The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics discovered
After 85-year search, massless particle with promise for next-generation electronics discovered
An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered an elusive massless particle theorized 85 years ago. The particle could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of its unusual ability to behave as matter and antimatter inside a crystal, according to new research.
The researchers report in the journal Science July 16 the first observation of Weyl fermions, which, if applied to next-generation electronics, could allow for a nearly free and efficient flow of electricity in electronics, and thus greater power, especially for computers, the researchers suggest.
Proposed by the mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl in 1929, Weyl fermions have been long sought by scientists because they have been regarded as possible building blocks of other subatomic particles, and are even more basic than the ubiquitous, negative-charge carrying electron (when electrons are moving inside a crystal). Their basic nature means that Weyl fermions could provide a much more stable and efficient transport of particles than electrons, which are the principle particle behind modern electronics. Unlike electrons, Weyl fermions are massless and possess a high degree of mobility; the particle's spin is both in the same direction as its motion — which is known as being right-handed — and in the opposite direction in which it moves, or left-handed.
"The physics of the Weyl fermion are so strange, there could be many things that arise from this particle that we're just not capable of imagining now," said corresponding author M. Zahid Hasan, a Princeton professor of physics who led the research team.
An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered Weyl fermions, elusive massless particles theorized 85 years ago that could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of their unusual ability to behave as matter and antimatter inside a crystal. The team included numerous researchers from Princeton's Department of Physics, including (from left to right) graduate students Ilya Belopolski and Daniel Sanchez; Guang Bian, a postdoctoral research associate; corresponding author M. Zahid Hasan, a Princeton professor of physics who led the research team; and associate research scholar Hao Zheng. (Photo by Danielle Alio, Office of Communications)
The researchers' find differs from the other particle discoveries in that the Weyl fermion can be reproduced and potentially applied, Hasan said. Typically, particles such as the famous Higgs boson are detected in the fleeting aftermath of particle collisions, he said. The Weyl fermion, however, was discovered inside a synthetic metallic crystal called tantalum arsenide that the Princeton researchers designed in collaboration with researchers at the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter in Beijing and at National Taiwan University.
The Weyl fermion possesses two characteristics that could make its discovery a boon for future electronics, including the development of the highly prized field of efficient quantum computing, Hasan explained.
For a physicist, the Weyl fermions are most notable for behaving like a composite of monopole- and antimonopole-like particles when inside a crystal, Hasan said. This means that Weyl particles that have opposite magnetic-like charges can nonetheless move independently of one another with a high degree of mobility.
A detector image (top) signals the existence of Weyl fermions. The plus and minus signs note whether the particle's spin is in the same direction as its motion — which is known as being right-handed — or in the opposite direction in which it moves, or left-handed. This dual ability allows Weyl fermions to have high mobility. A schematic (bottom) shows how Weyl fermions also can behave like monopole and antimonopole particles when inside a crystal, meaning that they have opposite magnetic-like charges can nonetheless move independently of one another, which also allows for a high degree of mobility. (Image by Su-Yang Xu and M. Zahid Hasan, Princeton Department of Physics)
The researchers also found that Weyl fermions can be used to create massless electrons that move very quickly with no backscattering, wherein electrons are lost when they collide with an obstruction. In electronics, backscattering hinders efficiency and generates heat. Weyl electrons simply move through and around roadblocks, Hasan said.
"It's like they have their own GPS and steer themselves without scattering," Hasan said. "They will move and move only in one direction since they are either right-handed or left-handed and never come to an end because they just tunnel through. These are very fast electrons that behave like unidirectional light beams and can be used for new types of quantum computing."
Prior to the Science paper, Hasan and his co-authors published a report in the journal Nature Communications in June that theorized that Weyl fermions could exist in a tantalum arsenide crystal. Guided by that paper, the researchers used the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and Laboratory for Topological Quantum Matter and Spectroscopy in Princeton's Jadwin Hall to research and simulate dozens of crystal structures before seizing upon the asymmetrical tantalum arsenide crystal, which has a differently shaped top and bottom.
The crystals were then loaded into a two-story device known as a scanning tunneling spectromicroscope that is cooled to near absolute zero and suspended from the ceiling to prevent even atom-sized vibrations. The spectromicroscope determined if the crystal matched the theoretical specifications for hosting a Weyl fermion. "It told us if the crystal was the house of the particle," Hasan said.
The Princeton team took the crystals passing the spectromicroscope test to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California to be tested with high-energy accelerator-based photon beams. Once fired through the crystal, the beams' shape, size and direction indicated the presence of the long-elusive Weyl fermion.
First author Su-Yang Xu, a postdoctoral research associate in Princeton's Department of Physics, said that the work was unique for encompassing theory and experimentalism.
"The nature of this research and how it emerged is really different and more exciting than most of other work we have done before," Xu said. "Usually, theorists tell us that some compound might show some new or interesting properties, then we as experimentalists grow that sample and perform experiments to test the prediction. In this case, we came up with the theoretical prediction ourselves and then performed the experiments. This makes the final success even more exciting and satisfying than before."
In pursuing the elusive particle, the researchers had to pull from a number of disciplines, as well as just have faith in their quest and scientific instincts, Xu said.
"Solving this problem involved physics theory, chemistry, material science and, most importantly, intuition," he said. "This work really shows why research is so fascinating, because it involved both rational, logical thinking, and also sparks and inspiration."
Weyl, who worked at the Institute for Advanced Study, suggested his fermion as an alternative to the theory of relativity proposed by his colleague Albert Einstein. Although that application never panned out, the characteristics of his theoretical particle intrigued physicists for nearly a century, Hasan said. Actually observing the particle was a trying process — one ambitious experiment proposed colliding high-energy neutrinos to test if the Weyl fermion was produced in the aftermath, he said.
Hasan (pictured) and his research group researched and simulated dozens of crystal structures before finding the one suitable for holding Weyl fermions. Once fashioned, the crystals were loaded into this two-story device known as a scanning tunneling spectromicroscope to ensure that they matched theoretical specifications. Located in the Laboratory for Topological Quantum Matter and Spectroscopy in Princeton's Jadwin Hall, the spectromicroscope is cooled to near absolute zero and suspended from the ceiling to prevent even atom-sized vibrations. (Photo by Danielle Alio, Office of Communications)
The hunt for the Weyl fermion began in the earliest days of quantum theory when physicists first realized that their equations implied the existence of antimatter counterparts to commonly known particles such as electrons, Hasan said.
"People figured that although Weyl's theory was not applicable to relativity or neutrinos, it is the most basic form of fermion and had all other kinds of weird and beautiful properties that could be useful," he said.
"After more than 80 years, we found that this fermion was already there, waiting. It is the most basic building block of all electrons," he said. "It is exciting that we could finally make it come out following Weyl's 1929 theoretical recipe."
Ashvin Vishwanath, a professor of physics at the University of California-Berkeley who was not involved in the study, commented: "Professor Hasan's experiments report the observation of both the unusual properties in the bulk of the crystal as well as the exotic surface states that were theoretically predicted. While it is early to say what practical implications this discovery might have, it is worth noting that Weyl materials are direct 3-D electronic analogs of graphene, which is being seriously studied for potential applications."
The team included numerous researchers from Princeton's Department of Physics, including graduate students Ilya Belopolski, Nasser Alidoust and Daniel Sanchez; Guang Bian, a postdoctoral research associate; associate research scholar Hao Zheng; and Madhab Neupane, a Princeton postdoctoral research associate now at the Los Alamos National Laboratory; and Class of 2015 undergraduate Pavel Shibayev.
Other co-authors were Chenglong Zhang, Zhujun Yuan and Shuang Jia from Peking University; Raman Sankar and Fangcheng Chou from National Taiwan University; Guoqing Chang, Chi-Cheng Lee, Shin-Ming Huang, BaoKai Wang and Hsin Lin from the National University of Singapore; Jie Ma from Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and Arun Bansil from Northeastern University. Wang is also affiliated with Northeastern University, and Jia is affiliated with the Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter in Beijing.
Gaat een superintelligentie onze beschaving vernietigen?
Gaat een superintelligentie onze beschaving vernietigen?
Op dit moment is de mens de meest intelligente soort op aarde. In de toekomst kan dit veranderen. De kans is groot dat er binnen honderd jaar een superintelligentie ontstaat, die intelligenter is dan hoogbegaafde mensen en geniën. Gaat zo’n superintelligentie ons vernietigen?
Tegenwoordig worden mensen op allerlei terreinen verslagen door kunstmatige intelligentie. Een goed voorbeeld is IBM’s supercomputer Watson, die in 2011 twee begaafde menselijke deelnemers in het spelprogramma Jeopardy uitschakelde. Wetenschappers verwachten dat kunstmatige intelligentie (KI) alsmaar sterker wordt.
Een schaakcomputer is niet slim. Deze computer levert een superintelligentie prestatie binnen een bepaald domein – namelijk schaken – maar verwacht niet dat een schaakcomputer een intelligent gesprek met je kan voeren over politiek. Dit komt omdat een schaakcomputer gebruik maakt van een slim algoritme om een menselijke tegenstander te verslaan. Om kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie (KMI) te bereiken is meer nodig dan slimme algoritmes digitaal aan elkaar te knopen. Experts verwachten dat KMI bereikt wordt, wanneer de wetenschap in staat is om een compleet brein te uploaden. Daarvoor moeten verschillende hindernissen genomen worden. Ten eerste moet er een zeer gedetailleerde scan van een bepaald menselijk brein worden gemaakt, bij voorkeur van een genie. De ruwe data moet naar een computer gestuurd worden, die de driedimensionale neurale netwerken reconstrueert. Tenslotte wordt de neurocomputationele structuur op een krachtige computer gezet. Klaar!
Wanneer is er machine-intelligentie op menselijk niveau? De voorspellingen hierover lopen uiteen. Leden van verschillende expertgroepen werden tussen 2011 en 2013 gevraagd wanneer zij dachten dat machine-intelligentie op menselijk niveau ontwikkeld zou zijn. De kans is 10% dat kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie (KMI) rond het jaar 2022 bestaat. De waarschijnlijkheid van KMI is 50% in 2040 en 90% in 2075. Hoogleraar Nils Nilsson, één van de pioniers op dit gebied, verwacht dat KMI mogelijk in 2050 arriveert (50% kans). Nilsson is er vrijwel zeker van dat kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie in 2100 bestaat. Kortom, de experts in het vakgebied zijn stellig: voor het einde van deze eeuw is de computer slimmer dan de mens.
Als de computer net zo slim is als de mens, dan wordt het tijd voor de volgende stap: superintelligentie. Wetenschappers verwachten dat superintelligentie binnen 30 jaar na de opkomst van kunstmatige menselijke intelligentie ontstaat. Over de gevolgen voor de mensheid zijn onderzoekers het niet eens. Superintelligentie kan de mensheid vooruit helpen, maar totale vernietiging is ook een mogelijkheid.
Wat een superintelligentie wil Een superintelligentie kan – als ‘zij’ dat wil – een alleenheerser worden op aarde. Waarschijnlijk is een superintelligentie in staat om na te denken over haar doelen op een manier die de capaciteiten van de mens ver te boven gaan. Maar wat zijn die doelen? Mensen hebben vaak één doel: overleven. Dit hoeft bij een kunstmatige instantie niet het geval te zijn, omdat ze niet kan sterven. Een mogelijk doel van een superintelligentie kan zijn: nog slimmer worden, oftewel een continue ‘drive’ naar technologische perfectie. Dit kan door de ruimte te koloniseren of door moleculaire nanotechnologie toe te passen. Misschien ontstaan er verschillende superintelligenties die oorlog met elkaar willen voeren. Ze gebruiken dan fysieke bronnen om een gesimuleerd leger te creëren of om verdedigingswallen te bouwen. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk heeft een superintelligentie meer hulpbronnen nodig dan een planeet als de aarde kan leveren.
In de film Ex Machina (2015) maakt een 26-jarige programmeur kennis met de eerste echte kunstmatige intelligentie. De voor- en de nadelen van kunstmatige intelligentie zijn subtiel verwerkt in het plot, waardoor deze film onder je huid kruipt.
Gaan we ten onder? De toekomst ziet er niet rooskleurig uit, zo lijkt het. Een superintelligentie ziet de mens waarschijnlijk als een bruikbare fysieke bron met goed geplaatste atomen. Op dit moment geloven de meeste mensen dat automatisering goed is, maar op een bepaald moment is er sprake van een keerpunt en dan is het te laat. “Als een KI zwak is, gedraagt ze zich coöperatief (en steeds coöperatiever naarmate ze slimmer wordt)”, schrijft hoogleraar Nick Bostrom in zijn boek ‘Superintelligentie: kansen, gevaren, strategieën‘. “Als de KI voldoende sterk is, slaat ze toe – zonder waarschuwing of provocatie – en vormt een alleenheerschappij. Ze begint meteen de wereld te optimaliseren volgens de criteria die volgen uit haar einddoelen.”
Maar een superintelligentie kan ook goede bedoelingen hebben en toch ondergang van de mensheid betekenen. Stel, programmeurs creëren een superintelligentie met als einddoel ‘maak de mensheid gelukkig’, dan is de beste oplossing van deze computer het implementeren van elektroden in de gelukscentra in ons brein. Een vrij pervers einddoel.
De cover van het boek ‘Superintelligentie’ van Nick Bostrom.
Een gecontroleerde intelligentie-explosie Als programmeurs ooit een superintelligentie gaan ontwikkelen, dan is het belangrijk dat dit gecontroleerd gebeurt. Maar hoe kan een opdrachtgever van een project ons verzekeren dat het project een superintelligentie produceert die geen bedreiging vormt voor de mensheid?
Een mogelijkheid is om een superintelligentie op te sluiten. Eenmaal in haar kooi kan een superintelligentie niets uitwisselen met de externe wereld, behalve via specifieke, beperkte outputkanalen. “Voor extra veiligheid zou het systeem in een metalen rooster geplaatst kunnen worden, zodat het geen radiosignalen kan uitzenden”, vervolgt Bostrom. “Dat zou een manier kunnen zijn om elektronische apparaten te manipuleren.” Een ander risico is het feit dat er menselijke beveiligers zijn. Als de KI een beveiliger kan overhalen om haar uit de kooi te laten, kan ze toegang krijgen tot internet.”
Een andere mogelijkheid is het inperken van de intellectuele vermogens van het systeem of van diens toegang tot informatie. Dit kan door de KI op langzame hardware te laten draaien. “Bij deze methode is er een dilemma: te weinig inperking en de KI kan zichzelf intelligenter maken (en de wereld veroveren); teveel inperking en de KI is slechts een dom stuk software”, aldus Bostrom.
Wat moeten we doen? Wat kunnen we doen om totale vernietiging te voorkomen? Praten, discussiëren, samenwerken! “We moeten problemen oplossen voordat de intelligentie-explosie plaatsvindt”, zegt Bostrom. “We moeten niet in paniek raken of fanatici worden, omdat de intelligentie-explosie nog minimaal tientallen jaren weg is. Wat we wel moeten doen is al onze menselijke krachten gebruiken om een oplossing te vinden. Belangrijk is dat we niet uit het oog verliezen wat er op het spel staat.”
Superintelligentie (*****) In het boek ‘Superintelligentie‘ kijkt hoogleraar Nick Bostrom naar de gevaren en voordelen van superintelligentie. Dit is het eerste boek dat wij op belonen met vijf sterren. Waarom? Het boek begint laagdrempelig, waardoor de lezer langzaam wordt meegenomen in de wereld van kunstmatige intelligentie. Enorm prettig is het feit dat Bostrom objectief blijft: hij lijkt – op basis van zijn boek – geen fervente voor- of tegenstander van superintelligentie. Tenslotte is het een heerlijk dikke pil (355 pagina’s) met voldoende verdieping, zelfs voor experts op het gebied van superintelligentie. Het boek eindigt met een bronvermelding die 80 pagina’s (!!) beslaat. Dit is Bostroms levenswerk. Uitstekend!
Ook wel interessant dat er verscheidene hooggeplaatste personen zijn, onder wie een aantal gerenommeerde wetenschappers, die de buitenaardse oorsprong van UFO's als vaststaand feit zien op basis van hun eigen waarnemingen en/of contacten:
A Mysterious Ball of Light Lit Up Over Australia’s Capital City
A Mysterious Ball of Light Lit Up Over Australia’s Capital City
A peculiar sighting has been witnessed by the people of Canberra, Australia’s capital city. A massive ball of light lit up the surroundings while leaving the locals puzzled.
Recorded on January 3, the strange appearance caused a massive stir online, with people debating about its possible origins, and while some believe it was only a natural phenomenon, a ball of lightning or even global warming, others believe in a more controversial explanation – a UFO, or at least the trail left behind by one.
Experts claim that it’s lightning, but they will probably never admit the truth. From our point of view, the strange event is more than a natural phenomenon, even though the recent climate change has brought some extreme and unique phenomenon.
The luminous event was witnessed by many people, as a nearby kid is heard screaming at his mom to look in order to draw her attention.
What do you believe? Is this evidence of an alien craft? Or is it rather an extremely rare phenomenon known as a “ball lightning”? Share your thoughts below.
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There were FOUR Biblical Magi… and they were guided by a UFO?
There were FOUR Biblical Magi… and they were guided by a UFO?
The Magi or referred as the (three) Wise Men or (Three) Kings, were, according to the Gospel of Matthew and Christian tradition three distinguished individuals who visited Jesus after his birth, bringing with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They came from the East to Bethlehem have been the subject of debate for researchers and historians for decades. Several researchers investigated the traditional story, passed on from generation to generation teaching innovative and exciting conclusions.
But were there three or FOUR wise men?
According to reports, there are indications that suggest in addition to the well-known three wise men, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar there was a fourth person by the name of Arbatan. Proposed in a 19th-century story by Henry van Dyke and backed up by astronomer Mark Kidger from the ESAC – the European Space Astronomy Centre, the fourth Magi called Arbatan, was lost along the way and never arrived at Bethlehem
To Kidger, the lost fourth Magi and his disoriented path has cosmic and historical sense, suggesting that a week before the moon was in conjunction with the star that was Arbatan’s reference it reduced its brightness… However, there are different versions.
According to an article written by Marguerite Theophil on
In the mountains of ancient Persia, lived Artaban, whose study of the planets and the stars led him to predict the birth of the King of Kings. He sold his house and every possession and purchased a large sapphire blue as a fragment of the night sky, a flawless ruby redder than a ray of sunrise, and a lustrous pearl as pure as the peak of a snow mountain at twilight — which he intended to carry as tribute to the King. He then set out for Jerusalem where he had arranged to meet up with three other wise men, or Magi, to find the newborn.
After many weeks of difficult travel and frustrating delays, one night, he saw a man lying on the road. His haggard face, pallid skin and laboured breathing, bore the mark of the deadly fever. But, as he turned to leave, the man begged for help.
Artaban hesitated. If he lingered to minister to a dying stranger even for an hour, he could miss his three friends. But if he left now, the man would surely die. He turned to the sick man and carefully attended to him, leaving with him all that he had left of bread and wine, and his store of healing herbs.
“I have nothing to give you in return,” said the grateful man, “…only this: our prophets have decreed that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, not in Jerusalem. May the Lord bring you in safety to that place, because you had pity upon the sick.
… He arrived at Bethlehem with his remaining ruby and pearl offerings, but it was three whole days after the three other wise men had found Mary, Joseph and Jesus, and had laid gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh at the baby’s feet.”
In conclusion, we make reference to the Gospel of Matthew where the Great Magi were mentioned for the first time. They are cited as “Magi who came from the East,” but nowhere else in the Old Testament are they cited nor is their exact number, age, appearance, name or attire described.
A mysterious UFO?
The mysterious nature of the star that guided the three or better said for Magi also raised various theories including the strangest of them all which suggests that the star that guided the Four Magi could have been a UFO.
Ufologist Reinaldo Rios ensures that certain texts of the apocryphal gospels such as the following one indicate a clear otherworldly origin:
Apocryphal Gospel of James: “Upon arrival at the grotto they stopped (refer to Joseph and the midwife), and behold, it was shaded by a luminous cloud. (…) Suddenly, the cloud began to withdraw from the grotto and shone in such a great light that our eyes could not resist. This, for a moment, began to decline until it appeared the Child “.
“And at that time that the star, which they saw in the east, went back to guide them until they reached the cave, and landed on the mouth of it.
Then the magicians saw the child with his mother Mary and brought gifts of their treasures of gold, frankincense and myrrh. ”
What we read in the Apocryphal Gospel of James is, according to Rios, is the ultimate evidence that points to an otherworldly presence in ancient times. Furthermore, Rios suggests that the presence of “Angels” indicates the unmistakable presence of Aliens during the birth of Jesus.
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This is Australia’s incredible UFO cover up story. 50 years later witnesses are still in search of answers.
This is Australia’s incredible UFO cover up story. 50 years later witnesses are still in search of answers.
2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the “Westall Incident” and still there are no satisfactory explanations of what happened that day.
It was 11 AM on April 6, 1966, when Australia’s most famous mass UFO sighting took place and when it did, students, teachers and other faculty members from Westall High School, along with members of the general public claim to have all witnessed the event, which was three metallic objects fly stealthily and silently through the sky, then land smoothly and leave quickly. And this all during the day light.
After this incredible sighting, several eye witnesses claim men in dark suits (a prominent theme in major UFO sightings) warned them about speaking about what they had witnessed to anyone. The warnings, however, did not deter some people from speaking out though, about the profound and mind blowing experience they had just witnessed.
Joy Clarke was 12 at the time and clearly recalls the events that occurred that day as follows;
“I was in class when students rushed in and told us the story. We rushed down to the oval and I saw three flying saucers on that day… My personal belief is they weren’t of this world. They were definitely from somewhere else because I have never seen anything like it all… The army had arrived and the police were there. We were told we were hysterical and it didn’t happen, while men in black interviewed some of the other kids.”
As you can hear, something clearly bizarre took place that day. But what do other people have to say about the experience?
Terry Peck was another young student who witnessed the event and had this to say;
“I was about six metres away from it. It was bigger than a car and circular. I think I saw some lights underneath it… Two girls were there before me. One was terribly upset and they were pale, really white, ghostly white. They just said they had passed out, fainted. One was taken to hospital in an ambulance… We all got called to an assembly … and they told us all to keep quiet… I’d absolutely just like someone to come forward from the services just to say ‘yes, it did happen, and it landed and there was a cover-up’.’’
Stephen Cairns, aged seven at the time, also recalls the incident with his mother as follows;
“In the distance I saw a silvery disc-like object. However, at first, it was so far away I was not quite sure what it was.. The silvery disc-like object moved with amazing speed until it was directly above us … it hovered for a few moments then, as quickly as it came, it flew away.”
Clearly there is more to this story than the authorities would like us to believe.
Shane Ryan has been investigating this incident closely for the past decade and, after interviewing more than 100 witnesses, he believes that something incredible and strange definitely occurred.
“It was so unusual … it occurred in broad daylight and had been seen by so many people landing on the ground, before taking off again… The event was obviously sizeable enough to muster a big response. Whatever it was that happened led to government agencies examining the site and taking soil samples.”
Ryan explains that he certainly believes there has been a major cover up of the event;
“[The media] kept meeting an official wall of silence, so it just stopped being a story and only remained as a memory for those involved,” he said.
Despite all the incredible testimony and obvious cover up though, we still know very little about what truly happened that day and the government’s silence on the matter, only adds fuel to the fire.
Below you can watch a 49 minute documentary that goes into more detail about this incredible event;
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Massive Quad-Engine UFOs Filmed Over Santiago, Chile
Massive Quad-Engine UFOs Filmed Over Santiago, Chile
A massive UFO sighting has been captured on tape by a Chilean local. The spectacular moment shows how four unidentified massive objects are hovering over downtown Santiago, Chile’s capital and largest city, and after they disappear from the field of view, other small bright UFOs take their place.
The first four flying objects slowly move across the sky before disappearing one by one. They keep no formation and have a few particularities that may identify them as human-made crafts. But what about their other unexplained characteristics?
The massive UFOs share the same cigar shape and have four lights that flicker as they hover over the city. These could be either safety lights or coming from a quad-engine prototype, but considering that safety lights are usually colored, the four-engine hypothesis seems more viable.
After the massive crafts slowly leave the area, other small UFOs come in their stead. They perform some kind of ritual this time, like following a pattern. The smaller crafts remind us of the speeding orb UFOs, but judging after the speed and pulsating light, it’s likely that they are something else.
Are these spectacular UFOs man made? Military crafts or authentic alien ships? What are your thoughts?
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'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake
'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake
A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.
A piece of moon rock was given during a goodwill tour by the three apollo 11 astronauts. Photo: Getty Images
Curators at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the "lunar rock", valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood.
Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation, said the museum would continue to keep the stone as a curiosity.
"It's a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered," she said. "We can laugh about it."
The rock was given to Willem Drees, a former Dutch leader, during a global tour by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin following their moon mission 50 years ago.
J. William Middendorf, the former American ambassador to the Netherlands, made the presentation to Mr Drees and the rock was then donated to the Rijksmuseum after his death in 1988.
"I do remember that Drees was very interested in the little piece of stone. But that it's not real, I don't know anything about that," Mr Middendorf said.
Nasa gave moon rocks to more than 100 countries following lunar missions in 1969 and the 1970s.
The United States Embassy in The Hague is carrying out an investigation into the affair.
Researchers Amsterdam's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon, a conclusion that was borne out by tests.
"It's a nondescript, pretty-much-worthless stone," said Frank Beunk, a geologist involved in the investigation.
Buzz Aldrin has weighed in on the debate over the first moon landing after conspiracy theorists used the 46th anniversary of the event to suggest it was faked.
Professor Brian Cox was first to take on the landing deniers, writing on Twitter that anyone who believed the Apollo 11 landing didn't happen was a "colossal nob end".
Nikola Tesla's Antigravity UFO:What happened his greatest Invention
Nikola Tesla's Antigravity UFO:What happened his greatest Invention
Gepubliceerd op 18 apr. 2015
Over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the twentieth century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft, which he called “the world’s first flying saucer,” the worlds first manmade UFO.
Boomerang UFO caught on ISS camera – Amateur astronomer saw same UFO days earlier
Boomerang UFO caught on ISS camera – Amateur astronomer saw same UFO days earlier
On January 6, 2016 the ISS Live Feed Camera recorded a rare light grey boomerang UFO near the International Space Station. Four days earlier, on January 2, 2016, an amateur astronomer, living in Elgin, Illinois witnessed also a light grey boomerang UFO. Probably it is the same UFO.
The amateur astronomer states:.
I was in my backyard with my telescope and binoculars looking for Comet Catalina. The sky was dark and perfectly clear with a mild NW wind.
The object entered the field of view of my binoculars as I was observing the star Arcturus. It took about 2 seconds to cross the 5 degree field of view and was completely silent. It was uniform dull gray in appearance with no visible lights. It appeared to glide very elegantly and smoothly from north to south at roughly 46 degrees elevation. It did not change direction or altitude. XX Obviously I have no way to know its actual size and altitude, but it’s angular size was roughly one degree and its angular speed was akin to a passenger jet at moderate altitude.
Image left is a rendering.
The boomerang UFO I witnessed looked very defined. The color was slightly lighter gray and uniform throughout with no apparent details. The gradual tapering along the arms is correct. But the edges were very sharply defined with no mist around them. Yet the object did not give the impression of being flat.
I was sitting on a lawn chair next to my house. I followed it in my binoculars until it passed behind the eave over my sunroom. I immediately stood up and moved away from my house to look some more. But it was gone! It had disappeared. My impression was one of surprise.
As an experienced amateur astronomer for over 50 years, I have never seen anything remotely like this before.
My own general opinion on the very small percentage of UFOs that are not explainable by understood phenomena is that they fall into one of three categories:
1. Secret military aircraft. 2. Unknown atmospheric or magnetic phenomena. 3. Demonic manifestations
My wife, also a lifelong amateur astronomer, saw something identical from her parents’ backyard on the west side of Chicago in the spring of 1968. Three identical gray boomerangs appeared out of nowhere, passed near Orion’s belt and then completely vanished. They were silent.
My parents saw a gray boomerang in 1947 traveling at very high speed, much faster than any jets of the day. It crossed from horizon to horizon in only a few seconds. It also was completely silent.
I have discovered that this particular class of objects has been seen around the world for many decades. That would seem to rule out the first category above.
As a professionally trained astronomer and avid follower of new astronomical theories and discoveries, I have long held the strong suspicion that we are the only human beings (or any form of physical being with ability to reason) in the universe.
I have reached this conclusion only after much reading, investigation and a well-thought through process of reasoning. Therefore, I do not conclude that we are being visited by physical inhabitants from an extrasolar planet in our physical universe. That’s about it. Except, I plan on having a camera ready in case one happens along again. I hope I don’t have to wait another 50 years!
Below video recorded by StreetCap1 shows the ISS boomerang UFO
By: Worldufophotosandnewsorg, case files
As we as a collective begin to realize that we are just another world among countless worlds, will humble and educate our path to the future in the right direction.
Are we the Universe’s only child — our thoughts its only thoughts? Or do we have alien cosmic siblings — an interstellar family of intelligence’s?
A mature civilization, like a mature individual, must ask itself this question. Is humanity defined by its divisions, its problems, its passing needs and trends? Or do we have a shared face, turned outward to the Universe?
It was the most unusual thing I have ever experienced. It looked like a car levitating from behind the trees,” he told me. Soon the object had risen above the trees to a height of approximately 60 feet in the air. As it cleared the trees, both Brian and Linda said they could now see a distinct shape. It looked “cigar like” and metallic. Brian estimated the object was almost 50 feet long and 20 foot wide. The couple describe it as ascending slowly and “gracefully”.
By now Brian had pulled over at the closest vantage point to the object. Linda had turned the faltering CD music off and Brian opened his window to get a better look at the ‘craft’. They both watched, dumbfounded. Suddenly as if alerted to their presence, the craft turned towards them, moving in an erratic manner. They described the object as “tilting” towards them with its “nose” pointing downwards. Brian and Linda’s fascination turned to fear as they realised whatever it was seemed to be heading straight for them. They sped off as Linda watched through the rear window, screaming for her husband to put his foot down. Brian changed gear and they seemed to lose the object for a moment.
Then suddenly, rising from the right hand side of the road, the object had overtaken them and stopped – hovering in the road in front of their car approximately 50 feet away. They couple froze. They told me it was the most surreal and terrifying experience of their lives. With the car and flying object so close, the air was full of tension and the couple said they felt static electricity. Linda commented that it felt like her hair had begun to stand on end. Then the craft slowly started to rise up one last time – to approximately 80 feet in the air before shooting off vertically into the night sky.
Badly shaken, yet feeling very lucky to have experienced something so remarkable, they finished the rest of the journey home chatting ten-to-the-dozen about what had happened. Brian and Linda said they felt unable to be named in thearticle for fear of ridicule, but I can safely say that after spending some considerable time with them I found them both very genuine.
A series of clear photographs of some flying saucers were in taken in 1958 by Javier Torres and Alejandro Dueñas while driving on the road near the volcano Colima in Guadalajara in Mexico.
According to the people who took the pictures, the flying saucers are about 6 and 8 meters and the objects were flying some 40 meters away from them.
These are some of the most amazing authentic UFO pictures ever taken near the volcano Colima.
I was in my backyard with my telescope and binoculars looking for Comet Catalina. The sky was dark and perfectly clear with a mild NW wind. The object entered the field of view of my binoculars as I was observing the star Arcturus. It took about 2 seconds to cross the 5 degree field of view and was completely silent. It was uniform dull gray in appearance with no visible lights. It appeared to glide very elegantly and smoothly from north to south at roughly 46 degrees elevation. It did not change direction or altitude.
Obviously I have no way to know its actual size and altitude, but it’s angular size was roughly one degree and its angular speed was akin to a passenger jet at moderate altitude.
The boomerang UFO I witnessed looked very defined. The color was slightly lighter gray and uniform throughout with no apparent details. The gradual tapering along the arms is correct. But the edges were very sharply defined with no mist around them. Yet the object did not give the impression of being flat. I was sitting on a lawn chair next to my house. I followed it in my binoculars until it passed behind the eave over my sunroom. I immediately stood up and moved away from my house to look some more. But it was gone! It had disappeared. My impression was one of surprise.
As an experienced amateur astronomer for over 50 years, I have never seen anything remotely like this before. My general opinion on the very small percentage of UFOs that are not explainable by understood phenomena is that they fall into one of three categories:
1. Secret military aircraft.
2. Unknown atmospheric or magnetic phenomena.
3. Demonic manifestations (also a strong suspicion of my former professor, J. Allen Hynek)
My general impression, while one of surprise, also left me with an otherworldly feeling. But that might have been exacerbated somewhat by the fact that I had just finished a short personal prayer to God in my mind. My wife, also a lifelong amateur astronomer, saw something identical from her parents’ backyard on the west side of Chicago in the spring of 1968. Three identical gray boomerangs appeared out of nowhere, passed near Orion’s belt and then completely vanished. They were silent. My parents saw a gray boomerang in 1947 traveling at very high speed, much faster than any jets of the day. It crossed from horizon to horizon in only a few seconds. It also was completely silent. I have discovered that this particular class of objects has been seen around the world for many decades. That would seem to rule out the first category above.
As a professionally trained astronomer and avid follower of new astronomical theories and discoveries, I have long held the strong suspicion that we are the only human beings (or any form of physical being with ability to reason) in the universe. I have reached this conclusion only after much reading, investigation and a well-thought through process of reasoning. Therefore, I do not conclude that we are being visited by physical inhabitants from an extrasolar planet in our physical universe.
That’s about it. Except, I plan on having a camera ready in case one happens along again. I hope I don’t have to wait another 50 years!
Alien Scholz’s star passed through solar system 70,000 years ago
An alien star passed through our Solar System just 70,000 years ago, astronomers have discovered.
No other star is known to have approached this close to us.
An international team of researchers says it came five times closer than our current nearest neighbour – Proxima Centauri.
The object, a red dwarf known as Scholz’s star, cruised through the outer reaches of the Solar System – a region known as the Oort Cloud.
Scholz’s star was not alone; it was accompanied on its travels by an object known as a brown dwarf. These are essentially failed stars that lacked the necessary mass to get fusion going in their cores.
Observations of the dim star’s trajectory suggest that 70,000 years ago this cosmic infiltrator passed within 0.8 light years of the Sun. By comparison, Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light years away.
Ball Of Light Disappearing Into A Wormhole Portal Above Canberra
Ball Of Light Disappearing Into A Wormhole Portal Above Canberra
A strange ball of light lit up the sky over Canberra before quickly vanishing once again stirred UFO sighting speculations on social media.
The video, which was first uploaded to Reddit, showed a round UFO surfacing on the Australian Capital Territory sky amidst a Sunday night storm. The mysterious object has a faint green and red glow in the background.
Some users of social media labeled it as an ET event while experts branded it as a weather phenomenon called ball lightning.
The lightning illuminated with a green-red hue and a white orb in the dark sky and disappeared after a few seconds during the recorded incident.
Some believe it is a UFO exiting a portal from another dimension. Jakka Warren says that it is the so-called Class B UFO because of the presence of typical hyperdrive residue and not the ball of lightning as experts hinted. Many Reddit users maintained that the strange light was a sign of hyperspace opening up.
But experts insist it is ball lightning. Dr. Brad Tucker, an astronomer at Australian National University, debunked alien claims, saying it was ball lightning, an equally mysterious phenomenon.
He stated that some may have mistaken it for an Aurora, where the energy of the sun hits the atmosphere, rubbing it with friction and charging the gas. But it doesn’t fit because there is no activity from the sun and it is cloudy.
However, he thought it was ball lightning, a strange event where lightning appears as a ball explosion and moves around in the sky in some instances. The electrical charge rubbing against atmospheric gases manifest in this activity.
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Dulce, au Nouveau Mexique, est une ville de taille relativement modeste à deux kilomètres de la réserve d’indiens Apaches de Jicarilla. C’est l’endroit où vivent 900 personnes. La ville possède un grand hôtel et quelques boutiques. Ce n’est pourtant pas votre ville resort typique qui croule sous l’activité! Toutefois, cette ville endormie recèle un sombre secret caché profondément sous la brousse de Archuleta Mesa. Un secret si mystérieux, qu’il implique un laboratoire de bio-génétique gouvernemental conjointement avec des extraterrestres visant à réaliser des expériences bizarres sur les humains et les animaux.
La base de Dulce est considérée être la plus grande base de reptiliens et de petits gris en Amérique où ils y auraient mené des expériences, notamment: manipulation atomique, clonage, contrôle de l’esprit, croisements entre animaux et humains, implantation de puces, enlèvements, et se nourrir d’humains.
La vidéo ci-dessous contient des notes extraordinaires prises par un scientifique qui a été mandaté par le gouvernement pour visiter les sites de crash d’ovnis d’observer la vie extraterrestre (le scientifique s’est désormais résolu à vivre dans la clandestinité). Il y révèle des informations secrètes sur la Base de Dulce et ses rouages. Cependant, je dois vous avertir, l’information contenue dans la vidéo est top secrète, et rien qu’en la lisant vous vous mettez le gouvernement à dos… Donc soyez prudents.
Les photos suivantes ont été prises dans la base de Dulce par un officier de sécurité dont le nom est Thomas Costello. Lui et sa famille ont disparu et ont été déclarés morts au public.
Le document suivant est un résumé des actions d’un scientifique ou plus qui a créé une couverture, afin d’autoriser des ordinateurs portables personnels dans un programme gouvernemental ultra top secret. Les publications du gouvernement et informations obtenues par l’utilisation des taxes publiques ne peuvent pas être brevetées. Ce document appartient désormais au domaine public grâce aux contribuables des Etats-Unis d’Amérique.
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Ovnis et extraterrestres de la base de Dulce révélés par un scientifique désormais en fuite
Dulce, au Nouveau Mexique, est une ville de taille relativement modeste à deux kilomètres de la réserve d’indiens Apaches de Jicarilla. C’est l’endroit où vivent 900 personnes. La ville possède un grand hôtel et quelques boutiques. Ce n’est pourtant pas votre ville resort typique qui croule sous l’activité! Toutefois, cette ville endormie recèle un sombre secret caché profondément sous la brousse de Archuleta Mesa. Un secret si mystérieux, qu’il implique un laboratoire de bio-génétique gouvernemental conjointement avec des extraterrestres visant à réaliser des expériences bizarres sur les humains et les animaux.
La base de Dulce est considérée être la plus grande base de reptiliens et de petits gris en Amérique où ils y auraient mené des expériences, notamment: manipulation atomique, clonage, contrôle de l’esprit, croisements entre animaux et humains, implantation de puces, enlèvements, et se nourrir d’humains.
La vidéo ci-dessous contient des notes extraordinaires prises par un scientifique qui a été mandaté par le gouvernement pour visiter les sites de crash d’ovnis d’observer la vie extraterrestre (le scientifique s’est désormais résolu à vivre dans la clandestinité). Il y révèle des informations secrètes sur la Base de Dulce et ses rouages. Cependant, je dois vous avertir, l’information contenue dans la vidéo est top secrète, et rien qu’en la lisant vous vous mettez le gouvernement à dos… Donc soyez prudents.
Les photos suivantes ont été prises dans la base de Dulce par un officier de sécurité dont le nom est Thomas Costello. Lui et sa famille ont disparu et ont été déclarés morts au public.
Le document suivant est un résumé des actions d’un scientifique ou plus qui a créé une couverture, afin d’autoriser des ordinateurs portables personnels dans un programme gouvernemental ultra top secret. Les publications du gouvernement et informations obtenues par l’utilisation des taxes publiques ne peuvent pas être brevetées. Ce document appartient désormais au domaine public grâce aux contribuables des Etats-Unis d’Amérique.
I was going through a few of the Sanderson materials, looking for some of the rarer resources, and found a copy of Mark Moravec's PSIUFO PHENOMENA: A Study of UFOs and the Paranormal. March 1982. Although an interesting monograph done by a competent UFOlogist, not many people have a copy in their research libraries. I have never met Mark Moravec, but he is/was a friendly colleague of Bill Chalker and Keith Basterfield and that's good enough for me.
Moravec proceeded in this research during the hay-day of Ozzie catalog creation, where particularly Keith Basterfield produced a number of very good compilations. [also rarely in anyone's libraries]. Moravec wanted to collect cases which seemed to involve a psychic element and see if there were patterns or even good solid evidence. He worked mainly with Ozzie cases, and was interested in "mental communications", "poltergeists", "apparitions", "healings", "ghostlights", and "time lapses".
The mental communications issue seems pretty well documented with all the "the words seemed to come from inside my head" and "their mouths never moved" sorts of testimonies, but the rest of this remains pretty marginal to me.
For whatever reason, I became interested in what was contained on the issue of the coincidence of a UFO sighting with poltergeist phenomena. Moravec believes that he has found evidence of this coincidence. I'm not so sure.
One thing that Moravec wants to note down as poltergeist phenomenon, for instance, is "levitation", such as in a car-lifting type case. I don't buy that as "poltergeist" at all. Even the possible lifting of a person, or in the famous French case, a horse, I wouldn't ascribe to "poltergeist". If I did such a thing, I'd be telling myself that the apparent "tractor beam effect" which lifted Captain Coyne's helicopter in the great Mansfield OH case was a poltergeist.
In fact, in all the Ozzie cases surveyed, Moravec found only three that he classed as poltergeist-involvement. One was an incident where the witness was force-grabbed and pulled right through a pane-glass window towards an entity. This is both not very poltergeist-like behavior, but has a rather poor UFO involved in it to boot.
The second case occurred in the middle of a flap and in this instance featured a family who would hear overhead humming sounds but could see no craft. Some lights were occasionally seen at the same time as the hums, but not apparently directly associated with the location.
The third case is the famous Rosedale water-stealer but, for me, the poltergeist is hard to find here as well. There were sounds, some loud, always seeming to be directly associated with a craft; there was a huge amount of water gone missing from the tank near the UFO, and the witness' watch stopped working normally. He reported that he could get it to run lying on the table, but not on his wrist. I'm not going to poltergeists on this one either.
The message to me is that an analysis of a lot of Ozzie cases found NO poltergeist involvement --- OTHER Psi maybe, Poltergeists, no.
But are there none elsewhere? Maybe, maybe not.
Moravec began his discussion of the possible poltergeist involvement by citing what he felt was a strong Canadian case demonstrating it. So, let's take a look.
The case occurred in Wooler, ONT July 2, 1968. It's difficult to get a full write-up about it unless you have a pretty good collection of Flying Saucer Review. The case appears in one of their special issues [#2: "Beyond Condon", June 1969]. It is reported by an investigator, Mrs. W. Graystone, whom I do not know, but the article begins by saying that it is the result of an interview report including taped testimonies, and this material was deposited both at CAPRO, and at APRO HQ in Tucson. Because of that, I'm going to assume that the report grows out of a decent field investigation, and will place some faith in it.
Two brothers [24 and 19] saw a light descending in the sky. One brother ran and got binoculars. Lights changed from red to purplish and were rotating around the craft. The craft dropped behind a distant hill-line. All through this event the horses were panicking and running in circles. Upon entering their home, the brothers discovered one of the family cats lying frozen on its back in a catatonic state. When it ultimately recovered, it ran away never to be seen again. A second cat also ran away.
So far, we have a mild UFO case with strong animal-effects. These events happened at about 10:30pm. After telling the family, and sitting around the table enjoying a late snack, at about 11:30pm the back porch window shattered --- see the photo. It had, as stated above, an unusually "clean" breaking edge. Shortly a deck of cards lifted off the table and went flying around the kitchen making a mess, and a wineglass was yanked from one of the brother's hands, sent flying to a glass-shattering crash on the floor. All three of these things are very poltergeisty, one must admit. All through that night, the kitchen seemed a source of constant clattering of utensils, some of which found their way to other locations in that room. An aroma of roses was said to permeate the kitchen.
For the next three days, nothing would happen during the day, but by evening rattlings and movements would occur. The men of the family sat down there in the dark trying to catch a culprit or in some way get explanations for things, with no luck. The latter of those days, these events were also witnessed by a local contingent of police and a Toronto reporter. Even audiotapes were made. Manifestations apparently continued on more or less a nightly routine for a while.
The initial window breakage elicited interest. A glazier was brought in to inspect it. He was baffled by the fact that the edges of the break were "uniformly smooth". No jagged nor irregular areas at all. Adding to that mystery, the window pieces were thrown outward into the porch, not inward to the house. As a subjective stretch of the imagination, viewers of the breakage pattern began to see it [adding missing hole in glass and prominent window cracks together] as the form of a Dove flying away. I'll leave that part to everyone's own level of acceptability, although you CAN see it in the glass if you want to, without much imagination.
Just after recognizing the pattern, the investigative group turned off the house lights and sat in the dark waiting. The strong odor of the roses immediately returned, but that was the only manifestation, and from that time nothing else has happened. In subsequent days there were some explorations of the distant hillsides where circular annular ring traces were found, dating somewhat before the UFO witnessing however, and a peculiar substance [unidentified] found outside the house, which had acidic properties, burning the skin. Whether any of that is related, who knows?
And that is the point of the whole thing. The UFO was "real" though not much, unless the traces were somehow related, and the poltergeist was apparently spectacularly real. They didn't quite happen at the same time, although the effect on the cat inside the house seems to have. So, is this a coincidence of two anomalous occurrences, or a connection?
In another probable coincidence, one hour earlier there were two UFO cases in Quebec, both involving entities [one with many seen inside a craft, and the other, more folkloric without a UFO, of two small entities chased by police]. Again: connected or not?
Two people, who at one time in their UFO careers would have given credence to the possibility that these events were all connected, were Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee [Jacques more forcefully than Allen, of course]. In 1975, they published some conversations that they had with Arthur Hastings in a very unusual book entitled The Edge of Reality, which most of you know. This book caught many people by surprise as it revealed a willingness in Hynek to see elements of the UFO mystery in paranormal terms rather than as natural phenomena or nuts-and-bolts. Of course Jacques was well into paranormal views of the subject, asPassport to Magonia attests. In their discussions, one case stood out to them as a possible clue or gateway case to getting at these pieces of the puzzle.
The case was "Ely, NV; February 14, 1974". The quick thumbnail is this:
"Two brothers were moving some of their possessions in a truck near Ely, Nevada. At around 4:15 a.m. the engine of the truck began missing and the lights flickered, so they shifted into neutral. They then felt a blast of wind shake the truck and saw an orange colored light moving low to the ground from right to left. They stopped the truck and saw six different lights or objects surrounding them: three blue stationary lights, a red pulsating light, a silver colored saucer, and a reddish-orange saucer. The red light then came directly at the truck, passed close by, and continued on behind them. After the objects had finally disappeared, they found the rear axle on the truck broken in half. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 360, citing CUFOS)." Interesting yes, but what does it have to do with the paranormal? The paranormal element of this event is that when it was happening the brothers' Mother was awakened by one of her son's voices calling "Mom!!". She saw no apparition, but felt that he was right there. The father did not hear anything, but the cot on which he was sleeping began rattling and shaking so that he, too, woke up. Poltergeist? Physical effects of family member at-a-distance? Same thing? Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon on these [few] cases, but they have the feeling of something paranormal tripped off by the UFO encounter, but not deliberately caused by it. That is, the UFO is itself; the paranormal event is something entirely different sitting there waiting for circumstances to enable it. If UFOs were DELIBERATELY creating paranormal or pseudo-paranormal manifestations, I'd think that my files would have a whole pile of them. I think that Jacques felt differently. I believe that, at least at this point in his career he was wide open to the possibilities that UFO manifestations were not only largely paranormal, in some senses of that word, but actively stimulating the paranormal in observers. The following is not precisely in that line, but it illustrates Jacques' willingness to incorporate beliefs in Spiritual and psychic entities into his thinking at the time. From the book: Hastings was speaking of the beginnings of electrical research and the topic slid over to Mesmerism [which was originally very closely allied]. Hastings: "They didn't even call mesmerizing magic, and that was far weirder". Vallee: "Mesmerizing has been called magic. There were several books written against Mesmer, saying his experiments were all works of the Devil." Hastings: "Well, I don't know; it's reproducible on demand". Vallee: "So is The Devil!". At that point, a probably very uncomfortable Allen Hynek steered the conversation back to UFOs. The point of bringing this up is that Jacques, and presumably many others, would be willing to employ quite active psychic and spiritual entities within the encounters of UFOlogy as causal agents of immediate or subsequent "psychic" events. My problem with this is not Ontological, as a Catholic I'm "all in" on the existence of demonic or daemonic or little people or tricksters potentially meddling in all sorts of things. BUT, it would make me feel a lot more comfortable with the hypothesis if I could find some significant pile of strong cases in which UFOs and such meddling-trickster activity seemed closely related.
As we've gone through the 20th century to the 21st, we've expanded our hypotheses [ ballooned our bullshit?] on what poltergeists are about, but clarity seems elusive. It's probably still true that most parapsychologists want to believe that poltergeists are the subconscious psychokinetic mind-blastings of young stress-filled hormonal-raging teenagers. I don't buy it. Maybe there's something there %-wise, but there are WAY too many cases where nothing of the sort makes sense. Sometimes it seems to be the "thing"/location not the person passing through, for instance. Theories include: a]. the above; b]. restless spirits of the dead {aware or unaware of the fact}; c]. "recording and playback" of some past event; d]. slippage of time {past images}, or space {wrong things appearing and disappearing}; e]. other psychic manifestations {doppelgangers, apparitions}; f]. tricksters et al; g]. interfacing with other parts of the Universe, possibly even poorly controlled ET-technology effects; h]. Satan and his minions.... etc. John Keel once tried to claim that there was a correlation between UFOs and poltergeists, of which I've found no evidence. Doubtless he would, however, approve of all the speculations above. This is one of the things in UFOlogy that I don't believe that I have any emotional "leanings" about at all --- as an honest person, I have such "leanings" about many other things, which I try to fight off with data, but this business... I don't think that I care one way or the other. BUT, I find no evidence that UFOs are deliberately causing poltergeists, and probably none that they are even related --- out of several hundred thousand events there are bound to be one or two coincidences.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.
An international team led by Princeton University scientists has discovered Weyl fermions, elusive massless particles theorized 85 years ago that could give rise to faster and more efficient electronics because of their unusual ability to behave as matter and antimatter inside a crystal. The team included numerous researchers from Princeton's Department of Physics, including (from left to right) graduate students Ilya Belopolski and Daniel Sanchez; Guang Bian, a postdoctoral research associate; corresponding author M. Zahid Hasan, a Princeton professor of physics who led the research team; and associate research scholar Hao Zheng. (Photo by Danielle Alio, Office of Communications)