knowledge of where flight 292 went.”
When asked about the balloon theory, fellow researcher Mr Ryan said he had his doubts.
“Nothing was collected or picked up from the site as far as witnesses are aware,” he told
“The flying saucer came down and took off again, flying at high speed leaving behind large circles with a well-defined edge around perimeter.
“When a balloon becomes deflated and the gondola goes down, nothing like that happens.”
Hazel Edwards was an English and maths teacher at Westall High on the day of the incident and believes it has been blown out of proportion.
The self-proclaimed skeptic suggests overly excited kids made up the story and were responsible for the media hype.
“I think there were a lot of kids that were hyped up,” she told
“Look at the so-called evidence, most of it is just hearsay.”
Mr Ryan said while he is open to the idea of a down-to-earth explanation, none so far seems to fit the bill.
“What we’re hoping for is someone in an official capacity coming forward and talking about what happened.”
The landing site has since been turned into a memorial park to reflect the 1966 Westall UFO Incident.
Let Matthew Dunn know your thoughts on Twitter @mattydunn11
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Hillary Clinton says aliens may have paid us a visit
Hillary Clinton says aliens may have paid us a visit
Technically Incorrect: In a playful end to an otherwise serious editorial board meeting, the presidential hopeful talks UFOs, promising to investigate Area 51 if elected.
Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.
If you thought the presidential campaign was already slightly extraterrestrial, it just became even more so.
Hillary Clinton, alien hunter.
Niu Xiaolei/Xinhua Press/Corbis
I come to this conclusion after learning that leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton intends to sort out the issue of whether aliens exist once and for all.
Clinton was interviewed late last month by the editorial board of the influential (in New Hampshire) Conway Daily Sun. After answering questions on foreign policy and the economy, she was reminded of a conversation she had with the reporter in 2007 about UFOs.
The reporter also brought up how her husband -- former president Bill Clinton -- mused in April to Jimmy Kimmel that he "wouldn't be surprised" if aliens had wandered down here and checked us out.
Hillary Clinton rather agreed. Having fun with the reporter, she said. "I think we may have been (visited already). We don't know for sure," she said.
But what will she do about it? It's all very well that politicians whet our appetites, but we need to know. We've watched far too many TV shows that assume aliens exist, and frankly it's killing us.
Thankfully, Clinton says that if she's elected she would "get to the bottom of it."
In this, she's being encouraged by John Podesta, her campaign chairman and a vast enthusiast of alien theories.
"He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another," she told the Sun. "Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51." (Area 51 is a US Air Force facility in southern Nevada where evidence of alien life is allegedly hidden.)
Given our strange and twisted political times, I can see that the promise of a task force to finally unearth evidence of alien visits will persuade more than a few voters.
It appeals both to our sense of adventure and our realization that politics as usual is painfully ineffective these days. This could out-Trump even the most radical Donald Trump proposal.
06-01-2016 om 17:46
geschreven door peter
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Those Men In Black
Those Men In Black
Those Men In Black—A Review of "High Strangeness"
Wendy Connors' Second Volume Of Her Ongoing Ufological Audio History Series..... by Alfred Lehmberg
On my overview of her first captivating volume, Ufology: A Primer in Audio 1939 - 1959, I wrote that it's not the beginning of the end or even the end of the beginning. It's the beginning of the beginning! "... And you are there...," reader! There was precious little hyperbole in that statement or its parent review.
Ms. Connor did it, almost immediately, again with this Volume II and providing a substantive indication (...a very exciting Volume III was almost as quickly available!) that the end is not even in sight! In this second disc in the series, she provided, again, nothing less than the unvarnished aural history of a subject that won't be remotely treated as well anywhere else.
This time, while performing the same service in the same fascinating and convenient way, she gives voice to one of the most unsettlingly dodgy facets of the UFO conundrum—those cloyingly ubiquitous Men In Black. Why?
Men In Black ARE dodgy and unsettling. They are dodgy because their historical roots are suspect, abstruse, and dominated by the unflattering stories regarding the suspected hoaxes of Gray Barker and Albert K. Bender ...and the admitted ones of CSIcopian John Sherwood (practicing his 'Robertsian' duplicity as one Dr. Richard H. Pratt)... and that all too well known ufological curmudgeon if conflicted commentator, hizzoner, the late James W. Moseley. Even Howard Keel (of "Mothman Prophesies" fame) is listed heavily in this divergent research as a purveyor of alleged MIB hoopla.
The debunking of the MIB is "thorough" and "convincing" and might even put an end to the matter, but that the debunking effort is plied by persons of CSIcopian persuasion and so then worthy of, at least, a second look for that reason alone. CSIcopia, as I've argued before, has its ironic sectarian (not secular) ax to grind.
More convincing, regarding these MIB issues, is one UFO researcher decidedly bereft of axes, Jerry Clark, who writes: "First-generation American ufologists' experiences of men in black—as opposed to the MIB who came along later—were the extremely dubious cases of Maury Island and Al Bender, along with the even more questionable Edgar Jarrold "mystery" and the Stuart/Wilkinson affair (in both senses of the word "affair"). Messy in the wash your hands sense.
In retrospect, the bulk of what Gray Barker wrote in the one men-in-black book of the 1950s (They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers, 1956) has been discredited. Beyond that, contactee writers such as Adamski and Williamson were using men in black to weave conspiracy theories, based in anti-Semitic literature, about the so-called Silence Group. No wonder sensible ufologists were sensibly suspicious of men-in-black sensibility."
Why, then, pay attention to MIB stories at all? Well, we pay attention because rational ufology doesn't close the book on them altogether, they may be a device to screen other activity, and (as mentioned before but worth repeating) anything discounted stridently by the CSIcop cult of obdurate personalities deserves a re-look as a matter of standard operating procedure!
Moreover, the history of the phenomena may predate all recent (post-1950) accounting of them and so further preclude easy dismissal of same!
In the March 30, 1905, edition of the Barmouth Advertiser, a Welsh newspaper, it was reported that over a period of three nights a "man dressed in black" appeared in the bedroom of an "exceptionally intelligent young woman of the peasant stock.... This figure has delivered a message to the girl which she is frightened to relate..." whatever one may make of that...
In 1864 a gaunt and weirdly accented man, dressed all in black, tried to purchase unusual metal parts dropped from a mysterious flying machine that were only on display and not for sale. He departed, and then that building the 'parts' were stored in subsequently burned to the ground. Ashes, sifted for the parts, failed to turn up them up. The man in black was never seen or heard from again.
In 1730, a 13-year-old Norwegian girl told priestly Inquisitors an astonishing tale. Six years earlier she and her grandmother had flown on the back of a huge pig (?) to attend a meeting with 'Satan'. On the way, the clerics wrote in their report, "they met three men dressed in black whom the grandmother referred to as 'grandfather's boys'. Once arrived at the meeting place, they all went in and sat down at the table next to the 'devil'. Her grandmother addressed the demon as 'grandfather'.
These "Three men dressed in black" would be a recurring theme, echoing down to present day. Additionally, prior to the modern automobile, these men in black were sometimes seen to arrive and depart in silent black carriages, an antique precursor to quiet black Cadillacs, perhaps... who's to know in these days of easy dishonesty, ready duplicity, and dark subterfuge.
Howard Keel has written that MIBs had interacted with such historical figures as Julius Caesar, Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon, and Malcolm X. Ominously, Keel has written that "the general descriptions of vampires ... are identical to the 'men in black'." The danger of MIB visitation to those interested in UFOs, especially "the neurotic, the gullible, and the immature" is such, Keel warns, that parents might "forbid their children from becoming involved [with UFOs], and that teachers and other responsible adults should not encourage teenagers to take an interest in the subject." This degradation of a product line is curious and unsettling.
Mr. Keel can't be discounted out of hand. Jerry Clark seems to believe he has a degree of respectable seriousness to him, whatever the debated quality of Mr. Keel's scholarship, on the one hand, and that this writer lost a teaching job largely for indulging ufological interests on the other.....
MIBs, as previously mentioned, are also... unsettling. Men in black portray an association with the shadow government (?), are the government extant (?), are a black agency of government (?), are ETs who mimic the government (?), or are of a 'larger' government, and 'so', in fact (?), then, a government of some indeterminate and unsuspected kind! I don't mean that, of course, in a good way.
They are an indication that individuals, at best, only have the illusion that they captain their own corporeal ships? That we can be removed from the equations of our societies by unaccountable shadows or excised, by them, without due process of any type? Finally, MIBs are, at least, a face to be put on the arbitrary manipulation and convenient control by shadow agencies of non-admitted and closed institutions we suspect is otherwise going on? I mean, given the reality of UFOs controlled by a self-aware intelligence of some type, groups reacting to that reality must be pretty evolved by this point... or perhaps humanity is as stupid as it is psychopathic.
In these days of ever more repressive 'government' - reproductionist, rightist, and religiously fundamentalist ... where liberty dwindles, human rights sublimate, and due process is airily abandoned altogether as a luxury that cannot be afforded... the MIBs are an uneasy metaphor of our troubled times.
They are another kind of metaphor.
They are a metaphor for the hurdles alluded to earlier and encountered in coming to grips with the ephemeral phenomenon of UFOs and all their related sister subjects. These hurdles are of a totalitarian social fabric threatening "unusual individuals" compelled by their rationality (and their experience!) to search behind suffocating curtains for the obligatory (and self-serving) "wizards" we suspect are there! How does one turn one's back to a sucking information hole in time and space? It's a threat after all, or could be. Why, it could even be a cornucopia to an efficacious heart's desire! I digress.
These aforementioned individuals, by the way, are unusual only in that they have "encountered" an "unusual"... for which their proud culture refuses to provide an explanation, and, in fact, punishes them, in some real-world way, for their lawful interest! Left to our own devices, we grapple with the problem on our own and as we can. Some are lost in the challenge to struggle with the unknown.
At the same time, these individual persons are sisters and brothers, wives and husbands, parents and children... IF they are not friends and acquaintances, neighbors and fellow citizens, or others persons we'd otherwise hold in respect and regard. They are us, and we are threatenedindividually.
Men In Black are an obstacle of indeterminate matter that seems to glue the blinding scales to our eyes and otherwise buttress our cultural blinders... perhaps for our own good? No, not for our good. Decidedly, no. They'd only be agents for those thinking only of themselves.
Our contrived and over-manipulated corporate-driven culture is just not set up for officiating a society doing the greatest good for the greatest number, is this writer's contention. Little, if anything, is (and has ever been) kept from us for "our own good." Much is kept from us that would advantage us individually at the expense of our present manipulators, is the suspicion. Consider medicinal cannabis by way of example.
Individuality, personal autonomy, creative freedom, and freedom of expression... these are the bane of an elite and repugnant, reproductionist, reactionary, and intellectually uptight (...intelligence hating, actually!) fundamentalist culture... trying to return us to the thirties in the case of fundamentalist Christianity, or to the thirteen-fifties as is the case with fundamentalist Islam.
Hell IS better.
Besides, if the "aliens" were the threat of popular "head-eating" conjecture (or otherwise complicated the elitist's game plan...?), our culture would mobilize us against them the way they have against the (almost as nebulous!), Islamic terrorists! They wouldn't be shy! Consider Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
No. Our culture would have us bristle at THAT brand of alien threat! Instead, our culture (and their lap-dog CSICOPian apologists!) paints an interest in the ufological as the activity of the stupid, the product of the duplicitous, or the production of the mentally ill—as baseless and nonsensical! ...Ironic when the opposite seems to be true: that the "M" cubed misrepresentation of the Misleading corrupting the Mislead into their Mental illness is, ITSELF, baseless and nonsensical!
What UFOs are, really, as Richard M. Dolan has pointed out, is the purest of pure seditions! They are an alternative, and perhaps even better, idea (perhaps decisively so!)! Would you like to find out if that is true? Could you be safer, freer, smarter... stronger?
Yes, of course. The preceding paragraphs are a justification for reviewing Connors forbidden index of forgotten ufological lore! To gain access... to mine that history for enigmatic facts those folks in the past didn't really know they were giving away, decades ago!
Listening to Wendy Connor's ardent compilation, the listener can sift the expressions of the principals on their own regarding the subjects of MIBs and many other themes in the ufological tradition. Grains of ufological truth may surely be gleaned in the exercise! Moreover, Ufology has always had its share of inimitable strangeness, cultivated or otherwise, as it has evolved, and this volume of Connors' aural history is every bit of THAT! Her compilation amply covers the (ufologically silver?) years 1952 to 1976, when hairy anthropoids shambled out of flying saucers (?), Men in Black silenced witnesses to UFOs (?), and other monsters prowled the unsettled countryside. Curiouser and curiouser...
Something was going on... whatever the debated 'provenance' of all this "high strangeness."
There are lectures, personal experiences recounted, and the fall-out of those early reports linger and compel even today. Listen to the accounts and presentations of Gray Barker, John Keel, Norman Oliver, Stan Gordon, Dr. Herbert Hopkins, Hayden Hewes, Dr. Ivan T. Sanderson and Albert K. Bender (in their own words) as they flesh out the real and imagined activities of MIBs and other monsters found in an all too real ufological reality. You won't be hearing it (or finding it) anywhere else.
Remember, also... it IS the future. Spinning up on the primary references of the past is always a good idea, and provides scant disservice to that future as it provides foundation for it. Truth is better than fiction even if a fiction IS found to be the truth!
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The Dogon Tribe and Their Nordic Alien Gods From Sirius
The Dogon Tribe and Their Nordic Alien Gods From Sirius
How did an African tribe come to possess advanced astronomical knowledge about the Sirius star system?
Throughout history, many civilizations were fascinated with Sirius, the Dog Star. This bright celestial object occupies an elevated status in various mythologies but none paint a more intriguing picture than the Dogon Tribe of West Africa.
The rich culture of the Dogon people spans back more than five thousand years and one of their ancient legends tells the story of a race of otherworldly beings called the Nommo. According to legend, these advanced individuals visited the Earth eons ago, descending “from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder.”
Friendly in nature, they shared some of their wisdom with the ancestors of the Dogon.
At this point we should mention that the Dogon possessed no astronomical instruments with which to study the night sky. But despite this inconvenience, their legends mention that the Nommo came from a planet that orbits one of the two stars in the Sirius star system.
It would have been impossible for them to reach this conclusion just by studying the star with the naked eye. In fact, astronomers only discovered Sirius’ smaller companion star a good 250 years after the telescope was invented.
Every 50 years, the Dogon celebrate the passing of a Sirius cycle, a tradition they keep in honor of the Nommo. That is exactly the time it takes for Sirius B to complete an orbit around its larger, more well-known companion. Coincidence?
The fact that a primitive African tribe possessed advanced knowledge about the universe is a mystery, but one that can be easily explained if we viewed their legends as mirrors of real events. So, what do the Dogon say about the Nommo?
Their home planet orbits Sirius B and is a largely-aquatic world. All legends describe them as amphibious creatures, very similar to our conception of Merfolk. Their upper half of the body closely resembles the Nordic Alien prototype of blue eyed, blonde-haired tall humanoids.
They landed in a large space ship the Dogon call ‘Pelu Tolo’ or ‘Star of the Tenth Moon.’ This event is one of great importance for the Dogon—their first contact. At the same time the Nommo ship was spiraling towards earth, a new star appeared in the night sky, possibly a mother ship from Sirius.
The tribe describe this star as having a swirling circle of reddish rays around it and also say that it was stationary relative to the other stars in the night sky.
The Dogon revered the Nommo and regarded them as civilizing gods. They are commonly referred to as ‘The Masters of the Waters”, “The Watchers” or “The Saviors.”
When shown photos of the most encountered alien species, Dogon shamans identified them with the Nordic alien type, claiming that their tribe had met blue eyed white humanoids long before meeting white men.
As unbelievable as this story sounds, it is paralleled by many others worldwide and they all share one common aspect: advanced alien beings visiting our planet, offering their aid and knowledge and being revered as gods. It would appear that this rash of visitations occurred around 5,000 years ago, possibly following a great flood or another catastrophe.
The white-skinned gods apparently visited the entire planet, as legends ranging from Australia to the Americas describe similar beings teaching mankind their ways.
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Ancient Alien Culture Uncovered During Animas River disaster In Colorado, Jan 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Ancient Alien Culture Uncovered During Animas River disaster In Colorado, Jan 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: January 2016 Location of discovery: Animas river, Colorado, USA News source: I saw this photo a dozen times on different news sites, and I found it unique, not because of the water, but the photo itself seems perfect, minus the river of toxic sludge. In the center of the photo was some rocks that are not so unusual for the area, but these were special. I noticed that there are some faces on those rocks, and aliens create these due to a cultural obligation. This mean that there is an alien underground base somewhere nearby. If you look closely you will see a long human-like face and the right side of a non human species. The detail is extremely good and the features are all there. You can easily see ears, nostril area, eye sockets and teeth, checks, jaw, forehead and much more. The non human one has ears. Even aliens have to respect their cultural values, one of which is to create these faces of their ancestors. Scott C. Waring -BA Elementary Ed, MS Counseling Ed.
Wormhole Opens Up Above Canberra, Australia On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Wormhole Opens Up Above Canberra, Australia On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 3, 2016 Location of sighting: Canberra, Australia News source: This is not a natural phenomenon, but is the end point of a wormhole. The flash of the wormhole is the moment that a ship enters or exists the hole, which is also just a second before it closes. There is no transportation faster than that. Australia is known to have a lot of UFOs witnessed in its outback, so its no surprise that aliens are using wormhole technology to traverse the universe. Scott C. Waring
UFO Caught During Sunset Over Ontario, Canada On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Caught During Sunset Over Ontario, Canada On Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: January 2016 Location of sighting:Sudbury, Ontario, Canada As I have said before, if you want to see a UFO, watch a sunset, but will you believe it when you see it? Here we see a rare catch of a UFO during the sunset. It was cloaked, but the sun is below it now, which makes it impossible for it to stay invisible. For the cloak to work, the light source has to be on the opposite side of the person viewing it. Scott C. Waring
News states: Linda from Sudbury, Ontario Canada caught on tape a massive unidentified flying object that stood still in the sky at first she thought that it was a cloud and then she saw that it was something else.
Hillary Clinton Will Reveal The Truth About UFOs If She Becomes The Next U.S. President
Hillary Clinton Will Reveal The Truth About UFOs If She Becomes The Next U.S. President
The United States presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton has promised to get the bottom of unidentified flying objects if she wins. Interestingly, she believes extraterrestrials may already have visited humanity.
While campaigning in New Hampshire, a journalist questioned her about UFOs and she replied that she’s going to dig to the bottom of it. If elected, Clinton will be the first female president in the U.S.
Clinton said that she would send a task force to Area 51, a top secret military facility whereUFO conspiracy theorists believe out of this world technology is back-engineered.
Clinton’s campaign chairperson John Podesta has previously advocated strongly for the release of all UFO files as the people can already handle the truth.
In 2014, he tweeted about his biggest regret of the year. He said that his greatest failure of that said year was once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files.
Podesta was also the chief of staff of Hillary’s husband Bill when he was in the White House and a top advisor to U.S. President Barack Obama.
Hillary said: “He has made me pledge we’re going to get that information out, one way or another. Maybe we could form a task force to go to Area 51.”
When Bill Clinton guested on Jimmy Kimmel Show, he said that he would not be surprised if aliens visited Earth, but added he hoped it would not be like Independence Day movie.
Bill also said that he had looked into Area 51, but no aliens were there. When asked about Bill’s comment, Hillary said: “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.”
When Bill Clinton was president, billionaire Laurance Rockefeller approached him in 1993 to release all UFO files to the public.
The Clintons even set a meeting at Laurance’s ranch in Wyoming in August 1995 as part of the so-called Rockefeller Initiative.
Retired Detective Constable Gary Heseltine said that he was very aware of the Rockefeller Initiative, and both Hillary and Bill were heavily involved in it.
Heseltine added that it was inevitable Hillary would be asked questions about her links to Rockefeller Initiative and he was pleased that she has responded to them. Heseltine further explained that Hillary can’t run away from those links, and she has to embrace it to remain credible.
President John F. Kennedy is vermoord door de CIA nadat hij eiste dat de spionagedienst topgeheime UFO-stukken zou openbaren, zo wordt gesteld. Kennedy werd op 22 november 1963 doodgeschoten in het centrum van Dallas.
UFO-expert Scott C. Waring claimt dat de president slechts 10 dagen voor zijn dood een brief aan de directeur van de CIA heeft gestuurd, melden Britse media. Hij plaatste kopieën van de brief op zijn website UFO Sightings Daily.
Hij zei dat de president vier dagen na het versturen van de brief ook een bezoek heeft gebracht aan de NASA-lanceerbasis Cape Canaveral in Florida. In de brief vroeg JFK de CIA alle informatie die zij had over UFO’s vrij te geven.
De president zou de NASA per brief hebben gevraagd om met de Sovjets samen te werken op het gebied van UFO’s. Waring suggereert dat JFK bezorgd was dat de Sovjets UFO’s boven Rusland zouden aanzien voor spionagetoestellen.
Drie jaar voor de brief was boven Rusland een Amerikaans U-2-spionagevliegtuig neergeschoten. De piloot, Gary Powers, was gevangengenomen. In 1962 werd Powers uitgewisseld voor een Russische spion.
Hillary Clinton
Hij zet ook vraagtekens bij de belofte van de Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat Hillary Clinton om alle overheidsdocumenten over UFO’s vrij te geven. “Presidentskandidaat Hillary Clinton weet dit nog niet, maar ze heeft niet de macht om dergelijke informatie vrij te geven.”
“De CIA zou haar net als in het geval van JFK vermoorden voordat ze zoiets zou kunnen doen,” ging hij verder. “Hillary zal te bang zijn voor de CIA om dergelijke informatie te openbaren.”
Beginning January 24, we are going to be treated to another six episodes of The X-Files, one of the most enduring television series of all time.
In the world of the show, FBI agents Mulder and Scully clash with the federal government, which is overrun by byzantine conspiracies and hidden knowledge about extraterrestrial life (as well as genies, God, werewolves, and other mysterious and elusive creatures.).
Given the popularity of the series, and the tenacity of UFO conspiracy theorists in general, it’s unsurprising that the most viewed file in the FBI’s online FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Library—also known as the Vault—is what some believe to be a real life X-File. Known in more paranoid circles as the “Hottel Memo,” this officially filed UFO report has been accessed and viewed over a million times since it was uploaded in 2011.
The memo dates back to March of 1950, three years after the much more famous Roswell incident, and is little more than a single page detailing a vague report about recovered UFOs. The memo was filed by FBI agent Guy Hottel, who was, at the time, the head of the Bureau's Washington Field Office. His report relays an account said to have been given by an Air Force investigator who claimed to have recovered a trio of flying saucers, with crew intact.
Hottel’s memo says that the investigator told him that the ships had been salvaged in New Mexico, describing the craft like something out of a B-movie. They were "circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 meters in diameter,” reads the report.
The description of the UFOs’ crew members is no less retro science fictional, reading, “[The aliens had] bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots.” It is speculated in the memo that the craft were downed after high-powered military radar in the area interfered with the UFOs’ controls. How this conclusion was reached is unclear.
As with all FBI memos of the day, Hottel’s report was addressed directly to Director J. Edgar Hoover, whose own paranoia is well-documented. After the wild claims of the Air Force investigator, the memo merely ends with a curt line stating that the report was not even looked into.
Despite the document originally being made available to the public in the 1970s, when Navy physicist Bruce Maccabee gained access to it via a Freedom of Information Act request, the Hottel Memo did not receive widespread attention until 2011, when it was added to the FBI’s new public online Vault archive. Once it was uploaded, eager media outlets jumped on the story of this seemingly damning evidence of the FBI being involved with UFOs.
The truth... might be out there. (Photo: CIA/Wikipedia)
After the memo was batted around for a couple of years, the FBI published an exasperated blog post to put an end to all of the speculation. In the post they note that not only is the memo simply “a second- or third-hand claim” but also that the Bureau never even bothered to investigate it. They also shoot down any connection to the previous Roswell incident. As they succinctly put it, “Sorry, no smoking gun on UFOs.”
If the FBI’s dismissive explanations are to be believed, than what is the true origin of the Hottel Memo? According to some debunkers, the report, disseminated up the chain of command, originated from a mid-century con man named Silas Newton. Going by the FBI’s own files on Newton, he was behind various cons, such as claiming to have seen crashed UFOs, and peddling a contraption that could locate underground oil deposits (known as a “doodlebug”).
One story debunking the memo says that Newton told the story to a radio advertiser, who then related it to a pair of locals, who in turn told a used-car dealer, who relayed it to reporter, who ran the story in the Kansas City newspaper, the Wyandotte Echo. It was here that the Air Force investigator may have discovered the story, finally reporting it to Hottel. However, the Bureau itself does not make a direct connection between Newton and the Hottel Memo.
In retrospect, the Hottel Memo seems to be an interdepartmental memo that just happens to mention an already spurious story of downed aliens. As with other UFO reports, what may be billed as the true story of extraterrestrials on Earth would seem to be nothing more than the result of a giant game of Telephone.
Despite all this, the Hottel Memo continues to be the most viewed file in the Vault, even beating out the actual Roswell report, largely thanks to the media attention granted it by stories just like the one you are reading right now. It seems like Agent Mulder isn’t the only one who desperately wants to believe.
A user of a local internet forum said: "This object has been flying around since spring."
Footage: Villagers are convinced of an alien visit after seeing this footage
"I’ve seen it a couple of times," the continued. "Sometimes it would fly in the direction of the town, sometimes in the opposite direction towards Slovakia.
Read more: The clip shows a white object moving quickly through the clouds, although it is not clear what it is
"At the beginning, I thought it could be a weather balloon but it was too big," the poster added.
UFO: The object was spotted in the sky during broad daylight - unusual for this kind of sighting
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EXCLUSIVE: Soldier breaks 44-year silence over Roswell claiming 500 military men saw UFOs
EXCLUSIVE: Soldier breaks 44-year silence over Roswell claiming 500 military men saw UFOs
AN EX-SOLDIER has spoken for the first time about what he describes as a mass UFO sighting in the desert near Roswell - the scene of the world's most famous flying saucer case.
The Roswell legend has fascinated UFO buffs for decades
The witness, who has yet to be named, has reported unidentified flying objects he claims up to 500 other military personal saw in the New Mexico desert.
His report has been made to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world's officially-recognised body for recording sightings.
The man, who must be at least in his 60s now, broke a 44-year silence over the incident by reporting it to MUFON.
In claims made last week he said the mysterious five hour-long event will haunt him until he dies.
The veteran said in July 1971 he was in the US Army Air Defence Unit, stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, when they were sent on "military manouvres" in the New Mexico desert, west of Roswell.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken to the mysterious top-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada.
The veteran behind the latest claims said it concerned events 24 years after the Roswell incident.
He said there were 500 personal on the operation in New Mexico when the unit had a nocturnal double UFO encounter.
He said: "The first object was spotted coming from the north and stopped.
"Another object approached from the west.
"For the next five hours, the objects made erratic moves remaining in a close area."
Original pictures released in 1947 with the flying saucer press release
This event will remain etched in my mind until I pass. Thanks for allowing me to share this experience.
Former US army Roswell witness
He described them as circular, but that it was not possible to tell the size because the altitude was unclear.
He said: "At daylight we were ordered to a location in the desert for chow (food).
"The whole unit was discussing the UFOs.
"My unit had 500 plus soldiers, we were a vulcan/chaparral air defence unit and were trained to recognise all foreign and domestic air craft flying at that time.
"The UFOs remained visible until the sun became too bright."
He did not explain why only now he came forward, but added: "This event will remain etched in my mind until I pass. Thanks for allowing me to share this experience."
The Extraterrestrial Highway to wards Area 51 in Nevada
It has not been possible to confirm if he was a genuine veteran, but MUFON is investigating the case and has listed it as "unresolved".
MUFON has 47 other Roswell sightings in its database, dating from 1953 to 2012.
Roswell has been the subject of many books by UFO investigators and remains at the heart of the alien believer community's calls for disclosure, also holding an annual UFO festival.
But it has also been the subject of many hoaxes, or wrongly identified evidence.
These include in 1995 when fake video emerged of an alleged military autopsy being carried out on alien bodies found in the wreckage.
Last May thousands of believers attended a conference in Mexico which pledged to unveil photographic evidence of the Roswell aliens, only for the image to later be identified as a child mummy of a Native American.
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Hidden Underground is Hitlers Nazi Empire in Antarctica! (Video)
Hidden Underground is Hitlers Nazi Empire in Antarctica! (Video)
No denying this hidden history!
The truth about history has been hidden…In Empire Beneath the Ice, author Stephen Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong. The truth about history has been hidden…
In Empire beneath the Ice, author Stephen Quayle reveals why most of what you learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong.
You’ll discover:
Why the suppressed evidence proves Adolf Hitler didn’t die before Germany surrendered during WWII, and how he eluded capture.
How Nazi SS members, scientists, and soldiers escaped with Hitler to create colonies in other parts of the world to continue their monstrous research.
Why in 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned that the US should adopt measures to protect against an invasion by hi-tech aircraft coming from the Polar Regions, adding, “The time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.” How, using advanced technology, Nazi saucers defeated the US military — long after WWII was supposedly over.
Why the US space program was mostly a sham, and why the “UFOs” that started appearing around the world in the late 1940s were (and still are) most likely flown by Nazi pilots. How key government, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial leaders, and institutions helped Hitler come into power, and facilitated the preservation of Nazi wealth and power after WWII.
Why today’s world is secretly controlled by a malevolent shadow government and entire populations are being surreptitiously brainwashed. How ancient star gates have been duplicated to open portals into spiritual and demonic universes.
Why those controlling our planet have laid the groundwork for a takeover by a dictator who could best be described as the Antichrist of the Bible.
Empire beneath the Ice carefully documents these and many more astounding facts, divulging the truth about what is happening today. It gives you the insights to help prevent this diabolical takeover or, if it occurs, reveals the details and essential actions you and your loved ones must take. Empire beneath the Ice exposes the dangers our world faces, and will arm you with the tools you need to counter these unspeakable, secret evils.
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Hillary Clinton a fait la promesse de tout divulguer à propos du phénomène OVNI
Hillary Clinton a fait la promesse de tout divulguer à propos du phénomène OVNI
Lors d’une interview accordée au "Conway Daily Sun" dans le New Hampshire, la candidate démocrate à la présidence a promis de « faire la lumière » au sujet des ovnis et de tout révéler au sujet de la Zone 51.
Déjà en août 1995 Hillary avait été briefée sur les OVNI par Laurance Rockefeller lui même passionné de la vie extraterrestre et probablement dans le secret via l'Initiative Rockefeller qui a contribué à stimuler un ordre exécutif en 1995 à déclassifier des millions de documents, dont la majorité sur les OVNI. On peut d'ailleurs voir sur la photo ci-dessous lors de cette rencontre une partie de la couverture d'un livre intitulé "Are We Alone?" de Paul Davies, voici le synopsis du fameux livre en question:
Sommes-nous seuls? Les scientifiques et les gouvernements recherchent activement des signes de vie dans l'univers. Les efforts seront ils rencontrer le succès? L'auteur primé Paul Davies, un éminent scientifique qui écrit avec le flair d'un écrivain de science-fiction, explore les ramifications que la découverte d'une vie extraterrestre aurait pour notre science, nos religions, et notre vision du monde en général...
Huge comets called centaurs deserve greater recognition as potential destroyers of life on Earth, according to a team of astronomers from the Armagh Observatory and the University of Buckingham. Measuring 50 to 100 kilometers (30 to 60 miles) across, these enormous masses of ice and rock have been identified in their hundreds over recent decades in the trans-Neptunian region – the area beyond Neptune, which is the outermost planet in the Solar System.
However, these centaurs can make their way towards the inner planets as their orbits become deflected by the gravitational fields of Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn. Publishing a review of their research in Astronomy and Geophysics, the team estimates that centaurs are likely to cross the Earth’s orbit every 40,000 to 100,000 years.
Depending on the size, composition, and distance of a given comet, its effects on terrestrial ecosystems are likely to be highly variable. Because centaurs are thought to be unstable, the authors expect the majority of these effects to be caused by dust and other small fragments that result from the disintegration of the comets.
They estimate that a single centaur measuring 100 kilometers (60 miles) could contain about 100 times the mass of all the Earth-crossing asteroids detected to date. This translates to an awful lot of dust, leading the researchers to suggest that comets of this size could fill the Earth’s atmosphere with tiny particles, reducing the amount of sunlight that can pass through to roughly the level of moonlight, for up to 100,000 years. This, they say, would put an end to commercial agriculture.
A map of the Solar System, showing the orbits of several planets. In red are the orbits of 22 centaurs. In yellow are the orbits of 17 trans-Neptunian objects. Duncan Steel/Royal Astronomical Society
Additionally, larger fragments – which could extend for several kilometers in length – may generate catastrophic impacts, similar to that which is believed to have led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. According to the report, several such collisions may have occurred in the past, with the authors citing craters in the Gulf of Mexico, Ukraine, Siberia and Chesapeake Bay as likely candidates for centaur impact sites.
Given the probability of a centaur crossing Earth’s orbit at some point in the future, and the sheer volume of debris caused by the disintegration of these comets, the team claims that some level of impact is inevitable, although the nature and extent of the effects are likely to depend on various factors.
At present, attempts to quantify Earth’s risk of being affected by a collision are centered around NASA’s Spaceguard initiative, which seeks to map up to 90 percent of near-Earth objects (NEOs) larger than 1 kilometer (0.6 miles). This program focuses mainly on the asteroid belt that sits between Mars and Jupiter, although Professor Bill Napier, who helped to conduct this research, is now calling for the scope of this search to be extended to the outer reaches of the Solar System.
“Our work suggests we need to look beyond our immediate neighborhood and look out beyond the orbit of Jupiter to find centaurs,” he said in a statement. “If we are right, then these distant comets could be a serious hazard, and it's time to understand them better.”
Europe to build Moon town by 2030 in bid to discover alien life
Europe to build Moon town by 2030 in bid to discover alien life
A MANNED base on the moon should become reality by 2030, according to the European Space Agency.
ESA chiefs say the planned “Moon Village”, which would be built by 3D printers, could help mankind explore the galaxy.
The plans say robots will land on the Moon and prepare the surface for human life, and come complete with a series of stunning concepts showing what the Moon base could look like.
Astronauts could then use the Moon as a space base to push on and explore more celestial bodies, such as Mars, NASA’s top priority target destination.
With water found by NASA on Mars, speculation about alien life is rife as the ESA confirmed their Moon colony dreams at a two-day conference entitled Moon 2020-2030 – A New Era of Coordinated Human and Robotic Exploration.
The conference, which featured 200 scientists and experts coming together to plan mankind’s next giant leap in space exploration, was held last month at the European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noorwijk, the Netherlands.
Kathy Laurini of NASA is optimistic that a European Moon base could act as a stepping stone for Mars-bound astronauts.
She told "The ESA space-exploration strategy sets the Moon as a priority destination for humans on the way to Mars.
"And the recent talk of a 'Moon Village' certainly has generated a lot of positive energy in Europe – [of] Europe playing a role in a global human exploration scenario.
"The timing is right to get started on the capabilities which allow Europe to meet its exploration objectives and ensure it remains a strong partner as humans begin to explore the solar system."
The ESA tested the possibility of using Moon soil with 3D printers back in 2013 and devised a material which could be built into domes to defend residents against background space radiation.
“Terrestrial 3D printing technology has produced entire structures,” said project chief Laurent Pambaguian.
“Our industrial team investigated if it could similarly be employed to build a lunar habitat.”
This development comes as experts grow increasingly optimistic about the chances of finding alien life and as manned forays into space are set to increase in frequency and ambition.
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Disc-Shaped Craft 'Escorted' a Police Car in Poland
Disc-Shaped Craft 'Escorted' a Police Car in Poland
In early January 2013 a pair of police officers from Opole region spotted strange, morphing aerial light that, as it turned out, emanated from luminous disc-shaped object. Exotic craft accompanied their car all the way back to the station. Frightened and disoriented officers reported close encounter to their principals but soon learned that “they must be exhausted and hallucinating”. Polish policemen rarely report their UFO encounters but when they do, their reports are astonishing ones.
On January 8th a pair of Police officers from Opole region (southwestern Poland) was returning from a night intervention. Their task was to calm down an aggressive drunkard in one of the villages lost amongst forested farmlands. When the job was done, they began to head back to their station located dozen kilometers away. It was about 4 am when their Kia Ceed was calmly running lone road. All of a sudden they noticed some bright lights in the distance that hovered over nearby forest. This prologue may sound prosaic but the rest of the story is much more extraordinary… and complicated.
Principals became concerned
Both witnesses serve in regional police station in one of the cities in Opole area. The main witness, Mr. M., requested anonymity fearing that his openness toward strange incident might influence his career. His concerns weren’t baseless. When on January 8th both witnesses arrived on their home station, they were immediately interrogated about such a long time of their intervention. It turned out that the way back took them about two hours. Stunned by the strange occurrence, without hesitation they reported the encounter with strange aerial device to the staff officer. This honest step induced some strange behavior of their principals.
Mr. M. remembers that after arriving to the station his patrol partner, Mrs. J., felt dizzy. Though he was all right he could remind that just after the appearance of the strange craft his organism also reacted in a strange way. For a moment his sight became blurry. It was about 4 am when along with Mrs. J. he noticed some light in the sky. At first they took it for mobile tower but the luminous object was apparently approaching their car. Soon it stationed over a groove of trees located about a kilometer from the road. Orange-yellowish “thing” was morphing and changing colors.
Mr. M. said that the arrival of UFO fulfilled his partner words. Just several minutes before seeing the light the woman had told him that “something is in the air”. Mrs. J. was anxious-excited: “She had repeated this sentence several times before the light appeared” - the policeman recounts. “When the object appeared in the horizon, we decided to stop and go out of the car to examine it. From the distance it looked like a ball and then changed shape into crescent-like.” He added that just a while before he could feel as if time slowed for a moment. But it was a matter of seconds. During the next stage of the encounter Mrs. M. and his partner were totally conscious.
Dropping orbs and the video
The officers stopped and watched the light maneuvering over a nearby field. The sight was strange: “It was moving soundlessly, with no noise that should be generated by engine or rotor of the flying machine. At some point the object began ejecting something resembling ‘balls of light’. Some were disappearing in their way down to the ground, other were returning to the UFO. Suddenly from the below of the craft there emanated a ‘flash’ resembling that of a stroboscope” - the witness said adding that for a second a patch of land was illuminated.
According to Mr. M. it was possible to distinguish the shape of the craft hull. But darkness, strange feelings and appearance of exotic object forced the witnesses to drove off the scene. To their amazement, after a while UFO began to move in parallel with their car, staying in the constant distance of about a kilometer. Despite strong concerns and unnatural fear, Mr. M. stopped the car in the next village trying to record the object with his cell phone camera.
“The UFO was in shape of a disc, with a kind of small ‘dome’ on the top. It was emitting blinding, yellow light (occasionally turning orange). At the bottom, three smaller white-bluish ‘balls’ could be seen. In my opinion they were ‘engines’ but there were no sounds at all” - the witness reported.
It was 4:32 am when Mr. M. took a short video showing a dim light in the distance. It’s the only one visual documentation of the incident. Strongly agitated Mrs. J. tried frantically to catch the disc with her phone camera but nothing interesting appears on her photos. Accomplished evidences seem not satisfying for such a spectacular case and Mr. M. is aware of this fact: “That situation was totally unexpected and we weren’t prepared for UFO encounter. I wish I could go closer to that object. It is clear to me now, when all the emotions ceased.”
The UFO recording of Mr. M. was made public but in muted version due to witnesses’ request. In the original material we can hear excited voiced of both officers commenting the “UFO” appearance. They also tried to open the car window to check whether the object emits any noticeable sounds but only dog barking could be hear in the distance. In the video Mr. M. stresses that the quality of the recording is weak. Registered material reveals only a bright lump of light hovering in the distance, against the dark sky background. On some still frames one can see an outline of an elongated, bright object.
Time confusion
Mr. M. said that during the incident he thought about noticing the staff officer as well other patrol cars about the strange object. “After short discussion with my partner we decided to stay calm. Too many units could hear our report so everyone can imagine the consequences… People are rather skeptical and we don’t want more problems” - he added. It was another instance of tabooing UFO encounters made by staff of emergency services, Police and Polish Army. Mr. M. is a very rare case of public servant who decided to reveal his experiences, despite his concern about the consequences. Therefore we decided not to reveal his name and the exact place of the sighting in case report.
It’s also interesting that Mr. M. claims that during three stops when the witnesses decided to inspect the object closer, the UFO seemed to withdraw deeper over the fields. In his opinion the object hovered about 60 meters over the ground but exact size of the craft was hard to estimate. Mr. M. said it was at least dozen of meters in length but it was hard to find any reference points. In the whole affair there is another one mystery. The witness stated that they observed the craft for about 90 minutes but it seemed too long comparing with the time necessary for them to pass the distance to their home station.
Mr. M. added that he also was somewhat confused realizing that the incident lasted for about two hours. This shortening of time might be a result of highly stressing situation or the curious onlookers might get lost in their observation. Another possible scenario is that the driver became disoriented and chose a wrong way; causing the patrol car to wander along some deserted village roads (Mr. M. stated that this may be the point). But it’s also tempting to propound another hypothesis that links the mentioned “time confusion” with Mrs. J.’s dizziness after the encounter. Anyway, for now there are no direct clues for the policemen involvement in “missing time” episode.
“You’re dog-tired!”
The patrol lost UFO from view in vicinity of K. village. According to Mr. M.’s report, the disc withdrew over nearby fields and then disappeared over the horizon. About 6 am, when both policemen returned to their station, they decided to report their experience to principals but as Mr. M. said, the duty officer at first burst with laugh and then neglected their story: “He said that I’m dog-tired and hallucinating. The same was with other high officers. They tried to persuade us that we saw balloons or birds…”
Nevertheless, the strange report about exotic “thing” probably induced some concern amongst higher officials since Mr. M. was informed that chief officer needs to talk with him. But after some time the case was hushed up as if nothing had happened on January 8th! Moreover, the personal situation of the female witness, Mr. J., whose husband worked in the same station, prompted her to keep silence over the incident. But what’s interesting, after some gossips about UFO encounter dissipated, Mr. M. was contacted with other officers who also saw strange things on their night duties.
Mr. M. stated that on January 8th he didn’t meet on the deserted village road with any other cars. But it’s quite possible that some inhabitants of the region (as farmers waking up early to tend their animals or people on their way to work) might also catch a glimpse of the strange aerial device. But six moths after the incident we still have no confirming reports (although the case was covered by big local newspaper in Opole region). We are well aware that the case might remain unsolved but it’s good to know that officers as Mr. M. are always on alert in reporting every suspected thing, even that with no right to existence according to his principals opinion.
Addendum: Polish Policemen see UFOs
Polish national media and web portals usually don’t report UFO incidents although it is a very popular topic. UFO reports from Polish police officers are also rarity but the case from Opole region showed that many other encounters may be not disclosed due to witnesses’ fear of ridicule. But the real cause of tabooing UFO reports amongst policemen is that there is no official procedure concerning unidentified objects and phenomena. In other words, an ordinary officer who sees UFO doesn’t know how to react.
Mr. M. said that he talk with some colleagues who also got unusual experiences. One of them wrote us a report concerning his UFO sighting in vicinity of Otmuchowskie Lake in 2008. He recounts: “At about 2 am, over Sarnowice, I saw a row of about 15 red lights. Along with my partner I decided to hide our car in darker spot [for the object not to see us]. But then some of the lights went off and other ones change their positions and began to move away in various directions.”
Another one interesting story from Police officer was reported to us several years ago. It also took place in Opole region, precisely in Daniec area. The witness, Mr. Z., wrote: “Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact date. It was June or July 1997. From the duty officer we got a call that some drunken man was sticking people with an axe in a village in Opole area. It was an emergency, so we rushed with the siren going.”
Mr. Z. reported that just before their destination place, his partner heard a call of nature so they stopped the car on the side of the road: “I also went out to straighten my neck. Suddenly I saw those objects and in the same moment my colleague screamed: ‘UFO!” I saw two bright orbs flying in the air 300 meters away from the car. They weren’t discotheque lights or lanterns. They were flying with high speed, stopping, accelerating and making sharp turns. We stood there in awe! I was glad I wasn’t there alone. During the sighting one of the orbs neared us and stayed dozen of meters away. The other one remained over the field and then - as for command - both of them departed in just a second. I know that they were intelligent.”
Earlier but equally spectacular report comes from Mr. Jerzy M. - former officer of Citizens Militia (state police institution in Poland before 1989): “It was winter 1978 but the exact date got lost in my mind. It was about 2 am. […] I was patrolling area between Ornontowice and Chudów checking if the stores were properly shut down. I was in way from Ornontowice to Chudów. The night was beautiful, with no clouds in the sky. Temperature oscillated around -5 degrees. […] I was standing on the roadside when my attention was drawn to my dog strange behavior. […] Automatically I looked up hearing also some unfamiliar sound. Then I perceived something completely out-of-place.”
The officer reported that he saw a black, oblong object with some “windows”. He also got feeling that someone is staring at him: “It wasn’t a plane. It looked like a hull of An-22 but without wings. There were no sounds at all, despite slight ‘whirring’. […] Then I saw it against the sky background, from different perspective. The object looked like a dark ring. Afraid that it could be a damaged plane that is going to crash, I rushed to local bakery to phone to the duty officer from Gierałtowice.”
As in other cases, the witness soon learned from his chief that he must be kidding: “After returning Gierałtowice police station, I even phoned the night guard at Gliwice airport asking if there were any night landings scheduled. But he also scoffed me saying that I must be drunk!”
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New shock claim JFK was ' murdered by CIA ' days after demanding UFO files and NASA visit
New shock claim JFK was ' murdered by CIA ' days after demanding UFO files and NASA visit
PRESIDENT John F Kennedy was shot dead because he demanded the release of top-secret UFO files from the CIA, an alien researcher has sensationally claimed.
The claim was made after US presidential Democratic candidate Hilary Clinton vowed to get to the bottom of an alleged UFO cover up high within the government.
Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, posted copies to his website of a letter sent by JFK to the then head of the CIA just 10 days before he was murdered.
He wrote: "Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn't know it yet, but she does not have the power to release such information.
"CIA would kill her before she could, just like they did JFK.
"Yes, just a week before his death JFK wrote a memo to CIA to release all pertinent info to NASA, but somehow he was killed before it ever happened.
"I was the first to publish this document in my book UFO Sightings 2006-2009."
The memo is a confirmed declassified document released by the CIA.
Mr Waring added: "JFK wrote the memo to CIA on Nov 12, 1963, then on Nov 22, 1963 he was killed.
"Hillary will be too scared of the CIA to release such information."
The now declassified but redacted memo from JFK to then head of CIA 10 days before his death
The memo asked for a breakdown of identified and unidentified sightings the CIA was aware of.
JFK wrote: "It would be very helpful if you would have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to classified CIA and USAF sources.
"It is important that we make a clear distinction between the knowns and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defence and space programs.
"I would like you to arrange a program of data sharing with NASA where unknowns are a factor."
On the same day JKF sent a separate memo to NASA asking for "cooperation with the former Soviet Union on mutual outer space activities."
It is understood JFK was concerned about the high amount of UFO sightings over Russia and feared the Soviets would wrongly believe it was US spying equipment.
Four days later on November 16 1963 he visited NASA at Cape Canaveral, Florida, which further fuels the conspiracists theory.
JFK (centre) during the NASA visit at the Saturn Blockhouse
"Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn't know it yet, but she does not have the power to release such information. CIA would kill her before she could, just like they did JFK " Scott C Waring
Several other alien researchers have said they support the theory on various postings on websites.
In the 1990s a document which became known as the "burned memo" surfaced.
It was allegedly received in the post by a UFO researcher called Timothy Cooper in 1999 and was said to have been sent by an unnamed CIA source who allegedly worked three from 1960 to 1974.
The alleged source claimed the document, which has never been verified as real, was pulled by him from a fire while the CIA was burning sensitive material, hence the scotch marks.
The memo had no date and referred to "Lancer", the supposed secret service code name for JFK.
It allegedly had this message from the director of Central Intelligence: "As you must know, Lancer has made some inquiries regarding our activities, which we cannot allow.
"Please submit your views no later than October. Your action to this matter is critical to the continuance of the group."
Sceptics claim the "burned memo" was a fake to add fuel to the conspiracy.
There have been many conspiracies surrounding JFK's death, including those claiming CIA involvement, but not always because of UFOs.
Final ride: JFK (far left) driven moments before his execution
Ex-marine misfit Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, was charged with the shooting, which he denied, but he too was shot dead by nightclub boss Jack Ruby before he could go on trial.
In November, James Files, 72, a Mafia hit man in jail for separate murders claimed in an interview that he had been a sniper on the day of JFK's death and fired a shot at his head.
Controversially, he says there was collusion between the Mafia and the CIA to kill 46-year-old Kennedy, claims which could lead to him being called to give testimony on oath in Washington.
The Vietnam war veteran was part of the CIA team that trained a militia for the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba in 1961, which turned many in the agency against Kennedy when he called a sudden halt to the clandestine operation.
After being kicked out of the military, Files joined the “outfit” in Chicago, becoming a right-hand man to Mafia chief Charles “Chuckie” Nicoletti, a hitman for Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana.
Files said he also had a now-dead CIA handler.
Files, who is serving time for being an accessory to a mob murder, claims that CIA men felt betrayed over the Bay of Pigs fiasco and feared Kennedy was going to shut the agency down because it was out of control.
They called in mobsters to carry out the killing in Dallas, Texas, he said.
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Incredible UFO sightings in Thailand and Austria
Incredible UFO sightings in Thailand and Austria
A bizarre bright light, comparable to a meteor was spotted in Thailand.
The light was spotted in Phu Chi Fa, which is a national forest park. A large crowd of tourists and residents witnessed the sighting.
Another sighting, which itself does not fit any orthodox explanation was made in Austria as well;
Well it at first appears to clearly be a fire cracker, this was merely something that grabbed the filmer’s attention, as the UFO itself is in the background and can be seen (and heard) in the aftermath, which is truly unexplainable and appears to be a lightning strike in a climate without thunder or lightning? The look on the girls face witnessing it is very revealing of how startling the sighting truly was.
This is a very interesting way to kick off 2016. Not only are these good sightings, but Hilary Clinton who is clearly a potential president of America in the future, is openly talking about the possibility that aliens have already visited the planet as outlined in a previous article I wrote.
An artist's image of the exoplanet HD 189733b as starlight streams through the planet's atmosphere. Scientists are searching atmospheres on other planets for possible signs of life. Credit: NASA, ESA and G. Bacon (STScI)
The search for signs of life beyond the solar system is kicking into a higher gear.
Scientists are working to compile a catalog of gases that could potentially be evidence of life, so researchers will know what to look for when scanning the atmospheres of rocky, Earth-like alien planets.
"Every way we have possible, people [are] trying to find exo-Earths," planetary scientist Sara Seager, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said last month at the American Astronomical Society's Extreme Solar Systems III conference in Hawaii. [10 Exoplanets That Could Host Alien Life]
"We have a shot at finding signs of life in the next decade or so," she added. "The question is, what will we look for?"
Many different possibilities
Astronomers have discovered nearly 2,000 exoplanets to date. Scientists are beginning to probe the upper atmospheresof some of those worlds using instruments such as NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. As technology
Astronomers can study the starlight that filters through exoplanet atmospheres, searching for signatures of molecules that may be signs of life. Credit: NASA, ESA and A. Feild (STScI)
But there are thousands of other molecules produced by life on Earth that are not directly related to keeping an organism alive.
"Imagine walking in a pine forest and smelling the smells that come off of trees," Seager said. "Those are technically all biosignatures."
With the exception of the noble gases — helium, neon, argon, xenon, krypton and radon — life produces every gas available in Earth's atmosphere, she added. Living organisms may not always be the dominant method of production, but they play a role.
"Pick any gas — it's made by life," Seager said.
Seager and her team compiled a list of 14,000 different molecules that could conceivably be biosignatures on alien worlds. This enormous database should aid scientists as they search the atmospheres of planets around other stars.
Hunting for Earth 2.0
Scientists have studied the atmospheres of more than three dozen worlds beyond the solar system, to some degree. The number is so small because most of the exoplanets that have been discovered to date lie hundreds or thousands of light-years away — generally, too distant to probe in any detail with current instruments. (More than half of all confirmed exoplanets were spotted by NASA's Kepler space telescope, whose search field lay relatively far away.) [Gallery: A World of Kepler Planets]
But the situation should change soon. NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS), which is scheduled to launch in 2017, will hunt for planets around more than half a million nearby stars. While it will not be able to detect Earth-like planets around sunlike stars, TESS should be able to identify Earth-size planets circling dimmer red dwarfs, in regions where they could host liquid water on their surfaces, mission team members said.
NASA's $8.8 billion James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which should launch in 2018, will be able to perform atmospheric studies of the rocky worlds found by TESS. Indeed, TESS should discover dozens of "super-Earths" — planets slightly bigger than Earth — whose atmospheres JWST can probe, NASA officials have said. So, if life is common and widespread throughout the Milky Way galaxy, the TESS-JWST pair should give researchers a decent shot at detecting it.
Like Kepler, TESS and JWST will use the "transit method," detecting and studying alien worlds when they pass in front of their host stars from the telescopes' perspective. But a different technique, known as direct imaging, is not so dependent on such favorable cosmic alignments.
As its name suggests, direct imaging refers to snapping actual photographs of exoplanets. This is tough to do, especially for relatively small, distant or close-orbiting alien worlds, but technological advances promise to extend the technique to more and more planets as time marches on.
For example, an instrument known as a coronagraph can be attached to a telescope, to block out the overwhelming glare from the parent star. Just as placing your hand over the sun allows you to see an airplane flying by, a coronagraph can help scientists directly image a wealth of planets and learn more about them. Seager said NASA is considering adding a coronograph to its proposed WFIRST-AFTA mission, which could study exoplanet atmospheres, along with other tasks.
Another possibility is a starshade, or external occulter, a massive, petal-shaped object that sits in space a set distance from the telescope, blocking starlight like a coronagraph does. In principle, any telescope (including JWST) can use a starshade, because this kind of light-blocker doesn't have to be built into the instrument.
Studying exoplanet atmospheres via the transit method is generally limited to larger bodies such as super-Earths around dim stars. But direct imaging, including observations performed with starshades, holds a great deal of potential for spotting and studying Earth-size worlds circling sunlike stars, Seager said.
"The starshade must happen," said Seager, who is chair of NASA's Exoplanet Occulter Science and Technology Definition Team.
A lacy web of bright frost-filled fractures fills a crater near the north pole of Mars in this image, acquired Sept. 20, 2015 with the HiRISE camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
The entire crater is around 3 miles (5 km) across and its ancient interior has undergone countless millennia of freeze/thaw cycles that have broken the surface into polygonal shapes. This process is common on Mars and can even be found on Earth, but this particular image depicts it exceptionally nicely.
The fractured surface polygons can be seen to get more compressed nearer to the crater’s rim. The image description by the HiRISE team explains:
The crater rim constrains the polygon formation within the crater close to the rim, creating a spoke and ring pattern of cracks. This leads to more rectangular polygons than those near the center of the crater. The polygons close to the center of the crater display a more typical pattern. A closer look shows some of these central polygons, which have smaller polygons within them, and smaller polygons within those smaller polygons, which makes for a natural fractal!
Launched Aug. 12, 2005, the MRO spacecraft has been studying the surface of Mars from orbit since March 2006. Its High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera, run by researchers at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, provides incredibly detailed images of Mars’ varied terrain in visible and near-infrared wavelengths.
HiRISE is capable of resolving structures on Mars’ surface down to about a meter in size from its location in orbit. The image above was acquired from a distance of 196 miles (314 km). You can see many more images from HiRISE here.
WETENSCHAPEen nieuw jaar, nieuwe natuurkundige ontdekkingen. Sinds wetenschappers in 2013 bevestigden dat ze het higgsdeeltje ontdekt hadden, hebben fysici niet stilgezeten. Heel wat sleutelvragen over het heelal blijven voorlopig nog onbeantwoord, maar wetenschappers voorpellen voor 2016 enkele grote doorbraken.
Er bestond geen enkele theorie die het bestaan van een dergelijk deeltje voorspelde, maar die leegte is intussen al opgevuld
Gigantisch nieuws hangt mogelijk in de lucht in de wereld van de deeltjesfysica. Bij twee aparte experimenten aan de Large Hadron Collider, de deeltjesversneller van het CERN in Zwitserland, werd een voorzichtige hint opgevangen van het bestaan van een nieuw, nog niet ontdekt deeltje.
Bij zowel het Atlas-experiment als het CMS-experiment werden signalen opgevangen van een teveel aan fotonen rond een energie van 750 en 760 gigaelektronvolt. Volgens wetenschappers kan dat duiden op het bestaan van een nieuw soort deeltje, met ongeveer 800 keer de massa van een proton.
Het bewijs is nog zeer voorlopig: met de gegevens die tot nu toe verzameld werden, is er een kans van 1 op 4 dat het om een toevalligheid gaat. Ter vergelijking: deeltjesfysici hanteren een standaardafwijking van 1 op 3,5 miljoen.
Dit jaar zullen we wellicht weten of er in het universum inderdaad een mysterieus deeltje van deze massa rondwaart. Indien dat zo is, hadden wetenschappers geen idee dat het bestond en geen enkele theorie die het bestaan van een dergelijk deeltje voorspelde.
Die leegte is intussen echter al opgevuld. Er verschenen al meer dan 70 theoretische papers die het deeltje 'verklaren'. Van het zwaardere broertje van het higgsdeeltje tot een verband met donkere materie: het mogelijke nieuwe deeltje prikkelt de verbeelding van fysici, en zal dat ook dit jaar zeker nog blijven doen.
Diverse experimenten die ontworpen werden om zwaartekrachtsgolven te detecteren, moeten hun eerste ontdekking nog doen
Gravitatiegolven, of de rimpels die volgens Einsteins algemene relativiteitstheorie voortkomen uit de kromming van de ruimtetijd, dragen energie uit in de vorm van gravitatiestraling. Volgens wetenschappers blijven bij explosies, zoals die van neutronensterren, supernova's en de Big Bang, sporen van deze gravitatiegolven achter in het heelal.
Maar deze zwaartekrachtsgolven werden tot dusver enkel indirect waargenomen. Diverse experimenten die ontworpen werden om deze rimpelingen in de ruimtetijd te detecteren, moeten hun eerste ontdekking nog doen.
Een voorbeeld is het Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) in de Verenigde Staten. Het observatorium werd recent enkele jaren stilgelegd om het van de meest geavanceerde meetinstrumenten en gevoelige detectoren te voorzien. In september werd het opnieuw in gebruik genomen. Volgens wetenschappers is het nu slechts een kwestie van tijd voor het LIGO een eerste baanbrekende ontdekking doet.
3. Donkere materie
Ondergrondse detectoren maken gebruik van de aarde om de kosmische straling te absorberen die vage sporen van donkere materie zou kunnen verbergen
Tot tachtig procent van het heelal bestaat uit een mysterieuze materie die geen licht absorbeert en dus onzichtbaar is voor telescopen. De donkere materie lijkt zwaartekracht uit te oefenen op de zichtbare objecten in het heelal, maar niemand weet waaruit ze bestaat of hoe ze werkt.
Maar wetenschappers hebben hoop dat het mysterie dit jaar opgelost raakt. Een aantal ondergrondse detectoren, zoals het SNOLab in Canada en het Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italië, proberen rechtstreeks donkere materie waar te nemen.
Veel fysici veronderstellen dat donkere materie bestaat uit WIMP's (weakly interacting massive particles). De ondergrondse detectoren maken gebruik van de aarde om de kosmische straling te absorberen die vage sporen van donkere materie zou kunnen verbergen. Fysici zouden die sporen dan kunnen zien omdat ze in de ondergrondse detectoren botsen met atoomkernen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Nog een NASA-wetenschapper die heeft gezegd dat ‘iemand anders’ op de maan is
Nog een NASA-wetenschapper die heeft gezegd dat ‘iemand anders’ op de maan is
Verschillende oud-medewerkers van de NASA hebben opzienbarende uitspraken gedaan over de maan. Eén van hen was George Leonard, die als fotoanalist officiële foto’s van de maan onder ogen zou hebben gekregen.
Hij bundelde deze foto’s in het boek Somebody Else Is On The Moon. Helaas zijn de foto’s niet van goede kwaliteit, waardoor ze moeilijk zijn te interpreteren. Leonard was niet de enige die de wereld iets probeerde te vertellen over de maan en de foto’s die zijn gemaakt tijdens de Apollomissies.
“De NASA, volgens velen een afkorting van Never A Straight Answer, heeft 40 rolletjes met foto’s vernietigd die tijdens het Apolloprogramma zijn gemaakt. Ze hebben 40 fotorolletjes vernietigd. We hebben het hier over duizenden foto’s die je, zo hebben de autoriteiten besloten, niet mag zien. Ik ben een gepensioneerde sergeant-majoor,” zei Bob Dean, die als inlichtingenofficier werkzaam was voor het centrale commandocentrum van de militaire troepen van de NAVO, tijdens een conferentie in Barcelona.
‘Nee, we zijn niet alleen’
Rusland heeft onlangs aangekondigd onderzoek te zullen doen naar de Amerikaanse maanlandingen. De Russische overheid wil de verdwijning van de originele beelden van de maanlanding in 1969 onderzoeken en de verblijfplaats van de maanstenen die terug naar aarde werden gebracht achterhalen.
Leonard stelde dat de NASA op de hoogte was van buitenaardse activiteit op de maan en informatie daarover probeerde te verdoezelen. En hij staat niet alleen.
“Er is geen twijfel over mogelijk dat we worden bezocht. De mensheid heeft zich lang afgevraagd of we alleen zijn in het heelal. Nu pas hebben we echt bewijs. Nee, we zijn niet alleen,” zei NASA-astronaut dr. Edgar Mitchell, de zesde man op de maan.
‘Het betekent dat iemand anders daar bezig is’
De Amerikaanse plasmafysicus John Brandenburg werkte in 1994 mee aan de maanmissie met ruimtesonde Clementine. Tijdens de missie werd water gevonden bij de polen van de maan.
Brandenburg doet in deze documentaire een aantal opmerkelijke uitspraken. “Het ging om een verkenningsmissie waarbij moest worden achterhaald of iemand zonder ons medeweten bases op de maan bouwde,” zei hij. “Werden deze bases uitgebreid?”
Toen ruimtesonde Clementine het maanoppervlak in kaart bracht, vermoedde hij dat er een buitenaardse aanwezigheid was op de maan. “Van alle foto’s van de maan die mogelijke structuren laten zien, vind ik een foto met een rechtlijnige structuur met een doorsnee van enkele kilometers nog het meest indrukwekkend,” aldus Brandenburg. “Het leek om een bouwwerk te gaan en hoorde daar niet te zijn. Ik kom uit de wereld van de ruimtedefensie en om zulke structuren op de maan maak ik me zorgen omdat ze niet van ons zijn. Het is niet mogelijk dat wij zoiets hebben gebouwd. Het betekent dat iemand anders daar bezig is.”
This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 on live cam. UFOs have been seen over Hessdalen for the last few decades, so much so that some people put up live cams just to watch them. The world government knows about the alien craft here, but honestly, what could they do about it? With an underground base in this location and aliens coming and going when and how they want. How can prehistoric tech possible threaten them? It can't and they do what they want. They probably have had this underground base for tens of thousands of years. We think the Earth as our own, owned by humans, but in reality, we are new on this planet, but aliens have been here for eons. The were here before us, and will be here after us. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 of Youtube states: Hessdalen is a very remote area in Norway with a long history of ufo sightings. I noticed slight flashing so started recording. Too frequent for lightning, so maybe fireworks I thought, being the New Year. Then I thought this field normally has sheep in it so cannot be fireworks, scare the livestock etc.. The orb was a huge surprise. It's speed over the terrain appears very rapid and it disappears into thin air toward flashing light in the top right of picture frame.
Two UFOs Caught Over Thailand As Man Takes Selfie, Jan 2, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Two UFOs Caught Over Thailand As Man Takes Selfie, Jan 2, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: January 2, 2016 Location of sighting: Phitsanulok, Thailand News source: In this selfie, the eyewitness accidentally caught not one, but two UFOs. One racing across the sky. The other holding its position. New says its Russian debris, but there is no way governments in Asia would take this laying down. Meteors don't hover in place as we see here, nor does space junk. Not only do UFOs make contrails, they can contain the contrails to an extremely large width and distance, allowing other UFOs to travel within these contrail tunnels. That is what I saw with my own eyes from my own UFO sighting back in 1990 over Rapid City, SD. But back then, the tunnels were big enough for a 747 to vanish into. With four tunnels side by side starting over my parking lot. News states: Charnchai Jardpimai spotted something hurtling across the sky while he was filming himself with a selfie stick on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2016. He spun around to view what he thought was a meteor streaking through the sky above Phitsanulok province in Thailand. The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand said that the object was most likely debris from a Russian rocket launch in early December, and not a meteor falling to Earth. Parts of the rocket were predicted to land on the same day Jardpimai captured his video.
Conspiracy Theorists Claim UFO Sighting Over An Active Volcano Is Proof Of Aliens Monitoring Earth
Conspiracy Theorists Claim UFO Sighting Over An Active Volcano Is Proof Of Aliens Monitoring Earth
The video of a fantastic light moving in the sky during the Christmas Season has triggered much debate online since it was shared on social media.
Webcams installed in Mexico caught the mysterious light moving erratically over Popocatépetl, an active volcano that lies in the states of Morelos, Mexico, and Puebla, in Central Mexico.
Many people in social media said that the video showed a real UFO sighting and additional evidence of ETs that are monitoring planet Earth.
Meanwhile, some skeptical viewers stated that the so-called UFO was just the flare of a firework. The debate got so heated, particularly in YouTube, that the video author deactivated the comment function.
The Popocatepetl volcano is estimated to be 730,000 years old. Its latest eruption happened on October 7, 2015.
Fantastic work by Richard D Hall. A must watch! The phenomenon of animal mutilation is difficult to explain in conventional terms, and has been linked for decades with UFO's, because strange lights are sometimes witnessed in proximity to sites where animal carcases are found. But have human beings suffered similar attacks? This film attempts to answer this very controversial question. Rumours about human mutilation have circulated the UFO community for years with some people claiming to have had contact with a military group which is used to acquire the corpses of victims of human mutilation. In the film we reveal the testimony of a black ops soldier, who was employed by a secret NATO "find and secure" military team. Their job is to search for and then protect sites where human mutilation has taken place. This is the FULL MOVIE.
After coming under increasing public pressure, Federal authorities launched a comprehensive investigation of the mutilation phenomenon.
In May 1979, the case was passed on to the FBI, which granted jurisdiction under Title 18 (codes 1152 and 1153). The investigation was dubbed "Operation Animal Mutilation."
The investigation was funded by a US$ 44,170 grant from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and was headed by FBI agent Kenneth Rommel. It had five key objectives: To determine the reliability of the information on which the grant was based, which entailed gathering as much information as possible about the cases reported in New Mexico prior to May 1979 To determine the cause of as many mutilations as possible, especially those reported in New Mexico To determine if livestock mutilations as described constitute a major law enforcement problem If these mutilations do constitute a major law enforcement problem, to determine the scope of the problem and to offer recommendations on how to deal with it If it is shown that the mutilation phenomenon is not a law enforcement problem, to recommend that no further law enforcement investigations be funded.
Rommel's final report was 297 pages long and cost approximately US$45,000. It concluded that mutilations were predominantly the result of natural predation, but that some contained anomalies that could not be accounted for by conventional wisdom. The FBI was unable to identify any individuals responsible for the mutilations. Details of the investigation are now available under the Freedom of Information Act.
Uploaded on Jan 16, 2009
JOHN LEAR Alens from Roswell. 18 different alien species. The Greys are constantly monitoring us - find out why. There was over 200 aircraft and 100,000's of civilians lost due to these aliens. The Government has a list of civilians that will be obducted. John also speaks of human mutilation!!! "Kennedy had to go! After Kennedy, no other president knew of these happenings."
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Strange Mutilation - UFO Linda Cattle by Documentary Harvest Howe A Moulton 1980
Strange Mutilation - UFO Linda Cattle by Documentary Harvest Howe A Moulton 1980
Published on May 30, 2014
A Strange Harvest is a Awarded Documentary about Animal Mutilations by Linda Moulton Howe. Linda Moulton Howe is well known for her investigations of cattle mutilations, and her conclusion is, that they are of extraterrestrial origin. She is also noted for her speculations that the U.S. government is involved with aliens.
The Truth about Cattle Mutilations
Published on Feb 4, 2015
Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under apparently unusual or anomalous circumstances. Sheep and horses have allegedly been mutilated under similar circumstances.
Animal Mutilation & The Government Cover Up
Published on May 19, 2012
This is a conference by Richard D. Hall giving you the FACTS on Animal Mutilation & The Government Cover Up surrounding it. Its disturbing enough to think that this is going on, let alone thinking that we are all being lied to about it, and the lengths these evil people will go to the distort the truth from the facts. It also demonstrates just how many of us know about the phenomenon and others that don't, do what you can to get others to at least discuss it. DEFRA the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs knows full well whats going on and so do other agencies like MI5 etc. Stay tuned if you want the FACTS or visit RICHPLANET.NET. This was created by Richard D. Hall
Cattle Mutilations Alien or Secret Military Operations (DOCUMENTARY)
Published on Jan 18, 2015
Since the time that reports of purported animal mutilations began, the causes have been attributed variously to UFOs, natural decomposition, normal predators, cryptid predators (like the Chupacabra), extraterrestrials, secretive governmental or military agencies, and cults. "Mutilations" have been the subject of two independent federal investigations in the United States.
Charles Fort collected many accounts of cattle mutilations that occurred in England in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Reports of mutilated cattle first surfaced in the United States in the early 1960s when it was allegedly largely confined to the states of Pennsylvania and Kansas.[citation needed] The phenomenon remained largely unknown outside cattle raising communities until 1967, when the Pueblo Chieftain in Pueblo, Colorado published a story about a horse named Lady who was mutilated in mysterious circumstances, which was then picked up by the wider press and distributed nationwide; this case was also the first to feature speculation that extraterrestrial beings and unidentified flying objects were associated with mutilation.
This Documentary goes in search of the trth regarding cattle mutilations, one of the few UFO documentaries ever based on cthis mysterious phenomena. Watch the full documentary here and if you like this show, please like and subscribe for more full documentaries.
UFOs File UFO Cattle Mutilations - BEST UFO Documentary 2015
Published on Sep 27, 2015
UFOs File UFO Cattle Mutilations - BEST UFO Documentary 2015
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Hillary to open the X-Files: Clinton promises to 'get to the bottom' of Area 51 if she becomes President and stuns reporter by saying 'I think we may have been visited already'
Hillary to open the X-Files: Clinton promises to 'get to the bottom' of Area 51 if she becomes President and stuns reporter by saying 'I think we may have been visited already'
Hillary Clintonreportedly made the promise when speaking with The Conway Daily Sun in New Hampshire
Clinton had previously interviewed with the same reporter in 2007
In 2014, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn't be surprised if aliens visited Earth
Hillary Clinton appeared to agree with her husband's comments last week
She said she would 'get to the bottom' of questions over what the government knows about UFOs and aliens
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that if she is elected, she will 'get to the bottom' of questions over what the government knows about UFOs and aliens.
She made the promise when speaking with Daymond Steer of The Conway Daily Sun in New Hampshire. She had previously interviewed with the same reporter in 2007.
When asked if she would support UFO disclosure group efforts, she enthusiastically said 'yes'.
In 2007, Clinton said the most common freedom-of-information requests her husband Bill Clinton received at his library were about UFOs.
Hillary Clinton reportedly told The Conway Daily Sun that she would 'get to the bottom' of questions over what the government knows about UFOs and aliens
She also said she would look into sending a tast force Area 51 (pictured), an Air Force facility rumored to house aliens
'Yes, I'm going to get to the bottom of it,' Hillary Clinton told The Sun reporter last week.
In 2014, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn't be surprised if aliens visited Earth, and last week
'No, I am trying to tell you I don't know, but if we were visited some day I wouldn't be surprised, I just hope it's not like Independence Day,' he said, referring to the 1996 film in which aliens attack the Earth.
Hillary Clinton appeared to agree with her husband's comments when she spoke about aliens on last week.
'I think we may have been (visited already). We don't know for sure,' she said.
She added that she would like to look into Area 51, which she first called Area 54 but quickly corrected herself.
The Air Force facility based in Nevada has long been rumored to house aliens.
Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta is fan of UFO lore, the presidential candidate told the Sun. She said he watches an FX sci-fi show.
'I would tell if there were aliens' Bill Clinton opens up the X Files
Hillary Clinton's husband, Bill Clinton, said in 2014 to late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn't be surprised if aliens visited Earth
Clinton told Kimmel that he hoped there wouldn't be a conflict, like in the movie Independence Day (pictured), if aliens did come to the Earth
'He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,' Hillary Clinton said. 'One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.'
Podesta released a statement in 2014 in which he said his biggest regret during his time as a top adviser for President Barack Obama was not securing the release of classified UFO Files.
'Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #the truthisstilloutthere,' he said.
Podesta was also the chief of staff to former President Bill Clinton.
In 1993, billionaire Laurance Rockefeller asked then-President Bill Clinton to release UFO files. The president then reportedly met Rockefeller at his Wyoming estate in 1996 to discuss the 'Rockefeller Initiative', which would have securely released previously classified UFO files.
UFO researcher and retired police officer Gary Heseltine told The Mirror that Hillary Clinton 'cannot run away' from links to the Rockefeller Initiative.
'I am well aware of the Rockefeller initiative and that both the Clintons were heavily involved in it,' he told The Mirror. 'It was inevitable that Hillary Clinton would be asked questions about her links to it and I am pleased that she has responded to them.
'She cannot run away from those links so she really has to embrace it in order to remain credible. It will be interesting to see how much of a political issue it will become in her presidential campaign.'
Area 51 is an Air Force facility about 100 miles north of Las Vegas with tight security and high surveillance. There is little traffic in and out and very few people work at the facility.
It is typically is associated with governmental secrecy, particularly in terms of UFOs and extra terrestrials.
Conspiracy theorists often claim that a downed alien spacecraft is being held and studied in the facility, based more on the fact that the government has only recently acknowledged that the base exists and kept the goings on inside its walls a secret than actual, documented facts.
Of the many UFO theories, conspiracy buffs also believe the site was used to - among other things - hold meetings with extraterrestrial life forms, design exotic energy weapons, develop means for weather control, develop time travel and host meetings of the shadowy Majestic 12 one world government organization.
One particular conspiracy was when Roswell, New Mexico sprang to international fame on July 8, 1947, when the local newspaper reported the capture of a 'flying saucer' by government officials in the town.
Over the decades since the discovery, conspiracy theorists have insisted that the debris came from an alien spacecraft, and that the fact was covered up by the military in their secret hangar, Area 51.
The continuing belief of alien activity in the area led the Air Force to launch an investigation into the crash in 1995.
Officials concluded that the 'UFO' was part of a balloon launched into the atmosphere as part of a secret government surveillance programme aimed at the USSR.
However, many have refused to accept that explanation, alleging a conspiracy to hide the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
The United States government only acknowledged the existence of the off-limits military base for the first time in 2013.
Area 51 is located in Nevada about 100 miles north of Las Vegas. Pictured above is a file photo of Central Nevada's Pahranagat Range, looking west-southwest toward Area 51
A "Blue Marble" image of the Earth taken from the VIIRS instrument aboard NASA's most recently launched Earth-observing satellite, Suomi NPP. This composite image uses a number of swaths of the Earth's surface taken on Jan. 4, 2012. Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring
Editor’s Note: This gallery, originally published in 2012, has been updated to include other more recent and stunning images of our planet from space.
Since the first photos of our planet were taken from space, an amazing collection of Earth pictures has accumulated. Some are incredible because of the effort that went into making them; others offer stunning new perspectives on our world; many NASA photos were simply marvelous art layered on fantastic science and fueled by remarkable technology. From full-globe Blue Marble images stitched together from satellite imagery to the humbling Pale Blue Dot Earth picture made from deep space, our world has been revealed in all its cosmic splendor.
Here are several historic first pictures of Earth from the moon and from deep space, as well as iconic views of our world from a truly far-out perspective.
Blue Marble: NASA has produced several Blue Marble images. Theoriginal, taken by the crew of Apollo 17, shows the Eastern Hemisphere and is thought to be one of the most famous and widely distributed images of Earth ever. Above-left, one of the most recent Blue Marble images was created by stitching together satellite imagery and reveals the Western Hemisphere in all its glory. The first pictures from space were not nearly as routine as the Blue Marbles are now.
Early Rocket Photos of Earth from Space: Long before we went to the moon, the first pictures of Earth from afar were beamed from the edge of space by rockets in the 1940s. On March 7, 1947, a rocket sent back these first pictures of Earth taken from higher than 100 miles above the surface — well into space.
Scientists and soldiers in New Mexico got the first look at these images, made by captured German V-2 rockets that were reconfigured to carry a camera (in place of the warhead) into space. Credit: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
First Photo of Earth from a Weather Satellite: Rockets gave way to orbiting satellites, and early satellite photos gave scientists their first useful looks at cloud systems from above, providing information on large storms that was of great value to meteorologists.
This first picture of Earth from a weather satellite was taken by the TIROS-1 satellite on April 1, 1960. The photo also made television history. Credit: NASA
First Photo of Earth from the Deep Space: Early satellite images only show parts of the planet. Not until NASA’s Lunar Orbiter 1 looked back over its shoulder and snapped the first picture of Earth from deep spacedid we gain the perspective of our world as an object in the cosmos. Earth is revealed as a crescent — sunlight only partly from the perspective of the spacecraft.
The first picture of Earth from deep space was taken by Lunar Orbiter 1 on Aug. 23, 1966. Earth is seen rising above the moon. The robotic orbiter was part of a NASA effort to map the lunar surface before sending astronauts. Unlike today’s digital photography, images were made on film, which was developed automatically onboard, much like how a Polaroid camera works, before being scanned, digitized and sent to Earth via radio signals. Credit: NASA
First Picture of Earth and Moon in Single Frame: It was incredible to see Earth from deep space for the first time. It was yet another amazing experience to see both our world and its moon suspended in the black void together for the first time. That feat was accomplished by Voyager 1 on its way to the outer planets.
This NASA picture of the Earth and the moon in a single frame, the first of its kind ever taken by a spacecraft, was recorded Sept. 18, 1977, by Voyager 1 when it was 7.25 million miles (11.66 million kilometers) from Earth. The moon (top) is beyond the Earth as viewed by the space probe. Because the Earth much brighter than the moon, the moon was artificially brightened by a factor of three by computer enhancement so that both bodies would show clearly in the image. Credit: NASA
Earthrise: Imagine coming around the moon in a spaceship, looking out the window, and being the first humans to see your own planet rise. This iconic image of the Earth rising, popularly called the “Earthrise” picture, is the first of its kind taken by an astronaut from lunar orbit.
This view of the rising Earth greeted the Apollo 8 astronauts as they came from behind the moon after the lunar orbit insertion burn. The photo is displayed here in its original orientation, though it is more commonly viewed with the lunar surface at the bottom of the photo. Earth is about five degrees left of the horizon in the photo. The unnamed surface features on the left are near the eastern limb of the moon as viewed from Earth. The lunar horizon is approximately 780 kilometers from the spacecraft. The height of the photographed area at the lunar horizon is about 175 kilometers. Credit: NASA
Pale Blue Dot:Few images from space are as iconic as the Pale Blue Dot, taken by Voyager 1. Carl Sagan said of the image: "...a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish this pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known."
The Pale Blue Dot image is a part of the first portrait ever made of our solar system from afar, taken by Voyager 1. Voyager acquired 60 frames for a mosaic of the solar system from more than 4 billion miles from Earth and about 32 degrees above the ecliptic — the plane in which most of the planets orbit. Earth is just below and right of center, smack in the middle of one of the scattered light rays resulting from taking the image so close to the sun. Credit: NASA
First Picture of Earth from Mars: Mars once held the collective human imagination like no other world, with visions of canals and little green men. So it was something special the first time we could take a photo of our world from the surface of the Red Planet. Earth is, once again, a mere dot seen from so far away.
This is the first image of Earth made from the surface another planet. It was taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on March 8, 2004, an hour before sunrise, with the surface of Mars in the foreground. The contrast was doubled to make Earth easier to see. Credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell/Texas A&M
Moon Shadow: Not every great photo of Earth is old, nor are they all black and white. And many, like this next one, are just downright surprising. When we experience a solar eclipse, the moon blocks out the sun. But from space, looking down on our planet, the event takes on an entirely different perspective. We see a strange blemish on our world — the shadow of the moon falling on the planet’s surface. This picture reveals why everyone on Earth is not able to see any given total solar eclipse — the shadow covers just part of the planet, and you have to be near the center of the shadow to experience the eclipse.
During a solar eclipse, the shadow of the moon moves across Earth’s surface at nearly 2,000 kilometers per hour as the eclipse unfolds. This picture of the Aug. 11, 1999, solar eclipse was one of the last ever taken from the Russian Mir space station. Credit: Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales via NASA
Moonrise from Earth Orbit: The horizon is tilted and seems far away. The moon appears to float on Earth’s atmosphere. It’s one of many incredible views that can come only from space, yet by name it’s totally familiar: a moonrise.
A quarter moon rises above Earth's horizon and above the airglow of our atmosphere. The image was made with a digital still camera on the final mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia. Columbia's crew was killed on Feb. 1, 2003, when the shuttle broke up on re-entry into Earth's atmosphere. Credit: NASA
Aurora from the International Space Station: Most people on Earth have never seen the aurora. Only a handful have been lucky enough to see it from space.
This view of the aurora, or Northern Lights, was taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station in early 2012. It shows brilliant aurora displays dancing above Earth. Credit: NASA
Fresh Perspective: Looking down on Earth from space, at night, provides a perspective few have seen first-hand — a tiny, pale blue dot turned into a black orb laced with gold jewels.
Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield sees an outline of Florida on May 12, 2013. Credit: Canadian Space Agency/Chris Hadfield
You Are Where? If you could travel to Saturn and get just the right angle (and a proper exposure), here is what Earth would look like from the ringed planet.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft snapped this view of Saturn's rings, with Earth way, way off in the distance, using a wide-angle lens on July 19, 2013. You’re looking at the dark side of Saturn, its bright limb, the main rings, plus the F, G and E rings. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Around the Moon:China launched its fourth mission to the moon in October 2014, sending a probe to loop around the moon and return to Earth. Along the way, the probe captured a classic view of our world over the moon’s shoulder.
The lunar-loop mission that generated this picture is one step toward China’s planned Chang'e 5 sample-return mission in 2017. Credit: China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
'Star Wars' for Real: US Military Wraps Up Space War Games
'Star Wars' for Real: US Military Wraps Up Space War Games
The United States' Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) program supports missile early warning, missile defense, battlespace awareness and technical intelligence mission areas. Credit: Lockheed Martin
Think of it as "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" — but for real.
The United States Air Force Space Command's ninth Schriever Wargame, which took place from Dec. 11 through Dec. 17 at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado, might not have had all the silver screen hoopla of the Galactic Empire, Jedi Knights and other components of the "Star Wars" universe, but there were some familiar themes.
The Wargame, which was set in the year 2025, explored critical space issues, from spacecraft jamming to cyber warfare attacks on ground-to-space control infrastructure to the use of anti-satellite and directed-energy weaponry. [The Most Dangers Space Weapons Concepts]
The goal was to sharpen the skills of space warfighters, and to figure out ways to deal with, as well as de-escalate, the prospect of space conflict in the future, Air Force officials said.
Protect the space enterprise
About 200 military and civilian experts from more than 27 U.S. government agencies (including NASA), as well as from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, took part in the Wargame.
The objectives of the simulation centered on:
Identifying ways to increase resilience of space capabilities that includes the intelligence community, civil, commercial and allied partners;
Exploring how to optimize warfighter performance in support of coalition operations; and
Examining how to apply future capabilities to protect the space enterprise in a multidomain conflict.
"This is the 15th anniversary of the Wargames," said Executive Wargame Director Jason Altchek. The first game was played in late 2000 into early 2001, he said.
The game has gone from a biannual $2.2 million event to an annual exercise, Altchek said — a unique affair given its strict focus on space and cyberspace warfare.
"Having the allies as participants in the game has really been a big plus," Altchek told "As a group we can accomplish a lot more than as a singular organization. That's one of the big highlights … solving some of these space and cyberspace issues."
The United States' Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program satellites reside in near-geosynchronous orbit. From that location, they have a clear, unobstructed and distinct vantage point for viewing resident space objects without the interruption of weather or the atmospheric distortion that can limit ground-based systems. Credit: U.S. Air Force
This year's scenario envisioned a competitor nation seeking to achieve strategic goals by exploiting the space and cyberspace domains. The futuristic scenario included full-spectrum threats across diverse operating environments that challenged civilian and military leaders, planners and space system operators, as well as the capabilities they employ.
"We learned a lot of things … we can't go into those because they might get classified," said Col. Michael Angle, Chief of Training at the Weapons and Tactics Division at Air Force Space Command headquarters.
Altchek said the lessons learned during war gaming are invaluable.
"War games are played in the future. They are not exercises which are played in the here and now," Altchek said. "We look into the future so we have the opportunity to guide it slightly different in a better fashion."
Backcasting the future
How difficult is it to project out to the year 2025, in terms of the scenarios and technologies that a hostile entity could use in space?
Altchek said that the war-gaming community uses a technique called "backcasting," which relies on rigorous analyses to determine technological feasibility.
Secretary of the Air Force Deborah James arrives for the Schriever Wargame debriefing on Dec. 17, 2015. She is with Major Gen. David Thompson, Vice Commander of the Air Force Space Command. Credit: U.S. Air Force
"We do that so we don't fairy dust or 'Buck Rogers' things … that's another way to say it," Altchek said. "Backcasting is the way we try to avoid any of the non- or unbelievable products that would come out in that time."
Angle told "What we're trying to do in space is to understand the threats that are out there … understand the environment that we work in, and get all that information to the decision-makers so in a hostile environment they know what's what."
Secretary of the Air Force Deborah James was debriefed about results of the ninth Schriever Wargame shortly after the exercise's completion, officials said.
Schriever Air Force Base is named in honor of retired Gen. Bernard A. Schriever, who is recognized as the father of the Air Force's space and missile program. Schriever passed away on June 20, 2005.
Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is former director of research for the National Commission on Space and is co-author of Buzz Aldrin's 2013 book "Mission to Mars – My Vision for Space Exploration" published by National Geographic with a new updated paperback version released in May 2015. Follow us@Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
Where is Planet X aka Nibiru? The Eternal and futile search for the elusive planet
Where is Planet X aka Nibiru? The Eternal and futile search for the elusive planet
The search for this enigmatic celestial body started almost a century ago, and until today researchers have still to present evidence of the discovery of Nibiru or Planet X, one of the most enigmatic celestial objects said to ‘partially’ reside within our solar system.
Although it was claimed that the planet was actually discovered in 1930, researchers still believe that the mysterious planet could be somewhere out there, still waiting to be discovered.
For decades, an open debate remains among astronomers about the existence of Planet X, a large celestial body that supposedly orbits the outer edge of our solar system, but so far not a single celestial body that fits the descriptions of Planet X has been found.
Despite the absence of irrefutable evidence that would prove the existence of said planet, the search for the enigmatic celestial body ahs lasted for decades and researchers around the world hope that one day, the mysterious planet will rise from the shadows and prove to be more than a modern myth.
The everlasting search for Nibiru, aka Planet X
In 1846, French astronomer Urbain LeVerrier observed unexplained perturbations in the orbit of Uranus which turned out to be due to the gravitational effect of another planet. That’s when, thanks to LeVerrier, a new planet in our solar system was found, and that planet is Neptune. After a few years, similar disturbances were detected in the orbit of Neptune, and researchers thought that these perturbances could also be caused by the orbit of another planet. Planet X was the term first introduced by Percival Lowell, a US millionaire and space enthusiast, who died without finding the alleged planet. However, in 1930, Clyde William Tombaugh spotted a celestial object that he believed explained the perturbations in the orbit of Neptune, this is when he discovered Pluto.
In 2008, Japanese researchers announced that according to their calculations, there should be an “undiscovered” planet at a distance of about 100 AU (astronomical units) that has a size of up to two-thirds of the planet Earth. These calculations support the hypothesis of the existence of Nibiru, or Planet X.
News agencies around the world were very interested in the mysterious celestial body said to stalk the outer frontiers of our solar system. According to the Washington Post: “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite… ‘All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is,’ said Gerry Neugebauer, chief IRAS scientist.”
But the Washington Post wasn’t the only news agencies to write about the enigmatic celestial body.
According to the US News World Report, Planet X or Nibiru exists, the article; “Shrouded from the sun’s light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be Planet X – a 10th resident of the Earth’s celestial neighborhood. Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation.”
Also, an article published in Newsweek on July 13, 1987, NASA disclosed that there may be a 10th planet orbiting our Sun. According to NASA research scientist John Anderson, Planet X might actually be out there, but nowhere near our planets. The article from Newsweek states: “if he is right, two of the most intriguing puzzles of space science might be solved: what caused mysterious irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune during the 19th Century? And what killed off the dinosaurs 26 million years ago.”
Interestingly, Robert Sutton Harrington who was an American astronomer who worked at the United States Naval Observatory (USNO). wrote a very interesting article in the Astronomical Journal in 1988. Harrington suggested that a planet three or four times the size of Earth existed, having a position of three or four-time further from the sun than Pluto. According to mathematical models that were presented, it is believed that Planet X or Nibiru, has an extreme elliptical orbit of 30 degrees.
Harrington became a believer in the existence of a Planet X beyond Pluto and undertook searches for it, with positive results coming from the IRAD probe in 1983.
Nevertheless, the search for Planet X continued to rise to all sorts of theories, many of which are part of pseudoscience. Many believe that planet X is in fact Nibiru, planet of the Extraterrestrial race called the Anunnaki, who came to Earth in the distant past and kick-started civilization as we know.
Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that te orbit of Nibiru around the sun is believed to be extremely elliptical, and according to text, it is located far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Bribe takes around 3600 years to complete one orbit around the Sun. Nibiru is believed to be the home planet of the Anunnaki. The approach of Nibiru towards the planets of our solar system might pose a huge threat given its gravitational characteristics. According to the ancient cuneiform texts, which are believed to be some of the oldest writings known to date, go back at least 6,000 years. These writings explain the history of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system which is called Nibiru. Sadly, many people have never heard of it, because according to mainstream science the planet called Nibiru does not exist. However, according to Sitchin, the presence of Nibiru is very important for the past and future of humanity.
According to a theory referred to as the ‘Nemesis hypothesis’, the supposed planet, which lies beyond the orbit of Pluto and its moons, is, in fact, a dark star orbiting the Oort cloud, which would basically turn our Star into a binary system, that is, if the mysterious celestial object does exist. This theory has been ruled out by numerous Astronomers and referred to as impossible.
According to John Matese, Patrick Whitman and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, the celestial body located in the Solar System’s Oort cloud is, in fact, a hypothetical gas giant. However, in 2014, NASA announced that the WISE survey had ruled out any object with Tyche’s characteristics, indicating that Tyche as hypothesized by Matese, Whitman, and Whitmire does not exist.
The next President of the United States of America is going to be Hillary Clinton. She is the "chosen one", I have no doubt. They've had a black man and now they're
going to play the political correctness card again by having a woman. Two days before New Year I uploaded the last instalment in my HPANWO TV film series UFO Disclosure 2015, in which I discussed a letter written to her by Stephen Bassett, see:
Steve urges Hillary to do what her predecessors have failed to do and become the Disclosure President. He says to her: "Madam Secretary... what the American people need is less legacy and more truth. The people have lost patience with 'in loco parentis' government that treats them like children and candidates with long lists of issues they can't discuss because it is not convenient to their campaign or the people 'can't handle the truth.' Because you have been introduced to these matters within the context of the White House (through the Rockefeller Initiative), because you aspire to the highest office in the nation, you have an extraordinary opportunity and primary obligation to address what is easily the most profound issue of our time..." At the time I uploaded the video, Hillary Clinton had made no response to him; but now she has, albeit indirectly. Perhaps it was the influence of her campaign manager John Podesta, who is very open to the ideas of UFO's and whom Steve has advised us to "Google his name regularly!",
The weekend after New Years Day while speaking at a public meeting inNew Hampshire, she told a reporter, Daymond Steer, that she will get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon. As long ago as 2007, Hillary had confirmed that her husband President Bill Clinton received more Freedom-of-Information Act requests related to UFO's than any other subject. Nick Pope has confirmed that the same happened at the UK Ministry of Defence. Master Clinton has also made several cryptic references to UFO's in his interviews and public speeches. He responded to a letter from a thirteen year old boy from Belfast, Northern Ireland called Ryan who asked him about the Roswell Incident,
It's possible he's not as ignorant as he pleads. Hillary's own interview on the Jimmy Kimmel Showconsisted mostly of tiresome feminist jokes and she never uttered a peep about UFO's,
Yet just a few days later she is saying she's going to "get to the bottom" of the matter? She also pledges that if she gets elected in November she will "look into Area 51". Apparently Bill did that too and found no aliens there, but I doubt they had them on display for him to see. What's interesting about the language Hillary uses is that she also talks about assembling a "task force" to enter Area 51. Was she serious or joking?... Or maybe she was half joking. The old man known as "Agent Kewper" said during his deathbed confession that President Eisenhower had a similar plan, see:
This indicates something I've addressed before about a comment made by the lawyer who represented Robert Frost and his colleagues, a class action lawsuit by some men who had served at Area 51 and become ill as a result: "I don't know (if there are aliens at Area 51), my client never saw any; but it wouldn't surprise me. You must realize that place is a legal black hole. It operates above Congressional oversight, above executive oversight; hell, even the US President himself cannot enter it without permission. One is forced to consider whether it is even part of the United States at all, and might instead be an enclave of some kind of 'super-government'." These are astounding words, but they are potentially accurate. My friend and fellow researcher Gary Heseltine, the editor of UFO Truth Magazine,
has commented to the Daily Mirror: "I am well aware of the Rockefeller initiative and that both the Clintons were heavily involved in it. It was inevitable that Hillary Clinton would be asked questions about her links to it and I am pleased that she has responded to them. She cannot run away from those links so she really has to embrace it in order to remain credible. It will be interesting to see how much of a political issue it will become in her presidential campaign.",
It most certainly will be. Interestingly, at the bottom of the above news article there is a readers' poll which asks: "Is there a UFO cover-up?" Over five hundred people have voted and the figures are an encouraging YES- 83% No- 17%.
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Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon
Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon
We live in a strange world, and as Neil Armstrong once said, there are “great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers.” (source) (source)
Fast forward to today, and a number of people have become aware of the fact that not all of what goes on behind the scenes is made public. This is precisely why the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was created; it’s a federal freedom of information law that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government.
There are still many obstacles in the way of full transparency, one of which is the use of ‘national security’ to keep information classified and hidden from public viewing. This has become more evident with the revelations of WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, but the problem goes deeper still. Did you know that the U.S government classifies roughly five hundred million pages of documents every single year? This is a completely separate topic in itself and if you’re interested in learning more about this, you can check out our article about the ‘Black Budget.’
NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon
Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel.
Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, we still can’t say for sure that they were real, and their poor resolution only makes matters worse. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.” (source)
The quote above is from Bob Dean, who was speaking at a conference in Europe. Bob is a retired US Army Command Sargent Major, and he also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst.
When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies. But that is a separate topic, which you can learn more about here.
It’s also important to note here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972. (source)
Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information. He’s not the only one to make such an assertion.
“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)
Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.
Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)
It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out ifsomeone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?
He then went on to state that:
Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.
If you were to tell the average person that you think another civilization, advanced enough to have mastered space travel, had been to the Moon before we got there and is possibly still going there, you would, without a doubt, receive some very peculiar looks in return. On the other hand, if that other person were to decide to hear you out, you would probably get their attention pretty quickly. For some, this type of information can be overwhelming, even terrifying, and that’s okay. Many people are not ready to open their minds up to these possibilities, but the truth of the matter is, it’s something we are going to have to confront eventually. We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability. Perhaps we can make it long enough to realize this future, or maybe it’s coming sooner than we think.
That being said, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial contact is already happening, and if you’re interested in learning more about that you can visit the exopolitics section of our website, located HERE.
Indian Spacecraft Captures Its First Photos of Mars
Indian Spacecraft Captures Its First Photos of Mars
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
India's first Mars orbiter Mangalyaan captured this photo of the Martian atmosphere just after arriving at Mars on Sept. 24, 2014 Indian Standard Time. The Indian Space Research Organisation released the image on Sept. 25. Credit: Indian Space Research Organisation
India's first Mars probe has captured its first photos, revealing an early glimpse of the surface and atmosphere of the Red Planet.
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) unveiled the first photos of Mars from its Mangalyaan spacecraft via Facebook and Twitter on Wednesday and Thursday (Sept. 24-25), just a day or so after the probe made it to the Red Planet.
"The view is nice up here," ISRO officials tweeted about one of the images, which shows a heavily cratered portion of the Red Planet's surface.
Another photo depicts the curving, orange-brown limb of Mars against the blackness of space.
"A shot of Martian atmosphere. I'm getting better at it. No pressure," ISRO officials tweeted about that one.
Mangalyaan, whose name means "Mars craft" in Sanskrit, arrived at the Red Planet on Tuesday night (Sept. 23), making India's space agency just the fourth entity — after the United States, the Soviet Union and the European Space Agency — to successfully place a probe in orbit around Mars.
Mangalyaan is the centerpiece of India's $74 million Mars Orbiter Mission(MOM), which ISRO officials have described as primarily a technology demonstration. The spacecraft carries a camera and four scientific instruments that it will use to study the Martian surface and atmosphere during the course of a mission expected to last six to 10 months.
This photo is the first image of Mars from India's Mangalyaan orbiter after its arrival at the Red Planet. The Indian Space Research Organisation released the photo on Sept. 24, 2014. Credit: Indian Space Research Organisation
MOM reached Mars close on the heels of NASA's MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) probe, which was captured by the Red Planet's gravity on Sunday (Sept. 21). The $671 million MAVEN mission aims to help scientists determine what happened to Mars' atmosphere, which was once relatively thick but is now just 1 percent as dense as that of Earth.
MAVEN has also taken its first images of Mars from orbit; NASA released a few false-color views of the planet's atmosphere on Wednesday.
Mars orbit now hosts five operational spacecraft; NASA's Mars Odyssey probe and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, as well as Europe's Mars Express craft, share space with MAVEN and Mangalyaan. And two rovers (NASA's Opportunity and Curiosity) are actively exploriong the planet's surface.
UFO's in 2015: hier zag u ze vorig jaar vliegen -
UFO's in 2015: hier zag u ze vorig jaar vliegen -
IN KAART Het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt, dat de waarnemingen van merkwaardige verschijnselen in de lucht onderzoekt, heeft afgelopen jaar weer meer meldingen gekregen dan een jaar eerder. Dat blijkt uit het jaarverslag van de organisatie.
September was een piekmoment voor het meldpunt. Na de media-aandacht voor het object dat in augustus in De Pinte werd opgemerkt, steeg het aantal meldingen in de volgende maand enorm.
De meeste meldingen van 2015 concentreren zich in de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen (68 waarnemingen), gevolgd door Antwerpen (39).
Maan zorgt voor verwarring Vaak rapporteren getuigen verkeerdelijk de maan, insecten of vogels als een UFO aan het meldpunt. Op de Liersesteenweg in Mortsel werd zo een object gesignaleerd. Uiteindelijk beek het om een mot te gaan.
Het UFO-meldpunt zegt dat er opvallend veel waarnemingen waren die verklaard konden worden door een astronomisch verschijnsel. "Naar aloude gewoonte zorgden Venus (al dan niet in conjunctie met Jupiter) als Sirius (de helderste ster aan de hemel, nvdr) en de maan voor veel verwarring", klinkt het.
De meerderheid van de waarnemingen kan het meldpunt echt niet ophelderen omdat er te weinig gegevens beschikbaar zijn.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Disc-Shaped Craft 'Escorted' a Police Car in Poland
Disc-Shaped Craft 'Escorted' a Police Car in Poland
By Piotr Cielebiaś The UFO Chronicles 1-3-16
In early January 2013 a pair of police officers from Opole region spotted strange, morphing aerial light that, as it turned out, emanated from luminous disc-shaped object. Exotic craft accompanied their car all the way back to the station. Frightened and disoriented officers reported close encounter to their principals but soon learned that “they must be exhausted and hallucinating”. Polish policemen rarely report their UFO encounters but when they do, their reports are astonishing ones.
On January 8th a pair of Police officers from Opole region (southwestern Poland) was returning from a night intervention. Their task was to calm down an aggressive drunkard in one of the villages lost amongst forested farmlands. When the job was done, they began to head back to their station located dozen kilometers away. It was about 4 am when their Kia Ceed was calmly running lone road. All of a sudden they noticed some bright lights in the distance that hovered over nearby forest. This prologue may sound prosaic but the rest of the story is much more extraordinary… and complicated.
Principals became concerned
Both witnesses serve in regional police station in one of the cities in Opole area. The main witness, Mr. M., requested anonymity fearing that his openness toward strange incident might influence his career. His concerns weren’t baseless. When on January 8th both witnesses arrived on their home station, they were immediately interrogated about such a long time of their intervention. It turned out that the way back took them about two hours. Stunned by the strange occurrence, without hesitation they reported the encounter with strange aerial device to the staff officer. This honest step induced some strange behavior of their principals.
Mr. M. remembers that after arriving to the station his patrol partner, Mrs. J., felt dizzy. Though he was all right he could remind that just after the appearance of the strange craft his organism also reacted in a strange way. For a moment his sight became blurry. It was about 4 am when along with Mrs. J. he noticed some light in the sky. At first they took it for mobile tower but the luminous object was apparently approaching their car. Soon it stationed over a groove of trees located about a kilometer from the road. Orange-yellowish “thing” was morphing and changing colors.
Mr. M. said that the arrival of UFO fulfilled his partner words. Just several minutes before seeing the light the woman had told him that “something is in the air”. Mrs. J. was anxious-excited: “She had repeated this sentence several times before the light appeared” - the policeman recounts. “When the object appeared in the horizon, we decided to stop and go out of the car to examine it. From the distance it looked like a ball and then changed shape into crescent-like.” He added that just a while before he could feel as if time slowed for a moment. But it was a matter of seconds. During the next stage of the encounter Mrs. M. and his partner were totally conscious.
Dropping orbs and the video
The officers stopped and watched the light maneuvering over a nearby field. The sight was strange: “It was moving soundlessly, with no noise that should be generated by engine or rotor of the flying machine. At some point the object began ejecting something resembling ‘balls of light’. Some were disappearing in their way down to the ground, other were returning to the UFO. Suddenly from the below of the craft there emanated a ‘flash’ resembling that of a stroboscope” - the witness said adding that for a second a patch of land was illuminated.
According to Mr. M. it was possible to distinguish the shape of the craft hull. But darkness, strange feelings and appearance of exotic object forced the witnesses to drove off the scene. To their amazement, after a while UFO began to move in parallel with their car, staying in the constant distance of about a kilometer. Despite strong concerns and unnatural fear, Mr. M. stopped the car in the next village trying to record the object with his cell phone camera.
“The UFO was in shape of a disc, with a kind of small ‘dome’ on the top. It was emitting blinding, yellow light (occasionally turning orange). At the bottom, three smaller white-bluish ‘balls’ could be seen. In my opinion they were ‘engines’ but there were no sounds at all” - the witness reported.
It was 4:32 am when Mr. M. took a short video showing a dim light in the distance. It’s the only one visual documentation of the incident. Strongly agitated Mrs. J. tried frantically to catch the disc with her phone camera but nothing interesting appears on her photos. Accomplished evidences seem not satisfying for such a spectacular case and Mr. M. is aware of this fact: “That situation was totally unexpected and we weren’t prepared for UFO encounter. I wish I could go closer to that object. It is clear to me now, when all the emotions ceased.”
The UFO recording of Mr. M. was made public but in muted version due to witnesses’ request. In the original material we can hear excited voiced of both officers commenting the “UFO” appearance. They also tried to open the car window to check whether the object emits any noticeable sounds but only dog barking could be hear in the distance. In the video Mr. M. stresses that the quality of the recording is weak. Registered material reveals only a bright lump of light hovering in the distance, against the dark sky background. On some still frames one can see an outline of an elongated, bright object.
Time confusion
Mr. M. said that during the incident he thought about noticing the staff officer as well other patrol cars about the strange object. “After short discussion with my partner we decided to stay calm. Too many units could hear our report so everyone can imagine the consequences… People are rather skeptical and we don’t want more problems” - he added. It was another instance of tabooing UFO encounters made by staff of emergency services, Police and Polish Army. Mr. M. is a very rare case of public servant who decided to reveal his experiences, despite his concern about the consequences. Therefore we decided not to reveal his name and the exact place of the sighting in case report.
It’s also interesting that Mr. M. claims that during three stops when the witnesses decided to inspect the object closer, the UFO seemed to withdraw deeper over the fields. In his opinion the object hovered about 60 meters over the ground but exact size of the craft was hard to estimate. Mr. M. said it was at least dozen of meters in length but it was hard to find any reference points. In the whole affair there is another one mystery. The witness stated that they observed the craft for about 90 minutes but it seemed too long comparing with the time necessary for them to pass the distance to their home station.
Mr. M. added that he also was somewhat confused realizing that the incident lasted for about two hours. This shortening of time might be a result of highly stressing situation or the curious onlookers might get lost in their observation. Another possible scenario is that the driver became disoriented and chose a wrong way; causing the patrol car to wander along some deserted village roads (Mr. M. stated that this may be the point). But it’s also tempting to propound another hypothesis that links the mentioned “time confusion” with Mrs. J.’s dizziness after the encounter. Anyway, for now there are no direct clues for the policemen involvement in “missing time” episode.
“You’re dog-tired!”
The patrol lost UFO from view in vicinity of K. village. According to Mr. M.’s report, the disc withdrew over nearby fields and then disappeared over the horizon. About 6 am, when both policemen returned to their station, they decided to report their experience to principals but as Mr. M. said, the duty officer at first burst with laugh and then neglected their story: “He said that I’m dog-tired and hallucinating. The same was with other high officers. They tried to persuade us that we saw balloons or birds…”
Nevertheless, the strange report about exotic “thing” probably induced some concern amongst higher officials since Mr. M. was informed that chief officer needs to talk with him. But after some time the case was hushed up as if nothing had happened on January 8th! Moreover, the personal situation of the female witness, Mr. J., whose husband worked in the same station, prompted her to keep silence over the incident. But what’s interesting, after some gossips about UFO encounter dissipated, Mr. M. was contacted with other officers who also saw strange things on their night duties.
Mr. M. stated that on January 8th he didn’t meet on the deserted village road with any other cars. But it’s quite possible that some inhabitants of the region (as farmers waking up early to tend their animals or people on their way to work) might also catch a glimpse of the strange aerial device. But six moths after the incident we still have no confirming reports (although the case was covered by big local newspaper in Opole region). We are well aware that the case might remain unsolved but it’s good to know that officers as Mr. M. are always on alert in reporting every suspected thing, even that with no right to existence according to his principals opinion.
Addendum: Polish Policemen see UFOs
Polish national media and web portals usually don’t report UFO incidents although it is a very popular topic. UFO reports from Polish police officers are also rarity but the case from Opole region showed that many other encounters may be not disclosed due to witnesses’ fear of ridicule. But the real cause of tabooing UFO reports amongst policemen is that there is no official procedure concerning unidentified objects and phenomena. In other words, an ordinary officer who sees UFO doesn’t know how to react.
Mr. M. said that he talk with some colleagues who also got unusual experiences. One of them wrote us a report concerning his UFO sighting in vicinity of Otmuchowskie Lake in 2008. He recounts: “At about 2 am, over Sarnowice, I saw a row of about 15 red lights. Along with my partner I decided to hide our car in darker spot [for the object not to see us]. But then some of the lights went off and other ones change their positions and began to move away in various directions.”
Another one interesting story from Police officer was reported to us several years ago. It also took place in Opole region, precisely in Daniec area. The witness, Mr. Z., wrote: “Unfortunately, I don’t remember the exact date. It was June or July 1997. From the duty officer we got a call that some drunken man was sticking people with an axe in a village in Opole area. It was an emergency, so we rushed with the siren going.”
Mr. Z. reported that just before their destination place, his partner heard a call of nature so they stopped the car on the side of the road: “I also went out to straighten my neck. Suddenly I saw those objects and in the same moment my colleague screamed: ‘UFO!” I saw two bright orbs flying in the air 300 meters away from the car. They weren’t discotheque lights or lanterns. They were flying with high speed, stopping, accelerating and making sharp turns. We stood there in awe! I was glad I wasn’t there alone. During the sighting one of the orbs neared us and stayed dozen of meters away. The other one remained over the field and then - as for command - both of them departed in just a second. I know that they were intelligent.”
Earlier but equally spectacular report comes from Mr. Jerzy M. - former officer of Citizens Militia (state police institution in Poland before 1989): “It was winter 1978 but the exact date got lost in my mind. It was about 2 am. […] I was patrolling area between Ornontowice and Chudów checking if the stores were properly shut down. I was in way from Ornontowice to Chudów. The night was beautiful, with no clouds in the sky. Temperature oscillated around -5 degrees. […] I was standing on the roadside when my attention was drawn to my dog strange behavior. […] Automatically I looked up hearing also some unfamiliar sound. Then I perceived something completely out-of-place.”
The officer reported that he saw a black, oblong object with some “windows”. He also got feeling that someone is staring at him: “It wasn’t a plane. It looked like a hull of An-22 but without wings. There were no sounds at all, despite slight ‘whirring’. […] Then I saw it against the sky background, from different perspective. The object looked like a dark ring. Afraid that it could be a damaged plane that is going to crash, I rushed to local bakery to phone to the duty officer from Gierałtowice.”
As in other cases, the witness soon learned from his chief that he must be kidding: “After returning Gierałtowice police station, I even phoned the night guard at Gliwice airport asking if there were any night landings scheduled. But he also scoffed me saying that I must be drunk!”
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by: Ryan Spragu
When facing the UFO phenomenon head on, the most problematic question one may ask is actually the most simple: Are UFOs real?
The answer is yes. The answer is always yes. In fact, it’s literally right there in the letters; UFO. It is, in essence, an object in flight that is unidentified. Perhaps the most common place definition comes from the late astronomer, J. Allen Hynek. In his book, The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, Hynek dryly, yet appropriately describes a UFO as being:
“… the reported perception of an object or light seen in the sky or upon the land. The appearance, trajectory, and general dynamic and luminescent behavior of which do not suggest a logical, conventional explanation and which is not only mystifying to the original percipients but remains unidentified after close scrutiny of all available evidence by persons who are technically capable of making a common sense identification, if one is possible.”
( J. Allen Hynek)
It doesn’t get much more self-explanatory than that. But where did this painfully obvious term stem from? And why, throughout the past sixty years or so, has it become not so obvious? The acronym was coined by Captain Edward Ruppelt, who in 1953, led the official investigation into aerial phenomena through the channels of the U.S. Air Force. To further the public from any notion that these objects were extraterrestrial, Ruppelt , serving as a catch-all for the mysterious objects appearing, flying, and sometimes floating through the skies. The acronym stuck, remaining the go-to letters for almost every media outlet known to man.
(Edward J. Ruppelt)
Thousands and thousands of declassified documents by intelligence agencies around the world can be found in reference to UFOs. These documents boast reports from the simply mundane misidentifications and natural phenomena, to the most intriguing and perplexing, begging more questions on just exactly what these UFOs are and are not. Here, in the United States, we left it up to the military to investigate what could potentially be a threat to our own safety on the hard ground below and the cushioned security of our skies above. Let’s take a look at how it all began.
The Official Study of the Phenomenon Begins… and Ends
The U.S. Air Force first attempted to decipher the enigmatic code behind these aerial phenomena back in 1947 with Project Sign. As the project’s personnel compiled case after case of sightings, they argued that what they seemed to be dealing with was in fact something of extraterrestrial intelligence. However, this notion was quickly swept under the rug, and replaced in 1949 by Project Grudge. Headed by aeronautical engineer, Edward J Ruppelt, Project Grudge was in essence, a continuation of looking into these phenomena with a much more objective eye, dismantling the possibility that UFO activity was caused by anything but natural and/or manmade anomalies and intervention.
The study of UFOs continued in its final iteration, Project Blue Book, in 1952. This was the longest, and most well publicized Air Force study, compiling over 12,000 reports of sightings in the western world alone. Project Blue Book continued until 1968, when the Air Force-funded Condon Committee was created to draft a final report on their findings. Physicist, Edward U. Condon, and an investigative group out of the University of Colorado, used files from Project Blue Book and several independent UFO research organizations to determine that, first and foremost, UFOs caused no threat to national security. They also concluded that there was absolutely no scientific evidence proving that UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin. And with that, the official American study of the phenomenon came to a whimpering end. But that didn’t stop certain members of these projects from looking further into the phenomenon and case reports.
Civilian Research Organizations
Many individuals within the government sphere were involved in the study of UFOs. Most notably of these individuals was none other than the aforementioned J. Allen Hynek. Hynek, having been a lead investigator all throughout Project Grudge and Project Blue Book, was first hired to explain away each and every UFO report as natural or manmade phenomena. But after seeing Blue Book out until the very end, he simply couldn’t accept that that was a conventional explanation for every sighting or incident. His skeptical view slowly tilted to a more open-minded approach, favoring the idea that some of the UFOs being seen could in fact be of an extraterrestrial or non-human intelligence. And in 1973, he would found the Chicago-based Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). This organization consisted of many credible scientists and researchers who evaluated UFO reports in a careful and thorough way. To this day, a large archive of the work done by Hynek and CUFOS can be found through various online outlets and through the publication of Hynek’s definitive book, The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry.
While many other organizations came and went, perhaps the most visible and well known would have to be the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Originally founded by Walt Andrus, a technology manager and educator, and John Schuessler, a retired aerospace engineer, the two would invite many of their colleagues to join the organization, such as notable nuclear physicist, Stanton Friedman and optical physicist, Dr. Bruce Maccabee. Using their technical and analytical skills in many different arenas throughout the years, MUFON now boasts chapters in every single state, investigating cases of aerial phenomena, close encounters, and in its most modern iteration, even supposed alien abduction cases. Investigators bring their reports and data to the state directors who then follow up on many of the cases with an objective and critical approach. MUFON remains active today, hosting several large conferences throughout the year and an annual journal of case reports.
Unlike the investigative organizations above, there is another ambitious undertaking that consists of compilation of UFO reports by the public. The National UFO Reporting Center, (NUFORC) founded in 1974 by Robert J. Gribble, the center has catalogued a staggering 90,000 reports in its history. Aside from its cataloguing endeavors, the center also provides regional statistics to assist specific geographical needs of those who seek information about local sightings and reports. The center remains active as this book is being published, having been taken over in 1994 by Peter Davenport, a former MUFON member, and professor of genetics and biochemistry. Davenport sing-handily runs the center from his home, and updates case reports on a weekly basis.
(Peter Davenport)
While many other civilian organizations have come and gone, the challenge for each seemed to be that of funding. Each organization held highly esteemed scientists and every facet, yet very little money had ever been set into place to provide any substantial sustainability. This is something the scientific community, UFOs aside, have always wrestled with. How does one fund their research when theory is their only means in which to progress? Perhaps this may be why scientific study into the UFO phenomenon lay deep on the fringe, splintering off into the above organizations in all their ambitious efforts. Perhaps by looking closer at the relationship between mainstream science and the UFO phenomenon, we can begin to narrow in on the phenomenon’s deeply embedded, and often ridiculed reputation.
Mainstream Science and UFOs
After the sobering determination made by the Condon Committee’s report, all hope of a possible intelligent extraterrestrial presence seemed to dissipate. But a small shred of debate by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) cracked open the possibility that the scientific community wasn’t completely against the notion of a possible alien phenomenon. In response to the Condon Report, the AIAA noted that at least thirty percent of cases studied remained unexplained by conventional and natural science, and that scientific benefit could still be gained by further study of the phenomenon.
Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic Magazine and contributor to Scientific American, once stated that:
“In all fields of science there is a residue of anomalies unexplained by the dominant theory. That does not mean the prevailing theory is wrong or that alternative theories are right. It just means that more work needs to be done to bring those anomalies into the accepted paradigm. In the meantime, it is okay to live with the uncertainty that not everything has an explanation.”
While Shermer accepts living in this uncertainty, many scientists keep the current paradigm in a stagnant purgatory, not only by ignoring the UFO phenomenon entirely, but refusing to even acknowledge the potential of such technologies and how they could ultimately benefit both science and on a greater scale, humanity. But the dark cloud looking above has always been that of pure ridicule, a festering specter whispering in the collective scientific ear that UFOs are simply bunk, and not worth the time, talents, or intelligence of some of the greatest thinkers in history. In a field where thought reigns supreme, and reputations hang on the threads of governmental influence, far-out theories on exotic aircraft of potentially non-human intelligence could completely overshadow even the most influential of scientists and the contributions they have made to their respective fields. But there are those who are willing to put their thoughts in the face of ridicule and speak publicly about such fringe topics, and are willing to call others out for their woeful ignorance to the topic in general.
Of those who reject it right out, “They’re wrong, naive, stubborn, narrow-minded, afraid and fearful,” says Eric Davis, an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics award winning- propulsion physicist at the Institute of Advanced Studies. In an interview with Lee Spiegel of the Huffington Post, Davis would elaborate:
“It’s a dirty word (UFOs) and a forbidden topic. Science is about open-minded inquiry. You shouldn’t be laughing off people. You should show more deference and respect to them. Scientists need to get back to using the scientific method to study things that are unknown and unusual, and the UFO subject is one of them.”
While such accusations can seem generalized, Davis also admits that there are many scientists who do study the phenomenon, if even from the peripheral.
“There are those who are aware of evidence and observational data that is irrefutable. It is absolutely corroborated, using forensic techniques and methodology. But they won’t come out and publicize that because they fear it. Not the subject, but the backlash from their professional colleagues.”
Davis goes on to admit that this topic isn’t just meant to be studied by the scientific community.
“It’s the domain of military intelligence,” he suggests. “The fact that [unknown] craft are flying around Earth is not a subject for science, it’s a subject for intelligence-gathering, collection and analysis. That’s because UFOs are not a natural phenomenon, and that’s what science studies.”
(Eric Davis)
Whatever these UFOs may or may not be, they seem to defy most conventional propulsion theories that we readily know of here on our planet. But therein lay the limitations scientific methodology. For instance, why do UFOs, making the most dramatic and unconventional maneuvers, need to be piloted by some sort of biological entity? Why is this the reason that some scientists dismiss the objects being piloted craft whose said pilots could not conceivably survive such speeds, velocity, or maneuvers? We send hundreds of unmanned spacecraft out into the heavens constantly for this very reason. What if the objects we witness, racing, floating, and suddenly appearing and disappearing in our skies are nothing more than highly advance drones from somewhere off-planet? Perhaps it could be best summarized by theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku. He once remarked:
“Some scientists have scoffed at UFOs because they don’t fit any of the gigantic propulsion designs being considered by engineers today, such as ramjet fusion engines, huge laser-powered sails and nuclear pulsed engines, which might be miles across. But UFOs can be as small as a jet airplane, and can refuel from a nearby moon base. So sightings may correspond to unmanned reconnaissance ships.”
(Michio Kaku)
So if we are dealing with potential craft (some being unmanned perhaps, some not) entering our atmosphere from space, who better to carry the proverbial weight of UFO observation and possible investigation than those who study celestial bodies and space itself? With the most powerful telescopes observing objects of great distance, and individuals with vast knowledge of what could potentially lay within and beyond earth’s atmosphere, it would be more than appropriate for astronomers to play a large role in the search for truth behind these elusive anomalies.
In 2010, a barrage of UFO sightings saturated the headlines of Chinese newspapers, reports coming in almost on a daily basis. As strange lights and solid objects plagued the skies of China, local airports were temporarily shut down until the objects could no longer be observed as a potential threat for landings and takeoff. Clearly, this was turning into more than just a simple misidentification by civilians.
Planetary astronomer, Wang Sichao, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, investigated many of these sightings throughout the years, taking a keen interest in the phenomenon as it hit closer and closer to home at the Purple Mountain Observatory where he worked. In at interview with the Beijing Review, Sichao would comment on the UFO reports as “events of credible facts backed by observation. But these facts cannot yet be explained by existing scientific knowledge or natural phenomena.” And while Sichao took on the bulk of UFO sightings in China for self interest and curiosity, he would go on to explain why astronomers are not primarily in the business of searching for or investigating UFO reports: “The reason is that a UFO only appears randomly and often disappears rapidly in a few minutes,” he would continue. “By the time large professional telescopes are started up, it has already disappeared. So, we can only rely on information from occasional sightings or encounters by observers.”
(Purple Mountain Observatory)
In his book, The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe?, author and scientist, Dr. Robert Davis points out that:
“Evidence within Ufology is largely based on such anecdotal claims, it is very difficult to build testable hypotheses to either reject or confirm through a validation process, such as, testing predictions against observations to confirm a hypothesis…. ufology would greatly benefit from collaborative research efforts with the scientific community, but instead, have often alienated (no pun intended) them.”
It would seem that with the amount of dedicated scientists connected to the study of UFOs in its sordid independent organizational past, that rigorous scientific method and mainstream acceptance would gradually become inevitable. But with such a complex and frustrating phenomenon taunting us from the corner, it just doesn’t seem to be moving as swiftly as we may have hoped it would. To further the point that science and UFO studies are not exactly in synch, Richard Hall, assistant director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) once stated:
“Although the ranks of Ufology contain the seeds of science, it should not now pretend to be a science, but a popular movement advocating scientific investigation. It should (and could) clarify and present the factual evidence in a manner designed to encourage a true scientific investigation, which would make use of all the techniques and facilities available to science today.”
The Journey Begins
So while we seem to have varying opinions on a governmental, scientific, and civilian level, one factor remains constant: UFOs are on the mind of individuals in every walk of life, from the simple observer on the side of the road, to the most forward-thinking (and sometimes skeptical) scientists of yesterday and today. So again, we are faced with many dilemmas of how to move forward. These phenomena are far more complex than a singular non-human intelligence pulling the proverbial strings of mystery. A fellow colleague of mine, author and researcher, Micah Hanks, suggested the following in his book, The UFO Singularity:
“The mere proof of official interest in he UFO presence throughout the years cannot by itself make concrete the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, nor can it prove that any single phenomenon can be attributed solely to the identity of the kinds of unidentifiable aircraft in our skies…probing even deeper into the mystery, there could yet be stranger solutions to the enigma that exists somewhere in our midst.”
(Micah Hanks)
While we continue to search for these strange answers in our midst, we also continue to question the approaches we take in that search. Whether it be from the anecdotal evidence of eyewitnesses or the analytical eye of scientists throughout the world, the phenomenon remains as elusive as ever. So in all its enigmatic glory, all we can truly do is continue to search somewhere in the skies for the answers we seek, and the questions we crave. Will we be satisfied with the answers science eventually gives us? Or will we deny it, leading us back down the path of the illogical and immeasurable? Only time will truly tell. And in that telling, we can be certain of one thing: the UFO phenomenon isn’t going to ever leave us. In fact, it seems that it has only begun its invasion on our curious, and ever-expanding minds.
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UFOs, Kennedy, Nixon, and the Alien Presence
UFOs, Kennedy, Nixon, and the Alien Presence
This is the latest film from celebrated UFO artist and filmmaker Jim Nichols. What does the President of the United States truly know about an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet Earth? This program details the secret history of UFOs and Aliens at the highest level of government secrecy, the office of the President of the United States of America. Discover the connection between President Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy and Nixon, and their unique place in the history of UFO and Alien secrecy. For the first time, the involvement of all of the presidents up to and including President Nixon, and the rise and then fall of their influence on UFO issues, are told in one story that is an integral part of the fascinating UFO canon. These facts will shock and amaze you for generations to come.
WETENSCHAPAlle chemiehandboeken zijn vanaf vandaag in een klap gedateerd, nu er vier nieuwe elementen zijn toegevoegd aan de tabel van Mendelejev. De vier vervolledigen de zevende rij van het periodieke systeem. "Dit is veel belangrijker dan Olympisch Goud", luidt het in de chemiewereld.
Omdat de elementen al na enkele seconden afbreken, bleek het bijzonder moeilijk om hun bestaan te bevestigen
De vier nieuwe elementen komen niet voor in de natuur; het zijn synthetische elementen die enkel in een laboratorium geproduceerd kunnen worden. Omdat ze bovendien al na enkele seconden afbreken, bleek het bijzonder moeilijk om hun bestaan te bevestigen.
Omdat wetenschappers de grootste moeite hadden om de elementen 113, 115, 117 en 118 meer dan eens te creëren, hadden ze voorlopige namen en posities in de tabel van Mendelejev. Maar op 30 december oordeelde de International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, die de chemische nomenclatuur en systemen beheert, dat Japanse, Russische en Amerikaanse wetenschappers voldoende bewijs geleverd hebben voor hun bestaan.
Hun ontdekkers zullen de vier elementen de komende maanden een officiële naam geven. Het eerste element dat benoemd wordt, is element 113, dat voorlopig nog ununtrium (Uut) heet. Het werd ontdekt door een team onder leiding van Kosuke Morita aan het Japanse instituut Riken.
Details van de ontdekking van element 113 werden gepubliceerd in het vakblad Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. De queeste van de onderzoekers begon in 2003, toen ze zinkionen lieten botsen op een laagje bismut. Als reactie ontstond er occasioneel een atoom van het element 113. Het duurde tot 2012 voor het team voldoende bewijs kon leveren van het bestaan van het element, in gelijkaardige experimenten met natrium en curium.
'De chemiegemeenschap is verrukt dat ze haar meest gekoesterde tabel eindelijk vervolledigd ziet tot de zevende rij'
Jan Reedijk, voorzitter Inorganic Chemistry Division
Verslagen over de ontdekking van elementen 115 (Uup, ununpentium), 117 (Uus, ununseptium) en 118 (Uuo, ununoctium) zijn nog niet gepubliceerd. Deze ontdekkingen staan op naam van een Russisch-Amerikaans team van het Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna en het Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Californië.
Ook deze elementen krijgen de komende maanden een definitieve naam, en ook zij werden ontdekt door atomen van verschillende elementen met elkaar te doen botsen. Net als de andere superzware elementen onderaan in de tabel bestaan de nieuwe elementen slechts enkele seconden voor ze afgebroken worden tot andere elementen.
In de chemiewereld worden de ontdekkingen op veel lof onthaald. "De chemiegemeenschap is verrukt dat ze haar meest gekoesterde tabel eindelijk vervolledigd ziet tot de zevende rij", reageerde professor Jan Reedijk, voorzitter van de Inorganic Chemistry Division van het IUPAC. Ryoji Noyori, voormalig directeur van het Riken-instituut, liet in een mededeling weten dat dit "voor wetenschappers veel meer waarde heeft dan Olympisch goud".
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Belg zag vorig jaar meer ufo’s vliegen
Belg zag vorig jaar meer ufo’s vliegen -
“Ufo’s” in 2013 in Ronse Foto:
Het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt, dat de waarnemingen van merkwaardige verschijnselen in de lucht onderzoekt, heeft afgelopen jaar weer meer meldingen gekregen dan een jaar eerder. Dat blijkt uit het jaarverslag van de organisatie.
Belgen dienden in 2015 224 formulieren in om merkwaardige verschijnselen in de lucht te melden, in 2014 waren het er 180. Volgens het UFO-meldpunt is de stijging deels te wijten aan de media-aandacht voor twee opvallende meldingen.
Het UFO-meldpunt zegt dat er opvallend veel waarnemingen waren die verklaard konden worden door een astronomisch verschijnsel. 'Naar aloude gewoonte zorgden Venus (al dan niet in conjunctie met Jupiter) als Sirius (de helderste ster aan de hemel, nvdr.) en de maan voor veel verwarring', klinkt het.
Geen recordjaar
In totaal werden 45 waarnemingen verklaard door een ster, planeet of de maan. Andere regelmatig terugkerende verklaringen zijn een ballon (14), een vliegtuig of helikopter (14), of een meteoor of ruimteschroot (13).
Een recordjaar was 2015 niet. In 2011 waren er 342 meldingen. De meeste meldingen kwamen uit Oost-Vlaanderen. Vermoedelijk is de oorzaak dat een van de twee opmerkelijke meldingen die veel media-aandacht kregen uit De Pinte kwam.
Het Franstalige COBEPS (Comité Belge pour l’Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux) noteerde 93 meldingen in 2015.
Hillary Clinton: “Ik zal de waarheid over UFO’s en Area 51 onthullen als ik de volgende president van Amerika word”
Hillary Clinton: “Ik zal de waarheid over UFO’s en Area 51 onthullen als ik de volgende president van Amerika word”
De Amerikaanse presidentskandidaat Hillary Clinton heeft gezegd dat ze tot op de bodem zal uitzoeken wat de overheid weet over UFO’s en aliens als ze de nieuwe president van Amerika wordt.
Ze deed deze belofte tijdens een gesprek met Daymond Steer van The Conway Daily Sun in New Hampshire. In 2007 zei ze dat de meeste Wob-verzoeken die haar man Bill Clinton kreeg, betrekking hadden op UFO’s. “Ik ga het tot op de bodem uitzoeken,” zei Hillary tegenover The Sun.
In 2014 vertelde Bill Clinton aan tv-presentator Jimmy Kimmel dat hij niet verbaasd zou zijn als blijkt dat aliens de aarde bezoeken.
‘Mogelijk al bezocht’
Tijdens het gesprek zei Hillary verder: “Mogelijk zijn we al zijn bezocht. We weten het niet zeker.” Ze voegde toe dat ze ook Area 51 onder de loep wil nemen. Op de vliegbasis in Nevada worden volgens geruchten aliens bewaard.
De manager van Hillary’s presidentscampagne is niemand minder dan John Podesta, die na zijn laatste werkdag als beleidsadviseur van Obama twitterde: “Mijn grootste mislukking van 2014, wederom niet gelukt om de UFO-onderzoeken te openbaren.”
Rockefeller Initiative
“Hij heeft me doen beloven dat we deze informatie samen naar buiten brengen,” zei Clinton. “Misschien kunnen we een speciale eenheid naar Area 51 sturen.”
In 1993 vroeg miljardair Laurance Rockefeller toenmalig president Bill Clinton om alle UFO-files vrij te geven. De president had in 1996 een ontmoeting met Rockefeller over het zogeheten ‘Rockefeller Initiative’. Dit initiatief moest ervoor zorgen dat geheime UFO-stukken openbaar gemaakt zouden worden.
Three and a half decades ago, fighter pilot Oscar Santa Maria Huerta had an Independence Day-like experience when he tried to shoot down a bizarre light-bulb craft. Until today, the incident is the only documented case of a military plane firing on an unidentified flying object (UFO).
On the early morning of April 11, 1980, the 23-year-old Lieutenant of the Peruvian Air Force was about to join around 1,800 military personnel and civilians for daily exercises at the La Joya Air Force Base, 1,000 km south of the Peruvian capital.
A pilot who had been flying combat missions since he was 19, Lt Huerta was ordered to take off in his Sukhoi-22 fighter to intercept the unknown silver object that had been observed hovering near the end of the runway.
The strange object was 5 km away, hovering around 600 metres off the ground, and was not responding to any communications. It was in restricted airspace without authorisation, posing a significantthreatto national sovereignty, according to the now-retired Colonel.
Colonel Huerta was among of several former military officers, researchers and others who provided evidence at a big event at the National Press Club in Washington in 2013, in hopes to give pressure to the U.S. government about opening its files on UFO encounters.
Colonel Huerta flew to 2,500 metres and shot a burst of 64 30mm shells when he reached the right distance. Even one of those shells would wipe out a car, but all of them had no effect on the object. It then shot rapidly skywards away from the base and Colonel Huerta activated the aircraft’s afterburner to chase it. As they reached 84 km from the base, in the city of Camana, the UFO came to a sudden stop, prompting him to veer to the side.
After turning up and to the right, Huerta tried to position for another shot. He locked on the target and ready to shoot, but the object made another fast climb that appeared to evade an attack. He tried the same thing two more times, but the object kept shooting upwards seconds before he could shoot.
When the object reached 14,000 metres above the ground, Colonel Huerta attempted to attack from above, but the UFO shadowed him all the way up to 19,200 metres, way beyond the specifications of his aircraft.
He realised he was running low on fuel, losing his capability to attack, so he decided just to flynear the object to get a better look. When he reached 100 metres away, he started to see an object that measured around 10 metres in diameter with ashinycream-colored dome on top, similar to a light bulb cut in half.
The bottom was a wide silver circular base that looked like a metal. It had no antennae, windows, exhausts, propulsion jets, wings, and other components of a typical aircraft. At that moment, the pilot realised it wasn’t a spying device but a UFO, something entirely unknown.
Having not enough fuel, he could not attack, manoeuvre his plane, or make a quick escape. He was afraid as he made his return, gliding part way and zigzagging to make his plane harder to hit. After he had landed, the object stayed in the place he left it for another two hours, visible to people on the base while it reflected in the sun.
In a June 1980 document from the United States Department of Defence titled “UFO Sighted in Peru,” it was revealed that the object remained of unknown origin.
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Project Blue Book
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Project Blue Book
For ufologists and skeptics alike, Project Blue Book had the potential to be a gold mine. Learn how the US Air Force launched an official UFO investigation that spanned decades -- and why some people suspect a conspiracy -- in this episode.
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Une importante cité oubliée découverte en Égypte
Une importante cité oubliée découverte en Égypte
La cité de Naukratis découverte dans le delta du Nil. Twitter @towersight
Une incroyable découverte a été faite par des archéologues britanniques dans le delta du Nil, en Égypte. La cité marchande grecque de Naukratis a été mise au jour après être tombée dans l’oubli durant des siècles. La ville avait été redécouverte par un égyptologue anglais en 1884 mais les scientifiques pensaient que le site n’était pas très important. En réalité, les archéologues viennent de prouver que la superficie des ruines est deux fois plus grande que ce que l’on pensait et que des milliers de vestiges sont à portée de main.
Un patrimoine historique précieux
Près de 10 000 objets anciens viennent d’être sortis des flots, dont des débris d’épaves, des ruines de temples sacrés, mais aussi des figurines dédiées au « festival de l’ivresse ». De plus, la découverte de cette cité implique beaucoup de choses pour les scientifiques : « jusqu'à maintenant, nous pensions que les vaisseaux s'arrêtaient sur la côte méditerranéenne et qu'ils étaient déchargés par des barges », a témoigné le conservateur du British Museum et directeur des fouilles Ross Thomas au Guardian. « Maintenant, on peut assurer que des bateaux de haute mer pouvaient s'aventurer aussi profondément en Égypte ».
It's Almost 2016, Dammit, And We're Still Waiting For ET To Land
It's Almost 2016, Dammit, And We're Still Waiting For ET To Land
The year 2015 in UFOs
As 2015 ends, the bizarre parade of UFO videos only grows, with more posted to the Internet each day.
Are we getting closer to what would certainly be the most important event in human history -- first contact with extraterrestrials? Or are we just getting better at manipulating photos and video?
As the year progressed, we saw a purple UFO over Peru; a disc-shaped objectflying behind an Argentina TV news broadcast; colorful aerial lights captured on video by a TV news station near the U.S.-Mexico border; and night vision images of Christmas-colored lights over Tucson.
Of course, no 2015 roundup is complete without mention of Donald Trump, and there was a report in August of a UFO following the Donald's helicopter at the Iowa State Fair.
Read on for our look back at the year's most compelling UFO stories.
Once-Classified UFO Files Temporarily Available To Everyone
In January, something both amazing and frustrating at the same time happened in the field of UFO studies. Approximately 130,000 pages of files from the 22-year Air Force UFO study -- Project Blue Book -- were finally made available to the public for free online. Ever since Project Blue Book ended in 1969, anyone wanting to research those files prior to 2015, had to pour through microfilm files at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Writer and producer John Greenewald, creator of The Black Vault -- a huge online compilation of government documents -- converted Blue Book files from jpeg images into searchable PDF files. It was every UFO researcher's dream come true. But it didn't last long. Shortly after the files became available, they were removed from The Black Vault by a company called Fold3, which posts military files, claiming to have a copyright on the old Air Force files. Easy come, easy go with the UFO files, it seems. But there's still hope that those files will once again see the light of day. This image is a re-enactment of one of the most credible Project Blue Book cases, from 1964, in which Police Officer Lonnie Zamora witnessed an egg-shaped craft along with two beings in Socorro, New Mexico.
Purple UFO Interrupts Peru TV Show
Eduardo Chavez Guerra/YouTube
In February, a television production crew in Lima, Peru, videotaped a purple-colored disc-shaped UFO hovering in the sky near a construction site. Eyewitnesses reported seeing the object for up to two hours. Initial possible explanations included a drone or a kite.
San Diego Mystery Aerial Lights
NBC 7 San Diego
At the end of April, San Diego's NBC News affiliate captured an unusual colorful grouping of lights over San Ysidro, near the U.S.-Mexico border. The red, blue and green lights were flashing and changing colors. When HuffPost contacted the TV station, a reporter said she was instructed by station management not to give out any information about the incident.
Disc-Shaped Object Hovers Over Chile For 1 Hour
In April, a new update was released about a couple of photos from 2013 showing adisc-shaped object over a copper mine in northern Chile. Witnesses said they watched the object for over an hour as it moved around and hovered. Investigators for CEFAA -- Chile's official government UFO study group -- examined the photos, and ruled out experimental aircraft, planes, weather balloons or drones. The study concluded "It is an object or phenomenon of great interest, and it can be qualified as a UFO."
Loch Ness UFO Causes Monster Controversy
Caters News
It took several updates to this story to try and figure out what exactly it was that a family, vacationing at Scotland's Loch Ness captured in a photograph above the 22-mile-long lake in April. Their camera seemed to catch a pair of objects (see image with close-up insert) moving in the sky over the lake. The controversy heated up when stepped in, claiming that the family had merely photographed a dual reflection of a room lamp. To this day, both parties believe they are correct: The family insists it was no lamp reflection and Metabunk maintains it was.
Christmas Tree-Type Lights Over Tucson
Tom Sanger
On July 4, Tom Sanger videotaped a colorful display of changing lights over the Sabino Canyon, northeast of Tucson, Arizona. In late August, an updated report byOpenMinds.TV suggested these lights were caused by "human activity" at a mountain lookout point, i.e. the headlights of oncoming vehicles.
Similar UFOs Appear Over U.S., Japan Cities
Left: TVE24HD Right: IPRA Strong / YouTube
Two separate cases of unusual-looking lights over different continents within a few days of each other prompted speculation that ranged from alien life to Chinese lanterns. The image shows objects over Osaka, Japan (at left around the end of July) and Milwaukee, Wisconsin (on July 25). The Milwaukee objects were later identified as an Army parachute team, performing during the city's annual German Fest. Still no official word on those Osaka lights.
London Police Investigate Reported UFO Crash
Kingston Police, UK
It wasn't exactly of the same legendary caliber as the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico, incident, but it was unique in its own way. On Oct. 17, police in Kingston, London, sent an emergency response team to a location to check on an unknown object that was on fire. When officials arrived on the scene, they thought, at first, they were looking at a crashed UFO! The orange-blue hemispherical object was partially smashed with pieces of it strewn all around. Turns out, online detectives helped determine the UFO was, in fact, a pizza oven that may have fallen off a truck. That's some pizza delivery service.
Mystery Revealed In Space Station Astronaut UFO Photo
NASA / Scott Kelly
When International Space Station astronaut Scott Kelly snapped a photo of south India on Nov. 15, Internet UFO hunters speculated about the bright, tube-like objectat the upper right of the image. It was just the latest in a long series of objects photographed by space station astronauts that fuel Internet chatter about UFOs. In this case, however, a simple adjustment of brightness and contrast of the original image clearly reveals that the UFO in question is a UHF antenna attached to the space station.
Scary Explanation For Blazing Siberia UFO Sighting
PE Omsk/YouTube
Many people saw and videotaped a spectacular bright object over several cities in Siberia on the night of Nov. 17. Initial speculation included things like UFO, alien wormhole, and a secret Russian military rocket launch. Former NBC News space consultant James Oberg -- an expert on all American and Russian space activity -- confirmed that the bizarre spectacle was part of a Russian missile test program. While not an ET invasion, it doesn't lessen worries over increased tensions between Russia and members of NATO.
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There is something on the Moon that is watching "over" Earth
There is something on the Moon that is watching "over" Earth
Earths moon should be without a doubt, the number one priority for Earth's Space Agencies, yet, for some reason, no one seems to be talking about going back to the moon. The question is why? What is up there that is keeping us from coming back? Is there anything at all on the moon, other than the equipment left behind by astronauts and a couple of strange rocks?
The Apollo 17 was the final mission of the United States' Apollo program, and was the last time humans walked on the moon. Numerous mysteries have surrounded the Apollo missions and specially the Apollo 17 mission, whose crew consisted of commander and veteran of the mission Gemini 9 and Apollo 10 Eugene A. Cernan, the lunar module pilot and geologist Harrison H. Schmitt called "Jack" and command module pilot Ronald E. Evans. The names of the ships, privilege of the commander, was Challenger and America for the lunar module to the command module.
Commander Gene Cernan was the last man to walk on the surface of the Moon in the Taurus Mountains, near the crater Littrow, on the border between the Mare Mare Tranquillitatis and Serenitatis.
The "Challenger" module landed on the moon at the following coordinates: 21,2ºN 30,6ºE which is the Taurus Littrow area. Commander Gene Cernan and Harrison H. Schmitt were aboard the descent module.
Harrison had a very interesting idea before the mission began, he actually proposed landing on the "Far side" of the moon, specifically at the Tsiolkovsky crater but his proposition was rejected as NASA considered it to be "too dangerous." But Harrison did not only propose the far side of the moon because he thought it was a good idea, it is believed that there was something important on the far side that the astronauts wanted to investigate.
The exact reasons why NASA did not allow the landing to take place at the Tsiolkovsky crater were never made public. Curiously, Harrison H. Schmitt designed the insignia of the mission which had, for some mysterious reason a drawing of Stonehenge. This insignia was later replaced by the one we all saw, that of Greek god Apollo.
Schmitt never really answered why he had chosen Stonehenge for the flight insignia and has kept the design and the "why" behind it in the shadows. But lets face it, NASA's Apollo program is anything but normal, the abrupt suspension of the Apollo program is something that many people today do not understand completely. Even though Apollo was planned all the way up to the Apollo XX mission, when the crew from Apollo XVII returned to Earth, NASA reported that the Apollo program had "expired" since the mission objectives had been reached."
Many believe this wasn't the reason why NASA opted out of the Apollo program, and many historians and researchers believe that it wasn't because of funding either. So what was the real reason? Why have we not returned to the moon?
There are some believe that the reason why NASA opted out of the Apollo program has a sinister extraterrestrial background, one that has kept mankind from going back to the moon.
The reason why many people believe that there is "something" on the moon that is keeping a close watch on our planet are the countless images of the Apollo missions, and the curiosities behind the missions itself.
Reviewing some of the more interesting images from the Apollo program has given us quite a lot to talk about.
Obviously the first image of interest would be the mysterious pyramid on the moon which has caused great debate between ufologists and skeptics.
One of my favorite images is the one below. There appears to be some sort of "rock," that eerily resembles a skull. This "lunar rock" seems to give us the impression it has eyes, a mouth and a nose, it's very creepy
The next image is incredible. Many people believe that what we are seeing in this image is some sort of "tube" sticking out of the lunar surface (look at the center of the image). Mysteriously, this tube shaped object doesn't look anything like the other rocks seen in the surrounding landscape, and its shape clearly resembles some sort of tubery.
What are your thoughts? Is there really something on the moon that has kept us from returning? And what about the images provided above, do they seem like "ordinary" objects on the moon?
It seems that in the end, however you put it, there is something mysterious surrounding NASA and its Apollo program, and the images and videos filmed on the moon, are the perfect evidence to support all of those who agree that the Apollo astronauts must have found something mysterious, previously unknown and dangerous on Earths natural satellite. The question that remains is, what was it?
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We’ve all seen inside Area 51—in the movies. Independence Day (1996), Paul (2011), and that awful Area 51 (2014), and on The X-Files, it’s shown as super-high-tech and otherworldly. Of course it would look like that! They have UFO technology. The base is guarded by huge fences and helicopter patrol, right?
There is no fence around it! We at have personally been to the border of the base, and can tell you that there’s no fence to hop—just signs with warnings like “lethal force authorized”. We saw and heard no helicopters, although we did spot the legendary “cammo dudes”, the private security guards hired to protect the base. They drive around in ordinary jeeps.
Area 51 may well have alien tech hidden underground, but according to insiders who have spilled the beans, the inside of the real Area 51 looks old and run down.
Area 51 from the air
Bob Lazar, the guy who says he worked there in the ’80s reverse-engineering UFO technology, describes the interior of the underground base as plain and ordinary, much like an old office building with cubicles and meeting rooms. There’s a lot of dust and rust, and not much in the way of neon-cyber whiz-bang technology. That is why it’s so striking, according to witnesses, when you see the alien spacecraft housed there underground—it’s all being held in such a drab, unremarkable place.
No word on what the alien visitors think of these digs, but insiders do claim to have sighted them there, lurking underground.
At least it didn’t until 2013, when the US government finally declassified a CIA document that admitted that a secret base exists out in the Nevada desert. Up until that point, the government absolutely denied that any such base existed, even though it’s surrounded by warning signs authorizing “the use of deadly force” if you enter, and despite the fact that unfortunate pilots who wandered into the base’s airspace were either forced down by Air Force jets or, in some cases, shot down. Later in 2013, Barack Obama became the first president to mention Area 51 by name in public.
Neither the CIA report nor the president mentioned aliens, but, well, that’s not surprising. This is the government we’re talking about.
All that official silence didn’t stop Nevada governor Bob Miller, though. In 1996, he officially declared nearby Highway 375 to be Nevada’s “Extraterrestrial Highway”—a publicity stunt tied in with the movie Independence Day.
Things were great for Glenn Campbell—an Area 51 researcher, not the singer—until 1995. Glenn, who was living in nearby Rachel, Nevada, had discovered a peak not far from Area 51, and it was high enough that he could see the whole base. The peak didn’t appear to have a name, so Glenn dubbed it “Freedom Ridge”. The name stuck.
Vantage points for Area 51 (some forbidden)
He brought others out to Freedom Ridge, too—including professional journalists, who’d become fascinated with Glenn’s adventures as a self-styled investigator of Area 51. A film crew from ABC News were out at Freedom Ridge with Glenn when they were arrested, and their cameras confiscated by Area 51 guards. That may have been the last straw.
In 1995, the US government seized the land around Freedom Ridge and another vantage point, Whitesides Mountain. It increased the size of Area 51 only somewhat, but it made it darn near impossible to get a view of the base from the ground without telescopes or binoculars.
The base is 60 square miles now—and growing. How long until the government seizes additional land? It’s only a matter of time.
The government and the military have a lot of nicknames for the base, and they usually don’t call it “Area 51”. Instead, they’ve referred to it as Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Homey Airport, or as just Groom Lake (after the dry lake bed the base is built on). Its first official name was Watertown when it opened in 1956. We get the name “Area 51” from old military maps of the area from the 1950s.
Today the official name is said to be Air Force Flight Test Center Detachment 3—catchy, isn’t it?
A baseball field at Area 51
No kidding; former employees have said that Area 51 has its own extravagant disco right in the heart of the facility, where employees blow off steam at night after working on ultra-secret projects all day. (Obviously, reverse-engineering UFO technology can take a lot out of you.) We wonder: is the club called Dreamland?
That’s not all: it also has a baseball field (above-ground, see the photo), tennis courts, and a large personal gym. When it first opened, the only amenities were a single tennis court and a bowling alley, but obviously they’ve been expanding. Maybe they even have Wi-Fi.
As we mentioned before, until 1995, you could make an easy hike to mountain peaks near the base called Freedom Ridge and White Sides. From those vantage points, you could get a pretty good look at the distant base, even without binoculars. So, of course, word got out. When the government realized that people were spying on the base, it seized the land.
Today, we’re left with one vantage point: a place called Tikaboo Peak.
It’s not an easy hike, but it’s only a little over a mile. Being remote desert land, this is dangerous, so we’re not recommending it. But it is possible. If you did go, you’d want to bring high-powered binoculars, or maybe a telescope.
Bird and Hike, a hiking website, has the exact info—look for the keyword “Tikaboo” to find the hike. And do not, under any circumstances, venture past the border into Area 51!
Take a tour near Area 51
If you dream of a guided tour of the actual Area 51 base, well, no, they don’t do that. Surprisingly, though, the US Department of Energy does give weekday tours of areas in the Nevada Test Site—think nuclear testing. The tours take all day and require government background checks. They don’t venture into Area 51, but reports say they get pretty darned close, ending up just a bit to the west of the secret base. The tour is free but there are restrictions:
There are strict rules in order to take this tour including proper dress code (no shorts/sandals), age-limit of 14+ years old; no cell phones, cameras or computers, firearms, and a background check is required. You MUST arrange tours months in advance and be cleared by background investigators before taking this tour.
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You may love her or hate her, but if you’re interested in UFOs, you probably want Hillary Clinton to be elected president in 2016.
While on a campaign stop in Conway, New Hampshire, Clinton told a reporter that she definitely intends to investigate UFOs and alien visitation as president. “I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” said Clinton, according to the Conway Sun. The newspaper reported that she answered “with enthusiasm”.
Hillary whisked away by a UFO (photo by Mother Jones)
“I think we may have been [visited by aliens],” she told the reporter. “We don’t know for sure.” Evidently, she intends to find out.
Hillary told the Conway Sun that she was also interested in further investigation into Area 51.
Husband and former president Bill Clinton has previously weighed in on the subject of UFOs and aliens. “First I had people go looking for records on Area 51,” he said on Jimmy Kimmel Live. “[I also] had all the Roswell papers reviewed.”
If Bill discovered anything significant in his records search, he isn’t admitting it publicly—but he did drop a hint. “If we were visited someday,” he told Kimmel, “I wouldn’t be surprised … think about how all the differences among people on Earth would seem small if we felt threatened by a space invader.”
Clinton noted that her campaign manager, John Podesta, is outspoken about his conviction about extraterrestrial visits to Earth. One of Podesta’s last messages as an outgoing senior advisor to president Barack Obama was this tweet: “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files.” Podesta, a UFO enthusiast, insisted that the tweet was serious.
It seems quite likely that Hillary has been influenced by Podesta’s stance on the subject. “He (Podesta) has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” Clinton told the Conway Sun. “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
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Former First Lady and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly plans to follow in her husband’s footsteps and probe the UFO issue if she becomes president.
On Tuesday, December 29, the former New York senator and former secretary of state visited the office of The Conway Daily Sun, a free daily newspaper in New Hampshire. GOP candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush also paid visits to the paper’s office recently. Clinton discussed foreign policy and the economy with Conway Daily Sunreporters during her visit. But she also reportedly discussed UFOs.
According to reporter Daymond Steer, when he asked her about UFOs, Clinton responded, “Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it.”
Her husband, Bill, made attempts to uncover UFO secrets while he was president. He specifically did some digging related to the 1947 Roswell UFO Incident, as well as the mysterious military installation Area 51. In 2014, Bill Clinton appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and, when asked about his research, he said he didn’t find any evidence of extraterrestrials. But when Kimmel asked Clinton if he would inform the public if he had, Clinton said he would, then added:
What do we know now? We know we live in an ever expanding universe. We know that there are billions of stars and planets, literally, out there, and the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that just in the last two years more than 20 planets have been identified outside of our solar system that seem to be far away enough from their suns and dense enough that they might be able to support some form of life. So, it makes it increasingly less likely that we are alone.
Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff, John Podesta, is currently Hillary’s campaign chairman. This former Counselor to President Obama is a strong advocate for government transparency when it comes to knowledge of UFOs and files related to UFO phenomena. When Podesta left the White House to begin working on Clinton’s campaign, he publicly voiced regret over not being able to get government UFO files released to the public.
In late 2015, following the publication of an interview with Hillary Clinton, conducted by actor Lena Dunham, Podesta posted to Twitter:
When asked about Podesta during her recent visit to TheConway Daily Sun, Clinton stated, “He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out.” She continued, “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
Clinton also reportedly told Steer, “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.”
If the conversation between Clinton and Steer went down as reported, it’s pretty interesting to see her speaking publicly about the topic. Then again, she may have assumed she was having an “off the record” conversation.
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Universe Had No Beginning And No Big Bang, Scientists Say
Universe Had No Beginning And No Big Bang, Scientists Say
Physicists have announced that the universe may have existed forever, and that the Big Bang may never have occurred, according to a new quantum model of the Universe.
The new model applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein’s theory of general relativity, and accounts for dark matter and dark energy.
The widely accepted age of the universe, as estimated by general relativity, is 13.8 billion years. In the beginning, everything in existence is thought to have occupied a single infinitely dense point, or singularity. Only after this point began to expand in a “Big Bang” did the universe officially begin.
Although the Big Bang singularity arises directly and unavoidably from the mathematics of general relativity, some scientists see it as problematic because the math can explain only what happened immediately after—not at or before—the singularity.
“The Big Bang singularity is the most serious problem of general relativity because the laws of physics appear to break down there,” Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and the Zewail City of Science and Technology, both in Egypt, told
Ali and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, have shown in a paper published in Physics Letters B that the Big Bang singularity can be resolved by their new model in which the universe has no beginning and no end.
Old ideas revisited
The physicists emphasize that their quantum correction terms are not applied ad hoc in an attempt to specifically eliminate the Big Bang singularity. Their work is based on ideas by the theoretical physicist David Bohm, who is also known for his contributions to the philosophy of physics. Starting in the 1950s, Bohm explored replacing classical geodesics (the shortest path between two points on a curved surface) with quantum trajectories.
In their paper, Ali and Das applied these Bohmian trajectories to an equation developed in the 1950s by physicist Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri at Presidency University in Kolkata, India. Raychaudhuri was also Das’s teacher when he was an undergraduate student of that institution in the ’90s.
Using the quantum-corrected Raychaudhuri equation, Ali and Das derived quantum-corrected Friedmann equations, which describe the expansion and evolution of universe (including the Big Bang) within the context of general relativity. Although it’s not a true theory of quantum gravity, the model does contain elements from both quantum theory and general relativity. Ali and Das also expect their results to hold even if and when a full theory of quantum gravity is formulated.
No singularities nor dark stuff
In addition to not predicting a Big Bang singularity, the new model does not predict a “big crunch” singularity, either. In general relativity, one possible fate of the universe is that it starts to shrink until it collapses in on itself in a big crunch and becomes an infinitely dense point once again.
Ali and Das explain in their paper that their model avoids singularities because of a key difference between classical geodesics and Bohmian trajectories. Classical geodesics eventually cross each other, and the points at which they converge are singularities. In contrast, Bohmian trajectories never cross each other, so singularities do not appear in the equations.
In cosmological terms, the scientists explain that the quantum corrections can be thought of as a cosmological constant term (without the need for dark energy) and a radiation term. These terms keep the universe at a finite size, and therefore give it an infinite age. The terms also make predictions that agree closely with current observations of the cosmological constant and density of the universe.
New gravity particle
In physical terms, the model describes the universe as being filled with a quantum fluid. The scientists propose that this fluid might be composed of gravitons—hypothetical massless particles that mediate the force of gravity. If they exist, gravitons are thought to play a key role in a theory of quantum gravity.
In a related paper, Das and another collaborator, Rajat Bhaduri of McMaster University, Canada, have lent further credence to this model. They show that gravitons can form a Bose-Einstein condensate (named after Einstein and another Indian physicist, Satyendranath Bose) at temperatures that were present in the universe at all epochs.
Motivated by the model’s potential to resolve the Big Bang singularity and account for dark matter and dark energy, the physicists plan to analyze their model more rigorously in the future. Their future work includes redoing their study while taking into account small inhomogeneous and anisotropic perturbations, but they do not expect small perturbations to significantly affect the results.
“It is satisfying to note that such straightforward corrections can potentially resolve so many issues at once,” Das said.
Weather radar pictures have emerged of what appears to be a huge spiral vortex covering the entire country of Mexico on December 26th. Could it be a ghost of some hurricane past or worse – a ghostly prediction of a hurricane future? Is it related to other strange spirals seen on radar displays around the world?
The video posted on the Internet shows a series of radar images of the spiral. It reportedly began on December 26th and was still there as of this writing on December 31st. It strangely appears only on National Weather Service radar centered in Mexico City (named Catedral for the Metropolitan Cathedral – Catedral Metropolitana). If it’s a malfunction, there’s no mention of it on the display nor anywhere else. Could it be something else?
This isn’t the first time a mysterious spiral has appeared on Mexican weather radar. This spiral was seen on October 28th, 2012, and a similar one was reported in 2014, both appearing to have no official or unofficial explanations.
Another strange circle reportedly appeared on Australian weather radar on January 15th, 2010. This nearly-perfect circle covered hundreds of square miles yet there was no mention of any unusual weather that could have caused it.
Strange circle on weather radar over Australia
In 2009, a famous spiral anomaly was seen and photographed over many parts of Norway and Sweden on December 8th. The spiral was blue and grey, lasted nearly 3 minutes and was similar to a previous (but not as bright) spiral a month before.
Mysterious spiral over Norway in 2009
Thousands reported the spiral to various agencies with no explanations … until the following day when the Russian Defense Ministry admitted it was a failed test of a SLBM RSM-56 Bulava missile, one that had already failed in 6 out of 13 prior launches.
Since there appear to no eyewitness accounts of the mysterious spiral on Mexican radar, it has some other cause. But what? Malfunction? Secret government test? HAARP? UFO interference? Something else?
This glowing UFO was caught on the volcano live cam on Christmas day. The UFO is very similar to other past videos of a glowing object actually entering the mouth of the volcano. I've been looking at this live cam over the last 3 years and have caught dozens of UFOs around this volcano. The UFO activity and the Aztec stories about the gods of Popocatepetl, both indicate that there is an alien base 5km below the volcano. This one came very close to the local population this time. It curious about them. Scott C. Waring
Curiosity Rover Finds A Mineral On Mars That Usually Deposited By Water On Earth
Curiosity Rover Finds A Mineral On Mars That Usually Deposited By Water On Earth
NASA’s Curiosity has recently come across some interesting discoveries that could solve the mystery of the presence of water on Mars.
Christian Science Monitor noted that the robot had found an abundance of the rock-forming chemical silica for the first time. Silica is a mineral composed of silicon and oxygen, which on Earth often deposited by water.
According to NASA, Curiosity has discovered much higher concentrations of silica at several sites it has investigated in the past seven months than it has first visited since landing on the Red Planet 40 months ago.
In a video that featured astrogeologist Jens Frydenvang of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, he said that they don’t have a full understanding yet of its meaning. He added that this kind of silica require some water activity here on Earth, and often, it’s also a very nice environment to discover microbial life.
NASA further shared the Curiosity drilled some silica at one rock called Buckskin is in tridymite, a mineral rare on Earth and never seen before on Mars.
On Earth, tridymite can be found in volcanic deposits with rich silica content. So, scientists suspect volcanic evolutions on Mars. But, it is also possible that mineral tridymite has formed by other processes.
A planetary geologist at Johnson Space Center of NASA in Houston, Elizabeth Rampe, said they could solve this by knowing whether the mineral in the sediment comes from a volcanic source or another origin. Rampe added that they were in their labs to see if there was a way to make this mineral without such a high temperature.
Geophysicist Ashwin Vasavada shared at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union that scientists have observed signs of the building blocks of life on the Red Planet. So, it is interesting to find out how the mystery unfolds.
Hessdalen is a very remote area in Norway with a long history of UFO sightings. On January 1, 2016 at about 1.00 am local time, StreetCap1 noticed a slight flashing on Hessdalen’s cam so he started recording.
At first StreetCap1 thought it maybe fireworks being the New Year, but as the ball of light suddenly appears and continues its speed over the terrain until it disappears into thin air towards a flashing light in the top right of the picture frame it cannot be fireworks.
Video: The ball of light appears at about the 1.29 mark.
It’s that time of year… time to look back! It was a busy year for UFOs in Texas; they visited nearly every town and were seen by the masses. Of the UFO sightings to get coverage on this site this year, here are the very best:
A triangle-shaped craft can clearly be seen traveling through the evening sky in the two photos below, which were taken in Houston in August 2015. The biggest problem with these photos is the witness did not see the object with their own two eyes, but fortunately they noticed the object when looking at their photos later and submitted to MUFON. What’s also important to note is there were many “waves” of triangle sightings in Texas throughout the course of the year, and so many Texans did indeed see V-shaped lights like this with their own two eyes:
Did you see something more amazing than this in 2015? Report it! Know of any great local UFO sightings or news stories from 2015? Share them in the comments or on the Facebook page!
It’s that time of year… time to look back! It was a busy year for UFOs in Texas; they visited nearly every town and were seen by the masses. Of the UFO sightings to get coverage on this site this year, here are the very best:
A triangle-shaped craft can clearly be seen traveling through the evening sky in the two photos below, which were taken in Houston in August 2015. The biggest problem with these photos is the witness did not see the object with their own two eyes, but fortunately they noticed the object when looking at their photos later and submitted to MUFON. What’s also important to note is there were many “waves” of triangle sightings in Texas throughout the course of the year, and so many Texans did indeed see V-shaped lights like this with their own two eyes:
Did you see something more amazing than this in 2015? Report it! Know of any great local UFO sightings or news stories from 2015? Share them in the comments or on the Facebook page!
Why do little green men go to Liverpool? Merseyside is the UFO capital of Britain as police receive more mysterious calls in the North-West than anywhere else
Why do little green men go to Liverpool? Merseyside is the UFO capital of Britain as police receive more mysterious calls in the North-West than anywhere else
Merseyside Police have handled 13 reports of UFO sightings since 2013
Other hotspots for mysterious sightings include Manchester and Essex
Officers across the UK receive dozens of UFO reports every year
Experts say sightings are more likely over big cities despite the cliché of supernatural events happening in the wilderness
Liverpool has been revealed as the UFO hotspot of Britain after it emerged that more mysterious sightings are reported to police in Merseyside than anywhere else.
The whole of the North-West of England seems to be replete with unexplained activity - with Greater Manchester and Cheshire also reporting a strikingly high number of UFO encounters.
The findings contradict the usual cliché that remote areas such as moors and forest are more likely to be the venue for UFO sightings than heavily built-up areas.
Hotspots: This map shows the number of UFO sightings reported to police in each area of England and Wales since the start of 2013
Data compiled by MailOnline showed that dozens of calls regarding unidentified flying objects are received by police forces across the UK every year.
Merseyside Police has handled more UFO reports than any other force, with a total of 13 calls on the subject between the start of 2013 and this year.
Among the reports were something 'hovering in the sky with red and green lights' in Kirkby, an 'object flying in the sky with lots of red, green, pink and purple lights on it' in central Liverpool, and 'a strange green light behind bushes in a field' in the Wirral.
Next in the UFO league table was Greater Manchester, where 10 apparent sightings were reported to the local police force.
One woman living in Rochdale told officers she had seen three UFOs flying together - and was forced to attend A&E because she was worried she would faint with shock.
Caught on camera: A UFO pictured in 2009 by a dog-walker at Roanhead beach on the coast of Cumbria
Bright: A flying object was apparently seen in the sky over Retford Town Hall in Notttinghamshire in 2004
Mystery: A reproduction of the UFO seen over Calvine in Scotland in 1990, one of the most notorious 'flying saucer' incidents in the UK
The third most popular destination for UFOs is Essex - police there have received eight calls reporting mysterious lights in the sky since 2013.
Other areas where several UFO sightings have been reported to the authorities include Hertfordshire, Nottinghamshire, Kent and the Thames Valley.
In Lackenby, North Yorkshire, a couple told police in February this year that they had seen a total of six silver-coloured UFOs hovering in the atmosphere.
Two UFOs have been seen above Brighton in separate incidents - one which interfered with radio signals in the town, and another shaped like a rugby ball flying out to sea.
A number of police forces, including those covering London, Scotland and Northern Ireland, were unable to provide data on local UFO sightings.
It is not believed that any of the calls were followed up by a police investigation, with the majority of cases being closed immediately or written off as a hoax.
Spooky: Liverpool has had more reported UFO sightings than any other area of Britain
Sightings: Two Brighton residents called police on separate occasions to report seeing a UFO over the town
Merseyside – 13 sightings
Greater Manchester – 10
Essex – 8
Hertfordshire – 5
Thames Valley – 5
Kent – 4
Nottinghamshire – 4
West Mercia – 3
West Midlands – 3
West Yorkshire – 3
Cheshire – 2
Cleveland – 2
Dyfed Powys – 2
Gloucestershire – 2
Lancashire – 2
South Wales – 2
South Yorkshire – 2
Sussex – 2
Devon and Cornwall – 1
Lincolnshire – 1
Suffolk – 1
Warwickshire – 1
The Ministry of Defence kept a centralised database of all supposed paranormal activity until 2009, since when there has not been a unified record of sightings.
Nick Pope, who used to investigate UFOs for the MoD, told MailOnline that cities tend to see more sightings than 'remote rural areas', contrary to many people's assumptions.
'In compiling UFO statistics one needs to factor in population density,' he said. 'If there's something strange in the skies, there are more potential witnesses in built-up areas.
'There's a clichéd view of sightings happening in remote rural areas, but most of the real "UFO hotspots" are London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds and other large cities and conurbations.'
He added: 'It's notoriously difficult trying to compile UFO statistics. One problem is that there's no central database, so while some people report sightings to the police, others contact their local newspaper, or a civilian UFO research organisation. The axing of the MoD's UFO project exacerbated this problem.
'The current variation in figures may be significant, but it may simply reflect the fact that some police forces take sightings more seriously than others.'
Mr Pope also suggested that 'one thing we know for sure is that reported UFOs are only the tip of the iceberg' - claiming that most witnesses never tell the authorities what they have seen in case they are 'disbelieved or ridiculed'.
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Is this for real? Alleged Wikileaks British SIS document about Illuminati & Aliens
Is this for real? Alleged Wikileaks British SIS document about Illuminati & Aliens
A document supposedly dated back to August 19, 1952 has surfaced on the internet of an alleged interrogation between the British SIS and an Illuminati member, whose name has been redacted from the report.
Thus far, we can see that the alleged document appears to be legitimate when compared to other secret government documents. Names are redacted, which is a common practice. A photo of the man in question, however, is questionable.
The second page starts to get into the topic of the shadowy secret organization known as the Illuminati;
If this document is authentic, which I myself have had trouble verifying, and the witness is being honest, this is a paradigm shifting document.
It gets more interesting though as we read on;
But wait, there’s more as the alleged Illuminati member talks about aliens;
The documents are pretty much self explanatory as it pertains to relevance. The ultimate question, however, is are they real? The internet is rife with hoaxes and I myself have not been able to verify the authenticity of this information. If anyone can do so, please post a link to source it.
As many know, the Illuminati was a actually a real secret society in Bavaria in the late 18th century that was discovered and, in turn, disbanded. But this document alleges the groups origins go back much further than that and they are will in existence today. Which is a belief shared by many others today as well.
So what do you think? Is this a hoax or have you managed to verify it? The source where I found this can be found HERE
You can watch a documentary on this secret shadowy organization below;
CONWAY — Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton gave UFO enthusiasts a reason to cheer at the close of her recent editorial board meeting with The Conway Daily Sun.
IMG 0264Right: Reporter Daymond Steer asks Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for her stance on UFOs when she visited the Sun on Tuesday. (MARGARET McKENZIE PHOTO)During the meeting, the former first lady, former senator from New York and secretary of state answered serious questions about foreign policy and the economy, and at the end, she chatted with this reporter, who had asked her about UFOs the last time she visited. She recalled that 2007 exchange with a smile and seemed to have fun discussing the topic.
“Yes, I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” said Clinton with enthusiasm.
Back in 2007, Clinton had said that the No. 1 topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, received at his library was UFOs.
Last year, Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that he wouldn’t be surprised if Earth is visited by aliens since so many planets out there may support life.
“I just hope it’s not like ‘Independence Day,'” said Clinton, referring to a movie about alien invaders.
When asked about her husband’s nonchalant comment about contact with the third kind, Hillary Clinton responded: “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.”
Clinton also said she would like to look into Area 51, a secret military base in New Mexico that has long been rumored to contain aliens. At first, she called it Area 54 and then corrected herself.
But Bill Clinton told Kimmel that he had already looked into Area 51. He said everyone who works there has to stop about an hour away to put on special clothing. Clinton said Area 51 is where stealth technology is made.
“There are no aliens there,” said Bill Clinton, adding at the anniversary of the supposed Roswell, N.M., crash in 1947, he released all the documents he could on the subject because he knew there would be popular demand.
Kimmell had Bill Clinton promise that he would have announced the existence of aliens if he had found them.
Hillary Clinton, while at the Sun, added that the chairman of her campaign, John Podesta, is a huge fan of UFO lore. She said he enjoys a sc-ifi show on the FX network. Podesta served as chief of staff to Bill Clinton and counselor to the president for Barack Obama.
“He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out,” said Clinton. “One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.
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Stanford Physicist Proclaims: We Have Physical Evidence of UFOs!
Stanford Physicist Proclaims: We Have Physical Evidence of UFOs!
Peter Sturrock is an emeritus professor of applied physics at Stanford University and one of the very few scientists who has publicly expressed a great deal of interest in UFOs and acted on that interest by twice surveying colleagues on the subject which resulted in some very surprising findings. He is also unambiguous on one particular category of UFO evidence which he happens to know a little bit about . . . . radar reports.
“Yes – radar is physical evidence,” Sturrock stated in an email exchange he was generous enough to grant me.
Professor Sturrock’s involvement with radar dates back to World War II. While studying mathematics at Cambridge University, he interrupted his studies to help in the war effort and joined the Telecommunications Research Establishment in 1942, now known as the Royal Radar Establishment, where he helped develop radar systems.
Skeptics commenting on the UFO phenomenon often claim that a major problem with UFOs is the only evidence are witness sightings, claim they are unreliable and cite a lack of physical evidence. While that is often the case, there are notable exceptions where physical evidence does exist in the form of radar reports and they corroborate the accounts of multiple credible witnesses. There have been a number of famous UFO cases that have involved radar reports and two of the most famous contemporary incidents are the JAL Alaska case from 1986 and the Stephenville, Texas sightings of 2008.
On November 17, 1986, a Japan Air Lines 747 cargo jet, piloted by Captain Kenju Terauchi, was flying westward near Mt. McKinley when he spotted a UFO. “Then there was a kind of reverse thrust, and the lights became dazzlingly bright. Our cockpit lit up. The thing was flying as if there was no such thing as gravity. It sped up, then stopped, then flew at our speed, in our direction, so that to us it looked like it was standing still. The next instant it changed course. There’s no way a jumbo could fly like that. If we tried, it’d break apart in mid-air. In other words, the flying object had overcome gravity,” Terauchi said.
Terauchi and his crew had the sighting but John Callahan, the FAA Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations branch, had the data. The radar report covered more than a half hour. Callahan states in the following video interview, “As far as I’m concerned, I saw a UFO chase a Japanese 747 across the sky for over half an hour on radar.”
He goes on to say that members of President Reagan’s Scientific Study Team, the FBI and the CIA he met with about the incident expressed excitement at the data.
The Stephenville, Texas case of January 2008 featured dozens of residents of the Texas town and its’ surroundings sighting UFOs. Some reported aircraft the size of a football field and larger. Freedom Of Information Act requests were quickly sent to the FAA, National Weather Service and local Air Force bases by radar expert Glen Schulze and Robert Powell, MUFON Director of Research, seeking radar data for January 8.
In their summary, Schulze and Powell wrote, “The enormous size of the object, its’ complete silence and its’ ability to travel at high rates of speed and to also remain stationary or travel at slow speeds is not explained by any known aircraft. Based on approximate distance of the object and witness descriptions of degrees of sky covered by the object indicated an object closer to 1000 feet in size. Twice, radar picked up an unknown object flying at 1900-2100 mph.”
They discussed their findings in the CNN interview below and the full radar report is available at this link.
I also asked Professor Sturrock if he had a favorite UFO case and he replied, “The Coyne helicopter case.”
On October 18, 1973, the four-man crew of an Army Reserve helicopter heading towards Cleveland from Columbus had an otherworldly encounter with a UFO at about 10:30 PM as they were flying near Mansfield, Ohio.
“This craft, from the angle that we saw it, was cigar-shaped. It had no wings, no vertical or horizontal stabilizer, was approximately 60 feet long, 15-20 feet in height. We were at 1,700 feet, then this craft began to move slowly to the west away from us. At this time, I was worried we were going to hit the ground, and I looked at my altimeter and our helicopter was at 3,500 feet, climbing 1,000 feet a minute with no changes in the control. We went from 1,700 feet to 3,500 feet in a matter of seconds and never knew it!,” Lawrence Coyne, the commander of the helicopter recalled.
There were civilian witnesses on the ground as well.
“I had driven a few blocks from my house and was driving north on Paul Boulevard. I stopped the car once I saw how close the UFO was above the tree line over-looking Sunset Park. The chopper was beneath my view. Here in plain view was the UFO, green light on the front, white light and a red light on the rear on a nearly sixty-foot long dark metallic-grey object that had the appearance of a cigar shaped stogie. I sat in my car marveling at its appearance. It made no sound. Suddenly the UFO shot off towards the northwest and in literally seconds it was the size of a star in the distance. Even faster, the object disappeared from sight.” said Bill Carver, brother of Jim Carver, the author of the article linked above.
Not surprisingly, skeptic Phil Klass attempted to explain the case away but the credibility of the witnesses involved and the detail of their reports render his explanation implausible.
“Any theory of the object’s being a meteor (UFO skeptic Philip Klass maintains that the object was a “fireball of the Orionid meteor shower”) can readily be rejected on the basis of: (1) the duration of the event (an estimated 300 seconds); (2) the marked deceleration and hard-angle maneuver of the object at closest approach; (3) the precisely defined shape of the object; and (4) the horizon-to-horizon flight path. The possibility of a high-performance aircraft likewise is untenable when one examines the positions and colors of the lights with respect to the flight path of the object. To have presented the reported configurations, and been in accordance with FAA regulations, an aircraft would have had to be flying sideways, either standing on its tail, tail-to to the helicopter, or upside-down head-on.”
Below is a segment about the case from the 1990s TV show Sightings.
Finally, I asked the professor about his own research into UFOs. In 1973, Professor Sturrock distibuted two questionaires, one to members of the San Francisco chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the other to members of the American Astronomical Society.
The AIAA survey results indicated that “a sample of scientifically trained persons reports aerial phenomena similar to so-called “UFO reports,” and the AAS survey revealed that “a small fraction (of order 5%) are likely to report varied and puzzling observations, not unlike so-called “UFO reports” made by the general public,” according to the professor.
He also noted that, “if you want to find out whether scientists see UFOs you must ask them, and you probably must guarantee them anonymity. Scientists have no doubt been discouraged from taking the problem seriously by the bizarre nature of some of the reports and emphasis upon the “extraterrestrial hypothesis” (ETH).”
Professor Sturrock’s full papers on his findings are available here and here.
Specifically, I asked Professor Sturrock about his opinion on expanding future queries to include social scientists like historians, sociologists and psychologists, professionals who I thought might also have some interest in and be able to contribute to the UFO field.
“I would encourage similar surveys of other professions. Then the results could be compared,” he replied.
Finally, I’d like to thank Professor Sturrock for taking the time to answer my questions and I would also like to thank my good friend, fellow UFO researcher and the pride of Surrey in the UK Peter Mandeville for providing the tip that led to this article.
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Have NASA Scientists Discovered GOD 17,000 Light Years Away?
Have NASA Scientists Discovered GOD 17,000 Light Years Away?
A TERRIFYING image captured by specialist NASA telescopes aimed at a galaxy 17,000 light years away has sparked online speculation the Creator of Universe has been caught on film.
The space agency’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array – or NuSTAR – was aimed at a pulsar (or neutron star) called PSR B1509-58 a staggering distance from earth.
What they were sent back was a spectral vision of an outstretched hand – which has become known as the Hand of God.
The ‘hand’ is believed to be the remnants of the star which went supernova and ejected an enormous cloud of material – leaving pulsar PSR B1509-58 in its wake.
The remnant cloud when viewed via high-energy X-rays shows up as a green, red and blue hand, a staggering 175 light years across.
NuSTAR telescope principal investigator Fiona Harrison, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, said: “NuSTAR’s unique viewpoint, in seeing the highest-energy X-rays, is showing us well-studied objects and regions in a whole new light.
“The new image depicts a pulsar wind nebula, produced by the dense remnant of a star that exploded in a supernova.
“What’s left behind is a pulsar, called PSR B1509-58 (B1509 for short), which spins around 7 times per second blowing a wind of particles into material ejected during the star’s death throes.
“As these particles interact with nearby magnetic fields, they produce an X-ray glow in the shape of a hand.”
The pulsar is located near the bright white spot in the image but cannot be seen itself, NASA officials said.
Scientists aren’t sure whether the ejected material actually assumes the shape of a hand, or whether its interaction with the pulsar’s particles is just making it appear that way.
Hongjun An, of McGill University in Montreal, said: “We don’t know if the hand shape is an optical illusion.
“With NuSTAR, the hand looks more like a fist, which is giving us some clues.”
The red cloud appearing at the fingertips is a separate structure called RCW 89.
Some believers on religious websites are not so scientifically prosaic in their view.
A self-proclaimed pastor called Smote73 blogged: “This image shows God is everywhere in the universe. Perhaps showing his hand many light years away is to remind us he’s always there.”
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Scientists might have spotted another universe sitting next to our own
Scientists might have spotted another universe sitting next to our own
Scientists might have spotted another universe sitting next to our own
Astronomers might have just spotted another universe, sitting right next to ours, it is considered as one of the greatest discoveries of 2015, and could change everything we know about Space, the universe and astrophysics forever.
According to astronomers, light spotted in outer space might have ‘spilled through’ from another universe very close to our own. The bright patches could be in fact leftovers from another universe that began in the vicinity of our own according to scientific study.
Thanks to a new ‘glow’ spotted in space, researchers believe another universe exists and the light we have seen might have come from that universe, outside of our own. The cosmological multiverse theory has been proposed nearly a century ago and includes the concept of ‘bubble universes’ which interact with each other, clashing ever since the Big Bang, revealing in plain sight, a visible ‘footprint’ of one another.
Scientists believe that they can actually get a peek at one if the said universe started out close enough to our universe, so the two were able to ‘touch’ which would then leave a viewable signature in our universe. In order to find these signatures, scientists have compared a map of the cosmic microwave background (which are basically leftovers from the early universe) with a picture of the entire sky taken by the European Space Agency’s Planck telescope. What they found after left researchers mesmerized. After they subtracted one from the other, they saw an eerie patch of light in the sky, a patch of light that could be explained as being the remains of collisions with other universes.
The microwaves studied by Dr. Chary were once considered as simple electromagnetic noise, but Chary believes they are the key to sustaining the theory and that parallel universes must be very different from ours. He believes that in another universe subatomic particles, baptized as baryons and photons, with a size ten times greater than what we see in our universe exist, making the physics of that universe totally different from ours.
Chary believes that our universe could be a small region “in a super-region that inflates forever … beyond our observable universe, existing in such a way that each region would be governed by a different set of physical parameters”.
Chary concludes his paper writing: “The CMB power spectrum extracted from the Planck frequency maps has been shown to be consistent with a ΛCDM cosmology with a specific set of cosmological parameters measured with unprecedented sensitivity (Planck Collaboration et al. 2015). Much of this consistency arises from precise measurements of the power spectrum on angular scales smaller than 1◦. Why these parameters are the values they are is a question that doesn’t have a clear answer. One possibility is there is an infinite set of Universes with different parameters and our Universe just happens to have the values that we measure. Searching for these alternate Universes is a challenge. One hypothesis suggests that as each Universe evolves independently, it may collide with our observable Universe, leaving a signature on the signal we see. Since the CMB intensity has been shown to be isotropic, it is clear that such a collision is not seen in the intensity of the photons. Probing the density of baryons during the epoch of recombination, however, provides an alternate approach. If the baryon density is higher in these alternate Universes, recombination between baryons at redshift of > 1000 can leave signatures of Hydrogen recombination line emission which are redshifted into the Planck bandpasses at 143 and 353 GHz”
Why these parameters are the values they are is a question that doesn’t have a clear answer. One possibility is there are an infinite set of Universes with different parameters and our Universe just happens to have the values that we measure. Searching for these alternate Universes is a challenge. One hypothesis suggests that as each Universe evolves independently, it may collide with our observable Universe, leaving a signature on the signal we see. Since the CMB intensity has been shown to be isotropic, it is clear that such a collision is not seen in the intensity of the photons. Probing the density of baryons during the epoch of recombination, however, provides an alternate approach. If the baryon density is higher in these alternate Universes, recombination between baryons at redshift of > 1000 can leave signatures of Hydrogen recombination line emission which are redshifted into the Planck bandpasses at 143 and 353 GHz”
Probing the density of baryons during the epoch of recombination, however, provides an alternate approach. If the baryon density is higher in these alternate Universes, recombination between baryons at redshift of > 1000 can leave signatures of Hydrogen recombination line emission which are redshifted into the Planck bandpasses at 143 and 353 GHz”
The scientific community believes that the results presented in the study by Ranga-Ram Chary are on the right track, but stress that it is necessary to study his findings in greater depth, to establish more solid conclusions and to be sure that what was identified isn’t something else… like space dust getting in the way.
Mystery 4-meter Stone Disc UFO found near Volgograd in Russia
“UFO” shaped gangues were found in Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province. Experts indicate that the UFO gangues were formed about 300 million years ago.
The UFO gangues were found in an abandoned heap of gangues. There are several coal mines around the heap. Gangues are the abandoned materials left after the coal has been extracted from the rock. Among these UFO gangues, several of them have diameters over 4.9 feet and thicknesses between 7.9 inches and 23.6 inches. They weighed between 1764 pounds and 1 ton.
An engineer from the Shangrao Coal Bureau suggested that the ages of the UFO gangues are between the Paleozoic Late Carboniferous and Early Permian, so they’re about 300 million years ago.
Three Gorges UFO Stones Line Up Neatly
The UFO stones appear not only in Jiangxi, but they were also found near the Shuibuya Dam Project of the Sichuan Three Gorges Reservoir. The UFO stones there weigh about 44 pounds each.
Local villagers who were building the inter-village highway there found these UFO stones. The stones were located near Big Cave Bay in Shanlicheng Village of Badong Shuibuya. Big Cave Bay is a natural cavern. There’s a clear stream flowing outside of the cavern. Xiang Zhiyu, a Qizu Village resident who worked on a section of the inter-village highway, found these strange stones when he was blasting the rocks near the Big Cave Bay area.
The UFO stones were lined up horizontally about 1.6 feet apart and are evenly distributed. It was reported that UFO stones have an especially hard texture. They are obviously different from the stones from the mountains in this area.
Odd Stones Found In China Formed About 300 million Years Ago
Vietnam vet claims UFOs and US military were in contact during conflict...and STILL are
Vietnam vet claims UFOs and US military were in contact during conflict...and STILL are
A SENIOR Vietnam vet who claims to have seen several UFOs during his service says there were several confrontations between alien spacecraft and the military during the conflict.
A huge "mothership" George Filer claims to have photographed over Stonehenge
George Filer explains that he was a former Air Force Intelligence Officer required by US authorities to record sightings and information on UFO activity during the 1960s and 70s.
He is the latest in a number of ex-military and NASA veterans to come forward with stories of UFO and alien encounters.
Mr Filer claims while stationed in Vietnam during the War he had “top secret clearance” and gave daily reports to General George S Brown, the deputy commander for air operations during the conflict
Initially his reports consisted of strategic intelligence, but the retired officer claims it often resulted in him logging strange sightings of alien craft and contact between them and US troops and airplanes.
He told the Huffington Post: "The military was interested in UFOs because they had capabilities far above anything that we had, and they wanted to find out what the technology was and, frankly, who they belonged to.
“Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that (to Brown), and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we’d go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that. Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the demilitarised zone.”
Mr Filer insists his experience and reports from other military personal went beyond just distant UFO sightings and there were unidentified craft "engaging" with US jets.
Major George Filer as young US Air Force pilot around time of first UFO sighting in Vietnam
The KB-50J fuel tanker aircraft George Filer III was flying in UK in 1962 when mothership seen
You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force
George Fiver, former US intelligence officer based in Vietnam
He added: "You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have."
He claimed much of it was reported to him unofficially as someone expressing "too much interest" could have ruined their career.
Mr Filer claims the sightings continue today with veterans of the most recent war in Afghanistan also reporting sightings to him through his UFO research website.
He claims, in another reported 1968 Vietnam UFO encounter, an American patrol boat radioed in that they were being followed by “two glowing circular” UFOs as the boat made its way through the demilitarised zone between North and South Vietnam.
A second patrol boat then saw a flash, followed by an explosion that reportedly destroyed the boat that had initially reported the UFOs stalking them, he insisted.
A recent picture of George Filer taken from a recent video of him on the UFO seminar circuit
The UFO buff, who runs, also tells of a notable incident over the UK when he was navigator on a refuelling tanker in 1962, came face to face with a massive unidentified object.
He described being in the North Sea when London Control asked if his crew would intercept an unidentified object over Stonehenge.
Mr Filer reported “seeing lights around it, outlining the shape of a cylinder, like a cruise ship,” before it "rapidly ascended and disappeared."
Last month Clark C McClelland, who says he worked with NASA as an aerospace engineer for 35 years from 1958 to 1992, maintained he had a number of sightings including allegedly seeing a nine-foot tall alien in a space suit interacting with two NASA astronauts on the Space Shuttle while he observed the mission from the Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida, in 1991.
He also told how he lost his pension and was living on welfare following his disclosures also made on his own website
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Canadian Air Force Pilot Snaps A Pic Of A UFO During Flight
Canadian Air Force Pilot Snaps A Pic Of A UFO During Flight
“If it does indeed turn out that there is relevant physical evidence, if this evidence is carefully collected and analyzed, and if this analysis leads to the identification of several facts concerning the UFO phenomenon, then will be the time for scientists to step back and ask, what are these facts trying to tell us? If those facts are strong enough to lead to a firm conclusion, then will be the time to confront the more bizarre questions. If, for instance, it turns out that all physical evidence is consistent with a mundane interpretation of the causes of UFO reports, there will be little reason to continue to speculate about the role of extraterrestrial beings. If, on the other hand, the analysis of physical evidence turns up very strong evidence that objects related with UFO reports were manufactured outside the solar system, then one must obviously consider very seriously that the phenomenon involves not only extraterrestrial vehicles but probably also extraterrestrial beings.” (source)
The quote above comes from Peter Andrew Sturrock, a British Scientist, and an Emeritus Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University. Sturrock and a number of other notable scientists around the world came together during the 1990’s in order to examine the physical evidence that is commonly associated with the UFO phenomenon. One example used by Sturrock in his analysis, was a photo taken by two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27th, 1956, in McCleod, Alberta, Canada. (“Physical Evidence Related To UFO Reports” – The Sturrock Panel Report – Electromagnetic Effects) (source) (source)
The pilots were flying in a formation of four F86 Sabre jet aircraft. One of the pilots described the phenomenon as a “bright light which was sharply defined as disk-shaped,” that looked like “a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal.” Another pilot managed to photograph the object, as you can see above.
The sighting lasted for a couple of minutes, and this specific case was analyzed by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, who estimated (from available data) that the luminosity of the object (the power output within the spectral range of the film) to be many megawatts. The Sturrock Panel also found it to be the case that a strong magnetic field surrounding the phenomenon or object was a common occurrence.
Maccabee published his analysis in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (“Optical Power Output of an Unidentified High Altitude Light Source,” published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 13, #2, 1999). He also published one in 1994 titled “Strong Magnetic Field Detected Following a Sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object,” in the same journal (8, #3, 347)
Dr. Jacques Vallee, notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, also published a paper in the Journal of Scientific Explorationtitled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Ariel Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics.” (source)(source)
This particular case is also referenced in this paper.
One thing is for certain, it’s one of multiple strange phenomena that has and continues to interest a large portion of the scientific community.
Here is a video of former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer speaking about the fields around these objects, and what some of them were doing to military planes.
Let’s just be clear, these objects are commonly seen, tracked on air radar, and tracked on ground radar simultaneously. This is something that has happened hundreds, if not thousands of times. This is information that’s been made public over the past few years.
For example, a declassified Defence Intelligence Agency document shows one (out of thousands) great example. It details how two F-4 interceptor pilots reported seeing an object visually, it was also tracked on their airborne radar. Both planes experienced critical instrumentation and electronics going offline at a distance of twenty-five miles from the object. Here is an excerpt from the report:
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”(source)
The report also described how a smaller object detached from the bigger object, turned inside the arc of the F-4 itself, and then rejoined the original object. This incident lasted for several hours. I decided to use this example because it has a number of declassified supporting national security documents, which goes to show how seriously this event was taken.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source, NY Times)
It’s only now that more people are starting to become aware of this information. Here is a quote from Senator Barry Goldwater before the de-classification of all of these files:
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)
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What’s going on in South America? Two UFO incidents cause panic in different countries
What’s going on in South America? Two UFO incidents cause panic in different countries
Two UFO sightings have been caught on camera in South America.
SOMETHING strange is happening in South America.
Two UFO sightings captured on film have sparked a frenzy online among sceptics and believers.
The videos have raised questions about what the strange objects could be and why they’re populating the skies in the region.
The latest sighting posted on YouTube called ‘Fantastic UFO sighting in Santiago’ shows a girl being startled by the sight of four glowing orbs hovering above skyscrapers in the Chilean capital.
Again, the video which has been viewed thousands of times, has divided opinion on whether it’s genuine.
YouTube user Dafastso said: “It seems like real footage, complete with atmospheric flickering and pixel density.”
Another user bud ekins wrote: “Real UFOs or military planes and helicopters.”
But user ThinkOutsideTheTV remained sceptical: “You know it’s fake when the camera keeps going in and out of focus like a Michael Bay movie.”
The mysterious object was spotted in Bolivia.
Earlier this month, a giant flying saucer was captured above a rural neighbourhood in Bolivia — which is right next to Chile.
The eerie footage shows a mysterious circular-shaped object flying in the sky which disappears and reappears in the clouds.
It was sighted above mountains in El Alto — a city in the northwest Bolivian region La Paz.
The video was uploaded onto a UFO-spotting website dedicated to collecting evidence of extraterrestrial life on Earth and has since been shared worldwide.
People are debating whether the footage is real or not — with sceptics claiming it as a hoax to increase online traffic for a filmmaker’s website.
Mexican newspaper Excelsior also claims the video is a fake and was made using a digital editing program.
But other viewers are just as confused as YouTube user The white J Cole who is “not sure what to think of this one”.
Could this be the most conclusive footage yet of extraterrestrial life on Earth? You decide.
Horizon joins the planet hunters who have discovered a series of distant 'hot Jupiters' as well as new worlds similar to our own that may have habitats capable of supporting unfamiliar forms of alien life.
VIDEOVanavond staat de aarde het dichtst bij de zon van het hele jaar: 147 miljoen kilometer. Dat moment heet het perihelium. In juli, in de zomer dus, staat de aarde het verst, op zo'n 152 miljoen kilometer van de zon. En toch is het nu kouder dan in de zomermaanden. Staat de natuur even op zijn kop?
Natuurlijk niet, want op het zuidelijk halfrond is het nu wel zomer. Onze seizoenen worden namelijk niet bepaald door de nabijheid van de zon, maar door de schuine as waarrond de aarde draait. Die maakt een hoek van ongeveer 23 graden. Omdat tijdens onze wintermaanden de zon dichterbij is dan tijdens de winter op het zuidelijk halfrond, zijn onze winters warmer.
Omgekeerd geldt hetzelfde: tijdens de zomer hier staat de zon verder van de aarde dan tijdens de zomer op het zuidelijke deel van onze planeet. Daardoor zijn de zomers onder de evenaar heviger.
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UFO Over Dubai During Sunset On Dec 31, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Dubai During Sunset On Dec 31, 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 31, 2015 Location of sighting: Dubai, Arib Emirates Source: MUFON #73488 If you want to catch a photo of a UFO, watch a dozen sunsets and I promise you will notice something unusual in at least one of them. Sunset is the most common moment in the day to catch a UFO due to their cloaking becoming vulnerable to the angle of the setting sun. Look at the two graphs below that I made to better understand. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: I was driving to work, when an object appeared in the sky. It was approximately 6:42 AM. I looked at my clock. I always enjoy watching the sunrise in the morning over the sands and look at the sky often. I thought the object was a blimp or a helicopter at first. The object didn't move. I pulled into the parking lot at my office. I looked up in the sky and it was still there. I looked closer and could not determine the craft. I worked as a civilian contractor for the Air Force for 12 years and am familiar with all types of air craft. I noticed this object did not have lights. There seemed to be an aura sounding it. It looked like a rectangle at first. Then it started to resemble a donut. It was really indescribable. I was in a state of amazement and awe. Then I though I should take some pictures. So, I pulled out my phone and started taking pictures. I accidentally took a couple of videos too. I observed the object and took photos for 20 minutes. My first photo was at 0646 HRS and my last photo was at 0706 HRS. Then all of a sudden the object disappeared. I wish that I had a real camera to record the event.
Glowing Disk Over Phoenix, Aliens Working With USAF, Arizona On Dec 29, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Disk Over Phoenix, Aliens Working With USAF, Arizona On Dec 29, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 29, 2015 Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA Source: MUFON #73480 The persons assumptions about this being a secret craft from Luck Air Force Base may be right on. The base is in Phoenix and is known for UFOs to frequently be seen along its mountains, often with a jet escort, which could mean its a USAF craft, or it could be an alien craft incoming that works at the base. The USAF have sectioned off some land within some of their bases in Arizona, Nevada area that is off limits to all military personnel. It keeps alien and humans from mixing. For instance, the aliens called the tall whites at Nellis AFB. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: From my driveway, looking northeast above South Mountain, I observed a flying object that did not look at all like a commercial airliner. It was 1-2 miles away, headed slowly northeast. The reddish-orange lights ran completely across the midsection, and pulsated. I quickly took pictures with my smartphone camera, and tried to get a video, but streetlight came on, which made video impossible. I was returning from the store and happened to look in the sky, and noticed immediately that this didn't look like a "normal" aircraft. My first thought was "not a normal plane, get a picture". Given the proximity to airforce bases and previous unidentified aircraft around Phoenix, I thought it might be some new experimental craft, or maybe one not of this planet. My feeling was "Hey, I'm really seeing this, and it isn't spooky or overly exciting -- this is a real craft of some type". No emotion swings, just logical realization that I'm seeing something outside my frame of reference. I lost sight of it when it was 5+ miles away, and was too small to see in the dark night sky.
A Photo Seems To Provide Evidence That A UFO Once Landed On Mars
A Photo Seems To Provide Evidence That A UFO Once Landed On Mars
An incredible UFO sighting story came out during the holiday week last month. A new photo of the Martian surface seems to show a UFO crash site. That’s according to many UFO researchers online who are interested in sifting through thousands of photos on UFO-related incidents on the Red Planet, our moon, and any other places in the galaxy.
A video from YouTube user UFOvni2012 tries to dissect the crash site using an imaging software.
The alleged UFO’s path is 1,500 meters wide, which may involve nearly a mile wide object to create such huge impression. It appears, according to observers, that whatever large object that made a landing on this particular surface took off from the landing area eventually.
Do you believe in Extraterrestrial Intelligence? What about the idea that not only do they exist, but that they are in contact with the Earth currently?
All of the evidence I’ve seen has pointed to this being true, and if you have seen some of the information out there, I’m sure this idea doesn’t come as being far fetched to you. This article will expose the undercover story, and introduce you to the species you can make direct contact with right now.
Humans have already discovered 2,000 exoplanets in our Universe, with over 500 discovered this year alone. These planets are potentially suitable for life and have the right conditions to support it, including perhaps oxygen, carbon, and water.
Our continued study of space has only led us to realize that it is very likely that the Universe is absolutely teeming with life, especially when you take into account that there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in our Universe.
Some people may think it’s impossible that aliens would be able to exist, and doubly impossible that they would be able to travel light years to visit us. But think about this:
Our earth is only 4 billion years old in a universe that is 14 billion years old. What could a species learn, create, and do that has a 2 or 3 billion year head start on us?
Proven contact
Humans who act as Spiritual Channels have been pushing up against mainstream consensus for years, sharing that they have directly had contact with extraterrestrials.
Abductees, military personnel, whistleblowers, even reputable scientists have been thoroughly tested by a vast range of neurologists, hypnotists, psychologists, etc., proving undisputedly that these people have had contact with ETs, some of which is reported to be both positive and negative.
If this is coming as news to you, here is the former Minister of National Defense of Canada Paul Hellyer giving full disclosure within parliament about the UFO coverup stories and ET contacts we have made. He explains in front of a room of government officials that there are over 80 species of aliens we are aware of, and 4 of them in particular that we have made direct contact with on earth:
It is believed that all of the ones who have contacted us so far are benevolent and want to help us. Some of these beings may appear odd or paranormal in nature to us, and that from what I understand it’s because it is hard for us to fully understand their consciousness, intelligence and the way they interface with reality.
Not to mention, that their existence alone shifts our understanding of the Universe and our place within it so dramatically that it is very natural for us to be inclined to reject that which is so unfamiliar and challenging to us. I also know this is a highly controversial conversation to be starting, but the world needs to know this information.
I do believe the time has to begin to consciously interact with these beings, to create a new relationship with them and open the bridge of communication.
I have experienced this firsthand myself, and many others have as well. I truly believe it’s part of our future destiny as a species, and is an organic part of maturing into being an intelligent, loving and compassionate planet.
So without further adieu, here are the 5 main ETs that are in contact with earth. Please keep in mind this information is not being made up. This is coming from the high levels of government and military personnel, scientists, and first-hand contacts.
1) The Essassani
The Essassani are technically our reptilian, grey-human hybrid relatives. Back in the day, a species called the Greys came to Earth. According to reports, they had genetically mutated themselves to the point of not being able to reproduce anymore. They could only survive through cloning.
We agreed to share our genetics with them so that we could alter their course of history and future. Most abduction experiences had to do with this genetic course-correction, and was very confusing for humans. We on some level agreed to this relationship.
Since then an entirely new breed of beings was created, which were already far more advanced than we, and were given a prepared planet for them to inhabit that has allowed them to advance, evolve and grow rapidly, without ever being as primitive as our own journey on Earth.
They are in a way our direct relatives, and are here to support us during our evolutionary path. They assist us in staying the course of the most-preferred reality we would like to create, desirably one of peace and harmony.
The Essassani are indeed a benevolent and loving race. They have a close relationship to their higher-selves, are extremely playful, and love to reflect back our hunger to understand ourselves better.
The Essassanis are our contact ambassadors, and you may be most familiar with the Essassani species from Bashar, channeled by Daryl Anka.
2) The Yahyel (Aka The Shalanaya)
The Yahyel are a gorgeous and graceful species of hybrid beings. They are said to radiate very pure solar-golden energy, and are one of the closest interstellar relatives we have.
They will be the first race to make open-contact with us as a species in the upcoming future. They are about our height, well-framed and seem to possess the appearance of an angelic anime character, many of which look highly multi-cultural. They are remarkably beautiful, gentle, intelligent, heart-centered and considerate.
They have a very healthy relationship with their technology, and are here to help us develop and evolve. They too came from primitive times, and are far more advanced than us currently. It is said that many of our social networking platforms were given to the Earth with the help of their stream of consciousness.
3) Sirian Hybrids
These hyper-sapiens are highly evolved, and according to the records have had a lot of contact with us since the beginning.
They are said to be our Father Race, who came together to help create humans genetically. Many ancient prophecies and spiritual texts say extraterrestrials were involved in the creation of human beings.
The Sirius beings exist about 300 to 500-years into the future and are tens of thousands of years more advanced and evolved than our own species.
They specialize in technology, architecture, sustainable energy and sacred geometry. Also, the being depicted in the movie Avatar are said to be very similar in appearance to Sirians.
They are about our height, though a bit taller overall, slender and have really defined muscles. They have a warm bluish tone to their skin, warm oval eyes, long fingers with precision dexterity.
4) The Pleiadians
The Pleiadian Hypersapiens are tall, round-faced, wide-eyed with soft yet detailed features. They are beautiful beings who are almost exclusively described as having blonder hair (if they do have hair) and blue eyes.
It’s been said that many of us spent time on the Pleiades training and learning about life before coming to Earth, and many have said that’s where we are headed after Earth.
Their bodies function like finely-tuned delicate instruments which can pick up psychic signals streamed across the Universe. In this way if you work on psychically connecting with the Pleiadians, they can often be one of the most directly responsive & seemingly close by ETs we are in contact with.
The Pleiadians also have a diplomatic like-quality, as they are very involved with the Interstellar Alliance, supporting the development of seed races on other Planets and ensuring their progress of evolution for all.
The Pleiadians are extremely gentle and loving and are an easy race to begin psychically contacting. They are readily available and always quick to respond and interact.
5) Arcturians
The most ancient race of our entire Milky Way Galaxy, the Arcturian Hypersapiens are a highly evolved race of alien beings. They are profoundly aware, innovative and experienced.
It has been said that it was the Arcturian system that was first seeded in this galaxy, which initiated a series of descending races further into the galaxy, including our own inhabitation.
The Arcturians come in many forms, as their highly-advanced consciousness has allowed them pass through singularity, and completely co-exist in an powerfully advanced high-vibrational reality.
The primary race is one of approximately 4 to 5 feet in height, blue skin and large brains. Their bodies are, however surprisingly ample and have a fit shape about them.
The Arcturians are accelerating and becoming less physical. The Arcturians are witty, psychic beyond the proximity of our comprehension and ever-overseeing and supporting our experience of life. They are some of our deepest ancestors within the stars.
For more information on human-initiated ET contacts, government coverups, alien abductees, and whistleblower testimonies, I highly recommend you watch the Sirius documentary. It contains decades worth of full time research, and is the best integration of free-energy devices, alien races, and spirituality:
How to contact these beings
I recommend you create a time to meditate each day at the exact same time. Cleanse your space, get comfortable and take a few deep breaths.
Create an invocation to welcome them into your space. And then just meditate… go quiet & listen. Perhaps ask a question and see what kind of responses you get.
As Max Plank once said, the number of minds in the universe is one. These beings have thousands and millions of years of evolution on us, so things like telepathy, ESP, and physic transmission are as easy for them as sending a radio signal is for us.
The ancients knew this
ET visitations have been recorded for thousands of years, and ALL ancient cultures talk about the “gods” that would “come down from the sky” with a bright light and given them knowledge, tools, technology and culture.
These beings are usually depicted having shiny skin or wearing some kind of space gear, and have generally have large heads and wide large eyes.
Chariots of the Gods is a wonderful read summarizing the vast amount of evidence that ancient man was visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings and they they created art, cave paintings, and sculptures of these distant visitors to describe the experiences they had of them.
These are the 5 main races in contact with earth. Again, I would like to stress that this is not New Age mumbo jumbo. This information comes from the highest levels of the military industrial complex, government, and first hand contacts.
There are many more in contact with us right now, and many more who desire to contact us. Maybe they are waiting for us to open our minds and our hearts, let go of our greed and pride, grow up a bit, and make more spiritual progress before they make their presence known to the whole world.
If you ever hit any blocks or get stuck, it’s likely you are dealing with resistance. Resistance can easily block us from tuning in or focusing our intentions.
It’s important you transform your relationship with resistance if you are looking to better your life. Here is a groundbreaking eBook I created for you to help! Over 10,000 people have read it and and loved the amazing insights & benefits it gave them for their lives! I know you will too.
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Filer’s Files #1 -2016 Happy New Year ET - PART I
One of the best photos of 2015 Disc over Lancy, Montana on November 4, 2015
Filer’s Files #1 -2016 Happy New Year ET - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General Douglas Mac Arthur’s Warnings, President Nixon showed Jackie Gleason an Alien, “Is there a cosmic bloodline of the Star Gods on Earth?” Questions for Scientists, Stop Tornadoes with Weather Modification, Mexico: The First UFO Photos Were Taken in Zacatecas in 1883
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, Haiti, India, Norway, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Expect startling revelations in 2016. The world is at a critical junction of opposing Gods, finances, elections, natural disasters, alien interventions, and national subterfuge.
Happy New Year
Special Reports
General Douglas Mac Arthur’s Warnings
General Douglas
Mac Arthur made the first two public statements concerning the possibility of an extraterrestrial invasion stating:
“The nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war.
The nations of Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets”
New York Times -General Douglas Mac Arthur, 1955.
General MacArthur and Admiral Mountbatten had knowledge of classified military involvement in the UFO issue has Allied Commanders in the Pacific during the Second World War. MacArthur was allegedly involved in the creation of an Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) after the 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid involving UFOs. The IPU’s existence was eventually confirmed by Army responses to FOIA requests in 1984. Given MacArthur’s alleged role in the IPU, he was aware of official military records concerning UFOs. This contributed to his belief that extraterrestrials formed a national security threat that could unify the countries of the world.
Editor’s Note: It is interesting that two of the Supreme Allied Commanders of World War II went to their newspaper contacts to warn the public about the reality of UFOs and they may provide a threat to the nations of Earth.Strong rumors indicate they both saw crashed saucers and their occupants in the Pacific. One landed on Admiral Mountbatten’s estate in England. Prince Phillip assured me he and his Uncle had strong interest in UFOs. Website
Admiral Mountbatten
His biography states, “What do you think about flying saucers?” He asked his daughter Patricia in a 1948 letter. He had been discussing the phenomena with his trusted close friend Peter Murphy.
“They were both convinced that they come from another planet but we mutually and independently came to the conclusion that they were not aeroplanes with silly almost human pilots but are themselves the actual inhabitants: Martians, Venusians, Jupiterians or what have you. Why should life in another planet with entirely different conditions in any way resemble life on our planet? Their inhabitants might be ‘gaseous’ or circular or very large. They certainly don’t breathe, they may not have to eat, and I doubt if they have babies– bits of their great discs may break away and grow into a new creature. The fact they can hover and accelerate from the Earth’s gravity again and even resolve around a V2 in America (as reported by their head scientist) shows they are far ahead of us. If they really come over in a big way that may settle the capitalist communist war. If the human race wishes to survive they may have to band together.”Page 493 & 494 “Mountbatten” by Phillip Ziegler.
Claude Atkins said, “President Nixon showed Jackie Gleason an Alien”
My wife was on vacation with girl friends near Miami, Florida at Environ on property owned by Jackie Gleason about 1979. She does not remember the details, but had phoned me and was excited about telling me her story about meeting and talking with the actor Claude Atkins who was very friendly.
Claude was playing golf with TV Comedian and actor Jackie Gleason at his golf course outside Miami, and my wife was watching them playing. Later Claude and my wife were talking and he told her that Gleason had just revealed President Nixon took Gleason to Homestead Air Force Base and showed him an alien body.
Apparently, Gleason often played golf with President Nixon and they were close friends during Nixon’s presidency from January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974.
The Jackie Gleason Show was popular from 1952 to 1970), and which centered on his most beloved character, bus driver Ralph Kramden. He later was featured in Smokey and the Bandit Movie in 1977, and its sequels in 1980, and 1983. Gleason’s home was built in the shape of a UFO.
Claude Atkins (left) was a close friend of Jackie Gleason and was the star of the TV series “Movin On” ashow about independent truckers fighting corruption and moving loads around the nation in their big rigsbetween 1974 and 76.
Is there a cosmic bloodline of the Star Gods on Earth?
Clark C. McClelland former NASA Spacecraft Operator writes, “Blood factors are exact. Modern man and the Rhesus monkey do appear to have had a past, ancient, common ancestor. Importantly, this does not include people with the Rh-negative blood factor. “The Early European race is characterized by a high per cent of Rh-negatives. However, all other earthly primates (Apes, Gorillas, etc.) have this Rh-positive blood factor. Why? If we all evolved from the same Cosmic, Godly source, all the human racial groups would have a logical, compatible blood. The fact is blood is not compatible. Do these differences indicate any proof, that some of our descendants were of the ancient astronaut variety?
RH-negative blood types. It seems to be the dominant blood group of European royalty who feel they have the right to rule through DNA and a relationship they claim through the Merovingian bloodline, who was the founder of France. Many former presidents such as Eisenhower, Kennedy Nixon, Clinton, and Bush have RH- negative blood type as well as many fairly well publicized people. Most Rh-Negatives have a Lower Body temperature and Blood pressure than Rh-Positives. Many Rh-Negatives are born with a Cauda tail or an Extra Vertebra (Tail Bone) and often have larger brains and higher IQs. Rh-Negatives are Hybrids and if two try to have a baby; it will usually die or be born a “BLUE Baby”, because it is not processing oxygen properly. Recently new medical technology has helped fix this problem. Thus “Blue-Bloods”, if they survive. 5% of the Earth’s population are currently Rh-Negatives. But, they are 15% of the population of the England and the USA.” The original Samarians have a high percentage of RH-negative blood, as do some American Indian groups. The Chinese and Africans have almost no RH-negative blood types.
Sumerian tablets, Vedas, and the Atrahasis explicitly say the Nephilim were different from the subjects they created on earth. They were surprised when the initial humans had foreskins, as they did not. We might assume this lead to the practice of circumcision as the earthlings wished to be as the Gods. There is a quote in Genesis where the Lord of the Universe says something to other Nephilim along the lines of the earthlings wish to be like us.
The human genome is about 3,000,000,000 DNA base pairs long. This long stretch of molecular code is responsible for the development—initially over a period of nine months and then decades in totality—of the trillions of the adult cells that make up the human body. Clearly, it is impossible for any scientist or even a worldwide consortium of scientists to have tested, one by one, all of these DNA base pairs in all of these cells. Science claims human life developed from the primordial soup into a one-celled organism and organized itself into 3,000,000,000 DNA base pairs long. There is likely another solution. Nordics claim they are our ancestors while the Bible claims God was the creator. Thanks to Clark C. McClelland Website
Questions for Scientists
Dr. Bruce Coronet sent me a list of questions for scientists to ponder. Here are a few to ponder.
Are scientists and journalists aware that much of the research staff on a pivotal government-funded study of UFO evidence – the Condon Committee – resigned or were fired when they challenged its director’s intention to report a pre-ordained conclusion that all UFO sightings can be explained in mundane terms?
Are scientists and journalists aware that the chief scientific consultant in the Air Force’s Blue Book study of UFOs later characterized the project as a publicity maneuver to mollify the public. He was convinced by the evidence he saw that genuine, unexplained aerospatial phenomena are in our midst.
Are you aware that reports of these two government-funded, now-discredited studies – the Condon Committee and Project Blue Book – are the primary reasons why most scientists and journalists have dismissed UFO evidence as pseudoscience?
Are scientists and journalists aware that hundreds of thoroughly credentialed pilots and military officers have officially documented sightings of structured craft demonstrating motions possible only through gravitational propulsion, and that some of these sightings are accompanied by radar records?
Following a private White House screening of Spielberg’s film “E.T.” in June of 1982, the President quietly commented to Mr. Spielberg. “You know, there aren’t six people in this room who know just how true that really is.” Spielberg reportedly told this to Jamie Shandera shortly after it happened.
Stop Tornadoes with Weather Modification
The National Weather Service predicts there will be 1307 tornadoes in the United States in 2016, killing 453 people and causing 604 fatalities worldwide. Damage in the United States alone will be 24 Billion dollars destroying thousands of homes and schools. It is my opinion that the government has the aircraft and facilities to curtail this slaughter.
A United Nations Treaty exists which pledges all member states to refrain from using Weather Control as a lethal weapon upon other states! The existence of this recorded law — this U.N. Treaty — proves the existence of the reality of Weather Warfare or weather modification! We now believe that American and, Chinese, Russian scientists can and do control our weather. They can and do create much of the disturbances seen in nature for at least the past several decades. How many times have you heard the weatherman say the weather is unusual.
On December 28, 2015, at least 11 people died and dozens were injured in strong tornadoes that swept through the Garland/ Dallas, Texas area and caused substantial damage this weekend, while 13 people died in flooding in the Midwest. On December 29, twenty people were killed in Missouri flooding.
It was the latest in a succession of powerful weather events across the country, from heavy snow in New Mexico, west Texas and to flooding in parts of the Plains and Midwest. Days of tumultuous weather have led to 43 deaths overall – those in Texas, plus five in Illinois, eight in Missouri and 19 in the Southeast. The Chinese, in August of 2008, used 37,000 people to seed clouds aiming for a dry Olympics. Hundreds of teams used anti-aircraft guns to shoot shells of silver iodide into approaching cloud masses and kept Beijing dry.
In tests, Surplus Harvard T-6 aircraft were fitted with racks under each wing containing 32 railroad fuses that were impregnated with silver iodide were ignited individually or all at once, depending upon the threat. In coordination with ground units, the aircraft would lay a plume of silver iodide in front of CBs) with noticeable effect. Large, active CBs were reduced to nothing. Heavy hailstorms were reduced in intensity. This effect can be repeated in reducing the threat of tornados and floods in approaching cumulonimbus clouds
During the Vietnam War in 1968, I was an intelligence briefing officer for General George S. Brown. The 7th Air Force had a program known as Project Popeye that attempted to extend the monsoon season in order to increase the amount of mud on the Ho Chi Minh trail, thereby reducing enemy movements. A silver iodide nuclei agent was dispersed from two C-130s two F-4s, and A-1E aircraft into the clouds over the trail winding from North Vietnam into South Vietnam. Positive results during this initial program led to continued operations from 1967 to 1972. Some scientists believe it resulted in a significant reduction in the enemy’s ability to bring supplies into South Vietnam.
The National Severe Storms Laboratory NSSL Site Information – NOAA’s reports, “The most destructive and deadly tornadoes occur from supercells, which are rotating thunderstorms with a well-defined radar circulation called a mesocyclone. (Supercells can also produce damaging hail, severe non-tornadic winds, unusually frequent lightning, and flash floods.) Tornado formation is believed to be dictated mainly by things which happen on the storm scale, in and around the mesocyclone.”
Below is radar readout of the May 20, 2013, tornado. The actual tornado early in its track is located in the southern reddest hook near the bottom of the image.
Recent theories and results from the VORTEX 2 program suggest that once a mesocyclone is underway, tornado development is related to the temperature differences across the edge of downdraft air wrapping around the mesocyclone. Studies of tornado formation also indicate that it can happen with very little temperature variation observed near some of the most destructive tornadoes in history on 3 May 1999.
Storm spotters look for low bands of ragged bands of low cumulus clouds extending from the main storm tower usually to the southeast or south. The presence of inflow bands suggests that the storm is gathering low-level air from several miles away. If the inflow bands have a spiraling nature to them, it suggests the presence of rotation.
The beaver’s tail is a smooth, flat cloud band extending from the eastern edge of the rain-free base to the east or northeast. It usually skirts around the southern edge of the precipitation area. It also suggests the presence of rotation. (Possible attack point) A wall cloud is an isolated cloud lowering attached to the rain-free base of the thunderstorm. The wall cloud is usually to the rear of the visible precipitation area. A wall cloud that may produce a tornado usually exists for 10–20 minutes before a tornado appears. A wall cloud may also persistently rotate (often visibly), have strong surface winds flowing into it, and may have rapid vertical motion indicated by small cloud elements quickly rising into the rain-free base. (Possible attack point)
As the storm intensifies, the updraft draws in low-level air from several miles around. Some low-level air is pulled into the updraft from the rain area. This rain-cooled air is very humid; the moisture in the rain-cooled air quickly condenses below the rain-free base to form the wall cloud. (Possible attack point)
The rear flank downdraft (RFD) is a downward rush of air on the backside of the storm that descends along with the tornado. The RFD looks like a “clear slot” or “bright slot” just to the rear (southwest) of the wall cloud. It can also look like curtains of rain wrapping around the cloud base circulation. The RFD causes gusty surface winds that occasionally have embedded downbursts. The rear flank downdraft is the motion in the storm that causes the hook echo feature on radar. (Possible attack point)
A condensation funnel is made up of water droplets and extends downward from the base of the thunderstorm. If it is In contact with the ground it is a tornado; otherwise it is a funnel cloud. Dust and debris beneath the condensation funnel confirm a tornado’s presence. (Possible attack point) Coordination between radar, ground observers, and airborne aircraft equipped with suitable chemicals such as dry ice have the potential to disrupt the tornados, excellent comprehensive list of questions and answers about tornadoes can be found here: Website
NSSL is working to simulate storms that produce tornadoes in computer models to better understand how they form and behave. The Air Force could gain tremendous support from the American people if they could calm Tornadoes and flooding.
Map shows where tornados hit each year.
A C-5 Galaxy aircraft can carry a standard: payload of 240,000 pounds of dry ice or chemicals that could serious effect a mesocyclone. Maximum payload capacity of the C-17 is 170,900 pounds with a service ceiling of 45,000 feet. Active or National Guard or Reserve aircraft could be fitted to drop the chemicals. UAV or Remote piloted aircraft may be ideal stationed at Eglin Air Force Base Florida and Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri. Dyess Air Force Base, Texas would also be a good location. By cross-referencing desired attack times with wind and thunderstorm forecasts from weather satellites, we can predict tornadoes and tame them before they cause major damage. A central weather control would generate mission profiles for each aircraft. Using near-real-time information from a networked sensor array, and spraying the key clouds, much of the damage and loss of life could be prevented. Thanks to NSSL.
Mexico: The First UFO Photos Were Taken in Zacatecas in 1883
*** In the 19th Century, this state was a national and international pioneer in matters of astronomy and had two of Mexico’s first astronomical observatories ***
The first photographs of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in world history were taken from Zacatecas and the Mexico’s first weather forecasts were issued from here, says astronomer Alejandro Muñoz. The president of the Zacatecas Astronomical Society recalls that in the 19th century, this state was the national and international pioneer in matters of astronomy and had two of Mexico’s first astronomical observatories managed by José Arbol y Bonilla.
This native of Zacatecas undertook the task of coordinating the donation of the state’s first telescope from the French government, as well as the equipment for the weather observators. The president of the Zacatecas Astronomical Society explains that France delivered the telescope to the university in 1882, to study the transit of Venus across the Sun. For this reason, it was installed in the observatory that today bears the name of Manuel Rios Herrera.
It was with this telescope that Arbol y Bonilla captured and photographed the world’s first UFO images in 1883, although it was later ascertained that they were not flying saucers, nor had anything to do with extraterrestrial fantasies. They were the residue of a comet, states the investigating astronomer? In turn, Gloria Eleana Espinoza Valdez, manager of the UAZ observatory and the French telescope for the past 11 years, reminds us that on December 6th of this year, [the telescope] will have been in service for 133 years. Despite its age, the telescope offers perfect views of distant heavenly bodies such as the moon, planets and stars.
Zacatecas was located in excess of 2800 meters (9800 feet) and its semi-arid climate enable a perfect view of the stars.
Located in the Unidad Academica de Ingenieria Topográfica of the public university, the observatory and the telescope are still operatings.
Sources: NOTE:Researcher Leopoldo Zambrano Enriquez has called our attention to another of the possibilities suggested by the Zacatecas Astronomical Society, and we quote: “Mr. Bonilla’s sighting is very interesting and one that is not easy to explain. The dates given – August 12 and 13 – immediately brings to mind the shooting stars at the time. We have closely examined the photograph: the black oval shape, which is preceded and followed by thin wakes. Its length is 0.9 millimeterss. The solar diameter is 66 millimeters The objects clearly belong to our own atmosphere.” [Translation (c) 2015 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology, Planeta UFO and Ana Luisa Cid
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #1 -2016 Happy New Year ET - PART II
Filer’s Files #1 -2016 Happy New Year ET - PART II
Sightings in the United States
Alabama Cylinder
Huntsville — As my wife and I were driving near the Space and Rocket Museum at Huntsville. On Christmas Eve, we noticed the alignment of the large moon and the Saturn 5 rocket. Therefore, we took pictures. My wife saw something on the screen that she could not see in the sky that intrigued her. We opened up the images on Christmas and saw the object. If I were a visitor from outer space, I would also like to visit the Space and Rocket Museum. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Lights
Moreno Valley – On December 20, 2015, I was walking home at 8:40 PM, and noticed a bright orange yellow orb. I got my phone, zoomed in, and took a picture. I could see it get less bright as I got closer. I zoomed in and snapped two pictures. I felt fear and my heart started pounding and ran towards my home. The orb was huge like a two story house, pulsated two times and it somehow turned into a plane and started making noise and blinking like a plane. It became a plane and flew towards LAX airport. I am telling you many of these so called ‘planes’ here in Moreno Valley are not planes. They usually come out at night and blink like planes, but they are either bright orbs or silent triangular shaped planes with three lights underneath. I think they could be Army UFO’s since we have an air base. There are many UFOs and a huge mother ship earlier this year. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Disc
Silt — I was at work on one of my locations (oil and gas) and thought the moon looked good picture, so I snapped some pictures! I didn’t notice anything until I was looking at my iPhone and saw something on my screen.
There was nothing flying around! When I zoom in on the photo it looks disc shaped, but I am not really sure what it is. There is a black object just above the moon in the one picture and the other picture taken just seconds later but the object is gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orbs
My wife and I were driving around our neighborhood looking at Christmas lights on December 24, 2015. We do it every year, when we observed this very odd light moving across the sky,
It was not a plane, not a helicopter, not a drone, and not a meteorite.
I took a picture and tried to video but my camera wouldn’t focus.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Miami— We were sitting in our yard talking with five friends when I observed two red glowing orbs east of us on December 24, 2015. I yelled and we started recording videos and taking photos. They flew silently and very quickly towards us, directly over us, then towards Miami International Airport. The two silent objects were synchronized in their flight, and were very fast.
One of them began to dim while in flight over our heads and looked translucent, almost like a jellyfish. The second one remained bright red as if flew NW and out of our sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Light
Westlake –— While traveling West on the I-210 bridge at 7:15 PM on December 23, 2015, I observed a very bright white light.
The hovering very large bright light was east two miles away. At 7:30 Pm, after arriving home in Westlake, I observed bright red and blue lights side by side each shinning outward in opposite directions too large to be on an aircraft. The red/blue light hovered and flew west; and moved back east. I videotaped about a minute and it just faded away? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Montana Disc
Lancy–Dr. Richard O’Connor captured this around noon on November 4, 2015. He used special software that catches moving objects and he has worked two years trying to catch one. This has to be the clearest UFO photo we have seen all year long. It was shot during the day, in a part of Montana that has a very low population. This is how it is done. The #1 catch of 2015! O’Connor tried his motion sensor tech for nearly two years with two cameras with the hope and belief that something might be out there. Then, after nearly 280,000 photos captured by motion detection, it happened. However, O’Connor’s findings of what he believes are two UFOs has set off a barrage of email exchanges, some of them angry, in the community of UFO fans and experts. His cameras captured five UFO photos. Scott C. Waring Website
Nebraska Flying Objects
Laurel — My stepson and I were outside on the driveway, out by our vehicles when I looked up to see high above us what looked like a large star on March 20, 2015. It was moving north southeast west very quickly, getting brighter then dimmer. I asked my stepson to go get my binoculars to get a better look at it. Before he came back, the object completely disappeared as if it was never there. Suddenly five jets rocketed into sight. I was too busy searching for the object to have noticed the jets approaching so fast. They were gone across the sky faster than I have ever seen a plane fly. I didn’t get a picture of the object but I did get a picture of the jets that I assume were military trying to intercept the ufo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Orbs
lm Isaac writes, “In July 1971, I saw a UFO at the age of 13. I can still remember what this ship was like. But on this day, I saw two of them and others also saw them. It was no more than 100 feet in the air and I could make out the details. There was no noise, no windows, but I could communicate with it and yelled for it to stop and it did. I yelled, “You don’t make no noise.” It started making a very low hum and stood still in the air. I know I started a reaction. Then I heard a hatch sliding open. Then this big radar dish rotated. The noise was like someone dragging a chain. Interestingly, another hatch opened and this is what I call, “lightning bolt antennae popped up very slow. Thanks to Malcolm Isaac
Newark – On December 22, 2015, around 4:48 pm I was at work looking at my cellphone something caught my eye. When I looked up, I saw four diamond shapes hovering above my job.
I was able to take a photo with my cell phone. I got scared and tried to go to video.
The objects were gone by the time I got the video working.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Light
East Harlem— I had been feeling for days that I should take a camera at night and try to find some UFO’s. I received what I felt was telepathic communication on August 17, 2015, which said I should go out that night. I was instructed to go to Lexington Avenue and Park. I should add that I saw many strange fast moving lights in the sky that were too fast for me to photograph. I tried to take a picture of a slower moving light, but it didn’t work when I touched the camera icon on the screen. It is a bit touchy on that phone. At 109th and Lexington, I noticed a strange whiteness in the clouds to the southwest. When I took, the picture there was a huge flash of light. I took the three photos at exactly 8:17 PM. I cannot explain these photos, as the saucer shape in the first photo is very much like a ship rising up from the ground. There is some kind of strange plasma in the foreground trying to block the shot.
Note: The light captured in the photo may not be what the witness saw and photographed. It could in fact be a street light or some other background light. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Oklahoma Cylinder
East Tulsa — Craig McDaniel writes, “Back in the spring of 2003, I saw a very large cylinder UFO that I saw for 60 seconds. It was ¾ of a mile east heading due north at about 5,000 feet at about 100 mph. It was 50 to 75 feet longer than a 747 aircraft and not a conventional aircraft. The UFO was heading straight to the Tulsa International Airport. The Air National Guard unit with F-16s would have been on alert, but I didn’t see them at the time.
I did file a report with MUFON maybe a month later and was there for years. I waited to see if another reports and there was none. MUFON and their Oklahoma rep. checked for the file and they couldn’t find it either. What was strange is I backup my files and it was missing on multiple computers. What I saw is still vivid in my mind to this day. I can recreate the story/sighting. Are many MUFON reports ever gone missing like this? I own a very large website in We lease our own servers and computers so I am more than competent with the machines and software. Thanks to Craig McDaniel, Website
Oregon Lights
Sherwood — On Christmas, night at 6:35 PM, my wife and I witnessed eight orange orbs coming from the west. All eight were in view and heading towards our hill with a good view. I thought they might be helicopters at 4,000 feet. I grabbed a pair of Leopold binoculars, they were not helicopters, and they were moving too slow for a plane. Then one by one, they gained elevation and then simply vanished, one at a time over three minutes. They were silent orange, bright and like orbs. I also saw a plane with two red lights and a flashing green strobe. This plane came in fast and circled around to come in from the rear of the orb. Here it is – the next thing that came into view was a parachute? I looked away from the binoculars and saw it with my bare eyes. I then refocused the binoculars and sure as heck, it was a white parachute, at night. What the heck? We got an I-Phone picture of two of the orbs.
Note:The witness’s report fits Chinese Lanterns excluding the one orb that turned sharply to the North. The photo clearly shows two orbs as described by the witness after contrast has been adjusted. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
South Carolina Orbs
Easley — I can say without question that I saw a UFO, five of them to be precise. However, I only managed to capture one in photo and video.
I was visiting a relative on December 25, 2015, at dusk and noticed a column of five round red lights in the distance. I looked up again to discover that the lights had moved. Three of them were now in a position forming the points of a triangle. I ran back in to tell my family and came outside as the formation broke up and two of the lights zoomed off. By the time I got my camera turned on, there was only one still visible. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Lights
Columbia — At 9 PM, on October 31, 2015, my daughter and I were driving south on Highway 43 towards Columbia when we saw four bright blue-white lights. They were 50 feet in the air with points of more concentrated lights at each corner .They maintained a square shape, and looked like four lights, but occasionally a light would travel from one corner to another in a random fashion. They were ahead of us, but as we approached the main intersection of Highways 43 and 31, the lights were keeping pace with us. My daughter snapped a couple of photos as we crossed the intersection and the lights paced us for several more miles. Then they disappeared and were slightly ahead of us for five more miles, and then disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Orbs
Magnolia– I was driving home from work on December 21, 2015 at around 8:30 PM, and while I was on Highway 249 just before crossing over the Magnolia City limits, my eyes were directed to the sky,
I spotted a very bright light that appeared to “wobble” back and forth with a darker larger object next to it.
I grabbed my cell phone but the pictures due not do justice to what I saw. I drove under it; and couldn’t see it any longer.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Sphere
Melbourne— This UFO was reported by well-known UFO reporter JMHZ71 of YouTube on October 28, 2015.
This orange UFO was recently seen over Melbourne this week and didn’t seem to come with an eyewitness description.
The UFO looks a lot like an old 1970s case from South America.
The species that flies these orange UFOs look very similar to ourselves, so it would be impossible to notice them if they were in a crowd. Scott C. Waring Website
Brazil Disc
Marmelo — I went to watch my boyfriend play football on December 27, 2015, and had a bird eye view of the valley.
I was struck by the beauty of the scène and decided to take a photo. The sky was clear and not even a bird to be seen, when I took the photo.
When I went back to the photo, I realized there was an object on the right side of the photo.
Rattled, I exited my camera and noticed there were little lights on my screen that only go off when I switch off the screen. Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Canada Orb
Canora — These were taken in Saskatchewan on April 15 2015.
I found these very interesting so thought I would share.
The photographer never noticed these until he was zooming in on them later. Some of these pics are zoomed in quite a bit.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Haiti Light
Labadee — I was on vacation. I took a picture of the mountains.
I was about to go jet skiing so I put my phone away.
When I got back to the cruise ship, I went through my phone and I saw the picture but there was a blue ball that I did not notice.
At first, I thought it was just a picture light glitch but when I zoom into the object it has structure in it and it is glowing.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
India UFO Buzzes Space Research Center
New Delhi — I was walking outside the stadium preparing for a run, when I saw a disc shaped object.
It was dark, the object was not moving, and it had six dull green and yellow lights.
I reached inside the stadium and found that they were still there and I captured it again after 15-20 minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Norway Craft
Mosjoen— I woke up and had a strong urge to drive 1.5 kilometers outside my city on December 26, 2015. I got out and saw a transparent very huge craft. It came closer and closer from the southeast and I got very scared. I heard this word repeated (It na oy) and I got very calm and had no feelings of the surroundings anymore. I was suddenly in a large room with a human-like being in front of me. I got the feeling it was a female person who stroked my forehead and said (It na oy) again. He told me that they had been watching the human race for over 200 years and that there was thousands of races in the universe, with many universes in different dimensions. He said, ”I would have seen the craft in infrared,”, and he spoke in telepathic ways. They would let us know when we were ready, but was afraid that the human race wouldn’t make because of wars and pollution. They were not allowed to interfere in our ways, but would help us if we asked for it. I had to write a book and he would help me with this book. I should call it: ”The bigger picture.”
There is an afterlife, we are energy, and so our soul carries the wisdom and education we have obtained in our lifetime. We are not alone, and we are a part of a galactic race that hopefully will survive and learn to cooperate with love and understanding. The human race is not there yet. But some humans will be invited to be with them to learn and understand what they and we are and the purpose of our existence.
Keyword is energy, we are like a computer we can transfer our memories and ourself into another wessel or machine. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: The readers of these files are first in line.
UK/England Light
London — I was on the bus going home, I like to take photos in this area of Putney Bridge, as it is very pretty on December 17, 2015. I didn’t notice this object until showing my wife the photo when I got home.
Sun at first, didn’t fit anything else, but was too prominent in shape to be the sun and looks in front of the cloud cover. I didn’t notice or see it in real time, but it’s quite distorted so looks like it was traveling, or moving, however I was on a bus when taking this photo moving at approx 5mph, the person in photo is slightly distorted, but nothing compared to the object.
When noticing it in the photo I felt surprised, excited, slightly shocked.
Was a photo sighting not real time so I’m very uncertain but open minded as to what it might be. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports, articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here JOIN NOW
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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(EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)People In Chile Are Baffled By These Strange Lights In The Sky
(EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)People In Chile Are Baffled By These Strange Lights In The Sky
In Santiago, Chile, a young woman posted a video on YouTube of a strange light pattern in the sky. At first, she thought that they might have been bizarre decorations, but based on how the lights moved, she quickly became convinced that these were lights of the extraterrestrial variety.
Many on YouTube say that it's possible that the orbs were actually just drones, but who was flying them and why? For now, I'm just going to go ahead and say that this is UFO footage.
New telescope data pinpoints 574 massive galaxies that formed early on in the universe's life, and researchers can't yet explain how they formed so quickly. Credit: ESO/UltraVISTA team; Acknowledgement: TERAPIX/CNRS/INSU/CASU
New research has revealed 574 massive, ancient galaxies lurking in the night sky, and their existence so close to the time of the Big Bang calls into question scientists' best understanding of how large galaxies form.
The objects are so old that they lack a defined shape; the regular ellipses and spiral galaxies solidified later on in the universe's lifetime. A new video released Wednesday (Nov. 18) from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) reveals the ancient galaxies' locations.
"We are talking about massive galaxies, twice as massive as the Milky Way today," said Karina Caputi, an astronomer at University of Groningen in the Netherlands and lead author on the new work. "Currently, even the most up-to-date galaxy-formation models cannot predict such massive galaxies [before] almost 2 billion years after the Big Bang," she told [The Big Bang to Now in 10 Easy Steps]
When they peer at distant galaxies, researchers are looking back in time. So to learn about the earliest years of the universe, scientists need to measure extremely faint and faraway star systems, whose light is often found in the infrared. To focus in on the earliest massive galaxies and determine their age, the researchers combined data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, an orbiting infrared telescope, and the European Southern Observatory'sVisible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) in Chile.
Spitzer's data pointed the way to fainter galaxies that were easy to overlook in VISTA's near-infrared measurements. Then, data from the UltraVISTA survey, which has been scrutinizing one patch of sky since December 2009, gave greater definition and helped the researchers identify how old those fainter galaxies were.
With UltraVISTA, "we're just observing the same part of the sky over and over again," Henry McCracken, a researcher at Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris in France and co-author on the paper, told
"It's like the world's most boring observing program," he joked.
But the results are far from boring: Because of the deep scrutiny (and the world's most efficient infrared camera, McCracken added), UltraVISTA can pick up extremely hard-to-see features and distant galaxies, which it releases for free so astronomers can analyze and make use of the data.
"The obvious question, then, was to say: When was the first time in which these very massive galaxies appeared?" Caputi said.
The team of researchers found that the most massive galaxies were not found until around 1 billion years after the Big Bang, ESO officials said in a Nov. 18 statement — but many more than expected formed between 1.1 billion and 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang, much sooner than many models can account for. The researchers reported their work in The Astrophysical Journal in September.
"The predominant theory for galaxy formation is a hierarchical model. You basically assemble galaxies by merging lots of small, little bits," McCracken said. This slow growth of galaxies can explain Earth's local universe well — what the universe looks like at this age — but is simply not fast enough to account for so many massive galaxies so soon after the Big Bang. "There's basically not enough time for these kinds of objects to form," McCracken said.
The researchers said that the faintness of galaxies from the early universe, even massive ones, means that it's possible the survey missed more galaxies even closer to the Big Bang that were obscured by dust. The results might be skewed by dust in another way, as well: Garth Illingworth, an astronomer at University of California, Santa Cruz and the Lick Observatory, told that the heavy dust could make it more difficult to judge the galaxies' age — there are many more evolved galaxies from later after the Big Bang, and even a few newer galaxies that appeared older could be misleading.
This series of images from the VISTA survey telescope shows a collection of previously hidden monster galaxies born when the universe was in its infancy, scientists say. Credit: ESO/UltraVISTA team. Acknowledgement: TERAPIX/CNRS/INSU/CASU
The researchers released their data publicly so others can follow up with their own work. That could include further inve stigation of measurements from VISTA and Spitzer, as well as views from other telescopes, if possible, like the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, which could image the gas clouds around the early galaxies, and Hubble's successor, the under-construction James Webb Space Telescope. All could help shed light on the earliest conditions of the universe and help reveal the monster galaxies lurking there.
"The data's there," McCracken said. "Other people can see if they agree with us or not."
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for December 2015:
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for December 2015:
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In December 2015 there were 624 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Number of Reports
New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Mexico
West Virginia
South Dakota
North Dakota
New Hampshire
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form and direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness, saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on "ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone. Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during December 2015 are the shape of the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 19 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 1 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System. For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan Harzan at
But did you know that our solar system may have once been home to a long-lost ninth planet? Were you aware that, in the future, Mars could have Saturn-like rings? Those are just a few of the many exciting discoveries scientists made about our solar system this year. Scroll down for eight of our favorites.
1. There are blue skies and red ice on the dwarf planet Pluto.
NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI VIA ASSOCIATED PRESSThe New Horizons spacecraft images with enhanced colors show differences in the composition and texture of Pluto's surface.
2. We learned a lot about the history and future of Mars.
And while Mars was similar to Earth in its past, it may look more like Saturn in its future. A new study suggests that planetary rings may develop around the red planet 20 million to 40 million years from now.
4. We spotted the most distant object in our solar system.
There may be a dwarf planet about half the size of Pluto lurking some 9.5 billion miles from the sun, making it the most distant object in the solar system discovered so far. Astronomers announced in November that they spotted what they believe to be the planetoid, dubbed V774104.
5. One of Saturn's moons has a global, sprawling ocean.
6. Bright spots on Ceres actually could be just salt.
Strange bright spots were seen in images of the dwarf planet Ceres taken by NASA's unmanned Dawn spacecraft earlier this year. In fact, there are more than 130 bright spots that could be seen at the locations of impact craters.
What are the spots? That mystery was finally solved this month when scientists confirmed that the spots are probably just made of salt on Ceres' surface.
7. Saturn's outer ring is much more massive than we thought.
Freak storm pushes North Pole 50 degrees above normal to melting point
Freak storm pushes North Pole 50 degrees above normal to melting point
A powerful winter cyclone — the same storm that led to two tornado outbreaks in the United States and disastrous river flooding — has driven the North Pole to the freezing point this week, 50 degrees above average for this time of year. From Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning, a mind-boggling pressure drop was recorded in Iceland: 54 millibars in just 18 hours. This triples the criteria for “bomb” cyclogenesis, which meteorologists use to describe a rapidly intensifying mid-latitude storm. A “bomb” cyclone is defined as dropping one millibar per hour for 24 hours. NOAA’s Ocean Prediction Center said the storm’s minimum pressure dropped to 928 millibars around 1 a.m. Eastern time, which likely places it in the top five strongest storms on record in this region.
“According to the center’s records, the all-time strongest storm in this area occurred on Dec. 15, 1986, and that had a minimum central pressure of 900 millibars,” Mashable’s Andrew Freedman reported on Tuesday. “The second-strongest storm occurred in January 1993, with a pressure of 916 millibars.” As this storm churns north, it’s forcing warm air into the Arctic Circle. Over the North Sea, sustained winds from the south are blasting at 70 mph, and gusting to well above 100 mph, drawing heat from south to north. Although there are no permanent weather stations at the North Pole (or really anywhere in the Arctic Ocean), we can use weather forecast models, which ingest data from satellites and surrounding surface observations, to estimate conditions at Earth’s most northern location.
Wednesday morning, temperatures over a vast area around North Pole were somewhere between 30 and 35 degrees Fahrenheit, and for at least a brief moment, surpassed the 32-degree threshold at exactly 90 degrees North, according to data from the GFS forecast model. Data from the International Arctic Buoy Program confirms that temperatures very close to the North Pole surpassed the melting point on Wednesday. Buoy 64760 at a latitude of 87.45 degrees North hit a high temperature of 0.7 degrees Celsius — or 33 degrees Fahrenheit — around 8 a.m. Eastern Time.
“Consider the average winter temperature there is around 20 degrees below zero,” wrote the Capital Weather Gang’s Jason Samenow on Monday. A temperature around the freezing mark signifies a departure from normal of over 50 degrees, and close to typical mid-summer temperatures in this region. In other words, the area around the North Pole was about as warm as Chicago on Wednesday, and quite a few degrees warmer than much of the Midwest.
3 Scientific discoveries in 2015 that radically changed our view on Mars
3 Scientific discoveries in 2015 that radically changed our view on Mars
If astronomers ae excited about something, then that something is most definitely Mars. 2015 has been a very exciting year for researchers which have made a couple of extremely important discoveries on the red planet that radically changed how we look at the red planet.
From believing that Mars was a desolate, inhospitable and toxic planet, we have realized through scientific study, that the red planet was very similar to Earth in the distant past.
Here we have of the most important discoveries that have been made on mars in 2015
The most exciting discovery NASA has made this year on Mars is without a doubt finding the presence of liquid flowing water on the surface of the red planet.
Water… Liquid-flowing water on the surface of Mars
This discovery is the first direct evidence of a long-suspected theory.
Not long ago researchers believe that it was nearly impossible for liquid water to exist on Mars. Today their views and opinions changed drastically as evidence of liquid water has been found. Next step? Finding evidence of life on the red planet, and that is something that should take long. According to scientists from NASA, there is liquid water on the surface of the red planet, and this discovery boosts, like never before the possibility to find alien life forms elsewhere in the cosmos.
“The most exciting thing about the announcement today is that it would be possible to have life on Mars,” said NASA’s John Grunsfeld
NASA has finally announced that they have found the strongest evidence yet confirming the existence of liquid water on Mars and everyone is extremely excited since this discovery could mean that Mars could support at least simple life forms. NASA calls it ‘spectral evidence,’ lines in four different places on the surface of Mars, which confirm researcher’s hypothesis of the existence of water in a liquid state on the red planet. Researchers believe that water flows could point NASA and other agencies towards the best places to look for life on the red planet. This discovery greatly increases the chances of success for future human colonies on Mars.
The Red Planet could have supported Life but the Sun destroyed the Red Planet’s Atmosphere
According to calculations from MAVEN mission scientists, a quarter pound of the remaining Martian Atmosphere (which is made up of oxygen and carbon dioxide) escapes per second.
According to scientists, the slow destruction of our neighbor’s planet atmosphere was caused by “huge rope-like tendrils of magnetic rotations. The red planet’s once hospitable atmosphere was blown away in the distant past. But how did this happen? Well, the atmosphere was blown away because Mars’ magnetic field shut down. NASA scientists say that even though the red planet had a magnetic field, around 4.2 billion years ago it shut down. The process of Mars losing its precious atmosphere most likely occurred over a period of several hundred million years. Scientists speculate that during this time, the red planet was hit by “extreme ultraviolet photons” from the sun. Before this happened, water was most likely abundant on the red planet and it is very likely that life as we know it could have developed on Mars.
According to scientists the solar wind usually travels at one million miles per hour. The upper atmosphere of the red planet was more exposed to solar winds. Researchers believe that the solar storms were much more frequent in the distant past meaning that the atmosphere of the red planet was stripped away at a much faster rate than today.
This means that when Mars was much younger, it was much warmer and wetter, meaning that it was a very good candidate for life to develop. Scientists believe that Mars’ oceans evaporated due to the planet’s thinning atmosphere which caused it to leak into space.
Methane on Mars; Proof of life on the red planet?
So far there had been no major doubts if Mars was once a habitable planet, that radiation does not pose an insurmountable barrier for future humans on the red planet. Now one of its scientific instruments detected a source of methane that appears and disappears without explanation. So where is the issue? Well, it isn’t an issue exactly is just something no one knows what it is, confusing?
On Earth, 90% of all methane in the atmosphere is produced by living organisms. Curiosity captured traces of methane on the Red Planet and scientists believe this could point to the presence of life on the red planet, at this precise moment, although there are other possible explanations. For now, there is only one thing clear, something is causing methane levels to multiply up to ten times and then back down drastically.
Does this mean Mars has life? Well, it could point toward that possibility if you compare the methane levels on Earth and what causes them here, then yeah, it’s quite possible. Now add to all of the methane conspiracy the fact that Mars actually had liquid water in the past? Well, the chances are actually pretty high that there is something that is producing methane spikes on Mars, and that something could, in fact, be a living organism.
So what are the facts? Well, new data from Curiosity gathered on the red planet can settle the matter: there is methane on Mars. The study compiles 20 months of data during which the robot marked its largest and most expensive exploration of history during his journey through the Gale crater, which has over 150 kilometers in diameter near the Martian Ecuador. The Gale crater was chosen due to its potential for research to find new clues about whether life existed on the red planet. In this environment, Curiosity registered surges of methane gas levels using the SAM instrument. These show that the base values are lower than thought, just 0.7 parts per billion in volume (ppmv), but data has also shown that the values increased significantly six times, on some occasions even exceeding seven ppmv, 10 times higher. This indicates that there is an additional source of methane of unknown origin.
‘Lost’ City of Atlantis: Atlantis is a legendary “lost” island subcontinent often idealized as an advanced, utopian society holding wisdom that could bring world peace. The idea of Atlantis has captivated dreamers, occultists and New Agers for generations.
Unlike many legends whose origins have been lost in the mists of time, we know exactly when and where the story of Atlantis first appeared. The story was first told in two of Plato’s dialogues, the “Timaeus” and the “Critias,” written about 330 B.C.Though today Atlantis is often thought of as a peaceful utopia, the Atlantis that Plato described in his fable was very different. In his book “Frauds, Myths and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology” (McGraw-Hill, 2013) professor of archaeology Ken Feder summarizes the story: “A technologically sophisticated but morally bankrupt evil empire — Atlantis — attempts world domination by force. The only thing standing in its way is a relatively small group of spiritually pure, morally principled and incorruptible people — the ancient Athenians. Overcoming overwhelming odds … the Athenians are able to defeat their far more powerful adversary simply through the force of their spirit. Sound familiar? Plato’s Atlantean dialogues are essentially an ancient Greek version of ‘Star Wars.’
As propaganda, the Atlantis legend is more about the heroic Athens than a sunken civilization; if Atlantis really existed today and was found, its residents would probably try to kill and enslave us all. It’s clear that Plato made up Atlantis as a plot device for his stories because there are no other records of it anywhere else in the world. There are many extant Greek texts; surely someone else would have also mentioned, at least in passing, such a remarkable place. There is simply no evidence from any source that the legends about Atlantis existed before Plato wrote about it.Atlantis resurfaces
For most of the past two millennia, no one thought much about Atlantis; it was just what it appeared to be: a fictional place mentioned in a fable by the ancient Greek philosopher. The idea that Atlantis was an actual lost historical location is a very recent idea, first proposed by a writer named Ignatius Donnelly in 1881. He believed that most of the important accomplishments of the ancient world — such as metallurgy, agriculture, religion and language — must have come from Atlantis. In essence, he argued that ancient cultures weren’t sophisticated enough to develop these things on their own, so they must have spread from some unknown advanced civilization. (It is similar to the widely discredited “ancient astronauts” idea, that Egyptians were not smart enough to build pyramids, and thus extraterrestrials must have helped them.)
Later writers elaborated on Donnelly’s theories, adding their own opinions and speculations. These included mystic Madame Blavatsky (in her 1888 book, “The Secret Doctrine”) and famous psychic Edgar Cayce in the 1920s and 1930s. Cayce, who put a fundamentalist Christian spin on the Atlantis story, gave psychic readings for thousands of people — many of whom, he claimed, had past lives in Atlantis. Unfortunately, none of the information was verifiable, and Cayce wrongly predicted that the continent would be discovered in 1969.
Charles Berlitz, author of many popular books on the paranormal and unexplained phenomena, researched Atlantis and wrote a 1969 book titled “The Mystery of Atlantis.” Berlitz, whose family created the famous language-learning courses, not only became convinced that Atlantis was real but also that it was the source of the Bermuda Triangle mystery, a subject he explored in his 1974 best-seller “The Bermuda Triangle.” Berlitz’s wild ideas about the Bermuda Triangle — and, by extension, Atlantis — were definitively debunked the following year by researcher Larry Kusche, author of “The Bermuda Triangle Mystery — Solved.” Thousands of books, magazines and websites are devoted to Atlantis, and it remains a popular topic in New Age circles.
The ‘lost’ continent Despite Atlantis’ clear origin in fiction, many people over the centuries have claimed that there must be some truth behind the myths, and have speculated about where Atlantis would be found. Countless Atlantis “experts” have located the lost continent all around the world, based on the same set of facts. Candidate locations — each accompanied by their own peculiar sets of evidence and arguments — include the Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica, Bolivia, Turkey, Germany, Malta and the Caribbean.Plato, however, is crystal clear about where his Atlantis is: “For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, ‘the pillars of Heracles,’ (i.e., Hercules) there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together.” In other words, it lies in the Atlantic Ocean beyond “the pillars of Hercules” (i.e., the Strait of Gibraltar, at the mouth of the Mediterranean). Yet it has never been found in the Atlantic, or anywhere else.No trace of Atlantis has ever been found, despite advances in oceanography and ocean floor mapping in past decades. For nearly two millennia, readers could be forgiven for suspecting that the vast depths might somehow hide a sunken city or continent. Though there remains much mystery at the bottom of the world’s oceans, it is inconceivable that the world’s oceanographers, submariners and deep-sea probes have somehow missed a landmass “larger than Libya and Asia together.”
PlatoPin It Statue of Plato at Academy of Athens, Greece Credit: Anastasios71 | shutterstockView full size image Furthermore, plate tectonics demonstrate that it’s impossible for Atlantis to exist, as the continents have drifted and the seafloor has spread, not contracted, over time. There would simply be no place for Atlantis to sink into. As Ken Feder noted, “The geology is clear; there could have been no large land surface that then sank in the area where Plato places Atlantis. Together, modern archaeology and geology provide an unambiguous verdict: There was no Atlantic continent; there was no great civilization called Atlantis.”
Myth from misinterpretation The only way to make a mystery out of Atlantis (and to assume that it was once a real place) is to ignore its obvious origins as a moral fable and to change the details of Plato’s story, claiming that he took license with the truth, either out of error or intent to deceive. With the addition, omission or misinterpretation of various details in Plato’s work, nearly any proposed location can be made to “fit” his description.Science and science-fiction writer L. Sprague de Camp thoroughly discredited the Atlantis story in his 1970 book, “Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme in History, Science, and Literature,” noting that “you cannot change all the details of Plato’s story and still claim to have Plato’s story. That is like saying the legendary King Arthur is ‘really’ Cleopatra; all you have to do is to change Cleopatra’s sex, nationality, period, temperament, moral character, and other details, and the resemblance becomes obvious.”The Atlantis legend has been kept alive, fueled by the public’s imagination and fascination with the idea of a hidden, long-lost utopia. Yet the “lost city of Atlantis” was never lost; it is where it always was: in Plato’s books.
(VIDEO) The mysterious Tower on the Far Side of the Moon found by Soviet Spacecraft Zond 3
(VIDEO) The mysterious Tower on the Far Side of the Moon found by Soviet Spacecraft Zond 3
On July 20, 1965, the soviet Spacecraft ZOND 3 took some of the first ever high-quality images of the FAR SIDE of the Moon as the Soviet space probe made its way to Mars. Because of the fact that our planet is ‘tidally locked’ with the Moon, the same side of the moon constantly faces us. Previous to these missions, we had no idea what’s on the ‘other side’ of Earth’s natural satellite.
Zond 3 wasn’t the first
Two years after the Soviet Union made history by launching Sputnik, it launched Luna 3, the third mission in their lunar program. Luna 3 reached the moon on October 7 when it started taking images of the far side of the lunar surface, covering about 70 percent of the unexplored side of the moon. The spacecraft sent back 17 noisy images before operators in the Soviet Union lost contact on October 22.
Even though the images sent back from Luna 3 weren’t the best, it was the first set of images of the moon’s far side, a first for the Soviets and mankind.
Zond 3 would complement the exploring Luna 3 did. Zond 3 was meant to reach Mars, and photographing the far side of the moon was a secondary objective for the Soviet Spacecraft. The Soviets equipped the Zond 3 with extremely useful technologies, equipping the spacecraft with two cameras, infrared and ultraviolet spectrometers, a magnetometer, a cosmic ray detector, a solar particle detector, and a meteoroid detector. Zond 3 made its way to the moon 33 hours after being launched on July the 18th, 1965. Just as it passed the far side of the moon, its cameras started exploring the far side of Earth’s satellite, focusing on the 30% that its predecessor, Luna 3 had missed, taking one picture every two minutes and 15 seconds for a total period of one hour and 8 minutes.
Nine days after Zond 3 had taken the images, they arrived to Soviet operators on Earth. The images sent back to Earth were among the first which allowed researchers to take a peek at the numerous geological formations on the far side of Earth’s natural satellite, but among them, one image caused quite a stir among researchers and Ufologists.
In one of the images of the far side of the moon, a mysterious tower-shaped structure can clearly be seen protruding the lunar surface. In its vicinity, no other similar structures are seen, and Ufologists believe that the mysterious ‘tower’ seen in the Zond 3 image is a crucial piece of evidence supporting their theory that there are alien structures on the far side of Earth’s moon.
The image of the Tower on the moon was obtained on 20 July 1965 by the Russian vehicle Zond 3. At the time, the probe was about 10,000 kilometers above the Moon.
So far, the mysterious structure on the far side of the moon is only one of the many that have been found to date according to Ufologists and UFO hunters.
Several Monoliths across our Solar System?
While some of these structures can be rationally explained as natural geological formations on the surface of the moon, there are some that simply defy every explanation. Is it possible that the tower on the far side of the moon really has an ‘Alien’ origin? And is it possible that there are similar structures across the moon?
Looking at the image from the far side of the moon and the mysterious structure, we cannot help and compare it to the mysterious monolith on Mars’ moon Phobos.
When the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft was mapping the small moon of Mars, Phobos, and sent its incredible images from the small, potato-shaped moon back to Earth satellite Ufologists had a field day speaking about the mysterious structure that was clearly visible on the surface of Phobos. There in plain view, a large rectangular object undoubtedly resembling an artificial monolith stands alone. Nothing in the vicinity has a similar shape or size, so the question is, what is it? What is its purpose? And who placed it there?
Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the surface of the moon, surprised many by saying, “We should visit the moon of Mars, there’s a monolith there, a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that revolves around Mars once every seven hours. When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well, the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.’
Astronomers didn’t hesitate to quickly offer and explanation about the mysterious structure that had Ufologists scratching their heads. According to astronomers and specialists in images, it’s just another “Extraterrestrial rock”.
A specialist in images from NASA Lan Fleming, who studied Mars and other solar system anomalies examined the picture of Phobos and stated that the so-called monolith is just a physical anomaly and that there are many others found in different part of our solar system.
Enkele dagen geleden werd er door een aantal UFO’s een spectaculaire vertoning gegeven boven het Andesgebergte bij de Chileense hoofdstad Santiago.
Het vreemde is dat er iets dergelijks ook vorig jaar gebeurde, net zoals we in Nederland ook UFO waarnemingen hebben op dezelfde plek als vorig jaar.
Zuid Amerika is het continent bij uitstek voor het waarnemen van UFO’s.
Op zich is dat niet zo vreemd want er bevinden zich meerdere buitenaardse basis. Zoals bij de vulkanen in Mexico, maar ook zeker in het Andesgebergte.
De Chileense hoofdstad Santiago ligt op een ruim 500 meter hoge laagvlakte tussen het kustgebergte en de Andes.
Enkele dagen geleden viel er een werkelijk spectaculaire UFO-show waar te nemen boven de bergen en heel goed zichtbaar vanuit Santiago.
Je kunt ze zien in de volgende video en wanneer je de verbaasde kreten hoort van de mensen die het filmen dan weet je vrij zeker dat je hier te maken hebt met een echte opname.
Het vreemde is echter dat precies een jaar geleden op ongeveer dezelfde datum ook vanuit een flat in Santiago een aantal UFO’s boven het Andesgebergte werd gefilmd.
Waar het op lijkt, is dat in december de UFO’s uit hun geheime bases in de Andes tevoorschijn komen om een groet te brengen aan de bewoners van Santiago.
Misschien hebben we iets vergelijkbaars in Nederland want een lezer uit het Brabantse Kwintsheul (dank!) schrijft ons het volgende:
Evenals vorig jaar objecten boven het dorp en eergisteren (maandagavond) omstreeks 21.30 u waren er drie objecten dichtbij en deze video staat openbaar op mijn Facebook.
Mogelijk is dit bestand tegen groot on te sturen. Heb ook fragmenten gemaakt van de video. Was prachtig om te aanschouwen.
Hier volgen een aantal foto’s die de lezer heeft opgestuurd. En wie weet, komen er in het nieuwe jaar eindelijk eens wat antwoorden over wie en wat hier nu precies achter zit.
Dimensieportaal opent boven CERN, Switserland ( VIDEO)
Dimensieportaal opent boven CERN, Switserland ( VIDEO)
Als je ergens op deze wereld verwacht dat de grenzen tussen de verschillende dimensies vervagen dan is dat wel bij CERN in Zwitserland.
Er zijn nu beelden van een UFO die verdwijnt in een soort dimensieportaal boven het Zwitserse Geneve.
Wat er zich allemaal precies afspeelt bij CERN in Zwitserland is voor een buitenstaander niet helemaal duidelijk, maar dat er zich daar een aantal wetenschappers bezighouden met activiteiten waardoor we in andere dimensies terecht kunnen komen, zoveel is helder.
2) Ruimte en tijd kunnen zomaar in elkaar storten en we zouden het niet zien aankomen.
3) Als wetenschappers teveel energie stoppen in het Higgsbosondeeltje kan het universum eindigen.
Enkele dagen geleden zijn er nogal bijzonder beelden opgedoken waarbij een UFO schijnt te verdwijnen in een soort spiraalwolk, pal boven het CERN terrein in Geneve.
De afgelopen jaren was er sowieso al een toename te zien van het aantal UFO’s wat in en uit dimensieportalen schiet en wij hebben daarover ook uitgebreid geschreven.
Hebben we hier met iets dergelijks te maken of wordt wat we hier zien, veroorzaakt door CERN?
Er is natuurlijk nóg een mogelijkheid en dat is iets dat je tegenwoordig bij alle beeldmateriaal voor ogen moet houden en dat is dat deze opname nep is.
Op een groot forum zijn de stemmen een beetje verdeeld over of de beelden nu wel echt zijn of niet. Echt overtuigend bewijs dat ze niet echt zijn, wordt ook niet aangedragen.
Wat wel duidelijk wordt, wanneer je onderstaande video bekijkt, is dat er een occulte agenda schuilgaat achter het leger van waarschijnlijk grotendeels goed bedoelende CERN wetenschappers.
De duistere agenda van CERN; een club die enkele maanden voor de eerste Bilderbergconferentie werd opgericht in 1954 en die ook diplomatieke onschendbaarheid geniet.
Interesting Video Shows Fleet Of UFOs In Formation In The Night Sky Above Chile
Interesting Video Shows Fleet Of UFOs In Formation In The Night Sky Above Chile
A video has sparked speculations after it seemed to show a fleet of UFOs hovering and travelling in formation. The 5-minute YouTube clip shows some bright lights flying in the evening sky above Santiago, Chile.
The lights appear in a distance and look to be flying together at first. Then they start to disseminate like planes coming in to land in a holding pattern above an airport before they disappear altogether.
Titled “Fantastic UFO sighting in Santiago,” the video was posted online on December 22, 2015. Some are convinced by its alien credentials. One commenter says that the UFOs are too fast to consider them Chinese lanterns. However, others suggest that the video only shows drones.
Unusual flying objects have been spotted in Chile, making the place as a UFO hotspot. Andean, a town of San Clemente located 170 miles south of Santiago, has been an area of UFO sightings for the last 20 years.
Hundreds of witnesses reported mysterious shiny objects that fly, drift, and disappear. The town has become the nation’s UFO capital and one of the famous places to spot unusual flying objects.
The San Clemente Trail, which stretches for 19 miles, passes through the Andes and takes visitors to the El Enladrillado, a 2,200-meter high spot where UFOs are said to land for very close encounters with Earth.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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