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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
What would happen minute-by-minute if a SUPERFLARE with the force of billions of atomic bombs hit Earth
What would happen minute-by-minute if a SUPERFLARE with the force of billions of atomic bombs hit Earth
When this happens, power grids will be damaged, satellites will fall from orbit, and the destruction of undersea cables could trigger an 'internet apocalypse'.
From the superflare's eruption from the sun, Earth will have just eight minutes before the first wave of radiation slams into the atmosphere.
However, the worst will still be yet to come as a vast wave of plasma and magnetic fields follows close behind, causing havoc for the planet's electrical system.
The last time Earth was hit by a blast on this scale was during the 1859 Carrington Event, which was strong enough to give electric shocks to telegraph operators and set sheets of paper alight.
But experts now say that the planet could soon be hit by a solar flare more than 100 times more powerful and far more devastating.
What is a superflare?
A solar flare is a huge explosion on the sun's surface which releases a huge amount of stored energy in a very short time.
These occur when magnetic fields become 'twisted' above cool patches of the sun's surface called sunspots.
Within minutes these tangled fields heat material to many millions of degrees before snapping into a burst of radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to X-rays and gamma rays.
However, that burst of energy is only part of the problem, since large solar flares are often accompanied by events called coronal mass ejections.
Professor Sean Elvidge, an expert on space weather from the University of Birmingham, told MailOnline: 'Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), on the other hand, are huge clouds of charged solar plasma and magnetic fields hurled into space.
'They move more slowly often taking one to three days to reach Earth, but can cause significant geomagnetic disturbances once they interact with our planet’s magnetic field.'
A so-called superflare is simply a particularly large solar flare capable of releasing one octillion joules of energy - that is one followed by 27 zeros.
Earth is overdue for a devastating superflare which could wipe out communication systems and knock satellites out of orbit, scientists have warned (stock image)
Superflare timeline
00:00Superflare erupts on the sun
00:08A wave of X-ray and high-intensity ultraviolet radiation hits Earth triggering radio blackouts.
00:30Energetic particles trigger a radiation storm, exposing astronauts to a deadly dose of ionising radiation.
16:00 The coronal mass ejection hits Earth, creating a geomagnetic storm. This will lead to blackouts and disrupt global internet connections.
17:00 Increased atmospheric drag starts to pull satellites out of orbit.
40:00 The geomagnetic storm subsides.
Time in minutes and hours since the superflare.
Previously, scientists had estimated that Earth would only experience one of these once every thousand to ten thousand years.
Given that a superflare hasn't hit Earth since 775 AD, we are well overdue for a run-in with one of these dangerous explosions.
So, if a superflare were to explode on the sun's surface, here's what would happen minute by minute.
Eight minutes since the superflare
Since electromagnetic radiation moves at the speed of light, we would only have eight minutes from the moment the flare bursts until we experience the first effects.
Dr Erika Palmerio, a research scientist at Predictive Science, told MailOnline: 'From the flare we get radiation and solar energetic particles and those are the first things that are coming to us because they are the fastest.'
As this initial wave of X-rays and intense ultraviolet radiation arrives, it creates a build-up of electrons in a layer of the atmosphere called the ionosphere.
A superflare would release the energy of several billion atomic bombs and transmit one octillion joules of energy, one followed by 27 zeros. The first wave of X-ray radiation would hit Earth in eight minutes, causing widespread radio blackouts (stock imiage)
Those electrons interfere with radio signals moving around the planet, scrambling and decaying any messages humans might be trying to send.
That means the first sign a superflare had hit would be a sudden and total radio blackout on the sunlit side of Earth.
Dr Palmerio says: 'That can be problematic if there is a disaster back on Earth, for example, a hurricane, since all those rescue teams communicate through radio.'
However, that lack of communication will become particularly dangerous when we consider what is still to come.
30 minutes since the superflare
Travelling just behind the solar flare's first flash of radiation, the next thing to arrive would be a cloud of ionising high-energy particles.
Dr Palmerio says: 'We have these solar particles which are launched by the flare and then accelerated as the CME moves through the lower atmosphere of the sun.
'They're not as fast as X-rays, but these particles are very energetic so within tens of minutes we can have a solar radiation storm.'
30 minutes after the superflare a radiation storm would hit Earth, exposing astronauts on the International Space Station (pictured) to a deadly dose of radiation
Down on the ground, we're unlikely to see any impact from this radiation storm since the charged particles will be directed away by the Earth's magnetic field.
However, passengers orcrew on commercial flights are very likely to receive a substantially increased dose of radiation.
This would be especially dangerous for anyone flying near the poles where the charged particles would be most concentrated.
But the biggest risks of all would be faced by astronauts out beyond the protection of the atmosphere.
Anyone on the International Space Station (ISS) would be in real danger of receiving a deadly dose of ionising radiation as the radiation storm batters the planet.
Nor is this threat hypothetical since NASA astronauts have very nearly been killed by solar flares in the past.
In August 1972, Earth was hit by one of the worst solar storms in recorded history, knocking out long-distance communications across some US states.
Dr Palmerio says: 'In that year we had the Apollo 16 mission in April and then Apollo 17 in December.
With radio blackouts on Earth, astronauts might not have time to receive a warning. But if they can, they would have about 30 minutes to either evacuate or shelter in a shielded area of the station
'It's been estimated that had that storm happened during one of those two launches, it would have been life-threatening for the astronauts.'
Additionally, since NASA uses radio frequencies to communicate with the ISS, astronauts might have no warning at all before receiving a deadly dose of radiation.
16 hours since the superflare
So far, most of the superflare's effects have been limited to the upper atmosphere.
But now as the wave of charged plasma and magnetic fields which make up the CME roll towards Earth, things are about to become significantly worse.
Professor Elvidge says: 'A strong CME usually takes between one and three days to reach Earth.
'The exact timing depends on its initial speed and the conditions of the interplanetary environment, but travel times of around 36 to 48 hours are often typical for significant events.'
However, this is no typical event and in the case of a superflare we may have far less time to prepare.
Solar flares can release large amounts of stellar material in events called Coronal Mass Ejections (pictured). The fastest CMEs can hit Earth just 15-16 hours after the solar flare erupts
'The fastest we have seen travel around 3,000 km/s and can reach the Earth in less than a day,' says Professor Elvidge.
The fastest CME on record, the August 1972 event, took just 14.6 hours to reach Earth after leaving the sun.
Leaving a generous window, we might have only 16 hours between realising a flare has happened and the CME hitting.
When it does arrive, it is this part of the superflare that is likely to cause the most long-lasting damage.
Professor Elvidge says: 'As a CME arrives, its interaction with Earth’s magnetic field can generate geomagnetic storms.'
These vast fluctuations in the magnetic field induce strong electrical currents in any long piece of metal on Earth including the wires in the power grids.
These power fluctuations can trip safety systems leading to regional outages or cascade failures and even set fire to the insulation surrounding electrical transformers.
As the CME hits the Earth's magnetic field it creates a charge which induces a strong current in power grids on the ground. These surges could cause widespread blackouts around the world
What is the solar cycle?
The solar cycle is the cycle that the sun's magnetic field goes through about every 11 years.
The beginning of a solar cycle is a solar minimum, or when the Sun has the least sunspots.
The middle of the solar cycle is the solar maximum, or when the Sun has the most sunspots.
The current solar cycle, numbered 25, started in 2019 and is expected to continue until about 2030, but the solar maximum is now expected in early 2024.
On the scale of a superflare, that could mean blackouts and power failures around the entire world lasting for years to come.
But the problems won't be limited to the power grid, since some researchers also believe that a superflare could lead to an 'internet apocalypse'.
While local internet connections have largely shifted over to non-conductive fibre optic cables, the subsea internet cables which join up the world are still made of copper.
These cables are equipped with repeaters every 30 to 90 miles (50-150km) to boost the signal over long distances which are very vulnerable to the effects of a solar flare.
If just one of these repeaters fails, the entire cable is rendered useless until it can be repaired.
That means that a failure rate of just one per cent would mean almost 15 per cent of subsea cables would be rendered useless.
This could cut entire parts of the globe off from the internet and take years to repair.
A recent study suggests that a solar storm could damage the undersea cables which provide the backbone of the internet. This could lead to entire parts of the world losing connection
17 hours since the superflare
Unfortunately for everyone on Earth, global power failures and the destruction of the internet are really just the start of the problems.
One of the biggest risks of a solar flare hitting Earth is that it will have a devastating effect on the network of satellites we use to communicate, navigate, and monitor the Earth.
Outside the protection of the atmosphere, satellites will be buffeted by all of the worst impacts of the solar Tsunami.
Professor Elvidge says: 'Satellites might be affected almost as soon as the storming begins.
'Increased radiation can disrupt onboard electronics, degrade solar panel efficiency, and interfere with communication and navigation signals.'
With an exceptionally large storm like a superflare, this could cause serious damage to systems we are extremely reliant on.
However, the real problems will begin about an hour later as the CME causes the atmosphere to warm and expand.
If a solar flare hits it will cause serious damage to our orbiting communications and GPS satellites. An hour after the CME arrives, satellites will begin to experience increased atmospheric drag and slip from their orbits
This plunges satellites in low-Earth orbit into a denser region of the atmosphere than they are used to moving through.
That increased drag slows down a satellite and deteriorates its orbit, slowly pulling it back down to Earth.
'Depending on the CME’s intensity and a satellite’s resilience, these disruptions can last from a few hours to several days,' says Professor Elvidge.
While most satellites won't necessarily plummet to Earth, even small issues can lead to big problems since sensitive navigation systems are set to work at a certain altitude.
And with every satellite around Earth simultaneously falling towards the ground, significant disruption is almost inevitable.
Months and years afterwards
Depending on the alignment of the CME's magnetic fields, the worst of the geomagnetic storm should subside between 10 and 24 hours after it began.
However, the lingering effects of the superflare could take months or years to fade.
Scientists demonstrate how observations of the rate of decrease of the Sun’s dipole magnetic field can be usefully combined with sunspot observations to predict when the ongoing cycle would peak. Their analysis suggests that the maximum of solar cycle 25 is most likely to occur in early 2024
Geomagnetic storms can cause dazzling aurora displays to appear at unusually low latitudes (pictured) but they can also damage sensitive computer equipment around the world, creating disruption that could take years to repair
Professor Alan Woodward, a computer security expert from the University of Surrey, told MailOnline: 'You could get effects in the national grid but, probably more importantly, you'd also get them in delicate electronics like computers.
'As a result, you'd have a lot of equipment that suddenly wouldn't work properly.'
In the case of a superflare, Professor Woodward says this wouldn't just be big things like your laptop but all the devices which make our modern world possible.
Professor Woodward says: 'Think of your phone or the industrial control systems that are controlling traffic lights and heating systems, anything that uses computing could be damaged and cause a massive amount of disruption.
'When you start looking at it, you suddenly realise how unbelievably dependent we are on modern communication.
'Commerce, personal life, certain ways of working, certain ways of living; that would literally disappear.'
For humanity to recover, this would mean replacing all the damaged computer components while dealing with the fallout of massive power failures and the potential collapse of the internet.
And with every nation on Earth simultaneously competing for the same computer parts, that process could take months or years to complete.
Solar storms, or solar activity, can be divided into four main components that can have impacts on Earth:
Solar flares: A large explosion in the sun's atmosphere. These flares are made of photons that travel out directly from the flare site. Solar flares impact Earth only when they occur on the side of the sun facing Earth.
Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's): Large clouds of plasma and magnetic field that erupt from the sun. These clouds can erupt in any direction, and then continue on in that direction, plowing through solar wind. These clouds only cause impacts to Earth when they're aimed at Earth.
High-speed solar wind streams: These come from coronal holes on the sun, which form anywhere on the sun and usually only when they are closer to the solar equator do the winds impact Earth.
Solar energetic particles: High-energy charged particles thought to be released primarily by shocks formed at the front of coronal mass ejections and solar flares. When a CME cloud plows through solar wind, solar energetic particles can be produced and because they are charged, they follow the magnetic field lines between the Sun and Earth. Only charged particles that follow magnetic field lines that intersect Earth will have an impact.
While these may seem dangerous, astronauts are not in immediate danger of these phenomena because of the relatively low orbit of manned missions.
However, they do have to be concerned about cumulative exposure during space walks.
This photo shows the sun's coronal holes in an x-ray image. The outer solar atmosphere, the corona, is structured by strong magnetic fields, which when closed can cause the atmosphere to suddenly and violently release bubbles or tongues of gas and magnetic fields called coronal mass ejections
The damage caused by solar storms
Solar flares can damage satellites and have an enormous financial cost.
The charged particles can also threaten airlines by disturbing Earth's magnetic field.
Very large flares can even create currents within electricity grids and knock out energy supplies.
When Coronal Mass Ejections strike Earth they cause geomagnetic storms and enhanced aurora.
They can disrupt radio waves, GPS coordinates and overload electrical systems.
A large influx of energy could flow into high voltage power grids and permanently damage transformers.
This could shut off businesses and homes around the world.
The British-Canadian computer scientist dubbed the 'Godfather of AI' has shortened the odds of artificial intelligence (AI) wiping out humans over the next 30 years, warning the technology could one day 'take control'.
Professor Geoffrey Hinton said we need to be 'very careful' and 'very thoughtful' about the development of AI which he says is 'potentially very dangerous'.
He had previously said there was a 10 per cent chance of the technology causing the extinction of the human race - but now predicts that figure to be '10 per cent to 20 per cent', because of the rapid pace at which AI is developing.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Professor Hinton said: 'You see, we've never had to deal with things more intelligent than ourselves before.'
He continued: 'And how many examples do you know of a more intelligent thing being controlled by a less intelligent thing? There are very few examples.
'There’s a mother and baby. Evolution put a lot of work into allowing the baby to control the mother, but that’s about the only example I know of.'
Professor Hinton, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics this year, warned AI is changing 'much faster' than he expected and there has not been enough time to complete the research he believes is required.
While his work has laid the foundations for machine learning, technology that allows computers to mimic human intelligence, his recent efforts have centred on advocating for safer AI.
Professor Geoffrey Hinton has shortened the odds of artificial intelligence (AI) wiping out humans over the next 30 years, warning the technology could one day 'take control'
Last year he made headlines after resigning from his job at Google, citing concerns 'bad actors' would use the technology to harm others.
Reflecting on where he thought the development of AI would have reached when he first started this work, he said: 'I didn't think it would be where we would be now. I thought at some point in the future we would get here.
'Because the situation we're in now is that most of the experts in the field think that sometime, within probably the next 20 years, we're going to develop AIs that are smarter than people.
'And that's a very scary thought.'
He added: 'I like to think of it as, imagine yourself and a three-year-old - we'll be the three-year-olds, and they'll be the grown-ups.'
Prof Hinton said he thinks the impact AI could have on the world will be similar to the industrial revolution.
'In the industrial revolution, human strength ceased to be that relevant because machines were just stronger, and if you wanted to dig a ditch, you dug it with a machine.
'What we've got now is something that's replacing human intelligence, and just ordinary human intelligence will not be at the cutting edge anymore. It will be machines,' he said.
Hinton had previously said there was a 10 per cent chance of the technology causing the extinction of the human race - but now predicts that figure to be '10 per cent to 20 per cent'
Asked what he thinks life might be like in 10 or 20 years from now, Prof Hinton said: 'It will depend very much on what our political systems do with this technology.
'So my big worry at present is that we're in a situation now where we need to be very careful and very thoughtful about developing a potentially very dangerous technology.
'It's going to have lots of wonderful effects in healthcare, and in almost every industry it's going to make things more efficient, but we need to be very careful about the development of it.
'We need regulations to stop people using it for bad things, and we don't appear to have those kinds of political systems in place at present.'
Prof Hinton said he fears AI will be bad for society if lots of people lost their jobs and all the benefit goes to rich people.
'If you have a big gap between rich and poor, it's very bad for society,' he said.
'These things are more intelligent than us. So there was never any chance in the industrial revolution that machines would take over from people just because they were stronger. We were still in control because we had the intelligence.
'Now there's the threat that these things can take control. So that's one big difference,' he added.
Hinton is considered one of three leading pioneer 'Godfathers' of AI, alongside Yann LeCun and Yoshua Bengio, after the three won the Turing Award for their work in thge field.
"I think that we will never know what is truly going on until we make a space where we can publicly and transparently engage in and encourage hard data collection from sensor systems and careful scientific analysis of that data."
(Image credit: Getty Images/Carlos Fernandez)
It seems fair to say that this year has arguably been a page-turner in defining and refining interest in Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), a new term — rightly or wrongly — for Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), those unknown events or craft seen in our skies.
There have been back-to-back open Congressional hearings and several classified gatherings in hush-hush, closed-door sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) settings. "Whistleblowers" toot tales of retrieved objects and super-secret reverse engineering efforts to look under the hood of recovered vessels. Even claims of non-human "biologics" being pulled out of the wreckage of crashed craft.
No single explanation addresses the majority of UAP reports, points out the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the U.S. Government lead for diving in and deciphering the nature of now joined at the hip and lip lingo, UAP/UFOs. So what should happen in 2025 to move the UAP/UFO story forward? Are we at a dead-end? Conversely, is the coming year one of "full disclosure?"
Perhaps humanity is going to be on the receiving end of a shocking revelation that we are accompanied minors in a grown-up universe of intelligent civilizations?
Whatever the case, adult supervision seems advisable. On that pursuit, asked several leading UFO/UAP experts to look ahead into 2025.
Promising promises
A number of civilian institutions are making promising progress said Mark Rodeghier, president and scientific director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, based in Chicago, Illinois.
What Rodeghier personally hopes to see in 2025 is continued progress with these groups, and others, new people entering the field with expertise and energy, and more development of the academic/professional UFO community
"All of that will move the story forward, though at a sedate pace," Rodeghier said. To truly make a significant difference — barring some amazing case, or "disclosure" with a capital D, or a detection by SETI researchers of an alien signal — he would like to see:
NASA take an active role and decide to fund proposals directly on the UAP subject
Congress mandate funding via, for example, the National Science Foundation, to support research on UAP
AARO to be more open, within understandable constraints of classification, to releasing their case investigations, and especially, of course, the case investigations for sightings which they cannot resolve.
"I'm not that hopeful, even given good intentions, that more Congressional hearings will be much help, without new whistleblowers with firsthand testimony," continued Rodeghier. "Otherwise, I want Congress to make certain that AARO has the resources required and to conduct thorough oversight of AARO's work," he said.
Hearings, legislation
Next year will see more congressional hearings, possibly additional legislation, and holding the DoD's AARO office publicly accountable, observes Jeff Gould who runs the UAP News Center, an informative website that finds and links to UFO daily news.
"Congress has clearly been deeply interested in the issue in the past three years. I anticipate that they will continue to pursue the UAP topic," said Gould. He expects more former government officials coming forward to speak on the topic.
Ryan Graves, executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, David Grusch, former National Reconnaissance Officer Representative of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force at the U.S. Department of Defense, and Retired Navy Commander David Fravor are sworn-in during a House Oversight Committee hearing titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency” on Capitol Hill on July 26, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Image credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Wild card ahead?
Gould said the scientific community will advance in two ways.
"There will be increased willingness by the larger scientific community to broach the topic," and anticipates more papers of greater depth going forward. This year, he said, academic papers included a civilian astronomer's guide to UAP research, the commissioning of an all-sky infrared camera array for detection of airborne objects, as well as detecting extraterrestrial life with astophotonics.
Additionally, there are research organizations focused on UAP that will continue to deliver relevant research, Gould said, including Harvard's Galileo Project, Stanford University's Sol Foundation that's a think tank undertaking cutting-edge inquiry into all aspects of UAP, as well as The SETI Institute.
"The wild card is the Trump administration," Gould said. "They seem to have a bias towards declassification. Will they declassify UAP related documents? We'll see," he concluded.
Conspiratorial-driven mythos
In 2025, science needs to get serious about studying UAP, "or we will be stuck at a dead end of the conspiratorial-driven mythos," said Alejandro Rojas, a consultant for Enigma Labs that labels itself as the "#1 destination for UFO sighting alerts."
The newly found credibility of the topic, said Rojas, "has highlighted a blind spot the Pentagon had toward detecting low-tech small craft flying within secured airspace on land and sea."
While concerning, that's a very terrestrial and human problem, Rojas added.
Government conspiracies
"Regarding the anomalous side of the issue, public interest is centered on unsubstantiated claims of government conspiracies regarding aliens and Roswell [New Mexico]. To some, UFO disclosure only means 'tell me what I already know, aliens are here and the government interacts with them.' Opportunists, many of them longtime proponents of alien conspiracies, tell the public what they want to hear sans evidence," said Rojas.
The outcome is that this creates a lot of distrust and foments a hostile attitude towards scientists and those trying to research the topic methodically, Rojas said.
"I think that we will never know what is truly going on until we make a space where we can publicly and transparently engage in and encourage hard data collection from sensor systems and careful scientific analysis of that data," Rojas advised.
Roswell, New Mexico is the site of one of the most longstanding UFO crash conspiracy theories in American history. (Image credit: David Zaitz/Getty Images)
Increased transparency and openness
Delving into the topic for 18 years, Robert Powell, executive board member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU) explains that he's confident about one fact. "The UFO/UAP subject is not hindered by our calendar and will continue to move forward well past the year 2025," he said.
In the coming year, Powell spelled out SCU's agenda, promoting three areas:
Federal and private investments in unclassified UAP science research by academia and the scientific community.Increased collaboration between scientists, researchers, and government agencies could foster a more rigorous and multidisciplinary approach to the study of UAP. This is an approach that we have never taken since the phenomenon began in 1942.
Development of advanced UAP detection and sensor technologies.Significant sums of money are needed for the development and the deployment of networked sensor arrays.
Increased transparency and openness in the study of UAP. We must move away from a military-based study of the phenomenon to a science-based study. The former is controlled by secrecy while the latter depends on openness and collaboration.
"It matters not whether one believes that UAP are controlled by an advanced intelligence," Powell said. "The more exoplanets we discover, the more we know that someday the time will come when we will make first contact with another intelligence."
Powell said there's need to start now to establish clear definitions of near-Earth technosignatures, communication protocols, and the responsible and ethical sharing of knowledge gained from such contact.
"Furthermore, we must consider who should represent humanity in such a momentous event," Powell observed. "Should it be a nation-state's military organization or an entity that speaks for all of humanity? This is a critical question with far-reaching implications for the future of our species," he said.
New Study Advances Understanding of Habitability of Ocean Worlds within Solar System and Beyond
New Study Advances Understanding of Habitability of Ocean Worlds within Solar System and Beyond
In a new paper, planetary researchers from Texas A&M University and the University of Washington introduce a new thermodynamic concept called the centotectic and investigate the stability of liquids in extreme conditions — critical information for determining the habitability of icy moons and ocean exoplanets.
The surface of Europa looms large in this newly-reprocessed color view; image scale is 1.6 km per pixel; north on Europa is at right.
Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SETI Institute.
The exploration of icy ocean worlds represents a new frontier in planetary science, focusing on understanding the potential for these environments to support life.
The new research addresses a fundamental question in this field: under what conditions can liquid water remain stable on these distant, frozen bodies?
By defining and measuring the cenotectic, the absolute lowest temperature at which a liquid remains stable under varying pressures and concentrations, the authors provide a critical framework for interpreting data from planetary exploration efforts.
The study combines their expertise in cryobiology, with the expertise in planetary science and high-pressure water-ice systems.
Together, they developed a framework that bridges disciplines to tackle one of the most fascinating challenges in planetary science.
A 2016 artist’s concept of the Europa Clipper spacecraft. The design is changing as the spacecraft is developed.
Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech.
“With the launch of NASA’s Europa Clipper, the largest planetary exploration mission ever launched, we are entering a multi-decade era of exploration of cold and icy ocean worlds,” said Dr. Baptiste Journaux, a planetary scientist at the University of Washington.
“Measurements from this and other missions will tell us how deep the ocean is and its composition.”
“Laboratory measurements of liquid stability, and notably the lowest temperature possible (the newly-defined cenotectic), combined with mission results, will allow us to fully constrain how habitable the cold and deep oceans of our Solar System are, and also what their final fate will be when the moons or planets have cooled down entirely.”
“The study of icy worlds is a particular priority for both NASA and ESA, as evidenced by the flurry of recent and upcoming spacecraft launches,” said Dr. Matt Powell-Palm, a plaentary scientist at Texas A&M University.
“We hope that Texas A&M will help to provide intellectual leadership in this space.”
The paper was published on December 18, 2024 in the journal Nature Communications.
A. Zarriz et al. 2024. On the equilibrium limit of liquid stability in pressurized aqueous systems. Nat Commun 15; doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-54625-z
De planeet Jupiter in verbluffende, nieuwe beelden van NASA
De planeet Jupiter in verbluffende, nieuwe beelden van NASA
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Een fascinerende planeet
NASA heeft onlangs nieuwe beelden van Jupiter vrijgegeven, die door de Juno-sonde naar de aarde zijn verzonden. Deze ruimtesonde, die sinds juli 2016 in een baan om de grote bal van gas draait, helpt onderzoekers de planeet beter te begrijpen en heeft onze kennis van de 'gasreus' verdiept.
Afbeelding: NASA / SwRI / MSSS / R. Ethington
Gelegen op 1,7 miljard kilometer van de aarde
NASA lanceerde de Juno-sonde in 2011. Na vijf jaar reizen en 1,7 miljard kilometer afgelegd te hebben, bereikte de sonde zijn bestemming en kon zijn verkenningsmissie beginnen.
Afbeelding: NASA
Een grote gasreusplaneet Omdat Jupiter een gasplaneet is, is hij voortdurend in beweging, met hevige winden die voortdurend van uiterlijk veranderen. Deze eigenschap biedt wetenschappers en astronomieliefhebbers elke dag nieuwe beelden.
Afbeelding: NASA
Verbazingwekkende afmetingen Jupiter is de grootste planeet in het zonnestelsel, met een indrukwekkende diameter van 139.822 km, elf keer de diameter van de aarde. De massa van de planeet bedraagt 1,9 × 10²⁷ kg, wat gelijkstaat aan 318 keer de massa van de aarde, volgens de Canadian Space Agency. Deze afmetingen zijn des te verbazingwekkender, aangezien Jupiter een gasplaneet is.
De samenstelling van Jupiter Volgens de Canadian Space Agency is Jupiter een planeet die voornamelijk uit gas bestaat. De atmosfeer bestaat uit moleculair waterstof, helium en methaan. Daarnaast geloven wetenschappers dat Jupiter een rotsachtige kern zou kunnen hebben, ter grootte van de aarde, maar ze hebben dit nog niet kunnen bewijzen.
Afbeelding: Katie Jolly CSUMB
Een compleet beeld van Jupiter Dankzij de Juno-sonde hebben wetenschappers nu een compleet beeld van Jupiter en kunnen ze de planeet vanuit elke hoek observeren. "Vanaf de allereerste baan, die zich uitstrekt over 53 dagen van de wolkentoppen van Jupiter tot de grenzen van het magnetische veld. Juno heeft onze kijk op de gasreus en zijn omgeving op zijn kop gezet," merkte NASA op op zijn website over de gasreus.
Afbeelding: NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Jackie Branc
Duizenden afbeeldingen Sinds de start van de missie in juli 2016 heeft de Juno-sonde duizenden high-definition afbeeldingen verzonden. Deze stellen ons in staat om Jupiter met ongekende precisie te observeren, zoals deze afbeeldingen laten zien.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / Björn Jónsson
Beeldverwerking Het Juno-missieteam maakt zijn afbeeldingen beschikbaar voor het grote publiek, inclusief burgerwetenschappers. Deze enthousiastelingen analyseren elke afbeelding en bewerken ze tot creatievere en artistiekere versies.
Afbeelding: NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Jackie Branc
Sterke wind De beelden van de Juno-sonde laten met name uitzonderlijk sterke winden en stormen zien, meteorologische verschijnselen die kenmerkend zijn voor Jupiter.
Winden bij de Grote Rode Vlek van Jupiter Bij de Grote Rode Vlek, een gigantische anticycloon in de atmosfeer van de planeet, kunnen winden oplopen tot 700 km/u. Op de polen zijn dankzij het Alma-radiotelescoopnetwerk, onder leiding van de Europese Zuidelijke Sterrenwacht (ESO), echter nog krachtigere winden gedetecteerd van wel 1.450 km/u.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / Thomas Thomopoulos
Belangrijke ontdekkingen Volgens NASA heeft het Juno-ruimtevaartuig grote ontdekkingen gedaan, waaronder “nog nooit eerder geziene netwerken van enorme stormen die rond de polen van Jupiter wervelen”, evenals actieve vulkanen en lavameren op de gasreusmaan Io.
Juno's missie eindigt in september 2025 De Juno-sonde bevindt zich nu in de laatste fase van zijn missie, die in september 2025 zal eindigen. Tot die tijd kijken we ernaar uit om nieuwe fascinerende beelden van Jupiter te ontdekken!
Jupiter’s 3D Atmosphere Revealed by NASA’s Juno Spacecraft (Media Briefing)
Jupiter seen in ‘remarkable’ detail in new images from Nasa’s James Webb Telescope
Scientists have discovered that the 'weak spot' in Earth's magnetic field is growing, allowing harmful radiation to come closer to our planet's surface.
The region, known as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), spans more than more than 4.3 million square miles over parts of Africa and South America and is moving westward.
The SAA has increased by seven percent and moved 12 miles to the west since experts first sounded the alarm in 2020.
While scientists believe that the SAA's weakening magnetic intensity is still within the range of normal variation, recent studies have shown that it is starting to split from a single blob into two distinct regions of minimal magnetic field strength.
Models predicting changes in the SAA suggest this division will continue from 2025 onward, and scientists believe this could create additional challenges for satellite missions.
Researchers have speculated that the weakening is a sign that Earth is heading to a pole reversal that happens when the north and south poles switch places — and the last time this occurred was 780,000 years ago.
They said that if the poles are in the process of reversing, it will happen over several thousand years and it is unlikely the field will disappear completely.
NASA has been monitoring the South Atlantic Anomaly, a weak-spot in Earth's magnetic field sitting 40,000 miles above the planet's surface between South America and southwest Africa
Scientists first sounded the alarm about the weak spot in 2020, but new data shows it has increased by another seven percent over the past four years
The cause of SAA sits deep within Earth's surface.
'The magnetic field is actually a superposition of fields from many current sources,' geophysicist Terry Sabaka from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Greenbelt, Maryland explained in a 2020 statement.
While regions outside of Earth contribute to the observed magnetic field, the primary source stems from inside the planet.
This, coupled with the tilt of the planet's magnetic axis, is what produces the SAA, according to NASA.
But scientists have also suggested the SAA could be linked to a huge reservoir of dense rock known as the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province (LLSVP). The area of the anomaly appears to correspond to that of this geologic region.
The magnetic field surrounding our planet works as a shield, trapping and repelling particles of radiation from the sun. But the SAA allows radiation to come closer to Earth's surface
These researchers believe that the African LLSVP changes the flow of molten metal in the outer core underneath, which in turn changes the way the magnetic field behaves above this region, they explained in a 2017 article for the Conversation.
While much remains unknown about how the SAA came to be, recent studies have shed new light on how it is changing.
Tracking conducted by small satellites known as CubeSats confirmed that the SAA does not remain fixed in one place, but rather drifts around.
Researchers have also discovered that the anomalous region is splitting into two, with each representing distinct centers of minimum magnetic intensity within the greater SAA.
And another study suggested that this phenomenon is actually a recurrent event that may have affected Earth up to 11 million years ago.
If that proves true, this would contradict the idea that the SAA is a precursor to Earth's magnetic field flipping.
This vast, developing weak spot is a point of intrigue and concern for scientists, especially those at NASA whose satellites and orbital spacecraft can be significantly damaged by the SAA — including the International Space Station.
When these orbiters pass through the anomaly, it can cause satellites and spacecraft to experience short-circuits and malfunctions.
That's because the reduced strength of Earth's magnetic field allows the orbiters to be pummeled by incoming solar radiation that disrupts technological systems.
Typically, this only causes low-level glitches. But in extreme cases, it can permanently damage critical hardware inside an orbiter.
To avoid such damage, operators regularly shut down spacecraft and satellite systems before they enter the SAA.
The weakened field has been on the radar of experts for years — they know that it has lost nine percent of its intensity over the last 200 years.
It also appears to influence the strength of the southern aurora, a natural light display that occurs in the skies over the high-latitude regions of the southern hemisphere.
A study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters in February found a 'substantial weakening' of magnetic fluctuations in the southern aurora where it overlaps with the SAA.
This weakening is even visible to the naked eye, the study's authors told Live Science.
They believe the weakened magnetic force of the anomaly reduces the amount of energy solar particles can put into Earth's atmosphere — which is what causes aurora — even through more of these particles are coming close to the surface.
To further understand how the SAA impacts orbiting satellites and spacecraft, and how it influences geophysical phenomena like the southern aurora, NASA scientists have been monitoring it for years.
Earth’s magnetic field acts like a protective shield around the planet, repelling and trapping charged particles from the Sun. But over South America and the southern Atlantic Ocean, an unusually weak spot in the field – called the South Atlantic Anomaly, or SAA – allows these particles to dip closer to the surface than normal. Currently, the SAA creates no visible impacts on daily life on the surface. However, recent observations and forecasts show that the region is expanding westward and continuing to weaken in intensity. The South Atlantic Anomaly is also of interest to NASA’s Earth scientists who monitor the changes in magnetic strength there, both for how such changes affect Earth’s atmosphere and as an indicator of what’s happening to Earth’s magnetic fields, deep inside the globe. Credits: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Download this video in HD formats from NASA Goddard’s Scientific Visualization Studio
Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Going To Flip! Apocalyptic Implications For The Entire Planet
2025 in SPACEFLIGHT: The incredible missions set to take off next year, revealed - from China's daring asteroid retrieval to the first private trip to Venus - PART I
'In 2024, NASA made leap after giant leap to explore, discover, and inspire – all while bringing real, tangible, and substantial benefits to the American people and to all of humanity,' said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.
And 2025 is set to be an even more remarkable year for space agencies and companies around the world, who have an assortment of exciting missions lined up.
There's also the European Space Agency, which is set to launch its futuristic 'Space Rider' spaceplane – described as a 'robotic laboratory the size of two minivans'.
Meanwhile, Elon Musk's SpaceX could go one step further in 2025 with its 395-foot Starship vessel as it prepares for a trip beyond Earth orbit.
Here, MailOnline takes a look at the incredible space missions set to take off in 2025 that you won't want to miss.
MailOnline takes a look at the incredible space missions set to take off in 2025, from the first private mission to Venus to China's ambitious asteroid mission
Surely one of the most ambitious trips of the year will be China's Tianwen-2, which is set for launch in May 2025.
Tianwen-2 is an asteroid sample return mission with near-Earth asteroid Kamoʻoalewa (2016 HO3) as its destination.
The asteroid is roughly the size of a Ferris wheel – between 150 and 190 feet in diameter – and gets as close as about 9 million miles from Earth.
Tianwen-2 will conduct remote sensing observations in orbit, before landing on the asteroid to collect about 100g (3.5 oz) of dusty surface rock ('regolith').
It will then return to Earth to drop off a return capsule containing the sample before a gravity assist maneuver will propel it toward a comet called 311P/PANSTARRS.
Kamo'oalewa has been considered for use as a space station for Earth-to-Mars travel, but samples from the asteroid could also reveal more about the solar system's formation and evolution
While the launch from Xichang is planned for May, Tianwen-2 won't reach Kamoʻoalewa (2016 HO3) until 2026 and 311P/PANSTARRS until 2034.
Image from China National Space Administration shows the Tianwen-1 probe en route to Mars. The follow-up, Tianwen-2, has a distant asteroid in its sights
At the start of December, NASA delayed its manned mission to the moon yet again.
It blamed 'technical issues' and needing time to allow critical changes for crew safety.
Artemis II - which will send four astronauts on a trip around the moon and back home - has been delayed from 2025 to 2026.
Meanwhile, Artemis III - which will actually land humans on the lunar surface - has been pushed from 2026 to 2027.
No definitive evidence has been found of past or present life on Venus – but an upcoming mission to the solar system's second planet could change that.
Venus Life Finder – the first private mission to Venus – will launch an uncrewed 17 kg (37 lb) spacecraft from New Zealand sometime in January.
If all goes to plan, the craft will arrive at Venus in May and drop a small probe into Venusian atmosphere that will scan for organic molecules, which could be a possible sign of life.
Launch vehicle company Rocket Lab is partnering with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the mission, which was originally planned for 2023.
Venus is known as Earth's 'evil twin' because its also rocky and about the same size, but its average surface temperature is a blistering 870°F (465°C).
The rocky sphere is not only inhospitable but also sterile – with a surface hot enough to melt lead and toxic clouds of sulfuric acid.
Launch vehicle company Rocket Lab is partnering with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to send the first private mission to Venus as soon as January 2025. Pictured, artist's impression of the Venus Life Finder craft in space
Venus is known as Earth's 'evil twin' because its also rocky and about the same size, but its average surface temperature is a blistering 870°F (465°C). Pictured, the surface of Venus, as interpreted by the Magellan spacecraft
What is Dream Chaser?
Dream Chaser is a reusable spacecraft developed by Colorado firm Sierra Space.
The world's only commercial spaceplane, it's designed to take people and cargo to space (specifically low Earth-orbit).
It will make its maiden trip to the International Space Station (ISS) in low Earth-orbit after more than a decade in development.
After more than a decade in development, Sierra Space's 'Dream Chaser' – which can land horizontally on a runway like a traditional aircraft – is ready to fly.
The craft will make its maiden trip to the International Space Station (ISS) in low Earth-orbit no earlier than May 2025, carrying over 7,800 pounds (3,540kg) of cargo.
Dream Chaser will remain at the space station for about 45 days before it makes the journey back down to Earth.
Although this first flight will be an unmanned mission, it will eventually carry astronauts to the space station, much like SpaceX's Crew Dragon.
Along with SpaceX and Boeing, Sierra Space is one of the companies contracted by NASA a decade ago to send people and equipment to the ISS – but so far only SpaceX has been successful.
Sierra Space revealed in May 2024 that the ship had completed testing and was shipped to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida ahead of an imminent launch – but it was pushed it back to 2025.
Although the project is geared towards delivering professional astronauts to space, the company hasn't ruled out using Dream Chaser for tourist trips later in the future.
It will make its maiden trip to the International Space Station (ISS) in low Earth-orbit, after more than a decade in development
Pictured, artist's impression of the Dream Chaser spacecraft during its descent back towards Earth
Space Rider, a 26-foot uncrewed robotic laboratory, will be the European Space Agency's first re-usable space vehicle.
About the size of two minivans, Space Rider is scheduled for its maiden flight during the third quarter of 2025 – so between June and August.
After launch on the Vega-C single-body rocket from Guiana Space Centre, Space Rider will stay in low orbit for about two months.
On-board robotic experiments will benefit research in pharmaceutics, biomedicine, biology and physical science, says the agency.
At the end of its mission, Space Rider will return to Earth with its payloads and land on a runway to be unloaded and refurbished for another flight.
It's akin to the much larger Space Shuttle, NASA's legendary low Earth orbital spacecraft operated 1981 and 2011.
ESA says: 'Space Rider provides a range of possibilities and benefits to potential customers who want to use the advantages of microgravity and exposure to the space environment.'
Space Rider is an uncrewed robotic laboratory about the size of two minivans. After launch on Vega-C it will stay in low orbit for about two months
It's akin to the much larger Space Shuttle, NASA's legendary low Earth orbital spacecraft operated 1981 and 2011 (pictured)
NASA's upcoming 'ESCAPADE' project is the first ever mission to send two identical spacecraft to the Martian atmosphere.
For the mission, Rocket Lab has designed and built twin spacecraft, called Blue and Gold, which will launch from Cape Canaveral no sooner than spring 2025.
Following an 11-month, 230 million mile journey, together they will measure plasma and magnetic fields around the Red Planet.
It's hoped the data will reveal more about the processes that strip away atoms from Mars' magnetosphere and upper atmosphere, driving Martian climate change.
'This mission can help us study the atmosphere at Mars – key information as we explore farther and farther into our solar system and need to protect astronauts and spacecraft from space weather,' said Nicky Fox, NASA's science administrator.
In August, NASA said the twin spacecraft had arrived in Florida in preparation for launch on Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket.
ESCAPADE will use two identical spacecraft to investigate how the solar wind interacts with Mars' magnetic environment (artist's impression)
Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket, depicted in space in this artist's impression, will send the ESCAPADE craft into space
Haven-1 is another big milestone for the private space industry – where companies launch spacecraft rather than government-backed agencies.
It's an ambitious new space station, just 33 feet in length – a fraction of the International Space Station's 356 feet.
Despite its humble size, Haven-1 will offer a luxury space for four astronauts, with queen-size beds, a state-of-the-art gym, maple wood interiors and a huge window to observe the Earth as it floats in orbit.
Haven-1 will launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Kennedy Space Center no earlier than August 2025.
Shortly after, the as-yet-unknown crew will travel to the station, which has been designed by California-based space firm Vast.
The seats will go to individuals who are involved in scientific or philanthropic projects at an unknown price – but potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.
While the cost to build Haven-1 has not been disclosed, Vast says it will have invested about $1 billion by the time the station launches.
Haven-1 is an ambitious new space station, just 33 feet in length – a fraction of the International Space Station's 356 feet - launching in August
Haven-1 will offer a luxury space for four astronauts, with queen-size beds, a state-of-the-art gym, maple wood interiors and a huge window to observe the Earth as it floats in orbit
2025 in SPACEFLIGHT: The incredible missions set to take off next year, revealed - from China's daring asteroid retrieval to the first private trip to Venus - PART II
'In 2024, NASA made leap after giant leap to explore, discover, and inspire – all while bringing real, tangible, and substantial benefits to the American people and to all of humanity,' said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.
And 2025 is set to be an even more remarkable year for space agencies and companies around the world, who have an assortment of exciting missions lined up.
There's also the European Space Agency, which is set to launch its futuristic 'Space Rider' spaceplane – described as a 'robotic laboratory the size of two minivans'.
Meanwhile, Elon Musk's SpaceX could go one step further in 2025 with its 395-foot Starship vessel as it prepares for a trip beyond Earth orbit.
Here, MailOnline takes a look at the incredible space missions set to take off in 2025 that you won't want to miss.
MailOnline takes a look at the incredible space missions set to take off in 2025, from the first private mission to Venus to China's ambitious asteroid mission
Compared with 2023 when it sent its budget rover to the moon, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has had a quiet 2024.
However, 2025 is set to be a bumper year for India's space agency, with an anticipated three missions set to take place as part of its Gaganyaan programme.
Gaganyaan I, II and III, all scheduled throughout 2025, will send an uncrewed spacecraft into orbit from Satish Dhawan Space Centre.
Should all go to plan, Gaganyaan IV – scheduled for 2026 – will carry a three-member crew into an orbit of 400 km (250 miles) for three days, before splashing down in the Indian Ocean.
On-board the crewed and uncrewed flights will also be Vyommitra, a humanoid robot specially designed for Gaganyaan.
India's space agency, ISRO, has said it will explore ways to achieve a sustained human presence in space once Gaganyaan is completed.
Gaganyaan is a crewed spacecraft being developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the country's space agency
India's space programme has grown considerably in size and momentum since it first sent a probe to orbit the Moon in 2008
The first set of launches in India's Gaganyaan programme were intended to go ahead in 2024, building on momentum set by Chandrayaan-3.
However, ISRO pushed this back a year to ensure more time for essential safety checks and astronaut training.
Last but by no means least is Elon Musk's company SpaceX, which is edging closer and closer to its ultimate goal of sending its Starship to other worlds.
This advanced mechanism is key to Starship not only landing safely, but being able to quickly refuel before another launch.
And although it's unclear exactly what feat Starship – the most powerful rocket in the world – will attempt in 2025, it's bound to be just as audacious.
It's possible SpaceX could capture both parts of the ship – the Super Heavy booster and the Starship upper stage; MailOnline has contacted the firm for comment.
In October, SpaceX completed possibly its most impressive feat yet – it managed to catch the 'booster' section of the Starship system with metal 'chopsticks' so it could be reused
SpaceX pulled off its boldest test flight yet of the enormous Starship rocket in October, catching the returning booster back at the launch pad with metal 'chopsticks' - marking another milestone on Elon Musk's quest to get humanity to Mars
Musk's firm SpaceX is responsible for the most powerful rocket ever built on Earth - the Starship. The multi-billion-dollar, stainless-steel, 395-foot vessel has been designed to transport crew and cargo to Earth's orbit and the moon. But Musk thinks 'Earth to Earth' travel on Starship is also a possibility
SpaceX intends to launch Starship 25 times in 2025, the company recently revealed, and is seriously intending to ramp up production of the rocket.
Eventually, Elon Musk wants to launch Starships on a daily basis.
Musk predicts Starship will go to Mars in 2026, although it will be an uncrewed mission.
Two years after that in 2028, Starship will transport people to Mars for the first time – which would mark the first time humans have ever walked on another planet.
One Georgia night in 1969, Jimmy Carter looked up over the pine trees and saw a moving orb, as bright as the moon.
He was standing outside the local Lions' Club in Leary, where he was planning to address the meeting. But local politicking quickly vanished from his mind. The orb 'seemed to move toward us from a distance, stop, move partially away, return, then depart,' he said later, describing it as 'bluish at first, then reddish, luminous, not solid.' He called it 'the darndest thing I've ever seen.'
Carter's encounter with a UFO may pop up as a line in some of his obituaries, sandwiched between the sober analysis of his presidency and notable humanitarian work since. And like all politicians, he should be judged for his successes and failures, in office and out. But more than just an amusing footnote, this story gives us important insight into who he was as a man.
We have almost forgotten what it's like to have leaders capable of marveling at the unknown. For all the problems the country may have faced during his presidency, Jimmy Carter would openly consider the mysteries of life – before, during, and after his time in the White House – and he should be remembered for that.
Carter wasn't embarrassed to talk about his UFO sighting. In 1973, while serving as governor of Georgia, he filed a report documenting the sighting with the International UFO Bureau. He later said that after his own encounter, he would never again make fun of anybody who reported a similar experience.
His open-mindedness was rooted in the scientific training he received at college in Georgia, at the US Naval Academy, and later with his work on nuclear submarines. Carter maintained that just because something may be a UFO didn't mean it is extraterrestrial. Ultimately, he believed that what he saw - while unexplainable - was likely man-made.
Regardless, the encounter stayed with him for years. On the campaign trail in 1976, he made a point of promising that, as president, he'd release all UFO-related documents. By some accounts, after his election, he did in fact meet with then-CIA Director George H.W. Bush to make that request. Whatever may or may not have been said at that meeting, Carter never seemed to mention UFOs again - at least not publicly in his official capacity as a president.
He would later tell the American public that releasing such information would harm the interests of national security.
Jimmy Carter on his peanut farm in Plains, Georgia, in 1976
President Carter sent a message that read, in part: 'This is a present from a small distant world… We hope someday, having solved the problems we face, to join a community of galactic civilizations. This record represents our hope and our determination, and our good will in a vast and awesome universe.'
It's hard to imagine many of his successors using such language. No other president has even attempted to address UFO sightings head-on. Clinton reportedly said that if he'd seen any evidence, he would tell the people - but never did. George W. Bush joked to late night host Jimmy Kimmel that such a disclosure 'might spin you into orbit.' Obama seemed to give up on the cosmos altogether, basically halting NASA funding. President Trump created Space Force - but for the purposes of national security rather than space exploration. On UFOs, Trump said, 'I'm not a believer, but anything's possible.'
Carter's fascination with the unknown stayed with him long after he left the White House. In 1994, he published a poem called 'Considering the Void' - a meditation on the images the Voyager spacecraft sent back to Earth.
Nearly twenty years after he sent his letter into space, the 'void' still haunted him: 'When I behold the charm of evening skies, their lulling endurance… the skyscape of our Milky Way holding in its shimmering disc an infinity of suns (or say a thousand billion)... knowing that this galaxy of ours is one of multitudes in what we call the heavens, it troubles me. It troubles me.'
If he was troubled by the vastness of the cosmos, at least it's because he had the will to try to comprehend it – and that's something to be admired in a leader.
Shane Cashman is a writer for Timcast News and author of the new book Tales From the Inverted World: Ghosts of the Civil War.
President Jimmy Carter Spots a U.F.O. | NASA's Unexplained Files
Jimmy Carter Actually Filed a UFO Report with NASA Before Becoming President
Parker Solar Probe Survives Closest-Ever Approach to Sun
Parker Solar Probe Survives Closest-Ever Approach to Sun
On December 24, 2024, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe soared just 6.1 million km (3.8 million miles) above the surface of our home star, racing through the solar atmosphere at 692,000 km per hour (430,000 mph) — the fastest speed ever achieved by a human-made object; a signal received two days later confirmed the spacecraft had made it through the encounter safely and is operating normally.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe approaching the Sun.
Image credit: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
Close to the Sun, Parker Solar Probe relies on a carbon foam shield to protect it from the extreme heat in the upper solar atmosphere called the corona, which can exceed 500,000 degrees Celsius (1 million degrees Fahrenheit).
The shield was designed to reach temperatures of 1,427 degrees Celsius (2,600 degrees Fahrenheit), while keeping the instruments behind it shaded at a comfortable room temperature.
In the hot but low-density corona, the spacecraft’s shield is expected to warm to 982 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit).
“Flying this close to the Sun is a historic moment in humanity’s first mission to a star,” said Dr. Nicky Fox, the associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters.
“By studying the Sun up close, we can better understand its impacts throughout our Solar System, including on the technology we use daily on Earth and in space, as well as learn about the workings of stars across the Universe to aid in our search for habitable worlds beyond our home planet.”
“Parker Solar Probe is braving one of the most extreme environments in space and exceeding all expectations,” said Parker Solar Probe project scientist Dr. Nour Rawafi, a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.
“This mission is ushering a new golden era of space exploration, bringing us closer than ever to unlocking the Sun’s deepest and most enduring mysteries.”
Parker Solar Probe’s record close distance of 6.1 million km (3.8 million miles)may sound far, but on cosmic scales it’s incredibly close.
Image credit: NASA / APL.
“It’s monumental to be able to get a spacecraft this close to the Sun,” said Parker Solar Probe mission systems engineer John Wirzburger, a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.
“This is a challenge the space science community has wanted to tackle since 1958 and had spent decades advancing the technology to make it possible.”
By flying through the solar corona, Parker Solar Probe can take measurements that help scientists better understand how the region gets so hot, trace the origin of the solar wind and discover how energetic particles are accelerated to half the speed of light.
“The data are so important for the science community because it gives us another vantage point,” said Dr. Kelly Korreck, a program scientist at NASA Headquarters.
“By getting firsthand accounts of what’s happening in the solar atmosphere, Parker Solar Probe has revolutionized our understanding of the Sun.”
So far, the spacecraft has only transmitted that it’s safe, but soon it will be in a location that will allow it to downlink the data it collected on this latest solar pass.
“The data that will come down from the spacecraft will be fresh information about a place that we, as humanity, have never been. It’s an amazing accomplishment,” said Dr. Joe Westlake, the director of the Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters.
The spacecraft’s next planned close solar passes come on March 22 and June 19, 2025.
RECORD-BREAKING APPROACH! NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Closest Approach to the Sun
History-making probe is about to make the closest-ever approach to the sun
Nasa's Parker Solar Probe Attempts Closest Ever Approach To Sun
Another black painted stealth drone found crashed in Georgetown, South Carolina, but no owner has stepped up to claim we have a pair, both the exact same stealth black drones 6 feet across! These must be the drones over New Jersey, New York and over over 35 US military bases! 👀📡🛰️ We have a pattern forming!
Covering an Asteroid With Balls Could Characterize Its Interior
Exploring asteroids and other small bodies throughout the solar system has gotten increasingly popular, as their small gravity wells make them ideal candidates for resource extraction, enabling the expansion of life into the solar system. However, the technical challenges facing a mission to explore one are fraught – since they’re so small and variable, understanding how to land on one is even more so. A team from the University of Trieste in Italy has proposed a mission idea that could help solve that problem by using an ability most humans have but never think about.
Have you ever closed your eyes and tried to touch your fingers to one another? If you haven’t, try it now, and you’ll likely find that you can easily. It’s possible to do even without guidance from your five normal senses. That is what is known as proprioception – our hidden “sixth” sense. It is that ability to know where objects are in relation to one another – in this case, where your hands are in relation to one another without any other sensory indication.
Taking that basic idea and extrapolating it to a mission to an asteroid, the basic concept of the mission involves a lander with what seems like a dome with a ton of little balls on it, each facing a slightly different direction. Those balls are then ejected from the dome with varying degrees of force and land on various parts of the asteroid or comet.
Fraser discusses why swarms are becoming so central to our idea of space exploration.
They then create what is known in networking as a “mesh” system by connecting through one another and back to the main lander, which has a higher power output and larger communications array. They also contain a series of sensors, such as a camera, a magnetometer, and, importantly, an inertial measurement unit, or IMU.
IMUs are commonly used in cell phones to tell which direction the phone is oriented—that’s why your phone’s screen will flip upside down if you hold it upside down. They can also measure acceleration, which is why many are used in modern rocketry. They’re tiny and not very power-hungry, allowing them to fit into the ball format used for this mission.
Measurements from each of the remote sensors IMUs can be combined with data about the strength of the force that propelled them to their final resting place and fed into an algorithm, which will then help the base station determine the location of each sensor unit. That then allows measurements from the other sensors, such as the magnetometers and cameras, to paint a picture of the body’s external and internal structure – since magnetic fields, surface objects, and even gravity can vary significantly on small celestial bodies.
There are plenty of missions using swarms to explore asteroids – like the MIDEA project, as described here. Credit – Cosmic Voyages YouTube Channel
As a proof of concept for this mission design, the team ran a simulation of a mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, most widely known for being visited by Rosetta, the ESA mission whose lander, Philae, experienced some of the trouble that is so common on these missions. They found that, depending on the number of projectile sensors, the mission could cover even weird morphologies like 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s two-lobed form.
No agency has yet taken up the mission, but as electronics and sensors get smaller and more power efficient and more small bodies become potential resource sources, there might be a place for testing these spaced-out sensors. We’ll have to wait and see—just not with proprioception alone.
New Image Revealed by NASA of their New Martian Helicopter.
Ingenuity became the first aircraft to fly on another world in the first half of 2021. It explored the Martian terrain from above proving that powered air flight was a very efficient way to move around alien worlds. Now NASA have released a computer rendering of their next design, the Mars Chopper!
Ingenuity was a small helicopter, or rather more a drone, that was carried to Mars on board the Perseverance rover mission in 2020. It was designed as a technology demonstration to prove that powered flight was possible in the thin atmosphere of Mars. It made its first flight on 19 April 2021 and hovered just 10 feet above the ground before safely landing again. Since then, Ingenuity has completed 60 flights on Mars helping to survey and scout for areas of interest for further study.
This view of NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter was generated using data collected by the Mastcam-Z instrument aboard the agency’s Perseverance Mars rover on Aug. 2, 2023, the 871st Martian day, or sol, of the mission, one day before the rotorcraft’s 54th flight. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
Operating a drone in the Martian atmosphere offers challenges largely due to the lower density. Compared to Earth, the atmosphere is less than 1% the density of Earth’s atmosphere. This means the blades on any aerial vehicles need to work harder and generate more lift than their Earth-bound counterparts.
Image of the Martian atmosphere and surface obtained by the Viking 1 orbiter in June 1976. (Credit: NASA/Viking 1)
Density aside, the fine dust on the surface of Mars is often lifted up into the atmosphere which could damage the delicate mechanisms of operating craft. Not only must these types of vehicles be carefully designed to fly in alien atmospheres but they must also be able to protect themselves from local hazards.
Moving on from the success of the Ingeniuty drone, NASA has released a rendering of its next generation vehicle for aerial flight on Mars, known as the Mars Chopper. Ingenuity was a feasability study and proved aerial flight successful, new craft on the drawing board come with a greater payload capacity to carry scientific instruments such as imaging and analysis kit. This will enable them to undertake the basic tasks like scouting activity to support future exploration but also undertake analysis and terrain mapping work. Ultimately even providing support to the human exploration of Mars.
A conceptual design of the successor to NASA's Ingenuity helicopter.
Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech
The image released reveals a drone like vehicle which is about the size of an SUV with six rotors. Each rotor has six blades which are smaller than those on Ingenuity but collectivity can provide even more lift. The payload capacity of the Chopper in its current design configuration is 5 kilograms a distance of up to 3km. The design is a collaboration between the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and the Ames Research Center.
This new model will be a real game changer for the exploration not only of Mars but of any alien worlds with a solid surface and an atmosphere that can support flight. Ingenuity led the way proving the technology and now, with the new concept Mars ‘Choppers on the drawing board, aerial reconnaissance on these new worlds will vastly improve the value of ground based exploration. Remote aerial exploration will also be of invaluable benefit to support human exploration where rovers will be unable to reach.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Makes its Record-Breaking Closest Approach to the Sun
In August 2018, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe(PSP) began its long journey to study the Sun’s outer corona. After several gravity-assist maneuvers with Venus, the probe broke Helios 2‘s distance record and became the closest object to the Sun on October 29th, 2018. Since then, the Parker probe’s highly elliptical orbit has allowed it to pass through the Sun’s corona several times (“touch the Sun”). On December 24th, 2024, NASA confirmed that their probe made its closest approach to the Sun, passing just 6 million km (3.8 million mi) above the surface – roughly 0.04 times the distance between the Sun and Earth (0.04 AU).
In addition to breaking its previous distance record, the PSP passed through the solar atmosphere at a velocity of about 692,000 km/h (430,000 mph). This is equivalent to about 0.064% the speed of light, making the Parker Solar Probe the fastest human-made object ever. After the spacecraft made its latest pass, it sent a beacon tone to confirm that it made it through safely and was operating normally – which was received on December 26th. These close passes allow the PSP to conduct science operations that will expand our knowledge of the origin and evolution of solar wind.
Every flyby the probe made with Venus in the past six years brought it closer to the Sun in its elliptical orbit. As of November 6th, 2024, the spacecraft reached an optimal orbit that brings it close enough to study the Sun and the processes that influence space weather but not so close that the Sun’s heat and radiation will damage it. To ensure the spacecraft can withstand temperatures in the corona, the Parker probe relies on a carbon foam shield that can withstand temperatures between 980 and 1425 °C (1,800 and 2,600 degrees °F).
This shield also keeps the spacecraft instruments shaded and at room temperature to ensure they can operate in the solar atmosphere. Said Associate Administrator Nicky Fox, who leads the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) at NASA Headquarters in Washington, in a recent NASA press release:
“Flying this close to the Sun is a historic moment in humanity’s first mission to a star. By studying the Sun up close, we can better understand its impacts throughout our solar system, including on the technology we use daily on Earth and in space, as well as learn about the workings of stars across the universe to aid in our search for habitable worlds beyond our home planet.”
Nour Rawafi, the project scientist for the Parker Solar Probe at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUAPL), is part of the team that designed, built, and operates the spacecraft. “[The] Parker Solar Probe is braving one of the most extreme environments in space and exceeding all expectations,” he said. “This mission is ushering a new golden era of space exploration, bringing us closer than ever to unlocking the Sun’s deepest and most enduring mysteries.”
The Parker Solar Probe was first proposed in a 1958 report by the National Academy of Sciences’ Space Science Board, which recommended “a solar probe to pass inside the orbit of Mercury to study the particles and fields in the vicinity of the Sun.” While the concept was proposed again in the 1970s and 1980s, it would take several more decades for the technology and a cost-effective mission to be realized.
The Parker Solar Probe also made several interesting and unexpected finds during previous close passes. During its first pass into the solar atmosphere in 2021, the spacecraft discovered that the outer boundary of the corona is characterized by spikes and valleys, contrary to expectations. It also discovered the origin of switchbacks (zig-zag structures) in the solar wind within the photosphere. Since then, the spacecraft has spent more time in the corona, closely examining most of the Sun’s critical processes.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe survived its record-breaking closest approach to the solar surface on December 24th, 2024. Credits: NASA
The probe’s discoveries are not limited to the Sun either. As noted, one of the PSP’s primary objectives is to study how solar activity influences “space weather,” referring to the interaction of solar wind with the planets of the Solar System. For instance, the probe has captured multiple images of Venus during its many gravity assists, documented the planet’s radio emissions, and the first complete image of Venus’ orbital dust ring. The probe has also been repeatedly blasted by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that swept up dust as they passed through the Solar System.
“We now understand the solar wind and its acceleration away from the Sun,” said Adam Szabo, the Parker Solar Probe mission scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “This close approach will give us more data to understand how it’s accelerated closer in.”
The probe even offered a new perspective on the comet NEOWISE by capturing images from its unique vantage point. Now that the mission team knows the probe is safe, they are waiting for it to reach a location where it can transmit the data collected from its latest solar pass. “The data that will come down from the spacecraft will be fresh information about a place that we, as humanity, have never been,” said Joe Westlake, the director of the Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. “It’s an amazing accomplishment.”
The spacecraft’s next solar passes are planned for March 22nd, 2025, and June 19th, 2025.
In 1970, Soviet scientists embarked on an ambitious project to drill as deep as possible into the Earth's crust. The result was the Kola Superdeep Borehole, located in the remote Pechengsky District of Murmansk Oblast, Russia. Reaching a depth of 12,262 meters (40,230 feet), it remains the deepest man-made hole on Earth to this day. Originally intended as a scientific exploration of the Earth’s crust, the project uncovered a treasure trove of geological data and sparked decades of intrigue. Fast forward to 2024, Russian authorities have officially announced the permanent sealing of the borehole, citing both safety concerns and the enigmatic findings from its depths.
A Glimpse Into Earth's Hidden History At the heart of the decision lies an extraordinary discovery made during the drilling process. Approximately 9,000 meters down, scientists uncovered microscopic fossils embedded in rocks estimated to be over 2 billion years old. These fossils, believed to be remnants of ancient single-celled organisms, offered an unprecedented look into early life on Earth.
The Final Seal: A New Era for Kola On December 15, 2024, Russian officials sealed the Kola Superdeep Borehole with a reinforced concrete cap. The decision was influenced by concerns over structural integrity, as well as the increasing difficulty of maintaining the site in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Scientific Contributions That Changed the World The borehole's legacy extends far beyond its depth. Among its most notable contributions were revelations about the Earth's crust. Scientists discovered that the crust was thinner than previously thought and that water existed at great depths, likely trapped in rock formations.
Mysteries and Myths: The "Sounds of Hell" Over the years, the Kola Superdeep Borehole became a focal point for myths and conspiracy theories. In the 1980s, rumors spread that microphones lowered into the borehole recorded the "sounds of hell." These tales, fueled by doctored recordings and imaginative storytelling, have been debunked but continue to capture the public's imagination.
The Kola Superdeep Borehole has long been a point of local and international interest. Its presence brought increased tourism to the region, with travelers drawn to the site’s history and significance. However, maintaining the area proved challenging, particularly as infrastructure aged and environmental concerns grew.
A Symbol of Cold War Ambition The Kola Superdeep Borehole stands as a symbol of the scientific ambition that defined the Cold War era. The Soviet Union's race to explore uncharted territories of science and technology led to unparalleled achievements, including this record-breaking endeavor.
Why Now? Timing of the Closure The timing of the closure has sparked debate within the scientific community. Some argue that technological advancements in drilling and remote sensing could have allowed for further exploration. Others point out that the borehole has been inactive since the early 1990s, with little new research conducted in recent decades.
Preserving the Legacy Through Digital Records To ensure the borehole's contributions remain accessible, Russia has launched an initiative to digitize all data and samples collected during the project. This extensive archive will be shared with international research institutions, fostering continued study and collaboration.77
International Interest in Deep Earth Exploration The closure of the Kola Superdeep Borehole has reignited interest in deep-earth exploration worldwide. Countries such as Japan and the United States have ongoing projects aiming to drill into the mantle. These initiatives build on the lessons learned from Kola and seek to answer fundamental questions about Earth’s formation and behavior.
Lessons Learned: Balancing Ambition and Responsibility The Kola Superdeep Borehole serves as a case study in balancing scientific ambition with environmental and logistical realities. As nations continue to push the boundaries of exploration, the borehole’s history offers valuable insights into the challenges of operating in extreme environments.
Community Reactions to the Closure The closure has elicited mixed reactions. While many scientists and locals support the decision, others mourn the end of an era. Social media has been flooded with posts celebrating the borehole’s achievements and sharing personal anecdotes about visits to the site.
The Future of Earth Science Exploration As the Kola Superdeep Borehole fades into history, its legacy continues to inspire scientists and explorers. The lessons learned from this extraordinary project will undoubtedly shape the next generation of earth science research.
Deepest Hole On Earth Permanently Sealed After 2 Billion Year Old Discovery
Earth's Deepest Hole Sealed After Experts Discovered Mysterious Fossils
The Deepest Hole On Earth Was Sealed Up Because Scientists Found This
The Deepest Human-Made Hole on Earth | Mysteries of the Abandoned | Science Channel
An experienced drone pilot in New Jersey has come forward to demonstrate how advancedthe state's mystery drones are compared to ordinary consumer models.
The pilot known to fans of his paranormal investigation series 'Terror Talk' as Michael B, witnessed his own drone crash and burn as he attempted to steer it near one of the many, still-unexplained drone UFOs that have swarmed the state.
'When this started, I tried to take my drone over Picatinny Arsenal to follow a drone that was just hovering over there,' Michael explained, 'and as I got closer my drone lost power, spun out, the battery died and it went down.'
'But the other drone,' he noted, ominously, 'remained sitting in the air, unaffected.'
Picatinny Arsenal, a US Army base that houses military research and manufacturing facilities, has proven to be ground zero for the Garden State's bizarre drone crisis.
Officials at the arsenal, in fact, recently revealed that the aerial incursions above their base began five days earlier than previously reported, with one base police officer making a confirmed sighting on November 13.
What makes these mystery drone flights so concerning, according to Michael B, is that sensitive sites like Picatinny Arsenal and major US airports already have drone jamming technology that prevents commercial drones from entering their airspace.
The 'Terror Talk' host even demonstrated how similar FAA-mandated jamming capabilities prevent models like his own from even taking off near local airports.
Pentagon officials and US intelligence agencies are 'playing stupid,' he argued — and know more about these strange craft than they are letting on.
An experienced drone pilot in New Jersey has come forward to demonstrate just how advanced the state's mystery drones (seen above) really are compared to consumer models
What makes these mystery drone flights (examples above) so concerning, according to this drone pilot, is that sensitive sites like Picatinny Arsenal and major US airports already have drone-jamming technology that prevents commercial drones from entering their airspace
To demonstrate the government's drone deterrence capabilities, Michael B brought his DJI brand quadcopter to a parking lot near Morristown Municipal Airport, a local flight corridor that has achieved national prominence due to President Trump's use.
With his camera pointing at his DJI's remote controls, Michael B showed MSNBC host Alex Witt just what the FAA overrides look like on a store-bought drone display.
'We set up in a parking lot about a quarter mile away from the airport,' Michael B explained, 'and I'm trying to get flight clearance to take the drone up and see what this other drone is — and I cannot.'
'Restricted,' he continued, noting the warning signal on his drone's controls.
'I tried to bypass it,' he added. 'At one point, it even asked for my phone number and I said, 'Nah. I think we're good at this point.''
Witt asked Michael B: 'What do you think that is? What do you think people are seeing in the sky? And why only at night?'
'At this point, I think that someone knows what they are,' Michael B responded.
The Terror Talk host also noted that he has technology to detect objects in the sky, 'none of these things that we go after are on flight radar.'
To demonstrate the government's drone deterrence capabilities, the pilot brought a DJI brand drone to a parking lot near Morristown Airport, a local flight corridor that's achieved national prominence due to Trump's use. 'Restricted,' he noted pointing at his drone's controls
The drone pilot - known to fans of his paranormal investigation series 'Terror Talk' as Michael B (pictured) - witnessed his own drone crash and burn as he attempted to steer it near one of the many unexplained drone UFOs that have swarmed NJ. The mystery drone was 'unaffected'
Michael B told MSNBC that he believes the government is keeping the truth about New Jersey's unidentified drones a mystery on purpose.
The real answers, he said, are likely to be 'secrets that the government don't want us to know [...] either that or aliens.'
'At this point, I think that someone knows what they are,' he told the station.
'What they could be — I have no idea,' the paranormal investigator admitted, although he emphasized that he was taking it as a personal mission to keep monitoring the state's mystery drones to get answers.
The FBI has fielded over 5,000 complaints in the course of this drone UFO wave, in progress, but noted that only 100 of these cases now warrant further investigation.
The US Department of Homeland Security official has also noted that sightings due to mass concern over the drones has led to many false positives.
'We're confident that many of the reported drone sightings are, in fact, manned aircraft being misidentified as drones,' DHS officials said.
But the cases above sensitive military bases and US Coast Guard ships off the Jersey shore continue to worry state officials, federal investigators and the US military.
The FBI and other agencies are investigating the strange activity, but a representative from the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday, Dec. 11: 'We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they're launching from, where they're landing'
Officials and residents have also seen truly odd, well-lit drones that do not resemble fixed-wing aircraft (example above) deepening the mystery of the craft's origins and intent
Picatinny Arsenal told press that sightings of the unidentified drones, capable of beating their counter-drone defenses, has now climbed to 11 confirmed cases.
'While the source and cause of these aircraft operating in our area remain unknown,' Picatinny's garrison commander, Lt Col Craig A. Bonham II, said, 'we can confirm that they are not the result of any Picatinny Arsenal-related activities.'
Amid the uncertainty, the president-elect called for answers from the US Government as he slammed the Biden administration and urged them to shoot down the UFOs.
But this was rejected by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who said that the government does not have the authority to neutralize the drones.
Disturbing video appears to show bizarre flying objects in the sky along the New Jersey coast after a YouTuber set out on a mission by boat to hunt drones.
CJ Faison usually reports on paranormal activity and haunted houses to his 600,000 followers, but the issue of drones in and around the state captured his attention.
Reports of unidentified drones, with strange patterns and movements, have rattled residents sparking a flurry of questions.
CJ sailed onto the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Atlantic City determined to see if he would witness any of the drones for himself.
Since mid-November, sightings of mysterious drones have been reported with New Jersey emerging as a hotbed of activity.
Witnesses describe fleets of drones appearing in grid-like formations, flying with precision, and then dispersing into the night sky
'Tonight, I'm doing something no YouTuber or news outlet has done,' he announced in a video that has since gone viral. Armed with cameras, equipment, and a chartered boat, he set out into the icy waters off New Jersey, determined to uncover the truth.
CJ rented the vessel and hit the open water at dusk, just at the time the drones have reportedly been appearing in recent weeks.
CJ Faison rented a boat to sail out onto the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Atlantic City in a bid to investigate the origin of recent drone sightings that have been spotted in the area
Just as dusk started to fall one by one the drones started to appear in the sky
Accompanied only by the boat's captain, CJ patrolled miles of coastline
The night was bone-chillingly cold with temperatures plunging below freezing.
Accompanied only by the boat's captain, CJ patrolled miles of coastline.
The skies were clear as the sun set but as the minutes passed it was not long before a drone was spotted flying nearby.
Minutes later, one by one more drones materialized, their lights blinking in patterns eerily reminiscent of commercial aircraft, he claimed.
'They're blending in,' CJ observed. 'Hidden in plain sight!'
Some were seen hovering close by while others appeared to dart back-and-forth.
He described the drones as moving in deliberate formations, emerging from the ocean before spreading inland. 'It's wild,' he said. 'It's eerie.'
Despite the dramatic sightings, federal officials insist that many of the reports are likely misidentified planes, helicopters, or even stars.
Much of CJ's footage was blurry with the drones only visibly by their lights
Some drones appeared to be hovering while others could be seen darting back and forth
The lights were lowered on board the vessel as the CJ and the Captain sailed out to sea
The precision and frequency of the sightings suggest something far more organized.
There has been no official explanation from authorities as to what the drones are, who they belong to or what their purpose may be.
President Joe Biden has downplayed the incidents, stating there's no evidence of anything 'nefarious.' However, his reassurances haven't quelled the growing unease.
President-elect Donald Trump has been more vocal, accusing the government of withholding information. 'Let the public know,' he posted on Truth Social. 'Otherwise, shoot them down!'
At one point over the last month, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) even responded by temporarily banning drone flights in dozens of zones across New Jersey and New York.
Federal agencies, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, have launched investigations, but officials maintain there is no evidence of a national security threat.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has called for stricter rules on drone use and greater transparency from federal authorities.
CJ pondered the meaning behind the drones and where they had been coming from
Looking back towards Atlantic City three drones could be seen hovering over the skyline
CJ braved freezing temperatures in an attempt to capture evidence of the drones off the coast
Multiple sightings have caused alarm among many communities along the East Coast with amateur sleuths now turning their binoculars and cameras to the night sky in order to capture their presence on film as evidence.
In the comments of his 30 minute clip posted to YouTube, some viewers criticized CJ for the footage which failed to give a clear view of the drones he was talking about, beyond the bright lights. He insists they were not regular commercial or military aircraft.
As darkness fells, CJ could be seen in the cabin of the boat pondering what the significance of the drones might be and where they are coming from.
'This is just the beginning,' he said.
Only weeks earlier one New Jersey Sheriff's Deputy had reported seeing 50 drones coming in off the ocean.
The Coast Guard, too, has encountered these drones. One chilling account described 13 drones swarming their boat, some flying as low as 300 feet above the water.
CJ analyzed flight radar in order to check what aircraft was flying in the area
CJ resolves to go out back out to see this time armed with a better camera
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency'
The sightings started mid-November with footage capturing 'car-sized' drones with flashing lights
A wave of footage has emerged of the drones since they were first spotted last month
'Their wingspans were about eight feet,' an officer reported, only adding to the growing sense of unease.
Later in the clip, several more drones are spotted hovering above the Atlantic City skyline.
Despite capturing more than a dozen drones on video during his expedition, he believes he arrived too late to witness the full scale of activity and is now planning an overnight trip further offshore, into international waters, to uncover more.
CJ concludes that the mystery for now will remain unresolved but he has promised to return to the open ocean better equipped next time with a more powerful camera in the hopes of gathering more data.
'I have so many questions,' he said. 'What's launching these drones? How are they staying airborne for hours? What's their energy source? And why here? Why New Jersey?'
Bright orange 'UFO orbs' were allegedly caught flying over New York City,' raising concern among residents of the Big Apple over the holiday week.
On Friday, Reddit user @YogurtclosetFlat5701posted the video to the 'The UFOs Subreddit' - a forum for UFOdiscussions where people can talk about sightings, experiences, news and investigations.
The local recorded the video above Brookville Blvd in Queens, New York, right next to JFK airport.
'We looked up and there were 4 orange orbs in formation in what is suppose to be a no fly zone they then started to disappear,' the user wrote.
In the video, four unblinking orange orbs are suspended in the air, forming a striking boomerang shape.
A video was taken from inside the user's car and another from outside the user's car.
'They were moving oddly like not completely stationary and then started to disappear one by one. The 2nd to last one drifted slighting then disappeared. They maintained that formation for the duration of the sighting,' the user said.
Users local to the New York City area confirmed the traveler's sightings. One, who goes by the username @ZoraOctavia, said they have lived by the airport for over a decade and know the difference between a plane and a UFO.
'Lived here 14 years with planes flying by all day everyday. They fly so low it feels like you can almost touch them. I know what they look like when they come in to land and take off. I have never ever seen anything like this. Ever,' the user said.
Bright orange 'UGO orbs' were allegedly caught flying over New York City ,' stumping raising concern among locals
The traveler recorded the video above Brookville Blvd in Queens, New York, right next to JFK airport
Other users deemed the occurrence as highly suspicious, and was shocked the government wasn't taking immediate action.
'Seeing as that's a no fly zone, the FAA should be all over that,' said a user.
'This is truly not okay. Can we please start demanding the government gives more a fuck about this?' chimed a third.
Recent reports of strange orbs in the skies above the eastern United States have added another layer of mystery to the ongoing drone sightings across the country.
A father and son in Georgia experienced an unusual encounter on Thursday evening when they spotted a bright orange 'UFO orb' moving across the night sky.
While taking out the trash, the father noticed the glowing object and pointed it out to his son.
Intrigued, they watched the orb for several minutes before deciding to film it.
The father then shared the video on the 'UFO Reddit' forum, seeking explanations for the mysterious phenomenon.
The 58-second video shows the orange orb gliding through the sky, occasionally moving upwards or downwards.
As the father followed it, the orb appeared to dim and eventually vanish, leaving him and his son puzzled about its nature.
The father described the initial sighting as a 'huge' light in the distance, which seemed to dim as it approached. He speculated that the orb might have been trying to evade him, or it could have simply disappeared behind clouds.
The video has since garnered significant attention on Reddit, with over 2,000 shares and 500 comments from users discussing the unusual sighting.
Just days prior, a perplexing light was captured hovering over New Jersey skies.
A father and son in Georgia followed a mysterious 'orange UFO orb' after they spotted the luminous hue gliding through the sky shortly after 6:30pm on Thursday evening
Earlier this week, another perplexing light was captured hovering over the skies of New Jersey
The witness described the object as hovering 100 yards above, illuminating the area brighter than any full moon.
These sightings, along with others reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), continue to fuel public interest and speculation about the nature of these unidentified aerial phenomena.
Footage has emerged of what appears to be a 'UFO' hovering in the skies over New Jersey before suddenly accelerating away, leaving onlookers lost for words.
In a short 13 second clip posted to social media, a white light blinks in the sky before suddenly vanishing.
In the footage, which was shot on Sunday night close near Atlantic City, family members are heard discussing what they are witnessing before the object suddenly disappears.
'It just vanished!' one said. 'I just watched it through the telescope.'
'I was starting to lose interest in these #drones #orbs until I received this video from our friends who went out tonight down by the bay. I don't trust random videos I see on X… but this is 100% real (wait till 4 sec mark),' he wrote.
The footage generated some comments online, many agreeing that what the family witnessed was extremely unusual.
The video is the most recent in a long line of mysterious drone sightings that have been reported flying over New Jersey and across the eastern U.S., sparking speculation and concern over where they came from and why.
'You can see it didn't just disappear but took off with incredible speed, there's a small flash of light to the left as it leaves. Humans can't produce the energy required to go that fast, especially from standstill,' wrote one.
Footage has emerged of what appears to be a ' UFO ' hovering in the skies over New Jersey before suddenly accelerating away leaving the family who were watching lost for words
In a short 13 second clip posted to social media, a white light can be seen blinking in the sky before suddenly vanishing
'Yeah this is appears to be another genuine one. Exactly what I filmed in the UK. The light dims and moves off left and upwards. If you want me to frame by frame enhance send me the original. I've got a lot of experience doing this analysis for my own sighting,' added another interested observer.
'Send this to some proper Professors. They can make the math if it's moved at all and just freeze in time while the Earth keeps moving. I have a feeling they are just traveling back in time and keep recharging their batteries here on our Nuclear Energy and travel further back,' a third suggested.
'Note: it didn't vanish, it took off at impossibly high speed diagonally up and to the left of frame (about 10 o'clock angle). Using your own logic, we shouldn't believe this video,' added a fourth.
'This is exactly how the orb I saw flew away. That's why I said nothing can move like that. No flight system we have right now can go from stationary to warp drive in an instant. These flight characteristics are... Well beyond light years beyond us,' said another, transfixed.
FAA officials said federal security agencies requested the flight restrictions, which are effective through mid-January.
The FBI, the Homeland Security Department and state agencies have been investigating, but officials say there has been nothing so far to suggest any drones have posed a national security or public safety threat.
A wave of footage has emerged of the drones since they were first spotted last month including this footage from Bernardsville, New Jersey
Several drones appeared to be flying over Randolph, New Jersey earlier this month
Authorities say many of the drone sightings have actually been legal drones, manned aircraft, helicopters and even stars.
President Joe Biden ruled out anything nefarious about the flying objects.
Despite federal officials' comments, many state and municipal lawmakers have called for stricter rules about who can fly unmanned aircraft - and for the authority to shoot them down.
Dozens of witnesses have reported seeing dronesstatewide since mid-November, including near the Picatinny Arsenal, a military research and manufacturing facility, and over President-elect Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, a Democrat, has said drone-detection equipment supplied by the federal government has yielded little new information.
He declined to describe the equipment except to say it was powerful and could even disable the drones.
The growing anxiety among some residents is not lost on the Biden administration, which has faced criticism from Trump for not dealing with the matter more aggressively.
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency'
In recent months New Jersey has been ravaged by thousands of unexplained drone sightings, as over 5,000 reports of unusual drone prevalence have been filed with law enforcement
White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said the federal government has yet to identify any public safety or national security risks.
The federal government has deployed personnel and advanced technology to investigate the reports in New Jersey and other states, and is evaluating each tip reported by citizens, he said.
About 100 of the more than 5,000 drone sightings reported to the FBI in recent weeks were deemed credible enough to warrant more investigation, according to a joint statement by the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Defense.
Speculation has raged online, with some expressing concerns the drones could be part of a nefarious plot by foreign agents or clandestine operations by the U.S. government.
Drone activity earlier this month led to an hourlong closure of runways at New York's Stewart International Airport, about 60 miles north of Manhattan, a four-hour closure of air space around Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, and the arrests of two men in Boston accused by police of flying a drone too close to Logan International Airport.
Trump said he believes the government knows more than it is letting on.
'Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!!' he posted on Truth Social.
U.S. Sen. Andy Kim, a New Jersey Democrat, said he has heard nothing to support the notion that the government is hiding anything. He said a lack of faith in institutions is playing a key part in the saga.
'Nothing that I´m seeing, nothing that I´ve engaged in gives me any impression of that nature. But like, I get it, some people won´t believe me, right? Because that's the level of distrust that we face,' Kim said.
Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut last week called for the drones to be 'shot down.'
Matias De Stefano said he lived in an Atlantis colony in Egypt 12,000 years ago in his past life and that Atlantis was founded by beings from other worlds 30,000 years ago. He suggests that all past lives happen simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism. He began recalling his past life as an Atlantean at the age of 12. He shared his drawings and memories with his mother, describing life in an Atlantis colony in Egypt 12,000 years ago. According to him, Atlantis was founded by beings from other worlds 30,000 years ago.
Matías De Stefano is a well-known author, speaker, and teacher who is recognized for his deep insights into consciousness, spirituality, and the connection of everything in the universe. He shares a unique view on reality and explains how we can create our own lives. His philosophy is called “Ater Tumti” (Heaven on Earth), which shows how we can take control of our reality and learn to transcend it.
Born on November 12, 1987, in Venado Tuerto, Argentina, De Stefano started his journey of self-discovery at a young age. Since he was three, he has had vivid memories of past lives and deep knowledge of the universe. From ages 12 to 18, he could see Etheric Beings, which led to intense visions, memories of past lives in ancient cultures, and painful headaches. To understand what was happening to him, he began searching for answers through the Akashic Records and his surroundings.
Matias began communicating with his spirit guides at a young age when he began remembering past lives, including one in an ancient Atlantean colony called Kehm and another on a distant planet named Gludok in the Canis Major star system.
He believes these memories help him understand his current mission: to bring heaven to earth, a concept known as Ater Tumti in Atlantean. Matias has inspired thousands of people to join his efforts to heal our planet.
Matias De Stefano
He has traveled to more than 40 countries, visiting key locations to “unlock” energy portals and activate the Earth’s chakras. According to Matias, these portals increase energy flow for everything on the planet—not just humans, but all living beings.
Matias’ mission isn’t new. He says it began over 12,000 years ago during the Age of Leo. Today, he is deeply committed to this spiritual path and shares his message with anyone ready to listen, though his journey hasn’t always been smooth.
At 23, while giving a talk in Spain, he suddenly forgot everything he was saying. He realized this was his guides’ way of clearing his mind for new messages. Shortly after, they told him that on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11), he needed to prepare a gathering to shift the energy in a specific place. This pushed him into a challenging inner and outer journey, bringing him to the next step of his mission—one that almost cost him his life.
Disclaimer: This story is based on Matias De Stefano’s experiences and beliefs. It reflects his personal spiritual journey and metaphysical perspectives.
Matias says the story of Atlantis is deeply rooted in humanity’s collective subconscious because it represents the beginning of our current civilization. He claims to remember his life in an Atlantean colony, where he learned about Atlantis through stories told by his grandfather in that life.
According to Matias, the Atlantean people were a mix of beings from the stars and Earth, often referred to as the Anunnaki, giants who settled in the Middle East.
The ‘Anunnaki’ created a civilization by having children with humans—partly to help their species transcend since their planet was dying. Some Anunnaki treated humans as equals, while others used them as slaves to extract minerals needed for survival.
Matias recounts that the Greek god Poseidon, whom he knew as Stalin in his memory, was an Anunnaki who protected 12 children of mixed lineage. Poseidon led them away from the controlling Anunnaki in the Middle East, settling them near the Atlantic Ocean, where they founded Atlantis’ 12 families.
He adds that Atlantis was divided into 12 regions, each managed by these families, who were not rulers but guides. They held knowledge from the stars and passed it down, encoded in their bloodline, to maintain cosmic wisdom and spiritual balance. The Atlantean culture, as Matias remembers, focused on humanity looking beyond Earth and toward the stars.
Matias also suggests that the Anunnaki and other star beings were part of a larger universal experiment. Even they didn’t fully understand their role in humanity’s creation. Atlantis, according to him, played a crucial role in setting the foundation for human awakening and consciousness, and he invites exploration into the connections between these cosmic ancestors, Atlantis, and the origins of human civilization.
According to Matias, the creation of races was part of a larger evolutionary process driven by cosmic forces. He describes the sixth dimension as crucial because it forms the foundation of all life in the universe, represented by the “Flower of Life” pattern of six spheres. This geometric structure is fundamental to the design of living beings and reflects how water crystallizes in six-sided forms.
In the sixth dimension, time and space interact, splitting into six patterns of time and six parts of space, creating 12 fundamental forces or beings, referred to as the “Elohim.” These Elohim are the architects of the universe and oversee the creation of life across different dimensions, including the third, fourth, and fifth. While often visualized as angelic or human-like figures, Matias describes the Elohim as massive spherical entities that divide and multiply, similar to cells in a mother’s womb, to initiate life and creation.
Matias views the Elohim as the primordial forces or “seeds of life” that help shape the universe and its evolutionary journey.
Matias explains that the Elohim, which began as enormous spherical beings, split into thousands of cells, each becoming the source of life for various entities. Every one of us originates from one of these Elohim. Over time, these Elohim separated into different frequencies and vibrations, which became distinct “races” or rays of light in the universe. These rays, seen as colors filling the cosmos, led to the concept of Archangels—another name for Elohim in different vibrational forms.
Matias likens this process to the ancient Greek idea of Chronos, the god of time, whose offspring emerged from divisions of his own body. Similarly, the Elohim created life, species, and realities in the third dimension from their own essence. The purpose of this creation was for the universe to explore itself through evolution and experience different aspects of its own existence.
Initially, the Elohim existed as vibrations and waves through time but eventually took on geometric forms, giving rise to living beings in the spatial reality of the universe. These creations weren’t immediate but the result of billions of years of evolution, with humanity as a final product.
The first beings the Elohim created were not species as we think of them but entities designed to govern the four fundamental elements of the universe: water, earth (minerals), fire, and air (gas). These elements serve as the building blocks for all life and realities in the third dimension.
Matias explains that the first forms of life in the universe were shaped by the four elements: gas, fire, minerals, and water. Different planets created life from these elements. For example, life forms could emerge from gas or fire, while Earth-based life came from minerals and water. Of these, bacteria were the most crucial for building the foundation of all other species.
The “fifth body,” the ethereal body, connects everything. It holds the memory and consciousness of all beings, linking them to the soul’s energy, which flows through all species. Early species made of fire and gas developed distinct shapes and consciousness. These beings lived on suns and gas planets, like Jupiter and Saturn, but are so fundamentally different from humans that communication would only be possible if we were “Elementals,” beings tied to the same elemental forces.
As mineral and water-based life evolved, the ethereal energies combined with water to create the first conscious beings in this context. These beings include highly advanced species like the Pleiadians. They are connected to the universe’s creation of water and existed in dimensions that allowed them to integrate fire and water energy. When water appeared on Earth around 4.6 billion years ago, it was due to a massive collision between the early Earth and a moon-like object. This impact created the Pacific Ocean and introduced rocks carrying hydrogen, which, under the right conditions, formed Earth’s water.
Matias mentions that this process was guided not by a higher organization, like a “Confederation,” but by the forces of the sixth dimension. He emphasizes that destruction and chaos in the universe were necessary for creating new realities, including the seeds of life on Earth.
Matias explains how the patterns of the sixth dimension were connected to the third dimension (space) through the fourth dimension (time). The process required beings to first exist in the fourth dimension, which allowed them to develop self-awareness and experience life through four stages: expression, experimentation, integration, and transcendence.
A key challenge arose because the beings created in the fourth dimension lived eternally in the same form, with the same personality and knowledge. This unchanging existence hindered their ability to grow and explore new ways of understanding the universe. To solve this, death was introduced. Death allowed these beings to end a cycle of existence and start anew, enabling evolution and greater adaptability.
his new system tied expression to being born, experimentation to procreation, integration to aging, and transcendence to death. By dying, beings in the fourth dimension could create life in the third dimension, using death as a tool to end one perspective and begin another. This shift made learning and adaptation more dynamic and allowed for greater diversity in experiences.
Matias highlights that this evolutionary process deeply connects us to water. Water species discovered that by changing their shapes while maintaining their core essence, they could better adapt and exchange information with the universe. This ability to transform ensured their survival and growth. Humanity, as part of this evolutionary lineage, reflects this principle—while we evolve and change outwardly, our core remains constant. In essence, we are like water: ever-changing in form but eternal in nature.
Matias explains that water holds the key to creating and shaping life because it can carry and store information. However, for water to express this information in diverse forms, it needs minerals to give it structure. Throughout the galaxy’s history, minerals conditioned water to capture and hold information from various parts of the universe and the planet. Beings from other dimensions or planets also used minerals to shape water into structures that could hold and transmit their knowledge through time and space.
The DNA spiral, created by the universe, serves as a vessel to store this information within cells, akin to how planets hold life. Matias says intelligent species, including humans, are often seen as being created by extraterrestrial beings, which is true—but not in the simplistic sense of aliens arriving and crafting new life forms from scratch. Instead, these beings spent millions of years studying Earth to understand its systems, much like how the human immune system rejects foreign entities it doesn’t recognize.
The process began in water, where extraterrestrial beings tested the merging of information—through DNA and blood—with Earth’s organisms. Over time, they identified the whale as the wisest and most suitable being to hold vast amounts of information. Attempts to cross water-dwelling beings with land species, including mammals, birds, and reptiles, didn’t always succeed. Early experiments created prototypes of beings like cats and reptilians, but they fell short of the desired outcome.
Eventually, extraterrestrial beings observed the evolutionary progress of hominids in Africa. These beings recognized hominids as uniquely equipped to receive and integrate information from higher dimensions, making them ideal candidates for helping the planet reach greater awareness. The extraterrestrials didn’t randomly modify hominids but chose them because they were already evolving toward higher consciousness.
As the climate changed, these beings selected hominids from regions like South Africa, Congo, Egypt, Arabia, the Middle East, and India. They guided their development in remote locations like islands to protect and prepare them. Through this process, early humans were born, with different prototypes created and tested to see which ones could best merge with existing humans and adapt to the planet’s needs.
Matias explains that humanity’s diversity and genetic makeup were intentionally designed to serve as a repository of universal information. He states that certain species, such as the Arcturians, contributed to creating and shaping human genetics by interacting directly with humans, including through reproduction, rather than conducting laboratory experiments. This process ensured that humans became a species capable of hosting diverse knowledge and consciousness essential for Earth’s development.
He describes how beings from other places blended their genetics with humans, not just to create new traits, but to carry different types of information within the human species. Among the various species tested for survivability on Earth, Homo sapiens sapiens proved to be the most adaptable, largely due to their similarities with the Arcturians. This compatibility made humans the chosen species to carry consciousness and contribute to the larger universal plan
Matias emphasizes that the diversity of human races plays a critical role in humanity’s purpose. This diversity allows the species to gather a wide range of information and adapt to varying conditions. It also prepares humans for their eventual expansion beyond Earth, where they are destined to populate and adapt to life in other parts of the galaxy. He explains that the differences among human races serve to store a broader array of data and perspectives, which are necessary for this future.
The number 33 holds great significance in this process. It represents alignment and enlightenment, as well as the connection between mind, body, and emotions. Matias explains that humans have 33 vertebrae in their spines, corresponding to 33 energy codes or nodes on Earth. These codes are also tied to 33 distinct genetic bloodlines that integrate the collective knowledge of 22 extraterrestrial races, along with Earth’s contributions. This alignment enables humans to access and channel universal wisdom.
Humanity has been selected to act as a “garden of the galaxy,” a hub where genetic and cosmic information converge. This role equips humanity to spread across the galaxy, colonizing planets like Mars and Jupiter, and eventually reaching star systems such as Sirius and the Pleiades. Matias asserts that humanity’s diversity and embedded knowledge make it uniquely suited for this destiny.
As humans evolve and become more aligned, the wisdom within their DNA will unlock, allowing them to interact with the galaxy as a unified and enlightened species. Matias underscores that humanity holds the potential for both individual and collective enlightenment, with a role in the cosmos that extends far beyond the confines of Earth.
Past lives are happening simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism
Matias explains that what we perceive as past lives are not separate events in time but rather connections to specific pieces of information existing in another frequency. He suggests that all past lives are happening simultaneously, as everything is part of a singular organism.
He compares this idea to the human body, where each cell represents an individual person. Every cell contains the same genetic information but specializes in fulfilling a specific function within an organ. Similarly, every person holds the same universal knowledge but focuses on a particular role in the collective organism of humanity. This specialization prevents individuals from remembering everything, as doing so could create confusion about their purpose.
Therefore, forgetting past lives or universal knowledge is intentional—it allows individuals to concentrate on their specific roles. However, some people, like Matias and others, act as the neural network or nervous system of the collective body, communicating and reminding others of their purposes. These individuals serve as the connections or pulses that help the rest of the “cells” understand their roles and stay aligned with the greater organism.
Matias emphasizes that the variation in memory or awareness among people is due to the unique tasks each has been designed to fulfill within this interconnected system.
The Curse of Atlantis: Swallowed into the Sea (Full Episode) | Atlas of Cursed Places
The Catastrophe Of 12,000 Years Ago That Erased History
Is Reincarnation Real? Our 9 Dimensional Reality Explained from Memory | Matías De Stefano
The Man with The Cosmic Memory - Matías De Stefano on His Memories From Other Dimensions
EXCLUSIVE! Matías De Stefano: Channeling, Past Lives, Pyramids, Higher Self, Time-Space
In a way, this is progress. The reason this outbreak looks so familiar is that such drone sightings would previously have been identified as UAP ones. It’s only after years of concerted efforts in education, and transparency by U.S. Department of Defense officials, that UAP sightings have rightfully evolved into common drone identification. That is not to say that the drone sightings are any less of a concern, but fortunately, we can address them without the contagion of the UFO community and the conspiracies associated with it.
A New Jersey state assemblyman has accused federal officials of “lying to us” about drones on CNN. The president-elect suggested we “shoot them down!!!” which is almost (but only almost, sadly) needless to say, a bad idea. So is wasting resources to investigate nonsensical notions of advanced technology related to Iran or, again, aliens. Calls for shooting objects down not only have obvious safety issues but fail to recall that Congress and the White House limited such strikes over U.S. territory after the incidents involving the Chinese high-altitude balloon and other balloons, based on concerns about civilian safety.
There are a couple of things we need to make clear about the drone sightings. First, many of the sightings remain mistaken interpretations of manned aircraft or satellites such as Starlink ones. The real drone sightings fall into two classes: those that are in restricted airspace, and those that are in legal airspace. Restricted airspace surrounds airports as well as national security areas such as Air Force and Navy bases. Most sightings reported fall within the latter category and have been assessed as having no immediate national security or flight safety risk, although the public finds them annoying.
One fact that many people tend to overlook, or at least don’t readily rationalize, is that these drones have lights on them. That lights are present on various flying objects including drones (also known as unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs) is a fact I often referred to in my last job, heading a Pentagon office investigating UAP sightings. Lights on a drone are for collision avoidance. They are a safety feature. Flying drones with lights ensures they can be seen; if they were meant to be unnoticed, the operators would turn off or disable the lights. In September 2023, the FAA changed the rules to allow drones to fly at night this way, and this is likely a contributing factor to the increase in sightings. The public and elected officials in Congress continue to believe lights in the sky are scary, however, particularly when they mistake crewed aircraft for drones.
Congressional officials and that unfortunate source of information, social media, continue to make unfounded claims of drone technologies far ahead of U.S. capabilities. The most recent example being the assertion that drones flew from an Iranian mother ship off the coast of the U.S. and demonstrated seven or eight hours of battery life. That fantastic assertion requires there to be evidence that the drones originated from an Iranian ship and were tracked continuously to the U.S. cities. There are no such tracks. The more rational explanation is that they originated near the place of the sighting, that is from domestic operators.
However, that doesn’t mean some drone operations aren’t ill-intentioned.
Several hypotheses (apart from mistaken identity) might explain these drones in legal airspace. They might be academic, professional or hobbyist domestic operators exploring a new technology. YouTube overflows with drone footage from amateur photographers all over the world. Flying in urban settings, in legal airspace, for photography or maybe even some research such as high resolution thermal or pollution measurements is very plausible. Or they are commercial. Increased commercial activity is unavoidable as industry advances drone technology for delivery, remote sensing and communications.
More concerning, operators could be probing the limits of legal activities, or in military speak, performing or exploring preparation of the battlespace. Whether foreign or domestic bad actors, they could be flying commercial drones, complete with lights, to test reactions of both the public and the government. As long as they are flying within legal airspace, under legal limits, they can push those limits and measure what the reaction is. That information on reactions and response could readily feed back to some sort of attack planning, illegal drug delivery or other malicious intent.
Finally, the operators could be using them intentionally to whip up frenzy, hysteria and panic. It could be for personal gain (such as claiming they have the anti-UAV solution to sell), or perhaps advertising something resembling another History Channel series on aliens.
Much like the UAP problem, there is little evidence to support, or rule out, any of these hypotheses. Like UAP, the drones don’t likely all have the same explanation. That makes it hard from a national security perspective to distinguish when a sighting is benign versus potentially nefarious. Lest we forget the lessons of the ongoing war on Ukraine, we don’t want to be caught in an intelligence or technical surprise.
Meanwhile, the sightings that are clearly in restricted airspace usually have more obvious intentions. These can range from benign to nefarious, but generally center around seeing things that are normally not allowed. Whether this is military aircraft, commercial airports or operations, these clearly identified drones and balloons with payloads pose not only a security risk but also a flight safety risk. It would only take one small quad copter to get sucked into a commercial jet engine to end in tragedy.
The proliferation of drone technology, in its commercial, recreational, scientific and military uses, is clearly disrupting the world around us. Our legislation and regulation have created an environment that allows for legal drone usage. It should come as no surprise then that drones are in the air and increasing. Yet here we are, once again with more extraordinary claims, public demands for transparency, baseless accusations of hiding the truth, and congressional calls for more legislation over a mystery in the sky, instead of a rational scientific approach to the investigation. Sound familiar?
This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American.
NASA has announced that the Ingenuity helicopter has formally concluded its mission on Mars, following dozens of successful test flights during its three-year tenure on the planet.
The small helicopter, specially designed for flight in the Red Planet’s thin atmosphere, made history as the first aircraft to perform a powered, controlled flight on another planet.
Although initially planned as a technology demonstration that would only conduct five test flights, Ingenuity went on to perform a remarkable 72 flights, many of which provided useful aerial reconnaissance for the Perseverance rover in advance of its movement to areas of interest for potential study.
“It is bittersweet that I must announce Ingenuity… has taken its last flight on Mars,” Nelson said in a statement.
Characterizing the small aircraft as “the little helicopter that could,” Nelson said the helicopter sustained damage to one of its rotor blades while attempting a landing.
NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter takes off above Jezero crater
(Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS).
“At least one of its carbon fiber rotor blades was damaged,” Nelson said. “We’re investigating the possibility that the blade struck the ground.”
The damage occurred during a vertical flight the helicopter performed to determine its location several days ago, following an emergency landing during its previous flight.
Although the aircraft achieved a maximum altitude of 40 feet, hovering for a total of 4.5 seconds before beginning its descent, Ingenuity lost contact with Perseverance before reaching the ground. Several days later the rotor blade damage was revealed.
“What Ingenuity accomplished far exceeds what we thought possible,” Nelson said.
“Ingenuity demonstrated how flight can enhance operational missions, and it’s helping us in the search for life on Mars.”
Ingenuity’s first flight occurred on April 19, 2021, after arriving on the Red Planet earlier that year with the Perseverance rover.
Laurie Leshin, director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, said Ingenuity was “an exemplar of the way we push the boundaries of what’s possible every day.
“I’m incredibly proud of our team behind this historic technological achievement and eager to see what they’ll invent next,” Leshin added.
Comparing Ingenuity’s operations to the pioneering flights of Wilbur and Orville Wright, Nelson said the Mars helicopter has set the pace for the future use of aircraft in space exploration.
“Ingenuity has paved the way for future flight in our solar system,” Nelson said, “and it’s leading the way for smarter, safer human missions to Mars and beyond.”
Hey all, hope this brightens up your day. I found a newly releseaed UFO video and guess what? There is a second, and maybe a third UFO exiting the volcano! I slow it down at 1:30 mark to show you, but then show the whole video. Not only was the UFO video recorded and released by the US gov, but they missed another 1 to 2 other UFOs exiting Mt. Etna! This is a gov source video! Hard to believe but true. This is proof aliens have a base below this volcano and I have said for over two decades that aliens like bases to be deep below active volcanos to make them inaccessible to humans.
9 Phenomena NASA Astronauts Will Encounter at Moon’s South Pole
An artist's rendering of an Artemis astronaut working on the Moon's surface.
Credits: NASA
9 Phenomena NASA Astronauts Will Encounter at Moon’s South Pole
NASA’s Artemis campaign will send the first woman and the first person of color to the Moon’s south polar region, marking humanity’s first return to the lunar surface in more than 50 years.
Here are some out-of-this-world phenomena Artemis astronauts will experience:
1. A Hovering Sun and Giant Shadows
This visualization shows the motions of Earth and the Sun as viewed from the South Pole of the Moon. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Near the Moon’s South Pole, astronauts will see dramatic shadows that are 25 to 50 times longer than the objects casting them. Why? Because the Sun strikes the surface there at a low angle, hanging just a few degrees above the horizon. As a result, astronauts won’t see the Sun rise and set. Instead, they’ll watch it hover near the horizon as it moves horizontally across the sky.
2. Sticky, Razor-Sharp Dust ...
This dust particle came from a lunar regolith sample brought to Earth in 1969 by Apollo 11 astronauts. The particle is about 25 microns across, less than the width of an average human hair. The image was taken with a scanning electron microscope.
NASA/Sarah Noble
The lunar dust, called regolith, that coats the Moon’s surface looks fine and soft like baking powder. But looks can be deceiving. Lunar regolith is formed when meteoroids hit the Moon’s surface, melting and shattering rocks into tiny, sharp pieces. The Moon doesn’t have moving water or wind to smooth out the regolith grains, so they stay sharp and scratchy, posing a risk to astronauts and their equipment.
3. ... That’s Charged with Static Electricity
Astronaut Eugene Cernan, commander of Apollo 17, inside the lunar module on the Moon after his second moonwalk of the mission in 1972. His spacesuit and face are covered in lunar dust.
Because the Moon has no atmosphere to speak of, its surface is exposed to plasma and radiation from the Sun. As a result, static electricity builds up on the surface, as it does when you shuffle your feet against a carpeted floor. When you then touch something, you transfer that charge via a small shock. On the Moon, this transfer can short-circuit electronics. Moon dust also can make its way into astronaut living quarters, as the static electricity causes it to easily stick to spacesuits. NASA has developed methods to keep the dust at bay using resistant textiles, filters, and a shield that employs an electric field to remove dust from surfaces.
4. A New Sense of Lightness
In 1972, Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke hammered a core tube into the Moon’s surface until it met a rock and wouldn’t go any farther. Then the hammer flew from his hand. He made four attempts to pick it up by bending down and leaning to reach for it. He gave up and returned to the rover to get tongs to finally pick up the hammer successfully. NASA’s Johnson Space Center
Artemis moonwalkers will have a bounce to their step as they traverse the lunar surface. This is because gravity won’t pull them down as forcefully as it does on Earth. The Moon is only a quarter of Earth’s size, with six times less gravity. Simple activities, like swinging a rock hammer to chip off samples, will feel different. While a hammer will feel lighter to hold, its inertia won’t change, leading to a strange sensation for astronauts. Lower gravity has perks, too. Astronauts won’t be weighed down by their hefty spacesuits as much as they would be on Earth. Plus, bouncing on the Moon is just plain fun.
5. A Waxing Crescent … Earth?
This animated image features a person holding a stick with a sphere on top that represents the Moon. The person is demonstrating an activity that helps people learn about the phases of the Moon by acting them out.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
When Artemis astronauts look at the sky from the Moon, they’ll see their home planet shining back at them. Just like Earthlings see different phases of the Moon throughout a month, astronauts will see an ever-shifting Earth. Earth phases occur opposite to Moon phases: When Earth experiences a new Moon, a full Earth is visible from the Moon.
6. An Itty-Bitty Horizon
A view from the Apollo 11 spacecraft in July 1969 shows Earth rising above the Moon’s horizon.
Because the Moon is smaller than Earth, its horizon will look shorter and closer. To someone standing on a level Earth surface, the horizon is 3 miles away, but to astronauts on the Moon, it’ll be only 1.5 miles away, making their surroundings seem confined.
7. Out-of-This-World Temperatures
This graphic shows maximum summer and winter temperatures near the lunar South Pole. Purple, blue, and green identify cold regions, while yellow to red signify warmer ones. The graphic incorporates 10 years of data from NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter), which has been orbiting the Moon since 2009. NASA/LRO Diviner Seasonal Polar Data
NASA/LRO Diviner Seasonal Polar Data
Because sunlight at the Moon’s South Pole skims the surface horizontally, it brushes crater rims, but doesn’t always reach their floors. Some deep craters haven’t seen the light of day for billions of years, so temperatures there can dip to minus 334 F. That’s nearly three times colder than the lowest temperature recorded in Antarctica. At the other extreme, areas in direct sunlight, such as crater rims, can reach temperatures of 130 F.
8. An Inky-Black Sky
An animated view of Earth emerging below the horizon as seen from the Moon’s South Pole. This visual was created using a digital elevation map from LRO’s laser altimeter, LOLA.
NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
The Moon, unlike Earth, doesn’t have a thick atmosphere to scatter blue light, so the daytime sky is black. Astronauts will see a stark contrast between the dark sky and the bright ground.
9. A Rugged Terrain
An overhead view of the Moon, beginning with a natural color from a distance and changing to color-coded elevation as the camera comes closer. The visual captures the rugged terrain of the lunar South Pole area. It includes a color key and animated scale bar. This visual was created using a digital elevation map from NASA LRO’s laser altimeter, LOLA.
NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
Artemis moonwalkers will find a rugged landscape that takes skill to traverse. The Moon has mountains, valleys, and canyons, but its most notable feature for astronauts on the surface may be its millions of craters. Near the South Pole, gaping craters and long shadows will make it difficult for astronauts to navigate. But, with training and special gear, astronauts will be prepared to meet the challenge.
By Avery Truman
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Why is the moon's south pole so significant? | DW News
NASA is Considering Designs and Simulations to Prepare Astronauts for Lighting Conditions Around the Lunar South Pole
In the coming years, NASA and other space agencies will send humans back to the Moon for the first time since the Apollo Era—this time to stay! To maximize line-of-sight communication with Earth, solar visibility, and access to water ice, NASA, the ESA, and China have selected the Lunar South Pole (LSP) as the location for their future lunar bases. This will necessitate the creation of permanent infrastructure on the Moon and require that astronauts have the right equipment and training to deal with conditions around the lunar south pole.
This includes lighting conditions, which present a major challenge for science operations and extravehicular activity (EVA). Around the LSP, day and night last for two weeks at a time, and the Sun never rises more than a few degrees above the horizon. This creates harsh lighting conditions very different from what the Apollo astronauts or any previous mission have experienced. To address this, the NASA Engineering and Safety Council (NESC) has recommended developing a wide variety of physical and virtual techniques that can simulate the visual experiences of Artemis astronauts.
In the past, the design of lighting and functional vision support systems has typically been relegated to the lowest level of program planning. This worked well for the Apollo missions and EVAs in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) since helmet design alone addressed all vision challenges. Things will be different for the Artemis Program since astronauts will not be able to avoid having harsh sunlight in their eyes during much of the time they spend doing EVAs. There is also the challenge of the extensive shadowing around the LSP due to its cratered and uneven nature, not to mention the extended lunar nights.
Artist’s rendering of the Starship HLS on the Moon’s surface. NASA has contracted with SpaceX to provide the lunar landing system. Credit: SpaceX
In addition, astronaut vehicles and habitats will require artificial lighting throughout missions, which means astronauts will have to transition from ambient lighting to harsh sunlight and/or intense darkness and back. Since the human eye has difficulty adapting to these transitions, it will impede an astronaut’s “function vision,” which is required to drive vehicles, perform EVAs safely, operate tools, and manage complex machines. This is especially true when it comes to rovers and the lander elevator used by the Starship HLS – both of which will be used for the Artemis IIIand IVmissions.
As Meagan Chappell, a Knowledge Management Analyst at NASA’s Langley Research Center, indicates, this will require the development of new functional vision support systems. That means helmets, windows, and lighting systems that can work together to allow crews to “see into the darkness while their eyes are light-adapted, in bright light while still dark-adapted, and protects their eyes from injury.” According to the NESC assessment, these challenges have not been addressed, and must be understood before solutions can be implemented.
In particular, they indicated how functional vision and specific tasks for Artemis astronauts were not incorporated into system design requirements. For example, the new spacesuits designed for the Artemis Program – the Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit (AxEMU) – provide greater flexibility so astronauts can walk more easily on the lunar surface. However, there are currently no features or systems that would allow astronauts to see well enough when transitioning between brilliant sunlight into dark shadow and back again without losing their footing.
The NESC assessment identified several other gaps, prompting them to recommend that methods that enable functional vision become a specific and new requirement for system designers. They also recommended that the design process for lighting, windows, and visors become integrated. Lastly, they recommended that various physical and virtual simulation techniques be developed to address specific requirements. This means virtual reality programs that simulate what it is like to walk around the LSP during lunar day and night, followed by “dress rehearsal” missions in analog environments (or both combined!).
Astronauts operating around the Lunar South Pole. Credit: NASA
As Chappell summarized, the simulations will likely focus on different aspects of the mission elements to gauge the effectiveness of their designs:
“Some would address the blinding effects of sunlight at the LSP (not easily achieved through virtual approaches) to evaluate [the] performance of helmet shields and artificial lighting in the context of the environment and adaptation times. Other simulations would add terrain features to identify the threats in simple (e.g., walking, collection of samples) and complex (e.g., maintenance and operation of equipment) tasks. Since different facilities have different strengths, they also have different weaknesses. These strengths and limitations must be characterized to enable verification of technical solutions and crew training.”
This latest series of recommendations reminds us that NASA is committed to achieving a regular human presence on the Moon by the end of this decade. As that day draws nearer, the need for more in-depth preparation and planning becomes apparent. By the time astronauts are making regular trips to the Moon (according to NASA, once a year after 2028), they will need the best training and equipment we can muster.
Alien Talks About Jesus: Bizarre UFO Encounters in Finland
Alien Talks About Jesus: Bizarre UFO Encounters in Finland
Alien Talks About Jesus: Bizarre UFO Encounters in Finland
Finland, known for its serene landscapes and rich folklore, has also been home to baffling UFO encounters that blend mystery with cultural intrigue. Documented in Tapani Kuningas’ book, Ufoja Suomen taivaalla (UFOs in the Finnish Sky), these accounts reveal astonishing tales of humanoid entities, unexplained phenomena, and a peculiar connection to spirituality.
One of the most extraordinary stories involves a young girl who, after being taken aboard a metallic craft, received cryptic messages about Jesus and eternity. This tale, along with two other notable encounters, challenges the boundaries of belief, folklore, and the unexplained.
The Encounter in the Barn
The first story takes place in a drying barn in South Ostrobothnia, where a young girl, Laura Lanin, had a life-changing encounter at the age of five. While playing hide-and-seek with her neighbors, Laura saw the barn’s logs mysteriously open, allowing sunlight to flood the room. Moments later, a loud buzzing sound heralded the arrival of a humanoid figure.
The entity, described as a tall, slender man with red eyes and a space suit-like outfit, seemed otherworldly. Despite its unsettling appearance, Laura felt no fear. After a brief and peculiar interaction, the humanoid exited through the barn’s walls, which then closed up as if nothing had happened. Finnish researchers speculated that the entity may have entered through a dimensional “wrong opening,” but the mystery remains unresolved.
A Winter Night’s Eerie Companion
The second encounter, from the winter of 1938, features Elina Ahokas in Lumara, Carelia. Walking home late at night, Elina noticed a bright, oval light in the sky. To her astonishment, a humanoid figure dressed in fur-like clothing began walking alongside her on the snow-covered path.
The figure remained silent, its presence unsettling yet non-threatening. When Elina reached her gate, the figure vanished, accompanied by a buzzing sound and an intensifying light that eventually darted toward Lake Logga. Despite the bizarre nature of this event, UFO investigator Tapani Kuningas found the details credible, noting the witness’s sincerity and inability to fabricate such a tale.
A Spiritual Message from Beyond
The most intriguing encounter occurred in 1942, involving a nine-year-old girl from Helsinki. While walking home, she met a woman described as tall, pale, and kind, who led her toward an open clearing. There, a metallic craft stood on three legs, with two men dragging a frightened boy inside.
The girl was invited aboard and observed a room filled with futuristic yet oddly familiar technology, including a control panel with switches and dials. In a smaller room with maps and charts, the woman began explaining profound spiritual truths. She emphasized the eternal love of Jesus, the immortality of the soul, and the absence of time in eternity. This interaction left a lasting impression on the girl, but she awoke later in a field, disoriented and ill.
Her post-encounter symptoms were severe, including light sensitivity, nausea, and weight loss, leading to hospitalization. The boy in the craft suffered long-term mental health issues, further deepening the enigma of this experience.
Cultural Reflections or Genuine Phenomena?
These Finnish UFO stories raise thought-provoking questions. While the humanoids’ calm demeanor, Nordic features, and technologically advanced crafts seem otherworldly, their appearance and behavior align strikingly with mid-20th-century cultural and technological norms. This blending of the familiar and the fantastical suggests that these experiences could be shaped by both external phenomena and the witnesses’ cultural or psychological frameworks.
Tapani Kuningas, known for his cautious approach to documenting such encounters, excluded dubious claims to maintain credibility. He noted that while these stories seem extraordinary, they carry recurring themes: abrupt appearances, inexplicable technology, and lasting effects on witnesses.
A Profound Connection to Spirituality
The inclusion of Jesus and eternal themes in the third account adds a layer of spiritual significance rarely seen in UFO encounters. This raises questions about whether these beings intended to convey a divine message or if the experience reflected the witness’s subconscious understanding of faith and spirituality.
Alien Talks About Jesus: Bizarre UFO Encounters in Finland
The UFO encounters in Finland challenge our understanding of reality and belief. Whether these stories are manifestations of external phenomena, internal projections, or a mix of both, they invite us to explore the mysterious intersections of culture, spirituality, and the unexplained. As we ponder these accounts, one thing is clear: the Finnish skies hold secrets that continue to inspire curiosity and wonder.
27 Alien Encounters
Unearthly Encounters | ALIEN ABDUCTION: THE STRANGEST UFO CASE FILES | Beyond Belief
Exposing Government Secrets! | ALIEN AND UFO ENCOUNTERS: THE TOP 20
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
NASA makes HISTORY as spacecraft survives closest-ever approach to Sun: US space agency confirms Parker Probe is 'operating normally' after coming within just 3.8 million miles of the solar surface
The US space agency has confirmed that its Parker Solar Probe survived the close encounter, and is now 'operating normally'.
'Parker Solar Probe has phoned home!' NASA tweeted this morning.
'After passing just 3.8 million miles from the solar surface on Dec. 24 — the closest solar flyby in history — we have received Parker Solar Probe's beacon tone confirming the spacecraft is safe.'
During the flyby, Parker endured temperatures of up to 982°C, while moving at 430,000 miles per hour.
Despite these extreme conditions, the probe's heat shield effectively protected its instruments.
NASA said the mission operations team at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, received the signal on Boxing Day evening.
The spacecraft is next expected to send back detailed data about its condition and experiences on January 1.
The US space agency has confirmed that its Parker Solar Probe survived the close encounter, and is now 'operating normally'
'Parker Solar Probe has phoned home!' NASA tweeted this morning. 'After passing just 3.8 million miles from the solar surface on Dec. 24 — the closest solar flyby in history — we have received Parker Solar Probe's beacon tone confirming the spacecraft is safe'
NASA said: 'Following its record-breaking closest approach to the sun, NASA's Parker Solar Probe has transmitted a beacon tone back to Earth indicating it's in good health and operating normally.'
The news of Parker's survival has been welcomed by space fans across X (formerly Twitter).
'We live in an amazing time! Congratulations!' one user replied to NASA.
Another added: 'It worked. You guys are special.'
And one joked: 'It's like a sun-kissed spacecraft now.'
The Christmas Eve flyby was the first of three record-setting close passes, with the next two - on March 22, 2025, and June 19, 2025 - both expected to bring the probe back to a similarly close distance from the sun.
Nick Pinkine, Parker Solar Probe mission operations manager at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), said: 'No human-made object has ever passed this close to a star, so Parker will truly be returning data from uncharted territory.'
Beyond breaking records, scientists hope the mission will allow them to measure how material is heated to millions of degrees, find where solar wind comes from and learn how energetic particles reach near light speeds.
The Parker Solar Probe launched from Cape Canaveral in August 2018 before embarking on the 93 million-mile journey to the sun
Arik Posner, Parker Solar Probe program scientist for NASA, says: 'This is one example of NASA's bold missions, doing something that no one else has ever done before to answer longstanding questions about our universe.'
The Parker Solar Probe travelled seven times closer to the sun than any spacecraft before it
Nasa's Parker Solar Probe (PSP) will travel seven times closer to the sun than any spacecraft before it by the end of its mission.
It launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on August 12, 2018.
The probe flew to the sun's outer atmosphere to study life of stars and their weather events.
It is hoped that Parker can help scientists to better understand solar flares — brief eruptions of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface that can knock out communications on Earth.
Over the next few years the probe will continue to make new discoveries as it moves closer to the sun, eventually making its closest approach in the year 2024, as it flies 3.9 million miles above the solar surface.
The craft faces extremes in heat and radiation and will reach speeds of up to 430,000 miles per hour (700,000 kph) at its closest flyby of the star.
The craft's kit includes a white light imager called Whisper, which will take images of solar waves as the craft propels through them at high speeds.
To measure the 'bulk plasma' of solar winds — described by Nasa as the 'bread and butter' of the flares — a set of magnetic imaging equipment will also be stored on board.
NASA Science Live: Parker Solar Probe Nears Historic Close Encounter with the Sun
Telescopes in space and on Earth snapped some incredible shots too, capturing stars, other planets and even entire galaxies in unprecedented detail.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and European Southern Observatory (ESO) are just a few of the highly-sophisticated imaging instruments that changed our understanding of the universe this year.
Below, highlights some of 2024's most jaw-dropping space photos.
Star-forming region NGC 604
JWST captured this near-infrared view of the star-forming region NGC 604, which sits in the Triangulum galaxy 2.7 million light-years from Earth
JWST's NIRcam instrument is a powerful near-infrared camera that can capture images of distant nebulae in astonishing detail.
This year, the telescope snapped this photo of the star-forming nebula known as NGC 604.
This enormous cloud of gas and dust is located 2.7 million light-years from Earth in the Triangulum galaxy.
Stretching almost 1,500 light-years across, NGC 604 is nearly 100 times larger than the Orion Nebula in our own galaxy.
NHC 604 contains more than 200 hot, massive young stars — significantly more than the Orion Nebula's four.
This JWST image shows the nebula's arms of gas and dust, which serve as a nursery for young, still-forming stars.
Starlink satellites captured by ISS astronaut
Don Pettit, a NASA astronaut aboard the ISS, shared this photo he took in November, which shows Starlink satellites streaking by
In November, NASA astronaut Don Pettit shared this image taken from the ISS, which shows Starlink satellites streaking by.
In a post on X, Pettit compared the satellites to 'a miniature version of the monolith from '2001: A Space Odyssey', where the large flat face of the monolith points towards earth and the solar panel protrudes outward like the fin on the back of a Dimetrodon.'
He described the image, saying: 'Compared to the well-defined streaks from star trails, this time exposure shows wonky streaks flashing ISS.
'These are Starlink satellites reflecting pre-dusk or pre-dawn sunlight off their solar panels. They are only seen from 5 to 18 degrees preceding or trailing the sun.
'They create bright flashes, perhaps lasting for a few seconds each due to the orientation of their outward pointing solar panels.'
Pettit is well-known for his orbital astrophotography, which he creates from the unique vantage point of the ISS.
SpaceX's 'chopsticks' rocket catch
SpaceX achieved a historic spaceflight maneuver this year when the Mechazilla launch tower's 'chopstick' arms caught the Super Heavy booster in mid-air, executing a bull's eye landing
Elon Musk's SpaceX made spaceflight history in October with the successful execution of a 'chopstick' maneuver.
It was the fifth time the spaceflight company launched its 400-foot-tall Starship rocket, but this launch was anything but routine.
In a world's first, SpaceX aimed to return the rocket's Super Heavy booster directly to its launch mount, snatching it out of mid-air with a pair of 'chopstick' arms attached to the launch tower.
Just seven minutes after liftoff, Super Heavy executed a bull's eye landing, hovering near the 'Mechazilla' launch tower as the metal arms caught it.
The bold, historic maneuver marked a major achievement for SpaceX and the spaceflight industry at large.
'Are you kidding me?' SpaceX spokesperson Dan Huot added from the launch site following the event. 'Even in this day and age, what we just saw — that looked like magic.'
Supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*
In 2024, astronomers captured the first image of the polarized light and magnetic fields that surround Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way
This year, astronomers captured the first image of the polarized light and magnetic fields that surround Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole that sits at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
This image was made using the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a global network of radio telescopes that can observe a supermassive black hole's event horizon, or the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light.
At just 26,000 light years from Earth, Sagittarius A* is one of very few black holes in the universe where astronomers can actually observe the flow of matter around it.
This historic image provides the first direct visual evidence of this supermassive black hole's existence.
Although we cannot see the black hole itself — as it is completely dark — the glowing whirls of gas around it reveal a telltale signature: a dark central region (or 'shadow') surrounded by a bright ring-like structure.
The image therefore shows light bent by the black hole's extreme gravity.
HP Tau: An infant star
The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of the infant star HP Tau this year, located 550 light-years from Earth
The Hubble Space Telescope snapped this stunning photo of the infant star HP Tau this year.
HP Tau is located roughly 550 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus. At just 10million years old, it is the youngest among its neighbors.
It can be seen at the top of a trio of stars captured in this Hubble image. These three stars reside within a hollow cavity in a huge cloud of gas and dust, 'looking like a glittering cosmic geode,' as NASA described it.
HP Tau is a T Tauri star, a type of young variable star that has not begun nuclear fusion yet, but will eventually evolve into a hydrogen-fueled star similar to our sun, according to NASA.
At 4.6 billion years old, our sun is far older than this infant.
First-ever commercial spacewalk
Tech billionaire and SpaceX astronaut Jared Isaacman made history when he emerged from the Polaris Dawn capsule to complete the first civilian spacewalk
In September, SpaceX's Polaris Dawn crew made history by executing the first privately-funded spacewalk.
The achievement marked a major milestone for the commercial spaceflight industry, of which SpaceX is a key leader.
In this image, tech billionaire and Polaris Dawn mission commander Jared Isaacman can be seen emerging from the Crew Dragon capsule 434 miles above Earth's surface as the sun rises over the eastern portion of the US.
He spent 12 minutes testing the mobility and functionality of SpaceX's new extravehicular activity (EVA) suits, which had never been used in space before.
After Isaacman retreated back into the capsule, Polaris Dawn mission specialist Sarah Gillis, emerged and performed the same EVA test maneuvers.
'Back at home, we all have a lot of work to do,' said Isaacman as he looked down at our planet. 'But from here, Earth sure looks like a perfect world.'
'Doomed' star Eta Carinae
The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of the unusual nebula that surrounds Eta Carinae, a star that is likely to explode at any time
This 2024 image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope brings out details in the unusual nebula that surrounds Eta Carinae, a star that may be about to explode.
Scientists aren't sure exactly when this explosion could occur. According to NASA, it could be next year, or it could be a million years from now.
But when it does blow, it will likely cause a supernova — the biggest type of explosion known to man. Eta Carinae is about 100 times more massive than our sun.
Located 7,500 light-years away in the Keyhole nebula, its violent death would not impact Earth. But still, Hubble has been monitoring Eta Carinae for the last 25 years, waiting for it to explode.
In this image, two distinct lobes of the surrounding Homunculus Nebula encompass the hot central region, while some 'strange' radial streaks are visible in red extending toward the right, according to NASA.
Total solar eclipse
On April 8, skywatchers in 15 US states witnessed a total solar eclipse
On April 8, millions of Americans looked up at the sky in unison to witness a total solar eclipse.
All of North America experienced at least a partial solar eclipse. But 15 US states from Texas to Maine were in the 115-mile-wide path of totality, which also stretched through Canada and Mexico.
In this area, spectators experienced several minutes of near-total darkness as the sun disappeared behind the moon's shadow.
Images of the eclipse were shared widely on social media, including this one which shows solar prominences erupting from the sun's surface - the squiggly red lines that appear to be jetting out from the perimeter of the sun.
Solar prominences are eruptions of solar plasma, a hot gas made of electrically charged hydrogen and helium.
US sees far-reaching aurora
The aurora borealis is typically only seen at northern latitudes. But in October, this dazzling light display stretched as far south as Florida
In an extremely rare event, the aurora borealis — also known as the northern lights — stretched as far south as Key Largo, Florida in October.
The dazzling light display was triggered by a severe geomagnetic storm, or a major disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere that occurs when an outburst of solar radiation impacts out planet.
This storm was a G5, the most severe class of geomagnetic storm. Aurora were visible at much lower latitudes than usual, with spectators sharing images from Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and other southern states.
Perseid meteor shower
This long exposure photo shows the Perseid meteor shower over Osijek, Croatia on August 11
In August, the Perseid meteor shower streaked across the night sky, allowing stargazers to capture striking long-exposure photos like this one taken in Osijek, Croatia.
The Perseid meteor shower occurs annually, and is considered the best meteor shower of the year. It can produce 50 to 100 shooting stars per hour, which frequently leave long 'wakes' of light and color behind them, according to NASA.
This meteor shower results from the Earth passing through debris, or bits of ice and rock, left in the wake of the comet Swift Tuttle, which last passed close to Earth in 1992.
The peak of the shower is from August 11 through 12, when our planet travels through the densest part of this debris trail.
Craziest Space Discoveries You Missed in 2024 | Space Documentary
7 INSANE Space Discoveries Of 2024!
Mind-Blowing Space Discoveries From 2024 That Will Change Everything!
From the steam engine in 1712 to the first ever iPhone in 2007, each year sees the birth of ever more incredible inventions.
And after a year of mind-boggling tech, it's clear that 2024 has been no exception to the rule.
The last 12 months have seen brilliant minds from around the world creating some mind-blowing and potentially world-changing breakthroughs.
With 2024 almost at its end, MailOnline has taken a look back at some of this year's coolest gadgets and most exciting innovations.
From an AI for designing proteins to a real-life pair of Wallace and Gromit's 'techno trousers', these inventions are a glimpse of how we all might be living in the future.
And when it comes to big breakthroughs, this year has been a resounding success for billionaire Elon Musk.
This year, Musk has overseen the debut of Telsa's futuristic Robotaxi and the successful launch and landing of SpaceX's Superheavy rocket.
So, what do you think has been this year's best creation?
With 2024 soon coming to a close, MailOnline has taken a look back at some of the year's coolest gadgets and groundbreaking inventions
Huawei released one of the most impressive phones of the year with its tri-folding smartphone the Mate XT Ultimate Design
Huawei Mate XT Ultimate Design
While Apple's iPhone 16 range might have stolen the spotlight, 2024 has really been the year of the folding phone.
Some of the biggest manufacturers have launched their own folding designs - but no company did it better than Huawei with its triple folding Mate XT Ultimate Design.
The device uses two hinges to extend from a 6.4-inch OLED display to a huge 10.2-inch tablet-like screen.
That means it can go from a phone the size of the Google Pixel 9 to a tablet almost as large as the Apple's 10th generation iPad.
Thanks to the Z-shaped design, the Mate XT can also be used while only partially unfolded with a mid-sized 7.9-inch display – which is just a little smaller than a fully opened Pixel 9 Pro Fold.
Speaking at the launch event, Huawei executive director Richard Yu said: 'We have never stopped innovating, and never given up in the pursuit of making it possible.
'That's how we were able to develop the world's first commercial triple foldable phone.'
The Mate XT Ultimate Design uses two hinges to fold in a Z-shape, allowing it to expand from the size of a smartphone to that of a tablet
When it's turned on, users have the option to either keep the screen see-through, like a window with a movie projected onto it, or turn it opaque so that the room beyond is no longer visible.
That nifty transformation is made possible thanks to a black 'contrast screen' which rises up behind the transparent pane.
And, thanks to LG's wireless transmission box, the TV has no cables to mess around with and can be placed anywhere in the room.
LG's futuristic transparent TV was unveiled earlier this year. When it's turned on users have the option to either keep the screen see-through, like a window with a movie projected onto it, or turn it opaque so that the room beyond is no longer visible.
The transmission box remains plugged in at the wall and beams audio and visual data to the screen via a 60GHz wireless antenna.
Speaking at the TV's launch, LG's Frank Lee said: 'The TV no longer has to dominate the room. This heightens the relationship between the TV and the space it inhabits.'
We don't have an exact release date for the OLED T yet, but LG has said this will be available at some point soon.
LG hasn't set a price point but if the $87,000 (£69,000) price tag on its 65-inch wireless 8K OLED TV is anything to go by, it could easily be over $100,000 (£79,000).
Apple Vision Pro
While some companies have been trying to revolutionise screens, this year, Apple tried to do away with them altogether.
These futuristic goggles allow users to overlay virtual information on the real world or, with a twist of a dial, immerse themselves in an entirely virtual world.
Launched in January, the Apple Vision Pro is currently one of the most advanced virtual reality headsets on the market and boasts extremely impressive body and eye-tracking technology
Billed as the world's first 'spatial computing' device, the Vision Pro was a huge departure from Apple's usual products and its first venture into virtual reality.
Upon release, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that these were 'the most advanced consumer electronics device ever created.'
The headset boasts stunning resolution with 3660x3200 pixels per eye - the equivalent of two 4K TVs.
But what makes the Vision Pro truly special is its unique control system.
While other headsets like the Meta Quest 3 require users to hold onto cumbersome controllers, Apple's offering is controlled through body and eye tracking.
Simply by looking around and reaching out with their hands, users are able to interact seamlessly with a virtual world.
Created by the French health giant Withings, this 'multiscope' can gather data normally only collected in a GP checkup.
The portable device is stacked with censors to check everything from temperature and blood flow to heart and lung health.
By lightly gripping the device, for example, it can measure users' blood oxygen, and heart rate, and carry out an ECG simultaneously.
The smartphone-sized device can also use light waves to interpret blood flow patterns and gather acoustic information from the chest and back.
Withings says that it will alert users of any possible fevers or infections and give them an early warning of any cardiovascular issues like arterial fibrillation.
Founder Eric Carreel said: 'BeamO is a transformative multiscope device. Once, body temperature was the only health scan routinely taken at home.
BeamO is a handheld 'multiscope' which can carry out a full doctor's check-up from home. In under a minute, the handheld device uses a range of sensors to check for everything from temperature and blood flow to lung and heart health
'BeamO will revolutionize the measurement of the core vitals carried out during medical visits from the comfort of one's own home.'
Currently pending regulatory approval, BeamO will launch first in the US for $249.95 (£195) from 2025.
Not every invention needs to come from a massive corporation with millions of pounds of investment.
In fact, one of 2024's most exciting inventions comes from two young students.
All around the world, scientists launch weather balloons containing small devices called radiosondes to measure air pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction.
These measurements are vital to helping scientists predict weather patterns, but these single-use devices create tonnes of harmful plastic waste.
The AirXeed, this year's winner of the James Dyson Award for sustainability, solves this issue by making radiosondes reusable.
AirXeed was this year's winner of the James Dyson Award for sustainability. These maple leaf-inspired gadgets are reusable instrument arrays for weather balloons which can safely steer themselves to the ground to help scientists reduce their plastic waste
Taking inspiration from maple seeds, inventors Shane Kyi Hla Win and Danial Sufiyan Bin Shaifu from Singapore created a device that can control its drift back to Earth.
By adjusting its stability, AirXeed can steer itself on the wind back towards a collection zone where scientists can collect it and use it again.
This lets researchers make potentially lifesaving predictions about upcoming weather events, without harming the planet.
But if that wasn't impressive enough, this year the company has released the sequel: AlphaFold 3.
While AlphaFold 2 predicted the structure of proteins, AlphaFold 3 is able to predict how they interact.
AlphaFold 3 is a hugely significant invention which can predict the interactions between proteins with 'unprecedented accuracy'. In this image, you can see a comparison between AlphaFold's simulation of an interaction with DNA (colour) and the real scenario (grey)
Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind, was awarded a share of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his role in the creation of AlphaFold
In a paper published by Nature in May, DeepMind showed how the algorithm could predict the interaction of all of life's molecules with 'unprecedented' accuracy.
That breakthrough could allow scientists to predict how drugs will interact with the body before they are created, potentially accelerating the discovery of new medicines.
Writing in a blog post, DeepMind said: 'This leap could unlock more transformative science, from developing biorenewable materials and more resilient crops, to accelerating drug design and genomics research.'
Yet what truly sets this apart as one of the year's best inventions is the decision by Google DeepMind to make the software open-source.
This means that researchers all around the world will be able to use a version AlphaFold 3 at no cost; in a move which could lead to an explosion of new discoveries.
MO/GO robotic trousers
All the way back in 1993 Ardman Studios released the Oscar-winning animation Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers.
In this classic animation, Wallace creates a pair of robotic 'techno-trousers' which can walk for their wearer.
The MO/GO robotic trousers were invented by outdoor clothing company Arc'teryx and Google spinout Skip. They give hikers a mechanical boost while coming uphill and reduce the impact of walking back down
Now, outdoor clothing company Arc'teryx and Google spinout Skip have made the first pair of techno trousers a reality.
The MO/GO robotic trousers are a strength-boosting exoskeleton built into a pair of hiking trousers which can boost a walker's power uphill and take away the impact while coming down.
The trousers feature a lightweight electric motor at the knee, powering a set of carbon struts which clip into braces hidden in each leg.
Skip claims that the trousers can make the wearer feel up to 13 kg (30lbs) lighter and provide a 40 per cent boost to leg muscles in ascents.
In addition to being extremely cool, these modern-day techno trousers could be a game-changer for people who otherwise wouldn't be able to enjoy hiking.
Skip says that the goal is to help people with injuries or disabilities access parts of the outdoors that wouldn't otherwise be accessible.
The trousers even feature an adjustable assistance level so people who need less help can still enjoy the challenge of a good hike.
However, before you get too excited it's worth knowing that the MO/GO 'starter pack' will set you back $5,000 (£3,940) and won't arrive until at least 2026 if you order today.
Fans of Wallace and Gromit might notice a striking similarity to the 'techno trousers' from the 1993 animation, The Wrong Trousers
Arc'teryx says these mechanised trousers could help people with injuries or disabilities stay active and access the outdoors when they might otherwise not be able to
Tesla Robotaxi
Of course, it would be impossible to make a list of the year's best inventions without mentioning something created by Elon Musk.
Launched at the 'We, Robot' event in October, the futuristic vehicle features no steering, wheel, pedals, or rear window and only has enough room inside for two passengers.
While you might mistake it for a prop from the science-fiction blockbuster I, Robot, Musk says that these autonomous cars will soon be a reality.
According to Musk, the all-electric vehicle should cost less than $30,000 (£23,000) to buy and only 20 cents (15p) per mile to drive.
In another sci-fi touch, the Robotaxi won't even feature a charging port for its batteries.
Instead, the car will drive itself over an inductive charging station built into the ground, allowing it to receive power wirelessly without human assistance.
This year Elon Musk unveiled the long-awaited self-driving Robotaxi, which should hit the road sometime in 2027
Tesla's futuristic Robotaxi will have no steering wheel, pedals, or rear window. The two passengers will simply sit back and allow the car to drive itself
According to Musk, these vehicles could fundamentally change the way we think about car ownership.
Instead of simply parking your car when you're not using it, owners would be able to turn the Robotaxi loose to earn money picking up strangers.
In the future, Musk claims that individuals might own entire fleets of Robotaxis and 'take care of them like a shepherd tends to their flock.'
Speaking at the event, Musk said: 'The vast majority of the time, cars are just doing nothing. But if they're autonomous, they could be used five times more, maybe 10 times more.'
100 Amazing Inventions That Are On Insane Level | Best Of 2024 So Far!
From the steam engine in 1712 to the first ever iPhone in 2007, each year sees the birth of ever more incredible inventions.
And after a year of mind-boggling tech, it's clear that 2024 has been no exception to the rule.
The last 12 months have seen brilliant minds from around the world creating some mind-blowing and potentially world-changing breakthroughs.
With 2024 almost at its end, MailOnline has taken a look back at some of this year's coolest gadgets and most exciting innovations.
From an AI for designing proteins to a real-life pair of Wallace and Gromit's 'techno trousers', these inventions are a glimpse of how we all might be living in the future.
And when it comes to big breakthroughs, this year has been a resounding success for billionaire Elon Musk.
This year, Musk has overseen the debut of Telsa's futuristic Robotaxi and the successful launch and landing of SpaceX's Superheavy rocket.
So, what do you think has been this year's best creation?
With 2024 soon coming to a close, MailOnline has taken a look back at some of the year's coolest gadgets and groundbreaking inventions
SpaceX Super Heavy
Self-driving cars aren't the only thing that one of Musk's companies has created this year.
Most impressively of all, SpaceX successfully launched and landed its 71-metre-tall (242 ft) Super Heavy booster.
In October, SpaceX used this 3,000-tonne rocket to blast a 400-foot-tall Starship spacecraft into orbit.
In one of the most exciting spaceflight breakthroughs of the year, SpaceX successfully launched and landed the 71-metre-tall (242 ft) Super Heavy booster (pictured), potentially opening the way to future Mars missions
The Super Heavy booster is used to carry the SpaceX Starship spacecraft into orbit. After five minutes the booster detaches and flies back down to Earth where it is caught by the 'Mechazilla' arms of the landing platform
SpaceX shares glorious slow-motion video of rocket takeoff
However, in possibly one of the biggest spaceflight breakthroughs this year, the Super Heavy booster then managed to land safely back on the very same launch pad.
After five minutes of burn the booster detached from Starship, righted itself and gently hovered back into the waiting 'Mechazilla' arms of the landing platform.
This was the fifth test of SpaceX's Starship spacecraft and the first time that a launch of this powerful new rocket has been a complete success.
What makes this so exciting is that the Super Heavy booster is both reusable and powerful enough to potentially carry humans to Mars.
By landing back in the arms of the landing platform the booster removes the need for landing gear, saving weight for even more fuel.
Super Heavy's 33 'Raptor' engines produce a staggering 16.6 million lbs (74.3 meganewtons) of force.
That is 700 times the kick of the most common commercial passenger planes and twice as much power as the Saturn V rocket which first took humans to the surface of the Moon.
Likewise, by landing on the platform the time between launches is significantly reduced which could pave the way for the near-continuous launches needed to establish a viable human settlement on a distant planet such as Mars.
Self-driving cars often use a combination of normal two-dimensional cameras and depth-sensing 'LiDAR' units to recognise the world around them.
However, others make use of visible light cameras that capture imagery of the roads and streets.
They are trained with a wealth of information and vast databases of hundreds of thousands of clips which are processed using artificial intelligence to accurately identify people, signs and hazards.
In LiDAR (light detection and ranging) scanning - which is used by Waymo - one or more lasers send out short pulses, which bounce back when they hit an obstacle.
These sensors constantly scan the surrounding areas looking for information, acting as the 'eyes' of the car.
While the units supply depth information, their low resolution makes it hard to detect small, faraway objects without help from a normal camera linked to it in real time.
In November last year Apple revealed details of its driverless car system that uses lasers to detect pedestrians and cyclists from a distance.
The Apple researchers said they were able to get 'highly encouraging results' in spotting pedestrians and cyclists with just LiDAR data.
They also wrote they were able to beat other approaches for detecting three-dimensional objects that use only LiDAR.
Other self-driving cars generally rely on a combination of cameras, sensors and lasers.
An example is Volvo's self driving cars that rely on around 28 cameras, sensors and lasers.
A network of computers process information, which together with GPS, generates a real-time map of moving and stationary objects in the environment.
Twelve ultrasonic sensors around the car are used to identify objects close to the vehicle and support autonomous drive at low speeds.
A wave radar and camera placed on the windscreen reads traffic signs and the road's curvature and can detect objects on the road such as other road users.
Four radars behind the front and rear bumpers also locate objects.
Two long-range radars on the bumper are used to detect fast-moving vehicles approaching from far behind, which is useful on motorways.
Four cameras - two on the wing mirrors, one on the grille and one on the rear bumper - monitor objects in close proximity to the vehicle and lane markings
Amazing Inventions That Are On Another Level | Best Of 2024 So Far!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Amid UFO sightings, ex-NASA pilot claims he nearly collided with mysterious metallic orbs: 'Suddenly, out of nowhere ...'
Amid UFO sightings, ex-NASA pilot claims he nearly collided with mysterious metallic orbs: 'Suddenly, out of nowhere ...'
UFO sightings in New Jersey dominate headlines as local footage captures a mysterious object over the Hudson River. Meanwhile, Pentagon radar shows an unidentified orb moving through restricted military airspace.
A large number of mysterious drones have been reported flying over New Jersey.
(AP Photo)
In Short
Ex-NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao recounts UFO encounter in Texas.
He suspects military drones but remains uncertain about the objects.
The incident adds to recent surge in US UFO sightings.
With a series of UFO sightings making waves across the US, former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao recalled a chilling encounter with two mysterious objects while flying his private plane last summer in Texas.
Chiao, who flew on three Space Shuttle missions and served as the commander of Expedition 10 aboard the International Space Station (ISS), recalled the eerie incident in an interview with NewsNation, reported The New York Post.
In August, while flying from Colorado to Houston, Chiao was near 9,000 feet in clear air when the unusual encounter occurred. "Suddenly, out of nowhere, these two big, metallic, spherical orbs, one on top of the other about three-feet in diameter each, went zipping by the left side of my airplane, right underneath, about twenty feet away,” Chiao recalled. "It happened so quick there wasn’t even a chance to get scared, but it could’ve been a bad result if they had actually hit me."
Chiao said he had a brief but clear view of the orbs, which did not appear on his plane’s radar or show up on the display for other aircraft that use FAA-required transponders. "It wasn’t on radar, air traffic control certainly didn’t alert me," he explained. "I don’t know what it was. My first guess is that it’s some kind of military program, a drone of some kind, but it’s hard to say, right?"
Chiao said that the incident left him "shaken but grateful" for the "dumb luck" that prevented a collision.
He added that the orbs moved too quickly for him to react in time, saying that it could’ve been a bad result if they had hit him.
Chiao’s chilling experience is just one of the many stories that have gripped Americans over the last few months amid a wave of reports of unexplained aerial phenomena.
NASA and other agencies have attributed these sightings to natural or man-made objects. But Chiao’s encounter remains a mystery.
The former NASA official suggested that the orbs could have been part of a military program but added that he cannot be sure.
He also commented on the drone activity in New Jersey, calling it "hard to believe" that the government isn’t aware of what’s happening in the skies.
UFO sightings, particularly in New Jersey, have been making headlines in US. In New Jersey, local news footage recently captured a mysterious object flying over the Hudson River.
The Pentagon has also released radar footage showing an apparent orb moving through military airspace, which remains unidentified.
As for Chiao, he remains puzzled by the event: "I think whoever was operating the drone wasn’t aware that I was there." His sighting adds to the growing number of UFO encounters, furthering the mystery surrounding unexplained aerial phenomena.
The Proof Is Out There: CUBE-SHAPED UFO SHOCKS PILOT (Season 2)
Amid UFO sightings, ex-NASA pilot claims he nearly collided with mysterious metallic orbs: 'Suddenly, out of nowhere ...'
Amid UFO sightings, ex-NASA pilot claims he nearly collided with mysterious metallic orbs: 'Suddenly, out of nowhere ...'
UFO sightings in New Jersey dominate headlines as local footage captures a mysterious object over the Hudson River. Meanwhile, Pentagon radar shows an unidentified orb moving through restricted military airspace.
A large number of mysterious drones have been reported flying over New Jersey.
(AP Photo)
In Short
Ex-NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao recounts UFO encounter in Texas.
He suspects military drones but remains uncertain about the objects.
The incident adds to recent surge in US UFO sightings.
With a series of UFO sightings making waves across the US, former NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao recalled a chilling encounter with two mysterious objects while flying his private plane last summer in Texas.
Chiao, who flew on three Space Shuttle missions and served as the commander of Expedition 10 aboard the International Space Station (ISS), recalled the eerie incident in an interview with NewsNation, reported The New York Post.
In August, while flying from Colorado to Houston, Chiao was near 9,000 feet in clear air when the unusual encounter occurred. "Suddenly, out of nowhere, these two big, metallic, spherical orbs, one on top of the other about three-feet in diameter each, went zipping by the left side of my airplane, right underneath, about twenty feet away,” Chiao recalled. "It happened so quick there wasn’t even a chance to get scared, but it could’ve been a bad result if they had actually hit me."
Chiao said he had a brief but clear view of the orbs, which did not appear on his plane’s radar or show up on the display for other aircraft that use FAA-required transponders. "It wasn’t on radar, air traffic control certainly didn’t alert me," he explained. "I don’t know what it was. My first guess is that it’s some kind of military program, a drone of some kind, but it’s hard to say, right?"
Chiao said that the incident left him "shaken but grateful" for the "dumb luck" that prevented a collision.
He added that the orbs moved too quickly for him to react in time, saying that it could’ve been a bad result if they had hit him.
Chiao’s chilling experience is just one of the many stories that have gripped Americans over the last few months amid a wave of reports of unexplained aerial phenomena.
NASA and other agencies have attributed these sightings to natural or man-made objects. But Chiao’s encounter remains a mystery.
The former NASA official suggested that the orbs could have been part of a military program but added that he cannot be sure.
He also commented on the drone activity in New Jersey, calling it "hard to believe" that the government isn’t aware of what’s happening in the skies.
UFO sightings, particularly in New Jersey, have been making headlines in US. In New Jersey, local news footage recently captured a mysterious object flying over the Hudson River.
The Pentagon has also released radar footage showing an apparent orb moving through military airspace, which remains unidentified.
As for Chiao, he remains puzzled by the event: "I think whoever was operating the drone wasn’t aware that I was there." His sighting adds to the growing number of UFO encounters, furthering the mystery surrounding unexplained aerial phenomena.
The Proof Is Out There: CUBE-SHAPED UFO SHOCKS PILOT (Season 2)
Shortly after 6:30 pm Thursday evening, a beaming orange glow in the distant night sky stopped the anonymous father in his tracks outside of his home in Central Georgia.
'Was taking out the trash and looked up and noticed something bright orange headed overhead through the pines,' he shared to Reddit.
'Not sure what my son and I just witnessed,' he wrote.
A father and son in Georgia followed a mysterious 'orange UFO orb' after they spotted the luminous hue gliding through the sky shortly after 6:30pm on Thursday evening
Unsure of what he and his son just witnessed, he shared the 58-second video he captured to a UFO forum on Reddit and explained that he thought it was a plane at first, but it made absolutely no noise and appeared to vanish after several moments
'I've seen similar sightings by myself before but this was the first time I was able to film something I witnessed while being in company of another person.'
The 58-second video, which has since accumulated more than 2,000 shares and 500 comments, captured the distant orb gliding through the winter night sky.
Through the tops of the massive pine trees surrounding the area, the shining circle seemed to coast through the gray skies above - moving slightly upwards or downwards while on its path.
As the father followed the orb while filming, he finally reached an area where there was no abundance of trees blocking his view.
But the mysterious orange glow seemed to vanish suddenly.
'When I first observed it the light was huge, but it was way off, like a 1/2 mile,' the father wrote under the posted video.
'As it got closer, it seemed to dim but stayed the same luminous lighting. As I walked further to capture it, I thought what if it was trying to evade me.'
'Near the end of the video, it seems as if it elevates or lessened its luminosity,' he added.
Earlier this week, another perplexing light was captured hovering over the skies of New Jersey
In the short 13-second clip shared to social media, a white light can be seen blinking in the sky before abruptly vanishing as family members are heard discussing what they just witnessed
'Still not sure if it disappeared or went behind the clouds, either way I’m unsure of what I saw.'
Reddit users flocked to the comments to discuss their own theories with many suggesting that it could be a plane.
'Had the sun recently set?' one commenter asked. 'When it is dark on the ground, planes in the air can still be lit up by the sun and they will appear to reflect that orangish light back to the ground.'
Another chimed in, adding: 'Usually I'm a sucker for a good orb post but this looks like a plane that's moving through some low clouds. Looks like it's making a turn and the fog it's moving through is creating an illusion of varying velocity but it looks like it's a plane making a turn.'
The father responded to a few of the hundreds of suggestions, noting how at first, he also thought it may have been an aircraft.
'It had no sound, and we noticed that it wasn’t something we notice normally as planes and other air craft fly over,' he answered.
'I first thought that it could be a plane, but like I said, we never heard a sound neither could see the lights of normal aircraft that we see regularly,' he added.
'For added context, it was around 6:41pm when I looked at the time on my device right after recording.'
He continued to explain that his home is located a mile away from an airport, so it wasn't uncommon to hear the sounds of planes in the sky.
'I can hear helicopters, private planes at the altitude that this was at,' the father wrote in the Reddit thread.
Emerged footage, which was filmed near Atlantic City on December 22, showed what appeared to be a UFO lingering above before suddenly accelerating away at speeds unattainable by human craft - leaving onlookers lost for words.
In the short 13-second clip shared to social media, a white light can be seen blinking in the sky before abruptly vanishing as family members are heard discussing what they just witnessed.
'It just vanished!' one said. 'I just watched it through the telescope.'
A US military witness with over 25 years of experience also revealed a late night encounter with a UFO that lit up his campsite. Above, Nest camera footage from a July 24, 2019 UFO case in Leominster, MA, showed a brightly lit object (a possible meteor) as it zoomed across the sky
The campsite UFO, according to the military witness who requested anonymity, hovered as close as 100 yards above him along the tree-line on October 21: 'The entire area lit up brighter than the brightest full moon I’ve ever seen,' he reported.
'I knew it wasn’t the moon because I had already located the moon prior,' the trained observer noted of this 20–30 foot UFO. '[The moon] was a dimly lit waning gibbous.'
The career military man, who reported this episode to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), added: 'I observed it for at least a minute before fear took over and I sank back down into the bed of my truck and into my sleeping bag.'
A US military witness with over 25 years of experience has revealed his own late night encounter with a UFO, that lit up his campsite and 'made absolutely no noise.'
The October 21, 2024 campsite UFO, according to the military witness who requested anonymity, hovered as close as 100 yards above him along the treeline: 'The entire area lit up brighter than the brightest full moon I’ve ever seen,' he reported.
'I knew it wasn’t the moon because I had already located the moon prior,' the trained observer noted of this 20–30 foot UFO. '[The moon] was a dimly lit waning gibbous.'
The career military man, who reported this episode to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), added: 'I observed it for at least a minute before fear took over and I sank back down into the bed of my truck and into my sleeping bag.'
The oval-shaped 'stationary, bright white light' resembles one newly public case reported this November by Connecticut policeman Robert Klein, who professed that an orb UFO, the size of a Mini Cooper, 'lit up the entire cab' of his patrol car in 2022.
Local leaders in the Garden State are 'livid,' according to journalist and author Michael Shellenberger, who obtained audio from a video briefing delivered to more than 500 New Jersey mayors by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
A US military witness with over 25 years of experience has revealed a late night encounter with a UFO that lit up his campsite. Above, Nest camera footage from a July 24, 2019 UFO case in Leominster, MA, in which a similar brightly lit object (a possible meteor) zoomed across the sky
The US military witness saw their 30-40 foot long, oval shaped UFO while camping at the the Santa Rosa Mountain Yellow Post campsites just southwest of Joshua Tree National Park in California. Above: the Milky Way galaxy seen over a Joshua Tree in the park on May 12, 2024
'One of them [i.e. a mayor] got up there,' Shellenberger told Fox News, 'and said, "I had two automobile-sized drones hovering over my house."'
The newly public military witness's case, as he told NUFORC was itself roughly 8–10 feet tall, making this bright oval UFO about the size of a school bus.
The sighting, which the military man said lasted for over a full minute, occurred at the Santa Rosa Mountain Yellow Post campsites, just southwest of Joshua Tree National Park in California where he was 'the only camper/hunter in the area that night.'
'I was laying in the tarped bed of my truck,' he told NURFOC, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that has coordinated with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on UFOs for decades.
'It was pitch black out,' he said, as the waning gibbous moon was shining weakly — when 'instantly' the ordinary noises of the insects and animals in the wild 'went completely silent' as the UFO appeared.
'It made absolutely no noise, didn’t pulsate or move, and did not radiate any sort of heat,' he said, adding the temperature was 'about 40 degrees Fahrenheit' that night.
By his estimation, this 'stationary, bright white light' was 'about the size of a medium sized helicopter but with the light encompassing the entire object' as it hovered at 'tree top level, behind an about 30-40 foot tall pine tree, only about 100 yards away.'
The encounter, which ended as abruptly as it began, differed from Officer Klein's encounter with a car-sized glowing orb UFO in that the Connecticut policeman's sighting pulsated its light from white to red to green to orange.
The veteran cop took pains to emphasize to NewsNation that, in the early moments of his encounter, he was able to get 'a very close-up view of it' from 30 feet below the hovering, orb-like object: 'It wasn't a drone — I can guarantee you that.'
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency' - with drone bans taking effect in some areas
Mayor Mike Ghassali of Montvale, New Jersey took to Facebook to reveal what happened to a resident's quadcopter drone when they had a run-in with a mysterious drone UFO hovering in the air nearby - noting there was 'sophisticated' technology at play in this December 15 event
The military witness delivered the coordinates of his October 2024 UFO sighting as 33 degrees 32' 12.8" North and 116 degrees 27' 38.7" West (red pin, above) - placing him at the Santa Rosa Mountain Yellow Post campsite east of Los Angeles at the time of his
'I froze,' Klein said, recalling that moment looking up at the object. 'I wasn't in fear. I just was really trying to understand what exactly I was looking at.'
'I was trying to just process what I was looking at,' he said. 'Still to this day, I'm perplexed.'
Speaking before Congress this past November, Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Defense Department's UFO-hunting Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), criticized federal officials for 'excessive secrecy' on the UFO issue.
'I believe that we as Americans can handle the truth. And I also believe the world deserves the truth,' Elizondo said.
The former intelligence officer also urged Congress to pass legislation that would protect government whistleblowers afraid to reveal what they know about UFOs, a common refrain among those testifying at the November 13, 2024 open hearing.
The hearing, held by the House Oversight committee, was part of a larger investigation into UFOs to determine whether any government officials have been withholding evidence from Congress.
'Advanced technologies not made by our government, or any other government, are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe,' Elizondo insisted, raising unsettling implications for the rash of 'mystery drone' sightings at US bases.
In recent months, the Garden State has been ravaged by thousands of unexplained drone sightings, as over 5,000 reports of odd drones have been filed with federal law enforcement
For at least 17 nights in December 2023, swarms of these noisy, small UFOs were also seen at dusk 'moving at rapid speeds' and 'flashing red, green, and white lights.'
And these cases are almost identical to what has been reported above sensitive sites in New Jersey, like the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal, since mid-November 2024.
Base police have reported 11 confirmed and unauthorized drone sightings over the arsenal since November 13, meaning security officers 'visibly witnessed a drone.'
Senior ex-Pentagon security official Chris Mellon told last October that the unexplained incursions over Langley-Eustis were 'part of a much larger pattern affecting numerous national security installations.'
'Two of the notable aspects,' he said, 'are the fact our drone signal-jamming devices have proven ineffective and these craft are making no effort to remain concealed.'
'In fact, in some instances,' as Mellon took pains to emphasize, 'it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.'
Footage has emerged of what appears to be a 'UFO' hovering in the skies over New Jersey before suddenly accelerating away, leaving onlookers lost for words.
In a short 13 second clip posted to social media, a white light blinks in the sky before suddenly vanishing.
In the footage, which was shot on Sunday night close near Atlantic City, family members are heard discussing what they are witnessing before the object suddenly disappears.
'It just vanished!' one said. 'I just watched it through the telescope.'
'I was starting to lose interest in these #drones #orbs until I received this video from our friends who went out tonight down by the bay. I don't trust random videos I see on X… but this is 100% real (wait till 4 sec mark),' he wrote.
The footage generated some comments online, many agreeing that what the family witnessed was extremely unusual.
The video is the most recent in a long line of mysterious drone sightings that have been reported flying over New Jersey and across the eastern U.S., sparking speculation and concern over where they came from and why.
'You can see it didn't just disappear but took off with incredible speed, there's a small flash of light to the left as it leaves. Humans can't produce the energy required to go that fast, especially from standstill,' wrote one.
Footage has emerged of what appears to be a ' UFO ' hovering in the skies over New Jersey before suddenly accelerating away leaving the family who were watching lost for words
In a short 13 second clip posted to social media, a white light can be seen blinking in the sky before suddenly vanishing
'Yeah this is appears to be another genuine one. Exactly what I filmed in the UK. The light dims and moves off left and upwards. If you want me to frame by frame enhance send me the original. I've got a lot of experience doing this analysis for my own sighting,' added another interested observer.
'Send this to some proper Professors. They can make the math if it's moved at all and just freeze in time while the Earth keeps moving. I have a feeling they are just traveling back in time and keep recharging their batteries here on our Nuclear Energy and travel further back,' a third suggested.
'Note: it didn't vanish, it took off at impossibly high speed diagonally up and to the left of frame (about 10 o'clock angle). Using your own logic, we shouldn't believe this video,' added a fourth.
'This is exactly how the orb I saw flew away. That's why I said nothing can move like that. No flight system we have right now can go from stationary to warp drive in an instant. These flight characteristics are... Well beyond light years beyond us,' said another, transfixed.
FAA officials said federal security agencies requested the flight restrictions, which are effective through mid-January.
The FBI, the Homeland Security Department and state agencies have been investigating, but officials say there has been nothing so far to suggest any drones have posed a national security or public safety threat.
A wave of footage has emerged of the drones since they were first spotted last month including this footage from Bernardsville, New Jersey
Several drones appeared to be flying over Randolph, New Jersey earlier this month
Authorities say many of the drone sightings have actually been legal drones, manned aircraft, helicopters and even stars.
President Joe Biden ruled out anything nefarious about the flying objects.
Despite federal officials' comments, many state and municipal lawmakers have called for stricter rules about who can fly unmanned aircraft - and for the authority to shoot them down.
Dozens of witnesses have reported seeing dronesstatewide since mid-November, including near the Picatinny Arsenal, a military research and manufacturing facility, and over President-elect Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, a Democrat, has said drone-detection equipment supplied by the federal government has yielded little new information.
He declined to describe the equipment except to say it was powerful and could even disable the drones.
The growing anxiety among some residents is not lost on the Biden administration, which has faced criticism from Trump for not dealing with the matter more aggressively.
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency'
In recent months New Jersey has been ravaged by thousands of unexplained drone sightings, as over 5,000 reports of unusual drone prevalence have been filed with law enforcement
White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said the federal government has yet to identify any public safety or national security risks.
The federal government has deployed personnel and advanced technology to investigate the reports in New Jersey and other states, and is evaluating each tip reported by citizens, he said.
About 100 of the more than 5,000 drone sightings reported to the FBI in recent weeks were deemed credible enough to warrant more investigation, according to a joint statement by the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, Federal Aviation Administration and Department of Defense.
Speculation has raged online, with some expressing concerns the drones could be part of a nefarious plot by foreign agents or clandestine operations by the U.S. government.
Drone activity earlier this month led to an hourlong closure of runways at New York's Stewart International Airport, about 60 miles north of Manhattan, a four-hour closure of air space around Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, and the arrests of two men in Boston accused by police of flying a drone too close to Logan International Airport.
Trump said he believes the government knows more than it is letting on.
'Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!!' he posted on Truth Social.
U.S. Sen. Andy Kim, a New Jersey Democrat, said he has heard nothing to support the notion that the government is hiding anything. He said a lack of faith in institutions is playing a key part in the saga.
'Nothing that I´m seeing, nothing that I´ve engaged in gives me any impression of that nature. But like, I get it, some people won´t believe me, right? Because that's the level of distrust that we face,' Kim said.
Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut last week called for the drones to be 'shot down.'
Donut-shaped spheres disrupt NASA's Stereo Lasco C3 satellite near the sun
Donut-shaped spheres disrupt NASA's Stereo Lasco C3 satellite near the sun
On December 25, 2024, NASA's Stereo Lasco C3 satellite captured an extraordinary phenomenon near the sun. In a split second, the satellite's imaging was disrupted by what appeared to be a swarm of spherical objects hurtling through space at incredible speeds.
Speculation surrounds the event, with some suggesting it could be a meteor debris field. However, the unusual appearance of the objects has raised questions. Could debris naturally form into such perfectly round shapes, each featuring a dark center that resembles donut-shaped UFOs?
This event might be a natural occurrence, however, with all the recent strange sightings of unknown drones, UFOs, and orbs combined with predictions from several specialists that something significant might happen soon in the realm of the UFO phenomena, one might wonder if these mysterious spheres are connected to something larger on the horizon?
UFOs on official NASA LASCO C2 & LASCO C3 satellite images in the solar space - December 18, 2018
Whats going on with drones over New Jersey, or is the US gov downplaying it because they are real UFOs? Video, UFO UAP Sighting News.
Whats going on with drones over New Jersey, or is the US gov downplaying it because they are real UFOs
Now this has been going on all month. The US gov is calling these drones, but that seems illogical since the US military admitted that they do not have drones with such stealth and covert capabilities. So that leaves only UFOs. That would also explain why the military does not want to shoot them down and why they were over US military bases worldwide. Most the bases have stopped reporting it, due to their commanders requiring silence so the media wont learn about them, but many bases already have reported them and the truth is getting out. These are real UFOs.
Glowing objects seen over Turkey on Dec 24, 2024, Video, UFO UAP Sighting News.
Glowing objects seen over Turkey on Dec 24, 2024, Video, UFO UAP Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 24, 2024
Location of sighting: Turkey
Hey this is a rare catch. A glowing UFO was over Turkey this week and some people driving along a freeway noticed and recorded it. The object has lots of lights as many UFOs have and the object seems silent, but difficult to say for sure over the noise of the road. The lights change formation and do not conform to any known aircraft lights. This has all the signs of being a real UFO.
The National Enquirer was attacked by the CIA using other news agencies to discredit the UFO stories! UFO UAP Sighting News.
The National Enquirer was attacked by the CIA using other news agencies to discredit the UFO stories! UFO UAP Sighting News.
This really explains a lot about the National Enquirer newspaper. Remember all those UFO and alien stories back in the 1970s-1990s? I sure due, it even made me buy a few to get in on the latest UFO news long ago. Well, Dr Steven Greer says the CIA deliberately tried to use other news agencies to discredit the National Enquirer which at the time, was the only newspaper in the world covering the subject of UFOs and aliens. So...the CIA wanted to public to lose interest in the UFO stories...which means...many were 100% real, but a threat to national security.
Now this is really interesting. I found an email in the US think tank Stratfor. Its not like any other, this one talks about an eyewitness and victim of an alien abduction, his experiences, his research about it, and his conclusions of how aliens manipulate individuals and masses through use of 10-80mhz frequencies. He is telling the truth, and he is of high intelligence. We need to listen to him, because it's been 50 years since then and guess what...America is 100% under control of an alien force. Email below.
Scott C. Waring
Fwd: [Fwd: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Critical Government Intelligence]
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "Kevin Stech" <> To: "Marko Papic" <>, "Matthew Gertken" <>, "Lauren Goodrich" <>, "Reva Bhalla" <> Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2009 8:20:42 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central Subject: [Fwd: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Critical Government Intelligence]
HAHA! Check this shit out!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Critical Government Intelligence Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 02:22:25 -0600 (CST) From: Reply-To: Responses List <>, Analyst List <> To:
Dan Roth sent a message using the contact form at
I think this may help you understand why this planet is scientifically, environmentally, politically and religiously a disaster.
Several years ago after leaving the armed services I was abducted by Grey 3-6th dimension that are working with Reptilian's, "The Federation". The Federation is, "a non human NATO type organization", of Greys , Reptilian, Insectoid, Moth men, (recessive beings like the ones in the movies...mostly violent and self distrurctive. There are about 42 different type species of military males in various bases in the United States). Some of the reptilian bases are in the USA AZ, NM and in the Middle East. You can find more information on these Orion beings and non earth, non humans discussed in thousands of contact books, and thousands of Internet sites, (I'm not the only one who has been abducted). These humanoid beings lie, and manipulate you until the point of near mental and physical breaking.
The visiting ETs force you into daily decisions that you do not like nor want to do, by mind and body control using brain MHz control (master manipulators, even at the point they are abducting and you can not think , i.e.. for your own good they say). You struggle on a daily basis, they will manipulate you into buying things you do not need, relationships which are abusive, jobs you are not wanting, and into alcohol, sex drugs, food, and other abuses for years, mainly in the name of god mind control by a**Goda**. A case in point is Los Angles where many succumb through spirituality, religions, dark recessive behaviors all controlled by the federation. The free will violations are severe for many who understand and see how these ET societies control many people.
These Reptilian hybrids and Greys are working with a type of 5th & 6th dimension Ascended Brotherhood, "communally minded" hive mind society sub space beings (frequency energy space society beings) controlling many "false" religions and non human type religious belief systems. Why? A. for control, so that humans do not go into space to find their ET non human ET bases, cities and ships. B. Because of our SOULS, this is very complicated to understand we have a "soul", the soul is a *****[frequency atomic particle electric formation] that is part of us, but according to all legends and some modern technology the soul can be taken with the use of high frequency high voltage technology. The soul is a vestige of our "genetic pasta** that was a piece in much the same way our reptilian lower brain is, of another space ET race. There are several types of ET's that can remove this frequency part of your body, Reptilian, Grey (FALLEN ANGLES "Devils"), steal it and use it for longevity, for frequency energy, and for their own race studies just like some ETs do with our DNA ovum and sperm (abduction). Thousands of very well documented cases around the world. People choose to ignore this because it sounds far off, this type of information is found in thousands of mythology and factual alien abduction accounts, my account, and in all religious texts. C. For DNA, and because DNA is a resource, life for them, as is the soul and in many real medical ways!
The Federation, White brotherhood, Reptilian's, Grays (Fallen Angles), Ascended Masters, Ashatar, Midwayers, Draco's, Draconian's, Raelians all of these ET recessive demonic and dogmatic societies recruit people aggressively from dark religions; The Art of Living, the illuminati, Jesus demonic cults, Scientology, Raelians, Cults in general, Islamic Religions, Voodoo and African Botanic cults and many more religions, too numerous to list, they choose and influence people like puppets and then some, to govern us! The Greys are some of the most hive minded and dogmatic of the societies interacting with the earth and near space i.e. Mars!
This is important... Religion is a legend, *some are factual most are not*, a construct written by various non human inter dimensional recessive dogmatic ET races and by some not so well educated semi-primitive humans, it is very misleading and troublesome. Religion does not help us solve our problems of global warming, cancers, defense against recessive ET's, economy...instead religion focuses on a construct which is incoherent. Jesus and god will help,* neither can be further from the truth (the bible, Koran, Buddha Vedic texts etc. are full of wars initiated by; ET type "gods"** non human ET"S never helping but instead killing humans, WWII greys w/ Nazis. The earth is in the worst condition ever as is the human race. Read the newspapers....and neither Jesus, god nor Buddha is helping us. The churches are filled with pedophile, (Catholic and Christian churches i.e. USA arch diocese settling for billions of dollars and others, Evangelist Tony Alamo for raping young girls (in the news), "THE LORD IS IN CHARGE" mind control etc. Ex-cons, dumb human beings mind controlled people fill our religious and spiritual organizations. Social studies, social support and human directed initiatives are a need, and we are being blinded my mind controlling ET"S.
Many people who study history in detail will read about how the church enslaved many cultures to kill, rape, torture and tap into banking and world currencies. The Spaniards (grey ETs managed) in the holy conquistador wars, the Israeli zealots against their neighboring humans, and the Nazi (Grey) occult war of WWII, the Mormon cults (influenced by recessive greys) hurting, raping under age girls and on and on. The majority of religious people are good, they just do not understand and many will not listen to the history in their own bibles, the Vatican, and teachings who all speak of extra-terrestrials and human strife war and control. Many choose to believe god is good, study the bible killings, war, human suffering, rapes, destruction this is crazy stuff!
I was taken to the "Federation" caves by partial physical barely visible in our spectrum..beings. I used infrared/spectrum lenses goggles to see them ( to detect different light frequency ETs), including a type of sub-space being, as the attacks went on I compensated as much as I could. Regressive Sub-Space Beings working with Greys, called the White Brotherhood are the culprits. After my life threatening experiences of many years I learned from the Greys themselves buy watching and studying as I was being pulled, (they abducted me for sperm surgical removal, as they do with women's eggs all around the world). This is what I know to be true: WE AND OUR CHILDREN MUST BEGAIN TO ARM AND DEFEND OURSELVES AGAINST THESE BEINGS, PRAYING, RELIGIONS AND AFRICAN VODOO ARE NOT REAL, AND SOME WHO TRY TO PRAY, IN A CRISES, TO GOD ARE GOING TO KEEP GETTING CONTROLLED!
If you are religious why would, if god did exist harm the pontiff? Hurt the popes by giving them parkinsonism, harm them with neurological disorders and knock them down and fracture their arms as was done with the current pope...these are harmful violent extra terrestrials !!
1). All extra-terrestrials are physical carbon based, silicon based, molecular based beings, atomic frequency based (ALL), including the ones who use magnetic field technology to cloak themselves, to travel, and as weapons and to appear as a human. Many of the non human ET's live for 100's of years, some sub space C=H types live for thousands of years. Many sub space (frequency energy beings) and many space beings are capable of low MHz telepathy 3-19 MHz and more importantly of astral body take over (soul frequency intrusion), seen on many movies as a form of possession or a**demonic slavery", having various levels of free will, to no free will at all, some religious leaders are seen as having little to no movement and lethargic speech they are in a controlled state of living! This state of being, who some believe can be resolved with exorcism or removing the controlling soul frequency, is associated with constant pains, muscle spasms, body manipulations and mind control... Tazer or mild electric shocks may force the invaders control away, RF and microwaves also have an effect, red light therapy also works after many months. Battling these demonic ETs is very difficult, you need brain MHz, (thinking frequency consciousness protection) protection discussed below. a**Ghostsa** or ET beings are at a different MHz then human beings, often they make noises to get our attention, we do not see them at these invisible to the naked eye frequencies use infrared and other goggles.
To clarify the a**soula**,a** frequency atomic and sub atomic energiesa**..... The planet is processed in various energy frequency fields measured in MHz (consciousness). We think in MHz energy, watch T.V. in MHz, listen to music, video, Speak in MHz and live in MHz thus we are controlled and are MHz energy too. So some very intelligent people see and believe in ghosts, elementals, space soul beings, ETs etc. Some people get cold in some areas or when some soul beings are around, these space MHz atomic beings a**steala**, take your energy. Another way to understand this is, how many times do you eat per day and why? The food is converted into energy and heat, when you encounter a** a ghosta** [ soul frequency being], it feeds off your energy!! Millions of people do not sleep well, get headaches, can not concentrate...they are bathed in frequencies from hundreds of sources, the soul, brain and body never rest. Shield yourself! Bringers of the Dawn: a**Some entities, in the process of their own evolution, began to discover that as they created life and put consciousness into things through modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness, they could feed themselves; they could keep themselves in charge. They began to Figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished itself. Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a food source for itself. The new owners of this planet had a different appetite and different preferences than the former owners. They nourished themselves with chaos and fear. These things fed them, stimulated them, and kept them in power. a** Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn. Human beings are a trapped and stable MHz frequency being...
The Reptiliana**s (1995) are coming back to raid you again because they don't want to starve,"the federation frequency maywaresa**. They understand that there is "systems busting" going on through you (Pleiadian) , so they are here to create greater havoc and fear, to fight once again for this territory. Their food source is important to them. They are losing control of the planet, so they are going back to their prime portal in the Middle East through war, where their nest is located underneath the ground (Reptilian), to create fear and chaos..... Barbara Marciniak 1995.
The weapons I have seen people subjected too are: Mind control, frequency signal control i.e. "the tower of babble", around the world the transmitters are hidden in caves, and beamed in by Grey satellite. This weapon seen by myself is difficult to describe it is a multi layer mist like carpet which contains both chemical and magnetic frequency structures in it. This plasma mist weapon is launched from the UFO and has electrical MHz stinging properties to it, I noticed that high intensity fire collapses the mist field. It has been shown by some **Crop Circle researchers that some crop circles have similar frequency field misting technology.
Some of the "orbs", glowing ones seen are either weapons with lasers or frequency attack projections or are recording your brains thoughts 5-80 MHz and sending theinfo. to the reptilian greys... We humans desperately need better more advanced detection in the areas of detecting magnetic crafts in our atmosphere ( non USA saucers), frequency control detection, field technologies, laser detection and better weapons, better armed military, guns do not work against some space midwayer frequency beings! High energy chemical lasers do, **RF lasers do, some stable plasmon technologies work. Some of these technologies can be detected with Geiger counters, and magnetic field detectors sold "on line", directional is preferred..also passive radar detecting magnetic changes in our atmosphere and around our homes find the electrical devices on them, and around them in their nearby craft. **For your homes and cars..some of the Grey and reptilian devices can be disrupted by MHz frequency devices built at home, someone could make a small fortune selling better portable particle, frequency, and wave detection and disruption devices for our pockets. ** High voltage tazer weapons work very well. Hand held powerful battery operated magnets, in close proximity can interfere with grey technologies, the size of a cell phone, need to be mass marketed for our protection. Magnetic shielding paint can shield a room in your house where no EMF or ELF is detected! Other races of sub space beings have technology that I have seen, are defended against with hand lasers, built at home!!
2). Critical, we are not the only humans in the universe or multi verse...there are humans from Lyra, Pleiadians, Andromidan, Procyons, Acruturins, Cassiopeia, Simion, Tau Ceti, human Confederations "pro human" galaxies and billions more! 3, Even more important the Grey Federation is using Religion to "Dumb Down", all of us on earth.
3). All Religions have misleading information, there is no god, only extra-terrestrials and human support groups from other worlds. The earths which NASA is just now locating are inhabited.
Our military, is being attacked by the Greys, (google on the Internet to get more info...), and by the Reptilian Federation all the time, all the time, the shootings at Army bases world wide are mind controlled by the Grey/Reptilian Federation, as is the sweat lodge incident "6 hospitalized", a**911a**, and the current state of our economy and health, chemical atmospheric "trails". Pay attention to numbers in the news... When you listen to the news or read the newspapers you will find a numerical correlation that is a sign of the sub-space Federation, for example "13" soldiers killed in Fort Hood, "6" miners killed in last years coal mining incident, coordinated attacks on the USA for "911". Historically, a**13a** students killed in Kent State in the 1960's. They use ( 8-120 MHz broadband mind control technologies piggybacked on T.V. cell phone and cable signals, important for you to remember). A strategy used by the Greys and others is to mind control in the name of Religions "ALLAH", a not so well informed person into doing the killing or attack on our government. Obama needs to knowthis as he has been manipulated openly by the federated greys, those of us who understand Grey, Reptilian Military mind control Strategy and Tactics listen closely to his speeches; for example...Jesus is my mentor and I am speaking with him now, no!! Jesus is dead, It was old to me Jesus did exist by some ET's, but he is dead it's an ET who learned earth languages and controlled Jesus. THESE MILITARY ET BEINGS SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH TOO!!!!!! It is not Obamas fault, nor is it Hillary Clintona**s was not President Kennedys fault, but the Grey military Federation did kill him in part because the Greys and others did not want us in Space. On more than one occasion the General in charge of a small team described a method by which they weaken and force out Greys and Reptilians. By burying into the rock or dirt several sound array metallic speakers, about 5 feet into the ground, they then turn on a high intensity sound that causes vibrational sound in the caves and forces them out!!
One being had an advanced weapon which I determined was a *magnetic laser weapon which would track me as I moved around my home either bio metrically or by implant, I sure would like an idea on how to protect against it, RF? It feels ***just like being under an extremely strong magnet making it very difficult to move, and think. I tried grounding myself, and to use nearby shielding to no avail....what an ordeal. This is a weapon we need to defend against...!!! I did a search to see if I could find something like it the closest thing I got was Raytheon's, "microwave crowd control beam weapon", it was not microwaves. A a**poncho" or a**tarp" which can be put over the whole body with microwave proof paint and frequency protection on it would keep one safe for a time. In the caves, and near my home the Gray types and Reptilian's make many rather a**high frequency screeching soundsa** like you get on t.v. interference or like the "brakes of a car" sound, I believe it's their inter dimensional technologies, using probes to come in and out of the area from their locations to mine. Ia**m still unsure of this, does anyone know about the sounds and their correlating technologies? In researching this further many modern sources say these are souls ie. (frequency energy beings, space beings).
It's being done mainly because these other types of ET"s, Greys, Reptilian Snake beings, insectoid which are more technically advanced and regressive in the way they think and act are working together against humans, abducting women mainly and men for experiments etc.
As we speak somewhere on earth a child is being abducted for food by the reptilian's, and or for DNA by the greys I know!!! According to all law enforcement agencies their are 100,000's of kids and people missing, in the USA every year (WHERE DO THEY ALL GO)? ???
There are technologies you can buy to protect yourselves, guns, tazers high volts, mind brain protection velostat 3M caps velostat 3M shielding material also works in many labs with high emf use (buy it at home depot or on the Internet), select a**polarized eye gogglesa** certain frequency beams, RF included from the Greys move through the optic nerve into the brain and produce a stun effect i.e. **paralysis by firing mass neurons at once, particle detectors, magnetic particle detectors... Critical infrared binoculars, portable magnetic field room detectors. The recessive and violent ETs have through chem trails and dropping poisons form the ships into our water supply, use water filters and A/C hepa filters, screwed our government not all of the chemicals in our oceans and local water supplies are human derived, look up chem trails on the net. Local National and Regional Government need to do more to protect its population.!! WE must invent better ways of protection against these recessive extraterrestrial races, mind defense technologies and home shielding as well as robots to detect and defend!!!
Have extra food and defenses at home for your family, it is no coincidence that in the movies on abduction and on aliens we are seeing a lot more of ET films, on T.V. "V", house, "2012", a**District 9a**, a**New Moona** etc... They are signaling massive problems ahead with recessive non human ETs, as mankind goes into "space Hotels" Luxury Space travel, more military crafts into near and far space., maybe another war? Many people are trying to educate you with films to inform you of the risks we are in! 2012, alien mind control, H1N1 grey federation attacks on humans etc, etc...
The Greys said that earth is entering a ***Photon Belt*** of very dangerous particles, this explains Global Warming, within the context of a very dormant sun spot cycle. Some ancient scriptures, books that I have researched speak about a method by which humans are selected, and "THE BELT" connection opens their souls but not for all humans, ASTRAL BODIES, SOULS. According to several Internet sites including a prominent sitea**enterprise, and a**dark missiona**, some members have observed an electro magnetic frequency a**TORSION FIELDa** forthcoming changes,.....which some NASA engineers told the government in 1947 producing a possible ****POLE SHIFTa**...... It has been presented to me that many societies of ETs are going to be speaking to us in the next few years, be extra careful who you stay or communicate with, that better ET society, "War of Souls". Very Carefully choose to be with human ET societies! A great book to read from people who worked for the U.S. government who meditated and used frequency, brain frequencies to connect with recessive ETs is [Cosmic Explorers by Courtney Brown Remote Viewing] free on line!!!!! We as humans transmit thoughts all the time!!!!
Below is a section from a Pleiadian, non recessive ET channeling a**spiritual sitea** which discusses the Photon Belt from a non scientific point of view, many more sites are, from Melora:
PHOTON BAND Pleiadian 1995 QUESTION: And what about the forecast of the three days of darkness when we enter the Null Zone? MELORA: This is when the Sun will become fully immersed in the Photon Band. We discussed this last time, and we wish to move beyond the forecast, for example, of the electricity becoming neutralized and batteries, and cars, and electrical devices no longer working. Although this may be true, understand that you are in a state of transformation. At the point at which . . . first there are the days of darkness-- absolute, total darkness--and people are saying, "Well, I'd better lay in some supplies, and water, and get a kerosene heater, and so on. But, you see, given your transformation, you will not need these things. And so we wish to emphasize that focusing your consciousness on your transformation, your transmutation, in the light is the most important. Now the scenario, as you may have been reading in recent books, has changed. And we wish to focus now on the various agendas of the various beings who are "spectators in the stands" in this "football game." Our strongest message is this: Aim as high as you can in your consciousness. Fifth-dimensional Pleiadians are going to want to use you as "human libraries" so that they can learn from you about dimensions above themselves through you in your connection to the Earth. Fifth-dimensional Sirians are going to wish to help you understand how three-dimensional reality manifests from ideal morpho genic structures so that you can begin now actively to co-create the peace and harmony forecast for your planet. And so, again, they are invested in your becoming fifth-dimensional humans so that they can partake of your experience, but in a different way than that of the Pleiadians.
Sixth-dimensional Sirians, of which we are "one," as a group, wish to have you understand that many of you will be returning to dimensions higher than Fifth. And so in the Barbara Marciniak books, for example, her Pleiadians are saying "Oh, this is what it will be like when you're a Fifth-dimensional human." We are saying that you don't have to "stay" there. Understand that many of you are returning to angelic light resonances, and so forth. And so when you read this material, understand that these are Fifth-dimensional beings talking about their agenda, and that happens to be Pleiadian. And these are also Fifth-dimensional, but they're Sirian, and that's a different agenda. And be discerning when you read these materials. This also applies to information about the Photon Band. The source of the information, and it is channeled . . .(Channeling is one of the few sources that is not controlled by "World Management" Teams, and what not.) Channeling often is the most direct source of the truth now--not trance channeling as in the old days. Channeling now is conscious, although the channel is in an baltered state, connecting directly with the Higher Self as we are here, and we tell the truth because this [indicating Jyoti Alla-An] is one of our children, here, and we would not deceive our children--not anyone. So the scenarios about the Photon Band and about Ascension will be filtered according to the agendas of the beings communicating through the channel. So if a channel is not coming directly from the Higher Self connection and is channeling a totally other entity who is a Fifth-dimensional Pleiadian and NOT in that soul "hierarchy," then that entity essentially can work its agenda through the channeled information. Each of you is sovereign; you must discern, because your free will is what keeps you strong in your acceleration. Your free will is also what you must always be conscious of so that you are not violated from outside your self. You need to be extremely cautious of where you are looking and who is there as a guide or as an enemy of humans, if you feel pain get out and stop , ask for the human 5th+ dimensional guides,,, When attacked as part of the defense use frequencies i.e. different tonal sounds like on a dead radio or on some t.v.'s "TONE", for hours...BEEP..............One of the most violent societies in all places are the short orange brown reptilian's some working with greys, if you are channeling or meditating or remote viewing watch your back !
Any scientist who has atmospheric x-ray, gamma ray detection please let us know about the increase in such particles vs. previous years! % ? Thank You! The earth will change violently and dramatically in just a few days, in the years leading into 2012!
The Grey Federation ruined myself and family like they did with Alex collier, and Billy Meier for example Mr. Meier's has recently, per his web site also recently been communicating with us and warning of 2012 and other recessive nonhuman ETs. The Internet and thousands of books tell about the many friendly human races who are trying to help us now.
When I was at the Grey army here in Santa FE, N.M.base, I did see many things, I have a PhD, I'm a quick learner and can now read their Sumerian type alphabet and words... I was taken on one type of craft they use, how they fly and what they use in them... ***The saucer shaped craft uses electrical batteries as propulsion power (this is why some are seen charging up on power lines), in the middle of some saucers there is a large circular ceiling to floor barrel structure it contains lithium type batteries extremely high voltage charges. The craft are made of layered and compressed metals titanium type layered compounds, the outer skin is electrified to reduce and eliminate drag and atmospheric resistance. Inside the saucer is a etwork of Compressed tiny frequency transmitting fiber optics for controls and for ON BOARD GUIDENCE SYSTEMS,SIMPLE.THEY USE THE EARTHS MAGNETIC AND GRAVATATIONAL FIELDS TO FLY ***************************************************** THE COPPER CLINDER CIRCLES ON TOP OF THE CRAFT AND BOTTOM SPIN, PICTURE TWO SMALLER CIRCULAR DISKS ON TOP AND BOTTOM SPINING INDEPENDENTLY OF THE SAUCER. THEY CHARGE UP..THAT DIFFERENTIAL OF CHARGES INTERACTS WITH A PLANETS OR SPACES MAGNETIC FIELD LINES FOR LIFT AND MOVEMENT. THE SAUCERS ARE SHIELDED TO PREVENT EXPLOSIONS AND TO PREVENT MAGNETIC FIELD INTERACTIVITY......(THE OUTER SHELL IS CHARGED UP TO FLY W/O RESEISTANCE, IT STINGS when touched electrical pulse). I'M NOT A PHYSICS MAJOR BUT DID STUDY SOME ENGENERING. This may be the only way we can build these craft commercially and get off the earth before these earth changes end our civilization!! Not kidding, google the last few years of forest fires around the world.
They are trying to mind control our societies through MHz frequency control, we think in about 10-80 MHz, and they use computers and oscilloscope combination type MRI equipment to read thoughts as we read print or as scientist reads peaks on a graph, as well as gravitational field technology to beam in false info. These mind brain electron frequencies are read just like we read computer code. ****
Protect and shield your eyes, brains and spinal cords!!! All of our military and armed forces should wear velostat 3M or better (signal protection electrical grounded materials on your head) caps and monitor the frequency changes around them, eye shielding, the government of the USA ours needs to be informed of the greys methods and take steps to help each other, protect our families people this is real....(people in Britain were not ready, prepared for WWII, Study military history ) ...(we have a very weak and complacent military/police/NSA/CIA/) The Greys have even infiltrated some govt individuals in these agencies.........!!! Just because you were in church on Sunday and you see people speaking in tongs, falling to the floor, and saying they are talking to god? There is no god only ET groups (mostly the greys are lying about god and impersonating) ET governments. Just because our president says, "thank you Jesusa**, it's mind attention and analyze what is going on in government, it is scary, not human.
Several devices which are still being used on my self and home include, some type of beam (laser), because I saw it and followed up on the net and found that these beams can turn off all electrical switches including some in our nuclear arsenal. How is it that these nuclear silo switches are not shielded? I'm working on electrical shielding for my computers, phones, weapons, appliances, etc.
Love Dan
P.S. This was written under partial duress......they know where I live. Pass the info on
The Federated reptilian/gray/insectoid societies are using harmful technology to harm the human mind, causing memory loss and fatigue...FIGHT BACK!!, I use the above mentioned technology and when I go out and they start to harm my body with high intensity back spasm devices i.e. microwave, particle , mind control, I use my mind and picture each attacker being attacked by me, mental warfare. They are distracted by loud music, food odors, perfumes, high intensity flood lights, mace, strobe lights, high frequency sound and our minds killing them......... I keep a gun and tazer by my side always now!!!
Listen to this highly educated and experienced old man, if you see a craft these are not dolls, these are recessive violent, harmful, controlling alien males, they have an agenda! Read the info. on the net with a grain of salt, why haven't they come forward? They will not because of violent abductions, use your logical brain the reptilian greys are "DEVILS depicted correctly in many books of legend, history and many religious books. Even the Nazis contacted the Greys. Protect your brains!!! stay away from them, Betty and Barney Hill were assaulted, all of the abduction cases are harmful rape and kidnaping humans, we in the USA have laws against these crimes yet our government turns in another direction, not detecting and imprisoning these violent ETs. Because they control some people in our not yet, "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Get involved the stakes are high.
Space is much more crowded than most people know, extremely dangerous NASA knows..Our Rocket systems and defense systems are frail... Connect the dots......... 2012 We are getting close, climate change, biology, secret governments, mind control, abductions, alien technologies genetic and magnetic fields, and we wonder where they come from reverse designs from crashed UFO...Many historians believe that many earth human races i.e. ayans lived with ET Reptilian control..
I'm building a small back yard underground shielded shelter for my wife don't laugh at me I have been through a great ordeal and know much more than most! Do we as a country, understand the risks of EMF radiation on our bodies and brain, is it not so that some highly educated people shield themselves from the cell phone radiation with either a "patch" or by using a wireless ear device or better Do any engineers have a million dollar idea to shield our bodies and mind from all kinds of radio/microwave/broadband EMFs the same way with a shielding patch shielding shirts and pants....our military needs them!!!!!!!!!
An entire platoon can be taken out with out ever firing a bullet shot.................frequency MHz brain defense, are you ready to re read the page.
1. Consciousness is allowed its expression, and you have been allowed your expression within limitation by those who have been governing you. From your point of view, you have never let them govern you and you have no idea that they exist. They bring dramas onto this planet in the guise of what you call religion, leadership, or, sometimes, inspiration. Events, even though they are orchestrated to achieve certain things, sometimes gather those who hang on, and many other probabilities come out other than what was intended.
2. Many of the structures built on this planet, particularly ancient sacred sites, have information stored within stone. In the same way, you have information stored within the bones of your skeletal form. When you allow sound to move through you, t unlocks a doorway and allows information to flood into your body. It also penetrates the ground, affecting the vibrations of Earth and allowing a rearrangement of a molecular alignment of information to take place. Those of you who use sound when you are working on others' bodies bring about a rearrangement of the molecular structure and create an opening for information to flood in. This kind of work will become more and more profound.
3. Sound is a tool for transformation. Keepers of Frequency, which is what we are encouraging you to become, learn how to modulate the frequency they hold through sound. Sound can penetrate any substance, move molecules, and rearrange realities.
4. Core Human contacts Andromidan Central Command, Simon.
5. These non human astral, and c=h , carbon beings are all behind humans in social development.......recessive, violent, vengeful, striking, manipulative, a**DEVILSa**. Technically and scientifically developed, but not so far ahead that humans could catch up in several dozen years.....the non human species got so technically advanced because ofmassive continuous wars and disasters through millions of years.
There exists 9th level frequency a**Galaxy Governmentsa**, THE GOVERNERS above the greys, reptilian, humans, insectoid etc... but these governments carry the thoughts i.e. frequency of all these beings whom they govern. This earth right now in 2009 is being subjected to the governors who are using frequency technologies, chemicals in the atmosphere, pieces of DNA , climate control in the from of a**torsion fieldsa** etc. to change humanity into three groups for the coming event in 2012...... The Governors, which have appeared in, a**STAR TREKa**, and in the films looking into time travel with Jodi Foster......are in appearance looking like a stable form of electromagnetic frequency being. Many are soul beings who can readily change forms into anybody! Many people in Ufology, Religion, Politics have asked themselves why did President Eisenhower allow greys to bait the United States with technology in exchange for DNA.....this had been done as a trick for the USA and the governors at that time simply did not care what was happening on this planet! These Galaxy governors have a totally different agenda than we do, i.e. who cares about the Sudan if you are from the Russian Government? Thus we are in a galaxy with 100a**s of totally different beings making contact, telepathically and in form with hundreds of thousands of earth humans. But because the greys have dumped their religions on us earth beings we are lead to believe we are communicating with god in dreams, church etc. not true... We live in an OPEN...... a**OPEN WORLDa**, all beings can come and go, and do as they please as long as we permit them to!
Kevin Stech Research Director | STRATFOR +1 (512) 744-4086
For decades cosmologists have wondered if the large-scale structure of the universe is a fractal: if it looks the same no matter the scale. And the answer is: no, not really. But in some ways, yes. Look, it’s complicated.
Our universe is unimaginably vast and contains somewhere around two trillion galaxies. These galaxies aren’t scattered around randomly, but are assembled into a series of ever-larger structures. There are the groups, containing at most a dozen galaxies are so. Then there are the clusters, which are home to a thousand galaxies and more. Above them are the superclusters, which twist and wind for millions of light-years.
Is this the end of the story?
In the mid 20th century Benoit Mandelbrot brought the concept of fractals into the mainstream. Mandelbrot didn’t invent the concept of fractals – mathematicians had been studying self-similar patterns for ages – but he did coin the word and usher in our modern study of the concept. The basic idea of a fractal is that you can use a single mathematical formula to define a structure at all scales. In other words, you can zoom in and out of a fractal and it still maintains the same shape.
Fractals appear everywhere in nature, from the branches of a tree to the edges of a snowflake. And Mandelbrot himself wondered if the universe is a fractal. If as we zoom out we will see the same kinds of structures appearing again and again.
And in a way, that’s what we see: a hierarchy of structures at ever-larger scales in the universe. But that hierarchy does come to an end. At a certain scale, roughly 300 million lightyears across, the cosmos becomes homogenous, meaning that there are no larger structures and the universe is (at that scale) roughly the same from place to place.
The universe is definitely not a fractal, but parts of the cosmic web still have interesting fractal-like properties. For example, clumps of dark matter called “halos”, which host galaxies and their clusters, form nested structures and sub-structures, with halos holding sub-haloes, and sub-sub-halos inside those.
Conversely, the voids of our universe aren’t entirely empty. They do contain a few, faint dwarf galaxies…and those few galaxies are arranged in a subtle, faint version of the cosmic web. In computer simulations, the sub-voids within that structure contain their own effervescent cosmic webs too.
So while the universe as a whole isn’t a fractal, and Mandelbrot’s idea didn’t hold up, we can still find fractals almost everywhere we look.
Fractal Universe Theory Unveiled | Investigating The Universe
Is the Universe a Fractal? - Ask a Spaceman!
Fractal Universe Theory Unveiled | Investigating The Universe
A Mission to Dive Titan’s Lakes – and Soar Between Them
Titan is one of the solar system’s most fascinating worlds for several reasons. It has something akin to a hydrological cycle, though powered by methane. It is the solar system’s second-largest moonMooner our own. It is the only other body with liquid lakes on its surface. That’s part of the reason it has attracted so much attention, including an upcoming mission known as Dragonfly that hopes to use its thick atmosphere to power a small helicopter. But some of the most interesting features on Titan are its lakes, and Dragonfly, given its means of locomotion, can’t do much with those other than look at them from afar. So another mission, initially conceived by James McKevitt, then an undergraduate at Loughborough University but now a PhD student at University College London would take a look at both their surface and underneath.
The mission, which has undergone several iterations, was initially designed to mimic the hunting motion of a gannet. This seabird famously dives under the water to search for fish and then floats back up to the top before setting off again. In the original paper describing the mission concept, Mr. McKevitt focused on the hydrodynamics of how such a mission would be possible on Titan, including the physics of diving into a lake of liquid methane without breaking the probe.
Luckily, the most fascinating lakes on Titan are all clustered around the north pole, so it would be theoretically possible to hop between one lake and another, given there was enough thrust/power. However, as time went on, the original mission concept seemed less and less feasible – especially given the most required to both take off from a resting position on top of a lake and dive down deeply enough into the next lake to make a meaningful difference in the environment.
Fraser discusses the importance of a mission to Titan.
Of particular concern was the power system – RTGs, the only current system that would feasibly power such a probe on Titan’s fully enveloped surface, would be too heavy for such a mission architecture. So, Mr. McKevitt changed tact and created something entirely different.
During COVID-19, he created an organization known as Conex Research to explore complex missions in a collaborative think-tank format. He then adapted Astraeus, as the mission was known, to a more achievable format, which was then described on Conex’s website. In a press release from August of 2022, the mission had morphed into a four-part system.
First is a “Main Orbital Spacecraft,” which would orbit the Moon Moondeploy two smaller vehicles – Mayfly and Manta. As their names suggest, Mayfly would flit about as an aerial observation platform, while Manta would dive into the lakes that were so intriguing in the original mission architecture. A series of 2U Cubesats, called “Mites,” would also join them and measure different parts of Titan’s atmosphere during a slow descent period after being released from the MOS.
Fraser discusses the Dragonfly mission planned to visit Titan’s surface.
That sounds like a pretty hefty lift, especially for a group of volunteer contributors, even if there are almost 30 of them. Lately, the group hasn’t had much of an update since they presented the mission format at the International Astronautical Conference in 2022. But if they are still making progress on the mission, there is a chance it might one day make it all the way to the bottom of one of Titan’s lakes.
The James Webb Space Telescope was designed and built to study the early universe, and hopefully revolutionary our understanding of cosmology. Two years after its launch, it’s doing just that.
One of the first things that astronomers noticed with the James Webb was galaxies that were brighter and larger than our models of galaxy formation suggested they should be. They were like seeing teenagers in a kindergarten classroom, challenging our assumptions of cosmology. But while there were some breathless claims that the Big Bang was broken, those statements were a little overblown.
But still, big, bright, mature galaxies in the early universe are forcing us to reconsider how galaxy formation is supposed to proceed. Whatever nature is telling us through the James Webb, it seems to be that galaxies form far faster than we thought before.
Related to that, for several years cosmologists have recognized a certain tension in their measurements of the present-day expansion rate of the universe, called the Hubble rate. Appropriately called the Hubble tension, the difference comes when comparing measurements of the distant, early universe with measurements of the later, nearby universe.
There’s definitely something funky going on here, but cosmologists can’t figure out exactly what. It might have something to do with our measurements of the deep universe, or it might be because of our lack of understanding of dark matter and dark energy. Either way, the James Webb didn’t help anything by confirming that the tension is very, very real.
No matter what comes out of the Hubble tension problem, the James Webb is delivering spectacular results in other areas. One of its primary missions was to find evidence for Population III stars, the first generation of stars to appear in the universe. There are no such stars left in the modern-day cosmos, as they all apparently died off billions of years ago. So our only hope to detect them is to use super-telescopes like the James Webb.
This year a team reported the first tentative detections of a galaxy in the young universe that just might contain Population III stars. The detection is not confirmed, but hopefully upcoming observation campaigns will tell us if we’re on the right track.
No matter what, we know we have a lot left to learn about the universe, and that the James Webb will continue delivering results – and hopefully a few surprises – for years to come.
Everything Nasa Discovered From James Webbs First Year In Space
Everything NASA Discovered from James Webb's First Year in Space [4K]
NASA releases astonishing new images from James Webb Space Telescope
Giant exploding craters only known to exist on Russia's permafrost-covered Yamal and Gydan peninsulas may result from a specific set of conditions not found elsewhere in the Arctic.
This aerial view from a helicopter shows one of the mysterious craters on the Yamal Peninsula.
(Image credit: VASILY BOGOYAVLENSKY/AFP via Getty Images))
Eight giant, 160-foot-deep (50 meters) craters in the Siberian permafrost have baffled scientists since their discovery more than a decade ago — but a new theory may finally explain how they formed.
The Mystery of Siberia's Exploding Craters, Explained
The craters are unique to Russia's northern Yamal and Gydan peninsulas and are not known to exist elsewhere in the Arctic, suggesting the key to this puzzle lies in the landscape, according to a preprint paper published Jan. 12 to the EarthArXiv database.
Researchers have proposed several explanations for the gaping holes over the years, ranging from meteor impacts to natural-gas explosions. One theory suggests the craters formed in the place of historic lakes that once bubbled with natural gas rising from the permafrost below. These lakes may have dried up, exposing the ground beneath to freezing temperatures that sealed the vents through which gas escaped. The resulting buildup of gas in the permafrost may eventually have been released through explosions that created the giant craters.
But the historic-lake model fails to account for the fact that these "giant escape craters" (GECs) are found in a variety of geological settings across the peninsulas, not all of which were once covered by lakes, according to the new preprint, which has not been peer reviewed.
Previousstudies have also linked the craters to accumulations of natural gas within the permafrost, but these can't explain why the holes are only found in northern Russia. "Thus, the formation of GECs points to conditions specific for the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas," researchers wrote in the preprint.
Image taken in 2014 showing one of the craters on Russia's Yamal peninsula.
(Image credit: VASILY BOGOYAVLENSKY/AFP via Getty Images)
Permafrost on the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas varies widely in its thickness, ranging from a few hundred feet to 1,600 feet (500 m). The soil likely froze solid more than 40,000 years ago, imprisoning ancient marine sediments rich in methane that gradually transformed into vast natural gas reserves. These reserves produce heat that melts the permafrost from below, leaving pockets of gas at its base.
Permafrost in Russia and elsewhere is also thawing at the surface due to climate change. In places where it is already thin on the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas, melting from both ends and the pressure from the gas may eventually cause the remaining permafrost to collapse, triggering an explosion.
This "champagne effect" would explain the presence of smaller craters around the eight giant craters, as huge chunks of ice propelled out by the explosions may have severely dented the ground, according to the preprint.
There may also be more of these craters than we realize, the researchers added, as water and sediment likely filled some of the holes over time.
The release of natural gas and methane during these explosions could activate a climate feedback loop if global temperatures continue to creep up and accelerate permafrost melting.
"The formation of GECs has been connected to global climate change, with increasing summer and fall temperatures resulting in permafrost warming and degradation," the researchers wrote.
An estimated 1,900 billion tons (1,700 billion metric tons) of greenhouse gas, including carbon dioxide and methane, are stored in the Arctic permafrost, according to the preprint. Growing emissions from thawing permafrost "are of great concern," the authors added.
Giant Craters, Some as Deep as 30 Meters, Are Mysteriously Appearing in Siberia | Mashable
'Fireball' in Siberian skies as asteroid hits Earth #noaming #nasa
Watch dramatic moment giant 3,500mph METEOR explodes in sky over Siberia turning night into day
Decoded US Think Tank Email about UFO Over China Airport, And They Were Not Certain What It Was! UAP Sighting News.
Decoded US Think Tank Email about UFO Over China Airport, And They Were Not Certain What It Was! UAP Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 7, 2010
Wishing you all a merry Christmas.
Hey all, I went onto Wikileaks and got hold of a UFO email about the UFO seen over a China remember that right? Well, needless to say it was in code, and good a cracking those. The email was in Base64...too easy guys...Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that converts binary data into an ASCII string format. It should not be used as encryption. Anyways, I will put the email below and you can look into it yourself, the message was an intercommunication email sent from one member to other members of the super top secret US think tank Stratford. I say, if it's worth sending in code, then it's important!
Sean, stop trying to compete with Fred for random ass shit.
This has been on the web since last week, speculation that it may have been a Chinese ballistic missile test. Haven't seen convincing evidence/analysis of it, doesn't strike me as a successful one if it was...
UFO shuts airport. Really. Shanghai Daily Article By Wang Xiang | 2010-7-9 | NEWSPAPER EDITION
EAST China's Hangzhou City shut down its Xiaoshan airport for one hour late Wednesday night after radar detected the hovering of ... something.
Airport officials called it an unidentified flying object.
The UFO showed up on the airport's radar at around 9 PM. The airport authority immediately notified passengers to stop boarding and grounded all flights about to take off, Xinhua news agency reported yesterday.
The object forced many incoming flights to land in neighboring airports in cities of Ningbo and Wuxi. It also caused about four hours delay for flights taking off.
The UFO looked like a twinkling spot and disappeared very soon. Xinhua quoted a passenger on board an incoming plane who claimed he witnessed the object.
The Xiaoshan airport has resumed normal operations, its spokesman said. He refused to provide more details, saying an investigation was still going on.
Drone expert warns there is a ‘larger' issue with mystery sightings: There's a ‘larger’ issue here
Drone expert and Fox News contributor Brett Velicovich weighs in on the search for answers on the mystery drone sightings on ‘Your World.’
Testimony and several reports have exposed unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings across the country amid the national attention on apparent drone observations over recent weeks.
Luiz Elizondo, the former head of the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, and other witnesses testified before Congress last month about an alleged government group "hid[ing] the fact that we are not alone in the cosmos."
"I believe that we as Americans can handle the truth. And I also believe the world deserves the truth," Elizondo said, urging Congress to enact legislation protecting whistleblowers too afraid to come forward.
This UFO was photographed when it hovered for 15 minutes near the Holloman Air Development Center in Alamogordo, New Mexico, on Dec. 16, 1957.
(Bettmann/Aerial Phenomena Research Organization/Getty Images)
The hearing was part of a larger effort by lawmakers to investigate UFOs, or unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAPs), and determine whether elements within the government are unlawfully withholding evidence from Congress.
Meanwhile, UFO sightings have been reported in every U.S. state, according to the National UFO Reporting Center, the largest independently collected set of UFO/UAP sighting reports online.
A military-trained observer reported that he was camping alone in Mountain Center, California, in October when suddenly all natural outdoor-related noises went silent and the entire area "lit up brighter than the brightest full moon he’d ever seen," according to the UFO reporting site.
The man said he saw a bright, white oval light that was about 20 to 30 feet long and hovering at treetop level, adding that the light remained completely still and noiseless, emitted no heat and resembled a large helicopter.
Several pilots also reported seeing three or four UFOs in the sky over Oregon, flying at different altitudes, just a few weeks ago, KPTV reported.
The pilots reported seeing strange, red circular lights zipping around at night, and a United Airlines pilot contacted the control tower to talk about moving lights seen over western Oregon, the outlet reported.
In April 2022, a witness said she noticed a light in the sky over a reservoir in Connecticut, believing it was potentially an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP/UFO), according to NewsNation.
"I’m always a sky watcher, so I was wondering if it was a plane," the woman told the outlet. "But the way it was moving, there’s no way it was a plane."
A newly released image shows the UFO that was shot down by a U.S. fighter jet over Canada in 2023.
(Department of National Defence/CTV News)
While recent sightings of drones or mysterious aircraft are not exactly UFO observations, they have, nonetheless, raised concerns and have even attracted the attention of the FBI, sparking conversation about the possibility of other unidentified flying objects in the sky.
"The FBI Newark, NJ State Police, and NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness are asking for the public to report any information related to the recent sightings of possible drones flying in several areas along the Raritan River," a Dec. 3 FBI statement noted.
Last week, the Federal Aviation Administration issued temporary flight restrictions, which are set to expire Jan. 17, prohibiting drone flights over parts of New Jersey after the influx of sightings, excluding drone operations in support of national defense, homeland security, law enforcement, firefighting, search and rescue or disaster response missions.
However, White House national security communications adviser John Kirby recently told Fox News the mysterious drones flying over the country are in fact "legal" and "lawful."
A photo taken in the Bay Shore section of Toms River, N.J., shows what appears to be large drones hovering in the area at high altitudes on Dec. 8.
(Doug Hood/Asbury Park Press)
The White House, in coordination with the FBI and state and local officials, examined roughly 5,000 sightings, and their analysis concludes that "lawful, legal, commercial hobbyist and even law enforcement aircraft activity" is responsible for the sightings, Kirby said about the assessment.
In a recent statement by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Defense, the agencies said that while they "recognize the concern," there is no evidence that the drones are "anomalous" or a threat to national security or public safety.
Fox News' Anders Hagstrom contributed to this report.
Very large drones-UFOs appearing soon across the U.S.
Very large drones-UFOs appearing soon across the U.S.
During an interviewwith Chris Letho, Dr. Courtney Brown, a university professor and founder of, an organization known for its remote-viewing phenomenon through the process of scientific experimentation, has made a bold prediction: larger UFOs will begin appearing in increasing numbers across the U.S. in the next month. He asserts their presence will serve as undeniable proof that humanity is not alone in the universe, forcing governments to disclose the truth about alien life.
While intriguing, this claim has been met with skepticism. Could it be true that aliens are stepping forward to force disclosure? Or, might this be part of a staged event orchestrated by shadowy forces, such as the "Deep State," to stage an UFO invasion.
Recently, a witness in California filmed a massive craft with flickering lights hovering silently over a city. This object, described as far larger than the drones or UFOs previously reported, has sparked further speculation. Witnesses noted that these objects appear to be increasing in size, and many argue they are clearly not conventional drones.
The sighting raises questions: could this lend credibility to Dr. Brown’s claims of imminent extraterrestrial revelation? Or are these larger crafts part of a deceptive agenda, as explained by Dark Journalist? See our previous article: Mystery drones: A 'dry run' to a false UFO event to trigger COG emergency powers.
One way or another, we will know in the coming months!
Several theories about our Moon’s formation vie for dominance, but almost all share that point in common: near the time of the solar system’s formation, about 4.5 billion years ago, something ― perhaps a single object the size of Mars, perhaps a series of objects ― crashed into the young Earth and flung enough molten and vaporized debris into space to create the Moon.
Earth’s Moon is thought to have formed in a tremendous collision. A massive object ― named Theia after the mythological Greek Titan who was the mother of Selene, goddess of the Moon ― smashed into Earth, flinging material into space that became the Moon.
The early solar system would have been a chaotic, terrifying place. Debris left over from the formation of the Sun coalesced into a disk around the star, creating clumps that ranged in size from dust flecks to minor planets. Gravity drew these objects together, causing them to crash into each other ― violent smashups that could end in obliteration or new, larger objects. Those mashed-together objects make up the planets, moons, asteroids and other solar system objects we know today.
A Unique Beginning | How the Universe Works
Written in Stone
Visiting the Moon with the Apollo missions in the late 1960s and early 1970s revolutionized our understanding of the Moon’s origins. Previous concepts ― that the Moon was an object captured by Earth’s gravity as it sailed by, or that the Moon formed alongside Earth from the same debris ― fell out of favor after the Apollo missions brought back data and 842 pounds (382 kilograms) of lunar samples to Earth in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Apollo evidence all pointed to the Moon forming from a large impact. The age of the rock samples indicated that the Moon formed around 60 million years after the solar system began to form. The type and composition of the samples showed that the Moon had been molten during its formation and was covered with a deep ocean of magma for tens of millions to hundreds of millions of years ― an environment that would occur in the aftermath of an intensely energetic impact. Lunar rocks were found to contain only small amounts of elements that vaporize when heated, further indicating the Moon could have formed in a high-energy impact that let those elements escape.
Five Things We Learned from Apollo Moon Rocks
The chemical composition of Moon and Earth rocks are very similar.
The Moon was once covered in an ocean of magma.
Meteorites have shattered and melted rocks on the Moon’s surface through impacts.
Lava flowed up through cracks in the Moon’s crust and filled its impact basins.
Lunar “soil” is made of pulverized rock created by meteorite impacts.
Scientist and astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt stands next to a huge, split lunar boulder during the Apollo 17 mission at the Taurus-Littrow landing site in this photograph from Dec. 13, 1972. Rock samples collected during the Apollo missions provided evidence that the Moon resulted from an object crashing into Earth in the early history of the solar system.
NASA/Eugene Cernan
Perhaps most importantly, the rock samples indicated that the Moon was once a part of Earth. Basaltic rocks from the Moon’s mantle have striking similarities to basaltic rocks from Earth’s mantle. The oxygen isotopes and other elements sealed into the specimens matched those of Earth rocks too precisely for the similarities to be a coincidence.
Meteorites make up another body of evidence. Samples collected by Apollo astronauts come from just a few sites on the Moon, but lunar meteorites ― rocks sent into space by impacts on the Moon that eventually find their way to Earth ― provide samples from all over the Moon that tell a similar tale of the Moon’s history. Meteorites originating from asteroids have also been used to help confirm the timeline of the Moon’s formation. Some show signs of having been bombarded by debris from the giant, Moon-forming impact.
Finally, more recent studies add the evidence for a high-energy impact that resulted in the creation of a molten Moon. Analysis of light reflecting off the Moon gives details of the mineral makeup of the Moon’s surface, and it shows the widespread presence of anorthosite, an igneous rock that crystallizes out of and floats to the top of magma. The presence of anorthosite across the Moon’s surface reinforces that the Moon must once have been covered by a widespread magma ocean that was quite deep, from hundreds to thousands of kilometers.
This light-colored mineral, Apollo mission lunar sample 60639, is thought to have floated to the top of the magma ocean and formed the Moon's first crust around 4.4 billion years ago.
Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility for Astromaterials 3D Explorer
Lunar “Archaeology”
Though Earth and Moon both came from that ancient collision ― and Earth is certainly within easier reach ― studying the Moon gives us our best chance of understanding what happened all those billions of years ago. Earth’s active geological processes, from plate tectonics to erosion, erase the evidence of formation. Aside from events like impacts, much of the Moon’s surface changes on a vastly slower timescale. Like detectives at a crime scene, scientists use clues preserved on the lunar surface to piece together the Moon’s history. Any improvements to the giant impact theory or a new theory would need to explain what we observe of the Moon today.
One of the oddities is the Moon’s low iron content as compared with Earth’s. Earth’s iron-rich core accounts for around 30 percent of its mass, but the core of the Moon is only about 1.6-1.8 percent of its total mass. One possible explanation is that the energy of the impact with Earth that formed the Moon vaporized lighter materials, casting them into space, and left behind heavier elements ― such as iron, which vaporizes only at extremely high temperatures ― to sink into Earth’s core.
This diagram shows a cross-section of the Moon’s interior during its early history, including the silicate mantle and a small metallic core. The lunar mantle is low in the elements 14 zinc, tin, cadmium, indium, and thulium, possibly because they never recondensed from gas form after the collision that created the Moon.
Illustration courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech
Any viable theory of lunar formation also has to explain where the Moon is now in relation to Earth and the speed and inclination of its orbit. Surface reflectors placed on the Moon during Apollo show that the Moon moves away from Earth at the rate of about an inch and a half per year. This indicates that the Moon initially formed much closer to our planet, and, therefore, that the early Earth’s spin rate was much higher than it is today. Computer models created by scientists to test and analyze Moon formation theories must show how a massive collision can produce the existing orbits and rotation of Moon and Earth over billions of years when paired with the typical gravitational interactions between the two bodies. (Even today, the distance between the Earth and Moon, and the length of a day on Earth, continues to grow due to the effects of Earth’s tides.)
Finally, strange discrepancies exist between the Moon’s near and far sides. Differences include: the thickness of the crust ― 43 miles (70 kilometers) on the Moon's near-side versus 93 miles (150 kilometers) on the far side; the contrasting geological makeup, including a concentration of radioactive elements on the near side; and the rich history of volcanism on the near side compared with a relative lack of volcanic activity on the far side. How closely these differences are related to the Moon’s formation ― how it cooled, how its volcanic activity took place, and the manner in which it has been bombarded by objects from space ― is a question scientists continue to wrestle with today.
The Moon's near side and far side.
NASA LRO / Jatan Mehta
Model Behavior
With humanity’s return to the Moon through the Artemis program, scientists expect a flood of new information that will help us hone in on a single formation scenario. In the meantime, scientists continue to study existing samples and other information they have now ― such as information from lunar orbiters and the growing body of knowledge on planetary formation ― to construct computer models that help us understand how the collision might have happened, and how it could have resulted in the Moon and Earth as we see them today. The models account for factors like the strength of the colliding objects, the friction between the components, the density of the components, and how materials behave under different temperatures and pressures. Today’s advanced computer models can provide a number of very specific outcomes based on variables like these.
A NASA and Durham University simulation theorizes that the Moon may have formed in a matter of hours, when material from the Earth and a Mars sized-body were launched directly into orbit after the impact. The simulations used in this research are some of the most detailed of their kind, operating at the highest resolution of any simulation run to study the Moon’s origins or other giant impacts. NASA's Ames Research Center
For instance, when scientists want to figure out why the Moon is low in certain elements that vaporize easily, they use models to see how the Moon’s composition would look if the elements were lost, or depleted, during different periods of the Moon’s formation. Perhaps the environment in which the Moon formed or early eruptions on the Moon’s surface created a temporary atmosphere that led to the elimination of some of those elements, or they may have been released through interactions with the heat of the Sun or a bright and still-molten Earth.
Even these complex models can’t simulate every atom in a massive collision between giant objects that kicks debris into space. But astronomers can represent larger groups of debris by using particles whose properties depend on where they are located during the collision, like hot material situated near the proto-Moon’s core. Astronomers are able to alter the properties in their models to produce different results, showing how even small changes can produce different scenarios. As evidence continues to come in, the eventual goal is a comprehensive model that accounts for everything we know about the Moon.
Searching for the Past in the Future
The final Apollo Moon mission was in 1972. Scientists have had decades to investigate lunar samples and data from the Apollo missions, combine it with information returned by subsequent lunar missions, come to conclusions, and form new questions. They know what to target during the upcoming Artemis missions to help solve some of the outstanding mysteries.
All of the Apollo missions landed near the Moon’s equator, and the samples brought back are mostly from volcanic regions. Lunar scientists are hoping to obtain new samples from different locations, like the far side of the Moon and areas closer to the poles, so they can examine the Moon’s composition in regions that would have evolved in different ways and uncover more evidence of how the Moon formed. They’re hoping to drill down into the lunar surface and acquire core samples that expose additional layers of the Moon’s geologic history, a record written in rock and mostly hidden from us for now.
These new discoveries will help narrow down the many unknown factors in the Moon formation models. If the new evidence shows ― to choose just one example ― that a vast quantity of sulfur was lost during a period of volcanic activity, then that sulfur loss doesn’t need to be accounted for during early stages of Moon formation. Like a game of Clue, deciphering the mysteries of the Moon’s formation will be a process of elimination, ruling out particular events happening during certain time periods and narrowing down the possibilities until few remain.
But scientists are also alert to the possibility of new discoveries, findings that paint a different picture. The greatest clues to the Moon’s past may still be scattered around and beneath the lunar surface, waiting to be unearthed.
Writer: Tracy Vogel
Science Advisors: Prabal Saxena (NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center), Sarah Valencia (NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center) and Bill Bottke (Southwest Research Institute Boulder)
Onze natuurlijke satelliet onderging een ‘vulkanische facelift’, waardoor ze er in feite veel jonger uitziet dan ze in werkelijkheid is.
De maan is nogal geheimzinnig over haar leeftijd. Pogingen om haar leeftijd te ontrafelen hebben schattingen opgeleverd die honderden miljoenen jaren van elkaar verschillen: sommige onderzoekers stellen dat de maan 4,35 miljard jaar geleden ontstond, terwijl anderen haar geboorte op 4,51 miljard jaar geleden plaatsen. Maar wie heeft er nou gelijk? Een nieuwe studie schept gelukkig duidelijkheid.
Twee leeftijden Het is niet verwonderlijk dat onderzoekers van mening verschillen. Analyses van maanmonsters, zoals die verzameld door de Amerikaanse Apollo-missie, suggereren dat onze kosmische metgezel ongeveer 4,35 miljard jaar oud is. Dit zou betekenen dat de maan ongeveer 200 miljoen jaar na de vorming van ons zonnestelsel is ontstaan. Tegelijkertijd zijn er op het oppervlak ook zeldzame kristallen van zirkonium-silicaat, ook wel zirkonen genoemd, gevonden. En die suggereren weer dat de maan 4,51 miljard jaar oud zou kunnen zijn.
200 miljoen jaar Het idee dat de maan 200 miljoen jaar na de vorming van ons zonnestelsel ontstond, zit onderzoekers echter niet lekker. In de vroege dagen van het zonnestelsel kwamen brokstukken en planeetlichamen in botsing en verenigden zich om planeten te vormen. Tegen de tijd dat er 200 miljoen jaar voorbij waren, was het meeste van dit chaotische puin al samengevoegd tot grotere lichamen. Daarom vinden veel wetenschappers die de evolutie van het zonnestelsel simuleren, het idee van een enorme botsing die de maan zo laat vormt, onwaarschijnlijk.
Hoe ontstond de maan? De geschiedenis van de maan begint met een enorme botsing. In de vroege dagen van het zonnestelsel crasht een object ter grootte van Mars tegen de jonge aarde. De impact was zo krachtig dat de rots volledig smolt en een enorme hoeveelheid materiaal de ruimte in werd geslingerd. Langzaam klonterde dit materiaal samen en vormde de maan, die aanvankelijk bedekt was door een oceaan van heet, vloeibaar gesteente. In de miljoenen jaren die volgden, koelde de pas gevormde maan af en bewoog zich steeds verder van de aarde, totdat hij zijn huidige baan bereikte, op ongeveer 384.400 kilometer afstand.
In een nieuwe studie, gepubliceerd in Nature, stellen onderzoekers een mogelijke verklaring voor de discrepantie voor. Ze denken namelijk dat de maan zo’n 4,35 miljard jaar geleden door de getijdenkracht van de aarde opnieuw smolt. Ze beweren dat dit proces de leeftijd van de maanrotsen ‘gereset’ heeft, waardoor de maan er veel jonger uitziet dan ze in werkelijkheid is, bijna alsof de maan een vulkanische facelift had ondergaan.
Earth’s Moon is thought to have formed in a tremendous collision. A massive object ― named Theia after the mythological Greek Titan who was the mother of Selene, goddess of the Moon ― smashed into Earth, flinging material into space that became the Moon.
Maanbaan Daar gaan we even wat dieper op in. Zoals in het kader te lezen is, stond de maan ooit veel dichterbij de aarde dan nu. “We waren vooral benieuwd naar de periode waarin de afstand tussen de aarde en de maan ongeveer een derde was van wat die nu is”, legt onderzoeksleider Francis Nimmo uit. In deze periode veranderde de positie en vorm van de maanbaan op verschillende manieren. Zo werd de baan meer elliptisch, waardoor de snelheid van de maan en haar afstand tot de aarde merkbaar varieerden tijdens elke omloop. De krachten die hierdoor ontstonden roerden het binnenste van de maan zo sterk door dat het opwarmde. Een soortgelijke situatie zien we vandaag de dag bij Io, de maan van Jupiter, die ook in een licht elliptische baan rond de gasreus draait. De enorme getijdenkrachten van Jupiter maken Io de meest vulkanisch actieve maan in ons zonnestelsel. De vroege maan van de aarde was waarschijnlijk net zo actief als Io.
Geologische klok “Het sterkte vulkanisme heeft waarschijnlijk de geologische klok van de maan gereset”, legt co-auteur Thorsten Kleine uit. “Maanrotsmonsters geven daarom niet hun oorspronkelijke leeftijd prijs, maar alleen wanneer ze voor het laatst hevig verhit werden.” Slechts enkele hittebestendige zirkonen bieden bewijs van een ouder verleden. Op plekken waar lava het oppervlak niet bereikte, bleven de zirkonen koel, waardoor hun interne klok ongemoeid bleef. “De maanrotsmonsters onthullen het volledige, stormachtige verleden van de maan”, vervolgt Kleine. “Ze vertellen ons over haar ontstaan en het heftige vulkanisme dat volgde. Tot nu toe hebben we deze aanwijzingen gewoon niet goed begrepen.”
Werkelijke leeftijd van de maan De onderzoekers komen dan ook met een nieuwe schatting voor de leeftijd van de maan. Zo vermoeden ze dat onze natuurlijke satelliet tussen de 4,43 en 4,53 miljard jaar oud is. Maar haar korst werd, zoals hierboven uitgelegd is, gevormd door hevig vulkanisme, dat ongeveer 4,35 miljard jaar geleden plaatsvond.
Kraters De nieuwe bevindingen lossen ook veel andere tegenstrijdigheden op die wetenschappers eerder in verwarring brachten. Het ontbreken van kraters op de maan werd bijvoorbeeld gezien als een aanwijzing dat ze niet zo oud kon zijn, omdat ze anders veel meer inslagen zou moeten hebben gehad. Vulkanisme biedt nu een verklaring. “Lava uit het binnenste van de maan kan de vroege inslagbekkens hebben opgevuld, waardoor ze bijna onherkenbaar werden”, verklaart onderzoeker Alessandro Morbidelli van het Collège de France.
Het onderzoeksteam hoopt dat nieuwe maanmonsters van toekomstige missies meer licht zullen werpen op de werkelijke leeftijd van de maan. Wetenschappers staan dan ook te popelen om meer te ontdekken over de maanmonsters die onlangs door China’s Chang’e 6-missie zijn teruggebracht. Deze monsters, verzameld van de verre kant van de maan, zijn van onschatbare waarde voor het begrijpen van de processen die haar geschiedenis hebben gevormd. Onderzoekers zijn vooral benieuwd of deze nieuwe monsters het idee van een wereldwijd ‘resettingsproces’ door getijdenverhitting kunnen bevestigen. “Naarmate er meer gegevens beschikbaar komen – vooral van lopende en toekomstige maanmissies – zal ons begrip van de maan blijven groeien”, stelt Nimmo. “We hopen dat onze bevindingen verdere discussies en ontdekkingen zullen stimuleren, wat uiteindelijk leidt tot een helderder beeld van de rol van de maan in de bredere geschiedenis van ons zonnestelsel.”
Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: MPS / Alexey Chizhik
This animation shows how material around a young star is shaped into planets over billions of years.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center;
Images courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Scientist and astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt stands next to a huge, split lunar boulder during the Apollo 17 mission at the Taurus-Littrow landing site in this photograph from Dec. 13, 1972. Rock samples collected during the Apollo missions provided evidence that the Moon resulted from an object crashing into Earth in the early history of the solar system.
NASA/Eugene Cernan
This light-colored mineral, Apollo mission lunar sample 60639, is thought to have floated to the top of the magma ocean and formed the Moon's first crust around 4.4 billion years ago.
Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility for Astromaterials 3D Explorer
ET Contact Revealed: Dr. Courtney Brown Predicts Larger UFO Sightings This Month
ET Contact Revealed: Dr. Courtney Brown Predicts Larger UFO Sightings This Month
Larger Drones Will Prove ET Contact: Dr. Courtney Brown’s Bold Prediction
Dr. Courtney Brown, a university professor and founder of the Farsight Institute, has made an extraordinary claim that could redefine humanity’s understanding of its place in the universe. According to Dr. Brown, the coming months will witness increasing sightings of larger unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), or what he calls “drones,” which will serve as undeniable proof of extraterrestrial contact. These developments, he asserts, are not mere coincidence but a coordinated effort by extraterrestrial beings to signal their presence and initiate global disclosure.
The Farsight Institute and Remote Viewing
Dr. Brown is the director of, a pioneering institute focused on remote viewing—a practice that involves using trained perception to gather information about distant or unseen targets. Through years of research, the Farsight Institute has explored consciousness, extraterrestrial phenomena, and historical mysteries. Dr. Brown states that their remote viewing projects have been guided by extraterrestrial entities, whom he refers to as “good ETs.”
Since January 2022, these ETs have insisted on transparency, asking Farsight to document their interactions and share them publicly. Their goal? To dismantle the “prison planet” narrative that Dr. Brown claims has kept humanity under the control of what he calls “bad ETs.”
The First Wave: A Surge of Drones
Dr. Brown outlines a timeline of events that began with the first wave of “drones” appearing in November 2024. These small craft, unlike human-made drones, lack transponders, heat signatures, or other identifying markers. Often seen hovering over restricted airspaces and military installations, their presence has been attributed to extraterrestrial activity.
During a board meeting on November 13, 2024, Dr. Brown’s ET collaborators predicted the surge of drone sightings. Just days later, reports of unexplained aerial activity began flooding in, with these UAPs swarming over military bases in the United States and the United Kingdom.
“These sightings were the first step in a larger disclosure plan,” Dr. Brown explains. “The ETs want people to connect the dots between their predictions and the unfolding events.”
The Next Wave: Larger Ships and Escalating Presence
According to Dr. Brown, the next phase will involve the appearance of larger extraterrestrial ships, signaling an escalation in their strategy. These craft, significantly larger than the previously seen drone-sized objects, will make it clear that they are not human-made. He anticipates this development in the weeks following the December 2024 board meeting.
Dr. Brown emphasizes that these sightings are designed to acclimate humanity to the presence of extraterrestrials gradually. The goal is to avoid panic and create a framework where the global population can process the reality of extraterrestrial contact. By the summer of 2025, he predicts, the truth will be undeniable.
A War for Free Will
Central to Dr. Brown’s claims is the idea of a cosmic conflict between “good ETs” and “bad ETs.” He asserts that Earth has been a “prison planet,” controlled by authoritarian extraterrestrials who use psychological manipulation to trap human souls in an endless cycle of reincarnation. These “bad ETs,” he says, have maintained agreements with various governments, trading technology for access to human resources, including alleged human trafficking operations.
In contrast, the “good ETs” are free-will advocates working to liberate humanity. They seek to awaken the global population, enabling people to break free from the influence of authoritarian extraterrestrial forces. The gradual waves of sightings, coupled with information disseminated through Farsight, are part of this awakening process.
Skepticism and Scientific Approach
Dr. Brown acknowledges that his claims are extraordinary and likely to face skepticism. However, he invites people to observe and draw conclusions based on the evidence. He points to the alignment of Farsight’s predictions with actual events as proof of credibility
“Our job is to relay what the ETs tell us,” he says. “It’s their job to ensure that the world takes notice.”
The Broader Implications
If Dr. Brown’s predictions prove accurate, they would represent a paradigm shift in human understanding of extraterrestrial life, consciousness, and the structure of the universe. Beyond the immediate implications of disclosure, his claims challenge the scientific community to reconsider long-held assumptions about telepathy, remote viewing, and the interconnectedness of all beings.
What Comes Next?
As we move into 2025, Dr. Brown urges people to remain open-minded and vigilant. He believes the next waves of larger ships will continue to intensify pressure on governments and institutions to acknowledge the reality of extraterrestrial contact. Whether these predictions materialize remains to be seen, but the conversation they spark could redefine humanity’s future.
This Genius PREDICTED the Drone Invasion, What's REALLY Going On?
Dr. Brown: Pushing UFO Disclosure with New Photography
Top Secret UFO Documents Exposed: The Greatest REVEAL and Disclosure Ever! Dr. Steven Greer
This all-sky photo of the night sky was compiled using images taken by astrophotographer Eckhard Slawik from the best and darkest locations around the globe.
Image credit: NOIRLab / NSF / AURA / E. Slawik / M. Zamani.
“This complete collection of free, high resolution, downloadable images of all 88 western IAU-recognized constellations serves as an educational archive that can be used on the individual and scholastic levels,” NOIRLab astronomers wrote in a statement.
“The project also includes the release of the largest open-source, freely available all-sky photo of the night sky.”
The photographer behind these stunning, high-quality images is the German astrophotographer Eckhard Slawik.
“The images were taken on film and each panel comprises two separate exposures, one with and one without a diffuser filter to allow the stars’ colors to shine through,” the astronomers said.
“All products include a comprehensive description of the constellation and its historic origins, as well as the corresponding standardized stick figure, outline drawing, finder chart and description of the constellation’s most prominent deep-sky objects.”
“Existing astronomical images of such deep-sky objects, captured with various NSF’s NOIRLab telescopes, are also included.”
“Downloadable flash cards and other audiovisual and educational materials make it easy to bring the constellations into the classrooms.”
The NOIRLab astronomers also released the largest open-source, freely available all-sky photo of the night sky.
“With 40,000 pixels, this is arguably one of the best such images ever made,” they wrote.
“The colossal sky-scape was compiled using images taken by Slawik from the best and darkest locations around the globe: in Waldenburg, Germany; Tenerife, La Palma, Spain; Namibia; and Chile.”
“The 88 Constellations images are open for exploration by all ages, and are especially suitable for use in planetariums and museums.”
“Visit the project webpage to become familiar with all 88 constellations and see how many you can spot in your night sky.”
The 88 Magnificent Constellations of the Night Sky
15 Famous Constellations You Can See In The Night Sky | Animation
EXCLUSIVE - The drone map of Great Britain: Our interactive guide shows how sightings are pouring in as US airbases are buzzed in UK and New Jersey is hit by UFO panic
EXCLUSIVE - The drone map of Great Britain: Our interactive guide shows how sightings are pouring in as US airbases are buzzed in UK and New Jersey is hit by UFO panic
Drone fever is on the rise after mysterious UAVs were spotted over US airbases in the UK and others sparked a mass panic in the skies over New Jersey.
MailOnline has now unearthed more sightings of drones in our skies as the debate rages over the origins of the phenomenon.
We have found at least six previously unknown recent sightings of UFOs in this country ranging from rural Northumberland to urban Luton – including more over UK military airbases.
In the US The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has announced a temporary drone ban in New Jersey, citing 'special security reasons.'
And one military expert has warned that the sightings could be the work of Russian 'sleeper agents' looking to test the aerial defences of western nations.
The drones panic began in the UK when mysterious lights were spotted over RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, which has been earmarked as a storage facility for US nuclear warheads three times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb.
MailOnline has catalogued some of the sightings reported by our readers in the skies above Britain and Europe in recent weeks.
One spotted a bright flying object near RAF Boulmer in Northumberland, a key station helping providing surveillance of UK airspace and tactical control of combat and support aircraft.
'Slow moving lights' were seen in Blackpool in October by Rebecca Cardwell
A 'bright light' was also spotted on December 17 while taking a picture of the sunrise
'I've just seen an article in the Mail about drones and thought my images looked similar.
'There were at least seven flames/objects that I witnessed, maybe more.'
Matt Chaplin-Haylett in Northampton also reported sightings.
He said: 'I looked out my windscreen and saw a solo light… bit weird.. no other stars in sight.
'I grab my phone, zoom in on video and I think I’m going mad. '
He sent it to his family but when he looked up again, it had disappeared.
He added: 'It looked like a white light, but zoom showed it having green and red lights - static in the sky.'
He said: 'It looked like a white light, but zoom showed it having green and red lights- static in the sky.' Pictures were taken on December 14
Michael Chapman from Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire reported seeing 'hundreds of moving lights' when he stepped outside for a cigarette around 3am last week.
The town is home to RAF Wyton, a strategic command station which provides intelligence to British armed forces operating around the world.
He said: 'I look up to the sky and see hundreds of lights moving in coordination.
'Quite a slow speed, perfectly spaced apart from each other. Almost like hundreds of planes flying overhead. They weren't planes and I didn't think it was drones either to be honest.
'I wasn't quite sure what I was seeing so my best guess would have been drones.
'I attempted to take pictures but the lights wouldn't even show up in image just showed a blank black sky.'
Jo Jenner spotted these in Wormingford, Essex as well as Colchester on November 22.
'I saw numerous drones in the sky over a couple of evenings in the area of the Essex/Suffolk border', she said.
Adding: 'I counted at least 10 in the sky on both occasions.'
Farm worker Ricky Fletcher, 43, was leaving work on November 29 when he saw the aircraft: 'We couldn't believe what we were seeing', he said
It also seems these drones are also being spotted near busy London airports, as one Mail reader from Luton told us.
He described seeing 'red orbs flying across the night sky' on May 31 this year.
He said: 'They were travelling into 17mph headwinds in heavy and light rain and in and out of the low cloud base while maintaining a laser tight trajectory to each other travelling south towards Luton airport
'At the time I did a quick check for air traffic including wind directions to rule out commercial aircraft or lanterns and I’m pretty sure the harsh weather conditions and restrictions can rule those out.'
This series of accounts match with what has been reported at and near RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk.
Farmworker Ricky Fletcher, 43, was leaving work on November 29 when initially he only saw what he described as drone flying over Hockwold cum Wilton.
The village sits between two Air Force bases, RAF Feltwell and RAF Lakenheath.
He told us: 'I first saw them on the farm I work at, I was leaving work at 4pm on Friday evening and saw one flying way from Feltwell low to the ground, I almost thought it was a helicopter, it was so big.
Adding: 'All of a sudden we looked up and saw about 10 of them circling around. We were fascinated by them, they were just circling around, not really flying in the same direction.'
A swarm of drones is spotted over in New Jersey, America, which has alarmed US officials
White House national security spokesman John Kirby, pictured, said the majority of the sightings in the US are from drone hobbyists
US Intelligence agencies have sought to reassure Americans amid the widespread panic over these UFOs saying there is nothing nefarious about these drones.
The CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defence met with members of the House Intelligence Committee about the unidentified aircraft that have been reported in multiple states.
It was argued the aircraft are not part of a classified government operation, and said there seems to be no one reason behind the phenomenon.
White House national security spokesman John Kirby said the majority of the sightings in the US are from drone hobbyists.
He said: 'We assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and even stars that were mistakenly reported as drones.'
'We have not identified anything anomalous or any national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace In New Jersey, or other states in the Northeast. The work continues.'
'But I want to stress again, our assessment at this stage is that the activity represents commercial, hobbyist law enforcement drones, all operating legally and lawful and or civilian aviation aircraft,' he underlined.
Defence expert Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, the former head of the UK's Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Regiment, previously told MailOnline he feared it could be a Kremlin plot to test the defences of British and American bases.
'It’s no secret that there are sleepers and stuff around,' he warned. 'It’s espionage 2.0. It’s the next stage. So, this is absolutely the case.'
Federal Aviation Administration has now banned the use of drones in 22 infrastructure sites in New York and New Jersey.
These measures will allow the government to use 'deadly force' against unmanned aircraft if they post an 'imminent security threat'.
The order says no unmanned aircraft can operate below 400ft, the maximum altitude for recreational drone operations under FAA rules.
Drones spotted in UK could be from foreign adversaries: Ross Coulthart | Morning in America
Video: Mysterious drones swarm military bases, New Jersey skies | Reality Check
The temporary flight restriction (TFR) areas include parts of Camden, Gloucester City, Winslow Township, Evesham, Hancock's Bridge in Lower Alloways Township in Salem County, Westampton, Burlington, and Hamilton in Mercer County.
Flying drones is also banned in Bridgewater, Cedar Grove, North Brunswick, Metuchen, South Brunswick, Edison, Branchburg, Sewaren, Jersey City, Harrison, Elizabeth, Bayonne, Clifton, and Kearny.
The FAA warned that 'deadly force' could be used against drones that present an 'imminent security threat.'
Pilots who violate the restriction may be 'intercepted, detained, and interviewed by law enforcement.'
The ban comes one month after the first drone sightings in New Jersey, which began in mid-November near President-elect Donald Trump's Bedminster golf course and the U.S. Army's Picatinny Arsenal.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Tuesday that people are misidentifying hobbyists, planes, and even stars as drones.
He noted that the FBI had received tips on 5,000 drone sightings in recent weeks, of which 100 were deemed worthy of further investigation.
New Jersey residents in at least 22 municipalities are now banned from flying drones, recreationally or commercially, by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Each small red circle in the image above, posted by the FAA, represents a flight ban region over the state
'There are more than 1 million drones that are lawfully registered with the Federal Aviation Administration here in the United States, and there are thousands of commercial hobbyists and law enforcement drones that are lawfully in the sky on any given day,' Kirby told reporters.
Then Kirby pointed to the array of explanations over what US officials believe to be in the skies, having looked at the various tips – even saying misidentified stars were part of the problem.
'We assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and even stars that were mistakenly reported as drones.'
'We have not identified anything anomalous or any national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace In New Jersey, or other states in the Northeast. The work continues.'
'But I want to stress again, our assessment at this stage is that the activity represents commercial, hobbyist law enforcement drones, all operating legally and lawful and or civilian aviation aircraft,' he underlined.
Michael McCaul, R-Texas, made a bombshell claim Tuesday, saying some of the unidentified aircraft are 'spy drones' from China.
The speculation came after it was revealed that the communist state had been snapping up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US.
'We want answers but the response I'm getting is we don't know whose drones these are,' McCaul said before executive-branch officials offered a classified briefing to members of the House intelligence committee.
Although misidentifications of conventional planes have been rife amid the growing public panic, reports by from US military officials and local police have told matching accounts of these car-sized 'mystery drones' (examples above) over New Jersey and other US states
Belleville Mayor Michael Melham, whose township was not listed in the TFR, has become a vocal critic calling the federal response 'disappointing, to say the least.'
'Over 500 mayors were invited to an unprecedented 'mayors-only' briefing on such an important topic,' Mayor Melham told local network WABC last week.
'Many northern NJ mayors traveled nearly three hours round trip, on short notice, to be there,' he explained, 'only to learn what could have easily been said over a Zoom call. Many walked out.'
Journalist and author Michael Shellenberger, who testified to Congress last month on his reports of a hidden UFO data collection program, obtained a recording of the meeting, in which one NJ mayor complained of SUV-sized drones.
'The mayors are livid,' Shellenberger told Fox News. 'One of them got up there and said, 'I had two automobile-sized drones hovering over my house.''
FAA warns that any drone pilots found to be operating in restricted zones run the risk of being intercepted, detained, and questioned by law enforcement.
Administrative actions, including civil penalties, certificate suspension or revocation of their drone license, or even criminal charges, may also be pursued.
The House Homeland Security Committee Holds A Hearing On Unmanned Aerial Systems As Drones
Unexplained drones spotted over New Jersey for weeks
Drones swarm New Jersey as governor dismisses concern for public safety
So the scientists, from University College London and Aberystwyth University, theorise that Scottish and Welsh people brought their own local stones down to Wiltshire as a well-meaning contribution to assembling the structure.
In that sense, it represented a powerful – and very early – symbol of British unity.
Stonehenge's builders had attempted to establish 'political unification and shared identity across much or even all of Britain', the authors say in their paper, published in Archaeology International.
They add: 'Bringing together these extraordinary and alien rocks... symbolised and embodied far and distant communities within a complex material.
A symbol of British unity? Wiltshire's famous stone circle is one of the world's most iconic historic sites and a British cultural icon - but its intended purpose has long divided academics
The new research comes a day before the winter solstice - the shortest day of the year where thousands of people flock to Stonehenge (pictured in 2021)
'[Stonehenge was a] monumental expression of unity between people, land, ancestors and the heavens.'
In the paper, the researchers say Stonehenge’s long-distance links add weight to the theory that the Neolithic monument may have had some unifying purpose in ancient Britain, to go with its symbolic value.
'The fact that all of its stones originated from distant regions, making it unique among over 900 stone circles in Britain, suggests that the stone circle may have had a political as well as a religious purpose,' said lead author Professor Mike Parker Pearson at UCL's Institute of Archaeology.
'[It was] a monument of unification for the peoples of Britain, celebrating their eternal links with their ancestors and the cosmos.'
Even though England, Scotland and Wales did not exist as concepts when Stonehenge was built 5,000-odd years ago, we know the structure is indeed representative of all three countries.
Stonehenge is famous for its great sandstone slabs, known as sarsens, which were sourced locally – likely hauled from West Woods in Wiltshire, around 15 miles north.
But in addition to the tall Sarsen stones that make up Stonehenge's distinctive appearance, the world-famous site is also home to around 80 'bluestones' – smaller stones that have a bluish tinge when freshly broken or when wet.
Researchers say Stonehenge's Altar Stone (pictured) came from Scotland. Lying flat at the heart, the six-tonne, five-metre-long rectangular Altar Stone is a grey-green sandstone
Meanwhile, around 80 smaller 'bluestones' (pictured) - stones that have a bluish tinge when freshly broken or when wet - came from Wales
How were the stones moved to Wiltshire?
The matter of why Stonehenge was built is perhaps the most tantalizing question for academics - but there's the additional question of how.
Scientists know that the sarsens were sourced locally in Wiltshire, while the 'bluestones' were from Wales and the 'Altar Stone' from Scotland.
But this raises questions about its journey given the limits of human technology during Neolithic times.
It's possible that they were pulled by tribes of men along the ground using a series of logs - a labor-intensive task that would have taken months if not years.
However, the Altar Stone, the largest bluestone at the centre of Stonehenge, actually came from northern Scotland – up to 1,000km (621 miles) away, scientists revealed earlier this year.
Lying flat at the heart of Stonehenge, the six-tonne, five-metre-long rectangular Altar Stone is a grey-green sandstone, far bigger and different in its composition from the other bluestones.
At the time, the research team (which included two authors of this new paper) analysed the age and chemistry of minerals from fragments of the Altar Stone.
They found a remarkable similarity with the Old Red Sandstone of the Orcadian Basin in northeast Scotland.
In this new follow-up paper, the team say the Altar Stone was brought by the Neolithic people of northern Scotland as a contribution or gift to the southerners.
'[This was] perhaps to cement an alliance or to take part in the extraordinary long-distance collaboration that building Stonehenge represented and embodied,' the authors say.
Likewise, the bluestones could have been transported by people from the Preseli Hills of south-west Wales as their own contribution – illustrating 'a political unification or a sacred peace'.
Earlier in 2024, researchers concluded that the Altar Stone came from the Orcadian Basin in northeast Scotland
What is the Altar Stone?
The Altar Stone is a six-tonne sandstone slab that lies flat at the centre of Stonehenge.
The five-metre-long rectangular Altar Stone is a grey-green sandstone, far bigger and different in its composition from the other bluestones.
Researchers say the Altar Stone came from Scotland - potentially transported south by a Scottish tribe as their contribution to building Stonehenge.
The Altar Stone may have once stood vertically at Stonehenge before falling to lie parallel with the ground.
This follow-up paper now identifies Stonehenge construction 'as a monument of island-wide unification, embodied in part through the distant and diverse origins of its stones'.
'Unusually strong similarities in house floor layouts between Late Neolithic houses in Orkney and the Durrington Walls settlement near Stonehenge also provide evidence of close connections between Salisbury Plain and northern Scotland,' the team say.
Stonehenge was used as a cremation cemetery for mostly adult men and women for around five centuries in its early history.
Nearly half the people buried at Stonehenge had lived somewhere other than Salisbury Plain, the experts say – showing people historically flocked there from afar.
'The similarities in architecture and material culture between the Stonehenge area and northern Scotland now make more sense,' added Professor Pearson.
'It’s helped to solve the puzzle of why these distant places had more in common than we might have once thought.'
The new research comes a day before the winter solstice – the shortest day of the year where thousands of people flock to Stonehenge.
During the winter solstice, the setting sun dips below the horizon over the middle of the Altar Stone and between the two largest upright stones (one of which is now fallen).
Stonehenge is famous for its alignment with the sun, but the ancient monument may have also been carefully designed to align with the movements of the moon
In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs when Earth's north is most greatly inclined towards the sun, and the winter solstice occurs when it's titled away from the sun
Read More
Stonehenge's biggest remaining mysteries: The five key unanswered questions
For thousands of years, it's thought people gathered at Stonehenge at both midsummer and midwinter solstices to conduct rituals and ceremonies relating to the changing seasons, the sun and the sky.
During the winter, Neolithic people also feasted close to Stonehenge at the nearby settlement village of Durrington Walls.
Largely because it's a whopping 5,000 years old, the origins of Stonehenge, including why and how it was built, are still a source of frenzied debate.
Professor Timothy Darvill, an archaeologist at Bournemouth University who passed away earlier this year, said Stonehenge served as an ancient solar calendar, helping people track the days of the year.
The British researcher said the sarsens each represented a single day in a month, making the entire site a huge time-keeping device.
Other theories include that it was a cult centre for healing, a temple or a place where ancestors were worshipped.
Stonehenge and the solstices
It's already well known that the whole layout of Stonehenge is positioned in relation to the summer and winter solstices – when the Earth's tilt towards the sun is at its most extreme, either at the north or south pole.
In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs when Earth's north is most greatly tilted towards the sun, and the winter solstice occurs when it's titled away from the sun.
Stonehenge was deliberately built to align with the sun on the solstices, according to English Heritage, which manages the site.
It explains: 'At Stonehenge on the summer solstice, the sun rises behind the Heel Stone in the north-east part of the horizon and its first rays shine into the heart of Stonehenge.
'Observers at Stonehenge at the winter solstice, standing in the enclosure entrance and facing the centre of the stones, can watch the sun set in the south-west part of the horizon.'
Scientists Finally Crack Stonehenge Mystery
HOW Scientists FINALLY CRACKED The Stonehenge Mystery!
While NASA is searching for life on Mars, a CIA document claims it was found 40 years ago.
The report, 'Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,' details how the agency used astral projection—the idea that a person's spirit can travel through the astral plane—to transport a 'subject' to Mars approximately one million years BC.
The study was part of Project Stargate, a secret US Army unit established in 1977 that focused on anomalous phenomena, including remote viewing, telepathy, and psychokinesis.
The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ancient Egyptians on Earth, the report claims.
The vision then shifted to a population of 'very large people' searching for 'a new place to live because their environment was corrupted.'
Project Stargate was the US government's new weapon against the Soviet Union, aimed at creating mind-reading spies who could infiltrate the minds of its enemies.
The classified project was conducted at Fort Meade in Maryland, recruiting men and women who claimed to have extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.
The experiment's 'subject' was transported to the planet during the specified year, reporting an 'oblique view of a pyramid' and a 'very large road' with a monument similar to those known among ancient Egyptians on Earth
It shut down in 1995, but during its more than 10-year existence, psychics known as 'remote viewers' participated in a wide array of operations, from locating hostages kidnapped by Islamic terrorist groups to tracing the paths of fugitive criminals within the US.
Leading up to its closure was 'Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,' a document declassified in 2017 that has recently resurfaced online.
The document is sparse in details, beginning with: 'Method of site acquisition: Sealed envelope coupled with geographic coordinates.'
The envelope was provided to the subject before the interview but was not opened until afterward.
'In the envelope was a 3x5 card with the following information: The Planet Mars. Time of interest approximately one million BC,' the document reads.
The administrator of the experiment verbally relayed the envelope contents and allowed the subject to provide their observations. The starting time was 10:09 a.m. ET.
The subject was asked to focus their attention on '40.89 degrees north, 9.55 degrees west.'
'It sort of looks... I kind of got an oblique view of a ah... pyramid or pyramid form,' the subject said.
While NASA is searching for life on Mars , a CIA document claims it was found 40 years ago
They continued to describe the structure as okra-colored, a hue ranging from yellow to deep orange and brown.
The subject then observed shadows of 'very tall, thin' people wearing strange clothing.
The administrator prompted the subject to remain in that time period but move to another location in space.
The landscape featured a very long road with what appeared to be the Washington Monument at the end.
'It's like an... obelisk,' the subject said before being asked to move to different locations until they saw people again.
The subject moved to a place where a violent storm was ripping through Mars, and people were using the giant pyramids for shelter.
'Different chambers... but they're almost stripped of any kind of... furnishing or anything. It's like ah... strictly functional, a place for sleeping—or that's not a good word—hibernation, some form,' the subject said.
I can't... I get real raw inputs, storms, savage storms, and sleeping through storms.'
The experiment suggested that a population of people died on Mars after intense storms ripped through the planet
The administrator asked the subject to describe who was sleeping through the storms.
'Very... tall again, very large... people, but they're thin. They look that way because of their height, and they dress like in, oh hell, it's like a real light silk, but it's not flowing type of clothing. It's like cut to fit,' they explained.
The subject told the administrator that these were ancient people who were dying.
'It's past their time or age,' the subject said. 'They're very philosophic about it. They're looking for ah... a way to survive, and they just can't.'
The subject appeared concerned for the ancient people, saying they were looking for a way out or waiting for something to return.
'It's like I'm getting all kinds of overwhelming input of the... corruption of their environment,' the subject said.
'It's failing very rapidly, and this group went somewhere, like a long way, to find another place to live.'
The subject claimed to have spoken with one of these people, who told them that a group had left in what 'looks like the inside of a larger boat.'
The administrator told the subject to go along on the journey and report what they saw.
'Impression of a really crazy place with volcanoes and gas pockets and strange plants—a very volatile place. It's very much like going from the frying pan into the fire,' the subject said.
'The difference is there seems to be a lot of vegetation where the other place did not have it. And a different kind of storm.'
The administrator then told the subject it was time to come back.
'Move now back to the room, back to the sound of my voice, back farther now to the sound of my voice on the 22nd of May, 1984,' they told the subject.
Did Life Exist On Mars? | Ancient Mars Was Habitable: Scientists | WION
Has there ever been life on Mars? | The Royal Society
That is more than eight times closer than the distance between our home star and the nearest planet, Mercury.
As it reaches its closest point, the probe will also become the fastest human-made object ever made as it reaches a staggering 430,000 mph (692,000 kph).
In a moment that has been compared to the moon landing of 1969, Parker will 'touch' the sun's surface to gather vital data.
Although the Parker probe will endure temperatures exceeding 1,400 °C (2,550 °F) its near-indestructible heat shield should allow it to survive the extreme conditions.
Nick Pinkine, Parker Solar Probe mission operations manager at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), says: 'No human-made object has ever passed this close to a star, so Parker will truly be returning data from uncharted territory.'
NASA's Parker Solar Probe (pictured) will make history on Christmas Eve as it becomes the closest human-made object to the sun
Passing at a distance of just 3.8 million miles (6.1 million km), Parker will gather particles from the corona inside a special instrument called the Solar Probe Cup.
The Parker probe will pass within 3.8 million miles (6.1 million km) of the sun's surface, moving at speeds of 30,000 mph (692,000 kph)
At the same time, Parker will surpass its previous speed record of 395,000 mph (635,000 kmph), according to NASA.
At its top speed, the probe will be moving 300 times faster than a Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter jet or 200 times faster than a rifle bullet.
Arik Posner, Parker Solar Probe program scientist for NASA, says: 'This is one example of NASA’s bold missions, doing something that no one else has ever done before to answer longstanding questions about our universe.'
In order to avoid melting during that time, the Parker Solar Probe has been designed to withstand unbelievably high temperatures.
The body of the probe itself is protected by a 2.4-metre (8ft) wide heat shield made of a type of carbon foam.
Although this shield is just 11cm (4.5 inches) thick, its material composition makes it almost indestructible.
Johns Hopkins APL explained in a mission briefing: 'One yard behind that, where the body of the spacecraft resides, it is almost room temperature.
'And all its systems will need to work perfectly for Parker to gather data from this dynamic environment near a star where no spacecraft has dared travel.'
As it passes, the probe will collect particles from the Sun in the 'Solar Probe Cup' (pictured) which is made of Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum, a metal alloy with a melting point of 2,349 °C (4,260 °F)
How frequent are superflares?
Earlier estimates had suggested that superflares only occur between once every 1,000 to 10,000 years.
However, due to data limitations, these estimates only used a small set of stars which don't have nearby neighbours.
Across four years of data, a new paper found 2,889 superflares on 2,527 56,450 Earth-like stars.
That would mean a superflare occurs once every century.
Measurements of radioactive elements on Earth point towards a superflare every 1,500 years.
However, the researchers claim that Earth-based studies are not reliable since a superflare might not always leave a radioactive trace.
Meanwhile, the Solar Probe Cup is made of Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum, a metal alloy with a melting point of 2,349 °C (4,260 °F).
However, the probe's mission is about more than moving fast and withstanding high temperatures.
The data it brings back could make a huge difference in humanity's defences against devastating solar flares.
Thanks to the intense temperatures and powerful magnetic fields, scientists haven't been able to look inside the sun's corona.
However, this region is the origin of the plasma and magnetic fields which trigger solar flares and coronal mass ejections.
By gathering data from this region, NASA says the Parker Solar Probe will help scientists make better predictions about space weather.
That could buy Earth valuable time to protect our most vulnerable systems in the event of a dangerous solar flare.
This data will help scientists understand what goes on within the sun's super-hot atmosphere. This could help us predict dangerous solar flares which have the potential to cause massive disruption on Earth (stock image)
Mr Posner says: 'We can’t wait to receive that first status update from the spacecraft and start receiving the science data in the coming weeks.'
Parker will transmit a beacon on Friday, December 27 to confirm it has survived the flyby with more data soon to follow.
The probe is then expected to make four more close flybys in 2025, but none so close as tomorrow.
And while the craft will eventually be torn apart by the sun's gravity, the heat shield could continue to orbit for thousands of years to come.
How will the Parker Solar Probe get so close to the sun?
The Parker Solar Probe mission required 55 times more energy than would be needed to reach Mars, according to NASA.
It launched atop a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy, one of the most powerful rockets in the world, with a third stage attached.
But, its trajectory and speed were critical in getting to the correct orbit.
As Earth, and everything on it, are traveling at about 67,000 miles per hour in a direction that’s sideways to the sun, craft was launched backward to cancel out the sideways motion, NASA explains.
The Parker probe passed the sun, so it needed to move about 53,000 miles per hour, according to the space agency.
This required a boost from the powerful Delta IV rocket, and several gravity assists from Venus to slow it down.
The probe will rely on a series of gravity assists from Venus to slow down its sideways motion, allowing it to get just 3.8 million miles away from the sun’s surface.
‘In this case, rather than speeding up the spacecraft, as in a typical gravity assist, Venus slows down its sideways motion so the spacecraft can get close to the sun,’ NASA explains.
‘When it finally does get close, Parker Solar Probe will have lost much of its sideways speed, but gained a great deal of overall speed thanks to the sun’s gravity.
‘Parker Solar Probe will hurtle past the sun at 430,000 miles per hour.’
At its closest approach, it will get just 3.8 million miles from the surface of the sun, making it the only spacecraft to ever venture so close.
FINALLY! NASA's Parker Solar Probe just made history by touching the Sun
Unveiling the Secrets of the Sun: Parker Solar Probe Mission Explained
NASA Science Live: Parker Solar Probe Nears Historic Close Encounter with the Sun
According to NASA's Asteroid Watch dashboard, the space rock 2024 NX1 will reach its closest point to Earth at 02:56 am GMT in the early hours of Christmas Eve.
At an estimated size of 29 to 70 metres (95-230 ft) in diameter, scientists believe 2024 NX1 could hold the destructive potential of 12 million tonnes of TNT.
However, although this will be a 'near miss' by astronomical standards, experts say there is no chance of Christmas being ruined by a collision with this vast space rock.
The space agency estimates that the asteroid should pass by the planet harmlessly at a distance of about 4.48 million miles (7.21 million km).
Jess Lee, astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, told MailOnline: 'It will be very far away, around 18 times further away from the Earth than the Moon is, and so with this predicted path won’t come close enough to hit the Earth.'
NASA has warned that the huge 'Christmas Eve asteroid' will skim past Earth tonight at 14,743mph
(stock image)
The Christmas Eve asteroid was only spotted on December 12 as NASA and the European Space Agency's (ESA) planetary defence systems noticed its approach.
After calculating its orbit, the agencies listed it as a 'close approach' - meaning that it is expected to pass within 4.65 million miles (7.5 million km) of Earth.
However, based on the size of the asteroid and its distance to Earth, the ESA only rates this as a 'very frequent' approach.
Nor has the ESA included 2024 XN1 on the 'Risk List' of objects with a non-zero probability of colliding with the planet.
This means that, despite passing within touching distance on the solar system scale, there is absolutely no chance of the Christmas Eve asteroid hitting Earth.
And while that is good news for Earth, at this distance the asteroid won't be visible even to an amateur astronomer using their own telescope.
Yet, even for a relatively small asteroid the consequences of a potential impact would be devastating.
NASA's research suggests that an asteroid of 70m in diameter is capable of flattening an area of 700 square miles (2,000 square km) if it collided with the planet.
The asteroid 2024 XN1 (pictured) is as big as a ten-story building and could be up to 70 metres (230 ft) according to the European Space Agency's estimates. The space agencies predict that the asteroid will reach its closest point in at 02:56 am GMT in the early hours of Christmas Eve
The 'Christmas Eve' asteroid
Name: 2024 XN1
Discovery date: December 12, 2024
Estimated diameter:29-70 metres
Date of next approach: December 24, 2024
Closest distance to Earth: 4.48 million miles (7.21 million km)
Risk of collision: Zero
Ms Lee says: 'If you’d like to compare it to a previous asteroid impact, the Tunguska Event in Russia in 1908 involved an asteroid which was a roughly similar size to this one.
'It exploded above the ground and knocked down 80 million trees. The energy comparison estimates have ranged from 3-30 megatons of TNT'
Thankfully, the Tunguska Event occurred over an unihabited region of Siberia but dangerous asteroid impacts have occurred in recent history.
In 2013 a meteor just 20m in diameter exploded 28 miles (45km) above the Russian region of Chelyabinsk.
The resulting blast released the energy equivalent of around 440,000 tonnes of TNT, damaging thousands of buildings and injuring an estimated 1,600 people.
So, although the Christmas Eve asteroid has no risk of colliding with Earth, it is a stark reminder of just how close the planet comes to disaster on a fairly regular basis.
After making its festive appearance next week, 2024 XN1 won't come near Earth again until January 2032.
During this pass the rock will come even closer, reaching a minimum distance of 3.1 million miles (4.7 million km).
At its closest point, the Christmas Eve asteroid will pass within 4.48 million miles (7.21 million km) of Earth. This is a near miss in astronomical terms but there is no risk of a collision
However, the Christmas Eve asteroid will make its closest pass in December of 2106 when it will skim past Earth at a distance of just 2.11 million miles (3.4 million km).
2024 XN1 won't be the only space rock paying Earth a visit over the Christmas period.
Today, a small space rock named 2013 YB actually has a slim chance of slamming into Earth at 12:27 GMT.
However, at less than 3m (10ft) in diameter, this rock is very likely to burn up in the atmosphere, producing nothing more dangerous than a particularly bright fireball.
At this size, NASA estimates that the asteroid would break up in the atmosphere more than 26 miles (43 km) above the ground, making it unlikely that any small fragments will make it to the ground.
Even the odds of that occurring are quite low, as ESA only predicts a one-in-52,356 chance of an impact.
On Christmas Day itself, an even larger asteroid named 2021 BA2 will make a remarkably close pass of Earth.
Based on its brightness, ESA estimates that this space rock could be between 30 to 70 (100-230 ft) metres in diameter - making it a potential 'city killer'.
Earth is constantly being passed by large space rocks, some of which (pictured) have a chance of colliding with the planet. If an asteroid the size of 2024 XN1 hit Earth it would explode with the energy of 12 million tonnes of TNT
At 21:19 pm GMT on Christmas Day, 2021 BA2 will hit its closest point to Earth, passing by at just 1.71 million miles (2.76 million km).
But at more than seven times the distance to the moon, space agencies predict no risk of a collision between the asteroid and the planet.
The next truly large asteroid to pass by Earth won't be until January 5, 2025, when a 400m (1,310 ft) asteroid will make a close pass of the planet.
This Eiffel Tower-sized space rock will blast past Earth at 49,660 miles per hour (79,920 kmph), reaching its closest point just 2.29 million miles (3.68 million km) from Earth.
Currently, NASA would not be able to deflect an asteroid if it were heading for Earth but it could mitigate the impact and take measures that would protect lives and property.
This would include evacuating the impact area and moving key infrastructure.
Finding out about the orbit trajectory, size, shape, mass, composition and rotational dynamics would help experts determine the severity of a potential impact.
However, the key to mitigating damage is to find any potential threat as early as possible.
NASA and the European Space Agency completed a test which slammed a refrigerator-sized spacecraft into the asteroid Dimorphos.
The test is to see whether small satellites are capable of preventing asteroids from colliding with Earth.
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) used what is known as a kinetic impactor technique—striking the asteroid to shift its orbit.
The impact could change the speed of a threatening asteroid by a small fraction of its total velocity, but by doing so well before the predicted impact, this small nudge will add up over time to a big shift of the asteroid's path away from Earth.
This was the first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defence.
The results of the trial are expected to be confirmed by the Hera mission in December 2026.
Breaking News: Huge 'Christmas Eve asteroid' the size of a 10-story building will skim past Earth...
The updated version of the World Magnetic Model was released on Dec. 17, with a new prediction of how the magnetic north pole will shift over the next five years. Here's why it was changed.
A planned update to the World Magnetic Model will help ensure that navigational systems keep users on track for years to come.
(Image credit: UniversalImagesGroup via Getty Images)
On Dec. 17, the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) released an updated version of the World Magnetic Model, a prediction for how Earth's magnetic field will shift and change over the next five years.
The World Magnetic Model, which predicts the difference between magnetic north and true north at every point on Earth, plays an integral role in satellite and aircraft navigation and helps smartphone users orient themselves using services like Google Maps.
The update has been planned for years, and most users won't notice anything different as a result of the changes. But the changes are necessary to keep navigational systems functioning and to make better future predictions about Earth's magnetic field.
Why does Earth have a magnetic field?
Earth's main magnetic field is generated in the planet's outer core, a layer of molten iron 2,2001,800-3,100 miles (2,890-5,000 kilometers) below the planet's surface. The electrically conductive liquid iron is in constant motion, and when it moves through an existing weak magnetic field, that motion produces an electric current. The electric current in turn generates its own magnetic field, leading to a self-sustaining process known as the geodynamo.
The geodynamo has continually regenerated Earth's magnetic field for billions of years. Without something to sustain the field, Earth would have lost its magnetic field after about 40,000 years, said Bruce Buffett, a geophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley.
"If you had a hot cannonball and you put it on the table, it would gradually cool. [The heat] would diffuse away and essentially go back to ambient," Buffett told Live Science. "The same is true with the magnetic field. If you're not sustaining it by these fluid motions, it will gradually decay away and disappear."
Where is the magnetic north pole?
The magnetic north pole is different from the geographic North Pole, which is always stationary. The geographic North Pole is the point where Earth's axis of rotation meets the planet's surface and where all lines of longitude converge. The magnetic north pole, meanwhile, is the point in the Northern Hemisphere where Earth's magnetic field lines point directly into the planet.
The complex motion of the outer core causes the magnetic north pole to shift tens of miles per year. Because Earth's magnetic field is slightly asymmetrical and more complex than that of a regular bar magnet, the magnetic south pole — the point in the Southern Hemisphere where the magnetic field points straight into the planet — doesn't move in quite the same way. But changes in the strength of the magnetic field near the North Pole have caused it to shift from the Canadian Arctic toward Siberia in recent years.
The Truth About Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Shift
What is the World Magnetic Model?
The World Magnetic Model is a mathematical model of Earth's magnetic field and a prediction for how the field will evolve over the next several years. The model combines data from satellites such as the European Space Agency'sSwarm mission and from high-precision magnetometers at ground-based observatories to predict the magnetic field at each point on Earth.
Navigation apps use the World Magnetic Model along with GPS to orient users. "Your smartphone or GPS system has a magnetometer, effectively a digital compass built into it," said William Brown, a BGS geophysicist who helped create and update the World Magnetic Model. "It measures the direction of the magnetic field where you are, and it enters your position into the World Magnetic Model software to tell it what the magnetic field should look like. And then, by comparing what I measured and what I should have got, you can work out which direction you're facing."
Why is the World Magnetic Model being updated now?
A new version of the World Magnetic Model is released every five years to account for changes in the magnetic field from the motion of the outer core. This latest update is part of that five-year schedule.
"The real challenge is, and the reason why we release a model every five years, it doesn't change in a regular way. It's not completely predictable. It's a really complicated, chaotic system," Brown told Live Science. "Typically, about five years is when the accuracy of the model starts to get to the point where it's not as good as we would like it. So we make a better prediction with five years more information to work from, and just update the prediction going forward."
Small deviations from the predicted field can accumulate over time and occasionally compound to the point where the model must be updated more frequently. For example, the NCEI and BGS released an off-cycle update in 2019 to account for the outer core flowing faster than usual in the Northern Hemisphere — a phenomenon that caused the magnetic north pole to shift much more quickly than usual.
But for most people, the 2025 update won't result in any noticeable changes to navigation, and users won't have to change anything for phone map apps to work properly.
"You should be able to navigate as well as you could yesterday," Brown said. "We keep the updates coming so that it's only a bit of time, small enough that most people don't notice, because for most users, the accuracy is more than they need anyway."
The Magnetic North Pole Has Officially Changed Position
This Is What the Earth Sounds Like From Space! (Creepy) (4K)
Where’s the Most Promising Place to Find Martian Life?
In this April 30, 2021, file Image taken by the Mars Perseverance rover and made available by NASA, the Mars Ingenuity helicopter, right, flies over the surface of the planet. A new study suggests water on Mars may be more widespread and recent than previously thought. Scientists reported the finding from China's Mars rover in Science Advances on Friday, April 28, 2023. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
Where’s the Most Promising Place to Find Martian Life?
New research suggests that our best hopes for finding existing life on Mars isn’t on the surface, but buried deep within the crust.
Several years ago NASA’s Curiosity rover measured traces of methane in the Martian atmosphere at levels several times the background. But a few months later, the methane disappeared, only for it to reappear again later in the year. This discovery opened up the intriguing possibility of life still clinging to existence on Mars, as that could explain the seasonal variability in the presence of methane.
But while Mars was once home to liquid water oceans and an abundant atmosphere, it’s now a desolate wasteland. What kind of life could possibly call the red planet home? Most life on Earth wouldn’t survive long in those conditions, but there is a subgroup of Earthly life that might possibly find Mars a good place to live.
These are the methanogens, a type of single-celled organism that consume hydrogen for energy and excrete methane as a waste product. Methanogens can be found in all sorts of otherwise-inhospitable places on Earth, and something like them might be responsible for the seasonal variations in methane levels on Mars.
In a recent paper submitted for publication in the journal AstroBiology, a team of scientists scoured the Earth for potential analogs to Martian environments, searching for methanogens thriving in conditions similar to what might be found on Mars.
The researchers found three potential Mars-like conditions on Earth where methanogens make a home. The first is deep in the crust, sometimes to a depth of several kilometers, where tiny cracks in rocks allow for liquid water to seep in. The second is lakes buried under the Antarctic polar ice cap, which maintain their liquid state thanks to the immense pressures of the ice above them. And the last is super-saline, oxygen-deprived basins in the deep ocean.
All three of these environments have analogs on Mars. Like the Earth, Mars likely retains some liquid water buried in its crust. And its polar caps might have liquid water lakes buried underneath them. Lastly, there has been tantalizing – and heavily disputed – evidence of briny water appearing on crater walls.
In the new paper, the researchers mapped out the temperature ranges, salinity levels, and pH values across sites scattered around the Earth. They then measured the abundance of molecular hydrogen in those sites, and determined where methanogens were thriving the most.
For the last step, the researchers combed through the available data about Mars itself, finding where conditions best matched the most favorable sites on Earth. They found that the most likely location for possible life was in Acidalia Planitia, a vast plain in the northern hemisphere.
Or rather, underneath it. Several kilometers below the plain, the temperatures are warm enough to support liquid water. That water might have just the right pH and salinity levels, along with enough dissolved molecular hydrogen, to support a population of methanogen-like creatures.
Now we just have to figure out how to get there.
NASA's Incredible Findings On Martian Life Revealed!
Discovering Mars: Habitable More Recently Than We Imagined?
Could Alien Life Thrive in Mars' Deep Lakes? Unveiling the Secrets
NASA is Developing Solutions for Lunar Housekeeping’s Biggest Problem: Dust!
Through the Artemis Program, NASA will send the first astronauts to the Moon since the Apollo Era before 2030. They will be joined by multiple space agencies, like the ESA and China, who plan to send astronauts (and “taikonauts”) there for the first time. Beyond this, all plan to build permanent habitats in the South Pole-Aitken Basin and the necessary infrastructure that will lead to a permanent human presence. This presents many challenges, the most notable being those arising from the nature of the lunar environment.
Aside from the extremes in temperature, a 14-day diurnal cycle, and the airless environment, there’s the issue of lunar regolith (aka moondust). In addition to being coarse and jagged, lunar regolith sticks to everything because it is electrostatically charged. Because of how this dust plays havoc with astronaut health, equipment, and machinery, NASA is developing technologies to mitigate dust buildup. Seven of these experiments will be tested during a flight test using a Blue Origin New Shepard rocket to evaluate their ability to mitigate lunar dust.
Another major problem with lunar regolith is how it gets kicked up and distributed by spacecraft plumes. With essentially no atmosphere and lower gravity (16.5% of Earth’s), this dust can remain aloft for extended periods of time. Its jagged nature, resulting from billions of years of meteor and micrometeoroid impacts and a total lack of weathering, is abrasive to any surface it comes into contact with, ranging from spacesuits and equipment to human skin, eyes, and lungs. It will also build up on solar panels, preventing missions from drawing enough power to survive a lunar night.
In addition, it can also cause equipment to overheat as it coats thermal radiators and accumulates on windows, camera lenses, and visors, making it harder to see, navigate, and acquire accurate images. Kristen John, the Lunar Surface Innovation Initiative technical integration lead at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, said in a NASA press release: “The fine grain nature of dust contains particles that are smaller than the human eye can see, which can make a contaminated surface appear to look clean.”
ClothBot: This compact robot is designed to simulate and measure how dust behaves in a pressurized environment, which astronauts could bring back after conducting Extravehicular Activities (EVAs). The robot relies on pre-programmed motions that simulate astronauts’ movements when removing their spacesuits (aka “doffing”), releasing a small dose of lunar regolith simulant. A laser-illuminated imaging system will then capture the dust flow in real-time while sensors record the size and number of particles.
Electrostatic Dust Lofting (EDL): The EDL will examine how lunar dust is “lofted” (kicked up) when it becomes electrostatically charged to improve models on dust lofting. During the lunar gravity phase of the flight, a dust sample will be released that the EDL will illuminate using a UV light source, causing the particles to become charged. The dust will then pass through a sheet laser as it rises from the surface while the EDL observes and records the results. The EDL’s camera will continue to record the dust until the mission ends, even after the lunar gravity phase ends and the UV light is shut off.
The Lunar Lab and Regolith Testbeds at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Credit: NASA/Uland Wong.
Hermes Lunar-G: The Hermes Lunar-G project, developed by NASA, Texas A&M, and Texas Space Technology Applications and Research (T-STAR), is based on a facility (Hermes) that previously operated on the International Space Station (ISS). Like its predecessor, the Lunar-G project will rely on repurposed Hermes hardware to study lunar regolith simulants. This will be done using four canisters containing compressed lunar dust simulants. When the flight enters its lunar gravity phase, these simulants will decompress and float around in the canisters while high-speed cameras and sensors capture data. The results will be compared to microgravity data from the ISS and similar flight experiments.
Dust Mitigation Strategies
The data obtained by these projects will provide information on regolith generation rates, transport, and mechanics that will help scientists refine computational models. This will allow mission planners and designers to develop better strategies for dust mitigation for future missions to the Moon and Mars. Already, this challenge informs several aspects of NASA’s technological developments, ranging from In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) and construction to transportation and surface power. Said John:
“Learning some of the fundamental properties of how lunar dust behaves and how lunar dust impacts systems has implications far beyond dust mitigation and environments. Advancing our understanding of the behavior of lunar dust and advancing our dust mitigation technologies benefits most capabilities planned for use on the lunar surface.”
The test flight and vehicle enhancements that will enable the simulation of lunar gravity are being funded through NASA’s Flight Opportunities program.
I first saw a UFO when I was six years old. From the trunk of my parents' station wagon, I peeped a multi-colored disc floating through the night sky.
In fairness, I was bouncing around without a seatbelt (as one did in those days), so the sighting was most likely the symptom of a minor concussion sustained after an impact with a pothole.
My next close encounter came when I was in high school. The first time I smoked weed I had a vivid dream of bubble-fingered visitors standing over me, chanting: 'geeble! geeble!'
It put me off reefer for life but, perhaps oddly, made me a paranormal believer.
I assumed our saurian overlords had finally tired of our Earthly squabbling and sent an interdimensional flotilla to emulsify us all. Humanity was finally being invaded by fishbowl-headed, laser-toting 'ACK ACK!' extraterrestrials.
And if you think that sounds crazy, just listen to some of the other conspiracies wafting around.
Skinnygirl former Real Housewife Bethenny Frankel said the drones were really secret US vacuum-copters trying to sniff out missing nukes, radiation or errant dirty bombs.
And Roseanne Barr, fresh off solving the RFK Jr's dead bear in Central Park ruse, has been banging on about Project Blue Beam (a wacko theory that authoritarians will leverage fake alien sightings to sow mass confusion and take over the world).
Then you have the elected lunatics.
Sassy Congressional rodeo-clown Marjorie Taylor Greene reposted a good old-fashioned chemtrail theory. While New Jersey Congressmen Chris Smith and Jeff Van Drew falsely insisted that an 'Iranian mothership' off the US coast was launching 'elusive maneuvering' vehicles into our airspace.
Yes, it's all insane. But at least these cranks are doing something.
The bureaucrats in charge of America's national security have been about as useful as Kamala Harris when it comes to explaining the sightings.
Entrenched Deep Staters from the White House to the Pentagon, FBI and DHS have met growing public hysteria with a collective shrug.
So, allow me - a true believer - to set the record straight.
The drone swarms are no doubt the work of nerd hobbyists and bored teenagers. Half the sightings are misidentified planes or stars. And if someone in the Biden administration took a minute away from updating their resume to announce that from a podium, they could have saved us all some time and aggravation.
The Garden State is not under attack by aliens or Iranians, chemtrailers or autocrats. But America is under attack from Establishment incompetence.
God willing, we will soon discover evidence of intelligent life… in Washington DC.
Assad's favorite network
Rule #1 at CNN: Always involve yourself in a story. Forget about vetting or pre-investigation of any kind, if something looks salacious and you can insert yourself into it, then it's CNN solid-gold.
The rule applies even if we're talking about a trembling 'prisoner' discovered in a Syrian torture chamber by warzone blonde Clarissa Ward. No matter that this man actually turned out to be one of Assad's torturers, responsible for the death of countless innocents. Details!
I hear Hamas is now wondering if gullible Ward can tour some Israeli prisons. The terror group has a few 'dads' they'd like her to help free.
Egg on her face
In an interview plugging her cougariffic new movie 'Babygirl', Nicole Kidman humbly admitted that her problem is she emotes too much.
Nic described how she and her musician hubby Keith Urban like to visit cancer patients, so he can strum a few bars while she stands there and feels deeply.
'I go into hospitals. Keith and I will work where we go,' she said. 'He'll bring his guitar and we'll just, you know, in the oncology units. And I have to not absorb someone else's emotions.'
She also shared that Keith tells her: 'You're like a raw egg that I have to be the shell for.'
I'll bet she can whip up a mean meringue as creamy as this self-indulgent slop!
Carbon Dioxide Ice Turns Martian Polar Region White
Carbon Dioxide Ice Turns Martian Polar Region White
Planetary scientists using the High Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft have captured stunning images of an enigmatic landscape in the Australe Scopuli region of the Red Planet’s southern hemisphere.
Frosty scene in the Australe Scopuli region at the south pole of Mars.
Image credit: ESA / DLR / FU Berlin.
“Here, swirls of carbon dioxide ice and dust layers wrap around the scene, turning the Red Planet white,” the ESA researchers said in a statement.
“The contrasting light and dark layers are particularly striking in the exposed faces of hills and valleys.”
An artist's interpretation of an ice-covered river sourced from meltwater beneath Mars’ south polar cap.
Credit: Peter Buhler/PSI
“They trace out the distinctive seasonal polar layered deposits characteristic of this region, formed as layers of ice freeze with varying amounts of dust trapped within.”
“Perhaps you’d prefer a sleigh ride, but either way dress warm, because it’s cold outside: minus 125 degrees Celsius (minus 193 degrees Fahrenheit),” they added.
“Any Martian skier or sleigh rider would also need to slalom around hundreds of potential dust jets.”
“That’s because ski season is almost over and it’s beginning to look a lot like spring — or even summer, for this image was taken on June 16, 2022, close to summer solstice at the south pole.”
Zooming into the image above reveals numerous dark patches where the ice has already sublimated away, a sure sign that the Sun’s warming rays have been falling on this region for some time.
“When sunlight shines through the translucent top layers of the carbon dioxide ice it warms up the underlying surface,” the scientists explained.
“The ice at the bottom of the layer begins to sublimate, creating pockets of trapped gas.”
“The pressure builds up until the overlying ice suddenly cracks, resulting in a burst of gas jetting through the surface.”
“These gas fountains carry dark dust from below, which falls back to the surface in a fan-shaped pattern moulded by the direction of the prevailing wind.”
“The fans can range in length from tens to hundreds of meters.”
“An even closer look shows that the fans often appear to follow the boundaries between the polar layered deposits.”
“Presumably these boundaries represent zones of weakness, where the escaping dust-laden jets can break through the ice layers more easily.”
“We may well have missed our chance to make ‘Frosty the Snowman’, but it’s still a wonderful time of year on Mars.”
The Earth's magnetic North Pole is currently moving toward Russia in a way that British scientists have not seen before.
Scientists have been tracking the magnetic North Pole for centuries, telling the British newspaper The Times that it had moved closer to the northern coast of Canada. In the 1990s, it drifted into the Atlantic before moving in a faster manner toward Siberia in Russia.
Compass needles in the Northern Hemisphere point toward the magnetic North Pole, although the exact location of it changes from time to time as the contours of Earth’s magnetic field also change. The magnetic North Pole is sometimes confused with the geographic North Pole, but this spot stays at the same place as it is where all lines of longitude converge.
In the 300 years between 1600 and 1900, scientists estimate that the magnetic North Pole moved about six miles per year. At the beginning of this century, it picked up to about 34 miles per year, before slowing in the last five years to about 22 miles per year.
Magnetic north has shifted a lot over the centuries.
Why does the North Pole's movement matter?
The moves are tracked as the data allows the compasses in our smartphones and other navigation devices to navigate.
Scientists told The Times these movements are tracked by the British Geological Survey and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In conjunction, they make the World Magnetic Model, that predicts where the pole should be at any time.
The model plays a role in the GPS systems we use on a day-to-day basis.
“Planes, boats, submarines, you name it, it’s in there,” William Brown, the global geomagnetic field modeler at the British Geological Survey, said in an interview with The Times.
It's time to recalibrate the navigation systems on ships, airplanes, and (given the time of year) Santa's sleigh: the position of the magnetic North Pole is officially being changed, continuing its shift away from Canada and towards Siberia.
Experts from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) have joined forces – as they do every five years – to produce a new, more accurate World Magnetic Model (WMM).
While the geographical North Pole stays fixed in place (at the very summit of the Earth's rotational axis), the WMM pinpoints the magnetic North Pole – where Earth's magnetic field points straight down, a perfectly vertical magnetic field.
And as the iron and nickel inside our planet shift, so does Earth's magnetic field, meaning the North (and South) Poles are also constantly on the move. If you're using a compass or a GPS system, knowing exactly where these points are is crucial.
"The current behaviour of magnetic north is something that we have never observed before," says global geomagnetic field modeller William Brown, from BGS.
"Magnetic north has been moving slowly around Canada since the 1500s but, in the past 20 years, it accelerated towards Siberia, increasing in speed every year until about five years ago, when it suddenly decelerated from 50 to 35 kilometers [31 to 22 miles] per year, which is the biggest deceleration in speed we've ever seen."
Research suggests that two giant magnetic lobes – one under Canada and one under Siberia – are what's driving the shifting of magnetic north. Sometimes the shifts are dramatic enough that an emergency update is required, outside of the usual 5-year cycle.
Now we have a more accurate map of magnetic north, one that should be good for another half a decade. For the first time, a higher resolution map is also available, which offers more than 10 times more detail: it has a spatial resolution of about 300 km at the equator compared to the standard 3,300 km.
The 2025 World Magnetic Model. (NOAA/NCEI)
What causes the movements?
Earth’s outer core is made up of mostly molten iron, a liquid metal. Unpredictable changes in the way it flows cause the magnetic field around the Earth to shift, which then causes the magnetic core to also move.
“It’s like a giant cup of tea,” Brown said to The Times. “It’s a hot liquid with the viscosity of water.”
Fernando Cervantes Jr. is a trending news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach him at and follow him on X @fern_cerv_.
According to the BGS team, traveling 8,500 km (5,282 miles) from South Africa to the UK in a straight line would leave you 150 km (93 miles) off course by the end, if you used the old WMM compared to the new WMM for your navigation.
That's how much difference it can make, and mapping and logistics companies, together with governments and official agencies, will now be making updates.
However, we won't have to apply any updates to our own phones or sat navs – it'll all happen automatically.
The magnetic North Pole was first discovered by Sir James Clark Ross in northern Canada back in 1831.
Since then, researchers have gradually been able to track it with more precision, using ground measurements taken all across the globe as well as readings from satellites in space.
The Magnetic North Pole Has Officially Changed Position
The Earth's magnetic North Pole is currently moving toward Russia in a way that British scientists have not seen before.
Scientists have been tracking the magnetic North Pole for centuries, telling the British newspaper The Times that it had moved closer to the northern coast of Canada. In the 1990s, it drifted into the Atlantic before moving in a faster manner toward Siberia in Russia.
Compass needles in the Northern Hemisphere point toward the magnetic North Pole, although the exact location of it changes from time to time as the contours of Earth’s magnetic field also change. The magnetic North Pole is sometimes confused with the geographic North Pole, but this spot stays at the same place as it is where all lines of longitude converge.
In the 300 years between 1600 and 1900, scientists estimate that the magnetic North Pole moved about six miles per year. At the beginning of this century, it picked up to about 34 miles per year, before slowing in the last five years to about 22 miles per year.
Magnetic north has shifted a lot over the centuries.
Why does the North Pole's movement matter?
The moves are tracked as the data allows the compasses in our smartphones and other navigation devices to navigate.
Scientists told The Times these movements are tracked by the British Geological Survey and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. In conjunction, they make the World Magnetic Model, that predicts where the pole should be at any time.
The model plays a role in the GPS systems we use on a day-to-day basis.
“Planes, boats, submarines, you name it, it’s in there,” William Brown, the global geomagnetic field modeler at the British Geological Survey, said in an interview with The Times.
It's time to recalibrate the navigation systems on ships, airplanes, and (given the time of year) Santa's sleigh: the position of the magnetic North Pole is officially being changed, continuing its shift away from Canada and towards Siberia.
Experts from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) have joined forces – as they do every five years – to produce a new, more accurate World Magnetic Model (WMM).
While the geographical North Pole stays fixed in place (at the very summit of the Earth's rotational axis), the WMM pinpoints the magnetic North Pole – where Earth's magnetic field points straight down, a perfectly vertical magnetic field.
And as the iron and nickel inside our planet shift, so does Earth's magnetic field, meaning the North (and South) Poles are also constantly on the move. If you're using a compass or a GPS system, knowing exactly where these points are is crucial.
"The current behaviour of magnetic north is something that we have never observed before," says global geomagnetic field modeller William Brown, from BGS.
"Magnetic north has been moving slowly around Canada since the 1500s but, in the past 20 years, it accelerated towards Siberia, increasing in speed every year until about five years ago, when it suddenly decelerated from 50 to 35 kilometers [31 to 22 miles] per year, which is the biggest deceleration in speed we've ever seen."
Research suggests that two giant magnetic lobes – one under Canada and one under Siberia – are what's driving the shifting of magnetic north. Sometimes the shifts are dramatic enough that an emergency update is required, outside of the usual 5-year cycle.
Now we have a more accurate map of magnetic north, one that should be good for another half a decade. For the first time, a higher resolution map is also available, which offers more than 10 times more detail: it has a spatial resolution of about 300 km at the equator compared to the standard 3,300 km.
The 2025 World Magnetic Model. (NOAA/NCEI)
What causes the movements?
Earth’s outer core is made up of mostly molten iron, a liquid metal. Unpredictable changes in the way it flows cause the magnetic field around the Earth to shift, which then causes the magnetic core to also move.
“It’s like a giant cup of tea,” Brown said to The Times. “It’s a hot liquid with the viscosity of water.”
Fernando Cervantes Jr. is a trending news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach him at and follow him on X @fern_cerv_.
According to the BGS team, traveling 8,500 km (5,282 miles) from South Africa to the UK in a straight line would leave you 150 km (93 miles) off course by the end, if you used the old WMM compared to the new WMM for your navigation.
That's how much difference it can make, and mapping and logistics companies, together with governments and official agencies, will now be making updates.
However, we won't have to apply any updates to our own phones or sat navs – it'll all happen automatically.
The magnetic North Pole was first discovered by Sir James Clark Ross in northern Canada back in 1831.
Since then, researchers have gradually been able to track it with more precision, using ground measurements taken all across the globe as well as readings from satellites in space.
The Magnetic North Pole Has Officially Changed Position
This Christmas Eve, children around the world may be hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa's sleigh flying through the skies.
But NASA has warned that jolly Old Saint Nick won't be the only thing whizzing over our heads this December 24.
A massive 'Christmas Eve asteroid' the size of a 10-story building will skim past Earth at 14,743mph.
According to NASA's Asteroid Watch dashboard, asteroid 2024 XN1 should pass by harmlessly at a distance of 4.48 million miles (7.21 million km) from Earth.#
Although this will be a near miss by astronomical standards, experts say there is no chance of Christmas being ruined by a collision with this vast space rock.
Jess Lee, astronomer at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, told MailOnline: 'It will be very far away, around 18 times further away from the Earth than the Moon is, and so with this predicted path won’t come close enough to hit the Earth.'
But at an estimated size of 29 to 70 metres (95-230 ft) in diameter, this is a stark reminder of just how close Earth can get to a deadly encounter.
If 2024 XN1 were to hit the planet, scientists estimate that it would impact with a force equivalent to 12 million tonnes of TNT and flatten an area of 700 square miles (2,000 square km).
NASA has warned that the huge 'Christmas Eve asteroid' will skim past Earth on December 24 at 14,743mph
(stock image)
The Christmas Eve asteroid was only spotted on December 12 as NASA and the European Space Agency's (ESA) planetary defence systems noticed its approach.
After calculating its orbit, the agencies listed it as a 'close approach' - meaning that it is expected to pass within 4.65 million miles (7.5 million km) of Earth.
2024 XN1 will reach its closest point to Earth at 02:56 am GMT on the morning of Christmas Eve.
However, based on the size of the asteroid and its distance to Earth, the ESA only rates this as a 'very frequent' approach.
Nor has the ESA included 2024 XN1 on the 'Risk List' of objects with a non-zero probability of colliding with the planet.
This means that, despite passing within touching distance on the solar system scale, there is absolutely no chance of the Christmas Eve asteroid hitting Earth.
And while that is good news for Earth, at this distance the asteroid won't be visible even to an amateur astronomer using their own telescope.
Yet, even for a relatively small asteroid the consequences of a potential impact would be devastating.
The asteroid 2024 XN1 (pictured) is as big as a ten-story building and could be up to 70 metres (230 ft) according to the European Space Agency's estimates
At its closest point, the Christmas Eve asteroid will pass within 4.48 million miles (7.21 million km) of Earth. This is a near miss in astronomical terms but there is no risk of a collision
The 'Christmas Eve' asteroid
Name: 2024 XN1
Discovery date: December 12, 2024
Estimated diameter: 29-70 metres
Date of next approach: December 24, 2024
Closest distance to Earth: 4.48 million miles (7.21 million km)
Risk of collision: Zero
“Christmas Eve Asteroid Warning!”
Ms Lee says: 'If you’d like to compare it to a previous asteroid impact, the Tunguska Event in Russia in 1908 involved an asteroid which was a roughly similar size to this one.
'It exploded above the ground and knocked down 80 million trees. The energy comparison estimates have ranged from 3-30 megatons of TNT'
After making its festive appearance next week, 2024 XN1 won't come near Earth again until January 2032.
During this pass the rock will come even closer, reaching a minimum distance of 3.1 million miles (4.7 million km).
However, the Christmas Eve asteroid will make its closest pass in December of 2106 when it will skim past Earth at a distance of just 2.11 million miles (3.4 million km).
2024 XN1 won't be the only space rock paying Earth a visit over the Christmas period.
On December 23, a small space rock named 2013 YB actually has a slim chance of slamming into Earth.
However, at less than 3m (10ft) in diameter, this rock is very likely to burn up in the atmosphere, producing nothing more dangerous than a particularly bright fireball.
Earth is constantly being passed by large space rocks, some of which (pictured) have a chance of colliding with the planet. If an asteroid the size of 2024 XN1 hit Earth it would explode with the energy of 12 million tonnes of TNT
Even the odds of that occurring are quite low as ESA only predicts a one in 52,356 chance of an impact.
On Christmas Day itself, an even larger asteroid named 2021 BA2 will make a remarkably close pass of Earth.
Based on its brightness, ESA estimates that this space rock could be between 30 to 70 (100-230 ft) metres in diameter - making it a potential 'city killer'.
At 21:19 pm GMT on Christmas Day, 2021 BA2 will hit its closest point to Earth, passing by at just 1.71 million miles (2.76 million km).
But at more than seven times the distance to the moon, space agencies predict no risk of a collision between the asteroid and the planet.
The next truly large asteroid to pass by Earth won't be until January 5, 2025, when a 400m (1,310 ft) asteroid will make a close pass of the planet.
This Eiffel Tower-sized space rock will blast past Earth at 49,660 miles per hour (79,920 kmph), reaching its closest point just 2.29 million miles (3.68 million km) from Earth.
Currently, NASA would not be able to deflect an asteroid if it were heading for Earth but it could mitigate the impact and take measures that would protect lives and property.
This would include evacuating the impact area and moving key infrastructure.
Finding out about the orbit trajectory, size, shape, mass, composition and rotational dynamics would help experts determine the severity of a potential impact.
However, the key to mitigating damage is to find any potential threat as early as possible.
NASA and the European Space Agency completed a test which slammed a refrigerator-sized spacecraft into the asteroid Dimorphos.
The test is to see whether small satellites are capable of preventing asteroids from colliding with Earth.
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) used what is known as a kinetic impactor technique—striking the asteroid to shift its orbit.
The impact could change the speed of a threatening asteroid by a small fraction of its total velocity, but by doing so well before the predicted impact, this small nudge will add up over time to a big shift of the asteroid's path away from Earth.
This was the first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defence.
The results of the trial are expected to be confirmed by the Hera mission in December 2026.
NASA On Alert As 120-foot Asteroid Is Set To Approach Earth On Christmas Eve | GRAVITAS | WION
NASA alert! Gigantic 120-foot asteroid to fly past Earth at 7 km per second on Christmas Eve
Mystery Drones: A 'dry run' to a false UFO event to trigger COG emergency powers
Mystery Drones: A 'dry run' to a false UFO event to trigger COG emergency powers
During a recent interview, Darkjournalist Daniel Liszt lays out beyond critical information regarding the recent sightings of mystery drones across the U.S.
Here is a brief summary outlining the key points of what Darkjournalist believes is actually happen, according to his analysis.
The unfolding events surrounding the mystery drone swarms and UFO/Orb sightings appear to be part of a larger, coordinated operation led by covert organizations. At the heart of this situation, we see an apparent "dry run" for a massive UFO related event, something unprecedented in scale.
Two significant secret structures are operating in overdrive: the Continuity of Government (COG) framework, the Secret Space Program (SSP), and their affiliated Deep State entities.
Reports describe unidentified drones hovering over populated metropolitan areas, creating unease and confusion. These occurrences seem designed to provoke public panic and gauge reactions to aerial threats. This data mining effort aligns with a broader plan to cement the idea of a UFO threat in the collective consciousness.
The objective appears to involve large-scale public tests through overflights of drones to observe how communities respond to the perception of an "alien" threat. This effort dovetails with the government’s ability to invoke emergency powers, potentially leading to the activation of the Continuity of Government (COG) program.
In recent months, reports indicate that combatant commanders have been conducting drone tests under the guise of countering Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
Historical patterns show that drills often precede major events. For example, during the events of 9/11, a drill reportedly transitioned into an actual crisis. The concern now is whether the current exercises, involving drones and UAP narratives, could similarly go live.
The recent increase in mystery drone sightings across the U.S. suggests a coordinated rollout of these narratives. There are rumors of additional drills, described as "full lockout" exercises, are scheduled to continue through the holiday season. These events involve the military taking over air traffic and communication systems for hours at a time.
NORAD and NORTHCOM are central to these operations. In an emergency scenario, the NORAD Commander—who also serves as the COG combatant commander—would assume control of the United States under the COG framework.
Insiders hint at a significant public spectacle on the horizon, with the possibility of transitioning from a test scenario to a live event. This could involve widespread sightings of drone swarms, coupled with UAP reports, creating a perceived crisis that demands emergency powers.
The recent drone and UFO/Orb activities reflect a calculated test by elements within the Deep State to shape public perception and readiness for a potential UFO-related crisis. These operations aim to solidify control and prepare the groundwork for leveraging emergency powers under a fabricated or exaggerated threat scenario.
In summary: The recent flurry of activities points to a deliberate effort to shape how we think and react to an extraterrestrial threat, real or not. At its core, this is a calculated test, designed to prepare the public for a potential UFO crisis where emergency powers could reshape the social and political landscape.
It might be a coincidence, but this year Congress passed a law granting NORTHCOM authority in the event drones are deemed a national security threat, potentially triggering the implementation of Continuity of Government (COG). This scenario could unfold before Trump’s inauguration, bypassing both Biden’s presidency and Trump’s assumption of office, leading instead to an emergency powers president.
This isn’t just about UFOs or drones, it's about power, perception, and control. The Deep State is losing its grip, pushing them to play their final card: a fake UFO invasion to maintain authority. This is why their once-hidden advanced technologies are now being revealed, indicating ongoing testing and strategic preparations. Evidence points to highly advanced drone technology, cutting edge tech designed to simulate a so-called "UFO threat."
So, the next time you glance up at the sky and spot something strange, remember: what you’re seeing might not be an alien invasion. It could be the latest move in a high-stakes chess game, played by forces that thrive in the shadows.
News Wrap: White House says mysterious drones over New Jersey not a safety threat
White House: No National Security Threat from New Jersey Drone Sightings | News9
A former NASA astronaut has come forward to reveal that he personally witnessed 'two metallic spherical orbs' whizz by his plane this August while flying above Texas.
Leroy Chiao, who served as the commander of Expedition 10 to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2004 and 2005, was 9,000 feet in the air when objects 'zipped' on the left side of his airplane.
He said one flew on top of the other and each was about three feet in diameter.
'It's just kinda dumb luck that they didn't hit me,' said Chiao.
The former NASA astronaut estimates that the orbs were only 'about 20 feet away.'
'It could've been a bad result, if they had actually hit me,' Chiao said. 'It happened so quick, there wasn't even a chance to get scared.'
'It wasn't on radar,' he noted, 'Air traffic control certainly didn't alert me.
'[And] it wasn't on my display that shows other airplanes that are participating with the [Federal Aviation Administration] FAA-required transponders.'
'I don't know what it was,' the baffled former astronaut confessed.
A former NASA astronaut has come forward to reveal that he personally witnessed 'two metallic spherical orbs' whizz by his plane while flying above Texas. Above, an example of a 'metallic sphere' weather balloon included in a 2023 report by NASA's UFO advisory panel
'It's just kinda dumb luck that they didn't hit me,' said Leroy Chiao (pictured), whose NASA missions saw him serve as the commander for Expedition 10 to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2004 and 2005. Chaio believes these strange metallic orbs were a top secret drone test
Chiao unpacked the details of his odd late-summer UFO encounter to The Hill on NewsNation, stating that he 'got a good look at them' but 'only for a second.'
'I was flying back from Colorado and I had just refueled in the panhandle of Texas in my small airplane,' Chiao recalled.
'I was flying back to Houston on an instrument flight plan,' he said, referencing a more formal set of flight rules that are coordinated with FAA air traffic control along known and pre-established flight corridors.
But with the benefit of hindsight, the former astronaut believes that these orb UFOs are still not only 'mysterious' — but that the government's lack of transparency on these and other mystery drones over sensitive US sites has 'scary' implications.
'They could tell us what they know,' Chiao opined, 'and if they really don't know, that's a little more disconcerting.'
'My first guess is that it's some kind of military program, a drone of some kind,' he told NewsNation, 'but you know it's hard to say, right?'
'Frankly, I think whoever was operating the drone wasn't aware that I was there.'
Above: a leaked US military image of what appears to be a metallic-looking orb flying over Mosul, Iraq in April 2016, included in a classified briefing video on UFOs shown to multiple US government agencies - according to the UFO reporter who obtained the image, Jeremy Corbell
While playing a 2022 military UFO video taken by an MQ-9 Reaper drone in the Mid East, Pentagon UFO-hunter Dr Sean Kirkpatrick told a NASA panel that: 'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers'
'It is pretty mysterious,' he weighed in. 'It's hard to believe that our government doesn't really know what's going on.'
'At first blush, to me, it seems like some kind of a military program, our military,' he continued, 'and if it's not that, then it gets a little more scary.'
Chiao said that the past month of drone sightings over New Jersey and nearby states, as well as those over US military bases at home and abroad, seem 'way too widespread and organized to be some kind of a prank.'
He added that he feels the Pentagon and the rest of the federal government 'could be a little more transparent.'
The FBI and other agencies are investigating the alleged drones, but a representative from the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday, Dec. 11: 'We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they're launching from, where they're landing'
In New Jersey, Belleville Mayor Michael Melham has also become a vocal critic of the federal government's lack of candor on the drone mystery, calling their response 'disappointing, to say the least.'
'Over 500 mayors were invited to an unprecedented 'mayors-only' briefing on such an important topic,' Mayor Melham told local network WABC last week.
'Many northern NJ mayors traveled nearly three hours round trip, on short notice, to be there,' he explained, 'only to learn what could have easily been said over a Zoom call. Many walked out.'
Journalist and author Michael Shellenberger, who testified to Congress last month on his reports of a hidden UFO data collection program, obtained a recording of the meeting, in which one NJ mayor complained of SUV-sized drones.
'The mayors are livid,' Shellenberger told Fox News. 'One of them got up there and said, 'I had two automobile-sized drones hovering over my house.''
Metallic orb UFOs have been the most common type of case reported by US military witnesses according to the first director of the Pentagon's UFO-hunting All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), ex-CIA physicist Dr Sean Kirkpatrick.
'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world,' Dr Kirkpatrick told NASA's UFO advisory group last year, 'and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers.'
After mysterious bright lights, according to AARO's most recent annual report, orb or spherical UFOs were still the most commonly reported this year at 22 percent of all US military sightings.
NASA astronaut Leroy Chao recalls seeing ‘two metallic spherical orbs’ while flying by his airplane
Area 51's 'literally out of this world' UFO secrets might finally come to light sometime next year.
Jim Goodall, an aviation journalist with firsthand sources who have worked at the classified base, gave an interview in the mid-1990s where he discussed top-secret technologies at the site that 'would make George Lucas envious.'
'One gentleman spent 12 of his 30 years in black programs at Groom Lake [as Area 51 is also known],' Goodall explained in the unearthed documentary interview.
'I asked him, 'Can you really tell me what's happening out there?'' he continued.
This means many top-secret projects from the 1990s could soon be declassified.
Area 51 is just one of many sensitive military facilities located within the US Air Force's Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), a sprawling military training area in Nevada's Mojave Desert.
The shroud of secrecy surrounding Area 51 has fueled widespread conspiracy theories about its true purpose, including claims that it houses captured or crashed UFOs.
Above, a satellite view of Area 51. The United States Air Force facility is a remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base, within the Nevada Test and Training Range
UFO enthusiasts are pouring over comments Goodall (pictured) made in the mid-'90s, quoting his anonymous sources. One Area 51 source told him, 'I won't be able to tell you until the year 2025. But we have things in the Nevada desert that would make George Lucas envious'
In the resurfaced interview, Goodall recounted a conversation with a 'safety specialist' and US Air Force chief master sergeant who worked at the Nevada test site.
The specialist reportedly told him: 'We have things out there that are literally out of this world… better than Star Trek.' or anything you can see in the movies.'
When Goodall asked his anonymous source, 'Do you believe in UFOs?' the answer was unequivocal.
'He looked at me with a straight face, one-on-one, and said, 'Absolutely. Positively. They do exist,'' Goodall recalled in the documentary.
'I said, 'Can you expand upon that?' And he replied, 'No, I can't.''
From his vantage point spying on Area 51 in the Nevada desert, Goodall caught glimpses and heard firsthand accounts of exotic craft that defied conventional understanding.
'There is a stealth or low-observable electronic warfare aircraft. It's been referred to as 'Excalibur,'' he said in the interview.
'There's an aircraft designed to fly very, very high, but also very, very slow and incredibly quiet,' he add.
A rendering of the metallic egg-shaped UFO is seen. 'X-rays couldn't penetrate it; it showed up on X-ray as a solid object. They tried to open it and penetrate its hull; they couldn't,' Taber said
Goodall also discussed how witnesses near the Skunk Works facility reported seeing three triangle-shaped craft that made 'no noise,' even when flying at relatively low altitudes.
He then shared reports of an aircraft tracked by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) out of the San Francisco Bay Area TRACON (Traffic Control) in Oakland, California.
This craft, spotted at least eight times since 1986, reportedly flew through controlled airspace at speeds exceeding 10,000 miles per hour.
'And it's a very, very large aircraft at that,' he added.
Goodall's accounts align with claims made on the record by Ben Rich, the late director of Lockheed Martin's classified Skunk Works division.
'Ben Rich told me twice before he died,' Goodall recounted, ''We have things at Area 51 that you and the best minds in the world won't even be able to conceive of for another 30 or 40 years—and they won't be made public for another 50.''
Rich died on January 5, 1995.
But Goodall today noted that Area 51 has become much more difficult to penetrate than during his 1990s heyday — which might indicate it will hold on to its secrets well beyond 2025, matching a timeline closer to Rich's 50-year window.
'That veil is pretty thick today,' Goodall told Las Vegas TV news reporter George Knapp in 2019. 'The security around Area 51 is thicker than we've ever seen.'
In 2021, private pilot and amateur photographer Gabe Zeifman nabbed this image of a triangle craft while flying his own plane past the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), past Papoose Dry Lake, and past Groom Lake which is home to Area 51
Above: a collection of once 'top secret' aircraft made by Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works for the US military over the years
Last year, defense aerospace contractor Eric Taber told to that a close relative who worked as an Area 51 contractor, Sam Urquhart, had revealed that he had worked on strange 'egg-shaped' spacecraft at the mysterious desert base.
This egg-shaped metallic UFO was kept at Area 51 in the 1980s, after the CIA found the strange craft in the desert, according to Taber.
'It was egg-shaped, about the size of an SUV, smooth and seamless, metallic-looking, silverish gray in color, with no control surfaces, no flaps, no inlet, and no exhaust, and no writing or symbols on the outside,' Taber was told by his late great uncle Urquhart.
Other claims of alien craft housed at Area 51 have included the so-called 'Fluxliner' or Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), a man-made reverse-engineered alien spacecraft uncovered by an aerospace industry illustrator in 1988.
In 2021, Gabriel Zeifman captured an image of a triangular craft that might have been a UFO or might have been a man-made craft capable of hypersonic flight.
The craft was parked just a 120-feet wide by 320-feet long shelter at Area 51 that has been identified in the past as Hangar 19.
Defense industry watchers at The War Zone speculated that the triangle might have been an actual known hypersonic aircraft, called the Martin Marietta X-24B.
'Although its odd shape is intriguing,' the site noted, 'most things that fly out of Groom under a secretive test regime look alien, at least historically speaking.'
Experts Reveal What Really Happened (Full Episode) | Area 51: The CIA's Secret
Ancient Aliens: Inside Area 51's UFO Secrets
Area 51: Aliens, UFOs, Bob Lazar & Advanced Technology
An interactive map has revealed a disturbing pattern in drone sightings across the US.
An unexplained drone invasion has targeted America's military bases worldwide since October, beginning with a swarm over Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.
Less than one week later, US bases in England and Germany began grappling with incursions by 'small unmanned aerial systems.'
Back in America sightings were gaining traction. 'Multiple' instances of drones appeared over New Jersey's Navy weapons station, and Ohio's Wright-Patterson Air Force Base closed its airspace due to similar activity on December 13.
The list of affected bases continues to grow, with one in Texas joining the ranks after drones were spotted on December 18.
In White Settlement —home to the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth and Lockheed Martin—residents and police officers observed drones flying in formation about 100 feet in the air, sometimes hovering in groups of six.
Christopher Cook, police chief in White Settlement, said: 'We haven't seen the formation of drones like that before.'
Drones were spotted over White Settlement, a suburb of Fort Worth in North Texas that is home to the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, this week
'DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate,' the statement continued.
The Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Federal Aviation Administration and the FBI released a joint statement on the matter this week.
'A combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones,' the agencies said.
While the White House said drones have long been infiltrating airspace over bases, none have appeared to gain the attention of those witnessed in the last few months.
The sightings started at Langley Air Force base when top Pentagon officials were baffled by a swarm of mystery drones that carried on for 17 days.
One or two fixed-wing drones flew more than 100 feet in the air as smaller quadcopters, the size of 20 commercial drones, flew slower and below them and occasionally hovered.
They were preceded by a drone estimated to be 20 feet long and flying 100 miles per hour at altitudes up to 4,000 feet.
The drones were nearly impossible to catch, despite the Air Force's vast resources, according to Gen. Mark Kelly, a decorated senior commander at the airbase.
Sightings over US military bases began as early as October, as several reports indicated drones near Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia
Those were followed by drone presence at New Jersey's Picatinny Arsenal in mid-November
Since the sightings over New Jersey's Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway began last month, the army research and manufacturing facility has reported 11 drone incursions.
A Picatinny Arsenal spokesperson told 'We can confirm that they are not the result of any Picatinny Arsenal or DEVCOM Armaments Center (formerly ARDEC) directed actions.'
Shortly after, reports began to emerge at US bases in England and Germany.
From November 20 to 26, 'small unmanned aerial systems' were spotted in the vicinity of and over three US bases Norfolk and Suffolk counties, England: RAF Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall and RAF Feltwell.
About ten days later, the Joint Staff of the Naval Weapons Station Earle in Monmouth County stated they were aware of reports of drones entering the base's airspace, though the exact timing of the incursions is unknown.
Bill Addison, public affairs officer for the naval station, said in a statement to ABC News: 'While no direct threats to the installation have been identified, we can confirm multiple instances of unidentified drones entering the airspace above Naval Weapons Station Earle.
'The base remains prepared to respond to any potential risks, leveraging robust security measures and advanced detection capabilities.'
New Jersey's Naval Weapons Station Earle in Monmouth County reported on December 13.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base just east of Dayton, Ohio temporarily closed its airspace due to drone sightings on December 13
'Heavy' UAS movement reported at Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio
Bob Purtiman, chief of public affairs for the 88th Air Base Wing at Wright-Patterson, said the 'small unmanned aerial systems' were monitored by officials during the shutdown.
'To date, installation leadership has determined none of the incursions impacted base residents, facilities or assets,' Purtiman told
In a recording of the air traffic control tower at the base posted on YouTube by The War Zone, a controller tells pilots to 'use extreme caution' due to 'heavy UAS activity' above. UAS stands for 'unmanned aircraft system.'
Wright-Patterson is located around five miles outside the city of Dayton in west Ohio. It's home to critical US Air Force commands, including the Air Force Research Lab.
And this week, FBI launched an investigation into drones that flew near Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth in Texas.
In an X post, White Settlement Police Department (WSPD) Chief Christopher Cook said his officers saw 'drones in the area flying near Bomber Road, Silver Creek, and N. Las Vegas Trail.'
The WSPD trying to locate the operator following multiple reports from the public.
'Out of an abundance of caution, reports have been initiated and we are working with the FBI, NCIS, and Air Force OSI to determine the flight trajectories and who was piloting the unmanned aircraft,' Cook added.
'While we do not believe there were any immediate threats related to last night's activities, it is concerning due to operating in 'NO FLY ZONES' near federal and military properties.'
The drones aren't just targeting military bases. Sightings in civilian communities have been widespread throughout the Northeast, with more than 5,000 reports across the country over the last month.
Despite mounting concern among residents and officials of communities affected by this bizarre drone 'invasion,' federal officials have repeatedly stated that there is no evidence to suggest the drones pose any threat to national security or public safety.
Shocking video shows possible UFO looming near Indiana air base
The flying objects (example above) are larger than drones used by hobbyists, witnesses have noted, raising questions about their proximity to critical infrastructure and sensitive sites
Some politicians have even urged the military to shoot them down, including President-elect Donald Trump.
'Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country,' the Republican wrote on the social media site Truth Social on December 13.
'Can this really be happening without our government's knowledge. I don't think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!! DJT.'
Members of the public have also taken to social media to share countless photos and videos of what they believe to be drones or UAPs in their communities, and to express frustration over the federal government's response to these sightings.
In a stern warning to the public, New Jersey's State Police and the FBI's Newark office have insisted the public stop trying to take down the state's mystery drones.
Whether the investigation into this most recent sighting over White Settlement reveals new information about the operator — or operators — behind these drones remains to be seen.
If there are any further sightings near military installations or other sensitive areas in the US, that could also help investigators narrow down the purpose of and potential level of threat posed by these aircraft.
China is testing a supersonic jet that's even faster than the 'Son of Concorde' - and it could whizz passengers from London to New York in less than 2 hours
In tests, the jet's engine reached Mach 4 or 3,045mph – four times the speed of sound – at altitudes of more than 65,600 feet, reports South China Morning Post.
This is twice as fast as the defunct Concorde's max speeds (Mach 2 or 1,338mph) and three times that of NASA's 'Son of Concorde' (937 miles per hour).
'This engine has significant commercial potential in the field of high-speed flight within near-space environments,' Space Transportation said in a statement.
The successful test flight is a key milestone for developing the Yunxing supersonic civilian jet, which will fly passengers from London to New York in under 2 hours.
Space Transportation aims to have the aircraft ready for its first flight by 2027 and the first commercial high-speed point-to-point transport flight to take place by 2030.
Yunxing passengers will be high enough to see the curvature of Earth – where the horizon is a slight curve rather than a straight line, normally seen from 50,000 feet.
The jet reached Mach 4 or 3,045mph - four times the speed of sound - at altitudes of more than 65,600 feet
Called Jindouyun, the jet engine reached Mach 4 or 3,045mph - four times the speed of sound - at altitudes of more than 65,600 feet
Jindouyun, or JinDou400, was named after the 'somersault cloud' used by the Monkey King in the classic Chinese novel 'Journey to the West'.
On Tuesday (December 17) it completed its test flight in northwestern China, reports Global Times, the daily tabloid owned by the Chinese Communist Party.
Jindouyun is a 'ramjet' – a type of 'airbreathing' jet engine that uses the engine's forward motion to compress the incoming air.
Ramjet engines burn oxygen directly from the atmosphere, rather than needing to carry their own supply, making them a low-cost, high-power option.
'This test flight provided key performance data on the engine, validating critical systems including the fuel supply, electrical and control systems,' the firm said.
'It also confirmed the engine's stability and reliability, marking a major milestone in its development from a prototype to a fully functional product.'
Powering the Yunxing aircraft, the Jindouyun engine could usher a new era of superfast passenger travel for commuters and holiday-makers alike.
Promo images suggest Yunxing will be a sleek and futuristic vessel, more like something from Thunderbirds than what we're used to seeing at airports.
The successful test flight is a key milestone for developing the Yunxing supersonic civilian jet, which will fly passengers from London to New York in under 2 hours
Powering the Yunxing aircraft, the Jindouyun engine could usher a new era of superfast passenger travel for commuters and holiday-makers alike
Space Transportation aims to have the aircraft ready for its first flight by 2027 and the first commercial high-speed point-to-point transport flight to take place by 2030. Pictured, the firm's promo
Yunxing is now a serious rival for NASA in the race to fly paying passengers aboard a supersonic jet for the first time since Concorde
What are ramjets?
Ramjet engines burn oxygen directly from the atmosphere, rather than needing to carry their own supply.
In a ramjet, the high pressure is produced by 'ramming' external air into the combustor using the forward speed of the vehicle.
Ramjets produce thrust only when the vehicle is already moving; ramjets cannot produce thrust when the engine is stationary or static.
Since a ramjet cannot produce static thrust, some other propulsion system must be used to accelerate the vehicle to a speed where the ramjet begins to produce thrust.
Source: NASA
The plane will be made of lightweight, high-strength composite materials, designed to withstand extreme aerodynamic heating while travelling at Mach 4.
Unlike traditional planes that build speed horizontally for takeoff, Yunxing will perform vertical takeoffs and landings, allowing it to ascend and descend in tighter spaces.
This means it won't have to use conventional runways at today's airports, potentially operating from smaller, urban airport facilities instead.
Yunxing is now a serious rival for NASA in the race to fly paying passengers aboard a supersonic jet for the first time since Concorde.
Developed for NASA by Lockheed Martin, the $247.5 million X-59 plane is capable of cruising at 937 miles per hour – faster than the speed of sound but not anywhere near Mach 4.
However, because of its more modest supersonic speeds, X-59 may be a more realistic contender for passenger travel in the near-term compared with other experimental vehicles in development
If cleared for commercial travel, it could be used by flight operators and take passengers from London to New York in under four hours – still slashing today's travel time in half.
The X-59's thin, tapered nose accounts for almost a third of its length and will break up the shock waves that would ordinarily result in a supersonic aircraft causing a sonic boom
Meanwhile, another American company called Boom Supersonic is working on its own supersonic craft, called Overture, which is eyeing commercial passenger flights in 2029.
Last year, a scaled-down prototype of Overture, called XB-1 Baby Boom, has completed 'key milestones' during testing as it progresses towards its first flight.
As for Concorde, the legendary Anglo-French creation had its first commercial flights in 1976, but it was grounded in October 2003 in the aftermath of the catastrophic Air France Flight 4590 crash.
Other reasons for the demise of Concorde were high fuel costs, concern over its noise and a preference for lower fares over speed.
No government or manufacturer has since been able to build a commercial plane that can travel faster than the speed of sound.
Concorde was a turbojet-powered supersonic passenger jet that was operated from 1976 until 2003.
It had a maximum speed over twice the speed of sound at Mach 2.04 (1,354mph or 2,180k per hour at cruise altitude) and could seat 92 to 128 passengers.
It was first flown in 1969, but needed further tests to establish it as viable as a commercial aircraft. Concorde entered service in 1976.
Concorde was the world's first supersonic airliner and operated for 27 years, but it was grounded in October 2003. Pictured is British Airways Concorde G-BOAB taking off with its landing gear still extended over the Cotswolds town of Fairford, Gloucestershire on July 20, 1996, during the annual RAF Fairford airshow
It is one of only two supersonic transports to have been operated commercially. The other is the Soviet-built Tupolev Tu-144, which ran as a passenger aircraft only for a few years in the 1970s due to safety issues.
Concorde was jointly developed and manufactured by Aérospatiale and the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) under an Anglo-French treaty. Concorde's name, meaning harmony or union, reflected the cooperation on the project between the UK and France.
Concorde was retired in 2003 due to a general downturn in the commercial aviation industry after its only crash in 2000, the September 11 attacks in 2001, and a decision by Airbus, the successor to Aérospatiale and BAC, to discontinue maintenance support.
The police chief of a small Nebraska city has come forward with a warning for New Jersey after his community was terrorized by mystery drones.
Ord, Nebraska Police Chief Chris Grooms revealed to how Valley County, NE, and its surrounding regions, were besieged for weeks from December 2019 into January 2020 by 'upwards of 40-50' drone UFOs at a time.
Across nearly three weeks of nighttime encounters, typically between 7pm and 11pm, these inexplicable SUV-sized drones operated 'with impunity,' Chief Grooms said, and sometimes seemed to be 'toying with law enforcement.'
'A lot of reports by ranchers stated that these objects were harassing their horses or cattle on a nightly basis,' he added. Some of the drones reached speeds of 120mph.
The police chief said he 'finds it alarming' that the White House is insisting that the 'drone incursion over New Jersey is not a known threat' — particularly given that the size, shape and behavior of Nebraska's mystery drones matched those in Jersey.
While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) looked into some of Nebraska's drone cases, part of a wave that covered Colorado and Kansas, all the agency could do was confirm with 'high confidence' that the craft were 'not covert military activities.'
While the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has downplayed the risks posed by these drones, their calming words have been contradicted by US military base officials, New Jersey mayors and NJ's state Coast Guard, among others.
Nebraska's 2019 and 2020 'drone swarms' resembled cases seen penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia in 2023. Above, a photo taken by an eyewitness of one of these Langley drones - provided to the Wall Street Journal and others
Ord, Nebraska Police Chief Chris Grooms (above) told 'I find it alarming [...] to think that the US government is telling us that the [...] drone incursion over New Jersey is not a known threat.' Cheap drones, he noted, have proven deadly on the battlefield in Ukraine
Chief Grooms told his office ultimately reached out to US Strategic Command (STRATCOM), the Pentagon group responsible for missile defense and nuclear deterrence, as well as the FBI, Nebraska State Patrol and the National Guard.
'All those agencies told us they didn’t know what they were,' he recalled, 'or stated that it was not their equipment.'
'It was starting to really irritate people that there was nothing we could do about it.'
Soon, he said, multiple cases emerged of the apparent drones 'shining beams of light on their homes and livestock.'
These bright lights — beaming onto cattle in the dead of night — would spur the animals to flee beyond their enclosures in certain cases, forcing ranchers to go on a hunt to retrieve them the next morning.
As cases mounted of the drone swarms 'harassing ranchers and their livestock,' Chief Grooms recalled, many local police across multiple counties feared that ranchers would soon start to take matters into their own hands.
'The ranchers [said] "If these things keep messing with my horses and I gotta go round up my cattle every morning [and] if the government's not going to look into it and doing anything, we're just going to try and shoot 'em down,"' Grooms recalled.
In 2019 and 2020, the police chief was then a deputy to Valley County Sheriff's Office, which protects the towns surrounding the city of Ord where he now serves.
As he remembers, multiple police and sheriff's departments also became worried that locals might get into car accidents 'when people were trying to find these things themselves [...] running across the highways, running stop signs.'
Above, a swarm of drones that was apparently captured on camera a few miles outside Omaha, Nebraska - three hours east of Ord and Valley County - but taken in the same December 2019 to January 2020 time frame as Police Chief Grooms' own baffling local cases
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5, 2024
'A simple drone with just a few pounds of explosives connected to it,' he said, 'can bring down a small structure or take out a tank.'
And, in recent weeks, Chief Grooms noted that he would step down from his role as the police chief for Ord, NE, to pursue a US military support role with a private firm.
In one 911 call report, obtained by, a rural resident of Lincoln County told police she witnessed 'seven drones flying directly over her house' and that these 'suspicious drones' were moving 'east and west' in a coordinated fashion.
The witness described the seven mystery drones 'as having red, green and white flashing lights' as they buzzed her property over two nights in early January 2020.
For at least 17 nights in December 2023, swarms of these noisy, small UFOs were also seen at dusk 'moving at rapid speeds' and 'flashing red, green, and white lights.'
And these cases are almost identical to what has been reported above sensitive sites in New Jersey, like the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal.
Base police have reported 11 confirmed and unauthorized drone sightings over the arsenal since November 13, meaning security officers 'visibly witnessed a drone.'
But the White House has continued to minimize these cases — with a joint statement released Tuesday from DHS, FBI, FAA and the Pentagon claiming that they 'do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk.'
In one 911 call report, obtained by, a resident of Lincoln County told police she witnessed 'seven drones flying directly over her house' and the 'suspicious drones' moved 'east and west' in coordinated fashion. Lincoln is southwest of Chief Groom's own county
Police Chief Grooms told that he too had witnessed a similar mystery drone with red and green lights, just a few days prior on December 28th, 2019.
At the time, Grooms then-boss Valley County Sheriff Hurlburt also dealt with the drone invasion, witnessing this incident alongside him.
'Upon linking up with the Sheriff,' Chief Grooms recalled of the Dec 28th encounter, 'we decided to pursue the object the best we could by going westbound on 799th Rd, Gravel Rd, towards the object.'
'While we traveled westbound in our patrol trucks the object clearly knew our intentions,' he said. 'It had picked up speed to avoid us.'
'I will note that I found it to be odd or suspicious that the object was clearly avoiding us but at the same time it never veered away from the gravel roads. It always paralleled the gravel roads,' Chief Grooms continued, 'as if it was toying with us.'
Local and national news covered this wave of drones sightings in Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska in late 2019 and 2020. Sheriff's deputies in other parts of Nebraska told the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that they witnessed the drones coordinating with a 'mothership'
Sheriff Hurlburt and then-Deputy Grooms chased the 'large drone' in two vehicles from two different lines of sight, as it flew about 20 miles south of Ord near the Davis Creek Reservoir.
'While witnessing this object in the sky I noted that it had red and green blinking lights and was hovering and maneuvering slowly west of Ashton Ave,' Grooms recalled.
'If it really wanted to avoid us completely the object could have just veered away from the gravel roads,' he noted, 'to where we wouldn’t have been able to pursue the object any longer.'
As former senior Pentagon security official Chris Mellon told, speaking of the 2023 Langley base incursions, Chief Grooms' encounters also fit 'part of a much larger pattern.'
'These craft are making no effort to remain concealed,' Mellon noted. 'In fact, in some instances, it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.'
Valley County dealt with much stranger cases alongside their weeks-long invasion of these mysterious night flights, however, similar to those cases where the drones were 'messing around with ranchers, cattle and whatnot.'
A US Army vet with the 82nd Airborne - who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan - Chief Grooms noted that most Americans are well aware of how dangerous even a small cheap drone can be, given their routine use in the war in Ukraine. Above, Chief Grooms in his Army uniform
Chief Grooms - above right when he was a deputy with Valley County Sheriff in 2020 - gave the following assessment: 'With what I have seen and what other LEO's [law enforcement officers] have told me [...] these objects had a mission and purpose and a well-funded budget'
Chief Grooms recalled being close enough to the craft to be unsettled by the fact that they produced 'no noise.'
And, he said, his law enforcement colleagues also were blasted with the same incredibly bright lights as Nebraska's livestock themselves.
'I was told by a sheriff who had two deputies with him that a large object that they pursued at upwards of 120mph had stopped and hovered not far from their patrol trucks,' Chief Grooms said.
'As the sheriff and his deputies went to shine their search lights on the object,' he continued, 'the object shined a bright light on them as well [...] it seemed like daylight all around them for about 150 to 300 yards.'
'The light was so bright they had to look away,' Chief Grooms said.
This drone, the sheriff told him, the was about the size of a Chevrolet Suburban.
Journalist and author Michael Shellenberger, who testified to Congress last month on his reports of a hidden UFO data collection program, has obtained a recording where New Jersey mayors have complained of similarly SUV-sized drones.
The recording documented a White House drone briefing for New Jersey mayors with presentations by the FBI, DHS and FAA.
'The mayors are livid,' Shellenberger told Fox News. 'One of them got up there and said, "I had two automobile-sized drones hovering over my house."'
The FBI and other agencies are investigating the strange activity. One representative from the Department of Homeland Security said on December 11: 'We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they're launching from, where they're landing'
Above, a military witness testifies to the drones displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights' above AFB joint-base Langley-Eustis in December 2023. This testimony was released via the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), along with 50 pages of other Air Force records
For his part, Chief Grooms is most open to the theory that the so-called 'mystery drones' are either a secretive government program or some form of nonhuman, 'unidentified aerial phenomena' (UAP).
'I do not believe these UAP/drones could be a foreign adversary due to the fact of how far inland Nebraska is,' he told 'If it is a foreign adversary, the US government has failed the citizens of the United States.'
'These UAP/drones are showing up in great numbers of 30 or more,' the career law enforcement officer and veteran said, 'imagine the damage that could be done if they all dispersed to their locations with intent to do harm.'
Chief Grooms noted that, given the volume of cases in 2019 and 2020, which stretched around a 100-mile radius of quiet, rural Valley County, he has a hard time imagining what the purpose of a secret US military operation would be.
'With what I have seen and what other LEO's [law enforcement officers] have told me [...] these objects had a mission and purpose and a well-funded budget,' he said.
'If these UAP/drones are US military or private contracting technology, then what exactly was its purpose over Nebraska in 2019?' he asked.
'Other than to burden its citizens and waste local taxpayer dollars on 911 calls and take law enforcement away from its normal duties.'
Drone-a-palooza: George Knapp Investigates the Mystery Swarms Over America
Drone-a-palooza: George Knapp Investigates the Mystery Swarms Over America
In recent months, skies across the United States have become the stage for an unusual and perplexing phenomenon—swarms of unidentified drones. From Nevada to New Jersey, these mysterious objects have captured the attention of millions, sparking debates, fears, and extensive investigations. Veteran journalist George Knapp has delved into what he terms “drone-a-palooza,” providing an in-depth analysis of these events and their implications.
A Troubling Pattern of Intrusions
The current wave of drone sightings is not an isolated occurrence. One year ago, a similar incident unfolded at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Despite having some of the most advanced tracking technology in the world, the base’s personnel were unable to identify or deter dozens of drones infiltrating restricted airspace over a two-week period. This inability to manage the incursions raises serious questions about military readiness and the evolving capabilities of these objects.
A notable case occurred in July 2019, when more than 100 unidentified objects swarmed ten U.S. Navy warships off the Pacific coast. These objects, documented through multiple sensors, displayed characteristics that defied conventional drone technology, including wingless designs and a lack of visible propulsion systems. The Pentagon initially dismissed them as benign drones, but their unusual behavior has fueled ongoing speculation.
The Rising Tide of Reports
The frequency and scale of these drone sightings have expanded dramatically, with reports now pouring in from states including Florida, Texas, California, Oregon, and New Jersey. Social media platforms are inundated with videos of these aerial anomalies, ranging from what appear to be ordinary drones to SUV-sized objects exhibiting inexplicable flight patterns.
In New Jersey, for example, state officials received briefings confirming that these drones are not operated by the U.S. government or foreign adversaries. Yet, authorities admitted their inability to track the drones’ origins or destinations, leaving the public uneasy. Similarly, air traffic at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base—notable for its rumored connection to the Roswell crash of 1947—was disrupted due to drone intrusions, adding a historical irony to the situation.
Speculation and Uncertainty
The lack of credible explanations has opened the floodgates to speculation. Some suggest that these drones might be espionage tools from foreign powers like Russia, China, or Iran. Others posit more unconventional theories, such as covert government operations to detect nuclear materials or even extraterrestrial involvement. While officials have dismissed these claims as baseless, inconsistencies in their statements have undermined public trust.
For instance, the Pentagon initially denied any verified drone intrusions into restricted airspace but later admitted to multiple incidents, including over two military bases in New Jersey and a nuclear power plant. Prior to this, drones had been observed in the highly restricted airspace over three critical air bases in the United Kingdom. These revelations only add to the growing unease about the security and surveillance implications of such incidents.
Challenges for National Security
The inability to track and neutralize these drones underscores a significant vulnerability in national security. Modern military sensors, once capable of tracking objects as small as golf balls over vast distances, seem ill-equipped to handle these new threats. This inadequacy has prompted questions about whether these drones represent a deliberate test of U.S. defenses—a test the military appears to be failing.
Observers, including Knapp, have noted the unsettling signal this sends to potential adversaries. If foreign powers are indeed responsible, their apparent ability to infiltrate sensitive areas without consequence is a worrying development. On the other hand, if these drones are merely advanced hobbyist creations or corporate tools, their impact on military and civilian airspace highlights the urgent need for better regulatory measures and tracking technologies.
The Broader Implications
For many, these incidents evoke parallels with the UFO phenomena long studied by enthusiasts and researchers. The dismissive tone adopted by some officials mirrors the skepticism that has historically surrounded UFO investigations. However, the high-profile nature of these drone swarms has forced authorities to take the issue more seriously, even as answers remain elusive.
Knapp highlights the irony of local officials, military personnel, and lawmakers now grappling with the same kind of bureaucratic stonewalling that UFO researchers have faced for decades. The frustration is palpable, with one state legislator describing a recent briefing as “the biggest amateur hour presentation I’ve ever seen.”
George Knapp analyzes 'drone-a-palooza,' the swarm of unidentified objects creating buzz nationwide
The “drone-a-palooza” phenomenon analyzed by George Knapp underscores a pressing need for transparency, accountability, and innovation in addressing unidentified aerial phenomena. Whether these objects are cutting-edge technology from foreign adversaries, advanced domestic creations, or something entirely unexplained, their presence over critical infrastructure and restricted airspace demands immediate action.
As the mystery deepens, the public’s patience wears thin. What remains clear is that these drones are not just a passing curiosity but a challenge that spans technology, national security, and public trust. Until concrete answers emerge, the skies over America will continue to inspire both wonder and concern.
Drone sightings in New Jersey show a lot of similarities to mystery drones seen in eastern Colorado
George Knapp analyzes ‘drone-a-palooza,’ the swarm of unidentified objects creating buzz nationwide
On September 4, 1971, members of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (National Geographic Institute) took photographs above Lake Cote for the Costa Rican governmental company that provides electricity and telecommunication services. The photographs were taken for the construction of a hydroelectric dam near lake Arenal, when the mapping agency members accidentally captured a UFO in their high-resolution camera that was mounted on the plane, pointing downwards. The photograph is considered to be the clearest and best UFO photograph ever taken.
Sergio Loaiza, Juan Bravo and Francisco Reyes were flying in a Canadian-made Areo-Commander model F680 piloted by Omar Arias, and Loaiza was in charge of aerial photography that day. They were flying above Costa Rica with a 100-pound map-making camera when Loaiza captured a photograph of a metallic disc like a typical alien “flying saucer” that can be seen flying between the F680 aircraft and the ground.
They were flying at 10,000 feet, mapping the landscape beneath with the high-resolution camera that was programmed to take photos every 20 seconds. While reviewing the negatives, Loaiza could not believe his eyes. He even said that they were completely banned from talking about it. According to UFO researcher Oscar Sierra, the photographs were analyzed in the USA and France and found to be 100% real. (Source)
The object can only be seen in the photograph in frame number #300 in the sequence, and there is no indication of it in either the frame of film that came before it or the one that was taken immediately after it. Due to the film stock and the quality of the camera, the image was incredibly clear. This object was not in either the frame before it (#299) or the frame after it (#301).
UFO photograph Taken in Costa Rica on September 1971
During the actual flight, the captain and his three crew members did not witness anything, and neither did the other passengers. It is estimated that the UFO was anywhere between 120 and 220 feet across, but the actual width would have depended on the object’s exact altitude.
New York Times writer and author Leslie Kean revealed that she has a framed copy of the photo taken at Lake Cote in the May 10, 2021 issue of The New Yorker by Gideon Lewis-Kraus. The article states, “…On the wall behind her desk, there is a framed black-and-white image that looks like a sonogram of a Frisbee. The photograph was given to her, along with chain-of-custody documentation, by contacts in the Costa Rican government; in her estimation, it is the finest image of a U.F.O. ever made public.”
On the New Yorker Radio Hour, she said: “I love this photo. It’s probably the best photograph of a UFO ever taken. It was taken in the 70s from a government mapping plane in Costa Rica which had a camera strapped on the bottom of the plane and it was like going over the terrain. There was this disc object and you clearly see the sun reflecting off this round object that’s got a little dot on the top and what’s important about it is that it was a government photo. There’s a clear chain of custody. It’s always been in possession of the Costa Rican government so you know it’s authentic and it’s completely unexplained.” (Source)
In 1985, computer scientist and astronomerDr. Jacques Valleeobtained a copy of the negative and circulated it to his contacts in the United States government and at a California tech company. However, none of them helped Dr. Vallee in analyzing the negative.
Eventually, in December 1987, Vallee took it to Dr. Richard Haines in San Francisco. Haines was a retired aerospace engineer who had worked for NASA, and Vallee knew him. The photo was scanned, blown up, and looked at. Haines’ first focus was on the lighting. In 1989, Vallee and Haines wrote a “Photo Analysis of an Aerial Disc Over Costa Rica” for the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The 19-page report concluded: (Source)
“In summary, our analyses have suggested that an unidentified, opaque, aerial object was captured on film at a maximum distance of 10,000 feet. There are no visible means of lift or propulsion and no surface markings other than dark regions that appear to be nonrandom… There is no indication that the image is the product of a double exposure or a deliberate fabrication.”
There has always been speculation as to whether the craft had just emerged from or was about to enter Lake Cote. There are numerous local stories concerning UFOs emerging from the water. But it is impossible to understand the path of the craft because it only appeared in one frame #300. The original negative has been kept by the Costa Rican government, and it may be found in the country’s National Archive. There are copies available, such as the one that Vallee and Haines analyzed.
Loaiza’s UFO photograph has never been explained, despite the fact that UFO skeptics have thoroughly examined it. UAP Media, a UK-based UFO research company has got a brand fresh ultra-high resolution drum scan of the original photograph.
Comparison of old and new crops of the Lake Cote image (old on left, new on right). via UAP Media UK
Graeme Rendall – Author of UFOs Before Roswell and Flying Saucer Fever: “It’s a really intriguing photograph, and one which totally captures the imagination. I’m always impressed as to how “right” it looks. As to its veracity, though, I can’t say, but I’d love it to be true. It definitely looks a lot more convincing than a lot of other images I’ve seen over the years. I’d have to leave it to the photo analysis experts to pronounce sentence on it though.”
Vinnie Adams – member of UAP Media: “After looking into the case, reading about the circumstances surrounding what was seen from that aeroplane that day, and reading the analysis done previously by Dr. Jacques Vallée, it does come across as a very compelling case. The fact that after 50 years it still hasn’t been conclusively proven or debunked is very interesting. Now that we have this high-resolution drum scanned version of the image, hopefully it might reignite interest in the case and lead to further analysis and some sort of conclusion.”
Luis Elizondo – Former director of AATIP: “Although I was not around during this incident, pilot reports of smooth, shiny, lenticular craft are not new. In fact, even to this day, pilots, both civilian and military, along with their aircrew, continue to witness these types of craft and oftentimes displaying performance capabilities well beyond state of the art. Thankfully, some of these newer incidents are finding their way to Congress due to the courage of our fine men and women in uniform. During my time in AATIP, these incidents were surprisingly common.”
Jeremy Corbell – Filmmaker: “As we search for meaning behind the UFO presence, it’s important that we remember we are more effective collectively when perusing analysis. Historic images like this one from Costa Rica still have stories to tell, and new insights are sometimes just around the corner. If we can socially democratize and crowdsource our search for answers – we will arrive closer to the truth than if we simply wait for further confirmation from our governments. I’m elated higher fidelity imagery continues to emerge, especially when it allows us to get a glimpse into our UFO past. Makes one wonder what other UFO evidence is lurking in boxes or files that have remained elusive until now. I’m confident that more and more people will be coming forward with valuable insight and evidence in the near future.”
Researchers Release The Most Convincing UFO Photo In History
UFO Sighting : UFO filmed in the middle of the night in Costa Rica 👽 (CGI)
In her January 29, 2024, Star Nations News, Elena Danaan shares two updates from extraterrestrial sources familiar with the history of space arks and their essential functions. The updates confirm that massive space arks have played vital roles in Earth’s history and are poised to do so again by rising from their hiding places and appearing before the world in ways that will immediately end the secrecy system. Such an event would amount to catastrophic disclosure for the Deep State and those unprepared for the existence of extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations.
The first update is from Akvaaru, an ambassador of the Galactic Federation of Worlds to the Alcyone star system, who describes how the Federation has built fleets of massive space arks for use in planetary crises in the Pleiades and other solar systems. The second update is from Oona, a representative of the Altean civilization that is part of the Intergalactic Confederation (aka Seeders).
Oona shares important details about the history of space arks on Earth in terms of their construction, operations, and advanced technologies. Importantly, she describes how the arks are specially constructed to be operated by a crew with a unique combination of genetics and consciousness. Only crew members can operate the arks, and they incarnate on worlds where the arks are hidden and resurface to take control of the arks at the right time. Critically, she says that crews are highly sought after and must remain hidden to escape capture. Critically, she corroborates information from a US Army insider, JP, that the arks will eventually begin to rise from their hiding places to be seen by everyone.
In this interview, Elena Danaan elaborates on key points from the respective updates from Akvaaru and Oona and the prospects of disclosure happening soon. Crucially, she explains how the space arks cannot be taken over by those without the right genetics. Also, Danaan explains how a British scientific establishment plan for disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life is consistent with a disclosure plan devised by the Galactic Federation. Finally, Danaan discusses a recent spate of Moonquakes and asserts these are likely a result of massive infrastructure projects that are underway.
The Long March 10 builds on China's current rocket, the Long March 5. The next-gen spacecraft inherits technology from the current Shenzhou spacecraft that sends astronauts to China's Tiangong space station. China has already conducted three successful robotic lunar landings with the Chang'e 3, 4 and 5 missions.
China's moon landing plan is to launch two Long March 10 rockets, with one for the lander and another for the crew spacecraft. The lander and the crewed spacecraft will rendezvous and dock in lunar orbit. A pair of astronauts will then move over to the lander and then head down to the lunar surface, where they will do a variety of scientific work and collect some moon samples during a stay lasting around six hours.
"The development of the lunar lander and the new spacecraft is still taking advantage of the previous technologies. We are also accelerating the assessment and development of the manned lunar rover," Fan Ping, chief designer of space stations at Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), told China Central Television.
"China has announced the goal of landing people on the moon by 2030," Fan Ping said. "And after the goal is accomplished, the next could be the building of a lunar research station, so that we can establish our own home on the moon for more scientific experiments."
China is currently working on attracting partners for a project called the International Lunar Research Station. The country, together with Russia and other partners, aims to begin building the lunar outpost after launching precursor Chang'e 7 and 8 missions around 2026 and 2028.
China names the spacecraft that will put its astronauts on the moon (video)
Among all of the supposed encounters with aliens and other strange entities, there are a wide range of reports ranging from the curious to the downright bizarre, and beyond. Here is where we get into truly baffling encounters with beings and entities that defy all classification and exist within their own realm of the weird on the outer fringes of the weird. Fasten your seatbelts, because we are going for a ride through some of the most outlandish and flat-out surreal reports out there.
One of the earliest, and perhaps one of the weirdest and most bizarro cases of supposed alien contact allegedly occurred in Pasco County, in the state of Florida, and which was related in 1974 by an elderly witness named Evelyn Wendt, who claimed that this had happened to her when she was a girl. She said that she had been playing outside on the grounds of St. Joseph school when she had noticed an egg-shaped object nearby that glowed so intensely and brightly that she had to cover her eyes at first, but it then supposedly suddenly dimmed to reveal some sort of saucer-shaped metal craft. As she stood there staring wide-eyed at the strange sight, a small door suddenly opened to disgorge a procession of rather bizarre creatures, and Wendt would say of them as follows:
“Little people emerged. I think they were robots. I tried to count them, but they changed about so. They were smaller than I was and resembled animated flowers with faces where the bud would be.”
These truly bizarre “robotic sunflowers” were apparently hoisting a sinister-looking machine of some sort, which Wendt instinctively sensed was a weapon of some kind, and which they also seemed to be setting up to aim towards the school’s science building. It was at about this time that the witness claimed the entities communicated with her telepathically, telling her that they intended to destroy the science building because there were dangerous experiments going on in there behind closed doors. Bizarrely, they then suddenly changed their minds and began to file back into the craft as they invited their human companion to come along. She refused, but they supposedly promised to come back for her in later years. Wendt would say of what happened:
“They promised to come back for me in 35 years, but that was a long time ago and nothing happened that I know of. All I can remember now is that the saucer was leaden-looking and very pockmarked. Then, when it started up, its molecules expanded and it turned silvery bright. The UFO then went straight up, hovered a minute, and disappeared from sight.”
UFO researchers in later years sought to bring out any other details through hypnosis, but Wendt proved impossible to hypnotize. Bizarrely, the science building of the school at one point was destroyed by unspecified means, leading one to think that maybe the robo-flowers had come back to finish their inscrutable job. What in the world was going on here? Is this just a made-up delusional fantasy or is it at all real in any sense? If it really did happen, then what were these robotic flowers and why on earth did they want to blow up a junior high school’s science building? Who knows?
In later years, the 50s brought on some truly odd reports. In 1957, a retired teacher named Mary Starr allegedly woke up in the middle of the night in her home in Old Saybrook, Connecticut, in the U.S., to see a piercingly bright light outside of her bedroom window. The object was described as floating over her yard and seemed to be a large craft of some type with rectangular windows on its sides. Fascinated by what she was seeing, Starr then supposedly gazed into one of the windows and could see two decidedly bizarre entities moving about within, which were about 4 feet tall. According to the witness, they had translucent cubes for heads holding within them bright red cores, rubbery bodies that were like “skirts,” and handless appendages akin to tentacles. After a moment of observing the outlandish beings, the windows then apparently vanished as if they had never been there, and an antenna or protrusion of some sort came out of the craft, after which the whole thing began to glow before silently shooting straight up into the night sky.
From the following year the late author Brad Steiger covered in his book Strangers from the Skies the case of Hans Gustafsson and 30-year-old Stig Rydberg, who on December 20, 1958, were on their way along Route 45 from Höganäs to Heisenberg in Sweden in the early morning hours along a foggy road that had such poor visibility that the two friends decided to pull over near the rural village of Domsten. As they walked about outside the vehicle, they soon noticed through the haze that there was some sort of glow emanating from the surrounding forest nearby. The two decided to hike off into the darkened, glow-frosted trees to try and see where the light was coming from, and after penetrating around 150 feet into the woods they allegedly came across the source of the glow, which proved to be far more bizarre than they had anticipated. There before them was a disc-like object resting on two legs around two feet long, the whole of which cast a scintillating glow of ever-changing colors. Even odder than the sight of this apparent flying saucer was what could be seen cavorting about the vicinity, which were 3-foot-long amorphous blobs that Rydberg would describe as follows:
“They were like protozoa, just a bit darker than most, sort of a bluish color, hopping and jumping around the saucer like globs of animated jelly.”
Nowhere on the bodies were any visible limbs or sensory organs, nor any other discernible features, and it was as if they were just pulsating gobs of gelatinous goo that could somehow levitate over the ground. Things got rather tense very quickly when these unusual entities suddenly surrounded the two puzzled men and purportedly began to engulf their limbs within their pulsating, throbbing masses, described as feeling like “magnetic dough,” while at the same time exuding a terrible stench-like “ether and burnt sausage.” No matter how much the men kicked and lashed out at these mysterious entities, they were able to either dodge or absorb the blows to little effect, as if they were made of jelly. It seemed as if the blob-like creatures were trying to drag the increasingly terrified witnesses towards the glimmering disc, and no matter how hard the two witnesses fought back and struggled it did little good.
By chance, Rydberg finally managed to tear himself free and run back towards their car with the alien blobs in hot pursuit. When he reached the vehicle he leaned heavily on the car’s horn, piercing the night with a wall of noise in an effort to draw anyone’s attention to their plight, but which also seemed to have the effect of startling the creatures enough to let go of Gustafsson. The blobs then huddled under their craft, filed inside it, and shot off away into the night sky, leaving behind a screeching whistling blare, that nauseating stink, and two very shaken men who found that they were covered in strange bruises and cuts.
Gustafsson and Rydberg perhaps understandably kept the story to themselves for some time, but when it finally came out it became a minor sensation in Sweden. The two witnesses were also interviewed by police, and although the story was without a doubt off-the-wall, they could find no sign of any hoaxing going on, and even when the two were secretly monitored when they thought they were alone, they did not let on that there was any lying or trickery going on. Gustafsson and Rydberg were also found to be in fine physical and psychological health, and in the end, police concluded that the men really seemed to have been traumatized by what they at least truly believed they had seen, whatever that was. It is difficult to ascertain just what it was that these two men saw, or at least thought they saw, and with no other accounts anywhere near it we will probably never know.
From the U.S. is an account from 1961 in the sleepy rural town of Rogers, Kentucky. In the summer of that year, the witness, known only as Mrs. Quinn, was allegedly awoken one night by a strange noise, and she claimed that there had been a truly unearthly entity hovering right there next to her bed, which she described as a big black, slimy blob with no neck, a tiny round head, gigantic round eyes, and “wrinkles that glowed.” She described it as looking a bit like “a roly-poly” and “a huge tar-baby with enormous eyes.” This otherworldly being then levitated across the room towards where the woman’s daughter, Judy, was sleeping, and at the same time seemed to reach out to her telepathically, of which Judy would say:
“I knew it wanted me to go somewhere. I found myself slipping off the bed. Suddenly, the thing released its strange force and it was gone.”
It is difficult to say just what this very strange beast could have been, but there have been plenty of theories. For some it is a ghost or even a demon, for others it's some sort of creature from an alternate dimension, while others still classify it as an extraterrestrial entity. There is no way at all to know, or indeed to even be sure that this ever happened outside of the witness’s imagination. Nevertheless, it remains a singularly bizarre report that seems to defy simple classification.
Just a few years later, in 1966, we move to the state of Oregon for an equally bizarre case. On the night of April 5, 1966, a 16-year-old witness named Kathy Reeves was allegedly walking along with her friend on a secluded dark road in the small city of Newport, Oregon, when they got the sudden, unmistakable feeling that they were being followed and watched. The two girls assumed it was just someone messing around and trying to scare them, which was made clearer when they thought they could see a dimmed flashlight beam bobbing about behind them.
They picked up their pace and even tossed rocks behind them at the unseen follower, but the feeling that someone was lurking in the darkness behind them did not abate, and when they turned around at one point what they thought had been a simple flashlight suddenly erupted into a brilliant beam of incandescent light far beyond what would be expected, which was then joined by more spears of brightness jutting from the night to converge upon them. Squinting through the glare, they claimed that they could make out a large, dome-shaped object some distance off that seemed to be wreathed in some sort of fog or smoke.
The now terrified girls began to run as fast as they could towards home, but as they did their path was blocked by three unearthly creatures the likes of nothing they had ever seen. The entities were described as being headless and armless, and as looking like mobile tree stumps that moved about on what resembled spider legs and which were dressed in some sort of multi-colored cloth. The creatures thankfully did not seem to pay too much attention to the witnesses, instead scurrying across the road to scamper off out of sight towards the inscrutable dome, which still flickered in the dark behind them. The case attracted quite a lot of media attention at the time, and was covered in both Jim Brandon’s Weird America: A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States, as well as Jerome Clark’s Extraordinary Encounters: An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldly Beings, but no further reports have ever been recorded of these enigmatic stump-like beings, leaving us to wonder just what they could have possibly been, if anything.
From later years and perhaps more famous than any of these is the encounter reported by Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, who on October 11, 1973, were fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. As they cast their lines out they suddenly began to hear a series of strange hissing, whirring noises coming from behind them. When they turned around to look, they apparently came face to face with an egg-shaped spacecraft hovering over the river not far away, and a door then opened to regurgitate forth baffling creatures that really defy any easy classification. There standing in the doorway of the craft were three 6-foot tall beings with grey leathery, wrinkled skin and thin, carrot-like protrusions jutting out of their heads. The hands and feet were said to be fused into pinchers, and the eyes and mouths were just slits.
Just as they were reeling from the shock of seeing such a thing, the men realized that they had been somehow paralyzed by an unseen force, which kept them glued to where they were. Stuck as they were, the two witnesses made easy pickings for the bizarre aliens, who plucked them up and dragged them aboard their unearthly vessel. Hickson would later claim that he was brought aboard the ship and brought to a room with a blinding light, in which he was subjected to an examination by an oval-shaped robotic probe of some sort. After around 20 minutes, the two were deposited back onto the bank of the river and the mysterious craft floated off. Hickson then claimed that he had found Parker on the riverbank as well in a rather disheveled state, crying and praying to God.
The two went back to their car and sat there in shock for an undetermined amount of time, before heading home. They would later contact the Kessler Air Force Base and the local sheriff with their bizarre tale, which went about as well as you would expect. No one really took the eyebrow-raising story seriously, but the whole case inevitably became splashed about in local newspapers soon after. Hickson in particular went on to entertain questions on the matter and even help publish a book about the whole incident called UFO Contact at Pascagoula, while Parker ducked out of the limelight, and eventually moved out of state to avoid the constant media attention. For his part, Parker claimed that he had passed out at the beginning of the ordeal and only come to after it was over, only recalling bits and pieces under hypnosis.
The case was picked apart by some of the most eminent UFO researchers at the time, who for the most part agreed that the men at least really believed that what they had seen was real. The case of the Pascagoula aliens has since been met with a good amount of skepticism. It has been called everything from a shared hallucination to a flat-out lie, which has only been made more complicated by the fact that Hickson’s account only seemed to get more and more bizarre and complex as time went on. It has been suggested that they had a shared imaginary experience, that they were drinking, or even that they were just tripping balls on LSD at the time, but no one really knows what happened except the two witnesses themselves.
Moving on to 1977, there is the weird account of 19-year-old Lee Parish, who on January 27, 1977, claimed that he spied a rectangular UFO hovering in the sky before he was whisked into the air by a beam of light while driving home. He then found himself in some sort of spacecraft, where he was presented to three very bizarre beings. One of the entities was described as being like a black “tombstone” 20-feet high, with a robotic arm extending from its front. Another of the things was smaller and looked like a red prism of some kind, while yet another was 6 feet tall and described as being a motionless white prism with two robotic arms and a “wedge-like” head, which produced strange noises like teeth being brushed.
At the time, Lee had a strong feeling that the white one was the leader, although he did not know why he had this impression. During the encounter, the red one was seen as the most anxious, seemingly afraid of their human guest and hiding behind the others, although it did at one point extend a robotic-looking arm to try and touch him, which produced a vague, unsettling sensation of coldness and pain. Eventually, the three beings lined up and seemed to merge, after which Lee felt a warmth permeate his body and soon found himself back in his vehicle, along with 38 minutes of missing time. It is all rather odd, to say the least.
Also from 1977, we come to Paciencia, Brazil, where 33-year-old bus driver Antonia La Rubia was allegedly walking to work when he spied a rather strange object shaped like an “enormous wide hat" sitting in a field Soon after he noticed the mysterious craft, it lashed out with a thin, bright beam of light, which caught La Rubia and whisked him away to a room of pure white. Within this room were various mechanical-looking beings with bright scales and arms like tentacles, as well as egg-shaped bodies and heads adorned with what appeared to be antennae. Instead of legs, the strange creatures reportedly sat upon rigid pedestals of some sort.
After this initial meeting, the frightened La Rubia claims that he shouted at the creatures, which seemed to have the effect of making them cower in fear. He lost consciousness again, and when he awoke he says that he was now subjected to a series of images projected onto the wall, including various surreal scenes such as a dog being melted and a train entering a tunnel, the meaning of which could not be discerned. At one point during this screening of oddities and grotesqueries, one of the robot beings apparently reached out to draw blood from one of La Rubia’s fingers, after which it splashed it across a wall to form a pattern of three circles and an “L” shape. At this point, La Rubia claims he lost consciousness once more, and when he awoke he was purportedly back in his car, vomiting and dizzy from the whole puzzling ordeal.
The following year we have a strange case from the files of paranormal researcher and author Albert S. Rosales, which supposedly occurred in Los Rios, Arroyo Hondo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. In November of 1978, a female medical technologist in the company of her psychiatrist sister, her 10-year-old daughter and two housemaids experienced a power failure. Outside a bright light was seen moving across the sky sending out “blue light rays” before going behind a hill. After this, from out behind the hill came two small lights, one yellow, and the other red. Things would only get stranger from there, and the report reads:
“Frightened, the five witnesses ran upstairs and watched from the window as the two lights topped next to a road. As a car came along and illuminated the scene with its headlights, the women could see that the lights were worn on the abdomens of strange flying beings. These were conical, twice as large as human beings (3-3.7m) and wore translucent sheets. One witness saw three black humanoid silhouettes cross the headlights of the car, which had now stopped, and move to the driver’s side. The lights and the car headlights now vanished, and loud sounds like a metallic garage door shutting were heard by the women and their next door neighbor. Then the two small lights reappeared and flew off, caught in the lights from the house. The women and their neighbor ran out to see what had happened to the car, but there was no sign of it. The incident lasted 45 minutes.”
The year after that we have a bonkers report sent to The Fortean Times in January of 1979 from Fulham, London, England, concerning witnesses named Neil Oram and Maria Moustaka. The two had just had dinner at Maria’s flat and were sitting together on her sofa listening to music and looking out through her French windows into her garden when all of a sudden her cat went crazy, howling “like a wolf” before bolting from the room. It then began dashing back and forth, all the while making that awful howling noise and evading all attempts to catch it, even lashing out at its own owner when she tried. The report continues:
“Maria exclaimed that she’d never seen her cat behave like this. Then she shrieked and gripped Neil’s hand as a huge cat-person alighted on the wall at the end of the garden. Not a big cat, but a cat-person crouching – facing the witnesses from the top of the six foot (1.8m) high wall. Not exactly a human face. Not exactly a cat’s face. Somehow Neil knew what it was like. He felt spaced out but not afraid. It seemed to emanate a powerful, quiet ambiance as it almost floated down into the garden. Maria was shaking and digging her nail into Neil’s palm. The cat-person, roughly five feet (1.5m) tall, started to walk, upright, toward them. Almost glide-walked towards them. And as this elemental of utter strangeness approached the large French window, Neil could sense an invisible steady intense air pressure building up on the creature’s side of the window.
Neil thought the glass had cracked – but it was Maria’s cat howling even more distraughtly. The absolute black furry streak of complete cosmic strangeness raised its palms (not paws) – raised its palms so they could see them pressed against the glass. Neil thinks Maria passed out at this point, but only for a few seconds, because he pulled her awake and hissed – “just watch.” It seemed to Neil that this jet black visitor was not familiar with windows. It kept its hands on the glass for 20 seconds – the demented cat, still howling – then turned around and glided/walked back to the wall…and seemed to almost float back up a crouching position on top of the wall. It turned around and looked in their direction, then seemed to be scanning all the way around…turned its back to them…and disappeared beyond the wall. The sound of weird silence invaded the flat. The trembling cat, now silent, settled on Maria’s lap.”
What in the world was going on here? Moving onto 1990 we have several very unusual reports from Albert Rosales’ files. In the spring of that year, two brothers were canoeing at a place called Lake George, near Sabbath Day Point, Warren County, New York, at around sunset when they saw something very bizarre indeed. The report says what followed:
“At the lake side it is a boulder strewn area with cliffs rising 600 feet above the shoreline. As they were beginning to come on to this area, they saw something standing on shore. It was brownish in color and standing straight up with its arms at its side. It was about the size of a small man and very thin. Its body was facing south, looking down the shoreline when it suddenly turned its head directly towards the witnesses and looked very intently. The brothers whispered to each other and watched it while it watched them. They were about 200 feet out but could not summon up the courage to go closer. The creature had a ‘strange look’ almost a crazed grin, like a giant Lemur. The sun was set now as they continued to watch it in the shadows of the mountain. As it stood next to an old, dead pine tree, it turned and climbed, sloth-like up the tree about 20 feet to the first and only large limb and onto the crook of a branch. They paddled back around and as they approached, it again cocked its head directly at them, after a minute or so it turned its face downward onto its body and became as if it were part of the tree. Just a lump on the crook of the branch, you would not know it was there unless you saw it move. The witnesses had been in the area all their life and have never seen anything like it and have not seen it since. They also noticed that the creature did not make any sounds.”
What could this thing have possibly been? In October of that same year, from Masson, Quebec, Canada, we have the story of a witness, accompanied by his wife, his children and a 15-year-old teenager, a friend of the family, who were all traveling westbound in his vehicle on Route 148 en-route to a track meet. As they drove along, they saw a strange object floating in the air at an altitude of approximately 50 feet, which resembled a large balloon with two legs attached to it and “not normal in appearance.” The main witness would honk his horn at it, which caused it to stop moving, but would begin moving again when the witness tried to catch up with it in the car. The object would speed up and so would the witness, worrying his wife, who told him to slow down before they got into an accident. He would not slow down, and the completely bizarre report continues as follows:
“His wife begs him to stop before he causes an accident. He ignores her and accelerates at 115km hooting the car’s horn violently still trying to attract the attention of the object. The object then stops moving again. During the chase, the object appeared to move at a speed faster or comparable to a normal speeding vehicle. According to weather reports the wind on that date was blowing in the Ottawa valley at 22km per hour from the southwest, this and other factors seems to rule out a stray balloon. The witness finally catches up honking violently so that the object stops moving. By the time this occurred the witness insists that the car came to a sudden complete stop on its own accord, the sudden stop was relatively mild in spite of the great velocity, according to the witness ‘it felt like a boat in the water’.
At this point, the witness notices that there is no other vehicle on the road, and everyone agreed that since the beginning of the ‘chase’ they had only passed one or two vehicles only. The object is now hovering on the north side of the road near some electrical pylons. At this point, the object suddenly rotates on its axis but the legs do not move. The two long slender legs hang limply beneath it. The legs appear to have a major joint highly visible. Both right foot and left foot area darker than the rest of the legs, also the legs below the knee seemed flexible while above the knee they appear rigid. The ‘trunk’ or head are of an indefinable color that was close to brown yellow. Somewhere towards the top of the object a very intense red light now appears. The witnesses describe the light as ‘unearthly, something that they had never seen before’. All eyes were now riveted on the red light emanating from the ‘creature’. Not a word is exchanged in the car. Children, who were previously indifferent are now petrified. The wife then said, “look at its belly’; (at this point all the witnesses were convinced that the object was alive). The witnesses looked at the belly section and noticed that it was bright with a mixture of lime green. Then the red light decreases in intensity and then the witnesses realize that the light had originated from a pair two very large round eyes.
The legs were a little over a meter long, with 15cm thighs, and 25-inch calves. The head-trunk section was about on meter wide by just over one meter in length. The eyes were about the size of a ‘cup of coffee’. This was the only occasion that the creature was seen from the front. When the red light is extinguished, the creature resumes its course eastward and away towards some fields. The main witness recalls that at the point when the red light became intense, he felt a sort of message saying, ‘leave me in peace’. His wife confirms that she clearly felt the same message. The children did not hear it. At this point they have lost sight of the creature behind some valleys. However, the witness again accelerates his car and eventually catches up with the creature after about 3 miles.
The creature maintains a parallel course and moves at the same speed as the vehicle. Now closer to the town of Thurso the witness takes a dirt road that leads him into a field, he turns around and stops the vehicle to watch the creature. At this point, the children began to giggle and saw a scene that their parents apparently did not have a chance to see it. They creature had come to rest over a herd of cows in the field and ‘somersaults’ over the herd, scattering them around in record time. At this point police officers had arrived at the scene and began pursuing the creature and entering the village of Thurso they lose sight of it. They then turn left on the 317 and immediately see it again. There are not alone, half a dozen vehicles are now parked, and people are standing on the pavement watching the strange spectacle in the sky. It is now approximately 50 meters above the ground and when crossing the road from left to right or west to east it rotates slowly on its axis. At this point, the main witness is tired and just wants to get back to Masson. The creature eventually disappears from sight towards the north. In the weeks that follow the main witness admits that at times during the ‘chase’ he had felt very nervous and even a sort of ‘visceral fear’.”
Sketch of the creature
An equally strange case from Rosales’ files was originally reported from Seymour, Missouri, in the Seymour Webster County Citizen, and supposedly happened in the summer of 1994. It revolves around an elementary school student who was out playing “Army” one day with his friends and classmates. At one point they built a fort out of branches and sticks and hung a bag of cookies up on one of the sticks. As they were playing, things would take a sharp turn into the bizarre when they spied a “big bug thing standing there” in the woods. The report describes what happened as follows:
“The thing or creature was standing on its hind legs, just like a human stands on our legs, but across its belly it had six smaller legs or arms. He couldn’t tell which and two longer arms that it used “like we do,” Dirk explained. It was about 6 ½ feet to 7 feet tall, and it was facing in profile, but not looking at Dirk and his cousin. As the two amazed 8-year-olds watched the “big bug,” they saw that it was picking at the bag of cookies hanging on the limb of their fort. “What was so strange was that the bug looked like T.V. fuzz, it wasn’t really clear: I don’t know if this was some kind of camouflage it used or if maybe it was an android.” Dirk added. Dirk said the creature had two big pinchers, one on each side of its head, two large “insect-looking eyes and a mouth like a grasshopper or praying mantis.” After the creature moved out of sight. Dirk and his cousin cautiously walked over to the fort where the big bug had been standing touching the bag of cookies.
“I reached up and touched the plastic bag and got a shock, sort of like a shock from static electricity,” Dirk said. “There shouldn’t have been any shock coming from the bag because plastic doesn’t conduct electricity, but I got a shock, and don’t know how to explain that.” Dirk and his cousin then ran back to his house to tell his mom, “Dana” about the big bug in the woods and how they wanted her to go out there and make it get out of the woods. As Dirk and his cousin tried to explain to Dana what the big bug looked like, Dana kept thinking, they’d come across a big wood roach or maybe a large praying mantis. “I finally had the boys sit down and use a pen and paper to draw what they saw,” she said. “That’s when it first dawned on me that the “big bug” they were explaining wasn’t just a big bug, but some sort of creature that was as large as a human.”
During the 11 years that Dirk lived with his parents on their farm north of Seymour, the big bug wasn’t his only encounter with strange beings. One day, he was playing outside when he saw two ‘very tall beings, figures that had hoods or hats, and it looked like they were talking to each other,” he said. They were about 60 meters away from him and he could see they were tall. “In fact, they were so tall that they stood above some of the taller trees at the edge of the creek behind my house.” Dirk said the two beings were about 7 ½ feet to 8 feet tall, and he was close enough to see “their skin was gray, so I knew they weren’t humans.” He could also make out that both beings had an initial on their hoods or hats. “The initials sort of looked like the ‘A’ on a California Angel’s hat, but the letters were mor cursive than that on the team’s baseball hat,” he explained. Dirk said he stood there watching the two beings for several minutes and they walked off. His parents also reported strange lights in the sky and Dirk reported seeing saucer-shaped crafts over the woods.”
Odd, indeed. Even more recent, and just as wild and spectacular as any of these we have looked at so far apparently happened in a rural area of the country of Brazil in 1996. On January 20, 1996, the fire department at the town of Varginha received several calls from distraught residents claiming that a “strange creature” was lurking about frightening people. Authorities thought it might just be some pranksters messing around, and went to check it out. When they arrived, they amazingly were able to quickly find the creature in question, which was described as being in some sort of a dazed state. The creature itself purportedly had short, stumpy legs, very long arms, oversized feet, and three stalks upon its head, and it also had set within its misshappen head set of glowing red eyes. The bizarre entity was easily captured with a net, which elicited a buzzing sound from it, and it whisked off to who knows where.
Later that same day there was another of the creatures seen, this time by three girls named Lilliane Fatima, Valquira Fatima, and Andrade Xavier as they were walking through a wooded area. It looked exactly like the one that had been captured and left footprints and an obnoxious ammonia-like stench in its wake. The creature or creatures were sighted numerous times over the coming week, and another was supposedly captured. This specimen was taken to the University of Campinas, and amazingly two more were also captured and brought to the University of Sao Paulo, where at least one of them died. There were allegedly many photographs taken of the autopsy, yet none have ever been made publicly available if they even exist at all. Oddly, several of the people involved with capturing the creatures mysterious fell ill, exhibiting symptoms that could not be explained, with at least one of these people dying from their sickness.
The story created quite a stir at the time, with the Brazilian media reporting on it heavily, yet both the authorities and the universities that supposedly had harbored the “aliens” denied any knowledge of such creatures. The only hint that something might really be going on was a doctor allegedly involved with the autopsy of the dead creature, who simultaneously denied having anything to do with it while also hinting that there was more to say on the matter that he was unable to release just yet. Considering that this all happened during a major UFO sightings flap in the region the public supposed that these might have been the occupants of these mysterious craft, but considering that no real evidence has come forward this will probably remain just another unverified enigmatic report that seems destined to be buried.
If all of this isn’t weird enough for you, how about some sort of alien clown? In September of 1996, a young witness in Wallace, Nova Scotia, Canada was sitting on a large boulder in his grandparents’ backyard. He suddenly heard a strange noise and looked off across a field of tall grass to see a figure standing there “with a scarecrow pose.” The outlandish report continues:
“Arms out, straight body. His hat was cone-shaped, his face features wooden. He had a Jack-o-Lantern face with an empty nose hole, but he still looked alive. But when he talked, his mouth didn’t move. The witness could hear him in his head, like telepathy. According to the witness the entity “gave off major clown vibes,” which the witness was comfortable with as both his parents did charity events dressed as clowns. The entity was roughly 6-7 feet tall, with wide shoulders. He wore ‘scarecrow clothes,’ with patches of bright colors over pale brown and black. The entity waved a wooden hand and the witness heard a voice say, “Hello, Sam. We are all colors.?”
The witness remembers distinctly that the entity asked it as a question, and he responded with, “My name is Luke, not Sam.” He wasn’t scared, he felt calm and relaxed until the end of the encounter. The entity pointed at himself, and did a short bow, then reached out into the field next to him and opened a door. The door had not been there before, and was not attached to anything. The witness could see inside the gap of the door, and the room inside was green, with wooden chairs. He motioned for the witness to come with him. The witness remembers getting up off the boulder, walking with the entity through the door, and being enveloped in bright red and green Christmas lights. They were as bright as the sun, and the had to close his eyes to keep from going blind, so he thought. The witness woke up lying on his grandparent’s couch. It was dark outside, and his parents rushed in when he called out to them. They had found him half an hour before, asleep in the middle of the field, having called for him not hearing him answer when it got dark. The witness recalled additional details of what he saw inside the green room: He distinctly recalled that there were two empty wooden chairs, and two occupied chairs further back. The door was see-through, he never saw a doorknob. He couldn’t make out details about the other people sitting in the chairs, but they had the same outline as well the first entity, the hat, the head shape, long arms and legs. But further details are just a void. Like when someone’s face is blurred to protect their identity.”
In later years we come to 2004, when a 17-year-old motorist traveling almost 10 miles north of Aurora Indiana, in the United States, came across something very strange, indeed. He would say that he had first spied a “figure” squatting down near a puddle of water and that after he had passed it he kept an eye on it to see more details. The very weird report continues as follows:
“After passing the frail-looking figure, the driver looked into his rear view mirror and again observed---illuminated by the taillights of his car---what he described as a tall, abnormal figure that moved strangely with pointed joints that “buckled out”. He estimated the figure stood around 6 feet, seven inches. “It had protruding joints and moved very strangely.” The driver said he was able to ascertain the figure, alleged to be dark gray or black and “pencil thin” stand up and take several steps toward the woods along the roadside. The figure definitely walked on two legs and was thought somehow, to be a male, although no clothing was noted. No face or eyes could be seen, but the witness had the impression that the figure was looking straight at him. The figure was immediately thought to be something out of the ordinary, not a human being. The duration of the sighting was “hurried” and possibly within the 3 to 4 second range. The driver continued on for a small distance after passing the figure and finally put on his brakes, coming to a stop at an estimated 2 minute walking distance on the road from the location of the sighting. He looked back to further observe the entity.
At that point, a second car came into view and approached from the opposite direction, passed, and then reached the spot on the road where the figure was thought to be. The 17-year old motorist reportedly watched closely and observed the second car undertake what he thought to be an evasive maneuver near the vicinity of where he thought the figure would be situated, and then the car turned around at that spot and shortly pulled up behind him, somewhat in the grass. There was an elderly couple in the car, both in their late 60s or early 70s and both with gray hair. The driver, who wore glasses said, “Boy, did you see something back there? I’ll tell you right now, that was no person.” The passenger, an elderly female said, “It was no human being. It was no man.” The elderly couple was reportedly “spooked” but offered to follow the first witness the remainder of the trip down North Hogan Road, clearly in the opposite direction of their intended destination route. It was thought that the elderly couple observed this same figure on the opposite side of the road, and possibly had observed it more closely. Later, the 17-year old witness was said to have become hysterical, and within an hour was describing the figure as an “alien”.”
Pretty weird stuff. Most recently of all we come to a case from Albert Rosales from 2018, which happened in Germany. One evening an unnamed witness was walking his dogs along the same route he always took along the outskirts of town when the dogs just suddenly stopped and refused to go any further. The witness thought this was strange, as the dogs never did that, and then he noticed a low humming sound emanating from the sky. He at first thought it must be a low-flying plane, but he could not see anything in the clear sky above, and then things got very strange very fast. The report continues:
“It pretty much sounded like a really loud low flying airplane, so he scanned the sky but didn’t see anything. It was very weird, especially in combination with the behavior of the dogs but he didn’t really give it much thought and tried to get his dogs to keep going, but they persisted and started whining. At this point, he started to worry so he looked around the area to see what could have possibly frightened them so much. That’s when he saw this strange ‘object’ standing in a field about 15 meters off the side of the road. The field usually had horses in them so it is surrounded by an electric fence. However, on this day there were no horses there. This strange feeling of dread or primal fear filled his body completely when he stared at the figure, maybe because it didn’t look like anything he’d ever seen before. He felt like he was ‘stuck’ to the road and couldn’t move. He noticed now that the figure, which at first he believed to be some sort of machine because of its silver or chrome color, had vague human-like features.
It had four limbs all ending in sharp edges. They had some black material or liquid on them as if it had dipped them in oil. Its head also had clear edges and looked very inorganic, like it was ‘constructed.’ It looked directly at the witness and he could see that it was sort of blinking permanently. Its nose and mouth looked more like openings in its head. The longer he looked at it, the more strange things he noticed. He felt as he were looking at something so foreign to his understanding of the world and life that he was about to ‘fall apart.’ On top of its head, it had this cone like structure cut out at the very top where some sort of orb was. It looked like a perfect golden ball and it was reflecting the sunlight. The witness also began to notice perhaps the weirdest feature of the creature which was that it was extremely muscular. Still it looked more like a shell in which muscles were carved than actually organic matter. The witness also saw what looked like cables on its upper body and arms as well as stripes on its arms and legs. Terrified, the witness tried with every fiber of his being to turn around and when after about 30 seconds, he could move again so he ran away as fast as he could with his dogs back home. He did tell his parents and brother and together they checked the spot but it was gone.”
How are we to classify such cases as we have seen here? What is behind them and what do they represent? Are these merely made-up stories, hallucinations, or hoaxes? Or are they something more? When looking at such completely bizarre and in some cases almost absurd entities, we are forced to ask if they are real at all, then where did they come from? Are these from space or perhaps something even weirder bleeding into our reality from some other reality or dimension? The answers remain elusive.
Bizarre Stories Of Alien Encounters And Creepy Monsters | William Shatner's Weird Or What
When most of us think of UFOs, we likely cast our minds no further back than the late 1940s, which is widely considered to be the start of the modern UFO era. Likewise, when the subject of encounters with aliens and alien abduction are discussed, we almost certainly think of cases from the 1970s, eighties, or even 1990s. The fact is, though, there are many encounters on record that appear to clearly describe strange aerial objects, as well as some that even suggest interaction with otherworldly entities long before the mid-twentieth century.
Perhaps a good place to start would be with the Tulli Papyrus, and what some people have claimed is one of the earliest documented sightings of a UFO somewhere around 1500 BC. This intriguing document, it is claimed, records the appearance of a strange object over the land of ancient Egypt. The document was first discovered in 1933 while the Director of the Egyptian Museum at the Vatican, Alberto Tulli, was working in Cairo, although what makes it particularly controversial is that no one – other than Tulli, that is – has ever seen the original. According to Tulli’s account, he came across the ancient papyrus, which was written in hieratic script, while in an antique shop. However, he didn’t have enough money to purchase it. Instead, he made a copy and then translated the hieratic scripts into hieroglyphics. Of course, this has led some people to contemplate just how accurate the translations are and whether the document ever existed at all. Whatever the truth, the full translation of the document – according to Tulli – reads as follows:
“In the year 22, in the third month of winter, in the sixth hour of the day, the scribes of the House of Life noticed a circle of fire that was coming from the sky...From the mouth it emitted a foul breath. It had no head. Its body was one rod long and one rod wide. It had no voice. And from that the hearts of the scribes became confused and they threw themselves down on their bellies...then they reported the thing to the Pharaoh...His Majesty ordered...has been examined...and he was meditating on what had happened, that it was recorded in the scrolls of the House of the Life. Now after some days had passed, these things became more and more numerous in the skies. Their splendor exceeded that of the sun and extended to the limits of the four angles of the sky...High and wide in the sky was the position from which these fire circles came and went. The army of the Pharaoh looked on with him in their midst. It was after supper. Then these fire circles ascended higher into the sky and they headed toward the south. Fish and birds then fell from the sky. A marvel never before known since the foundation of their land...And Pharaoh caused incense to be brought to make peace with Earth...and what happened was ordered to be written in the Annals of the House of Life so that it be remembered for all time forward.”
It is easy to see how such a translation would be interpreted as a UFO encounter. It is claimed that once Tulli had translated the document and realized the true importance of what he had read, he disclosed the findings to the Vatican, who agreed to fund the purchase of the papyrus. However, by the time he returned to the shop, the ancient writing was no longer there – it had mysteriously disappeared. The tale, though, would take another turn two decades later in the early 1950s.
In 1953, an Italian man, Prince Boris of Rachelwiltz, claimed to have found a torn version of the ancient papyrus in a book that had once belonged to none other than Alberto Tulli. He claimed that he also translated the ancient writing and, much like Tulli, revealed a description of a disc or circle of fire. Interestingly, the Vatican denied any knowledge of the whereabouts of the apparent original document.
A decade and a half later, in 1968, the Tulli Papyrus was featured in the US Air Force-commissioned Condon Report when Samuel Rosenberg asked the Vatican to comment on the claims of the original document and translation. The Vatican offered the document was “not the property of the Vatican Museum” and that Tulli had “disappeared and was never found”, which is perhaps ominous in itself. They also stated they had discovered that Tulli was not an Egyptologist and, as such, was not qualified to have translated the document, if indeed it ever existed. Even more remarkable, they further claimed that “Rachelwitz, in a confidential letter, admitted that he had never seen the original document or Tulli’s original notes”. In short, the Vatican was not only distancing itself from the Tulli Papyrus, but they were also ensuring there was considerable doubt cast onto both Tulli and Rachelwitz.
As we might imagine, some researchers and investigators are suspicious of the Vatican’s comments, believing them to be nothing more than a cover-up of their knowledge regarding the document’s existence and authenticity. However, as intriguing and thought-provoking as the alleged document is, we need to treat the alleged documentation with a considerable pinch of salt.
While there might be doubt regarding the Tulli Papyrus, the records of ancient Rome are much more solid, especially given the meticulous procedures involved in record-keeping in the Roman Empire. And surprisingly or not, there are several documented incidents that sound very much like UFO encounters.
In the book Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times, Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck relay just such an incident from 343 BC. The account is found in the writings of Diodorus Siculus, who documents the journey of Timoleon from Corinth to Sicily and who, ultimately, suggested that a strange light in the sky guided his route. He would write that “all through the night he was preceded by a torch blazing in the sky up to the moment when the squadron made harbor in Italy!” The insinuation that the light in question remained until Timoleon reached his destination upon which it disappeared might very well suggest some kind of purposeful interaction.
Just over a century later, between 218 to 201 BC, during the Second Punic War, the Pontifex Maximus of Rome documented several sightings of “gleaming round shields” in the Annales Maximi. Just under a hundred years later, in the year 122 BC, over the skies of Ariminium in modern-day Italy, when there were several reports of “three moons” appearing in the sky overhead. Furthermore, these “moons” were visible not only at night but also for several hours during the day. The incident was one of several documented by Pliny the Elder in his Historia Naturallis volumes, who wrote, “Three moons have appeared at once in the consulship of Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Fannius”.
Just under 50 years later, in 74 BC in what is modern-day Turkey, a truly remarkable incident was documented by Roman historian Plutarch. According to his writings, on the day in question, under bright sunshine, Roman and Turkish soldiers were advancing toward each other in anticipation of a bloody battle when a sound like the rumble of thunder was heard, followed by a bright flash of light. The two battalions stopped their advances and looked upwards to the sky, where they saw a “huge flame-like body” that proceeded to “fall between the two armies!” Plutarch wrote that the object was shaped like a “wine jar” and was silver in color. Incidentally, both armies retreated a short time later, which perhaps should make us contemplate whether the intention of the landing was to cause the battle to be abandoned, and if that was true, it would suggest a definite interference in human affairs by the intelligence behind the object.
There is another interesting sighting documented from the year 12 BC, and while there is not a great amount of detail, it features a detail that has been witnessed several times in UFO sightings of our contemporary era. According to the ancient report, residents of Rome witnessed the appearance of a “comet-like” object that hovered over the city for several days. After this, it then “melted”, with witnesses stating that pieces that melted away looked similar to flashing torches. What is interesting is that in the twenty-first century, there have been several sightings of glowing objects hovering overhead that then emit several “drips” that look similar to pieces melting from it. Whether these objects are extraterrestrial vehicles or not, it is interesting to see a report detailing an almost identical event.
A particularly thought-provoking incident was documented by historian Josephus and took place in Judea in the year 65, where the residents of the city witnessed what can only be described as a battle between aerial objects. In fact, Josephus would write that the account would “likely have been deemed a fable were it not for the narratives of eyewitnesses!” He continued that on the day in question, “armed battalions (were) hurtling through the clouds”, which then forced the ground to shake. Another historian, Tacitus, also documented the remarkable affair, writing that “in the sky appeared a vision of armies in conflict, of glittering armor!”
Documented reports of what we would determine from a modern perspective as being a battle between UFOs can be found a millennium and a half later on two separate occasions. The first occurred on April 14th, 1561, in the city of Nuremberg in Germany and was documented in an illustrated broadsheet the following week by Hanns Glaser, a “letter-painter” of the city. Glaser offered that the residents of the city were witness to “a very frightful spectacle” overhead as globes of “blood-red, bluish, or black” hung in the sky. Among these globes were “plates and blood-colored crosses”. Glaser continued that several of these objects were “three in a row”, which perhaps suggested they were in some kind of formation. Also mentioned was the presence of huge tube-shaped objects from which further “globes” emerged, perhaps suggesting they were motherships. Glaser went on to detail how these strange aerial vehicles went on to “fight one another” until “they all fell…from the sun and sky down to the earth as if everything was on fire!” When the flames died down all that was left was “immense smoke”.
Just over five later, during the course of several weeks between late July and early August 1566, in Basel, Switzerland, further apparent aerial battles were witnessed. These sightings would culminate just before dawn on August 7th, when “many large black globes were seen in the air, moving before the sun with great speed!” The incident was documented by Samuel Coccius, who stated that the black globes were “turning against each other as if fighting. Some of them became red and fiery and afterward faded and went out!” We might conclude that the “red and fiery” refers to some kind of aerial explosion that caused these craft to fall to the ground.
According to an account that can be found in the book Best UFO Cases – Europe by Illobrand Von Ludwiger, at around 2 pm on the afternoon of April 8th, 1665, in Stralsund, Germany, near the Baltic Sea, several fishermen noticed what they thought was a particularly large swarm of birds over the water. However, the longer they watched this swarm, the more they noticed that they “changed to battleships in the sky!” Clearly, we can conclude that no physical transformation took place, but that the birds were, in fact, aerial vehicles that simply became clearer to the fishermen the closer they got. The strangeness, though, was just beginning.
As the fishermen looked on, the object began fighting “one against the other” which caused a “lot of smoke” to develop. Even more amazing, further objects arrived in the sky, each joining the aerial battle that was clearly taking place. The fishermen watched this bizarre show for several hours. According to the 1680 writings of Erasmus Francisci (who was one of Ludwiger’s sources for his account), these aerial battles “were frequent in the medieval age” and were regarded as “air visions” that were often seen as a warning.
Then, the battle seemed to come to a stop and the objects dispersed before a huge object suddenly appeared overhead. Francisci described this “flat round form” as looking very much “like a plate” or “like the big hat of a man” and was “the color of the moon!” It proceeded to move slowly across the sky before coming to a stop directly over St. Nikolai Church. It remained there for several hours with multiple residents of the area now aware of its presence. While many witnesses at the time – who already, according to Francisci, believed these aerial displays were divine visions – believed its decision to stop over the church was a further sign of divinity, we should perhaps consider that as one of the tallest buildings of the times, it is understandable that apparent aerial visitors would focus on them as a point of interest. Whatever the truth, the large object eventually left the region and disappeared.
The following day, however, the main witnesses to the bizarre events, the fishermen, became suddenly ill, with descriptions offering that they were “trembling all over and (had) pain in (their) head and limbs!” One detail states that one of the men had even been physically sick “on his feet!” Two of the fishermen were eventually “interrogated” by local authorities, and it was determined that the entire episode had been a vision from God. Today, though, we can see the event for what it seemingly was: some kind of aerial battle involving vehicles that very well could have been from another world.
There are several things for us to quickly consider here. We have already examined two similar encounters from the previous century that took place in the same region of Europe. As bizarre as it might sound, should we contemplate that there was some kind of aerial conflict taking place on Earth between two warring cosmic visitors from elsewhere in the Universe, and if so, why had such potential alien civilizations chosen the Earth for this battle? Or might we consider that these futuristic vehicles belonged to two civilizations already present on Earth, and if this was the case, who were these advanced civilizations and where did they go?
Just over four centuries earlier, in 1180 in Kii Province in Japan, as documented in The Book of Ghosts, UFOs, and the Unexplained by James Paton, several fishermen witnessed a bright object they described as an “earthen-ware vessel” in the night sky. An earthen-ware vessel, incidentally, is similar to a soup bowl or saucer – similar to how objects were often described at the start of the modern UFO era. The fishermen offered that the object had first appeared from the direction of Mount Nyoigadake before suddenly changing direction and disappearing into the distance with great speed.
Just over half a century later, also in Japan, in 1235, according to an account documented in the medieval Japanese text, the Azuma Kagami, General Yoritsune ordered what could possibly be regarded as the first UFO investigation on record. The orders were issued after Yoritsune and his men witnessed several strange lights dancing in the night sky as they camped for the night. They watched them for several hours as they performed bizarre maneuvers overhead. Following the lights vanishing, Yoritsune gathered his most intelligent men and ordered them to investigate what the lights might have been and report their findings to him. Incidentally, his men insisted that the lights were “completely natural” and that the aerial anomaly was likely the result of “the wind making the stars sway!”
Another account detailed in James Paton’s The Book of Ghosts, UFOs, and the Unexplained occurred just short of 20 years later, on New Year’s Day 1254 in St. Albans in Hertfordshire, England. On the night in question, several monks had gathered at the local church in order to celebrate the New Year festivities and witnessed “a kind of large ship, elegantly shaped and of marvelous color!” According to the writing of the incident – documented by Matthew of Paris – hovered silently over the church, clearly standing out against the stars in the early evening sky. The object remained where it was for several minutes before ascending high into the sky and disappearing from sight. Whatever the object was, it is widely agreed by UFO investigators and historians alike that they most certainly saw something very strange.
Across the Atlantic in the New World that would become the United States of America, we find many more sightings of strange, out-of-place aerial objects. Arguably, the first recorded sighting of what we would today call a UFO occurred on the banks of the Muddy River near Boston, Massachusetts, one evening in 1638. Jeff Belanger relays the account in the book Picture Yourself Legend Tripping: Your Complete Guide to Finding UFOs, Monster, Ghosts, and Urban Legends in Your Own Backyard, offering the incident was first recorded in the journal of Governor John Winthrop. Winthrop wrote that a local man named James Everell – widely regarded as a “sober, discreet” man – along with two other unnamed men, witnessed a large, bright light moving across the night sky on the evening in question. Further, according to the report, the object stopped and hovered momentarily – where it would “flare up” – before moving once more, when it “took on the shape of a swine” (we might imagine that the object Winthrop was trying to describe was cigar or tube-shaped). The report continues that the witnesses followed the object for around a mile, noting that it was “swift as an arrow”, before it eventually disappeared into the distance.
At around 9 pm on the evening of June 30th, 1790, in the Schoharie County region of New York, a “bright shining light” was witnessed by a local German immigrant to the United States while sitting on his porch, who would eventually speak of the incident in 1823 in an official statement to the Historical Philosophical Society of the State of New York. At the same time that he noticed the light, he heard a “great roar” that seemed to come from the glowing object. The brightness of the object continued to increase, so much so that the witness stated it appeared as though he was sitting in the “noonday sun!”
To begin with, this strange craft moved across the sky in a similar fashion to a meteorite. However, after several moments, it leveled out somewhat and maintained the same altitude as it carried on its path just above the treetops before it ascended slightly with the speed of a “galloping horse” as it went over Owelus Sowless Hill. The witness further described the object as being around 300 yards long and a similar shape to a snake but with a shape similar to “the roots of a tree plucked up by force” where the head should be. The exterior of the object, according to the witness’s statement, “closely resembled a welding hot iron and sparked similar to it!” Even more remarkable, the witness claimed to have felt a considerable heat coming from the craft, despite being a significant distance away from it. In fact, such was the heat coming from the object that it warmed his entire house. What’s more, an aroma of burning sulfur and tar permeated the air around him and remained until well into the next day long after the object had gone.
Around half a century later, in the November 26th, 1846, edition of the Official Gazette of the Empire of Brazil newspaper, we can find what is widely agreed to be Brazil’s first officially documented UFO encounter. Furthermore, and lending immediate credibility to the case, the writer of the article, who was also the main witness, was a highly respected and decorated member of the Brazilian Navy, Augusto Lerverger.
The incident unfolded just before 6 am one morning in June 1846, when Lerverger was leading two gunboats down the Paraguay River, which runs between Paraguay and Brazil’s Matto Grasso area, on their way to Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay (the expedition was said to be a “military muscle-flexing” exercise on the part of the Brazilian government). They were just under 20 miles away from their destination when they witnessed a “phenomenon never seen before!” Lerverger wrote that out of the clear and calm sky, a “luminous globe performed with instant speed a 30-degree curve” ahead of them. He continued that a “light band” was connected to this globe, along which were “three bodies whose brightness was much more lively!” This object – as well as the three separate objects – continued to increase in brightness. Lerverger further stated that the three objects were separate from each other and were different shapes – one being circular, one an “irregular quadrangle” and the last “an arc of a circle” – with a “ribbon of very faint light” moving around them in a zig-zag motion.
The crew watched the object as it moved, noting that it began to change shape once more, this time appearing like a “flat elliptical shape” before it disappeared into the distance. In total, it was in view for around 25 minutes. By the time they arrived at their destination a short time later, it was clear to all onboard – including the Brazilian Ambassador, Dr. Jose Antonio Bueno, who was also present - that many other people had also seen the aerial anomaly. Lerverger speculated whether they had witnessed a meteor or some other kind of atmospheric phenomena. However, certainly, when examined from a modern perspective, it would appear the crew witnessed some kind of nuts-and-bolts mechanical craft.
As strange as it might sound, 1846 appears to have been quite the year for UFO sightings, with several others on record around the world. A little over a month later, at around 2:30 am on August 25th, 1846, in Saint-Apre, France, Dr. Moreau was making his way home following a late-night house call to one of his patients. As he walked along, a strange light suddenly appeared and enveloped him. When he looked up, he saw a mysterious globe that opened. A moment later, “hundreds of star-like objects” emerged from the globe and went into the air. This bizarre display continued for five minutes before the object disappeared back into the night sky.
Several weeks later, also in France in La Salette on September 19th, 11-year-old Maximin and 14-year-old Melanie Calvat were herding cattle when they reported seeing a suddenly appearing bright light flash across the sky. Although the sighting unfolded during the middle of the day, Melanie offered that the object was “shining more brightly than the sun!” Melanie recalled that she was immediately captivated by the strange glow, stating that as she watched, “something inconceivably fantastic passed” through her. Then, things turned even stranger. Melanie recalled that she witnessed a “lady” emerge from the light, a lady that she claimed was the “Virgin Mary” and that her appearance was a warning or omen.
In November 1846, on the Rangoon River in China, several people onboard a ship making its way down the river noticed a strange light suddenly appear in front of it. The main witness, the ship owner’s wife, and her four-year-old child, along with the ship’s captain, were standing at the front of the vessel when the light appeared. They recalled how the light had the appearance of a “compact flame” which appeared to move for several moments along the water’s edge.
According to another account in the book Wonders in the Sky, several months later, at around 8:30 pm on the evening of March 19th, 1847, in London, England, a witness referred to only as “A”, along with a friend, was walking down Albion Road when the evening took a most unusual turn. The pair suddenly noticed what they believed to be a balloon descending out of the night sky. However, as they watched it, and the lower it got, they quickly realized from “its intense brightness” that the object was “not an Earthly thing!” They continued to watch, noting that every now and then, several “fiery coruscations” were projected from the object as it took on the appearance of an “intensely radiant cloud!” The witness further offered that the object was so bright that it “cast a brilliant light on the houses” below. Both looked on as a second object appeared and descended to the same altitude as the first one. They both hovered in the air for around two minutes before the first object “absorbed” the second one and then began to ascend and disappear into the night sky.
In a letter to the Scientific American, Professor A.C. Carnes relayed another account of a strange aerial object that unfolded in the early hours of June 1st, 1854, on the campus of a Tennessee college. According to the report, several students awoke on the morning in question to see two strange objects hovering in the sky overhead. The witnesses claimed that one of the objects appeared moon-like while the other appeared like a star. The moon-like object began to decrease in size until it eventually disappeared. Then, the other object began to grow. Eventually, it began to change form, first into a globe or spherical object and then into an elongated shape.
In his letter, Carnes wrote, “The first (object) became visible again, and increased rapidly in size, while the other diminished, and the two spots kept changing thus for about half an hour!” After watching the objects until they disappeared, the students sought the advice of their professors, including Carnes, but none of them could offer an explanation. The incident remains a complete mystery today.
Another intriguing incident occurred a little over half a decade later, in March 1861, a short time after the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln’s first term as President of the United States, once more in New York, a city still far from the sprawling metropolis it is today, but still a jungle of tall buildings that was a “cramped urban setting” for the people who resided there. On the night in question, in an area known as Five Points, Mrs. Kinder was looking out of her bedroom window at the church near her upper-floor apartment when she saw a “cross-like object with a flaming luminosity” moving across the sky. She immediately woke her husband, who also saw the bizarre aerial anomaly. The pair watched the object at the window until it disappeared into the distance. Mrs. Kinder would speak of the encounter to her priest at St. Peters Church in Jersey City, who would document the report in his Baptismal records. Also of interest, around the same time as the sighting, only six blocks from Kinder’s apartment, an entire block of buildings was brought to the ground by a raging fire. Whether there is a connection between this brutal blaze of the fiery object witnessed by Kinder remains open to debate.
While there have undoubtedly been apparent encounters with alien entities long before the twentieth century (some of which we will examine shortly), there is little doubt that an encounter from early 1917 – an account I relay in From Deep Within The Archives Of UFO Insight: History’s Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters - is worth our time exploring here, not least as it features some of the specific details of the alien abduction phenomenon that would sweep the planet decades after the start of the modern UFO era.
According to most sources, the account first appeared in the June 9th, 1978, edition of the Finnish newspaper Kurkijokelainen, in an article written by Latomaen Aino, and documents what appears to be a classic case of alien abduction. According to the account, somewhere between January and Easter of 1917, in the North Karelia region of Finland, a local woman, Anni Lattu, who lived in a small house near the church of Kurkijoki, disappeared for several days before reappearing just as mysteriously. Although many of the local villagers thought it strange that she had seemingly left without saying anything to anyone, they assumed she had gone to visit family, and so no alarm was raised. When Anni returned, however, she did so with a bizarre tale.
She claimed that one morning, while going about her usual chores, a “large apparatus, like a big wash basin” appeared in the sky overhead and descended to the ground near her home. It is worth noting straight away that Anni’s description of this apparent aerial object is disc-shaped, just like many of the objects that would be reported over the second half of the twentieth century, as wash basins in Finland during this time were shaped like large soup bowls. That, though, was far from the only detail that resonated very nicely with close encounters of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.
She stated that several moments after the strange object landed on the ground outside her house, a ladder emerged from the side of the craft and stretched slowly to the ground. A moment after that, several “small creatures” that she referred to as “little devils” appeared on the ladder. They walked down it and over to where she was standing. Although she wasn’t certain how, she knew that these creatures wanted her to go with them, and although she attempted to resist, the figures forcibly took her aboard. She stated that the walls of this futuristic craft shone brightly and that a moment after stepping foot inside, the object was moving. She stated it “traveled very quickly” and that “many wonders were shown to her!” Perhaps most interesting of all, in terms of details that can be found in UFO and alien abduction reports decades later, was that this strange vehicle was silent and “did not make any noise as in the train!” There were, though, further revelations from her remarkable tale.
She went on to describe being taken “above the world” and “between the stars”, clearly indicating she had left the planet and was taken into space. She further claimed that although she didn’t at all know their language, she understood everything the strange entities said to her, leading some researchers to question if her apparent abductors were using telepathy to communicate, something else that often shows up in other alien abduction encounters. The next thing she recalled was standing outside her house. To Anni, she had been gone only a short time. It was only when she spoke to friends and neighbors that she realized several days had passed.
According to the article, Anni was happy to speak to anyone who would listen about her fantastic adventure. However, as we might expect, most of the villagers dismissed her account, suspecting she had hallucinated the entire thing, perhaps as a result of suffering an intense fever from exposure to the cold, they reasoned. Or perhaps she had suffered a mental breakdown. Anni, though, never wavered from her version of events.
Several months after the publication of the article in the summer of 1978, Finish UFO investigator Mauritz Heitamaki took an interest in the case. So much so, in fact, that he ventured to the village where the apparent abduction had taken place. Even more remarkable, during his investigation, he managed to track down a witness who claimed to have known Anni shortly after the abduction happened.
The witness – referred to in Heitamaki’s report only as NM – claimed that when she was seven years old, her mother was Anni’s neighbor, and the pair would often speak. NM would listen to these conversations and clearly remembered hearing Anni speaking of the bizarre affair with her mother on several occasions. As was reported in the newspaper article, NM insisted that Anni always told the exact same story, never once differing in her account. NM also offered that despite reports that Anni was a widow, she was, in fact, married, although her husband often left Anni alone for weeks at a time. Further, according to NM, Anni remained in the same village where the encounter took place until her death in 1930.
It is also worth our time to examine an account of an alien encounter that occurred in the small town of Lodi in California. According to reports, one evening during the summer of 1896, Colonel HG Shaw was traveling to Fresno by horse and carriage with a friend for an upcoming exhibition that they were to organize. However, out of nowhere, their horse would suddenly come to a complete stop. Not only would it refuse to move forward, but it was clearly in a severe state of fright and stress.
At this point, Shaw and his friend decided to investigate, and upon looking ahead of the horse, they could make out three tall figures standing a little way off in the middle of the road. The description Shaw gave of these creatures – large, hairless heads with large dark eyes and legs and arms that appeared too thin and out of proportion to their frames – is the same as many of the descriptions of grey aliens from throughout the Modern UFO era, and we should keep in mind, this report came six decades before the Roswell incident.
The two men watched the three figures for several moments and noticed how, every so often, they would place a bag with some kind of tube attached to their mouths, perhaps suggesting that it was some kind of breathing aid or apparatus. On the other hand, each figure carried some kind of glowing lamp. Furthermore, the two men could hear these mysterious creatures speaking to each other in a language they were unfamiliar with.
Several moments later, the three figures suddenly turned around and walked toward a nearby bridge. The two men watched them go, the light from their lamps revealing a hovering, metallic object close to the bridge. The three figures entered the hovering craft, which then began to ascend, eventually disappearing into the night sky. Although he wasn’t entirely sure what he and his friend had seen that night (although he stated in his report these figures could have been from Mars), he was certain they had witnessed something quite extraordinary.
There have been many other apparent encounters worth exploring. On the morning of August 5th, 1608, in Nice, France, for example, multiple residents of the city witnessed three glowing objects overhead. According to the reports, the objects revolved in the air as they moved in the direction of the city fortress. The three aerial vehicles continued across the fortress and headed out toward the Mediterranean Sea. They eventually came to a stop where the witnesses claimed to see them float on the water. Even more remarkable, as the witnesses watched the object, they could clearly see two humanoid figures emerge from one of them, a tube connected to their bodies from inside the craft. They each had a “large head” with “luminous eyes” and wore silver and red clothing. It appeared the entities were carrying out repairs of some kind before they reentered the craft. Following this, the three objects ascended high into the sky and then sped off into the distance.
A particularly intriguing account that could very well be a case of alien abduction in the seventeenth century can be found in the 1841 publication by Charles McKay, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. The case in question features Major Thomas Weir, a respected Scottish soldier and commander of the Edinburgh Town Guard who, in 1670, while gravely sick and bed-ridden, seemingly confessed to bizarre activities involving his sister, Jean Weir, to the Lord Provost, activities that appeared to be ground in the Occult. When his sister was confronted with her brother’s confession, she broke down, claiming they had been involved in a lifetime of strange and bizarre events.
Of most interest to us here, though, is an account offered by Jean that took place at some time in 1648, when a mysterious stranger arrived out of nowhere in a “fiery coach” and proceeded to take her brother away. During this journey, this mysterious stranger imparted “supernatural intelligence” to Thomas, including information about a battle taking place at Worcester, a battle, incidentally, that the Scots lost. We might consider that the “fiery coach” described by Jean was, in fact, some kind of aerial object – essentially, a UFO – and this mysterious journey he embarked on was actually an alien abduction. Furthermore, the “lifetime of strange and bizarre events” could very well be an indication of repeat alien abduction. We might also consider the fact of this “supernatural intelligence” passed to Thomas. In many cases of alien abduction, many abductees speak of being given information, sometimes about future events. Could that have been the case here? Whatever the truth, the confession of Thomas and Jean would have tragic and unfortunate consequences for the siblings.
To begin with, the apparent confession of Thomas Weir was not taken seriously, not least because of Weir’s noble standing, but also because it was suspected he was suffering from senility. However, following his sister’s statements, both were arrested and eventually tried for practicing witchcraft. Both were found guilty, although Thomas’s conviction was on the much lesser charges (for the times) of incest and beastiality. Both, however, were sentenced to death.
Another bizarre encounter unfolded in October 1847 in the Saratov region of Russia when local residents witnessed “four fiery columns of light” overhead. These columns remained in sight for almost two hours and sparkled between shades of white and blue. Then, without warning, the four columns simply disappeared. The strangeness, though, was far from over. As the next few hours, days, and weeks progressed, residents of Saratov began commenting on several “bizarre-looking strangers” seen walking around the area. In fact, several people even approached these strangers and attempted to talk to them, although it was clear they didn’t understand them, and nor could residents understand the strangers.
These strange figures were described as looking similar to “elderly men” with “yellow-greenish faces” and without a beard (something that almost all male residents of the area sported). Most of the locals determined that these strangers were likely “eccentric travelers” who were friendly enough with those who encountered them. These strangers would appear regularly, each day in a different part of the region, always disappearing before nightfall. The last recorded sighting of them was on the evening of October 6th, 1848, almost a year after the strange columns of light appeared over the region. On this night, at around 9 pm, a bright light suddenly appeared overhead lighting up the entire area. At the same time, a low thunder-like rumbling sound could also be heard. This went on for around an hour before a “blood red colored spot” appeared within the light, which then morphed into an “elongated form” before finally splitting into several columns of sparkling light. These columns remained until around 11 pm when they suddenly disappeared – as had the strangers, who were never seen again.
Might we assume that these “eccentric travelers” were connected to the strange columns of light witnessed that October evening, and that they might have traveled from much further away than most would imagine? Could it be that the columns of light transported them from the ground to an aerial craft overhead? Or might they even have been some kind of portals or gateways to another realm or part of the universe? The incident remains completely unexplained.
As we can see, then, it is clear that UFO sightings and encounters with alien entities, including apparent alien abductions, have been happening throughout human history. And the incidents we have explored here are just some of the many encounters on record from across the centuries. Indeed, to examine them all would likely take an entire volume. We can only imagine how many other sightings and encounters went undocumented and, as such, are now lost to history, buried under the sands of time. Or how many from antiquity were recorded in the records that were destroyed during such episodes as the burning of the library of Alexandria, and the wiping out of records of many of the North and South American native populations by European explorers. We might also consider how many cases have been documented but now reside in locked-away vaults in various destinations around the world. Perhaps the one certain thing is that our history is littered with these strange accounts, which should alert us to the fact that our collective reality and place in the universe are far different from what most might think.
Ancient Aliens: UFO Technology Found on Earth
Ancient Aliens: Egyptian Mysteries Hide Proof of UFOs
Heinrich Frank Deep inside Brazil, there are tunnels large enough for a person to walk through. They are neatly symmetrical—too neat to have been caused by any known geologic process. And they are lined with claw marks.
These megatunnels are probably the handiwork of giant ground sloths—humongous "paleoburrows" that no longer walk the Earth. But tens of thousands of years after these megafauna did their digging, those tunnels still dot this part of South America. Discover has a great feature up about it.
Heinrich Franks
Claw marks
Up until the 2000s, little was known or written about this bounty of holes. But since he came upon his first one near Novo Hamburgo, Brazilian scientist Heinrich Frank has found more than 1,500 tunnels. Frank has found burrows that measure hundreds of feet long. Scientists have discovered one with branching tunnels that, when you measure the thing in its entirety, comes in at 2,000 feet long. It had to have been dug by many creatures over generations, not by one or two giant sloths.
The big open question is, Why? The tunnels appear to be much larger than any burrowing animal would need to get away from bad weather or hungry predators. As Frank tells Discover, "There's no explanation – not predators, not climate, not humidity. I really don't know."
A UFO expert, Carl Nally of UFO and Paranormal Research Ireland (UPRI), claims the spate of recent mysterious drone sightings could be a precursor to an alien invasion. He also says they will be conducting this invasion using an invasion portal located here on Earth.
Speaking to the Irish Mirror, Nally believes that the unexplained drone sightings that have been proliferating all over the United States and abroad would have been positively identified as drones by the American government if they were, in fact, nothing more than unmanned aircraft. Especially since many of these sightings have occurred near military bases.
“It’s an amazing situation, the way we see it,” he said. “You would imagine that, when anything appears over a military base, a military helicopter would go up and investigate them, but they haven’t done that.
“They call them drones. Are they drones or UFOs? They would have identified them by now if they were drones – even just by shooting one of them down to see what it is. But they haven’t done that, and that leads us to believe that, possibly, it could be UFOs again.”
He believes that one explanation for all of these supposed drones not being properly identified by governments may have to do with the use of portals. A similar theory has also been applied to cryptids like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.
“It’s very peculiar that it’s happening in a lot of places at the same time,” Carl Nally continued. “We’re not used to that on this side of the world. At some point, they will make themselves known, and why not now?”
One portal Nally believes exists is located over Athlone, Slane, Boyle, Wicklow, and West Cork in Ireleand.
He cites research being conducted by a astronomer Dr. Eamonn Ansbro and New Zealand airline pilot Dr. Bruce Cathie as possible evidence that these portals are being used by aliens. “”They are entering earth at an increasingly rapid pace, and the fact that the entry coincides with sightings over military bases – that is concerning,” Nally told the Westmeath Independent.
“We’ve had a huge number of reports from people in the Midlands who reportseeing orbortic tac shaped UFOs,” he continued.
“Dr. Ansbro and Dr. Cathie have developed a theory that UFOs operate on tracks which they can enter and exit the Earth from,” Nally explained. “They have been working on this theory for the past 12 to 15 years. They have been researching sites where UFOs are most often seen. Their mathematical theory is proven to be 92% accurate.”
UFO Expert Says There's Alien Proof Being Kept Secret - Jeremy Corbell Interview
What we know so far about mysterious drones over New Jersey
Alien Invasion? See The Definitive News Report On Intelligent Life In The Universe
New Research Suggests Io Doesn’t Have a Shallow Ocean of Magma
Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically active body in the Solar System, with roughly 400 active volcanoes regularly ejecting magma into space. This activity arises from Io’s eccentric orbit around Jupiter, which produces incredibly powerful tidal interactions in the interior. In addition to powering Io’s volcanism,
this tidal energy is believed to support a global subsurface magma ocean. However, the extent and depth of this ocean remains the subject of debate, with some supporting the idea of a shallow magma ocean while others believe Io has a more rigid, mostly solid interior.
In a recent NASA-supported study, an international team of researchers combined data from multiple missions to measure Io’s tidal deformation. According to their findings, Io does not possess a magma ocean and likely has a mostly solid mantle. Their findings further suggest that tidal forces do not necessarily lead to global magma oceans on moons or planetary bodies. This could have implications for the study of exoplanets that experience tidal heating, including Super-Earths and exomoons similar to Io that orbit massive gas giants.
An amazingly active Io, Jupiter’s “pizza moon,” shows multiple volcanoes and hot spots, as seen with Juno’s infrared camera. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/ASI/INAF/JIRAM/Roman Tkachenko
As they explain in their paper, two types of analysis have predicted the existence of a global magma ocean. On the one hand, magnetic induction measurements conducted by the Galileo mission suggested the existence of a magma ocean within Io, approximately 50 km [~30 mi] thick and located near the surface. These results also implied that about 20% of the material in Io’s mantle is melted. However, these results were subjected to debate for many years. In recent years, NASA’s Juno mission conducted multiple flybys of Io and the other Jovian moons and obtained data that supported this conclusion.
In particular, the Juno probe conducted a global mapping campaign of Io’s volcanoes, which suggested that the distribution of volcanic heat flow is consistent with the presence of a global magma ocean. However, these discoveries have led to considerable debate about these techniques and whether they can be used to distinguish whether a shallow global magma ocean drives Io’s volcanic activity. This is the question Park and his colleagues sought to address in their study:
“In our study, Io’s tidal deformation is modeled using the gravitational tidal Love number k2, which is defined as the ratio of the imposed gravitational potential from Jupiter to the induced potential from the deformation of Io. In short, if k2 is large, there is a global magma ocean, and if k2 is small, there is no global magma ocean. Our result shows that the recovered value of k2 is small, consistent with Io not having a global magma ocean.”
The significance of these findings goes far beyond the study of Io and other potentially volcanic moons. Beyond the Solar System, astronomers have discovered countless bodies that (according to current planetary models) experience intense tidal heating. This includes rocky exoplanets that are several times the size and mass of Earth (Super-Earths) and in the case of tidally-locked planets like the TRAPPIST-1 system. These findings are also relevant for the study of exomoons that also experience intense tidal heating (similar to the Jovian moons). As Park explained:
“Although it is commonly assumed among the exoplanet community that intense tidal heating may lead to magma oceans, the example of Io shows that this need not be the case. Our results indicate that tidal forces do not universally create global magma oceans, which may be prevented from forming due to rapid melt ascent, intrusion, and eruption, so even strong tidal heating – like that expected on several known exoplanets and super-Earths – may not guarantee the formation of magma oceans on moons or planetary bodies.”
The JWST Looked Over the Hubble’s Shoulder and Confirmed that the Universe is Expanding Faster
These 36 galaxies all contain Type 1a supernovae and Cepheid variables. They serve as standard distance markers used to measure how fast the Universe is expanding. Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Adam G. Riess (STScI, JHU)
The JWST Looked Over the Hubble’s Shoulder and Confirmed that the Universe is Expanding Faster
It’s axiomatic that the Universe is expanding. However, the rate of expansion hasn’t remained the same. It appears that the Universe is expanding more quickly now than it did in the past.
Astronomers have struggled to understand this and have wondered if the apparent acceleration is due to instrument errors. The JWST has put that question to rest.
American astronomer Edwin Hubble is widely credited with discovering the expansion of the Universe. But it actually stemmed from relativity equations and was pioneered by Russian scientist Alexander Freedman. Hubble’s Law bears Edwin’s name, though, and he was the one who confirmed the expansion, called Hubble’s constant, and put a more precise value to it. It measures how rapidly galaxies that aren’t gravitationally bound are moving away from one another. The movement of objects due solely to the Hubble constant is called the Hubble flow.
Measuring the Hubble constant means measuring distances to far-flung objects. Astronomers use the cosmic distance ladder (CDL) to do that. However, the ladder has a problem.
This illustration shows the three basic steps astronomers use to calculate how fast the universe expands over time, a value called the Hubble constant. All the steps involve building a strong “cosmic distance ladder” by starting with measuring accurate distances to nearby galaxies and then moving to galaxies farther and farther away. Image Credit: NASA, ESA and A. Feild (STScI)
The first rungs on the CDL are fundamental measurements that can be observed directly. Parallax measurement is the most important fundamental measurement. But the method breaks down at great distances.
Beyond that, astronomers use standard candles, things with known intrinsic brightness, like supernovae and Cepheid variables. Those objects and their relationships help astronomers measure distances to other galaxies. This has been tricky to measure, though advancing technology has made progress.
Another pair of problems plagues the effort, though. The first is that different telescopes and methods produce different distance measurements. The second is that our measurements of distances and expansion don’t match up with the Standard Model of Cosmology, also known as the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model. That discrepancy is called the Hubble tension.
The question is, can the mismatch between the measurements and the LCDM be explained by instrument differences? That possibility has to be eliminated, and the trick is to take one large set of distance measurements from one telescope and compare them to another.
New research in The Astrophysical Journal tackles the problem by comparing Hubble Space Telescope measurements with JWST measurements. It’s titled “JWST Validates HST Distance Measurements: Selection of Supernova Subsample Explains Differences in JWST Estimates of Local H0.” The lead author is Adam Riess, a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor and Thomas J. Barber Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University. Riess is also a Nobel laureate, winning the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe through observations of distant supernovae,” according to the Nobel Institute.
As of 2022, the Hubble Space Telescope gathered the most numerous sample of homogeneously measured standard candles. It measured a large number of standard candles out to about 40 Mpc or about 130 million light-years. “As of 2022, the largest collection of homogeneously measured SNe Ia is complete to D less than or equal to 40 Mpc or redshift z less than or equal to 0.01,” the authors of the research write. “It consists of 42 SNe Ia in 37 host galaxies calibrated with observations of Cepheids with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the heritage of more than 1000 orbits (a comparable number of hours) invested over the last ~20 yrs.”
In this research, the astronomers used the powerful JWST to cross-check the Hubble’s work. “We cross-check the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Cepheid/Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) distance ladder, which yields the most precise local H0 (Hubble flow), against early James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) subsamples (~1/4 of the HST sample) from SH0ES and CCHP, calibrated only with NGC 4258,” the authors write. SH0ES and CCHP are different observing efforts aimed at measuring the Hubble constant. SH0ES stands for Supernova H0 for the Equation of State of Dark Energy, and CCHP stands for Chicago-Carnegie Hubble Program, which uses the JWST to measure the Hubble constant.
“JWST has certain distinct advantages (and some disadvantages) compared to HST for measuring distances to nearby galaxies,” Riess and his co-authors write. It offers a 2.5 times higher near-infrared resolution than the HST. Despite some of its disadvantages, the JWST “is able to provide a strong cross-check of distances in the first two rungs,” the authors explain.
Observations from both telescopes are closely aligned, which basically minimizes instrument error as the cause of the discrepancy between observations and the Lambda CDM model.
There’s a lot to digest in this figure from the research. It shows “Comparisons of H0 between HST Cepheids and other measures (JWST Cepheids, JWST JAGB, and JWST NIR-TRGB) for SN Ia host subsamples selected by different teams and for the different methods,” the authors explain. JAGB stands for J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch, and TRGB stands for Tip of the Red Giant Branch. Both JAGB and TRGB are ways of measuring distance to specific types of stars. Basically, coloured circles represent Hubble measurements, and squares represent JWST measurements. “The HST Cepheid and JWST distance measurements themselves are in good agreement,” the authors write. Image Credit: Riess et al. 2024.
“While it will still take multiple years for the JWST sample of SN hosts to be as large as the HST sample, we show that the current JWST measurements have already ruled out systematic biases from the first rungs of the distance ladder at a much smaller level than the Hubble tension,” the authors write.
This research covered about one-third of the Hubble’s data set, with the known distance to a galaxy called NGC 4258 serving as a reference point. Even though the data set was small, Riess and his co-researchers achieved impressively precise results. They showed that the measurement differences were less than 2%. That’s much less than the 8% to 9% in the Hubble tension discrepancy.
NGC 4258 is significant in the cosmic distance ladder because it contains Cepheid variables similar to both the metallicities of the Milky Way and other galaxies’ Cepheids. Astronomers use it to calibrate distances to Cepheids with different metallicities. A new composite of NGC 4258 features X-rays from Chandra (blue), radio waves from the VLA (purple), optical data from Hubble (yellow and blue), and infrared with Spitzer (red). Image Credit: Chandra
That means that our Lamda CDM model is missing something. The standard model yields an expansion rate of about 67 to 68 kilometres per second per megaparsec. Telescope observations yield a slightly higher rate: between 70 and 76 kilometres per second per megaparsec. This work shows that the discrepancy can’t be due to the different telescopes and methods.
“The discrepancy between the observed expansion rate of the universe and the predictions of the standard model suggests that our understanding of the universe may be incomplete. With two NASA flagship telescopes now confirming each other’s findings, we must take this [Hubble tension] problem very seriously—it’s a challenge but also an incredible opportunity to learn more about our universe,” said lead author Riess.
What could be missing from the Lambda CDM model?
Marc Kamionkowski is a Johns Hopkins cosmologist who helped calculate the Hubble constant and recently developed a possible new explanation for the tension. Though not part of this research, he commented on it in a press release.
“One possible explanation for the Hubble tension would be if there was something missing in our understanding of the early universe, such as a new component of matter—early dark energy—that gave the universe an unexpected kick after the big bang,” said Kamionkowski. “And there are other ideas, like funny dark matter properties, exotic particles, changing electron mass, or primordial magnetic fields that may do the trick. Theorists have license to get pretty creative.”
The door is open, theorists just have to walk in.
Revealing the Cosmos: A Startling New View from the James Webb Space Telescope
Whoa! James Webb Space Telescope delivers mind-boggling view of 'exploded star' - See in 4K
New Study Examines Elusive Nature of Martian Liquid Brines
New Study Examines Elusive Nature of Martian Liquid Brines
Mars is located at the extreme limits of brine stability; and only a combination of the most favorable environmental conditions and lowest eutectic temperature salts allows for brines to be at least temporarily stable on the Martian surface, according to a new studypublished in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
This image of an impact crater in the Sirenum Fossae region of Mars was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on March 30, 2015. The crater is approximately 3,300 feet (1-km) wide and appears relatively recent as it has a sharp rim and well-preserved ejecta. The steep inner slopes are carved by gullies and include possible recurring slope lineae on the equator-facing slopes.
Image credit: NASA / JPL / University of Arizona / Alfred McEwen.
Liquid water is a critical precondition for a habitable planet. Yet the combination of low temperature, atmospheric pressure and water vapor pressure on Mars means any liquid water found there would likely freeze, boil or evaporate immediately, making its presence unlikely.
Yet palnetary researchers continue to make the case for the presence of liquid water on the Red Planet.
Of particular interest has been the discovery of seasonal dark streaks called the recurring slope lineae.
These features appear in several locations on Mars when temperatures are above minus 23 degrees Celsius (minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit), and disappear at colder times.
They often have been described as possibly related to liquid water.
The new study throws cold water on the notion that we are likely find liquid water on Mars in recurring slope lineae, permafrost or brines anytime soon.
“A closer look at RSLs indicates their behavior is consistent with sand and dust flows with no water needed to create them,” said lead author Dr. Vincent Chevrier, a researcher at the University of Arkansas.
Other researchers think that brines, which are solutions with a high concentration of salts, such as Earth’s oceans, may hold the key to finding liquid water on Mars.
Brines can freeze at much lower temperatures, and there is an abundance of salts on Mars.
Of those salts, perchlorates would seem to be the most promising, since they have extremely low eutectic temperatures (which is when the melting point of a mixture is lower than any single ingredient).
For instance, a calcium perchlorate brine solidifies at minus 75 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit), while Mars has an average surface temperature of minus 50 degrees Celsius (minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit) at the equator, theoretically suggesting there could be a zone where calcium perchlorate brine could stay liquid, particularly in the subsurface.
Dr. Chevrier and his colleague, Dr. Rachel Slank from the Lunar and Planetary Institute, then examined all of the arguments for and against brines potentially forming stable liquids.
“The various limiting factors, including the relatively low amounts of the most promising salts, water vapor pressure and ice location strongly limit the abundances of brines on the surface or shallow subsurface,” they said.
“And even if brines did form, they would remain highly un-habitable by terrestrial standards.”
“Despite these drawbacks and limitations, there is always the possibility that Martian life adapted to those brines and some terrestrial organisms could survive in them, which is a consideration for planetary protection because life on Mars might exist today in that case.”
“Hence, detecting brines in situ remains a major objective of the exploration of the Red Planet.”
Moving forward, the authors suggest the next hurdles will be improving the instruments needed to detect small amounts of brines, doing a better job of identifying the best places to look for them, and being able to conduct more laboratory measurements under Martian conditions.
“Despite our best efforts to prove otherwise, Mars still remains a cold, dry and utterly unhabitable desert,” Dr. Chevrier said.
Vincent F. Chevrier & Rachel A. Slank. 2024. The elusive nature of Martian liquid brines. PNAS 121 (52): e2321067121; doi: 10.1073/pnas.2321067121
Reservoir of Liquid Water Found Deep on Mars | Groundbreaking Discovery by NASA
When we think about unexpected events, asteroid impacts are typically quite low on the list. After all, a large asteroid colliding with Earth is highly unlikely in the foreseeable future.
However, given the potential catastrophic damage that such an event could cause, experts from NASA have made it a priority to plan for this distant possibility.
Every two years, a special branch of NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), leads a hypothetical exercise where scientists and decision-makers simulate an asteroid impact scenario.
The goal of these exercises, involving both federal and international agencies, is to address the uncertainties tied to an asteroid strike.
Grand schemers of disaster prep
CNEOS, based in Southern California, has been instrumental in formulating these disaster management exercises for over a decade.
These specialists are tasked with the crucial job of tracking and classifying asteroids and comets, in addition to identifying potential threats to Earth.
Paul Chodas, director of CNEOS, sheds light on the painstaking nature of these drills.
“These hypothetical scenarios are complex and take significant effort to design, so our purpose is to make them useful and challenging for exercise participants and decision-makers,” he explains.
By honing their processes and procedures, the team becomes better equipped to formulate an effective plan of action in case of actual threats, filling any gaps in the planetary defense community’s knowledge.
Earth and asteroid impact scenario
This year’s simulation brought the ‘what if’ into alarming focus. Imagining a hypothetical asteroid of considerable size, the team calculated a 72% chance of it striking Earth in 14 years.
Potential impact locations included heavily populated areas across North America, Southern Europe, and North Africa. However, there was also a substantial 28% chance that the asteroid would entirely miss Earth.
Once in close proximity to the Sun, further observation of the asteroid was deemed impossible for the next seven months, leaving decision-makers in a quandary concerning what to do next.
“This was a very successful tabletop exercise, with nearly 100 participants from U.S. government agencies and, for the first time, international planetary defense experts,” said Terik Daly from APL, who coordinated the exercise.
“An asteroid impact would have severe national and international ramifications, so should this scenario play out for real, we’d need international collaboration.”
Global team takes clues from reality
These simulations are a collaborative endeavor. Participants include NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), the Federal Emergency Management Agency Response Directorate (FEMA Response), and the Department of State Office of Space Affairs.
Earlier this year, nearly 100 participants from various U.S. government agencies gathered in Laurel, Maryland, at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUAPL).
For the first time, international planetary defense experts were also part of this event, highlighting the need for global cooperation in handling such potential crises.
To make the scenario more realistic, the CNEOS team simulated all the observations leading up to the exercise.
“At this point in time, the impact was likely but not yet certain, and there were significant uncertainties in the object’s size and the impact location,” said Davide Farnocchia, a navigation engineer at JPL and CNEOS, who led the design of the asteroid’s orbit.
“It was interesting to see how this affected the decision-makers’ choices and how the international community might respond to a real-world threat 14 years out.”
Shields up: Averting potential disaster
Among the remarkable scientists pioneering asteroid deflection missions is the team behind the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART).
This mission was a monumental success and has provided foundations for future asteroid deflection efforts.
The process behind this isn’t as simple as playing cosmic billiards, though. It involves years of preparation and planning, requiring advanced observatories capable of detecting hazardous asteroids as early as possible.
The Near-Earth Object Surveyor (NEOS), an infrared space telescope slated for launch in late 2027, plays a significant role in achieving this mission.
Understanding Near-Earth Objects (NEOs)
Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are space rocks that come close to Earth’s orbit, including both asteroids and comets.
NEOs come in a wide range of sizes. Some are just a few meters across, while others can be kilometers in diameter.
Even small NEOs can cause significant damage if they collide with Earth, and large ones could lead to catastrophic events.
Many NEOs contain ancient materials from the early solar system. Studying these materials can give us insights into how planets and other celestial bodies formed and evolved.
Past lessons and future preparations
Let’s be honest. The idea of asteroid impacts may sound like a storyline lifted straight from a blockbuster movie script. But the effects of such celestial encounters are very real and potentially devastating.
The Tunguska event of 1908 serves as a grim reminder. A small asteroid exploded above Siberia, flattening approximately 80 million trees over an area stretching 800 square miles.
More recently, the Chelyabinsk meteor in 2013 shook Russia, causing extensive injuries and property damage due to the resulting shockwave.
In light of past events and the potential risks they pose, NASA employs a comprehensive approach that consists of proactive and reactive strategies.
Proactively, missions like DART are integral to developing techniques to alter an asteroid’s course. Infrared space telescopes like the Near-Earth Object Surveyor aim to spot and classify potentially dangerous objects long before they become a threat.
Reactively, NASA has established emergency response exercises to ensure global coordination and swift decision-making processes are in place.
Protecting Earth from asteroids
NASA’s asteroid impact exercises serve as a stark reminder of the potential threats lurking in the cosmos.
These exercises simulate scenarios where an asteroid might be on a collision course with Earth, challenging scientists to develop effective strategies for deflection or mitigation.
Yet, they also highlight our abilities to strategize, collaborate, and leverage advanced technology in the face of such dangers.
By bringing together experts from diverse fields, from astronomy to engineering, these exercises foster innovation and preparedness.
Do you feel safer knowing about the measures in place?
Let’s continue our vigilance because, as the saying goes, “Forewarned is forearmed.” Every step we take today could be crucial for protecting our planet tomorrow.
Next time you look up at the night sky, remember the unsung heroes of space working tirelessly to safeguard our planet. Because as we’ve learned, the best offense can often be a great defense.
Nasa astronauts Butch and Suni's homecoming delayed again
Nasa astronauts Butch and Suni's homecoming delayed again
Pallab Ghosh - Science Correspondent
Astronauts Suni Williams (left) and Butch Wilmore were supposed to have stayed on the space station for eight days
Nasa says that the astronauts stuck on the International Space Station will have to wait even longer to get home.
Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were due to be back after just a week when they blasted off in June.
Their stay was extended to February next year because of technical issues with the experimental spacecraft, Starliner, built by Boeing.
Now - following a delay in launching a new capsule to the ISS - the pair won't be back until late March or possibly April.
Nasa said the delay posed no risk to the astronauts.
NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore are seen from the International Space Station on September 13, 2024. On Tuesday, NASA announced that the two astronauts will face another delay in their return home to earth.
In a statement Nasa stated: "The International Space Station recently received two resupply flights in November and is well-stocked with everything the crew needs, including food, water, clothing, and oxygen. The resupply spacecraft also carried special items for the crew to celebrate the holidays aboard the orbital platform."
Most space station missions last six months, with a few reaching a full year. So the extension to Butch and Suni's already overdue stay in space should not be a problem, according to Dr Simeon Barber, from the Open University.
"I'm sure that they are already disappointed that they were going to miss Christmas back home with the folks. But this is only another two months on an already quite long mission, and I'm sure if you ask them, I'm sure they would tell you that the space station is where they love to be," he said.
A new crew needs to launch before Wilmore and Williams can return and the next mission has been delayed by more than a month, according to the space agency.
Nasa's next crew of four for the ISS was supposed to have been launched in February 2025. The capsule carrying that crew was due to be the one bringing Butch and Sunni home, as well as NASA astronauts Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbunov as part of the normal crew rotation.
But there has been a delay by the private sector firm SpaceX in preparing a brand-new Dragon capsule for the mission. That is now scheduled for flight readiness no earlier than late March.
Nasa said it considered using a different SpaceX capsule to fly up the replacement crew to keep the flights on schedule.
But it has now decided the best option is to wait for the new capsule to transport the next crew.
NASA's two stuck astronauts hit six months in space. Just two more to go before heading home
NASA Again Delays Return Of Astronauts Stranded On Space Station
Ex-Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and NJ Senator Andy Kim share footage of 'drones'
The most widely-viewed videos many claim show mysterious drones hovering over New Jersey and New York show clear signs of what they actually are, according to three drone and aeronautics experts who spoke to The Post.
The drones in New Jersey night skies were first flagged Nov. 13, hovering in airspace not far from the Picatinny Arsenal military facility in Wharton, NJ.
Since then reports of strange flashing orbs, statically hovering craft and silent low-flying crafts with distinctive lights have been spotted, some the size of mini-SUVs, and recorded on video by bystanders across the tri-state area.
Theories about the origins of the suspected drones include that they’ve been sent by foreign rivals including Iran or China.
New Jersey Senator Andy Kim headed out with police to investigate the widespread msytery sightings across New Jersey. He also shared videos of what he describes as multiple unidentified drones in his quest for answers.AndyKimNJ/X
Aviation ace Captain Ross ‘Rusty’ Aimer, who joined The Post’s panel to review and explain video of mysterious sightings across the tri-state area.Courtesy of Captain Ross "Rusty" Aimer
The activity prompted the FBI to open an investigation, but the agency warned earlier this week although they have received over 5,000 reports of drone sightings, less than 100 warranted further investigation.
The Post showed six of the most widely circulated drone videos to three experts, who explained how amidst the hysteria, the truth is usually a lot simpler than people want to think.
Those experts are: Captain Ross “Rusty” Aimer, a retired United Airlines pilot who is now CEO of Aero Consulting experts, Seth J. Frantzman, author of “Drone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence, and the Battle for the Future” and retired pilot, Captain Richard J. Levy who is now CEO of Aviation Expert Consulting.
Video 1: Mysterious floating orb
An ABC News 7 news crew captured video which appeared to show a mysterious floating orb – although experts say it may just be a trick of the light.ABC 7
“It’s hard to tell what this is because of the quality, it could be a planet or star or even an engine of an aircraft. As with many of the sightings, it’s difficult to tell because of the quality of the video,” said Frantzman.
Aimer added: “That is a bad focus to me of a lighted object. It looks like it could be a lighted drone but it looks like a picture that is way out of focus, a lighted subject.
“This one is very blurred. It could be distorted lights on a drone or a helicopter but the picture is not very good, so it’s impossible to say,” said Levy, who has 41 years of flying experience in the US.
Social media users have also pointed out this video, although filmed by a reputable news crew, is likely a trick of the light on a camera lens.
Video 2: Lights cruise over rooftop
In this video a pair of flashing lights — visible to the left of the peak of the house in the center of the picture — soar over a house in Neptune, N.J., then appear to slow to an almost complete stop.Guitarland/Reddit
A closer shot of the mysterious object, which shows off its lights, which are in line with those displayed by aircraft required by the FAA.Guitarland/Reddit
Frantzman said: “This appears to be a plane and it is has the types of lights one would expect on an aircraft. Even if it is a drone, it appears to be flying with lights which implies it is not trying to do anything nefarious.
Do you have footage of drones over the skies of New Jersey or New York? Send it to The Post at
“If they were nefarious, like Chinese drones or Iranian drones coming to spy, you’d expect you wouldn’t see them conducting illegal surveillance,” he added.
“At first it could have been an aircraft, but when the aircraft went over the photographer, it slowed down tremendously. It’s maybe an optical illusion or it could have been a drone. I couldn’t say positively,” added Levy.
Video 3: Triangle of lights in the night sky
Footage captured on Sunday, Dec. 1 in Mendham, New Jersey, shows three green floating dots in the sky.@MendhamMike/Storyful
Frantzman said this video appeared quite clearly to be a plane.
Aimer explained: “In a commercial aircraft you must have certain types of lights to operate between dawn and dusk. One is position lights – a green and red light on each wing tip and a tail light. Then there are strobe lights at the top and bottom of the aircraft which are usually red, and there are high intensity strobe lights that must be on day and night.
“In my opinion, these Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are being flown by ‘monkey see, monkey do’ guys trying their new remote drone systems that are small enough not to require registration, without knowing the rules and regulations. They’re probably trying to look for and catch one of these mysterious drones they’ve been hearing about. That’s why all of a sudden we see more reports of these UAS.”
Frantzman also said: “Look at flight tracking sites, the airspace is very crowded, and people should understand when they look up they’re going to see all sorts of phenomena so identifying everything they see as an unmanned aircraft is probably a mistake.”
Seth Frantzman, author of “Drone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence, and the Battle for the Future,” who is also a retired pilot.Courtesy of Seth Frantzman
Ex-Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and NJ Senator Andy Kim share footage of 'drones'
The most widely-viewed videos many claim show mysterious drones hovering over New Jersey and New York show clear signs of what they actually are, according to three drone and aeronautics experts who spoke to The Post.
The drones in New Jersey night skies were first flagged Nov. 13, hovering in airspace not far from the Picatinny Arsenal military facility in Wharton, NJ.
Since then reports of strange flashing orbs, statically hovering craft and silent low-flying crafts with distinctive lights have been spotted, some the size of mini-SUVs, and recorded on video by bystanders across the tri-state area.
Theories about the origins of the suspected drones include that they’ve been sent by foreign rivals including Iran or China.
New Jersey Senator Andy Kim headed out with police to investigate the widespread msytery sightings across New Jersey. He also shared videos of what he describes as multiple unidentified drones in his quest for answers.AndyKimNJ/X
Aviation ace Captain Ross ‘Rusty’ Aimer, who joined The Post’s panel to review and explain video of mysterious sightings across the tri-state area.Courtesy of Captain Ross "Rusty" Aimer
The activity prompted the FBI to open an investigation, but the agency warned earlier this week although they have received over 5,000 reports of drone sightings, less than 100 warranted further investigation.
The Post showed six of the most widely circulated drone videos to three experts, who explained how amidst the hysteria, the truth is usually a lot simpler than people want to think.
Those experts are: Captain Ross “Rusty” Aimer, a retired United Airlines pilot who is now CEO of Aero Consulting experts, Seth J. Frantzman, author of “Drone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence, and the Battle for the Future” and retired pilot, Captain Richard J. Levy who is now CEO of Aviation Expert Consulting.
Video 4: Taken from a plane window as it prepares to land
A supposed drone captured close to the flightpath of a plane coming in to land at LaGuardia airport in New York. Various online sources have since pinpointed it as another plane.
The experts all agreed this was a video of a plane passing another.
“Even if it is a type of unmanned drone, which is unlikely, the fact it is flying with lights at night indicates it is flying within the types of regulations one would expect an aircraft to do in civilian airspace,” said Frantzman.
Online sleuths even claimed they had managed to pinpoint where the video, from Dec 14. was taken by looking at the ground visible in the video and the time. They also identified the two planes involved, a United plane from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to Newark and a Delta flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to LaGuardia. The original poster of the video also later acknowledged the data matches.
Video 5: Dual floating beacons
One of the videos shaed by Kim showing what he describes as multiple unidentified drones flying over New Jersey. However, it is difficult to say exactly what they are from the video.Andy Kim via Storyful
“The quality of the video makes it difficult to make out what type of aircraft or even stars or planets are in it, but it would appear to be planes, planets or stars,” said Frantzman, hedging his bets.
He added: “Look at flight tracking sites, the airspace is very crowded, and people should understand when they look up they’re going to see all sorts of phenomena so identifying everything they see as an unmanned aircraft is probably a mistake.”
The other experts agreed that the video was taken too far away to say for certain what the objects in the sky were or how they were moving.
Aimer explained that if the craft were posing any significant threat to security, they wouldn’t be there for long.
“If any regular aircraft violates Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) areas or the permanent ones like at Air Force bases they deploy fighter jets to escort that intruder out or sometimes have orders to shoot that aircraft down.
“I’m not really worried about these drones because if they posed a danger, we have the technology to detect that, deal with them and shoot them.
Captain Ross “Rusty” Aimer says people should remain calm as it doesn’t appear drones are disrupting flights or a threat to the public.Courtesy of Captain Ross "Rusty" Aimer
Retired airline pilot captain Richard Levy, who is now now CEO of Aviation Expert Consulting, said planes are often mistaken for other aircraft, such as drones.Courtesy of Richard Levy
“Anytime there is any possible danger, believe me they will shoot them down, there’s no question about it.
“They could read that digital license plate on the drone and go look for the owner. It can be read remotely by simply an app on your cell phone.
“If they can’t read its digital license plate, they take other measures like sending a fighter jet to scramble or shoot it down if it becomes dangerously close to some place they don’t want you to fly, like the White House.”
Video 6: Mysterious vapors, more seemingly floating objects
A vapor trail in the sky highlighted by one spotter as suspicious
AP/Trisha Bushey/Christopher Stadulis
Another unidentified floating object spotted near Clinton Township in New Jersey, wher the majority of drone sightings have taken place.AP/Trisha Bushey/Christopher StadulisView video here
“Anyone can tell it’s an airliner — that is the only one where it is absolutely clear it is an aircraft,” said Levy.
“The quality of the video makes it difficult to determine what is being seen, but it appears likely to be planes, manned aircraft,” said Frantzman.
Many lawmakers are calling for answers but the experts said if there were a risk to the public, we’d know about it now or have seen the effects. But the authorities should work to quell people’s fear.
“The government should be better about what we can expect to see in the night sky. They have let people work themselves up into a hysteria they don’t need to be in,” Frantzman added.
Plane passenger films mysterious Orbs fuel speculation on Drone origins
Plane passenger films mysterious Orbs fuel speculation on Drone origins
The ongoing mystery surrounding recent drone sightings has become increasingly complex, with conflicting reports making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions. However, a new and intriguing element has emerged alongside these drones sightings: numerous accounts of mysterious orbs, potentially of alien origin, flying at both low and high altitudes.
Reports of mysterious orbs have been increasing in recent weeks. These orbs have been sighted at both high altitudes and closer to urban areas.
Pilots have reported encounters to air traffic control. Listen to conversations between pilots and traffic control.
And a passenger aboard United Airlines flight UA2359 from Chicago to Newark recently captured footage of these mysterious orbs. The video, shared online by the user “EasilyAmusedEE” on December 16, 2024, shows objects at altitudes between 40,000 and 50,000 feet—far beyond the capabilities of consumer drones. The footage was reportedly taken using an iPhone 16 Pro Max.
Video plane passenger films unknown orbs.
About the drone sightings: Meanwhile, eyewitness accounts describe these so-called drones as crafts that emit no noise, suggesting advanced technology. Additionally, there are claims that these crafts seem to intentionally draw attention, as they have reportedly interfered with cars (lamps flickering), electronics, streetlights (lamps flickering), and even fully charged batteries, which are said to be instantly drained in their presence.
Video shows among other (drone/orb) sightings, cars lamps flickering, streetlights lamps flickering, fully charged batteries drained.
This surge in Orb sightings raises more questions. Are these orbs extraterrestrial in origin? Could they be deliberately associated with the drone phenomena, or is their timing coincidental? Some suggest the possibility of a false flag operation, hinting at a deeper and potentially misleading agenda by the U.S. government.
Whether these drones and Orbs sightings point to advanced human technology, extraterrestrial activity, or a mix of both, one thing is clear: there is something significant going on.
“This one is very blurred. It could be distorted lights on a drone or a helicopter but the picture is not very good, so it’s impossible to say,” said Levy, who has 41 years of flying experience in the US.
Drone Test Flights Are Being Tested for Flights on Alien Worlds
An atmospheric probe model attached upside down to a quad rotor remotely piloted aircraft ascends with the Moon visible on Oct. 22, 2024. The quad rotor aircraft released the probe above Rogers Dry Lake, a flight area adjacent NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. The probe was designed and built at the center. Credit : NASA/Steve Freeman
Drone Test Flights Are Being Tested for Flights on Alien Worlds
We’ve already seen the success of the Ingenuity probe on Mars. The first aircraft to fly on another world set off on its maiden voyage in April 2021 and has now completed 72 flights. Now a team of engineers are taking the idea one step further and investigating ways that drones can be released from satellites in orbit and explore the atmosphere without having to land. The results are positive and suggest this could be a cost effective way to explore alien atmospheres.
The idea of using drones on alien worlds has been enticing engineers and planetary explorers for a few years now. They’re lightweight and versatile and an excellent cost effective way to study the atmosphere of the planets. Orbiters and rovers have been visiting the planets for decades now but drones can explore in ways rovers and orbiters cannot. Not only will they be useful to study atmospheric effects but they will be able to reach inaccessible surface areas providing imagery to inform potential future land based study.
Illustration of Perseverance on Mars
Perhaps one of the most famous, indeed the only successful planetary drone to date is the Ingenuity drone which was part of the Perseverance rover mission. It was able to demonstrate that controlled flight in the Martian atmosphere was possible, could hunt out possible landing sites for future missions and direct ground based exploration. It’s iconic large wingspan was needed due to the rarefied atmosphere on Mars requiring larger rotor blades to generate the required lift. Ingenuity was originally planned as a technology demonstration mission but it soon became a useful tool in the Perseverance mission arsenal.
Ingenuity helicopter
NASA engineers are very aware of the benefits of drone technology and so a team of engineers and researchers from the Armstrong Flight Research Center in California have been taking the idea of small drones one step further. The research was part of the Center Innovation Fund award from 2023 and began as the team developed three atmospheric probe models. The models were all the same, measuring 71 cm from top to bottom, one for visual demonstration, the other two for research and technology readiness.
Justin Link, left, small unmanned aircraft systems pilot; John Bodylski, atmospheric probe principal investigator; and Justin Hall, chief pilot of small unmanned aircraft systems, discuss details of the atmospheric probe flight plan on Oct. 22, 2024. A quad rotor remotely piloted aircraft released the probe above Rogers Dry Lake, a flight area adjacent NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. The probe was designed and built at the center.
NASA/Steve Freeman
Justin Hall, chief pilot of small unmanned aircraft systems, prepares the atmospheric probe for flight above Rogers Dry Lake, a flight area adjacent NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. At right, Justin Link, small unmanned aircraft systems pilot, assists. The probe, designed and built at the center, flew after release from a quad rotor remotely piloted aircraft on Oct. 22, 2024.
NASA/Steve Freeman
Derek Abramson, left, chief engineer for the Dale Reed Subscale Flight Research Laboratory, and Justin Link, small unmanned aircraft system pilot, carry the atmospheric probe model and a quad rotor remotely piloted aircraft to position it for flight on Oct. 24, 2024. John Bodylski, probe principal investigator, right, and videographer Jacob Shaw watch the preparations. Once at altitude, the quad rotor aircraft released the probe above Rogers Dry Lake, a flight area adjacent to NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California. The probe was designed and built at the center.
NASA/Steve Freeman
A quad rotor remotely piloted aircraft releases the atmospheric probe model above Rogers Dry Lake, a flight area adjacent NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, on Oct. 22, 2024. The probe was designed and built at the center.
NASA/Carla Thomas
Their first launch on 1 August didn’t go to plan with a failure in the release mechanism. The team reviewed everything from the lifting aircraft, the release mechanism and even the probe design itself to identify improvements. The team were finally able to conduct flights with their new atmospheric probe after it was released from a quad rotor remotely piloted aircraft on 22 October 2024.
The flights were conducted above the Rogers Dry Lake near in California with designs informed by previous NASA instrumentation designed for lifting and transportation. The test flights were aiming to prove the shape of the probe worked. The team now want to release the probe from a higher altitude, ultimately hoping to be able to release it from a satellite in orbit around a planet.
The next steps are to review photos and videos from the flight to identify further improvements before another probe is built. Once they have probed the flight technology, instrumentation will be added to facilitate data gathering and recording. If all goes to plan then the team hope to be chosen for a mission to one of the planets, be released in orbit and then dive into the atmosphere under controlled flight to learn more about the environment.
It seems that we are completely alone in the universe. But simple reasoning suggests that there should be an abundance of alien civilizations. Maybe they’re all out there, but they are keeping their distance. Welcome to the zoo (hypothesis).
Brian Cox - Alien Life & The Zoo Hypothesis
The story goes that in the summer of 1950, eminent physicist Enrico Fermi was visiting colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory. It was the initial peak of UFO mania, and naturally the physicists brought it up over lunch. After a short while, Fermi went silent. Later, well after the conversation had turned to other topics, he exclaimed “Where is everybody?”
Everybody knew what he meant. We know that the universe is capable of producing intelligent life. We’re literally living proof of that. But the cosmos tends to not do things just once. If life happened here, it likely also happened elsewhere. In fact, given the extraordinary age of the universe and the incredible number of stars and planetary systems in any given galaxy, the Milky Way should be abuzz with intelligent space-faring civilizations.
Humanity itself is right on the cusp of developing a sustained interplanetary presence, and our species is still in its youth, at least as cosmic reckoning is concerned. We should see evidence for other intelligent species everywhere: radio signals, megastructures, wandering probes, and so on.
But we’ve got nothing. So where is everybody?
Perhaps the strangest possible solution to Fermi’s paradox, as this conundrum came to be known, is known as the zoo hypothesis. In this idea, alien life is indeed common, as is intelligence. There really is no huge barrier to intelligent creatures developing spaceflight capabilities and spreading themselves throughout the galaxy.
But the reason that we don’t see anybody is that they are intentionally hiding themselves from us. Through their sophisticated observations, they can easily tell that we are intelligent ourselves, but also somewhat dangerous. After all, we have peaceful space rockets and dangerous ICBMs. We are just dipping our toes into space, and we may not be exactly trustworthy.
And so the intelligent civilizations of the galaxy are keeping us in a sort of “zoo.” They are masking themselves and their signals, making us think that we’re all alone, largely confined to our own solar system and a few nearby stars.
Once we prove ourselves, the hypothesis goes, we’ll be welcomed into the larger galactic community with open arms (or tentacles).
The zoo hypothesis is, honestly, a little far-fetched. It assumes not only the existence of alien civilizations, but also their motives and intentions. But we ultimately do not know if we are alone in the universe. And there’s only one way to find out.
There are many assumptions about the number of extraterrestrial species in the universe. Many UFOlogists, abductees, and even people in authority claim to have seen the so-called intelligent beings from outer space. Alex Collier is the only contactee who provided in-depth information about the beings from Andromeda. In his interviews, he discussed the influence of various alien species on the human race.
Many well-known UFO enthusiasts considered Collier to be credible, at least in the sense that he tries to convey as fully as possible the information received from his contacts with the Andromedans. He first began to experience extraterrestrial contact during his childhood up to his mid-teens. After the experiences stopped over several years, which included military service as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army, the contact resumed in 1985.
He met with two Andromedans (Vissaeus and Moranay) who became his mentors and took him on board their space vehicles including a large extraterrestrial mother ship where he was exposed to the teachings of the Andromedans over three months. The Andromedans gave him information about cosmic spirituality, life in the universe, and Earth’s galactic history.
Collier claimed that humans are a composite of 22 different ET races that arrived on Earth at different times
The Andromedans are “one of the thousands of extraterrestrial races in existence.” They are human and some have bluish skin, measuring more than 2 meters tall. According to Collier, the author of the book “Defending Sacred Ground: The Andromedan Compendium,” all human life forms originated in the Lyra Constellation. However, a war caused their stars to explode, making humanity spread to different places in the galaxy to survive.
Collier explains that the different skin tones are due to different DNAs and exposure to different stars. The Andromeda Beings are one of the oldest civilizations living in the Andromeda constellation.
He further stated the physical creation of our Universe accordingly was 21 billion years ago. Collier said, “If this is the true nature of what our Universe is and how it works then we must come to realize that there is more to us also since we are connected to this process as well, on most levels if not all of them.” It has been explained to him that our conception of the Big Bang theory is correct in its simplicity and that the idea of creation and evolution are correct also, so everyone is right and all of our present theories and evaluations are incomplete.
No matter where in the constellation it lives, this civilization has a single government and is spiritually 4,700 more advanced than us, as well as 5,000 years technologically. However, they maintain a balance of the spiritual and technological. They use technology to be able to evolve spiritually.
This is because there are different dimensional levels. We are currently in the Third dimension. We still haven’t reached the Fourth, much less the Fifth. What differentiates the Third from the Fourth dimension, is the conscience.
In the fourth dimension, there is a collective consciousness, because everyone is telepathic and can read the mind of the rest. This leads to each person being authentic, transparent, and without ulterior motives. Upon entering this dimension, the being becomes clairvoyant since, in this state of consciousness, energy systems and fields can be seen.
However, there are still dualities, and the judgment systems are modified since the judiciary will be able to make decisions according to the energy fields. The beings of Andromeda have not lived in a society as manipulated as ours. They are telepathic and clairvoyant because they have studied all the sciences.
All souls know who they are, they all know about their past lives, and every time they incarnate, they are aware and know where they are going. In addition, they can see their evolution in the afterlife.
According to various interviews by Collier, he stated that Earth is under the control of “regressive” extraterrestrial beings. Those aliens came to Earth from the star system known as Alpha Draconis. He said that two different philosophical belief systems separate humans. One of them spreads love & free will, while the other one shows control and resource consumption. He said humans are behind the Andromedans because of the manipulations in our DNA. The intense manipulation of Earth dates back 5,700 years. However, this has an origin 14,000 years ago, when the aliens from Orion began to manipulate our DNA structure.
In his last lecture, before he retired from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002, Collier said that the ancient alien race known as the “Founders” are responsible for building planets’ environments and making them suitable for life. The Andromedans and the Pleiadians believed that this ancient alien race was called the “Paa Tal.”
He even said that those aliens can remove moons to alter the planet’s position from its sun to control the amount of radiation. The Andromedans could reportedly create a solar system.
Collier noted that the Andromedans are about 4,300 to 4,500 years ahead of us in technology. They do not count years in 365 days as we do on Earth. According to different extraterrestrials, one year is a time when every cell in their body duplicates itself, and it takes around 34 years.
According to Collier, humans consist of 22 extraterrestrial races. He claimed that about 135 billion people are living on the planets in the eight closest galaxies to us. He even said that when he visited one of those habitable planets, those people got scared of seeing an Earthling because of our bad reputation. In the whole universe, only humans could make their own people slaves and kill them for their own benefit.
The following information was shared by Alex that he received from a
The Pleiadians, a human species, originated from Lyra and developed advanced weapons that played a crucial role in sustaining them through the Orion Wars and beyond. According to some accounts, the Pleiadians, known as Lyrans, first arrived on Earth before settling in the Pleiades. While a group of Lyrans colonized Earth temporarily, a larger faction ventured to the Pleiades and other star systems during the Orion Wars.
The Pleiadians are considered our distant first cousins and ancestral forefathers to some of our races. They are descendants of the Lyrans who came from Lyra, arriving on space stations or arks due to their star systems’ characteristics and the potential for stable longevity. The Lyran exploration involved sending down scout teams of scientists, engineers, and agricultural specialists to study the surfaces of potentially habitable planets, gathering data for colonization.
Each planet was carefully explored, and based on its unique nature, colonies were established. This explains the Pleiadians’ interest in Earth, as they have been visiting for over 79,743 years, establishing large settlements throughout history. Despite our similarities, the Pleiadians are emotionally and spiritually more evolved, having experienced their own growth pains.
They have made efforts to share their knowledge with us to prevent setbacks and destructions, but not enough people are heeding their advice. The Pleiades, an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus, consists of 254 stars and numerous planetary bodies, with young stars predominant. The Pleiadians and Earth’s alphabets share similarities, dating back about 11,157 years when script forms were developed on Earth and carried to the Pleiades.
Among the star systems, Taygeta is the most advanced, and Taro orbits Alcyone. Pleiadians resemble us in size, stature, build, and hair color. They are fluent in our languages and knowledgeable about our sciences and history. Our human aggressiveness is believed to have been inherited from them. Their longer lifespans, exceeding ours by at least tenfold, are attributed to advanced technology allowing faster-than-light travel.
Pleiadians express concerns about our misuse of sciences and our loss of spiritual harmony. Rejecting money, politics, and religions, they see politics and religions as essentially the same. Their worry intensifies as benevolent extraterrestrial races visit, fearing we might destroy our planet and ourselves.
All Earth languages are said to derive from an ancient Pre-Sumerian language called Tamil, spoken in Lyra and the Pleiades. The Pleiadians, like other groups, have left descendants on Earth in the past. While willing to help, they emphasize that we must correct our own mistakes and shape our own future, as they won’t interfere with our evolution to the extent of taking responsibility for our race.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Pascagoula UFO Encounter
The Pascagoula UFO Encounter
Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encounter | Unexplained UFOs
Pascagoula Alien Abduction Case: Exclusive Unseen Video Unveiled | Unexplained With Howard Hughes
In October 1973, the world was captivated by the shocking story of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, two men who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in Pascagoula, Mississippi.
Howard Hughes is joined by UFO investigator and publisher Philip Mantle.
Now, as the 50th anniversary of this famous case approaches, new witnesses and evidence are emerging, shedding even more light on this extraordinary event.
When Hickson and Parker arrived at the Sheriff's Department that fateful night, they were in a state of panic, claiming to have just been abducted by aliens. Authorities tried to catch them in a lie, but their story remained consistent. Both men later passed polygraph tests, further adding to the credibility of their claims.
The incident took place on October 11, 1973, and immediately garnered media attention. The case became one of the best-documented instances of alien abduction, with extensive testimony, photographs, police records, and newspaper stories filling the pages of Philip Mantle and Irina McCammon Scott's book, "It's Here Beyond Reasonable Doubt."
For years, the story of Hickson and Parker has fascinated and gripped audiences. The fact that they were interviewed by law enforcement within hours of the incident and recorded secretly adds to the uniqueness of their account. A tape recording of their conversation, which was meant to catch them in a lie, only reinforced the authenticity of their experience.
In the years that followed, Hickson and Parker faced relentless media attention, forcing them to move around frequently to avoid the glare of publicity. Calvin Parker, in particular, wanted nothing to do with the media and even used a false name at one point to maintain his privacy. It wasn't until 2018, when Parker wrote his own book and finally shared the full story with his wife and family, that he began to open up about the traumatic event.
Despite scepticism from some quarters, Parker's story has remained consistent throughout the years. Multiple interviews and conversations with him have revealed no changes in his account, further strengthening the credibility of his claims. His recent illness has prevented him from appearing on shows to discuss the incident, but his story continues to resonate with those who believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
As the 50th anniversary of the Pascagoula alien abduction case approaches, researchers and investigators are still unearthing new witnesses and evidence. These recent findings promise to shed even more light on this compelling and enduring mystery. Whether one believes in the existence of aliens or not, the story of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker serves as a reminder of the enduring fascination with the unknown and the unexplained.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Massive Drone Found by Police in New York Raises Questions
Massive Drone Found by Police in New York Raises Questions
Story by Flynn Nicholls
NYPD Recovers Massive Drone at Brooklyn Navy Yard
What's New
Police have recovered a massive drone apparently abandoned in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
A photo obtained by the New York Post shows an NYPD officer holding up the large aircraft, which appears to be more than five feet in diameter. Energy startup Amogy, Inc. said it manufactured the drone and had placed it on the sidewalk outside its headquarters a month before.
Newsweek has contacted the NYPD and Amogy Inc. via email for comment.
Why It Matters
The NYPD's recovery of the drone comes amid a wave of reported drone activity across New York and New Jersey in recent weeks.
Stock image of NYPD cars, and inset, stock image of a drone. Police have recovered a massive drone that was apparently abandoned in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
According to the Post's report, police responded to an emailed tip and located the drone on the sidewalk at Fifth Street between Market Street and Morris Avenue.
A passerby told officers he worked in the building that houses the headquarters of the drone's manufacturer Amogy, Inc., a sustainable energy startup.
Amogy CEO Seonghoon Woo later confirmed to the Post that the drone belonged to the company and said it had been placed on the sidewalk after a company party about a month ago.
An Amogy spokesperson told the Post the drone had been used in a demonstration of its clean energy technology three years ago and had been on display outside the company's headquarters ever since.
"NYPD took possession of it for a brief period. Amogy cooperated fully with NYPD and the drone has since been returned to the company after NYPD determined the drone was not a threat," the spokesperson said.
Even though the spokesperson said the drone was not a threat, news account @rawsalerts posted to X a video showing the officers holding it, garnering 3.7 million views by Tuesday morning, with several users skeptical of the official story.
What People Are Saying About Drones
Rebecca Weiner, NYPD Deputy Commissioner of counterterrorism and intelligence, at a briefing: "What we've seen over the past few days here in the city has actually been quite normal, frankly, in terms of the actual drone activity that we see every day... You have a really strong uptick in reporting but not a strong uptick in actual drone detection, which makes sense — all people are seeing on the news is drone sightings everywhere."
White House National Security Communications adviser John Kirby in a press briefing: "The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are investigating these sightings, and they're working closely with state and local law enforcement to provide resources, using numerous detection methods to better understand their origin."
President-elect Donald Trump, to reporters at Mar-a-Lago: "I think they'd [the government] be better off saying what it is. Our military knows, and our president knows, and for some reason, they want to keep people in suspense."
What Happens Next
As concerns about drone sightings persist, authorities are likely to continue monitoring and responding to reports across the region.
NYPD discovers massive drone amid spate of sightings in tri-state area but this one can be explained
CNN's Kate Bolduan asks NJ lawmaker what officials have told him about mysterious drone sightings
NASA Cuts Live Feed After UFO appears flying past International Space Station Dec 16, 2024, UAP Sighting News.
NASA Cuts Live Feed After UFO appears flying past International Space Station Dec 16, 2024, UAP Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 17, 2024
Location of sighting: International Space Station, New Jersey, Hill AFB Utah.
Guys this is really something. Two UFOs were passing the space station on live NASA cam today, then the NASA stream suddenly went to blue screen with a lost contact message. Maybe it was the alien craft which cut communications or maybe it was NASA trying to hide this info from the public, but either way, I got it for you here. These are 100% real alien ships. US gov says drones, but they are maned alien ships.
Why now? Because the alien species out there want disclosure and want the public to know the truth. Why now? Because ai, it's growing exponentially every day and it may get out of control. Aliens can predict the future with a 99.99% accuracy, so they saw something...a turning point, a pivotal moment in human history where aliens were needed or could reveal themselves to the world.
UFO Recorded by Channel 7 TV News Over Mendham Borough, New Jersey, Dec 17, 2024, UAP Sighting News.
UFO Recorded by Channel 7 TV News Over Mendham Borough, New Jersey, Dec 17, 2024, UAP Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 17, 2024 Location of sighting: Mendham Borough, New Jersey, USA
Hey all, check this out. A UFO was reported over New Jersey and a TV news channel went out to investigate it. They caught a glowing orb or sphere flying low, hovering in place. It's clearly not a US military drone, it's not an Iran drone, this is pure alien technology we are looking at. Great capture, much more news on the UFO front to come. So earlier when I thought they were drones, I was clearly wrong. This is the first clear video that I have seen.
Spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies both contain bulges, also called spheroids. How these spheroids form andevolve is a puzzling question, but new research brings us closer to an answer. Image Credit: ESA
Astronomers have spent decades trying to understand how galaxies grow so large. One piece of the puzzle is spheroids, also known as galactic bulges. Spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies have different morphologies, but they both have spheroids. This is where most of their stars are and, in fact, where most stars in the Universe reside. Since most stars reside in spheroids, understanding them is critical to understanding how galaxies grow and evolve.
New research focused on spheroids has brought them closer than ever to understanding how galaxies become so massive.
Elliptical galaxies have no flat disk component. They’re smooth and featureless and contain comparatively little gas and dust compared to spirals. Without gas and dust, new stars seldom form, so ellipticals are populated with older stars.
Astronomers don’t know how these ancient, bulging galaxies formed and evolved. However, a new research letter in Nature may finally have the answer. It’s titled “In situ spheroid formation in distant submillimetre-bright galaxies.” The lead author is Qing-Hua Tan from the Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Dr. Annagrazia Puglisi from the University of Southampton co-authored the research.
“Our findings take us closer to solving a long-standing mystery in astronomy that will redefine our understanding of how galaxies were created in the early universe.”
Dr. Annagrazia Puglisi, University of Southampton
The international team of researchers used the Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array (ALMA) to examine highly luminous starburst galaxies in the distant Universe. Sub-millimetre means it observes electromagnetic energy between far-infrared and microwave. Astronomers have suspected for a long time that these galaxies are connected to spheroids, but observing them is challenging.
“Infrared/submillimetre-bright galaxies at high redshifts have long been suspected to be related to spheroid formation,” the authors write. “Proving this connection has been hampered so far by heavy dust obscuration when focusing on their stellar emission or by methodologies and limited signal-to-noise ratios when looking at submillimetre wavelengths.”
This image shows two of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 12-metre antennas. ALMA has 66 antennas that work together as an interferometer. (Credit : Iztok Bonina/ESO)
The researchers used ALMA to analyze more than 100 of these ancient galaxies with a new technique that measures their distribution of light. These brightness profiles show that the majority of the galaxies have tri-axial shapes rather than flat disks, indicating that something in their history made them misshapen.
Two important concepts underpin the team’s results: The Sersic index and the Spergel index.
The Sersic index is a fundamental concept in describing the brightness profiles of galaxies. It characterizes the radial distribution of light coming from galaxies and basically describes how light is concentrated in a galaxy.
The Spergel index is less commonly used. It’s based on the distribution of dark matter in galaxies. Rather than light, it helps astronomers understand how matter is concentrated. Together, both indices help astronomers characterize the complex structure of galaxies.
These indices, along with the new ALMA observations, led to new insights into how spheroids formed through mergers and the resulting influx of cold, star-forming gas.
It all starts with a galaxy collision or merger, which sends large flows of cold gas into the galactic centre.
This is a JWST image (not from this research) of an ancient galaxy merger from 13 billion years ago. The galaxy, named Gz9p3, has a double nucleus indicating that the merger is ongoing. While astronomers know that mergers are a critical part of galaxy growth and evolution, the role spheroids play has been difficult to discern. Image Credit: NASA/Boyett et al
“Two disk galaxies smashing together caused gas—the fuel from which stars are formed—to sink towards their centre, generating trillions of new stars,” said co-author Puglisi. “These cosmic collisions happened some eight to 12 billion years ago when the universe was in a much more active phase of its evolution.”
“This is the first real evidence that spheroids form directly through intense episodes of star formation located in the cores of distant galaxies,” Puglisi said. “These galaxies form quickly—gas is sucked inwards to feed black holes and triggers bursts of stars, which are created at rates ten to 100 times faster than our Milky Way.”
The researchers compared their observations to hydro-simulations of galaxy mergers. The results show that the spheroids can maintain their shape for up to approximately 50 million years after the merger. “This is compatible with the inferred timescales for the submillimeter-bright bursts based on observations,” the authors write. After this intense period of star formation in the spheroid, the gas is used up, and things die down. No more energy is injected into the system, and the residual gas flattens out into a disk.
This figure from the research shows how the spheroids lose their shape after the intense period of star formation following a merger. (a) shows maps (2×2 kpc) of the central gas in three different mergers, showing the flattest projection for these systems observed at 12 Myr from coalescence; that is, these systems are 3D spheroidal structures, not face-on disks. (b) shows the star-formation rate peaking and then dimishining over time. (c) shows C/A, which quantifies the relative system thickness encompassing all galactic components, including disks, bars, and bulges. It’s a ratio between C, the shortest axis, and A, the longest axis in a triaxial ellipsoid. Image Credit: Tan et al. 2024.
These types of galaxies were more plentiful in the early Universe than they are now. The researchers’ results show that these galaxies used up their fuel quickly, forming the spheroids that are now populated by old stars.
This isn’t the first time that astronomers have investigated the potential link between spheroids and distant submillimeter-bright galaxies. Previous research that found evidence for tri-axiality also found heavy ellipticity and other evidence showing that submillimeter-bright galaxies are disks with bars in the submillimeter. However, this new research relied on observations with a higher signal-to-noise ratio than previous research.
“Astrophysicists have sought to understand this process for decades,” Puglisi said. “Our findings take us closer to solving a long-standing mystery in astronomy that will redefine our understanding of how galaxies were created in the early universe.”
“This will give us a more complete picture of early galaxy formation and deepen our understanding of how the universe has evolved since the beginning of time.”
A New Study Suggests How we Could Find Advanced Civilizations that Ran Out of Fusion Fuel
This view of Earth’s horizon was taken by an Expedition 7 crewmember onboard the International Space Station, using a wide-angle lens while the Station was over the Pacific Ocean. A new study suggests that Earth's water didn't all come from comets, but likely also came from water-rich planetesimals. Credit: NASA
A New Study Suggests How we Could Find Advanced Civilizations that Ran Out of Fusion Fuel
When it comes to our modern society and the many crises we face, there is little doubt that fusion power is the way of the future. The technology not only offers abundant power that could solve the energy crisis, it does so in a clean and sustainable way. At least as long as our supplies of deuterium (H2) and helium-3 hold up. In a recent study, a team of researchers considered how evidence of deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion could be used as a potential technosignature in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence(SETI).
The study was conducted by David C. Catling and Joshua Krissansen-Totton of the Department of Earth & Space Sciences and the Virtual Planetary Laboratory (VPL) at the University of Washington (respectively) and Tyler D. Robinson of the VPL and the Lunar & Planetary Laboratory (LPL) at the University of Arizona. In their paper, which is set to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, the team considered how long-lived extraterrestrial civilizations may deplete their supplies of deuterium – something that would be detectable by space telescopes.
At the heart of SETI lies the foregone conclusion that advanced civilizations have existed in our galaxy long before humanity. Another conclusion extends from this: if humanity can conceive of something (and the physics are sound), a more advanced civilization is likely to have already built it. In fact, it has been suggested by many SETI researchers and scientists that advanced civilizations will adopt fusion power to meet their growing energy needs as they continue to grow and ascend the Kardashev Scale.
The spherical tokamak MAST at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (UK). Photo: CCFE
This is understandable, considering how other forms of energy (fossil fuels, solar, wind, nuclear, hydroelectric, etc.) are either finite or inefficient. Space-based solar power is a viable option since it can provide a steady supply of energy that is not subject to intermittency or weather patterns. Nevertheless, nuclear fusion is considered a major contender for future energy needs because of its efficiency and energy density. It is estimated that one gram of hydrogen fuel could generate as much as 90,000 kilowatt-hours of energy – the equivalent of 11 metric tons (12 U.S. tons) of coal.
In addition, deuterium has a natural abundance in Earth’s oceans of about one atom of deuterium in every 6,420 atoms of hydrogen. This deuterium interacts with water molecules and will replace one or both hydrogen atoms to create “semi-heavy water” (HOD or DOH) and sometimes “heavy water” (D2O). This works out to 4.85×1013 or 48.5 billion metric tons (5.346×1013 U.S. tons) of deuterium. As they argue in their paper, extracting deuterium from an ocean would decrease its ratio of deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H), which would be detectable in atmospheric water vapor. Meanwhile, the helium produced in the nuclear reactions would escape to space.
In recent years, it has been suggested that excess carbon dioxide and radioactive isotopes in an exoplanet’s atmosphere could be used to infer the presence of an industrial civilization. In the same vein, low values of D/H in an exoplanet’s atmosphere (along with helium) could be used to detect a highly advanced and long-lived civilization. As Catling explained in a recent interview with, this possibility is one he began pondering years ago.
“I didn’t do much with this germ of idea until I was co-organizing an astrobiology meeting last year at Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia,” he said. “Measuring the D/H ratio in water vapor on exoplanets is certainly not a piece of cake. But it’s not a pipe dream either.”
A model JWST transmission spectrum for an Earth-like planet, showing the wavelengths of sunlight that molecules like ozone (O3), water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) absorb. Credit: NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI)
To model what an advanced civilization dependent on DD fusion would look like, Catling and his colleagues considered projections for what Earth will look like by 2100. At this point, the global population is expected to reach 10.4 billion, and fusion power is projected to provide 100 Terawatts (TW). They then multiplied that by a factor of ten (1,000 TW) for a more advanced civilization and found that they would reduce the D/H value of an Earth-like ocean to that of the interstellar medium (ISM) in about 170 million years.
The beauty of this approach is that the low D/H values in an exoplanet’s atmosphere would persist long after a civilization went extinct, migrated off-world, or became even more advanced and “transcended.” In terms of search strategies, the team used the Spectral Mapping Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SMART) model to identify the specific wavelengths and emission lines for HDO and H2O. These findings will be useful for future surveys involving the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), NASA’s proposed Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), and the Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE).
“It’s up to the engineers and scientists designing [HWO] and [LIFE] to see if measuring D/H on exoplanets might be an achievable goal. What we can say, so far, is that looking for D/H from LIFE appears to be feasible for exoplanets with plenty of atmospheric water vapor in a region of the spectrum around 8 microns wavelength.”
Large, often noisy, and launched from unknown locations by unidentified parties, ongoing sightings of mystery drones over New Jersey remain a problem, according to federal officials who are ramping up efforts to get to the bottom of the matter.
The sightings, which have occurred since mid-November, are currently being investigated by federal agencies that include the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), as well as local and state law enforcement in New Jersey and surrounding states where observations of the mystery drones have occurred.
Speaking from Washington on Wednesday, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh confirmed to reporters that the ongoing drone sightings are not linked to any U.S. military drone activities, while also confirming that the Pentagon currently has no evidence to suggest they are being controlled by foreign actors.
“At this time, we have no evidence that these activities are coming from a foreign entity, or are the work of an adversary,” Singh said yesterday, stating that the DoD was aware of no threats to U.S. military assets resulting from the drone incidents.
Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh addressed ongoing concerns involving mystery drone sightings over the northeast while speaking with reporters on Wednesday
(Credit: USAF Senior Airman Madelyn Keech/DoD).
Earlier today, Pentagon Spokesperson Major General Pat Ryder reaffirmed that the Pentagon’s assessment that no evidence has been found linking the drones to foreign actors remains unchanged, based on ongoing exchanges with other federal agencies.
On Wednesday, United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) released a statement saying it also is monitoring the situation, and that it has conducted analysis of the incidents, although it has not been formally asked to participate with other federal agencies involved in the investigation.
“We are aware and monitoring the reports of unauthorized drone flights in the vicinity of military installations in New Jersey,” read a statement released by USNORTHCOM Directorate of Public Affairs.
“U.S. Northern Command conducted a deliberate analysis of the events, in consultation with other military organizations and interagency partners, and at this time we have not been requested to assist with these events,” the statement read, adding that USNORTHCOM will continue to assess the situation, and “is prepared to respond when asked or should the situation escalate to threaten any DoD installations.”
Earlier this month, USNORTHCOM was officially designated the Lead Synchronizer for Homeland Counter Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in the continental U.S. and Alaska.
On Wednesday, Dawn Fantasia, a Republican member of the General Assembly for New Jersey’s 24th legislative district, attended a briefing held for New Jersey State Legislators at the headquarters of the New Jersey State Police, where she said Department of Homeland Security officials told lawmakers they still had few answers regarding the drone incursions.
“We know nothing. PERIOD,” Fantasia said in a posting on social media summarizing key takeaways from the briefing. “To state that there is no known or credible threat is incredibly misleading,” she added.
Fantasia said that the New Jersey State Police and other state authorities were “shackled” in terms of actions that could be taken, and that “Any interception or takedown of any UAS is under the strict jurisdiction of the federal government.”
“At this point, I believe military intervention is the only path forward,” Fantasia wrote, adding that the U.S. Coast Guard would “be the most likely to intervene based upon our briefing, but even that component was shrouded in mystery.”
Homeland Security officials reportedly told Fantasia that sightings have occurred nightly, with as many as 180 sightings in a single night, and most activity reported between dusk and 11 PM.
Many of the drones have been described as large, with some estimates placing them up to 6 feet in diameter and operating “in a coordinated manner.” Currently, the takeoff and landing sites of the drones remains undetermined, although they are believed to maintain prolonged flight periods of up to seven hours, with an estimated range of 15 miles, “raising questions about their technology and intent.”
Fantasia said Homeland Security officials told her some of the drones were difficult to detect for a variety of reasons, which included some operating without lighting, and others appearing to avoid detection by radio frequency emissions or infrared cameras.
DHS officials reportedly confirmed that the mystery drones were not believed to be operated by hobbyists, and that most sightings are occurring “in unrestricted airspace, but their behavior is unusual and potentially nefarious.”
“In-person Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Training starts in Monmouth County in January and will expand statewide,” Fantasia also said.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who was not in attendance at Wednesday’s DHS briefing, called the situation “frustrating” earlier this week, although he maintains that there is no indication that the drones pose a threat to public safety.
Earlier this week, Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) claimed that he had been told the drones were being operated by Iran from an alleged mothership located off the U.S. Atlantic coast, citing unnamed sources he deemed “very reliable.”
“Iran launched a mothership probably about a month ago that contains these drones,” Van Drew said during an appearance on Fox News on Wednesday. “It’s off the east coast of the United States of America.”
“We know it’s not our own government, because they would have let us know,” Van Drew also said. Van Drew provided no context for the claims beyond his belief that the information came “from high sources.” Presently, Van Drew remains the only official to have made such assertions about alleged Iranian involvement publicly.
Asked at yesterday’s Pentagon press briefing about Van Drew’s claims, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh maintained that the DoD has seen no clear evidence linking the drone sightings to a foreign power, and that “there is not any truth” to Van Drew’s claims.
“There is no Iranian ship off the coast of the United States and there’s no so-called ‘mothership’ launching drones towards the United States,” Singh said on Wednesday.
Although the Pentagon has poured cold water on the claims involving an Iranian connection, several elected officials in New Jersey have maintained they believe the objects may be originating from somewhere off the Eastern Coast.
“They have tracked these things going out to the water,” said Michael Melham, Mayor of Belleville, New Jersey, earlier this week. “So that’s quite interesting.”
Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) similarly told lawmakers at a hearing earlier this week that he had learned of a sighting by a law enforcement officer at Island Beach State Park on Sunday where dozens of drones were reportedly observed flying inland from a launch point somewhere in the ocean.
“One of those officers two nights ago saw 50 drones come in off the ocean,” Smith said on Tuesday.
Smith also said a U.S. Coast Guard official told him that one of its vessels had been followed by a group of drones.
“I think this is a very serious threat,” Smith said of the alleged incidents.
At Wednesday’s breifing in Washington, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said the Department of Defense will watch the situation closely as federal and local authorities continue their investigations.
“We’re going to continue to monitor what’s happening,” Singh said.
This article was updated on Dec. 12, 2024 at 3:33 PM to include additional updates on the Pentagon’s position on the situation that were recently provided by Pentagon Spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.
Ongoing sightings of mysterious drones in the skies over New Jersey have sparked alarm among residents as officials continue to investigate the odd nightly incursions.
Although authorities maintain that the drones pose no apparent threat to the public, many questions remain about the mysterious objects, and their operators and ultimate purpose remain unknown.
This week, sightings of the small aircraft, which have reportedly been occurring over New Jersey now for several weeks, have extended into surrounding states, with recent observations occurring over Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Brooklyn, New York.
In New Jersey, many of the recent sightings reported by residents have occurred in Morris County, home to the U.S. Army’s Picatinny Arsenal. One of the earliest known sightings of the New Jersey mystery drones occurred there on November 13, when a security officer was reportedly one of the first to have observed the objects.
Picatinny Arsenal main gate
(Credit: U.S. Army Photo).
Since then, at least ten more confirmed sightings have taken place near the arsenal, and seven more potential sightings remain unconfirmed.
In a statement provided to The Debrief, a spokesperson with Picatinny Arsenal said officials there quickly began investigating and increasing outreach and coordination with multiple local, state, and federal organizations after the initial sightings several weeks ago.
“While the source and cause of these aircraft operating in our area remain unknown, we can confirm that they are not the result of any Picatinny Arsenal-related activities,” said Lt. Col. Craig A. Bonham II, Picatinny Arsenal Garrison Commander, in a statement provided to The Debrief.
The investigation into the drone sightings is ongoing, a Picatinny Arsenal spokesperson said on Tuesday.
In its own investigations into the ongoing sightings, The Debrief has now made inquiries with multiple state and federal agencies, including public records act requests and other efforts aimed at learning what available information can reveal about the mysterious drone sightings that have plagued New Jersey residents now for many weeks.
Many of those inquires are ongoing, and The Debrief is presently awaiting further communication from federal and state officials that will be featured in our ongoing reporting on these sightings. Meanwhile, the emerging picture of the drone situation over the northeastern U.S., how it has developed in recent days, and how officials are responding, presents an intriguing picture of what has become one of 2024’s most significant stories, and a compelling mystery that currently leaves us with far more questions than answers.
Official Acknowledgement of an Ongoing Mystery
Following the initial sightings in mid-November, Morris County officials acknowledged that the mystery drones had also been observed by area law enforcement officers on the evening of Monday, November 18.
“County and local law enforcement agencies are aware of the recurring reports of drone activity around Morris and Somerset counties, and acknowledge the public’s concern about these repeated sightings,” read a portion of an advisory released by the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office on December 3.
“There continues to be no known threat to public safety,” the advisory stated.
Since the sightings began in mid-November, observations of the mysterious drones have now been reported in 10 counties in New Jersey. Many sightings have reportedly occurred over infrastructure sites that include railroads and reservoirs, as well as military facilities.
“Over the weekend, nearly a dozen unmanned drones were reported in various areas of Middletown, including the airspace over Naval Weapons Station Earle,” said Tony Perry, Mayor of Middletown, New Jersey, in a letter to U.S. Senator Corey Booker on Monday. “This unauthorized activity poses significant security concerns for critical military installations and the surrounding communities.”
In a statement on social media, Perry said he had also requested briefings from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security “to address our growing questions and concerns.”
The ongoing sightings have prompted several similar concerned responses from state and local officials.
“Understandably, New Jersey residents are very alarmed at this significant and reoccurring phenomenon – and the tepid response from our state and federal agencies so far is totally unacceptable,” said Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) in a statement on Monday. “As we saw with the Chinese spy balloon last year, our fiercest adversaries will stop at nothing to surveil our homeland and threaten our national security.”
“While the source of this drone activity is still to be determined, it is clear that the communication channels and proper authorities among local law enforcement and federal partners must be drastically improved in order to work quickly through deconfliction and security challenges as unmanned aerial systems become more prevalent,” Smith added.
In a statement on Tuesday that echoed similar frustration with the situation, U.S. Senator Jon Bramnick (R-NJ) said he believed state officials “should issue a limited state of emergency banning all drones until the public receives an explanation regarding these multiple sightings.”
“These flights, occurring under the cover of darkness, have raised significant alarm among the more than 500,000 County residents and local officials alike,” the letter read.
“Despite inquiries made to relevant authorities, we have yet to receive satisfactory answers about the purpose, operators, or safety protocols governing these flights,” it added.
Speaking with the media on Tuesday, Governor Murphy responded to the concerns expressed in the letter, saying he didn’t blame residents and elected officials across his state for feeling frustrated with the situation, although he maintained that federal officials have found no evidence indicating the drone flights could pose a threat.
“We don’t see any concern for public safety,” Murphy said, adding that it was “really frustrating that we don’t have more answers to where they’re coming from, and why they’re doing what they’re doing.”
“We had, last night, 49 sightings. I think 20 of them were over Hunterdon,” Murphy said.
The Debrief reached out to officials with the Hunterdon County Sherriff’s Department about the sightings but received no response to our inquiries.
Murphy also said one of the alleged drone sightings on Monday night was later determined to have been the likely misidentification of a small aircraft, possibly a Piper J-3 Cub. Previously, The Debrief reported that several photos and videos that were being featured in television newscasts as purported imagery of the mystery drones were, in fact, misidentified conventional aircraft displaying standard position light configurations required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
On Tuesday morning, a spokesperson for the Newark Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said the agency is “doing all we can to figure out what’s going on,” although admitting that “we truly don’t have much information to provide at the moment.”
The Debrief also reached out to FBI’s Newark Field Office for a comment, but received no response.
Mystery Drones of Varying Descriptions
While there is no single consistent description of their appearance, many reports describe the drones as relatively low-flying objects that produce buzzing noises consistent with conventional unmanned aerial systems. However, the New Jersey objects are often described as appearing to be larger than the varieties of drones typically flown by hobbyists, with some descriptions likening them to the size of an automobile.
Several observers say the drones, which often travel in groups, also appear to follow consistent flight paths that regularly carry them over critical infrastructure sites and military installations.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued temporary flight restrictions over locations that include Picatinny Arsenal and Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, a favorite golfing destination of President Elect Donald Trump.
Although officials have been able to provide few details about the drone overflights, Florham Park Police Chief Joseph Orlando said last week that “their presence appears nefarious in nature.”
Among the proposed explanations for at least a portion of the recent drone sightings, some have pointed to small aircraft like the BlackFly, produced by light aircraft Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) manufacturer Pivotal, who announced in October that more than a dozen of their prototype aircraft had been sent to private owners and the U.S. Air Force.
Meanwhile, the FBI’s Newark field office has issued a public appeal for tips, requesting that anyone with relevant information about the drones to please reach out to authorities.
Drone Sightings Beyond New Jersey’s Skies
As recent sightings beyond New Jersey appear to reveal a greater geographic spread of the drone activity than previously realized, Staten Island’s borough president, Vito Fossella, said he has requested FBI and FAA briefings, calling the situation “odd and quite bizarre.”
The FAA says that drone operators found conducting unsafe or unauthorized flights could face severe penalties, including fines of up to $75,000.
Since the drone sightings over New Jersey began last month, a spate of similar incidents involving unauthorized drone incursions over U.S. military facilities at airbases in the United Kingdom occurred over a span of several days in late November.
Beginning on November 20, what officials characterized as a multi-drone incursion over RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England was followed by similar nightly sightings that expanded to nearby RAF Mildenhall, also in Suffolk, and RAF Feltwell in Norfolk. Drone sightings were also reported over RAF Fairford.
On December 5, the DoD announced a new classified strategy for countering potential threats associated with unmanned aerial systems (UAS), largely in response to how drones and other unmanned systems are changing the warfighting and security environment.
“Unmanned systems, more commonly known as drones, have the potential to pose both an urgent and enduring threat to US personnel, facilities, and assets overseas and, increasingly, in the US homeland,” said Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder of the DoD’s new initiative during a press conference at the Pentagon last week.
“The threats presented by these systems are changing how wars are fought,” Ryder said. “With a singular strategy for countering unmanned systems, in conjunction with other major DOD initiatives like the Joint Counter Small UAS Office and Replicator 2, the DOD is orienting around a common understanding of the challenge and a comprehensive approach to addressing it.”
Asked whether the timing of the announcement had been influenced by the recent drone incidents in the U.S. and the U.K., Ryder said no, adding that the DoD’s new strategy is an outgrowth of “work that’s been going on for some time, and obviously very important work.”
On Friday, as drone sightings continued in the skies over the northeast, a classified briefing was provided to lawmakers by the DoD’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the DoD’s official investigative unit into what the U.S. now calls unidentified anomalous phenomena (objects traditionally known as UFOs).
It is unclear whether AARO officials who spoke during Friday’s classified briefing addressed the recent drone sightings occurring in the U.S. and over U.K. airbases. However, speaking last month during a Senate hearing, Dr. Jon Kosloski, who has served as Director of AARO since August, told lawmakers that while his office is not directly tasked with the investigation of drone sightings, AARO may still be able to provide resources that could federal agencies who are looking into such incidents.
“As AARO is trying to push the bounds on detectability for UAP, we’re hopefully going to have best practices that we can also provide to the counter-UAS [efforts],” Kosloski told U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) during the hearing.
In response to concerns over the recent drone sightings, on Tuesday a Joint Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence and Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee hearing also addressed the situation, where lawmakers discussed the DoD’s ability to detect and destroy drones that could pose security threats over stadiums and other locations where unauthorized drone flights could pose a security risk
“In recent years, the proliferation of UASs both domestically and abroad has raised serious concerns regarding their potential misuse in criminal activities, espionage, and more alarmingly, in threats to U.S. National Security,” said Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) during opening remarks at Tuesday’s hearing. The session featured participation from the US National Football League, the Justice Department, the FBI, and other agencies, in addressing potential security risks posed by unmanned aerial systems.
While speaking with reporters on Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said that he has remained in contact with federal agencies regarding the ongoing drone sightings occurring over his state.
“I was on with the White House and Homeland Security leadership literally at the very top yesterday,” Murphy said. “I’m hoping we’ll get answers sooner than later.”
“I would just ask folks to continue to let the FBI or their local law enforcement know when they see something,” Murphy added.
“We’ll continue to do everything we can with our federal partners to get clear answers.”
The FBI – Newark and the New Jersey State Police are requesting that members of the public report any information related to the recent drone sightings. The FBI can be reached at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324), or online at, where citizens are able to share imagery and videos of the objects, if available.
The Debrief is also interested in hearing first-hand reports of sighitings of the drones currently being observed over New Jersey and surrounding states. Information, sightings reports, and other news tips can be sent to us at
This article was updated on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024.
Biden has since tasked his agencies with finding out what is occurring over the Garden State, White House spokesman John Kirby said last week on Fox News.
In the same interview Kirby, the White House National Security Communications Advisor, did not have an explanation to offer as to what was behind the UAPs, saying the president's men are still searching for answers.
The Pentagon, FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have all been probing what is going on, and its of particular concern because these drones are flying over sensitive U.S. military instillations.
As the unsettling sightings have racked the minds of residents living in the area with worry, the lawmakers representing these neighborhoods have been bombarded with questions.
'We're here today because it's not a bird, it's not a plane, it's a drone,' Senate Leader Chuck Schumer began a press conference over the weekend. 'And when it comes to drones, people in the New York area and all across the country have more questions than answers.'
Schumer is the highest-ranking Democrat in politics outside of the White House, and his demands that the Pentagon, DHS and FBI provide answers are the weightiest yet outside of the executive branch.
Biden has tasked his agencies with getting to the bottom of the New Jersey drone phenomenon, but so far lawmakers like Schumer and other Democrats are not satisfied with the odd lack of answers
Schumer holding up a picture of a drone at a press conference over the weekend
He raised concern that there have not been appropriate answers as to what is flying over NJ
'We've seen lots of recent, recent sightings in New York, New Jersey, Long Island, Staten Island,' he continued while holding up a picture of a drone-looking device pictured in a recent sighting.
'So it's remarkable with all these sightings over the last while, why do we have more questions than answers?'
Speaking on Sunday Schumer pushed for methods to detect the drones.
'If the technology exists for a drone to make it up into the sky, there certainly is technology that can track the craft with precision and determine what the heck is going on.'
He has announced an initiative to push for drone-detecting measures.
Earlier in the weekend the New York Democrat floated the idea on X:
On Monday New Jersey Democrat Rep. Mikie Sherrill mocked this explanation on CNBC.
She accused authorities of telling the public, 'Don't worry, they're not a threat,' while also claiming, 'We don't know what they are,' an explanation that she found mind-boggling.
'It just both can't be true,' she added. 'We need somebody in charge.'
A former helicopter pilot, Sherill suggested using U.S.-made reaper drones to surveil the devices to determine what they are - a plan similar to Schumer's.
'So quite frankly, I think why we're here and why I'm so frustrated is that talking point of 'they're just commercial aircraft, don't worry your pretty little head,'' she said speaking to the hosts.
'That doesn't work in New Jersey,' she lamented.
New Jersey Democratic Senate-elect, Rep. Andy Kim, went to view the phenomena himself in-person days ago and was still left with questions after his visit despite being accompanied by local authorities.
'Any images or video footage people get, the police urge them to submit to the FBI, but I haven’t gotten any follow up yet from the FBI on their investigation and what they’ve compiled,' he posted in a thread describing his experience.
He was told that the UAPs could be the size of the hood of a car and they would disappear when approached by helicopter.
'This has gone on for weeks. It’s hard to understand how with the technology we have we aren’t able to track these devices to determine origin and this makes me much more concerned about our capabilities more broadly when it comes to drone detection and counter measures,' he concluded his 13-part account.
Alejandro Mayorkas has said a new Federal Aviation Administration rule may be behind the deluge of drone sightings across New Jersey and the East Coast
Monmouth County is home to the Naval Weapons Station Earle, a navy base. Experts have mused that foreign powers could be targeting areas like this which harbor intelligence and weapons bases. (Pictured: points of interest in NJ where drones have been seen overhead)
'I’ve concluded the possible drone sightings pointed out to me were almost certainly planes,' the Democrat wrote in a follow-up.
Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill told last week about the concerning drone saga has gone on too long without sufficient answers.
Speaker Mike Johnson received a private briefing on the matter from FBI, DoD and DHS, though he has not spoken about what they have said.
Mayorkas said on X Sunday: 'To date, there is no known threat posed by these sightings. If a threat is identified, the federal government will address it and communicate with the American public about it.'
'There is no question that drones have been sighted. It is also true that many reported sightings have turned out to be piloted aircraft. The technology we have deployed to New Jersey has confirmed this,' he continued.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), defined by NASA as "observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena from a scientific perspective," have long captivated human curiosity. Still, when military pilots—trained professionals with unparalleled experience in the skies—report encounters with mysterious objects, the intrigue deepens. These sightings, often corroborated by radar data and other advanced technology, challenge our understanding of flight and physics. Here, we explore five of the most compelling UAP encounters reported by military pilots.
Photo: US Army
1.The Mantell Incident Of 1948
Led to a deadly crash
Date: January 7, 1948
Location: Near Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox, Kentucky
On the afternoon of January 7, witnesses across Kentucky began reporting sightings of an unidentified object in the sky. Observers described it as a large, metallic object, often depicted as circular or disk-like, that moved slowly but was capable of rapid acceleration. Reports of the object were relayed to military personnel at Godman Army Airfield, prompting officials to investigate.
Airfield personnel, including the base commander, Colonel Guy F. Hix, sighted the UAP around 1:00 PM. The descriptions from the airfield echoed those of civilian observers. The object appeared to be large, bright, and stationary at an extremely high altitude. Concerned about its presence and potential threat, Colonel Hix ordered inquiries to nearby air traffic control centers and airports. However, no flights or weather balloons that could account for the object were reported in the area.
Photo: USAF
Shortly after the UAP sightings were confirmed, a flight of four P-51 Mustang aircraft from the Kentucky Air National Guard was in the vicinity on a routine mission. Godman Tower requested Captain Thomas F. Mantell, a fighter pilot during WWII and the flight leader, investigate the unidentified object. At approximately 2:45 PM, Mantell and his team began their pursuit. The other pilots initially joined him, but lacking sufficient oxygen supplies for high-altitude flight, three of the aircraft broke off the chase. Mantell, determined to intercept the object, continued the climb, eventually surpassing an altitude of 20,000 feet.
“It appears to be a metallic object or possible reflections of sun from a metallic object, and it is of tremendous size. I’m still climbing. The object is above and ahead of me moving at my speed or faster. I’m trying to close in for a better look.”
- Thomas Mantell
His final transmission was purportedly fragmented, with some accounts suggesting he described the object as resembling a "tremendous metallic sphere" or "something that looks like it's not from this world."
At around 3:18 PM, Mantell's aircraft began a sharp descent, spiraling out of control. His P-51 crashed into a farm near Franklin, Kentucky, killing him instantly. Later investigations revealed that Mantell likely lost consciousness from lack of oxygen as he pursued the high-altitude object.
The death of Captain Mantell brought significant attention to the UAP phenomenon, with widespread media coverage and speculation. For the American public, it was one of the first instances where a UAP encounter allegedly resulted in loss of life, amplifying fears and fascination surrounding extraterrestrial visitation. The incident also spurred the US military to take UAP sightings more seriously, laying the groundwork for systematic investigations like Project Sign, the precursor to Project Blue Book.
Initially, various explanations were suggested to rationalize the event. Some postulated that Mantell had been mistakenly chasing the planet Venus, as it was visible in the sky during the afternoon. However, this theory was met with skepticism due to the descriptions of movement attributed to the object, which seemed to defy the characteristics of a celestial body.
Another early theory proposed that Mantell might have been pursuing a secret military project or a balloon, such as a Skyhook weather balloon commonly used for high-altitude research. The possibility of a top-secret experimental aircraft was also considered. However, as the investigation progressed, these theories failed to provide a satisfactory explanation for the incident. The Mantell incident remains one of the most well-known and debated cases in UAP history, capturing the imagination of UAP enthusiasts and skeptics alike.
Photo: BlueBarronPhoto l Shutterstock
2. Gorman Dogfight
27 minutes against an unidentified flying object
Date:October 1, 1948
Location: Fargo, North Dakota
On October 1, 1948, Lt. George Gorman, a pilot for the North Dakota Air National Guard and decorated WWII veteran, was wrapping up practice maneuvers with his squadron's P-51 Mustangs. At 25 years old, Gorman was a respected and battle-hardened aviator determined to log additional flight hours for the day.
While flying solo over Fargo, Gorman spotted a small glowing object below him. Intrigued, he pursued it, engaging in a 27-minute "dogfight." The round light darted away, stopped abruptly, climbed, and outmaneuvered his aircraft repeatedly—the kind of behavior no human-piloted plane could achieve.
Gorman described the object as white and round, roughly six to eight inches in diameter, and exceptionally bright. He noted that it exhibited no audible sound, exhaust trail, or visible wings. Despite his best efforts, Gorman was unable to close the distance between his aircraft and the mysterious object, as it demonstrated agility far beyond the capabilities of any conventional aircraft of the era.
At one point, Gorman reported that the object made a sharp turn and headed straight toward his plane. Preparing for a potential collision, he dove to avoid contact, but the object adjusted its course at the last moment and passed over his canopy. According to UAP historian Curtis Peebles, this near-miss confirmed for Gorman that the object was not a natural phenomenon but a seemingly controlled entity with remarkable maneuverability. Eventually, the object climbed rapidly into the sky and disappeared.
"I am convinced that there was definite thought behind its maneuvers. I am further convinced that the object was governed by the laws of inertia because its acceleration was rapid but not immediate and although it was able to turn fairly tight at considerable speed, it still followed a natural curve. When I attempted to turn with the object I blacked out temporarily due to excessive speed. I am in fairly good physical condition and I do not believe that there are many if any pilots who could withstand the turn and speed effected by the object, and remain conscious. The object was not only able to out turn and out speed my aircraft ... but was able to attain a far steeper climb and was able to maintain a constant rate of climb far in excess of my aircraft."
- George Gorman
Aftermath and investigation
When Gorman returned to base, both he and his P-51 showed no signs of damage. However, the encounter left Gorman shaken and convinced he had witnessed something extraordinary. Subsequent radar reports from a nearby control tower suggested that an unidentified object had indeed been present in the area, corroborating Gorman's account. The object's movements were described as extraordinarily precise and rapid, defying the capabilities of known aircraft at the time.
The aftermath of the Gorman Dogfight incident sparked an extensive investigation by the US Air Force. Military investigators from Project Sign were dispatched to analyze the event. Gorman underwent extensive debriefing, maintaining his account with unwavering consistency. Notable details from his report included the object's apparent lack of mass or visible propulsion system, its sharp angular turns, and its immunity to gravity's effects.
While the official conclusion pointed to a weather balloon as the possible explanation, many, including Gorman himself, vehemently disputed this explanation. The Gorman Dogfight remains one of the most intense aerial engagements with an unidentified flying object, and the corroborating accounts of radar operators make this case an enduring mystery. Unless, of course, you believe a decorated WWII fighter pilot would engage in a 27-minute dogfight with this:
A joint hearing by subcommittees of the House Oversight Committee held on Wednesday on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) raised more questions about the strange objects that multiple reputable sources have witnessed. Unfortunately, even after the hearings, credible answers are still scarce. The term Unidentified Flying Object (UFO), still widely used in popular lingo, has been abandoned by government agencies researching these phenomena because of the stigma associated with the acronym. At first, the term UAP referred to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, but that has changed since some mysterious objects are not in the skies but in the seas. Officials testifying before Congress indicated that thousands of videos exist of unexplained sightings of objects behaving in a manner that exceeds the currently known technological capabilities of human-made craft. However, they did not dismiss the possibility that these objects might be unknown human-made technology. As NPR reports, there...
Photo: US Navy
3. Mysterious flashing triangles in the sky
Perplexing US Navy radar operators
Date: July 2019
Location: The coast of Southern California
In July 2019, during military exercises conducted off the coast of Southern California, Navy personnel aboard the USS Russell observed multiple unidentified objects in the air, the most striking being a series of triangular craft that appeared to hover in the night sky. Using night-vision equipment, they captured footage of these objects, which were illuminated by flashing lights, giving a clear view of their triangular shapes.
Photo: US Navy
The UAPs demonstrated erratic flight patterns and seemingly unconventional behavior. Unlike conventional aircraft, these objects exhibited no apparent propulsion mechanisms, such as exhaust trails or rotors, yet moved with remarkable agility. Witnesses described these movements as defying the laws of physics; the objects appeared to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction with ease, raising questions about their origin and technology.
Corroborating evidence came through multiple channels. Radar operators aboard other naval vessels in the area detected unidentified contacts moving at speeds and altitudes inconsistent with known aircraft. This radar data matched the visual observations made by the USS Russell crew, confirming the presence of unknown aerial phenomena. Furthermore, other nearby Navy ships reportedly experienced similar sightings during the same period, adding more weight to the encounter.
The triangular UAPs reportedly maintained their presence over US military exercises for some time, suggesting intentional observation or surveillance. This extended duration also gave military personnel more time to record and analyze their behavior, ensuring detailed documentation of the events.
News of the 2019 UAP incident gained traction when leaked footage emerged online in April 2021. The video quickly spread across media platforms, reigniting global interest in UAPs. Shortly after the leak, the Department of Defense confirmed the video's authenticity, stating it had been recorded by Navy personnel and remained under active investigation.
The Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) led the investigation into the encounter. Analysts reviewed the visual footage, night-vision recordings, and supporting radar data to assess the object's physical characteristics and flight dynamics. Despite these efforts, no concrete conclusions were reached — the objects could not be identified as any known aircraft or explainable natural phenomena.
The incident coincided with a growing push for transparency around UAPs. By June 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a preliminary report to Congress, summarizing 144 UAP encounters documented between 2004 and 2021. The triangular flashing UAPs were among the cases highlighted for their lack of plausible explanations. The report noted that these phenomena could not be easily attributed to foreign adversaries, US experimental technology, or atmospheric conditions, leaving the objects' origins shrouded in mystery.
4. F/A-18s encounter UAP off the US East Coast
Nearly caused a mid-air collision
Date: 2014-2015
Location: US East Coast, restricted airspace
In 2014 and 2105, Ryan Graves and other F/A-18 Super Hornet pilots from the USS Theodore Roosevelt witnessed and tracked unexplained objects in restricted airspace off the US East Coast. These objects were detected almost daily, both visually and by advanced radar systems, indicating their presence over an extended period. Graves and his colleagues described the UAPs as displaying capabilities far beyond conventional aircraft.
The objects were often spherical and measured around five to fifteen feet in diameter, sometimes enclosed within a translucent cube-like structure. They exhibited no visible means of propulsion yet could accelerate abruptly, perform high-speed maneuvers, and hover in place even against strong winds. Many of these sightings were corroborated by radar and infrared systems aboard the Super Hornets, confirming that the phenomena were not mere radar glitches or pilot misinterpretations.
One particularly chilling incident involved witnessing a UAP pass within striking distance of two Navy aircraft, nearly causing a midair collision. This prompted significant concern among the aviators, given the potential threat to their safety. Despite this, efforts to understand or engage with the UAPs yielded no results, as the objects evaded all conventional methods of tracking or interception. These experiences left Graves and his fellow pilots grappling with the perplexing realization that such technology existed—but they had no idea who or what was behind it.
Aftermath and Investigation
Following these encounters, Ryan Graves took on a critical role in bringing the issue to light. He recognized the safety and national security implications and advocated for greater transparency and research into UAP phenomena. Graves contributed to internal Navy discussions on reporting and documenting UAP sightings, leading to implementing a more structured reporting system for such incidents.
Public interest in Graves’ accounts grew after videos from his squadron's encounters—such as the now-famous "Gimbal" footage—were declassified and released by the Pentagon in 2017. These videos, showing objects performing seemingly impossible maneuvers, captured global attention and spurred both fascination and skepticism. Graves himself has testified before Congressional hearings, urging policymakers to fund further investigation into UAP phenomena and their potential implications.
Unedited Navy Go Fastl video.mp4
Graves also founded "Americans for Safe Aerospace," an organization dedicated to supporting aircrew who encounter UAPs and promoting safe practices for reporting and analyzing such phenomena. His advocacy has brought the topic into mainstream discussions, emphasizing the need for scientific inquiry and open-mindedness. While official explanations for these sightings remain elusive, the investigations prompted by reports like Graves' have helped shift the conversation around UAPs from fringe speculation to a legitimate area of study.
Photo: US Navy
5. The "Tic Tac" UAP Encounter
Impossibly fast
Date: November 14, 2004
Location: Off the coast of San Diego, California
On November 14, 2004, Cmdr. David Fravor of the USS Nimitz took off in his F/A-18F for a routine training mission over the Pacific Ocean. Cmdr. Jim Slaight, his wingman, was flying nearby in another F/A-18 Super Hornet. During the exercise, the USS Princeton's radar detected multiple unknown objects descending rapidly from 80,000 feet to just above sea level. Operators diverted Fravor and his wingman to investigate.
Upon arrival, Fravor spotted a white, oblong craft hovering erratically over the ocean. It was shaped like a "Tic Tac" candy, approximately 40 feet long, and starkly devoid of wings or propulsion mechanisms. As he approached, the object mimicked his movements before accelerating away at a speed no known jet could match.
WATCH: Navy pilot describes encounter with 'Tic Tac' shaped unidentified flying object
Fravor later described the object's movements as unlike anything he had ever seen, displaying capabilities far beyond modern aviation technology. The craft demonstrated an ability to stop abruptly, change directions instantaneously, and accelerate at an incredible speed, all without any visible means of propulsion or flight surfaces.
After the Tic Tac vanished, radar operators aboard the USS Princeton tracked it reappearing 60 miles away in less than a minute—an impossible feat for any known aircraft. Fravor and Slaight returned to their carrier shaken but adamant about what they had witnessed.
Aftermath and investigation
The Tic Tac incident sparked significant interest, prompting an investigation into the encounter, which involved the analysis of radar data, video evidence, and pilot testimonies. The evidence collected supported Fravor's account and provided further corroboration of the sighting. Experts and investigators delved into possible explanations, considering alternative hypotheses such as sensor anomalies, optical illusions, or the involvement of secret military technology. However, none of these theories provided a sufficient explanation.
In the years that followed, the incident gained even more credibility when the Pentagon confirmed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The AATIP, a covert government initiative, aimed to investigate various unidentified aerial phenomena, including the Tic Tac sighting. This acknowledgment by the Pentagon further validated the significance of the encounter, regarded as one of the most well-documented and compelling UAP cases to date.
The accounts of military pilots, rooted in expertise and credibility, underscore the need for continued investigation and an open-minded approach to these phenomena. Whether they represent advanced technology, natural phenomena, or something even more extraordinary, these encounters challenge our perception of the universe and defy conventional thinking. While these mysteries may never be solved, attempting to understand them could lead to discoveries and technological advancements once thought impossible.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have deployed infrared cameras and drone detection technology to ensure the drones flying over the New Jersey and New York area aren't harmful, according to a law enforcement source.
The agencies are also looking at social media and other photos to determine what exactly is in the photos. Most of the photos and video depict manned aircraft, according to a law enforcement source.
There have also been no reports from pilots about seeing any drones in the sky, according to the source.
Another other issue federal authorities are dealing with: over-reporting of potentially seeing drones, according to the source. In the New York-New Jersey area, where they are being spotted, there are very few restrictions.
Matthew Murello, the mayor of Washington Township, New Jersey, told "Good Morning America" on Monday he believes "something's going on," expressing concern and frustration at the lack of answers from federal authorities.
"I'm not trying to stir anything up, but we all know -- if you just turn on the television -- that drones can be used in an aggressive fashion," Murello said. "They can carry payloads. They can be used for all kinds of really aggressive-type things."
This image taken from video shows what appears to be drones flying over Randolph, New Jersey, on Dec. 4, 2024.
White House national security communications adviser John Kirby said Thursday that "many" of the reported drone sightings appear to be lawfully operated manned aircraft, adding there was "no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or a public safety threat, or have a foreign nexus."
But Murello said those living under the drones are not reassured.
"That's a wonderful thing to tell your residents," he said when asked about Kirby's assurances. "That's fantastic, until it's not."
"Nobody knows what these things are doing," Murello added. "Best case scenario, they're just getting video of us. Again, I don't know why out here. We're nothing but farm country. If you want videos of cows, I'll be happy to send you some."
Murello cast doubt on the official statements suggesting "no perceived threat."
"We've heard that before from our federal government -- 'We're not looking, we're not watching you, we're not watching your calls, we're not doing everything and don't worry -- we're here and we're here to help you'," he said.
Murello was among a group of New Jersey mayors who wrote to Gov. Phil Murphy asking for more information. The mayors were subsequently invited to a meeting, but Murello said the governor did not attend.
Instead, state police told the mayors they had little information on the drones. Authorities, Murello said, could not explain why some drones are being flown without emitting radio frequencies or using transponders -- both of which are required by law when a drone is used at night.
Murello said he had personally seen "a couple" of drones "around my town." He disputed Kirby's statement that many of the reported sightings were of misidentified manned aircraft.
"I have no way of telling you how big it was, but I can sure as heck can tell what they sound like," the mayor said. "And I know that they are not. What Adm. Kirby said -- which is a manned aircraft -- that just isn't right."
"I've seen multiple rotor, helicopter-type aircraft hovering above the tree line," Murello said, recalling one police official who said the drones can be up to 6 feet in diameter. The fact that most are spotted at night makes it "very difficult to kind of get an idea on them," Murello added.
White House national security communications adviser John Kirby speaks during a news conference at the White House on Dec. 12, 2024 in Washington, D.C.
Andrew Harnik/Getty Images
Reports of drone activity forced the temporary closure of runways at New York's Stewart International Airport on Friday. The potential danger to aircraft is causing concern on the East Coast, Murello said.
"If pilots don't see these things and they're 6 foot in diameter and they hit an airplane -- that is not going to end well," he said.
Senators are also pushing federal agencies for more information. Last week, New York Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and New Jersey Sens. Cory Booker and Andy Kim wrote to the heads of the FBI, Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Homeland Security requesting meetings.
"We write with urgent concern regarding the unmanned aerial system activity that has affected communities across New York and New Jersey in recent days," the letter said, requesting a briefing "as soon as possible on how your agencies are working with federal and local law enforcement to identify and address the source of these incursions."
The mystery has caught the public's attention, with photos and videos of alleged sightings proliferating across social media. One FBI official told reporters Saturday that out of the nearly 5,000 tips the agency had received, less than 100 generated credible leads for further investigation.
As the search for answers continues, Murello said he sees "only two logical conclusions."
"One is somebody knows something and they're just not willing to tell us," the mayor said, suggesting potential national security sensitivities around the Morristown Airport and President-elect Donald Trump's Bedminster golf course.
"If this is an area that needs to be surveilled in the eventuality that the incoming president is going to spend a lot of time here, you know what? I'm fine with that. Just simply say it's an issue of national security," he said.
An "even scarier" explanation is that "we're the greatest nation in the world with the most technologically advanced military on the planet earth, and we don't know what the hell these things are," Murello added. "That's scary."
The DHS and FAA have both warned against attempting to shoot down a suspected drone, citing the danger of falling debris and ammunition.
It is illegal to shoot down a drone. Anyone who does so could be fined up to $250,000 and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison.
Multiple suspected drones are seen over Bernardsville, New Jersey, on Dec. 5, 2024.
Murello said he would "definitely" not advise anyone to try to down a drone. "You also don't know if you do hit it, where it's going to come down and where are the rounds of ammunition going to land," he said.
"But I will say that, speaking with friends of mine that are current and former state troopers, we have the technology to be able to bring a drone down," Murello added, suggesting it was "absolutely silly" that law enforcement authorities are not authorized to down drones unless they are deemed a threat by the federal government.
"We don't need to bring all of them down, we need to bring one of them down," Murello continued. "We bring one down, we figure out what's going on."
Mysterious drones on the minds of many in two New Jersey counties
Unidentified drones continue to fly over US military bases in UK | LBC
Hey, this is a crazy week am I right? Well in Missouri a persons security cam recorded in infrared two UFOs flying past. They have no wings, no windows, no tail, but look like two disks. Oh and I talk afterward about the UFOs over New Jersey, which are actually Iran Shahed-136 drones...a I tell you what Iran wants before they will take them away.
NASA’s Perseverance Rover Reaches the Top Rim of the Jezero Crater
NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover used its right-front navigation camera to capture this first view over the rim of Jezero Crater on Dec. 10th, 2024. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
NASA’s Perseverance Rover Reaches the Top Rim of the Jezero Crater
In 2018, NASA mission planners selected the Jezero Crateras the future landing site of the Perseverancerover. This crater was a natural choice, as it was once an ancient lake bed, as evidenced by the delta fan at its western edge. On Earth, these features form in the presence of flowing water that gradually deposits sediment over time. Combined with the fact that the Jezero Crater’s delta feature is rich in clays, this makes the region a prime target to search for biosignatures – evidence of past (and maybe present) life on Mars!
In recent news, NASA announced that the Perseverance rover had reached the top of Jezero Crater’s rim at a location the science team calls “Lookout Hill.” The rover spent the previous three and a half months climbing the rim, covering a distance of 500 vertical meters (1,640 vertical feet) and making science observations along the way. Now that it has crested the rim, Perseverance can begin what the mission team calls its “Northern Rim” campaign. Over the next year, the rover is expected to drive 6.4 km (4 mi) and visit up to four sites of interest where it will obtain geological samples.
Since it landed in the Jezero Crater in February 2021, Perseverance has completed four science campaigns. This includes the “Crater Floor,” “Fan Front,” “Upper Fan,” and “Margin Unit” based on where the rover was obtaining samples from. During the first campaign, the rover visited features around its landing site – like the Máaz formation – where it obtained several rock and atmospheric samples, and some witness samples for contamination assessment. The two campaigns that followed saw the rover explore different sections of Jezero’s delta fan and obtain samples of rock and clay.
The fourth campaign, meanwhile, consisted of the rover examining marginal carbonate rocks that circle the upper edge of the Jezero Crater. The science team calls Perseverance’s fifth campaign the “Northern Rim” because its route covers the northern part of the southwestern section of Jezero’s rim. The site was selected so that the rover could explore a region of Mars, unlike anything it has investigated before. Ken Farley, a project scientist for Perseverance at Caltech, explained in a NASA press release:
“The Northern Rim campaign brings us completely new scientific riches as Perseverance roves into fundamentally new geology. It marks our transition from rocks that partially filled Jezero Crater when it was formed by a massive impact about 3.9 billion years ago to rocks from deep down inside Mars that were thrown upward to form the crater rim after impact. These rocks represent pieces of early Martian crust and are among the oldest rocks found anywhere in the solar system. Investigating them could help us understand what Mars — and our own planet — may have looked like in the beginning.”
Now that Perseverance has crested and moved on from Lookout Hill, the rover is heading to a rocky outcrop about 450 m (1,500 feet) on the other side of the rim known as “Witch Hazel Hill.” Said Candice Bedford, a Perseverance scientist from Purdue University:
“The campaign starts off with a bang because Witch Hazel Hill represents over 330 feet [~100 m] of layered outcrop, where each layer is like a page in the book of Martian history. As we drive down the hill, we will be going back in time, investigating the ancient environments of Mars recorded in the crater rim. Then, after a steep descent, we take our first turns of the wheel away from the crater rim toward ‘Lac de Charmes,’ about 2 miles [3.2 km] south.”
Located on the plains beyond the rim, the Lac de Charmes region is of interest to the mission team because it is less likely to have been affected by the impact that led to the Jezero Crater. Beyond that, the rover will travel about 1.6 km (1 mi) back up the rim to investigate an outcropping of blocks (megabreccia) that may be the remains of ancient bedrock broken by another impact. This was the Isidis impact, which occurred 3.9 billion years ago and led to the formation of the Isidis Planitia basin in the Northern Lowlands.
The route NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover took (in blue) as it climbed the western rim of Jezero Crater. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
Investigating this site could provide valuable insight into a major surface-reshaping event that took place during the Noachian Period on Mars. This geological epoch saw extensive erosion by flowing water, as indicated by the many river valley networks dated to the period. It is also during the Noachian that the Tharsis Bulge is believed to have formed, indicating that Mars was still geologically active. As always, the ultimate goal is to find biosignatures from this “warmer, wetter” period that indicate that Mars could have had life (similar to Earth at the time).
The Perseverance science team also shared information on the rover, their science operations, and future plans at a media briefing on Thursday, December 12th, during the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in Washington. As Steven Lee, the deputy project manager for the Perseverance mission at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said during the briefing:
“During the Jezero Crater rim climb, our rover drivers have done an amazing job negotiating some of the toughest terrain we’ve encountered since landing. They developed innovative approaches to overcome these challenges — even tried driving backward to see if it would help — and the rover has come through it all like a champ. Perseverance is ‘go’ for everything the science team wants to throw at it during this next science campaign.”
Are mind-boggling epic drone battles headed our way?
Are mind-boggling epic drone battles headed our way?
The mystery of unidentified drones remains unresolved, with government authorities offering little clarity. Officials have downplayed the incidents, asserting there is no threat to national security and attributing many sightings to aircraft such as planes or helicopters. However, the lack of transparency has only fueled public speculation and heightened concerns.
What people/experts say:
Some speculate that these drones are part of covert operations designed to detect dirty bombs or nuclear devices or theses drones are part of an advanced surveillance systems operated by certain agencies.
The Space Force could be conducting classified exercises, such as testing cutting-edge technology or performing communication lockdown drills to evaluate detection and evasion capabilities.
A former CIA officer has suggested that the drones may be part of government efforts to trial advanced technologies in urban environments.
Reports indicate these drones exhibit unusual traits, such as lacking heat signatures and evading detection. They might employ RF jamming or encrypted communications, potentially causing unintentional disruptions to civilian electronics, including power outages, while avoiding capture.
Intelligence analysts have compared the drones to Russian Orlan-10 or Iranian Shahed-136 models, raising suspicions of international espionage.
But, the most striking statement came from Elon Musk, who warned earlier this year about the arrival of epic drone wars. He said that drone swarm battles are coming that will boggle the mind. What does he know that we don’t?
A large drone flying at a slow speed, shooting out or launching multiple smaller drones at a relatively high speed.
DAHBOO77 video: Musk's statement on X (formerly Twitter) at approximately the 1:23 mark.
Mysterious Drone & UFO Sightings Over New Jersey Baffle Experts and Residents
Mysterious Drone & UFO Sightings Over New Jersey Baffle Experts and Residents
Reports of unexplained drone and UFO activity in New Jersey have captured widespread attention, with sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) sparking debate among residents, politicians, and experts. Since November 2024, clusters of drones and other mysterious flying objects have been seen hovering over sensitive locations, raising questions about their origin and purpose.
Unexplained flying objects, possibly drones, spotted over New Jersey, FBI investigating
Unusual Drone Activity in the Garden State
The drones reported in New Jersey are no ordinary devices. Witnesses have described large, car-sized objects capable of hovering for hours and flying in coordinated patterns with their lights off, often evading detection by helicopters and radar. These sightings have occurred near critical infrastructure, including military installations like Picatinny Arsenal, water reservoirs, and even President-elect Donald Trump’s golf course in Bedminster.
xQc Reacts to Neil deGrasse Tyson Explaining the Mysterious Drone Sightings in New Jersey
Adding to the mystery, some drones reportedly exhibit transmedium travel—seamlessly moving between air and water—a capability that far surpasses current consumer or commercial drone technology. Such advanced behavior has led experts to question whether these objects are foreign surveillance tools, military experiments, or something entirely unexplained.
Official Responses and Public Reaction
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has formally called for a federal investigation, urging President Joe Biden to address the escalating concerns. Despite this, federal agencies, including the FBI and Pentagon, have yet to provide definitive answers. National Security Spokesman John Kirby has suggested that many sightings could involve lawful manned aircraft but acknowledged the absence of concrete evidence to explain all incidents.
Officials raise questions about mysterious drone sightings over New Jersey
Politicians, including Representative Jeff Van Drew and Senator Andy Kim, have expressed frustration over the lack of transparency and coordination in addressing the sightings. Van Drew even alleged the possibility of a foreign “mothership” launching drones from off the East Coast—an assertion the Pentagon has denied.
Meanwhile, local officials and residents remain unsettled. A Facebook group dedicated to tracking the sightings has amassed tens of thousands of members, sharing videos and theories ranging from advanced military technology to extraterrestrial activity.
Theories and Speculations: UFOs or Advanced Tech?
Tom DeLonge, Blink-182 guitarist and prominent UFO researcher, has contributed his own theories to the discourse. DeLonge suggests that the drones might be mimicking other aircraft, a tactic historically associated with UFOs. He also pointed out their potential for transmedium travel, a phenomenon that has been observed in other UAP incidents globally.
FBI probes large drones flying over New Jersey for weeks | LiveNOW from FOX
According to DeLonge, such behavior could be a deliberate attempt to gain attention while avoiding outright panic. Historical comparisons to mass UFO sightings from the 1960s further highlight the enduring mystery of such phenomena.
A Call for Answers
The lack of clarity surrounding the New Jersey drone sightings has left the public divided between intrigue and unease. While officials assure there is no immediate threat, the advanced capabilities of these drones—whether human-made or otherwise—demand closer scrutiny.
As investigations continue, the skies over New Jersey remain a hotspot for UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike. Whether these objects are cutting-edge technology, foreign surveillance tools, or signs of something more extraordinary, one thing is certain: the mystery of New Jersey’s drones is far from resolved.
Mysterious Drone & UFO Sightings Over New Jersey | Unexplained Aerial Phenomena Shocking Residents
43 Indisputable Alien and UFO SIGHTINGS Caught on Camera | Shocking Footage!
EXCLUSIVE - The mystery 'UFO' drones over US airbases in Britain that have baffled witnesses: As UFO fever grips America, villagers reveals their very strange sightings in UK
Villagers 'can't believe what they saw' after yet another sighting of a suspected drone was spotted flying close to an American air base in Britain.
MailOnline has exclusively uncovered fresh footage filmed by a resident that shows the suspected drone flying over Hockwold cum Wilton, just six miles from RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk.
The village sits between two Air Force bases, RAF Feltwell and RAF Lakenheath.
It comes as mysterious drone activity near a US Army base in New Jersey causes a sensation in America, with the federal government proving unable to provide an explanation of what they are. Witnesses there claim the drones perfrom manuvers impossible for known technology.
Reports about American nuclear weapons being deployed to the latter for the first time since the Cold War have heightened fears that Russia could be behind the drone activity.
In America, experts have warned that the drone activity could be intelligence gathering by Iran or Russia. Philip Ingram, a former British military intelligence Colonel, said the recent drone sightings in the UK had 'all the hallmarks' of an operation by Russia's secretive GRU.
The US Air Force admitted last month that drones had flown close to three of its UK bases – including Lakenheath, Feltwell as well as RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk.
Farmworker Ricky Fletcher, 43, was leaving work on November 29 when initially he only saw one of them flying above.
He told us: 'I first saw them on the farm I work at, I was leaving work at 4pm on Friday evening and saw one flying way from Feltwell low to the ground, I almost thought it was a helicopter, it was so big.
Farm worker Ricky Fletcher, 43, was leaving work on November 29 when initially he only saw a drone flying above him
Mr Fletcher added: 'We couldn't believe what we were seeing'
'But it wasn't. The way the lights flashed it wasn't a plane. It was definitely a drone.'
However, soon after that, he claims the sky was filled with a dozen of them.
'All of a sudden we looked up and saw about 10 of them circling around. We were fascinated by them, they were just circling around, not really flying in the same direction.'
He added: 'We couldn't believe what we were seeing.'
'They moved in and circled around that one there was over my village in Hockwold between Lakenheath and Feltwell.'
He said he drove home, in the same village, but could still see them circling over.
'I would come out to smoke and would see them at night,' he said.
This came after footage emerged of what is suspected to be four drones, brazenly flying with bright lights, in the early evening darkness above RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk.
While two of the drones to the left of the screen in the video appear stationary, the other two are shown moving and passing each other on the night of November 28.
The bright light at the top of the screen is believed to be the planet Venus which can be seen in the south-western sky in the month of November.
The planet which is the brightest in the earth's solar system is often confused with being an aircraft or rocket.
The sightings which are said to have started on November 20 and continued for several days have followed similar drone 'invasions' in New Jersey.
Previous footage showed the moment a swarm of drones fly over an American air base which is set to become home to US nuclear weapons
While two of the drones to the left of the screen in the video appear stationary, the other two are shown moving and passing each other on the night of November 28
The bright light at the top of the screen is believed to be the planet Venus which can be seen in the south-western sky in the month of November.
The planet which is the brightest in the earth's solar system is often confused with being an aircraft or rocket
The village where the drones were spotted sits between two Air Force bases, RAF Feltwell and RAF Lakenheath
Reports about American nuclear weapons being deployed to the base for the first time since the Cold War have heightened fears that Russia could be behind the drone activity
The US Air Force admitted last month that drones had buzzed three of its UK bases – RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk and nearby RAF Feltwell, Norfolk
Unknown craft are reported to have circled the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal in the state which manufactures and researches weapons including arms supplied to Ukraine.
Some reports have talked of 'car-sized' drones over New Jersey since mid-November, sometimes appearing in groups and often remaining in the same place for hours at a time. They are also said to have been spotted around New York, Texas and Oklahoma.
Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy said a drone was launched after one of his officers saw 50 unmanned aerial vehicles, 'coming off the ocean'.
The officer dialed 911 to alert state police, the FBI and the Coast Guard.The maritime agency then reported seeing spotted 13 drones following their boat, estimating that the devices had a wingspan of eight feet.
Matronardy told NewsNation's Rich McHugh the force put up an 'industrial grade' drone to follow one of the devices, but it quickly slipped through their grasp.
The incident is just one of many drone sightings concerning locals in the Garden State and beyond.
'If this is not our military, then it's even more scary,' McHugh said.
Intelligence analysts from both the US and UK have pointed the finger at interference by Russian despot Vladimir Putin.
The video at RAF Lakenheath was taken shortly after British authorities had announced that 60 soldiers were being sent to investigate the sightings at the three UK bases.
Two days after it was taken, an RAF Chinook apparently flew British special forces troops to join the probe at RAF Lakenheath which is home to the to the 48th Fighter Wing's F-15E Strike Eagle and F-35A Lightning II aircraft.
Flight tracker records showed the Chinook leaving RAF Odiham, Hampshire, and flying to Poole, Dorset, to apparently pick up SBS troops before heading to Hereford where the SAS are based, and then on to the US base.
Earlier this month, villagers near RAF Lakenheath described seeing the drones on repeated nights, along with an increase in security patrols by MoD police. The base stated this week that there had been no new sightings in recent days.
A retired British spymaster yesterday claimed that Kremlin intelligence services were potentially gearing up for a fresh wave of incursions into UK airspace.
Philip Ingram, a former British military intelligence Colonel, said the recent drone sightings had 'all the hallmarks' of an operation by Russia's secretive GRU spy agency.
'It's a distinct possibility if not a certain probability this is all down to Russian intelligence,' he said. '
They and the GRU are just a bunch of petulant little boys. They're trying to suggest they have the ability to disrupt and influence through a level of nuisance action.'
A swarm of drones is spotted over in New Jersey, America, which has alarmed US officials
Drones have been sighted at military bases in the UK and US. Pictured is one drone circling an American weapons base in New Jersey - which experts say is Russian
He added: 'I would say we will see another flurry of activity in the next few months for sure. Whether drones or something else, I suspect something else.'
Col Ingram said Russians or their agents could also be using the UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) to test Western forces' responses and capabilities.
He suggested they were potentially carrying out such operations to massage Russian tyrant Putin's bruised ego, after his failures in Ukraine.
He also claimed the drones were part of a wider spate of small, 'seemingly isolated' incidents which could be part of a larger coordinated test of disruption tactics.
'There's a pattern building up and from an intelligence perspective, I don't like patterns,' Col Ingram added.
'Each one of these things in isolation won't massively disrupt our way of life and none will potentially raise a big question mark but if you suddenly put them together and they all happen at once, then the level of disruption you could have could be really serious.'
The sightings follow a series of suspicious incidents worldwide, which have seen hackers carrying out cyber attacks, sabotaging underwater internet cables and bomb scares triggering chaos at Gatwick and in central London.
The FBI and other agencies are said to investigating the sightings in America, but the Department of Homeland Security said on Wednesday: 'We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they're launching from, where they're landing.'
Britain this week unveiled its newest weapon in the war against drones - a high powered laser which is able to scorch the devices out of the sky in seconds.
The high-energy device, mounted on the roof of a Wolfhound armoured vehicle, was successfully tested at the Radnor Range in mid-Wales.
Soldiers from 16 Royal Artillery - an air defence regiment based near Portsmouth, Hampshire - were able to track and destroy hovering targets.
Retired police lieutenant and intelligence analyst Tim McMillan told the descriptions of the UFOs in Jersey 'sound exactly like Russian Orlan-10 drones' — secretive craft that fly in packs of three to five.
The Orlan-10 craft comes with 'standard positional lighting' — a red light on the left (port) wingtip, a green light on the right (starboard) wingtip, and white taillights, similar to the lights seen on ordinary aircraft and Jersey's 'mystery drones.'
Experts suggest that Russia could be carrying out an intelligence-gathering mission known as 'ferreting', meant to intentionally trigger and test a rival's airspace defence procedures and response times.
Or the Kremlin could simply be spying on allies of Ukraine who are aiding the fight against Russia's invasion.
While experts could not rule out a theory that Iran was behind the attacks, argued by NJ Congressman Jeff Van Drew, but denied by the Pentagon, White House officials have long noted that Russia and Iran collaborate on military drone development.
'Russia has been very aggressive and reckless with its responses to Western support of Ukraine,' Lt McMillan told 'This isn't something I see discussed in US media, but it's well documented and openly discussed here in Europe.'
The first New Jersey drone sightings appeared over the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal on November 18, but reports to varying levels of credibility have now spread to at least 12 counties throughout the Garden State.
Officials have received reports of craft flying of 'water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations' in recent weeks, according to Florham Park, NJ police chief Joseph J Orlando.
But those earliest and most credible sightings above Picatinny, according to Lt McMillan, are most worth focusing on.
'Picatinny Arsenal,' as Lt McMillan told, is 'home of the US Army's CCDC Armaments Center, which is responsible for manufacturing and supplying Ukraine with 155mm artillery ammunition.'
Republican Rep Jeff Van Drew has claimed that Iran is behind the drones in New Jersey, telling reporters that the nation parked a 'mothership' off the East Coast.
MailOnline have approached the MoD for further comment
Satellite images have spotted the Iranian 'mothership' linked to the mysterious drones in New Jersey.
The Shahid Bagheri drone carrier was last seen at its berth in the Iran Shipbuilding & Offshore Industries Complex on November 12, but an image taken 18 days later showed its docking station empty.
That is around the same time New Jersey police started to be inundated with sightings of drones in the skies, flying in clusters and acting strangely.
New Jersey Republican Rep Jeff Van Drew claimed this week there was 'circumstantial evidence’ that Iran's ship was releasing the drones from America's East Coast.
Van Drew said that Iran made a deal with China 'to purchase drones, a mothership and other technologies' for the drone attack on the US, a theory the Pentagon has dismissed.
Drew doubled down on his claims Thursday, saying 'credible individuals that have security clearance... believe there's a real possibility it could be Iran.'
The 800ft-long Shahid Bagheri has since been spotted on satellite in the open waters of the Persian Gulf. It would take around 13 days for the ship to travel from Iran to America's East Coast.
The Shahid Bagheri drone carrier was last seen at its berth in the Iran Shipbuilding & Offshore Industries Complex on November 12, but an image taken 18 days later showed its station empty
The militarized cargo ship is allegedly conducting its first sea trials since leaving the nearby Iran Shipyard and Offshore Industries (ISOICO) shipyard.
Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh said: 'There's no Iranian ship off the coast of the United States, and there's no so-called 'mothership' launching drones toward the United States,' said Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh.
Numerous 'SUV-sized' craft have appeared in the state since mid-November, sometimes appearing in groups and often remaining in the same place for hours at a time, according to eyewitnesses.
Shahid Bagheri was spotted on December 12 in the open waters near two of Iran's naval ships: Shahid Roudaki and Shahid Mahdavi.
Shahid Roudaki was a merchant ship that was repurposed for military use. It is capable of carrying drones, helicopters and missile launchers.
Shahid Bagheri was spotted on December 12 in the open waters
The carrier (bottom left) was pictured in formation with two of Iran's naval ships: Shahid Roudaki (top right) and Shahid Mahdavi (bottom right)
And Shahid Mahdavi, developed in 2023, was 'designed for long-range operations and is outfitted with missiles, air defense systems, and advanced radar technology.'
White House National Security spokesman John Kirby was pressed about a Van Drew's claim on Thursday, replying the drones not foreign, and they may not even be drones.
'We have no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or a public safety threat or have a foreign nexus,' Kirby told reporters Thursday.
The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI reiterated Kirby's statements in a joint release Thursday saying that there is no national security risk.
'We have no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus,' the statement reads.
Shahid Roudaki is capable of carrying drones, helicopters and missile launchers
Shahid Mahdavi, developed in 2023, was 'designed for long-range operations and is outfitted with missiles, air defense systems, and advanced radar technology'
But New Jersey State Representative Paul Kanitra (R) questioned this.
'That goes directly against what the federal Department of Homeland Security told us in the briefing Wednesday,' said Kanitra. I couldn’t possibly understand what their motivation is to try and diminish this.'
New Jersey Assemblymember Brian Bergen (R) also hit back at Kirby's claims.
'That guy is an idiot. That I can tell you right now,' Bergen, a former US Army helicopter pilot, said Thursday evening in an interview on Fox News.
'Kind of unsettling': Mysterious drones spotted in NJ
Iran unveils newly-developed 'Kaman-19' drone | World DNA | WION
Iran's Lethal Drones are Taking the World by a Storm. Here's How | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Mysterious drone sightings in the skies above New Jersey continued to alarm locals and baffle experts on Friday, despite assurances from the White House that they pose no threat.
White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby insisted that the public had nothing to fear, but admitted that officials were still struggling to corroborate some of the reports.
The FBI has since received more than 3,000 tips, with reports of varying levels of credibility cropping up in at least 12 counties throughout New Jersey, as well as eastern Pennsylvania and Orange County, New York.
Amid the uncertainty, the president-elect called for answers from the US Government as he slammed the Biden administration and urged them to shoot down the UFOs.
But this was rejected by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who said that the government does not have the authority to neutralize the drones.
Mayorkas echoed previous comments made by Kirby and suggested that some of the reports could be cases of mistaken identity related to manned aircraft.
Below is a recap of all the developments around the mystery drone sightings:
My New Jersey home was menaced by 30 drones in one night - here's who is controlling the aircraft
Irene Piasis, a barber at Chatham Hair in Chatham, New Jersey, was taking a quick break in between clients on Friday afternoon and told Daily Mail without hesitation: ‘I think it’s the government.’
‘I was going to Parsippany on Sunday night there were like 30 of them up in the sky. I was getting a little scared. This is getting ridiculous,' she said.
‘Everyone is talking about it. Nobody knows. At least come forth and say, ‘this is what is going to happen this month. We are testing drones for the military - dah dah dah. What the f**k! Call the FBI they tell you.’
‘I don’t know what it is. I thought it was the Biden Administration trying to play with us because Trump came in so they were shooting it off.
'Then my nephew came in - from my ex-husband - he has drones and he was saying military testing.
‘All different countries use the drones - China, Russia - they are very big on drones we are not we are always behind. If we were being invaded don’t you think they would have figured it out by now. It is two weeks now.
'You are not going to find out the real reason. Go call up Washington.'
'Last night everyone in the Livingston area was saying "omg, there are so many drones around".'
Former FBI counter-drone specialist warns it would be dangerous to shoot down UFOs
A former FBI supervisor who worked with the agency's counter-drone unit has warned it would be dangerous to shoot down aircraft seen in the skies above New Jersey after politicians called for drastic action.
Robert D'Amico said he believes that '99 percent' of the sightings can be attributed to, 'manned aircraft, low orbiting satellites, planets and shooting stars'.
'You don't wanna shoot a drone down because it can fall and kill somebody,' he told
'There's a lot of liability in doing that and I think it's irresponsible for senators to say shoot down drones or to say that there's a ghost ship from Iran launching drones.
'Is Iran really going to fly a drone with the navigation lights on that altitude that you can hear it? No, they're not, like, come on, that's getting crazy.'
He also blasted Congress for being 'way behind' with drone laws and said it was unwilling to help when the FBI asked for assistance to disseminate drone training to local police forces.
'I kind of laughed when I hear, you know, all the senators and congressmen and they're outraged and they're demanding stuff. But when we came to you a few years ago, where were you?' he said.
The security expert also suggested the uptick in sightings was due to 'hysteria', with more people looking to the skies and possibly launching drones of their own.
'There's millions and millions of drones owned by, not even commercial people. by hobbyists in the US.
Now that the hysteria is starting, either they're flying up to look for drones or they're adding fuel to the fire.'
Senators express frustration over Biden's 'lack of transparency' on drones
Senator Cory Booker expressed frustration over the lack of transparency on the mysterious drone sightings above his home state.
The New Jersey represenative warned it could help spread fear and misinformation.
'We should know what's going on over our skies,' he said Thursday.
Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal also added his voice to those calling for the drones to be shot down.
'We should be doing some very urgent intelligence analysis and take them out of the skies, especially if they're flying over airports or military bases,' Blumenthal said Thursday, as concerns about the drones spread across Capitol Hill.
He added that people in the New York region are also concerned that the drones may be sharing airspace with commercial airlines and demanded greater transparency from the Biden administration.
more transparency from the Biden administration.
FBI receives more than 3,000 tips over drones
The FBI has received more than 3,000 tips related to 'car-sized' drones seen hovering in the skies.
However, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the agency has been unable to verify any of the reports from the last few weeks.
Kirby attempted to downplay the situation, suggesting that the reports are possibly from people mistaking helicopters and aeroplanes for drones.
'We have not been able to, and neither have state and local law enforcement authorities, corroborate any of the reported visual sightings,' Kirby said Wednesday.
However, reports continue to flood in from concerned tipsters who claim to have seen the 'car-sized' objects circling above.
Secret Service confirms drones are not theirs
The Secret Service has confirmed that the mysterious drones seen in the skies above the east coast do not belong to them.
'The US Secret Service does not currently have any unmanned aerial systems operating in or around New Jersey or New York,' the agency told NBC News on Friday.
It comes after the White House said yesterday that the FBI and local law enforcement, 'have not been able to corroborate any of the reported visual sightings'.
Donald Trump explodes over drone 'invasion' and sends Biden an ominous warning
The president-elect demanded the drones flying over multiple US states be shot down by the Biden White House after days of mysterious sightings across the sky.
The first sightingswere over the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal and Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster, which raised concerns the drones are part of spy campaign.
The president-elect didn't directly address the sightings over his club, but demanded action from Joe Biden and the government in a Truth Social post Friday.
He wrote: 'Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!! DJT.'
Donald Trump has demanded the drones flying over multiple US states be shot down by the Biden White House after days of mysterious sightings across the sky.
CHATHAM, N.J. (AP) - That buzzing coming out of New Jersey? It's unclear if it's drones or something else, but for sure the nighttime sightings are producing tons of talk, a raft of conspiracy theories and craned necks looking skyward.
Cropping up on local news and social media sites around Thanksgiving, the saga of the drones reported over New Jersey has reached incredible heights.
This week seems to have begun a new, higher-profile chapter: Lawmakers are demanding (but so far not getting) explanations from federal and state authorities about what's behind them. Gov. Phil Murphy wrote to President Joe Biden asking for answers. New Jersey's new senator, Andy Kim, spent Thursday night on a drone hunt in rural northern New Jersey, and posted about it on X.
More drone sightings have been reported in New York City, and Mayor Eric Adams says the city is investigating and collaborating with New Jersey and federal officials. And then President-elect Donald Trump posted that he believes the government knows more than it´s saying. "Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down!!!" he posted on his social media site.
But perhaps the most fantastic development is the dizzying proliferation of conspiracies, none of which has been confirmed or suggested by federal and state officials who say they're looking into what's happening. It has become shorthand to refer to the flying machines as drones, but there are questions about whether what people are seeing are unmanned aircraft or something else.
Some theorize the drones came from an Iranian mothership. Others think they are the Secret Service making sure President-elect Donald Trump´s Bedminster property is secure. Others worry about China. The deep state. And on.
This photo provided by Trisha Bushey shows the evening sky and points of light near in Lebanon Township, N.J., on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024.
(Trisha Bushey via AP)
In the face of uncertainty, people have done what they do in 2024: Create a social media group.
The Facebook page, New Jersey Mystery Drones - let´s solve it, has nearly 44,000 members, up from 39,000 late Thursday. People are posting their photo and video sightings, and the online commenters take it from there.
One video shows a whitish light flying in a darkened sky, and one commenter concludes it´s otherworldly. "Straight up orbs," the person says. Others weigh in to say it´s a plane or maybe a satellite. Another group called for hunting the drones literally, shooting them down like turkeys. (Do not shoot at anything in the sky, experts warn.)
Trisha Bushey, 48, of Lebanon Township, New Jersey, lives near Round Valley Reservoir where there have been numerous sightings. She said she first posted photos online last month wondering what the objects were and became convinced they were drones when she saw how they moved and when her son showed her on a flight tracking site that no planes were around. Now she's glued to the Mystery Drones page, she said.
"I find myself - instead of Christmas shopping or cleaning my house - checking it," she said.
She doesn't buy what the governor said, that the drones aren't a risk to public safety. Murphy told Biden on Friday that residents need answers. The federal Homeland Security Department and FBI also said in a joint statement they have no evidence that the sightings pose "a national securityor public safetythreat or have a foreign nexus."
"How can you say it´s not posing a threat if you don´t know what it is?" she said. "I think that´s why so many people are uneasy."
Then there's the notion that people could misunderstand what they're seeing. William Austin is the president of Warren County Community College, which has a drone technology degree program, and is coincidentally located in one of the sighting hotspots.
Austin says he has looked at videos of purported drones and that airplanes are being misidentified as drones. He cited an optical effect called parallax, which is the apparent shift of an object when viewed from different perspectives. Austin encouraged people to download flight and drone tracker apps so they can better understand what they're looking at.
Nonetheless, people continue to come up with their own theories.
"It represents the United States of America in 2024," Austin said. "We´ve lost trust in our institutions, and we need it."
Federal officials echo Austin's view that many of the sightings are piloted aircraft such as planes and helicopters being mistaken for drones, according to lawmakers and Murphy.
That's not really convincing for many, though, who are homing in on the sightings beyond just New Jersey and the East Coast, where others have reported seeing the objects.
For Seph Divine, 34, another member of the drone hunting group who lives in Eugene, Oregon, it feels as if it´s up to citizen sleuths to solve the mystery. He said he tries to be a voice of reason, encouraging people to fact check their information, while also asking probing questions.
"My main goal is I don´t want people to be caught up in the hysteria and I also want people to not just ignore it at the same time," he said.
"Whether or not it´s foreign military or some secret access program or something otherworldly, whatever it is, all I´m saying is it´s alarming that this is happening so suddenly and so consistently for hours at a time," he added.
UFOs, Drones, Or Planes? Americans Abuzz Over Mysterious New Jersey Sightings
Drones, planes or UFOs? Americans abuzz over mysterious New Jersey sightings
A New Jersey resident has revealed her terror after spotting dozens of drones in the skies above her home.
Irene Piasis said she was out driving on Sunday when she saw 30 UFOs hovering above Chatham.
She is among those who have called on President Joe Biden to provide answers as hysteria over the unexplained phenomenon threatened to engulf the entire country
It has been several weeks since the first drones were sighted over the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal and Donald Trump's golf course.
The White House has so far failed to provide an explanation for the sightings, which have resulted in more than 3,000 reports to the FBI.
As Garden State locals reported seeing 'car-sized' drones flying overhead, Piasis was unequivocal about who she believes is responsible.
'I think it's the government,' she told 'I thought it was the Biden administration trying to play with us because Trump came in, so they were shooting it off.'
The hair stylist explained she was on her way to Parsippany on Sunday night when she looked up and saw the drones.
New Jersey resident has revealed her terror after spotting dozens of drones in the skies above her home
Piasis said she was out driving on Sunday when she saw 30 UFOs hovering above Chatham
'I was getting a little scared,' she added. ‘Everyone is talking about it. Nobody knows. At least come forth and say, "this is what is going to happen this month. We are testing drones for the military - dah dah dah".
'What the f**k! Call the FBI they tell you. This is getting ridiculous.'
Her pleas for transparency have been echoed by the president-elect, who called for the objects to be shot down.
'Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don’t think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shoot them down,' he wrote on Truth Social on Friday.
He joined several other lawmakers in New Jersey and beyond demanding more information be released.
On Friday, US National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby reiterated his insistence that the sightings are nothing nefarious.
'Many of the corroborated sightings have turned out to be piloted aircraft. I didn't say all of them, and what I said was those are the ones we were able to corroborate,' Kirby told Fox.
'There certainly is ones that we have not been able to, and we don't know the answer to it, and I strongly recommend that for folks that are seeing these things and documenting them to share that as they can with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.'
Dramatic moment mysterious flaming drone descends in New Jersey
US National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby has insisted that the sightings pose no threat to national security but admitted officials have not been able to corroborate all reports
Explanations for the sightings have ranged from everything from foreign interference to extraterrestrial contact but officials have stressed there is no threat.
'My nephew, he has drones and he was saying military testing,' Piasis added.
‘All different countries use the drones - China, Russia - they are very big on drones we are not we are always behind. If we were being invaded don’t you think they would have figured it out by now. It is two weeks now.
'You are not going to find out the real reason. Go call up Washington.'
Google Earth, although a useful locator tool, has on occasion boggled the minds of internet users who have stumbled across images of objects and scenes which appear to hold no logical explanation.
People are free to explore the planet in a few clicks of a button on the site, but some users have found themselves accidentally discovering chilling and disturbing sights.
Some UFO hunters claim the tool has captured proof of alien life while others have used the world mapping feature to investigate some of the spookiest areas on earth.
From 'lakes of blood' to 'undiscovered pyramids' in Egypt - ancient mysteries have been quizzed and questioned as internet users scratch their heads trying to unlock the truth behind the bizarre finds.
And it's not just creepy scenarios that have been unearthed on the virtual maps, but man-made installations too, from multi-billion-pound companies to local artists.
In one strange discovery, a portal to an ominous underworld was spotted tearing through an unknown street as onlookers gathered to watch.
Meanwhile, in another, a suspicious door buried in the deep snow of Antarctica seemed as if it could transport a visitor to the home of Bigfoot.
And if those weren't mind-boggling enough, a giant pentagram found on the ground in Kazakhstan sparked wild theories around satanism - but the truth was eventually revealed to be far more innocent.
Doorway to Bigfoot, Antarctica
A mysterious 'doorway' was spotted on Google Earth in Antarctica, just southeast of the Japanese-run Showa Station.
The bizarre discovery sparked a range of theories across the internet, including Bigfoot's vacation home or a shuttle from Star Trek.
The unusual structure was discovered by a Reddit user on Google Maps at the co-ordinate 69°00'50'S 39°36'22'E.
Posting to the forum, they wrote: 'Massive door in Antarctica?', along with the co-ordinates.
'Just a blown off Boeing door,' one user replied, while another wrote: 'That's actually Bigfoots vacation home.'
One user suggested it was the 'door to Agartha', while another claimed it could be a 'big seed vault like the one in Svalbard, Norway
Sadly, the structure's true identity is much less exciting than these theories might lead you to believe.
Professor Bethan Davies, a Professor of Glaciology at the University of Newcastle, looked at the coordinates on Google Earth Pro, allowing her to see historic imagery.
'This feature is in an area of fast sea ice in East Antarctica, just offshore of the coast,' she explained to MailOnline.
'There are a series of islands there and the water is pretty shallow.
'This is an iceberg that became grounded and is now stuck and melting out in situ. You can see many other icebergs in the area.'
A mysterious 'doorway' was spotted in Antarctica, just southeast of the Japanese-run Showa Station
Blood lake, Iraq
On the outskirts of Sadr City in Iraq there was once a blood-red lake that baffled Google Earth users.
Part of a stretch of water called Lago Vermelho, the lake runs through the city and is separated by sections of concrete and crossings.
It is within one of the central panels of water that the bright red color could be seen, giving the appearance of blood.
Speculation as to what may have caused the red coloring was rife at the time it was spotted by an eagle-eyed internet user, with some suggesting the lake was close to a slaughter house and the coloration was the result of dead animals being dumped there.
Others put forward the more sensible suggestion that the lake was near a sewage treatment plant, or perhaps water treatment was the cause of the colour.
But speculation aside, science offered a different explanation: tiny organisms.
In some salty lakes, special algae or bacteria can bloom, turning the water red.
A red lake in Iraq sparked fears it was filled with blood when it was spotted on Google Earth
Undiscovered pyramids, Egypt
This Google Earth image shows a seemingly sunken sand patch which some internet users believed could be an unexcavated pyramid.
The deep crater in the sand appears to be triangular in shape, leading some to the theory that this may be a monumental ancient Egyptian pyramid that has been missed by archaeologists.
Due to the nature of its position, and it's hole-like structure, the undiscovered pyramid is thought to have sank thousands of years ago, leaving a giant three-sided space in its wake.
Less than one percent of Egypt has been excavated, so there are almost certainly ruins we haven't found yet.
But an amateur satellite researcher from Maiden, North Carolina, in 2012 asked an Egyptologist what their thoughts were on the strange apparent pyramid.
'Looks to me more like the sand dunes have moved into the area and the local people were intent on saving some of the sites soon to be covered by sand. So they have kept up and excavation of this area for a reason.' the expert said.
'Looks to be something round sitting on top of a square feature. I think it may be an old well, like a lot of these features usually are. Or at least some sort of religious site that is being kept open by the locals'.
A bizarre triangle shaped crater in Egypt sent theories swirling that it could be an undiscovered pyramid
UFO landing tracks, England
There are bizarre structures discovered on US and British air bases, such as this one located near Norwich in England.
With its concrete base and rogue swirling patterns, alien-lovers across the internet claimed it could be a UFO landing track.
Seemingly placed in the middle of a field of sorts, with not many buildings around it, the mystery of what exactly the was home to deepened.
But despite the random, spaced-out designs, what is believed to be the truth behind the track was revealed almost a decade ago.
The area has been deemed a motorcycle range by the UK Ministry of Defense, though some believe it could potentially serve as a calibration mechanism for satellites.
What was thought to be a UFO landing track turned out to be a motorcycle range
Portal to the underworld, Unknown
Google Earth in 2018 captured a mysterious black space floating in the middle of a road.
The location of the unnerving siting remains unknown adding to the mystery.
Pictured, is what appears to be a typical construction site next to a public footpath.
Three people can be spotted; two older men are standing on the left with one man dressed in black and the other in a red coat.
A younger man appears to be about to the cross the road on the other side, BUT in between the men is a particularly ominous black hole.
After being posted online, internet users went wild with conspiracy theories, speculating that it could be a secret portal to the underworld.
But a more logical explanation later emerged.
As Google stitches images together, there a good chance this was just another Google glitch.
Or, perhaps, an oil spill from the heavy duty vehicles working on the construction site.
A glitch in Google Earth made it seem as if a portal to the underworld had opened up in the middle of the road
Crash-landed alien spaceship, South Georgia Island
Conspiracy theorists claimed to have spotted a 'crash-landed spaceship' in 2018 after a Google Earth image revealed a mysterious object buried in the snow on South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Alien hunters were convinced it was of extra terrestrial origin but the truth would seem to lie closer to home.
Rather than evidence of little green men, it is the result of a large avalanche from a nearby mountain depositing a rock or large chunk of ice onto a glacier below.
Dr Richard Waller, senior lecturer in physical geography at Keele University, was behind the claim.
The unidentified mass was discovered near Antarctica on the remote South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean, where just 20 people live.
The avalanche is located in the upper part, known as the accumulation area, of the Novosilski Glacier, he said.
Speaking to MailOnline in 2018, Dr Waller explained: 'It looks to me as though this feature is related to a large avalanche from a nearby mountain.
'Part of a hanging glacier appears to have collapsed, you can see the avalanche debris at the foot of the slope, and this could be a large block of ice that has travelled further as a consequence.
'The track shows that it's sliding over a snow-covered glacier before it comes to a rest.'
Bizarre tracks could be seen running up behind the object, suggesting it slid through the snow for some distance before coming to a halt.
A Google Earth image revealed a mysterious object buried in the snow on South Georgia Island in the South Atlantic Ocean
Upon closer inspection, the object was revealed to be the result of a large avalanche from a nearby mountain depositing a rock or large chunk of ice onto a glacier below
The Pentagram, Kazakhstan
A giant five-pointed star etched into the ground deep in Kazakhstan sparked wild ideas after it was spotted on Google Earth.
As a symbol, pentagrams have a rich history across various cultures and religions, but conspiracy theories run wild, with some folks thinking it could be a sign of devil worship.
But as usual, the explanation is much simpler.
The massive star, captured within a circle, located near a lake close to the city of Lisakovsk, is actually the remains of an unfinished Soviet-era park.
Back when Kazakhstan was still part of the Soviet Union, stars were used on buildings, flags, and monuments across the country.
Archaeologists believe what happened on the ground near the popular lake followed that very tradition.
Roads were built to follow the star shape, and though the park was never completed, those roads are still visible from above, making the star stand out even more against the navy water.
Today, the site is abandoned and overgrown, adding to its creepy atmosphere.
The star-shaped etching in Kazakhstan appeared to be a satanic symbol, but the reason behind its creation is much more innocent
Bloody murder scene, Netherlands
In 2013, a Google Earth image prompted fears that it revealed a chilling and bloody murder scene.
The shot, which showed what looked like a trail of blood leading down a jetty in the Dutch city of Almere, sparking speculation a body had been dragged along it.
A shadowy, though unidentifiable figure is seen standing at the edge of the water in the shot, which was taken by a Google Earth helicopter.
However, an online sleuth revealed that is no grisly murder scene, but rather the work of a wet golden retriever called Rama.
Owner Jacquelina Koenen told The Sun in 2013: 'When I saw the picture I realised tt's my dog. He loves the water.
'He jumps off the end of the jetty, swims round to the bridge and runs down to the edge again.
'It's hilarious that everyone thought it was murder. But it's great he's now world famous.'
The paper added that local police confirmed Koenen's story, putting many people's mind at ease after believing they had seen a horror murder scene.
What seemed to be a bloody trail turned out to be the marks left behind by a soggy dog in Almere
The Gates of Hell, Turkmenistan
The Darvaza gas crater, also known as the 'Gates of Hell,' looks like a giant black hole in the middle of Turkmenistan's Karakum Desert.
But the 230ft wide hole has been on fire for over 50 years, after being created in 1971 when a Soviet drilling rig accidentally punched into a massive underground natural gas cavern, causing the ground to collapse and the entire drilling rig to fall in.
After puncturing a pocket of gas, poisonous fumes began leaking at an alarming rate.
In an attempt to avoid a potential environmental catastrophe, the Soviets set the hole alight, assuming it would stop burning within a few weeks.
But decades later it is still burning and the pit has become a major tourist attraction, drawing in around 10,000 visitors a year.
At night, the spectacle is truly awe-inspiring. The flames illuminate the night sky, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.
While the temperatures can reach up to 1,000 degrees Celsius, the flames burn without any smoke and offer a clear view of the inferno below.
Turkmenistan's government has considered putting out the fire due to environmental concerns and the waste of valuable natural gas, but the Gates of Hell continue to burn to this day.
The Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan appears as a mysterious black hole in the middle of a barren desert on Google Earth
In reality, the crater is lit up by an orange blaze that has been alive for over 50 years
Billionaire's name in sand, UAE
Hamad bin Hamdan al Nahyan, a billionaire Sheikh and a member of Abu Dhabi's ruling family, had his name etched into the sand on the island of al Futaisi, which he owns.
The name is written half a mile in height and two miles in length and is allegedly visible from space, with Google Earth imagery capturing the deep lettering stretching through a sandy area and into the ocean.
Whereas the sea would typically wash away any markings in the sand, these letters are so huge they form waterways that fill with the tides but do not vanish.
Images show the word 'HAMAD' gradually turning blue as the seawater seeps into the giant etchings.
The name HAMAD can be seen etched into sand in the UAE
KFC space logo, Nevada
From space, extraterrestrials and astronauts can look back to earth and see The Great Wall of China -- and KFC's Colonel Sanders.
The KFC Corp. in 2007 launched a rebranding campaign with an 87,500 square-foot image of Colonel Sanders in the Nevada desert which the company said makes Kentucky Fried Chicken the world's first brand visible from space.
'If there are extraterrestrials in outer space, KFC wants to become their restaurant of choice,' KFC President Gregg Dedrick said in a statement.
The logo consists of 65,000 one-foot by one-foot painted tile pieces that were assembled like a giant jigsaw puzzle.
'If we hear back from a life form in space today - whether NASA astronauts or a signal from some life form on Mars - we'll send up some Original Recipe Chicken,' said Dedrick.
The logo also depicts an updated version of KFC icon Colonel Sanders who wears his signature string tie but with a red apron instead of his classic white double-breasted suit.
The logo was built at the remote Area 51 desert near Rachel, Nevada, which KFC said was known as the UFO capital of the world and famous for its association with UFO conspiracy theories.
The KFC Corp. in 2007 launched a rebranding campaign with an 87,500 square-foot image of Colonel Sanders in the Nevada desert
The Boneyard, Arizona
The Boneyard appears on Google earth as unbelievably large green space filled with hundreds of abandoned planes.
Although they may seem like toy figures, the aircraft dumped on these grounds are in fact, real.
The Boneyard is the largest plane cemetery in the world, and is located in Tuscon, Arizona.
The site's massive size is equal to an astounding 1,430 football fields, providing ample space for the extensive collection of over 4,000 retired aircraft.
The Boneyard, also known as the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, annually receives 300 aircraft for storage and processes out about the same number (with 50 to 100 of those returning to flying service).
Aircraft that fly again either return to the US military, US government agencies such as the US Coast Guard, US Forest Service, and NASA, or are sold to allied governments under either the Foreign Military Sales program of the Arms Export Control Act, or the Excess Defence Articles program of the Foreign Assistance Act.
The Boneyard, located in Tuscon, Arizona, is the largest plane cemetery in the world
Scarecrow Village, Japan
One Google Earth user was left baffled after stumbling across a village of scarecrow people in Nagoro, Japan.
Once a bustling community, the village has an ever shrinking population, except from the 300 life-sized scarecrows that are dotted around the area.
Their faces seem so real that Google has blurred them out in its digital maps.
The bizarre scarecrows were created by a local artist named Tsukimi Ayano and allegedly resemble past villagers or imagined characters.
They have been set up by Ayano to make them appear as if they are tending to gardens, fishing by the river, or even waiting for a bus.
She stuffs old clothes with newspaper and cotton wool to make the plush figures that ca be seen on Google Earth placed around the village.
Ayano even started creating dolls that follow international trends.
Visitors can play a game of real-life 'Where's Waldo,' and can attempt to find the US President Donald Trump scarecrow doppelganger or characters from the Harry Potter series.
There are also famous Japanese celebrities and comedians.
On the first Sunday of October, Nagoro holds a festival that exhibits the scarecrows and Ayano's other works.
She’s just one of approximately thirty people still living in the village.
One Google Earth user was left baffled after stumbling across a village of scarecrow people in Nagoro, Japan
Local resident and artist Tsukimi Ayano making the head of a life-size doll at her house in the tiny village of Nagoro
Eerie images show the life-sized scarecrows dotted across the village
The dolls are made to appear as if they are carrying out everyday human tasks
Floating forest, Australia
Seen on Google Earth as what looks like a floating forest is the shipwreck of SS Ayrfield.
It lies deep in the heart of Sydney, Australia, and over time has been consumed by nature - turning it into a haunting relic.
The large silhouette of the ship appears on the map to be a lonely island, but in reality, it marks an abandoned piece of history that has been left to the elements.
Built in 1911, the SS Ayrfield spent its life hauling cargo up and down Australia's coast.
But by 1972, its working days were over. It was sent to a scrapyard in Homebush Bay –but they never finished the job.
Over the years, a vibrant mangrove forest established itself within the rusting hull of the wreckage, creating an incredible visual contrast with the dark waters below.
The deteriorating ship has over time been transformed into the floating forest seen from above today, and the natural reclamation has turned the SS Ayrfield into a popular destination for photographers and tourists, providing a unique view of the interaction between human history and nature.
Google Earth shows the SS Ayrfield shipwreck appearing as a small island near Australia
The wreckage has been left to the elements and the vessel is now covered in trees
The SS Ayrfield sits on the shallow harbour bottom with mangroves growing out of her rusting shell
The White House has ruled out foreign adversaries and hobbyists as the cause of the drone invasion inNew Jersey, leaving many residents to speculate it could be aliens.
George Noory, host of Coast-to-Coast AM and a leading voice of the unexplained, told 'It's bizarre. There's something else very, very nefarious about this.'
The drones are avoiding capture, he said, adding, 'They shut their lights off, they are undetectable in some cases. It's very, very bizarre. This could be an act of war for all I know.'
White House National Security spokesman John Kirby said this week that many of the reported drones are manned aircraft being operated lawfully.
'A congressman out of New Jersey believes that there is an Iranian ship parked off the East Coast of the US and it is sending these drones over certain military bases, Donald Trump's golf course, and strange strategic locations,' Noory said.
'There's some helicopters that have been seen in the area, and these things seem to avoid those,' said Noory.
A few spots drones have surveyed: military research facility Picatinny Arsenal, President-elect Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster, and around critical infrastructure including water reservoirs, electrical transmission lines, police stations and military bases.
'Drones are legal as long as they're registered with the FAA and are allowed to fly around certain spots,' Noory said. 'But this is weird.'
There are some notable no-fly zones even for registered drones: around airports, military installations, certain landmarks, nuclear plants and stadiums during sports games.
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency'
About Kim Komando
National Radio Hall of Famer, Host on 510+ stations, Podcaster & Tech Expert.
The FAA issued a temporary ban on flights over Trump's golf course and Picatinny Arsenal Military Base after requests from federal partners.
Noory said the fact that there's been no official statement on what's going on could mean the government doesn't want to worry U.S. citizens.
'Maybe there's something that's a little more nefarious, a little more dangerous and they don't want to alert and panic the public,' he continued.
'I'm hoping to God that our government is investigating this very thoroughly. I have to assume they are — they're just not letting us all know what's going on.'
'The other thing you've got to be concerned about is, drones carry missiles in some cases. Hope to God that these aren't warfare.'
'They obviously are not from hobbyists. There's not a bunch of kids flying these little toys around,' he added.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut is one of several politicians who have called for shooting down the drones if necessary.
Is that even possible? Would we have time to disable them? 'Oh, yeah, we've got the technology to take these out,' Noory says. 'There's no question.'
So, why is the government permitting them to stick around at this point? Will we get answers, or is this destined to remain another unexplained phenomenon?
'I think we may be watching them right now,' Noory says. 'But eventually, we're going to take action and probably start shooting these things down.'
Meanwhile, a Facebook group with 32.8K members and growing is buzzing with theories and concerns. One poster, Madison Leigh, said she'd heard reports the drones were leaving chemtrails.
For most folks, it's fear of the unknown that has them commenting and sharing stories on Facebook.
Jenna Diehl of Pohatcong, New Jersey posted that she saw hundreds of drones over her house in one night. 'These are not manmade drones. These are huge.'
'We are being watched and we are being invaded,' she wrote.
How to report a UFO
The more info, the better. If you're making a report be prepared with:
The date, time, location, duration and a detailed description of the sighting.
Photos or videos if you have them.
Names and contact information of anyone else with you at the time who observed the event.
The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) is a civilian organization that's been collecting UFO data for decades. NUFORC shares info with various agencies. Submit a report here.
The Department of Defense's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has a reporting tool available for U.S. government employees, service members or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. government programs or activities related to UAP. Submit a report here.
If you're worried there's an immediate threat, call your local law enforcement.
The White House has ruled out foreign adversaries and hobbyists as the cause of the drone invasion inNew Jersey, leaving many residents to speculate it could be aliens.
George Noory, host of Coast-to-Coast AM and a leading voice of the unexplained, told 'It's bizarre. There's something else very, very nefarious about this.'
The drones are avoiding capture, he said, adding, 'They shut their lights off, they are undetectable in some cases. It's very, very bizarre. This could be an act of war for all I know.'
White House National Security spokesman John Kirby said this week that many of the reported drones are manned aircraft being operated lawfully.
'A congressman out of New Jersey believes that there is an Iranian ship parked off the East Coast of the US and it is sending these drones over certain military bases, Donald Trump's golf course, and strange strategic locations,' Noory said.
'There's some helicopters that have been seen in the area, and these things seem to avoid those,' said Noory.
A few spots drones have surveyed: military research facility Picatinny Arsenal, President-elect Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster, and around critical infrastructure including water reservoirs, electrical transmission lines, police stations and military bases.
'Drones are legal as long as they're registered with the FAA and are allowed to fly around certain spots,' Noory said. 'But this is weird.'
There are some notable no-fly zones even for registered drones: around airports, military installations, certain landmarks, nuclear plants and stadiums during sports games.
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency'
About Kim Komando
National Radio Hall of Famer, Host on 510+ stations, Podcaster & Tech Expert.
The FAA issued a temporary ban on flights over Trump's golf course and Picatinny Arsenal Military Base after requests from federal partners.
Noory said the fact that there's been no official statement on what's going on could mean the government doesn't want to worry U.S. citizens.
'Maybe there's something that's a little more nefarious, a little more dangerous and they don't want to alert and panic the public,' he continued.
'I'm hoping to God that our government is investigating this very thoroughly. I have to assume they are — they're just not letting us all know what's going on.'
'The other thing you've got to be concerned about is, drones carry missiles in some cases. Hope to God that these aren't warfare.'
'They obviously are not from hobbyists. There's not a bunch of kids flying these little toys around,' he added.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut is one of several politicians who have called for shooting down the drones if necessary.
Is that even possible? Would we have time to disable them? 'Oh, yeah, we've got the technology to take these out,' Noory says. 'There's no question.'
So, why is the government permitting them to stick around at this point? Will we get answers, or is this destined to remain another unexplained phenomenon?
'I think we may be watching them right now,' Noory says. 'But eventually, we're going to take action and probably start shooting these things down.'
Meanwhile, a Facebook group with 32.8K members and growing is buzzing with theories and concerns. One poster, Madison Leigh, said she'd heard reports the drones were leaving chemtrails.
For most folks, it's fear of the unknown that has them commenting and sharing stories on Facebook.
Jenna Diehl of Pohatcong, New Jersey posted that she saw hundreds of drones over her house in one night. 'These are not manmade drones. These are huge.'
'We are being watched and we are being invaded,' she wrote.
How to report a UFO
The more info, the better. If you're making a report be prepared with:
The date, time, location, duration and a detailed description of the sighting.
Photos or videos if you have them.
Names and contact information of anyone else with you at the time who observed the event.
The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) is a civilian organization that's been collecting UFO data for decades. NUFORC shares info with various agencies. Submit a report here.
The Department of Defense's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has a reporting tool available for U.S. government employees, service members or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. government programs or activities related to UAP. Submit a report here.
If you're worried there's an immediate threat, call your local law enforcement.
Uri Geller says drone sightings are UFOs 'warning' Earth with 'show of power and superior tech'
Uri Geller says drone sightings are UFOs 'warning' Earth with 'show of power and superior tech'
The self-proclaimed psychic claimed that the 'drones' being sighted near airbases around the world are not 'man made' but instead another force wanting to 'show off'
Psychic Uri Geller has hit out at claims that 'drones' are visiting airbases
(Image: NBCUniversal via Getty Images)
Celebrity psychic Uri Geller has claimed that recent 'drone' sightings near airbases are "not man-made" but instead a warning from UFOs with technology outside of our understanding.
Geller claimed the UFOs "want to be seen" in a series of social media posts, also speculating that the repeated sightings were a "warning".
There have been a number of reports of flying crafts with strange lights spotted near US airbases - in New Jersey, Germany and RAF Lakenheath in the UK. The 77-year-old illusionist claims we're in the midst of the "the biggest cover up since Roswell" by blaming "drones" for the sightings.
Uri's extra terrestrial assertions are supported by TV psychic Deborah Davies, who predictedaliens will soon visitus as they will no longer fear us. After one US Senator claimed Iran could be behind the mysterious sightings, Uri took to X to set out his views.
Could UFOs be responsible instead?
(Image: Getty Images)
He said: "Trying to blame these sightings on Iran – and claiming they come from an Iranian “mothership” - has to be one of the most ridiculous cover stories since the infamous ROSWELL incident, when the US government claimed that the UFO debris they had retrieved was nothing more than the remains of a weather balloon!!
"If these are really just 'drones' then why does the US military appear to be completely POWERLESS to stop them, as they blatantly and persistently infiltrate their air space – and WHY are they able to fly without any consequence, day after day, over incredibly strategically sensitive locations?
Mysterious sightings have been made around the world
"It is obvious that these craft are NOT making any attempt to hide or go 'under the radar' – in fact, their intention seems to be precisely the opposite. They appear to want to be seen, witnessed and blatantly noticed!
"They are not SPYING in any sense of the word – they are instead putting on a very public 'show' and demonstrating their ability to continually and easily observe and infiltrate US military bases – and evade and outmanoeuvre any effort to deter them.
"Friends – This is a SHOW OF POWER! A warning, if you like, that whoever is operating these craft possess far superior technology to us and can easily ignore all of our 'rules'.
"It is clear that they WANT to be seen, and I believe they are going to make their presence more and more undeniable.
"So, friends, I ask you: Do you believe - as I know some do – that we are we witnessing a secret military, mad-made program? Or do you, like me, believe that these craft are actually 'showing off' their capabilities and presenting a 'warning' to us, because they are worried or concerned about what we are doing?"
Alien Implants: Unveiling the Mysteries of Extraterrestrial Tracking Devices
Alien Implants: Unveiling the Mysteries of Extraterrestrial Tracking Devices
The phenomenon of alien implants has intrigued and baffled researchers for decades. Art Bell’s classic interview with Dr. Roger Leir offers a fascinating deep dive into this mysterious subject, blending anecdotal accounts, scientific findings, and thought-provoking questions about extraterrestrial contact. Dr. Leir, a renowned podiatric surgeon and ufologist, devoted much of his career to studying and surgically removing foreign objects found in individuals who report experiences of alien abduction.
What Are Alien Implants?
Alien implants are mysterious objects discovered in human bodies without any discernible entry point or medical explanation. Dr. Leir suggests these could be devices implanted by extraterrestrials for purposes yet to be understood. According to his research, these objects may serve as tracking devices or tools for monitoring human biology. The lack of inflammatory or rejection responses from the body, which typically occur with foreign materials, makes these implants particularly unusual.
How Did Dr. Leir Begin His Journey?
Dr. Leir’s path to ufology is as unconventional as the phenomenon he studied. A pivotal moment during his youth—a newspaper headline about the U.S. Army Air Force allegedly capturing a flying saucer—sparked his lifelong curiosity about extraterrestrial life. Despite his medical background as a podiatrist, he found himself drawn to investigating claims of alien encounters, eventually focusing on surgically removing and analyzing alleged implants.
The Process of Identifying and Removing Implants
Dr. Leir emphasized a rigorous scientific approach when identifying and removing potential alien implants. Patients would first need to provide radiological evidence, such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs, showing the presence of a foreign object. Only then would surgery be considered. Dr. Leir conducted twelve surgeries and removed eleven objects, each with its own set of peculiarities.
Anomalous Findings
Several striking characteristics of the implants stood out during analysis:
Biological Anomalies:
The implants were encased in unusual membranes not typically seen in the human body. These membranes contained protein coagulum, keratin, and hemosin—an iron-binding pigment similar to hemoglobin. This combination has no known natural precedent in medical literature.
Physical Properties:
Many of the implants exhibited magnetic properties and emitted radio frequencies, including one specific signal at 30.01 MHz. When removed, these objects ceased transmitting.
Non-Terrestrial Materials:
Laboratory analyses at institutions like Los Alamos and New Mexico Tech revealed that the objects contained elements and structures not commonly found on Earth. For instance, some implants displayed amorphous iron, a form of iron with no crystalline structure, which remains a scientific enigma.
Stories from the Field
Dr. Leir shared numerous accounts of individuals who claimed to have been abducted and implanted with these objects. One particularly eerie case involved a moving implant. A woman discovered a marble-sized lump in her arm, which would shift positions when touched and even appeared to follow the movement of a finger. Such phenomena left even seasoned researchers like Dr. Leir perplexed.
The Broader Implications
The implications of alien implants extend beyond the individuals directly affected. If these objects are indeed extraterrestrial in origin, they could represent tangible evidence of contact with non-human intelligences. Dr. Leir envisioned the establishment of a dedicated research institute to rigorously study such phenomena, bridging the gap between anecdotal claims and scientific validation.
Art Bell’s Contribution
Art Bell’s role in amplifying these discussions cannot be overstated. Through his show, Coast to Coast AM, he provided a platform for unconventional topics, encouraging listeners to explore the unknown. His engaging interviews with Dr. Leir brought the topic of alien implants into the public consciousness, fostering curiosity and debate.
Alien Implants Tag and Trace | Art Bell Classic
The study of alien implants, as explored by Dr. Roger Leir and articulated through Art Bell’s compelling interviews, challenges conventional notions of reality. These mysterious objects and their potential extraterrestrial origins raise profound questions about human biology, the universe, and our place within it. While much remains unknown, the work of pioneers like Dr. Leir and broadcasters like Art Bell continues to inspire exploration at the intersection of science and the paranormal.
Strange Miniature Devices Are Found in Human Beings Worldwide ! ALIEN Implants ?
Top 8 ALIEN ARTIFACTS of ALL TIME | The Proof Is Out There
Alien Implant | Full Movie | Sci-Fi Horror | Alien Abduction
Is the remote viewing real? The subject is very controversial for scientists to study but James H. Lee, an award-winning financial advisor suggested that it has the potential to make a meaningful contribution to the professional futurist′s toolbox. This particular technique is well-discussed in the declassified CIA files where psychic abilities were used to spy on Soviet Russia and track down its military activities under Project Stargate.
RV was real, CIA admitted it
The first test of the project was conducted in the 1970s at the US Army base in Maryland. Basically, this highly classified project was about the mind-reading of the enemies, so the CIA started recruiting people who claimed to “have powers of extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.” (Source)
In the CIA declassified file, it was detailed how Uri Geller could replicate things drawn by a researcher in another sealed room. As the US government was getting benefits from this program, they continued funding it.
In one experiment for the CIA, Geller replicate images drawn by a researcher, sitting in another sealed room.
Uri Geller replicated images drawn by a researcher
One of the remote viewers named Angela Dellafiora Ford revealed her physics powers on the CBS News program “48 Hours.” In 1989, she was asked by the army to psychically track down the location of one man. She located the man in Lowell, Wyoming, and then he was arrested 100 miles west of a Wyoming town called Lovell.
In 2021, John Greenewald, Jr.’s Blackvault published approximately 2,700 pages of the declassified documents provided by the CIA, involving UAP/UFO information. One document that staggered ET hunters was about Mars.
The document titled “Mars Exploration May 22, 1984,” basically centers around a subject that made use of astral projection which helped him observe ancient alien life on Mars. In this document, there is a transcript, where a subject named Joseph McMoneagle, a retired US Army veteran was given an envelope prior to the interview and asked not to open it until the interview ended. According to the CIA’s own documents, the unnamed psychic described “The planet Mars. Time of interest approximately 1 million years B.C.” (Source)
He claimed to identify that he saw pyramid-like structures on the Red Planet. The subject also added that he witnessed alien life forms on the Martian surface.
[Subject]: I’m seeing, ah… It’s like a perception of a shadow of people, very tall… thin, it’s only a shadow. It’s as if they were there and they’re not, not there anymore. [Monitor]: Go back to a period of time where they are there. Sub: Um… (mumble) It’s like I get a lot of static on a line and everything, it’s breaking up all the time, very fragmentary pieces. Mon: Just report the data, don’t try to put things together, just report the raw data. Sub: I just keep seeing very large people. They appear thin and tall, but they’re very large. Ah… wearing some kind of strange clothes.
According to the date specified in the “Mars Exploration” memo, it was approved to be published only in 2000 although it was recorded in 1984, and McMoneagle was the only remote viewer to be working at that time. He wrote in his book “Mind Trek” about a similar incident mentioned in that memo.
Jacob Brogan, an assistant editor at the Washington Post tracked down and called McMoneagle. According to Brogan, McMoneagle told him that the request to visit Mars was not made by the CIA but by some unknown army person to him. (Source)
“Neither of us knew what we were working on. Our assumption at the time was that I was working on targets on Earth. I was not familiar with any pyramids on Earth that had such large rooms,” McMoneagle told him.
McMoneagle was confused why he had been asked by the army to explore Mars. He had no clue. He remembered one more incident when he was asked to examine the UFO. “The problem that I have with targeting UFOs and Mars and things like that is that there’s no real way to
In an interview with Richard Thieme, a founder of ThiemeWorks, McMoneagle shared his experience on Project Stargate, UFOs, and ETs. He shared his encounter with the UFO in 1966, in which he got a radiation burn.
Richard Thieme asked him: “Is it all one thing, though? These are complex psychological processes – and you were burned physically in 1966. Is it all one thing? Do scriptural texts of folk documents about people encountering entities – can we connect that experience with an experience of the lights going on at night and you seeing a physical craft?”
McMoneagle replied: “I did a remote viewing in early 1980s, 82 or 83, where a UFO target was mixed in with other targets, so I had no idea it was a UFO target.” Over the years, as McMoneagle said, he was involved in about 450 missions. One of his favorites was in 1980 when CIA personnel captured a suspected KGB agent in South Africa. They wanted to know how the agent was communicating with the Soviet military. They put an envelope on McMoneagle’s desk, and without knowing anything of the man, McMoneagle told the CIA that the man liked to use a small pocket calculator. The calculator turned out to be a disguised short-wave radio. He retired from the Army in 1984 but continued to work as a Stargate consultant.
According to the date specified in the “Mars Exploration” memo, it was approved to be published only in 2000 although it was recorded in 1984, and McMoneagle was the only remote viewer to be working that time. He wrote in his book “Mind Trek” about the similar incident mentioned in that memo.
CIA Interdimensional Experiemnt
Robert Monroe (1915 –1995), another RV that had a striking history of remote viewing was probably the first RV hired by the CIA. One day in 1978, the CIA representatives contacted him. They wanted to implement his mind-expanding practice in attempt of sending soldiers into deep remote viewing sessions. Given Monroe’s extensive background and various patented applications, he was the perfect choice for this trailblazing operation. Hoping to obtain further credibility in the study of paranormal phenomena, he agreed to join them. (Source)
Since those involved were opening portals to other dimensions, researchers aptly named the assignment Gateway Process. According to declassified files, the program is “a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. (Source)
The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge the universe offers.” Discoveries listed in Commander Wayne M. McDonnell’s final analysis paper included detailed information about the nature of reality. Investigators ascertained we live in a holographic universe and waking life is a projected electromagnetic matrix.
To enter the unearthly realms, headphone-donning voyagers sat in isolated darkness while listening to various tones at specific hertz. The participants had no contact or communication with one another. After their journey was finished, the volunteers would report what they experienced with staff members.
According to Robert, subjects would often encounter interdimensional entities. Most frequently, they witnessed reptilian humanoids. The viewers referred to the uncanny creatures as “the alligators” due to their crocodilian features. Curiously, Monroe was already quite familiar with the unsettling breed. During countless expeditions, he observed identical saurian creatures. For over thirty-five years, the etheric investigator gathered insight about these startling beings.
Ancient Aliens: Mars Rover Captures Evidence of Lost Civilization?! (Special)
Has there ever been life on Mars? | The Royal Society
Reports of mysterious drone sightings in New Jersey appear to have now spread to multiple US states and foreign countries, as residents and local officials demand answers from the US Government.
Numerous 'car-sized' drones have been seen hovering throughout the state since mid-November, sometimes appearing in groups and often remaining in the same place for hours at a time.
The FBI and other agencies are investigating, but the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday: 'We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they're launching from, where they're landing.'
Drones spotted in Essex County, NJ - Newark Airport to shut down if one enters its airspace
'Swarms' of drones how now been reported in Essex County, New Jersey, home to Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR).
The airport will be shut down if a drone is spotted in its airspace, authorities said.
Officials at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey say the Federal Aviation Administration, which controls the airspace over airports, would likely issue an immediate order to stop planes from taking off and landing.
'If we’ve got a drone, we’d have to assess and shut the whole airport down,' Greg Ehrie, the chief security officer of the bi-state authority, told the New Jersey Globe.
EWR is one of the busiest airports in the US, especially during the holiday season. In 2023, the airport handled around 49.1 million passengers.
Social media users react to New Jersey drone sightings
Memes about the unfolding mystery are being shared widely on social media sites like X.
Governor Kathy Hochul launches investigation into drone sightings in NY
As drone sightings have surfaced in Orange County, New York and parts of New York City, state Governor Kathy Hochul said Friday that she was investigating the matter with federal law enforcement agencies.
'We know New Yorkers have spotted drones in the air this week & we are investigating. At this time, there’s no evidence that these drones pose a public safety or national security threat,' Hochul said in a statement posted on X.
Drone experts rule out US government experiment
While some have suggested the mysterious drone sightings may be connected to a classified program of the US government, drone experts are skeptical of that explanation.
'I find it hard to believe,' Brett Velicovich, Fox News contributor and CEO of Expert Drones, told the news site.
'Maybe it started that way, and now people think everything they see is a drone... I’ve seen a lot of images that look like planes.'
But, 'Until something is found, it’s really difficult to say,' he said. 'We haven’t seen any clear images.'
He added that when he worked on classified drone projects, the protocol was always to inform local police, and drone testing is rarely done in densely populated areas.
'There's a reason why we test stuff in Area 51 or all these remote locations, so that you don't have to cause public hysteria,' he said.
'And then when we would test stuff in cities, we would always, whenever we do secret exercises in cities, we would always inform the local police.'
Stacie Pettyjohn, drone expert with the Center for New American Security, agreed.
They would be doing it on a military base or a testing facility. And you know, they're not overflying sort of sensitive industrial locations, like they have been in New Jersey,' she said.
The Iranian 'mothership' Republicans have suggested may be linked to the New Jersey drone sightings is mysteriously missing from its port in the Persian Gulf, sattelite images show.
The Shahid Bagheri drone carrier was last seen at its berth in the Iran Shipbuilding & Offshore Industries Complex on November 12, but an image taken 18 days later showed its docking station empty.
That is around the same time New Jersey police started to be inundated with sightings of drones in the skies, flying in clusters and acting strangely.
New Jersey Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew claimed this week there was 'circumstantial evidence’ that Iran's ship was releasing the drones from America's East Coast.
Van Drew said that Iran made a deal with China 'to purchase drones, a mothership and other technologies' for the drone attack on the US, a theory the Pentagon has dismissed.
Drew doubled down on his claims Thursday, saying 'credible individuals that have security clearance... believe there's a real possibility it could be Iran.'
He also argued that the US is not being told the truth and the American public are being treated as 'stupid.'
Drone crash sparks emergency response with authorities wearing hazmat suits
Police officers conducted an overnight search for a reported drone crash in Hillsborough.
An unnamed resident called authorities at 8:34pm ET, saying a craft went down in a nearby field outside of a Lowe's.
The search began at 7:30am Friday, with police, firefighters and other emergency personnel piling into a nearby parking lot.
Somerset County Hazmat conducted a foot search of the area, which came up empty.
Police Aviation Unit searched the area from the air and on foot, finding nothing.
A British intelligence chief has warned Russian spies could soon launch a fresh wave of drones at military HQs across the UK in a bid to cause mayhem - amid alarm over sightings worldwide.
Last month saw a mysterious swarm of drones targeting three air bases used by the US Air Force in the UK, triggering a scramble by British troops and police.
The unmanned aerial vehicles - or UAVs - were seen hovering over RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall, in Suffolk, and RAF Feltwell in Norfolk, over several days, in a what defence sources described as a 'coordinated' operation.
Philip Ingram, a former British military intelligence Colonel, said the sightings had 'all the hallmarks' of an operation by Russia's secretive GRU spy agency.
'It's a distinct possibility if not a certain probability this is all down to Russian intelligence,' he said. 'They and the GRU are just a bunch of petulant little boys. They're trying to suggest they have the ability to disrupt and influence through a level of nuisance action.'
He added: 'I would say we will see another flurry of activity in the next few months for sure. Whether drones or something else, I suspect something else.'
At this time, there is no evidence to suggest the UK drone activity is related to those in US states.
NJ mayor instructs fire department to 'wear hazmat suits' if drone falls
Mayor Michael Melham of Belleville, New Jersey, told Fox News that his fire department 'has been instructed to make sure they wear hazmat suits' if an unidentified drone falls to Earth.
Speaking to Fox News' Harris Falkner on Friday, Melham said he and his Office of Emergency Management (OEM) team had just received a briefing from state officials.
'On the way here I was on the phone with my OEM team, and we now have guidance coming from the state,' Melham said.
'And that guidance does say two different things: First of all, if there is a downed drone in our vicinity, we are immediately to call the bomb squad of our county.
'And second, our fire department has been instructed to make sure they wear hazmat suits.'
Faulkner asked Melham: 'If something falls out of the sky that people have seen and some of these things are as big as an SUV, If that happens, you’re to treat this more than a plane crash? You’re to treat this like an attack on the homeland?'
'That is correct,' Melham replied, 'because they are not sure if there’s a payload or not. And, that’s what we were told during our briefing on Wednesday.'
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson receives classified briefing on drone invasion
Senior Congressional Correspondent for Fox News Chad Pergram stated in an X post that Rep. Mike Johnson 'received a classified briefing on the drone incursions in the Northeast' Friday.
'We reported yesterday that Johnson said he expected to be briefed,' he added.
The Louisiana Republican referred to the situation as a 'quandary' when speaking to Pergram on Thursday.
NJ Senator Andy Kim shares video of drones over Round Valley Reservoir
New Jersey Senator Andy Kim took to X to share video he captured of multiple drones flying over Round Valley Reservoir Hunterdon County, New Jersey on Thursday evening.
Multiple drones entered airspace at NJ naval station
'Multiple' drones have entered the airspace at Naval Weapons Station Earle, a Navy weapons station located in Colts Neck, New Jersey, officials confirmed Friday.
Representatives for the station said it was 'aware' of the sightings in the region and 'continues to closely coordinate with federal and state agencies to ensure the safety of our personnel and operations.'
'While no direct threats to the installation have been identified, we can confirm multiple instances of unidentified drones entering the airspace above Naval Weapons Station Earle,' Bill Addison, public affairs officer for the naval station, said in a statement to ABC News.
'The base remains prepared to respond to any potential risks, leveraging robust security measures and advanced detection capabilities.'
But officials did not confirm exactly when these incedents occurred.
US military confirms new drone sightings at air base in Germany
Drones were spotted flying over the U.S. air base at Ramstein in Germany in early December, a spokesperson for the U.S. Air Force said on Friday.
There were 'no impacts to base residents, facilities, or assets,' the spokesperson said. 'In concert with host nation authorities, we continue to monitor the airspace to ensure safety and security of the community.
A security source told Reuters that German authorities had not traced the operators of the drones, but had ruled out the possibility that the drones were operated by amateurs.
The drone sightings over Ramstein were first reported by German news magazine Spiegel, which said a report by German security authorities had flagged a number of unexplained drone sightings over the base in the evening hours of Dec. 3 and 4.
Spiegel said drones were also sighted over locations belonging to German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall and chemicals group BASF.
New Jersey residents ready to shoot
New Jersians are threatening to take matters into their own hands if the deferal government does not do something about the mysterious drone activity plaguing their state.
James Ward, a Jersey Shore realtor, shared a video on Facebook that he said showed 'SUV-size drones' above Island Beach State Park taken Sunday.
The clip showed multiple other lights hovering in the sky.
'A good shotgun will fix that problem,' one commenter replied.
'Why hasn't anyone shot one down to look for a serial number to trace it back to the operator?' another wrote. 'I would think that could provide a clue.'
'Semi auto 3 inch magnum 00 buck full choke!' yet another replied.
According to the FAA, shooting down a drone is illegal under the same federal law prohibiting the sabotage of any other aircraft.
Gov. Larry Hogan shares video of dozens of large drones he 'personally witnessed'
Former Governor of Maralynd Larry Hogan took to X to share video of what he called 'dozens of large drones' flying above his home Thursday evening.
'Last night, beginning at around 9:45 pm, I personally witnessed (and videoed) what appeared to be dozens of large drones in the sky above my residence in Davidsonville, Maryland (25 miles from our nation’s capital),' he wrote.
'I observed the activity for approximately 45 minutes.'
Recent video claims to show drone 'falling out of the sky' over New Jersey
A video posted on Facebook around 12am Friday claims to show a drone burning up as it falls out of the sky over an unnamed location in New Jersey.
On social media, people reported 911 calls related to a 'drone down' incident that occurred around 9pm Friday evening in a backyard in Penquannock, New Jersey.
It is unclear whether the video is related to the Penquannock incident.
On Wednesday, right-wing influencer and member of President-elect Trump's inner circle posted a cheeky reaction to the Pentagon's statements about the unexplained drone activity.
Georgia State Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) slammed the Pentagon's statements that the drones are not operated by a foreign entity and pose no threat to the public in an X post on Thursday.
'Well, number one, I'm gonna call it total bull**** that no one knows what these are,' she said in a video included in the post.
'I think it's a slap in the face to the American people to say that they don't know what this is.'
New Jersey residents are threatening to take matters into their own hands by shooting the drones down.
Police scanner reports drone crash in Morris County, NJ
Police scanner reports in Morris County, New Jersey, stated that one of the mysterious drones crashed landed in the area Friday morning.
In the scanner report released on social media, one officer described a 911 response in which someone called in a drone crash near their house, adding that 10 additional drones appeared near the scene of the crash.
'It was a crash, a crash. A drone fell out of the sky by the powerlines behind their house, and then 10 more showed up,' the officer said.
The Pequannock Township Police Department, Morris County Sheriff’s Office, and Morris County Prosecutor’s Office investigated and determined the device was a hobby or toy drone, not a commercial or military-grade model, according to a statement from police.
NJ resident shares time lapse video of drone flights
X user Jayroo shared a timelapse video of drones flying over New Jersey on a recent night.
The White House provided an odd response to a string of reported drone sightings over New Jersey.
White House National Security spokesman John Kirby was pressed about a lawmaker's claim the drones could be from an 'Iranian mothership.'
But Kirby said they're not foreign, and they may not even be drones.
'We have no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or a public safety threat or have a foreign nexus,' Kirby told reporters Thursday.
The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI reiterated Kirby's statements in a joint release Thursday saying that there is no national security risk.
'We have no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus,' the statement reads.
But New Jersey State Representative Paul Kanitra (R) questioned this.
'That goes directly against what the federal Department of Homeland Security told us in the briefing Wednesday,' said Kanitra. I couldn’t possibly understand what their motivation is to try and diminish this.'
New Jersey Assemblymember Brian Bergen (R) also hit back at Kirby's claims.
'That guy is an idiot. That I can tell you right now,' Bergen, a former US Army helicopter pilot, said Thursday evening in an interview on Fox News.
Retired police lieutenant and intelligence analyst Tim McMillan told that the descriptions of the drones in New Jersey 'sound exactly like Russian Orlan-10 drones' — secretive craft that fly in packs of three to five.
What's more, he said the recent sightings greatly resemble troubling drone flights above industrial parks surrounding Germany's Brunsbüttel harbor from this past August.
Lt McMillan and other experts have noted that the New Jersey sightings circled around Picatinny Arsenal, home of the US Army's CCDC Armaments Center, which is responsible for manufacturing and supplying Ukraine with artillery ammunition.
These experts suggest Russia could be carrying out an intelligence-gathering mission known as 'ferreting', meant to intentionally trigger and test their foreign rival's airspace defense procedures and response time.
Or Russia could simply be spying on allies of Ukraine who are aiding the fight against Russia's occupation of its southeastern regions, including Donetsk and Mariupol.
A Chinese man has been arrested for allegedly flying a drone over Vandenberg Space Force Base, as the FBI investigates mysterious drones in New Jersey.
Yinpiao Zhou, 39, a Chinese National now living in Brentwood, California, was charged with failure to register an aircraft not providing transportation and violation of national defense airspace.
Zhou was arrested Monday at San Francisco International Airport prior to boarding a China-bound flight and made his initial appearance Tuesday in United States District Court in San Francisco.
'This defendant allegedly flew a drone over a military base and took photos of the base's layout, which is against the law,' said United States Attorney Martin Estrada.
At this time, there is no evidence to suggest that Zhou is connected to the drone activity in New Jersey and other northeastern states.
But his arrest adds to growing concerns over the ability of foreign entities to infiltrate US airspace and conduct surveillance.
During a Tuesday coongressional hearing, Robert Wheeler, assistant FBI director, said that more than 3,000 sightings had been provided to the agency's tip line set up last week.
When asked if these drones posed a threat to public safety, he said: 'There is nothing known that would lead me to say that, but we just don’t know and that’s the concerning part.'
The Department of Homeland Security issued a statement Thursday, saying that many of the reports are legally operated manned aircraft.
The Biden administration and the Pentagon have also pushed back against claims by Republican lawmakers that the drones are being operated by any one of America's foreign adversaries — including claims that the flights originate from an Iranian 'mothership' offshore.
Republican Rep Jeff Van Drew said Wednesday that Iran launched the vessel 'probably about a month ago' after making a deal with China 'to purchase drones, a mothership and other technologies.'
Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Sing said in a briefing: 'At this time we have no evidence that these activities are coming from a foreign entity or the work of an adversary.' has recieved unverified reports from New Jersey residents stating that since the drones began flying over their communities, they have developed rhinitis and swollen runny eyes.'
Over the last several weeks, New Jersey residents have reported seeing numerous, 'car-sized' drones hovering throughout the state, sometimes appearing in groups and often remaining in the same place for hours at a time.
Now the sightings have spread to two more states: Pennsylvania and New York.
On Thursday evening, Pennsylvania residents took to social media to share reports of lights in the sky from the Easton area to the Slate Belt and beyond.
Multiple sightings were also reported in the Poconos. The Monroe County Office of Emergency Management said it was aware of reports throughout the county in a Facebook post.
That same night, emergency officials in Orange County, New York, stated that they were 'aware of several reported incidents of drone sightings throughout Orange County this evening,' in a Facebook post.
Residents of Texas, Oklahoma and California have also reported potential drone sightings, but at this time, there is no evidence to suggest they are linked to the sightings in northeastern states.
Social media reports claim drones are 'spraying' unknown substance over New Jersey
Multiple reports claiming that drones were seen 'spraying' an unknown substance over New Jersey have surfaced on social media.
Photos and videos show lights in the night sky that appear to be followed by long trails of vapor or a beam of light.
'Clear footage captured by NJ resident of drone ejecting large amount of liquid. Resident noted a chemical smell in the air after drones repeated spraying at night,' one person posted on X.
But these images - and the reports - are unverified.
Drones sighted over parts of NYC, NYPD investigating
Lawmakers from New York and New Jersey are demanding a federal briefing as sightings have now been reported in the Bronx and Queens.
The New York Police Department said it's investigating the drone activity in partnership with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.
New Jersey residents and officials are demanding answers about mysterious drone sightings that have been blamed on everything from foreign governments toalienUFOs.
Numerous 'SUV-sized' craft have appeared in the state since mid-November, sometimes appearing in groups and often remaining in the same place for hours at a time, according to eyewitnesses.
The first sightings were over the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal and President-elect Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster, which raised concerns the drones are part of spy campaign.
However, reports of varying levels of credibility have now spread to at least 12 counties throughout Garden State and the Pentagon has said there is 'no evidence' to back up Van Drew's claims.
Two intelligence experts told that the descriptions of the craft by eyewitnesses 'sound exactly like Russian Orlan-10 drones' — secretive craft that fly in packs of three to five.
To add further confusion, the White House has told the public that there is no evidence the sightings are drones at all, saying they appear to be simply 'manned aircraft' being operated lawfully.
Here are all the main theories about what's going on in New Jersey:
New Jersey residents and local officials are demanding answers as reports of mysterious drones flying over the state have climbed into the thousands
Iranian 'mothership'
Van Drew said Wednesday that Iran launched the vessel 'probably about a month ago' after making a deal with China 'to purchase drones, a mothership and other technologies.'
'These drones should be shot down,' he told FOX News, adding that 'the military is on full alert with this.'
He accused the Pentagon of being 'incredibly stupid and incredibly weak' when it comes to addressing the drones.
'I had credible individuals who have high-security ratings, and they came to me and again, these are dependable, credible individuals that have security clearance that felt they wanted to clear the air,' Van Drew told Fox News on Thursday.
'They were in essence whistleblowers and said look, they believe there's a real possibility it could be Iran,' the lawmaker insisted.
'There could be a ship out. Not right on the coast of New Jersey, not right there, but these drones as sighted by the coast guard are coming in and out of the ocean,' he continued.
Russia has infiltrated US airspace
Intelligence analysts have revealed why they believe Russia is behind the mysterious drones invading the skies over New Jersey.
US Army general Darryl Williams described a situation that mirrors what has unfolded at American/NATO bases across Europe that are known to supply arms to Ukraine.
Reports of varying levels of credibility have now spread to at least 12 counties throughout Garden State and the Pentagon has said there is 'no evidence' to back up Van Drew's claims.
And retired police lieutenant and intelligence analyst Tim McMillan told that the descriptions of the UFOs in Jersey 'sound exactly like Russian Orlan-10 drones' — secretive craft that fly in packs of three to five.
Lt McMillan and other experts have noted that the New Jersey sightings circled around Picatinny Arsenal, home of the US Army's CCDC Armaments Center, which is responsible for manufacturing and supplying Ukraine with artillery ammunition.
These experts suggest that Russia could be carrying out an intelligence-gathering mission known as 'ferreting', meant to intentionally trigger and test their foreign rival's airspace defense procedures and response time.
Or Russia could simply be spying on allies of Ukraine who are aiding the fight against Russia's occupation of its southeastern regions, including Donetsk and Mariupol.
American conducting secret operations
A 'swarming drone' expert told that the drones are the work of the US military.
'If I were to list all the options of who this could be, the very first obvious thing is it has something to do with the military, the U.S. military,' said Pramod Abichandani.
Michael Pellettiere of Lanoka Harbor told 'It could be a government contractor, then they would tell the truth, or they are straight up lying.
'I trust the Pentagon less than I trust Mexican tap water.'
He continued to explain that the lack of answers from the government is very frustrating.
'If it's secret testing or something, just tell us it's testing. If it's a threat let us know it's security. We don't need all the details if would mess up what's going on , but let the people know something,' Pellettiere added.
For weeks, numerous 'car-sized' drones have been hovering throughout the state, sometimes appearing in groups and often remaining in the same place for hours at a time
Alien invasion
While no answers have come from the government, many New Jersey residents have been left to think aliens are invading the skies.
Katelin Lee told '[It's aliens. I mean, what else could it be? People are seeing orbs there's plenty of video evidence.'
Resident Ken Ahitya agreed, saying: 'I think there were real sightings of Non-Human Intelligence that happened at the end of November.
'The government most likely already knew about this, so to prevent mass hysteria and panic, they released drones up in the air to confuse the masses.'
Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Sing said in a briefing: 'At this time we have no evidence that these activities are coming from a foreign entity or the work of an adversary.'
Rep Chris Smith (R) also spoke during a congressional meeting Tuesday, revealing a report of 50 drones coming in off the ocean and following US Coast Guard boats.
The representative also noted that 'it could be Putin, Xi Jinping in China or the Middle East, we cannot rule any of that out.'
The FBI and other agencies are investigating the strange activity, but a representative from the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday: 'We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they're launching from, where they're landing.'
Then one day later, Republican Rep Jeff Van Drew made a wild claim that an Iranian 'mothership' was behind the drone invasion, saying it was parked offshore.
He said Iran launched the vessel 'probably about a month ago' after making a deal with China 'to purchase drones, a mothership and other technologies.'
'These drones should be shot down,' he told FOX News, adding that 'the military is on full alert with this.'
However, the Pentagon rushed to claim there is no evidence the drones are the work of an adversary and denied there's an Iranian 'mothership' lurking off the coast.
Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Sing said in a briefing: 'At this time we have no evidence that these activities are coming from a foreign entity or the work of an adversary.'
The first video footage showed drones with green and red lights on their wings and multiple eyewitnesses described them as large as a small car.
Drones have since been reported in 12 counties: Sussex, Passaic, Bergen, Essex, Monmouth, Ocean, Camden, Burlington, Somerset, Hunterdon, Morris and Warren.
Mayors in 21 towns across the state have now written a joint letter to New Jersey Gov Phil Murphy calling for statewide action.
During a Tuesday congressional hearing, Robert Wheeler, assistant FBI director, said: 'There is nothing known that would lead me to say that, but we just don't know and that's the concerning part.
He told Congress that more than 3,000 sightings had been provided to the agency's tip line set up last week.
They have been spotted over water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments and other military installations.
The drones' talent for evading their federal and local law enforcement pursuers has frustrated Governor Phil Murphy and government investigators alike.
'We're not getting good characteristics of the drone,' the head of the Ocean County, NJ Sheriffs Office drone unit, Sergeant Kevin Fennessy said.
And, in fact, New Jersey officials and residents have also seen drones that do not resemble fixed-wing aircraft deepening the mystery of the craft's origins and intent.
'We had one the other night that, as we're watching it, it just shuts the lights off and it's gone,' Sgt Fennessy told The New York Times, 'pure darkness.'
During the hearing, Sen Jon Bramnick (R) said: 'The State of New Jersey should issue a limited state of emergency banning all drones until the public receives an explanation regarding these multiple sightings.'
Rep Chris Smith (R) also spoke during the meeting, revealing a report of 50 drones coming in off the ocean and have followed US Coast Guard boats.
The representative also noted that 'it could be Putin, Xi Jinping in China or the Middle East, we cannot rule any of that out.'
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
Republican Rep Jeff Van Drew said Wednesday that Iran launched the vessel 'probably about a month ago' after making a deal with China 'to purchase drones, a mothership and other technologies.'
'These drones should be shot down,' he told FOX News, adding that 'the military is on full alert with this.'
However, the Pentagon rushed to claim there is no evidence the drones are the work of an adversary and denied there's an Iranian 'mothership' lurking off the coast.
Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Sing said in a briefing: 'At this time we have no evidence that these activities are coming from a foreign entity or the work of an adversary.'
Intelligence analysis who spoke with have a different theory.
They believe Russia could be behind the strange activity, despite the Pentagon's statement.
US Army general Darryl Williams described a situation that mirrors what has unfolded at American/NATO bases across Europe that are known to supply arms to Ukraine.
And retired police lieutenant and intelligence analyst Tim McMillan told that the descriptions of the UFOs in Jersey 'sound exactly like Russian Orlan-10 drones' - secretive craft that fly in packs of three to five.
Lt McMillan and other experts have noted that the New Jersey sightings circled around Picatinny Arsenal, home of the US Army's CCDC Armaments Center, which is responsible for manufacturing and supplying Ukraine with artillery ammunition.
These experts suggest that Russia could be carrying out an intelligence-gathering mission known as 'ferreting', meant to intentionally trigger and test their foreign rival's airspace defense procedures and response time.
Russia is suspected of flying several drones - including military UAVs like this Russian Orlan-10 (above) - over a nuclear power plant in Germany, state security officers said. The lights and shape of the Orlan-10 make it a possible candidate explaining the drones over New Jersey
Above, an Orlan-10 system being tested during the 'Slavic Brotherhood 2018 war games'
Above, an Orlan-10 system being tested during the 'Slavic Brotherhood 2018 war games'
Russia could simply be spying on allies of Ukraine who are aiding the fight against its occupation of the nation's southeastern regions, including Donetsk and Mariupol.
'Russia has been very aggressive and reckless with its responses to Western support of Ukraine,' Lt McMillan told 'This isn't something I see discussed in US media, but it's well documented and openly discussed here in Europe.'
The experts said the New Jersey sightings resemble the description of Russian drones known as 'Orlan-10.'
The Orlan-10 craft comes with 'standard positional lighting' - a red light on the left (port) wingtip, a green light on the right (starboard) wingtip, and white taillights, similar to the lights seen on ordinary aircraft and Jersey's 'mystery drones.'
What's more, the Russian craft fly in packs for three to five, similar to what has been reported in New Jersey.
Packs of Orlan-10s, Lt McMillan noted, often come 'with each one running a different package like EW [electronic warfare] and data relays.'
On Tuesday, Congress asked an FBI assistant director with the bureau's Critical Incident Response Group, Robert Wheeler, if these drones posed a threat to public safety.
Mysterious drones again seen flying at night over New Jersey
Officials and residents have also seen drones that do not resemble fixed-wing aircraft (example above) deepening the mystery of the craft's origins and intent
'There is nothing that is known that would lead me to say that,' Wheeler told Congress, 'but we just don't know. And that's the concerning part.'
The Biden administration has also pushed back on claims by Republican lawmakers that the drones are being operated by any one of America's foreign adversaries — including claims that the flights originate from an Iranian 'mothership' offshore.
'No indication at this time that it's a foreign adversary or a foreign actor,' The White House's national security communications advisor John Kirby told NewsNation's Kellie Meyer. 'The FBI is looking at this. DOJ is looking at this.'
'I know the Department of Defense, when it affects or comes near a military base, they're looking at this,' Kirby added. 'In some cases, the investigation has led to a revelation that it's actually manned aircraft and not drones at all.'
Governor Murphey has also claimed that the drones 'pose no threat.'
Despite federal and state officials' assurances, other local police, like the chief of police for the New Jersey borough of Florham Park, are convinced that the drones pose a serious threat.
'Their presence appears nefarious in nature,' Police Chief Orlando said.
Unsolved Mystery: SUV-Sized Drones Spotted Over New Jersey!
FBI investigates mysterious drones spotted over New Jersey
This is just mindblowing! A pilot was flying on the Eugene-Seattle route when he and his copilot saw some glowing spheres that moved around, over and in front of them. The objects were red, but video shows them differently due to digital vs human eye. This is big, real big, in the way that it's so rare. Yet right now the US gov is labeling all UFOs as drones. It's a new Gov scam they are pulling. What are they really? Alien space craft flying around in our skies.
Scott C. Waring - Utah
Air traffic controllers tell pilots ‘avoid the UFO’ after they report mysterious lights over Oregon
Pentagon shoots down Iran 'mothership' claim amid drone mystery
Pentagon shoots down Iran 'mothership' claim amid drone mystery
The Pentagon shot down a congressman's claim that an Iranian "mothership" is behind large drones spotted over New Jersey in recent weeks, while officials in the state are demanding a stronger federal response and transparency in connection with the mysterious, unexplained sightings.
Since mid-November, large drones of uncertain origin have been repeatedly spotted in the sky at night over central and northern New Jersey, including near a military installation.
State and local officials convened at a closed-door meeting Wednesday morning at the New Jersey State Police headquarters with representatives from the Department of Homeland Security to address the matter, according to several officials in attendance.
In this screen grab from a video, a drone is shown near Bedminster, New Jersey, on Dec. 3, 2024.
It remains unclear who is operating the drones, according to a DHS handout released by Montvale Mayor Mike Ghassali, who attended the meeting.
"At this time, according to the FBI, there are no known specific or credible threats related to these sightings," the handout stated.
There have been reports ranging from four to 180 sightings per night, according to New Jersey Assemblywoman Dawn Fantasia, who attended the meeting. The drones "operate in a coordinated manner" and have not been identified as hobbyist drones or ones related to DHS, she said.
Several officials said following the meeting that they were not assuaged by the DHS response.
Ghassali said it has only "heightened my apprehensions regarding the federal government's approach to this critical issue."
"The message conveyed was that there is no credible threat, yet they are flying over critical infrastructure, and their point of origin and destination remain unidentified," he said in a statement. "They will eventually find out but for now, we don't know anything else."
New Jersey state Sen. Holly Schepisi called the DHS response "abysmal."
"[It] actually made me feel less confident in our federal government's reaction to this issue rather than more," she said in a statement. "For the federal government to not dedicate every defense resource needed to identify the origin and purpose of these drones in the most densely populated state in the nation is inexplicable and completely unacceptable."
Fantasia said "we know nothing" and to "state that there is no known or credible threat is incredibly misleading, and I informed all officials of that sentiment."
In this screen grab from a video, a drone is shown near Bedminster, New Jersey, on Dec. 3, 2024.
Following the meeting, New Jersey state Sen. Jon Bramnick urged the Department of Defense to investigate and reiterated his call for a limited state of emergency in the state.
"The Department of Defense must investigate and until that occurs we must shut down the airspace to drones. That would require a limited state of emergency and FAA cooperation," he said in a statement.
A spokesperson for the FBI, which is the leading agency investigating the sightings, said it is "doing all we can [to] figure out what's going on."
"The public can continue to call our 800 line, or submit a tip online, we are acting on every substantive lead that we get," the FBI spokesperson said.
The Federal Aviation Administration has imposed flight restrictions over Picatinny Arsenal in Morris County and Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in Somerset County in response to the drone activity.
"Safely integrating drones into the National Airspace System is a key priority for the FAA," the agency said in a statement earlier this month. "We look into all reports of unauthorized drone operations and investigate when appropriate."
New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew criticized the FAA for its inability to locate the drones during a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's hearing earlier Wednesday.
"We have a serious problem with our aerospace. The recent sightings of unidentified drones in the state of New Jersey, my home state, is justifiably causing tremendous public concern," he said.
Van Drew said the drones are "large" and "sophisticated" and alleged the presence of an "Iranian mothership" responsible for them, though he did not provide evidence to support his claims.
"I've learned, for real, that there is circumstantial evidence that there's an Iranian mothership off the East Coast of the United States, and that's launching these drone incursions," he said.
He said he is concerned at this time with identifying his sources but said they are "individuals who are reputable, individuals who speak with authority."
The Pentagon shot down Van Drew's claim.
"There is not any truth to that -- there is no Iranian ship off the coast of the United States, and there's no so-called mothership launching drones towards the United States," deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters Wednesday.
Singh said there is no evidence the drone activity is coming from any foreign entity or is the work of an adversary.
"We're going to continue to monitor what is happening," she said, adding, "At no point were our installations threatened when this activity was occurring."
Van Drew doubled down in an interview with ABC News following the Pentagon's briefing, saying there is a "real possibility that it is a foreign entity." He said his "well-placed" sources believe there is a possibility the drones are Iranian, and that there could be a mothership hundreds of miles off the U.S. coast.
"They say to us there's nothing to fear, but we have no idea who it is, where it comes from, what it's about and what it can do," he said.
Van Drew proposed that flight restrictions be placed over the New Jersey airspace "and an order be given to neutralize any drone aircraft in violation of those restrictions" in a letter addressed to President Joe Biden on Wednesday.
“In neutralizing these drones we must ensure the safety of people on ground and should also attempt to keep the drones intact so that we may study their capabilities," he wrote.
New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith has called on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to help identify and address the widespread drone activity over the state.
"As you no doubt are also aware, there have been numerous instances of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) flying over New Jersey, including in close proximity to sensitive sites and critical infrastructure, to include military installations located in my district," he stated in a letter to Lloyd on Tuesday.
US Representative Chris Smith, R-N.J., and chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, speaks during a news conference at the Capitol, Nov. 19, 2024, in Washington.
He noted that Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JBMDL) possesses the capability to identify and take down unauthorized unmanned aerial systems.
"I urgently request all capabilities possessed by the Department of Defense, especially those in use by JBMDL to be immediately deployed to identify and address the potential threats posed by UAS over the state of New Jersey," he said.
During a congressional hearing on Tuesday, Smith said an officer saw "50 drones" coming in off the ocean earlier this week in Ocean County. He has also said that a U.S. Coast Guard commanding officer stationed in Barnegat Light reported that "between 12 and 30" drones were following a USCG motor lifeboat over the weekend.
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker has called for greater transparency from federal authorities on the unexplained drone activity in a letter on Tuesday to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.
"I recognize the need to maintain operational security of ongoing investigations and that this situation requires complex interagency coordination. However, there is a growing sense of uncertainty and urgency across the state -- from constituents and local officials alike -- despite assurances that the drones pose no known threats to public safety," he stated in the letter. "As such, I urge you to share any relevant information about these drone sightings with the public. Without transparency, I believe that rumors, fear, and misinformation will continue to spread.
New Jersey mayors pen letter demanding action on mysterious drone sightings
The public should be "immediately briefed" by federal agencies, including the FBI, FAA and DHS, on what they know, New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer said.
"I think people have a right to know what's going on," he told ABC News Live anchor Kayna Whitworth on Wednesday.
Gottheimer, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, noted he is "not concerned there's any imminent threats to security" in New Jersey or D.C. based on the briefings he's had.
"That said, you can't just fly drones anywhere," he said. "This can't just be game on. We need to know who these drones belong to, where they're coming from. And if they're not welcome, we've got to take them out."
Police in Warren County, New Jersey, have also expressed frustration at the "lack of transparency" over the drone activity.
"We are shocked by the lack of response or update from Federal and State officials," Chief Scott D. Robb, president of the Warren County Police Chief's Association, said in a statement Wednesday. "We do not agree with their response that there is no known threat to the public at this time. It is our stance that just the unidentified drone flying over us is a threat in itself."
DHS said in its handout on the New Jersey drones that there have been other drone sightings "of this type" both nationally and internationally.
Biden has been briefed on the drones and is "closely tracking the activity" and "coordinating closely" with DHS and the FBI to continue investigating these incidents, the White House said Tuesday.
"This is something that DHS and FBI are tracking very, very closely," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Tuesday.
The U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) is also monitoring reports of "unauthorized drone flights in the vicinity of military installations in New Jersey," a spokesperson said.
"Local law enforcement and the FBI are currently investigating," the spokesperson said in a statement on Wednesday, adding that at this time NORTHCOM has not been requested to assist with the events but is prepared to respond "when asked or should the situation escalate to threaten any DoD installations."
ABC News' Jay O'Brien, Alexandra Faul, Ayesha Ali and Matthew Seyler contributed to this report.
Drones over US: Pentagon shoots down Iran 'mothership' claim amid NJ drone mystery
NASA Thinks it Knows Why Ingenuity Crashed on Mars
NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, right, stands near the apex of a sand ripple in an image taken by Perseverance on Feb. 24, 2024, about five weeks after the rotorcraft’s final flight. Part of one of Ingenuity’s rotor blades lies on the surface about 49 feet (15 meters) west of helicopter (at left in image). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES
NASA Thinks it Knows Why Ingenuity Crashed on Mars
NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter sent its final signals to Earth in the earlier part of the year. Engineers have been studying these and have started to piece together a picture of events that led up to its final flight. They concluded that data provided by the navigation system was inaccurate leading to a chain of events that caused its ultimate demise. One of the biggest problems it seems is that the terrain was smooth leading to a lack of landmarks during Flight 72.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is well known for its distinctive red colour. It’s surface is is covered in iron-oxide which is known by the more common name – rust. The planet is just over half the size of the Earth and has some fascinating geological features like Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System. Valles Marineris is a canyon system which stretches thousands of kilometres and dwarfs the Grand Canyon. The atmosphere of the planet is mostly composed of carbon dioxide and currently incapable of supporting life. It’s not thought this has not always been the case and its missions like Mars 2020 that have helped to unravel the mysteries of the red planet.
A full-disk view of Mars, courtesy of VMC. Credit: ESA
The Perseverance Rover and Ingenuity helicopter were both part of the Mars 2020 mission and have been exploring Mars since their launch in 2020 atop an Atlas V rocket. Ingenuity became the first robotic rotorcraft that undertook powered flight in the Martian atmosphere. The inaugural flight took place on 19 April 2021 the 1.8 kilogram drone took off under the power of two counter-rotating blades. The blades of the drone are 1.2m long, oversized by Earth standards but the atmosphere is only 1% as dense as Earth so larger than usual blades are needed.
Image of the Mars Ingenuity helicopter (Source : NASA)
Flight 72 was scheduled for the 18th January this year and there was nothing special about it. The plan was a brief vertical hop to checkout the flight systems and to grab some photographs of the area. The flight data revealed it reached an altitude of 12 metres, took the images and was back on the surface after 32 seconds but had severed communications. After communications was re-established, it was discovered that Ingenuity had sustained damage to its rotors.
Now, almost a year after the incident, a team of engineers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have been analysing the data. Their findings will be published in the next few weeks however the team of engineers assert it was harder than expected to complete an accident investigation from 160 million kilometres. The faults lie in the navigation system that was designed to visually track surface features using a camera pointed at the round. The system worked during early flights over more textured terrain but as Ingenuity moved over the Jezero Crater, it began operating over featureless sand ripples.
The navigation system was designed to provide estimates of the helicopter’s velocity, chiefly to enable it to land. The data revealed from Flight 72 revealed that the navigation system couldn’t find features to track. Images showed that the lack of features led to a harden than usual touchdown leading to a pitch and roll of the craft. The sudden change of attitude led to increase load on the rotors, beyond their designed limits leading to the structural damage.
Even though Ingenuity will not be able to fly anymore it can still provide weather and avionics data to the Perseverance rover. It will help us to understand more about the weather in its vicinity but perhaps its greatest legacy are its hours of flight on an alien world.
The Pentagon said Wednesday that there is no truth to claims that drones flying over the state of New Jersey are coming from an “Iranian mothership” off the East Coast. “There is no Iranian ship off the coast of the United States, and t
Pentagon shoots down claim that drones over New Jersey came from ‘Iranian mothership,’ despite public concern
The Pentagon quashed claims made by New Jersey Rep. Jeff Drew and others that the drones are coming from an Iranian ship off the East Coast.
Mysterious drones over New Jersey are not from Iranian "mothership," Pentagon says
The Pentagon said Wednesday that there is no truth to claims that drones flying over the state of New Jersey are coming from an “Iranian mothership” off the East Coast.
“There is no Iranian ship off the coast of the United States, and there's no so-called mothership launching drones towards the United States,” Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters Wednesday, addressing claims made by Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey.
Sightings of large, low-flying drones have been reported by residents in more than a dozen counties across the Garden State over the past few weeks.
The unusual drone activity first raised questions after initial reports that they were spotted near the Picatinny Arsenal, a U.S. military research and manufacturing facility in Morris County. Since Nov. 13, 11 sightings have been confirmed over the facility.
They were also spotted over president-elect Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf course, prompting the Federal Aviation Administration to extend temporary flight restrictions over the area.
Concerned residents and elected officials are demanding answers and have grown frustrated by the lack of information from federal authorities, who say they are baffled.
What are the details of the reported drone sightings?
In this image taken from video, what appears to be a drone flies over treetops in Flanders, N.J., on Dec. 3.
(@xGabbyNu/TMX via AP)
New Jersey residents in more than a dozen counties across the state have reported repeated drone sightings since mid-November. The drones, according to witnesses, emit a loud humming sound, and are estimated to be about 6 feet long.
Drone use for recreational and commercial purposes is allowed in the state, but operators have to follow local regulations and FAA flight restrictions. Most of the mysterious drones spotted are larger than drones available to hobbyists.
The drones have been spotted flying in groups near critical infrastructure, including water reservoirs, power lines, railroads, highways, police departments and military installations.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, said the drones over his state don’t appear to be a threat to public safety, but that it’s not known who is piloting them and why they’re there.
"The most important point to say is we don't see any concern for public safety," he said at a press conferenceMonday.
The FBI is currently leading the investigation to uncover the mystery surrounding the drones’ origin and purpose. Local and state officials and the Department of Homeland Security are also part of the investigation.
Murphy said he’s taking the situation “deadly seriously” because of the sophistication of the drones.
“The minute you get eyes on them, they go dark,” Murphy said of the drones, adding, “We’re obviously most concerned about sensitive targets and sensitive, critical infrastructure. We’ve got military assets, we’ve got utility assets, we’ve got the president-elect’s, one of his homes, here. This is something we’re taking deadly seriously. I don’t blame people for being frustrated.”
Murphy told reporters that on Sunday alone, there were 49 separate sightings reported mostly in Hunterdon County, although some of those sightings could potentially be the same drone being reported more than once.
The Warren County Police Chief’s Association in New Jersey disagrees with the assessment that the drones pose no threat. “We are shocked by the lack of response or update from Federal and State officials,” Chief Scott Robb wrote in a statement posted on X Tuesday. “It is our stance that just the unidentified drone flying over us is a threat in itself.”
The Pentagon said it was aware of the unexplained drone activity. “We have no evidence that these activities are coming from a foreign entity or the work of an adversary,” Singh told reporters Wednesday. “We’re going to continue to monitor what is happening. At no point were our installations threatened when this activity was occurring.”
What has the FBI uncovered so far?
In Washington on Tuesday before a Department of Homeland Security subcommittee, Robert Wheeler Jr., assistant director of the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group, faced questions from frustrated lawmakers.
"You're telling me we don't know what the hell these drones in New Jersey are?" Rep. Tony Gonzalez, a Republican from Texas, asked Wheeler.
“That's correct,” Wheeler replied.
Fellow Republican Rep. August Pfluger of Texas also asked Wheeler whether public safety is at risk. “Are we concerned there are nefarious intentions that could cause either an actual security or public safety incident?” Pfluger asked.
“There's nothing that is known that would lead me to say that,” Wheeler said. “But we just don't know. And that's the concerning part of it.”
Last Tuesday, the FBI’s field office in Newark asked for help from the public, to report any information related to the recent drone sightings in areas along the Raritan River.
“Witnesses have spotted the cluster of what look to be drones and a possible fixed wing aircraft. We have reports from the public and law enforcement dating back several weeks,” the FBI field office said in a release.
Frustration prompts local lawmakers and officials to call for action
New Jersey state Sen. Jon Bramnick called for a limited state of emergency. “The State of New Jersey should issue a limited state of emergency banning all drones until the public receives an explanation regarding these multiple sightings,” Bramnick said in a statement released Tuesday.
Congressman Josh Gottheimer called on the FBI, DHS and FAA on Tuesday to provide a public briefing to “ensure transparency and alleviate the public’s concerns.”
Mayors in 21 towns across New Jersey wrote a letter to Gov. Murphy, calling for an investigation into the drones "to determine the origin, purpose and compliance with applicable regulations."
Police in Morris County, New Jersey investigating recent drone activity
Why are drones being spotted over New Jersey? FBI taking tips
Why are drones flying over New Jersey? Senator Booker wants to know.
Miracle or Mystery? The UFO That Healed a French Doctor
Miracle or Mystery? The UFO That Healed a French Doctor
The possibility of alien encounters has always intrigued humanity. Among the myriad reports of UFO sightings and encounters, one story stands out due to its remarkable outcome—a reported miraculous healing. This extraordinary account comes from a French doctor, referred to as “Dr. X,” who chose to remain anonymous. His experience provides a rare instance where a close encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO) seemingly led to physical healing instead of harm.
The Unusual Storm and Mysterious Lights
The incident took place during a violent storm in a remote area of southern France. Dr. X, a scientist and medical professional, was tending to a severe injury he sustained days earlier while chopping wood. He had accidentally severed a vein in his leg, leaving him with significant pain and difficulty walking.
Late at night, with his wife and child asleep, Dr. X was alerted by his son’s cries and a strange, rhythmic light flashing outside. Initially dismissing the disturbance as lightning or loose shutters, the doctor soon realized the sound and light patterns were far from ordinary. Driven by curiosity and concern for his family’s safety, he ventured outside to investigate.
Encountering the Unknown
Stepping into the storm, Dr. X witnessed two saucer-shaped crafts emitting intense white light. These UFOs, dozens of feet in diameter, pulsed with energy and appeared to exchange electrical charges. He meticulously noted their behavior, observing beams of light scanning the area as though searching for something.
Suddenly, the two crafts merged into a single, larger craft. This combined object hovered closer, emitting an intense beam of light directly at the doctor. Immobilized by fear and awe, Dr. X was engulfed by the light. Moments later, the craft vanished, leaving behind an eerie silence and a trail of gauzy material floating in the air.
The Miraculous Healing
The aftermath of the encounter revealed something extraordinary. Dr. X, who had been hobbling due to his injury, discovered he could walk normally again. His wife, who had been awakened by his excitement, noticed the absence of his limp. Subsequent medical examinations confirmed that his wound had completely healed, leaving no trace of the vein injury.
A Curious Aftereffect
Two weeks after the encounter, Dr. X developed a peculiar triangular rash on his abdomen, which later appeared on his son. These rashes intermittently vanished and reappeared over the following months, baffling doctors. Renowned French UFO researcher Michel Michel published detailed accounts of the event, ensuring the doctor’s anonymity while highlighting the inexplicable phenomena.
Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives
This case raises questions about the potential for extraterrestrial technology to interact with human physiology. While some skeptics propose psychosomatic explanations or misinterpretations, others argue that the documented medical recovery defies conventional understanding. The triangular rash adds another layer of mystery, leaving room for further speculation about the nature of the encounter.
Did an Alien Craft Heal a Doctor? | Close Encounters 213
The story of Dr. X remains one of the most unique and well-documented cases of UFO encounters. Unlike most reports of close encounters that involve fear or harm, this account suggests a potential for healing and interaction beyond our comprehension. Whether seen as a medical anomaly, a psychosomatic event, or evidence of advanced extraterrestrial intervention, Dr. X’s experience challenges our understanding of what might lie beyond the stars.
Extraordinary UFO Sightings That Challenge Reality | Close Encounters 213+214
Intelligence analysts have revealed why they believe Russia is behind the mysterious drones invading the skies over New Jersey.
US Army general Darryl Williams described a situation that mirrors what has unfolded at American/NATO bases across Europe that are known to supply arms to Ukraine.
And retired police lieutenant and intelligence analyst Tim McMillan told that the descriptions of the UFOs in Jersey 'sound exactly like Russian Orlan-10 drones' — secretive craft that fly in packs of three to five.
Lt McMillan and other experts have noted that the New Jersey sightings circled around Picatinny Arsenal, home of the US Army's CCDC Armaments Center, which is responsible for manufacturing and supplying Ukraine with artillery ammunition.
These experts suggest that Russia could be carrying out an intelligence-gathering mission known as 'ferreting', meant to intentionally trigger and test their foreign rival's airspace defense procedures and response time.
Or Russia could simply be spying on allies of Ukraine who are aiding the fight against Russia's occupation of its southeastern regions, including Donetsk and Mariupol.
'Russia has been very aggressive and reckless with its responses to Western support of Ukraine,' Lt McMillan told 'This isn't something I see discussed in US media, but it's well documented and openly discussed here in Europe.'
Sightings have been reported over a military base in Rockaway that supplies ammunition to Ukraine, which mirrors events reported in Germany just two months ago as well as acts of sabotage reported by retired US Army general Darryl Williams across Europe
The first New Jersey drone sightings appeared over the US Army's Picatinny Arsenal on November 18, but reports to varying levels of credibility have now spread to at least 12 counties throughout the Garden State.
Officials have received reports of craft flying of 'water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations' in recent weeks, according to Florham Park, NJ Police Chief Joseph J Orlando.
But those earliest and most credible sightings above Picatinny, according to Lt McMillan, are most worth focusing on.
'Picatinny Arsenal,' as Lt McMillan told, is 'home of the US Army's CCDC Armaments Center, which is responsible for manufacturing and supplying Ukraine with 155mm artillery ammunition.'
Republican Rep Jeff Van Drew has claimed that Iran is behind the drones in New Jersey, telling reporters that the nation parked a 'mothership' off the East Coast.
The Orlan-10 craft comes with 'standard positional lighting' — a red light on the left (port) wingtip, a green light on the right (starboard) wingtip, and white taillights, similar to the lights seen on ordinary aircraft and Jersey's 'mystery drones.'
Russia is suspected of flying several drones - including military UAVs like this Russian Orlan-10 (above) - over a nuclear power plant in Germany, state security officers said. The lights and shape of the Orlan-10 make it a possible candidate explaining the drones over New Jersey
Significantly, the fixed-wing mystery drones with red, white and green lights resemble craft witnessed over sensitive US military bases over the past several years
The brazen New Jersey night flights, as Lt McMillan explained, greatly resemble troubling drone flights above industrial parks surrounding Germany's Brunsbüttel harbor from this past August.
'Here in Germany, we've had similar drone incidents over military bases training and equipping Ukrainian troops,' Lt McMillan added, saying the ones in New Jersey 'sound exactly like Russian Orlan-10 drones.'
The Russian craft fly in packs for three to five, similar to what has been reported in New Jersey.
At least one model contains optical and thermal vision cameras, but the Orlan-10 fleet's full capabilities are not well known publicly, despite a few crashes in Europe.
Packs of Orlan-10s, Lt McMillan noted, often come 'with each one running a different package like EW [electronic warfare] and data relays.'
Russia has roughly 11 different versions of the Orlan-10, which have been produced at a rate of nearly 1,000 per year since 2018, according to manufacturer Special Technology Center.
The drones can fly between 4,000 and 5,000 feet in the air for reconnaissance, but up to 20,000 feet if necessary.
This October, US Army General Darryl Williams, the departing head of US Army's Allied Land Command in Europe and Africa, accused Russia of using drone swarms to 'snoop' and 'cause mischief' in Germany and other similar activities across the Atlantic
Above, an Orlan-10 system being tested during the 'Slavic Brotherhood 2018 war games'
Above, an Orlan-10 system being tested during the 'Slavic Brotherhood 2018 war games'
Formerly a police investigator in Garden City, Georgia, Lt McMillan served as an intelligence analyst for a law firm before moving to Germany.
He has since become a prolific investigative reporter on military cases of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), including a spate of 'mystery drones' that plagued Sweden in 2022, curiously timed to its decision to 'deepening its partnership with NATO.'
In an article for The Debrief, a publication Lt McMillan co-founded, he described two possible reasons Russia might engage in such-less-than secret drone flights.
One was 'ferreting,' the military term for intentionally triggering and testing a foreign rival's airspace defenses.
A second, more unique to Russia is called 'reflexive control,' a psychological warfare tactic intended to influence the general public of a rival nation, for instance, to weaken popular support for their home government's military aid or policies abroad.
Speaking at a US Army event this past October, Jack Watling, a ground warfare expert with the Royal United Services Institute in London, corroborated the reports coming in that described Russian-backed, covert 'sabotage across Europe.'
'We have had Russian weapons fly through NATO airspace on their route to Ukraine multiple times,' Watling said, according to a report by Stars and Stripes.
Mysterious drones again seen flying at night over New Jersey
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
Above Picatinny Arsenal's Commanding Major General John Reim welcomes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy before a tour of the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant on Sept 2024. Picatinny's role supplying ammo to Ukraine may explain the mystery drones over NJ
On Tuesday, Congress asked an FBI assistant director with the bureau's Critical Incident Response Group, Robert Wheeler, if these drones posed a threat to public safety.
'There is nothing that is known that would lead me to say that,' Wheeler told Congress, 'but we just don't know. And that's the concerning part.'
The Biden administration has also pushed back on claims by Republican lawmakers that the drones are being operated by any one of America's foreign adversaries — including claims that the flights originate from an Iranian 'mothership' offshore.
'No indication at this time that it's a foreign adversary or a foreign actor,' The White House's national security communications advisor John Kirby told NewsNation's Kellie Meyer. 'The FBI is looking at this. DOJ is looking at this.'
'I know the Department of Defense, when it affects or comes near a military base, they're looking at this,' Kirby added. 'In some cases, the investigation has led to a revelation that it's actually manned aircraft and not drones at all.'
The flying objects (example above) are larger than drones used by hobbyists, witnesses have noted, raising questions about their proximity to critical infrastructure and sensitive sites
Officials and residents have also seen drones that do not resemble fixed-wing aircraft (example above) deepening the mystery of the craft's origins and intent
'So, I can't tell you definitively exactly what we're talking about here,' he said. 'So each one is going to be a little bit different.'
In New Jersey, the drones' talent for evading their federal and local law enforcement pursuers has frustrated Governor Phil Murphy and government investigators alike.
'We're not getting good characteristics of the drone,' the head of the Ocean County, NJ Sheriffs Office drone unit, Sergeant Kevin Fennessy said.
And, in fact, NJ officials and residents have also seen drones that do not resemble fixed-wing aircraft deepening the mystery of the craft's origins and intent.
'We had one the other night that, as we're watching it, it just shuts the lights off and it's gone,' Sgt Fennessy told The New York Times, 'pure darkness.'
But the drone unit chief did tell the paper that he estimates that the mysterious drones are roughly double the size of the drones in his fleet: not too far from the Russian Orlan-10's max capacity of 33lbs as compared to most commercial drones used by law enforcement.
Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy told Asbury Park Press on Monday that his team estimates the invading drones are three to four feet long, although another law enforcement agency has reported one drone that was as large as eight feet long.
Despite federal and state officials' assurances, other local police, like the chief of police for the New Jersey borough of Florham Park, are convinced that the drones pose a serious threat.
'Their presence appears nefarious in nature,' Police Chief Orlando said.
Mystery "Car-Sized" Drones Reach the Skies of New York
Mystery "Car-Sized" Drones Reach the Skies of New York
The East coast is lighting up.
Getty / Futurism
Branching Out
The mysterious "car-sized" drones plaguing the skies of New Jersey since last month have now been spotted in the Big Apple.
Additional sightings of the apparent UFOs were reported in the Empire State on Sunday night, with residents of Brooklyn saying they saw around a dozen drones flying over the New York City borough before crossing over to Staten Island.
As the sightings seem to spread across the tri-state area, the Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a statement to the media about the ongoing situation — and it sounds like its investigators are totally stumped.
"We understand the concern, and we are doing all we can to figure out what's going on," a spokesperson for the FBI Newark Field Office, which is leading the investigation, told PIX11 last Wednesday. "We truly don't have much information to provide at the moment."
Aerial Aces
With New Jersey as the epicenter, the drone sightings began in mid-November and quickly spread to ten or so counties, mostly in the northern regions of the state.
The drones have frequently been described as around the size of a car, flying in coordinated patterns and exhibiting blinking lights that have been reported to sometimes inexplicably go dark.
The sightings have quickly become the subject of national attention as authorities have been unable to determine what the drones are and who or what is responsible for them, if indeed any single entity is.
They've also resulted in some very real consequences. The Federal Aviation Administration temporarily banned flying drones over president-elect Donald Trump's golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, as well as a military base in a nearby county.
It's not all fun and games, either: the drones also reportedly prevented a medevac helicopter from reaching the scene of a severe car crash in late November.
In the Dark
Nevertheless, authorities insist that the drones pose no immediate threat to the public. It's undeniable, though, that the spell of sightings is extremely bizarre — if not unsettling to some — and expose local and federal law enforcement's inability to control airspace against the growing popularity of unmanned aircraft.
The frustration at the lack of progress made by federal agencies was on display during a congressional hearing on Tuesday, USA Today reports, in which several House Representatives grilled the FBI's assistant director of the Critical Incident Response Group Robert Wheeler Jr.
"You're telling me we don't know what the hell these drones in New Jersey are?" U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-Texas) asked Wheeler, as quoted by USA.
Professor Nick Bostrom at Oxford University says the universe and everything in it might be a simulation. He doesn’t think we should try to break free from the Matrix. He says we are likely not alone in the cosmos but is instead encompassed within a ‘Cosmic Host.’
Philosopher Nick Bostrom served as the founding Director of the Future of Humanity Institute from 2005 until its closure in April 2024. With a background in theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, logic, and artificial intelligence, along with philosophy. He is one of the most-cited philosophers in the world, and has been referred to as “the Swedish superbrain”.
Ever since Nick Bostrom suggested that the universe might be a simulation, sparking widespread debate about reality. Public figures like Elon Musk have added to the discussion, saying it’s likely our world is just a digital code. Recent studies have refined this idea, claiming there’s about a 50-50 chance we’re living in a simulation.
Nick Bostrom
Some people believe the idea that we might live in a simulation because even well-known figures like Neil deGrasse Tyson have talked about it. However, not everyone agrees. Physicist Frank Wilczek says the universe is too complicated to be a simulation. He argues that creating all this complexity would take a lot of energy and time, and it doesn’t make sense for an intelligent creator to go to so much trouble. Another physicist, Sabine Hossenfelder, thinks the idea isn’t scientific. She says because we can’t test or prove it wrong, it’s not something worth spending time on.
In 2003, Nick Bostrom shocked people with his paper, “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?” In it, he suggested that our reality might actually be a computer simulation. If you’ve watched “The Matrix,” this idea might sound familiar. In the movie, a hacker joins a group fighting against AI machines that have trapped humans in a fake reality (“the Matrix”) to keep them calm while they use their bodies for energy.
But Bostrom revealed in 2019 he hadn’t seen the 1999 movie when he wrote his paper. A strange coincidence, maybe? He thinks that writing the simulation argument came naturally from two things: his interest in observation selection theory, which he wrote about for his Ph.D., and his curiosity about how advancing technology might affect the future. (Source)
“So, when you have those two ideas,” he told Vulture, “the simulation argument is really just the next step.”
Andriy Onufriyenko//Getty Images
At first glance, Bostrom’s simulation argument isn’t as extreme as the futuristic world shown in The Matrix. It doesn’t involve things like oracles, martial arts, or slow-motion bullets — it just proposes that one of three statements about the future must be true:
-Humanity will very likely go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage. -Humanity will reach the “posthuman” stage, but “is extremely unlikely” to run a significant number of simulations of its history. -We are “almost certainly” living in a computer simulation of a “posthuman” civilization’s history right now.
Nick Bostrom’s Ideas on Posthumans
To understand the simulation argument, Bostrom gives us a few ideas to think about. He starts by talking about how a very advanced society, called “posthumans,” could create artificial human minds. Posthumans are super beings who have improved their mental and physical abilities beyond what we consider normal. They might live longer than us and have better control over their emotions, like not being afraid of things without reason.
It’s not hard to imagine that such an advanced society could build huge computer systems. Bostrom talks about how these computers could be used to create copies of human minds. He also considers how posthumans might choose to place these minds into a very realistic, artificial world. The important thing to remember is that these artificial minds should not know that they are inside a simulation.
When we think about how far humans have come with video games, it’s easy to imagine that one day we could have huge, Earth-sized computer simulations. When Pong was first released in the 1970s, it was just a simple game with a few pixels that looked like 2D table tennis. Now, fifty years later, we can wear virtual reality headsets to explore 3D worlds and interact with characters that feel real.
In the future, a posthuman civilization might create a much bigger, more detailed world. In this world, the characters could believe they are truly aware and independent. The environment could be so realistic that it would be impossible to tell it apart from our own world. (Source)
Bostrom believes that ‘ancestor simulations’ would be of particular interest to posthumans. This is like us using computer power to generate an accurate simulation of Ancient Rome or the Mongolian Empire. But in this situation, we are the ancestors being simulated. And somewhere out there, our technologically advanced descendants are watching how we go about everyday life.
“We can conclude that the computing power available to a posthuman civilization is sufficient to run a huge number of ancestor simulations even if it allocates only a minute fraction of its resources to that purpose” (Bostrom, 2003). So, what next? Well, if we accept that one day humans will reach a posthuman stage capable of running ancestor simulations, how do you know you aren’t living in such a simulation yourself?
If our reality is, well, real, it seems we still have a ways to go before we reach the “posthuman” stage (if we reach it — see Statement #1). But that hasn’t stopped everyone from Neil deGrasse Tyson to Elon Musk from mulling over Bostrom’s theory.
Some tech billionaires are even reportedly paying scientists to try to break us free of the simulation on the off-chance that we are already in it — and Bostrom thinks those folks need to slow their roll.
“It’s kind of unwise to try to break out of the hypothetical simulation,” he told Vulture. “The chances of success are negligible. If it doesn’t work, it’s a waste of money, and if it does, it might be a calamity. It at least seems like the kind of thing that you would first want to think about for a while, whether it would be prudent to try to do that before embarking on it.”
Hear that, Silicon Valley? The Matrix isn’t going anywhere, so maybe take a beat before you try to force-feed humanity the red pill. (Source)
Human civilization is most likely not alone in the cosmos but is instead encompassed within a cosmic host, suggests Nick Bostrom. The“cosmic host” refers to an entity or set of entities whose preferences and concordats dominate at the largest scale, i.e. that of the cosmos.
For example, the cosmic host might conceivably consist of galactic-scale civilizations, simulators, superintelligences, and/or divine being or beings.
Bostrom discusses the idea that even if there is a higher power, simulator, or cosmic being (like God or an advanced civilization), they might not directly control or intervene in all parts of the universe.
Meaning: If intelligent life is rare, there could be parts of the universe no one from this “cosmic host” (advanced beings) can physically access. If we live in a simulated world, the simulator (who created it) can probably access every part of it. But, they might choose not to interfere if their goal is to let things play out naturally. (Source)
Bostrom concludes:
This Cosmic host may support cosmic norms that we have moral (as well as prudential) reasons to respect.
The host may want our civilization to build or develop into a good cosmic citizen: a superintelligence that respects cosmic norms, is modest, lawful, cooperative, and contributes positively to other host members and the order of the cosmopolis.
The host may favor paths that lead to this outcome with high certainty, meaning a high probability that superintelligence is developed and becomes a good cosmic citizen.
The cosmic normative structure might pertain not only to the ultimate outcome but also to the path taken to get there—including local outcomes along the way, as well as attitudes and modes of analysis.
The Cosmic Matrix: Science, SETI & UFOs | Full-Length Documentary
SETI "Live": The COSMIC Project at the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array
A futurist's internet program that predicted the start of a months long war between humans and aliens on December 3 has gone viral online. Clif High, a computer scientist and linguist, spoke in a YouTube video about his model's prediction, known as the "39 days to melee," that said a battle between humans and aliens in the sky would occur 39 days after a trigger incited the incident. What High calls the "temporal marker" was podcaster Joe Rogan's interview with President-elect Donald Trump on October 25.
High said: "So we're going to have these...some kind of weird confrontation visible contention which we could probably call and term combat in the skies that will show up and it'll show up at a predictable point, which is probably something over a month—and we'll put down 30 days or 39 days something—over a month after the temporal marker of, um, Trump and Rogan. And that's just the beginning of all of this, right."
High's model predicts that "there will be 39 days between the temporal marker of Trump's interview and the appearance of this visible contention," which he said would eventually lead to melee. In this instance, the "visible contention" would be with space aliens or "alien reproduction vehicles."
The descriptors his model tracked in 2009 indicated that the visible contention would be UFOs fighting other UFOs or UFOs fighting jets. High predicted that on December 3, visible contention between humans and aliens would begin, eventually ending in melee after an unspecified period.
His prediction model, the Web Bot, is a computer program that allows individuals to predict future events by tracking keywords on the internet. It monitors internet chatter, including articles, blogs, forums, and more.
NJ State Senator Jon Bramnick calls for a state of emergency to ban all drones over NJ temporarily. UFO Sighting News.
NJ State Senator Jon Bramnick calls for a state of emergency to ban all drones over NJ temporarily. UFO Sighting News.
NJ State Senator Jon Bramnick calls for a state of emergency to ban all drones over NJ temporarily. This comes after state and federal agencies still have no answers about the mysterious car size drones/UFO's flying over the tri-state area for the last 3 weeks. UFO UAP sighting news. And I really feel that aliens are using colorful lights to allow humans to see them, so that they can gently reveal themselves, more and more. Can't wait to get some close up photos of these alien craft.
They are some of the universe's most unusual and fascinating objects.
And now a study suggests that black holes might be even stranger than we thought.
NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory has captured vast plasma jets from a supermassive black hole slamming into a mysterious object.
The researchers who made this bizarre discovery say they have no idea what this galactic speedbump might be or why it seems to act so strangely.
The hidden object lurks within the galaxy Centaurus A, an irregular swirl of gas and dust approximately 12 million light-years from Earth.
What makes Centaurus A so special is the supermassive black hole at its heart which shoots radiation and matter 40,000 light-years across the entire width of the galaxy.
Using the deepest X-ray images ever taken of the galaxy, the researchers found a V-shaped patch of bright emissions caused by the collision of these jets and some unknown object.
NASA says: 'While the researchers have ideas about what is happening, the identity of the object being blasted is a mystery because it is too distant for its details to be seen, even in images from the current most powerful telescopes.'
Scientists have made a baffling discovery as they spot an unknown object being battered by the plasma jet of a supermassive black hole (pictured)
As black holes gather matter into an accretion disk, some of this is accelerated and shot out into space in the form of a vast beam of plasma and radiation (artist's impression)
When a star more than 20 times the size of our sun dies and explodes in a supernova, the remaining matter collapses down into an extremely dense object called a black hole.
These mysterious voids exert such a strong gravitational force that nothing, not even light, can escape their pull.
As matter and light fall into the black hole like water circling a plug hole, they form an enormous swirling ring called an accretion disk.
However, not all of that matter ends up falling beyond the point of no return known as the event horizon.
Instead, some of the matter gets accelerated along the black holes' powerful magnetic field lines and shot out of the poles and incredible speeds.
While scientists know roughly why these jets form, their near-relativistic speed and intense forces make much of their true nature a mystery.
Located relatively close to Earth, Centaurus A has long been the ideal place to observe these mysterious jets in action.
In previous studies, NASA has spotted a series of 'jet knots' within Centaurus A's massive plumes.
The galaxy Centaurus A (pictured) is 12 million light-years from Earth and is notable for the supermassive black hole at its heart which generated a 40,000-light-year plume of plasma
Scientists have previously spotted 'jet knots) which show up as bright spots of X-ray radiation in images
Centaurus A: Key Facts
Size:60,000 light-years in diameter
Mass: 1,000 billion solar masses
Distance from Earth: 12 million light-years
Discovered: 1826
It is notable for its huge belt of dust and the supermassive black hole at its core which produces huge radiation jets.
Centaurus A is the fifth brightest galaxy in the sky which makes it a great target for amateur astronomers.
These are massive areas of turbulence which showed up as bright spots in the X-ray spectrum.
But, in this latest study Dr David Bogensberger, an astrophysicist from the University of Michigan, and his co-authors found a knot which didn't match any of the usual patterns.
Dr Bogensberger and his co-authors write: 'Near the counterjet axis, we detected a source with an unusual morphology. We label it as C4.'
'It appears to have two streams of matter trailing away from it at two distinct angles, forming a ‘V’-like shape behind it.'
The arms of the V are at least about 700 light-years long - 140 times the distance from Earth to the nearest neighbouring star.
The V of strong X-ray radiation traily behind C4 are unusual since all other obstacles in the jet’s path only produce elliptical blobs.
NASA suggests that the mysterious object at the heart of this cosmic wake could be a massive star, either on its own or with a companion star.
The researchers believe that particles in the black hole jet could be colliding with the strong solar winds emitted by this star.
If this were the case, the resulting turbulence would increase the density of the gas in the jet, igniting the X-ray emission seen within the Chandra images.
However, C4's unique structure raises some problems for this relatively simple explanation.
This study found an object known as C4 which had an unusual V-shaped wake stretching out behind it. This is totally different to the elliptical patterns usually produced by objects caught in a black hole's jet
Scientists think that C4's unique shape might be the product of a massive star. As particles in the jet collide with solar wind from the star, this compresses the jet and ignites the bright X-ray radiation seen in these images
If there were an object in the jet, astronomers would expect to see an X-ray trail running roughly parallel to the jet's direction like the wake around a boat moving upstream.
The bottom arm of the V does match this picture, but the top arm is harder to explain since it is at a much larger angle to the jet.
That means, whatever this object is, it may have some very unusual properties which astronomers haven't spotted anywhere else in the universe.
NASA says: 'Astronomers are trying to determine why C4 has this different post-contact appearance, but it could be related to the type of object that the jet is striking or how directly the jet is striking it.'
However, for now at least, the identity of this strange object will remain stubbornly mysterious.
Black holes are so dense and their gravitational pull is so strong that no form of radiation can escape them - not even light.
They act as intense sources of gravity which hoover up dust and gas around them. Their intense gravitational pull is thought to be what stars in galaxies orbit around.
How they are formed is still poorly understood. Astronomers believe they may form when a large cloud of gas up to 100,000 times bigger than the sun, collapses into a black hole.
Many of these black hole seeds then merge to form much larger supermassive black holes, which are found at the centre of every known massive galaxy.
Alternatively, a supermassive black hole seed could come from a giant star, about 100 times the sun's mass, that ultimately forms into a black hole after it runs out of fuel and collapses.
When these giant stars die, they also go 'supernova', a huge explosion that expels the matter from the outer layers of the star into deep space.
Black hole blasting powerful jet directly imaged for the first-time ever!
Mysterieuze drones zo groot als auto’s houden VS in de ban: “Zelfs verontruste FBI weet niet wat er gaande is”
Ze zoemen rond. Ze vliegen rond. En doen dat duidelijk in formatie. De inwoners van New York City, New Jersey en delen van Pennsylvania maken zich zorgen over mysterieuze drones die steeds weer opduiken. Duizenden meldingen zijn er al over binnengekomen. De toestellen lijken bovendien traditionele detectiemethoden te omzeilen. Wat de drones exact doen, wie ze bestuurt en waar ze vandaan komen, blijft vooralsnog een raadsel. De FBI onderzoekt de waarnemingen, maar slaagt er voorlopig niet in om de bevolking gerust te stellen.
Unknown drones flew over a US Air Force base for 17 days straight in restricted air space
Volgens de Republikeinse politica Dawn Fantasia hebben de drones een diameter tot 1,80 meter en vliegen ze soms met hun lichten uit. “Het zijn geen hobby-drones”, benadrukt ze.
“Het griezeligste is dat het niet gewoon drones zijn, maar dat ze zo groot zijn”, vertelt ooggetuige Melissa Koscielniak. “Ze lijken op een kleine auto”, beaamt Mark Taylor, burgemeester van Florham Park (New Jersey).
Gevoelige locaties
De waarnemingen hebben geleid tot groeiende onrust. Veel drones werden gesignaleerd nabij gevoelige locaties, zoals Picatinny Arsenal, een militaire onderzoeksfaciliteit, en boven het golfterrein van gekozen president Donald Trump in Bedminster in New Jersey.
Hoewel drones legaal zijn in New Jersey voor recreatief en commercieel gebruik, zijn ze gebonden aan strikte voorschriften. De meeste gespotte drones zijn groter dan de modellen die doorgaans door amateurs worden bestuurd.
Het aantal meldingen is de afgelopen dagen toegenomen, maar de autoriteiten benadrukken dat sommige objecten mogelijk vliegtuigen zijn in plaats van drones. Ook is het mogelijk dat dezelfde drone meerdere keren is gespot. “We nemen dit bloedserieus”, zei gouverneur Phil Murphy van de staat New Jersey. Hij suste tegelijkertijd door te stellen dat er geen aanwijzingen zijn dat de drones een directe bedreiging vormen. Sommige lokale besturen pleiten voor strengere regels en een tijdelijk verbod op het gebruik van drones.
Tijdens een incident afgelopen weekend achtervolgden twaalf laagvliegende drones een gemotoriseerde reddingsboot van de kustwacht nabij Barnegat Light en Island Beach State Park. Volgens luitenant Luke Pinneo werden de toestellen niet als een onmiddellijke bedreiging gezien en verstoorden ze de operaties niet. De kustwacht assisteert de FBI en staatsinstanties bij het onderzoek.
“Uit de lucht schieten”
Twee Republikeinse congresleden, Chris Smith en Jeff Van Drew, hebben het leger opgeroepen om de drones neer te halen. Smith drong in een brief aan de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie, Lloyd Austin, aan op militaire ondersteuning om ongeautoriseerde onbemande luchtvaartsystemen te identificeren en uit te schakelen.
Een Republikeins congreslid suggereerde dat Iran hierachter zou zitten, maar dat wordt ontkend door Defensie. “Daar is niets van waar. Er ligt geen Iraans schip voor de kust van de Verenigde Staten en er is geen zogenaamd ‘moederschip’ dat drones lanceert in de richting van de Verenigde Staten”, zei Pentagon-woordvoerster Sabrina Singh woensdag aan journalisten. “Onze eerste beoordeling hier is dat dit geen drones of activiteiten zijn die afkomstig zijn van een buitenlandse entiteit of vijand”,
De FBI onderzoekt de waarnemingen en roept bewoners op om beeldmateriaal of andere informatie te delen. Toen aan de FBI werd gevraagd of de publieke veiligheid in gevaar was, slaagde Robert Wheeler, vicedirecteur van de dienst kritieke incidenten, er niet bepaald in om een geruststellende boodschap te verspreiden. “Er is niets bekend waardoor ik dat zou kunnen zeggen”, verklaarde hij. “Maar we weten het gewoon niet en dat is het verontrustende.”
Het Witte Huis zei dat president Biden op de hoogte is van het mysterie, maar ook daar hebben ze geen antwoorden.
Mystery drones emerging from the ocean and they are not from USA or any other country
Mystery drones emerging from the ocean and they are not from USA or any other country
The ongoing mystery and debate surrounding UFO and drone sightings across the U.S. continue to captivate public attention. The lack of transparency and definitive answers from government agencies combined with the apparent absence of military action against these drones, has fueled speculation about possible cover-ups or incompetence.
Local, county, and state governments seem to have no knowledge of who is operating these drones, where they originate, or their purpose. Despite this, officials confidently assert that "there is no credible threat." This raises the question: how can they be so certain? The reality suggests they cannot.
Recently, the Pentagon issued a statement following claims by a New Jersey congressman that Iran had deployed a "mothership" off the U.S. East Coast, launching drones. The Pentagon denied any military origin for the drones and ruled out links to known foreign entities, but questions persist about whether critical information is being withheld.
If these drones are not linked to Iran, the U.S., Russia, China, or any other nation, some experts propose they may be part of clandestine "deep state" programs. These programs could involve advanced aerospace technologies being tested by private companies under classified initiatives.
Witness accounts, including those from a New Jersey sheriff and Coast Guard officials, suggest the drones exhibit highly unusual behaviors. These include emerging from the ocean and performing movements like abrupt 90-degree turns—characteristics that could imply the use of advanced propulsion systems not publicly known.
Another theory posits that the drones may not be physical objects at all but rather holographic projections, akin to the controversial "Project Blue Beam" concept. If true, this would explain why attempts to intercept them could fail—they might not physically exist.
The sheer number, endurance, and sophistication of these drones hint at a coordinated operation. Some theorists believe this might be part of a psychological operation designed to distract from pressing political, economic, or social issues. The timing of such events often appears suspiciously aligned with periods of public, economic unrest or uncertainty.
In the event that the "deep state" is orchestrating these phenomena, some fear it could be a prelude to a false flag operation, with motives and consequences yet to be revealed.
The situation remains shrouded in speculation, leaving the public to grapple with more questions than answers.
Amazing Encounters with Strange, Mysterious, and Mystical Lost Tribe
Brent Swancer
History holds many oddities that we may never fully understand, either through incomplete documentation, disinterest at the time, or simply a big question mark that hangs over all. Among these are mysterious lost tribes of people that have been encountered and confronted in all corners of the globe, often vanishing before we really understand them or only known from sparse accounts, and leaving us perplexed at just who they were or where their origins lie. Here we will look at mysterious lost tribes of ape-men, blue-eyed Indians, mystical tribes with telepathic powers, and more.
The remote jungles of South America have long been the source of tales of strange creatures and legends, and among these are numerous sightings of a tribe of large, ape-like beings living in the wilderness. The descriptions of these creatures often vary, with sizes ranging from a diminutive 3 feet tall all the way up to hulking, 12-foot-tall hairy giants, and are often claimed by the natives of the region and witnesses to live in villages of their own, to use tools and primitive bows and arrows, and to have a language of grunts and whistles. Although regional names may vary, they are now mostly filed under the blanket name Maricoxi, and they are for the most part more or less a complete enigma.
Perhaps one of the most well-documented and harrowing encounters with these mysterious creatures was detailed by the famed British explorer Colonel Percival H. Fawcett, more often called Percy Fawcett, who vanished into the jungle during an ill-fated expedition to find a mysterious lost city he called simply Z. Fawcett was known to write extensive journals of his travels, many of which would later be compiled into books by his son Brian Fawcett. In one of these books, called Lost Trails, Lost Cities, there is to be found within its pages a rather curious and spectacular tale of encountering the Maricoxi.
Percy Fawcett
The encounter supposedly happened in 1914, as Fawcett was on an expedition to map out the uncharted southwestern region of an area called Matto Grosso. From Bolivia they penetrated the dark jungle up the Guapore River, and already they had become well acquainted by local tribes with the bizarre stories of hairy man-beasts said to dwell out there in that sea of trees, and although it seemed rather fantastical it was enough to keep them wary of their surroundings and what they would find out there on their journey. Ivan Sanderson wrote of the stories Fawcett heard in his 1967 book Things, in which he writes:
“These creatures were apparently called Maricoxis by the Maxubis. They dwelt to their northeast. Due east there were said to be another group of short, black people, covered with hair, who were truly cannibalistic and hunted humans for food, cooking the bodies over a fire on a bamboo spit and tearing off the meat. These the Maxubis regarded as merely loathsome and lowly people. On a later trip, Colonel Fawcett was told of an "ape-people" who lived in holes in the ground, were also covered with dark hair, and were nocturnal, so that they were known in surrounding areas as the Morcegos or Bat-People. These types are called Cabelludos or "Hairy People" by the Spanish-speaking, and Tatus, or armadillos, by several Amerindian groups because they live in holes like those animals. Fawcett also records forest Amerinds as telling him that the Morcegos have an incredibly well-developed sense of smell which prompts even these acute hunters to suggest that they have some "sixth sense.”"
They nevertheless bravely ventured out along the river, coming across some oddities along the way. The first interesting discovery was a previously unknown Amerindian tribe, who identified themselves as the Maxubis and displayed some curious traits, such as their religion of worshiping the Sun and demonstrating an inexplicable knowledge of the planets of the solar system, which they could draw out with rather shocking accuracy. This would have been interesting to have studied further, but Fawcett and company were not there to do anthropological work, and after staying with the tribe for a few days they headed back out into the mist-shrouded jungle once more, leaving these fascinating people behind to the mist of history and crossing over into a region that was completely unseen by outsiders and ws so remote and alien it may as well have been the surface of some alien planet.
After several days of dealing with the numerous perils of this untamed land, the expedition found themselves faced with a mysterious trail out there in the middle of nowhere, which they presumed to be one used by the Natives of the region. As they stood there deciding whether to follow the trail or not and which way to go, Fawcett writes that they saw two figures moving about 100 yards away, apparently chattering away in some unknown language and carrying bows and arrows. Although they were at first presumed to be from a local tribe, closer inspection showed them to be decidedly odder, and Fawcett described them:
“We could not see them clearly for the shadows dappling their bodies, but it seemed to me they were large, hairy men, with exceptionally long arms, and with foreheads sloping back from pronounced eye ridges, men of a very primitive kind, in fact, and stark naked. Suddenly they turned and made off into the undergrowth, and we, knowing it was useless to follow, started up the north leg of the trail.”
It seems quite obvious by this point that Fawcett did not regard what he had glimpsed as completely human beings. This was perhaps all odd enough as it was, but it got even more bizarre that evening at dusk when the forest suddenly came alive with the sound of what seemed to be braying horns from out in the distant dark. The expedition members were immediately on alert, as they instinctively knew that this was an aggressive sound issued forth with the promise of threat. Fawcett would write of these horns and what followed:
“In the subdued light of evening, beneath the high vault of branches in this forest untrodden by civilized man, the sound was as eerie as the opening notes of some fantastic opera. We knew the savages made it, and that those savages were now on our trail. Soon we could hear shouts and jabbering to the accompaniment of the rough horn calls--a barbarous, merciless din, in marked contrast to the stealth of the ordinary savage.
Darkness, still distant above the treetops, was settling rapidly down here in the depths of the wood, so we looked about us for a camping site which offered some measure of safety from attack, and finally took refuge in a tacuara thicket. Here the naked savages would not dare to follow because of the wicked, inch-long thorns. As we slung our hammocks inside the natural stockade we could hear the savages jabbering excitedly all around, but not daring to enter. Then, as the last light went, they left us, and we heard no more of them.”
It is an eerie image to be sure, this solitary camp of bedraggled explorers terrified by the sight of hairy men and now harassed by these mysterious horns in the night, punctuated by the chattering of some rough, alien language, and it was still not over for them. The next morning the team warily checked their surroundings and could find no sign of any of the “savages” having intruded into the vicinity. They continued along one of the well-delineated trails they were finding and camped once again that evening without incident. The next morning, they struck out from the camp and within just about a mile stumbled across what seemed to have been the actual village of the strange tribe, populated by creatures who were obviously not exactly human. Fawcett rather spectacularly describes what happened:
“In the morning we went on, and within a quarter of a mile came to a sort of palm-leaf sentry-box, then another. Then all of a sudden we reached open forest. The undergrowth fell away, disclosing between the tree boles a village of primitive shelters, where squatted some of the most villainous savages I have ever seen. Some were engaged in making arrows, others just idled--great apelike brutes who looked as if they had scarcely evolved beyond the level of beasts.
I whistled, and an enormous creature, hairy as a dog, leapt to his feet in the nearest shelter, fitted an arrow to his bow in a flash, and came up dancing from one leg to the other till he was only four yards away. Emitting grunts that sounded like 'Eugh! Eugh! Eugh!' he remained there dancing, and suddenly the whole forest around us was alive with these hideous ape-men, all grunting 'Eugh! Eugh! Eugh!' and dancing from leg to leg in the same way as they strung arrows to their bows. It looked like a very delicate situation for us, and I wondered if it was the end. I made friendly overtures in Maxubi, but they paid no attention. It was as though human speech were beyond their powers of comprehension.
The creature in front of me ceased his dance, stood for a moment perfectly still, and then drew his bowstring back till it was level with his ear, at the same time raising the barbed point of the six-foot arrow to the height of my chest. I looked straight into the pig-like eyes half hidden under the overhanging brows, and knew that he was not going to loose that arrow yet. As deliberately as he had raised it, he now lowered the bow, and commenced once more the slow dance, and the 'Eugh! Eugh! Eugh!’"
This brutish ape-man allegedly continued to do this several more times, aiming the bow only to continue with his odd, disjointed dance and then aim it again. However, Fawcett seemed to know that at any point that arrow could unleash, and his hand was firmly kept upon the butt of his pistol as he took in the whole outlandish scene. At some point Fawcett says he began to seriously fear for his life and decided to try scaring it off with his sidearm, shooting off a round that pinged the earth by the beast’s feet and sent a thunderous boom echoing through the jungle. He says of this sequence of events:
“I drew out a Mauser pistol I had on my hip. It was a big, clumsy thing, of a caliber unsuitable to forest use, but I had brought it because by clipping the wooden holster to the pistol-butt it became a carbine, and was lighter to carry than a true rifle. It used .38 black powder shells, which made a din out of all proportion to their size. I never raised it; I just pulled the trigger and banged it off into the ground at the ape-man's feet.
The effect was instantaneous. A look of complete amazement came into the hideous face, and the little eyes opened wide. He dropped his bow and arrow and sprang away as quickly as a cat to vanish behind a tree. Then the arrows began to fly. We shot off a few rounds into the branches, hoping the noise would scare the savages into a more receptive frame of mind, but they seemed in no way disposed to accept us, and before anyone was hurt we gave it up as hopeless and retreated down the trail till the camp was out of sight. We were not followed, but the clamor in the village continued for a long time as we struck off northwards, and we fancied we still heard the 'Eugh! Eugh! Eugh!' of the enraged braves.”
This account may seem to be completely sensational to the point that it might be easy for the more skeptical-minded to dismiss it out of hand, but there are a few reasons why it has warrant and deserves consideration, the first being that this was likely not some fictional story Fawcett was telling. It was part of his very serious and typically meticulous notes on his expedition and sitting right there amongst more mundane observations of the wildlife and region’s various peoples. He was a consummate professional and member of the Royal Geographical Society, as well as a very respected, experienced explorer and surveyor, and there is no rational reason at all for why he should want to concoct such a story to drop in the middle of his otherwise meticulous journal. Why would he do that and risk his reputation? To what ends? It also means he would not likely have made misidentifications of local tribes or wildlife, as he was as familiar with these jungles as one could possibly be in the era.
Fawcett has also been accused of having perhaps exaggerated his dealings with the Natives and in this case, made them out to be hairy brutes out of some racist agenda, but if that were the case then why are there other records of his dealings with locals that are completely accurate in their depiction of their appearances and behavior? It is somewhat true that Fawcett was known to have some strong opinions on the more primitive tribes, but he seems to have never let it compromise the matter-of-fact way in which he recorded the people themselves. Sanderson has much to say about this aspect of the journal entries, writing:
“He (Fawcett) was not an ethnologist, anthropologist, or archaeologist but it was with these disciplines that he clashed, and it was towards the protagonists of the first that he most often expressed himself as feeling most bitter. In his extensive travels through hitherto unexplored territories he discovered many groups of people for the first time, lived with them, often acquired not a little of their language, recorded what of their customs he could, and attempted some classification of their origins. Much of all of this conflicted with established beliefs among ethnologists, and Fawcett's historical theories were at complete variance with what was then, and still is, accepted. Yet, while those theories were strongly criticized, the veracity of the facts he collected were never questioned. It was his assessment of them that was considered invalid.
This puts his account of the hairy Maricoxis in an entirely different light, quite apart from the fact that his word was never doubted, that he had two reliable witnesses, and that what he saw was both before and afterwards confirmed by others, in that reports relayed to him by several people described exactly what he had seen without the relaters knowing anything of what he did see. We are therefore compelled to accept this report in toto; and this means simply that, in the year 1914, there were living to the northeast of the Parecis Range in the Matto Grosso, what were apparently tribal groups of fully-haired hominids of grossly primitive aspect, and in no possible way descended from or related to the Amerindian aborigines of the Americas.”
While Sanderson may seem perhaps too quick to buy the whole tale, it certainly is an account that stands out among Fawcett’s writings, and which ultimately leaves more questions than answers. What did Fawcett and his fellow expedition members encounter out there in that jungle? Were these indeed the legendary Maricoxi or something else? It is truly unfortunate that considering that Fawcett was not particularly interested in following up on it, and seems to have considered it mostly an obstacle and oddity, he never did make any effort to find out what they were, and the creatures of his account just sort of fade into the background to remain perplexing enigmas. Did this tribe of hairy ape-men really exist the way Fawcett described them, and if so what were they and how did they fit into the Maricoxi legend? The answer may forever remain hidden out there in that forbidden jungle lair.
Besides tribes of man-like apes, one persistent legend that has been around since 16th-century Spanish missionaries came to the Amazon region is that of tribes of tall, fair-skinned, blonde, blue-eyed, decidedly Caucasian-looking natives living out in the most remote and inaccessible areas of the jungle. One of the earlier accounts of encountering these mysterious people was made by the Spanish Dominican missionary Gaspar de Carvajal, who wrote in 1542 of coming across a group of very tall, very white, European-looking tribal women who wore their long, light hair braided and wound about their heads. The account was included in his book Account of the Recent Discovery of the Famous Grand River.
Supposed photo of "white natives" taken in the Amazon
Another popular account of these white Amazonians comes from the American explorer Alexander Hamilton Rice, Jr., who journeyed into the Amazon for a 1924-1925 expedition. Upon returning from the perilous expedition, Rice told of one of the expedition members, a Lieutenant Hinton, who had spied a tribe of white Indians while making a flight over the headwaters of the Parima River. Intrigued, Rice organized a trip by canoe up the river in order to try and find out where the mysterious white natives came from. Eventually, they located a hut that was believed to belong to the white Indians, and they then heard a series of shrieking yells which scared some of the expedition members off and put the remaining group on edge, reaching for their weapons. It was then that two of the white natives came out of the forest, apparently in peace.
These white-skinned natives were described as having pigment painted across their faces that obscured their features, but they were said to be “undeniably white.” The two were said to look undersized and undernourished, wore no clothing, and carried with them bows with poison-tipped arrows. They spoke in a unique language not known to be spoken by any other tribe, which made communication difficult. When the expedition members offered beads and handkerchiefs as gifts, the two tribesmen reportedly called out into the jungle, which brought more of the fair-skinned natives out of hiding.
These odd, white tribespeople were offered food, but it was declined, and it seemed that they preferred to eat plantains which had curiously been garnished with cocaine, although it was unclear where they had acquired the drug. Throughout the encounter, the strange tribe showed no particular interest in or awe of the Westerners’ clothes, equipment, guns, or hydroplane. The expedition made further efforts to try and communicate with the tribe, but the language barrier made it difficult, and after a while the white Indians melted away back into the forest, moving “between the trees like jaguars without making a sound or causing a rustle of the leaves.”
The 1920s were indeed a period of many sightings of these white-skinned natives, and feature heavily in accounts from the explorer Percy Fawcett, who was convinced that these people were denizens of a mystical lost city deep in the jungle, which he called simply “Z.” So convinced was he that this mystical city and its people existed that they would inevitably lead him to obsession and lure him to his final, ill-fated expedition in search of the city of Z in 1925. Fawcett would journey out into uncharted jungle in search of his fabled city and seemingly step off the face of the earth. No trace of him or his expedition was ever found.
Accounts and sightings of the white natives continued sporadically into the 1940s, and in 1945 the British Journalist Harold T. Wilkins took it upon himself to compile a variety of reports stretching back to the 16th century in his book Mysteries of Ancient South America. Even in modern times, there have been accounts of coming across these enigmatic people. In 1977 one joint British/ Brazilian expedition reported being surrounded by a tribe of uncommonly tall, blonde natives with blue eyes and strikingly white pigmentation, some of who had thick beards and all of who were naked. The strange white tribesmen allegedly spoke a dialect that no expert had ever heard before. These people were called the Acurinis and were again encountered by another expedition to the same region in 1979. In this case, the mysterious tribesmen were seen only briefly before vanishing into the underbrush.
Theories abound over what could be behind these accounts. One is that they are the descendants of shipwrecked sailors, Vikings, lost explorers, or even missionaries or other Westerners who willingly left civilization behind to live amongst the natives, where they invariably intermingled. Indeed there are theories that Percy Fawcett himself did this and that the descendants of both him and his expedition members may be behind some of these encounters with fair-skinned natives. In recent years there has been one tribe called the Aché, who are known for having light skin, hair, eye color, and thick beards, and although it has been shown that they show no genetic evidence of having ever mixed with Europeans, their unique appearance could make it possible that they might be the source of at least some of the accounts. It is unlikely we will ever know for sure the precise origins of these stories.
One very odd account that comes from the Amazon wilds is that of an intrepid explorer who came here looking for mysteries and would soon get more than he bargained for, embarking on a quest that would include lost, uncontacted tribes and strange powers of the mind. Loren McIntyre was a seasoned explorer, photojournalist, and writer for such esteemed publications as National Geographic, Time, Life, Smithsonian, GEO, Audubon, and South American Explorer, and was in many ways a sort of real-life Indiana Jones figure, spending much of his life doggedly exploring the forbidding, uncharted, and most impenetrable reaches of the Amazon rainforest of South America. Indeed, it was he who would be the first one to discover the source of the mighty Amazon River, when he made an expedition in search of it in 1971. He would make history when he found that the largest, longest, and most powerful river in the world began with a runoff of snow at a mountain in the Andes called Mismi, some 6,400 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean, which trickled down to pond now called Laguna McIntyre, which in turn emptied into a brook named Carhuasanta, in Peru, after which it began its inexorable growth and meandering journey through some of the most remote wilds on earth. Yet, although this is McIntyre’s most famous discovery it certainly wasn’t his only one, and he would have a very mysterious encounter out in those jungles that he would keep to himself for years.
In 1969, McIntyre embarked on an excursion into the unexplored depths of the Amazon jungle of Brazil. His target was the little-known Mayoruna tribe, also called the Matsés, who were so elusive that they had never been successfully contacted by outsiders and were known as “The Cat People,” due to the arrays of imposing spikes that they wore implanted into their faces. Next to nothing was known about this enigmatic tribe, and they were only ever fleetingly glimpsed. They were like ghosts, and McIntyre had little to go on when he was dumped off on the shores of the Amazon River in a place called the Javari valley, on the border between Brazil and Peru, and left to continue on his own, penetrating dense jungle that no outsider had ever set eyes on in an attempt to find these mysterious people. Little did he know that it would be they who found him.
As the brave, seasoned explorer made his way through a mosquito-infested jungle he got perhaps too focused on finding the lost tribe, and soon realized that he was hopelessly lost. His journey then turned into aimlessly wandering through the perilous wilderness, and it became obvious that he was not going to be in time for his scheduled pick-up at the point where he had been dropped off. He began to resign himself to the fact that he just might end up another mysterious lost explorer, like his childhood idol Percy Fawcett before him, a fellow explorer who had mysteriously vanished while looking for his mythical city “Z.” Making this trek more ominous was when at some point McIntyre would stumble across a clearing littered with the bodies of what appeared to be four lumberjacks, half devoured by ants and with arrows sticking out from their silent corpses.
This grim discovery had the explorer watching the trees carefully as he aimlessly wandered around half expecting death to come for him at any moment through the shadows, and more sure than ever that he would not see civilization again. It was as he was in this fog of panic and fear that some figures crept out of the forest before him, spikes embedded into their faces, necklaces made of bones, possibly human, around their necks, and looking upon him with a mixture of apprehension and surprise, but not aggressiveness. These were the Mayoruna, and this was the closest any outsider had ever gotten to them. At least any who were still alive.
The frightened explorer immediately and very slowly pulled out some gifts that he had brought in the event that he actually made contact. From his bag, he produced some cloth and mirrors, which he dropped before the tribesmen as they looked on with inscrutable expressions on their pierced faces. They stepped closer to accept the gifts and then seemed to beckon for him to follow them as they began to melt back into the forest. The weary McIntyre stumbled after them, barely able to keep up with their nimble navigation of the jungle, and so would begin the next chapter of his strange adventure.
They arrived at what seemed to be a makeshift camp full of other members of the tribe, and they seemed to show a strange mixture of curiosity and aggression toward him. Upon examining his tennis shoes they went about burning them to ashes, and his watch they found fascinating, but they destroyed that too. Indeed, most of his possessions would be either stolen from him or destroyed, and even his camera, which they oddly showed no interest in, was broken when a monkey descended from the trees to take it from him. Although there was no outright aggression against him, there were some grim reminders that he was very much in danger. He would claim that they possessed trinkets made of human bone and that they drank out of hollowed-out skulls. They were also very well armed and never far from their bows, and one tribesman with red face paint, who he called “Red Cheeks,” took to menacing him and scowling at him.
McIntyre would end up staying with this lost tribe for two months, and during this time made many observations. He noticed that they were constantly on the move, perpetually moving to a new camp, sometimes suddenly and without warning, and they clearly had a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. They also seemed to have no concept of individual possessions, freely sharing everything with each other and taking or using whatever they liked without repercussions. Even odder still, he noticed that these people often moved quite bizarrely in sync, knowing what the others would do or acting in precise tandem without speaking to each other. For some time, he pondered this anomaly, but he would soon learn that the explanation was far odder than anything that he had ever guessed at.
One day he was approached by the one he took to be the chief of the tribe, an ancient-looking, sinewy and grizzled tree trunk of a man, covered in warty growths that would earn him McIntyre’s nickname “Barnacle.” When the chief approached he spoke to McIntyre, and the explorer found that bizarrely, after weeks of being unable to understand anything any of them had said, he clearly comprehended what Barnacle had to say. This utterly perplexed him, but he soon realized that this chief was not moving his mouth when he spoke, and that he was talking directly into his mind, using a sort of telepathy that McIntyre would later call “beaming,” and which Barnacle called “the other language.”
Barnacle explained that the tribe existed as a sort of hive mind consciousness and that their thoughts were all linked to each other, although only the tribal elders were proficient at focusing this telepathic power and truly using it to its full potential. Here he learned that there was no real “self” as Westerners would think of it and that to them the concept of an individual “self” made little sense. The chief also telepathically explained that they were under constant threat from loggers and other outsiders and that the reason the tribe moved so often was that they were on a spiritual journey to what he called “The Beginning,” or the literal beginning of time, where they hoped to be beyond the reach of the intruding outside world. Indeed, the tribe seemed to have a very strange grasp of how time worked that was rather alien to anything the explorer was familiar with. A 1991 article in The Los Angeles Times about McIntyre’s bizarre experience explains the tribe’s philosophy on time as follows:
“The main feature of time, by western definition, is its passage. But for the Mayoruna, time is at once mobile and static. It moved with man, stopped with him, advanced and retreated with him. It is not the implacable judge, condemning man to a tragically brief life. Time is a shelter, an escape into safety and regeneration, a repository whose chief function is not piling up the past, intact yet dead, but rather keeping it alive and available. And, in the face of violent encroachment on their land by white settlers, that past assisted them with an alternative to a menacing present.”
The chief invited McIntyre to come along with them on their journey to “The Beginning,” and for the next few weeks he followed them on their mystical quest and engaged in their rituals, often taking psychoactive jungle concoctions that warped his perceptions. He found that if he concentrated he could pick up on a sort of static fuzz that contained the interlinked thoughts of all of the tribe members, through processes he could never hope to fathom. However, he knew at some point he would have to part ways with them and try to leave this land of jungle, telepathy, and time travel behind him to get back to the civilization that was no doubt convinced he had vanished. The only problem was that he had no idea where he was, and on top of this, although he had been invited and was not physically threatened by the Mayoruna in any way, he had no illusions that he was anything other than their prisoner and wondered what they would do if he tried to flee. However, in the end, the decision was made for him, a flood swept through during a torrential rain, and McIntyre was whisked away as he clung to a balsa raft, emptied into the river and incredibly found the next day by a pilot flying over.
Upon getting back to civilization, McIntyre would keep what had happened to him a secret for years, and it is quite likely that the whole fantastical tale would have died with him in 2003 if it hadn’t been for a Romanian-American writer, director and movie producer, by the name of Petru Popescu. In 1987 Popescu met McIntyre by chance while on a riverboat trip up the Amazon River. The two men hit it off, and for some reason McIntyre confided to him about what had happened all of those years ago with the mysterious Mayoruna tribe. It was all rather amazing, and when Popescu asked why he had never told anyone about it, McIntyre said that he didn’t think anyone would ever believe him, and he had been worried about maintaining his reputation as a respected explorer, writer, and photographer. He would say of this:
“I’m pretty reluctant to voice very much about the beaming experience because I didn’t want my friends to think I’d gone around the bend. ‘What is this? The guy’s hallucinating?’”
Popescu would finally manage to convince McIntyre to let him write a book on his adventures, and in 1991 released The Encounter: Amazon Beaming. The explorer would claim that in his dealings with dozens of other tribes in the same region he had never before or since experienced anything like he did during his time with the Mayoruna, and he did not know what became of them. We are left to wonder just how much of this account is true, and if it is just what was going on with these elusive people of the jungle. The tribe itself has sort of disappeared, they have never been formally studied, and since McIntyre passed away in 2003, we are left only with Popescu’s book as a window into this strange tribe and their world and ways. One wonders if they are still out there, or if they managed to make that journey to “The Beginning,” finally at peace and forevermore out of our reach.
The Amazon is not the only place for such stories, and one tale of a mysterious lost race comes to us from the Appalachian Mountains of the United States, it tells of a strange race of albino, sun-fearing pygmies who supposedly roamed this land long before even the Natives arrived. In the untamed wildernesses along the Southern Appalachian Mountains of the United States, the Native Cherokee people have long told of a strange race of beings they call “The Moon-Eyed People.” This mysterious tribe was supposedly smaller than average humans, almost dwarfish in nature, very pale skinned, like pure white alabaster, with shocking white hair, generous beards and body hair, and inhumanly large blue eyes, sensitive to light to the point that they were said to be unable to see in the daytime, hence their name. These Moon-Eyed people were purportedly completely nocturnal, hiding in dank caves and underground caverns during the day only to come out at night when the sun had retreated, and indeed sunlight was said to be enough to kill them if they ever got caught out in the open during daylight hours.
These strange, diminutive nocturnal denizens of the land were said to have been here long before the first Native peoples had settled the area, and according to most legends, they were eventually expelled by local Natives, although what form this expulsion takes varies from tradition to tradition. In some tales, it was the Creek people from the south who cast them out, whereas in others it was the Cherokees themselves who waged a relentless campaign and full-out war against these pale-skinned creatures to drive them to other lands. The American botanist, naturalist, and physician, Benjamin Smith Barton, wrote of these people and their downfall back in 1797, in his book New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America, thus:
“The Cheerake tell us, that when they first arrived in the country which they inhabit, they found it possessed by certain 'moon-eyed-people,' who could not see in the day-time. These wretches they expelled.”
Whatever happened to this enigmatic race, their legacy has supposedly remained behind in the ancient rock structures and mysterious pre-Columbian mounds and ruins that dot the landscape along the Appalachians from North Carolina all the way down through Georgia and Alabama, all said to have been erected by the Moon-Eyed People. Perhaps the most famous of these is an 850-foot-long stone wall dated to 400 - 500 C.E., which meanders through Fort Mountain State Park, just over the North Carolina border in Georgia, and is said to be a vestige of the bloody war between the mysterious Moon-Eyed People and the native Cherokee. There are countless other crude rock structures, walls, mounds and forts scattered throughout the Appalachians, as well as anomalous carvings, figurines, and a soapstone carving of conjoined figures now on display at the Cherokee County Historical Museum, said to be of these strange people, and no one really knows who made any of them except for the Cherokee themselves, who say it was the work of the Moon-Eyed People.
Whoever built such structures has long remained a mystery, and when Europeans first came to the region the Natives, who were not known for making such fort-like structures themselves, claimed that they had always been there, saying that they were constructions of the Moon-Eyed People. Interestingly, while Cherokee folklore has many tales of supernatural beings and various spirits, the Moon-Eyed People are never spoken of in such a manner, rather being described matter-of-factly as physically another race inhabiting the same lands.
Of course, with such an oddity as a cryptic tribe of bizarre dwarf subterranean albino people, almost like vampires in their intolerance for sunlight, and who predated the native peoples and constructed their mysterious mounds and forts, there is bound to be theorizing as to who or what they may have been. One of the most popular ideas is that they are evidence of Native contact with European explorers who had made it to the New World long before history says they did, possibly connected to the legend of the “Welsh Speaking Indians.”
The story of white-skinned, Welsh-speaking Indians in the New World originates with a 16th-century manuscript published by Welsh antiquarian Humphrey Llwyd, in which he writes of Welsh settlers coming to these shores in the 12th century, in particular a Prince Madoc, who along with his followers was said to have emigrated to America from Wales in about 1170, landing somewhere in the vicinity of Mobile Bay, Alabama. Madoc would supposedly end up shipping over hundreds of his followers to the New World, where they would disappear into the wilderness, never to return. In the following centuries, there were many stories of fair-skinned, blue-eyed natives who spoke a form of Welsh from the area, and these have been speculated to have been the descendants of these settlers.
Another idea put forth by Benjamin Smith Barton is that they were out-of-place descendants of members of the Guna people of Panama, who have such an uncommonly high rate of albinism that they were once referred to as the “White Indians,” and who were also reportedly able to see better at night. Another theory is that, rather than go to war, the Natives of the land actually integrated with the Moon-Eyed People and absorbed them. Still other more far-out theories are that these were some other species of human, a new race, or even ancient astronauts from another world.
It is still unclear who or what the Moon-Eyed people may have been, and they remain a distinctly enigmatic lost civilization if they ever even existed at all. Who were these albino, sun-fearing people? Were they some lost race, descendants of pre-Columbian explorers, or even a new species or alien interlopers? Or were these just a figment of folklore and myth? The answers to such questions remain obscure, but the tales of the Moon-Eyed People have persisted for over a millennium, and the idea that such a race of lost humanoids has been lost to history captures the imagination.
Another such “blue-eyed tribe” appeared to explorers as something quite European in nature, although their ways and beginnings have always been cloaked in shadows. Known mostly from historical accounts, their origins remain murky, their lineage uncertain, and they are a historical curiosity we may never fully understand. During the era of early European contact, the native peoples of North America held many curiosities for explorers and settlers coming to this new, wild land. These tribes were numerous and displayed rich variety between different cultures, as well as myriad languages, customs, and traditions that inspired awe, wonder, curiosity, bafflement, and even fear in the European adventurers who bravely delved into this uncharted new world and tried to tame it. Yet as fascinating as these new peoples were, perhaps the most interesting was an alleged tribe of natives who were said to look decidedly Caucasian in nature.
The first reports of what would come to be known as the Mandan tribe began to trickle out from French explorers in the region of the Missouri River in present-day North and South Dakota in the early 1700s. These natives were said to have rather fair skin and to have red or blonde hair and blue or grey eyes, and indeed especially the women were purportedly so Nordic in appearance that if it were not for their clothing they were said to be nearly indistinguishable from whites. In 1738, the French Canadian trader Sieur de la Verendrye made the first official outside contact with the Mandan and described them as living in 9 villages at a tributary of the Missouri River called the Heart River, and noted that they also exhibited customs that were decidedly more European than the neighboring tribes.
By 1784 the word had gotten out on this mysterious tribe of blue-eyed Indians, and they were featured in the media, with the August 24, 1784 edition of the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser proclaiming that a new tribe of white people had been discovered and that they were “acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion" and "extremely courteous and civilized.” Perhaps one of the more famous of the explorers to come across the Mandan was none other than Lewis and Clark, who visited the tribe in 1804 and described them as “half-white,” as well as peaceful, civilized, courteous, and polite. They also noted that the tribe’s numbers had dwindled significantly due to the frequent smallpox epidemics that terrorized them, as well as attacks against them by neighboring tribes, namely the Assiniboine, Lakota, Arikara and the Sioux.
Of course, this all led to intense speculation as to what the origins were of this bizarre tribe, and one of the earliest ideas put forward was that they were the descendants of pre-Columbian explorers to the New World. For instance, there were many legends from various regions of the present-day United States of Welsh-speaking natives, perhaps descended from Welsh settlers coming to these shores in the 12th century, in particular a Prince Madoc, who along with his followers was said to have emigrated to America from Wales in about 1170. One Welsh explorer by the name of John Evans became so convinced that this was the case with the Mandan that he launched an expedition up the Missouri River in 1796 to search for them and prove that their language was derived from Welsh and contained Welsh vocabulary. Evans would trek up the river in the winter of 1796 and he could find no evidence whatsoever of the Welsh influence he had been so sure he would find, forcing him to concede that this was not where the Mandan origins lay. Indeed, he became extremely skeptical that there were any of these legendary “Welsh Indians” at all, saying in a letter to Dr. Samuel Jones:
“Thus having explored and charted the Missurie for 1,800 miles and by my Communications with the Indians this side of the Pacific Ocean from 35 to 49 degrees of Latitude, I am able to inform you that there is no such People as the Welsh Indians.”
Mandan tribe members
Another explorer who believed that the Mandan had European roots, perhaps even Welsh, was the frontiersman and pictorial historian George Catlin, who spent several months with the tribe in North Dakota, living amongst and drawing and painting them in 1832. One of the things that first struck him about these mysterious people was just how European they looked, describing that many of them were nearly white and had light hair and blue eyes, and he also noticed that they had more advanced techniques for manufacturing goods and dwellings, customs, traditions, town layouts, and language vastly different from neighboring tribes. Caitlin would say of the Mandan:
“They are a very interesting and pleasing people in their personal appearance and manners, differing in many respects, both in looks and customs, from all the other tribes I have seen. So forcibly have I been struck with the peculiar ease and elegance of these people, together with their diversity of complexions, the various colours of their hair and eyes; the singularity of their language, and their peculiar and unaccountable customs, that I am fully convinced that they have sprung from some other origin than that of the other North American Tribes, or that they are an amalgam of natives with some civilized race.”
Even some of the legends of the Mandan people themselves expressly mentioned that they had been descended from a strange white man who had appeared to them aboard a canoe in ancient times after an enormous flood had wiped out everything in sight. They claimed that this stranger had taught them about medicine and had influenced their religion, which oddly featured many of the same beats as Christianity, such as a great flood, a virgin birth, and a child born who could work magical miracles, among others. This was noticed by other later expeditions as well, such as an 1833-34 expedition led by German naturalist A.P. Maximilian, who felt that the similarities between Christianity and the Mandan religion were too close to be mere coincidence. Caitlin would write of this:
“It would seem that these people must have had some proximity to some part of the civilized world; or that missionaries or others have been formerly among them, inculcating the Christian religion and the Mosaic account of the Flood.”
Another idea on the Mandan origins is that they came from pre-Columbian visitations by Viking explorers. The first official European to ever officially make contact with the Mandan tribe, Sieur de la Verendrye, claimed that at the time he had found a strange runestone with Nordic inscriptions on a riverside near the village. The stone was allegedly sent to France to be studied but it is unclear what happened to the “Verendrye Runestone” after that, and indeed it is uncertain if it ever really existed at all. Unless the stone ever turns up again it remains just as mysterious as the Mandan.
The idea of Vikings in the New World before the days of Columbus has been talked about for some time, with one prevalent and somewhat controversial theory having to do with Eric Thorwaldsson, also more famously known as "The Red," who established two colonies on the coast of Greenland in 986. The story goes that Eric The Red then abandoned these outposts when the wild, rugged land proved to be too cold and forbidding, and made his way to North America along with the colonists. The theory then claims that the King of Norway is then said to have sent an expedition to the New World to find out what had happened to them, and that this expedition made their way up the rivers to end up in the Dakotas and other areas, after which they became stranded and then assimilated into the native tribes, giving them their Nordic genes.
However, there is very little evidence to prove that Vikings ever actually reached North America. The Verendrye Runestone vanished without a trace and then there is the hotly debated Kensington Runestone, which was a giant slab covered in runes allegedly found by Swedish immigrant Olof Ohman in Minnesota in 1898. In this case, the inscriptions claimed that the runes had been created by 14th-century Scandinavian explorers, and although the authenticity of the runestone is still debated it has mostly been classified as a hoax by the scientific community.
Regardless of where the Mandan really came from, the fact is that we will probably never know for sure. In 1838 the tribe was hit by a devastating smallpox epidemic, and although this was a specter they had been haunted by for centuries, this time it was absolutely catastrophic, wiping them out at such a rate that after only a few months there were only an estimated 30 to 140 of them left. With the Mandan teetering on the edge of extinction, enemy tribes swept in and took them as slaves, after which they were assimilated and absorbed. Consequent intermarriage and interbreeding meant that any unique genetic heritage they may have had was quickly erased, and the last known full-blooded Mandan was Mattie Grinnell, who died in 1971. Since there are no more full-blooded Mandan left and only an estimated 8 speakers of its language left today, it is difficult to get a grip on their heritage, even with our advanced DNA testing techniques, and their origins and history will likely forever remain shrouded in mystery, leaving us to merely speculate and debate on it.
It is somewhat sad that this tribe disappeared before we were ever able to really comprehend who they were. In all of the cases we have looked at here, all we are left with is the tales and accounts from explorers, but other than that their legacies have evaporated into the tides of history. They are seemingly vanished peoples who sowed bafflement and wonder, but ultimately left numerous questions swirling about them, doomed to a limbo of superstition, speculation, and rumor. Who were these people? Why did they look and act so differently, and what was the meaning behind their strange ways? To the alien explorers just starting to penetrate this wilderness at the time they may have seemed to be baffling anomalies, and interestingly they still are.
Uncontacted Tribes - 5 Most Mysterious and Recently Discovered
Early Earth's Oceans of Magma Accelerated the Moon's Departure
The Earth and Moon have been locked in a gravitational dance for billions of years. Each day, as the Earth turns, the Moon tugs upon the oceans of the world, causing the rise and fall of tides. As a result, the Earth’s day gets a little bit longer, and the Moon gets a little more distant. The effect is small, but over geologic time it adds up. About 620 million years ago, a day on Earth was only 22 hours long, and the Moon was at least 10,000 km closer than it is now.
Evidence for this evolving dance in the geological record only goes back about two billion years. Beyond that, the Earth was so very different that there simply isn’t enough evidence to gather. So, instead, we must rely on computational models and our understanding of dynamics. We know that when the Earth formed, it had no large moon. Then, about 4.4 billion years ago, a Mars-sized protoplanet named Theia collided with our world to create the Earth-Moon system. What’s interesting is that most of the computer simulations for this collision generate a Moon that is much closer to the Earth than we’d expect. Early Earth didn’t have vast oceans, so there were no water tides to drive the Moon to a larger orbit. So how did the Moon get to its present distance?
The potential structure of a lava planet. Credit: Farhat, et al
A new study argues that back then the Earth did have tides, but they were made of lava, not water. Just after the Great Collision, Earth would have been covered in an ocean of hot lava. With the Moon so near, the lava would have experienced strong tides. Since lava is much denser than water, the effects of the tide would have been much greater. The Earth’s rotation would have slowed down much faster, and the Moon would quickly become more distant. Based on their simulations, the authors argue that the Moon’s distance would have increased by 25 Earth-radii in just 10,000 to 100,000 years. This would explain how the Moon moved towards its present distance range rather quickly.
The idea of tides on an ocean world also has implications for planets around other stars. Planets that form very close to their sun would be extremely hot, and many of them could have lava oceans for a billion years or more. Simulations of such worlds show that lava tides would accelerate the spin dynamics of such a world and could cause them to become tidally locked on a million-year timescale instead of a billion-year timescale. If this model is correct, it would have a significant impact on potentially habitable worlds. Most exoplanets orbit red dwarf stars, since red dwarfs make up about 75% of the stars in our galaxy. The habitable zone of red dwarfs is very close to the star, meaning that many of them would have begun as lava worlds. This would mean most potentially habitable worlds would have one side always facing the sun, while the other side is forever in the cold. Life on these worlds would be very different from what we see on Earth.
How Molten Magma Helped Transform Our Planet | Ancient Earth | BBC Earth Science
Shadow Operations: Unveiling UFO Crash Retrievals and Government Secrets
Shadow Operations: Unveiling UFO Crash Retrievals and Government Secrets
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), now often referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), have fascinated humanity for decades. Central to this mystery is the concept of crash retrievals and government cover-ups. The phenomenon involves alleged incidents where UFOs have crash-landed, and covert operations were conducted to recover the crafts, technology, and, in some cases, extraterrestrial beings. This article delves into the shadowy operations surrounding these events, featuring insights from military personnel, whistleblowers, and researchers like Michael Schratt and Leonard Stringfield.
The Reality of UFO Crash Retrievals
Research indicates there are over 200 documented UFO crash retrieval cases globally. These incidents are shrouded in secrecy, with covert agencies allegedly taking swift action to recover and conceal the crafts and any extraterrestrial evidence. Michael Schratt, a private pilot and military aerospace historian, has extensively documented these events, revealing a hidden world of black-budget programs and advanced technology development.
Schratt’s research highlights the existence of unacknowledged special access programs (USAPs) that operate without congressional oversight or public scrutiny. These programs reportedly fund the recovery and analysis of UFO debris and are instrumental in keeping this knowledge hidden. According to Schratt, the secrecy surrounding these programs is so stringent that even high-ranking officials, including U.S. presidents, may be denied access.
Leonard Stringfield: The Pioneer of Crash Retrieval Research
Leonard Stringfield is considered the “father of UFO crash retrieval investigations.” Over three decades, he collected firsthand accounts from military personnel who participated in the recovery of downed UFOs and alien bodies. These accounts include descriptions of advanced materials, such as indestructible metals and “memory metal” that returns to its original shape after being crumpled. Many witnesses also described alien bodies as small humanoids with oversized heads, large eyes, and thin, emaciated frames.
Stringfield’s work paved the way for understanding UFO crash retrievals. His reports documented meticulous details, such as the transportation of debris to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and autopsies conducted on extraterrestrial bodies. His dedication ensured these historical accounts were preserved for future analysis.
Arguably the most famous UFO crash retrieval case, the Roswell incident involved debris found near a ranch in New Mexico. Witnesses reported materials with properties unlike anything known to science, such as metal that was lightweight, indestructible, and capable of memory-like behavior. Reports of alien bodies and a subsequent military cover-up fueled public speculation.
2. The 1942 Georgia Army Base Case
This case involved a 15-foot-diameter craft with three levels, each containing advanced control systems and hieroglyphic-like inscriptions. Four alien beings were reportedly recovered alive but later died. This event underscores the recurring themes of secrecy and advanced technology in UFO retrievals.
3. The 1958 USS FDR Incident
Naval personnel aboard the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt reported seeing a cigar-shaped UFO emitting heat that could be felt on their faces. Witnesses claimed to observe humanoid figures inside the craft, one of whom waved at them. This incident, along with others involving military witnesses, lends credibility to claims of UFO interactions with the U.S. military.
4. The 1963 Marine Guard Incident
A marine tasked with guarding a UFO for two weeks in North Carolina described a polished, seamless craft with no visible means of propulsion. Efforts to breach the craft’s hull using diamond-tipped drill bits and other tools reportedly failed, showcasing the advanced nature of these objects.
Advanced Technology and Cover-Ups
One of the most pressing questions is why these advanced crafts crash. Some researchers believe Earth’s radar systems or directed energy weapons may interfere with their navigation. Historical accounts suggest that highly focused radar beams have caused crashes by disrupting a UFO’s electromagnetic systems.
The technological breakthroughs discovered in these crash retrievals have reportedly led to the reverse engineering of alien propulsion systems and materials. However, these advancements remain classified, controlled by defense contractors through proprietary rights. The implications of revealing such technology could revolutionize energy systems and propulsion, rendering fossil fuels and nuclear power obsolete.
The Role of the Military-Industrial Complex
Many UFO researchers argue that the military-industrial complex holds the keys to these secrets. Michael Schratt and other whistleblowers suggest that private defense contractors are now the custodians of UFO technology, operating outside traditional government oversight. This arrangement has allowed the secrecy to persist for decades, with enormous resources funneled into black-budget programs.
The Path Forward: Transparency and Accountability
Recent Congressional hearings on UAPs have brought this topic into mainstream discourse. However, as Schratt notes, without tangible evidence like recovered hardware, the public remains in the dark. The pursuit of transparency involves tracking down witnesses, accessing facilities, and uncovering physical evidence to verify these claims.
Leonard Stringfield’s legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving historical accounts. His work has inspired a new generation of researchers dedicated to uncovering the truth behind UFO crash retrievals and the hidden history of advanced technology.
Shadow Operations | UFO Crash Retrievals and Cover-ups | J. Horton Films
The phenomena of UFO crash retrievals and government cover-ups represent a complex intersection of science, secrecy, and speculation. The accounts documented by Michael Schratt, Leonard Stringfield, and countless military witnesses reveal a hidden world where the boundaries of human understanding are continually challenged. As public interest grows, the demand for transparency and accountability may finally bring these shadow operations into the light, uncovering truths that could transform humanity’s future.
UFO Crash Retrieval - The Kalahari UAP Incident // 3D CGI Animation / Unreal Engine 5.2
Ancient Aliens: TOP 3 UFO CRASH SITES
UFO hearing: US conducted secret crash retrievals for alien aircrafts, former DoD official says
Michael Schratt - UFO Crash Retrievals - Historical Overview
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Incredible Details of the 26-Million-Year Cycle of Mass Extinctions Recorded in Ancient Vedic Texts
Incredible Details of the 26-Million-Year Cycle of Mass Extinctions Recorded in Ancient Vedic Texts
Bibhu Dev Misra
The idea that human civilization has been gradually evolving over time in a linear manner, is a relatively new concept that was formulated during the period of colonization. Nearly every ancient culture believed otherwise. They said that time moves in cycles, smaller and larger, and that our civilization has gone through innumerable ups and downs over eons. With the emergence of new scientific data, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the ancients knew what they were talking about, and we have been far too quick to denounce the collective wisdom of our ancestors as the flights of fancy of primitives.
The concept of the Yuga Cycle or the Great Year was known to most ancient cultures, and, as per this framework, we have devolved from an erstwhile Golden Age of illumination, harmony and abundance to the current age of greed and lies, discord and scarcity. The fundamental factor that differentiates a higher age from a lower one is the state of man’s consciousness. In a Golden Age, consciousness is so elevated and purified, that we can easily comprehend the mysteries of creation, and of our place in the wider scheme of things, and, thus, we are able to lead long lives in a state of joy, balance and harmony. Since the environment reflects our state of consciousness, there is fertility and abundance in the higher ages and a lack of diseases and natural disasters. But as we devolve along the descending arc of the Yuga Cycle or Great Year, we move from soul consciousness to ego consciousness, accompanied by a degradation in our physical size and the external environment, which gradually leads to a burgeoning of violence, misery and discontent in society.
What is really striking is that all of these claims are now being borne out by scientific findings from different disciplines. It turns out that, over the past 12,000 years of the descending arc of the Yuga Cycle, humans have shrunk in size by at least 10%, along with a corresponding decline in bone strength and athleticism. This has been accompanied by a 10% to 17% reduction in our cranial volume over the same period, which has not only diminished the average intellect but reduced our memory and atrophied our sense of judgment and morality, along with a host of subtle mental abilities such as foresight, telepathy etc. And to add to these surprising statistics, it turns out that, towards the end of the last Ice Age, there was no food scarcity or diseases, but as time went on, food sources became scarce, many kinds of diseases became endemic, and incidences of violent deaths increased substantially.
Everything that the ancients said about the Yuga Cycle or Great Year is now turning out to be facts, but why aren’t these statistics being discussed on mainstream media outlets? It’s because they run counter to the Darwinian myth of gradual evolution by natural selection that has been literally shoved down our throats and turned into an incontrovertible dogma. Very few scientists, academics or media channels will dare to question Darwinism, for fear of getting ridiculed, denied funds or promotions, or even hounded out of their profession. Do not question the science, is the current science. This, unfortunately, is the insidious manner in which things work in the Kali Yuga, the darkest age of human history.
In my book, Yuga Shift, I have presented what I believe is the original Yuga Cycle framework. It is of the same duration as the precessional cycle of the earth, i.e. 25,800 years, and comprises an ascending cycle of consciousness and a descending cycle of consciousness, which are separated by two extended periods of transition that the Greeks called Kataklysmos (meaning “Deluge”) or the “great winter” of the Great Year, and Ekpyrosis (meaning “Conflagration”) or the “great summer” of the Great Year.
It is the period of Ekpyrosis that we are heading towards, as the Kali Yuga and the entire descending cycle of consciousness come to an end in 2025.
The 25,800-year Yuga Cycle. The ascending and descending cycles are separated by two extended periods of transition, called Kataklysmos and Ekpyrosis. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra.
A Day and Night of Brahma
One of the thoughts that come to mind when we think about the Yuga Cycle or the Cycle of the Ages is that, does it continue indefinitely, without any beginning or end, or is it part of an even larger cycle of time.
As per the ancient Vedic texts, there is an even longer cycle of time called the “Day and Night of Brahma”, which extends for a whopping 25.8 million years! It consists of a “Day of Brahma” which extends for a thousand Yuga half-cycles of 12,900 years each, adding up to 12.9 million years. A “Day of Brahma” is followed by a “Night of Brahma” of equal duration. This cycle has been described in a number of texts.
As per the Vishnu Purana, at the beginning of a “Day of Brahma”, the world is created from unmanifested matter by Brahma, who is the pure, eternal, formless, consciousness, seated at the navel of the world. At the end of a “Day of Brahma”, the entire creation is destroyed and turns into a mighty, formless ocean. This is followed by a “Night of Brahma” when no life forms exist. The creative process begins once again at the beginning of the next “Day of Brahma”.
“At the end of this day (i.e. “Day of Brahma”) a dissolution of the universe occurs, when all the three worlds, earth, and the regions of space, are consumed with fire…When the-three worlds are but one mighty ocean, Brahma…satiate with the demolition of the universe, sleeps upon his serpent-bed…for a night of equal duration with his day (i.e. Night of Brahma); at the close of which he creates anew.”[1]
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna provides a specific value for the duration of the “Day and Night of Brahma”.
“Those who understand the cosmic laws know that the Day of Brahma ends after a thousand Yugas and the Night of Brahma ends after a thousand Yugas. When the Day of Brahma dawns, forms are brought forth from the Unmanifest; when the Night of Brahma comes, these forms merge in the Formless again. This multitude of beings is created and destroyed again and again in the succeeding days and nights of Brahma.”[2]
It should be remembered here that, when the Sanskrit texts talk of the Yuga Cycle, they mean the Yuga half-cycle, which goes from Satya Yuga -> Treta Yuga -> Dwapara Yuga -> Kali Yuga, including the periods of transition between them. A 1000 Yuga half-cycles is equivalent to 500 complete Yuga Cycles of 25,800 years each, which works out to 12.9 million years.
A “Day and Night of Brahma” spans 25.8 million years, and consists of a “Day of Brahma” of 12.9 million years and a “Night of Brahma” of equal duration. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra.
A “Day of Brahma”, therefore, extends for 12.9 million years, during which time we experience a long sequence of 500 complete Yuga Cycles, and the earth is bustling with life and civilization. It is followed by a “Night of Brahma” of equal duration of 12.9 million years, when all life is snuffed out, and the entire world exits as a giant, formless, lifeless ocean. Thus, the “Day and Night of Brahma” is a grand cosmic cycle of creation and dissolution spanning over of 25.8 million years.
It is easy to see that the time period between two successive dissolution events in this cycle is 25.8 million years, which can be rounded off to 26 million years. Now, if a dissolution of life on a cosmic scale occurs every 26 million years, shouldn’t this fact be reflected in the fossil records of our planet?
Amazingly enough, this is exactly what has been indicated by recent paleontological evidence: every 26 million years there is a mass extinction of species on the earth!
Mass Extinction Cycle
Around 67 million years ago, the earth looked like a very different place. Enormous dinosaurs stalked the landscape, while massive avian reptiles patrolled the skies. But, then, something catastrophic happened, which changed things almost overnight. Nearly 66 million years ago the earth went through a period of rapid death, called a mass extinction, when more than 75% of all animal and plant species became extinct. Scientists now have evidence that the die-off was caused when an asteroid, about 10 kilometers in diameter, struck the earth at a speed of about 20 km/sec and created the 200-km wide Chicxulub Crater in southeastern Mexico, releasing a billion times more energy than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima.
The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid impact at the K-T boundary, nearly 66 million years ago. Source: Adobe Stock.
The impact generated hot winds and shock waves, and ejected a gigantic jet of molten material, several times hotter than the surface of the sun, which set fire to everything within a thousand miles. Measurements of the layer of ash and soot that eventually coated the Earth indicate that fires consumed about seventy percent of the world’s forests. The collision triggered powerful earthquakes and spawned mega tsunamis, hundreds of feet tall. A model of the impact event developed by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory shows,
“The dust and soot from the impact and the conflagrations prevented all sunlight from reaching the planet’s surface for months. Photosynthesis all but stopped, killing most of the plant life... After the fires died down, Earth plunged into a period of cold, perhaps even a deep freeze. Earth’s two essential food chains, in the sea and on land, collapsed. About seventy-five percent of all species went extinct. More than 99.9999 percent of all living organisms on Earth died, and the carbon cycle came to a halt.”[3]
It is to be noted here that the impact event at the K-T boundary effectively killed off all the living organisms on our planet, even though the species die-off is estimated at roughly 75%. This is because some of the species that existed at that time, re-appeared in the fossil records at a later date, and therefore, is not considered to have gone extinct.
The fiery cataclysm that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs is in perfect alignment with the description of the dissolution event that occurs at the end of a “Day of Brahma” when all life forms on the earth are destroyed, and, as the Vishnu Purana states, “all the three worlds, earth, and the regions of space are consumed with fire”. Admittedly, the ancient Vedic sages knew a thing or two about the true history of our planet.
The asteroid impact at the K-T boundary released a billion times more energy than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima. Source: Adobe Stock.
Moreover, this is not the only mass extinction event that has occurred on our planet in the past. There are many more, and, quite surprisingly, they occur in a cyclical manner every 26 million years!
In 1984, paleontologists David Raup and Jack Sepkoski of the University of Chicago identified a 26-million-year periodicity in extinction rates over the past 250 million years.[4] As part of a broad study of the distribution of marine life through geologic time, Sepkoski had prepared a listing of about a quarter of a million species of sea-dwelling creatures, both extinct and current, noting the point in time where they appeared and became extinct. The study was confined to marine organisms since the chances of finding fossils are much higher under the sea. The oceans are areas of net sedimentation, whereas land is an area of net erosion.
David Raup, a senior colleague at the University of Chicago, suggested to Sepkoski that he examine the list for any evidence of a pattern in the timing of the mass extinctions. Sepkoski decided to concentrate on the last 250 million years of geologic time and throw out animals whose exact timing of appearance and disappearance were debated. He was left with about 500 of his original 3,500 marine families (250,000 species). Sepkoski put the data through a computer program and was surprised to find that life forms on Earth disappeared in great numbers every 26 million years. Both of them checked for errors and confirmed the pattern; life seemed to disappear drastically exactly every 26 million years. In their seminal paper, Raup and Sepkoski wrote:
“The temporal distribution of the major extinctions over the past 250 million years has been investigated statistically using various forms of time series analysis. The analyzed record is based on variation in extinction intensity for fossil families of marine vertebrates, invertebrates, and protozoans, and contains 12 extinction events. The 12 events show a statistically significant periodicity (P <0.01) with a mean interval between events of 26 million years. Two of the events coincide with extinctions that have been previously linked to meteorite impacts (terminal Cretaceous and late Eocene). Although the causes of the periodicity are unknown, it is possible that they are related to extraterrestrial forces (solar, solar system, or galactic.)”
The mass extinction data of the past 250 Myr shows that the extinction rate peaks every 26 million years. Source: Raup and Sepkoski (1984)
The mass extinction events are not selective at all, in the way Darwin had proposed. As per Darwinism, the evolutionary process is gradual, and life forms evolve slowly through a process of natural selection, in which the inferior life forms are eliminated since they are less suited to the struggle for existence. However, in case of a mass extinction, there is no way of knowing beforehand which species will survive the extinction event and which will die out. The process is entirely random. In a paper titled, “The Role of Extinction in Evolution” (1982), David Raup wrote,
“The largest mass extinctions produce major restructuring of the biosphere wherein some successful groups are eliminated, allowing previously minor groups to expand and diversify…There is little evidence that extinction is selective in the positive sense argued by Darwin. It has generally been impossible to predict, before the fact, which species will be victims of an extinction event.”[5]
The 26-million-year extinction cycle has, since then, been validated by a number of independent studies. In 2010, Adrian Melott and Richard Bambach identified a 27 Myr periodicity in the extinction data, extending over the past 500 million years. They wrote,
“We examined periodicities in extinction over the last 500 million years, and concluded that a signal detected by Raup & Sepkoski (1984) was present in better resolved, more extensive current data, over a longer time period than they had originally claimed, and at a higher level of significance. The claimed period grew from 26 to 27 Myr, and is also now observed to extend over the entire 500 million years interval rather than just the last 250 million years, due to revisions in the geological timescale since the 1980s.”[6]
Mass Extinctions and Impact Craters
It has become quite obvious over time that the primary triggers for the mass extinctions are impact events. In 1980, the father-son duo of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Luis Alvarez and his son, the geologist Walter Alvarez, had inferred that the sudden extinction of dinosaurs at the K-T (Cretaceous–Tertiary) boundary, nearly 66 million years ago, was due to the impact of a large asteroid or comet.
Luis and Walter Alvarez had noticed that sedimentary layers all over the world at the K-T boundary contain a concentration of iridium many times greater than normal. Iridium is extremely rare in the Earth's crust but is abundant in chondritic meteorites and asteroids. Moreover, the isotopic ratio of iridium in asteroids is similar to that seen in the K–T boundary layer. Based on this, the Alvarez team suggested that the iridium spike at the K-T boundary was of extraterrestrial origin and had settled out of a global dust cloud triggered by the impact of an asteroid, at least 10 km in diameter.
While Alvarez’s theory was initially rejected by most paleontologists, the subsequent discovery and dating of the Chicxulub Crater in Mexico validated their findings and silenced the dissenters.
Since then, other scientists have found that the estimated ages of a number of impact craters coincide with the mass extinction events.
In the mid-1980s, cratering specialist Richard Grieve ran his list of well-dated impact craters through the computer at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and identified a crater periodicity of nearly 30 million years. Around the same time, Walter Alvarez and Richard Muller at UC Berkeley identified a 28 million-year cycle using a somewhat different set of craters.
An aerial photograph of the Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona, USA, which was created about 50,000 years ago. Credit: LarryBloom, CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
In 2015, Michael Rampino and his student Ken Caldeira studied more impact craters with improved crater-age data, and “found that craters and extinctions both seem to occur with the same 26 million-year cycle”.[7] Crater formation rate peaks close to the time of an extinction event, and some of the largest impact craters were formed during an extinction event. Clearly, the 26 million-year extinction cycle is a significant geological signal, which some scientists call the “geological heartbeat” of our planet.
It is nothing short of astonishing that, such precise information about the 26-million-year mass extinction cycle has been specified in the Vedic texts. Of course, a couple of questions still need to be clarified. The Vedic doctrine claims that the earth remains entirely devoid of all life forms for the entire 12.9-million-year duration of the “Night of Brahma” that follows the extinction event. Do have any scientific evidence in support of this? As it turns out, there is. And more studies are arriving at the same conclusion.
Another image depicting the mass extinction event and rapid speciation event occurring in a “Day and Night of Brahma”. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra
The Night of Brahma
In May 2012, an article in Nature Geoscience written by Dr. Zhong-Qiang Chen of the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan and Professor Michael Benton of the University of Bristol stated that it took nearly 10 million years for life forms to appear after the end-Permian mass extinction event 250 million years ago, which had wiped out nearly 90% of all living species.[8]
As per the scientists, two factors could have delayed the appearance of new life forms: 1) the sheer intensity of the crisis, and 2) the continuing grim conditions on earth after the first wave of extinction.[9] Professor Michael Benton wrote that “in this most devastating case, life did recover, after many millions of years, and new groups emerged. The event had re-set evolution.”[10]
Another study conducted in 2019 found that it takes at least ten million years before the diversity of a species achieves a similar level to that seen before the mass extinction event.[11] Dr. Lowery and Dr. Fraass studied foram fossils for a time period covering roughly 20 million years, from the end of the Cretaceous mass extinction (66 million years ago) and extending through the ensuing recovery, to determine how long it took these minibeasts to recover their species diversity. Dr. Lowery and Dr. Fraass concluded that it took at least ten million years for foram species diversity to recover.[12]
These studies confirm that, in general, it takes around 10 million years or more for life forms to emerge and global biodiversity to recover, after a mass extinction event. This confirms what Vedic sages said about the “Night of Brahma” being a time when the earth is devoid of life forms.
The other question that was on my mind is this: As per the Vedic doctrine, life forms arise very quickly after a “Night of Brahma” ends, and the next “Day of Brahma” begins. Now, does this really happen? Do we see a sudden emergence of life forms after a mass extinction event, or do they appear gradually through a process of natural selection extending over millions of years, as Darwin had proposed?
Punctuated Equilibrium
Darwin’s theory that new species arise by the slow and steady transformation of entire populations is not reflected in the fossil records. If this were true, then a continuous sequence of “intermediate forms”, showing incremental changes on the way to a new species, should have been found in the rock strata. Unfortunately, intermediate forms connecting species have never been identified. The absence of “missing links” had also concerned Darwin, who attributed it to the imperfections of the geological record. In the Origin of Species, Darwin wrote,
“Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.”[13]
“The geological record is extremely imperfect and this fact will to a large extent explain why we do not find interminable varieties, connecting together all the extinct and existing forms of life by the finest graduated steps. He who rejects these views on the nature of the geological record will rightly reject my whole theory. ”[14]
In 1972, Harvard University paleontologists Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge wrote their seminal paper titled, “Punctuated Equilibria: an alternative to phyletic gradualism”, in which they argued that the fossil record is not imperfect, as claimed by Darwinists. The many breaks in the fossil records are real, and they express how evolution occurs. The absence of transitional forms implies that evolution does not occur by the slow and gradual transformation of a species.
“Under the influence of phyletic gradualism, the rarity of transitional series remains as our persistent bugbear…Many breaks in the fossil record are real; they express the way in which evolution occurs, not the fragments of an imperfect record. The sharp break in a local column accurately records what happened in that area through time.”[15]
“Although phyletic gradualism prevails as a picture for the origin of new species in paleontology, very few classic examples purport to document it. A few authors have offered a simple a literal interpretation of this situation: in-situ, gradual, progressive evolutionary change is a rare phenomenon. But we usually explain the paucity of cases by a nearly ritualized invocation of the inadequacy of the fossil record.”[16]
Gould and Eldredge proposed the theory of Punctuated Equilibrium to explain what is really happening in the fossil records. They said that the fossil records show long periods of stasis or equilibrium, extending for millions of years, during which time there is little or no evolutionary change, which are punctuated by rapid, episodic periods of speciation, occurring within the space of a few thousand years.
Gould provided further clarification in his article titled, “Evolution’s Erratic Pace (1977)”, in which he wrote that, in any local area, “a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and fully formed”[17]. Once a species appears, it undergoes very little or no evolutionary change for millions of years. Most species, “appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless.”[18]
Gould berated the paleontological community for being so heavily influenced by Darwin’s theory of gradual evolution, that they did not notice the obvious patterns in the fossil records.
“The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology…Paleontologists have paid an exorbitant price for Darwin's argument. We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life's history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study.”[19]
Gould was one of the most influential and widely read authors of popular science of his generation. He wrote 300 popular essays in the Natural History magazine, for both specialists and non-specialists. In April 2000, the US Library of Congress named him a “Living Legend”. Throughout his career, Gould insisted that the gradualistic models of evolution are simply not reflected in the fossil records, and there is a strong tendency within the scientific community to restrict their thinking within certain belief systems.
In the essay, “Darwin's Untimely Burial” (1976), Gould gave vent to his frustration when he wrote, “I am a strong advocate of the general argument that “truth” as preached by scientists often turns out to be no more than prejudice inspired by prevailing social and political beliefs.”[20]
In “The Return of Hopeful Monsters” (1977), he wrote that, “all paleontologists know that the fossil record contains precious little in the way of intermediate forms; transitions between major groups are characteristically abrupt.” Then, in the essay titled, “Is a New and General Theory of Evolution Emerging?” (1980), Gould reiterated the obvious flaws in the Darwinian model of evolution:
“The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution.”[21]
The truth is that when we go purely by the fossil records – leaving aside all theories and speculations - what we see are rapid bursts of speciation and not the long-drawn-out gradual accumulation of small variations.
Gould’s Harvard colleague, Niles Eldredge, estimated that the rapid periods of evolutionary change, “took something between 5,000 and 50,000 years—a mere blink of an eye geologically speaking.”[22]
It is equally fascinating that this estimate is very close to the value mentioned in the Surya Siddhanta, which is the oldest astronomical treatise of India. The text states: “One hundred times four hundred and seventy-four years passed while the All-Wise was employed in creating the animate and inanimate creation, plants, stars, gods, demons and the rest.”[23] This means the entire creative process (possibly at the beginning of the current Day of Brahma) took 47,400 years, which falls in the range of values found by Eldredge i.e. between 5000 – 50,000 years.
Oscillations in Morphology
Once speciation is completed, every species remains amazingly stable for millions of years. That does not mean that they do not change at all. In his study of Devonian trilobites, which lived between 380-375 million years ago, Eldredge had found that, once a new species appeared, they persisted for millions of years with very little morphological change.
“There were some oscillations in morphology, so species weren’t completely invariant, but the net sum of any changes usually tended to cancel out, leading to no net change.”[24]
Gould, by the way, had also found very similar patterns in his studies that focused on fossil land snails from the genus Poecilozonites that lived a few hundred thousand years ago during the Pleistocene.[25]
I was amazed to know of these findings because this is precisely what I had discovered in course of my explorations into the Yuga Cycle. In Yuga Shift, I had proposed, based on ample data points, that, both human cranial volume as well as physical size fluctuates in a sinusoidal manner over a 25,800-year precession cycle, without a net increase or decrease in any direction. I had also written that this oscillation must have been going on over the past 2 million-odd years of human evolution.
The cranial volume of Homo sapiens fluctuates over the 25,800-year Yuga Cycle or precession cycle. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra.
And now it turns out that the “oscillations in morphology” occur not only in case of humans, but is a characteristic feature of the entire animal kingdom! All species increase and decrease in size and cranial capacity in a sinusoidal manner over the entire “Day of Brahma” of 12.9 million years, spanning 500 complete Yuga Cycles! This is why the Ice Age megafauna were so much bigger than the animals of today. It’s a recurring pattern of nature.
Every assertion of the Vedic texts with respect to the “Day and Night of Brahma” has now been detected in the fossil records. It is not an approximate correlation, but an almost exact match. Let me recapitulate the important connections:
1. The fossil records show that a mass extinction of species occurs every 26 million years, while the Vedic texts claim that all life on the earth is extinguished at the end of a “Day of Brahma”, every 26 million years.
2. The fossil records show that it takes 10 million years or more for new life forms to emerge and for global biodiversity to recover, after a mass extinction event. The Vedic texts claim that the earth remains in a lifeless state during the “Night of Brahma”, which extends for 13 million years after an extinction event.
3. The fossil records show that new species appear in rapid, episodic bursts, in a fully formed state. The rapid speciation events are completed within 5,000 - 50,000 years. The Vedic texts claim that new life forms arise on the earth as soon as a new “Day of Brahma” dawns, and it takes nearly 47,400 years for all living entities to be created.
The fossil records are in perfect alignment with every element of the doctrine of the “Day and Night of Brahma”. This is yet another indication of the profound knowledge of the vast time cycles that our ancestors had possessed, and they passed them down to us in simple verses, although, sometimes they also employed metaphors and symbolic imageries to drive home the point and aid in memorization.
For instance, the events that occur in the course of a “Day and Night of Brahma” have also been metaphorically described as the “breathing in and out of Brahma”. When Brahma breathes out, life forms get dispersed across the cosmos, and when he breathes in, life forms return to the source and the cosmos becomes lifeless. In Yuga Shift, I have proposed that the unmanifested, creative principle, that the Vedic sages called Brahma, refers to the central black hole of the Milky Way galaxy, which, as most scientists agree, acts as the central engine of our galaxy.
When does the current Day of Brahma end?
In case you are wondering when the current “Day of Brahma” will come to a cataclysmic end, you can rest easy, for it is still a very long way off. The last mass extinction event was the “Middle Miocene Disruption” which occurred around 14.8 Mya (Million years ago). This means that the current “Day of Brahma” started 12.9 Myr later, at around 1.9 Mya.
Not surprisingly, the earliest fossil remains of the genus Homo (to which our own species Homo sapiens belongs) started appearing around the same time. The oldest hominin fossils are those of Homo habilis, dated to around 1.9 Mya. H. habilis cranial volume fluctuated between 500 cc – 800 cc over the course of its presence in the fossil records till around 1.5 Mya. The bipedal, erect walking, Homo erectus appears in the fossil records from 1.7 Mya till around 250,000 years ago. H. erectus shows a fluctuation in cranial volume between 850 – 1200 cc.
Since the current “Day of Brahma” started around 1.9 Mya, the next cosmic dissolution event is nearly 11.4 million years away. So we can safely take it off our calendar for now. It is not cosmic dissolution that should worry us, but the impending transition out of the Kali Yuga in 2025, which is likely to be very turbulent.
There is no doubt that our ancestors had a very sophisticated understanding of the vast cycles of time that regulate life and civilization on our planet. Unfortunately, this wisdom was gradually forgotten, as we devolved along the descending arc of the Yuga Cycle. The scientific advances of the past couple of centuries are now helping us to uncover the true significance of these ancient doctrines. However, in general, the attitude of scientists and academics towards the ancient cultures continues to remain dismissive. The problem is that, once we become indoctrinated with a specific belief system since childhood, it becomes extremely difficult to dislodge it, even with the aid of voluminous amounts of scientific data. Unless we adopt an attitude of respect towards the ancient civilizations, we will continue to remain oblivious to the grand stores of wisdom that have been encoded into their sacred texts, symbols and magnificent archaeological monuments.
[1] The Vishnu Purana 1.3, tr. by Horace Hayman Wilson, 1840, [2] The Bhagavad Gita 8.17-8.20 tr. Eknath Easwaran, Penguin Books, 1996. [3] Douglas Preston, The Day the Dinosaurs Died, The New Yorker, 29 March 2019, [4] Raup and Sepkoski, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81(1984): 801-805 [5] D M Raup, “The role of extinction in evolution”, PNAS 91 (1994): 6758-6763. [6] Adrian L. Melott and Richard K. Bambach, "DO PERIODICITIES IN EXTINCTION—WITH POSSIBLE ASTRONOMICAL CONNECTIONS—SURVIVE A REVISION OF THE GEOLOGICAL TIMESCALE?", The Astrophysical Journal, 2013, Volume 773, Number 1 [7] Michael R. Rampino, "Dark matter’s shadowy effect on Earth", July 31, 2019, [8] Zhong-Qiang Chen, Michael J. Benton, “The timing and pattern of biotic recovery following the end-Permian mass extinction” Nature Geoscience, 2012, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1475 [9] University of Bristol, “It took Earth ten million years to recover from greatest mass extinction” ScienceDaily, 27 May 2012, [10] Ibid [11] Christopher M. Lowery and Andrew J. Fraass, “Morphospace expansion paces taxonomic diversification after end Cretaceous mass extinction”, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 9 April 2019, DOI:10.1038/s41559-019-0835-0 [12] GrrlScientist, “Appearance Of New Species After Mass Extinction Has Evolutionary 'Speed Limit'”, Forbes Apr 13, 2019, [13] Charles Darwin, Origin of Species (1859) 280 [14] Charles Darwin, Origin of Species (1859) 342 [15] Gould, S. J. and Eldredge, N., “Punctuated equilibria: an alternative to phyletic gradualism” Models in paleobiology ed. Schopf, TJM Freeman (San Francisco: Cooper & Co, 1972) pp. 82-115 [16] Ibid [17] Ibid [18] Gould, S.J, "Evolution's Erratic Pace", Natural History 86 (1977): 14 [19] Gould, S. J., 1977, “Evolution’s erratic pace” Natural History, 86(1977):14 [20] Stephen Jay Gould, "Darwin's Untimely Burial," Natural History 85 (1976): 24-30 [21] Gould, S. J , “Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?” Paleobiology 6 (1980):119–130. [22] Eldredge, N. The Early “Evolution” of “Punctuated Equilibria”. Evo Edu Outreach 1, 107–113 (2008). [23] Surya-Siddhanta: A text-book of Hindu astronomy, trans. Ebenezer Burgess, Phanindralal Gangooly (Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 1989) chapter 1, p 13. [24] "Punctuated equilibrium and stasis", Digital Atlas of Ancient Life, Paleontological Research Institution, [25] "Punctuated equilibrium and stasis", Digital Atlas of Ancient Life, Paleontological Research Institution,
5 Mass Extinctions, and We're Looking at the Sixth
Two 2001 images from the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor orbiter show a dramatic change in the planet’s appearance when haze raised by dust-storm activity in the south became globally distributed (Figure 1). At left, an image from late June 2001 shows clear conditions over much of the planet, with regional dust-storm activity occurring in the Hellas basin (bright oval feature) near the edge of the south polar cap. At right, a July 2001 image from the same perspective shows the planet almost completely enveloped. Dust extends to altitudes of more than 60 kilometers (37 miles) during global-scale storms. — NASA Larger image
Today’s weather report on Mars: Windy with a chance of catastrophic dust storms blotting out the sky.
In a new study, planetary scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder have begun to unravel the factors that kick off major dust storms on Mars—weather events that sometimes engulf the entire planet in swirling grit. The team discovered that relatively warm and sunny days may help to trigger them.
Heshani Pieris, lead author of the study, said the findings are a first step toward forecasting extreme weather on Mars, just like scientists do on Earth.
“Dust storms have a significant effect on rovers and landers on Mars, not to mention what will happen during future crewed missions to Mars,” said Pieris, a graduate student at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at CU Boulder. “This dust is very light and sticks to everything.”
She will present the results Tuesday, Dec. 10 at the 2024 meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Washington.
To put dust storms under the magnifying glass, the researchers drew on real observations from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter satellite.
So far, they have identified weather patterns that may underly roughly two-thirds of the major dust storms on Mars. You won’t see Mars weather reporters standing in front of a green screen just yet, but it’s a step in the right direction, said study co-author Paul Hayne.
“We need to understand what causes some of the smaller or regional storms to grow into global-scale storms,” said Hayne, a researcher at LASP and associate professor at the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences. “We don’t even fully understand the basic physics of how dust storms start at the surface.”
This close-up image of a dust storm on Mars was acquired by the Mars Color Imager instrument on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Nov. 7, 2007, around 3 p.m. local time on Mars. Scientists working with NASA’s Curiosity rover, which is set to land on Mars on Aug. 5 PDT (Aug. 6 EDT), are monitoring Mars each day for similar small storms that could either drift over the landing site or stir up dust that moves as haze over the site. — NASA (larger image)
Dusty demise
Dust storms on Mars are something to behold.
Many begin as smaller storms that swirl around the ice caps at the planet’s north and south poles, usually during the second half of the Martian year. (A year on Mars lasts 687 Earth days). Those storms can grow at a furious pace, pressing toward the equator until they cover millions of square miles and last for days.
The 2015 film The Martian starring Matt Damon featured one such apocalyptic storm that knocked over a satellite dish and tossed around astronauts. The reality is less cinematic. Mars’ atmosphere is much thinner than Earth’s, so dust storms on the Red Planet can’t generate much force. But they can still be trouble.
In 2018, for example, a global dust storm buried the solar panels on NASA’s Opportunity rover under a layer of dust. The rover died not long after.
“Even though the wind pressure may not be enough to knock over equipment, these dust grains can build up a lot of speed and pelt astronauts and their equipment,” Hayne said.
Hot spells
In the current study, Pieris and Hayne set their sights on two weather patterns that tend to occur every year on Mars known as “A” and “C” storms.
The team pored over observations of Mars from the Mars Climate Sounder instrument aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter over eight Mars years (15 years on Earth). In particular, Pieris and Hayne looked for periods of unusual warmth—or weeks when more sunlight filtered through Mars’ thin atmosphere and baked the planet’s surface.
They discovered that roughly 68% of major storms on the planet were preceded by a sharp rise in temperatures at the surface. In other words, the planet heated up, then a few weeks later, conditions got dusty.
“It’s almost like Mars has to wait for the air to get clear enough to form a major dust storm,” Hayne said.
The team can’t prove that those balmy conditions actually cause the dust storms. But, Pieris said, similar phenomena trigger storms on Earth. During hot summers in Boulder, Colorado, for example, warm air near the ground can rise through the atmosphere, often forming those towering, gray clouds that signal rain.
“When you heat up the surface, the layer of atmosphere right above it becomes buoyant, and it can rise, taking dust with it,” Pieris said.
She and Hayne are now gathering observations from more recent years on Mars to continue to explore these explosive weather patterns. Eventually, they’d like to get to the point where they can look at live data coming from the Red Planet and predict what could happen in the weeks ahead.
“This study is not the end all be all of predicting storms on Mars,” Pieris said. “But we hope it’s a step in the right direction.”
The Dust Storms Of Mars #science #space
How Do Spacecraft Deal with Dust Storms on Mars? (NASA Mars Report February 14, 2022)
New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers has offered yet another conspiracy theory on the extra-terrestrial.
Now that the Jets are officially out of the playoffs with a 3-10 record, the 41-year-old has seemingly begun to divert his energy elsewhere.
After failing to end New York's 14-year playoff curse, Rodgers opted to debunk some conspiracy theories during his weekly Pat McAfee Show appearance instead.
The signal caller brought up some mysterious drone activity that has been occurring in the skies of New Jersey recently.
'Do you know what's been going on in New Jersey lately? And I'm not talking about the football. There's been some crazy things going on,' Rodgers began. 'There's been some drones in the sky in Jersey.'
McAfee then showed a clip on an unidentified large object hovering above Bedminster, New Jersey with blue, green and red flashing lights.
Aaron Rodgers has offered yet another conspiracy theory on the extra-terrestrial
The Jets quarterback discussed mysterious drone activity above New Jersey on Pat McAfee
What the hell is that?' Rodgers continued, before highlighting that the mysterious sighting came above Bedminster where both president-elect Donald Trump owns a golf course and Jets owner Woody Johnson lives.
The four-time MVP did admit it could be Trump flying in for a quick round of golf but, of course, it wouldn't be Aaron Rodgers without a conspiracy theory.
'Maybe it's some kids messing around…maybe not, though,' he hinted.
'I'm thinking about having a Friday night 5E experience,' he added, leaving the panel bewildered.
'It's where you have a big kind of meditation circle and then you call in the aliens and you use little green lasers to bring them in,' the NFL veteran explained.
During last season's 'Hard Knocks' series focusing on the Jets, Rodgers claimed he experienced a UFO sighting in 2005.
He said he was at former Cal teammate Steve Levy's house in New Jersey shortly before he was taken by the Green Bay Packers in the first round of the 2005 NFL Draft when the sighting occurred.
The 41-year-old has previously opened up on an experience with a UFO sighting
The Jets are officially out of the playoffs with a 3-10 record, following last week's slate
Rodgers, who has publicly admitted to using hallucinogen ayahuasca, said he was trying to sleep as he had a 5am wake up call the following day but was disturbed by an 'alarm going off in the distance.'
'It just didn't seem like normal, and I heard some rustling downstairs,' Rodgers said on the season finale of 'Hard Knocks.'
'So I got up, walk downstairs, it's a beautiful night, and [we] walked outside, and up in the clouds, we heard this sound, and we saw this tremendously large object moving through the sky. And it was like a scene out of "Independence Day" when the ships are coming into the atmosphere, and they're creating this, like, kind of explosion-type fire in the sky.
'We saw this incredibly large object and froze, as anybody would, because, you know, what the hell is going on? Eventually, it went out of sight, and nobody said a word. We just stood frozen.
'And about 30 seconds later we heard the real, recognizable sound of fighter jets that seemed to be chasing this object. Again, we just stood there in disbelief for another few minutes and nobody said a word. And we just looked at each other like, 'did we just see what we think we just saw?'
Rodgers said he checked the papers and watched the news in the following days but nothing was mentioned.
However, the experience piqued his interest in UFOs, leading him to do more research into them.
Rodgers later discovered that the siren was from a nuclear plant around nine miles away and claimed that UFOs are often linked to nuclear energy.
The Jets quarterback is known for his outlandish theories and techniques opening up on his use of ayahuasca at the start of last season, claiming it helped him to his back-to-back MVP seasons in 2020 and 2021.
He also underwent a darkness retreat shortly after the end of the 2022 season to contemplate his NFL future.
Manchester Airport UFO mystery solved as Brit ufologist admits his theory was wrong
Manchester Airport UFO mystery solved as Brit ufologist admits his theory was wrong
EXCLUSIVE: UFO expert Mark Christopher Lee has claimed to have solved the mystery of the 'car-sized' object that was spotted at Manchester Airport, but admits to previously getting it wrong
Mark Christopher Lee has claimed to have solved the mystery of the 'car-sized' object that was spotted at Manchester Airport
(Image: Twitter)
A British based ufologist says he has solved the mystery of the Manchester Airport UFO, while admitting he was previously wrong.
At the end of November, footage and images purported to have been taken at the airfield in June showed what many believed to have been unexplained aerial phenomenon (UAP). Social media channels Reddit and X (formerly Twitter) went into meltdown with wild speculation about what the 'car sized' spherical object might have been.
At one point the UAP was allegedly snapped just hovering above the tarmac on the runway, in the midst of a number of aircraft. Even we at the Daily Star came up with five suggestions as to what viewers were witnessing.
Lee has been investigating recent "drone" sightings at military bases in the UK, and was convinced this was yet another example of that.
However, he has now backtracked from any potential links to alien visitors, and come up with a much more down to earth theory.
He admitted: "I have previously investigated this case and thought it was linked to the orbs and drones that people are seeing around the world (US and UK especially) but after analysing various photos and videos posted I'm pretty confident that what we are actually seeing in Blue Chinese Lantern that has gone astray.
Footage of the object allegedly floating in the sky over the airport was also captured
There is a substantial Chinese population in Manchester and it even has it's own China Town so there may have been some celebration or event taking place in June that led to a large Blue Lantern being released.
Chinese Lanterns have caused a lot of previous UFO sightings in the past and I think this is the case again. I was initially drawn to the account told by UFO researcher Timothy Good about a similar type orb being captured in Australia but I now think that the Chinese Lantern is the most logical culprit.
He continued: "However, I do think that there is still a substantial mystery of what people are seeing in the US and the UK around military bases. These are still UFOs as are unidentified and they may turn out to be extra terrestrial scouting drones if they are not Chinese spy drones.
Manchester Airport with the UAP on the right side above the runway
(Image: Twitter)
"Indeed Republican Senator Tim Burchett who has been pushing for UFO disclosure in the US has suggested that the Chinese government has been recruiting hobbyists to test out drones to see how the US and UK military will react.
"What I do think is that the US and UK governments will want to see a lid on this dues to the embarrassment of not knowing what is invading their airspace."
Lee says his new film Rendelshan - The British Rowell - set to be released in January, looks into the cover up in the UK
Rep. Jeff Van Drew stunningly claimed Iran is behind the mysterious drones sighted flying over northern New Jersey as the FBI scrambles for answers.
The Republican lawmaker from New Jersey told Fox News that Iran has launched a 'mothership' about a month ago that contains the drones off the coast.
'These are from high sources,' he claimed. 'I don't say this lightly.' He added that they should be 'shot down.'
However, the Pentagon said on Wednesday that there is no evidence the drones are the work of an adversary and said there is no truth there's an Iranian ship off the coast of the U.S.
'There's no so called "mothership" launching drones toward the United States,' said Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh.
People have seen the unexplained cluster of what appear to be drones and a possible fixed wing aircraft for several weeks which are flying near sensitive locations including military instillations sparking concern.
While the FBI out of Newark and local partners are investigating, they have been unable to determine if it is the work of one person or group.
A top official with the FBI said they do not know if there is a reason to believe that Americans are at risk and that's concerning.
One of the reported drones, whose engines can be heard roaring from the ground, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly with red lights blinking at its wingtips and tail (above)
House members held a hearing on Tuesday focused on the threats posed by unmanned aerial systems to the U.S.
'You're telling me we don't know what the hell these drones are, in New Jersey are?' Congressman Tony Gonzales asked.
'That's right,' responded Robert Wheeler, FBI Assistant Director of the Critical Incident Response Group.
'That's crazy! I mean that's crazy,' the Texas congressman pushed back.
'That's madness that we don't know what these drones are,' he added.
Gonzales argued not knowing what is flying in U.S. airspace is only the 'tip of the iceberg of what's to come' and warned it must be fixed.
Wheeler said they do not know exactly what type of drones the ones being reported are, but he noted some are believed to be bigger than those commercially available.
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency'
Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) claimed on Fox News that Iran launched a 'mothership' with the drones after the FBI told lawmakers during a hearing it did not have information about who was behind the mysterious sightings. The Pentagon said there is no 'Iranian mothership' off the coast launching drones
Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) speaking during a hearing on unmanned aerial systems where he called the FBI not having more information about the mysterious drones over New Jersey 'madness'
When asked how much the budget is for FBI counter-drone technology, Wheeler revealed it was less than $500,000.
'No wonder we don't know what the hell is going on. $500,000?' Gonzales responded.
One of the challenges has been getting the authority to bring the drones down. Lawmakers urged officials to shoot one down to further examine it.
The FBI has been going through more than 3,000 tips submitted by the public. There have also been sightings from New York.
Congressman lashes out after FBI reveals counter-UAS budget
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying into New Jersey from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
The sightings started mid-November with footage capturing 'car-sized' drones with flashing lights
The FBI has warned it has seen a concerning increase in use of drones to commit crimes and being flown over sensitive facilities.
On Sunday alone, there were 49 reported sightings according to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy.
He noted that some are likely to have been repeat reports, but he does not blame people for being frustrated.
'We don't see any concern for public safety,' Murphy said. 'Having said that, it's really frustrating that we don't have more answers as to where they're coming from and why they're doing what they're doing.'
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said they are taking the drone investigation 'deadly seriously'
Murphy said he has been in contact with the FBI and Homeland Security and encouraged people to continue to report sightings to the FBI.
He described the drones as 'very sophisticated.'
'The minute you get eyes on them, they go dark,' Murphy said.
'We're obviously most concerned about sensitive targets and sensitive critical infrastructure,' he added.
Murphy noted the military facilities, utility assets and President-elect Donald Trump's New Jersey home are all in the area.
'This is something we're taking deadly seriously,' he said.
New Report: Drones SWARM over Langley AFB, Harris Joins Charlamagne tha God, Pandas Return to DC
Mystery drones flew over US military bases for 17 days
A mysterious drone invasion in New Jersey has sparked calls for a 'state of emergency' as officials suggested they are coming from Iranian 'mothership' offshore.
Republican Rep Jeff Van Drew said Wednesday that Iran launched the vessel 'probably about a month ago' after making a deal with China 'to purchase drones, a mothership and other technologies.'
'These drones should be shot down,' he told FOX News, adding that 'the military is on full alert with this.'
During a Tuesday congressional hearing, Sen Jon Bramnick (R) said: 'The State of New Jersey should issue a limited state of emergency banning all drones until the public receives an explanation regarding these multiple sightings.'
Rep Chris Smith (R) also spoke during the meeting, revealing a report of 50 drones coming in off the ocean and have followed US Coast Guard boats.
The representative also noted that 'it could be Putin, Xi Jinping in China or the Middle East, we cannot rule any of that out.'
Swarms of drones have been spotted in the skies of New Jersey for weeks, sparking officials to call for a 'limited state of emergency'
Mayors in 21 towns across the state have now written a joint letter to New Jersey Gov Phil Murphy calling for statewide action.
The White House also addressed the drones Tuesday evening in a briefing.
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that President Biden is aware of the matter and 'we are closely tracking the activity,' but noted she does not know when Biden was briefed.
'I cannot make any predictions kind of predictions,' she said in response to whether the drones are controlled by foreign entities conducting surveillance.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was first alerted about the strange activity around the military base on November 18, six days after the drones were spotted.
The first video footage showed drones with green and red lights on their wings and multiple eyewitnesses described them as large as a small car.
At the hearing, Robert Wheeler, assistant FBI director, said: 'There is nothing known that would lead me to say that, but we just don’t know and that’s the concerning part.
He told Congress that more than 3,000 sightings had been provided to the agency's tip line set up last week.
Drones have been reported in 12 counties: Sussex, Passaic, Bergen, Essex, Monmouth, Ocean, Camden, Burlington, Somerset, Hunterdon, Morris and Warren.
The sightings started mid-November with footage capturing 'car-sized' drones with flashing lights
The FBI has received more than 3,000 drone sightings in the last week. Pictured is a a drone captured in Lacey
The UFOs have been spotted over water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments and other military installations.
Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella also wrote a letter to the FAA and FBI earlier this month, requesting an investigation into the drone sightings on Staten Island, PIX 11 reported.
Wheeler was questioned about whether the public was at risk, to which he responded: 'Are we concerned there are nefarious intentions that could cause either an actual security or public safety incident?
'There’s nothing that is known that would lead me to say that, but we just don’t know. And that’s the concerning part of it.'
Resident John Mastrogiovanni shared: 'They are definitely coming in from the ocean, I live on the bay and can see them every night coming in from the ocean.
The flying objects are larger than drones used by hobbyists, raising questions about their proximity to those specific locations
Officials and residents have also seen drones coming in from the ocean
'10-15 at a time. Once they hit land, some will turn their lights off and go a different direction and some are low and some high. The ones I saw are low, pretty loud, and sound like an engine on it.
'They move slowly then speed up pretty quickly it's every night. They are 4-5' in size and use green and red lights.'
Kelly Ann from Osborne Island claimed to have seen the same sightings coming from the north as she looked out to Atlantic City.
'They follow each other like they are lined up 100 feet apart,' she said.
Murphy has said that the drones do not appear to pose a public safety risk but also noted that 'this is something we´re taking deadly seriously.
New Jersey drone sighting map
'I do not blame people for being frustrated,' Murphy added.
He said Monday that the minute 'you get eyes on them, they do dark,' calling the flying craft 'very sophisticated.
Murphy held a briefing call with the US homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday, as well as representatives in Congress and state police to discuss the drone reports.
The House Subcommittee on counterterrorism, law Enforcement and intelligence also held a hearing on the subject. has contacted the Department of Homeland Security for comment.
NJ lawmakers call for partial 'state of emergency' amid drone activity
The latest footage of bizarre drones in New Jersey captured several craft orbiting each other over Somerset County, while at least 12 counties have reported sightings.
The video, released this week, shows three 'mystery drones in the air' as two move extremely close as if they are interacting with each other and the third hovered for 'about 15 minutes.'
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said Monday night that the drones are 'very sophisticated, explaining: 'The minute we get eyes on them [the drones], they go dark.'
'I don't blame people for being frustrated,' Gov Murphy continued, adding that he had spent most of Sunday coordinating on the issue with both the White House and the US Department of Homeland Security in the hope of getting answers.
On Monday, Picatinny Arsenal, the Army facility in Morris County, confirmed it has had 11 sightings of 'UFOs' over in its airspace in recent weeks.
The sightings, which began in November, have included reports of multiple craft flying over the same areas each night and reports of 'car-sized' drones, the kind not usually used by hobbyists, over some areas.
New Jersey state senator, Jon Bramnick (R-21), is now calling for a limited 'state of emergency' banning all drone usage authorities can determine who is responsible for the eerie night flights.
The latest footage coming out of New Jersey has only added more questionsl to this bizarre UFO wave. 'What in the world is happening?' the woman taping the display can be heard saying, as a pair of glowing red lights orbits comes close to a white UFO before drifting away
Edits in the 40-second video, which was also posted to Instagram, appear to reflect a montage of the event's most impactful moments. 'Update,' the videographer says in the clip's finale, 'that mystery drone up there is still there. It's been like maybe 10-15 minutes. It's still there'
'Guys, I just found three mystery drones in the air,' the woman filming the scene reports in the clip, posted to social site by the account UAP Reporting Center.
'This is wild,' the woman says, as the two circling white lights disengage in midair, with one seeming to dart quickly to the right. 'That was moving quick.'
Edits in the 40-second video, which was also posted to Instagram via the account @ufo_life_, appear to reflect a montage of the event's most impactful moments.
'Update,' the videographer says in the clip's finale, 'that mystery drone up there is still there. It's been like maybe 10-15 minutes. It's still there.'
UAP Reporting Center is not affiliated with the similarly named nonprofit National UFO Reporting Center, which has coordinated on UFO case reports with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for decades.
Nevertheless, several more new videos taken in northwest NJ near the Pennsylvania border also show multi-color drone-like crafts — including one lit up like a Christmas tree with at least eight lights ranging from green, white, red and orange.
Posted by an auto tech to the Facebook community group 'New Jersey Mystery Drones - let's solve it,' the apparently fixed-wing drone was caught on tape last week above Pohatcong township in Warren County, NJ.
The witness also captured images of a stationary and hovering UFO with four bright green lights above the same northwest Jersey area.
Significantly, the fixed-wing mystery drones with red, white and green lights resemble craft witnessed over sensitive US military bases over the past several years
'I have about 15 minutes worth of different videos before I stopped recording and to my horror have counted AT LEAST 30,' the witness said in a Facebook post. 'in a complete radius approximately 10-15 miles away.'
The witness wrote that he saw at least five coming from Easton, Pennsylvania area to the northeast headed southeast towards the Flemington, NJ area.
One witness, also in the Pohatcong area, could not contain their alarm of what they were seeing late on Sunday, writing to the group: 'From the front and back yard of my house I saw dozens, maybe hundreds from my house through out the night.'
'These are not man made drones. These are huge,' the witness insisted. 'I feel like there’s nothing we can do [...] We are being watched and We are being invaded.'
'My opinion I guess but I know what I’ve been seeing,' this Pohatcong noted.
The witness's more practical description of Sunday's UFO drone swarm, included some craft 'just hovering bright white lights,' others that were 'silent and floating past,' and some that were 'very loud and look like a plane.'
The altitudes also varied, the witness said: 'There [were] lower and higher UFOs.'
Speaking at a bill-signing event in Princeton, NY, Gov Murphy hoped to allay concerns of witnesses fearing the worst from these unexplained sightings.
'Homeland Security, FBI, Secret Service, our State Police, authorities at all levels of government,' the governor said, 'we don't see any concern for public safety.'
'Having said that,' Gov Murphy admitted, 'it's really frustrating that we don't have more answers as to where they are coming from — and why they are doing what they are doing.'
'These are apparently, as I understand it, very sophisticated,' Gov Murphy said of the UFOs. 'The minute we get eyes on them [the drones], they go dark.' According to one NJ local, this above image depicts roughly nine of the drones flying in from the Atlantic Ocean on Dec 5th
Mysterious 'UFOs' spotted over Trump's New Jersey golf course
Significantly, the fixed-wing mystery drones with red, white and green lights resemble craft witnessed over sensitive US military bases over the past several years.
For at least 17 nights in December 2023, for example, swarms of noisy small UFOs were seen 'moving at rapid speeds' and displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights' within the highly restricted airspace over Virginia's Joint Base Langley–Eustis.
Gov Murphy encouraged citizens to report their sightings to the FBI and expressed concern about the UFO drones potentially probing 'sensitive targets and sensitive critical infrastructure.'
'We've got military assets; we've got utility assets; we've got one of the president-elect's homes here,' he noted.
Murphy also asserted that reports of 'a couple of rumored downings' of the drones were unsubstantiated. One, he said, was a toy and the other was never located.
NJ state senators, the mayors of 21 local towns, and the state's representatives in Washington have been demanding more answers, more quickly.
NJ Congressman Chris Smith said he was on Long Beach Island this week investigating the mystery with Ocean County Sheriff Mike Mastronardy.
'The tepid response from our state and federal agencies so far is totally unacceptable,' Rep Smith said.
'The people of New Jersey deserve swift and bold action on the part of our state and federal agencies to investigate, assess, and address the situation immediately and to alleviate the growing concerns of our community.'
Panic as drone fleet hovers over Morris County, NJ
Mysterious drone sightings spread in New Jersey: "Someone described the drones as large as an SUV"
Mysterious Drones Over New Jersey | What’s Going On?
Police investigating multiple drones flying over N.J. towns at night
FBI investigates mysterious drones spotted over New Jersey
Government Breaks Silence: Strange Encounters | UFO's Investigating the Unknown
Five UFO videos this week, are they alien, ai US drones or Chinese ai drones? UAP Sighting News.
Five UFO videos this week, are they alien, ai US drones or Chinese ai drones? UAP Sighting News.
Here are the top 5 most interesting videos of UFOs this week. Each are different, some with swarms, so watch and decide what is happening and can you predict the future outcomes of this?
I believe I may have discovered the purpose of the swarms of drones, God help us if I'm right. US Drone News.
Now I heard the swarms of drones were seen over Trumps favorite golf course for over three days and nights which makes me think...why? Who hates trump the most outside of the US? Easily one country over all does...the county he promised to put 25% taxes on all goods going out of China to US, and I believe the Chinese are behind these swarms. They must be radar resistant, which means they are plastic or 3d printed with some rubber radar resistant coating to absorb radar. They were seen over England, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and a few other locations. Read the tweet and tell I wrong? Or...worse I right? If I'm right the virus could be waiting for a second drone spraying to become the catalyst of the virus, or the virus could have a built in genetic time to go off in 1 week, 1 month or even 1 years time. By then...everyone will forget about the drones. Because of a genetic timer, we cannot blame the drones, much like HAARP program that manipulates the weather and China uses it making it impossible to blame then on earthquakes (Japan-Chinas worst enemy at Fukushima), tidal waves, tornadoes, hurricanes and more. And China causes tens of billions of dollars in damage on such untraceable attacks. Ask yourself, what are the Chinese up to now?
China's Drone Show Sets Two Guinness World Records | WION
An Interstellar Visitor Helped Shape the Orbits of the Planets.
This artist’s impression illustrates an interstellar object rapidly approaching our Solar System. The object, ejected from its home planetary system long ago, traveled through interstellar space for billions of years before briefly passing through our cosmic neighborhood. Rubin Observatory will reveal many of these previously unknown interstellar visitors. Alt-Text: An artist’s impression of a small, rocky interstellar object hurtling from the upper right toward the inner Solar System. The orbits of the four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) are fully visible, drawn as teal concentric circles around the bright ball of the Sun at the center. We see the orbits from a slightly elevated angle, so that the circular paths appear oval. The black background is sprinkled with points of starlight. The interstellar object looks like an elongated potato above the Sun, streaming toward the Sun from the upper right, with a short tail of gas and dust trailing behind.
An Interstellar Visitor Helped Shape the Orbits of the Planets.
The orbits of the planets around the Sun have been the source for many a scientific debate. Their current orbital properties are well understood but the planetary orbits have evolved and changed since the formation of the Solar System. Planetary migrations have been the most prominent idea of recent decades suggesting that planetary interactions caused the young planets to migrate inwards or outwards from their original positions. Now a new theory suggests 2-50 Jupiter mass object passing through the Solar System could be the cause.
The evolution of the orbits of the planets is a complex process. Initially the planets formed out of a rotating disk of gas and dust around the young hot Sun. The phenomenon of the conservation of angular momentum caused the material to form a plane leading to orbits that were circular and in the same plane.
The latest view of Saturn from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captures exquisite details of the ring system — which looks like a phonograph record with grooves that represent detailed structure within the rings — and atmospheric details that once could only be captured by spacecraft visiting the distant world. Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 observed Saturn on June 20, 2019, as the planet made its closest approach to Earth, at about 845 million miles away. This image is the second in a yearly series of snapshots taken as part of the Outer Planets Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) project. OPAL is helping scientists understand the atmospheric dynamics and evolution of our solar system’s gas giant planets. In Saturn’s case, astronomers will be able to track shifting weather patterns and other changes to identify trends. Credits: NASA, ESA, A. Simon (GSFC), M.H. Wong (University of California, Berkeley) and the OPAL Team
As the planets grew, interactions within the protoplanetary disk led to orbital migrations with planets moving inwards or outwards. There were gravitational interactions too that led to significant changes in the eccentricity and inclination, sometimes causing protoplanets to be ejected out of the solar system. Tidal forces from the Sun could also have altered the orbits.
While protoplanet ejections are thought to have been fairly common as the Solar System was forming, on occasions celestial objects visited us. These objects seem to have been rare and provide a valuable insight into distant planetary systems. Oumuamua, was discovered in 2017 and was the first confirmed interstellar visitor. It exhibited an elongated shape and unusual acceleration, probably caused by outgassing or other non-gravitational forces. A paper recently published has suggested such an interstellar visitor could have driven changes in the orbits of our planetary cousins.
An artist’s depiction of the interstellar comet ‘Oumuamua, as it warmed up in its approach to the sun and outgassed hydrogen (white mist), which slightly altered its orbit. The comet, which is most likely pancake-shaped, is the first known object other than dust grains to visit our solar system from another star. (Image credit: NASA, ESA and Joseph Olmsted and Frank Summers of STScI)
The paper was authored by a team of scientists led by Garett Brown University of Toronto. They explore the nature of the eccentricity of the gas giants suggesting it is unlikely the current theories can explain observations. Instead they demonstrate that an object with between 2 to 50 times the mass of Jupiter passing through the Solar System was a more likely cause. Their paper explains that an object passing through with a perihelion distance (closest distance from Sun) of less than 20 astronomical units and a hyperbolic excess velocity less than 6km/s-1 could explain observations.
Their calculations suggest there is a 1 in 100 chance that an interstellar visitor could produce the orbits we see today, chances that are far better than other theories. Using simulations and approximate values for the properties of the visitor, the team conclude that the theory is the most plausible to date.
Bill Cooper’s 1966 UFO Sighting: A Mind-Blowing Encounter with a Metallic Disc
Bill Cooper’s 1966 UFO Sighting: A Mind-Blowing Encounter with a Metallic Disc
Milton William “Bill” Cooper, a former U.S. Air Force and Navy serviceman, is renowned for his contributions to UFO lore and conspiracy theories. Among his most fascinating claims is his personal encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO) or unidentified submerged object (USO) in 1966. This experience, as Cooper described it, was both life-changing and a pivotal moment in his understanding of extraterrestrial phenomena.
Bill Cooper talks about his sighting of a huge metallic UFO / USO going in & out of the water, 1966
From Skepticism to Belief
Before his encounter, Bill Cooper was a skeptic. During his time in the Air Force, he heard stories from seasoned servicemen about recovering crashed UFOs. However, these accounts were often shared under the influence of alcohol, leading Cooper to dismiss them as tall tales. He viewed the concept of UFOs as too far-fetched to take seriously—until he had his own experience that radically shifted his perspective.
The Sighting: A Metallic Disc Emerges from the Ocean
In 1966, while serving aboard the USS Tiru, a diesel-electric submarine, Cooper was acting as the port lookout during a transit near the Seattle-Portland area. It was during this routine duty that he witnessed an extraordinary event. A massive metallic disc, comparable in size to a Midway-class aircraft carrier, emerged from the ocean. The craft ascended into the air, tumbling on its axis before disappearing into the clouds.
Shortly after, the same craft—or a similar one—descended from the sky, repeated the tumbling maneuver, and re-entered the ocean. To Cooper’s astonishment, the water seemed to part seamlessly, allowing the craft to submerge without the violent splash one would expect. The water then closed behind it, creating a dramatic spray as it returned to normal.
Unbelievable Technology
The encounter left Cooper grappling with questions about the nature of the craft and its advanced technology. He noted its ability to seamlessly transition between air and water, perform high-speed maneuvers, and interact with the ocean in ways that defied known laws of physics. Cooper, who had experience with cutting-edge aviation technology and naval operations, recognized that no human-made craft at the time was capable of such feats.
The sighting was observed by multiple crew members, including the officer of the deck and another lookout. A chief quartermaster on board even took photographs of the event. Despite these corroborations, the nature of the craft remained a mystery.
Official Silence and a Culture of Secrecy
After the incident, the submarine docked at Pearl Harbor, where the crew was immediately debriefed by a commander from Naval Intelligence. Each crew member was instructed to maintain complete silence about what they had witnessed, under penalty of severe legal and financial consequences. They were warned that any discussion of the event could result in imprisonment, fines, and the loss of all pay and allowances.
The photographs taken during the sighting were confiscated, and the crew was not allowed to leave the submarine for shore leave. These measures underscored the seriousness with which the U.S. Navy handled the incident and reinforced Cooper’s belief in an active cover-up regarding UFOs and USOs.
A Turning Point in Belief
For Cooper, this encounter was transformative. It provided him with undeniable evidence of advanced technology that surpassed human capabilities and confirmed the existence of phenomena the military was actively suppressing. He later recounted this event as a key moment in his journey toward understanding the broader implications of extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
Legacy of the 1966 Sighting
Bill Cooper’s 1966 sighting is one of the most detailed and intriguing accounts in the annals of UFO and USO lore. His vivid descriptions of the craft and its movements offer a unique perspective on the capabilities of unidentified objects. Although the event remains shrouded in secrecy, it has fueled ongoing discussions about the possibility of extraterrestrial technology and the lengths governments might go to conceal it.
While skeptics question the validity of Cooper’s claims due to the lack of physical evidence, the story has become a cornerstone of UFO mythology. Cooper’s firsthand account not only highlights the mysteries of our universe but also the potential for human understanding to be challenged by encounters with the unknown.
UFO Investigations : The Cover Up (1989) Rare Documentary
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The family of Morris County locals said they were following one of these seemingly terrestrial UFOs in their vehicle, only to experience the odd effect on their car's electronics as the unexplained craft 'hovered above them.'
'The clock in their car changed time,' according to one Fox News reporter who spoke to the unnamed family. 'They say the clock went back to normal after they drove off.'
While local law enforcement in Morris County has issued a statement asserting that 'there is no known threat to public safety' at this time — the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a ban on drone flights over sensitive areas in state.
Last Tuesday, the FBI described the sightings as only 'possible drones' and 'a possible fixed wing aircraft' in its efforts to get to the bottom of the night flights.
But residents within the eight-and-counting New Jersey counties where the strange craft have been sighted are also taking matters into their own hands with over 17,000 trading notes on the sightings in a dedicated Facebook group.
One local software engineer, who specializes in radio communications, believes the temporary alteration of the car's clock is a clue to the origin of these mystery drones.
'Many newer cars get their clock time from GPS satellites since that's one of the most accurate time signals you're going to get in a vehicle,' the engineer, Rich Dunajewski, posted to the Facebook group.
'If these are using GPS jamming or spoofing,' Dunajewski explained, 'then it's plausible the car would follow the signal and change the clock to match whatever signal is coming from the drone/plane.'
The flying objects are larger than drones used by hobbyists, raising questions about their proximity to specific locations - including to President-elect Donald Trump 's Bedminster golf course, US military research facility Picatinny Arsenal and critical infrastructure, police said
Residents within the eight-and-counting New Jersey counties where the strange craft have been sighted are also taking matters into their own hands with over 17,000 trading notes on the sightings in a dedicated Facebook group
'So don't think aliens,' the engineer continued, 'think foreign actors using electronic warfare methods.'
Dunajewski noted that GPS spoofing onboard these mysterious aircraft would also explain the car clock's return to normal time.
'Once you're out of range of the spoofed GPS signal, the clock will reacquire the real GPS signal with the correct time,' he said in his Facebook post.
While some locals are not buying it, with one saying, 'We need to accept that these are not just "drones," these are UFO/UAP,' other experts did agree with Dunajewski.
A contractor with the FAA's Office of Communications, David Lombardo, cosigned the 'radar jamming or GPS spoofing' theory, writing: 'It's very likely that these drones have some sort of electronic interference capabilities.'
While Lombardo said he did not believe that 'the FBI wouldn't get involved if a bunch of drones were just pissing people off,' the FAA contractor also confessed that he currently saw no evidence actual law-breaking yet.
'Nothing that these drones have done appears to be criminal or really against any rules, so far as I know. I mean, they're being weird... there's no crime in being weird.'
But retired police lieutenant Tim McMillan argued that the drones fit a pattern of Russian psychological warfare operations internationally.
Lt McMillan reported that both the mysterious drone flights over New Jersey mirror a 2022 incident in which drones flew over sensitive sites in Sweden just as the European nation was considering joining NATO.
'This recent drone wave is likely in response to the West green lighting Ukraine to use ATACMS inside Russia,' the retired police investigator posted to X.
One of the UFO drones, whose engines can be heard roaring from the ground, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly with red lights blinking at its wingtips and tail (above)
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' NJ native and TikTok creator @_bucky13 commented under his phone footage of the eerie drones (still image above), captioned 'Mysterious drones spotted all over New Jersey.' At least five drone-like UFOs are seen in his 50-second clip
Neither Moscow, nor local amateur drone pilots, nor any other actors terrestrial or extraterrestrial, has claimed credit for the unusual flights over New Jersey, however.
If proven to be a covert invasion of sorts, it would the first in this part of the Garden State since British troops sparred with American colonists over 240 years ago.
'I grew up in Morris County,' one local resident posted on X, 'and this is the most exciting event since the Revolutionary War.'
'Anyone wonder why New Jersey?' another resident asked. 'That in itself is a mystery. Why not another State?'
The anonymous family who reported their car clock's reaction to this eerie and unexplained aircraft were just some of the new witnesses to speak to Fox News about this ongoing wave of UFO sightings.
One eyewitness told the network that they saw a 'parade' of the drones, some as big as compact cars, roaring over the sky in procession.
'The drones just keep coming,' another witness said, 'one after another.'
While the FAA has taken the most direct action suggesting malicious intent, prohibiting drone flights over Trump's golf club until last Friday and above Picatinny Arsenal until December 26, other officials have been more cautious in their language.
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
One UFO or drone in a recent Tik Tok video looks like it might have hovered stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect
Law enforcement officials in Morris and Somerset counties issued a joint statement describing the extent of their collaboration on this ongoing investigation.
'The subject County Prosecutor's, Sheriff's and Emergency Management Offices, our respective municipal police departments, working in close cooperation with the FBI-Newark, the New Jersey State Police and The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, seek to reassure the public that we will continue to monitor and investigate the drone activity,' the two county's Sheriff's Offices said.
Post to social media site X, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy echoed similar words to calm the public.
'I convened a briefing with [Biden's Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas] @SecMayorkas, senior officials from [the Department of Homeland Security] @DHSgov ... and members of our congressional delegation to discuss reported drone activity over parts of North and Central New Jersey,' he wrote.
'There is no known threat to the public at this time,' the governor said.
Nevertheless, New Jersey residents have been encouraged to report any sightings, videos or photos they may have of the UFO drone flights to the FBI, via phone at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) or online via
Hundreds of Mysterious 'Car-Sized' Drones Are Flying Over New Jersey Every Night, Hovering for HOURS
MYSTERIOUS Drones Flying Over New Jersey FBI INVESTIGATING Something Really Weird IS HAPPENING !!!
FBI investigates mysterious large drones circling over New Jersey
Unidentified 'car-sized' drones seen in night skies of New Jersey
Mysterious drones spotted in skies over NJ; officials, residents continue to have questions
NASA's most powerful telescope has spotted something unexpected which could overturn our basic assumptions about the universe.
Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), scientists from Johns Hopkins University have taken extremely accurate measurements of the distances between galaxies.
These observations reveal that the universe is expanding eight to 12 per cent faster than our current best theories predict.
This suggests that there may be some unknown force which explains why the universe is expanding faster now than it was billions of years ago.
First spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1998, it was previously possible that this acceleration was caused by nothing more unusual than a telescope error.
However, using two years of JWST observations, the researchers have now shown that Hubble's shocking findings were not mistaken.
According to lead author and Nobel laureate Professor Adam Riess, this shows that our understanding of the birth of the universe could be totally wrong.
He says: 'It confirms the puzzling finding from the Hubble Space Telescope that we have been wrestling with for a decade - the universe is now expanding faster than our best theories can explain.'
Scientists have used the James Webb Space Telescope to confirm that the Universe really is accelerating up to 12 per cent faster than our best theories would suggest. Illustrated: the expansion of the Universe from the Big Bang (left) to the present day (right)
Scientists measured the distance between distant galaxies containing pulsing stars called Cepheid variables. Since these flash at a rate proportional to their brightness, they are considered the 'gold standard' for measuring interstellar distances. Pictured: NGC 5468, a galaxy located about 130 million light-years from Earth which is the furthest galaxy observed to contain Cepheid variables
Professor Riess initially used the Hubble Space Telescope to measure the distance between a set of different galaxies.
This revealed that the Universe's expansion was accelerating at a rate of 72.8 km per second per megaparsec, a distance equal to 3.26 million light-years.
What made this result so surprising is that the conventional wisdom about the evolution of the Universe suggested this figure should only be 67-68 km/s/Mpc.
This had the shocking implication that the standard model of cosmology might be missing out on something vitally important, creating what astronomers call the 'Hubble tension'.
More than 25 years later, Professor Riess has now used NASA's biggest and highest-performing telescope to prove that his Nobel Prize-winning discovery had not been an error.
Using the JWST Reiss and his co-authors focussed on a set of galaxies containing pulsing stars called Cepheid variables.
These unique stars flash at a rate which is proportional to their brightness, or luminosity, which makes them the 'gold standard' for measuring interstellar distances.
Using the well-studied galaxy NGC 4258 as a reference point, the study covered a third of the Hubble Telescope's original galaxy sample.
The new study covered roughly a third of Hubble's full galaxy sample, using the known distance to a galaxy called NGC 4258 (pictured) as a reference point. This allowed for extremely accurate measurements of the distance between galaxies
The first observations made by Hubble in 1998 showed that the galaxy's expansion was accelerating faster than the standard model would suggest. The standard model is the theory which explains the Big Bang, the cosmic microwave background (pictured), and the early formation of galaxies
What is the standard model of cosmology?
The standard model of cosmology is the conventional wisdom about the underlying physics of the universe.
Often called the Lambda-CDM theory, this suggests the universe has three major components: matter, dark matter, and dark energy.
This explains the existence and pattern of the cosmic microwave background, the lingering echo of the Big Bang, and the distribution of galaxies.
However, it doesn't align with new observations of the Universe's rapidly accelerating expansion.
Although the sample size was smaller, the team managed to take measurements about four times as precise as the previous study.
In addition to Cepheid variables, the researchers also took measurements from carbon-rich stars and the brightest red supergiants across the same galaxies.
This allowed them to further cross-check their results to be absolutely certain their measurements were correct.
Spiral galaxy NGC 628, located 32 million light-years away from Earth, is seen in an undated image from the James Webb Space Telescope. NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Janice Lee (STScI), Thomas Williams (Oxford), and the PHANGS team/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights
These new recordings revealed that the galaxies were accelerating away from each other at a rate of 72.6 km/s/Mpc - nearly identical to Hubble's measurements from the very same galaxies.
Professor Riess says: 'The discrepancy between the observed expansion rate of the universe and the predictions of the standard model suggests that our understanding of the universe may be incomplete.
'With two NASA flagship telescopes now confirming each other’s findings, we must take this [Hubble tension] problem very seriously—it’s a challenge but also an incredible opportunity to learn more about our universe.'
This implies that we might be missing something vitally important about the birth of the universe.
Siyang Li, a Johns Hopkins doctoral student and a study co-author says: 'The Webb results can be interpreted to suggest there may be a need to revise our model of the universe, although it is very difficult to pinpoint what this is at the moment.'
By measuring the same set of galaxies as Hubble (illustrated), the scientists confirmed that the universe was accelerating at a rate of 72.6 km per second per megaparsec, a distance equal to 3.26 million light-years. The standard model suggests an acceleration of just 67-68 km/s/Mpc
The standard model explains the evolution of galaxies, the cosmic microwave background from the Big Bang, the abundance of chemical elements in the universe, and many other key observations based on the known laws of physics.
However, nothing that scientists have been able to observe explains why the Universe should be accelerating at such a rapid rate.
Scientists believe the regular matter we can see and interact with makes up just 4 per cent of the total universe.
The remaining 96 per cent of the universe is made up of dark matter, which makes up the missing mass in some galaxies, and dark energy.
Dark energy could make up as much as 69 per cent of the universe and might provide the force responsible for space's expansion.
However, with the nature of dark energy remaining a mystery, scientists are still no closer to resolving the Hubble tension than they were back in 1998.
Professor Reiss says: 'Yes, it appears there is something missing in our understanding of the universe.
'Our understanding of the universe contains a lot of ignorance about two elements - dark matter and dark energy.
By combing observations from the JWST (left) and the Hubble Space Telescope (right), scientists have shown that there may be something missing from our best theories about the universe
'There are many hypotheses that involve dark matter, dark energy, dark radiation - for example, neutrinos (a type of ghostly subatomic particle) - or gravity itself having some exotic properties as possible explanations.'
In the future, Professor Reiss says scientists will need more observations to better understand this vital clue.
Eventually, that might help scientists propose a theory which explains why our predictions and observations about the universe don't line up.
He adds: 'Is the mismatch at the lower end, four to five per cent, or the higher end, 10 to 12 per cent, of what the current data allows? Over what range of cosmic time is it present? These will further inform ideas.'
Dark energy is a phrase used by physicists to describe a mysterious 'something' that is causing unusual things to happen in the universe.
The universe is full of matter and the attractive force of gravity pulls all matter together.
Then came 1998 and the Hubble Space Telescope observations of very distant supernovae that showed that, a long time ago, the universe was actually expanding more slowly than it is today.
The universe is not only expanding, but it is expanding faster and faster as time goes by,' Dr Kathy Romer, scientist at the Dark Energy Survey told MailOnline, as illustrated in this Nasa graphic
So the expansion of the universe has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating.
No one expected this, no one knew how to explain it. But something was causing it.
'The universe is not only expanding, but it is expanding faster and faster as time goes by,' Dr Kathy Romer, scientist at the Dark Energy Survey told MailOnline.
'What we'd expect is that the expansion would get slower and slower as time goes by, because it has been nearly 14 billion years since the Big Bang.'
This illustration depicts NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope – the largest, most powerful, and most complex space science telescope ever built – fully unfolded in space.
(Credits: NASA/Adriana Manrique Gutierrez)
Depiction of Hubble Telescope in bright outer space. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
The black-and-white images show ornately spiked 'cruciform' UFOs, boomerang-shaped flying wings, a floating 'hot' cube, traditional flying saucers and several other craft that look straight out of classic science fiction.
The screengrabs are said to be from infrared and thermal camera footage taken by military 'heads up displays,' but details were redacted to protect both sensitive US national security interests.
These unsettling depictions of highly varied craft were first made public by Nathan Latvaitis, who runs a YouTube channel called 'Strange Mysteries.'
'This person has asked me to redact their email address,' Latvaitis told his followers, 'although I can tell you that there is nothing identifiable in it.'
The sensational images have elicited heated debate among UFO believers and skeptics alike, however, with many on both sides questioning the leaker's story.
A 'creepy e-mail' containing weird, but compelling images allegedly from US military UFO sightings has been leaked by an anonymous source claiming classified access
The UFO stills are said to be screengrabs from infrared and thermal camera footage taken by US military sensors with key 'heads up display' details redacted (as seen above) to protect both sensitive America's national security interests as well as the leaker's identity
Over the course of two weeks of correspondence with the leaker, Latvaitis and his followers given tantalizing, but uncorroborated details on the craft depicted.
'The UAPs observed demonstrate capabilities far beyond conventional aerospace benchmarks,' the leaker said in a third update posted to YouTube on November 30th.
The so-called 'cruciform' (cross-shaped) entities, according to their account, exhibit aggressive maneuvers and high-energy emissions capable of disabling systems such as the EODAS' — a reference to the advanced sensors on the F-35 stealth fighter jet.
Short for 'Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System,' EODAS is a sensor suite that give the F-35's stealth fighter pilots a 360-degree view for a 'quick, high-definition picture of everything around them,' according its manufacturer Raytheon.
Improved 'missile detection' is one key goal in making EODAS, even though it may prove helpless against these purported 'cruciform' UFOs.
'The 'cruciform' entity [shows] distinct behaviors indicating functional differences,' according to the self-described insider to the Immaculate Constellation program.
'Shape-shifting has been observed — possibly due to advanced cloaking or optical refraction — referred to as 'morphogenic behavior,' allowing for adaptation to environments or missions,' the leaker continued.
Details were scarce on some other craft shapes, though the leaker noted nearly all 'these crafts,' like the boomerang UFOs, squares, and classic saucers 'demonstrate trans-medium travel, non-ballistic motion, and localized gravity manipulation.'
Above, an ornately spiked 'cruciform' UFO, allegedly captured by a US military plane
The stunning, unusual images show ornately spiked 'cruciform' UFOs, boomerang-shaped flying wings, a floating 'hot' cube and several craft that looks straight out of science fiction
Above, another cruciform (cross-shaped) UFO from the leaker's email to Strange Mysteries
While many of these UFOs emit electromagnetic 'signatures that disrupt ISR [intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance] systems causing sensor malfunctions' on human-made systems, they said, one broad category was less disruptive.
''Orb'-class UAPs focus on surveillance with minimal EMF [electro-magnetic frequency] interference,' according to the leaker.
Speaking to NASA last year, ex-CIA physicist Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, then head of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), said: 'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world.'
Dr Kirkpatrick, a career laser and optical physicist, called these orbs the most commonly reported type of UFO to AARO's team.
'And we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers,' he added.
But 'cruciform' UFO shapes were not called out by name in his report to NASA, which did note that seven percent of sightings fell into miscellaneous 'other' shapes.
In his email to Latvaitis, the leaker asserted that he selected the YouTuber over more mainstream journalism outlets specifically to avoid having to verify his own claims.
'Many traditional media outlets would require verification of my identity and credentials,' the leaker told Latvaitis in his email, shown in a Strange Mysteries video.
Dr. Kirkpatrick describes UAP observed in Middle East
Above a boomerang UFO included in the leaker's email to Strange Mysteries
Two cross-shaped UFOs as alleged by the leaker, in the crosshairs of a military aircraft
'This is not feasible due to the risks involved,' the leaked explained. '[Those news media] organizations, despite their best intentions, are not equipped to handle the level of secrecy and potential retaliation associated with this information.'
The leaker described their motives as desire to inform on important information that has been 'classified and intentionally withheld from the public regarding 'unidentified aerial phenomena' [UAP] and the ongoing covert operations surrounding them.'
'I was part of one of the legacy programs,' the leaker wrote. 'I know that's vague, but unfortunately that's all I can offer at this point.'
Multiple UFO 'true believers' on social media expressed doubt over the leakers story, particularly the unknown individuals response to that skepticism.
One UFO has been dubbed the ceiling fan, in part, by skeptics who believe that the image depicts a genuine household ceiling fan - and not a five-bladed advanced aerospace platform
Above, a strange 'hot cube' UFO image included in the leaker's email to Strange Mysteries
The mixed orientation of some images suggested 'they were probably scanned from a print out,' and the images varied in terms of their 'detailed sensor noise' and subtle software response to motion blur.
'In my opinion, this has the variety I would expect to see from a collection of images captured on different platforms over the years,' the user posted to Reddit's r/UFOs.
On the skeptics' forum Metabunk many dismissed the videos as too low information to properly vet or investigate, with some claiming it might have been release as a premeditated disinformation effort.
'Not worth wasting time on unless they can (and do!) back up their story,' one typical comment read.
'It takes seconds to make another picture and hours to try and debunk it.'
The 'Immaculate Constellation' program was discussed at a Congressional hearing about UAPs in mid-November 2024 and shortly after, Representative Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) made the 11-page document available to the public. Above a still from the alleged new leak
Michael Shellenberger, journalist and sworn witness at the hearing, told the House that Immaculate Constellation has thousands of 'high-resolution' images of UFOs (second at right)
But whistleblowers continue to claim that 'Immaculate Constellation' was, in fact, established to 'detect' and 'quarantine' the military's best UFO imagery, as well as its best videos, eyewitness testimonies and electronic sensor evidence.
This high quality, multi-sensor UFO data, according to a US official who confirmed the leak, is so tightly held that 'talking about it will put you in the danger zone.'
The quite literally 'above top secret' program allegedly sprang into action in the wake of the 2017 leak of three, still-as-yet unexplained US Navy infrared UFO videos, although it is still unconfirmed, resting the gray area of speculation.
The program was discussed at a Congressional hearing about UAPs in mid-November and shortly after, Representative Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) made the 11-page document available to the public.
Michael Shellenberger, journalist and sworn witness at the hearing, told the House that Immaculate Constellation has thousands of 'high-resolution' images of UFOs.
Above, two additional alleged UFO images that the leaker to Strange Mysteries said came from Immaculate Constellation
In one stunning case, detailed in the 11-page report, infrared satellites captured a massive saucer-shaped UFO emerging from within a dense cloud formation.
The saucer's circumference was estimated to be between 650 and 1,300 feet, which would place its diameter between roughly 200 and 400 feet.
It also 'displayed symmetrical concavities on the upper surface,' the report reads.
The saucer registered hot in the infrared footage, and created visible 'atmospheric disturbances.'
The object emerged from the cloud formation at a shallow angle and travelled upwards toward the outer atmosphere.
Reuzenkaart van het heelal onthult: Einstein had weer gelijk
Reuzenkaart van het heelal onthult: Einstein had weer gelijk
Door de donkere energie van het heelal in kaart te brengen, hebben astronomen een gigantische kaart gemaakt die een van Einsteins beroemdste theorieën aan de zwaarste test tot nu toe onderwerpt.
Ons heelal is verbonden door draden van donkere materie, sterrenstelsels en clusters van sterrenstelsels met grote tussenruimten. De verstrengeling wordt het kosmische web genoemd, dat vermoedelijk is ontstaan door gravitatie-effecten op donkere materie en gewone materie na de oerknal. Hier weergegeven door een illustrator.
Een van de beroemdste theorieën van Albert Einstein is de algemene relativiteitstheorie uit 1915.
De theorie beschrijft hoe massieve objecten ruimte en tijd om zich heen krommen, wat weer invloed heeft op hoe objecten bewegen. Met andere woorden, ze vertelt ons iets over zwaartekracht.
De theorie wordt echter voortdurend op de proef gesteld.
Astrofysici hebben bijvoorbeeld verklaringen moeten vinden voor het feit dat het heelal steeds sneller uitdijt terwijl massieve objecten samenklonteren door de zwaartekracht.
Nu heeft de zwaartekrachttheorie haar grootste test tot nu toe doorstaan.
Een internationaal team van onderzoekers aan onder andere de Universiteit van Michigan en de Universiteit van Texas in de VS heeft gegevens geanalyseerd van het ruimteobservatorium Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) in Arizona.
Het instrument bestaat uit 5000 robotjes die samen met een reeks lichtmeters terug kunnen kijken in de geschiedenis van het heelal door donkere energie te onderzoeken en de afstand tot miljoenen sterrenstelsels en quasars in kaart te brengen.
Einsteins theorie houdt stand
Met de huidige gegevens heeft het onderzoeksteam de verspreiding, groei en ontwikkeling van meer dan 5,7 miljoen sterrenstelsels in kaart gebracht over een periode van 11 miljard jaar – van de totale ouderdom van het heelal van 13,8 miljard jaar.
Volgens astronomen is het heelal georganiseerd in het zogeheten kosmische web.
Hier zijn sterrenstelsels en clusters van sterrenstelsels verdeeld in een netwerk van lange strengen van donkere materie en sterrenstelsels, zogeheten filamenten, waar bijna geen sterrenstelsels zijn.
Onderzoekers maakten de tot nu toe grootste 3D-kaart van het heelal, die 11 miljard jaar terugkijkt in de tijd.
In het kosmische web vormt donkere materie ongeveer 27 procent van de totale energie van het heelal, terwijl donkere energie, die ervoor zorgt dat het heelal uitdijt en in principe de zwaartekracht tegenwerkt, ongeveer 68 procent vormt.
Het onderzoeksteam gebruikte de algemene relativiteitstheorie om de groei van het kosmische web te voorspellen.
Ze zagen dat de manier waarop de zwaartekracht de sterrenstelsels samenklontert en de manier waarop het kosmische web zich in de loop van de tijd ontwikkelt, consistent is met de theorie van Einstein.
Als er zwaartekracht aan de vergelijking zou worden toegevoegd of eruit zou worden verwijderd, zou het heelal er niet zo uitzien als nu.
Hierbij observeerden wetenschappers dat donkere energie in de loop van de tijd verandert en dat het heelal daarom niet statisch uitdijt.
Er waren zelfs aanwijzingen dat het effect van donkere energie afnam. Dit zou verband kunnen houden met zwaartekracht.
Een extra bevinding
Het huidige onderzoek wierp ook nieuw licht op een ander kosmisch mysterie: het neutrino.
Neutrino’s zijn een soort elementaire deeltjes die nogal ongrijpbaar zijn, omdat ze geen elektrische lading hebben en bijna geen massa. Daarom worden ze ook wel spookdeeltjes genoemd.
Eerder onderzoek heeft een ondergrens gevonden voor de massa van neutrino’s. Met de nieuwe DESI-gegevens konden onderzoekers de bovengrens van de massa van neutrino’s bepalen.
Wetenschappers geven hersenen van 60-plussers een boost met gemakkelijk en goedkoop supplement
Wat goed is voor onze darmen kan ook goed zijn voor een ouder wordend brein. Althans, zo blijkt uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Een recente studie toonde aan dat een dagelijks – makkelijk te verkrijgen – supplement de werking van de hersenen bij mensen ouder dan 60 jaar kan verbeteren. Hoe hebben de wetenschappers dat ontdekt? En belangrijk, om welk supplement gaat het? HLN-wetenschapsexpert Martijn Peters licht toe.
Martijn Peters
Waarom doen wetenschappers hier onderzoek naar?
De invloed van onze darmflora, de haast ontelbare micro-organismen die daar leven, reikt veel verder dan enkel ons spijsverteringsstelsel. Al enkele jaren onderzoeken wetenschappers de link tussen onze darmen en ons brein. Want de samenstelling en gezondheid van ons microbioom kan zowel een positieve als een negatieve impact hebben op de werking van onze hersenen.
Als we verouderen, neemt de weerbaarheid van onze darmflora af. Het microbioom wordt gevoeliger voor ziekte, de impact van geneesmiddelen en veranderingen in onze levensstijl. Ook de samenstelling van onze darmflora verandert. Met andere woorden, als we onze darmen kunnen ondersteunen tijdens het ouder worden, dan kan dit mogelijk ook een invloed hebben op de werking van onze hersenen.
Een manier om je darmen, meer bepaald je microflora, gezond te houden en te ondersteunen, is door ze te voeden. Dat kan door middel van zogenaamde ‘prebiotica’. Bekender voor velen zijn de probiotica, levende bacteriën of gisten die je kunt innemen. Prebiotica zijn bestanddelen in ons eten die wij niet verteerd krijgen, maar die wel als voedsel voor onze microflora kunnen dienen. De hypothese die de wetenschappers daarom opperden was: “Dragen prebiotica via ondersteuning van onze microflora bij aan een betere werking van onze hersenen?”
Er bleek een duidelijk effect op het gemoed wanneer mensen over een langere periode prebiotica innemen, maar voor het prestatievermogen van de hersenen was dit minder duidelijk
Wat is hier tot nu toe al over geweten?
Recent hebben Belgische wetenschappers van UCLouvain nog een overzicht gemaakt van alle studies die tot nu toe op mensen zijn uitgevoerd. Daarbij keken ze naar het effect van prebiotica op ons gemoed, emoties, depressie en angst enerzijds en op geheugen, aandacht, perceptie en uitvoerende taken anderzijds. Het ging daarbij over wetenschappelijk onderzoek op zowel korte als lange termijn.
Daaruit bleek er een duidelijk effect op het gemoed en dergelijke wanneer mensen over een langere periode prebiotica innemen, maar voor het prestatievermogen van de hersenen was dit minder duidelijk. Voornamelijk doordat deze parameter in de wetenschappelijke literatuur weinig getest is. Meer onderzoek, zoals deze recente studie die in Nature Communications is verschenen, was dus nog steeds nodig.
Voor deze studie hebben Britse wetenschappers van King’s College London 36 paren van tweelingen ouder dan 60 jaar onder de loep genomen. Elk paar kreeg 12 weken lang elke dag eiwitpoeder voorgeschoteld. Maar terwijl daar voor de ene helft 7,5 gram prebiotica (Darmocare Pre®, Bonsuvan) aan was toegevoegd, kreeg de andere een placebo van maltodextrine.
Het prebioticum in kwestie was een combinatie van inuline en fructooligosaccharide (FOS). Inuline komt vooral voor in de wortels van planten zoals chicorei, aardpeer en artisjok. FOS vind je van nature dan weer veel in bananen, uien, asperges, prei en tarweproducten. Het ging hier om een zogenaamd ‘dubbelblind’ onderzoek waarbij noch de onderzoeker, noch de testpersoon wist wat er in het poeder zat.
Wie supplementen nam, haalde hogere resultaten op de test die men inzet voor vroege detectie van Alzheimer
Wat kwamen ze precies te weten?
De onderzoekers zagen dat de mensen met prebiotica beter scoorden in de cognitieve testen dan hun tweelingsbroer of -zus met de placebo. Zij haalden ook hogere resultaten op de ‘Paired Associates Learning’ test die men inzet voor vroege detectie van Alzheimer, én hun reactietijd en de snelheid waarmee ze informatie kunnen verwerken was beter. Kortom, het innemen van inuline of FOS leek wel degelijk een impact te hebben op de hersenwerking van ouderen. De onderzoekers geven dan ook aan dat dit nu verder getest moet worden op grotere groepen en om te kijken of deze positieve effecten ook aanhouden op lange termijn.
Daarnaast stelden de wetenschappers ook vast dat de prebiotica een rechtstreekse impact hadden op de samenstelling van de microflora van de deelnemers. Zo zagen ze een significante toename van het aantal goede bacteriën zoals het bifidobacterium.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFOs on the Moon: What NASA and Astronauts Couldn’t Reveal | Dr. Steven Greer’s Shocking Insights
UFOs on the Moon: What NASA and Astronauts Couldn’t Reveal | Dr. Steven Greer’s Shocking Insights
For decades, humanity’s fascination with the Moon has been intertwined with curiosity about extraterrestrial life. Recent discussions, particularly those led by Dr. Steven Greer—a prominent figure in UFO disclosure—have shed new light on the mysteries surrounding UFOs and unexplained phenomena on the Moon. In this article, we delve into Dr. Greer’s insights into what astronauts, government agencies, and historical events suggest about UFOs on the Moon.
Dr. Steven Greer and the UFO Disclosure Movement
Dr. Steven Greer, a physician turned UFO researcher, has spent over 30 years uncovering classified information on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Known for his work with the Disclosure Project, Dr. Greer has briefed world leaders, conducted press conferences, and produced documentaries to educate the public. His goal is to promote peaceful interstellar contact and reveal suppressed truths about UFOs, technology, and extraterrestrial civilizations.
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Alleged Encounters on the Moon
The Apollo 11 Moon landing in 1969 marked a monumental achievement for humanity, but according to Dr. Greer, it also unveiled an unsettling truth: we were not alone on the Moon. Citing sources close to Neil Armstrong, Dr. Greer suggests that the Apollo astronauts encountered UFOs during their mission. These unidentified craft were reportedly observed above the rim of a crater, leading to significant concern among the astronauts.
Armstrong and his crewmate Buzz Aldrin were allegedly warned against revealing what they saw. Armstrong, fearing for the safety of his family, chose to remain silent. Similarly, Aldrin reportedly experienced emotional distress following the mission, and his sister corroborated the account, stating that significant pressure was placed on the astronauts to suppress the truth.
The Covert Footage and Its Implications
To maintain secrecy, Dr. Greer claims that NASA prepared alternate footage to splice into live broadcasts if something unexpected occurred. This pre-recorded footage was allegedly used during the Apollo 11 mission to hide evidence of extraterrestrial activity. One key anomaly often cited is the movement of the American flag, which seems to flutter despite the Moon’s lack of atmosphere. According to Dr. Greer, this was an oversight in NASA’s attempt to cover up evidence of UFOs.
Ancient Structures and Lunar Anomalies
Dr. Greer also highlights evidence of artificial structures on the Moon, some ancient and others relatively new. These structures were reportedly identified during the Lunar Orbiter missions, even before Apollo 11. Images from these missions were sent to a specialized facility where they were analyzed and sequestered from public view. These findings, combined with the Apollo astronauts’ experiences, suggest that the Moon may have been a site of extraterrestrial activity long before human exploration.
Warnings from Extraterrestrial Civilizations
One of the most startling claims from Dr. Greer’s sources is that extraterrestrial civilizations “warned off” humanity from further Moon exploration. According to Neil Armstrong, these civilizations expressed displeasure with humanity’s Cold War mentality and military-driven space exploration. The message was clear: space exploration should be approached with a spirit of peace and cooperation, not competition and militarization.
This could explain why the U.S. discontinued its lunar missions after the Apollo program, despite initial plans for lunar colonies and long-term exploration. While official narratives cite budgetary constraints, Dr. Greer suggests that extraterrestrial warnings played a significant role in halting these efforts.
Marilyn Monroe, JFK, and the UFO Connection
Dr. Greer also connects the secrecy surrounding UFOs to historical figures like President John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. Kennedy’s vision of a cooperative space program and his alleged intention to disclose UFO information may have contributed to his assassination. Similarly, Marilyn Monroe’s reported plans to reveal details about UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters—shared with her during her relationships with JFK and Robert Kennedy—could have led to her untimely death. Dr. Greer cites a CIA document that implicates Monroe’s knowledge of “objects from outer space” as a potential motive for silencing her.
What Does This Mean for Humanity?
The claims surrounding UFOs on the Moon are more than just sensational stories—they challenge our understanding of history, technology, and our place in the cosmos. If true, these revelations suggest that humanity is being monitored by advanced civilizations with a vested interest in our progress. They also raise questions about the extent of government secrecy and the suppression of information that could revolutionize our understanding of the universe.
UFOs on Moon Are Not What You Think | NASA UAP & UFO News by Dr. Steven Greer
Dr. Steven Greer’s insights provide a compelling narrative about UFOs and extraterrestrial activity on the Moon. While skeptics may dismiss these claims, the testimonies of astronauts, whistleblowers, and historical documents suggest there is more to the story than meets the eye. As humanity continues to explore space, perhaps it is time to revisit these accounts with an open mind and a commitment to uncovering the truth.
The Moon, it seems, holds not just the promise of scientific discovery but also the potential to reshape our understanding of our relationship with the cosmos.
Secret Pentagon Program (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
Dr. Steven Greer on Seeing & Studying Aliens, Man-Made v. Alien UFOs, Govt. Secrets (Full Interview)
Metals found in Pacific Ocean ARE 'alien' objects: New study from Harvard physicist Avi Loeb finds up to 10% have compositions from outside our solar system - and 'not coal ash as critics claimed'
Metals found in Pacific Ocean ARE 'alien' objects: New study from Harvard physicist Avi Loeb finds up to 10% have compositions from outside our solar system - and 'not coal ash as critics claimed'
Story by Stacy Liberatore For
A Harvard physicist published a study revealing the fragments are not coal ash
Avi Loeb analyzed 850 fragments, finding 10 percent have 'alien' elements
A Harvard physicist has revealed that up to 10 percent of the fragments recovered from the Pacific Ocean contain 'alien' elements not seen in our solar system.
Avi Loeb told that he and his team completed their analysis of 850 spherules, finding a new class of differentiated elemental composition labeled BeLaU - and 'not coal ash, as claimed by some people.'
The composition included Beryllium, lanthanum and uranium, which are found on Earth, but were arranged in patterns that do not match our planet's alloys.
'We studied more than a dozen BeLaU spherules and showed that they are distinctly different from coal fly ash based on the abundances of 55 elements from the periodic table,' said Loeb.
'Beyond any reasonable doubt, this rules out the coal ash interpretation that was suggested by four people.'
The teams findings have now claimed that the IM1 meteor detected shooting through the skies in 2014 was Earth's first interstellar visitor.
A Harvard physicist has revealed that up to 10 percent of the fragments recovered from the Pacific Ocean contain ' alien ' elements not seen in our solar system. Avi Loeb told that he and his team completed their analysis of 850 spherules, finding a new class of differentiated elemental composition labeled BeLaU - and 'not coal ash, as claimed by some people.' The composition included Beryllium, lanthanum and uranium, which are found on Earth, but were arranged in patterns that do not match our planet's alloys.
The Harvard physicist's latest paper, published in January, breaks down the classification of the spherules.
Loeb told that the samples were studied by three laboratories: University of California, Berkley, Bruker Corporation and Harvard University.
The samples were subdivided into three compositional types: silicate-rich spherules or S-type, the Ferich (Fe) spherules or I-type and glassy spherules or G-type.
Around 78 percent fall along S, G and I-type spherules.
Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si.
'These spherules are thus called differentiated, meaning they are likely derived from crustal rocks of a differentiated planet; we label them as D-type spherules, characterized by Mg/Si,' reads the study.
'We studied more than a dozen BeLaU spherules and showed that they are distinctly different from coal fly ash based on the abundances of 55 elements from the periodic table,' said Loeb. 'Beyond any reasonable doubt, this rules out the coal ash interpretation that was suggested by four people.' The teams findings have now claimed that the IM1 meteor detected shooting through the skies in 2014 was Earth's first interstellar visitor. The Harvard physicist's latest paper, published in January, breaks down the classification of the spherules.
Loeb told that the samples were studied by three laboratories: University of California, Berkley, Bruker Corporation and Harvard University. The samples were subdivided into three compositional types: silicate-rich spherules or S-type, the Ferich (Fe) spherules or I-type and glassy spherules or G-type. Around 78 percent fall along S, G and I-type spherules. Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si. 'These spherules are thus called differentiated, meaning they are likely derived from crustal rocks of a differentiated planet; we label them as D-type spherules, characterized by Mg/Si,' reads the study. Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si. And about 22 percent of the 850 spherules were labeled as differentiated. The team used a different method to identify spherules with enrichments of Be, La and U.
This procedure identifies 10 of D-type spherules as BeLaU with low-Si spherules and two as BeLaU with high-Si spherules. Loeb explained that it is clear the fragments form from a material that split from a rock-like object, but the chemical composition is unlike any known solar system material with a component of the lunar crust being closest. 'The elemental composition of the BeLaU spherules was never reported in the scientific literature and is different from familiar spherules from known solar system meteors,' Loeb told
Another group was labeled 'differentiated,' which was found to have higher silicon (Si) and Magnesium (Mg), along with increased ratios of Aluminum (Ai) and Si.
And about 22 percent of the 850 spherules were labeled as differentiated.
The team used a different method to identify spherules with enrichments of Be, La and U.
This procedure identifies 10 of D-type spherules as BeLaU with low-Si spherules and two as BeLaU with high-Si spherules.
Loeb explained that it is clear the fragments form from a material that split from a rock-like object, but the chemical composition is unlike any known solar system material with a component of the lunar crust being closest.
'The abundance pattern does not resemble natural materials on the Earth, Moon, Mars or solar system asteroids and features enhanced abundances of some elements by up to a factor of a thousand relative to the initial composition of the solar system materials. We interpret it as being from outside the solar system. 'It constitutes the first recognized interstellar meteor, IM1.' Avi shared initial findings in October after analyzing just 57 fragments, stating the samples contained the new patterns of BeLaU, along with low content of elements with high affinity to iron, like Rhenium. However, the claim was met with criticism from other members of the scientific community, with one saying there was a lack of 'conclusive evidence'. Patricio A. Gallardo, a physicist at the University of Chicago, published a counter-study last November. 'The meteoritic origin is disfavored,' Gallardo shared in his paper published in Research Notes of the AAS. 'Few comparisons to contaminants have been conducted to discard the null hypothesis of terrestrial contamination.'
'The elemental composition of the BeLaU spherules was never reported in the scientific literature and is different from familiar spherules from known solar system meteors,' Loeb told
'The abundance pattern does not resemble natural materials on the Earth, Moon, Mars or solar system asteroids and features enhanced abundances of some elements by up to a factor of a thousand relative to the initial composition of the solar system materials. We interpret it as being from outside the solar system.
'It constitutes the first recognized interstellar meteor, IM1.'
Avi shared initial findings in October after analyzing just 57 fragments, stating the samples contained the new patterns of BeLaU, along with low content of elements with high affinity to iron, like Rhenium
However, the claim was met with criticism from other members of the scientific community, with one saying there was a lack of 'conclusive evidence'.
Patricio A. Gallardo, a physicist at the University of Chicago, published a counter-study last November.
'The meteoritic origin is disfavored,' Gallardo shared in his paper published in Research Notes of the AAS.
'Few comparisons to contaminants have been conducted to discard the null hypothesis of terrestrial contamination.'
Gallardo also claimed that there was a consistency between these three elements (as well as nickel) with the beryllium, lanthanum, uranium and nickel that arises in the ash from the burning of coal.
Steve Desch and Alan Jackson from Arizona State University also shared their criticism last year, stating: 'Far from being exotic particles from an extrasolar planet, the spherules collected and analyzed by Loeb et al. appear to be just like those found around the world, with a Solar System origin and compositions modified by tens of thousands of years residence at the ocean bottom.'
A fourth person echoed Gallardo's paper in claiming the spherules are 'coal ash from human activity since the industrial revolution.'
Gallardo also claimed that there was a consistency between these three elements (as well as nickel) with the beryllium, lanthanum, uranium and nickel that arises in the ash from the burning of coal. Steve Desch and Alan Jackson from Arizona State University also shared their criticism last year, stating: 'Far from being exotic particles from an extrasolar planet, the spherules collected and analyzed by Loeb et al. appear to be just like those found around the world, with a Solar System origin and compositions modified by tens of thousands of years residence at the ocean bottom.' A fourth person echoed Gallardo's paper in claiming the spherules are 'coal ash from human activity since the industrial revolution.' 'All four of these critics did not have access to the expedition materials and made loud statements to the science community, the public, and news media without substantive evidence,' Loeb told
'We now show that their 'coal ash' claim is invalid based on a detailed analysis of 55 elements from the periodic table. Their 'coal ash' claim was misinformation.' For years, Loeb has argued that Earth may have been visited by such technology. In 2017, an interstellar object named Oumuamua passed through the solar system, and while most scientists believe it was a natural phenomenon, Loeb famously argued it may have been of alien origin. After the discovery of Oumuamua in 2017, Loeb theorized - despite much criticism - that more interstellar objects had likely whizzed past Earth. He was vindicated in 2019 when a student discovered that a high-speed fireball in 2014, the IM1 meteor, also had interstellar origins and predated Oumuamua.
'All four of these critics did not have access to the expedition materials and made loud statements to the science community, the public, and news media without substantive evidence,' Loeb told
'We now show that their 'coal ash' claim is invalid based on a detailed analysis of 55 elements from the periodic table. Their 'coal ash' claim was misinformation.'
For years, Loeb has argued that Earth may have been visited by such technology.
In 2017, an interstellar object named Oumuamua passed through the solar system, and while most scientists believe it was a natural phenomenon, Loeb famously argued it may have been of alien origin.
He was vindicated in 2019 when a Loeb and his team discovered that a high-speed fireball in 2014, the IM1 meteor, also had interstellar origins and predated Oumuamua.
The Harvard scientists spent years working closely with the US military to pinpoint the impact zone, combing through data to determine if and when the object fell from space. And determined the object crashed off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Air friction burst IM1 into flames in mid-air as it careened towards Earth, leaving a trail of molten iron rain droplets in its wake on January 8, 2014. The discovery that these interstellar metal fragments could be dredged from the Pacific with powerful magnets led to Loeb and his Galileo team's 2023 mission.
Last June, Loeb and his team traveled to a site where the meteor IM1 was believed to have crashed nearly a decade ago. Also known as CNEOS1 2014-01-08, the object had an estimated diameter of 1.5 feet, a mass of 1,014 pounds and a pre-impact velocity of 37.3 miles per second. IM1 withstood four times the pressure that would typically destroy an ordinary iron-metal meteor ¿ as it hurtled through Earth's atmosphere at 100,215 miles per hour. The researchers trawled the seafloor off the coast of New Guinea in June 2023, pulling hundreds of tiny metallic spherules during the expedition.
The Harvard scientists spent years working closely with the US military to pinpoint the impact zone, combing through data to determine if and when the object fell from space.
And determined the object crashed off the coast of Papua New Guinea.
Air friction burst IM1 into flames in mid-air as it careened towards Earth, leaving a trail of molten iron rain droplets in its wake on January 8, 2014.
The discovery that these interstellar metal fragments could be dredged from the Pacific with powerful magnets led to Loeb and his Galileo team's 2023 mission.
Last June, Loeb and his team traveled to a site where the meteor IM1 was believed to have crashed nearly a decade ago.
Also known as CNEOS1 2014-01-08, the object had an estimated diameter of 1.5 feet, a mass of 1,014 pounds and a pre-impact velocity of 37.3 miles per second.
IM1 withstood four times the pressure that would typically destroy an ordinary iron-metal meteor — as it hurtled through Earth's atmosphere at 100,215 miles per hour.
The researchers trawled the seafloor off the coast of New Guinea in June 2023, pulling hundreds of tiny metallic spherules during the expedition.
The True Scale of Ocean Pollution
Harvard professor believes he may have found alien technology
Just two years before his death, William M. Tompkins had written “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” which induced sudden chaos in the UFO community with his incredible testimony about the US Navy’s secret development of space battle groups with the assistance of major aerospace companies beginning with Douglas Aircraft. He can be considered one of the most incredible whistleblowers to step forward and disclose the Secret Space Programs, E.T. Agendas, and hidden governments. He claimed to be part of an operation involving US Navy spies who stole UFO plans and antigravity technological secrets from the Nazis during World War II.
In July 2017, at a press conference, Tompkins made an unprecedented statement. He worked for the Douglas Aircraft Company alongside extraterrestrials (Nordic alien women). It had been 4-7 years before NASA appeared. He claimed about it in his book (mentioned above) that was published in 2015.
William Tompkins of Oceanside, CA displays one of the 307 ships in his fleet. A modeler since age 9, he started in earnest in his teens and built an entire fleet that illustrates naval history throughout America’s history. Image Credit:
Additionally, he revealed that the Nazis had already had operational UFOs during the war, and because of the information that the US spies were able to obtain, the US later developed its fleet of UFOs – which then got siphoned off into the black military sphere under the control of Majestic 12, the ultra-secretive group that controlled and managed the UFO/alien issue in the 1940s.
During the time of World War, there were secret societies such as the Thule Society and the Vril Society. Famous British historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clark wrote a whole chapter about Maria Orsic in his book “Black Sun” published in 2001, where he connected her with Vril society.
The author mentioned that Orsic could communicate with alien civilizations and one of them was from the planet Aldebaran, which is located in the Taurus system.
According to Tompkins, the Nazis were in contact with Extraterrestrial Reptilians at the same time as Orsic was doing her channeling. Hitler found out about Orsic, her abilities, and the fact she was receiving information that detailed how to construct UFOs.
According to Tompkins, Hitler allowed Orsic (and the Nordics with whom she was working) to continue to work on their UFO program because the Nazis were already in contact with the Reptilians, and because Hitler knew he could always take over Orsic’s project at any time.
Robert Wood, who was interviewed alongside William Tompkins by Search4TruthReality (source), claimed that the Nazis’ technology rapidly advanced due to their relationship with the Reptilians so that they got to the far side of the moon before the end of WW2.
William Tompkins and Dr. Robert Wood during an interview in 2016.
Dr. Wood worked in research and development management in Douglas Aircraft and McDonnell Douglas from 1956 to 1993. Later he became a Board member of MUFON. He was given $500,000 to disseminate UFO documents and $250,000 to make a UFO documentary. Later, Robert and his son Ryan scanned hundreds of MJ-12 documents and made them available on their website
According to William Tompkins, he was recruited at a young age by the Navy due to his precocious ability to build highly accurate model ships. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950.
In interviews such as with Project Camelot and in his book “Selected by Extraterrestrials,” Tompkins revealed much of his story. He explained that MJ-12 began in 1942 with the senior Douglas (the man who started the company).
Tompkins stated that right after the Battle of LA in 1942, to handle the implications of UFOs openly showing themselves in the skies, Douglas pulled some key men into a group (or think tank) that later became MJ-12.
Seventeen-year-old Bill Tompkins points out the detail on his models to naval Captain H. C. Gearing, commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego. Bill was soon inducted into the navy and is shown in the second photo in his uniform holding one of his aircraft carriers. He went on to help design com on the real ships. Image Credit:
Dr. Wood stated that MJ-12 is mostly associated with the Air Force, not other branches of the US military. He explained that the US Navy started back-engineering Nazi UFO crafts in 1942 before MJ-12 came into existence. It took the Navy around a decade to produce functional UFO craft, but they did so eventually.
Tompkins stated that when the first astronauts went to the moon, they were shocked to discover it had already been occupied by Draco Reptilians. He said that the Reptilians, over 9 feet tall, were standing next to their advanced craft.
Bill Tompkins: They were parked around the side of the crater. Okay. They were not parked on it. They were floating above it. So there were hundreds of these nine-foot reptilian guys standing with their legs. Yeah. They were all the way across underneath their vehicles, standing on the crater.
Interviewer: And what do they look like?
Bill Tompkins: They’re ugly-looking lizard, alligator-type people. They got the same skin as the lizards got. Okay. And terrible-looking faces. But then they have the ability to shift and look like a human. All of them do. Okay.
Interviewer. Do you think Von Braun was a reptilian?
Bill Tompkins: No. Your president. Yes.
Interviewer: Oh, which one?
Bill Tompkins: [George Bush senior] And Bill Clinton and this guy you just got rid. Yeah. They all were. Right. Okay. And they all have this ability to make themselves look like real good-looking people.
Interviewer: And you’re saying Trump isn’t one?
Bill Tompkins: No, he’s not. That’s a relief. And he knows more about this subject than people realize. But trying to get back to your earlier question, these groups of extraterrestrials who work together but are at war with other extraterrestrials, okay, have these vehicles that look like a planet, like our moon is a vehicle. It’s a command center for this arm. The easiest way to look at this is to put your arm out like this, and you be the center of the galaxy. (Source)
According to both Tompkins and Dr. Wood, the Reptilians had already made a deal with the Nazis. Amazingly, Tompkins himself claimed he saw ancient structures on the far side of the moon and that he saw a floating building – 1.5 miles above the lunar surface.
According to Tompkins, many ET species are interacting with humanity currently, including Dracos/Reptilians and Nordics which have a great influence on the world.
In his Project Camelot interview, Tompkins prevented himself from disclosing more information about Reptilians as it was harmful to his credibility. Tompkins also described the US Military’s concerns about UFOs and alien beings and the Military’s rush to create advanced space-based weapons, which could be used to defend the planet Earth against an ET threat to our civilization.
He revealed US Navy has Battle Groups operating outside the Earth. He designed five spaceships and thirty support ships. Using the latest technology, he designed different spaceships for Northrop Aviation Company. Northrop started building the huge craft underground in Utah.
Tompkins claimed we are now building even better Battle Groups. The Apollo moon landings were also designed to build a base on the moon. We have had bases on the moon along with bases on Mars and Jupiter’s moons.
A month after the shocking conference, Tompkins passed away unexpectedly on August 21, 2017, in San Diego, California, at the age of 94.
Bill Tompkins Was In Control Room When Neil Armstrong Met Moon Reptilians! What Really Happened?
Neil Armstrong's Untold Extraterrestrial Encounter on The Moon
The new director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office(AARO) confirmed to lawmakers on Tuesday that the U.S. is investigating what he characterized as “some very anomalous objects,” while providing an update on the Defense Department’s ongoing investigations into unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).
Pentagon UAP office to testify before US Senate, discuss UFO sightings
In his opening statements, Kosloski pledged that his office would continue to share information about AARO’s findings at the unclassified level, discussing several UAP cases his office has investigated, including a series of incidents which AARO says have now been resolved.
One of these, referred to as “The Puerto Rico Object,” involved a video of a purported UAP filmed in April 2013 from a U.S. Customs and Border Protection aircraft near Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. The video has been been a subject of independent public investigation and debate now for many years.
Kosloski told lawmakers the object in the video was assessed with high confidence by his office not to display any evidence of anomalous speeds or flight characteristics, and was “likely a pair of balloons or sky lanterns,” which Kosloski said had been “floating at about seven knots over the airport.”
Examples of AARO’s resolved reports also included a now-famous U.S. Navy video commonly known as “Go Fast” that first came to public knowledge in 2017, which Kosloski says represents an example of parallax.
“Through a very careful geospatial and intelligence analysis using trigonometry, we assess with high confidence that the object is not actually close to the water, but is rather closer to 13,000 feet,” Kosloski said.
“A trick of the eye called parallax makes it look like the object is moving much faster,” Kosloski added, referencing a report on parallax previously uploaded to AARO’s official website.
Another resolved UAP case, filmed in the Mediterranean from a drone observing the eruption of Mount Etna in 2018, appears to show a small object passing through the plume of superheated gas and ash produced by the volcano.
“This was a rather difficult case to resolve,” Kosloski said. “Through very detailed 3D modeling and pixel by pixel analysis of the object as it’s traversing across the clouds, the assess that the object was actually 170 meters away from the plume, and not flying through it.”
However, while many cases have been resolved by AARO, Dr. Kosloski cautioned against any perception that his office does not find at least some of the reports it receives genuinely anomalous.
“To be clear, AARO does not believe that every object is a bird, a balloon, or a UAV,” Kosloski said, adding that “we do have some very anomalous objects.”
Kosloski also said that his office has worked to ensure that U.S. personnel with information related to UAP or alleged U.S. government programs associated with such phenomena feel comfortable coming forward and speaking to AARO.
“We take that responsibility and those authorities very seriously,” Kosloski said, adding that he and his staff “have been reaching out to the broader community, encouraging folks who had talked to AARO personnel in the past, and maybe felt uncomfortable to come back to us.”
Prior to Kosloski’s appointment as AARO Director, the office’s investigations were led by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, who is currently the Chief Technology Officer for Defense and Intelligence Programs within the National Security Sciences Directorate (NSSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
It was unclear during Tuesday’s hearing whether Kosloski’s references to past instances where U.S. personnel may have felt uncomfortable speaking with AARO investigators had occurred during Kirkpatrick’s tenure. However, Kosloski told lawmakers that AARO has recently been “making great progress,” adding that several firsthand witnesses his office had spoken to about their UAP sightings “do feel comfortable coming back to us.”
Asked by Senator Gillibrand about UAP cases that merit further investigation, Kosloski explained that while some cases with insufficient data are placed into an active archive, there are others involving reportedly anomalous objects that AARO deems to be worthy of additional analysis.
AARO's logo in front of the Pentagon. AARO's Latin motto translates roughly as "the universe is changing/our life is what our thoughts make of it."
(Image credit: AARO/Wikimedia Commons)
One particularly intriguing unresolved case that Kosloski described involved a large orange orb or sphere observed floating several hundred feet above the ground by a law enforcement officer in the Western United States. As the officer approached the location believed to be directly beneath the object, he observed another object described as “blacker than black” and roughly the size of an automobile.
“As he got 40 to 60 meters away from the object, it tilted up about 45 degrees and then it shot up vertically,” Kosloski said, “and then it shot up vertically, he says 10 to 100 times faster than any drone he’s ever seen before.
“And it did that without making a sound, as far as he could tell from inside his vehicle,” Kosloski said. The object reportedly emitted very bright red and blue lights as it departed the scene, which illuminated the inside of the officer’s vehicle.
Another unresolved case involved a stationary cylinder that was observed for a short period hovering over a U.S. facility in the American southwest before abruptly disappearing. The object, observed by U.S. government contractors who were leaving the facility at that time, was described as being comparable in size to a commercial airplane, and was accompanied by a very bright white light.
“Obviously, an object that large [and] stationary—unless it’s a blimp—is unusual,” Kosloski said. “But then disappearing, we can’t explain how that would happen.”
In another instance, an aircraft flying parallel to another aircraft while filming it captured imagery of a much smaller object that appears to have passed between them at high speed.
Kosloski said AARO may be nearing a resolution with one of these three cases, but added that there are several others that are still currently under analysis by his office.
Asked by U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) what the U.S. needs to be doing about UAP and what precautions should be taken by U.S. officials, Kosloski warned about stigmas that have long prevailed against the subject, which he said “opens the opportunity for an adversary… to come in and conduct some activity.”
“We need to do that, and we need to have more persistent monitoring,” Kosloski also told lawmakers of the challenges AARO faces with regard to collecting information about UAP, adding that in particular, monitoring at high security facilities should be a main priority.
“Whether it is a UAP, or it is a counter-UAS issue, that we need to have that complete domain awareness around our national security facilities,” Kosloski said.
Next year, Kosloski said AARO plans to roll out a public reporting mechanism at AARO’s website where members of the general public can download a reporting form and submit details about possible UAP sightings, along with attachments such as imagery. This simple reporting interface, Kosloski said, was chosen due to its cost effectiveness, in addition to being a system that he said could ensure the privacy of those members of the public who file reports.
“I think that the authorities that we have are remarkable,” Kosloski said at the conclusion of the short public session, thanking Gillibrand and other lawmakers, and adding that he believes AARO to be “well-resourced as an office.”
“The only ask that I would have is that you continue to champion us, particularly with witnesses,” Kosloski said. “Encourage them to come forward and report to us so we that we can have a more fulsome investigation of the potential historic or ongoing legacy programs,” Kosloski said.
Speaking with members of the media on a call last week following the release of AARO’s new report, Kosloski said that his office currently has “several particularly interesting cases.”
“We’re working on within the office, working with our partners to downgrade several of those cases, so we can talk about them publicly,” Kosloski said during the call.
“But there are interesting cases that I, with my physics and engineering background and time in the IC, I do not understand.”
“And I don’t know anybody else who understands them either,” Kosloski added.
Venus Has Never Been Habitable, New Study Suggests
Venus Has Never Been Habitable, New Study Suggests
Planetary researcher Tereza Constantinou and her colleagues at the University of Cambridge have examined the chemical composition of the Venusian atmosphere and inferred that the planet’s interior is too dry today for there ever to have been enough water for oceans to exist at its surface; instead, Venus has likely been a scorching, inhospitable world for its entire history.
This composite image, taken by JAXA’s Akatsuki spacecraft, shows Venus.
Image credit: JAXA / ISAS / DARTS / Damia Bouic.
From a distance, Venus and Earth look like siblings: it is almost identical in size and is a rocky planet like Earth.
But up close, Venus is more like an evil twin: it is covered with thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and its surface has a mean temperature close to 500 degrees Celsius.
Despite these extreme conditions, for decades, astronomers have been investigating whether Venus once had liquid oceans capable of supporting life, or whether some mysterious form of ‘aerial’ life exists in its thick clouds now.
“We won’t know for sure whether Venus can or did support life until we send probes at the end of this decade,” Constantinou said.
“But given it likely never had oceans, it is hard to imagine Venus ever having supported Earth-like life, which requires liquid water.”
When searching for life elsewhere in our galaxy, astronomers focus on planets orbiting their host stars in the habitable zone, where temperatures are such that liquid water can exist on the planet’s surface.
Venus provides a powerful limit on where this habitable zone lies around a star.
“Even though it’s the closest planet to us, Venus is important for exoplanet science, because it gives us a unique opportunity to explore a planet that evolved very differently to ours, right at the edge of the habitable zone,” Constantinou said.
The dichotomous climate pathways proposed for Venus.
Image credit: Constantinou et al., doi: 10.1038/s41550-024-02414-5.
There are two primary theories on how conditions on Venus may have evolved since its formation 4.6 billion years ago.
The first is that conditions on the surface of Venus were once temperate enough to support liquid water, but a runaway greenhouse effect caused by widespread volcanic activity caused the planet to get hotter and hotter.
The second theory is that Venus was born hot, and liquid water has never been able to condense at the surface.
“Both of those theories are based on climate models, but we wanted to take a different approach based on observations of Venus’ current atmospheric chemistry,” Constantinou said.
“To keep the Venusian atmosphere stable, then any chemicals being removed from the atmosphere should also be getting restored to it, since the planet’s interior and exterior are in constant chemical communication with one another.”
The researchers calculated the present destruction rate of water, carbon dioxide and carbonyl sulfide molecules in Venus’ atmosphere, which must be restored by volcanic gases to keep the atmosphere stable.
Volcanism, through its supply of gases to the atmosphere, provides a window into the interior of rocky planets like Venus.
As magma rises from the mantle to the surface, it releases gases from the deeper portions of the planet.
On Earth, volcanic eruptions are mostly steam, due to our planet’s water-rich interior.
But, based on the composition of the volcanic gases necessary to sustain the Venusian atmosphere, the scientists found that volcanic gases on Venus are at most six percent water.
These dry eruptions suggest that Venus’s interior, the source of the magma that releases volcanic gases, is also dehydrated.
At the end of this decade, NASA’s DAVINCI mission will be able to test and confirm whether Venus has always been a dry, inhospitable planet, with a series of flybys and a probe sent to the surface.
The results could help astronomers narrow their focus when searching for planets that can support life in orbit around other stars in the galaxy.
“If Venus was habitable in the past, it would mean other planets we have already found might also be habitable,” Constantinou said.
“Instruments like the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope are best at studying the atmospheres of planets close to their host star, like Venus.”
“But if Venus was never habitable, then it makes Venus-like planets elsewhere less likely candidates for habitable conditions or life.
“We would have loved to find that Venus was once a planet much closer to our own, so it’s kind of sad in a way to find out that it wasn’t, but ultimately it’s more useful to focus the search on planets that are mostly likely to be able to support life — at least life as we know it.”
The study was published this month in the journal Nature Astronomy.
T. Constantinou et al. A dry Venusian interior constrained by atmospheric chemistry. Nat Astron, published online December 2, 2024; doi: 10.1038/s41550-024-02414-5
This article is based on a press-release provided by the University of Cambridge.
Why Don't Venus And Mars Have Life If They Are Both In The Habitable Zone?
From the time the space rock was spotted by NASAto the time it hit Earth, space agencies around the world had just seven hours to react.
Luckily for Earth, this asteroid was only 70cm across and burned up harmlessly in the air - but for asteroid hunter Franck Marchis, this was too close for comfort.
Dr Marchis, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and founder of the UNISTELLAR citizen astronomer network, told MailOnline: 'If it had been slightly bigger, that would been a very different story.'
If scientists want to save humanity from a potential 'city killer' asteroid we need years of warning, not a handful of hours.
The solution, according to Dr Marchis, is to enlistamateur astronomers to fill in the gaps left behind by the professionals.
Dr Marchis says: 'Asteroids can come at any moment towards Earth. Having eyes on the sky everywhere in the world allows us to track them.'
Professional asteroid hunter Franck Marchis says that governmental space agencies like NASA and ESA can't protect Earth from an impending asteroid impact alone
Franck Marchis (pictured) senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and founder of UNISTELLAR, told MailOnline that the only way to protect Earth from asteroids is for civilians to spot the threats that NASA misses
What's the risk of an asteroid hitting Earth?
On Christmas Day, 2004, while most of us were busy opening presents and enjoying time with our families, Dr Marchis was facing down a potentially deadly threat.
NASA had spotted a large space rock, known as a Near-Earth Object (NEO), and sent out a call for astronomers to take a closer look.
After taking measurements of the asteroid's course and calculating its orbit, Dr Marchis and other astronomers came to the sobering realisation that it was headed right for Earth.
At around 400m in diameter, the asteroid, known as 2004 MN4, was a true city killer capable of punching through the atmosphere and hitting the planet with devastating force.
To make matters worse, Dr Marchis predicted that there were only four to seven hours before impact.
He says: 'The community was freaked out, for several hours we had no idea if it was going to hit the planet or not.'
Thankfully, it turned out that the initial observations had been wrong and 2004 MN4 merely skimmed by the planet without colliding.
Just like the film 'Don't Look Up', on Christmas Day 2004, Dr Marchis detected an asteroid that was predicted to collide with Earth. However, unlike the film, Dr Marchis spotted the 400m-long space rock when there were only four hours before it was expected to hit
This week an asteroid exploded over Russia. The asteroid was discovered early Tuesday morning by a NASA-funded telescope only seven hours before it hit the atmosphere
How big is the risk of an asteroid impact?
Space rocks approaching Earth's orbit, known as near-earth objects (NEO), are carefully monitored by NASA and the European Space Agency.
There are 36,765 NEOs, 2,442 of which are classified as 'potentially hazardous'.
However, there are currently no asteroids big enough to cause serious damage to Earth on a collision course with the planet in the next 100 years.
The bigger risk is of a smaller, fast-moving asteroid which might hit before it can be detected.
This would only need to be about 20-40m in diameter to cause serious damage.
However, for seven hours on Christmas Day, there were only about 400 people in the world who knew just how close Earth had come to total disaster.
He says: 'I think when you see something like that, you realise that this is possible and you realise the potential impact of it.'
Each day, the Earth is bombarded by an estimated 100 tonnes of material from space, most of which are no larger than a grain of dust and burn up harmlessly in Earth's atmosphere.
However, astronomers have discovered 36,765 NEOs, including more than 11,000 which are over 140m across and 868 larger than a kilometre.
Of those, 1,714 are on the 'risk list' meaning that there is a non-zero chance of a collision with Earth.
With space around Earth so full of potential threats, near misses are not entirely uncommon.
Last year a 130m-wide space rock named 2019 OK travelling at 88,500 kmph (55,000 mph) passed within just 72,500 km (45,000 miles) of Earth - extraordinarily close in astronomical terms.
Nor do asteroids need to be as large as 2003 MN4 to cause absolute devastation.
In 2004, Dr Marchis detected the asteroid 400m-wide 2004 MN4. At the time, calculations suggested it may hit Earth within hours of its discovery
The Chelyabinsk meteor (pictured) which injured over 1,600 and damaged over 7,000 buildings in 2013 was believed to be just 18m in diameter.
The 5 asteroids that could hit Earth
1. Bennu: 1,574 ft
Odds of collision: 1/2,700 on September 24, 2182
2. 1950 DA: 6,561 ft
Odds of collision: 1/34,500 on March 16, 2880
3. 2023 TL4: 1,083 ft
Odds of collision: 1/181,000 on October 10, 2119
4. 2007 FT3: 2,165 ft
Odds of collision: 1/11.5 million on October 5, 2024
5. 2023 DW: 166 ft
Odds of collision: 1/1,584 on February 14, 2046
For instance, the Chelyabinsk meteor which injured over 1,600 and damaged over 7,000 buildings in 2013 was believed to be just 18m in diameter.
Dr Marchis says: 'An asteroid of over 120 metres will impact our planet every 10,000 years on average.
'This shows that, if we want our civilisation to last for a long period of time, we need to look around us and characterise those objects.'
How can we save Earth from a devastating asteroid impact?
After the Christmas Day scare, Dr Marchis says he realised that small groups of professionals simply weren't up to the task of defending the entire planet.
'There are multiple stations around the world, professional telescopes, that detect and characterise objects but most of them are located in the same area,' Dr Marchis says.
The novel solution was that, instead of having a handful of massive advanced systems, you could fill the dark zones with small, cheap telescopes to watch the whole sky at once.
Dr Marchis' initial plan was to place a series of small satellite telescopes in orbit (pictured) to detect incoming asteroids. However, this was deemed too expensive
Dr Marchis says: 'We quickly realised that having an entire worldwide array of telescopes capable of watching all of the sky all of the time would help.'
Back in 2014, Dr Marchis thought that the best way to do this would be to surround the planet with a network of orbiting telescope satellites.
However, before the days of reusable rockets, nobody was interested in funding a vast satellite constellation and Dr Marchis now calls the idea his 'sci-fi' project.
Unable to put his telescopes in space, Dr Marchis ultimately settled on the next best thing: putting them in as many homes around the world as physically possible.
In 2015, he founded UNISTELLAR which makes relatively cheap telescopes 'smart telescopes' which can track objects in space and share their measurements with a network of amateur astronomers.
These observations allow average civilians to light up the world's dark zones and keep a watchful eye on anything that could pose a threat to Earth.
When NASA or ESA's wide-angle telescopes spot something bright and fast moving through the sky they send a notification to a database called the Minor Planets Centre.
Dr Marchis says: 'Based on about five or six observations they tell other people: "Hey, there is an asteroid coming to us and it could be potentially hazardous."
Instead of going to space, Dr Marchis founded Unistellar which sells telescopes (pictured) that automatically share data on the objects they observe with a network of amateur astronomers. This allows scientists to gather lots of observations of potentially hazardous objects
'Amateur astronomers including those inour network get this notification and use our telescopes to refine the observation.
'It's by combining all those eyes together that refines the predicted orbit of the asteroid and confirms whether it is an asteroid rather than a piece of rocket.'
In the case of spotting a dangerous asteroid, the impact will first be confirmed by NASA's Sentry and ESA's Meerkat prediction systems.
Then Dr Marchis and the other members of UNISTELLAR would bring their predictions to the UN's International Asteroid Warning Network to coordinate the response.
The asteroid was spotted by a NASA-funded telescope in Arizona about seven hours prior to impact.
Amateur astronomers in Japan and Australia then used their smaller telescopes to work out exactly where and when it would hit.
This time, it was determined that the space rock would burn up in the atmosphere so the issue was not escalated to the UN but, if it had been bigger, it would have been these citizen scientists' observations which determined the areas to be evacuated.
The Earth frequently faces near misses from hazardous asteroids. This year four 'potentially hazardous' asteroids passed Earth within a 12-hour window. The largest was the 'city killer' asteroid 2002 NV16 which is taller than the Blackpool Tower
The future of planetary defence
However, if humanity is to survive into the future, we need to do more than just know when Earth is about to be hit by an asteroid - we need a way of stopping it.
'The good news is that, two years ago, we made an experiment showing that we can deflect an asteroid if we know well in advance that such an impact will happen,' Dr Marchis says.
'And that's changing a lot about how we think about this problem.'
The experiment Dr Marchis refers to is NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) which slammed a fast-moving satellite into the side of a distant asteroid.
Although the results will be confirmed in 2026 by ESA's Hera mission, the early results show that the asteroid was indeed bumped out of its orbit.
And, as the satellite collided with its target, it was telescopes in the UNISTELLAR network that recorded the impact as it happened.
These observations provided the first images of the plumes of dust and debris caused by the collision which showed that the $324.5 million (£253.5 million) mission had been a success.
NASA's DART mission used a small fast-moving satellite to slam into a massive asteroid. This test showed that it is possible to knock an asteroid out of a collision course with Earth
Dr Marchis says that he wants to expand the amateur astronomer network to detect potential targets for deflection missions. Projects like the DART mission (pictured) could be a vital line of defence against space rocks but only if there is enough prior warning
It was even the hard work of citizen scientists which provided the data thatproved humanity really could push a dangerous asteroid out of the way.
Dr Marchis says that the goal is now to expand the UNISTELLAR network so that amateur astronomers can start to identify any asteroids that could pose a threat.
He says: 'What we need to do is map the entire surroundings of Earth to find all those bodies 120m or larger because, as soon as we know that one of them could impact our planet, we just have to send a spacecraft over to deflect it.
'We do more observations in a year now than we have done over the past 200 years but we could still do better.'
For example, there are still vast dark zones over the developing countries where Earth just can't see what is coming its way.
Dr Marchis says that the only solution is to either 'win the lottery' to fund his satellite telescopes or get more amateur astronomers involved in planetary defence.
He concludes: 'If people like astronomy or if they want to do something more meaningful in their life they should really look at what we do in citizen science.
'This is a movement which is going to change the way we progress as a civilisation and UNISTELLAR is proof that every human can make remarkable discoveries that will one day change humanity.'
Currently, NASA would not be able to deflect an asteroid if it were heading for Earth but it could mitigate the impact and take measures that would protect lives and property.
This would include evacuating the impact area and moving key infrastructure.
Finding out about the orbit trajectory, size, shape, mass, composition and rotational dynamics would help experts determine the severity of a potential impact.
However, the key to mitigating damage is to find any potential threat as early as possible.
NASA and the European Space Agency completed a test which slammed a refrigerator-sized spacecraft into the asteroid Dimorphos.
The test is to see whether small satellites are capable of preventing asteroids from colliding with Earth.
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) used what is known as a kinetic impactor technique—striking the asteroid to shift its orbit.
The impact could change the speed of a threatening asteroid by a small fraction of its total velocity, but by doing so well before the predicted impact, this small nudge will add up over time to a big shift of the asteroid's path away from Earth.
This was the first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defence.
The results of the trial are expected to be confirmed by the Hera mission in December 2026.
A study conducted by US Army Intelligence has suggested that reincarnation is real because consciousness 'never dies.'
Entitled 'Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process,' the 29-page report was drafted by US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M McDonnell in 1983 and declassified by the CIA in 2003.
The research has resurfaced on social media, with Chicago-based comedian Sara Holcomb summarizing the findings, saying: 'We're pretty sure reincarnation is real.'
'Consciousness is energy and it exists outside of our understanding of reality,' Holocomb said, paraphrasing page 19 of McDonnell's Army intel report. 'And energy... never dies.'
The mind-bending official Pentagon study was commissioned to better understand what its Army intel colleagues were doing sending personnel to a small institute in Charlottesville, Virginia that was working on the 'Gateway Experience.'
The then-secretive 'Gateway' project, based to McDonnell's analysis, was 'a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence... to alter consciousness.'
From there, Gateway's ambitious goal was to shift the practitioner's consciousness 'outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space.'
At least according to McDonnell, the Monroe Institute's discoveries that wound up bolstering the case for reincarnation were profound.
'When consciousness returns to the Absolute [Monroe jargon for a realm outside spacetime] it brings with it all the memories it has accumulated through experience in reality,' as he distilled the Institute's finding that memories pass on from life to life via reincarnation.
An eye-popping study conducted by US Army Intelligence and made public by the CIA has shocked social media with its finding that consciousness transcends space and time. Entitled 'Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process,' the 29-page report was drafted in 1983
The recently resurfaced US Army Intelligence report presents an abstract explanation of how consciousness is created through the brain's processing of energy in the physical world - transforming it into what Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell compares to a hologram (above)
Or, as Holocomb put it more succinctly in one of many videos by TikTok users fascinated with the metaphysical US Army study: 'You're pretty sure reincarnation is a legit thing? Yup.'
The comedian, who posts as @mad_hatter_news on TikTok, also referenced a vast body of research by the nearby University of Virginia Medical School's Division of Perceptual Studies which has compiled a database of over 2,500 cases of professed reincarnation.
Many of the cases involved children under the age of five who claimed to remember 'memories of a previous life they claim to have lived.'
'Why the kids?' Holocomb continued in her post. 'It seems they're the ones that most easily remember their past lives.'
But the Gateway study explored more than simply heady spiritual questions of reincarnation, the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.
Ltc McDonnell's report as a member of US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) was concerned with psychic spycraft along the astral plane. Psychic spycraft involves the use of alleged paranormal abilities for espionage.
In 1983, INSCOM was headed by Major General Albert Stubblebine III, one of the US military's greatest proponents of psychic warfare.
Joe McMoneagle — who served as Remote Viewer No1. in one of Major General Stubblebine's psychic spy programs — has said his own role was to use remote viewing to spy on Russian military bases and gather intelligence.
He spent more than 20 years as a so-called 'remote viewer' working at Fort Meade in Maryland, which is also home to the National Security Agency (NSA).
'My success rate was around 28 percent,' McMoneagle said. 'That may not sound very good, but we were brought in to deal with the hopeless cases.'
'Our information was then cross-checked with any other available intelligence to build up an overall picture. We proved to be quite useful "spies."'
Joe McMoneagle (pictured) was a Vietnam vet and American 'psychic spy.' His role was to use 'remote viewing' to spy on Russian bases and gather intelligence. He now serves on the Board of Advisors for the Monroe Institute - whose 'Gateway' process was studied in the 1983 report
In 1983, INSCOM was headed by Major General Albert Stubblebine III (portrait above), one of the US military's greatest proponents of psychic warfare
Today in retirement, McMoneagle serves as on the Board of Advisors and as a trainer for the Monroe Institute, the same institute whose 'Gateway' process was studied by US Army INSCOM in their 1983 report.
Ultimately Ltc McDonnell's 'Gateway Experience' report, was an effort to verify the institute's suitability as a defense contractor used in this Army INSCOM program to operationalize 'out of body' experiences for espionage.
In his summary, McDonnell concluded: 'There is a sound and rational basis in terms of physical science parameters for considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential objectives.'
'Intuitional insights of not only personal but of a practical and professional nature would seem to be within the bounds of reasonable expectations,' he continued, in essence validating INSCOM's 'psychic spying' strategy.
But there was a catch, he noted: These experiences were hard to control or direct consistently, which Ltc McDonnell suggested would require long and careful training.
'[A] phased approach for entering the Gateway Experience in an accelerated mode would seem to be required [...] from the standpoint of establishing an organization-wide exploitation of Gateway's potential,' he wrote.
In other words, while the Army intel official found that Gateway was real and possible, more research was needed to get to a place where US intelligence could actually make use it.
Ltc McDonnell then laid out recommendations for how Army INSCOM could go about designing further Gateway studies, though its unclear if more studies were ever launched.
Mysteriously, one page of Ltc McDonnell's report is missing, number 25, in the middle of a section where he was outlining potential practical defense uses of Gateway.
The omission caught the attention of some readers who launched a petition calling for the CIA to release it.
The CIA, however, says that it never had the page to begin with — fueling theories that it has been left it out on purpose due to the powerful techniques that page 25 described.
Researchers say there's evidence that consciousness continues after clinical death
The United States Air Force (USAF) has confirmed to Liberation Times that ‘small unmanned aerial systems’ were observed above three of its UK bases in the East of England over a continuous five-day period.
‘Small unmanned aerial systems were spotted in the vicinity of and over Royal Air Force Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall and RAF Feltwell between Nov. 20 and Nov. 24.
‘The number of systems fluctuated, and they ranged in sizes and configurations. The sUASs were actively monitored and installation leaders determined that none of the incursions impacted base residents, facilities or assets.’
On Facebook, Colonel Jack R. Arthaud the commander of the 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath posted:
‘You are most likely aware that we have experienced several sUAS or small drone sightings across the tri-base area since 20 Nov. They are being actively monitored and have not impacted base residents or infrastructure.
‘If you see anything suspicious, to include sUAS's or drone activity within the tri-base area, please contact either local police or Security Forces. The Liberty Wing is taking all appropriate measures to safeguard RAF Lakenheath, RAF Feltwell and residents.’
Specific details about the drone activities on Saturday 23 November, and Sunday 24 November, are not yet known. However, with wind speeds reaching up to 65 miles per hour in the area over the weekend, operating drones in such conditions would likely have been challenging.
This evening, plane spotters monitoring USAF activities from the affected bases reported ongoing drone incursions and observed Air Force assets deploying apparent countermeasures.
One YouTuber filming from outside RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk stated that he could see lights of apparent drones “skimming the tops of trees” near the base and that F15s had taken off and were going “round and round above us”.
The streamer, whose YouTube channel is named ‘Liberty Wing UK’, witnessed the F15s take off, said “they weren’t hanging around, full afterburner all the way up.”
The streamer appeared to have captured a radio conversation from the base, where one USAF officer can be heard saying:
“We’ve got multiple reports of UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] taking off from fields to the north and south”
Later on, the streamer added:
“I've had this information that it's some sort of test. But I just can't think it is because what I've been told by the base as well.
“They didn’t want me to stream to start with. If it was just an exercise I would have thought they wouldn’t bother saying anything to me.
“But they came over to me and spoke to me and, on purpose, asked me what I was doing. And they've been going around the perimeter, looking at people's cars and stuff as well. To me, I don’t think they would be bothered doing stuff like that if it was just an exercise.”
X user Dr. Andrew O'Malley shared a map of the area surrounding the base, highlighting aircraft activity, including a military refuelling plane.
He added:
‘Stratotanker up. That means fighter jets are up too with their transponders off.’
Liberation Times requested comment from the USAF to confirm whether drone incursions were ongoing as of 25 November 2024 - however no official confirmation has been provided.
One Facebook user and local resident named Hardy Lewis Jhardy witnessed what may have been one of the mysterious drones in the nearby Valbri Motel in the town of Brandon, Suffolk.
Jhardy told Liberation Times that the apparent drone appeared to be moving fast towards RAF Lakenheath and was medium in size.
The video was also posted onto Facebook. In response to it, one commenter suggested that it could be a USAF drone, stating:
‘Could be a drone from the base. I saw a drone once inside the Lakenheath base but owned by the military.’
Another commenter agreed, posting:
‘Is nobody considering that they may be security drones scanning for potential threats or sabotage!!’
On a separate Facebook post commenting on the incidents, one former USAF officer speculated that the apparent drones could belong to an adversary power, writing:
‘I hope the installation security posture is reflecting the threat? Drones will test security, gauge response times, identify vulnerabilities, and distract from another higher priority mission. A Drone swarm could overwhelm security forces in short order.
‘Too many incidents not to be coordinated. Stateside, overseas, getting probed. Very reminiscent of the bad old days, when we had humans poking around.’
The activity affecting the USAF-operated bases took place after the UK and U.S. governments approved the Ukrainian military's use of long-range missiles to strike targets within Russian territory.
So far, neither the UK nor U.S. governments have identified the operators of the apparent drones or specified the types of drones involved, despite their repeated launches on consecutive nights.
A resident of the nearby town of Brandon expressed his frustrations on Facebook, writing:
‘So Lakenheath, Mildenhall & Feltwell RAF American bases, have all had mystery drones flying around them. I have to ask, why were the drones not quickly shot down.’
Another wrote:
‘Little worrying.’
Meanwhile, Brandon’s Town Council told Liberation Times:
‘Our Town Clerk has informed me that we have received no official reports from any of the bases but the Squadron Leader does have a regular report at Full Council, so if there is anything to report on the matter, we will receive it then.’
With locals left concerned about the situation, a spokesperson from the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MOD) commented to Liberation Times:
“We take threats seriously and maintain robust measures at defence sites. This includes counter drone security capabilities.
“We won’t comment further on security procedures.”
The incursions over the U.S. bases follows other drones incidents reported by Liberation Times above Langley Air Force in December 2023, where logs show that dronebusters used by security forces failed to intercept the objects.
In January this year, it was reported that the U.S. military was set to deploy nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath.
In March 2023, a document, external from the U.S. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense disclosed how $50m had been earmarked to build a facility known as a ‘Surety Dormitory’ at the base.
Unveiling the Mystery: Underwater UFOs and Hidden ET Bases Beneath the Waves
Unveiling the Mystery: Underwater UFOs and Hidden ET Bases Beneath the Waves
The mystery of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has long fascinated humanity, but a less-discussed phenomenon also warrants attention: underwater unidentified submerged objects (USOs). These transmedium crafts exhibit extraordinary abilities to seamlessly transition between air, water, and even space. Recent explorations near California have shed light on compelling evidence of these enigmatic phenomena and the possibility of extraterrestrial (ET) bases hidden beneath the ocean’s surface.
Discoveries by Rory Kremer: Archaeologist and Undersea Explorer
Rory Kremer, a seasoned archaeologist with over 20 years of experience, ventured into the depths near California as part of a Netflix series, Alien Investigation. Tasked with exploring underwater structures and anomalies, Kremer’s findings have captivated UFO researchers and skeptics alike. Using advanced technologies such as side-scan sonar and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), Kremer identified potential evidence of intelligent design beneath the waves.
One of the most notable discoveries was a 60-90 foot fuselage-like structure with an aerodynamic form, unlike anything naturally occurring. Other finds included geometrically precise stone objects and what appeared to be ancient fire rings. These discoveries hint at either long-lost civilizations or something more extraordinary, such as ET activity.
The Transmedium Craft Phenomenon
Eyewitness accounts of transmedium crafts reveal their astonishing ability to traverse multiple environments—air, water, and space—without losing speed or maneuverability. One such encounter, described by Kremer, occurred during a Pacific expedition. He recounted a glowing object that emerged from the ocean, hovered briefly, and vanished into the night sky within seconds. This object, capable of both soundless flight and underwater navigation, challenges conventional understanding of physics and technology.
Footage from Kremer’s expeditions captured what appeared to be playful interactions from such objects, diving and reemerging from the water with remarkable speed. The video evidence, later featured in the Netflix series, showcases an object entering the ocean and glowing beneath the water’s surface, leaving behind an otherworldly phosphorescent trail.
California’s Underwater Hotspot
The waters surrounding California, particularly near Santa Cruz Island and Catalina Island, have been hotspots for USO sightings. The area is known for frequent reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) diving into the ocean, further fueling speculation about underwater ET bases. Native American oral histories also reference mysterious flying entities, which some researchers link to these modern-day sightings.
Underwater UFOs and ET Bases | Alien & UFO Ancient Mystery
Geologically, the region’s underwater caves, lava tubes, and trenches provide ideal hiding places for advanced underwater vehicles or bases. Kremer’s exploration into Painted Cave and Balloon Hanger Cave revealed potential evidence of such activity, with structural anomalies that defy natural explanations.
Military Connections and Speculations
Adding to the intrigue, the area is a known hub for military activity, including testing of advanced technologies. Some speculate that these sightings could involve classified military projects, but the capabilities of these objects far surpass known human technology. Reports of UFOs disabling missile facilities in Montana during the 1970s further link these phenomena to sensitive military zones, suggesting a deeper connection between UFOs, national security, and extraterrestrial involvement.
Historical and Cultural Significance
The region’s rich history also adds layers of mystery. With water levels rising by approximately 200-250 feet over the past 10,000 years, much of California’s ancient coastal archaeology lies submerged. Kremer’s findings suggest that some underwater anomalies may belong to pre-European civilizations. However, the precision of certain artifacts raises questions about whether these structures could be linked to advanced non-human intelligence.
The Road Ahead: What Lies Beneath?
Kremer’s work underscores how little is understood about the depths of our oceans. Advanced tools like LIDAR could revolutionize future investigations, offering a clearer picture of underwater landscapes and the potential presence of ET bases. The Netflix series and accompanying evidence have already sparked widespread interest, though much remains unexplored.
For now, the mystery of underwater UFOs and USOs continues to challenge our understanding of the natural and extraterrestrial world. Are these sightings evidence of ancient civilizations, classified military experiments, or visitors from other worlds? The answers may lie deep beneath the ocean’s surface, waiting for humanity to uncover them.
Evidence Of Underwater UFOs Plagues The California Coast | UFO Witness
Mysterious UFO drones have been spotted flying over New York City - after weeks of being photographed in New Jersey.
Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella confirmed that the peculiar objects had been seen flying above Howland Hook Marine Terminal and the West Shore on Staten Island earlier this week.
In a letter addressed to the FAA and FBI requesting an investigation, Fossella called the situation 'bizarre', according to PIX11.
'It is odd and quite bizarre that nobody can figure out who is flying these drones, where they are coming from, and their purpose.
'It is not just a bizarre situation, but also a concerning one, as it seems these drones can potentially become a danger to personal safety.'
He also stated that he was worried about the drones' ability to impede life-saving care in medical emergencies - especially over the two hospital systems on Staten Island.
'It was recently reported that, during a medical emergency resulting from a crash in Branchburg, New Jersey, the presence of these drones prevented a medevac helicopter from being able to transport a seriously injured patient to the hospital.
'We hope that such an investigation may shed light on what these drones are doing, where they are coming from and how to mitigate the risks they may pose on public safety.'
Mysterious UFO drones have been spotted flying over New York City - days after being photographed in New Jersey
One drone, heard roaring in the skies as it moved through the darkness, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly and red lights blinking at the tips of its wings and tail.
Another drone came into frame that resembled a classic 'black triangle' UFO or the triangular TR-3B, which beamed bright white lights from its nose, wingtips and tail.
Since mid-November, a wave of unexplained drone sightings above central Jersey has left both law enforcement and the general public watching the skies, hunting for clues on what these mysterious night flights might be.
Governor Phil Murphy has attempted to calm residents claiming these true UFOs pose 'no known threat to the public at this time,' but FBI and local police are actively investigating.
'Water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations' have all had the UFOs roaming above them in recent weeks, according to the chief of police for the New Jersey borough of Florham Park.
'Their presence appears nefarious in nature,' the police chief added.
Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella confirmed that the peculiar objects had been seen flying above Howland Hook Marine Terminal and the West Shore on Staten Island earlier this week
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' NJ native and TikTok creator @_bucky13 commented under his phone footage of the eerie drones (still image above), captioned 'Mysterious drones spotted all over New Jersey.' At least five drone-like UFOs are seen in his 50-second clip
One of the UFO drones, whose engines can be heard roaring from the ground, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly with red lights blinking at its wingtips and tail (above)
But the New Jersian who posted the new footage of these drones online maintains the answer lies within America's own classified world of black budget projects.
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' TikTok user @_bucky13 commented under his phone video of the eerie UFOs, captioned
'I think they are trying to scare Russia by demonstrating some secret weapons,' he wrote.
The camera was pointed to the sky when the drones came into view.
'There they are! There are more in New Jersey!,' he can be heard shouting in his handheld video — as an unsettled woman off-camera says, 'We shouldn't be outside.'
'They look like an f***ing triangle! They look like a triangle,' he said in disbelief, as je spotted a triangular-shaped drone cruising into the night.
A later UFO or drone seemed to hover stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect.
'Are you freaking kidding me right now,' one woman can be heard saying of the craft.
Commenters of UFO video joined him in his suspicion that the objects may ultimately prove to be top secret US military craft, even as the TikToker can be heard marveling in his video that 'an F-16 just flew over' in hot pursuit of the unidentified craft.
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
A later UFO or drone in the new video looks like it might have hovered stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect
'Looks like a military drone,' one Tik Tok user said, with another chiming in 'Definitely government made drones.'
Many stated with confidence that the triangle craft was the legendary and still unconfirmed TR-3B 'Black Manta' anti-gravity spy plane, the alleged follow-up to the equally unconfirmed TR-3A, both claimed to have been made by defense contractor Northrop in the early 1990s.
'Those are TR-3B government drones,' one poster said. 'Look them up, they're pretty cool.'
A December 1991 cover story in Popular Mechanics was one of the first mainstream media reports to allege that the TR-3A existed as a highly advanced 'tactical reconnaissance vehicle' eyewitnesses said was 42-feet long with a 60-foot wingspan.
Others have speculated that the UFOs above New Jersey might be an update to US defense contractor Lockheed Martin’s original 'Darkstar' that flew in 1996.
The Artemis moon landings are delayed again due to technical difficulties. This time, the problem is with the Orion spacecraft heat shield. NASA administrator Bill Nelson announced that the new landing dates are in April of 2026 for Artemis II and sometime in 2027 for the first human landing during the Artemis III mission.
The difficulties the Artemis program faces stem from the complexity of the hardware and trajectories needed to take astronauts to the Moon according to Nelson. “The Artemis campaign is the most daring, technically challenging, collaborative, international endeavor humanity has ever set out to do,” said Nelson. He pointed out that the mission has made a lot of progress. However, there’s more work to be done, in particular on the Orion life support systems. Artemis II is next up in early 2026. It will be a test flight to demonstrate the viability of all the systems, said Nelson. “We need to get this next test flight right. That’s how the Artemis campaign succeeds.”
Making a safe return through Earth’s atmosphere is a vital part of the mission. After Orion came back from its Artemis 1 mission in November 2022, engineers noticed issues with the heat shield. They figured out that gases generated inside the heat shield didn’t vent properly. That caused cracks in the shield and triggered an investigation. The decision to delay the Artemis II test flight came after that investigation. This allows NASA engineers to work with the heat shield currently attached to the Orion capsule for the April 2026 flight. In addition, they’re studying the re-entry process to avoid future problems with the shield.
Artemis II to the Moon
As we all know, the Artemis program will allow long-term exploration of the Moon. The April 2026 mission is a test flight that will orbit, but not land, and then return to Earth. The idea is to test all the spacecraft’s systems with astronauts on board.
The Orion spacecraft is the crew’s living quarters and lab, all in one. It’s built to carry four astronauts from Earth to space and ultimately to the Moon. It makes sense that this “home away from home” has to be shielded from pretty much anything that space—and Earth’s atmosphere—can throw at the capsule. This includes the ultrahot trip through our atmosphere on the return trip. At times, Orion experiences temperatures up to 2700 C (5000 F), which could harm the capsule if not for the shielding. So, the shield is a life-saver.
The heat shield retrieved after the Artemis 1 test flight to the Moon. Crews inspected it to understand what caused it to char. Courtesy: NASA.
When Orion first encountered the heat shield problem, engineers determined that heating rates increased during the spaceship’s planned “dips” into the atmosphere. It was performing a skip guidance entry technique. Heat built up inside the heat shield’s material and gases accumulated. Eventually, that cracked areas in the outer layer of the shield and blew some of it off to space. It turns out that if astronauts had been aboard, they would not have been affected. However, now that engineers understand what occurred, they can enhance the heat shield material to make sure it doesn’t happen again. In addition, the mission plan will be altered to change how far the capsule flies between atmospheric re-entry and eventual landing.
Upgrading Mission Plans
The extended time until the April 2026 and mid-2027 Artemis missions will allow improvements to the capsule and launch systems. For example, engineers can give more attention to environmental and life support systems. This is particularly important for the Artemis III mission. It will launch on top of a Space Launch System rocket into Earth orbit. Once there, the mission will perform a translunar injection to send it to lunar space.
Not only will it carry astronauts to the Moon, but they will land in the south polar region using a SpaceX landing system. That 30-day mission will require at least two crew members to spend a week at the pole collecting samples, doing site photography, and measuring conditions there.
This image shows nine candidate landing regions for NASA’s Artemis III mission, with each region containing multiple potential sites for the first crewed landing on the Moon in more than 50 years. The background image of the lunar South Pole terrain within the nine regions is a mosaic of LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) WAC (Wide Angle Camera) images. Credit: NASA
Artemis III will be the first time anyone has set foot on the Moon since the last Apollo mission in December 1972. The entire Artemis program aims at providing long-term habitation and study of Earth’s nearest neighbor in space. To that end, NASA has been studying several interesting landing spots at the pole.
Eventually, there will be an orbiting lunar station, plus habitats on the surface and regular trips between. NASA and other agencies expect that lunar explorers will be spending their time studying the surface and geology of the Moon, plus determining what resources are available for long-term exploration and habitation. However, given the pace of the program, those next developments probably won’t take place until the 2030s.
New Species of Archaic Human Proposed: Homo juluensis
New Species of Archaic Human Proposed: Homo juluensis
Homo juluensis — a newly-erected human species that includes enigmatic Denisovans and several hominin fossils from Tibet, Taiwan and Laos — lived in eastern Asia from around 300,000 years ago to 50,000 years ago.
A portrait of a juvenile female Denisovan based on a skeletal profile reconstructed from ancient DNA methylation maps.
Image credit: Maayan Harel.
“Our study clarifies a hominin fossil record that has tended to include anything that cannot easily be assigned to Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis or Homo sapiens,” said University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Professor Christopher Bae and Dr. Xiujie Wu from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
“Although we started this project several years ago, we did not expect being able to propose a new hominin species and then to be able to organize the hominin fossils from Asia into different groups. Ultimately, this should help with science communication.”
“This work is important because it helps scientists better understand the complex story of human evolution in Asia, filling in some of the gaps in our understanding of our ancient relatives.”
Reconstruction of Homo floresiensis.
Image credit: Elisabeth Daynes.
The authors suggest that at least four hominin species — Homo floresiensis, Homo luzonensis, Homo longi, and the newly-established Homo juluensis — were present in eastern Asia during the Late Quaternary period.
Homo juluensis lived approximately 300,000 years ago in eastern Asia, hunted wild horses in small groups, and made stone tools and possibly processed animal hides for survival before disappearing around 50,000 years ago.
“Thanks largely to a growing hominin fossil record, the field of Late Quaternary eastern Asian paleoanthropology is in the midst of significant and important change that is contributing tremendously to how we view and are refining these evolutionary models,” the researchers said.
“In particular, the field received a jolt two decades ago with the publication of the diminutive Homo floresiensis fossils from the island of Flores in Indonesia in 2004.”
“More recently, another diminutive species, Homo luzonensis, from the island of Luzon in the Philippines was added as a new hominin species.”
“In China, Homo longi was presented following an analysis of the Harbin fossil.”
“Fossils like Dali and Jinniushan may be tentatively included in Homo longi as well, though we await further comparative analyses.”
“Most recently, after a detailed study of the Xujiayao and Xuchang fossils, we have added Homo juluensis to these discussions.”
More research is clearly needed to test this relationship, which is primarily based on similarities between jaw and teeth fossils from these different sites.
“The eastern Asian hominin fossil record is an excellent example of how unilineal models of evolution, such as traditional multiregionalism, cannot adequately explain the complexity in the paleoanthropological record, particularly during the Late Quaternary,” the authors concluded.
“If anything, the eastern Asian record is prompting us to recognize just how complex human evolution is more generally and really forcing us to revise and rethink our interpretations of various evolutionary models to better match the growing fossil record.”
Their paper was published in the journal Nature Communications.
C.J. Bae & X. Wu. 2024. Making sense of eastern Asian Late Quaternary hominin variability. Nat Commun 15, 9479; doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-53918-7
New Species Announced in China: Juluren confirms separate Asian origins from the Africans
A New Species of Human Has Been Discovered in China
New Mysterious Human Species JUST Discovered and It Changes Everything
At left: Steel is seen to corrode into siderite (FeCO3) when immersed in subcritical liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2). At right: Samples of albite (a plagioclase feldspar) and a sandstone core are observed to form red rhodochrosite (MnCO3) when exposed to supercritical CO2 in the presence of a water solution with potassium chloride and manganese chloride, with particularly strong reaction near the interface of the two solutions. In both experiments, water saturation is provided by floating LCO2 on the water. Under the lower pressure conditions characteristic of early Mars, the water would float on the LCO2.
Credits:Photos courtesy of Todd Schaef/PNNL (left) and Earl Mattson/Mattson Hydrology (right).
Most people will think of a dry arid landscape when they think of Mars. When seen from orbit, dry river channels and lake-beds can be seen along with mineral deposits thought to be the created in the presence of liquid water. A team of researches now suggest that liquid carbon dioxide could also explain the features seen. On Earth, a process known as carbon sequestration liquefies CO2 which is buried underground. There are a number of mechanisms that could explain the liquid CO2 underground the researchers suggest.
Mars is often referred to as the ‘red planet’ due to its visual appearance. It’s the fourth planet from the Sun and has been a real focus for exploration and research for decades. The red colour is caused by iron oxide (rust) on its surface which can often be lifted up into the atmosphere by the Martian winds giving stunning pink skies. It’s just over half the size of the Earth, has a thin atmosphere mostly made of carbon dioxide and a surface composed of deserts and volcanoes like Olympus Mons. One of the key focusses of the exploration on Mars has been to establish whether the conditions are suitable for life, have been suitable in the past or whether liquid water exists on the surface.
A full-disk view of Mars, courtesy of VMC. Credit: ESA
The presence of dry riverbeds and lake beds points to a surface that had liquid flowing long ago. Quite what that liquid is has been the cause for debate. Observations of minerals from orbit and from more direct analysis on the surface, suggest that the liquid was just water. However a team of researchers have published a paper in Nature Geoscience that suggests otherwise. They explain that water is only one of two possible liquids that could have existed on ancient Mars. The other is liquid carbon dioxide or CO2. Given the atmospheric conditions it may have been more likely and easier for CO2 in the atmosphere to condense into a liquid than for surface ice to melt into water.
A topographic image of an area of anceint riverbeds on Mars. Created with data from the High-Resolution Stereo Camera on the Mars Express Orbiter. Image Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin
It has been the general consensus that the minerals point to liquid water. The paper suggests that processes like carbon sequestration, liquid CO2 buried underground can alter the composition of minerals even faster than water can. Lead author Michael Hecht, research scientist at MIT’s Haystack Observatory said “Understanding how sufficient liquid water was able to flow on early Mars to explain the morphology and mineralogy we see today is probably the greatest unsettled question of Mars science. There is likely no one right answer, and we are merely suggesting another possible piece of the puzzle.”
Image of the Martian atmosphere and surface obtained by the Viking 1 orbiter in June 1976. (Credit: NASA/Viking 1)
The paper explores our current understanding of the Martian atmosphere and combine it with the carbon sequestration research to conclude that the processes do support the evidence and mineralogy seen on Mars. They note however that this proposal does not suggest all Martian surface liquid was CO2 but rather there could have been a combination of the two.
They explain that liquid CO2 on the surface of Mars could exist as a stable surface liquid, as melted CO2 under CO2 ice or in subsurface reservoirs. Which actually took place would have dependent entirely on the distribution of CO2 at the time and the surface conditions too. The paper acknowledges that further testing is required under more realistic Martian conditions to test whether the same processes still occur.
New footage of multiple eerie 'triangle' craft flying above New Jersey has only compounded the mystery for locals.
At least five or possibly six of the unidentified drones were capturedin the new, 50-second cell phone video, which one commenter declared was 'the clearest video yet.'
One drone, heard roaring in the skies as it moved through the darkness, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly and red lights blinking at the tips of its wings and tail.
Another drone came into frame that resembled a classic 'black triangle' UFO or the triangular TR-3B, which beamed bright white lights from its nose, wingtips and tail.
Since mid-November, a wave of unexplained drone sightings above central Jersey has left both law enforcement and the general public watching the skies, hunting for clues on what these mysterious night flights might be.
Governor Phil Murphy has attempted to calm residents claiming these true UFOs pose 'no known threat to the public at this time,' but FBI and local police are actively investigating.
'Water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations' have all had the UFOs roaming above them in recent weeks, according to the chief of police for the New Jersey borough of Florham Park.
'Their presence appears nefarious in nature,' the police chief added.
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' NJ native and TikTok creator @_bucky13 commented under his phone footage of the eerie drones (still image above), captioned 'Mysterious drones spotted all over New Jersey.' At least five drone-like UFOs are seen in his 50-second clip
One of the UFO drones, whose engines can be heard roaring from the ground, appeared to have a cluster of white lights on its underbelly with red lights blinking at its wingtips and tail (above)
But the New Jersian who posted the new footage of these drones online maintains the answer lies within America's own classified world of black budget projects.
'Seems like they want them to be seen,' TikTok user @_bucky13 commented under his phone video of the eerie UFOs, captioned
'I think they are trying to scare Russia by demonstrating some secret weapons,' he wrote.
The camera was pointed to the sky when the drones came into view.
'There they are! There are more in New Jersey!,' he can be heard shouting in his handheld video — as an unsettled woman off-camera says, 'We shouldn't be outside.'
'They look like an f***ing triangle! They look like a triangle,' he said in disbelief, as je spotted a triangular-shaped drone cruising into the night.
A later UFO or drone seemed to hover stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect.
'Are you freaking kidding me right now,' one woman can be heard saying of the craft.
Commenters of UFO video joined him in his suspicion that the objects may ultimately prove to be top secret US military craft, even as the TikToker can be heard marveling in his video that 'an F-16 just flew over' in hot pursuit of the unidentified craft.
According to one NJ local, this image depicts roughly nine of the unidentified drones flying in to the Garden State from the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday night, December 5
A later UFO or drone in the new video looks like it might have hovered stationary beyond the tree line, lit up with multiple lights that pulsed bright enough to produce a lens flare effect
'Looks like a military drone,' one Tik Tok user said, with another chiming in 'Definitely government made drones.'
Many stated with confidence that the triangle craft was the legendary and still unconfirmed TR-3B 'Black Manta' anti-gravity spy plane, the alleged follow-up to the equally unconfirmed TR-3A, both claimed to have been made by defense contractor Northrop in the early 1990s.
'Those are TR-3B government drones,' one poster said. 'Look them up, they're pretty cool.'
A December 1991 cover story in Popular Mechanics was one of the first mainstream media reports to allege that the TR-3A existed as a highly advanced 'tactical reconnaissance vehicle' eyewitnesses said was 42-feet long with a 60-foot wingspan.
The magazine even suggested that this alleged 'black budget' surveillance plane 'may have seen action during Operation Desert Storm.'
Aerospace illustrator, Mark McCandlish, who contributed art for a 1991 Popular Mechanics article on the alleged TR-3A 'Black Manta' would go on to claim that the US had covertly reverse engineered a crashed UFO
The article also described a much largerm even more incredible and 'highly maneuverable' black triangle aircraft — as big as a B-2 bomber's 150-foot wingspan and capable of turning '90 degrees on its wingtip.'
A decade later at the National Press Club in Washington DC, May 9, 2001, the aerospace illustrator who contributed art for that PopMech article, Mark McCandlish, claimed that US covert anti-gravity propulsion research had actually reverse engineered a crashed UFO.
Others have speculated that the UFOs above New Jersey might be an update to US defense contractor Lockheed Martin’s original 'Darkstar' that flew in 1996.
The RQ-3 DarkStar was a highly-advanced remotely piloted aircraft intended for stealth reconnaissance, but officially the firm says that Darkstar 'never entered production' due to 'cost and aerodynamic stability problems.'
But, if the craft really are 'above top secret' American innovations, few other branches of the federal government appear to be in the loop, with many worrying about rival foreign powers like Russia or China being the culprits.
This past November 22, the FAA banned drone flights over the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey until Friday, December 6, as well as above the Picatinny Arsenal Military Base in Rockaway until December 26.
Above: US defense contractor Lockheed Martin’s original 'Darkstar' which flew in 1996. The RQ-3 DarkStar was a highly-advanced, stealthy reconnaissance remotely piloted aircraft that the firm says 'never entered production' due to 'cost and aerodynamic stability problems'
'We look into all reports of unauthorized drone operations,' FAA officials in a statement, 'and investigate when appropriate.'
The administration warned drone operators that any unmanned flights that endanger aircraft or pedestrians down below could lead to fines up to $75,000 —plus a loss of their drone operators' pilot certificates.
Local digital news site spoke with a spokesman for Picatinny Arsenal, Eric Kowal, who repeated that it is illegal to fly drones over the base without prior authorization. But he does not believe the drones pose an immediate threat.
'From our standpoint we're not alarming our residents and employees,' he said.
'The FBI are the experts on the threat. We don't believe there to be a threat at this juncture.'
"It is important to think about what supporting instruments and technologies need to be developed now to equip our astronauts for doing outstanding science at Mars."
Mars beckons. Human explorers can maximize the science output for unraveling the complex nature of the Red Planet.
(Image credit: NASA/Pat Rawlings)
The future of Mars exploration will be greatly enhanced by humans that make the sojourn to the Red Planet. The work that could be performed by astronaut crews on that distant world would far outstrip what mechanized Mars machinery can attain - but certainly at a far greater cost.
To that end, NASA is blueprinting a moon-to-Mars strategy that identifies science as one of three pillars upon which the agency's quest for a sustained human exploration throughout the solar system is built. What's now being plotting out is the architecture for achieving that goal.
NASA moon-to-Mars architecture workshops are being held later this month, hosted by the Space Studies Board of the National Academies. According to a statement by Nujoud Merancy, Deputy Associate Administrator for NASA's Strategy and Architecture Office within the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate, the space agency is searching for views on science and technology investments that can help lead to a sustainable human return to the moon and dispatching crews to Mars.
Artemis II: Meet the Astronauts Who will Fly Around the Moon (Official NASA Video)
"Our partnerships with industry, academia, and the international community are helping NASA define an architecture that empowers us to boldly explore the moon, Mars, and beyond," Merancy explains.
Tale of the tiger team
Arguably, the science conducted on the surface of Mars by astronauts will have the most impact on the scope and scale of that architecture. Therefore, deciding on science priorities warrant early attention.
Recent history demonstrates the issue of shoe-horning in science tasks for astronauts too late.
That is a central message from a recent study for the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG), one that suggests how and where on the Red Planet humans can maximize exploration and science output.
A MEPAG Tiger Team on Mars Human-Mission Science Objectives was led by Bruce Jakosky, a senior research scientist at the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics in Boulder, Colorado. Their report was transmitted to NASA late last year.
Proactive, not reactive
"I think the real value of this report is if we can get NASA to pay attention," Jakosky told in an exclusive interview. "We see a lot of work going on in planning the architecture for human Mars missions. But science isn't on the table at all. My goal as chair of the Tiger Team is trying to get science into the discussion," he said.
Fitting science in around the edges is not the way to do world class science, Jakosky said. NASA needs to be proactive, not reactive in incorporating science, he said.
NASA's Apollo program of the 1960s into the early 1970s, noted Jakosky, had scientists, engineers, and astronauts working hand-in-hand, shoulder to shoulder to make sure science was done.
"And that's something that I don't think we see today in Artemis or in Mars," Jakosky said. "It's got to be an iterative process in order to make sure that the science and the engineering will work together," he said.
Going deep! Drilling into the Red Planet is on tap in the future, sure to be a scientifically rewarding task. (Image credit: NASA)
Science-based landing sites
Jim Head, a noted planetary researcher at Brown University, was a member of the Tiger Team report group.
"NASA is currently updating the objectives for the Moon-to-Mars initiative with the strategy of 'architect from the right/execute from the left,'" Head said. That translates into, he added, "work backwards from the defined goal to establish the complete set of elements that will be required for success. Execute development of all elements in regular fashion, integrating as you move right according to the established architecture."
Head said that the MEPAG Tiger Team report was designed to be a part of NASA strategy, in that the group considered things like the optimum science-based Mars landing sites, the types of activities and stay-times required to accomplish goals and objectives, and potential robotic partnerships.
"These types of considerations provide significant insights into feed-forward for the lunar component of NASA's Moon-to-Mars initiative, the Artemis phase," Head said.
Real-time interaction and adaptability
Mars holds many clues to early solar system history and how terrestrial planets sustain habitats and life, said Bethany Ehlmann, a member the Tiger Team report group. She is a professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and director of the Keck Institute for Space Studies in Pasadena, California.
For many types of geologic science, especially those involving lots of interaction with terrain like sample collection or deep coring, Ehlmann said that human capabilities are "uniquely enabling" because of real-time interaction and adaptability.
"Humans on an EVA activity can accomplish in a few hours data acquisitions and sample collections that have taken rovers years," Ehlmann told "With NASA's Moon-Mars initiative underway, it is important to think about what supporting instruments and technologies need to be developed now to equip our astronauts for doing outstanding science at Mars."
Ehlmann flags the reference missions called out in the study report that exemplify a range of possibilities, like astronauts investigating icy locales, accessing cliffs, exploring higher altitudes on Mars or having expeditions investigate caves.
Those example cases underscore how individual, specific missions can achieve high-value science.
Human explorers on Mars will expand their scientific reach by melding machine and muscle. Show here is a crew member operating an Ingenuity-like helicopter to expand the zone of study. (Image credit: NASA)
Catalyze discussion
Jakosky as the Tiger Team chair notes that the list of cases called out in the report do not represent all potential missions, but "should serve to catalyze discussions within and between the science and exploration communities."
Missions suggested included projected astronaut treks to Utopia Planitia, Valles Marineris, as well as Cerberus Fossae.
"Any landing site is going to provide spectacular science results. I think that's clear," Jakosky said. "Mars is a very diverse, geologically complex planet. One site isn't going to tell us everything we want to know about Mars."
One scenario involves crews going au naturel on Mars. That is subsurface study of natural caves — with many Mars caves already previously spotted.
There's need to characterize the habitability conditions of a cave environment, be it the availability of water, energy sources and chemical potential. But also to determine if signatures of life are present in the cave environment, the report adds.
Human explorers could land near a target cave and remain within the habitat for much or most of the mission. They would teleoperate sample retrieving robots deployed to a cave floor. Doing so would eliminate the operations time lag compared to running a robotic investigation from Earth, "a multiple orders of magnitude decrease in decision time," says the report.
The huge canyon that is Valles Marineris is arguably Mars' most dramatic landscape and offers a scientific bonanza for future expeditionary crews. (Image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum), CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)
Why humans on Mars?
The report spells out how humans can advance a valuable palette of science objectives at the Red Planet. Clearly, crews can conduct on-the-spot field measurements, execute local area mapping, and gain, below their boots, subsurface access.
Selection of the highest value samples for return from the surface, subsurface, and atmosphere and getting those specimens into labs on Earth is crucial, the report explains.
First of all, explorers on Mars can emplace local and regional networks of info-gathering devices to capture processes operating on Mars during and between missions.
From orbit or on the surface of Mars, teleoperating robotic assets as precursors to human struts across Mars can probe sites out-of-reach of a human landing site, or to assess a rich diversity of terrains and habitats.
Back here on Earth, there's need for ground controllers to operate the infrastructure needed to ensure human safety and efficient operations at Mars. It's also vital to loop in the enhanced capabilities for doing science thanks to teams of on-the-Earth specialists.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has experimented with virtual and mixed reality environments as ways to improve exploration of Mars. (Image credit: NASA/Human Centered Design Group at JPL)
High-priority science
One key signal from the study is site selection to do science with humans at Mars.
"Given the complexity of Mars' evolutionary history and the tremendous diversity of environments on Mars, no single site can address all of the high-priority science goals," the report stresses.
A central study finding is that vital science can be accomplished by humans on Mars "that would be much harder or impossible to do with robotic spacecraft; the capabilities of human missions have the potential to change both the objectives and the priorities — and can definitely accelerate the pace — for Mars scientific exploration."
As for science work on Mars, the Tiger Team flagged a trio of high-level objectives:
Astrobiology - Determine if life ever developed on Mars and the nature of habitability;
Climate and volatiles – Unravel the processes and history of water and climate change on Mars; and
Geology/Geophysics/Geochemistry - Understand the physical record of planetary evolution from planetary formation until today and the processes driving the evolution of the surface, crust, and interior of Mars
"What sets Mars apart from the rest of the solar system is the potential for life, the history of water, and the nature of the geological processes and similarities to Earth," said Jakosky. "Secondly, it is the relative closeness of Mars and the relative ease with which we can explore it," he said.
Very familiar with the report findings is Scott Hubbard, a former director of the NASA Ames Research Center, now an affiliate in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University.
Hubbard served as NASA's first Mars exploration program director in 2000, earning him the title of "Mars Czar" as he restructured the space agency's Mars program in the wake of several failures to explore the planet.
In Hubbard's view, the MEPAG Tiger Team report is an "excellent example of science objectives-based human exploration goals for Mars," Hubbard told
Hubbard said it is his hope that both NASA and the forthcoming National Academies study will utilize the Tiger Team report as "important community input."
The full text of the "Report Of MEPAG Tiger Team On Mars Human-Mission Science Objectives" can be read online.
NASA has announced new plans for an experiment on the Moon that could fundamentally change the future of lunar exploration, the agency said this week.
The experiment, set to be delivered in mid-February aboard the second Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) delivery, will involve a demonstration of autonomous navigation and could lead to significant improvements in the way humans, robotic explorers, and spacecraft can track their location during lunar exploration.
Dubbed the Lunar Node-1 (LN-1) experiment, the technology demonstration will feature a radio beacon that is designed to support extremely accurate navigation and geolocation capabilities. The device will allow future observations that will assist astronauts, spacecraft, and surface infrastructure in confirmation of their positions on the Moon relative to other objects.
IM-1, the first NASA Commercial Launch Program Services launch for Intuitive Machines’ Nova-C lunar lander(Credit: NASA).
The space agency reported this week that these radio devices will also allow spacecraft to perform complex orbital maneuvers, in addition to ensuring safe landings of both crewed and autonomous craft sent to the lunar surface.
Navigation systems engineer Evan Anzalone, who is the principal investigator in charge of the LN-1 experiment, likened the technology to a network of “lunar lighthouses,” which he says will offer “sustainable, localized navigation assets that enable lunar craft and ground crews to quickly and accurately confirm their position instead of relying on Earth.”
NASA envisions this new technology as being part of a much larger navigational system that will be supported by satellites operating in orbit around the Moon. The spacecraft will comprise what the space agency calls its Lunar Communications Relay and Navigation Systems project.
Lunar Node-1, an autonomous navigation payload that will change how human explorers safely traverse the Moon’s surface and live and work in lunar orbit, as seen aboard IM-1
(Credit: NASA).
The technology will eventually use reference signals generated by beacons on the lunar surface and in orbit to provide navigational aid, offering a vast improvement over current navigational methods that rely primarily on NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN).
While the DSN has proven to be a reliable system for navigation beyond Earth for many years, it does have limitations. Chief among these is that it relies mainly on point-to-point communication, which requires information to be sent back to Earth to be processed, and then delivered back to spacecraft.
Deep Space Station 35 in Canberra, Australia, which is a key facility for use with the Deep Space Network
(Credit: NASA).
Anzalone compares this to a sailing vessel having to wait to receive information from the port it sailed from, even as it is nearing its destination.
“Imagine getting verification from a lighthouse on the shore you’re approaching, rather than waiting on word from the home port you left days earlier,” Anzalone said.
The experiment will involve a CubeSat-sized device and is one of six payloads that NASA will send to the lunar surface later this month aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 that will launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida. On its way to the Moon, the payload will send daily transmissions back to mission control.
Once it arrives, the Nova-C lander will touch down close to Malapert A, a lunar impact craternear the lunar south pole. At that time, a complete array of tests will be undertaken before continuous operation begins within the spacecraft’s first 24 hours on the Moon.
Map of the lunar south pole region, with Malapert crater visible near the bottom in the image above
(Credit: NASA).
Over the course of the following ten days, LN-1’s transmissions will be monitored via the DSN by researchers at Morehead State University in Kentucky and at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Based on these initial tests, Anzalone believes the technology will eventually evolve into a system more like a subway system than a single lighthouse, where a variety of spacecraft, surface vehicles, and other mission assets—including astronauts—will all be able to navigate more safely and effectively on the lunar surface.
“LN-1 could connect them all and help them navigate more accurately, creating a reliable, more autonomous lunar network,” Anzalone said in a statement released this week. Currently, future applications for the technology are already in the works, which may be utilized by NASA during forthcoming missions to Mars, as well as by the space agency’s international partners.
EXCLUSIVE: Marine vet breaks 14-year silence to make astonishing claim that his six-man unit saw a hovering octagonal UFO being loaded with WEAPONS by unmarked US forces who threatened them at gunpoint while serving in Indonesia in 2009
EXCLUSIVE: Marine vet breaks 14-year silence to make astonishing claim that his six-man unit saw a hovering octagonal UFO being loaded with WEAPONS by unmarked US forces who threatened them at gunpoint while serving in Indonesia in 2009
Former Marine Michael Herrera tells that he saw a UFO being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia in 2009
Herrera claims an Air Force lieutenant colonel told him, 'You're not allowed to talk about what happened. You will go to prison, or you will die'
He says he was emboldened to break his 14-year silence by new UFO whistleblower protections and in April testified under oath about his wild story
A former Marine claims he and five comrades saw a flying saucer being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia in 2009 – and was threatened at gunpoint by unmarked US forces at the scene.
The wild story comes after an Air Force whistleblower from the government's UFO office joined growing numbers of intelligence officials claiming the US has recovered and is even reverse-engineering crashed or landed 'non-human' spacecraft.
Michael Herrera was a 20-year-old rifleman sent on a Navy humanitarian mission during the 2009 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami that devastated the region.
In an exclusive interview with, he claims that while guarding an airdrop of aid supplies outside the city of Padang in October that year, his six-man unit stumbled across a hovering octagonal craft in apparent use by clandestine US forces.
Former Marine Michael Herrera tells that he saw a UFO being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia in 2009. He was just 20 at the time
'The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colors. It had an audible hum to it, like the sound of a transformer or a guitar amp. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was black,' Herrera said
After 14 years of silence, Herrera was emboldened by new UFO whistleblower protections and in April testified under oath to the government's UFO investigation team, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), as well as a Senate committee.
He provided his unblemished four-year service record, and texts about the incident with an alleged fellow witness – who refused to talk, saying it was 'not worth my life or jeopardizing my family'.
Peripheral aspects of his account were verified by using military sources. But Herrera, 33, does not have documentation or photos of the incident itself.
Herrera says he was emboldened to break his 14-year silence by new UFO whistleblower protections and in April testified under oath about his wild story
The Denver native joined the Marines fresh out of high school. He had been serving for less than two years when he was deployed to the Philippines as a member of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit to help distribute aid in the wake of a typhoon.
When a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Sumatra on September 30, 2009, his 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, Echo Co. 2nd Platoon was rerouted to help guard helicopter aid drops around Padang City, beset by violence from local insurgents.
Around October 8 he and five marines were dropped off at a clearing in the north eastern part of the city by a CH-53 chopper, and hiked 900ft up a ridge to take their positions for the incoming supply drop, Herrera said.
It was then he spotted a strange object in the jungle on the other side of the hill.
'I could see something moving and rotating. It was changing colors between a very light matte gray to a very dark matte black,' he said. 'It stuck out like a sore thumb.'
Oddly, he said, they had not been given radios, so instead of calling it in they edged down the hill in formation to investigate, while Herrera snapped photos and video on his Panasonic camera.
'The thing was massive, the size of a football field,' Herrera told
'The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colors. It had an audible hum to it, like the sound of a transformer or a guitar amp. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was black.
'It had 'scales' that were on the outside of the craft that covered the whole craft. It had seams and sharp edges which I suspect to be man-made. Nothing on it was smooth. It had some panels on the vertical edges that were like Vantablack.'
He claims that his six-man unit stumbled across a hovering octagonal craft and they were threatened at gunpoint by unmarked US forces at the scene. A rendering of the scene is above
Herrera claims an Air Force lieutenant colonel told him, 'You're not allowed to talk about what happened. You will go to prison, or you will die'
An aerial view of the damage from a 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck Sumatra, Indonesia, on September 30, 2009,. Herrera's unit was rerouted to help guard helicopter aid drops around Padang City, beset by violence from local insurgents
According to AARO's statistics of UFO reports between 1996 and 2023, only 1% are polygons (like an octagon), 2% disk-shaped, while 52% are orbs or spherical.
However, an object shot down in February over Lake Huron, Michigan by F-16 fighter jets – after their first missile missed – was described as 'octagonal' by congress members briefed on the incident.
Herrera claimed that when he and his five comrades got within 150 feet of the craft, they were ambushed by eight men wearing all-black camouflage, bullet-proof vests, wielding M4 rifles with high-end night vision attachments given to elite US troops.
'They had their weapons drawn on us,' he said. 'We could audibly hear their weapon safety levers flipping off safe.'
'Who the f*** are you guys? What are you doing here?' two of them yelled with American accents, he said.
'They said we weren't supposed to be there, and that they could kill us.'
As the men continued to threaten them, took the marines' weapons, dumped their ammunition and scanned their military IDs, Herrera said he saw others loading 'large weapon cases' and other containers from modified Ford F350 trucks onto a platform beneath the craft.
'When the last two trucks finished unloading and drove off, the lower part of the platform rose off the ground to about 10 feet and the craft lowered to meet it and it came together into one piece,' he said.
'On the corners of the craft, it had lights that were changing between blue, red, yellow and green.
'It rose off the ground and a little past the trees, then shot off to our left towards the ocean at around 4,000mph.
'We can't believe this is f***ing happening. From a dead stop, it didn't make any sound like a sonic boom, it didn't disturb the trees like rotor wash would. We could see coconuts on the trees and none of them were disturbed.'
Herrera said the eight unmarked soldiers gave them back their unloaded guns and marched them back over the hill, 'still telling us how they could kill us.'
'Once we got over the hill they told us to get the f*** away from here and don't look back.'
Herrera left the Navy in October 2011, his certificate of release showing four years of active duty and medals for 'national defense service', 'global war on terrorism service', 'humanitarian service', 'sea service deployment' and a 'sharpshooter rifle badge'
The six marines ran back to the aid drop site and were scolded by their gunnery sergeant for returning early, Herrera said, adding that they all kept quiet about the disturbing encounter.
'I was f***ing scared,' the veteran said. 'I was thinking: I could have been killed, how the hell am I going to explain this?'
Back on the USS Denver, Herrera's unit were debriefed by a rear admiral he didn't recognize. He said it was odd to have such a high-ranking officer there, and again none of them mentioned the saucer and unmarked troops.
A few days later they were docked in Subic Bay in the Philippines, the marine said. After an evening of drinking with his colleagues, he returned to find his camera's card and battery removed from his locked locker, along with his five comrades' phones missing.
In early December 2009 he was back at Camp Hansen in Okinawa, Japan. He was told to report to the office, where he found an Air Force lieutenant colonel in full uniform but no name tag.
'He starts telling me, 'You're not allowed to talk about what happened, not to your chain of command, not even a general,' Herrera said. 'You will go to prison, or you will die.'
'He told me to keep my mouth shut and slid a paper to me which was an NDA. The only thing I can recall is that it said 'TS/SCI', Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information. And it had Indonesia on it.'
The rifleman said he signed and was told to 'get the f*** out of there'.
'I ran back to the barracks and haven't talked about it ever since. It's something I've kept secret for almost 14 years. But I've thought about it every single day.'
He left the Navy in October 2011, his certificate of release showing four years of active duty and medals for 'national defense service', 'global war on terrorism service', 'humanitarian service', 'sea service deployment' and a 'sharpshooter rifle badge'.
Herrera made several million dollars as an entrepreneur and now runs a private security company called Valkyrie Eye.
New UFO whistleblower protections enacted in December prompted the ex-marine to finally tell his story.
Former senior Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch gave an on-camera interview alleging that the US government possesses multiple crashed 'non-human' craft
New UFO whistleblower protections enacted in December prompted the ex-marine to finally tell his story. A Pentagon chief told a first-of-its-kind NASA hearing that unidentified metallic orb UFOs have been spotted 'all over the world'
Last year's annual military funding bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), included a new clause allowing whistleblowers to report previously undisclosed UFO 'material retrieval, material analysis, [and] reverse engineering' programs to the Pentagon's AARO team without fear of prosecution for violating their security oaths and non-disclosure agreements.
Herrera said in 2017 he met UFO activist Dr. Steven Greer at a conference, and Greer helped persuade him to talk and connected him with congressional and AARO staffers earlier this year.
Herrera is also planning to tell his story at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on Monday organized by Greer, alongside four other UFO witnesses.
The ex-marine claims his five former comrades are too scared to come forward.
In a May 3 text message, one wrote: 'this is asking to[o] much of me and it's not worth the risk.'
'It's not worth my life or jeopardizing my family. I know we go way back, but this is asking to[o] much. You need to get out of whatever you are in and don't get me involved with this mess. My career isn't worth helping you. Don't ask me to do this s**t ever again.' verified the sender was a marine serving in the same unit in 2009.
'It sounds a bit like science fiction, but it actually is science fact,' Greer told 'These breakthroughs have been kept very, very secret, much to the detriment of the American people and the planet.
'We feel it's very important that the public understand this is not just a silly story about Little Green Men. This has very significant implications for the environment, for energy independence, for global poverty.'
Greer and his organization, the Disclosure Project, gained international attention as well as derision in 2001 when he gathered 20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration and intelligence officers at the National Press Club to tell their stories of extraordinary UFO and alien encounters.
The 2001 conference did not spark congressional hearings as Greer hoped.
Leslie Kean, an investigative journalist who was the first to bring Air Force whistleblower David Grusch forward to make his bombshell claims in her story in engineering news site The Debrief this week, said she was skeptical of Greer's approach in an interview with the New Yorker in 2021.
'There were some good people at that conference, but some of them were making outrageous, grandiose claims,' Kean said. 'I knew then that I had to walk away.'
Grusch has also reportedly released a statement distancing himself from Greer, after Greer claimed that he met with the senior military intelligence official in March 2022 in Culpeper, Virginia.
'I took my job very seriously, and early on, I allowed various individuals that alleged they had information to speak their truth as part of my evaluation process,' Grush reportedly said in a statement published on Twitter by UFO researcher Vinnie Adams this week.
'I emphatically request that Steven Greer cease using my name to promote his personal agenda.'
The former ER doctor spent the two decades following his 2001 press conference collecting UFO witnesses, and has now assembled a database of 746 people in or related to the US government.
Some have detailed and compelling stories and have even testified to AARO. Others are merely senior officials who made public statements acknowledging the possibility of UFOs having non-human origins. According to the database, 76 have passed away.
He will also be unveiling a 'Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive' with 'over 5 terabytes of government documents, whistleblower testimony and specific locations of illegally operated UFO projects,' according to a press release.
Greer has become a controversial figure even among UFO enthusiasts, making disputed claims and charging up to $3,500 for group sessions where he purports to teach and perform summonings of extraterrestrials using psychic powers.
A video of one of his 'contact' events in Vero Beach, Florida on January 27 2015 shows a light appearing over the Atlantic ocean which Greer attributed to aliens.
A July 2020 article by the Washington Examiner questioned whether it was in fact faked with a flare dropped from a Beech 76 Duchess plane that was flying offshore at that time.
Prominent figures have chided Greer over his statements, including late sixth man on the moon Edgar Mitchell who said Greer would 'overreach his data continuously', and former CIA director James Woolsey who wrote that a 1993 'briefing' Greer claimed he gave Woolsey was merely a 'distorted account of a dinner party'.
Greer called the allegations 'ridiculous and untrue', and said his Monday press conference was about the witnesses, not him.
'I would give anything to have someone else do this so I don't have to. But I don't see that happening,' he said.
'I just say the track record of what we've done over 30 years stands on its own.'
On June 12, 2023, Dr. Steven M. Greer, a renowned founder of the Disclosure Project, presented a compelling three-hour UFO conference. This conference featured whistleblowers who shared their astonishing testimonies. For 33 years, Dr. Greer has dedicated himself as a volunteer to the Disclosure Project. His most recent event before this was held 22 years ago on May 9, 2001, where 22 individuals from various government sectors participated.
In this long disclosure event, Dr. Greer presented his investigations on secret programs, and he was joined by six courageous whistleblowers who shared compelling information about covert operations. Among them was Michael Herrera, a former United States Marine, who shared an astonishing account from 2009 where he and five comrades saw a giant UFO being loaded with weapons while serving in Indonesia. During this incident, they were threatened at gunpoint by unmarked US forces at the scene.
Herrera was assigned to the 2nd Battalion 5th Marines, described as the most decorated infantry battalion within the Marine Corps. This battalion was part of Operation Ketsana, a humanitarian mission in the Philippines in 2009. Herrera’s unit was affiliated with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, primarily conducting maritime operations across Southeast Asia in partnership with the seventh naval fleet.
Herrera was on the USS Denver and went to help after a big tsunami and earthquake hit Padang City in Indonesia. It was surprising because it was Herrera’s first time doing a mission like this. When Herrera and his team got there on October 8, they got some important information. They found out that some of President Obama’s family might be there. They knew it was a dangerous place because of the threat from terrorist activities prevalent in Indonesia.
Their job was to keep the area safe and give people things they needed like medical supplies, food, water, and shelter. Herrera was picked to be one of the main people for this job. When they landed in Padang, it was all broken and damaged. Everything looked bad with fires and floods everywhere. They quickly went to a higher place so they could see better and plan. They had to be ready for anything.
Herrera and his team, armed with M16A4 rifles, advanced about 300 meters, maintaining a tactical column formation. Their primary goal was to maintain situational awareness, be prepared for potential engagements, and execute their mission amidst the harrowing conditions.
The Mystery Craft in the Jungle
Herrera had a camera and was taking pictures of a damaged area from a high spot. But he noticed something strange: a weird object in the jungle. This thing looked different from the trees around it. It changed colors from light gray to dark black and spun around. This was so memorable for Herrera that he could not forget it for 14 years. He and his team took pictures and videos of this odd object.
‘The craft was rotating in a clockwise motion while changing colors. It had an audible hum to it, like the sound of a transformer or a guitar amp. It was an octagonal shape with a pyramid at the top of it that was black,’ Herrera said
As they got closer to the strange object, Herrera and his team saw a group of soldiers. These soldiers looked American — a group of soldiers or, as Herrera described them, a “Rogue military force.” What made this encounter even more unsettling was their distinctly American appearance and gear. These were not just any soldiers; they were equipped similarly to elite Special Operations units, dressed in black camouflage and donning OTVs.
Finding these soldiers made things even more confusing. Why were they there? Were they part of a secret mission? Or something even stranger? Herrera’s story made people think a lot about what really happened that day. His story mixed a strange flying object, its odd behavior, and meeting mysterious soldiers. This made people wonder about secret things happening in the world.
As the tension escalated, Herrera and his team were on high alert. These soldiers looked like U.S. Special Forces but acted differently. Their clothes, weapons, and tools showed they were well-trained. Even though Herrera and his team were outnumbered, they stayed calm. They did not talk to the strange soldiers and moved away carefully. Their main goal was to keep safe and learn more about the unknown flying object and the mysterious soldiers.
Many questions arise about this strange meeting. Maybe these soldiers were doing secret missions without permission? Or were they guarding the strange flying object? Herrera thought maybe they were there to protect the craft and was curious about where it came from.
The flying object Herrera saw had unique features. He noticed its color changes and its pyramid-like top. It also made a sound like a guitar amp or a machine.
“They had no insignias on, they had no ranks,” Herrera began, describing the unidentified soldiers who confronted him and his team. The soldiers’ attire and equipment far surpassed the standard-issue gear Herrera and his unit possessed. Their M4A4 rifles were enhanced with Advanced Combat Optical Gunsights (ACOGs) and PEC 16 IR illumination devices, indicating advanced capabilities and possibly specialized training.
Things got intense quickly. Herrera remembered these soldiers yelling at him and his team. They made scary threats, suggesting they could harm them severely or even make them disappear. The soldiers were very thorough. They checked everyone’s identity carefully, using devices that looked like they were scanning their military cards. This made Herrera believe they were very organized and knew what they were doing.
Herrera also saw some trucks that looked suspicious. The trucks had special containers, and there were rumors that these might be used for illegal activities, like smuggling people. This worried Herrera because the area was already facing many problems.
The strangest part was when Herrera saw an odd flying object. It appeared suddenly and then left quickly without making any noise or causing any disturbance. Herrera and his team were shocked and did not know what to make of it.
“So as we’re going back between these guys, as well as what’s going on in the background at that time, there were four of these trucks which were f-350s.” However, it was what these trucks were transporting that took center stage in Herrera’s recounting.
He described the craft in vivid detail: “It floated right above the tree line.” He emphasized its unique shape, stating, “On each corner, it emanated a light. It was either red, yellow, green, or blue – only those four colors. I can distinctly remember.” This octagonal craft, with its mesmerizing lights, seemed to defy conventional understanding, as Herrera continued to describe its departure.
“As soon as it was able to break that tree line,” Herrera recounted, “it shot over to the left, basically where the ocean was, at a speed so fast I would estimate probably three, four, five thousand miles an hour – instantaneous like that.” The craft’s rapid movement, devoid of any discernible sonic boom or disturbance, left Herrera and his team in a state of shock and bewilderment.
From Herrera’s story, it sounded like he saw something very strange and unexpected. He did not understand what it was, and it left him with many questions. His story highlights the mystery of what he saw and suggests that there is a lot more to learn about such strange occurrences.
After this weird encounter, Herrera was approached by someone from the Air Force. This person, even though not wearing a name tag, made Herrera sign a paper promising not to talk about what happened. The paper had confusing terms on it, and Herrera was left puzzled and scared about what might happen if he spoke up.
As Herrera concluded his account, he made a compelling plea to Washington, urging political figures to address the situation. “There are people who are either being hurt or killed by this,” he emphasized, highlighting the gravity of the events he witnessed.
According to DailyMail, Herrera left the Navy in October 2011, his certificate of release showing four years of active duty and medals for “national defense service,” “global war on terrorism service,” “humanitarian service,” “sea service deployment” and a “sharpshooter rifle badge.” He made several million dollars as an entrepreneur and now runs a private security company called Valkyrie Eye.
Video/Photo Evidence
In this interview with Jimmy Chruch on FADE TO BLACK Radio, Herrera said that during the operation, he had a Panasonic camera capable of capturing both stills and videos. Throughout their mission, he took several photographs and videos, capturing the devastation and potentially more. Herrera concealed this vital evidence in his dump pouch, which seemed to go unnoticed by the individuals overseeing the mission.
When Herrera and his team got back to their ship, strange things started happening. As they gave back their weapons, they felt worried. They were scared about what might happen if their bosses found out about their strange experiences.
After their tough trip, Herrera and his team went to Subic Bay in the Philippines for a break. They tried to relax and have fun. But when Herrera went back to his ship, he found his camera in his locker. Sadly, the battery and memory card were gone. When he tried to use it again, it did not work. Herrera felt upset because he realized how important the missing camera parts were to his story.
Herrera shared more about what he learned from his experience. He talked to people who told him about secret groups that do bad things. These groups hurt people and try to keep their actions hidden. But Herrera also met some good people who wanted to tell the truth about these secret operations.
During an event with Dr. Greer, Herrera thought the containers they saw might have drugs. But someone from the group told him they were not drugs. This new information made everyone wonder: What were they really hiding? Why was it so secret? And how does this affect Herrera and his team?
Herrera said that these mysterious people have been doing secret stuff since the 1990s. Most of them come from JSOC, which is like the top experts in the military. He was careful when talking about them to keep things secret and protect people’s identities.
He remembered when these mysterious folks reached out to him. Instead of asking for his contact details, they gave him theirs. This made Herrera curious. He wanted to know why they did not harm him during a mission in 2009.
Herrera met these secretive people in a safe place out West. When he got there, they had strict rules to make sure no one was listening in on their talk. What Herrera learned surprised him.
He originally thought their main thing was illegal drug deals. But it turned out to be something even stranger. They seemed interested in people from certain backgrounds or groups, like the Bureau of Indian Affairs. These people were seen as spiritually wise and not influenced by mainstream beliefs, making them important for what the group was doing.
“They screen individuals with specific conscious abilities and higher consciousness. They particularly focus on people from third-world countries since these individuals haven’t been indoctrinated by television and lack certain resources. Consequently, their minds aren’t as clouded, making them more spiritually adept. Additionally, they recruit individuals from the Bureau of Indian Affairs for similar reasons: these individuals are spiritually more adept and have a higher level of consciousness, making them suitable participants for these programs.”
Herrera describes a group that works everywhere, not just in one country. They keep their actions hidden and use very advanced machines. To most people, these machines might look like they come from outer space, but they’ are made by humans. Because no one knows much about them, they can act fast and quietly.
A surprising thing Herrera says is that this group sometimes shoots down crafts that seem to be from outer space. They do this a few times every year. They also have strong weapons that can destroy other countries’ copied machines. Herrera tells stories of private planes that accidentally go into their area and get shot down. No one knows what happened to these planes or the people inside.
“They shoot down two to three ET crafts a year, retrieve them, and then take them away for analysis or whatever they do with them. Additionally, they shoot down aircraft from other agencies for reverse engineering purposes. Most of the time, these retrieved crafts are destroyed; they don’t return them. They often blow them up or discard them.
The airspace isn’t always open 24/7; it’s restricted, especially during operations or testing. When restricted, it’s limited up to 60,000 feet. Regrettably, some private aircraft have suffered tragic consequences because they didn’t divert their course. These planes were targeted with advanced weapons, which aren’t just experimental — they’re regularly used. After such incidents, they dispose of the wreckage, and bodies, and issue missing persons reports. They are adept at keeping their secrets, and that’s how their operations function.”
Herrera talks about a building that looks normal from the outside but is full of secret work inside. Even though it looks old and worn out, inside, it is busy with top-secret tasks. Most people working there come from places with lots of problems, like war or poverty. For them, the place might seem like a dream compared to what they had before.
Water is een cruciaal ingrediënt voor het ontstaan van leven op andere planeten, net als op Aarde, en dan het liefst in een waterkringloop waarbij het goedje in vloeibare vorm bij een aangename temperatuur rondstroomt. Australische wetenschappers waren dan ook erg enthousiast toen ze in een beroemde Marsmeteoriet oeroud bewijs vonden van waterhoudende vloeistoffen.
De onderzoekers uit Perth hebben mogelijk het oudste directe bewijs van heet water op Mars gevonden. De ontdekking toont aan dat de rode planeet in een ver verleden leefbaar moet zijn geweest. Het team bestudeerde een zeldzaam zirkoonkorreltje van 4,45 miljard jaar oud, afkomstig uit de beroemde Marsmeteoriet NWA7034, beter bekend als Black Beauty.
Zirkoon Het mineraal zirkoon is een zirkonium-silicaat met de molecuulformule ZrSiO4. De natuurlijke kleur van zirkoon varieert van kleurloos, goudgeel en rood tot bruin. Het mineraal wordt vaak verward met de synthetische edelsteen zirkonia, een geliefde imitatie van diamant, maar schijn bedriegt. Zirkonen zijn bijzonder goed bestand tegen verwering. Ze bevatten kleine hoeveelheden radioactieve isotopen van uranium en thorium, die op den duur vervallen tot een isotoop van lood. Door de verhoudingen van deze isotopen te bepalen is het mogelijk om de kristallisatietijd van het kristal te bepalen, en daarmee de ouderdom van het gesteente waarin het zich bevindt.
4,45 miljard jaar oude sporen In het piepkleine korreltje vonden de onderzoekers oeroud bewijs van geochemische ‘vingerafdrukken’ van waterhoudende vloeistoffen, zo schrijven ze in hun studie. Volgens onderzoeker Aaron Cavosie geeft deze ontdekking de mensheid nieuwe inzichten in de hydrothermale systemen van Mars en de mogelijkheid dat de planeet vroeger leefbaar was. “Met behulp van nanogeochemie hebben we bewijs gevonden van heet water op Mars, zo’n 4,45 miljard jaar geleden”, maakt de onderzoeker duidelijk. “Hydrothermale systemen speelden een cruciale rol in het ontstaan van leven op aarde. Ons onderzoek laat zien dat ook onze buurplaneet Mars water had tijdens de vroege vorming van zijn korst – een essentiële voorwaarde voor een leefbare omgeving.”
Een fragment van de Mars-meteoriet Black Beauty. Foto: Curtin University/Aaron Cavosie
Nanogeochemie Door middel van hypermoderne beeldvormingstechnieken en spectroscopie op nanoschaal ontdekte het team patronen van elementen zoals ijzer, aluminium, yttrium en natrium in het zirkoon. Deze elementen zijn indertijd aan het mineraal toegevoegd tijdens de vorming van het kristal. Dit wijst erop dat er water aanwezig was op de rode planeet tijdens deze periode van vroege magmatische activiteit. Cavosie legt uit dat het water rondspoot op een moment in de planetaire geschiedenis, toen gigantische meteorietinslagen het oppervlak van Mars geselden en ontwrichtten. Dit spectaculaire proces vond plaats in de vroege Pre-Noachiaanse periode – een Martiaans tijdsgewricht meer dan 4,1 miljard jaar geleden.
Schokbestendig korreltje Een eerder onderzoek in 2022 van hetzelfde zirkoonkorreltje toonde aan dat het een meteorietinslag had doorstaan. Dat was een unieke vondst. Tot nu toe is het de eerste en enige bekende ‘geschokte’ zirkoon van Mars. “Door onze bevindingen zijn we een flinke stap verder gekomen in onze kennis over het vroege Mars”, vertelt Cavosie. “We hebben nu duidelijke aanwijzingen van waterhoudende vloeistoffen uit de tijd dat het korreltje zich vormde. We kunnen de geochemische markers van water in de oudste bekende korst van Mars nu aanwijzen en hierop kunnen we verder bouwen in onze vervolgonderzoeken.”
Deze ontdekking geeft een fascinerend kijkje in de vroege geschiedenis van Mars en levert nieuw bewijs dat onze buurplaneet ooit omstandigheden kende die vergelijkbaar waren met een jonge versie van de Aarde.
Je hebt ijstijden en ijstijden en die van ruim 700 miljoen jaar geleden was me er eentje. De Aarde veranderde in één grote ijzige bol, zelfs de oceanen waren dichtgevroren. Tot nu toe begrepen onderzoekers niet goed hoe dat kon, maar nu hebben ze een verklaring: de vulkanen stootten extreem weinig CO2 uit.
“Stel je voor dat de Aarde compleet bevroren is, want dat is wat er zo’n 700 miljoen jaar geleden gewoon is gebeurd. De planeet was bedekt met ijs van de polen tot de evenaar en de temperaturen doken naar beneden”, zegt hoofdonderzoeker Adriana Dutkiewicz. “Wat dit heeft veroorzaakt, was tot nu toe echter een open vraag.”
Maar ze denkt dat het mysterie van de zogenoemde Sneeuwbalaarde nu is opgelost. “Waarschijnlijk was er een historisch lage uitstoot van vulkanische CO2 in combinatie met de verwering van een enorme berg vulkanisch gesteente in wat nu Canada heet, een proces waarbij de basaltstenen CO2 uit de atmosfeer absorberen.” Dat werkt als volgt: regen slaat CO2 op uit de lucht. Die regen reageert met het verpulverde basalt, die de CO2 opslaat.
Inspiratie uit het zuiden van Australië De Australische geologen werden geïnspireerd door overblijfselen uit de ijstijd, die geweldig goed te zien zijn in de Flinders Ranges in Zuid-Australië. Een recente trip daarheen, bracht de wetenschappers op het idee om met behulp van een supercomputer van de University of Sydney tektonische plaatmodellen te bestuderen om te achterhalen wat de oorzaak is van de extreem lange en hevige ijstijd. De studie helpt bovendien om de natuurlijke thermostaat van de Aarde beter te begrijpen, die voorkomt dat onze planeet oververhit raakt. Het toont ook aan hoe gevoelig ons klimaat is voor de hoeveelheid CO2 in de atmosfeer.
Gletsjerafzettingen uit de ijstijd in de Flinders Ranges. Foto: professor Dietmar Müller/University of Sydney
Aan de slag met de computer De extreme ijstijd duurde van ongeveer 717 tot 550 miljoen jaar geleden. In die tijd bestond er geen complex leven. “Er zijn verschillende oorzaken genoemd voor het begin en het einde van deze ijstijd, maar het meest mysterieuze is waarom hij tientallen miljoenen jaren duurde, een lengte die wij ons nauwelijks kunnen voorstellen”, aldus Dutkiewicz.
De onderzoekers wendden zich tot een tektonisch plaatmodel dat de evolutie van continenten en oceanen laat zien in de periode na het uiteenvallen van supercontinent Rodina. Dat verbonden ze met een computermodel dat de CO2-ontgassing van onderwatervulkanen berekende langs de breuklijnen waar de tektonische platen uit elkaar drijven en nieuwe oceaanbodem ontstaat.
Kalme vulkanen Zo zagen ze al snel dat het begin van de ijstijd precies overeenkwam met een ongezien dieptepunt aan vulkanische CO2-uitstoot. Daarbij bleef de uitstroom van CO2 relatief laag gedurende de hele ijstijd. “In die tijd waren er geen meercellige dieren of landplanten op Aarde. De broeikasgasconcentratie in de atmosfeer werd bijna volledig bepaald door de CO2-uitstoot van vulkanen en de CO2-opslag van verpulverd vulkanisch gesteente.”
Met andere woorden, vulkanen bepaalden het klimaat op Aarde. “We denken dat de ijstijd begon door een dubbele klap: een opschudding van de tektonische platen bracht de ontgassing van vulkanen tot een minimum, terwijl tegelijkertijd een vulkanische provincie in Canada begon te eroderen. Die sloeg dus een enorme berg CO2 op”, legt professor Dietmar Müller van de University of Sydney uit. “Het gevolg was dat het CO2-niveau in de atmosfeer zo laag werd dat de ijstijd begon. De schatting is dat dit gebeurt bij minder dan 200 CO2-deeltjes per miljoen, minder dan de helft van wat er nu in de atmosfeer zit.”
De toekomst Het onderzoek roept interessante vragen op over de toekomst van de Aarde. Volgens een recente theorie zou onze planeet in de komende 250 miljoen jaar kunnen evolueren tot Pangea Ultima, een supercontinent, dat zo heet is dat zoogdieren mogelijk uitsterven. De CO2-uitstoot van vulkanen wordt echter op de lange termijn minder is de verwachting, dus misschien verandert Pangea Ultima ook weer in een ijsbal. “Wat de toekomst ook brengt, het is belangrijk om te weten dat geologische klimaatverandering, zoals we die hier beschrijven, extreem langzaam gaat. Volgens de NASA gaat door mensen veroorzaakte klimaatverandering tien keer sneller dan we tot nu toe hebben gezien”, klinkt het tot besluit.
Scientists have revealed new details about the impact of a massive asteroid that hit the US roughly 35 million years ago.
The asteroid, between three and five miles wide, created a giant 25-mile-wide crater in what now lies beneath Chesapeake Bay, with the center located at the southern end of Northampton County near Cape Charles, Virginia.
Instead, they found 'our planet seemed to carry on as usual,' according to study co-author Bridget Wade with University College London (UCL).
What's more, the researchers found another giant asteroid collided with what is now Russia some 25,000 years prior and only disrupted Earth's climate for a brief period.
That impact left a 60-mile-wide crater - known today as the Popigai crater - in northern Siberia.
These two asteroid strikes formed the fourth and fifth largest known craters on Earth, and yet, they did not trigger any measurable climate changes over the following 150,000 years, the researchers concluded.
'However, our study would not have picked up shorter-term changes over tens or hundreds of years, as the samples were every 11,000 years,' Wade explained.
'Over a human time scale, these asteroid impacts would be a disaster. They would create a massive shockwave and tsunami, there would be widespread fires, and large amounts of dust would be sent into the air, blocking out sunlight.'
Roughly 35 million years ago, an enormous asteroid slammed into the ocean off the eastern coast the North American continent, but didn't cause climactic changes (STOCK)
The asteroid, between three and five miles wide, created a giant 25-mile crater in what now lies beneath Chesapeake Bay, with the center located at the southern end of Northampton County near Cape Charles, Virginia
Evidence of the asteroid impacts were found in tiny droplets of silica, which appeared like small balls of glass.
The formations were created by the intense heat released as the asteroid impacts vaporized rocks on.
The team inferred what Earth's climate looked like after the asteroid strikes by analyzing carbon and oxygen isotopes in more than 1,500 fossils of shelled, single-celled organisms called foraminifera.
These tiny sea creatures lived near the ocean surface or on the sea floor between 35.5 and 35.9 million years ago, and served as a record of how warm Earth's oceans were at that time.
The fossils were found embedded within 10 feet of a rock core drilled from underneath the Gulf of Mexico by the scientific Deep Sea Drilling Project.
The researchers found shifts in isotopes 100,000 years prior to the two asteroid impacts that suggested the ocean surface warmed 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and the deep ocean cooled 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
But they did not find evidence of any climactic shifts around the time of the impacts or afterwards.
Another giant asteroid that collided with what is now Russia some 25,000 years prior similarly did not disrupt Earth's climate for more than a brief period
The isotope samples collected were over intervals of 11,000 years, and therefore do not reflect the short-term affects of these massive asteroid impacts, which would have been a 'disaster' over a human time scale, Wade said.
The Chicxulub impact, for example, caused a shift in climate on a much smaller timescale of less than 25 years. But it was so extreme that it triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs.
'So we still need to know what is coming and fund missions to prevent future collisions,' Wade said.
Evidence of the asteroid impacts were found in tiny droplets of silica, which appeared like small balls of glass. The formations were created by the intense heat released as the asteroid impacts vaporized rocks on
The PDCO's primary mission is finding, tracking and better understanding asteroids that could pose a threat to Earth. But it also launched the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission in November 2021.
This mission rammed a spacecraft into the near-Earth asteroid Dimorphos to alter its trajectory - a strategy NASA could one day use to save the planet from an oncoming asteroid.
Even though Wade and Cheng's study did note capture the more immediate affects of the strikes, they did create a more precise timeline of climactic change, as previous studies used fossils samples over intervals longer than 11,000 years.
What's more, using fossils that lived at different ocean depths provided a more complete picture of how the oceans responded to the asteroid strikes.
'It was fascinating to read Earth's climate history from the chemistry preserved in microfossils,' Cheng said.
The conversation of baffled pilots tracking 'super bright' UFOs 'moving real quick' above their planes in Texas has been revealed.
The short audio heard flight crews on American Airlines and Spirit planes speaking with air traffic control (ATC) on the night of November 30, as they were both flying into the Dallas-Fort Worth airport.
The American Airlines pilot was the first to contact ATC, saying: 'We are following these two lights that are up above us that are kind of jogging back-and-forth, left and right, for the past, like, half hour.'
A Spirit Airlines pilot was then heard describing a similar experience, noting their flight crew was 'watching them for about an hour or two in the northwest sky.'
He continued to explain that he saw the same phenomenon a week earlier.
The American Airlines pilot, flying from Louisville, Kentucky to Dallas-Fort Worth, said that the odd lights were above his cruising altitude of 34,000 feet.
'The lights were quite a bit above us on the horizon,' the pilot later explained.
'My first thought was satellites, but they kept getting super bright and [going] away over and over.'
Fort Worth ATC checked in with the US Air Force about possible activity over two, nearby 'military operations areas' (MOAs) — at the pilot's behest — but neither MOA had craft in the skies that night, as confirmed on radar.
Baffled pilots with American Airlines and Spirit tracked two unexplained, 'super bright' UFOs 'kinda jogging back and forth, left and right,' over Dallas, Texas. And at least one motorist in the Dallas-Fort Worth area also noted the UFOs that night, posting video to TikTok (pictured above)
The video (screencapture above), taken near Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on November 30th, appears to corroborate the two aircrew reports, based on the poster's independent account. 'They would disappear and reappear in different formations,' the TikToker wrote
'It's gonna sound a little weird,' the pilot about the American Airlines aboard flight ENY3413 can be heard telling Fort Worth air traffic control (ATC) in real time, 'but [...] they get super bright and then go completely dim also.'
While the pilot for the budget passenger airliner Spirit on flight NKS1757 did not mention a change in brightness, he did report getting a much longer look at the two mysterious aerial lights up to two hours of flight time.
And, he explained, the UFOs were moving 'real quick' and about '100 miles out in space.'
The Spirit pilot also added that the odd lights appeared to be independent of each other, not fixed to one object, whether it was terrestrial aircraft, alien flying saucers or something else.
'They split positions,' he told ATC. 'It's the first time I've seen them change relative position.'
The American Airlines pilot explicitly asked ATC whether or not the US military had activity in the Rivers, Oklahoma 'military operations area' (MOA) to the north, which is used by the Air Force's 138th Fighter Group.
'I asked if the RIVERS MOA was hot and they said 'no' with nobody on radar,' the pilot told the YouTube flight-tracking channel VISAviation.
'Do you know if the Rivers MOA is hot? You got anybody messing around over there?' the pilot of AA flight ENY3413 can be heard asking on radio.
'It is cold,' ATC replied. 'I am curious why you ask?'
The American Airlines pilot, who was flying from Louisville, Kentucky that night, said that the odd UFO lights were above his own cruising altitude of 34,000 feet: 'The lights were quite a bit above us on the horizon [...] they kept getting super bright and [going] away over and over'
Another Tik Tok user in the area, who posts as @godandtruth777, might have also captured the UFOs on film (above), commenting: 'Seen in DFW! And they didn't look like planes!'
The pilot also enquired about Shirley MOA north of Little Rock, Arkansas, used by Arkansas Air National Guard's 188th Fighter Wing, but this MOA was 'cold' that night as well.
'Nobody on the radar,' the pilot noted. 'It was super odd because they were high and fast and kept with us for a long time.'
'They kept the same 1-2 o'clock position on us for about 250 miles,' as he wrote in his email to VASAviation.
'And would be moving in formation, sometimes really fast on the horizon.'
After their half-hour long UFO encounter, this American Airlines flight landed in Dallas-Fort Worth around 9:42pm local time.
A third passenger jet, American Airlines flight AA2800, was also nearby in the sky that night but it is unclear whether anyone on board also caught a glimpse of the strange, blinking and fast-moving lights.
And at least one motorist in the Dallas-Fort Worth area also captured UFOs in the sky that night, posting video to TikTok under her handle @laurenallison45 — and claiming 'No they arent airplanes. Positive of that!'
'I've lived here my entire life, and I have never seen anything like this,' Lauren Allison said in her post. 'What is that?!' she can be heard wondering in her clip.
The citizen video, taken near Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on November 30, appears to corroborate the two aircrew reports, based on the poster's independent account.
'They would disappear and reappear in different formations,' the TikToker noted, identifying a distinct feature of the UFO lights that were also reported by the American Airlines pilot flying in from Louisville aboard flight ENY3413.
Another Tik Tok user in the area, who posts as @godandtruth777, might have also captured the UFOs on film, commenting: 'Seen in DFW! And they didn't look like planes!'
People are hooked on finding out what is going on in the sky. So far, answers remain limited, and the government has admitted it has zero explanation for some sightings.
A team of researchers at Cornell University has created a new class of magnetically controlled microscopic robots (microbots) that operate at the visible-light diffraction limit. Termed diffractive robots, these microbots can interact with waves of visible light and still move independently, so that they can maneuver to specific locations to take images and measure forces at the scale of some of the body’s smallest structures.
A diffractive robot.
Image credit: Smart et al., doi: 10.1126/science.adr2177.
Diffractive robotics connects, for the first time, untethered robots with imaging techniques that depend on visible light diffraction — the bending of a light wave when it passes through an opening or around something.
The imaging technique requires an opening of a size comparable to the light’s wavelength.
For the optics to work, robots must be on that scale, and for the robots to reach targets to image, they have to be able to move on their own.
Credit: Jason Koski/Cornell University
Itai Cohen, professor of physics, in his lab in the Physical Sciences Building.
Controlled by magnets making a pinching motion, the robots can inch-worm forward on a solid surface. They can also ‘swim’ through fluids using the same motion.
The combination of maneuverability, flexibility and sub-diffractive optical technology create a significant advance in the field of robotics.
“A walking robot that’s small enough to interact with and shape light effectively takes a microscope’s lens and puts it directly into the microworld,” said Cornell University’s Professor Paul McEuen.
“It can perform up-close imaging in ways that a regular microscope never could.”
“These robots are between 2 and 5 microns. They’re tiny. And we can get them to do whatever we want by controlling the magnetic fields driving their motions.”
A magnified view of the tiny crab robot, standing on the edge of a coin.
Credit: Northwestern University
“I’m really excited by this convergence of microrobotics and microoptics,” said Cornell University’s Dr. Francesco Monticone.
“The miniaturization of robotics has finally reached a point where these actuating mechanical systems can interact with and actively shape light at the scale of just a few wavelengths — a million times smaller than a meter.”
To magnetically drive robots at this scale, the team patterned the bots with hundreds of nanometer-scale magnets that have an equal volume of material but two different shapes — long and thin, or short and stubby.
Jason Koski/Cornell University
Itai Cohen, center, professor of Physics and Design Tech, works with Melody Lim, left, and Zexi Liang, right, at Cohen’s lab in the Physical Sciences Building.
“The long, thin ones need a larger magnetic field to flip them from pointing one way to pointing the other, while the short, stubby ones need a smaller field,” said Cornell University’s Professor Itai Cohen.
“That means you can apply a big magnetic field to get them all aligned, but if you apply a smaller magnetic field, you only flip the short, stubby ones.”
To create the robots, the authors combined this principle with very thin films.
“One of the main optical engineering challenges was figuring out the most suitable approach for three tasks — tuning light, focusing, and super-resolution imaging — for this specific platform, because “different approaches have different performance trade-offs depending on how the microrobot can move and change shape,” Dr. Monticone said.
“There’s a benefit to being able to mechanically move the diffracting elements in order to enhance imaging,” Professor Cohen said.
The robot itself can be used as a diffraction grading, or a diffractive lens can be added. In this way, the robots can act as a local extension of the microscope lens looking down from above.
The robots measure forces by using the same magnet-driven pinching motion that enables them to walk to push against structures.
“These robots are very compliant springs. So as something pushes against them, the robot can squeeze,” Professor Cohen said.
“That changes the diffraction pattern, and we can measure that quite nicely.”
Force-measurement and optical abilities can be applied in basic research, as in explorations of the structure of DNA; or they might be deployed in a clinical setting.
“Looking to the future, I can imagine swarms of diffractive microbots performing super-resolution microscopy and other sensing tasks while walking across the surface of a sample,” Professor Monticone said.
“I think we are really just scratching the surface of what is possible with this new paradigm marrying robotic and optical engineering at the microscale.”
China’s growing presence in space has been undeniable since the turn of the century. Between sending the first “taikonaut” to space in 2003 (Yang Liwei), launching the first Chinese robotic mission to the Moon (Chang’e-1) in 2007, and the deployment of their Tiangong space station between 2021-2022, China has emerged as a major power in space. Accordingly, they have bold plans for the future, like the proposed expansion of their Tiangong space station and the creation of the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) by 2035.
In their desire to become a space power that can rival NASA, China also has its sights on Mars. In addition to crewed missions that will culminate in a “permanent base,” they intend to conduct a sample-return mission in the near future. This will be performed by the Tianwen-3 mission, which is currently scheduled to launch in 2028 and return samples to Earth by 2031. In a recent article, the Tianwen-3 science team outlined their exploration strategy, including the methods used to retrieve the samples, the target locations, and how they’ll be analyzed for biosignatures that could indicate the presence of past life.
This image was taken by a small camera jettisoned from China’s Tianwen-1 spacecraft to photograph the spacecraft in orbit above the Martian north pole.Credit: CNSA/PEC
This mission is the third in China’s Tianwen (Chinese for “questions to heaven”) exploration program. The previous mission (Tianwen-1) included an orbiter, a lander, and the Zhurong rover, which reached Mars in February 2021. The successful deployment of this mission made China the third nation (after the Soviet Union and the U.S.) to land on Mars. Highlights of the mission include the mapping of the entire Martian surface by the orbiter and the discovery of hydrated minerals by Zhurong, further confirming that Mars once had liquid water on its surface.
“China has retrieved the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon with the Chang’e-6 mission this year. Since Mars is much farther away than the moon, it will take two launches to carry out the Mars sample-return mission due to the limited carrying capacities of our current rockets. Two Long March-5 carrier rockets will be used for the mission.”
Other details include the 86 potential landing sites proposed by the team, which are primarily concentrated in the ancient Chryse Planitia and Utopia Planitia regions. These areas are considered good places to search for potential biosignatures that could be preserved remains of ancient life. This includes features that indicate the presence of past water, including delta fans, lake beds, and the coastline, suggesting the presence of a past ocean in the Northern Lowlands. The team also stated that Tianwen-3 will carry payloads developed with international partners.
A wireless camera took this ‘group photo’ of China’s Tianwen-1 lander and rover on Mars’ surface. Credit: CNSA
They also stressed the necessity for new instruments specifically designed to detect biosignatures. To this end, they have developed a 13-phase mission plan that leverages in-situ and remote-sensing detection technologies. Liu also disclosed that the mission will rely on multi-point surface sampling, fixed-point in-depth drilling, and in-flight vehicle sampling to obtain diverse samples. They also state that China will conduct joint research with scientists worldwide on Mars samples and detection data.
What is clear from this latest news is that China intends to preempt NASA and the ESA’s proposed Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. Due to budget cuts announced earlier this year, this mission is currently stuck in the design phase. Similarly, China has indicated that the Tianwen-4 mission will explore the Jupiter system to learn more about its moons and their evolutionary history. This mission is scheduled to launch in September 2029 and will follow on the heels of NASA’s Europa Clipper and the ESA’s JUpiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE).
This is in keeping with China’s pattern of following in NASA’s footsteps, catching up with them and surpassing them as the leader in space exploration. If they manage to return Martian samples to Earth before either NASA or the ESA, they will have accomplished a task no other space agency has. However, given the scientific value of these samples and the international cooperation that will go into their analysis will be to the benefit of all.
Astronauts on Long Missions Will Need Personal AI Assistants
How can artificial intelligence (AI) help astronauts on long-term space missions? This is what a recent study presented at the 2024 International Astronautical Congress in Milan, Italy, hopes to address as an international team of researchers led by the German Aerospace Center introduce enhancements for the Mars Exploration Telemetry-Driven Information System (METIS) system and how this could help future astronauts on Mars mitigate the communications issues between Earth and Mars, which can take up to 24 minutes depending in the orbits. This study holds the potential to develop more efficient technology for long-term space missions beyond Earth, specifically to the Moon and Mars.
Here, Universe Today discusses this incredible research with Oliver Bensch, who is a PhD student at the German Aerospace Center regarding the motivation behind the study, the most significant results and follow-up studies, the significance of using specific tools for enhancing METIS, and the importance of using AI-based technology on future crewed missions. Therefore, what was the motivation behind this study regarding AI assistants for future space missions?
“Current astronauts rely heavily on ground support, especially during unexpected situations,” Bensch tells Universe Today. “Our project aims to explore new ways to support astronauts, making them more autonomous during missions. Our focus was to make the great amount of multimodal data, like documents or sensor data easily, and most importantly, reliably available to astronauts in natural language. This is especially relevant when we think about future long-duration space missions, e.g., to Mars where there is a significant communication latency.”
The goal of the study was to develop a system that can improve astronaut autonomy, safety, and efficiency in conducting mission objectives on long-duration space missions to either the Moon or Mars. As noted, communication delays between the Earth and Mars can be as high as 24 minutes, so astronauts being able to make on-the-spot decisions could mean the difference between life and death. Therefore, what were the most significant results from this study?
“In our project we aim to integrate documents, like procedures, with live sensor data and other additional information into our Knowledge Graph,” Bensch tells Universe Today. “The stored and live updated information is then displayed in an intuitive way using augmented reality cues and natural language voice interaction, enhancing the autonomy of the astronauts. Reliable answers are ensured by backlinks to the Knowledge Graph, enabling astronauts to verify the information, something that is not possible when just relying on large language model-based assistants as they are prone to generating inaccurate or fabricated information.”
Regarding follow-up studies, Bensch tells Universe Today the team is currently working with the MIT Media Lab Space Exploration Initiative and aspires to work with astronauts at the European Space Agency’s European Astronaut Centre sometime in 2025.
As noted, the researchers integrated Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) Models, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), Knowledge Graphs (KGs), and Augmented Reality (AR) with the goal of enabling more autonomy for astronauts on future long-term space missions. GPTs are designed to serve as a framework for generative artificial intelligence and was first used by OpenAI in 2018.
RAGs help enhance generative artificial intelligence by enabling the algorithm to input outside data and documentation from the user and are comprised of four stages: indexing, retrieval, augmentation, and generation. KGs knowledge bases responsible for enhancing data through storing connected datasets and the term was first used by Austrian linguist Edgar W. Schneider in 1972. AR is a display interface that combines the elements of the virtual and real world with the goal of immersing the user with a virtual environment while still maintaining the real-world surroundings. Therefore, what was the significance of combining RAGs, KGs, and AR to produce this new system?
“Traditional RAG systems typically retrieve and generate responses based on a single matching document,” Bensch tells Universe Today. “However, the challenges of space exploration often involve processing distributed and multimodal data, ranging from procedural manuals and sensor data to images and live telemetry, such as temperatures or pressures. By integrating KGs, we address these challenges by organizing data into an interconnected, updatable structure that can accommodate live data and provide contextually relevant responses. KGs act as a backbone, linking disparate sources of information and enabling astronauts to access cohesive and accurate insights across multiple documents or data types.”
Bensch continues, “AR enhances this system by offering intuitive, hands-free interfaces. By overlaying procedures, sensor readings, or warnings directly onto the astronaut’s field of view, AR minimizes cognitive load and reduces the need to shift focus between devices. Additionally, voice control capabilities allow astronauts to query and interact with the system naturally, further streamlining task execution. Although each technology provides some benefit individually, their combined use offers significantly greater value to astronauts, especially during long-duration space missions where astronauts need to operate more autonomously.”
While this study addresses how AI could help astronauts on future space missions, AI is already being used in current space missions, specifically on the International Space Station (ISS), and include generative AI, AI robots, machine learning, and embedded processors. For AI robots, the ISS uses three 12.5-inch cube-shaped robots named Honey, Queen, and Bumble as part of NASA’s Astrobee program designed to assist ISS astronauts on their daily tasks. All three robots were launched to the ISS across two missions in 2019, with Honey briefly returning to Earth for maintenance shortly after arriving at the orbiting outpost and didn’t return until 2023.
Each powered by an electric fan, the three robots perform tasks like cargo movement, experiment documentation, and inventory management, along with possessing a perching arm to hold handrails for energy conservation purposes. The long-term goal of the program is to help enhance this technology for use on lunar crewed missions and the Lunar Gateway. But how important is it to incorporate artificial intelligence into future crewed missions, specifically to Mars?
“Astronauts are currently supported by a team during training and their missions,” Bensch tells Universe Today. “Mars missions involve significant delays, which makes ground support difficult during time critical situations. AI assistants that provide quick, reliable access to procedures and live data via voice and AR are essential for overcoming these challenges.”
How will AI assistants help astronauts on long-term space missions in the coming years and decades? Only time will tell, and this is why we science!
For years, NASA whistleblowers have been claiming that they saw evidence of extraterrestrials. They believe Earth is in regular contact with intelligent beings of other worlds. How true are these claims? Are there really artificial structures on Moon, secret colonies on Mars, Apollo 11 alleged UFO encounter, etc.? Well, these conspiracies shaped the field of UFOlogy which have come to an extent that now NASA officially joined hands in the UFO investigation. The agency finally admitted the gravity of the situation.
Moreover, a big revelation on UFOs and extraterrestrial life was made by former NASA research scientist Kevin Knuth in 2018 on his personal blog that probably went unnoticed. Knuth shared the UFO evidence he collected in his professional career that intentionally was covered by the government around the world.
Note:Kevin Knuth is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the University at Albany. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Entropy. He is a former NASA research scientist having worked for four years at NASA Ames Research Center in the Intelligent Systems Division.
Kevin Knuth. Image credit: Altpropulsion
Kevin Knuth described two personal stories about the speculation of extraterrestrials. The first one came at a 2002 NASA Contact Conference, which focused on serious speculation about extraterrestrials. During the meeting, a concerned participant said loudly in a sinister tone, “You have absolutely no idea what is out there!” The silence was palpable as the truth of this statement sunk in.
His second story is from 1988. During his graduation from Montana State University, his physics professor told the class that he had colleagues working at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, where they were having problems with UFOs shutting down nuclear missiles. This very news was later confirmed when Knuth saw a recording of the press conference featuring several former US Air Force personnel, with a couple from Malmstrom AFB, describing similar occurrences in the 1960s
Professor Knuth firmly believes in the alien life and non-terrestrial nature of UFOs. He is inspired by the theory given by nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi about contact with intelligent civilizations. Fermi estimated there were about 300 billion stars in the galaxy, many of them billions of years older than the Sun, with a large percentage of them likely to host habitable planets. Even if intelligent life developed on a very small percentage of these planets, then there should be a number of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy. Depending on the assumptions, one should expect anywhere from tens to tens of thousands of civilizations.
In 1961, American scientist Frank Drake took the first steps to quantify the field by developing the now-famous “Drake Equation,” a simple algebraic expression that provides an estimate for the number of communicating civilizations in the Milky Way.
Professor Knuth estimated that it would take somewhere around 5 and 50 million years for a civilization like us to colonize the Milky Way. According to him, this should have happened in the history of our galaxy. But where is the evidence? This discrepancy between the expectation that there should be evidence of alien civilizations or visitations and the presumption that no visitations have been observed has been dubbed the Fermi Paradox.
Governments’ cover-up
Professor Knuth said that the topic of UFOs is considered taboo in the scientific community, with many organizations finding excuses for various UFO sightings. For example, there are times when the weather or human activities are excuses for alien sightings. The result is that UFOs are largely not included as a possibility for scientific study and discussions.
Further, he stated, the situation is worsened by the fact that many governments around the world have covered up and classified information about such encounters. But there are enough scraps of evidence that suggest that the problem needs to be open to scientific study (which has already begun).
Strong UFO evidence from the past
Professor Knuth says there have been documented cases of UFO sightings, including through telescopes. He said that sightings go all the way back to the 1700s which are well-documented in the book “Wonders in the Sky” by Jacques Vallée. He discussed one study performed by an astrophysicist at Stanford University named Peter Sturrock, when the professor found out that 5 percent of UFO sightings were never explained.
Declassified document describing a sighting of a UFO in December 1977, in Bahia, a state in northern Brazil. Arquivo Nacional Collection
He also said that numerous countries had declassified UFO files, including Canada, France, Ecuador, and the United Kingdom. There are cases when the United States even funded alien probes, but some findings have not been declassified yet. Knuth argues that these cases should encourage scientific research.
He considered the footage released by the Chilean government in 2017 as the most convincing observations that came from government officials. Former NASA research scientists asked the scientific community to begin investigation on UFOs four years earlier, which hints at how much the scientists lost as the UFO topic was taboo for them.
Alien life underwater
Professor Knuth believes the pilots of UFOs could be living underneath our oceans. In 2021, he provided a logical reason behind this theory in this informative interview on Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal.
Curt asked Professor Knuth if he thought aliens might be hiding in places like our oceans. Knuth thought it could be possible. He said that oceans cover most of Earth, making them a good hiding spot. Kevin also said that if aliens came from a place with lots of water, living in Earth’s oceans would be easy for them.
“If you live in an ocean, going to another planet with an ocean is actually a pretty good thing,” Knuth explained. He detailed how water, being non-compressible, would provide consistent pressure, and the temperature variations in aquatic environments on different planets would be relatively moderate compared to the extreme conditions on planetary surfaces.
“If you come from an aquatic environment, aquatic environments on planets are going to be much better to live in than atmospheric environments. Atmospheres have a low heat capacity, so the temperature varies a lot …you get huge temperature variations…And then going from planet to planet, you have huge temperature variations in the atmosphere: go to Mars, and you’re looking at 100 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. You go to Venus, and you’re looking at 800 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s dramatic. And the air pressure is dramatically different, too, from planet to planet.”
The interview got even more interesting when they talked about where these aliens might live. Curt wondered if they were hiding underground or in small spaceships. Knuth thought it depended on how many aliens there were. He said, “Depends on how many people you have in there.”
Curt shared that he wasn’t usually into wild stories or mysteries. But this topic was too interesting to ignore. He wondered if maybe humans are just an experiment by these aliens. Knuth had a thought about this. He said, “If they’re DNA-based… then it’s hard to imagine that we’re not related in some way.” He meant that if aliens are like us in some biological ways, then maybe we’re connected somehow.
What if these aliens are so different from us that meeting them could be dangerous? Knuth mentioned a scientist named Stuart Kaufman who had ideas about this. He said, “You wouldn’t want to come in contact with their organic molecules because you don’t know what kind of reactions you’d have.” In simpler terms, if aliens have different chemicals in their bodies, touching them might not be safe for us.
Considering Professor Knuth’s speculations on underwater alien life. There are numerous recorded incidents of spotting UFOs going in and out of oceans.
In 2021, a retired British police officer Gary Heseltine who is the vice president of the new International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) told The Sun that UFOs may not be coming from space – but rather from beneath the sea amid a string of strange encounters involving US warships.
“That sounds crazy but if you think about it we only know 5 percent of the ocean, we know more about the surface of the moon or Mars than our own oceans – so that would seem to me why UFOs are seen regularly coming in and out of water.”
Drawing together the nuclear and underwater theories, Mr Heseltine said: “If you think about it if there was World War 3 and we made toxic all the water then that would affect their habitat. “That’s why I think there’s a correlation with water – they have bases and we only know 5% of the ocean.”
Scientist Bob McGwier has provided great insight into underwater UFO sightings. He disclosed two incidents about underwater UFOs or USOs, that he saw while performing covert operations. This claim was made several months after a video had been made public by the United States military, in which it appeared to show an unidentified flying object moving from the sky into the water in the year 2019. (Click here to read the full article)
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
A Glimpse into Catastrophic Disclosure – Webinar Highlights
A Glimpse into Catastrophic Disclosure – Webinar Highlights
On February 03, 2024 Dr. MIchael Salla held his first webinar for 2024 that analyzed the consequences of the failed UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. The “Controlled Disclosure” initiative contained in the Act was gutted. In the webinar Dr Salla presents a compelling case for Catastrophic Disclosure and prepares us for what lies ahead for the Earth Experience. The following highlights offer a glimpse into the webinar.
Jacques Vallee On Footage Of UFO Landing At Holloman AFB: Occupant Carried Vertical Staff With Spiral Antenna
Jacques Vallee On Footage Of UFO Landing At Holloman AFB: Occupant Carried Vertical Staff With Spiral Antenna
Holloman Air Force Base is infamous for the most debated UFO landing footage that was in the possession of the United States Air Force as claimed by Robert Emmenegger and Allan Sandler. The director of “Moment of Contact” James Fox has recently discussed the Holloman AFB UFO/alien controversy on a podcast, adding valuable information to the legendary case.
The Original Footage Of UFO Landing At Holloman Air Force Base | Holloman UFO Footage
Interestingly, there are other credible people in the UFO community who have given credence to the authenticity of this case. There is more to the Holloman AFB UFO story. Joe Murgia, an avid UFO researcher revealed that Dr. Eric Davis (a former Pentagon physicist) met with George Bush Sr. to talk about Holloman AFB Incident.
The UFO phenomenon has long been a subject of fascination and controversy, with countless reports of sightings and encounters over the years. However, the truth behind these mysterious incidents has remained elusive, with government agencies often accused of covering up information and discrediting witnesses.
According to Murgia, on March 26, 2004, he met Hal Putoff (an American physicist who has co-authored several books on gravitational and paranormal research) at the Fiesta Rancho Casino Hotel, Las Vegas after taking an early flight to the airport. Upon meeting, Hal wasted no time and shared with him the story of Dr. Eric Davis. It turns out that Dr. Davis was the one who conducted the interview with Wilson at the EG&G parking lot. Dr. Davis had reached out to the admiral about his project to revive a local chapter of AFIO (Association of Former Intelligence Officers) in Las Vegas, but the conversation eventually shifted to the topic of ufology.(Source)
Astrophysicist Eric Davis during an interview with New York Post.
Murgia stated that Former President George Bush Sr. had taken an interest in Dr. Davis’ discussion and spoke to him twice on the phone, expressing his belief that the German secrets had been filed away and not used as a cover for anything else. However, he did show interest in pursuing the topic and requested Dr. Davis’ recent physics papers.
During the second phone call, Bush revealed that he was aware of the Holloman film, which Hal, Dr. Davis, and Murgia were fixated on. “The former President was aware of it. Was it a training film, a special ops exercise? No, he replied, ‘it was “the real thing.”’ There was a secret project, and the security was obscene,” writes Joe Murgia.
Moreover, the Holloman AFB UFO landing incident was also discussed by Dr. Jacques Vallée in his book “Forbidden Science – Volume II.” He writes:
Kit [Green]just left, along with Hal, Russell and two of his kids. We had a long discussion after a demo of my landing catalogue. Kit has dropped out of Sams’ covert “Group of Twelve.”
Emenegger tells me that Colonel Bill Coleman, who represented the Air Force in the film, had been retired for three weeks when he got the job. For nine years he’d served as the Air Force’s spokesman and had been intimately linked to the UFO question. More games: One of his men, a Captain Horner, confiscated the Holloman movie just before Sandler could get his hands on it.
The Holloman sequence is based on a bluff by Emenegger. He couldn’t find anyone on the Base who recalled such an event. There was only a rumor that in 1971 a helicopter had filmed three objects, one of which landed.
Three occupants had supposedly come out. They had Assyrian noses, a rope twisted on their head for a hat, bluegreen skin, eyes like ping-pong balls with a hole in the middle. One of them had a wire in one ear and carried a vertical staff with a spiral antenna. The Aliens were taken to Building 830, then to building 930 on Mars Avenue. They remained there two or three years, allegedly “helping the United States decode space messages from another Alien civilization.”
A biologist named Alfred Lorenzo is supposed to have worked with them. None of this makes any sense. When Allan was here I asked him if he still had his clearance. He said yes, theoretically he did, but he didn’t think it was active, yet Kit has found Allan’s clearances active. “Do you know there are 800 reports of foreign UFOs in the CIRCOL files?” he asked. “Why didn’t Hynek ever look into that?”
He warned me that a new experimental device was being tested. It is known lovingly as a “flying bathtub.” It is a flying triangle with a rounded front, but it could look strikingly like a saucer when seen from the side, and will surely be mistaken for one.
On Julian Dorey Podcast, Mr. Fox recounted a phone call from Allan Sandler, who claimed to have seen three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) escorted by a military jet. Sandler said that two of the UFOs peeled away while one wobbled to the ground, and he witnessed the beings with unique features emerge from the grounded UFO before the footage abruptly cut off.
Paul Shartle, an official at Norton Air Force Base, allegedly confirmed that the object was not of Earth origin. Mr. Fox did not make any claims about the veracity of the story, only reporting what he had been told.
During a recent Reddit AMA, journalist Christopher Sharp expressed interest in finding more information about the number of alien species visiting Earth. He mentioned that he had heard from multiple sources that the visitation at Holloman Air Force Base was real, but was unsure if the beings were extraterrestrial, interdimensional, or ultra-terrestrial. Sharp shared a link to the interview with Grant Cameron for further information.
In 1974, Robert Emenegger released his documentary “UFOs: Past, Present, and Future,” which was nominated for a Golden Globe. While he had originally been granted permission to use real footage, the Department of Defense later withdrew that permission.
Emenegger was forced to add animated footage of the alleged Holloman UFO landing. He claimed that some frames from the original footage were used in the reconstruction during editing, which was authorized by the USAF. Viewers spotted a genuine bright disc coming down slowly in the distance against the backdrop of Holloman’s surrounding landscape.
The documentary was re-released in 1979, with additional footage and narration by Dr. Vallée, who discussed ancient astronaut theory.
The Best Kept Secret in UFOlogy with Jacques Vallee
UFOS THE BEST EVIDENCE: The Visitors, George Knapp, Jacques Vallee, David Jacobs, Stanton Freidman
Archives Of The UFO phenomenon With Jacques Vallée
Congress scraps provision to declassify information about UFOs, aliens
Congress tried to pass provisions in the NDAA that would have released government secrets about aliens, but only approved a reduced version.
Straight Arrow News
Arizona is known to be a UFO hotspot, and a new interactive mapshowing it as one of the states with most UFO sightings confirms it.
UFOs have been part of the state's folktales for a long time, with some of the most infamous ones making headlines and video highlights across the nation. The map from the National UFO Reporting Center, which allows people to explore when and where people report UFO sightings shows these events are a common thing in the state.
Arizona appears to have the fourth most reported UFO sightings of all U.S. states, according to the map.
By clicking on the dots on the map, people can see a description of the reported sightings in that location. The green dots are recent reports. Most of the reports come from the United States, as that is where the reporting center is based.
"UFOs are seen literally everywhere, and that the distribution of sighting reports closely matches the distribution of the population," the organization said in a news release announcing the new map.
The reporting center said it plans to add new features to the new map in the future to improve user experience.
On a mild springlike evening the string of amber orbs appeared as if by magic, a celestial sleight of hand that would in the coming weeks make headlines across the nation.
Although little more than an atmospheric curiosity at the time, the hovering and evenly spaced balls of light would soon become known as the Phoenix Lights.
Those who accepted the explanation that it was military flares dismissed the controversy with logical precision, while people who saw it as an otherworldly encounter claimed the truth has been shrouded in lies and disinformation.
In the ensuing years, the Phoenix Lights would change outlooks, minds and even a few lives. What hasn't changed is the mystery that still hovers.
Lynne Kitei, a Phoenix resident, could barely believe what she saw when she witnessed and recorded the lights, six evenly spaced orbs moving in a direct line over Phoenix.
Kitei, who worked as a physician at the Arizona Heart Institute, dedicated herself to investigating the phenomenon after this experience and eventually resigned from her medical career to devote herself to researching and discussing the Phoenix Lights full-time.
Over seven years, Kitei compiled extensive notes and interviews, eventually publishing a book detailing her findings. Yet, she didn't find a definitive answer to the lights' origin other than educated speculation.
"It's never been about me; it's about the data," Kitei said. "To present it I had to come forward, to tell people what I know."
The sighting, witnessed by hundreds if not thousands, prompted widespread speculation and media attention. Even government officials became involved, though their responses ranged from ridicule to dismissal.
While the military eventually attributed the lights to flares dropped during training exercises, some remain skeptical of this explanation, including Kitei and other experts who analyzed the footage. The enduring mystery of the Phoenix Lights continues to intrigue and divide opinions, leaving questions unanswered about what truly occurred that night.
Former Republic reporter Scott Craven contributed to this article.
Arizona has 4th most UFO sightings in the US. See the rankings
A vital Atlantic current that includes the Gulf Stream and keeps our climate in check may be giving off a warning sign of collapse.
The tipping point for the collapse of a key Atlantic Ocean current may have been discovered by scientists.
(Image credit: HadelProductions/Getty Images)
Scientists have discovered a key warning sign before a crucial Atlantic current collapses and plunges the Northern Hemisphere into climate chaos.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) carries warm water north from the Southern Hemisphere, where it releases heat and freezes. The freezing process concentrates salt in the non-frozen portion of the ocean water; this extra-saline water sinks, travels back south and picks up heat again, restarting the conveyor belt. (The Gulf Stream is part of this belt.)
This release of heat helps keep Europe, and to some extent North America, balmier than it otherwise would be. But sediment records over the past 100,000 years suggest that, at times, the AMOC has shut down abruptly, leading to major climate shifts over mere decades.
Scientists believe we could be veering towards this scenario once again — potentially as early as 2025 — as a result of climate change. However, until now researchers had no way of telling if the current is on the path toward one of these tipping points.
In a new study, published today (Feb. 9) in the journal Science Advances, scientists found that the flow of fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean at a latitude of 34 degrees south (the latitude where South Africa sits) may indicate a key warning sign for an impending AMOC collapse. The team found that about 25 years before the AMOC collapses, this flow reaches a minimum).
Scientists don't have a long enough record of observations of freshwater flow at this spot to predict how far away the AMOC is from a tipping point right now. However, they do know that this flow has been declining.
"We are approaching the tipping point, but we cannot deduce the distance to the tipping point," study first author René M. van Westen, a postdoctoral researcher in marine and atmospheric science at Utrecht University, told Live Science.
Because the rising and sinking of the AMOC depends on the salinity of the water, this circulation is very sensitive to influxes of fresh water, van Westen said. As the climate warms and precipitation patterns change, the patterns of freshwater flow into the ocean change, too.
The AMOC transports warm water from the Southern Hemisphere to the north, helping to keep Europe and other regions warm. (Image credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).)
It's difficult to predict the outcomes, though, and finding the AMOC's tipping point requires simulating a gradual increase in freshwater flow in the northern Atlantic over more than 2,000 years, van Westen said. This is a long and computationally expensive process, but trying to cut corners by simulating large freshwater pulses is not as realistic or precise.
The researchers modeled this gradual freshwater increase using state-of-the-art climate models. They found a long negative trend in freshwater flow at 34 degrees south — the southern border of the Atlantic Ocean — reaching a minimum about 25 years before the AMOC collapses. The minimum is not tied to a specific salinity value, but rather is relative to the patterns that came before, so researchers aren't sure how these conditions compare to today's. The AMOC collapse led to a complete lack of circulation and a loss of about 75% of the heat transport from south to north.
If the AMOC were to collapse in the near future, the consequences would be dire. Without the AMOC, the Northern Hemisphere would get colder, and the southern hemisphere would get warmer, though by a lesser degree . The effects vary by region, but Europe would be hard hit, van Westen said, cooling between 9 and 18 degrees Fahrenheit (5 to 10 degrees Celsius) within a century. That's a huge swing, even compared with the current level of climate change, which is already having impacts.
"On average, the global climate warms by about 0.2 degrees C [0.36 F] per decade," van Westen said.
The collapse of the AMOC would also lead to changes in precipitation around the globe. For example, the wet and dry seasons in the Amazon rainforest would swap places, leading to major ecological impacts, the researchers wrote in the paper.
"We know under climate change that this AMOC will gradually weaken and this [freshwater] parameter will become more negative, so it will destabilize the AMOC further," van Westen says. The message, he added, is that the need to halt climate change is urgent: "We need to stop emitting as a global society."
UAP disclosure 'isn't a sprint. It's a marathon': Ex-Pentagon official
(NewsNation) — On July 26, 2023, Navy pilot Ryan Graves, Navy Commander David Fravor and former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch testified at a Congressional hearing heard around the world.
It was a “profound moment” for former Pentagon official Lue Elizondo to hear Grusch speak publicly about an alleged “multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program.”
“You had three military personnel testifying on the reality of UAP,” Elizondo said. “Now that’s historic.”
For some, it felt like a dam was breaking and full disclosure was about to happen. But it didn’t work out like that.
First, the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO, denied Grusch’s claims. Then, as happened with Elizondo, details about Grusch’s past began to surface.
“They start seeing dissension, and they start misinformation and trying to question his loyalty … his credibility,” Elizondo said. “And they try to discredit him just like they tried to do me, just like they try to anybody else who comes out and steps out of rank.” Reports citing police records obtained through public records requests noted that Grusch was committed to a mental health facility after making a “suicidal statement” when his wife suggested he seek help.
Grusch retained his security clearance despite those details. He later elaborated on his mental health struggles and told NewsNation it was hard coming home from Afghanistan and dealing with the loss of a friend.
Meanwhile, AARO publicly declared it has no evidence to support claims of a government UAP retrieval program.
Ex-Pentagon official says VA doctor has seen alien implant
I've seen possible alien technology: Ex-Pentagon official
UAPs captured on viral videos remain unidentified. The Pentagon says AARO will follow the data wherever it leads but hasn’t found credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity.
The Pentagon released a report in March saying there is no evidence of aliens or any cover-up of UFOs or aliens. Elizondo said he questions the credibility of the report’s author, former AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick.
“What I can tell you is that what he was saying is not consistent with the truth,” Elizondo said. “And when someone like that blatantly tells you something that is not true, you’ve got a serious credibility problem.”
Elizando said members of Congress stated for the record they don’t believe Kirkpatrick was truthful, and the director of national intelligence did not endorse his report to Congress.
In response, Kirkpatrick told NewsNation, “At no time did I provide false information to Congress. In fact, my team and I provided actual evidence to back up all of our findings and research, something that all of the other claimants have failed to do.”
Elizondo hasn’t testified before Congress but said he’s been asked.
“My response was, ‘Absolutely, I will testify,’” Elizondo said.
Defense Department spokesperson Sue Gough said Elizondo had no responsibilities within the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while he was assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.
“To date, AARO has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently,” Gough said. “AARO welcomes the opportunity to speak with any former or current government employee or contractor who believes they have information relevant to the historical review.”
UFO believers push back on that sentiment, contending the Pentagon is running a disinformation campaign to discredit Elizondo.
Additionally, they believe Elizondo’s involvement in the UAP program at the Pentagon has been confirmed multiple times. Those include a letter from former Assistant Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon to Sen. Harry Reid that allegedly confirmed Elizondo’s specific role in AATIP. Also, internal Defense Department emails, since made public, also allegedly indicate that Elizondo was running AATIP.
where are UFOs coming from?| Vargas Reports
Elizondo’s wife Jennifer Elizondo said her husband is driven by a sense that humanity is owed the information he’s sharing.
“People should know if we are not alone,” Jennifer Elizondo said. “No government has the right to keep that hidden.”
A growing number of people seem to agree, as interest in the UAP question intensifies both online and at UAP conferences around the country.
Other military officers have also come forward with similar claims. They include Rear Adm. Tim Gallaudet and Col. Karl Nell.
Meanwhile, UAP videos are popping up, showing suspected sightings over Puerto Rico, along the Arizona border and over an undisclosed conflict zone in the Middle East.
“This is more than intriguing, more than provocative, it’s potentially revolutionary and transformational,” said Chris Mellon, former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence.
Lue Elizondo encourages the public to get involved.
“Talk to your members of Congress,” he said. “Ask questions, whether it’s around the dinner table or the water cooler.”
For now, it’s hard to know how much information may be revealed, he said.
“Disclosure isn’t a sprint. It’s a marathon. It’s not going to happen overnight. Disclosure isn’t an event. It’s a process … I think this next generation — if our kids are any indicator of hope — that’s where real disclosure is going to occur.”
Luis Elizondo discusses new book "Imminent" and the Pentagon's UAP investigations
The members of the UFO community are demanding UAP disclosure, which could be ‘catastrophic’ if the government remains tight-lipped. Ross Coutlhart and Former US Army Colonel Karl Nell warn that withholding such crucial information from the public and Congress might lead to unforeseen consequences. To avoid these unfortunate scenarios, Col. Nell hopes for the disclosure by October 1, 2030.
Moreover, according to the information received by Axios, the members of the House Oversight Committee will receive a classified briefing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). The publication is informed that a classified briefing on UAP will be held in the Office of House Security next week.
NewsNation writes, “This can be the beginning of Disclosure as the UAP issue has become serious in the US Congress. David Grusch’s claims sparked a congressional hearing led by a bipartisan group of lawmakers from the House Oversight Committee. There has been at least one classified briefing as well, though Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., said lawmakers learned nothing new, and he believed the Defense Department was siloing information to keep secrets.”
David Grusch told Tucker Carlson about Rep. Mike Turner’s efforts to block the UAP Disclosure Act and destroy Tim Burchett’s career. “Mike Rogers & Mike Turner, two of the dumbest people in Washington. Pure tools of the national security state.” Additionally on NewsNation, he said, “Mike Turner probably has no business being the (House Intelligence Committee) Chairman… Mike Turner has never been an intelligence officer. He’s never served in the military.” “We need to get these people out of office.”
World-Changing Evidence
For most people, the ideal UAP/Alien disclosure is Hollywood-type alien exposure. This is the only way people will believe the presence of non-human intelligence presence on our planet. But there might be something similar hidden that attorney Daniel Sheehan mentioned in his interview with Clint Weldon of Night Shift.
Clint Weldon starts by talking about how many people feel overwhelmed with the recent events. He says that for regular people doing daily tasks like paying bills or raising kids, this added news is a lot. He asks Sheehan, “Could you describe for us what you anticipate will happen during the disclosure moment? I believe there will be an ‘aha’ moment where there’s a clear distinction between what happened before this revelation and what comes after. From that point onward, everything will change, and the world as we know it will transform. However, I’m uncertain about the specifics of that transformation.”
In response to this, Sheehan revealed that it is world-changing news if comes true. He speaks of the existence of a video capturing an “actual interview of an actual extraterrestrial being.” Sheehan describes this video as a critical piece of evidence, likening it to “crown jewels” that authorities might be hesitant to unveil.
When Clint Weldon seeks clarification, questioning whether such groundbreaking evidence might indeed see the light, Sheehan’s response is suggestive. He claims to have firsthand knowledge from an individual associated with this video evidence. Sheehan underscores the potential impact, stating that its release would be a game-changer, compelling even the most skeptical to acknowledge its authenticity with a resounding “Katy bar the door.”
“Well, what I’m saying is that I’ve spoken to the person who was there, and they have this on film. So, if you really want to get to the crux of the matter, once it’s shown to the American public, all bets are off. There’s nothing that can be denied anymore. Up until now, even with David Grusch, who is from the National Reconnaissance Office and is assigned to the UFO task force inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, coming forward under oath and testifying to a house committee—all on video—it only resonates with about two to three or 4% of the people in the country because they’re preoccupied with other matters. So, the question arises: How specific and graphic does the information need to be? You often hear, ‘Why don’t they land on the White House lawn?’ or ‘Why don’t they land in Central Park, like in the movies?’ The goal here is to gradually reveal the information so that more and more people can have that ‘aha’ moment and say, ‘Okay, now I know it’s true.'”
Sheehan provides an analogy for why extraterrestrials do not just land in Central Park and how they might view humanity. He suggests that these beings might be observing humanity’s conflicts and lack of unity. While humans are engaged in wars and conflicts, the extraterrestrials might perceive Earth as a volatile place. They might be waiting for humanity to evolve, cultivate unity, and develop a shared consciousness before revealing themselves more openly.
Sheehan further elaborates on the challenges faced by those trying to bring these matters to public attention. He acknowledges the threats made to individuals in positions of power who might attempt to push the disclosure agenda. He describes his involvement with the New Paradigm Institute, an initiative aimed at educating the public about these matters.
Drawing from his background at Harvard University, Harvard Law School, and a prominent law firm, Sheehan emphasizes the importance of citizen diplomacy. He speaks about efforts to prepare individuals for potential encounters with extraterrestrial beings, highlighting the work he started with John Mack before his unfortunate death.
There is certainty that many people would consider his claims “radical,” but he is not a UFO investigator whose claims sound unbelievable to many. Lue Elizondo in many of these interviews subtly hinted at the presence of Non-human Intelligence and Grusch’s testimony shed light on it.
During a podcast with former Fox News anchor Clayton Morris on his show Redacted, Joshua Reid, a former United States Navy serviceman with a background in missile weapons defense systems, brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
It is worth noting that Joshua Reid’s extensive research in the field of UAPs and classified information has led him to the inner workings of certain government activities. His extensive four-year investigation revealed a disconcerting pattern. It appeared that military technology, particularly in special access programs, was unintentionally making its way to foreign adversaries, including China. This exchange of classified information seemed to involve universities and professors who were receiving grants to reverse engineer technologies from these programs.
The remarkable twist in this story was that Hillary Clinton’s emails were potentially facilitating the sale of this classified information to China and other foreign entities. China would fund universities, enticing professors to divulge information on special access programs. This enabled them to advance their technology rapidly, potentially reaching parity with the United States.
Former Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III, well-versed in these special access programs, played a crucial role in this unfolding drama. He represented David Grusch and became a central figure in the whistleblower saga. According to Reid, multiple whistleblowers were involved, with two possessing firsthand information and tangible evidence. The fear of repercussions led these individuals to testify in front of congressmen, notably, Indiana Congressman André Carson. However, it was not until these whistleblowers presented video evidence of intelligence community members communicating with extraterrestrials that congressmen took their claims seriously.
The impact of these videos was profound. Congressmen were visibly shaken, with one trembling and another drinking water profusely. This sudden shift in demeanor signified that the evidence was both extraordinary and unsettling. The whistleblowers were introduced to Inspector General McCullough, who had an extensive background in the very special access programs at the center of the controversy. (Сlick here to read the full article)
Sheehan was involved in the Pentagon Papers case, the Watergate break-in case, and various other cases. A lot of his work has directly dealt with situations where the American government was covering up cases they were involved in. So, could this lead him to obtain the UAP knowledge hidden for years?
Incredible footage has captured the moment an asteroid smashed through Earth's atmosphere over Siberia.
The space rock, designated COWECP5, appeared in the night sky at 11:14pm local time (11:14am ET) hours afterNASA's asteroid detection system put out the warning.
Locals posted videos on social media showing the asteroid streaking through the night sky and bursting into a ball of flames before disappearing into the abyss.
The space rock exploded in a stunning red light over Yakutia, soaring over the bright city lights and was seen firing off flames as it flew over Olekminsk.
The emergencies ministry in Yakutia said all official had been placed on alert as the asteroid approached, but noted that no damage had been reported after its descent.
'Residents of Olekminsk and Lensk districts were able to observe in the night a tail similar to a comet and a flash,' it said.
A NASA-funded telescope in Arizona identified the asteroid about seven hours prior to impact, revealing it measured about 27 inches in diameter.
The asteroid was discovered early Tuesday morning by a NASA-funded telescope. Astronomers predicted the space rock would hit Earth's atmosphere at 11:14am ET
The small size meant that it would likely burn up in the atmosphere and posed no threat to people on the ground.
The last space rock to make impact was in October over the Pacific Ocean, which followed others in September and January.
Residents in the Olekminsky and Lensk districts 'observed a comet-like tail and flares,' sharing some of the first videos of the event.
The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia reported that it went on high alert after reports of the asteroid were released.
The agency reported the space rock didn't cause any damages or casualties, writing on Telegram: 'Fortunately, the asteroid passed over the atmosphere.
'The safety of the population's life was not compromised.'
The NASA-funded Kitt Peak National Observatory, a project that tracks near-Earth objects, also spotted the asteroid early Tuesday.
Richard Moissl, the head of planetary defense office with the ESA, said Kitt Peak's Aegis system had calculated the asteroid's 'impact corridor' and narrowed it down to 125 miles east of Lensk.
The Aegis system is used by the US Navy to identify air and surface threats through radar technology and computer programs and is 'the most capable multi-mission combat system deployed in the world today,' according to Lockheed Martin.
Many locals in Siberia captured amazing footage of the asteroid breaking through Earth's atmosphere
Locals in Siberia captured the asteroid as it streaked through the night sky at the time NASA predicted
Ahead of the asteroid's entrance, Alan Fitzsimmons at Queen's University Belfast in Ireland had explained to New Scientist that the asteroid wouldn't pose a risk to people on the ground.
'It's a small one, but it will still be quite spectacular,' Fitzsimmons said.
'It will be dark over the impact site and for several hundreds of kilometers around there'll be a very impressive, very bright fireball in the sky.'
The early sighting of the incoming asteroid was unique in that very few have been spotted before they entered Earth's atmosphere, but Fitzsimmons reported that it is a positive sign that astronomers were able to identify the asteroid so early.
The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia reported that it went on high alert after reports of the asteroid was released
'It's a win for science, and [for] anybody who happens to be in Siberia this evening,' Fitzsimmons told New Scientist, adding: 'There's something to take your mind away from the no doubt quite chilly temperatures.'
These asteroids are categorized as Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) because they come within 120 million miles of the Sun thanks to the gravitational pull of other nearby planets.
As more asteroids are observed, the accuracy with which astronomers can predict where an object will be years or decades in the future improves dramatically.
Asteroid lights up sky in Russia's far east | ABS-CBN News
Video footage revealed the drones featured green and red lights on their wings and multiple eyewitness described them as large as a small car.
However, the flying objects are larger than drones used by hobbyists, raising questions about their proximity to those specific locations.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was first alerted about the strange activity in Morris County, where the military base is located, on November 18, but sights also surfaced in nearby Menham, Chester and Morristown.
The drone flights have alarmed residents throughout northern New Jersey, who said that they only appear at night and hover above their homes daily, remaining active for hours at a time.
'We're all completely unnerved. I didn't sleep last night. When I would get up and look out my window, at 2am, 4am, they were still hovering,' Julie Shavalier, a Morris County resident, said.
Others have raised concerns that the objects are not drones, but UFOs.
The FBI has launched an investigation into mysterious, 'car-sized' drones seen flying over over New Jersey at night in the last several weeks
Sightings have been reported over Donald Trump's golf course in Bedminster
The sightings have gained attention on social media, prompting speculation about where the drones came from and what they are doing.
'False flag alien invasion. That’s what they want, to induce fear,' one person posted on X.
Others suggested the drones are being used to spy on President-elect Donald Trump, who has been known to vacation at his Bedminster golf club and typically flies into Morristown Airport.
Trump was the target of a failed Iranian assassination attempt in November.
Farhad Shakeri, 51, was revealed to have admitted to orchestrating the terrifying scheme which was thwarted by the FBI and involved three alleged hitmen who were hired by the feared Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to carry out a hit on the president-elect.
The attacks have raised concerns about America's adversaries spying on the president-elect.
Eyewitnesses have reported spotting the unexplained drones over the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster and the Picatinny Arsenal Military Base in Rockaway, among other locations
But it is not clear whether he has been at the golf course recently or who is behind the drones.
X users also speculatively attributed the drones to Amazon's new Prime Air delivery service or, worryingly, to surveillance from a foreign power.
Morris County Sheriff, James Gannon, told NBC News: 'There is no advisable immediate danger to the public at this time.'
The drone sightings first began in mid-November and have continued almost every night since, residents have reported.
But strangely, they appeared to 'take the night off' on Thanksgiving, Mike Walsh, a Morris County resident, told NBC New York.
The flying objects are larger than drones used by hobbyists, raising questions about their proximity to those specific locations
On November 22, the FAA banned drone flights over the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster until December 6, and the Picatinny Arsenal Military Base in Rockaway until December 26.
'We look into all reports of unauthorized drone operations and investigate when appropriate,' the FAA said in a statement.
The agency also noted that drone operators who endanger aircraft of pedestrians could be fined up to $75,000 and lose their drone operators' pilot certificates.
Days later, the FBI confirmed they were investigating the drone activity.
The digital news site spoke with Eric Kowal, a spokesman for Picatinny Arsenal, who said it is illegal to fly drones over the base without prior authorization. But he does not believe the drones pose an immediate threat.
'From our standpoint we're not alarming our residents and employees,' he said.
'The FBI are the experts on the threat. We don't believe there to be a threat at this juncture.'
New Jersians are 'unnerved' by the incidents, telling reporters that they have seen drones hovering near their homes for hours at a time, sometimes in groups.
Walsh stated that he has seen up to eight drones at once.
Christian Kalweit, a small business owner from Mendham, said one of the drones he was was as big as a Cessna airplane.
'All somebody needs to do is see the size... you're not buying that off of Amazon or some hobby store,' he told
He believes that the size is indicative of a military-grade aircraft.
For now, New Jersey residents can only guess who or what is behind the strange activity, as officials have not released any new information to explain their presence.
What's behind the mystery drones hovering over U.S. and U.K. military bases?
What's behind the mystery drones hovering over U.S. and U.K. military bases?
Since late November 2024 there is something is going on and no one has the answer to why there are ongoing incursions of unidentified drones over U.S. and U.K. military bases, nuclear installations and areas such as New Jersey and Manchester Airport.
For example, over the past 72 hours, again there have been numerous reports of large, car-sized drones or UFOs seen in the US (New Jersey, Arizona, North Carolina, Texas) and the UK too.
These drones often flying in formations displaying advanced capabilities such as coordination, range, endurance, and the ability to evade detection and interception. Despite multiple sightings, none have been recovered or identified, and no physical descriptions or origins have been confirmed.
Key details:
The drones have penetrated restricted airspace repeatedly, often in swarms of a dozen or more.
The drones exhibit advanced coordination and endurance, suggesting sophisticated technology.
The U.S. Air Force acknowledges the incursions but states that they have not disrupted operations. Investigations are ongoing in collaboration with U.K. authorities.
Potential origins range from Russia or China to commercial or recreational sources. However, their behavior and capabilities seem to exceed typical drone technology. Even there is speculation about an upcoming false flag alien/UFO invasion.
Government Inaction:
Criticism is directed at the Pentagon and other authorities for not addressing the issue or taking action to remove the objects, especially given their proximity to critical infrastructure.
The FBI and other authorities are reportedly focused on potential UFO or drone activities, particularly on or around December 3rd, which some claim was predicted to be significant by an individual known for accurately forecasting the 2003 Indonesian tsunami.
Media Suppression:
Reports indicate that some footage and discussions about the sightings have been censored or removed.
Historical Context:
The events resemble past UFO sightings at military installations, such as the 1975 U.S. military base incursions, where objects displayed extraordinary flight capabilities and eluded interception.
The situation remains unresolved, raising questions about the drones' origins, purpose, and implications for military security.
Whether they are advanced foreign drones or something more extraordinary, the lack of evidence and official explanations fuels speculation whether these sightings represent a security threat.
More information is awaited from ongoing investigations and official responses.
Several links/discussions of reported drone/UFO sightings:
Manchester Airport UFO sighting from inside the cockpit plus Clear shot of Airport UAP
6 watershed moments in science from 2024 that will shape the future
In October, a study comprehensively mapped out the brains of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, for the first time. That was only one of the many major scientific discoveries in 2024.
Micrograph by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy/Science Photo Library
6 watershed moments in science from 2024 that will shape the future
From oceans found on distant planets to a detailed map of a fly’s brain, these findings deepened our understanding of the world.
By Robin George Andrews
It’s easy to reflect on 2024 as a tumultuous year, but there is some comfort in knowing that humanity can now claim to know more about the universe than ever before. As a species, we have never been more enlightened, because scientists are always learning more, and because science is always unfinished.
But which scientific discoveries of 2024 proved to be the most thrilling and revelatory?
Making this determination is a somewhat difficult task. Sometimes, there is an obvious eureka moment, one whose paradigm-shifting implications for humanity, the wider world, or the cosmos itself, are immediately evident. But often, what may seem like a small step forward in our scientific understanding of something in the present is just another domino falling on the way to something unimaginably epic and game-changing.
Whether it’s expanding our knowledge of the microscopic world, or transforming the way we perceive our galactic neighborhood, every advance is noteworthy.
But, for our money, these are the most astonishing scientific discoveries of 2024.
Europa and Beyond: A Deep Dive into Ocean Worlds in Our Solar System (Live Public Talk)
1. Astronomers discover hidden oceans in the outer solar system
Earth’s oceans were long thought to be unique. As far as scientists could tell, Mars was a radioactive desert, Venus was an arid volcanic hellscape, and the myriad icy moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were frozen balls of ice. But in the 1980s, strange electrical signals coming from Jupiter’s moon Europa strongly suggested that an ancient, warm, salty liquid-water ocean was hiding beneath its ice shell.
This revelation precipitated the launch of NASA’s Europa Clipper mission, a spacecraft that left Earth this October with the hope of remotely studying that ocean and determining if it’s amenable to life.
Nowadays, scientists cannot stop finding compelling evidence for oceans in the outer solar system.
Saturn’s Enceladus is certain to contain another watery ocean, but several others are extremely promising candidates—and this year, we got several more. In February, astronomers announced that they had found evidence of an ocean hidden on Saturn’s moon Mimas. Then, in October, convincing data pointed to yet another ocean buried within Miranda, a Uranian moon.
Finding evidence that oceans are common in the solar system matters.
Life as we know it loves water and, although we do not know if these aquatic moons contain life (whether that’s microbial of something fishier), we now have so many more places to search for it in our own cosmic backyard than scientists could have ever dreamt of.
The 50 largest neurons of the fly brain, including the APL, which is the largest cell in the brain and has over 120,000 synapses.
Illustration by Illustration by Tyler Sloan and Amy Sterling for FlyWire, Princeton University, (Dorkenwald et al/Nature, 2024)
2. Fruit fly brain mapped out
You probably haven’t given much thought to the humble, sometimes irritatingly persistent, fruit fly. But to many scientists, this little critter—Drosophila melanogaster—is one of the most important species on the planet. It may have a tiny brain, but it performs many of the same basic neurological processes as a human’s, whether that’s when the fly is searching for food or when it’s “socializing” with another member of its species. That means its minuscule brain can tell us about every type of brain, including our own.
In October, the brain of an adult fruit fly was comprehensively mapped out, with 50 million connections between around 140,000 individual neurons placed upon a special sort of map.
Cerebral cartography of any organism is as difficult as it is promising.
What does a healthy or an unhealthy connection between brain cells looks like? How is 3D navigation wired into the brain? Where does behavior come from? What exactly is a thought, or a memory?
A fruit fly’s brain is considerably less complex than a human’s, but this map will provide clues that can help neuroscientists understand what makes you, well, you.
3. The 1.5°C global warming limit will (almost certainly) be breached
In some ways, this isn’t surprising at all: the world’s most prolific greenhouse gas emitters have comprehensively failed to stem their output, and the planet has continued to warm at a breakneck pace, bringing with it all sorts of climatic chaos. But this year, for the first time, global average temperatures were extremely likely to jump to more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Climate change: World's first year-long breach of key 1.5C warming limit | BBC News
The oft-cited 1.5°C boundary is somewhat arbitrary; nothing dramatic (other than the extreme weather and climatic convulsions we are already witnessing today) is suddenly going to happen the moment we cross this Rubicon. But that boundary still matters.
Under the Paris Agreement, nearly 200 countries agreed to prevent Earth’s temperature from rising above 2°C above pre-industrial levels, but ideally, they wanted to keep it below 1.5°C. The warmer the planet gets, the more deleterious effects of climate change we will experience; every 0.1°C increase in the average global temperature raises the risk of more potent storms, lengthier heatwaves, catastrophic flooding, and so on.
1.5°C was an aspirational target. Crossing it marks this as a grim discovery, but an important one. Alarm bells are ringing louder than ever before: if this temperature rise isn’t reversed, or at the very least stopped, all our futures will be increasingly troubled by the wrath of climate change.
4. Humans age in bursts
It’s not uncommon to wake up one day, try to tie a shoelace, painfully pull something in our lower backs, and suddenly feel much older than you were yesterday.
Scientists find humans age dramatically in 2 bursts
Weirdly, although we do indeed age on a daily basis, scientists discovered in August that the human body appears to go through two rapid aging bursts: once around the age of 44, and again when we reach 60.
Using 108 volunteers, who handed researchers all sorts of biological samples, scientists tracked the changing inventory of various biochemicals and microbes across different ages. For reasons unclear to scientists, both men and women seem to undergo a major shift in their mid-40s: the way our bodies handle cardiovascular disease, and how we break down things like alcohol, fats, and caffeine, changes. Then, when we enter our 60s, our bodies undergo shifts in (among other things) immune regulation and carbohydrate metabolism.
Although it’s not yet clear how many of these shifts are influenced by lifestyle changes (people tend to drink a lot more during their oft-stressful 40s, for example), as opposed to being purely biological, the fact that we age in spurts is still fascinating and downright unexpected.
In 2020, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission retrieved 12.6 grams of asteroid dust. This year, insights from that sample were finally revealed.
Photograph by Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold, NASA
In this sample, scientists have found prebiotics and molecules that suggest the asteroid came from a geologically active world.
Photograph by Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold, NASA
5. Scientists open a cosmic treasure chest
The late, great Carl Sagan once said: “We are made of star-stuff.” That is quite literally true, as all the elements that make us, and the planets, and everything in-between, came from the deaths of countless ancient stars. Now, we are on the verge of finding out exactly where all this star stuff came from, thanks to NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission.
In 2020, the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer spacecraft managed to briefly touchdown on the asteroid Bennu, steal some of its pristine material, then drop it off back on Earth in September 2023. This isn’t the first time a spacecraft has stolen matter from an asteroid (Japan has accomplished this twice), but OSIRIS-REx’s 121.6 grams of asteroidal grains is by far the largest sample of pristine matter ever retrieved.
Asteroids are the debris left over from the violent formation of the solar system. These building blocks not only contain the minerals that went into making the planets—including Earth—but also the chemistry that created our seas and oceans, and perhaps even the compounds that seeded the very first lifeforms.
This year, scientists got their very first look at OSIRIS-REx’s sample, and they are in awe at what it’s telling them: the Sun was forged via the deaths of multiple stars, from low-mass ones to those big enough to detonate as powerful supernovae; strange molecules in the sample suggest it came from a destroyed geologically active world; and an array of prebiotic compounds, including all sorts of amino acids, were found within that primeval asteroid.
In short, this sample is already rewriting what we know about the solar system’s origins—and scientists have only studied one percent of it. Who knows what else it has in store?
6. Artificial Intelligence unravels the secrets of proteins
As AI becomes more visibly part of our lives, it’s regarded with more suspicion, but this year, it became clear that it was going to help reveal how life itself works.
Proteins are crucial to almost every fundamental biological process necessary for life. They do everything from create and maintain the shape of cells to serving as both signal and receiver for cellular communications. Proteins are composed on long chains of amino acids and they perform their varied tasks by folding themselves into precise 3D structures that determine how they function and interact with other molecules.
In October, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to several researchers involved in studying proteins, the squiggle-like machines that underpin much of biochemistry.
Understanding how proteins work means (among other things) knowing how diseases—from Malaria to Parkinson’s—proliferate, then identifying ways to stop them.
Notably, two of the three recipients of the prize—Demis Hassabis and John Jumper, both at Google DeepMind—owe their revelations to their AI model, named AlphaFold2.
With ruthless efficiency, this AI was able predict the structure of pretty much all the 200 million proteins that scientists have found to exist—meaning that scientists now have a tool that can quickly and accurately work out what sorts of proteins will be involved in, or result from, all sorts of chemical reactions or sets of starting conditions.
The ability of scientists to decode so many puzzling aspects of biochemistry, from antibiotic resistance to neurological illnesses, has never been more acute.
2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Unlocking the Secrets of Proteins with AI
7 exciting archaeological discoveries that stunned us in 2024
This small mask, made of jade mosaic with spondylus shell for the eyes and teeth, represents a manifestation of the Maya Storm God. It was laid on the chest of a king buried at Chochkitam, circa A.D. 350. It's one of several archaeological finds that made headlines in 2024.
Photograph by Rubén Salgado Escudero, National Geographic
7 exciting archaeological discoveries that stunned us in 2024
From mysterious cities hidden by dense jungle to reading ancient scrolls with artificial intelligence, this year’s top findings showcase how modern and old school techniques are shaping the future of archaeology.
By Tom Metcalfe
Many of today’s most significant archaeological discoveries come from applying new techniques to artifacts and human remains already discovered: details of a Bronze Age disaster, for example, or the culprit in an ancient Egyptian murder mystery.
This year was no different. In 2024, modern methods like DNA analysis and remote sensing technology revealed new evidence of past cultures, technologies, and social structures. But while archaeology often now advances through science, it still needs fresh excavations to feed future studies.
Here are some of the most important archaeological discoveries from the last 12 months.
1. Lidar reveals hidden cities around the world
Lidar stands for Light Detection and Ranging, an analog of radar and sonar that scans terrain with thousands of pulses of laser light every second. While the technology has been around for decades, its ability to detect vast structures beneath layers of vegetation and to map the subtle changes of ancient landscapes has recently revolutionized archaeology.
Lidar scans reveal the city walls and defensive fortifications that once stood in Tugunbulak, a recently discovered medieval city along the Silk Road in what's now southeastern Uzbekistan.
Egyptian artifacts helped inspire the development of modern archaeology, and such discoveries continue. This summer, researchers announced that they had unearthed 33 tombs in southern Egypt and 63 in the Nile Delta, along with stunning gold amulets, coins and pottery. At around 2,000 years old, many of the new finds date to later periods in Egyptian history, and researchers hope they will reveal more about burial practices and the wider ancient world at that time.
One of the year’s most remarkable finds was the discovery of 12 ancient skeletons in a tomb beneath the Treasury at Petra, a desert archaeological site in Jordan known for the elaborate structures carved into its red sandstone cliffs. Archaeologists think nomads called the Nabateans—a early branch of Arab people—began burying their dead at Petra in the fourth century B.C.; and in the second century B.C., Petra became the Nabatean capital city, and a complex system of cisterns supplied it with water.
While visitors might think the dramatic facade of Petra's Treasury, or Al-Khazneh, appears to house a much larger building, the structure is actually an elaborate Nabatean tomb carved into the solid rock wall around 2,000 years ago.
Photograph by Muhammed Muheisen, Nat Geo Image Collection
This year, archaeologists announced the discovery of 12 skeletons buried beneath Al-Khazneh. Few tombs at the complex actually contain human remains, so researchers hope the new find will provide insight into the Nabatean people.
Photograph by Stephen Alvarez, Nat Geo Image Collection
The carved rock columns of the Treasury, or Al-Khazneh in Arabic, form Petra’s most iconic structure. The name derives from a legend that the large urn above its façade hides a valuable treasure; the urn is actually made from solid sandstone. Though the legend proved false, archaeologists say the tomb beneath Al-Khazneh is a priceless discovery that will help them learn more about these vanished people.
4. AI reads scrolls burned by Vesuvius
In February, researchers announced they’d used an artificial intelligence system to read parts of a 2,000-year-old scroll burned in the Vesuvius eruption of 79 A.D.—the same volcanic eruption that destroyed Pompeii. The scroll is one of about 1,800 papyrus scrolls discovered in the 18th century amid the remains of Herculaneum, an ancient Roman town about 10 miles from Pompeii that archaeologists think was destroyed by a superheated blast of ash, rock, and gas from the volcano.
The Herculaneum scrolls are among the most iconic and inaccessible of the world’s vast collection of damaged manuscripts. This year, AI helped reveal the contents of one scroll scanned with X-rays.
Photograph by EduceLab
The eruption reduced the scrolls to charred lumps that were thought unreadable. Now, scientists have scanned one of those lumps with X-rays and used artificial intelligence to decipher what it says. The initial discovery comprises 15 columns of text and more than 2,000 written characters about how to enjoy life, likely written by a follower of the Greek philosopher Epicurus.
This 2,700-year-old saddle was uncovered in a woman’s grave in the Yanghai cemetery at the edge of the Taklamakan Desert, in northwest China. Although humans domesticated horses thousands of years earlier, ancient carvings show that they were usually ridden bareback, or with only a mat or blanket for the rider. Saddles were a later technological advance that allowed riders to travel for longer distances without injuring themselves or their mounts.
The saddle found at Yanghai is made from leather and stuffed with straw and animal hair. It was a well-crafted, but inexpensive, item used by everyday herders in the region.
Photograph by Patrick Wertmann
Researchers think horse riding was introduced into China from the northern parts of Central Asia, but the Yanghai saddle is the earliest in the archaeological record. It is made from pieces of leather stitched together and stuffed with straw and animal hair; such organic items usually decay quickly, but in this case, the dry desert environment preserved them.
6. A jade mask and more Maya grave finds
An ornate jade mask, made from interlocking pieces of jade with seashell for the eyes and teeth, was discovered in the tomb of a Maya king at Chochkitam in Guatemala. Radiocarbon dating shows the mask dates from about A.D. 350, and the discoverers think it depicts a Maya storm god. Such masks were often made for the burials of Maya royalty, and carvings made with a knife or chisel of volcanic obsidian glass also decorated this king’s tomb.
The Neolithic monument of Stonehenge in the southwest of England first rose to fame in the Middle Ages, but new techniques are revealing more details about its construction. In August, researchers found that the altar stone near the center of the structure was made from sandstone that originated in Scotland, hundreds of miles from Salisbury Plain where it now lies. Such a journey would have been a major undertaking roughly 4,600 years ago, when archaeologists think the stone was emplaced: It weighs more than six tons, and the builders probably did not use wheels.
The stones that Neolithic people used to build Stonehenge have been previously traced to locations in England and Wales. New research shows that the circle's altar stone may have origins in Scotland.
Photograph by Reuben Wu, Nat Geo Image Collection
Previous studies have shown that the giant upright sarsen stones in its main circle are cut from local sandstone, but the smaller bluestones within it were brought from the southwest of Wales, more than 100 miles away. The earliest parts of Stonehenge date from about 5,000 years ago; researchers now think it began as a burial site but was expanded over thousands of years to become a Neolithic religious monument.
100 Greatest Archaeological Discoveries of 2024
Incredible New Archaeological Discoveries (2024)
5 New Archeological Discoveries Of 2024
20 Mind-Blowing Archaeological Finds in 2024! FINAL PART
Antarctica Has Gotten 10 Times Greener in 35 Years
Our satellites are dispassionate observers of Earth’s climate change. From their vantage point they watch as pack ice slowly loses its hold on polar oceans, ice shelfs break apart, and previously frozen parts of the planet turn green with vegetation.
Now, scientists have compiled 35 years of satellite data showing that Antarctica is slowly, yet perceptibly, becoming greener.
NASA and the United States Geological Survey sent the first Landsat into space in 1975. Since then, they’ve launched eight more Landsats, with Landsat 9 being the most recent launch in 2021. Landsat data is a unique treasure trove of data about Earth and the changes it goes through, including millions of images.
Landsats have watched as forest fires burn, as urban regions expand, as glaciers melt, and as Earth goes through many other changes.
Recent research published in Nature Geoscience used 35 years of Landsat data, from Landsat 5 through Landsat 8, to measure the spread of vegetation into Antarctica. It’s titled “Sustained greening of the Antarctic Peninsula observed from satellites.” The research was co-led by Thomas Roland, an environmental scientist University of Exeter, and by remote sensing expert Olly Bartlett of the University of Hertfordshire.
“This study aimed to assess vegetation response to climate change on the AP over the past 35 years by quantifying rates of change in the spatial extent and ‘direction’ (greening versus browning), which have not yet been quantified,” the paper states.
The Antarctic Peninsula is about 1300 km (810 mi) long and is part of the larger West Antarctica Peninsula. It covers about 522,000 square kilometers (202,000 sq mi) and is the northern-most part of Antarctica. Image Credit: By krill oil –, CC0,
The research shows that the amount of land covered in vegetation on the Antarctic Peninsula has increased by more than 10x since 1986. The area of vegetated land rose from 0.86 sq. km. (0.33 sq. mi.) in 1986 to 11.95 sq. km (4.61 sq. mi.) in 2021. The coverage is restricted to the warmer edges of the peninsula, but it still indicates a shift in the region’s ecology, driven by our carbon emissions.
This vegetative colonization of Earth’s coldest region begins with mosses and lichens. Mosses are pioneer species, the first organisms to move into a newly-available habitat. These non-vascular plants are tough and hardy, and can grow on bare rock in low-nutrient environments. They create a foundation for the plants that follow them by secreting acid that breaks down rock and by providing organic material when they die.
This image shows moss hummocks on Ardley Island just off the coast of the Antarctica Peninsula. Image Credit: Roland et al. 2024.
The map makes the results of the research clear. Each of the four panels show the amount of green vegetation on the Antarctic Peninsula’s ice-free land below 300 meters (1000 ft) altitude. Each hexagon is shaded depending on how many sq. km. of it are covered in vegetation. That’s determined by the satellite-based Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The NDVI is based on spectrometric data gathered by the Landsat satellites during cloud-free days every March, the end of the growing season in Antarctica.
Mosses dominate the green areas, growing in carpets and banks. In previous research, Roland and co-researchers collected carbon-dated core samples from moss banks on the western side of the AP. Those showed that moss had accumulated more rapidly in the past 50 years and that there’s been a boost in biological activity. That led them to their current research, where they wanted to determine if moss was not only growing upward to higher elevations, but outward, too.
“Based on the core samples, we expected to see some greening,” Roland said, “but I don’t think we were expecting it on the scale that we reported here.”
A moss bank grows on bare rock on Norsel Point on Amsler Island. Carbon-core samples from moss banks showed an increase in growth in the past few decades. Image Credit: Roland et al. 2024.
“When we first ran the numbers, we were in disbelief,” Bartlett said. “The rate itself is quite striking, especially in the last few years.”
The Western Antarctica Peninsula is warming up faster than other parts of Earth. Not only are its glaciers receding, but the extent of the sea ice is shrinking and there’s more open water. The authors point out that changing wind patterns due to GHG emissions could be contributing.
What will happen as the ice continues to retreat and pioneer species colonize more of Antarctica? The continent has hundreds of native species, mostly mosses, lichens, liverworts, and fungi. The continent has only two species of flowering plants, Antarctic Hair Grass and Antarctic Pearlwort. What does it mean for them?
Left: Antarctic Hair Grass. Right: Antarctic Pearlwort Image Credit Left: By Lomvi2 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Image Credit Right: By Liam Quinn – Flickr: Antarctic Pearlwort, CC BY-SA 2.0,
“The narrative in these places has been dominated by glacial retreat,” Roland said. “We’re starting to think about what comes next, after ice recession.”
After moss gains a foothold in a region, soil is created where there was none. That provides an opening for other organisms, both native and non-native. The risk is that the inherent biodiversity will be undermined. Tourism and other human activity can inadvertently introduce new species, and wind-borne seeds and spores can do the same. If robust organisms arrive, they can outcompete the native species. There are already a few documented instances of this happening.
This image shows a moss lawn or carpet on Barrientos Island. Image Credit: Roland et al. 2024.
The carbon-core and Landsat data is just the beginning for Roland, Bartlett, and their fellow researchers. Up-close fieldwork is the next step. “We’re at the point that we’ve said the best we can say with the Landsat archives,” Roland said. “We need to go to these places where we’re seeing the most distinctive changes and see what’s happening on the ground.”
The researches want to know what types of plant communities are establishing themselves, and what shifts are playing out in the environment.
Massive iceberg breaks off Antarctica’s Brunt Ice Shelf, seen from space
The entire reality of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is extremely complicated, spread across numerous branches, and consciousness is somewhere entangled in this enigma, playing a significant role in understanding the phenomena. Human consciousness has become the subject of experiments, leading experts to believe that it is connected to UFOs. Astronomer Jacques Vallée developed an alternative hypothesis, suggesting that UFOs are part of a mechanism for controlling mankind.
In simple terms, “consciousness” is just an awareness of the human mind about its internal and external environment. For millennia, many have explained consciousness in psychology and scientifically. However, it is not entirely known how and where consciousness occurs and where it goes after life ends.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander believes there is a scientific revolution happening that will completely change how we see the world. According to him, the brain is not the creator of consciousness but acts more like a filter that lets consciousness in. He argues that the brain does not control consciousness; instead, consciousness is the fundamental force that creates and governs the entire universe.
Dr. Alexander mentions evidence for things like reincarnation and past-life memories, suggesting that if you believe the brain produces consciousness, it can not explain these phenomena. He points out the mystery of quantum physics, where experiments show that consciousness plays a fundamental role, and our free will affects outcomes, challenging the idea that everything is determined by chemical reactions and the laws of physics.
He introduces the concept of the brain being a “reducing valve,” allowing certain conscious states to exist. According to him, quantum physics emphasizes the importance of the observer, suggesting that awareness of existence is a deep mystery. In essence, he believes that we are conscious despite our brains, and when our physical bodies die, our conscious awareness expands significantly.
Leslie Kean, a respected journalist says that there is a bundle of evidence that posits that the UFO phenomena are linked with an “Alternate dimension.” She believes UFOs could be connected to “the afterlife” and “near-death experiences” and could come from another “dimension.”
In a podcast with Chris Letho, Leslie said that there are two distinct aspects of the UFO phenomenon. The first one is the physical aspect, involving UFOs being detected on radar and approached by the military in a traditional, empirical manner. However, Kean also highlights the second, more enigmatic layer of UFO experiences.
Leslie told Lehto that she is increasingly sure there is a connection between the supernatural, near-death experiences, and unexplained sightings. She said, “Certainly, the more paranormal elements of the UFO phenomenon seem to have some relationship to what people describe in near-death experiences and other types of activities that take place in terms of just consciousness-related anomalous experiences that people have, which are very varied. There just is some kind of crossover air, and I don’t know what it is. I mean, there is the whole component of UFOs, which is just purely physical.”
Leslie speculates that there might be a connection between UFOs and some form of alternate dimension that exists beyond the boundaries of our five senses. This dimension, she suggests, may overlap with our own, providing a possible explanation for the mysterious and often inexplicable aspects of UFO phenomena.
CIA Experimented on Human Consciousness
CIA was profoundly interested in understanding human consciousness. Below is the shocking official CIA document on human consciousness that states: Consciousness is not a part of our body at all; it is stored in our brain but not considered a part of it. Our consciousness, or “us,” is its own being — a ghost version of ourselves.
The document discussed the technique dubbed “the Gateway Experience,” which was essentially described as a training system to bring enhanced strength, focus, and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres that would alter the consciousness, pushing it outside the physical space, escaping restrictions of time and space.
Basically, it was seen as a way to put minds in a different state of consciousness, controlling the human brain with the motive of interacting with non-physical aspects of reality. According to the CIA report, ranged from converting energy to heal one’s body to traveling across space and time to learn and access new information.
CIA approved testing for this under the eyes of US Army Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M McDonnell. The project was classified by the CIA until 2003, which allowed it to be accessed by anyone. In the 1980s, McDonnell was asked to work on the Gateway Experience project. This happened during a time when the United States was very curious about psychic research. The interest grew because the Soviet Union was also exploring things like psychokinesis and extrasensory perception (ESP) for their spy missions in the Cold War.
The Gateway Experience project was influenced by research done by Robert Monroe. Monroe was a radio executive in the 1950s, and he was studying how sound affects human consciousness. He became known for his research into altered consciousness and founding The Monroe Institute. His 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term “out-of-body experience.”
Robert intently studied out-of-body experiences. His primary goal was to gather scientific evidence proving the existence of alternate realities. To make it easier for people to travel to these cosmic realms, he created a technology called Hemispheric Synchronization, also known as Hemi-Sync. This system uses special sounds, called binaural beats, to make the left and right sides of the brain work together in harmony.
To test his new method, independent brain specialists studied people who tried it. Surprisingly, the results showed up clearly on brain scans. Both sides of the brain were working at the same strength and speed. This showed that Monroe’s work was helping people reach different states of awareness.
The US government was paying close attention to Monroe’s groundbreaking discoveries. In 1978, people from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) got in touch with him. They asked him to join a top-secret military project. The plan was to use his mind-expanding technique to send soldiers into deep sessions of remote viewing. If it worked, America could have an advantage over its enemies, like the Soviet Union. Soldiers might be able to see things from the past, present, or future, or even explore different universes. Because of Robert’s experience and his patented technologies, he was the perfect person for this important project.
Bigelow: UFOs & Consciousness Are Linked
In this interview with Jeffrey Mishlove, American billionaire Robert Bigelow talks about the possibility of having out-of-body experiences, which can be artificially induced. He learned about this from an Air Force general who experienced it while undergoing a process called centrifuge training. In this training, individuals get into a device called a G-LOC at around 7 to 7.5 Gs (gravitational force) without any other equipment. They try to hold their breath and stay conscious before passing out.
According to the Air Force general’s account, he had an out-of-body experience during one of these sessions. After completing twelve sessions (although there are now rules limiting it to three), he stepped out of the centrifuge capsule, and instead of being in his body, he found himself above it. He could see his body getting out and walking down a hallway, being aware of activities in adjacent rooms and hearing conversations he should not normally be able to hear. This was not a near-death experience but an artificially induced one.
The general continued his out-of-body journey, going down the hallway to his office. He passed through walls, hovered near the ceiling, and observed his body opening doors and performing actions. The out-of-body experience ended when his body sat in the chair at his desk, and at that moment, his consciousness slammed back into his body.
“A related event occurs to modern fighter pilots when they experience intense G forces during extreme combat maneuvers. It has been reported that pilots will lose consciousness during maximum G forces and undergo a brief out-of-body state of consciousness. The U.S. military has conducted extensive research into this potentially dangerous phenomenon and has officially named the experience “G-LOC.” The popular television show Sightings did an entire segment on G-LOC-induced OBEs that was titled “Simulated Out-of-Body Experiences.” Several U.S. military pilots participated in an experiment where G-LOC was created in a NASA centrifuge. Each interviewed pilot reported that he had passed out and then described a detailed out-of-body state of consciousness.”
Bigelow is absolutely convinced that there is a presence of non-human intelligent life among us, perhaps there are other dimensions where such entities exist. He spent millions of dollars on this subject which allowed him to believe that [aliens] are here right in front of people. He even has his own close encounters.
In an interview with award-winning journalist George Knapp, Mr. Bigelow shared his own experiences that got him interested in life after death and UFOs. He discussed the possible connection between studying consciousness and UFOs, as well as the risks of trying to communicate with the unknown.
“That’s been mainly what I’ve been doing except for the skinwalker ranch thing for 20 years as the space world has been huge in my life to pursue the legitimate parochial kind of you know using fire engines rockets to get you there. We didn’t expect anything like this to happen and so there this is different. This is the holy grail and is different than the second holy grail. If the second one is ‘Beings’ (E.T.), then the first one: Is there any part of your consciousness that survives your bodily death? That’s a big deal. That’s a huge story. That’s gigantic.”
“Be a little careful about what you wish for. So on the face of it, communication sounds great and that by the way has been tried forever ever since the oracle of Delphi. I mean you can go back thousands of years and that’s been attempted. So It’s not now you know the last 100 years through electronics and using some kind of electrical apparatus to try to have some kind of communications. And you know communication can be at all different kinds of levels. There might be communication that just causes you an awareness.”
Mr. Bigelow’s investigative team, headed by Colm Kelleher, the institute’s scientific administrator and biochemist, documented their own paranormal events, according to a 2005 book “Hunt for the Skinwalker,” by Dr. Kelleher and Mr. Knapp.
Mr. Bigelow said he saw “interdimensional” forces at play through portals at certain paranormal hot spots like Skinwalker. But he also said he had frequently visited the ranch without experiencing the kind of chilling events others reported, as if some intelligence were selecting the people to act upon. “I slept like a log every single night,” he said. And no human was physically harmed, but he said he and other visitors often carried strange things home, like a sulfurous stink in a certain part of his house. His wife felt the presence of a faceless creature pressing down on her side of bed.
David Grusch made significant assertions regarding the NHI, stating that these entities might be extraterrestrial or interdimensional, or possibly both. Astronomer and UFO researcher Jacques Vallée states that UFOs and related events of a paranormal nature involve visitations from other “realities” or “dimensions.” The idea proposes that these alternate realities exist separately yet parallel to our own. In 1975 book “The Edge of Reality,” Vallée and Hynek considered the possibility of what they call “interlocking universes.”
The question of whether life exists beyond our own planet has been pondered for ages, but the fear and concern that they may be visiting us is relatively new. It seems as if there are only two sides — you either “want to believe,” or you don’t.
Journalist Sarah Scoles, however, wants to understand why people believe in the UFO phenomenon in the first place. Her 2020 book, They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers, explores the far-reaching corners of the “the-truth-is-out-there” movement to figure out what’s really happening in the UFO community. Who are these people, anyway?
Humans: 1, Extraterrestrials: 0
First and foremost, don’t get too excited — no, Scoles doesn’t believe “they” are already here, and she acknowledges it’s unknown if “they” ever have been or will be in the future. She’s never seen a UFO herself, but resigns herself to the idea that the universe is a big place and we don’t know everything. Perhaps, they could be somewhere out there.
So, if Scoles doesn’t believe in UFOs, how did They Are Already Here come to be? The December 2017 New York Times article “Glowing Auras and Black Money: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program” sparked an interest that would send Scoles down the rabbit hole. Once inside, she realized that despite the difference of belief, there was common ground between her and the people who she might have mocked, at one time. They were all looking for the truth, and Scoles wanted to know more about them.
Scoles used her freedom as a freelance writer to expose herself to things outside her comfort zone: going to UFO hotspots, listening to speakers at the International UFO Congress, heading to a meeting of MUFON (the largest civilian UFO reporting group in the U.S.), speaking to believers, camping out at Area 51, and more — not in search of aliens, but of human understanding.
You won’t find the answers to any mysteries about aliens in They Are Already Here, but what you will find is a plethora of information about people in political power and their connections to eccentric billionaires, secret government programs and lies of scientists supposedly “for the greater good,” and a plucky musician who dreamed of reaching “To The Stars” (yes, blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge).
You’ll also find a hardened scientific skeptic coming to terms with the fact that maybe she’s been a bit misguided herself in how she views those on the opposite side of scientific issues. The various people and experiences Scoles finds on her journey are frustrating, unique, weird, funny, and at times almost wistful.
Out of this world, or of it?
They Are Already Here holds within its pages a lot of information that’s absolutely necessary, especially if you’re not very familiar with ufology. Big names, big money players, and government officials get vetted thoroughly, and there’s also the on-foot search for Scoles to see some lights in the sky herself. The book gives a well-rounded view on how the conspiracy element of ufology came to be.
On the other side of the coin, despite her ambition to be more of a neutral observer, Scoles’ incredulity is stark throughout the chapters. Her empathy and compassion for believers doesn’t come out until the final quarter of They Are Already Here. Sometimes Scoles’ descriptors feel a little harsh and judgmental, but that seems to fade as the book progresses, and her understanding of humans-being-humans, and the “why” that motivates them to believe, rises.
Despite the bias from the start, as They Are Already Here proceeds, you’ll see the personal growth and development arc of Scoles learning about herself, connecting with those who appear to be on the opposing side of the scientific literature and evidence, and taking the first steps toward dropping her personal biases about who they are.
Do I recommend They Are Already Here? Yes, but not to everyone — it’s definitely geared to avid high school readers and above — and not without the caveat that it’s likely going to push your buttons no matter where you lie on the spectrum of belief … and that’s actually a good thing.
There were a few occasions where I had to call out my own biases in order to move forward with They Are Already Here. Anyone could read through it and cherry-pick the data they like, or boast that Scoles never found any evidence and didn’t change her beliefs. The UFO crowd, conversely, will read it and be put off by her condescending tone of disbelief, or perhaps her attitude about them being unable to access their critical thinking skills and accept evidence. The religious readers will be annoyed that Scoles gave up on God. The hardened scientific thinkers might find it difficult to extend an olive branch to the fringe believers.
Others still will be unsettled by the unknown vastness of space. “What is the universe, though, and how does it actually behave, and why, and who’s in it?” Scoles writes. “When will we find out? We don’t really know, and probably we never totally will.” The truth is, there are many things we can’t know, and all of us have to come to terms with that.
“How does the universe actually behave, and why, and who’s in it?
If any or all of the things in They Are Already Here upset you, don’t worry. Sit with it, and with yourself. Sit with your outrage or frustration; it’s a fantastic way to self-reflect and see who you really are. In doing so, you too can see how to operate with a more open mind, make connections with those opposing sides, and drop your own biases. Scoles is correct in her assessment and is a wonderful example of growth and hope in humanity in this way. We could all use a little more empathy
Unearthly Encounters | ALIEN ABDUCTION: THE STRANGEST UFO CASE FILES | Beyond Belief
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Air Force officer breaks silence on 'red, glowing UFO the size of a football field' hovering at low altitude over US space launch base in California - in event witnessed by over half a dozen military personnel: 'People were screaming and scared'
Air Force officer breaks silence on 'red, glowing UFO the size of a football field' hovering at low altitude over US space launch base in California - in event witnessed by over half a dozen military personnel: 'People were screaming and scared'
The ex-Air Force security officer said he investigated two sightings of a 100-yard UFO witnessed by Boeing contractors and Air Force police on October 14, 2003
'At least 80 people that know this happened,' the USAF veteran, Jeff Nuccetelli, told the Merged podcast Tuesday. 'They're scared. Everyone's freaked out.'
Twenty years ago this October, military contractors working for Boeing reported 'a gigantic floating red square' UFO — over 100 yards long — hovering in the morning air over a launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
The eerie 2003 event first exploded into public view this July, in sworn testimony before Congress, but now an ex-US Air Force security officer has come forward to detail his official, rapid-response investigation into the UFO on the day it occurred.
'This is not a joke,' ex-USAF senior patrolman, Jeff Nuccetelli, told the Merged podcast Tuesday. 'These are contractors with top secret clearances.'
Nuccetelli also revealed a second reported encounter with the 'red square,' in which two of his fellow USAF police patrol officers 'got buzzed by the UFO.'
'When I showed up, it's just mayhem,' as Nuccetelli recalled it. 'Everybody's excited. They're scared. Everyone's freaked out.'
ex-US Air Force security officer Jeff Nuccetelli has come forward to detail his official, rapid-response investigation into a 100-yard long, 'red square' UFO as it occurred in October 2003. Nuccetelli said the UFO had over half a dozen witnesses and 'at least 80 people' on base knew
The never-before-public second sighting of the gigantic 'red square' UFO took place above Vandenberg AFB's Space Launch Complex 4 (SLC-4), leased today by Elon Musk's SpaceX. Above, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches from Vandenberg with a satellites payload in 2018
To the best of his recollection, Nuccetelli interviewed 'about six people' then posted to guard SLC-4, with his superior officer, or flight chief, alongside him: 'Basically what they described was this object came in, was moving strangely, erratically. It got bigger and brighter as it came'
'I'm getting ready to jump in the car,' Nuccetelli told Merged host, retired US Navy fighter pilot Lt. Ryan Graves, 'and then all hell breaks loose and they start screaming over the radio, 'It's coming right at us. It's coming right for us. Now it's right here.''
'It was hard to hear,' the former USAF patrol officer said, 'because they were screaming and they were scared.'
This never-before-public second sighting, which Nuccetelli said he recorded in a police blotter with copies still in his possession, took place above Vandenberg AFB's Space Launch Complex 4, which is leased today by Elon Musk's SpaceX.
The veteran Air Force security official told that podcast that he had high confidence in the half a dozen fellow USAF police who witnessed the giant red UFO's flyby.
'These guys are trained observers,' Nuccetelli emphasized to Lt. Graves, founder of the new nonprofit, Americans for Safe Aerospace, which is devoted to resolving flight safety concerns around such 'unidentified aerial phenomena' (UAP).
'They're posted out there, you know, 24/7,' Nuccetelli continued. 'They know what aircraft look like. They know what fishing boats look like.'
'I didn't feel like they were just jumping the gun, because there had been a UFO.'
Nuccetelli gave Lt. Graves his recollection of driving to the launch site, SLC-4 or 'Slick 4,' as base police radio transmissions about the UFO came pouring in.
'This is all playing out on the radio and the dispatchers are communicating with them trying to get more information,' Nuccetelli said. 'It's just chaos, you know? The dispatchers are basically advising everybody to go on alert trying to get information.'
Nuccetelli told his story to retired US Navy fighter pilot Lt. Ryan Graves, host of Merged and founder of the new nonprofit Americans for Safe Aerospace, which is devoted to resolving flight safety concerns around such 'unidentified aerial phenomena' (UAP)
Three Boeing contractors, Nuccetelli said, signed sworn statements that they saw the UFO, 'a big square object, the size of a football field, silently floating over the launchpad, red in color, glowing,' at low altitude. Above, right, a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch from October 29, 2023
Netflix's brand new UFO docu-series 'Encounters,' premiering today, started off with a literally massive sighting: 'a large object one mile long and half a mile wide,' per reports, 'moving away at high speed' and 'soundless.' Engineer Robert Powell analyzed 2.8 million radar returns from this 2008 UFO case out of Stephenville, Texas, interviewing many of the events' 300-or-so eyewitnesses. Powell has now told the that the FAA has stopped releasing this class of raw data to the public, following his success spotting this UFO with the agency's radar
'Then things calmed down a bit,' the former USAF policeman continued. 'They said the object flew off.'
To the best of his recollection, Nuccetelli then interviewed 'about six people' then posted to guard SLC-4, with his superior officer, or flight chief, alongside him.
'I talk to everybody,' he recalled. 'Basically what they described was this object came in, was moving strangely, erratically. It got bigger and brighter as it came in.'
'Then it came at a high rate of speed and flew right up to the entry control point, and stopped. And they all stared at it. And it just shot off.'
Three Boeing contractors, Nuccetelli said, signed sworn statements that they saw the UFO — 'basically just a big square object, the size of a football field, silently floating over the launchpad, red in color, glowing' — at a low altitude.
In this first sighting, 'which began October 14, 2003 8:45am,' the ex-USAF patrolman said, the 'red square' hovered over Vandenberg's Launch Facility 21: at the time, a 'Minuteman' missile site being repurposed for a new missile defense system.
'As far as I know, it wasn't a cube. It was like a flattened square,' Nuccetelli recollected.
'The call came in from Range Control. They said, 'the contractors say there's this gigantic floating red square over the launch facility.''
'Later, they brought in the technical sergeant from Range Control,' Nuccetelli told Merged listeners, 'that received the complaint from the contractor saying there's this UFO.'
'They brought that person in and had him write us a written statement, I have his written statement. And I also have the blotter entry.'
All told, Nuccetelli believes that there's at least 80 people that know this happened, you know, and then plus the contractors and the other cops that actually saw it with their own eyes.' And he's actively working to track them down for fresh interviews.
The former senior USAF police officer, who went to work in an administrative role for the US Marshals after 16 years in the Air Force, has also delivered what he knows to the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).
'In fact, the investigator that contacted me spent a tremendous amount of time talking to me, over an hour for sure,' Nuccetelli said.
'I felt that they were genuinely, genuinely, interested in the case. And genuinely interested in looking into it.'
His next steps, he told Lt. Graves, are to assist AARO in locating more witnesses to these two October 14, 2003 sightings.'
'What I'm trying to do now is track down all the people,' the ex-USAF policeman said, 'because my recollection of who was there, and all the particulars, and the details are flawed, right? Because I wasn't there when these things happen. It's all secondhand.'
'I haven't talked to these people for 20 years. And then all of a sudden, I'm like, 'Hey, let's get in contact' [...] 'let's talk about the UFO.''
EXCLUSIVE: CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal
EXCLUSIVE: CIA's secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal
The Office of Global Access (OGA) - a wing of the CIA - has played a central role in collecting alien spacecraft since 2003, sources tell
At least nine 'non-human craft' have been recovered by the US government – some wrecked from a crash, and two completely intact
A secretive CIA office has been coordinating the retrieval of crashed UFOs around the world for decades, multiple sources told
One source said that at least nine apparent 'non-human craft' have been recovered by the US government – some wrecked from a crash, and two completely intact.
Three sources briefed on those alleged top secret operations told that the Office of Global Access (OGA), a wing of the Central Intelligence Agency's Science and Technology Directorate, has played a central role since 2003 in orchestrating the collection of what could be alien spacecraft.
The three sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid reprisals, have all been briefed by individuals involved in those alleged UFO retrieval missions.
Though the shocking claims sound like they come from a science fiction novel, they are part of a growing body of evidence suggesting the US government could indeed be hiding advanced vehicles that were not made by humans.
The Office of Global Access - a wing of the CIA - has played a central role in collecting alien spacecraft since 2003, sources tell
David Grusch - a former high-ranking intelligence official – is one of three military whistleblowers who testified under oath about UFOs. Grusch claims he has evidence of secret programs involving technology far surpassing the US's capabilities
In July Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer co-sponsored a bill to allow disclosure of 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence'
The same month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sponsored an extraordinary bill to allow disclosure of 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence' – which has now passed in the Senate.
Sources who spoke to shed light on how the CIA has allegedly coordinated the secret recovery and storage of these alleged crashed or landed UFOs.
Late CIA expert Jeffrey Richelson wrote in his 2016 book, The US Intelligence Community, that the Office of Global Access helped provide 'worldwide collection capability'
'There's at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones,' one source briefed by UFO program insiders told 'It has to do with the physical condition they're in. If it crashes, there's a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.'
The source said the CIA has a 'system in place that can discern UFOs while they're still cloaked,' and that if the 'non-human' craft land, crash or are brought down to earth, special military units are sent to try to salvage the wreckage.
Another source with knowledge of the OGA's role said that they specialize in allowing the US military to secretly access areas around the world where they would usually be 'denied' – for example behind enemy lines.
'They are basically a facilitator for people to get in and out of countries,' the source said. 'They are very clever at being able to get anywhere in the world they want to.'
Multiple sources briefed on the OGA's activities told that most of its operations involve more conventional retrieval missions, such as stray nuclear weapons, downed satellites or adversaries' technology.
But they claimed some missions coordinated by the OGA have involved retrieval of UFOs.
'The task at hand is simply to get it into custody and protect the secrecy of it,' one source said. 'The actual physical retrieval is by the military. But it's not kept under military control, because they have to keep too many records. So they start moving it out fairly quickly into private hands.'
Documents published by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in December 2016 showed that the OGA was one of 56 offices in the CIA, with its chief and deputy making up two of a total 286 director-level officials in the spy agency.
An unclassified organizational chart published by the CIA in October 2015 lists the OGA among nine offices in the 'Science and Technology' wing of the agency.
Late CIA expert Jeffrey Richelson wrote in a 2016 book on the agency that the OGA was established in 2003, and cited a CIA description that it 'integrate[s] analysis, technology, and tradecraft to attack the most difficult targets, and to provide worldwide collection capability.'
Doug Wolfe helped set up the CIA's Office of Global Access in 2003 and served as its deputy director. He managed 'unwarned access programs that deliver intelligence from the most challenging denied areas' according to a short biography published by a conference he attended in 2017
Schumer's bill requires all government agencies to turn over evidence of any 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence' to a panel of experts, who can then choose to make the information public
One source claimed at least nine 'non-human craft' have been recovered by the US government – some wrecked from a crash, and two completely intact. A 3D rendering of a UFO
Wolfe's bio cryptically adds that he 'was responsible for leading and managing strategic, unwarned access programs that deliver intelligence from the most challenging denied areas' and 'served as program manager with responsibility for the end-to-end system acquisition of an innovative new source and method for the IC [Intelligence Community].'
Two sources told that the OGA coordinates with Special Operations Forces such as SEAL teams or Delta Force under the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), or nuclear weapons experts such as the Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST), to collect the crashed or landed craft.
But another source, who has briefed members of Congress on alleged crash retrievals, said that NEST had not been involved in any of these operations.
A spokesperson for the agency also denied involvement.
'[NEST] personnel encounter materials from unknown origins on a regular basis,' a spokesperson said. 'In fact, one of NEST's missions is to help determine the origin of nuclear material interdicted outside of regulatory control or used in a nuclear device.
'During its operations, NEST has never encountered any material related to UAP.'
In a written statement, a JSOC spokesperson told 'We have nothing for you on this.'
A former SEAL team member told that they had been on operations coordinated by the CIA to retrieve high-value stray enemy weapons, and that they knew of colleagues who had been on similar operations where they recovered technology that appeared highly advanced – though not necessarily out-of-this-world.
'Absolutely that happens,' the ex-SEAL said. 'Even ordinance or a weapon that we've never seen, we recover and bring it back.'
One source said that the Air Force Special Operations Command's 24th Special Tactics Squadron, based at Pope Field Army Airbase in North Carolina, has also been involved in securing areas for UFO crash retrievals.
Sources said the CIA office then often hands the wreckage or material over to private aerospace contractors for analysis, where it is not subject to rigorous government audits and can be shielded with protections for trade secrets.
'The CIA is the portfolio manager or owner of the UAP [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena] crash retrieval operation,' one source, who has shared their information with Congress, told
'The Department of Energy national labs are materials analysis contractors whenever recovered radioisotopes are involved but not always just radioisotope materials. The aerospace-defense industry are also contractors that specifically do not handle any recovered radioisotopes, but they handle the other non-radioactive material – and intact craft.'
Multiple sources said that many of the people involved in these programs may not even realize they are dealing with non-human craft, due to the intense security and compartmentalization of information in such top secret programs.
UFO whistleblower David Grusch appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast on Wednesday, repeating his claims of a secret US government program that is hiding crashed 'non-human' UFOs
In an interview on Wednesday with podcaster Joe Rogan, whistleblower David Grusch gave an example of engineers in the Manhattan Project of the 1940s not realizing they were working on fuses for the atom bomb that would eventually be dropped on Japan.
Late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the New Yorker in 2021 that top defense company Lockheed Martin was one of the private contractors holding potentially alien wreckage.
'I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials,' he said.
As majority leader, Reid was one of the 'Gang of Eight', a select group of top lawmakers given access to the country's most closely held secrets too sensitive to share widely in Congress.
But even he was denied access to these alleged programs, he told the magazine.
'I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They would not approve that. I don't know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me.'
Reid helped set up a new UFO investigation office in the Pentagon in 2008 to probe the regular encounters US military pilots and other armed forces members had with strange objects in the sky and sea.
In June, former top intelligence officer Grusch came forward with claims that while working for the Pentagon's UFO office he discovered the US had a secret program trying to glean new technology from multiple 'non-human' craft it had obtained, dating as far back as the 1930s.
The former National Reconnaissance Office staffer's claims were deemed 'urgent and credible' by the Intelligence Community Inspector General, whom Grusch says he gave documents evidencing his story, and introduced to around 40 witnesses involved in the alleged 'reverse engineering' UFO programs in July 2021.
The OGA is one of 56 offices in the CIA, according to documents published by the National Archives in 2016
The Office of Global Access sits inside the CIA's directorate of Science and Technology, one of five directorates at the agency according to a 2015 unclassified organizational chart
Earlier this year Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Marco Rubio told TV news station NewsNation that he had spoken to some of these 'first-hand' program insiders, who allegedly worked to glean new technology from potentially alien captured craft.
'There are people that have come forward to share information with our committee over the last couple of years,' Rubio said in the June 26 interview.
'Some of these people still work in the government. A lot of them are very fearful. Fearful for their jobs, fearful for their clearances, fearful of their career. Some of them are fearful of harm coming to them.
'Most of these people, at some point or maybe even currently, have held very high clearances and high positions within our government.
'Some of these claims are things that are beyond the realm of what any of us has ever dealt with.
'If it's even partially true, then somebody's broken the law. There's been some violations. Because these things have to be disclosed to Congress.'
Top lawmakers appear to be taking seriously the claims of UFOs hidden in secret bunkers.
Senate leader Schumer co-sponsored a bill to create a review board with presidential-level powers, with the aim of uncovering and disclosing any non-human craft or even bodies, held by the US government.
Earlier this year Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Marco Rubio said that he had spoken to some of these 'first-hand' program insiders, who allegedly worked to glean new technology from potentially alien captured craft
Senate leader Schumer co-sponsored a bill to create a review board with presidential-level powers, with the aim of uncovering and disclosing any non-human craft or even bodies, held by the US government
Grusch testifies to discovering 'non-human biological' pilots
It requires all government agencies to turn over evidence of any 'recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence' to a panel of experts, who can then choose to make the information public.
The Senate has voted in favor of Schumer's bill. If passed in the House of Representatives, it will be added as an amendment to the annual military spending bill for 2024.
'The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena,' Schumer said in a July press release announcing the amendment.
Missouri Republican congressman Eric Burlison, part of an informal caucus of lawmakers campaigning for greater transparency on UFOs, told that the sources' claims gave him and his colleagues a lead to follow in their investigations.
'These are the kind of specific programs we've been trying to get the names of,' he said. 'It's been so difficult because we can't get that information with specifics from Grusch or from the [Intelligence Community] Inspector General.
'I can't confirm it's true. But it certainly gives us a trail to follow.
'I think that if it does exist, even if they give us no information beyond that, I think we owe it to the world to disclose that.'
The Pentagon branch tasked with protecting America from space-based threats, local and galactic, has detected thousands of UFOsin Earth's orbit, can reveal.
US Space Force, America's newest military branch created under President Trump in 2019, told personnel this month that the sightings were so regular that they are 'hindering threat identification,' the branch's core mission.
While many of the sightings will prove to be man-made space junk and 'natural debris' like meteoroids, US foreign adversaries continue to launch spy satellites, like North Korea's new Malligyong-1, and other covert orbital platforms.
One new concern, Space Force noted: the risk of threatening spacecraft hidden in the large unwatched area between Earth and the moon, dubbed 'cislunar' orbit.
In their new report, published this month, Space Force's leadership emphasized the importance of finding these grave 'threats' among mere 'hazards' like space junk.
But the military branch also went into considerable detail on a weirder, new category of potential 'hazards and threats' under scrutiny.
US Space Force, America's newest military branch created under President Trump in 2019, told personnel this month that 'abnormal observables' in space are a pervasive problem that is 'hindering threat identification,' the branch's core mission
Space Force hopes to 'distinguish between sources of spacecraft anomalies in support of anomaly resolution, recovery, and space attack assessment.' Since the branch's creation in 2019, the number of UFO 'unknowns' in Earth's orbit has skyrocketed by the thousands (above)
Space Force's mandate 'to rapidly identify and respond to threats and hazards,' the strategy document noted, also includes, 'objects that exhibit abnormal observables and patterns of life and cannot [be] correlated to any owner or point of origin.' has reached out to STARCOM, Space Force's Space Training and Readiness Command which published the new document, for detailed clarification on its precise meaning by the terms 'abnormal observables' and 'patterns of life.'
In recent years, Pentagon officials tasked with investigating UFO cases, including the now famous 2004 Tic Tac incursions, have focused their attention on 'five observables' they say are unique features of serious unexplained phenomena.
'Unidentified aerial phenomena' or UAP that check off these 'observables' appear to display either one or all of the following: (1.) gravity-defying behavior, (2.) eerily low observability on radar or other sensors, (3.) sudden or instantaneous accelerations, (4.) hypersonic speeds without signatures like 'sonic booms,' and (5.) so-called 'trans-medium' travel between air, sea and outer space.
It's unclear from the Space Force STARCOM document, however, whether these five, established UFO techno-signatures overlap with their own 'abnormal observables.'
It's also unclear what 'patterns of life' have been detected from orbital unknowns.
Space Force's strategy document, titled 'Space Doctrine Publication 3-100, Space Domain Awareness,' outlines the military branch's mission to monitor a vast orbital range that includes everything from low earth orbit (LEO) to the moon
Across US military branches, the term 'patterns of life' has been used to reference the thermal heat signatures given off by living human targets, for everything from drone warfare to troop deployment surveillance.
The Pentagon's departing UFO investigation chief, physicist Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, also used the term to indicate UAP mysteries that would include extraterrestrial craft.
'We are executing a rigorous science and technology plan to ensure controlled calibration of sensors, patterns of life, and signature characterization development,' Kirkpatrick said last December.
'More data will help build a more complete picture and support the resolution of […] anomalous phenomena.'
Thermal signatures from the body heat of a living thing (whether terrestrial or E.T. in origin), may fall into this category, to judge from the passages of Space Force's new strategy document that focused on the infra-red capabilities of US military satellites.
'Optical and infrared sensors with relatively wide (one square degree or more) field-of-view,' Space Force's STARCOM advised, 'are also well suited for searching for unknown objects or objects with only a roughly known location.'
However, Lt. General DeAnna Burt, the deputy chief devoted to Space Force's cyber and nuclear operations, among others, have also used 'patterns of life' to reference detectable, routine activity by any and all technological platforms in space.
Last May, Lt. Gen. Burt dropped the term of art while criticizing China for its opaque and noncooperative space program activities.
'We've said what our capabilities are,' Lt. Gen. Burt told SpaceNews. 'If you are honest and say what things are and have patterns of life that indicate they are what they are, then it's an everyday operation,' Burt said.
Whatever Space Force's intent, the branch issued its new publication in mid-November to announce, in part, its plan to identify and track UFOs in orbit around Earth — a high priority initiative the branch calls 'Space Domain Awareness' (SDA).
The strategy document, titled 'Space Doctrine Publication 3-100, Space Domain Awareness,' outlines Space Force's mission to successfully monitor a vast orbital range that includes everything from low earth orbit (LEO) to the moon.
STARCOM drafted the document as part of its mission to educate and train US Space Force personnel, officially dubbed 'guardians.'
Since the branch's creation in 2019, the number of orbital knowns and UFO 'unknowns' shadowing the Earth has skyrocketed by the thousands.
Space Force, citing NASA data, published a chart revealing that there are now over 25,000 objects total in orbit, although most were determined to be 'rocket bodies,' 'spacecraft,' 'mission-related debris' or other known man-made objects.
Much of the clutter orbiting Earth is man-made space junk and 'natural debris' like meteoroids, but Space Force's document detailed a weirder, new category: 'objects that exhibit abnormal observables and patterns of life and cannot [be] correlated to any owner or point of origin'
Over 60 percent of the US Space Force budget, or about $19.2 billion worth, has earmarked for research, development, testing and evaluation - creating the tools and techniques for the new and growing problem of defending US interests from foreign military activity in space
According to the Air Force Research Lab, its new security and monitoring probe, the Oracle spacecraft (above) 'aims to launch in 2026 to an area of gravitational stability between the Earth and the Moon to test techniques to monitor space traffic that travels through that region'
Space Force leadership said it hopes to positively identify any and all UFOs to determine if they should be recovered or if they pose a clear and present danger to the United States.
Or, in military's own unique jargon, Space Force hopes to 'distinguish between sources of spacecraft anomalies in support of anomaly resolution, recovery, and space attack assessment,' the new document states.
But that will cost money, alongside Space Force's other duties providing satellite and other space-based support for American troops on the ground worldwide.
The ex-Air Force security officer said he investigated two sightings of a 100-yard UFO witnessed by Boeing contractors and Air Force police on October 14, 2003. There's 'at least 80 people that know this happened,' the USAF vet., Jeff Nuccetelli, told the Merged podcast. As the officer recalled of the eyewitnesses, 'They're scared. Everyone's freaked out
First it must organize, train and equip personnel to 'protect US and allied interests in space.' But, secondarily, it must also 'provide space capabilities to the joint forces' here on Earth, such as maintaining spy satellites and other space-based military hardware.
Space Force's STARCOM noted that figuring out the mystery of what these UFOs or UAP are is essential, in part, so that it can get on with it's other military troop-support tasks.
'Anomalous indications,' the new guidance document states, 'unnecessarily consume SDA resources (e.g., sensors, communication nodes, command and control [C2] centers, planners, operators) that would otherwise be supporting space and terrestrial combatant commands.'
One new concern, the document added, is the growing threat of foreign spy satellites and worse, in the large dark orbital region between the Earth and the moon, dubbed 'cislunar' orbit.
'Current sensor capabilities will find that the vastness of space between the Earth and the moon, and around the moon, creates challenging conditions for search, custody, and collection operations in support of joint forces,' the branch's new strategy document stated.
Space Force noted plans by the US Air Force Research Lab for a new security and monitoring probe, the Oracle spacecraft, which 'aims to launch in 2026 to an area of gravitational stability between the Earth and the Moon to test techniques to monitor space traffic that travels through that region.'
Given all this uncharted territory, which is at best poorly monitored by US defense systems, it is no surprise that the branch's 'guardians' are requesting $3.9 billion more from taxpayers for 2024 than its 2023 fiscal year budget.
At present, over 60 percent of the US Space Force's budget, or about $19.2 billion worth, has been earmarked for research, development, testing and evaluation.
Nearly $20 billion, in other words, just to create the tools and techniques for the new and growing problem of defending US interests from foreign military activity, terrestrial and possibly extraterrestrial, in outer space.
US Report: Earth's Orbit filled with Thousands of UFOs, Posing Challenges in Threat Detection
B-21 Raider: What we're allowed to know on US' new top-secret aircraft
'It lit up the entire cab of my cruiser to the point where I was having a hard time driving because I really couldn't see,' Klein stated. 'I was blinded by it.'
The veteran policeman described the large spherical light as having a 'plasma-like' quality. 'I've seen my fair share of drones and meteors,' Klein said. 'This was something I've never come across before.'
The UFO then made a shocking, 'instantaneous' movement to the bank across the reservoir where it continued to hover.
'That's when I sort of snapped out of it and took out my camera and started recording and taking pictures,' Klein recollected.
The police officer released his video of UFO over Thanksgiving weekend.
A Connecticut policeman has recently gone public with an eerie tale of a glowing UFO, the size of a 'Mini Cooper,' hovering over his patrol car in 2022
Klein, who told his story to NewsNation host Ashleigh Banfield of 'Banfield' last Wednesday, said he was amazed by the both the apparent speed and acoustic signature of this airborne, plasma-like object.
'I couldn't see it go from A to B, that's how fast it moved,' he said. 'It gave off a low hum, which was very distinct.'
The veteran police officer took pains to emphasize that, in the early moments of his encounter, he was able to get 'a very close-up view of it' from 30 feet below the hovering, orb-like object: 'It wasn't a drone — I can guarantee you that.'
'I froze,' Klein told NewsNation as he recalled that moment looking up at the object. 'I wasn't in fear. I just was really trying to understand what exactly I was looking at.'
'I was trying to just process what I was looking at,' he said. 'Still to this day, I'm perplexed.'
Klein recalls that his midrange car-sized UFO cycled through four colors in total, red, green, white and orange.
Swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at dusk 'moving at rapid speeds' and displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights' penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia for over two weeks this time last year, December 2023.
The rogue fleets of small aircraft would disappear into thin air each night despite being hunted by the best hardware the Air Force and NASA had on hand.
The eyewitness, police officer Robert Klein (pictured), described the object's intense, color-changing light flooding his vehicle as he approached a local reservoir in Fairfield County, CT in 2022, while on patrol close to midnight
A Connecticut police officer with 25 years of experience in law enforcement has gone public with an eerie tale of a glowing UFO - the size of a 'Mini Cooper' - hovering over his patrol car. Above, a 3D recreation of the event produced by computer graphics artist Fin Handley
Above, a map of the region where the police officer had his UFO encounter in April 2022
General Glen VanHerck, the commander with North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD) Command, has called for authorization to use special surveillance equipment on US soil to get to the bottom of the incursions.
Officer Klein reached out to UFO researcher and TV presenter Ben Hanson via one of his websites, offering his testimony and video of the encounter.
Hanson described the episode as a classic case resembling a scene straight out of Steven Spielberg 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' in which a vehicle driven by Richard Dreyfuss's character is similarly bathes in blinding light.
'Incidentally, anyone who's watched the [US Senate] hearings lately with AARO,' Hanson told NewsNation, 'they'd mentioned [covered] a similar event on the West Coast with another police officer who described an object the size of a Prius.'
Hansen, the host of the Discovery+ docu-series 'UFO Witness' said he is still actively pursuing this case, on the hunt for potential additional witnesses who could help to corroborate Klein's testimony or offer more physical evidence.
The seasoned UFO investigator said that he already has a line on a separate incident involving multiple orbs witnessed by people at a local community center.
'Our team is going to be going out to Connecticut on the ground,' Hansen told NewsNation.
Meet the ancient 'big head' people: Scientists uncover a 'lost' human in Asia with an abnormally large skull that lived alongside homo sapiens 100,000 years ago
Meet the ancient 'big head' people: Scientists uncover a 'lost' human in Asia with an abnormally large skull that lived alongside homo sapiens 100,000 years ago
Scientists have discovered a 'lost' species of human with an abnormally large skull which lived alongside homo sapiens.
Known as the Juluren, meaning 'big head people', this ancient species may have lived in China between 300,000 and 50,000 years ago.
Scientists believe they would have had a larger brain than any of the known hominin species, including modern-day humans.
'Homo julurensis' would likely have hunted wild horses in small groups, made simple stone tools for cutting, and possibly processed animal hides for clothes.
Previous studies have tended to lump together lots of different fossils as a single diverse group.
However, paleoanthropologist Professor Xiujie Wu from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and anthropologist Dr Christopher Bae from the University of Hawai'i argue that scientists have missed key characteristics in the fossil record.
In a 'provocative' paper, these scientists claim that some fossils have a mosaic of features which don't fit with any known human species.
Researchers claim to have discovered a new species of ancient human with an abnormally large brain by analysing fragments of 300,000 year old skulls (stock image)
Scientists believe that this ancient human would have had the biggest brain of any known hominin based on the abnormal size of its skull (depicted here as digital renders)
However, Dr Bae says that some of these fossils should actually be considered their own separate species called homo julurensis.
The researchers analysed 21 hominin fossils from an unknown number of individuals found in China during the 1970s and skull fragments from two individuals found in 2005 at a different Chinese site.
Using new techniques for organizing fossil evidence, Dr Bae and Professor Wu identified a set of characteristics that didn't match the known species.
The most distinctive of these characteristics is the abnormally large skull which gives the Juluren their name.
By piecing together the remains of the skull, researchers estimate that it would have had a volume of 1700 ml, larger than even the 1,330 ml skull of homo sapiens.
Palaeontologists believe the ancient human species made their settlements on the shores of this lake which now holds their remains in its thick sediment.
The researchers argue that homo julurensis was a relative of homo erectus (bottom) which lived between 1.89 million and 110,000 years ago
By comparing skull fragments found in China (pictured), the researchers estimate that homo julurensis would have had a skull volume of 1700 ml - much larger than any other known hominin
Scientists discovered teeth and jaw fragments which suggest that homo julurensis would have had some similarities to Neanderthals but have enough differences to be its own species
Not only was the skull abnormally large, but it was also strangely shaped, being much wider at the base than a typical skull.
In addition to skull fragments, researchers have subsequently found pieces of jaw and teeth.
Together, the researchers argue there are enough distinct characteristics to support the existence of a completely new category of humans.
In their paper, published in PaleoAnthropology, Professor Wu and Dr Bae argued: 'Collectively, these fossils represent a new form of large-brained hominin.'
This complex pattern of traits suggests that there was far more interbreeding and shared ancestry between the various hominin groups living in Asia between 300,000 and 50,000 years ago.
However, these arguments have been controversial with some pointing out that the fossil evidence for homo julurensis remains relatively thin.
Professor Jonathan Hawk, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, described the new paper as 'provocative' in a post on X.
However, Professor Hawk maintains that the basic idea behind the Julurensis theory is valid.
The scientists call the species Juluren, meaning 'big head people', and claim they would have lived between 300,000 and 50,000 years ago, hunting horses in small groups, and making simple tools (stock image)
The researchers argue that a set of fossils found in China (left) doesn't fit with any of the other known species of hominin. This comes amid a series of other new hominin species being discovered including homo longi (top) and homo floresiensis (right)
In a blog post, Professor Hawk wrote: 'I think the record is more expansive than most specialists have been assuming.
'Calling all these groups by the same name makes sense only as a contrast to recent humans, not as a description of their populations across space and time.'
The new species is yet to be officially scientifically recognised – a formal approval given by an authoritative taxonomic body.
But however homo julurensis ends up being classified, the researchers argue that the simple story of human evolution in Asia no longer stands to scrutiny.
Dr Bae says: 'This study clarifies a hominin fossil record that has tended to include anything that cannot easily be assigned to homo erectus, homo neanderthalensis or homo sapiens.'
While the human family tree was once considered fairly simple, recent years have seen a sudden bloom of new offshoots.
And in 2021, scientists officially recognised the existence of homo longi, a species known as the 'dragon people' found in China.
This comes after scientists confirmed the existence of homo floresiensis (pictured), the smallest known human species which lived on an isolated island of Indonesia 50,000 years ago
And in 2021, scientists officially recognised the existence of homo longi, a species known as the 'dragon people' found in China.
Homo longi had a brain comparable in size to that of modern humans, but sported big, almost square eye sockets, thick brow ridges, a wide mouth and larger teeth.
As these discoveries emerge, many researchers now argue that there is a compelling case to reconsider the groupings of some Asian fossils.
Writing in Nature Communications, Professor Wu and Dr Bae conclude: 'It is becoming increasingly clear that the eastern Asian hominin fossils are not only increasing in number thanks to new discoveries, but that a greater degree of morphological variation is present than originally assumed or anticipated.'
Who were the Denisovans?
Who were they?
The Denisovans are an extinct species of human that appear to have lived in Siberia and even down as far as southeast Asia.
The individuals belonged to a genetically distinct group of humans that were distantly related to Neanderthals but even more distantly related to us.
Although remains of these mysterious early humans have mostly been discovered at the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, DNA analysis has shown the ancient people were widespread across Asia.
Scientists were able to analyse DNA from a tooth and from a finger bone excavated in the Denisova cave in southern Siberia.
The discovery was described as 'nothing short of sensational.'
In 2020, scientists reported Denisovan DNA in the Baishiya Karst Cave in Tibet.
This discovery marked the first time Denisovan DNA had been recovered from a location that is outside Denisova Cave.
How widespread were they?
Researchers are now beginning to find out just how big a part they played in our history.
DNA from these early humans has been found in the genomes of modern humans over a wide area of Asia, suggesting they once covered a vast range.
They are thought to have been a sister species of the Neanderthals, who lived in western Asia and Europe at around the same time.
The two species appear to have separated from a common ancestor around 200,000 years ago, while they split from the modern human Homo sapien lineage around 600,000 years ago.
Last year researchers even claimed they could have been the first to reach Australia.
Aboriginal people in Australia contain both Neanderthal DNA, as do most humans, and Denisovan DNA.
This latter genetic trace is present in Aboriginal people at the present day in much greater quantities than any other people around the world.
How advanced were they?
Bone and ivory beads found in the Denisova Cave were discovered in the same sediment layers as the Denisovan fossils, leading to suggestions they had sophisticated tools and jewellery.
Professor Chris Stringer, an anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London, said: 'Layer 11 in the cave contained a Denisovan girl's fingerbone near the bottom but worked bone and ivory artefacts higher up, suggesting that the Denisovans could have made the kind of tools normally associated with modern humans.
'However, direct dating work by the Oxford Radiocarbon Unit reported at the ESHE meeting suggests the Denisovan fossil is more than 50,000 years old, while the oldest 'advanced' artefacts are about 45,000 years old, a date which matches the appearance of modern humans elsewhere in Siberia.'
Did they breed with other species?
Yes. Today, around 5 per cent of the DNA of some Australasians – particularly people from Papua New Guinea – is Denisovans.
Now, researchers have found two distinct modern human genomes - one from Oceania and another from East Asia - both have distinct Denisovan ancestry.
The genomes are also completely different, suggesting there were at least two separate waves of prehistoric intermingling between 200,000 and 50,000 years ago.
Researchers already knew people living today on islands in the South Pacific have Denisovan ancestry.
But what they did not expect to find was individuals from East Asia carry a uniquely different type.
Echoes From The Pleistocene: Denisovans Remembered in Indigenous Myths? | Dawn of sapiens
CARTA: The Origin of Us -- Chris Stringer: Fossil Record of Anatomically Modern Humans
Journeying into space is pretty dangerous stuff. Relatively few missions sent to explore space over the years have been crewed, and for good reason. The risk to human (and animal) life is always high, even as technology in this field advances rapidly.
In one of the scariest disasters in recent years, two US astronauts who were meant to spend eight days traveling to and from the International Space Station (ISS) have been stuck there for over two months. What's more, they may not be able to get home until 2025. This is due to the myriad of technical issues that have left their craft, the new Boeing Starliner capsule, unsafe to use. Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were the first crew to fly the ship on its maiden voyage—an unlucky predicament, as it turns out. The mission launch occurred on June 5, and the Starliner made it to the ISS safely. However, several technical issues came to light that made it impossible for Wilmore and Williams to return to Earth on the scheduled date. What was supposed to be eight days stretched into eight weeks as Boeing and NASA attempted to resolve the issues. In July, Boeing revealed that four of Starliner's jet fuels had failed, the thrusters were malfunctioning, and there were helium leaks.
The astronauts have been at the ISS for over 180 days, and the Starliner has already returned to Earth without them due to safety concerns. A SpaceX Crew Dragon flight is now scheduled to bring them back to Earth in February.
While the world waits to see when and how these astronauts will make it back to Earth, let's look back at some of the worst disasters in the history of space travel to remember what is at stake.
Ben je een liefhebber van astronomie of wil je meer leren over wat er zich in ons heelal afspeelt?
Met deze quiz kun je niet alleen je kennis testen, maar er ook iets meer over te weten komen door de juiste antwoorden te vinden.
Er is een oneindige ruimte om ons heen en alles weten is misschien onmogelijk, maar hoeveel weet jij tot nu toe? Test jezelf om erachter te komen!
Astronomie, alles wat zich buiten de grenzen van de aarde bevindt
Astronomie is een van de meest fascinerende studies, omdat het alles betreft wat zich buiten de grenzen van de aarde bevindt.
Slechts weinig mensen hebben deze grens overschreden en niemand is ooit verder gegaan dan de maan. Terwijl enkele rovers zelfs op Mars zijn geland, wordt wat buiten ons sterrenstelsel ligt alleen waargenomen door telescopen.
Het heelal is potentieel oneindig en er wordt gezegd dat het menselijk brein niet in staat is om zich de uitgestrektheid en grenzen ervan voor te stellen. Dit betekent dat de dingen die we moeten weten over de ruimte om ons heen eindeloos zijn, maar de wetenschap ontdekt elke dag iets nieuws.
Planeten, zonnestelsels, sterren en andere hemellichamen doorkruisen het heelal en beïnvloeden elkaar. En dan hebben we het nog niet eens over zwarte gaten en mysterieuze zaken als donkere materie, die bestaat uit nog onbekende deeltjes die we niet kunnen zien.
Tot slot de grote vraag: zijn wij alleen in het universum? Tot nu toe is het antwoord nog niet gevonden, ook al zijn er precieze en onvermijdelijke voorwaarden om een planeet als bewoonbaar te beschouwen en velen zijn gevonden onder exoplaneten, die buiten onze Melkweg.
Kortom, de dingen die je moet weten zijn ontelbaar, net als de mysteries die de ruimte omhullen, maar hoeveel weet jij van astronomie?
De quiz over astronomie
Hoe goed ken jij het universum? Het is tijd om erachter te komen met deze fascinerende astronomie-quiz. We raden je aan om je antwoorden op een vel papier te schrijvren, zodat je je persoonlijke resultaat kunt terugvinden.
Ben je er klaar voor? Laten we beginnen:
1. De Maan is een:
a) Planeet
b) Asteroïde
c) Satelliet
2. Wat is de leeftijd van ons stelsel?
a) ongeveer 80 miljoen
b) ongeveer 12 miljard
c) ongeveer 4,5 miljard
3. In 1999 konden astronomen berekenen hoe oud het heelal ongeveer is:
a) ongeveer 13 miljard jaar
b) ongeveer 6.000 jaar
c) ongeveer 900 miljard jaar
4. De afstand van de maan tot de aarde is gelijk aan:
a) 384.400 km
b) 745.500 km
c) 1.628.000 km
5. Wat is de beste plek om naar leven in de ruimte te zoeken?
a) Neptunus, omdat het vergelijkbare weersystemen heeft als de aarde
b) Mars, vanwege de mogelijke aanwezigheid van vloeibaar water onder het oppervlak
c) Uranus, omdat het blauwgroene oppervlak bewoonbaar zou kunnen zijn
6. Wat is de temperatuur op het oppervlak van de Zon?
a) 1300°
b) 2500°
c) 5500°
7. Hoeveel planeten zijn er in het zonnestelsel?
a) 9
b) 8
c) 12
8. Wat is een zwart gat?
a) Een donkere tunnel tussen het ene zonnestelsel en het andere
b) Een hemellichaam van binnen waaruit niets, zelfs geen licht, kan ontsnappen.
c) Een gat in het centrum van een ster.
9. In juli 1969 liep de mens voor het eerst op de maan. Hoe lang zullen hun voetafdrukken zichtbaar zijn op het maanoppervlak?
a) Honderden miljoenen jaren
b) Ze zijn al uitgewist door de wind
c) Ongeveer een eeuw
10. Wat is de afstand tussen de aarde en Alpha Centauri, de dichtstbijzijnde ster in het zonnestelsel?
a) 40 biljoen km
b) 950 miljoen km
c) 16 miljard km
11. Hoe ver staat de Zon, onze moederster, van de Aarde?
a) 3,2 miljard km
b) 147 miljoen km
c) 998 miljoen km
12. Wat is een supernova?
a) De explosie van een ster
b) De geboorte van een grote nieuwe ster
c) De samensmelting van twee sterren
13. Hoeveel sterren zijn er, afgezien van de sterren die we vanaf de aarde kunnen zien, nog meer in de Melkweg?
a) 6.000
b) 10 miljoen
c) 20 miljoen
14. Wat is de snelheid van het licht?
a) 150.000 km per seconde
b) 300.000 km per seconde
c) 150.000 km per minuut
15. De staart van een komeet kan zich uitstrekken tot:
a) Ongeveer 20 km
b) Honderden miljoenen kilometers
c) Ongeveer 8.000 km
16. Hoe lang duurt een dag op Mercurius, van zonsopgang tot zonsondergang?
a) Zes aardse maanden
b) Zes aardse uren
c) Zes Aardse dagen
17. Uit hoeveel sterren bestaat ons sterrenstelsel?
a) ongeveer 970 miljoen
b) ongeveer 8 miljard
c) ongeveer 200 miljard
18. Hoe lang zou een ruimteschip erover doen om met de snelheid van het licht de Melkweg over te steken?
a) ongeveer duizend jaar
b) ongeveer honderd jaar
c) ongeveer honderdduizend jaar
19. Wat gebeurt er met een massieve ster als zijn leven eindigt?
a) Het wordt een witte dwerg
b) Het krimpt tot hij verdwijnt
c) Het explodeert
20. Waarom zijn planeten en sterren bolvormig?
a) Erosie heeft ze in de loop der tijd gevormd totdat ze rond werden
b) De zwaartekracht heeft ze gevormd tijdens hun vorming
c) De bolvorm is beter bestand tegen wind
Oplossing van de quiz
Nu kun je ontdekken hoeveel antwoorden je hebt geraden met de oplossingen voor de astronomie-quiz van vandaag:
1. c (satelliet)
2. c (4,5 miljard jaar)
3. a (13 miljard jaar)
4. a (384.400 km)
5. b (Mars)
6. c (5500°)
7. a (9)
8. b (Een hemellichaam waaraan niets kan ontsnappen, zelfs geen licht)
9. a (Honderden miljoenen jaren)
10. a (40 biljoen km)
11. b (147 miljoen km)
12. a (De explosie van een ster)
13. c (20 miljoen)
14. b (300.000 km per seconde)
15. b (Honderden miljoenen kilometers)
16. c (Zes aarddagen)
17. c (Ongeveer 200 miljard)
18. c (Ongeveer honderdduizend jaar)
19. c (Ontploft)
20. b (De zwaartekracht vormde ze tijdens hun vorming)
Als je tussen de 0 en 6 goede antwoorden hebt gegeven: de astronomie intrigeert je zeker, maar misschien ben je pas sinds kort geïnteresseerd in dit onderwerp of heb je nog geen tijd gehad om je erin te verdiepen. In ieder geval heb je een goede basis om nog veel meer te ontdekken!
Als je tussen de 7 en 13 goede antwoorden hebt gegeven:dan ken je het heelal vrij goed, ook al is er iets - en hoe kan het ook anders? - dat je nog ontgaat. Je bent echter zeker niet onervaren en met een beetje studie kun je de gaten opvullen, dus geef niet op!
Als je tussen de 14 en 20 antwoorden goed hebt:gefeliciteerd, het heelal heeft geen geheimen voor jou (of bijna!) Het lijkt erop dat astronomie een echte passie voor je is en dat de ruimte iets is dat je intrigeert en dat je graag onderzoekt. Want weten wat ons omringt is echt fascinerend!
Heb je genoten van deze quiz? Je kunt jekennis blijven meten met de quizzen van Curioctopus en je kennis op de proef stellen!
Earth formed 4.54 billion years ago. The first period of the history of the Earth was known as the Hadean Period which lasted from 4.54 billion to 4 billion years ago. During that time, Earth was thought to be a magma filled, volcanic hellscape. It all sounds rather inhospitable at this stage but even then, liquid oceans of water are thought to have existed under an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Recent research has shown that this environment may well have been rather more habitable than once thought.
The name ‘Hadean’ comes from Hades, the Greek god of the underworld. It nicely reflects the hot, hostile climate of the early Earth. During this period, Earth was largely a molten, chaotic world with volcanic eruptions a common sight on the landscape. Overhead, there would be regular visitors from space with meteorites and comets impacting the surface as the crust is still forming. Despite these conditions, it seems that water also began to accumulate as the planet cooled, possibly having been delivered by comets or released from outgassing from giant volcanoes. By the end of the era, the crust had solidified enough to form two early continents separated by forming oceans.
Artist concept of Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment period. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab.
In a paper published by a team of researchers from the University of California they confirm this conclusion that, far from being in hospitable, early Earth was actually far less tumultuous. The team, led by Christopher K Jones explore the evolution of the Earth from formation to the evolution of life. They review a number of different pathways for the origins of life during the Hadean in the context of the large-scale planetary environment at the time, including Earth’s position in the Solar System.
This view of Earth from space is a fusion of science and art, drawing on data from multiple satellite missions and the talents of NASA scientists and graphic artists. This image originally appeared in the NASA Earth Observatory story Twin Blue Marbles. Image Credits: NASA images by Reto Stöckli, based on data from NASA and NOAA.
In order to complete their work, the team look at the a number of critical aspects across different disciplines that included microbiology, atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry and planetary science. The relationships between life’s beginnings and the processes and state of the environment at the time is also assessed in their paper including the formation of the crust and evolution of the atmosphere.
The paper also explores a number of different atmospheric processes from wet-dry and freeze-thaw cycles to hydrothermal vent systems. This is not just assessed on Earth but in the Solar System at large to see if there is any correlation or overlaps. The impact of comets too are considered and how they would impact on the atmospheric chemistry.
According to a new study, a comet impact triggered massive wildfires and a temporary cooling 12,800 years ago. Credit: NASA/Don Davis
The team conclude that Earth, during the Hadean period, most likely had liquid water. The debate still rages on however about the existence of continents and their composition. This uncertainty has an impact on just how organic life could have got a foothold on Earth. However it did, life would have taken a hold by the end of the Hadean era and started to leave evidence in the geological records of the Archean period that followed.
Unfortunately the paper is far from conclusive, leaving a number of questions unanswered but it does make a fabulous start to fill in the gaps at just how life began on this planet we call home.
NASA has given SpaceX the contract to launch the Dragonfly mission to Saturn’s moon Titan. A Falcon Heavy will send the rotorcraft and its lander on their way to Titan in 2028, if all goes according to plan, and the mission will arrive at Titan in 2034. Dragonfly is an astrobiology mission designed to measure the presence of different chemicals on the frigid moon.
Dragonfly will be the second craft to visit Titan, along with the Huygens probe and its short visit back in 2005.
Titan is remarkable because it’s the only body besides Earth with liquids on its surface. The liquids are hydrocarbons, not water, though there may be surface deposits of water ice from impacts or cryovolcanic eruptions. Researchers think that prebiotic chemicals are also present, making the moon an enticing target to understand how far prebiotic chemistry may have advanced.
These images of Titan’s well-known hydrocarbon seas are from Cassini radar data. Image Credit: [JPL-CALTECH/NASA, ASI, USGS]
Titan is benign when it comes to powered flight; its atmosphere is dense and its gravity is weak, compared to Earth. Dragonfly is an octocopter, a large quadcopter with double rotors, that can take advantage of Titan’s flight-friendly conditions. It will travel at about 36 kmh (22 mph) and will be powered by a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG), a type of engine proven in multiple missions. The craft is designed to be redundant; it can lose one of its motors or rotors and still function.
Dragonfly will land near a feature on Titan called Shangri-La, east of where the Huygens probe landed. Shangri-La is one of three large sand seas near the moon’s equator.
Dragonfly’s target is the Selk impact structure, near the edge of Shangri-La. Selk is a young impact crater about 90 km (56 mi) in diameter that features melt pools, sites where liquid water and organics could mix together to form amino acids or other biomolecules. Dragonfly will initially land at some dunes near the structure then begin exploring the region and its chemistry.
Thanks largely to Cassini and Huygens, researchers have made progress understanding Titan. In a 2020 paper, researchers examined two types of craters on the moon: dune craters and plains craters. Selk is a dune crater, and in the paper, researchers said that the dune craters are richer in organics than plains craters, and in fact are almost entirely composed of organics. However, Titan’s thick atmosphere makes it difficult to observe, and these findings stem from interpreting albedo and emissivity.
Selk and the other dune craters may have originally had more water ice, according to the research, but much of it’s been eroded away. However, there was a long period of time where the water ice was present, and Dragonfly is heading for Selk to examine the chemistry in the crater and to try and determine if water and organics interacted and if prebiotic chemistry made any headway.
This illustration shows NASA’s Dragonfly rotorcraft-lander approaching a site on Saturn’s exotic moon, Titan. Taking advantage of Titan’s dense atmosphere and low gravity, Dragonfly will explore dozens of locations across the icy world, sampling and measuring the compositions of Titan’s organic surface materials to characterize the habitability of Titan’s environment and investigate the progression of prebiotic chemistry.
It’s up to SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy to send Dragonfly on its way to Titan. Falcon Heavy has 11 launches under its belt, including the launch of the Europa Clipper in October. After Falcon Heavy launches Dragonfly, the spacecraft will perform one flyby of Earth to gain additional velocity.
It’ll take six years for Dragonfly to reach Titan, and just as it arrives, the entry capsule will separate from the cruise module. With the help of an aeroshell and two chutes, the lander will endure an approximately 105-minute descent. At approximately 1.2 km above the surface, the lander will deploy its skids, and based on its lidar and radar data, will perform and autonomous landing.
From its landing site, Dragonfly will deploy itself and perform a series of flights up to 8km (5 mi) long. There’s diverse geology in the region, and the rotorcraft will acquire samples and then analyze them during Titan’s nights, which last about 8 Earth days or about 192 hours. After that, it will head to the Selk crater.
Titan is an important astrobiology target in our Solar System, and unlike the frozen ocean moons Europa and Enceladus, there’s no added complexity of somehow working its way through thick ice before its potentially biological environment can be examined.
SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket sends NASA’s Europa Clipper into space from its Florida launch pad. If all goes well, the Falcon Heavy will launch the Dragonfly mission to Titan in July, 2028. (NASA Photo / Kim Shiflett)
But for all of this to succeed, it needs a successful launch first. NASA is paying SpaceX about $256 million to launch Dragonfly, and it the launch goes off without a hitch, it’ll be money well-spent.
Has Noah's Ark been found? Archaeologists reveal 'ruins' found in Turkey's boat-shaped mound date back 5,000 years ago - the same period as the Biblical flood
Has Noah's Ark been found? Archaeologists reveal 'ruins' found in Turkey's boat-shaped mound date back 5,000 years ago - the same period as the Biblical flood
Experts have dated rock and soil they believe hold ruins of Noah's Ark
Samples contain marine materials and seafood that suggest human activity
The calculations also put the samples at the same time as the Biblical flood
Archaeologists believe they are one step closer to confirming the resting place of Noah's Ark.
A teamexcavating a geological formation in Turkey has aged rock and soil samples they believe contain ruins of the vessel, which puts the site at the same time the Bible puts the Great Flood 5,000 years ago.
The project began in 2021 and is ongoing, but the initial analysis determined samples to contain clayey and marine materials and seafood.
According to the researchers, these results mean human activity was present on the boat-shaped mound between 5500 and 3000 BC.
A team excavating a geological formation in Turkey has aged rock and soil samples they believe contain ruins of the vessel, which puts the site at the same time the Bible puts the Great Flood 5,000 years ago
In the Bible, God commands Noah to build a vast ship, the ark - capable of saving himself, his family and a representation of the world's animals
The Bible claims the ark settled on the 'mountains of Ararat' in Turkey following a 150-day flood that drowned the Earth and every living thing on it that was not housed inside the wooden ship.
The geological formation located in Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı has been a potential site since it was discovered in 1956.
The mountain is the highest peak in Turkey, standing 16,500 feet tall and carved out like an ark would be.
The vessel was said to measure '300 cubits, 50 cubits, by 30 cubits', which translates to up to 515 feet long, 86 feet wide and 52 feet high.
A team of experts led by Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ), Andrew University, and Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University (AİÇÜ) have been working at the site for nearly one year, collecting samples they believe hold the key to confirming the Biblical story.
The geological formation located in Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı has been a potential site since it was discovered in 1956 (pictured)
The first portion of their work began in December 2022, when they collected 30 samples of rock and soil fragments that the ITU laboratory analyzed. Pictured is the team walking inside the formation to collect rocks and soil
The first portion of their work began in December 2022, when they collected 30 samples of rock and soil fragments that the ITU laboratory analyzed, Arkeonews reports.
AİÇÜ Vice Rector Professor Faruk Kaya said: 'According to the first findings obtained from the studies, there have been human activities in the region since the Chalcolithic period between the years 5500 and 3000 BC.
'It is known that the flood of Prophet Noah went back 5,000 years ago.
'In terms of dating, it is stated that there was life in this region as well. This was revealed in the laboratory results.
'It is not possible to say that the ship is here with the dating. We need to work for a long time to reveal this.'
The Bible claims the ark settled on the 'mountains of Ararat' in Turkey following a 150-day flood that drowned the Earth and every living thing on it that was not housed inside the wooden ship
However, Dr Andrew Snelling, a young Earth creationist with a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, had previously said that Mount Ararat could not be the ark's location because the mountain did not form until after the flood waters receded.
Although considered a historical event, most scholars and archaeologists do not believe in literally interpreting the Ark story.
In the Bible, God commands Noah to build a vast ship, the ark - capable of saving himself, his family and a representation of the world's animals.
The wickedness and corruption of man spurred God's vows to send a great cleansing flood.
Deeming Noah to be the only righteous man worth saving, God commands him to build a vast ship.
According to the Bible, when Noah has completed his task, and God has sent 'two of every sort' of animal to the Ark, the flood waters rise until all mountains are covered, and life (except fish) is destroyed.
Melvin Vopson, an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth, thinks a series of daily clues suggest this world is not what it seems.
Now, he has tackled the hypothetical and philosophical question: If we are living in a virtual simulation, what is the purpose of it?
Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, he outlines three theories, including that we all chose at birth to become characters in an advanced AI world.
'All these scenarios operate under the control of a master AI, created of course by a future iteration of our civilization,' Professor Vopson told MailOnline.
'It is possible that no one is awake anymore and we are trapped in the simulated reality, controlled by the AI.'
The so-called 'simulation theory' is popular with other figures including Elon Musk, who said the odds that we're living in a 'base reality' – the real universe as opposed to a simulated one – are 'one in billions'.
A physicist thinks we could be living in a simulation - and now he explains his leading theories as to why
In classic blockbuster film The Matrix, humans are enslaved by AI because they want our body heat to power their computers. Pictured, Keanu Reeves as Neo waking up in the real world
Professor Vopson – whose research focuses on experimental and theoretical studies of applied and fundamental physics – stresses that these three scenarios are speculation and not something backed by scientific research.
The first theory is that we opted to enter the simulation at birth purely as a form of entertainment – to keep our minds amused and occupied.
The real world that we've chosen to leave behind is not very interesting, the theory goes, so humans created a much more interesting, albeit fabricated, approximation of life - the ultimate VR game.
And with its plethora of celebrity gossip, sports events, political scandal and more, the ongoing soap opera of modern existence is anything but boring.
'We created the simulation as a place of entertainment where we can choose to enter (at birth) and experience a whole new life with all the components of it,' Professor Vopson told MailOnline.
As for how we had the capacity at birth to make the decision to enter the simulation, it's possible our consciousness would have made the choice before our new human was born.
The second theory is that the simulation can help humans as a whole 'learn something' that could provide a solution to a real-world problem.
Are we living in a simulated reality? Professor Melvin Vopson at the University of Portsmouth thinks it's possible (file photo)
What is the simulation theory?
The simulation theory suggests that what humans perceive as reality is actually a computer-generated simulation.
Human beings are unknowingly being fed this simulated consciousness either for their own good or for nefarious means.
In 2003, University of Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrum first proposed the argument that 'we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation'.
Simulation theory is explored in sci-fi films including 'The Matrix' (1999) and its sequels, as well as 'The Thirteenth Floor' (1999) and 'Dark City' (1998).
According to this so-called guinea pig theory, we may all be involuntary stuck inside the simulation for the greater good – the long-term benefit of humankind.
'Imagine that our society has a complex issue to solve – environmental, economic, energy crisis, wars,' Professor Vopson told MailOnline.
'If we had the ability, the best way to solve it would be to run a simulation (or multiple parallel simulations) and see what solutions the simulated version of us come up with.
'If any of the simulations crack the problem, then we can adopt it in the base reality as a viable solution.'
Lastly, the 'near-immortality' or 'Narnia' theory suggests that time in the real world moves much faster compared with time in the simulation.
For example, a single minute in the real world could last up to 100 years in the simulation, while one lifetime in the real world could be akin to 4.2 billion years, or over 52 million lives of lives in the simulation, assuming an average life of 80 years.
By opting to live in the simulation, we could experience multiple lives back-to-back, essentially achieving immortality.
'A hundred life experiences could be just 100 minutes in the real life in the base reality,' said Professor Vopson.
Melvin Vopson, an associate professor in physics at the University of Portsmouth, has already outlined the clues that suggest we live in a simulated reality
At a 2016 conference, Elon Musk said the odds that we're living in a 'base reality' - the real universe as opposed to a simulated one - are 'one in billions' (file photo)
'This is exactly how the time dilation works when we dream.
'In the dream, the events that we experience can appear to last minutes, hours or days, but in the real conscious state the dream lasted in fact fractions of seconds.'
It’s a moment that’s been depicted countless times in science fiction — but what would actually happen when extraterrestrials make contact via a signal picked up on Earth?
The moment could come as early as the end of this decade: if aliens receive signals sent by NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) to the Pioneer 10 satellite in the 70s, for example.
When the moment comes, the signal is most likely to be received by large ground-based telescopes such as FAST in China, the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico and the Parkes Telescope in Australia, says former NASA expert Sylvester Kaczmarek.
Day One
There is no universally agreed rule on how scientists or governments would respond - or on questions such as whether aliens would have rights.
But extraterrestrial-focused organisations including the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) drew up a framework in 2010.
Rather than immediately announce the finding to the world, scientists would work to confirm it was real - first ruling out interference from earth such as satellites and radio transmissions.
A mysterious signal at the Parkes Radio Telescope in the 90s was discovered to be a microwave oven in the staff canteen.
Kaczmarek says: ‘For a signal to be considered potentially extraterrestrial, researchers would typically require multiple layers of confirmation and analysis, often over several weeks or months.
The signal is most likely to be received by large ground-based telescopes such as the Parkes Telescope in Australia
'The signal would need to demonstrate properties inconsistent with natural astrophysical sources and human-made interference.’
In SETI’s ‘Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence’, published in 2010 with the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), the guidelines suggest discoverers should collaborate with other institutions to be sure the signal is real.
Nothing would be announced until confirmed, although the scientists would respond to media queries if news ‘leaked’.
Week One (after confirmation)
Scientists at the observatory would notify organizations such as the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
Kaczmarek says that while organizations such as SETI have their own strategies for first contact in the event of sudden contact, organizations with expertise in space communication like NASA, and the ESA would almost certainly get involved.
WEEK ONE: Once scientists are certain, the discovery would be shared - probably through a public announcement including a press release and scientific publication, telling the world aliens have been discovered
Seth Shostak of SETI, which has a plan for what will happen when an alien signal is received
Kaczmarek says: ‘Governments would also become quickly involved, particularly those with advanced space programs or defense capabilities, like the US Space Force or equivalent agencies.
'However, in such a scenario, there would likely be confusion and competing interests before a unified global strategy emerged.’
Once scientists are certain, the discovery would be shared - probably through a public announcement including a press release and scientific publication, Kaczmarek says,
Kaczmarek says: ‘This transparency could be delayed depending on geopolitical or security concerns, especially if governments or defense agencies got involved.'
But once the secret is out, it's bound to leak so governments will likely try get ahead of the panic and confusion that would ensue.
Week Two
One of the first things would happen would be to ‘protect’ the frequency the signal was received on to ensure more signals could be received.
WEEK TWO: Chaos erupts across the globe after learning about the alien signal
Scientists would use emergency procedures within the World Administrative Radio Council of the International Telecommunication Union.
SETI’s guidelines suggest establishing a Post-Detection Study Group to analyze the signal and start discussions of how to respond.
At this point, it’s likely that the United Nations would become involved in deciphering the signal and working out how to respond.
Kaczmarek says, ‘In principle, the United Nations would play a central role in any coordinated global response.
Sylvester Kaczmarek is a former NASA space and AI expert
'The UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is the most likely body to lead, as it oversees the peaceful use of outer space and has existing treaties, like the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, that cover international cooperation in space.'
Scientists and governments would work together at this point to understand where the signal came from, what it means - and whether or not to respond.
Week Three
The response to alien contact would vary according to what form it took: a visit from a spacecraft would require a direct response, says Kaczmarek.
But a signal received from the depths of space would require ‘long-term planning’ to respond to.
It’s likely that responding to such a signal would be a global decision, according to the Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
Rather than the scientists or any one group formulating a response, the scientists would seek guidance from global groups such as the United Nations.
The document says, “In the case of the confirmed detection of a signal, signatories to this declaration will not respond without first seeking guidance and consent of a broadly representative international body, such as the United Nations.”
When will we hear from aliens?
The SETI Project is still optimistic that aliens will be found in the near future.
Seth Shostak, 80, has been the senior astronomer at the SETI project (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) for almost a quarter of a century.
He has famously bet that the human race will hear from intelligent aliens by 2036 - and believes it is likely due to steady improvements in telescope technology and computing hardware.
In a recent Reddit AMA, Shostak said, ‘The trend of improving hardware - mostly computers -- has proceeded unabated. I'm still betting on a signal by 2036.’
Shostak also argues that recent research showing that there could be billions of Earth-like worlds means that it’s highly unlikely that Earth is the only one with life.
Shostak says, “That may be the strongest argument for life in space. Because, if there isn’t any, there’s something really exceptional about what’s happened here on Earth. While that’s not ruled out by the data, it does seem a little self-centered.”
If aliens reach out to Earth, what happens next? | The Stream
What Happens If We’re Contacted By Aliens?
First 72 Hours After Aliens Make Contact (Hour by Hour)
For decades, scientists have held onto the idea that Venus may be home toalien life.
But a new study has dashed those hopes - as scientists claim that Earth's 'evil twin' has never had liquid water on its surface.
By studying the composition of the planet's atmosphere, researchers from the University of Cambridge found that Venus has likely been dry for its entire history.
Without liquid water, it is almost impossible that life as we know it could have formed on the planet.
This discovery suggests that Venus may be at the very limit of the sun's habitable zone, narrowing down the area in which life as we know it could be found.
However, the researchers say that the search for life on Venus is not necessarily over.
Lead researcher Tereza Constantinou, a PhD student at the University of Cambridge, told MailOnline: 'While this rules out Earth-like life, it leaves open the intriguing possibility of extreme, unconventional life forms thriving in Venus’s hostile cloud environment.
'Any potential life in the Venusian clouds would have originated and evolved under entirely different conditions, perhaps adapted to survive in sulfuric acid clouds — so very much life as we do not know it.'
Scientists have dashed hopes that Venus (pictured) might be home to alien life as a new study shows that the planet has always been dry and inhabitable
Venus is the closest planet to Earth and is only 24 million miles closer to the sun. Venus and Earth are often called 'sister planets' due to their similarities in mass, size, and density but have evolved very differently
Venus and Earth are often called 'sister planets' due to their similarities in mass, size, density, and distance from the sun.
Yet despite their similar origins, the sister planets could not have grown into more different siblings.
While Earth is rich in liquid water and maintains an oxygen-rich atmosphere, Venus is a boiling-hot hell planet.
Ms Constantinou says: 'Venus now has surface conditions that are extreme compared to Earth, with an atmospheric pressure 90 times greater, surface temperatures soaring to around 460°C (860°F), and a toxic atmosphere mainly composed of carbon dioxide and with sulfuric acid clouds.'
However, based on climate models, scientists believe there are two paths Venus might have taken to end up this way.
In one scenario, Venus began its life rich in liquid water until a runaway greenhouse effect caused by volcanic eruptions led to temperatures spiralling out of control.
In the other, Venus has always been a dry, inhospitable planet and never had the conditions to support liquid water.
In order to investigate which of these stories is more likely, Ms Constantinou and her colleagues looked at the current composition of the Venusian atmosphere.
Scientists believe that Venus could have evolved into its current form (right) in one of two ways. Either it started covered in liquid water oceans (bottom) before a runaway greenhouse effect made it inhospitably hot, or it was always a dry planet (top) as H20 was driven out of the atmosphere into space
The researchers calculated the chemical content of Venus' volcanic eruptions (illustrated). On Earth, these are 80 per cent water due to the planets high moisture content while those on Venus only contained six per cent water by volume
Venus: Earth's hellish sister planet
Diameter at the equator:7,521 miles (12,104 km)
Distance from Earth: 24 million miles (38 million km)
Atmosphere: Mainly CO2
Surface temperature: 464°C (867°F)
Surface pressure: 92 bar
Day length: 117 Earth days
Year length: 225 Earth days
Habitability: With temperatures hot enough to melt lead, extreme pressure, and clouds of sulphuric acid Venus is considered to be very inhospitable to life.
On any volcanically active planet, the interior and exterior are in a constant state of chemical communication.
Since gases are constantly escaping from the atmosphere into space, these chemicals need to be replaced from within the planet for the atmosphere to remain stable.
When volcanoes erupt they release gases from inside the planet to replace those being lost into space.
This means that by working out how fast chemicals leave the atmosphere and comparing that to the chemicals which remain, astronomers can work out what the conditions inside the planet are like.
On Earth, volcanic eruptions are around 80 per cent steam due to our planet’s water-rich interior.
However, in their paper published in Nature Astronomy, the researchers found that Venusian eruptions only contain about six per cent water by volume, suggesting that the planet has been dry all along.
This pours cold water on the idea that there might be Earth-like organisms eeking out a precarious living in the Venusian atmosphere.
By looking at the gases in Venus' atmosphere, researchers predict that the interior of the planet contains low levels of moisture. This suggests that the planet was never home to oceans capable of supporting life. Pictured: A NASA image of the Venusian surface
What signs of life have been found in Venus' clouds?
Ammonia - on Earth produced by decay of plant and animal matter
Phosphine- produced by microbes in the absence of O2 and released from decay of organic matter
Ms Constantinou says: 'One theory for how life may now exist in the clouds, is that it migrated upwards from a once habitable surface.
'In this scenario, with a warming planet going through a runaway greenhouse effect, as the oceans evaporated and the surface became uninhabitable, life would have migrated to a habitable niche in the clouds.
'However, the absence of water oceans in Venus’s past suggests Venus never experienced the conditions necessary to develop and sustain Earth-like life -- the planet was never habitable.'
These findings contradict some earlier studies which have shown promising suggestions that life may exist on the planet.
The ammonia was discovered in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, where it is too cold for life to form.
Although Venus (pictured) was likely to have always been dry, the researchers suggest that some exotic forms of life could have evolved to survive in the clouds of sulphuric acid which make up much of the atmosphere
But some scientists suggest it could have been formed at lower, warmer altitudes before rising to its current position.
Venus's atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide, with clouds of sulphuric acid droplets.
The thick atmosphere traps the sun's heat, resulting in surface temperatures higher than 470°C (880°F).
The atmosphere has many layers with different temperatures.
At the level where the clouds are, about 30 miles (50 km) up from the surface, it's about the same temperature as on the surface of the Earth.
As Venus moves forward in its solar orbit while slowly rotating backwards on its axis, the top level of clouds zips around the planet every four Earth days.
They are driven by hurricane-force winds travelling at about 224 miles (360 km) per hour.
Atmospheric lightning bursts light up these quick-moving clouds.
Speeds within the clouds decrease with cloud height, and at the surface are estimated to be just a few miles (km) per hour.
On the ground, it would look like a very hazy, overcast day on Earth and the atmosphere is so heavy it would feel like you were one mile (1.6km) deep underwater.
Why is Venus Called Earth’s Evil Twin? We Asked a NASA Scientist
The region - called Acidalia Planitia - contains just the right levels of water, heat and energy in its soil for alien bacteria to thrive.
The next step is to drill into the Martian surface to see if life truly has sprung there.
'[It is] a promising target area for future missions in the search for extant life in Mars' subsurface,' the researchers, led Andrea Butturini of the University of Barcelona, wrote.
But researchers would have to dig miles below the Red Planet. This would require major crewed missions and technologies that are not likely to be achievable for years to come.
What's more, it lays the groundwork for future studies that could settle an 'intense debate' about the presence of methane in the Red Planet's atmosphere.
Alien bacteria may be lurking 2.5 to 5.5 miles beneath the surface of a Martian plain called Acidalia Planitia, a new study has found
On Earth, methanogens typically dwell in swamps and marshes but can also be found in the guts of cows, termites and other herbivores, as well as in dead and decaying organic matter.
These microorganisms are anaerobic, which means they do not need oxygen to survive. They can also survive without organic nutrients or sunlight.
This will include a drill that can dig roughly seven feet into the Martian surface.
But that's not nearly deep enough to access the potentially habitable depth Butturini and his colleagues identified.
The Martian surface is inhospitable due to extremely cold temperatures and low pressure that not even extremophiles could survive.
But below the surface, the radioactive decay of elements such as thorium - a radioactive metal - produces heat and chemical energy. What's more, water left behind from ancient oceans is buried within the Red Planet.
These conditions could provide the ingredients for bacterial life - but likely up to five miles below.
Butturini, a biogeochemist the University of Barcelona, and his colleagues used data from Mars orbiters to locate regions where abundant thorium could provide life-sustaining energy.
Methanogens are extremophiles - bacteria that thrive in extreme environmental conditions such as very high temperatures, ultra-salty water or even high levels of radiation
In 2028, the European Space Agency plans to launch their Rosalind Franklin rover, previously known as the ExoMars rover, which will include a drill
They then matched this data with the distribution of subsurface ice previously mapped by missions such as the Chinese Zhurong rover.
This analysis revealed that the 'most robust target area is the southern Acidalia Planitia at mid latitude,' located near a region of clay and carbonate deposits with signs of groundwater activity.
At this underground location, temperatures are higher than they are on the surface, averaging between 32 to 50°F.
That means liquid water could be mixed into the Martian soil. And where there is liquid water, bacterial life can grow.
The findings are currently available on the pre-print server arXiv, which means the study has yet to be reviewed by other scientists.
But the research is already gaining attention from the scientific community, as it provides a specific location on which to focus the search for extraterrestrial life.
'The subsurface of the southern of Acidalia Planitia is a putative target region for hosting cold-adapted Methanosarcinaceae-like and/or Methanomicrobiaceae-like methanogens,' the study reads.
'In this region, the radiogenic heat-producing elements are at the highest abundance and subsurface water is likely.'
Observations of methane in the Martian atmosphere have been reported since 1999, but they have always been conflicting. These measurements show highly variable methane concentrations, with global averages ranging from five to 33 parts per billion-volume.
Specifically, the discrepancy between measurements taken by NASA's Curiosity rover and the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter.
Finding methanogens living below the surface of Mars would be strong evidence to suggest that the Red Planet's atmosphere does, in fact, contain methane at least partly generated by microbial processes.
Methanogens produce methane as a by-product of their metabolism.
Alternatively, atmospheric methane could stem from nonbiological processes such as volcanic or hydrothermal activity. Or, it could not exist at all.
'Cataclysmic' collision of giant asteroids is discovered by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope around a nearby star - and it only happened 20 years ago, scientists say
'Cataclysmic' collision of giant asteroids is discovered by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope around a nearby star - and it only happened 20 years ago, scientists say
Collision between asteroids 20 years ago occurred in Beta Pictoris star system
Just 20 years ago, a collision occurred between two asteroids orbiting Beta Pictoris, a star 63 light-years from Earth, the $10 billion observatory reveals.
This 'cataclysmic' impact event pulverized the two rocky bodies into fine dust particles 'smaller than pollen or powdered sugar', astronomers say.
In our own solar system, asteroids collide with each other and even with planets, posing a threat to lifeforms – although as it stands there's no known worlds orbiting Beta Pictoris that could host aliens.
Two different space telescopes took snapshots 20 years apart of the same area around a star called Beta Pictoris. Scientists theorize that a massive amount of dust detected in 2004 and 2005 by the Spitzer Space Telescope indicates a collision of asteroids that had largely cleared by the time the James Webb Space Telescope captured its images in 2023
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (pictured) was built to 'see back in time', up to a whopping 13.5 billion years ago - but its latest discovery is surprisingly recent
What is Beta Pictoris?
Beta Pictoris is a star located 63 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation Pictor.
It has an encircling disk of debris that may contain planets, or 'planetesimals' on their way to becoming planets.
Scientists know of two gas planets orbiting Beta Pictoris - but there may be many more.
Beta Pictoris – which is nearly twice as massive as our sun and more than eight times as luminous – has long been of interest for astronomers because it's relatively young.
Our sun is 4.5 billion years old, but Beta Pictoris is only 20 million years old – and this is a key age giant planets have formed but rocky planets may still be developing around it.
Scientists have already confirmed the presence of two gas planets, Beta Pictoris b and Beta Pictoris c, orbiting it – but any rocky ones are yet to be discovered.
'Beta Pictoris is at an age when planet formation in the terrestrial planet zone is still ongoing through giant asteroid collisions,' said Christine Chen, astronomer at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
'So what we could be seeing here is basically how rocky planets and other bodies are forming.'
It was 20 years ago that NASA's now-retired Spitzer Space Telescope observed a 'massive amount of dust' around Beta Pictoris.
Artist's impression depicts gas planet Beta Pictoris b in the foreground orbiting its star (Beta Pictoris)
Spitzer (artist's impression) was one of NASA's four Great Observatories - large, powerful space-based astronomical telescopes that were launched between 1990 and 2003
Do you know your asteroids from your meteorites?
An asteroid is a large chunk of rock left over from collisions or the early Solar System. Most are located between Mars and Jupiter in the Main Belt.
A comet is a rock covered in ice, methane and other compounds. Their orbits take them much further out of our solar system.
A meteor is a flash of light in the atmosphere when debris burns up.
This debris itself is known as a meteoroid. If any of this meteoroid makes it to Earth, it is a meteorite.
Along with Hubble, Compton and Chandra, Spitzer was one of NASA's four Great Observatories – large, powerful space telescopes launched between 1990 and 2003.
At the time, it was thought that the dust around Beta Pictoris was from a constant stream created by two small rocky bodies grinding against each other.
But after studying the same area 20 years later with the James Webb telescope, Chen and colleagues found the dust had gone.
They think a massive collision between two asteroids created the ultra-fine dust grains, which gradually dispersed into space.
'We think all that dust is what we saw initially in the Spitzer data from 2004 and 2005,' said Chen.
'With Webb's new data, the best explanation we have is that, in fact, we witnessed the aftermath of an infrequent, cataclysmic event between large asteroid-size bodies.'
If rocky planets do exist in orbit around Beta Pictoris, they are yet to be found – or yet to form.
But the findings suggest this faraway system may be going through a similar process of planetary formation that our solar system went though over 4 billion years ago.
In young solar systems such as Beta Pictoris, 'early turmoil' can influence the atmospheres, water content and other key aspects of habitability that can eventually develop on their planets.
The team also tip their hats to Spitzer, without which the dust from the collision would not have been detected.
'Most discoveries by James Webb Space Telescope come from things the telescope has detected directly,' said co-author Cicero Lu, a former Johns Hopkins doctoral student in astrophysics.
'In this case, the story is a little different because our results come from what James Webb did not see.'
The new insights are being presented on Monday at the 244th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Madison, Wisconsin.
According to our current understanding, a star and its planets form out of a collapsing cloud of dust and gas within a larger cloud called a nebula.
As gravity pulls material in the collapsing cloud closer together, the centre of the cloud gets more and more compressed and, in turn, gets hotter.
This dense, hot core becomes the kernel of a new star.
Meanwhile, inherent motions within the collapsing cloud cause it to churn.
As the cloud gets exceedingly compressed, much of the cloud begins rotating in the same direction.
The rotating cloud eventually flattens into a disk that gets thinner as it spins, kind of like a spinning clump of dough flattening into the shape of a pizza.
These 'circumstellar' or 'protoplanetary' disks, as astronomers call them, are the birthplaces of planets.
James Webb Space Telescope's discoveries 2 years since launch
JUST IN: James Webb Telescope's New Discovery Shatters Our Understanding of Early Universe
Astronomers have discovered mysterious 'UFO galaxies' that appear as red, glowing disc-shaped objects in the blackness of space.
They found evidence of 56 'Ultra-red Flattened Objects' after analyzing data collected by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which had eluded older telescopes, like Hubble, for decades.
However, JWST features advanced technology, such as its infrared-light detection, enabled it to capture stunning images of these glowing discs, some located in regions closer to our own Milky Way galaxy than astronomers had thought they'd already mapped.
Drawing on these images and computer simulations, researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder (UCB) suggested that UFO galaxies are similar in size and shape to the Milky Way but are 'much dustier.'
Lead author Justus Gibson said: 'JWST allows us to see this type of galaxy that we never would have been able to see before.'
'It tells us that maybe we didn't understand the universe as well as we thought.'
Gibson also explained that UFO galaxies appear red because they emit very little visible light. Most of the light escaping from these galaxies is infrared radiation, and the small amount of visible light they emit is at the limit of what human eyes can perceive.
NASA spots mysterious 'UFOs' hidden in deep space
Above, two images depicting the same region of space show how the 'UFO galaxies' evaded detection from past telescopes. The top image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope failed to spot the infrared heat signal that the James Webb Space Telescope image, below it, picked up
Researchers identified a total of 56 UFO galaxies - most likely hidden due to clouds of dust and debris that mask the light from their inner star systems. Above, four more examples of infrared emitting UFO galaxies that were hidden from Hubble (HST) but visible to the James Webb (JWST)
A suite of computer simulations, neural network emulators and mathematical models was used to determine the shapes of these large, red UFO galaxies.
The team concluded that they come in forms such as classic 'flying saucers' (discs) and rugby ball-shaped 'prolate spheroids.'
Each of these massive, red light- and infrared radiation-emitting galaxies, the researchers discovered, contains roughly 50 times more dust than our own galaxy, the Milky Way.
Study co-author Erica Nelson remarked: 'Why on Earth do these galaxies have so much more dust than all the other galaxies? Got me.'
The researchers considered data from the vast array of better-documented galaxies before feeling confident in their conclusion: the stars and planets within these UFO galaxies are hidden by thick clouds of dust.
The team rigorously compared this data to the total mass of stars in each UFO galaxy (its stellar mass) and the changes in the quality of light and infrared radiation emitted at each galaxy's center compared to its edges.
The results provided a clear indication that the faint red light emitted by these UFO galaxies is due to masking by dust and debris—rather than the faint light typical of very distant galaxies billions of light-years away, which are thought to have formed during the universe's earliest epochs.
'UFOs have red colors throughout the extent of their bodies but still possess slight negative color gradients, with outskirts that are less red than the interiors,' the said.
'These color gradients are likely driven by increased central dust concentration and not by the ages of the stellar populations,' they concluded in their study, published this October in The Astrophysical Journal.
Above, more examples of the 56 known UFO galaxies, with one comparatively 'dust free' galaxy in the top left, published by the researchers for the sake of comparison
Above, another bright-red UFO galaxy taken by James Webb. 'It tells us that maybe we didn't understand the universe as well as we thought,' the study's lead author Justus Gibson said
Changes in the gradients of red and infrared light, as well as similar measurements from nearby brighter and bluer galaxies, helped the team to also estimate the rate at which new stars form inside these UFO galaxies, another factor that might impact the light they emit.
'The population of UFOs studied here are not extreme objects in regard to the stellar mass, SFR [star formation rates], or redshift,' Gibson and his co-authors wrote.
The once hidden UFOs were thus simply, 'thoroughly red objects whose optical faintness is largely driven by dust.'
'They're so visually striking,' said Nelson, assistant professor of astrophysics at CU Boulder.
'They're enormous red disks that pop up in these images, and they were totally unexpected. They make you say, 'What? How?''
Three other ultra-massive, red-light emitting galaxies dubbed 'Red Monsters' — each nearly as big as the Milky Way — were also discovered this month, much farther away from Earth and closer to the site of the Big Bang.
The international team of astronomers who published that find used similar methods to determine that their infrared radiating galaxies were most likely dust free, giants far away from Earth in both time and space.
Both the Red Monster and the UFO galaxies, the researchers noted, challenge current ideas of how galaxies form.
The Red Monsters show that galaxies formed much earlier than previously calculated and the UFOs show that gravity may not pool all the matter that swirls a young galaxy together into neatly defined planets and stars, leaving a lot of dust and debris behind.
'They make you say: 'What? How?'' Dr Nelson said. 'They're so visually striking [...] They're enormous red discs that pop up in these images, and they were totally unexpected.'
A thermal video captured a 'pair of UFOs' flying over the coast of Northern California, stumping locals and experts alike.
On Friday, Reddit user @louthegoon posted the video to the 'The UFOs Subreddit' - a forum for UFO discussions where people can talk about sightings, experiences, news and investigations.
He recorded the video from Pacifica, California, on November 29 at 10:29 pm, which features 'two solid heat-objects flying in tandem'.
Midway through the video, the scorching hot objects can be seen rotating in unison while maintaining a consistent distance between them.
After the footage went viral, some Reddit users in the comments expressed disbelief.
'They move kind of like birds though,' one user commented, to which @louthegoon responded, 'I'm interested in hearing why you believe they are birds.'
'I don't think it is an osprey because if it was we wouldn't see negative space between these heat-objects,' he said, adding that the way in which the objects moved 'gives off a robotic feeling' when they rotate.
A thermal video captured a 'pair of UFOs ' flying over California
The video comes just weeks after a photo of four gleaming lights above the United States Capitol building sparked fears that an alien invasion may be finally starting to materialize
The photo, captured at night just outside Congress with the Capitol Hill dome in view, was taken by Dennis Diggins, a U.S. Air Force veteran who now works as a licensed tour guide and professional travel director in the Washington, D.C., area.
In the image, the triangular formation of lights appears to hover mere feet above the 'Statue of Freedom' atop the Capitol dome.
As fate would have it, this sighting occurred just weeks after a pair of high-profile public hearings in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, where lawmakers questioned current and former Pentagon officials about intelligence regarding what were once called "flying saucers."
While some eagerly sought video evidence to connect this latest sighting to the broader UFO debate on Capitol Hill, others dismissed the speculative frenzy surrounding the mysterious lights.
The footage begins with the camera scanning the flat terrain surrounding the base before zooming in on distant mountains, where four black dots hovered in the sky.
Moments later, the camera captured a closer view of the mysterious orbs, which appeared to be dripping fuel beneath them.
A swarm of UFOs were seen completely unaffected after being hit by a missile outside of an Afghanistan military base - and the 10-minute was shared on Reddit
Many Reddit users initially thought the dots were flares, but the camera later switches from FLIR mode to normal vision - revealing that the orbs were glowing multi-colored dots that rigidly moved in a spatial relationship with each other
A short-range missile then entered the frame from the top right, striking through two of the levitating orbs.
Despite the apparent impact and brief explosions, the orbs remained unharmed as the debris dissipates into the air.
Initially, many viewers speculated that the peculiar dots were either training targets or flares.
As the video nears the six-minute mark, the camera transitions from FLIR — a thermal imaging technology that creates infrared visuals — to standard vision.
The camera switch showed how the orbs were actually glowing multi-colored dots, with pink, orange, purple, and yellow hues pulsating as they flew across the sky.
NASA’s Europa Clipper — the largest spacecraft NASA has ever developed for a planetary mission — is already 20 million km (13 million miles) from Earth.
An artist’s concept of NASA’s Europa Clipper shows the spacecraft in silhouette against the surface of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, with the magnetometer boom fully deployed at top and the antennas for the radar instrument extending out from the solar arrays.
Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech.
Europa Clipper lifted off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on October 14, 2024.
The spacecraft is zooming along at 35 km per second (22 miles per second) relative to the Sun.
Europa Clipper will travel 2.9 billion km (1.8 billion miles) to arrive at Jupiter in 2030 and in 2031 will begin a series of 49 flybys, using a suite of instruments to gather data that will tell scientists if the icy moon and its internal ocean have the conditions needed to harbor life.
Europa Clipper deployment
For now, the information mission teams are receiving from the spacecraft is strictly engineering data, telling them how the hardware is operating.
Shortly after launch, Europa Clipper deployed its massive solar arrays, which extend the length of a basketball court.
Next on the list was the magnetometer’s boom, which uncoiled from a canister mounted on the spacecraft body, extending a full 8.5 m (28 feet).
To confirm that all went well with the boom deployment, the team relied on data from the magnetometer’s three sensors.
Once the spacecraft is at Jupiter, these sensors will measure the magnetic field around Europa, both confirming the presence of the ocean thought to be under the moon’s icy crust and telling scientists about its depth and salinity.
After the magnetometer, the spacecraft deployed several antennas for the radar instrument.
Now extending crosswise from the solar arrays, the four high-frequency antennas form what look like two long poles, each measuring 17.6 m (57.7 feet) long.
Eight rectangular very-high-frequency antennas, each 2.76 m (9 feet) long, were also deployed — two on the two solar arrays.
“It’s an exciting time on the spacecraft, getting these key deployments done,” said Europa Clipper project manager Jordan Evans, a researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
“Most of what the team is focusing on now is understanding the small, interesting things in the data that help them understand the behavior of the spacecraft on a deeper level. That’s really good to see.”
The remaining seven instruments will be powered on and off through December and January so that engineers can check their health.
Several instruments, including the visible imager and the gas and dust mass spectrometers, will keep their protective covers closed for the next three or so years to guard against potential damage from the Sun during Europa Clipper’s time in the inner Solar System.
Once all the instruments and engineering subsystems have been checked out, mission teams will shift their focus to Mars.
On March 1, 2025, Europa Clipper will reach Mars’ orbit and begin to loop around the Red Planet, using the planet’s gravity to gain speed.
Mission navigators already have completed one trajectory correction maneuver, as planned, to get the spacecraft on the precise course.
At Mars, they plan to turn on the spacecraft’s thermal imager to capture multicolored images of Mars as a test operation.
They also plan to collect data with the radar instrument so engineers can be sure it’s operating as expected.
The spacecraft will perform another gravity assist in December 2026, swooping by Earth before making the remainder of the long journey to the Jupiter system.
At that time, the magnetometer will measure Earth’s magnetic field, calibrating the instrument.
NASA's Europa Clipper Is Looking for Life on Ocean Worlds
Europa Clipper Mission, A Potentially Habitable Ocean World!
Europa Clipper: NASA’s Incredible Hunt for Alien Life
Ghostly figure caught on security camera as distressed dogs react
Ghostly figure caught on security camera as distressed dogs react
A security camera recently captured an eerie scene that has left people intrigued and spooked. In the footage, recorded at dawn, a mysterious figure dressed in white appears near a large vehicle. What makes the video even stranger is the reaction of two nearby dogs, who seem unusually distressed and unsettled by the presence.
While the exact location in Mexico where this happened hasn’t been confirmed, many are already speculating about the figure’s identity. Some believe it could be La Llorona, the legendary weeping woman from Mexican folklore. La Llorona is said to wander in sorrow, mourning her lost children, and has been the focus of countless ghost stories over the years.
Others have suggested a different explanation, claiming the figure resembles a "nightcrawler," a strange cryptid reportedly known for its bizarre appearance.
Skeptics, however, argue that it might just be a person caught in an unusual moment, and the dogs’ reactions could be explained by their heightened senses picking up on something out of the ordinary. Still, the dogs' unsettling behavior has sparked debate about whether the encounter might have been something paranormal.
For now, the true nature of the figure remains a mystery.
What do UFO sightings tell us about ourselves? And will they ever be explained? Historian Greg Eghigian tells us how he's trying to find out.
An artist's impression of UFOs appearing over a small town.
(Image credit: Shutterstock)
Strange lights in the sky, little green men and crashed vessels secreted away to government labs — the relatively modern history of UFOs is replete with conspiracy theories and allegations of coverups.
But beyond the endless arguments between believers and debunkers over what could be behind the phenomena, the fact remains that many people have looked into the sky and reported seeing things they cannot explain. So what do UFO reports tell us about ourselves?
To discuss UFO sightings, how and why they first emerged, and the ways they tie into the cultural and political trends of the past and present, Live Science spoke with Greg Eghigian, a professor of history and bioethics at Penn State University, whose new book, "After The Flying Saucers Came" (Oxford University press, 2024), is one of the first social histories of UFOs, or unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). Here's what he had to say.
Ben Turner: A lot of people assume UFOs entered public consciousness with the Roswell incident. But your book says otherwise. When did it all begin?
Greg Eghigian: I think when we look at this as a social phenomenon — not just simply someone saw something strange in the sky, but that the object was made by somebody, and that one of the probable scenarios is they were extraterrestrials — we can mark the moment that starts to evolve in June 24, 1947.
The private pilot Kenneth Arnold sees these objects [that day] over Washington state when he's flying his plane. He lands and reports it to the military and to journalists. When asked how they flew, he answered that these things flew kind of like saucers skipping across the water. Then, within a day or two, a journalist comes up with this great headline: "Flying saucers."
Once we had flying saucers, everything else fell into place.
A history of flying saucers and UFOs
BT: But then Roswell happened just a few weeks later. How did a fairly small city in New Mexico become famous all over the world for UFOs, while Arnold's name remains relatively unknown?
GE: Here's the thing about Roswell that a lot of people don't realize. The story that came out of Roswell is that some material had been retrieved around an Air Force base there that they believe could be from a crashed flying saucer.
Within a day, the Air Force rolls that back, saying that it's not the case, the people who first found it were mistaken. The reality is that the people who were on the ground and found this stuff were not terribly qualified to talk about it.
They didn't understand what they had, literally, in their hands, and the people who usually dealt with the material were actually off at a conference. When they did finally get a chance to look at it, they said, "Oh this is pretty mundane stuff," and they corrected themselves.
So the Roswell thing gets a lot of air play, a lot of global news coverage for about 24 to 48 hours, and then it disappears. It's not really ever talked about, and leaves very little imprint on the UFO world for decades.
It's then only in the late 1970s that some ufologists (and this is a very common thing in the UFO world) go back over the records, dig deeper into the story and believe that they found all these contradictions in it. That's when Roswell became a focal point.
(Image credit: Greg Eghigian)
BT: Looking at the period of history where all of this kicked off, we have growing Cold War rivalry, the new existential threat of nuclear weapons, McCarthyism, fear of communism and Soviet Russia. It seems like a time that's ripe for paranoia and conspiracism. How much is all of the UFO stuff tied into that?
GE: Oh, it's very tied in. I make the point in the book that I don't think the UFO phenomenon as we know it would exist without the Cold War. There are a variety of reasons for that, but one of the often forgotten aspects of this is World War II.
WWII and the Cold War bring a number of critical things to the table for how UFO stories were built. Firstly, you have big governments — big governments and big militaries. You look at the United States federal government in 1900 and it's not a big thing, it's not this monstrosity. By 1945, the U.S. government was a large bureaucracy with a big military.
Secondly, what WWII taught everybody was that this institution can have secret programs that build remarkable technology, like the atomic bomb, as well as new kinds of airplanes such as jets. And of course, both conflicts also have a lot of spying.
So when the UFO phenomenon emerges, the initial thought of just about everybody is that it has to be one of these superpowers. This has to be somebody doing surveillance.
That's also a lot of the ways it's still spoken about today: Who's doing this? Who's keeping it a secret? What are their intentions? And could it harm us? So it's very much a part of it, and it haunts the story of UFOs for decades.
The Roswell Daily Record, July 9, 1947.
(Image credit: Roswell Daily Record)
BT: There are also interesting preludes to the Kenneth Arnold moment in 1947. One thing that flashes to mind is Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast of the "War of The Worlds," which caused a mass panic that aliens were actually invading. Why did flying saucers take off in 1947 and not earlier?
GE: I think the game changer is the atomic bomb. That something could be invented that we had no idea about, that is just presented to the world, and has this enormous destructive power that could wipe out all of humanity almost in an instant.
When you ask why now, some people will respond that alien visitors have always been here and we're just noticing them now. But the argument that's usually presented is that it's probably because they [the aliens] saw us explode atomic bombs. This makes us capable of being conversed with, or a possible threat down the road.
The actor Orson Welles explains his radio broadcast of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds to reporters after a fake radio bulletin of an alien invasion within the production caused mass panic.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
BT: There's an appeal to a higher power in it too, right? In a time when religion is falling by the wayside, after all the horrors of the past century, people were looking for something that could save us from ourselves.
GE: There are certainly people who believe exactly that. The figure who lays all of this out is the psychologist Carl Jung. In the late 1950s, he wrote one of the first, and still one of the best, scholarly books on the topic.
It makes this argument that, real or not, what they [UFOs] represent to people is this idea of salvation from something, at least that's the hope. By the early 1950s you see the beginning of UFO religious communities, almost all of them tied to the New Age Movement.
BT: Everything you've said so far makes this seem like a firmly mid-20th century American phenomenon. I confess to having been partial to the History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" back in the day. Do sightings stretch across cultures and into the past, as they claimed? Or is that a post-hoc narrative?
GE: This is a question that people debate pretty vigorously. There's no question that people reported seeing strange things in the sky dating back to ancient times. The most famous example is probably meteorites. For a long time the idea that rocks could fall from the sky seemed patently absurd, until people found out the reason is because there are a lot of rocks in space.
The problem with going backward in time and retrospectively looking at stuff and saying: "Aha! Here's another example of a UFO," is that it's deeply, deeply problematic from a historical standpoint.
Most of the time it involves an unintentional, and sometimes outright deliberate misreading of documents, artifacts or paintings. I've seen very good art historians, for instance, talk about paintings and say: "Oh my gosh, these things are clearly flying saucers!" When the objects they're referring to are objects in a particular religious ritual, or serve as a very symbolic trope. So it's very, very difficult to do that stuff [accurately].
BT: This touches on the methodology in your book. You take an agnostic approach: You don't take reports at face value, but neither do you dismiss them out of hand. How does one go about impartially assessing a UFO report? That's going to seem like a weird concept to people.
GE: Yeah it is strange to people, and I know a lot of people who still don't like that I do that.
For me, as a historian, it's partly the idea that I don't feel qualified to adjudicate some of these matters. I think some of these things have to be done by a meteorologist, a physicist, an astronomer or an engineer — someone who is far better qualified than I am to say what's possible and what's anomalous.
But the other part is that this is the way I get to the things that most interest me, which are human beings. I say in the introduction of the book that UFOs don't make history, people make UFOs make history. That really is the main point; it's that I'm interested in the human part of that history.
As far as we know today, UFOs don't have a natural history, they have a human history. Everything about them is related to our perception of them, our speculations and our discussions about them. The social fact of the UFO is very real, and it needs to be chronicled now. Whether these things also have a natural history I'm going to leave up to the researchers who do that stuff for a living.
BT:When you work through these reports, I'm sure some of them on their surface are obviously bogus. But others come from people, pilots for instance, who have no interest in UFOs and are speaking out at significant personal and professional cost. Have you come across any real headscratchers?
GE: Yeah a lot of them can be, or at least certain elements of them.
Back in the 1950s, there was one case that the U.S. Air Force looked into that really set them back on their heels. These two seasoned civilian pilots for Eastern Airlines, reasonable fellows, who saw this very strange object during a flight, they could even make out details from it and it was like nothing they'd seen before.
That's eerie and strange. They didn't have any explanation for it and certainly had no call to make it up — they weren't seeking fame and that wasn't a time you could make any money off this stuff.
Then there's the case of Lonnie Zamora in the 1960s, he was a police officer in the American Southwest who stopped his vehicle because he thought he saw a crashed car. He sees this strange object with people in a kind of white uniform working around it. Then they flit off in it.
By everybody's assessment at the time, he was a mild mannered guy, very cool headed and with absolutely no interest in publicity. He comes across as very sheepish in the radio interviews. That's another case where you sit there and think it's hard not to believe he saw something. Then you try to come up with explanations for what the possibilities could be.
Socorro Policeman Lonnie Zamora points at one of the rectangular depressions in a gully which he says were left by the landing gear of an egg-shaped flying object.
(Image credit: Denver Post via Getty Images)
BT: How do the reports evolve over time? Do they change as the culture surrounding them comes into sharper focus?
GE: Some things don't change that much. The overwhelming number of them are seeing patterns of lights, orbs or spheres of some kind that move in a strange way then whoosh away with no sound. That remains relatively unchanged from the beginning. But people also see cigar shaped things or triangles. A lot of these things are common across the world.
What has changed more dramatically over the years and over different areas, has been the description of the occupants of these vessels, the aliens themselves. Early on in the 1950s and 1960s, a very common thing would have been to talk about seeing what appeared to be robots — looking like the Tin Man from the "Wizard of Oz." We don't tend to see robots anymore.
Another very common thing during the 1950s and 1960s were what were dubbed, "little men." They weren't really described as green but little and usually gendered male for some reason. They typically stood at about 4 feet [1.2 meters], and in places like Malaysia, they were under 6 inches [15 centimeters] tall. Another very common thing in their descriptions was they were wearing old divers suits.
Then you get to the 1970s and 1980s, and there's a veritable zoo of creatures: things that look like insects; in South America and [in] the Soviet Union big hairy creatures that look like a Bigfoot or a Sasquatch are particularly common.
The one we have come to know as "the gray" is not all that common until the publication of Whitley Strieber's "Communion" book in 1987, from that point the idea of what an alien looks like really crystallized.
Communion: A True Story by Whitley Strieber. The book is a telling of the supposed experiences of Strieber, whose experiences under hypnosis revealed links to alleged encounters with extraterrestrial beings. (Image credit: CBW/Alamy Stock Photo)
BT: That's got to be one of the things debunkers point to: the fact that the culture is shaping what people see makes it easier to call it a mass delusion.
GE: Yeah, the debunkers look at it and do that. What debunkers would like to do is to get even more concrete than that and say why somebody would see something at a particular time. They say there was a television show two weeks before someone's sighting. Then the person comes back and says I never watched it, and they go back and forth.
I firmly believe that the media of all sorts plays a formative role shaping the way people think, talk about and even see things. But from my standpoint, this is where I might deviate from the debunkers. I don't think that simply explains things away. It just means that people are human beings, they are doing what we always do.
When something happens to us that is really bizarre or unexplainable, it's not a surprise that what we tend to do is turn to analogies and to metaphors. It helps us to say, "Well, this was a little like this."
BT: These debates persist up to the present day, but things have changed a lot too. We're sitting at the tail end of our own UFO — or should I say UAP — wave. And this time, after U.S. Navy footage of mysterious flying objects was released in 2017, we've seen a very different reaction from officials. There have been Senate hearings, task forces set up, and NASA has even been roped in. What happened? Is it because everyone in the U.S. government now also grew up on UFO lore?
GE: A number of things have changed that have led to this becoming something seen as legitimate to ask questions about, and considered, even in academic circles, to be respectable to discuss. One thing is the reality of new surveillance and sensors to detect surveillance. In the United States, China and Russia there is an awareness of those technologies and, of course, a Keeping up with the Joneses attitude about them.
The proliferation of drones is one thing. Drones are everywhere now. I was speaking to a Swedish ufologist a few years ago and he said that the number of sightings that involve drones has skyrocketed.
On the extraterrestrial dimension, since the late 1990s astronomers have found out that exoplanets are pretty ubiquitous. That introduces the idea that planets are really all over the place, and that habitable planets are really pretty likely. I think that's made it easier to conceive of these things as possible. I've heard debunkers say they believe it's probable that there are extraterrestrial civilizations out there, they just don't think they're visiting us.
You also have people who are actively involved in lobbying people to take this seriously. There's Robert Bigelow, the billionaire, who's funneled a lot of money into this cause. Lobbyists now have the ear of certain politicians in America who see this as a valuable issue to them in some ways.
I think you have to always be a little cynical about politicians — they tend to be very pragmatic, and the fact that they come to this subject doesn't necessarily mean they're interested in UFOs, but in other things they can achieve.
The whistleblowers Ryan Graves, David Grusch, and David Fravor at a House Oversight Committee hearing at Capitol Hill 26, 2023 in Washington, D.C.. The three testified about their experience with possible UFO encounters and discussed a potential covert government program to study debris from crashed, non-human spacecraft. (Image credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
BT: What are politicians trying to achieve by embracing it?
GE: I could conceive of them using this as a way to say they're going to keep money away from the military because they're not being honest brokers about this.
The number one thing I keep hearing over and over again, from people on these committees and those who are maybe less interested, is spending and classification. U.S. military secrecy has been a big priority since at least WWII, certainly since the Manhattan Project, and it's only increased over the years. Then 9/11 really doubled, tripled down on that.
This makes the UFO/UAP thing a great example for all these folks to say, "We've got all these whistleblowers saying all this stuff is going on. We haven't heard anything about it. You're keeping this from us. It's all supposedly classified. So we want in."
BT: One of the frustrating things about covering these questions is that you get task forces that are essentially military task forces. People come out to say all kinds of spooky stuff, and when they're probed further they say we'll tell you the rest behind closed doors, and no we won't allow scientists into the bases where we saw this. Now that NASA's involved, do you have more faith for civilian science projects to get to the bottom of things?
GE: Yeah, spot on. I agree with you completely. It's why I always tell people that, personally, I don't think these military intelligence branches will be key to addressing these questions. I don't think you're ever going to get it from them. I'm also not someone who believes in full transparency, sometimes it's important to keep secrets.
NASA's endorsement of research in this area is unprecedented, and I think it's very welcome. I know a lot of scientists who have started to try to conduct research along these lines. The problem we have is it has not translated into funding yet. A lot of the current efforts are on shoestring budgets and it's unclear whether that money is ever going to be forthcoming. So far, at least in the United States, it has not been.
But there is a hope among a lot of researchers that that will change, because the climate has changed. Civilian scientists and researchers are going to be the key, because we operate in a world of transparency, with an openness that contractors and government don't have.
Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan stands near the two "non-human" beings before a press conference, at the Camino Real hotel, in Mexico City, Mexico on Sept. 13, 2023. Lab tests later revealed that the 'aliens' were actually made from paper, glue, metal and human and animal bones. (Image credit: Daniel Cardenas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
BT: Do you think we'll ever get a solid answer?
GE: I suspect we will be revisiting and speculating over this for a good long time to come. The world's been at this for over 75 years, and the most seasoned ufology veterans will tell you that not a lot has changed.
If there is an opportunity for serious, empirically driven researchers to get involved, maybe then we'll actually start to see some real progress.
But until that time, it seems to me we're still stuck in a cycle where we largely rely on hearsay and references to evidence that never turns up. Or, as you say, people saying I've got some information, but I can only tell you behind closed doors.
That just leaves us with the mystery, which I know some people are satisfied with.
Editors note:This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.
Zwarte gaten zijn misschien wel de meest fascinerende hemellichamen in het heelal en, ondanks dat ze het onderwerp zijn van enkele van de ontdekkingen van de afgelopen jaren, misschien ook wel het meest mysterieus.
Er zijn echter kosmische objecten voorspeld door de algemene relativiteitstheorie die precies het tegenovergestelde van zwarte gaten vertegenwoordigen: witte gaten.
Wat zijn het precies? Bestaan witte gaten echt? Laten we het samen uitzoeken!
Wat zijn witte gaten? En waarom worden ze zo genoemd?
Om te begrijpen wat witte gaten zijn, moeten we beginnen met hun tegenpool: zwarte gaten.
Tot 2015, toen LIGO zwaartekrachtgolven detecteerde die werden gegenereerd door de fusie van twee zwarte gaten, was hun bestaan slechts een theoretische voorspelling van natuurkundige Albert Einstein en zijn algemene relativiteitstheorie.
Natuurlijk zijn dit geen “gaten” in strikte zin, maar hemellichamen met zo'n dichtheid dat zelfs licht niet aan hun zwaartekracht kan ontsnappen.
Witte gaten vertegenwoordigen hier precies het tegenovergestelde van zwarte gaten: het zijn kosmische lichamen die niets toelaten, maar juist alles afstoten wat in hun buurt komt, inclusief materie en energie.
Het fundamentele verschil tussen de twee kan als volgt worden samengevat:
in zwarte gaten kan niets naar buiten, ze trekken alles aan in hun zwaartekrachtveld, zoals een video van NASA laat zien;
in witte gaten kan niets naar binnen, alle materie en licht worden naar buiten verdreven, vandaar hun intense witte gloed. Dit is precies de reden voor hun naam.
Dit aspect heeft ertoe geleid dat een wit gat wordt gezien als de tijdomkering van een zwart gat, alsof je naar een video van een zwart gat in omgekeerde richting kijkt.
Maar zijn vergelijkingen en bevestigde theorieën genoeg om te zeggen dat witte gaten echt bestaan?
Bestaan witte gaten echt?
Alain r/Wikimedia Commons - CC BY-SA 2.5
Tot nu toe hebben we geen bewijs gevonden voor het bestaan van witte gaten, afgezien van de algemene relativiteitstheorie die ze voorspelt als het spiegelbeeldige tegenovergestelde van zwarte gaten.
Maar de werkelijkheid zou anders kunnen zijn.
Misschien bestaan witte gaten juist niet vanwege het concept van tijdomkering. In feite heeft ons universum een tijdspijl die maar in één richting gaat. Gekoppeld aan het concept van entropie maakt dit in de praktijk terug in de tijd reizen onmogelijk, en dus ook het bestaan van witte gaten, ongeacht wiskundige voorspellingen.
Of ons universum zelf zou het resultaat kunnen zijn van het instorten van een wit gat. Met andere woorden: de oerknal die wij als de oorsprong van het universum beschouwen, zou een wit gat zijn.
Dit zijn niet de enige speculaties.
Voorbij de wiskunde van witte gaten
Omdat er geen experimenteel bewijs is, zijn er veel speculaties die verder gaan dan wiskunde.
Het is niet langer de vraag of witte gaten echt bestaan, maar wat hun plaats zou zijn in een universum zoals het onze.
Volgens sommige wetenschappers zouden witte gaten te instabiel zijn en uiteindelijk in zwarte gaten veranderen. Volgens recent onderzoek zou dit de laatste fase in het leven van een zwart gat zijn, zoals Carlo Rovelli en zijn collega's hebben voorgesteld.
De ongetwijfeld meest fascinerende lezing blijft echter die van Roger Penrose. Volgens de natuurkundige zijn witte gaten portalen naar andere universa of andere delen van ons universum. In de praktijk de uitgang van een wormgat.
Afgezien van dit soort speculaties, is het ontbreken van direct bewijs voor het bestaan van witte gaten misschien te wijten aan een veel eenvoudigere reden. En oneindig veel banaler: we hebben nog niet de middelen om hun bestaan te herkennen.
Nog niet, tenminste.
Black Hole vs White Hole | What is The Difference?
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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