The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
‘Fire in The Sky’ is the Scariest and Most Realistic Alien Abduction Scene Ever – Based on Real Life Experience (video)
‘Fire in The Sky’ is the Scariest and Most Realistic Alien Abduction Scene Ever – Based on Real Life Experience (video)
‘Fire in the Sky’ was originally released in theaters 27 years ago in 1993 as a homage to the real abduction story of Travis Walton.
His story is rather famous as he speaks of having been kidnapped for five whole days and kept inside of the alien ship where the aliens did experiments on him. His coworkers all saw the abduction happen and reported on it right as it happened.
The movie in itself is amazing, as the practical effects here are amongst the greatest that we’ve ever seen to be fair.
But, sadly enough the movie couldn’t compete with some of the greatest movies of all time, Jurassic Park and the Nightmare Before Christmas, as it barely made its money back at the time.
The movie in itself is based around the book that Walton released soon after his abduction was made public titled The Walton Experience.
Although the main character is still Walton the movie in itself revolves around his coworkers that saw it all happen and now have to deal with being scrutinized for even reporting the existence of an alien, to begin with.
The most popular scene however is by far the scariest one of all time too as you can see the whole process of Travis being captured, put on a table, and being experimented on.
Check out the scene yourself if you want to or if you prefer it, we suggest you watch the whole thing. It is honestly worth every minute as it is one of the greatest alien movies of all time.
If one follows the waters of Loch Ness as they flow into River Ness, they next move into Beauly Firth (an inlet), then Moray Firth before entering the North Sea. Along the way, they pass the ancient fishing town and current seaside resort of Nairn. While it doesn’t have a loch monster, Nairn has a monstrosity of its own that has been plaguing residents for decades without an explanation or resolution – a mysterious hum similar to those plaguing people in other towns around the world. The Nairn Hum is back in the news again – will this time be any different or are Nairners doomed to continue to suffer from a monster that doesn’t help tourism or their nerves at all?
“It’s an absolute nightmare. We are getting tortured in our own house. It’s a low frequency pulsing noise and it’s incessant. My husband thinks it could come from an electricity substation and it’s also been suggested it could be coming from as far away as Invergordon. We just don’t know. One of our neighbours a couple of fields away hears a droning pulsating noise all the time too. We can’t even go into our caravan at the bottom of the garden because of the noise.”
Blan Bremner and her husband Robert told The Inverness Courier this past week about the “incessant” droning Nairn hum which tortures and puzzles them and their neighbors. Robert claims it has given the couple headaches and “I have nose bleeds,” yet the hum has not gone away nor been explained since they first reported it, according to an archived article in the Scottish Daily Mail in 2018.
“We started hearing the noise on February 9 when we moved into our home. Then when our new chimney was put up it seemed to act like an amplifier for the noise. It’s everywhere around Ardersier and Nairn.”
For decades, some residents of Largs on the Firth of Clyde have reported being plagued by a low, unexplained droning sound which has been dubbed the "Largs Hum".
PIC: Dave Souza/Wikipedia/Creative Commons.
That article reports that environmental health officials were called and they were unable to link the noise to any physical cause like the local airport, electricity substations, ferries or wind farms. A Highland Council spokesperson said they’ve received only one report and an inspector heard nothing. However, the hum report sounds similar to many in Largs, North Ayrshire – another seaside town about 170 miles south – which date back to the 1980s and have never been explained to frustrated residents.
“As a member for these areas I have investigated fully, but frankly it remains a mystery. I can only surmise that it must be something to do with recent developments in the area. I have visited homes myself and these are very real complaints. I’ve heard it for myself. As a council we have carried out tests by our environmental health department but we can’t pin down where it’s coming from. I’ve done everything I can. We’ve had our staff at the council and SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) investigating, but I just don’t know how some of these poor souls live with this. You can’t avoid the noise and it’s having a terrible impact on their wellbeing.”
That frustration is felt by Culloden and Ardersier councillor Glynis Campbell-Sinclair, who represents Nairn. She tells The Inverness Courier that factory expansions and new sewer works have been ruled out, and she’s obviously at a loss to comfort or help her constituents.
Where’s Saint Ninian – patron of Nairn?
If it’s not physical, is the Nairn hum something paranormal – perhaps linked to its close proximity to Loch Ness, where paranormal activities have been proposed to explain the mysterious appearances and disappearances of its famous monster?
Blan and Robert Bremner and their neighbors probably don’t care what it is – even if it’s a paranormal cause that could help local tourism – they just want the Nairn hum gone.
Erich von Daniken: Ancient Flying Machines of the Sky Gods Described in the Holy Hymns of Sumer
Erich von Daniken: Ancient Flying Machines of the Sky Gods Described in the Holy Hymns of Sumer
Erich von Daniken: Ancient Flying Machines of the Sky Gods Described in the Holy Hymns of Sumer
Researcher and prolific author Erich von Daniken reveals some startling discoveries within the cuneiform tablets of ancient Sumer known as the Holy Hymns where ancient flying machines are written along with space stations that orbit our planet. Mr. von Daniken takes us a on a journey around the world, pinpointing significant sites, records of which can be found in many of world’s holy texts and artefacts.
UFO Sighted Over North Carolina to Mexico City ( April 13, 2021 )
UFO sighted over North Carolina to Mexico City on April 13, 2021
STATEMENT :April 13, 2021 / North Carolina to Mexico City
credit : Edward Castro
VIDEO 2 :Captured over France to United Kingdom : March 29, 2021
credit @13ktn
UFO Sighted Over Belo Jardim, Pernambuco, Brazil ( May 29, 2021 )
STATEMENT : It happened yesterday, May 29, 2021, at 17: 22h in my city that is in the interior of Pernambuco, Belo Jardim. So far I haven't found anything about the alleged plane crash. ORIGINAL :Ocorreu ontem, 29 de maio de 2021, as 17:22h na minha cidade que fica no interior de Pernambuco, Belo Jardim. Até agora não encontrei nada a respeito da suposta queda de avião.
credit : Getúlio Alves
UFOs Sighted Over Rotterdam, Netherlands( March 11, 2021 )
Amazing UFOs were Sighted over Rotterdam, a major port city in the Dutch province of South Holland, Netherlands on March 11, 2021
credit : UFOs e OVNIs
UFO Sighted Over Moscow, Russia ( May 30, 2021 )
Amazing UFO sighting over Moscow, Russia, on May 30, 2021 : Captured near the boarder of Moscow by the Automobile Ring Road
MUFON CASE : 115869 Madeira Beach, Florida ( May 30, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Object flew west to east and disappeared about 500 feet above ocean Long Description of Sighting Report Object suddenly appeared flew by for a couple minutes and then disappear
Date Submitted : 2021-05-30 Date of Event : 2021-05-23 / 6:30PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : 20210523203105.mp4
Three Lights Over Yakima, Washington May 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Three Lights Over Yakima, Washington May 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 2021
Location of sighting: Yakima, Washington, USA
Source: MUFON
As a person was driving one night toward Yakima, WA they noticed three glowing lights in the sky approaching them. The lights were in a giant triangle formation and seem to be a single craft. The lights are too close to be planes and the lights do not match aircraft. The lights also don't match the orange hue from Chinese lanterns. UFOs have been seen over Yakima in the past, but this one compares to the famous Phoenix Lights incident. This UFO is so large, it would cover three football fields...being about 300 meters across! Any craft that size in the air is not man made, but alien made.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I was on my way home from work, then I noticed those 3 lights with a good view of the city. So I figured even if they're planes or helicopter it would be a great video. Then I notice them come towards me before they disappeared. My reaction was to look out the window. I Thought I saw the bottom of the craft. Once I felt like I saw the bottom of the craft it caused me to panic and throw my phone to the passenger seat. I felt like I was gonna get abducted lol. It was a crazy experience.
RADAR footage shows that US Navy warships were swarmed by UFOs
RADAR footage shows that US Navy warships were swarmed by UFOs
This footage was filmed in the CIC (Combat Information Center) of the USS Omaha on July 15th 2019 in a warning area off San Diego by Visual Intelligence Personnel (VIPER team).
This RADAR data release shows four clips; multiple unknown targets (and one civilian vessel). Some of the unknown targets drop off RADAR in this footage.
This happened numerous times throughout the UFO encounter series. At the height of the contacts - there were at least fourteen unknowns observed at one time. The event series reached a crescendo with one of the unknown targets entering the water at 11pm. No wreckage found. None of the unidentified craft were recovered.
:01 “OOD if you can write a general LAT/LONG of where we’re at.”
:03 [faint voice] “We do have some X-band RADAR tracks…”
:05 “Yes Sir.” :06 “And then… the number of contacts you’ve got. Get the course and speed meters off 'em.”
:09 “Copy.”
:10 “You know what I mean? In relative position to us. And bearings. Might be helpful too.”
:15 “Eyes up.”
:16 “Eyes down.”
:18 [intercom] “CSM TAO, maintain track, maintain track as best you can.”
:24 “Track 781 just sped up to 46 knots. 50 knots. Closing in.”
:36 “That one’s pretty much perfectly zero zero zero relative, right?”
:39 “Yeah.”
:40 “263 at 3 miles. 55 knots, speed.”
*OOD (Officer of the deck) / CSM (Combat System Manager) / TAO (Tactical Action Officer)
“The most impressive evidence we witnessed was their endurance. The event lasted over an hour with all contacts just disappearing. We were never able to discern where they departed to.” - Crewman, USS Omaha.
A team of UFO hunters could be relaunched by the Government to monitor the skies over Britain in the wake of a report by the US into extra-terrestrial life, a source has said.
The now-defunct Ministry of Defence division, which was axed in 2009 after nearly 60 years of official research and investigations, could once again relaunch depending on the findings of a looming Pentagon report into UFOs.
The report from the Director of National Intelligence will be sent to the US Congress next month, with an unclassified version being made available to the public.
Pentagon officials have made clear that their real interest is in whether UFOs, or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), could represent actual threats here on earth.
The release of the report could now pave the way for the Ministry of Defence's UFO desk to be revived.
A UFO team could be relaunched by the Government in the wake of a report by the Pentagon into alien life. Pictured: A doughnut-shaped phenomenon was photographed by a retired RAF officer in Sri Lanka in 2004
A colour sketch of a 'spaceship' creating crop circles was sent to the Ministry of Defence in 1998
A UFO sighting was reported to the Ministry of Defence above Stonehenge in Wiltshire in January 2009
A source told The Telegraph: 'I think that if there was enough evidence to suggest that there was something, and that we needed to do it as well as the US, then of course we'd think about it. We'd look at it.
'There's all sorts of things that we wouldn't rule out, and this would certainly be one of them.'
Last August, the Pentagon formed a task force 'to detect, analyse and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to US national security.'
However an official said that many UFO sightings could be everyday objects that increasingly clutter air space such as weather balloons, metallic party balloons and amateur and professional drones.
They also said that sightings could also be of the Pentagon's own highly classified experiments and prototypes.
Sue Gough, a Department of Defense spokesperson, said: 'The Department of Defense takes reports of incursions into our airspace - by any aircraft, identified or unidentified - very seriously, and investigates each one.
'As we collect additional data, we expect to close the gap between identified and unidentified and avoid strategic surprise regarding adversary technology.'
Meanwhile Luis Elizondo, the former Director of Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program at the Pentagon, said on the ABC News program 'This Week' that some of the objects that have been sighted 'can outperform anything that we have in our inventory.'
He said: 'We know that whatever it is in our skies is real. The question is, what is it? 'The bottom line is, we simply don't know.'
Mr Elizondo added that while he hoped the report would give Congress what it needed, 180 days to produce the detailed report was not enough time.
He told CNN: 'I hope the report gives Congress what it asked for and also what it deserves and that is a current assessment of the situation.
'My only concern in 180 days is not a sufficient amount of time to provide a comprehensive report.
'When I was working at the Pentagon we did this for nearly a decade and there is a lot of information to go through.
A unidentified flying object is spotted flying over the clock tower over Retford Town Hall in Nottinghamshire in 2004
An object is spotted above a a Lancaster Bomber as it flies over Withernsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, in June 2002
A sketch of a UFO seen by a MoD Police Sergeant at the Royal Ordnance Factory at Blackburn, Lancashire, in 1979 (left) and another drawing of a UFO seen near Woolwich in 2011 (right)
A drawing and description of a UFO sighting from a flight out of Heathrow in July 1993
'My fear is 180 days is not going to be long enough to provide that comprehensive report to Congress.'
This month, defence minister Baroness Goldie said the UK 'does not have a role' in the US's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force bit had been made 'aware' of the approaching report.
In 2016, Nick Pope, who headed the now-defunct Ministry of Defence division for UFOs from 1991-1994, said that of the 12,000 sightings that the programme investigated, approximately 5 per cent remained unexplained.
The former investigator said in 1980 the department were alerted to a UFO close to the Bentwaters and Woodbridge airbases.
The team later concluded that radiation levels at the site had been 'significantly higher than the average background'.
Meanwhile in 1993, multiple sightings of a UFO were reported over a period of six hours overnight in Cosford, Shropshire.
However in 2016, the team were disbanded amid a series of financial cuts and a statement released by the department explained that the MoD 'had no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life.'
A drawing and description of a UFO sighting over Smethwick in the West Midlands that was sent to the Ministry of Defence
The statement read: 'The MOD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life. However, in over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom.'
Following the move, Mr Pope criticised the decision to close the department without a public consultation.
He told The Sun: 'We're leaving ourselves wide open to terrorist attack.'
The investigator added: 'There has been no announcement in Parliament and no public consultation.'
In 2019, it was revealed that NASA would scan hundreds of the nearest exoplanets in search for alien life.
The American agency announced a new partnership with SETI scientists leading the $100 million Breakthrough Listen project and said it would identify anomalies in the stellar 'light curves' and listen for 'technosignatures'.
Dr. S. Pete Worden, Executive Director of the Breakthrough Initiatives, said at the time: 'It's exciting that the world's most powerful SETI search, with our partner facilities across the globe, will be collaborating with the TESS team and our most capable planet-hunting machine.
'We're looking forward to working together as we try to answer one of the most profound questions about our place in the Universe: Are we alone?'
Team of UFO Hunters in Britain Might Officially Investigate UFO Sightings Again After US Release Pentagon Report into Alien Life
Team of UFO Hunters in Britain Might Officially Investigate UFO Sightings Again After US Release Pentagon Report into Alien Life
The government could relaunch a team of UFO hunters to monitor the skies over Britain in the wake of a US report on space alien life, a source has revealed.
The now-defunct Ministry of Defence division, shut down in 2009 after almost 60 years of official research and investigation, could once again launch depending on the findings of the upcoming Pentagon report into UFOs.
In June, the report from the Director of National Intelligence will be sent to the US Congress. Pentagon officials have reiterated that their genuine interest is in whether these unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) could represent actual threats on Earthy.
A source said that if there were sufficient proof to suggest that there was something and there was a need to do it, they would think about it and look at it.
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for the latest UFO videos & photos.
In 2016, Nick Pope, who led the now-defunct Ministry of Defence division for UFOs, said that of the 12,000 sightings they investigated, around 5 per cent remained unexplained.
The team later found out that radiation levels at the site had been significantly higher than the average background. However, the team was dis
banded in 2016 amid several financial cuts. The MOD released a statement saying that no UFO report has revealed any proof of a potential threat to the UK. Mr Pope criticised the decision, which was without public consultation.
In 2019, NASA would scan hundreds of the nearest exoplanets searching for ET life with SETI scientists leading the 100 million dollars Breakthrough Listen project. The American agency announced it would identify anomalies in light curves and listen for technosignatures.
Huge “highway” emerges from the Pacific Ocean: a lost civilization?
Huge “highway” emerges from the Pacific Ocean: a lost civilization?
Just a few days ago, after the tide had dropped sharply, a “huge highway” of the Pacific Ocean appeared from the seabed.
The huge highway appeared on the shores of Sakhalin Island
The images went viral immediately and theories about a lost civilization were not long in coming.
On the shores of the Russian island of Sakhalin a huge stone road emerged from the waters. Although it did not last long on the surface, it was enough for hundreds of photographs to be taken.
Is this an artificial work or a product of nature? Although there was no time to analyze it, everything indicates that it is a man-made construction.
Huge highway in the pacific ocean
The mysterious apparition surprised the inhabitants of the island in the extreme east of Russia, very close to the Japanese archipelago.
This was announced by the Institute of Alternative History and Archeology in a publication on its website.
He also explained that, through Google Earth , many other underwater formations can be found on the same coast, a little further north.
The island of Sakhalin is the largest in the entire Russian Federation and borders the Japanese islands to the south. It is located in the Ring of Fire , known for having the most important subduction zones on the planet. This causes that, generally, it receives strong seismic and volcanic activity.
Obviously, some skeptics claim that this is most likely the natural reason for the mysterious structures. However, this would only explain its “formation”, but not its creation.
The Institute of Alternative History and Archeology showed other similar structures further north
To begin with, the formations that the institute mentions are further north.
In addition, when observing the huge road it can be seen that it is very similar to those created by ancient man , but eroded by the obvious action of the sea.
Possible lost civilization
For that reason, many people have requested that a formal geological or archaeological investigation be made of this mysterious structure. Although no institute of traditional archeology has come forward.
It should be noted that, not far from that area, on the Japanese coast, are the mysterious underwater structures of Yonaguni .
According to different researchers, these sunken constructions belonged to the lost civilization of Mu .
The huge road along the Sakhalin coast also reminds the Bimini road , the possible Atlantean remains found in the Caribbean Sea.
So far not much is known about the huge road, other than that it is quite unusual and that its appearance was short-lived.
As long as one of the traditional institutions is not pronounced, speculation will continue. The only good thing is that since there are so many images taken at the moment, there is no possibility that they hide the fact or want to deceive us by changing their shape.
No longer confined to the fringe, UFO theories move into the mainstream
No longer confined to the fringe, UFO theories move into the mainstream
This video grab image obtained April 28, 2020 courtesy of the US Department of Defence shows part of an unclassified video taken by Navy pilots that have circulated for years showing interactions with "unidentified aerial phenomena".
The subject of UFOs in the US is getting serious treatment from mainstream media and heavyweight politicians. Next month Congress is set to review a report from the director of national intelligence about the government’s secret files on the subject.
UFOs are now serious business.
So serious, in fact, that they have been given a new name. No longer called UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, a term often associated with people of questionable sanity, the mysterious objects that have been reported by the hundreds, are now the source of discussion in serious scientific circles and have been rebaptised with the more serious-sounding moniker Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, or UAPs.
Last June, officials made public the existence of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, housed within the Office of Naval Intelligence. Six months later, the 2021 Intelligence Authorization Act asked the director of national intelligence work and the secretary of defence to put together a report detailing everything the government knows about UAPs.
The report, which Congress is expected to review in June, will draw on classified military files and will address decades of sightings and videos, which date back to the 1940s. That such objects exist is increasingly becoming gospel; Officials from former president Barack Obama to Senator Marco Rubio to former senate majority leader Harry Reid are publicly saying that earth has been visited by flying objects that we don’t understand.
"What is true – and I'm actually being serious here – is that there's footage and records of objects in the skies that we don't know exactly what they are,” Obama told “The Late Late Show” on May 17. “We can’t explain how they move, their trajectory, they did not have an easily explainable pattern.”
Also that month, the CBS magazine show “60 Minutes” interviewed two Navy pilots from the USS Nimitz who were diverted in 2004 to investigate an peculiar radar signal. They described seeing an object shaped like a Tic Tac that was able to move straight up and down at inexplicable speeds.
In the same broadcast, Christopher Mellon, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defence for intelligence under presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, said the government had observed on radar objects capable of manouvres that could not be approximated. “There’s nothing that we can build that would be strong enough to endure that amount of force in acceleration,” he said.
In an interview with Fox News a month earlier, former intelligence director John Ratcliffe said there have been far more sightings than the public is aware of and described the phenomena like this: “We are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for or are traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.”
Encounters of which kind?
The government has slowly been opening up about UAP sightings for more than a year. In April 2020 the Pentagon released three short videos showing such objects, and earlier this year Reid said the footage “only scratches the surface of research and materials available".
Reid called for further investigation. “The US needs to take a serious scientific look at this and any potential national security implications,” he said. “The American people deserve to be informed.”
French officials went public with stories of similar sightings decades ago. In 1999 a group of a dozen retired French generals and other experts issued a report called “UFOs and Defence: For What Must we Prepare Ourselves?”
What officials and scientists aren’t saying is that these are aliens coming from another planet to visit us. They simply don’t know what these objects are, they say. The discussion is still largely couched in distinctly concrete terms and centers around the concern that these craft may represent a threat from enemies here on earth.
At least one official has been willing to go further, though. In December 2020, Haim Eshed, the former head of the space directorate of the Israeli Defence Ministry, told the Yediot Aharonot newspaper that humans have been in contact with extraterrestrials and have signed a co-operation accord with them.
“There is an agreement between the US government and the aliens,” he told the newspaper. "They signed a contract with us to do experiments here."
Former president Donald Trump was in on the secret, he said, and had been “on the verge of revealing” it but was asked not to due to fears of “mass hysteria”.
Eshed’s assertion doesn’t seem to represent the consensus view in Israel. The chairman of the country’s Space Agency, Isaac Ben-Israel, told the Times of Israel that while the scientific community thinks the chances that there is life in outer space is “considerable, not small,” he doesn’t believe “there were any physical encounters between us and aliens".
NBC News followed up on Eshed’s statements about the agreement with aliens with the White House, Israeli officials and the Pentagon, but were unable to get a comment from any of them. A NASA spokesperson told NBC that the agency was searching for life in the universe, but had not yet found it.
Flying saucer watchers who are hoping for clear answers from the government are likely to be disappointed. While the report presented to Congress is expected to be detailed, the public will be given only the unclassified version, which is likely to be far less complete.
Vivian Lammerse
Het maakt het idee dat op de maan ooit leven ontstaan is, nog aannemelijker.
Jupiters maan Europa is een interessant exemplaar. Want áls er ergens in ons zonnestelsel leven is, zou dat volgens astronomen zomaar eens op Europa kunnen zijn. Een nieuwe studie zet die theorie nog meer kracht bij. Want uithet onderzoekblijkt dat er mogelijk heuse onderzeese vulkanen op de maan te vinden zijn.
Leven op Europa Rond de planeet Jupiter cirkelen vele manen. Maar van al deze manen, wint de ijzige Europa het op populariteit. Astronomen zijn vooral geïnteresseerd in de maan omdat dit de beste plek is – binnen ons zonnestelsel – om op zoek te gaan naar buitenaards leven. Onderzoek suggereert namelijk dat onder de ijskorst een vloeibare oceaan te vinden is. En in die oceaan zou leven kunnen ontstaan en – doordat de ijskorst het beschermt tegen de gevaarlijke straling waarmee Europa continu gebombardeerd wordt – kunnen gedijen. Het zou dus best kunnen dat er biologisch materiaal onder het oppervlak van de maan Europa te vinden is. Een bezoekje brengen aan Europa staat dan ook al op de agenda.
Wetenschappers hebben sterke vermoedens dat Europa tussen zijn ijskoude korst en rotsachtige binnenkant in, een enorme oceaan herbergt. En nu toont het nieuwe onderzoek aan dat de maan mogelijk voldoende interne warmte genereert om deze rotsachtige laag gedeeltelijk te laten smelten. Een proces dat kan leiden tot – inderdaad – het ontstaan van onderzeese vulkanen
Hitte Hoe het kan dat de rotsachtige mantel van Europa zo verzengend heet is? Dat heeft te maken met de enorme aantrekkingskracht die Jupiter op zijn manen heeft. Terwijl Europa rond de gasreus draait, wiebelt het binnenste van de ijzige maan een beetje. Door dit gewiebel ontstaat er energie in het binnenste van de maan, wat vervolgens als warmte naar buiten sijpelt. Hoe meer het binnenste van de maan wiebelt, hoe meer warmte er wordt gegenereerd. De studie modelleert in detail hoe het rotsachtige deel van Europa kan wiebelen en verhit wordt onder de sterke invloed van Jupiters zwaartekracht. Het laat zien waar warmte verdwijnt en hoe hierdoor de rotsachtige mantel smelt, waardoor er – vermoedelijk rond de polen – onderzeese vulkanen ontstaan.
De bevindingen van wetenschappers suggereren dat het binnenste van Jupiters maan Europa kan bestaan uit een ijzeren kern, omgeven door een rotsachtige mantel die in direct contact staat met een oceaan onder de ijskoude korst.
Afbeelding: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Michael Carroll
Het idee dat maan Europa mogelijk vulkanisch is, is overigens niet nieuw en al decennialang onderwerp van speculatie. Ter vergelijking: Jupiters maan Io is duidelijk vulkanisch. Honderden vulkanen spuwen lava uit, waarvan sommige vulkanisch as en stof tot wel 400 kilometer hoog de lucht in pompen. Dit is tevens het gevolg van dezelfde soort interne opwarming die wordt veroorzaakt door Jupiters zwaartekracht. Europa is echter verder dan Io van de gasreus verwijderd, waardoor wetenschappers zich al jarenlang afvragen of het effect vergelijkbaar kan zijn onder het ijzige oppervlak van maan Europa.
Leven Mocht Europa inderdaad onderzeese vulkanen herbergen, dan maakt dit het idee dat op de maan ooit leven ontstaan is, nog aannemelijker. Onderwatervulkanen kunnen namelijk hydrothermische systemen aandrijven, zoals de systemen die het leven op de bodem van aardse oceanen voeden. Op aarde, wanneer zeewater in contact komt met heet magma, resulteert die interactie in chemische energie. En het is de chemische energie van deze hydrothermale systemen die – in plaats van zonlicht – het leven diep in onze eigen oceanen ondersteunt. Het betekent dat onderzeese vulkanen op Europa mogelijk op dezelfde manier het leven in de oceanen van de maan ondersteunen. “Onze bevindingen leveren aanvullend bewijs dat Europa’s ondergrondse oceaan een omgeving is die geschikt is voor het ontstaan van leven,” zegt onderzoeker Marie Běhounková. “Europa is één van de zeldzame planetaire lichamen die gedurende miljarden jaren zijn vulkanisme heeft behouden en mogelijk de enige is – buiten de aarde – met grote waterreservoirs en een langlevende energiebron.”
De wetenschappers zullen de gelegenheid krijgen om hun nieuwe voorspellingen te testen. De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie stuurt namelijk een ruimtevaartuig naar Jupiters ijzige maan, die daar naar alle waarschijnlijkheid rond 2030 zal arriveren. De missie die Europa Clipper heet, zal tientallen scheervluchten langs Europa uitvoeren om zo meer te weten te komen over de oceaan die onder de dikke ijskorst schuilgaat. Europa Clipper zal daarnaast de zwaartekracht en het magnetische veld van de maan meten. En afwijkingen – vooral in de richting van de polen – zouden kunnen bevestigen wat door het nieuwe onderzoek wordt voorspeld. “De voorspelling van een heet, rotsachtig binnenste en onderzeese vulkanen op Europa vergroten de kans dat de uitgestrekte oceaan een bewoonbare omgeving is,” zegt onderzoeker Robert Pappalardo. “We kunnen dit testen met de geplande metingen van de zwaartekracht en de compositie van Europa Clipper. En dat is een heel opwindend vooruitzicht.”
A bit of a wobble! NASA's Ingenuity helicopter completes a sixth flight on Mars despite some 'unexpected motion' in the final few feet of its journey
A bit of a wobble! NASA's Ingenuity helicopter completes a sixth flight on Mars despite some 'unexpected motion' in the final few feet of its journey
Ingenuity made its sixth flight on the Red Planet on May 22, NASA confirmed
It traveled up 33ft before moving 492ft southwest at about nine miles per hour
It travelled 49ft south while capturing images of a region of interest in the west
NASA says this second leg is where the system encountered stability issues
This was caused by one missing image from the navcam that the onboard AI uses to determine where the helicopter is, how high it is and how fast it is going
NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter has survived its sixth flight on the Red Planet, but not everyone went to plan, with some 'unexpected motion' in the final few feet.
This motion was from an 'image processing issue' but the 4lb copter 'muscled through' the final 213ft of its 703ft flight over the Martian surface, NASA JPL tweeted.
The flight happened last week, on May 22, but NASA said it would be taking more time to review each flight before releasing data after the fifth flight was over, so information on it surviving the 'wobble' weren't released until Thursday.
Despite the issue the helicopter, currently in a new phase where it is helping Perseverance scout for locations, 'landed safely and is ready to fly again.'
The latest trip was designed to expand the flight envelope and demonstrate aerial-imaging capabilities by taking stereo images of a region of interest to the west.
Ingenuity climbed 33ft, moved 492ft southwest at 9 mph, travelled 49ft south while capturing images towards the west, before going another 164ft to its landing site.
Despite encountering an anomaly in flight, the helicopter landed within 16ft of the intended landing location and did so due to 'stability margins' within flight control.
The NASA team are now planning a seventh flight for the 18 inch tall drone, that will happen after they've fixed the 'timing vulnerability' that led to the in-air 'wobble'.
NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter has survived its sixth flight on the Red Planet, but not everyone went to plan, with some 'unexpected motion' in the final few feet
Ingenuity was designed as a technology demonstrator rather than carrying any of its own science experiments or equipment.
It rode to Mars attached to the belly of the SUV-size Perseverance rover.
The helicopter took off from the 'Wright Brothers Field' on Monday April 19, making history as the first powered flight on another world.
For the first flight, the helicopter took off, climbed to about 10ft above the ground, hovered in the air briefly, completed a turn, and then landed.
It is built to be light and strong to survive the harsh Martian environment.
It weighs just under 4lb and is only 19 inches tall as it has to fly in the much thinner atmosphere - about 1% that of the atmosphere found on Earth.
It can fly up to 980ft, go up to 15ft in the sky and can spend about 90 seconds in the air before landing.
The rotors are 4ft in diameter and the craft includes solar panels that charge lithium-ion batteries.
It has a 30 day lifespan, with a total of five flights expected in that time.
Ingenuity arrived on Mars on February 18 strapped to the belly of the Perseverance rover, which acted as a data relay and photographer when flights first started.
The small robotic flying drone made its first flight on April 19, 2021, making history as the first powered controlled flight on another planet.
Since then it has completed sixth successful flights, the first five as part of a 'technical demonstration' to prove something could fly on Mars, then this sixth flight was part of an extended mission support role, helping Perseverance.
Telemetry from the sixth shows that the first 490ft leg of the flight went off without a hitch, but it was towards the end of that leg the first issue was detected.
Just over 50 seconds into the flight a glitch occurred in a pipeline of images used by the navigation system to predict the helicopters location, velocity and altitude.
This caused one single image out of hundreds to be lost, resulting in the navigation system operating from inaccurate information that caused the mid-flight wobble.
NASA can't see this issues happening in real time due to the delay in sending data to and from the Red Planet - currently 207 million miles away from the Earth.
Scouring through the flight data after it was sent back to mission control - three hours after the helicopter landed - Ingenuity began adjusting its velocity and titling back and forth in an oscillating pattern.
'This behaviour persisted throughout the rest of the flight,' wrote Håvard Grip, Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Chief Pilot.
'Prior to landing safely, onboard sensors indicated the rotorcraft encountered roll and pitch excursions of more than 20 degrees, large control inputs, and spikes in power consumption.'
While airborne, Ingenuity keeps track of its motion using an onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU) - that tracks acceleration and rotation rates.
By integrating this information over time, it is possible to estimate where it is, how fast it is moving, and how it is oriented in space.
The onboard control system reacts to the estimated motions by adjusting control inputs rapidly - at a rate of 500 times per second.
If the navigation system relied on the IMU alone, it would not be very accurate in the long run, according to NASA JPL, who added that errors would quickly accumulate, and the helicopter would eventually lose its way.
Ingenuity uses navcam images, like this one, to calculate where it is, how fast it is going and how high above the Martian surface it is flying
The flight happened last week, on May 22, but NASA said it would be taking more time to review each flight before releasing data after the fifth flight was over, so information on it surviving the 'wobble' weren't released until Thursday
Flight one: April 19, 2021 with a vertical takeoff up to 9.8ft, stationary hover and a landing
Flight two: April 22, 2021 with a vertical takeoff up to 16ft, hover, then shift westward for 14ft before returning and landing
Flight three: April 25, 2021 with a vertical takeoff up to 16ft, hover, shift northwards for 328ft at an airspeed of 2 m/s before returning to land
Flight four: April 30, 2021 with a vertical takeoff up to 16ft, hover, shift southwards 873ft at 3.5m/s before returning to land
Flight five: May 7, 2021 with a vertical takeoff up to 33ft, hover, shift southwards 423ft at 3.5 m/s before landing at that new location
To solve this the navigation camera sends data back into the system to correct the IMU estimates on a regular basis.
'For the majority of time airborne, the downward-looking navcams takes 30 pictures a second of the Martian surface and immediately feeds them into the helicopter’s navigation system,' NASA explained.
As the image comes in the navigation system examines the timestamp to determine when it was taken and the algorithm makes predictions about what the camera should have bee seeing based on previous sets of predictions.
This includes surface features from images taken moments before and where those features actually appear in the new image.
This shift in surface features - however tiny - allows the artificial intelligence system to predict the actual location and estimate the position of the helicopter.
One single image was lost abut 54 seconds in, meaning all future images had the wrong timestamp, meaning the AI was working from inaccurate information.
'From this point on, each time the navigation algorithm performed a correction based on a navigation image, it was operating on the basis of incorrect information about when the image was taken,' Grip said.
'The resulting inconsistencies significantly degraded the information used to fly the helicopter, leading to estimates being constantly “corrected” to account for phantom errors. Large oscillations ensued.'
The NASA team are now planning a seventh flight for the 18 inch tall drone, that will happen after they've fixed the 'timing vulnerability' that led to the in-air 'wobble'
Ingenuity climbed 33ft, moved 492ft southwest at 9 mph, travelled 49ft south while capturing images towards the west, before going another 164ft to its landing site
Despite encountering this anomaly, Ingenuity was able to maintain flight and land safely on the surface within approximately 16 feet of the intended landing location.
One reason it was able to do so is the considerable effort that has gone into ensuring that the helicopter’s flight control system has ample “stability margin'.
'We designed Ingenuity to tolerate significant errors without becoming unstable, including errors in timing,' said Grip.
Despite encountering an anomaly in flight, the helicopter landed within 16ft of the intended landing location and did so due to 'stability margins' within flight control.
They didn't need the 'stability margin' in the earlier flights as it wasn't being pushed outside the realms of what the team expected for 'normal operations'.
But during flight six Ingenuity was pushed to travel faster, harder and further than in the previous five, causing the margin of error to 'come to the rescue'.
NASA also stops using navigation cameras in the final phase of a flight - during the descent and landing - in order to ensure smooth and continuous estimates.
NASA's Perseverance Mars rover took a selfie with the Ingenuity helicopter, seen here about 13 feet (3.9 meters) from the rover. This image was taken by the WATSON camera on the rover's robotic arm on April 6, 2021
'That design decision also paid off during Flight Six,' said Grip, adding that 'Ingenuity ignored the camera images in the final moments of flight, stopped oscillating, levelled its attitude, and touched down at the speed as designed.'
Despite the issues the flight was a success, according to NASA, with rotor system, actuators and power systems responding well to increased demands.
'In a very real sense, Ingenuity muscled through the situation, and while the flight uncovered a timing vulnerability that will now have to be addressed, it also confirmed the robustness of the system in multiple ways,' said Grip.
NASA's Mars 2020 mission will search for signs of ancient life on the Red Planet in a bid to help scientists better understand how life evolved on Earth.
Named Perseverance, the main car-sized rover is explore an ancient river delta within the Jezero Crater, which was once filled with a 1,600ft deep lake.
It is believed that the region hosted microbial life some 3.5 to 3.9 billion years ago and the rover will examine soil samples to hunt for evidence of the life.
Nasa's Mars 2020 rover (artist's impression) is searching for signs of ancient life on Mars in a bid to help scientists better understand how life evolved on our own planet
The $2.5 billion (£1.95 billion) Mars 2020 spaceship launched on July 30 with the rover and helicopter inside - and landed successfully on February 18, 2021.
Perseverance landed inside the crater and will collect samples that will eventually be returned to Earth for further analysis.
A second mission will fly to the planet and return the samples, perhaps by the later 2020s in partnership with the European Space Agency.
This concept art shows the Mars 2020 rover landing on the red planet via NASA's 'sky-crane' system
NASA's Ingenuity helicopter, thefirst powered and controlled aircraft to take flight on another planet, survived a "stressful" navigation glitch that sent it oscillating off-course during a cosmic flight on Mars.
The chopper, which arrived on the red planet strapped to the Perseverance Rover in February, took to the air for its sixth test flight last Saturday when an anomaly occurred that led it on an unexpected flight path, engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said on Thursday.
Ingenuity landed safely but unexpectedly started "adjusting its velocity and tilting back and forth in an oscillating pattern" mid-flight, Havard Grip, the chief pilot for Ingenuity at JPL, said in a statement. The helicopter was at an altitude of some 33 feet when the odd behavior began, which persisted throughout the rest of the flight.
Grip said they have since identified what caused the anomaly: A "glitch" about a minute into the flight in the delivery of images by Ingenuity's navigation camera.
"This glitch caused a single image to be lost, but more importantly, it resulted in all later navigation images being delivered with inaccurate timestamps," Grip said. "From this point on, each time the navigation algorithm performed a correction based on a navigation image, it was operating on the basis of incorrect information about when the image was taken."
He estimates that the inconsistencies led the helicopter to a state of "being constantly 'corrected' to account for phantom errors," adding that "large oscillations ensued."
Despite the glitch, the helicopter was able to land safely within about 16 feet of its intended landing spot. Grip credited the landing to Ingenuity's multiple subsystems that ensure stability for kicking in when needed.
"In a very real sense, Ingenuity muscled through the situation, and while the flight uncovered a timing vulnerability that will now have to be addressed, it also confirmed the robustness of the system in multiple ways," Grip said.
"While we did not intentionally plan such a stressful flight, NASA now has flight data probing the outer reaches of the helicopter’s performance envelope," Grip added. "That data will be carefully analyzed in the time ahead, expanding our reservoir of knowledge about flying helicopters on Mars."
Ingenuity made history last month when it became the first powered, controlled aircraft to take flight on another planet. The cosmic helicopter pays homage to the Wright brothers' first flight on Earth, carrying with it a small amount of material that covered one of the wings on the brothers' history-making aircraft, according to NASA.
Talking about aliens and UFOs used to get lawmakers into trouble. But now, Washington wants to believe.
In 2017, we (along with the NY Times) broke the news that the Pentagon secretly budgeted $22 million to study UFOs in 2009 – funded by the request of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Obviously, one of the biggest challenges here is separating fact from fiction, fantasy and wild theories. But more and more, public officials and private entities are starting to embrace a subject that once would have been fatal to their credibility.
Here’s your guide to understanding what’s going on – and what the U.S. government is doing next.
The US government is actually gearing up to share information about the “reality” of UFOs with the public — and not a moment too soon, says the man who claims to have run the Pentagon’s UFO program for 9 years.
Former President Donald Trump’s $2.3 trillion appropriation bill for 2021 contained a mandate that the Pentagon and spy agencies must file a report about “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAP. Most of us just call them flying saucers or UFOs.
Whatever the jargon, noted whistleblower Luis Elizondo — former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which operated out of the secretive fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring — told The Post about the resulting blockbuster document, which is reportedly slated for release in June.
Tied to the mandate, Elizondo said the upcoming report touches down on the unexplainable. Longtime UFO believers are hungry for explanations of the tic-tac-shaped objects the Navy encountered in 2004, the strange “cubes within spheres” seen by Navy pilots in 2014, or the mysterious black triangles continually reported around the world.
Such details promise to come via the much anticipated report — and at least one evolution of belief: “I think the government has acknowledged the reality of UAP,” Elizondo exclusively told The Post, despite signing what he refers to as a “lifelong” NDA before he resigned from the Pentagon in 2017. “I think they all want answers and I think they are all willing to ask the hard questions.”
‘This is not a conversation like fine wine where the longer we keep a cork on it, the better it gets.’
During a press conference this week, Elizondo made clear that UFOs have been observed to have qualities that are nothing less than otherworldly. He described vessels flying at 11,000 miles-per-hour and being able to turn “instantly.”
Providing a comparison, he explained, for our most advanced jets going at the same speed, “if you wanted to make a right-hand turn, it would take you about half the state of Ohio to do it.”
He also detailed Spielberg-worthy operational capabilities that fall into the realm of “transmedium travel.” Elizondo explained that the eye-popping vessels can fly 50-feet above the Earth’s surface or 80,000 feet in the sky and even submerge underwater without a compromise in performance: “When you see that, you recognize you are dealing with a technology more advanced than ours.”
Even the way in which these inexplicable flying-machines manage to lift-off blows away rational engineering. “[These] things have no wings, no cockpits, no control surfaces, no rivets in the skin, no obvious signs of propulsion — and somehow they are able to defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity,” Elizondo said. “How is that possible?”
Not only that, but Sara Carter reports that the pentagon has been testing alien material from crashes for decades (and we still don’t know what it is):
In another stunning admission the Pentagon has revealed that it has obtained and tested wreckage from Unidentified Flying Objects that have crashed on earth, according to numerous pages declassified in a Freedom of Information letter shared with The Sun media outlet.
According to a report in The Sun, Anthony Bragalia’s FOIA request to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which requested details of all UFO material was approved for public release. Bragalia shared the information with The Sun, which published the documents. The documents stipulate that the United States DOD has conducted tests on material that had been collected from wreckage that allegedly was not from Earth.
The discovery of advanced life outside of our planet would be the one of the biggest revelations for mankind and would literally change the way we view ourselves and our universe.
I recently interviewed Luis ‘Lue’ Elizondo, a friend and the former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATTIP), the secretive Pentagon unit that studied UFOs. Elizondo discussed recent unexplained encounters between the U.S. military and the UFO’s on the The Sara Carter Show. He noted that the Defense Department has been conducting research into the mysteries of what is now more commonly described as Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, or UAPs. He also discussed the interest of other nations, including the recent admissions of senior Russian military officials who say Moscow is studying the same phenomenon and that there is concern that these crafts are interested in our Earth’s nuclear capabilities.
Extraterrestrial civilizations: “Several have existed in the galaxy” (Video)
Extraterrestrial civilizations: “Several have existed in the galaxy” (Video)
A new study reveals that a large number of extraterrestrial civilizations have populated our galaxy for millions of years.
NASA experts assure that the Milky Way may be populated by other civilizations.
It’s strange that NASA reports things related to aliens . However, his new study has yielded an almost definitive conclusion: civilizations existed in our galaxy for billions of years.
The study was conducted by scientists at the California Institute of Technology and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Alien civilizations in the galaxy
According to the results of the study, this event occurred around 8 billion years in the past. After the Milky Way formed.
This means that our galaxy has hosted different extraterrestrial civilizations old that were destroyed or destroyed themselves .
Research published on reveals that the best time for intelligent life to appear in our Milky Way had to be at least 8,000 years after its formation. Experts believe that such a phenomenon occurred about 13 thousand light years from the center of the galaxy .
To reach this conclusion, Xiang Cai, Jonathan H. Jiang, Kristen A. Fahy, and Yuk L. Yung used different statistical models, showing them the best time for intelligent life to be born.
This according to different parameters, which include well-established astrophysical properties of the Milky Way and other factors, which are not commonly taken into account, such as the process of abiogenesis .
Abiogenesis is the creation of life from inanimate substances . This process is considered the most probable path towards the birth of life .
There are 3 parameters to take into account to contemplate life within our Galaxy.
Three main parameters of civilizations
Thanks to mathematical models, where it is assumed that life is possible in stars similar to the Sun, with planets similar to Earth , life could appear through the Poisson Process or abiogenesis.
The different evolutionary time scales and the self – annihilation of the species were also taken into account .
The study revealed that self-annihilation is the main factor in determining the amount of time an alien civilization can exist in our galaxy.
In addition, results were obtained, on a location for intelligent extraterrestrial life in an annular region, approximately 8 billion light years away , with complex life; decreasing temporally and spatially from the peak point. Thus, a high probability of intelligent life is confirmed in the inner disk of the Milky Way.
Obviously, the simulated age distributions also suggest that most intelligent life is young . It is for that reason that it is so difficult to observe or detect it.
Is it possible to assure that we are not the only intelligent civilization that has existed in the Milky Way? This study brings us closer to the truth of our origins and the possibility that other civilizations exist alongside us.
There have been several prehistoric species that have been found recently, so let’s take a look at four of them.
The remains of a 95-million-year-old dinosaur found in Eromanga, Queensland, are believed to be from an entirely new species. Robyn Mackenzie, who is a Director and Palaeontologist for the Eromanga Natural History Museum, told that “…it’s most probably going to be the nation’s youngest dinosaur.” She went on to say that this presumably new species was a type of plant-eating dinosaur called a sauropod.
So far, the researchers found vertebrae bones but are hoping to find more as they continue to dig around the site. A picture of the bone can be seen here.
Robyn Mackenzie, Director and palaeontologist for the Eromanga Natural History Museum, holds up a dinosaur bone.
(Dan Llewellyn/Eromanga Natural History Museum)
The sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods were herbivorous and the largest terrestrial animals to roam the earth. (Supplied)
Dinosaur bone was seen sitting on top of the ground.
(Eromanga Natural History Museum)
Another Eromanga dig site pictured in May, 2019.
(Eromanga Natural History Museum)
(Not the sauropod found in Queensland)
Moving over to an Egyptian desert now, the remains of numerous fish that lived 56 million years ago were able to survive in hot water. The ancient fish lived in waters that reached temperatures of around 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius). The fossils belonged to over 12 groups of bony fish that included percomorph acanthomorphs (this group includes bass, bluegills, and walleye), moonfish from the Mene genus, bonytongues, and hatchetfish.
Over 60 bones belonged to the Mene – a genus that is still around today and lives in certain areas of the Pacific and Indian oceans. To put this into better perspective, the seasonal average water temperature of the Pacific Ocean is anywhere between 43 and 87 degrees Fahrenheit (6 to 31 degrees Celsius) and the Indian Ocean’s seasonal average temperature is between 68.7 and 86.4 degrees Fahrenheit (20.4 to 30.2 degrees Celsius).
The moonfish Mene (pictured) was the most common fossil found at the site, with more than 60 specimens discovered
A modern day Mene, which lives in the Pacific and Indian oceans in tropic and subtropic regions
A percomorph, a member of the same group that includes familiar Michigan species such as walleye and perch, from Ras Gharib A
Paleontologists from Mansoura University Vertebrate Paleontology Center (pictured) helped excavate the area
The fossils were found in dark-gray shale in a site in the Eastern Desert known as Ras Gharib A, roughly 200 miles southeast of Cairo
Now onto a much colder area, the first ever fossil of an amphibian was unearthed in Antarctica. Named Micropholis stowi, this salamander-sized amphibian lived during the Early Triassic Period (around 250 million years ago).
The Micropholis stowi was about the size of a salamander.
The majority of Micropholis stowi fossils have been found in South Africa so the one found in Antarctica is pretty significant in regards to learning how they were able to adapt to high-latitude environments. When this species was alive, Earth had a large landmass called Pangea which brought Antarctica and South Africa much closer together than they are today. Furthermore, it’s possible that they had similar temperatures which would make sense for the amphibian to travel from one place to the other and that it was probably great at adapting to many different types of habitats. A picture of the Micropholis stowi remains can be seen here.
And finally, a rare fossil belonging to an extinct marine reptile was found in the Havarim Stream in Israel’s southern Negev Desert and dates back approximately 70 million years. Researchers uncovered 16 vertebrae, a jawbone, and additional bones beneath a rock in the stream. It is believed that the remains were from a type of Mosasaurus that once inhabited the Tethys Ocean which is no longer present. They became extinct along with the dinosaurs around 66 million years ago.
Het kleurige spektakel is een montage van 370 waarnemingen die in de afgelopen twee decennia zijn gemaakt door het Chandra X-ray Observatory, dat in een baan om de aarde draait. Te zien zijn miljarden sterren en talloze zwarte gaten in het hart van de Melkweg.
Astronoom Daniel Wang van de Universiteit van Massachusetts Amherst meldt op de website van NASA dat hij een jaar lang aan het fantastische panorama heeft gewerkt terwijl hij thuis zat vanwege de coronapandemie.
“Wat we op de foto zien, is een energetisch ecosysteem in het centrum van onze melkweg”, legt Wang uit in een e-mail. “Er zijn daar veel supernovaresten, zwarte gaten en neutronensterren. Elke röntgenstip of kenmerk vertegenwoordigt een energetische bron, waarvan de meeste zich in het midden bevinden.” Het werk van Wang verschijnt in het juninummer van de Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Astronomische waarnemingen
Het Chandra X-ray Observatory werd gelanceerd in 1999 en bevindt zich in een extreme ovale baan rond de aarde. De satelliet doet astronomische waarnemingen die op aarde niet mogelijk zijn omdat röntgenstraling niet door de aardatmosfeer kan dringen. Er worden waarnemingen gedaan van zeer energierijke processen in het heelal zoals neutronensterren, zwarte gaten en overblijfsels van supernova’s.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Alex Jones & Steven Greer: Are Extraterrestrials Fallen Angels?
Alex Jones & Steven Greer: Are Extraterrestrials Fallen Angels?
The work that medical doctor, researcher and author Steven Greer continues to do through the organization CSETI has made some tremendous breakthroughs in establishing contact with an intelligent phenomena, often perceived as UFOs, Light Phenomena and strange looking entities.
Steven demonstrates that there is a conscious connection being established with this phenomena and on many occasions they are being caught on camera.
These Crazy UFO Events Have the World on Edge! 2021
These Crazy UFO Events Have the World on Edge! 2021
These Crazy UFO Events Have the World On EDGE! BUCKLE-UP 2021
Incredible capture of the craft it’s not a drone love how the guy whistles X-Files South America once again with UFO footage that’s hard 2 debunk keep your eyes in the skies we are not alone great video guys.
At 7:58 Sylvester Stallone sees a UFO ! IT SOUNDS JUST LIKE HIM LOL ! I was expecting him to say ” yo Adrian wake up !!
UFOs Sighted Over Newport, Rhode Island( March 30, 2021 )
STATEMENT :This is my first major event. I had a couple of weird things happen in this area a few times prior, but I never had my phone ready, & I definitely didn't have anything happen like what I witnessed this day There's a lot going on here much of which I didn't even notice until I went back & watched. There were many more crafts than I realized
credit : Shawn Carter :
Submitted : May 29, 2021
UFO Sighted Over Campo Grande, Brazil( May 27, 2021 )
STATEMENT :OVNI na SuperLua em Campo Grande 2021 : OVNI na SUPERLUA 2021 ! : UFO in the SuperLua in Campo Grande 2021 : UFO in SUPERLON 2021!
UFOs Sighted Over Outer Banks, North Carolina ( May 17, 2021 )
STATEMENT :Just after sunset on May 17, 2021 a very large bright white orb of light appeared in the southern sky We were walking away from viewing the sunset on the beach when someone in our party had a strange sensation that caused her to turn back towards the water where she spotted these lights in the sky.
USO Sighted In Miami-Dade, Florida ( May 28, 2021 )
USO : Unidentified submerged object :Miami-Dade County, Florida : May 28, 2021 :This Unidentified Submerged Object : USO : is an Unidentified Object Submerged in water. The term does not necessarily refer to an object of Paranormal origin.
credit : ONLY in DADE
Cylinder Shaped UFO Recorded From Passing Passenger Plane!
Comparison Of two cylinder shaped UFO that were recorded from passing passenger plane!
Dark UFO Over Maderia beach, Florida On May 23, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Dark UFO Over Maderia beach, Florida On May 23, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 23, 2021
Location of sighting: Maderia Beach, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON report
This short clip was just sent in today. The clip is 1 min and 12 seconds and shows a craft tilting slightly and seems to be a UFO in a thick almost pentagon shaped craft. The object was seen during sunset and flew over the ocean and suddenly disappeared from sight. Its highly likely the UFO took a nose dive into the ocean so that it could better hide from the camera recording it. UFOs can travel under water as easily as they travel in space.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Object flew west to east and disappeared about 500 feet above ocean. Object suddenly appeared flew by for a couple minutes and then disappeared.
7 UFOs Over Palm Beach, Florida, Google Earth Map, UFO Sighting News.
7 UFOs Over Palm Beach, Florida, Google Earth Map, UFO Sighting News.
Date of event: December 2002 Location of sighting: Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Now I promised last year that when I get to 50k subscribers on Youtube than I would release something special to me. Something I have been holding back for 19 years. I discovered these seven UFOs many years ago, but decided to archive screenshots, locations and videos of them in case they were deleted. It was 3 years before the invention of Youtube. A few months later the UFOs disappeared from google map. Little did I realize then that in the future Google would place a time button on the map, allowing us to go back and find these objects again. I am...making good with my promise to the public. A man is only as good as his word.
I have said many times over the years that Florida has an alien base that runs from the ocean to under parts of Florida itself. This video of these 7 UFOs are 100% proof of that. I mean two of the UFOs are actually materializing through the ground and have shadows on the from the trees nearby. The UFOs are each 60 meters across and all the same shape, but a few are tilted. All have a myst fuzziness around them, due to the propulsion systems. Most UFO reports from eyewitnesses state that they see a myst or fuzziness around the UFOs. This concurs with those reports.
Wist je dat een dag op aarde steeds langer duurt? En dat maan Charon van Pluto een mega-Grand Canyon heeft van 1600 kilometer lang? 19 fascinerende weetjes over ons eigen zonnestelsel.
#1 Een dag op Venus duurt langer dan een jaar op Venus Onlangs is bekend geworden dat een dag op Venus 243 aardse dagen lang is. Een jaar op Venus duurt 224,6 aardse dagen. Daarnaast varieert de rotatiesnelheid van Venus. De afwijking bedraagt ongeveer twintig minuten. Mogelijk is de variërende rotatiesnelheid te wijten aan de dikke atmosfeer. Terwijl de atmosfeer rond de planeet ‘klotst’, gaat deze een wisselwerking aan met de vaste grond, waardoor de planeet wisselend sneller en langzamer ronddraait. Dit gebeurt trouwens ook op aarde, maar dit leidt slechts tot een variatie van een luttele milliseconde per dag. Het effect is dus vele malen groter op Venus. En dat is ook niet zo gek, aangezien de luchtdruk op Venus negentig keer hoger is dan op aarde.
#2Haaien zijn ouder dan de ringen van Saturnus Haaien zwemmen zo’n 400 miljoen jaar in de oceanen op aarde, terwijl de ringen van Saturnus slechts vijftien tot 150 miljoen jaar oud zijn. De ringen rondom Saturnus zijn waarschijnlijk ontstaan toen een grote maan vernietigd is. Daarom bestaan de ringen van Saturnus uit ontelbaar veel kleine gas- en stofdeeltjes. De ringen zijn overigens ook niet zo ‘zwaar’ als we denken. Alle gas- en stofdeeltjes bij elkaar vormen veertig procent van de massa van het kleine maantje Mimas van Saturnus. Deze maan heeft een diameter van 397 kilometer.
#3 Het grootste schaalmodel van ons zonnestelsel vind je in Zweden Het zonnestelsel is veel leger dan je denkt. Bezoek de Pixelspace van Josh Worth maar eens. In dit digitale schaalmodel is de maan van de aarde precies één pixel groot. Vervolgens kun je horizontaal scrollen om te zien hoe groot de afstanden zijn tussen de verschillende planeten. Of reis naar Zweden, waar je ‘s werelds grootste schaalmodel van het zonnestelsel kunt zien. De schaal is 1 op 20 miljoen. De zon is het grootste object en dat is de Avicii Arena in Stockholm: met een diameter van 110 meter het grootste bolvormige gebouw ter wereld.
De Globe (Avicii Arena) is de zon in het Zweedse schaalmodel van het zonnestelsel.
Neptunus (diameter 2,5 meter) is te vinden bij de rivier Söderhamnsån in Söderhamn op een afstand van 229 kilometer van de Globe.
De dwergplaneet Sedna is 912 km verwijderd van de Globe (de zon) en is te vinden in het stadje Luleå.
#4 Alle planeten passen precies tussen de aarde en de maan Wist je dat alle planeten in ons zonnestelsel precies tussen de aarde en de maan passen? De gemiddelde afstand van de aarde naar de maan is ongeveer 385.000 kilometer. Jupiter heeft een diameter van 139.820 kilometer, Saturnus 120.000 kilometer, Uranus 50.700 kilometer, Neptunus 49.200 kilometer, Venus 12.104 kilometer, Mars 6.779 kilometer en tenslotte Mercurius 4.880 kilometer. Bij elkaar is dat iets meer dan 383.000 kilometer. Je houdt dus nog een klein beetje ruimte over, maar het past net. Benieuwd hoe dat eruit zou zien vanaf het aardoppervlak? Nogal indrukwekkend! Bekijk de video hieronder maar eens.
#5 Venus en Uranus draaien als enige planeten met de klok mee Venus en Uranus draaien met de klok mee om hun as, in plaats van tegen de klok in, zoals alle andere planeten. Stel, je zou op Venus naar een zonsopgang kijken – wat overigens onmogelijk is door het dikke wolkendek – dan gaat de zon in het westen op. Wetenschappers denken dat Venus en Uranus tijdens het ontstaan van het zonnestelsel door een groot object of meerdere kleine objecten zijn geraakt, waardoor de planeten de andere kant op zijn gaan draaien. Dit zou verklaren waarom de manen rondom Uranus wel gewoon tegen de klok in draaien. Een andere verklaring is dat Venus ooit tegen de klok draaide, toen later bijna tot stilstand kwam en daarna de andere kant op draaide. Daarom draait Venus vandaag de dag nog steeds heel langzaam om haar as en duurt een dag op Venus 225 aardse dagen. Als deze theorie klopt, dan komt dit waarschijnlijk doordat de zon aan de dichte atmosfeer aan de warme (dagkant) van Venus trekt en zo atmosferische getijden creëert die de rotatierichting en -snelheid beïnvloeden.
#6 Op Titan zijn er meren van methaan en ethaan De maan Titan van Saturnus heeft meren, rivieren en zelfs regenbuien. Daarmee heeft deze maan wel iets weg van de aarde… toch? Niet helemaal. In plaats van water regent het vloeibaar methaan en ethaan op Titan. Omdat de temperatuur op Titan laag is – de maan bevindt zich op flinke afstand van de zon – kan methaan en ethaan in principe in vloeibare vorm op het oppervlak van de maan voorkomen.
De meren op Titan, gefotografeerd door de Cassini-ruimtesonde.
#7 Een dag op aarde duurt steeds langer De aarde draait steeds langzamer om haar as. Toen de aarde nog geen maan had, waren de dagen op onze planeet slechts twee tot drie uur lang. 600 miljoen jaar geleden duurde een dag op aarde 21 uur, honderd miljoen jaar geleden ongeveer 23 uur en inmiddels dus 24 uur. Dit komt doordat de zwaartekracht van de maan de aarde afremt. De maan en de aarde trekken aan elkaar. En omdat de aarde sneller om de as draait (in 24 uur) dan de maan om de aarde draait (27,3 dagen) schiet dat getrek vanuit het oogpunt van de aarde gezien niet erg op. Vergelijk het met een hardloper die een flinke schildpad met zich mee probeert te trekken. De schildpad kan niet zo hard en zal de hardloper ophouden. Zo houdt ook de maan de aarde op en zorgt ervoor dat onze planeet langzamer gaat draaien. Dat gaat heel geleidelijk. Zo geleidelijk dat we daar in de praktijk niets van zullen merken. Over zo’n honderd jaar is een dag op aarde ongeveer twee milliseconden langer dan nu het geval is. Het afremmen stopt wanneer de lengte van één dag op aarde gelijk is aan één maand op de maan.
#8 Grootste maan is groter dan kleinste planeet De grootste maan in ons zonnestelsel is Ganymedes (Jupiter). Wist je dat Ganymedes groter is dan de kleinste planeet Mercurius? Ganymedes heeft een diameter van 5.262 kilometer. Mercurius is iets kleiner met een diameter van 4.880 kilometer.
Mercurius is kleiner dan de twee grootse manen (Ganymedes en Titan), maar groter dan onze eigen maan.
#9 De zon is 4,6 triljoen keer zwaarder dan alle mensen bij elkaar De zon bevat 99,86% van de massa van het volledige zonnestelsel. De buitenste waterstoflagen van de zon zijn goed voor 70 procent van de totale massa van het zonnestelsel, gevolgd door helium (28 procent). Onze planeet bevat 0,0003% van de massa van het volledige zonnestelsel. De 7,7 miljard mensen op aarde vormen slechts 0,00000000005% van de totale massa van onze planeet. De Britse wetenschapper Peter Makin beweert dat de aarde 14.000 miljard keer zwaarder is dan alle mensen bij elkaar. De zon is 332.946 keer zwaarder dan de aarde, dus de zon is ruwweg 4,6 triljoen (4.661. keer zwaarder dan alle mensen bij elkaar.
#10 Als de zon stopt met schijnen, merken wij daar (even) niets van Het duurt ongeveer een seconde voordat het licht van de maan je netvlies raakt. Licht reist namelijk met een snelheid van 300.000 kilometer per seconde. De afstand van de zon naar de aarde is acht lichtminuten. Stel, de zon zou nu stoppen met schijnen, dan zouden wij dat pas acht minuten later merken.
#11 Grand Canyon is een lachertje in vergelijking met deze kloof op Charon Grand Canyon? Dat is niets vergeleken met de kloof op de maan Charon van Pluto. Het complete klovensysteem op Charon is meer dan 1600 kilometer(!) lang en op sommige plekken twee keer zo diep als de Grand Canyon op aarde. Dit litteken is duidelijk te zien vanuit de ruimte. Ruimtesonde New Horizons heeft een prachtige foto gemaakt van Charon waarop het enorme klovensysteem van de maan goed zichtbaar is.
Het klovensysteem op de maan Charon van Pluto.
#12 De ringen van Saturnus hebben herders Saturnus heeft herdermanen. De bekendste herdermanen zijn Pan, Daphnis, Prometheus en Pandora. Deze herders houden met hun zwaartekracht de stofdeeltjes in de ringen van Saturnus bij elkaar. Daarnaast zorgen zij voor de scheidingen van de ringen. Ze maken namelijk hun eigen baan stofvrij.
Het maantje Daphnis is te vinden in de Keeler Gap in de A-ring. De zwaartekracht van Daphnis veroorzaakt lichte rimpelingen in de ringen.
Een beter beeld van de rimpelingen die Daphnis veroorzaakt.
#13 Er draait een vliegende schotel om Saturnus Gekkigheid natuurlijk, maar de herdermaan Pan heeft wel iets weg van een vliegende schotel. Deze maan heeft deze bijzondere vorm gekregen door botsingen met andere objecten.
#14 De ringen van Saturnus verdwijnen over honderd miljoen jaar De ringen van Saturnus zullen de komende miljoenen jaren langzaam verdwijnen. De zwaartekracht van Saturnus trekt aan de gas- en stofdeeltjes. Ieder half uur verdwijnt er een olympisch zwembad gevuld met gas- en stofdeeltjes. Dit betekent dat de ringen nog ongeveer honderd miljoen jaar te zien zijn. “We hebben geluk dat we Saturnus met ringen zien, want de ringen zijn maar tijdelijk zichtbaar”, zegt wetenschapper James O’Donoghue van NASA. Daar heeft hij een punt, want Saturnus is al ruim vier miljard jaar oud en heeft dus 98% van haar leven geen ringen gehad.
#15 De aarde heeft meer dan één maan Onze aarde heeft op elk moment minimaal twee manen. Asteroïden komen regelmatig in de buurt van de aarde. En soms komen ze zo dichtbij dat de zwaartekracht van de aarde ze vasthoudt. Ze gaan daarop als een natuurlijke satelliet (of maan) in een baan rondom de aarde draaien. Zo cirkelt het piepkleine maantje 2020 CD3 al vanaf 2017 om de aarde. Gelukkig is de kans dat deze tijdelijke manen inslaan redelijk klein. Slechts 0,1 procent van alle meteorieten die op aarde zijn ingeslagen bevonden zich tijdelijk in een baan rondom de aarde.
#16 Stukjes Mars zijn op aarde gevallen Wist je dat er stukjes Mars op aarde zijn gevallen? Dankzij deze Marsmeteorieten kunnen wetenschappers veel leren over de rode planeet. Maar hoe komen die stukjes Mars eigenlijk hier terecht? Door meteorietinslagen op Mars! Als een grote meteoriet inslaat op Mars, dan worden er brokstukken de ruimte in geslingerd. Deze brokstukken vallen niet altijd terug op de planeet, maar reizen door het zonnestelsel en komen soms in botsing met andere planeten, zoals de aarde. Ieder decennium vallen er honderden maan- en Marsmeteorieten op aarde. De bekendste Marsmeteoriet is ALH84001. Deze meteoriet is in 1984 gevonden op Antarctica. De meteoriet werd wereldberoemd, omdat NASA dacht dat deze meteoriet het bewijs zou zijn voor leven buiten de aarde. Dit bleek later niet te kloppen.
#18 Farfarout is het meest afgelegen bekende object in het zonnestelsel Het Kuipergordelobject Farfarout is 400 kilometer groot en doet duizend jaar over een rondje om de zon. De gemiddelde afstand van Farfarout tot de zon is zo’n 132 AU, oftewel 132 keer de afstand van de aarde naar de zon. Dat komt neer op twintig miljard kilometer. Hiermee is het hemellichaam dus zo’n vier keer verder van de zon verwijderd dan Pluto. Daarnaast volgt Farfarout een zeer langgerekte baan. Op het verste punt is het object grofweg 175 AU van de zon verwijderd, op het dichtstbijzijnde punt bedraagt die afstand ‘slechts’ 27 AU. En dat is interessant, want het betekent dat Farfarout soms dichter bij de zon in de buurt komt dan planeet Neptunus.
De afstanden van de bekende hemellichamen in ons zonnestelsel tot de zon. Zoals je ziet staat Farfarout op een immense afstand van onze moederster.
Afbeelding: NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/J. da Silva
#19 Het zonnestelsel racet om het centrum van de Melkweg De planeten draaien om de zon, maar wist je dat ons zonnestelsel om het centrum van de Melkweg draait met een snelheid van 200 kilometer per seconde? We racen door de Melkweg, waarbij één rondje ongeveer 225 miljoen jaar duurt. Sommige sterren om ons heen reizen sneller of langzamer en dit betekent dat de sterrenhemel continu verandert. Ieder sterrenbeeld ziet er over miljoenen jaren weer anders uit.
Aangezien we niet iedere 225 miljoen jaar een feestje kunnen geven, besloot softwareontwikkelaar David Sneider Galactic Tick Day in het leven te roepen. Op Galactic Tick Day vieren we niet het feit dat we een volledig rondje om de Melkweg afleggen, maar dat we één centi-arcseconde verder zijn. Iedere 633,7 dagen – of 1,7361 jaar – schuift de aarde één centi-arcseconde op. Eén centi-arcseconde is één 129.600.000ste deel van een volledige reis om het centrum van de Melkweg, oftewel 0,0000077 procent. De eerste Galactic Tick Day was op 2 oktober 1608, toen de Nederlandse brillenmaker Hans Lippershey het patent van de eerste telescoop aanvroeg. Op 15 december 2021 vieren we de 238ste Galactic Tick Day.
The US Army has high-powered night vision goggles that provide war fighters with the ability to pick out enemies in the dead of night, regardless of weather conditions.
The military group’s Lancer Brigade shared footage of the new Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars in action, which shows glowing figures that some liken to those in the popular ‘Halo’ video game.
The system includes a new, high-resolution display and an embedded soldier wireless personal area network, rapid target acquisition and augmented reality algorithms to interface with the Army’s Nett Warrior.
Using the goggles, soldiers can keep their eyes on their target without looking down to read maps or check radios, as all information is shown on the display.
More than 4,800 of the combat-ready devices are now in the hands of the US Army.
Scroll down for video
The military group’s Lancer Brigade shared footage of the new Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars in action, which shows glowing figures that some liken to those in the popular ‘Halo’ video game
The footage shows glowing figures that some liken to those in the popular ‘Halo’ video game (pictured)
The US Army has high-powered night vision goggles that provide war fighters with the ability to pick out enemies in the dead of night, regardless of weather conditions
The Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binoculars (ENVG-B) was developed by L3Harris Technologies, a global aerospace and defense technology innovator, specifically to be used on the battlefield.
Lynn Bollengier, President, Integrated Vision Solutions, L3Harris, said: ‘The ENVG-B is the most advanced night vision goggle ever developed for and fielded by the US Army, enabling a soldier to see and maneuver in zero and low-light situations.
‘We have delivered more than 4,500 combat-ready systems to the US Army, which meet today’s urgent operational needs of our close combat forces.’
In the tweet shared by Lancer Brigade it says: ‘You have never seen night vision like this.’
The clip posted shows the body of soldiers outlined in a glowing light as they move through the forest, fire guns and rest during missions.
However, one Twitter user commented with ‘I have, actually’ to the statement and included an image from the popular video game Halo.
The video game is a military science fiction franchise that is focused around soldiers going to war with aliens.
And the images seen through the ENVG-B looks similar to those with Halo 3’s Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance (VISR).
The clip posted shows the body of soldiers outlined in a glowing light as they move through the forest, fire guns and rest during missions
In the tweet shared by Lancer Brigade it says: ‘You have never seen night vision like this.' One Twitter user commented with ‘I have, actually’ to the statement and included an image from the popular video game Halo
It weighs just 2.5 pounds and attaches to the front of a helmet, allowing users to easily switch between monocular and binocular visioning
VISR provides navigational data and highlights various points of interest in the operational area, along with outlining figures in glowing light.
However, ENVG-B is the real deal that provides soldiers with actionable intelligence through the fusion of Image Intensified (I2) white phosphor tubes and thermal imaging.
The advanced goggles also provide targeting and identification in all battlefield conditions as well as light levels including degraded visual environments such as smoke, fog and debris.
It weighs just 2.5 pounds and attaches to the front of a helmet, allowing users to easily switch between monocular and binocular visioning.
It’s hard to imagine the military without night vision technology to help armed forces see during low-light conditions. The first-night vision device was created in the 1930s by AEG, a German electrical equipment manufacturer. These night vision devices were used in Germany during World War II.
But the night vision technology in present form will soon be the thing of the past
Last week, the U.S. Army released video footage taken from its new Enhanced Night Vision Goggle – Binocular (ENVG-B) …and it’s thrilling!
With these night-vision goggles, The U.S. Army’s troops won’t have any issues seeing in the dark or through the thick mist.
The Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular (ENVG-B) goggles are the latest in a long line of futuristic war tech being developed by the world’s most powerful army.
The army’s ENVG-B’s are straight out of science-fiction
These Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular (ENVG-B) goggle vastly improves a soldier’s ability to not only see what is going on all around them in dark but also be able to accurately discern what they’re seeing.
ENVG-B gives clear neon white outlines of people and artillery, all displayed right in front of the soldier’s eyes to easily see-through in fog, dust, and smoke-filled battlefields.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
SpaceX’s 22nd Commercial Resupply Mission to Space Station Launches Water Bears, Squid, Solar Panels
SpaceX’s 22nd Commercial Resupply Mission to Space Station Launches Water Bears, Squid, Solar Panels
The 22nd SpaceXcargo resupply mission carrying scientific research and technology demonstrations launches to the International Space Station from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida no earlier than June 3. Experiments aboard include studying how water bears tolerate space, whether microgravity affects symbiotic relationships, analyzing the formation of kidney stones, and more.
Download high-resolutionphotos and videosof the research mentioned in this article.
Reporters who want to hear more from the researchers behind these studies, sign up now for the SpaceX CRS-22 science media telecon on May 26, 2021.
Highlights of the payloads on this resupply mission include:
Water bears take on space
Tardigrades, known as water bears due to their appearance under a microscope and common habitat in water, are tiny creatures that tolerate environments more extreme than most life forms can. That makes them a model organism for studying biological survival under extreme conditions on Earth and in space. In addition, researchers have sequenced the genome of the tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris and developed methods for measuring how different environmental conditions affect tardigrade gene expression. Cell Science-04 characterizes the molecular biology of short-term and multigenerational survival of water bears, identifying the genes involved in adaptation and survival in high stress environments.
The results could advance understanding of the stress factors affecting humans in space and support development of countermeasures. “Spaceflight can be a really challenging environment for organisms, including humans, who have evolved to the conditions on Earth,” says principal investigator Thomas Boothby. “One of the things we are really keen to do is understand how tardigrades are surviving and reproducing in these environments and whether we can learn anything about the tricks that they are using and adapt them to safeguard astronauts.”
Cell Science-04 flies tardigrades, or water bears, to the space station for a study seeking to identify the genes involved in its adaptation and survival in high stress environments.
Credits: Thomas Boothby, University of Wyoming
Symbiotic squid and microbes in microgravity
UMAMI examines the effects of spaceflight on the molecular and chemical interactions between beneficial microbes and their animal hosts. Microbes play a significant role in the normal development of animal tissues and in maintaining human health. “Animals, including humans, rely on our microbes to maintain a healthy digestive and immune system,” says UMAMI principal investigator Jamie Foster. “We do not fully understand how spaceflight alters these beneficial interactions. The UMAMI experiment uses a glow-in-the-dark bobtail squid to address these important issues in animal health.”
The bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes, is an animal model that is used to study symbiotic relationships between two species. This investigation helps determine whether spaceflight alters the mutually beneficial relationship, which could support development of protective measures and mitigation to preserve astronaut health on long-duration space missions. The work also could lead to a better understanding of the complex interactions between animals and beneficial microbes, including new and novel pathways that microbes use to communicate with animal tissues. Such knowledge could help identify ways to protect and enhance these relationships for better human health and well-being on Earth as well.
These immature bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) are part of UMAMI, an investigation that examines whether space alters the symbiotic relationship between the squid and the bacterium Vibrio fischeri.
Credits: Jamie S. Foster, University of Florida
On-the-spot ultrasound
Butterfly IQ Ultrasound demonstrates use of a portable ultrasound in conjunction with a mobile computing device in microgravity. The investigation collects crew feedback on ease of handling and quality of the ultrasound images, including image acquisition, display, and storage.
“This type of commercial off-the-shelf technology could provide important medical capabilities for future exploration missions beyond low-Earth orbit, where immediate ground support is not available,” says Kadambari Suri, integration manager for the Butterfly iQ Technology Demonstration “The investigation also examines how effective just-in-time instructions are for autonomous use of the device by the crew.” The technology also has potential applications for medical care in remote and isolated settings on Earth.
A cotton seedling for the TICTOC investigation prepared for flight. TICTOC studies how root system structure affects cotton plant resilience, water-use efficiency, and carbon sequestration during the critical phase of seedling establishment.
Credits: Simon Gilroy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Developing better robot drivers
Pilote, an investigation from the ESA (European Space Agency) and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), tests the effectiveness of remote operation of robotic arms and space vehicles using virtual reality and interfaces based on haptics, or simulated touch and motion. Testing of the ergonomics for controlling robotic arms and spacecraft must be performed in microgravity, because designs from Earth-based testing would use ergonomic principles that do not fit conditions experienced on a spacecraft in orbit. Pilote compares existing and new technologies, including those recently developed for teleoperation and others used to pilot the Canadarm2 and Soyuz spacecraft. The investigation also compares astronaut performance on the ground and during long-duration space missions. Results could help optimize the ergonomics of workstations on the space station and future space vehicles for missions to the Moon and Mars.
This image shows the planned configuration of six iROSA solar arrays intended to augment power on the International Space Station. The roll-up arrays arrive on the SpaceX-22 resupply mission.
Credits: NASA/Johnson Space Center/Boeing
Protecting kidneys in space and on Earth
Some crew members exhibit an increased susceptibility to kidney stones during flight, which could affect their health and the success of the mission. The Kidney Cells-02 investigation uses a 3D kidney cell model (or tissue chip) to study the effects of microgravity on the formation of microcrystals that can lead to kidney stones. It is part of the Tissue Chips in Space initiative, a partnership between the ISS U.S. National Laboratory and the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) to analyze the effects of microgravity on human health and translate that to improvements on Earth. This investigation could reveal critical pathways of kidney disease development and progression, potentially leading to therapies to treat and prevent kidney stones for astronauts and for the 1 in 10 people on Earth who develop them.
“With this study, we hope to identify biomarkers or 'signatures' of cellular changes that occur during the formation of kidney stones,” says principal investigator Ed Kelly. “This may lead to novel therapeutic interventions. The rationale for conducting this study on the space station is that the microcrystals behave in a manner like what happens in our own kidneys, meaning they stay suspended in the kidney chip tubes and do not sink to the bottom, like they do in labs on Earth.”
Producing tougher cotton
Cotton plants that overexpress a certain gene show increased resistance to stressors, such as drought, and yield 20% more cotton fiber than plants without that characteristic under certain stress conditions. This stress resistance has been tentatively linked to having an enhanced root system that can tap into a larger volume of soil for water and nutrients. Targeting Improved Cotton Through On-orbit Cultivation (TICTOC) studies how root system structure affects plant resilience, water-use efficiency, and carbon sequestration during the critical phase of seedling establishment. Root growth patterns depend upon gravity, and TICTOC could help define which environmental factors and genes control root development in the absence of gravity.
Cotton is used in a variety of consumer products from clothing to bed sheets and coffee filters, but the effects of its production include significant water use and intensive use of agricultural chemicals. “We are hoping to reveal features of root system formation that can be targeted by breeders and scientists to improve characteristics such as drought resistance or nutrient uptake, both key factors in the environmental impacts of modern agriculture,” says principal investigator Simon Gilroy. Improved understanding of cotton root systems and associated gene expression could enable development of more robust cotton plants and reduce water and pesticide use.
Bonus power
New solar panels are headed to station to increase the energy available for research and other onboard activities. The ISS Roll-out Solar Array (iROSA) is made up of compact panels, based on technology previously demonstrated on station, that roll open like unrolling a long rug. The Expedition 65 crew is scheduled to begin preparations for supplementing the station’s existing rigid panels this summer with the first pair of six new arrays.
Download high-resolutionphotos and videosof the research mentioned in this article.
WASHINGTON — Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer.
It also means June is almost here.
June is carrying extra significance this year for those interested in UFOs and life outside earth.
When former President Donald Trump signed his final stimulus package in December, it included a provision for a publicly available report on UFOs to be published within six months.
For years, however, the military and the federal government have been gradually sounding the alarm about possible UFOs.
Last August, the Department of Defense sent out this press release “Establishment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.”
When John Brennan, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, appeared on Conversations with Tyler, a podcast with the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, he also hinted more may be out there.
"They are quite eyebrow-raising," Brennan told host Tyler Cowen about the Naval videos.
"Life is defined in many different ways and I think it’s a bit presumptuous, if not arrogant, to believe there is no other form of life anywhere in the entire universe," Brennan added.
What is unclear is what will be in the report.
There is also no firm date for the results to be published.
Members of Congress however are expecting a briefing as are military leaders and President Joe Biden.
“Extraterrestrial self-replicating probes monitor the Earth”, according to astrophysicist
“Extraterrestrial self-replicating probes monitor the Earth”, according to astrophysicist
Where are all the aliens? Why hasn’t another civilization contacted us yet? An astrophysicist has a revolutionary answer: “Because the aliens are already here”
Zaza Osmanov of the Free University of Tbilisi in Georgia has suggested in a new study that a race of extraterrestrial beings could be using “self-replicating probes” to explore our galaxy, including Earth.
Osmanov says that a civilization that has reached “Stage 2” on the Kardashev Scale , or what is the same, one level above us, would be fully capable of producing a fleet of “Von Neumann Probes”.
The Von Neumann probes would be “small self-replicating robots that would collect resources from planets and asteroids to build new copies of themselves.”
“All the results indicate that if a foreign object with extremely high values of increased brightness is detected, it may be a good sign to place the object on the candidate list for the von Neumann extraterrestrial probes,” the Russian astrophysicist wrote.
“We consider the scenario in which type 2 civilization must” invade interstellar clouds via self-reproducing robots, “he continued. “And it has been shown that this process will inevitably lead to the consequences of observation.”
But when it comes to explaining why we haven’t seen this fleet of probes, Osmanov has a totally plausible new theory: “the probes are much smaller than the eye can see.”
“Or they are equipped with Stealth shields, invisible to the human eye and a military radar.” In fact, it is no coincidence that in Russia and other parts of the world, UFOs are recorded only thanks to infrared cameras.
The scientist says nanotechnology is the obvious choice for building a probe that moves, builds quickly, and adapts to a wide range of potential landing sites.
“We analyzed the efficiency of Von-Neumann probes at the microscale versus macro robots and found that the former could [reproduce] efficiently in interstellar media.”
“While large-scale automata can only replicate on rocky planets, this requires more maneuvering ..”
“Even if there were billions of these little machines infiltrating the solar system, we would not be able to detect them with our current instrumentation.”
Each would be about one nanometer in size, which is only one billionth of a meter.
But while the micro-machines are nearly invisible due to their size, Osmanov says there may still be a way to detect them.
If by hypothesis these probes are powered by light, they could emit small amounts of light as they travel through space.
If you observe using infrared telescopes, these streams of light would appear as the “trails” left by comets.
According to a new study, Jupiter’s moon Europa may have active volcanoes located deep underwater. There is a lot of evidence that Europa has a gigantic ocean that’s located between its rocky interior and its icy crust. The new study looked closely at the possibility of there being enough heat inside of the moon to melt some of the rocky layer, ultimately helping volcanoes on the floor of the ocean to become active.
The amount of internal heat within the moon depends strongly on how much of Jupiter’s gravitational pull has on Europa. When the moon orbits around the planet, its interior flexes which creates energy and leaks out as heat. A larger amount of heat is created the more the moon’s interior is flexed.
If there is volcanic activity on Europa, they would probably be located close to the moon’s poles where there would be more heat. What’s even more interesting is that if there were active volcanoes there could be life. For example, when seawater reacts with hot magma on Earth, there is a chemical energy reaction that supports life located deep down in our oceans.
Marie Běhounková from Charles University in the Czech Republic described their study by stating, “Our findings provide additional evidence that Europa’s subsurface ocean may be an environment suitable for the emergence of life.” “Europa is one of the rare planetary bodies that might have maintained volcanic activity over billions of years, and possibly the only one beyond Earth that has large water reservoirs and a long-lived source of energy.”
Jupiter’s moon Io has hundreds of active volcanoes that spew lava, volcanic gas, and dust as high up as 250 miles (400 kilometers). This is caused by the gravitational pull from Jupiter and that’s why the researchers are wondering if the same can happen on Europa. The major difference is that Io orbits the Gas Giant much closer than Europa does.
Scientists will hopefully be able to solve the mystery in the near future when NASA’s Europa Clipper is launched in 2024. The spacecraft will conduct close flybys of the moon and will gather important data that may possibly reveal whether or not Europa has active underwater volcanoes and if life could survive there.
Europa Clipper
Europa Clipper Project Scientist Robert Pappalardo from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California reiterated this by noting, “The prospect for a hot, rocky interior and volcanoes on Europa’s seafloor increases the chance that Europa’s ocean could be a habitable environment.” “We may be able to test this with Europa Clipper’s planned gravity and compositional measurements, which is an exciting prospect.”
Scientists’ findings suggest that the interior of Jupiter’s moon Europa may consist of an iron core, surrounded by a rocky mantle in direct contact with an ocean under the icy crust. New research models how internal heat may fuel volcanoes on the seafloor.
Many custody battles are bitter and eventually the parents end up in court. The battle over custody of the files detailing US government investigations of UFOs is about to enter the court phase. One parent is Luis Elizondo, the former Department of Defense employee who claims to have headed a secret UFO investigation group inside the department known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and knows more about the files than anyone else. The other parent is the Pentagon, which is upset at how Elizondo has treated the files – i.e., talking about them in public, demanding their release on top media platforms — and wants him to cease his quest for custody. Like any custody battle, both sides have made disparaging comments about the other and tried to undermine them. It’s tough to fight City Hall … even tougher to fight the federal government, but Elizondo comes dressed for battle, even if some of his backups no longer have his back. Who will win this custody battle? Who will ultimately win this custody war?
“What he is saying is there are certain individuals in the Defense Department who in fact were attacking him and lying about him publicly, using the color of authority of their offices to disparage him and discredit him and were interfering in his ability to seek and obtain gainful employment out in the world. And also threatening his security clearance.”
Luis Elizondo
According to POLITICO, Daniel Sheehan, Elizondo’s attorney, filed a 64-pafe complaint with the Pentagon’s inspector general claiming a coordinated campaign to discredit him for speaking out — including accusing a top official of threatening to tell people he was “crazy.” How coordinated is it? More coordinated that effort the Defense Department took to bring all of the UFO reports into one investigative location, which is one of the complaints Elizondo gave for leaving the job. And that, according to The Black Vault, leads to one of the disparaging remarks the Pentagon has brought up.
“They (the Pentagon) told The Intercept in June of 2019 that Elizondo had no “responsibilities” on the AATIP (this would later be amended to “no assigned responsibilities”). Armed only with official statements, but offering no supporting documentation, it appeared that the Pentagon had a concerted effort to negate everything that Elizondo had brought forward to the public.”
That sounds like bureaucratic-speak for “He never worked here.” It gets worse. The Black Vault says it requested specific emails concerning Elizondo’s employment and responsibilities on UFO investigations and got this response:
“After thorough searches of the electronic records and files of OUSD (I&S), no records of the kind you described [Elizondo e-mails containing the word “unidentified”] could be identified. Please note that e-mails of former Department of Defense (DoD) employees are not retained unless they are considered historical records and retained by the National Records Center. There are currently no existing e-mail accounts for Mr. Elizondo. We believe that search methods were appropriate and could reasonably be expected to produce the requested records if they existed.”
The Black Vault says the Pentagon later confirmed the emails and backups were destroyed. The Black Vault obtained a letter from former US Senator Harry Reid, a longtime proponent of full disclosure and the government leader responsible for setting up the secret AATIP program, stating the Elizondo did indeed head it, but the Pentagon stuck to its claims that he had no “assigned” responsibilities. It later added that he “has no position in the UAPTF, and the UAPTF has not involved him in its ongoing work.” UAPTF is the current, non-secret version of AATIP.
Former Senator Harry Reid
(Credit: Wikimedia Commons).
It gets worse. While Harry Reid has Elizondo’s back, it appears To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science – which Elizondo was a key member of as a prime UFO data provider – doesn’t. An annual report for the SEC filed by the organization states that, contrary to Elizondo’s claim that he left the group on his own, TTSA said this in the “Personnel changes” section:
“In December 2020, Luis Elizondo, the Company’s Director of Government programs & Services, was laid off with severance.”
POLITCO says the complaint filed with the Pentagon’s IG states that Elizondo emails and documents to support his case that there’s “a coordinated effort to obfuscate the truth from the American people” while the Pentagon separately attacks his reputation as a former intelligence officer there and causes “great personal and professional challenges to me and my family.”
Both the POLITICO and The Black Vault articles (read them here and here) contain much more background information on this UFO files custody battle. Who will win? Who deserves to win? Luis Elizondo has been a tireless fighter for disclosure. His battles and experiences would make a great movie plot. Unfortunately, that may be the only place where this story has a happy ending.
Antarctica Mysterious "Crown-like" Structure in the Lost Tundra Discovered
Antarctica Mysterious "Crown-like" Structure in the Lost Tundra Discovered
The “crown” looks like a half buried Stargate. The seals must have a food source to be there. Looks like we have been there more than they tell us. 93′ apart is not a coincidence! Thanks for another interesting video. Pam Ben
That “CROWN” looks like the Statue of Liberty or something like, with an arm on each side, one could possibly have a sword in a hand and it’s under the snow. It will be interesting to see Antarctica without snow. L5thElement
That’s really interesting about the pillars being 93 ft part. In a Occult 93 is Ararita. Love. Life. Freedom. Great information today. AA
Strange lights and sounds in the sky of the.Russian Federation on May 27, 2021 Project Blue Beam : HAARP : High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
credit : Ashanti Falcon
UFOs Sighted Over Turkey( May 26, 2021 )
STATEMENT : gökyüzünde görünen kirmizi isiklar : ay tutulmasinda gorulen kirmizi isiklar. 26.05.2021 de goruldu
TRANSLATE :visible red lights in the sky : red lights seen in a lunar eclipse. It was seen on 26.05.2021
Face Sighted In Clouds Over Puerto Peñasco, Mexico( May 27, 2021 )
Face sighted In clouds over Puerto Peñasco, Mexico on May 27, 2021
STATEMENT : No sabía si poner esto aquí pero lo único que se me vino a la mente fue Tlaloc ORIGINAL : I didn't know if to put this here but the only thing that came to mind was Tlaloc
credit : Rodo León
UFO Sighted Over The Moon( May 26, 2021 )
UFO sighted over the Moon on May 26, 2021 : Mexicali, Baja California : What kind of ship can you travel to hyper speed, the moon in so few seconds!!!!
credit : Marco Antonio Acosta Enriquez
Shelf Cloud Sighted Over San Antonio, Chile ( May 27, 2021 )
The weather continues to suprise us :Stunning clouds in the port of San Antonio Chile : A lot of people categorize it as a tsunami of wow clouds. : May 27, 2021 Shelf Clouds: One of Nature's Most Alarming and Awesome Phenomena
Shelf clouds are a stunning feature of many spring and summertime thunderstorms that often pack more bark than bite. Other than for their incredible beauty, shelf clouds are usually newsworthy because they tend to freak people out.
A shelf cloud is a low-hanging, well-defined, wedge-shaped formation that occurs along the leading edge of a gust front in a thunderstorm. Shelf clouds most often form just ahead of intense lines of thunderstorms.
This is one of the best examples of this type of cloud
credit : Miran Abdulrahman
UFO Sighted Over Mexico City( May 27, 2021 )
UFO sighted over Mexico city on May 27, 2021 :
STATEMENT : VERY CLEAR FOOTAGE! UFO Caught over Mexico City...
Transparent UFO Over Taichung Xitun, Taiwan, May 28, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Transparent UFO Over Taichung Xitun, Taiwan, May 28, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 28, 2021 Location of sighting: Taichung Xitun, Taiwan
Guys this was just sent to me tonight. A person was sitting on top of the roof having a drink with a friend, when they noticed something odd in the sky. He described the object being boat shaped, semi transparent and having an engine on its front. The video is raw footage directly from his phone and really is amazing. The UFO appears to be flying low and scanning the area. Now I am wondering if this is the USAF X-47B drone? Its a similar shape and could appear transparent when at the right lighting and angle. The US does have such drones on US aircraft carriers, but I am sure if it were the X-47B, its sharp edges would have been caught with much more detail than this. Yes US aircraft drones often patrol Taiwan to keep us safe from China, but like no aircraft I have ever seen before. It also has a dark diamond cockpit area which was visible in several of the screenshots I took. It could be aliens are interested in how Taiwanese are dealing with this recent outbreak of covid. Our covid just got serious last week and began spreading the UK variant across the country, even though we were safe for almost a year and half. I'm sure aliens would be interested in how Taiwanese are dealing with it, and why even now, Taiwanese stay inside, only going out for food, hospital and work. We are on a level 3 alert, level 4 alert is total lockdown, which may happen in a few days. Yeah...aliens want to see for themselves what they only hear about in the news. How Taiwan is facing the the threat head on, and the public as a whole unite to follow the mask rules, stay inside rules, no school or gathering rules. It seems many countries have had difficulty imposing these rules, but here...we are good natured and wish to help end the spreading of covid. So...I believe aliens are...doing research.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
The eyewitness stated:
"There are really flying saucers! ! ! ! interesting. May 28 23:4. I just moved a chair on the top floor of my house. I want to talk, drink something, and take a look at the night scene by the way. After a while, I saw something flying on the other side of the cloud, slightly transparent, it was a flying boat! Not an airplane! It's a flying boat. It's very similar to what appeared in the movie! Bigger than an airplane! He is invisible, the feeling is like the feeling of projecting the image behind the light with the engine in front! Directly upload the video, you can save it and zoom in to watch it!" (translated from Chinese).
BELOW IS THE X-47B TO COMPARE AND CONTRAST. It has similarities, yet, we don't see the sharp edges in the video.
Is Deep State silencing Insiders that threaten 'UFOs are a National Security Threat' Narrative?
Is Deep State silencing Insiders that threaten 'UFOs are a National Security Threat' Narrative?
Recently, two insiders who had previously stated that some UFOs are reverse engineered spacecraft developed by major US aerospace corporations were silenced in different ways.
This Exopolitics Today Podcast examines the April 6 retraction by former Air Force Electronics Specialist, Mike Turber, of his testimony asserting the 2004 Tic Tac Incident involved classified Air Force craft being tested against the Navy's USS Nimitz battle group.
One week later on April 13, Mark McCandlish, widely known for his 2001 UFO Disclosure Project testimony about three Alien Reproduction Vehicles seen in 1988 at Edwards Air Force Base was found dead from a shot gun blast to the head.
The podcast examines these two separate incidents in light of the coming June 2021 Intelligence Community UAP report to the US Senate Intelligence Committee, and whether there's a connection given they each threatened the emerging UFOs are a national security threat narrative that is being promoted by the mainstream media.
With so much happening in the UFO field these days, heads are truly spinning. And not simply from people who have long followed the subject of UFOs, but suddenly many people who had previously never had much interest in it.
Many people are asking, why now? Some people have concluded that the efforts of the group TTSA and people like Luis Elizondo and Christopher Mellon are part of an intelligence community psychological operation of deception or even a false flag.
The Strangest Historical Events, Megalithic Structures and Archeological Discoveries
The Strangest Historical Events, Megalithic Structures and Archeological Discoveries
Erich von Däniken takes us beyond the myths and legends which have shaped our view of history, to present an alternate view of historical events, megalithic structures and archeological discoveries.
'Holy s***. They’re going fast': Radar shows the USS Omaha being SWARMED by 14 UFOs in same incident spherical aircraft was filmed disappearing into Pacific Ocean
'Holy s***. They’re going fast': Radar shows the USS Omaha being SWARMED by 14 UFOs in same incident spherical aircraft was filmed disappearing into Pacific Ocean
In July 2019, radar seen by sailors aboard USS Omaha shows as many as 14 UFOs swarming ship in Pacific
At least one of the UFOs was traveling at speeds of more than 160mph, according to radar data
Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell says radar corroborates earlier clip showing UFO near San Diego
Original clip shows spherical object dropping into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego in July 2019
It was leaked hours after a Navy veteran based in Virginia said the UFOs could pose a security threat
Former Navy Lt. Ryan Graves said he and colleagues spotted objects in restricted airspace off the Virginia
Graves said pilots filmed the sightings but grew so used to seeing them that they took them for granted
He said the UFOs, seen between 2015 and 2017, have capabilities far in advance of known US aircraft
An Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force will release a report on 'UAP' sightings next month
Video showing an unidentified flying object splashing down into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego two years ago appears to have been corroborated by military radar which shows as many as 14 UFOs swarming a Navy combat ship while traveling at speeds of more than 160mph.
Earlier this month, investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell released footage showing what appeared to be a spherical object floating in the air above the ocean as it was observed by US Navy sailors aboard the USS Omaha in July 2019.
Corbell on Thursday released another video of the same incident, only this clip shows military radar being observed by sailors on the Omaha. has reached out to the Department of Defense seeking comment on Corbell's claims.
Video showing an unidentified flying object splashing down into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego two years ago has now been corroborated by military radar which shows a ship, the USS Omaha, being swarmed by aerial phenomena in July 2019. The image above shows nine unexplained objects - some of which were traveling at speeds in excess of 160mph
Several of the UFOs disappeared from radar. At one point, there were as many as 14 UFOs observed on the radar
The video of the radar corroborates video filmed by sailors aboard the USS Omaha showing a strange spherical object splash down into the Pacific Ocean
The image above is a February 2018 file photo of the littoral combat ship the USS Omaha. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell says the ship is one of nine US warships that were swarmed by unidentified flying objects during the same period in July 2019
According to the web site Mystery Wire, the radar seen in the video clip showed as many as 14 objects as they circled the warship.
:01 'OOD if you can write a general lat/long of where we’re at.'
:03 'We do have some X-band RADAR tracks…'
:05 'Yes sir.'
:06 'And then… the number of contacts you’ve got. Get the course and speed meters off ’em.'
:09 'Copy.'
:10 'You know what I mean? In relative position to us. And bearings. Might be helpful too.'
:15 'Eyes up.'
:16 'Eyes down.'
:18 [intercom] 'CSM TAO Maintain track, maintain track as best you can.'
:24 'Track 781 just sped up to 46 knots. 50 knots. Closing in.'
:36 'That one’s pretty much perfectly zero zero zero relative, right?'
:39 'Yeah.'
:40 '263 at 3 miles. 55 knots, speed.'
Sailors aboard the Omaha observed the objects and measured their speed using two different radar systems.
One of the objects flew as fast as 138 knots - which is more than 158 miles an hour.
‘Holy s***. They’re going fast,’ one of the sailors is heard in the video saying.
He then adds: ‘Oh, it’s turning around.’
Corbell said he obtained the video from anonymous sources.
The military does not know where these flying objects came from or disappeared to.
Corbell told Mystery Wire that the Omaha was one of nine American warships that were warmed by UFOs during that same period in July 2019.
He said that the video of the radar is ‘corroborative, electro optic data the likes of which the world has never seen before.’
The video ‘shows and supports the idea that there were a multitude of unknowns warming our warships,’ according to Corbell.
Corbell said that the footage of the radar was obtained from an individual who works inside the Combat Information Center.
It was filmed by ‘a very special visual intelligence crews that came in’ and recorded the radar screens.
At one point, the radar showed as many as 14 unidentified objects, but Corbell declined to provide that footage.
He said that the release of the radar video was to debunk speculation that the initial footage showing the apparent flying saucer was faked or could be explained as a ‘balloon dropping into the water.’
'It supports the hypothesis that these are not just a balloon dropping into the water or it’s not something that is easily explained,' Corbell said.
'These are true unidentified in mass numbers … where you have radar data that goes with FLIR [forward looking infrared] data.'
In the initial video revealed earlier this month, US Naval personnel are seen having a close encounter with a UFO - this time a spherical object that makes a controlled descent into the ocean.
Two unidentified crew members could be heard exclaiming: 'Wow, it splashed,' after the ball made a controlled flight over the ocean, then splashed into the sea and disappeared underwater.
Still images from a newly released video show a spherical object diving into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California. Investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell says the video shows 'FLIR [forward looking infrared] data' that is complimented by the radar footage
A map shows the region where fighter jets encountered the UFOs off the coast of Virginia
They filmed the object making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean. Corbell shared the footage with Mystery Wire on May 14.
It was released the same day that a US Navy pilot told of how he and his colleagues saw UFOs off the Virginia coast so regularly they grew used to the ultra-capable aircrafts' presence.
Former Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves, who regularly witnessed UFOs in restricted airspace, called them a threat to national security
Former Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves - who refers to UFOs as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) - called them a threat to national security in an interview with 60 Minutes that aired on May 16.
He and his colleagues spotted the objects hundreds of times in protected air space between 2015 and 2017, and also recorded an encounter off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, during the same time period.
The 60 Minutes report came as the government is expected to release a report in June on UFO sightings after unclassified videos of them were leaked to The New York Times in 2017.
Sen. Marco Rubio called for the detailed analysis after he viewed classified briefings on UAP while he was the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee and asked the Director of National Intelligence for an unclassified report.
Respected former government officials have conceded that the sightings are credible, and that the UFOs' origins remains unknown.
John Ratcliffe, the former director of national intelligence, told Fox News that these are not just eyewitness accounts - they're videos and measurements taken after 'multiple sensors that are picking up these things.'
'When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don't have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom,' he said.
John Ratcliffe, the former director of national intelligence, told Fox News that these are not just eyewitness accounts - they're videos and measurements taken after 'multiple sensors that are picking up these things'
USS Omaha in 2019 in restricted waters off the coast of southern California (leaked May 2021)
The USS Omaha filmed a round object making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shared the footage on May 14 with Mystery Wire.
Still images from that video were first released in April as the Pentagon confirmed that a set of images and videos showing unidentified flying objects buzzing over Navy warships off the coast of California in 2019 'were taken' by branch personnel.
Staff could be heard exclaiming excitedly as the object made a controlled, gradual descent into the Pacific Ocean, before disappearing with a splash.
No explanation for the spherical object has been given...
The USS Omaha filmed a round object making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean
One of the images appears to be a pyramid-shaped object while others were thought to be drones or balloons; however, the Navy has listed them as unknowns.
In a statement, a Pentagon spokesperson told Mystery Wire: 'I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations.'
The confirmation came a week after Admiral Michael Gilday, the chief of naval operations, admitted that he has no idea where the swarm of mysterious Tic Tac-shaped drones that menaced four US destroyers in July 2019 originated.
Gilday led an investigation into the incident in which a group of what some have called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) chased the destroyers for up to 100 nautical miles off the coast of California.
The Independence Class littoral combat ship USS Omaha (LCS 12) transits the Pacific Ocean
F/A-18E Super Hornets assigned to the Tomcatters of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 31 returned to their home base at Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana in Virginia Beach
Flight logs revealed as many as six mystery aircraft swarmed the warships close to a sensitive training area at the Channel Islands at speeds of up to 40mph and with a greater maneuverability than US military drones.
When asked directly if the Navy had confirmed the identity of the drones at a media event, Gilday responded: 'No, we have not.'
The Drive revealed in February that US Navy warships stationed off the coast of Los Angeles had encountered swarms of mysterious drones, which pursued them at high speed in low visibility.
The outlet obtained ship logbooks and internal emails from the Navy under the Freedom of Information Act, and eyewitness descriptions from the staff on board, to establish the UAVs had a far greater aeronautical capability than any previously known drones.
Former US Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves in a F/A-18 fighter off the Virginia coast between 2015 and 2017
Graves' F/A-18 fighter squadron spotted the 'maneuverable' spherical objects flying in restricted airspace near Virginia Beach almost every day from 2015 to 2017, he said.
'I am worried, frankly. You know, if these were tactical jets from another country that were hanging out up there, it would be a massive issue,' Graves told 60 Minutes.
'But because it looks slightly different, we're not willing to actually look at the problem in the face. We're happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there, watching us every day.'
He said pilots for the U.S. Navy saw UFOs off the coast of Virginia so frequently they got used to them despite them 'watching us' every day
Graves' F/A-18 fighter squadron spotted the 'maneuverable' objects flying in restricted airspace near Virginia Beach almost every day from 2015 to 2017
He said that pilots who have witnessed what the government calls 'unidentified aerial phenomena' have speculated that they might be anything from a secret U.S. technology to an enemy spy plane.
Graves also conceded the aircraft could be something else entirely.
'This is a difficult one to explain. You have rotation, you have high altitudes. You have propulsion, right? I don't know. I don't know what it is, frankly,' Graves told 60 Minutes while viewing one of the unclassified videos.
'I would say, you know, the highest probability is it's a threat observation program.'
A color image shows one of the unidentified aerial phenomena. Their technical capabilities far exceed that of any known aircraft, sparking fears for US national security
Pilots have speculated that they might be anything from a secret U.S. technology to an enemy spy plane
The outlet noted that Graves did not rule out the possibility they could be some sort of Russian or Chinese technology.
Luis Elizondo, a former official with the Defense Department, told 60 Minutes that the UAPs appear to have 'far superior' technology to anything the United States currently has in its known inventory.
'Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space,' Elizondo said.
'And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we're seeing.'
Pyramid shaped objects spotted by hovering above the USS Russell, July 2019 (footage leaked April 2021)
Footage filmed around the same time as the spherical ball sighting - but released two months earlier - showed multiple pyramid-shaped objects hovering around 700 feet above the USS Russell Navy Destroyer.
It is also believed to have been filmed off the southern California coast, although it is unclear why Mystery Wire leaked this sighting before the sphere.
The April photos were leaked from a Pentagon investigation of UFOs by the UAP Task Force, which has been gathering evidence for a report for Congress that's due in June, according toMystery Wire.
The image show unidentified objects flying above four US destroyers, including the USS Kidd Navy destroyer.
The outlet had also previously released video reportedly taken in July 2019 by naval officers using a night vision device, which showed pyramid shaped objects hovering 700 feet above a Navy destroyer
Mystery Wire says the triangular objects are part of the same incident as the spherical object diving into the sea
The video was taken in July 2019 by naval officers using a night vision device
US Navy pilot made visual contact with object on November 14, 2004
At least six Super Hornet pilots made visual or instrument contact with the UFO on November 14, 2004.
The encounters, which are documented in numerous interviews with first-hand witnesses, remain a mystery, and the object's incredible speed and movements have led to speculation that it was extraterrestrial in origin.
The original FLIR video from the USS Nimitz encounters leaked online as early as 2007.
Witnesses say that clips of the video had been circulated widely on the Navy's intranet - used to communicate between ships in the carrier group - and an unknown sailor in the group likely first leaked it.
The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea in formation during a Strait of Hormuz transit on September 18, 2020
Navy Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight had been flying about 100 miles off the coast of San Diego (pictured) in each of their F/A-18F Super Hornets (pictured) when they encountered an unidentified flying object described as a 'Tic Tac'
The USS Nimitz, a US Navy aircraft carrier, was at the center of a bizarre UFO sighting saga in 2004.
The clip became one of the most-touted pieces of evidence in the UFO community when the Pentagon confirmed its authenticity in 2017.
In January, Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine.
He said the oblong, wingless 'Tic Tac' shaped object was spotted off the coast of Mexico over the Pacific.
He also revealed that for about two weeks, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, part of Carrier Strike Group 11, had been tracking mysterious aircraft intermittently on an advanced AN/SPY-1B passive radar.
The radar contacts were so inexplicable that the system was even shut down and restarted to to check for bugs - but operators continued to track the unknown aircraft.
Then on November 14, Commander David Fravor says he was flying in an F/A-18F Super Hornet when he made visual contact with the object, which seemed to dive below the water, resurface, and speed out of sight when he tried to approach it.
As Fravor landed on the deck of the Nimitz, Underwood was just gearing up to take off on his own training run.
Fravor told Underwood about the bizarre encounter, and urged Underwood to keep his eyes open.
He recalls how he suddenly saw a blip on his radar before tracking it on his FLIR camera.
'The thing that stood out to me the most was how erratic it was behaving,' Underwood told the magazine.
'And what I mean by 'erratic' is that its changes in altitude, air speed, and aspect were just unlike things that I've ever encountered before flying against other air targets.'
Underwood said the object wasn't obeying the laws of physics and dropped from 50,000 feet altitude to 100 feet in seconds, which he says, 'isn't possible'. He added that he saw no signs of an engine heat plume or any sign of propulsion.
The pilot refuses to speculate as to whether the object is an alien spacecraft or not, however.
'That's not my job. But I saw something. And it was also seen, via eyeballs, by both my commanding officer, Dave Fravor, and the Marine Corps Hornet squadron commanding officer who was out there as well.'
From the multiverse to black holes, here’s your cheat sheet to the spooky side of the universe.
1. The quantum world is lumpy
(Image credit: getty)
The quantum world has a lot in common with shoes. You can’t just go to a shop and pick out sneakers that are an exact match for your feet. Instead, you’re forced to choose between pairs that come in predetermined sizes.
The subatomic world is similar. Albert Einstein won a Nobel Prize for proving that energy is quantized. Just as you can only buy shoes in multiples of half a size, so energy only comes in multiples of the same "quanta" — hence the name quantum physics.
The quanta here is the Planck constant, named after Max Planck, the godfather of quantum physics. He was trying to solve a problem with our understanding of hot objects like the sun. Our best theories couldn’t match the observations of the energy they kick out. By proposing that energy is quantized, he was able to bring theory neatly into line with experiment.
2. Something can be both wave and particle
A solar sail: in space, light exerts pressure like the wind on Earth. (Image credit: getty)
J. J. Thomson won the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his discovery that electrons are particles. Yet his son George won the Nobel Prize in 1937 for showing that electrons are waves. Who was right? The answer is both of them. This so-called wave-particle duality is a cornerstone of quantum physics. It applies to light as well as electrons. Sometimes it pays to think about light as an electromagnetic wave, but at other times it’s more useful to picture it in the form of particles called photons.
A telescope can focus light waves from distant stars, and also acts as a giant light bucket for collecting photons. It also means that light can exert pressure as photons slam into an object. This is something we already use to propel spacecraft with solar sails, and it may be possible to exploit it in order to maneuver a dangerous asteroid off a collision course with Earth, according to Rusty Schweickart, chairman of the B612 Foundation.
3. Objects can be in two places at once
Erwin Schrödinger used the idea of a cat in a box to simplify superposition. (Image credit: Mopic / Alamy Stock Photo)
Wave-particle duality is an example of superposition. That is, a quantum object existing in multiple states at once. An electron, for example, is both ‘here’ and ‘there’ simultaneously. It’s only once we do an experiment to find out where it is that it settles down into one or the other.
This makes quantum physics all about probabilities. We can only say which state an object is most likely to be in once we look. These odds are encapsulated into a mathematical entity called the wave function. Making an observation is said to ‘collapse’ the wave function, destroying the superposition and forcing the object into just one of its many possible states.
This idea is behind the famous Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment. A cat in a sealed box has its fate linked to a quantum device. As the device exists in both states until a measurement is made, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead until we look.
4. It may lead us towards a multiverse
We could just be one bubble of many, each containing a different version of the universe. (Image credit: getty)
The idea that observation collapses the wave function and forces a quantum ‘choice’ is known as the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics. However, it’s not the only option on the table. Advocates of the ‘many worlds’ interpretation argue that there is no choice involved at all. Instead, at the moment the measurement is made, reality fractures into two copies of itself: one in which we experience outcome A, and another where we see outcome B unfold. It gets around the thorny issue of needing an observer to make stuff happen — does a dog count as an observer, or a robot?
Instead, as far as a quantum particle is concerned, there’s just one very weird reality consisting of many tangled-up layers. As we zoom out towards the larger scales that we experience day to day, those layers untangle into the worlds of the many worlds theory. Physicists call this process decoherence.
5. It helps us characterize stars
The spectra of stars can tell us what elements they contain, giving clues to their age and other characteristics. (Image credit: getty)
Danish physicist Niels Bohr showed us that the orbits of electrons inside atoms are also quantized. They come in predetermined sizes called energy levels. When an electron drops from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, it spits out a photon with an energy equal to the size of the gap. Equally, an electron can absorb a particle of light and use its energy to leap up to a higher energy level.
Astronomers use this effect all the time. We know what stars are made of because when we break up their light into a rainbow-like spectrum, we see colors that are missing. Different chemical elements have different energy level spacings, so we can work out the constituents of the sun and other stars from the precise colors that are absent.
6. Without it the sun wouldn’t shine
Quantum tunneling is the finite possibility that a particle can break through an energy barrier. (Image credit: getty)
The sun makes its energy through a process called nuclear fusion. It involves two protons — the positively charged particles in an atom — sticking together. However, their identical charges make them repel each other, just like two north poles of a magnet. Physicists call this the Coulomb barrier, and it’s like a wall between the two protons.
Think of protons as particles and they just collide with the wall and move apart: No fusion, no sunlight. Yet think of them as waves, and it’s a different story. When the wave’s crest reaches the wall, the leading edge has already made it through. The wave’s height represents where the proton is most likely to be. So although it is unlikely to be where the leading edge is, it is there sometimes. It’s as if the proton has burrowed through the barrier, and fusion occurs. Physicists call this effect "quantum tunneling".
7. It stops dead stars collapsing
It’s theorised that white dwarfs’ cores may crystallize as they age. (Image credit: getty)
Eventually fusion in the sun will stop and our star will die. Gravity will win and the sun will collapse, but not indefinitely. The smaller it gets, the more material is crammed together. Eventually a rule of quantum physics called the Pauli exclusion principle comes into play. This says that it is forbidden for certain kinds of particles — such as electrons — to exist in the same quantum state. As gravity tries to do just that, it encounters a resistance that astronomers call degeneracy pressure. The collapse stops, and a new Earth-sized object called a white dwarf forms.
Degeneracy pressure can only put up so much resistance, however. If a white dwarf grows and approaches a mass equal to 1.4 suns, it triggers a wave of fusion that blasts it to bits. Astronomers call this explosion a Type Ia supernova, and it’s bright enough to outshine an entire galaxy.
8. It causes black holes to evaporate
Not everything that falls into a black hole disappears – some matter escapes. (Image credit: getty)
A quantum rule called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that it’s impossible to perfectly know two properties of a system simultaneously. The more accurately you know one, the less precisely you know the other. This applies to momentum and position, and separately to energy and time.
It’s a bit like taking out a loan. You can borrow a lot of money for a short amount of time, or a little cash for longer. This leads us to virtual particles. If enough energy is ‘borrowed’ from nature then a pair of particles can fleetingly pop into existence, before rapidly disappearing so as not to default on the loan.
Stephen Hawking imagined this process occurring at the boundary of a black hole, where one particle escapes (as Hawking radiation), but the other is swallowed. Over time the black hole slowly evaporates, as it’s not paying back the full amount it has borrowed.
9. It explains the universe’s large-scale structure
Starting out as a singularity, the universe has been expanding for 13.8 billion years. (Image credit: getty)
Our best theory of the universe’s origin is the Big Bang. Yet it was modified in the 1980s to include another theory called inflation. In the first trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, the cosmos ballooned from smaller than an atom to about the size of a grapefruit. That’s a whopping 1078 times bigger. Inflating a red blood cell by the same amount would make it larger than the entire observable universe today.
As it was initially smaller than an atom, the infant universe would have been dominated by quantum fluctuations linked to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Inflation caused the universe to grow rapidly before these fluctuations had a chance to fade away. This concentrated energy into some areas rather than others — something astronomers believe acted as seeds around which material could gather to form the clusters of galaxies we observe now.
10. It is more than a little ‘spooky’
The properties of a particle can be ‘teleported’ through quantum entanglement. (Image credit: getty)
As well as helping to prove that light is quantum, Einstein argued in favor of another effect that he dubbed ‘spooky action at distance’. Today we know that this ‘quantum entanglement’ is real, but we still don’t fully understand what’s going on. Let’s say that we bring two particles together in such a way that their quantum states are inexorably bound, or entangled. One is in state A, and the other in state B.
The Pauli exclusion principle says that they can’t both be in the same state. If we change one, the other instantly changes to compensate. This happens even if we separate the two particles from each other on opposite sides of the universe. It’s as if information about the change we’ve made has traveled between them faster than the speed of light, something Einstein said was impossible.
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At the center of our Milky Way galaxy, threads of superheated gas and magnetic fields weave around each other to create a spectacular galactic display captured in a striking new panoramic image from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.
This new image of the Milky Way's core builds on previous observations from Chandra and other observatories. These newest observations stretch higher above and farther below our galaxy's plane, or the disk where most of the Milky Way's stars can be found, than previous imaging efforts have achieved, according to a NASA statement.
The Milky Way's Galactic Center, as seen by the Chandra X-ray observatory. (Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/UMass/Q.D. Wang; Radio: NRF/SARAO/MeerKAT)
In the panorama, you can see orange, green, blue and purple regions representing different X-ray energies. Radio data from the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa can be seen in gray and lilac colors. In the labeled version of the image, provided by the Chandra team, you can even pinpoint different notable features of the galactic center, including Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way's heart.
A labeled version of the Chandra image of the Galactic Center. (Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/UMass/Q.D. Wang; Radio: NRF/SARAO/MeerKAT)
These threads of hot gas could possibly be "tied" together by thin strips of magnetic fields, researchers proposed in a study published April 27 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
"The galaxy is like an ecosystem," lead researcher Daniel Wang, a professor in the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s astronomy department, said in a separate statement. "We know the centers of galaxies are where the action is and play an enormous role in their evolution."
It's difficult to study the center of our own galaxy because it is obscured by dust and gas, Wang explains in the statement. However, by using Chandra, which observes in X-ray instead of visible light, the researchers were able to "cut through" the fog, so to speak.
The spectacular image also provides the clearest picture of a pair of X-ray-emitting plumes coming from the center of our galaxy, according to the statement. This work has also revealed a particularly interesting thread known as G0.17-0.41. "This thread reveals a new phenomenon," Wang said.
Wang thinks that this thread could serve as evidence of magnetic field reconnection, which occurs when opposing magnetic fields are pushed together, releasing incredible amounts of energy. "It’s a violent process," Wang said, adding that the discovery of this thread is "only the tip of the reconnection iceberg."
Email Chelsea Gohd at or follow her on Twitter @chelsea_gohd. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
The images shows single (broadband) colors, with Chandra X-ray data in pink and MeerKat radio data, a radio telescope in South Africa, in blue.
“We are very serious about reports of any aircraft entering our airspace, both identified and unidentified, and we are investigating each of them.”
During the same week White House press secretary Jen Psaki made that bold answer to a question about UFOs from a reporter at a daily press conference, the man responsible for acquiring and releasing many of the recent videos of UFO encounters with US Navy ships off the coast of California in 2019 had a ‘OK, what about this?’ moment by releasing yet another one – this time showing a radar image of a swarm of 14 unknown objects flying around the USS Omaha. In addition, he revealed more by other ships in the area over a three-day period. And yet, none of these nor any of the past videos show any sort of response by the US military. Is this what the press secretary calls “serious”?
USS Omaha
“It appears to be coordinated interaction. And this whole series was within this kind of, I’d say circumference of 100 miles and there were up to 50 to 100 contacts.”
Perhaps the White House should bring in Las Vegas investigative journalist George Knapp to answer these questions … or ask better ones. Knapp’s Mystery Wire website and podcast has been the go-to source for these videos – because it’s been the go-to place for documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell to release them. Corbell’s unnamed inside sources within the government have been supplying him with these unclassified but hard-to-obtain videos and photographs that he confirms came from classified meetings to discuss them – meeting which have been confirmed by the Pentagon. This latest release is the first to show such large numbers of UFOs around Navy ships at once. (See it here.)
“It supports the hypothesis that these are not just a balloon dropping into the water or it’s not something that is easily explained. These are true unidentified in mass numbers … where you have radar data that goes with FLIR data.”
FLIR data is video from Forward Looking InfraRed cameras on a jet, while the radar data Corbell discusses comes from the USS Omaha control room. George Knapp interviewed Jeremey Corbell on his podcast last night and, to this writer’s knowledge, it marked the first time Corbell has addressed the response – or lack of it – by the USS Omaha or any other ships encountering these UFOs. Here’s what he said (from a transcript of the interview):
“And in those cases, I can firmly say that there were anti-drone capabilities that were deployed and ineffective. However, for this one, this triangle of kinetic action, aggressive action, it there are three sides that and it wasn’t it wasn’t met. And that’s the problem, right? Like, you’re having all these incursions, you’re having all this stuff go on. But in order to kind of properly deal with this situation, you need to have a capability, opportunity and intent are the three sides to this. We didn’t know at that time their capabilities. We didn’t know the intent. And really, the opportunity was even vague because we didn’t know the capabilities. So because these three sides to the, you know, triangle of kinetic action were taken, there was no aggressive action on our end taken.”
What kind of anti-drone capabilities were deployed?
So, anti-drone capabilities were “deployed and ineffective.” “There was no aggressive action on our end taken” because the military did not know the UFOs’ capability or intent, and the ships and pilots had no opportunity to engage any further after anti-drone actions didn’t work. Corbell concludes by pointing out that the Pentagon has after-the-fact confirmed his releases before, and they could do it again with these – he can‘t imagine why they wouldn’t. Will they explain why anti-drone efforts didn’t work? That remains to be seen. Will any of this be in the up-coming Pentagon report on UFOs? Corbett doesn’t know. He reiterates that his is a “gumshoe” effort and his intent is to stimulate others to pursue more Freedom of Information releases because the pressure seems to be working.
As for the biggest question …
“Right now, these are unidentified, we don’t know what they are. Everybody tries to corner me … saying they’re aliens or somebody. I have no idea.”
Who does?
Kudos as always to George Knapp and Jeremy Corbett.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
UFO Sighted Over Trout Lake, Washington( May 25, 2021 )
Skywatch Mothership Trout Lake, Washington USA
The best footage our team has seen to date - absolutely monumental video documenting several 𝗘𝗧𝗩𝘀 (𝗘𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗩𝗲𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗹𝗲𝘀) flying over Trout Lake, Washington State. It is an unequivocal fact that highly advanced off-world intelligences are actively visiting our planet and engaging with Humans initiating contact with them, based on higher levels of consciousnes
“Fastwalker” is a term used by NORAD and branches of armed forces to describe unidentified aerial phenomena moving and/or changing directions at high speed far beyond what current aerospace technology is capable of.
These mysterious Fastwalkers have only been spotted in recent years and they flying through our atmosphere at such incredible speed that they are not visible to the naked eye.
Now, on April 22, 2021 such a Fastwalker which looks like a shiny disk has been caught while traveling Northern direction approx. 4.5 miles south of route 40 on route 93 near hackberry Road, Kingman, Arizona.
Luminous disk-like UFO flying over field near Saskatchewan, Canada
Luminous disk-like UFO flying over field near Saskatchewan, Canada
It happened in the evening of May 14, 2021 when a luminous disk-like UFO was observed by David Félix while driving in his vehicle.
The UFO was moving slowly, then flying over the fields near Saskatchewan in Canada in complete silence and close to the ground.
David, after stopping on the side of the road, managed to film the mysterious luminous UFO with his iPhone.
The Mexican researcher Carlos Clemente, who has analyzed this UFO landing, states that the UFO in Canada is very similar to a luminous disk (see image above) photographed by Russian soldiers in Ostankino, Russia in 1995.
Triangle formation was filmed over Brooklyn, New York on 25th May 2021.
Triangle formation was filmed over Brooklyn, New York on 25th May 2021.
This triangle formation was filmed over Brooklyn, New York on 25th May 2021.
Witness report:
I walked out of the supermarket just after 11pm at night and stopped at the zebra crossing waiting to cross. To my right I noticed three orange lights in the sky in a triangle formation low in the sky, gliding silently north wards, coming from what appeared to be near the river in Williamsburg, towards Manhattan. I instantly pulled out my phone and shot the footage, being sure to keep my hands still and to zoom in. I am used to seeing planes and helicopters in the area, but this struck me as very unusual straight away and having a keen interest in this sort of thing, I knew I had to film it straight away. I believed I was watching three separate craft fly in formation at the time. They were emitting a steady soft orange glow. On further inspection on the footage I believe it to be a giant triangular shaped craft. It disappears behind the buildings as shown in the video. I then crossed the road and witnessed it more where I took a brief second video.
Another pedestrian was looking at it and exclaimed to me “What the hell IS that?” After the craft disappeared behind another building I ran to the end of the road to the intersection of Graham and Metropolitan Avenue and turned north to where I should have been able to see the craft, but it had disappeared out of sight, which struck me as unusual as it had only taken me ten seconds or so to run down the road to try and see it. All the time, I heard no noise from any planes or helicopters, but obviously there was traffic noise.
A huge spiral covering 100,000 square metres discovered in the Indian desert may be the largest drawing ever made, according to experts, who say it dwarfs the Nazca lines in South America.
The spiral artwork is made up of a series of small geoglyphs covering an area of about a million square feet in the Thar desert in India, first spotted on Google Earth by Carlo and Yohann Oetheimer, a father and son research team from France.
Nazca lines in Peru are a group of geoglyphs etched into a 380 sq mile area of desert sands dating back to at least 500 BCE, featuring figures of animals and plants.
While the South American geoglyphs are more plentiful, with up to 300 characters, and cover a larger area, a line in India is significantly larger than any one Nazca line.
The lines make up four distinct symbols, created by scraping sand and silt near the village of Boha, with the largest single symbol 2,374ft long and 650ft wide, made of a single seven and a half mile line spiralling inwards.
Study authors, not affiliated with any institution, say the lines may be at least 150 years old, but can't say anything more specific, adding their meaning is lost to history and they need to visit to study determine any dating.
The study authors wrote in their paper: 'Three memorial stones positioned at key points, give evidence that planimetric knowledge has been used to create this elaborate design'
Huge spirals discovered in the Indian desert may be the largest drawing ever made, according to experts, who say they dwarf the Nazca lines in South America
Geoglyphs are works of art created by moving objects in the landscape.
They are generally longer than four metres and are made of durable objects in the landscape, such as stones, trees and gravel.
A positive geoglyph is formed by materials being laid on the ground while a negative geoglyph is formed by removing material.
Since the 1970s, many geoglyphs have been discovered in the Amazon rainforest.
They are often man-made ditches with strange square, circular or hexagonal shapes.
The most famous geoglyphs are the Nazca lines in Peru. The cultural significance of these features remains unclear
The duo searched through images on Google Earth showing the desert for unusual features.
In the images they found eight possible sites, eventually discounting seven of them as being natural features.
The pair took a drone to the region in 2016 and flew it over the site.
During the drone flight they found seven of eight predicted sites were actually just furrows dug for failed tree plantations.
They found that the eighth site, near the village of Boha, had four distinct symbols, made up of 20 inch wide lines of varying length and complexity.
At the centre of the selection of geoglyphs is a symbol 2,374ft long and 650ft wide, made of a single seven and a half mile spiralling line.
South-west of this mega-spiral is a second line that repeatedly bends back on itself to form a grid of parallel lines, the team explained.
There are also a pair of smaller geoglyphs to the north and south-west, but they are both heavily eroded.
Despite the work being carried out by independent, researchers, 'the report is convincing,' says Daniela Valenzuela from the University of Tarapaca in Chile.
The Nazca lines in Peru cover a wider area than the Thar lines, but the individual figures and lines are smaller, with the longest labyrinth line 2.7 miles long.
The lines can't be seen from the ground, according to the researchers, with Valenzuela saying 'this may be significant'.
Adding that it may imply that their significant came from the act of creation, not later viewing by future people.
The study authors wrote in their paper: 'Three memorial stones positioned at key points, give evidence that planimetric knowledge has been used to create this elaborate design.'
Planimetric elements in geography are features independent of elevation - roads, rivers, lakes and buildings.
The lines make up four distinct symbols, created by scraping sand and silt near the village of Boha, with the largest single symbol 2,374ft long and 650ft wide, made of a single seven and a half mile line spiralling inwards
Study authors, not affiliated with any institution, say the lines are at least 150 years old, but can't say anything more specific, adding their meaning is lost to history.
'These artefacts allow us to envisage hypothetical modalities of edification,' the authors wrote.
'We collected indicators of antiquity suggesting that these lines may be at least 150 years old and possibly linked to the Hindu memorial stones surrounding them.
'The lack of visibility from the ground raises the question of their function and meaning. So far, these geoglyphs, the largest discovered worldwide and for the first time in the Indian subcontinent, are also unique as regards their enigmatic signs.'
In the case of the Nazca line geoglyphs, they were likely created by people removing the black topsoil to reveal light-coloured sand hidden underneath.
The spiral artwork is made up of a series of small geoglyphs covering an area of about a million square feet in the Thar desert in India, first spotted on Google Earth by Carlo and Yohann Oetheimer, a father and son research team from France
The lines can't be seen from the ground, according to the researchers, with Valenzuela saying 'this may be significant'
Geoglyphs span large land tracts located between the towns of Palpa and Nazca, and some depict animals, objects or compact shapes.
Often, the composition of a geoglyph cannot be fully realised at ground level. Only when one is high enough in the air can they discern the shapes.
For this reason the intricacies of the designs were not fully realised until aeroplanes were invented and the artwork was seen from the sky.
'We will need to go to India in the near future in order to complete our research and have a precise dating, in order to understand their function and meaning better. For now, the dating is hypothetical,' Carlo Oetheimer told MailOnline.
Geoglyphs span large land tracts located between the towns of Palpa and Nazca. Some geoglyphs depict animals, objects or compact shapes; others are only simplistic lines.
The Nazca people lived in the area from 200 to 700 CE. Some of the designs are believed to be created instead by the Topará and Paracas people.
Most of the lines are formed by a shallow trench with a depth of between four inches (10cm) and six inches (15cm), made by removing the reddish-brown iron oxide-coated pebbles that cover the surface of the Nazca desert and exposing the light-colored earth beneath.
This sublayer contains high amounts of lime which has hardened to form a protective layer that shields the lines from winds and prevents erosion.
An aerial view of a spiral-tailed monkey figure in Peru's mysterious Nazca Lines, located some 240 miles south of Lima. No one knows why the Pre-Inca Nazca culture made the figures and lines, some of them miles long
Paul Kosok, from Long Island University, is credited as the first scholar to seriously study the Nazca Lines.
He discovered that the lines converged at the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
Along with Maria Reiche, a German mathematician and archaeologist, Kosok proposed the figures were markers on the horizon to show where the sun and other celestial bodies rose.
A gigantic spiral geoglyph found in India’s Thar Desert is believed to be the largest on the entire planet and is much bigger than Peru’s famous Nazca Lines (one line in India is much larger than any of the Nazca Lines). The Nazca Lines cover an area that is wider than those in the Thar Desert, but the figures and lines are smaller in size.
It was researchers Carlo and Yohann Oetheimer who noticed the humungous geoglyph in India by searching the area with Google Earth images. In total, they found eight locations with possible geoglyphs but were able to debunk seven of them due to being furrows that were dug in the ground for planting trees. The eighth one, however, couldn’t be discounted so they decided to fly a drone over the site (which is close to the village of Boha) and confirmed the gigantic spiral geoglyph.
The spiral drawing is made up of several small geoglyphs. The four symbols contain lines measuring 20 inches wide with different lengths. Located in the center is the largest symbol that measures 2,374 feet in length and 650 feet in width that was made of one inward spiraling line that is 7.5 miles.
NASA satellite image of the Thar Desert.
Located to the north and south-west are two smaller geoglyphs but they have sustained a lot of erosion over the years. Also to the south-west is a grid with parallel lines that was formed by another line that bends backwards numerous times. The Thar Desert geoglyph covers an area of nearly 100,000 square meters.
Since the geoglyph lines can’t be seen from the ground, Daniela Valenzuela, who is from the University of Tarapaca in Chile, weighed in on the discovery by stating, “this may be significant”.
The authors of the study wrote in part, “’Three memorial stones positioned at key points, give evidence that planimetric knowledge has been used to create this elaborate design.” Planimetric elements include rivers, lakes, roads, and buildings. “These artefacts allow us to envisage hypothetical modalities of edification.”
Peru’s Nazca Lines
While not much history is known about this giant geoglyph, what is known is that it was created at least 150 years ago. There may be a connection with the Hindu memorial stones that are located around them although that hasn’t been definitively proven yet. The study was published in the journal Archaeological Research in Asia where it can be read in full.
Pictures of the Thar Desert geoglyph can be seen here.
The Hindu memorial stones located around the Thar Desert geoglyphs suggest an advanced form of mathematics, design and planimetry related to the glyphs near them. (Carlo Oetheimer and Yohann Oetheimer / Archaeological Research in Asia )
Something Beyond Imagination Just Fell From Our Sky! 2021
Something Beyond Imagination Just Fell From Our Sky! 2021
Something Beyond Imagination Just Fell From Our Sky! 2021
The bizarre footage of the long, black object plunging into the water was filmed at Jangkar Beach in East Java – with some people claiming it was a damaged UFO. The spooky object was swallowed by the waves shortly after crashing into the sea. Facebook user Kh Popeye Watermelon shared the clip and asked: “What is this anchor-like thing that fell from the sky?”
You Won't Believe What the White House Just Said About UFOs! World Wide UFO Videos Just In!
You Won't Believe What the White House Just Said About UFOs! World Wide UFO Videos Just In!
You Won’t Believe What The White House Just Said About UFOs! World Wide UFO Videos Just In!
Since 2008, THIRDPHASEOFMOON has changed the way people look up at the skies and wonder, “Are we Alone?” With over 773,000 subscribers and millions of views, our goal is simple! We speak with UFO EYE WITNESSES from around the globe, including ground reporting with Experts and Professionals, such as Astronauts, Scientists, Government Officials, ETC.
With permission granted, THIRDPHASEOFMOON, will share, discuss, enhance and analyze UFO videos. And along with our research and opinion of the evidence, THIRDPHASEOFMOON also produces 100% Original Documentaries in regards to the UFO PHENOMENON happening everyday! Our Aim is to bring Truth and Evidence in the field directly to the Public!
Amazing UFO sighting in State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 26, 2021
STATEMENT : avistamento incrível à beira-mar
TRANSLATE :incredible sighting by the sea
credit : Cléo Pires
UFOs Sighted Over London ( May 26, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Greater London : A UFO? Mysterious lights flying during the night in London on 26 of May 2021 : Mysterious lights flying during the night in London on this Wednesday 26/05/21. Is that a UFO? I recorded this mysterious lights flying for more than 7 minutes in the sky.
MUFON CASE : 115786Brooklyn, New York( May 27, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Giant triangular UFO gliding over Williamsburg, Brooklyn Long Description of Sighting Report
I walked out of the supermarket just after 11pm at night and stopped at the zebra crossing waiting to cross. To my right I noticed three orange lights in the sky in a triangle formation low in the sky, gliding silently north wards, coming from what appeared to be near the river in Williamsburg, towards Manhattan.
I instantly pulled out my phone and shot the footage, being sure to keep my hands still and to zoom in.
I am used to seeing planes and helicopters in the area, but this struck me as very unusual straight away and having a keen interest in this sort of thing, I knew I had to film it straight away. I believed I was watching three separate craft fly in formation at the time. They were emitting a steady soft orange glow. On further inspection on the footage I believe it to be a giant triangular shaped craft.
It disappears behind the buildings as shown in the video. I then crossed the road and witnessed it more where I took a brief second video. Another pedestrian was looking at it and exclaimed to me "What the hell IS that?"
After the craft disappeared behind another building I ran to the end of the road to the intersection of Graham and Metropolitan Avenue and turned north to where I should have been able to see the craft, but it had disappeared out of sight, which struck me as unusual as it had only taken me ten seconds or so to run down the road to try and see it.
All the time, I heard no noise from any planes or helicopters, but obviously there was traffic noise.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-27 Date of Event :2021-05-25 / 11:10PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
MUFON CASE : 115781Mansfield, Australia( May 27, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Unusual object descending during a storm
Long Description of Sighting Report
On the night of the 18th of Dec 2015 my brother and his family was filming a storm and discovered that they had also captured a ball coming from the clouds. It was unusual in that it fell slowly and steadily - not like an object would that was eg: space junk or something falling from a plane. There was no path or evidence of anything burning behind it. There was no landing site. As the location that it was taken was from an exposed open site the object was not something that fell from a surrounding building or the like - it definitely came from the clouds around 1 klm away. For curiosity I have extracted the object using a photo editing program and have been able to isolate some detail. It is not organic in nature the object appears about 21sec through the videos - please view the lightened one first
Date Submitted :2021-05-27 Date of Event : 2015-12-18 / 6:00PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
Glowing Light Over Missoula, Montana May 26, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Light Over Missoula, Montana May 26, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 26, 2021 Location of sighting: Missoula, Montana, USA
Source: MUFON 115753
The eyewitness caught a glowing orb flying over the city of Missoula last night. The glowing orb traveled across the sky and is seen pulsing every now and then, but not in a timed way, but in a unpredictable way. The UFO is not a star, because its below the cloud ceiling and moving fast. I see no aircraft lights and hear no sound that could indicate its a plane. This object shows all signs of being an alien craft.
US Submarines Detected Fast-Moving UFOs Underwater Ahead of Pentagon UFO Report
US Submarines Detected Fast-Moving UFOs Underwater Ahead of Pentagon UFO Report
The US Navy has picked up fast-moving UFOs underwater weeks before the Pentagon’s UFO report is made public. It has been claimed that experts or current technology cannot explain the sightings. According to Washington Examiner’s Tom Rogan, the Navy has located sonar data, which proves the mysterious and unexplained encounters.
It comes after footage shared last week showing a black object moving across the sky close to the naval stealth ship.
Even Barack Obama, former US president, admits that video and records of UFOs exist, saying: “It’s true – we don’t know exactly what they are, we can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory.”
The Pentagon, which UFO report is due in June, later confirmed that the video is believed to be from 2019 that was taken by Navy personnel.
Photos were allegedly leaked from an official investigation into UFOs preparing evidence for Congress due in June.
Mr Rogan told Fox News that they would learn more about the interaction between US Navy submarines, attack submarines, nuclear ballistic submarines, picking up sonar contact of things moving at hundreds of knots under the water relevant to this video.
He added that there’s an undersea dimension to this aside from what the pilots are witnessing above water.
Anchor Tucker Carlson reacted, saying that people couldn’t even digest when talking about hundreds of knots underwater. Mr Rogan told him that’s what he has heard from very good sources and that the US Navy has the data. He explained that worldly or otherworldly, it’s just part of a much larger series of events they will be learning about.
Hollow Earth: Is there a civilization with its own Sun under the surface?
Hollow Earth: Is there a civilization with its own Sun under the surface?
Many experts, theorists and researchers have debated what is in the center of our planet. Does the Hollow Earth exist and does a civilization with its own Sun inhabit it?
Many experts have claimed for centuries that there is a civilization under the Earth.
Since the 18th century , the scientific community has debated the possibility of an unknown kingdom called Hollow Earth.
Following the publication of some photographs taken by the ESSA-7 satellite in the 70s, where the clear sky was seen at the North Pole, a large hole was revealed where the Pole must have been.
Entrances to the Hollow Earth
After ESSA USA published the images, the controversy began. Scientists, independent researchers and theorists debated the existence of this perfectly circular hole in the Arctic.
Ray Palmer, ufologist and editor of Flying Saucers magazine, said that NASA photography was the propitious evidence to consider theories about the existence of underground and advanced civilizations .
Considering that there was already a story from 1928 , narrated in the diary of the polar explorer, Admiral Richard E. Byrd , the evidence is accumulating.
Byrd said that while he was flying over one of the poles, he was able to see immense and wonderful valleys and prehistoric animals inhabiting the area.
For many, this story caused a great impact and raised a wave of theories about the existence of the Hollow Earth.
After the writing on Byrd’s experiences was found, many articles and books related to the subject were published. Like those written by Amadeo.
In Giannini’s book “Worlds Beyond the Poles”, it is stated that the explorer did not just fly over the Arctic. It had been able to access the center of the Earth through one of the many holes in the place.
By December 1959, a theory was published in Ray Palmer’s magazine that it related to Giannini’s book and the Hollow Earth. Its resounding success showed that thousands of people believed in the theory.
According to Palmer and Giannini, Admiral Byrd radioed that under the snow there were areas of land, vegetation, mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, and a strange mammoth-like animal.
Science and theories
Satellite images have shown the existence of holes in the Earth’s poles.
Since the 14th century, the person responsible for discovering Halley’s Comet, the accredited Astronomer Royal of England, Edmund Halley , proposed the theory of the Hollow Earth theory.
He also said that inside was divided into 3 cones centered and the medium was molten lava that was serving as an inner sun . This theory was supported by Newton himself .
Leonhard Euler, an 18th century mathematical genius, also supported the Hollow Earth theory. He further stated that at the poles of the globe there were two openings that served as entrance .
Aside from myriad scientific hypotheses, The Hollow Earth idea has served as a muse to a variety of artists and writers. Jules Vern e’s Journey to the Center of the Earth , from 1864, is one of the most famous works that talks about it.
Investigations are currently continuing to discover what is hidden under the earth’s mantle.
A project spearheaded by the former Soviet Union in 1965 consisted of digging a 15-kilometer deep well that they called Kola . The results of this study were not publicly disclosed, but it is believed that “human and animal voices” could be heard through ultra-sensitive microphones.
However, science has also contradicted itself in this regard. Some claim that every 30 meters, the temperature increases by one degree . If this is true, the Earth’s center should reach close to 220,000 degrees Celsius .
This would make the center of the planet much hotter than the Sun , whose crust reaches 6,000 degrees Celsius .
There are many questions regarding this theory, especially due to the silence of the special agencies and the restrictions they place on investigators.
Why do they forbid flying over the poles? What is really hiding? And especially could we share our world with another totally different civilization without even knowing it?
Extraterrestrial First Contact: After the Pentagon Report - Five Things to do Now
Extraterrestrial First Contact: After the Pentagon Report - Five Things to do Now
It seems likely that the upcoming Department of Defense report about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP – more popularly known as UFOs) will just be broad confirmation of what they have already confirmed in parts- there are several military sightings of UAP that cannot be explained. That doesn’t mean that UAP are the work of aliens. But barring some strange technological aberration in US military hardware or secret operations carried out by the Chinese or Russians, alien activity is certainly a possibility.
So, what the hell do we do next? I have five ideas.
A robust investigation of UAP with specifically designed instrumentation and cameras. Rather than picking up these UAP by chance, let’s go looking for them with the best gear we can put on planes and ships. Many people are now calling for this approach.
A military and civilian partnership to examine activities in near Earth orbit, Earth atmosphere, and the oceans. This would mean the military working with astrophysicists, oceanographers, and others with specialized scientific training to examine UAP. Why astrophysicists? Some of the equipment and techniques they use to search for signals in far off star systems could be repurposed to search closer to home. Why oceanographers? Many reports of UAP involve objects flying into the ocean. A sea search strategy seems prudent.
A summit between the United States, China, and Russia to discuss the phenomena.
Organization of a UN response group to take up matters of what should happen if First Contact with an extraterrestrial civilization occurs. They do not have a plan currently. The initial response plan could be organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.
The development of long-term international protocols for handling various types of First Contact, with the emphasis on managing interaction between humans and ETI. These protocols should ultimately be presented to the UN General Assembly for approval.
You will notice that this process does not stay confined to the US Military. I think keeping such an investigation top-secret would be a tremendous mistake. It would provoke China and Russia and leave other nations without a say in the matter. It could create increased political tensions for many years.
The search and planning efforts should be done with a fair amount of transparency. While some investigations would have to begin in secret, the process and results of these investigations should be shared with the world public.
First Contact with an extraterrestrial civilization would be an event for all of humanity to share, not only in watching it occur, but helping to determine the path forward. We need to take some basic steps now to prepare. It could happen this year or fifty years from now. It may never happen. But the impact of high information First Contact on the human civilization would be huge. It makes sense to do some sort of basic planning now.
That’s the topic of my new book: – The “The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves.” It is available on Amazon worldwide.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The aliens haven't landed: Why you should be skeptical of recent reports on UFO sightings
UFOs, or unidentified flying objects, have stirred our imagination for generations. Sightings of these alleged interstellar visitors to Earth have been chronicled throughout history. However, the mania for UFOs shifted into hyperdrive in 1947, when flying saucer enthusiasts believed the remains of an otherworldly spacecraft, and even the corpse of an alien, were discovered in […]
The aliens haven't landed: Why you should be skeptical of recent reports on UFO sightings
Close examination of the supposed UFO videos by myself and others has shown them to be far more mundane than first thought.
I've been following the story for the past four years, and I'll try to make sense of it. First, some context.
Since the 1950s there have been UFO enthusiasts, people who think that the reported sightings represent incredible new technology, possibly aliens, that, once studied, will elevate all of humanity to the next level — ushering in an era of flying cars, free energy, and possible human-alien cultural exchanges.
Many in the UFO community believe the government is holding back progress toward this dream by not sharing everything they know about UFOs. So, they attempt to lobby the government to fess up — something they refer to as "disclosure."
Earlier this month, when President Barack Obama was asked on the Late Late Show about UFOs, he made a few jokes, then said: "There's footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so … people still take (it) seriously, trying to investigate and figure out what that is."
Congress-sanctioned UFO report to detail unexplainable 'sightings all over the world'
The director of national intelligence and secretary of defense were tasked with creating the UFO report for Congress, expected by June 1.
For many UFO fans this was a high point in a recent wave of what they see as confirmation that "disclosure" is just around the corner.
This wave started morthan te hree years ago with the publication of a New York Times article "Glowing Auras and Black Money" about the existence of a semi-secret government program that investigated UFO sightings. The article was accompanied by two UFO videos, and a third came out a few months later.
Things reached a fever pitch in April 2020 when the Department of Defense re-released those same videos, explaining they had been improperly released previously, and confirming that they were taken by Navy personnel and that they showed something classified as "unidentified."
After that, the Pentagon basically clammed up, replying to inquiries with boilerplate responses stating they would not say anything.
Media interest was significant. The admission that they were Navy videos of unidentified phenomena was taken as confirmation that "UFOs are real," and since "UFO," in common parlance, is equivalent to "alien," it was interpreted as, "Government admits aliens are real."
UAP report request part of COVID bill
The tidal wave of "disclosure" dripped on. In August, the Defense Department announced the establishment of a "UAP Task Force" to "detect, analyze and catalog … incursions by unauthorized aircraft into our training ranges or designated airspace (including) examinations of incursions that are initially reported as UAP when the observer cannot immediately identify what he or she is observing."
If the quality of the leaked evidence is any indicator (and it probably is), then there's not going to be any significant revelations about theexistence of physics-defying craft, and certainly no strong evidence of visiting aliens.
The three videos that partly drove this wave were vaunted as prime examples of "official" UFOs. Claims were made that they showed impossible physics or evidence of advanced technology, possibly anti-gravity warp drives (hinting at aliens).
The video titled "Go Fast" was claimed to show an object with no heat source (and hence, no conventional engine) moving impossibly fast over the surface of the ocean.
The most compelling video, "Gimbal,” seems to show an actual flying saucer skimming over clouds then coming to a stop and bizarrely rotating into an aerodynamically impossible position.
But closer examination of this video showed that when the "object" rotated, other patches of light in the scene rotated.
Since then, two more videos from the UAP Task Force were leaked. Both initially seemed amazing: a flying triangle and a zig-zagging submersible sphere.
But, like the previous three, they became more mundane under closer examination.
Given the disappointing mundanity of the video evidence, what are we to expect from the upcoming UAP report, due in June?
Well, UAPs represent a serious issue for the military. If aircraft incursions cannot rapidly be identified, or if a pilot cannot make sense of what they are seeing, or if radar returns show what looks like super-fast moving objects, then those are real problems.
There's also the inevitability that foreign adversaries are developing novel forms of drones for spying and combat purposes, which we will need to detect and counter.
These are all real issues, and that's what a comprehensive report should discuss, along with suggestions for better tracking and investigating such incidents.
Mysteries remain. What the pilots who reported engaging a giant flying Tic-Tac saw is still unidentified, as are the objects in several other incidents. The causes of ghostly or rapidly moving radar returns are likewise, in many cases, unknown — although since the system is classified, if it's a system glitch or inadequacy, then the Pentagon isn't going to tell us.
We'll also continue to have no good answer for many photos and videos, simply because the object shown is too far away for whatever camera is being used. But "unidentified" means just that. It does not mean advanced technology.
If the quality of the leaked evidence is any indicator (and it probably is), then there's not going to be any significant revelations about the existence of physics-defying craft, and certainly no strong evidence of visiting aliens.
While the genuine issues that Obama raised deserve serious examination, there will be no disclosure because there is nothing to disclose.
The Elements for Life Depend on Both how and Where a Planet Forms
The Elements for Life Depend on Both how and Where a Planet Forms
In the past few decades, the number of planets discovered beyond our Solar System has grown into the thousands. At present, 4,389 exoplanets have been confirmed in 3,260 systems, with another 5,941 candidates awaiting confirmation. Thanks to numerous follow-up observations and studies, scientists have learned a great deal about the types of planets that exist in our Universe, how planets form, and how they evolve.
A key consideration in all of this is how planets become (and remain) habitable over time. In general, astrobiologists have operated under the assumption that habitability comes down to where a planet orbits within a system – within its parent star’s habitable zone (HZ). However, new research by a team from Rice University, indicates that where a planet forms in its respective star system could be just as important.
The study, which was recently published inNature Geoscience, was led by Rice graduate student Damanveer Grewal, who was joined by multiple colleagues from the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences at Rice University (including Rajdeep Dasgupta, the Maurice Ewing Professor of Earth Systems Science at Rice). Together, they looked beyond the Goldilocks Zone of stars to consider how factors involved in planetary formation would ultimately affect habitability.
A study by Rice University scientists shows that where a planet forms in a star system will play a vital role in its habitability. Credit: Rice University/Amrita P. Vyas
Basically, a star’s HZ (or Goldilocks Zone) refers to the region where an orbiting planet will experience conditions warm enough to support liquid water on its surface and a rich atmosphere – the key ingredients for life. But after taking into account the elements that go into planetary formation, Grewal and his colleagues concluded that the amount of volatile elements a planet captures and retains during formation will also determine if it becomes habitable.
Central to this is the time it takes for material to accrete from a circumsolar disk into a protoplanet and the time the protoplanet takes to differentiate into its distinct layers (a metallic core, a silicate mantle and crust, and an atmospheric envelope). The balance between these two processes is critical in determining what volatile elements a rocky planet will retain, particularly nitrogen, carbon, and water, that give rise to life.
Using Dasgupta’s high-pressure lab at Rice, the research team used nitrogen as a proxy for volatiles and simulated how protoplanets undergo differentiation. What they found was that during this process, most of a protoplanet’s nitrogen is lost from the mantle and escapes into the atmosphere. From there, the nitrogen is lost to space as the protoplanet either cools or collides with other celestial objects during the next stage of its growth.
However, if the metallic core retains enough nitrogen, it could still be significant enough that over time, it will help form an “Earth-like” atmosphere later on (where it will play an important role as a buffer gas). From this, the researchers were able to model the thermodynamic and how it affects the distribution of nitrogen between a protoplanet’s atmosphere, molten silica layers, and core.
Artist’s impression of the range of habitable zones for different types of stars. Credit: NASA/Kepler Mission/Dana Berry
“We simulated high pressure-temperature conditions by subjecting a mixture of nitrogen-bearing metal and silicate powders to nearly 30,000 times the atmospheric pressure and heating them beyond their melting points. Small metallic blobs embedded in the silicate glasses of the recovered samples were the respective analogs of protoplanetary cores and mantles.”
“We realized that fractionation of nitrogen between all these reservoirs is very sensitive to the size of the body. Using this idea, we could calculate how nitrogen would have separated between different reservoirs of protoplanetary bodies through time to finally build a habitable planet like Earth.”
Naturally, this research has implications for our understanding of how Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago. From their results, it appears that material from the protoplanetary disk accreted quickly, forming a Moon or Mars-sized planetary embryo before it completed the process of differentiation and assumed its current metallic core, silicate mantle/crust, and gaseous envelop arrangement.
For the Solar System as a whole, they estimate that planetary embryos formed within 1-2 million years after the Sun and the remaining nebular material formed into a disk surrounding it – much sooner than previously thought. If the rate of differentiation was faster than the rate of accretion for these embryos, then none of the rocky planets would have accreted enough volatiles and Earth would not have developed the conditions necessary for life.
Artist’s concept of a collision between proto-Earth and Theia, believed to happened 4.5 billion years ago. Credit: NASA
In addition to being a professor of Earth Systems Science at Rice, Dasgupta is also the principal investigator of CLEVER Planets. This collaborative project (funded by NASA) is dedicated to exploring how elements that are essential to life might have come together on rocky planets throughout the cosmos. As he summarized:
“Our calculations show that forming an Earth-size planet via planetary embryos that grew extremely quickly before undergoing metal-silicate differentiation sets a unique pathway to satisfy Earth’s nitrogen budget. This work shows there’s much greater affinity of nitrogen toward core-forming metallic liquid than previously thought.”
This latest research builds upon previous findings by Grewal and Dagusta (and colleagues), such as a 2019 study conducted that showed how much of the Earth’s volatile content could be the result of the impact that gave rise to the Moon. This was followed by research published in 2021 that suggested that Earth gained more of its nitrogen from local sources in the Solar System than once believed.
“We showed that protoplanets growing in both inner and outer regions of the solar system accreted nitrogen, and Earth sourced its nitrogen by accreting protoplanets from both of these regions,” said Grewal of this study, which appeared in the Jan. 21st, 2021, issue of Nature Astronomy. “However, it was unknown as to how the nitrogen budget of Earth was established.”
These findings could have significant implications for future research into how planetary systems form, evolve, and eventually develop the capacity for supporting life. In the coming years, robotic missions exploring the oldest objects in the Solar System (Near-Earth, Main Belt, and Trojan/Greek asteroids) could provide additional insight into its early history – a time when the seeds of life-giving elements were planted on Earth and other planets.
MUFON CASE : 115706 Pickering, Canada( May 25, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : First light came from the lake behind the nuclear plant rising slowly, followed by five others, vanishing and then appearing
Long Description of Sighting Report
We were watching Fireworks from my balcony and I saw this orange circular light rise from the lake behind the nuclear plant. As it slowly rose, more and more begin to follow, until there was approximately six in formation/line and when they all hit a certain point they would vanish. Iit lasted for six minutes and 43 seconds. They hovered and slowly rose directly over the fireworks that were coming from the subdivision in front of the nuclear plant. Last Canada day, (July 1, 2020) I saw two orange lights almost exactly same size, to the west of the nuclear plant. They would zigzag and change places with each other, Again directly over where the fireworks were being lit. It lasted for about maybe 45 seconds to a minute one vanished and the other one stayed for about maybe 15/22 more and then vanished as well. There were many other witnesses that were out on their balcony but I don’t know their contact info.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-25 Date of Event : 2021-05-24 / 9:31PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :
НЛО / UFO Sighted Over Ust'-Koksa Mountains, Altair, Russia ( May 19, 2021 )
НЛО / UFO was sighted over Ust'-Koksa Mountains, Altair, Russia on May 19, 2021 STATEMENT : Россия. СТЮ. Альтаирские горы. 19.05.2021. TRANSLATE : Russia. UST. Koksa Mountains of Altair. 19/05/2021.
credit :
UFO Sighted Over West Point Lake, Lanett, Alabama ( May 22, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Southern Harbor Resort Marina : Saw these “drones?”
Flying for about 5 minutes and they disappeared once an airplane flew over them around 22:30 ET on 22 May 2021. If they were drones it would be chancy flying them over a lake late at night under heavy clouds. Was suggested these may be Starlink satellites however the last launch was May 15th and this was seen on May 22nd. The satellites can be visible at night but according to several Internet sources they are most visible right after sunset or right before sunrise. Astronomers have complained that these Starlink satellites have affected their nightly observations so Starlink has minimized their brightness at night.
Dark Shadow Figure Spotted Moments After Ball Moves By Itself At Haunted Hotel In Seguin, Texas.
This footage was captured by The Magnolia Hotel's CCTV on May 22, 2021.
The notoriously haunted hotel in Texas shows toys that seemingly move on their own and an eerie shadow anomaly that sweeps through the room. The hotel was built in 1840, was the site of a particularly grisly incident in 1874 wherein a little girl was murdered by an ax-wielding intruder. It is believed that the spirit of the youngster, named Emma, has remained at the hotel and, over time, made her presence known in a variety of ways. In the footage the actives begins with a ball inexplicably rolls across the floor while a pair of 'Rem Pods' furiously flash. These devices, popular with paranormal investigators, are said to only illuminate when they are being touched by something. As this is happening, a shadowy form can be seen briefly entering the room before vanishing under a table. Co-owner Erin Ghedi explains " That is our children's room where all of our little spirits enjoy playing because of all the toys," She went on to add "this was definitely sweet Emma because she is the one who enjoys rolling the ball." The shadow figure, is a separate spirit known as 'Mrs. Read,' who the proprietors say is tasked with keeping an eye on the ghostly children who inhabit the hotel.
Leaked Video Shows UFO Flying Around Navy Ship Near San Diego
Leaked Video Shows UFO Flying Around Navy Ship Near San Diego
In a new, leaked video, what appears to be a UFO flies around a Navy ship off the coast of San Diego before suddenly disappearing after flying into the water. NBC’s Gadi Schwartz reports for TODAY.
They open a mummy in Israel and discover that it is not human (Video)
They open a mummy in Israel and discover that it is not human (Video)
Scientists have found a 3,000-year-old mummy in Israel and have discovered by opening and studying it that it is not human
Two ancient Egyptian sarcophagi were believed to contain human remains. One of them was thought to be a mummified child, as it has the appearance of a “little human.”
However, the CT scan revealed a surprise inside. The mummies were not, in fact, human.
One of them was a bird that represented the god Horus and the other “infantile” mummy was full of mud and grains in the shape of the god Osiris.
For many decades, these two ancient sarcophagi had been part of the collection of the National Maritime Museum and, although their origins are unknown, official museum records suggest that they contained mummified hearts.
But when a team of CT archaeologists scanned the 3,000-year-old “bird and child” mummies at Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Israel, the remains of the infant mummy were found to be a votive offering to Osiris, the Egyptian god of God. death and lord of the underworld, in the form of a doll full of clay and grains.
The two mummies date between 2,500 and 3,000 years, and according to a report in the Daily Mail, Rambam’s director of medical imaging, Dr. Marcia Javitt, said the smaller mummy was “bird-like.”
It also contained a mummified bird, probably a falcon, which was symbolic of Horus, the ancient Egyptian god of royalty and the sky.
The larger of the two mummies resembled “a little boy” and it turns out that it was actually a handmade plant material doll representing the god Osiris, and this artifact according to Ron Hillel of the Haifa museums is known as a “Grain mummy” or “corn mummy”.
In ancient Egypt, when a mummy was placed in his tomb, mummified artifacts and animals were also added to symbolically protect the mummified remains and his soul’s journey to the afterlife.
The researchers said it is possible that these two mummies were buried in a “Pharaoh’s Tomb,” as an offering to the gods on behalf of the deceased.
Guardians of a deceased Pharaoh?
Dr. Javitt said that the ancient Egyptians mummified numerous animals including: cats, crocodiles, fish as votive offerings and food for the afterlife, but birds had a very important role after death in ancient Egypt.
They were thought to be “protective” beings, so he often placed mummified birds and bird-shaped artifacts inside the tombs of the pharaoh.
And while Dr. Javitt makes it clear that he is not saying that this mummified bird definitely came from the tomb of a pharaoh, he said “it is conceivable that it has something to do with that kind of story.”
The team of researchers combined conventional computed tomography with state-of-the-art dual-energy computed tomography, also known as “spectral CT,” which is a density-revealing computed tomography scan.
Dr. Javitt said: “With mummies, the bones become less dense, the tissues become dehydrated, and it is nothing like scanning a living animal, human or other creature, because the tissue relationships are very different.
However, dual-energy CT allowed the researchers to measure the atomic number of tissue that is not dependent on hydration or condition – “it’s elemental,” Dr. Javitt said.
This new research has revealed a lot about how these two ancient mummies were made, and it is known that they symbolically helped the soul of a deceased Egyptian after death.
Because the ancient Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul, the moment of death was considered a temporary interruption in a journey, rather than what it is today: the cessation of life.
And to ensure the continuity of life after death, people paid homage to the gods during and after their life on earth.
However, what these two mummies represented is only part of the story and Dr. Javitt and her counterparts at the museum told the press that they plan to return to work next week with the specific goals of determining the origin of the couple. of mummies.
And to solve the mystery of exactly for which soul they were designed to protect the mummies of children and birds, the doctor said that she and her team will work as “anatomical and archaeological detectives” until all the remaining questions are answered.
ET, is that you? NASA's James Webb Space Telescope might be able to detect any artificial lights on the exoplanet Proxima b when it launches this October, scientists claim
ET, is that you? NASA's James Webb Space Telescope might be able to detect any artificial lights on the exoplanet Proxima b when it launches this October, scientists claim
Proxima b is the nearest exoplanet to Earth at about 4.2 light years away
The planet is likely tidally locked due to its close proximity to its red dwarf star
This 'tidal locking' means one side of the world always faces the red dwarf star
However, as the star is smaller than the Sun it is still within the habitable zone
Astronomers say people on Proxima b may live on the dark side of the planet
They would require bright lights or sunlight reflecting mirrors to illuminate them and the team predict this could be detectible by the James Webb telescope
NASA's new James Webb Space Telescope may be able to detect evidence of artificial light on the nearby exoplanet Proxima b, astronomers predict.
The study, by a team including controversial Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb, suggests that the optical telescope can be configured to spot evidence of LED light on the planet Proxima b, orbiting Proxima Centauri 4.2 light years from the Earth.
Proxima b was discovered in 2016 and is thought to be a rocky terrestrial planet slightly larger than the Earth, that some scientists predict could contain liquid water.
It orbits very close to its small red dwarf star, so is likely to be tidally locked with a permanent night side, and Loeb suggests a civilisation may deploy powerful mirrors or require very bright LED-style lights to illuminate their cities.
They suggest that using the near infrared instrument on the James Webb telescope and looking for the telltale signs of LED light waves in the light from the planet and its host star, they will be able to detect this artificial light if it exists.
Artist's rendering of Proxima Centauri system. Portrayed on the right, Proxima c orbits in about 5.2 years around its host star. The system also comprises the smaller Proxima b, on the left, discovered in 2016 that orbits in the 'habitable zone' closer than Mercury is to the Sun
NASA and partners plan to launch their next major space telescope later this year and it will serve as the natural successor to Hubble.
Primarily an infrared telescopeit will have a wider spectrum view than Hubble and operate further out from the Earth, in a solar orbit, rather than an Earth orbit.
The James Webb Telescope and most of its instruments have an operating temperature of roughly 40 Kelvin.
This is about minus 387 Fahrenheit (minus 233 Celsius).
When it is launched in 2021, it will be the world's biggest and most powerful telescope, capable of peering back 200 million years after the Big Bang.
James Webb is designed to last for five years but NASA hopes it will operate for a decade or more.
The telescope is set to launch on a European workhorse Ariane-5 rocket at the end of October 2021, with the first observations expected in 2022.
Professor Loeb has spent more than a decade prediction the existence of aliens and suggesting ways they may be discovered.
He is involved in the Breakthrough Starshot project to send laser-boosted light sails on a trip to Proxima Centauri at high speeds, reaching the star in decades.
The astronomer also wrote a paper claiming the interstellar asteroid 'Oumuamua was 'humanity's first contact with an artefact of extraterrestrial intelligence.'
He is now turning his attention to Proxima b, which for many alien hunters is a prime candidate in the hunt for signs of intelligence alien life outside the Solar System.
The planet is 1.27 times the size of Earth, sits within the habitable zone of its star so may have liquid water on the surface, and is just 4.2 light years away, which in interstellar terms that is practically on our doorstep.
However, as the star is relatively small this habitable zone is close to the star, meaning the planet is tidally locked, with one side always facing the star.
There is also speculation that it is very unlikely life could develop on the dayside due to a constant steam of intense radiation from its host star.
Proxima b orbiting just 4.5 million miles out, or about a tenth the distance Mercury is from the Sun at its closest point.
Radio signals have already been detected from the area around Proxima b, however radio astronomers believe this was likely just interference from natural sources.
NASA's new James Webb Space Telescope may be able to detect evidence of artificial light on the nearby exoplanet Proxima b, astronomers predict
It is the tidal locking that prompted Professor Loeb to consider the possibility that LED lights may be detectable from Earth with the powerful James Webb telescope.
Due to launch later this year, the James Webb Space Telescope will have a wider spectrum view than its predecessor Hubble and operate further out from the Earth, in a solar orbit 930,000 miles from the Earth.
The team investigated whether artificial lights could be detected on the dark side of Proxima b by computing light curves from the planet and its host star.
'The two different scenarios we consider are artificial illumination with the same spectrum as commonly used LEDs on Earth, and a narrower spectrum which leads to the same proportion of light as the total artificial illumination on Earth,' they said.
'We find that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be able to detect LED type artificial lights making up 5 per cent of stellar power.'
'Our predictions require optimal performance from the Near InfraRed Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument, and even if not possible with JWST, future observatories like LUVOIR might be able to detect this artificial illumination,' they explained.
LUVOIR, or the Large UV/Optical/IR Surveyor is a concept design for a major new multi-wavelength space observatory being considered by NASA.
In this image from the Hubble Space Telescope is our relative neighbour Proxima Centauri, a low mass star in the triple-star Alpha Centauri system. Proxima Centauri is not visible to the naked eye due to its small size - eight times smaller than the Sun
Pictured, a not-to-scale representation of how far away Proxima B is from Earth compared to Voyager 1, the farthest man-made object which was launched in 1977
Alien hunters are investigating a mysterious radio signal from our Proxima b
A mysterious radio signal from our nearest stellar neighbour, Proxima Centauri, is being 'carefully investigated'.
Researchers from the Breakthrough Listen Project have been studying the radio waves since April 2019.
The signal was spotted by the Parkes radio telescope in Australia in April or May 2020 and, unlike previous radio bursts, hasn't been attributed to any Earth-based or near-Earth human-created source.
It is likely that this signal has a natural explanation, but that hasn't stopped alien-hunting astronomers from listening more closely.
If James Webb is able to detect the narrowband light that is reminiscent of LED bulbs, it will be because it will be able to characterise the atmosphere of the planet.
Doing so will allow researchers to use instruments on the observatory to detect how much energy transport occurs on the planet and then perform calculations of light curves to determine whether they match those of an LED light source.
To come to the conclusion that it may be able to detect artificial light, Loeb and colleagues used the JWST Exposure Time Calculator.
This tool allows astronomers to predict what can be detected in any given time period based on pre-defined settings, before the observatory launches.
It allowed them to determine likelihood of detecting different flux values and detecting those with a wavelength that matches artificial light levels that should be expected from a civilisation living in permanent darkness.
'Proxima b is tidally locked and if it has a permanent day and nightside, the civilization might illuminate the nightside using mirrors launched into orbit or placed at strategic points,' the authors wrote.
'In that case, the lights shining onto the permanent nightside should be extremely powerful, and thus more likely to be detected with JWST.'
'We have found that JWST will be able to show the existence of artificial illumination for standard LEDs 500 times more powerful than those currently found on Earth’s, and for artificial illumination of similar magnitude to Earth’s.'
Proxima b was discovered in 2016 and is thought to be a rocky terrestrial planet slightly larger than the Earth, that some scientists predict could contain liquid water
An unrelated study, also exploring the potential uses of the James Webb space telescope, suggested it could spot signs of alien life as soon as 2026.
It has the ability to detect signatures made by living creatures and Ohio State researchers say it could find 'life' on another planet in under 60 hours.
Graduate student Caprice Phillips said the results of her study show that we may 'realistically find signs of life in the next 5 to 10 years.'
Phillips calculated that when the James Webb Space Telescope launches in October, it could feasibly detect ammonia around gas dwarf planets after just a few orbits.
The study has been published on the preprint server
Distance: This is the closest Earth-like planet we could ever find.
Orbitingour nearest star, the planet is only four light years away.
Missions to send spacecraft to the planet to examine for signs of life are already in planning, and could happen within decades.
Composition:The planet is rocky and a similar size to Earth.
Temperature: It lies in the 'habitable zone' of its star, which means there could be liquid water on its surface - a key ingredient for alien life.
The temperature on the surface of the planet could be between -90° and 30° Celsius (-130 and 86 Fahrenheit).
Atmosphere:If Proxima b has an atmosphere, the simple ingredients - water, carbon dioxide, and rock - that are needed for the formation of biochemical cycles that we call life, could all be present and interacting on the planet's surface.
What they all have in common is a congenital lack of journalistic skepticism or curiosity, and a lust for sensationalism and ratings. Golly Gee Whiz, Mr. Elizondo, UFOs really are real! Tell me more! (Do you have any proof of what you are saying, Mr. Elizondo? Oh, never mind.)
But the real story isn’t disclosure, and it’s stranger than any UFO sighting. Behind the creamy pages of high-end magazines and the marble columns of the Capitol, the media elite and Congress are being played by a small, loosely connected group of people with bizarre ideas about science. It’s easy to dismiss UFOs as a fantasy or a fad, but the money, the connections, and the power wielded by a group of UFO believers—embedded in the defense industry and bent on supplanting material science with a pseudoscientific mysticism straight from the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens—poses a danger to America more real than a flying saucer [emphasis added].
Published by Dutton, 1975.
Colavito reviews in some detail the decades-long history of the UFO controversy, and the role of certain people he calls the "invisible college" (using Hynek and Vallee's term), who promote and investigate weird things. He tells us about the mystical beliefs shared by Hynek and Vallee (both found value in Rosicrucianism). There is Hal Puthoff and Russ Targ, believers in the magic powers of Uri Geller. Robert Bigelow, Bob Lazar, NIDS. And many others. Using rather colorful language (which I think is appropriate here, though others disagree), he writes:
NIDS primarily researched—and failed to prove—the supposed paranormal mysteries of a patch of desert in Utah called Skinwalker Ranch. Puthoff and the NIDS team believed it to be a supernatural gateway to the space ghost dimension. (The ranch is now the set of a paranormal reality TV program.) Remarkably, they managed to convince a visiting Defense Intelligence Agency scientist, and the DIA partnered with Bigelow to investigate space ghosts... The only public accounting of the program’s research was a list of its theoretical papers on stargates, wormholes, and other sci-fi topics that “invisible college” members like Puthoff obsessed over, as well as a proprietary 494-page 2009 “ten-month report” from Bigelow’s team in which Puthoff, Vallée, and others wrote about UFOs, “interdimensional phenomena” at Skinwalker Ranch, and alleged technology aliens implanted in a UFO abductee. Pentagon officials quickly concluded that releasing such an absurd report “would be a disaster,” as one unnamed official told The New Yorker. Eventually, Team Space Ghost developed a bizarre mythology, imagining that an organized cabal in the Pentagon actively suppressed UFO work because it feared UFOs were demons and that researching them might provoke Satan.
In conclusion, Colavito argues
More writing about Space Ghosts, 1975.
we shouldn’t let enthusiasts of space ghosts have the run of Washington to steer money and policy in the direction they want. If they insist UFOs are a national security threat, then the national media must take them at their word. No more chuckles. No more rhapsodies about mystery. We must hold Team Space Poltergeist to the levels of skepticism, seriousness, and scrutiny it pretends to demand. Quite literally, the future depends on it.
the Pentagon's AATIP program came into existence not because "the Pentagon" or "the Navy" was concerned about UFOs (or "UAPs", as they prefer). It happened because of Robert Bigelow and Senator Harry Reid (D-NV, who was then the Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate). Reid arranged a "sweetheart" $22 million government contract for his major campaign contributor Robert Bigelow. Leslie Kean found out about it, and co-authored several articles about Pentagon UFOs in the New York Times. The rest, as they say, is History. Drunk History, actually.
Over in the National Review, Andrew Follett writes on May 21, "Calm Down, Everyone: The ‘UFOs’ Aren’t Aliens... The videos disclosed so far all have obvious potential terrestrial explanations."
What much of the recent news coverage fails to mention is that “Unidentified Flying Object” does not mean either “alien spacecraft” or even “extremely advanced drone.” And the videos disclosed so far all have obvious potential terrestrial explanations.... Carlson’s coverage of the “GoFast” video expressly claims it shows “technologies that are far beyond our current understanding of aerodynamics” and reveals “things that are maneuvering in ways that no aircraft that we are currently aware of have the capability to.” He adds that the UFOs “have no flight surfaces, no wing or anything approaching a wing . . . and no propulsion, so infrared doesn’t pick up any jet trail or rocket exhaust.” The video shows a small object apparently moving low across the water. However, the UFO was almost certainly a seabird or balloon distorted by parallax. Parallax is an effect that makes an object close to an observer, but filmed against a more distant background, seem to speed up as the camera moves. Data from the Navy camera clearly indicates the unidentified object had a wingspan of about four to seven feet in diameter, roughly the wingspan of a Canadian Goose, and flew at an altitude of 8,000 feet, well below the 29,000 feet maximum altitude of the bird. Alternatively, the Department of Defense description of the object expressly mentions a balloon (perhaps a weather balloon) as a possible explanation in the paperwork that accompanied the release of the video.
If it flies like a duck, is the size of a duck, and quacks like a duck . . . it probably isn’t an alien spaceship or ultra-advanced drone from a foreign power. But headlines such as “U.S. Navy Pilot Spots UFO” generate more clicks than “Pilot Sees Goose on Infrared Camera.”
On CNN, Chris Cuomo, after taking an irrelevant swipe at former president Trump, got down to interviewing Mick West about these "Pentagon UFO" videos. West explained the arguments against the Go Fast, the Gimble, and the Triangle UFO videos. Afterward, when an internet UFO fan boy insisted "He debunked nothing. All these cases are still unexplained. Explaining bits of the videos is not equal to identifying what was filmed," West replied
Which is exactly correct. If the object in the "Go Fast" video does not actually "go fast," and if the objects in the "Triangle UFO" video are not in fact triangular, then why should we care about these videos at all? (Except as a demonstration of the spectacular incompetence of the Pentagon's 'UAP task force.')
Keith Kloor summed up the best explanation for what is happening: "Why UFOs Will Never, Ever Go Away. Hint: It's not because of Hollywood, the History Channel or sci-fi shows." He writes,
As I have written elsewhere, it’s “the news media that keeps the specter of extraterrestrials alight in our skies and minds.” Yes, Hollywood movies like Independence Day and Men in Black tap into an ingrained pop culture motif, but it’s because of bad journalism that UFOs truly never, ever go away. [emphasis added].
Filer’s Files 21 2021 US Testing Wreckage from UFO crashes - PART I
Filer’s Files 21 2021 US Testing Wreckage from UFO crashes - PART I
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Special reports concerning: Space Force sets priorities to prevent future Space War, Pentagon admits it has Been Testing Wreckage from UFO crashes. The revealed images of new Lockheed Aircraft, is E.T. Phoning Us from Proxima Centauri? Mars Open Pit Mine, Alien Bacteria Might Live in the Clouds of Venus, Ancient Astronaut Acropolis of Baalbek, Lebanon, Secrets, and Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Puerto Rico, Thailand and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Space Force sets priorities to prevent future Space War and maintain U.S. dominance
General Jay Raymond, the U.S. Space Force’s Chief of Space Operations, released a foundational document outlining the new military service’s priorities and management practices for the U.S. to remain ahead of its major adversaries in space. The 12-page document, “Chief of Space Operations Planning Guidance” (CPG), makes clear that space is now viewed as a “war fighting domain”, and that in order for the U.S. to maintain dominance and deter hostile actions, it needs to take immediate action to integrate, equip, train, and organize its military space assets.
General Raymond warns about the danger posed by major adversaries, such as China and Russia that have developed sophisticated anti-satellite technologies capable of disrupting or destroying the U.S. satellite grid. Such a possibility was first outlined in a January 11, 2001, Space Commission Report, chaired by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, warning about a “Space Pearl Harbor” and the need for a new military service to prevent it.
General Raymond begins his Planning Guidance document by explaining how space has shifted from a benign security environment to one where warfare can be expected soon.
The Space Force has a mandate in national strategy, policy, and law to be both pathfinder and protector of America’s interests as a space-faring nation. The convergence of proliferating technology and competitive interests has forever re-defined space from a benign domain to one in which we anticipate all aspects of human endeavor – including warfare. The return of peer, great power competitors has dramatically changed the global security environment and space is central to that change (CPG, p.1).
According to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, space was considered to be a peaceful domain for scientific exploration. No country was allowed to station military forces or weapons in space, the Moon, or other celestial objects. General Raymond acknowledging that recent developments such as Russia and China’s deployment of a range of anti-satellite weapons systems mean that space is no longer a benign environment, and that preventative military measures need to be taken.. Thanks to Dr. Michael Salla.
Pentagon Admits it has Been Testing Wreckage from UFO crashes
The Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes in a bombshell Freedom of Information letter, shared with The Sun.
Researcher Anthony Bragalia wrote to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) requesting details of all UFO material which they hold.
Feb 13, 2021 – Bragalia believes some of the material that is being tested could have come from the notorious Roswell incident of 1947, or later crashes or even craft shat down.
He wrote: “This could include physical debris recovered by personnel of the Department of Defense as residue, flotsam, shot-off material or crashed material from UAPS [unidentified aerial phenomenon] or unidentified flying objects.”
In the response, shared with The Sun, the DIA released 154 pages of test results that includes reports on a mysterious “memory” metal called Nitinol, which remembers its original shape when folded.
Bragalia said it was a “stunning admission” from the US government and the documents reveal that some of the retrieved debris possesses “extraordinary capabilities” including the potential to make things invisible or even slow down the speed of light.
He told The Sun: “The Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing anomalous debris from UFOs. Thanks to the Sun News UK.
Senate Hearing Scheduled for June 2021
The highly anticipated report, according to Elizondo, will address what UFO believers have been clamoring to discover about Tic Tac-shaped objects the Navy saw in 2004, the strange “cubes within spheres” seen by naval aviators in 2014 and mysterious black triangles reported around the world. Elizondo believes the Senate will be given a minor briefing touching a few high points and probably indicating they don’t know what they actually are but admitting they exist.
The revealed images of new Lockheed Aircraft
Lockheed Martin Experimental Craft
Jack O’Banion, Vice President of Strategy and Customer Requirements, Advanced Development Programs at Lockheed Martin revealed some mock images of the aircraft at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SciTech Forum, revealed and stated: “Without the digital transformation, the aircraft you see there could not have been made.” Many believe this is confirmation that the aircraft has already been built. Fri, October 6, 2017 Google Maps: The plane is believed to be the SR-72 Mach 6 and Conspiracy theorist Tyler Glockner explained in the video: “It was discovered sitting on what looks like a sort of makeshift runway down in the middle of the swamp lands of Florida. It is a very mysterious object. I have not been able to find out exactly what it is but there is no record of a public aircraft that has ever been disclosed. You can see that this thing looks like a sort of supersonic, aircraft or spacecraft of some type.” Google Maps: The image was spotted near Palm Beach.
Extraterrestrial evidence
Is E.T. Phoning Us from Proxima Centauri?
CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope located in Australia.
(Image credit: CSIRO/A. Cherney)
Astronomers hunting for radio signals from alien civilizations have detected an “intriguing signal” from the direction of Proxima Centauri, the nearest star system to the sun, The Guardian reported. The researchers are still preparing a paper on the discovery, and the data has not been made public, according to The Guardian. But the signal is reportedly a narrow beam of 980 MHz radio waves detected in April and May 2019 at the Parkes telescope in Australia. The Parkes telescope is part of the $100 million Breakthrough Listen project to hunt for radio signals from technological sources beyond the solar system. The 980 MHz signal appeared once and was never detected again. That frequency is important because, as Scientific American points out, that band of radio waves is typically lacking signals from human-made craft and satellites.
Breakthrough Listen detects unusual radio signals all the time between Earthly sources, the sun’s natural radio output and natural sources beyond the solar system, there are a lot of radio waves bouncing around out there. But this signal appears to have come directly from the Proxima Centauri system, just 4.2 light-years from Earth. Even more tantalizing: The signal reportedly shifted slightly while it was being observed, in a way that resembled the shift caused by the movement of a planet. Proxima Centauri has one known rocky world 17% larger than Earth, and one known gas giant.
One of two planets circlingProxima Centauri.
The answer to weird signals happening in the universe is never aliens, until maybe it is. Earlier this month, researchers announced that they had captured a very mysterious beam of energy in the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum at 980 megahertz, coming from the closest star to our own. Proxima Centauri, which is just 4.2 light-years away, hosts one gas giant and one rocky world 17% larger than Earth that happens to be in its star’s habitable zone, meaning liquid water could exist there. The unexplained signal reportedly shifted slightly while it was being observed, in a way that resembled the shift caused by the movement of a planet. Researchers are excited but cautious, explaining that they will need to figure out if more mundane sources, such as a comet, hydrogen cloud or even human technology, could be mimicking an alien signal, and that it will likely take time before they know one way or another if E.T. is phoning us.
Alien Bacteria Might Live in the Clouds of Venus
Venus (Image credit: NASA)
Astrobiologists were a-twitter with anticipation and skepticism in September when news broke of potential evidence of life in the upper clouds of Venus. The announcement pointed to the presence of phosphine, a rare and often poisonous gas that, on Earth at least, is almost always associated with living organisms. With its hellish surface temperature, outlandish pressure and sulfuric-acid clouds, Venus has long played second fiddle to the seemingly more potentially habitable Mars. But a team aimed both the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii and the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array in Chile at Venus and picked up phosphine’s signature in a Venusian cloud layer with downright Earth-like temperatures and pressures. Terrestrial bacteria are known to thrive in some tough conditions, making the biological explanation a not unreasonable one.
Strange as it sounds there are quite a few people who claim to have come from Venus or flown there and claim it is not as hot as scientist claim. The cloud cover actually protects the surface and people allegedly live near the colder North and South Poles. While I was in the Air Force and visited d the Pentagon I was told that a Venusians lived in a room there and I was shown his green door. I asked to meet him but was told only the top brass were able to talk with him
The research team doesn’t claim that it is airtight evidence of space bugs, and many in the community aren’t quite convinced, but if nothing else it will mean more funding in the hunt for life in unlikely places.
‘The Life of Mary’ that was drawn in 1330 has a definite UFO shaped object flying in the background sky!
Ancient Astronaut Acropolis of Baalbek, Lebanon
100 Ton Stone Block
This photo taken in 1870s shows the tremendous size of the blocks with a man standing near the bottom left on the hill to compare the size of the stones. The smaller upper stones of Roman date are haphazardly placed on top to form a medieval fortress.Baalbek, Lebanon is one of the great mysteries of history and provides evidence of a past super civilization or, at least, a technically advanced civilization of prehistory. The stone blocks of the platform are the world’s biggest building blocks perhaps carried by giants or UFOs. The platform and big courtyard are retained by three walls containing twenty-seven limestone blocks, unequaled in size anywhere in the world, as they all weigh in excess of 300 metric tons. Three of the blocks, however, weigh more than 800 tons each. This block trio is world-renowned as the “Trilithon”.
Depiction of launch of Spaceship from Baalbek
Scholar Zecharia Sitchen claims early Sumerian writings depict the vast platform at Baalbek was a marvel of technology and was built as landing place of the shuttlecraft of the ancient astronauts or Anunnaki. It had been built before the flood in pre-Duluvian times. The Anunnaki (those who from heaven came) came in groups of fifty with the mission to obtain gold apparently to save their planet. Our own science and engineering today cannot explain them; let alone what their function was. It would seem some unknown culture could move these great stones, place them on top of others, in perfect fit and alignment, before the dawn of our most ancient cultures.
Baalbek Columns Still Standing after 2000 years
Their style is identical to the earliest cultures of monumental stone we know of like the Egyptian Giza Pyramid, Malta, and the Pre-Incan Peru cultures. Perfectly cut, though smaller, stones were found. The megaliths were not designed as the foundation of the original building, but were meant to be the top. Why? What for? The much later stones of the Roman temple can be seen built behind and on top of them. This evolution in stonework is remarkable. From the small Roman and Turkish blocks, we go further down to monumental blocks identical with our earliest cultures. Yet lower than this, we come not to primitive mud bricks or shanty-hut foundations, but to the greatest stones ever worked by man. At the southern entrance of town is a quarry where the stones used in the temples were cut.
A huge block with 28 people shown is considered the largest hewn stone in the world, still sits where it was cut thousands of years ago. Called the “Stone of the Pregnant Woman”, it is 21.5 meters x 4.8m x (71 feet by 16 feet) in size and weighs an estimated 1,000 tons.
336 B.C. describing that Alexander the Great had moved his Army past Baalbek after defeating the Babylonians on his way to conquer Egypt. Interestingly UFOs were also reported in the sky with red lights in the shape of baskets moving extremely fast. The significance of Baalbek is its huge, raised platform comprised of stone blocks of enormous weight and size. Historians were told at the time that the stone platform was the oldest on Earth. It’s thought to have survived the great flood some 13,000 years ago. The original ruins may have been built by giants or Extraterrestrials or an ancient advanced civilization.
Alien Pyramids Worldwide
Several Chinese Pyramids
Dr. Sam Osmanagich Ph.D., director of Center for Anthropology and Archaeology at the American University in Bosnia has authored 11 books about ancient civilizations. He claims many Pyramids are 10,000 to 25,000 years old and built well before mankind was sophisticated, had agriculture or cities. The question is did ancient civilizations build them or are ancient aliens responsible for a worldwide pyramid construction system? Twenty Chinese Pyramids on Google Earth are shown here. The builders of hundreds of pyramids are thought to have been blonde, blue eyed, light skinned called Nordic aliens whose bodies are often found nearby.
Oldest Chinese and Egyptian pyramids are much superior to those made later, as unsuccessful replicas. Older pyramids are built from granite and sandstone blocks, more recent ones are much smaller built from bricks and mud. Traces of more advanced beings who were likely alien are everywhere around us. In the meantime, mainstream scientists try to fit those monuments into their time coordinates, falsifying the truth. Hundreds of pyramids are being found all over the Earth including under the sea like the three found off the coast of Florida. It is apparent that ancient aliens or a previous sophisticated civilization existed on Earth.
Bosnia Pyramids of the Sun
Twenty miles northwest from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dr. Osmanagich his attention was caught by two regularly shaped hills, which he later named the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. For thousands of years locals have considered those hills to be natural phenomena because they were covered by soil and vegetation. However, when he first saw their triangular faces, obvious corners and orientation toward the cardinal points, he knew that they had to be constructed by a force other than nature. He states,” Since I had been investigating pyramids for decades I knew that the pyramids found in China, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador had the same type of soil and vegetation coverage.”
Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation is conducting time the pyramid investigations in Bosnia and has become the world’s largest inter-disciplinary archaeological project.
This discovery is historic and changes the early history of Europe since these are the first pyramids discovered in Europe, and is the largest pyramid structure in the world at 220 meters is much higher than the Great Pyramid of Egypt (147 meters). It has precise orientation toward scosmic north and the soil covering the pyramid is 12,000 years old. There is an extensive underground tunnel network which runs for more than ten miles.
The Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality man-made concrete five times stronger than today’s concrete. (shown at left) Evidence of concrete being used in pyramid construction is shown by the work of Professor Michel Barsoum, Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University, who has found scientific evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete.
A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working.
There is strong evidence that both our moon and Mars have been mined. Mining is occurring on our Moon and Mars. This appears to be a typical open pit mine. Mars may contain ores that would be very useful to potential colonists. The abundance of volcanic features together with widespread cratering are strong evidence for a variety of ores. The best places on Mars for valuable ores are volcanoes, lava flows and impact craters. – Mars’ different history, crust and atmosphere make it certain that minerals there will be different than those of Earth. – the most abundant chemical elements in the Martian crust, besides silicon and oxygen, are iron, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, and potassium. These elements are major components of the minerals comprising igneous rocks.
Yaw’ or ‘Yahweh’ is marked on the edge of the Mars mine indicating ownership. Interestingly the Hebrew God is spelled YHWH. In the Christian Bible God’s sacred name is spelled Yahweh. Blowing winds do not spell out words. So you can be sure alien intelligence on Mars made the sign. We can also speculate this intelligence came to Earth with sign language as is told in Sumerian, Hebrew and Egyptian ancient writings. Thanks to European Space Agency images
Cylinder UFO Caught By Mars Curiosity Rover
The images released by Mars Curiosity Rover show what appears to be a very large cylindrical shaped UFO traveling in the Martian night sky. The UFO appears in a sequence of five images over a ten minute period with the time stamp of April 28, 2014. Stephen Hannard
The images were uploaded on April 30 by NASA, and immediately aroused the attention of UFO researchers monitoring the Curiosity Rover camera feeds which are regularly released on a website owned by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, located at the California Institute of Technology.
Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily wrote the images are not a result of time lapse photography and appear to show a huge self-propelled craft traveling in a uniform direction. The first researcher to identify the cylindrical UFO was Waring who in his blog post dismissed the idea that the object was due to time lapse: The shape of the UFO is just as we see it, is a slow moving long cigar shaped. None of the Mars orbiters are cylindrical in shape or very large.
Extra-Terrestrial Healing
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was a landmark 1982 movie E.T shown on this poster could heal with a touch of his finger. Another benefit of being part of the empathic group is that E.T. may heal injured members at a much greater distance, without having to touch them. ET and angels who are visitors from other planets are known to heal people. There are thousands of stories where people have prayed for healing and have healed. Similar stories are told of telepathically asking for healing and being healed. Alice was on her deathbed as a child, and the Doctor visited her and told her parents she would be dead by morning. They prayed and asked for help. The next morning her parents entered her bedroom expecting the worst, but Alice was sitting up in bed asking for breakfast. She told them the angel came and healed her. Now she is older she feels it was ET. Maybe she was right both times. Many abductees report fibromyalgia and other ailments after being on board craft usually flown by grays.
I was recently in the hospital when my primary artery was drilled through and I bled internally. I was black from my chest to my knees. I was brought very low and the Doctors didn’t think I would make it. Fortunately, my wife, my church, hundreds of my friends, people on Facebook prayed for me. The bleeding was stopped with a stent and I am alive and stronger than ever, but I believe the Lord saved me again! Don’t under estimate the power of prayer.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and airmen who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at air fields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft. During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer. From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book. By John L. Guerra.
by Fred Ellis Brock
SECRETS, by Fred Ellis Brock, the third novel of The Seven trilogy, is out. A cross-genre thriller involving kidnapping, murder, and UFO conspiracies, it brings to a climax the struggle of Bill Sanders and Morgen Remley to stop The Seven, a super-secret group trying to overthrow the U.S. government. From New Mexico to the White House, the action is nonstop. The first two novels, THE SEVEN and SHADOWS, are available wherever books are sold. The publisher is Wyatt-MacKenzie. More information is at (Note: Amazon has hundreds of books with “seven,” “shadows,” and “secrets” in the title. Search for the author’s name. The books will pop right up.) From a review of THE SEVEN in the Arizona Daily Star: “Is the idea of extra-terrestrial visits really as far-fetched as we think?” In this debut novel, Fred Ellis Brock speculates on just how far government intelligence might go to keep an unsuspecting populace in the dark. Journalist and best-selling author Bill Sanders didn’t reach the top of his profession by being gullible, so he’s understandably skeptical when a boyhood friend claims his daughter has been abducted by aliens. But old loyalties run deep, so Bill reluctantly agrees to check it out-digging up the facts is his specialty, after all — and to his surprise they simply do not add up. Even more disturbingly, people connected with his investigation are inexplicably turning up dead. “In a lively plot that gallops across a landscape of disinformation and treachery, Brock’s hero peels away layers of artifice to arrive at the shocking heart of the intrigue. This is the first volume of a planned trilogy featuring Bill Sanders and his close encounters with “The Seven.” “Like his protagonist, Brock is a journalist who has worked for major dailies including the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and The New York Times, and has authored best-selling books on financial planning.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files 21 2021 US Testing Wreckage from UFO crashes - PART II
Filer’s Files 21 2021 US Testing Wreckage from UFO crashes - PART II
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Special reports concerning: Space Force sets priorities to prevent future Space War, Pentagon admits it has Been Testing Wreckage from UFO crashes. The revealed images of new Lockheed Aircraft, is E.T. Phoning Us from Proxima Centauri? Mars Open Pit Mine, Alien Bacteria Might Live in the Clouds of Venus, Ancient Astronaut Acropolis of Baalbek, Lebanon, Secrets, and Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Puerto Rico, Thailand and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Arkansas Light
Benton – on March 18, 2021, my wife went outside to check on our son and a neighbor boy and started screaming UFO, UFO. When I ran outside I recognized we were witnessing 2 orange “ship’s of light” exactly like the Carlos Diaz documentary, Unmistakable. My son captured 6 seconds of video of the incident.
California Object
Brea– on May 12, 2021, I was hiking the highest point in Orange County Carbon Canyon at 6:35PM, taking picture of large commercial airplane headed toward LAX. I ascended hill. Texted picture to my girlfriend and she texted your picture up a silver disc above airplane. A year ago, was hiking in same area and saw helicopter apparently chasing a black object. Black object was 5-6 feet across circular, moving quickly.
Florida Lights
Orlando– on May 9, 2021, I saw chrome square shape balloon type object drifting SW and behind it a stationary chrome pill shaped object hovering vertically. It went up slowly then dropped suddenly and made an e turn westward disappearing quickly. Reviewing the video I captured 2 flying objects flying together. A few minutes later, facing north I captured what I think was the same two UFO’S circling each other..
Georgia Cylinder
Elberton – on May 14, 2021, before sunset I came out of my shop to greet my wife who saw a highly reflected, slightly southeast caught my attention. I observed a highly reflective metallic cylindrical object, traveling rapidly, making no sound. It was flying S.E. way too fast for a blimp. I was able to snap 3 photos, and zoomed in on one photo. I am a retired Sergeant Major with 30 years served in the active-duty Army as a combat Paramedic to both Afghanistan and Iraq. I’m familiar with military aircraft and this object is cylindrical and circular objects attached together.
Iowa Cylinder
Ventura– on May 17, 2021, ii was 500 feet above ground and a 1000 from where we stood slowly moving SE. Had no sound or lights and parts of the object disappeared. It totally vanished in 5 minutes until its Dull grey color looked like a long rectangular piece of cheese with holes in it.
Missouri Lights
Blue Springs – on May 15, 2021, I caught a black triangle UFO at 4:54 this morning at my home. It had 3 white lights on each corner of the ship and the middle had a red circle light. I took several still shots, as it went over my head for 20 seconds. Then it disappeared over the trees. The craft was low and huge.
Note:This craft does not have the normal configuration of navigation lights for conventional aircraft. Aircraft have a red light on the left wing tip and a green light on the right wing tip. The red light on this craft is in the middle. The craft was quite close and made no noise. You would expect to hear some sound from a jet or prop aircraft. Perhaps it could be some sort of drone? Blue Springs is fairly close to Whiteman AFB which has been known to house state-of-the-art military aircraft. Thanks to Will Pucket/
Montana Cylinder
Libby – on May 15, 2021, Mother is convinced this is a UFO with its lights flickering and lowered and raised yet follows a straight NE direction.
Nevada Objects Disk
Minden –on May 14, 2021, I have seen the space station and satellites, but this was different. It cruised across the sky ESE. No noise and glowed bright orange. This was Not a plane. The temperature was 57degrees F.
New York Lights
Bronx – on May 9, 2021, I was outside the store when I noticed a strange fluttering bright light in the sky. It slowly started to move across the sky, stopped for a second and started moving up and down across the sky. I started recording as it sped up and went into the clouds. I have seen these lights before in my neighborhood.
North Dakota Cylinder
Fargo – on May 16, 2021, letting dogs out I looked up at the stars and saw something that I’ve never seen before. I have 2 pictures of a cigar shaped object.
Ohio Object
Upper Arlington – on October 10, 2019, when I looked at my photo on my PCI immediately thought, a UFO photo that changed paths drastically. It had no wings or tails.
Texas Lights
Laredo– on May 11, 2021, during a thunderstorm I saw orbs flowing one red and one white. I did not record those but managed to take a picture of the one that came after that was flying straight, stop, and start on a windy day so it was not a drone.
Washington Lights
Grandview– on May 15, 2021, I noticed a line of light in the sky in the Northwest and I thought it may be reflecting off the power line to the house. The line was moving east, I called over my mother and sister to verify at 9:35pm. It lasted 5 minutes before it was out of sight towards the Eastern horizon. The crazy thing about it was gone. My sister drew a rough drawing of the cigar shaped string of lights. 2 inches long in the sky with the cigar shaped white light object in the sky. It was Not like Star Link, which spaces its satellites miles apart.
Rochester– on May 15, 2021, the video I recorded at 10:34 PM, was a craft moving in the sky. The string of more than a dozen lights had no separation and stayed in a line throughout the duration of the event. That was too close to the ground to be in orbit like a satellite. This craft was flying with a purpose taking 5-7 minutes to move across the sky.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
NSW – on May 1,7 2021, I saw an object changing shape, disappearing and reappearing in a different spot. It was blinking and had an aura around it.
Canada Light
Lava– on May 16, 2021, Long cigar shaped light
France Lights
Riedisheim — on June 6, 2009, I would like to have your opinion on these photos that I took in 2:30 am in front of my parents’ house. I took these photos with a Kodak APN6230. The objects were coming south / southeast in white balls, they lined up to make the shapes you see for 15 minutes, then they went to east the Black Forest at a good speed.
Thailand Light
Chonburi, – January 15, 2021, I was riding in a car in the countryside and saw 3 objects high up in the sky over the lake. All 3 were on same level so I got my phone camera and 2 of the lights disappeared in an instant. I got a photo of the remaining object. When I zoomed in on my photo, I saw that it was triangular in shape. Thanks to Will Pucket/!
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
One of the new terms which has come out of the rapidly intensifying talk of UFO sightings by U.S. Navy personnel and the upcoming government report on UFOs is “transmedium” – which refers to unidentified vehicles flying over, hovering above and diving into the ocean. While it has been noted many times that the transmedium UFOs or UAPs emerged from the water unexpectedly and never surfaced again after diving in, no one seemed to discuss the idea that they could be accompanied by, or in fact exist primarily as, unidentified ‘submersible’ objects (USOs) which should be tracked by Navy submarines – if that’s even possible based on the descriptions of their capabilities. That changed recently with some revelations by the ‘other’ Rogan – Tom Rogan, a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.
“That is what I have heard from very good sources and that the US Navy has the data.”
In an appearance with Tucker Carlson on Fox News, Rogan was asked about the latest video released by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell showing a fast-moving UFO following the USS Omaha in 2019 – a UFO that went ‘transmedium’ and disappeared underwater. Carlson pointed out how the craft would then be traveling at “hundreds of knots” (100 knots is 115 mph) and people would have a hard time imagining this outside of a Star Trek movie. And, if these transmedium USOs are traveling at that speed underwater, wouldn’t they also be tracking US Navy submarines just like they follow warships and planes? That’s when Rogan dropped his blockbuster.
“Relevant to this video, an area we will learn more about is the interaction between US Navy submarines – nuclear ballistic submarines and attack submarines – picking up sonar contact of things moving at hundreds of knots under the water. There is an undersea dimension to this, on top of what the pilots are seeing above water.”
“Whether this being is worldly or otherworldly, we don’t know. It’s just part of a the much larger series of events we are going to be learning about.”
Rogan implies that the “much larger series of events we are going to be learning about” are part of the contents of the government report on UFOs that the Pentagon committed to release in June but we all know what can happen to government commitments.
Are there unidentified submersible objects? That seems highly likely. Have US submarines encountered them? Ditto to that. Who do they belong to? That’s the big question – one that may not be answered in the report even if it does acknowledge their existence.
Which is more disconcerting – UFOs or USOs? That’s a good question. Traveling at high speeds underwater is a much more impressive feat, especially if these USOs or transmediums can make the same maneuvers they demonstrate in the air. It might also mean that bases have been established underwater – another bigger feat and not totally unexpected if these are extraterrestrial ships … with 70% of the Earth covered with water, there are more places to build bases as well as hide them.
Will the Pentagon report address USOs as Tom Rogan implies? We don’t have much longer to wait.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is planning for telecommunication and navigation services to be provided for future moon explorers before the end of the decade. This future satellite constellation, which is called Moonlight, will orbit the moon and is expected to be fully functional by the late part of the 2020s – just a few years after NASA’s crewed Artemis 3 mission is scheduled to land on the lunar surface. This constellation project has been described as being like Earth’s “eighth continent”.
In a news conference, Elodie Viau, who is the ESA’s director of telecommunications and integrated applications, talked about the potential of this new project, “Having a navigation and telecommunication network to relay what we learn on the moon back to Earth will be key for sustainability of future missions.” “You can imagine astronomers setting up observatories on the far side of the moon. And as we have all now become accustomed to virtual meetings, who knows? We could be doing Skype on the moon.”
For now, when a lander makes it onto the moon, it needs to hold a navigation subsystem that weighs 40 kilograms (88 pounds). This navigation subsystem measures how far the lander is from the moon in order to make sure that it safely reaches the lunar surface. However, if there was a lunar navigation satellite in space, the lander wouldn’t need to carry such heavy equipment and would only need to have a receiver and altimeter to conduct a safe touchdown. “Shedding this weight and volume would then be used to put additional instruments on your lander and bring that to the moon,” ESA director of navigation Paul Verhoef noted.
Three or four satellites will probably be part of the lunar navigation constellation, although there could be more added if needed. Verhoef went into further details, “With three or four satellites, we can already do quite a lot.” “The target we have at the moment is that the constellation would be able to allow an accuracy of 100 meters [330 feet] and probably better. We think that we might be able to get to 30-meter [100 feet] accuracy.”
In addition to this future Moonlight constellation, there are four global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) orbiting Earth that could help transmit data to landers on the moon. “These signals are sent by satellites to Earth, but they also bypass Earth and go further into space,” Verhoef explained, adding, “We can combine the use of those signals in a receiver in order to determine the position of a vehicle on the moon.”
The upcoming Lunar Pathfinder mission, which is scheduled to be launched in 2024, will test out the novel GNSS receiver while orbiting the moon. It’s hard to imagine anyone Skyping from the moon, but I suppose anything is possible.
You may be familiar with the name ‘Valery Uvarov’ from his work in pyramid technology and the construction of large-scale experimental pyramids for the purpose of positively influencing human health and the human immune system, and stimulating spiritual growth. You may know him for his work in palaeoscience, palaeotechnology and searching for historical traces of extraterrestrial activities in our past. However, Valery Uvarov is best known as the head of the Department of UFO Research, Palaeosciences and Palaeotechnology of the National Security Academy of Russia – his home base for generating papers, books and theories on ancient civilizations, palaeoscience and ufology. It’s that last subject which has Uvarov back in the news this week.
“Scientists have been studying a mysterious video showing a UFO for several days. She throws an object into the territory of the moon.”
“The increased attention to this video is caused by the fact that a spacecraft drops some rather large object onto the surface of a celestial body. The UFO hovers over an area called the Sea of Cold. Experts have examined on the surface of a good recognizable crater Aristarchus. Its diameter is approximately 40 km. The dimensions of the unidentified aircraft are the same respectively.”
“The only mystery that scientists still cannot figure out is what did deliver the UFO to the territory of the Moon, since the video clearly shows that some kind of cargo is dropped onto the surface of the Earth’s satellite. Perhaps this mystery can be solved in the future, when astronauts can explore the area.”
Or if you’re in Russia, you ask Valery Uvarov for an explanation of a recent UFO recorded on the Moon (see the video here) dropping something to the surface., which reported on the sighting, did just that a few days later and Uvarov had some interesting observations.
“The moon is a unique base from which one can observe and control the processes taking place on the Earth and in the solar system. This object can be called a station from which tracking is carried out.”
Uvarov believes the Moon is an extraterrestrial base – not an unusual belief. However, his theories on the origin of the Moon itself may call his credibility into question with some people.
“The moon appeared relatively recently. This happened about 13 thousand years ago. It is considered a natural satellite of the Earth, but in all the ancient texts that have survived, we are talking about the fact that it arose after a great catastrophe in the solar system. Its appearance was accompanied by a powerful flood on our planet.”
OK, believers in a great flood might buy that, although his timing may be off. What happened 13,000 years ago to create the Moon?
“The moon is the largest surviving fragment of the planet Tiamat that once existed in the solar system. She was big enough. In order to imagine its real mass, in no case should one take into account only the asteroid belt [between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter]. It is necessary to sum them all, add the weight of the Moon and the debris that revolve in three librational points of Jupiter’s orbit.”(Google translation)
OK, that sounds somewhat plausible – except for the 13,000-years-ago part. Unfortunately, the article in is short and contains only those excerpts, not the full text or any context. It also doesn’t say anything about who the ETs are flying UFOs from their base on the Moon. For that, we turn to a 2017 interview with
“However, there is another planet in the solar system populated by those who once lived on Mars and Phaeton (Nibiru). Those who survived the disaster have gone to a planet behind the Sun, which is mentioned in ancient Egyptian and Sumerian texts. If some large planetoid hits the Earth, the planet that is in the same orbit but behind the Sun, it will most likely begin to lose its orbit.”
The “disaster” appears to be the same one 13,000 years ago that he claims formed the Moon. These ETs are “humanoid” in form and communicate via telepathy – an ability humans had until the “disaster.” All other “developed extraterrestrial civilizations” have it – allowing them to exchange instant information. Uvarov ties the “disaster” to an asteroid that hit Earth which changed Earth’s orbit, pushing the year from 360 days to 365 days. According to his theory, this would have dire consequences for the alien planet behind the Sun if it happened again. Fortunately, there’s a solution in Siberia.
“Our planetary neighbors have built a defense complex against meteorites and asteroids to defend, not so much us, but the planet and themselves. Almost every day the Earth is attacked by meteorites, some of which carry dangerous bacteria that could have dire consequences for the planet as well as for its neighbors. So it is easier to destroy the meteorite above the Earth. By the way, this plant destroyed the Tunguska meteorite on June 30, 1908 and also dropped the meteorite on Chelyabinsk on February 15, 2013.”
By “dropped,” Uvarov seems to mean shot down. You may ask, “If these aliens care so much about our safety, how come so many asteroids sneak through their Siberian defense system?” Good question! The system is autonomous and therein lies the problem.
“This is why it has malfunctions and sometimes it shoots empty, as they say. The operation of the plant is particularly supported by our neighbors on the planet as long as it is possible. Local people from this faraway area in Siberia tell of people with super modern equipment. For the first time these people were seen after a year of the Tunguska explosion and an expedition from the National Internal Affairs Committee was sent there. It was discovered that those strange people, who avoided contact with the local population, had no relationship with our scientists or military.”
Did you follow all of that? Uvalov claims he can observe the system and it’s working so well now that “sometimes the plant shoots for hours without stopping. This is a testament to how high the meteorite danger is.”
What were we talking about? Oh yeah – the UFO on the Moon. Perhaps the ETs are building an asteroid deflector in anticipation of humans establishing a colony on the Moon. That’s not Uvarov’ theory but it’s as plausible as any of his others.
UFO Sighted Over Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil ( May 20, 2021 )
UFO / OVNI sighted in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil on May 20, 2021 : 2:00PM
STATEMENT : OVNI em formato de um peão sobre Campinas!!
TRANSLATE :UFO in the form of a pawn over Campinas!!
credit : Henrique S. Guerreiro
UFO Sighted Over Phoenix, Arizona( May 24, 2021 )
UFO sighted over Phoenix, Arizona on May 24, 2021 : STATEMENT : Caught on video today
credit : Melisa Engler-Donahue
UFO Sighted Over Santa Rosa, California ( May 12, 2021 )
STATEMENT :Noticed a blinking light in the trees while walking home in Santa Rosa CA on 5/12/21. While reviewing the video, I also noticed an incredibly fast moving black object flying past the blinking light in the trees.
UFO Sighted Over Caraguatatuba, Brazil ( April 15, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over Caraguatatuba Beach in Brazil on April 15, 2021
STATEMENT : ovni esferico muy deprisa en brasil
TRANSLATE : spherical ufo very fast in Brazil
credit : Marcelo Camargo
UFO Sighted Over Campinas, Brazil ( May 23, 2021 )
UFO sighted over Campinas, southeast Brazil, northwest of São Paulo. on May 23, 2021
STATEMENT :Gravei hoje
TRANSLATE : I recorded it today
credit : Anderson Machado
Multiple lights rotating each other or is it one circular object with Multiple lights Rotating?
Lanett Alabama,A couple witnesses multiple lights rotating around each other for over 6 minutes or do we have one circular craft with multiple lights rotating in the night sky, You Be The Judge!!
MUFON CASE : 115681 Tacoma, Washington( May 24, 2021 )
Witness for objects hovering over 5 minutes then split up and went different directions
Long Description of Sighting Report
I captured video of these 4 objects hovering in the sky. The building they were hovering over is only about a 5 min walk from my place. They looked extremely large and close. I tried to rationalize and think well maybe some new city cranes went up but of course that wasn't it. In no way did they look like planes. They were huge and close. I live in a high rise on the 15th floor in Seattle/Tacoma and I know what airplanes look like they surround my building all day long. These were not commercial planes. They hovered for so long I got tired of recording so I stopped. As I continue to talk on the phone and eventually looked back I noticed they had all split apart and went different directions. At that time I started to record again. In the video they look very far and small and in person they looked huge and ginormous as if they were just across the street. They look like physical objects that you could reach out and touch. The next evening I got one more photo of only one object. I turned to grab a jacket so I could open the window to take video but when I got back it was gone.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-24 Date of Event : 2021-05-16 / 9:16PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
Black UFO Over Ontario, Canada, May 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Over Ontario, Canada, May 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 20, 2021
Location of sighting: Ontario, Canada
This odd craft was moving across the sky when the eyewitness noticed it. He reached for his cell phone and captured almost a minute of raw footage for us. The craft moved silently over him, and as it got closer, it didn't become any more clear about what it was. The object is dark with no obvious top or bottom to it. No wings, no propellers or wings. It is however flying low and I would estimate it to be about one meter in size. Strangely seems to be following the power lines. I can see no earthly explanation for this craft other than its not of this world.
Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Tech, Capabilities
Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Tech, Capabilities
James Devaney/Getty Images
An explosive report featured on CBS News’s “60 Minutes” featured several former U.S. military officials who talked about what the U.S. government knows about unidentified aerial phenomena — UAP —more commonly referred to as UFOs.
The segment comes ahead of a report that the military is supposed to deliver to Congress by next month. Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in a recent interview that the findings will shock people because “frankly, there are a lot more sightings than have been made public.”
Newsworthy quotes from the “60 Minutes” segment:
Lue Elizondo, former U.S. Military official that led the U.S. government’s effort to investigate UAP: “Imagine a technology that can do 600-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity. That’s precisely what we’re seeing.”
Elizondo on explanations for what people are witnessing: “In some cases there are simple explanations for what people are witnessing. But there are some that, that are not. We’re not just simply jumping to a conclusion that’s saying, ‘Oh, that’s a UAP out there.’ We’re going through our due diligence. Is it some sort of new type of cruise missile technology that China has developed? Is it some sort of high-altitude balloon that’s conducting reconnaissance? Ultimately when you have exhausted all those what ifs and you’re still left with the fact that this is in our airspace and it’s real, that’s when it becomes compelling, and that’s when it becomes problematic.”
Ryan Graves, former Navy pilot Lieutenant, on how often the U.S. Military encounters UAPs on the East Coast: “Every day. Every day for at least a couple years.”
Graves on what he thinks the objects are: “I would say, you know, the highest probability is it’s a threat observation program.”
Chris Mellon, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, and was on the staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee: “… these vehicles seem to have unlimited loiter time, which we don’t have. We’re limited in terms of altitude, it’s hard to design something that functions well at ground level that can go, 60,000 or 80,000 feet and then drop down to the deck or drop to 20,000 feet. And you know, and it’s like a straight vertical line … in seconds. … Then the acceleration is beyond any, far beyond anything that we, that we’re capable of … There’s nothing we could build that would be strong enough to endure that amount of force and acceleration.”
The segment also documented a case from 2004 where two U.S. Navy pilots with the USS Nimitz carrier strike group were training about 100 miles southwest of San Diego and encountered a UAP that they claim descended 80,000 feet in a matter of only a few seconds. The pilots said that when they got close to the object after tracking it that it disappeared because of the speed that it was able to accelerate.
Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Tech, Capabilities
Bombshell UFO Report: U.S. Military Encounters UFOs ‘Every Day’ That Far Exceed Its Tech, Capabilities
James Devaney/Getty Images
An explosive report featured on CBS News’s “60 Minutes” featured several former U.S. military officials who talked about what the U.S. government knows about unidentified aerial phenomena — UAP —more commonly referred to as UFOs.
The segment comes ahead of a report that the military is supposed to deliver to Congress by next month. Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in a recent interview that the findings will shock people because “frankly, there are a lot more sightings than have been made public.”
Newsworthy quotes from the “60 Minutes” segment:
Lue Elizondo, former U.S. Military official that led the U.S. government’s effort to investigate UAP: “Imagine a technology that can do 600-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity. That’s precisely what we’re seeing.”
Elizondo on explanations for what people are witnessing: “In some cases there are simple explanations for what people are witnessing. But there are some that, that are not. We’re not just simply jumping to a conclusion that’s saying, ‘Oh, that’s a UAP out there.’ We’re going through our due diligence. Is it some sort of new type of cruise missile technology that China has developed? Is it some sort of high-altitude balloon that’s conducting reconnaissance? Ultimately when you have exhausted all those what ifs and you’re still left with the fact that this is in our airspace and it’s real, that’s when it becomes compelling, and that’s when it becomes problematic.”
Ryan Graves, former Navy pilot Lieutenant, on how often the U.S. Military encounters UAPs on the East Coast: “Every day. Every day for at least a couple years.”
Graves on what he thinks the objects are: “I would say, you know, the highest probability is it’s a threat observation program.”
Chris Mellon, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, and was on the staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee: “… these vehicles seem to have unlimited loiter time, which we don’t have. We’re limited in terms of altitude, it’s hard to design something that functions well at ground level that can go, 60,000 or 80,000 feet and then drop down to the deck or drop to 20,000 feet. And you know, and it’s like a straight vertical line … in seconds. … Then the acceleration is beyond any, far beyond anything that we, that we’re capable of … There’s nothing we could build that would be strong enough to endure that amount of force and acceleration.”
The segment also documented a case from 2004 where two U.S. Navy pilots with the USS Nimitz carrier strike group were training about 100 miles southwest of San Diego and encountered a UAP that they claim descended 80,000 feet in a matter of only a few seconds. The pilots said that when they got close to the object after tracking it that it disappeared because of the speed that it was able to accelerate.
Meteor showers are the dazzling result of cometary debris building up along well-worn paths through the solar system, then burning up in Earth's atmosphere as our planet crosses that dust trail.
It's hard to call a path well-worn when something passes by only once every 3,967 years. But it turns out that type of long-period comet can still be tied to a specific meteor shower, as scientists have done with Comet C/2002 Y1 Juels-Holvorcem and the UY Lyncids shower. The research that connected the long haul ice ball and the shower triples the number of celestial displays that scientists have tied to specific comets that take more than 250 years to orbit the sun.
"Until recently, we only knew five long-period comets to be parent bodies to one of our meteor showers," Peter Jenniskens, a meteor astronomer at the SETI Institute and the lead author of the new research, said in a statement. "But now we identified nine more, and perhaps as many as 15."
For some perspective, Comet C/2002 Y1 Juels-Holvorcem most recently made a close approach of the sun in 2003 — which means its last such visit was around 2,000 B.C., when Egypt's Great Pyramids were just a few hundred years old, and its next pass of the sun won't occur until nearly the year 6,000.
Typically, a shorter orbit means a comet retraces its path more regularly, scattering more rubble that can become more "shooting stars" when Earth plows through the debris. That means it's difficult for skywatchers to notice meteor showers caused by comets with orbits beyond about 250 years or so.
The best known long-period comet that triggers a meteor shower is comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, which causes the April Lyrid meteor shower. Other long-period comets' showers are less dramatic, even those scientists had previously identified, like the Aurigids (debris from C/1911 N1 Kiess) and the Leonis Minorids (from C/1739 K1 Zanotti).
The scientists behind the new study wanted to find more such connections, so they turned to a program called Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS), which includes observation stations across the United States and around the globe, including in New Zealand, Namibia, Chile and the United Arab Emirates — networks totalling more than 500 individual cameras all told, all watching for meteors.
"These are the shooting stars you see with the naked eye," Jenniskens said. "By tracing their approach direction, these maps show the sky and the universe around us in a very different light."
Looking at such huge amounts of meteor sightings, scientists can pick out subtle meteor showers based on tracking only a few shooting stars to similar origin points in the sky, called radiants. So astronomers combined that analysis of a decade of observations with NASA's database of comets and their orbits.
The scientists found at least nine new matches between meteor showers and long-period comets, and identified another six potential matches. The research tracks down the comets responsible for esoteric meteor showers, like December's sigma Virginids and July's Pegasids, caused by debris from C/1846 J1 Brorsen and C/1979 Y1 Bradfield respectively.
Most of the comets in the research swing past the sun every 400 to 800 years or so, a quite respectable calendar. Three comets joined Juels-Holvorcem is a bit of an outlier with orbits longer than 1,000 years. Scientists have tied a few other long-period comets to specific meteor showers, but can't quite pin down their orbital periods.
Among the meteor showers studied, the researchers noticed an intriguing trend: Displays from long-period comets tend to last several days, and the radiant appears to move like a smudge on the sky. The scientists on the new research think the effect may be caused by a comet's orbit shifting between loops, so that the rubble fields don't align as cleanly as they do for short-period comets.
"This was a surprise to me," Jenniskens said. "It probably means that these comets returned to the solar system many times in the past, while their orbits gradually changed over time."
The research is described in a paper that will be published this autumn by the journal Icarus.
Aliens live among us even though we don’t see them (Video)
Aliens live among us even though we don’t see them (Video)
According to science, humanity evolved naturally on Earth to become the most intelligent species in the universe, as there is no evidence of life elsewhere. But the truth is totally the opposite.
Humans are not alone in the universe, we are not the most intelligent species, and we do not evolve naturally on Earth. Countless alien civilizations populate this galaxy; many are millions of years older than ours.
The most advanced aliens have been visiting Earth for a long time; some are responsible for seeding human life on Earth, and on other compatible planets.
This means that humanity did not even originate on Earth. So, technically speaking, we’re aliens too, even though we’ve lived here for so long that we see it differently.
Aliens still occupy this planet, living in underground or underwater bases, or deep within mountains, and traveling in cloaked ships, through underground tunnels, or through teleportation portals.
Although there are at least fifty different alien species on Earth, only a few are highly negative or highly positive.
The negatives use humanity as a natural resource. Neutral aliens are here primarily to live, observe, and learn.
Positive aliens are interested in helping individuals escape from the energy farm, and become superhumans.
Things are actually more complicated, as any alien faction can serve multiple purposes, but the point is that the negatives are basically looking to use us, and the positives are looking to help us.
The most common types of aliens are the Grays, Reptilians, Mantids, and Norsemen. The grays are robotic beings, of short stature, with big heads, pale skin and dark eyes.
Reptilians are tall and intelligent beings, with slit pupils and scaly skin. Mantids resemble the praying mantis insect, only human-sized.
Norsemen cannot be distinguished from humans, but they tend to be more muscular, with exclusively blond hair and very light eyes.
It is not possible to say that an alien species is absolutely positive and another absolutely negative, since within the same species there may be examples of both classes, but for some types, the orientation is more delineated than for others.
These aliens are not physical the way we are. They can dematerialize and pass through walls, travel back in time, move objects with their minds, speak to us telepathically, and become invisible.
All these are powers inherent to the superhuman stage, and indeed, they are more advanced because they live in a higher dimension that interpenetrates ours.
To enter our world, higher dimensional beings must focus on a narrower range of vibration to intercept our dimension, otherwise they remain invisible to us.
We are like fish unaware that people outside the aquarium are watching us, people who can choose to make themselves known by tapping on the glass, or sticking their fingers in the water.
Technically speaking, and despite coming from a higher dimension, these beings exist between us and that dimension. What do you think? Watch the following video and leave us your comment below.
When it comes to weird cults, you could do a lot worse than the Stella Maris Gnostic Church. Based in South America, specifically Cartagena, Colombia, it was founded in 1989 by a man named Rodolfo Perez, who brought over several members of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement to help him kickstart his project. Shortly after its formation, the cult began to make a name for itself as being rather odd, to say the least. It quickly gained a reputation as doomsday cult, pronouncing that there was a great cataclysm awaiting mankind, and they made it all even weirder by proclaiming that the only way to escape this fate was to be whisked away by aliens from outer space. This would lead to a strange mass vanishing surrounded by talk of odd beliefs, brainwashing, and aliens.
Over the years there would be many reports to the police from concerned family members who worried that their loved ones had been completely brainwashed by the enigmatic and charismatic cult leader Rogelio Perea, who went through great lengths to make sure his members severed all ties with the outside world, and viewing material existence as flawed or evil. At the time, there was a lot in the news about this mysterious group, and through it all they became ever more obsessed with the idea that the cataclysm was upon us, and that they had to make preparations to leave aboard a spaceship, with the similarities with the infamous Heaven’s Gate Cult not lost on anyone at all. Specifically, the Stella Maris Gnostic Church believed that exactly 140,000 of the faithful from the world’s population would be saved by aliens during the doomsday, and the rest would perish.
The Stella Maris Gnostic Church
In June of 1999 there was reported a good amount of activity from the cult’s compound in Cartegena, as if they were getting ready for something big. There was much speculation on what this could be, but it was hard to ascertain anything, as the members had mostly cut all ties with their families and the outside world in general. However, some rumors began to creep out when some of the family members reported sporadic contact with their brainwashed loved ones, which hinted that the cult was preparing to head out into the wilderness to await their promised salvation from the stars. One woman with a daughter in the cult would say:
The two leaders told my daughter Liliana that she was God’s chosen one and made her change her name to Stella Maris to brainwash her. She was convinced she was going to make contact with flying saucers. My daughter told me she had to leave because a cataclysm was going to occur and that she had to go to a high place to meet extraterrestrials who would save them from the end of the world. The leader of the group told them the world was going to end in August and that they had to go to meet some aliens. She was convinced that cosmic beings were coming to save a chosen few from some big catastrophe. I couldn’t stop her.
The group made preparations and their official statement was that they were going on an annual retreat near San Pedro, Colombia, in the Sierra Nevada mountains, yet the leaked accounts pointed to them on a mission to actually go meet aliens in the wilderness, in an area well-known for its intense UFO activity. One day in July of 1999, a group of around 60 cult members, in some reports up to 100, many of them comprising whole families, reportedly headed off into the dim wilderness, abandoning their facility in the process. After that it seems like the entire group then just vanished off the face of the earth. A search of the entire region turned op no sign of them, and a sweep of their facility showed it to be eerily devoid of any answers, sitting there untouched as if someone would come home at any moment. There would be no further contact to their families and friends they had left behind.
Theories as to what happened to them would fly. Many thought they had gone off to commit a mass suicide much like the Heaven’s Gate cult, but there were found no bodies. Another was that they had simply gotten lost in the wilderness, but again no sign of them was found. They may also have been kidnapped in a region where kidnappings for ransoms are common, but no one ever came forward with a ransom demand. Even more sinister is the far-out idea that they actually managed to succeed in being whisked away by the aliens they so fervently believed in. As all of this speculation went on, some members of the cult did emerge to claim that they were not involved with UFOs, yet the 60 to 100 people remained missing. It is hard to know what happened after this, as the news on the matter has dried up and there are some who even claim it might have been a hoax and that it never happened at all. We do know it made the news at the time, but then it curiously sort of went away, the vanishing of 60 men, women, and children sort of quietly brushed under the carpet. What happened to these people? No one seems to really know, and it is a tragic and obscure oddity.
While astronomers are anxiously awaiting the deployment of the joint NASA–ESA–CSA James Webb Space Telescope – with its state-of-the-art infrared resolution and sensitivity – the Hubble telescope is not going down with a whimper. In a telescopic “Hold my beer and watch this” moment, NASA announced that astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope tracked five of those mysterious fast radio bursts (FRBs) to the spiral arms of five distant galaxies, helped rule out some probable causes and may have proved where they actually come from. You go, Hubble!
“A galaxy’s spiral arms trace the distribution of young, massive stars. However, the Hubble images reveal that the FRBs found near the spiral arms do not come from the very brightest regions, which blaze with the light from hefty stars. The images help support a picture that the FRBs likely do not originate from the youngest, most massive stars.”
In a NASA press release prior to the publication of the Hubble results in an upcoming edition of The Astrophysical Journal, Alexandra Mannings of the University of California, Santa Cruz, the study’s lead author, reveals the first surprise from Hubble – the FRBs are coming from strong, young bulked-up stars that hang out and show off in the arms of the galactic spirals like bodybuilders on a beach. That rules out one probable cause of FRBs – explosive destruction of massive young stars which generate gamma-ray bursts. It also rules out mergers or collisions between neutron stars – these dead star explosions take billions of years and aren’t found in the spiral arms of older galaxies that are no longer creating new stars.
The latest hot new theory on the source of FRBs is magnetars — last year, fast radio burst SGR 1935+2154 in the Milky Way was positively identified as a magnetar, and astronomers began looking for more of these highly magnetic dead stars. They should have asked Hubble first, says team member Wen-fai Fong of Northwestern University in Illinois.
“Owing to their strong magnetic fields, magnetars are quite unpredictable. In this case, the FRBs are thought to come from flares from a young magnetar. Massive stars go through stellar evolution and becomes neutron stars, some of which can be strongly magnetized, leading to flares and magnetic processes on their surfaces, which can emit radio light. Our study fits in with that picture and rules out either very young or very old progenitors for FRBs.”
The dotted oval lines in each of the four images mark the location of the brilliant radio flares. Credits: SCIENCE: NASA, ESA, Alexandra Mannings (UC Santa Cruz), Wen-fai Fong (Northwestern)
These new discoveries also show that astronomers need to be looking for FRBs in massive young galaxies with star-generating spiral arms. That eliminates dwarf galaxies which lack those arms. ‘Puny, pathetic galaxies’ as Arnold Schwarzenegger might say.
For the anthropomorphics among you, imagine the Hubble Telescope flexing its solar panels, strutting around the Earth and staring down at the still grounded Webb telescope, saying “Who da space telescope? WHO da space telescope?”
A couple of days ago I focused on the connection between government agents and alien abductees. The connection revolved around how and why there are people in government who have deep interests in the abduction phenomenon. Today, I thought I would expand on this phenomenon with some intriguing cases. I’ll begin with one of the world’s most famous alien abductions of all time, that of Betty and Barney Hill. They were abducted on the night of September 19, 1961, while returning to their New Hampshire home, after a vacation in Canada. Like so many abductees, the pair was subjected to stressful, intrusive medical procedures on-board a UFO. Their abductors were non-human things with penetrating, staring eyes. The U.S. Air Force soon opened a file on the Hill affair, a copy of which details their extraordinary experience.
Moving on, there’s the May 23, 1973 alien abduction experience of Judy Doraty, who, while driving near Houston, Texas late at night, encountered a disk-shaped UFO. Following a series of bad dreams, it became clear there was a period of “missing time” in Doraty’s recollections of what happened to her. Upon being hypnotized by UFO researcher Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Doraty recalled the portion of the event which had been almost completely erased from her mind. She described seeing a calf being taken aboard the UFO, “like it’s being sucked up.” Doraty also recalled being taken on board the craft. In no time at all, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico opened a secret file on Doraty and her experience – something which was prompted by the unique nature of her kidnapping. Namely, that Doraty was abducted because she had stumbled upon a so-called “cattle mutilation” event. The implication being that the ETs tried to wipe her memory clean, as a means to prevent her from revealing what she had encountered. The AFOSI was deeply concerned by the cattle mutilation/alien abduction connection, as will become apparent.
How about the Charles Hickson and Calivin Parker’s late-night kidnapping from the banks of the Pascagoula River in October 1973? They recalled, under hypnosis, being taken on-board a UFO by creatures with “lobster-like claws.” The pair became the subject of intense scrutiny by military personnel at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. Intelligence staff at Keesler kept a careful watch on Parker and Hickson for months, secretly monitoring their activities. Myrna Hansen’s encounter of May 5, 1980, which occurred as she was heading to Eagle’s Nest, New Mexico, after a road trip to Oklahoma, is a classic. Hansen experienced a typical alien abduction experience. Notably, and just like Judy Doraty seven years earlier, Hansen saw a calf being “sucked” into the UFO. More intriguing, Hansen recalled being taken to an underground facility, where aliens implanted her with a sophisticated tracking device. When Hansen described the appearance of the facility, it quickly caught the attention of the AFOSI at Kirtland Air Force Base. There was a very good reason for this: the facility she described was an off-limits, underground bunker at the base’s weapons storage area; the implication being that the military and the ETs may have been secretly working together, deep underground. Extensive files were opened on Hansen’s experience.
In the mid-1990s, UFO researcher Greg Bishop struck up a friendship with the late alien abductee, Dr. Karla Turner, who was the author of a number of books on her experiences, including Into the Fringe. The pair corresponded by mail. As Greg revealed after Karla’s death, mail sent to and from the pair arrived already opened – torn and resealed. On other occasions, the letters weren’t even resealed. Both Greg and Karla were convinced this was all part of some mind-manipulating program, a government-driven operation designed to psychologically destabilize the pair by letting them know that the government was watching them. Moving on: For years, numerous abductees have reported close encounter with not just UFOs and aliens, but with what have become infamously known as “black helicopters.” These usually unmarked craft are reported flying over the homes of abductees. On occasion, they will hover over the same homes for minutes at a time, and at precariously low levels. Typically, they turn up within a day or two of an alien abduction experience. All of the evidence suggests that the helicopters are piloted by “black-ops” teams who have three, primary agendas: (A) to try and determine the range and scope of alien abductions; (B) to frighten the experiencers into staying quiet on their experiences; and (C) to figure out the true nature of the extraterrestrial agenda.
The black helicopter-based experiences of numerous people have been addressed over the years, including those of abductee Betty Andreasson, one of the most famous figures in Ufology. Such was the huge number of intrusions in the skies above the Andreasson home, Betty’s husband, Bob, fired off a letter to the Army’s Office of the Adjutant General, insisting that someone provide answers. No one in officialdom would own up to anything. The mystery remained a mystery. Then, there is Ed Conroy. In 1990, Conroy, a journalist, wrote a book on the alien abduction experiences of Whitley Strieber, the author of a 1987 bestseller, Communion. Conroy’s book was titled Report on Communion. The more that Conroy delved into the experiences of Strieber, the more he became a victim of black helicopter invasions. Then, there were mysterious problems with Conroy’s answerphone – as if someone had tampered with it. On one occasion, while Conroy was out of town, his answerphone message was inexplicably changed. An attempt by shadowy figures to intimidate Conroy and dissuade him from digging into the Strieber affair? Almost certainly.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Human Origins...How did humanity really evolve?
Human Origins...How did humanity really evolve?
On the surface, our evolution step-by-step from the apes has been heavily researched and documented. Anthropologists would have us believe our original ancestors were two legged homonoids that first stood upright around 4 million years ago. And yet there are still many missing links in our fossil records. A growing lobby of independent researchers are saying for example the change from early pre-humans to Homo Erectus around 200,000 years ago was just too great and too sudden for it to be a simply natural evolutionary process. So what are our origins exactly? These are incredibly exciting times where much of our convoluted past is coming to light. Especially since we are now able to look deeper into the Human Genome…
Homo Sapiens…a correctable mistake
The inquiry into Humanity’s past began for me in the “Oracle Shopping Centre” in Reading, UK where I’d been guided one day. I’ve come to adore the wonderful irony and humour of Benevolent Consciousness…”are you Reading this?” As I surveyed book titles in a well-known book store, the benevolent presence was ‘spiking my consciousness’ to key words. We were communicating through the weave of life. Every sequence was like a hidden code revealing answers to many inner questions that had been activating for me. As the answers flowed like a streaming download, I felt expanding inner joy and a deepening sense of rightness – a sure sign that my own truth was being activated, stimulated and unveiled. However one sequence of titles stopped me dead in my tracks: “Homo sapiens…a correctable mistake”
What could this mean? Here is a short extract from the Openhand book 5GATEWAYS
Later, as I pondered on this, I was suddenly compelled into a lucid dream. I was having flash backs to a previous incarnation approximately 45,000 years ago where we, as Cro-Magnon men and women, walked the plains of a stunningly beautiful bygone continent – what one might describe as the “Garden of Eden”. It was a profoundly moving experience with the absolute feeling of joy and at-one-ment with all things. The river of Unity Consciousness flowed through my being and in my mind existed crystal clear clarity. There was a a depth of peace and stillness which surpassed any meditative experience I’ve since had. Then suddenly, the dream became a nightmare. Somehow fear had been induced within me and my awareness of the Universal Life Energy had vanished. It seemed I had been suddenly removed from my divine birthright. Whereas before there had been no fear whatsoever of death, now it seemed that danger lurked behind every boulder and I was deeply afraid. I was afraid for the safety of my partner, my children and myself, afraid of not finding food or safe shelter. It seemed I was afraid of my very own shadow. My body became tight and closed down as if my very life force was being drained from me. This was the experience I have come to know as “Homo Sapiens”.
How did it all go wrong?
In the months and years that followed, the parts of an ancient jigsaw steadily fell into place for me, a story involving past life regressions, both my own and those I’ve worked with in many corners of the globe. It’s a story where the facts are stranger and more incredible than any fiction could be. It’s a story that I feel responsible to be careful with. It can easily close internal doorways of doubt and disbelief. It’s one that has been much distorted in the past and used to mislead people. So I feel we have a duty to be careful with it and allow to unfold in its natural course. I can clearly see that the underlying flow of consciousness is now taking humanity ultimately to full disclosure – over time.
There is clear physical evidence that blows apart the straightforwards Darwinian Story. Why for example do we have only 46 chromosomes when the Hominoids we evolved from have 48? Traditional science postulates that the 2nd and the 3rd chromosome have spontaneously mutated together creating 23 pairs. Indeed you can see that these two chromosomes have been fused. But how could that happen naturally when it’s not what makes us Human and offers no evolutionary advantage? If the mutation had happened naturally you’d expect some people to have 48 and others 46, but not all 46.
How is it that those with 48 all died off, especially considering that they had the strongest and most aligned genetic stock? And jumping from 48 to 46 chromosomes is not one ‘evolutionary’ step, but actually at least four simultaneous ones (two in the father and two in the mother), unless the postulation is that humanity passed through a successful breeding phase of 47 chromosomes – but there is no history of that in the fossil record. (I’ve answered this question in the Openhand book…Divinicus)
And why, when most creatures have just a few genetic defects do we have several thousand? Including genes that when active are terminal. How is it that these defects are still in the gene pool? Why is it for example that humans have 223 genes that can be in no other life form on the planet? Why is it that we’re so poorly adapted to life here? Take away houses, central heating, clothes, energy, the gadgets that we have come to depend upon and food supplied through the industrial food chain and most of us would probably expire in a matter of days. We are the most evolved and yet least adapted to natural life on this planet.
The reason for these ‘adaptations’ is to do with how humanity was ‘seeded’ on the planet. I feel increasingly to share Openhand’s experiences and evidence in the immediate future.
ET intervention
There are many who have speculated Extra Terrestrial intervention. That somehow we were ‘dumbed down’ by genetic manipulation and energetic or subconscious mind control. For me there is absolutely no doubt. When we become multi-dimensional, we first expand into the 4th Dimension where much of this interference is still taking place by what I call an “Opposing Consciousness”. I see it and feel it happening daily to people all around.
Our genes have been manipulated and we are constantly being subjected to sensory over-stimulation. Our chakras are being interfered with, and in our subconscious minds, closed loops of controlled activity are continually created just like programs on a computer. This is why so many people are living a life of the false self. Humanity has become enslaved by a malevolent agenda. Opposing Consciousness is exploiting humanity for their own selfish ends.
To some, this may seem like science fiction fantasy. To me, it is not speculation however. I experience it day in, day out. And now more and more people are beginning to speak up as they too Awaken to multi-dimensionality.
With so many people around the planet now speaking of a global conspiracy, there’s one part of the puzzle that’s still missing and needs to land: the conspiracy is happening from a higher density – from the 4th Dimension.
The Solution
The intervention has gone on long enough. It contravenes a direct law of the Universe – that of free will. Even if Opposing Consciousness has the ‘intelligence’ to manipulate humanity in this way, it is limiting itself by relating to a lower harmony and truth. It has created for itself its own karmic control drama.
Humanity’s Enlightenment cannot be controlled indefinitely. The flow back to full awakening is inevitable (for those that choose it). Our universe is moving to a higher perfection and harmony, so anything of lower realisation will simply begin to fracture and fall apart. That’s what’s happening right across our planet as we witness ongoing financial instability, accelerating climate change and dwindling natural resources.
The old control structures are falling apart. Benevolent Consciousness is helping us re-awaken to who we truly are. To experience this at first hand, you might like to explore and get involved with our “5D Shift Project”, which includes groundbreaking material and meditations. The Openhand courses and gatherings are helping people unwind the energy of the intervention and restore the consciousness of Original Humanity.
UFO Sighted Over São João de Meriti, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ( May 23, 2021 )
STATEMENT :Objeto estranho nesta manhã. São João de Meriti RJ
TRANSLATE : Strange object this morning. Saint John of Meriti RJ
credit : Rafael Almeida
Strange Skies Over Pisaflores, Hidalgo, Mexico ( May 23, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Can someone expert in meteorological phenomena explain to us this happened in La Pechuga, municipality of Pisaflores, Hgo?
ORIGINAL : Alguien experto en fenómenos meteorológicos, nos puede explicar esto sucedido en La Pechuga, municipio de Pisaflores, Hgo?
credit :Romeo Benitez Fuentez
note :no audio
UFO Sighted Over Buenos Aires, Argentina ( May 23, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Argentina the object, changed color and turned in its own axis. ORIGINAL : Argentina el objeto, cambió de color y giró sobre su propio eje.
credit : Tigre Lizárraga
UFOs Sighted Approaching Moon ( May 23, 2021 )
UFOs were sighted approaching the moon on May 23, 2021
STATEMENT : Ships approaching the moon orbit!! The last ship. Change direction abruptly!!
note : no audio
credit : Ashanti Falcon
video 2 : credit : Younes El Alaoui
video 3 :credit : Ashanti Falcon
UFO Sighted Over Garden Grove, California( May 22, 2021 )
STATEMENT :Possible UFO, Garden Grove, CA : Just a video captured on my iPhone. The kids voice is my son
UFO And Alien Figure Over Bangalore, India 5-20-2021, UFO Sighting News.
UFO And Alien Figure Over Bangalore, India 5-20-2021, UFO Sighting News.
Below is a close up of the alien near the UFO. You can clearly see the figures head, three or more arms, sitting, but with one leg out, and its broad shoulders and thin waist.
Date of sighting: May 20, 2021
Location of sighting: Bangalore, India
This video was recorded a few days ago in Bangalore, India. The eyewitness noticed a glowing dark disk above the clouds in the distance. Near the glowing disk, was a long cloud, but not a normal cloud...its been cut off by the disk. The area where it came into contact with the disks side literally dissolved any cloud particles...making it a perfectly formed long line. But there are actually several long lines if you look carefully and it looks like this large cloud on the right could also contain another cloaked UFO within it. I say this because we see a dark figure looking out from the cloud. Now although I did notice the figure and pointed it out to my Youtube followers, it was actually a subscriber that pointed out the fact that the figure closely resembles an Indian God. Yes, you heard me right. The comment shocked me not only because I failed to notice that obvious fact, but because...this alien figure...resembles a god that is worshiped from long ago in India. That means the god is actually an advanced alien species. That what looked like magic or godly powers thousands of years ago, was actually advanced alien technology at its best. I have long believed...that many religious figures world wide were actually alien species who came in order to create ethical and holy rules for humans to follow, in this way...creating order from chaos. I mean no disrespect to Indian but religion and science can meet and become one. Who is to say where the line is drawn...when technology makes beings gods?
Unknown lights flying over Warwick, Rhode Island 22-May-2021
Unknown lights flying over Warwick, Rhode Island 22-May-2021
These UFO lights were filmed in the sky above Warwick, a city in Kent County, Rhode Island on 22nd May 2021.
Witness report:
Sitting in my back yard i was alerted by my wife who first saw the lights. i and another witness moved to the front yard and i took out my phone and started to record. We then noticed a second set of lights following the first. They did not look like any aircraft i had ever seen before. They were glowing maybe slightly pulsating lights. I thought maybe I heard a jet type engine but if i did it was very faint.
Next month, a report ordered by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee detailing information about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is due to be published by a government task force.
Interest in the mysterious sightings of what are popularly referred to as "unidentified flying objects" or "UFOs" has surged in the past few years, particularly after the Department of Defense (DOD) officially released three unclassified videos showing UAPs in 2020.
The videos were captured by U.S. Navy fighter jets between 2004 and 2015. Known as FLIR, GOFAST and GIMBAL, the clips had been circulating in the public domain following unauthorized releases in 2007 and 2017, according to the DOD.
The videos were published by To the Stars... Academy of Arts & Sciences—an organization set up by former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge to investigate UFO sightings—in late 2017 and early early 2018.
"DOD is releasing the videos in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos. The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified,'" the Pentagon said in a statement accompanying its official release of the videos in 2020.
While the veracity of the videos has been confirmed by the government, this does not necessarily mean that they show alien spacecraft, simply that officials do not have an explanation for the observed phenomena.
Skeptics say there are several other potential explanations for what can be seen in the videos, including unidentified terrestrial aircraft and human observational or interpretive error.
"FLIR" video
The FLIR video was captured in November, 2004, off the coast of San Diego, California, by Navy Pilots based on the USS Nimitz.
There is no pilot commentary but the video shows an oblong-shaped object being tracked by an infrared camera, before it accelerates rapidly to the left and moves out of the frame.
"It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen," one of the pilots, Cmdr. David Fravor, told The Times in a 2017 interview.
"GOFAST" video
The GOFAST video was captured by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet jet associated with the USS Theodore Roosevelt carrier strike group in January, 2015. In the footage, taken by an infrared camera, Navy pilots and weapons systems operators can be heard expressing their amazement at what they are seeing.
The video shows a small object traveling fast above the ocean at high speed. Initially, the weapons systems operator is unable to lock in on the object but is eventually successful on the third attempt.
"What the f*** is that thing?" one of the individuals featured in the video says.
"Wow, what is that man?" says another.
"GIMBAL" video
The GIMBAL video was also captured in January, 2015, by another F/A-18 Super Hornet associated with the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
The infrared camera footage shows an unusual object flying above the clouds as pilots discuss what they are seeing in the instrument display.
One of the pilots suggests that it could be a drone.
"Look at that thing, dude!" one of them says.
He then comments that "there's a whole fleet of them," although no other objects can be seen in the footage.
Roswell UFO incident
While the three videos above are the only publicly available UAP clips that have been verified by the U.S. government, there have been other notable cases of UFO sightings in the United States.
Perhaps the most famous of these sightings is the Roswell incident of 1947. This incident gave rise to the conspiracy theory that the U.S. military had reportedly recovered two flying discs, which had crashed in a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico.
While this version of events has been debunked on several occasions, some still believe that U.S. authorities covered up the true story of what happened.
On July 8, 1947, the Roswell Army Air Field issued a press release saying that a "flying disc" had been recovered, but this was quickly retracted and officials later stated that the crashed object was actually a conventional weather balloon.
2006 O'Hare International Airport UFO sighting
On November 7, 2006, several witnesses, including a dozen United Airlines employees, reported seeing a metallic, saucer-shape craft hovering over one of the gates at Chicago O'Hare International Airport at around 4:15 p.m..
Witnesses said the object was dark gray, measuring around six to 24 feet in diameter, the Chicago Tribune reported. The silent object reportedly appeared just below the clouds before shooting off back into them, leaving behind a circular hole shape.
The Federal Aviation Administration refused to investigate the incident, dismissing it as a "weather phenomenon."
A screenshot taken from the GIMBAL video.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
Astonished archaeologists: “Giants’ tombs found in Crimea” (Video)
Astonished archaeologists: “Giants’ tombs found in Crimea” (Video)
During archaeological excavations in the Crimea , experts made the discovery of a necropolis of the Byzantine Empire where the tomb of a giant was .
While reconstruction work on the Mithridates staircase in Kerch continued, archaeological excavation work began in the area simultaneously.
This revealed up to 100 square meters of a necropolis, which had burials of people who one visited the temple of John the Baptist .
To date there are 27 burials discovered , some of children and twin burials. In addition to other elements, such as bronze pendants or bracelets.
Even in one of the burials they managed to find felt clothes . This was very helpful as it allowed them to date the find .
Tomb of a giant in the necropolis
The find itself was rare and became much more bizarre when they found a burial box that was over 2.30 meters long . When they uncovered it, they found what appeared to be the skeleton of a giant.
Considering the standard physique of the locals in the past, finding a skeleton of a man who was over six feet tall is at odds with the data.
The average height of the population of the date was 1.60 meters high , so there is no way to explain how the remains of this giant were buried in the area.
The remains were examined by the team’s anthropologist, who hopes to give an estimate of the age of the person buried there.
The remains must be analyzed to discover their origin
Complicated excavation
The excavation work has been slow due to the difficult terrain, which is mixed . In ancient times, garbage was simply thrown on the ground.
Then, in the Middle Ages , the necropolis was created over all the ancient remains. For this reason it has been difficult for archaeologists to give an exact interpretation of the origin of everything found.
At the moment, the experts are in negotiations with the diocese of Kerch-Feodosia to be able to extract the remains found and examine them better.
Experts continue to investigate the origin of the mysterious skeleton and the reason for its abnormal size. In addition to finding an explanation for its origins.
The existence of giants is common in different ancient cultures, despite the fact that traditional archeology tries to keep these types of finds hidden. But discoveries like the one in Crimea show us that they existed.
Endgame, Set, Match
It’s common knowledge, at this point, that artificial intelligence will soon be capable of outworking humans — if not entirely outmoding them — in plenty of areas. How much we’ll be outworked and outmoded, and on what scale, is still up for debate. But in a new interview published by The Guardian over the weekend, Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman had a fairly hot take on the matter: In the battle between AI and humans, he said, it’s going to be an absolute blowout — and humans are going to get creamed.
“Clearly AI is going to win [against human intelligence]. It’s not even close,” Kahneman told the paper. “How people are going to adjust to this is a fascinating problem.”
Prospect Theory
Why listen to Daniel Kahneman? His 2011 book, “Thinking, Fast and Slow” — over two million copies sold — is one of the most influential tomes in the field of behavioral economics, exploring how and why humans think the way they think (the “fast” thinking of the title being intuitive; the “slow” thinking being rational), and what leaves us prepared (or unprepared) to make decisions about our future. But moreover, he won his 2002 Nobel Prize for pioneering “prospect theory,” which explains how people rationalize the difference between gains and losses, and how their thresholds for risk aversion and risk appetite work.
And why, according to Kahneman, are we so unprepared for the forthcoming takeover of artificial intelligence? Speaking to the way the pandemic overtook an unprepared world, Kahneman cited the exponential growth of the virus. Human minds, he explained, are essentially unequipped to handle the basic math underlying how something like a Covid outbreak can spiral out of control on a global scale.
“Exponential phenomena are almost impossible for us to grasp,” he told The Guardian. “We are very experienced in a more or less linear world. And if things are accelerating, they’re usually accelerating within reason. Exponential change [as with the spread of virus] is really something else. We’re not equipped for it. It takes a long time to educate intuition.”
Gird Your Maladaptive Loins
Winding up into the discussion about AI, Kahneman noted the issue with human minds: “There is going to be massive disruption. Technology is developing very rapidly, possibly exponentially. But people are linear. When linear people are faced with exponential change, they’re not going to be able to adapt to that very easily.” Kahneman cites medicine as one place humans are going to be replaced, “certainly in terms of diagnosis.” And elsewhere, he issues a stark message to the boardrooms of the world: “There are rather frightening scenarios when you’re talking about leadership. Once it’s demonstrably true that you can have an AI that has far better business judgment, say, what will that do to human leadership?”
If nothing else, Kahenman’s quotables feel canny — like maybe if the people in the C-suite are scared for their jobs, someone who can do something about any of this might actually listen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Ex-Military Officers Sound Alarm On UFO Report: The Tech ‘Outstrips Our Arsenal By At Least 100 Years’
Ex-Military Officers Sound Alarm On UFO Report: The Tech ‘Outstrips Our Arsenal By At Least 100 Years’
Jerod Harris/Getty Images
Former U.S. Military officials spoke to CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Monday following a bombshell report published by CBS News’s “60 Minutes” on Sunday night about UFOs that the military is encountering.
Both segments come ahead of a report that the Department of Defense is supposed to deliver to Congress next month. Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in a recent interview that the findings will shock people because “frankly, there are a lot more sightings than have been made public.”
Newsworthy quotes from the CNN segment:
CHRIS MELLON, FORMER DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR INTELLIGENCE: “…we have recurring violations of U.S. airspace by unidentified vehicles. They are very capable, in some cases, more capable than anything in our own inventory. This has been going on for years. The truth is just emerging. We’ve had a massive intelligence failure. And we now have a threat, an unknown threat that we need to figure out.”
MELLON: “Well, we clearly are vulnerable. And this has been going on for too long. Finally, our Congress is learning of this situation. They’re beginning to react. So we’ve got a lot of catch-up here. But it is – it is very concerning. It’s not an imminent crisis or imminent threat. There’s been no hostility. But there’s a lot of activity. And it’s increasingly bold. In some instances, recently, we’ve had these things swarming around war ships off the coast of California, swarming around Strategic Missile Defense bases, in Guam, and other things. So, with all the tensions in the world, and China, and the rest, with the attack on the Saudi oil facilities, by drones, and so forth, it’s something we need to take seriously.”
SEAN CAHILL, U.S. NAVY CHIEF MASTER-AT-ARMS (RET): “…the ‘five observables’ indicate a technology that outstrips our arsenal by at least 100 years to 1,000 years at the moment…first of all, the aircraft had zero control surfaces. It had no means of propulsion that we could detect. It moved at hypersonic velocities. And it preceded the pilots to their cap points. So, it seemed to have some knowledge of where the pilots were headed ahead of time. And we don’t possess those abilities to do that, in our arsenal at the moment.”
CAHILL: “I think that we’re going to find that this phenomenon represents a very large spectrum of different things. At edges of that spectrum are going to be near-peer technology of our adversaries, here on Earth. At the other end of that spectrum is going to be something that we don’t yet understand, and haven’t identified yet. So, I hesitate to speculate on the source. But I can tell you that I don’t believe that this is within our arsenal of any human technology at the moment.”
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN HOST: As if Congress doesn’t have enough on its plate, not that it’s doing anything with what is on its plate, they’re now looking into UFOs or at least they’re doing something, right? Next month, Congress is expecting a report, from the Director of National Intelligence, and other agencies, on UFOs or UAPs. Now, that’s the government term for them. It stands for ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.’
Why? Well, a retired U.S. Navy pilot came forward to say he and his crew witnessed an Unidentified Flying Object on the coast of the Atlantic several times. And he’s not the only one. Joining us now, someone who has personally witnessed sightings, retired Navy Chief Master-At-Arms, Sean Cahill, joined by Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. Thank you both. Appreciate you for joining me.
CUOMO: All right, so let’s dispense with the obvious here. Chris? People are going to eye roll and say “Boy was Cuomo light on what to talk about tonight?” Why is this worth discussion?
MELLON: Because we have recurring violations of U.S. airspace by unidentified vehicles. They are very capable, in some cases, more capable than anything in our own inventory. This has been going on for years. The truth is just emerging. We’ve had a massive intelligence failure. And we now have a threat, an unknown threat that we need to figure out.
CUOMO: So Sean, it’s not that you’re worried about something out of a movie coming to get you. It’s about the threat, right here on Earth, and how it’s being motivated, without our knowledge and ability to counter.
CAHILL: That’s correct, Chris. In 2004, I was the Chief Master-at-Arms onboard the USS Princeton. And the technology that we witnessed with the “Tic Tac” was something that we would not have been able to defend our Forces against, at the time.
CUOMO: Help me understand that. As the uninitiated, what does that mean to us?
CAHILL: Well, through that – that means that what we – what we saw on the “Tic Tac,” and what Mr. Luis Elizondo describes as the “Five observables” indicate a technology that outstrips our arsenal by at least 100 years to 1,000 years at the moment.
CUOMO: A 100 years to 1,000 years? So, meaning like what kind of technology was at play that you were able to identify it, but know that you can’t match it?
CAHILL: Well, first of all, the aircraft had zero control surfaces. It had no means of propulsion that we could detect. It moved at hypersonic velocities. And it preceded the pilots to their cap points. So, it seemed to have some knowledge of where the pilots were headed ahead of time. And we don’t possess those abilities to do that, in our arsenal at the moment.
CUOMO: What does that sound like to you, Chris Mellon?
MELLON: Well, we clearly are vulnerable. And this has been going on for too long. Finally, our Congress is learning of this situation. They’re beginning to react. So we’ve got a lot of catch-up here. But it is – it is very concerning. It’s not an imminent crisis or imminent threat. There’s been no hostility. But there’s a lot of activity. And it’s increasingly bold. In some instances, recently, we’ve had these things swarming around war ships off the coast of California, swarming around Strategic Missile Defense bases, in Guam, and other things. So, with all the tensions in the world, and China, and the rest, with the attack on the Saudi oil facilities, by drones, and so forth, it’s something we need to take seriously.
CUOMO: You answered the question, partly there, but let’s fill it out a little bit. This is not new. People play with this. And they play to all kinds of conspiratorial thinking. But a lot of real Military, and policy people say, “Look, there are things out there that we got to keep track of that we can’t.”
But why now? What’s new in terms of the urgency, Chris? And I’ll ask you both about this.
MELLON: Sure, happy to address that. So what happened was a couple of years ago, Lue Elizondo, in the Pentagon, who was managing this activity, with almost no resources, he and I, and a few others, became aware that this was going on, at a very significant scale, on the East Coast, at the time, and our pilots were not getting any support.
The Intel community was not responding. Nobody was helping these guys out. And it wasn’t being reported up the chain. It wasn’t until that got into “The New York Times,” it got to the attention of Congress, that finally our leadership, in both branches of government, became aware this was going on. So, this has only just come to light.
CUOMO: Sean, what do you think is the likely universe of explanation that will come up, at the end of these reports, and addressing of this?
CAHILL: Chris, I think that we’re going to find that this phenomenon represents a very large spectrum of different things. At edges of that spectrum are going to be near-peer technology of our adversaries, here on Earth. At the other end of that spectrum is going to be something that we don’t yet understand, and haven’t identified yet. So, I hesitate to speculate on the source. But I can tell you that I don’t believe that this is within our arsenal of any human technology at the moment.
CUOMO: So, when you say that, it almost guarantees that not just your good looks, but that statement will get this picked up, and sent all over the internet, because there’ll be a legit Military person saying that “Maybe this is from outer space.” Do you want that to be [the message people receive]?
CAHILL: Well, that would be taking my words out of context. What we can say is that we don’t know what this is. And it’s here. It’s going to take all of us to figure this out together.
CUOMO: And Chris, what’s your comment on that? They’ll say, “Look at the resumes of these two guys. They’re both saying that it might be from another world.”
MELLON: There’s no scientific reason or basis to doubt that possibility. That’s a hypothesis that could explain the facts. People need to be open to that. We’re spending billions looking for extra-terrestrial civilizations. We’ve got spacecraft that have already left the solar system. It’s possible somebody found us before we found them.
CUOMO: And the age-old question that I’ve been watching in movies my entire life, “If they are smart enough to come here, and have such advanced technologies, why don’t they talk to us?”
MELLON: Well, if they’re that smart, what would they have to learn from us? When you go to the zoo, do you talk to the animals?
CUOMO: And I got to tell you, Sean, right now we’re not presenting as exactly the best kind of people to be talking. We’re eating ourselves down here right now. I could understand why they’d want to keep in arm’s reach.
MELLON: The main point, Chris, is–
CAHILL: Yes, if there is–
MELLON: –all unanswered questions.
CUOMO: Go ahead, Sean. Go ahead. Last word you.
CAHILL: I was just going to say if they are as smart as we think they are, then I think we’re kind of silly, thinking that we can guess their motives.
CUOMO: Look, and for me, look, there is no “them.” I am a “facts first” kind of guy on this. I am open to everything, because there’s so much I’ve learned in life that I would never have imagined. But I do know this. I worry about the safety of men and women like you, Sean, and Chris, the people who wind up having to cross the policy line to get into practice. I worry that you’re safe. I worry that people aren’t beating us at our own game, and that we have to learn through spending blood and treasure that was unnecessary. So, any exploration, any research, any report, any hearing that helps us understand how to keep our fighting men and women safe is the only way to honor your sacrifice. So, thank you for your commitment. Thank you for having the conversation. Chris, Sean, as you learn things, or that you learn that you don’t like that it’s not being looked at the way it was supposed to, let me know. You’ve got a friend at this platform.
Cylinder UFO emerges from the crater of the Popopcatépetl Volcano
Cylinder UFO emerges from the crater of the Popopcatépetl Volcano
The live cam pointed to the Popopcatépetl Volcano captured on May 2, 2021 a white luminous cylinder shaped object that suddenly emerges ,like a huge shot of light, from the volcano.
Over the years many UFOs and other unexplained phenomena have been captured around this volcano as well as other volcanoes in Mexico and still we don't know what they are and why they visit these volcanoes so often.
In June of 2020, an amateur astronomer named Clyde Foster from Centurion, South Africa, made a very significant discovery with his 14-inch telescope when he noticed a strange “spot” located to the southeast of Jupiter’s “Great Red Spot”.
Just two days after Foster’s discovery, NASA’s Juno spacecraft performed detailed observations of the new and mysterious feature. According to Juno’s observations, scientists confirmed that it was a plume of cloud material that erupted over the top layer of Jupiter’s atmosphere. These “outbreaks” sometimes occur in the planet’s latitude band which is called the South Temperate Belt. A few weeks after the plume subsided, it appeared as a dark spot which has been named “Clyde’s Spot”.
Almost a year after the initial discovery of Clyde’s Spot, Juno made its 33rd low pass over Jupiter’s clouds on April 15, 2021, and observed how the mysterious spot has evolved over the past year.
While a lot of Jupiter’s atmospheric features dissipate in a short amount of time, Clyde’s Spot is much different as it has moved away from the Great Red Spot and evolved into a complex feature named a folded filamentary region that is twice as large in latitude and three times as big in longitude as the initial spot. Furthermore, this feature has the capability of lasting for quite a long time.
And it looks completely different. The photo that was taken last June showed the spot as a very compact and oval-shaped feature. The most recent picture from April of this year shows it as more like a bunch of swirls. The two pictures of Clyde’s Spot taken almost a year apart can be seen here.
June 2, 2020.
“Clyde’s Spot” on Jupiter imaged by Juno on June 2, 2020.
The Juno spacecraft was launched in 2011 and has been collecting data on Jupiter since 2016. It will continue to study the Gas Giant’s amazing and mysterious atmosphere for a while longer as its mission was extended until the year 2025.
Juno spacecraft orbiting Jupiter.
Scott Bolton, who is the principal investigator of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, stated how significant this extension is, “Since its first orbit in 2016, Juno has delivered one revelation after another about the inner workings of this massive gas giant.” “With the extended mission, we will answer fundamental questions that arose during Juno’s prime mission while reaching beyond the planet to explore Jupiter’s ring system and Galilean satellites.”
By orbiting Jupiter for another several years, Juno should be able to analyze and gather much more data about the mysterious Clyde’s Spot. I know that I’m looking forward to learning more information regarding this strange but incredible feature.
The skies seem to be a wild frontier where the rules don’t always apply, and in some cases this can spiral into some truly weird cases. It was mid-December of 2019, and people in the area of northeastern Colorado and western Nebraska were gearing up for Christmas and New Year’s festivities. It would have normally been a joyous time, but things were about to get very weird, indeed. People would begin reporting seeing drones buzzing about the area, and while drones are a common sight in this day and age, this was not in keeping with the norm. In this case the drones were reported as having 6-foot wingspans and 50 mph speeds, far larger and faster than your typical recreational drone, complete with blinking lights that made them an otherworldly and surreal sight, to be sure. What’s more, they would often be seen in great numbers, often up to 30 at a time, flying in formation, always at night between 6 and 10 pm. This would begin a rather strange sequence of events that has never been properly understood, with mysterious swarms of drones roving over the landscape that no one can explain.
These formations of drones were seen all over the region, flying about in tight formation and often hovering over certain areas. It would usually start shortly after dusk, when the sky would then come alive with the flickering lights of these drones appearing in large numbers of between 10 and 30, flying in grid patterns at an altitude between 200–500 feet in the skies of Colorado, Nebraska, and even as far as Kansas. In each case, it was noticed that the formations seemed to be doing a methodical grid search, flying over one square, and then another, as if methodically searching for something or mapping out the area. One Colorado resident would say of the weird phenomenon, “The sky is lit up with Christmas lights basically. There’s lights and things flying all over. It reminded me of something from a movie.” Another resident would say of it, “They can sit there and hover. They can descend very fast. They can take off very fast. It’s more unnerving than anything.” FAA Administrator Steve Dickson would say of it all:
The activity reported occurs primarily between the hours of 1800 and 2200 MST and demonstrate the pattern of multiple “drones” flying a grid type pattern and remaining airborne for several hours at a time in less than optimum flying conditions (high winds and storm-like conditions). The number of drones reported operating at one range from between 2 and 16 and appear to be approximately 6 feet width and length. Flight time has been 2 to 3 hours continuous. All reports indicate flight is between 200 and 300 feet.
There would be hundreds of sightings of these drone formations pouring in, and in the meantime the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), FBI, and local law enforcement investigated the sightings and put together a dedicated task force to try and figure out what in the world was going on. It turns out that not only was flying a drone without a waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration illegal, but some of these drones were displaying dangerous behavior. On one occasion even coming very close to helicopters in the area and posing a very real threat to airspace. The task force checked with drone companies and unmanned aircraft test sites in the area to find that none of them had any scheduled activity at the time, and the Air Force, Drug Enforcement Administration, and Army all said the drones did not belong to them. Indeed, no operator could be found to be behind any of it. There had also been no FAA waivers approved for the operation of drones in the area. As this was going on, local law enforcement was on the lookout for any sort of “command vehicle,” such as a closed box trailer with antennas or a large suspicious van, but they found nothing.
The drones did not appear to be willfully malicious, but there was much shock over the violation of airspace and much discussion as to who was operating them and from where. What was going on here? Theories on everything from the U.S. government, to drug cartels, some private company carrying out drone activities, outer space aliens, and simple mass hysteria were thrown around, but no one has taken responsibility and it remains unknown. Another question is just what were those drones doing out there in the first place. Was this just a big practical joke? Were they looking for something and if so, what? One rumor is that they were looking for a missing nuclear warhead, but there is no evidence for this. Another was that they were surveying for a pipeline or possibly methane detection sweeps, but no one knows. Just about the only thing we do know is that these drones were real, thousands of people saw them across three states, and no one has ever taken responsibility for their presence.
Despite intensive investigations into the phenomenon by local law enforcement, the FBI, and the FAA, no answers were ever found, and after several weeks the drones disappeared just as suddenly as they had appeared, taking the answers we seek with them. What was going on here? Who was controlling these drones and what did they want? No one has ever been found to be behind it, nor has anyone ever taken responsibility, and it remains a perplexing mystery that will likely never be solved.
We live in a world in which secret surveillance is becoming ever-more dominating. Just about every bit of data on our smartphones can be secretly accessed. Our every online activity can be scrutinized behind closed doors. Even our Smart TVs are wide open to hackers. And, who is responsible? That’s a very good question. Regardless of what you or me think of the Edward Snowden affair and its attendant revelations, the fact is that Snowden demonstrated – to an extraordinary and disturbing degree – just how much of a 1984-like society we have become. And in an incredibly short period of time, too. The National Security Agency and other agencies of government have the ability to penetrate just about every aspect of our private lives: our medical records, where we take our vacations, what books we might buy online, and more are all issues that can be easily accessed with the right technology. But, it’s not just government that has taken us down a path to an Orwellian nightmare. The surveillance state is now a part of our culture, too: take, for example, the outrageous trend of companies now regularly demanding access to the passwords of the social media accounts of their employees.
Of course, the primary reason for such widespread spying – and lying about the spying – is due to the current state of the planet: the war on terror, in other words. When it comes to shutting down terrorist cells, finding and wiping out crazed bombers, and tracking down those who would do us harm, surveillance technology has achieved a great deal. The problem is, though, that it has gone too far. The lunatics are now running the asylum. Common-sense has gone out of the window. Does an eighty-year-old lady – living with just her cat for company – really need to be a victim of data-collection? No. In other words, the surveillance has reached unwarranted, outrageous proportions.
All of which sets the scene for a study of another kind of surveillance, one which involves not terrorists – of the foreign or domestic kind – but none other than those people who claim to have been taken away by extraterrestrials. We’re talking about the alien abduction phenomenon. The government secretly spends vast amounts of money on monitoring those who claim to have been kidnapped by strange, unearthly beings with even stranger agendas? Most people would laugh at such a scenario. They shouldn’t though: that is exactly what is going on. And, it has been going on not just for years, but for decades. All around the world, people have reported close encounters with extraterrestrial entities. Witnesses describe being kidnapped in the dead of night by large-headed, black-eyed creatures from other worlds. Those same creatures have become popularly known as the Greys. People subjected to alien abduction typically report intrusive experiments that revolve around genetics, human reproduction, and even the creation of alien-human hybrids. There is, however, another aspect to the alien abduction controversy. It is, perhaps, the most sinister aspect of all.
Abductees very often report being followed and spied upon by military and government personnel. It is typical for abductees to see black helicopters hovering directly over their homes, in intimidating style. Mail is very often intercepted. Letters are opened. Phone-calls are monitored. Emails and social media are hacked into. Strange men dressed in black suits photograph the homes of the abductees. All of which brings us to the matter of what have become known in the domain of alien abduction research as “MILABS,” or “Military Abductions.” According to numerous abductees, after being kidnapped by alien entities, they are shortly afterwards kidnapped again…by the government. These follow-up MILABS are the work of a powerful group hidden deep within the military and the intelligence community. It is the secret agenda of these highly classified organizations to figure out what the goal of the so-called Greys really is. And, the best way for the government to get the answers is to interrogate and monitor those who have come face-to-face with the UFO phenomenon: the abductees, themselves. In other words, it’s a case of secret surveillance from all sides.
US Army Special Forces Combat With Hostile Aliens (Helmet Cam Footage)
Helmet Camera Footage Of U.S. Army Special Operations Forces With Soldiers Fighting Hostile Aliens. A Team Was Engaged By Hostile Aliens During A Patrol Operation….(TSB2021)
MUFON CASE : 115620 Brooklyn, New York ( May 22, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Black shape hovering over South Williamsburg BK
Long Description of Sighting Report
My girlfriend and I were having a drink on our building’s rooftop on Sunday evening, May 16th, when we noticed a black shape in the sky floating.
At first, we didn’t really pay attention, thinking I was just a plastic bag caught up in the air. But after a while, we noticed that it barely moved.
So I decided to take my camera and zoom in. Now, I’m not sure of what I saw: I still think it could be a plastic bag. But when you zoom in the form, you can see a halo/aura surrounding it. On the first video, you can even see kind of a pulse that even makes the video shake.
What do you guys think? False alert?
Date Submitted : 2021-05-22
Date of Event : 2021-05-16 / 7:30PM
trim.EA67C1703F8B48309ADAFA265A5FB9D2.MOV :
MUFON CASE : 115608 Somers, Connecticut( May 22, 2021)
first video took of a single 104th F-15C flying north east, not their normal flight path
second video took 2 104th F-15C's flying normal flight path north east, later upon rewatching video on large screen noticed all the orbs flying, edited second video zoomed in and slowed down.
also took several photos objects in sky aftward.
Date Submitted :2021-05-22
Date of Event : 2021-05-13 / 11:00AM
MUFON CASE : 115596 Fort Worth, Texas ( May 21, 2021 )
Today at 1:37 pm I was on the van waiting on the traffic light when I see the object, I got my phone and started recording for 20 seconds, very fast
Long Description of Sighting Report
Today at 1:37 pm I was waiting on my work van on the street light in north fort worth texas when I see the object flying low and super fast, I start recording with my phone for 20 seconds, Was amazing to see this object with my eyes, This object looks just like the ones the government has released from the navy.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-21 Date of Event :2021-05-21 / 1:37PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :
UFO Sighted Over Canyon Lake, Texas ( May 21, 2021 )
UFO sighted over Canyon Lake, Guadalupe River in the Texas Hill Country, Texas on May 21, 2021
STATEMENT : Canyon Lake, Texas last night!!!
credit : Autumn Still
UFOs Sighted Over Mexico( May 22, 2021 )
UFOs Sighted Over Mexico on May 22, 2021
STATEMENT : Chequense esto que acabo de grabar TRANSLATE : Check this out I just recorded
credit : Javier KB ( VIDEO 1 & 2 )
VIDEO 3 : STATEMENT : En Mexicali : In Mexicali
credit : Santos Jr Hernandes
UFO Sighted Over Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico ( May 11, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over Autlán, Mexico ( May 13, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over Iztapalapa, Mexico ( May 12, 2021 )
UFOs Sighted Over Mexico City ( May 11, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over Curitiba, Brazil ( May 21, 2021 )
UFO scourge photographer at Curitiba Center and intrigue netizens
An unidentified flying Object was spotted by a photographer Tuesday afternoon (18) at the Curitiba Center. The video intrigued netizens and in just one day it was seen by more than 10 people. The blatant happened on Carlos de Carvalho Street.
′′ I saw the deal and filmed it, it wasn't fast. It accelerated afterwards ", said Caroline Hecke, who made the image that intrigues many people. ′′ I don't know if this was the case, but believing that we are not alone, I believe that ", the photographer said.
The video lasts approximately seven seconds, until the object comes out of the camera focus.
Fotógrafa flagra suposto OVNI no Centro de Curitiba e intriga internautas Um Objeto Voador Não Identificado foi flagrado por uma fotógrafa na tarde de terça-feira (18) no Centro de Curitiba. O vídeo intrigou internautas e em apenas um dia já foi visto por mais de 10 mil pessoas. O flagrante aconteceu na Rua Carlos de Carvalho.
"Vi o negócio e filmei, não tava rápido. Acelerou depois", disse Caroline Hecke, que fez a imagem que intriga muitas pessoas. "Não sei se era o caso, mas acreditar que não estamos sozinhos, isso eu acredito", comentou a fotógrafa.
O vídeo dura aproximadamente sete segundos, até que o objeto sai do foco da câmera.
credit : Massa Ne
UFOs Sighted Over Charlestown, Rhode Island ( May 19, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Last night's planned CE5 ( Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind )
event : Charlestown, Rhode Island : May 19th, 2021 / 9:10 p.m. If you're in the Rhode Island area & have an open mind & attitude & would like to join me one night, feel free to send me a message Have a great night
credit : Shawn Carter
UFOs Sighted Over Augusta, Evans, Georgia ( May 14, 2021 )
STATEMENT : UFO’s SPOTTED IN The Augusta, Evans Ga. area Friday May 14, 2021 couple hours after sundown.
I was driving home through Evans, GA Friday Night May 14, 2021 when these lights caught my eye. I pulled over at the first safe area into an entrance of a neighborhood next to some kinda store and began taking video with my iPhone 11. After 3 minutes my arm began to tire and I stopped recording. Of course as soon as I stopped, less than 10 seconds later e lights disappeared. Anyone else notice this? I want to say is was drones but, some of the patterns looked too well coordinated. Possibly military or jokesters? Couldn’t find any evidence online or in newspapers of anyone else noticing. Anyone know anything?
NASA’s Reconnaissance Orbiter Spots Curiosity Rover On Mars’ ‘Mount Sharp’
NASA’s Reconnaissance Orbiter Spots Curiosity Rover On Mars’ ‘Mount Sharp’
10 feet long and 9 feet wide NASA Curiosity has been exploring Martian surface since 2012 and stands out in footage captured by Reconnaissance Orbiter.
NASA’s Reconnaissance Orbiter, while cataloging the landscape of Mars, captured the Curiosity rover scaling the mountain Aeolis Mons also informally known as 'Mount Sharp'. The 10 feet long and nine feet wide Curiosity has been exploring the Martian surface since 2012 and stands out in footage captured by Reconnaissance Orbiter against the tanned rocks and dark brown sand. The nearly 30-second clip was uploaded on May 20 on Twitter by the Wonder of Science page where the Reconnaissance Orbiter zooms in on the Curiosity from a distance of 169 miles, as it rests on the Red planet’s soil.
In the visuals, one can see the Curiosity rover’s remote sensing mast which is the rover's “head" as it forages the Martian surface in the location nicknamed Woodland Bay. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said in a statement, “At the time this image was acquired, the rover was facing 65 degrees counterclockwise from the north, which would put the mast in about the right location to produce this bright spot.”
Curiosity exploring 'sulfate-bearing unit'
NASA’s Curiosity is spotted journeying approximately 3-mile (5-kilometer) on the mountain located inside of Gale Crater often called the "sulfate-bearing unit” as it is a region known to science as having a history of water. Curiosity has been exploring Mount Sharp to search for evidence of past life on Mars. Scientists at NASA believe that roughly three billion years ago when Mars lost most of its atmosphere, the running water diminished from the planet. Curiosity has been safely exploring Mars’ rocky terrain and has been transmitting data back at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California.
“Curiosity can't drive entirely without humans in the loop," Matt Gildner, lead rover driver at JPL had explained in a statement. ”But it does have the ability to make simple decisions along the way to avoid large rocks or risky terrain. It stops if it doesn't have enough information to complete a drive on its own.” Curiosity has also been exploring another mysterious feature on Mars composed of clay and the sulfate unit known as the "Greenheugh pediment” which determines the climate changes Curiosity's landing zone called the Gale Crater.
Anunnaki: “The story of the giant kings who want to hide us”
Anunnaki: “The story of the giant kings who want to hide us”
When Zecharia Sitchin made the theory of the Ancient Astronauts and the Anunnaki public, it created a great controversy. Beings that came to Earth and created the human race by crossing their DNA with Homo Erectus, but where does this theory come from?
Representation of the prediluvian gods.
The cuneiform texts found in the Sumerian ruins that speak of the Anunnaki have been a reliable source . Despite the fact that archaeologists and historians of the traditional line of history refuse to accept it .
However, the fact that these ancient texts are thousands of years prior to the Bible and bear such marked similarities, suggests that the religion was based on the stories of the Sumerian gods.
Anunnaki history: “pre-diluvian gods who came to the world”
One of the most important points in Sumerian history could be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the mention of Mount Hermon.
Located at the southern end of the mountain range between Syria and Lebanon. Its highest peak reaches up to 2,814 meters high.
The account says that Gilgamesh obtained all his knowledge of the prediluvian world until he reached Mount Hermon, the abode of the Anunnaki.
Interestingly, many ancient texts name Gilgamesh as a giant demi-god . According to the Sumerian king list, he was the fifth King of Uruk, between 2800 BC. C. or 2600 a. C.
It is worth mentioning that it was this King who managed to centralize power in the city of Uruk by defeating the kings of Kish . Fragments of the Epic of Gilgamesh mention that his height was “11 cubits”, or 5.4 meters .
It is important to note that the stories of giants are found in all ancient scriptures , including biblical texts.
Mount Hermon, mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Kings of the underworld?
Mount Hermon was a sacred place, where only kings could dwell . For that reason, the Anunnaki were described as “judges of the dead” who inhabited the underground realm and served as “spirits of the Earth.”
A very similar story can be found in the Book of Enoch, where God sends the Archangel Michael to banish all the angels who were related to women. Thus, they must last seventy generations living on Earth.
In the New Testament he also refers to this fact ; In the Second Epistle of Peter, you can read:
«God did not forgive the Angels who sinned, but, plunging them into the dark depths of Tartarus, gave them over to be guarded until the Judgment; (II Peter, 2,4) ».
It is worth mentioning that “Tartarus” is the deepest hell in Greek mythology . The prison of the Titans, who were also giants.
Like these, many other examples give us to understand that the mythological stories of the different times and cultures have a common origin ; the story of the Anunnaki.
According to all the information collected and studied to date on the cuneiform texts and other ancient texts, they reveal that the Anunnaki belong to the eastern tradition.
They are a group of demi-gods that were born from the interbreeding with divine beings and mortal women that happened on Mount Hermon.
These beings possess the knowledge of the world before a great flood and later, they are attributed functions in the underworld.
So, we can say that the Anunnaki is the equivalent to the Elohim or Nephilim of the most current accounts, who ruled the world at some point in history. In this way, it is impossible to deny the existence of these demi-gods who came to the world from heaven.
What has increasingly become evident ever since 2017 is that valid information is accumulating to a point where casual dismissal is no longer sensible.
It may be time to speak of something other than COVID, and what better subject than Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). It appears the US defence establishment has figured that, since the world is in a state of mental disorientation anyway, it is the moment to inject another source of uncertainty so that everyone gets accustomed to an epoch-defining possibility with resignation.
UAPs used to be known as UFOs. But this description has achieved such a stigma over the past decades that it appears anyone with serious intent must avoid it, for fear of immediately being labelled a nutcase (present company included). So, we shall call them UAPs.
The thing is, along with the change in designation, there appears to be some change in the way the phenomenon is now being addressed, which is the reason why this article itself has been written.
In that section, the Senate Committee demands “a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as ‘anomalous aerial vehicles’), including observed airborne objects that have not been identified.” The report must be issued before end June 2021.
Why now? Any number of reasons have been suggested, apart from the one mentioned above – i.e. to take advantage of the psychological state of much of the world population to offer a bit of information that will leave them resigned rather than angry, disruptive or just in a state of panic.
Others include the possibility that (a) there is now simply too much credible evidence on UAPs to hide from the general public, (b) to protect civilian and military airborne assets and humans a process needs to be put in place to address the issue in public, (c) a real threat to national/global security is perceived, (d) it is just another budget expansion exercise by the US military hawks, etc.
What has increasingly become evident ever since 2017 is that valid information is accumulating to a point where casual dismissal is no longer sensible. Credible, highly-credentialled people are willing to stand up and state it in public, even at the risk of being labelled a loon. But it has taken a long time coming.
Consider that the main incident which is getting traction in the US today – the Tic-Tac encounter - happened on Nov. 14, 2004, nearly two decades ago. There were other similar incidents then, and since, but the Tic-Tac observation has gained particular validity because it was observed by four US Navy Pilots over a period of “about 5 minutes” – according to Commander Dave Fravor, who led the team that observed it.
Cmdr. Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich, who was flying the second F-14 on that day, speak at some length in a 60 Minutes show on the subject. That has injected a high level of credibility to the whole discussion, both these officers are regarded as reliable people not given to flights of fancy.
The slightly reluctant, even conservative, approach by Cmdr. Dietrich in particular, where she says she “felt confused” when the Tic-Tac “disappeared”, while still cautioning against a “jump to conclusions” reinforces the sense that this is not something out of the collective imagination of two fighter pilots and the Weapons Systems Officers sitting behind them in their jets.
The Tic-Tac encounter’s authenticity is backed up by another US Navy pilot from the Nimitz. Chad Underwood, who refers to David Fravor as his “boss”, flew out after Fravor landed. Underwood recorded the actual video that has become famous now. He, in fact, was the one who first compared the flying object to a Tic-Tac.
Adding further weight to the reliability of the Tic-Tac sighting, Sean Cahill, US Navy Chief Master at Arms of USS Princeton (part of the Nimitz Battlegroup), gave an interview on CNN confirming the story. In that same interview, Christopher Mellon, former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, can be seen reinforcing the claims of these and other encounter cases.
Back to the present. The thing is, today, we do not need to depend just on the words of the people mentioned so far. There is a large amount of electro-optical information (from the radar data of the Nimitz Battle Group & from the F-14 jets’ Forward Looking Infrared – FLIR – pods) to back up their descriptions.
The three videos released so far were declassified by the US Defense Department (Elizondo’s last successful bureaucratic manoeuvre before he resigned from AATIP). There have been statements from various parties hinting much more information will come out in the weeks ahead, from this and other sightings.
Note that up until now, there has been no mention of extra-terrestrials or aliens, or anything of that sort. This is partly because of the stigma attached to that sort of speculation.
It is also a realistic posture because in the US these phenomena are viewed primarily from a “security threat” perspective – from human adversaries on the surface of Earth – with Russia and China named most in all the links provided. Also note that the people referenced in this article are current or former US government or military officials.
What does all this mean?
Here is a prediction. The DNI’s report which will be tabled next month, is not likely to go beyond saying that there are things flying out there, and possibly active under the sea as well, that we are not able to identify. They will most probably not refer to them as being from outside our planet.
They will not need to. Additional information might well be released, speculating mainly on some unnamed earthly adversary that has on its own shifted into a completely new paradigm in terms of physics, propulsion, materials, communications and trans-medium transportation (surface, subsea and space).
If so, that country would also have successfully - and in total secrecy from the rest of the world - built various types of industries to support this capability. In the unlikely event that this is what has actually happened, the world will be transformed.
If that is not the case, the revelations to come next month would mean something entirely different. Disorienting as this may sound, it would mean there is a non-human (to the best of our knowledge) intelligence out there, or already here, that is actively observing planetary activity, at the very least.
Coming at this time, at the start of the third millennium, and on the back end (hopefully) of a devastating global pandemic, it could well set the tone for the rest of mankind’s existence.
Yes, it is that big a deal – whatever the answer to the origin of the UAPs are. What it means for human beings is quite something else and will need another article.
With thanks from the Belgian UFO hotline of Frederick Delaere. For recent Belgian observations and research, you can always visit his site
UFO Ingelmunster (Belgium) 24-07-2020
Beelden van UFO-waarneming gemaakt te Ingelmunster (België) op 24 juli 2020.
UFO Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe (Belgium) 18-12-2020
Beelden van UFO-waarneming gemaakt te Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe (België) op 18 december 2020.
UFO Grobbendonk (Belgium) 17-05-2021
Beelden van UFO-waarneming gemaakt te Grobbendonk (België) op 17 mei 2021.
MUFON CASE : 115571 Auburn Hills, Michigan ( May 20, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Wingless object in sky Long Description of Sighting Report
Wingless object flying in sky. No wings. No noise. No trail. Area north of Selfridge Air Force Base.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-20 Date of Event : 2021-05-19 / 6:30AM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : trim.CF836A1771BC410A9E80BE807F877250.MOV
VIDEO 2 : MUFON CASE : 115542 Hong Kong
A semicircle white object keeps pathing with different speed. First thought It’s the moon u see in day time but it was moving pretty fast.
Long Description of Sighting Report
At local time 4:16pm in Mui Wo an Island in Hong Kong on a beach, looking over the sky ans saw this object pathing non stop with speed and shape changes. It paths for long more than 15-20mins.
Date Submitted: 2021-05-19 Date of Event : 2021-05-19 / 4:16PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
UFO Sighted Over O'Hare International Airport, Chicago ( May 16, 2021 )
Amazing UFO sighting at O ' Hare International Airport in Chicago on May 16, 2021
For decades, his airspace has been the scene of stunning UFO catches. It's worth remembering that he started in 1943, being a Douglas C-54 aircraft that were used in World War II.
The airport entered service in 1949.
STATEMENT : We’re currently searching for more details surrounding this video. At this time, we’re unable to confirm the authenticity of this footage. However, at careful analysis, our assessment is this isn’t a fabricated CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) hoax.
Anyone with intel regarding this footage is encouraged to contact our team directly!
UFOs Sighted Over Ottawa, Canada ( April 20, 2021 )
In a night walk alongside the Ottawa river we sighted this 5 Orbs flying vertically and then some of them took different directions another just disappeared a few metres up in the sky !
Reporter Asks Biden About UFOs, Biden Walks Off, May 21, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Reporter Asks Biden About UFOs, Biden Walks Off, May 21, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of interview: May 21, 2021
US President Biden asked for questions at the end of the news conference with the South Korean President. An American reporter raised his hand asking, "If you have one more minute for a question Mr President?" Biden replies, "If you don't ask me a mean one like you usually do." The reporter stands up and replies, "Its something interesting." Then he continues, "President Obama says there is footage and records of objects in the skies and he says we don't know exactly what they are. What do you think?"
Biden is taken aback by this...wrinkles form on his forehead and his eyes open widely in surprise. Even a large blood vein protrudes from his right side of his forehead which tells me this is not a subject he wants to talk about. Mr Biden takes a deep breath and answered, "I would ask him again, thank you." Then he makes a fast exit to avoid further questions about UFOs.
It's clear to me that President Biden knows about UFOs, but he has someone in his earpiece telling him to avoid the subject, that it's a matter of national security and cannot be talked about by the US President. This is why he made such a quick exit. Had he known nothing and he would have stayed at the podium and taken other questions from the world press. But he was scared...scared to reveal something that he was not suppose to reveal yet. This interview tells me Biden knows about UFOs and aliens and that knowledge is putting a weight on his conscious that clearly shows in his facial expression when asked.
Massive underwater structure 180 km off coast of Antarctica
Massive underwater structure 180 km off coast of Antarctica
A huge underwater structure 180 km of coast of Antarctica shows among other objects, huge walls.
Suppose, this enormous structure are the remains of a huge ancient settlement or base that is now submerged under water, then who built it thousands of years ago?
Remains of an ancient Sea Creature found on the ocean floor
Remains of an ancient Sea Creature found on the ocean floor
Did a diver film a rare sea monster or the legendary Water Dragon at a depth of 835.5 meters?
Deborah Hatswell: I was contacted by a gentleman who works with Remote Operated Vehicle equipment for the gas and oil industry. This video was taken in 2017 in the Mediterranean during an investigation of the sea bed by professionals who work underwater in oceans all across the globe. The ROV picked up a strange set of bones on the sea bed. The bones seem to be that of a sea serpent or unknown creature.
They know whale bones and come across them from time to time. The dimensions of the skeleton on the video does not fit with the usual size for any sea life in the area. A whale has three blades on it’s spinal bones each spaced 120 degrees apart and this creature seems to have only two.
The Mediterranean sea does join the Atlantic ocean so this creature could have come here from that ocean?
The gentleman who contacted me stated “The bones could be very ancient because I have seen many clay amphora sticking out of the mud and they have been there for potentially 1000’s of years. The bones were about 30 meters long and very large and look more like they belong to a serpent of some kind”
The question about UFO literally chased president Biden away. This happened at a press conference this Friday while he was visited by South Korean President Moon Jae.
Caves “built by giants” in South America: A new perspective?
Caves “built by giants” in South America: A new perspective?
For a decade, one of the greatest mysteries that exist in South America has been a network of giant caves that science has not been able to explain; theories speak of great giants … however, now the scientific community could have found its “logical explanation.”
The huge caves are around 4 meters in diameter.
It is not the first time that strange caves have been talked about in South America. In 2010, Amilcar Adamy , the geologist at the Brazilian Geological Survey, began investigating the stories about a mysterious cavern in Rondonia, northwestern Brazil.
Adamy not only found the entrance to a grotto; He came across a network of giant caves that surprised him.
Caves made by giants?
These strange gigantic “burrows” had already been discovered in different countries of South America. Some were so huge and well built that many were connected through tunnels .
The caves, known to science as “paleoburrows,” are between 8,000 and 10,000 years old . None of the currently known geological processes can explain its formation.
The first find about these mysterious tunnels was in 1930 . It was crystal clear that the paleoburrows were an archaeological structure.
The locals told the experts that these caves had been excavated thousands of years ago by their giant ancestors .
The structure of the Rondonia cave is huge and continues to be the largest known in the entire Amazon. In fact, it is twice the size of the largest found in Brazil.
Currently around 1,500 paleoburrows have been found , only in southwestern Brazil. The smallest measure around 1.5 meters in diameter and the largest exceed 4 meters.
Despite the complexity of their constructions, and that the natives of these areas have legends that they were artificially built, the scientific community has found a “new explanation.”
The scientists explanation
Alleged claw marks found by scientists.
Researchers have found “a clue” that could give you a more credible version of the formation of the caves.
Grooves in the surface of eroded granite, basalt and sandstone, which were identified as “claw marks of a huge and very ancient creature .”
The grooves, for the most part, are shallow and parallel to each other. These marks are smooth, although some show irregular shapes produced by “broken claws.”
This explanation could be the piece necessary to solve the mystery. In addition, it would lead the investigation towards one of the most important questions of paleontology and the megafauna that existed on the planet.
In the Pleistocene period , from about 2.5 million years to about 11,700 years ago, where were the burrows of these colossal creatures?
According to the size of the structures and the supposed claw marks that they left on the walls, experts say that these are burrows of some animal of that megafauna.
Specifically, they believe they are the homes of giant ground sloths or giant armadillos.
According to this new research, there never was a geological process. There is no way that it generates long tunnels of circular or elliptical section that branch or rise and fall.
In addition, they are sure that the claw marks “eliminate” the possibility of human intervention .
It is, to say the least, strange that the scientific community has so drastically changed opinion about these caves. In addition, they are totally ignoring the legends of the natives of the areas. Could we be in the presence of another omission of ancient history?
US Navy’s’ Video With A UFO “Diving” Under The Water Has Been Published
US Navy’s’ Video With A UFO “Diving” Under The Water Has Been Published
Incredible footage of an unidentified flying object (UFO) rushing in front of a U.S. Navy battleship and then submerging underwater has been published.
The unbelievable video was posted by director Jeremy Corbell, who became famous for sharing footage of a pyramidal UFO captured by the USS Russell crew in July 2019. Corbell posted the video on his website
Filmed by the USS Omaha Combat Information Center (CIC) on July 15, 2019, the video shows a black spherical object moving across the sky.
During the observation, the object moved at a speed of 46 miles per hour to 158 miles per hour.
The submarine was reportedly even sent to search for UFOs, but never found anything. According to Jeremy, the object remains unidentified.
This likely supports the theory that many of the UFOs encountered by the US Navy are versatile vehicles, meaning they function both in the air and under water.
“I can confirm that the video was captured by the US Navy and that the Task Force on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena has included it in its ongoing research,” said Pentagon spokesman Susan Gough.
Corbell believes that there is a UFO base under the water, through which unidentified vehicles pass in transit, arriving from other places.
To locate fast radio bursts, astronomers across the world have to search the skies for different electromagnetic signals.
CSIRO/Sam Moorfield
For the past decade, astronomers have been inching ever closer to answering a most puzzling question: What is the origin of the mysterious, high-energy radio signals that ping Earth and then, more often than not, vanish without a trace. All sorts of theories have been proposed to explain these fast radio bursts, or FRBs: aliens, because of course; exotic physics; extremely magnetized stars... there's a laundry list of potential explanations. (It's probably not aliens)
In November 2020, a suite of papers in the journal Nature announced the discovery of the first FRB emanating from our home galaxy. That detection implicated magnetars, an unusual type of dead star, as the cause of the millisecond bursts. However, the connection has yet to be definitively proven, and so astronomers keep on searching.
In a new paper, set to be published in the Astrophysical Journal and available as a preprint on arXiv, observations with NASA's workhorse Hubble Space Telescope have helped researchers to pinpoint the location of five FRBs to the spiral arms of distant galaxies. The team looked at eight FRBs, most of which were first detected in 2019 and 2020, but the locations of three of them remain enigmatic.
"This is the first high-resolution view of a population of FRBs," said Alexandra Mannings, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the paper's lead author.
NASA's Hubble was a critical component in the search. FRBs ping Earth-based detectors like the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, which allows them to be tracked to a region of the sky. Further imaging of the region might uncover a galaxy there, but they're only tiny points of light. When Hubble steps in, the resolution is increased enough to study the features of the galaxies.
"In this case, Hubble either confirmed the presence of spiral arms in these galaxies or uncovered spiral structure we had not been able to see before," said Wen-fai Fong, an astrophysicist at Northwestern University and co-author of the study.
The study helps to refine our understanding of these unusual, energetic outbursts and rule out some possible sources. The galaxies that many of the FRBs have been localized to are "massive, relatively young and still forming stars," according to Mannings, providing valuable context for FRB researchers. But the spiral arms of a galaxy don't typically house huge numbers of the youngest, brightest stars.
Fast radio bursts have been tracked to the spiral arms of distant galaxies.
NASA, ESA, Alyssa Pagan (STScI), Alexandra Mannings, Wen-fai Fong
Finding the FRBs there helps rule out two causes. They're likely not coming from explosive star deaths, which take place in the brightest regions of galaxies. Nor are they caused by neutron star mergers, which can take billions of years to occur and aren't commonly found in spiral arms.
The localizations don't rule out one of the leading theories of FRB production: magnetars. These stars throw off super powerful magnetic fields, and it's believed this can cause a radio flare to be thrown out into the universe. If you're listening, like many of Earth's ground-based telescopes are, those flares can be picked up. (See, it's probably not aliens...)
There's still a possibility that some of the FRBs detected on Earth are caused by something other than magnetars, but the evidence seems to be stacking up in their favor with each new study.
Not many FRBs have been traced back to their home galaxies. Some bursts have been known to repeat, which has helped Astro-Sherlocks get a lock on their location, while others just flare to life, leaving only a ghost of a signal and requiring a little extra detective work. It's unclear, at present, if all FRBs repeat or just some. "There are a lot of intricacies to explore once we have higher numbers," said Mannings.
"It's a really new, exciting field with limited observations," said Fong. "We're paving the way to learning more about this cosmic mystery."
As the number of FRBs discovered continues to rise, astronomers are beginning to understand them a little more. They're even helping us look at the universe in exciting new ways. In May 2020, astronomers in Australia used them to solve the universe's missing matter problem.
Space Mysteries: An international team of astronomers is on the hunt for objects that should be impossible.
Could the "missing stars" be a completely new phenomenon?
(Image credit: Tobias Roetsch)
Stars don't just vanish — or do they? For thousands of years, astronomers accepted the idea that the lights in the sky were fixed and unchanging. Even when it became clear that these lights were actually physical objects like the sun, one of the key assumptions for astrophysicists has been that they go through major changes very slowly, on timescales of millions or billions of years.
And when the most massive stars of all — which are many times heavier than the sun — do go through sudden and cataclysmic changes as they reach the ends of their lives, their passing is marked by the unmissable cosmic beacon of a supernova explosion, which shines for many months, and may even be visible across hundreds of millions of light-years.
But what if some stars suddenly just wink out of visibility? According to everything we know about stars, that should be impossible, but over the past few years, a group of astronomers has set out to see whether such impossible things do happen, comparing data across decades of observations.
"VASCO is the Vanishing and Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations project," said Beatriz Villarroel of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Sweden. "We're actually interested in all kinds of vanishing objects, but ideally I'd like to find a star that's been steady and has been there in the sky for as long as we can remember and as long as we have data for, and one day it just vanishes. And you can point the biggest telescopes in the world at it and still see nothing there."
Since Villarroel and her colleagues began work on the project in 2017, they've attracted a lot of attention from scientists who see the potential in searching historic records: "We have astronomers from all kinds of different fields interested in the project — specialists in active galactic nuclei [the power source of intensely brilliant quasars in the distant universe], stellar physicists, and SETI [Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence] scientists — everyone has their reasons for getting involved."
Massive stars can destroy themselves in supernovas, but these are hard to miss, outshining entire galaxies for several months and leaving behind superheated remnants. (Image credit: NASA, ESA)
Although our current understanding suggests that stars change only very slowly, and dramatic disappearances should leave traces behind, that's not to say that all stars shine steadily. In fact, the sky is packed full of variable stars that pulsate and change in brightness. Villarroel emphasizes that VASCO is about something different. "We know that there are variables, but their timescales tend to be a few years at most. We want to find something that goes from a completely steady star to just vanishing entirely — this hasn't been documented, and it's the kind of discovery that could lead to new physics."
Cataloging the sky
Recent years have seen the development of automated telescopes that can catalog the entire sky at a rate that previous generations of astronomers could only dream about. For instance, the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) at Mount Palomar in California combines a state-of-the-art camera with the venerable Samuel Oschin Telescope.
Its ultra-wide field of view enables it to survey the entire Palomar sky over just three nights, scanning the plane of the Milky Way twice each night. This massively increases the likelihood of detecting the chance eruptions known as transients — bursts of light that can be caused by intense stellar flares on distant stars, but may also be associated with some of the most violent and rare events in the universe, such as mysterious gamma-ray bursts.
However, there's a big difference between looking for stars that appear, and those which disappear, as Villarroel highlights: "Projects like the ZTF work on very short timescales, but if you have a very rare event where something vanishes from the sky every 100 years then you really need a very long timescale to pick it up. In our case we want to find a star that has vanished — or actually appeared — using as large a time span as possible, combined with the best catalogs from older times.
We're using data from 70 years ago and comparing it to data from today to see how the sky might have changed." Perhaps ironically, the team's search for high-quality historical data led researchers back to Palomar and the Samuel Oschin Telescope, which in the 1950s produced the photographic plates for an all-sky survey that has since been scanned by the US Naval Observatory (USNO). For a modern counterpart they relied on data from the twin telescopes of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) at Hawaii's Haleakalā Observatory.
The USNO survey plates predate the Space Age, and exposures are long enough to distinguish asteroids as short trails against stars. (Image credit: ESO)
"All of these surveys are freely available, and everything has been digitized and is online," said Villarroel. "Our IT team at Uppsala University has developed a citizen science webpage where you can click and combine images at We have computer game developers who have looked at making the design more appealing, and we also have an AI in development.
There are several different ways of approaching the problem — whatever gives us data! The point is that people who are interested can go there to compare the images, and if they are very curious about some case they can leave a comment, and we'll get back to them and inform them about their candidate. But we have quite a lot of work ahead of us before we can follow up on everything."
Every object in the USNO catalog that is flagged as having no obvious counterpart in the Pan-STARRS data has to be examined and confirmed by the team. Researchers then look at the shape, brightness, and other characteristics to identify whether it is a defect on the photographic plates of the original survey.
"You can never guarantee it's not a plate defect," said Villarroel. "But you can do some tests in order to eliminate the most obvious things. Then you go to the deeper catalogs like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) or the new Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey to see if you can find any remains of the object on these, and depending on what you find that might give you different types of candidates."
The team also compares candidates with data from the European Space Agency's Gaia, which is currently busy gathering precision data for more than a billion stars in the Milky Way.
The VASCO researchers use data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia space observatory to double-check candidate "missing" stars. (Image credit: ESA)
Promising candidates
So far, the survey has delivered more than 800 apparently 'missing' stars, many of which still need to be processed and studied in depth. And while there's no perfect match for Villarroel's ideal object — a vanishing act by a long-lived, stable star —many of the candidates that have been spotted are still intriguing in their own right.
"We have found a number of short-lived transients that appear on one image, and then not again. Those account for most of what we've found so far, but there are other things we're not sure of what they are yet. We've studied some of these short-lived transients, and they don't seem to be M-dwarf flares [the huge outbursts caused by the tangled magnetic fields of faint red dwarf stars that may cause them to brighten by a factor of 100 or more], or any type of supernova. I think we can start excluding those options."
Other options that seem unlikely include variable stars and cataclysmic variables or novae — eruptions on the surface of white dwarf stars in binary systems. None of the sources sit close to a known variable, and the companion star in a nova system ought to be faintly visible on some of the modern surveys, even when the white dwarf isn't.
Ageing red giant stars can "disappear" as they shed their outer layers and evolve into white dwarfs, but the process takes hundreds of thousands of years and produces a distinctive planetary nebula. (Image credit: NASA, ESA)
"One possibility is that they could be some kind of optical afterglow from gamma-ray bursts or fast radio bursts," Villarroel said. The sources of these high-energy cosmic eruptions are still poorly understood, but one common prediction is that as their energy output dwindles, they should pass through a brief period of visibility.
"Such outbursts are predicted to have super-big amplitudes of about eight to ten magnitudes, but fade in just a few minutes, and don't seem to have any kind of visible counterpart when we look at the locations with big telescopes. Of course, with 800 candidates we still have a lot of work to do, and I think to be clear it's almost certainly a mixed bag of objects of different types," she said.
If those 800 candidates turn out to contain an ideal vanishing star, what could be the possible explanation?
One option might turn out to be a so-called "failed" supernova — a truly monstrous star with a core so massive that it collapses into a black hole and consumes the rest of the star from the inside out, cutting off the torrent of nuclear fusion that normally accompanies a supernova explosion and leaving no visible remnant behind.
Black holes can form at the center of stars in the Milky Way. (Image credit: Getty Images)
However, Villarroel thinks that the odds are stacked against this explanation — she calculates that such events should happen about once every three centuries in our galaxy, making it unlikely that the VASCO project would stumble upon one by chance.
At the moment it's hard to imagine other natural processes that might result in a star simply disappearing — and until a candidate emerges with features that can be studied, there's little point in speculating on possible new physics that might be involved in this cosmic vanishing act. However, that raises one other possibility that's inspired VASCO from the outset: The idea that apparently impossible astronomical events might give away the existence of advanced alien civilizations.
Potential future discoveries
The Pan-STARRS survey telescopes at Haleakalā Observatory on the Hawaiian island of Maui. (Image credit: Getty Images)
As increases in telescope size and sensitivity, coupled with computing power, have brought astronomy into its "big data" era, many SETI scientists have argued that we're more likely to detect the presence of aliens through the otherwise-inexplicable behaviors of stars and other objects than we are from radio signals deliberately or accidentally beamed in our direction by alien life.
The theory is that if civilizations become sufficiently advanced, at least some of them are likely to develop the technology required for stellar engineering, which would alter the appearance of stars in otherwise-inexplicable ways. A classic example of this is the "Dyson sphere" — a halo of orbiting power plants that would be the most efficient way of extracting energy from a star.
A really advanced alien civilization could cause stars to disappear in a number of ways — perhaps blocking out their light by surrounding them with Dyson spheres. (Image credit: Alamy)
Science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke stated in his Third Law that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". If no natural cause for a stellar disappearance could be found, then the influence of intelligent extraterrestrials would certainly seem a more likely explanation than the supernatural.
"With regard to SETI, there are several different ways of thinking about it," Villarroel said. "Dyson spheres and other structures, beacons that are turned on and off, or point in our direction for a certain time, or maybe there are ways for a civilization to actually get rid of stars that are getting in the way."
Even the red transients that the team has identified so far could have a possible artificial cause: "Of course, the first hypotheses we go for are natural ones — and we don't have any reason to exclude those yet — but if I was in my extraterrestrial speculation mode, I guess a laser beam could also produce a red transient of this type."
One extraordinary possibility is that the disappearing "stars" are actually huge starships moving through space, in which case they might not be missing, but moving. (Image credit: Getty Images)
While Villarroel hints at exciting discoveries that have already emerged from the data and await formal publication, in the meantime the VASCO project continues. Many of the candidates identified so far still await proper confirmation and analysis, and only a quarter of the sky has actually been checked so far. Further progress will hopefully be accelerated by more volunteer citizen scientists and new automation methods currently being developed in collaboration with the Spanish Virtual Observatory.
"We don't know of any processes where a star would just vanish, except for this hypothetical failed supernova," Villarroel reflects. "Therefore vanishing stars become interesting because we haven't observed such things in nature. The main principle was to look for things we would think of as being impossible."
They can survive temperatures close to absolute zero. They can withstand heat beyond the boiling point of water. They can shrug off the vacuum of space and doses of radiation that would be lethal to humans. Now, researchers have subjected tardigrades, microscopic creatures affectionately known as water bears, to impacts as fast as a flying bullet. And the animals survive them, too—but only up to a point. The test places new limits on their ability to survive impacts in space—and potentially seed life on other planets.
Meet a tardigrade, also known as a water bear. A few thousand of them (dehydrated) were sent to the moon on the Beresheet spacecraft, which crashed on April 22, 2019. They’re cute … right?
Image via Eye of Science/Science Source/ScienceNews.
The research was inspired by a 2019 Israeli mission called Beresheet, which attempted to land on the Moon. The probe infamously included tardigrades on board that mission managers had not disclosed to the public, and the lander crashed with its passengers in tow, raising concerns about contamination. “I was very curious,” says Alejandra Traspas, a Ph.D. student at Queen Mary University of London who led the study. “I wanted to know if they were alive.”
Traspas and her supervisor, Mark Burchell, a planetary scientist at the University of Kent, wanted to find out whether tardigrades could survive such an impact—and they wanted to conduct their experiment ethically. So after feeding about 20 tardigrades moss and mineral water, they put them into hibernation, a so-called “tun” state in which their metabolism decreases to 0.1% of their normal activity, by freezing them for 48 hours.
They then placed two to four at a time in a hollow nylon bullet and fired them at increasing speeds using a two-stage light gas gun, a tool in physics experiments that can achieve muzzle velocities far higher than any conventional gun. When shooting the bullets into a sand target several meters away, the researchers found the creatures could survive impacts up to about 900 meters per second (or about 3000 kilometers per hour), and momentary shock pressures up to a limit of 1.14 gigapascals (GPa), they report this month in Astrobiology. “Above [those speeds], they just mush,” Traspas says.
The results suggest the tardigrades on Beresheet were unlikely to survive. Although the lander is thought to have crashed at a few hundred meters per second, the shock pressure its metal frame generated hitting the surface would have been “well above” 1.14 GPa, Traspas says. “We can confirm they didn’t survive.”
The research also places new limits on a theory known as panspermia, which suggests some forms of life could move between worlds, as stowaways on meteorites kicked up after an asteroid strikes a planet or moon. Eventually, the meteorite could impact another planet—along with its living cargo.
The impact site of the Beresheet spacecraft in the Sea of Serenity region of the moon, as seen on April 22, 2019. The lunar library onboard contained various samples of DNA from Earth, including dehydrated tardigrades.
Image via NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University/Wired.
Charles Cockell, an astrobiologist at the University of Edinburgh who was not involved in the study, says the research shows how unlikely panspermia is. “What this paper is showing is that complex multicellular animals cannot be easily transferred,” he says. “In other words, Earth is a biogeographical island with respect to animals. They’re trapped, like a flightless bird on an island.”
Traspas, however, says it shows panspermia “is hard,” but not impossible. Meteorite impacts on Earth typically arrive at speeds of more than 11 kilometers per second. On Mars, they collide at least at 8 kilometers per second. These speeds are well above the threshold for tardigrades to survive. However, some parts of a meteorite impacting Earth or Mars would experience lower shock pressures that a tardigrade could live through, Traspas says.
Objects strike the Moon at still lower speeds. When impacts on Earth send bits of rock and debris hurtling toward the Moon, about 40% of that material could travel at speeds low enough for any tardigrades to survive, Traspas and Burchell say, theoretically allowing them to jump from our planet to the Moon. A similar passage, they add, could take place from Mars to its moon, Phobos. And other life might have an even better chance of surviving; compared with water bears, some microbes can survive even faster impacts of up to 5000 meters per second, according to previous research.
The new experiment also has implications for our ability to detect life on icy moons in the outer Solar System. Saturn’s moon Enceladus, for example, ejects plumes of water into space from a subsurface ocean that could support life, as might Jupiter’s moon Europa. If the findings of the new study apply to potential life trapped in the plumes, a spacecraft orbiting Enceladus—at relatively low speeds of hundreds of meters per second—might sample and detect existing life without killing it.
No such orbiting mission is currently planned for Enceladus or Europa—upcoming NASA and European flyby missions will swoosh by the latter at high speeds of several kilometers per second. But perhaps one day far in the future an orbiter might be in the cards, with an ability to detect life at gentler speeds. “If you collect it and it died on impact, how do you know whether it’s been dead for millions of years?” asks Anna Butterworth, a planetary scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, who has studied plume impacts on spacecraft. “If you collect microscopic life and it’s moving around, you can say it’s alive.”
MUFON CASE : 115540 Herndon, Virginia ( May 19, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS :Saw multiple glowing objects Long Description of Sighting Report :
Saw multiple glowing objects, made no sound and moved slowly above/near my neighborhood then disappeared in Virginia
Date Submitted : 2021-05-19 Date of Event : 2021-04-02 / 8:15PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : Zvideo.mp4
VIDEO 2 : MUFON CASE : 115527 Kingston, Canada Possible UFO spotted descending & landing in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Long Description of Sighting Report
I looked out the window and saw what I thought was a bright star. It caught my eye because it was so bright& also it appeared to be blue/green. I thought it was perhaps a star being affected by gases in outer space, until it dramatically dropped from a spot directly above it, from in the middle where there’s a clearing in the clouds to where it’s positioned when the video starts. I grabbed my cell and started filming. As it landed, it also flashed a red and an organgey-red, along with white and the blue/green colour.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-18 Date of Event :2021-05-17 / 9:30PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : trim.A876B65AB11A4246A22DE3D7A1318F47.MOV
Triangle UFO During Sunset Over Tennessee. Photos, May 18, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Triangle UFO During Sunset Over Tennessee. Photos, May 18, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 18, 2021
Location of sighting: Mursfreeburo, Tennessee, USA
Source: MUFON #115575
This report is just in today. A person saw a triangle shaped cloud over the Tennessee area and took this photo. Triangle shaped clouds should be impossible in nature, and yet, here it is in front of us. What I mean is the shape of the object is that of an equilateral triangle...having not just two, but all three sides and angles equal. This is an alien UFO disguised as a cloud so that it wont frighten the humans that notice it. Aliens are studying humans...and the study would be spoiled if the humans knew they were being watched. Absolute proof that triangle craft are visiting earth and flying low enough to be easily seen with the naked eye.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
My boyfriend saw this triangular shaped ‘cloud’ silently appear and hover over him, turned some, then it disappeared. I only included one photo as they’re not mine. But he has 6 others taken during the sighting. I’ve added his email to the report and he fully supports and is aware of this report and wouldn’t mind an email asking about it further. We just discussed it.
Wingless Object Over Auburn Hills, Michigan May 19, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Wingless Object Over Auburn Hills, Michigan May 19, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 19, 2021
Location of sighting: Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Source: MUFON
Watching this video just leaves me in awe at how close some UFOs come to the public. This tictac UFO had no wings, no sound and made no trail, but as we know from US gov videos of UFOs...UFOs do make trails when they want too. This UFO shows a UFO over Michigan and I believe it came from an under water alien base that sits in the depths of Lake Michigan itself. The lake is known for its massive depth and mysteries that surround it, military planes disappearing from radar never to be found. Lake Michigan...its home to an alien base.
Now that UFO sightings or officially referred to as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) encounters have become too many and too tangible to dismiss as reflected light, swamp gas, or anything of the kind, the next step is for the Pentagon to bring out much more about what it already knows.
In the CBS “60 Minutes” segment recently aired, it revealed the growing declassified data and credible accounts from military personnel, government, and former government that has been thoroughly cataloged and competently explained.
In a conversation between CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker and Luis Elizondo, they turn to the military’s great current state of publicly available information.
Elizondo, who was in US military intelligence for two decades and was part of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Program (AATIP), said that they investigated a technology that did 6-to-700 g-forces and flew at 13,000 miles an hour. According to Elizondo, the technology can evade radar and fly through air and water, as well as possibly space.
Elizondo added that it has no apparent signs of propulsion, no control surfaces, no wings, and yet still can defy Earth’s gravity. “That’s precisely what we’re seeing,” Elizondo said. In some cases, Elizondo and his team found simple explanations for what people are seeing, but some are not after going through their due diligence.
The segment then interviewed David Fravor and Lieutenant Alex Dietrich, two of the four pilots who witnessed a UAP during a training mission with the USS Nimitz carrier strike group in 2004 at 100 miles southwest of San Diego, California. The interview described in great detail the real and yet impossible to grasp UAP behavior.
For a week, the radar on a nearby ship, the USS Princeton, had detected multiple anomalous aerial vehicles over the horizon that went down 80,000 feet in less than a second. Fravor and Dietrich were diverted to investigate the strange sighting on November 14, each with a weapons systems officer in the backseat. They spotted an area of roiling whitewater the size of a 737 in an otherwise calm sea.
Now that Pentagon has been reactivated the AATIP since last August under the new name, UAP task force, more details have likely been cataloged since service members now are encouraged to report any unusual encounters.
While still head of the intelligence committee, Senator Marco Rubio asked the director of national intelligence and the Pentagon in December 2020 to present Congress an unclassified report.
The report is expected to be the next major step in this building story. It will be released on June 1, 2021, to the Senate.
In a new Mars update (the first update can be read here), mysterious rocks have been found and there may have been a fairly recent volcanic eruption.
NASA’s Perseverance Rover discovered some unusual rocks in the Jezero Crater and has been studying them with two of its instruments – the rock-zapping SuperCam laser and the WATSON (“Wide Angle Topographic Sensor for Operations and Engineering”) camera.
It’s unclear whether these rocks are sedimentary or volcanic. If they are volcanic in origin, this would be a huge help for experts understanding the history of the crater that billions of years ago had a lake and a river delta. If the rocks turn out to be sedimentary, they may have been created over a long period of time from sand, silt, and clay which may hold clues to ancient Martian life (if there ever was any).
Surface of Mars
In order to know for sure, the rover may need to collect samples from inside of the rocks. “When you look inside a rock, that’s where you see the story,” Ken Farley, who is the Perseverance’s project scientist at Caltech, said in a statement.
NASA's Perseverance Mars rover used its dual-camera Mastcam-Z imager to capture this image of "Santa Cruz," a hill within Jezero Crater, on April 29, 2021.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS)
NASA's Perseverance rover viewed these rocks with its Mastcam-Z imager on April 27, 2021.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS)
NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover used its dual-camera Mastcam-Z imager to capture this image of “Santa Cruz,” a hill within Jezero Crater, on April 29, 2021, the 68th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
NASA’s Perseverance rover viewed these rocks with its Mastcam-Z imager on April 27, 2021. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
In other Mars news, scientists have found evidence of what might be the most recent volcanic eruption, suggesting that the planet may still be volcanically active and life may have been present there not too long ago. While it’s not news that experts have floated around the possibility that the Red Planet may still be volcanically active, this new research sheds a whole new light on the theory.
While the majority of volcanic eruptions happened on Mars between 3 and 4 billion years ago, some experts have suggested that they could have occurred as recently as 2.5 million years ago. But that’s nothing compared to this most recent study as scientists have found evidence of an eruption that occurred just within the last 50,000 years.
By analyzing data collected from satellites that are orbiting the Red Planet, researchers focused on an 8-mile-wide smooth dark volcanic deposit located in a region called Elysium Planitia. While other volcanic eruptions on the planet resulted with lava flowing along the surface, this newly discovered one seemed to have a fairly recent amount of rock and ash sitting on top of a lava flow. (A picture can be seen here.)
A satellite image of a recent explosive volcanic deposit around a fissure of the Cerberus Fossae system on Mars.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS/The Murray Lab)
Mars may still be volcanically active.
In a statement, David Horvath, who is a planetary scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and the lead author of the study, said in a statement, “This eruption could have spewed ash as high as 10 kilometers (6 miles) into the Martian atmosphere.” And according to prior research, there may still be magma moving deep underground the Cerberus Fossae area of Mars.
Jeff Andrews-Hanna, who is a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona at Tucson and another author of the study, weighed in by stating, “If lava was erupting to the surface only 50,000 years ago, and the area is still rumbling with seismicity today, that means that it could erupt again.”
And since this newly discovered eruption occurred near the most recent large impact crater, experts have suggested a possible connection between the two – perhaps the impact triggered the volcanic eruption (it’s just speculation at this point but it is an interesting hypothesis). Furthermore, the heat from the recent eruption may have helped potential microbial life to thrive on Mars although that hasn’t been proven either as no proof of life has been found yet.
In a new and very important discovery,scientists have found liquid water inside of a meteorite. Known as the Sutter’s Mill meteorite, it dates back around 4.6 billion years to the time when our Solar System was first forming. The meteorite fell to Earth in 2012 in the United States with several pieces being found close to the Sutter’s Mill gold rush site near Sacramento, California.
While we do know that water exists beyond Earth, it has never before been found in a type of meteorite called carbonaceous chondrites. But now, researchers have officially detected a tiny amount of water in the Sutter’s Mill meteorite. The fact that the carbon dioxide-rich liquid water was discovered in such an ancient meteorite may help with the theory that these types of space rocks could have contributed to our planet’s early water sources. While there are numerous theories regarding how Earth obtained its water, one of the most popular ideas is that a bunch of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites crashed down to Earth – all containing some water.
The researchers noted that “if the water in those minerals contributed to Earth’s water, then it can be considered the ‘parent’ of Earth’s water, and the meteorites hosting these minerals, therefore, the ‘grandparent material of Earth’s water’.”
They analyzed the meteorite by using microscopy techniques and were able to see a very small calcite crystal that contained a tiny amount of liquid water that was at least 15% carbon dioxide. The fact that liquid water and carbon dioxide were found in such an ancient space rock is a significant discovery.
In an email to, Akira Tsuchiyama, who is a visiting research professor at Ritsumeikan University in Japan and an author of the study, stated that their findings “gives the direct evidence of dynamic evolution of the solar system.”
(Not the Sutter’s Mill meteorite)
It is believed that the meteorite came from a much larger asteroid made up of frozen water and carbon dioxide. The asteroid probably formed past Jupiter’s orbit in the colder part of our Solar System.
Even though it was a very tiny amount of liquid that they found, Tsuchiyama reiterated that it still “gives the evidence for the presence of such liquid water.” Their study was published in the journal Science Advances where it can be read in full.
A picture of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite can be seen here.
Fragments of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite, collected by NASA Ames and SETI Institute meteor astronomer Dr. Peter Jenniskens in the evening of Tuesday April 24, 2012 two days after the fall. In a 2021 study, researchers have detected liquid water in minerals in fragments of this meteorite.
(Image credit: NASA/Eric James)
In a new study, researchers have detected liquid water in fragments of the Sutter's Mill meteorite.
(Image credit: Tsuchiyama et al. (2021), Science Advances)
Stunning Simulation of Stars Being Born Is Most Realistic Ever
Stunning Simulation of Stars Being Born Is Most Realistic Ever
Snapshot from the first full STARFORGE simulation. Nicknamed the “Anvil of Creation,” a giant molecular cloud with individual star formation and comprehensive feedback, including protostellar jets, radiation, stellar winds, and core-collapse supernovae.
Credit: Northwestern University/UT Austin
First high-resolution model to simulate an entire gas cloud where stars are born.
A team including Northwestern University astrophysicists has developed the most realistic, highest-resolution 3D simulation of star formation to date. The result is a visually stunning, mathematically-driven marvel that allows viewers to float around a colorful gas cloud in 3D space while watching twinkling stars emerge.
Snapshot from a STARFORGE simulation. A rotating gas core collapses, forming a central star that launches bipolar jets along its poles as it feeds on gas from the surrounding disk. The jets entrain gas away from the core, limiting the amount that the star can ultimately accrete.
Credit: Northwestern University/UT Austin
Called STARFORGE (Star Formation in Gaseous Environments), the computational framework is the first to simulate an entire gas cloud — 100 times more massive than previously possible and full of vibrant colors — where stars are born.
It also is the first simulation to simultaneously model star formation, evolution and dynamics while accounting for stellar feedback, including jets, radiation, wind and nearby supernovae activity. While other simulations have incorporated individual types of stellar feedback, STARFORGE puts them altogether to simulate how these various processes interact to affect star formation.
Using this beautiful virtual laboratory, the researchers aim to explore longstanding questions, including why star formation is slow and inefficient, what determines a star’s mass and why stars tend to form in clusters.
The researchers have already used STARFORGE to discover that protostellar jets — high-speed streams of gas that accompany star formation — play a vital role in determining a star’s mass. By calculating a star’s exact mass, researchers can then determine its brightness and internal mechanisms as well as make better predictions about its death.
Snapshot from the first full STARFORGE simulation. Nicknamed the “Anvil of Creation,” a giant molecular cloud with individual star formation and comprehensive feedback, including protostellar jets, radiation, stellar winds and core-collapse supernovae.
Newly accepted by the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, an advanced copy of the manuscript, detailing the research behind the new model, appeared online today. An accompanying paper, describing how jets influence star formation, was published in the same journal in February 2021.
“People have been simulating star formation for a couple decades now, but STARFORGE is a quantum leap in technology,” said Northwestern’s Michael Grudić, who co-led the work. “Other models have only been able to simulate a tiny patch of the cloud where stars form — not the entire cloud in high resolution. Without seeing the big picture, we miss a lot of factors that might influence the star’s outcome.”
“How stars form is very much a central question in astrophysics,” said Northwestern’s Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, a senior author on the study. “It’s been a very challenging question to explore because of the range of physical processes involved. This new simulation will help us directly address fundamental questions we could not definitively answer before.”
Snapshot from a STARFORGE simulation. A rotating gas core collapses, forming a central star that launches bipolar jets along its poles as it feeds on gas from the surrounding disk. The jets entrain gas away from the core, limiting the amount that the star can ultimately accrete.
From start to finish, star formation takes tens of millions of years. So even as astronomers observe the night sky to catch a glimpse of the process, they can only view a brief snapshot.
“When we observe stars forming in any given region, all we see are star formation sites frozen in time,” Grudić said. “Stars also form in clouds of dust, so they are mostly hidden.”
Snapshot from a STARFORGE simulation. A rotating gas core collapses, forming a central star that launches bipolar jets along its poles as it feeds on gas from the surrounding disk. The jets entrain gas away from the core, limiting the amount that the star can ultimately accrete.
For astrophysicists to view the full, dynamic process of star formation, they must rely on simulations. To develop STARFORGE, the team incorporated computational code for multiple phenomena in physics, including gas dynamics, magnetic fields, gravity, heating and cooling and stellar feedback processes. Sometimes taking a full three months to run one simulation, the model requires one of the largest supercomputers in the world, a facility supported by the National Science Foundation and operated by the Texas Advanced Computing Center.
The resulting simulation shows a mass of gas — tens to millions of times the mass of the sun — floating in the galaxy. As the gas cloud evolves, it forms structures that collapse and break into pieces, which eventually form individual stars. Once the stars form, they launch jets of gas outward from both poles, piercing through the surrounding cloud. The process ends when there is no gas left to form anymore stars.
Pouring jet fuel onto modeling
Already, STARFORGE has helped the team discover a crucial new insight into star formation. When the researchers ran the simulation without accounting for jets, the stars ended up much too large — 10 times the mass of the sun. After adding jets to the simulation, the stars’ masses became much more realistic — less than half the mass of the sun.
“Jets disrupt the inflow of gas toward the star,” Grudić said. “They essentially blow away gas that would have ended up in the star and increased its mass. People have suspected this might be happening, but, by simulating the entire system, we have a robust understanding of how it works.”
Snapshot from the first full STARFORGE simulation. Nicknamed the “Anvil of Creation,” a giant molecular cloud with individual star formation and comprehensive feedback, including protostellar jets, radiation, stellar winds and core-collapse supernovae.
Credit: Northwestern University/UT Austin
Beyond understanding more about stars, Grudić and Faucher-Giguère believe STARFORGE can help us learn more about the universe and even ourselves.
“Understanding galaxy formation hinges on assumptions about star formation,” Grudić said. “If we can understand star formation, then we can understand galaxy formation. And by understanding galaxy formation, we can understand more about what the universe is made of. Understanding where we come from and how we’re situated in the universe ultimately hinges on understanding the origins of stars.”
“Knowing the mass of a star tells us its brightness as well as what kinds of nuclear reactions are happening inside it,” Faucher-Giguère said. “With that, we can learn more about the elements that are synthesized in stars, like carbon and oxygen — elements that we are also made of.”
The study, “STARFORGE: Toward a comprehensive numerical mode of star cluster formation and feedback,” was supported by the National Science Foundation and NASA.
The Moon Is Not What You Think - What They Saw Will Shock You
The Moon Is Not What You Think - What They Saw Will Shock You
Uncover the truth about ancient extraterrestrial civilizations, suppressed antigravity technology, off-planet bases & civilizations, humanity’s progenitor race, NASA operations & agenda, and the Secret Space Program!
Could the moon be a hollow-bodied construct that contains a hidden message encoding the deeper mysteries of our universe and life on Earth? Our team of researchers examines evidence that suggests that our moon is of artificial origin, intentionally placed in exact orbit by advanced civilizations in ancient times.
With recent discoveries from NASA and the European Space Agency, the lunar enigmas have only compounded.
Rising: Here’s Why UFO Disclosures Are Not A Pentagon Ploy For More Funding
Rising: Here’s Why UFO Disclosures Are Not A Pentagon Ploy For More Funding
UFOs are a divisive topic in the populist Right.
I’ve noticed that it falls along roughly the same lines as the previous debates over whether COVID was a real virus or an elaborate worldwide hoax or whether the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. There are some people who are certain that UFOs are real and being covered up by the government, some people who are just amused by the debate and
The Bulwark had an article yesterday which made the important point that UFOs were mainstream and most people believed that UFOs were real in the 1960s and 1970s. This changed in the late 1980s and 1990s and it had become a fringe topic by the early 2000s.
Evidence of DUMBs and Tunnels Between Argentina & Antarctica? Strange Patterns on the Ocean Floor?
Evidence of DUMBs and Tunnels Between Argentina & Antarctica? Strange Patterns on the Ocean Floor?
Evidence of DUMBs and Tunnels Between Argentina & Antarctica? Strange Patterns on the Ocean Floor?
Check out our discovery of what appear to be highways on or under the floor of the South Pacific Ocean. Whatever is going on, those right angles and loop junctions are not naturally occurring!
Swarms of Robots Could Dig Underground Cities on Mars
Swarms of Robots Could Dig Underground Cities on Mars
Underground habitats have recently become a focal point of off-planet colonization efforts. Protection from micrometeorites, radiation, and other potential hazards makes underground sites desirable compared to surface dwellings. Building such subterranean structures presents a plethora of challenges, not the least of which is how to actually construct them. A team of researchers at the Delft University of Technology (TUD) is working on a plan to excavate material and then use it to print habitats. All that would be done with a group of swarming robots.
The idea stems from a grant opportunity posted by the European Space Agency. Students at the Robotic Building lab (RB) at TU Delft, led by Dr. Henriette Bier, were enthusiastic to participate in the challenge that focuses on in-situ resource utilization for off-Earth construction. The RB team, together with experts in material science, robotics, and aerospace engineering submitted an idea that was granted €100k to develop a preliminary proof of concept.
The proposed approach focuses on the lab’s specialty – robotic building – and has four main components – digging out the regolith, printing a new habitat using an additive manufacturing process, coordinating the work between all the robots that would be needed to complete the tasks, and powering them as well as the habitat.
Excavating regolith with robots has been explored previously, but usually in the context of the moon. Different patterns of excavation are useful for building different structures, and the pattern the RB team focused on was a downwards sloping spiral. Such a structure could create a stable, safe structure within a relatively small footprint on the surface.
Example of some of the subtractive toolpaths that would be use to hollow out the habitat’s tunnels. Credit: Bier et al.
Modeling the stresses and strains on that structure is a key component of the current study project. The team developed a 1m x 1m scale prototype of a fragment with patterns that would allow them to create safe and stable areas effectively. Some of those areas were designed with habitation in mind, including detachable plant areas that could house hydroponically grown plants.
Tons upon tons of regolith would have to be removed from any real-life scale excavation site. That regolith is used as material to 3D print a stable habitat. Originally, the team was planning on combining regolith withliquid Sulphurto produce concrete. But after involving material scientists and an industrial partner specialized in robotic printing with cement they settled on using cement-based concrete by tapping into some of Mars’ water resources. Creating cement itself requires an infrastructure though, so any such plan to utilize regolith would have to wait until after that infrastructure was already in place on the planet.
Video discussing how swarm methodology can be implemented to aid in the exploration of Mars.
Structuring the habitat itself is also a key consideration when designing what shape should be 3D printed. The team focused on relatively porous structures, which allowed them to use less material in its construction. However, the structures still had remarkably high strength and durability and also provided good insulation from the radiation and micrometeorite impacts the subsurface colony is looking to avoid.
Some of the advantages of this approach are due to one of the biggest drivers of innovation – collaboration. The project is coordinated by the RB lab but involves partners both at TUD and external commercial partners. These collaborators bring civil, aerospace, and robotic engineering expertise, and additive manufacturing technologies for developing the robotic swarm construction approach .
An example of the “rhizome” habitat that would have a relatively small exposed area on the surface but provide a large habitable space underground. Credit: Bier et al.
Those collaborators will have to continue to work together for a long time in order to see this project eventually implemented on Mars. As a technology demonstrator, it still has a long way to go to even be accepted as a mission concept. Dr. Bier and her team hope to continue pushing the concept forward and are shooting for future funding opportunities as part of that development path.
With luck, swarming robots and 3D printed cement-based habitats will play a key role in the future development of what so far is only science fiction – an underground city on Mars.
UFO Sighted In Westminster, Massachusetts ( May 18, 2021 )
UFO Sighted In Westminster, Massachusetts, May 18, 2021 : George W Stanton Hwy STATEMENT : So they was deff transporting a UFO on the highway!!
credit :Shannon Archambault
UFO Sighted Over Popocatépetl, Volcano, Mexico ( May 2, 2021 )
Impressive sighting of an immense Cylindrical UFO coming out of the Mexican Popocatepetl volcano.
The surprising image comes from the volcanic monitor cameras installed nearby this fire colossus, which follow their activity 24 hours a day.
For decades, intense and incredible UFO activities have been recorded entering and leaving this active volcano, which leads to experts and researchers of the UFO phenomenon claiming that this volcano is a UFO base or a dimensional portal. Sighting made on the May 2, 2021.
UFO Sighted Over São Gonçalo, Brazil ( May 11, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over São Gonçalo, Brazil on May 11, 2021
STATEMENT :São Gonçalo RJ - 11/05/2021
credit :Diogo HG
UFOs Sighted Over Sidcup, England ( May 17, 2021 )
UFOs Sighted Over Sidcup, Bexley, south-east London Borough, England on May 17, 2021
STATEMENT :Black Donut UFO over Sidcup
17/05/2021 18:42 Moving in a very strange fashion, slowly spinning at times then stopping and hovering defo looked to be under some form of control rather then just balloons blowing in the wind. They looked black, donut shaped with a hole or white light in the centre.
3 Spherical Shaped UFOs, 1st Spotted in Mexico then Nevada & then in California! Is it the same UFO?
Three Spherical shaped UFO sightings.
Starting in Iztapalapa Mexico on 05/12/21 then another in Minden Nevada on 05/14/21 and then the last reported sighting in Glendale California on 05/16/21. All on the west coast with 1800 miles and two days between Iztapalapa Mexico sighting and the possible next sighting in Minden Nevada then another two days later and 421 miles another sighting was seen in Glendale California! Is this the same Spherical shaped object or is it just coincidental?
SOMETHING'S ODD. Galaxy group Stephan’s Quintet has been at the focus of a major redshift controversy for years. However, astronomers are certain the galaxy at the lower left is some 10 times closer to us than the others.
NASA/ESA/Hubble SM4 ERO Team
Some autumn night, hold a dime at arm’s length and block a tiny piece of the constellation Pegasus the Winged Horse. Hidden behind that coin may be the most famous galaxy cluster in all the heavens.
First seen by French astronomer Édouard Jean-Marie Stephan in 1877, the five galaxies famously known as Stephan’s Quintet constitute the first compact group ever found. Back in the 19th century, however, no one knew that these smudgy patches were far more than mere clouds of gas in our Milky Way Galaxy. With the advent of better telescopes and spectroscopy, astronomers eventually saw each as a city of billions of stars. But there was mystery here, stupendous mystery, and it arose not slowly but all at once.
The puzzle involved redshift, the most important evidence of a galaxy’s distance. Redshift — a change in the wavelength of light an object emits as it moves away from us — indicates how fast a galaxy recedes in our expanding universe. Imagine a balloon covered with polka dots. As the entire cosmos (the balloon) expands, the galaxies (dots) logically get farther apart. A dot close to the one you live on will move slowly away from you; more distant dots will move away faster.
The galaxies in Stephan’s Quintet all seem physically connected, so they should display similar redshifts as the space between our Milky Way and them grows continuously larger. Indeed, more than merely appearing physically near each other, tendrils of dusty gas appear to connect them loosely. It seems as if each galaxy’s gravity pulls off strings of material from the others, like pizza cheese. They appear interlocked.
There was just one problem. Four of the galaxies show a large redshift, corresponding to a recessional speed of 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers) a second. This means they lie about 300 million light-years away. But galaxy NGC 7320, at lower left in the photograph, shows a redshift indicating a slower speed of just 491 miles (790 km) per second. This would mean it’s only 30 million light-years away.
This discrepancy was not some mere technicality; it was huge. If one galaxy at the same distance as others has a very different redshift, then redshift cannot be a reliable indicator of distance. Some astronomers, led by the iconoclast Halton Arp (see object 38 on our list), concluded that redshift can’t be trusted. The size of the universe was suddenly in doubt, as were many of the tenets of cosmology, such as how quickly everything is expanding. Thus, Stephan’s Quintet became the paradigm for the mysterious, and for cosmological insecurity.
Many astronomers insisted the streams of material between NGC 7320 and the other galaxies proved they were physically bound together in space. Moreover, all five galaxies have approximately the same apparent size, further evidence they sit at the same distance. After all, if the low-redshift galaxy was really much closer to us, shouldn't it appear far larger than the others?
The Hubble Space Telescope finally solved this issue in 2000. Its razor-sharp imaging resolved individual stars in the low-redshift galaxy, while the other four remained starless. This proved NGC 7320 is much closer to us than the others.
At last, mystery laid to rest. It’s a line-of-sight situation. One galaxy sits in front of the other four — 10 times closer, in fact. The seeming strings of matter do not really extend from NGC 7320 to the others. And NGC 7320 appears the same size as the other four because it happens to be a smaller galaxy.
Cosmologists let out a collective sigh of relief. Redshift is reliable after all. The universe is safe. Astronomers now prefer to label the four galaxies that are actually a physically bound unit as Hickson Compact Group 92. This actually includes a separate galaxy that was not a part of the original quintet, so that even though NGC 7320 has been expelled from the club, Compact Group 92 remains a fivesome.
But relief did not last long. Amazingly enough, a different puzzle suddenly arose. Near the nucleus of the quintet’s uppermost galaxy is a benign-looking star that spectroscopy now shows is a quasar with an enormous redshift. Meaning, it must lie billions of light-years beyond the galaxy. Yet there it is, clearly in front of it, and seemingly interacting with the galaxy’s gas.
This resurrects the same cosmic puzzle — with a vengeance. How could a galaxy envelop a quasar whose redshift indicates it’s several billion light-years farther away?
It’s déjà vu all over again. It’s another doozy of a discordant distance issue in the very same rabbit patch. Indeed, this time the visual evidence is even more ironclad. Might redshift be unreliable after all? Or does the distant quasar just happen to align with a weird empty hole that tunnels all the way through this galaxy?
Stephan’s Quintet just won’t quit the Strangeness Society.
China is only the 2nd nation to successfully soft-land on Mars.
China has released the first photographs taken by its Zhurong rover, which touched down on Mars late on Friday (May 14) as part of the country's Tianwen-1 mission.
The China National Space Administration (CNSA), which runs the mission, has released two Mars photographs taken by the rover: one in color and one in black and white. Both images show parts of the rover and its lander against a backdrop of Utopia Planitia, the expansive northern plain that Zhurong will explore during its mission.
This photo is the first color view of Mars from China's Zhurong rover, looking toward its rear, from its landing spot on a plain in Utopia Planitia following a May 14, 2021 landing. This image was released May 19. (Image credit: China National Space Administration)
The color image shows a view looking to the rear of Zhurong from a navigation camera above the rover's main deck. Solar arrays are visible, as are some surface rocks and features. The black and white image is from an obstacle avoidance camera at the front of the rover. It was captured with a wide-angle lens that also revealed a view of the Mars horizon in the distance, as well as two subsurface radar instruments on the rover itself.
In addition to the photos from the surface, CNSA also released two short videos of the orbiter and Zhurong rover's landing capsule separating during Friday's maneuver. Both videos come from cameras on the orbiter and show the capsule pulling away.
This black and white view of Mars is a photo from a navigation camera on China's Mars rover Zhurong released on May 19, 2021 about 4 days after landing. The ramp to the Martian surface from Zhurong's lander is visible, as are two subsurface radar instruments on the rover and the Martian horizon in the wide-angle view. (Image credit: China National Space Administration)
China's successful Mars landing made the country only the second nation to successfully soft-land on Mars, joining the United States. The Soviet Union and the European Space Agency have also sent missions to the Red Planet's surface, but those landings have not been successful. Zhurong's arrival brings the active Mars rover tally to three, joining NASA's Curiosity and Perseverance rovers.
The landing comes as part of China's Tianwen-1 mission, which was also the nation's first successful Mars orbiter; China was the sixth entity to notch that accomplishment in February. Tianwen-1 translates to "Heavenly Questions"; the name Zhurong honors an ancient Chinese fire god.
The six-wheeled, 530-lb. (240 kilogram) Zhurong rover carries six instruments that the rover will use to study geology and climate in the Utopia Planitia region. The rover is meant to operate for about three months.
This brief time-lapse captures the moment of separation as China's Zhurong rover and lander cast off from the Tianwen 1 orbiter to descend to Mars. (Image credit: China National Space Administration)
Another view of China's Zhurong rover descent capsule separating from the Tianwen 1 orbiter for a landing on the Red Planet in May 2021.
(Image credit: China National Space Administration)
This brief time-lapse captures the moment of separation as China's Zhurong rover and lander cast off from the Tianwen 1 orbiter to descend to Mars.
(Image credit: China National Space Administration)
Another view of China's Zhurong rover descent capsule separating from the Tianwen 1 orbiter for a landing on the Red Planet in May 2021.
(Image credit: China National Space Administration)
Zhurong's next milestone is expected to occur on Friday or Saturday (May 21 or May 22), when the rover will make its way down the pair of ramps seen in the new greyscale image to reach the Martian surface proper.
Email Meghan Bartels at or follow her on Twitter @meghanbartels. Follow uson Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
US Navy Pilot: “My Colleagues And I Saw UFOs Hundreds Of Times”
US Navy Pilot: “My Colleagues And I Saw UFOs Hundreds Of Times”
Last Sunday, the American program “60 Minutes” aired an interview with former US Navy pilot Lieutenant Ryan Graves.
He said that he and his colleagues saw strange flying objects ( he calls them the term “unidentified aerial phenomena – UAP) several hundred times, almost every day, between 2015 and 2017.
Most of these sightings came from the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Virginia.
Ryan Graves
Graves stated that they have seen these ultra-fast objects so often that they are already used to their presence, but they are very worried about them. In particular, he called them a threat to national security.
“To be honest, I’m worried. You know, if there were tactical aircraft from another country, that would be a major problem,” Graves said.
Senator Mark Rubio , who also appeared on 60 Minutes, agreed with Graves . He warned that UFOs do pose a serious threat to national security and that senators “can no longer laugh at them.”
“Some of my colleagues are very interested in this topic, and they almost giggle when you bring it up. But I don’t think we can let the stigma [of the UFO topic] prevent us from getting an answer to a fundamental question.”
Rubio argued that the possibility that these UFOs are actually drones or aircraft from a rival military power – or another civilization – invade US airspace without permission should attract more attention and resources.
“I want us to take this seriously and develop a process for how to deal with it. I want us to have a process for analyzing the data every time it comes up. To have a place where these events are cataloged and constantly analyzed. until we get the answers. Maybe it has a very simple answer. Maybe not, “Rubio said.
Last December, when Marc Rubio served as head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he urged the Pentagon to declassify reports of UAPs, unidentified aerial events. As a result of his investigation, it was stated that the Pentagon’s Task Force on Unidentified Air Events must report its findings to Congress by June 2021.
According to informant Luis Elizondo , who also spoke in 60 Minutes, the soon-to-be-released report on unidentified aerial phenomena could reveal the biggest failures in US intelligence since 9/11.
Luis Elizondo led the $ 22 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program from 2007 to 2012, created by then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Like Rubio, Elizondo had access to some classified material that has not yet been released to the public, and he also states that the UFO threat is very real.
“Imagine a technology that can undergo an overload of 6 to 700 g, that can fly at 13,000 miles per hour, that can evade radar, and that can fly through air, water and possibly space,” he said in interview “60 Minutes”.
(RNS) — I first met Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno, head of the Vatican Observatory and sometimes called “the pope’s astronomer,” after an event on science fiction and theology we did at the Sheen Center for Thought & Culture.
We ended up talking a lot about aliens. He agreed with me that the Catholic intellectual tradition would have absolutely zero problem with the idea of intelligent life — that is, substances of a rational nature (the classic definition of a “person” in my field) — on other planets.
But when asked in a later, more in-depth interview on these topics if he would be willing to baptize an alien, he said, “Only if she asked.”
At one point in our history, the discussion of nonhuman persons would have been limited to Wookies like Chewbacca in “Star Wars” or Vulcans like Spock in “Star Trek.” But with the stunning “60 Minutes” segment on UFOs this week, it is now fair to say not only that we have something close to strong evidence that we are not alone in the universe but that the idea has gone mainstream.
According to the CBS News flagship show, a report due to Congress next month from the director of national intelligence and the Pentagon is poised to offer firm video evidence of incredible encounters with UFOs — including from Navy pilots who claim to encounter them “every day.”
There is some chance that these vehicles could be supersecret spy technology from, say, China or Russia that we previously didn’t know about. But in light of documented movements that no other known aircraft can pull off — even when flying into a massive headwind and without having any kind of exhaust plume — the UFO explanation is, remarkably, more likely at this point.
Sen. Marco Rubio told “60 Minutes” that his colleagues are very interested in getting the report and that the stigma surrounding this issue is starting to fade.
“I want us to take it seriously and have a process to take it seriously. I want us to have a process to analyze the data every time it comes in,” he said. “That there be a place where this is cataloged and constantly analyzed, until we get some answers. Maybe it has a very simple answer. Maybe it doesn’t.”
I’ve heard lots of folks over the years speculate on what the reality of nonhuman persons on other plants would mean for religious belief — implying that it would be some kind of challenge or problem. But I agree with Ezra Klein, who argued in a recent New York Times column that the challenge is actually more profound for his own secular worldview, which positions humanity as a kind of cosmic accident in an empty cosmos.
On the contrary, Klein notes, religious traditions have always believed that we share both Earth and the larger universe with other intelligent beings: angels, demons, demigods, jinn and other kinds of nonhuman intelligences.
We’ve lost that mindset in the developed West as Klein’s worldview has become dominant, but in a course I teach for theology majors titled “Animals, Angels and Aliens: Beyond the Human in Christian Thought,” I try to help my students understand and appreciate a wider, more open-minded view of the universe, and how recognizing the existence of other powers and principalities might break down their largely myopic worldviews.
One of the texts I use in the course is Thomas F. O’Meara’s wonderful book “Vast Universe,” which gives newbies a nice survey of thought about extraterrestrials and Christian revelation. From Origen in the third century to Thomas Aquinas in the 13th to the Renaissance thinkers of the 15th and 16th centuries, there is already a robust set of theological reflections on a host of questions that nonhuman persons on other planets produce.
Did Jesus die for them too? Or would they need their own Incarnation and savior? Or maybe they didn’t have a primeval original sin that disordered their nature and environment and therefore wouldn’t have the “happy fault” that produced our particular history of salvation? Are they governed by our sense of right and wrong or would it be quite different? Or would they be capable of sinning at all?
Far from being a kind of backbreaker for religious faith, our becoming aware of the existence of other rational creatures in the cosmos would likely reinvigorate theological inquiry quite dramatically, and the church’s intellectual tradition on these questions would be brought to bear in exciting and important ways.
So bring it on, director of national intelligence and Pentagon. Let’s see what you got. The Catholic intellectual tradition stands ready to help humanity interpret and process the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
China’s Mars rover Zhurong has yet to drive off its lander and start exploring.
Credit: Xinhua/Alamy
Now that they know the general landing location of China’s Zhurong Mars rover, scientists are rushing to analyse satellite images and geological maps to pinpoint intriguing features. Of particular significance is a possible mud volcano — a type of landform that no Mars rover has visited before.
“We want to propose the plan for the rover,” says Xiao Long, a planetary geologist at the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, who says scientists across China will now have the tantalizing opportunity to influence Zhurong’s journey.
“A number of teams will be trying to plan out the traverse — where you would go in what time frame, to accomplish as many goals as you can in a 90-day mission,” adds Joseph Michalski, a planetary scientist at the University of Hong Kong.
China has landed its first rover on Mars — here’s what happens next
Encased in a lander, the rover touched down shortly after 7 a.m. Beijing time on Saturday, 10 months after China’s Tianwen-1 mission left Earth. Until the touchdown, the potential landing zone — in a vast impact crater called Utopia Planitia — was thousands of kilometres across, meaning that scientists could only loosely finger sites of possible interest.
Images yet to come
No images from the rover have so far been released — and they might not come for weeks, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).
But radio signals sent after the rover unfurled its solar panels suggest that it has arrived at the western edge of Utopia Planitia, about 1,800 kilometres northeast of NASA’s Perseverance rover, which landed in February. More precise coordinates will soon come from aerial observations of the site, scientists say.
The lander has probably settled on a fairly smooth, sandy plain dotted with small craters, add researchers. They are now studying existing images of the region taken by spacecraft such as NASA’s Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
The site is close to the boundary between Mars’s northern lowlands and southern highlands. NASA’s Curiosity and Perseverance rovers also landed close to this region, which might have been the shoreline for an ancient ocean that once covered the planet’s north. “Many missions want to detect if there is a real shoreline or not,” says Long.
Yuyan Zhao, a planetary geochemist at the Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Guiyang, says that her priority is to study the composition of sediments for evidence they have been altered by interaction with water, which would suggest that the area had once been immersed. But Michalski argues that more recent geological processes in the area are likely to have obscured evidence of this ancient water body.
A false-colour image of Zhurong’s landing site; the image is a composite of ones taken by NASA’s Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. Warmer features, such as rocky surfaces that retain heat at night, appear redder; dusty surfaces, which are cooler, appear blue-green. A conical feature in the top left could be a mud volcano.
Credit: NASA/ASU
Of great interest to scientists is a pitted, cone-shaped feature seen in aerial images, which is about three kilometres northwest of Zhurong’s position: this could be a volcano formed from lava or slurries of mud.
On Earth, mud volcanoes are associated with the production of methane by bacteria. Their presence on Mars might help to explain puzzlingly large quantities of methane that had been previously detected in the Martian atmosphere, says Michalski, but “it is a long shot”.
To find out what the feature is, Long says he’d like to see the use of a laser-based system tied to Zhurong’s spectrometer, to zap the rocks and analyse their composition, as well as ground-penetrating radar to study structures below the surface.
Alfred McEwen, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, and principal investigator for the HiRISE imaging instrument on the MRO, says that the pitted cone would also be “number one” on his list of objects to investigate. But Zhao says that the cone could be beyond Zhurong’s reach. The mission’s goal is to cover a distance of several hundred metres over the next three months, she says — although the rover could stay active for longer.
Sand dunes and subsurface ice
The area where Zhurong has landed also features large sand dunes that reveal that winds flowed in a southeasterly or northwesterly direction, says Michalski. The site is also likely to contain rocks that were ejected from nearby impact craters, so “there will be a few different rock types to explore”, he says.
Researchers also hope to find ice below the surface. The shallow cliffs and troughs that appear in the aerial images are reminiscent of features seen in permafrost-layered regions of Canada and Siberia, says Michalski — which suggests that features on Mars might also have been formed by ice-driven processes.
An image, taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, from a region slightly to the southeast of Zhurong’s landing site, featuring ‘yardangs’ — linear ridges made of wind-blown dust. Higher-resolution images of the landing site are required to establish whether such ridges are present there, too.
Credit: NASA/UA
In coming days, the CNSA team will check that Zhurong’s instruments are functioning, before driving it down a ramp off the lander.
To explore all these features on Mars’s surface, Zhurong can move at speeds of 200 metres per hour. But it is likely that the 240-kilogram rover will move much more slowly, says David Flannery, an astrobiologist at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, who is part of the team working on Perseverance.
The key challenge will be navigating the complex, rocky landscape autonomously, he says. Even Perseverance — an SUV-sized rover weighing more than a tonne — will probably cover only 100 metres in a day, making it much faster than any other rover before it.
In special reports, this week’s files cover: President Ronald Reagan UFO Believer, Are We Supposed To Be Seeing These Space Ships? Russian plane hit by a UFO, Israel Iron Dome Can’t Defeat a Thousand Rockets, the Secrets Book and Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wyoming.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Puerto Rico, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFO’s is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFO’s publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
President Ronald Reagan UFO Believer
President Ronald Reagan had personally sighted a UFO when Governor of California and closely followed UFO reports when President He stated in his famous speech at the UN General Assembly in September 1987 the following: Significantly “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.”I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask – is not an alien force already among us?Reagan’s last question reveals that he did not believe that an alien invasion scenario was something that lay ahead in future decades.”
Aliens would interfere with nuclear weapons not because they are dangerous to life here or elsewhere, but because nuclear weapons are a threat to what the aliens wish to collect from Earth.
Ballistic missiles have been shut down by UFOs in both the Soviet Union and the United States. It has been well documented that for 60 years or more, UFOs have been monitoring nuclear weapons facilities, and in some situations have actively interfered with nuclear weapons. Many UFO researchers have interpreted this as a sign that extraterrestrials were trying to warn humanity of the global threat posed by nuclear war. There is also reports of aliens attempting to clean up harmful radiation and even preventing explosions. Indeed, numerous individuals claiming to have been contacted of abducted by extraterrestrials since the 1940s have made a similar point. Many UFOs are seen at the site of nuclear power plants particularly when radiation is involved such at Fukashima, Japan. Keep in mind that many of the greatest civilizations in human history have been formed, basically to counter a common enemy. When you look at the great world powers of the globe today, you find a lot of them formed because of the fear of a common enemy.
It was a contingency humanity had to grapple with in the immediate moment – an extraterrestrial presence was already among us. Global unity was an imperative to deal with all the implications of such a presence! It appears that Reagan was secretly briefed about extraterrestrial life, and some of the threats this posed to humanity.
Star Wars Was More Effective than Known Shooting Do own UFOs
It appears he was really warning the world about classified alien secrets withheld from the global public and launched the most expensive defense program to protect humankind? The Ballistic Missile Defense (Star Wars) can be effectively used against UFOs. A false flag alien invasion scenario was first revealed by Dr. Werner Von Braun, a founder of the US Apollo Space Program, to Carol Rosin shortly before the former’s death in 1977. What however would be the case if Reagan’s warning was authentic, and extraterrestrials are already here? I know there is much closer cooperation between nations when chasing and confronting UFOs. The news media doesn’t seem to have any reliable inside information concerning this entire field of research or has been told not to report.
Are We Supposed To Be Seeing These Space Ships?
What is John Lenard Walson videotaping with his proprietary telescope video cam technique? Are these just satellites or ET spacecraft or, are we seeing large and very sophisticated spacecraft for the first time that we AREN’T supposed to see?
Walson received the following comment about one of the videos: MIT scientist writes, “Hello again And, again, my congratulations on your superb astrophotography. MIT Lincoln Laboratory is the group which has built some of the things you are seeing. Much of what they do is what used to be the Star Wars project, which no doubt involves some of your objects. They examined crashed UFOs held at Wright Patterson AFB and likely back engineered these craft.”
USS Nimitz and Tic-tac UFO
The military personnel who are encountering these phenomena tell remarkable stories. In one example, over the course of two weeks in November 2004, the USS Princeton, a guided-missile cruiser operating advanced naval radar, repeatedly detected unidentified aircraft operating in and around the Nimitz carrier battle group, which it was guarding off the coast of San Diego. In some cases, according to incident reports and interviews with military personnel, these vehicles descended from altitudes higher than 60,000 feet at supersonic speeds, only to suddenly stop and hover as low as 50 feet above the ocean. The United States possesses nothing capable of such feats.
Early Warning Satellites
Initial Anti-missile Warning Satellite
A missile warning satellite spots the launch of a ballistic missile and immediately relays that information to the ground, enabling the targeted country to retaliate, take cover, or possibly shoot down the missile. The first missile warning satellites were born in the early days of the space race, when the 1957 Soviet launch of Sputnik atop its converted intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) reminded U.S. generals that the country had become increasingly vulnerable to attack. The U.S. military knew that an ICBM launched from the Soviet Union to the United States would take about 30 minutes to reach its target, but in the 1950s, American radars located on overseas bases in Norway, Greenland, and Great Britain could spot an ICBM only after it had travelled half its distance. This meant that, at best, the United States would have only 15 minutes to get their strategic bombers, like the B-52 Stratofortress, off the ground.
Three B-52 Stratofortress Had to Launch in 15 Minters after Horn Warning
This was not enough time, and the generals realized that most of their bombers would be blown up before they ever lifted off the runway.
A year before Sputnik, a few scientists and engineers proposed using infrared sensors aboard aircraft to spot the hot exhaust of Russian ICBMs soon after they blasted off. They proposed placing these sensors on high-flying U-2 spyplanes flying around the edge of the Soviet Union. But this plan required a lot of planes flying all the time and would have been expensive, and the plan was not approved by the Air Force.
In 1956, Joseph Knopow, an engineer at Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, proposed putting an infrared sensor on a telescope aboard a spacecraft flying in low-Earth-orbit. This spacecraft could spot the hot exhaust of a rising ICBM once it lifted clear of the clouds and increase warning time of an ICBM attack from only 15 minutes to more than 25 minutes. But because satellites are constantly moving around the Earth, as many as 24 satellites would be needed so that several would be positioned over Russia at any one time to spot the missiles. The Air Force adopted this proposal and named it MiDAS, for Missile Defence Alarm System.
The Air Force launched its first MiDAS test satellite in February 1960, but it did not reach orbit. The next several test launches suffered various problems, many of them pertaining to the spacecraft and not its telescope. But committees of scientists asked to evaluate the MiDAS system were sceptical that the telescope’s sensors would ever work. In particular, they were concerned that sunlight reflecting off of clouds would confuse the infrared detectors and register as false alarms.
A second group of test satellites, known as Program 461, was launched in 1966. These satellites had more powerful telescopes capable of spotting cooler solid-propellant rockets like the American submarine-launched Polaris missile. These satellites were more successful than their predecessors and finally proved that the concept could work. But the requirement for a large number of satellites meant that the program would be expensive, and Department of Defence officials cancelled it.
In 1966, a high-level scientific committee determined that a satellite with a big infrared telescope and located in geosynchronous orbit could spot an ICBM launch. The chief advantage of operating in such a high orbit was that only a few satellites, rather than the dozen or more needed for a low-altitude system, were needed to observe all the primary launching sites because each satellite could now see virtually half the Earth. The Air Force abandoned the low-altitude approach and selected satellite maker TRW and sensor manufacturer Aerojet to build the new satellites. This project was soon named the Defence Support Program, or DSP. The first DSP satellite was launched in 1971 into an improper orbit, but the spacecraft itself worked and proved that the technology worked. DSP proved to be a very successful military satellite program.
DSP Satellite
Ever since Ever since 1971, the U.S. Air Force has been launching bigger and more powerful DSP satellites into orbit. The 14th satellite launched entered service in 1989 and was the first of a new class of satellites named DSP-1. In 1992, a DSP was launched from the Space Shuttle. The satellites are barrel-shaped, with four solar panels on extendable panels at their rear. They spin in orbit for stabilization. They have a large telescope that is mounted at an angle at their front end and which sweeps across the face of the Earth six times every minute, meaning that they can detect, or “image,” an infrared heat source, such as a missile, every ten seconds, tracking its trajectory.
Initially two ground stations were built to receive their data, one near Denver, Colorado, and another in Alice Springs, Australia. The Australian site was classified because the Australian government feared public opposition. It was closed in 2001, and now all missile warning data is relayed to the Colorado station.
DSP controllers soon discovered that the satellites could spot other heat sources besides land and submarine-launched missiles. These included forest fires, surface-to-air missiles, and even military aircraft using their afterburners. The U.S. Navy began to use DSP satellites to warn of Soviet bomber attacks on its aircraft carriers. Other intelligence agencies used this information as well.
By the 1980s, the United States began operating infrared sensors on top-secret satellites in highly elliptical orbits that carry them high over the northern part of Russia and low and fast over the southern hemisphere. These sensors augmented the existing early warning system and also focused on specialized targets, such as the anti-ballistic missile system around Moscow.
Like with most military space technologies, the Soviet Union lagged behind the United States by several years. The Soviet Union launched its first missile warning test satellite in 1972, and its first operational satellite in 1977. The Soviet satellites, named Prognoz, operated in highly elliptical orbits that were highly inclined to the equator. These orbits, also known as “Molniya” orbits after the first Soviet communications satellite to use them, enabled the satellite sensors to view a missile above the horizon of the Earth against the cold background of space, which is easier than viewing it against the warm Earth background. But because the satellites are always moving, more of them are needed and the Soviets required a “constellation” of nine satellites to provide full coverage of American ICBM launch sites. This still left other areas of the globe uncovered, like the oceans that hide U.S. missile submarines. The large constellation size, combined with the short lifetimes of the satellites, meant that the Soviets had to launch up to seven satellites in a single year to keep the system running. After the Cold War ended, the Russian government was no longer able to maintain the system and during the 1990s only about half of the constellation was operating at any one time. During the mid-1980s the Soviets began launching missile warning satellites to geosynchronous orbit, like the DSP, but they launched far fewer of these satellites and Western space experts believe that these satellites, called Oko (or “Eye”) have not been very successful.
SBIRS architecture.
DSP has been tremendously successful during the Persian Gulf War in 1991 it provided effective warning of the launch of Iraqi Scud missiles against Saudi Arabia and Israel. But the basic satellite design and its sensor technology are obsolete. This led the U.S. Air Force to begin developing a replacement. After a frustrating series of stops and starts, by the late 1990s the Air Force was developing two different types of satellites, known as SBIRS-High and SBIRS-Low. (SBIRS, pronounced “sibirs,” stands for Space-Based Infrared System.) The SBIRS-High satellites will replace DSP satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Unlike their predecessors, they are three-axis stabilized and their sensors “stare” at the ground continuously rather than sweeping over a specific point every ten seconds, thereby providing much more accurate data. SBIRS-Low satellites, if built, will operate in low Earth orbit and track missiles as they fly above the horizon, offering much more accurate information on their trajectories. Such information is necessary for an effective anti-ballistic missile defense.
Star wars Ground Station Reloadable Terminals
The Star Wars System was helpful in shoting down certain UFOS.The satellites developed precise location, velocity and acceleration data on the enemy vehicles. The planned interceptors can engage threats at ranges beyond the capabilities of their associated radars. Using data generated by SMTS, these interceptors can use that excess capability to negate attacking missiles far from friendly forces and population centers. This shoot-look-shoot option reduces interceptor inventory requirements. Early intercepts made possible by SMTS extend the boundaries of the defended area some three to five times.
SMTS can precisely cue ground radars; allowing them to limit operations until a hostile missile is within their range. This reduces the threat from homing anti-radiation missiles — likely players on modern battlefields. The constellation provides global surveillance for ballistic missile launches within seconds.
Patriot Missile system Firing
The Patriot system gained notoriety during the Persian Gulf War of 1991 with the claimed engagement of over 40 Iraqi Scud missiles, and are likely effective against some UFOs. The system was successfully used against Iraqi missiles in 2003 Iraq War, and has been also used by Saudi, Israel, and Emirati forces in the Yemen conflict against Houthi missile attacks. The use of weather modification technologies that former Secretary of State William Cohen confirmed as existing in 1997. The “weather modification technologies”. Dr. Salla is referring to include directed energy weapons which, by the evidence, have been used in scalar, weather warfare and seismic false flag operations such as December 26, 2004 (Boxing Day) Indonesian Tsunami, the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, and the Chile earthquake of February 27, 2010. It is assumed that much of the bad weather in the US is because Communist China is controlling the jet stream sending it further north into Canada causing unusual cold weather and lack of rain in the West.
Reptilians Allegedly at War with Humanity
UFO’s are being seen all over the world and high ranking Government, Air Force, Army, Navy officials are now coming forward as witnesses to the UFO, Extraterrestrial and free energy secrecy that has been withheld from the public for many years.
An artist’s conception comparing reptilians to humans!
Reptilians – also called Reptoid, lizard people,reptiloids, saurians, or draconians – are supposed reptilian humanoids, which play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, and ufology. The idea of reptilians was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies. Icke has stated on multiple occasions that many world leaders are, or are possessed by, so-called reptilians. I have no firsthand knowledge of these Exterrestrials but numerous religious books speak of similar beings.
William Tompkins in his book, “Selected by Exterrestrials” who had the highest Navy clearances and worked for numerous aviation companies and reveals numerous secrets states, “The Reptilians have created a background of hell on Earth. The methods and purposes of these devil creatures have been implementing for the last several thousand years has been extremely hateful. They are not benevolent beings coming down to save our planet. But you left out a massive one, “They farm us and clone us. We must stop accepting the excuses they give and understand the truth of what they have done to humanity for 30,000 years. Some of those bastards take out our organs on production lines, sometimes when we are still alive.” Page 359
William Tonkin personally told me of the existence of reptilians and I’m aware of a weapon system shooting down certain Exterrestrials craft. Tomkins claimed they spread a gas from the air that encouraged people to spend their time on sports, sex and other propaganda to ignore what the extraterrestrial were doing. When the government became aware of certain aliens they built large space ships designed by Tomkins to destroy the anti-Et UFOs. I’ve known several people who claimed they saw the crashed ships after they were shot down. Tomkins worked for TRW and they built all kinds of effective lasers since the early 60s. Allegedly friendly aliens helped us with the advanced technology to built effective space lasers some a hundred feet long and spaceships to carry them. Some 747 aircraft will alls carry a 26 foot laser that could defeat the alien shields. Allegedly, there is an alliance with several allies to defeat the UFOs.
A depiction of a Navy craft carries a chemical laser that obtains its energy from a chemical reaction. Chemical lasers can reach continuous wave mega power that can allegedly destroy alien UFOs.
Russians Claim UFO hits Aircraft
Damaged Wing
Russians claim forty pilots had encounters with UFOs. One pilot narrowly avoided a complete disaster has the UFO hit his aircraft’s wing and damages it. Another claimed his craft was hit by a bright light coming from a UFO that disenabled his plane. Soviet Missile bases were attacked in the Ukraine in 1962 and the missiles suddenly became active and seemed prepared to launch. Codes were entered and the missiles were ready for launch until the UFO vanished and the missile operators could shut them down to avoid World War 111. The US spy plane is thought to be the new SR-72 Mach 6 aircraft, which is replacing the Blackbird stealth jet that the US has previously used. It was used to spy on Vietnam, North Korea and the Soviet Union with the new jet thought to be able to travel over 4,600mph.
Israel Iron Dome Can’t Defeat Two Thousand Rockets
Iran Dome Destroys 85% of Gaza Rockets
The Israeli military said Hamas militants have fired more 1,650 rockets into Israel since the conflict began, with 200 of them falling short and landing inside Gaza. “More than a thousand rockets have been fired towards Israel and the Iron Dome missile system built in Israel had an 85 percent to 90 percent interception rate despite the Hamas terrorist organization attempting to overwhelm the system”.
Iranian Built Rockets Fired by Hamas from Gaza
Israel Defense Forces spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, a military spokesman, said “Two infantry brigades were sent to the area, indicating preparations for a possible ground invasion into Gaza to wipe out the rockets”. The new President seems weak and is being tested by Iran and Humus for his resolve to support his ally Israel that would never happen under the previous administration. Expect more tests from around the world like the hacking off the oil pipeline in the US. The Iran Dome system is destroying numerous rockets but many are falling and killing people in Israel. The Israeli Air Force has retailed bombing suspected rocket sites in Gaza. The long range rocks are built in Iran. 100+ killed in Gaza, 6 killed in Israel as conflict escalates Palls of gray smoke rose in Gaza, as Israeli airstrikes leveled two apartment towers and hammered the militant group’s multiple security installations, destroying the central police compound. Relatives gather outside the damaged home of Nadine,16, and Khalil Awaad, a father and daughter who were killed by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, May 12, 2021. (AP Photos/Heidi Levine) more.
Rocket Damage Kills several Israeli Women
relatives gather outside the damaged home of Nadine, 16, and Khalil Award, a father and daughter who were killed by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, in their village of Dahmash near the Israeli city of Lod, Wednesday, May 12, 2021. (AP Photos/Heidi Levine) In Israel, barrages of hundreds of rockets fired by Gaza’s Hamas rulers and other militants at times overwhelmed missile defenses and brought air raid sirens and explosions echoing across Tel Aviv, and other cities. While the rapidly escalating conflict has brought images familiar from 2014 Israel-Hamas war, the past day has also seen a startling new factor: A burst of fury from Israel’s Palestinian citizens in support of those living in the territories and against Israel’s recent response to unrest in Jerusalem and its current operations in Gaza.
Hamas Media Tower Destroyed by Israeli Fighter Bomber
Thanks to the Daily News.
New Secrets Book
SECRETS, by Fred Ellis Brock, the third novel of The Seven trilogy, is out. A cross-genre thriller involving kidnapping, murder, and UFO conspiracies, it brings to a climax the struggle of Bill Sanders and Morgen Remley to stop The Seven, a super-secret group trying to overthrow the U.S. government. From New Mexico to the White House, the action is nonstop. The first two novels, THE SEVEN and SHADOWS, are available wherever books are sold. The publisher is Wyatt-MacKenzie. More information is at
(Note: Amazon has hundreds of books with “seven,” “shadows,” and “secrets” in the title. Search for the author’s name. The books will pop right up.) From a review of THE SEVEN in the Arizona Daily Star: “Is the idea of extra-terrestrial visits really as far-fetched as we think? In this debut novel, Fred Ellis Brock speculates on just how far government intelligence might go to keep an unsuspecting populace in the dark. Journalist and best-selling author Bill Sanders didn’t reach the top of his profession by being gullible, so he’s understandably skeptical when a boyhood friend claims his daughter has been abducted by aliens. But old loyalties run deep, so Bill reluctantly agrees to check it out — digging up the facts is his specialty, after all — and to his surprise they simply don’t add up. Even more disturbingly, people connected with his investigation are inexplicably turning up dead”.
“In a lively plot that gallops across a landscape of disinformation and treachery, Brock’s hero peels away layers of artifice to arrive at the shocking heart of the intrigue. This is the first volume of a planned trilogy featuring Bill Sanders and his close encounters with “The Seven.” “Like his protagonist, … Brock is a journalist who has worked for major dailies including the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and The New York Times, and has authored best-selling books on financial planning.”
In special reports, this week’s files cover: President Ronald Reagan UFO Believer, Are We Supposed To Be Seeing These Space Ships? Russian plane hit by a UFO, Israel Iron Dome Can’t Defeat a Thousand Rockets, the Secrets Book and Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wyoming.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Puerto Rico, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFO’s is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFO’s publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Payson– on April 8, 2021, round orb, dense with beam both above and below the object. Edges of object were very bright. Also one that defies description in shape. These photos were taken at varies times from 8 April 21 8:42 PM to 7 May 21 at 8:15 PM. There were no aircraft or cars in the area when these trail camera photos were taken. Additionally there was no moon out at these times. These photos were taken with a MOULTRIE trail camera. Also my horse was in the area and she seemed to take no notice of any of these objects. The area of these photos was approximately 100 feet long by approx. 40 feet wide.
Fresno– May 5, 2021, my wife called me outside to look at what she is recording in the sky. I stopped counting at 30 because I was checking everything out. they looked like a string of stars in a line heading from south to north. Note: SpaceX has already sent 1,500 mini satellites into low orbit.
Denver– on April 28, 2021, Star Cruiser #705C (c)
Daytona Beach – May 9, 2021, We watched as shiny objects expelled the cloud like poufs in photo! They were just in front of us and we drove directly under them. No plane in the area. No sound!
Faribault– on April 29, 2021, light flashes nonstop more like a tube type object the speed was very high.
Las Vegas – on April 24, 2021, I did not see with my own eyes. I was taking pictures and saw it on my picture or the next day. No one who was outside with me or anyone else stated they saw anything. I did not see anything when I snap the picture I was taking a picture of the Eiffel tower.
New Jersey – May 8, 2021, this is the second time it has appeared over Jersey City.
Las Cruces – on March 8, 2021, too much to type. Please contact for full story on both sightings which happened within one month’s time. Not sure this is any type craft?
Steubenville– May 8, 2021, could not see it with our eyes or on a normal camera only with the IR camcorder and had no noise and appeared to be rapidly spinning fast enough to make it look like two eyes.
New Cumberland – May 8, 2021, I took a break from my bike ride to take a couple photos of my bike. When I was looking at the photo later and noticed a dark object. When I zoomed in on the photo it looked like a classic UFO shape. This object is not present in the second photo. This photo is located within about a half mile of an airport and within a mile of a military base. It was very windy and I do not believe it’s a drone.
Salt Lake City – May 1, 2021, I was driving back to work from my Lunch Break when I saw what looked to be shiny Balloons in the Sky but then they were behaving a little odd for Balloons, when I looked harder I thought maybe they could be Birds but they were disappearing and reappearing, dancing and making shapes, they seemed to be like orbs not birds. There was about 10 of them moving oddly in the sky, so I pulled over and took a video.
Gold Bar – May 4, 2021, it was a long vertical row of lights like lined up dots about 7″ with my hand . The object was larger than the length of my hand going to the southeast very fast solid lights. It was going so fast it was out of my sight within a minute. We are 60 miles from the cascade Stevens Pass and it went past the mountains within minute. I see a lot of unexplained things.
Note: It appears that the witness did some editing to brighten up the photo because at 9:25 PM it should have been dark. There are some other lights in the photo, but the witness doesn’t mention them in her report. Thanks to Will Pocket/
Olympia – on April 14, 2021, I took this picture as I was starting out on a walk in Priest Point Park. I could see something through the screen so there are a series. These are several. Please let me know what you think! Response of Witness to Explanation That the Object Was a Reflection: I figured that might be what it was, but then a couple of friends said it might be a UFO. One was ‘certain’ so I thought I’d send it along. Take care and thank you so much for checking it out. Note: The apparent object is likely a reflection and not a real object.
Glenrock July 17, 2019 was driving to my mother in laws and stopped to take a few pictures of the approaching storm. I didn’t realize I caught a UFO following the storm. The photos were taken over Glenrock WY the photos are zooming in on the original.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Melbourne – May 1, 2021, looking back over some photos my son took, before flying out of Melbourne Airport, we noticed a strange artifact in a few of the images. I assumed it was some kind of camera glitch, but then we found our friends phone had pictures with the same thing in them. The IPhone in live mode took a few videos.
Toreby L – on May 9, 2021, decided to record storm clouds forming and by accident I did see a flying object which I cannot see with naked eye, I presume. It’s because it was moving very fast. It it’s a in a second video, but what I saw is unexplainable .
Leers – “on April 11, 2019, very often in the morning I film the rising sun, I saw an object on the right side of the sun that comes out on the left side. I saw in the eye of my camera but on the photo it is not clear because the camera hasn’t focused. I observed it clearly as it was really huge. I have several times seen a vessel”.
San Juan – March 13, 2021, I like to follow the airplanes due to I live right by their path and after I noticed the object across the airplane I decided to start to take photos of the object.
Slough – May 10, 2021, Iwas taking pictures of the sky I didn’t notice anything until I saw a small black spec and enlarged it. it could be a bird but it’s odd and though I would post in case.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
The alien abduction phenomenon is already inherently strange. Here we have cases of people who claim to have been whisked away by non-human entities from space, or perhaps somewhere else, who have come back with bizarre tales of being examined, studied, and operated upon. One of the weirder areas of the phenomenon is what is called implants, in which these entities have hidden within the abductee’s body some sort of metal chip or device for reasons unknown. There have been quite a few cases that have featured this weird feature, and one of the strangest and most high-profile of alien implants comes from a humble construction worker who one day went on a drive, only to be plagued by alien forces and discover an unexplained implant within his arm.
It all began with a premonition. On April 2, 1978, a cement contractor from Yuma, Colorado by the name of Tim Cullen woke from a terrifying nightmare. In it, he had been involved in a terrible car accident along a lonely stretch of highway, and it had been so vivid and realistic that he could see every detail of the landscape around him as the accident played out. It was so real, in fact, that he was startled and not a little relieved to be back in his own bed, but the images from the bad dream still flickered through his mind. Indeed, memories of that nightmare would often intrude upon his waking hours, like some ominous portent of doom, until a week later, when it would turn out to have perhaps been a glimpse into the future.
On April 9, Cullen was driving with his friend, Ken Ruberg, along Highway 34 when he was hit by a sudden realization that this was the same stretch of road from his nightmare a week before. It was so shocking in its clarity and sense of foreboding that he immediately thought about stopping the car and turning back, but it was too late. Even as he panicked at this scene from his nightmare, the car went out of control and rolled five times before coming to a stop, leaving him unable to move and with a severely injured neck. Ruberg had somehow escaped injury and helped his friend out of the vehicle before waving down a passing vehicle and getting Cullen to a hospital, where it was found that he had fractured his neck. He was put under sedation and underwent surgery, during which he had another vivid dream, this time of a strange light in the sky hovering over his car as he and his wife looked on in amazement. Things would only get stranger from there.
On May 30, 1978, Cullen went to the hospital to have a check-up done on his neck, which was still wrapped in a brace. The doctor’s visit went smoothly and they headed back home along a lonely stretch of Highway 59 through expanses of hayfields and grassland as far as the eye could see. As they drove, at around 11 pm he again was hit by a jolt of familiarity, a sort of déjà vu, as he had lived through this moment before in the dream he had had at the hospital under sedation. He was convinced that the dream, like that of the accident, was a premonition, and instinctively looked around for the light that he had seen. At first there was only darkness, and then an illuminated object bloomed up from behind a low hill, passed right in front of their car, and then once again dipped below the hill. Cullen would say of what happened:
It went out a ways, alongside, and as I brought the car down to a stop, it came back toward us a bit. I backed the car up, and the UFO went out to the west of us. It came in under the power and telephone lines and hovered over a pasture. It was about a hundred foot long and twenty foot wide, and about ten foot high. It didn’t make any noise. There were two diffused lights that shone at the back of the craft, one a light yellow, and the other red. We couldn’t see very good. We sat there and stared at it for a while. After we looked at the two lights for a few minutes I turned to my wife and told her we might as well go on to town. Now, when I think about it, when I turned and started driving, I did have an odd feeling, but it didn’t really register with me. I remember coming back to Yuma, but not looking at a clock. I was kind of shocked by the whole thing. I didn’t really think of looking at a clock.
He would only later realize that he and his wife had experienced missing time that night, but didn’t really give it much thought at the time. Things would get even odder when several years later, in 1980, Cullen had another encounter with a similar craft with “two diffused yellow lights” at exactly the same spot on Highway 59, and this would not even be the end of his UFO experiences. In 1994 he was driving with his wife and three daughters about 40 miles south of Yuma when they all witnessed a dimly lit craft with blue and white lights hover over the road right in front of them. They stopped the car and watched in for around 10 minutes before it headed off into the night to leave them dumbstruck. This is all very weird, but he would not put it all together in his head until 1998, when an accident at work would send him further down the rabbit hole.
On this day, Cullen was at work when he smashed his thumb with a hammer. Thinking his finger to be broken or at the very least dislocated, he went to see a Dr. Mark Hubner at the Yuma Clinic and get an x-ray done. After the procedure, Hubner was a bit puzzled, because it seemed as if there was a piece of metal in Cullen’s arm. It should not have been there, as Cullen had never had any sort of surgery to that effect on his arm, making him just as confused as the doctor. That was when it all hit him at once, the accident, the lost time, the subsequent UFO sightings, it all came crashing back to him, and he was convinced that it all had something to do with that thing in his arm. He would say of this:
I knew then what had happened. I knew it was an alien implant from that first encounter in 1978. There was lost time that night. I have to assume I was abducted. In a short span of time in 1978 it was revealed to me that we are not the only intelligent life in the universe, and it was also proven to me that God is with us always, without a doubt. The events that have happened to me over the past twenty-seven years have had an enormous effect on my life and what I believe.
Cullen could not remember any actual abduction, assuming that his memory had been wiped, but he was sure of it. Desperate for answers, Cullen reached out to the UFO community and managed to get put in touch with a Dr. Roger K. Leir in California, who had made a name for himself as being a sort of expert on alleged alien implants and had removed them from several patients. After a year of correspondence, Cullen made a trip out to a medical facility in Thousand Oaks, California, in order to undergo surgery to remove the strange object in his arm, and it would be the 9th such procedure that Leir would carry out. The surgical team, which included Leir and a Dr. John D, Matrisciano, managed to remove a small metal object measuring about 7 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide and with an array of long proceptors on one end that were reportedly attached to the nerve endings. The whole of it was apparently covered in a reddish-brown membrane, thought to be for the purpose of preventing rejection by the body. According to Dr. Leir, the implant was due to be analyzed, saying of it:
The implant has been turned over to DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS, here in California for complete analysis. It seems the more we investigate and learn, the more questions we have. Digital Instruments has technology to measure and analyze matter, 10 atoms at a time. We are researching both the biological and metallurgical aspects of Tim’s implant. Again, the more knowledge gained, the more we need to know.
It is unclear what results this analysis uncovered, and in the meantime, Cullen has become a bit of a champion for other alleged alien abductees who have had implants put into them. He is remarkable in being so outspoken on the matter, and that he has allowed his real name to be used where so many others like him have preferred to remain anonymous. He has said of his drive to get his story out there and raise awareness of alien implants:
This could be a huge medical breakthrough for doctors who want to use biological, metal, or implants of other materials, in their patients. I feel that the American public must learn of this situation, I feel that the membrane needs to be analyzed and developed, in the public domain, as quickly as possible. It is a given that it can hide metal in deep tissue, did it in my body for 20 years. We owe it to ourselves and our children, etc., to do what properly and morally needs to be done. Several prestigious labs have chemically broken down the make-up of the membrane. With the proper research, funded by large pharmaceutical companies, human body rejection of such implants could save many lives in the future. I’m coming forward because someone has to put a face to the alien stories, and cause more people to come forward. The more people we can find with implants, the more evidence we’re going to have. We can study things a lot more and get things done; get rid of the stigma around it. The truth needs to come out!
As to why these aliens seemed to have been following him around and shown an interest to begin with, Cullen has mused that they were interested in his psychic ability, which is what had originally allowed him to foresee the initial crash. According to him, the aliens are curious as to what produces these abilities in humans, and so the implant was put there to monitor this latent ability within him. In the meantime, it is not clear what has become of Cullen’s implant since then, or what the results of the analysis were, and we are left to wonder just what is going on here. What happened to him out on that lonely road? Were these inscrutable forces studying him for reasons we may never understand? What happened to that implant and why was it put there? Is there anything to this at all? It is unsure what the answers may be, but the case of Tim Cullen has become one of the more standout tales of the greater phenomenon that is the mystery of alien implants
Actor Patton Oswalt has enough geeky, nerdy credentials – creator and star of M.O.D.O.K.; actor in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Dimension 404, The King of Queens; sci-fi fan and more – that you’d hope he’s had some real paranormal experiences to go along with them. It turns out he hasn’t but his father had some as military pilot. Patton revealed one of those experiences recently on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
“So he said he was on a test flight, and he saw a bunch of objects. He said they look like glowing balls of energy in like these like round metal cages, and they were keep tracking with the jets. And they were doing these turns that you couldn’t do under those G-forces and would disappear.”
Oswalt’s dad, Larry J. Oswalt, was a career United States Marine Corps officer and pilot who named his first son after General George S. Patton – “I’m assuming with very high hopes.” Raised a military brat, he didn’t follow his father into the military but served his country in in fictional ways – as Agent Koenig on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fire Marshall Boone on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He also helped save the country by completing his late wife Michelle McNamara’s book on the mysterious Golden State Killer, who was caught less than two months after “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark” was released.
“And when he came down and talked to his base commander and said, ‘Hey, my squad saw…,’ they were in a basement, and [the people there] went, ‘Were they metal cages with like energy balls in them?’ And he goes, ‘Yeah…’ [And they said], ‘do you want to report them?’ And he’s like, ‘No, I don’t.’ And his commander went, ‘Good, fine,’ and then like walked away.”
I didn’t see anything.
Oswalt told Kimmel his father said he and other pilots saw UFOs “all the time” but rarely reported them because “they didn’t want to go into a crank file” or be grounded for seeing things. (Watch the entire interview here.) Oswalt doesn’t have any such qualms. The Kimmel show aired just a day after the blockbuster “60 Minutes” report on UFOs and Oswalt referred to the upcoming government report on UFOs and asked Kimmel if he knew if it was “just going to cover A.A.T.I.P. (the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) or go all the way back to Project Blue Book.” Kimmel promised “I’ll call you after the show and let you know what’s going on” … Kimmel is also a UFO nerd, having discussed them on his show with former U.S. presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Jimmy Kimmel may have talked UFOs with presidents, but the guy this writer would like to nerd out with over UFOs would be Patton Oswalt. Let’s hope other talk shows take interest and bring him on share more of his father’s encounters.
China deelt eerste foto's die verkenner maakte op Mars
China heeft vandaag de eerste foto’s verspreid die de onbemande verkenner Zhurong na zijn landing op Mars heeft gemaakt. Op een van de foto’s is de voorkant van het karretje te zien en zijn nieuwe werkplek, de hoogvlakte Utopia Planitia. Een andere afbeelding laat de zonnepanelen aan de achterkant van de verkenner zien.
De Zhurong landde zaterdag op Mars. China is het derde land dat erin slaagt een ‘rover’ gecontroleerd te laten landen op de rode planeet. Dat lukte eerder alleen de Sovjet-Unie en de Verenigde Staten. Europa wil in 2023 toetreden tot dat gezelschap. De honderden miljoenen kilometers lange oversteek naar Mars is al lastig, maar de laatste minuten voor de landing zijn nog veel moeilijker. Vaartuigen schieten op hoge snelheid de dampkring van Mars binnen, waarna ze in korte tijd moeten afremmen om uiteindelijk voorzichtig neer te komen op de grond.
De Chinese verkenner is vernoemd naar een mythische vuurgod. Het rijdende laboratorium zit vol wetenschappelijke instrumenten. Daarmee wil China sporen van leven vinden en het oppervlak en de bodem van Mars in kaart brengen. Daarnaast wil Peking zijn grote ambities in de ruimte laten zien. Het land wil in de komende jaren onder meer zijn eigen ruimtestation bouwen. Dat heet Tiangong (Hemels Paleis).
Utopia Planitia, de hoogvlakte waar de ‘rover’ actief is, is miljarden jaren geleden ontstaan door de inslag van een ruimterots. Mogelijk heeft er ooit een oceaan gestaan. Diep onder de grond is er nu misschien ijs te vinden.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO Sighted Over Czechoslovakia ( May 15, 2021 )
Impressive UFO sighting at or Czecho-Slovakia, Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia, on May 15, 2021.
More evident every day
credit :Caterine Smooth
UFO / UAP Sighted Over Hawkins County, Texas. ( March 6, 2021 )
UAP : Unidentified Aerial Phenomena :Luminous Entities Sightings of these entities become more frequent and evident through security cameras. This stunning capture was taken early on March 6, 2021 in Hawkins County, Texas.
VIDEO 2 : UFO / UAP : Minas Gerais, Brazil, on March 18 and 23, 2021.
VIDEO 3 : UFO / UAP :These two captures were taken on two consecutive nights in August / 2019 by Bob Salazar in Wyoming, USA.
Three UFO "Orbs" Filmed Over New York City Moments Before They Disappear. May 17, 2021
This was filmed from The Brooklyn Heights Promenade, also called the Esplanade in Brooklyn-Queens Expressway in Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn, New York City on May 17, 2021 around 10:30 pm. The witness states that before filming he watched these UFOs doing strange movements and this is what caught his attention. During the filming of the objects they started to vanish one by one.
Thanks to DRV NYC for allowing me the use of his footage and to view the original video
I was watching the HD live International Space Station cam when the day soon turned into night and then suddenly a glowing triangle appeared. The object had four glowing lights on it and the colors ranged from green, purple and yellow. Although it looks like four different objects, when I enhanced it adding was obvious that there was a center area linking all the lights.
Recently the US government released a video in night vision of several triangle shaped craft flying around a Navy ship. Todays sighting only compounds the evidence on that subject. This ISS recording is 100% proof that aliens were near the space station today. Right a tipping point for humanity. The Doomsday Clock is close to midnight. China wants war with the world, and the world is ready to give it to them. Covid19 has killed over three million people and the mutant strains may kill the remaining humans if were cant stop it from spreading. on the edge what aliens are highly interested in. By studying humanity now...dealing with the worst case scenarios, they can determine if we are ready be allowed to expand into the universe or not.'s not our decision. But the world is putting its best foot forward, fighting the noble fight, win or lose, we will try our best.
Retired Navy officers have issued a chilling warning that UFO sightings - which have repeatedly violated US airspace - possess technology that is up to 1,000 years ahead of that used by the United States, reports dailymail.
60 Minutes: Bill Whitaker reports on the regular sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, that have spurred a report due to Congress next month.
CBS Sunday Morning: Our fascination with aliens has also led us to speculate about unidentified flying objects – unexplained airborne phenomena – that might be of extraterrestrial origin.
Correspondent David Pogue reports on how, as the scientific community continues to question the legitimacy of possible alien visitations, the government's attention toward UFOs has become more serious.
CNBC Television: Gadi Schwartz joins 'The News with Shepard Smith' to report new videos from the U.S. military that raise questions about UFOs.
When it comes to UFOs, or what the Pentagon refers to as “unidentified aerial phenomena,” the United States has “a massive intelligence failure on its hands,” said Christopher Mellon, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence.
“It’s extremely disturbing to think that, after spending hundreds of billions of dollars for so many years, and believing our airspace to be secure, in fact, we’ve had vehicles operating restricted military airspace with impunity on a recurring and sustained basis for many years,” said Mellon, who served under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
The Pentagon declassified three videos taken by U.S. Navy pilots last April which show unidentified objects flying at high speeds in the Earth’s atmosphere along with audio of Navy pilots expressing shock and awe.
The U.S. Navy formalized a reporting process in 2019 for pilots to report incidents of UFO sightings, saying in a statement that there have been “a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace in recent years.”
Congress is set to be briefed on UFOs in June, but Mellon told CNBC’s “The News with Shepard Smith” that it is unlikely the classified information that will be shared with senators will be shared with the public.
That’s because details about strategic defense systems, like those used to prevent nuclear warfare, could be disclosed, and that would put U.S. safety at risk.
Mellon advised that an important next step for the federal government when it comes to unidentified aerial phenomena would be to “overcome our self-inflicted ignorance, and start collecting data.”
This sample of red trinitite was found to contain a previously unknown type of quasicrystal.
Credit: Luca Bindi, Paul J. Steinhardt
Scientists searching for quasicrystals — so-called ‘impossible’ materials with unusual, non-repeating structures — have identified one in remnants of the world’s first nuclear bomb test.
The previously unknown structure, made of iron, silicon, copper and calcium, probably formed from the fusion of vaporized desert sand and copper cables. Similar materials have been synthesized in the laboratory and identified in meteorites, but this one, described in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on 17 May, is the first example of a quasicrystal with this combination of elements1.
Impossible symmetries
Quasicrystals contain building blocks made up of arrangements of atoms that — unlike those in ordinary crystals — do not repeat in a regular, brickwork-like pattern. Whereas ordinary crystal structures look identical after being translated (shifted along certain directions), quasicrystals have symmetries that were once considered impossible: for example, some have pentagonal symmetry, and so look the same if rotated by one-fifth of a full twist.
Materials scientist Daniel Shechtman, now at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, first discovered such an impossible symmetry in a synthetic alloy in 1982. It had pentagonal symmetry when rotated in each of various possible directions, something that would occur if its building blocks were icosahedral — that is, had a regular shape with 20 faces2. Many researchers initially questioned Shechtman’s findings, because it is mathematically impossible to fill space using only icosahedrons. Shechtman ultimately won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery.
At around the same time, Paul Steinhardt, a theoretical physicist now at Princeton University in New Jersey, and his collaborators had begun to theorize the possible existence of non-repeating 3D structures. These had the same symmetry as an icosahedron, but were assembled from building blocks of several different types, which never repeated in the same pattern3 — thus explaining why the mathematics of symmetrical crystals had missed them. Mathematical physicist Roger Penrose, now at the University of Oxford, UK, and other researchers had previously discovered analogous patterns in two dimensions, which are called Penrose tilings.
Steinhardt recalls the moment in 1982 when he first saw the experimental data from Shechtman’s discovery and compared it with his theoretical predictions. “I stood up from my desk and went and looked at our pattern, and you couldn’t tell the difference,” he says. “So that was kind of an amazing moment.”
In subsequent years, materials scientists synthesized many types of quasicrystal, expanding the range of possible forbidden symmetries. And Steinhardt and his colleagues later found the first naturally occurring ‘icosahedrite’ in fragments from a meteorite recovered in Eastern Siberia, Russia. This quasicrystal probably formed in a collision between two asteroids in the early Solar System, Steinhardt says. Some of the lab-made quasicrystals were also produced by smashing materials together at high speed, so Steinhardt and his team wondered whether the shockwaves from nuclear explosions might form quasicrystals, too.
‘Slicing and dicing’
In the aftermath of the Trinity test — the first ever detonation of a nuclear bomb, which took place on 16 July 1945 at New Mexico’s Alamogordo Bombing Range — researchers found a vast field of greenish glassy material that had formed from the liquefaction of desert sand. They dubbed this trinitite.
The plutonium bomb had been detonated on top of a 30-metre-high tower, which was laden with sensors and their cables. As a result, some of the trinitite that formed had reddish inclusions, says Steinhardt. “It was a fusion of natural material with copper from the transmission lines.” Quasicrystals often form from elements that would not normally combine, so Steinhardt and his colleagues thought samples of the red trinitite would be a good place to look for quasicrystals.
“Over the course of ten months, we were slicing and dicing, looking at all sorts of minerals,” Steinhardt says. “Finally, we found a tiny grain.” The quasicrystal has the same kind of icosahedral symmetry as the one in Shechtman’s original discovery.
“The dominance of silicon in its structure is quite distinct,” says Valeria Molinero, a theoretical chemist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. “However, after many quasicrystals have been synthesized in the lab,” she says, “what I find truly intriguing is that they are so scarce in nature.” Steinhardt says this might be because the formation of quasicrystals involves “unusual combinations of elements and unusual arrangements”.
Like most known quasicrystals, the trinitite structure seems to be an alloy — a metal-like material made up of positive ions in a sea of electrons. This is unusual for silicon, which typically occurs in rock in an oxidized form: reversing the oxidation would require extreme conditions, such as the intense heat and pressure of a shockwave, says Lincoln Hollister, a geoscientist at Princeton.
Steinhardt suggests that quasicrystals could be used for a kind of nuclear forensic science, because they might reveal sites where a covert nuclear test has occurred. Quasicrystals might also form in other materials that were generated in violent conditions, such as fulgurite, the material made when lightning strikes rock, sand or other sediments. “The quasicrystal saga will continue!” says Hollister.
Spaceship Moon Theory: Is The Moon An Artificial Alien Satellite
Spaceship Moon Theory: Is The Moon An Artificial Alien Satellite
Over the years, it has been scientifically observed that the Earth’s Moon holds some strange characteristics.
The Moon is the 5th largest natural satellite in the Solar System. It is believed to have been created by a giant impact between the young Earth and a Mars-sized body.
After examination, it has been noted that the Moon is apparently in the wrong orbit for its size, according to its current assumed density. Astronomy data indicates that the internal regions of the Moon are less dense than the outer, giving rise to the inevitable speculation that it could be hollow.
Speculative cutaway model of a Spaceship Moon
Some of these claims come from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, it rings like a bell. More specifically, when the Apollo crew, on November 20, 1969, released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour.
In July of 1970, members of the then Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, proposed the Spaceship Moon Theory.
The pseudoscientific theory claims that the Earth’s moon may actually be an alien spacecraft. Vasin and Shcherbakov’s thesis was that the Moon is a hollowed-out planetoid created by unknown beings with technology far superior to any on Earth.
Huge machines would have been used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon. The Moon would, therefore, consist of a hull-like inner shell and an outer shell made from metallic rocky slag.
The “Spaceship Moon” was then placed into orbit around the Earth. Proponents of this theory point to the increased reports and pictures of UFOs taken by NASA on their missions to the moon.
The moon has tens of thousands of craters of various sizes covering the surface; however, all of the craters have the same depth. This suggests to scientists that there may be some sort of metallic barrier underneath the surface protecting it from damage.
It has been found that asteroids and meteors not only create shallow craters on the Moon’s surface, but produce a convex floor to the crater instead of concave as expected, supporting the idea of a rigid shell.
The moon is far older than previously expected, maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun. The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old, while Moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years.
The chemical composition of the dust upon which the rocks sit is remarkably different from the rocks themselves. This indicates that the lunar surface may have been moved from somewhere else and placed on the Moon.
Some of the Moon’s craters originated internally, yet there is no indication that the Moon was ever hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions. Hundreds of moonquakes are recorded each year that cannot be attributed to meteor strikes. Some of the quakes seem to follow a specific schedule
The moon’s crust is much harder than originally presumed. When NASA was recorded drilling down a few inches into the Moon’s surface, it appeared that metal shavings were visible.
Earth’s moon is the only natural satellite in the Solar System that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. How does one explain the coincidence that the moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse?
Professional astronomers have been gradually discouraged from investigating a phenomenon that has been reported on the Moon for 1,000 years. It is short-lived light, color, or other changes in the appearance of the lunar surface, referred to as Transient Lunar Phenomena.
The moon is also known to contain a unique combination of metals. According to Ancient Code, it includes traces of metals that are not naturally occurring, such as brass. The amount of titanium that is found on the moon is also 10 times what is found on Earth. Scientists call this ratio “mind-blowing.”
The mysteries of the moon and the universe are far from being solved and the possibilities of what lies beyond our earth’s atmosphere may not be discovered in our lifetime.
The facts and theories that define the universe are malleable with every new thought, technological advancement and scientific discovery. It’s just a matter of what’s next.
Nearly two-thirds of all Americans now believe that extraterrestrial life exists and that the U.S. government isn't telling the public the full truth, according to a newly published CBS News survey.
The findings of the poll are a sharp increase from the last time the news outlet asked the same question in 2017.
At that time, just 56 percent of respondents believed there was intelligent life on other planets compared to 66 percent who believe today.
In 2010, less than half of respondents thought extraterrestrial life existed, showcasing how popular sentiment on the once taboo topic has changed drastically in recent years.
CBS surveyed 1,009 adults via telephone across the country between March 23 and 28.
'I'm pleased at these new poll results, but not surprised,' Nick Pope, a former employee and UFO investigator for Britain's Ministry of Defense, told via email.
'They reflect the newfound respectability that the UFO subject is enjoying. The topic has come out of the fringe and into the mainstream, due to a stunning series of revelations in the last three years.'
Startling video of Navy pilots spot unidentified flying object
A whopping 73 percent of survey respondents think the U.S. government knows more than it is letting on about the subject, a figure Pope said was 'particularly striking.'
'Partly this may reflect general cynicism about government, but mainly I think it's a reaction to recent events - for years the US government denied any official interest or involvement with the subject, and said investigations ceased at the end of 1969 when Project Blue Book was closed down,' he continued.
'Then the existence of AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) was revealed, along with the US Navy videos, and people realized they'd been lied to. The conspiracy theorists who claimed there was a secret government program had been right all along.'
In addition to the boost in sentiment, a third of those surveyed believe that contact with extraterrestrial life will occur in their lifetimes.
Sixty-six percent of U.S. citizens think intelligent life exists, up from 60 percent in 2017
Seventy-three percent of U.S. citizens believe the government knows more about extraterrestrials than they let on, according to a new survey
Nearly a third of U.S. citizens think contact with intelligent life will happen in their lifetimes
More than half of respondents think UFOs
Ten percent believe there has already been contact made, though the findings did not specify when or where that contact occurred.
Twenty-four percent of respondents believe contact will happen in the next 100 years and six percent believe aliens exist, but humanity will never make contact with them.
The term UFO has been more recently replaced by unidentified aerial phenomenon, especially in light of the U.S. Pentagon declassifying three videos in April 2020.
One of the videos was captured off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, in 2015 (pictured)
The other video shows the notorious 2004 'Tic Tac' incident (pictured) that was recorded over the Pacific Ocean
The footage had been previously acknowledged as real by the Navy, and captured what pilots recorded on their video sensors during training flights in 2004 and 2015.
Two of the clips were first published in 2017 by the New York Times and the third by the To The Stars Academy in 2018 - a group that specializes in unexplained phenomenon and was founded by Blink-182 guitarist Tom DeLonge.
2004 video shows Navy pilot tracking UFO over Pacific
'Tic Tac' UFO: US Navy pilot made visual contact with the object on November 14, 2004
At least six Super Hornet pilots made visual or instrument contact with the UFO on November 14, 2004.
The encounters, which are documented in numerous interviews with first-hand witnesses, remain a mystery, and the object's incredible speed and movements have led to speculation that it was extraterrestrial in origin.
The original FLIR video from the USS Nimitz encounters leaked online as early as 2007.
Witnesses say that clips of the video had been circulated widely on the Navy's intranet - used to communicate between ships in the carrier group - and an unknown sailor in the group likely first leaked it.
The clip became one of the most-touted pieces of evidence in the UFO community when the Pentagon confirmed its authenticity in 2017.
In January, Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine.
Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine in January
He said the oblong, wingless 'Tic Tac' shaped object was spotted off the coast of Mexico over the Pacific.
He also revealed that for about two weeks, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, part of Carrier Strike Group 11, had been tracking mysterious aircraft intermittently on an advanced AN/SPY-1B passive radar.
The radar contacts were so inexplicable that the system was even shut down and restarted to to check for bugs - but operators continued to track the unknown aircraft.
Then on November 14, Commander David Fravor says he was flying in an F/A-18F Super Hornet when he made visual contact with the object, which seemed to dive below the water, resurface, and speed out of sight when he tried to approach it.
As Fravor landed on the deck of the Nimitz, Underwood was just gearing up to take off on his own training run.
Fravor told Underwood about the bizarre encounter, and urged Underwood to keep his eyes open.
He recalls how he suddenly saw a blip on his radar before tracking it on his FLIR camera.
Underwood was flying in an F/A-18F Super Hornet as part of the USS Nimitz (above) carrier group when he encountered an 'unidentified aerial phenomena'
'The thing that stood out to me the most was how erratic it was behaving,' Underwood told the magazine.
'And what I mean by 'erratic' is that its changes in altitude, air speed, and aspect were just unlike things that I've ever encountered before flying against other air targets.'
Underwood said the object wasn't obeying the laws of physics and dropped from 50,000 feet altitude to 100 feet in seconds, which he says, 'isn't possible'. He added that he saw no signs of an engine heat plume or any sign of propulsion.
The pilot refuses to speculate as to whether the object is an alien spacecraft or not, however.
'That's not my job. But I saw something. And it was also seen, via eyeballs, by both my commanding officer, Dave Fravor, and the Marine Corps Hornet squadron commanding officer who was out there as well.'
According to a recent poll conducted byCBS News, the majority of Americans think that there is intelligent life on other planets and that the government is hiding the truth about aliens. This new poll was conducted between March 23rd and the 28th by telephone. A total of 1,009 adults throughout the country were questioned.
Of those interviewed, 66% of them believe that there is intelligent life on other planets (69% of men and 63% of women). This is a 10% increase compared to a 2017 poll that was also conducted by CBS News. What’s even more astonishing is that back in 2010, less than half of Americans thought that there was intelligent life elsewhere in the universe (47%) – that’s a significant increase in a little more than a decade.
Additionally, nearly a third (32%) of the people who already believe in alien life think that humans will in fact make contact with extraterrestrials at some point during their lifetime or perhaps they already have made contact, and 24% of those interviewed say that contact will be made within the next century. While 36% say that it won’t happen until much later in the future, a small portion of those surveyed – 6% of them – say that we will never make contact with aliens even though they believe they’re out there somewhere.
The question of what UFOs actually are – alien spaceships or something man-made – has been a long and very hot debate throughout the years and based on this survey, the theories are still being disputed. A little over half of those surveyed (51%) think that UFOs may actually be alien crafts and this number rises dramatically to 71% among those who already believe that there is intelligent life on other planets. A total of 39% of people say that the unidentified objects have a natural explanation or are the cause of human activity.
As for what the government knows, a whopping 73% of those living in the United States believe that they know more information than what they’re telling the public. Interestingly, only 20% of those surveyed said that the government has already disclosed everything they know about UFOs.
Well, it appears as though many Americans believe in life on other planets; that we will make contact with extraterrestrials (or already have); and that the government knows a lot more than what they’re saying. Very interesting…
This week’s solar activity report shows a geomagnetic storm watch is in effect between May 18-19. Two Earth-facing sunspots have been identified by NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) satellite and could produce storms as early as Tuesday.
NASA designated the sunspots as AR2822 and AR2823 and are Earth-facing.
Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible on May 18-19 when a pair of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field.
“The two CMEs left the sun on consecutive days: One from sunspot AR2822 on May 13th, the next from sunspot AR2823 on May 14th.
“Individually, the CMEs appear to be weak and insubstantial; however, they could add up to a geomagnetic storm when they arrive in quick succession this Tuesday.”
Sunspots are mostly harmless, but the resulting solar flares that bombard Earth’s magnetosphere could produce a stunning light show in the sky as the atmosphere deflects the solar particles. If a geomagnetic disturbance is strong enough, it could disrupt satellite communication, GPS signal, land-based communication equipment, and power grids.
So far, the Planetary K-index (real-time solar activity provided by SolarHam) that measures the intensity of a geomagnetic storm shows lower solar activity on Monday morning but is expected to surge on Tuesday.
SolarHam’s Planetary K-index is estimated to jump to 5 on Tuesday.
Expect geomagnetic disturbances at higher latitudes.
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS :Looked like a black trash can
Long Description of Sighting Report
I was taking photos on Slide Mountain (Mt.Rose ski resort) off Mt.Rose Hwy 431 I observed this dark black trash can shaped object fly over head about 30-50ft above me. I got a good look at it, and knew right away this was something extraordinary. It flew south towards Washoe Lake, and it looked like it was heading towards the ground. I was able to take video from an iphone 12 mini. You can see this object in the video better while zoomed in!
UFO sighted over Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico
"Hace unas horas de ayer jueves 13 de Mayo alrededor de las 11:30 pm en Autlan de navarro jalisco. Nos tocó presenciar a mi familia y a mi un hecho que nos causó asombro y quiero compartirlo para que ustedes mismos juzguen y puedan darme su opinión al respecto!!
′′ A few hours ago yesterday, Thursday, May 13th around 11:30 pm in Autlan de Navarro Jalisco. We had to witness my family and I a fact that caused us awe and I want to share it so that yourselves judge and can give me your opinion about it!!
credit : Yael Diaz
UFO Sighted Over Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico ( May 11, 2021 )
Grabé este video el 11 de mayo desde mi trabajo a las 7:45 Trabajo en la zona industrial de la cuarta etapa de Gomes palacio dgo yo siempre desde niño decía que quería ver uno y al fin se me cumplió
I recorded this video on May 11th from my job at 7:45 Work in the industrial zone of the fourth stage of Gomes palace dgo I always as a child I said I wanted to see one and finally I was fulfilled credit : Alejandro Gongara
UFOs Sighted Over Bolivia ( May 15, 2021 )
UFOs were sighted over Bolivia in central South America on May 15, 2021 STATEMENT : avistamientos en bolivia TRANSLATE : sightings in bolivia
UFO/ НЛО Sighted Over Ufa,Уфа Power Plant, Russia ( May 15, 2021 )
Impressive UFO sighting over a power plant in Russia on May 15, 2021 : video by Ты очевидец! UFO sighted over Ufimskaya Tets-2 (Уфимская ТЭЦ-2) : Gas Power station in Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia ORIGINAL VIDEO TITLE : НЛО в Уфе! 29 06 07 published : May 15, 2021 ORIGINAL VIDEO OWNER : Ты очевидец! ORIGINAL VIDEO URL :
Black Humanoid Figure Sighted Hovering Over Two Different Cities On The Same Date. May 16, 2021
I love to get my hands on footage like this as this is as bizarre as it gets. These figures where spotted in Russia & Canada but what is their reason for watching us?
The first clip comes from Moscow, Russia and was sighted at Dvintsev street on May 16, 2021 Thanks to Дмитрий Рудаков & Vika Ru for allowing me the use of their footage and to view the original
The second clip was sent over to me via email and the witness told me that they had notice this black object hovering in the sky over Vancouver and at first they thought it was a UFO but when they begin to film the object they saw it was a "Human Figure" which creeped them out. This why there is only 8 second of footage. The witness wishes to remain anonymous, Thanks for sending this over....
Here are a some other videos of these flying humanoids that i have covered
Humanoid Creature Spotted Flying Over Algés, Portugal
Mexican Pilot Gets Surrounded By Three UFOs Mid-Flight
Mexican Pilot Gets Surrounded By Three UFOs Mid-Flight
Carlos De Los Santos was on a routine flight when three mysterious UFOs surrounded his aircraft. Listen to the never before broadcast recording of his conversation with air control, where he reports the strange event.
Pilot photographs a triangular UFO “hidden” in Area 51 (Video)
Pilot photographs a triangular UFO “hidden” in Area 51 (Video)
Officially, Area 51 was created during the Cold War to counter the technological might of the Soviet Union, a place where they test all kinds of experimental aircraft.
Many believe that there is much more than what they say, more specifically Area 51 would be the designated place to hide extraterrestrial technology.
And now we have new evidence that aircraft exist in their hangars beyond what we know of.
Pilot Gabe Zeifman has shared images of the Nevada Training and Test Range (NTTR), more commonly known as Area 51, after a December 25 flight.
Zeifman, a training air traffic controller flew his small Cessna 150 plane around Papoose Lake near the military base.
As reported by Mystery Wire , the pilot has flown over the area on three separate occasions.
In videos of his flights, posted on YouTube, Zeifman can be heard obtaining clearance for his route over the restricted area.
For this particular flight, Zeifman had higher quality photography equipment that allowed him to get better photos.
In the snapshots you can see Area 51, and some Internet users observed a strange triangular structure inside a hangar.
The mysterious object is blurry and it cannot be determined exactly what it is, but everything seems to indicate that it could be an aircraft, probably reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology, more specifically a triangular UFO .
An international phenomenon
It should come as no surprise that the hangars in Area 51 hide triangular UFOs as they are the most common. In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, reports of triangular UFOs surfaced around the world.
During the 1960s, at the height of the Cold War UFO “fever,” mysterious flying triangles were sighted over the United States, Spain, Great Britain and Czechoslovakia.
In 1969, two United States National Guard pilots followed a triangular-shaped object, 15 meters in diameter for 20 minutes over San Juan, Puerto Rico, until they ran out of fuel and had to return to their base.
Many of these incidents would be attributed by the competent authorities to atmospheric conditions, meteorological balloons or other everyday sources, but some remained without explanation.
Between 1983 and 1986, a large number of sightings occurred in the Hudson Valley, about 50 miles north of New York City.
One witness, a retired Yorktown Police Department lieutenant, described a huge, silent craft, 100 meters in diameter, hovering and performing impossible maneuvers before abruptly accelerating.
The lieutenant said he called Stewart Air Force Base to determine if one of their planes had taken off that night. The answer was negative.
That same year, a huge triangular UFO was seen by dozens of drivers on an avenue in the US state of New York.
Similar incidents occurred throughout the area for several years.
This leads us to wonder if perhaps the mysterious object photographed by pilot Gabe Zeifman has something to do with UFOs recorded by Navy pilots over the Pacific.
What’s your opinion about it? Does the United States have advanced technology or is it of extraterrestrial origin? Leave your comment below.
Dozens of commercial and military pilots have reported unidentified flying objects in recent years.
A radio transmission from an American Airlines from Cincinnati to Phoenix last weekend might have been ripped straight from the X-Files.
“Do you have any targets up here? We just had something go right over the top of us,” said the pilot at 1:19 p.m. CST on Sunday. “I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing moving really fast right over the top of us,” according to audio published on aviation blog Deep Black Horizon.
The blogger, Steve Douglass, intercepted the transmission accidentally as he was trying to pick up another aircraft with a radio scanner. “It was a pure coincidence,” he told The Arizona Republic.
Douglass used two flight tracking websites, Flightradar24 and Flight Aware, to determine that the exact position of the plane was “over the northeast corner of New Mexico west of Clayton, New Mexico” at an altitude of 37,000 feet.
Following a debrief with the flight crew, American Airlines confirmed that the radio transmission came from flight 2292.
Yesterday, the FAA released a short statement: “A pilot reported seeing an object over New Mexico shortly after noon local time on Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021. FAA air traffic controllers did not see any object in the area on their radarscopes.”
While authorities may never be able to explain what the missile-like object was, it’s not the first time a pilot has spotted unexplained flying phenomena. In fact, it happens fairly regularly.
A remarkably similar incident occurred over the Sonoran Desert three years ago. On February 24, 2018, within minutes of each other, two pilots flying different aircraft — a Phoenix Air Group Learjet and an American Airlines commercial flight — both reported passing a mysterious object, according to audio recordings released by the Federal Aviation Administration to the Phoenix New Timesseveral weeks later.
“Was anybody above us that passed us like 30 seconds ago?” the Learjet pilot asked an air traffic controller. “Negative,” replied the tower.
In November 9, 2018, a British Airways pilot flying over Ireland reported seeing “a very bright light that disappeared at very high speed,” reported The Guardian. A Virgin Airlines pilot confirmed seeing it, too: “Multiple objects following the same sort of trajectory – very bright from where we were.”
Experts say there is usually a very logical explanation for UFO sightings, and the U.S. government has had a famously long history of being tight-lipped on the subject. In recent years, however, there’s been some notable movement on that front.
In 2017, the Pentagon acknowledged the existence of a $22-million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program that had investigated reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena” from 2007 until it was shut down in 2012.
In April 2019 the U.S. Navy announced it was modifying how pilots reported UFO sightings in favor of a more data-driven approach, telling Politico that there had been “a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years.”
The next month, five Navy pilots told the New York Timesthat they had frequently seen unidentified flying objects that looked like white Tic Tacs or spinning tops off the Eastern seaboard from Virginia to Florida between 2014 and 2015. The objects, they said, reached hypersonic speeds and heights of 30,000 feet without any visible engine or exhaust trails.
One 10-year veteran, Lieutenant Ryan Graves, said he saw these objects on a daily basis. “These things would be out there all day,” Graves told the Times. “With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”
Of course, unexplained is not the same as extraterrestrial. “It's probably one part of the military not telling the other part of the military what they're up to,” speculated Bill Nye the Science Guy to CNN’s Brian Stelter at the time. (And to be fair, once in a while a military branch ‘fesses up.)
Last April, the Pentagon declassified and released three videos taken by Navy pilots — one from 2004 and the others from 2015 — in order to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos,” per a statement, noting “the aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified.’”
Americans wondering if the truth is out there will likely learn a lot more about UFOs later this year.
Buried deep in last December’s Covid relief bill, tucked into the “committee comment” section of the Intelligence Authorization Act, is a provisionthat requires U.S. intelligence agencies to tell Congress what they know about UFOs by mid-2021.
From the “What could possibly go wrong?” and the “They didn’t listen the first time!” files comes the double-whammy news that those controversial genetically-altered mosquitoes, designed to control their populations by killing off all of the biting females while leaving the non-biting males, have been released in Florida and are mating, while scientists not waiting to see what happens are already genetically engineering armyworms to kill off all of the females and stop them from destroying billions of dollars’ worth of crops worldwide. What happens when a genetically-engineered mosquito bites a genetically-engineered armyworm and a human accidentally eats it?
The mosquitoes contain a proprietary gene belonging to Oxitec, which calls it “the world’s leading insect-based biological control system to safely and sustainably control insects that transmit disease and destroy crops.” Residents of the Florida Keys have been demanding more information, independent testing and safety studies for a decade, but claim they’ve received little response from Oxitec nor support from local government or the agricultural industry. Previous tests using Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were conducted in in Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Panama and Malaysia, and the company reported that local mosquito populations fell by at least 90% in those locations. However, Live Science reports that in Brazil genes from the insects cropped up in local mosquito populations because the lethal gene failed to kill off all of the females before they could mate.
Besides this, another thing that could go wrong in Florida is that tetracycline turns off the self-destruct mechanism in female larvae. However, that’s the same antibiotic used in sewage treatment plants. Oxitec claims the testing locations are far enough away from plants and other tetracycline-using areas to avoid this possibility. Should the tests be halted while they look for other things that went wrong in Florida?
Too late.
“The collaboration between Bayer and Oxitec in the development of a ‘friendly’ fall armyworm explores a promising new approach to support integrated pest management, helping farmers manage destructive pests more sustainably while reducing the need for other inputs.”
According to, by “friendly” Bob Reiter, head of crop science research and development at Bayer, means these genetically modified male fall armyworms (Spodoptera frugiperda), also from Oxitec, will not harm the environment, other animals or humans while the kill off all of the female armyworms before the eat corn/maize, rice, sorghum, sugarcane, wheat, and 75 other crop species in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Fall armyworms are highly reproductive and spread quickly – they spread to 12 countries in Africa in 2016 and 2017, to India’s southern state of Karnataka in 2018 and to China in 2019. India, with its huge population needing huge amounts of food, is considering the genetically modified male fall armyworms – does anyone think its questionable leadership will handle this any better than the coronavirus?
Adult fall armyworm
Pests are definitely a problem – but pests are in the eye of the beholder. Many traditional crops are resistant to these insects, but they don’t adapt to industrialized mass farming. Similarly, development in areas where the mosquitoes formerly lived undisturbed and not spreading disease to humans results in … disease spreading to humans. Did anyone ask “What could possibly go wrong?” when these things spread?
They did. They didn’t listen the first time. Isn’t it time to ask louder now … and not give up?
A few days ago, the story of an alien abductee — whose account in The Daily Star said she was abducted 52 times, saw an alien spacecraft, was shown pictures of the bad things in store for our planet, and was left with triangular bruises and dots where an alien had grabbed — garnered quite a bit of attention. This writer attempted to find more information about ‘Paula Smith’ and her abduction experiences, but there was none to be found. Fortunately, I was contacted by Paula Elisabeth Green, who said she was ‘Paula Smith’ and that the account in The Daily Star was riddled with holes — for example, she was not abducted 52 times, but has had 52 paranormal experiences in her life which include sightings of spirits and other unknown events … the alien encounters are separate.
Paula asked if she could set the record straight here. Of course, I agreed to share the real accounts. I asked her a number of questions by text and she responded in great detail. The following are the amazing alien abduction stories of Paula Elisabeth Green.
On her first encounter …
I do not know if I was abducted that evening in the woods when I saw that craft at age 12. Four hours of missing time went somewhere. I don’t know what happened to me during that missing time and I will not speculate. I have had abductions, I hate the use of the word abduction, but there is no other way to describe something that is beyond our recognition.
On the craft …
The craft was approximately 30 feet high as it was across. It was hovering just above the water perhaps about 5 feet at the most. The distance between me, my friend and the craft was about 10 to 20 feet. As I’ve described, it has a boomerang shape with an extra arm. Each arm had a light on the end, one blue, one green, and I cannot recall the other colour no matter how much I try to focus even now. The lights were not by any means bright, but rather a dull light. The craft was black, I’m assuming it was because even the moon light can give a better colour than an orange street light, so I’m 99% sure it was black. The center had a circle, the depth of colour of black in contrast to the rest of the colour was the blackest of black I have ever seen. I can’t tell you if it was a hole, or actually just black. The craft was in an upright position. It was totally silent and I’m assuming there was nothing else at the back although I could not see the back if it had one. It was turning clockwise perhaps between 1mph to 5 mph. During the event, the craft emitted a fan-shaped light onto the water which appeared to be coming from underneath it, or perhaps slightly behind, but the craft continued to move around. I think wherever the light was coming from was perhaps a stationary part of the craft, perhaps under or just behind. The water slightly shimmered, and it gave of a very slight vapor — not sure if it was caused by evaporation or what. A blue light was on us both, it did not light up anything other than me and my friend, not even the ground. The light was pale blue. I could not see the source of where on the craft it was coming from. I have not seen the craft before or after this encounter.
On the TV monitor …
The TV monitor I saw on a separate encounter was made of glass — I assume it was glass, as I can’t think of any earthly thing else that could possibly look as close to glass at that did. It did not have edges but was just one piece. I cannot tell you if it was attached to anything from above, below, or at the back. The screen had sharp, slightly rounded edges in comparison to the rest of the craft which had large, rounded edges and appeared to have no joints, more like a mould. I was seated, but I cannot tell you what I was seated on because I was too focused on the screen. and yet in my peripheral view I could see others sitting beside me with their own screens watching the same thing, in the same sequence of events. I’m assuming they are humans also. Everything in the surrounding vicinity was entirely in my peripheral focus — nothing changed, nobody moved. I didn’t see any aliens, or rather greys, but this was definitely a non-human environment, with a clinical atmosphere. Everything was an off-white colour, but definitely white. There is something black on my left side just beyond the tv screen, I cannot tell you what this is. Perhaps I should not look at it, it felt like I was not supposed to. Yes, there was a warning, but it felt like it was all my fault and those that had to endure the traumatic scenes we were forced to watch. I don’t think they (the greys) understand, it is not solely us who are there that were causing these future scenes. Later, when I think about it, we are all guilty of this destruction of Earth.
Paula’s painting of an alien
On the painting of a ‘silver’ alien …
The painting I did was based on an event where I got the chance to see it without that feeling of fuzziness, like being on heavy medication. The alien is NOT silver … it is grey. I cannot tell you if it was skin, a coverall or what it was. The reason I painted it silver was because i had no grey paint left, nor did I have black or white which I could have mixed to make a grey…. he or it, is definitely not silver. The background I painted it on was black, and the little bit of white pencil and a bit of black pencil, and you cannot mix colouring pencils together to change the colour as you know.
The mark on Paul’s face
On the bruises …
The only time I woke with IRREGULAR shaped bruises was after having encounters with the greys. They do NOT prove I have been abducted, despite what the papers say. Nothing I have or where I have been, whether at work or not, can make those shapes of the bruises. The triangle mark on my face was not a bruise, it was a dark mark, looked rather grey coloured, in contrast to my skin colour — and no matter how much I tried to wash it off, it would not come off. It faded after a week or so.
The top photo is the triangular shape I woke up with after an encounter, it is definitely not a bruise. The bottom ones are bruises also after an encounter. They do not prove anything, but other than take my word for it. Both are irregular shapes with perfectly angled lines. The 2 dots are under the bruise in the bottom photos.
A bruise left on Paula's arm following an 'abduction'
The triangular bruise and the dots
Paula claims the bruises are finger prints left by an alien
On finally coming out with her abduction stories …
I changed my about keeping quiet simply because I know there are others out there going through what I am going through. The more who speak up, it will help those who cannot come forward. Why should we hide in the shadows for fear of ridicule? It is happening and it is real.
A description of one alien …
The alien is a typical grey alien with the big eyes and grey body, but some of us see them in a slightly different appearance. I’m assuming that is because they (abductees) are focusing on different parts of the body at any one time, so people can describe parts of the aliens better than other people can. I have also seen grey tans, they have the proportions of the typical grey, except they are tan with more of a mottled brown colour, with deep wrinkles which make them look very old. Their ‘skin’ has more of a leathery appearance. I’ve only seen the small ones, but some people see them at different heights, or maybe that is all a matter of perspective at the time. The image I painted was an exact duplicate as the grey I saw – again, it was grey, not silver.
On other aliens …
I have seen a tall blonde, dressed in what looked like suit, pin-striped, and he was really tall. Later, during this one encounter, he changed into a grey. I have never seen a spirit with a grey – they’re both separate entities, but both very real.
I want to thank Paula Elisabeth Green for sharing her alien experiences and setting the record straight. Let’s hope her courage will convince others – perhaps even those who were on the same ship with her – will come forward with their own stories. If we can’t convince the government to disclose alien encounters, let’s make it easier for others to do it.
IN BEELD. Marsrover stuurt nog meer adembenemende beelden door naar aarde
Perseverance heeft de afgelopen weken een hele lading foto’s naar de aarde gestuurd. De rover van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA geeft daarmee een nieuwe blik op de rode planeet. Een overzicht van de strafste beelden.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
70 Times More Hydrogen in Earth's Core than in the Oceans
70 Times More Hydrogen in Earth's Core than in the Oceans
High-temperature and high-pressure experiments involving a diamond anvil and chemicals to simulate the core of the young Earth demonstrate for the first time that hydrogen can bond strongly with iron in extreme conditions. This explains the presence of significant amounts of hydrogen in the Earth's core that arrived as water from bombardments billions of years ago.
High-resolution chemical analyses with secondary ion mass spectroscopy showed the abundance of water left in silicate melt after compressing with liquid iron metal.
Given the extreme depths, temperatures and pressures involved, we are not physically able to probe very far into the earth directly. So, in order to peer deep inside the Earth, researchers use techniques involving seismic data to ascertain things like composition and density of subterranean material. Something that has stood out for as long as these kinds of measurements have been taking place is that the core is primarily made of iron, but its density, in particular that of the liquid part, is lower than expected.
This led researchers to believe there must be an abundance of light elements alongside the iron. For the first time, researchers have examined the behavior of water in laboratory experiments involving metallic iron and silicate compounds that accurately simulate the metal-silicate (core-mantle) reactions during Earth's formation. They found that when water meets iron, the majority of the hydrogen dissolves into the metal while the oxygen reacts with iron and goes into the silicate materials.
"At the temperatures and pressures we are used to on the surface, hydrogen does not bond with iron, but we wondered if it were possible under more extreme conditions," said Shoh Tagawa, a Ph.D. student at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science at the University of Tokyo during the study. "Such extreme temperatures and pressures are not easy to reproduce, and the best way to achieve them in the lab was to use an anvil made of diamond. This can impart pressures of 30-60 gigapascals in temperatures of 3,100-4,600 kelvin. This is a good simulation of the Earth's core formation."
The team, under Professor Kei Hirose, used metal and water-bearing silicate analogous to those found in the Earth's core and mantle, respectively, and compressed them in the diamond anvil whilst simultaneously heating the sample with a laser. To see what was going on in the sample, they used high-resolution imaging involving a technique called secondary ion mass spectroscopy. This allowed them to confirm their hypothesis that hydrogen bonds with iron, which explains the apparent lack of ocean water. Hydrogen is said to be iron-loving, or siderophile.
"This finding allows us to explore something that affects us in quite a profound way," said Hirose. "That hydrogen is siderophile under high pressure tells us that much of the water that came to Earth in mass bombardments during its formation might be in the core as hydrogen today. We estimate there might be as much as 70 oceans' worth of hydrogen locked away down there. Had this remained on the surface as water, the Earth may never have known land, and life as we know it would never have evolved."
Contacts and sources:
Professor Kei Hirose
University of Tokyo
Shoh Tagawa, Naoya Sakamoto, Kei Hirose, Shunpei Yokoo, John Hernland, Yasuo Ohishi, and Hisayoshi Yurimoto. Experimental evidence for hydrogen incorporation into Earth's core.
Once in a while, scientists discover new and bizarre things which can’t be explained. It is obvious that we can’t know the answer to every single thing that is around us and we need to learn to be okay with that. But there is no harm being curious. We bring you the most mysterious finds which science just can’t explain.
UFO Sighted Over Blackwood, New Jersey ( May 16, 2021 )
STATEMENT : This happened tonight 5/16/2021 My granddaughter caught this with her iPhone. We live in Blackwood, NJ ANY IDEA AS TO WHAT THIS IS?! It left a blue light in the sky too even after it left.
credit : Nancy French
UFO Sighted Over Lima, Peru ( May 8, 2021 )
STATEMENT :Comparto esta publicación. Es real. Estamos en una zona minera. Lo grabamos ahí. TRANSLATE :I share this publication. It's real. We're there in a mining area. We recorded it there.
credit : Maria De Los Angeles Lincoln
UFO Sighted While Fishing, Ontario, Canada ( May 16, 2021 )
STATEMENT : UFO spotted while fishing. Ontario Canada.
Sighting takes place in Minden Nevada on May the 14, 2021. Here is her description of the events.
I looked up to see a very dense black circular object hovering over the town 30 miles south of me. I could see what looked like heat waves come off of it consistently and the aura of them seemed to spread around the entire object 2-3 ×'s larger than the circle itself. It did not move or change shape at all. It just stayed in the exact same spot for a little over 20 min. I took a video and in the video there is a visible aura around the object. At one point I looked away for 10-15 seconds and it was gone when I looked up.
MUFON Case # 115355. Next video takes place in Yankeetown Florida on May 14, 2021it is MUFON case # 115361.
Cluster Of Blue UFOs Seen Over Portugal & Bright Cylindrical UFO Sighted Over Minnesota
First clipwas sighted over Porto in Portugal on May 14, 2021at 11:25pm and the witness states the following "I’m living on the outskirts of Porto (in a small town, the place was pretty much empty). The first thing I did the moment it happened was go on Twitter and see if there was anyone talking about it. Not even one person. I put it on my Instagram stories and no one saw it either. They were very confused, though. So I was facing East and the lights were coming from Southwest and heading Northeast. Over the area where they were coming from is a small town by the beach - it’s likely they came from there. Yes, after one minute or two I lost sight of them. I have been checking news, Twitter and no one is talking about this. Only me and my family saw it and possibly a couple of people who were inside a car and were stopped on the street while it was happening. The fact it happened so late (almost midnight) made a lot of people not see it because they were inside. We have big windows and we were lucky my dad spotted it and told us to come. This is when I started recording."
Second clip:This object was sighted over Cottage Grove in Minnesota on May 16, 2021 and the witness states the following "No Idea what this is! Had no sound as it flew past. It was a rectangle block with a 20 degree slant on the front. It reminded me of an old steam engine with tiny square windows. It was very tall, and the windows were 1/4 from the bottom. No sound from a propulsion system. Much larger than a passenger jet." He went on to add "It honestly looked bigger in person. It was a solid object. It was larger than a commercial jet, and as tall as if 3 jets were stacked on top of each other. It almost looked like a half lit billboard flying through the sky. Also it had no FAA lights, no strobes. Nothing, just the light you see, and the light was coming from the bottom side of the craft."
MUFON CASE : 115434 Halden, Norway ( May 16, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Strange lights coming in from the south Long Description of Sighting Report Lights coming in from the south heading north east. The lights seemed to change course and did not seem to make any sound.
Video file attached is from 2 different sightings coming about 45 minutes apart from the same direction.
At the time of the sighting did not register any planes or helicopters over the area. In fact the night was crystal clear, no clouds and super quiet.
Cellphone that works perfectly before and after seems to cut off during filming every time footage was taken.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-16 Date of Event : 2021-05-07 / 10:30PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :
VIDEO 2 : MUFON CASE : 115457 Glendale, California Black spherical object flying silent at the same altitude from south towards north with white glow around it Long Description of Sighting Report Black spherical object flying silent at the same altitude from south towards north with white glow around it
Date Submitted : 2021-05-16 Date of Event :2021-05-16 / 6:00AM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : trim.C67AF9D694C64357BA7A2E505A19FDA1.MOV
VIDEO 3 : MUFON CASE : 115431 Bloomington, Minnesota Saucer shaped craft, tilted to the right and moving towards the tilt, white lights, possibly in orbit, not starlink
Date Submitted :2021-05-16 Date of Event : 2021-05-16 / 12:00AM
This weekend was a big one for U.S. Navy encounters with UFOs. First, another video was released from the 2019 multi-day incidents with Navy ships off the coast of California – this one from the USS Omaha shows an unidentified “transmedium vehicle” flying, hovering, and diving into the ocean … a scene that was previously revealed only in photos. Next, the CBS News show “60 Minutes” interviewed former Navy Lt. Ryan Graves, who says he saw UFOs off the coast of Virginia in 2019 that are a “security threat” to the U.S. Throw in comments from former government UAP investigator Luis Elizondo and you’ve got a UFO trifecta all in two days. Circle them in red on your calendar – this could be the start of something big.
“The US Navy photographed & filmed “spherical” shaped UFOs & advanced transmedium vehicles; here is some of that footage. Filmed in the Combat Information Center of the USS Omaha / July 15th 2019 / warning area off San Diego @ 11pm PST. No wreckage found. No craft were recovered.”
USS Omaha
Jeremy Corbell, the documentary filmmaker responsible for revealing photos, videos and data he’s received from confidential government sources on the 2019 Pacific coast incidents, posted the video on his Twitter feed and his website before being interviewed by George Knapp on Mystery Wire where his many extraordinary finds have been unveiled. Knapp reports that the video was recorded inside the Omaha’s command center just before 11 p.m. on July 15, 2019, with a FLIR camera that senses and shows heat signatures in a pitch-black setting. (Watch Knapp’s news report here.) Corbell counts 14 spheres surrounding the Omaha that were detected on sensors during the mysterious three-day encounter – encounters that were later confirmed by government officials.
“They never found where these things came from or went to. So they don’t know where they are launching from or going to. I mean, maybe it’s the water because that’s what we are seeing one do.”
“I am worried, frankly. You know, if these were tactical jets from another country that were hanging out up there, it would be a massive issue. But because it looks slightly different, we’re not willing to actually look at the problem in the face. We’re happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there, watching us every day.”
In a pre-show clip (watch it here) reviewed by various media sources, former Navy Lt. Ryan Graves expresses his concerns that these UFO encounters by the U.S. military on both coasts, as well as in the Middle East, are a “massive” security issue. Graves became the unofficial face of Navy UFO encounters in 2019 with his interview with The New York Times about the UAPs he encountered in his years as an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot – some of which occurred almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015 over the East Coast. He and others reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes but could reach 30,000 feet at hypersonic speeds and stay at those speeds for 12 hour – “11 hours longer than we’d expect.”
Still image from the footage of the USS Nimitz “tic-tac” UFO
“I would say, you know, the highest probability is it’s a threat observation program.”
Graves admits he doesn’t know who owns these UAPs but he suspects they are watching our military and aircrafts as possible threats – and that makes them a security issue.
“Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity. That’s precisely what we’re seeing.”
Then there’s the testimony from Luis Elizondo, the former director of the Pentagon’s secretive Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATTIP) and another face of UFO disclosure. He repeats the characteristics of these and other UAPs he’s encountered – characteristics so far superior to anything known about current U.S. technology that they must be treated as a threat.
So … why aren’t they considered a threat? Why haven’t Navy personnel been ordered to engage with these flying objects? Fear of what might happen? Could they be our own future equipment being tests on our own troops? All of these revelations are leading up to the much anticipated government report on UFOs promised to be released in June. No matter what that report contains, kudos should be given to Graves, Elizondo, Knapp and all of the others who have come forward with their evidence.
For what it’s worth, Stephen Stills sings it best:
There’s something happening here But what it is ain’t exactly clear
Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you’re always afraid Step out of line, the men come and take you away
It’s time we stop Hey, what’s that sound? Everybody look, what’s going down?
My previous article was on the subject of why I don’t think UFO disclosure will surface. My reason for thinking that is because time and time again – as history has shown – Disclosure has always stalled (see that same previous article). There is, however, another reason why I doubt that Disclosure is on the horizon. The fact is that the UFO enigma is extremely detached from us, except for when they want us. Or need us. And I don’t see that changing at any time soon. Yes, there have been thousands of UFO encounters / sightings / experiences. In the 1950s there were the alleged meetings between numerous people and human-looking aliens. I am, of course, talking about the Contactees and the Space Brothers. A decade or so later, the phenomenon of “alien abductions” began to surface like a rash. Collectively, all of this demonstrates – as I see it, at least – that the UFO phenomenon is a very real one. But, here’s the important thing: yes, there is a real UFO enigma. However, that very same enigma has never shown any evidence of wanting to come among us on a worldwide situation. They talk a lot but they don’t back it up with anything at all.
For example, yes there were many people who claimed contacts with the Space Brothers. But, they almost always met with people late at night, in desert locations, and where barely anyone else – the Contactees themselves aside – knew what was afoot. In other words, the Space Brothers (and the Space Sisters) were very detached from the Human Race – except, that is, until they required us. Not only that, the Space Brothers were bullying types demanding that we do this or we do that (such as get rid of our atomic weapons). Now, moving on, we can make similar parallels with the alien abduction phenomenon. For the most part, people are kidnapped against their will, their minds are placed into muddled states, and in many cases they are placed into situations akin to being drugged. And there’s not much positive about all of this. Getting probed from head to toe can’t be a good thing for anyone. And, most abductions occur late at night or in the early hours of the morning. It’s during these encounters that the aliens go to work: abductees have blood, semen, eggs, DNA and so on taken from them. And they never ask. They just take. People are usually strapped down on tables and plunged into states of fear. Then, when the aliens are done with us, they toss the abductee back to where he or she came from.
What all of this tells us is that despite their longstanding connection to us, it’s always them who are calling the shots. Whether it’s warnings of a Third World War, of pollution and so on, they’re always pulling the strings according to their terms. So, with all of that in mind, I have to say that they’re also pulling those same strings when it comes to Disclosure. In other words, this isn’t a two-way situation. They are clearly in control. And, it has to be said that the control relates to Disclosure, too. Too many gullible people in Ufology hope that aliens will land, come clean to us about what or who they are, reveal their agenda, and make everything just dandy for all of us. I don’t see it like that, though. How I do see it is like this: just like the human race (sadly), these creatures are out for themselves and not us. We’re a commodity (particularly so when it comes to the matter of alien abductions); something to be used. As I see it, that situation will continue. I believe certain governments know that and, rather than tell us the grim truth that we are just things to be used, those same governments feed us nice, friendly, comfortable tales of Disclosure and how everything will be fine. But, I have a deep, dark feeling that things are far from good and won’t be fine. The scenario of the “Trojan Horse” springs to mind.
Two Underground Bases Found in Antarctica; What are They? (video)
Two Underground Bases Found in Antarctica; What are They? (video)
Google Earth has apparently been the tool responsible for the discovery of two “secret” underground facilities in Antarctica. In the view of many ufologists and researchers, these mysterious entrances could be secret military underground facilities, extraterrestrial bases but even ordinary caves which formed over time due to the harsh weather conditions that rule over Antarctica.
“Famous” online ufologist Scott Waring believes that these entrances could lead towards a secret military base or a base that otherworldly beings created in Antarctica. In the video footage that was released by the anomaly hunter, Waring shows the image of a mysterious object that bizarrely resembles a flying saucer buried under the ice of Antarctica.
“Very interesting and intriguing images from Google Earth, which seem to show two possible entrances to an alien base or at least an entrance to something, and a huge saucer-shaped object buried in the ice. If there are Alien bases in the Antarctic it would follow that there are ET craft their also. ”
“Could the crashed saucer have come from one of these bases? And why have Google Earth censored the location? Interesting and worth a post. Images submitted via my website by Ryan Bolton.”
Waring’s comments seem to point towards a possible connection between the two entrances and the alleged crashed UFO found in the melting ice on Antarctica. Unfortunately, the images displayed on the video showing the dish are no longer available on Google Earth, making it impossible to confirm.
Interestingly, the “two entrances” that are believed to be the secret underground bases are clearly visible. In the images, it seems that one of the entrances to the underground base seems to have some sort of metallic support at the entrance, and some believe that this points towards an artificial origin of the structure.
Both of the entrances are visible using Google Earth or Google Maps by accessing the following coordinates:
Ufologists point out that the entrances of the underground facilities are quite large, with a diameter of around one hundred meters and a height of around thirty meters. So what are these tunnels? Are they just natural caves that have formed on the Icy continent in the distant past? Or is it possible that these mysterious entrances lead towards an extraterrestrial research facility hidden under the harsh environment of Antarctica? We cannot rule out the possibility that these entrances might actually be secret military bases.
A very interesting documentary called “Third Reich – Nazi Base In Antarctica – Complete Documentary”, seems to question a lot of things regarding Antarctica and one of those things, that the documentary approaches, is whether there s a possibility that Antarctica might be home to numerous secret underground bases.
After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified documents that shed light on the infamous “Operation Highjump.” Intelligence reports obtained by Soviet spies working in the United States revealed that the United States NAVY sent numerous expeditions to Antarctica for mysterious purposes.
Operation Highjump, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946–1947, was a United States Navy operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. Operation Highjump commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. Even thought the operations primary mission was to “establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV,” some believe its true purpose is far more mysterious than anyone of us can imagine.
And so begins the deception of explaining what has happened when millions of people are suddenly caught up in the rapture. It will be a well prepared narrative.
Because as we know the enemy has been preparing the reasons that will be given by distorting this event, not denying it. In fact some call the event that’s soon to occur on Earth their genuine absolute truth, and the rapture of the Bible will be the counterfeit explanation.
Isn’t that interesting? They’re not denying that the rapture is an event, or that it’s in the Bible, but they are creating a distorted explanation that’s coming directly from the enemy. New Age writers that “channel” information from beings in other dimensions have been writing about this coming event for many years. Of course we know they are channeling literally what the Bible calls “doctrines of demons”, but to them they have messages they feel need to be relayed to the world.
we are seeing such mass acceptance of UFOs and space aliens at the highest level of world government is because the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is right now ‘on deck’ and awaiting liftoff. So many thing happened at the end of WWII, it was a true paradigm shift. Adolf Hitler, a type of Antichrist, was introduced to the world, the United Nations was formed in fulfillment of Zephaniah 3:8 and the Jews were regathered in fulfillment of Jeremiah 29:14 and the first space alien UFO made headlines in Roswell.
Saw this floating outside my apartment while working out, mid day on a sunny day. It hovered above the Potomac River - one of the most protected airspaces in the world - going the OPPOSITE way that is legally allowed by the FAA (it crossed the river). Hovered at an incredible slow speed and pace (too slow to be a plane or helicopter, I see those daily) and slowly moved from one side of the river to the other. It then started to speed up and drifted across the Potomac until I lost it in the tree line.
MUFON CASE : 115406 Detroit, Michigan ( May 15, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS: I watch your youtube videos all the time. I have had this video for awhile was originally 2 different clips. put together got scared ran in the house
UFO sighted over Bogotá, Colombia on May 6, 2021 : One more amazing UFO / Ovni demonstration to confirm, from Bogota, Colombia. They've been here for a while, now it seems that the agenda has changed... they don't wait for governments to assume their reality of existence, they're systematically doing it for themselves.
credit :Forzafabian
UFO Sighted Over Iztapalapa, Mexico ( May 12, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Durante una reunión un objeto volador inquieto a varias familias en iztapalapa y esto fue lo que capte esa tarde
TRANSLATE :During a meeting, a flying object disturbed several families in Iztapalapa and this was what I captured that afternoon
TITLED : Un objeto volador en iztapalapa, Parte 1 : A flying object in iztapalapa, Part 1 PART 2 : TITLED : OVNI, volando sobre Avenida Ermita Iztapalapa : UFO, flying over Avenida Ermita Iztapalapa
STATEMENT : Objeto volador captado , durante una reunión estas imágenes capte de este objeto volador .
TRANSLATE : Flying object captured, during a meeting these images captured of this flying object.
UFO Sighted Over Ajusco, Mexico ( March 21, 2021 )
STATEMENT :Ovni Ajusco CDMX 2021 : Este vídeo fue tomado con la cámara del celular Huawei P9 lite el día 21 de Marzo de 2021 a las 14:15 en las faldas del cerro del Ajusco en CDMX, lo increíble de ello es que el objeto se desplaza los primeros 50 segundos de manera horizontal para posteriormente detenerse y retroceder unos metros, después de ello comienza su ascenso de manera vertical a velocidad constante (puntito negro sobre las nubes)
TRANSLATE : UFO Ajusco CDMX 2021 : This video was taken with the camera of the Huawei P9 lite cell phone on March 21, 2021 at 2:15 p.m. on the slopes of the Cerro del Ajusco in CDMX, the incredible thing about it is that the object moves the first 50 seconds so horizontally to later stop and go back a few meters, after that it begins its ascent vertically at constant speed (black dot above the clouds)
UFO Sighted Over Index, Washington ( March 26, 2021 )
STATEMENT : I can only guess the distance from the object and my drone but it's at least a couple miles, maybe between 3 and 5. It takes off from the ground and flies over my drone in just a few seconds, an unbelievable speed.
2019 the US Navy filmed “SPHERICAL” shaped UFOs going into the water
2019 the US Navy filmed “SPHERICAL” shaped UFOs going into the water
This footage was filmed in the CIC (Combat Information Center) of the USS Omaha on July 15th 2019 in a warning area off San Diego. This footage depicts a UAP event series that reached a crescendo with one of the unknown targets entering the water. No wreckage found. None of the unknown craft were recovered.
Location of ship:32°29'21.9”N 119°21'53.0”W
Time of event (Submersion) 11pm PST (6am GMT - indicated a day ahead on display)
It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft appeared to be transmedium capable, and were observed descending into the water without destruction.
It is noted in intelligence reports that the “spherical” craft could not be found upon entry to the water - that a submarine was used in the search - and recovered nothing.
:05 "Took off, bookin' it."
:21 “Break, OMAHA, PINCKNEY, KIDD, RAFAEL PERALTA possibility to launch helo ASAP”.
:28 "If it splashes you get a bearing and range.”
:30 “Yes sir."
:32 "... keep going bro [inaudible]”
:33 [inaudible]
:36 "... it's windy as fuck out there."
:42 "... got a lotta white water out there. Six foot swells."
“In the end I’m 50/50 that it is man made tech from somewhere. Either way it’s world changing. Because of the incredible energy capacity of the crafts.” - Crewman, USS Omaha.
What’s presented here is genuine UFO / UAP footage - evidence - with impressive provenance. These are images and video shot by our US Military - during a variety of UAP encounters. Incursions - by seemingly Advanced Transmedium Vehicles of unknown origin - interacting and observing our Navy’s warships and fleet deployments in a restricted airspace.
The Night Vision and FLIR technologies represented in this content, in this case, is tied into some of the most sophisticated weapon systems known to humankind.
The evidence here must be differentiated from other UAP documentation - due to the context of capture alone. Collectively, this data drop represents a small section within a large mosaic of UAP awareness by our DoD.
And its presence in a classified series of intelligence briefings - clearly demonstrates how the UAP subject is being viewed, pursued and handled by the United States defense industry.
Huge spherical anomalies and other strange objects near the sun caught by NASA's sun satellites.
A huge black sphere caught near the sun, UFO or a solar prominence? Another unknown sphere passing the sun as well as NASA SOHO C2 captured a winged anomaly.
New video taken from USS Omaha shows spherical UFO splash into ocean off San Diego: Ex-fighter pilot says airmen saw unknown aircraft off Virginia coast EVERY DAY for years calling them a 'worrying security threat' ahead of Pentagon report
New video taken from USS Omaha shows spherical UFO splash into ocean off San Diego: Ex-fighter pilot says airmen saw unknown aircraft off Virginia coast EVERY DAY for years calling them a 'worrying security threat' ahead of Pentagon report
Latest clip shows spherical object dropping into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego in July 2019
The clip was filmed by USS Omaha Navy destroyer and reportedly part of a same incident revealed in April
It was leaked hours after a Navy veteran based in Virginia said they could pose a security threat
Former Navy Lt. Ryan Graves said he and colleagues spotted objects in restricted airspace off the Virginia
Graves said pilots filmed the sightings but grew so used to seeing them that they took them for granted
He said the UFOs, seen between 2015 and 2017, have capabilities far in advance of known US aircraft
An Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force will release a report on 'UAP' sightings next month
A new video has leaked showing US Naval personnel having a close encounter with a UFO - this time a spherical object that makes a controlled descent into the ocean.
The object was filmed by a camera aboard the USS Omaha as it sailed off the coast of San Diego in July 2019.
Two unidentified crew members could be heard exclaiming: 'Wow, it splashed,' after the ball made a controlled flight over the ocean, then splashed into the sea and disappeared underwater.
They filmed the object making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shared the footage on Friday with Mystery Wire.
It was released the same day that a US Navy pilot told of how he and his colleagues saw UFOs off the Virginia coast so regularly they grew used to the ultra-capable aircrafts' presence.
Still images from a newly released video show a spherical object diving into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California
A map shows the region where fighter jets encountered the UFOs off the coast of Virginia
Former Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves, who regularly witnessed UFOs in restricted airspace, called them a threat to national security
Former Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves - who refers to UFOs as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) - called them a threat to national security in an interview with 60 Minutes that will air on Sunday.
He and his colleagues spotted the objects hundreds of times in protected air space between 2015 and 2017, and also recorded an encounter off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida, during the same time period.
The 60 Minutes report comes as the government is expected to release a report in June on UFO sightings after unclassified videos of them were leaked to The New York Times in 2017.
Sen. Marco Rubio called for the detailed analysis after he viewed classified briefings on UAP while he was the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee and asked the Director of National Intelligence for an unclassified report.
Respected former government officials have conceded that the sightings are credible, and that the UFOs' origins remains unknown.
John Ratcliffe, the former director of national intelligence, told Fox News that these are not just eyewitness accounts - they're videos and measurements taken after 'multiple sensors that are picking up these things.'
'When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don't have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom,' he said.
John Ratcliffe, the former director of national intelligence, told Fox News that these are not just eyewitness accounts - they're videos and measurements taken after 'multiple sensors that are picking up these things'
USS Omaha in 2019 in restricted waters off the coast of southern California (leaked May 2021)
The USS Omaha filmed a round object making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean. Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shared the footage on Friday with Mystery Wire.
Still images from that video were first released in April as the Pentagon confirmed that a set of images and videos showing unidentified flying objects buzzing over Navy warships off the coast of California in 2019 'were taken' by branch personnel.
Staff could be heard exclaiming excitedly as the object made a controlled, gradual descent into the Pacific Ocean, before disappearing with a splash.
No explanation for the spherical object has been given...
The USS Omaha filmed a round object making a controlled flight above the water for an extended period of time before it finally entered the ocean
One of the images appears to be a pyramid-shaped object while others were thought to be drones or balloons; however, the Navy has listed them as unknowns.
In a statement, a Pentagon spokesperson told Mystery Wire: 'I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations.'
The confirmation came a week after Admiral Michael Gilday, the chief of naval operations, admitted that he has no idea where the swarm of mysterious Tic Tac-shaped drones that menaced four US destroyers in July 2019 originated.
Gilday led an investigation into the incident in which a group of what some have called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) chased the destroyers for up to 100 nautical miles off the coast of California.
The Independence Class littoral combat ship USS Omaha (LCS 12) transits the Pacific Ocean
F/A-18E Super Hornets assigned to the Tomcatters of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 31 returned to their home base at Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana in Virginia Beach
Flight logs revealed as many as six mystery aircraft swarmed the warships close to a sensitive training area at the Channel Islands at speeds of up to 40mph and with a greater maneuverability than US military drones.
When asked directly if the Navy had confirmed the identity of the drones at a media event, Gilday responded: 'No, we have not.'
The Drive revealed in February that US Navy warships stationed off the coast of Los Angeles had encountered swarms of mysterious drones, which pursued them at high speed in low visibility.
The outlet obtained ship logbooks and internal emails from the Navy under the Freedom of Information Act, and eyewitness descriptions from the staff on board, to establish the UAVs had a far greater aeronautical capability than any previously known drones.
Former US Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves in a F/A-18 fighter off the Virginia coast between 2015 and 2017
Graves' F/A-18 fighter squadron spotted the 'maneuverable' spherical objects flying in restricted airspace near Virginia Beach almost every day from 2015 to 2017, he said.
'I am worried, frankly. You know, if these were tactical jets from another country that were hanging out up there, it would be a massive issue,' Graves told 60 Minutes.
'But because it looks slightly different, we're not willing to actually look at the problem in the face. We're happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there, watching us every day.'
He said pilots for the U.S. Navy saw UFOs off the coast of Virginia so frequently they got used to them despite them 'watching us' every day
Graves' F/A-18 fighter squadron spotted the 'maneuverable' objects flying in restricted airspace near Virginia Beach almost every day from 2015 to 2017
He said that pilots who have witnessed what the government calls 'unidentified aerial phenomena' have speculated that they might be anything from a secret U.S. technology to an enemy spy plane.
Graves also conceded the aircraft could be something else entirely.
'This is a difficult one to explain. You have rotation, you have high altitudes. You have propulsion, right? I don't know. I don't know what it is, frankly,' Graves told 60 Minutes while viewing one of the unclassified videos.
'I would say, you know, the highest probability is it's a threat observation program.'
A color image shows one of the unidentified aerial phenomena. Their technical capabilities far exceed that of any known aircraft, sparking fears for US national security
Pilots have speculated that they might be anything from a secret U.S. technology to an enemy spy plane
The outlet noted that Graves did not rule out the possibility they could be some sort of Russian or Chinese technology.
Luis Elizondo, a former official with the Defense Department, told 60 Minutes that the UAPs appear to have 'far superior' technology to anything the United States currently has in its known inventory.
'Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space,' Elizondo said.
'And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we're seeing.'
Pyramid shaped objects spotted by hovering above the USS Russell, July 2019 (footage leaked April 2021)
Footage filmed around the same time as the spherical ball sighting - but released two months earlier - showed multiple pyramid-shaped objects hovering around 700 feet above the USS Russell Navy Destroyer.
It is also believed to have been filmed off the southern California coast, although it is unclear why Mystery Wire leaked this sighting before the sphere.
The April photos were leaked from a Pentagon investigation of UFOs by the UAP Task Force, which has been gathering evidence for a report for Congress that's due in June, according to Mystery Wire.
The image show unidentified objects flying above four US destroyers, including the USS Kidd Navy destroyer.
The outlet had also previously released video reportedly taken in July 2019 by naval officers using a night vision device, which showed pyramid shaped objects hovering 700 feet above a Navy destroyer
Mystery Wire says the triangular objects are part of the same incident as the spherical object diving into the sea
The video was taken in July 2019 by naval officers using a night vision device
US Navy pilot made visual contact with object on November 14, 2004
At least six Super Hornet pilots made visual or instrument contact with the UFO on November 14, 2004.
The encounters, which are documented in numerous interviews with first-hand witnesses, remain a mystery, and the object's incredible speed and movements have led to speculation that it was extraterrestrial in origin.
The original FLIR video from the USS Nimitz encounters leaked online as early as 2007.
Witnesses say that clips of the video had been circulated widely on the Navy's intranet - used to communicate between ships in the carrier group - and an unknown sailor in the group likely first leaked it.
The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea in formation during a Strait of Hormuz transit on September 18, 2020
Navy Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight had been flying about 100 miles off the coast of San Diego (pictured) in each of their F/A-18F Super Hornets (pictured) when they encountered an unidentified flying object described as a 'Tic Tac'
The USS Nimitz, a US Navy aircraft carrier, was at the center of a bizarre UFO sighting saga in 2004.
The clip became one of the most-touted pieces of evidence in the UFO community when the Pentagon confirmed its authenticity in 2017.
In January, Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine.
He said the oblong, wingless 'Tic Tac' shaped object was spotted off the coast of Mexico over the Pacific.
He also revealed that for about two weeks, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, part of Carrier Strike Group 11, had been tracking mysterious aircraft intermittently on an advanced AN/SPY-1B passive radar.
The radar contacts were so inexplicable that the system was even shut down and restarted to to check for bugs - but operators continued to track the unknown aircraft.
Then on November 14, Commander David Fravor says he was flying in an F/A-18F Super Hornet when he made visual contact with the object, which seemed to dive below the water, resurface, and speed out of sight when he tried to approach it.
As Fravor landed on the deck of the Nimitz, Underwood was just gearing up to take off on his own training run.
Fravor told Underwood about the bizarre encounter, and urged Underwood to keep his eyes open.
He recalls how he suddenly saw a blip on his radar before tracking it on his FLIR camera.
'The thing that stood out to me the most was how erratic it was behaving,' Underwood told the magazine.
'And what I mean by 'erratic' is that its changes in altitude, air speed, and aspect were just unlike things that I've ever encountered before flying against other air targets.'
Underwood said the object wasn't obeying the laws of physics and dropped from 50,000 feet altitude to 100 feet in seconds, which he says, 'isn't possible'. He added that he saw no signs of an engine heat plume or any sign of propulsion.
The pilot refuses to speculate as to whether the object is an alien spacecraft or not, however.
'That's not my job. But I saw something. And it was also seen, via eyeballs, by both my commanding officer, Dave Fravor, and the Marine Corps Hornet squadron commanding officer who was out there as well.'
Footage Showing an Unidentified Flying Object Entering the Ocean is Officially Confirmed Authentic
Footage Showing an Unidentified Flying Object Entering the Ocean is Officially Confirmed Authentic
The newly leaked footage that appears to show an unidentified flying object entering the ocean is authentic. The Pentagon has confirmed that the US Navy personnel obtained the video and the Navy’s UAP Task Force examined it.
Personnel aboard the USS Omaha, a US Navy Independence-class littoral combat ship, obtained the video during a 2019 incident off the California coast.
Documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell posted the footage on his Instagram account on Friday, May 14. In recent weeks, Corbell previously posted footage at his website showing a series of pyramid-shaped objects recorded by Navy personnel, which the Pentagon later confirmed to be authentic. Corbell stated that the newly released footage was recorded from within the Combat Information Center (CIC) of the USS Omaha at approximately 11 PM EST on July 15, 2019.
Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough confirmed that the Navy personnel filmed the video and that the UAPTF included it in their ongoing examinations. However, Gough declined to offer further comments in response to questions on whether the footage was included in the Navy’s UAP Task Force reports and whether the object in question has been classed as “unknown.”
Don’t forget to follow us on Youtube for the latest UFO videos.
According to records documenting the USS Omaha (LCS-12), the vessel departed from its San Diego homeport for sea trials on May 7, 2019, after a 10-month Post Shakedown Availability (PSA). On June 20, 2019, the Omaha (Crew 212) made a short stop to unload ammunition at Bravo Pier and later moored at Naval Base San Diego again before going again to sea for the majority of July. The warship came back home again on August 1.
USS Omaha was one of various Navy vessels that spotted unusual aerial objects during these exercises in the summer of 2019 while operating within 100 miles of the California coast. Following the incidents, the FBI field office in Los Angeles conducted inquires from Naval intelligence officers and investigations. Inquiries included one with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and one with the Maritime Intelligence Operations Center director with the Navy’s 3rd Fleet.
Etana, the king “Anunnaki” who ruled on Earth 1,500 years (Video)
Etana, the king “Anunnaki” who ruled on Earth 1,500 years (Video)
According to historians there is a “list of the Sumerian Kings” where it is mentioned that one of them ruled for 1500 years … about 5000 years ago.
Etana, the 13th King of the Kish Dynasty mentioned in the Sumerian King List
The Sumerian King List mentions the “King of God,” who came as a guest of honor in a ” flying ship in the shape of a shield,” landing in a whirlwind of flames at the back of his Royal Palace.
When the history of the Sumerian Kings is analyzed, especially of this “King of God”, we can discover some aspects that the scholars of the traditional current of history have not been able to answer.
The Sumerian Kings
Sumeria has always been a topic of debate for experts. The theory of the ancient astronauts affirms that there was the beginning of all civilization and humanity.
In a deep study of Sumeria , a variety of stories can be found where powerful deities that came from heaven are named. Encounters with gods and a technology not known on Earth before modern civilization discovered it.
In their mythology you can find events that can be interpreted as proof that there was extraterrestrial contact in ancient times. When you read that powerful gods once landed on Earth.
And that in a corner of Mesopotamia civilization began, all this can be seen in the List of the Sumerian Kings:
After “royalty descended from heaven” it was found that there were 5 cities on the Sumerian Kings list, and that their 8 kings ruled 241,000 years .
“After royalty descended from heaven, royalty was in Eridu. In Eridu, Alulim became king; ruled for 28,800 years »
The list of the Sumerian Kings is an ancient stone tablet in the original Sumerian language, where “the ancient rulers” and how they came to Earth are clearly established. They are described as powerful kings who ruled the Earth for tens of thousands of years.
King Etana, “1,500 years of government”
Traditional archeology regards this list as simple mythology. History and the antidiluvian kings who ruled for thousands of years are not recognized.
However, this does not mean that they did not exist or that it is only a legend. The Sumerian Kings list describes how one of the kings, Kingship was transported by the gods, in the same way it could be transported to any ancient city.
The confirmation of these texts could be found in the Ashurbanipal library, where there are some ancient texts that mention “King Etana”.
Etana was the Sumerian King of the city of Kish, mentioned in the list of the Sumerian Kings. He reigned after the great flood, being the successor to Arwium, son of Mashda.
Etana is also mentioned in an enigmatic list, being considered as “The shepherd who ascended to heaven and consolidated all foreign countries.” But what is most surprising is the time he ruled; 1560 years.
The list mentions that Etana was the 13th King of the Kish dynasty . The first dynasty to rule after the great universal flood .
How is it possible that a single man has ruled for more than 1500 years? Who were these kings? Etana continues to be denied as someone “real” to traditional archeology. Still, the Sumerian texts are accurate and leave no room for imagination.
Germans .Beyond Time And Space. NAZI UFO 1935-1945. Part 2. Abandoned 1943 Nazi Concrete ‘Rings’ In Russia.
Germans .Beyond Time And Space. NAZI UFO 1935-1945. Part 2. Abandoned 1943 Nazi Concrete ‘Rings’ In Russia.
Sometimes it happens that a finding at first glance fits into a complex puzzle, and may even serve as evidence that the story is true. So it happened with concrete rings discovered on the coast of the Barents Sea. According to many it is ex-starting devices for Nazi ufo
For more than 70 years these places, 170 kilometers to the North of Murmansk, were considered confidential. Nowadays a strict regime of access operates also. These mysterious objects were built during World War II by the Germans.
They are located near the village of Liinakhamari, in the Pechenga district, close to the Barents Sea. There are different stories about their purpose, one says that it is a platform for artillery guns, but they are aimed back from the Gulf, to where the Soviet warships could appear, another says that they are launching pads for the Wehrmacht’s unknown flying objects.
Not only ufologists and conspirators, but also local people swear that the mysterious ring built in Murmansk Nazis who have tested their miraculous weapons.
It has come about primarily known project Dier Glocke, or bell. The machine working on the basis of antigravity, driven by a mysterious substance Xerxum 525, whose existence, although never confirmed, but it was written about him already so many books and filmed so many documents that simply must exist. At least it sees conspirators. Now circular concrete rings look like they just started from there Die Glocke or more of the entire range of anticipated Nazi ufo. Proponents of conspiracy theories cheered because they were able to find them by evidence that the Nazi secret projects existed.
Former Navy pilot says he regularly detected UFOs, calls them security risk
Former Navy pilot says he regularly detected UFOs, calls them security risk
Small teaser of the 60 Minutes segment on UFOs. Next month, a government report is expected to be made public on sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, better known as UFOs. Sunday on 60 Minutes, Bill Whitaker reports on the sightings.
A very rare fossil showed three different creatures in the middle of eating. This unique fossil from the early part of the Jurassic Period showed that a large marine creature (perhaps a shark) bit down on a squid-like creature that was already in the middle of feasting on a crustacean.
While the largest predator lived, the crustacean and the squid-like creature (called a belemnite) weren’t as lucky as their 180-million-year-old remains ended up at the bottom of a German sea. The remains were found in a small quarry that is located close to the town of Holzmaden in the southwestern part of Germany.
The fossil is incredibly rare as Christian Klug, who is the curator of the University of Zurich’s Palaeontological Museum and a professor at its Palaeontological Institute as well as the lead researcher of the study, told Live Science that it is one of around “10 specimens of belemnites with [well-preserved] soft tissues worldwide.” This specific species of belemnite was called Passaloteuthis laevigata and it had 10 arms measuring about 3.5 inches in length with two rows of arm-hooks (400 of them in total).
A possible shark may have bit the belemnite that was eating a crustacean.
Additionally, the fossil coined a new term called pabulite in reference to the “leftover” meal that was never digested by the predator and the remains ended up being fossilized. This referenced the belemnite that the larger creature (possibly a shark) chomped down on.
The researchers explained this type of “incomplete predation” by noting that the shark probably aimed for the belemnite’s soft and squishy areas on purpose as its pointy hard tip (called a rostrum) is very difficult to digest; therefore, the predator would have intentionally “bit off the soft parts, which were poorly protected.”
While it’s unclear as to what actually bit down on the belemnite, it very well could have been a Jurassic Period shark called Hybodus hauffianus as they were known to have eaten belemnites. Other big creatures may have preyed on it, like the large predatory fish Pachycormus and Saurorhynchus, an ichthyosaur called Stenopterygius, or a marine crocodile named Steneosaurus.
The belemnite was feeding on a crustacean.
This fossil is a perfect example of how predators can quickly turn into prey for other creatures as Klug explained, “Predators tend to be happy when they are eating, forgetting to pay good attention to their surroundings and potential danger,” adding, “That might explain why the belemnite got caught, but there is no proof for that.” (Pictures of the fossil can be seen here.)
This illustration shows what might have happened 180 million years ago, with the shark (Hybodus hauffianus) biting the belemnite, which had been chomping on the crustacean (Proeryon). Notice that the belemnite (Passaloteuthis laevigata) holds the crustacean's molted exoskeleton in its arms.
(Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); (CC BY 4.0))
The fossilized remains of the belemnite (Passaloteuthis bisulcata) and the crustacean (Proeryon). Notice all the tiny hooks that covered the belemnite's arms (right).
(Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); (CC BY 4.0))
An illustration of the fossilized remains. Notice the belemnite's rostrum (left) and its large hooks (right).
(Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); (CC BY 4.0))
The fossil (left) and illustration (right) of the Jurassic shark (Hybodus hauffianus) that ate way too many belemnite rostra, which likely led to its death. Notice (C) the magnified drawing of the rostra.
(Image credit: Klug et al. Swiss J Palaeontol (2021); Photo by R. Böttcher (Copyright Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart); (CC BY 4.0))
The Pentagon has confirmed that newly leaked footage, appearing to show an unidentified aerial object that was filmed as it entered the ocean, was obtained by US Navy personnel and is being examined by the Navy’s UAP Task Force.
The video was obtained by personnel aboard the USS Omaha, a United States Navy Independence-class littoral combat ship, during a 2019 incident that occurred off the California coast.
The footage was posted online on Friday, May 14 by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell on his Instagram account. Corbell previously released footage at his website in recent weeks depicting a series of pyramid-shaped objects filmed by Navy personnel which the Pentagon subsequently confirmed to be authentic. According to Corbell, the newly released video was filmed from within the Combat Information Center (CIC) of the USS Omaha on July 15, 2019, at approximately 11 PM EST.
The Debrief reached out to the Pentagon about the newly leaked video asking whether it could be confirmed as authentic, and whether it was obtained by Navy personnel aboard the USS Omaha.
“I can confirm that the video was taken by Navy personnel, and that the UAPTF included it in their ongoing examinations,” said Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough in an email response.
Still image from the short video shared by filmmaker Jeremy Corbell on Instagram (Credit: Jeremy Corbell/Extraordinary Beliefs).
The Debrief also inquired as to whether the video was included in reports by the Navy’s UAP Task Force, and whether the object in the video has been classed as “unknown” and possibly representing unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). However, Gough declined to provide further comments in response to our questions.
On May 7, 2019, USS Omaha (LCS-12) departed from its San Diego homeport for sea trials after serving a 10-month Post Shakedown Availability (PSA), according to records documenting the vessel’s recent history. The following month on June 20, the Omaha (Crew 212), with Cmdr. David W. Walton Jr. in command, made a short stop to unload ammunition at Bravo Pier, and was subsequently moored at Naval Base San Diego again before returning to sea for the majority of the month of July. The warship returned home again on August 1.
The USS Omaha (US Navy/Public Domain)
During these exercises in the summer of 2019, USS Omaha was one of several Navy vessels that observed unusual aerial objects, while operating in a sensitive training range within 100 miles of the California coast. Following the incidents, inquiries from Naval intelligence officers and investigations by the FBI field office in Los Angeles were conducted. Emails obtained by NBC News further confirmed that inquiries were also made by a special agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the director of the Maritime Intelligence Operations Center within the Navy’s 3rd Fleet shortly after the incidents.
According to a transcript of the video published by reporter George Knapp, the dialogue from within the USS Omaha Combat Information Center reads:
:05 “Took off, bookin’ it.” :21 “Break, OMAHA, PINCKNEY, KIDD, RAFAEL PERALTA possibility to launch helo ASAP”. :28 “If it splashes you get a bearing and range.”:30 “Yes sir.” :32 “… keep going bro [inaudible]”:33 [inaudible] :36 “… it’s windy as f**k out there.” :42 “… got a lotta white water out there. Six foot swells.” :43 “Whoa, it’s getting close.” :50 “We have, uh, 31 knots sustained wind topside, gust of 40 [knots].” :56 “Whoa, it splashed!” :57 “Splashed!” :58 “Mark bearing and range.”
In a forthcoming interview with Bill Whitaker for 60 Minutes airing Sunday, Former Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves said that members of his F/A-18 fighter squadron observed unidentified aerial phenomena in restricted airspace southeast of Virginia Beach almost daily between 2015 and 2017. Graves told Whitaker that he and other Navy pilots had begun to take the presence of the objects for granted on account of their frequent appearances.
Graves told 60 Minutes that he believes the objects are a threat to the security of the United States.
“I am worried, frankly,” Graves said to Whitaker, stating that if tactical aircraft from adversary nations were seen in the same controlled airspace it “would be a massive issue.”
“We’re happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there,” Graves said on account of the fact that the unidentified objects he and other members of his squadron observed don’t resemble any known threatening adversarial technologies.
Nearly coinciding with Knapp’s reporting had been a video posted at by Corbell, which appeared to depict a series of pyramid-shaped drones or other objects said to have been filmed while flying above the USS Russell. The incident detailed in the footage occurred in July 2019, while the Navy warship had been off the coast of San Diego.
The leaked video Corbell posted was also accompanied by a series of photographs, identified as having been taken from the USS Omaha, which appear to document the same incident that the newly-leaked footage conveys.
USS Omaha / UAS = Unmanned Aerial System. (Image Source: Jeremy Corbell / Extraordinary Beliefs)
“USS Omaha observed a possible UAS (Unmanned Aerial System), spherical in shape moving towards the surface of the water and then disappearing,” read a comment from Carrier Strike Group 9 (CSG-9) that accompanied the initial series of photographs released by Corbell.
“OMA assessed the object had sunk,” the comment stated, adding that “Attempts to search the water for wreckage were ineffective.”
The orb-like object in the new video and previously released photographs appears to descend into the water after it was initially spotted moving through the sky. According to Corbell, sources familiar with the incident said that during the ensuing search, a US Navy submarine attempted to locate the object after it was seen entering the ocean, but was unsuccessful.
One day after Corbell posted the video and images online, a spokesperson for the Pentagon confirmed that they were authentic materials obtained by the US Navy.
“I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel,” said Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough in a statement provided to John Greenewald at The Black Vault in April.
“The UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations,” Gough said. “As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.”
Last December, The Debrief reported the opinion of officials we had spoken with that indicated the current efforts of the Navy’s UAP Task Force have partially focused on objects termed as unidentified aerial phenomena which may be capable of operating within Earth’s oceans. According to a widely circulated report which many officials we spoke to were familiar with, a particular concern of the UAP Task Force involves what are termed “transmedium vehicles” which are capable of hybrid performance that allows operation in either air or within water.
“On occasion, there are detections made of non-cavitational, extremely fast-moving objects within the ocean,” one intelligence official speaking on background told The Debrief. The official declined to comment further on the nature of such detections, which have apparently been obtained during underwater reconnaissance activities.
On April 5, 2021, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday said that the Navy had not identified the objects observed during the 2019 incidents off the California coast.
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael M. Gilday (Public Domain).
“I am aware of those sightings,” Gilday said, “and as it’s been reported, there have been other sightings by aviators in the air and by other ships not only of the United States, but other nations — and of course other elements within the U.S. joint force.”
Last month, Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough also confirmed to The Debrief via email that the images leaked in April were captured by Navy personnel, and that the Navy’s UAP Task Force has examined them. Gough declined to comment further on the images and video, in response to our questions about whether any of the objects they depict have been identified.
“As we have said before,” Gough said in her April statement to The Debrief, “to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.”
“This latest video confirms my previous statements regarding the amount of evidence the government has concerning UAP,” former counterintelligence agent Luis Elizondo told The Debrief over the telephone. “We are just beginning to scratch the surface.”
Elizondo was the director of the Pentagon’s UAP investigation portfolio, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), between 2012 and 2017.
The deadline for the UAP Task Force’s report to the Senate Intelligence Committee will arrive in late June, although it remains to be seen whether the Task Force will request an extension for its deadline. This, in addition to the question of how much information it will contain may remain unclassified and accessible to the public.
The Debrief will update this story as it develops.
Follow and connect with author Micah Hanks on Twitter: @MicahHanks
Editor in Chief MJ Banias contributed to this report.
Do you have additional information regarding sightings of UAP by military personnel? Were you on active duty during any related incidents? Send us an email
Ancient Underground City In Egypt Is Being Kept Hidden From The World
Ancient Underground City In Egypt Is Being Kept Hidden From The World
Beneath the pyramids of Egypt lies a lost underworld of catacombs, hewn chambers and cave tunnels that have remained unexplored for hundreds of years. They are alluded to in ancient texts and Arab legends, but have been left unexplored until recent times.
They have now been rediscovered and investigated for the first time. What exactly does this subterranean realm tell us about the pyramids, their relationship to the stars and the mythical origins of Egyptian civilization?
In 2008, a team of researches headed for Hawara, Egypt (55 miles south of Cairo), to investigate this lost subterraneanlabyrinth, described by many classic authors like Herodotus and Strabo.
The legendary temple was said to contain 3000 rooms full of hieroglyphs and paintings.
The Belgian-Egyptian expedition team brought the highest level of ground penetrating technology to scan the sand of Hawara and solve the enigma. The Mataha expedition (Mataha = labyrinth in Arabic) confirmed the presence of the underground temple just south of the pyramid of Amenemhat III.
The aptly named Labyrinth of Egypt has been referenced to by many ancient writers who claim it to be truly monumental in dimensions and possibly the key to proving the existence of a lost civilization preceding the ancient cultures associated with that area today.
Some even say it holds some of the keys to explain the true history of mankind.
The Mataha Expedition results were published in the fall 2008 scientific journal of the NRIAG and the results were exchanged on the public lecture at Ghent University.
Shortly thereafter, Dr Zahi Hawass Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (Egypt) asked for a stop to communicating the results owing to the Egyptian National Security sanctions. The researchers waited patiently for Dr. Hawass to make the findings public.
It never happened. So, the team set up a website and posted their findings.
The Mataha Expedition’s discovery is extraordinary but no further attempts have been made to investigate the Labyrint.
There is an article called The Egyptologist, the Sphinx and the cover-up which goes into things in much more depth.
But to cut a long story short a clampdown on excavations at many archaeological sites in Egypt and the inconsistent attitudes of Dr Zahi Hawass on the existence of tunnels and cavities within the Giza Plateau suggest a hidden agenda is being played out.
Here is a full-length documentary called FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY: The Lost Caves of Giza which explores in great details the mysteries and controversy surrounding these lost caves:
Is this another case of governments and the elite not wanting us to know the truth about the history of the world? There are so many questions that remain unanswered…What secrets does this legendary giant underground complex contain? Could this be the most important discovery in human history?
Reconstruction of the Egyptian labyrinth by Athanasius Kircher. Copperplate engraving (50X 41 cm) “Turris Babel Sive Archontologia”, Amsterdam 1679.
Here is an animation that has been created to show what the caves may once have looked like:
It is vital that the Labyrinth will once again be brought to daylight and presented to humanity.
For how many years will the Labyrinth and all its secrets be forgotten this time? Only an informed public can make a difference. If enough people demand to know what is going in Egypt in these ancient caves then eventually the Government will have to listen.
Chinese verkenner Zhurong succesvol geland op Mars
Een onbemande Chinese verkenner is succesvol geland op Mars, melden Chinese staatsmedia. De landing van de Zhurong, zoals het karretje heet, is een triomf voor het Aziatische land, dat steeds meer ambities heeft op het gebied van ruimtevaart.
De verkenner moest om een goede landing te maken eerst de ‘zeven minuten van doodsangst’ doormaken. De daling door de atmosfeer van Mars geldt als verraderlijk en is voor een aantal eerdere missies een brug te ver gebleken. De Chinese ruimtevaartdienst bevestigde dat de landing een succes was en president Xi Jinping feliciteerde alle betrokkenen. De staatstelevisie besteedde aandacht aan die historische gebeurtenis in het programma “Nihao Mars” (Hallo Mars).
China wil met de Zhurong sporen van leven vinden en het oppervlak en de bodem van Mars in kaart brengen. De verkenner kan zich met een snelheid van ongeveer 200 meter per uur over het planeetoppervlakte bewegen en wordt aangedreven door zonne-energie. Bovendien wil China aan de rest van de wereld laten zien waartoe het in staat is en wat de ambities zijn. China’s eerste landing op Mars volgt op de lancering vorige maand van de romp van wat een permanent ruimtestation moet worden en op een missie eind 2020 die rotsen van de maan terugbracht.
De Zhurong is vernoemd naar een god van vuur in Chinese mythes. Het karretje vloog naar Mars aan boord van de ruimtesonde Tianwen-1. De Tianwen-1, dat Hemelse vragen betekent en is genoemd naar een 2.000 jaar geleden geschreven Chinees gedicht, is China’s eerste zelfstandige missie naar Mars. Een co-lancering met Rusland slaagde er in 2011 niet in om de atmosfeer te verlaten.
De vijf ton wegende Tianwen-1 is in juli vorig jaar gelanceerd. In februari kwam het vaartuig aan bij Mars, na een moeilijke oversteek van 470 miljoen kilometer in ongeveer 200 dagen tijd. Vanuit een baan rond Mars zocht de sonde een geschikte plek voor de Zhurong om te landen. Dat is Utopia Planitia geworden, een hoogvlakte op het noordelijk halfrond van Mars.
Het wagentje met wetenschappelijke instrumenten is met een landingscapsule naar het planeetoppervlakte gebracht. Dat toestel gebruikte een parachute en stuwraketten om af te remmen tijdens de landing. Het bleef aanvankelijk op ongeveer 100 meter boven de grond hangen om een goede plek te zoeken.
‘Zeven minuten van doodsangst’
Landen op Mars is bijzonder moeilijk. De landing duurt ongeveer zeven minuten. De verkenner schiet met een snelheid van zo’n 5 kilometer per seconde de dampkring van Mars binnen, een paar minuten later moet die zachtjes bungelend aan een parachute landen. Dit gaat zo snel dat de vluchtleiding vanaf de aarde niet kan ingrijpen. Elke opdracht zou pas een kwartier later aankomen, als de landing al lang en breed achter de rug is. Ondertussen zijn er veel manieren waarop de lander kan verongelukken, zoals een plotse windvlaag, een programmeerfout of een onderdeel dat bezwijkt onder de enorme krachten.
China is pas het derde land dat er in slaagt om een ‘rover’ gecontroleerd op Mars te laten landen, na de Sovjet-Unie in 1971 en de Verenigde Staten in 1976.
Antarctica Secret Space Stunning Revelations & the Origins of the Nazi Dark Fleet Breakaway Civilization
Antarctica Secret Space Stunning Revelations & the Origins of the Nazi Dark Fleet Breakaway Civilization
I’m delighted to announce the release of a short film presenting the recent history of Antarctica and how a breakaway German colony established a presence in an extensive underground cavern system, and used it as a base of operations for building a fleet of reverse engineered alien spacecraft. The German “Dark Fleet” has evolved over decades to become a powerful force on Earth and in Deep Space.
Learn why the existence of the Dark Fleet is to be exposed as a necessary condition for humanity entering a golden galactic age where we interact with highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations who share advanced life changing technologies. I wish to thank my inspired and incredibly talented wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for the many hours she devoted to creating this short film and raising public awareness of these critical issues.. Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Many Witnesses To An Alien Craft Flying Over Madagascar
Many Witnesses To An Alien Craft Flying Over Madagascar
On August 16, 1954, at 05:00pm, an event stupefied tens of thousands of witnesses at Tananarive, Madagascar (The number of potential witness is an estimated 200,000).
At 05:00pm, Air France’s agency personal awaited the arrival of the air mail, delivered by a Lockheed Constellation. One hour after the arrival of the Constellation, the mail has already been distributed and members of the Air France agency, among which Mr. Edmond Campagnac, former military officer and at that time technical director of Air France in Tananarive were quietly chatting together, close to the Avenue of the Liberation, the largest street in Tananarive.
Sudden somebody sees in the sky a “electric green ball” descending straight towards the ground near the Palais de la Reine. He points at it and everybody watches. The phenomenon disappears behind a hill, and they all expect to hear a mighty explosion when the thing hit the ground. But the green light does not hit the ground.
The green ball reappears a minute afterwards, bigger. It makes a circle over the higher parts of Tananarive, a city built on and inside a series of hills with a “horseshoe” Configuration. The thing then proceeds to fly above Avenue of the Liberation, at an altitude of some 50 to 150 meters in front of tens of thousands of amazed inhabitants. When it flew in front of the Air France personnel, they could all get a good look at it.
Mr. Campagnac realized that the “electric green light” looks like a kind of lens shaped plasma, of approximately 40 meters length, the “size of a DC4 aircraft.” This green lens is closely followed by aflying machine with a distinct silvery metallic aspect and the shape of a football, also 40 meter long, At the back of this metal machine, bluish exhaust flames are seen.
The craft was totally silent. M. Campagnac, in his testimony, which he often publicly offered, explains that the craft did not even make the sound of swishing a flyier would make through the air. In this case, it is noticeable that the estimate of altitude is not subject to doubts: indeed, while flying above the buildings of Avenue de la Libération, the craft also passed in front of the hills in the background, not with the sky as background.
Several physical phenomena were observed: first of all, the witnesses in the whole city could note that public lights and shop lights died out exactly at the moment the craft passed above them, and functioned again at once behind its passage. Then the inhabitants quickly noticed that barnyard animals, dogs in the whole city, were howling or barking. At one time during its travel above the city, the UFO flew above the animal park where peasants keep the animals to be sold at daytime at the city’s markets.
All these animals entered a state of total panic when the object flew over them, though when airplanes flew over them as usually, for example the “Constellation” one hour before, the animals did never show any such reaction, although airplanes are noisy and the UFO, again, was totally silent. After having flown over Tananarive, the machine set out towards the West. Two or three minutes after, the estimate while being with this approximation, a similar machine or the same machine was observed at 150 kilometers South of Tananarive above a farm school. There again, the herds were seized by panic.
The farm director had to call for reinforcements in order to bring back the animals which run away in all directions, risking death in marshes. It is this call to reinforcements which made the witnesses of Tananarive aware of this second observation.
If the craft observed at 150 km South was the same one as that of Tananarive, which its description suggests, although one cannot absolutely prove it, then its speed was to be about 3000 km/h. According to the statements of Air France the personal, General Fleurquin, commander-in-chief of the French Air Force in Madagascar, gathered a scientific team to carry out an investigation of the phenomena.
No trace of this investigation could be found in the Air Force records, however issue #6 of the GEPA bulletin (Group of Studies of the Aerospace Phenomena) in the 2nd half of 1964 described this observation. Mr. Campagnac remembers perfectly that it is a Jesuit clergyman, Revend Coze, director of the astronomical observatory of Tananarive, who has been given the task to carry out the survey and record the testimonies, including those of Air France people and also those of Malgaches peasants.
This gathering of testimonies also brought out that the UFO phenomenon did already manifest itself to the Malgache people on several occasions in the past years, but went ignored as no one cared to ask until now.
Mr. Edmond Campagnac, at the time technical director of Air France in Tananarive, took part in the study of the case for the COMETA committee. He expressed himself repeatedly and very precisely on this case, including of the French TV, and recently again at a televised debate concerning UFOS on the documentary cable TV channel “Planète Forum” in 2001, supported by Jean-Jacques Vélasco, director of SEPRA, the official French UFO investigation team.
Because of this exceptional occurrence, M. Catagnac’s life was not fundamentally perturbated, but indeed as he has a scientific background, he wanted to learn more on the topic of UFOs, and in particular, he wanted to search in the military records of the French Gendarmerie, was granted a clearance to access classified files, and learned about many other significant sightings. But this is another story.
Mr. Campagnac remembers that at the time of the investigation the possibility that it has been a top secret prototype of a new human flying device, for example a Soviet prototype, has been considered. But now as time went by and as we know of the history of aviation development, we clearly can rule out that any such craft was in the possibility of any countries in 1954.
No “secret plane”, even as of today, has anything in common with the craft in this event, visually, or by its performances, its operation, its behavior. Jean Jacques Vélasco has checked and commented the case and points out its interesting features: The trajectory of the object, descending from a high altitude vertically to the ground, then showing up again instead of crashing and flying above the ground at low altitude over the city.
The physical phenomenon of public and private lightings dying out as the UFO was passing above, and the return to normal lighting when he went further. Phenomena of the animals reactions. The possibility of the correct estimate of the size because the object passed in front of the hills in the background. The heterogeneous cultural background of the witness: “Mr. Campagnac might have read about UFOs in Science-Fiction literature, but it is rather doubtful that the Malgaches peasants were all under the influence of US Science Fiction pulps.”
The fact that the case does not occur in the United States or a European country, suspected to be a sociological terrain to made up UFO stories, but in a far away Island, is an indication that good UFO cases exist all around the world. NOTE: The above image is CGI.
This spectacular UFO sighting of a clear and unquestionable UFO activity on the moon was recorded by Aleksey Nz on May 14, 2021 and posted to his account via Tiktok. Here I present the original and every day more evidence.
UFO Sighted Over Mesa, Arizona ( May 9, 2021 )
UFO sighted over Mesa, Arizona on May 9, 2021 : This Incredible UFO sighting in Mesa, Arizona has also been seen in New York.
credit : Table, Arizona : Michael Wutke.
UFO Sighted Over New York ( May 9, 2021 )
UFO sighted over New York City on May 9, 2021 : Is this UFO sighting the same as Mesa, Arizona : They Are Already Here
credit : Xingi Guwen
UFO Sighted Over São Paulo, Brazil ( May 2, 2021 )
What's happening in São Paulo sky?
This amazing sighting occurred on May 2, 2021 What to say about this amazing Ovni sighting carried out in the city of São Paulo, on the 02/05/2021th, Here I present the original and following with approximation and filters application. UFO remained static over the paulist capital. : O Ovni permanecia estático sobre a capital paulista.
MUFON CASE : 115336 Kendall, Florida ( May 13, 2021 )
It looked like two gray orbs spinning around each other and changing shapes
Long Description of Sighting Report
It looked like two gray orbs spinning around each other and morphing into different shapes with a light aura around it. Direction was from NE to SE in a steady path but after reviewing the video frame by frame I could see it would pulsate and disappear and reappear. Then at the 25 second mark on the video another object zooms right underneath it. This object was a solid black. I saw the same type of object on January 4, 2021 while having lunch with a coworker. I recorded the incident and will submit a report following this one.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-13 Date of Event : 2021-05-08 / 2:56PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : IMG48711.MOV
MUFON CASE : 115341 Woburn, Massachusetts ( May 13, 2021 )
Laying on hammock, saw object appear at a very high altitude approach from the north be rotating or tumbling from bright white to dull gray
Long Description of Sighting Report
Laying on hammock I'm back yard staring at the sky, very few clouds,.mostly sunny. I was in the shade. An object appeared.from the north moving south appearing to slowly spin or tumble. As it's spinning slowly ot goes from super bright white to a dull gray. When it's dull gray can see its oblong in shape, I saw no wings or other identifiable fixed wings or engines.. As it's passing over it appears as steady bright white now. I caught a few seconds of it on my phone. In 2 short videos. At first I did think it was a satellite but they're not typically seen in daylight blue sky, I quickly ruled out satellite, it was too low for orbit. Thought was a plane as I live close to Logan intl Airport and I live a few miles.from Hanscom AFB. I see planes, commercial and military aircraft every day all day due to my close proximity to these airports,but this was at what appeared a very high altitude but left NO contrails as jets do at such altitude.. It made no sound,.had no markings or wings or engines The 2nd video showing thin clouds, the object was.moving from the thin whisky clouds to the more solid cloud formation. Can barely see it but it's there.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-13 Date of Event : 2021-05-13 / 4:15PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
MUFON CASE 115343 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Canada ( May 13, 2021 )
Multiple phenomenon sightings
Long Description of Sighting Report
1. December: bright red light in the sky descend slowly above us, then shoot up and disappeared almost instantly. As soon as it vanished, an electrical surge occurred and all the electricity went off in the close neighborhood.
Many witness.
December(later) : I was outside by myself when I first heard an airplane engine in the sky. As I was looking up toward the airplane, a bright white orb appeared out of the void, flew a few feet in a straight line then disappeared instantly. Last 3 seconds. I then called my gf with my cellphone but as I was explaining the incident to her, a weird electronic noise was emitted by my phone. After asking her if she heard it, she told me no.
Since December:
Red glow in the sky in my town. Come and go. Took multiple pictures and video. Send them to military in st Hubert who are overseeing the sky. No answer. Other weird lights have been witness by 3 people here, on different occasions. We do not drink or take drugs. We are not big ufo enthusiasts. We do not want media attention nor do we want to profit from what is happening. We are looking for answers.
MUFON CASE : 115353 Kendall, Florida ( May 14, 2021 )
Two orb like objects that appeared almost transparent and changed shapes.
Long Description of Sighting Report
Saw two gray orb like objects spinning and changing shapes above SW 107 Ave and 88 street. Was coming from north to south, then turned directions to east. Very slowly to naked eye but when I reviewed the video frame by frame it was pulsating and disappearing and moving rapidly at times. Then a solid black object flew underneath it.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-14 Date of Event : 2021-01-04 / 1:04PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : IMG43061.MOV
MUFON CASE : 115355 Minden, Nevada ( May 14, 2021 )
A large dense black circular shape over a town 30 miles south of me. Very high up, gave off hearwaves.
Long Description of Sighting Report
I looked up to see a very dense black circular object hovering over the town 30 miles south of me. I could see what looked like heatwaves come off of it consistently and the aura of them seemed to spread around the entire object 2-3 ×'s larger than the circle itself. It did not move or change shape at all. It just stayed in the exact same spot for a little over 20 min. I took a video and in the video there is a visible aura around the object. At one point I looked away for 10-15 seconds and it was gone when I looked up.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-14
Date of Event : 2021-05-14 8:05AM
MUFON CASE : 115359 East Hartford, Connecticut ( May 14, 2021 )
Flashing light moving in Erratic pattern
Long Description of Sighting Report
I was at work and saw an erratic light flashing in the sky so I Grabbed my phone and ran outside and filmed the object until it was gone.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-14 Date of Event :2021-04-23 / 3:32PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : trim.ECA6BC039F244EA08753B519D04A52C7.MOV
MUFON CASE : 115360 Palm Springs, California ( May 14, 2021 )
Midnight UFO sighting in Palm Springs
Long Description of Sighting Report
On April 30th 2021 in the late 11pm hour we saw a strange light object in the sky. At first it was completely still - someone thought it was a planet. Immediately that was ruled out as the object became bigger and brighter. It moved a bit. The object appeared and behaved unlike anything I had every seen before. You will see from the video it is so bright - it's like it is made of fire. The object came closer to us, and that's when I was really blown away. The object produced rays of light that came out of the bottom half of whatever it was. I was speechless. This is when I ran to get my cell phone and shot the attached video. I was told that when I went to get my cell phone the object "jumped" back -- further away from us. I took a video of the object until it disappeared into the darkness -- out of sight. If you blow up the UFO in the video you can see that it is changing color - flashes to a redish color and back to yellow. It was completely silent. I wish I could go back in time and re-experience what I saw. I wish i had a video of what happened before I grabbed my cell. And I just remembered that immediately after the UFO was out of sight the swans in the neighboring pool were squawking up a storm. Going nuts!
Date Submitted : 2021-05-14 Date of Event :2021-04-30 / 11:00 PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :
MUFON CASE : 115361 Yankeetown, Florida ( May 14 2021 )
9 lighted objects arose from the horizon and flew towards the nuclear power plant and then went dark as they approached.
Long Description of Sighting Report
I witnessed 9 lighted orange objects flying erratically towards a power plant.
Date Submitted :2021-05-14 Date of Event :2021-05-08 / 9:52PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : MAH01905.MP4
Black UFO Over Minden, Nevada On May 14, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Over Minden, Nevada On May 14, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 14, 2021
Location of sighting: Minden, Nevada, USA
Credit: MUFON
A woman caught sight of a UFO over Minden yesterday. The object does have an aura around it...which balloons do not have. This object has a very irregular shape and holds its position well. UFOs have been recorded in Majestic 12 documents and Project Blue Book documents of having an aura or waves around it causing it to appear blurry but probably comes from the propulsion system of the alien craft. 100% proof of aliens in Nevada, USA.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I looked up to see a very dense black circular object hovering over the town 30 miles south of me. I could see what looked like heatwaves come off of it consistently and the aura of them seemed to spread around the entire object 2-3 ×'s larger than the circle itself. It did not move or change shape at all. It just stayed in the exact same spot for a little over 20 min. I took a video and in the video there is a visible aura around the object. At one point I looked away for 10-15 seconds and it was gone when I looked up.
Ashort film released by Michael Salla presenting the recent history of Antarctica and how a breakaway German colony established a presence in an extensive underground cavern system, and used it as a base of operations for building a fleet of reverse engineered alien spacecraft.
The German "Dark Fleet" has evolved over decades to become a powerful force on Earth and in Deep Space.
Learn why the existence of the Dark Fleet is to be exposed as a necessary condition for humanity entering a golden galactic age where we interact with highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations who share advanced life changing technologies.
What Happened When I Looked For Ancient Aliens In Roswell
What Happened When I Looked For Ancient Aliens In Roswell
A peculiar ranch incident in New Mexico nearly 75 years ago has kept UFO enthusiasts intrigued at the possible presence of alien life on Earth until this very day.
ROSWELL, N.M. — A peculiar ranch incident near Roswell, New Mexico nearly 75 years ago still intrigues UFO enthusiasts about the possible presence of extra-terrestrial life on Earth.
Amid a violent summer thunderstorm in July 1947, a large flying object fell out of favor with the gods and crashed on a ranch about 75 miles northwest of the military town. The events to follow gave rise to Roswell as a tourist attraction for UFO conspiracies comparable to the likes of Nevada’s Area 51.
Local rancher Mack Brazel was the first to stumble upon the field of debris that stretched wider than a football field. Reports of flying saucers were rampant at the time, and while Brazel hadn’t heard of them at first, sightings began to captivate the public nationwide.
Several days later, Brazel reported the crash site to local authorities and described the scene as “a large area of bright wreckage” where he found “rubber strips, tinfoil, [and] a rather tough paper and sticks” to the Roswell Daily Record in a story published on July 8, stoking rumors of a flying saucer.
The story, headlined, “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region,” was primarily provoked by Roswell Army Air Field public information officer Walter Hunt’s now-infamous press release quoted below, emphasis added:
The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disk through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff’s office of Chaves County.
The story was later retracted after the government released a follow-up explanation that the downed aircraft was a weather balloon. For years, that was that. The government’s position has remained the same ever since.
Eyewitnesses to the early events began to challenge the government’s official position 30 years later. Nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman interviewed an intelligence officer involved with the case, Major Jesse Marcel, in 1979. He claimed the downed aircraft was of another world and that the government kept him quiet.
Countless other researchers and “ufologists” have called into question the government’s narrative for decades, highlighting inconsistencies in its subsequent reports. The International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell has become their campus.
While a bit corny to attract tourists, the people who run the museum are serious, with an entire library dedicated to the academic study of alien UFOs, to which the U.S. military has dedicated an entire program within the Pentagon.
Public access to the library is currently closed off under the Democrat governor’s order. The gift shop across the hall, on the other hand, was wide open.
Beth Wiegand has worked at the museum since 2010 and doesn’t buy the government’s story of a downed weather balloon.
“A weather balloon does a lot of remarkable things, but it doesn’t come careening out of the sky in a great big ball and go splat in the desert,” Wiegand told me, highlighting testimony from other eyewitnesses who reported what she described. “If what they saw was a weather balloon, it was the most remarkable weather balloon in history. They just don’t do that.”
If a weather balloon were hit by lightning, Wiegand maintained, it would merely shrivel into a ball and burn, not crash in a pile of debris out of Star Trek film and wider than a football field.
I left the museum convinced something bizarre happened at the nearby ranch more than 70 years ago. As a natural skeptic of government claims based on classified intelligence, I don’t buy its claim that what fell was a weather balloon either. That being said, my own imagination of the universe prohibits the idea that intelligent life as we understand it exists beyond our solar system at the same moment in time.
I drove 20 miles outside Roswell the night before my museum visit to catch a glimpse of the cosmos under the darkness of a new moon at its peak. As I gazed upon the long arm of the Milky Way stretched across the New Mexican desert sky, I pondered our improbable existence, evolved on a planet born more than 4.5 billion years ago after five mass extinctions reset life within the last 450 million.
Considering the vast expanse of the universe, I wonder if life is actually common in the cosmos, except it takes the shape of microorganisms in the beginning stages of evolution of creatures more similar to the dinosaurs that once ruled the Earth. But our conventional conception of time is also limiting. How often do other planets with the qualities to possess life experience mass extinctions?
By the time we made it to other star systems, would life have already run its course, as may have happened on our planetary neighbor Mars? Will life exist on planets we detect today millions, even billions of years from now?
So when I stepped into the Roswell UFO Museum, suffice to say I was skeptical of the idea aliens had touched down nearby. But in another sense, we are the ancient aliens of the universe, landing machines and equipment on other worlds in preparation for deep space travel to answer the questions I’ve just outlined.
Some astronomers theorize the universe will eventually die out 100 trillion years from now in the “Big Freeze” when star formation comes to a close. As far as we know, our universe is only 13.8 billion years old. With that timeline, we remain very much in an ancient era.
I don’t know what exactly happened in Roswell, but no one knows exactly what’s happening in the cosmos.
Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristanor contact him at
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Most Shocking UFO Sightings In Costa Rica & Clearest UFO Photograph Ever Taken
Most Shocking UFO Sightings In Costa Rica & Clearest UFO Photograph Ever Taken
For several decades, the world has been stunned by the unbelievable UFO sightings that take place all around the world. Thousands of UFO reports have been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic and still, there are no answers why the numbers have increased. Only in the United States, the NUFORC has recorded a 51% increase in sightings in 2020.
While the Pentagon is preparing the UFO documents, the sightings in Costa Rica have surprised many people. Unfortunately, there is no UFO tracking organization in Costa Rica. Only on social media, people share photos and videos of whatever weird they see in the sky.
UFO Over Volcano
UFO Over Volcano near the Irazú national park
On February 24, 2016, a UFO that flew over the volcano near the Irazú national park in Costa Rica was captured. The altitude of the volcano is 3,400 meters, and the saucer-shaped disk was seen flying above it. The image was taken at 11 a.m. by the witnesses who were flying in the airplane at that time. Many believed that the craft exited from the secret underground base that is 4-5 kilometers below the volcano. The craft shared extreme similarities with the UFO that was captured in the “Friendship UFO case.”
Manta Ray UFO
In 2015, a photographer took a photo of a strange-looking UFO that many people compared with the manta ray (aquatic animal). The man who clicked this amazing photo reportedly took it near Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica. Initially, it was thought the object was a drone, but it had no visible propellers, which means that it might be an unknown craft.
Manta Ray UFO
The sighting was first observed by the MUFON network, where the photographs were taken in the bright morning. UFO researcher Scott Waring said that most of the fake UFO photos and videos are made in the United States, and the chance of these photos being phony was “very low overall.”
The next UFO spotting occurred in 2013, when the pilot named Joseph Daniel Araya was flying over the skies of Costa Rica on January 23, 2013. He was filming the view of Costa Rica when the high-speed craft was captured on his iPhone. He said that while filming, he did not notice the object. Only after he watched the video, he could see it. Joseph showed the video to astronomer Alberto Villalobos and UFO researcher Alexis Astua. According to Villalobos, the mysterious craft was up to 10 meters long, cruising at the speed of 3,600 km. Astua believed it could be the reflection but at the same time, he did not rule out the UFO theory.
1971 UFO Photo
UFO photograph Taken in Costa Rica in September 1971
On September 4, 1971, members of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (National Geographic Institute) were taking photographs above Lake Cote for the Costa Rican governmental company that provides electricity and telecommunication services. The photographs were taken for the construction of a hydroelectric dam near the lake Arenal, when the mapping agency members accidentally captured a UFO in their high-resolution camera that was mounted on the plane, pointing downwards. The photograph is considered to be the clearest and best UFO photograph ever taken.
According to researchers Richard Haines and Jacques Valle, it is the most impressive photo which is analyzed by experts from around the world.
The researchers said:
“In summary, our analyses have suggested that an unidentified, opaque, aerial object was captured on film at a maximum distance of 10,000 feet. There are no visible means of lift or propulsion and no surface markings other than dark regions that appear to be nonrandom… There is no indication that the image is the product of a double exposure or a deliberate fabrication.”
This intriguing photo was taken when Sergio Loaiza Juan Bravo and Francisco Reyes were flying in a Canadian-made Areo-Commander model F680. Loaiza was in charge of aerial photography that day.
They were flying at 10,000 feet, mapping the landscape beneath with the high-resolution camera that was programmed to take photos every 13 seconds.
While reviewing the negatives, Loaiza could not believe his eyes. He even said that they were completely banned from talking about it. According to UFO researcher Oscar Sierra, the photographs were analyzed in the USA and France and found to be 100% real.
China's Zhurong rover is set to land on Mars 'in the next five days' and will endure 'seven minutes of terror' before touching down in the same area as NASA's 1976 Viking 2 mission
China's Zhurong rover is set to land on Mars 'in the next five days' and will endure 'seven minutes of terror' before touching down in the same area as NASA's 1976 Viking 2 mission
China to land its rover on Mars tonight for its first interplanetary mission
The Zhurong rover will aim for the same spot as NASA's 1976 Viking lander
If the mission is a success, China will be the third country to land on Mars
It will also be the first country to carry out an orbiting, landing and roving operation during its first mission to Mars
China is set to land its Zhurong rover, currently strapped to the Tianwen-1 orbiter, on Mars 'in the next five days 'as part of the country's first interplanetary mission, Beijing's space agency said Friday.
Zhurong, named after an ancient god of fire, is tucked in the belly of China's Tianwen-1 spacecraft that entered parking orbit around Mars in February.
The rover will descend into the thin atmosphere tonight and attempt to land in the Utopia Planitia, that is the same area as NASA's 1976 Viking 2 lander.
Chinese officials plan to use the rover to analyze Martian soil and atmosphere, capture images, chart maps and look for water and signs of ancient life.
If successful, China will make history as the first country to carry out an orbiting, landing and roving operation during its first mission to Mars.
Scroll down for video
China is set to land its Zhurong rover, currently strapped to the Tianwen-1 orbiter, on Mars 'in the next five days 'as part of the country's first interplanetary mission, Beijing's space agency said Friday
The seven minutes of terror is a term used to describe the tumultuous conditions that batter the craft as it enters the Martian atmosphere and approaches the surface.
During this time, teams on Earth lose full communication with the craft for 10 minutes.
The spacecraft will shoot through Mars' atmosphere moving at 12,000 miles per hour, but then must slow down to a gentle landing within seven minutes.
Chinese officials plan to use the rover to analyze Martian soil and atmosphere, capture images, chart maps and look for water and signs of ancient life
China is set to land its Zhurong rover on Mars tonight for its first interplanetary mission that will make it the third country to touchdown on the Red Planet
If successful, China will make history as the first country to carry out an orbiting, landing and roving operation during its first mission to Mars
NASA's five successful Mars rovers... and Russia's crash landings
If Zhurong touches down successfully, it will be the first non-US rover to land on Mars. There have been seven rover missions to the Red Planet - but two Soviet missions in the 70s failed:
Mars 2 Prop-M Rover (USSR) - Destroyed in crash landing on November 27 1971.
Mars 3 Prop-M Rover (USSR) – Lost communication 20 seconds after landing on December 2 1971.
Mars Pathfinder Sojourner (NASA) – Rover was the first to successful land on Mars when it touched down July 4, 1997. It travelled just 330 feet, but was active for 85 days before contact was lost on October 7, 1997.
Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (NASA) – The twin of the Opportunity rover, below. Landed on January 4, 2004. On May 1, 2009 it got stuck in soft sand. Communication was lost on March 22, 2010.
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity (NASA) – Landed on January 25, 2004 and was active until contact was lost on June 10, 2018 after a dust storm covered its solar panels and it failed to charge its batteries. It travelled 28.06 miles during its mission - the furthest of any Mars rover.
Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity (NASA) – Landed on January 25, 2012 and is currently active after more than 3,000 days.
Mars 2020 Perseverance (NASA) – Landed on February 18, 2021 and is currently active.
Zhurong is tucked in the belly of the orbiter Tianwen-1 that has been circling the planet for months, mapping the surface in preparation for descent of China's rover and lander.
The spacecraft gets its name from the title of an ancient poem and means 'Quest for Heavenly Truth' in English.
It arrived at Mars on February 10, 2021, then carried out a complicated man oeuvre to enter a temporary parking orbit on February 24.
The lander and the rover, weighing 2,866 pounds together, are set to drop from the orbiter as a whole.
The duo will enter the Martian atmosphere inside a heat shield that will be ejected to release a massive parachute.
The two spacecraft will need to significantly reduce speed - from around 12,427 miles (20,000km) per hour to zero - in just seven minutes for the landing, according to Liu Tongjie, deputy director of the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center at China's National Space Administration.
NASA's Perseverance used the famed 'sky crane' to make a safe landing on the Martian surface, but China's method includes thrusters at the base of the craft to slow down the descent.
According to CNSA, if the landing is successful, a ramp will be deployed on the lander to slowly roll out the rover onto the surface.
The craft is set to touchdown in the Utopia Planitia basin, the same spot NASA's 1976 Viking 2 lander was delivered.
Zhurong will emerge from the capsule to study the area that is said to have ice deposits under the surface, but Chinese officials have yet to reveal specific plans.
CNSA, which keeps a tight lid on its endeavours, only recently announced the name of the rover in April.
'Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology, which echoes with the Chinese name of the red planet, Huoxing (meaning the planet of fire),' CNSA shard in a statement.
The window for setting down on an icy area of the planet known as Utopia Planitia was determined by 'current flying conditions.'
'Fire brought warmth and brightness to the ancestors of humankind, and fire lit up human civilization.'
'The name is another example of Chinese aerospace workers' scientific romance as they have named spacecraft, including Tianwen, Chang'e, and Beidou, after Chinese traditional culture, which also shows the Chinese people's spirit of exploration and cultural confidence,' Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the CNSA said.
NASA's Perseverance used the famed 'sky crane' (pictured) to make a safe landing on the Martian surface, but China's method includes thrusters at the base of the craft to slow down the descent
The lander (pictured) and the rover, weighing 2,866 pounds together, are set to drop from the orbiter as a whole. The duo will enter the Martian atmosphere inside a heat shield that will be ejected to release a massive parachute
The craft is set to touchdown in the Utopia Planitia basin (pictured), the same spot NASA's 1976 Viking 2 lander was delivered
China has taken a huge leap into space - along with the Mars landing the nation also launched the initial module of a permanent space station.
However, the Long March rocket that took it to space made an uncontrolled return to Earth that drew some criticism.
The launch of the Tianhe, or Heavenly Harmony, module is the first of 11 missions to build and provision the station and send up a three-person crew by the end of next year.
Après l'ex-URSS et les États-Unis, la Chine deviendra-t-elle le troisième pays à atterrir en sécurité sur la surface de Mars ? Réponse cette nuit avec l'arrivée sur la Planète rouge du rover de la mission Tianwen-1.
Si tout se passe comme prévu, le rover Zhurong devrait faire son entrée dans l'atmosphèremartienne et débuter son atterrissage vendredi soir à 23 h 11 min (UTC) sur Mars. Plus précisément dans la partie sud d'Utopia Planitia, sur un site dont l'Agence spatiale chinoise n'a pas encore dévoilé les coordonnées. Cette région de l'hémisphère nordest un des endroits les moins difficiles pour atterrir sur Mars. Pour mémoire, la sondeViking 2de laNasas'était posée en 1976 dans la partie nord d'Utopia Planitia.
Cette image a été acquise par la sonde Tianwen-1. Il s'agit vraisemblablement d'une région d'Utopia Planitia, voire là où pourrait se poser le rover Zhurong. Au conditionnel bien sûr, vu que l'Agence spatiale chinoise n'a pas souhaité indiquer l'endroit où se posera son rover.
Le rover Zhurong sera confronté aux fameuses sept minutes de terreur, passage obligé pour se poser sur Mars. En choisissant la région d'Utopia Planitia, les responsables de la mission se sont donné toutes les chances pour réussir à se poser en sécurité. Cette région est suffisamment basse en altitude pour donner assez de temps à la sonde de freiner, et cette partie sud d'Utopia Planitia est connue pour abriter de très grandes zones très plates et très peu accidentées avec seulement quelques dunes de sable et de gros rochers. L'ellipse d'atterrissage visée est une zone d'environ 100 kilomètres de long et large d'une vingtaine de kilomètres.
La sonde chinoise Tianwen-1, actuellement en orbite autour de la Planète rouge, se prépare à faire atterrir le rover Zhurong.
Pour se poser sur Mars, Zhurong utilisera un bouclier thermique, un parachute de plus de 15 mètres de diamètre et des rétro-fusées. Avant de se poser, l'atterrisseur utilisera son système de navigation pour localiser l'endroit le mieux adapté. Un capteur laser imagera le sol en trois dimensions et une caméra le comparera avec les images acquises par la sonde pour éviter les obstacles les plus dangereux et repérer l'endroit le plus dégagé pour atterrir. Les technologies mises en œuvre à bord de l'atterrisseur martien s'appuient sur l'héritage des missions lunaires Chang’e, pour la partie motorisation et navigation, et du programme de vols habités Shenzhou, pour le bouclier thermique et le système de parachutes.
L'échec de l'atterrisseur Schiaparelli en 2016, premier essai européen en la matière, souligne toute la difficulté de l'atterrissage sur Mars. À l'heure actuelle, seuls les Américains ont réalisé des atterrissages réussis sur Mars. L'ex-URSS avait bien réussi à poser un atterrisseur en plus ou moins bon état, Mars 3 en 1971, mais les communications avaient été interrompues environ 20 secondes après son atterrissage.
Qui est Zhurong, le premier rover chinois à se poser sur Mars ?
Si sur la Planète rouge la Nasa occupe le devant de la scène médiatique avec les exploits de son hélicoptère, la Chine devrait bientôt lui voler la vedette. D'ici deux ou trois semaines, voire quelques jours, le rover Zhurong devrait atterrir sur Mars. Il se trouve actuellement à bord de la sonde Tianwen-1 qui travaille à localiser le meilleur endroit où le poser.
Si tous les regards se focalisent sur la mission Perseverance et l'hélicoptère Ingenuity de la Nasa en cours, n'oublions pas que la Chine se prépare à atterrir sur la Planète rouge. En orbite depuis le 10 février autour de la planète, la sonde chinoise Tianwen-1 prépare l'atterrissage du rover Zhurong à une date qui n'a pas encore été rendue publique mais dont on suppose qu'elle se situe entre la mi-mai et début juin. Si tout se passe comme prévu, la Chine deviendrait le deuxième pays, après les États-Unis, à poser un rover sur Mars. On notera que l'ex-URSS a bien réussi à poser un rover sur la Planète rouge en 1971, mais ce dernier a fonctionné seulement quelques dizaines de secondes (Mars 3).
Afin que le rover Zhurong puisse atterrir en toute sécurité dans la partie sud d'Utopia Planitia, une analyse détaillée de son site d'atterrissage est nécessaire. En effet, il faut savoir que l'Agence spatiale chinoise, contrairement à la Nasa ou l'ESA, ne dispose pas de carte à haute résolution de la planète Mars. Ainsi, l'orbiter MRO (et sa caméra Hirise) de la Nasa a pu fournir des cartes très détaillées, de seulement quelques dizaines de centimètres de résolution, du site d'atterrissage de Perseverance bien avant son lancement. La sonde Tianwen-1 cartographie actuellement la région de façon à tracer des cartes les plus détaillées possible. Le but est de localiser l'endroit le plus propice pour faire atterrir le rover en sécurité dans un environnement pas trop encombré de gros rochers et le plus plat possible.
Localisation, sur une carte altimétrique, des différentes missions qui se sont posées sur Mars.
Ce rover de 250 kilogrammes environ est plus grand que les rovers Spirit et Opportunity de la Nasa mais environ un quart de la taille de Curiosity et Perseverance. Doté de six roues motorisées qui lui permettront de se déplacer en crabe, Zhurong pourra rouler jusqu'à 200 mètres par heure. Il embarque six instruments, dont une caméra laser très similaire à l'instrument ChemCam du rover américain Curiosity. À cela s'ajoute des caméras optiques, un radar pour sonder le sous-sol, un spectromètre, un magnétomètre et une station météorologique (mesures de la température, de la pression et du vent notamment). Ses quatre panneaux solaires produiront l'énergie nécessaire à son fonctionnement prévu pour durer plus ou moins 90 jours. Les données seront relayées par l'orbiteur Tianwen-1, voire la sonde Mars Express de l'Agence spatiale européenne si la Chine en fait la demande.
One of the most unfortunate aspects of Ufology is that of hoaxing, whether it’s doctored photographs, outrageous claims, and more. Many are known, such as the shenanigans of George Adamski and those of Gray Barker (I’ll come to the latter soon). There are, however, some hoaxes that have largely gone under the radar for a long time and that aren’t known to the vast majority of Ufology. The ones I’m talking about are not based around photos or claims, but documents and papers. Questionable documents have circulated in the UFO community for years – the most infamous being the original Majestic 12 papers. Since those originals are so well known, I’m going to avoid them and go onto others. I’ll begin with one that surfaced in the mid-1980s in the U.K. Under situations still not clear now, what looked like a U.K. Ministry of Defense document – that was focused on the December 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident – appeared. It looked like a letter sent from one individual to another.
I’ll share its contents with you without interruption:
“Dear [Deleted], As you know, OSI has completed a report on the landing of a craft of unknown origin crewed by several entities near RAF Bentwaters on the night of December 29/30 1980. Interestingly, OSI reports that the entities were approximately 1 1/2 metres tall, wore what appeared to be nylon-coated pressure suits, but no helmets. Conditions on the night were misty, giving the appearance that the entities were hovering above ground level. Tape recordings were made on which the entities are heard to speak in an electronically synthesized version of English, with a strong American accent. Similar transmissions intercepted irregularly by NSA since 1975. According to OSI, entities had claw-like hands with three digits and an opposable thumb. Despite original reports, OSI said the craft was not damaged but landed deliberately as part of a series of visits to SAC bases in USA and Europe. Reports that craft was repaired by US servicemen or was taken on to the base are not confirmed by OSI. Landing is not considered a Defence issue in view of the overt peaceful nature of the contact, but investigations by DS8 are to be continued on [Deleted] authority. Precautionary plan for counter-information at a local level involving [Deleted] and a [Deleted] is strongly recommended.”
You can see a reproduction of the Rendlesham document in the 1986 book Sky Crash, written by Brenda Butler, Dot Street and Jenny Randles. The three ladies say they conclude the document is “a deliberate fake by certain parties, whose identities are strongly suspected by us.” Moving on: Want to learn about an odd story that involves Robert Kennedy, UFOs and ufologist/hoaxer Gray Barker? For decades, a document has been circulating that is purported to be a letter sent to Barker from Kennedy on May 9, 1968. It states: “Dear Readers: As you may know, I am a card carrying member of the Amalgamated Flying Saucers Association. Therefore, like many other people in our country I am interested in the phenomenon of flying saucers. It is a fascinating subject that has initiated both scientific fiction fantasies and serious scientific research. I watch with great interest all reports of unidentified flying objects, and I hope that some day we will know more about this intriguing subject. Dr. Harlow Shapley, the prominent astronomer, has stated that there is a probability that there is other life in the universe. I favor more research regarding this matter, and I hope that once and for all we can determine the true facts about flying saucers. Your magazine can stimulate much of the investigation and inquiry into this phenomenon through the publication of news and discussion of material. This can be of great help in paving the way to a knowledge of one of the fascinating subjects of our contemporary world.”
It’s a nice piece of work. It looks like the real thing. Maybe it is. I should stress, though, there’s an almost identical letter that was sent to a Mrs. Anne Epple in 1966. When I got more and more into the story, I couldn’t get my mind off the possibility that Barker was involved. I knew of Barker’s lying, something that means we have to dismiss much of what he said or claimed. There’s also the significant fact that in the 1950s Barker (along with Saucer Smear’s Jim Moseley), got hold of a batch of stolen, unused U.S. government papers, most – but not all – from the Department of State. It became known as “The Straith Letter” affair. That the papers were completely unused meant that Barker, or anyone else, could have typed whatever they wished to on those blank papers. Significantly, Moseley admitted there were six or seven different kinds of documentation (with official headings) in their hands. That, however, didn’t stop the Epple letter from being sold in 2012 on Ebay for $220.00.
Robert Francis Kennedy
Now, there’s the matter of the death of the first U.S. Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal. Just a few days ago I wrote another article that focused, in part, on the life and death of Forrestal in 1949. For years there have been rumors that Forrestal was murdered because he was on the verge of revealing all that he knew about UFOs. True or not, there’s a little-known document in circulation that suggests Forrestal was indeed taken out of circulation – and specifically because of the alien problem. The document, that surfaced in the 1990s – but that few talk about, because they don’t know about it – purports to come from the Majestic 12 group. In part, the document states: “In protecting the security operations of Majestic, it has been necessary to [deleted] individuals who would compromise the intelligence efforts. While distasteful [deleted] at times the use of [deleted] measures have been executed. The untimely death of Secretary Forrestal was deemed necessary and regrettable.”
It scarcely needs saying that no-one in government would blatantly put all of the above into a document and risk it falling into the hands of someone who might run to the media or to other arms of government and blow the story that way. Such a scenario is ridiculous. One of the reasons why the JFK assassination has never been solved is because whoever the culprits were, they made sure there were no smoking-guns to be found. The “Speriglio document” that is the subject of my new book, Diary of Secrets, is , for some, seen as nothing but a hoax, while for others it’s the real deal. Some are in between. As I have found out over the years, and as I note time and again in my book, trying to determine what is real and what is bogus in Ufology isn’t that easy.
Does Putin really need another army? Russia's defence minister wants to CLONE 3,000-year-old ancient warriors from remains found in Siberia (and their horses to boot)
Does Putin really need another army? Russia's defence minister wants to CLONE 3,000-year-old ancient warriors from remains found in Siberia (and their horses to boot)
Sergei Shoigu has unveiled desire to clone ancient royal warriors in Siberia
The ancient Tunnug burial site is located in the Valley of the Kings in Tuva
'We would like very much to find the organic matter,' the defence minister said
Russia's defence minister has taken time out from massing troops on Ukraine's borders to unveil a 'Dolly the Sheep' cloning dream involving ancient royal warriors and their prize horses using DNA preserved in permafrost.
Sergei Shoigu - one of Vladimir Putin's closest allies - spoke about the potential of the extraordinary 3,000-year-old Scythian burials in Tuva, his mountainous native republic in Siberia.
The ancient Tunnug burial site of nomadic warriors - often laid to rest with their horses - is in an area known as the Valley of the Kings in Tuva.
Excavation works at the Tunnug royal burial in the Valley of the Kings, Republic of Tuva
Sergei Shoigu, pictured above, one of Vladimir Putin's closest allies - spoke about the potential of the extraordinary 3,000-year-old Scythian burials in Tuva
Excavation works at the Tunnug royal burial in the Valley of the Kings, Republic of Tuva
Shamans performed a rite to bless the start of excavation at the ancient Tunnug burial mound
The ancient Scythian burials in Siberia
Research on the Tuva burial mound, known as Arzhan 2, began in 1998.
Russian and German archaeologists began excavating the Scythian burial mound on a grassy plain that locals have long called the Valley of the Kings in 2001.
The nomadic Scythian tribes roamed the Eurasian steppe, from the northern borders of China to the Black Sea region, in the seventh to third centuries B.C..
The Scythians are generally believed to have been of Iranian origin and spoke a language of the Scythian branch of the Iranian languages.
In the 7th century BC, the Scythians crossed the Caucasus and frequently raided the Middle East, playing an important role in the political developments of the region.
When Shoigu, 65, initiated the Russian-Swiss archeological digs here three years ago a modern-day shaman was even drafted in by scientists to ensure the excavations did not anger the spirits.
The defence chief told a session of the Russian Geographical Society, also attended remotely by Putin, on Wednesday: 'Of course, we would like very much to find the organic matter.'
He was referring to well-preserved remains of ancient people and animals, explained TASS.
'I believe you understand what would follow that,' said Shoigu in a broadcast by Zvezda TV.
'It would be possible to make something of it, if not Dolly the Sheep.'
He added, without explaining more of planned genomic research that 'in general, it will be very interesting'.
The burials were in permafrost and according to scientists, organic matter should be preserved there.
'We have conducted several expeditions there already, it is a big international expedition.
'A lot of things have been confirmed, but a lot remains to be done.'
Shoigu has been in the limelight in recent days spearheading Russia's build up of almost 100,000 troops close to Ukraine, triggering fears of a new war - but at this session he spoke about more ancient warriors.
The burial is among the earlier Scythian remains.
Greek historian Herodotus in the fifth century BC claimed the Scythians made cloaks from their victims' scalps after victory.
The savage warriors are believed to have used their enemies' skulls as drinking cups.
Aerial view of the The Valley of the Kings in the Republic of Tuva. The burials were in permafrost and according to scientists, organic matter should be preserved there
Entrance to The Valley of the Kings in the Republic of Tuva
Aerial view of the The Valley of the Kings in the Republic of Tuva. The defence chief told a session of the Russian Geographical Society, also attended remotely by Putin, on Wednesday: 'Of course, we would like very much to find the organic matter'
Legend says they drank the blood of their vanquished foes.
The valley contains so-called 'tsar' mounds from the Scythian era.
It is not the first time Shoigu has spoken about finding 'organic' matter which can be investigated by scientists for DNA.
While exciting remains have been found, there are still hopes to dig deeper into the mounds and find remains similar to a tattooed princess discovered in a mound in Siberia's Altai Mountains.
Dolly was the only surviving lamb from 277 cloning attempts and was created from an mammary cell taken from a six-year-old Finn Dorset sheep.
The sheep was born at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh in July 1996 and announced to the world on February 22 1997.
She was created using a technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer.
The pioneering technique the Roslin team used involved transferring the nucleus of an adult cell into an unfertilised egg cell whose own nucleus had been removed.
An electric shock stimulated the hybrid cell to begin dividing and generate an embryo, which was then implanted into the womb of a surrogate mother.
Dolly was the first successfully produced clone from a cell taken from an adult mammal.
Dolly's creation showed that genes in the nucleus of a mature cell are still able to revert back to an embryonic totipotent state - meaning the cell can divide to produce all of the difference cells in an animal.
Wikimedia commonsEquipment from Scythian horse riders of northern Black Sea region and Kuban region, dated circa 7-5th century, B.C.
How does cloning work?
Scientists take live cells from a living animal, or a dead one with the right preserved organic matter.
Then they implant nucleus DNA – the building blocks of life – from the cells into a “blank” egg of the same species that has had its DNA removed.
The egg is given electric shocks to trigger cell division and is then implanted into a surrogate female animal of the species.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Russia's Plan to Clone an Army of 3,000 Year Old Scythian Warriors via Leak Project
Russia's Plan to Clone an Army of 3,000 Year Old Scythian Warriors via Leak Project
Russia’s Plan to Clone an Army of 3,000 Year Old Scythian Warriors via Leak Project
According to the Iran Chamber Society and others sources, the Scythians are of the Ukraine region. From there they migrated into Iran area and brought the Aryan language-(which infers they are Aryan origin). They are known for traits of incredible warrior skills. With this combo, Ukraine-Aryan-natural warrior skills, it’s no wonder Russia’s interest..they always are after the best of the best. y4
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
What NASA Just Captured Near The Sun Is Beyond Comprehension! 2021
What NASA Just Captured Near The Sun Is Beyond Comprehension! 2021
What NASA Just Captured Near The Sun Is Beyond Comprehension! 2021
Since 2008, THIRDPHASEOFMOON has changed the way people look up at the skies and wonder, “Are we Alone?” With over 773,000 subscribers and millions of views, our goal is simple! We speak with UFO EYE WITNESSES from around the globe, including ground reporting with Experts and Professionals, such as Astronauts, Scientists, Government Officials, ETC.
With permission granted, THIRDPHASEOFMOON, will share, discuss, enhance and analyze UFO videos. And along with our research and opinion of the evidence, THIRDPHASEOFMOON also produces 100% Original Documentaries in regards to the UFO PHENOMENON happening everyday! Our Aim is to bring Truth and Evidence in the field directly to the Public!
If aliens are in our solar system they should really say hello. Why? The paranoia caused by mysterious visits to Earth could cause serious problems for humans. What paranoia you say? The Department of Defense is expected to release a report about what they call Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. UAP is the new term for what has in the past been called UFOs. Some of what that report will contain has already been leaked. The Pentagon has confirmed that there are several instances of military sightings of UAP that cannot be explained. It seems unlikely the DOD report will say much beyond that, but that alone would be major news.
You can already see the change in media coverage of UAP in terms of tone and number of stories on the subject. The New York Times and Washington Post have been reporting on the military sightings for a couple of years now. In recent days, the New Yorker, NBC, NPR, and other established media outlets have joined in.
There are concerns that China or Russia could be responsible for these UAP, which is alarming from a military perspective. Many of the reports include descriptions of aerial maneuvers that no known human aircraft could accomplish. If humans have that technology the US Department of Defense is concerned, because they don’t. And if the activity is not human, but rather controlled by extraterrestrial intelligence, that raises huge questions: Who are they? What are they doing here? Do they threaten our security?
All of that creates paranoia and not just for the United States. If China and Russia are not responsible for those UAP, it seems likely they would be quite concerned, as well. And what happens when humans are concerned about their security? Often knee jerk reactions. Ezra Klein has an interesting piece in the New York Times today that talks about those issues.
Nations concerned about their safety could take measures to increase their military technology and resources. They could aim nuclear weapons into space. They could be so busy watching for aliens that they end up having conflicts with each other. You would like to believe that an extraterrestrial mystery would bring us together as humans and that nations would put more resources into scientific research to help answer these questions. But the military buildup seems inevitable in such a situation.
Malevolent aliens would be morons to reveal themselves in such ways before an attack. And if they have the technology to visit out planet, they are probably not dumb. Benevolent aliens might take such UAP actions in order to prepare us slowly for their existence. However, that is only helpful for so long. Now we are headed into a level of concern that could make humans even more dangerous than we already are. So, if aliens have been visiting, it’s time to say hello.
As I point out in my new book- The “The Extraterrestrial Big Hello: A Guide for What to do When the Aliens Introduce Themselves” aliens would want to say hello to all humans at the same time. Making First Contact with one nation could make the event political and quickly turn it into an international relations problem. What should benevolent or at least neutral aliens do? I suggest a welcome to all humans at the same time using the news media and communications networks here on Earth. I explore a few ways to do that in the book.It is available on Amazon worldwide.
UFO⁉ Encounter? 2021/5/12 around 15:30, over Hachioji! Unidentified flying object! unidentified! What the hell! It looked like it had been stagnant for a long time over Hachioji!
UFOs Sighted Over Los Angeles, California ( May 11, 2021 )
UFO fleet sighted over South Los Angeles, California on May 11, 2021
: Closer Every Day
credit :Mark Tony
MUFON CASE : 115335 Mechanicsville, Virginia ( May 13, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : 4 orbs spinning in the air heading south Long Description of Sighting Report
I was in my backyard. My ears popped and heard something like a distant growl. I didn’t see anything nearby in the woods. I looked for maybe a distant engine from a plane in the sky and observed 4 orbs spinning. They had a sun reflecting surface and then a blue that matched the sky a bit. They moved organically and almost bumping into each other as they moved south.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-13 Date of Event :2021-05-11 - 11:29AM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
*MUST WATCH* UFO ORBS over Mechanicsville, VA 11-May-2021
*MUST WATCH* UFO ORBS over Mechanicsville, VA 11-May-2021
These four orbs were flying across the daytime sky above Mechanicsville in Virginia. This happened on 11th May 2021.
Witness report:
4 orbs spinning in the air heading south. I was in my backyard. My ears popped and heard something like a distant growl. I didn’t see anything nearby in the woods. I looked for maybe a distant engine from a plane in the sky and observed 4 orbs spinning. They had a sun reflecting surface and then a blue that matched the sky a bit. They moved organically and almost bumping into each other as they moved south.
US Army High-ranked Confirms 57 Alien Species Similar To Humans That Walk Among Us
US Army High-ranked Confirms 57 Alien Species Similar To Humans That Walk Among Us
Articles Back in 2001, on May 9th, a conference was held at the National Press Club in Washington DC, where delegates spoke about everything there is to talk about, beginning with UFOs and going all the way to the idea of alien life forms living among us. What is crucial to note in this situation is that, according to elected officials, there has been ample evidence to support these allegations to date.
Sargent Clifford Stone also sent us a number claiming that there are 57 alien life forms that look just like us living among us.
He said he doesn’t know their goals or what they’re doing on our planet, to begin with, so it’s certainly a hard idea to swallow.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Ancient Paintings of UFO's from 200 to 15.000 year ago
Ancient Paintings of UFO's from 200 to 15.000 year ago
Ancient Paintings of ufo from 200 to 5.000 year ago, These must be government black projects or swamp gas or weather balloons OR maybe someone has be watching us after all Please just watch the video and leave a comment on what you think... Thanks LBA
11 Mysterious Ancient Underground Worlds That Remain Unsolved To This Day
11 Mysterious Ancient Underground Worlds That Remain Unsolved To This Day
Ancient myths and legends tell of several mysterious underground cities filled with secret chambers, passages shrines and tombs.
Many of these remarkable underground worlds remain shrouded in mystery because we have not been able to locate them yet. There are also fascinating very old underground tunnels, caves and cities that have been discovered, but the history behind them remains unsolved because we have no idea who built them and for what purposes.
In this article, has put together a list of 11 most mysterious underground ancient worlds that remain unsolved to this day. Some of them are real. Some haven’t been found yet and perhaps some are never meant to be located…
The lost labyrinth, full of hieroglyphs sculpted for eternity in its endless stone walls is believed to contain all knowledge of ancient Egypt.
What secrets does this legendary giant underground complex contain?
Could this be the most important discovery in human history?
The Labyrinth of Egypt has been described by a number of ancient writers such as Herodotus, Strabo, Diodorus, and Pliny. This legendary complex, named the “Labyrinth” by the ancient Greeks was legendary complex is believed to be an enormous collective tomb of the twelve kings who built it and a resting place for sacred crocodiles
A research team was able to prove that the Labyrinth exists, but this amazing discovery was never heard of because the Egyptian government opposed the outside world should learn about the findings.
The idea that there could be a secret 5,000-years-old underground city hidden somewhere beneath Death Valley, California is fascinating.$According to those who entered the subterranean tunnels and visited this marvelous place the city was once inhabited by an unknown race.
Now, thousands of years later the place had been abandoned, but the visitors saw strange mummies and curious old artifacts.
It is possible that such a mysterious underground world exist beneath the Death Valley? Where is it located? Who was this strange and unknown race that once dwelled underground?
Before we can enter the realms of this mysterious subterranean world, we must first listen to the words of the Paiute Indians who have legends describing an underground world few people have heard of.
Did an ancient lost civilization once live in a secret underground city below the Grand Canyon?
Will the mystery of the lost subterranean city ever be solved?
Ever since an intriguing article reporting the discovery of a great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon appeared in the Arizona Gazette in 1909, scientists have debated whether the story is true or a hoax. Several alternative history authors and researchers, among them David Hatcher Childress believe the discovery did occur and this is yet another archaeological cover-up.
In 1963, approximately 50 miles (30 km) south of Nevsehir, Cappadocia, Turkey, Omer Demir stumbled across a deep hole (in Turkish: derinkuyu) that led to a steep path leading deeper down to passages, niches amd shafts dug into the bedrock.
After intensive excavation, it became clear that Derinkuyu was an entire city complex built in that hole beneath the surface.
The community had a most sophisticated infrastructure and the accommodation built there was obviously meant for long periods of time.
What kind of tools did the builders use?
If we assume that the entire complex was built using tools that exceeded the capabilities of the Turks of the period, so who were the builders of the underground city of Derinkuyu?
It is a remarkable discovery! This ancient lost city could be several millions of years old!
Did giants inhabit the nameless and forgotten city discovered beneath Missouri?
What happened to the very large human bones that were unearthed? Are we facing yet another archaeological cover-up?
On April, 1885 a very interesting article appeared in The New York Times. Readers were informed that Mr. David Coates, the Recorder of the City of Moberly, and Mr. George Keating, City Marshal discovered an ancient wonderful lost city beneath Missouri. The city was found at the bottom of a coal shaft 360 feet deep, which was being sunk near Moberly in Randolph County, Missouri.
While excavating at the mountain, scientists came across something ancient and unusual hidden deep inside an underground structure. Soon, all excavations were stopped.
Is an ancient unknown civilization or a priceless prehistoric treasure buried beneath Mt. Tsurugi?
Mt. Tsurugi, also known under the local name “Ken-zan”, is regarded as a sacred place.
In 1936, Takane and a group of archaeologists started to excavate at Mt. Tsurugi. The project continued for three years. During a period of three years, they dug up and found several stone artifacts, paving stones, a brick arch, and evidence of tunnels. The discoveries helped lend credibility to Takane’s theory that ancient people modified the peak of Mt. Tsurugi in order to hide something significant.
Ancient people believed that once you entered this place there was no way out.
A very long time ago, there were houses and temples here. Today, everything is buried under the sand.
Precious ancient relics are hidden deep under the “Sea of Death”, or the Taklamakan desert.
Archaeologists are beginning to discover some of the secrets that have been hidden in this mysterious region. Still, it seems that we are only scratching the surface and only time will tell what more wonders are waiting to be unraveled.
The Taklamakan desert is the largest desert in China and it is also considered to be the world’s second largest shifting-sand desert covering an area of over 33, 700 square kilometers (over 13,000 square miles). In Uigur language, Takla Makan means ‘you can get into it but can never get out’ and that is why the desert is also called ‘the Sea of Death’.
Some researchers believe that the ruins of an ancient observatory and mysterious rock inscriptions in Russia’s Northwest are vestiges of the ancient Hyperborea civilization, a sacred land similar to Shambhala or Atlantis.
Lake Seydozero – “the sacred lake” in the language of the indigenous Sami people – is one of the most mystical places in Russia’s Northwest and the Kola Peninsula.
It is protected by Kuiva the Giant, “old man, giant, wizard” – a gigantic figure impressed on a rock.
The figure is visible as a 100-meter silhouette on the cliff of the mountain Kuivchorr.
There is a strange story among Sioux Indians about an old man of their tribe whose name was the White Horse. One day, while participating in bison hunting in areas of today’s California, the White Horse found an unusual opening in the rock. He followed this opening and suddenly he found himself in a long tunnel-like passage.
He slowly continued to move through the tunnel until he noticed very weak, greenish light in the depths of the passage. Still walking through the tunnel, the White Horse encountered two strangers; a white skin man and a woman with golden-blond hair, both sitting in the middle of a large hall….
Deep beneath the city of Orvieto, Italy, there are a series of underground structures connected by tunnels. According to sources, during the 6th- 4th centuries BC, the town of Orvieto was a culturally and economically developed Etruscan city.
A strange pyramidal structure – the function of which remains a mystery – was discovered beneath the historic medieval town of Orvieto, Italy by an international team of archaeologists led by Prof. David B. George of St. Anselm College and co-director Claudio Bizzarri of PAAO and colleagues.
Excavations conducted at Coriglia near Castel Viscardo, a town located at the southwest edge of Umbria approximately eight miles northwest of Orvieto, southwestern Umbria, Italy, concentrate on a series of pyramidal hypogea beneath the city of Orvieto as well as a survey of Etruscan tombs in Castel Georgio.
Is a secret ancient underground world hidden in Tibet? What did the three-eyed Lama encounter while passing through countless underground corridors, halls and stairways?
Who were the mysterious subterranean beings who spoke to the Lama and what extraordinary knowledge did they reveal to him?
In his autobiographical novel “The Third Eye”, T. Lobsang Rampa Lama spoke about visiting remarkable underground structures such as caves, created by nature and man-made tunnels and cavities that were located under the Palace, the residence of the Dalai Lama in the Potala , in the Tibetan capital Lhasa.
Passing through countless underground corridors, halls and stairways, he went to a huge niche. “At the center of the niche was black house. Its walls were covered with strange symbols and diagrams. Inside the house, there were three open sarcophagus made of black stone, decorated with paintings and mysterious inscriptions.
One of the abbots, pointing to those who lay in the sarcophagus, said: “My son, look upon these. They were gods in our land in the days before the mountains came. They walked our country when seas washed our shores, and when different stars were in the sky. Look, for none but Initiates have seen these.”
Did Rampa Lama witness deceased individuals of extraterrestrial origin? Were these beings those who later became worshipped as gods?
According to Rampa Lama, these individuals were ancient giants.
Gigantic man-made underground complex: “1 million years of history erased”
Gigantic man-made underground complex: “1 million years of history erased”
A new find could change human history completely. Some civilization created the largest underground complex ever seen … a million years ago.
Alexander Koltypin during the excavations.
It is not the first time that an ancient underground complex has been discovered in the world, but its colossal size has shown that it is totally artificial .
However, that is not the most surprising of all. Studies have shown that the rocks date back over a million years , which is driving scientists crazy.
A million-year-old underground complex?
The mainstream academics reached a consensus; mankind was born about 12,000 years ago.
However, a large number of findings have led us to think that there is a distant past that we do not know .
The problem is that most of these discoveries have not been endorsed by traditional archeology , as they would alter the already established historical canon .
This has caused more researchers to look at the history of civilization in a different way. With a more open mind.
One of these experts is the geologist and director of the Director of Research for Natural Sciences of the Independent University of Ecology and Political Science in Moscow, Dr. Alexander Koltypin .
In his extensive career he studied various ancient underground structures, focusing primarily on the Mediterranean. There I identify many similarities between them, in this way he understood that they were connected . Forming a colossal underground complex.
What is most surprising about this place are the extreme geological characteristics . These demonstrate a very great possibility that they have been artificially constructed .
This would be further proof that adds to a list that will extend considerably, showing that advanced civilizations s inhabited the Earth makes million years .
The constructions showed exact similarities in others found in different parts of the region.
How was it concluded that they date back millions of years? Archaeologists in the region often date sites by looking at settlements there or nearby.
This underground complex is built on existing prehistoric structures .
Prehistoric constructions
Koltypin wrote the following on his web portal:
“When we examined the buildings… none of us, not for a moment, had any doubt that these structures are much older than the ruins of Canaanite, Philistine, Hebrew, Roman, Byzantine and Roman cities and colonies. Other cities and settlements that are in approximate dates ».
The geologist managed to accurately record the characteristics of different ancient sites. This helped him compare every detail , leading him to an alternate story. One that contradicts the canon of traditional history .
On his way near the Hurvat Burgin ruins , in the Adullam Grove nature reserve , Israel, Koltypin felt a déja vù. He felt the same as when he climbed the rocky city of Cavusin, in Turkey.
Rectangular cutouts, artificial underground structures and megalithic rubble. It was all part of a large underground megalithic complex that collapsed due to erosion.
Another point to keep in mind is that not all parts of this huge complex are underground . Some are high above the surface, such as the ancient stone city of Cappadocia in Turkey, which is also part of the complex.
Thus, it is estimated that the deposits in northern Israel and central Turkey appeared after erosion of a few meters.
Construction of Antalya, Turkey.
According to their estimates, such a depth of erosion could hardly be formed in less than 500,000 to 1 million years .
In this way, part of the complex came to the surface because of the Alpine orogeny, or mountain formation.
A connection that contradicts history
Koltypin says there is evidence to support that construction in Antalya, Turkey, is more than 1 million years old. Despite the fact that official studies date it only to the Middle Ages.
But for the researcher, this is impossible. The result of the movement of the earth’s crust over the centuries led to parts of the underground complex sinking into the sea.
This is similar to that observed in several megalithic ruins, which is clear evidence of the deep connection of ancient sites that in the past, formed a single giant prehistoric complex.
Numerous megalithic blocks that weighed tens of tons could have been linked to underground complexes from the distant past.
This is another evidence that these underground complexes are geographically related.
Finally, Koltypin points out that the way certain stones fit into parts without cement, the ceilings, columns, arches and doors seem to be far beyond the work of simple men with chisels.
“Constructions made by the Romans or other civilizations seem primitive compared to these.”
Is it possible that advanced civilizations existed millions of years ago? These underground complexes could totally change the history of mankind, but orthodox scholars refuse to accept this kind of evidence.
You may know Demi Lovato as a child actress on “Barney & Friends” (which she’d probably prefer that you forget). You may know her from her many other television appearances or from her successful recording career. What Demi would like to be remembered for now is as a UFO investigator. Wait … what?
“In “Unidentified with Demi Lovato,” the music superstar and actress, her skeptical best friend Matthew, and her sister Dallas attempt to help uncover the truth about the UFO phenomena. While consulting with leading experts, the trio will investigate recent eyewitness encounters, uncover secret government reports, and conduct tests at known UFO hot spots.”
Variety reveals that the Peacock network will broadcast an unscripted series about UFOs with Lovato as the lead investigator – the tentative tile is “Unidentified With Demi Lovato.” You may not think of her as a George Knapp or a Linda Moulton Howe or even a Tom DeLonge kind of ufologist, but Lovato actually believes extraterrestrials are real and has personal encounters with them and UFOs, so she may be a more serious investigator than one would expect.
Is she ready for anything?
“I was walking outside and I looked up and it almost was like there was a worm in the sky. It was changing shapes and moving all over the place.”
In 2016, Lovato told Elle Canada about this experience with a worm UFO that occurred a few years before. In a June 2014 appearance on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” she admitted that she knows aliens are real. In that same interview, she also professed a belief in mermaids because “Christopher Columbus has actually seen three mermaids on his way to America.” Roll your eyes back into your head and consider that in 2020 she spent a few days in Joshua Tree National Park with ufologist Steven Greer and “witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from me.” As proof, she posted videos and photos on Instagram. (See them here.)
Is that enough to qualify Demi Lovato as a UFO investigator worthy of a TV show?
“Demi is a true believer, and during this courageous adventure, she hopes to convince her friends, family and her millions of followers that not only are there intelligent beings beyond Earth but that they are already here!”
Is she ready if they’re not friendly?
It looks like the Peacock network believes and it hopes you will too. As of this writing, there is no set release date for “Unidentified with Demi Lovato.”
If Demi Lovato is the one who proves that UFOs and aliens exist, will you believe her?
My new book, Diary of Secrets, is a look at the life and mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe. Was she really murdered for what she knew about UFOs and aliens? That’s the primary question I ask in the book. It should be noted, though, that there have been a number of suspicious deaths in the UFO field. Of course, we have to be very careful how we address such matters. Just because someone in the domain of Ufology dies, doesn’t mean there has to be a mystery behind it. In fact, my view is that while there have been some strange deaths tied to the UFO subject, they are in the minority. For example, there’s the matter of the death of the late Dr. John E. Mack, who died after being hit by a car in a busy London street in 2004. I’ve seen people in Ufology claim that Mack was murdered on that London road. Total bullshit. It was the night of September 27, 2004 that Mack was killed. It’s important to note that Mack was in England, at the time. Mack was walking along London’s Totteridge Lane when tragedy struck.
He stepped out onto a crosswalk and was hit and killed by a drunk driver. His name was Raymond Czechowski, at the time 52 years of age. The emergency services were quickly on the seen. But it was too late. In an article at UFO Updates, we have the following: “Mr. Czechowski was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment and was disqualified from driving for 3 years. The Judge also ordered that before Mr. Czechowski was allowed to return to driving he must take an extended driving test. Because of time already spent in custody, Mr Czechowski will serve 6 months of the 15 month sentence.” There is another issue that may have relevance, one which I can relate to. It was September. It was night-time. It was London. It was busy. And John Mack was an American in England. I’m an Englishman who lives in America. When I moved to the United States, fifteen years ago, two of the very first things I had to do were (a) learn to drive on the opposite side of the road; and (b) take a US driving test.
Dr John E. Mack
For those who may not know, whereas in the States we drive on the right, in the UK, it’s on the left. So, what we have with the death of John E. Mack is a series of things that culminated in disaster: there was the darkness, a busy London road, traffic traveling in a direction that was not typical for the victim, and – the main thing – a drunk driver. Put all of those issues together and we have a terrible tragedy. What we don’t have is a conspiracy to have Mack killed. Moving on: when Mac Tonnies – the author of several books, including After the Martian Apocalypse and The Cyptoterrestrials – died in 2009 at the young age of just thirty-four, I heard stupid statements that Mac had been murdered. He had a heart condition. Period. With that all said, let’s look at a couple of fatal cases that I do think are worthy of investigation – and that just might have had links to the UFO topic.
May 22, 1949 was the date on which the first U.S. Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, died. Specifically at 1:50 a.m. As will quickly become apparent, the circumstances surrounding Forrestal’s final hours are swamped in controversy. All that we know with absolute certainty is that in the early hours of the 22nd, Forrestal’s body was found on a third-floor canopy of the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Maryland. Did he take a fatal leap out of the window of the 13th floor of the hospital, his mind in turmoil and suicide on his mind? Was it an accident? Or, was Forrestal assassinated? Let’s have a look at this undeniably strange and disturbing affair. We’ll begin with a bit of important background on the man himself. For years there have been rumors that Forrestal was taken out of circulation as a result of what he knew about UFOs. Certainly, the circumstances surrounding Forrestal’s death are suspicious – at the least.
James V. Forrestal
Now, there’s Dorothy Kilgallen – a well-known journalist who had an interest in UFOs and who wrote about them on several occasions – who died under controversial circumstances in 1965 and while she was investigating the JFK assassination of November 22, 1963. Born in Chicago in July 1913, Kilgallen was someone who, without the benefit of a college degree, soared up the ranks in the field of journalism. She became one of the most popular – and, at times, hated and even feared – figures in the media. Kilgallen was also someone who moved effortlessly in the worlds of high-society, Hollywood, politics, government secrecy, and deep and dark conspiracies. She was buddies with Marilyn Monroe, and she hung out with Ernest Hemingway. Kilgallen was also someone who was the subject of extensive surveillance – by several agencies of the U.S. intelligence community. Indeed, the FBI surveillance file on Kilgallen runs to hundreds of pages. As Kilgallen’s research into the intricacies of the whole JFK affair increased, she became somewhat worried, then frightened; she was concerned that her life was in danger. All of which leads up to the matter of her puzzling, controversy-filled death and the discovery of her dead in bed on November 8, 1965. Now, onto another case:
In the late 1970s, UFO researcher Rich Reynolds was contacted by a man named Bosco Nedelcovic. The latter suggested that the “Space Brother”-type encounter of one Arthur Bryant in the wilds of Devon, England in April 1965, had very little to do with aliens, and much more to do with secret experimentation of a very down to earth nature. Nedelcovic (who worked for the U.S. Department of State’s Agency for International Development, and who also had ties to the CIA) claimed that Bryant was the victim of a form of sophisticated mind-control, somewhat akin to the kind of work undertaken by the CIA’s MKUltra program. Nedelcovic told Reynolds of a number of bogus “UFO episodes” in both the U.S. and the U.K., in which individuals were led to believe they had UFO encounters when, in fact, they experienced something very different. Nedelcovic alluded to how these events involved “visual displays, radar displacement, and artifact droppings.” One of those events, said Nedelcovic, was the Bryant case. Nedelcovic also revealed how the operation proceeded, and which involved “experimental drugs used to induce specific hallucinatory material” as well as “microwave transmissions.” On this latter point, Reynolds was told by Nedelcovic that “the injudicious use of microwave technology” led to a disastrous outcome for Bryant. As history has shown, Bryant died from the effects of a fast-developing brain tumor. In this case, we’re not talking about murder. We are, however, taking about accidental death of just about the worst type possible.
So, yes, I do believe that there have been fatal events in relation to UFOs. But, we need to be very careful not to go over the top. Just because someone in Ufology dies, we shouldn’t automatically think “murder.” We should use our common sense and address everything very carefully.
Like the first robin or the first buzzard to arrive in Hinckley, Ohio, the first crop circle of the year is sure sign that spring has arrived – at least in England, home of the majority of these sometimes intricate, occasionally mysterious crushed patterns made in fields of grain. Spring arrived officially for 2021 when a crop circle appeared in Wiltshire on May 10. Its pinwheel shape signifies something … a windy spring? Aliens have added style to their saucers? Humans too bored or unskilled in crop circle stomping to make anything more complicated?
“This first crop picture of 2021 appeared near Stanton Saint Bernand, not far from where two other “arrival” clock crop pictures were drawn on August 24, 2019 or July 7, 2020.
Now the first crop picture of 2021, drawn near Stanton Saint Bernand, shows a “pinwheel” style of “clock”, that seems to be “winding down” to an end. This new crop picture is shown in the slide below, along with the diagram of a similar “pinwheel” shape.”
As has been the case in past years, the news and outstanding aerial images of the first crop circle of 2021 come from (See the photos here. You can also view an aerial video from The Hampshire Flyer here.)
How they manage to get to the sites first is a secret guarded as well as the identity of the crop circle makers. As it noted, Stanton Saint Bernand in Wiltshire is becoming the crop circle equivalent of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, for the traditional prediction of spring by a groundhog and its shadow. The village lies in the Pewsey Vale between Devizes and Pewsey, just 17 miles from Stonehenge and 11 miles from Avebury, both well-known for their stone circles – putting Stanton Saint Bernand in the middle of both history and mythical forces. (Map of the crop circle location.)
“Flattened plants of oilseed rape, within this new crop picture, do not show any obvious signs of mechanical crushing. Their yellow flowers remain intact. So there is no evidence, at present, to suggest that it might have been man-made. If by some chance it was man-made, then they have certainly done a nice, tidy job, in a field where the farmer would not be friendly!”
Anybody watching for the farmer?
The folks at already know what the skeptics are thinking and point out the difficulties a human would have making this crop circle in a field of oilseed rape. For paranormal cause believers, it observes that the “pinwheel” looks like it’s spinning clockwise, which could signify energy generation. It could also represent a star or a UFO resembling a star. The triangular shapes that make up the pinwheel might represent pyramids or a sailboat. Since this is a famer’s field, it could just be a weathervane or a circular blade like a mower or plow. Finally, on the mathematical plane, connecting the points of the pinwheel makes the shape an octagon, and triangles are key elements of the laws of sines, cosines and the Pythagorean theorem.
Put all of that on papers in a jar, shake it up and any one you pull out could be an explanation for the first crop circle of 2021. Kudos as always to for the excellent aerial photos (take another look), concise and thought-provoking possibilities and maps showing the exact location so sightseers can visit before the irate farmer harvests the crop.
Anentirely new meteor shower will occur later this year and it may never happen again. For about a 10-day period at the end of September into October (with the peak predicted for October 7th), the “Finlay-id” meteor shower will send small pieces of comet dust over the southern part of the planet.
Unfortunately, not many people will be able to observe for two reasons. It will only be visible in the southernmost parts of the Earth and the meteors will be extremely hard to see as they will be exceptionally faint. In an interview with, Diego Janches, who is a research astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, described this event as being “…not only an interesting meteor shower but also a very difficult meteor shower to observe.”
It is believed that the meteor shower will come from the constellation Ara (or the Altar) which is located not far from the Scorpius constellation beneath the scorpion’s tail. There are seven stars in the Ara constellation as well as several known exoplanets.
The reasoning behind meteor showers is because when Earth travels around the sun, sometimes it moves through debris left by asteroids and comets. Normally, the clouds of debris remain in the same location which why once a year Earth has its annual meteor showers. As for Finlay-id, our planet will travel through the dust left behind from the two-mile wide Comet 15P/Finlay. While experts don’t think that this event will ever happen again, if it does, it won’t occur on a yearly basis.
The small granules from Comet 15P/Finlay have been slowed down by the solar wind as well as the gravitational perturbations from our sun and Jupiter. This is why Earth will travel through it later this year which will cause a meteor shower.
But witnessing it will not be easy as Janches explained, “It is going to be a difficult meteor shower to observe, because the meteors are going to be very slow,” adding that when we see a shooting star, “We observe either the light that is produced when they interact with the atmosphere, or the ionization that they produce when they interact with the atmosphere.” However, since Finlay-id will only be traveling at a speed of about 6.8 miles per second (11 km/s, this makes either scenario extremely difficult.
In order to properly observe the meteors, equipment that can detect these slow-moving tiny particles will be needed. And only those living in the very far south will have a chance of seeing them with the special equipment – such as those living in South Africa or New Zealand, although Janches will observe them from southern Argentina with his equipment.
Astronomers still have a lot of work to do in order to better understand this unique event.
Dulce Underground Base: Doubles, Clones and Aliens (video)
Dulce Underground Base: Doubles, Clones and Aliens (video)
The importance of human doubles was realized very early as politics became more complicated amongst the ruling elites , old wealthy families, Rothschild, Rockefeller, British Royal Family, Fondi Family, secret societies, etc.
With either side wishing that if they could just replace certain persons in their way to bring about changes in political circles to create situations and environments more favorable to their agendas.
After World War II facial plastic surgery was practiced by skilled surgeons and perfected in secret. The Soviets were using this method to create high-ranking doubles and these doubles had to undergo hypnosis sessions and voice training and also devote many years mimicking mannerisms, behaviors and traits of the person they would eventually replace.
And the United States, England, etc. were also involved in the facial surgery sleight of hand to fool the public and members of the aristocrats. But the process of bringing about the change had its limitations, and over the many decades to follow all science institutions funded by the elites were searching for new ways to create replicas. In the United States, England and Europe the research was especially compartmentalized to ensure secrecy.
Dulce Underground Base.
Photos and drawings provided by Thomas Castello before he mysteriously disappeared, where he later died of cancer, after revealing the Dulce Base information publicly.
Dulce Base – Google Map Images:
The photos below are not related to the Thomas Castello Dulce Base story, but they are shown only to demonstrate that similar experiments and ambitions are being pursued:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Tom Horn & Steve Quayle: All About Grey Androids
Tom Horn & Steve Quayle: All About Grey Androids
Steve Quayle: All About Grey Androids
Steve Quayle is a researcher and author of over a dozen books dealing with advanced ancient technology and civilizations. His documentary film production company Gensix Productions films the “True Legends The Series” all over the world in search of the Lost Cities and the giants of history who were the builders of the great megalithic structures of the ancient world.
Steve is a former talk radio show host who has been warning against genetic armageddon and the end of the human race for decades. He claims transhumanism and the hybrid age is the most dangerous advancement in the technological war against humanity in history.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
What Was Found On Mars Has The Internet On Pause! 2021
What Was Found On Mars Has The Internet On Pause! 2021
What Was Found On Mars Has The Internet On Pause! 2021
Rover Opportunity shows the hole drilled into the rock called “Pilbara,” which is located in the small crater dubbed “Fram.” Spirit drilled into this rock with its rock abrasion tool. The rock appears to be dotted with the same “blueberries,” or spherules, found at “Eagle Crater.” After analyzing the hole with the rover’s scientific instruments, scientists concluded that Pilbara has a similar chemical make-up, and thus watery past, to rocks studied at Eagle Crater. This image was taken with the panoramic camera’s 480-, 530- and 600-nanometer filters.
Antarctica Disclosure! What Did We Just Find There?
Antarctica Disclosure! What Did We Just Find There?
From it’s humble beginnings as a mere idea, to the establishment of the channel you see today – Secureteam has become the information source to which millions of answer-seeking individuals have come. Secureteam is the #1 channel for breaking reports on the many mysteries of our universe, so stay tuned and prepare to discover the truth, one puzzle piece at a time! Comments or Questions?
UFO Sighted Over Easterville, Manitoba, Canada ( May 11, 2021 )
STATEMENT : This is what we seen when we were patrolling... I wonder what it is??? .. my first time . I didn’t believe these things
5x videos credit : Derek N Arvel
MUFON CASE : 115306 Chicago, Illinois ( May 11, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS :Looking from back porch towards Lake Michigan (east) I spot what I thought was a drone
Long Description of Sighting Report
At 8:43 PM looking due east 101 degrees, 600 feet elevation, California and Hirsch Ave, I observed a bright red light appearing from above the treetops(buildings) then darting across the sky. From where I was standing it covered 22” of my view moving from the south to north in less than a second. Then it covered about 30” of my view in the same amount of time. It moved towards the upper right or from North to south with a steep incline above the horizon. Almost a triangular pattern as it’s trajectory then it was gone. It did have blinking lights of various colors. I have lived in the city for 27 years and have observed flights patterns and now even drones. I have never seen something do this. Then as I was typing up this report I saw two sets of lights I thought were planes but seemed to be in sync with their blinking or flashing lights just at the horizon from my second floor apartment. I do have video of those two. That occurred about 5 minutes after the initial sighting.
MUFON CASE : 115308 Rio Rancho, New Mexico ( May 12, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS :Circular upward direction of multiple objects Long Description of Sighting Report
Very windy afternoon and objects looked like they could be being carried by a dust devil but then moved North rather abruptly, then circled up again. Have a short crappy video. Didn't think much of it until I saw a similar post on a tiktok in the same area a month and a half later.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-12 Date of Event : 2021-03-14- 5:23PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :20210314172313.mp4 : FILE 2
UFOs Sighted Over Boise, Idaho ( April 16, 2021 )
STATEMENT : I saw something that I have never seen before, not sure what it was. Long Description of Sighting Report
I was sitting on my back porch on an amazing Friday evening waiting for my girlfriend to come over. It was April 16th and the sky was so blue, I was just thinking to myself how pretty it was. Way off in the distance I was what look kind of like maybe geese flying but way far away and pretty high up. At first it looked like black outline of birds but then they started spinning, turned silver white and kind of exploded in the sky. Hard to explain. I had some sense to run into the house and grab my cell phone and I started to try and record what I was seeing. The video attached, play it really slow before my fat finger dips in and you can see a number of the "?" what ever this is. I looked in the news but did not see if anyone else had seen anything.
CREDIT : MUFON CASE : 115292 Date Submitted : 2021-05-11 Date of Event : 2021-04-16 - 6:40PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE: ufovideo.mp4
Two object on drone video. One flew right at the drone at more than 500 mph. I was flying my drone around our property. During the review of the footage taken, I noticed two objects within the same video. They were about two minutes apart from each other. My drone was almost stationary for the duration of the sightings. As I was flying the drone I didn't notice these two objects or hear anything. I had my drone pointing North and hovering about 150 off the ground.
The first object was high in the sky and looked to be descending at about 30 degrees and was moving very fast. . You can see it in the left top corner of the video.
A few minutes later another object appeared to come from the ground about 800 feet away and flew towards my drone. Looking at the video timeline and using Google Earth I figured the second object flew 800 feet within 4 seconds. That is around 540 mph.
CREDIT : MUFON CASE : 115295 Date Submitted : 2021-05-11 Date of Event : 2021-05-05 - 7:40PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
On May 5, 2021 a strange anomaly flew right towards a drone at more than 500 mph.
The object appeared to come from the ground about 800 feet away. Looking at the video timeline and using Google Earth I figured the object flew 800 feet within 4 seconds. That is around 540 mph.
After enlarging the still images, the anomaly somewhat resembles a bird, but no bird can reach the speed of this anomaly.
For example: The peregrine falcon is indisputably the fastest animal in the sky. It has been measured at speeds above 83.3 m/s (186 mph), but only when diving, but this anomaly flies 3 times the speed of the fastest bird.
What kind of anomaly or animal can fly 3 times faster than that of the fastest bird in the sky. Location of the sighting: Linwood, Texas, Mufon case 115295.
Some believe UFOs are the craft of space aliens, but others think they are nothing more than meteors, misidentifications of the planet Venus, and overactive imagination. However, reports of UFOs have not let up over the decades as strange craft, and mysterious lights continue to be seen in the skies.
The skies over Wirral are no exception.
On August 10, 1947, Lancashire and Cheshire police spotted a triangular UFO hovering over Birkenhead, coming from the river.
Days later, dozens of people observed the same object skimming over the rooftops of Birkenhead and Bebington.
On October 19, 1963, a massive golden disc-shaped UFO was seen hovering 500 feet above the Woodchurch estate.
Around the same time, a tugman reported spotting a glowing green saucer UFO passing over Rock Ferry and then plunging into the Mersey.
On June 23, 1974, a large black disc UFO gliding over great Sutton was seen to change into a cigar-shaped craft flying upwards until going out of sight.
Days after, a white dome-topped saucer giving off rainbow colour was observed flying over Pensby.
On May 25, 1975, people across Wirral saw a glowing disc flying across the full moon’s face before it descended somewhere near Thornton Hough.
In a redacted letter published earlier this month, the DoD's Office of the Inspector General announced it will investigate how these incidents and others have been handled.
According to the letter, the key goal of the Pentagon probe is to "determine the extent to which the DoD has taken actions regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)" - the official term for UFOs.
The probe will look into a number of different branches of the DoD, including the Offices of the Secretary of Defense, Military Services,
Combatant Commands and the Defense Agencies among others.
The Pentagon's UFO report is expected to be published this summer or 180 days after it passed as part of a £1.64trillion ($2.3trillion) Coronavirus relief bill.
A Pentagon watchdog will investigate the DoD's handling of UFO reports
Drake's Equation explained: Do you believe aliens are real and visiting us?
Hidden among the 5,600-paged document, the bill called on America's intelligence services to spill the beans on UFOs before the US Senate.
The bill stipulated the report must include a "detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomenon data and intelligence reporting".
The recently announced Pentagon probe was welcomed by Nick Pope, who formerly investigated UFO sightings for the British Ministry of Defence.
Mr Pope criticised the US's handling of recent headlines and as well as the country's response to reports of apparent UFOs zipping around in American airspace.
He now told his more than 57,900 Twitter followers: "The US government is getting itself into an utter mess over its handling of the UFO issue.
"Problems include a failure of intelligence, lack of clear strategic direction, disagreement over policy and handling issues, and inconsistent media statements.
In another tweet, he suggested the probe is proof of multiple fractions within the Pentagon struggling for control.
Mr Pope said: "I seldom repost my old Tweets, but the DOD Inspector General announcing an evaluation of DOD's handling of the UFO issue should *absolutely* be viewed as part of the struggle that I mentioned the day before the announcement. There are disagreements. There are factions."
When the Pentagon acknowledged the UFO video earlier last year, many were expecting the US Government to straight admit aliens are real and they are here.
Instead, Pentagon spokeswoman Sue Gough said the video was released to the public to dismiss any misconceptions about whether or not it was real.
However, this was not to be seen as the Pentagon making any statement about the speculative nature of mysterious object seen in the video.
Ms Gough said: "After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena."
There is no tangible evidence to suggest technologically advanced aliens are visiting our planet.
There is also no evidence to suggest life in our solar system - however complex - exists beyond the confines of our planet.
But UFO enthusiasts remain undeterred and are awaiting the Pentagon's report this summer.
UFO expert Nick Pope reacts to the whistleblower interview on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
A Pentagon watchdog is launching a probe into how the Department of Defense has addressed "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" or UAP, after a string ofUFO sightings in recent years that have been spotted by military aircraft.
In a Monday memo to military and intelligence leaders, Randolph Stone, assistant inspector general for evaluations on space, intelligence, engineering and oversight, said the objective of the probe is to determine the extent to which the DoD has taken actions regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).
"We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives," he added.
The Office of Inspector General typically investigates whistleblower complaints and allegations of wrongdoing, among other matters.
It was not clear who decided to launch the probe or what investigators will specifically look for.
A Pentagon watchdog is launching a probe into the actions taken by the Department of Defense after a series of UFO sightings in recent years.
(Department of Defense)
The Pentagon created the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force following several unexplained incidents observed by the military. It is tasked with detecting, analyzing and cataloging UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.
In an interview with the New York Post, Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, recently raised the possibility that so-called UFOs are actually "adversarial foreign technology that for several decades now has managed to leapfrog us."
Monday's announcement comes as Congress awaits a report from the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies about the presence of UFOs. Some government officials have accused the military and spy agencies of blocking or ignoring efforts to catalog instances of UAP, Politico reported.
Het is zeer waarschijnlijk dat de hoeveelheid microplastics in de oceanen, zeeën en havens over de hele wereld minimaal twee keer zo groot is als voorheen werd gedacht. Een nieuw onderzoek toont aan dat de vervuilingvan de wereldoceanen door microplastics veel dramatischer blijkt te zijn dan eerder gedacht en geschat werd.
2 keer zoveel microplastics in oceanen dan gedacht | Foto: Pixabay
Nieuw onderzoek – de cijfers
Dit is ontdekt in een nieuwe studie, gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift Environmental Pollution, waarbij een nog fijnere versie van het fijnmazig net dat voor eerdere onderzoek gebruikt werd is ingezet om microplastics op te vangen.
Professor Pennie Lindeque, onderzoeker van de Plymouth Marine Laboratory in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, leidde het onderzoek. In het onderzoek werden netten met maaswijdtes gebruikt van 100 microns (100 microns = 0,1 mm), 333 microns en 500 microns. Er werden 2,5 keer zo veel deeltjes gevonden in het fijnste net dan in het 333 micron net wat normaal gesproken gebruikt wordt om microplastics te filteren en 10 keer zoveel deeltjes als in het 500 micron net. De deeltjes waren grotendeels vezels van textielen zoals touwen, netten en kleding.
Onderzoekers zeefden de kustwateren van zowel het Verenigd Koninkrijk als de Verenigde Staten en vonden beduidend meer deeltjes met netten met een maaswijdte van 100 microns. De globale schattingen van microplastics aan de oppervlakte van het water zijn daarmee gestegen van tussen de 5 en 50 biljoen deeltjes naar tussen de 12 biljoen en 125 biljoen deeltjes. En zelfs deze schatting kan te laag zijn, er kunnen namelijk nog kleinere microplastic deeltjes in de oceanen en zeeën rondzwerven die niet door de 100 micron visnetten gevangen kunnen worden.
Lindeque voegde hier nog het volgende aan toe:
“Gebruikmakend van een extrapolatie, zijn we van mening dat de microplasticsdichtheid meer dan 3.700 deeltjes per kubieke meter kan zijn, wat veel meer is dan de hoeveelheid zoöplankton per kubieke meter. Deze microscopische dieren zijn één van de meest overvloedige diersoorten op aarde.”
De vraag is natuurlijk, wat heeft het voor invloed op het biosysteem als er minuscule plastic deeltjes drijven in de oceaan? Om daar een passend antwoord op te geven moeten we iets dieper kijken naar hoe de voedselketen precies is opgesteld in de oceanen en zeeën wereldwijd. Hieronder een diagram van de voedselketen van zeedieren om dit iets duidelijker te maken. De oorsprong van elke pijl is het dier dat voedsel is van het dier waar de pijl eindigt.
Het punt in deze voedselketen waar microplastics een probleem vormen begint bij zoöplankton, wat een verzamelnaam is voor dieren die niet tegen de stroming kunnen inzwemmen. Dit zijn voornamelijk minuscule dieren (zoals de roeipootkreeftjes, van 0,5 mm tot 5 mm, die driekwart van alle zoöplankton in de Noordzee uitmaken), al behoren kwallen ook tot deze categorie. Om de roeipootkreeftjes als voorbeeld te nemen, dit dier is één van de vele soorten zoöplankton en naar schatting zijn er 1 biljoen roeipootkreeftjes in alle oceanen en zeeën in de wereld. Uit het nieuwe onderzoek is gebleken dat er in sommige wateren meer microplastic deeltjes zijn dan zoöplankton.
De microplasticdeeltjes zijn ongeveer dezelfde grootte als het voedsel van zoöplankton en komt via het zoöplankton terecht in de voedselketen van zeedieren. Het is ook mogelijk dat plastic wordt opgegeten door vissen en zeezoogdieren wanneer zij hun voedsel proberen op te eten, wanneer dan door de grote dichtheid van microplastics in sommige gebieden de deeltjes ook worden opgenomen.
Zoöplankton, tezamen met de plantaardige variant fytoplankton, vormen een belangrijke basis voor de voedselketen in de oceanen, ze dienen als voedsel voor de kleinste vissen tot de grootste walvissen. Echter, ze zijn meer dan alleen de grootste voedselbron voor al het leven in de zee. Zo zorgt fytoplankton voor 70% van de zuurstof op aarde en zorgen de verschillende plankton soorten samen ervoor dat de aarde afkoelt. Het is onlangs ontdekt dat boven oceanen met grote hoeveelheden geconcentreerde planktongroepen een grotere hoeveelheid wolken tot stand komt dan in wateren zonder plankton. De grotere hoeveelheid wolken helpt weer om de aarde af te koelen. Het is dus belangrijk dat plankton gezond blijft, niet alleen voor het leven in de zee, maar ook voor onze levens.
Invloed buiten de oceanen
Een ander, nieuw onderzoek laat zien hoe microplastics ook de voedselketen rondom rivieren binnen is gedrongen, waarbij de onderzochte vogels (waterspreeuwen) die als voeding waterinsecten hebben zo’n 200 plastic deeltjes consumeren per dag. Deze deeltjes waren voornamelijk vezels, en een kwart van deze deeltjes waren groter dan 500 microns. Zij voedden deze deeltjes dan vervolgens ook weer aan hun kuikens. Uit het onderzoek bleek dat ongeveer de helft van de waterinsecten microplastic deeltjes in zich hadden.
De onderzoeksleider, Professor Steve Ormerod van Cardiff University, zei hierover:
“In de bijna 40 jaar dat we deze rivieren en waterspreeuwen onderzoeken had ik nooit gedacht dat onze onderzoeksresultaten ooit zouden aantonen dat deze spectaculaire vogels in gevaar zouden komen door de inname van plastic. Het is een aanduiding van hoe het vervuilingsprobleem ons beslopen heeft.“
Microplastics hebben inmiddels de gehele planeet vervuild, van de Arctische sneeuw en berg bodems tot vele rivieren en de diepste oceanen. Het wordt ook geconsumeerd en ingeademd door mensen en wat voor gevolgen dit heeft voor onze gezondheid is tot dusver niet bekend. Wat wel bekend is, is dat de plasticvervuiling de vruchtbaarheid, groei en overleving van zeedieren schaadt.
Oorzaak en gevolg
De oorzaak van de hoeveelheid plastic op aarde is eenvoudig, het is een ontzettend handig materiaal en we gebruiken het voor van alles. Sinds het in de jaren vijftig van de vorige eeuw in massaproductie is gegaan, hebben we 6,3 miljard ton (6,300.000.000.000 kg!) plastic verbruikt. Hiervan is 600 miljoen ton gerecycled. De rest is of in stortplaatsen of in de natuur terechtgekomen.
Onderzoek dat afgelopen maand is gepubliceerd liet zien dat microplastics in grotere hoeveelheden dan ooit tevoren zich op de bodem van de oceaan bevinden. Het onderzoek gaf ook aan dat honderdduizenden tonnen aan microplastics jaarlijks op de kust terechtkomen door de wind en het getij.
Onze redacteur Roy Geers was vorig jaar op rondreis door Vietnam, waarbij hij langs het vissersdorpje Mui Ne kwam. Toen hij googlede op ‘Mui Ne’ kwamen verschillende foto’s tevoorschijn, met prachtige, witte stranden, schone wateren. Paradijs op aarde. De afbeelding hieronder is de eerste afbeelding die Google laat zien. De tweede afbeelding is één van de foto’s die hij had gemaakt toen hij er was. Dit was vrijwel de gehele kustlijn zo, behalve bij de stranden voor 5 sterren resorts.
Foto: Roy Geers
Oplossingsgerichte initiatieven
Er zijn de laatste jaren al vele initiatieven geweest om het plasticprobleem tegen te gaan. Van kleine zaken zoals het weghalen van gratis plastic tassen in supermarkten en winkels tot grotere zaken zoals ‘The Ocean Cleanup’, opgericht door de Nederlandse Boyan Slat. De initiatieven verschillen in aanpak, schaal en effectiviteit. De hierboven beschreven initiatieven zijn reactief, en waar de maatregel vanuit de overheid meer een pleister op een open wond is, is het project van Boyan Slat een stuk effectiever.
Het is echter ook belangrijk om het probleem bij de wortels aan te pakken en op een proactieve manier het gebruik van plastic verminderen en/of vervangen. Het probleem van ons plastic gebruik is namelijk dat we het niet alleen voor langdurige producten gebruiken, maar ook voor producten die maar een paar dagen/weken worden gebruikt. Sinds het erg lang duurt voordat plastic producten afbreken en er specifieke eisen aan vast hangen (bijvoorbeeld oxidatie), is het noodzakelijk om de toepassing van plastic in de producten die we gebruiken aan te passen.
Er zijn vele verschillende alternatieven die de laatste jaren uitgevonden zijn en sommige daarvan worden al voor een gedeelte toegepast. Het is echter zo dat sommige van deze alternatieven niet beter zijn dan plastic en alleen afbreekbaar zijn in ideale omstandigheden. Een voorbeeld daarvan is biologisch afbreekbare plastic tassen, wat in de meeste gevallen alleen in een stortplaats afbreekt en vaak ook niet kan afbreken in combinatie met andere plastic soorten. Een beter alternatief zou zijn composteerbare vuilniszakken, welke gewoon thuis in de achtertuin afgebroken kunnen worden. Een goed alternatief voor plastic producten in de supermarkt is MarinaTex, een bioplastic gemaakt van rode algen en organisch afval van de visserij. Dit is zowel eetbaar door mensen en vissen als dat het snel en overal afbreekbaar is.
Puntje bij paaltje kan er natuurlijk van alles gedaan worden om de verspreiding van plastic en daardoor dus ook microplastics tegen te gaan, maar achteraan de streep zijn wij met zijn allen verantwoordelijk. Manieren om de plasticvervuiling te verminderen zijn door een oude plastic tas mee te nemen voor die trip naar de supermarkt, of nog beter, koop een boodschappentas van verantwoorde materialen. Probeer te minderen in plastic gebruik en als het niet anders kan, hergebruik plastic. Gooi uw afval netjes weg en als u wat tegenkomt op straat, raap het op en stop het in een afvalbak. Doneer aan initatieven en stichtingen die het milieu beschermen. Als we allemaal ons best doen, kunnen zowel wij als onze kinderen genieten van de natuur die er nog is.
In nauwelijks zeventig jaar hebben we zoveel plastic geproduceerd en gebruikt dat microplastics in ieder ecosysteem op aarde terug te vinden zijn. De mobiliteit van die deeltjes begint stilaan te lijken op die van andere globale cyclussen zoals water of koolstof.
Tot nu toe werd aangenomen dat microplastics (plasticdeeltjes kleiner dan 5 milimeter) zich voornamelijk ophopen in zeeën en oceanen. Maar de microscopische deeltjes blijken mobieler dan gedacht, en verplaatsen zich evengoed vanuit maritieme ecosystemen via de atmosfeer terug naar het land. 'De rol van het maritiem milieu als een soort reservoir van microplastics is goed onderzocht,' verduidelijkt professor Janice Brahney, expert in aquatische systemen verbonden aan Utah State University. Brahney en haar team onderzochten hoe minusule plasticdeeltjes zich over de wereld verplaatsen. 'Onze bevindingen laten zien dat deze deeltjes ook vanuit de oceanen in de atmosfeer terecht komen en via neerslag opnieuw op land terecht komen. Meer nog, specifiek langs dit atmosferisch traject komt meer plastic aan land dan omgekeerd.'
Microplastics bewegen door verschillende biosystemen op een manier die vergelijkbaar is met andere biogeochemische kringlopen. Dat zijn wereldwijde kringlopen waarlangs chemische substanties zoals water, zuurstof of koolstof zich door verschillende sferen van de planeet bewegen. 'Neem water,' vertelt Brahney. 'Dat verdampt boven de zee, beweegt zich door de atmosfeer, regent uit boven het land om via de bodem en vervolgens rivieren weer naar zee te stromen. Microplastics volgen een vergelijkbaar traject. Bijvoorbeeld via afvalwater via een rivier naar de zee, om daar via verdamping van water in de atmosfeer terecht te komen en uit te regenen boven land. Daar slaan ze neer in de bodem, om later via de wind of erosie weer in beweging te komen.
Artificiële cyclus
Het maritieme milieu vormt dus geen eindpunt voor minuscule plastic deeltjes, aldus Brahney. ‘Microscopische plastic deeltjes reizen met het water mee, maar dat is niet de enige manier. We gingen ervan uit dat de atmosfeer enkel microplastics van het land naar de oceanen bracht. Dat blijkt niet zo te zijn, integendeel. De atmosfeer als traject voor microplastics brengt meer plastic van de zee naar het land dan omgekeerd. Dat valt te verklaren uit het feit dat er zich de voorbije decennia dermate veel plastic in het maritieme milieu heeft opgehoopt dat het een bron van microplastics is geworden via de atmosferische cyclus.'
Microplastics zijn ondertussen overal op aarde terug te vinden, van de diepzee tot in de lichamen van ijsberen op de Noordpool. ‘Net als andere chemische verbindingen bewegen de deeltjes zich door het water, de lucht, de bodem en de het leven op aarde. In enkele decennia tijd is er dus een nieuwe biogeochemische kringloop ontstaan die zich uitstrekt over de hele planeet, eentje die we in tegenstelling tot andere kringlopen volledig zelf gecreëerd hebben.'
2 keer zoveel microplastics in oceanen dan gedacht | Foto: Pixabay
NASA's Perseverance Mars rover, the biggest, heaviest, most advanced vehicle sent to the Red Planet by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The rover is exploring the Jezero Crater, which scientists believe used to home an ancient river
Nasa’s Perseverance rover has begun searching for extra-terrestrial life in a vacant lake.
The rover is using a camera called WATSON at the end of its mechanical arm to take detailed images of the rocks on the floor of the Jezero Crater.
This barren basin, Nasa believes, was once flooded with water and was the location of an ancient river – and where there is water, the agency believes, is a higher possibility of microbial life.
Perseverance is creating a timeline of when the ancient lake formed, when it dried up, and when sediment began accruing in the delta.
It is this difference in geology that might unlock the secrets to discovering alien life. If the rocks are sedimentary, like sandstone and limestone, there is a better chance that it will have preserved biosignatures from the Red Planet’s previous life.
Should the rocks be igneous, formed by volcanic activity which scientists believe could still be happening, what is lost in preservation is made up in chronology; scientists can use this data to build up a more accurate timeline of the crater. “The more rocks you look at, the more you know,” said Perseverance’s project scientist Ken Farley.
This is not an easy task, however. Rocks on Mars have been eroded by wind and could be covered by more recent sand and dust. On Earth, the solution is to crack open a rock sample with a hammer to study it in greater detail. Perseverance, unfortunately, does not have a hammer – but its robot arm is picking up the slack.
Scientists are able to use the abrader – a tool for wearing away external surfaces – at the end of the arm to grind and flatten the rock’s surface, revealing its internal structure and composition. This leaves it vulnerable to other tools the rover has to gather information about its chemical and mineral setup.
As well as digging in the ground, Perseverance is also looking to get more information about the Martian atmosphere. The small helicopter, Ingenuity, that came to Mars with the rover will continue flying for at least another month to conduct scientific experiments following the astounding success of its initial launch.
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“And I was like, ‘am I starting to see things?’”
A WEAK BUT PERSISTENT SIGNAL from theVoyager 1 spacecraft at first seemed like a fluke to Cornell University Ph.D. candidate Stella Koch Ocker.
“I was literally just kind of staring at a plot, and I thought I saw something really faint,” Koch Ocker tells Inverse. “And I was like, ‘am I starting to see things?’”
She wasn’t. In a new study, Koch Ocker and colleagues report a new signal coming in from the Plasma Wave System instrument aboard the craft. They used these observations to obtain a new measurement of the density of the interstellar medium, the thinly distributed mix of molecules, atoms, and ionized gas or plasma that fills the space between stars.
The research, published Monday in the journal Nature Astrophysics, provides the first continuous measurement of the density of the plasma in the interstellar medium, which previously had only been known in isolated spots.
By looking back at the last three years of observations from Voyager 1, the researchers were able to assemble consistent measurements of this elusive interstellar plasma. They continue to monitor it as Voyager 1 speeds out of the Solar System at more than 38,000 miles per hour. It is approximately 14.1 billion miles from Earth.
Prior methods of measuring the plasma density relied on picking up strong, intermittent bursts of signal from Voyager 1, which seemed to occur about once every year. The intermittency of the signal made it akin to a once-a-year massive “storm” of large plasma oscillation events.
Emerging in data taken from 2017 to 2020, the new signal is only a few times stronger than the sensitivity of the instrument, making it barely noticeable. The Plasma Wave System allows Voyager 1 to measure vibrations of plasma at specific frequencies — the newly detected signal is a low-frequency “hum” at roughly 3 kHz.
And rather than being associated with intermittent events, the signal came across steadily over the entire duration of the three years, with little change in its character.
“When we looked between and below these plasma oscillation events, we found this very weak persistent signal of plasma waves that appears to not be related to solar activity,” says Koch Ocker.
The continuity of the new signal means the researchers can produce measurements of plasma density all along the trajectory of the spacecraft, rather than at the isolated locations of the “storms.” Discovering this trickle in the furthest reaches of space was almost entirely unexpected.
A 2016 NASA illustration of the various regions Voyager will pass through on its journey to parts unknown.
Voyager 1 is one of two groundbreaking NASA missions launched in 1977 with a mission to explore the outer planets of the Solar System. Voyager 1 and 2 have obtained stunning pictures and information about the cosmos, and have both been in continuous contact with Earth since their launch. Voyager 1 is the most distant human-made object in space.
To accomplish these feats, mission planners took advantage of a particular alignment between the planets that happens only once every 175 years. This alignment allowed the spacecraft to consecutively slingshot between them purely through the use of natural, gravitational forces.
After their main missions ended in 1989, with Voyager 2’s encounter of Neptune, the craft were both transitioned to an interstellar phase on their path out of the Solar System. In 2012, Voyager 1 reached interstellar space — an area no longer dominated by the influence of the Sun.
Physicists always expected there to be tenuous plasma out there. Plasma is a phase of matter formed when a gas is heated so hot that its atoms and molecules are torn apart into their constituent ions and electrons. In the region of space closest to us, our solar neighborhood, plasma is formed with distinctive characteristics from the heat and radiation of the Sun.
Space isn’t a true void — it’s filled with stray molecules of gas and solid matter, which get turned by the Sun's heat and radiation into plasma.
Outside this bubble, known as the heliosphere, the plasma of the interstellar medium was expected to take on alternate characteristics. Voyager 1 showed exactly how.
A diagram of the Voyager spacecraft. The Plasma instrument on the top right is currently only functioning on Voyager 2. NASA
Prior to Voyager 1, researchers could only get clues on the interstellar plasma from observations with distant telescopes. But once Voyager 1 passed beyond the heliopause, separating the Sun’s neighborhood from interstellar space, it began registering direct signals from the plasma. These signals came in the form of occasional bursts of strong electrical discharge.
The bursts were detected by Voyager 1’s Plasma Wave System, one of the few instruments still operating on the craft. The Plasma Wave System works a bit like a voltage meter an electrician might use on a household electric outlet. (The spacecraft had a more robust plasma spectrometer that was defective on Voyager 1, though the one aboard Voyager 2 is still functioning.)
The occasional torrents of plasma picked up by the instrument were strong, like measuring a hundred pounds on a weight scale whose smallest measurement is one pound. Scientists gradually put together a picture of these signals as being caused by shock waves that occasionally barge out from the sun, making the plasma in the vicinity of the spacecraft vibrate, which in turn causes oscillations in its electric field.
However, when analyzing the overall electrical measurements collected from 2017 to 2020, researchers discovered a weak yet smooth signal hiding in the background of the data. Though this signal has the same fundamental electrical nature, it is more like a constant pitter-patter, rather than the occasional rush of a storm.
Both the strong, intermittent signals and the weak, steady signal provide important information on the nature of the interstellar plasma. In particular, the way that the plasma’s electric field fluctuates can be traced back directly to the plasma’s density.
Previously, researchers could only estimate the plasma’s density during the solar shock wave events. With the continuous data from the new signal, researchers can estimate the density of the plasma all along the spacecraft’s trajectory from 2017 to 2020. Moreover, the researchers find that the new density measurements are consistent with the old ones, having the same values when they were measured at the same time.
The new results allow the researchers to turn a spotty record of plasma density with year-long gaps into a smooth, consistent record over space and time. The researchers find variations in the density with characteristic scales of 1 astronomical unit (AU), the distance between the earth and the sun. These variations have long been expected to arise due to turbulence in the interstellar medium.
The exact nature of the variations measured by the researchers will help inform whether the turbulence is primarily driven by huge, faraway sources like supernovae, or more local sources like the solar wind, Koch Ocker says.
In addition to determining the nature of the interstellar turbulence, the researchers plan to find out more about the somewhat mysterious nature of the weak signal, which seemed to clearly emerge only in 2017, without any clear reason why.
For now, their best tool to attain further progress continues to be the 1970s era spacecraft of Voyager 1, the most loyal of probes, along with its sister probe of Voyager 2.
“It's pretty incredible how a mission that's so old can still produce such exciting new discoveries,” Koch Ocker says.
In 2012, Voyager 1 became the first in situ probe of the very local interstellar medium1. The Voyager 1 Plasma Wave System has given point estimates of the plasma density spanning about 30 au of interstellar space, revealing a large-scale density gradient2,3 and turbulence4 outside of the heliopause. Previous studies of the plasma density relied on the detection of discrete plasma oscillation events triggered ahead of shocks propagating outwards from the Sun, which were used to infer the plasma frequency and, hence, density5,6. We present the detection of a class of very weak, narrowband plasma wave emission in the Voyager 1 data that persists from 2017 onwards and enables a steadily sampled measurement of the interstellar plasma density over about 10 au with an average sampling distance of 0.03 au. We find au-scale density fluctuations that trace interstellar turbulence between episodes of previously detected plasma oscillations. Possible mechanisms for the narrowband emission include thermally excited plasma oscillations and quasi-thermal noise, and they could be clarified by new findings from Voyager or a future interstellar mission. The emission’s persistence suggests that Voyager 1 may be able to continue tracking the interstellar plasma density in the absence of shock-generated plasma oscillation events.
Filer’s Files 19 2021 India’s Texts Describe Vimanas (UFOs) - PART I
Blackstar Spacecraft
Filer’s Files 19 2021 India’s Texts Describe Vimanas (UFOs) - PART I
Major George A. Filer II ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Black star,UFO Sighting, Abductions, Alleged ET Medical Teams, Mayan Artifacts Reveal Aliens Visited Earth, Vimanas, Priests Should Deny Communion to Pro-Abortion Catholic and Secrets.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia..
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Austria, France, Sweden and England n the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research institute feels the scientific study of UFOs s for the benefit of humankind and s an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and continue this advanced research. believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us n ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Black star Spaceship
Black star is the reported codename of a secret Spaceship
Aviation Week speculated that such a spacecraft could also have offensive military capabilities, a concept colloquially known as “The Space Bomber”.[3][4] The magazine also stated that it was likely that Black star would be mothballed, although it is unclear whether this is due to cost or failure of the program.
Navy Photograph in Space
Aviation Week describes Black star as a two-stage-to-orbit system, the first stage of which is a delta-winged supersonic jet (which Aviation Week referred to as the SR-3). Its description of SR-3 is similar to the North AmericanB-70 ValkyrieMach 3strategic bomber, and to patents filed in the 1980s by Boeing. The SR-3 would carry a second, smaller airframe, codenamed the XOV (eXperimental Orbital Vehicle) underneath, between its two laterally separated engine-banks, each containing 2 or 3 engines. This rocket-powered spaceplane, with similarities to the X-20 Dyna-Soar project, would be released by its mothership at an altitude of around 100,000 feet. The XOV would then light its rocket motor (aerospike engines, similar to those used by the Lockheed Martin X-33), and could achieve both suborbital and orbital flight; one source quoted by Aviation Week estimates the XOV could reach an orbit of 300 miles (480 km) above the Earth, depending on payload and mission profile. The XOV would then reenter the atmosphere and glide back to any landing site where it would land horizontally on a conventional runway. There is also the possibility the craft has anti-gravity propulsion.
Senate UFO Briefing
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has demanded an unclassified UAP report by June 25, 2021. It will be a huge test of UFO transparency and openness for the Biden Administration.
The bottom line is that Trump’s signature caused the Act to be enacted. That set the clock ticking and quick calendar consult set June 25 as the drop dead date for turning in the homework. Buried inside that massive bill filled with dry legislative language was this:
UFO Sighting
Dr. Bruce Cornet writes, “This is a very interesting sighting, and is one of the first UFOs I photographed at 10:53 pm on 23 June 1992.” I am updating and adding sightings to Appendix I of my book. There were five anomalous craft flying around Ellen, Rich, and me that night, which was quite an introduction for me to Pine Bush phenomenon. Another sighting later that night (11:22 pm) of a cigar-shaped craft unfolding wings and stabilizers, and pretending to be a Boeing 707, got more attention. But this photo shows the UFO backing up right after I opened the shutter, oscillating movement of its lights, as well as a conventional aircraft (strobes) above it in the background for comparison. It also shows the silhouette of the ground (ridge) and trees. June 8. 1992, UFO overWest Searsville Road at 10:53 pm. It flew south behind the ridge west of us, low, silently, disappearing behind the ridge) [Cornet, Ellen Crystall, and Rich Pascorella present] These are the first photographs Cornet took of UFOs exhibiting anomalous light signature of oscillations in 1992.
John Thompson who works in Security and is six feet five inches tall with an excellent physique called me to tell me he had been abducted the previous night. I visited his home where a 25 foot circle was cut into his back lawn showing a depression filled with stones. Tree limbs were broken from the tree above the circle. He was asleep when something woke him up and he looked out the window and saw a 25 foot disc. He stated a couple four foot aliens walked down the ramp of a disc and walked up to the bedroom window. Then they simply walked through the wall and window into John’s bedroom. They grabbed John and took him and kind of floated to the craft. They laid him down and undressed him and held a pen like object and then cut him across his chest from arm pit to arm pit.
After about an hour with some bleeding and pain, they took the pen and reversed the cutting action and closed the wound. They seemed to be searching for something under his skin near his heart and lungs. Later, I called a couple flight surgeons that came and examined John. They verified he had a two foot long scar about a month old and stated, “They had never seen a horizontal wound like that since there was no reason to cut a person like that. We speculated they may have done something to heal his heart. In succeeding weeks ETs frequently showed up in his home. He was willing to go on my TV Show “Investigations UFO” for several months to tell about his encounters. His wife became so upset by the alien visits she decided to divorce him.
A sixty year old Atlantic City lady was abducted with her daughter while driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike near Pittsburg. Driving along the Pennsylvania Turnpike their car and the car following behind with the daughter’s husband and two children were picked up by a large alien ship. The cars were brought into a garage area with a dozen other cars. They were brought into a large room with human bodies standing upright in large glass containers. They were examined in detail on beds in a room with many other abductees. The grandmother was brought into the room with the bodies housed in round glass two and half feet in diameter. She was shown an attractive blonde twenty year old woman and asked if she would like to become that person. Her soul would be transferred but she would not remember her present life. She declined which made her captors upset. Later, their cars were let down on the Walt Whitman Bridge that crosses the Delaware River into New Jersey. They still had their Turnpike ticket and saved $15 in tolls and the gas tanks were full despite flying 300 miles between Pittsburg and Philadelphia in only two hours.. Both cars had what appeared to be small hand prints on the bodies but were not damaged.
Alleged ET Medical Teams
Ongoing extraterrestrial activity is taking place in Israel since 1995.
Alien medical teams from other realms or dimensions cure humans at Healers-Mediums alternative medicine clinics. Patients feel strange sensations during the treatments (itching, heat or cold, increase or decrease in gravity sensations and many more) and some even see and communicate with the Aliens medical teams.
The number of clinics has increased steadily and presently there are 50 clinics in Israel and 464 in the USA, (according to the Aliens). Alien alternative medicine clinics also exist in other countries (England, Denmark, Australia ). ET medical activity helps to raise public awareness and increase acceptance of Alien existence. Organized ET medical collaboration with Healers and Mediums is a leap forward in Alien-Human contact and collaboration beyond just UFO sighting, random contacts, encounters, abductions, or crash events as happened in Roswell. The Aliens treat humans in alternative medicine clinics only after the patients give their full consent. No abductions take place. In addition to the Alien medical activity, they willingly collaborate and answer questions on different issues including: information about Aliens and their activity on Earth, general science, astrophysics, and even Earth actuality events.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” ~ 3 John 1:2
“And my God will meet all your needs according to his riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:19
Mayan Artifacts Reveal Aliens Visited Earth
CALAKMUL, MEXICO (INTELLIHUB) — Newly released Mayan documents, i.e. artifacts, dating back at least 1300-years reveal that the human race is not alone and highly advanced technologies including space travel have likely existed for quite some time. Not only does this documentation released by the Mexican government show the existence of an explorer race, it may also reveal the roots of mankind. The Mexican government is releasing information held for 80-years.
Producer calls it the most important archaeological finding in the history of mankind.
MEXICO CITY — An underwater Maya city, a millennia-old landing pad once used for spacecraft, and human contact with extraterrestrials. These may sound like the makings of a blockbuster Hollywood film, but they’re actually the alleged discoveries behind the documentary “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond.”
“It is the most important archaeological finding in the history of mankind,” he says. “It’s going to open the eyes of humanity and elevate the consciousness of every human being on the planet. I guarantee it.”
The documentary also unveils a 3,000-year-old spacecraft landing pad that was allegedly built atop a rock structure capable of holding electromagnetic energy.
The government’s presentation of the information to be a major step forward for humanity as the truth is finally being let out. Hopefully this will prompt other governments around the world to be more forthcoming with such information, turning the tide in the UFO and extraterrestrial research community for good. Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo’s Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond also touches on such technology.
So far, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, Luis Augusto García Rosado, appears to be the highest-ranking government official to go on record confirming the discovery of extraterrestrial life, but he’s not holding back. In a statement, Rosado spoke of contact “between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time”. In a telephone conversation with the Wrap, he also spoke of “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old”. Thanks to Intellihub,–,,–,
These Hindu Texts Describe Flying Vimanas And An Ancient Nuclear War
Vimanas at top of Temples in India Ananta Vasudeva Temple
Ananta Vasudeva Temple is thought to be the oldest Hindu Temple in India and its towers are topped with models of vimanas. Dozens of temples throughout the country have clever models of the Vimanas usually on top of a structure that is similar to a mountain. Ananta Vasudeva Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnulocated in Bhubaneswar, the state capital of Odisha, India. The temple was constructed in the thirteenth century, and Krishna, Balarama and Subhadra are worshipped there.
The Hindu Vedas are packed with fantastic stories about the gods, their powers, and epic battles that supposedly took place long ago. Their sagas are widely perceived to be mythological stories that were created to be taken as allegory, much like we tell our children fables, so they might glean useful life lessons to apply down the road. These Hindu myths talk of noble Gods who fight off wicked forces, flying craft called Vimanas, and nuclear war?
Vimana Technology Perhaps the most disturbing and challenging, information about these Vimanas in the ancient records is that there are some matter-of-fact records, describing how to build one. In their way, the instructions are quite precise. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, it is written: “Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky.
The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, and move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.” The Hakata (Laws of the Babylonians) states quite unambiguously: “The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our inheritances. A gift from ‘those from upon high’. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives.” More fantastic still is the information given in the ancient Chaldern work, The Several, which contains over one hundred pages of technical details on building a flying machine. It contains words which translate as graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable angles, etc. Thanks to Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology
ANCIENT VIMANA AIRCRAFT Contributed by John Burrows Sanskrit texts are filled with references to gods who fought battles in the sky using Vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as any we can deploy in these more enlightened times. For example, there is a passage in the Ramayana which reads: “The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will …. that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky.” “.. And the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere.”
In the Mahabharatra, an ancient Indian poem of enormous length, we learn that an individual named Asura Maya had a Vimana measuring twelve cubits (19 feet) in circumference, with four strong wheels. The poem is a veritable gold mine of information relating to conflicts between gods who settled their differences apparently using weapons as lethal as the ones we are capable of deploying. Apart from ‘blazing missiles’, the poem records the use of other deadly weapons. ‘Indra’s Dart’ operated via a circular ‘reflector’.
When switched on, it produced a ‘shaft of light’ which, when focused on any target, immediately ‘consumed it with its power’. In one particular exchange, the hero, Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, when Salva’s Vimana, the Saubha is made invisible in some way. Undeterred, Krishna immediately fires off a special weapon: ‘I quickly laid on an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound’. Many other terrible weapons are described, quite matter of factly, in the Mahabharata, but the most fearsome of all is the one used against the Vrishis. The narrative records: “Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.”
Mukteswara Temple Bhubaneswar
The Vimana aircraft that are described in ancient Hindu Sanskrit texts are flying machines of varying degrees. The word Vimana translates to “having been measured out” or “traversing,” and were machines piloted by the gods. Much like the chariots of biblical texts, most notably the one seen in Ezekiel’s vision of the wheel, these flying craft came in all shapes and sizes and could travel at different speeds and distances. Some were land and seafaring vehicles, while others flew, sometimes all the way to the moon or further.
The most well-known documentation of the ancient Vimana flying machines comes from the Vaimānika Śāstra, an early 20th century translation of many accounts of Vimana technology found in ancient Vedic scriptures. It details drawings of a range of crafts, including the sources of fuel used to power them, although some can be confusing. The translations talk of certain elements and minerals we are familiar with, like mica, quicksilver and mercury, but also mentions strange liquids referred to as honey, which may have been an unknown substance with a similar viscosity or appearance to a bee’s nectar.
On top of every Hindu temple or pyramid, one can find a Vimana, and often they are rounded, saucer-like objects, which certain theorists believe were the vehicles of extraterrestrials. Erich von Däniken points out the modern sightings that created our perception of UFOs look very similar to the Vimanas of ancient India.
Von Däniken also points out that the depiction of Shiva flying on his bird, Garuda, could easily have been a primitive description of an airplane or spacecraft. Garuda was known for dropping bombs, flying to the moon, and bringing Shiva to different locations throughout the solar system. In trying to explain this sight to future generations, the elders’ story of a “god” flying around on a “giant bird” or “bird-like” craft might sound ridiculous and be considered merely mythological to those who may have never witnessed it.
When we look closer at these Vimanas, the descriptions of the sounds they made and the way they looked when they took off begin to resemble jet propulsion more and more. One translation of a passage in the Vedic Mahabharata describes a Vimana.
“The Vimana had all necessary equipment. It could not be conquered by the gods or demons. And it radiated light and reverberated with a deep rumbling sound. Its beauty captivated the minds of all who beheld it. Visvakarma, the lord of its design and construction, had created it by the power of his austerities, and its outline, like that of the sun, could not be easily delineated.”
The passages speak of Krishna’s cohort and epic hero of the Baghavad Gita, Arjuna, describing a trip he took in a Vimana into the heavens, where he saw thousands of airborne chariots and another massive Vimana that was seven stories tall. Much like Enoch’s trip taken up in a wheeled chariot, Von Däniken says he believes that this could have been a primitive interpretation of a trip to the mothership, from which the many Vimanas seen on Earth could have originated.
The Drona Parva’s Nuclear War
One of the strangest stories of the ancient Hindu Vedas comes from a translation of the Drona Parva, the seventh book in the Mahabharata. The book describes Drona, a warrior appointed as leader of an army in the Kurukshetra War and his ensuing death in that battle. The story fits in with themes seen elsewhere in the Mahabharata, and other ancient texts that detail the difficulties of war, but this particular book provides some descriptions that sound eerily similar to the effects of a nuclear war.
Explosions that level everything, animals screaming and engulfed in flames, pregnant women’s babies dying and metal armor melting onto the skins of warriors who wear them, all sound like the result of nuclear blast. It mentions birds falling from the sky, due to a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe, as bright as a thousand suns.
“We beheld in the sky what appeared to us to be a mass of scarlet cloud resembling the fierce flames of a blazing fire. From that mass many blazing missiles flashed, and tremendous roars, like the noise of a thousand drums beaten at once. And from it fell many weapons winged with gold and thousands of thunderbolts, with loud explosions, and many hundreds of fiery wheels,”(source).
Were these scarlet clouds resembling blazing fires and the subsequent death and destruction in the ancient scriptures describing the effects of a nuclear fallout? The primitive technology of the time couldn’t have been exposed to radiation of any sort, though the descriptions of pregnant mother’s babies dying sounds very much like the effects of radiation exposure.
After we developed the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, J. Robert Oppenheimer even quoted the Baghavad Gita saying, “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” Oddly enough, Oppenheimer, who developed the bomb, was also a scholar of Sanskrit, and some have compared his story to that of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna must be convinced to fight in a battle he does not want to take part in due to a moral dilemma, which some have compared to Oppenheimer’s hesitance in developing the atomic bomb.
The Unexplained Destruction of Harappa
The remnants of two ancient civilizations in the Indus Valley of modern day Pakistan and India have puzzled archeologists for decades. These cities were both deserted suddenly, coincidentally around the time of the construction of the great pyramids in Egypt, despite having been thriving centers of technology and culture for centuries. Mohenjo Daro, in particular, appears to have been flattened, or collapsed after 600 years of being inhabited. Could this have been the location of what may have been an ancient nuclear war?
Mohenjo Daro and Harappa are anomalous not just because of their desertion by the people who lived there, but also because of their incredibly advanced technology and decentralized, secular society. Archeologists have determined that the layout of these two massive cities shows evidence of an egalitarian civilization with no distinct hierarchy or elite ruling class and was likely governed by elected officials. The ruins of Mohenjo Daro show careful urban planning, advanced irrigation and drainage systems, and a 900 sq. foot, watertight, communal bath that was filled by the Indus river. This civilization spanned over 500 acres and supported a population of somewhere between 20,000 – 40,000 citizens.
Harappa, which came into ruin around the same time as Mohenjo Daro, was equally as advanced, with granaries, superstructures, and calculated trading practices.
These civilizations had board games like chess, traded precious gems and jewelry, and valued cleanliness and hygiene. Both were civilizations with thriving cultures that disappeared suddenly and without explanation.
Ruins of Mohenjo Dara via
Excavations at Mohenjo Daro unearthed the skeletons of a family holding hands, appearing to have been flattened with rubble and ash covering them as if they had died in an abrupt and unforeseen event. Some accounts say that a layer of radioactive ash was found in the soil before the site was dug up, adding to the theory of a nuclear event that could have been the cause of destruction of this ancient city.
These claims however are somewhat unsubstantiated with insufficient evidence to support the discovery of this radioactive material. It is strange though, that these two highly advanced civilizations experienced apocalyptic events at the same time while being situated within the same region, but still being.
Whether these stories found in the ancient Vedic scriptures actually provide evidence of a nuclear war or not, they seem to at least describe some incredibly advanced, apocryphal technology. Could there really have been flying crafts and a nuclear event that wiped out these two ancient civilizations like the one described in the Mahabharata? If so, could these “gods,” who were behind this technology, actually have been an extraterrestrial species with advanced technology that is common to us today? Thanks to Gaia Staff
Priests Should Deny Communion to Pro-Abortion Catholic
San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone said recently that priests should deny communion to pro-abortion Catholic public figures who “are unwilling or unable to abandon” their “advocacy for abortion and kill more than a million babies each year..”
“If you find that you are unwilling or unable to abandon your advocacy for abortion, you should not come forward to receive Holy Communion,” the archbishop told Catholic public figures. “To publicly affirm the Catholic faith while at the same time publicly rejecting one of its most fundamental teachings s simply dishonest.”
Cordileone’s rebuke of public figures who support abortion came in a 17-page letter on Saturday titled Before Formed You n the Womb Knew You. He did not name any such figures, though one of the archdiocese’s most famous parishioners, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, s a longtime abortion advocate. President Joe Biden also calls himself a pro-abortion Catholic, despite the church’s teachings on the issue.
-“If their participation n the evil of abortion s not addressed forthrightly by their pastors, this can lead Catholics (and others) to assume that the moral teaching of the Catholic Church on the inviolate sanctity of human life s not seriously held,” The exhortations of every Pope including Pope Francis, the frequent statements by the bishops of the United States, all make t clear what the teaching of the Catholic Church s n regard to abortion.”
He adds that pastors should call Catholic public figures “to conversion and to warn them that f they do not amend their lives they must answer before the tribunal of God for the innocent blood that has been shed which includes Pelosi and President Biden..”
We’re having fewer babies.
US birth rate falls to its lowest since 1979 as pandemic-led stress rises
By Bhargav Acharya
Empty Baby Beds
(Reuters) -Americans had the lowest number of babies n more than four decades last year, mirroring a slump n European birth rates, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced more people to take care of sick family members or deal with job losses.
Birth rate n the United States fell 4% n 2020 to about 3.6 million babies, its sixth consecutive annual decline and the lowest since 1979, according to data from the CDC) National Center for Health Statistics.
:The latest census data from 25 states revealed that U.S. births n 2020 were down 4.3 percent from 2019 thanks n part due to the pandemic and recession. The lockdown didn’t inspire a baby boom, but instead led to a baby bust. There’s something about a deadly virus that has killed nearly 600,000 that dampens the mood.
This data tracks with plummeting birth rates n other countries as well, such as Japan, China, South Korea, and the European Union. Globally, the global fertility rate has halved over 50 years. The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has to be at least 2.1 children per woman today so that one generation has enough to replace the other. As of January 2020, the U.S. fertility rate s below that number at 1.73 births per woman, down from 3.77 per woman 60 years ago.
2019-2020 Planned Parenthood abortions 354,871. Total number of abortions per week: 6,824. Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion n 1973, abortion has killed an estimated 20 million black babies — more than the entire black population of 1960. How does this benefit the black community
Filer be speaking at 2:PM Saturday 22 May
SECRETS, by Fred Ellis Brock,
SECRETS, by Fred Ellis Brock, the third novel of The Seven trilogy, s out. A cross-genre thriller involving kidnapping, murder, and UFO conspiracies, t brings to a climax the struggle of Bill Sanders and Morgen Remley to stop The Seven, a super-secret group trying to overthrow the U.S. government. From New Mexico to the White House, the action s nonstop. The first two novels, THE SEVEN and SHADOWS, are available wherever books are sold. The publisher s Wyatt-MacKenzie. More information s at
(Note: Amazon has hundreds of books with “seven,” “shadows,” and “secrets” n the title. Search for the author’s name. The books will pop right up.)
From a review of THE SEVEN n the Arizona Daily Star:
“Is the dearth of extra-terrestrial visits really as far-fetched as we think? in this debut novel, Fred Ellis Brock speculates on just how far government intelligence might go to keep an unsuspecting populace n the dark. Journalist and best-selling author Bill Sanders didn’t reach the top of his profession by being gullible, so he’s understandably skeptical when a boyhood friend claims his daughter has been abducted by aliens. But old loyalties run deep, so Bill reluctantly agrees to check t out — digging up the facts s his specialty, after all — and to his surprise they simply don’t add up. Even more disturbingly, people connected with his investigation are inexplicably turning up dead.
“In a lively plot that gallops across a landscape of disinformation and treachery, Brock’s hero peels away layers of artifice to arrive at the shocking heart of the intrigue. This s the first volume of a planned trilogy featuring Bill Sanders and his close encounters with “The Seven.” “Like his protagonist, … Brock s a journalist who has worked for major dailies including the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and The New York Times, and has authored best-selling books on financial planning.”
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Filer’s Files 19 2021 India’s Texts Describe Vimanas (UFOs) - PART II
Blackstar Spacecraft
Filer’s Files 19 2021 India’s Texts Describe Vimanas (UFOs) - PART II
Major George A. Filer II ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Black star,UFO Sighting, Abductions, Alleged ET Medical Teams, Mayan Artifacts Reveal Aliens Visited Earth, Vimanas, Priests Should Deny Communion to Pro-Abortion Catholic and Secrets.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, and West Virginia..
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Austria, France, Sweden and England n the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research institute feels the scientific study of UFOs s for the benefit of humankind and s an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and continue this advanced research. believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us n ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Arizona Light
Red Rock – as May 4, 2021, stepped outside and noticed a sphere n the sky which was shining different colors like a rainbow. t changed from being solid and very brightly colored, to almost entirely transparent. t had a bright white, bright blue, and even a violet color for most of the time. was able to witness, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, all sorts of different shades and elongated.
California Lights
Slough house– on December 21, 1917, parked my car to take a photo with my camera.
Midway City– on May 4, 2021, stepped outside and looked up and noticed lights flying n perfect formation making no sound. said to myself “Oh, no.”
I got my phone out to take video on my commentary, say “you can’t see them on video”. could still see them with my eyes. observed at least 20 before got out my phone, and would say 30 went past by the time hit record, and another 20 or 30 went past before the clouds became too thick to see anything more.
I watched the videos from Star link where they look very tightly packed together, and erratic spacing between them. These lights were n PERFECT formation with EXACT SAME distance between each. f held my 2 fingers up the space would be one and a half niches. They were the size of stars at a high altitude, but there was no noise. They didn’t look like the videos on the news. Thanks to Will Pucket/
Idaho Light
Meridian – on May 4, 2021, came to the conclusion t was Starlink lights slowly spinning n the sky and changing orientation. Heading south then veering to the east before disappearing. ‘m an amateur astronomer, but never saw anything change direction.
Kentucky Objects
Louisville – May 1, 2021, started to look closer noticed black objects n the sky that were almost circular n form and kept changing the way they appeared n the sky. They didn’t ever drop as f t were debris and flew extremely amazing. was completely awe struck and curious.
Maine S Object
Portland – on April 27, 2021, S shaped shiny object very high up n the sky that was a sparkle until looked through my cameras 2000mm zoom lens. t was as high up as a cruising plane and was out of sight within 5 minutes +/-
Michigan Rectangle
Rochester Hills — on May 16, 2019, a couple years ago while driving home around noon with my teenage daughter saw white extremely precise rectangular object. Like a box of colossal football field size so we thought t must be a UFO.
Missouri Light
Osage Beach – on April 29, 2021, was driving down Bluff Drive when noticed a bright large white oval disc shaped flying object. stopped my vehicle and took pictures. The object then disappeared several seconds later .
Nevada Humanoid
Sun Valley– on August 10, 2020 , was standing n the court yard when noticed a weird wiggly looking cloud that thought odd. thought the shape of the further cloud was interesting enough to take a photo was going through pictures n my phone and discovered weird wiggly looking cloud could be a humanoid flying
New York Light
Levittown — September 19, 2017, at 9:20 pm. at school with some friends and saw lights when looked up like tiny suns. The orbs didn’t do much but fly slowly and “dance n the air”.
Oklahoma Light
Sayre– on April 9, 2014, was just taking pictures of the clouds and later enlarged them only to see a large transparent ship with a long body and curved on the top and bottom. have other sightings and photos of different types. Note: The apparent object s likely a reflection and not a real object. Thanks to Will Pucket/
Oregon Light
Portland – February 8, 2021, wanted to share these two pictures took at Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge of eagles but the object s n the lower left of these two shots. didn’t see the object until downloaded the photos when got home.
Note: The object doesn’t appear to be an aircraft. t could possibly be a meteor. One thing s for sure s that t s a nice photo Eagles. Thanks to Will Pucket/
Washington Lights
Seattle – on May 4, 2021, a silent linear n trajectory, bright object seemed to glide overhead headed south and emitting a hazy, almost candle-lit glow that illuminated the object. t was silent and took four attempts to get photo t was nearly gone by the time got a photo.
West Virginia Triangle
Buckhannon – on March 19, 2021, my 11 year old granddaughter and were soaking n the hot tub at9:30 PM when witnessed two flashes of light 100 feet apart one after the other. She started jumping up and down and pointing right above us over our 75 foot pine tree. t was 50 feet above the tree. Boomerang shaped. 30-40 foot wing span. 20 feet n length. Moving very slowly with no sound to NE. My granddaughter came n and drew a sketch immediately after.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Austria Object
Salzburg – on August 9, 2018, my son was fooling around taking 13 multiple pictures of me and my husband within half a minute while posing a weird shape on the background appears and disappears. The pictures are taken within seconds and the subject s gone right the way.
Australia Lights
Adelaide – on April 26, 2021, was recording the NASA TV APP watching this short video from the SS starring not space.
France Disk
Monchy-Humières– on November 11, 1990, above a field a round machine stopped n front of me that was meters (26 feet) n diameter, gray, with rectangular portholes on the rounded top,. Below 3 spotlights, + a large rectangle. Took our breath of air away. U-turn on itself, then enormous acceleration without noise.
Sweden Light
Hässleholm — January 5, 2019, Orb seen while making morning Coffey.
UK/England Object
Stoke on Trent – on May 2, 2020, object seemed to be at a standstill when first spotted and drifted slowly SE and gained altitude. Odd shape reflected sun intermittently emitting purple and green.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
Murders made to look like suicides and accidents. Classified government documents fallen into the wrong hands. Stolen diaries; some of them burned and shredded for fear of what, one day, they might reveal. Powerful people with dangerous agendas. Famous faces. The Feds prowling around. Hollywood conspiracies. CIA agents keeping watch. Frightened people with secrets to hide. Wild sex. Drugs. Crazy parties and flowing booze. And, an incredible story of UFOs, aliens, Roswell, Area 51, Flying Saucers, and the death of a beautiful, but tragically scarred, icon. Her name was Marilyn Monroe. All of the above can be found in the pages of my new book, Diary of Secrets: UFO Conspiracies and the Mysterious Death of Marilyn Monroe. Of course, combining Marilyn, UFOs, aliens, murder and more into one heady mix is bound to provoke controversy to a significant degree. To say the very least. Many of you here at Mysterious Universe will know the bones of this story – a story that first surfaced in 1994 and that grew a year later. Since then, it has never really gone away.
The man who broke the story was Milo Speriglio, a now-deceased author and private detective. And he broke it by revealing (in a press-conference) what was said to have been a “leaked” Central Intelligence Agency document. The contents of that controversy-filled document suggested Marilyn was being wiretapped by the CIA – and that, in 1962, the Kennedy brothers (John and Robert) had secretly shared with Marilyn top secret material on UFOs, plots to kill Fidel Castro, and plans for an invasion of Cuba. The story continues that Marilyn had carefully and deeply detailed all of this in her long-gone, missing diary. The document is dated August 3, 1962, one day before Marilyn was found dead. The inference is that Marilyn was killed because of what she knew of Roswell, Area 51 and so on. That’s quite a story. Some say that’s all it is: a story and nothing else. Others in the UFO field are absolutely sure that the story and the document amount to the real deal. As for me? Well, I have carefully and quietly followed the story since it first surfaced. And, now, I’ve got to the point where I think it’s time to share with everyone all of the material I have found, most of which has never been made public before.
Certainly, one of the most intriguing developments was my discovery that the CIA quietly opened a file on Milo Speriglio and monitored his research, writings and more – all on Marilyn, of course. I managed to get the file under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. Additional files surfaced, such as the FBI’s file on Dorothy Kilgallen (a journalist who died under controversial circumstances, in 1965, while she was investigating the JFK assassination of November 22, 1963), and whose name appears in that controversial CIA document. Nineteen-Ninety-Five was the year in which the U.S. UFO magazine – edited and published for a long time by Don and Vicki Ecker – splashed the story of the document across the pages of their publication. The Ecker’s were prompted to give the story page-space following a then-recent press-conference put together by Milo Speriglio – one of the most important characters in this overall story, and who was briefly mentioned earlier. The reason for his importance? Along with UFO researcher Timothy Cooper, Speriglio was the only other one who had access to the document, itself. Anyone else who had the document at that time was working with nothing else but a second- or third-version of it.
Being watched: Marilyn Monroe and her husband, playwright Arthur Miller were both suspected of communist activities by the FBI
Surveillance: This FBI file documented an anonymous call to the New York Daily News. It's unknown how the agency found out about it
Marilyn Monroe is seen here with Jean Pierre Piquet, manager of Continental Hilton Hotel. The FBI has released a new version of files it kept on Monroe that reveal the names of some of her acquaintances who had drawn concern from the FBI
The star's death was ruled likely drug overdose, but questions still remain about the FBI's role in her life
So far as can be determined, the FBI first opened a dossier on Marilyn in 1955. Specifically, in August of the year. You may wonder why. Midway through the month, the Bureau created a document with the title of: Visit of Soviet Farmers to the U.S., 1955. To the absolute annoyance of the FBI, staff at the Soviet Embassy in the United States had just then invited Marilyn to come along to a party “in honor of the Soviet Agricultural Delegation,” that was making a trip to the U.S. The Russian connection continued. On August 19, Marilyn did something amazing, taking into consideration the Cold War concerns that existed at that time. She applied to get a visa to travel to the Soviet Union. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was hardly pleased. Hoover made sure his agents shared the bad news with a handful of U.S. agencies. The list includes the Department of State (specifically, its office of the Director of Security), the office of the Attorney General, and the CIA. This document is highly important. It was the first, confirmed piece of evidence showing the CIA was taking an interest in Marilyn’s activities. For decades, the agency denied it possessed any records on Marilyn. Today, we know better.
A portion of the FBI’s lengthy file on journalist Dorothy Kilgallen
(Nick Redfern)
I should stress that Diary of Secrets was not written to specifically uphold the UFO angle against any other side of the story. This is very much a “warts and all” type affair. Much of the investigation was done on the road, checking in and out of motels, meeting with people who could help (so they said…). In doing so, I crossed paths with highly credible sources who knew of the “UFO-Marilyn-document” story years before Milo Speriglio was on the scene. But, to demonstrate that the story is a very controversial one, I have to admit I also came across whistleblowers with their own agendas, fantasists, hoaxers, outright liars and those who clearly knew a lot, but who were reluctant to say too much. Then, there was the matter of Cold War-era shenanigans and the Soviets. Did they have a strange connection to that enigmatic document? Were the “bodies” referred to in the “Speriglio document” (as I call it in the book) really aliens? Or, was there another possibility? What about a hushed-up, and very early, Soviet space flight before that of Yuri Gagarin and that went disastrously wrong? Is that what the document was referring to? Or, is the document nothing more than a well-crafted hoax? Questions like those crossed my path over and again. This is just the beginning of Diary of Secrets, a book that gets right to the heart of the most important question of all: was Marilyn Monroe killed because of what she knew about UFOs and aliens?
Fiery Skies Over Tel Aviv, Israel ( May 11, 2021 )
Raw footage of Israel's Iron Dome intercepting rockets over Two Aviv and Central Isreal, May 11.
credit : Zina Rakhamilova
UFO Sightings Footage : ABC News
Strange Skies Over Syria ( April 27, 2021 )
Strange skies were sighted over Syria on April 27, 2021
STATEMENT : A friend from Syria sent me this on Instagram!!
This is insane
credit : Louise McKenna
UFOs Sighted Over Mexico City ( May 11, 2021 )
Multiple UFOs were sighted over Mexico City ON May 11, 2021 note : Impressive vision... this kind of fleet has recently appeared in Mexico and Colombia.
credit : Melv Whiteman
UFOs Sighted Over Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil ( May 11, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Não acredito que seja algo absurdo. Mas alguém sabe o que é isso? Parece balões, mas não sei ao certo. Filmei hoje em Copacabana, RJ.
TRANSLATE : I don't believe it's something absurd. Does anyone know what this is though? Looks like balloons but idk for sure Filmed today in Copacabana, RJ.
Multiple UFOs maneuvering over Salt Lake City, UT 6-May-2021
Multiple UFOs maneuvering over Salt Lake City, UT 6-May-2021
These bright UFOs were filmed in the sky above Salt Lake City, the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Utah on 6th May 2021.
Witness report:
About 10 orbs making shapes and gliding by eachother. I was driving back to work from my Lunch Break when I saw what looked to be shiny Balloons in the Sky but then they were behaving a little odd for Balloons, when I looked harder I thought maybe they could be Birds but they were dissapearing and reappearing, dancing and making shapes, they seemed to be like orbs not birds. There was about 10 of them moving oddly in the sky, so i pulled over and took a video.
Simulated trajectories estimated it could crash down somewhere in the Americas, Europe, or Western Africa in October. Initial observations suggested the object could be bigger than a skyscraper— large enough to obliterate major cities in its path, like New York, London, or Lagos.
You likely didn’t hear about this menacing space rock until now — because it doesn’t exist. In truth, it is part of a fictional scenario fed to a global team of experts who gathered virtually last week for the annual International Academy of Astronautics Planetary Defense Conference Exercise. During a four-day drill, more than 300 participants from the U.S., Russia, China, South America, Mexico, Japan, and elsewhere acted out a cosmic war game to test humanity’s readiness for the sudden appearance of a celestial threat.
“This was a short-warning exercise,” Lindley Johnson, holder of one of NASA’s cooler job titles — Planetary Defense Officer — tells Inverse.
And unfortunately for the future of humanity, the team came to one grim conclusion: A six-month lead time “makes it pretty much impossible for us to deflect [the asteroid] in space or do anything before impact.”
For the last decade or so, researchers, space agencies, and other governmental organizations have periodically come together to do a macabre dress rehearsal of our doom. The goal is to prepare the world to handle an event of such magnitude, one that would require coordination across borders unlike any other effort in history.
This year’s exercise faced a different disastrous reality, though. With Covid-19 precautions still in place, it was held, like almost everything these days, via online video chat. As a result, its coordinators simplified things compared to previous years’ games, Johnson says. While some previous simulations have been allowed to unfold in real-time over several months, this exercise was accelerated to compress weeks of new information into just four consecutive workdays.
In practical terms, this means:
Day one: Participants were told that an object between approximately 30 to 700 meters in diameter — ranging from an explosive hazard to a disaster-level threat — was detected in space about 35 million miles from the Earth.
At this point, the hypothetical asteroid, named 2021 PDC, had a 1 in 2500 chance of hitting our planet.
Day two: The odds of a strike were now much higher. The object was confirmed with 100 percent probability to strike somewhere within a broad swathe of Europe and Northern Africa stretching from Oslo to Memphis.
When the map came up showing this huge continental calamity zone, “there was a wide-eyed gasp,” Johnson recalls.
“It’s not practical to evacuate an area that size.”
Hundreds of millions of people live in the region. And to make matters more complicated, they wouldn’t know which direction to travel in for safety until additional data about the asteroid came in — precious days, hours, and minutes of evacuation time could slip by in the wait for more information.
The plot twists in the drill replicate how information evolves and changes over time in real-world disasters. Johnson says this makes it a challenge on many fronts, including how to tell the public without triggering absolute chaos.
“We don’t want to hide this information, but we don’t want to panic people,” Johnson says. Given the current media landscape and the ease of posting false facts and figures on Twitter or Facebook, “part of the effort would be to try to reduce the amount of speculation that starts to occur.”
In this sense, an asteroid threat is not unlike the Covid-19 pandemic, a similarly world-changing event that has required global coordination and shown that both news and nonsense can travel much faster than expert analysis.
By the final day of the scenario, exercise participants 2021 PDC’s area of impact was narrowed to somewhere in the corner of Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic in six days’ time — just where Detlef Koschny, Johnson’s counterpart at the European Space Agency, happens to own a house — sending up huge plumes of dust into the atmosphere that would linger for weeks, block out the Sun, and cause global cooling on a similar scale to a large climate-changing volcanic eruption.
Images taken from the OSIRIS-REx missions show asteroid Bennu spinning. Bennu is one of many near-Earth asteroids planetary scientists keep a close eye on due to their close brushes with Earth over time. NASA
Grant Stokes, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, watches for dangerous space rocks.
“It’s a valuable exercise from a couple of different points of view,” Stokes tells Inverse. He did not participate in the exercise.
If something menacing were to be found in the space around Earth, it would be best for the world to not respond on the fly, Stokes says. And, in alternate scenarios where there is enough advanced notice, there might even be a chance to prevent the disaster entirely.
Vishnu Reddy is a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He has helped to coordinate previous asteroid-preparedness scenarios and says participants can draw one conclusion as to the best tool in a planetary protection team’s arsenal.
“The best defense, more than any other weapon, is time,” Reddy tells Inverse. “The more time we have, the better off we are.”
The farther out scientists and decision-makers know about looming space rocks, the better they will be able to prepare their response. NASA has a few ways they’re preparing to deal with potential impacts with a good amount of lead time:
NASA has extensively cataloged more than 90 percent of asteroids in our vicinity larger than a kilometer — these rocks could end civilization as we know if they hit the Earth. None are on a crash course with Earth in the next two centuries.
In November, NASA will launch the Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission, which will travel to an asteroid system called 65803 Didymos. The system consists of a 1-kilometer asteroid and its 160-meter moon. DART will fire a half-ton missile at the moon, with the hopes of altering its orbit. If it succeeds, it will serve as a proof-of-concept of essentially a smarter version of what Bruce Willis does in Armageddon.
NASA is in the process of cataloging all objects in Earth’s vicinity 140-meters in diameter or larger. Thus far NASA has managed to spot around an estimated 40 percent of such asteroids.
A new space telescope called the Near-Earth Object Surveillance Mission should launch later this decade to help NASA finish the job.
The DART mission seeks to see if we can move asteroids out of the path of Earth. ESA
These real-world precautionary steps underscore the need for scientists to continue doing such planetary defense exercises and be informed by them.
“It’s like athletes practicing for the Olympics,” says Reddy. “This is mental decisional preparation.”
At the end of last week’s event, participants learned that 2021 PDC was around 105 meters in size and had central Europe in its crosshairs. The town of Český Krumlov in the south of the Czech Republic would be at the epicenter of the impact.
So, did everyone make it out alright? Unfortunately, the scientists didn’t get that far in this story.
“We actually terminated the exercise once we knew where the impact was going to be,” Johnson says. But that’s because the scenario was more “to realistically present to the disaster managers what they could be facing, and stimulate thinking on what they need to do.”
What is this strange triangular structure in Antarctica? (Video)
What is this strange triangular structure in Antarctica? (Video)
Google Earth has us used to discovering strange things, especially in little-explored territories like Antarctica.
There, at coordinates 76 ° 39’29.74 ”S 125 ° 49’15.36” W, an object appears with a whimsical triangular shape.
But not only that, its surroundings suggest an impact scenario … or landing. What is it about?
“In the middle of nowhere, between frozen hills, we find a kind of crater with what appears to be a triangular object in its center, which looks or seems to have been built by someone,” they report from the SecureTeam10 channel.
“It is as if the object has landed there and left its mark; also its shadow is well cast on the snow. “
In the video uploaded to YouTube and shared here, Tyler explains how the shape of this Antarctic object reminds him of others found, for example, on the Moon, or the famous triangular or pyramidal UFOs .
Could it be the scene of a UFO landing or crashing?
Others do not risk so much, and think that it could be a simple meteorite, one that according to the Google Earth rule measures about 8 meters.
Quite a sizeable size considering what would have been burned in the atmosphere. After all, many have been found in Antarctica.
Whatever it is, natural or not, the truth is that in the software’s image history, the object does not appear before the year 2012, so it fell there – or emerged from the ice – at some point after that date. .
Well-known Time Traveler Reveals Future Map of the US After Devastating Events (2020 – 2025)
Well-known Time Traveler Reveals Future Map of the US After Devastating Events (2020 – 2025)
Al Bielek is by far one of the most popular time travelers of all time has he’s reported on multiple occasions has been a part of some of the most important projects that humanity has ever secretly undertaken throughout history.
He was born in 1927 and for as long as he remembers he’s been working for the US military. Throughout his career, he’s done a lot of good and bad, but he reported everything going absolutely bonkers by the time he began working on the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment.
This is where he learned of the many Mind Control experiments that the US were working on and more specifically how they would erase the memories of the soldiers so that they couldn’t tell anyone about what they witnessed here.
He was a part of this, but with time he managed to retrieve his memories altogether. He reported having gone to Mars on multiple occasions and most importantly he even had a station in 100,000 BC.
He witnessed some incredible catastrophes which apparently took place from 2020 to 2025 which he reported on in the video below.
Archaeologist claims to have found a pyramid hidden under the sands of Saqqara
Archaeologist claims to have found a pyramid hidden under the sands of Saqqara
An Egyptian archaeologist believes to have discovered the site of a new pyramid after scanning the Saqqara desert.
Dr. Dobrev (right) with Tony Robinson
Filled with tombs, the site served as a necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis and is home to numerous pyramids, including the world-famous Step Pyramid of Djoser .
Dr. Vasko Dobrev has spent the last three decades researching this area just 30 kilometers from the world famous pyramids of Giza.
A few months ago, his findings were revealed during the documentary Opening Egypt’s Great Tomb , broadcast in the UK on Channel 5.
“I have traveled more than 400 miles north of Aswan, but this is not a tourist visit , “ said Tony Robinson, host of the documentary.
“Dr. Vasko Dobrev has been working in the desert outside Cairo for the past 30 years and is in search of a new pyramid.”
“Often we only think of the famous pyramids of Giza , but this place called Saqqara has the first pyramid and many more.”
“The pyramids here spanned six centuries of Egyptian history, but one dynasty of pharaohs, in particular, chose to build their magnificent tombs at Saqqara,” he added in his introduction.
Dr. Dobrev surprised Robinson by explaining how numerous pyramids could be hidden under the sand.
There are about 120 pyramids around Egypt. The pharaohs built pyramids here because Saqqara is exactly opposite the Egyptian capital, Memphis, ” said Dobrev.
Do you see this little pyramid? This is Pepi II, his father is here, his great-grandfather is behind him and the whole family is close by ».
The pair then headed to the top of a flat plateau where Dr. Dobrev believes to be the site of an undiscovered pyramid.
“Maybe we have [under us] the pharaoh Userkare, he didn’t reign for long, maybe three or four years. He couldn’t finish a 52-meter-high pyramid in three years.”
“He may only have had time to create the base of the pyramid,” the archaeologist told Robinson.
“We are at a good height, we discovered that all the pyramids in Saqqara are at the same level.”
He then revealed the evidence to support his claim. Dr. Dobrev noted that the georadar had found something potentially artificial hidden under the sands:
So there is a kind of pyramid level and we have his father in the north, his son is there and his grandson is behind us. But we have something else, the new technology, geophysics, shows something with right angles.
“This is not done naturally, we have a kind of square here, 80 by 80 meters, which is exactly the size of the pyramids of that period.”
Beyond this revelation – which is several months old – there is still no indication of future plans to excavate the area where the alleged pyramid would lie.
However, with the recent push to investigate and unearth the secrets of the Saqqara necropolis, there could be hope that we will soon learn more about it.
NASA's Voyager-1 spacecraft, travelling outside the solar system, has sent back new data revealing a 'hum' given off by interstellar gas 14 billion miles from the Earth.
The spacecraft, currently further away from the Earth than any human-made object before it, launched 44 years ago to study the gas giants of the outer solar system.
Its instruments have now recorded the 'constant drone' of plasma - the fourth state of matter that makes up 99.9 per cent of the universe - while in interstellar space.
The very faint and monotone sound has been sent back to Earth by Voyager-1 in a 'narrow frequency bandwidth'.
Cornell University astronomers, who carried out the analysis of the interstellar hum, say the signal carrying the data was so weak it isn't audible without manipulation.
It's hoped that the discovery of a constant hum will help astronomers understand more about how the medium interacts with the very edges of the Sun's solar winds.
NASA's Voyager-1 spacecraft, travelling outside the solar system, has sent back new data revealing a 'hum' given off by interstellar gas 14 billion miles from the Earth
The interstellar medium is the matter and radiation existing in space between star systems in a galaxy.
It includes gases found in atomic and molecular form, as well as dust and cosmic rays from nearby stars.
The Interstellar Medium fills interstellar space and blends smoothly into the surrounding intergalactic space.
In the solar system the Medium begins at the edge of the heliopause, the point where the Sun's winds reach equilibrium with the medium.
Recent studies have shown the medium has a low, persistent hum, picked up by Voyager-1.
It is an important state in astrophysics as has an intermediate role between stellar and galactic scales.
The densest regions of the interstellar medium can support star formation.
Through stellar winds and supernovae the stars replenish the matter in the interstellar medium.
Examining data slowly sent back from more than 14 billion miles away, Stella Koch Ocker, a Cornell doctoral student in astronomy, uncovered the emission.
'It's very faint and monotone, because it is in a narrow frequency bandwidth,' Ocker said. 'We're detecting the faint, persistent hum of interstellar gas.'
Voyager 1 crossed into interstellar space in August 2012 - and is continuing to collect data. No manmade object has travelled further than NASA's iconic spacecraft.
It carries a copy of the Golden Record - a 'message to aliens' compiled by legendary astronomer Carl Sagan.
There are greetings in 55 languages, pictures of people and places on Earth and music ranging from Beethoven to Chuck Berry's 'Johnny B. Goode.'
Crossing into interstellar space involved going through the heliopause - the theoretical boundary where the Sun's solar wind meets the interstellar medium.
The study published in Nature Astronomy shows how the heliosphere is shape and modified, say the New York team.
After entering interstellar space in 2012, Voyager's Plasma Wave System detected gas bursts caused by our own sun, with a steady, persistent signature from the tenuous near-vacuum of space between the bursts.
Senior author Professor James Cordes said: 'The interstellar medium is like a quiet or gentle rain,' adding that when there is a solar outburst it is like detecting a lightning burst in a thunderstorm, then going back to gentle rain.
Ocker believes there is more low-level activity in the interstellar gas than scientists had previously thought, which allows researchers to track the spatial distribution of plasma - that is, when it's not being perturbed by solar flares.
Co-author Shami Chatterjee said: 'We've never had a chance to evaluate it. Now we know we don't need a fortuitous event related to the sun to measure interstellar plasma. Regardless of what the sun is doing, Voyager is sending back detail.
'The craft is saying, "Here's the density I'm swimming through right now. And here it is now. And here it is now. And here it is now."
'Voyager is quite distant and will be doing this continuously,' said Chatterjee, or at least until it runs out of power required to send data back to the Earth.
Voyager 1 crossed into interstellar space in August 2012 - and is continuing to collect data. No manmade object has travelled further than NASA's iconic spacecraft
The spacecraft, currently further away from the Earth than any human-made object before it, launched 44 years ago to study the gas giants of the outer solar system
NASA reveals plans to send an Interstellar Probe to the edge of the heliosphere
NASA plans to send a probe where no probe has been before, flying to the edge of the heliosphere by the early 2030s to understand how the solar system formed.
The heliosphere is the bubble of space surrounding the sun and enclosing all the planets, from Mercury to Neptune and is affected by solar winds.
So far Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, launched in 1977, are the only probes to venture outside the heliosphere, currently 14 and 11 billion miles from Earth respectively.
Currently dubbed the Interstellar Probe, NASA wants to send the spacecraft out to 1,000 AU (astronomical units) in the 2030s.
Along the way to that 1,000 AU, marking the inner edge of the Oort Cloud, a 100,000 AU stretch of ancient comets and icy rocks, it will examine the heliosphere, planets and more.
The extremely weak, narrowband plasma wave emission the team detected seemed to continue for about 10 AU (929 million miles) of interstellar space.
The emission appears to be distinct from shock-generated plasma oscillations, that is those created by strong solar winds, that were previously used to measure the local density of plasma outside the heliopause.
Study authors predict the 'hum' may be generated by thermally or suprathermally excited plasma oscillations - very energetic particles.
The persistence of the emission through the most recent data published from Voyager-1 suggests that it may continue to be detectable by Voyager-1.
'This future work will improve our understanding of the large-scale structure of the VLISM (Very Local Interstellar Medium) and may reveal the extent of the Sun’s role mediating interstellar turbulence,' the authors wrote.
Launched in September 1977, Voyager 1 flew by Jupiter in 1979 and then Saturn in late 1980. Travelling at about 38,000 mph, it crossed the heliopause in August 2012.
While it will continue on its voyage even after its power runs out due to momentum, by 2025 the spacecraft will no longer be able to send signals back to Earth.
So the scientists involved in the mission are taking every opportunity to study the data, learn more about interstellar space and prepare for the next mission.
The findings have been published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
Voyager 1 is currently 14 billion miles away from Earth, travelling northward through space.
The probe has sent back data to NASA once it reached interstellar space that cosmic rays are as much as four times more abundant in that region, beyond the sun's direct influence, than in the vicinity of Earth.
This suggests that the heliosphere, the region of space that contains our solar system's planets, may act as a radiation shield.
Meanwhile, Voyager 2 is now 11.77 billion miles from Earth, travelling south towards the interstellar region.
The contrasting locations of the two spacecraft allow scientists to compare two regions of space where the heliosphere interacts with the interstellar medium.
Voyager 2 crossing into the interstellar medium allows scientists to sample the medium from two different locations at the same time.
Voyager 1 composite plasma wave spectrum. Top: Frequency-time dynamic spectrum showing all of the Voyager 1 PWS wideband data available since Voyager 1 crossed the heliopause on August 25, 2012. The time resolution of the spectrum is 3 days and the frequency resolution is 0.011 kHz. Each column of pixels corresponds to a 1D spectrum that is the average of all ≈ 48 s long observations that fall within that 3-day time bin. The individual spectra that fall within a given time bin have been equilibrated to the same noise baseline. The 2.4 kHz supply interference line is masked out, and the spectrum is smoothed with a 1D Gaussian smoothing kernel with σ = 0.01 kHz. Bottom: Schematic showing relevant features in the PWS spectrum, including the locations of previously detected plasma oscillation events (POEs). Two events have direct associations with shocks detected by the magnetometer. A magnetic pressure wave was also detected in early 2017. The lower cutoff frequency of the plasma oscillations corresponds to the local plasma frequency. The approximate times of relativistic electron bursts detected by the cosmic ray instruments are also indicated. The model of the weak, narrowband plasma wave emission presented in this paper is shown in solid gray, and the plasma frequency inferred from POE activity between 2015 and 2017 is shown in dashed gray. A POE detected in June 2019 is also shown as a black circle, but was masked in our analysis because it coincided with a period of severely degraded telemetry performance.
Voyager 1 vliegt momenteel door het “interstellaire medium” buiten de invloed van onze zon. Daar stelt hij een soort constant gebrom vast, het geluid van het universum buiten ons zonnestelsel.
Voyager 1 werd 44 jaar geleden de ruimte ingestuurd. De ruimtesonde is het verst verwijderde object dat door mensen gemaakt is, namelijk zo’n 22,5 miljard kilometer. Instrumenten aan boord stellen een constant gebrom vast. Het geluid lijkt te komen van interstellair gas of plasmagolven dat zich tussen de sterren bevindt, in een grotendeels lege ruimte.
“Het is erg zwak en monotoon, omdat het zich in een smalle frequentieband bevindt”, zei Stella Koch Ocker, een doctoraatsstudent astronomie aan de Cornell-universiteit, die de emissie ontdekte. “We detecteren het zwakke, aanhoudende gezoem van interstellair gas.”
De bevindingen suggereren dat er meer aan de hand is in interstellair gas dan we eerder hadden gedacht. Wetenschappers zijn er niet zeker van welke activiteit het geluid zou kunnen veroorzaken, maar suggereren dat dit het resultaat kan zijn van “thermisch opgewekte plasma-oscillaties”.
Onderzoekers hopen het gebrom te gebruiken om te begrijpen hoe het interstellaire medium in wisselwerking staat met de grens van het zonnestelsel. Ook willen ze weten hoe die grens - bekend als de heliopauze - wordt gevormd.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Both Uranus and Neptune Have Really Bizarre Magnetic Fields
Both Uranus and Neptune Have Really Bizarre Magnetic Fields
The magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune are really, seriously messed up. And we don’t know why.
The magnetic fields of most planets (if they even have one) are pretty straightforward. The planet spins in a certain direction, and the field roughly lines up with that direction of spin. Sure, the fields may wander a little bit here and there, but generally speaking everything makes sense.
And then there are the ice giants, Uranus and Neptune. In the case of Uranus, the planet itself spins almost perpendicular to the rest of the solar system, but its magnetic field is in almost the usual up-down direction. With Neptune, the magnetic field is a full 47 degrees away from the spin direction. In addition, the magnetic fields are offset away from the centers of both planets.
What’s going on?
The magnetic fields of Earth, Uranus and Neptune. Credit: ETH Zurich / T. Kimura
Scientists have long guessed that something funky is happening within the planets. Both planets are thought to host large convective layers, somewhere between the core and the atmosphere, where super-pressurized water and methane exist in a “superionic state”, with properties of both liquids and solids. The superionic water and methane circulate in up-down patterns, and since they are charged, the planets might generate their magnetic fields there, rather than in the cores.
Magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune measured by Voyager 2.
They found that the superionic ammonia might indeed be stable at those pressures and temperatures, suggesting that it might exist inside those planets. But crucially, the ammonia was not viscous enough to form a stable layer deeper within the planet. In other words, for the convective layer idea to work, it needs to sit on top of a stable layer, and it seems difficult to get ammonia to play both roles. And without a convective layer, we can’t explain the magnetic field structure.
For now, the mystery of the ice giant magnetic fields goes unsolved.
Dying NASA Scientist Reveals Truth About Life on Mars and the Lies Told To Us
Dying NASA Scientist Reveals Truth About Life on Mars and the Lies Told To Us
Dying NASA Scientist Reveals Truth About Life on Mars
Did the same Parasites who are terraforming Earth, terraform Mars into what we see today? Texas Arwen
There seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding the Mars rovers. Some believe that the rovers never actually went to Mars and are actually roaming around secure rural deserted regions of planet Earth. There are those that believe beyond a shadow of doubt, the rovers are on Mars. Therefore, how would you explain the sighting of people?
As a science writer, and during my tenure as a cruise lecturer (pre-pandemic), I often get questions that are difficult to answer. I once got into a discussion with a doctor on board a ship who asked about sound in space. He had retired from a career in ear, nose, and throat and asked about what we would “hear” on another planet. From there, we talked about Jupiter’s sounds and the noise of a star exploding.
Detecting Sounds on Mars
Well, it turns out, if he’s still around, there are some good examples of sounds in space sent back from spacecraft recently. The first one comes from the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars. Its flights are wildly popular with viewers here on Earth. Each one takes the rover further and higher and they all provide new challenges for the tiny craft. During the April 30th flight, the microphone on the Perseverance rover picked up the actual sounds of Ingenuity’s rotors flipping around at about 2400 rpm (rotations per minute).
Ingenuity’s flight noises became the first recorded ones on a planet where only the sound of the wind existed heard for billions of years. (Yes, of course, each spacecraft landing made a sound, but there were no ears, or microphones, to pick up their noise.)
Now, I can imagine someone asking if it would sound like this to someone standing outside on the surface of the planet. Probably not. Anybody standing outside on Mars will have to wear a spacesuit (and make their own oxygen so they can safely walk around) and will listen to radio communications. That’s going to change what they hear and nobody will ever get to walk around on Mars without protection.
Sounds from Deep Space
Mars isn’t the only place where scientists record “sound” vibrations. And, that’s what sound is: a disturbance, a vibration through a medium. On Mars, the vibrations from the helicopter move through the thin Martian air. But, “sounds” exist in interstellar space (where there is no air, as such). And, they can be detected.
Voyage 1’s location relative to the rest of the solar system on May 10, 2021. Courtesy NASA from
As it turns out, the venerable Voyager 1 (V1) spacecraft does a little sonic exploration of its own, as it passes through interstellar space. It uses its Plasma Wave System to detect a narrow band of vibrations in the plasma environment. V1 has been in interstellar space since 2012 and completed its planetary studies long before that. Studies of the ISM, as it’s called, comprise an important part of its long-term science mission.
Sounds of Silence? Not!
I once had an astronomy professor describe the environment of deep space as “the sounds of silence.” Today, we know that deep space is not empty and we know it’s not “silent.”
Interstellar space contains atoms and molecules of gases and other compounds, and those can move, vibrate, and spin. Those actions send out vibrations that can be detected by sensitive instruments onboard spacecraft passing through the region.
Sampling Sounds in Space
All the spacecraft headed out to interstellar space can be used to sample the density of this “stuff”. So, Voyager 2 can do this, as can New Horizons. In the case of V1, the Plasma Wave System detects a faint “hum” from the low-level actions of interstellar gas. Think of it like the sound made by the constant, gentle patter of rain on a roof. However, instead of water falling in a storm, low-level activity by interstellar gas molecules sends out a monotonic plasma-wave signal. That “hum” is what gets picked up by V1’s instrument.
From time to time, the Sun interrupts this hum with outbursts of its own. Those disturbances travel out to space and Voyager detects them. However, solar events only disturb the interstellar medium for a short time. The rest of the time, the faint hum of gases is all that Voyager can detect” in the plasma wave frequency range.
Now, this isn’t something that human ears are going to hear, even if we could figure out a way to exist in interstellar space without spacesuits and helmet radios. This signal would need to be boosted and processed quite a bit for human ears to hear it. That’s not the point of the study, however. Instead, what it really represents is our exploration of interstellar space in a very direct and evocative way.
(Want to read more about the V1 finding? Check out the research paper where the team involved in monitoring V1’s signals reports their work.)
300/UFO fleet near the ISS on live broadcast /Reptilians show them selves /Huge spaceship over New York City ! Grays crafts/ AMAZING ISS : CLEAR FOOTAGE OF 2 MASSIVE UFO VERY CLOSE TO THE STATION.
300/UFO fleet near the ISS on live broadcast /Reptilians show them selves /Huge spaceship over New York City ! Grays crafts/ AMAZING ISS : CLEAR FOOTAGE OF 2 MASSIVE UFO VERY CLOSE TO THE STATION.
Insane/Huge spaceship over New York City
ANTARCTICA: Rare footage of the entrance to the hollow earth ,Space station MIR
UAP 100 ufo fleet flying over the moon – April 2021 | @SECRET SPACE TUBE
Back in the early 2000s. when the internet (web) was a newbie for most people, there were few UFO sites, UFO UpDates being the central location, pretty much, for UFO discussions (and controversies).
All the big names showed up there, all of them.
And topics were generally relevant and enthusiastically debated.
Today, there is no UFO Updates – well there is the renamed Facebook group but that’s another story.
And at or on Facebook are dozens of UFO groups, administered by every Tom, Dick, and Mary who think they have some good ideas and thoughts about the phenomenon. They don’t.
Every possible mental or societal quirk is now enmeshed within UFO dogma and lore, everything, including the misadventure of anal probes during alleged UFO kidnappings, the topic brought up again by wayside UFOers, the topic about to sink UFOs in the mire of absurdity once more.
Yes, some old-timers and UFO biggies are online there, at Facebook. But they merely adopt a smarmy, comedic rebuttal stance when overt nonsense shows up. No one refutes gregarious foolishness, as they don’t want to be unfriended or unliked by fellow Facebookers.
The onslaught of egregious UFO merde goes unabated and uncensored at Facebook and on the whole internet itself.
The once fringe phenomenon is now fodder for the great unwashed, and is doomed to continued academic or scholarly inattention.
But hasn’t that always been the purpose of ufology?
MUFON CASE : 115271 Las Cruces, New Mexico ( May 10, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS :Saw 2, recorded 1. Absolutely amazing. Long Description of Sighting Report Too much to type. Please contact for full story on both sightings which happened within 1 month’s time.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-10 Date of Event : 2021-03-08 MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :trim.7E6FCE5348E74A078E98C388DC6B0583.MOV
VIDEO 2 : MUFON CASE : 115270Canadian Lakes, Michigan Line of lights way up in the sky
Long Description of Sighting Report 4 of us watched a line of light go across the sky for about 5 minutes. I have a video
Date Submitted :2021-05-10 Date of Event :2021-05-08 / 10:30PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :trim.B1F41FE41AAC488B8C88715776B999A5.MOV
MUFON CASE : 1µ15279 Lexington, North Carolina ( May 10, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : At first it just looked like a star, at first glance. But looking harder it was a triangle with lights at each point. U have Video Long Description of Sighting Report
My husband and I were doing across a big over high rock lake. My husband to me to look and when I looked out his window there were 2 triangle type crafts flying over, I told him to turn around so I can video it, then as we pass again there were 3 more I could only record to cause my phone would not focus.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-10 Date of Event : 2021-05-09 / 7:30PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
MUFON CASE : 115280 Salt Lake City, Utah ( May 10, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : about 10 orbs making shapes and gliding by eachother Long Description of Sighting Report
I was driving back to work from my Lunch Break when I saw what looked to be shiny Balloons in the Sky but then they were behaving a little odd for Balloons, when I looked harder I thought maybe they could be Birds but they were dissapearing and reappearing, dancing and making shapes, they seemed to be like orbs not birds. There was about 10 of them moving oddly in the sky, so i pulled over and took a video.
Date Submitted: 2021-05-10 Date of Event :2021-05-06 / 12:51PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :20210506195540300083384712921.mp4
VIDEO 2 : MUFON CASE : 115282Lewisburg, Tennessee Saw light in sky appear traveling south, hit record and captured it on video Long Description of Sighting Report
Saw some object/light in the sky appear quickly, looked red to my eyesight. I could visibly see no trail, when zooming in on the video and snapping photos you could see the motion blue showing the object moving away from me.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-10 Date of Event :2021-05-03 / 11:03PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : video.MOV
UFOs Sighted During Storm in Oman ( May 4, 2021 )
UFOs sighted during storm in Oman on May 4, 2021 :
STATEMENT : Stunning images leave storm north of Oman Al Batinah
credit : Om_SeaGateWeath
Multicolored Light seen From Jersey City New York! (UFO SIGHTING)
So what do we have here? Is it just an up close recording of a star or some other phenomenon.
Another year, another collection of strange UFO sightings and videos of unidentified lights in the skies. Jump right to this year’s sightings.
According to the National UFO Reporting Center, in 2019 they received 6,165 submitted reports. This was a substantial increase over 2018, when they received only 3,403.
What kind of reports will we see this year? As of March 25, 2020, we’re up to 979 reports submitted to NUFORC, along with a handful of newsworthy videos. Looks like things are just getting started.
On this page, you’ll find a number of highlighted UFO sightings from 2020, most of which gained media attention. Some might be hoaxes, some might have completely ordinary explanations. Perhaps a few will leave you wondering. Let’s take a look.
2020 UFO Sightings & Videos
“Skeleton Key” UFO Over Plymouth County, Massachusetts
On March 9, YouTube channel Zeal shared footage of an alleged UFO sighting over Plymouth County, MA. According to the witness report, they saw the object flying overhead no farther “than the length of a football field away.” It was roughly the size of a helicopter (stills of the UFO look like a helicopter with its nose up).
“By the time I got my phone out, the object had already begun accelerating away from us. While it may appear to be hovering in the video, it is actually traveling forward at a great deal of speed.”
Witnesses described the object as an “ovular shaped black orb and what appeared to be a caterpillar like tail” The object hovered briefly, then began to accelerate away.
Sao Paulo “Jellyfish” UFO
This video purports to show an unusual jellyfish-like object hovering in the skies above Sao Paulo, Brazil.
“Curious flying objects on Sunday, February 16, 2020 in Sao Paulo,” reads the video’s description, noting that the sighting allegedly occurred at 8:45 local time. Some feel the object is moving too slowly to be of extraterrestrial origin, while others think it may be a balloon of some type, or that the entire video is a hoax made using Photoshop.
Airbus A320 Pilot Shares Alleged UFO Filmed During Flight
This very peculiar UFO footage was shared in February. Reportedly recorded from the cockpit of an Airbus A320 while flying over Medellin, Colombia, it appears to show a metallic object zooming past the aircraft above cloud cover. Some believe this object is similar in description to those reported during the infamous UFO incident involving the USS Nimitz.
Given the speed of the Airbus, it’s possible the object was stationary, and only appeared to be moving.
Triangular UFO Formation Over Houston, Texas
A family in Houston, Texas got a New Year’s surprise when they spotted a trio of hovering lights during a local fireworks celebration. The sighting occurred at 12:30 a.m. on January 1, and while it’d be easy to say they were just fireworks, as well, the witnesses weren’t convinced. “That’s not fireworks,” one of them says in the video, “Fireworks don’t burn like that.”
Top 10 States for UFO Sightings in 2020 (So Far)
An old hypothesis resurfaced this year claiming that some UFOs are actually time travelers from the future — perhaps humans journeying into the past to study their ancestors. That’d be us!
Well, if they are travelers from the future, here are the states they’ve apparently visited most in 2020 (as of March 25, 2020), according to NUFORC:
California (89)
Florida (74)
Texas (59)
Washington (48)
New York (39)
Three-way tie: Colorado (33), Indiana (33), and Ohio (33)
Pennsylvania (30)
Oregon (25)
Arizona (23)
Georgia (20)
This is a small sample, and of course many UFO sightings are reported elsewhere or not reported at all. However, looking at these stats, California leads in sightings so far this year, as is usual. Colorado, meanwhile, has seen a marked increase in sightings, particularly of trails and formations of lights.
NUFORC has labeled some of these as potentially sightings of SpaceX’s Starlink satellites, which appear in the night sky as a long trail of lights evenly spaced out in a row.
One Colorado witness also reported a “big blue fireball,” while another encountered a a green fireball that turned orange and then disappeared.
Honorable Mentions
UFO 40,000 feet over Utah – On January 25, the Mutual UFO Network YouTube channel highlighted a report of an unidentified object seen by a professional pilot over the Zion National Park, located in southwest Utah.
UFO over Popocatepetl during eruption – On January 29, a UFO was spotted cruising over Popocatepetl as it erupted. The footage, however, is dramatically sped up, and consensus appears to be that the UFO was simply an airplane. Still worth a look.
Colorado Mystery Drones – In early January, rumors buzzed regarding a number of sightings of “mystery” drones over the skies of Colorado’s Eastern Plains. And yet, just as quickly as they appeared, reports of the unusual drones eventually dropped off. While there are various theories on the origin of the drones, as CPR reported at the end of January, “the Air Force, Google, Amazon, and Uber have all denied the drones were theirs.”
“Sun UFO” on NASA footage – UFO hunter Scott Waring spotted a peculiar object on footage of the Sun captured by NASA on March 13. “I was looking at some footage of the Sun and decided to take a closer look at the Black Triangle I discovered many months ago,” he wrote. “The object is still there. Some people try to say it’s not a craft, but a dark spot on the Sun.”
“This is not possible,” he adds, “since the Sun is rotating below the UFO.”
That’s no UFO…that’s a space station – Footballer Simon Church thought he spotted a UFO on March 24, but it turned out to be the good old International Space Station. This prompted me to take a look at just how confusing Ufology has become with all the drones, space stations, and satellites clogging up our skies.
Increase in sightings of glowing lights in the sky
Increase in sightings of glowing lights in the sky
On May 8, 2021 the witness captured a bright light/orb hovering over Jersey City New York. According to the witness it was the second time this object appeared over the city.
On May 10, 2021, the witness was at a party in Daytona Beach, Florida when the UFO came from nowhere, they all were chocked as you can hear in the video.
On May 9, 2021, the witness saw several triangle crafts flying over a lake near Lexington, North Carolina. She could only record to cause her phone would not focus.
According to the witness on May 9, 2021, 2 red -orange object going across the Palm Bay, Florida sky. Same path in the sky but 1 minute apart from each other.
Multiple UFOs maneuvering over Salt Lake City, UT 6-May-2021
Multiple UFOs maneuvering over Salt Lake City, UT 6-May-2021
These bright UFOs were filmed in the sky above Salt Lake City, the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Utah on 6th May 2021.
Witness report:
About 10 orbs making shapes and gliding by eachother. I was driving back to work from my Lunch Break when I saw what looked to be shiny Balloons in the Sky but then they were behaving a little odd for Balloons, when I looked harder I thought maybe they could be Birds but they were dissapearing and reappearing, dancing and making shapes, they seemed to be like orbs not birds. There was about 10 of them moving oddly in the sky, so i pulled over and took a video.
TOMORROW 11 May – Luis Elizondo to speak in new video on UAPs/UFOs. Don’t miss it
TOMORROW 11 May – Luis Elizondo to speak in new video on UAPs/UFOs. Don’t miss it
Guest, Ex-Pentagon official Luis (Lue) Elizondo to discuss what it was like as a former intelligence officer with the Department of Defense and the director of AATIP, the Pentagon’s secret UFO program. He will further discuss the dynamics of what has been observed, the USS Nimitz case, and what the government may or may not know about these incursions as well as what we may expect from the upcoming government’s release and report.
Ancient Civilisations: Six Great Enigmas That Baffle Mainstream Scholars
Ancient Civilisations: Six Great Enigmas That Baffle Mainstream Scholars
We stand today at an unprecedented turning point in human history. In recent years two versions of ancient history have formed. One, we shall call ‘alternative’ history, the other we shall refer to as ‘official’ history.
The former ponders over a variety of anomalies and tries to make sense out of the corpus of evidence, i.e., the pyramids and timelines, why they were built, by whom and when. The latter conducts digs, catalogues pottery shards, and tries to defend its proposal there are no enigmas, and virtually everything is explained.
At one point perhaps as late as fifteen years ago these two camps seem to be engaged in an informal dialogue. That all changed after, 1) the Great Sphinx redating controversy caught Egyptologists off guard and, 2) the impact of Chris Dunn’s book The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt at the end of the last decade.
There is no more dialogue and no more polite, gloves on debate. The proponents of ‘official’ history have taken an increasingly political and ideological approach to the issue. They now do little more than offer pronouncements of the historical ‘truth’ on the one hand, and denounce of all those who dare challenge officialdom on the other. In this context we offer evidence that our ‘scholars’, the gatekeepers who control our institutions of ‘higher learning’, refuse to consider.
1. The Great Pyramid – Precision Engineering
This colossal structure, the last of the seven ancient wonders and the largest stone building in the world, still provokes awe, controversy and a plethora of theories that inspire bitter debate to this day. Instead of going over the well-established mysteries, we would like to shine new light on this important enigma that appears out of place in ‘Stone Age’ Egypt.
The real challenge the Great Pyramid still poses to us in the opening decade of the Third Millennium is the physical plant itself. Theorists have gone on endlessly speculating about how it was built and the metaphysical, cultural and religious significance and/or symbolism behind its construction. Though several authors have offered tantalising possibilities, none have been conclusively proven.
The mystery remains unsolved.
To begin with, the massive size – the staggering volume and weight of the building blocks – remain problematic. With an estimated 2.3 million blocks with a weight of about 4 million tons, the pyramid is two-thirds the mass of the Hoover Dam. The sheer size and the numbers of blocks that had to be quarried and moved into place, presents numerous architectural, construction and engineering headaches.
These issues have been raised time and again, yet are still unsettled. It is time to move on and define the even more difficult issues. We consider the core ‘hard’ problems to be those that reflect precision engineering and assembly line manufacturing accomplished on a massive scale. The primitive tools scenario concocted by Egyptologists does not explain the following tasks:
Creating precision-cut casing blocks weighing 16 tons, fitted together and held by a super-glue mortar that maintained a tight seal forming a nearly seamless shell.
Leveling the 13-acre limestone bedrock base to a degree of accuracy only recently achieved with laser technology.
Squaring the base to True North with minimal deviation.
Excavating the ‘Descending Passage’ 350 feet into solid bedrock at a 26-degree angle while keeping the tunnel arrow-straight for its length.
Bringing the massive 48-story pyramid together around complex internal structures, retaining the true shape to enable the builders to form the apex. (These internal structures include four enigmatic ventilation shafts and a coffer in the King’s Chamber that is too large to have been moved through the opening. It shows evidence of having been cut with a jewel-tip saw.)
Extensive usage of different types of machined granite inside the Great Pyramid chambers.
The father of modern Egyptology, Sir Flinders Petrie, marvelled at the precision and size of the casing blocks. He carefully measure the blocks and found that “the mean thickness of the joints are .020 and therefore, the mean variation of the cutting of the stone from a straight line and from a true square, is but .01 on length of 75 inches up the face, an amount of accuracy equal to most modern opticians’ straight-edges of such a length.”
The modern international engineering firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Menendhall conducted a forensic analysis of the Great Pyramid. Their findings are evaluated in an article published in Civil Engineering.
The pyramid was oriented with its major sides either north-south or east-west. This in itself was a remarkable undertaking, given the accuracy to which it was done, because the Egyptians had to perform the work using astronomical or solar observations – the compass had not yet been invented. The dimensions of the pyramid are extremely accurate and the site was levelled within a fraction of an inch over the entire base. This is comparable to the accuracy possible with modern construction methods and laser levelling.1
The summary speaks volumes between the lines. The problems with the Descending Passage are numerous. For starters the tunnel is less than 4 x 4 feet, enough for no more than one excavator wielding a hammer-stone at any given moment. How would our proposed digging crew negotiate the space in the suffocating darkness once they had dug down 50 feet and more? In addition how would the 26-degree angle be set and maintained without lights or levels? The lack of carbon deposits on walls and ceiling indicate that torches were not used.
Once again, Petrie measured the passage and found an amazing accuracy of .020 of an inch over 150 feet and a mere .250 inch over 350 feet of its constructed and excavated length. We submit that this passage with its smooth surfaces, squared shape, and accurate angle could not have been tunnelled with primitive tools and methods.
The Great Pyramid remains the world’s greatest wonder and ancient enigma. We suggest researchers should pay more attention to these details and ask about the materials used inside the Great Pyramid, especially near the ventilation shafts. We now have two doors blocking a very important shaft, the one that pointed to the star Sirius in 2450 BCE.
2.The Origin Of Dogs – Biogenetic engineering
Now we turn to a mystery that nearly equals the pyramid, though it is a little known conundrum hidden in the mists of remote antiquity. Let us start with a simple question that appears to have an obvious answer: what is a dog? It turns out geneticists in the past decade have shown the answer is not so obvious. In fact, generations of anthropologists, archaeologists and wildlife biologists turned out to be dead wrong when it came to the origins of “man’s best friend”.
Prior to DNA studies conducted in the 1990s, the generally accepted theory posited that dogs branched off from a variety of wild canids, i.e., coyotes, hyenas, jackals, wolves and so on, about 15,000 years ago. The results of the first comprehensive DNA study shocked the scholarly community. The study found that all dog breeds can be traced back to wolves and not other canids. The second part of the finding was even more unexpected – the branching off occurred from 40-150,000 years ago.
Why do these findings pose a problem? We have to answer that question with another question: how were dogs bred from wolves? This is not just difficult to explain, it is impossible. Do not be fooled by the pseudo-explanations put forth by science writers that state our Stone Age ancestors befriended wolves and somehow (the procedure is never articulated) managed to breed the first mutant wolf, the mother of all dogs. Sorry, we like dogs too, but that is what a dog is.
The problems come at the crucial stage of taking a male and female wolf and getting them to produce a subspecies (assuming you could tame and interact with them at all). Let us take this one step further by returning to our original question, what is a dog? A dog is a mutated wolf that only has those characteristics of the wild parent, which humans find companionable and useful. That is an amazing fact.
Think about those statements for a moment. If you are thinking that dogs evolved naturally from wolves, that is not an option. No scientist believes that because the stringent wolf pecking order and breeding rituals would never allow a mutant to survive, at least that is one strong argument against natural evolution.
Now, if our Paleolithic ancestors could have pulled off this feat, and the actual challenges posed by the process are far more taxing, then wolf/dog breeders today certainly should have no problem duplicating it. But like the Great Pyramid, that does not seem to be the case. No breeders have stepped up to the plate claiming they can take two pure wolves and produce a dog sans biogenetic engineering techniques.
The evolution of the domesticated dog from a wild pack animal appears to be a miracle! It should not have happened. This is another unexplained enigma.
3. Mohenjo Daro – Civil Engineering
Since indoor plumbing did not arrive in modern societies to any extent until the 20th century, and urban planning has still not been adopted much to this date in history, what we find in the ancient city of Mohenjo Daro is anomalous indeed.
This city in the Indus Valley was built on a grid system about 4,500 years ago, obviously planned out and drawn up before the first brick was laid. It had houses, some with indoor plumbing, a granary, baths, an assembly hall and towers all made out of standard size bricks. The streets were about eight to ten feet wide on average, and were built with well-engineered drainage channels.
Mohenjo Daro was divided into two parts; the Citadel was on the upper level and included an elaborate tank called the Great Bath that was made of fine quality brickwork and drains. The Great Bath was 40 feet long and 8 feet deep, a huge public facility by any standards. A giant granary, a large residential building, and several assembly halls were also on this upper level.
The Great Bath was made watertight by the use of two layers of brick, lime-cement and then finally sealed with bitumen (tar). The bath included a shallow section for children.
We should wonder how an ancient culture of which nothing is known, not even their language, created this sophisticated city at a point in time many thousands of years ahead of the curve? Civil engineers do not crawl out of thatched-roof huts able to draw up plans for a complex urban environment. We need to address the following question to archaeologists and historians:
Where are the cities that demonstrate the path of urban development, social and technical organisation, leading to Mohenjo Daro?
How do you explain the sudden emergence of a complex society when 99.99% of the rest of humanity were living primitively?
These issues cannot be brushed aside with some arrogant pretence that the questions have already been addressed and answered by digging up and labelling pottery shards and other artefacts. We have been and are being overly indulgent with our “soft sciences” regarding their cavalier assertions about having all the answers. In fact, they have very few, so why are they throwing stones at independent researchers from behind glass towers?
Extraordinarily little is known about the Indus Valley civilisation that once spanned nearly a thousand miles with other cities matching the description of Mohenjo Daro.
We file this under our list of great enigmas and challenge orthodox scholars to prove differently as with the first two of our mysteries.
We note that the Indus Valley civilisation was contemporary with the Great Pyramid. It is often said this was one of the first three civilisations, having a written script that has never been deciphered. Now we turn next to the mother of all civilisations, Sumer.
4. Sumeria – The Source Of Civilisation
Are we missing something or are our historians looking at our earliest civilisations through a strange and distorted lens? Like Egypt and the Indus Valley, the biblical ‘Land of Shinar’ – the birthplace of Abraham – was a brutally hot, largely barren, empty desert with a mighty river cutting a swath through it. Does this sound like the magnet that would attract late Stone Age tribes to hunker down and pull wonders out of a hat?
In fact, historians thought Shinar was a piece of biblical fiction until the mid-19th century, but now they know everything about it with complete certitude that we, the unwashed masses, dare not question. Nonetheless, we encourage readers to maintain an attitude of healthy skepticism and dare to question ‘official history’.
As is the case with the culture that built the cities of the Indus Valley, no one knows who the ancient Sumerians were or where they came from. They called themselves ‘the black-headed ones’ and spoke a strange language that was unrelated to the languages of the Semitic tribes in the region. Some linguists note a similarity between the Sumerian language and that of the Basques, another anomalous culture.
We find it curious that any primitive peoples would choose the rigours of a hostile desert environment to settle in and build a civilisation. Why not a gentle river in a forested mountain valley? Especially in light of the fact that Sumeria contained very few resources, no forests, no minerals, not even the rocks that were plentiful in Egypt.
How are we to explain the fact this mysterious culture managed to invent all of the core components of civilisation under such restrictive conditions? It occurs to us that a culture would need minerals like copper, gold, silver and tin immediately available to experiment with over the course of generations in order to create process metallurgy. There is nothing simple or accidental about making the connection between raw ores, the metals they contain, and how to reduce them out of their native state using high heat.
Nevertheless, the Sumerians not only figured out geology, how to obtained the ore, knew the levels of heat needed and how to build kilns to achieve it, they also took very different metals and created the first alloy, bronze. As metal-smiths were performing these feats, other citizens were apparently creating the wheel, building cities, ziggurats, inventing writing, movable type, the ox-drawn plow, cereal crop agriculture, and advanced mathematics, to mention the most notable of their innovations.
Something is wrong with this picture. Most human beings were counting using their fingers, if at all, hunting animals and gathering plants for their meals. Yet, we find the Sumerians in classrooms learning the principles of the sexigesimal math system. Yes, the very same 60-base system we use today to keep track of hours, minutes and seconds. This advanced system was the first to reveal that a circle has 360 degrees and can be subdivided using 60, 30, 15, 12, etc., all fractions of the root number.
5. Teotihuacán – Anomalous Technical Evidence
Teotihuacán, in Mexico, is an immense, even overwhelming archaeological site, oriented along a twin axis. In the 1960s a team of archaeologists and surveyors mapped out the entire complex in great detail. The resultant map revealed an urban grid centred around two principal, almost perpendicular, alignments.
From the Pyramid of the Moon at the north end, the complex extends south along the Avenue of the Dead beyond the Ciudadela and Great Compound complexes for about 3.2 kilometres. To this north-south axis we must add an east-west alignment that led from a point near the Pyramid of the Sun to a spot of prime astronomical significance on the western horizon.
Anthony Aveni, an astronomer-anthropologist, discovered that on the day the Sun passes directly overhead in the spring of the Northern Hemisphere (May 18), the Pleiades star cluster makes its first annual predawn appearance. It was at this point on the western horizon that the Pleiades set, and the builders aimed the east-west axis.
Additionally, the Sun also sets at this point on the horizon on August 12 – the anniversary of the beginning of the current Mesoamerican calendar cycle (5th Sun) – determined by a consensus of academic and independent scholars to have begun on August 12, 3114 BCE.
It is very clear Teotihuacán was laid out according to a set of alignments that reflected celestial, geographic, as well as geodetic relationships. Walking along the avenue from one pyramid to another, up the steps to the top, and surveying the site from a multitude of angles, one is struck by the sense of being in the middle of some vast geometric matrix.
Teotihuacán was the first true urban centre in the Americas. At its peak around 500 CE, it boasted a population of an estimated 200,000. George E. Stuart, archaeologist and the editor of National Geographic magazine sums up our ignorance:
We speak of it with awe, as we do the pyramids of Egypt, but we still know next to nothing about the origins of the Teotihuacános, what language they spoke, how their society was organised, and what caused their decline.2
As for one the most anomalous of artefacts on the planet, in the 1900s archaeologists discovered a sheet of mica in the upper tiers of the Pyramid of the Sun. This was no ho-hum pottery shard to catalogue and file away in a dusty box, yet that is about how archaeologists treated the find. To anyone with even a smattering of technical knowledge, discovering a large sheet of mica in an ancient pyramid site comes as a shock. In fact, it is one of the great ‘smoking guns’ that turn archaeologists mum.
Mica is an inflammable and non-conductive mineral that grows in fairly weak plate-like structures. It is not at all useful as a structural building material. NASA uses it as a radiation shield in space vehicles. Mica is also utilised in electronic components and microwave ovens, and it is a good shield for electromagnetic radiation, like radio waves. Like the Great Pyramid, the Pyramid of the Sun has a subterranean cavity under the middle of the pyramid. A large pyramid with layers of thick mica would be an excellent EMI shield.
Its placement in the complex raises questions that we could only answer today after the development of electronic, atomic and space age technologies.
Thick sheets of mica were also found by archaeologists about 400 meters down the avenue from the Sun Pyramid, these precision-cut sheets were of considerable size: 27.5 meters square. They were located under a rock-slab floor of a complex now called “the Mica Temple”.
What possible reason could the builders have had for including a layer of mica in any structure? It was obviously not decorative. To add greatly to the growing mystery, the particular mica used was traced to Brazil. Now we are getting in deep.
How would a supposedly indigenous “Stone Age” culture know that mica existed 3200 kilometres away in the jungles of Brazil? Not only that, how did they transport these large sheets over that long distance intact without wheeled vehicles? Surely not via relay teams on foot travelling overland! No large seagoing boats or ports have ever been found in ancient Mexico.
6. High Technology In Stone Age Peru
Lake Titicaca borders Bolivia and Peru in the Andes. The highest large lake in the world, there are many signs it was once exposed to the ocean. Megalithic structures like the Gateway of the Sun in Tiahuanacu, Bolivia, also indicate a long lost past. The gateway was carved out of one solid block, the hard way to make a gate.
Moving northward near Cuzco, Peru, we find even more large, impressive and mysterious structures. Here we find walls built with complex jigsaw type megalithic blocks similar to the more familiar walls found at nearby Machu Picchu. Some of the megalithic structures contain complex cut-rocks weighing over 100 tons; a few were joined together by bronze clamps. Some of the bronze had obviously been poured in place, a skill not available in pre-Columbian Peru.
Like Sumer, the high Andes is an unlikely location for Stone Age cities, evidence of advanced technologies, and seminal agricultural discoveries. It is well established that the region around Tiahuanco, at 12,500 feet elevation, had been turned into a highly productive agricultural zone. That was achieved by the building of dikes, dams, canals and raised beds that created microclimates which protected the plants from frost.
We have attempted to show our planet is full of ancient wonders and mysteries that have yet to be solved. You can find more information as well as our theories on who and what created these enigmas in our books, The Genesis Race (by Will Hart) and Ancient Gods and Their Mysteries: Will They Return in 2012 AD? (by Robert Berringer).
Ufologists and representatives of traditional sciences continue to argue over whether rumours of the implantation of mysterious mini-transmitters in human bodies have any real basis.
UFO researchers talk of an evil alien conspiracy. So much evidence for such implants has accumulated that it is becoming more and more difficult for serious researchers to brush them aside. sums up fantastical explanations.
In each case, it was the same type of subcutaneous implant on the inner leg, just above the knee. They were shaped like tiny cylinders and were so close to the surface of the skin that the affected area had become mildly inflamed and reddened.
When the doctor rubbed the area, the little objects began to decrease in size and disappear. Nevertheless, these implants remained under the skin of each of the patients she studied. “I realized,” wrote Maddy, “that each of these implants was emitting (or receiving) some sort of tracking signal or something of that sort.”
According to her survey, each of these people remembered the same thing. Whilst in their room, the person had suddenly heard a loud noise like a clap of thunder (some testified that they had seen a light), and following this, the person became aware that two hours had somehow passed.
These factors allow researchers to suppose that the event could not have occurred without the intervention of pilots or the technological methods of a UFO.
There is less basis for attributing this to fraud by earthly special services, firstly because of the lack of explicable aim for such a control and secondly, the structure of the implants itself clearly supersedes a terrestrial level of technology.
Ufologists have decided to analyze the mysterious implants with the help of laser-emitting spectroscopes. Darrel Sims, surgeon Roger K. Lear and others are involved in conducting this research.
D. Sims has created a new organization in the USA: the Fund for Interactive Research and Space Technology (FIRST) to elaborate rules for the realization of such operations as the microanalysis of the contents of substances implanted and the correct protocol for results.
Dozens of operations have been carried out here and the elemental composition of the implanted micro-mechanisms has been clarified. The results of a chemical analysis of these mysterious objects are astonishing.
They reveal a whole factory of elements created on a maximum area of 4×5 mm. The following list shows the composition of one implant, studied by Dr R. G. Lear: Al, Ca, Fe, Ba, Cu, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Zn, Si, Ti…
Ufologists have drawn attention to the fact that this is very similar to the composition of microchips used in information technology. Perhaps their function is also similar: to track people’s whereabouts, control their physical condition, complete an essential connection…
Or perhaps they influence the way of thinking and the actions of the subject, at the X hour. After all, we use tracking mechanisms on several animal species: birds, dolphins…
The possible aims of such tracking on humans remain unclear.
Official science and traditional medicine are completely ignorant with regards to this phenomenon. No-one has publicized anything or made any research proposals about the implants.
Furthermore, such scepticism has been expressed in the National Health Service with regard to UFOs and aliens that some enthusiasts have even come to suspect a successful cover operation.
Many explanations exist as to the purpose of the implants. For example, one theory is that the implant is some sort of energy block, capable of extracting all sorts of information from a person. Another is that it pumps out psychic energy from a person and perhaps even programmes his behaviour.
The theory that there are worlds controlled by parasitic alien energies in this universe is not new. According to this belief, crime and the never-ending wars on Earth are, in their own way, a giant line production of fear energies, on which parasitic worlds feed. Of course, traditional science rejects the idea of even discussing such a possibility.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
50 Years Ago, A UFO Sighting In Costa Rica Impressed The World
50 Years Ago, A UFO Sighting In Costa Rica Impressed The World
(QCOSTARICA) Alien sightings (like in UFO) in Costa Rica are not new. One of the more recent is this year, an eye-witness report and photograph of a saucer-shaped UFO near the Irazú volcano, according to the world’s oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
It was at 11:06am on February 24, 2016 that the UFO sighting was made outside the Irazú national park. The weather was good, lots of sunlight and no clouds. “This volcano is 3,400 meters of altitude above sea level (11,260 feet) close to the biosphere, so we were above the clouds,” the witness stated. “Like when you fly on an airplane, the sky was really clear so at 11 a.m. on that altitude part of the sky was light black.”
This ship has a lot of similarities to the Friendship case craft in Rocca Pia, Italy says‘s report of the same sighting said, “This UFO was seen over a Irazu Volcano in Costa Rica this week. It was probably exiting an underground base that is 4-5 km below the volcano. Aliens often chose high peaks and volcanos to make a base below, because of their secludedness and difficulty for humans to explore. Thus, the risk of them being seen is low.”
In September 2015, the Huffington Post reported, “Photographer Captures Strange Organic-Looking UFO Over Costa Rica”. In their report, the Huff said, “A photographer has captured what looks to be a weird almost organic-looking UFO in Costa Rica.” lists Costa Rica sightings and locations dating back to June 15, 1969 in Alajuelita (south side of San Jose), a sighting that lasted 5 hours, in this case a “formation”. The website also lists “disk” sightings that range from a flash to an hour. Click here for the sightings list.
Image from of sightings in Costa Rica dating back to 1969.
Considered one of the “best in the world photograph” of a UFO sighting is that taken by members of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) – National Geographic Institute, on September 4, 1971 at 8:25am.
In a report by, at the time, the IGN was taking photographs for the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) to create a map to determine where the water would come from for the acquisition of land to develop the Arenal dam project.
That was when Sergio Loaiza, along with Juan Bravo and Francico Reyes, were flying in a Canadian made Areo-Commander model F680. Loaiza had a NRK 15-23 camera, weighing 100 lbs, on the floor of the airplane. On that day he was in charge of aerial photography.
Flying at 10,000 feet, the camera fired every 13 seconds.
No one realized anything strange in the photos taken. They were saved. It was later when IGN employees noticed the object, while doing a study to connect Lago De Cote and the Arenal lagoon, which also belonged to ICE.
Loaiza was in charge of reveiwing the photos, recounting that while enlarging the images and then examining the negative closely, they realized what had been photographed.
“At the time we were completely banned from talking about it, we could not tell anyone,” said Loaiza.
That same year, the photos were published in the Costa Rica media. A decade later, the photographs became part of the “Journal of Scientific Exploration“, which once again discarded the UFO sighting, considering them a photo montage.
Oscar Sierra, UFO researcher based in Costa rica, said the photographs were analyzed in the France and the U.S., where different bodies studied the case and determined it to be real.
According to Loaiza, the plane was piloted by Omar Arias, an experienced pilot, and the camera donated by Germany to the Instituto Geográfico (Geographic Institute). He also noted that the equipment used was special, to the point that if there had been a speck of dust between the lens and film, the equipment would not have worked.
“There was no possibility (of an error). There was no trick, we did not even realized it at the time”.
What’s your take on UFO’s? Have you seen one lately? Tell your story here. Use the comments section below or post to our official Facebook page.
Here a video of UFO sightings at Costa Rica volcano, filmed by commercial pilot in 2013
The biggest complaint UFO investigators, skeptics and the curious public have about eyewitness reports is the blurry photos and lack of any other concrete evidence. The biggest complaint UFO investigators, skeptics and the curious public have about accounts of alien abductions is the same. One woman in Bradford, England, claims she has been abducted by extraterrestrials 52 times and has the evidence to prove it. Will UFO investigators, skeptics and the curious public believe her?
“I have experienced 52 paranormal incidents. There’s no warning and I can’t sense anything is going to happen. It just happens. All I can do is carry on as normal, otherwise I’d go crazy.”
"All I can do is carry on as normal, otherwise I’d go crazy,” said Paula
Paula Smith, a 50-year-old resident of Bradford, a city in West Yorkshire county, claims in The Daily Star (unfortunately, the only media site carrying her testimony) she was abducted for the first time in 1982 after seeing lights in nearby woods. The lights were on a craft she describes being shaped like a giant boomerang or a giant propeller on three legs – each with a light on the end. The black structure also had lights on the edges and she estimated it to be “about 30ft tall and 30ft wide” and “turning clockwise at 1mph in complete silence.” That’s a pretty definitive speed estimate for an 11-year-old who admitted to the Star that she was terrified.
“I remember trying to run but it felt like the ground was quicksand, like sinking into the ground, then everything went black. According to my family, I had been missing for four hours, but I have no recollection of what actually went on. Ever since, the experiences haven’t stopped. I’ve been taken from my bedroom window and my bed.”
Smith then describes what happened on those trips – she saw a “slideshow” of Earth scenery that suddenly changed … a river turned black and the sky turned blood red. Yes, like visitors from the future, she claimed they were warning her about “Earth being destroyed through man’s greed.” One would think they’d then tell her to broadcast this to the world, but she claims she was afraid to tell anyone for fear of ridicule. The aliens persisted – taking her 51 more times. While she never had a camera, she did paint an image of one of the ETs – it looks like your standard grey alien … only silver. (See it here.)
Paula's oil painting of an alien she claims to have seen
Yeah, yeah, yeah … what about the evidence?
If you’re still here after reading the rest of her story, you’ve earned the right to the evidence she shared with The Daily Star. (See it here.)
“The 50-year-old shared images of bruises she says were left on her body by aliens following one abduction.”
A bruise left on Paula's arm following an 'abduction'
Paula claims the bruises are finger prints left by an alien
That’s right – Smith’s evidence is photographs of a triangular bruise on her arm and four circular bruises on her finger. The Daily Star reports what she said they were:
“Paula claims the bruises are finger prints left by an alien.”
Go down there and knock some sense into them.
Let’s tally our concerns with this account.
The only source is The Daily Star.
Aliens coming to warn humanity don’t give their messenger anything to help humanity believe her.
When their messenger fails in the mission, they give her 51 more chances.
Otherwise benevolent aliens give their messenger bruises.
She has no other evidence after 52 abductions.
Her reason for finally coming out is to convince “millions” of other abductees to come forward – hopefully with more details that she has.
The only source is The Daily Star.
The majority of the general public wants to believe. Why can’t extraterrestrials choose more believable messengers and equip them with more believable evidence? Why didn’t Smith ask them for it. Is Smith’s story a hallucination or a hoax?
The meter on this one is pegged unwaveringly on ‘skeptical’.
Many of you will have read the very recent stories concerning nothing less than “mushrooms on Mars.” Mysterious Universe’s Paul Seaburn put together a good, solid summary of the data so far. He stated: “What would you say if a team of legitimate scientists released a research paper claiming they have analyzed numerous photographs of Mars taken by the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers and concluded that there are mushrooms, algae, lichens and fungi growing not just on the surface of the planet but also on the surface of the rovers themselves?” Paul notes: “Dr. Regina Dass of the Department of Microbiology at the School of Life Sciences in India responds in a press release with: ‘There are no geological or other abiogenic forces on Earth which can produce sedimentary structures, by the hundreds, which have mushroom shapes, stems, stalks, and shed what looks like spores on the surrounding surface. In fact, fifteen specimens were photographed by NASA growing out of the ground in just three days!'” In light of all this, I thought that today – taking into consideration the nature of the article and its content – I would share with you some more photos from Mars that have provoked controversy, but in very different ways.
As NASA noted in 1997: “Launched November 7, 1996, Mars Global Surveyor became the first successful mission to the red planet in two decades. After a year and a half spent trimming its orbit from a looping ellipse to a circular track around the planet, the spacecraft began its prime mapping mission in March 1999. It has continued to observe the planet from a low-altitude, nearly polar orbit ever since.” Not only that, NASA added that Mars has “very repeatable weather patterns” and that a “panoply of high-resolution images from the Mars Global Surveyor has documented gullies and debris flows suggesting that occasional sources of liquid water, similar to an aquifer, were once present at or near the surface of the planet.” That same panoply revealed something else; something amazing, if the data was not being misinterpreted.
Tucked away among a wealth of less controversial images from the Mars Global Surveyor were a number of astounding images that appeared to show nothing less than vast areas of vegetation; trees, even. They looked eerily like what on Earth are termed Banyan Trees. They are, essentially, trees that grow and thrive by living on other trees. It wasn’t long before the media – and the late Arthur C. Clarke – caught wind of these extraordinary photographs and what they seemed to show. He wasted no time at all in giving his opinion on this new development on Mars. Clarke made no bones about it when he said that the collective images were ““so striking that there is no need to say anything about it.” Clarke was also excited by the fact that Mars’ very own Banyan Trees appeared to alter in appearance, according to the seasons on Mars. On this particular point, Clarke could not forget NASA’s words that Mars had “very repeatable weather patterns” when he said, “Something is actually moving and changing with the seasons.” To this day, the debate goes on.
Trees on Mars?
Now, let us take a careful look at some of the other imagery that has been collected, studied and placed into the public domain as evidence that there was (and possibly still is) life on Mars. One particular case – that I personally think has a high degree of merit attached to it – concerns what has become known as the “Face-Hugger photograph.” Taken in July 2015 by NASA’s Curiosity Rover, it appears to show a strange creature that looks astonishingly like the monstrous face-invading creatures that appear in the phenomenally successful series of Alien movies. The article included the words of Seth Shostak, a skeptic when it comes to the matter of life on Mars, and the Senior Astronomer and Director of the Center for SETI Research; “SETI”” standing for “search for extraterrestrial intelligence.” Shostak said of the strange looking thing and other allegedly anomalous photos that reach him from time to time: “Those that send them to me are generally quite excited, as they claim that these frequently resemble something you wouldn’t expect to find on the rusty, dusty surface of the Red Plane. It’s usually some sort of animal, but occasionally even weirder objects such as automobile parts. Maybe they think there are cars on Mars.”
On the other side of the coin were the words of Scott Waring who, at UFO Sightings Daily, said that: “It does appear alive. It may be a crab-like animal, or it also may be a plant. This object has many arms and one of them goes to the left of the picture a very long ways. That arm is longer than all others. Plant or animal it really doesn’t matter. The significance of this is that it shows signs that it is alive. That is everything, but not to NASA.” And, that’s pretty much how the online debate went on.
A real-life Face-Hugger…on Mars?
Now, onto a certain Face on Mars. No, not the face that just about everyone has heard about and seen in NASA’s very own pictures. Rather, the other, far-lesser-known face. A photo taken in the Libya Montes area – a ring of mountains on Mars – by the Mars Global Surveyor appears to show a large face, with a pointed chin, a pair of eyes and a nose. Nostrils, too. Also, what appears to be crown-like headgear – hence the name that has been attached to it, – whatever “it” may be. Pareidolia? Certainly, it could be. The mysteries of Mars (and the attendant photos) continue to provoke controversy.
An ancient carved head on Mars or the equivalent of seeing the face of a dog in clouds?
NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission will begin its two-year journey home from asteroid Bennu TODAY - but the spacecraft will have to circle the sun TWICE covering 1.4 billion miles to catch up with Earth
NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission will begin its two-year journey home from asteroid Bennu TODAY - but the spacecraft will have to circle the sun TWICE covering 1.4 billion miles to catch up with Earth
OSIRIS-REx launched in 2016, landing on Bennu in 2018 and returning in 2023
It collected 2.1 ounces of rock and dust from the surface of the large asteroid
These samples will be dropped in the Utah desert for scientists to study
NASA scientists say the rocks should help reveal secrets of the early solar system as asteroids such as Bennu formed alongside planets like the Earth
NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission will leave asteroid Bennu today and begin its 1.4 billion mile, two year long journey back to the Earth, the space agency confirmed.
OSIRIS-REx (the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer) was the first NASA mission to visit a near-Earth asteroid, survey the surface, and collect a sample to deliver to Earth.
The spaceship was sent to study Bennu, an asteroid around the size of the Empire State Building and 200 million miles away, between the orbit of Earth and Mars.
OSIRIS-REx gathered 2.1 ounces (60 grams) of rock and dust during its land and grab mission to the surface of the giant space rock, filling its storage compartment.
It will begin its long journey home at 21:00 BST (16:00 EDT), with a live broadcast from NASA sharing the moment it fires its thrusters to push away from Bennu's orbit.
If all goes to plan, OSIRIS-REx will orbit the sun twice, travelling 1.4 billion miles as it lines up with Earth, returning its samples in Utah on September 24, 2023.
NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission will leave asteroid Bennu today, and begin its 1.4 billon mile two year long journey back to the Earth, the space agency confirmed
The triumphant $1.16 billion mission is the first American effort to take a sample from an asteroid with the hopes to unlock secrets about the origin of life on Earth
Asteroid Bennu may contain the building blocks of life within its 'rubble-pile' surface, and the body was once part of a much larger, water covered world, scientists claim.
NASA's OSIRIS-Rex mission will land on Bennu on October 20 to collect samples of the space rock.
Bennu's boulders were found to contain a bright vein of carbonate
As part of the preparations for this mission, six research papers have been published looking at the history and make-up of the near Earth asteroid.
One of those papers found evidence of carbon-bearing and organic materials widespread across the surface of Bennu.
These materials were found in veins running through rocks and had to be formed as a result of free flowing water that was on the larger, long destroyed celestial body that created Bennu.
This is the first confirmed detection of these building blocks of life on a near-Earth asteroid.
During the NASA broadcast, scientists will reveal new imagery from the mission's final flyover of the asteroid and discuss the moments from the sample grab.
OSIRIS-REx made its historic grab of rock samples in October 2020, dodging boulders the size of buildings to collect samples from the surface for several seconds before safely backing away. It collected 2.1 ounces of rock and dust.
Based at the OSIRIS-REx control room at Lockheed Martin in Colorado, NASA will get confirmation at 21:16 BST (16:16 EDT) that the spacecraft fired its main thrusters.
There will be a 16 minute delay due to the distance between the space rock and the Earth, according to NASA, who said the journey begins 7 minutes after thrusters fire.
The OSIRIS-REx departure sequence is the mission's most significant manoeuvre since it arrived at Bennu in 2018, according to NASA.
The thrusters must change their velocity by 595 miles per hour for the spacecraft's path to intersect Earth and achieve a successful sample return.
The samples will land at the Utah Test and Training Range on September 24, 2023.
There is no straight path back to Earth from the location of Bennu between the orbits of Earth and Mars, NASA explained.
Like a quarterback in American Football throwing a long pass to where a receiver will be in the future, OSIRIS-REx is traveling to where the Earth will be in two years time, not where it currently is today.
The spacecraft will circle the Sun twice, covering 1.4 billion miles to catch up with Earth, with the two objects meeting up on September 24, 2023.
OSIRIS-REx made history many times during its two and half years of operations on the asteroid, according to the space agency.
This includes breaking its own record for the closest orbit of a planetary body by a spacecraft and the smallest celestial object orbited by a human-built spacecraft.
OSIRIS-REx will bring back the largest sample collected by a NASA mission since the Apollo astronauts returned with moon rocks.
Scientists plan to analyse the sample to learn about the formation of our solar system and the development of Earth as a habitable planet.
Once recovered, the capsule will be transported to the curation facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, where the sample will be removed for distribution to laboratories worldwide.
During the NASA broadcast, scientists will reveal new imagery from the mission's final flyover of the asteroid and discuss the moments from the sample grab
OSIRIS-REx made history many times during its two and half years of operations on the asteroid, according to the space agency
NASA will set aside 75 per cent of the samples for future generations to study with technologies not yet created.
There will be plenty of material to work with, according to NASA, and there could have been much more, with hundreds of grams stuffed in the sample container.
The container on the end of the robot arm penetrated so deeply into the asteroid with such force in October 2020 that rocks got sucked in and became wedged around the rim of the lid.
In this image taken from video released by NASA, the Osiris-Rex spacecraft touches the surface of asteroid Bennu on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020
The American space agency confirmed that the craft gathered at least two ounces (60 grams). pictured the is sample container on the end of the robot arm
A swirl of rocks and dust were seen surrounding the asteroid by NASA officials as the excess samples were shaken out of the container, capable of holding 2.1 ounces.
The requirement for the $1.16 billion OSIRIS-REx mission was at least 2 ounces (60 grams) of samples for return, which NASA says it has achieved.
The carbon-rich material holds the preserved building blocks of our solar system and could help scientists better understand how the planets were formed and how life originated on Earth.
Osiris-Rex is the first US mission designed to return a piece of an asteroid to Earth.
Scientists say the ancient asteroid could hold clues to the origin of life.
It's believed to have formed 4.5 billion years ago, a remnant of the solar system's building blocks.
The spacecraft launched on September 8, 2016 at 19:05 EST aboard an Atlas V rocket.
After a careful survey of Bennu to characterise the asteroid and locate the most promising sample sites, Osiris-Rex will collect between 2 and 70 ounces (about 60 to 2,000 grams) of surface material with its robotic arm and return the sample to Earth via a detachable capsule in 2023.
To capture samples on the surface, the craft will hover over a specific area and 'will be sent down at a very slow and gently' 4 inches (10 cm) per second.
The spacecraft will also carry a laser altimeter, a suite of cameras provided by the University of Arizona, spectrometers and lidar, which is similar to radar, using light instead of radio waves to measure distance.
Amerikaanse ruimtesonde begint aan lánge terugvlucht naar aarde, met gruis van potentieel gevaarlijke asteroïde ‘Bennu’ aan boord
Een Amerikaanse ruimtesonde die erin geslaagd is materiaal van een asteroïde te verzamelen, begint aan zijn terugreis naar de aarde. De ‘OSIRIS-REx’ keert ruimterots Bennu maandagavond de rug toe. Na een lange vlucht landt hij normaal gezien in september 2023 weer op aarde, waarna wetenschappers het gruis kunnen bestuderen om meer te weten komen over hoe ons zonnestelsel is ontstaan. Bijzonder: er is een kleine kans dat de asteroïde in kwestie in de 22ste eeuw op aarde botst, met mogelijk catastrofale gevolgen.
De OSIRIS-REx zoog in oktober vorig jaar met succes ongeveer 60 gram steentjes en stof op van het oppervlak van de aardappelvormige asteroïde Bennu. Dat gebeurde op bijna 333 miljoen kilometer afstand van de aarde. De sonde werkte daarbij helemaal zelfstandig. De afstand naar de aarde is immers zo groot dat de vluchtleiding niet kan ingrijpen.
Voor OSIRIS-REx aan zijn spannende afdaling begon naar het verraderlijke en met rotsblokken bedekte oppervlak, cirkelde hij eerst bijna twee jaar lang rond de oude ruimterots om die grondig te bestuderen. Daarvoor was hij twee jaar onderweg naar Bennu geweest. De sonde werd al in 2016 gelanceerd.
Tijdens die twee jaar cirkelen leerde OSIRIS-REx dat de asteroïde bezaaid ligt met rotsblokken zo groot als koeien. Ook ontdekte hij sporen van watermoleculen op de rots en vond hij de ideale plek om erop te landen. Die locatie moest veilig zijn én een garantie bieden voor interessante bodemstalen. Vorig jaar volgde dan zijn voorzichtige en slechts seconden durende staalafname met een soort stofzuigerslang. De asteroïdemonsters zijn verzameld in een bakje aan boord.
Wetenschappers willen het gruis bestuderen om een beter beeld te krijgen van het ontstaan van ons zonnestelsel, en misschien vinden ze aanwijzingen over het ontstaan van leven op aarde.
Asteroïde Bennu, die in 1999 werd ontdekt en een diameter van ongeveer 490 meter heeft, stamt immers uit de tijd dat ons zonnestelsel is ontstaan. De samenstelling van de asteroïde zou de voorbije 4,5 miljard jaar grotendeels onveranderd zijn gebleven. Doordat er water op gevonden is, kunnen de gegevens van het onderzoek veel duidelijk maken over de beginperiode.
Potentiële botsing
Bennu geldt overigens als een potentieel gevaarlijke asteroïde voor ons. Wetenschappers achten het mogelijk dat het ding in de 22ste eeuw met ons zou botsen. De asteroïde zal in ieder geval rakelings langs de aarde scheren in 2135, en komt nog dichter in 2175 en 2195. Al is de kans op een botsing slechts 1 op de 2.700, de impact ervan zou wel ongeveer 80.000 keer krachtiger zijn dan de atoombom op Hiroshima.
De motoren van de OSIRIS-REx moeten maandag rond 22.00 uur Belgische tijd aan het werk gaan, zodat de sonde wegvliegt van de asteroïde.
De terugvlucht duurt dus ruim twee jaar. Dat betekent dat het vaartuig niet naar de aarde moet vliegen, maar naar de plek waar de aarde in 2023 staat. Om daar te komen, zal hij twee keer rond de zon vliegen en een afstand van 2,3 miljard kilometer afleggen. Op 24 september 2023 moet de capsule dan uiteindelijk voorzichtig landen in de Amerikaanse staat Utah.
De missie kost ongeveer 1 miljard dollar. Voor de Amerikanen is het de eerste keer dat ze materiaal van een asteroïde ophalen. Eerder is Japan de VS al voorgegaan met de missies Hayabusa en Hayabusa2.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mary Rodwell & Dr. Sharnael - Ufo's, Aliens, Contact, Regressions
Mary Rodwell & Dr. Sharnael - Ufo's, Aliens, Contact, Regressions
It’s time for your personal Comic Awakening !
Mary Rodwell RN, midwife, counselor, hypnotherapist, and three time author . Co-founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network.) ACERN supports individuals and families with “encounter” experiences. It also provides information to the public and raising awareness in therapeutic/medical and healing professions. ACERN recently featured in the “The Australian Doctors” Journal, (November 2003,) re the Abduction Phenomenon. Author and International speaker Mary has appeared in several television documentaries.
A depiction of the Kentucky Goblins
This most unusual event originated on the night of August 21, 1955. Located in the rural area of Christian County, Kentucky, this UFO enigma took place in the little town of Kelly, located near the small city of Hopkinsville. The family Sutton would be the target of this “one of a kind” journey into the unknown.
The lifestyle of a typical Kentucky rural family has been kept intact for many decades, and the Sutton family fit this tradition to a tee. “Lucky” Sutton, as he was known to friends and neighbors, was the “patriarch” of this bluegrass clan.
Visiting Lucky and his family was a man from Pennsylvania named Billy Ray Taylor. Billy left the Sutton house to go for some water from the family well. There was no inside plumbing at the Sutton farm house. At the well, he saw an immense, shining object land in a small gully about a quarter of a mile away. Running back to the house, he excitedly reported his sighting to others in the house. Billy was laughed at; no one believed his “crazy” tale.
After a short period of time, the family dog began to raise a ruckus outside. As was the custom in those parts, Lucky and Billy grabbed their guns and headed outside, planning to shoot first, and ask questions later. Only a short distance from the front door, both men were stopped dead in their tracks by the sight of a 3-4 foot tall creature, who was walking towards them with hands up, as if to surrender.
This most bizarre creature would be described as having “large eyes, a long thin mouth, large ears, thin short legs, and hands ending in claws.” Frightened by the small greenish entity, Billy Ray fired a shot with his .22, and Lucky unloaded with his shotgun. Both men later admitted that there was no way they missed the creature at close range, but the little being just did a back flip, and ran into the woods in fright.
No sooner had the two men reentered the house before the creature, or another like it, appeared at a window. They took a shot at him, leaving a blast hole through the screen. They ran back outside to see if the creature was dead, but found no trace of it. Standing at the front of the house, the men were terrified by a clawed hand reaching down from the roof in an attempt to touch them.
Again, they shot, but the being simply floated to the ground, and scurried into the cover of the woods. The two men sought the protection of the house again, only to find themselves under siege from these little men. For a time, the entities seemed to tease the family, appearing from one window to another. Taking pot shots through the windows and walls, their weapons seemed totally ineffective against the invading creatures.
After several hours of fear, the Sutton family decided to make a break from the house, and get help at the Police station at Hopkinsville. Family members took two vehicles to the Police Station in Hopkinsville, and reported their strange tale to Sheriff Russell Greenwell. Finally persuading the policemen that they were not joking, the authorities agreed to visit the Sutton house. Arriving at the farm, police found no trace of the creatures, but did find numerous bullet and rifle holes in the windows and walls.
Greenwell was in charge of the twenty plus officers at the scene, and reported that the Suttons seemed sober, and were genuinely frightened by something. After a canvas of the neighbors, reports were entered of the “hearing of shots being fired,” and the observation of “lights in the sky.” Exhausting all efforts to find the origin of this strange report, the police left the Sutton place at about 2:15 am. As soon as they did, the creatures made their return. They began again peeking in the windows, seemingly out of curiosity. More gunfire took place, but again without effect.
Several more hours of antics followed, finally stopping just before daybreak. The police were finally persuaded to call in Air Force personnel the next morning, but a new search brought no results. After the beings had left, Billy Ray and Lucky had gone into Evansville, Indiana to take care of some business. The other five family members were questioned by Air Force and Police.
On 8/22/55, the Kentucky “New Era” newspaper carried the story of the events. Naturally, initial public opinion was that the whole story was a hoax. If this was the case, several questions must be answered. Why would the Sutton family make up such an incredible claim? They made no money from the story, and did not seek any publicity. Why would they shoot holes in the walls of their home, causing a financial drain on the family to repair the damages?
Including Billy Ray and Lucky, seven adults were witnesses to these events. All of them, when questioned separately, gave the same story. Also sketches were made of the beings, and they depicted the creatures in a like manner. A year after the events, the case was thoroughly investigated by Isabel Davis, who related that the witnesses’ stories had not changed. As the years rolled by, the accounts of the Sutton family stood firm. No evidence of a hoax has ever been brought forward.
The case was also looked into by Bud Ledwith, who was an engineer at a Hopkinsville radio station. Noted investigator, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, also accepted the accounts of the Suttons. Hynek discussed the details of the case with Davis and Ledwith. Although the Kelly-Hopkinsville case is an extremely unusual one, it is considered today to be authentic by many UFO investigators.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
This Spooky Alien Encounter In Kentucky Will Give You Goosebumps
This Spooky Alien Encounter In Kentucky Will Give You Goosebumps
Most people look at Hopkinsville and see a sleepy little town that holds an annual soapbox derby. They see Kelly as a mere speck on the map, completely oblivious to the traumatic encounter that occurred back in August 1955. Outsiders don’t usually know about the spooky alien encounter that took place in Kentucky all those years ago. Mind you, this incident goes by several different names. To some it is the Hopkinsville Goblins Case, to others the Kelly Green Men Case. Historically, it has been deemed the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter.
We’re aware that these uncertain times are limiting many aspects of life. While we continue to feature destinations that make our state wonderful, please take proper precautions or add them to your bucket list to see at a later date. If you know of a local business that could use some extra support during these times, please nominate them here:
Heard of it? Some have, some have not, but it did happen back in 1955 to the Sutton family. There were a series of unexplained spooky encounters in different areas of the Kentucky, but the most prominent centered around a farm house in between Hopkinsville and a tiny hamlet called Kelly. Both locations are in Christian County.
Incidents were reported by two separate families at the farmhouse. One being the residents, the others paying a visit. The official reports stated witnesses had sworn that unexplained lights were in the sky, and they heard sounds in the area that could not be explained. The documentation was done professionally and the incidents became favored subjects of study over the decades. UFOologists have even claimed the U.S. Air Force was involved in the investigation, though official documentation has not been made available. This doesn’t mean it isn’t true, only that it hasn’t been admitted. We all know that sometimes they wait a while to alert the public.
The witnesses included more than 11 people, including residents of the farm, other locals, a policeman and a state trooper. Seven people who resided at the farm made multiple complaints that their families were terrorized by these gremlin-like beings referred to as the Hopkinsville Goblins. These odd beings were described as having very pointed ears, claw-like hands, possibly talons, frail looking limbs, and were silvery in color, or possibly dressed in skin tight fitting metallic clothing. They were reported to stand around three feet tall, with a strange gait, as if they walked through water on land.
The families that were traumatized complained of these unknown beings appearing in windows and doorways. They awakened the children, who were terrified. The families fled their property in fear, reporting the incident to Sheriff Russell Greenwell, who stated that the family was incredibly shaken and in obvious fear.
The sheriff and a collection of around 20 officers escorted the family back to the farm. The police found obvious evidence that something has been going on. There were signs of struggles, and the officers actually saw strange lights and heard unexplained sounds themselves. The witnesses claimed to have shot at the beings, but bullets had no effects. Afterwards, UFO researcher Allan Hendry wrote of the distinctive evidence and multitude of witnesses in the case. There was no evidence of a hoax found, and the unusual amount of witnesses adds to the credibility of the spooky goblins.
Here is some irony: At 11 p.m. that eve, a state trooper near Kelly reported what he deemed to be an unusual object flying in the air. He described them as meteor-like, and heard sounds that reminded him of artillery fire. At the sme time, the family chose to flee the farm and report to the police station. The creatures had not tried to harm any of the family members, despite being attacked by a shotgun. Police Chief Russell Greenwell wrote in his report that the people appeared to be frightened beyond reason… He further stated these were not the type of individuals who would run to the police for anything, thus he determined this incident was beyond their comprehension.
The police interviewed other nearby farms. All reported strange lights, unknown spooky sounds and gun fire. The gunfire was described as coming from the Sutton farm. The combination of stories by other farmers only proved to further collaborate with the initial families concerns. A strange greenish glow found around the areas where the goblins were thought to be wounded was tested and labeled as, “could not be determined”. The family was deemed both sane and competent, with no desire for media attention, nor interest in exploiting the incident for publicity and notoriety. Still, over the years, it has been featured on several television shows and specials, including Unsolved Mysteries.
Descendents of the original occupants are usually hesitant to speak of it, but those that have state that it was very real to their relatives. Relatives of the residents describe the look of fear and the tremor of their voices when the incident was brought up. Hopkinsville, however, actually celebrates the invasion the third weekend in August as the Little Green Men days.
The game character, Pokemon Sableye is actually based on the Kelly Hopkinsville encounter’s creatures, AKA goblins. In the game, the gremlins walk with the same swaying motion as described by the original witnesses. The encounter is also the basis for “It Came From Kentucky”, by Annoyance Theater’s musical based in Chicago IL.
The fact that we had a spooky alien encounter near the peaceful towns of Hopkinsville and Kelly means anything is possible in Kentucky. No harm was done to any involved, but just the observation itself could make things very strange. Have you ever heard any interesting tales like this? What are your opinions?
FIRST IMAGES : Sighting of the debris of The Long March 5 B Chinese rocket landing in the Indian Ocean near the Maldives. STATEMENT :Chinese rocket lands in Indian Ocean near Maldives
credit : Milind Jadhav
VIDEO 2 : ESA ( European Space Agency ) :
U.S. Space Command estimated re-entry would occur at 0211 GMT on Sunday, plus or minus one hour, while the Center for Orbital Reentry and Debris Studies (CORDS) at Aerospace Corporation, a U.S. federally funded space-focused research and development centre, updated its prediction to two hours either side of 0302 GMT with the rocket re-entering over the Pacific.
UFO Sighted Over San Tan Valley, Arizona (April 30, 2021)
UFO sighted over San Tan Valley, Arizona on April 30, 2021 :
Sky lights 2021 UFO : It was so close to us and it was changing shapes. When I zoom in to watch it in slow motion was when I about freaked out.
In 1956, Winston Harper Bostick demonstrated that an amorphous mass of high-velocity plasma has a natural ability to convert a large proportion of its kinetic energy into magnetic energy, contained in an organized toroidal structure. He called this structure a ‘plasmoid’.
Archaeologist and Thunderbolts colleague Peter Mungo Jupp details the criteria of eyewitness accounts that some UFO sightings may in fact be plasmoids.
They seem to possess an intelligence, rise and fall to the ground as though being flown, seem to fly in the direction of either magnetic pole, change shape, pulse, and can blink with multiple colors.
This ubiquitous property of plasmoids is often recorded as UFO sightings.
Raindrops on alien worlds will obey Earth-like rules
Raindrops on alien worlds will obey Earth-like rules
Their size will be similar no matter what they’re made of or on which planet they fall
NASA’s Juno spacecraft took this image of swirling clouds on Jupiter. They could release semisolid, ammonia mushballs of precipitation. Research now suggests that in some ways any liquid rain on Jupiter would be similar to rain falling on any other cloudy world.
Raindrops behave much the same way across the Milky Way, a new analysis finds. This should hold whether we’re talking about a methane torrent on Saturn’s moon Titan or a drizzle of iron on the exoplanet WASP 78b. Regardless of what they’re made of, droplet sizes will always be close to the same size.
“You can get raindrops out of lots of things,” says Kaitlyn Loftus. She’s a planetary scientist at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. She and Harvard colleague Robin Wordsworth just published new equations to show what happens to a falling raindrop after it leaves a cloud. Their findings appear in the April JGR Planets.
Previous studies had looked at rain in specific cases. Perhaps it was the water cycle on Earth. Or it might have been methane rains on Saturn’s moon Titan. This analysis is the first to consider rain made of any liquid.
These authors “are proposing something that can be applied to any planet,” says astronomer Tristan Guillot. “That’s really cool,” he adds. He works at the Observatory of the Côte d’Azur. It’s in Nice, France.
Clouds can heat or cool a planet’s surface. Rains help move chemical elements and energy around and through the atmosphere. Scientists want to understand the atmospheres of other worlds, including their clouds and climate, And for that, Guillot notes, understanding rain size “is something that’s needed, really.”
Raindrops follow the law
Clouds are complex. Scientists don’t really understand how they grow and evolve, even on Earth. Raindrops, though, are governed by a few simple laws of physics. Falling drops of any liquid tend to take the same spherical shape. And the rate at which a droplet evaporates depends on its surface area.
“This is basically fluid mechanics and thermodynamics,” Loftus says. And those, she says, “we understand very well.”
She and Wordsworth considered a variety of different rains. This included water droplets on early Earth, on modern Mars and on a gaseous exoplanet called K2 18b. That last planet may host clouds of water vapor. The pair also considered Titan’s methane rain, ammonia “mushballs” on Jupiter and iron rain on an ultrahot gas giant exoplanet called WASP 76b. “All these different [rains] behave similarly,” she finds. That’s because they all must follow the same laws of physics.
Worlds where gravity is stronger tend to produce smaller raindrops, the pair found. Still, all the raindrops they analyzed fell within a narrow range. Their radius spanned only from about a tenth of a millimeter (a few thousandths of an inch) to a few millimeters. Droplets that get much bigger will break apart as they fall, Loftus and Wordsworth found. Much smaller drops, in contrast, may evaporate before hitting the ground (for planets that have a solid surface, anyway). That would keep this moisture in the atmosphere.
Eventually the researchers would like to extend the study to solid precipitation, such as snowflakes and hail. But it won’t be easy. The math to do that is much harder. “That adage that every snowflake is unique is true,” Loftus says.
This new study is a first step toward understanding precipitation in general, says Björn Benneke in Canada. He’s the University of Montreal astronomer who discovered water vapor in the atmosphere of K2 18b. Understanding alien atmospheres, he says, is “what we are all striving for.” Astronomers want to develop a fairly universal picture of how atmospheres and planets work. It’s important, he says, to “not just be completely Earth-centric.”
It says a lot about the regard that the Chinese government has for the safety of others that the core stage of the Long March 5B, which launched the Tianhe module of that country’s planned space station,is due to crash back to Earth in an uncontrolled reentry. The rocket will mostly burn up on reentry, but large pieces could still bombard the Earth. If the spent rocket lands in an inhabited area, we can mark it as yet another crime committed by Beijing against the civilized world.
In any case, the Chinese intend to conduct 10 more launches that will deliver more pieces of the space station, cargo and astronauts so that by sometime in late 2022, the facility will be complete. The Chinese space station will be slightly smaller than the Soviet Mir space station that was deployed in the 1980s and considerably smaller than the International Space Station (ISS). It will be able to sustain a crew of three astronauts who will spend their time conducting scientific experiments and developing technology. No doubt some of that research and development will be military in nature.
Also, as suggests, the Chinese will invite other countries to select their nationals to be guest astronauts on their space station. The Soviets did the same on their space station Mir, even before the Shuttle-Mir program that took place after the fall of the Soviet Union featured numerous NASA astronauts visiting the Russian facility. Like the Soviets, the Chinese will likely use their space station as a tool of diplomacy.
The Chinese space station is yet another step in China’s quest to be a major space power, worthy of respect in the world community. The process will eventually lead to Chinese expeditions to the moon, with all that implies.
What should NASA do about the new Chinese space station, even if it is smaller and less capable than the ISS?
NASA should not reach out to the Chinese and attempt to forge any kind of space cooperation agreement in which Americans fly on their space station in return for Chinese astronauts doing tours on the ISS. Politico reported that some of President Biden’s advisors have urged space cooperation with China. Former NASA Administrator Charles Bolden added his voice to this effort. Two arguments oppose any space agreements with the Chinese at this time.
First, the Chinese have a record of stealing intellectual property, using cyber warfare and other industrial espionage techniques. China uses stolen technology to enhance its economic and military strength in its drive for world domination.
The United States, with the exception of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, only started to consider more space cooperation with the Soviet Union after Mikhail Gorbachev instituted his perestroika and glasnost reforms when he became general secretary. American-Russian space cooperation only went into high gear after the fall of the Soviet Union. China is still a hostile power.
The second reason that China should be held at arm’s length is that the country’s appalling human rights record — from the repression of the Uyghurs and political dissidents to the use of slave labor — makes it unworthy of being an American space partner.
The United States should use diplomacy to discourage any country from sending astronauts to the Chinese space station or cooperating with China’s space program in any way. China would like to use its space effort to enhance its standing in the world. American policy should be to isolate China’s space program in order to thwart that strategy.
The United States and the other members of the Artemis Alliance must accept the fact that China is engaged in a space race with the civilized world. The prize of the 21st century space race is not bragging rights over which side plants the flag on the moon or Mars first. The prize will be the ability to use the resources in space to enhance its economic, political and military power. The future of peace and freedom on Earth depends on China not winning that race.
Perhaps, if in some future time when a Chinese government decides to moderate its behavior, space cooperation with China will become possible and advantageous. For now, though, the Chinese space program, including the new space station, should be regarded as a threat and not an opportunity.
Mark Whittington, who writes frequently about space and politics, has published a political study of space exploration entitled Why is It So Hard to Go Back to the Moon? as well as "The Moon, Mars and Beyond." He blogs at Curmudgeons Corner. He is published in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Hill, USA Today, the LA Times and the Washington Post, among other venues.
KGB Found 13,000-Year-Old Alien Astronaut Inside Egyptian Pyramid
KGB Found 13,000-Year-Old Alien Astronaut Inside Egyptian Pyramid
Back in the early 1960s, the KGB apparently discovered an ancient alien astronaut inside the pyramid during an expedition to Egypt. Besides, fifteen different boxes with artifacts were found.
While discovering these boxes, the expedition also stumbled upon a sarcophagus with hieroglyphic inscriptions on it. When they were deciphered, it turned out that they contained a prophecy about the return of the winged deity.
Inside the sarcophagus, an alleged alien was discovered who was several meters taller than a typical Egyptian.
Using carbon dating, 14 different tests were carried out that revealed that this body was between 12,000-13,000 years old. In Egyptian mythology, the find may be part of a dynastic belief in Egypt. These people were gifted with the ancient knowledge of advanced civilizations.
KGB checking radiation level inside the chamber
Mythology mentions that the Egyptian god Osiris indeed came from the stars in a flying boat. Such a formulation would be comparable to modern UFO sightings that constantly occur around the world. At the time, the Kremlin was interested in various alien theories. What happened to other evidence or artifacts is unknown. The information leak was quickly discovered and stopped.
Alien Astronaut
This discovery may have something to do with the Turin papyrus. This ancient text is written in the hieratic language. The work is not completely finished, but it is believed that this is a list in which more than 300 different names are described in detail. Each of these names lists the reign of kings throughout Egypt.
Among many otherUFO abduction cases, Filiberto Cardenas’s encounter is one of the most intriguing. The man claimed to have been taken to a secret underwater hangar, and interestingly, his abduction was witnessed by his friend’s family.
Filiberto Cardenas, a Cuban exile had migrated to the United States where he owned a small gift shop in Hialeah, Florida, which he later sold and bought a small filling station and automobile service shop. He had no interest in UFOs until his abduction. He has been a good father and husband.
Filiberto Cardenas
On the evening of January 3, 1979, Cardenas (46) received a call from his friend Fernando Marti while being in his gift shop at Hialeah, asking him to go out together and buy some pork for a Sunday night. Cardenas was accompanied by his friend Marti, Marti’s wife and their daughter. Unfortunately, there was no more pork for sale. While they were returning to Okeechobee Road (Highway Route 27), the car engine got stalled. Marti tried to start the car but it did not work. Both men got out of the car, Marti opened the car’s hood, checking the cables to the battery, but everything looked fine. They again tried starting the car but it did not work.
Suddenly, they saw that the engine was reflecting different colors and heard a buzzing sound at the same time. The car shook and the light turned dazzling white.
Cardenas said:
“I tried to move but I was paralyzed in position, unable to do anything—even unable to move my arms. I could hear the screams of the women in the car. I looked down and saw that I was suspended in the air and rising. When I was 8 to 10 feet above the car everything went dark, and I don’t remember what happened.”
Marti, who was under the hood, saw his friend pulled up in the sky. He also felt weightlessness but held onto the car to prevent himself from being lifted up. He managed to see Cardenas who was shouting “Let me go, let me go!” Suddenly, he saw a heavy UFO that climbed up and flew away. Meanwhile, Mrs. Marti was terrified with the car’s shaking as she remembered California’s earthquake, and her daughter was screaming.
Marti was in shock and told his wife that the aliens had taken Cardenas. He did not know what to do and just tried starting the car. After several attempts, he managed to restart the engine. The car was in the bad condition, but he was able to return to the highway.
While returning, Marti was afraid to report the police about the incident, as he thought they would not believe him or accuse him of harming his friend. Anyway, he stopped the car at a service station, calling the police and explaining to them what he had witnessed. When they reached the town of Hialeah, he explained everything to the sergeant in the patrol car.
The police presumed that Cardenas would be lost or unconscious. Marti wanted to check that place one more time as he could not believe what he had seen. He returned to the incident place and police also called for the search team and a helicopter as it was already dark.
Meanwhile, Cardenas found himself in the Tamiami Trail, Highway in Miami-Dade County. He was around 10 miles from the original location from where he was lifted up 2 hours ago.
The officers who found Marti thought he was drunk or assaulted and left on the highway. There was a communication barrier between him and the officers because Cardenas did not know English well. The police checked his pockets and found some identification card. Meanwhile, after Cardenas was found, the search got canceled.
It was the first time when one of the officials found this case very strange. On the official record, the case was registered as CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE THIRD KIND. The police also admitted that Cardenas had been abducted by the UFO.
First Encounter
So, what happened with Filiberto Cardenas during those 2 hours?
At first, Cardenas refused to describe what had happened to him during abduction while he was under hypnosis by a local hypnotherapist, as he was restricted by his abductors not to tell anything. Later, he decided to tell his story.
According to him, after he was paralyzed and taken by the mysterious object, he found himself in a place where he could not move. He was in a small place surrounded by three human-like alien entities dressed in tight-fitting overalls. One of the beings put a special kind of helmet on his head.
Cardenas and Dr. Hynek (seating)
Cardenas said the beings were small in size and tried to communicate with him in different languages. They tried speaking to him in German, English, and finally in Spanish.
He remembered being taken to some unknown beach where he saw deep blue water. He said one of the aliens got out of the object and opened a secret tunnel from where a similar craft came and flew away. The craft in which he was in also went into the tunnel with great speed underwater. Soon, he was at the secret “large hangar” under a sea.
Cardenas was subjected to some kind of medical examination as the tests left 108 marks on his body. One of the creatures named Kiostros talked with him telepathically. He spoke to Cardenas in a fluent Spanish accent. He told him about various future incidents including the sinking of California into the Pacific and the disastrous end of President Sadat’s rule in Egypt before the end of 1981. He also told him about the cure of cancer, the war in middle-east, China’s conflict with Russia for control over Asia, Michoacán earthquake of 1985.
Second Encounter
Cardenas found something very unusual with his wristwatch each time he visited his abduction site. According to him, his watch moved weirdly very fast and gained time. Besides, he could hear some voices at the abduction site.
Newspaper clipping about Filiberto Cardenas and his wife Iris abduction
Cardenas’s case is really bizarre because a month after his first abduction, he again visited his abduction site with his wife Iris. On February 21, 1979, at around three in the morning, a UFO approached the place and took both of them. For three hours, they had been gone and later, without any hypnosis told everything as they were awake when they boarded the craft. On the same day, hours before the second encounter, some people at Miami International Airport had observed a mothership and various other smaller crafts above the place where Cardenas and his wife were abducted.
Sketch of Human-like entity with serpent symbol on the right side of his uniform
Cardenas said that the aliens looked quite human. They had elongated eyes with eyelashes, small flat noses, long lipless mouths, and small beards. They had a serpent symbol on the right side of their uniform. It is one of the rarest cases in Ufology history because in the second encounter, his wife went voluntarily. What’s more, the entities told him several future predictions and surprisingly, some of them became true.
This case was investigated by Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo Jr., an attorney, local UFO investigator and researcher. It also got the attention of several professionals including Dr. J. Allen Hynek.
“Volgens onze opvolging en analyse is de eerste trap van de draagraket Lange Mars 5B om 10.24 uur (4.24 uur in België) teruggekeerd in de atmosfeer”, zegt het China Manned Space Engineering Office in een persbericht.
De Chinezen stellen dat het meeste puin van de draagraket is verbrand bij terugkeer in de dampkring en dat het hoogst onwaarschijnlijk is dat er enige schade is veroorzaakt.
Het CMSEO vermeldt ook de coördinaten van een punt in de Indische Oceaan waar brokstukken allicht zijn neergekomen. Het gaat om 72,47 graden oosterlengte en 2,65 graden noorderbreedte. Dat is ten zuidwesten van India en Sri Lanka.
De Chinese raket van het type Lange Mars 5B bracht eind april een deel van een Chinees ruimtestation in de ruimte. Zaterdagavond laat raasde de raket echter terug naar de aarde in een ongecontroleerde afdaling.
Het is volgens ruimtevaartdeskundigen de eerste keer in dertig jaar dat een zo groot brokstuk ongecontroleerd terugkeert in de dampkring.
Verscheidene experts hadden voorspeld dat de brokstukken in zee zou belanden omdat de planeet voor 70 procent uit water bestaat. Toch was er bezorgdheid over schade en mogelijke slachtoffers ondanks de lage kans.
Het Europees ruimtevaartagentschap ESA vreesde dat brokstukken van de ongecontroleerd terugvallende draagraket mogelijk in Zuid-Europa zouden neerkomen.
Ook Washington had geklaagd dat volgens de internationale afspraken dergelijke raketten gecontroleerd moeten terugkeren in de oceaan, terwijl ze hun laatste brandstof opmaken.
De Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Lloyd Austin had deze week verzekerd dat zijn land niet van plan was de raket te vernietigen. Hij suggereerde dat de lancering door China niet zorgvuldig genoeg was gepland.
Hemelse Harmonie
Het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Peking belooft dat het de wereld alle informatie zal geven over de terugkeer van de bovenste trap van de raket waarmee op 29 april de basismodule van China’s eerste permanente ruimtestation, Tianhe (Hemelse Harmonie), werd gelanceerd.
China heeft de afgelopen decennia miljarden euro’s geïnvesteerd in zijn ruimtevaartprogramma.
Er staan nog tien lanceringen op het programma om modules eraan toe te voegen. Normaliter keren onderdelen van de Lange Mars-raket meteen terug in de dampkring, boven water, maar dit keer kwam de bovenste trap in een baan om de Aarde.
In 2020 zijn brokstukken van een andere Lange Marsraket nog neergestort in dorpen in Ivoorkust, met schade als gevolg maar geen gewonden. In april 2018 is het Chinese ruimtelaboratorium Tiangong-1 bij het binnendringen van de atmosfeer uiteengevallen, twee jaar nadat het uit gebruik was genomen.
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The rocket, which carried a Chinese space station section into orbit, was launched on 29 April
image caption
Long March-5B rocket launched the Tianhe module on 29 April
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Third Reich Operation UFO Nazi Base In Antarctica
Third Reich Operation UFO Nazi Base In Antarctica
Third Reich Operation UFO Nazi Base In Antarctica
For the first time, the legendary 2006 Russian documentary ‘Third Reich – Operation UFO’ in its entirety, fully translated into English and available for free viewing. Many thanks to Irina Du Toit for the translation and the saucer people for the subtitles. The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd’s ill-fated ‘Operation Highjump’ expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organisations of all: the ‘Thule Society, ‘Vril Society’ and the ‘Ahnenerbe’ One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of ‘Base 211′, the legendary underground Nazi base in the Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of ‘New Swabia’; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa ‘rat lines’ or American ‘Operation Paperclip’ activities. In addition, the film analyses the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica.
The other core theme is the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program and the many evidential strands that this area generates. From the supposed channeling of extraterrestrial engineering schematics by members of the German occult group ‘Thule Society’ in the early part of the twentieth century to the ‘implosion engine’ of Viktor Schauberger and its possible appropriation by the Third Reich. Bringing us to the the latter part of the twentieth century the documentary illustrates the many sightings of unknown crafts around the Antarctic region and the theoretical basis for polar wormholes as entrance and exit points for visiting extraterrestrial spaceships and the possible involvement of HAARP, as well as asking why nearly all American Antarctic bases seem to be populated by agents of the National Security Agency and CIA. Like the study of any phenomena and/or events that exist at the edges of consensus reality, occupy imaginal realms and are subject to historical revisionism; the interface of myth and reality is a shifting mosaic of fact, speculation, disinformation and fantasy, or to use the phrase of head CIA counter-intelligence spook, James Jesus Angleton, we have entered a “wilderness of mirrors”.
Certainly there are elements in the documentary that give cause for concern such as the alleged “Special Bureau 13″, the Nazi secret flying saucer research group and its similarity to the top secret government agency in the early eighties role playing game “Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic ” (though equally the RPG title could be an insider homage to this secret Nazi organisation). Likewise, there is the lack of information on the existence of the US Navy destroyer ‘Murdoch’ in the testimony recounted by pilot ‘John Sireson’ in his description of the flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd’s fleet (testimony taken from an interview by the late pioneering American researcher Leonard Stringfield). Equally, the testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the ‘Operation Highjump’ fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly “pole to pole”. Likewise, the creation of ‘New Swabia’ is as much a historical fact as the ‘impossible’ existence of the ‘Piri Reis’ map. What sets this documentary apart from most others of its kind is the inclusion of high ranking Russian scientists and military personnel and their testimony should not be discounted.
As the great American anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory says of many elements of deep politics: “its food for thought and grounds for further research”. It took a *lot of hard work to make the translation of this documentary into English* [as well as 4 more the producers were pleased we found for a Western audience] and create the subtitles and we would like to dedicate our work to the late American researcher Wendelle Stevens who is quoted in the film, In our opinion, Wendelle, who sadly died in 2011 was one of the few genuine professional researchers in the UFO community who like Linda Moulton Howe, actually went and spoke to the subjects and witnesses and researched cases first-hand.
Linda Moulton Howe: RH Negative The Experiencer Blood Type Connection, Hybrids and Human Survival
Linda Moulton Howe: RH Negative The Experiencer Blood Type Connection, Hybrids and Human Survival
Number of US COVID deaths more than 600,000 – India performing mass cremations as cases rise to more than 300,000 new cases per day – US lifts pause on use of J&J vaccine – COVID-19 can cause blood clots and is labelled a “viral thrombotic fever” Blood – Rh factor is a protein found on the surface – Rh+ is the most common blood type. – MUFON survey found that 33% of respondents were RH negative.
MUFON member and experiencer Denise Stoner hypnosis recollection by Kathleen Marden – “The entities are not showing themselves” – “they don’t want to frighten us…humans have been misinformed” – “they are very concerned about our use of nuclear weapons”
Back in March, NASA’s InSight lander detected two large quakes from a geologically active region of Mars called the Cerberus Fossae. Now, using imagery from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which circles the red planet at an altitude of about 300km, researchers have discovered that the Cerberus Fossae region holds the most recent evidence of volcanic activity ever seen on Mars.
The newly observed volcanic deposit could have been created as recently as 46,000 years ago, though outer estimates suggest that, at the oldest, it might be 200,000 years old. In either case, on geological time scales, this is a very young deposit. Most of the volcanic rock elsewhere on Mars is orders of magnitude more ancient, forming during a period of heavy geological activity between 3 and 4 billion years ago. More recent volcanic eruptions occurred with regularity on Mars up to about 3 million years ago, but until now, we have never seen any evidence of volcanism that can be dated in the thousands of years. This new deposit is unique. As lead researcher David Horvath from the Planetary Science Institute explains, “if we were to compress Mars geologic history into a single day, this would have occurred in the very last second.”
The dark splotch extending to either side of this fissure in the Cerberus Fossae region marks the most recent volcanic activity ever found on Mars. It is about 13km across. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS/The Murray Lab.
The eruption that created the deposit appears to have been explosive in nature, with a pyroclastic cloud that could have reached as high as 6km. The dark layer of ash and volcanic material leftover from the explosion now covers a 13km wide region on either side of one of the large fissures from which the Cerberus Fossae takes its name.
Most volcanic rock found on Mars today is the result of lava flowing slowly across the surface. Explosive volcanism like this seems much rarer, though its rarity is not necessarily a result of it occurring less frequently. Instead, it is because explosive volcanism leaves behind thinner layers of material, so it is more easily eroded by wind and other geological activity, or hidden beneath sand and dust. In other words, the only reason we can see this new deposit at all is because it’s so young – it hasn’t yet vanished from the geological record.
When the observations from orbit are combined with the seismic data from InSight, they offer the tantalizing possibility that the Cerberus Fossae region could still see future eruptions, and that magmatic activity is still ongoing just beneath the surface there.
One speculative, but not altogether unreasonable hypothesis, suggests that this ongoing underground magma flow might have melted ice embedded in the nearby Martian subsurface, creating habitable environments for microbial life in the present day.
Hydrothermal vents deep under the oceans on Earth are prime habitats for chemotropic bacteria: life that relies on inorganic molecules like iron and magnesium, rather than sunlight, to create energy. The mixture of magma and ice-water beneath the surface of Mars in the Cerberus Fossae region might provide a similarly viable habitat for this kind of microbial life. Image Credit: P. Rona / OAR/National Undersea Research Program (NURP); NOAA.
The researchers believe that “these environments would be analogous to locations on Earth where volcanic activity occurs in glacial environments such as Iceland, where chemotropic [bacteria that gains energy from oxidizing inorganic molecules], cryophilic [cold-loving], and thermophilic [heat-loving] bacteria thrive.”
For now, we have no way of testing this theory, though InSight will continue to listen for further seismic activity from it’s position about 1,600km away. In the ongoing search for microbial extra-terrestrial life, however, the Cerberus Fossae may be a promising location for future missions to explore.
The researchers published their findings in Icarus. You can read more about it here:
The information contained within this email and accompanying photography was given to me by my late father, I have no way of proving that any of what is contained within this email is true or false, all I can say is that my father was a serious man, a man of integrity and extremely honest and was not a liar.
My dad worked for the United States Air Force all of his life until he retired, it was only many years after his retirement and when he was in his later years that he told me this truly incredible story and showed me the photographs. He told me he worked as part of a small team who conducted top secret scientific research and that he worked on many highly classified deep black military programs and projects, most of which are still classified to this day.
One day in the spring of 1948 one of his colleagues pulled him to one side and said “get your shit together, something big’s going down.” He and his team were flown to an airforce base in Nevada, from there they were then flown by helicopter to a remote area were they were told to get onto a large bus with blacked out windows and along with roughly 30 other passengers they were driven to within 2 miles of the location, whilst on the bus everyone was ordered to remain silent.
Inside the craft he said he saw 5 dead aliens, he described them as been about 4 to 4 and a half feet tall with grey hairless spindly bodies with large heads, huge black almond shaped eyes, no ears and tiny mouths, he said it wasn’t apparent as to how they had died as they appeared to have no injuries, what his team found very fascinating and very strange was that they were all huddled together on the floor and it looked like they were almost organically attached to the grey wax material, almost as if they were plants growing from within it, he said it was a very peculiar and a very bizarre sight, he said there was also a terrible smell which no one could describe.
A small metallic bottle was also beside them which contained what looked like an unknown thick purple liquid. Eventually a retrieval team was put into place and the craft and it’s dead occupants was flown out to a top secret location, my dad said he and his team were later briefed by military intelligence officers and were told that what they saw and worked on was nothing more than a top secret Russian remote controlled aircraft and the creatures were dummies, they were all sworn to secrecy and ordered never to speak about it to anyone. My dad said he can be seen stood in in front of the saucer on the photos, showing just how big this thing was.
12 months later the same thing happened again, only this time the location was Arizona. My dad told me it happened in the summer of 1949 and the set up was exactly the same as last time, flight, helicopter, blacked out bus, etc and finally they were confronted with what they were told was another landed Russian aircraft.
This time he and his team were confronted with a different style of craft, but saucer-shaped just like the last one and slightly smaller but still a huge metallic flying saucer by any stretch of the imagination.
He told me the craft had some sort of force field or energy field around it (see photo) and that no one could get close to it and everyone was ordered to keep their distance, only after 2 full days did the force field finally turn itself off.
It was at this point that attempts were made by the military to gain access into the the saucer, all without success, apparently they even tried explosives but nothing would penetrate it, they couldn’t even make a scratch or a dent in the thing, he told me they climbed up a ladder and looked through the portholes and the craft looked almost identical inside to the last saucer they saw, no kind of visible instrumentation could be seen and the interior looked very similar to the last craft, completely covered in some sort of whitish wax material, 9 tiny seats could be seen arranged in a semi-circle, my dad said they looked like the size of chairs that you would expect to see at an infant school, tiny.
Roughly half a mile away there was a large military tent, when my dad and his team entered into it he said there was 7 dead aliens on the floor, all lying on a large sheet of military camouflage material, the creatures were almost identical to the aliens he saw last time, except this time all the creatures were all wearing what looked like one piece tight fitting silver space suits with what looked like skull caps on their heads, my dad said there was strange symbols on the suits which were completely indecipherable.
When they got of the bus he and his team were then escorted to a mountainous area on foot which was very heavily guarded by armed soldiers, when he arrived at the final destination he said they were confronted with a very large metallic flying saucer shaped craft.
He said they were told that the craft had landed and had been there for some time and that the military had managed to gain access to the saucer by using diamond tipped drills. He and his team were taken inside the craft, he said it was unlike anything they had ever seen, nothing like any kind of conventional aircraft, no seats, levers, dials or instruments or anything like that was visible, he said it was like the whole interior was made out of some form of grey wax material, he said it was a very peculiar and a very eerie sight.
It appeared that the occupants had been out and about and walking around doing something and for some unknown reason had all just dropped dead, 3 of the occupants were carrying a small silver metallic rod with a small red light on the end of it, it was unclear whether these were some kind of instrument or weapon, what was strange was that all the creatures appeared to be frothing at the mouth and a hardened white froth could clearly be seen coming from to noses and mouths of all of the dead creatures.
My dad said that the craft and its deceased occupants was taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force base by a retrieval team, he said he and his team saw that exact same craft 3 years later in a large hanger when they were working at that air force base. Again my dad said he and his team were given the same spill as last time by military intelligence officers about what they saw been nothing more than a top secret Russian experimental spy craft and the deceased occupants been nothing more than dummies.
In early July of 1952 (just before the Washington DC UFO flap occurred) my dad and his team were working in California conducting and carrying out what he said was an ultra secret black project. He told me that he and his team witnessed a large metallic flying saucer suddenly appear in the sky from out of nowhere, apparently it landed on 3 tripod/telescopic style landing gear legs roughly 50 meters in front of them, then took off and flew off into the sky and disappeared at a high rate of speed, he said the saucer was also witnessed by 20 armed soldiers who were accompanying them on their mission.
I can only imagine that you find that story quiet incredible and remarkable and are probably skeptical? (Editor’s Note: Actually I’m not, I have at least half-dozen of these stories in my archive.) Don’t worry, when my dad told me I was like “yeah sure dad, that’s one hell of a whopper,” but when he showed me the photos and told me that it is 100 percent true, I knew he was telling the truth, plus what would he have to gain from making up such a tale? Absolutely nothing as he never told anyone about it except for me and mum.
If you find my father’s story and photographs interesting and think that your readers would also, then please be my guest and use it, if not then I am sorry for taking up some of your valuable time. It was one of my late father last wishes to finally tell his story and he asked me to find a way of getting it out there. I hope to hear back from you as soon as is possible.
UFO Sighted Over São Paulo, Brazil ( May 6, 2021 )
UFO sighted over São Paulo, Brazil on May 6, 2021: approximately 18:00. The Object was towards the atlantic ocean, (east).
credit : Reginaldo Trindade
UFO Sighted Over Bellavista Occidental, Bogotá, Colombia ( May 6, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Grabaciones de OVNI en Bogotá el día 06 de mayo de 2021 en horas de la tarde (entre las 18:00 y 19:00 horas aproximadamente), parte 1. Grabación y fotos desde teléfono móvil Motorola moto e6 play y cámara Canon Power Shot A2500.
UFO recordings in Bogotá on May 6, 2021 in the afternoon (between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. approximately), part 1. Recording and photos from Motorola moto e6 play mobile phone and Canon Power Shot A2500 camera . Grabación hecha por Floralba López Gómez, Manuel Eduardo López Gómez, Hugo Andrés López Gómez en el barrio Bellavista Occidental, Localidad Engativá, Bogotá Colombia. : Recording made by Floralba López Gómez, Manuel Eduardo López Gómez, Hugo Andrés López Gómez in the Bellavista Occidental neighborhood, Engativá Town, Bogotá Colombia.
UFO sighted over Campinas, Brazil on May 8, 2021 :
STATEMENT : Campinas, May 08, 2021. 17:45hs Foguete Chinês? Percebam que a trajetória muda. TRANSLATE : Campinas, May 08, 2021. 17:45hs Chinese rocket? Realize the trajectory changes.
credit : Lucas Giubilato
Luminous Phenomenon Sighted Over Moscow, Russia ( May 3, 2021 )
Luminous phenomenon sighted over Moscow, Russia on May 3, 2021 stroboscopic or kaleidoscopic effect : Is this impressive event from a light cannon, as it designs a beam, or is above the clouds?
3 videos
credit : Paleu Jc.
MUFON CASE : 115217 Beaverton, Oregon ( May 8, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Lights appear white in video but they were all red Long Description of Sighting Report
These lights approximately 6 to 8 of them were in an arc form to start. Then they started separating and moving east. Some of them would come back to the original formation some kept on going. Some would hover then start again. The video I have was not from the beginning when they were in the arc position because I was on the phone with my son when I first saw them and I was so shocked that I FaceTimed him and he saw them as well. That’s when I hung up and started to video. The video is not very good quality, and don’t pay attention to the moving forms that I believe to be reflections from my phone. Just keep looking through The light posts. Also, I did not know about the “degrees” so I just put any number in there.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-08 Date of Event : 2021-02-05 * 8:00PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : trim.AEE6D8B5CA464F46A8248B88A2FFE642.MOV
MUFON CASE : 115227 New Orleans, Louisiana ( May 8, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Continuous lights moving Long Description of Sighting Report
I was working at my desk at night when I looked out the window and noticed a small light in the sky that was travelling north and then turned off after being visible for only a few seconds. I was very intrigued and kept watching at the same spot in the sky. Immediately, another small light appeared right where the first light first appeared, travelled to the north, and then turned off in the same spot at the first. I watched this happen a few more before grabbing my phone and recording a video. Its as if there is a line of objects flying north in the sky, but they only become visible at one point in the sky, one at a time, for a short moment. After watching about 20-30 objects pass the same spot in the sky and light up and turn off, I left my room to go find someone else to point it out to, but just as I feared, when I showed them, it was gone. Luckily I got a pretty decent video of it, showing around 6 of these lights that were particularly bright. I also noticed the lights would accelerate and decelerate while they were illuminated which is somewhat shown in the video. The lights are moving above and to the left of the blinking cell phone tower.
Date Submitted :2021-05-08 Date of Event : 2021-02-06 * 9:36PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : MyUAPVid.MOV
UFOs Sighted Over Medellín, Colombia ( May 8, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Paso en Medellin hoy 8 de mayo 2021 que puede ser Visitantes .. a las 9"28 pm TRANSLATE : Step in Medellin today May 8, 2021 that can be 9"28 pm
An unusual string of lights seen in the night sky over Las Vegas caused some stir Wednesday, prompting multiple calls and emails to the 13 Action News assignment desk.
There are 1000 ancient monuments across one region of Saudi Arabia
AAKSA and Royal Commission for AlUla
A vast site in north-west Saudi Arabia is home to 1000 structures that date back more than 7000 years, making them older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge in the UK.
Named after the Arabic word for rectangle, mustatil structures were first discovered in the 1970s, but received little attention from researchers at the time. Hugh Thomas at the University of Western Australia in Perth and his team wanted to learn more about them, and embarked on the largest investigation of the structures to date.
There are 1000 ancient monuments across one region of Saudi Arabia
AAKSA and Royal Commission for AlUla
Using helicopters to fly over north-west Saudi Arabia and then following up with ground explorations, the researchers found more than 1000 mustatils across 200,000 square kilometres – twice as many as were previously thought to exist in this area. “You don’t get a full understanding of the scale of the structures until you’re there,” says Thomas.
Made from piled-up blocks of sandstone, some of which weighed more than 500 kilograms, mustatils ranged from 20 metres to more than 600 metres in length, but their walls stood only 1.2 metres high. “It’s not designed to keep anything in, but to demarcate the space that is clearly an area that needs to be isolated,” says Thomas.
In a typical mustatil, long walls surround a central courtyard, with a distinctive rubble platform, or “head”, at one end and entryways at the opposite end. Some entrances were blocked by stones, suggesting they could have been decommissioned after use.
Excavations at one mustatil showed that the centre of the head contained a chamber within which there were fragments of cattle horns and skulls. The cattle fragments may have been presented as offerings, suggesting mustatils may have been used for rituals.
Radiocarbon dating of the skulls shows that they date to between 5300 and 5000 BC, indicating that this was when this particular mustatil was built – and maybe the others too. If so, the monuments would together form the earliest large-scale, ritual landscape anywhere in the world, predating Stonehenge by more than 2500 years.
“This could completely rewrite our understanding of cults in this area at this time,” says team member Melissa Kennedy, also at the University of Western Australia. She says that further south, religious groups became focused in homes, with families displaying small shrines, but the opposite was happening in ancient Saudi Arabia with the mustatils.
There may also have been a relation between the construction of mustatils and the environment. They were built during the Holocene Humid Phase – a period between 8000 and 4000 BC during which Arabia and parts of Africa were wetter, and what are now deserts were grasslands. But droughts were still common, and Kennedy says it is possible that cattle were herded and used as offerings to the gods to protect the land from the changing climate.
Mustatils were typically clustered in groups of two to 19, suggesting that gatherings may have been broken up into smaller social groups.
“The mustatils themselves are probably associated with an annual or generational coming-together of people who would normally be out with their herds and cattle,” says Gary Rollefson at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, suggesting that these rituals were important for bringing communities together. “But there’s no indication that these guys spent a lot of time around the mustatil.”
“These structures are enigmatic,” says Huw Groucutt at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany. He says they show that remarkable human cultural developments took place in the Arabian peninsula.
But despite all the new findings, there is still much to learn. “People are going to understand these structures even more in the future,” says Thomas. “It’s nice to be at the forefront, but we’re also excited to see what other people find.”
Did an unidentified flying object really crash land at a New Mexico ranch in 1947, only to be hushed up by the government?
Did an unidentified flying object really crash land at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico?
(Image credit: Shutterstock)
There is a spaceship that looks like a flying saucer in Roswell. Thousands of motorists drive past it every day, and hundreds of people go inside. It's on North Main Street in this southeastern New Mexico city, its metal skin gleaming as it basks in the glow of the sun. Its neon lighting burns into the retinas of those who view it throughout the evening, and it's rather hard not to admire. After all, aside from its striking looks, who doesn't crave a burger every now and then? That's right: This spacecraft is one of the city’s McDonald’s restaurants.
So why is the building shaped that way? It's not that far from the site of a mysterious incident that took place in 1947 — the day when a rancher discovered debris scattered around his sheep pasture, prompting speculation that an unidentified flying object, or UFO, had crashed there.
In June, or possibly early July 1947, William Brazel woke up for a normal day's work on the J.B. Foster ranch in Lincoln County, New Mexico, 75 miles (120 kilometers) north of Roswell, when he made a shocking discovery. He found on the ranch "a large area of bright wreckage made up of rubber strips, tinfoil, a rather tough paper and sticks," Brazel said in an article published on July 8, 1947, in the Roswell Daily Record.
Brazel hadn't heard of flying saucers — at least not yet. Sightings, however, were coming in thick and fast around that time. On June 24, pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen nine unidentified objects "flying like a saucer would across water" near Mount Rainier, Washington. Arnold estimated that the objects were flying at around 1,200 mph (1,930 km/h), Arnold was reported as saying in the East Oregonian; but at the time, there were no known craft that could reach those speeds. The Air Force also said it had no new experimental planes or guided missiles that would fit such a description, according to a U.S. Department of Defense report. That story became front-page news, and the term "flying saucer was born, despite Arnold describing the flying objects as crescent-shape," according to New Scientist.
The country soon became gripped, as Brazel discovered, by the sightings. By July 7, policemen and astronomers were reportedly being harassed for further reports, this time by people from New York and other eastern U.S. states; that was also the day Brazel decided to take action. He hand-delivered a box of accumulated debris, which he'd gathered with the help of his wife and two children, to Sheriff George Wilcox of Roswell, according to Smithsonian Magazine.
(Image credit: Future)This article is brought to you by All About Space.
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By now there was talk of a reward for anyone who recovered one of these unidentified flying objects. In the Roswell Daily Chronicle, Brazel is said to have "whispered kinda confidential-like" that his find may be one of the flying disks, so an equally intrigued Wilcox contacted Colonel William Blanchard, the commanding officer of the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF), who sent agents to the site to gather the remaining material.
What happened next would cement the idea that the debris represented the remnants of an alien spacecraft. According to David Clarke's book "The UFO Files: The Inside Story of Real-Life Sightings," published by Bloomsbury in 2012, the RAAF's public information officer Walter Haut issued a press release on July 8: "The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disk through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff’s office of Chaves County."
This was reported in the Roswell Daily Record along with the news that Major Jesse A. Marcel was the group intelligence officer dispatched to the scene. He had gone with Counter Intelligence Corps officer Sheridan Cavitt, but on his way back took a detour to his own home. There, he whipped out a couple of boxes of debris that he popped into the trunk of his car and showed to his 10-year-old son, Jesse Jr. One of the objects was said to have hieroglyphic-like markings, something that stuck in the mind of the young boy, according to a report in The Guardian.
But just as quickly as excitement of the find grew, the Army took swift action in debunking the story. The very next day, shortly after government scientists began to arrive at the scene, officials claimed that the debris was actually from a crashed weather balloon, and Marcel was asked to be pictured at a press conference with the debris. And that was that, case closed — or so everyone thought.
But interest began to grow again. In 1978, nuclear physicist, author and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman interviewed Marcel, who said that the discovery made 31 years earlier was not from this world, and that the government had ordered him to keep quiet. Friedman revisited the incident and sought other witnesses, and his work inspired Charles Berlitz and William Moore to write "The Roswell Incident," published in 1980. Their conclusion was simple: There had been a huge cover-up.
The flying saucer conspiracy begins
Other things were happening in the world at the time. Notably, the sci-fi films "Star Wars" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" had just been released; studies have suggested that sightings and belief in UFOs rise when popular films and TV shows make their debut, The Times reported in 2009. Nevertheless, testimonies about that day in 1947 were forthcoming, and they continued to come for many years.
Glenn Dennis called a hotline shortly after an episode of "Unsolved Mysteries" featuring the Roswell incident aired in 1989. He suggested that a friend who worked as a nurse at the Roswell Army Air Field saw three alien bodies, according to TIME Magazine. But the real bombshell moment came in 1994. Could it be that the debris really was from an alien craft?
According to the U.S. Air Force, no. The weather balloon story was not true, but it wasn't to hide the fact that little green men had visited Earth. The wreckage was actually that of a classified project that flew microphones on high-altitude balloons to pick up the sound waves generated by Soviet atomic bomb tests. Called Project Mogul, it was said to have run between 1947 and 1949. What's more, the balloons were claimed to have been made up of unusual material — the type that could easily be confused for a UFO. So, case closed? Not at all.
"The ever-changing accounts gave rise to uncertainty," Kenneth Drinkwater, senior lecturer in psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K., who specializes in the anomalous and paranormal, said in an email. "The first message that went out was unclear. Then they changed the message, and it led to suspicion that something was going on and being covered up. It gives rise to a feeling that something is being hidden from the general population, leading to speculation of possible conspiracy and possibly alien technology."
Huge balloons developed by Seyfang Laboratories were used during Project Mogul, according to a U.S. government report issued in 1994. Their metallic exterior coating meant they were often mistaken for flying saucers. (Image credit: U.S. Government )
With such mixed messages, the Roswell files remain open in the eyes of many. Investigators also place great value on the testimonies of those who were there, many of them respected military personnel. "Every member of Blanchard's senior staff, with a single exception, suggested the craft was of alien origin," Kevin D. Randle, a retired lieutenant colonel of the U.S. Army Reserve who served in Vietnam and Iraq, told All About Space, a sister publication to Live Science. "Major Edwin Easley, the base provost marshal, told me, when asked if we were following the right path — meaning extraterrestrial — that it wasn't the wrong path."
The "single exception" is Cavitt, the retired lieutenant colonel of the Air Force who accompanied Marcel to the debris site. His careful testimony suggested that nothing untoward happened. He said he had never been threatened by anyone in government and that the debris wasn't extensively scattered. Yet, UFO investigators say that if the wreckage was Project Mogul, then this testimony doesn't ring true. Mogul arrays were big, so the debris field would have been large.
"Everyone agrees that something fell at Roswell, but there is no terrestrial explanation," Randle told All About Space. "Project Mogul fails because the documentation tells us that flight number four — the alleged culprit — was cancelled. It did not fly. All other explanations have failed, too: It wasn't an aircraft accident, not a rocket from White Sands and not a regular weather balloon."
Over the past 40 or so years, there have been new claims and fresh leads, adding to the mystery and keeping the Roswell files very much alive. UFO investigator Calvin Parker, for example, recently spoke of his time with Marcel before he died in 1986, claiming that Marcel revealed that he had hidden three pieces of metal from the crash site in the top of his home's water heater. They have never been recovered, however.
Many UFO investigators are keen to stress that they don't take every testimony at face value. Randle previously said that the credibility of Dennis must be discounted because of inconsistencies, and he told All About Space that the accounts of military personnel are not simply accepted just because of their background. "There are some military witnesses who have been discredited as inserting themselves into the tale," Randle wrote in an email. Likewise, there are civilian witnesses who are compelling.
"There are some very creditable civilian witnesses, such as Brazel and Frankie Rowe," said Randle. Rowe is certainly an interesting case. She was told of the crash by her father, a firefighter, who described creatures he had seen. According to Randle, Rowe said she was shown debris from the crash site, but had been told to stay quiet by the state. She says there was evidence her phone had been tapped. But of all of the witnesses, perhaps too much weight is being put on Marcel's account.
In 1947, Brigadier General Roger M. Ramey and Colonel Thomas J. Dubose identified fragments found by the rancher as pieces of a weather balloon. The story changed in 1994, however. (Image credit: Getty Images )
"If Marcel was standalone, then there would be some real problems here, but he is not. There are many credible witnesses — men who achieved high military rank, men and women who were prominent in their communities — who believe the craft was alien," Randle said. "We have attempted to eliminate the fakers from those who had information to provide. We have been taken in, for a time, by some of those fakers, but in the long-run it was we who investigated the case that removed many of those fakers, though based on evidence and not a belief there is no alien visitation. The point is that Marcel was backed up by other high-ranking officers and many civilians who were part of the case. Marcel told [us] what he had seen and done, and there was little embellishment in his testimony."
Randle appeared in the documentary, "Roswell: The First Witness." It follows the investigations of former CIA operative Ben Smith into Roswell, and a key part of the series is a journal found in Marcel's possessions that was initially thought to have been written by him.
Speculation continues: Was the craft of alien origin?
It turned out that the journal — which consisted of quotes, lyrics and jokes — could be dated to the time of the Roswell incident, but the handwriting didn't match Marcel's. Smith pondered why the former army officer retained the journal, and there was speculation over whether it may have contained a code. If it did, however, it could not be deciphered by even the best of minds, according to the documentary.
Smith also sought to discover what was written in a document held by Brigadier General Roger Ramey, Eighth Air Force commander, during the press conference. It was captured in a photograph taken by Star-Telegram reporter J. Bond Johnson, and ufologists have long wondered whether the words they struggle to make out refer to "victims of the wreck." As Smith found, however, even the best technology could not sufficiently clean the document enough to make the words readable, and they remain a source of debate.
There were other interesting explorations in the documentary series. A body-language expert examined video interviews of Marcel and said it appeared that he was telling the truth, at least as he saw it. Experts including aviation crash investigator David Soucie were also taken to examine the crash site. Interestingly, the wind currents in the area were found to be inconsistent with a lightweight balloon crashing in the way that was described.
As the documentary continued, more evidence emerged. Crucially, there was a taped interview conversation between Marcel and author Linda G. Corley in which the military man discussed the items he found in 1947. "I found all this stuff and I was told to keep my mouth shut," he told Corley. "I held on to this premium for 32 years without saying anything at all. See, I was an intelligence officer. I handled intelligence and security for the base. I still hold an allegiance to my country, the vow that I took to keep my mouth shut about everything that might encroach on military secrets."
Just as compelling was an account from the family of Patrick Saunders, the 509th adjutant who is likely to have known about the whole event. He had apparently told people that it wasn't a weather balloon, but something similar to a jet fighter, that files were destroyed or changed and that the world wasn't ready for the truth because it would cause social upheaval. Were the "beings" friendly, he was said to have pondered.
Protestors march in front of the General Accounting Office in the mid-1990s, convinced of a government cover-up over what happened. (Image credit: Getty Images )
This kind of testimony — particularly the first-hand testimony of Marcel that was chronicled in Corley's book, "For the Sake of My Country" — ensures the incident remains open. The fact the U.S. government admitted there was a cover-up in 1994 only continues to add fuel to the fire.
Yet Drinkwater says failure to provide physical evidence means anecdotal accounts have spread misinformation, and he remains in doubt. "Colonel John B. Alexander offers an excellent insight into the myths and possible conspiracies connected to UFOs, the Roswell incident, the government involvement and so on," Drinkwater said. "I think it's more about a sense of reality and how it can be swayed emotionally. I'm dubious about the nature of a secret operation where many might not have known about the goings on at their level."
Roswell is a town that will be forever linked to one of the greatest mysteries of all time, and we may never truly reach a consensus on the truth that is out there.
Eenhoorn Het zwarte gat heeft de bijnaam ‘Eenhoorn’ gekregen. Enerzijds heeft het zwarte gat die bijnaam te danken aan het feit dat deze in het gelijknamige sterrenbeeld te vinden is. Maar de onderzoekers vonden de bijnaam ook passend, omdat het zwarte gat uniek is.
Het zwarte gat is slechts drie keer zwaarder dan onze zon en daarmee piepklein voor een zwart gat. Tot op heden zijn nog maar heel weinig zwarte gaten met zo’n kleine massa ontdekt. En daarnaast bevindt het zwarte gat zich ook nog eens heel dicht bij ons zonnestelsel.
Ster Hoewel het zwarte gat zich vrij dicht bij de aarde bevindt, was het astronomen tot op heden nog niet opgevallen. Dat is goed te verklaren; zwarte gaten zijn – zoals de naam al doet vermoeden – zwart. Ze hebben zo’n enorme zwaartekracht dat niets eraan kan ontsnappen. Ook licht niet. En daardoor zijn zwarte gaten praktisch onzichtbaar. Wat de onderzoekers in dit geval echter wel konden zien, was de rode reus die het zwarte gat vergezelde. Verschillende telescopen hadden deze ster al onder de loep genomen. Onderzoekers bogen zich over de door deze telescopen verzamelde data en zagen al snel dat de ster terwijl deze zijn baantjes trok veranderde qua vorm. De veranderingen die de ster onderging, wezen er sterk op dat ‘iets’ aan de rode reus trok. “We berekenden dat de metgezel (van de rode reus, red.) ongeveer drie zonsmassa’s zwaar moest zijn,” zo vertelt onderzoeker Tharindu Jayasinghe aan Het idee dat het een zwart gat zou kunnen zijn, zou nog niet zolang geleden al snel verworpen zijn. Recent werd namelijk nog gedacht dat zwarte gaten van enkele zonsmassa’s niet bestonden. Maar daar zijn onderzoekers op teruggekomen. En dus namen Jayasinghe en collega’s ook de mogelijkheid dat de rode reus vergezeld werd door een piepklein zwart gat, in overweging. En nadat ze alle mogelijkheden bestudeerd hadden, bleef er nog maar eentje over. “We stellen dat zich in dit systeem wel een donker, compact object moet bevinden,” aldus Jayasinghe. “De simpelste en meest waarschijnlijke verklaring is een zwart gat met een kleine massa.”
Net zoals de zwaartekracht van de maan invloed uitoefent op de oceanen op aarde en eb en vloed veroorzaakt, zo trekt het zwarte gat met zijn zwaartekracht aan de ster, die daardoor vervormt. De rode reus die rond dit kleine zwarte gat cirkelt, is door toedoen van de zwaartekracht van dit zwarte gat niet cirkel-, maar druppelvormig. Normaliter geven (zwaardere) zwarte gaten hun locatie weg doordat ze röntgenstraling afgeven; ze trekken met hun grote zwaartekracht sterren naar zich toe en onttrekken gas aan die sterren. Het gas verzamelt zich in een zogenaamde accretieschijf rond het zwarte gat. Materie aan de binnenkant van de schijf draait sneller dan materie die wat verderop in de schijf te vinden is en daardoor ontstaat wrijving, die weer resulteert in röntgenstraling die met een röntgentelescoop kan worden waargenomen. Onderzoekers vermoeden al langer dat er echter ook (kleinere) zwarte gaten zijn die nauwelijks de interactie aangaan met de sterren die om hen heen cirkelen en dus ook nauwelijks of geen röntgenstraling voortbrengen. In de nieuwe studie tonen onderzoekers aan dat dergelijke zwarte gaten inderdaad bestaan en onthullen ze direct hoe we ze – aan de hand van de sterren die eromheen cirkelen – toch op kunnen sporen.
Massa “Het zwarte gat heeft een massa van 3,04 (+/- 0,06) zonsmassa’s en bevindt zich op 1500 (+/- 23 lichtjaar) van de aarde,” vertelt Jayasinghe. “Het is één van de kleinste zwarte gaten die we kennen en zeer waarschijnlijk het kleinste zwarte gat dat tot op heden in onze Melkweg is ontdekt.” Met een massa van ongeveer 3 zonsmassa’s zit het zwarte gat tussen de zwaarste neutronensterren (ongeveer 2,2 zonsmassa’s zwaar) en de lichtste röntgenstraling afgevende zwarte gaten (ongeveer 5 zonsmassa’s zwaar) in. “Objecten die zich in de kloof (tussen zware neutronensterren en lichte röntgenstraling afgevende zwarte gaten, red.) bevinden, zijn zeldzaam!” benadrukt Jayasinghe. Het opsporen van deze zwarte gaten, die hun locatie niet middels röntgenstraling prijsgeven, is van groot belang. “Het helpt onderzoekers om beter te begrijpen hoe zwarte gaten zich vormen en hoe ze over de Melkweg verspreid zijn.”
Toekomst In hun studie geven de onderzoekers alvast een voorzet. Of het in de nabije toekomst resulteert in de ontdekking van kleine zwarte gaten die zich nóg dichter bij de aarde bevinden, is afwachten. Maar Jayasinghe sluit het zeker niet uit. Of er ook nóg lichtere zwarte gaten op ontdekking wachten, is eveneens onduidelijk. Stervende zware sterren – minstens acht keer zwaarder dan onze zon – transformeren tot neutronensterren of zwarte gaten. Waar de grens tussen de zwaarste neutronensterren en de lichtste zwarte gaten ligt, weten astronomen niet precies. “Ergens tussen de 2,2 en 5 zonsmassa’s,” stelt Jayasinghe. “De maximale massa van neutronensterren lijkt theoretisch gezien rond de 3 zonsmassa’s te liggen – maar in werkelijkheid ligt deze waarschijnlijk iets lager. Dus de ‘Eenhoorn’ is echt één van de kleinst mogelijke zwarte gaten.” De zoektocht naar zwarte gaten met een vergelijkbare – of misschien zelfs ietsje kleinere – massa als de Eenhoorn gaat ondertussen door. Gehoopt wordt dat de ontdekking van meer objecten die qua massa tussen de zwaarste neutronensterren en lichtste röntgenstraling afgevende zwarte gaten in zitten, ook meer inzicht kan geven in het ontstaan van zwarte gaten en neutronensterren.
Dat er nog meer zwarte gaten met een massa tussen de 3 en 5 zonsmassa’s ontdekt gaan worden, lijkt eigenlijk wel vast te staan. “(Deze studie, red.) vertelt ons dat er nog veel meer zwarte gaten die niet direct de interactie aangaan met hun sterren, op ontdekking wachten,” aldus Jayasinghe. “Onze resultaten suggereren dat zich in de Melkweg wel 100 tot 1000 Eenhoorn-achtige systemen ophouden.”
Eenhoorn Het zwarte gat heeft de bijnaam ‘Eenhoorn’ gekregen. Enerzijds heeft het zwarte gat die bijnaam te danken aan het feit dat deze in het gelijknamige sterrenbeeld te vinden is. Maar de onderzoekers vonden de bijnaam ook passend, omdat het zwarte gat uniek is.
Het zwarte gat is slechts drie keer zwaarder dan onze zon en daarmee piepklein voor een zwart gat. Tot op heden zijn nog maar heel weinig zwarte gaten met zo’n kleine massa ontdekt. En daarnaast bevindt het zwarte gat zich ook nog eens heel dicht bij ons zonnestelsel.
Ster Hoewel het zwarte gat zich vrij dicht bij de aarde bevindt, was het astronomen tot op heden nog niet opgevallen. Dat is goed te verklaren; zwarte gaten zijn – zoals de naam al doet vermoeden – zwart. Ze hebben zo’n enorme zwaartekracht dat niets eraan kan ontsnappen. Ook licht niet. En daardoor zijn zwarte gaten praktisch onzichtbaar. Wat de onderzoekers in dit geval echter wel konden zien, was de rode reus die het zwarte gat vergezelde. Verschillende telescopen hadden deze ster al onder de loep genomen. Onderzoekers bogen zich over de door deze telescopen verzamelde data en zagen al snel dat de ster terwijl deze zijn baantjes trok veranderde qua vorm. De veranderingen die de ster onderging, wezen er sterk op dat ‘iets’ aan de rode reus trok. “We berekenden dat de metgezel (van de rode reus, red.) ongeveer drie zonsmassa’s zwaar moest zijn,” zo vertelt onderzoeker Tharindu Jayasinghe aan Het idee dat het een zwart gat zou kunnen zijn, zou nog niet zolang geleden al snel verworpen zijn. Recent werd namelijk nog gedacht dat zwarte gaten van enkele zonsmassa’s niet bestonden. Maar daar zijn onderzoekers op teruggekomen. En dus namen Jayasinghe en collega’s ook de mogelijkheid dat de rode reus vergezeld werd door een piepklein zwart gat, in overweging. En nadat ze alle mogelijkheden bestudeerd hadden, bleef er nog maar eentje over. “We stellen dat zich in dit systeem wel een donker, compact object moet bevinden,” aldus Jayasinghe. “De simpelste en meest waarschijnlijke verklaring is een zwart gat met een kleine massa.”
Net zoals de zwaartekracht van de maan invloed uitoefent op de oceanen op aarde en eb en vloed veroorzaakt, zo trekt het zwarte gat met zijn zwaartekracht aan de ster, die daardoor vervormt. De rode reus die rond dit kleine zwarte gat cirkelt, is door toedoen van de zwaartekracht van dit zwarte gat niet cirkel-, maar druppelvormig. Normaliter geven (zwaardere) zwarte gaten hun locatie weg doordat ze röntgenstraling afgeven; ze trekken met hun grote zwaartekracht sterren naar zich toe en onttrekken gas aan die sterren. Het gas verzamelt zich in een zogenaamde accretieschijf rond het zwarte gat. Materie aan de binnenkant van de schijf draait sneller dan materie die wat verderop in de schijf te vinden is en daardoor ontstaat wrijving, die weer resulteert in röntgenstraling die met een röntgentelescoop kan worden waargenomen. Onderzoekers vermoeden al langer dat er echter ook (kleinere) zwarte gaten zijn die nauwelijks de interactie aangaan met de sterren die om hen heen cirkelen en dus ook nauwelijks of geen röntgenstraling voortbrengen. In de nieuwe studie tonen onderzoekers aan dat dergelijke zwarte gaten inderdaad bestaan en onthullen ze direct hoe we ze – aan de hand van de sterren die eromheen cirkelen – toch op kunnen sporen.
Massa “Het zwarte gat heeft een massa van 3,04 (+/- 0,06) zonsmassa’s en bevindt zich op 1500 (+/- 23 lichtjaar) van de aarde,” vertelt Jayasinghe. “Het is één van de kleinste zwarte gaten die we kennen en zeer waarschijnlijk het kleinste zwarte gat dat tot op heden in onze Melkweg is ontdekt.” Met een massa van ongeveer 3 zonsmassa’s zit het zwarte gat tussen de zwaarste neutronensterren (ongeveer 2,2 zonsmassa’s zwaar) en de lichtste röntgenstraling afgevende zwarte gaten (ongeveer 5 zonsmassa’s zwaar) in. “Objecten die zich in de kloof (tussen zware neutronensterren en lichte röntgenstraling afgevende zwarte gaten, red.) bevinden, zijn zeldzaam!” benadrukt Jayasinghe. Het opsporen van deze zwarte gaten, die hun locatie niet middels röntgenstraling prijsgeven, is van groot belang. “Het helpt onderzoekers om beter te begrijpen hoe zwarte gaten zich vormen en hoe ze over de Melkweg verspreid zijn.”
Toekomst In hun studie geven de onderzoekers alvast een voorzet. Of het in de nabije toekomst resulteert in de ontdekking van kleine zwarte gaten die zich nóg dichter bij de aarde bevinden, is afwachten. Maar Jayasinghe sluit het zeker niet uit. Of er ook nóg lichtere zwarte gaten op ontdekking wachten, is eveneens onduidelijk. Stervende zware sterren – minstens acht keer zwaarder dan onze zon – transformeren tot neutronensterren of zwarte gaten. Waar de grens tussen de zwaarste neutronensterren en de lichtste zwarte gaten ligt, weten astronomen niet precies. “Ergens tussen de 2,2 en 5 zonsmassa’s,” stelt Jayasinghe. “De maximale massa van neutronensterren lijkt theoretisch gezien rond de 3 zonsmassa’s te liggen – maar in werkelijkheid ligt deze waarschijnlijk iets lager. Dus de ‘Eenhoorn’ is echt één van de kleinst mogelijke zwarte gaten.” De zoektocht naar zwarte gaten met een vergelijkbare – of misschien zelfs ietsje kleinere – massa als de Eenhoorn gaat ondertussen door. Gehoopt wordt dat de ontdekking van meer objecten die qua massa tussen de zwaarste neutronensterren en lichtste röntgenstraling afgevende zwarte gaten in zitten, ook meer inzicht kan geven in het ontstaan van zwarte gaten en neutronensterren.
Dat er nog meer zwarte gaten met een massa tussen de 3 en 5 zonsmassa’s ontdekt gaan worden, lijkt eigenlijk wel vast te staan. “(Deze studie, red.) vertelt ons dat er nog veel meer zwarte gaten die niet direct de interactie aangaan met hun sterren, op ontdekking wachten,” aldus Jayasinghe. “Onze resultaten suggereren dat zich in de Melkweg wel 100 tot 1000 Eenhoorn-achtige systemen ophouden.”
Left: NASA's Ingenuity helicopter, photographed on Mars by the Perseverance rover on April 4, 2021. Right: An illustration of Ingenuity flying on Mars. NASA/JPL-Caltech
Ingenuity's most ambitious, risky maneuver yet took it to a record height of 33 feet.
Now Ingenuity begins a new mission: helping NASA practice for future Mars helicopters.
NASA's Ingenuity helicopter has survived its riskiest maneuver yet: landing in a new spot on Mars.
Since April 19, Ingenuity has completed four increasingly daring flights. But its fifth aerial adventure marked a new milestone. Instead of turning and retracing its path back to its liftoff spot, Ingenuity instead soared to a record height, then touched down in a new patch of red dust. Its successful migration marks the beginning of a new mission for the helicopter, in a new location.
From now on, Ingenuity isn't just a technology demonstration. Rather, it has moved on to start testing space-helicopter operations for NASA — activities like scouting and mapping terrain, studying objects on the Martian surface, and flying to areas a rover can't reach.
"The ability to fly the helicopter out into terrain that the rover cannot possibly traverse and bring back scientific data — this is extremely important for future missions that could combine a rover with a reconnaissance helicopter," Ken Farley, a project scientist with NASA's Perseverance rover, said in a briefing last week.
What if it were possible to hide from a hostile alien civilization by ‘cloaking’ the entire planet?
David Kipping – an assistant professor of astronomy at Columbia University – looks at exactly what it would take to hide the Earth from hostile extraterrestrial invaders.
What would it take to hide an entire planet? It sounds more like a question posed in an episode of “Star Trek” than in academic discourse, but sometimes the bleeding edge of science blurs with themes found in science fiction.
Of course, we’ve been leaking our own position to distant stars via radio and television signals for six decades now, largely ignorant of the cosmic implications.
But several notable scientists, such as Stephen Hawking, have publicly voiced concerns about revealing our presence to other civilizations. These concerns largely draw from the darker chapters of our own history, when a more advanced civilization would subjugate and displace a less advanced one.
It might be too late for us to withdraw back into invisibility, but maybe not for other intelligent alien civilizations out there. A far-off planet’s inhabitants might prefer to hide from the likes of us.
In 2016, my graduate student Alex Teachey and I published a paper that proposes a way to cloak planets, as well as a way to broadcast a civilization’s existence.
Even if we’re not manipulating our own signal in this way, it doesn’t mean other planets out there aren’t. It’s possible what we see as we scan the universe for other habitable planets has been engineered to disguise or highlight the existence of other civilizations.
Tracking transits to find other planets
Before we talk about how to hide a planet from distant voyeurs, consider the best way we’ve figured out to find one.
Humanity’s most successful technique for detecting other planets is the transit method. A transit occurs when a planet appears to pass in front of its parent sun, blocking out some of its starlight for a few hours.
So if we have our telescopes trained at one part of the universe and a star seems to fade out for part of a day, that tells us that a planet has temporarily come between us as it goes about its orbit.
Using this technique, NASA’s Kepler Mission has discovered several thousand planets.
It seems likely that any advanced civilization would be aware of this simple method. Each time a planet transits its star, its existence is essentially being advertised to all points lying along the same plane as the planet and star.
An advanced civilization might be okay having its planet’s location, size and even atmospheric chemistry advertised across the cosmos. Or it might wish to conceal its presence. If the latter, it might choose to build a cloak.
A planetary invisibility cloak
It turns out that hiding planets from the transit method would be surprisingly easy, so easy that we earthlings could do it right now, if we chose. Since transits appear as a brightness decrease of a distant star, our hypothetical cloak simply produces the opposite brightness increase.
Lasers provide an efficient means of countering that dip in brightness. All a laser’s power is contained in a relatively narrow beam, as opposed to spreading out in all directions like starlight does.
Due to the way light spreads as it travels – called diffraction – the laser beam would spread to encompass entire solar systems after journeying many light years across space, bathing that distant planetary system within the cloaking beam. No dip in brightness makes it look like there’s no planet there at all.
A laser cloak capable of hiding the Earth from an alien version of NASA’s Kepler Mission would require 30 megawatts of power at peak intensity, approximately equivalent to 10 wind turbines worth of power output.
While Kepler sees light in only one color, advanced civilizations might use more sophisticated detectors capable of collecting light at all wavelengths. Here too, our current technology could cloak us using modern tunable lasers, for a cost of about 10 times more power overall.
More advanced civilizations might be able to detect other fine details of the light’s properties, betraying the cloak. But here too there’s no reason why with a little bit of work we couldn’t engineer solutions, leading to a near perfect cloak which could be targeted at distant stars where we suspect someone might be home.
Why choose to hide
So yes, it sounds like science fiction, but even current technology could do a fine job of cloaking the Earth’s transit signature.
Forget the Earth though; we never really thought of this as something humanity should or should not do. Instead, we posit that if our rudimentary human technology can build such an effective transit cloak at relatively little economic cost, then more advanced civilizations may be able to hide from us with respect to all detection techniques. The universe might not be all that it seems.
Why might a civilization choose to wrap itself in invisibility? It could be a sort of insurance policy: find the nearby planets with potential for supporting life and turn on a targeted cloak – just in case a civilization ever emerges. Such a policy effectively buys them time to reveal their presence when they see fit.
Given how cheap such a cloak would be, an insurance policy for your home planet is perhaps not as strange as it seems. It’s certainly not implausible a civilization might want to bide its time – surveilling the neighbors for a while before rolling out the intergalactic welcome mat.
But there’s a flip side to this technology that could turn it from an invisibility cloak into more of a we-are-here spotlight.
The reverse: flick on the beacon
Perhaps not all civilizations are xenophobic – some might want to talk. If you wanted to reveal your presence to other civilizations as cheaply and unambiguously as possible, how might you do it?
Imagine looking at some data of a distant planet – which has become a somewhat normal enterprise for astronomers – and noticing something weird.
The signature of the planet has a strange shape – in fact, none of your models are able to explain it. It looks like someone has imprinted a series of spikes into the data, following the prime number series.
Nothing in nature can do this – you have just detected another civilization’s beacon. Alternative use of the cloaking system’s laser could be to make a planet’s signal look highly artificial, instead of hidden. Now they don’t care about building the perfect cloak; they want to be found!
Could such signals be lurking in our existing measurements? Perhaps so. No one has ever looked, and we hope our work sparks efforts on that front. It may be a long shot, since to even get to this point we need to try to imagine how aliens might think – but given the scientific prize on offer it’s also worth it.
If we identify a strange transit, it may well contain information encoded via laser light pulses. Huge volumes of information could be hidden within the transit signatures of other planets.
For us, this was an exercise in intellectual curiosity. We simply calculated how much energy it would take to either cloak or broadcast a planet’s existence.
Whether we should seriously consider wrapping Earth in a protective cloak of invisibility – or conversely, getting serious about trumpeting our existence – via laser manipulations is something we should all decide together.
David Kipping, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Columbia University
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Knowles UFO Encounter: Entire Car Was Lifted Up Off The Road
The Knowles UFO Encounter: Entire Car Was Lifted Up Off The Road
One of the most unique UFO encounters from the 1980s occurred on the Nullabor Plain, in a remote area of Australia.
On January 20, 1988, the Knowles family, including Fay Knowles and her three sons, Patrick (24), Sean (21), and Wayne (18) and their two dogs, drove along a desolate road at around 4:00 a.m when a bright light object was seen ahead of them.
At about 20 metres from the object, the family say they were confronted with a white blinding light that moved along in front of their moving vehicle. At first they thought it was a large truck, but as they approached, it was about 1 metre wide and described as a slightly angular egg in an egg-cup shape with a yellow centre.
The Knowles Family
The object, which at first appeared to be either on the ground or immediately above it then began to move back and forth. Sean swerved the car to the opposite side of the road to avoid a collision with the object, but then nearly collided with a station wagon towing a caravan coming in the other direction. As the Knowles family drove by, the strange object started to pace their car. Then it started to maneuver around the car.
At one point, the object seemed to leave, but then suddenly, the unthinkable happened. The object returned and actually landed on top of the car. The family heard a loud clunking noise and felt the car shake. Suddenly, the entire vehicle was lifted up off the road.
Mrs. Knowles reached out her window and touched the object, which she said felt “spongy and rubbery.” She pulled her hand back in, and it was covered with strange black dust. Suddenly, the entire car filled with the black dust. At the same time, a high-pitched sound was then heard, which sent the dogs into a frenzy.
The family became disoriented and felt that their voices had become slower, and lower in pitch. They believed at this point that they were going to die. Patrick said that he felt that his ‘brain was being sucked out’, and Mrs Knowles likened it to having something ‘going into our heads’.
A while later, the family felt the car forced back down onto the road, bursting the rear right tyre. Sean brought the car to a sudden stop and then blacked out. The family left the car hurriedly and hid in some bushes by the side of the road. Meanwhile, the UFO remained above the car for a few moments and then darted away. They remained there for 15 minutes before changing the tyre and continuing on to the nearest town.
Unknown to the Knowles, a trucker just a few miles down the highway also observed the strange object as it sent down what appeared to be beams of white light. The Knowles family was extremely traumatized and the police were notified.
Faye Knowles, a mother of three, also told police that her speech and that of her sons changed during the encounter along the highway.
Police dismissed any suggestion of a hoax.
″We were a little bit skeptical at first,″ said Sgt. Jim Furnell of Ceduna Police in the state of South Australia. ″But after investigating, we are treating the reports very seriously.″
She told police she was driving through the Nullabor Plain from Perth in Western Australia when she first saw a glowing object in her rear window at 2:45 a.m. Wednesday
Police investigate the car
″It apparently picked the car up off the road, shook it quite violently and forced the car back with such pressure that one of the tires was blown,″ Furnell said.
″While this was happening the family said their voices were distorted and it was as if they were talking in slow motion.″
The crew of a tuna boat 50 miles away also said they were buzzed by an unidentified flying object minutes later, and that their voices become unintelligible as a result.
Police said the crew of the tuna boat could not have known about the Knowles’ experience when they reported a UFO sighting in the Great Australia Bight, a body of water off the Australian coast.
Somehow the media heard about the sensational case and the Knowles became overnight, reluctant celebrities. Despite the physical evidence of their encounter (including strange indentations on the roof of their vehicle and the weird black dust), the family was ridiculed intensely in the press.
Although they never backed down or changed their story, they later said that they regretted coming forward because of how they were treated.
Mysteries, Legends and Unexplained Phenomena: “UFO and Aliens” by Preston Dennett
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Vlogen tientallen drones precies achter elkaar door de lucht of was het een baan van goed zichtbare sterren? Het UFO Meldpunt Nederland kreeg over de rij lichtjes die vrijdagavond boven Brabant werd gespot flink wat meldingen binnen.
Erik Luiten
,,Terwijl ik van het toilet kwam riep mijn vrouw mij geschrokken naar buiten”, schrijft iemand die de lichtjes boven Roosendaal zag. ,,We waren getuige van de reeks die van west naar oost bewoog.” Hij deed een melding bij het meldpuntvoor Unidentified flying objects, en was zeker niet de enige die dat deed.
Het gaat om zestig lichtjes die gedurende vijf minuten rond 22.45 uur boven Nederland te zien waren. Op Twitter stroomden ook reacties binnen van spotters. Sommigen waren verbaasd, anderen wisten meteen wat er te zien was: de Starlink-satellieten van SpaceX.
Het bedrijf van Elon Musk lanceerde op 18 maart vanaf het Kennedy Space Center in Florida zijn satellieten, die in een baan om de aarde zijn gebracht. Ze zijn al eerder gespot en zullen zeker ook vaker te zien zijn.
,,Het is een heel indrukwekkend en spectaculair verschijnsel”, zei wetenschapsjournalist Govert Schilling eerder. ,,In het begin zitten ze heel dicht op elkaar en zijn ze als een lijn van ‘heldere sterren’ te zien. In de loop van de tijd waaieren ze uit en worden ze op grotere hoogte gebracht. Na een tijdje zijn ze niet meer te zien.”
In totaal wil het bedrijf van Musk zo’n 12.000 van deze kunstmanen de ruimte in schieten. Het netwerk moet gaan zorgen voor een nieuwe generatie internet met hoge kwaliteit en lage kosten.
On April 20, 1979, a cattle mutilation conference organized by former moon-walking Apollo astronaut Sen. Harrison Schmitt (R-New Mexico) was held at the Albuquerque Public Library. Schmitt opened the conference by telling the attendees:
There are few activities more dangerous than an unsolved pattern of crime. There is always the potential for such crimes to escalate in frequency and severity if allowed to go unsolved and unpunished. Such a dangerous pattern of crime is the mutilation killings of thousands of cattle, horses, and other animals over the past several years throughout many states…In the last five years – and probably longer – in at least fifteen states animals have been killed and systematically mutilated for no apparent purpose, by persons unknown.
This now legendary and somewhat controversial conference included in attendance “FBI agents, state police, sheriffs and local police from around the country, Indian pueblo governors, tribal police chiefs, Los Alamos scientists, veterinarians, New Agers in robes, hippies, news media, politicians, spooky agent types, dusty ranchers in beat-up cowboy hats, independent researchers and, of course, ufologists of all stripes and colors”1 —not to mention a growing legion of cattle mute sleuths, among them Tom Adams, Gary Massey and David Perkins.
In January 1978, Tom Adams began publishing the newsletterStigmata, which soon became the central clearinghouse for a growing cattle mute subculture. Adams—along with his cow-curious colleagues, Massey and Perkins—referred to themselves self-deprecatingly as “mutologists.” According to Perkins, “We thought that being professional ‘mutologists’ sounded a little classier than ‘weird people who get a kick out of looking at dead cows.’”2As Perkins recalled:
I first met Gary Massey and his partner Tom Adams in the mid-1970s in Colorado. They were a dynamic investigative duo, hot on the trail of the elusive cattle mutilators. The three of us quickly formed a close bond. Over the next several years we spent endless hours traveling together in Gary’s big van ‘Thang’, investigating mutilation cases, attending conferences and scanning the skies from my mountain top home in Colorado. We were the Three Musketeers of ‘mutology’, although at times, we seemed a bit more like the Three Stooges.
Tom Adams (left) and Garry Massey in 1980
(Photo credit: David Perkins)
A Yale trained sociologist, Perkins ventured westward in the late 1960s to study non-traditional communities, and during his research became part of one such counterculture experiment, joining the Libre commune in Southern Colorado in 1970. Perkins (known by the name of Izzy Zane to his cattle mute coterie) suddenly found himself on the front lines of mutology after encountering one such beastie in his rural neighborhood in 1975. Curiously enough, the only evidence discovered at the cattle mute scene was drops of blood that led back in the direction of Perkins’ home. Perkins later learned that the local sheriff had considered him, at least for a short time, to be a suspect in the case.
Intrigued by his initial cattle mute encounter, Perkins went on to establish the Animal Mutilation Probe (AMP), documenting his own case in addition to a slew of others he investigated in the ensuing years, along the way becoming an authority on the subject. In the summer of 1979, Perkins was contacted by Linda Howe, who was then working as a news reporter for the Denver CBS affiliate station KMGH TV. Howe, at the time, had just started digging into the rash of mutes spreading like wildfire across Colorado and the Four Corners region, and so she reached out to Perkins to learn from him all he knew about the subject, and to tap into his extensive network of cattle mute contacts.
On June 12, at Linda Howe’s request, Perkins loaded up his extensive case files into his ‘64 Plymouth Valiant station wagon (known endearingly as The Mutemobile) and hauled them 200 miles to the KMGH offices where Howe immediately began making copies of everything and hashing out plans with Perkins to take her and a film crew on a road trip later that year, the end results of which appeared in Howe’s documentary, A Strange Harvest. During their June 12 meeting, Perkins promised he’d give Howe a heads-up if any new cattle mute cases came to his attention. A couple weeks later, on June 25, Perkins was alerted to a mute discovered on the Potts Ranch in Walsenburg, Colorado. According to Perkins:
By the time I got there, the animal had been lying in the blazing sun for several hours. Its mouth was only partially open and I wanted to see if the tongue had been removed. I tried to pry open the jaws by hand but was unsuccessful. I found a stick and used it as a crowbar. After a few tries, the jaw finally popped open. In that process, I apparently opened up a pathway for the bull to release an explosive noxious spew of heated stomach gases and gross particulate matter…directly into my face. Indeed there was no tongue, at least as far back in the throat as I could see…I took a photo of Linda and her cameraman crouching over the mute, and in it you can see the very stick I used for that misadventure….
Linda Howe and cinematographer Richard Lerner investigate one of Howe’s first cattle mutilations near Walsenburg, Colorado in June of 1979. The stick on the ground is the one David Perkins used to pry the cow’s jaw open. (Photo credit: David Perkins)
Due to Perkins’ involvement in the field of mutology, as well as his academic background, Sen. Harrison Schmitt and Gabe Valdez (who were the prime movers behind the Albuquerque conference) tapped him as the keynote speaker for the event. Perkins recalled:
Getting in front of that group at the conference was pretty rough, and Valdez and Schmitt had picked me for reasons unknown to send me in first. Whether they were feeding me to the lions or what, I don’t know…and I didn’t say a whole lot; I simply provided an overview of the phenomenon. My most memorable line was: ‘The only thing that makes sense about the mutilations is that they make no sense at all.’ That was my first comment to the group, and it was a very Zen comment. And for some reason people picked up on it, and it was repeated by news outlets. And what I was trying to point out was that the whole thing seemed senseless. It just made no sense. I was trying to convey the fact that this was a real conundrum, kind of like a Zen puzzle of some sort for us to figure out.
Following Perkins keynote speech, Tom Adams presented a “preliminary report regarding the appearance of unidentified helicopters at or near mutilation sites.”3 An expanded version of this report was later released under the title of The Choppers…and the Choppers: Mystery Helicopters and Animal Mutilations (1980) documenting over two hundred helicopter/mute cases.
Next up to the podium was Gabe Valdez, who spoke about the strange lights in the sky he’d witnessed in the Dulce area that appeared to be associated with the mutilations. During one of his patrols, Valdez observed one of these lights (a UFO by any other name) flying directly toward Mount Archuleta, near the town of Dulce. Valdez had expected to see the craft crash into the mountainside, but at the last second it vanished into thin air, as if it had somehow flown into, or through, the mountain.
The Albuquerque cattle mutilation conference received mixed reviews, although to those in attendance it seemed a sincere effort on Harrison Schmitt’s part to bring together the principal players in the scene to discuss the impact that the phenomenon was having on the livelihoods of ranching communities throughout the American West.
Among the more vocal critics of the event was reporter Mark Acuff, who in an editorial for TheNew Mexico Independent described the conference as an “exquisite farce” featuring “the strangest collection of weirdos ever assembled in New Mexico.” Such negative portrayals as these were believed to have contributed to Harrison Schmitt’s failed re-election bid in 1982.
Perkins, David. 1997. “Darkening Skies, 1979-1980. Of Dead Cows and Little Green Men.” A chapter from 1947-1997: Fifty Years of Flying Saucers. 1997. Edited by Hilary Evans and Dennis Stacy. John Brown Publishing, London, England.
Helikopter Ingenuity nu ook voor het eerst te horen op Mars
Nasa heeft vrijdag voor het eerst een opname openbaar gemaakt van het geluid van de Ingenuity-helikopter tijdens de vierde vlucht op Mars. De opname werd gemaakt door het Nasa-wagentje Perseverance. Het is de eerste keer dat een ruimtetuig op een andere planeet geluid van een apart ruimtetuig kan opnemen.
Remi Lehmann
Het Amerikaanse luchtvaartagentschap plaatste op Twitter nieuwe beelden van de zeswielige robot tijdens de vierde Ingenuity-vlucht op 30 april, dit keer dus vergezeld van geluid. De video van drie minuten begint met de wind die over de Jezero-krater waait, waar Perseverance op 18 februari landde om sporen van vroeger microbiologisch leven te vinden.
De helikopter is echter niet bijzonder goed te horen, aangezien Perseverance de opname maakte vanop ongeveer 80 meter afstand. Bovendien zorgen de ijle atmosfeer en de wind op Mars voor een gedempt geluid. Maar zelfs het weinige dat er te horen is “is een goudmijn voor een beter begrip van de atmosfeer op Mars”, aldus wetenschappers.
De 1,8 kilo zware Ingenuity (Vindingrijkheid) heeft vrijdag bovendien ook met succes een vijfde vlucht voltooid. Het ging om de eerste enkele reis van de minihelikopter, die dus niet meer terugkeerde naar het startpunt.
Voor de Mars-helikopter, die aan boord was van het NASA-wagentje Perseverance (Volharding), zijn de omstandigheden op Mars extreem. De rotoren moeten door de ijle atmosfeer, ruwweg maar 1 procent van die op aarde, meer dan 2.500 omwentelingen per minuut maken om los te komen van de grond. Daarnaast is de zonne-energie geringer en hebben de accu’s te lijden van de lage temperaturen ‘s nachts, wanneer het kwik kan zakken tot 90 graden onder nul.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Falling China Rocket - Re-Entry Tomorrow? Live
Falling China Rocket - Re-Entry Tomorrow? Live
A Chinese rocket is falling toward Earth and could make re-entry and spread debris tomorrow. Get the latest on the falling China rocket in our LIVE COVERAGE. The Chinese rocket, the Long March 5B (also known as the CZ-5B), was launched last week to put the first stage of China’s new space station into orbit. Now the rocket body is falling back to Earth, and experts believe some rocket debris will survive reentry.
The rocket is currency forecast to make re-entry tomorrow evening, but it could happen even earlier or later. It’s not clear where debris from the China rocket will land because the rocket’s fall is apparently uncontrolled. In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you the latest news updates on the falling Chinese rocket, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!
Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet service is rapidly launching satellites — here’s everything we know
However, the Starlink launch is different. RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU… What is Starlink? Starlink is a plan by SpaceX to put 12,000 satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) that offer high-speed, low-latency, cheap internet access to anyone anywhere on the planet. That’s the end-game.
Starlink satellite internet service is currently undergoing a public beta—which SpaceX calls a “Better than Nothing Beta” as a reminder that service is still in its infancy. The Starlink beta users are told to expect periodic outages since the satellite constellation is not built out fully.
STATEMENT : Pueden explicar : TRANSLATE : Can you explain
credit : Alfonso Galvis Trujillo
UFO Sighted Over Bogotá, Colombia ( May 6, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Alguien sabe que es esto? 06/05/21 Bogotá TRANSLATE :Does anyone know what this is? 06/05/21 Bogota
credit : Leonardo Sanchez Mesa
UFO Sighted Over Bogotá, Colombia ( May 6, 2021 )
STATEMENT : 6 de mayo de 2021 se presenta objeto desconocido en el cielo localidad engativa TRANSLATE : May 6, 2021 present unknown object in the sky engativá locality
credit : Diego Rojas
Alguien me puede explicar ¿Qué es esto? - Las Ferias, Bogotá. 06/05/2021 (Osea, ahora los extraterrestres Can someone explain to me what is this? - The Fair, Bogota. 06/05/2021 (I mean, now the aliens
credit : Felipe Rou
Fenómeno similar a uno que sucedió en mi ciudad hace un par de meses Este objeto no identificado se expandía, caía y se elevaba, junto con una esfera que estaba casi a la par. Este objeto no identificado se expandió para bajar y trepar, junto con una esfera que estaba casi a la par.
Phenomenon similar to one that happened in my city a couple of months ago This unidentified object was expanding, falling and rising, along with a sphere that was almost at par This unidentified object expanded to go down and climb, along with a sphere that was almost on par.
credit : Everardo Rivera
UFO Sighted Over Palmas del Socorro, Colombia ( April 15, 2021 )
Este video fue captado en Palmas, Santander, Colombia el 15 de Abril del año 2021 (aproximadamente a las 2:41pm). En la comunidad de investigadores de OVNIs cuando se trata de objetos de tamaño tan pequeño como este se presume que estas serían naves no tripuladas que cumplen el papel de explorar terrenos y/o a los habitantes de ciertas regiones.
This video was captured in Palmas, Santander, Colombia on April 15, 2021 (approximately 2:41 pm). In the UFO research community, when it comes to objects as small as this one, it is presumed that these would be unmanned spacecraft that fulfill the role of exploring terrain and / or the inhabitants of certain regions.
Economics Professor Offers His Take on the Effect of Aliens for the Economy
Economics Professor Offers His Take on the Effect of Aliens for the Economy
The Pentagon is reportedly gearing up to disclose a flood of still-classified information on several reports involving unidentified aerial phenomena that Navy pilots had encountered dating back to at least 2004. The release is expected to happen this year. Congress even formed an entire task force to investigate whether the strange events represent an actual threat.
The US is seen to finally starting to take UFOs seriously. With this shift, experts are beginning to grapple with some significant questions.
Economist Tyler Cowen recently made an opinion piece for Bloomberg on the possible effects of alien discovery on global markets.
Cowen predicted that most market prices wouldn’t move very much if aliens are really among us. He said the markets might become a little volatile with aliens strolling around. Provided that little green men have no actual threat to our personal wealth and investments, the market number wouldn’t budge much, according to Cowen.
He pointed out an extreme scenario where one million aliens are living under the ocean. He said that case would not affect the Wall Street expectations for the number of iPhones sold next year. He instead expects the increased demand for a fly-by camera option.
Cowen believes that aliens are probably happy with our existence because if it’s not, they’d probably have a leg up and zap us into oblivion wherein neither Bitcoin nor gold will do any good.
According to the writer, it is likely that an alien presence would represent a boon to sci-fi and tourism industries.
However, we’ll have to wait for now and see how having extraterrestrials mingling with humanity will stack the numbers.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
THe Pentagon's inspector general is looking into the actions the military has taken to address the spate of UFO sightings in recent years involving high performance aircraft that have violated military airspace.
The probe comes as Congress awaits a public report, due next month, from a host of national security agencies on the issue, and as advocates complain that some departments and agencies are not fully cooperating by sharing data.
"The objective of this evaluation is to determine the extent to which the DoD has taken actions regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)," Randolph Stone, assistant inspector general for evaluations on space, intelligence, engineering and oversight, wrote in a Monday memo to the heads of the military branches and other top military commanders and intelligence chiefs.
"We may revise the objective as the evaluation proceeds, and we will consider suggestions from management for additional or revised objectives," it added.
It was not immediately clear who decided that the department's independent watchdog should take on the issue; the IG's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The IG traditionally investigates allegations of wrongdoing or evaluates how the Pentagon and military branches are handling sensitive or other politically charged issues. It can generate its own investigations or often responds to requests from whistleblowers, Pentagon officials or members of Congress.
The task force is playing a primary role in compiling the report for Congress. A spokesperson for the task force did not immediately respond to a request to comment on the separate IG evaluation.
But one former top Pentagon intelligence official who has lobbied Congress to take more action on such sightings said on Tuesday that the IG's involvement is a positive step to compel the military to take the issue more seriously.
"You are looking at how is it possible that restricted military airspace is being routinely violated for months and years and nobody is informed in the Defense Department or the Congress and there is a complete system breakdown," said Christopher Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence. "That's a valid thing for them to investigate."
Een prototype van de Starship, een volledig herbruikbaar raketsysteem van SpaceX voor missies naar bijvoorbeeld de maan en Mars, is woensdag met succes geland. Eerder hadden drie testvluchten tot spectaculaire explosies geleid.
SpaceX Starship Number 15 werd woensdag vanop de testsite nabij Boca Chica Village in het zuiden van Texas gelanceerd. Op de video is wel te zien hoe vlammen ontsnapten uit de basis van de raket, kort na de landing, al is dat volgens SpaceX niet abnormaal.
Starship vormt een volledig herbruikbaar ruimtevaartuig dat is bedoeld om mensen naar de maan, Mars en andere planeten te vervoeren. De gigantische raket zou honderd mensen tegelijkertijd moeten kunnen vervoeren.
SpaceX is het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbedrijf van Elon Musk, ook de man achter onder meer Tesla en betaaldienst PayPal.
Starship prototype rocket SN15 touches down on the company’s landing pad on May 5, 2021, in Boca Chica, Texas.
Shapeshifting creatures are perhaps the most frightening monsters for the obvious reason that there’s no guarantee they’ll look like the police drawing made of your description of the terrifying thing you saw walking on a dark road or running away from a dead animal. Skinwalkers are often referred to as the scariest of shapeshifters, especially by Native Americans – the legend began with the Navajos. However, like the Chupacabra of Puerto Rico, any mysterious creature seen these days that doesn’t look like a Bigfoot is called a skinwalker just to make the story creepier. That may be the case of two security guards in Canada who saw something strange run in front of their car lights while making their rounds. Fortunately for you, they recorded it so you can decide for yourself if the skinwalkers have gone Canadian, eh?
“When we work night security 8pm-8am and we see something coming at us at midnight.”
That’s the comment on the first Tik Tok video (watch it here) made by two security guards somewhere in Canada – yes, details are scant other than a Tik Tok handle of “@rananas007” and the obligatory “what the f**k is that?” exclamations. The guards were outside of their car when they saw the figure come towards them, so they got back in to drive towards it, which they recorded in a second Tik Tok clip (watch it here). That one containing nothing of note, other their comment, “Yes we are chicken shits.” The only media site to pick up on the videos was The Daily Star (not a good sign), which at least noted that “despite the figure being on a clear path, it still appears the same color as the surrounding grassland and the figure does not have any identifying features.” That leaves identifying the creature to commenters.
“My first thought was skinwalker.”
The women have not confirmed if they found out what the figure was.(Image: rananas007/TikTok)
The security guards went to investigate.(Image: rananas007/TikTok)
Not a Bigfoot or a ghost (although both received votes) or a creepy guy spying on two female security guards. Why did a number of people think skinwalker … in Canada? It could be due to the popularity of the “Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” series where one of the mysterious happenings is animal deaths which are often attributed to skinwalkers. It could be because the figure was so non-descript, it looked a shapeshifter in between shapes. In any case, skinwalkers and shapeshifters are being reportedly seen in more places than ever before. Is something drawing them out? Or is it just boredom with attributing vague of blurry videos to Bigfoot, ghosts, Chupacabra or other more common scary things?
All we can say about this for now is let’s hope the security guards get some guts and go back out again. Oh, Canada – please keep us posted!
In my first book, A Covert Agenda, I made mention of a small (but nonetheless intriguing) body of evidence pertaining to the collation and investigation of UFO data on the part of the sprawling Government Communications Headquarters at Cheltenham (GCHQ), England. As Military.Wikia note: “The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is a British intelligence agency responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information assurance to the British government and armed forces. Based in Cheltenham, it operates under the guidance of the Joint Intelligence Committee. GCHQ was originally established after the First World War as the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS or GCCS) and it was known under that name until 1946. During the Second World War it was located at Bletchley Park. GCHQ is the responsibility of the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, but it is not a part of the Foreign Office and its Director ranks as a Permanent Secretary. In 2013, GCHQ received considerable media attention when the whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the agency was attempting to collect all online and telephone data in the UK via the Tempora programme.”
Aerial view of GCHQ
Although GCHQ personnel forthrightly deny they play roles in the UFO subject, time and again snippets of information surface, suggesting that behind the official stance there exists an incredible story just waiting to be uncovered. First and foremost is the striking fact that GCHQ works hand-in-glove with the United States’ National Security Agency – an agency with a rich history of involvement in the UFO puzzle. Second, on more than one occasion reports have surfaced relating to the sighting of UFOs over the GCHQ complex itself! To illustrate this, on 29 March 1996, two security guards assigned to the facility viewed during the early hours of the morning a silent, brightly-lit object that over-flew their heads whilst they patrolled the base. “We just looked at it,” said one, adding, “We weren’t frightened. We were just amazed.” The other concurred: “‘I have never seen anything like it before in my life. It was traveling very fast. It definitely was not a plane.” The response from Government Communications Headquarters when the media latched on to what had occurred was tight lipped. “No doubt they did see something but I couldn’t say what it was,” was the carefully worded response from a GCHQ spokesman.
Mir space station
Robin Cole – who wrote his very own report on the UFO-GCHQ connection in the 1990s – has also been able to shed further and much-welcome light on the 29 March 1996 UFO encounter reported by two GCHQ security guards. Cole told me: “Both of the guards were so convinced by what they’d seen that they went to The Citizen – this is the local newspaper that covers the Gloucester area – and reported it. Well, the newspapers went on to publish their names and the fact that they were security guards at GCHQ. Normally, people who work at the base just say that they’re civil servants, because they don’t want to be associated with GCHQ publicly. Well, we didn’t make too big a deal out of it, but we did try and look into it all a bit deeper. There are a number of people within our UFO research group, Circular Forum, who work at GCHQ. Of course, I tried to press them to find out what they could.”
Cole continued: “It just so happens that one of our members knew one of the security guards and another member used to work at GCHQ as a security guard and knew the other one. Well, they then subsequently invited the two of them around for tea and got on to talking about UFOs – as you do! Basically, both of them stated that when the article in The Citizen appeared: “We were both hauled in before our superiors the following morning and we were told that what we had seen was the Mir Space Station, and that we were to drop it unless we wanted to face severe action. You know how it is [at GCHQ]; they’re all paranoid. But we know deep in our hearts that this was not a space station. It was far too low in orbit and it just came over and stopped. It was there for several minutes and was then joined by a second light. The one then seemed to drop down quite low, and as soon as it started dropping, the pair of them just shot off. And we know it wasn’t Mir.”’
Unearthly Events Just Keep Happening Around The World! 2021
Unearthly Events Just Keep Happening Around The World! 2021
Unearthly Events Just Keep Happening Around The World! 2021
Since 2008, THIRDPHASEOFMOON has changed the way people look up at the skies and wonder, “Are we Alone?” With over 773,000 subscribers and millions of views, our goal is simple! We speak with UFO EYE WITNESSES from around the globe, including ground reporting with Experts and Professionals, such as Astronauts, Scientists, Government Officials, ETC.
With permission granted, THIRDPHASEOFMOON, will share, discuss, enhance and analyze UFO videos. And along with our research and opinion of the evidence, THIRDPHASEOFMOON also produces 100% Original Documentaries in regards to the UFO PHENOMENON happening everyday! Our Aim is to bring Truth and Evidence in the field directly to the Public!
David Wilcock: Pyramid UFOs Officially Confirmed -- What Are They? And Why Now?
David Wilcock: Pyramid UFOs Officially Confirmed -- What Are They? And Why Now?
DNI Ratcliffe announced that the “Big D” — official Disclosure — is going live as of June 1st, with a variety of confirmed new intel. Even if this is a disappointment in the first round, it still represents an absolutely monumental change in everything we thought we knew about reality.
Shortly after this announcement, the media began producing saturation coverage of a film of pyramid-shaped UFOs, confirming their authenticity. What in the world is going on here? Who is piloting these UFOs? Are they extraterrestrial in nature… or part of a secret project? There are so many unknowns. Are there things we are not seeing? If these pyramid UFOs are a threat, then we may have a BigProblem(TM). I know. I know.
David Wilcock will reveal never-before-seen information suggesting the true nature of the UFOs — and why this information might be emerging now. Given that this story is about to impact everyone’s life whether they are following it or not, David’s new analysis is a must-see!
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Sequential lights that appeared in one part of the sky, floated across to another, and disappeared. Long Description of Sighting Report
I just happened to look up while on the phone and my hair stood up. Hundreds of lights passed through the sky in a straight line over the course of several minutes. I have video. Can send uncompressed.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-06 Date of Event : 2021-05-06 / 9:30PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : trim.36CECBED25B04E269DC2127865BDE03C.MOV
MUFON CASE : 115157 Louisville, Kentucky (May 6, 2021)
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Looked like black debris in the air and kept changing form.
Long Description of Sighting Report
I thought initially that it was birds flying but then as I started to look closer I noticed black objects in the sky that were almost circular in form and kept changing the way they appeared in the sky they didn’t ever drop as if it were debris like debris would drop they kept floating through the air very quietly very out of the norm and extremely amazing. I was on the phone when this all happened and I immediately hung the phone up because it was so distracting and extraordinary. I didn’t feel threatened at all. I was completely awe struck and curious.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-06
Date of Event : 2021-05-06 / 6:34PM
trim.CB7358A51E0B471F80A0417FA406FF7B.MOV :
trim.8DAF9A1E1A7E4CC6B5C4F320B1F6B36F.MOV :
note :part 4 : enlarge
UFO Sighted Over California ( April 28, 2021 )
UFO sighted over California :
STATEMENT : huge ball of light vanishes into thin air:)
STATEMENT : ماشاء الله مشهد بألف بروق رهيبة على صحم قبل قليل عمان 4-5-2021 أخدود_السحب_الثقال2 Oman Mashallah a thousand views Awesome brooke on Saham a while ago عمان 4-5-2021 أخدود_السحب_الثقال2 Oman
credit : Arab Storms
VIDEO 2 : Atlanta : May 3, 2021 : credit : UFO Sightings Footage
VIDEO 3 : Colorado : April 23, 2021 : credit : UFO Sightings Footage
VIDEO 4 : Florida : Atmospheric Phenomenon : April 29, 2021: credit UFO Sightings Footage
VIDEO 5 : 中国 2021年3月30日 : China March 30th, 2021 : credit : Shri«シュリ»
VIDEO 6 : Central Illinois Storm Chasers: North of Windsor : May 4, 2021
VIDEO 7 : New Zealand : May 3, 2021 : submitted
VIDEO 8 : submitted : credit : Eu me Libertei
VIDEO 9 Strange waterspout : Ruhondo Lake, Burera District : April 14, 2021 : credit : metoredofficial
VIDEO 10 : Strange Cloud : Manchester, United Kingdom : Jennifer Mitchell
VIDEO 11: Rising Sun : Japan : April 28, 2021 : credit : Phillppe Francoisµ
VIDEO 12 : USA : Strange Object : UFO : credit : UFO Sightings Footage
VIDEO 13 : Russia : January 21, 2021 : UFO Fireball : credit : Alexander Kushelev
VIDEO 14 : 4800 meter Alpine moon 30,000 ft : Switzerland : March 1, 2021
Increased UFO activity spotted in space and in our sky
Increased UFO activity spotted in space and in our sky
Unidentified Flying Objects have been caught flying through our sky as well as through space.
There has been a significant increase in sightings of UFO's in recent years, with as a consequence that people are becoming more and more confused by all the strange unknown objects they have seen in the sky.
Credit: Michael Chazan / Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Researchers find evidence of early tool-making and fire use inside the Wonderwerk Cave in Africa.
The scientists date the human activity in the cave to 1.8 million years ago.
The evidence is the earliest found yet and advances our understanding of human evolution.
One of the oldest activities carried out by humans has been identified in a cave in South Africa. A team of geologists and archaeologists found evidence that our ancestors were making fire and tools in the Wonderwerk Cave in the country's Kalahari Desert some 1.8 million years ago.
A new study published in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews from researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Toronto proposes that Wonderwerk — which means "miracle" in Afrikaans — contains the oldest evidence of human activity discovered.
"We can now say with confidence that our human ancestors were making simple Oldowan stone tools inside the Wonderwerk Cave 1.8 million years ago," shared the study's lead author Professor Ron Shaar from Hebrew University.
Oldowan stone tools are the earliest type of tools that date as far back as 2.6 million years ago. An Oldowan tool, which was useful for chopping, was made by chipping flakes off of one stone by hitting it with another stone.
Professor Shaar explained that Wonderwerk is different from other ancient sites where tool shards have been found because it is a cave and not in the open air, where sample origins are harder to pinpoint and contamination is possible.
Studying the cave, the researchers were able to pinpoint the time over one million years ago when a shift from Oldowan tools to the earliest handaxes could be observed. Investigating deeper in the cave, the scientists also established that a purposeful use of fire could be dated to one million years back.
This is significant because examples of early fire use usually come from sites in the open air, where there is the possibility that they resulted from wildfires. The remnants of ancient fires in a cave — including burned bones, ash, and tools — contain clear clues as to their purpose.
To precisely date their discovery, the researchers relied on paleomagnetism and burial dating to measure magnetic signals from the remains hidden within a sedimentary rock layer that was 2.5 meters thick. Prehistoric clay particles that settled on the cave floor exhibit magnetization and can show the direction of the ancient earth's magnetic field. Knowing the dates of magnetic field reversals allowed the scientists to narrow down the date range of the cave layers.
The Kalahari desert Wonderwerk Cave
Credit: Michael Chazan / Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Ari Matmon of Hebrew University used another dating method to solidify their conclusions, focusing on isotopes within quartz particles in the sand that "have a built-in geological clock that starts ticking when they enter a cave." He elaborated that in their lab, the scientists were "able to measure the concentrations of specific isotopes in those particles and deduce how much time had passed since those grains of sand entered the cave."
Finding the exact dates of human activity in the Wonderwerk Cave could lead to a better understanding of human evolution in Africa as well as the way of life of our early ancestors.
A Long March 5B rocket launches Tianhe, the core module of China's new space station, on April 28, 2021.
(Image credit: CASC)
The upcoming atmospheric re-entry of a Chinese Long March 5B rocket body is a reminder of a much larger problem, experts say.
The Long March 5B launched the core module of China's space station into orbit on April 28. Now satellite and space debris monitoring groups are keeping a close eye on the big rocket's core stage, which will fall to Earth in an uncontrolled manner soon. Leftover debris from its fiery fall could reach terra firma.
One report has the hardware tumbling along an elliptical orbit and falling to Earth in a few days, perhaps as early as May 9.
But it's tough to say where the rocket will come down: Nobody knows for sure the exact date and time of the rocket body's demise. In short, the rocket body equation adds up to a dilemma.
The Aerospace Corporation’s Center for Orbital and Re-entry Debris Studies is presently predicting a re-entry date of May 10, 2021, plus or minus 41 hours, for the core stage of the Long March-5B rocket that launched the core module of China’s space station on April 28. (Image credit: The Aerospace Corporation/CORDS)
Magnitude of the problem
"It really isn't about this one rocket body … because every rocket body in Earth orbit is uncontrolled," explains T.S. Kelso of CelesTrak, an analytical group that keeps an eye on Earth-orbiting objects.
"It shows there are 2,033 rocket bodies in Earth orbit … at least those that we have orbital data for, as there may be more classified ones. Of course, every one of them is uncontrolled. Of the 2,033, 546 belong to the U.S. and only 169 belong to China.
"Maybe we all need to be more responsible and not leave uncontrolled rocket bodies in orbit," Kelso told Inside Outer Space.
But the U.S. isn't even the worst offender in terms of orbiting booster debris. That would be Russia, with 1,035 rocket bodies.
"There are another 66 rocket bodies in Earth orbit that we have no data for, because they are classified," Kelso noted. That is, there are no "where are they?" orbit elements available. "Most we have no idea what orbit they are in, so they could re-enter or just run into something else in orbit, pretty much without any warning."
One of those is from a 1967 launch, and eight are from launches in the 1970s, Kelso added.
Bottom line
Just for 2020 launches, there are still 32 rocket bodies in orbit. Fifteen of those pieces of space junk are Chinese. Ten were lofted by the U.S., five of them on classified missions, Kelso said.
"The problem is the number should be zero, and we all need to start working now to make sure we don't continue to make this problem worse," Kelso concluded. "But the bottom line is that we all need to do better to stop leaving things in orbit after their intended use, and to find safe ways to remove them."
Leonard David is author of "Moon Rush: The New Space Race," which was published by National Geographic in May 2019. A longtime writer for, David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
'I didn't think the views could get any better!' Astronaut shares mesmerising timelapse video of the Milky Way from the Crew Dragon Resilience spacecraft
'I didn't think the views could get any better!' Astronaut shares mesmerising timelapse video of the Milky Way from the Crew Dragon Resilience spacecraft
Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi captured the timelapse video from space
He was in the SpaceX Crew Dragon Resilience capsule when he took the video
The video was shared by NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins who was with Noguchi
A mesmerising timelapse video taken from the window of the SpaceX Crew Dragon Resilience spacecraft left NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins 'blown away' by its beauty.
The clip shows a field of black and blue stars moving across the frame and was taken by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi.
'I didn’t think the views could get any better, then my crewmate [Soichi Noguchi] took this night timelapse from Resilience and I was blown away,' Hopkins said.
Noguchi and Hopkins are among the ten astronauts currently on board the International Space Station, orbiting 250 miles above the Earth.
The pair shared a ride to the orbiting laboratory with two other NASA astronauts as part of the Crew-1 mission operated by SpaceX in November 2020.
The clip shows a field of black and blue stars moving across the frame and was taken by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi
The four astronauts, including Noguchi and Hopkins had to move their SpaceX Crew Dragon Resilience capsule to make room for incoming SpaceX missions.
The Crew-1 astronauts were the first to be taken to the ISS by a commercial operator and the first from US soil since the last flight of the Space Shuttle in 2011.
Noguchi, who took the sensational video of the stars moving outside the Crew Dragon spacecraft, has travelled to the ISS three times.
His first was on the Space Shuttle, which was retired in 2011, then he flew to the station on a Soyuz spacecraft operated by Roscosmos, and finally in his latest trip became the first Japanese astronaut to fly on a commercial spacecraft.
With another SpaceX crew Dragon due to arrive at the ISS on April 22 and cargo flights due over the next few weeks, the team had to free up a docking port.
Resilience was docked with the Harmony module but needed to be 'reparked' on April 5 - the first time for a commercial spaceship docked with the ISS.
Hopkins, Victor Glover and Shannon Walker from NASA, with Noguchi wore their flight suits to move the capsule in a process that took about 45 minutes.
The reason they had to be on the Crew Dragon vehicle was to ensure that if it couldn't re-dock there wouldn't be more people on ISS than seats on ships to escape if there was a problem on the orbital laboratory.
Noguchi and Hopkins are among the ten astronauts currently on board the International Space Station, orbiting 250 miles above the Earth
The second SpaceX Crew Dragon spaceship will take NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough, acting as spacecraft commander, and Megan McArthur, as pilot.
They will be joined by European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Thomas Pesquet and Akihiko Hoshide from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on April 22.
A week later, on April 28, the Crew-1 mission will come to an end when Hopkins, Walker, Victor Glover and Soichi Noguchi splash down near Florida.
The pair shared a ride to the orbiting laboratory with two other NASA astronauts as part of the Crew-1 mission operated by SpaceX in November 2020
The returning Crew Dragon Resilience will be refurbished for the 'Inspiration4 Mission' that will take four private citizens to the ISS no earlier than mid-September.
The most recent launch for the ISS saw a NASA astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts blast off on a Soyuz rocket and dock with the station.
NASA's Mark Vande Hei, Soyuz Commander Oleg Novitskly and Flight Engineer Pyotr Dubrov of Roscosmos made the journey on Monday.
The International Space Station (ISS) is a $100 billion (£80 billion) science and engineering laboratory that orbits 250 miles (400 km) above Earth.
It has been permanently staffed by rotating crews of astronauts and cosmonauts since November 2000.
Research conducted aboard the ISS often requires one or more of the unusual conditions present in low Earth orbit, such as low-gravity or oxygen.
ISS studies have investigated human research, space medicine, life sciences, physical sciences, astronomy and meteorology.
The US space agency, Nasa, spends about $3 billion (£2.4 billion) a year on the space station program, a level of funding that is endorsed by the Trump administration and Congress.
A U.S. House of Representatives committee that oversees Nasa has begun looking at whether to extend the program beyond 2024.
Alternatively the money could be used to speed up planned human space initiatives to the moon and Mars.
Combining living tissue with cold metal robots may sound like a plot from the James Cameron film 'Terminator,' but the idea is being developed for real-world machines at the Army Research Laboratory (ARL).
The US military group is working on a series of 'biohybrid robotics' that integrates living organisms into mechanical systems that 'produces never-seen-before agility and versatile.'
The team envisions growing muscle tissue in a lab that would be added to robotic joints in place of traditional actuators – components responsible for moving and controlling mechanisms.
The project aims to give robots the same agility and precision that muscles offer biological systems, allowing these futuristic machines to venture into spaces too risky for human soldiers.
Scroll down for video
The US military group is working on a series of 'biohybrid robotics' that integrates living organisms into mechanical systems that 'produces never-seen-before agility and versatile.' The group is focusing on legged robots like the Army's Legged Locomotion and Movement Adaptation research platform, known as LLAMA (pictured)
Dr. Dean Culver, a research scientist at the laboratory, said: 'Though impressive in their own right, today's robots are deployed to serve a limited purpose then are retrieved some minutes later.'
'ARL wants robots to be versatile teammates capable of going anywhere Soldiers can and more, adapting to the needs of any given situation.'
The team is initially focusing on legged platforms similar to the Army's Legged Locomotion and Movement Adaptation research platform, known as LLAMA, and the U.S. Marine Corps' Legged Squad Support System, or LS3.
The idea is to give these war robots similar abilities to animals, such as balancing on uneven and unreliable terrain.
The team envisions growing muscle tissue in a lab that will added to robotic joints in place of traditional actuators – components responsible for moving and controlling mechanisms
'One obstacle that faces ground-based robots today is an inability to instantly adjust or adapt to unstable terrain,' Culver said.
'Muscle actuation, though certainly not solely responsible for it, is a big contributor to animals' ability to navigate uneven and unreliable terrain.
Pictured is T-800' from Terminator, which features living tissue around its robotic structure
'Similarly, flapping wings and flying organisms' ability to reconfigure their envelope gives them the ability to dart here and there even among branches.'
'In multi-domain operations, this kind of agility and versatility means otherwise inaccessible areas are now viable, and those options can be critical to the U.S. military's success.'
Culver and the researchers are set to share their work with the biohybrid engineering community regarding how to culture strong muscle tissue rather than extract it from a trained organism.
The project aims to give robots., like the U.S. Marine Corps' Legged Squad Support System, or LS3, the same agility and precision that muscles offer biological systems, allowing these futuristic machines to venture into spaces too risky for human soldiers
Ritu Raman, a mechanical engineer who works in biohybrid design, told Science Focus Magazine in October that to make the muscles work with different sized joints, it would be best to create a gel and muscle mixture that can be molded to the same needed for the muscular action of a specific robot.
'Then, because the cells are alive, when they go through this process, they're sensing and responding to their environment,' Raman said.
From the “What could possibly go wrong?” file comes yet another report that the US military is working to create robotic warriors that move more like humans than one of those robotic New York police dogs trying to walk on two legs and carry a gun. The latest technique under trial is something called ‘biohybrid robotics’, which in this case means replacing rods, gears and shock absorbers with real human muscle tissue. Are you ready for robots with bigger biceps than yours … or Arnold’s?
“We look at a wolf in nature: It probably weighs about the same, can pull much more and can travel hundreds of miles without really eating, take a nap and do the same thing the next day.”
Instead of building a better wolf with technology, Dr. Dean Culver, a research scientist at the Army Research Laboratory, told that the lab’s strategy would be to make the robotic wolf better with biology – using real tendons and ligaments to give the robot real wolf speed, spring and agility, and replace its batteries with a chemical system that could be replenished on the run rather than shutting down the robot for recharging. The same strategy is behind building a better robotic soldier for combat. Current robots on wheels powered by batteries are reaching their physical limits. More concerning however are current attempts to make human-like walking robots, which Culver says work well on flat terrain but fall down, literally and figuratively, on gravel and rougher terrain.
“But if you run through a field, and your footsteps into a rabbit hole, even before the signal from your foot has reached your brain to say, ‘Oh, my gosh, I’m in a rabbit hole,’ your body is already moving to accommodate that sudden change. Part of that is the way that control systems are designed in organisms—that’s obviously really amazing—but another part of that is the ability of muscles and tendons to bend and flex a little bit, and offer those control systems an opportunity to adapt.”
Adapting means joining roboticists with biologists to understand how muscle tissue works and converting them to a metal skeleton that provides electrical impulses for power, ions for signals to make decisions and chemicals to replace the nourishment from blood and oxygen. All of that collapses, literally and figuratively, if it’s not durable – they don’t need to last 80 years like human muscles but definitely longer than mechanical robots.
Our days are numbered.
“We’re going to learn how to build things from the ground up, and not only offer robots and devices and mechanisms, the capabilities that we see in nature—but just revolutionize the way that we think about it and push the horizons on what we’re capable of way further back. And that disruption is precisely the kind of thing that we want to lead, and that [ARL] should be front-runners in.”
After World War II, when was the US Army revolutionary in anything … other than getting involved in other countries’ revolutions? Culver sees this as a chance for the Army Research Laboratory to be leading-edge in “biohybrid and bio-inspired engineering.” What could possibly go wrong? Well, other than blurring the line between humans and robots, the fact that the primary purpose of these biohybrids is warfare is always disconcerting at best, scary at worst. If the technology can be shared with industries other than defense – medicine, for example – this may be a good idea. We’ll just have to wait and see .. and hope a war doesn’t drive the development first.
There are some UFO witnesses that are more reliable than most, and certainly counted among these are pilots and astronauts. Since we have stepped into the realm of space, there have been reports from these brave explorers of things out there that seem to lie beyond our understanding, serving to incite speculation and debate. Make no mistake about it, these pioneers out into the next frontier have often reported strange things out in the void, and here are some of such truly bizarre accounts.
One early report of strange UFO activity in space comes from the legendary astronaut John Glenn, who was a key player in NASA’s early space flight programs. A true pioneer of space travel, Glenn was among the first astronauts, the third American into space, and the first to orbit the Earth aboard the Friendship 7 mission, as well as the oldest person to fly in space when he flew aboard Space Shuttle Discovery’s STS-95 mission at the age of 77. Receiving the NASA Distinguished Service Medal in 1962, the Congressional Space Medal of Honor in 1978, and inducted into the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1990, he seems to be about as reliable a witness as they come, and he was also one of the first to see some strange things up there. On Feb. 20, 1962, Glenn took off into low Earth orbit on the Friendship 7 space capsule. At some point during his three passes around the planet, the amazed Glenn explained that he could see “fireflies” buzzing about and orbiting his craft out there, and he would say of the strange phenomenon to Mission Control:
This is Friendship Seven. I’ll try to describe what I’m in here. I am in a big mass of some very small particles that are brilliantly lit up like they’re luminescent. I never saw anything like it. They round a little; they’re coming by the capsule, and they look like little stars. A whole shower of them coming by. They swirl around the capsule and go in front of the window and they’re all brilliantly lighted. They probably average maybe 7 or 8 feet apart, but I can see them all down below me, also. They’re very slow; they’re not going away from me more than maybe 3 or 4 miles per hour. They’re going at the same speed I am approximately. They’re only very slightly under my speed. Over. They do, they do have a different motion, though, from me because they swirl around the capsule and then depart back the way I am looking.
John Glenn
At first Mission Control was worried that what he was really seeing was pieces of the capsule’s heat shield disintegrating, but this would turn up to not be the case, and none of the described objects ever made contact with the craft. Although it is unknown exactly what Glenn was seeing out there, is has been speculated that it was likely illuminated frost flakes from the outside of the capsule falling away. Interestingly, astronaut Scott Carpenter would report the same phenomenon later that year aboard the same capsule. Was there a mundane explanation for this or was it something stranger?
The following year there was an encounter in space that is even harder to explain. Another space flight pioneer is Leroy Gordon “Gordo” Cooper Jr., who was the youngest of the seven original astronauts in NASA’s first human space program, Project Mercury. In 1963, Cooper was on a solo mission to fly the longest and last Mercury spaceflight, Mercury-Atlas 9, which would last 22 days and make Cooper the first American to spend an entire day in space and the first to sleep in space. During his final orbit aboard the spacecraft, he would report seeing a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule, which was also picked up on radar at the tracking station at Muchea, near Perth Australia. Interestingly, Cooper would go on to claim various other sightings of UFOs, including ones he had had in 1951 as a test pilot flying over Europe, diring which time he had seen flights of mysterious objects flying in formation, and another incident in 1957, in which he saw a “strange-looking, saucer-like” aircraft that did not make a sound either on landing or take-off at a dry lake bed near Edwards Air Force Base, He would claim that the object at Edwards was seen by other personnel, and had hovered and landed on an array of landing gear like a tripod. In yet another encounter, he claims to have actually seen alien beings, saying:
I was furthermore a witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, here on this planet Earth. It happened a few months ago in Florida. There I saw with my own eyes a defined area of ground being consumed by flames, with four indentations left by a flying object which had descended in the middle of a field. Beings had left the craft (there were other traces to prove this). They seemed to have studied topography, they had collected soil samples and, eventually, they returned to where they had come from, disappearing at enormous speed…I happen to know that authority did just about everything to keep this incident from the press and TV, in fear of a panicky reaction from the public.
Indeed, Cooper claimed that he was met with resistance from the government at every turn when trying to report such encounters, claiming that after filing his report of the Edwards Air Force Base incident the Pentagon had confiscated the photos he had taken of the encounter and had then brushed it under the carpet. He also claims that although astronauts and military pilots frequently saw them, they were discouraged from reporting UFOs, and that there were constant efforts made to make sure that word of strange things in the sky did not get out to the public. Cooper has said of this:
I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets… Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs. I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe. For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public. Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means.
Cooper would cover much of his UFO experiences and conspiracy theories in his autobiography Leap of Faith, and it makes one wonder just what is going on here. The year 1965 would prove to bring a few high profile reports of UFOs from astronauts. In June of 1965, astronauts Ed White and James McDivitt were aboard the Gemini 4 mission, which was the second crewed spaceflight in the Gemini program and the tenth American spaceflight. On the second day of their mission, they were passing in orbit over Hawaii when they witnessed something very odd, which they would describe as a metallic object with long “arms” sticking out of it. McDivitt would say of the bizarre sighting:
At the time I saw it, I said there was something out in front of me or outside the spacecraft that I couldn’t identify and I never have been able to identify it, and I don’t think anybody ever will. We were in drifting flight and my partner, Ed White, was asleep. I couldn’t see anything out in front of me except just the black sky. And it was rotating around, I noticed something out in front that was a white cylindrical shape with a white pole sticking it out of one corner of it – it looked like a beer can with a smooth pencil sticking out. I grabbed two cameras and took pictures of it. As the sun shone on the window, I could no longer see out and the thing just disappeared. They checked NORAD records to see what they had up on radar and there wasn’t anything within very close range of us.
Rather strangely, the photos that McDivitt had taken were released but did not show what he had described, a fact that baffled him as he insisted that it had been there. This led him to believe that the photos had been tampered with, and in the meantime, there was speculation as to what he might have seen. One was that he had witnessed a secret Soviet satellite, and of course there is the idea he saw an actual UFO, but another possibility is that he simply saw orbital debris from the Gemini 4 launch. McDevitt would deny that he had misidentified debris, but James Oberg, a former space engineer and rocket scientist. Has said of it:
McDivitt, more than a decade after the fact, refused to believe he could have misidentified that object – but both his degraded eyesight and different viewing angle at the time of the sighting eliminate any reliability from that claim – and years of UFO research have taught us the surprising lesson that pilots are, in truth, among the poorest observers of UFOs because of their instinctive pattern of perceiving visual stimuli primarily in terms of threats to their own vehicles. Lastly, this coincidence must be considered: that Gemini 4 was the only one of 10 manned flights in which a rendezvous was attempted (and nearly accomplished) with a beer can-shaped target; and that Gemini 4 was the only flight on which a crewman reported seeing an unidentified beer can-shaped object. Tracking data released by NORAD via NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center found the spent rocket stage has spent about 50 hours in space. During this time, the debris and the Gemini 4 crew were within NORAD’s 1,000 miles range. It is, therefore, likely the astronaut witnessed the Titan’s booster stage.
In that same year we have the report of veteran NASA astronaut Walter “Wally” Schirra alongside his copilot Thomas Stafford, who in December of that year were engaged in the rendezvous of the Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 spacecraft in space, the first ever manned orbital rendezvous in history. Schirra and Stafford were on the Gemini 6, and the Gemini 7 was flown by astronauts Jim Lovell and Frank Borman. On December 15, both spacecraft successfully completed their missions, and after that they would all report a “bogey at 10 o’clock,” which Mission Control thought might be the booster, but the astronauts claimed that the booster was still in sight and that they could see a fast-moving object at that position. They would later joke that they had seen Santa Claus.
By far the most well-known and also most controversial astronaut sightings of UFOs supposedly comes from astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin during their historic landing on the moon in July of 1969 on the Apollo 11 mission. According to the story, they saw strange lights not long after making their landing, and although there is no official record of the audio exchange of this with Mission Control, in later years unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities would claim that they had bypassed NASA’s security censors and picked up what was actually going on. The alleged transcript reads in part:
These “Babies” are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there, Lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They’re on the Moon watching us!
Armstrong would later refuse to talk about the incident when confronted with it, further adding to the mystique of it all. A former chief of NASA Communications Systems by the name of Maurice Chatelain would in 1979 confirm that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing these craft on the moon, and that “The encounter was common knowledge in NASA.” Chatelain would even say that astronaut reports like this were common on the Gemini and Apollo missions, but that they were suppressed, saying:
All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin – flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence.
Astronaut Scott Carpenter would concur with this, at one point saying, “At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs.” What is going on with cases such as these? Is there anything to them at all, or is this all just misidentification and elaboration? There are certainly reliable witnesses if any of it is true, and it leaves us to wonder just what is going on up there above our heads.
In September 1963, a fascinating UFO event occurred in the skies over the U.K. It was a case that involved both members of the public and the military. And, as well as that, the event was carefully recorded. It took place at Peterborough, England. The facts were set forth in a two-page Restricted report from a Sergeant T.G.M. Kendall, who was employed at a base called Royal Air Force Wittering, Northants., who carefully relayed to the Air Ministry everything that took place. Due to the fact that this particular report is of some significance, I have reproduced its contents in total. Sergeant Kendall started as follows: “Sir, I have the honor to report the following facts for your consideration. I was NCO [Non-Commissioned Officer] in charge [of the] Operations Room at 2240 hours on 26th September, 1963 when I received a telephone call from Mr. Strickson of [witness’s address] who, in company with Mr. Quantrell of the same address, saw what he considered to be two unidentified flying objects.” For sure, that’s not the kind of situation most military personnel find themselves involved in. Recognizing the potential importance of all this, Sergeant Kendall continued:
“The objects were in view in the first instance from 2000-2100 hours. During that time two orange colored balls of light traveled from the South to the East in a zig-zag fashion, then were seen again moving from West to East. They were then seen to orbit overhead for some ten minutes during which time three or four objects left the two first mentioned and then rejoined them. Mr. Strickson was not able to estimate the range or the altitude of the sightings, but considered them to be ‘higher than an aeroplane but lower than a star.’ I received a further call from Mr. Strickson at 2250 hours reporting two objects blue in color, higher than the previous sighting, and traveling very quickly. At 2320 hours Mr. Strickson informed me of two sightings which had taken place at 2305 hours when two objects were seen to move west to east in close formation one behind the other, the one in front being appreciably brighter than the one behind.”
There was still more to come: “At 2330, 2340 and 2350 hours, I received calls from S.A.C.W. [Senior Aircraftwoman] Marshall, the Duty PBX Operator, who had seen a bright orange light moving north to south which had turned south in the first instance and subsequently orbited overhead. At one time she thought that she had heard engines but was not sure. As a result of these calls, I joined S.A.C.W. Marshall outside the PBX building and saw at 0010 and 0020 hours two orange lights approx. 30 seconds apart which appeared from W.S.W. at a constant altitude heading approx. 100 degrees, flying what I considered to be a left hand race track pattern. I lost sight of the objects as they described a descending left hand turn onto the reciprocal of the visible leg. The sightings were exactly 10 minutes apart and speed, direction and altitude appeared to be constant. Flying Officer Gastrell was Duty Operations Officer when these sightings were reported. On his instructions I informed the Duty Operations Officer No.3 Group of the various reports. He in turn contacted the Duty Operations Officer at Air Ministry.”
The report came to an end: “The Duty Operations Officer at Air Ministry required a full report to be submitted to Air Ministry D.D.I. Tech [Deputy Directorate of Intelligence, Technical] giving full particulars of all witnesses. A met. Report giving the conditions at two specimen times during the period of sightings is attached to this report. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, T.G.M. Kendall, Sergeant.” The Air Ministry rapidly came up with an answer to the puzzle. Each and everyone of them (that including well-trained Air Force personnel) had been fooled by an air-to-air refueling operation. However, an examination of the files pertaining to the case show that, in reality, this was simply the Ministry’s best theory, as no such refueling operation was ever officially confirmed as having taken place.
There are certain people from history who have managed to gather about them plenty of mysteries and conspiracies. These are the individuals who have created all manner of talk of miracles and marvels, only to fade into history to leave nothing but enigmas behind. One such man was a scientist, thinker, philosopher, and inventor who cam up with groundbreaking theories on technology, to go on to be employed by the Nazis to create actual functioning UFOs and then fade into history just as mysterious as ever.
Viktor Schauberger was born in Austria in 1885, and had a background that one might not immediately equate with someone who would later develop UFO-like technology. He grew up in a family of foresters, living on a vast swath of remote wilderness in Holzschlag, Upper Austria. He spent much of his youth and informative years tending to more than 10,000 hectares of land, and during this time constantly out in nature he began to make many observations that would profoundly change his life and philosophies. In particular, he became absolutely fascinated by water, which he saw as a living organism in its own right, calling it the “Blood of the Earth” and the origin of all life. He would especially focus on the many behaviors of water, such as its spiraling forms, vortices, flumes, currents, whirlpools, and its effortless harmony with the world around it.
Viktor Schauberger
He would obsessively study the movements and effects of water, going on to form many theories and inventions, such as groundbreaking new types of log flumes, his own system of hydrodynamics, in which he believed the inward moving and twisting water vortex could be harnessed for power and propulsion, and the beginnings of his revolutionary new idea for a new type of engine that would rely on implosions rather than explosions. He was entirely self-taught, never attending formal university training, yet he was soon attracting international acclaim with some of his ideas, patents, and inventions, as well as controversy. He was critical of many of the inventions available in his era, thinking that they worked against the laws of nature and were destructive, instead embracing the idea that humankind and nature could live together through the use of alternative sources of power such as harnessing the natural processes and living in harmony with them, with his motto being “Kapieren und kopieren,” or “comprehend and copy nature.” To him, many of mankind’s inventions were at odds with nature, and he would indeed later state that even the propeller was a flawed invention, saying:
As best demonstrated by Nature in the case of the aerofoil maple-seed, today’s propeller is a pressure-screw and therefore a braking screw, whose purpose is to allow the heavy maple-seed to fall parachute-like slowly towards the ground and to be carried away sideways by the wind in the process. No bird has such a whirling thing on its head, nor a fish on its tail. Only man-made use of this natural brake-screw for forward propulsion. As the propeller rotates, so does the resistance rise by the square of the rotational velocity. This is also a sign that this supposed propulsive device is unnaturally constructed and therefore out of place.
Schauberger sought to put his ideas into practice, coming up with an elaborate theory that water vortices could be used to build upon one another to produce larger and larger forces, which would in turn produce an opposing force to gravity, essentially anti-gravity, which he called dia-magnetism. He used these theories to create such fantastical inventions as a water implosion turbine that drew in air that spiraled to reach enormous forces, a machine which created a suctional force comparable to a typhoon in order to manipulate the temperature of a room, and a power generator that created energy from water and air using spiral pipes and jets. All of this worked on his principles of clean energy and working with nature, apparently creating little to no pollution and fully sustainable.
It may seem odd that such a radical promoter of green energy and working with nature would attract the attention of the Nazis, but attract it he did, and in 1934 he was approached by them. In 1938 he was allegedly ordered by Julius Streicher, a Nazi party member, to go about building a flying machine that could utilize a vortex engine that could be used in a disc-shaped craft that would be able to levitate, perform precise maneuvers, and move and accelerate at great speeds. They essentially wanted him to build a futuristic anti-gravity craft using his theories, and seeing as that this was the Nazis, he did not have much choice but to help them, being paid an exorbitant amount of money in the process.
In 1940, he created the first prototype of his manmade UFO, which was called the “Repulsine A,” and which used friction between vortices and the surrounding air to force the air downwards to generate an overall lifting and propulsive effect, more or less producing a sort of mini-tornado upon which the craft rode. However, it was found that the engine was unstable, and that the fan within the device wasn’t able to rotate as fast as required because the blades were displacing too much air. No way was found to get past the problem of creating more intense rotational energy at the time, and the device was considered too impractical. Indeed, during tests of the craft, although it did indeed levitate, it was almost impossible to control or move forward, usually wobbling out of control or even shooting up through the roof. Allegedly, Schauberger’s failure to produce a working prototype caused him to be imprisoned for a time, before coming under the control of Heinrich Himmler. After this, he would be forced to work on a new type of silent mini-submarine, as well as to continue work on a new version of the anti-gravity device, called the Vril-7.
It is unknown just how far along Schauberger got, as the end of World War II arrived and brought the secret research of the Nazis to a halt, with most of his work, prototypes, and plans destroyed to keep them from falling into the hands of the Allies. The Americans, knowing just how important Schauberger had been to the Germans, arrested him and brought him to the United States, interrogating him intensely but never able to get much information out of him. The fundamental principles Schauberger employed would later be developed by several projects, including the Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar, which was a VTOL aircraft developed during the Cold War era and others. Schauberger would work on a variety of civilian vortex technology projects such as generators, water treatment, and air purification devices, before eventually returning to Austria on September 25, 1958 nearly penniless, and died five days later, taking any secrets he had to the grave with him. There have been conspiracies about him since, including that his research was pursued much further than has been let on, perhaps even explaining many of the UFO sightings during World War II, but no one really knows for sure. He remains in many ways a specter, the true extent of his work unknown and his research mysterious and much discussed.
Just a couple of days ago I wrote an article here at Mysterious Universe on the matter of the “Flying Triangle”-type of UFO. Specifically, I focused on the issue of whether or not the FTs were the creations of us or of extraterrestrials. Or, possibly, of both. Today, I’m going to expand on all of this by sharing with you some of the more intriguing Flying Triangle-themed cases on record. I’ll begin with an incident from 1997. The details were provided to me by the late Omar Fowler. He was a Derbyshire, England-based UFO investigator who I knew well, as he often gave lectures at the Staffordshire UFO Group that I regularly attended in the 1990s and early 2000s. Omar told me of what he knew from the source of the story: “[His] attention was attracted by a noise similar to a high-revving two-stroke engine outside his home,” state. Fowler. “‘He went outside in the darkness and saw hovering lights approximately one hundred and fifty yards away and one hundred and fifty feet up from the ground. [He] went indoors and fetched his binoculars and was able to make out the shape of a black helicopter in the vicinity of the lights. [He] had a night vision scope indoors and he returned with this a few minutes later. He then viewed the aircraft again. He saw the helicopter clearly, as it was illuminated by the flashing strobe and navigation lights. He described it as being similar to theAirwolf from the TV series.”
The story continued: “He then switched on the infrared beam and immediately noticed that there was a completely blacked out, triangular craft adjacent to the helicopter. ‘I couldn’t believe my eyes!’ he commented. The triangle, which was a similar size to the helicopter, reflected light from the strobe/navigation lights and appeared to have no visible means of support in the hovering mode (no noise was heard). He began to approach the two hovering craft, while looking through his night scope. It is a foregone conclusion that the helicopter was equipped with night vision equipment, because as [he] approached, the helicopter suddenly moved away at an incredible rate of knots. It disappeared like a rocket. The triangle remained for a moment and then moved away and out of sight!”‘ In this particular instance, the presence of an apparent military helicopter in close proximity to the UFO suggests the strong possibility that the Flying Trianglewas some form of wholly terrestrial aircraft undergoing secret trials.
Now, let’s head back to April 1949. On the 22nd of that month, a UFO was seen at Vicksburg, Mississippi that was flying at a significant speed and that was distinctly triangular in shape. Indeed, in the official U.S. Air Force file on the affair – which is housed at the National Archives in Maryland – the object is actually described in the official report (by Special Agent Bernard A. Price) as a “Flying Triangle”! In September 1952, what was described as a fast-moving, large, “blue-green triangle” was seen by military personnel engaged in a NATO exercise called “Mainbrace.” On top of that, the entire exercise was dominated by UFO activity. Eight years later to the very month – September 1960 – the sighting of what was termed “a triangular formation of lights with a red light in the center” was reported to the British Ministry of Defense, whose files on the matter are now in the public domain. The description will be instantly familiar to those acquainted with the FT puzzle.
Omar Fowler also shared with me another case, this one from way back in time. Specifically from 1956. As Fowler explained, it was at approximately 11:00 a.m. on April 19, 1956 and Robin Gibbard of Derbyshire, England – a roofer at the time – was working with a colleague at a house in Allstree, Derby. According to Gibbard, “The day was very clear, with very little cloud about. On hearing an aircraft approaching, I looked up to see a twin radial engine, propeller driven Avro Anson aircraft– which even then was becoming a rarity. The aircraft was approaching at a height of about 2,000 feet altitude or less. These aircraft were very slow fliers and used mainly for reconnaissance. I was amazed to see a delta wing plane circling fairly close to the Avro Anson, actually circling around the plane at least twice, at a speed not much more than the plane’s speed but making no audible sound – the only sound came from the Anson.
“After making two circuits, it broke away and then increasing its speed to a phenomenal amount, disappeared upwards on a long curve in about 5 to 10 seconds. My partner also saw this occurrence, but unfortunately he has since died and cannot corroborate this statement. It could not have been a glider, because of its breakaway speed and any possible Delta aircraft of that period always made plenty of noise.” To illustrate that he was unlikely to have misidentified the object, Robin Gibbard was keen to inform Omar of one important point: “At the time I was deeply involved in competition model [aircraft] flying in my spare time and was very aware of all aspects of the capabilities of model, diesel and petrol engines in every application and always had an interest in aircraft recognition during World War Two and afterwards. So I was familiar with all aircraft from that period.’
Finally, we have a particularly spectacular case. In 1989, Chris Gibson had what can accurately be termed the encounter of a lifetime. An engineer with an Honors degree in geology and someone who’s worked focused on oil-exploration, Gibson was also attached to the U.K.’s Royal Observer Corps. The work of the ROC – which closed down in December 1995, after seventy years of work to help protect the United Kingdom from attack – required its volunteers to keep a careful watch on the skies above and what was flying in those same skies, too. As luck – or fate – would have it, and at the time when the Aurora program may very well have been compromised, Gibson was working on an oil rig in the North Sea. The name of the rig was the Galveston Key. It was August 1989, specifically, when one of Gibson’s colleagues, a friend named Graeme Winton, who went to university with Gibson, excitedly told Gibson to come with him to the deck. There was something Winton needed to show him. A startled and amazed Gibson caught sight of something incredible in the skies above. A pair of General Dynamics’ F1-11 aircraft were shepherding a very strange-looking, completely black aircraft. And, a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker seemed to be fueling it. It was in the form of a triangle.
The mystery of the Flying Triangles goes on and on.
MUST WATCH: Really fast UFO filmed over Lock Haven, PA 6-May-2021
MUST WATCH: Really fast UFO filmed over Lock Haven, PA 6-May-2021
This was UFO was filmed on the sky above Lock Haven, Pennsylvania on 6th May 2021. Notice, how this fast bright object suddenly disappears in the middle of the sky.
Witness report:
Filmed with digital camera 720 starlight setting. Filmed over a 30 minute period with multiple usual lights, but this one seemed significantly different.
This UFO video was filmed over Levittown, New York on 19th September 2017 but it was just today submitted to MUFON’s website.
Witness report:
A couple years ago me and my friends saw weird lights from off in the distance I joked about aliens and even took a video. Event takes place September, 19 2017 at 9:20 pm. Hanging out at the school with some friends ( can’t remember how many memory of event it also haze, can’t remember what happened when the lights left ) they were already in the sky when I looked up like tiny suns in the sky. 2 of them are depicted in the video although I remember there being many more around 6 but I have no recollection or proof of them. The orbs didn’t do much but fly slowly and “dance in the air”. FYI in this same exact location on Long Island I witnessed the black night satellite along with my friend around the same time as the other siting
Prototype Marsraket van SpaceX maakt voor het eerst succesvolle landing na testvlucht
Prototype Marsraket van SpaceX maakt voor het eerst succesvolle landing na testvlucht
Het onbemande prototype Marsraket van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbedrijf SpaceX is in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag succesvol geland na een testvlucht. Tot nu toe lukte het maar niet om de raket veilig te laten landen of die in één stuk te houden na de landing, maar het prototype ‘SN15' landde veilig en ontplofte niet.
De Starship SN15 werd gelanceerd vanaf de ruimtebasis van SpaceX in de Texaanse plaats Boca Chica. De raket steeg op tot ongeveer 10 kilometer hoogte, om daarna horizontaal te draaien en in vrije val te gaan. Na deze val ontstaken de motoren, draaide het voertuig zich weer naar een verticale houding en landde de raket veilig op de grond. Kort na de landing brak er een brandje uit onderaan de raket. Bij een eerdere poging leidde een soortgelijk brandje tot een ontploffing van het hele voertuig, maar deze keer kon SpaceX het vuur blussen. Bij de voorlaatste poging ontplofte de raket nog voor de landing compleet was.
SpaceX is het bedrijf van zakenman Elon Musk, die ook de topman is van autofabrikant Tesla. SpaceX brengt momenteel vrachten en astronauten van en naar het internationale ruimtevaartstation ISS, maar het doel van het bedrijf is om de kolonisering van de planeet Mars mogelijk te maken. Starship moet het voertuig worden dat ‘voet zet’ op de rode planeet. Ook moet de raket commerciële vluchten naar de maan mogelijk gaan maken.
Zelfs na 60 miljoen sterren nog steeds geen teken van buitenaards leven
Astrobiologen van het ‘Breakthrough Listen’ project hebben de eerste resultaten bekend gemaakt van een nieuw onderzoek waarin ze een regio tot aan het centrum van onze melkweg hebben afgespeurd naar radiosignalen van buitenaards intelligent leven. Maar er werd niets gevonden.
Martijn Peters
Al 7 decennia lang zijn wetenschappers op zoek naar radiosignalen die per ongeluk of voor expres uitgezonden zijn door intelligent buitenaards leven. Maar tot nog toe blijft de vraag “zijn we alleen in het universum of niet” onbeantwoord. Ook de meest recente studie binnen het ‘Breakthrough Listen’ project van miljardair Yuri Milner en wijlen Stephen Hawking brengt daar geen verandering in.
Voor deze studie verzamelde het team met behulp van de ‘Green Bank Radio’ en ‘CSIRO’s Parkes Radio’ telescopen maar liefst 600 uur aan radio observaties. Daarbij keken ze naar alles binnen hun gezichtsveld in een gebied tussen de aarde en het gigantisch zwarte gat in het midden van onze melkweg. Want dat heeft zo zijn voordelen. Allereerst neemt het aantal sterren per oppervlakte toe naarmate je dichter bij het centrum komt. De wetenschappers schatten dat er zich zo’n 60 miljoen sterren in hun gezichtsveld bevonden. Meer sterren betekent meer kans op mogelijks bewoonbaar gebied. En doordat die zich dichter bij elkaar bevinden kan dat stimulerend werken voor de ontwikkeling van interstellaire communicatie en reizen. Tot slot is het centrum ook dé ideale plaats voor een geavanceerde beschaving om een baken te plaatsen dat signalen kan verzenden naar heel de melkweg.
Maar er zijn ook nadelen aan verbonden als je die richting uitkijkt. De regio het dichtst bij het centrum van de melkweg is onbewoonbaar door schadelijke straling, exploderende supernova’s en gaswolken waar de temperatuur al snel tot in de miljoenen graden kan reiken. En dan is er nog niets gezegd over dat gigantische zwarte gat in het midden.
Helaas ontdekten de onderzoekers geen herhalende radiosignalen tussen de frequenties van 0,7 en 93 GHz. Geen buitenaardse intelligentie dus, al is de zoektocht nog maar net begonnen. De wetenschappers wisten wel een aantal gebeurtenissen vast te leggen waarbij magnetars, een type neutronenster, bij betrokken waren. Goed nieuws dus voor de astronomen die dit soort ster bestuderen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Graham Hancock: The Ark of the Covenant.. The Most Mysterious Biblical Artifact
Graham Hancock: The Ark of the Covenant.. The Most Mysterious Biblical Artifact
Graham Hancock: The Ark of the Covenant.. The Most Mysterious Biblical Artifact
British researcher and author Graham Hancock, describes his search for the lost Ark of the Covenant and proposes a theory of the ark’s historical movements and current whereabouts. This , this gripping piece of historical research challenges society’s principal religious preconceptions.
This lecture is based on Graham Hancock’s book The Sign And The Seal: Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant.
On the afternoon of May 5th, 2021, at 05:24 PM local time, SpaceX made its fifth attempt at a high-altitude test flight and soft landing with a Starship prototype. Given the outcomes of the previous test, this event had many people on the edge of their seats. In all four attempts, the prototypes managed to reach their maximum altitude and pull off the bellyflop maneuver, but then exploded during landing (or shortly thereafter).
Would the fifteenth iteration of the Starship prototype (SN15) succeed where the others had failed? As of 05:30 P.M. local time (06:30 P.M. EDT; 03:30 P.M. PDT), the answer to that question is, “WITH GUSTO!” On their fifth attempt, the SN15 not only managed to reach its target altitude of 10 km (6.2 mi) and pull off the belly-flop and controlled descent, it also stuck the landing and suffered no mishaps afterward.
In other words, COMPLETE SUCCESS!
Given how much of SpaceX’s future hinges on the success of the Starship and Super Heavy launch system, this is certainly good news. This goes beyond replacing their Falcon rocket family with Starships to transport everything from crews and cargo to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), it also includes SpaceX’s hopes for fulfilling its recently-awarded contract with NASA to develop a reusable lunar lander.
The flight began at 05:24:10 P.M. CDT (06:24:10 P.M. EDT; 03:24:10 P.M. PDT) amid foggy conditions, similar to what the SN11 flight experienced a few weeks ago. As in all previous cases, the Starship reached its apogee, shut down its three Raptor engines (one by one), and then reoriented itself for its descent (the “belly-flop” maneuver). But this time around, the Starship experienced no problems as it reignited two of its Raptor engines and descended the last few meters.
Then, 6 minutes and 8 seconds after launch, the SN15 touched down on the landing pad and emerged unscathed. In the first two attempts, the SN8and SN9prototypes came in too hot or over-rotated and exploded upon landing. During the third, the SN10suffered a slight malfunction with its landing legs that caused it to land too hard on one side, which caused a propellant leak that triggered a fire and an explosion.
Then there was the SN11 high-altitude flight that exploded while descending, raining debris all over the landing pad. This brought the total to four explosions in less than four months, something which Blue Origin and Dynetics were sure to mention when filing complaints with NASA. You see, in between all this testing, SpaceX was awarded a lucrative contract worth $2.9 billion to develop a Human Landing System (HLS) for NASA.
As part of the Artemis Program, SpaceX was one of three companies competing to secure the right to build the lander that will transport the Artemis III astronauts to the lunar surface in 2024 – the others being Blue Origin and Dynetics. For their proposal, SpaceX offered a modified version of the Starship that would carry a crew of six astronauts all the way from Earth to the Moon and allow for EVAs on the surface.
Shortly after NASA awarded the Option A contract to SpaceX, the two companies filed complaints with NASA, citing a lack of proper consultation. As Dynetics stated more than once in the 61-page complaint they filed to the Government Accountability Office (which was co-signed by Blue Origin), in the original solicitation, NASA indicated that it was committed to fostering an environment of competition.
This included selecting two candidates for Option A contract, something NASA went against in the end, citing budget constraints and scheduling issues. In addition, the legal team representing Dynetics also drew attention to the “high and unacceptable risk” that SpaceX’s approach entails. In case there was any ambiguity in what they were getting at, Dynetics spelled it out in their complaint:
“[T]he Source Selection Statement is devoid of any mention let alone consideration of the inherent risks associated with the fact that four SpaceX Starship prototypes have exploded in the last four months alone. Landing people on the Moon requires a great deal of space systems engineering, in order to identify and reduce the inherent and considerable risks of human spaceflight, and NASA has given SpaceX a pass on its demonstrable lack of such systems engineering.”
To summarize, both Blue Origin and Dynetics complained that NASA failed to let them know in advance that they would be going with just one contractor. Second, they felt that said contractor should have a better safety record that doesn’t including exploding prototypes. While legal matters are not generally known for being kind and gentle, the nature of Dynetics complaint does come off as a little jagged.
Perhaps Musk’s impotence joke, aimed at Bezos, had something to do with that. Regardless, NASA issued a statement through an official spokesperson last week, saying: “Pursuant to the GAO protests, NASA instructed SpaceX that progress on the HLS (human landing system) contract has been suspended until GAO resolves all outstanding litigation related to this procurement.”
This successful test of the SN15 is therefore a bit of a double whammy. On the one hand, it puts SpaceX closer to creating a totally reusable heavy launch system that can make regular trips to orbit, the Moon, Mars, and (someday) beyond. On the other hand, SpaceX’s participation in the Artemis Program is being challenged in part based on their record of success and failure with the Starship prototypes.
By demonstrating that their system can perform all the crucial maneuvers safely and effectively, SpaceX has undermined the competition’s challenge. There’s no way of knowing if this will influence NASA’s decision vis-a-vis their stop-work order they placed on the HLS. But for SpaceX and Musk, it’s got to feel like the icing on what was already a big win for the company.
All things considered, it must feel pretty good to be Elon Musk right now!
MUFON CASE : 115091 Adelaide, Australia ( May 5, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : UFO - Formation Long Description of Sighting Report
I was observing the NASA TV APP on my iPad and I was at the time recording what I was watching. This short video is the view from the ISS starring into space.
Date Submitted: 2021-05-05 Date of Event :2021-04-26 - 9:37PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : trim.7C871ED084074AC4B327AEDCA5E18B3F.MOV
note : no audio
UFO Sighted Over Mexico ( May 4, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Alguien sabe que son esas luces parpadeantes blancas alado de la torre TRANSLATE : Does anyone know what those tower winged white flashing lights are
credit : Javier Matz
01-19-2021 Report Outlines Best States for Spotting a UFO
Caught on Tape 2021 - UFO 2021 - Largest Collection of Best Most Recent UFO Sightings
What really happened on the night of January 23, 1974 on the Berwyn Mountains, North Wales? That’s a question I often get asked. It very much depends upon your own opinions and conclusions. That something happened is not in any doubt. The theories range from the fantastic to not much at all. Strange lights were seen on the mountains. There was a small earth tremor. There were rumors of military personnel running around. Then, there is the theory that pretty much nothing at all happened – aside from, that is, the presence of a bunch of poachers looking for rabbits with powerful lamps. And, there’s the most controversial theory of all: that a UFO from another world slammed into the Berwyns. That’s the angle people want to hear about – which is hardly surprising. For years, the story remained fairly obscure. Certainly, there was a lot of coverage – even by the mainstream media – in the days after “it” happened. And a handful of articles were written about the enigma in the 1970s and the 1980s. It was, however, in 1996 when the case was resurrected – and in an incredible fashion. In 1996, a military whistleblower came forward, claiming that aliens had crashed on the Berwyn Mountains back in January 1974. And he knew all about it.
The Berwyn mountain range where the alleged UFO crash took place.
Allegedly, the pummeled bodies of the dead crew were said to have been secretly rushed to a well-guarded facility called Porton Down (in the southwest of England), for hasty examination and even hastier preservation. As is so typically often the case in such situations, the source chose not to provide his name to the UFO research community of the day. He preferred to lurk in the darkness, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. He shared his story only with Tony Dodd, who was a North Yorkshire police sergeant and a UFO investigator. Dodd chose to give his talkative soldier the alias of “James Prescott,” who was said by Dodd to have been long-retired from the British Army. “I cannot named my unit or barracks, as they are still operational,” Prescott told Dodd. In a very baffling way – and although the incident on the Berwyn Mountains occurred on January 23, 1974 – Prescott and his colleagues were ordered to be on “stand-by at short notice” on January 18. That was five daysbefore the Berwyns were briefly highlighted in the nation’s newspapers. Prescott got right into the heart of the story: “We then received orders to proceed with speed towards North Wales. We were halted in Chester in readiness for a military exercise we believed was about to take place. On January 20, the communication to us was ‘hot.’ At approximately 20:13 hours we received orders to proceed to Llangollen in North Wales and to wait at that point.”
According to Prescott there was a huge amount of “ground and aircraft activity” over and around those huge mountains. Remember, this was still January 20, according to Prescott – three days before the ground shook those little old villages at the foot of the mountains. Prescott said that on that same night he and his colleagues were given further orders: “We, that is myself and four others, were ordered to go to Llandderfel and were under strict orders not to stop for any civilians,” claimed Prescott. On arriving at Llandderfel – a small, Welsh village – they could see soldiers racing around. Senior officers were barking orders here, there and everywhere. Aircraft were zooming across the star-filled sky. And all of this was against a background of overwhelming darkness. Prescott and his colleagues were ordered to haul a pair of large, wooden boxes onto the back of their truck, which they did in rapid-fire time. According to Prescott: “We set off with our cargo and during the journey we stopped to get a drink. We were immediately approached by a man in civilian clothes, who produced an I.D. card and ordered us to keep moving, and not to stop until we reached our destination.”
Matters got really weird, as Prescott explained to Dodd: “We were at this time warned not to open the boxes, but to proceed to Porton Down and deliver the boxes. Once inside, the boxes were opened by staff at the facility in our presence. We were shocked to see two creatures which had been placed inside decontamination suits. When the suits were fully opened it was obvious the creatures were clearly not of this world and, when examined, were found to be dead. What I saw in the boxes that day made me change my whole concept of life. The bodies were about five to six feet tall, humanoid in shape, but so thin they looked almost skeletal with a covering skin. Although I did not see a craft at the scene of the recovery, I was informed that a large craft had crashed and was recovered by other military units. Sometime later we joined up with the other elements of our unit, who informed us that they had also transported bodies of ‘alien beings’ to Porton Down, but said that their cargo was still alive.” Prescott finished his sensational story to Dodd by stating that this was “the only time I was ever involved in anything of this nature. This event took place many years ago and I am now retired from the Armed Forces.”
This is, of course, a sensational yarn. A weird one, too. The bizarre angle of the military being put on alert several days before the event had even occurred was very strange and, admittedly, difficult to understand. In fact, a careful look at all of Prescott’s words shows that Prescott wasn’t even on-site when the main events of January 23 took place. Prescott’s involvement occurred between January 18 and January 20. Finally: Dodd said Prescott had proof he was in the military at the right time: January 1974. What that proof was, I have no idea. Dodd was very careful about how he chose his words. On top of that, Dodd’s dead now. Also, no-one else in the UFO arena ever got to meet Prescott, talk with him on the phone, or have any kind of communication with him. Yes, it’s an intriguing story. But, that’s really all it can be viewed as. Unless, someone comes forward to add more to the story.
Since the early part of the 1980s,sightings of large, triangular-shaped UFOs have been made. They are usually described as being black in color, making a low humming noise, with lights below, and with rounded – rather than angled – corners. And, they have been seen throughout the world. The sheer proliferation of such reports has led some ufological commentators to strongly suspect that the Flying Triangles (as they have come to be known) are prime examples of classified aircraft, the development of which secretly began in the 1980s by elements of the U.S. Department of Defense. There’s no doubt that the theory makes a great deal of sense. After all, it’s not difficult to think of them as next-generation Stealth aircraft. By the time the 1970s were up and running, Area 51’s finest were focusing a great deal on what has since become termed as Stealth technology – in essence, the ability to render an aircraft practically invisible to radar. Much of the highly-classified research that led to the construction and deployment of the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk (more popularly referred to as the Stealth Fighter) and the Northrop B-2 Spirit (better known as the Stealth Bomber) was undertaken out at Area 51 – by which time the word “vast” barely begins to describe the base. A countless number of aircraft-hangars, underground labs, facilities built into the sides of the surrounding mountains, and new runways were part and parcel of Area 51. And with the Stealth planes being extremely important to the U.S. military.
Since both the Nighthawk and the Spirit are broadly triangular in shape, it’s easy to see why and how most people would think the Flying Triangles, too, are the work of the government, rather than the creations of extraterrestrials. I would be totally fine with suggesting that the Flying Triangles were (and still are) are indeed nothing but secret aircraft. There’s a problem, though. And, admittedly, it’s a pretty big one. Yes, the overwhelming numbers of sightings of the Flying Triangles do date back to the early Eighties. And with some in the latter part of the 1970s. However, there are a few reports of the craft going back to the 1960s. Now, the skeptic might say that those who claim to have seen Flying Triangles such a long time ago are nothing but hoaxers. That scenario, however, doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. I’ll tell you why. Welcome to a man named Jeffrey Brown. We have to take a trip to the U.K.-based National Archives. It contains the overwhelming majority of all the UFO-themed documents that the U.K. government has ever held and declassified.
Contained in those files is a one-page, March 28, 1965, UFO report that was filed with the Ministry of Defense by Brown. He actually filed the report – by phone – on the very same night of his sighting, which was on the moors of North Yorkshire, U.K. In part, the documentation states that Brown saw: “Nine or ten objects – in close triangular formation each about 100ft long – orange illumination below – each triangular in shape with rounded corners, making low humming noise.” Despite the fact that the report isn’t that lengthy in size, it’s huge when it comes to the matter of its importance. What Jeffrey Brown saw was, without a doubt, a Flying Triangle. There was the humming sound. There was the rounded corners on the craft. And there was the light emanating from below. Most important of all, that particular document is still at the National Archives. You, me and anyone else can go there and see Brown’s report. I did exactly that when it was declassified.
So, we have a report of a group of definitive Flying Triangles from as far back as the mid-1960s. Yet, all of the available evidence today suggests the FTs didn’t appear on the scene until the early 1980s. Or, maybe, around the latter days of the 1970s. It’s highly unlikely that, at the time of Brown’s incident, the U.K. military would have had not just one, but a whole squadron, of FTs flying around. Admittedly, this case is a fascinating one. If the military weren’t flying massive Flying Triangles over the north of England in 1965, then who was? If it was aliens, then does that mean all of the Flying Triangles were (and still are) from another world? Or, against all the odds, did the U.K. government of the day have hidden away, in various well-guarded hangars, incredible craft of their own making? Might it be a combination of scenarios? If so, how could “our” craft look just like “theirs”? This is an important Flying Triangle case. Maybe, one of the most important.
Deserts offer some of the world’s last mysteries, both natural and man-made. Dead cities without a history, monuments depicting advanced ancient knowledge, anomalous artifacts, explosions from space—these are just some of the riddles that are waiting to be solved.
Traveling the world and experiencing different cultures along with witnessing varied landscapes is a dream for many but most of us don’t take the plunge to pack our bags to set out on such a journey. Today’s video has no relation to traveling to usual tourist spots around the world, rather we want to unravel few of the most obscure places which is off the beaten path. Here are 12 of the most mysterious lost worlds on earth.
Are We Being Set Up For An “Alien Invasion” Psyop?
Are We Being Set Up For An “Alien Invasion” Psyop?
Above: One of the images leaked from the Pentagon report appears to be a pyramid-shaped object (pictured) hovering over the USS Russell
‘There is something in our skies, we don’t know its intentions, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do’: Pentagon whistleblower warns failure to address UFOs could be America’s biggest spy failure since 9/11
Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Pentagon’s secret UFI program said he had seen ‘very very compelling’ data about technologically advanced UFOs
The former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program said the government had a moral obligation to tell the public what it knows
The Department of Defense is scrambling to prepare a report on military sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena by June 1
It could bring answers about the strange tic-tac shaped aircraft that appear to be technologically superior to anything in the US military arsenal
If the US has been ‘leapfrogged technologically by a foreign adversary’ then it will constitute an intelligence failure ‘on the level of 9/11’
In July 2019, USS destroyers on patrol were suddenly swarmed by flashing, Tic Tac-shaped drones, which were able to travel long distance at high speeds
Bevan Hurley – Daily May 2021
A whistleblower who ran the Pentagon’s top-secret UFO program has warned a soon-to-be-released report on unidentified aerial phenomena could reveal the greatest US intelligence failings since 9/11.
Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), told The Sun he had seen ‘very very compelling’ data that confirmed the existence of technologically advanced UFOs.
A highly-anticipated report on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) is due to be released by the Director of the National Intelligence and the Department for Defense by June 1 .
And Elizondo says if Pentagon officials reveal that the US has been ‘leapfrogged technologically by a foreign adversary’ such as China or Russia it would constitute an intelligence failure ‘on the level of 9/11’.
Elizondo said recently-revealed footage of strange, tic-tac shaped flying objects buzzing US military ships were real – and says it is time that the Government told the public what it knew about them.
He told The Sun: ‘There is something in our skies, we don’t know what it is, we don’t know how it works, we don’t know fully what it can do, we don’t know who is behind the wheel, we don’t know its intentions, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.’
Lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee ordered Defense officials to explain the frequent sightings of strange flying objects spotted by military in the hope it will dispel some of the rumor and fear surrounding them.
Elizondo said people should manage their expectations around what will be contained in the report.
Elizondo headed the AATIP from 2007 to 2012, as part of a $22 million program set up former Nevada Senator Harry Reid to investigate the UAP.
In March, it was revealed that US Navy warships stationed off the coast of Los Angeles encountered swarms of mysterious drones, which pursued them at high speed in low visibility in 2019.
The series of encounters with suspected UAVs, or unmanned aerial vehicles, in July 2019, saw as many as six mystery aircraft swarm several US Navy warships close to a sensitive training area at the Channel Islands.
The head of the United States Navy Admiral Michael Gilday later admitted he had no idea where a swarm of mysterious Tic Tac-shaped drones that menaced four US destroyers originated.
Gilday’s response appears to rule out the theory that the drones could have come from a secret US military program.
That has led to growing speculation that they were either built by a rival military power or ‘something else beyond our understanding is going on’.
Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Click to enlarge
In an interview last week, Reid said the 2019 incident had confirmed to him the need for the US to establish a UFO program to investigate the phenomena.
In an interview with, Reid, who has pushed before for a UFO program, discussed the potential origin of the mysterious flying objects, which the interviewer suggested may be Chinese.
‘Always remember, Russia, the former Soviet Union, is run by a man who ran the KGB. They had as many as 30,000 agents at one time, KGB agents. So, Russia’s involved in this, no question about it,’ Reid said.
He added that UFOS were ‘something that cannot be ignored’ and that President Joe Biden should be briefed on the matter.
‘I believe that there should be an ongoing entity, within the Pentagon would be the best place for it, whose sole job is to stay on top of the issue of UFOs,’ Reid said.
While Senate majority leader, Reid pushed to launch the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a Pentagon-run effort to study reports of UFOs.
The $22million-program began in 2007 and ended in 2012, according to the Pentagon.
In the most recent documented encounter in July 2019, USS destroyers on patrol were suddenly swarmed by flashing, Tic Tac-shaped drones, which were able to travel long distance at high speeds
The USS Gonzalez, a guided-missile destroyer, is in the same class as the naval ships targeted by drones in a brazen attack off the coast of California in 2019. It uses a high-tech an onboard intelligence team known as a SNOOPIE to track unknown flying objects
The USS Kidd, pictured above in 2011, was one of four Navy destroyers swarmed by sophisticated drones in 2019. An investigation has failed to uncover the origin of the drones
A detailed account of the 2019 encounter published by The Drive shows the drama began on the night of July 14 2019.
Deck logs from the USS Kidd show that just before 10pm that night two drones were spotted.
An onboard intelligence crew responsible for documenting and investigating contact with unknown vessels - known as the Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation team - or SNOOPIE - was engaged to figure out who, or what, the mystery flying objects were.
Within a few minutes of the sighting, reports show the USS Kidd moved into quiet mode, minimizing communications as it sought to work what the threat level was.
It contacted a nearby warship also on patrol, the USS Rafael Peralta, who also engaged their onboard photo intelligence team, or SNOOPIE.
Several other US Navy destroyers on patrol nearby began noticing strange lights.
The USS John Finn also reported UAV activity, and noticed a 'red flashing light' at 10:03pm, according to its logbook.
Just over an hour later at 11:23pm, the USS Rafael Peralta spotted a white light hovering over the flight deck.
The drone was able to remain hovering above the destroyer's helicopter landing pad while traveling at speeds of 16 knots and in low visibility.
The nearly 90-minute encounter was well beyond the capability of commercially-available drones.
The next night, the drones returned, this time as the warships were patrolling closer to the Californian mainland.
They were first spotted by the USS Rafael Peralta and the ship's SNOOPIE team was engaged at 8:39pm.
At 8:56pm, logs show the USS Kidd had also come into contact with drones.
'The drones seem to have pursued the ships, even as they continued to maneuver throughout the incident,' The Drive reported.
Logbooks onboard the USS Russell show drones were swarming all over it, dipping in elevation from 1000 to 700 feet and seemingly able to move in any direction.
The USS Russell had separate contact with drones nine occasions in less than an hour.
Then at 9:20pm that night, the USS Kidd noticed 'multiple UAVs' around the ship.
US warships have state-of-the-art detection systems, but an investigation by the US Navy chief and the FBI has been unable to discover the origin of drones
The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Porter shows off its high-tech weaponry
The USS Rafael Peralta was also swarmed by as many as four drones. It was contacted by a passing cruise ship, the Carnival Imagination, to say they too had spotted up to six drones.
The three-hour frenzy of activity continued until close to midnight, with none of the warships able to say with certainty where the drones had come from.
The Navy's top commanders including the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and commander of the Pacific Fleet were notified.
The Los Angeles bureau of the FBI was also brought in to look at the incident.
An initial investigation found that just a handful of civilian ships were in the area at the time that could have been used as landing pads for the drones.
Investigators suspected the drones may have been launched from the ORV Alguita, a catamaran in the area.
And while the Alguita did have drones onboard, it was soon established its aircraft were not capable of such aeronautical feats.
Naval intelligence was brought in on the investigation and it was soon turning its glare inwards.
The area is home to a large US Naval Base on Sam Clemente Island, where sensitive training operations are often undertaken.
Soon afterward, the Navy classified the investigation, preventing further information from being released to The Drive.
There were further drone sightings later in July 2019, with SNOOPIE teams aboard the destroyers again being called on to identify the drones and work out where they were coming from.
The bizarre incident was first noticed by filmmaker Dave Beaty, a UFO researcher who UFOs.
In June 2020, he Tweeted: 'Did the navy ship #USSKidd #DDG100 encounter a UAP in July 2019 in So Cal OPAREA Trying to find out more. The ship logs indicate a 'Snoopy Team' was deployed - an intel section that tries to visually ID objects. DM if you know more. Near San Clemente island.'
Later, relaying information he'd received from a Navy source, Beaty said a crew member on board 'could see them with the naked eye and they were almost eye level with the bridge hovering'.
'They were the same tic-tac shaped objects.'
Beaty said the sightings occurred in the same areas as another infamous UFO sighting in 2004 which became known as the 'Nimitz Encounters', when at least six Super Hornet pilots made visual or instrument contact with the UFO on November 14, 2004.
The clip became one of the most-touted pieces of evidence in the UFO community when the Pentagon confirmed its authenticity in 2017.
In January, Chad Underwood, the former Navy aviator who shot the famous leaked video clip, broke his silence in an interview with New York Magazine.
He said the oblong, wingless 'Tic Tac' shaped object was spotted off the coast of Mexico over the Pacific.
The encounters, which are documented in numerous interviews with first-hand witnesses, remain a mystery, and the object's incredible speed and movements have led to speculation that it was extraterrestrial in origin.
The original FLIR video from the USS Nimitz encounters leaked online as early as 2007.
Witnesses say that clips of the video had been circulated widely on the Navy's intranet - used to communicate between ships in the carrier group - and an unknown sailor in the group likely first leaked it.
Hidden Under The Water A UFO Underwater Base Found Off The Coast Of Malibu! Must See Video!
Hidden Under The Water A UFO Underwater Base Found Off The Coast Of Malibu! Must See Video!
UFO underwater “base” found off the coast of Malibu
Off the coast of Malibu (California) in a place that ufology calls the “Holy Grail”, a large structure of unknown origin was discovered at a depth of more than 100 meters. The structure is so large that you can even see it from a satellite: you can use the Google Earth program.
Ufologists have been looking for this structure for more than 40 years. According to unconfirmed reports, observations, studies and photographs of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were carried out in this place.
There are several theories regarding this building. Some believe it is the base for the US Navy’s submarines. However, ufologists are sure that this is a secret “base” of aliens or even an alien ship that crashed many years ago.
This is confirmed by strange signals emanating from the object, which are directed into space. The very same “plate” has a flat surface, about five kilometers wide. From satellite images, you can understand that it stands on something that looks like columns, the height of which exceeds 150 meters. The entrance to this structure was never found.
Malibu is a place that, probably, every person wants to visit. It is very popular with the rich and famous. However, not only people love him, but also aliens. In the 50-60s of the last century, a large number of UFOs were recorded there, which entered the water at high speed. Vacationers gathered every day on the beach in the evenings to see with their own eyes the objects that were constantly rising and falling from the water.
Video is all from “theoven” site as Bitchute videos are all being taken down. They will start to play automatically when post is opened/viewed but the volume is set on mute. The viewer will need to turn the volume on to hear a video and stop and play when ready.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
ET's Genetic Manipulation of Mankind, Its Still Happening, Alan Steinfeld
ET's Genetic Manipulation of Mankind, Its Still Happening, Alan Steinfeld
ET’s Genetic Manipulation of Mankind, Its Still Happening, Alan Steinfeld
Alan Steinfeld is the host and producer of the long-running television program New Realities where he keeps track of the leading trends in spirituality, the arts and social history.
Puin van Chinese raket kan zondag neerstorten in Europa
Puin van een vorige week gelanceerde Chinese raket kan komende zondag mogelijk neerstorten in Europa. Volgens experts van het ruimteafvalbureau van het Europese Ruimteagentschap ESA liggen delen van Spanje, Italië en Griekenland in het risicogebied dat is vastgesteld tussen 41 graden noorderbreedte en 41 graden zuiderbreedte. De eventuele resten kunnen ook in de oceaan plonzen.
Een grote raket van het zware type ‘Lange Mars 5B’ bracht afgelopen donderdag de 22 ton zware kernmodule ‘Tianhe’ in de ruimte. Dat betekende de start van de bouw van een nieuw ruimtestation voor China.
Maar de kern van die grote Chinese raket is nu wild en tuimelend weer naar beneden aan het komen. Vandaag draait de kern van 30 meter hoog aan zo’n 27.600 kilometer per uur ongeveer elke 90 minuten in een baan om de aarde, op een hoogte van meer dan 300 kilometer. Het Amerikaanse leger heeft het object intussen ‘2021-035B’ genoemd en de koers ervan is te zien op websites zoals
Sinds het weekend is de raketkern bijna 80 kilometer in hoogte gezakt. Grondobservaties bewijzen dat het ding draaiend en ongecontroleerd vallend verder rondscheurt. Het is nu vrijwel onmogelijk om te voorspellen welke onderdelen verbranden dan wel neerstorten. De meeste objecten verbranden bij terugkeer volledig in de atmosfeer, zeggen deskundigen.
Het ontwerp van de ‘Lange Mars 5B’-raket laat na lancering niet meer toe om het tuig te sturen om op een bepaald punt neer te storten. De meeste andere ruimteraketten maken veel minder snelheid en keren terug op de aarde op een vooraf vastgestelde locatie. “Het ontwerp van de raket is gebrekkig vergeleken met de huidige norm van andere landen”, stelt astrofysicus Jonathan McDowell van het Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. “We weten niet precies waar het puin zal neerkomen. In het ergste geval is het zoals de crash van een klein vliegtuig, maar verdeeld over honderden kilometers.”
Na de eerste vlucht van het nieuwe rakettype in mei 2020 is al eens puin neergekomen, in Ivoorkust. Daarbij raakten verschillende huizen beschadigd.
“Het kan potentieel niet goed gaan”, aldus McDowell aan de Britse krant The Guardian. “De laatste keer dat ze een Lange Mars 5B-raket lanceerden, eindigde dat in grote, lange metalen staven vliegend door de lucht en beschadigde gebouwen in Ivoorkust. Het meeste van het puin brandde toen op, maar toch waren er enorme stukken metaal die de grond raakten. We hebben toen veel geluk gehad dat niemand gewond is geraakt.”
Volgens McDowell zullen hoe dan ook stukken van de raket de terugkeer overleven. In het beste geval valt de puinregen ergens in zee. Dat is ook goed mogelijk, aangezien ongeveer 70 procent van het aardoppervlak bedekt is met water. Maar zekerheid is er niet.
“Wat erg is, is dat het echt nalatig is van de kant van China”, aldus nog McDowell. “Dingen van meer dan tien ton laten we niet opzettelijk ongecontroleerd uit de lucht vallen.”
Voor de bouw van het nieuwe Chinese ruimtestation staan nog meer lanceringen van Lange Mars 5B-raketten op de agenda. Het station zou “rond 2022" klaar zijn en ‘Tiangong’ (Hemelpaleis) heten. Het uiteindelijke ruimtestation moet drie Chinese astronauten tegelijkertijd kunnen huisvesten.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
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An international exercise to simulate an asteroid striking Earth has come to an end. With just six days to go before a fictitious impact, things don’t look good for a 298 km-wide region between Prague and Munich.
Two years ago, the organisers of this event accidentally destroyed New York City, and now it’s time for a border region intersecting Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic to meet the same fate. When I covered the early days of this week’s simulation on Wednesday, the gathered experts were weighing their options as a 140 metre-wide asteroid barrelled toward Central Europe.
This may sound like a grim role-playing game, but it’s very serious business. Led by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Centre for Near Earth Object Studies, the asteroid impact simulation is meant to prepare scientists, planners, and key decision makers for the real thing, should it ever occur. The tabletop exercise began this past Monday, and it’s happening virtually at the 7th IAA Planetary Defence Conference, which is being hosted by the UN’s Office for Outer Space Affairs with help from ESA.
“Practice and training for different situations is an important part of preparedness, whether it’s done by medical professionals or sports teams or artistic performers,” Andy Rivkin, a research astronomer at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, explained in an email. “For planetary defence, this is our chance to get people together with different expertise who don’t often get the chance to work together and look at different scenarios. This can help greatly in identifying important issues that we might not identify while working as small groups or individuals.”
Rivkin, who participated in the event, is the co-leader of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test, which aims to smash a spacecraft into asteroid Dimorphos in late 2022 (for real). By crashing into an asteroid, a kinetic impactor like DART can “change the arrival time of the asteroid so it doesn’t arrive at the crossroads the same time as Earth, Rivkin said, adding that his group is testing what “happens in detail when you change the speed of an asteroid,” in this case Dimorphos.
A distinguishing feature about this year’s simulation is that the asteroid came out of the blue, so to speak. Named “2021 PDC,” it was discovered just six months before its scheduled rendezvous with Earth. The odds of an impact were initially assessed at 1 in 2,500, but that was bumped to 1 in 100 during the first day of the simulation. By Day 2, the odds were ramped up to a full 100%, with the impact site identified as being in Central Europe.
For me, a key takeaway from this year’s simulation was the dramatic way in which key variables, such as the probable impact area and affected population size, were affected by new observations. At one point, for example, North Africa, the UK, and much of Scandinavia were inside the possible strike zone.
The participants in the simulation deemed it impossible to deploy a mitigation effort, such as a kinetic impactor or nuclear bomb, given the short timeframe — a consideration not lost on planetary geologist Angela Stickle, another DART team member who participated in the exercise.
“The timeline for deflection is important,” explained Stickle, leader of the DART impact modelling working group, in an email. “Kinetic impactors work best when they are done years in advance, so the small push that you give has enough time to really change the incoming orbit away from the Earth, so even if we could have launched a kinetic impactor spacecraft like DART in the tabletop exercise scenario, we might have been too late to really steer it off course.”
Previous tabletop exercises provided many years of warning time, but not this one. Accordingly, the focus of exercise was geared toward the disaster response and the importance of identifying dangerous asteroids in advance.
For Andy Cheng, chief scientist and DART investigation team co-lead at Johns Hopkins, the teachable moment came when they all learned that the fictitious asteroid had actually zipped past Earth seven years earlier, but it wasn’t discovered “because there were not ground- or space-based telescopic assets in place that would have discovered it,” he explained in an email. Had it been detected back then, “there would have been more than sufficient warning time to mount space missions to characterise it and to mitigate the threat,” such as with a DART-like mission.
Accordingly, the tabletop simulation became an exercise in predicting the possible damage that might be inflicted by the asteroid and where that damage might occur. This wasn’t an easy task, given many uncertainties about the offending object, such as its size and physical makeup. Initial estimates placed the asteroid at between 35 metres and 700 metres in length, followed by a more refined estimate of 140 metres, which “significantly reduces the worst-case size and corresponding worst-case impact energies,” according to the Day 3 report.
Updated map showing the threatened area in Central Europe.
(Image: NASA/JPL)
Which brings us to the final day of the exercise (turns out this was a four-day project, not five days as was originally reported). Day 4 takes place on October 14, 2021 — just six days before impact. With the impact now imminent and the fake asteroid plainly in sight, the dreadful predicament became clear.
The fictitious impact would occur on October 20, 2021 at 17:02:25 UTC, give or take one second. This level of precision is really fascinating, and it demonstrates the high degree to which we’d be prepared for that fateful moment, allowing people in the affected and surrounding areas to evacuate or take cover.
Images taken by the Goldstone Observatory the day before constrained the size of the asteroid to 105 metres across. It was not as big as feared, but still big enough to cause serious damage. For Mallory DeCoster, a systems and mechanical engineer and DART investigation team member from Johns Hopkins who also participated in the exercise, the ongoing uncertainty about the asteroid’s size proved troublesome.
Map showing the various regions under threat according to severity level.
(Image: NASA/JPL)
“We know that one of the most critical pieces of information for decision makers is high-fidelity information about the size of the asteroid,” she said. “In the hypothetical impact scenario, we saw that current instrument capabilities left us with quite a large range of possible sizes for the asteroid, ranging from a low-threat 30 metre diameter to a continent-exploding 700 metre diameter. This showcased how important it is to invest in instruments such as ground-based radars and space-based infrared sensors to provide high-resolution characterisation metrics.”
The fake asteroid was projected to strike Earth at speeds reaching 16 km per second, or 54,718 km per hour. Ground zero was predicted to reside within a 23 km range, but this number was expected to shrink by half in the coming days as the asteroid got nearer. The impact site was centred near the borders of three countries: Germany, Czech Republic, and Austria.
This area is mostly rural, and no estimates were given about the size of the affected population. In a worst-case scenario, the asteroid would inflict damage extending out for 150 km in all directions. A threat map indicated the regions designated as unsurvivable, critical, severe, and serious. Prague, a city of 1.27 million people, resides on the outer border of the serious zone, while Munich appeared to be out of harm’s way.
Had this situation been real, the International Asteroid Warning Network — a group that detects, tracks, and characterises potentially hazardous asteroids — would have disseminated this information in accordance with an UN General Assembly resolution, according to today’s report. This would be to done to “ensure that all countries … are aware of potential threats,” and to emphasise the need for developing “effective emergency response and disaster management in the event of a near-Earth object impact,” according to the resolution.
Stickle said several things stood out to her about this year’s exercise, including the importance of clear public communication, particularly providing information to people about the threat and what can be done to prevent impacts on Earth.
“I think DART can be a good addition to this as an example of how we are preparing and testing the needed technology; the mission provides a good opportunity to have public communication and engagement,” wrote Stickle. “The exercise also showed the importance of being able to rapidly deploy kinetic impactors in an emergency scenario.” That said, she described the six-month timeline as being “pretty sporty,” as they’d have to act really fast, even with a mitigation solution ready to go.
Mallory DeCoster, systems and mechanical engineer and DART investigation team member also chimed in, saying we “really need to find and track more asteroids,” adding that this isn’t surprising, “but this short-warning-time scenario definitely highlights the importance of this.”
And with that the roundtable was complete, as there was really nothing left to do but wait for the asteroid to strike. It’s all very morbid, but this year’s simulation proved to be worthwhile. Hopefully these exercises will continue to remain within the realm of fiction.
NASA's asteroïde-simulatie toont onvermijdelijke ramp voor aarde
NASA heeft een week lang onderzocht wat er zou gebeuren als een gigantische asteroïde op de aarde afstormde. Conclusie: zoals het nu is, zou de ramp onvermijdelijk zijn.
Momenteel bestaat er geen technologie die een asteroïde zou kunnen tegenhouden Europa van de kaart te vegen. Dat bewijzen simulaties van NASA. Zelfs met zes maanden voorbereidingstijd zouden we het niet kunnen voorkomen.
Dat hypothetische scenario werd getest tijdens een planetaire verdedigingsconferentie van de Verenigde Naties. Het bewijst dat landen volledig onvoorbereid zijn op dit soort rampen. Dat beamen de deelnemers: “Als we in het echte leven met het scenario worden geconfronteerd, zouden we met de huidige mogelijkheden op zo’n korte termijn geen ruimtevaartuig kunnen lanceren.” De enige mogelijkheid die we zouden hebben in zo’n situatie, is het gebied ontruimen. Toch zou dat moeilijk zijn, aangezien de getroffen zone grote delen van Noord-Afrika en Europa inhield. De oefeningen worden gehouden om te kijken wat we in de toekomst kunnen doen om wel voorbereid te zijn.
SpaceX-baas Elon Musk beweert dat het gebrek aan een oplossing “een van de vele redenen is waarom we grotere en meer geavanceerde raketten nodig hebben”.
SpaceX heeft onlangs een contract met NASA binnengehaald voor de ontwikkeling van een nieuw ruimtevaartuig, dat wordt gebouwd om mensen en vracht door het zonnestelsel te vervoeren. In combinatie met zijn Super Heavy Rocket Booster beweert SpaceX dat het nieuwe vaartuig ’s werelds krachtigste lanceervoertuig ooit zal zijn. In theorie zou het gebruikt kunnen worden om te helpen bij missies om het pad van een asteroïde die naar de aarde komt om te leiden.
NASA werkt al aan asteroïde-afbuigingstechnologie en plant een lancering van zijn eerste testmissie van zijn Double Asteroid Redirection Test-systeem (DART) eind 2021. Dan zou het de asteroïde Dimorphos bereiken in de herfst van 2022. DART zal proberen de baan van de asteroïde te veranderen en hopelijk bewijzen dat een dergelijke strategie in de toekomst zou kunnen werken op gevaarlijke objecten die richting de aarde komen.
NASA volgt momenteel 25000 van die objecten. Er zijn zo’n 30 nieuwe ontdekkingen per week.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFOs Sighted Over Dubai, United Arab Emirates ( May 2, 2021)
UFOs were sighted over Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on May 2, 2021
credit : Mustapha Aboulhouda
UFO Sighted Over Brazil ( May 4, 2021 )
STATEMENT : acabei de receber esse vídeo do meu amg, o que vocês acham que é? já viram? TRANSATE : just got this video from my amg, what do you guys think it is? have you seen it yet?
credit :Gabi Cf
UFO Sighted Over Alaska ( April 13, 2021 )
STATEMENT : This is the 20x zoom version featuring main object of interest. More videos to follow.
Sky Hub UAP Tracker Captures multiple Unknown objects in Sky 13 APR 21 T1942 Anch - AK
TITLED : ZOOM x20 version Sky Hub UAP Tracker Captures multiple Unknown objects 13 APR 21 Anch - AK
ORIGINAL VIDEO OWNER : Sky Hub UAP Tracker Information
The US Navy “has holographic technology to create UFOs” [Video]
The US Navy “has holographic technology to create UFOs” [Video]
The number of UFO sightings is at an all-time high according to experts. More than 100,000 sightings have been recorded in the last 100 years, but in just a few months we have surpassed all records.
From a 1995 ” alien autopsy ” video to images of fighter jets apparently chasing a UFO over the Pacific Ocean, there are hundreds of pieces of evidence that for many people are proof of alien life on our planet.
But it must also be said that most of the videos have been disproved by experts.
This leads us to a strange theory, that secret government agencies publish videos that are clearly false in order to more easily discredit those that are true.
It would be a system known as ” distraction “, and it serves to make it impossible to identify the evidence that shows how intelligent extraterrestrial life exists cooperating with governments around the world, even controlling our destiny.
As we have commented previously, since the beginning of the pandemic we have seen a surprising boom in UFO sightings around the world, it has caused all kinds of reactions among the population.
And due to the unexpected response that is having en masse, the US Navy has been forced to act: it has recognized having a holographic system to create UFOs.
The United States Navy recently patented a method to create 3D images in the air using plasma.
The technology is intended to create a heat source, drawing hostile infrared-guided missiles away from their targets.
Experts are convinced that this advanced system is responsible for a number of UFO sightings reported by Navy pilots in 2004, 2014 and 2015. However, this technology does not explain everything.
The technology, revealed by Forbes magazine, is the result of years of research and development in missile countermeasures technology.
Infrared-guided air-to-air missiles are launched by fighter jets and aim at the target’s infrared signals. Currently, aircraft can destroy enemy missiles by firing flares or “blinding” the missile seeker.
Plasma-based anti-missile technology uses high-intensity lasers built into the rear of an aircraft to generate a “plasma filament.”
This plasma filament in turn generates an infrared signal that gets close to the target, enough to deflect an enemy missile.
It can also quickly tune the plasma to match the infrared radiation emitted by the target, creating an even more effective distraction.
However, there is something really strange about using laser-induced plasma filaments to create airborne images.
The patent does not mention the use of plasma filaments to fool anyone but the missile seekers.
That said, the ability to draw objects in the sky would apparently explain one aspect of the UFO sightings reported by the US Navy, as it might be possible to create UFOs.
Although it must be said that the Pentagon is unlikely to release videos of its own secret weapon. But conspiracy theorists have their own theory.
They consider that plasma filament technology is unlikely to be responsible for such encounters. While we don’t know what the mysterious objects are, there are aspects to the Navy sightings that apparently rule out holographic technology.
The technology behind the patent is an innovative way to defend aircraft from enemy missiles.
But it has been shown that it does not serve as an explanation for the UFOs observed by the Navy in the last 16 years, much less for the sightings that are being registered around the world.
So it seems that the attempt to discredit the extraterrestrial presence on our planet by the United States government has not been of much use. Don’t let them fool you.
What do you think of the Navy’s holographic technology? Do you think it serves as an explanation for UFO sightings ? Or is everything a “smokescreen” to cover up the truth?
Scientists have discovered fossils of a new pterosaur species that lived in what is now northern China during the Jurassic period. And they are pretty adorable animals.
Pterosaurs lived on Earth during the Mesozoic era (about 252 million to 66 million years ago). They were the first reptiles that could fly, with sizes ranging from that of a sparrow to as big as a giraffe.
Pterosaurs are winged cousins of dinosaurs, and the two went extinct during the same period. But they were on different branches of the evolutionary tree.
The new species of pterosaurs was discovered from a fossil dated to 160 million years ago, unearthed in the northern Chinese province of Hebei, according to an academic report published in March.
It has been named Sinomacrops bondei. Sinomacrops stands for “China, large eyes and face” in ancient Greek.
Fion Waisum Ma, a researcher at the University of Birmingham who worked on the discovery, said the animal, which was the size of a pigeon, belonged to a type of pterosaurs known for their frog-like mouths.
Scientists had examined the fossil with CT scanning and studied about one hundred anatomical characteristics of the animal before concluding it was a species never discovered before, Ma told VICE World News.
A paleontology artist has illustrated the new animal based on the fossil and also hypotheses the scientists made based on the characteristics of closely-related pterosaurs.
The fossil was found in a subtropical forest back in the Jurassic.
The pterosaur had a long tail, large eyes, and membranous wings. Much is unknown about the pterosaur’s other living habits, but these small pterosaurs likely lived on insects.
Ma said northern China contains several rock formations that are good at preserving fossils, which sometimes included soft tissues and feathers of prehistoric animals.
The same team this month published another discovery of a new pterosaur species from a fossil found in China’s northeastern province of Liaoning. Its name, antipollicatus, means “opposite thumbed” in ancient Greek. It provided the earliest evidence of an opposable thumb, the same feature that allows primates from humans to chimpanzees to grab things like a tree branch, a banana, or a smartphone.
The Oldest Maya Murals and Royal Violence at San Bartolo, Guatemala
The Oldest Maya Murals and Royal Violence at San Bartolo, Guatemala
In 2001, deep in the sweltering jungles of Guatemala, completely by chance, archaeologists stumbled into the substructure of a lost Maya pyramid, which was the discovery of San Bartolo. To their utter astonishment, they discovered an enormous, domed chamber, its walls bejeweled with exquisitely preserved murals. The vivid, yellow, white, red, and black ochre iconography looked as if it had been painted the day before, aside from much of it being fractured and scattered on the ground. Decades of meticulous excavation and artistic resurrection efforts were started and undertaken at San Bartolo.
Once these projects were completed, it resulted in a marvelous, iconographic window into the ancient and mysterious cosmology of these early Maya. Once analyzed and partially deciphered, this portal in time would permanently change our understanding of Maya origins.
The Discovery of the Wonders of Guatemala’s Maya San Bartolo
The discovery of San Bartolo is credited to archaeologist William Saturno of the University of New Hampshire who used carbon dating in 2001 to date the murals found at the site to 100 BC. This places the San Bartolo murals in the Preclassical Maya Period which immediately made these the oldest Maya paintings ever discovered.
Artist Heather Hurst and epigrapher Karl Taube were the experts who masterfully recreated and interpreted the murals. Apparently, at some point in the ancient past, the murals had been deliberately shattered and the chamber itself was filled in with earth. Some of the script was decipherable. However, due to its extreme age and heavy Olmec influence , the texts are some kind of proto-Maya and are therefore yet to be fully deciphered.
Not far from the mural chamber, Guatemalan archaeologist Monica Pellecer Alecio uncovered the most ancient Maya royal tomb ever discovered, dating to 150 BC. Beneath a small pyramid, within the same complex, Alecio unearthed a burial chamber which contained the bones of a man adorned with a jade plaque , confirming his status as Maya royalty.
A Maya king impersonating the hero Hunahpu by piercing his penis with a spear to spill sacrificial blood, west mural fragment, San Bartolo.
Before delving into the splendor and interpretations of the San Bartolo murals, it’s important to distinguish between “art” from these ancient civilizations and our modern perception of what “ art” is.
For modern humans art is everywhere. In advertisements, logos, insignias, etc. The modern barrage of art serves a variety of functions from corporate marketing ploys and gimmickry to random amusement, or cultural enrichment by way of aesthetic appreciation.
But for the Maya, and most other ancient cultures, paintings such as these were regarded as sacred iconography . These images were sacred, charged with the echoing deeds and spirits of their creator deities/demigods. Murals such as those of San Bartolo were a physical link between their rulers and their deities. This linkage between the physical and spirit worlds, enabled a continuation of kingship, beginning with their powerful gods, and passed from generational monarch to generational monarch.
In other words, the murals, the statues, the pyramid glyphs, the codices, and the Popol Vuh facilitated and legitimized the divine authority of the ruling elite who were believed to be the mediators between mankind and the deities.
North wall San Bartolo mural showing two main scenes: 1. In the one on the left five infants, still with their umbilical cords, are born from a gourd. The fifth figure born in a bloodbath is like the Maize God (Corn God). 2. In the other scene that occupies the largest space, the Mountain of the Flower is identified, from it a serpent extends to the end of the representation that serves as an "earthly level" for the eight characters that are represented on it; the Maize God, dressed entirely in red, receives the offerings.
The structure containing the murals at San Bartolo has become known as the Pyramid of the Paintings, and within the murals, are complex tales of Maya creation mythology. These stories showcase several deities, demigods or kings, and common citizens or possibly priestesses.
The most prominent figure (who may be represented in multiple forms) is the Maize God. The north wall displays a fascinating narration of the creation/birth of the Maya, effectuated by the Maize God who conducts sacrificial rites and bloodletting rituals to the celestial deities.
The north wall narrative culminates in two distinct scenes. Scene one depicts the Maize God (or possibly a defied king reenacting his deeds) walking with a group of less significant people (the men standing, the women kneeling) atop a giant, serpentine creature.
They stand before a living mountain of creation, a sacred solar mountain known by Mayaists as “Flower Mountain.” This unique mountain and its corresponding sacred cave are believed to be the point of emergence and the secret hiding place of corn seeds. From this hallowed location, the Maize God either gives or receives a calabash/cornstalk.
Also on the north wall, is a continuation of the first scene, in which four infants (who probably correspond to the cardinal directions), have their umbilical cords still connected to the calabash as they rise up from it, emerging from the underworld, then a fifth, fully matured/clothed adult male emerges from the calabash, which by then, had split in half. This entire ritual is observed by a large, celestial bird/dragon deity.
The West Wall murals, depicting three sacrifices to the Principal Bird Deity. On the three tripods are sacrifices (left to right) of what are likely a catfish, deer, and turkey, respectively.
The west wall murals contain many more, equally complex scenes. There are successive scenes with deities, or semi-divine kings, making sacrifices in connection to four distinct trees (another probable link to the cardinal directions) which also seem to correspond to four distinct realms.
Saturno, the original discoverer, shared his brief interpretation, “The first deity stands in the water and offers a fish, establishing the underworld. The second stands on the ground and sacrifices a deer, establishing the land. The third floats in the air, offering a turkey, establishing the sky. The fourth stands in a field of flowers, the food of gods, establishing paradise.”
Then there are four precessions/coronations of four different kings, each of whom pierces their penises, offering their blood of divine lineage to their ancestral deities. Each tree comes with various bird figures, who are representations of the major deity Itzamna, who is also related to, or served by, the Chaacs (rain deities), Bacab (the fourfold deity of the underworld), and his thirteen divine children who were said to have created the Earth and mankind.
The west wall murals seem to be depicting the chain of divine lineage being bequeathed down from the gods to the Maya kings. This is interesting alone because it proves that full-fledged Maya hierarchies exists centuries before the experts believed they did, and this causes the entire chronology of Maya civilization to be pushed back. The west wall also contains many more puzzling icons like an infant made of maize and the Maize God dancing within a turtle cave before aquatic deities.
The Maize God and The Hero Twin Hunahpu
An important aspect of these kings is that they wear markings of one of the Maya Hunahpu hero twins . These figures are very prominent in Maya beliefs and culture, frequently in close association with the Maize God.
The exploits of the Maya Hero Twins go beyond the scope of this article but suffice to say that these twin brother heroes were immaculately conceived when the skull of their decapitated father non-consensually spit into the hand of their mother when she was in the underworld. Murderous and cruel plots followed the supernatural brothers their entire lives, but the clever twins always managed to outsmart their rivals.
Their otherworldly adventures climax, when they descend into the underworld to avenge the deaths of their father and uncle who were defeated in a ball game by the underworld deities: the Lords of Xibalba . Upon defeating the underworld gods, they ascended into the heavens becoming the sun and moon.
The Trees, Cardinal Directions, and The Axis Mundi
Within the west wall murals, the previously mentioned four trees actually unite into a fifth, much larger tree, which is presided over by the Maize God, and this tree is interpreted by the experts as the world tree, the axis mundi (the axis and or naval of the world which unites heavenly, earthly, and underworld realms).
This piece of iconography is most intriguing because of its universal occurrence in ancient mythology around the world, particularly in terms of how it relates to sacred mountains and conduits to other worlds or realms. In ancient Mesopotamia for example, the ziggurat structures were believed to be recreations of a primordial mound of creation, and the summit of these artificial mountains, acted as conduits to the realms of their ancestral deities. Mount Kunlun in ancient Chinese traditions was held as the sacred mountain that linked the mortal realm to the heavenly realm and that they were also connected to each other by a celestial tree.
These holy mountains (or pyramid/ziggurats) in different cultures were not just considered portals into the higher realms, but the underworld as well. For instance, the ziggurat at Eridu was believed to be the otherworldly abode of the patron deity Enki who was the god of subterranean waters.
This is all strangely paralleled by the Maya concept of Flower Mountain, Xibalba, and the cave/summit conduits.
Even the Canaanite and biblical accounts are reflected too with the narrative of Jacob and the Elohim ascending and descending the mountain, or the Canaanite tradition of Mount Hermon. The traditions surrounding Mount Hermon are especially fascinating, as this spot, according to Enoch 6:6, was the place where the watchers descended to Earth and struck an oath to engage in fornication with mortal women and impart them with secrets of civilization- secrets, like the knowledge of agriculture and astronomy.
The Tree of Life was woven into the murals of San Bartolo.
There are comparative mythology patterns evident in the murals just beyond the axis mundi, including the sacred mountain, the divine bequeathing of kingship, and the bestowing of agricultural knowledge.
The four kings of the paintings, who are piercing their penises to make bloodletting offerings, have extra digits on their hands. Their features are noticeably abnormal in general- elongated heads, long, stout mandibles, sloping noses, but most glaring, is the fact that they have six fingers instead of five.
Clearly, this was not a whimsical stylistic detail, because the deities do not have these extra digits and neither do the common people of the precession, only these kings. This deliberate, iconographic detail of polydactylys is present in other Maya sites as well, such as Palenque. In the icons of Palenque, the heirs of Pakal the Great were depicted with extra fingers and toes. There was also fierce debate among scholars that Pakal himself may have had a sixth toe.
This connection becomes intriguing when it is traced far into North America when the polydactyly pattern is found within the Anasazi culture and their reverence for supernumerary fingers and toes.
And let’s not forget that these cultures also built mysterious stone wonders, aligned with the stars, from masterplans, and sanctified them with seemingly endless blood anointment rituals.
A painted stucco relief in the museum at Palenque, which is similar to the reliefs and mural depictions found at San Bartolo.
There is yet another aspect to this pattern, one that stretches around the entire ancient world. Previously mentioned was the fact that these murals were smashed (into seven thousand pieces) and the sacred chamber was filled in with earth. The entire San Bartolo complex was abruptly abandoned, which is another common, yet curious feature of Maya sites.
At Teotihuacan for example, it’s clear that around one-thousand-five-hundred years ago the entire, magnificent complex was deserted, and it was around that same time that Palenque was also deserted. In North America too, the Anasazi seemed to have completely vanished, centuries later perhaps, but the pattern remains.
Civilizations rise and fall, but it’s one thing for a civilization to gradually collapse or be destroyed in some war, but these sites seem to have been swiftly abandoned, never to be inhabited again. Not only that, Palenque, Teotihuacan, and Chaco Canyon ruins in America, all have shadowy evidence of fire damage which is limited to the living quarters of the ruling elite exclusively.
If there is no evidence of large-scale warfare, then it has been theorized that what occurred at all three of these sites (and possibly San Bartolo too), was a revolt of the common people. This would also explain the iconoclasm of the destruction of the religious iconography that legitimized these bloodthirsty, despotic monarchs who had six fingers and or toes.
Bas-relief carving with of a Maya king from Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico.
What does this iconographic window in time reveal to us about the ancient Maya? It reveals another link in a chain of remnants from a willfully forgotten time before written history as we know it. A time when large, vicious bloodlines of warrior/hunter kings reigned.
They seemed to have had unique physical traits, impressive knowledge of masonry, city planning, agriculture, astronomy, and were obsessed with maintaining a constant river of blood sacrifice for themselves and their ancestral deities.
Who were these fallen warrior kings of ancient renown? Answers can be found in the most revered scriptures of the Old World, but that is another story for another day.
Top image:Maya mural paintings like these are what makes the Maya site of San Bartolo, Guatemala so amazing.
Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory
Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory
Last year, the United States signed into law 5,500 pages of legislation, most of which dealt with economic stimulus. But it dealt with something else too – UFOs! The revelations have explosive implications that will cause us to reexamine our scientific paradigms of human origins. Where do we come from? This is probably the most fundamental question within the human condition, and to even attempt answering it, we must explore the origin of all life on Earth.
The legislation contained the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. In the committee comment section is a heading entitled “Advanced Aerial Threats.” The provision mandates that the Director of National Intelligence collaborate with the Secretary of Defense to forge a detailed report, the so-called UFO report, which discloses everything the government knows about unidentified flying objects (UFOs), a moniker they have now discarded in favor of others such as “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP) or “anomalous aerial vehicles” (AAV).
In 2020, the U.S. Navy confirmed that three videos circulating the internet were indeed authentic and were captured by Navy jet pilots. Pentagon spokeswoman, Sue Gough, admitted that the images of the rapid-moving, glowing vehicles, one sphere-shaped, another acorn-shaped, a “metallic blimp,” and many others, were being studied by the newly formed Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF).
Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life of Earth
Abiogenesis is the prevailing, although highly speculative and controversial, narrative about how life originated on Earth. Essentially, this theory holds that over millions of years of primordial, evolutionary processes, non-living matter transitioned into living cells. Then, simple, cellular life forms gradually began to develop, via natural selection, and after epochs of competition-driven genetic mutation/adaptation, a myriad of biodiverse species were born.
This theory has been propped up since the 1950s as scientific fact, and proponents of it point to a series of experiments from the 50s in which some amino acids were successfully synthesized from inorganic compounds. The problem is, some amino acids are not remotely equivalent to the proteins required to constitute even the most basic cellular life, and then, even these proteins fall far short of the wondrous complexity that is a living cell. In fact, the more molecular biotechnology advances, so to does our understanding of how incredibly complex cells are.
Directed panspermia is the theory that an intelligent species intentionally inoculated our planet to stimulate the development of life.
Panspermia and Directed Panspermia: Alternative Origin of Life Theories
Alternatively, the theory of panspermia holds that life arose elsewhere in the universe, through unspecified processes, and was then spread to planet Earth by a medium like an asteroid, comet, meteorite, or space dust. Modern, definitive studies have concluded that complex, organic molecules exist within this solar system and in interstellar space. It is then, quite probable that these fundamental building blocks of life arrived here by way of these mechanisms.
Directed panspermia, on the other hand, can be defined as the deliberate transportation of complex, organic life through space with the goal of introducing species onto lifeless, but habitable astronomical objects. In other words, an intelligent species, utilizing high technology, intentionally inoculating planets or moons in order to stimulate the development of life.
This is not science fiction . Highly acclaimed, world renowned scientists like Francis Crick, Leslie Orgel, Sydney Brenner, and many others, endorse this theory and published extensive studies on the subject. It’s worth mentioning that Brenner shared a Nobel Prize for his work on deciphering the genetic code, and that Francis Crick (along with James Watson) discovered the DNA helix, won the Nobel Prize, and gave birth to genetic science as we know it.
Darwinian and Definition of Life Disclaimers
It’s important to point out that life itself is not easily defined. There are hundreds of definitions, and in some cases, entire chapters have been exclusively devoted to defining this fundamental word/concept. According to modern biologists Jane Reece and Neil Campbell, “the phenomenon we call life defies a simple, one-sentence definition.” The definition preferred by NASA is that life is a “self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution.” In other words, life is, “matter that can reproduce itself and evolve as survival dictates.”
This brings us to Charles Darwin . The favoring of directed or undirected panspermia should not be misinterpreted of a revolt against the concept of Darwinian evolution. Unfortunately, Darwinian evolution has accumulated a great deal of connotations and assumptions which intertwine the origins of life, alongside the process by which life adapts to its environment.
It is commonly believed that Darwin’s Origin of Species , is well-established, scientific fact. The process of evolution, meaning the natural selection driven, genetic mutations/adaptations, is well established science. However, this process as the origin of all life, is not, at all, scientific fact. Additionally, there’s strong evidence in modern studies of molecular biology that the competitive nature of this process has been overestimated, and that the process may be much more symbiotic.
While Darwin’s Origin of Species is held as well-established, scientific fact, the process of evolution as the origin of all life is not.
Genetic studies literature indicates that primates diverged from mammals about 85 million years ago. Then the various, great ape subfamilies diverged around 15 to 20 million years ago. From there, it is speculated that a locomotion transition to bipedalism occurred about six to seven million years ago. This theoretical transition enabled the earliest human ancestors to migrate throughout the globe. However, some anthropologists studying the development of bipedalism, have stated that this evolution in gait alone could not have sufficiently empowered these primates to fan out around the world.
These professionals have found that bipedalism, tool construction, and the manipulation of fire would have be necessary to achieve spread of human ancestors. It is further believed by the leading authorities that these advancements then triggered rapid encephalization (perpetual brain growth), beginning around two million years ago. Finally, we have archaic and modern humans emerging from a complicated tree of interbreeding hominin species around 400,000 – 200,000 years ago.
The So-Called Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis
Ancient Greek thinkers like Plato, Pythagoras, and many others, wrote in great detail about how the deities of mythology were real, had initiated the natural processes, as well as inoculated the planet with life. Of course, these ideas came after thousands of years of paradigmatic belief in pantheons of deities as the creators of humanity and the world. These religious paradigms were largely relegated to mere tradition with the rise of Darwinism and the industrial revolution.
There exists a centuries old, ideological death match between religious and scientific worldviews which took hold during the Renaissance when Roman Church authorities responded to scientific explorations by condemning them and their ideas under the threat of death and excommunication. In the mid twentieth century, authors of alternative history began publishing books about out of place artifacts and thereby popularized a fusion of science and mythology that has become known as the ancient astronaut hypothesis.
This concept asserts that the deities of ancient mythology were actually intelligent, non-human species, who utilized advanced technology to establish life on Earth and bequeathed the arts and sciences of civilization to humanity in the distant past. This mainstream popularization was fueled, in part, by an ever-growing collection of sightings by people across the world of anomalous aerial phenomena, and by the progress made in aerospace related fields.
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis posits that the deities of ancient mythology were intelligent, non-human species who came to humanity in the distant past.
A deity can be defined as a supernatural being that has the capability of influencing the forces of nature, observes humanity, and periodically intervenes in the affairs of human beings. It’s interesting that by this definition, an elder species that observes, and occasionally interacts with, human civilization, is well within the parameters of scientific probability. Even with countless sightings, physical evidence of high-tech in ancient times, and the postulations of great thinkers like Crick, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Pythagoras, Plato, the notion that such “deities” or elder life forms are, at least, intermittently present, and observing mankind’s civilization, is often met by vitriolic ridicule and skepticism.
Most of the opponents of this concept, whether they’re aware of it or not, are incited by flawed reasoning intravenously fed into their consciousness by Darwinian evolutionist zealots who themselves are guilty of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance, if not outright scientific misconduct. These authorities were much chagrined by the work of Dr. Francis Crick and his colleagues, as his intellectual prowess was, and is, beyond reproach due to his and Watson’s discovery of the DNA helix. They (the oligarchic authorities) regard these theories as heresy (tragically ironic), and this is why even to this day, the mainstream public is mostly unaware of them.
AAVs and the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
In a televised interview with CBS correspondents, the Republican US Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who at the time was the vice chair of the intelligence committee, explained that “the bottom line is these things are flying over your military bases and you don’t know what they are because they aren’t yours and they are exhibiting – potentially - technologies that you don’t have at your disposal, that to me is a national security risk and one that we should be looking into.” In public statements such as this, state officials are approaching the subject as if these could potentially be foreign adversaries who have made secret technological leaps.
They’re also acting as if the U.S. military hasn’t been studying these phenomena for years. They have. Created in 2007 and dissolved in 2012, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was uncovered in 2017. It was run by intelligence official Louis Elizondo who publicly called for disclosure of the project’s findings. The program was then succeeded by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) in 2020, under the umbrella of the U.S. Department of Defense. While existence of the project has been made public, its findings, and those of previous programs, are still classified. Hopefully some of the information, which has been financed by taxpayers, will come to light with the report due to come out 1 June 2021.
In 2017, Hawaiian astronomers discovered the first ever interstellar object as it passed through our solar system and they named it Oumuamua, which means messenger from the distant past.
In late 2017, Hawaiian astronomers discovered the first ever interstellar object as it passed through our solar system. They named it Oumuamua. At first, it was designated a comet, but then, it turned out not to fit the criteria for a comet, so they changed it to an asteroid. But then, they realized it had come from outside our solar system and therefore needed its own, new designation as an interstellar object.
The name itself is Hawaiian and roughly translates to “messenger from the distant past.” Avi Loeb is the chairman of Harvard’s astronomy department who has boldly pointed out that the object is moving too fast to be an inert rock and is not emitting jets of steam like a comet. His position is that it cannot be a lump of rock as has been suggested and, in his expert opinion, the only scenario that fits with the data is an object that originated from another intelligent civilization. Loeb has also pointed out that it’s arrogant believe that we are alone in the universe, or even an especially unique species.
Expert Opinions on Extraterrestrial Intelligence from the Moonwalkers
Apollo astronaut Al Worden made an appearance on Good Morning Britain some years ago. Before the show wrapped up, the host asked him if he believed in extraterrestrials. Worden responded that he did, and that he knew they existed because he saw them everyday. The hosts laughed, misinterpreting his statement as a joke. But he wasn’t joking and told them so. He went on to explain that in his expert opinion, in the distant, prehistoric past, an intelligent species seeded life on Earth. He then suggested reading Sumerian mythology before the host flew into a panic, ending the program.
Another moonwalking astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, has stated publicly that an anomalous, 200-meter-tall object on Mars is, in his expert opinion, evidence of a non-human civilization. But perhaps the most intriguing of the moonwalkers is Edgar Mitchell and his email that was uncovered by the Wikileaks revelations. In an email sent from Mitchell to the Clinton camp while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and running for president, Mitchell wrote: “Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero-point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.” ETI is short for extraterrestrial intelligence and zero-point energy is a clean, inexhaustible energy source.
What Does UFO Report Mean for Human Origin Paradigms?
What conclusions can be drawn from this 180-degree reversal by the US government, and what impact does it have on human origin paradigms? First and foremost, the US government’s long held position that these UFOs are simply misconstrued aerial/optical illusions has all the while been a complete farce. No surprised there for the discerning researcher. Also, it seems that quite a few of the previously mentioned, vitriolic skeptics are due up for a long, humiliating, force-fed, cornucopia feast of cold crow meat.
But what these disclosures really mean is that theories like those of Francis Crick, James Watson, Sydney Brenner, Leslie Orgel, and others are being tremendously reinforced. It’s one thing to speculate that somewhere out there, in the distant reaches of the universe (or multiverse), there are other intelligent life forms. But, if such life forms are present right here, then the likelihood of their influence regarding the origination of life on this planet goes up ten-thousand-fold.
In this realm of theoretical science there’s a concept known as the Fermi paradox. This controversial paradox posits that based on the age of the universe (approximately 15 billion years old), its vast size (so large its boundaries are unknown), and given what we know about our own development, the universe should be teaming with intelligent life or at least littered with remnants of it. If this is the case, why haven’t we found it? Unless, perhaps, we have. We’ll have to wait for the UAPTF UFO report to come out on 1 June 2021 to find out more!
Top image: What does the UFO report mean for human origins theory? Source: James Thew / Adobe Stock
On April 30, Elena Danaan, a former professional archeologist whose claims of contact with extraterrestrials from the Galactic Federation of Worlds have gained widespread attention, delivereda bombshell report about an ongoing series of military raids on Mars that aim to destroy the bases of a rival extraterrestrial alliance: the Draconian Empire and the Orion Collective. These extraterrestrial bases were created to suppress the indigenous Mars population; manage the operations of human colonists associated with a German breakaway group called the Dark Fleet (aka Nacht Waffen); and oversee major Earth corporations that have relocated to Mars.
According to Elena, the Galactic Federation has begun helping liberate Mars from the influence of the Draconians and Orions by supporting indigenous Martians with supplies, weapons, and tactical information. The Federation has also been assisting a local resistance movement that exists in the human colonies that have been established on Mars.
While providing logistical and tactical support to local resistance forces, the Galactic Federation has been using its advanced technologies to incapacitate Reptilian and Orion extraterrestrials, thereby enabling the Martian resistance to strike against their extraterrestrial overlords and human minions.
In order to better understand Elena’s report, I thought it would be helpful to provide a brief background on Mars and its recent history in terms of covert human colonization and historic resistance by an indigenous Martian population.
The colonization of Mars began in the 1950s when the Draconian and Orion Alliance helped the breakaway German colony that had established bases in Antarctica and the Moon establish the first German bases on Mars, using advanced Haunebu flying saucer craft that initially made up the Dark Fleet.
As a result of agreements between the Eisenhower admiexnistration and the German Antarctica Colony (aka Fourth Reich), the Dark Fleet’s bases on Mars were significantly expanded. Most importantly, the US military provided the Dark Fleet with nuclear weapons that were used against the indigenous Martian population comprising local Reptilians, Insectoids, and other less evolved species that resisted the German colonial expansion and the Draconian and Orion incursions.
With the famous brain drain of the 1960s and 1970s, launched under the cover of the US Apollo Program, the Dark Fleet presence on Mars grew substantially. Millions of people–many of whom were taken from Earth under false pretenses—expanded the German colonies and created new ones in conjunction with major Earth corporations.
These new corporate-run colonies have been called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate and they are run by a ‘superboard’ comprising retired or serving CEOs from major corporations. The relocation program to Mars has apparently been greatly accelerated over the last few months as the Deep State is on the verge of a major collapse on Earth. This has led to a major exodus by compromised officials, as discussed in my previous article commenting on Elena’s information.
The Mars colonies were equipping mercenary forces recruited from all major countries on Earth to join the Dark Fleet for distinct periods of service. The infusion of personnel, equipment, and resources enabled the Dark Fleet to expand its operations significantly.
Soon the Dark Fleet had powerful fleets of spacecraft with well-armed troops that could fight alongside, or on behalf of, Reptilian and Orion extraterrestrials in interstellar wars of conquest. This meant that the bulk of the Dark Fleet’s operational forces, at any one time, would be located outside of our solar system. This brief background provides the necessary context to better understand Elena’s stunning report.
What follows is my transcript of her report which was delivered verbally and is available on YouTube. Elena’s report begins:
April 30, 2021, the date of the situation [report] on Mars given by Commander Thor Han Eredyon from the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Raids from the Galactic Federation are continuing by a series of Mars raids on the Reptilian facilities. The Martian resistance has been armed and enforced and helped by the Federation and they are fighting the Reptilian occupants and all their allies, and in their allies, there is also an outpost for the Dark Fleet in Mars as well, but not only, there are earth militaries there belonging to other corporations. There is a lot of corporations on Mars that sought refuge there and that had moved, relocated recently because it was starting to smell bad on earth. The alliance was starting to win over them by all their work in the DUMBs (the military’s underground). So now what’s happening on Mars, still attacks from the Galactic Federation. The Ciakahrrs are totally pissed off.
Elena is here pointing out that the Galactic Federation is helping the Martian resistance, comprising humans, local Reptilians, and other indigenous groups, against the Draco Reptilians (led by the Ciakahrrs) their Orion partners, and the Dark Fleet. It’s important to keep in mind here that there are two Reptilian groups involved in the fighting—on both sides of the conflict, just as humans are fighting on both sides.
Her report continues:
The thing is that the Federation is working at isolating and then treading piece by piece [in battle strategy]. They are not, the Galaxy Federation is not able to face in full combat, complete, all their fleet face-to-face with the Ciakahrr Empire and Orion group. They’re not powerful enough. So what they do is use strategy.
Importantly, Elena is here pointing out that as far as the overall number of space battle groups and personnel are concerned, the Draconian and Orion Alliance are vastly superior, thereby forcing the Galactic Federation to use stealth and covert operations to achieve their goals. This is well illustrated by the Federation’s strategy of assisting local Mars resistance groups and incapacitating Draconian and Orion personnel through various means.
Startling corroboration for Elena’s information about the respective sizes of the Federation and their Draconian/Orion opponents comes from a recent remote viewing session by the Farsight Institute. In the sessions, the remote viewers observed that the Galactic Federation of Worlds is no match, numerically speaking, with their Draco Reptilian and Orion opponents. Stealth and covert operations are thereby the mainstays of how the Federation deals with a hostile planetary situation such as that on Earth and Mars.
Elena went on to say:
I am not always authorized to tell you what I know from Thor Han, but this I can tell. They have forced all the elites and the heads of the Terran bad military to leave the planet, not to declare war on the planet, you know, and damage a lot of things and kill civilians. They didn’t want that, so the plan was going well, and all the dark elites were just coming at the surface, you know, and then most of them have relocated on Mars. The heads of corporations and also the corporations that own the satellites in orbit of Earth, the harmful satellites, it was to be activated to work with the [micro]chipping of the population, even goes beyond that but not talking about that here.
Here Elena is reporting on the exodus to Mars due to the Galactic Federation neutralizing all attempts at fostering a US civil war, major false flag events, and a Third World War. This means that the Deep State agenda on Earth is collapsing, and elites don’t want to remain here to face justice for their many crimes.
Elena continues her report:
What’s happening on Mars is that the Reptilians are panicking. They are asking assistance from the Dark Fleet. Everyone is cut from each other. The Dark Fleet has been hammered by the Federation, hammered, they’re still there but very, very damaged. There has been a lot of attacks and fights on the outposts of the Dark Fleet in this solar system. So, they’re not anymore able to help the Reptilians in combat against the Federation. They’ve withdrawn, they say no, we can’t do that at the moment.
So, the deal in the past with the Reptilians with mutual assistance, well, it’s not working anymore. So, the Reptilians are turning their attention away, and they are turning their attention away trying to contact the Dark Fleet that is out of the solar system and notably the Aldebaran branch.
Previous reports about defections from the Dark Fleet in our Solar System due to a system-wide quarantine, the creation of a Secret Space Program Alliance, and an Earth Alliance, as first reported by Corey Goode. The Draconians, Orions, and Dark Fleet, were cut off from their main assets. Apparently, the Dark Fleet has insufficient resources to assist their Draco Reptilian overlords at this time.
Elena next reveals some important information about how the Galactic Federation strategy of generating high frequencies is neutralizing opposition:
What the Galactic Federation is doing as well is broadcasting very high frequencies on Mars as they do on Earth to raise the frequency. And what happens when you raise the frequency and bombard with high frequency? They use also the Sun, they use everything they can to bombard the solar system with high, high frequency. What it does, it awakens the people who need to be awakened. So, it disables the enemy, disables, although strife on the lower frequencies, and they are doing that on Earth, and they’re doing that on Mars, as they have done in many other places. So, the Reptilians are being numbed, and they lose a bit of their aggressivity, and it pisses them off even more.
She is here revealing that by transmitting or amplifying high-frequency energies sweeping into our solar system, the Deep State has been unsuccessfully attempting to block on Earth through chemtrails, genetic modification vaccines and inflammatory media broadcasts—the Draco and Orion personnel on Mars are becoming more passive and awakened. This has led to the Mars resistance becoming more successful, thereby replicating recent events on Earth. The result is that Ciakahrr and Orion leaders are becoming desperate and frustrated.
Elena next explains the connection to the Andromeda Council:
But you know they are pissed off against the Federation, but who they’re pissed off more than anything is the Andromeda Council because the Andromeda Council had foreseen this happening a long time ago. And it’s because of the Andromeda Council that we are fighting back with the help of the Federation, and it’s absolutely wonderful and we’re winning.
Here Elena is repeating what was told to Alex Collier back in the early 1990s, that the Andromeda Council had foreseen that the Earth, Moon and Mars would be the seed of galactic tyranny that would emerge 350 years in the future. The Andromeda Council brought this to the attention of the Galactic Federation, which then began intervening in Earth affairs.
This means that what we are witnessing at the moment on Mars, Moon, and the Earth is part of a “Temporal War” that pits the Galactic Federation and the Andromeda Council against the Draconian Empire and their Orion partners. While the Draco and Orion alliance has superior firepower and personnel, the Federation and the Andromedans have superior intelligence and covert operations.
This is crucial to know since it traces much of what is currently happening to the establishment of the German breakaway colony in Antarctica as the seed point of this Temporal War. I will discuss this Temporal War in more detail in my May 22 webinar: “Antarctica, Dark Fleet, and Humanity’s Liberation.”
Elena next explains what is happening to the human colonists on Mars trapped in the current fighting:
You know the Galactic Federation couldn’t attack before because they were waiting for all the elites to be on Mars. So, Mars is being raided, it’s unfortunately horrible fights on the surface. I feel a bit for the earth people, the colony there. They think they are cut from earth, but the Federation in this operation is doing their best to rescue these people, and you know that they don’t have this policy of killing. They first ask if they want to surrender or if they want to be evacuated. If they refuse, there is a fight.
It’s important to emphasize that the fighting is being led by local Mars resistance forces, not the Galactic Federation. In an email exchange, I asked whether the recent uptick in marsquakes that are being monitored by NASA are related to the raids on Mars. The two largest marsquakes happened at the end of March 2021, in the region called Cerberus Fossae. Here is what Elena said Thor Han told her about the connection between the raids and marsquakes:
I just caught him, he [Thor Han] quickly replied that all underground activities are performed by the Martian local resistance and not by the Galactic Federation. He said there are beings endemic to Mars, who are able to burrow in the ground and are quite powerful. These beings are not very evolved in consciousness, a bit like big animals, but they are employed by the local reptilian resistance to attack enemy underground facilities. He said this has been happening for the last four years, with an increase in activity for two years, quite regularly and often on the same spots.
The Galactic Federation has been providing them with weaponry to enforce them. They are working conjointly, although the Martian resistance sometimes likes to make decisions for themselves. The actions of the Galactic Federation are not on the ground but above. They are also broadcasting high frequencies to numb the enemy. So yes, he confirmed these marsquakes are the product of regular and repeated attacks from the local underground resistance.
This is very revealing since it confirms that the Galactic Federation strategy of assisting planets awaken and resist oppression by the Draconian/Orion alliance is permissible under universal rules of engagement. A key part of this liberation strategy is to help a planet’s population raise their frequency levels, as Elena explains in her report:
So that’s what is happening at the moment. I think it’s going to get even worse in combat, but we need, you know, we need to hear the ground crew on earth we need to do our job, which is to raise our frequencies. The Galactic Federation, Council of Five, the Andromeda Council they are bombarding the whole system with high frequency. So, we need to do our job as well as raise our frequency. That’s the only way that we can be immune to mind control and Reptilians and Greys, and also to be stronger than them. Because I’m going to tell you something, OK, we’re way more powerful than we think we are. That’s a fact. I always tell you that, but also we are, we have such a potential that all the ETs that are working around us they know that, and they know that one day we will be even able to teach them because the potential we have is absolutely amazing. We are like royalty, you know, something like this, so don’t lose hope.
Elena is here stating something that had earlier been revealed by Alex Collier, who the Andromeda Council told that humanity was made up from the genetics of 22 extraterrestrial civilizations. Two decades later, Corey Goode would independently confirm that there were 22 genetic experiments conducted by between 40-60 alien groups over the last 500,000 years.
Elena finishes her report by explaining that the events transpiring on Earth have great galactic significance:
It’s going to get confusing more and more, but we all know the work of our allies the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and it is a privilege to be alive in these times. We have chosen to be here now and from our actions depends the fate of not only all species but of this entire Galaxy because the seeds of darkness are being destroyed at the moment now.
So, this is it, and Thor Han asked me to say that for those who know him, do not worry for him, he’s been leading the first raids with his co-workers, officers, but now is staying on the station and doing the job he is best at, after being a pilot, organizing missions. This is his new job and looking after me because I’m important, I give you updates, and I help you, and he needs to be available and look after me also, and give me information.
So we love you all and we are very proud of you, you are not alone. Raise your frequency, refusing fear, refusing manipulation, refusing conclusion and you will see if you trust everything will be alright. Fight with the truth, fight with love, fight with Peace.
Elena’s final point about the role she is playing in transmitting information from Thor Han is vitally important. Through Thor Han and her other Galactic Federation contacts, she is a conduit for real-time intelligence reports from the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
It cannot be underestimated how important it is for the full disclosure community to receive real-time intelligence reports from the Galactic Federation since we will not be told the truth by governments, the mainstream media, nor the Deep State. Nor will White Hats within the military intelligence community ever reveal the whole truth of what is happening in exopolitical affairs since they have their own agendas.
At best, knowledgeable insiders such as Professor Haim Eshed, the founder of Israel’s space program, will confirm in an informal manner the existence of the Galactic Federation and its cooperation with different governments, and the existence of joint US extraterrestrials bases on Mars. These revelations are done in a casual way that maintains plausible deniability and without revealing too many details.
As far as I have been able to assess from my own exøpolitical investigations and research of Elena’s information, it is coherent and consistent with the revelations of many other insiders that I have discussed in my Secret Space Programs book series.
More recently, the Farsight Institute has released its own findings about multiple remote viewing targets, which I have discussed (here and here), the results of which independently corroborate many of Elena’s revelations.
Another independent means of corroborating Elena’s data is matching the locations of marsquakes with the places where local Mars resistance forces have raided the bases of the Ciakharr-Orion-Corporate-Dark Fleet alliance on Mars. As more scientific data on marsquakes becomes publicly available, it will become possible to confirm Elena’s information, and I will release the results of my own investigations.
In conclusion, I am very confident about the reliability and accuracy of Elena Danaan’s information, and so far have found it to be a powerful revelation of a planetary liberation war currently happening on Mars that is supported, to varying degrees, by multiple independent sources.
The enigmatic Longyou Caves: built using ancient Anunnaki technology?
The enigmatic Longyou Caves: built using ancient Anunnaki technology?
Are the Longyou Caves the ultimate evidence of ancient Anunnaki technology? Thousands of years ago, the mysterious builders of the Longyou caves had the technology and means to remove and transport nearly 1,000,000 cubic meters of rock. Furthermore, what makes the Longyou Caves even more fascinating is the fact that there are NO historical records that mention the mysterious underground complex.
One of the most mysterious structures ever built by a mysterious group of builders can be found at Phoenix Hill, in the vicinity of the village of Shiyan Beicun on the Lan River in Longyou County, Quzhou prefecture, Zhejiang province, China.
All around the planet there are structures that defy explanation in every single way. The Longyou Caves are one of those structures and according to many, the ultimate evidence of ancient Anunnaki technology.
But what makes the Longyou Caves so important and extraordinary?
Throughout the years, many researchers have gazed upon the beauty and precision of the Longyou Caves and have concluded that the Longyou Grotto caves are magnificent and momentous and the result of sophisticated construction systems by builders UNKNOWN to history.
Furthermore, the precision present in the smallest details is indicative of superior craftsmanship which according to mainstream history should not have been possible thousands of years ago.
However, what is perhaps one of the most important facts when it comes down to the Longyou Caves is the fact that there are NO historical records that mention the mysterious underground complex.
Given the fact that the Ancient Chinese were extremely meticulous record keepers, it remains a great mystery why there are no records of the gigantic underground complex anywhere.
In fact, the only thing researchers know is that the excavation of the entire complex would have been a supermassive project, as it would have involved the removal and movement of nearly 1,000,000 cubic meters of rock.
The obvious question ‘many experts are NOT asking’ is: Who had the technology and means to remove and transport nearly 1,000,000 cubic meters of rock, thousands of years ago? What kind of ancient technology was present at the time which allowed the ‘mystery builders’ to create such a fascinating construction?
The manpower and technology needed to create something like the Longyou Caves is unimaginable. Experts have calculated the average digging rate per day per person and come to the conclusion that it would have taken 1,000 people working day and night for SIX years to complete the entire project.
Experts around the world have been left baffled by the complexity and precision of the Longyou Caves, prompting numerous questions that no one has been able to answer. Who built the Longyou Caves? What civilization built them? What kind of technology was employed during construction of the caves? What type of measurement apparatus was used? And how did the ancient builders achieve such precision? Why aren’t there any historical records about the construction and methods used in the construction of the Longyou Caves? How did the builders of the Longyou Caves remove and transport 1,000,000 cubic meters of rock? Why and how have the five caverns been able to keep their integrity for a period of over 2000 years?
The Longyou Caves are MASSIVE, the average floor area of each cave is over a thousand square meters, with heights of up to 30 meters, and the total area covered is in excess of 30,000 square meters.
All of these questions point to the fact that the Longyou Caves may have been the result of ancient Anunnaki construction, who used an ancient –now lost— technology thousands of years ago that allowed them to achieve unimaginable things in the distant past.
Maybe, after all, ancient cultures around the globe were somehow interconnected thousands of years ago and possessed a ‘now lost’ technology that allowed them to erect fascinating structures thousands of years ago.
We can only conclude that the Longyou Caves are a true ancient wonder built by a mysterious group of builders who somehow achieved the unimaginable thousands of years ago.
After Proving Flight Is Possible on Mars, NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter Has a New Mission
After Proving Flight Is Possible on Mars, NASA’s Ingenuity Helicopter Has a New Mission
NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover took a selfie with the Ingenuity helicopter, seen here about 13 feet (3.9 meters) from the rover. This image was taken by the WASTON camera on the rover’s robotic arm on April 6, 2021, the 46th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
The Red Planet rotorcraft will shift focus from proving flight is possible on Mars to demonstrating flight operations that future aerial craft could utilize.
NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has a new mission. Having proven that powered, controlled flight is possible on the Red Planet, the Ingenuity experiment will soon embark on a new operations demonstration phase, exploring how aerial scouting and other functions could benefit future exploration of Mars and other worlds.
This new phase will begin after the helicopter completes its next two flights. The decision to add an operations demonstration is a result of the Perseverance rover being ahead of schedule with the thorough checkout of all vehicle systems since its February 18 landing, and its science team choosing a nearby patch of crater bed for its first detailed explorations. With the Mars Helicopter’s energy, telecommunications, and in-flight navigation systems performing beyond expectation, an opportunity arose to allow the helicopter to continue exploring its capabilities with an operations demonstration, without significantly impacting rover scheduling.
“The Ingenuity technology demonstration has been a resounding success,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. “Since Ingenuity remains in excellent health, we plan to use it to benefit future aerial platforms while prioritizing and moving forward with the Perseverance rover team’s near-term science goals.”
The shadow of NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter can be seen in these images taken by its black-and-white navigation camera during its third flight on April 25, 2021.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The operations demonstration will begin in about two weeks with the helicopter’s sixth flight. Until then, Ingenuity will be in a transitional phase that includes its fourth and fifth forays into Mars’ crimson skies. Flight four will send the rotorcraft about 436 feet (133 meters) south to collect aerial imagery of a potential new landing zone before returning to land at Wright Brothers Field, the name for the Martian airfield on which Ingenuity’s first flight took place. This 873-foot (266-meter) roundtrip effort would surpass the range, speed, and duration marks achieved on the third flight. Ingenuity was programmed to execute a fourth flight Friday, with a takeoff to take place at 10:46 a.m. EDT (7:46 a.m. PDT, 12:30 p.m. local Mars time) and first data to be returned at 1:39 p.m. EDT (10:39 a.m. PDT). The fifth flight would send Ingenuity on a one-way mission, landing at the new site. If Ingenuity remains healthy after those flights, the next phase can begin.
Change of Course
Ingenuity’s transition from conducting a technology demonstration to an operations demonstration brings with it a new flight envelope. Along with those one-way flights, there will be more precision maneuvering, greater use of its aerial-observation capabilities, and more risk overall.
The change also means Ingenuity will require less support from the Perseverance rover team, which is looking ahead for targets to take rock and sediment samples in search of ancient microscopic life. On April 26 – the mission’s 66th sol, or Martian day – Perseverance drove 33 feet (10 meters) with the goal to identify targets.
“With the short drive, we have already begun our move south toward a location the science team believes is worthy of investigation and our first sampling,” said Ken Farley, project scientist for the Perseverance rover from Caltech in Pasadena, California. “We’ll spend the next couple of hundred sols executing our first science campaign looking for interesting rock outcrop along this 2-kilometer (1.24-mile) patch of crater floor before likely heading north and then west toward Jezero Crater’s fossil river delta.”
With short drives expected for Perseverance in the near term, Ingenuity may execute flights that land near the rover’s current location or its next anticipated parking spot. The helicopter can use these opportunities to perform aerial observations of rover science targets, potential rover routes, and inaccessible features while also capturing stereo images for digital elevation maps. The lessons learned from these efforts will provide significant benefit to future mission planners. These scouting flights are a bonus and not a requirement for Perseverance to complete its science mission.
The cadence of flights during Ingenuity’s operations demonstration phase will slow from once every few days to about once every two or three weeks, and the forays will be scheduled to avoid interfering with Perseverance’s science operations. The team will assess flight operations after 30 sols and will complete flight operations no later than the end of August. That timing will allow the rover team time to wrap up its planned science activities and prepare for solar conjunction – the period in mid-October when Mars and Earth are on opposite sides of the Sun, blocking communications.
“We have so appreciated the support provided by the Perseverance rover team during our technology demonstration phase,” said MiMi Aung, project manager of Ingenuity at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California. “Now we have a chance to pay it forward, demonstrating for future robotic and even crewed missions the benefits of having a partner nearby that can provide a different perspective – one from the sky. We are going to take this opportunity and run with it – and fly with it.”
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Since 2008, THIRDPHASEOFMOON has changed the way people look up at the skies and wonder, “Are we Alone?” With over 773,000 subscribers and millions of views, our goal is simple! We speak with UFO EYE WITNESSES from around the globe, including ground reporting with Experts and Professionals, such as Astronauts, Scientists, Government Officials, ETC.
With permission granted, THIRDPHASEOFMOON, will share, discuss, enhance and analyze UFO videos. And along with our research and opinion of the evidence, THIRDPHASEOFMOON also produces 100% Original Documentaries in regards to the UFO PHENOMENON happening everyday! Our Aim is to bring Truth and Evidence in the field directly to the Public!
From it’s humble beginnings as a mere idea, to the establishment of the channel you see today – Secureteam has become the information source to which millions of answer-seeking individuals have come.
Secureteam is the #1 channel for breaking reports on the many mysteries of our universe, so stay tuned and prepare to discover the truth, one puzzle piece at a time!
Comments or Questions? Contact Tyler through the email address below.
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DescriptionSince 2008, THIRDPHASEOFMOON has changed the way people look up at the skies and wonder, “Are we Alone?” With over 773,000 subscribers and millions of views, our goal is simple! We speak with UFO EYE WITNESSES from around the globe, including ground reporting with Experts and Professionals, such as Astronauts, Scientists, Government Officials, ETC.
With permission granted, THIRDPHASEOFMOON, will share, discuss, enhance and analyze UFO videos. And along with our research and opinion of the evidence, THIRDPHASEOFMOON also produces 100% Original Documentaries in regards to the UFO PHENOMENON happening everyday! Our Aim is to bring Truth and Evidence in the field directly to the Public!
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Cigar-shaped UFO recorded during the Northern Lights over Svalbard Islands
Cigar-shaped UFO recorded during the Northern Lights over Svalbard Islands
During a display of beautiful Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) over the Svalbard Islands, a Norwegian archipelago between mainland Norway and the North Pole, a surveillance camera (live cam) recorded an unknown cigar-shaped object flying through the sky.
The object becomes more visible due to the northern lights which reflect off the object, making it clear that it is not a commercial aircraft but a UFO.
UFO changing shape over San Rafael, California 2-May-2021
UFO changing shape over San Rafael, California 2-May-2021
This daytime UFO was filmed in the sky above San Rafael, California on 2nd May 2021.
Witness report:
At approximately noon on 5/2/21 from my balcony I saw a black/grey object that looked like a floating pool noodle or snake. It changed shapes, sometimes looking like a boomerang. It hovered to the South slowly moving to the South West. There was a wind in the air that seemed to have little effect on it, and there were no signs of either a propulsion method or strings to attach it to the ground. Light reflected off of it. It was just beyond a set of powerlines. I saw a plane pass beyond it. I took a few photos and recordings. I went inside for a minute, and when I returned it had disapeared.
Here's the Pentagon's Terrifying Plan for Cyborg Supersoldiers
Here's the Pentagon's Terrifying Plan for Cyborg Supersoldiers
The U.S. military wants soldiers that have superhuman eyesight, controllable augmented muscles that turn untrained novices into expert killers, and more.
Cybernetic enhancements that fuse humans and machines are coming, and the U.S. Military wants to be prepared.
A new report from the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center—a scientific research division of the Army with a focus on biological and chemical weapons—detailed what the field of cybernetics might look in 2050. The report, titled Cyborg Soldiers 205: Human/ Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD, reads like the framework for a dystopian novel set in a near future where injured soldiers are cybernetically enhanced, but come home to an America terrified of cyborgs.
“The primary objective of this effort was to determine the potential of machines that are physically integrated within the human body to augment and enhance the performance of human beings over the next 30 years,” the researchers said.
The study identified poor public perception as being a barrier to the mass adoption of cybernetics. Terminator II: Judgement Day poisoned us all against killer robots, much to the military’s chagrin.
“Across popular social and open-source media, literature, and film, the use of machines to enhance the physical condition of the human species has received a distorted and dystopian narrative in the name of entertainment,” the study said. “Defense leadership should understand that negative public and social perceptions will need to be overcome, if these technologies are to be fielded.”
Cyber enhancement is cutting edge technology, and it’s hard to predict where it will go over the next three decades. The Pentagon researchers focused on four probable areas of enhancement: super vision, augmented hearing, enhanced muscles, and “direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way data transfer.”
See like the Predator
The Pentagon predicts a world where enhanced soldiers have cybernetically enhanced eyes that allow them to see across the battlefield in different wavelengths, and identify targets in “dense, urban environments or subterranean megacities that will challenge identification and tracking of targets,” they said.
The researchers mention what becomes a disturbing theme of the study—many of these enhancements may only occur after a soldier is injured. When working with a delicate area such as the eye, injury may be the only path towards convincing a wounded warrior to receive the surgery, the study notes.
“Ocular enhancement would be an attractive medical option in situations where the eye tissue has been damaged or destroyed by injury or disease,” the researchers said. “It is deemed unlikely that individuals would willingly undergo removal of healthy tissue in an area considered to be sensitive. However, the central and critical role that vision plays in society would likely motivate warfighters who have lost part or all of their vision to voluntarily undergo surgery that would restore or even improve their ability to see.”
Muscles controlled with light
This trend of fixing fallen soldiers with cybernetics continues with optogenetic musculoskeletal control systems. “The most likely [use] would be in the restoration of lost function due to injury of muscles or nerves,” the study said. “Musculoskeletal injuries are the second leading cause of lost duty time in the U.S. Armed Forces.”
To enhance muscles, the Pentagon would enhance weak tissue with a “network of emplaced subcutaneous sensors that deliver optogenetic stimulation through programmed light pulses,” the researchers said. Optogenetics stimulates muscle tissue, or even neurons, with light instead of electricity.
“The optogenetic controller would, in effect, take control of the motions of a warfighter’s limbs, thereby allowing a novice (i.e., the warfighter) to perform functions professionally"
“The human body would have an array of small optical sensors implanted beneath the skin in the body areas that need to be controlled. These sensors could be manifested as thin optical threads that are placed at regular intervals over critical muscle and nerve bundles and are linked to a central control area designed to stimulate each node only when the muscles below it are needed.”
According to the study, this could allow wounded soldiers to return to battle with cybernetic muscles that operate better than their meat alone did. It could also allow them to control external tools such as drones and weapons systems not directly attached to their body. Or let someone else control them remotely.
“The optogenetic controller would, in effect, take control of the motions of a warfighter’s limbs, thereby allowing a novice (i.e., the warfighter) to perform functions professionally.”
You can hear a pin drop
Cybernetic ears will both enhance perception and allow soldiers to access new abilities, according to the Pentagon.
The study imagines that future advances won’t just improve people’s hearing, but also allow for the “conversion and transmission of these signals to others across distances,” the study said. In other words, people could use cybernetic ears to access a network of voices and communication only perceptible to them. It’s like implanting your smartphone inside your ear, complete with real-time translation features for foreign languages.
Hearing loss is a major problem in the military and, for this reason, the researchers believe selling soldiers on enhanced hearing will be easier than eyes and muscles. However, the researchers feel that upgrading ears will be more invasive and less reversible than other technologies and so they recommend that the Pentagon pursue less invasive approaches. . “Electrodes that directly interface with neural pathways could be implanted with a minor surgical procedure and potentially, could be removed with minimal adverse effects,” they said.
The Pentagon’s study suggests a future where humans with neural implants are jacked into a matrix that allows them to control machines, have machines control them, and to control each other. “The enhancement would not simply entail user control of equipment (brain to machine) but also transmission to operator (machine to brain) and human to human (command and control dynamics) to enhance situational awareness as drone, computational analytical, and human information is relayed to the operator,” it said.
Cybernetically enhanced soldiers could control drones and complicated weapon systems remotely with the power of their mind. The problem is, unlike some of the other technologies discussed, there probably won’t be a non-invasive way to achieve symbiosis between soldier and machine.
Because of that, the researchers suggested that neural links be restricted to an elite class of soldier, like the Navy SEALs, who may be amenable “if they could provide significant improvements in capability, lethality, survivability, and overall battlefield superiority,” they said.
Unexpected consequences
More frightening than negative public perception of cyborgs, which the report goes into, is the Pentagon’s correct assertion that the adoption of technology has outpaced the legal and ethical frameworks that govern society. When a human merges with a machine, should the laws of war still consider it a person or a piece of equipment?
“If an enhanced warfighter is caught and captured, does he have the same protections under the Geneva Convention, and will his enhanced status alter the treatment he is likely to receive?” researchers asked.
There’s also basic questions of national security. Can cyborgs be hacked? What kind of encryption should be used and will it ever be enough? Should a soldier returning home surrender their enhancements? Is it ethical to remove the enhanced muscles that allow a wounded soldier to walk? What will the short and long term health effects of these technologies be? Should military cohorts be integrated with cyborg soldiers or do they need their own units?
The Pentagon doesn’t know. No one knows. All anyone knows is that these enhancements, in some form, are coming. They may not look exactly like what the Pentagon predicts here, but powerful people want them to happen. Billionaires want them to happen. The U.S. Military wants them to happen. The sad truth is that most moral, ethical, and legal considerations will likely be defined after the fact.
"There is so much in the world today that would have seemed like wild science fiction thirty years ago, whether its a computer in your hand on which you could search all the world's information to a President of the United States using that same computer to push foreign government disinformation,” Peter W. Singer—future war strategist, Senior Fellow at New America, and the author of the forthcoming book Burn-In: A Novel of the Real Robotic Revolution—told Motherboard in an email. “So while not everything in the military's report on a potential future human-machine fusion in 2050 may come true, we shouldn't be shocked that some parts of it do.”
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Observatory captures a series of “rare impacts” on the moon (Video)
Observatory captures a series of “rare impacts” on the moon (Video)
Since 2017, ESA’s NELIOTA project has regularly detected “flashes and impacts” on the Moon’s surface from small asteroids.
The reason they are investigating meteorite impacts on the Moon is to get an idea of how common these objects are and their potential threat to Earth.
Earth is constantly bombarded by natural space debris. Most are destroyed as they pass through our atmosphere, but some objects are dangerous and it is unknown how many surround us.
They are too unpredictable and small to detect before they approach Earth.
For this reason, the NELIOTA project observes the impacts on the Moon and with the data they can make an estimate of how common they are and how dangerous they are.
Recently, the Sharjah Lunar Impact Observatory (SLIO) telescope in the United Arab Emirates has detected a series of impacts on the moon, but what is distinguished is that this series of impacts occurred in one minute and were brighter. usual.
Furthermore, their flash periods were relatively long, as periods of up to a quarter of a second were recorded at each impact, and this is considered a long time for such events.
It is notable that these impacts propagate in the middle of the dark east side of the Moon at the time of observation and extend for a distance of 1000 km on its surface.
According to Professor Hamid MK Al Naimiy, Rector of the University of Sharjah, Director General of SAASST and President of the Arab Union of Astronomy and Space Sciences, the team has analyzed the timing of the impacts and their relative positions and, based on this , have concluded that the series of impacts are caused by meteorite impacts, reports khaleejtimes.
We live in a strange world and, as Neil Armstrong once said , “There are great undiscovered ideas, and breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the protective layers of truth . “
What do you think hit the moon, meteorites, or something else that crashed onto the lunar surface? Check out the video below and leave us your comment below.
Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations (Credit: DARPA).
Welcome to this edition of The Intelligence Brief. In this week’s newsletter, we are training our focus on 1) the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Phase One of its DRACO program, 2) the heavy-hitting space companies it has tasked to create its future nuclear thermal propulsion systems, and 3) how these technologies may set the pace for the future of human space exploration.
Before we get into the thick of things, over at The Debrief this week we have several of our usual suspects hard at work providing commentary and analysis on what’s happening in the world of science, tech, and defense. Prolific blogger and reporter Jazz Shaw outlines a few reasons to question whether recent photos and video depicting mystery drones involved with US Navy incidents are just balloons and other prosaic technologies. Tim McMillan also looks at NASA’s search for possible “alien” artifacts in our solar system, and MJ Banias tells us how satellite internet the likes of which SpaceX aims to provide around the world might help to destabilize dictatorships. Meanwhile, Christopher Plain highlights the Catholic conference that will be looking at A.I. and other possible forms of life, and I recently covered how astronauts discovered a mysterious geological feature decades ago that has baffled researchers for decades. We’ll have a complete listing of stories at the end of this newsletter… and with that, it’s time to dive into DARPA’s adventures in advanced nuclear propulsion.
The future of nuclear propulsion in space is now visible on the horizon, with three heavy-hitters in the burgeoning space industry having been announced by DARPA as their picks for conducting tests with new propulsion systems in low Earth orbit in the coming years.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced Blue Origin, General Atomics, and aerospace veterans Lockheed Martin as its selections on account of each company’s capability in terms of producing and deploying the required systems for nuclear spacecraft propulsion, according a statement at DARPA’s website. Contracts have been awarded to each of the companies for the first phase of DARPA’s Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations, or DRACO program.
“The goal of the DRACO program is to demonstrate a nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) system above low Earth orbit in 2025,” the DARPA statement read.
DARPA’s Headquarters in Arlington County, Virginia (Credit: Wikimedia Commons).
“Rapid maneuver is a core tenet of modern Department of Defense (DoD) operations on land, at sea, and in the air,” the statement emphasized, noting that such rapid maneuver capability in the space domain “has traditionally been challenging because current electric and chemical space propulsion systems have drawbacks in thrust-to-weight and propellent efficiency, respectively.”
With the DRACO program, DARPA aims to achieve high thrust-to-weight ratios that are on par with existing systems involving traditional rocket fuel-based approaches, which will be capable of reaching high efficiency propulsion with electric systems.
“This combination would give a DRACO spacecraft greater agility to implement DoD’s core tenet of rapid maneuver in cislunar space,” the statement read.
General Atomics, based in San Diego, California, is an R&D company whose main focus is energy and defense applications which include those in the nuclear realm. In recent years, among their more notable contributions have been the production of technologies related to military UAVs like Predator drones, as well as a variety of other research and development applications related to avionics, communication, and laser technologies.
According to Space News, General Atomics received $22 million for the contract, while Lockheed Martin obtained $2.9 million, and Blue Origin only $2.5 million. DARPA did not, however, disclose these amounts in the official statement at their website.
DARPA says that General Atomics, having been awarded the most substantial contract, has been tasked with the Track A reactor development work.
Meanwhile, the Kent, Washington-based Blue Origin, LLC, founded in 2000 by Jeff Bezos of fame and already recognized for its production of sub-orbital spaceflight technologies, will be working independently on the program’s Track B development, a task which Lockheed Martin will also perform “to develop OS and DS spacecraft concept designs.”
“DRACO’s Phase 1 is expected to inform follow-on phases for detailed design, fabrication, and on-orbit demonstration,” DARPA says, adding that it has not yet solicited any companies for involvement in future phases of the DRACO program.
DRACO’s first phase is projected to last 18 months, and according to the current information provided by DARPA, Track A of the program (overseen by General Atomics) will focus on the NTP reactor design, as well as production of a concept for its propulsion subsystem. Meanwhile, Blue Origin and Lockheed Martin will produce concepts for Operational System (OS) and Demonstration System (DS) spacecraft. DARPA says that the Demonstration System spacecraft produced in Track B will aim to demonstrate an NTP propulsion subsystem.
Artist’s concept of a Mars transit habitat and nuclear propulsion system (Credit: NASA).
Such systems, once they become operational, will have a variety of applications, none of which have been overlooked by NASA. Over the years, the space agency has estimated that nuclear propulsion systems for spacecraft could be pivotal in future efforts to place humans on Mars, reducing travel time to the Red Planet by as much as half the time traditional chemical propulsion would require.
In December, Space Policy Directive-6 (SPD-6) was issued by the White House, which officially outlined the Nation’s Strategy for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion (SNPP).
“Space nuclear systems power spacecraft for missions where alternative power sources are inadequate, such as environments that are too dark for solar power or too far away to carry sufficient quantities of chemical fuels,” read a NASA statement outlining the directive. NASA says that nuclear power systems will play a key role in the future of space travel, but not only in terms of propulsions systems that will take humans further than we have ever traveled. Nuclear power will also be able to provide heating, and other forms of power apart from just propulsion of spacecraft.
SPD-6 bolsters the agency’s efforts to develop affordable, safe, and reliable nuclear systems, including technology capable of continuously powering operations on other worlds and propelling future human missions to Mars,” said NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine in a statement on December 16, 2020.
With multiple efforts underway to develop and harness nuclear power systems for use in orbit, the future of space exploration appears to be on a steady path that will employ the power of the atom to carry us to new heights and, eventually, entirely new worlds.
A 2018 report published by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shows the lengths America’s premier space agency is willing to consider when proving the existence of intelligent alien life.
Our guest on Episode 3 of Debriefed: Dig Deeper this week, is documentary filmmaker James Fox, who has for 27 years been deeply involved in ‘boots on the ground’ UFO investigations.
Do you know what a brain to machine interface is? Elon Musk, CEO of Neuralink, recently released a video of a macaque monkey playing video games with its mind. What video game did the monkey start off with? Just a classic game of “Pong”.
Deep Sea Discoveries That Show HUGE Ancient Cities Exist On The Ocean Floor
Deep Sea Discoveries That Show HUGE Ancient Cities Exist On The Ocean Floor
As we all know by now, most any underwater city that we’ve ever uncovered has at one point or another been thought to have been the ancient Lost City of Atlantis. It is extremely difficult not to believe so as it is always a possibility, to say the least. We’ve uncovered hundreds upon thousands of sunken cities so far though and as far as we know, we have yet to uncover a single solitary trace of the lost city after all of this time.
Many of these ancient submerged cities are unknown to this very day though, which could possibly indicate that we’ve already found it somewhere, but we just haven’t known of it yet. The reason as to why this has never been reported officially is because many of these ancient cities don’t hold artifacts that prove they were a part of Atlantis.
But, the fact that they are so ancient and so complex might point towards the fact that ancient civilizations did actually have access to technologically advanced machinery and tools. Historians highly disagree with this, but if that weren’t the case then the only other explanation is that aliens did it.
This ties in with the Ancient Astronauts theory, which states that an ancient civilization came down to us from space and led us into a new era, unlike anything we’ve seen before.
They gave us the knowledge to construct these megalithic structures and in exchange, we offered our services.
Please remember we all have different opinions, Think Before You Speak or Write Something that is cruel to Others. After all, We are only Humans. Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes. To share your experiences or just leave a comment there is a area below.
When Stanton T. Friedman, nuclear physicist and prominent ufologist, AKA someone who studies UFO phenomena, passed away in May 2019, archivists in New Brunswick, Canada had already gathered his vast collection of UFO documents for preservation. According to a report by Motherboard, Friedman had over five cargo vans worth of reports, notes, and lectures on UFO sightings. Nearly 50 years of UFO data that was scattered everywhere — and the archivists have to categorize it all.
Joanna Aiton Kerr, manager of the Provincial Archives in New Brunswick, described the files as a whirlwind of papers. "We can find a single page of a letter or document in one pile, another page somewhere across the room, another page tucked into a book, and so on." The discovery came as a surprise to other ufologists, who had assumed Friedman was incredibly organized given his thorough and well-referenced presentations.
Friedman was most famous for being the "original civilian investigator" of the Roswell UFO incident in 1947.During that event, he interviewed a witness and documented the recovery of the unidentified materials found, pushing the idea of extraterrestrial spacecrafts into public view. He spent the majority of his careerdebating the existence of extraterrestrials, advocating to the U.S. House of Representatives for more transparency into the Air Force's UFO research, writing books about UFO incidents, and creating hypothesis over the origins of UFOs.
A career like that creates a lot of paperwork, and organizing the files is a gargantuan effort. Kerr told Motherboard that 25 boxes have been processed for public viewing, but there's still a lot more to plow though. It could take up to 10 years to catalog everything with their current resources at the archives. Even with two full-time employees dedicated to working solely on his collection, the ideal amount of help needed, it would still take 3-4 years. And the library currently lacks the funds to hire additional archivists.
The Provincial Archives is not deterred from the task, however. The archivists continue to dedicate at least one day per week strictly to sorting through Friedman's work. "There is definitely a demand to see the records," said Kerr, "and we definitely feel the pressure to make it available as fast as we can — but we also want to do the work right."
The project has caught the interest of UFO believers and critics alike, especially as more sky-bound mysteries pop up here and there. "[T]he collection is like looking through King Tut’s tomb," said one ufologist to Motherboard. Perhaps, in the future, we'll be able to use Friedman's works as a historical reference as we continue to learn more about these UFO sightings.
Black US Soldier Was Abducted By Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet
Black US Soldier Was Abducted By Three Alien Species And Visited Grey Aliens Planet
In April 2012, a video was uploaded on the Internet, where an unknown black US soldier talks about his encounter with three alien races. It looks like the video was shot at one of the US military bases with other soldiers in it.
The black man in the military uniform could be seen telling other soldiers about his repeated abductions by extraterrestrial civilizations and meetings with three different species of aliens.
Unknown black US soldier telling a story about his encounter with three different alien races in the video uploaded on YouTube in 2012
He told others that he had been firstly abducted by grey aliens (with a large head and short body), then by the tall white aliens (who were created by short grey aliens as servants), and by reptilians (like anthropomorphic lizards).
He was trying to sketch the aliens on the whiteboard behind him, but because of the poor quality of the video, it is hard to see them.
According to the military reports, the reptilians are the most aggressive and dangerous alien species, and they could be a real threat to mankind. The black soldier was convinced that they are very strong humanoids with an average height of 2 meters.
Illustration of Three Alien
According to the soldier, there had been a big war between the greys and the reptilians, and that the greys almost wiped the reptilians out.
Meanwhile, he said that the greys are kind towards humans. He had even visited the planet of grey aliens. He claimed that its atmosphere is very similar to Earth, and the air is breathable.
But the greys’ planet lies in a binary star system (with two suns like in Star Wars on the planet Tatooine), due to which their place is like a desert with a very hot climate.
Further, the soldier stated that the alien abductions are mostly done by the grey aliens, but they always return people without harming them. He even said that since the caveman days, the DNA of humans have been altered by 60-68 times to enhance and accelerate our evolution, so that we can be immune to various diseases and protect ourselves from disasters. Jesus Christ was one of those genetically modified humans.
The soldier also talked about the top-secret project supervised by the Majestic 12, in which 12 people were selected for visiting greys’ planet. They chose the best military specialists from the US Department of Defense, who had to spend 10 years on an alien planet.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
NASA solar probe becomes fastest object ever built as it 'touches the sun'
NASA solar probe becomes fastest object ever built as it 'touches the sun'
The Parker Solar Probe was clocked at over 330,000 miles per hour as it zipped through the sun's outer atmosphere.
Jackson Ryan
Record breaker.
Nothing built by human hands has ever traveled faster than NASA's Parker Solar Probe, a diminutive, scorch-proof spacecraft about the size of a small car that is practically "touching the sun." In late April, it smashed two wild space records, dethroning the previous champion -- which also happened to be NASA's Parker Solar Probe -- and its journey is really just beginning.
The probe, which launched in August 2018 on a mission to study the sun, has been flying ever closer to our solar system's furnace, using the planet Venus as a slingshot. On April 29, during its closest approach to the sun (known as "perihelion"), Parker was traveling at an almost unfathomable speed -- fast enough to circle the Earth 13 times in a single hour.
Closest spacecraft to the sun: 6.5 million miles (10.4 million kilometers).
Those are some strong records to hold, and this isn't the end, either. Parker should break its own record later in the year when it uses another Venus flyby to slingshot closer to the sun. Perihelion is expected to occur on Nov. 21.
The spacecraft is already revealing some of the sun's great mysteries. In December 2019, Parker's first batch of data was released in the journal Nature, pulling back the (incredibly bright) curtain on the charged particles and plasma dynamics in the sun's outer atmosphere.
Follow CNET's 2021 Space Calendar to stay up to date with all the latest space news this year. You can even add it to your own Google Calendar.
A SpaceX Dragon capsule carrying four astronauts returned to Earth early Sunday (May 2) with an ocean splashdown off the Florida coast, successfully completing the company's first full-fledged crewed mission to the International Space Station.
The astronauts of SpaceX's Crew-1 mission for NASA splashed down safely in the Gulf of Mexico near Panama City at 2:56 a.m. EDT (0656 GMT), with a recovery ship swiftly retrieving their Crew Dragon capsule from the sea. The spacecraft landed on target, marking the first nighttime splashdown of a U.S. crewed flight in 53 years. The last was NASA's Apollo 8 moon mission on Dec. 27, 1968.
"Dragon, on behalf of NASA and SpaceX teams, we welcome you back to planet Earth and thanks for flying SpaceX. For those of you enrolled in our frequent flier program, you've earned 68 million miles [109 million kilometers] on this voyage," a SpaceX crew operations and resources engineer told the Crew-1 astronauts after splashdown.
"It is good to be back on planet Earth," replied NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins, commander of the Crew-1 mission. "We'll take those miles. Are they transferable?"
Support teams work around the SpaceX Crew Dragon "Resilience" spacecraft shortly after it landed in the Gulf of Mexico, on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA)
SpaceX's Crew Dragon "Resilience" splashes down in the Gulf of Mexico, south of Panama City, Florida, on May 2, 2021, at 2:56 a.m. EDT (0656 GMT).
(Image credit: SpaceX)
From left, NASA astronauts Shannon Walker, Victor Glover and Mike Hopkins, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi are seen inside the SpaceX Crew Dragon "Resilience" spacecraft on board the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship shortly after splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Panama City, Florida, on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA)
SpaceX's Crew Dragon "Resilience" is pictured on the GO Navigator recovery vessel after splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico, on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: SpaceX)
A view of the main parachutes, which deployed about three minutes before splashdown.
(Image credit: SpaceX)
Thew Crew Dragon "Resilience" bobs in the Gulf of Mexico as recovery crews head over to pull the capsule from the water.
(Image credit: SpaceX)
SpaceX's Crew Dragon "Resilience" is seen from the International Space Station at approximately 2:35 a.m. EDT (0635 GMT) on May 2, 2021, shortly before entering Earth's atmosphere.
(Image credit: SpaceX)
The Crew Dragon successfully jettisoned its trunk at 1:58 a.m. EDT (0558 GMT), and you can see the two components separate in this view from the International Space Station.
(Image credit: NASA TV)
NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins (front) and Victor Glover (back) are pictured in the Crew Dragon Resilience as the Crew-1 mission returns to Earth, on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: SpaceX)
A dolphin swims along with the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship.
(Image credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA)
A view of the night sky off the bow of the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship as NASA and SpaceX support teams prepare for the landing of the SpaceX Crew Dragon "Resilience."
(Image credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA)
NASA astronaut Victor Glover celebrates after returning to Earth on SpaceX's Crew-1 Crew Dragon capsule Resilience with a splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico near Panama City, Florida on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls)
NASA astronaut Shannon Walker celebrates after returning to Earth on SpaceX's Crew-1 Crew Dragon capsule Resilience with a splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico near Panama City, Florida on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls)
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Soichi Noguchi celebrates after returning to Earth on SpaceX's Crew-1 Crew Dragon capsule Resilience with a splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico near Panama City, Florida on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls)
NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins celebrates after returning to Earth on SpaceX's Crew-1 Crew Dragon capsule Resilience with a splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico near Panama City, Florida on May 2, 2021.
(Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls)
The capsule left the space station on late Saturday (May 1) after bad weather at the mission's main splashdown site twice delayed the crew's return.
Crew-1 marked SpaceX's second crewed flight to the space station and its first such flight to last for six months. The mission launched into orbit Nov. 15.
SpaceX's first astronaut mission, Demo-2 in May 2020, was a two-month test flight that carried two astronauts to the station. Although SpaceX's third crewed mission has launched already, today's return marked only the second crewed splashdown for the program. That third flight, called Crew-2, won't splash down until later this year.
This Crew-1 Dragon capsule, which astronauts nicknamed Resilience, carried Hopkins and his fellow NASA astronauts Victor Glover and Shannon Walker, as well as Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi.
The capsule splashed into the Gulf of Mexico south of Panama City, Florida, where it was soon met by SpaceX recovery crews, who had to work under a cloak of darkness.
"The vehicle is certified to land during the day or night, so there's not an issue with the vehicle itself," Steve Stitch, NASA's Commercial Crew program manager, said during live NASA commentary before splashdown. "And we've been practicing with the recovery crews to land in day or night."
From left, NASA astronauts Shannon Walker, Victor Glover and Mike Hopkins, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi are seen inside the SpaceX Crew Dragon "Resilience" spacecraft on board the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship shortly after splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Panama City, Florida, on May 2, 2021. (Image credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA)
Stitch said SpaceX also recovered an uncrewed Dragon cargo ship from the ocean at night in January of this year. The process went more smoothly than the Demo-2 crew recovery, in August 2020, when NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken were met by a small flotilla of private boats. This time, SpaceX and the Coast Guard refined safety procedures to ensure no civilians came too close to the capsule, just in case it leaked fuel.
"Today the United States Coast Guard had several assets on scene and patrol that area. We had no leisure boats within the ellipse that we cleared for landing," Stitch told reporters after splashdown. "So that was much much better than last time. Overall just a great, great flight."
The Crew-1 astronauts were recovered by SpaceX within about 30 minutes. Soon after, they boarded helicopters for the mainland en route to Houston, home of NASA's Johnson Space Center.
"It's not very often you get to wake up on the space station and go to sleep in Houston, and so we've been talking about that in the control center," Holly Ridings, NASA's chief flight director, said after splashdown. "You know, orbital mechanics and the weather doesn't always work out but today they did, and so that's pretty remarkable."
Crew-1 overlapped for about a week in orbit with its successor, the four-astronaut Crew-2 mission. That crew includes NASA astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur, JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide and European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet. The quartet will remain in orbit until the fall, when the Crew-3 mission will head to space to take their place.
SpaceX is one of two commercial companies with NASA contracts to fly astronauts in space. The other company, Boeing, is developing its Starliner crew capsule for NASA missions. That vehicle is expected to fly on a second uncrewed test flight later this year but has not yet flown astronauts.
Meanwhile, SpaceX's Crew-3 mission for NASA will launch in the fall. The company will also launch four civilians on a private Crew Dragon mission, called Inspiration4, funded by American billionaire Jared Isaacman. That mission is scheduled to launch Sept. 15 on the Crew Dragon Resilience, the same one used by the Crew-1 astronauts, but will not visit the International Space Station.
Email Meghan Bartels at or follow her on Twitter @meghanbartels. Follow uson Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
“An alien civilization took over Earth on July 29, 1203 BC”
“An alien civilization took over Earth on July 29, 1203 BC”
The UFO and alien phenomenon is not just a recent or a few decades old factor; These events have been going on for thousands of years, and Egypt is one of the places that saw these strange events happen.
The first account of this event, written by a temple scribe and minister, describes awe, fear, and bewilderment. The second account describes a meeting between the scribes and priests of the temples of Horus and Osiris, who discussed the incident.
The meeting of the priests caused concern about the socio-religious impact of the appearance of two celestial lights that were observed by many inhabitants of Egypt (the territory over which the flight of these UFOs was observed was approximately 700 km).
The assessment of what happened was made through the existing religious beliefs in Egypt. The physical characteristics and harmful effects of this anomaly were evaluated.
These reports have been documented in writing on stone slabs in great detail. The kidnapping and mutilation of people is mentioned many times. There are 48 records of the incident on the list.
Two limestone slabs are known to Egyptologists as Ostraca
These two ancient texts (reports) were discovered by archaeologists around 1890-1920, during the Ramesside excavation in the ruins of the city of Oyast (Thebes).
They were written in hieratic script (hieratic script is one of the forms of Egyptian writing that is used to write Egyptian texts).
The official archeology ignored the facts recorded in the records, because they did not like their content, which could generate unnecessary controversies for science in society.
It is because of their content that they are not known to the general public, and among official archaeologists it is mentioned that it does not deserve attention, since they describe the well-known rituals of the priests of that time.
The director of The Black Vault website, John Greenewald, published a full official account by Egyptologist scientist Edward McBride detailing this find and the information contained in these ancient texts.
This article will provide a translation of your scientific work and website input on this matter. The publication details:
“This report, controversial as it may be, is dedicated to all Egyptologists past and present, who dedicate countless hours, years and even entire lives to ensure that ancient Egypt never really died and continues to inspire future generations of explorers of many ways. The unique culture and daily lives of these early inhabitants along the Nile are coming closer thanks to the dedication of the likes of Yaroslav Cherny, Alan H. Gardiner, Adolph Erman, EA Wallis Budge and many others, whose ability to unravel the complexities historical and linguistic of Egypt, helps to know its history. A special thanks to the Griffith Institute and the Ashmolean Museum for the use of the plates indicated with the reports of the priests (Hieratic Ostraca Volume I)
I have been studying hieratic writing for many years and I find these two examples of ancient writing unique because they describe a very unusual event.
I have used all means to correctly determine the time period of this event: 1203 BC
This period is established based on the information available about the scribes: one of them is associated with the reign of Seti II, the other with Ramses III shortly after.
These two records of the anomalous event are ignored by Egyptologists, as they were listed as “Magical” in the Hieratic Ostraca Volume I Index, where they are considered a description of the sky based on the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.
In fact, they tell us what happened then and we “see” it through the eyes of various people who did not have enough technological knowledge to describe what they saw and write how they could interpret it later:
“The physical manifestation of the Demon God in the sky, in the form of a human, animal or anthropomorphic creature.”
This was the only possible explanation for what happened by people with knowledge of that time.
Both slabs with the indicated accounts of the ancient priests were discovered during excavations at Thebes (Oyast) in the period 1890-1920.
A host of interesting artifacts were discovered during the Ramessid-era excavations in Oyasta, a city that served not only as a residence for the rulers of Egypt, but also as an administrative center with courts, as well as a temple to the dominant religion of Egypt. Egypt. Amun-Ra (Amon-Re).
In the not too distant past (1800-1900, early 20th century), English, French and German archaeologists competed, driven no less by nationalistic zeal to become the main source of Egyptology for their countries.
However, there was often collaboration between these heterogeneous groups of researchers and a great deal of information sharing.
The Egyptian government in the aforementioned years, although it was aware of everything that was happening (in fact, there was uncontrolled looting and export of archaeological finds abroad), considered the hieratic artifacts as little valuable, considering that the Museum of El Cairo has many examples of hieratic writing.
Many artifacts were irretrievably lost after being exported to countries with humid climates (limestone slabs destroyed), as they were shipped to countries like England.
What had been stored under the sand for thousands of years was destroyed and destroyed in months – the slabs crumbled and became moldy due to improper storage.
Therefore, to counter the accelerating ravages of time, two eminent Egyptologists, Alan Gardiner and Yaroslav Cherny, decided in the 1950s to publish a book showing these ancient Egyptian handicrafts.
“Hieratic Ostraca Vol. I” appeared in 1957, printed in the UK by Charles Baty for the Griffith Institute at University Press.
This is a large book (15 ″ x 20 ″), representing three hundred and thirty seven parts of the ostration – professional and qualitatively made copies (prints) of the original plates.
Engineer Meyer made copies. Without this complex and painstaking work that requires total dedication, most of the content of the ancient texts would be lost forever.
Currently, “Ostraca I” is considered lost. He died in the Leipzig Museum during the bombing of the Second World War.
“Ostraca II” is preserved today in Oxford, England, in the Ashmolean Museum.
Hieratic Ostraca Vol. I does not offer translations, it is a blank copy that entitles future generations to translate these inscriptions themselves.
All the cities and provinces mentioned in this report have their original names.
Currently, Arabic names are used (European historians and linguists from the 18th century to the present have modified the original Egyptian names and actually represent only the late Ptolemaic (Greek) period).
Cities and disasters caused by this event are mentioned in the report, but not all cities are listed for brevity and to avoid confusion.
Main cities in the report:
Oyast : Center of the “two lands”. The area of the huge temple of Amun Ra, the ruling god Kam-T. Oyast was also a city of ships and archives.
Anna : an important settlement in the north, it was located north of present-day Cairo. Previously, Anna was the capital of Kam-Ti and the home of the sun god Ra. When the government changed, the new capital moved to Oyast.
Tartes : a northern city, in the delta (from 31/31 degrees to 30/32 degrees), later called by the Greeks Tanis, is located near the Sma Behut region. Sma Beshut is swampy.
There is also the Sma-Behut area near the town of Leb (Edfu), although it appears that the southern part of Sma-Behut is not swampy, like the delta, and may have been near Hennu, a red granite quarry and limestone.
The mention of floods and deaths in Tart will determine the time of the flood: July 29.
It is logical to assume that floods are more likely in an area near Aat Ab or the city of Zeb than on a road north near Tettu; in any case, the anomaly moved everywhere.
Omon-Ra, the temples of Ra, the sun god Annu (originally of Syrian origin), who is part of Omon, the dominant god of Uasta, who became Amon-Ra, thus linking the two religions.
With large temple complexes, Omon-Ra ruled Anna and the northern cities, as well as in Uasta and the south. The influence spread to neighboring countries: Nubia, Kush, and Syria.
Amon-Ra has practically overshadowed other religions; Every day their temples received a lot of cattle, wine, cereals, beer, food and poultry as tributes and offerings.
Minor religions continued to exist, one of the oldest Kam-T religions, possibly based on real people in prehistoric times, Osiris (Asar), Isis (Ost), and Horus (Heru) are listed in this report, and are needed to illustrate the scribe’s point of view.
In summary, this belief indicates:
Osiris and Isis, husband and wife, ruled. Osiris had a brother, Set or Seth, who hated Osiris, tricked him, killed him, and eventually dismembered him, scattering body parts all over Kam-T.
Legend has it that many cities were recipients of these parts. Isis, a good wife, wandered the country and collected all the parts and in some unknown way conceived a son, Horus, from the remains of her dead husband (apparently she was able to obtain his DNA).
Horus in his youth tried to avenge his father’s death by searching for his uncle Seth.
Bast : Bast, the lion-headed goddess, was formerly worshiped as the goddess of cats. Later periods in which the lion goddess is identified with the moon.
The name means Bair Bast, the soul of Isis, that is, personification of the soul of Isis. In the city of Ta-n-tarrt, she was the mother of the god Ari-Khes, who lived in the temple of the Beast in this city.
Ari-Khes : lion god, son of Bast. Present in the cities of At-Ab, Ta-n tarrt, Zebut, settlement: Ber in the north. The name means “to scare with sight.” The Ari-Khes evil eye was well known.
The Ari-Khes statue at Ta-na-Tarrt may have been illuminated from within, allowing the eyes to shine and frighten those who saw it in the dark.
Event inscribed on the slab, Ostraca I
In the south of the country of Kam-T, the city of West, rumors had been circulating for two days. Cracked-lipped whispers, alarm in the scorching wind.
Finally, on the Evening of the September star’s rise, which marks the time of the sinking in Shemut. Kaya’s scribe, a disciple of the House of Life, the Temple of Horus, the Son of Isis, saw it. Around the same time, the temple servant Set saw it as well.
Two bright, piercing lights hung motionless in the clear night sky. Kayi climbed onto the roof to get a better look at them. He carried a papyrus with him and began to draw and write what he saw and there was another scribe with him.
In the stories of the people who saw him before him, he was called S-hakk, the new ruler of heaven, the name can be translated as “Destroyer”.
Like two burning eyes, the light was unlike any other. It hovered motionless and menacingly low just above the horizon. His presence was felt, this fiery gaze, like a lion in ambush.
For half an hour, the unknown creature hovered in the sky, then slowly began to move into the distance. The next morning, Kayi brought the recorded information to the temple.
The priests hastily called everyone to the rear of the temple. Incense, symbolic arrows, and weapons were placed on the linen-covered offering table.
By midmorning, the people of the city began to arrive, other witnesses to that event in the sky with offerings in the hopes of pacifying the demon S-Hakka.
Description of the event in the Ostraca II slab
Thirty years later, sixty miles south of Oyast, in Hespt of Thes Hertu and east of a city called Thee, was the Temple of Horus at Behutet, a place known as Netchem ‘Tchem Ankh (Pleasant Life).
In a hidden chamber known as Mesnet just outside the shrine, a stone carver and aspiring scribe named Behent found something new to copy.
At the bottom of a large container was a piece of limestone with a letter on it. Dusting it off, he slowly began to copy the message onto another stone in intricate hieratic script, all that had been so carefully written thirty years earlier.
A demon in the sky over the holy cities of Anu and Oyast and two objects 700 km away.
These objects (UFOs and objects are modern terms that I used in translation to understand what is happening) were perfect, what did they mean, is this evil? And why was this piece of limestone so well hidden?
Who recorded these events
Write «Kaii»: author of «Ostraca I» around 1203 BC
Write “S-nefer”: court clerk / scribe. They have almost the same writing styles. It worked during the reign of Seti II, around 1203 a. C.
Write “Compiler”: Author and assimilator of the mentioned event from many sources. The compilation was probably started and performed immediately after the event, for weeks while the memories of the incident were fresh.
The original recording, in fact, the base of “Ostraca II” is now lost, but it was carefully copied by the scribe “Behent” thirty years after the event (Ostraca II).
The Ostraca II copy was an updated and more complex project, originally based on Ostraca I, although much more extensive.
Write “Bekhent”: stone word carver and beginner scribe. This scribe copied the work from the Scribe Compiler.
Although the Scribe “Behent” had several spelling problems and typographical errors in his writing, the message is not touched in any way, it is very clear.
Scribe Behent is not responsible for the content of “Ostraca II” messages; was just copied. It was copied some thirty years later.
Translation of the report
Greetings, S-hakk (S -hakķ means: Destroy; pierce; a creature that has the personification of torment; the embodiment of evil) that comes out of September (September or Sirius ascent in the skies around July 29).
At first, we greet you in awe like a god. You are big and have huge eyes in front. At night your eyes shine brightly. Your body is oval. With your mouth sticking out your tongue, you swallow your servants who appeared from the west. You get angry and release rays of light and shine.
Eyewitnesses see a large UFO with bright lights in the sky. The object is shaped like a disk. Very bright lights in the front.
Several other smaller UFOs appear from the west, which fly towards the parent UFO and are pushed inward attracting rays of light.
After that, the “mother” UFO begins to release thin rays of light and increases the brightness of the lights. In the main temple, the high priests were gathered, who performed rituals and brought offerings to S-hak “The Destroyer.”
This meeting was attended by the scribe Kaya, who recorded everything that happened. Witnesses who saw the “Demon” in the sky were invited, among whom were ordinary citizens as well as priests and people of high rank.
The witnesses presented their observations
According to the testimony of all who saw him, the “exterminator” had two or more points of illumination. All said they saw “a face with burning eyes.”
There were two “legs” in the tail section. Smaller objects flew toward the main object from the west, which it “swallowed.” The nurse UFO is oval (disc-shaped).
The UFO moved across the sky from east to west. Others reported that the smaller boats were “capturing people and animals.”
Eyewitnesses reported that before the capture, the victims had some kind of impact, the people grabbed their ears and fell, after which they were taken away.
The animals also fell. For humans and animals, “demons” “cut out the tongue” (organ harvesting). The victims did not resist (they fell into shock).
UFOs appeared in different places night and day or throughout the day. It first appeared at night, but was observed at different times of the day.
The ships of the “Destroyer” continued to soar through the sky, carrying people and animals, which the priests considered a slap to the high god Amon-Ra. They began to perform ceremonies of worship to the “Destroyer” with supplication and humility “If you decide to stay, we will get used to living with you.”
The main ship of the “Destroyer” constantly changed shape, color, appearance, brightness of lights, sometimes “blurred”, masked its appearance, became invisible. “She changed her skin,” says the report.
Furthermore, the UFO demonstrated all this openly and even deliberately, “before the supreme rulers of power.” When he accelerated rapidly from one place, he “cut everything around him and caused destruction, going up into the sky.”
The UFO inflicted physical destruction and injury to people and buildings. Not astral, but physical destruction. All who saw him associated his appearance with a “face” with “burning eyes” located in front.
The appearance of the UFO caused astonishment among the people. In addition to burning eyes (reflectors or motors), and hind legs (legs?), The «Demon» also had a «tongue» with the help of which it grabbed people, cattle or objects from the ground, being in the sky in that moment.
This “tongue” is described as “it can be visible or semi-visible”, apparently it is a beam of light that attracts objects (tractor beam).
Interestingly, the priests organized ceremonies to offer food to the “Demon” and the “Demon” carried them away with the help of this attractive ray.
It so happened that “Demon” and “Destroyer” were given a name that, if translated into a figurative language that we understand, would sound like “Hellraiser.”
UFOs appeared in different places, unexpectedly – “When you appear to people in the west, east, north and south (of the sky), gods …”.
The UFO appeared at random, in different places and towards the cardinal points. Also in the text an interesting characteristic is mentioned, “to extract souls”, reason why it is associated with demons.
HellRaiser constantly moved, the area of its movements reached an area of 700 km.
The priests and rulers feared that the actions of the “Destroyer” would cause religious unrest, as the Egyptian gods did not help the Egyptians to get rid of this creature.
In addition to the destruction of buildings during a sudden start, the abduction of people and animals, the removal of organs and souls, the mothership caused flooding on the ground, which was catastrophic.
Thus, the object is reported to have caused flooding in the area of the city of Tarr located in the north near Tettu and the swampy area of Sma Behut.
All these characteristics show that hostile extraterrestrial beings invaded ancient Egypt, that they did not perceive people at all as some kind of intelligent creatures and treated them accordingly.
They maneuvered without worrying about causing destruction in the cities on which they were carried out.
They did not care at all how to reduce people’s fear of their appearance and actions.
They kidnapped people and did it using restraint systems, possibly with some type of directed weapon that paralyzed the victim.
They killed and gutted people and cattle, making no difference between man and cattle. They took samples, they removed the organs.
They deliberately and by their actions caused severe flooding in various areas, as a result of which settlements were damaged and people died.
The author of this study writes:
Given the above, no comet is out of the question. I think it is wrong to ignore the information written by the Kam-T scribes to defend the existing scientific and historical paradigms ”.
Currently, there are many attempts to present all these “anomalies” in ancient texts as fantasies of ancient people on the subject of “Demons”, “Myths” and “Magic” (this is the classification of these texts from ancient Egypt).
Unfortunately, this attitude is deeply ingrained in the scientific community and is difficult to change.
Refusal to study, from the search for truth, the desire to selectively present information (contained in ancient texts) and passages taken out of context (from ancient texts), a selective ordering of historical data in which the true hidden meaning of the writed.
The destruction and concealment of historical data, considered “extravagant” or “unscientific” condemns the researcher to defend fictitious pseudoscientific dogmas.
Such actions by the scientific community are nothing more than closing the doors of knowledge in favor of a comfortable coexistence in the house of mirrors, in which the modern “fictitious reality” is reflected only in itself.
Paradoxically, the priests of Kam-T were more open to solving the mystery of the S-hakk than our scientific institutions today.
The ancient priests, even though the appearance of the “Demon” endangered the very existence of established beliefs, acknowledged its existence and provided us with a full account of those events.
How will scientists show, say, three hundred years in the future, our modern society, using the same criteria for determining what is scientific and what is unscientific that are used today? The same prejudices, lies and the creation of the “necessary picture of history”?
What is the end result?
For me, this information was comparable to the feeling of touching the most intimate secrets of our history. Think, just for a minute, how many such ancient texts are hidden from us?
How much of your actual content is hidden from us? How many such ancient testimonies have already been intentionally lost or destroyed? And for what?
For the sake of maintaining an “artificially created image of the world”? Really worth it? Or is it much more serious than it seems?
I am madly upset that the full content of these two texts written by the ancient Egyptians thousands of years ago has not reached us and I cannot figure out how this story ended.
When it was decided to copy and store these two limestone slabs, they were already badly damaged.
Of course, it is likely that somewhere in the secret warehouses ancient texts are kept in which the continuation of this story can be read with the arrival of evil invaders, destroyers and enslavers of the human race to our planet.
Another important point in this story, to which I want to draw your attention, these texts were found by the temple scribe in a secret underground chamber, 30 years after the events that took place.
The scribe copied the texts from limestone slabs, thanks to which, although truncated, they have come down to us.
Only 30 years after the invasion of the “Destroyer” and the Egyptians no longer remember it? Who destroyed all mention of what happened?
Judging from the fact that the slabs with the description of the invasion were kept in a secret place, it can be assumed that the information about the invasion was destroyed on purpose.
This may mean that the rulers of Egypt came to terms with the “Demon” and their power over the human race went from an open display of their power to a hidden power with the full support and help of the rulers of ancient Egypt.
Considering the strength and power of the “Annihilator”, he established such power throughout the Earth, subjugating all peoples.
These specific texts do not contain the ending of this story, but… based on the information contained in them, conclusions can be drawn about the ending.
If we take as a basis the description of the characteristics of the spaceships that invaded our planet in 1203 BC and compare them with the characteristics of the UFOs that are observed in the sky of our planet throughout the history of mankind, including our modern era, we can clearly see that these objects are identical.
When in 1203 BC the aliens invaded the planet Earth, then the Egyptian civilization, which at that time was highly developed, could not oppose this invasion.
I think that was when a treaty was concluded between alien invaders and earthly rulers. And this agreement is valid until today …
Alien vehicles plow through our sky in large numbers, and not only the sky, but also the Earth’s orbit belongs to them, and most likely the Moon and everything on Earth in general belongs to them.
UFOs, which are recorded by eyewitnesses in our time, can also shape-shift, abduct people and livestock using “energy beams,” turn off electronic devices, and abduct people just as they do livestock.
Everything they began to do then in 1203 BC. C., continue to do so now. And those who govern human civilization, countries and peoples cannot help knowing this.
Document archived at All document copyrights attributed to their respective owners.
Warday is a 1984 novel written by Whitley Strieber and James Kunetka (and with Strieber himself playing the key role in the story). It makes for grim and disturbing reading. It’s an excellently written book, too; a book that tells the story of a limited nuclear attack on the United States, but which still kills more than sixty million people – from the initial atomic blasts, famine and starvation, radiation, and a wave of out-of-control influenza. The United States is devastated by what is known as Electromagnetic Pulse weaponry. Strieber and Kunetka skillfully tell a story that could, one day, become all too real. In Warday, the United States is a shell of its former self, with chaos, death and destruction rampant. Warday makes it very clear that had the confrontation between the United States and the old USSR escalated beyond a limited one, the result would have been unthinkable: complete and utter obliteration in the northern hemisphere. There’s a reason why I’m bringing this up, as you’ll soon find out. But, first, some background to the story. Here’s a brief summary of Warday:
“The former Undersecretary of Defense tells Strieber that the United States was deploying Spiderweb, an advanced anti-ballistic missile system which could use an orbiting particle beam to destroy both land and submarine launched missiles. To prevent its deployment, the Soviets destroyed the Space Shuttle Enterprise with a hunter-killer satellite. The Soviets then detonated a set of six large nuclear warheads in space above the United States, causing a massive electromagnetic pulse that crippled electronics across the country. The Soviets then launched a limited first strike using satellites to deploy their warheads. In response, the U.S. president, aboard Boeing E-4 NEACP, authorized a counterattack, destroying Moscow, Leningrad, Sevastopol, and the capitals of the Soviet Republics. Shortly afterwards, the NEACP, crippled by the electromagnetic pulse, crash-landed in North Carolina, killing the President but leaving other survivors including the Undersecretary. The ‘limited attack’ by the Soviets destroyed Washington, D.C., San Antonio, and most of Long Island, and ICBM missile fields and major air bases in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming, killing about 7 million people. The subsequent firestorms and fallout destroyed most of Brooklyn, Queens, Baltimore, and most of southwest Texas. The Soviet Navy also launched nuclear attacks that destroyed about 90 percent of the United States Navy. The duration of the war was 36 minutes.”
And here’s some background on EMP technology. As Interesting Engineering note: “EMPs, or electromagnetic pulses, are intense bursts of electromagnetic energy that can be utilized to damage electronics. Man-made nuclear EMPS are impressive weapons of war that are sparingly used due to their highly destructive nature. There are natural EMPs that can be caused in small form due to lightning or in large form due to geomagnetic storms. Man-made EMPs are generally created through nuclear explosions. Essentially, these weapons emit a pulse that damages or destroys the electronic systems in an object due to damaging current and voltage surges.” state: “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is an instantaneous, intense energy field that can overload or disrupt at a distance numerous electrical systems and high technology microcircuits, which are especially sensitive to power surges. A large scale EMP effect can be produced by a single nuclear explosion detonated high in the atmosphere. This method is referred to as High-Altitude EMP (HEMP). A similar, smaller-scale EMP effect can be created using non-nuclear devices with powerful batteries or reactive chemicals. This method is called High Power Microwave (HPM). Several nations, including reported sponsors of terrorism, may currently have a capability to use EMP as a weapon for cyber warfare or cyber terrorism to disrupt communications and other parts of the U.S. critical infrastructure. Also, some equipment and weapons used by the U.S. military may be vulnerable to the effects of EMP.”
There’s a reason for me bringing up this issue. Over the last four or five years I’ve received accounts from people who have had graphic EMP-type dreams that spiraled into total nightmares. And it has happened again – just a few days ago. Of course, this may all be due to the fraught state the world is in right now. Most of those I spoke with, however, didn’t see their dreams as “just dreams” (as one put it), but as glimpses of a terrible, catastrophic future of the real kind. Let’s hope not. Certainly, there’s a down-to-earth reason for it (that you can find it here).
Filer’s Files 18 2021 Douglass Aviation Held UFO Secrets - PART I
Lockheed Skunworks Model of our UFO
Filer’s Files 18 2021 Douglass Aviation Held UFO Secrets - PART I
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Douglas Aviation Think Tank Held the Secret of UFOs, William Tompkins Selected by Extraterrestrials. UFOs ‘Underwater Base Near Cuba, Dr. Hal Puthoff Briefed Congress, Laser Satellites may send Energy to Earth, Pilot’s Spot UFO, Navy Patents Compact Fusion Reactor, Letter,Governor Cuomo, and Secrets.
,Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, , Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Washington
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, Philippines, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Douglas Aviation Think Tank Held the Secret of UFOs
Donald Douglas with DC-8 Commercial Jet
Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Aircraft founded the Douglas Aircraft Company in 1921 and built various aircraft successfully for years. Under his leadership, the company became one of the leaders of the commercial aircraft industry, engaging in a decades-long struggle for supremacy with Boeing Aircraft Company. Douglas gained the upper hand, particularly with his revolutionary and highly successful Douglas DC-3 airliner and its equally popular World War II military transport version, the C-47; at the start of the war. His airplanes made up 80% of all commercial aircraft in service. In 1942, Douglas had a sighting of UFOs over Southern California and spoke frequently of the reality of UFOs. He studied UFOs and setup an engineering team at Douglas Aircraft to study UFOs. William Tomkins was part of the think tank studying UFOs.
From its very inception the men of RAND knew much about saucers. RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas and two Air Force officers conceived the concept of developing
These were Major General Curtis LeMay above (the US Air Force’s Chief of Development) and General Hap Arnold (considered the “father” of the modern U.S. Air Force.)
RAND Corporation was established in 1946 by the US Army Air Force as Project RAND (for Research and Development) and is today registered as a nonprofit organization. In May of 1948 RAND was separated from Douglas Aircraft and became its own operating entity. Among RAND’s earliest government reports was the release of the enigmatically titled, “Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship.” LeMay expressed deep interest and concern about the flying saucer phenomena. More than this, LeMay himself was a keeper of the purported 1947 Roswell UFO crash debris. This was revealed in a stunningly candid interview with the late U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, who was a U.S. Presidential Candidate in 1964, a Major General and Command Pilot. He was the Air Force Chief of Staff, General LeMay’s professional associate and close friend. LeMay’s UFO involvement was related by Goldwater in a live worldwide broadcast with CNN’s Larry King in 1994. The USAF had just issued its report that debunked the Roswell crash of 1947 as a Mogul balloon. Goldwater informed King that he knew the truth to be far different. He knew this, he explained, because in the 1960’s he had approached LeMay about the crashed UFO issue.
General Curtis LeMay
Goldwater -who no doubt himself held the highest security clearances- told Larry King: “I think at Wright-Patterson, if you could get into certain places, you’ll find what the Air Force and the government knows about UFOs. Reportedly, a spaceship landed. It was all hushed up.
I called Curtis LeMay and I said, ‘General, I know we have a room at Wright Patterson where you put all of this secret stuff. Could I go in there? I’ve never heard General LeMay get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that question again!” Goldwater never did.
Running for President on the Republican ticket and a Senator he often watched our rockets heading into space and saw the UFOs that frequently were present.
Anthony Bragalia writes, “Since the 1940’s the U.S. government has quietly engaged one of its key defense and intelligence agency contractors as a secret UFO think tank.” New investigation reveals that the esteemed RAND Corporation is a “think tank” that has given far more than “passing thought” to things extraterrestrial.
Rand’s hidden history of UFO involvement has been discovered to include work in policy analysis; evaluation of evidence and in advising on the potential technological advantages achieved from UFO study. Telling connections have also been found between RAND and the Roswell crash event of 1947.
The RAND Corporation is funded through government contracts, university collaborators. Over 30 Nobel Prize winners have been employed by RAND. From physics to economics, the 2000 person think tank provides high-level information and evaluation to the U.S. government. RAND has conducted studies in UFO studies, weapons development, intelligence gathering and the design of sensitive underground installations for the USAF.
Battelle Memorial Institute
“Like RAND- Battelle Memorial Institute was heavily engaged by government to study UFOs.” It now appears that Battelle metallurgists likely analyzed the Roswell memory metal retrieved from the 1947 crash. That conclusion was drawn from a “reverse engineering of information” of the literature on shape recovery metal; by the revealing statements of two U.S. Generals; through the confession of analysis by a senior Battelle scientist and by establishing other connections.
But perhaps the most interesting of these telling connections is this: The Director of Battelle at the time of the Roswell crash -Clyde E. Williams- simultaneously sat on the Board of Trustees of the RAND Corporation! Thanks to Deep Secrets of a UFO Think Tank Exposed! by Anthony Bragalia
Keeping it all in the Family with Ben Rich
Benjamin Rich helped to lead aerospace giant Lockheed Martin as President of Lockheed Advanced Aeronautics. He oversaw the ultra-secret Lockheed “Skunk Works” division where he spearheaded the development of the Stealth bomber and universally acknowledged as “the father of Stealth technology.” Ben Rich stated some extremely revealing things about the reality and nature of UFOs before he passed on. In a letter to his friend and associate John Andrews he replies to Andrew’s observations about the UFO phenomena. Andrews had written a letter to Rich in which Andrews says, “I believe with certainty in manmade UFOs. I am tending to believe there are also extraterrestrial UFOs.”
Rich -In handwritten letter- replies to Andrews, “Yes, I am a believer in both categories.” Andrews was a forensic illustrator and aviation model-maker. Before his own death, Andrews related that Rich went further in privately explaining that, “there are two types of UFOs, the ones we build and the ones ‘they’ build.”
Rich told Andrews of his concern that the public should not be told. But Rich told Andrews he had recently changed his mind on this and that, “those involved in dealing with the ‘subject’ could represent a bigger problem to citizens than knowledge of the visitors themselves.” Just before he died, Andrews says that Rich confirmed to him that “items” were recovered at the crash at Roswell in 1947. Rich also told associate John Goodall, “We have things at Area 51 that you and the best minds in the world won’t even be able to conceive for the next 30-40 years.” He stated, “We have the technology to take ET home.” In fact Rich gave numerous clues and hints about the alien reality to several people before he passed.
Lockheed Skunworks Model of our UFO
William Tompkins Selected by Extraterrestrials
He states, “That our planet has been a battleground for warring extraterrestrial cultures for thousands of years. The result has been wars, destruction and attempts to hinder our progress. Recently there has been a great spike in technical innovation due to help from friendly aliens. He believes that perhaps he and many other uniquely talented people have been gifted with skills that more closely reflect what human intelligence is capable of when not held back by outside forces. Regardless of your opinion of the UFO phenomenon, Mr. Tompkins has taken on this subject with energy and claims we have eight cylinder shaped craft 600 feet long carrying smaller fighting craft”.
He has done extensive research into extraterrestrials and UFOs. He wrote “Selected by Extraterrestrials.” He states that our planet has been a battleground for warring extraterrestrial cultures for thousands of years. The result has been wars, destruction and attempts to hinder progress by some, but also recently, a great spike in technical innovation is due to help from others. Tomkins claims most of the Mars life is underground in various caverns. Some human’s ancestors are from other star systems.
Naval Air Station San Diego replaced an Admiral Abaca had 29 numerous spies in Germany had signed agreement with Reptilians gave Nazis UFOs and life lengthen capability. Navy operatives in a small conference room in a tower at the base. Put data into packages and fly these proposals to top secret Naval Research Facilities and universities. They were to develop parts of UFOs such as Lockheed, Douglas, Northrop, Grumman, JPL, etc.
After the war, some German scientists and their technology were brought to the US in Project Paperclip along with their advanced technology. He claims we were able to bring the Roswell alien craft down using an advanced technology.
Solar Warden Compared in size to aircraft carrier
William Tomkins revealed US Navy has Battle Groups operating outside the Earth. He personally designed five space ships and thirty support ships. Using the latest technology, he designed different space ships for Northrop Aviation Company. Northrop started building the huge craft underground in Utah. These craft now cruise the solar system and fight against Reptilian craft. The battles with them are very short, but we need more battle groups as they are becoming stronger. The US works closely with the Nordic aliens who have similar craft. Tomkins secretary at Douglas Aviation was a Nordic who was very beautiful and gave us advanced technology.
They apparently came from the Orion Constellation and influenced the building of the pyramids. A large size craft flies throughout the galaxy.
The Reptilians attack various planets, take them over, and put the residents into slavery. The popularity of the Star Wars movie may be because the public understands the story is close to the truth being withheld from the public.
Tomkins claims we are now building even better Battle Groups. The Apollo moon landings were also designed to build a base on the moon. We have had bases on the moon along with bases on Mars and Jupiter’s moons. The rovers are expensive cover-ups and it is time to tell the public the truth. He has been cleared by the Navy to reveal this information. TRW was part of the group with unlimited money to build these advanced craft. We do know Tomkins worked for the right companies and was inside special units where advanced designs were produced. At age 93 he chooses to reveal the projects he was working on. He joined the Navy during World War II and his job was to disseminate highly classified data for the full length of the war. Later he went to work for Northrop 2 years, and 12 years at Douglas 1951 to 1962 then went to Lockheed.
UFOs flew over Los Angeles and San Diego in 1942, Bill saw a small ball of light coming from the ocean in San Diego, with a light shining down. Then it shined on his house with a blinding light. About 12:30 AM UFOs were being fired on all over Southern California.
Tomkins worked for Northrop Corporation when they developed the Flying Wing Aircraft a jet-powered heavy bomber aircraft shortly after World War II for service with the U.S. Air Force.
The YB-49 featured a flying wing design and was a jet-powered development of the earlier, piston-engine Northrop XB-35. The flying wing was passed over in favor of the more conventional Convair B-36 piston-driven design. Design work performed in the development of lying wings proved to be valuable decades later in the development of the B-2 stealth bomber, which entered service in the early 1990s.
Technically they had won the competition against the B-36. The Northrop flying wings were more difficult to pick up on radar and could fly much faster and was an excellent bombing platform.
Tompkins frequently visited China Lake Naval Station that has a large cavern underground and a network of rail systems underground.
Bill Tompkins said, he drove up to Lake Isabella on the highway to Walker Pass where his family of five were abducted. They lost time but Tompkins no recollection of what happened.
William Tomkins joined along with Admiral Webster and developed a Navy League Council from 1982 to-2000 in Southern Oregon. Former Navy officers had been seeing UFOs coming in and out of Mt. Shasta in Northern California. They flew their private planes to attempt to locate the doors that opened to let the craft pass though. Children were being contacted and met with an alien lady would use holograms to explain ET in Medford, Oregon. Many had taken ETs lessons and later joined the Navy.
Marine Claims UFOs ‘Flew out o Underwater Base Near Guantanamo Bay’
A former U.S. Marine has made bizarre claims that he and his comrades saw dozens of huge, hi-tech spacecraft flying out of an ‘underwater alien base’ next to the Guantanamo Naval Base in the late Sixties.
The Marine – who has chosen to remain unnamed – claims that he was forbidden to talk about the shimmering 100ft craft he had seen, and claims he saw intelligence officers filming the craft. The interview comes courtesy of UFO researchers MUFON. The Marine said, ‘All of us marines were amazed at the amount of UFO activity over and around this base.
Underwater Base
‘Virtually every night UFOs were flying overhead with altitudes of less than 300 feet.’
‘When I stood guard duty on the south side of the base, I witnessed on many, many nights UFOs landing and taking off out of the ocean.’ ‘There were large blue lights moving around after their landing in the ocean and then slowly dimming down as they obviously descended deeper.’
The encounters occurred between 1968 and 1969. He says that the machines he saw were not flying saucers, describing one as a ‘huge white cloud with a blue/white, baby blue pulsating light in the middle of it.’
Dr. Hal Puthoff Briefed Congress
Dr. Hal Puthoff
A former private contractor for AAWSAP and AATIP, Dr. Hal Puthoff, confirmed for The Debrief he was one of a handful of persons who conducted the October briefings.
“I have been invited to brief congressional staffers on the Senate Armed Services Committee on UAP matters in the last couple of years,” Puthoff said in an email, “and have done so on more than one occasion.” Dr. Puthoff described the staffers during these meetings as being “engaged,” and provided “positive responses, [and] more details always being requested.”
Official public affairs channels indicate the Pentagon is not interested in sharing any more information on the UAP topic.
However, several current and former officials with the DoD and individuals working for multiple U.S. intelligence agencies told The Debrief that there was much more going on behind closed doors.
Laser Satellites may send Energy to Earth
Space-based lasers have a number of increasingly realistic applications from energy weapons to clean power delivery systems.
It is believed Communist Chinese lasers or energy weapons are starting fires thru out the U.S. with over 800 last year in California alone, often buildings are burred with the forest intact. Congress women Marjorie Taylor Greene claims satellites hat wildfires in California were not natural. She has filed Legislation to Award Gold Medals to All Police who Protect America from Black Lives Matter Terrorists. Forests don’t just catch fire, you know. Rather, the blazes had been started using a space lasers.: High-resolution optical satellite data from Sentinel-2 mission can provide large-scale wildfire assessment.
Pilot’s Spot UFO
Pilots See UFO
Dozens of commercial and military pilots have reported unidentified flying objects in recent years. Getty.
A radio transmission from an American Airlines from Cincinnati to Phoenix last weekend, “Do you have any targets up here? We just had something go right over the top of us,” said the pilot at 1:19 p.m. CST on Sunday. “I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing moving really fast right over the top of us,” according to audio published on aviation blog Deep Black Horizon.
The FAA released a short statement: “A pilot reported seeing an object over New Mexico shortly after noon local time on Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021. As they are told to say,FAA air traffic controllers did not see any object in the area on their radarscopes.”
The blogger, Steve Douglass, intercepted the transmission “It was a pure coincidence,” he told The Arizona Republic.
Douglass used two flight tracking websites, Flightradar24 and Flight Aware, to determine the planes were at an altitude of 37,000 feet near Clayton, New Mexico”.
Following a debrief with the flight crew, American Airlines confirmed that the radio transmission came from flight 2292.
A similar incident occurred over the Sonoran Desert on February 24, 2018, two pilots flying different aircraft — a Phoenix Air Group Learjet and an American Airlines commercial flight — both reported passing a mysterious object, according to audio recordings released by the FAA “Was anybody above us that passed us like 30 seconds ago?” the Learjet pilot asked an air traffic controller. “Negative,”
In November 9, 2018, a British Airways pilot flying over Ireland reported seeing “a very bright light that disappeared at very high speed,” reported The Guardian.
U.S. government has had a famously long history of being tight-lipped on the subject. In recent years, however, there’s been some notable movement on that front.
Ariel Cohen reports, When Dr. Salvatore Pais, an aerospace engineer at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), filed a patent for a “Plasma Compression Fusion Device” in 2019, it was either a giant breakthrough – or mad science. According to the patent application, the miniature device could contain and sustain fusion reactions capable of generating power in the gigawatt (1 billion watts) to terawatt (1 trillion watts) range or more. A large coal plant or mid-size nuclear powered reactor by comparison produces energy in the 1–2 gigawatt range. UFOs have been recorded with similar power.
The revolutionary invention by Dr. Pais, if real, would produce near unlimited clean energy from something no larger than a sports utility vehicle. Dr. Pais’ fusion device is among a handful of outlandish technologies dubbed “The UFO patents” that have, in some shape or form, been pursued by the U.S. Navy.
The physicist appears to have bona fide credentials including a Ph.D. from Case Western, and published some of his work, while much is presumably classified.
He has been employed by the Pentagon for decades. And this isn’t the first patent filed in his name, and all of them appear centered around what he calls the Pais Effect. Dr. Pais posits that by controlling the accelerated spin or vibration of electrically charged matter, high energy electromagnetic fields can be produced.
One proposed use for such fields is an “electromagnetic field generator” device which could be applied to alter the trajectory of earthbound asteroids over a period of time. While the patent makes clear that such a device would work only on “small” objects of under roughly 100 meters length or less, it isn’t hard to grasp the interest of any defense agency in providing contingencies for such a scenario.
Dr. Pais’ “inertial mass reduction device” is one of his most extraordinary patents. This technology High frequency gravitational wave generator
suggests manipulation of quantum field fluctuations which could reduce a vehicle’s inertial and gravitational mass, allowing it to travel at hitherto unseen speeds. The reason the speed of light is something of a universal speed limit is that mass increases to infinite as one reaches it, demanding infinite energy to continue moving. The ability to reduce mass could have incredible implications for the future of space travel. Only faster than light speeds of travel would allow the humanity to venture outside of the solar system.
His High Temperature Superconductor patent would, like a fusion device, revolutionize global energy systems. Superconductors have no electrical resistance, meaning electricity can be transferred without loss of energy to unlimited distances. That could mean quite a drop in energy costs.
Last but not least is what Pais calls a high frequency gravitational wave generator. The patent purports that the electromagnetic fields created by the Pais Effect could be intersected, generating waves of gravity upon which a spaceship could propel itself to its destination. Such waves could also be used to deflect asteroids more efficiently or communicate through solid objects.
High frequency gravitational wave generator. Per the description: Any one of these “UFO” patents would transform modern science and society. It might be too early to break out the champagne, though. Thanks to Forbes.
Letter from Member of the Galactic Community?
Hi George, This is David P. Calabro Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am reminding you that I and others in my Galactic community have been constantly telling our higher ups in command that our UFO crafts must come down to earth now because of fear from China and other countries trying to do the U.S. harm. Also the world as a whole polluting the earth and not getting along because of greed for money around the world!
This owners of these companies and Politicians are out of hand and must be taught a lesson in life about money is not everything that rich people bleed and get sick too just like the poor. and to stop polluting this earth. And besides the rich steal from the ordinary people all the time and they call that business and that’s bad karma and the wrong way to do business. I really hate that!
I think that the UFOs will land soon all over the world to stop the earth from destroying itself. We are all constantly telling our higher ups. Last note, Alien beings are mostly the creators army but a few lower non developing ones are a little off and negative, they are learning and trying to evolve spiritually like earth humans. Just a reminder George I David P. Calabro am a Pleiadian but also in human form and I am a dual soul meaning two souls in one. my soul that I was born with and my higher soul which popped into me the last few years ! my original soul popped out and went to heaven and I am an original re entry soul along with my higher soul. I hope you understand that and you can pass any of this info on to anyone you wish because my commanders want my mission to be that I pass along information to 3rd dimensional.
. Do you think your military officials will understand what I am saying ? The Alien and Galactic council is not going to or not interested in destroying humans they are here to help but if the money grabbers on earth do not like that their money is not being made they will freak out you know George. Most alien craft are made of light energy and are transparent but have the ability to turn into a solid craft at anytime they wish with a thought!
They are all mind readers coming from another higher dimension and know the military’s three moves ahead of time what the military is doing at all times. you can’t stop higher beings that use 100% of their brain or soul and that’s it so everyone on earth should stop trying to. Most higher and more powerful Alien beings are angels from God the creator, they do not always have wings on their back. Put it this way logically ,if an alien being can disappear and appear at will think anything he wants and gets it, know anybodies thoughts a head of time, travel anywhere in space at hard angles on a dime and speeds that are mind blowing, their bodies appear transparent wouldn’t you say they were angel like? Well there you go because that’s what angels do. Peace to all David Calabro Out …..
Governor Cuomo Won’t Reveal COVID-19 deaths
More Than One-Third of U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Linked to Nursing Homes
Andrew Cuomo refuses to address nine women’s sexual harassment claims, and Nursing Home Deaths
At least 172,000 coronavirus deaths have been reported among residents and employees of nursing homes in the United States, according to a New York Times database. As of Marche 30,. the virus has infected more than 1,315,000 people at some New York facilities.
Nursing home populations are at a high risk of being infected and dying from the coronavirus has a large number of people live in close quarters and many have other health problems.
Most Blue State Governors had a coordinated diabolical plan to removed older people with COVID -19 from hospitals and put them into Nursing Homes to replace them with higher paying patients or for other unknown reasons. Most Nursing Homes nationwide strongly objected knowing many deaths would result.
This apparently was done in New York 15,362, deaths, New Jersey 7,960, California 12,785, Pennsylvania 12,355, Illinois 9,689, Massachusetts 8,524, Michigan 5,102, Minnesota 4,040, and Oregon 1,179, deaths Warning: The 128 page Democratic Party’s Manifesto has copied the 1936 Soviet Communist Constitution that allowed Joseph Stalin to rule Communist Russia with an Iron Hand killing millions.
The biggest magnifying glass is on New York’s Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, and some eyeballs are starting to look at Michigan’s Governor Whitmer as well. While 5 percent of the country’s cases have occurred in nursing homes, deaths related to Covid-19 account for about 34 percent of the country’s pandemic fatalities. Cuomo says New York has 52,200 admitted deaths the highest in the nation and an estimated 17, 400 nursing home deaths.
Cuomo won’t release the actual death toll inside New York’s nursing homes in his locked down state:. The New York Times claims one third of all New York 52,200 deaths are in Nursing Homes for or an estimated 17,400 deaths there.
Cuomo’s top aide, Melia DeRosa, privately admitted to state Democratic lawmakers that his administration withheld the total nursing home death toll from COVID-19 from them due to a pending federal probe. New York is not the only state that has declined to make its response to Justice Department inquiries public, AP reports. Pennsylvania Democratic Governor Tom Wolf’s office also said it could not provide information because the Justice Department hadn’t “closed the investigation.”
The Democratic states were locked down and had a higher death count than those red states that stayed open suggesting the virus in food or some other method then contact caused widespread transfer of the virus. We are told bats transfer the disease to animal meat that people eat and get the virus. It seems it may happen here in the meat of fish from Communist China.
Consumer Reports has requester investigation of China’s food that contains nanotechnogy that could hide the tiny virus. Viruses are usually much smaller than bacteria with the vast majority being submicroscopic about the size of a human cell. In the US, meat-processing facilities have been linked to more than 38,500 cases and at least 180 deaths. Meat works made up half of US COVID-19 hotspots in May. They were also the major initial source of infections in Australia’s June “second wave” outbreak.
size of Hair 60 macrons Virus .005 microns
SECRETS, by Fred Ellis Brock
SECRETS, by Fred Ellis Brock, the third novel of The Seven trilogy, is out. A cross-genre thriller involving kidnapping, murder, and UFO conspiracies, it brings to a climax the struggle of Bill Sanders and Morgen Remley to stop The Seven, a super-secret group trying to overthrow the U.S. government. From New Mexico to the White House, the action is nonstop. The first two novels, THE SEVEN and SHADOWS, are available wherever books are sold. The publisher is Wyatt-MacKenzie. More information is at
(Note: Amazon has hundreds of books with “seven,” “shadows,” and “secrets” in the title. Search for the author’s name. The books will pop right up.)
From a review of THE SEVEN in the Arizona Daily Star:
“Is the idea of extra-terrestrial visits really as far-fetched as we think? In this debut novel, Fred Ellis Brock speculates on just how far government intelligence might go to keep an unsuspecting populace in the dark. Journalist and best-selling author Bill Sanders didn’t reach the top of his profession by being gullible, so he’s understandably skeptical when a boyhood friend claims his daughter has been abducted by aliens. But old loyalties run deep, so Bill reluctantly agrees to check it out — digging up the facts is his specialty, after all — and to his surprise they simply don’t add up. Even more disturbingly, people connected with his investigation are inexplicably turning up dead.
“In a lively plot that gallops across a landscape of disinformation and treachery, Brock’s hero peels away layers of artifice to arrive at the shocking heart of the intrigue. This is the first volume of a planned trilogy featuring Bill Sanders and his close encounters with “The Seven.” “Like his protagonist, … Brock is a journalist who has worked for major dailies including the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and The New York Times, and has authored best-selling books on financial planning.”
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Filer’s Files 18 2021 Douglass Aviation Held UFO Secrets - PART II
Lockheed Skunworks Model of our UFO
Filer’s Files 18 2021 Douglass Aviation Held UFO Secrets - PART II
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Douglas Aviation Think Tank Held the Secret of UFOs, William Tompkins Selected by Extraterrestrials. UFOs ‘Underwater Base Near Cuba, Dr. Hal Puthoff Briefed Congress, Laser Satellites may send Energy to Earth, Pilot’s Spot UFO, Navy Patents Compact Fusion Reactor, Letter,Governor Cuomo, and Secrets.
,Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, , Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Washington
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, Philippines, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
Rancho Cucamonga – on January 6, 2021, took a burst of 3 photos of what I thought were interesting clouds one morning at sunrise. Only after I viewed the pictures I noticed something shiny in the sky and it was moving very fast
Florida Light
Pembroke Pines – on April 24, 2021, I was on my balcony when I saw 2 fiery objects soaring through the sky. I grabbed my iPhone zoomed in the video and the screen shots are amazing.
Massachusetts Light
East Tauten– on April 24, 2021, wife noticed lights where there should have been none. I went outside and took multiple photos, that I put into my PC and 20 minutes later it was still there. During the last three shots it began to dim and it was gone.
Minnesota Object
White Bear Lake – on March 14, 1980, after work I noticed red light flashing underneath a craft with a white light on the front. I got out of my vehicle beneath it. The light illuminated its shape as a stubby winged craft. I watched it for 10-15 minutes and followed directly behind it with 2 orange orbs on the back of it. It slowly pulled away a 100 yards up and it was steady in the strong winds .
Missouri Lights
Wildwood – on April 28, 2021, ring camera caught objects 2 nights so far. I have 6 lights and what looks like material between the lights and extending out to the sides. The lights take turns blinking.
New Jersey Lights
Hewitt – on April 17, 2021,. my fiancée was checking our ring camera log that showed an orb in the west. The object peeps through the sky and is shooting down at a very high rate of speed much faster than insects.
Oklahoma Object
Medicine Park – on April 24, 2021, I went to the Wichita Mountains for hiking and photos. I shot photos at the summit of Mt Scott and checking my RAW files, I noticed a speeding object in the sky with motion blur at edges. There is a clear circular structure to the object 500+ feet away.
Pennsylvania Light
Glenshaw – on September 3, 2020, my daughter and I were at the driving range when she spotting something streaming across the sky. I caught the end of it on my phone.
South Carolina Lights
Charleston –on April 1, 2021, it was sitting in mid air while I was taking my kid to camp and I saw it then.
Texas Triangle
Fort Stockton— it was 2008 and my little brother and I went to our friend’s house at 2:00 PM, we saw a flying black triangle with three white lights on the corners with color changing lights in 2 rows. It was 300 feet high hovering silent. The car’s engine that was coming down the road stopped. We went inside and light switches and compute didn’t work. We went outside and the craft was gone and the power worked.
Shelton– on April 16, 2021, we noticed what looked to be 7 aircraft with contrails in the sky with something appearing and disappearing that moved very fast. I believe there were 2 or 3 UFO’s flying around. There is what looks to be a ball of light shooting up and then also at the end of the video something in the sky flying very fast.
Note: The video has not been posted. The still images show the objects that would repeatedly appear, disappear and moved erratically.
Canberra – on April 15, 2021, walking from carport from vehicle a reflection of light made me look up to see two bazaar vehicles flying in tandem.
Canada Lights
St. John’s –on April 30, 2021, throughout the night I had seen three red only slow flashing slow moving aerial craft coming east while out for smokes had really slow pulsating red lights. The last red one I saw appeared to head east and then stop and gain altitude and then stop Seeing the same sky, at 1:02 am I saw flashing around exact near Altair.
France Object
L’union– on May 5, 1978, please note, this is a souvenir so the date is not precise. I was less than 10 years old going to see a friend, in front of his gate in the street, I saw a UFO pass above me going south. It was a rectangular object with a gray metallic appearance. There was a slight hiss. The surface had tubes running along the surface embedded in the metal.
German Object
Hamburg–on April 20, 2021, I took a video of an UFO flying over a helicopter . I just saw it behind the trees and it’s really hard to see with the eyes so I take out my Phone and shoots 4 k Video of it,
New Zealand Lights
Auckland– on November 1, 2020, my husband and I saw this and thought it was strange because the stream of lights appeared out of nowhere and it had absolutely no sound.
Philippines Triangle
Sibilant — on June 12th 2010, my friend and I were sitting outside my house at 10pm looking when we saw 7 faint yellow lights in triangular formation, flying silently north at high speed. We saw it for about 15 seconds as it was 70 times faster than the airplane. The UFO was much higher than the plane. It was pitch-black craft larger than two football fields, with 7 lights.
Slovakia Object
Rajec– on April 24, 2021, I photographed the smoke of the fire of the dump from the sixth floor of my apartment. I discovered the UFO only when viewing photos.
UK/England Moon Object
Wallasey –on April 24, 2021, I was taking photographs of the moon using my mobile phone when I noticed a dark shape hovering on the e moon. It glided across and moved to the side of the moon and was difficult to see. I filmed for 3 minutes and it was gone.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Black Hole-Neutron Star Collisions Could Finally Settle the Different Measurements Over the Expansion Rate of the Universe
Black Hole-Neutron Star Collisions Could Finally Settle the Different Measurements Over the Expansion Rate of the Universe
If you’ve been following developments in astronomy over the last few years, you may have heard about the so-called “crisis in cosmology,” which has astronomers wondering whether there might be something wrong with our current understanding of the Universe. This crisis revolves around the rate at which the Universe expands: measurements of the expansion rate in the present Universe don’t line up with measurements of the expansion rate during the early Universe. With no indication for why these measurements might disagree, astronomers are at a loss to explain the disparity.
The first step in solving this mystery is to try out new methods of measuring the expansion rate. In a paper published last week, researchers at University College London (UCL) suggested that we might be able to create a new, independent measure of the expansion rate of the Universe by observing black hole-neutron star collisions.
Let’s back up for a minute and discuss where things stand right now. When we look out into the Universe, galaxies that are further away appear to be moving away from us faster than closer ones, because space itself is expanding. This is expressed by a number known as the Hubble constant, which is usually written as the speed (in kilometers per second) of a galaxy one megaparsec (Mpc) away.
One of the best ways to measure the Hubble constant is to observe objects known as Cepheid Variables. Cepheids are stars that brighten and dim regularly, and their brightness just happens to line up with their period (the time it takes to dim and brighten again). The regularity of these objects makes it possible to estimate their distance, and a survey of many Cepheids gives us a Hubble constant of about 73km/s/Mpc. Type 1A supernovae are another common object with a known brightness, and they also give a Hubble constant hovering around 73km/s/Mpc.
On the other hand, you can measure the expansion of the Universe during its earliest phase by observing the afterglow of the big bang, known as the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Our best measurement of the CMB was taken by the European Space Agency’s Planck spacecraft, which released its final data in 2018. Planck observed a Hubble constant of 67.66km/s/Mpc.
Estimated values of the Hubble constant. Black represent measurements from Cepheids/Type 1A Supernovae (73 km/s/Mpc). Red represents early universe CMB measurements (67 km/s/Mpc). Blue shows other techniques, whose uncertainties are not yet small enough to decide between the two. Credit: Renerpho (Wikimedia Commons).
The difference between 67 and 73 isn’t enormous, and at first, the most likely explanation for the difference seemed to be instrument error. However, through subsequent observations, the error bars on these measurements have been narrowed down enough that the difference is statistically significant. A crisis indeed!
Here is where the UCL researchers hope to step in. They propose a new method of measuring the Hubble constant, which does not rely in any way on the other two methods. It begins with a measurement of gravitational waves: the ripples in spacetime caused by the collision of massive objects like black holes. The first gravitational waves were detected only recently, in 2015, and they haven’t yet been associated with any visible collisions.
As lead researcher Stephen Feeney explains, “we have not yet detected light from these collisions. But advances in the sensitivity of equipment detecting gravitational waves, together with new detectors in India and Japan, will lead to a huge leap forward in terms of how many of these types of events we can detect.”
Gravitational waves allow us to pinpoint the location of these collisions, but we need to measure light from the collisions too if we want to measure their speed. A black hole-neutron star collision might be just the type of event that would produce both.
If we see enough of these collisions, we could use them to produce a new measurement for the Hubble constant.
The LIGO Gravitational Wave detector in Louisiana. Image Credit: Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory.
The UCL team used simulations to estimate how many black hole-neutron star collisions might occur in the next decade. They found that Earth’s gravitational wave detectors might pick up 3000 of them before 2030, and of these, about 100 of them will probably also produce visible light.
That would be enough. As such, by 2030 we just might have a brand-new measurement of the Hubble constant. We don’t know yet whether the new measurement will agree with the CMB measurement, or with the Cepheid/Type 1A measurement, or disagree with both. But the result, whatever it turns out to be, will be an important step in unraveling the puzzle. It could either put the crisis in cosmology to rest, or make it more serious, forcing us to look closer at our model of the Universe, and admit that there is more we don’t know about the Universe than we thought.
Hidden Under The Water UFO Underwater Base Found Off The Coast Of Malibu! Must See Video!
Hidden Under The Water UFO Underwater Base Found Off The Coast Of Malibu!Must See Videos!
UFO underwater “base” found off the coast of Malibu
Off the coast of Malibu (California) in a place that ufology calls the “Holy Grail”, a large structure of unknown origin was discovered at a depth of more than 100 meters. The structure is so large that you can even see it from a satellite: you can use the Google Earth program.
Ufologists have been looking for this structure for more than 40 years. According to unconfirmed reports, observations, studies and photographs of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were carried out in this place.
A massive underwater structure which looked like a secret UFO/USO facility was discovered 6.66 miles off the shores of Point Dume, Malibu, California. Could this structure be the reason for the mass UFO sightings off the coast of Malibu from the 1950’s?
Enhanced Google Earth imagery of the submerged underwater formation which creates a plateau that measures 1.35 miles by 2.45 miles wide, does not appear to be naturally figured by the ocean water. The upper interior surface of the structure measures 500 feet across making it insusceptible for a nuclear attack. The entire ceiling of the mega-structure is reinforced by over 600 feet tall columns which creates an opening that is 2745 feet wide and 630 feet tall.
The location of the suspected UFO/USO base in Google Earth was discovered by Fade to Black hosts Dale Romero and Jimmy Church of Dark Matter Radio on the 12th of May 2014. The find was aired in Church’s radio program the next day. The topic was posted on Facebook, twitter and other UFO websites. It became a widespread topic among UFO/USO fans.
The unknown structure has the potential to house nuclear sized submarines and other massive under water ships. The secret facility has remained elusive for many years and its discovery today might give strong evidence that would credit most UFO/USO activities in the area near Malibu from 1950’s up to present.
Skeptics say that the image is misguided to be a secret underwater base and the fact that the image is available in Google Earth does not make the structure very secret.
Many still believe that the underwater structure is a secret alien headquarters that might still be operated today. Some are of the opinion that if the government is behind the massive structure, it would just be fair enough for us to deserve an explanation.
There are several theories regarding this building. Some believe it is the base for the US Navy’s submarines. However, ufologists are sure that this is a secret “base” of aliens or even an alien ship that crashed many years ago.
This is confirmed by strange signals emanating from the object, which are directed into space. The very same “plate” has a flat surface, about five kilometers wide. From satellite images, you can understand that it stands on something that looks like columns, the height of which exceeds 150 meters. The entrance to this structure was never found.
Malibu is a place that, probably, every person wants to visit. It is very popular with the rich and famous. However, not only people love him, but also aliens. In the 50-60s of the last century, a large number of UFOs were recorded there, which entered the water at high speed. Vacationers gathered every day on the beach in the evenings to see with their own eyes the objects that were constantly rising and falling from the water.
MUFON CASE : 115016 Stoke-on-Trent, England ( May 2, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : I've attached photograph and video Long Description of Sighting Report
Object seemed to be at a standstill when first spotted and drifted slowly SE and appeared to gain altitude. Odd shape and seemed to reflect sun but also intermittently emit purple and green twinkle.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-02 Date of Event : 2021-05-02 / 9:05AM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : DSCF1561.MOV
MUFON CASE : 115025 Chester-le-Street, England ( May 2, 2021 )
Spotted this moving across the night sky. Prior to recording it seemed to be going quite fast then slowed down as I started recording. The 2 minute video is the first one, the 30 second video after. There is around a 10 second gap between both videos. Also, the image changing is due to me going over 10x zoom to 15x. When this happens, it switches the camera
MUFON CASE : 115030 San Rafael, California ( May 2, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : A noodle like object hovered and changed shape sometimes becoming a boomerang. It hovered for 15 minutes before disapearing.
Long Description of Sighting Report
At approximately noon on 5/2/21 from my balcony I saw a black/grey object that looked like a floating pool noodle or snake. It changed shapes, sometimes looking like a boomerang. It hovered to the South slowly moving to the South West. There was a wind in the air that seemed to have little effect on it, and there were no signs of either a propulsion method or strings to attach it to the ground. Light reflected off of it. It was just beyond a set of powerlines. I saw a plane pass beyond it. I took a few photos and recordings. I went inside for a minute, and when I returned it had disapeared.
Date Submitted : 2021-05-02
Date of Event :2021-05-02 / 12:00PM
MUFON CASE : 115031 McKinney, Texas ( May 2, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Orb like UFO in clear sky Long Description of Sighting Report
Walked outside to bring in trash cans, looked up and saw a glowing orb like object above my house to the east. The sky was clear, the object was in view for about 30 minutes. Seemed to stay in the same area for 15 min, then slowly drifted towards the south east and eventually out of site.
Date Submitted :2021-05-02 Date of Event : 2021-05-03 / 5:27PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : 4144E0E5CDD44DA4B59E6CBF47FD08A8.MP4
Dark Craft Over McKinney, Texas, May 1, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
MUFON eyewitness states:
Stepped out into my backyard with my cat and saw this on a cloudy day in Texas.
Dark Craft Over McKinney, Texas, May 1, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Dark Craft Over McKinney, Texas, May 1, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 1, 2021 Location of sighting: McKinney, Texas, USA Source: MUFON
Watch this amazing video and you will quickly notice that this is very similar in appearance to the famous TR2B. Its stealth black in appearance and when it wobbles you see it is a thin craft, but its tilt makes it look thicker than it really is. Although it looks like a TR3B, it is not. It is a triangle shaped alien craft. No USAF craft would dare allow itself to be seen over neighborhood homes like this one. I was in the USAF I worked on B1 bombers and KC-135 tankers, but have never seen any craft that even comes close to this. Its 100% alien.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Stepped out into my backyard with my cat and saw this on a cloudy day in Texas.
Fast fireball UFO over Lockheed Martin – Fort Worth, Texas 1-May-2021
Fast fireball UFO over Lockheed Martin – Fort Worth, Texas 1-May-2021
This bright UFO was filmed near a Lockheed Martin (F35 all-weather stealth multirole combat aircraft production) in Forth Worth, Texas on 1st May 2021.
If you’ve ever had to trash a drone because its battery ran out over the lake you were flying over, your ears may have perked up when the news hit recently that US Navy ships off the coast of Los Angeles in 2019 were followed by highspeed UFOs or drones that lost no velocity or ability as they dove into the ocean and disappeared without a trace. Called “Transmedium vehicles” in military speak, they were highlighted last month in arelease of videos and photosby documentarian Jeremy Corbell to George Knapp at Mystery Wire and picked up quickly by the mainstream media. (For more proof that the mainstream media is in a UFO frenzy no less than The New Yorker has just published a UFO feature story!) In an interview with The Daily Star, Corbell talked about transmedium vehicles and dropped a new bombshell.
Are they just fishing?
In the set of videos and photos Corbell claimed to have obtained from anonymous sources inside the U.S. government – videos and photos later confirmed by the Pentagon to be authentic – were images (see them here) taken by personnel on the USS Omaha of what was described as “a possible UAS, spherical in shape moving towards the surface of the water and then disappearing. OMA assessed the object had sunk. Attempts to search the water for wreckage were ineffective.” ‘UAS’ is an Unmanned Aerial System, which makes its disappearance into the water a transmedium event – especially since no wreckage was found. Where did it go?
“I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations,” said Susan Gough, Pentagon Spokesperson
July 2019 / USS Russell / Warning area off of San Diego / Strike Group 9 / UAS = Unmanned Aerial System
USS Omaha / UAS = Unmanned Aerial System
Jeremy Corbell on the SUNRISE morning show in Australia…
“As you would have an embassy in a foreign land, it is possible that there’s a congregation or a station or a location underwater, where UFOs could be transiting from once they’re here, wherever they come from. That is a possibility that UFOs are transiting from a localized place underneath the water.”
Corbell seems to believe that even if the UFOs seen by the USS Omaha and other ships in 2019 came from another planet, they may have been stationed at an underwater base before the ships encountered them. He points to the USS Nimitz incident in 2004 as another example – pilot David Fravor and others reported a circle of water churning below the Tic Tac UFOs.
“There was an object under the water and it appeared to be cross shaped. And it was right under the water where the tic-tac UFOs were descending to, and they were dropping in from above 80,000 feet, all the way down to sea level in less than a second without a sonic boom. When these things were coming down they were docking. And those are not my words. They were docking somehow informationally maybe with whatever was happening in the water or under the water.”
Should we e looking for flying submarines?
Docking? Who else said that? Corbell impies that it came from government officials.
“(Officials have also discussed the possibility they) come from another planet. That’s one of the options that’s definitely on the table. But importantly, there was this implication that there might be a base or location like an embassy that they could go and maybe fuel up their starships and come I mean, who knows I’m speculating jokingly, I have no idea.”
“Speculating jokingly”? That was a poor choice of words for what is otherwise a revelatory interview on government and military suspicions that the drones came from an underwater base – whether it was built by ETs or a foreign power. Corbell seems to have a good source inside the government for these amazing – and Pentagon certified – videos and photos. He states that US officials discussed this possibility with him. Let’s hope he doesn’t get swayed by all of the attention they have brought him and cross the line from disclosure to joking speculation.
In the meantime, it’s a safe bet that someone is already trying to duct-tape a drone to an ROV submarine and make one of these at home.
Pentagon Whistleblower Warns That The United States Government Has Failed To Warn The Public Of The Intensity Of UFO Incursions To Earth
Pentagon Whistleblower Warns That The United States Government Has Failed To Warn The Public Of The Intensity Of UFO Incursions To Earth
A former Pentagon investigator who claims to have run a hush-hush UFO program has warned that an upcoming blockbuster report about “unidentified aerial phenomena” could reveal a failure by US intelligence agencies on par with 9/11.
Isn’t it strange how our government here in the United States reversed their position, in an instant, that UFOs were not real and that only nutty, conspiracy theory basement dwellers believed they were real? And they did it with no apologies, no explanation, no ‘filling in the blanks’ to get us all up to speed. Of course, what they don’t know is that what they are encountering are not space aliens at all, they are the fallen angels connected with the Genesis 6 giants. Welcome back, we who believe the bible have been expecting your return.
“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matthew 24:37 (KJB)
Now remember, when the Pentagon reveals them to us on the nightly news, in an interview streamed lived on YouTube, you didn’t miss the rapture and we are not in the Tribulation. When that happens, we will simply be witnesses the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus and the Days of Noah. When it happens, the Pretribulation Rapture will literally be moments away from taking place.
Pentagon whistleblower warns of UFO intelligence failure on ‘level of 9/11’
FROM THE NY POST: Luis “Lue” Elizondo, former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, has told The Post about the document slated for release in June under a mandate contained in former President Donald Trump’s $2.3 trillion appropriations bill for this year.
The whistleblower said the highly anticipated report will address what UFO believers have been clamoring to discover about Tic Tac-shaped objects the Navy saw in 2004, the strange “cubes within spheres” seen by naval aviators in 2014 and mysterious black triangles reported around the world.
“I am not a UFO guy, I am an investigator, my job was (simply) to collect the data and speak the truth,” Elizondo told the US Sun.
“There is something in our skies, we don’t know what it is, we don’t know how it works, we don’t know fully what it can do, we don’t know who is behind the wheel, we don’t know its intentions, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it,” he added.
“If it turns out we have been leapfrogged technologically by a foreign adversary, then we are dealing with an intelligence failure on the level of 9/11,” Elizondo told the outlet. “It took three years to write the 9/11 report — and I am not sure if these things have been in our skies for decades that 180 days is enough time to provide the level of information Congress is asking for and deserves,” he added.
Elizondo made it clear in a press conference that UFOs have been observed to have qualities that are nothing less than otherworldly. He described vessels flying at 11,000 mph and being able to turn “instantly.” Providing a comparison, he explained, for our most advanced jets going at the same speed, “if you wanted to make a right-hand turn, it would take you about half the state of Ohio to do it.”
Elizondo resigned from the AATIP as he sought to bring the discussion about the UFOs into the mainstream, describing them as a “national security issue.”
“When I was at AATIP, our purpose was to try and find a conventional explanation,” he told the US Sun. “It was only when we exhausted all options that we became increasingly engaged.”
When asked whether Russia and China are also studying UFOs, he said, “We have every reason to believe that foreign adversarial countries are equally — if not more — interested in these topics than we are. “That has been validated through various sources. We are certain about that,” he added to the outlet. READ MORE
10 Most Mysterious Recent Archaeological Discoveries
10 Most Mysterious Recent Archaeological Discoveries
No matter how the modern world looks like right now, the same world looked a whole lot different thousands of years ago. The land beneath your go-to supermarket might have been underwater in the distant past or maybe the location of your home was probably a site where monstrous dinosaurs fought each other to death. Though these circumstances might seem hard to imagine, our planet is forever changing. But the remnants of the distant past still lay buried beneath us and are waiting to be discovered for those who are curious enough. Here are 10 of the most mysterious recent archaeological discoveries which you need to know!
The Ancient Book Of Enoch Hidden Story of Jesus? Dr Michael Heiser Lays Out Amazing Finding!
The Ancient Book Of Enoch Hidden Story of Jesus? Dr Michael Heiser Lays Out Amazing Finding!
Is A Hidden Story Of Jesus In The Ancient Book Of Enoch? Dr Michael Heiser Lays Out Amazing Finding!
Did you know that the disciples of Jesus and the writers of the New Testament honored the Book of Enoch and even expected Jesus to fulfill what was written in this ancient work? AND THEN HE DID!
Tech companies are selling the idea of ‘digital resurrection.’ That’s only a problem if we’re dumb enough to buy it.
Transhumanists have hyped the new religion of high technology for decades now. The basic idea, fairly prevalent in Silicon Valley, is that rapid advances in scientific knowledge and tech innovation will culminate in our de facto omniscience and omnipotence. Even though humanity is lost in a godless cosmos, digital devices will allow us to transcend our ape-like forms.
As Google’s Ray Kurzweil famously quipped, “Does God exist? I would say, ‘Not yet.’”
One day soon, they promise, we’ll use artificial intelligence to overcome the limits of our meat-based cognition. According to Yuval Noah Harari’s 2015 best-seller “Homo Deus,” computer programmers will realize the age-old fantasies of shamans and prophets by creating a virtual version of the spiritual realm. These Davos darlings are certain “God is dead,” but Google still wants to patent His best ideas.
Ultimately, they hope to replicate the fabric of ourselves in cyberspace, where we can all live happily ever after — that is, until the electricity goes out. A recent paper by Russian transhumanist Alexey Turchin argues this “digital resurrection” is not only possible but necessary to reach our full potential. We just need enough power — both computational and electric — to create a virtual afterlife and then keep it running.
For Turchin, the solution is to construct a Dyson Sphere around the sun — a megastructure 186 million miles in diameter that’s covered in solar panels to capture the dying star’s rays. That way, we can run the gargantuan super-computers required to house our digital selves. Sounds easy enough, I suppose. Maybe we can fill the potholes in the road while we’re at it.
Joining the race to boost fashionable ideas, the once sober Popular Mechanics covered Turchin’s work enthusiastically:
Think about the end of your life and what might happen next. … If your soul exists, you continue on after death and everything is wonderful. And if it doesn’t and your fate is utter demise, well, some part of you could still continue infinitely as a digital copy. ‘It’s a win-win situation in both scenarios,’ Turchin says.
If these lunatics convince enough people their scheme is truly working, they’ll expect the rest of us to treat these gibbering clones like real people. Even worse, given the shrill demands for “religious tolerance,” we’ll have to pretend we enjoy their company.
Into The Machine
The concept behind digital resurrection goes back to the “Ship of Theseus” paradox, articulated by the ancient Greeks. Imagine you have a huge wooden ship. You gradually replace the rotten boards with new wood, plank by plank. Eventually, every old part has been replaced by something new. Is it not the same ship as before, only better?
Transhumanists seek to do the same with the human personality. Every neuron will be replaced by networked processors — and then some. For example, to preserve himself for future immortality, Alexey Turchin submits the details of his life to “ubiquitous surveillance.” In addition to keeping a trivia-packed diary, he records every conversation, videotapes his behaviors, and wears an EEG headset while making art or listening to music. He has faith that one day some godlike AI will use this tedious information to “resurrect” him.
You could call this self-obsessed behavior a personal quirk, but Turchin is hardly alone in this endeavor. For many, it’s been part of the new normal since before the New Normal.
The Scan Truck is a good illustration, both literally and allegorically. Based in Los Angeles, the company developed a “mobile photogrammetry studio” decked out with more than 200 digital cameras “to capture the uppermost, photorealistic models.” The experience is like stepping into an inside-out insect eye.
Subjects who enter The Scan Truck’s portable Panopticon — preferably in the buff — have a million pics snapped from every possible angle. The resulting composite image is then used to create a “digital double.” This second self includes every scar, pore, and birthmark. The service has become enormously popular among special effects specialists in the movie industry. It’s also used to create hyper-realistic avatars to inhabit a virtual environment.
Clever enough, but what about one’s inner self?
‘Alexa, Upload My Soul’
In line with Turchin’s methodology, a “digital immortality industry” has emerged to monitor every aspect of your life. Their services, as advertised, will create a lasting imprint of your earthly persona for friends and family to enjoy when you’re gone.
Start-ups with names like, Replika, DeadSocial, and Deep Nostalgia are working hard to re-create deceased loved ones from photographs, home videos, personal diaries, intimate letters, second-hand anecdotes, and of course, online tracking technology. Replika offers an AI talk therapy app that probes living subjects to get at the core of their personality. The constant refrain is that we need to “break down privacy barriers” and “become vulnerable” to digital invasion.
For a modest price, this data is correlated with the subject’s physical attributes. The resulting electro-wraith can then speak to the bereaved from beyond the grave. Just open your laptop, and there’s your late grandma, insisting you have another plate of chicken casserole.
What about grandma’s subjective soul, though — that mysterious entity who watched you grow up from behind her smiling eyes?
When transhumanists tackle this issue — which is less often than you’d think — they typically deny the existence of a stable, spiritual self that’s distinct from brain activity. When the body dies, that “soul” will disappear. That’s why creating an electronic backup is so important.
For one thing, AI augmentation will make Grandma 2.0 smarter and less whimsical. For another, some rude guest is bound to sit in her empty chair if you don’t replace her with a digital super-being.
Throughout that process, the still-embodied subject is scanned, probed, and reconstructed as a digital double. Making multiple copies is even better, but anything beats total oblivion. As years pass, the biological version will wither like a butterfly cocoon. The digital double will soar into the future on a cloud of 1’s and 0’s.
For those guided by materialist philosophies — where transcendence is only available via physical means — there’s no better way to overcome the finality of death. Naturally, transhumanists tend to see people who believe in a spiritual existence beyond this mortal coil as quaint at best. As a quaint heathen myself, I suspect their well-heeled megalomania is far more irrational than any traditional religion.
Transhuman Heaven Sounds Like Hell
These technocratic delusions are only a problem to the extent we’re forced to participate. I’m content to live my life as a caveman and let others become cyborgs, so long as they keep their crossed wires to themselves. That’s not the world they’re creating, though. The insidious elements of their techno-cult — from materialist self-obsession to ubiquitous surveillance — have crept into our daily lives for decades now.
Consider the widespread adoption of monitored electronic communication. In olden times, the idea that our most intimate letters could be intercepted, analyzed, and added to detailed personal dossiers kept by tech executives and government agents — to be used at their pleasure — would be laughable. Today, it’s as routine as driving a few blocks to the grocery store.
In the blink of an eye, we saw the rapid migration of personal interaction to social media. It’s now normal to document a child’s life for public consumption by total strangers. For many, the privacy barriers have already been broken down. We’ve made ourselves vulnerable. The craziest part is that most have enjoyed it.
The next steps in this supposedly inevitable process are just over the horizon. After years of stops and starts, virtual reality will soon be as commonplace as a television set. Many youngsters already idolize “virtual influencers“ who dance across their touchscreens. These bubblegum apparitions are elaborate, entirely fictitious pop stars made from scratch by devious programmers. Some kids have no clue they’re not real people.
For years now, men of fighting age have retreated into video games. Would-be mothers are using dating apps to run out the biological clock. Having been conditioned by porn for generations, wealthy incels are sleeping with eerily convincing silicone dolls. Super-real sexbots are just around the corner. When the snozzberries taste like snozzberries, you’ll know the end is nigh.
Virtualized Detachment From Reality
In all of this, we see an increasing detachment from the real world of visceral struggle, heartbreak, and redemption. Without these challenges, people don’t develop character or deep social bonds. Anime-obsessed man-babies are a symptom of this tendency. The insane desire for “digital immortality” is another.
Technocracy is being normalized at an alarming pace. If a population can be convinced that kids need state-supplied hormone blockers to become self-realized, it’s only a matter of time before they’re ready to upload their souls to corporate data banks. In fact, just hack into their smartphone and you’ll see they’re already doing it.
One of the darker tenets of the techno-cult is that their innovations are necessary for survival. Anyone who chooses to reject body modification, cognitive enhancement, or mind-uploading will be like job applicants who come to an interview with no smartphone or social media account. They’ll get left in the dust.
In a competitive technocracy, organic humans are doomed to extinction. Trendy cyborgs will transition to digital immortality, while the rest of us become fossils. To the extent that Big Tech holds sway over our lives, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Yet the transhumanists have it backward — at least in the long run. The Egyptians were convinced they would reign forever, as were the Romans. Ultimately, however, their arrogance proved futile. The same will be said of Silicon Valley oligarchs and their consumerist disciples. One day, “immortal digital souls” will be displayed in museums like crumbling marble statues.
Until then, we’d be wise to build high fences as nature takes its course. We’re still free to choose our own paths. This is a spiritual conflict on their terms, but I’m keeping faith that anything is possible.
Joe Allen is a fellow primate who wonders why we ever came down from the trees. For years, he worked as a rigger on various concert tours. Between gigs, he studied religion and science at UTK and Boston University. Find him atwww.joebot.xyzor@EvoPsychosis.
Strange Phenomenon Sighted Over Thailand ( April 28, 2021 )
Multiple witnesses sight a Strange Phenomenon over Thailand, on April 28, 2021
credit : UFO Sightings Footage
UFO Sighted Over Hunters Creek, Florida ( April 28, 2021 )
STATEMENT:Fireball UFO in the Sky in Hunters Creek Kissimmee Florida 4/28/2021 11:49PM : Me and my wife were chilling outside when we seen this fireball coming towards us , then it stoped and started going Up, then it turns off and acts like a star then flys away. Have you guys ever seen something like this?
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Oval object floating sky Long Description of Sighting Report Stepped out into my backyard with my cat and saw this on a cloudy day in Texas Date Submitted : 2021-05-01 Date of Event : 2021-05-01 - 6:15PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE :trim.98F90F1C0EFF4DB98F13160CD865A43B.MOV
UFOs Sighted Over Las Vegas, Nevada ( May 1, 2021 )
Multiple UFOs were sighted over Las Vegas, Nevada on May 1, 2021:
STATEMENT :Las Vegas sky ufo OVNI strange Any idea what’s is this ??
credit : Fernandooo
Video Clip Rosary-Like UFO
A man took a video of an object or objects that resembled a Rosary.
TicTac UFO Over Deming, New Mexico 4-3-2021, UFO Sighting News.
MUFON Eyewitness states:
I was driving back from Roswell for the holiday yesterday, April 3, 2021. At about 4:30 I had just passed Deming when I noticed something hovering over the mountains to the south of the 10. I pulled over and stared for a while. It never moved, and from that angle it looked dark. I drove further up the 10 and passed 3 RV's which were pulled over, all staring out their windows to the same direction I had been looking. I passed the mountain and from this angle the object appeared to be white and reflect the sun. It was too high to be a helicopter and, being from L.A. I see helicopters all the time, I know what they look like and how they maneuver. It couldn't have been a blimp or an airplane. It was a crystal clear sky, with no clouds and the sun was bright. The thing just hung there. I checked my map to see if there was an exit close enough that I could get to while keeping it in sight, and saw there was, with a road that got closer.
I ended up at this spot: [exact location details have been moved to Investigators report section/ CMS/fgc] but the dirt road led back to what looked like private property, and to be honest I was a little too freaked out to want to drive towards this thing. When I'd tried to take pictures on my phone the camera failed multiple times before I got a picture. I couldn't see the object on my screen while I was trying to get a picture, so it's sheer luck that I managed to get it at all. I went back to the gas station at the exit to see if anyone was looking towards the object, but there were only truckers in their trucks and some people inside the station. I was too timid to approach people to ask them to look. The object never left, and I assumed, given where I was, the possibilities could be numerous and I wasn't going to get an explanation, so I continued home.
Strange Formation of Lights ( 4-3 -2021)
A strange formation of orange lights were videotaped in Dana Point, CA on Apr 3, 2021.
Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory
Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory
Last year, the United States signed into law 5,500 pages of legislation, most of which dealt with economic stimulus. But it dealt with something else too – UFOs! The revelations have explosive implications that will cause us to reexamine our scientific paradigms of human origins. Where do we come from? This is probably the most fundamental question within the human condition, and to even attempt answering it, we must explore the origin of all life on Earth.
The legislation contained the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. In the committee comment section is a heading entitled “Advanced Aerial Threats.” The provision mandates that the Director of National Intelligence collaborate with the Secretary of Defense to forge a detailed report, the so-called UFO report, which discloses everything the government knows about unidentified flying objects (UFOs), a moniker they have now discarded in favor of others such as “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP) or “anomalous aerial vehicles” (AAV).
In 2020, the U.S. Navy confirmed that three videos circulating the internet were indeed authentic and were captured by Navy jet pilots. Pentagon spokeswoman, Sue Gough, admitted that the images of the rapid-moving, glowing vehicles, one sphere-shaped, another acorn-shaped, a “metallic blimp,” and many others, were being studied by the newly formed Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF).
Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life of Earth
Abiogenesis is the prevailing, although highly speculative and controversial, narrative about how life originated on Earth. Essentially, this theory holds that over millions of years of primordial, evolutionary processes, non-living matter transitioned into living cells. Then, simple, cellular life forms gradually began to develop, via natural selection, and after epochs of competition-driven genetic mutation/adaptation, a myriad of biodiverse species were born.
This theory has been propped up since the 1950s as scientific fact, and proponents of it point to a series of experiments from the 50s in which some amino acids were successfully synthesized from inorganic compounds. The problem is, some amino acids are not remotely equivalent to the proteins required to constitute even the most basic cellular life, and then, even these proteins fall far short of the wondrous complexity that is a living cell. In fact, the more molecular biotechnology advances, so to does our understanding of how incredibly complex cells are.
Directed panspermia is the theory that an intelligent species intentionally inoculated our planet to stimulate the development of life.
Panspermia and Directed Panspermia: Alternative Origin of Life Theories
Alternatively, the theory of panspermia holds that life arose elsewhere in the universe, through unspecified processes, and was then spread to planet Earth by a medium like an asteroid, comet, meteorite, or space dust. Modern, definitive studies have concluded that complex, organic molecules exist within this solar system and in interstellar space. It is then, quite probable that these fundamental building blocks of life arrived here by way of these mechanisms.
Directed panspermia, on the other hand, can be defined as the deliberate transportation of complex, organic life through space with the goal of introducing species onto lifeless, but habitable astronomical objects. In other words, an intelligent species, utilizing high technology, intentionally inoculating planets or moons in order to stimulate the development of life.
This is not science fiction . Highly acclaimed, world renowned scientists like Francis Crick, Leslie Orgel, Sydney Brenner, and many others, endorse this theory and published extensive studies on the subject. It’s worth mentioning that Brenner shared a Nobel Prize for his work on deciphering the genetic code, and that Francis Crick (along with James Watson) discovered the DNA helix, won the Nobel Prize, and gave birth to genetic science as we know it.
Darwinian and Definition of Life Disclaimers
It’s important to point out that life itself is not easily defined. There are hundreds of definitions, and in some cases, entire chapters have been exclusively devoted to defining this fundamental word/concept. According to modern biologists Jane Reece and Neil Campbell, “the phenomenon we call life defies a simple, one-sentence definition.” The definition preferred by NASA is that life is a “self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution.” In other words, life is, “matter that can reproduce itself and evolve as survival dictates.”
This brings us to Charles Darwin . The favoring of directed or undirected panspermia should not be misinterpreted of a revolt against the concept of Darwinian evolution. Unfortunately, Darwinian evolution has accumulated a great deal of connotations and assumptions which intertwine the origins of life, alongside the process by which life adapts to its environment.
It is commonly believed that Darwin’s Origin of Species , is well-established, scientific fact. The process of evolution, meaning the natural selection driven, genetic mutations/adaptations, is well established science. However, this process as the origin of all life, is not, at all, scientific fact. Additionally, there’s strong evidence in modern studies of molecular biology that the competitive nature of this process has been overestimated, and that the process may be much more symbiotic.
While Darwin’s Origin of Species is held as well-established, scientific fact, the process of evolution as the origin of all life is not.
Genetic studies literature indicates that primates diverged from mammals about 85 million years ago. Then the various, great ape subfamilies diverged around 15 to 20 million years ago. From there, it is speculated that a locomotion transition to bipedalism occurred about six to seven million years ago. This theoretical transition enabled the earliest human ancestors to migrate throughout the globe. However, some anthropologists studying the development of bipedalism, have stated that this evolution in gait alone could not have sufficiently empowered these primates to fan out around the world.
These professionals have found that bipedalism, tool construction, and the manipulation of fire would have be necessary to achieve spread of human ancestors. It is further believed by the leading authorities that these advancements then triggered rapid encephalization (perpetual brain growth), beginning around two million years ago. Finally, we have archaic and modern humans emerging from a complicated tree of interbreeding hominin species around 400,000 – 200,000 years ago.
The So-Called Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis
Ancient Greek thinkers like Plato, Pythagoras, and many others, wrote in great detail about how the deities of mythology were real, had initiated the natural processes, as well as inoculated the planet with life. Of course, these ideas came after thousands of years of paradigmatic belief in pantheons of deities as the creators of humanity and the world. These religious paradigms were largely relegated to mere tradition with the rise of Darwinism and the industrial revolution.
There exists a centuries old, ideological death match between religious and scientific worldviews which took hold during the Renaissance when Roman Church authorities responded to scientific explorations by condemning them and their ideas under the threat of death and excommunication. In the mid twentieth century, authors of alternative history began publishing books about out of place artifacts and thereby popularized a fusion of science and mythology that has become known as the ancient astronaut hypothesis.
This concept asserts that the deities of ancient mythology were actually intelligent, non-human species, who utilized advanced technology to establish life on Earth and bequeathed the arts and sciences of civilization to humanity in the distant past. This mainstream popularization was fueled, in part, by an ever-growing collection of sightings by people across the world of anomalous aerial phenomena, and by the progress made in aerospace related fields.
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis posits that the deities of ancient mythology were intelligent, non-human species who came to humanity in the distant past.
A deity can be defined as a supernatural being that has the capability of influencing the forces of nature, observes humanity, and periodically intervenes in the affairs of human beings. It’s interesting that by this definition, an elder species that observes, and occasionally interacts with, human civilization, is well within the parameters of scientific probability. Even with countless sightings, physical evidence of high-tech in ancient times, and the postulations of great thinkers like Crick, Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Pythagoras, Plato, the notion that such “deities” or elder life forms are, at least, intermittently present, and observing mankind’s civilization, is often met by vitriolic ridicule and skepticism.
Most of the opponents of this concept, whether they’re aware of it or not, are incited by flawed reasoning intravenously fed into their consciousness by Darwinian evolutionist zealots who themselves are guilty of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance, if not outright scientific misconduct. These authorities were much chagrined by the work of Dr. Francis Crick and his colleagues, as his intellectual prowess was, and is, beyond reproach due to his and Watson’s discovery of the DNA helix. They (the oligarchic authorities) regard these theories as heresy (tragically ironic), and this is why even to this day, the mainstream public is mostly unaware of them.
AAVs and the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
In a televised interview with CBS correspondents, the Republican US Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who at the time was the vice chair of the intelligence committee, explained that “the bottom line is these things are flying over your military bases and you don’t know what they are because they aren’t yours and they are exhibiting – potentially - technologies that you don’t have at your disposal, that to me is a national security risk and one that we should be looking into.” In public statements such as this, state officials are approaching the subject as if these could potentially be foreign adversaries who have made secret technological leaps.
They’re also acting as if the U.S. military hasn’t been studying these phenomena for years. They have. Created in 2007 and dissolved in 2012, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was uncovered in 2017. It was run by intelligence official Louis Elizondo who publicly called for disclosure of the project’s findings. The program was then succeeded by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) in 2020, under the umbrella of the U.S. Department of Defense. While existence of the project has been made public, its findings, and those of previous programs, are still classified. Hopefully some of the information, which has been financed by taxpayers, will come to light with the report due to come out 1 June 2021.
In 2017, Hawaiian astronomers discovered the first ever interstellar object as it passed through our solar system and they named it Oumuamua, which means messenger from the distant past.
In late 2017, Hawaiian astronomers discovered the first ever interstellar object as it passed through our solar system. They named it Oumuamua. At first, it was designated a comet, but then, it turned out not to fit the criteria for a comet, so they changed it to an asteroid. But then, they realized it had come from outside our solar system and therefore needed its own, new designation as an interstellar object.
The name itself is Hawaiian and roughly translates to “messenger from the distant past.” Avi Loeb is the chairman of Harvard’s astronomy department who has boldly pointed out that the object is moving too fast to be an inert rock and is not emitting jets of steam like a comet. His position is that it cannot be a lump of rock as has been suggested and, in his expert opinion, the only scenario that fits with the data is an object that originated from another intelligent civilization. Loeb has also pointed out that it’s arrogant believe that we are alone in the universe, or even an especially unique species.
Expert Opinions on Extraterrestrial Intelligence from the Moonwalkers
Apollo astronaut Al Worden made an appearance on Good Morning Britain some years ago. Before the show wrapped up, the host asked him if he believed in extraterrestrials. Worden responded that he did, and that he knew they existed because he saw them everyday. The hosts laughed, misinterpreting his statement as a joke. But he wasn’t joking and told them so. He went on to explain that in his expert opinion, in the distant, prehistoric past, an intelligent species seeded life on Earth. He then suggested reading Sumerian mythology before the host flew into a panic, ending the program.
Another moonwalking astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, has stated publicly that an anomalous, 200-meter-tall object on Mars is, in his expert opinion, evidence of a non-human civilization. But perhaps the most intriguing of the moonwalkers is Edgar Mitchell and his email that was uncovered by the Wikileaks revelations. In an email sent from Mitchell to the Clinton camp while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and running for president, Mitchell wrote: “Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero-point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.” ETI is short for extraterrestrial intelligence and zero-point energy is a clean, inexhaustible energy source.
What Does UFO Report Mean for Human Origin Paradigms?
What conclusions can be drawn from this 180-degree reversal by the US government, and what impact does it have on human origin paradigms? First and foremost, the US government’s long held position that these UFOs are simply misconstrued aerial/optical illusions has all the while been a complete farce. No surprised there for the discerning researcher. Also, it seems that quite a few of the previously mentioned, vitriolic skeptics are due up for a long, humiliating, force-fed, cornucopia feast of cold crow meat.
But what these disclosures really mean is that theories like those of Francis Crick, James Watson, Sydney Brenner, Leslie Orgel, and others are being tremendously reinforced. It’s one thing to speculate that somewhere out there, in the distant reaches of the universe (or multiverse), there are other intelligent life forms. But, if such life forms are present right here, then the likelihood of their influence regarding the origination of life on this planet goes up ten-thousand-fold.
In this realm of theoretical science there’s a concept known as the Fermi paradox. This controversial paradox posits that based on the age of the universe (approximately 15 billion years old), its vast size (so large its boundaries are unknown), and given what we know about our own development, the universe should be teaming with intelligent life or at least littered with remnants of it. If this is the case, why haven’t we found it? Unless, perhaps, we have. We’ll have to wait for the UAPTF UFO report to come out on 1 June 2021 to find out more!
Top image: What does the UFO report mean for human origins theory?
ORIGIN STORY The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku has built a parallel career as a best-selling writer on the future — of science, of the mind, of the human condition. Now, with “The God Equation,” No. 12 on the nonfiction list last week, Kaku turns his lens on the past.
Not just, say, 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the earliest we’ve yet probed the universe. Before that. As the title suggests, Kaku’s latest concern is with what he calls the “holy grail” of all science, the metaphorical “umbilical cord” of our infant universe, whenever it was (or wasn’t) born out of the alleged multiverse. He wanted to write a balanced account of the physics community’s quest to prove string theory — and thus to resolve the messy, imperfect Standard Model of subatomic particles into one elegant theory of everything. This book is like a State of the Union where the union is all of existence.
The quest is a controversial one. “Nobel Prize winners have taken opposite points of view,” he said in a phone interview. To Kaku, the “vigorous debate” is a good thing.
In conversation, Kaku articulates the thorny situation with ease, and a sense of wonder: Right now the known laws of the universe — “the theory of almost everything,” he calls it — can be written on a single sheet of paper. There’s Einstein’s general relativity on one line, and then a couple more for the Standard Model. “The problem is that the two theories hate each other,” he said. “They’re based on different math, different principles. Every time you put them together it blows up in your face. Why should nature be so clumsy?”
Because it’s not, he hopes. Where in English departments, “hundreds of Ph.D. theses are created every year because we want to know what Hemingway really meant,” to him, “physics is the exact opposite.” The equations get “simpler and simpler, but more fundamental and more powerful, every year.”
Say one day we do finally unify them into one law of the natural world and answer the question of How We Got Here. Then what?
When we “find the rules that govern the chess game,” Kaku said, “we then become grand masters. That’s our destiny, I think, as a species.”
Unlike with literary criticism, with interpreting Shakespeare, he said, the rules of the physical universe are “resolvable” — finite and, well, universal. “I like to think that on the other side of the galaxy, there’s a young physicist writing the same equation I am, in a different notation. That’s what gives me hope.”
Lauren Christensen is an editor at the Book Review.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
Pentagon whistleblower warns of UFO intelligence failure
Pentagon whistleblower warns of UFO intelligence failure
Pentagon whistleblower warns of UFO intelligence failure on 'the level of 9/11' and reveals UFO bombshells.
Lue Elizondo is a former intelligence officer with the Department of Defense. He claims he was the director of AATIP, the Pentagon's "UFO program", from 2010-2017.
Elizondo reveals shocking truths about the UFOs the Navy and other military branches have encountered on almost "a daily basis", why some "very senior" officials at the Pentagon tried to suppress UFO evidence, and the jaw-dropping things these UFOs can do.
VIDEO: Cigar-shaped UFO over Thunder bay, Canada 29-Apr-2021
VIDEO: Cigar-shaped UFO over Thunder bay, Canada 29-Apr-2021
This huge cigar-shaped UFO was filmed in the night sky above Thunder bay in Ontario, Canada on 29th April 2021.
Witness report:
04/29/2021 430am.the mountain behind my grandparents is a hot spot. They haven’t mentioned anything about it ever till I showed them this video. My thing is, when I walked out of the cabin it wasn’t moving at all. By the time I got to the corner of the house it took off real quick. I am walking with it and trying my best to film and watch where I walking at the same time, sorry for being a noob as I’m not constantly on my phone taking videos for those tic tock things or the snap chats everybody’s going crazy about.
The Government Has Acknowledged the Reality of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
The Government Has Acknowledged the Reality of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
According to a former Pentagon official, the government could disclose evidence and reports on unidentified aerial phenomena this June.
Luis Elizondo, the former director of Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said that the government is planning to disclose “reality” documentation about UFOs. The upcoming report, which has caught much media attention, is expected to expose the military knowledge about unexplained aircraft observed around its installations. And could help clear up several mysterious UFO sightings that have been reported, or it could be an underwhelming cache of things that turned out to be optical illusions and balloons.
Don’t forget to follow us on Youtube for the latest UFO videos.
However, there’s enough reason to believe this report will be revealed in some form. Even if it’s not a groundbreaking disclosure of alien life, former President Donald Trump manded that the US intelligence agencies had to disclose what they know about UFOs and UAPs by the summer.
Elizondo believes that the government has acknowledged the reality of UAP – they all want answers and willing to ask the hard questions.
UFOs exist — but the government doesn’t want you to know it, according to the ex-Pentagon official who says he ran the program investigating “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAP.
Recalling the revelatory instant when he recognized that UFOs were bona fide, controversial whistleblower Luis “Lue” Elizondo exclusively told The Post, “It was a holy-s–t moment: ‘Oh, my gosh, it’s real. Well, crap, now we have to do something about it.’ ”
However, Elizondo has not been able to get the feds to act on what he describes as a serious national security risk due to a litany of roadblocks — including a cover-up of the existence of UFOs because of religious objections, concerns over tarnishing its own reputation and fears of inciting public panic.
With a bombshell government report on UFOs set to be released before the end of June, Elizondo — who says he came into the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in 2008, and headed it from 2010 until 2017 — has revealed the shocking things he alleges to have learned, and the chilling reason why some in the Pentagon don’t want this information made public.
As part of his job, Elizondo said, he had access to the Pentagon’s UFO data and interviewed military eyewitnesses who encountered UAP on an almost “daily basis.” Meanwhile, Navy pilots have testified about engaging 50-foot Tic Tac-shaped vessels only to see them disappear in the blink of an eye.
Other pilots said their fighter jets had a “near collision” with a strange “sphere encasing a cube.” Elizondo scrutinized all this evidence, including radar and electro-optical data, that showed unknown aircraft zipping 60 miles in five seconds and descending at speeds of 14 miles per second.
“Do the math,” Elizondo, also a former intelligence officer for the US Department of Defense, told The Post. “You’ll see that it’s very fast.” (BTW: We did the math — and 60 miles in five seconds is 43,200 mph.)
Despite those mind-blowing discoveries, Elizondo was always swimming upstream. He tried to share frightening evidence with closed-minded non-believers who shunned his research, which he has compared to an “intelligence failure on the level of 9/11.”
Luis “Lue” Elizondo has told The Post about shocking things he alleges to have learned — and the chilling reason why some in the Pentagon don’t want this information made public.NY Post composite
“It was a holy-s–t moment: ‘Oh, my gosh, it’s real. Well, crap, now we have to do something about it.’”
Lue Elizondo, on the day he faced the ‘reality’ of UFOs
Elizondo allegedly pushed his superiors — who included Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis — to take his findings seriously.
He also claims “very senior” officials blocked him from informing Mattis, and he resigned from the Pentagon in frustration. (Reps for Mattis declined to comment when The Post reached out for comment.)
The official resignation letter of Luis “Lue” Elizondo.
As the report’s publication looms, Elizondo is coming out swinging. During a series of exclusive interviews, he clued in The Post on the reality of UFOs, the amazing things that they can do, the religious beliefs that led federal officials to dismiss their veracity, what the government knows but doesn’t want to tell, and the ways in which UFO technologies can benefit humanity.
But institutional silence may soon be broken amid what Elizondo sees as a tipping point for the unexplained. “The level of interest is reaching a critical mass,” he said. “I think [government officials realize that] it would be like putting the cat back in the bag or like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Now that the government has acknowledged the reality of Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon [or UAP, which is synonymous with UFO] … it’s going to be real hard to backtrack.”
Looking back on his years in the Pentagon, Elizondo remembers that his biggest concern involving UFOs was not based on a fear of extraterrestrials. It centered on America’s Earth-bound enemies: “We [were] behind the power curve” — as a result of military bosses turning blind eyes to unexplained phenomena. “We knew that foreign adversaries in other countries are interested in this topic. So there comes a real problem from a national security perspective.”
Here are some of Elizondo’s most compelling revelations and insights:
Face it: UFOs are ‘real’ and not ‘silly’
Elizondo said he’s seen enough to be confident that UFOs are very real and that our government — thanks in part to a mandate former President Donald Trump put into his $2.3 trillion appropriations bill for 2021 — is not a moment too soon in taking these incursions in the sky seriously.
Having spoken to US military sources who’ve witnessed UFOs, watched videos of them and seen photographs, Elizondo is a true believer in the presence of unexplained phenomena. He thinks the rest of us should be as well. “This isn’t a silly conversation,” said Elizondo. “This is a conversation about someone, from somewhere, displaying beyond next-generation technology” — which allows craft to fly without wings or obvious airworthy construction — “in our controlled airspace. And there’s not a whole lot we can do about it.”
In encouraging exploration of UFOs, Elizondo raised topics that many of his Defense Department superiors found off-putting. As a result, there appears to be a long-running campaign to discredit him and to keep his findings out of the limelight. Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood released a statement saying, “Mr. Elizondo had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP [Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program] program.” Sherwood’s statement was soon followed by a slightly modified one from spokesperson Susan Gough: “Mr. Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for AATIP.”
It’s a diss that former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.),who once took credit for arranging $22 million in annual funding for the AATIP, has consistently challenged. Reid spent the last few years publicly defending Elizondo’s leadership role with AATIP and, just this week, released a new statement re-emphasizing this. “Mr. Elizondo has spent his career working tirelessly in the shadows on sensitive national-security matters, including investigating UAPs as the head of AATIP,” Reid wrote on his letterhead. “He performed these duties admirably.”
Elizondo also stuck up for himself, bluntly telling The Post, “There are some people in the Pentagon that still don’t like me very much. I think they’re pissed at me for the way I left. They’re now trying to thread the needle, saying, ‘He had no assigned responsibilities with AATIP.’ I had no assigned responsibilities because I was working Gitmo for [the Department of Defense]. These assigned duties [exploring the reality of UFOs] were coming from the legislative branch.”
Insisting that he had plenty of assigned responsibilities in this area, Elizondo added, “There are enough people now in the Pentagon and on the Hill who know exactly who I was and what I did. And, you know, it’s going to hurt [my detractors’] credibility.”
Luis “Lue” Elizondo is a former intelligence officer for the Department of Defense — who claims he was in charge of the Pentagon’s unclassified division devoted to investigations of UFOs. Elizondo is pictured here in uniform for duty from 1996 through the early 2000s.Courtesy Luis Elizondo
UFOs can do jaw-dropping things
We tend to be impressed by high-tech roller coasters at glossy theme parks. Observers of UFOs have seen mechanical and technological performances that bring new parameters to the notion of a thrill ride.
Elizondo describes vessels flying at 11,000 miles per hour, “making crazy right-angle turns” and being able to reverse “instantly.” Providing a comparison, he explained of the Air Force’s SR-71 Blackbird — which maxes out around 2,100 mph — “if you wanted to make a right-hand turn, it would take you about half the state of Ohio to do it.”
He also detailed Spielberg-worthy operational capabilities that fall into the realm of “transmedium travel.” Elizondo explained that the eye-popping vessels can fly 50 feet above the Earth’s surface or 80,000 feet in the sky and even submerge underwater without a compromise in performance at any level: “When you see that, you recognize you are dealing with a technology more advanced than ours.”
The Pentagon officially released three videos taken by US Navy pilots showing midair encounters with what appear to be UFOs. The grainy black and white footage had previously been leaked and the Navy had acknowledged they were Navy videos. The Department of Defense said it was “releasing the videos in order to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real, or whether or not there is more to the videos.”DoD/AFP via Getty Images
Even the way in which these inexplicable flying machines manage to lift off blows away rational engineering. “[These] things have no wings, no cockpits, no control surfaces, no rivets in the skin, no obvious signs of propulsion — and somehow they are able to defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity,” Elizondo marveled. “How is that possible?”
Then there is the sheer ability to handle the stress of it all: “Humans can withstand 9 Gs for just a short period of time before negative physical consequences. The F-16 fighter jet will begin to experience structural failure around 17 Gs. The objects we’re seeing are doing 600 Gs. Obviously well beyond the healthy limitations of anything” — including whoever or whatever is inside the vessel.
Nick Pope, former head of the UFO office in the UK’s Ministry of Defence, told The Post that it all adds up to “an advanced technology that we don’t currently possess. It may be why the Pentagon’s AATIP program was studying advanced theoretical physics concepts such as anti-gravity and warp drive. It’s as if someone said, ‘This is real — and can we figure it out ourselves?’”
As Elizondo reveals later in this story, we can and we did.
Gen. James Mattis testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 27, 2010, on his nomination to be commander of US Central Command.Yuri Gripas/REUTERS
The ‘Satanic’ reason unexplained phenomena were suppressed
The presence of highly intelligent life — possibly more advanced than humans —would be huge news. Elizondo – who expresses relief at the impending release of the upcoming UFO document, even though he is not privy to its contents – knows all about federal reticence on this matter.
Elizondo quit his Pentagon job in frustration over authorities being unwilling to even entertain the possibility of UFOs. Referencing why his superiors refused to brief his boss at the time, General Mattis, Elizondo said, “They were probably worried about tarnishing [Mattis] if it came out that he was briefed on UFOs.”
“They objected to UFOs as being Satanic!”
Dr. Eric Davis, Ph.D., former rocket scientist for Air Force Research Laboratory and currently a scientist at government contractor the Aerospace Corporation
For senior Pentagon officials, Elizondo discovered, acknowledging the very existence of UFOs was “too much of a pill to swallow.” He recalled one superior who clumsily changed the subject by asking Elizondo how the Miami Dolphins football team was doing. “Some individuals have a problem with this topic because it interferes with their philosophical or maybe theological belief system.”
In fact, Elizondo claimed one senior official “told him to ‘Stop'” investigating UFOs — and asked Elizondo if he had “read your Bible lately?”
Elizondo asked where his boss was going with the non sequitur before acknowledging familiarity with the Good Book. As per Elizondo, he was then told, “‘Well, then you would know that these things are demonic and we should not be pursuing them.’ He wasn’t kidding. That’s exactly how he felt.”
Dr. Eric Davis, Ph.D., a former rocket scientist for the Air Force Research Laboratory and currently a scientist at government contractor the Aerospace Corporation, confirmed: “They objected to UFOs as being Satanic!”
The line of thinking is not restricted to America. Nick Pope saw similar incidents of religion trumping science in the UK. “Some objections come from people in government who think the phenomenon is real — but demonic,” Pope said. “Their belief seems to be that studying UFOs would thus give energy to attention-seeking demons, which should be avoided. This view comes, in part, from the biblical description of Satan as ‘the prince of the power of the air.’”
But then, even secular government officials who accept the reality of UFOs get cornered by exactly what kind of action should be taken and who should take it. “They can’t deal with it on a legislative basis or on a military operational basis; they can’t deal with it on the basis of a presidential policy,” said Davis. “So they let a finite group of engineers and scientists and investigators work [on it] together.” And their findings “just collect cobwebs in the classified storage warehouses.”
Luis “Lue” Elizondo today.To the Stars Academy
Some of this may have also stemmed from a fear of panicking the public. As Elizondo told Politico, many of the UFO sightings were near vulnerable nuclear facilities, ships in the water and power plants. He added, “We had never seen anything like it.”
What the government might not want you to know
If anyone wonders whether the US government is fully aware that UFOs exist, Elizondo removes all doubt. Questioned about American authorities having physical remnants of crashed vessels, he provided an answer that no current official would likely voice: “I was asked if I believe the US government is in possession of [UFOs] and I said, ‘Yes. I believe so.’ And that’s all I’m prepared to say.” (Elizondo, who is tied to a lifelong NDA with the government, rides a fine line between what he can reveal and what he can’t.)
UFOs coming from other planets and being operated by aliens who may have hostile intentions for our nation and planet would be bad enough. But the even bigger concern, Elizondo maintained, would be a more Earthly possibility. “Let’s assume this is some sort of adversarial or foreign technology that for several decades now has managed to leapfrog us and evade all 18 members of the intelligence community,” Elizondo said, painting a nightmare scenario of the United States being vulnerable to a human enemy with the highest of high-tech capabilities. “That would be an intelligence failure that eclipses just about anything else this country has ever faced.”
Though Elizondo, Pope and Davis are all pleased to see the report coming out, none of them expect the government to reveal all. Elizondo figures it will be “an interim report … [with] all the unknowns” laid out. And if there is not a lot of talk about anything as concrete as, say, flying saucers in our midst, Davis sets that matter straight. UFOs, he said, “never went away. They’re still coming up and causing aviation havoc. They’re getting in the middle of aviation operations, and that’s dangerous.”
As for the force behind those craft and how deep the report’s authors will go, Popeadded, “If they know or suspect that UFOs are extraterrestrial, I hope they’ll say so.”
“Maybe we’re going to realize that what we thought were monsters are really just our neighbors.”
Lue Elizondo
The ‘sea monsters’ in the sky
When confronted with the question of whether UFOs are simply Earth-bound vehicles or from another galaxy, Elizondo offered a third unsettling option. He started by emphasizing, “This is important,” then explained how humans can only perceive “a narrow band” of reality. A lot of stuff (infrared, radio waves, cosmic radiation) is invisible to the human eye. There are “things that are right in front of your eyes, but you can’t see them.”
Elizondo then briought up “sea monsters.”
“Imagine the first person who decided to get on a boat and sail over the horizon,” he mused, recalling days before Christopher Columbus. “Back then there was talk of sea monsters and krakens that will destroy your boat. But [those intrepid souls] did it anyway.”
As it turned out, of course, fearful sailors were not entirely wrong: “There really are sea monsters — but now, 500 years later, we call them great squids of the Pacific, great white sharks and whales. They’re part of nature and we learned to understand them.”
Elizondo said humanity could once again be faced with the same scenario. “Maybe,” he proposed, “this is just another expedition over the horizon. Maybe we’re going to realize that what we thought were monsters are really just our neighbors.”
Where is Skinwalker Ranch? Its Utah Location Forms a Triangle With Area 51 & Roswell
Where is Skinwalker Ranch? Its Utah Location Forms a Triangle With Area 51 & Roswell
History’s latest reality series is The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, which aims to get to the bottom of the strange, possibly paranormal occurrences that have been documented at a 500-acre ranch for decades. Skinwalker Ranch, which was purchased by a then-anonymous buyer three years ago, is considered a hotspot for UFO activity — and its location forms a triangle of UFO hotspots in the southwestern United States.
Skinwalker Ranch is Not That Far Away From Roswell, New Mexico, or Area 51
Skinwalker Ranch is located in Fort Duchesne, Utah, which was a U.S. Army base from 1886 to 1912. It is now the headquarters of the Ute Native American tribe. It is located in the northeast corner of Utah, about two and a half hours ESE of Salt Lake City.
On a map of the United States, Skinwalker Ranch forms a triangle with two other well-known UFO hotspots: Roswell, New Mexico, and Area 51, which is located in southern Nevada near Groom Lake, outside Crystal Springs. Skinwalker Ranch is about 770 miles northwest of Roswell and about 500 miles northeast of Groom Lake. The three locations form a triangle around the Navajo Nation land that straddles New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado.
Google Maps
Roswell, New Mexico, is the site of what conspiracy theorists thought was a UFO crash in 1947. The U.S. military maintained for years that it was a weather balloon that crashed and not an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Then in 1990, the military disclosed that it was actually a nuclear test surveillance balloon that crashed.
Similarly, Area 51 is a classified United States Air Force (USAF) location that has always sent conspiracy theorists abuzz with talk of UFOs. The theory is that the alien materially that crashed near Roswell has been stored and examined at Area 51. But the government maintains that the area is mostly used to test military aircraft and its stealth capabilities.
The Skinwalker Ranch Investigators Get Some Strange Readings
Regardless of whether Skinwalker Ranch is at all connected to either other location or aliens, the investigators on The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch get some very strange readings on the episode that aired Tuesday, April 7, titled “Night Visions.”
When the team set up their infrared camera at night and point a laser at the mesa on the property, it first appears as two distinct spots of color on the side of the mesa, then it goes out completely, and then a beam of light of unknown origin appears to shine right out of the mesa itself.
“Until I came to the ranch, I didn’t really believe the stories I’d heard about strange lights coming off the mesa,” says engineer Dr. Travis Taylor. “Now I’m seeing this thing glow at night with my own eyes. This isn’t just a story, this isn’t some special effect or a hoax, this mesa is really glowing.”
Before they can investigate further, the ranch’s superintendent, Thomas Winterton, starts having a terrible headache, reminiscent of a previous time when he was digging on the ranch and got sick when fluid separated the fatty tissue from his skull. This time around, the team is getting microwave spikes to dangerous levels, so they decide to take Winterton to the hospital and that’s where the episode leaves off.
Next week’s episode, titled “Looking Down,” promises that “a life-threatening incident forces the team to re-assess their methods of investigation; disturbing new evidence at homestead one has Tom and Travis on edge.”
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on HISTORY.
Lonnie Zamora Incident: A High-Speed Car Chase Turned Into UFO Encounter With Two Aliens
Lonnie Zamora Incident: A High-Speed Car Chase Turned Into UFO Encounter With Two Aliens
In the history of Ufology, the case of Lonnie Zamora was registered as the most authentic and well-documented UFO sightings in the United States. It is hard not to believe a police officer when he/she claims to have seen something not from this world. A police officer from Socorro named Lonnie Zamora witnessed a white egg-shaped craft in New Mexico when he was chasing a high-speed vehicle in 1964.
Lonnie Zamora
On April 24, 1964, at around 5:45 p.m., Zamora was chasing an overspeed vehicle in his cruiser on the outskirts of his town. Suddenly, he was diverted by a loud roaring sound and noticed a flame in the sky.
Zamora said that the flame had been orange and bluish in color. He described it as “funnel-like.” He explained that he drove for half a mile and saw a white object on the ground.
“Thought that it might be a car that had turned over. Crossed to go out there to investigate, thought maybe somebody might be hurt. At that time, I saw this white, like an egg-shaped looking object.”
Illustration of oval-shaped craft witnessed by Lonnie Zamora
Initially, he thought that the object was an overturned car. He could also notice two humans near the object, examining it. As the police officer began approaching them, he understood that they were either large kids or small people. Besides, the object was of white aluminum color.
Lonnie Zamora poses next to a depression in the soil he claimed was left by a UFO landing in 1964.
He contacted his station and told them about the situation. As soon as he tried to get out of the car, a roar was heard again and the craft started emitting blue flame. This noise scared him, and he thought there might be an explosion. So, he took a cover and made his way back to his cruiser while keeping his eyes on the scene.
The craft was moving upward with an increasing sound, and Zamora could once again see an orange-bluish flame coming out from under the craft. He also said that the object had an oval shape without any door or windows.
During his radio interview with Walter Shrode, Zamora said that the two people he had seen near the craft were not humans. The following is the conversation held between Zamora and Shrode.
SHRODE: Did they have helmets on like spacemen or anything?
ZAMORA: No sir, I wouldn’t say they were people, I just… I saw something white, white coveralls, that’s all I can say.
SHRODE: But you couldn’t identify them as actually being an actual human being, like you or I are?
ZAMORA: No sir, I couldn’t.
ZAMORA: It was very low to the ground, at the time I was seeing it, it was very low to the ground up to the perlite mill there, and then it started gaining in altitude.
There is no doubt about what Zamora had seen. Even the FBI investigated the case and discovered burned marks on the site where he had seen the craft landed. The Air Force also recorded his case in detail for the Project Blue Book and concluded that they were definitely humans in white suits. What’s more, when the craft disappeared, another police officer Sergeant Sam Chavez arrived at the scene. He found his colleague totally lost and pale.
Police investigation
According to the investigation conducted by NICAP officer Ray Stanford, there were more witnesses who heard the loud roar around the same time as claimed by Zamora. From the police records, he found out that three people had reported seeing a bright object in the sky.
On April 26, 1964, two days after Zamora’s case, a local farmer went to check on his horses as something was bothering them. He said to have seen an object in the shape of a butane tank. He also noticed a bluish-orange flame, emitting from the bottom of the craft.
Laos' mysterious Plain of Jars which features thousands of stone jars littered across the burial ground may be more than 3,000 years old, new analysis reveals
Laos' mysterious Plain of Jars which features thousands of stone jars littered across the burial ground may be more than 3,000 years old, new analysis reveals
New analysis suggests the limestone vessels may be up to 3,300 years old
But remains found nearby date to just between 700 and 1,200 years ago
That suggests they were used for centuries, possibly by different societies
A body may have only been in a jar until it decomposed and the bones buried
Scientists aren't sure how the urns, which can weigh two tons, were moved miles from where they were quarried
Laos' eerie 'Plain of Jars' may be thousands of years older than previously suspected, and in use for a much longer period of time.
Limestone vessels dotting the landscape in northern Laos were place there up to 3,300 years ago, according to analysis of quartz crystals in the sediment underneath them.
But most of the remains found in the area were only interred between 700 and 1,200 years ago.
That suggests the jars had 'enduring ritual significance,' researchers say. 'They were important for a very long time.'
They believe the containers were used to expose dead bodies to the elements until only the bones remained, which were then buried nearby.
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Mysterious stone jars spread across northern Laos' Xiangkhouang plateau have given the region the nickname 'Plain of Jars.' New analysis of the jars suggest they are centuries older than previously believed
Mysterious stone jars are spread across thousands of square miles of northern Laos' Xiangkhouang plateau, commonly known as the 'Plain of Jars.'
The massive vessels are made of sandstone and limestone and vary in size, reaching up to 10 feet tall and weighing two tons.
While local legends claim they were goblets used by a horde of drunken giants, the scientific consensus is that the region was a sprawling cemetery and the containers were 'burial urns' used for storing human remains.
In the 1930s, French geologists excavated a cave near one cluster, determining it had served as a crematorium.
An example of a full skeleton buried at Site 1 in the Plain of Jars. Most remains found near the stone jars date from between 700 and 1,200 years ago
In 2019, archaeologist Louise Shewan uncovered 1,000-year-old remains of nearly a dozen dead babies near jars in a location near Ban Nahoung, dubbed Site 1.
While some places only have a handful of jars, Site 1 contains around 400 vessels, scattered across more than 60 acres.
For the past five years, Shewan, a researcher at the University of Melbourne, has studied Site 1 and other jar locations with Dougald O'Reilly of the Australian National University and Thonglith Luangkoth of the Laos Department of Heritage.
They've uncovered three basic types of burials: One where a full skeleton was laid out; another where just bundles of bones were buried, and a third variety where remains were placed inside smaller ceramic jars.
Using optically stimulated luminescence, a technique that dates the last time quartz sediment was exposed to sunlight, researchers determined some of the limestone vessels were placed on the site up to 3,300 years ago, far earlier than the skeletons interred nearby. This suggests the jars were used over long periods by various groups
Previous radiocarbon dating of the remains suggest most they've found were buried between 700 and 1,200 years ago.
Now Shewan and her colleagues have examined the sediment under the jars to estimate their age.
They used optically stimulated luminescence, a technique that dates the last time quartz sediment was exposed to sunlight.
A map of Laos, with Xiangkhouang province, home to thousands of limestone jars scientists believed were involved in prehistoric funereal rites
While some burials involved full skeletons, others just held bundles of bones
'Directly under one jar, we had a date range of 1350 to 730 B.C., and under another we had 860 to 350 B.C.,' Shewan told Live Science. 'I think we're going to find a range of dates as we continue the analysis.'
That means the larger stone vessels are centuries older than many of the bodies buried nearby.
Carved from huge blocks of sandstone and limestone, the jars on the Xiangkhouang plateau date from 500 BC to 500 AD.
They appear to have been quarried from several areas in the Xiangkhouang foothills before being spread over more than 90 sites, numbering from just a handful in some areas to hundreds in others.
Each has a cylindrical shape with the bottom wider than the top and most have lip rims, raising suspicions that the jars originally had lids.
However, few stone lids have ever been found at the sites.
Little is known about how the jars were created but some archaeologists speculate that the people who made them used iron chisels to carve them.
Just one jar has been found to have been decorated with a human 'frogman' relief carved on the exterior
'What we surmise from that is the enduring ritual significance of these sites,' Shewan said. 'They were important for a very long time.'
Earlier research had dated the jars more recently, between 500 BC to 500 AD.
The team believes bodies were placed in the large jars until they decomposed, then the bones were buried nearby.
It's not clear if different societies used the jar sites at various times or if descendants of the people who made them continued the tradition.
'Whether they were culturally related to the people who made the jars is a question that we can't define yet,' O'Reilly told Live Science.
Some jars were found with decorated stone discs and smaller clay jars and a variety of other artifacts, including beads and jewelry.
Images on the discs, which were buried with their decorated sides face-down, include animals, human figures and patterns of concentric circles.
Each has a cylindrical shape with the bottom wider than the top and most have lip rims, leading to speculation they all had lids.
Little is known about how they were made but some archaeologists speculate they were carved with iron chisels.
The jars appear to have been quarried from several areas in the Xiangkhouang foothills before being spread over more than 90 sites, some housing just a handful and others hundreds.
In their new report, published in the journal PLOS One, the researchers also analyzed lead and uranium isotopes in a jar at Site 1 and found it had been mined at a sandstone quarry some five miles away.
How it was brought to the site is still unknown, they said.
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is giving astronomers a rare look at a Jupiter-sized, still-forming planet that is feeding off material surrounding a young star.
“We just don’t know very much about how giant planets grow,” said Brendan Bowler of the University of Texas at Austin. “This planetary system gives us the first opportunity to witness material falling onto a planet. Our results open up a new area for this research.”
This illustration of the newly forming exoplanet PDS 70b shows how material may be falling onto the giant world as it builds up mass. By employing Hubble’s ultraviolet light (UV) sensitivity, researchers got a unique look at radiation from extremely hot gas falling onto the planet, allowing them to directly measure the planet’s mass growth rate for the first time. The planet PDS 70b is encircled by its own gas-and-dust disk that’s siphoning material from the vastly larger circumstellar disk in this solar system. The researchers hypothesize that magnetic field lines extend from its circumplanetary disk down to the exoplanet’s atmosphere and are funneling material onto the planet’s surface. The illustration shows one possible magnetospheric accretion configuration, but the magnetic field’s detailed geometry requires future work to probe. The remote world has already bulked up to five times the mass of Jupiter over a period of about five million years, but is anticipated to be in the tail end of its formation process. PDS 70b orbits the orange dwarf star PDS 70 approximately 370 light-years from Earth in the constellation Centaurus.
Credits: NASA, ESA, STScI, Joseph Olmsted (STScI)
Though over 4,000 exoplanets have been cataloged so far, only about 15 have been directly imaged to date by telescopes. And the planets are so far away and small, they are simply dots in the best photos. The team’s fresh technique for using Hubble to directly image this planet paves a new route for further exoplanet research, especially during a planet’s formative years.
This huge exoplanet, designated PDS 70b, orbits the orange dwarf star PDS 70, which is already known to have two actively forming planets inside a huge disk of dust and gas encircling the star. The system is located 370 light-years from Earth in the constellation Centaurus.
“This system is so exciting because we can witness the formation of a planet,” said Yifan Zhou, also of the University of Texas at Austin. “This is the youngest bona fide planet Hubble has ever directly imaged.” At a youthful five million years, the planet is still gathering material and building up mass.
Hubble’s ultraviolet light (UV) sensitivity offers a unique look at radiation from extremely hot gas falling onto the planet. “Hubble’s observations allowed us to estimate how fast the planet is gaining mass,” added Zhou.
The European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope caught the first clear image of a forming planet, PDS 70b, around a dwarf star in 2018. The planet stands out as a bright point to the right of the center of the image, which is blacked out by the coronagraph mask used to block the light of the central star.
Credits: ESO, VLT, André B. Müller (ESO)
The UV observations, which add to the body of research about this planet, allowed the team to directly measure the planet’s mass growth rate for the first time. The remote world has already bulked up to five times the mass of Jupiter over a period of about five million years. The present measured accretion rate has dwindled to the point where, if the rate remained steady for another million years, the planet would only increase by approximately an additional 1/100th of a Jupiter-mass.
Zhou and Bowler emphasize that these observations are a single snapshot in time – more data are required to determine if the rate at which the planet is adding mass is increasing or decreasing. “Our measurements suggest that the planet is in the tail end of its formation process.”
The youthful PDS 70 system is filled with a primordial gas-and-dust disk that provides fuel to feed the growth of planets throughout the entire system. The planet PDS 70b is encircled by its own gas-and-dust disk that’s siphoning material from the vastly larger circumstellar disk. The researchers hypothesize that magnetic field lines extend from its circumplanetary disk down to the exoplanet’s atmosphere and are funneling material onto the planet’s surface.
“If this material follows columns from the disk onto the planet, it would cause local hot spots,” Zhou explained. “These hot spots could be at least 10 times hotter than the temperature of the planet.” These hot patches were found to glow fiercely in UV light.
Hubble observations pinpoint planet PDS 70b. A coronagraph on Hubble’s camera blocks out the glare of the central star for the planet to be directly observed. Though over 4,000 exoplanets have been cataloged so far, only about 15 have been directly imaged to date by telescopes. The team’s fresh technique for using Hubble to directly image this planet paves a new route for further exoplanet research, especially during a planet’s formative years.
Credits: Joseph DePasquale (STScI)
These observations offer insights into how gas giant planets formed around our Sun 4.6 billion years ago. Jupiter may have bulked up on a surrounding disk of infalling material. Its major moons would have also formed from leftovers in that disk.
A challenge to the team was overcoming the glare of the parent star. PDS 70b orbits at approximately the same distance as Uranus does from the Sun, but its star is more than 3,000 times brighter than the planet at UV wavelengths. As Zhou processed the images, he very carefully removed the star’s glare to leave behind only light emitted by the planet. In doing so, he improved the limit of how close a planet can be to its star in Hubble observations by a factor of five.
“Thirty-one years after launch, we’re still finding new ways to use Hubble,” Bowler added. “Yifan’s observing strategy and post-processing technique will open new windows into studying similar systems, or even the same system, repeatedly with Hubble. With future observations, we could potentially discover when the majority of the gas and dust falls onto their planets and if it does so at a constant rate.”
The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy in Washington, D.C.
Written by MiMi Aung, Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Project Manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter (above center to the right) is viewed by one of the hazard cameras aboard the Perseverance rover during the helicopter’s fourth flight on April 30, 2021.
Ingenuity successfully completed its fourth flight today, and we couldn’t be happier. The helicopter took off at 10:49 a.m. EDT (7:49 a.m. PDT, or 12:33 local Mars time), climbing to an altitude of 16 feet (5 meters) before flying south approximately 436 feet (133 meters) and then back, for an 872-foot (266-meter) round trip. In total, we were in the air for 117 seconds. That’s another set of records for the helicopter, even compared to the spectacular third flight.
We also managed to capture lots of images during the flight with the color camera and with Ingenuity’s black-and-white navigation camera, which tracks surface features as it flies. Images from that navigation camera are typically used by Ingenuity’s flight controller and then thrown away unless we specifically tell the helicopter to store them for later use. During this flight, we saved even more images than we did on our previous flights: about 60 total during the last 164 feet (50 meters) before the helicopter returned to its landing site.
NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover acquired this image of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter (upper right) using its left Mastcam-Z camera. Mastcam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the rovers mast. This is one still frame from a sequence captured by the camera while taking video. This image was acquired on Apr. 30, 2021 (Sol 69) at the Local Mean Solar Time of 12:33:27. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
Capturing images like that provides a technical challenge – another way to test Ingenuity – and provides an aerial perspective of Mars that humanity has never seen before. We’ll use these images to study the surface features of the terrain. Some of our black-and-white images were taken as stereo pairs, allowing us to test our ability to make 3D imagery of the surface and study the elevation of different sites below us. Adding this dimension to future missions could offer a broad range of scouting possibilities across regions that rovers can’t roam, close-ups that orbiters can’t provide, or ways to extend the reach of future human explorers.
But in the immediate future, we have lots of data to analyze. Ingenuity’s performance on Mars has been letter-perfect. This is an amazing time for our entire team!
Minihelikopter Ingenuity voltooit vierde vlucht op Mars alsnog, NASA verlengt missie
De minihelikopter Ingenuity is vandaag alsnog opgestegen op Mars en heeft met succes zijn vierde vlucht gemaakt. Die was opnieuw sneller en verder dan de voorgaande keren. Gisteren ging er iets mis bij de start en bleef het toestel aan de grond. De NASA-ingenieurs herkenden dat probleem uit eerdere tests. Een dag lukte het in de herkansing wel. De minihelikopter zal overigens veel langer op Mars rondvliegen dan oorspronkelijk gepland.
De missie, die oorspronkelijk ongeveer 30 dagen zou duren, is met nog eens 30 dagen verlengd. “Na die periode van 30 dagen zullen we bekijken waar we staan”, zei NASA-manager Lori Glaze. “Er is een kans om ook daarna nog door te gaan.”
Vorige week is Ingenuity voor de eerste keer opgestegen. Het werd daarmee het eerste luchtvaartuig dat een vlucht op een andere planeet voltooide. Daarna vloog de helikopter, die wordt aangedreven door lithium-ionbatterijen en ongeveer 1,8 kilogram weegt, nog twee keer, verder en sneller dan voorheen. Een vierde lanceerpoging gisteren mislukte aanvankelijk, maar werd vandaag herhaald.
De 1,8 kilo zware Ingenuity (Vindingrijkheid) had als opdracht 133 meter in zuidelijke richting te vliegen en onder meer foto’s te maken van een mogelijke nieuwe landingsplek. Die wordt de eindbestemming van het volgende tochtje op de rode planeet, waar de luchtdruk vlak boven het oppervlak al zeer laag is.
De helikopter moet extreme omstandigheden op Mars trotseren: De temperaturen dalen ’s nachts tot -90 graden Celsius, wat een uitdaging is voor batterijen en elektronica. Vanwege de ijle atmosfeer, die ruwweg slechts één procent zo dicht is als die op aarde, moeten de rotors van Ingenuity versnellen tot 2.537 omwentelingen per minuut, een veelvoud van wat helikopters op aarde halen. Ingenuity haalt de energie voor die inspanning uit zijn batterij, die wordt gevoed door de zonnestralen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFOs Sighted Over Guatemala Coast ( April 29, 2021 )
STATEMENT : En la Costa de Guatemala, escuchen como todos los perros ladran, y vean esas luces en formas de círculos. TRANSLATE :On the Guatemala Coast, hear all the dogs bark, and see those lights in circles.
credit :Kary Moran Payes
UFO Sighterd Over Ocoyoacac, Mexico ( April 29, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Regresando de trabajar!! Lo que vimos hoy !!! En el cielo de ocoyoacac pasan cosas raras !! 29 de abril 2021, 11:30 pm ovni TRANSLATE : Coming back from work!! What we saw today!!! Strange things happen in ocoyoacac sky!! April 29, 2021 pm ovni
credit : Erick Peña
UFO Sighted Over Glendale, Arizona ( April 17, 2021 )
STATEMENT: UFO Glendale, AZ, USA April 17, 2021 Saturday : A UFO cubic, trangle shaped craft with bright lights in the sky! Can anybody explain what i saw?!
UFO Sighted Over Nevada County, California ( April 30, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over Nevada County in the Sierra Nevada, State Hwy 20, California on April 30, 2021
credit : UFO Sightings Footage
Ring Shaped UFOs And Other Planet Size Objects Around Our Sun! (UFO SIGHTINGS)
Ring shaped objects spotted around our. Also a look at two other planet size objects and there possibilities of being connected. Source of video Helioviewer
Three separate UFO sightings took place within 18 miles of one another in the space of a month. The latest sightings of mysterious objects have all been reported with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a database of reported UFO sightings worldwide.
In Tullibody, a triangular-shaped aircraft was observed on Friday evening, March 26. A witness was walking their dog when they spotted an orange coloured light from a south-westerly direction coming towards them.
Their first immediate thought was a Chinese lantern, but they changed their mind when they observed it moving too fast. So, they then thought of a meteorite, but it was bright orange composed of three small triangles close together.
They watched it until it vanished into a bank of clouds. They moved on to think about it further when another UFO appeared from a similar direction with the same colour, speed, and form.
The mysterious object moved smoothly with no sound, vapour trail, and blinking lights. The second one looked like it caught up the previous, putting a spurt and giving off a little exhaust of similar colour. The puff of exhaust stayed in the same place and left a tiny orange dot in the sky before it again vanished into the cloud bank.
The eagle-eyed witness believes this can be explained away logically.
The phone of the spotter was broken; therefore, they have no evidence except their description. They have been thinking more about what they saw that night. The incident took place at 8.30 pm and was reported to MUFON on March 29.
Coincidentally, another UFO sighting was reported three days later, 18 miles away in Cumbernauld.
Someone witnessed this sighting in the Lanarkshire town on Tuesday, March 23, shortly after 9pm, and reported that same day to MUFON.
On this occasion, the witness managed to take video footage. The video shows a white, flickering light that, according to the witness, remained in the skies for more than two hours, but the video only lasts for more than three minutes.
The third sighting happened on Wednesday, April 21. A witness claimed to have observed a UFO moving from north to east and then changed direction back north before vanishing. Two small objects flashed above it.
The incident was reported to MUFON that same day. Video footage shows a white light flashing in the sky and seems to be coming from a type of craft but is not clearly identifiable from the clip.
Antarctica pyramids claim: ‘Oldest pyramid on Earth' is hidden on icy continent
Antarctica pyramids claim: ‘Oldest pyramid on Earth' is hidden on icy continent
THE oldest pyramids on Earth are hidden away under the deep cold snow of Antarctica, conspiracy theorists have shockingly claimed on the History Channel.
Ancient alien theorists who are certain secret pyramids are concealed all around the globe, think some may be hidden on Antarctica. Conspiracy theorists, in particular, point to a vaguely pyramid-like structure near the Shackleton mountain range on the icy continent. The “pyramid” in question, when viewed on satellite imagery, does appear to have four steep sides much like the Great Pyramid of Giza.
This incredibly bizarre theory was presented on the History Channel’s TV series Ancient Aliens, which investigates various extraterrestrial theories.
Episode one of season 11 of Ancient Aliens, explored the remote possibility such pyramids were left behind by ancient alien visitors or human civilisations.
Conspiracy theory author David Childress told Ancient Aliens there is a distinct possibility the Shackleton pyramid is the oldest of its kind on Earth.
He said: “If this gigantic pyramid in Antarctica is an artificial structure, it would probably be the oldest pyramid on the planet and in fact, it might be the master pyramid that all the other pyramids on planet Earth were designed to look like.”
Another conspiracy theorist agreed, saying: "All the way around the world we find evidence of pyramid structures.
"We should start looking at the possibility there was habitation on Antarctica.
"Was it a lost civilisation? Could it be ancient astronauts?
"And just maybe, the earliest monuments of our own civilisation came from Antarctica.”
But the theory was challenged by Dr Michael Salla, author of Exopolitics Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence.
The alien expert argued the Antarctic pyramid is just one node in a global network of power-generating pyramids strategically places around Earth.
A popular pyramid conspiracy claims the triangular structures act as power generators of sorts, built for the purpose of transiting vast amounts of energy wirelessly.
Dr Salla said: “There has been extensive research done on pyramids throughout the world, in terms of their structure an what is they really are.
“One of the theories is that pyramids are power generators and so if you have these pyramids strategically placed around the world generating a charge, it’s possible to create a general standing wave around the world that is a wireless transmission of energy.”
However, not everyone who saw the Ancient Aliens episode was convinced by the wild theories presented.
YouTube user Derrick commented: “Snow covered pyramid shape in Antarctica, I believe geologists would call that a mountain.”
Lazaros Tsakpounidis said: “I feel like I’m losing my brain cells after watching this.”
And Mohammad Ziaul Mushtafa Khan said: “No evidence, only a bunch of authors referred them as extraterrestrial theorists claimed everything on Earth is conspired by some aliens, now latest victim is Antarctica.
“Maybe geologist must take lessons from so-called experts.”
And according to geologists, there is nothing unusual about the angular shape of the mountain.
Dr Mitch Darcy, a geologist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, argued mountains like this are known as nunataks.
Nunataks are exposed and rocky mountain peaks and rides which are naturally occurring and pyramid-like in shape.
Speaking about a similar “Antarctica pyramid” near the Ellsworth Mountains, the geologist told IFLScience: “The peaks are clearly composed of rock, and it’s a coincidence that this particular peak has that shape.
“It’s not a complicated shape, so it’s not a special coincidence either.
“By definition, it is a nunatak, which is simply a peak of rock sticking out above a glacier or an ice sheet.
“This one has the shape of a pyramid, but that doesn’t make it a human construction.”
“Something or someone” is observing the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars (Video)
“Something or someone” is observing the Ingenuity helicopter on Mars (Video)
Mars is getting more interesting every day: The anomalies continue on the neighboring planet and in addition, today we have “a visitor watching” the Perseverance and the Ingenuity helicopter.
NASA’s Perseverance Rover, which landed safely on the Martian surface on February 18, has been carrying the “Ingenuity” helicopter on its belly.
The Rover dropped Ingenuity to the surface of Mars, where it would have to survive temperatures as low as minus 130 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 90 degrees Celsius).
Once the airfield was selected along with the Perseverance mission team , the spacecraft began to slowly unfold from underneath the rover.
More recently, last Saturday, the helicopter finally landed after Perseverance dropped it 4 inches (10 centimeters) to the Martian surface.
But once the Rover dropped the helicopter, something seems to be watching the process, and naturally it wouldn’t be human or terrestrial or … is it possible that it is? What was on the horizon watching the event?
The Ingenuity Mars helicopter, which arrived with the Rover Perseverance, is the first powered and controlled flight in another world.
During the helicopter deployment process, an unknown anomaly can be seen suspended in the air and near a mountain.
At first glance it seems to be even a possible bird, but of course, we do not believe that it is already, that experts say that Mars is dead.
So if we discard that it is a bird, we are left with a stain that has been impregnated in the Rover’s camera, but it cannot be a stain either, since in the following shots it does not appear.
What was happening there at that time? A UFO perhaps? A biological entity that lives in the skies of Mars?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
SETI Director: “We have no reason to believe that technological advancement and altruism or morality are in any way linked.”
SETI Director: “We have no reason to believe that technological advancement and altruism or morality are in any way linked.”
SETI Director: “We have no reason to believe that technological advancement and altruism or morality are in any way linked.”
While many scientists are doing their best to make first contact, or at least find evidence of an alien civilization, others are asking a crucial question:
Are we sure we really want the aliens to find us?
“We have no reason to believe that technological advancement and altruism or morality are linked in any way,” said SETI researcher Andrew Siemion, when interviewed by Inverse.
“There are probably malevolent civilizations elsewhere in the universe, so it’s certainly something we should consider as we continue to explore it.”
Siemion, who is the director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center and director of the Breakthrough Listen project , is invoking a certain tension at the heart of any project seeking extraterrestrial life.
Finding her successfully would change the world, but there is no guarantee that humanity will survive the encounter.
Tendency to make a “bad name”
Noted physicist and SETI expert Michio Kaku shared a similar warning recently, though neither he nor Siemion seem to think the potential risks are reason enough to stop looking for aliens.
“Now personally, I think the aliens would be friendly, but we can’t bet on that,” Kaku told The Guardian earlier this month.
“So I think we will get in touch, but we have to do it very carefully.”
“Too late”
The debate over whether or not humanity should reveal itself to the universe and convey messages to any alien civilizations that may exist overlooks the inconvenient fact that we have not been sneaky so far.
We have been sending radio signals into the cosmos for a century, so any alien within a hundred light years and capable of intercepting a specific “hello universe” message is already more than aware of our existence.
“The point that people miss is that it is too late to hide,” said astrobiologist and president of the METI Institute (Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence), Douglas Vakoch.
“If they are on the way, it is to our advantage to involve them and show them that we are better conversation partners than lunch.”
In the past, many ufologists have interpreted this defensive attitude of scientists as something merely philosophical and / or psychological, which departs from any serious study that considers extraterrestrial visitation to our world.
They argue that characterizing the aliens as a threat is a subtle way to mitigate the heavy blow to the collective ego of the human species.
Since for so long it was located in the “center of the universe” and now it is faced with the possibility of not being the only intelligent one.
In addition to being many steps below those more advanced technological civilizations.
The logic is simple, if something is evil, it cannot be superior to something that is benign (although technologically and cognitively it is the other way around).
On the other hand, detractors of scientists frightened by contact also argue that any highly advanced civilization must necessarily have a certain level of morality and ethics.
For otherwise they would have long ago destroyed themselves under the weight of their own technology.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.