The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Please State Your Name & Occupation "Babe" & Μεταλλουργός ["Worker In Metal"]
In all my years of doing UFO research
and particularly the 1947 Roswell Incident, Ive realized the importance of
verifying and/or confirming the vast amount of information that is available
pertaining to that Incident. Anything else presented is worthless, such as the
crash test dummies, not used until 1953, the Mogul balloon theory, the alien
autopsy film, and the numerous crash sites referenced, to mention a few.
Maj. Jesse Marcel, Sr. and Col. Jesse Marcel,
The late Major Jesse Marcel and his
recently passed away son Jesse Jr. both handled the debris from the crash in
Roswell, when the Major stopped by the house to show it to Jesse Jr. and his
Mother before flying some of the debris to General Rameys office in Fort Worth
Texas. Over the years both men freely talked about the material they had seen
and handled with descriptions of what it looked like.
To my surprise, 66
years later I was given information that for me confirms, or at least adds
credibility to what the Marcels talked about.
I met a young lady
recently who told me her Dad had an uncle that handled and examined material he
believed was from the 1947 Roswell crash, when he was asked to go to
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton Ohio to examine the metal samples. The
daughter put me in contact with her Dad and the following paragraphs are what he
shared with me, about what he recalled his uncle talking about.
Wright-Patterson Air Force
I heard this story on July 23, 1954 at
my birthday party in Akron Ohio. I was eight years old. My uncle was married to
my fathers sister. He was always called Babe. I dont remember his first
name. He worked for Goodyear Aerospace / Goodyear Aircraft in Akron Ohio. I
think it was one in the same. He was an engineer and metallurgist that worked in
aircraft and dirigible construction. During World War II he worked on the
bombers that were produced in Akron. At my birthday party he was telling my
father and I about working with metal samples that came from a flying disk
that crashed in Roswell, NM in the late 40s. He had to go to Wright-Patterson in
Dayton, Ohio to examine the samples. He said there were two different types of
metal. One was very difficult to cut, melt or machine. The other was like
aluminum foil that you could crumple up into a ball. If you then put the ball of
metal on a flat surface it would slowly work its self out to its original shape
with a mirror finish. If you crumpled it up again it would repeat the process.
He said this was the most interesting piece. This sounds a lot like the solar
panels used in our space program today. However, he believed that the other
metal could be used in aircraft and missiles. Goodyear went on to develop and
produce re-entry nosecones for the Atlas Intercontinental ballistic missile. I
often thought this metal was used in these missiles.
He also said that he
heard there were bodies recovered at the crash site. He said they were
supposedly transported to Wright-Patterson. This was all rumors and he said he
never saw bodies or confirmed their existence. He said the whole project was
super secret and very compartmentalized. He had to have a top security clearance
to even get near the samples. He said he made several trips to Wright Patterson
over a number of months. I remember this discussion like it was yesterday
because it caused a huge argument between him and my father. My father was
shouting at him that he was filling my head with a bunch of lies about little
green men and martians. I dont believe they ever spoke again after that party.
This caused a serious rift in the family and was a constant problem.
knew my uncle very well and had always found him to be very honest and never a
braggart. In later years I asked him several times about the story and he would
just say that he never should have said anything to anybody about it. He finally
asked me to never mention it to him again. He died about a dozen years later and
took the details to his grave. I forgot about it until I moved to New Mexico in
the late 70s. I was in a bookstore and ran into a book on the Roswell Incident.
I have read many books about it since. I believe, like you do, that something
huge happened in Roswell and that my Uncle Babe played a small part in the story
in Dayton, Ohio.
I hope you find this interesting. Thanks for
After reading the account of his uncle that he shared
with me, to say I found his story interesting would be an understatement on my
Some that read this will say its an old and a second-hand
account, however, based on the information that has been accumulated from the
Marcels over the years, and the descriptions they gave about the metal they
actually handled, I believe this account helps confirm and validate what the
Marcels stated. I personally have no reason to believe that the daughters
father made up this account of what he heard his uncle tell his father and him
at his birthday party. Jesse Marcel Jr. after all was only eleven years old when
his Dad stopped at the house to show him and his mother the material he had
gathered at the debris field on the Foster ranch earlier that day.
As to
the descriptions of the material the uncle talked about, those descriptions
match very closely with what Major Marcel told his son about not being able to
cut or burn the debris, and particularly the odd attribute of crumpling it up
and in a short period of time it returned to its original shape.
Strange Septembers: The Hill Abduction & The Exeter
"Live Free or Die" is the official state motto of New Hampshire, but the
phrase also could have served as the mantra for the 1960s, an era
well-documented as one of monumental cultural shifts and indelible social
change. Two less-celebrated events, which occurred in New Hampshire in the early
and middle parts of the decade, were both earth-shaking in their own right. They
did not entail demonstrations. Or happenings. Or rock concerts. They involved
UFOs. Extraterrestrials. And human beings. The down-to-earth details behind
these two otherworldly events are explored in the new documentary film,
Strange Septembers: The Hill Abduction & The Exeter
Based on interviews with the likes of legendary actor, James Earl Jones (who
played Barney Hill in the 1975 film, The UFO Incident), groundbreaking
ufologist, Stanton Friedman (civilian researcher who helped define the Roswell
Incident), author/lecturer Kathleen Marden (niece of Betty and Barney Hill), and
Thomas Muscarello (brother of Norman Muscarello), the film attempts to decipher
the mysteries surrounding the twin peaks of New Hampshire UFO cases: the
September 19, 1961 abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, and the September 3, 1965
close encounter of Norman Muscarello, Eugene Bertrand, and David Hunt.
Honderden mensen in de Amerikaanse staat Indiana belden ongerust
naar de hulpdiensten nadat ze een g...
30-09-2013 om 23:22
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Number Of Alien Planets Confirmed Beyond Our Solar System Nears 1,000, Data Shows
Number Of Alien Planets Confirmed Beyond Our Solar System Nears 1,000, Data Shows | By Mike Wall
This artist rendering provided by NASA, shows Kepler-11, a sun-like star around which six planets orbit. A planet-hunting telescope is finding whole new worlds of possibilities in the search for alien life, including more than 50 potential planets that initially appear to be in habitable zones. (AP Photo/NASA) | AP
Just two decades after discovering the first world beyond our solar system, astronomers are closing in on alien planet No. 1,000.
Four of the five main databases that catalog the discoveries of exoplanets now list more than 900 confirmed alien worlds, and two of them peg the tally at 986 as of Sept. 26. So the 1,000th exoplanet may be announced in a matter of days or weeks, depending on which list you prefer.
That's a lot of progress since 1992, when researchers detected two planets orbiting a rotating neutron star, or pulsar, about 1,000 light-years from Earth. Confirmation of the first alien world circling a "normal" star like our sun did not come until 1995. [The Strangest Alien Planets (Gallery)]
And the discoveries will keep pouring in, as astronomers continue to hone their techniques and sift through the data returned by instruments on the ground and in space.
The biggest numbers in the near future should come from NASA's Kepler space telescope, which racked up many finds before being hobbled in May of this year when the second of its four orientation-maintaining reaction wheels failed.
Kepler has identified 3,588 planet candidates to date. Just 151 of these worlds have been confirmed so far, but mission scientists have said they expect at least 90 percent will end up being the real deal.
But even these numbers, as impressive as they are, represent just the tip of our Milky Way galaxy's immense planetary iceberg. Kepler studied a tiny patch of sky, after all, and it only spotted planets that happened to cross their stars' faces from the instrument's perspective.
Many more planets are thus out there, zipping undetected around their parent stars. Indeed, a team of researchers estimated last year that every Milky Way star hosts, on average, 1.6 worlds meaning that our galaxy perhaps harbors 160 billion planets.
And those are just the worlds with obvious parent stars. In 2011, a different research team calculated that "rogue planets" (which cruise through space unbound to a star) may outnumber "normal" exoplanets by 50 percent or so.
This artist's illustration represents the variety of planets being detected by NASA's Kepler spacecraft. Scientists now say that one in six stars hosts an Earth-size planet.
Nailing down the numbers is of obvious interest, but what astronomers really want is a better understanding of the nature and diversity of alien worlds.
And it's becoming more and more apparent that this diversity is stunning. Scientists have found exoplanets as light and airy as Styrofoam, for example, and others as dense as iron. They've also discovered a number of worlds that appear to orbit in their stars' habitable zone that just-right range of distances that could support the existence of liquid water and thus, perhaps, life as we know it.
But the search continues for possibly the biggest exoplanet prize: the first true alien Earth. Kepler was designed to determine how frequently Earth-like exoplanets occur throughout the Milky Way, and mission scientists have expressed confidence that they can still achieve that primary goal. So some Earth analogs likely lurk in Kepler's data, just waiting to be pulled out.
The five chief exoplanet-discovery databases, and their current tallies, are: the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia (986); the Exoplanets Catalog, run by the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo's Planetary Habitability Laboratory (986); the NASA Exoplanet Archive (905); the Exoplanet Orbit Database (732); and the Open Exoplanet Catalog (948).
The Planetary Habitability Lab keeps track of all five databases, whose different numbers highlight the uncertainties involved in exoplanet detection and confirmation.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Les îles Maurice et de la Réunion survolées par un engin étrange
Les îles Maurice et de la Réunion survolées par un engin étrange
La Réunion - 29-09-2013
Le dimanche 29 septembre 2013 au soir, des habitants de la Réunion ont donné l'alerte en voyant une sorte de halo blanc se déplaçant autour d'une étoile avancer dans le ciel. Un spectacle très surprenant qui a été pris en photo localement. Dans la même soirée, des habitants de l'ile Maurice ont fait le même constat et une vidéo a même été prise.
île de la Réunion - 29-09-2013 vers 21 heure
île Maurice - 29-09-2013 - 21 heure
Il s'agit indéniablement du même objet. En analysant et en zoomant sur cette photo, qui est très probablement non retouchée étant donné la rapidité de sa disponibilité, on peut deviner derrière cet objet lumineux qui semble émettre un rayon la silhouette plus sombre, et assez caractéristique d'une soucoupe en forme de cloche.
J'ai mis les versions orginales vous permettant de zoomer et de voir par vous-même, et j'ai entouré rapidement en rouge la silhouette que l'imagerie a enregistré. Je peux me tromper bien sûr, mais je pense que ce cas est très intéressant. Je n'ai pas trouvé d'avion expérimental (comme celui fonctionnant au "soleil" par exemple, ou comme celui-ci, qui rejette de la vapeur d'eau) en prévision de vol en ce moment, surtout dans cette région. Ne manquez pas de donner votre avis (réfléchi) sur cet objet étrange...
UFO Sightings Massive UFO Strange Shaped Military Experimental
Aircraft? You Decide!! Rights Granted...
29-09-2013 om 22:36
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Une Cité engloutie dans la Baie de Willapa, Washington ?
Une Cité engloutie dans la Baie de Willapa, Washington ?
Une alerte a été lancée sur les plateformes sociales récemment, concernant des découvertes de ruines englouties au large de Willapa Bay, Etat de Washington. Mais les choses sont beaucoup plus compliquées, suite à enquête sur le sujet, que ce que peut imaginer les chercheurs en ne regardant que des cartes satellitaires... Commençons par les photos et les suppositions des chercheurs.
" Découverted'une villePréhistoriqueàWillapaBay,Washington - Mise àjour :28-09-2013
Google Earthest utilisépar des archéologuesamateurs et professionnels,mais la plupart desdécouvertes les plusétonnantesle sont par desoi-disantchercheurs dans leur fauteuil, qui utilisentles archives dessatellites pour fairequelques trouvaillesmagnifiques.
Je souhaite publierces images decettedécouverte sous-marine,et fournirlibrementles coordonnées,afin que chacun puissealler cherchercesruines surleurpropre écran.Cette imageuniqueest la preuvequ'unecivilisation technologiquement avancéea vécu dansl'État-Unisavant ou pendant ladernière période glaciaire(environ10.000 ans) eta peut-être possédéune scienceà cet endroitquirivalisait avecla nôtre.En outre,les recherches et philosophie de " Earth Ancients " (le groupe de chercheurs faisant cette annonce) sont basées sur une culturecentrée sur la Terre-et sans interventionétrangère(pensez à Ancient Aliens.)Ma conviction estque l'humanité aconnu de nombreuxcycles de développement,etatteint des sommetsdans la science.Plus tard, ilsont été détruitspar des cataclysmesouà travers des pratiquesrégressives, pourredémarrer.
Dans ces images,nous pouvons chercherdes techniques sophistiquéesde construction,uneimmense plate-forme, (peut-êtrepour les avions,noter également l'escalier)et les structures denombrede formationsartificielles (par l'homme)qui sont disperséesdans toute la région. Ces images sonttout simplementhallucinantes,et sont situées au large des côtesdel'État de Washington, Etats-Unis. - Cliff - Earth Ancients (source) "
" Voiciquelques photosamélioées de la structuresous-marinedansla baie de Willapa, Washington(Etat).Notez laconfigurationde certaines constructione, peut-êtredestinées à soutenirquelque chose de lourd. - Coord. 46°40'40.14" N 123°55'10.69" W "
Yves Herbo : il y a indéniablement des structures artificielles, et la visualisation d'un endroit plutôt chaotique, bourré de failles et d'effondrements. Question datations, il ne peut être certain pour l'instant que ces structures étaient bien à l'air libre avant ou pendant la dernière glaciation et que ce soit la montée des eaux qui les aient englouties. Tout semble affirmer au contraire qu'un grand nombre de séismes et de tsunami aient ravagé cette région à plusieurs reprises dans le temps. Donc ces pans de falaises énormes engloutis ont pu l'être plus récemment que 10.000 ans (ou moins !). :
" En tant que géologue pour le United States Geological Survey , Brian Atwater résout des mystères.
Il ramasse des indices - le nombre d'anneaux autour d'un cèdre rouge de l'Ouest, les couches de sable le long des rives de la rivière Columbia, des fissures remplies de sable exposées à marée basse - et tente de les faire entrer dans la science des tremblements de terre et des tsunamis.
SUE CODY The Daily Astorian - Brian Atwater shows samples of trees that tell the story of tsunamis and earthquakes from the Willapa Bay area of Washington at the Columbia Forum Wednesday held at the Seafood Center in Astoria.
Puis il regarde d'autres preuves et en trouve, dans les écrits amateurs d'un paysan japonais en 1700 et dans les documents en langue espagnole produits en même temps.
A quelle conclusion mènent ces indices ?
Que dans la région du Nord-Ouest de l'Amérique du Nord, un séisme à Cascadia a eu lieu et a provoqué un tsunami au Japon le 26 janvier 1700.
Le co-auteur du livre « Le Tsunami orphelin de 1700 », Atwater a examiné les mystères des tremblements de terre au cours du Columbia Forum ce mercredi soir (NDT : c'était en janvier 2012).
Alors que seuls quelques vestiges restent de l'énorme séisme de magnitude 9 vieux de 300 ans, ses effets sont encore reflétés dans les cartes modernes produites par les géologues aujourd'hui, a noté Atwater, qui prévoit un plan d'évacuation de Warrenton pour un tsunami sur un écran.
" Un étrange mélange de boue (sédiments), d'arbres et des documents japonais - ils vont tous dans le sens de la fabrication de ces cartes ", a déclaré Atwater .
Le tsunami a été appelé « orphelin » parce qu'il a déferlé sur certaines régions du Japon sans un tremblement de terre à proximité. Le tremblement de terre «mère» a eu lieu en Amérique du Nord, mais, jusqu'à ce que les scientifiques aient commencé la recherche d'indices sur la côte nord, personne ne connaissait le tremblement de terre parce que personne n'a écrit à ce sujet ici à ce moment.
Cependant, de nombreux enregistrements de l'accident ont été trouvés au Japon et au Chili, où les inondations auraient pu se produire.
" A 6 Heure du matin », écrit le paysan japonais. « L'eau devient élevée. Une Marée haute ou quelque chose qui veut entrer. Sept fois (plus haute) que la voie. Les vieux et jeunes sortent du sanctuaire pour s'échapper. L'ensemble du village a été détruit. Que pouvait-être une telle chose ( tsunami) ? "
L'écrivain était perplexe sur le tsunami, a noté Atwater, car un tremblement de terre n'a pas eu lieu préalablement. « C'est arrivé sur notre front avant », a-t-il dit.
Les scientifiques ont commencé à réunir les pièces du puzzle ensembles au milieu des années 1980, après l'examen des « arbres témoins " enregistrés à partir de Willapa Bay. Les racines des arbres avaient été debout sur un terrain qui a chuté pendant le tremblement de terre en 1700 et avait été recouvertes par la boue après que le tsunami ait déferlé sur eux.
Atwater fit pousser des boutures de ces arbres, qu'il appelait des " horloges " historiques parce que les anneaux disent quand les arbres sont morts.
Depuis lors, les scientifiques ont recherché des indices sur d'autres tremblements de terre et des tsunamis qui ont eu lieu dans le Nord-Ouest. Avec la collecte du sable lavé par les vagues du tsunami, avec l'observation des couches de terre le long de la côte qui avaient chuté de jusqu'à trois pieds (1 mètre env.) et la trouvaille de diatomées (algues minuscules) transportées dans des tsunamis, les géologues ont déterminé que les grands tremblements de terre qui se produisent le long de la faille de subduction des Cascadian à environ 50 à 75 miles (80 km à 121 km) des côtes se produisent, en moyenne, environ tous les 500 ans. Il est prouvé, cependant, que les incidents peuvent être plus proches de 300 à 350 ans d'intervalle, dit Atwater.
Le tremblement de terre de 1700 était apparemment le dernier séisme de magnitude 9 dans la région, et qu'il a eu lieu il y a 312 ans.
Les enseignements tirés du mystère du tsunami orphelin de 1700 a incité les scientifiques du Japon à se poser plus de questions sur une ligne de faille connue le long de leurs côtes. Mais avant que les derniers résultats aient pu être publiés, un séisme de magnitude 9 est survenu le 11 Mars 2011...
Plus de 20.000 personnes sont mortes dans cette catastrophe, mais un plus grand nombre de personnes vivant dans de petits endroits le long de la côte ont été engloutis par le tsunami ", a déclaré Atwater.
Au cours d'une période de questions-réponses qui a suivi sa présentation, on a demandé à Atwater si le Japon aurait eu le temps de se préparer pour le dernier tremblement de terre si les conclusions avaient été publiées plus tôt.
Atwater a dit qu'il n'en était pas sûr. Alors que les Japonais ont connu des tremblements de terre massifs précédemment, y compris celui qui s'est produit en 869, et les ont préparé dans une certaine mesure, ils pourraient ne pas avoir compris à quel point les tremblements de terre secouaient la côte. La force puissante du tsunami et sa longue portée peuvent également n'avoir pas été comprise, a-t-il dit.
" Il y aurait également eu des forces politiques et économiques pour y faire face », a déclaré l'archéologue.
Les séismes et les tsunamis qui ont récemment eu lieu dans l'océan Indien, en Alaska, au Chili et à Haïti ne sont pas nécessairement des précurseurs à un tremblement de terre (massif) sur les côtes du Pacifique (US), dit Atwater. Mais alors, on ne sait pas vraiment, a-t-il ajouté. Des mystères existent encore, qui attendent d'être résolus. « La terre est très compliquée, et nous ne comprenons pas ", a déclaré Atwater. "
Yves Herbo : Autrement dit, ces structures peuvent provenir d'un très ancien séisme-tsunami datant de milliers d'années... comme de constructions indiennes existant encore en 1700, lors du dernier gros séisme ravageur... seules des analyses d'échantillons prélevés sur place pourraient dire quand cet endroit était à l'air libre la dernière fois... mais il y a bien quelque chose, de toute façon, d'archéologiquement de très intéressant à cet endroit...
THE TRUTH In the past few months rumors have swirled that members of the Roswell
investigation team (this author included) had become aware of two photographic
slides depicting an alien humanoid creature.
- This is true, and it is equally true that they may represent the
first genuine physical evidence in support of the reality of a crash of a
extraterrestrial beings near Roswell, NM over six decades
-The stunning, historic photographs have been confirmed to have been
imaged on two Kodachrome slides dating from the year 1947, the year of the UFO
crash. -There is no indication of retouching, digital enhancement or other
photographic hoax technique. -They are clear, in color, up close, and taken from two separate
angles. -These slides were found hidden in an attic in a chest having belonged
to a deceased couple. -This author made the incredible discovery that the husband was a very
prominent petroleum geologist who conducted oil exploration expeditions in the
1940s in West TX and in New Mexico. This area also encompassed the Permian
Basin, a region that includes Roswell, NM. -Rather than depicting the popular culture image of aliens in the
1940s, they show the image of a small humanoid alien, like those aliens
described by witnesses to Roswell. -Other photos found in the chest (separate from the two humanoid
slides) depict General Eisenhower in 1947 and with the couple at meetings and
parties with what appear to be very well-placed people. -There is much more of this tale to tell
WHAT IS NOT TRUE -No crash debris or the craft itself are shown, this is pure
fiction.-No member of the team owns, manages or controls the evidence in any
way, and therefore has not made any media inquiries as rumored and makes no
decisions on what is done or not done with such evidence. -We do not in any way represent or speak for the owner of the evidence.
We were only assisting him.
LEAKS AND WHAT WENT WRONG There was most certainly a leak in the investigation. Some people
became aware of some of the elements of the story and what some did with this is
truly shameful. And others were reduced to name-calling in efforts to get us to talk.
I even received strange phone calls in the middle of the night demanding
disclosure! People actually tried to extort information on this. It is clear
that there are many who were simply jealous of our efforts and dislike the idea
of a team. They took a perverse pleasure in deliberately disrupting our
continuing investigation. They do not see that they have caused tremendous harm
to the pursuit of truth. Why did they not wait until we had the time to understand more about
the slides origin, provenance and chain-of-custody? And just why are we under
any obligation to apprise strangers of things that we ourselves are still
learning about? Why was it so urgent for them to not first let us try to answer the
many who, what, where, whens , whys and hows about these images that still
remain before blabbering their mouths? If we did not have these answers at the ready when the evidence was
presented, we would be taken to task for not having those answers. We are damned
if we do not pre-maturely release the information- and we would be damned if we
did. Why do some wish to bring down this aspect of the investigation and
abort our sincere efforts? Are they so frustrated in not being able to see the
images (some seem to being have mini-strokes and conniption fits because they
have not) that they will do anything to make us release them? Do they seek fame
at any cost? Do they not like us? Is it covetous behavior?
ON KEVIN And when it was found out that Roswell researcher Kevin Randle still
had concerns about the slides, the skeptics and mean-spirited wanted to drive a
wedge further and deep within the team. Kevin is entitled to his opinion. We
remain civil and he is entitled to his thoughts. On this matter I am convinced
that once he became privy to the evidence in a more direct way, he would have
changed his mind. People do not understand that the team can have disagreements and
still cooperate. They also do not appreciate that it is self-funded, takes time
away from making a living, and its members are physically separated by thousands
of miles. To then be further encumbered by an early onslaught of negativity
before we have even completed our work on this evidence is simply
unfair. WHAT I WILL NOT ANSWER -The names of the involved geologist and his wife nor the owner of the
slides; who authenticated them and how; when the chest was found and the name of
who found it; and specifics on the humanoids appearance. Anyone who does
release this sensitive information really does not care about history and truth,
only themselves. They are not honorable and are fame seekers and
worse. -Who has seen the photos and when and where, how they are stored,
etc. -What stage we are at in the investigation; who was contacted during
the investigation -Speculation on the decision masking processes of the owner of the
WHY YOU WILL NOT SEE THE PHOTOS The owner of the slides certainly sees from afar the puerile and
unprofessional behavior of some people. And he sees judgment cast even before
the evidence is shown. He is likely repulsed by such UFO people and has no
desire to enter such a hellish lions den. And he will not use the underbelly of
the internet to ever release something of such enormity and cosmic
Un jouet en pierre équipé de roues daté de 7500 ans en Turquie
Un jouet en pierre équipé de roues daté de 7500 ans en Turquie
Une voiture en pierre avec deux essieux et 4 roues datant d'environ 7500 années a été trouvée lors de fouilles dans le quartier de Kiziltepe de la province du sud-est de Mardin, et est maintenant exposée au musée de Mardin, en Turquie. L'archéologue Mesut Alp dit que la voiture jouet, qui est faite en pierre, date de l'âge de pierre tardif et elle pourrait avoir 7.500 années d'ancienneté.
Selon le directeur la Culture et du Tourisme de Mardin, Davut Beliktay, la voiture est comme une copie de voitures d'aujourd'hui. Il souligne également que la forme de cet ancien jouet ressemble à un tracteur.
Beliktay a également révélé que des jouets comme des poupées et des sifflets, également en pierre, ont été trouvés sur les sites de la région, " nous pensons que les sifflets et les poupées ont de 5.000 à 6.000 ans. Les sifflets sont encore en état de fonctionner ", a-t-il dit.
Dans l'exposition se trouve aussi une ancienne tablette de pierre inscrite avec une écriture. Suite à l'analyse historique exhaustive, l'écriture sur la pierre de 5 centimètres, qui a été découverte sur un site de fouilles sur la Butte Girnavas, à 4 km du quartier historique de Nusaybin, a été jugée comme étant le contenu d'un ancien titre de propriété.
Beliktayditque l'écrituresur la tablettehistoriqueavaitréussi à resterintacte au fil des ansen raison desexcellentestechniques de conservation.Le texte,a-t-il expliqué,avait étégrattésur la surfaceargileuseavecun ongle (ou un outil fin), puisla tabletteavait été placée dansun brûleur.
L'archéologue Alp a expliqué que le titre de propriété date de 2.800 années et se rapporte à la vente d'un jardin. Le contenu de l'acte a-t-il ajouté se réfère à un jardin de fruits et les arbres fruitiers dedans, qui doivent être répartis entre les trois fils du propriétaire. L'acte se réfère à "Nabulu" que Alp explique facilement puisque c'était en fait l'ancien nom de la Nusaybin actuel. Beliktay a confirmé que des informations complètes sur les deux trouvailles seront fournies bientôt.
Pourtant, l'élément le plus fascinant est le jouet de voiture ancienne. Certains ont suggéré que ce n'est pas une voiture, mais plutôt un char. Cependant, des chars n'ont généralement que deux roues et sont tirés par un animal.
Alors la question demeure : Est-ce que cette ancienne voiture-jouet pourrait-être la première preuve de l'invention et compréhension (au minimum) de la roue bien plus tôt qu'on ne voulait le dire (certains jouets très anciens avec roues en Amérique Latine et Egypte ont déjà étonné certains experts dans le passé) ?
L'archéologue parle de diverses fouilles et de la ville de Cizre (anciennementJezira ibn UmarouGazarta), probablement l'une des plus ancienne du monde. Scientifiquement, l'archéologue Mesut Alp s'occupe des 11ième au 19e siècle, mais il dit qu'ils datent également les zones d'excavation par siècle , " vous savez, les légendes populaires historiques de base parlent de Cizre. Tout le monde ici connait et parle de structures de quatre mille, cinq mille ans. Les archéologues sont convaincus que nous ne pouvons pas apporter beaucoup. Pourquoi ? Parce que c'est la très vieille ville de Cizre. Cizre, une ville qui a peut-être 10 mille ans. Mais ce sont même les débuts du château de la ville, qui n'ont pas dix mille années, qu'ils ne connaissent pas. Dans ce domaine (la Citadelle) est probablement quelque part le prophète après Jésus-Christ..."
Yves Herbo : a se demander si les anciens n'avaient pas des visions précises du futur ou s'ils connaissaient bien les principes de la roue sans vraiment réussir à les appliquer à grande échelle. On peut s'interroger aussi sur la minutie et même finesse des outils utilisés par certaines cultures, y compris leur écriture avec de petits poinçons, des petits couteaux fins, des petits jouets mêlant un début de mécanique (des axes) et la pierre... en tout cas, il devient évident qu'il y a bien dû y avoir des inventeurs et des tentatives, des prototypes pour utiliser la roue efficacement bien avant toutes les prévisions...
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Obama Admits Aliens Secretly Running The Government
WASHINGTON D. C. President Barack Obama announced that extra-terrestrial aliens have been controlling the worlds major governments since shortly after the end of World War II. President Obama made the stunning declaration at an unscheduled White House press conference early this morning. (27/09/2013)
This has been going on since the 1950s, President Obama told the crowd of stunned reporters, They were attracted to our planet in large numbers due to our discovery of atomic fission, to our use of nuclear weapons.
Obama described how the 1947 Roswell incident involved a type of alien popularly known as The Greys, who were the first to make themselves outwardly known.
Today, practically every human being on earth knows what a Grey alien looks like, the President said with a shrug, Once contact was established with the Greys, President Truman made a deal with them, letting them build bases here in exchange for technology. After that, President Eisenhower met with a group of aliens commonly known as the Nordics, who are similar enough to terrestrial humans to move among us almost completely unnoticed. They offered us a place in the universal brotherhood of enlightenment if we were willing to disarm ourselves of nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, both we and the Soviet Union, who were also facing this offer, decided to hold on to the nukes.
The President went on to explain that, since then, a variety of alien groups have established secret programs to work around the resistance by world governments to abandoning nuclear weapons and the threat of multi-dimensional devastation they pose.
Aliens have been around for a long time, and not all of them travel by spaceship, President Obama explained, They can manipulate time and space, which are both important and strongly-interconnected properties of reality, but not the only ones. One result of that manipulation is anti-gravity faster-than-light propulsion. Another result is a form of control over the kinds of trans-dimensional perception most commonly known as remote viewing, telepathy, astral travel, bi-location, or any of a large number of other names.
Nodding to himself, the President paused to take a long look at the apprehensive faces filling the silent room.
The point is, he continued, aliens have controlled our governments for the past sixty years and
At that point, President Obama lifted his hand to cover what, at first, seemed to be a cough.
Sorry, I just could help myself, the President said, wiping a tear out of the corner of his eye after hed finished laughing, Im just kidding about the aliens running our government. No, we human beings are responsible for the terrible mess were in and were just going to have to get ourselves out of it, all by ourselves.
29-09-2013 om 11:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Author Timothy Good Says Alien UFO Threatis Serious
Author Timothy Good Says Alien UFO Threatis Serious
Author Timothy Good tells Sky News the threat from UFOs is serious and governments around the world are not dismissing the phenomena. The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk and "hotline" in a year when sightings reported to the department had trebled.
The latest tranche of declassified files covers the final two years of work carried out by the MoD's UFO desk. In a briefing for the then defence minister, Bob Ainsworth, in November 2009 a civil servant, Carl Mantell of the RAF's Air Command, suggested the MoD should try to significantly reduce the UFO work
Maya artifacts depicting UFOs and
28-09-2013 om 23:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Météorite de Tcheliabinsk, 5 fragments repêchés...
Météorite de Tcheliabinsk, 5 fragments repêchés
Météorite de Tcheliabinsk, 5 fragments repêchés, en route pour un énorme morceau englouti sous la vase
Ekaterinbourg le 26 Septembre 2013 (RIA Novosti)-Des plongeurs ontrécupéréd'unlacde montagneen Ouralcinqrochesconsidérées commedes fragments dela météoritequi avait exploséen Févrierprès de laville russe deTcheliabinsk,a déclaré jeudi un ministèrede l'environnement local.
" Lesfragments,allant de 10 à30 centimètres de diamètre,seront désormaisremis àdes scientifiques pourun examen approfondi," a déclaré le Ministère de la Sécurité de l'Environnement et Radiations de la Région de Tcheliabinskdans un communiquéen ligne. (Chelyabinsk Regions Radiation and Environmental Safety Ministry).
La totalité de la météoriteest estiméeavoir pesé10.000tonnes. Des plongeurs ont travaillé pourrepêcherun gros morceau-estimé peserplusieurs centaines de kilos-enseveli sousunecouchede huit pieds (2,5mètres) devase au fonddu lacChebarkul.
Actuellement, le limonest pompésurle lit du lacpour libérercette pièceet peut-être en trouverd'autres.La responsable duministère de l'environnement, AlexanderGalichin,a dit qu'ilcroit que lagrande partiesera récupéréeau plus tard le 4Octobre 2013.
La météoritea exploséle 15Février 2013, laissantenviron 1.500personnes blessées, principalement en raisondeverre briséparl'onde de choc.Les scientifiquesont déclaré que laroche spatialeétait unechondritetypique, unepierremétéoritenon métallique. (YH : hum ! autre version : " Selon les premières analyses, cette météorite est du type chondrite ordinaire et contient entre 10 et 30 % defer), le fer étant bien du métal... il faut être plus précis dans les termes...)
Pour plusieurs témoins de l'évènement, appuyés par des preuves matérialisées par des photos ou vidéos, la météorite de février 2013 cache une autre réalité derrière elle : l'intervention d'ovni (ou d'armes) sur cette météorite et sa destruction (donc volontaire) au-dessus d'une ville russe très peuplée... ces affirmations amenant évidemment de multiples questions de motivations éventuelles et autres. Cette météorite a éxplosée a une hauteur estimée de 20 kilomètres daltitude. Le phénomène a libéré une énergie estimée par le JPL à 440 kilotonnes de TNT (environ 30 fois la puissance de la bombe de Hiroshima, ou environ 30 fois moins que l'événement de la Toungouska). Sa vitesse a été estimée à 20 km/s. Son angle d'entrée dans l'atmosphère était proche de lhorizontale (environ 20°) et il a traversé celle-ci dest en ouest durant 32,5 secondes en parcourant plusieurs milliers de kilomètres avant d'exploser subitement.
" Au début,nous pensionségalement que lamétéoriteChelyabinskétait juste unemétéoriteordinaire,un corpscosmique », a déclaré AlexanderKomanev,coordinateur de lacommunauté ufologiquerussed'Ekaterinbourg.
Maisdans au moins troisfilms sur la "roche de l'espace", vous pouvezvoircomment un objet rattrapela météorite», a-t-il dit. Cet objetminuscule de forme oblongue vole vers elle-etla météoriteexploseet tombe.
Il a souligné : « Un tel nombre de vidéos, filmées à partir dedifférentsangles, nous amène à croireque quelque chose afait exploserla météorite... »
Il a affirmé quedans les semaines précédantla météorite, il y a eu une recrudescence desobservations d'OVNIdans l'Oural, suivie par plus rien du toutdepuis l'incident... "
YH : ma question personnelle, mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé de données sur ce sujet, bien qu'elles doivent exister : où la méréorite se serait crachée (intacte donc) si elle n'avait pas explosé ou été détruite (selon les versions) ? Voici une idée de sa trajectoire (est-ouest donc, à l'inverse de la plupart des corps tombant sur la Terre) :
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GIEC : Aggravation de la situation et mention des Chemtrails - la géoingénierie
GIEC : Aggravation de la situation et mention des Chemtrails - la géoingénierie...
GIEC - Stockholm - 27-09-2013 : Les experts du climat ont fini par se mettre d'accord sur l'adoption du premier volet de leur propre cinquième rapport, qui ne sera publié qu'en janvier 2014 (comme quoi l'urgence a ses propres lenteurs...). L'annonce est claire et sans bavure : la situation s'accélère et s'aggrave assez nettement selon l'avis de la majorité des experts mondiaux participant au Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) par rapport au précédent rapport de 2007. Les experts sont aussi d'accord pour estimer que, selon leurs travaux, l'activité humaine utilisant les énergies fossiles depuis les années 1800 est responsable à 95% du réchauffement climatique constaté et mesuré. Et pour la première fois, une mention importante concernant la géoingénierie a été ajoutée au Résumé à l'intention des décideurs. Ce document d'une vingtaine de pages résumant pour les dirigeants la situation et les mesures à prendre, sert aux politiques et financiers à justifier leurs actions et sert de base pour les négociations diverses : ils ne peuvent comprendre de toute façon le rapport scientifique et doivent bien s'en remettre à ce résumé simplifié, qui peut servir de base d'action éventuelle pour les gouvernements convaincus (puisque les nations de la Terre ne sont pas unanimes sur le sujet non plus...).
La géoingénierie : " Ce terme désigne des dispositifs de manipulation du climat comme, par exemple, la dispersion massive de particules dans la stratosphère, qui réfléchiraient une part du rayonnement solaire, contribuant ainsi à refroidir le climat. " C'était une demande des gouvernements de se pencher sur cette question ", précise M. van Ypersele. Une brèche n'est-elle pas ouverte, ouvrant la voie à des méthodes de lutte contre le réchauffement ne passant pas une réduction des émissions ? " Nous soulignons tous les risques et les incertitudes liés à la géo-ingénierie, répond-il. Ne pas traiter cette question dans le rapport du GIEC ouvrirait la porte à ce qu'on puisse en dire n'importe quoi."
Un tableau assez sombre : " C'est une confirmation mais aussi un renforcement des diagnostics précédents ", résume Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (université catholique de Louvain), vice-président du GIEC.
Le réchauffement moyen depuis 1880 est désormais de 0,85 °C et les trois dernières décennies sont "probablement" les plus chaudes depuis au moins mille quatre cents ans. En fonction des scénarios de développement (du plus sobre au pire), les modèles climatiques prévoient une élévation de températuremoyenne comprise entre 0,3 °C et 4,8 °C pour la période 2081-2100, par rapport à la période 1986-2005. Seul le scénario le plus optimiste et aussi le plus improbable a une probabilité supérieure à 50 % d'éviter de dépasser le seuil de 2 °C au dessus des températures pré-industrielles. Seule note d'espoir : les experts ont légèrement élargi la fourchette donnant l'élévation de température en cas de doublement du CO2 : de 2 °C à 4,5 °C en 2007, ils sont passés à 1,5 °C à 4,5 °C.
Neiges et glaces de toutes sortes se rétractent rapidement dès le printemps. La banquise arctique estivale a perdu, en surface, entre 9,4 % et 13,6 % depuis 1979. Les experts n'excluent pas qu'elle ait totalement disparu au milieu du siècle, dans le cas du scénario le plus noir.
Les glaciers de montagne ont perdu en moyenne environ 275 milliards de tonnes (Gt) de glaces par an entre 1993 et 2009. Relevée au mois de juin, la couverture neigeuse de l'hémisphère nord a perdu en moyenne 11,7 % par décennie entre 1967 et 2012. Les experts estiment "très probable" que la calotte de glace du Groenland ait perdu en moyenne 34 Gt par an entre 1992 et 2001. Ce taux est depuis passé à 215 Gt de perte par an entre 1993 et 2009. L'Antarctique est soumis à une accélération comparable. La perte de glace des deux inlandsis contribue fortement à faire monter les océans.
Etrange paysage de la fonte des glaces en arctique (
En 2007, les experts prévoyaient une élévation moyenne du niveau de la mer comprise entre 18 cm et 59 cm d'ici à la fin du siècle. Cette estimation avait été critiquée dès sa publication : elle ne tenait pas compte des pertes de glace du Groenland et de l'Antarctique. En intégrant ces deux contributeurs importants, les simulations donnent des chiffres plus conséquents : en fonction des émissions à venir, la mer pourrait être plus haute de 26 cm à 82 cm dans la période 2081-2100 qu'entre 1986-2005. Mais dans le scénario le plus pessimiste, les experts donnent comme fourchette haute le chiffre de 98 cm d'élévation moyenne. (et quand on parle de moyenne, cela veut dire que les hauteurs peuvent varier fortement suivant les endroits et dépasser de beaucoup cette moyenne).
Avec un rythme de hausse qui pourrait atteindre 0,8 cm à 1,6 cm par an au cours des deux dernières décennies du siècle. Ce rythme est aujourd'hui de3,2 mm par an. D'autres simulations, dites semi-empiriques, donnent des valeurs beaucoup plus importantes ("jusqu'au double", précise le GIEC dans le Résumé) mais ne font pas consensus dans la communauté scientifique. Entre 1901 et 2010, les océans se sont en moyenne élevés de 19 cm. Cependant, préviennent les experts, cette élévation n'est pas uniforme : certaines régions seront plus rapidement affectées que d'autres.
" Les vagues de chaleur vont très probablement se produire plus fréquemment et durer plus longtemps ", a déclaré le climatologue Thomas Stocker (université de Berne), co-président du groupe de travail du GIEC. " Avec le réchauffement, nous nous attendons à voir les régions humides recevoir plus de pluies et les régions les plus sèches à en recevoir moins."
Ete 2013 et fonte de l'arctique (on note tout de même que la fonte 2013 est moindre que celle de 2012, bien que la banquise semble moins épaisse en 2013)
Er wordt momenteel gewerkt aan een film over een nieuwe vorm van
wiskunde die gebaseerd is op vortex...
27-09-2013 om 23:15
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
John Wisniewski Interviews Remote Viewer Aaron C. Hanson
John Wisniewski Interviews Remote Viewer Aaron C. Hanson
10 septembre 2013, 21:03
This interview is with psychic Aaron C. Hanson. In this interview Aaron speaks about having psychic abilities, important books in his life, and aiding mankind through psychic powers.
1) Could you explain what remote viewing is to us? All human beings possess profound psychic ability. The difference between each in terms of a demonstrable skill depends upon individual experience, knowledge, and a determination to explore what is possible regardless of societal constraints. Today, there are three basic levels of psychic ability that easily survives our world of fear based denial, ignorance, and close mindedness (abandonment). The first involves those of a natural ability in which many experiences overshadow a degree of denial. Being untrained and moderately informed, such persons rarely discuss these experiences due to various social pressures. A second level of psychic functioning is found where most of the contention exists and is one of the many reasons for ridicule, witch hunting, and justifiable public condemnation. This level specifically involves those who are taking advantage of unsuspecting individuals by demonstrating a very low level of discipline and skill. Although many of these individuals are truly demonstrating a very low level of psychic functioning, they are charlatans unworthy of our time, support, and admiration. The third and least common level requires training, extreme discipline, and perseverance. I often refer to this level as a springboard beyond that of remote viewing. Remote viewing can be defined as a highly disciplined means by which information can be obtained from outside of normal states of awareness. For the trained psychic, information can be obtained from three sources and the underlying or historical source is perhaps the most utilized. For example, traditional remote viewing skills are required for an acceptable degree of consistency in terms of piecing together historical events. A more advanced level of training will be required for secondary sources of information relating to probability, collective decisions, and individual influence. The third source represents the holy grail of decision making tools.
2) When did you come to realize that you had special powers? Again, no person has special powers beyond that of another. This being said, my first extreme experience prevented a physician from placing a sugar cube into my mouth that was contaminated with Simian Virus-40. As a prodigy of psychic functioning, I knew not to submit to this in spite of the overwhelming ignorance of those around me. During this very early time of my life, 10-30 million children were mistakenly given the contaminated vaccine. Due to my extreme will to resist by clamping my jaw shut and tipping the tray of sugar cubes, I was not one of those children exposed to the deadly vaccine.
3) Could you name some literary figures that inspire you-and philosophers as well? Thinking of Nietzsche, Socrates, Lao Tzu, William Blake, and other great authors, an oddly related block of alternative thinkers should be mentioned. This will include the likes of Aldous Huxley, Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, Aleister Crowley, Hunter S. Thomson, Philip K. Dick, and William S. Burroughs. I think that these and other exciting fringe elements within literature today are missing for a reason. Unfortunately, this is occurring just as our children continue to degenerate with technology.* Most recently I have been pleasurably reading books like that of Sean Carrolls The Particle at the End of the Universe and From Eternity to Here. I am also pursuing a long book list of discovery, theory, and hypothesis that mostly relate to particle physics, dark matter, entropy, infinity, and nothing. Nothing is the key to my research as it relates most to what I am now doing as a psychic. *Help could be on the way with a large coronal mass ejection from our Sun. This would effectively stall communications that occur in the way of social development. Individual devices may still function, but would be useless for possibly months depending on the severity of the event. The lure of communications technology is understood and ironically, it is largely the result of fearing that one might not be in communication with another.
4) Can you tell us about your early years-where did you grow up? I believe that no childhood could be any more neglectful or worse than my own. Thinking of this, I stand as a testament to show that anyone can emerge from the very worst of situations to become a well-adjusted, kind, and empathetic person within any society.
5) Do you make predictions that involve the worlds future did you read the writings of Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus? While remote viewing my own death as a blind session, I accurately described the incident and thereby avoided an actual death. This was confirmed beyond the session although the timeline that had been determined was off by approximately three months. Regardless of the error, I recognized my surroundings at the time of the incident as precisely matching that of my data and took the necessary precautions. This resulted in narrowly saving my life. Predictions are difficult and prone to failure. My overall rate of success exists within the range of 71% whereas Edgar Cayces rate of success is said to be less than 30%. This relates again to the level of discipline, knowledge, and experience of the individual psychic and with the proper training under ones belt, anyone can have the clear advantage over both Cayce and Nostradamus.
6) Why are you considered by some to be controversial? The perception is that from the standpoint of most other trained and untrained psychics, I am controversial. As one of the most advanced remote viewers on the planet, I have consistently found nothing beyond death contradicting many who do not have my level of psychic abilities. Furthermore, I have found that angels are nothing more than four dimensional parasites within a collective intelligence. Without a proper construct, I must refer to their patterned organization as the result of intelligence and worse, they seem involved with every major religion with the expressed purpose of influencing human sexual relations. When remote viewing the four dimensional parasite, it is often shown to be present upon the advent of death especially during the times of war and great calamity. To a trained psychic such as me, the idea of nothing is very special as it represents the source of everything we know today. To be truly honest about what happens to a human being when death occurs; one must accept that nothing will be the result.
7) Do your predictions cause a change in peoples lives? Yes, predictions are very important. When informed properly, the individual can make optimal (not perfect) decisions. For example, when my viewing data revealed an optimal outcome for the 2012 election of President Romney, it was both incorrect and strangely correct. By strangely correct I mean to say that my failure clearly exists apart from the overall meaning of the data. I suspect that a prediction such as this exists as a mere directive rather than an absolute. Had we observed the directive properly as the optimal outcome rather than an absolute, a greater nation as opposed to one that is slowly crumbling beyond repair might have occurred.
8) Are you a member of an occult society? The answer to this is more than obvious.
9) How can foreseeing the future aid mankind? The very first nation to teach its children psychic functioning will represent the most powerful decision making source of information on the planet. I believe that with psychic development, collective decisions will become optimal resulting in overwhelming success.
10) How would a person know if he or she has a true gift for predicting the future? Prodigies in this regard are extremely rare although it should be known that with training no one lacks the opportunity. This is a very glad message and to those who fear it, they will most certainly be left behind
27-09-2013 om 23:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Extraterrestrial Phenomenon
Extraterrestrial Phenomenon
By Tony Elliott
With the sheer number of UFO sightings, from our planet's surface and from space; along with the thousands of various sizes, shapes, colors, and there are those that morph in both color and shape during a sighting. It would be a safe assumption to say that we are seeing these crafts both because we are the focus of multiple intergalactic civilizations and we are a point in space that sees heavy traffic from alien commerce pass by.
While there are perhaps millions of civilizations involved the technology used for intergalactic travel is the same for all ET crafts that have the capability to cover such mind blowing distances in hardly any time. This type of travel requires the ships to have the capability of inter dimensional travel as such great distances. This simply could not be achieved with the old concept of going from point A to point B in a straight line because structurally any craft would disintegrate from the speed itself or hit something floating in space along the way.
The crafts themselves, have to be constructed of both inanimate materials such as various metals and of living tissue. This would allow the ships to change their physical characteristics at any given moment to adjust to different environments and to have the capability of thought that integrates with the minds of the crew. This technology would be the ultimate in nano science where actual metals and other materials of flesh would be grown from a molecular level to form an entity entirely made for universal travel that has the ability to adjust itself to any environment, think for both itself, and carry out orders from its crew.
A living craft would be necessary for the environments encountered in dimensions where the physical universe as we know it is nonexistent. The closest thing we humans have at our disposal for research into this science is the virus. The virus also comes in multiple shapes and sizes and a variety of colors as well as having the capability of mutation to adjust to a hostile environment. A virus is to this day, such an elusive being that medical science has trouble classifying it. They are not living creatures having any similar characteristics of living single celled bacteria. They carry the Genesis of life itself in RNA (Ribonucleic acid) which is essential for all known life forms and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) which is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. Thus, this minute entity has the capability of directing the evolution of every life form on our planet by influencing the very core of what makes us what we are. There are many different types of viruses, which cause a variety of diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer, but I suspect that we have the wide array of viruses we do today because of the mutation and replication from a single virus entity in the beginning.
The structure of the virus resembles something that was constructed rather than a living organism. There are some that have the structural appearance of the old Apollo spacecraft complete with landing gear (the bacteriophage), some that appear like the sphere at Disney World in Orlando, Florida's Epcot Center having a structure composed of pentasymmetrons, trisymmetrons, symmetrons. (shapes such as pentacles, triangular and thread shapes) and the form a complete icosahedrons( A round sphere) while others resemble sticks and worms.
The replication process is rather like something out of a science fiction movie, in that a virus will use the DNA and RNA from the host cell to materialize multitudes of new viruses, which will spread out and infect other surrounding cells in a never-ending process. The process only ends when the immune system of the host mounts an offensive against the invaders and kills them or the virus is victorious and kills the multi-celled host. In some cases, such as with the virus responsible for Chicken Pox for example, will find a spot in the body like the spinal cord and remain there in suspended animation for several decades before reactivating and causing yet another similar affliction such as in this case Shingles.
Thus, in the realm of size we have the virus existing at the microscopic level, which continuously changes appearance and seems to be alien, having no distinct qualities of single celled life forms but carries the necessary building blocks for life itself.
On the other hand, we have UFOs existing on a grand scale, which exhibit similar characteristics in shape shifting and travel within their medium, which encompasses the vastness of both the physical universe and that of yet unknown dimensions.
The bottom line is the physical makeup of both viruses and UFOs share similar characteristics in both physical appearance and capabilities. Those of us exploring the possibilities of the UFO phenomena need to be looking to Terrestrial micro space as well for answers to this Extraterrestrial phenomenon.
27-09-2013 om 10:24
geschreven door peter
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From Mars To Earth, Matteo Ianneo's Archaeological Research
Home » From Mars To Earth, Matteo Ianneo's Archaeological Research
From Mars To Earth, Matteo Ianneo's Archaeological Research
I have devoted a great deal of time in research into archaeological discoveries on the planet Mars, beginning years ago with the discoveries made by Richard C. Hoagland's analysis of pictures of the Martian surface, sent back to earth by Viking 1 in 1976. In his analysis of the pictures he discovered he found a defined face, unnatural pyramid formations, and evidence of an ancient city in the Cydonia region of Mars.
More recently, in the last few years a new extraterrestrial archaeologist has come on the scene with even more amazing discoveries, pointing to Mars once having an ancient modern civilization as well as the possibility that certain structures and formations were constructed on earth to be viewed from space. This man is Italian researcher Matteo Ianneo who has discovered many artificial structures and anomalies on the Martian surface from that of new faces, symbols, evidence of water, and even that of once great cities. Matteo's amazing discoveries can be viewed at the link below.
Recently, his research has taken his interests to exploring ancient sites and structures here on earth. His discovery of a face on one of the rocks at Stonehenge and speculation as to how the huge rocks were transported there, gives new meaning to the purpose of Stonehenge itself and possibilities of why the rock structure is in the area it is and who may have constructed it.
A full report of Matteo Ianneo's Stonehenge discovery can be viewed here.
According to my theory, man has already arrived on Mars and other planets for some time. And we are only a genetic experiment of other civilizations in remote space.
My passion began several years ago when I began to study the maps of purely devoted to agriculture.
I am 48 years old and living in a country where people get up early in the morning to go to take care of the fields and lands. Living in the suburbs and not having the fast internet service, I had to do my research with great effort while using an old modem and thanks to it; I have done my study of this with some great difficulties.
It was hard for me to tell friends the results of my research. Everyone looked at me surprised, and I must tell you that I indeed have looked at the Devonian Era in the face.
Stonehenge Analysis:
This monuments facets and peculiarly in fact, cannot have been created by nature or erosion, I see an eye, nose, the head, and a mouth. So, I appeal to all students of the Stonehenge phenomena, what fate or revelation have we discovered with this face? These sculptures now contradict the studies conducted by many great scientists and archaeologists, if it was brought to its present location by humans, they should only be bare stones. But if there are faces carved on the surface this means that these stones came from another part of the world, perhaps a great ancient city, even from a place such as Atlantis, it may have been stolen from them because the stones have a value of considerable importance.
According to my hypothesis, if faces are imprinted on each of the stones, then the thesis by the great observatory scientists must have been speculated incorrectly. In my opinion, the face represents much more than what has been found out about Stonehenge so far. It means that there is a different story to be told from what is assumed today. The figures could be from a people more ancient than was previously thought. Perhaps, stolen by someone and put into the position which we see today, and they represent something more important. Perhaps even from the gods of some ancient Egyptian city or from Africa.
The Stonehenge faces do keep within them something of a mystery. If you look closely, the faces are very large. This means that they may have come from a big city with a proud culture. A city still undiscovered. Many scientists say that the stones were originally from 30km away from the place where it now sits. So, I wonder if the stone was cut somewhere else and brought to its present location. What can we learn from the face and what culture is portrayed on the stones?
Matteo Ianneo's work continues with new discoveries being made on a constant basis. One day in the near future, his discoveries are likely to lead to a new ideal of our own origins as a species as well as answer the question of why we are being visited by beings from the cosmos
27-09-2013 om 10:22
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 1
Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 1
Photo of disc over South Lakes, Perth, Australia September 8, 2013
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is
for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly
intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and
UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now
provides advanced research and consultation on a wide range of subjects and help
for CEOs to successfully run their companies.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: President Carter Saw
a UFO, Pyramid Power Stations,Water, water everywhere
on Mars, Painkillers Kill 2 People Every Hour, It's Time to Act, c Health
Problems Caused By Lack of Light, 60 Years of
Neglected Evidence, Why is Planetary Defense Important, and Worlds temperature
hasnt risen for the last 15 years
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona,
Arkansas, California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nevada, New
Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada,
Columbia, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Tunisia, and England and Scotland
in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life
throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to
the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports,
articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
President Carter Saw a UFO
"From the documentary recording "Factual Eyewitness
Testimony of UFO Encounters" (Chicag Investigative Research Associates, Inc.
1978) "A reporter taped Carter's exact words in 1973 describing the UFO
Carter said, 'There were about 20 of us standing outside of a
little restaurant [Carter's report stated "10 members of the Leary, Ga., Lions
Club"], I believe, a high school lunchroom, and a kind of green light appeared
in the western sky. This was right after sundown. It got brighter and brighter.
And then eventually it disappeared. It didn't have any solid substance to it; it
was just a very peculiar looking light. None of us could understand what it
Pyramid Power Stations
Christopher Dunn claims that the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built as
an electric power station! His conclusions go in this order: granite contains a
high percentage of quartz (approximately 55 percent). Quartz has a natural
ability to transform kinetic energy into electricity. Kings Chamber is the
heart of a massive power generator. The Great Pyramid is designed to vibrate at
640 cycles per second from the Kings Chamber.
What is called the Queens Chamber is, in fact, the
hydrogen generator. The room was once equipped as a cooling tower. Inside were
the chemicalshydrated zinc chloride and hydrochlor-acid, and they were inducted
into the room through the northern and southern vent. The reaction of these two
chemicals creates hydrogen.
Evidence for this process lies in two different colors of vent openings and
remains of the salt on the walls of The Queens Chamber. The excess of
chemicals is drained through the well hole into an underground room deep
beneath the pyramid. Hydrogen gas filled the Great Gallery and the Kings
Chamber. Then resonators in the large gallery start acting. The entire building
[the pyramid] starts to vibrate and converts [its vibration] into an audible
signal. The pyramid starts to sing. The tone is moved through the tunnel
towards [the] Kings Chamber. Now this Chamber begins to vibrate. Movable
granite causes stress in quartz. Piezo-electric effect is generated by the
movement of electrons. The electricity is then produced. The
hydrogen that already fulfilled the whole pyramid then makes electricity.
(Perhaps to be used in UFOs)
At this moment, Egyptian astronomical knowledge comes into play. The north
opening of the Kings Chamber opens and becomes a conduit for the microwave
signals that bombard our planet all the time. This signal is created by atomic
hydrogen. It is being amplified (increased) when passing through the pyramid.
This leads to emission of energy that is sent outside of the pyramid as
electro-energy .
Small details, such as copper tubes function as ventilation openings and
analysis indicates the copper came from Northern Michigan. They were used as
sensors for checking whether enough chemical elements were added to the Queens
Chamber, they make sense. The odor in the pyramid is a consequence of the same.
The damage in the Kings Chamber (shown here) was probably caused by a
large hydrogen explosion in the distant pastthe proof for this claim is the
black dust on the ceiling of the Chamber.
Dunn applies the same logic to the pyramid and claims that what remains is
one unresolved question for Dunn. And this is, how the Egyptians (or someone
before them) convinced the pyramid to vibrate? He sought the answer in
physics. Put two objects side by side. The first oscillates (vibrates); the
other is static. Over time, this other will gently start to oscillate. The
frequency of the first causes the resonance of the second. The longer it is
exposed to the influence of an object in motion, the stronger the static object
will oscillate.
Dunn applies the same logic to the pyramid and claims that the Great Pyramid
was constructed as a model of Earths northern hemisphere. It is located
precisely at the point of balance of the planet. Therefore, it becomes subject
to the Earths vibrations. At the time when he published his book, in 1998,
there was no evidence that our planet had its own oscillation. Somewhat later,
in January 1999, The Washington Times published an article explaining that a
Japanese team, with Dr. Naoki Sudao as a leader, proved that our planet is
constantly vibrating below the level that our ears can observe. One way to think
of pyramids is as electric power plants.
Nowadays, everything is based on electricity and the whole
process is visible to our eyes: Switchboard, power lines, cables, and
appliances. In the Egyptian case, the technology of electricity creation was
different. It is only logical that the distribution was also different, compared
to our primitive lines. Lets remember the idea of Teslas wireless transmission
of electricity and his successful experiments more than 100 years ago in
Colorado. He was able to light 10,000 houses without any cables. And not just
that. Creating artificial lightning with the help of the Earths vibrations,
Tesla provoked the movement of frequency from Colorado Springs to the
opposite side of the planet and back again. Electrical echo caused the
repetition of the process and its strengthening on a global scale. If the Earth
is, by any chance, the perfect conductor, this process would have continued over
time and caused the disintegration of the planet.
He constructed Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island, which
was to function as a wireless telecommunications facility and broadcast
electrical power. With the help of simple devices, Tesla managed to create
electricity based on the Earths resonance, and then, in the form of energy
beams, to direct it at households and factories. Tesla proved that wireless
transmission of electricity is possible. But cheap energy was not in the best
interests of large corporations. A profit economy is looking for its chance at
an expensive energy and expensive technology.
In Secret History of Ancient Egypt, Herbie Brennan gives an overview of the
earliest writings on Egypt and its rulers. It starts with the Greek historians
Solon and Plato. Solon wrote about his travel to Egypt, where Egyptian priests
in the sixth century BCE spoke of construction of the city Sais eight thousand
years in the past. And Egypt was established well before that. Plato, of course,
talks about Atlantis and, according to the Egyptian priests; its destruction
took place in the period before 12,000 years. Thanks to Dr. Semir Osmanagich,
Pyramids Around The World. The New Era Times Press.
Kindle Edition
Moon Pyramid Apollo 17
This photo appears to be blank photo but adjusting contrast brings out a
pyramid on the Moon taken during Apollo17 landing. Apollo 17 was the final
mission of the US Apollo lunar landing program of humans on the Moon. Launched
on December 7, 1972, with a three-member crew consisting of Commander Eugene
Cernan, Command Module, Pilot Ronald Evans, and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison
Schmitt, Apollo 17 remains the most recent manned Moon landing and the most
recent crewed flight beyond low Earth orbit.
Water, water everywhere on Mars.
LONDON Thats the picture of ancient Mars that has
emerged during the past few months thanks to discoveries by NASA's Curiosity
rover, which has been exploring Mars since August 2012.
The announcements have come in dribs and drabs, but at the European Planetary
Science Congress, they provide compelling evidence that Mars was quite wet in
the distant past as shown in the photo.
Painkillers Kill 2 People Every Hour, It's Time to Act
Americas deadliest drug problem is not heroin, not cocaine, not even crack
cocaine. The larger problem is abuse of drugs that are perfectly legal:
prescription pain medications. They kill an estimated two people every hour and
send 40 more to emergency rooms with life-threatening overdoses. Drug deaths now
outnumber traffic fatalities in U.S. Fueling the surge are prescription pain and
anxiety drugs that are potent, highly addictive and especially dangerous when
combined with one another or with other drugs or alcohol.
The Los Angeles Times reports, Propelled by an increase in
prescription narcotic overdoses, drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in
the United States, a Los Angeles Times analysis of government data has
Drugs exceeded motor vehicle accidents as a cause of death in 2009, killing
at least 37,485 people nationwide, according to data from the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I might point out these are
legal prescribed drugs, meanwhile there are no recorded cases
of overdose deaths from cannabis (Marijuana).
Powerful pills such as OxyContin, Dilaudid and Vicodin can be a blessing to
people with severe pain. But by themselves or in combination with
anti-depressants and muscle relaxers, theyve become a scourge that now kills
more than 40,000 people a year. If a commercial airliner crashed every day this
year filled with more than a 100 passengers the television news would cover each
crash in detail, but since the drug industry advertises heavily and our medicine
men can do no wrong seldom is the carnage of thousands of people each year even
mentioned. One of the most pernicious problems is unscrupulous doctors who
deliberately overprescribe pills. There were 16,259 homicides in the US in 2010
(not all with guns) but a strong television propaganda effort exists to take
away all guns. We would actually save three times more lives each year by taking
away Doctor prescribed pain killers.
Most people are unaware that during the1930s patients were often
successfully healed in hospitals with colored light, without drugs and no one
ever died from shining a light on them. The human body needs light to function
well. The lack of sunlight causes illness and the lack of Vitamin D-3 that also
is an excellent pain killer. Many abductees have pain from fibromyalgia, and
5000 IUs of Vitamin D-3 taken daily can help greatly with the pain.
Light therapy is often used to combat a
very serious disorder called Seasonal Effective Disorder or SAD which is the
direct result of a lack of sunlight. In some people this disorder causes a
serious depression and the installation of natural lighting systems provides
great relief.
The theory behind this disorder is that during periods of no sunlight, the
pineal gland overproduces melatonin which is well known to make us sleepy.
Tiredness leads to loss of mental acuity, changes in blood pressure, heart rate,
body rhythms and more. Ordinary artificial light sources cannot fix this problem
but a full spectrum natural light box can make a big difference in the way a SAD
sufferer feels.
Specific Health Problems Caused By Lack of
Did you know that vitamin D3 deficiency can result in Obesity, Type 2
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Depression, Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Kidney Stones, Osteoporosis, and Neuro-degenerative disease
including Alzheimers disease. Eventually, Vitamin D deficiency may even lead to
Cancer (especially breast, prostate, and colon cancers). Vitamin D3 is believed
to play a role in controlling the immune system (possibly reducing ones risk of
cancer and autoimmune diseases), increasing neuro-muscular function and
decreasing falls, improving mood, protecting the brain against toxic chemicals,
and potentially reducing pain.
X- 37 Space Ship
The X-37b maiden flight was on Apr 22, 2010. According to
Lt Col George Tromba of the 20th Space Control Squadron used the
Space Fence to help the US Navy Cruiser Lake Eire to knock down an errant .Shot
down Lake Eire cruiser knocks out X-37b uses info by Space Fence to US
satellites. The Chinese showed their capability in destroying satellites by
knocking down one of their own.
Bill Sweetman claims
paint like material sprayed on a satellite would cause it to overheat and
malfunction. Also simply hitting the side panels would likely disable a
satellite. The Russian Space Agency blames the US for the failure of their
Phoebus Grunt probe to Mars launched on November 11, 2011. The US Air Forces
highly secret X- 37b unmanned space plane was launched in March of 2011, and was
supposed to stay in space for nine months, but extended its time in space to a
year and three days. Its mission in space is unknown to the public. If the
Russians statement is correct the US decided to prevent the Russian Spacecraft
from reaching Mars.
The huge satellite was not recovered so it is not known if there is any
evidence of sabotage.
The Air Force Space Surveillance System colloquially known
as the Space Fence was a US government multistatic radar system
built to detect orbital objects passing over America. It is a component of
the US Space Surveillance Network and was claimed to be able to detect objects
as small as 10 cm (four inches) at heights up to 30,000 km (15,000 nautical
The system ceased operation in September 2013. The operation's headquarters
are at Dahlgren,
Virginia, and radar stations are spread out across the US at 33 north.
The loss of the AFSSS is not likely to have a significant impact on
the ability of the US military to track medium to large size objects in orbit.
The fiscal year 2014 budget indicates AFSPC wants to acquire a new S-Band Space
Why is Planetary Defense Important?
We live in a shooting gallery of asteroids that
present a danger to Earth. Ever since Earth was formed, it has been the
target of millions of asteroids and comets that orbit the sun and come close to
or cross Earth's orbit. Many of those, termed Near Earth Objects, were swept up
and crashed into Earth's surface over the millennia. The larger objects struck
Earth with devastating force, often forming large craters, evidence of which can
still be seen today in the world's landscape.
Lighting the Sky. Although our
planet has swept up many NEOs over the millennia, some still threaten Earth.
Every day, small orbiting rocks (up to about 10 m across) called meteoroids
enter Earth's atmosphere, leaving a bright streak behind as they burn up. The
larger meteoroids called "bolides" may burn up in a spectacular explosion,
lighting the night sky for miles and generating many panicky calls to emergency
Risks of Asteroids. The NEOs
that most concern Earth are the Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) whose
orbits cross Earth's and have a relatively high potential of impacting Earth
itself. The damage they could do depends on their size and the trajectory they
follow in striking Earth, with damage ranging from destruction of an area the
size of a city, to creation of tsunamis, to the extinction of almost all life on
Defending the Planet. Planetary
Defense includes finding these PHAs, predicting their future locations, and
providing warning about future impacts with the Earth. It also includes missions
to deflect impacting asteroids by changing their orbit, and disaster
preparedness, management, and recovery on Earth to mitigate their consequences.
60 Years of Neglected Evidence Aliens Are Real!
This book is an exciting view if the UFO phenomenon rom Malaysia and provides
you with a different perspective from an expert who lives on the other side of
the world.
Just look at the statistics and encounters provided in 60 Years
of Neglected Evidence The book provides analysis of global
reports. Many unknown in the West.
It tells you what you need to know -
- What they look like
- What are they doing here
- How often they appear
- How are they distributed geographically
- Where are they coming from
"This book is the most comprehensive study ever attempted to understand the
nature and characteristics of purported alien humanoid encounters made around
the globe by people from all walks of life. The results of this study not
only point to the possible origin of the humanoid encounters but also to the
possibility that the primary stimulus of earthquakes could be originating
from the same single astrophysical source in the sky. Read and decide for
Available from:, Barnes & Noble & (E-book
Worlds temperature hasnt risen for the last 15 years
Antarctica Sea Ice Setting Record Ice Extent
Sea ice surrounding Antarctica hit a record high in August and is on track
for another record-breaking month in September. Clocking in at a stunning 7.2
million square miles (18.7 million square kilometers), last month's sea ice
extent was 4.5 percent above the 1981 to 2010 average and the largest extent
since record-keeping started in 1979, according to released today from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in its monthly State of the
Climate Report.
September marks the end of Antarctica's winter, and daily
sea ice reports posted online at the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
in Boulder, Colo., suggest the growing ice pack has already smashed the all-time
record ice extent set in September 2012. This year's massive sea ice reached
7.53 million square miles (19.51 million square km) on Sept. 14, 2013, the NSIDC
reports. The old record was 7.51 million square miles (19.44) million square km.
Colder-than-average temperatures and stormy weather helped the Arctic ice
stick around this year around the North Pole. Summer cyclones spread the ice
over a large area, NASA said in a statement. Clouds blocked the sun, and the
cool air kept the Northwest Passage frozen shut for the first time since 2007.
The ice edge was several hundred miles farther south than last year near Alaska
and Siberia in the Beaufort, Chukchi and East Siberian Sea regions.
Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were
urged to cover up the fact that the worlds temperature hasnt risen for
the last 15 years, it is claimed. A leaked copy of a United Nations
report, compiled by hundreds of scientists, shows politicians in Belgium,
Germany, Hungary and the United States raised concerns about the final
Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998, was the
hottest year on record and world temperatures have not yet exceeded it, which
scientists have so far struggled to explain. The report is the result of six
years work by UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is
seen as the world authority on the extent of climate change and what is causing
it on which governments including Britains base their green policies.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 2
Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 2 UFO Sightings in the United
Arizona Disc
Sedona -- My husband and I took
pictures of the sunset west of Doe Mountain. While we were waiting for the sun
to set, I took pictures of the surrounding area. Neither my husband nor I
witnessed any object in the sky while I was taking this shot.
Tonight I transferred the photos from my camera to my computer and I found a
shot with an object that I cannot identify. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arkansas Cylinder
Caulksville -- I went out to enjoy the sunrise. It was
around 7 am because the sun hadnt reached over the top of Short Mountain on
September 23, 2013, yet. At first when I saw the object I thought it was a far
off jet with chemtrails. I realized that it looked rather odd. It couldnt have
been a cloud. It looked as if it was shimmering from the sun or spinning, or had
flashing white lights on it. It started moving north over the top of the
mountain. I am sorry for the poor video. From what I can tell it was big. Thanks
California UFO Lights
Lemmore -- I was on the porch of my house when I heard
humming, buzzing, and beeping and flew across me on September 9, 2013.
I went to a nearby field when it landed and an alien came out of the saucer,
looked around and went in back in. I was able to take a picture of that ufo when
it was flying. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Encinitas -- I was downstairs from
my office watching this guy singing on September 14, 2013. Then several hours
later when I was leaving I noticed these strange lights in the sky and decided
to video them.
I put the guy singing in this video because I found that it was weird that
the lights flashing on the guys head seemed to be like the ones in the
sky.Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
It was 6AM, in my backyard with my dog on September 19, 2013, and the sun had
not come up yet, when I observed a spherical object that flew directly overhead.
It passed directly 90 degrees overhead its brightness increased dramatically
and reduced back to its original intensity after a few seconds. Thanks to MUFON
Idaho Lights
Lewiston -- The photos were forwarded to
me by a friend who says these lights are often seen over the Regence Blue Shield
Building.He took pictures of the lights that clearly show a
triangle shape that accelerated rapidly away onJuly 26, 2011
at 8:38 PM.
They were installing tile when a worker yelled, Hey Kevin youre
smart, can you tell me what these things in the sky are? I saw
the three objects static in the sky. After a minute the top light in the
triangle of lights diverged into two lights and the smaller light flew up. The
lights were much higher than jets and bigger. Thanks to William Puckett,
NAMPA I did not see the object on September 3, 2013, when I took the
picture but I saw them when I looked at them on my computer.
I had no idea what the five objects were that flew away from my area since I
did not see them at first because I was looking at my grandson.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Triangle of Lights
On September 21, 2013, while driving home two car loads of
people looked up to see a triangle of lights. I started hitting my husband and
pointing to the sky and everyone in my car saw the lights.
We pulled over and got out of the car. My sister and brother also saw the
lights and pulled over behind us. My husband and daughter started taking
pictures and I took video.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Lights
Methuen -- I saw two glowing orange lights on September 22,
2013, that were maneuvering and flew west. I said, They look weird,
theyre glowing orange and moving south together. Then they both
shot straight up, descended to the left, and then maneuvering and back on their
original path. My friend got his camera using long distance lens snapped clear
pictures before we lost them in the trees. The pictures were the best part!
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada UFO
RENO -- It was the second night I noticed
light that was larger than a star overlooking my neighborhood. I shot many
videos from my 2nd floor window of many large ships and some smaller ones.
I included this short clip and have much more footage if youre interested in
looking into this further. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Lights
SICKLERVILLE -- Gene Angelino phoned to state he had
photographed a series of UFOs near his home on September 18, 2013.
He was taking photos of his truck with his Nikon camera and took a series of
photos of alien lights off in the distance banking off in the town heading
south. He has a series of six images showing the lights moving and banking off
into the distance. Thanks to Gene Angelino
Marmora -- Three V shaped objects with lights flying over
treetops silently on Route 9 a mile from the entrance of the North Parkway to
Sumers Point. We saw three lights with the last two lights dimming their lights
on August 30, 2013. The first set of lights was bright in a V shape and traveled
slowly. The last two V shaped objects suddenly dimmed their lights. You could
see their shadow following behind the main V shaped object. They started off in
a sandwiched formation, and then slowly separated into a line formation. The car
in front of me even stopped to watch them fly slowly over the treetops. Thanks
New Mexico Disc UFO
CoronA -- Don Burleson writes,
The attachments show a photo taken with an iPhone on 23 August 2013
in the general vicinity of the debris field below Corona. The full
photo was taken by the witness, but the crop, the slight contrast to try to
bring out a little more detail is my doing. Witness has stated that he and his
brother were just taking scenery photos at the time and did not see the object
when the photo was taken. Thanks to Don Burleson NM State Director
New York Lights
Peconic -- At 9:30 PM, on September 21,
2013, my wife and I witnessed two pairs of red orbs in the northern sky. They
were slowly traveling northeast. One pair of orbs was slightly following the
other and moving silently in formation. The second pair was in a formation that
had one orb slightly southwest in relation to the other, while the first pair
was oriented in an east to west fashion. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Flying Object
DALLAS I looked out back of my business and saw what
appeared to be two suns and a smaller round object like the sun in color moving
with the two suns as they rotate on September 21, 2013.
If you enlarge the smaller object you can see it may be a UFO. Also a laser
beam shot at my feet while taking these pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia UFO in Front of Plane
CHANTILLY -- I was sitting in my front porch having my
morning coffee on September 5, 2013, when I saw an airplane flying at 15,000 to
18,000 feet altitude. There was a large white rectangular object flying in front
of the plane, although it is difficult to ascertain the shape. The object was at
the same altitude as the commercial airliner. What caught my eye was that the
plane had a contrail but the object did not and was flying less than an inch
from my vantage point. The object stayed in-front of the plane for two minutes
and then simply vanished.
The pilots of this plane must have seen the object since the size of the
object and the altitude was similar to the commercial airliner. The object was
simply leading the airplane; it was not a reflection and did not perform any
unusual motions. The airplane did not take any evasive actions but simply
continued in a straight line. Only after the object disappeared did the plane
bank five degrees to the right and continued in its path. NOTE: The above image
is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON and Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Washington Lights
WAlla WAlla -- I heard this is called a hover bubble, but I
cant find anything on this. Its blue and red lights were strobbing around a
white light with possible green in it on September 15, 2013. There is always
more than one out at night and theyre out every night. They are far and
sometimes real close and fly across the sky to the east. They make no noise. The
lights are located toward the mountains. I also have video.
Note: William Puckett says it is likely the witness photographed the planet
Jupiter that would have been the brightest object in the sky at the time of the
sighting and in the east. The distortion seen in the photo was likely due to
camera movement.
Nocturnal Lights Sighting Wave Washington State?
Buenos Aires Quilmes On September 18, 2013, at 12 pm,
there were several bright spheres moving around and close to the sun.
They were visible all morning until noon.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Disc
Perth HILLS This fast moving craft with a dome was
photographed by Rob Hartland a teacher on September 8, 2013. It is disc-shaped
craft with a clearly visible canopy on top and several structures underneath.
Bob writes, I dont see these craft with
the naked eye but detect them on the digital images when viewing and enlarging
them on a computer screen. I use a Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100, which has a 20
megapixel 1 inch CMOS sensor to take high resolution images which are later
enhanced using a photo-enhancing program.
I usually focus
the camera on the edges of mid- to high-altitude clouds and take a series of 20
to 30 photos on continuous shooting mode with a fraction of a second between
each photo. When captured these craft are present in only one or two of the
series of 20 images. I take about 300 images at a time, especially when there
are wispy high-altitude clouds.
We encourage everyone to have a go and see what you can capture. Thanks to
Rob Hartland
Canada Rectangular Object
Barrie, ONTARIO I saw a silent object looking similar to a
satellite with an extremely low orbit passing over from north to south on August
22, 2013 at 10 PM. It was an intensely bright rectangular object that emitted
tremendous light from solar panel appendages. It was as though the sun was
reflecting off the panels. The brightness of this object was many orders of
magnitude brighter than any star. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National
UFO Reporting Center
QEW between Hamilton and Toronto ---- My girlfriend and I were out taking motion photos
above the traffic. We didnt notice anything until later when we noticed the
triangle in the photo.
This shot was done with a Cannon camera and was set up for an 8 second photo.
This would make moving objects blurry. Those three lights that form the shape of
a triangle showed up in four other photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Three Brilliant Objects
Popayan I came to my room and saw three objects
that moved between clouds on September 3, 2013. They were very brilliant and
diamond like. I grabbed my camera and initiated filming. I could only detect a
single object which was recorded at the beginning of the film. Then the object
in an instant changed in size to almost a point and then disappears. It then
reappears instantly at its initial size and then disappears between the clouds.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan Orbs
video was taken over the power plant on March 26, 2011, during the 15
meter tsunami indicating that the UFOs were probably conducting
reconnaissance of the disaster. The tsunami disabled the power supply
and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident.
The spread out orbs shown in the video all combine into the center orb.
Mexico Flying Object
Guayaquil -- On September 14, 2013, I was talking with a friend while lying
in my hammock looking at the sky about 6 PM, when I saw a white object going
really fast leaving a bright white long tail behind. It was passing over my
house and my friend was able to see it too. This unidentified flying object was
significantly closer than airplane traffic. Airplanes fly slowly from one side
of the sky to the other while this object flew really fast from one place to
another. Later we just saw a white object farther away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Triangle
Margate -- My
father in law took photos of the sunrise in the area in Kwa Zulu, Natal in South
Africa on May 21, 2011.
A few months later he showed me his vacation photos, as he likes to take
photos of Mother Nature. i picked up this triangular shaped object in the
clouds. i do not know what it is, but it isn't a plane.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Saucer
Fuengirola -- I was awake early on September 10, 2013and
stood on my balcony to watch the sunrise and noticed two shining objects which I
thought may be satellites. I took a picture of both before the sun came over the
horizon. When the sun rose it was not possible to see either one. When I look at
one photo, the object looks possibly saucer shaped and the other is difficult to
decipher. Perhaps with a better viewer enhancer there will be a better shape.
One last picture (4) is just before the sunrise.
Tunisia Space Ship?
TUNIS -- My friend captured a photo of a space ship on
September 20, 2013. Thanks to MUFON CMS
COVENTRY -- Last week I saw at
least four different types of craft and took pictures most often of the dark
grey balls that hang in the sky. Sometimes they are the Mexican Puck type with a
white top and a black bottom. Things are getting busy as I often get three grey
balls in one frame. Thats a lot of aliens, or remote craft to be around your
home uninvited. Thanks to Michael Newark.
Tyndrum -- I was on holiday with my wife
in Scotland and took lots of pictures on May 15, 2013. When I downloaded the
photos to my computer I unfortunately downsized them to save space. When I was
looking at the images I saw what looks like two bright objects in one of the
pictures and another bright object in another picture. When I zoomed in on my
computer they looked saucer shaped. Thanks to MUFON CMS
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
27-09-2013 om 09:45
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
This week UFO
Digest editor, Robert D Morningstar, contributes two articles,
the first explores beyond the boundary of earth and the second celebrates his
love of aviation. Next, Peter Fotis Kapnistos has a
two-parter about the Jerk Saw Siege! Chris Holly
reports on a UFO sighting and video over Long Branch, New Jersey. Then,
Diane Tessman explores deep earthquakes and crazy meteor
activity. Carolyn Shield reminds us that Edgar Cayce prophesied
that islands would rise and they have. Sean Casteel and
John Weigle team up to cover Robert Salas lectures on alien
interest. Then, Doc Vega writes about more paranormal events in
WW I and concludes his Dulce series. Val Wineyard is back and
writes about her spiritual journey in Languedoc! Pat Regan
writes about alien life above an old Roman fort. Scott Corrales
reports on disappearing UFOs. Paul Schroeder writes about the
Noonday Devils. Then, Dr. John Reizer wonders if there is proof
on the moon of advanced civilizations on earth? Paul Shishis
writes the black hole. I report on close encounters in Indiana and on The
X-Files stars are appearing in New York City. Please view the videos listed
below and read the other news on our site. Enjoy
EARTH - FROM SCIENCE FICTION TO REALITYby Robert D Morningstar. The Earth civilization has
arrived at seemingly unsolvable global problems of many different kinds. The
lack of timely solutions to the accumulated problems has led to stagnation in
world economics. This has provoked new forms of rivalry between world powers
with the intention of global capitalization of monetary and natural resources.
At the same time, massive social unrests in many countries indicate that
humanity is faced with a new social dilemma. The stagnation is seen not only in
economics and politics, but also in science because its research is funded and
primarily directed to serve the interests of powerful groups. More... Also read: EVERY
Kapnistos. In medieval traditions, the Black Mass was first known through
parodies, called Feasts of Asses, to ridicule a custom of religious festivities
with a reverse reading of biblical scriptures (spoken, not spelled). According
to the Old and Middle English articulations of the Bible, Jesus Christ
pronounced backwards is: Tsierk sah-syge. More... Also
STRANGE LIGHTS OR CRAFTS OVER LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEYby Chris Holly. Read email and see her video of the odd lights or
crafts sighted yesterday while she walked along the beach at Long Branch New
Jersey on Chris Hollys Parwhat is hovering over the ocean in New Jersey? More...
WHAT'S HAPPENING?by Diane Tessman. One thing is certain:
Planet Earth is undergoing intense changes which often threaten life as we know
it today. Here are two recent examples: On September 21st, 2013, a huge green
meteor ripped through the skies of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma and
Arkansas very close to Earth, lighting up neighborhoods in these five states. More...
Edgar Cayces prophecy New Lands rise up from the sea happened today after 7.8
Pakistans earthquake After the 7.8 Pakistan earthquakes on Tuesday 9/24/13, a
new island rose up from the sea witnessed by a large crowd of onlookers. The
island is mountainous rose up approximately 100 feet. It was seen near the
Gwadar coastline. More...
Weigle.The time Robert Salas spent in the United States Air Force taught
him many things about the UFO phenomenon. In a lecture he delivered at the
September 14, 2013, meeting of the Close Encounter Research Organization
International, held in Thousand Oaks, California, a city just north of Los
Angeles, Salas explained just what he has learned in no uncertain terms. More... Also
Vega. It is
absolutely shocking to consider some of the reported paranormal aspects of the
past during the bitter fighting seen in past human conflicts. Amazingly, an
unknown element has reared its mysterious head in the thick of armies in the
midst of the killing and quest for a nations territory, yet it has happened
with unusual frequency. Today we are going back in time to the desperate years
of World War I as Europe, Great Britain, and the world hung in the balance
thanks to a pivotal moment when an assassination occurred in Sarajevo of Arch
Duke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. More... Also
read: MORE
JOURNEY IN LANGUEDOC by Val Wineyard. I have lived in the
Narbonnais in the south of France for some thirteen years now, and never been
back to England. I came here to live after twenty years of visits to the region,
knowing in my heart this was the place for me. Sometimes it wasn't easy, but I
never even thought about going back to that grey place called Blighty. I was
told I was very brave, but to live here was a driving force in my life; Lord
Destiny was making himself felt and there was no saying no. More...
Victrix, or more simply Deva, was a legionary fortress and town in the Roman
prefecture of Britannia. The legions picked this venue well for it nestles on
the banks of the famous River Dee. This watercourse is well known for its
excellent runs of salmon. Incidentally, the river receives its name from the
Brythonic word Deva: River of the Goddess or Holy River. Many rivers were in
fact named after local Pagan deities. More...
PARANORMAL UFOS IN ARGENTINA!by Scott Corrales. It is well
known that the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is among the most acceptable
propositions with regard to the nature of the UFO phenomenon. However, there are
those who feel that it barely offers an adequate explanation for certain aspects
of the problem, such as the absence or scant detection of the phenomenon in
space with astronomic devices, which contrasts with what occurs within our own
atmosphere. More... Also read: DISAPPEARING P
Schroeder. Part of the alarming nature of the unknown is its mysterious
link to the known; I awaken each night to a lewd exhibition of the merging. I
open my eyes and turn to see the digital alarm clock, sitting on the lamp table
next to my bed and see: 12:12, and 1:11 am, 2:22 am and 3:33 am and 4:44 am. More...
EARTH?by Dr. John Reizer . In 1994, the Ballistic Missile
Defense Organization (U.S. Navy) and NASA launched the spacecraft, Clementine in
an effort to map and photograph the entire lunar surface. Clementine was
considered by mission experts as a resounding success. The photographic map that
was constructed through photography associated with the Clementine mission is
available for review at the website More...
OTHERWORLDLY BEINGSby Paul Dale Roberts . Right in the
beginning, it reads: if you believe that the modern era of UFOs began in 1947
with Kenneth Arnolds famous sighting near Mount Rainier, Washington, you are
sorely mistaken. More...
THE BLACK HOLEby Paul Shishis. Ive been
looking into the levels of organization of matter in our space not time*
While studying Sacred Geometry, Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Series ,
Numerology. More...
Vander Ploeg. Stewart Hill has looked into some mighty strange things, like
the South Bend man who, at age 12, was abducted by aliens while he was taking
out the trash. They treated him quite well, Hill said of the gray aliens who
took and returned the boy, adding aliens treat children better than adults. The
boys souvenir of sorts for his journey was an object in his ear, which
eventually disappeared. More...
Subscribers: As regular
readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends
or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is
an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its
membership. Thanks Dirk.
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Un poisson fossile découvert en Chine serait l'ancêtre de l'homme
Un poisson fossile découvert en Chine serait l'ancêtre de l'homme
Un poisson fossile découvert en Chine serait l'ancêtre de l'homme
Suivant la logique évolutioniste voulant que tout être vivant actuellement sur la Terre provient des océans et donc d'un intermédiaire aquatique vertébré, le requin vient d'être éliminé totalement par la découverte d'un fossile de poisson vertébré très de 400 millions d'années. Cette découverte bouleverse toutes les idées préconçues, selon un paléontologue du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Paris. :
" Un petit poisson préhistorique remet en cause toute l'évolution des vertébrés, humains compris. Selon ce fossile découvert en Chine, l'ancêtre de l'homme et de toutes les créatures dotées d'un squelette osseux ne serait donc pas une sorte de requin primitif, mais plutôt d'un poisson plus modeste. Ce poisson fossile est doté de vertèbres et d'un squelette. Les scientifiques ont pourtant longtemps pensé que les vertébrés étaient issus de poissons cartilagineux similaires aux raies et aux requins et qu'ils ont dû évoluer pour se créer de toutes pièces un squelette et une mâchoire articulée. "
" "Cette découverte étonnante porte un sérieux coup à de vieilles idées sur l'évolution des vertébrés", résume Brian Choo, de l'Institut de Paléontologie des Vertébrés de Pékin, qui publie sa découverte dans la revue Nature. Cette découverte bouleverse toutes les idées préconçues, selon un paléontologue du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Paris. "
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Mesa 'UFO' no longer unidentified
Mesa 'UFO' no longer unidentified
Forget those surreal sightings that disbelievers call flares or weather balloons.
This bright orange "UFO" actually came down in the Valley.
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport officials have photographs and are pursuing the landing with the Federal Aviation Administration. clear pixel
"It was some kind of electronic device," airport spokesman Brian Sexton said of the plastic object whose owner was identified as Space Data Corporation, a Chandler firm whose products have logged 250,000 hours of flying time over the United States.
The research contraption was discovered by airport employees inside a foam container on the payload end of a bright orange parachute. The chute descended about 7 a.m. on a cargo apron at the airport about the time a local television station was reporting sightings of unidentified flying objects near Gateway.
"We launched a number of these balloon-type craft this morning," said Space Data's Chief Financial Officer, George Ritchie. "We send them up about 85,000 feet, and it makes them shine as if they're bright lights."
The parachutes are released from the balloons so their payloads can test a variety of Space Data "operations and procedures," including data relays from extremely remote locations with no other coverage possibility, Ritchie said.
The company's Website,, describes three of the technologies -- ever-shrinking electronics, industrial weather balloons and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) "to provide a safe and low-cost communications system that is particularly effective for remote locations."
The device that fell at Gateway apparently involves the SkySite Network, which consists of high-altitude, balloon-borne transceivers known as SkySite Platforms, which are launched every 24 hours.
Each SkySite Platform takes just 20 minutes to launch and rises to an altitude of 60,000 to 100,000 feet in about one hour, creating a coverage circle more than 400 miles in diameter.
Ritchie said SkySite Platforms are the only unmanned air vehicles approved by the FAA to operate commercially in the U.S. airspace.
But no so fast, say Gateway airport officials.
"We don't like anything dropping into the airport's airspace unless it's authorized," said Sexton.
"The matter is being pursued with the FAA."
FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said the agency would likely look into the incident once it receives a report from Gateway.
27-09-2013 om 00:59
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Mystery of the Capitola UFO
The Mystery of the Capitola UFO
Private eye T.K. Davis has worked his share of oddball cases. Once he tracked down a one-armed woman wanted for child endangerment. He staked out a backyard to catch a guy throwing dirt clods into a pool. When you make your living answering life's mysterious questions at $100 an hour, you take a few calls out of the blue.
He works the streets of this suburban town near Santa Cruz, where dog-walking mothers and aging hippies compete for beach time. Oh, sure, it might seem innocent enough, but it can get a little creepy if you let it. People might see things -- unusual objects in the sky, for instance -- and not say a thing for fear of being ridiculed.
At times like that, a private eye comes in handy. He can look around, ask a few hard questions -- even if it means risking his reputation built over 30 years as a deputy sheriff.
That's more or less where Davis finds himself now, behind the wheel of his blue Ford Explorer, with his partner Frankie Dixon. They're cruising down streets, looking at utility poles and trying to figure out: Is that the one in these three pictures, the pictures with the unidentified flying object?
The photographs came from -- surprise! -- the Internet. In May, someone using the name Raji posted them on Craigslist. All three show a lone wooden power pole with its jumble of crossbeams and wires. Hovering just above it is some kind of flying saucer.
Current news about UFO's, aliens, alien abductions and unexplained mysteries and psychic phenomenon.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
British Navy comes close to fire at UFO's
A British Navy warship may have come within seconds of opening fire on Unidentified Flying Objects above Merseyside, possibly narrowly avoiding the precipitation of an interstellar war and the extirpation of humanity by testy aliens.
Reports have it that the UFOs - speculated to have been visiting spacecraft from beyond the solar system - were tracked on naval weapons radars.
The revelation comes from the Telegraph, reporting on last week's sightings of "orange, ball-shaped" UFOs cruising above scouse beauty-spots between South Liverpool and Southport. The orange, blob-like flying balls - said by some witnesses to have "dropped fire" at times - were assessed by some to be floating Chinese lanterns, but this theory was widely disparaged among headline-writers in favour of the more crowd-pleasing interstellar visitors hypothesis. Also, Chinese lanterns don't move 3,000 miles/hr.
So far, so what. But then the Telegraph entered the debate with stunning revelations from "an ex-military source" regarding the presence of HMS Daring, a Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer which was docked in Liverpool as the UFOs passed over.
"The guns on the ships are powered by radar," said the source, "but military radar and civilian radar work on different frequencies, so that is probably why the airport said it had not picked anything up."
The Telegraph says that the UFOs were actually "countermeasure flares used to test the radar systems of huge anti-missile guns on the ship". The broadsheet carries on to say: Countermeasure flares are designed to prevent radar-based missile systems locking on to aircraft by providing multiple targets.
The warship, which was docked at Liverpool's cruise liner terminal, is fitted with radar-activated Phalanx guns, which are capable of firing more than 3,000 rounds a minute.
"What happened was a plane flew over at high altitude following the path of the river and dropped the counter measures, which the radar tracked," said the paper's unnamed source.
"That's why people reported seeing them where they did, from Mossley Hill up to Southport."
Actually, while the Type 45 ships are designed to be fitted with Phalanx radar-controlled guns, they don't have them yet, owing to lack of money. The plan is apparently to cannibalise weapons from older ships as they retire. But Daring does have her 4.5-inch main gun, and a pair of ordinary slower-firing 30mm cannon intended for use against pirate dhows and the like.
The 4.5" "Kryten" gun turret (a type of weapon in use since before World war II) can be fired under radar control. It would normally be seen as a poor choice for anti-aircraft work these days, but beggars can't be choosers - the ships' PAAMS missiles, their primary armament, aren't ready yet either.
The "Radar countermeasure flares" notion is plainly poppycock, however. Countermeasure flares are for confusing infrared systems, not radar - though ordinary illumination flares are used occasionally as aiming targets for lighter manually-aimed guns. But you certainly aren't going to start letting off flares over a densely-populated urban area in the UK, so we're staying with the much more credible alien-visitors idea.
So what we've got here is HMS Daring tracking extraterrestrial spacecraft, and possibly almost certainly coming within inches of triggering an interstellar invasion by an ill-timed freak accidental firing mishap. That is, in the unlikely event that the rather feeble weapons actually fitted to the navy's newest, billion-dollar destroyer were actually able to do any harm.
179. Grant Cameron on UFO Sightings and Extended Human
Interview examines government knowledge of the connection between
extended human consciousness and the UFO Phenomena.
Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with UFO
researcher, and author, Grant Cameron. During the interview Cameron explains how
his research led him to uncover the connection between ESP, telepathy and the
UFO phenomena:
Alex Tsakiris: One of the things that we like to do on
Skeptiko is to keep pulling on a string and follow it as far as we can. Thats
led me to you because when you look at human consciousness and you start looking
for explanations for things like telepathy, precognition, out-of-body
experiences, and other altered states of consciousness it eventually leads to
this UFO thing, and the numerous reports of mind control and telepathy
associated with it. So when I heard you say government insiders who really know
about the UFO have told you that you cant really understand this UFO phenomena
without having an expanded view of consciousness I was intrigued. Tell me how
you came to this conclusion.
Grant Cameron: We tracked this guy down and he turns out to
be Dr. Eric Walker, who was former President of Penn State University. For 15
years he was the Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Defense Analysis,
which is the top military think tank for the United States military. He was the
co-developer of the homing torpedo. He was friends with Vannevar Bush. He had
this incredible, unbelievable background of military and connections with
Presidents and stuff like this. So when we go to him, were interviewing him as
UFO researchers. Were not thinking about the mind and consciousness; we
couldnt care less about that, no connection whatsoever. Were talking to him
and were trying to find out about this supposed UFO group that runs the whole
thing, the MJ-12. Were asking him questions about MJ-12. Did you have contact
with the aliens? How did the thing operate? How did you cover-up the UFO thing?
And suddenly in the middle of one of these interviews in 1990 he suddenly cuts
off the conversation talking about hardware, about bodies and all this, and he
suddenly says, How good is your sixth sense? How much do you know about ESP?
And Walker says, Unless you know about it and how to use it, you will not be
taken in.
Then in 1993 theres a related story about a conversation that takes place
with Ben Rich. Ben Rich was the guy who ran Skunk Works, where the U2, the
SR-71, the Stealth fighter, the Stealth bomber, they were all developed by what
was called Skunk Works. Ben Rich ran it and he would get a number of questions
about was this UFO technology? Hes giving a lecture in 1993. Hes dying of
cancer. He gives a lecture at UCLA to a bunch of engineers and hes talking and
he says, Weve got the technology to take ET home. He gives his lecture, he
finishes the lecture, hes walking out, and one of the engineers who was
interested in UFOs runs after him. He asks, How are these things propelled? How
are UFOs propelled? And Ben Rich turns around and says to him, Let me ask you
a question. How does ESP work?
Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome Grant Cameron to Skeptiko.
Grant is a highly-regarded UFO researcher whos made some fascinating
connections between what we know about the UFO phenomena and the kind of
extended human consciousness we talk so much about here on Skeptiko. Grant is in
the process of publishing two new books and regularly blogs at Welcome,
Grant, thanks for joining us.
Grant Cameron: Thanks, Alex, for having me on.
Alex Tsakiris: So Grant, one of the things that we like to
do on Skeptiko is to keep pulling on a string and follow it as far as we can.
Thats what I think led me to you because when you look at human consciousness
and you start looking for explanations for things like telepathy, precognition,
out-of-body experiences, and all the altered states of consciousness that
serious researchers like Rick Strassman has looked into with his DMT research.
Or even Terence McKenna used to talk about.
When you try to take that in whole, and then you keep pulling at it, that
string eventually leads you to bumping up against this UFO thing and the
numerous reports of mind control and really consciousness-bending kinds of ideas
that you run into. So when I heard on an interview and I heard you saying that
the government insiders who really know about the UFO KIP thing all say that you
cant really understand this UFO phenomena without having an expanded view of
human consciousness.
Well, I guess that really got me intrigued and thats what I was hoping we
would talk about today. So let me start with this. I want to jump right to the
end and tell me how you came to this conclusion about consciousness being
fundamental to understanding the UFO phenomena.
Grant Cameron: Okay, maybe I should first set up a little
bit of my background. What happened was I got involved in 1975, just at the end
of the Vietnam War right along the Canadian/U.S. border where the U.S. have all
their Minuteman III missile silos, thats where we had a bunch of sightings. Now
before then Id never thought about UFOs. I had no interest whatsoever.
But I did have an interest in stuff like Edgar Cayce, reincarnation research.
I was very interested in the work of Dr. Michael Newton. I was very much
interested in near-death and consciousness and stuff. But UFOs I had no interest
So I started in 1975 and I had these sightings and really the consciousness
thing didnt come up for like 35 years. It wasnt until I was at a conference
last year in Phoenix, Arizona and Id filed a lot of UFO material. It started
with sightings, realized that sightings really wasnt getting us anywhere, and
got into the government aspect of the documents and somebody must know about
this sort of stuff. So for 35 or 37 years I collected material and documents and
all this sort of stuff
Alex Tsakiris: Now, Grant, let me interject here. Youre
kind of glossing over the extent of your research which I think is phenomenal.
We can talk about the whole field of UFO research and how an independent UFO
researcher like you has the guts and determination to do this, but youre a guy
whos filed how many Freedom of Information requests? And how many have you
filed and how many pages of documents are we talking about that youve gathered
in your research?
Grant Cameron: Oh my goodness. Ive got over 100 Freedom of
Information requests with the Clinton Library. What you do is you basically go
to different departments and what Id done was I tried to find who had the
answer. I figured well, the President of the United States is supposedly the
most powerful man in the world. He must know.
So I would file with various presidential libraries looking for their
documents on UFOs. And also on remote viewing psychic phenomena, this sort of
stuff, trying to find out what the President knows about these very sort of
intricate, involved parts of reality and figuring at his level he must have a
better idea than you and I in the public would know.
So Clinton was very interested in consciousness and UFOs. Hillary was very
much intoyou know she got caught with this channeling thing with this Jean
Houston in New York City, this big scandal where she was talking to Gandhi and
Eleanor Roosevelt. So they were really interested and I filed a lot of Freedom
of Information requests there and I basically traveled to all the different
presidential libraries looking for these documents. It really wasnt that
successful except for the Clintons.
In terms of documents I probably have oh, maybe 10,000 pages of material. A
lot of it is not the hard answers sort of stuff but stuff that sort of relates.
So Ive collected an awful lot of material just trying to put it together and
there really wasnt much of an answer.
Ive had these sort of moments of insight. One was when I had my first UFO
sighting in 1975 which its sort of just a hit you and its like whoa. I didnt
believe this existed. The other one was when I saw Dr. Michael Newton talking
about Life Between Lives. He lectured in about 1990 in Laughlin,
Nevada. I saw that lecture and that just changed my life. The third one was when
we got into this consciousness thing. This was last year in Phoenix where all
the UFO lecturersand this conference goes on for about a week and its lecture
after lecture for a whole week.
I listened to all these different lectures and there seemed to be this thing
where various people who were talking were talking about consciousness. It
wasnt the main part of their lecture but it was just a sub-topic in the
lecture. For example, Dr. Steven Greer who did the disclosure news conference
trying to expose all the high-level government witnesses, he talked about this
consciousness thing, that this is at the basis of the UFO interaction with the
Earth. David Sereda and all the various abduction researchers who would talk
about this mental telepathy thing that was going between the abductees and the
aliens. Nothing happened by word of mouth. It was all telepathy.
So this is sort of a sub-topic. But it wasnt until the last lecture, and the
last lecture was given by Colin Andrews. Colin Andrews is, for people who know
the crop circles, the famous crop circles in England, Colin Andrews is the key
researcher. He started in 1982. He is the top researcher on crop circles and he
gave this lecture which was called Circles of Consciousness or something like
It was one of these mind-altering things that when I heard his lecture
talking about the fact that the aliens were making crop circles but they were
also controlling the people who were hoaxing crop circles. That was his whole
lecture, that 80% of the crop circles are hoaxed but that the people that he
talked to who are hoaxing the crop circles were talking about some sort of
interaction, some sort of force that was getting them to make certain types of
So his thing was that the aliens control the whole thing, the real circles
and the hoax circles. It was this whole idea that the aliens were sort of in
control of what is going on. Theyre part of the cover-up and theyre part of
this interaction with the human race that theyre leading us along. I got this
instant insight for 35, 37 years of research where suddenly everything fit
together. All these stories that I could relate to you, these little things that
Ive known for years and years and years. Everything suddenly fit together.
Alex Tsakiris: Grant, hold on because theres a lot going on
here. I want to back up for a minute and say that this realization that you had
that these pieces fit together, I think is kind of interesting. I share your
perspective on it. From the beginning, these accounts have always had this
element to them. This extended consciousness. We had Stan Friedman on this show
a while ago and this show that were doing today, Grant, will be only the second
show that weve ever done that touches on UFOs.
Again, our approach to it is to look at the connection between consciousness
but Stan Friedman, of course you know, did some pretty extensive work on the
Betty and Barney Hill abduction case in 1950. Hes not that interested in
consciousness so he immediately brought to the table well, yeah, this guy pulls
off the road, has no reason or explanation for why hes done it, and then is
communicating telepathically. So you have both the mind controlwhy would this
guy whos really kind of fastidious and would never get in the dust and the dirt
pull off on this gravel road and get outside of the car? And then how did he
know this stuff without communicating?
So from back in the 50s there are these reports. I just want to emphasize
what you brought up, that this has been hanging around there for a long time and
no ones really put the pieces together. Now that Ive interrupted you I want to
get you back on track.
Grant Cameron: Okay, let me clarify that compared to theres
a part of the UFO community that believes very deeply in the abduction stuff. If
you listen to the two top researchers, who were David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins,
they talk about the fact that after 1975 we knew everything we knew about UFOs
in terms of sightings. You had to get inside the craft to know what was going
on. And they would talk about this interaction between abductees and the aliens
but they made the connection that other than that, all the people who have
talked to the aliens, its all hoaxes.
Like back to the 1950s. The Betty and Barney Hill thing did not start until
1962 when they started to make this thing public. Before then, for example, when
they were first abducted they went to NICAP, which was the biggest UFO group in
the world at the time. It was headed by Major Kehoe and Major Kehoe said, This
is nonsense. Little aliens do not abduct people on the roads. He basically
would not touch this thing with a 10-foot pole. The same as J. Allen Hynek who
was probably the most prominent UFO researcher in the world, the same thing. He
said, Stay away from abductions. Its no good. Dont go to abductions. And a
lot of people avoided that sort of interaction thing.
One of the things that people left out, when you get Hopkins and people like
this who are talking about the abduction thing, they say everything else is
nonsense. I started back with the work of Wilbert Smith who ran the Canadian
government UFO program. The Canadian government investigated this thing from
1950 to 1954 and theres a Top Secret memo. Its a legitimate Top Secret memo.
It was declassified by the Canadian government and in that memo, Wilbert Smith
who is running the Canadian government UFO program writes to the deputy minister
of the Department of Transport, giving a report on UFOs. He said
Alex Tsakiris: Grant, let me interject here because this is
really an important memo for folks who are still on the skeptical side of the
whole UFO thing. What I want you to do is talk about in real simple terms who
Wilbert Smith is, which you just did, and how did Wilbert Smith come to write
this memo? Why was he down in D.C. and why should we believe whats in the memo?
And along the way, of course, you have to tell us whats in this memo.
Grant Cameron: Okay, he was called a senior radio engineer
and after the program was shut down and he was actually promoted to the head of
communications. He worked at Shirleys Bay which is outside of Ottawa, the
Canadian capital, and basically its the NSA of Canada. He ran Radio Ottawa
which is trying to pick off Russian communications. He was in charge of all the
radio frequencies, AM/FM radio frequencies. So when FM radio came in in the late
50s, he would negotiate with the Americans on radio frequencies along the
border. You get this frequency; we get this frequency.
But he also controlled the military frequencies and the Intelligence
frequencies and handing out radio frequencies to these people. He was given the
job to research the Flying Saucer thing. He was very interested. He said that he
was down at a conference in Washington, D.C. and a couple of famous UFO books
had come out. He started to ask questions and he said he basically got these
confirmations. So he writes back to the Canadian government and hes reporting
on what he learned at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C
Alex Tsakiris: As part of his job. This is what hes
supposed to be doing. Its also his passion and his interest but this is a real
guy in Canadian security in the U.S., in D.C., and asking around, Hey, what
about this UFO stuff?
Grant Cameron: Yeah. And hes going through the military
attaché which was attached to the Research and Development Board in the United
States. The Canadian military liaison guy was giving him a lot of this
information and the Research and Development Board in the United States was in
charge of the hydrogen bomb, all the weapon research. This was the key sort of
research and development aspect of the American military.
So hes getting this material and he reports back the basic things that UFO
people have always, for 30 years, have talked about this UFO thing. He was told
Flying Saucers exist. The most highly classified subject in the United States,
rated two points higher than the hydrogen bomb. This was written in December of
1950, two years before the first hydrogen bomb was detonated. So this is before
the hydrogen bomb and hes saying this is a higher classification than the
hydrogen bomb. Then he says that theres a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar
Bush, who was the scientific advisor to Roosevelt during WWII
Alex Tsakiris: The go-to guy, Vannevar Bush. Hes the go-to
guy for everything, right, at the highest level? So atom bomb, nuclear
Grant Cameron: Everything. All your atomic bomb, your jet
engine, proximity fuse, every major development during WWII, the scientific
aspect was headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. So Smith is saying hes given the job to
figure out this Flying Saucer thing. So Smith is going back and saying Flying
Saucers are real. He was told by American officials and he doesnt say like
some guy. Hes saying American officials are telling him this is for real and
that if we have anything to exchange theyre willing to exchange. So for 30
years in the UFO community, I along with everybody else, quoted these four
points. But the very next line in the document, everybody has left out
Alex Tsakiris: Now hold on. Before you get to that next line
lets do a little cliffhanger here. Who was the intended audience for this memo?
When does this memo become public? And what other evidence do we have that this
was completely legitimate? What other confirmations do we have from other
individuals that this did in fact happen the way that Smith said it did?
Grant Cameron: Okay, it was written in December 1950 to
start with. It wasnt declassified. Stan Friedman was actually one of the people
who forced it to be pushed out, but it wasnt fully declassified until 1978, I
believe it was.
Alex Tsakiris: So almost 30 years later.
Grant Cameron: That this thing was declassified. And what
happened was that when Smith was dying, he was dying of cancer of the lower
bowel. He knew he was dying. He told his wife to get rid of the files. So the
files were held by his oldest son and they were then moved to a researcher in
Ottawa who knew that this memo existed because Smith had a copy in his personal
files. So there was push from these researchers who knew what was in the files
to get the Canadian government to declassify the documents.
So when they finally declassified the documents in 1978, this Top Secret
document became public. Now, the way the government got out of it was they said
he didnt have the right to put Top Secret on it. They tried to find different
ways to sort of invalidate the document but it is a valid document. It is in the
Canadian research libraries and nobody denies that it wasnt written and it
wasnt Top Secret. Theyre just playing on the edges of whether they should have
been Top Secret to start with. So this document is there. Smith writes it and
hes writing it to the Canadian government and
Alex Tsakiris: And then we have confirmation from a U.S.
official who says
Grant Cameron: What happens is Stanton tracks down an
interview that Smith does at the Canadian Embassy with a scientist, Dr. Robert
Starbacher, who in the 1950s was a consultant to the U.S. military to the
Research and Development Board. In 1983, after the document becomes public,
Smiths personal files become public and this interview, this handwritten
interview with Dr. Starbacher, which gives part of the materialnot all of the
material in the Top Secret memobut some of it. Stanton decides to see if this
guy is still alive.
He finds the guy in Florida, Dr. Robert Starbacher, and he talks to Robert
Did you give this interview to Wilbert Smith?
He said, Yeah, I recall giving this interview at the Canadian Embassy.
He says, What was the background?
He says, Well, one of the consultants in Washington at the Navy section, I
was called into a series of meetings at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where
they had a crashed Flying Saucer and they were briefing a bunch of high-ranking
scientists at the Research and Development Board.
He didnt have time to gohe was working the Canadian DO Line Project. But he
started naming off these different people to Stanton who had gone. He named off
Dr. Bush, of course. He named off Von Neumann who was the initiator of the
computer, Dr. Von Braun. He named off a number of high-ranking scientists. Then
he named off one scientist who was still alive. Thats kind of a long story. Dr.
Eric Walker, whos the former president of Penn State University.
We actually go to him and he confirms a lot of this stuff. So Starbacher does
give confirmation for the fact that he did tell Smith it was the most highly
classified subject in the United States, that Flying Saucers were real. All we
know is we didnt make them; we dont know who made them. And so it sets the
basis for the fact that Smith has not just connections with people in the United
States but he has connections with the U.S. government.
In fact, his son confirmed to me as a rumored story that at the end of his
life, his father had told him that yes, he had actually gotten access to the
crashed Flying Saucer. He was shown a crashed Flying Saucer outside of
Washington, D.C. and he did see the bodies. So Smith was at this very high
level, classified area where there was actually interaction between the U.S. and
the Canadian government.
Alex Tsakiris: And we should add that Wilbert Smith is
someone that you have researched, a fellow Canadian that you have researched
extensively. So youve spent several years collecting as many of his notes and
documents and interviewing family members and friends. So its really been a
major interest area of yours. Is that correct?
Grant Cameron: Yeah, yeah. And I have all his files which
are four DVDs full. There was a lot of material.
Alex Tsakiris: But I want to come back and unravel and get
back to the next line in the memo.
Grant Cameron: So in 1950 when Smith writes this memo to the
Canadian government, describing what hes been told by officials of the United
States, he talks about the UFO stuff which everybody quotes. The very next line
everybody leaves out. I left it out for years, too. He said, I was further
informed that U.S. authorities (and youve got to get thatU.S. authorities) are
investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to
the Saucers such as mental phenomena, and I gather they are not doing too well
since they have indicated that if Canada is doing anything at all along the
lines of geomagnetics they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited
So hes basically saying that theyve got this connection with mental
phenomena and if theres anybody inside Canada whos working on it, if you get
cleared to talk on a classified level, were willing to talk to you because
were trying to figure this thing out. And the key part of this whole thing is
that in 1950, no matter what anybody in the UFO community wants to say, there
was no discussion. None whatsoever in any literature that there was any
interaction between the aliens and human beings.
The first interaction thats publicly been made known was when the
contactees, which were people who were talking to the Blonds, appeared in 1952.
George Adamski. There was a bunch of them in 1952 that started to say, Were
talking to aliens and were having meetings with them. Smith writes this memo
two years before. There is no discussion in UFO literature about an interaction,
whether its talking to aliens or whether its telepathy.
So the important part of this whole thing is that in 1950, Smith is saying
the American authorities already know that mental phenomena is part of this
Flying Saucer phenomenon. The American government, who will say right up to
todayObama released a statement just a couple of months ago saying we have no
evidence. We dont have anything. And heres Smith saying in a Top Secret memo,
which is not discussion of whether this is a legitimate memo, in 1950 hes
already saying the American authorities know about the importance of mental
phenomena associated with the Flying Saucers. So theyve known the mental
phenomena aspect right from Day One.
Alex Tsakiris: So, Grant, thats fascinating. Now make the
connection for us for MK-ULTRA. Tell people a little bit about what is MK-ULTRA,
particularly because it happens up there in Canada.
Grant Cameron: Okay. The whole MK-ULTRA and all the related
programs didnt become public until the mid-1970s and it became public in a big
scandal in the United States. Richard Helms had been involved. When it first
became public, it had been sort of discovered immediately that the vast majority
of the documents had been destroyed. This was basically the CIA working on mind
control and on trying to work on this aspect of using the mind as a weapon of
war, interrogating people, finding out what the Russians were doing, and all
this sort of stuff.
When you look back at the thing, theres this very significant meeting that
takes place. Smith writes this memo in December of 1950 and one of the people
thats mentioned in the Top Secret memo is Dr. Oman Salant, who was the head of
the military research board in Canada. Smith mentions him, that hes briefing
him as well. Hes writing it to the Department of Transport but the Defense
Department, this Oman Salant, is involved.
Alex Tsakiris: I guess what Im asking is dont we have to
look at that a little bit differently now that we understand the Smith memo and
the next line that you talked about? Because I understand the Russian
connection. We had Joe McMoneagle, who was Psychic Spy #001 at Stanford Research
Institute as part of the Stargate Program. We interviewed him and we understand
that there really was this perceived threat from the USSR.
But I think what you bring to the table here is that theres this other
element going on which is this UFO, the understanding that the UFO phenomena is
related to these mental phenomena and I think that that plays into this, as
well. Maybe Im taking it too far. Would you agree with that?
Grant Cameron: Well, I dont think we really get the UFO
connection until later. In the 50s, 60s, 70s I dont think you get these
pieces falling out like the MK-ULTRA, that whole scandal about the fact that the
CIA was interested in the mind and the military aspects. Its not until later
when I get these other pieces that pop in that were always in my head, that sort
of fit in where it says the UFO connection is really important.
The one was I mentioned Dr. Robert Starbacher and he was giving material to
Wilbert Smith and when Stanton interviewed him he says, Well, who was there?
Was anybody alive? Youre mentioning all these guys who are dead. He said,
Theres this one guy from Pennsylvania. He was real arrogant. He thought he
knew everything. He attended all the meetings. We tracked this guy down and he
turns out to be Dr. Eric Walker, who was former President of Penn State
For 15 years he was the Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Defense
Analysis, which is the top military think tank for the United States military.
He was the co-developer of the homing torpedo. He was friends with Vannevar
Bush. He had this incredible, unbelievable background of military and
connections with Presidents and stuff like this. So when we go to him, were
interviewing him as UFO researchers. Were not thinking about the mind; we
couldnt care less about that, no connection whatsoever.
Were talking to him and were trying to find out about this supposed UFO
group that runs the whole thing, the MJ-12. Were asking him questions about
MJ-12. Did you have contact with the aliens? How did the thing operate? How did
you cover-up the UFO thing? And suddenly in the middle of one of these
interviews in 1990, hes interviewed for about eight years. Im running this
team of researchers around the world. Im not talking to them. There are people
who say, I can get Walker to talk.
Okay, heres his phone number. And what wed do is wed take all the
interviews that are done with him and we put them in a book. In 1990 in the
middle of one of these interviews, he suddenly cuts off the conversation talking
about hardware, about bodies and all this, and he suddenly says, How good is
your sixth sense? How much do you know about ESP? And the other guy goes,
Well, not really. Its not of interest to him. And Walker says, Unless you
know about it and how to use it, you will not be taken in.
Because the question was about whos running the group. Whats this MJ-12?
How many people are in the group? How are these people operating? And he says,
Unless you know about ESP and how to use it, you would not be taken in by this
MJ-12, this over-riding group that runs the UFO program. Only a few know about
it. We saw the interview and I put it in the book. We published the book in
1990. Were about to re-publish the book. We put it in this book in 1991.
We never mentioned it in the book. We never brought up this mention of the
fact that ESP was involved because it meant nothing to us. We were into the
hardware and the bodies and all this sort of stuff. But he mentions this in
1990. Then in 1993 theres a related story about a conversation that takes place
with Ben Rich. Ben Rich was the guy who ran Skunk Works, where the U2, the
SR-71, the Stealth fighter, the Stealth bomber, they were all developed by what
was called Skunk Works.
Ben Rich ran it and he would get a number of questions about was this UFO
technology? Hes giving a lecture in 1993. Hes dying of cancer. He gives a
lecture at UCLA to a bunch of engineers and hes talking and he says, Weve got
the technology to take ET home. He gives his lecture, he finishes the lecture,
hes walking out, and one of the engineers who was interested in UFOs runs after
He says to Ben Rich, How are these things propelled? How are UFOs
propelled? And Ben Rich turns around and says to him, Let me ask you a
question. How does ESP work? And the guy says, Well, it means that all points
in time and space are connected. And Ben Rich turns around and he says, Thats
how they work. And so heres this top guy in U.S. military research whos
saying ESP, thats how UFOs are propelled. So you get these connections years
later that basically put this together.
Alex Tsakiris: Grant, let me layer something else on top of
here that Ive heard you say that changed the way that I think about this whole
topic. I dont know to what extent I fully, fully agree with you but thats that
you look at the UFO phenomena through a national security lens rather than as a
scientific phenomenon. You insist that we look at it from a national security
perspective. Tell us what you mean by that.
Grant Cameron: Well, let me clarify that. I wrote an
article. Its on my website. If you go to my website, on the right-hand side
youll see Articles. I wrote an article I used to call The 64 Reasons
the Government Decided Not to Tell You the Truth. The #1 reason is because its
classified. This is military technology. If we can develop things that can fly
around and nobody can capture them; if we can get this mind technology where we
can go and grab the head of the Soviet Union or Russia and get into his head and
give him messages like whats happening with abductions and be back in
Washington for lunch, thats the kind of technology we want.
Alex Tsakiris: Lets slow down and talk about that because
we have to look at that for a minute. From a historical perspective, hey, thats
always been Priority #1 for any nation-state. Not only defense but offense.
Whoever has the best weapon wins. And wins decisively. And their ideology and
their whole culture advances. So this is really Priority #1 for any state. And
we dont have to look back too far in our history for evidence of that, right?
So you cant really make that point strong enough that this would be the top
priority for any kind of new technology.
Grant Cameron: Yeah, its called Military Lead-Time. If
you have a weapon and you suddenly decide to use it in a war, how long did it
take you to develop it? If it takes you 60 years to develop it; you suddenly use
it in a war, the other side can go to their leader and say, Well, were going
to fight this off and how long is it going to take? Well, about 60 years. You
know right now from the Iraq war, you can wipe out everybody elses tanks in
about two weeks. If you have a weapon, its over.
But theres the other aspect of this whole cover-up thing, the 64 Reasons.
One is the government is covering up for their reasons, military security and
the fact that were paranoid and the Chinese and everybody in the world is
trying to get us. We have to have this security and defense to protect the
United States of America. But the other aspect is the aspect that connects with
the mental phenomena and that is that the aliens are covering up as well.
The aliens could land on the White House lawn anytime they want; they could
come onto the TV and announce themselves. They dont and there is a cover-up by
the aliens and thats what I say, is that if you take a look at whats happening
and what I say the UFO community has missed is that in the UFO history, if you
look it is like the aliens are turning the pages of a book.
Theres just one thing after another:
1947 to 1952, they do nothing except fly around and let people see them.
1952, they start to talk to people.
1961, they start abducting people.
1967, the cattle mutilation stuff starts. It does not start before 1967.
1982, the crop circles start. You get the aspect of people starting to
remember various parts of abduction stuff that they didnt remember in the 60s.
Theyre remembering different parts now.
Its almost as if the aliens are just slowly turning the pages of a book and
we are going through the way they want this thing to be unraveled. They could
have told us in 1947 what was going on but theyre just slowly taking us along a
path. Thats what is so important about this mental aspect thing is that if you
take a look at the UFO history and you look at stuff, you see that the things
that are happening now did not happen.
In 1975 it was a completely different world. The things that happened then
dont happen now. Ground trace, for example. You used to hear stories about
aliens landing, ground traces. Little aliens walking around with little rods
outside of their crafts. It does not happen anymore. There are no reports. There
used to be hundreds a year. Theres none. Its like the aliens are taking us
down a path and this mental phenomena is part of what theyre doing.
There are some incredible stories inside the UFO community that show that
they are doing this kind of stuff. For example, let me give you one. The
Rendlesham Forest story is one of the top stories in UFO and thats a story
about a craft landing at a U.S. Air Force base in Britain and the people going
out and touching the craft and seeing this stuff. All sorts of reports and stuff
like this. James Penniston, who is one of the main people who was at the site,
gets near the craft and he touches the craft.
Hes been interviewed and he talks about this message that he gets. Its a
message that comes in zeroes and ones and they later put the message together.
Its a 14-page long message of zeroes and ones. And he gets this message and it
has this interpretation. I wont get into the interpretation. But hes
interviewed about a year and a half ago and he was asked, This 14-page message
of zeroes and ones, you had to put it down, you got it instantly in your head
when you touched the craft. Could you do it again? And Penniston said, Yes. I
could write the message again.
Fourteen pages of zeroes and ones and he can actually re-do that message. Not
just an ordinary message from a mailing. Incredible message that is 32 years
later, he can still remember the message, every dot, every zero in that message
for 14 pages. Thats an incredible thing and thats the aliens giving something
to us that is not just a message. Its an incredible message.
Or the story of the most famous abductee in UFO history now is Stan Romanek.
A lot of people will say this guys a hoaxer. One of the things that hes
incredibly known for is getting these very complex formulas, mathematical
formulas that he just suddenly gets up in the middle of the night and starts
writing these formulas. Under hypnosis he writes these very complex formulas.
One of the formulas was a formula by one of the top people who was involved in
the mind control and remote viewing program, Dr. Hal Puthoff, who ran the SRI
program for 25 years for the CIA.
One of his formulas hes gotten out of the mind aspect, the remote viewing.
Hes gotten into the UFO thing, into zero-point energy. One of the formulas that
Stan Ramanek writes is one of the formulas that had only been published one time
in the world and it was a formula by Hal Puthoff on zero-point energy, and this
abductee gets it.
So you get these not just ordinary messages. Youre getting these things as
if the aliens are putting this in here and actually taking us along a path and
giving us stuff that we would have not have gotten on our own. They are leading
us so thattheyre covering it up but theyre gradually releasing it. Now Ill
say the disclosure, when we finally find out whats going on with UFOs, is when
the aliens tell us.
Alex Tsakiris: Yeah, and boy, theres just so much there to
pull apart. I just cant leave that without touching on one point that I think
you make and thats that to understand the government deception and the
government cover-up, one of the things you bring to the table is to say it
doesnt have to be masterminded if you just look at it from the national
security lens. You can have a lot of people that can just be set off to do a
task thats purely national security and it can wind up looking very nefarious
from a high level when in fact theyre just hey, we have to make sure that
were on top of this kind of thing.
Let me leave that for a minute because theres a lot to pull apart there.
What I really want to do is circle back around now and talk about some of the
things that youre talking about from these other glimpses were getting of
expanded human consciousness and see how they might fit together. Then I think
we cant even really talk about the aliens versus us and this time versus that
time. I think all those things start to get a little bit fuzzy.
The person I bring into this discussion I mentioned earlier is Joe
McMoneagle, who we had a chance to interview a few months ago, and of course is
Psychic Spy #001. One of the anecdotes he told that I thought was just
fascinating is he sits down with Hal Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute and
as you just said, Hal has been hired by the CIA to figure out this remote secret
spy thing and how we can spy on the Russians using psychics.
He looks over at his file that they unsealed, that is totally Secret, no one
can get into it, and there is a copy of Raymond Moodys Life After Life
book. The reason why this is relevant is because Joe McMoneagle has had a very
profound near-death experience while hes an Intelligence officer for the United
States in Germany. In this near-death experience he leaves his body and is
having an out-of-body experience and then goes to Heaven and encounters this
being that for any other way wed talk about it is God and makes this connection
at this level of consciousness that is clearly way above our level of
consciousness and gets this mental download.
Again, youre talking about the Rendlesham Forest case. You look at
near-death experiencers or many other spiritually-transformative experiences
that have been reported throughout time, whether theyre Kundalini or Christian
experiences. Often theres this download of information that just gets put into
the brain and sometimes they cant even repeat it when they get back. But there
is this higher order of consciousness. So dont we have to start trying to make
that connection too, and try and see how the whole thing fits together?
Grant Cameron: Yes, but its still a big package of
unknowns. I mean, you sort of get the connection that you can get these
downloads, that consciousness is an extremely integral part that may be the
whole thing. That consciousness is like the Eastern philosophies.
Alex Tsakiris: Right. Maybe fundamental.
Grant Cameron: That consciousness is the basis of the whole
thing. In the Western world, and I have some problems with science. I always say
science is not there to solve a problem for us because science is basically, if
you take a look, John Alexander whos a high-level military guy whos gotten
into the mind and into UFOs and stuff, he always mentions the fact that in the
National Academy of Sciences, the higher the level you get of science, the more
they disbelieve any sort of phenomenology, whether it be UFOs or mental
phenomena or remote viewing or stuff like that.
At the National Academy of Sciences level only 4% of the people believe in
phenomenology. They have nothing to do with it. So basically you have like
Atheists. Phenomenology Atheists. The UFO community always wants scientists to
run the program and I say, No. Keep them out of it because theyre tainted by
sort of a Christian religion where everything is material. That you have a God
with a beard and were going to go to Heaven with streets paved of gold. I think
you have to move away from that into sort of an Eastern philosophy thing.
But as I say, Im one, you might have Colin Anders, you have Steven Greer,
you have maybe a dozen people in the UFO community who believe strongly that
that consciousness is a basic core of this phenomenon. The rest of them would
say this is absolutely nonsense. This is crazy. This is nuts-and-bolts. Dont
talk to me about this consciousness stuff. Its nuts. Its not well-received in
the UFO community.
Its a very new aspect and Im saying to the UFO community now wed better
start taking a look seriously at this, as nutty as it might have appeared in the
1950s. This is whats going to give us the answer to what is going on here. If
you start looking at the nature of consciousness, the nature of the universe. Is
it really a material universe? How does it work? This entanglement property, all
these advanced physics ideas. But we are very, very far away. I dont think we
really understand very much of it.
Alex Tsakiris: Right. Of course we dont. But, Grant, its
interesting what you say because when you take even a small step back from the
UFO phenomena as weve talked about here, it becomes obvious that consciousness
and this extended human consciousness or alien consciousness is central to it.
Its funny that theres this controversy within your community about a phenomena
that jumps right out at you from all the different angles that weve talked
Ill tell you, from my perspective, and weve been at the extended human
consciousness work of others through this show for a number of years, the next
step is the spiritual aspect. The parapsychologists, lets say, the
parapsychology and the psi community that weve talked to a lot here, if I could
roll in also the near-death experience science community or the out-of-body
experience science community. All those have a similar blind spot in that they
want to look at consciousness and extended human consciousness but they always
have this kind of soft spot for scientific materialism.
They wind up saying some of the same things that you have in that we havent
understood it or dont understand it completely and all the rest of that. I
really have been pushing things in another direction and thats that all the
reports of this extended consciousness we talk about very quickly get to this
spiritual connection. Im not talking about it from my personal spirituality.
Im just talking about it as a core part of the phenomena; a core part of the
Joe McMoneagle, who is deep, deep in this stuff, he doesnt talk about his
near-death experience as being just a mental experience. He talks about it being
a spiritual union with a consciousness that is of a higher order and from his
perception, is of a much, much, much higher order. That may be offensive or
upset people who are strong Atheists and as you point out, which is really more
of an anti-Christian thing, but Im not talking about anyones personal
spiritual beliefs or personal religious beliefs.
Im just saying the spiritual aspect is clearly a core part of this phenomena
and I just wonder if anyone in the UFO research community has gotten there. I
think John Mack was kind of headed there but John Mack, of course, a Harvard
psychologist who got interested in the abduction phenomena and did a lot of
research in talking to abductees and came to the conclusion that it was
psycho-spiritual. So where has that whole line of research gone within the UFO
Grant Cameron: Boy, absolutely theres a division there but
what I always point out is it comes down to the male and female thing. I know
youve been to UFO conferences but if you go to UFO conferences youll see a
real separation between men and women. Men are into the hardware, theyre into
the technology. How does this thing fly? Wheres it from? And if you take a look
at women, they are into the spiritual aspects of the thing.
Weve got to take a look at what the women are doing and what the men are
doing and that it is a unity of the two. But right now its still a separation.
You have the men who are into the hardware and you have the women who are into
the spiritual, the experiences of people. They will go a lot farther in looking
at the abduction experience as being almost a spiritual experience.
But if you talk to men youll talk to Robert Collins and his abduction
experiences. Theyre evil. Theyre here; we have to try to fight them off. So
you have the men who are basically saying its an evil type thing, a national
security thing. Weve got to fight it. And the women are at a higher level.
There is a real division inside the UFO community.
The reality, I think, is going to fall where you describe it that its going
to be more of a spiritual experience. Were sort of influenced by the government
that everybodys an enemy and it all comes down to us versus them. So we see all
the aliens, we see all the latest UFO movies its always the great Americans
bringing freedom and democracy to the world, fighting off these evil aliens who
are trying to take over the world. Whereas thats not what I think it is.
If the aliens wanted to take over and destroy us they could have done it 100
years ago. Why would they wait? Its not. Its more of a spiritual development
of the Earth at their pace as they unfold this thing for us. The women have
already caught on to how this works.
Alex Tsakiris: One last area Id like to get into, and its
been great talking. I appreciate all the time youve spent on this. You
obviously have not only a passion for this but youve matched it with a deep,
deep knowledge. I really respect and admire the way that youve gone about
researching this and filling this unexplainable void that we have out there in
terms of why an independent researcher like you has to be filing hundreds of FOA
requests and gathering and publishing this data while we have this huge
apparatus in the media that is just completely blind to it. Let me get off of
that pedestal.
I want to talk about the psychedelic connection because another guest weve
had on this show is Dr. Rick Strassman, who was at the University of New Mexico.
As far as I know hes the only researcher who was given permission to study the
effects of DMT on subjects. So he gathered up a bunch of students there at New
Mexico and gave them rather high doses of DMT. They saw not only aliens but
fairies and other independent entities that seemed to operate in this other
And of course this work with psychedelics is mirrored by many other
researchers. Anyone can go and Google Terence McKenna and you can get all
sorts of interesting ideas about the connection here. What are your thoughts on
what the psychedelic community and the psychedelic research and what weve found
out? Whats your thoughts on how that might connect to all this?
Grant Cameron: I dont really know. I have really not
thought about it except as youre describing it, its sort of like this small
percentage of reality that we really understand. When you get into these
different states of mind that everything sort of changes. I really dont have
much of an opinion except that it just shows how limited our knowledge of
reality is. We really are just starting out. Youre probably going to need
another 30 years of experiments and somebody getting an insight on a new
experiment that will nail down whats actually going on there.
Alex Tsakiris: Right. What I think a lot of folks dont
realize is that the materialism in science mirrors the materialism in our
culture. So our materialistic society and how were materialists and how George
Bush says, Dont worry about the Iraq war, just go shopping, the connection is
real. Its not some abstract connection; its real. Its only in a world that
you construct where its just about matter; its about goods; its about
survival, that youre able to rationally do these things. To gather things and
then go bomb other people.
If you have this expanded view that says were all somehow connected, and we
dont have to understand what that means, but were all connected, our idea of
time is not what we think it is, as soon as those things break down you cant
run a nation-state. You certainly cant go bomb other people and do all the
other crazy stuff. You cant deny basic water and health and the things that we
do to all these people so we canyou just cant run the game.
And Im not saying thats necessarily good or bad because hell, I have too
many advantages to say that. I banged my head against that when I first got into
this. It was like, gosh, darn it, why arent these scientists looking into
this? If only they knew! Its like hey, the whole process, the whole system
is orchestrated so that anyone who has that awareness is kicked out from the
beginning. You cant have those yahoos running it and saying the Emperor has no
Youre coming at it from a whole different perspective and saying, Hey, the
UFOs are running the show. I come at it from another perspective and say, Hey,
as a nonreligious person, as a non-Christian, God is in control. God is clearly
in control. When these near-death experiencers die, they tell you they see God.
You just cant get past that.
And its funny because Ive talked to a bunch of near-death experience
researchers. I just had a great interview with a guy who I think is one of the
real champions of that, Melvin Morrison. We had this discussion and he came to
the same thing. He said, Youre right. I have to play around with that concept
because imagine this. Hes an outsider. Hes a near-death experience
researcher. Hes a physician, pediatrician. Teaches at a hospital. But hes
still an outsider, right? Hes ostracized because he researches NDE stuff.
But even within the NDE community hes an outsider if he goes and says,
Well, yeah, they do talk about God and we have to figure out what that would
mean. That higher-higher-higher-higher-higher-higher consciousness that we
would then call God. We have to factor that into the equation. We cant just
waffle it and say, Well, yeah, maybe were all connected in some way. You
know, thats not what the best evidence is telling us. The best evidence is
telling us that theres something pretty close to what weve always been told is
And with all these different religions and wisdom traditions and Native
Americans and Aborigines have always pointed to and said, Theres like a real,
real high guy up there and thats God and thats more than all this other
stuff. So thats where Im coming at it from. Thats just a hard thing to get
over, given the way weve orchestrated the whole deal that we have to work
inside of our materialistic world.
Grant Cameron: Yeah. Youve just got to transfer that sort
of God thing to find a way to make a buck out of it and then people would accept
it. Or take the threat out. Ive mentioned numerous times in the UFO community
if you take a look at the interaction between abductees and the aliens, it is
actually direct ESP. Direct mind-to-mind interaction. The ESP experiments that
have been run by humans have all this noise-to-signal ratio thats bad at the
best of times. Here its like theres absolute no noise whatsoever. There are
just interactions.
So if you look at that, thats a major threat to say, governments. If you can
read somebodys mind, what do you if youre a politician now running for the
2012 election. You stand up to make a speech and everybody knows exactly what
youre thinking? There is no scam anymore. That, to me, to an establishment is
something like lets keep this out of here. This is not something we
Alex Tsakiris: Right. But if I can make one more point and
drill into this, Id be interested to get your opinion on this. And thats that
I just cant stress this enough so Im going to stress it one more time. Im not
coming at this from a religious perspective. I dont have any agenda to push in
terms of any religion or even any kind of spirituality. I just come at it from
looking at the facts. And the facts are the abductees dont talk about the
aliens as being God. They see this level of consciousness that is greater than
them but they dont see it as God.
And God here is just a placeholder. People are going to freak out. They do
all the time whenever you say God. But a placeholder for a very, very high
consciousness. And the people who have the Kundalini experience, who have the
spontaneous prayer experience, who have the near-death experience in particular,
they do talk about God.
I dont see too many people really making that differentiation. They just go
in and say, Oh, yeah, well, the abductees had this ESP experience or this
out-of-body experience so its like the aliens are God. Well, you know what? I
dont know if thats true or not but the data that we do have suggests that its
something very different and that people know when theyre encountering
something like God. They can differentiate when theyre encountering something
like an alien consciousness.
Grant Cameron: Its at a lower level. Its like a lower
frequency or whatever. Its the same sort of experience. Like consciousness
would explain everything from God all the way down to the most basic material
things. Its all still consciousness. Its sort of different vibrations at
different levels and so your ESP thats happening at the alien level is at a
higher level than what we have talking to each other on the Earth. I started out
and that was my experience.
Before UFOs I was at the university and my major was religion and I did the
near-death experience thing. I talked to the different chaplains and asked all
the weird questions of the various chaplains like, Were there any miracles? Did
anybody ever predict their death? Did they tell you exactly when they were going
to die? I had all these weird things that surrounded death. There definitely
was a religious aspect to the thing thats different than the UFO interaction
between aliens.
I went to chaplains rather than ministers because with chaplains theres no
garbage there. Its basically theyre dealing with dying people all the time.
Theyre not there trying to recruit you to the Roman Catholic religion or the
Lutheran religion or whatever. Its basically theyre dealing with dying people
and thats who I wanted to talk to. Its like when you come to death theres no
more crap. Everybodys telling the truth; everybodys basically telling you the
way it is.
And Atheists. I had numerous ones where, Did you ever have an Atheist? Did
they ever come back with a near-death experience? It still came down to this
higher God-thing, which as you say, its different than the alien thing. But
were just looking at different levels of this consciousness thing, that its
all consciousness.
But in the UFO community, people do not understand that. Theyre still at
this basic level of nuts-and-bolts, us versus them, military aspects. There is a
difference but its still consciousness. Its whatever level youre at that is
explaining the same thing. Once you understand consciousness you can put them
into different levels and explain whats going on. But were so much in the
material world that consciousness really hasnt been researched very much by
anybody. Thats the basic problem we have.
Alex Tsakiris: Right. Hey Grant, tell us whats going on,
whats coming up for you in terms of books, appearances, anything like that.
Grant Cameron: Im re-doing this book that we did in 1990
that basically tells the story about Wilbert Smith and going to the States and
Dr. Eric Walker and we go into Area 51, the updated story of Area 51 that gives
the reality. Thats being republished. Richard Dolan is going to republish that
within the next three to four months.
Basically Im giving the consciousness lecture. I think this is, as I said,
one of three top periods in my life. The one was when I had the UFO sighting;
one when I saw Dr. Michael Newton speak about Life Between Lives, and
the third was when I had this consciousness thing last year at Phoenix. Im
giving this consciousness lecture first in England in the beginning of August.
Then in Philadelphia. At the end of September Im giving the consciousness
lecture at the UFO Conference next February in Phoenix, Arizona. Then Ill be
giving it in Orlando in May.
So itll be the same lecture and as it will be a more developed lecture as I
go along. But this is the lecture Im giving now. Im saying its the most
important thing the UFO community now has to learn. This is a critical thing. If
you want to understand whats going on and understand the fact that the
government has always known this, youd better start looking at this aspect of
consciousness because we have entirely missed the boat. We are floundering
around, still looking at sightings and tracking sightings and stuff.
I think we have missed one of the key aspects of the whole phenomenon which
gives us a lot of the answers as to whats going on with UFOs. And that is the
consciousness thing. Its a consciousness lecture and Colin Andrews is going to
follow me in London. Hes giving the consciousness lecture. He knows mine; were
exchanging information on consciousness. Hes going to give the one on the crop
circles again about consciousness and crop circles.
I think youll see it slowly move into the UFO community. It will be fought
by a lot of people but this is, as I said, this is something the UFO community
has missed and Im going to start talking about it. To me it was a revelation. I
was missing it, as well.
Grant Cameron: I appreciate your time and your interest.
Its strange to see somebody else outside of the UFO community take this
interest and Im glad you did. I hope that our two communities have more
interactions because I think we have something to offer each other that will
help each of us understand what the other side is doing and help us understand
the answers we need in our field.
Alex Tsakiris: I couldnt agree with you more. Its this
never-ending process of opening yourself up to more and more of whats out
there. Its always a little uncomfortable. Im sure some listeners to this show
are a little uncomfortable, tip-toeing into the UFO field. But gosh darn it, you
just have to follow the stuff wherever it leads. Thats really our charter,
isnt it? We just have to go where it takes us.
Grant Cameron: You got it.
Alex Tsakiris: Well, thanks so much for joining us today. I
just am delighted with the way this came out and I hope people enjoy it.
Cuzco : ses fondations datent d'avant l'arrivée des Incas ?
Cuzco : ses fondations datent d'avant l'arrivée des Incas ?
Cuzco : ses fondations datent d'avant l'arrivée des Incas ?
Dans cette vidéo actuellement diffusée par Brien Foerster, membre de la série de reportages Ancient Aliens et chercheur reconnu sur le site, vous avez la démonstration avec visite des différences évidentes entre les plus vieux murs servant de fondations à plusieurs bâtiments officiels, des murs assemblés de façon très fine, au dixième de millimètre, énormes pour certains et d'une façon à résister aux séismes puissants, des murs Incas encore debout mais moins bien assemblés et faits de plus petites pierres et des espagnols... le commentaire est en VO mais les images montrent les différences flagrantes : l'évolution de l'architecture "classique" ne peut expliquer que les plus anciennes fondations n'aient aucun rapport avec le mode de construction inca classique, et soient surtout bien plus évoluées, solides, massives, affinées et de meilleure qualité à tous les niveaux... y compris d'ailleurs en ce qui concerne les constructions espagnoles...
Peter Davey, a 92-year-old Christchurch inventor and saxophone player, says he has used his love of music to come up with a device that boils water rapidly, in just the amount required.
Inventor and saxophone player Peter Davey has come up with a device that he claims boils water in no time.
He calls it the "sonic boiler" because he claims it uses the power of sound. How the heater actually works has confounded experts.
The device looks oddly like a bent desk lamp, with a metallic ball at the end instead of a lightbulb. When plugged into the power supply, and the ball is lowered into water, it boils the liquid within seconds -- even as little as a tablespoonful.
"Everybody boils twice the amount of water they need so I decided I would find a way to boil water and make steam more economically," said Davey, a former Spitfire pilot.
"This boils exactly what you want to drink."
Davey, who lives in a tumbledown two-storey historic homestead called Locksley in Dallington, has been using the boiler to make hot drinks for 30 years.
He said he first came up with the concept 50 years ago and it took him half of those years to figure out how to make the device.
"The principle is beautiful. I have cashed in on a natural phenomenon and it's all about music," he said.
"If I hadn't been playing the saxophone, I probably wouldn't have come up with the idea."
Davey noticed as he played the saxophone at home that everything resonated at a different frequency.
"The glasses will tinkle on one note. Knives and forks in the drawer will tinkle on another note and I realised that everything has its point of vibration," he said. "In the same way, a component in the ball is tuned to a certain frequency."
Davey said it took years of trial and error to get the device to where it is now. He has made a number of prototypes using the same principle, including a steamer.
Friends dropping by over the years have urged Davey to make them a sonic boiler and that got him thinking commercially.
Davey, who turns 92 today, is now looking for a manufacturer who will buy the technology and make the devices for the mass market.
"Nowadays, with the economy of water and electricity, I think it could be even more important than when I conceived the idea," he said. "They could sell a million of the things in China."
Davey estimated boilers could be made as cheaply as $9 each. He could imagine cafes using them as a gimmick to make express tea and coffee.
"I cannot wait to explain the principle to somebody who wants to take it on," he said.
The Press invited a retired Canterbury University engineer, Professor Arthur Williamson, to look at the boiler and he was stumped.
He watched Davey boil various quantities of water, took notes of the energy used and temperatures reached. He left scratching his head.
"I don't know enough about sound to know whether you can transfer that amount of energy via soundwaves. I doubt it," said Williamson.
He did remember an alternative kettle years ago that had two perforated metal plates inside. The power ran between the plates, through the water. "The resistance through the water provided the load. I wonder if it isn't working like that? Without taking it to bits, you can't tell."
The kettle was specially designed to prevent people getting a shock from touching the boiling water.
Williamson's verdict of the sonic boiler? "It is an interesting gimmick, irrespective of how it works. I would probably buy one as a gimmick. I think more homework needs to be done."
Also queuing up for a boiler, after first seeing one in the 1960s, is Stu Buchanan, leader of the Garden City Big Band and a friend of Davey.
"It's rather spectacular. I don't know why it has never taken off as a utensil for people. I think it's a class act," said Buchanan.
Davey was born in Hamilton in 1916. During World War 2 he flew Spitfires for the 602 City of Glasgow Squadron of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force. The squadron operated along the south coast of England, escorting bombers to Holland and Belgium, doing convoy patrols and fighter sweeps into France.
After the war's end he married and had two children. He bought Locksley in 1964. Davey shares the top storey of the homestead with his 55-year-old son, also called Peter, and a grey tabby cat called Santa. The ground floor is let to lodgers who help pay the bills.
26-09-2013 om 23:17
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Rumored New Roswell Evidence by Anonymous Copyright 2013, InterAmerica, Inc. [Use of this material without permission will be met by a copyright infringement lawsuit]
We have received the following account of what Kevin Randle's Dream Team
has discovered, and which has been rumored for a while here and
elsewhere. The sender is a credible, reliable source, but that said, I can't vouch
for all that is indicated but do know that some of it is what I have heard
also. I have emended [sic] where needed:
Kevin Randle's sidekicks heard that a woman, while handling an estate deal in
Texas, came across some Kodachrome slides stashed in the lid of an old trunk at
the home of the deceased woman whose estate she was closing. Passing the slides on to her brother, a businessman in Chicago, got the
attention of Tom Carey of the Roswell Dream Team. Mr. Carey notified his fellow team-members and they set out to determine if
what the slides showed were in fact what they assumed them to be: bodies lying
on gurneys, covered midway by army blankets, from the Roswell area in 1947. The bodies were not quite human but not quite unearthly either. Carey and his fellow members took the slides to a Chicago newspaper and also
allowed Eastman Kodak experts to examine the slides. Both entities agreed that the Kodachromes were from the 1947 era. The photos were taken, sneakily, by the husband of the woman in whose house
they were found. He was a geologist on a field trip near Roswell in the summer of 1947. He and
his fellow geologists came upon an Army mop-up of what seemed to be an
The area was cordoned off and the geologists told not to interfere or get
involved. The geologist snapped a few pictures unbeknownst to the Army and secreted his
camera away. He eventually went to work for Silas Newton of Aztec notoriety. When he died, his wife put the slides in hiding for fear, apparently, of
government reprisal. Now that the slides have come forward, the Randle team has tried to get a
media outfit to do something with them. CNN was contacted but did not wish to go forward since the persons providing
the slides were known Roswell advocates of the extraterrestrial persuasion, CNN
thinking the slides might be a ruse to sell more Roswell stories. Those who have seen the slides and bodies in them think the corpses are alien
entities. That may be disputed since there is no corroborating evidence to confirm that
conclusion. Where the slides are now is not known by this writer. Nor do I know what the
Randle team is doing about the matter. But this is part of what the Roswell team is working with and on. Anonymous
25-09-2013 om 18:02
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Dit rapport, opgesteld in het Nederlands, heb ik geüpdated en werd in diverse delen vroeger al op deze blog geplaatst. Op verzoek plaats ik het nu met een link, zodat je het gehele rapport van +/- 90 bladzijden kan bekijken en/of afdrukken. Veel leesgenot. Peter2011
A virtuoso display of ET
intelligences psi capability was demonstrated in December of 1993. CE-5
Initiative activists in Denver, then Los Angeles and finally Phoenix had missing
time experiences over a several week period. These strange events remarkably
followed Dr Greers path across the Western US as he established working groups.
The first missing time episode was reported by CSETI member Ron Russell
in Denver. Several weeks later Dr Burkes and another contact worker experienced
missing time on Highway 62 while driving back from fieldwork. That same week
Wayne Petersons team of seven had double missing time in the middle of the
desert outside of Phoenix.
This amazing sequence of events followed
exactly in the path Dr Greer took in establishing contact teams across the
Western United States. The first team under Shari Adamiaks leadership was set
up in 1991 in Denver. In August of 1992 Dr Greer established a Los Angeles team,
and in December of that year the Phoenix team went into action under Wayne
Petersons leadership.
In my opinion a powerful message was being sent
to our network of contact workers. To make sure that we got the message, the
number of experiencers targeted for missing time increased, from one in Denver,
two in Los Angeles and finally to seven in Phoenix.
This highly
coordinated demonstration of astounding psychic ability indicates that UFO
intelligence is extremely well prepared for interacting with mankind in general
and the contact movement in particular. As veteran UFOlogist Stanton Friedman
has said, the ETs did not just fall off the cabbage wagon.
Dr Burkes
detailed report on these events is described in Missing Time on Highway 62
In tandem with his 9/19/13 appearance, James Fox shares images and
documents related to the 1964 Socorro, NM UFO incident.
1) The following diagrams were drafted by Army Captain Richard T. Holder,
Up-Range Commander of White Sands Proving Grounds, along with FBI agent, Arthur
Byrnes, Jr., from the Albuquerque office. This is the famous UFO landing
incident witnessed by Officer Lonnie Zamora and what these diagrams prove is
that despite the military's efforts to play down the fact that Officer Zamora
saw two small occupants in white jump suits standing next to the landed UFO, the
military knew early on that there was physical evidence to substantiate the
contrary but privately kept that to themselves. I personally scanned these
documents from the National Archives in July of this year.
Click on
image to view larger.
Headlines of Socorro New Mexico UFO landing
Document discussing a possible, "Top Secret" meeting about Socorro case
4) Landing site photograph from USAF files showing burnt brush from
3rd (each time different) explanation from officials that the Roswell incident
was not a ufo but this time it is project mogul and wooden dummies dropped from
high altitude in the 50s that the nuclear bomb carrying air force bomber wing
mistakenly thought was a downed UFOs in 1947. I guess when they made the press
release and got the world's attention in 1947 that they really meant to talk
about wooden dummies from the future.
Mensen die in bijbelse tijden leefden zagen alles wat uit de
lucht kwam aan voor een god, of iets wa...
24-09-2013 om 18:05
geschreven door peter
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Hawking: Mankind has 1,000 years to escape Earth
Hawking: Mankind has 1,000 years to escape Earth
Renowned British physicist Stephen Hawking warns human beings wont survive without escaping from the fragile planet. His gloomy forecast is people will become extinct on Earth within current the millennium. Speaking at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles the 71-year-old scientist called for further exploration of space to guarantee the future of mankind, the Belfast Telegraph reports. "We must continue to go into space for humanity. If you understand how the universe operates, you control it in a way," Professor Hawking said, adding that "we won't survive another 1,000 years without escaping our fragile planet." Space exploration has however been struggling with the global financial crisis and has too proven subject to spending cuts. In particular NASA's planetary science budget, which is seen as crucial to finding habitable planets, was slashed by $300 million this year. At the same time, the Mars race has not been abandoned.
On Monday NASA concluded from Curiosity Rovers findings that the red planet is gradually turning cold after losing a large part of its original atmosphere. Russia, in its turn, has signed a deal with the European Space Agency to become a full-fledged partner in the ExoMars project, a new attempt to discover if there is life on Mars and eventually send a manned mission there. In 2010 and 2011, the Mars-500 experiment was carried out in Moscow: a group of six volunteers were locked inside a simulated spacecraft for 520 days the time it would take to make a round trip to the planet. Back at the LA Medical Center, Hawking was touring a stem cell lab, which is focused on trying to slow the progression of Lou Gehrig's disease, also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Hes been suffering the incurable ailment, which attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control the muscles, for 50 years. Director of Cedars-Sinai's ALS program, Dr. Robert Baloh, has admitted that he is unable to explain Hawkings longevity, because people rarely live more than a dozen years with this diagnosis. But 50 years is unusual, to say the least," Baloh said. Hawking was diagnosed with the neurological disorder while a student at Cambridge University at the age of 21. He is confined to a wheelchair and needs permanent assistance. The only movement he is able to do on his own is to twitch the cheek. He communicates with the rest of the world by means of the built-in wheelchair computer, which conveys the owners thoughts by a monotonous robots voice. "However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at," Hawking added speaking of dealing with his health condition. Despite his grave diagnosis, Professor Hawking has remained active. In 2007, he floated like an astronaut on an aircraft that creates zero-gravity by making parabolic dives. Hawking spent his career on decoding the Universe, working on black holes and the origin of matter. The Professor brought his esoteric physics concepts to the masses through his books, including A Brief History of Time published in 1988, which was sold 10 million copies worldwide. Source
24-09-2013 om 18:03
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Best Of UFO 2013,New UFOs Sighitings This Week September
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News from REUB
Important : Voici un communiquer de Gaëtan Bovy, président du REUB concernant sa démission au Mufon. Il était responsable pour la partie Francophone de Belgique - la Wallonie.
Je régrette sa démission, mais nous resterons en contact et continuer notre bonne collaboration. Cliquez sur le lien suivant : MUFON ...
Notre leitmotiv est la recherche perpétuelle de la "Vérité" sur toutes ces dimensions cachées et mystères du monde qui nous entourent, en particulier les ovnis !
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Une pyramide engloutie à 40 m des côtes des Açores découverte ?
Une pyramide engloutie à 40 m des côtes des Açores découverte ?
Une pyramide engloutie à 40 m des côtes des Açores découverte ?
Unestructure pyramidalesous-marinea été identifiée à une profondeur de40 mètresde la surface de la côtede l'île deTerceira.La structureparfaitementcarréea été aperçue par un propriétaire deyachtprivé,DioclecianoSilva, lors d'un voyage touristique. Estiméeêtre d'environ 60 mètresde haut,la structureénigmatiquea été enregistréegrâce à la technologienumériqueGPS." La pyramide estparfaitement forméeet orientée apparemmentsur lesdirectionscardinales,"dit SilvaauDiárioInsular,le journal local.
Plus récemment, les archéologuesdel'Association portugaisede la recherchearchéologique(APIA)ont identifiédes preuves archéologiquessur l'îledePicoqui prennent en chargeleur conviction quel'occupation humainedes Açoresest antérieure à l'arrivée des Portugais deplusieurs milliers d'années.
Image recueillieparSilvaen utilisant la technologieGPS.
La preuvese compose d'unegrande variété destructuresde rochespyramidalesprotohistoriques, certainesd'entre ellesde 13 mètresde haut.Lesstructurespeuvent avoir étéconstruitesselon un planorienté, alignéaveclessolsticesd'été, ce qui suggère qu'elles ont été construites dans unbut précis.
Le moindre pouce de terrain est cultivé aux Açores, y compris d'anciens tumulus peut-être ?
L'archipeldes Açoresa été découvertpar les Portugais,inhabité,autour de1427.
L'an dernier, les archéologuesont affirmé avoirdécouvertdes peintures rupestressur l'île deTerceira, qu'ils croient êtrede milliersd'années.
L'archéologue Nuno Ribeiro dans une grotte des Açores
Au cours des troisdernières années, une variété d'anciens vestiges archéologiquesont été identifiéssurl'ensemble des neufîles de l'archipeldes Açores. Ilscomprennent unépigraphede l'époque romaine, des sanctuaires carthaginois, de l'art rupestreet des structuresmégalithiques.
Yves Herbo : le vide archéologique entourant les Açores, archipel bien nettoyé par les conquérants portugais, commence enfin à refaire surface... après plusieurs découvertes prouvant que les portugais n'étaient pas les premiers occupants de ces îles volcaniques, avec des traces romaines, carthaginoises plus anciennes et mêmes rupestres, préhistoriques encore auparavant, cette découverte d'une pyramide engloutie (indiquant possiblement les points cardinaux et l'endroit précis où se trouvaient les navigateurs préhistoriques (car si cette pyramide existe bien, elle ne pouvait être en surface qu'il y a entre -41000 ans et -26000 ans d'après les niveaux d'eaux de l'âge glaciaire (à moins que l'activité volcanique ait fait s'écrouler tout un pan de montagne plus récemment). Seules quelques expéditions à l'endroit indiqué par le GPS de ce touriste en yacht pourraient éclaircir certains points évidemment... mais tout ceci n'est pas sans me rappeler l'existence passée des Guanches, plus bas aux Canaries, massacré et exterminés par les conquistadors portugais... et la probable présence des Guanches un jour aux açores aussi... si cette découverte est confirmée (mais le sera-t-elle un jour ?), le débat sur l'Atlantide à cet endroit reprendrais de plus belle à priori...
Encore une nouvelles livraison d'informations sur le dossier ovni et sur
les activités du Mufon France.
Encore et toujours des nouveautés au Mufon France dont la structure se
développe régulièrement, le Mufon prenant une place de plus en plus importante
dans le paysage ufologique Français avec plusieurs interventions ces dernières
semaines dans divers médias.
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne réception de ces informations qui nous
l'espérons vous permettront de vous informer et de vous tenir au courant des
nouveautés au sein du Mufon France.
701 is the number the government does not want you to know about. The United
States Air force had a serious problem. Starting in the late 1940's,
technological devices were invading our airspace with total impunity. Glinting
metallic disks which could accelerate and maneuver in ways hard to imagine were
being seen in incredible numbers by reliable witnesses many of them were
pilots. We had just exploded the atomic bomb and interestingly, the state of New
Mexico seemed to be highly targeted by these devices.
The X-files told millions that the truth was out there but what is the truth
about UFOs? As the forties turned into the fifties, many believed they were
simply a space aged myth, just errant balloons and the planet Venus. Others were
equally convinced that the government knew we were being monitored or invaded
and the Pentagon was hiding the great secret from the public. What if BOTH sides
were wrong? What if the truth was something else - something equally unexpected?
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OVNIs : Le scientifique français Jean-Pierre Petit invité dans une webradio
OVNIs : Le scientifique français Jean-Pierre Petit invité dans une webradio
OVNIs : Le scientifique français Jean-Pierre Petit invité dans une webradio
Le scientifique français Jean-Pierre Petit était invité dans lémission de Webradio « Bob vous dit toute la vérité » le 18 septembre 2013.
De nombreux sujets en relation avec le phénomène OVNI ont été abordés. Retour également sur les origines des organismes officiels en charge de son étude, sans langue de bois.
Il s'agit d'une interview sonore mise en vidéo, avec une photo fixe donc :
Voici un large extrait d'une des émissions de Bernard Tapie (janvier 2003) dans laquelle Jean-Pierre Petit et Gildas Bourdais nous avaient parlé avec beaucoup plus de réalisme que les "officiels" aveuglés par leurs propres convictions (qui admettent bien les possibilités mais préfèrent juste refuser d'y croire à cause de l'horreur des réelles implications) des avancées des ufologues sur la durée du phénomène (que nul ne peut nier non plus). Une intéressante démonstration des plate-formes stratosphériques type Aurora qui ont été construites très tôt après la récupération d'épaves extra-terrestres par les nazis (très probablement d'abord - ces découvertes ayant convaincu Hitler d'un destin "digne des Dieux"...) et les USA mis au courant via Staline, qui s'est allié à Hitler en grande partie à cause de ces découvertes extra-terrestres par les nazis, mais qui a toujours été un agent infiltré chez les bolchéviques par les Etats-Unis, comme l'a d'ailleurs soupçonné Trotsky jusqu'à son assassinat par un agent envoyé par Staline (ou les USA) au Mexique...
Yves Herbo-SFH-09-2013
YJean-Pierre Petit était invité dans lémission de Webradio « Bob vous dit toute la vérité » le 18 septembre 2013.
De nombreux sujets en relation avec le phénomène OVNI ont été abordés. Retour également sur les origines des organismes officiels en charge de son étude, sans langue de bois.
- See more at:
FIREBALL OVERS TEXAS AMS received 35 reports so far about a fireball over TX on
23-09-2013 om 10:23
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Alien saucer crash in 1937 Nazi Germany
Alien saucer crash in 1937 Nazi Germany
Ten years before an alien craft crashed onto rancher Mack Brazels property near Roswell, New Mexico, a flying saucer lost control and crashed onto the countryside of Nazi Germany. This incredible storycovered-up by both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. for more than 70 yearsis allegedly the actual basis for the Nazis intense research into wingless, disc aircraft; Hitlers and Himmlers near obsession with exotic technology and flying saucers; and the incredible experiments by S.S. physicists that culminated with flying saucers and the Bella bizarre multi-dimensional motor that neutralized gravity and ripped a gash into the very fabric of the time-space continuum creating incredible and horrific effects.
Similiar saucer alleged to have crashed in USSR, 1950s
The Third Reichs saucer
In 1937, as Nazi Germany was rising from the ashes of the old German Republic and becoming the worlds first real superpower, an incredible thing happened: aliens crashed their distressed craft into the German countryside. [Secret Treaty: The United States Government and Extra-terrestrial Entities] The German army was there to pick up the pieces. No record exists, however, indicating whether any bodies were also retrieved.
When word of the crashed disc made its way back to the German High Command and the report landed on the Führers desk, he immediately ordered elements of the Luftwaffe and Germanys top aeronautical experts to sift through the remains. Ostensibly, the damaged saucer was moved into a warehouse facility under 24-hour guard near the Rhine. Some parts were also flown to a facility near the Austrian border. Allegedly, members of the teams that worked on the advanced alien technology were from the Luftwaffe, the Speer Ministry of Arms headed by Albert Speer, and the formal research council, the Reichsforschungrat, composed of university professors and industrial engineers.
The teams were assembled to reverse engineer what was salvaged and among the experts called upon were the Horton brotherswho later designed and tested revolutionary flying wing aircraft and the worlds first stealth jet fighter-bomber. Some of their resulting technology may have been gleaned from intense study of the alien craft, although that cannot be proven.
Later, the expertise of Viktor Schauberger was tapped. He was the inventor of the revolutionary imploder motor that created an imploding vortex. That motor may have been the basis for later S.S. experiments in Poland with the notorious Glocke (Bell) device that reportedly created inter-dimensional rifts in space-time. [The S.S. Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis' Incredible Secret Technology].
Italian researcher Renato Vesco, in his classic and well-researched book, "Intercept But Dont Shoot: The True Story of the Flying Saucers" asserts that the Nazis were working on many advanced propulsion systems and rudimentary anti-gravity devices to power their disc-shaped, or lenticular, aircraft.
German schematic of an advanced disc version
Alien craft spurred Germans engineering efforts
Although vastly influenced by the capture of an actual disc, research into circular aircraft had been going on as far back as the experiments in Italy before 1920 with crude jets attached to aerodynamic discs. [Hitler's Flying Saucers]
The ET craft served to advance propulsion, electronics and provided clues to workable designs, but the scientists were at a loss regarding the metallurgy as the craft was composed of materials unknown to them and impossible to duplicate in the lab.
Some of Germanys most advanced theoretical engineers and physicists were personally tasked by Hitler to get the technology working and make it available for the war effort. In that regards, geniuses like Ballenzo, Habermohl, Miethe and Schriever were recruited.
Documents captured by the Allies after the war ended indicate that Schriever was the first to have some success with the disc technology. His own research, augmented by what had by then been deduced from the retrieved saucer, enabled him to build a working craft powered by specially designed jet engines. The craft, however, was unstable. The first two versions ended in disasterous crashes killing the test pilots. [Man-Made UFOs, 1944-1994: Fifty Years of Suppression].
Artists interpretation of first Nazi disc built by Schriever
Tides of war turn, Nazis expand saucer projects
As the years advanced and the Allies began counter-attacking Germany, some Nazi officials began pressuring Schauberger to adapt a verson of his Repulsine imploder to serve as the motive force for a different type of disc craft using the vortex propulsion motor.
Viktor Schaubergers incredible implosion motor
German saucer designed around the imploder motor
Although the Nazi engineers and scientists built their first experimental saucers from light steel or heavy aluminum, the steel still proved too heavy and the aluminum too soft and not tough enough to withstand the stress subjected to it when molded into a lens-shaped craft.
Frustrated scientists finally gave up trying to unravel the mystery of the alien metal and succeeded in creating their own version with an alloy of aluminum and magnesium in 1944. The new alloy was exactly what they needed to design bigger and better craft. The metal was light, yet more durable than simple aluminum.
Primitive experimental propeller-driven disc airplane never saw production
Hitler pressed the engineers onwards with greater frenzy. Germany was now suffering nightly bombing raids and factories across the country had been moved to gigantic underground facilities. Aircraft production lines were being hampered and destroyed and the rocket facility run by Werner von Braun at Peenemünde was not back up to full capacity after being bombed in 1943.
Slave laborers, mostly Slavic, were pressed into service to produce V-2 rockets, advanced aircraft, synthetic fuel, high explosives and incredible remote-controlled flying saucers.
Nazi Kugelblitz attack Allied bombers over Germany
The astounding Nazi Kugelblitz
According to documents and the testimony of surviving Polish slave laborers, the Germans actually created an assemblyline to manufacture a flying disc weapon called the Kugelblitz (ball lightening).
The Allied pilots called them Foo-fighters.
The Kugelblitz was the first real flying saucer ever manufactured by any nation on Earth. Several of the tests were secretly attended by Hitler and his S.S. chief, Heinrich Himmler.
Rare daylight photo of Nazi Kugelblitz trailing bomber
According to captured documents, the radio-controlled craft were made in the underground factories at Thuringia and the craft varied in size from 10 to 15-feet across. Reportedly they were amazingly manueverable and were able to achieve speeds of more than 1,250 miles per hour. They emitted a strong electo-static field designed to disrupt the electrical circuits of conventional aircraft causing enemy planes to falter, dive, and crash.
Other saucers
Prototypes of other saucers were designed and engineering mock-ups were made. Some made it as far as wind tunnel tests. A few disc craft other than Schrievers early attempts were constructed and flown.
About 18 months before the Germans surrendered, Hitler pinned his hopesand those of Germanyon the incredible potential of a mind-boggling array of superweapons. The greatest of the weapons were his new class of Vengeance weapons.
Germanys planned hypersonic cruise missile V-3
The old V-weapons were the rocket plane V-1 and intracontinental missile V-2. Hitlers dream envisioned the worlds first cruise missile: a V-3 sub-orbital, intercontinental hypersonic rocket capable of hitting New York and Washington.
Nazi Vril disc craft during test flight over undetermined German airfield
And then there were the flying saucers
German officers at airfield with Vril saucer prototype in distance
S.S. Reichsführer Himmler recommended S. S. Grupenführer Hans Kammler to head the saucer projects and save the Fatherland. Hitler agreed.
Saucer chief: S.S. Grupenführer Hans Kammler circa 1944
Later Kammler is said to have overseen the Glocke project as well.
Undoubtedly, Germanys superweaponsspecifically those they were perfecting in the closing months of the warwould have defeated the Allies and helped Germany conquer and rule Western and Eastern Europe, suppress the U.S.S.R., and keep America neuteredeven with the new atomic weapon the U.S. had developed.
But the Germans ran out of time.
Some argue that no matter what the Nazis had, they could not have staved off American atomic attacks. Yet evidence exists that in the final weeks of the war the Germans successfully detonated their own low-yield atomic bomb and that coupled with stealth aircraft, the imploder vortex motor, advanced television bombs, the hypersonic V-3 Amerika Bomb, and flying saucer fightersostensibly augmented with harvested alien technologywould have sealed the fate of the Nazis enemies
and perhaps Adolf Hitler would have attained his twisted dream of a Thousand Year Reich.
Nazi UFOs (German: Haunebu, Hauneburg-Geräte, or
Reichsflugscheiben) are advanced aircraft or spacecraft that Nazi Germany
supposedly developed during World War II and Nazi scientists continued to
develop afterwards.
These craft appear not only in fiction but also in
various historical revisionist writings. They often appear in connection with
esoteric Nazism, an ideology that supposes the possibility of Nazi restoration
by supernatural or paranormal means.
Historical connections
Nazi UFO theories agree with mainstream history on
the following points:
Nazi Germany claimed the territory of New Swabia,
sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others.
Nazi Germany conducted research into advanced
propulsion technology, including rocketry and Viktor Schauberger's turbine
Some UFO sightings during World War II,
particularly those known as foo fighters, were thought to be enemy aircraft.
Early references
The earliest non-fictional reference to Nazi
flying saucers appears to be a series of articles by and about Italian turbine
expert Giuseppe Belluzzo. The following week, German scientist Rudolph Schriever
claimed to have developed flying saucers during the Nazi period.
Aeronautical engineer Roy Fedden remarked that the
only craft that could approach the capabilities attributed to flying saucers
were those being designed by the Germans towards the end of the war.
Fedden also added that the
Germans were working on a number of very unusual aeronautical projects, though
he did not elaborate upon his statement.
Revisionist claimsVril Society
A 1967 book by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier made
many spectacular claims about the Vril Society of Berlin. Several later writers,
including Jan van Helsing, Norbert-Jürgen Ratthofer, and Vladimir Terziski, have
built on their work, connecting the Vril Society with UFOs.
Among their claims, they write that the society had
made contact with an alien race and dedicated itself to creating spacecraft to
reach the aliens.
In partnership with the Thule Society and the Nazi
Party, it developed a series of flying disc prototypes. With the Nazi defeat,
the society allegedly retreated to a base in Antarctica and vanished.
Terziski, a Bulgarian engineer who bills himself as
president of the American Academy of Dissident Sciences claims that the Germans
collaborated in their advanced craft research with Axis powers Italy and Japan,
and continued their space effort after the war from New Swabia.
He writes that Germans landed on the Moon as early as
1942 and established an underground base there. When Russians and Americans
secretly landed on the moon in the 1950s, says Terziski, they stayed at this
still-operating base. According to Terziski, "there is atmosphere, water and
vegetation on the Moon," which NASA conceals to exclude the third world from
moon exploration.
Terziski has been accused of fabricating his video and
photographic evidence.
Ernst Zündel
When German Revisionist Historian Ernst Zündel started
Samisdat Publishers in the 1970s, he initially catered to the UFOlogy community,
which was then at its peak of public acceptance.
His main offerings were his own books claiming that
flying saucers were Nazi secret weapons launched from an underground base in
Antarctica, from which the Nazis hoped to conquer the world. Zündel also sold
(for $9999) seats on an exploration team to locate the underground base.
Some people who interviewed Zündel about this material
claim that he privately admitted it was a deliberate hoax to build publicity for
Samisdat, although he still defended it as late as 2002.
Miguel Serrano
In 1978 Serrano, a Chilean diplomat and Nazi
sympathizer, published The Golden Band, in which he claimed that Adolf Hitler
was an avatar of Vishnu and was then communing with Hyperborean gods in an
underground Antarctic base. Serrano predicted that Hitler would lead a fleet of
UFOs from the base to establish the Fourth Reich.
An extraordinary 2006 Russian documentary was very recently translated into English revealing new information about a US Navy Antarctica expedition in 1946/47. Originally scheduled for a six month period, the scientific expedition was officially called The United States Navy Antarctic Development Program, and given the operational name Highjump. The naval component of Operation Highjump was known as Task Force 68 and comprised 4700 military personnel, one aircraft carrier (the USS Philippine Sea among the largest of all carriers of the time), and number of naval support ships and aircraft. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd, who had been ordered to: to consolidate and extend American sovereignty over the largest practical area of the Antarctic continent. Byrds expedition ended after only 8 weeks with many fatalities according to initial news reports based on interviews with crew members who spoke to the press while passing through Chilean ports. Rather than deny the heavy casualty reports, Admiral Byrd revealed in a press interview that Task Force 68 had encountered a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.
Admiral Byrds statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. Indeed Byrd did not speak again to the Press about Operation Highjump, leaving it for researchers to speculate for decades over what really happened, and why Byrd was silenced. After the Soviet collapse in 1991, the KGB released previously classified files that cast light on the mysterious Byrd led Naval expedition to Antarctica. A 2006 Russian documentary, recently translated, made public for the first time a 1947 secret Soviet intelligence report commissioned by Joseph Stalin of Task 68s mission to Antarctica. The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered many casualties as stated in initial press reports from Chile. While there is a possibility the report resulted from US disinformation fed to a known Soviet mole, the more likely explanation is that the report exposes the first known historical incident involving a battle between US naval forces and an unknown UFO force stationed near Antarctica.
It is a historical fact that Nazi Germany devoted significant resources to the exploration of Antarctica, and established a prewar presence there with its first mission in the Antarctic summer of 1938/1939. According to a statement by Grand Admiral Donitz in 1943, the German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer, in another part of the world, a Shangri-La land, an impregnable fortress." If the fortress was in Antarctica, was it built by the Nazis, or discovered there? After the defeat of Nazi Germany, according various sources, elite Nazi scientists and leaders escaped to this impregnable fortress by Uboats, two of which experienced difficulties and surrendered in Argentina.
In the Soviet intelligence report, never before known testimony by two US Navy servicemen with Operation Highjump was revealed. A recent article in New Dawn by Frank Joseph gives a detailed analysis of the two eyewitness accounts, only the latter of which was mentioned in the 2006 Russian documentary. John P. Szehwach, a radioman stationed on the USS Brownson, gave testimony of how UFOs appeared dramatically out of the ocean depths. On January 17, 1947 at 0700 hours, Szehwach said:
I and my shipmates in the pilothouse port side observed for several minutes the bright lights that ascended about 45 degrees into the sky very quickly We couldnt i.d., the lights, because our radar was limited to 250 miles in a straight line [Our Real War of the Worlds"]
Over the next several weeks, according to the Soviet report, the UFOs flew close over the US naval flotilla which fired on the UFOs which did retaliate with deadly effects. According to Lieutenant John Sayerson, a flying boat pilot:
The thing shot vertically out of the water at tremendous velocity, as though pursued by the devil, and flew between the masts [of the ship] at such a high speed that the radio antenna oscillated back and forth in its turbulence. An aircraft [Martin flying-boat] from the Currituck that took off just a few moments later was struck with an unknown type of ray from the object, and almost instantly crashed into the sea near our vessel . About ten miles away, the torpedo-boat Maddox burst into flames and began to sink Having personally witnessed this attack by the object that flew out of the sea, all I can say is, it was frightening. [Our Real War of the Worlds"]
There is a major problem with Sayersons quote. There has been no torpedo boat named Maddox in the US Navy. In the Russian documentary, the incident described by Sayerson (misspelt Sireson) refers instead to the destroyer Murdoch. There was, however, no destroyer named Murdoch active in the US Fleet in 1947. Instead there was a destroyer named Maddox (DD-731), but it did not serve in Operation Highjump. In fact, the USS Maddox was the destroyer fired upon in the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964.
According to Frank Joseph the USS Maddox was either a torpedo boat, or torpedo-carrying destroyer. He goes on to explain what may have happened to the Maddox mentioned in the Soviet report:
A USS Maddox was indeed sunk by enemy action, but five years earlier by a German dive-bomber during the Allied invasion of Sicily. Actually there were at least three American destroyers known by that name (DD-168, DD-622 and DD-731) all of them contemporaneous. The US Navy has long been notorious for falsifying the identity of its ships and re-writing their histories if they embarrass official policy . So too, the Maddox cited by Soviet espionage was similarly consigned to an official memory hole. [Our Real War of the Worlds"]
If Joseph is correct, then it is very possible that a USS Maddox was destroyed during Operation Highjump, and the US Navy changed official records to hide this. An alternative explanation is that the 1947 Soviet report contained U.S. orchestrated disinformation that was being conveyed to Soviet authorities by a Soviet mole known by the US intelligence community. Though plausible, this is highly unlikely given that the US and USSR were still allies at the time of Operation Highjump, and had a common interest in finding and destroying any hidden Nazi base(s) in the South Atlantic.
The destructive technology used by the UFOs in the Soviet intelligence report was not something that had been developed by the defeated Nazis who had only shortly before been forced to retreat to the South Atlantic. It appears the UFOs were not intent on destroying Task Force 68, but forcing it to turn back. Were the UFOs protecting the retreating Nazis and/or their own presence in Antarctica? Was the Stalin era report disinformation deliberately fed to Soviet authorities by US intelligence? What is the most likely answer is that the Soviet era report released in the 2006 Russian Documentary was substantially correct. This suggests that Admiral Byrds initial press report was accurate a new enemy that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds had emerged. Most importantly, the UFO force had inflicted heavy casualties on the US Navy that was powerless to oppose it. The worlds first known battle between the United States military and an unknown UFO fleet based near Antarctica very likely occurred in 1947, and the general public has never learned about it until now.
On Friday, September 13, filmmakers provided the first look at the upcoming
found-footage paranormal thriller Skinwalker Ranch.
Theatrical poster for Skinwalker Ranch. (Credit: Deep Studios)
The filmmakers posted the following description with this video clip:
In 2010 Skinwalker Ranch gained media attention after experiencing a wide
range of unexplained phenomena. Reports ranged from UFO sightings to livestock
mutilation, but maybe most notable was the disappearance of ranch owner Hoyt
Millers eight year old son, Cody on November 11, 2010. Close to a year later,
Modern Defense Enterprises (MDE) has sent a team of experts to document and
investigate the mysterious occurrences, which only escalate upon their
Although this ranch sounds like a mysterious and trilling place developed by
creative Hollywood writers, Skinwalker Ranch actually exists. The sci-fi website
describes that the ranch is an area near Ballard, Utah where many reports of
cattle mutilation, UFOs, and other strange phenomena have been reported for
years. Its located next to the Ute Indian Reservation, and skin-walkers have
long been the talk of Native American legend, so you can see how the connections
are made.
For those familiar with the real Skinwalker Ranch, the Modern Defense
Enterprises team referenced in the movies description sounds like a reference
to Robert Bigelows National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci), which
reportedly bought the ranch in 1996 to investigate reports of varied paranormal
Deep Studios, a Utah production company, is the team behind the
Skinwalker Ranch movie. The film will reportedly be released in
theaters and available on-demand just before Halloween on October 30.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the
benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence
report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that
you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now provides advanced
research and consultation on a wide range of subjects and help for CEOs to
successfully run their companies.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: Something strange
about Ison Comet, STS 88 UFO, Fukushima Is Leaking Radiation,Strange Small Orbs;Mainstream
archaeological community has suppressed America's true history,Antarctica Hangar?Cattle Mutilations,
Chinese Fighters copy the best Manufactures Data, Syria Agreement, and Mars
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska,
California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, North
Carolina, Virginia, Texas, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Israel,
Spain, Tenerife in the Canary Islands, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video
evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files
assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis
is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically
advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became
interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England
while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal
interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years
under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the
God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting
us in ever-increasing numbers.
Filers Files are now being emailed to 20,000 + addresses each week
plus: 739 forwarded to more thousands and to 68.
Social Networks: I suggest you forward them to your
friends and neighbors and ask them to read the evidence with an open mind.
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was Be Happy and Eddie
Pedrick my grandsons who drowned and my two beautiful daughters Elizabeth Lynn
and Dr. Victoria Anne Filer died this year.
Something strange about Ison Comet
Ison will pass Mars
the last part of this month. It seems to be in three parts which is very unusual
and may create magnetic disturbances as it passes planets and the sun. A series
of unusual occurrences are being reported on in the internet that may be tied to
Ison. Foreign troops are being trained in the United States. September 28, to
Nov I've been on a long journey to find the real reason for the predictable
magnetic disturbances that "interfere" with many things on our planet, beginning
in January 2010. Allegedly magnetic pole has moved 40 miles closer to Russia.
Sun coming up earlier in Greenland and the Moon has rotated on its axis.
In September and October 2013, Comet
Ison will brighten as the months pass. In September and October, amateur
astronomers will likely be able to see the comet sweeping in front of the
constellation Leo, then near the planet Mars. The Comet will get brighter
throughout November as it nears its closest point to our sun. It is likely to be
seen with the unaided eye about three weeks before the November 28 perihelion
Earth's neighborhood is littered with asteroids of all shapes
and sizes, some that are mountainous rocks many miles wide. Many of these
objects hail from the asteroid belt, while others may be corpses of long-dead,
burnt out comets. NASA's Near-Earth Object Program helps find and keep track of
them, especially the ones that come close to our planet. One large asteroid just
sailed past the earth indicating we are moving through a dangerous area of
Comet Ison will come within 800,000 miles (1.2 million km) of our suns
surface on November 28. Thats over 100 times closer to the sun than Earth. This
close pass to the sun might cause Comet Ison to break to pieces, and, if that
happens, the comet is likely to fizzle. The relatively close passage may cause
magnetic disturbances on the sun, and possible X-ray flux. The
sun's magnetic field is poised
to flip--a long-held sign that Solar Max has arrived. Solar activity is low
now but activity is likely to surge again in late 2013-2014. Ison might emerge
from perihelion bright enough to see with the naked eye, with a comet tail.
Comets are notoriously unpredictable, so theres just no telling, how bright it
will get. Comets throughout history portend disaster. Recent Government
actions, Sun flares and CMEs, bird and fish navigation/migration failures and
mass die-offs, plus record-breaking severe weather, and Earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanoes all indicate severe troubles. There are warning signals that
something serious is about to happen. A dozen satellites circling Mars will
attempt to provide more details concerning the comet.
several days around January 12, 2014, Earth will pass through a stream debris
from Comet Ison. It is worth stocking up on extra food and water just in case.
The space shuttle STS -88 724 - 66 captured this photo of
an Unidentified flying object.
Fukushima nuclear crisis has escalated to the worst level since the massive
earthquake. As typhoon Man-yi swept through northeastern Japan on Monday, the
operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power plant Tepco said it had drained
some of the water accumulated during the heavy rainfall, adding that the
radiation levels of the water were within national safety limits. Reuters
reports waves were breaking against tsunami barriers in Fukushima prefecture.
Unfortunately, there has been a virtual blackout on accurate information from
mainstream news sources concerning Fukushima. What publicity there has been
concerning the catastrophe in Fukushima has focused on the discharge of huge
quantities of radioactive materials into the seawater.
Linda Howe reports at least 80,000 gallons of radioactive water from the site
has been spilled into the ocean. This water is so contaminated that readings
taken near the water showed that someone standing 2 feet away would receive "5
years worth of radiation in just one hour.This is
having a terrible impact on all kinds of marine life, both animals and plants in
the Pacific Ocean for generations to come. An even more immediate concern is
what the Japanese have been doing with the tons of radioactive wreckage and
waste products still on shore.
There is apparently virtually nothing which Tepco can (or will) do to
actually get this under control. Japan has been BURNING its radioactive waste
materials in huge bonfires and much of this intensely radioactive smoke rises
into the upper atmosphere, where it is carried by the jet stream to the west
coasts of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. It is a mystery to us as to why our
government has not objected to this procedure in the strongest possible terms,
but there it is. If there is no rain in those areas downwind of the bonfires,
the particulate matter settles on vegetation and animals alike, where it can
cause damage to the various organisms. However, such may or may not harm the
consumer, depending on whether the foodstuffs have been thoroughly washed prior
to consumption. BUT, if grazing animals eat forage plants which have radioactive
soot on them, those animals will be immediately
contaminated (think meat, milk, cheese, etc), though detection is virtually
What will harm the consumer is when the radioactive particulates are washed
into the soil by rain, which is then picked up in the roots of plants eaten by
cattle, etc. It is a very weak form of radiation from a measurement standpoint,
and almost impossible to detect with standard radiation detection instruments.
But it only requires ONE atom of some radioactive materials to lodge in ones
body to cause an illness, where it will likely remain until the person dies.
Ingesting this CAN cause cancer, heart disease, birth defects, and myriad other
illnesses, many of which will never be associated with the actual cause, which
is radiation poisoning.
Search out sources for vegetables and meats that do not come from any of the
affected areas avoiding fresh, frozen or canned fish, etc., from Alaska, Western
Canada, Mexico, or anywhere in the Pacific Ocean.
Japanese Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata wrote, I am extremely
worried about the lack of the sense of crisis in Japan and abroad, as regards
the worsening situation at the Fukushima Daiichi. The international community is
required to prevent the Fukushima accident from
developing into the ultimate catastrophe of the world, a possibility the
collapse of the Unit 4 by a mega earthquake could turn into a reality. It could
happen at any moment! Faced with this unprecedented crisis, the mobilization of
human wisdom is required on the widest possible scale. The full assumption of
responsibilities by the Japanese Government is urgently
The present abnormal lack of the sense of crisis is due to the
fact that inconvenient truth is not disclosed.
The international community has the duty, for example, to grasp
correctly the precise volume of the continuous release of radiation from
In this connection, the official numbers published by Tepco, 10
million BQ/H, unchanged for the last year and half, could hardly be trusted.
They remain unchanged even after the revelation by Tepco that, since the
accident in 2011, 400 tons of contaminated water daily leaked into the sea. Now
the Government admits that 300 tons daily flow into the sea. The situation is
worsening. And no solution in sight!
The so called international strategy to consider that Fukushima
accident did not happen, as some papers writes, is doomed to failure. This
strategy is evidenced by the continued promotion of nuclear reactors worldwide,
and their restarting and exporting by Japan. Even if it succeeds to hide the
head, it cannot hide the tail that is the contamination of the ocean on a
planetary scale.
Conscientious citizens are now calling for the withdrawal of the
invitation for Olympic Games by Japan.
Allow me to count on your understanding and
Yours truly, Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to
Strange Small Orbs
'Jeannette La Tulippe' writes, I'd like to take this opportunity
to explain how the energy lit up within the orb during my sighting. If you can
imagine putting your finger in the middle of the orb, the energy would travel
from the center to its edge and looked a brighter orange than in the rest of the
orb. The orange light the orb emitted did not travel beyond its edge. I got out
my night vision gear and the orb didn't show up in it. Every time I put the gear
down I could see the orb. I talked to an engineer friend of mine and he said
that it was because the night gear deals with low frequency and the orb was high
On June 27, 2013, at 2:03 AM, I heard something yelling
outside and I woke my husband and asked him if he heard anything. He said,
It sounds really, really scary". I have a Bigfoot
hunter Special Forces friend, that has recorded Bigfoot calls and this was
identical with a slight human quality to it. I heard at the onset of each call a
heavy rasping that was close by. It hollered out at regular intervals near where
the orange orb appeared.
On July 10, at 2:18 AM, I woke up to an intermittent whistling spaced at
regular intervals that were too short! I lay in bed and heard three more.
On July 11, I walked to the side of the house and found a fresh left barefoot
footprint that was 14"X 6" and there were no claw marks. It was walking toward
our bedroom making an impression was 2.5" deep at the heel.
On July 12, I walked out into the backyard at nearly dusk because I smelled a
strong scent of sulfur that I had to come back inside just to breath. The scent
remained until 10 PM. Thanks to 'Jeannette La Tulippe'
"Mainstream archaeological community has suppressed America's
true history"
New Mexico --
Brian Britten writes, The late Harry Hubbard's quote you wrote in
your e-newsletter and copied in this 'Subject' box is a truism. Even in my
limited exposure to this 'community, with whom I shared my interpretative
digital artwork on ancient artifacts, have consistently displayed an
unwillingness to explore any newly discovered clues that could and would
re-write their 'text books' on our cultural evolutionary history.
The key word is 'text book', which by definition is the 'official
view of the powers that be'. No archaeologist, who is bestowed their
professional 'office', is going to jeopardize their career by supporting any
notion that their mentors and government bosses, who wrote the 'book on history,
got it wrong'. I think 'national politics' has way too much influence on our
planetary historical worldview.
I can offer a perfect example of this 'suppression'. Attached is a
picture that I took 12 years ago when visiting the world heritage site of Chaco
Canyon, New Mexico. When I looked closely at the details of the interior view by
digitally 'zooming in', I discovered what looks like an interesting piece of
artwork. I took the picture through an exterior wall 'window'. The interior area
is closed from public access. Over the years of contacting the 'archaeological
community' to see if they would be interested in 'checking this
out', I was told that although their seems to be 'something there',
this kind of artwork 'cannot possibly exist'(according to historical facts).
Well, their 'historical fact' is based
on'officialdom' which states that the US
Southwest had no direct influenceby mesoamerican cultural heritage .this
artwork if proved to exist would 'change
everything'. To date there is mounting evidence,
discovery of cacao bean storage jars at the Pueblo Bonito site in Chaco Canyon
that point to a 'Mesoamerican cultural connection'. When I was approached by
Engel Entertainment Inc. to document on film this 'discovery' for their
"Archaeology Show", their producer was 'denied permission by the powers that be'
to enter this area. There may still be an opportunity to document if this is a
really significant historical clue to the mystery of the Chaco Canyon culture,
but the 'sands of time' are no doubt being allowed to erase any evidence that
would jeopardize 'the status quo'.
Thanks to Brian Britten
Antarctica Hangar?
Melting snow reveals a dome and hangar like opening in
Antarctica above a 90 meters wide opening. The dome has the shape of a flying
Thanks to Google Earth
Chinese Fighters copy the best Manufactures Data
While China's J-20 and J-31 stealth fighter programs
represent a leap forward for the Chinese, experts contacted by the Daily
Report in August 2013 differed as to whether these programs pose a serious
threat to the United States. Here, recent photos of the J-20 (top left and
bottom right) and J-31 (top right and bottom left). The bottom right photo shows
the J-20 with its internal weapons bay open.
Note: Igor Sikorsky told me, whoever builds the latest aircraft will likely
have the best because spies and back engineering will generally create the best
Cattle Mutilations
- Gasconade County The rancher found his 6-year old
healthy Black Angus cow that was pregnant dead on the morning of September 6,
2013, at 9 AM. He had gone to his ranch to check on his cattle as he normally
does every day when he noticed that the entire herd was standing in a circle
looking at something. He approached, the herd dispersed, and he saw a cow lying
on the ground with her head facing east and her legs pointing north. The animal
was still warm to the touch, the blood had not clotted, and rigor had not set in
yet, so he estimated that the animal had been dead only four to six hours. The
witness said that it is not normal to find a cow dead with all four legs
pointing straight.
The witness then called the Gasconade County
Sheriff, who sent a deputy to the location to take a report. The deputy said
that the cow obviously did not die of natural causes. MUTILATION: The
rancher took photos of the animal, then checked and found that the tongue had
been cut out below the esophagus, which he said would be very difficult to do
even for a trained person. He searched for bullet holes but found none, and then
skinned the skull area in order to determine if there was a bullet hole but
found none, nor was there a hole in the neck. Two teats were cut off, and a
large section of the head around the jaw was removed with hide, muscle, and
tissue gone, including the gums, and very little blood was found on the site. He
could find no scratches or cut marks on the bone. There was also a cut out
section in the vaginal area. The witness, who has veterinary training and worked
in a meat packing plant, said that the cuts were made with surgical precision.
See my attached map
of the cow mutilations reported in Missouri and Kansas - 30 to date in Missouri.
Contact ASD Margie Kay for more info and photos.
Sheriffs in New Mexico and Colorado report the more than ten thousand cattle
mutilations of were accomplished during the last several years. Usually lights
are seen that appear 150 feet in width and 150 feet in length or disc shaped.
Little sound if any is heard although some report a small lawn mower sound.
Using night scopes observers were able to see aircraft leaving and entering an
orange light. The craft apparently mark the cattle for mutilation with
fluorescent markings not seen by the human eye, but can be seen in ultraviolet
light. Virtually all the cattle are four years old or heifers. Animals had
clamps put on their legs leaving bruises but this evidence was reported in the
local news and to the local authorities. The mutilators quickly changed their
tactics and picked the cattle up by their hoofs leaving less evidence to be
discovered. Generally eyes, ears, mouths, rectums are precisely cut but the
valuable meat is left alone. The blood is usually removed.
Linda Howe also reports a spate of cattle mutilations which have occurred on
the property of Nebraska rancher Alex Peterson. He recounted how two of his cows
were found dead with various strange incisions and organs missing. A third cow,
he said, was alive but seemed to be injured and was put down and tested toxins,
but the findings came back completely normal. A week later, Peterson found
another mutilated cow with its head stuck in a small hole in the ground and,
after pulling the cow out, Peterson saw intact spider webs in the hole. The
undisturbed spider webs, the lack of dirt in the cow's mouth or nose, and the
angle of the body led him to surmise that the animal had to have been dropped
from the air.
Syria Agreement
Western countries claim the U.N. findings implicated the Syrian regime in
using sarin gas on the August 21, attack that killed more than 1,400 people.
Russia fired back, calling the report "distorted."Foreign Minister Sergey
Ryabkov stated, the UN report was built on insufficient information, and Russia
has its own evidence proving rebels launched the attack.
The UN Inspectors claim high grade sarin gas probably manufactured in Russia was carried by old 122mm rockets
that dispersed the gas. The rockets partially buried in the ground appear to
show they were fired from Syrian government positions. Russia claims the materials implicate the rebels who have the most
to gain by obtaining world wide support in their civil war against President
Assad. Russia and the U.S. have worked out a deal to avoid U.S. attacks in
exchange for the Syrian government giving up its chemical weapons. U.N.
investigators are returning to Syria to determine who actually fired the
chemical weapons.
The Turkish government claims its F-16 aircraft shot down a Syrian helicopter
Monday that strayed across the border. Thanks to WSJ.
Mars Arch
R Peternell writes, We are told that there is little oxygen on
Mars but can we really believe them after the many
cover up attempts they have divulged. The Aliens do live underground and live in
a greenhouse effect. This is how their oxygen is created. I have seen many
reflecting areas and tubes which appear to be on top but are actually below the
crust. Consider above ground their rock gardens as they compete with the
neighbors. This is a bit how I see it from my research. Note the face above the
arch. Thanks to R. Peternell
22-09-2013 om 00:49
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Nichols Passage -- My wife and I
were watching TV on September 7th, 2013, when I noticed a bright light, like a
fireball to the SE dropping through the
cloud layer at 4,000 feet. We have an expansive view over
Nichols Passage and I often watch the Alaska Airlines
jet on final approach to Ketchikan International Airport at 9:25 PM. Only this
light it was the wrong color, brighter and traveling too fast. I said to my
wife, Cheri, get my cell
phone and take a picture of this
thing, as I went outside to get a better look with
binoculars. It was traveling at 500 to 600 mph
at 4000 feet and 3-4 miles distant from my location, it made a slow left turn at
Blank Point and flew West down the Tongass Narrows over the airport and
My wife was going back in the house when I said, Wait,
there's another one coming! I watched the second one with
binoculars following the same flight path. It was a glowing disk of plasma- or
churning molten metal with six bright white lights rotating around this "molten"
disk in a rapid pulse pattern. They made no sound. They all disappeared. I'm a
professional artist and registered guide, a trained observer. I have no
reference in my experience of 56 years to compare this to. Thanks to
California Orbs
I took shots of the rainbow and then noticed there were odd orbs hovering
around. The first shot has two orbs above the rainbow on July 4, 2013. The
second shot has one down by the lower left after a rainstorm.
As always they were silent. I didn't notice them until I looked at the
photos. My camera was not wet and I doubt theyre planets.
Thanks to Dana Fitzgerald
Colorado Cylinders
nederland co -- Could you look at these
shots I took; they are overlooking the Colorado Divide near my home.
I have never seen shapes like this. They are not airplanes and must be
something else.
Report sent by email dated August 4, 2013. Thanks to Robert.
Florida Orb
WELLINGTON I took video with my high speed camera and got
a surprise when I played it back at 32X slower than normal on September 2, 2013.
I made still frames at various points in the video and will release the video at
the proper time. The single object appears to be cylinder shaped, but also looks
to be tumbling/or shape changing, but I think tumbling. When looking at the
stills and video, it must be remembered that it was shot at 32X slower than
normal. Due to the high frame rate, it will appear to be going at normal speed.
I refer to it as a perceptual speed, which is what the mind perceives it when
viewing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Cylinder
Bollingbrook -- There is the small brown dot/cylinder in the
sky moving through the lightning event on September 13, 2013. My photos turned out great, and I was
surprised to see so many stars. In three sets of photos, I noticed some objects
I could not explain. I took photos of planes and satellites, and they made a
trail, due to the exposure rate I had set on my camera, so I know what they look
like in a photo. Im familiar with conventional aircraft in the area. I took
photos over a minute at 8:18 PM, so as to see the movement of the stars. In one
of the sets, the second photo revealed a squiggly object, which only appeared in
that photo, no other photo had any shot of this object. It appeared as two
squiggles, but that is because of minor shaking by me. In the second set of
photos, an object appears in the bottom right of the frame. I edited the
photos in order to see the objects more clearly, but am still unsure of what
they are. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Cylinder
Northern Kentucky As I type there are over 50 UFO's
around my area.
I appreciate any help you can offer, enclosed you'll find a few pictures from
last night. You will need to zoom in to see these.
Thanks to Glenn
Massachusetts Lights
Wareham I was on the beach about 9:30
PM, when my friend and six other witnesses and I noticed two sets of red lights
over the beach at 300 to 400 feet away and 50+/-feet above the water on August
13, 2013. They appeared to be leaving a marsh area behind the beach and were red
with an orange/white center that sort of glowed in fiery kind of way when they
were close. They were completely red as they got further away and looked like
mini suns. The video shows them as being white at times but to the naked eye
they were always red.
Two minutes later a second set of silent lights
moved slowly from the same location and followed the same trajectory out over
the water. They appeared to be about the size of a softball. The video was taken
with my Samsung Galaxy III. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Discs
LINCOLN -- I took 10 to 15 pictures and trying to catch a
picture of the lightening so I was trying different settings on my camera on
September 10, 2013. When it started to rain I went in, and did not look at the
pictures until the next day and noticed one picture with the three space ship
looking discs. I thought how did I not see them when I took the picture since
they are visible in the picture. Everyone I have showed the picture to believes
they are space ships from another planet. My theory is they were not visible to
the naked eye and for some reason were picked up by the camera. Thanks to MUFON
North Carolina Discs
High point -- The objects appeared to be
coming from the local airport, but the airport shows no aircraft leaving anytime
before during or right after then event on September 14, 2013.
It was unbelievable in person.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Orbs
Carrollton -- I saw a really small UFO that I thought was
cool that did not move on September 10, 2013. I dont remember when it left or
what else happened, but I have several bruises on my body and missing time.
The object was oval the size of a ten gallon aquarium. I was sleeping, and
woke up around 3 AM. I saw some real bright lights they were looking at me. All
I could think was how could a UFO be so small.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Cylinder
Lively -- Last year I sent out this drawing of a UFO that I
saw in my back yard.
Last weeks Filers Files included a photo of an object that is almost
identical to the object that I observed which even seems to include the recessed
area at the front of the machine. The contrasts of the Brazil photo preclude
seeing any lights (as in my drawings on the bulkhead behind the front.)
I had included Mr. Davenport in my original mailings so he might verify
Regards, Tom Waters
Washington Triangular Bruises
Pullman -- I was listening to an archived
radio broadcast of you on the Jeff Rinses show today. I have been searching for
people who might be able to help me figure out what is going on. I live in WA,
which is on the east side very close to the Idaho border and about 85 miles
south of Spokane. I cant seem to find anyone on this side of the state. I have
emailed and received an email reply from Allison Travis in the Seattle area. She
said she would get back to me. So I am patiently awaiting that information.
Anyway I am attaching some pictures and copying and pasting my brief synopsis
of what has transpired. I wrote to NUFORC and I am open to answer any questions
and I am not adverse to any kind of help so I can get to the bottom of this.
I have had sightings, strange happenings, extremely bad relationships, and
various other abnormal occurrences in the past. I am 59 years old, of Irish
descent with assorted physical ailments. I come from a military family, with my
maternal grandfather having possible ties to CIA. Since the beginning of July
2013, we have had more obvious signs that something is going on while we sleep.
My boyfriend is adamantly against any of the theories I have about what is going
on, but that could be his mind control. My mind control (for lack of a better
term) seems to be fracturing.
On the morning of July 1, 2013 I woke up feeling more exhausted than usual.
While going to the restroom, I noticed a triangular shaped (series of dots)
bruise on my thigh, just above the right knee. Thinking that it was curious to
have that shape there, I took pictures of my leg. About a week later, I had one
on my other leg, same shape and same size, and was more toward the inside of my
thigh, but I didnt take pictures of that one. Thanks to William Puckett,
Worldwide UFO
Australia Cylinder
Sydney -- This was taken by Lazlo on
September 10, 2013, who I have nothing but respect for. He works hard almost
every day scanning the skies with infrared and normal camcorders and it pays
off. He finds some serious UFOs. Take this video for example. He follows the
UFO, but its not making a contrail, so its not a jet.
Then the UFO stops near a cloud and decides to cloak itself, because they
have telepathic sensors on their ship which alerts them to having been noticed
by humans. This sensor can also transmit when they wish, as once stated by actor
Dan Aykroyd, that he was woken up early hours, as if being called to come
outside, but went back to sleep. Then the next morning on the news they said a
bright glowing UFO was having over his neighborhood, with many people getting
"feelings" that they should walk outside. Thanks to Scott Waring at
Belgium Huge Bright Light
TERNAT -- I was sitting outside after I went to an event
of my daughters school on September 5, 2013, at 11 PM.
I was just smoking a cigar when I looked up and suddenly I saw it, it was
something between a circle and a square maybe oval it was as bright as xenon
lights and it appeared in the middle of the sky and moved for 6 sec
downwards and then the bright light vanished
I'm very skeptical person
about those kind of things but when I saw this I know it was something from out
of space and not an satellite or plain. I didnt consume any alcohol or drugs
studied airplane techniques so I know its not from a plain. Believe me. Thanks
to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Canada Orbs
TORONTO -- This is the second night in a
row I filmed this hovering light from my 23rd floor balcony on September 6,
2013. I've seen lights like this filmed before and realize it could be an
incoming plane with atmospheric conditions in fact the only sightings. I've ever
had in the past few years have been on flight plans near airports, not just in a
busy city but in the wilderness.
This light phenomenon is morphing. I was drawn to it and as an abductee I
take this feeling seriously.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Israel a Spinning Diamond
Tel AviV Iwork as a security guard at an
American/Israeli natural gas company just south of Tel Aviv. It was about 7:20
PM, on August 27, 2013, a few moments before sunset and I was doing my rounds
and when I first saw small black object in the sky. I noticed it was moving
straight towards the east and what appeared to be a constant speed. As it got
nearer I noticed it had no wings. Its shape was a diamond lying on its side. The
back half was black, but the front half was white and appeared to be spinning on
its axis. It was below the cloud level and passed silently right above me. After
about two minutes it disappeared towards the east.
Since I work near
Israel's only meteorological station, I'm familiar with their weather balloons
which I can see being launched and at sunset they can have the appearance of a
flying saucer. What I saw was not an aircraft, but I cannot explain what I saw
since what kind of diamond-shaped object can fly.
I took pictures with my
cell phone camera, but all you can see is a small black dot. The object was
about the size of a car and appeared to be on a preprogrammed flight path.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Panama Sphere
Ciudad de Panama -- I observed an orange sphere that moved
on the waiting boats at the Panama Canal entrance on August 20, 2013 at 8 PM.
There were two witnesses at the bay of Panama City Westbound as the UFOs flew
eastward. We took three photographs with zoom lens.
MADRID On Sunday, September 1st, 2013, in the
afternoon I took a walk with my wife in a huge park the Casa de Campo. The sky
was pretty clear, except for those suspicious very long and stubborn clouds. The
clouds didn`t move or change shape for more than an hour so I concluded that
these must be chemtrails. As several planes flew over, we were able to compare
these odd trails with regular contrails (which melted almost instantly). I took
some photos of a few odd looking clouds. Back home I downloaded the photos and
one has a black rectangular cigar shaped object. There are also birds but these
appear pretty sharp. The shutter speed was 1/250. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tenerife Grayish Black Saucer
Tenerife South Airport -- It was saucer like with three
pads on the bottom. It had three front windows in a long rectangle and a big
black bump on the back on August 18, 2013, at 12:40 PM. It hovered over the
control tower then slowly went behind the transmitting pole hovered just by the
side then shot of at an incredible speed. I was the only witness as I was
awestruck and only reacted quick enough to take a blurry picture on my phone.
There was only one and it was a grayish black. Thanks to Peter Davenport,
Director National UFO Reporting Center
UK England Triangle
Coventry -- Got another good picture on
September 1, 2013. today of a silver craft with the bird like craft right behind
it just above the houses in the hotspot area, this is the second photo of this
happening, so I wonder if the bird like craft is refueling the silver craft or
what. They tend to stay away when there are thunder clouds. I got another
picture of a craft very high with the bright white exhaust, and in one of my
pictures it hurts your eyes to look at the photo no kidding. The Police
Helicopter here so often is out chasing the aliens when radar picks up radar
returns with no transponder codes, I think they wait until enough aliens are
close to the ground before they send in the law to chase them off, but the craft
are at times just fifty feet above the rooftops. Thanks to Michael Newark
Teignmouth Devon -- I have been
investigating the UFO phenomenon for many years and have witnessed and
photographed more UFOs than most people. Here is a photo I took of a Green tube
UFO in Teignmouth, Devon, UK on June 9, 2013.
The UFO was stationary and not moving. Then it shot up in to the sky and
disappeared. You should check out my torrent with all my UFO photos that I have
photographed in Devon, UK. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
George here: Independence has its cost, but well worth the task to
receive knowledge of the world and universe we live in. Without your help,
Filers Files is at risk of losing our ability to provide cutting edge news and
discoveries which affects us all.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects
deemed too difficult by other firms. We could use your help in getting more
results from our research.
I have put together a DVD of the last fifteen years of Filer's Files for you
with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have
decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritters exciting
abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined
me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes
next years subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and
mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant CD you sent recently. As a relatively
recent joiner, I was unaware of the years worth of consistent reports of the
same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted
to thank you for all youve done.
Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most
important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a
few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a
donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my
production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the few people who
have sent $25.00 and more for donations to Filers Files for this year. When you
send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss
the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and
Sign me up right now for Filers Files. In addition, I can
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George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055.
I am offering fifteen years of Filer's Files on a DVD with thousands of
photographs and sightings for a donation of $50 that includes this year's
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Filers Files is copyrighted 2013 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved.
Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the
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Filers Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops,
Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be
your guide and take you to Paradise.
22-09-2013 om 00:46
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
La lettre des Rencontres Ufologiques
vous présentons, annexée à ce présent mail, la nouvelle lettre dinformation des
Rencontres Ufologiques.
lettre est le fruit du travail de tous ceux qui nous apportent leur aide en nous
communiquant des informations sur le dossier ovni. N'hésitez donc pas, si vous
avez quelque chose à diffuser, si vous avez connaissance dinfos relatives au
dossier ovni, de nous les faire connaître. Ce ne sera que bénéfice pour tous.
Merci par avance.
Mufon France évolue de jour en jour, non pas sans problème. Vous trouverez dans
la lettre de ce jour, un communiqué de Jacques Patenet, Président du Mufon
France, qui s'alarme sur l'amalgame qui est fait par certains dans les médias,
sur le net entre le Mufon France et le Geipan. Le président met l'accent sur
le fait qu'il y a une totale indépendance entre ces deux organismes, qu'il n'est
pas question de supplanter le Geipan ou de lui faire de l'ombre.
Mufon et les structures qu'il a mis en place ont pour
seule ambition de fédérer un maximum d'associations et d'ufologues autour d'une
méthodologie commune. Il est logique, lorsque le travail est fait
sérieusement et qu'il donne satisfaction, que le Mufon ne le réinvente pas à
nouveau. D'ailleurs, le Mufon France a repris des projets anciens, des méthodes
en cours qui sont bien rodées, mis en
place aussi bien par le Geipan que par d'autres associations ou structures
président rappel quIl
n'y a donc aucune compétition entre le MUFON France et le GEIPAN qui est et doit
rester la référence française en matière d'étude du phénomène
Mufon développe actuellement ses cours denquêteurs, qui ont débutés. Faire une
bonne enquête, complète, sans omission, ne sinvente pas et il faut soit
lacquérir par une longue expérience sur le terrain, soit lacquérir par des
cours. Compte tenu de la « pauvreté « en information sur bien des enquêtes
mises en ligne sur le net, cette formation minimum sera bien utile. Nous vous
invitons à vous y inscrire.
Mufon France met en place actuellement son réseau denquêteurs et il a déjà commencé à recevoir le signalement
dobservations. Si vous souhaitez le rejoindre, vous êtes invité à le faire. (
une carte interactive est en place sur le site du Mufon, situant les enquêteurs
dont le dossier est complet.) Les cas sont donc pris en main par la Direction
Nationale des Enquêtes du Mufon France, qui en assure le suivi ou qui les
confie, aux enquêteurs locaux, si le réseau du Mufon en dispose. La méthodologie
est en place. Sur le module de cours « claroline » Intégré au site du Mufon
France, une bibliothèque de documents
est déjà en place, expliquant entre autre la méthodologie suivie en matière
base de données « LICORNE 2, qui rassemblera les observations dOvni,
accessible au grand public est en cours dévolution. Le projet avance lui
nombreux moyens de communications ont été mis en place et fonctionnent
parfaitement, informant ainsi le grand public mais aussi les personnes qui collaborent ou qui sont en
contact avec le Mufon et ses divers services.
Mufon France est ouvert à toutes les idées en matière détude du phénomène Ovni,
vous y trouverez votre place et un soutien actif de la part des personnes qui y
collaborent et par nos divers moyens de communication.
Mufon France reste à votre disposition pour toutes informations et nous vous
souhaitons une bonne lecture des dernières nouvelles que vous avez bien voulu
nous faire connaître.
A team of British scientists is convinced it has found proof of alien life,
after it harvested strange particles from the edge of space.
The scientists sent a balloon 27km into the stratosphere, which came back
carrying small biological organisms which they believe can only have originated
from space.
Professor Milton Wainwright told The Independent that he was "95 per
cent convinced" that the organisms did not originate from earth.
"By all known information that science has, we know that they must be coming
in from space," he said. "There is no known mechanism by which these life forms
can achieve that height. As far as we can tell from known physics, they must be
Some of the samples were captured covered with cosmic dust, adding further
credence to the idea that they have originated from space.
"The organisms are not usual," said Professor Wainwright, who works at the
University of Sheffields Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. "If
they came from earth, we would expect to see stuff that we find on earth
commonly, like pollen."
"We're very, very confident that these are biological entities originating
from space," he said, acknowledging that absolutely certainty is hard to achieve
in science.
The team believes that the entities are coming from comets, which are big
balls of ice shooting through space. The samples were collected during a
meteorite shower from a comet. As they hit the earth's atmosphere, the comets
melt - ablate, to give it a technical term - releasing the organisms as they
break down.
"The particles are very clean," added Prof Wainwright. "They don't have any
dust attached to them, which again suggests they're not coming to earth.
Similarly, cosmic dust isn't stuck to them, so we think they came from an
aquatic environment, and the most obvious aquatic environment in space is a
"They're very unusual beasts, not your normal kind of life from earth."
The organisms are 'very
unusual' (University of Sheffield)
The organisms are probably not alive, but, excitingly, probably do contain
DNA. Similar ones harvested during an earlier experiment have contained the
chemical, which is one of the fundamental building blocks of life on earth.
The fact that they contain DNA is probably one of the most exciting aspects
to this discovery, as it is a big hint that life on earth may itself have
extraterrestrial origins.
"If we're right, it means that there's life in space, and it's coming to
earth. It means that life on earth probably originated in space," said Professor
Wainwright. "Statistically, there's no reason why life should originate on
earth. There are billions and billions of comets, but most biologists are stuck
on earth.
"The earth is an open system with biology raining down on it as we speak.
"It's almost too amazing to believe."
He scotched the theory that the life forms arrived in the upper atmosphere
after being blasted there from a volcano.
"The last volcano was three years ago, and the matter has all been deposited
by now," he said.
Professor Wainwrights team is hoping to extend and confirm their results by
carrying out the test again in October to coincide with the upcoming Halleys
Comet-associated meteorite shower when there will be large amounts of cosmic
dust. It is hoped that more new, or unusual, organisms will be found.
The groups findings have been published in the Journal of Cosmology
and updated versions will appear in the same journal, a new version of which
will be published in the near future. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe of the
Buckingham University Centre for Astrobiology also gave a presentation of the
groups findings at a meeting of astronomers and astrobiologists in San Diego
last month.
Could life on earth have
come from outer space? (University of Sheffield)
Despite these fantastical claims, the Journal of Cosmology has had
its reputation called into question more than once by other members of the
scientific community.
vidéoA Wakefield (Angleterre), des scientifiques affirment avoir découvert des organismes provenant de l'espace. Ce serait la première preuve de vie extraterrestre sur terre.
Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution
Est-ce une découverte qui va changer le cours de l'histoire? Comme l'informe The Telegraph, des scientifiques de l'Université de Sheffield affirment avoir trouvé à Wakefield (West Yorkshire) des preuves de vie extraterrestre.
Ballon lancé à 27 km Le 27 août dernier, une équipe de scientifiques a lancé un ballon (spécialement conçu pour l'occasion) à 27 km au-dessus de la surface de la terre lors d'une pluie d'étoiles filantes, dite Perséides.
L'objectif de cette expérience était prélever des échantillons via des capteurs déclenchés uniquement entre 22 et 27 km. Mais quand le ballon a atterri à Wakefield, les scientifiques n'en ont pas cru leurs yeux. Ils ont découvert dessus des organismes microscopiques, mais d'une taille bien trop grande selon eux pour faire partie de notre système.
Nouveau test "Des particules de cette taille ne peuvent être transportées dans la stratosphère en dehors d'un mécanisme exceptionnel comme par exemple une violente éruption, qui n'a pas eu lieu. Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution", précise le professeur Milton Wainwright qui parle de " découverte révolutionnaire".
Les scientifiques feront un nouveau test le mois prochain lors d'une pluie de météorites.
vidéoA Wakefield (Angleterre), des scientifiques affirment avoir découvert des organismes provenant de l'espace. Ce serait la première preuve de vie extraterrestre sur terre.
Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution
Est-ce une découverte qui va changer le cours de l'histoire? Comme l'informe The Telegraph, des scientifiques de l'Université de Sheffield affirment avoir trouvé à Wakefield (West Yorkshire) des preuves de vie extraterrestre.
Ballon lancé à 27 km Le 27 août dernier, une équipe de scientifiques a lancé un ballon (spécialement conçu pour l'occasion) à 27 km au-dessus de la surface de la terre lors d'une pluie d'étoiles filantes, dite Perséides.
L'objectif de cette expérience était prélever des échantillons via des capteurs déclenchés uniquement entre 22 et 27 km. Mais quand le ballon a atterri à Wakefield, les scientifiques n'en ont pas cru leurs yeux. Ils ont découvert dessus des organismes microscopiques, mais d'une taille bien trop grande selon eux pour faire partie de notre système.
Nouveau test "Des particules de cette taille ne peuvent être transportées dans la stratosphère en dehors d'un mécanisme exceptionnel comme par exemple une violente éruption, qui n'a pas eu lieu. Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution", précise le professeur Milton Wainwright qui parle de " découverte révolutionnaire".
Les scientifiques feront un nouveau test le mois prochain lors d'une pluie de météorites.
vidéoA Wakefield (Angleterre), des scientifiques affirment avoir découvert des organismes provenant de l'espace. Ce serait la première preuve de vie extraterrestre sur terre.
Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution
Est-ce une découverte qui va changer le cours de l'histoire? Comme l'informe The Telegraph, des scientifiques de l'Université de Sheffield affirment avoir trouvé à Wakefield (West Yorkshire) des preuves de vie extraterrestre.
Ballon lancé à 27 km Le 27 août dernier, une équipe de scientifiques a lancé un ballon (spécialement conçu pour l'occasion) à 27 km au-dessus de la surface de la terre lors d'une pluie d'étoiles filantes, dite Perséides.
L'objectif de cette expérience était prélever des échantillons via des capteurs déclenchés uniquement entre 22 et 27 km. Mais quand le ballon a atterri à Wakefield, les scientifiques n'en ont pas cru leurs yeux. Ils ont découvert dessus des organismes microscopiques, mais d'une taille bien trop grande selon eux pour faire partie de notre système.
Nouveau test "Des particules de cette taille ne peuvent être transportées dans la stratosphère en dehors d'un mécanisme exceptionnel comme par exemple une violente éruption, qui n'a pas eu lieu. Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution", précise le professeur Milton Wainwright qui parle de " découverte révolutionnaire".
Les scientifiques feront un nouveau test le mois prochain lors d'une pluie de météorites.
vidéoA Wakefield (Angleterre), des scientifiques affirment avoir découvert des organismes provenant de l'espace. Ce serait la première preuve de vie extraterrestre sur terre.
Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution
Est-ce une découverte qui va changer le cours de l'histoire? Comme l'informe The Telegraph, des scientifiques de l'Université de Sheffield affirment avoir trouvé à Wakefield (West Yorkshire) des preuves de vie extraterrestre.
Ballon lancé à 27 km Le 27 août dernier, une équipe de scientifiques a lancé un ballon (spécialement conçu pour l'occasion) à 27 km au-dessus de la surface de la terre lors d'une pluie d'étoiles filantes, dite Perséides.
L'objectif de cette expérience était prélever des échantillons via des capteurs déclenchés uniquement entre 22 et 27 km. Mais quand le ballon a atterri à Wakefield, les scientifiques n'en ont pas cru leurs yeux. Ils ont découvert dessus des organismes microscopiques, mais d'une taille bien trop grande selon eux pour faire partie de notre système.
Nouveau test "Des particules de cette taille ne peuvent être transportées dans la stratosphère en dehors d'un mécanisme exceptionnel comme par exemple une violente éruption, qui n'a pas eu lieu. Ces entités biologiques ne peuvent donc provenir que de l'espace. Notre conclusion est que la vie n'est pas limitée à cette planète. Si des organismes arrivent sur terre depuis là-haut, cela change notre vision de la biologie et de l'évolution", précise le professeur Milton Wainwright qui parle de " découverte révolutionnaire".
Les scientifiques feront un nouveau test le mois prochain lors d'une pluie de météorites.
La comète Ison pause des problèmes aux astronomes ?
Etrange apparence de la comète prise au printemps 2013 par différents astronomes amateurs
Il y a un an, on l'annonçait déjà comme la comète du siècle, probablement visible à l'oeil nu vers novembre 2013. La comète ISON semble en fait vouloir surprendre les scientifiques si on suit leurs constatations et publications depuis un certain temps, mais le dernier rapport provenant des russes pose encore plus de questions :
" Un nouveau rapport préparé par l'Agence spatiale fédérale (ROSCOSMOS) circulant au Kremlin aujourd'hui indique que la comète C/2012 S1 a fait un certain nombre d' « ajustements orbitaux inexpliqués » près de la planète Mars qui sembleraient s'aligner au mieux avec la lune étrange Phobos de la planète rouge.
La comète C/2012 S1 a été découverte le 21 Septembre 2012 par les astronomes russes amateurs Vitali Nevski et Artyom Novichonok en utilisant le réseau optique scientifique international, donnant ainsi son nom à cette comète ISON. Phobos est le plus grand et plus proche des deux satellites naturels de Mars et avec un rayon moyen de 11,1 km (6,9 mi), il est de 7,24 fois plus massif que la deuxième lune Deimos.
Important à noter à propos de Phobos, poursuit ce rapport, date de 1958, lorsque l'astrophysicien russe Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky a étudié l'accélération séculaire du mouvement orbital de Phobos, et a suggéré une structure en "fines feuilles de métal" pour Phobos, une suggestion qui a conduit à des spéculations que Phobos était possiblement d'origine artificielle.
Shklovsky a basé son analyse sur des estimations de la densité de la partie supérieure atmosphère martienne, et en a déduit grâce à l'effet de freinage faible, pour être en mesure de rendre compte de l'accélération séculaire, que Phobos devait être très léger - un calcul a abouti à une sphère de fer creuse de 16 kilomètres (9.9 miles) en travers, mais d'une épaisseur inférieure à 6 cm.
Dans une lettre de Février 1960 à la revue Astronautics, Fred Singer, conseiller scientifique du président américain Dwight D. Eisenhower, dit de la théorie de Shklovsky :
" Si le satellite est en effet en spirale vers l'intérieur déduit de l'observation astronomique, alors il n'y a guère d'alternative à l'hypothèse qu'il est creux et donc fabriqué par Mars. Le grand «si» se trouve dans les observations astronomiques, elles pourraient bien être dans l'erreur. Comme elles sont fondées sur plusieurs séries indépendantes de mesures prises sur des décennies par des observateurs différents avec différents instruments, les erreurs systématiques peuvent avoir influées sur elles. "
Par la suite, les erreurs de données systémiques que Singer a prédites ont été confirmées exister, l'étude de Shklovsky a été mise en doute, et des mesures précises de l'orbite disponibles, en 1969, a déclaré prouver que l'écart n'existait pas. La critique de Singer a été déclarée justifiée lorsqu'on a découvert que les études antérieures avaient utilisé une valeur surestimée de 5 cm/an pour le taux de perte d'altitude, qui a ensuite été révisé à 1,8 cm/an. L'accélération séculaire est désormais attribué aux effets de marée, qui n'avaient pas été pris en compte dans les études antérieures... (YH : mais Phobos chute tout de même vers Mars... autre chose : on a aussi des pierres-monolithes sur Phobos...).
Les scientifiques soviétiques, cependant, dit ce rapport, n'ont pas été convaincus par les arguments du scientifique américain et en 1988, ont lancé deux sondes, Phobos 1 et Phobos 2, en direction de Mars pour recueillir plus d'informations.
Phobos 1 a été «perdue» alors que Phobos 2 était en mesure d'établir une orbite autour de la lune Phobos de Mars quand elle a été " attaquée " par un engin spatial encore inexpliqué qui se manifestait dans la dernière image transmise vers la Terre avant sa destruction.
Les études de Shklovsky, cependant, ont été revendiquées en 2012, lorsque l'Agence spatiale européenne ( ESA ) a publié son rapport sur Phobos qui, en partie, a déclaré :
« Une des raisons de soupçonner que Phobos n'est pas un astéroïde capturé est sa densité. L'analyse des données de Mars Express Radio Science a donné de nouvelles informations sur la masse de Phobos, basé sur l'attraction gravitationnelle qu'elle exerce sur l'engin spatial. L'équipe a conclu que Phobos est susceptible de contenir de grandes cavités, ce qui le rend moins susceptible d'être un astéroïde capturé. Sa composition et sa résistance structurelle semblent être incompatibles avec le scénario de capture. "
" Comme certains experts ont noté que Phobos pourrait être un " ancien vaisseau spatial "coincé dans l'orbite de Mars, poursuit ce rapport, la possibilité que la comète ISON pourrait-être en trop ne peut pas être exclue.
La raison de cette évaluation, font état des experts de ROSCOSMOS, ce sont les « ajustements orbitaux inexpliqués » que la Comète ISON a apparemment faite lors de son approche de Mars et qui ont été vérifiés par l'astronome amateur américain Bruce Gary le 12 Août 2013 quand il est devenu le premier à voir la comète ISON à nouveau après son séjour derrière le soleil au cours de Juin, Juillet et une partie de Août.
Alan MacRobert à a dit environ le 12 Août de la découverte de Gary : « La Comète ISON est d'environ deux ordres de grandeur (six fois) plus faibleque ce qu'elle devrait être, comparé aux calculs des premiers astronomes qui ont été conduits à prédire qu'elle deviendrait un grand spectacle à l'il nu avant l'aube au début de Décembre. "
L'Astronome Ignacio Ferrin, avec l'Université d'Antioquia en Colombie, dans un document soumis à la Monthly Notices de la Royal Astronomical Society a en outre noté que : « La Comète ISON a été mise en arrêt pendant plus de 132 jours ... un exploit plutôt déroutant." (notez qu'en astronomie, il veut dire que sa luminosité n'a pas évolué pendant 132 jours, et non pas que l'objet se soit "arrêté" physiquement...)
Beaucoup dans les médias occidentaux ont nommé la comète ISON comme " la comète du siècle ", c'est parce que c'est une frôleuse de Soleil et l'on croyait que la queue gazeuse serait étendue sur des millions de kilomètres, la faisant apparaître aussi brillante que la pleine lune à l'il nu dans les prochains mois.
Le 1er Octobre, elle passera à proximité de Mars à 0,07 UA, environ six fois plus proche qu'elle ne viendra jamais vers la Terre et le 28 Novembre, quand elle sera au plus proche du soleil, elle volera à travers l'atmosphère du soleil juste à un peu plus de 1,1 million kilomètres (720,000 miles) de la surface solaire, après quoi il refera son passage du système solaire interne en toute sécurité à 0,426 UA, soit à un peu plus de 63 millions de kilomètres de la Terre, même sur sa plus proche approche le 26 Décembre 2013.
Ce rapport de ROSCOSMOS résume ses conclusions en déclarant qu'il "ne peut pas être exclu de la théorie" que la comète ISON n'est pas une "boule de glace sale" comète du tout, mais peut, en fait, être un objet interstellaire sous contrôle intelligent sur une mission sur Phobos pour également une mission encore inexpliquée.
Et, aussi, lors de leur évaluation étrange, les scientifiques de Roscosmos ajoutent un autre lien à la Comète ISON, celui du 9 Décembre 2009 et la " Norway Spiral " [voir la vidéo ICI ] en constatant que ce phénomène encore inexpliqué avait été "directement aligné" avec la constellation du Cancer, d'où cette étrange comète provient... hasard...
In his book entitled «Omega Project», the American psychiatrist Kenneth Ring gives several examples in which the UFO study goes with a partial or complete change of the witness value system. Rings hypothesis is that there would be structural similitude between close encounters with UFO (CE4) and near-death experiences. Lets remind that these close encounters of UFOS (CE4), and the fourth kind is about reports (most of the time told under hypnosis), describing human beings abductions on board of UFOS in the course of which they undergo what they describe as being medical checkups. Before he was interested in UFOS, Ring had already conducted thorough studies on near-death experiences.
In his book, « Ovni laboratoire du future », Michel Picard follows in Ring and thinks that « The direct implication of these outstanding experiences of conscience in human affairs is of a symbiotic and synergetic character. Their effect is certainly catalytic. Even better : their temporal synchronism shows that the current times are over and the prehistoric super humanity are moving and transcendence appeals to us with a hardly concealed emphasis. It is urgent to be aware of that. On these grounds, Rings study represents an excellent and immediate antidote to our happy tendency to the intellectual lethargy, and to our subservience to the daily management which hides totally our perception of the future.
Macks works on abductions confirm our own conclusion concerning the level of spirituality of civilization representatives who are responsible of UFO phenomena. For example, in a civilization of the third kind, this level of spirituality is absolutely very high since it directly determines the possibility for the civilization to access to the Kind of civilization.
The other aspect of the question of connections between UFOS and spirituality is Maria Apparitions. In 2000, the late Gilles Pinon (died of heart attack on Thursday, June 11th 2009) entitled « Fatima, un ovni pas comme les autres? » to reopen the debate on that topic which is kept in the background for a long time. Its because Gilles Pinons study was chiefly elaborate and reliable, and also the (ufological) look lead again to Maria apparitions mystery in connection with UFO phenomena. We must admit that it was not an easy task to approach a religious fact as prestigious as Fatimas apparitions (a phenomenon which is shrouded by a strong mystic influence) on a ufological view. The danger of that high risk work was two shots in one. On the one hand, attacks from the Church were dreaded since for this Church, Fatimas apparitions were that of the Virgin Mary who is the Christs mother and it was agreed that they were from divine origin only. However, we can admit that, probably out of prudence, the Church has let its congregation the choice to believe in apparitions or not.
22-09-2013 om 00:13
geschreven door peter
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UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: Alien Space Station Moves Past NASA SOHO Camera, Sept 17, 2013, UFO...
In what could prove
to be a major breakthrough in quantum memory storage and information processing,
German researchers have frozen the fastest thing in the universe: light. And
they did so for a record-breaking one minute.
It sounds weird and
it is. The reason for wanting to hold light in its place (aside from the sheer
awesomeness of it) is to ensure that it retains its quantum coherence properties
(i.e. its information state), thus making it possible to build light-based
quantum memory. And the longer that light can be held, the better as far as
computation is concerned. Accordingly, it could allow for more secure
quantum communications over longer distances.
Needless to say,
halting light is not easy you can't just put in the freezer. Light is
electromagnetic radiation that moves at 300 million meters per second. Over the
course of a one minute span, it can travel about 11 million miles (18 million
km), or 20 round trips to the moon. So it's a rather wily and slippery medium,
to say the least.
For this particular
experiment, researcher Georg Heinze and his team converted light coherence into
atomic coherences. They did so by using a quantum interference effect that makes
an opaque medium in this case a crystal transparent over a narrow range of
light spectra (a process called electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)).
The researchers shot a laser through this crystal (a source of light), which
sent its atoms into a quantum superposition of two states. A second beam then
switched off the first laser, and as a consequence, the transparency. Thus, the
researchers collapsed the superposition and trapped the second laser beam
Image: Heinze
et al.
And they proved the
accomplishment by storing and then successfully retrieving information in
the form of a 100-micrometer-long picture with three horizontal stripes on it.
"The result
outperforms earlier demonstrations in atomic gases by about six orders of
magnitude and offers exciting possibilities of long-storage-time quantum
memories that are spatially multiplexed, i.e., can store different quantum bits
as different pixels," notes physicist Hugues de Riedmatten in an associated
Physics Reviewarticle.
In future, the
researchers will try to use different substances to increase the duration of
information storage even further.
Mr Hawkings is great but he doesn't believe in God or uses any
spirituality which is why I believe h...
20-09-2013 om 23:09
geschreven door peter
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Planet Nibiru Facts & Secrets Revealed
Planet Nibiru Facts & Secrets Revealed
Does Planet Nibiru exist? Is Nibiru Approaching?
The new information on Nibiru is more mysterious than its own origins. Not too many people know the true details of Nibiru, and why it exists in our solar system. Let me tell you some basics first about this planet. Planet Nibiru, which was referred by the Sumerians as Planet X, was supposedly the 12th planet in our solar system. The true meaning of planet Nibiru is 'Planet of Crossing'. In the hydrophilic of Sumerians, and Egyptian, they talked about how planet Nibiru had an elliptical orbit than a normal horizontal orbit. The planet took around 750,000 years to come between Mars and Jupiter, and when it did, it created devastation on all the planets during its flyby. Archaeologist Zecharia Sitchin and Burak Eldem also suggested this planet, which looks a lot like CR 105, with the similar orbit; however, the crossing path of CR105 is very different than Nibiru or Planet X. Nibiru's 80% of orbit lies much further from the sun, where CR105's orbit is 60% away from the sun, and 40% near rest of the planets. According to historians, Tiamat, a planet which had lain between Mars and Jupiter around 510,000,000 million years ago, was a victim of Planet X, as Tiamat collided with one of the moon's of Nibiru; it crashed, broke into half, as one half became the asteroid belt, and the other Phobos: Mars moon, while the other half is our home, planet earth. "Out of destruction comes life", a quote from Hindu ancient text 'Bhagvat Gita'. This strange planet has known to be twenty times bigger than Jupiter, with a burning moon which acts like Nibiru's personal sun. Since Nibiru goes much, much further away from our sun; this theory actually does make sense, and stands out. The Anunnaki who are supposedly the citizens of Nibiru, came to planet earth around 25,000 years ago, and gave a lot of knowledge and detail to the developing humanoids; whom at that time didnt have the brain capacity or thinking power to comprehend what the Anunnaki were saying. Even the Mayan predicted the existence of Nibiru, or according to them, a certain dark energy in shape of a planet which would be coming near earth in the distant future. Every time this planet came around, entire civilization from planet earth were wiped out. James McCaney, an expert on Planet Nibiru and Mayan history explained, around 10,000 years ago major devastation occurred which destroyed many civilization on our planet. He also explained how ruined cities in South America were vanished not because of war or plague, but major physical destruction on earth. He also went on to say that before Nibiru passed us by 10,000 years ago, the North Pole was somewhere in the state of Wisconsin, while South Pole was somewhere in Pacific Ocean. If he is right, and this event did occur because of Planet X or Planet Nibiru, then we shouldn't worry about it for next 740,000 years or so, right? Wrong, remember, even if Nibiru crossed its path from between Jupiter and Mars, its now surging upwards to make its longest route around the sun. This is due to the fact that its elliptical orbit goes in a roundabout very close to the sun on one end, while 80% of orbit is far away from the sun. This is why the earthquake that are happening in Japan, Chile and other places, could be due to the fact that magnetic pull from Nibiru is increasing as it nears our plain. The pull from Nibiru will increase gravitational force of each planet in a rubber band effect. Most of this information is not provided in Wikipedia. As far as the Mayan 2012 dooms day theory is concerned, Nibiru will not be showing up this fast, because even though the earthquakes are happing and floods are taking place; like the one in Japan recently, it is still a good 10 years away where a naked eye can detect it. We, as a common man, could be in the dark by the big government and NASA, while Mars might be going through some devastating effect on its surface, or planet Mercury and Venus are having major, major earthquakes. One of the daily newspapers and Washington Post back in Dec 30th 1983 also picked up the report about a Mystery Heavenly Body Being Discovery, as their headline, after which they soon released another article saying it was a mistake. Of course it was a mistake; because They do not want you do know it exists. In my new science fiction novel Kyirux: The Message of Pascal, I discuss the same theories and more in a cinematic form. This planet, has a very special role to play in my sci-fi trilogy. Source:
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Coma : des chercheurs observent de l'activité cérébrale encore jamais détectée
Coma : des chercheurs observent de l'activité cérébrale encore jamais détectée...
Coma : des chercheurs observent de l'activité cérébrale encore jamais détectée
Notez bien que ces découvertes sont extrêmement importantes et semblent bien révéler qu'un grand nombre de personnes (encore actuellement vu la proximité de ces découvertes) sont déclarées mortes et enterrées... alors qu'elles se sont peut-être mises elles-mêmes dans ce coma très profond, indétecté jusqu'à présent... bien que nous avions déjà ici la preuve que des activités éléctriques et cérébrales percistent encore chez une personne décédée depuis 7 jours (question : ce cadavre de 7 jours qui avait été autopsié pour révéler cet état était-il en fait encore en vie et dans ce coma profond décrit ci-dessous ?... - voir liens en bas de l'article).
Le cerveau est un organe complexe aux processus encore méconnus. Selon les données scientifiques existantes, les chercheurs et les médecins pensaient (YH : Non ! ils en étaient certains dans la mesure où une personne est déclarée morte à cause de cet encéphalogramme plat, justement !...) qu'au-delà de la fameuse " flat line " (encéphalogramme plat), il n'y avait plus rien, plus d'activité cérébrale. Or, une équipe de chercheurs de l'Université de Montréal et du Centre médical Reine-Marie (Roumanie) a fait une découverte majeure qui laisse entrevoir une toute nouvelle frontière dans le cerveau animal et humain. Ils ont mis en évidence une activité cérébrale au-delà de l'électroencéphalogramme plat, qu'ils ont baptisée complexes Nu (de la lettre grecque).
Un collaborateur de Roumanie a procédé à des observations sur un patient humain qui s'est retrouvé dans un coma très profond par l'administration d'une médication antiépileptique très puissante rendue nécessaire par son état clinique. " Le Dr Bogdan Florea est entré en contact avec notre équipe de recherche, car il avait observé des phénomènes inexplicables sur l'électroencéphalogramme de ce patient dans le coma. Nous nous sommes rendu compte que dans son cerveau, il y avait de l'activité cérébrale, méconnue jusqu'alors" , raconte Florin Amzica, professeur à la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l'UdeM et directeur de l'étude.
L'équipe du professeur Amzica a alors pris la décision de recréer l'état de ce patient sur le chat, un modèle animal établi pour les études en neurologie. À l'aide de l'anesthésique isoflurane, les chercheurs ont plongé les chats dans un coma extrêmement profond - mais complètement réversible - au-delà de la ligne isoélectrique plate (flat line), correspondant au silence de la partie maîtresse du cerveau, le cortex. Ils ont observé de l'activité cérébrale chez 100 % des chats en état de coma profond, sous la forme d'oscillations engendrées dans l'hippocampe, la partie du cerveau responsable de la mémoire et des processus d'apprentissage. Ces oscillations cérébrales, inconnues jusqu'à aujourd'hui, se répercutaient jusque dans le cortex. La conclusion à laquelle les chercheurs sont arrivés est que l'onde encéphalographique observée, baptisée complexes Nu, était la même que celle observée dans le cerveau du patient humain.
Des complexes Nu au coma thérapeutique
L'élément le plus intéressant de cette découverte est le potentiel thérapeutique, la neuroprotection, de ce coma très profond. À la suite d'un traumatisme important, certains patients sont dans un état si grave que les médecins les plongent volontairement dans un coma artificiel afin de protéger le corps et le cerveau pour qu'ils puissent récupérer. Or, le Dr Amzica croit que le coma très profond expérimenté sur les chats pourrait s'avérer plus protecteur encore.
" En effet, un organe ou un muscle qui demeure longtemps inactif finit par s'atrophier avec le temps. Il est plausible de penser qu'il en est de même pour le cerveau gardé longtemps dans un état qui correspond à l'électroencéphalogramme plat, illustre le professeur Amzica. Un cerveau inactif, au sortir d'un coma prolongé, serait peut-être en moins bon état qu'un cerveau ayant eu un minimum d'activité. Des recherches sur l'effet d'uncoma très profond pendant lequel l'hippocampe est actif (grâce aux complexes Nu) doivent absolument être faites pour le bénéfice des patients. "
" Une autre implication de cette découverte est que nous avons maintenant la preuve que le cerveau est capable, si l'intégrité des structures nerveuses est préservée, de survivre à un stade extrêmement profond de coma, souligne Daniel Kroeger, auteur principal de l'étude et qui poursuit actuellement un postdoctorat en neurologie à l'Université Harvard. Nous avons aussi découvert que l'hippocampe pouvait envoyer des ''ordres'' au commandant en chef du cerveau, le cortex. Finalement, la possibilité d'étudier les processus d'apprentissage et de mémoire de l'hippocampe pendant un état de coma permettra de mieux les comprendre. Bref, toutes sortes d'avenues en recherche fondamentale s'ouvrent maintenant à nous. "
L'étude "Human brain activity patterns beyond the isoelectric line of extreme deep coma", de Daniel Kroeger et Florin Amzica, du Départmement de stomatologie de la Faculté de médecine dentaire de l'Université de Montréal, et de Bogdan Florea, du Medical Centre Regina Maria (Roumanie), vient d'être publiée sur le site Web de PLOS ONE.
Sources : Plos One +
We have an amazing variety of
articles for you this week, starting with MUFON's Neil Gould
interviewing an ET Nordic alien, and then Chris Holly is fed up
with dealing with people about the paranormal. Diane Tessman is
excited that teleportation is just around the corner and she is ready to be
beamed up. New contributor Paul Dale Roberts reports on a
family in Galt being terrorized by UFOs! Roger Marsh writes
about UFOs performing 'S' patterns in Florida. Next, Scott Corrales writes about
possible humanoids in Spain and Argentina. Doc Vega reports on
a USO in Oklahoma and more. Sean Casteel writes about invisible
ultra-terrestrials. Carolyn Shield wonders if we have an expiry
date? Pat Regan wonders why the government asks, 'Tell Us What
You Know'? New contributor Jos eph White discovers various
objects on Mars, coincidentally so does Christian Macé.
Barbara Becker reviews Devar ThunderBeats new book about ETs
and angels. Pat Regan is interviewed about UFOs and earthquakes. Hacker Gary
McKinnon's mother writes a tell all book and finally John
Ventre reminds us that MUFON's fall conference is in
Gould. A discussion between Neil Gould, Director of the Exopolitics
Institute and Cheuk Fei, host of MJ13, Hong Kongs Exo Media Platform including
analysis of a document containing a channeled interview between a Nordic ET and
human. The film makes it clear that whilst channeled information cannot be
regarded as an absolute truth, it can certainly be compared against core
information [testimony from contactees] collected from researchers. More...
Chris Holly. Do you ever get so disgusted with something that you just
wanted to walk away and give up? I am hitting that place more and more lately as
I try to find my way along the insane roads of the Paranormal. It is a land of
confusion, delusion, deception and fear. It is filled with users, abusers, fakes
and frauds. It also is a place good people with real experiences and good
intentions of educating others are stuck swimming for their life among all this
other stuff. It is a suffocating difficult place for those who really try to
make headway into the unknown. More...
SCOTTY!by Diane Tessman. Ah, to be beamed up to The
Enterprise, if only the transporter worked! Take hope, the transporter is in the
works! If humans think of an idea, it does almost magically become reality. More...
FAMILY IN GALT - YEAR 2013by Paul Dale Roberts. Richard Rivas
has a family that lives on acres of farmland in Galt. Richard's family is being
harassed by UFO activity. UFOs on a constant basis are flying the night skies
over this family's home. To make matters worse, the occupants of these UFOs have
been in their farm fields. These occupants are what most people consider as
'Greys'. The Greys have been sighted on the family's fences, in the fields
walking around their landed UFO craft. The sightings continue and Richard wants
answers. There has been a long history of UFO sightings in Galt. What makes Galt
so interesting to extraterrestrials? More...
in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, New Zealand
astronomer David Greg has refuted beyond a reasonable doubt the claims made by
Planet X researcher Marshall Masters and his team that the Brown Dwarf star
system is in our inner solar system and on a trajectory for a cataclysmic flyby
of Earth in the 2015-16 timeframe. More...
SIGHTING FROM OKLAHOMA?by Doc Vega. Perhaps many of you are
well acquainted with USOs (Unidentified Submarine Objects). These sightings
have been widely made by aviators, naval personnel, and civilians alike in many
regions of the globe from the Pacific Northwest, to the Pacific Ocean, from the
Redondo Trench off the Coast of California to the Atlantic ocean shores of the
eastern seaboard of the US and Canada, but Oklahoma? More... Also
a companion piece to my earlier article on UFOs and levitation, we now take up
the subject of invisibility and UFOs. The book Levitation and Invisibility by
Commander X and Tim R. Swartz is once again our primary guide. According to the
authors, the power of invisibility has been sought by mankind since ancient
times, and some have managed to achieve it, using secrets that are said to be
available even to this day. More...
DATE OF 120 YEARS AS GENESIS TELLS US? by Carolyn Shield. Genesis 6:3:
"My Spirit will not strive (abide) with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet
his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. He got very close to beating
116-year-old Jiroemon Kimura of Japan as the oldest man to live. The oldest
woman living in the world is Misao Okawa of Japan at 115. None of them has
beaten yet the Genesis expiration date of 120 years. More...
TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!by Pat Regan. Amateur
radio operator, Steve Gibbon from Wales, recently featured in a bizarre UFO
account that I highlighted from the Welsh region. I suggest that readers surf
this link to find out how this intriguing state of affairs commenced. More...
LIFE ON MARS by Joseph White. There is
comprehensive evidence for life on Mars if you know where and how to look for
it. I and many other armchair explorers are finding everything from animals to
fossils, bones, skulls and even carved or manufactured objects. They can be
found in some of the images beamed down from the Mars Rover Curiosity. More...
ETS AND ANGELS by Barbara Becker. While widely known for her
music career, Devara ThunderBeat has a unique and powerful perspective on life
that she has rarely made public. In her insightful and alluring new book,
ThunderBeat shares her true experiences with ETs and Angels. More...
EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS may have been warning Cumbrians of a pending earthquake in
the Irish Sea, according to a study team. The North West UFO Research group says
sightings in the county soared in the run up to last months quake, leading to
claims the mysterious lights are predictions of upcoming tremors. Pat Regan,
founder of NWUR, says numerous strange goings on were reported across Barrow and
Maryport in the weeks prior to the August 25 quake. More... Also
Rojas. Janis Sharp, the mother of UFO hacker Gary McKinnon, is writing a
book about her 10 year plight to keep her son from being extradited to the
United States to spend the rest of his life in prison for hacking into
government computers. An attorney for the US called it the biggest military hack
of all time. More...
ON MARS!by Christian Macé. I indicated by black arrows where
there are these various geometric shapes, including a WHITE DOME. And I blew
those "THINGS", by indicating the red arrows. I've used Photofiltre to better
highlight the faires ... Many thanks to our friend on Facebook Manu, who
referred me to this very interesting picture, and working on these photos taken
by Curiosity: More...
Network (MUFON) of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce its 6th annual 2013 Fall
UFO Conference to be held Friday night October 4th and all day Saturday and
Sunday October 5 and 6. More...
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UFO Conspiracy: Unidentified Flying Objects have been recorded in various forms since the creating of man: crudely drawn on Stone Age murals, chiseled in Egy
One-hour documentary that features extraordinary UFO sightings and encounters. Providing a truly impartial Australian perspective on this fascinating subject
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Voyager 1 pikt vreemde geluiden op
Voyager 1 pikt vreemde geluiden op
Ruimtesonde Voyager 1 heeft ons zonnestelsel verlaten en is daarmee het eerste ruimteschip dat de interstellaire ruimte heeft bereikt.
Op het moment dat Voyager het zonnestelsel verliet pikte het vreemde geluiden op. Het duurde 17 uur voordat de geluiden de aarde bereikten.
De vreemde geluiden die zijn opgevangen door de instrumenten van de 36 jaar oude sonde blijken te worden veroorzaakt door plasmagolven in de ruimte.
Interstellair plasma
De plasmagolven kunnen in de ruimte niet worden gehoord, maar de frequenties ervan liggen binnen het bereik van het menselijk gehoor. De golven die zijn opgepikt door de antennes van de instrumenten kunnen worden versterkt en afgespeeld via een luidspreker.
Aan de hand van de geluiden konden wetenschappers bepalen dat Voyager interstellair plasma, geïoniseerd gas tussen sterren, passeerde.
De ontdekking van de vreemde geluiden en het feit dat Voyager de interstellaire ruimte had bereikt werd mede mogelijk gemaakt door een uitbarsting op de zon, waarna de sonde werd geraakt door een vlaag zonnewind.
Voyager 1 en 2 werden in 1977 gelanceerd. Beide ruimtevaartuigen vlogen langs de planeten Jupiter en Saturnus. Voyager 2 bezocht ook nog Uranus en Neptunus. De ruimtesonde is nu zon 15 miljard kilometer van de zon verwijderd. Voyager 1 bevindt zich op 19 miljard kilometer afstand. Naar verwachting zal de sonde tot 2020 gegevens blijven sturen.
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Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure needs your help to educate the masses and ignite change around the world! A crowd funding campaign has been launched to help fund the post-production cost for high quality DVD/Blu-ray Box sets. We need your help! Go to and join the movement today!
A Physicist Explains Why Scientists Wont Discuss UFOs | Truth Feed
For a very long time, the scientific community has been wary of studying UFOs, and the scientists themselves hesitate to talk about their beliefs of unexplained aerial phenomena.
LeBlanc Long but excellent video on crop circles. If you only have a short
time to review, go to the part that looks like a computer strip 1:01:15 I
believe. One of my goals for next year is to visit England to see them for
myself. Step one - getting knee fixed: done.
Una volta che si analizza il fenomeno cerchi nel grano,non si può
più essere scettici.
18-09-2013 om 20:13
geschreven door peter
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The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases & The Extraterrestrial Presence...
The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases & The Extraterrestrial Presence...
Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce. Dulce is located on the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado - New Mexico Border. It is home to about 3000 residents and is the capitol of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For as small and as insignificant as this remote location may sound, it became the center of controversy in the early 1980's. Physicist and inventor, Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce. His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations th at surround the base include human abductions ("alien abductions") by these extraterrestrial beings. He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation. Their plan, according to Conspiracy Theorists, is to control the government and gain ultimate control of the Earth by means of a New World Order. Stories have emerged regarding an untoward alliance between humans and the inhabitants of the Dulce base which include ties to shadow governments via secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Masons, the Bilderberg Group and the Skull and Bones.
Dulce is not the only place on earth where it is believed underground bases exist, but it is the one which has received the greatest notoriety in recent times. Subterranean bases, according to Conspira cy Theorists, can be found around the world with major active outposts all across the United States, Australia, Antarctica and South America. These bases are connected to each other via a series of channels which connect one base to another. There are even assertions that one of these tunnels leads to an active base beneath the Vatican which has been exerting control over western civilization for centuries.
A wealth of information regarding this subject has recently surfaced that seemingly reaches across vast extremes. And as strange as all of this may sound, could any of what they say be true? We turn to mythology in the search for answers. It must be stated before we move on, that mythology, like many of the claims that come from the UFO community is treated more like science fiction rather than fact. Traditional mythologists contend that the gods we f ind in myth represent the forces of nature or the creation of someone's vivid imagination. With that said, does mythology support these seemingly outlandish claims?
Stories of underground realms occupied by "the gods" pervade mythology. Depending on the culture, it has been called Hades, Tartarus, Xibalba, Duat, Patala and Hell. These "homes of the gods", are not always found deep within the earth, but are sometimes described as being within a mountain or deep beneath the waters of the earth. Access to their domain, regardless of locality, is often described as located through the mouth of a cave. The entrance may appear open at one time and then disappear from view completely and instantaneously. The inhabitants of these underground realms did not desire to be visited by unwanted nor unexpecte d company, yet access was granted to select individuals.
According to ancient texts, entrance into the underworld was anything but easy. The Mayan Popul Vuh, for example, describes the route taken by the hero brothers Hunhun-Ahpu and Vukub-Hunapu. It tells of a steep descent into the home of the Lords of Xibalba and the many challenges they had to face. Similarly, texts such as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead, describe the path by which the deceased god-King must travel to enter Duat. Like the Popul Vuh, the path is fraught with challenges the individual must pass in order to enter the realm of the dead, the underworld. The Vishnu Purana states that the deepest level of the underworld, Patala, can be found 70,000 yojanas beneath the surface of the earth. Gilgamesh, in the epic bearing his name, is described as traveling twel ve leagues in the dense darkness until he arrived in the light filled chamber of the underworld.
The underground domains of the gods are described as filled with houses or vast halls where thousands of individuals could assemble. Fountains, plants, tall grasses, trees and animals of all kinds filled this land. The divine ascetic, Narada, who is featured in the Vishnu Purana claims to have visited Patala. "Patala was much more charming than heaven. He exclaimed "What can be compared with Patala where Nagas (serpents) are adorned with beautiful and brilliant and pleasure-diffusing gems? This region is embellished with the daughters of Daityas and Danavas.".
Similar descriptions of the underground/underwater homes of the gods are scattered through mythology. The home of the Sumerian fertility god Enki, which is located in the watery deep, is described as having his house built of gold, silver and lapis lazuli. Even writers, such as Greek philosopher Plato, echo this notion. He believed that the earth was littered with a number of hollows that were full of water, air, trees, fruits and flowers.
Surprisingly, Plato confirms yet another claim made by modern UFOlogy. Plato goes on to state that these hollows were connected to one another by subterranean channels. But Plato isn't the only one who refers to tunnels that lie beneath the surface of the ear th. Inca legends tell of vast networks of tunnels that crisscross the length and breadth of the planet, complete with underground cities. When Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors entered Peru, they kidnapped the Inca emperor Atahualpha and held him for ransom. They demanded enough gold to fill a room in return for Atahualpha's release. Pizarro's men heard rumors that the Inca gold was being held in a vast network of subterranean tunnels. The tunnels were thousands of years old and ran for miles beneath the Inca capitol. In more recent years adventurers who have hazarded into the caverns beneath Cusco entered but were never seen again. One man actually did make it out of the tunnels alive and he brought with him two bars of gold. According to officials he had gone mad. The entrances to the tunnels were then walled up for safety's sake - at least that is the official story. The Apache Indians report that their ancestors took refuge in ancient tunnels during a cataclysmic disaster on the earth. They wandered these immense passageways for years carrying the seeds for life in the new world.
But what about the other claim made by UFOlgists regarding these bases being used for genetic engineering? According to their assertions it is in the lowest level, the 7th level, of the Dulce base that the extraterrestrials are engaging in this kind of experimentation.
Again, mythology supports this premise. Native American tribes across the country are the most vocal when it comes to this topic. The Jicarilla Apache (whose headquarters is in Dulce), the Navaho and Hopi Indians have long-standing traditions of man's creation and emergence from beneath the surface of the earth. The Algonquians recount "Thus did the lowermost world-cave become overfilled with living things, full of unfinished creatures, crawling like reptiles over one another in dark blackness." In this matter they do not stand alone. Berosus, a Babylonian priest, tells of the hideous creatures that inhabit this underground realm. He described men who had one body but two heads, some with the legs and horns of a goat and even some with the hind quarters of a horse and the body of a man. "In short, there were creatures in which were combined the limbs of every species of animal."
These genetic experiments are, according to reports from UFO advocates, being conducted by a grou p of reptilian beings in the lowest levels of the base. Thomas Castello, a former senior security officer at the base, testified that the base at Dulce is a seven level underground facility with the lower levels described as a series of natural caverns. It was believed by Castello that these caverns were used by different extraterrestrial races in our remote past. In Hindu cosmology, the Naga (serpents) once lived on earth, but the great god Brahma sent them to live under the sea and in the seventh level of their underground realm called Patala. In the Sumerian Inana's Descent To The Nether World, Inana is required to pass through seven gates to finally reach the bowels of the underworld. Aztec legend says that Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, went to Mictlan, the Aztec Underworld, and created mankind using his own blood and the bones of the previous race. Throughout mythology the act of creating humanity is always associated with a specific group of gods, the fertility gods. Fertility gods around the world are traditionally depicted as reptilian or amphibious in nature and appear in art as a blend between a man and a fish or a man and a snake.
A number of individuals also argue the Reptilian's true agenda is to control us, with the objective to dominate the planet. They cite the development of a New World Order. Proponents of this theory believe that the Reptilians, or the byproduct of their genetic manipulation experiments, intend to take control of the earth's surface. This takeover is being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group which includes many of the world's wealthiest people. Some claim members of this elite group are actually genetically related to each other. Their goal is to have every man, woman and child on the earth obedient to their covert agenda. The Reptilians are also accused of wanting to reduce the population on the earth and are employing weapons such as chemt rails, GMO's, vaccinations and man-made viruses to reduce our numbers. It is contended that it is easier to control 500,000 or a million individuals than it is the 7 billion who currently live on the earth.
A look into mythology relative to this claim does have a few pillars of support. The idea of culling the human population on Earth is not a modern concept. In the Sumerian Epic of Atrahasis we find a story where the gods do just that! Twelve hundred years after the creation of mankind the number of people who inhabited the Earth grew. Their "noise" disturbed the Sky god Enlil's sleep. Enlil decided to send a plague in order reduce the population. This worked for a while but when another 1200 years passed the populati on had grown again and Enlil was once more bothered by the noise. This time, in order to decrease their numbers, he gets the Thunder-rain god Adad to hold back the rains and the world suffered from a great drought where vast numbers died. The population continues to grow, and by the time another 1200 years pass the noise became too much for Enlil to bear. Wanting to alleviate his problem he tells the gods to hold back all of nature's gifts. This went on for six years and as the texts describe, the people of Earth were reduced to cannibalism in order to survive. The Fertility god, Enki, tried to save the people from starvation. This angered Enlil even more. Finally Enlil, in an act of vengeance, decided to destroy mankind once and for all. He planned to do this by flooding the world. Enki, once again steped in and saved humanity from total annihilation. He warned Atrahasis of the impending flood and told him t o build a boat to save himself and his family.
Torrents of theories have come forward as we seek the truth regarding our place in the universe. Mythology does lend itself to support a number of these claims. It is difficult to determine if the creators of these theories based their conjecture using myth as their foundation, first hand experiences, or, something else. What does seem evident is that much of the information UFO researchers are bringing to light does parallel the myths and legends that have passed to us from antiquity. Bringing this idea full circle; if the stories being unearthed in the UFO community were not based on mythological sources, yet mythology su pports these claims, then the stories of our distant past may have a basis in fact. It implies that the gods were living breathing beings who walked the earth in our remote past, created man and played an essential role in the development of life and culture on the planet.
- See more at:
In November (05) I sent the
following correspondence to Frank Drake:
Dear Mr. Drake,
Back in
July a colleague of yours, Seth Shostak debated Stanton Friedman on the idea
that some UFOs are indeed ET spacecraft; Friedman took the "pro position" and
Shostak of course opposed the notion.
One thing the two men agreed upon
was that they both adhered to the concept of intelligent life existing in the
universe. As the debate progressed Shostak took issue with the evidence that
Ufologists in general present for their theoremthis brings me to my
It would seem that most of the ideologies presented today from
mainstream Astronomers e.g., extra-solar planets, rogue planets, black holes
etc., are based on circumstantial evidence; for example, the idea of
extra-solar planets is deduced by a stars wobble; my observation, as well
as the question, is why the guidelines for Astronomers in regards to evidence is
acceptable in their field but they wont apply the same rules to
I would certainly appreciate your thoughts on the evidence or
data methodologies used in Astronomy, and why said methodologies dont seem to
be adequate for Ufology.
Thank You, Respectfully, Frank
He kindly responded:
Well, it is hard to give a
short answer to your query.
However, the rules of evidence for mainstream
astronomy and UFOlogy are actually the same.In both cases we look for
well-observed, calibrated data, which can be verified by repeat observations or
experiments, best done by more than one observer.
All the astronomical
claims of actual existence you mention are supported by such solid, repeatable
evidence. The wobbles in stars are seen to repeat, and to follow a complicated
pattern which fits precisely the wobble expected when a star is being pulled on
by a planet moving with a changing speed in an elliptical orbit. This is a very
definitive requirement, which is met precisely by the observations. Furthermore,
in some cases there is more than the wobble to go onthe light of the star is
decreased by just the right amount and with the complex time history expected if
the planet passes in front of the star. And it repeats as it should. So there is
no doubt here.
Some things are still speculations, of course. Rogue
planets are one. There are no observations of such a planet. But it is fair to
speculate they exist from our growing modeling of what takes place as a
planetary system is formed, and the prediction from this modeling that some
planets will be ejected from the system. Indeed, it would be amazing if this did
not occur.
When it comes to UFO reports, none of the evidence criterion
are satisfied. No observations can be repeated. None has ever been definitively
recorded. So the rigid standards of science are far from met. As Carl Sagan
said, "Grand claims require grand evidence", and that evidence is not
Frank Drake
I replied:
FW: Dear Mr. Drake, Thank you for you for your
expeditious reply to my inquiry.
FD: Hi:
Well, it is hard to give a short
answer to your query. Actually I was looking forward to a "detailed
explanation." However, the rules of evidence for mainstream astronomy and
UFOlogy are actually the same. In both cases we look for well-observed,
calibrated data, which can be verified by repeat observations or experiments,
best done by more than one observer.
FW: Allow me to play devil's advocate based on
your affirmation of equality in regards to evidentiary protocol of Astronomy and
FD: All the astronomical
claims of actual existence you mention are supported by such solid, repeatable
evidence. The wobbles in stars are seen to repeat, and to follow a complicated
pattern which fits precisely the wobble expected when a star is being pulled on
by a planet moving with a changing speed in an elliptical orbit. This is a very
definitive requirement, which is met precisely by the observations. Furthermore,
in some cases there is more than the wobble to go onthe light of the star is
decreased by just the right amount and with the complex time history expected if
the planet passes in front of the star. And it repeats as it should. So there is
no doubt here.
FW: To be clear,
(from a layman's [me] point of view) since we have "empirical evidence" of our
own sun's orbit presumably being affected by the gravity (pull) of Jupiter (and
other large planets in our own solar system), and the orbit (wobble) seems to be
directly proportional to the mass of said planet; we therefore can presume the
"same effect" takes place in other solar systems, with their stars, and although
we cannot see the planets, we can observe the wobble, via "Doppler Shift" etc.
Since the "wobble" is directly proportional to the "mass of a planet" (at least
it appears to be here, in our solar system) we can determine the mass of said
planet by mathematical equation.
In addition to the wobble of a distant
star, going on the assumption that it is indeed a planet's gravity causing the
wobble, one could assume that if said planet were to cross between the earth and
the star being observed, the light from the star would be measurably
You finally, state, that "there is no doubt here." I take
that to mean that this is going "beyond theory" and is accepted as fact . . .
First I'd like to state that the "circumstantial (indirect)
evidence" put on the table for "extra-solar planets" is more then enough "for
me," for validation of their existence; however, playing "Devil's
1). Can we state emphatically that there aren't "other forces"
in the universe that aren't currently known that would "mimic the pull" caused
by gravity of a "Jupiter sized planet?" Could another "space borne" object of
the same mass cause the wobble?
2). Are there other actions that could
affect "Doppler Shift," or any other form of detection in the same manner that
"star wobble" does, e.g., pulsations etc.?
3). Given the fact that the
most detection methods of "extra-solar planets" is relatively new, (with
technology expanding by leaps and bounds) and not without controversy, i.e.,
("Barnard's Star and possible planetary bodies, David Gray's disputation of 51
Peg,") isn't possible that either "new information" could surface, or the
interpretation of the data may change, and affect the current
IMHO if the answers to any of the afore mentioned questions
is "unknown" or "it's possible," then that would leave "some" doubt, albeit
little to the "absolute existence" of extra-solar planets based on the current
methodologies used for their reality; that said, what we're left with is strong
"circumstantial evidence" in support of the "theory" of extra-solar
FD: Some things are
still speculations, of course. Rogue planets are one. There are no observations
of such a planet. But it is fair to speculate they exist from our growing
modeling of what takes place as a planetary system is formed, and the prediction
from this modeling that some planets will be ejected from the system. Indeed, it
would be amazing if this did not occur.
FW: Agreed.
FD: When it comes to UFO reports, none of the
evidence criterion are satisfied. No observations can be repeated. None has ever
been definitively recorded. So the rigid standards of science are far from met.
As Carl Sagan said, "Grand claims require grand evidence", and that evidence is
not there.
FW: Here I have to
respectfully disagree; you stated that the criterion for the rules of evidence
for mainstream astronomy and UFOlogy are actually the same. In both cases we
look for:
1). Well-observed, calibrated data.
2). Verification by
repeat observations or experiments.
3). Multiple observers.
let me clarify some points: The bulk of UFO reports over the last 60 years after
thorough investigation, can be attributed to more conventional explanations,
e.g., known aircraft, celestial bodies etc.; however, the ones addressed here
are the smaller percentage that cannot be explained in a conventional
The ones I speak of are of an "unknown airborne craft" that
exhibit characteristics beyond man-made technologies. It is true, that this
phenomena can't for the most part be repeated "on demand" it is a "transient
uncontrollable unpredictable event"; however, it certainly does repeat, and
observations are to numerous to count. It of course isn't the same as observing
a "fixed celestial body" and doesn't have the same obvious advantages for
scientific research. It does/has re-occurred, often, and can/has been recorded
in a number of ways to allow for scientific investigation; for
1). In most cases involving a "craft" there is "direct
evidence," i.e., "eye witnesses.
2). The craft "occupies
3). It moves as time passes.
4). It emits "thermal
5). It exhibits light emission and absorption.
6). It
effects the atmosphere.
7). It can be photographed.
8). It has
left residual "after-effects," i.e., forensic evidence etc.
9). It has
caused electric, magnetic and gravitational disorders.
10). It has been
tracked by radar
The list goes on . . .
You've stated that none
(UFOs) have been "definitively recorded." This is inaccurate. UFOs, in this
instance "unknown craft" have been photographed, video taped, tracked by radar,
and those readings recorded. In addition, they have been pursued by "our
aircraft," and those of other countries.
Finally, "all" the criterion you
cite for evidence have been met for Ufology with one more addition, "eye
witnesses." One only need to look at the data. This is not to say that all the
questions have been answered; in fact, it evokes this one"why doesn't Ufology
receive that attention it deserves from mainstream science?"
You quoted
one of Carl Sagan's often used statements; I might add that he also said, "In
physics, as in much of all science, there are no permanent truths; there is a
set of approximations, getting closer and closer, and people must always be
ready to revise what has been in the past thought to be the absolute gospel
But back to the quote you mention, "grand claims require grand
evidence." Is what Ufologists suggest so grand, so far out? By your own device,
("Drake's Equation") you suggest the number of planets in our galaxy with
intelligent, technological civilizations. Is it so far out that one of these
civilizations is far more advanced then we, and have mastered space travel; or
travel in ways beyond our comprehension. Using our own technological advancement
as a baseline we have progressed in a few generations to what only our ancestors
could describe as "magic" given some examples; think what might and most
assuredly would happen in thousands of years, or more! I've always found it odd
that intelligent people admit to advance ETI, yet believe that when it comes to
traveling to earth--they (ET) "played hooky" from that class!
the evidence, the data, for a moment (regarding Ufology) and agreeing on the
common point(s) that there is "abundant intelligent life in the universe," the
question is not "are they here," but "why wouldn't they be?
I would like
to hear your thoughts on what I've presented, as well as my last question if you
would be so kind.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look
forward to your response.
Légende du Grand Canyon : la cité troglodyte perdue
Légende du Grand Canyon : la cité troglodyte perdue
Légende du Grand Canyon : la cité troglodyte perdue
Une ancienne civilisation aurait vécue dans des grottes sous le Grand Canyon ? C'est aussi vague qu'une déclaration demandant pourquoi certains des anciens peuples méso-américains représentaient leurs dieux comme des hommes blancs alors que les dieux olmèques semblaient africains. Etendre l'imagination ... peut-être que tout ce qu'on trouve dans les grottes du Grand Canyon décrites ci-dessous, est lié à la théorie des Ancient Aliens (théorie affirmant que des extra-terrestres ont habité la Terre et "éduqués" pour leurs intérêts la race humaine). Il est intéressant de spéculer sur les Egyptiens ou les Tibétains desservant le Grand Canyon avec des Vimanas anciens, mais, à ce jour, il n'existe aucune preuve tangible pour étayer ces allégations...
Secretsarchéologiques parDavidHatcherChildress
Peut-être que lasuppression (secret) la plus étonnantede toutes estl'excavation d'une tombe égyptienne par leSmithsonianlui-mêmedans l'Arizona.Une longue1ère page historique de la Gazette dePhoenixdu 5 Avril1909a présenté un rapporttrès détailléde la découverteet de l'excavationd'une voûtetaillée dans la rocheparune expédition menée parunprofesseurSAJordande laSmithsonian. LeSmithsonian, cependant, prétend n'avoirabsolument aucune connaissance dela découverteou de sesdécouvreurs...
Front page of The Phoenix Gazette of April 5th, 1909
Le World Explorers Club a décidé de vérifier cette histoire en appelant le Smithsonian à Washington, DC , mais nous avons senti qu'il y avait peu de chance d'obtenir quelconque information réelle. Après avoir parlé brièvement à un opérateur, nous avons été transférés à un archéologue du personnel du Smithsonian, et la voix d'une femme est venue au téléphone et s'est identifiée. Je lui ai dit que je faisais des recherches sur l'histoire de Phoenix et les articles des journaux de 1909 au sujet de l'Institut Smithsonien qui disent avoir fouillé des voûtes taillées dans la roche dans le Grand Canyon où des artefacts égyptiens avaient été découverts, et si l'Institut Smithsonian pourrait me donner plus d'information sur le sujet .
Elle dit : « La première chose que je peux vous dire, avant d'aller plus loin, c'est qu'aucun artefact égyptien de toute nature n'a déjà été trouvé dans le nord ou l'Amérique du Sud. Par conséquent, je peux vous dire que l'Institut Smithsonian n'a jamais été impliqué dans de telles fouilles. "
Elle était très serviable et polie, mais, à la fin, ne savait rien. Ni elle, ni personne d'autre avec qui j'ai parlé ne pouvait trouver aucune trace de la découverte ou que ce soit GE Kinkaid et le professeur S.A. Jordan. S'il ne peut être écarté que toute l'histoire soit un canular de journal, le fait qu'elle était sur la première page, a nommé le prestigieux Institut Smithsonian, et a donné un récit très détaillé qui a duré plusieurs pages, prête beaucoup à sa crédibilité.
Il est difficile de croire qu'une telle histoire aurait pu venir de nulle part. Si cette histoire est vraie, cela changerait radicalement la vue actuelle qu'il n'y a eu aucun contact transocéanique à l'époque pré-colombienne, et que tous les Indiens d'Amérique, sur les deux continents, descendent des explorateurs de l'Age de Glace qui ont traversé le détroit de Béring .
C'est l'idée que des Egyptiens venus dans la région de l'Arizona dans le passé antique est si répréhensible et absurde qu'elle doit être cachée ? Peut-être que l'Institut Smithsonien est plus intéressé à maintenir le statu quo que de faire des vagues avec une étonnante nouvelle de découvertes qui bouleversent les enseignements académiques précédemment acceptés . L'historien et linguiste Carl Hart, éditeur de Word Explorer, a pu obtenir une carte pour les randonneurs du Grand Canyon, à partir d'une librairie de Chicago.
Penchés sur la carte, nous avons été surpris de voir que beaucoup de la région sur le côté nord du canyon avait des noms égyptiens. La zone autour de Ninety-four Mile Creek et de Trinity Creek avait des zones (des formations rocheuses, apparemment) avec des noms comme Tour de Set, Tour de Ra , Temple d'Horus, Temple d'Osiris et Temple d'Isis.
Dans la zone du Canyon Haunted il y a des noms tels que la pyramide de Khéops, le Cloître de Bouddha, le Temple du Bouddha, Manu Temple et Temple de Shiva. Il y a-t-il une relation entre ces lieux et les prétendues découvertes égyptiennes dans le Grand Canyon ?
Nous avons appelé un archéologue de l'Etat au Grand Canyon, et il a dit que les premiers explorateurs devaient aimer les noms égyptiens et hindous, mais il est vrai que cette zone était interdite aux randonneurs ou d'autres visiteurs, en raison des cavernes dangereuses.
En effet, toute cette zone avec les noms de lieux égyptiens et hindous dans le Grand Canyon est une zone interdite - nul n'est autorisé dans cette grande surface. Nous ne pouvions qu'en conclure que c'était l'endroit où se trouvaient les voûtes. Pourtant, aujourd'hui encore, cette région est curieusement hors-limites de tous les randonneurs et même, en grande partie, du personnel du parc.
Je crois que le lecteur averti verra que si seulement une petite partie de la preuve "Smithsoniangate" est vraie, alors notre institut archéologique le plus sacré a été activement impliqué dans la suppression de preuves sur des cultures américaines avancées, des preuves de voyages antiques de diverses cultures vers le Nord Amérique, la preuve de géants et d'autres objets excentriques, et la preuve qui tend à infirmer le dogme officiel qui est maintenant l'histoire de l'Amérique du Nord.
Le conseil des gouverneurs de l'Institut Smithsonien refuse toujours d'ouvrir ses réunions aux médias ou au public. Si les Américains n'ont jamais été autorisés à l'intérieur du "grenier de la nation", comme le Smithsonian a été appelé, quels squelettes pourraient-ils y trouver ?
Rapport deG.E.Kinkaid
GEKinkaidcroyait êtrela premièrepersonne de race blanchenéedans l'Idaho.Il a étéun explorateur etun chasseurtoute sa vie,30 annéesde travailà l'InstitutSmithsonien.Voici des extraitsde son journalde ses aventuresprésumées dansla grotte.
" Jevoyageaissur le fleuveColoradodans un bateau, seul,à la recherche deminéraux.A quelque 42miles (67 km) en haut de larivièredu El Tovar Crystal Canyon,j'ai remarqué,sur le mur est, des taches danslaformation sédimentaireà environ 2.000 pieds(610 mètres) au-dessus dulit de la rivière.Il n'y avaitpas de pisteàce moment,mais j'ai pu finalementl'atteindreavecgrande difficulté. "
Cettefalaiseest censé êtrel'emplacement de l'entrée de la grotteà la mystérieusecitadelle souterraine.
" L'entrée est à 1,486pieds (453 m) au-delà du murducanyon.Au-dessusd'uneavancéequi le cachaità la vuede la rivière, se trouvait l'entrée de la grotte.Ily a des escaliers menantàcetteentréeà une trentaine demètresdece qui étaità l'époquele niveau dela rivière.
Quand j'ai vu lescoups de ciseausurla paroi internede l'entrée,je m'y suis intéressé.J'ai armémon fusil, je suis entré.
J'ai rassembléun certain nombre dereliques,que je transportaispar laColoradojusqu'àYuma,d'oùje les aiexpédiées àWashingtonavec les détails dela découverte.Par la suite,d'autresexplorationsont été menées.Assezintéresséssontdevenus les scientifiques,au point que des préparatifssont en cours pouréquipernotrecamppourdes études approfondies, le nombred'archéologuesest en augmentationde30 à 40. "
" Du long passage principal, une autre chambre de mammouth (géante) a été découverte à partir de laquelle rayonne des marques de passages, comme les rayons d'une roue.
Plusieurs centaines de pièces ont été découvertes, atteintes par des passages allant du passage principal, l'un d'entre eux ayant été exploré sur 854 pieds (260 m) et un autre sur 634 pieds (193 m). Les découvertes récentes incluent des artefacts qui n'ont jamais été connus comme originaires de ce pays, et sans doute qu'ils avaient leur origine en Orient. Des armes de guerre, des instruments de cuivre, acérés et durs comme l'acier, indiquent l'état de civilisation atteint par ces personnes.
Le passage principal est d'environ 12 pieds (3,70 m) de large, se rétrécissant à neuf pieds (2,70 m) vers la fin plus loin. Environ à 57 mètres de l'entrée, la première branche secondaire passe à droite et à gauche, le long de laquelle, des deux côtés, un certain nombre de pièces de la taille de pièces de vie ordinaires d'aujourd'hui, même si certaines sont de 30 par 40 pieds carrés (9 par 12 mètres carrés). Elles sont ouvertes par des portes de forme ovale et sont aérées par des trous d'air ronds à travers les murs dans les passages. Les murs sont d'environ trois pieds six pouces d'épaisseur (1,07 m).
Les passages sont ciselés ou taillés aussi droits que pourraient l'être aménagés par un ingénieur. Les plafonds de la plupart des chambres convergent vers un centre. Les passages secondaires partant près de l'entrée prennent à un angle aigu par rapport à la salle principale, mais vers l'arrière ils l'atteignent progressivement par un bon angle dans la direction. "
Jack Andrew (c) 2001-reconstitution
" A plus d'une centaine mètres de l'entrée est le Hall en Croix, de plusieurs centaines de mètres de long, dans lequel on trouve l'idole, ou l'image, du dieu du peuple, assis les jambes croisées, avec une fleur de lotus ou de nénuphar dans chaque main. La forme du visage est oriental. L'idole ressemble presque à Bouddha, bien que les scientifiques ne sont pas certains du culte religieux qu'il représente. Prenant en considération tout ce qu'on a trouvé à ce jour, il est possible que ce culte ressemble le plus à l'ancien peuple du Tibet.
Autour de cette idole se trouvent de petites figurines, dont certaines très belles dans leurs formes, d'autres avec des formes tordues et déformées, symboliques, probablement, du bien et du mal. Il y a deux grands cactus, les bras en saillie, un de chaque côté de l'estrade sur laquelle repose le Dieu. Tout cela est gravé dans le marbre ressemblant à du rocher dur.
Dans le coin opposé de ce Hall en Croix a été trouvé des outils de toutes sortes, en cuivre. Ces gens connaissaient sans doute l'art perdu de durcir ce métal, qui a été tenté par des produits chimiques pendant des siècles sans résultats.
Sur un banc qui court autour de la salle de travail était un peu de charbon et d'autres matières probablement utilisées dans le processus. Il y a également des scories et des trucs similaires à du métal, montrant que ces anciens ont fondu des minerais, mais jusqu'ici, aucune trace d'où ni comment cela a été fait n'a été découverte, ni sur l'origine du minerai.
Parmi les autres découvertes sont des vases ou des urnes et des tasses de cuivre et d'or, très artistiques dans leur conception. Le travail sur la poterie comprend de la céramique émaillée et des récipients vitrifiés.
Un autre passage mène aux greniers comme on en trouve dans les temples orientaux. Ils contiennent des graines de toutes sortes. Un très grand entrepôt n'a pas encore été fouillé, comme il est de douze pieds de haut (3 m 70) et ne peut être atteint que par le haut.
Deux crochets de cuivre dépassent du bord, ce qui indique qu'une sorte d'échelle avait été fixée. Ces greniers sont arrondis, comme les matériaux dont ils sont construits, que je pense être un ciment très dur. Un métal gris se trouve également dans cette caverne, qui choque les scientifiques, son identité n'a pas été établie. Il ressemble à du platine. Parsemé pêle-mêle sur le sol partout se trouvent ce que les gens appellent des « yeux de chat », une pierre jaune sans grande valeur. Chacune est gravée avec une tête du type malais. "
" Sculptés surtoutes lesurnes, au-dessus des porteset des tablettesde pierre,se trouvent demystérieuxhiéroglyphes,la clé quel'InstitutSmithsonienespèrait découvrir.Lesgravures surles tablettes ont probablement quelque choseà voir avec lareligiondu peuple.Des Hiéroglyphessimilairesont été trouvésdans le sud del'Arizona.
Parmi lesuvres picturales, seuls deuxanimaux se trouvent-l'un d'euxressemble à un animalpréhistorique. "
Jack Andrew (c) 2001-reconstitution
" Le tombeau ou crypte dans laquelle les momies ont été trouvées est l'une des plus importantes des chambres, avec les murs inclinés en arrière à un angle d'environ 35 degrés. Sur des niveaux il y a des momies, chacune occupant une tablette taillée séparée. A la tête de chacune est un petit banc, sur lequel on trouve des tasses de cuivre et des pièces d'épées brisées. Certaines de ces momies sont recouvertes d'argile et toutes sont enveloppées dans un manteau d'écorce.
Les urnes ou les découpes aux niveaux inférieurs sont grossières, tandis que quand les niveaux élevés sont atteints, les urnes sont plus fines dans leur conception, montrant un stade ultérieur de la civilisation. Il est intéressant de noter que toutes les momies examinées jusqu'ici se sont révélés être des hommes, pas d'enfants ou de femmes étant enterrés ici. Cela conduit à la conviction que cette section extérieure était la caserne des guerriers.
Parmi les découvertes, aucun os d'animaux n'ont été trouvés, aucune peau, pas de vêtements, pas de literie. La plupart des chambres sont nues mais pour des récipients d'eau.
Une chambre, d'environ 40 (12 m) par 700 pieds (213 m), était probablement la salle à manger principale, puisque des ustensiles de cuisine sont disponibles ici. Que ces gens vivaient ici est un problème, si on suppose qu'ils sont venus du sud en hiver et faisaient de l'élevage dans les vallées, et en allant vers le nord en été.
Au moins 50.000 personnes ont pu vivre dans ces cavernes confortablement. Une théorie est que les actuelles tribus indiennes trouvées en Arizona sont les descendants des serfs ou des esclaves des gens qui ont habité la grotte.
Sans doute un bon plusieurs milliers d'années avant l'ère chrétienne, un peuple vivait ici, qui a atteint un haut degré de civilisation. La chronologie de l'histoire humaine est pleine de lacunes.
Une chose dont je n'ai pas parlé, ayant peut-être un intérêt. Il y a une chambre de passage qui n'est pas ventilée, et quand nous l'avons approchée, une mauvaise odeur de mort nous a frappé. Notre lumière ne pouvait pas pénétrer dans la salle, et jusqu'à ce que de plus fortes soient disponibles, nous ne saurons pas ce que la chambre contient. Certains disent qu'il y a des serpents, mais d'autres pensent qu'elle peut contenir un gaz ou des produits chimiques utilisés par les anciens. On n'entend aucun son, mais ça sent mauvais tout de même.
L'ensemble de l'installation souterraine donne des nerfs fragiles ou la chair de poule. Le sentiment sombre d'avoir comme un poids sur ses épaules, et nos lampes de poche et nos bougies font seulement rendre moins noire l'obscurité. L'imagination peut se vautrer dans des conjectures et rêveries impies à travers les âges qui se sont écoulés, jusqu'à ce que les circuits de votre esprit vous mènent vertigineusement dans l'espace. "
Une Légende Indienne
Jack Andrew (c) 2001-reconstitution
Dans le cadre de cette histoire, il est à noter que parmi les Indiens Hopi, la tradition raconte que leurs ancêtres ont vécu dans un monde souterrain dans le Grand Canyon, jusqu'à dissension s'éleva entre le bon et le mauvais, les gens d'un seul cur et les habitants de deux coeurs. Machetto, qui était leur chef, leur conseilla de quitter le monde souterrain, mais il n'y avait pas d'issue. Le chef a ensuite provoqué la croissance d'un arbre et a percé le toit de la grotte, et puis les gens avec un seul cur sont sortis. Ils passèrent par Paisisvai (Red River), qui est le Colorado, et ont semé le grain et le maïs.
Ils ont envoyé un messager au Temple du Soleil, demandant la bénédiction de la paix, de bonne volonté et de la pluie pour les personnes d'un seul cur. Ce messager ne revint jamais, mais aujourd'hui, dans les villages Hopi, au coucher du soleil peut être vu les vieillards de la tribu sur les toits, regardant fixement vers le soleil, à la recherche du messager. Quand il reviendra, leurs terres et ancien lieu d'habitation seront restitués. C'est la tradition.
Parmi les gravures d'animaux de la grotte est considérée l'image d'un coeur au-dessus de l'endroit où il se trouvait. La légende a été apprise par W.E. Rollins, l'artiste, au cours d'une année passée avec les Indiens Hopi.
Il y a deux théories sur l'origine des Egyptiens. La première est qu'ils venaient d'Asie ; l'autre que le berceau de la race était dans la région du Haut-Nil. Heeren, un égyptologue, croyait à l'origine indienne des Egyptiens. Les découvertes dans le Grand Canyon peuvent jeter un nouvel éclairage sur l'évolution humaine et de la préhistoire...
Possible localisation de la cité troglodyte perdue :
Marble Canyon a obtenu son nom du Major John Wesley Powell, qui, en Août 1869, écrit dans son journal sur des "falaises de marbre", qui contenaient "un grand nombre de grottes". Il est important de noter ici que Powell a déclaré que Marble Canyon contenait "un grand nombre de grottes". La «citadelle» dont Kincaid parle dans son histoire est dans une "grotte".
Depuis ces temps, de nombreuses grottes de Powell ont été notées ou découvertes dans la région de Marble Canyon, y compris la grotte de Stanton, une grande grotte dans la formation de Redwall au kilomètre (mile) 31,7 et un important site archéologique (ref : Robert C. Euler, Editor, The Archaeology, Geology, and Paleobiology of Stanton's Cave, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (Grand Canyon Natural History Association Monograph Number 6, 1984)
Stanton's cave in Marble Canyon, Grand canyon, Arizona
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this Site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
Notez bien que les recherches continuent toujours de nos jours.
Arizona : Brice Canyon et ses grottes (juste un exemple de ce qui a été trouvé et "officialisé")
Off The Top Of His Hat! Some Scientist This Professor Is!
of Nebraska-Lincoln physics professor Timothy Gay "can guarantee the
non-existence of extraterrestrials, and suspects the Towercam footage was a
government aircraft of some sort, or perhaps an odd lens reflection."
UFO Seen By KLKN Meteorologist In Nebraska Still Unidentified,
The triangular-shaped, flashing object appears to be floating above
Lincoln Nebraska. By the time the sun comes up the Towercam is unable to see
the object. Meteorologist Sean McMullen says it was visible for about 45
minutes. A Channel 8 viewer captured similar footage. The Sighting is possibly
connected with a sighting in Kansas City Missouri.
The body of a perfectly preserved, carefully mummified an alien was found buried in an ancient pyramid. A mysterious creature from between 150 and 160 centimeters was found by an archaeologist near Lahun when exploring a small pyramid near the Dynasty doceaba of Senusret II. However, this fact was not revealed immediately. The mummy of what appears to be an alien, dates back more than 2000 years and it seems it would be a humanoid said a source at the Egyptian Antiquities Department, who provided details and photographs of the find but did so under condition anonymity.
These remains like an alien strangers have created much controversy in the world.
Some online sources said that this is a species-being for its fur and reptilian traits that characterize them, such as their eyes, too large and oval shaped. Inscriptions on the tomb of the mummy showed that the king was a counselor named Osirunet, meaning star or sent from heaven. The mummified body was buried with great respect and care, accompanied by a number of strange objects far from the archaeological museum managers can not identify.
According to Egyptian sources, the alien mummy was discovered by Dr. Viktor Lubek, Czechoslovakian citizen and retired professor of the University of Pennsylvania. Archaeologist located the hidden compartment while conducting an investigation into a small pyramid south of the main pyramid, Senusret II, which contains the queen of the pharaoh. At the site also found some gold and clay mixtures covering the body, and traces of cloth linen like appearance, the skin covering the enigmatic being.
Objects containing the tomb include artifacts made of a synthetic type resist that nobody could identify. No one has found similar elements in other Egyptian tombs, so the discovery would greatly importanca for current archeology.
The anonymous messenger which has obtained the information, also said that the discovery has caused great consternation among Egyptian officials, who want to keep it hidden until a plausible explanation for the strange mummy. The government has consulted a number of respected archaeologists, but to date none can explain the finding in ordinary terms.
The truth is, that every expert who has seen the mummy have concluded that it is not of earthly origin, said the source. There is a sense that this is an alien who somehow ended up advising an Egyptian king. But everyone in the government is moving away from that conclusion that would support the new ideas that the ancient Egyptians had help from aliens in building their extraordinary civilization. The Egyptians refuse to believe that their heritage came from outer space.
- See more at:
Earlier this year, a group of scientists claimed with certainty that tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in late December 2012, are proof of extraterrestrial life. A paper was published in the Journal of Cosmology (1)(3) by Chandra Wickramasinghe. Wickramasinghe is the director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in the U.K. The study was conducted alongside researchers at the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University and from the Medical Research Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
They found a microstructure and morphology characteristic of a wide class of terrestrial diatoms. The group concluded that the presence of structures of this kind in any extraterrestrial setting could be constructed as unequivocal proof of biology. Cardiff University was asked to proof-check and analyze the findings, which it did, concluding that the samples were unequivocally meteorites and that the analysis of the material structure showed that algae-like fossils were native to it.
This is the first-ever evidence of extraterrestrial life found in a celestial body. The researchers used sophisticated methods like X-ray diffraction, triple oxygen isotope analysis and scanning electron microscopy.
In 1962, Hoyle and I pioneered the theory of carbon grains in space to replace the old ice grain theory. This was vehemently resisted by the astronomical community at the outset, but with the dawn of infrared spectroscopy, the ice grain theory gave way to the carbon dust theory. Over a few years, after a great deal of model-fitting, we came to the conclusion that material similar to biomaterial fitted all the available data in astronomy. We considered the possibility that microbiology had a universal character, and no observations in astronomy or new information from biology has provided contrary evidence.If only ideas that are considered orthodox are given support through award of grans or publication opportunities, it is certain that the progress of science will be stifled as it was throughout the middle ages Wickramsinghe
English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle along with Wickramasinghe co-developed a theory known as panspermia, which suggests that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed by meteoroids and asteroids. Its quite a synchronicity that this meteorite found in Sri Lanka happened to fall in their lap, potentially proving their theory correct.
We conclude that the identification of fossilized diatoms in the Polonnaruwa meteorite is firmly established and unimpeachable. Since this meteorite is considered to be an extinct commentary fragment, the idea of microbial life carried within comets and the theory of cometary panspermia is thus vindicated. This was also the guess of the Sri Lankan geologists who first looked at the rock. I personally have no doubt whatsoever that this was a stone that fell from the skies Wickramsinghe
This isnt the first time that extraterrestrial life has been confirmed, according to Wickramasinghe. In an earlier paper (2) that he co-authored in 2012 titled Non-terrestrial origin of life: a transformative research paradigm shift where the abstract reads:
Theories and hypotheses in science are continually subject to verification, critical re-evaluation, revision and indeed evolution, in response to new observations and discoveries. Theories of the origin of life have been more constrained than other scientific theories and hypotheses in this regard, through the force of social and cultural pressures. There has been a tendency to adhere too rigidly to a class of theory that demands a purely terrestrial origin of life. For nearly five decades evidence in favour of a non-terrestrial origin of life and panspermia has accumulated which has not been properly assessed. A point has now been reached that demands the serious attention of biologists to a possibly transformative paradigm shift of the question of the origin of life, with profound implications across many disciplines Wickramsinghe
Just to reiterate, these scientists are claiming to have found fossilized biological structures in a Sri Lankan meteorite of extraterrestrial origin. The researchers say that tiny algae-like fossils found in meteorite fragments could not have originated on our planet. There have been critics that say the stone was of terrestrial origin, and the study addressees these concerns and debunks them with scientific evidence (1)(3).
Extraterrestrial Life and Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life
This is a very significant finding, its the first time that a direct scientific find of extraterrestrial life can be confirmed. You would think that it would make major headlines, but unfortunately it didnt. As illustrated in an earlier paper (2), a point has now been reached that demands the serious attention of biologists to a possibly transformative paradigm shift on the question about the origin of life. Its well known that theories about the origin of life have been very constrained, more so than other scientific theories and hypotheses due to the force of social and cultural pressures(2). The question of extraterrestrial life, and even beyond that, intelligent extraterrestrial life is currently playing a large role in a massive and transformative paradigm shift that is currently occurring on our planet.
On one hand, we have mainstream science looking for signs for extraterrestrial life, on the other hand we have a very large amount of evidence to suggest that intelligent extraterrestrial life has already been discovered -and that this shocking paradigm shifting information has been concealed from the public for over 70 years. I use this clip a lot, but its a great statement made by a researcher who examined the subject from the perspective that not only has extraterrestrial life been discovered, but intelligent extraterrestrial life exists and is engaging with this planet and the human race. What do you think?
A lot of this evidence has been provided and written about by many. Collective Evolution has multiple articles that provide official documentation as well as witness testimony from multiple sources. For more on the intelligent extraterrestrial life debate, please visit our Exopolitics section under our Alternative News tab.
12, 2013: NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft officially is the first
human-made object to venture into interstellar space. The 36-year-old probe is
about 12 billion miles (19 billion kilometers) from our sun.
and unexpected data indicate Voyager 1 has been traveling for about one year
through plasma, or ionized gas, present in the space between stars. Voyager is
in a transitional region immediately outside the solar bubble, where some
effects from our sun are still evident. A report on the analysis of this new
data, an effort led by Don Gurnett and the plasma wave science team at the
University of Iowa, Iowa City, is published in Thursday's edition of the journal
new NASA video describes how Voyager 1 crossed the threshold into Interstellar
Space.Play it
that we have new, key data, we believe this is mankind's historic leap into
interstellar space," said Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist based at the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. "The Voyager team needed time to
analyze those observations and make sense of them. But we can now answer the
question we've all been asking -- 'Are we there yet?' Yes, we are."
1 first detected the increased pressure of interstellar space on the
heliosphere, the bubble of charged particles surrounding the sun that reaches
far beyond the outer planets, in 2004. Scientists then ramped up their search
for evidence of the spacecraft's interstellar arrival, knowing the data analysis
and interpretation could take months or years.
1 does not have a working plasma sensor, so scientists needed a different way to
measure the spacecraft's plasma environment to make a definitive determination
of its location. A coronal mass ejection, or a massive burst of solar wind and
magnetic fields, that erupted from the sun in March 2012 provided scientists the
data they needed. When this unexpected gift from the sun eventually arrived at
Voyager 1's location 13 months later, in April 2013, the plasma around the
spacecraft began to vibrate like a violin string. On April 9, Voyager 1's plasma
wave instrument detected the movement. The pitch of the oscillations helped
scientists determine the density of the plasma. The particular oscillations
meant the spacecraft was bathed in plasma more than 40 times denser than what
they had encountered in the outer layer of the heliosphere. Density of this sort
is to be expected in interstellar space.
plasma wave science team reviewed its data and found an earlier, fainter set of
oscillations in October and November 2012. Through extrapolation of measured
plasma densities from both events, the team determined Voyager 1 first entered
interstellar space in August 2012.
February 2013, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's 5,000-mile-wide Very
Long Baseline Array (VLBA) made this image of Voyager 1's radio signal from
interstellar space.More
literally jumped out of our seats when we saw these oscillations in our data --
they showed us the spacecraft was in an entirely new region, comparable to what
was expected in interstellar space, and totally different than in the solar
bubble," Gurnett said. "Clearly we had passed through the heliopause, which is
the long-hypothesized boundary between the solar plasma and the interstellar
new plasma data suggested a timeframe consistent with abrupt, durable changes in
the density of energetic particles that were first detected on Aug. 25, 2012.
The Voyager team generally accepts this date as the date of interstellar
arrival. The charged particle and plasma changes were what would have been
expected during a crossing of the heliopause.
teams hard work to build durable spacecraft and carefully manage the Voyager
spacecraft's limited resources paid off in another first for NASA and humanity,"
said Suzanne Dodd, Voyager project manager, based at NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We expect the fields and particles science
instruments on Voyager will continue to send back data through at least 2020. We
can't wait to see what the Voyager instruments show us next about deep
1 and its twin, Voyager 2, were launched 16 days apart in 1977. Both spacecraft
flew by Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 also flew by Uranus and Neptune. Voyager
2, launched before Voyager 1, is the longest continuously operated spacecraft.
It is about 9.5 billion miles (15 billion kilometers) away from our sun.
mission controllers still talk to or receive data from Voyager 1 and Voyager 2
every day, though the emitted signals are currently very dim, at about 23 watts
-- the power of a refrigerator light bulb. By the time the signals get to Earth,
they are a fraction of a billion-billionth of a watt. Data from Voyager 1's
instruments are transmitted to Earth typically at 160 bits per second, and
captured by 34- and 70-meter NASA Deep Space Network stations. Traveling at the
speed of light, a signal from Voyager 1 takes about 17 hours to travel to Earth.
After the data are transmitted to JPL and processed by the science teams,
Voyager data are made publicly available.
has boldly gone where no probe has gone before, marking one of the most
significant technological achievements in the annals of the history of science,
and adding a new chapter in human scientific dreams and endeavors, said John
Grunsfeld, NASAs associate administrator for science in Washington. Perhaps
some future deep space explorers will catch up with Voyager, our first
interstellar envoy, and reflect on how this intrepid spacecraft helped enable
their journey.
do not know when Voyager 1 will reach the undisturbed part of interstellar space
where there is no influence from our sun. They also are not certain when Voyager
2 is expected to cross into interstellar space, but they believe it is not very
far behind.
built and operates the twin Voyager spacecraft. The Voyagers Interstellar
Mission is a part of NASA's Heliophysics System Observatory, sponsored by the
Heliophysics Division of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
NASA's Deep Space Network, managed by JPL, is an international network of
antennas that supports interplanetary spacecraft missions and radio and radar
astronomy observations for the exploration of the solar system and the universe.
The network also supports selected Earth-orbiting missions.
cost of the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 missions -- including launch, mission
operations and the spacecrafts nuclear batteries, which were provided by the
Department of Energy -- is about $988 million through
Exobiologie : une météorite révèle des molécules organiques
16-09-2013 om 12:59
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Strange Case of Phil Schneider -- Affabulation ou quoi ? MAGoNIE
Affabulation ou quoi ?
Qu'en est-il de ce personnage nommé Phil Schneider ? Si j'en crois plusieurs
articles, comme géologue il était chargé de faire des sondages au
Nouveau-Mexique pour le compte de l'armée dans un projet de construction de
bases souterraines. C'est au cours de ces opérations que lui et son équipe
seraient tombés accidentellement sur une caverne artificielle dans la
région de Dulce, NM. On connaît la suite, du moins ce qui est rapporté par
certains (1) avec l'incident présumé de 1979 impliquant les Gris, etc.
est la part de l'affabulation et de la réalité dans cette histoire ? Nous avons
tous reniflé la forte odeur de soufre -- beaucoup disent "de désinformation" --
de ces récits. N'y aurait-il pas des fragments de vérité dans tout ça ? Quels
sont les liens avec les histoires d'ovnis du plateau d'Albion (1) qui
intéressent Thibaut (cf son 1905 d'hier) ? Pour ma part j'avoue que
j'aimerais en savoir plus.
OVNIs : observations en Chine et traitement de l'info
15-09-2013 om 22:57
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Ca y est ! - MAGONIE
Cette fois-ci, ça y est, Voyager 1 a quitté le système solaire et est entré
dans l'espace interstellaire. Sera-t-il intercepté ? Et par qui ? Ou par quoi
of the Panel had various suggestions related to the planning of such an
educational program. it was felt strongly that psychologists familiar with mass
psychology should advise on the nature and extent of the program. Also, someone
familiar with mass communication techniques, perhaps an advertising expert,
would be helpful. The teaching techniques used for aircraft identification
during the past war were cited as an example of a similar educational task.
amateur astronomers in the U.S. might be a potential source of enthusiastic
talent "to spread the gospel".
It was believed that business clubs, high schools, colleges, and television
stations would all be pleased to cooperate in the showing of documentary type
motion pictures if prepared in an interesting manner. The use of true cases
showing first the "mystery" and then the "explanations" would be
December 9, 1965, with the sun setting on the quiet town of Kecksburg
Pennsylvania, Bill Bulebosh notices a brilliant fireball streaking across the
sky and landing in nearby woods.
Within hours, the State Police and the
US Army surround the area. No one is allowed near the crashed object. As
confusion reigns, locals are left to wonder what exactly fell in the Kecksburg
woods. When the Air Force releases an official statement that nothing landed in
the area, witnesses emerge to challenge the claim, prompting local resident Stan
Gordon to delve into an intense investigation littered with cover-ups, a
mysterious coded message, alien microbes and deadly Nazi secrets. Gordon's
determination pays off when a witness comes forward ready to share a dangerous
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is
for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly
intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and
UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now
provides advanced research and consultation on a wide range of subjects and help
for CEOs to successfully run their companies.
In special reports, this weeks files cover:
Bosnia Pyramids May Prove Alien
Intervention, Mars Sculptures, Syria, and ISS Captures
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska,
California, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey,
New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Utah.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Mexico, Spain,
and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life
throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was Be Happy
and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned and my two beautiful daughters
Elizabeth Lynn died March 8, 2013 and Dr. Victoria Anne Filer died April 27,
Filers Files are now being emailed to 20,000 + addresses each week
plus: 739 forwarded to more thousands and to 68 Social
Networks: I suggest you forward them to your friends
and neighbors and ask them to read the evidence with an open mind.
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to
the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports,
articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
Bosnia Pyramids May Prove Alien Intervention
Pyramids Around the World is an
in depth look at pyramids which have been discovered on every continent on Earth
and recently in Bosnia, the United States and Mauritius. This island was not
populated before the arrival of Europeans. Dr. Sam Osmanagich Ph.D., director of
Center for Anthroplogy and Archaeology at the American University in Bosnia has
authored 11 books about ancient civilizations. He holds a PH.D. in Mayan
He claims many Pyramids are 10,000 to 25,000 years old and built well before
mankind was sophisticated, had agriculture or cities. The question is did
ancient unknown civilizations build them or are ancient aliens responsible for a
vast pyramid construction system spread around the world that is ten thousand
years old?
In 2005, Dr. Osmanagich discovered what turned out to be the first pyramids
in Europe near the town of Visoko, Bosnia. Excavation on the vast complex has
been ongoing and is run by his non-profit Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation
compiling evidence to validate his claims. To date the excavation has yielded
five pyramids of various sizes and a vast labyrinth of underground tunnels with
the earliest known writing.
Dr. Osmanagich reports,
The Pyramid of the Sun Foundationisinvestigating the pyramids in Bosnia spending over
340.000 man-hours in archaeological excavation, sample testing and radiocarbon
dating. The five pyramids discovered to date are named Pyramids of the Sun,
Moon, Dragon, Mother Earth and Love. The huge underground labyrinth connecting
the pyramids includes technology not duplicated even today. This discovery is
historic and changes the knowledge of the early history of Europe for several
The complex has been stonewalled by mainstream archaeologists until recent
scientific evidence has made it impossible to deny its authenticity since it was
discovered in 2005.
The site includes the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun the largest, and oldest
pyramid structure in the world that has the most precise cosmic north
orientation with the error of only 12 seconds. It is 220 meters high compared
147 meters to the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The Pyramid of the Sun is completely
covered by rectangular concrete blocks that have extreme hardness (up to 133
MPs) and low water absorption (around 1%), and are far superior to modern
concrete materials.
The pyramids are covered by 12,000 years old soil which is, according to the
State Institute for Agro-pedology radiocarbon dating from the paved terrace on
Pyramid of the Moon. The Silesian Institute of Technology from Gliwice (Poland)
claims the terrace was built 10.350 years ago (+/- 50 years). These finding
confirm that the Bosnian pyramids are the oldest known pyramids on the planet.
The extensive underground tunnel network runs for a total of more than ten
miles. Ceramic sculptures have been discovered in the underground labyrinth with
a mass of up to 20,000 pounds which makes them the largest found in the ancient
world. In the vicinity, is the tallest tumulus (man-made hill) in the World: 61
meters high. Its nearest competitor, Silbury Hill in England is 60 meters high.
The Bosnian tumulus consists of two-layer megalithic terraces, clay layers and
artificial concrete layers.
A team of physicists detected an ultrasound energy beam coming through the
top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun whose radius of the beam is 4.5 to 10
meters with a frequency of 28 kHz-33 kHz.
The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from
the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physic and technology
suggesting alien technology. This is the first proof of non-herzian technology
on the Planet. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion
machine over ten thousand years ago and this energy machine is still working.
In the underground labyrinth we discovered three chambers and a small blue lake.
Energy screening shows that the ionization level is 43 times higher than the
average concentration outside which makes the underground chambers into
healing rooms.
The research on pyramid technology has long suspected that pyramid energy
involves science and machinery far more advanced than what we currently have
today. Christopher Dunn, author of The Giza Power
Plant, published in 1996 explains that the pyramids were ancient
energy machines. The pyramids of Bosnia have the same elements described in the
Giza pyramids that define the structure of an ancient power generator
system.Now in 2013, the Bosnian archeological site is further excavated and new
scientific evidence has emerged proving that ancient precision engineering was
indeed used to build the Bosnian pyramids.
Two hundred years of Egyptology has not produced a satisfactory answer to the
question of what was the real purpose for the oldest and most superior pyramids.
In only six years, research in Bosnia has applied inter-disciplinary scientific
methods with pioneering results which affects the entire sphere of knowledge and
Pyramid Science. History is changing with each new discovery to better
understand our beginnings we can also change our future for the better.
Further electromagnetic detection in 2011 confirmed that levels of negative
radiation through the Hartman, Curry and Schneider grids are equal to zero in
the tunnels. There was no radiation of any kind found in the tunnels and no
cosmic radioactivity. Ceramic sculptures are positioned over the underground
water flows and the negative energy is transformed into positive energy. All of
these experiments point to the labyrinth as one of the most secure underground
constructions in the world making it an ideal place for the bodys rejuvenation
and regeneration.
Many sensitive people have the sensation of energy when they arrive on top of
the pyramid. They actually felt the mechanic vibrations of the pyramid! We
perceive low sounds better by vibration through sensors in human bones than by
ear. This volume does not create damage to human health. The low frequencies and
infrasounds found on the Pyramid of the Sun explain very clearly the sensation
of mysticism which some people perceive and how it is very easy for those
practising meditation to apply this technique at this site.
Dr. Osmanagic also talks about how the spaces between the blocks go all of
the way to the inside of the pyramids, and how these gaps possibly served to
collect water and to ventilate the air. Pyramids were built in China at about
the same time that had a system of pipes inside designed to carry the water as
well. He also speculates that the reason that there are two layers of blocks on
the Bosnian pyramids; (the and the top being wavy and textured) is that,
whoever designed these blocks wanted a wavy texture on the
topand completely flat base. In general, there are
two types of blocks, each with a different look - one block looks like a
monolith line of concrete and the other block looks like construction plates
with clear edges and sides.
It is thought that the Pyramids concrete is made from material found at a locally
deposited post glacial conglomerate. Experts who examined these crystals
determined that during the manufacturing process, the materials were heated to
above 500 degrees.
Studies done at the University of Paris discovered that the concrete material
found on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun was five times stronger than modern day
concrete. The concrete was shown to be resistant to 94 Megapascals of pressure,
which means it is highly compressed and extremely rigid.
The founder of the French Institute of Polymers, Joseph Davidovits, Ph.D.
also performed an electronic microscopic analysis on a sample of concrete; he
concluded that the chemical composition of the old concretes basis is
calcium/potassium geopolymer cement.
It has been confirmed that the source of the energy beam, which is emitted
through the top of the largest pyramid in the world, is located 2.440 meters
below the pyramid with the shift of 440 meters. An iron plate represents the
source combined with the negative ions and underground water streams and its
able to generate the electricity of over 10 kW.
These results are pioneering steps in understanding of the real purpose of
the original, oldest and most superior pyramids.
Polycontrast Interference Photography, also known as PIP,
is an energy field video imaging system. This system was developed by Harry
Oldfield, a UK inventor. PIP provides a real time, moving image of the energy
field of any object.
Harry Oldfield visited Visoko, Bosnia in 2008 and
recorded images of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. He compared his recordings to
images of natural hill formations of a similar size and shape on August 23,
Bosnian Pyramids Built Using Geopolymer Cement.
The New Era Times
reports that independent analysis from five separate Institutes of materials
confirms that the Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality concrete construction
material eliminating all skeptical claims about the authenticity of the Bosnian
The New Era Times reports that independent analysis from five separate
Institutes of materials confirms that the Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality
man-made concrete construction material eliminating all skeptical claims about
authenticity. The energy of the pyramid was used by the ancient scientists for
applications beneficial to humanity ranging from geothermal transportation,
climatology, and advancements in human physiology and health. It is quite likely
this energy can provide fuel for UFOs.
Professor Joseph Davidovits, renowned French Scientist says the sample is
composed of calcium/potassium-based geopolymer cement that it is not
modern concrete, but more like the technique used by the Egyptians 3500 years
ago. In his book, The Pyramids: an Enigma
Solved, Davidovits presents the current knowledge of pyramid
construction that proves that the Egyptian pyramids were constructed using
agglomerated stone (limestone cast like concrete. Prof Davidovits confirms,
I performed electron microscopic analysis of the sample and I
propose the geopolymer chemistry that was used to make this is ancient
Further evidence of concrete being used in pyramid construction is shown by
the work of Professor Michel Barsoum, Professor in the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering at Drexel University, and who have found scientific
evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form
of concrete. This proves the theory that concrete and nanotechnology was used by
the ancients.
Facts that have been verified by scientific analytic testing include: The Sun
pyramid stands over 722 feet (220 m) high one third taller than the Great
Pyramid of Giza. The evidence that the Egyptians did not construct three
pyramids on the Giza plateau is found on the lower levels of the pyramids. In
fact, sediments were found at their base, then traces of water damage and sea
salt crystals on the stone. The sediments are located at a height of up to five
meters above the pyramids foundations indicating they were built before the
There is an 8.000 kg ceramic block under the Pyramid of the Sun in the
underground labyrinth. Although thousands of pyramids have been discovered
across the planet, none have the construction quality and date back as far as
the ones in Bosnia, states Osmanagich. Bosnia is the original
pyramid, the oldest and largest ever constructed. It releases information about
ancient technology that can free the world of its dependence on fossil fuel
along with medical breakthroughs.
Medical tests on the effect on the human aura have started at the Bosnian
Pyramids and early evidence shows that human physiology and emotional states are
highly elevated in the pyramid. This is due to the reduction of negative ions
that are found in our atmosphere.
The science of Geoglyphology, the name given to the ancient science by its
discoverer Arthur Faram, is drawn from the prefix geo meaning earth, and the
word glyph - meaning a symbol or writing. Hence, the science of Geoglyphology
meaning symbols or writings on the earth. The fact that the builders applied the
science to the Bosnian Pyramids is an indication that the science is at least
24,000 years old, or older. The science is an ancient method of outlining
territories claimed by the civilization that constructed the geoglyph.
Up until now the oldest known manmade archaeological site has been the 10,500
year old site at Gobekli Tepi, in the country of Turkey. Geoglyphology, having
been used to construct the Bosnian Pyramids, indicates that the science has been
used for over 24,000 years to establish survey markers outlining ancient
territories. The validity of both the Science of Geoglyphology and the Bosnian
Pyramids has been extracted from four sources; three of them constructed at
least 10,000 years apart.
The study of Geoglyphs around the world, by Geoglyphologist Arthur Faram,
indicates that this science has been used down through the ages, and around the
world, from times before the Bosnian Pyramid, until historical times, by every
major civilization.
Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation found a text in the
megalith T-1
Tunnel between Ravne and the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, here we want to
present a comparison of these symbols or characters with some of the most
ancient scripts known, dating to a time prior to Ancient Rome. From the two
megaliths T-1 and T-2, we have compiled a list of 50 signs which we will call
Proto-Bosnian, including small and large letters and numbers.
This rather logical and sensible writing system is much older than all
previously known alphabets so far deciphered. Immersed in a sea of flood waters
resulting from the rapid melting and retreat of the snow and ice cover of the
rest of Europe at the end of the Ice Age. We hypothesize that these two
megaliths and the entire surface of the Bosnian Valley of Pyramids date from
before 10,000 B.C., prior to the time of the making of this tunnel through the
debris called or breccia on the sea bottom. The vast tunnel network around the
Visocica Pyramid is likely to have other tunnels connecting the most important
pyramids in this valley, possibly at a level now lower than the Bosna River.
Tunnels several miles long have been found connecting the pyramids with
ventilation vents about every 30 meters so that breathing is no problem within
the tunnels. Further evidence that the ten thousand year old symbols in the
Pyramid Valley are those made by aliens is that many are found in NASA images
taken on Mars.
Note: Many of the signs or letters in Bosnia Tunnels
at left are also seen on NASA images of Mars.
Thanks to Dr. Semir Osmanagich. Pyramids Around The World (Kindle Locations
119-121). The New Era Times Press. Kindle Edition.
Note: Ten thousand years ago humans were thought to live in caves
and primitive and unable to organize to build pyramids or cities. There is still
final research needed on the validity of the Pyramids. They may help prove alien
intervention because they were designed to facilitate the landing of UFOs on top
the pyramids and provide them with electromagnetic energy or high intensity
pyramidal energy.
Mars Sculptures
Bill Furner writes, I called this image "Crème
de la Crème" because it is one of the clearest sculptures I've seen on
It seems like the lowest one at the bottom has what appears a
pipe on top like it was a fountain. It seems like the Martians are crazy about
fountains :) And all types of shapes and sizes.
Syria and the United States welcomed an offer by Russia to put its chemical
weapons arsenal under international control so that they could eventually be
destroyed. This is a positive step to prevent strikes on Syria that is against
the military leadership and most Americans desires. It is quite easy to go into
another extensive war despite assurances to the contrary.
The U.S. President knows he does not have the votes in Congress to support an
attack so the Russian proposal gives Obama a good reason to delay their attack.
The US quickly added it was "skeptical" that Syria would follow through on its
President Obama told ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer that the Syrian reaction
was a "modestly positive development" and a military strike would "absolutely"
be on pause if Syria's chemical weapons were put in the hands of an
international body.
Syria's statement came very quickly after the proposal was made by Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in what he said was an attempt to avoid a U.S.-led
strike on Syria. "We will immediately join the work with Damascus if
establishing international control over chemical weapons in that country helps
prevent attacks," Lavrov continued. Thanks to ABC News
ISS Captures UFO
The International Space Station (ISS) photograph taken by
an Expedition 13 crew member of the Aurora Borealis took this an amazing photo
of an UFO flying through space. The UFO craft appears to be using some type of
cloaking device.
Here is the caption on the photo taken by NASA ISS013-E-69634 (20 Aug.
SEWARD On September 8, 2013, I was on the computer
visiting Alaskan webcams and observed a peculiar webcam picture with three
objects in a landing formation. The one to the left was farthest away from the
landing site was at the highest elevation. The middle object was lower, and the
object to the farthest right was the nearest to the earth.
I cannot describe the actions or motions, because, even though the official
statement says that the picture is updated every ten minutes, it is now 5:11 PM
my time and the image has not changed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Unidentified Object
Crescent City A skinny object emitting a
lot of heat flew very slowly south on August 9, 2013. I watched this object for
about five minutes as it crossed the horizon. No trail was left by the object
and I could not hear anything. I gathered a few of my coworkers and we all
witnessed the object make a turn to the east and disappear after about 30
As soon as the first object disappeared another became visible from the north
with almost the exact same description. It followed the same path and took about
the same amount of time to finish the path and disappear. This occurred for a
total of five objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Strange Cross in the
LAWRENCEVILLE -- What caught my eyes was the color and cross shape on
September 1, 2013. It was thicker in the middle and bright orange in color and
moving very slowly silently. Driving home I cleared some of the trees and
noticed the object had come to a complete stop. As I got in front of my house, I
had a clear sight and noticed an identical second object approaching very
slowly. I ran in the house to get my cell phone to get a picture and ran to the
backyard that gave a complete unobstructed view of where the both objects were.
That was less than 20 seconds and they were no longer there. Thanks to MUFON
Rossville -- On the top left of the
picture by the tree is a round thing looking like a moon on September 1, 2013.
It looks like a face with eyes and nose. Going down to your right at the other
tree, you will find on the mid right hand corner of the tree an orange bright
light and one in the left corner, looking like an alien coming down from the
sky. You will find it between the two trees and the mobile homes.
Note: The artifacts in this photo are likely due to
illumination of particles by the camera flash. Thanks to William Puckett,
Kansas Orbs
Russel -- My friend took pictures on
August 15, 2013,
There were numerous orbs flying
below the rainbow.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Bright UFO
BANGOR On August 25, 2013, at 9:30 pm, I
went out to my yard with a camera to record the night sky; and saw a close low
flying intense bright lighted object. It was moving silently north so I called
to my girlfriend to witness to the event. I began recording and stabilized it on
a tripod as it flew low across the sky. It flew low and hovered just over the
power lines, and eventually hovered over the river for several minutes. I ran to
an open area and continued filming until it disappeared. There are several
points of reference in the video and it did not appear to be a plane or
helicopter so I feel it is something anomalous or supernatural. Thanks to MUFON
Massachusetts UFOs
Rowley -- I am a Federal Computer
Specialist for 45 years and on Sunday September 1, 2013, I stepped on to the
back porch at 8 pm, and noticed glaring lights that lit up the clouds. I thought
747s were coming into land at Bostons Logan Airport. However, the lights got
too large and bright to be any sort of aircraft. Within seconds entire fields in
back were lit up as though spotlights had blasted on. Two huge objects appeared
in the sky equal distance apart and hovered. Im a pilot, and know aircraft and
how the eyes can play tricks on anyone watching planes at night. But, these two
objects were huge and lighting up the whole area.
Aircraft landing lights do not rotate and flicker like these were doing.
These were huge objects with rotating yellow lights underneath lighting up the
entire sky and my back porch was under a spotlight - focused on me. I realized
these were UFOs and ran to get my cameras and tried to record as much as I
could. The two huge objects shot straight up, but one hovered with bright
lights. Ten smaller objects appeared shining lights on the fields. Monday night,
they spotlighted again. Only one appeared huge lighting up the shy with random
movements. It shot to the sky, then a bright orange orb flew over the houses
lighting the fields as I tried to film its erratic patterns. It dispersed into
15 smaller orbs making a sweep of the area and shot up rejoining the larger
orange orb as I filmed. On Tuesday morning I was whipped and crawled into bed.
When I awoke, I couldn't get my bearings as I was on my bedroom floor and
bleeding from my mouth. My gums inside my mouth were burned. I'm a believer now.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Four UFOs
dearborn -- Four of us witnessed four
UFOs hovering and then flying around at 9 pm on September 3 2013. One after
another they seemed to ascend out of the earth. The UFOs looked like a red
orange color like fireballs. They climbed as their lights dimmed and faded away
within seconds.
After a minute, we saw a moving pulsating bright white light at satellite
height. Two minutes later we saw green and red flashing lights on each craft
flying at a really high altitude. I captured this with a photo and video. Thanks
Nevada Rectangle UFO and Orb
LAS VEGAS I took this picture out the window of the car I was in on our
way to the LDS Temple on August 23, 2013.
It was about 3:40 PM in the afternoon and I didnt see the rectangle object
it at the time.
I saw it when I put the picture on my computer.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
LAS VEGAS -- I was talking with wife on our porch when I
noticed these hovering pulsating lights on September 4, 2013, that didnt move
for couple hours.
Then it slowly rose out of sight. I had no tripod or sufficient way to
stabilize my Nikon Coolpix L-820 camera.
I took a few pictures,
when my batteries suddenly died.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Lights
CHERRY HILL I was driving down Marlton Pike and saw
several objects in the sky that were just hovering on September 9, 2013. They
caught my attention because the empty dark sky is prominent on that part of
Route 70. At first I thought it was lanterns or flares, because there was no
immediate movement. Then they started to move, one more than the others. At the
same time three of them vanished and the one remaining headed northeast. They
had intentional directional fast movement, and were not lanterns. Philadelphia
International Airport has flight paths that cross over here, and I have seen
thousands of planes fly over; and these were unlike anything I have seen. I was
able to take shoddy photoswith my iPhone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Google
Whites City The Google
Map Satellite image date recorded is April 2008 and is the source of the image.
Has anyone else reported these findings in Google Maps images yet? If so, is
there any explanation? These could be UFOs since there are no wings or
The caption for the image is Yellowstone Drive Whites City where it dead-ends
at its southern-most point.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Boomerang
Winston Salem -- I was heading
east toward. I-52 when I noticed an odd shaped object not very high above the
city at 3:30 am. The object was visibly projecting a beam of light toward the
ground but did not have any red or green lights. Now Im heading south on I 52
and it had moved with me. I pulled over to get a better look and there was dead
silence. I took my phone out and took 15 pictures and it became obvious this was
not any aircraft. It continued to change shapes, from a half sphere to a
boomerang of multiple lights on its perimeter. I drove down I-52 south with the
craft staying on my left side. After 25 minutes I turned on to I-85 but the
craft continued south and I lost sight of it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania UFO
Toughkenamon -- I attended an air show at
the New Garden Flying Field on Saturday, August 24, 2013 with friends. At
exactly 1 PM, I was photographing an aerobatic biplane doing his routine and saw
in the viewfinder an object falling. As the plane moved off I took several more
shots of the smoke trail and asked my friend, if he was seeing this too? My
camera is a Canon EOS 5D Mark III.
When reviewed my pictures I noticed a
sphere at the very bottom of the first picture almost directly in a line beneath
the plane and rising. It rose a bit higher in the second picture . The object begins to flatten out into a disk shape
when I lost sight of the object. My friend also glimpsed something. When the
object reached an altitude above the biplane it seemed to stop rising. Thats
when it became disk shaped all in a matter of about five seconds. Thanks to
Texas Lights
LIBERTY I was driving home from work
and pulled over to look on the bypass on June 16, 2013 and saw faint lights
slowly moving northwest.
They covered a large portion of the sky, but I could not see a structure
since it was very dark with black skies.
I took pictures and blew them up and it looks like an oil rig in the sky or
maybe military. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Lights
Salt Lake
City Almost every night for over a month my friends
and I have witnessed a strange large object in the western
sky. Some nights there are other lights. On September 3,
2003, a large bright yellow, white, green light pulsated and changed shape from
a sphere to an ellipse and emitted energy appendages as I looked through my
binoculars. The object hovered for 10 minutes and then slowly moved to another
spot and stayed for five minutes and grew brighter and dimmed.
Two planes approached on the airport flight path and when the
planes got close it disappeared. I have 100 photos and video on my Sony
night-vision camera. I have tried to talk to the authorities but the only
helpful people have been astronomers. Thanks to MUFON CMS
13-09-2013 om 19:34
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #37 2013 - Report: Bosnian Pyramids, ISS Captures UFO - DEEL 2
FILER's Files #37 2013 - Report: Bosnian Pyramids, ISS Captures UFO DEEL 1
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alaska Discs
SEWARD On September 8, 2013, I was on the computer
visiting Alaskan webcams and observed a peculiar webcam picture with three
objects in a landing formation. The one to the left was farthest away from the
landing site was at the highest elevation. The middle object was lower, and the
object to the farthest right was the nearest to the earth.
I cannot describe the actions or motions, because, even though the official
statement says that the picture is updated every ten minutes, it is now 5:11 PM
my time and the image has not changed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Unidentified Object
Crescent City A skinny object emitting a
lot of heat flew very slowly south on August 9, 2013. I watched this object for
about five minutes as it crossed the horizon. No trail was left by the object
and I could not hear anything. I gathered a few of my coworkers and we all
witnessed the object make a turn to the east and disappear after about 30
As soon as the first object disappeared another became visible from the north
with almost the exact same description. It followed the same path and took about
the same amount of time to finish the path and disappear. This occurred for a
total of five objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Strange Cross in the
LAWRENCEVILLE -- What caught my eyes was the color and cross shape on
September 1, 2013. It was thicker in the middle and bright orange in color and
moving very slowly silently. Driving home I cleared some of the trees and
noticed the object had come to a complete stop. As I got in front of my house, I
had a clear sight and noticed an identical second object approaching very
slowly. I ran in the house to get my cell phone to get a picture and ran to the
backyard that gave a complete unobstructed view of where the both objects were.
That was less than 20 seconds and they were no longer there. Thanks to MUFON
Rossville -- On the top left of the
picture by the tree is a round thing looking like a moon on September 1, 2013.
It looks like a face with eyes and nose. Going down to your right at the other
tree, you will find on the mid right hand corner of the tree an orange bright
light and one in the left corner, looking like an alien coming down from the
sky. You will find it between the two trees and the mobile homes.
Note: The artifacts in this photo are likely due to
illumination of particles by the camera flash. Thanks to William Puckett,
Kansas Orbs
Russel -- My friend took pictures on
August 15, 2013,
There were numerous orbs flying
below the rainbow.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Bright UFO
BANGOR On August 25, 2013, at 9:30 pm, I
went out to my yard with a camera to record the night sky; and saw a close low
flying intense bright lighted object. It was moving silently north so I called
to my girlfriend to witness to the event. I began recording and stabilized it on
a tripod as it flew low across the sky. It flew low and hovered just over the
power lines, and eventually hovered over the river for several minutes. I ran to
an open area and continued filming until it disappeared. There are several
points of reference in the video and it did not appear to be a plane or
helicopter so I feel it is something anomalous or supernatural. Thanks to MUFON
Massachusetts UFOs
Rowley -- I am a Federal Computer
Specialist for 45 years and on Sunday September 1, 2013, I stepped on to the
back porch at 8 pm, and noticed glaring lights that lit up the clouds. I thought
747s were coming into land at Bostons Logan Airport. However, the lights got
too large and bright to be any sort of aircraft. Within seconds entire fields in
back were lit up as though spotlights had blasted on. Two huge objects appeared
in the sky equal distance apart and hovered. Im a pilot, and know aircraft and
how the eyes can play tricks on anyone watching planes at night. But, these two
objects were huge and lighting up the whole area.
Aircraft landing lights do not rotate and flicker like these were doing.
These were huge objects with rotating yellow lights underneath lighting up the
entire sky and my back porch was under a spotlight - focused on me. I realized
these were UFOs and ran to get my cameras and tried to record as much as I
could. The two huge objects shot straight up, but one hovered with bright
lights. Ten smaller objects appeared shining lights on the fields. Monday night,
they spotlighted again. Only one appeared huge lighting up the shy with random
movements. It shot to the sky, then a bright orange orb flew over the houses
lighting the fields as I tried to film its erratic patterns. It dispersed into
15 smaller orbs making a sweep of the area and shot up rejoining the larger
orange orb as I filmed. On Tuesday morning I was whipped and crawled into bed.
When I awoke, I couldn't get my bearings as I was on my bedroom floor and
bleeding from my mouth. My gums inside my mouth were burned. I'm a believer now.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Four UFOs
dearborn -- Four of us witnessed four
UFOs hovering and then flying around at 9 pm on September 3 2013. One after
another they seemed to ascend out of the earth. The UFOs looked like a red
orange color like fireballs. They climbed as their lights dimmed and faded away
within seconds.
After a minute, we saw a moving pulsating bright white light at satellite
height. Two minutes later we saw green and red flashing lights on each craft
flying at a really high altitude. I captured this with a photo and video. Thanks
Nevada Rectangle UFO and Orb
LAS VEGAS I took this picture out the window of the car I was in on our
way to the LDS Temple on August 23, 2013.
It was about 3:40 PM in the afternoon and I didnt see the rectangle object
it at the time.
I saw it when I put the picture on my computer.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
LAS VEGAS -- I was talking with wife on our porch when I
noticed these hovering pulsating lights on September 4, 2013, that didnt move
for couple hours.
Then it slowly rose out of sight. I had no tripod or sufficient way to
stabilize my Nikon Coolpix L-820 camera.
I took a few pictures,
when my batteries suddenly died.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Lights
CHERRY HILL I was driving down Marlton Pike and saw
several objects in the sky that were just hovering on September 9, 2013. They
caught my attention because the empty dark sky is prominent on that part of
Route 70. At first I thought it was lanterns or flares, because there was no
immediate movement. Then they started to move, one more than the others. At the
same time three of them vanished and the one remaining headed northeast. They
had intentional directional fast movement, and were not lanterns. Philadelphia
International Airport has flight paths that cross over here, and I have seen
thousands of planes fly over; and these were unlike anything I have seen. I was
able to take shoddy photoswith my iPhone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Google
Whites City The Google
Map Satellite image date recorded is April 2008 and is the source of the image.
Has anyone else reported these findings in Google Maps images yet? If so, is
there any explanation? These could be UFOs since there are no wings or
The caption for the image is Yellowstone Drive Whites City where it dead-ends
at its southern-most point.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Boomerang
Winston Salem -- I was heading
east toward. I-52 when I noticed an odd shaped object not very high above the
city at 3:30 am. The object was visibly projecting a beam of light toward the
ground but did not have any red or green lights. Now Im heading south on I 52
and it had moved with me. I pulled over to get a better look and there was dead
silence. I took my phone out and took 15 pictures and it became obvious this was
not any aircraft. It continued to change shapes, from a half sphere to a
boomerang of multiple lights on its perimeter. I drove down I-52 south with the
craft staying on my left side. After 25 minutes I turned on to I-85 but the
craft continued south and I lost sight of it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania UFO
Toughkenamon -- I attended an air show at
the New Garden Flying Field on Saturday, August 24, 2013 with friends. At
exactly 1 PM, I was photographing an aerobatic biplane doing his routine and saw
in the viewfinder an object falling. As the plane moved off I took several more
shots of the smoke trail and asked my friend, if he was seeing this too? My
camera is a Canon EOS 5D Mark III.
When reviewed my pictures I noticed a
sphere at the very bottom of the first picture almost directly in a line beneath
the plane and rising. It rose a bit higher in the second picture . The object begins to flatten out into a disk shape
when I lost sight of the object. My friend also glimpsed something. When the
object reached an altitude above the biplane it seemed to stop rising. Thats
when it became disk shaped all in a matter of about five seconds. Thanks to
Texas Lights
LIBERTY I was driving home from work
and pulled over to look on the bypass on June 16, 2013 and saw faint lights
slowly moving northwest.
They covered a large portion of the sky, but I could not see a structure
since it was very dark with black skies.
I took pictures and blew them up and it looks like an oil rig in the sky or
maybe military. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Lights
Salt Lake
City Almost every night for over a month my friends
and I have witnessed a strange large object in the western
sky. Some nights there are other lights. On September 3,
2003, a large bright yellow, white, green light pulsated and changed shape from
a sphere to an ellipse and emitted energy appendages as I looked through my
binoculars. The object hovered for 10 minutes and then slowly moved to another
spot and stayed for five minutes and grew brighter and dimmed.
Two planes approached on the airport flight path and when the
planes got close it disappeared. I have 100 photos and video on my Sony
night-vision camera. I have tried to talk to the authorities but the only
helpful people have been astronomers. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Huge Light
Melbourne-- Eyewitness
states, I recorded the ISS approx 20 minutes earlier as proof at
left on September 2, 2013. Note the 'corona' as opposed to the ISS at right?
First camera is a Samsung SDC-435 - Second camera is a P8079HP 3 stage
generation one night vision tube with a 50mm SLR lens. I watched this 'thing'
visually and it just lit up the sky. This is the real deal that
has been doing this for about five years now, full time, never ever seen
anything like this. If 'anyone' can explain what is larger, slower than the ISS
in orbit, please let me know? Thanks to
FAR NORTH, Queensland--This object was spotted while waiting at road works when driving on
September 9, 2013. It was hovering and then flew off at incredible speed with no
sound. The original is still on my Iphone.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Cylinder UFO-
Curitiba -- On August 30th, 2013 at
around 11:30 AM I saw an object that displayed a slow upward movement and then
It looked black and was maybe some silver-metallic.
Brantford --This is the most recent of sightings a friend
and I have had on September 9, 2013.. The first time we saw the object it was
just a hovering, star-like off my back deck. The plane kept moving and slowly
got bigger till it passed overhead. After a few seconds the object started to
drop rapidly than just stopped. The object was in the same location as the prior
night and the object looked and did the exact same movements. The object was
seen the second night for hours.
Around 12 AM, we spotted the object as we turned the corner on King George
road. We got out of the car, and the object looked like an oversized helicopter
or something. It had two lights on the front and back, two on each side, and one
in the center above all the other lights. The object flew erratic and flew right
over King George Road, and we hopped in the car to chase it. It then disappeared
and we saw it again over the fields as it turned off all flashing lights with
only a pulsing white bright light. The object flew back to where we first saw it
and hovered. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Orange Light and Triangle
My wife was sitting in our kitchen and she was looking out and saw this
bright orange light in the sky and went out into the back yard with her friend
and they called me to look as these bright orange and red lit objects flew by
silently at a good speed. We watched four of them, and then came the 5th. It did
not go far away from us as a huge black triangle appeared as if it had fallen
from the sky. It then disappeared in the blink of an eye. I was a little
skeptical as to them being UFOs. They were silent and then we saw the last one
turn off its lights
It gave me goose bumps, it was awesome but we were not afraid. Thanks to
Spain UFO
Seville -- On Sunday night, September 1,
2013, an unidentified flying object was seen over the area of Seville East and
Alcala. It's not the first time so can you believe it or not. On Sunday night
for about twenty minutes, many witnesses could see a UFO in shape of a triangle
over Torreblanca, Sevilla Este, and Alcalá de Guadaíra. Reports are from UNIFA
Eng Adolfo Gandin Ocampo
NORTH MANCHESTER -- The majority
of sightings that are reported to the group typically describe spherical,
disc-shaped or triangular objects. However sometimes objects of a more unusual
shape are also reported. This report covers one such sighting by a highly
credible witness a 49 year old South Yorkshire retired police constable named
Ian Sawyer
Several days before Christmas 2009 he had a very unusual sighting
which prompted him to get in touch with BUFOG.
It was 8.38 PM on the evening of 22nd December 2009, and a very clear, still
and cold night. The moon was visible and we had 3 inches of snow earlier in the
day; Ian was sitting at the computer and overlooks the old Booth Hall Childrens
Hospital. Suddenly an orange glowing light the shape of a widened crucifix lying
sideways, and was glowing a fiery orange color. It had very defined straight
edges and appeared as a single solid object. Ian estimates it was 3 or 4 times
the size of a jumbo jet. He believed it was situated over a wooded area in the
local vicinity, and at least a couple of thousand feet high. The object was
moving extremely fast, hundreds of miles an hour, faster than a military jet
would fly at. It was on a level flight path heading north.
Due to the
speed of the object it was only a couple of seconds before he had completely
lost sight of it.
NOTE: NUFORC currently has 237 reports of cross-shaped UFO on file.
One of the more interesting cases on record was the Devon
Flying Cross. When I started to look over the reports, I
was amazed at the number of the cross-shaped UFOs that have been reported. Most
of the UFOs were white or orange in color...some would morph in another shape
(mostly a cigar or cylinder). There has been a very high number of orange and
orange-red orbs recently seen worldwide....The above image is an actual
photo taken in the United Kingdom. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Coventry is having a UFO flap at this
time, its NOTHING you can see passing overhead, but any camera or phone camera
with a good CCD device will catch the critters craft in the sky. Our eyes are
just not able to see the aliens craft, while any good CCD device will show them
in the frames.
I have some more pictures for you, you can use these in your magazine if you
like at
web site under General and UFOs over Coventry. Thanks to Michael Newark
Filers Files are now being emailed to 20,000 + addresses each week
plus: 739 forwarded to more thousands and to 68.
Social Networks: I suggest you forward them to your
friends and neighbors and ask them to read the evidence with an open
UFO Conferences
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
13-09-2013 om 19:31
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
fameux cas de Colmar, disparu des écrans du GEPAN - MAGONIE
Je suis retombé par hasard sur le site ufologique de P. Gross sur le
témoignange d'Edmond Campagnac au sujet du fameux cas de Colmar, jamais remis au
GEPAN à sa création en 1977 malgré les déclarations des uns et des autres, et
pour lequel l'Armée aurait conduit une enquête très fouillée.
Comme nous l'avons évoqué à la journée ufologique du Razès, je le soumet à
la sagacité des membres de la liste...
a part of the new MUFON Animal Mutilation Division headed up by Chuck Zukowski,
I have investigated several cow mutilations in the state of Missouri and have
been in contact with people in other locations who have had animals mutilated.
We are documenting these incidents, in which some involve UFOs on the website
The latest report is below. If you have had animal mutilations in your state,
please send your reports to me so I can post them for other researchers to
review. If we work together on this perhaps we can get some answers. Margie
9/6/2013 Time: Between 3:00 a.m and 8:00 a.m. Location: 200-acre ranch in
Gasconade County, Missouri The witness contacted me on 9/10/2013 after
finding our website
He found a 6-year old healthy Black Angus cow who was pregnant- dead on the
morning of the 6th at 9:00 a.m. He had gone to his ranch to check on his cattle
as he normally does every day when he noticed that the entire herd was standing
in a circle looking at something... more on the website.
This week Nick
Redfern asks if UFO secret documents are destined for destruction?
Next, Roger Marsh reports on a low flying triangle and on a
silent boomerang UFO. Then, author Pat Regan is writing a new
book and needs your help. Diane Tessman writes about a bipolar
butterfly nebula. Next, Sean Casteel explores the fear factor
of levitation and more. Scott Corrales writes about dimensional
doorways and UFOs. Christian Macé reports on more objects on
Mars. Jose Antonio Cangco rides an alien-modified vehicle.
Next, R.W. Sanders wonders why ETs are never around when you
need one. Warwick Associates submits an article about the three
keys of success for indigo children. I found a news release on Foo Fighters and
UFOs. Then I received an email from a reader who w itnessed the Pine Bush
incident. Next, Steve Erdmann contributes parts II and III of
his article on the Fourth Reich. Then William Treurniet and Paul
Hamden publish their paper "A primer of the Zeta Race".
Finally, Patricia Cota-Robles asks if there is a human shift in
consciousness? Explore the articles on UFO because these are only a
portion of the new articles this week.
Nick Redfern. Mahatma Ghandi, the man who ultimately led India to gain
independence from the United Kingdom, made a wise and knowing statement: A
small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission
can alter the course of history. More...
TRIANGLEby Roger Marsh. A Washington witness at Sedro-Woolley
reported watching a silent, triangle-shaped object moving slow and low overhead
with no lights, according to testimony from Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Case
47459 closed as an Unknown September 11, 2013. The witness arrived home about
10:30 p.m. on May 8, 2013, and was getting out of her car when the object was
first noticed. More... Also
UFO AUTHOR, PAT REGAN, IS ONCE AGAIN SEEKING WITNESS Pat Regan. I am currently working on a new UFO -
related book and may be looking for additional public UFO reports to utilise. More...
BUTTERFLY NEBULA? by Diane Tessman. NASAs Hubble Telescope has
uncovered an astounding mystery; the population of beautiful bipolar
(butterfly) planetary nebula in the Milky Ways galactic bulge, are all
pointing in the same direction! Their axes (plural of axis) are aligned.
Astronomers are baffled as to how this can be; this is against all their
calculations and previous data. More...
'FEAR FACTOR' PROGRAMby Sean Casteel. There are many strange
and frightening aspects of the UFO enigma that are not widely known and are
concealed by the UFO community because of the strangeness or fear factor. Take
for example the phenomenon of levitation, which often accompanies a UFO sighting
and especially an alien abduction. Stories of abductees being floated without
their consent through their bedroom window and into a waiting ship, as well as
aliens who seem to glide two to three feet off the ground as opposed to walking
normally, are very common. More... Also
SPAINby Scott Corrales. In the early morning hours of 25 April
1998, near the locality of Aznalcollar in Seville, one of the greatest
ecological disasters to ever affect our country took place. The toxic waste
containment pond owned by the Swedish-Canadian firm Boliden-Apirsa, overwhelmed
by its hazardous contents, cracked and sent froth a toxic wave that covered
the region, halting at the border of the Doñana Natural Park. The damage caused
to this wildlife sanctuary was minimal, although all local residents are aware
of the lethal effects of the toxic leaching into irrigation wells and riverine
water supply into Doñana. More... Also read: A
Macé. Here I have indicated by white arrows where this group of buildings
or buildings. And I blew/enlarged the whole area up. The photo that interests us
here on the official site. It was taken by the robot on the ground on Mars
"Curiosity" September 8, 2013, and posted September 9, 2013 on the official
website. The details of the photo are: NavCam Right B, SOL 388. More... Also
ALIEN MATTERS - RIDING IN AN ALIEN-MODIFIED VEHICLEby Jose Antonio Cangco. First, I must stress that there are many kinds
of aliens and those that I have met or seen face to face looked like us. I have
never seen one who looked extra-terrestrial, huge head, wrap around eyes,
small beings, giants, etc. They do not want to draw attention to themselves.
Whenever they come to Earth and try to mix with us, say, in Europe, those aliens
who looked Europeans would be the ones sent down. Because this happened in
Manila, Philippines, the aliens I saw resembled Filipinos. In fact, I would not
have cared for them whom I rode with had I not noticed strange but, may I say,
wonderful things. More...< /p>
ONE!by R.W. Sanders. Obama and Putin cannot seem to play nice.
And as usual the boiling point seems to be in the Middle East. And this seems to
be over Iran sending one nuke toward Israel, while awaiting nuclear annihilation
from Israel's force. This seems absurd. More...
Warwick Associates. Our indigo children are intense. It is this intensity
that can go quickly in the right direction by immersing into a creative
project or in the wrong direction by crying their eyes out. Our highly
sensitive and aware children need us --- parents, teachers and healers, to help
them understand their energy, how to channel it and ultimately how to use their
sensitivity as a strength versus a weakness. More...
seventy years ago during the height of World War ll as mighty aircraft filled
the skies waging epic battles above war torn Europe some unknown flying objects
nicknamed foo fighters were also present, zipping and weaving among our war
planes as they took a front row seat to watch history unfold. And as we fast
forward to 2013 these generational mysteries are being unraveled under the
moonlit skies of NYC's Central Park in one of the most unique tours to hit the
Big Apple in quite a while entitled The UFO Phenomena Tour. More...
Vander Ploeg.I have to tell you this is one of the very best newsletters
I've read.... I saw the "midnight Triangle" in Pine Bush NY back in 96 the only
thing is mine had white lights on each corner and under the ufo was a VW size
mesh type basket you could see thru it was metal was tree top but
across the road from the Pine bush Jewish Cemetery it was a huge orb.. (When we
pulled in driveway of Jewish Cemetery I went to the fence around the Cemetery
**respect for the dead** asking its permission to park there)** *I'm glad there
was no answer*** More... Also
Erdmann. (In addition to Lavendas comments, a 600-page report was
discovered, which the Justice Department has tried to keep secret for four
years, provided new evidence about more than two dozen of the most notorious
Nazi cases of the last three decades. More... Also
Hamden. Our book entitled
A primer of the Zeta Race (2013), by William Treurniet and Paul Hamden,
discusses interviews with extraterrestrial (ET) races, primarily members of one
facet of the Zeta race. More...
Patricia Cota-Robles. As you read this article, please withdraw your
attention from the outer-world chaos that is bombarding Humanitys hearts and
minds at this time. What we are witnessing in the media is being orchestrated by
a few peoples fallen human egos. The human ego is a fear-based, fragmented
aspect of Humanitys consciousness that is doing everything it can to maintain
control and to prevent us from manifesting the patterns of perfection for the
New Earth. More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of
the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or
associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an
important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its
membership. Thanks Dirk.
LEGAL STUFF You are receiving
this once-weekly e-mail newsletter because you signed up for it at
FEEDBACK: Send your comments and suggestions to
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
EP# 42: Travis Walton Case; Steve Pierce....
Driving through the Arizona high country in 1975with Travis Walton and Mike
Rogers and four othersSteve Pierce experienced something which would
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
GJ 1214b, une super-Terre riche en vapeur d'eau MAGONIE
"Développer" serait un bien grand mot. Il n'y
actuellement que des hypothèses qui, comme en astrobiologie (discipline très
liée à l'exoplanétologie), sont basées sur la connaissance des phénomènes
terrestres. De même qu'on peut connaître la composition chimique d'une étoile
(H2, He, Fe, C, etc) grâce aux raies d'absorption dans le spectre lumineux des
divers éléments, on tente actuellement par des méthodes analogues de détecter la
présence de gaz dans l'atmosphère d'exoplanètes. C'est loin d'être simple
techniquement. Les exoplanètes détectables par la méthode des transits sont
noyées dans la lumière de leur étoile-parente. Au delà de 10 parsecs (pc), soit
32.6 AL, il faut une très haute résolution optique. Cela semble nécessiter la
mise en oeuvre de grands interféromètres (assemblages de plusieurs télescopes ou
miroirs) dans l'espace. En admettant cette question résolue, on connaît les
raies spécifiques des différents gaz. Or il existe des gaz,
les chloroflurocarbures
(CFC), qui ne sont produits par aucun processus
naturel et dont le spectre est très spécifique et complètement différent des gaz
naturels connus. La théorie courante est que la détection de CFC dans
l'atmosphère d'une exoplanète serait une preuve potentielle de l'existence d'une
civilisation industrielle. On envisage même que la production de CFC dans
une atmophère soit délibérée, destinée à un processus de terraformation
(génération d'un effet de serre, comme certains le prévoient pour Mars). Dans ce
dernier cas, ce serait une technosignature avancée. Ton objection est juste :
nous abandonnons les CFC ; mais une civilisation étrangère pourrait avoir une
vision différente ou détenir le moyen d'empêcher un impact négatif sur son
environnement. Sur les CFC, voir :
Tout cela
n'est pour l'instant que spéculation, même si c'est de la spéculation éclairée.
La signature a priori la plus facile à déceler devrait être celle de
l'habitabilité (au sens large) : une atmosphère d'azote et d'oxygène dans des
proportions ± semblables à celles de la Terre; plus de l'eau, bien entendu... Il
faut aussi tenir compte de la température de surface (celle de GJ1214 b avoisine
les 100°C) et d'un tas d'autres paramètres
historians conduct a detailed examination into unique evidence throughout
ancient times that seem to depict futuristic technology, including astronauts,
and they discuss what humans may actually look like 10,000 years into the
British Tabloid Apologizes to Aliens for Linking Them to
The Church of
Scientology forced the British tabloid The Sun to apologize for reporting
that UFOs were seen flying over the church's British headquarters but The
Sun apologized to the aliens. It is one of the best newspaper apologies
ever. The Sun says it's sorry for the weekend report "Flying
saucers over British Scientology HQ" flat silver discs were seen hovering
by three airplane pilots explaining, "Following a letter from lawyers for the
Church, we apologise to any alien lifeforms for linking them to
As Lawrence Wright reported in his book Going Clear, the Church of
Scientology is infamous for aggressively suing its critics for libel something
that's all the more dangerous in Britain, where it's a lot easier to win libel
suits. It's so easy that Going Clearwas
not published in Britain.
I have run across some very interesting anomalies in lakes
throughout the Andes Mountains in Peru. T...
12-09-2013 om 00:49
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Don't Mess With Virginia Farm Boys
is a commonplace that you cant keep secrets in Washington or in a
democracy, that no matter how sensitive the secret, youre likely to read it
the next day in The
New York Times."
truisms are flatly false. They are in fact cover stories ... ways of flattering
and misleading journalists and their readers ... Eventually many secrets do get
out that wouldn't in a fully totalitarian society" ... "But the fact is that the
overwhelming majority of secrets do not leak to the American public ... secrets
that would be of the greatest import can be kept from them reliably for decades
by the executive branch [by compartmentalization] even though they are known to
thousands of insiders."
This film takes
a very informative and provocative look into the illegal and covert operations
of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)
Please visit the film
makers website for more information, films, etc. Check out this Metanoia Film that
is Blocked on youtube! Lifting The Veil: Barack Obama and the Failure of
Capitalist "Democracy" http://mysticalmusingsandpolitics.blo... (I uploaded it, but
youtube muted the audio!)
An excerpt from the film by Christopher
Simpson, Author of "The Science of Coercion": There's a question, a reasonable
question, of's this agency, and it's engaged in criminal activities
around the world, some of which are quite deadly.
So, which are quite
provocative in the sense of laying the ground work for large scale military
conflict, and it's happening in a lot of countries. This is not unique to the
United States.
The United States learned some of this from the British,
who learned it in turn during the nineteenth century, where they were a dominant
imperial power around the world. They cut there teeth on this stuff.
the other major powers are definitely engaged and capable of these same types of
operations, and small powers as well. Israel is an example.
The C.I.A.
grew out of the O.S.S. during World War II....
Peut-on faire de la science «dure» avec un phénomène aussi
fugitif que les OVNIs ? «Oui» selon le gr...
Dark Zone na dautre ambition que de collecter ces incidents étranges qui
passent presque toujours à travers les mailles trop larges du filet de
l'actualité. Quils soient authentiques ou non importe peu. Ils constituent une
part précieuse du folklore contemporain, nourrissent les mythes souterrains de
notre modernité et dessinent une Zone Obscure qu'il n'est pas interdit
"En fait vous construisez un OVNI !"
Le 11 septembre 2013 | Mise à jour le 11 septembre
Peut-on faire de la science «dure» avec un phénomène aussi fugitif que les
OVNIs ? «Oui» selon le groupe dingénieurs et de chercheurs dUFO-Science qui
depuis six ans tentent de reproduire en laboratoire certaines caractéristiques
physiques de ces objets non identifiés décrites par les témoins. Fondé par
lastrophysicien et ancien directeur de recherches au CNRS, Jean-Pierre Petit,
UFO-science regroupe désormais plusieurs jeunes passionnés qui
triment darrache-pied et sans a priori concernant la nature du phénomène, sur
des hypothèses susceptible dexpliquer les performances ahurissantes de ces
dahuts volants. Parmi eux, Mathieu Ader, électrotechnicien toulousain, revient
sur les origines dUFO-science et les progrès de ses recherches.
Lentretien qui suit est assez technique. Voici deux définitions préalables
pour une meilleure compréhension :
-Le plasma en physique est un état de la matière très particulier où
les noyaux des atomes et leurs électrons se séparent et commencent à se balader
dans une charmante anarchie après avoir été soumis à une ionisation. Il est
ainsi possible de transformer de lair en plasma en le soumettant à de fortes
charges électriques.
-La Magnétohydrodynamique ou MHD pour les intimes étudie le
comportement dun plasma quand on le met en présence dun champ
Une dernière chose : Jean-Pierre Petit, dont le caractère pour le moins
entier est connu, développe sur son site personnel, qui nest pas celui
dUFO-science, des idées qui sont à lexact lopposé des miennes ainsi que des
principes qui sous-tendent cette chronique. Mais ce nest pas le sujet de cette
interview. Et si on commence à ne parler quavec des gens avec qui on est
daccord, on finit par parler tout seul.
Des objets qui passent le mur du son sans émettre le "bang"
Quel est votre parcours personnel ? Je suis électrotechnicien de
formation et je travaille dans laéronautique à Toulouse. Je suivais le site et
le travail de Jean-Pierre Petit en simple curieux depuis des années. Puis,
Jean-Pierre a créé Ufo-science, suite à la publication des données recueillies
par le GEIPAN. La très grande majorité de ces données sont des Procès-Verbaux de
gendarmerie. Or, les PV de gendarmerie consignant les observations dOVNI sont
purement descriptifs : taille, couleurs, vitesse etc. Rien de bien scientifique
là dedans. Jean-Pierre Petit a souhaité créer une association qui travaille à la
fois sur le terrain et en laboratoire afin de développer des outils que lon
pourrait mettre à la disposition du grand public pour étudier le phénomène OVNI
de manière scientifique. Nous essayons de combler un manque : si le Geipan avait
un comité scientifique, Ufo-science naurait jamais vu le jour.
Pouvez-vous décrire le travail effectué en laboratoire ? Lune de
nos principales pistes de travail est la MHD, la magnétohydrodynamique.
Jean-Pierre Petit travaillait sur les générateurs MHD dans les années 60. Il fut
frappé par le nombre de témoignages décrivant des objets passant le mur du son
sans émettre le « bang » supersonique. Les avis sur ce phénomène étaient
partagés : les uns concluaient à son impossibilité physique et donc à la
non-matérialité des OVNIs. Dautres, dont Jean-Pierre Petit, se demandaient sil
nexistait pas une possibilité physique pour quun objet matériel franchisse le
mur du son, d'évoluer en hypersonique, sans émettre aucun bruit. Et la réponse
est « oui » : cest la MHD.
Il sagit dune théorie qui nest pas nouvelle Le principe est
connu depuis le 19e siècle. Jean-Pierre Petit sest intéressé au
générateur MHD fondé sur la possibilité d'extraire de lénergie d'un fluide en
mouvement. Or la MHD est réversible à la manière dune dynamo de vélo. Autrement
dit, on peut fournir de lénergie à un fluide pour faire réagir ce fluide et le
contrôler. Jean-Pierre sest dit quil est forcément possible de faire
fonctionner un engin aérien capable de contrôler le fluide, qui lenvironne,
lair, et donc de ne pas provoquer de « bang » supersonique. La propulsion MHD,
c'est"L'art et la manière de se propulser dans un fluide, en agissant sur ce
fluide avec des forces électromagnétiques"
Il est possible dexpérimenter en laboratoire ce principe et de le
modéliser ? Oui : Jean-Pierre a présenté en 1975 ses aérodynes
discoïdaux qui nest rien dautre le mot scientifique pour « soucoupes
volantes ». Car il se trouve que quand lon étudie les formes les mieux adaptées
à la MHD, il apparaît que cest la forme disque qui est la meilleure. Cette
« coïncidence » entre cette forme typique des OVNIs et la forme idéale pour la
MHD a fait tilt dans sa tête. Mais il na pas pu aller au bout de ses recherches
dans le cadre académique
Car les soucoupes volantes doivent rester aux portes de la science,
attachées à un réverbère Cest un peu ça, surtout à lépoque. A
Ufo-science, nous avons repris ses travaux mais de façon totalement
indépendante. Nous sommes financés par des dons et la publication de livres. Cet
argent est investi dans lachat de matériel et dans des expérimentations. Quand
nous obtenons des résultats, nous allons les présenter dans des congrès
scientifiques. Nous remercions d'ailleurs tous ceux qui nous soutiennent par
leur don.
"En principe, même un cube peut se déplacer par MHD"
Quelles sont les réactions à vos travaux dans ces congrès ? Depuis
2008, nous avons réalisé 6 publications qui ont été présentées dans des congrès
scientifiques internationaux (Lituanie, Allemagne, Corée du sud, République
Tchèque), consultables sur le site de notre association (1). Plusieurs ont été
acceptés par les référés et sont parues dans des revues scientifiques à comité
de lecture. Les réactions sont vraiment très ouvertes : en 2010, en Corée du
Sud, nous sommes venus présenter des travaux démontrant quil était possible de
créer un plasma autour dun engin qui reste confiné au plus près de la paroi.
Quand nous avons achevé la présentation devant des labos venus du monde entier,
le chairman de la conférence nous a dit, sans la moindre ironie : « En fait,
vous fabriquez un OVNI. »
Dautres labos en France ou à létranger travaillent-ils sur la
MHD ? Il y en a, bien sûr. Nous les rencontrons souvent dans les congrès.
Ce que lon appelle « la physique des plasmas froids » est un sujet très
porteur ». Mais, tout cela est très lié à lindustrie de larmement et donc très
secret. Il est difficile de se faire une précise de létat réel de lavancée des
Pour en revenir aux OVNIs, tous ne sont pas en forme de soucoupe
volante. On observe des triangles des cigares, des sphères etc. Ces autres
formes sont-elles compatibles avec la MHD ? En principe, même un cube
peut se déplacer par MHD sans provoquer de « bang » supersonique. Mais, de toute
façon, il nest pas question daffirmer que la MHD rend compte de toutes les
observations dOVNIs. Il y a des descriptions dobjets métalliques flottant
au-dessus du sol, immobile, sans bruit que la MHD ne peut expliquer.
Ny a-t-il pas dautres aspects du phénomènes OVNI qui pourraient
inspirer des démarches similaires à la vôtre. Je pense par exemple aux faisceaux
de lumière tronqués, qui semblent sarrêter net Votre exemple est
amusant car il compatible avec la MHD Nous avons obtenu des faisceaux de
lumière tronqués sur nos petites maquettes. En réalité, il sagit dun arc à
haute fréquence qui résulte de lénergie pulsée envoyée dans lair. Cest un
faisceau de plasma, en fait.
Parlez-vous de vous recherches à vos collègues de travail ? Oui,
bien sûr. La MHD intéresse forcément les gens qui travaillent dans
laéronautique car cest un système de propulsion davenir. Quand elle sera au
point, on pourra faire Paris Tokyo en deux heures.
Et en ce qui concerne la source dénergie de la MHD ? Cest le
nud du problème. La MHD marche en expérimental mais sa mise en uvre pratique
demeure très compliquée. Toutefois, Jean-Pierre Petit a développé à partir du
fameux avion secret américain Aurora, dont on ne sait trop sil existe ou pas,
le concept dun appareil révolutionnaire. Un avion rebondissant sur les hautes
couches de latmosphère équipé dun système MHD qui convertirait lair en
Concrètement, il s'agit d'utiliser un système où l'énergie utilisée pour
accélérer le flux en sortie d'un réacteur par le biais d'un accélérateur MHD dit
"pariétal", provient d'un générateur MHD situé au devant de l'appareil. Le
générateur convertit l'énergie du gaz supersonique en électricité, permettant
ainsi de gagner sur plusieurs tableaux : - Une énergie disponible pour
alimenter l'accélérateur MHD situé à l'arrière. - La vitesse du gaz ayant
diminuée après son passage dans le générateur, celui-ci peut être absorbé par
l'entrée d'air sans causer de dommages au réacteur.
"Une véritable chasse au spectre d'Ovni est en cours !"
Autrement dit, un appareil capable dutiliser son environnement pour se
propulser... Cest tout à fait ça. Mais il y a encore du boulot ! En
2010, on a réussi à confiner un plasma à la surface dune maquette daérodyne.
En 2011, nous sommes parvenus à contrôler le plasma pour quil forme les
spirales qui permettent la propulsion de la soucoupe. La prochaine étape
consistera à faire voler un aérodyne plus gros dans de lair dense.
Le manque de fonds est-il un
problème ? On travaille beaucoup avec du matériel de récupération. Mais
avec nos maigres moyens, on arrive à concurrencer voire à dépasser certains
labos officiels. Nous côtoyons dans les congrès des grands laboratoires comme le
CEA (Commissariat à lénergie atomique) ou lONERA, le centre français de
recherche aérospatiale.
En participant à ces congrès avez-vous croisé des entreprises susceptibles
de financer vos travaux ? Des investisseurs non. En revanche, nous avons
rencontré des personnes très intéressées par les dispositifs dobservation du
ciel et détude des Ovnis sur le terrain que nous avons conçus. Des outils de
traque dOVNIs
A propos de la bonnette à réseau de diffraction que vous offrez et que
jai commandée ? Il y a 3000 bonnettes en circulation à travers le monde
depuis que nous avons lancé leur diffusion en 2007. Nous avons commencé à
recevoir des photos de spectres lumineux en 2010, provenant à chaque fois de
sources identifiables avions, lampadaires, étoiles etc. Cest un excellent outil
qui permet didentifier en un coup dil une lumière artificielle ou naturelle.
Grâce à ces bonnettes à réseau, il est aujourd'hui possible de connaitre la
composition chimique d'un Ovni, sa température, et détecter la présence d'un
champs magnétique. Une véritable chasse au spectre d'Ovni est en cours ! (2)
Une équipe de scientifiques détient pourtant les spectres des fameuses
lumières dHessdalen en Norvège , qui ne sont toujours pas
expliquées (voir la vidéo ci-dessous extraite d'un excellent documentaire
sur les OVNIs diffusé par Canal +) Le chercheur qui travaille sur ces
lumières depuis a conclu à partir des spectres quil sagissait dobjets
solides. Mais ça reste très vague. Il na pas rendu public le détail de
lanalyse spectographique. Si nous obtenons un spectre vraiment insolite, nous
le mettrons aussitôt sur Internet.
Lanalyse du spectre lumineux dun supposé OVNI aurait-elle une utilité
concrète pour vos travaux ? Bien sûr ! Si lon saperçoit, par exemple,
quil sagit dun phénomène naturel inconnu, nous disposerions de sa température
et de sa composition chimique. Et si un jour un spectre montre lexistence dun
champ magnétique autour dun OVNI, alors nous pourrions étudier la relation
entre la composition chimique indiquée par le spectre et le champ magnétique et
mettre en place un dispositif expérimental pour tenter de reproduire le
phénomène. Ce serait un formidable moyen de valider ou non nos hypothèses.
Il y un contraste extraordinaire entre le phénomène OVNI, évasif, furtif,
contradictoire et votre volonté de sappuyer là-dessus pour faire de la science
expérimentale « dure ». Comment, vous, de formation scientifique en êtes-vous
venu à vous intéresser à lufologie ? Cest un intérêt qui remonte à
lenfance, nourri par des lectures mais aussi par une observation personnelle à
14 ans. A lépoque, javais été très intrigué. Avec le recul, je me dis que jai
pu faire une confusion avec un avion ou satellite mais ma curiosité a été
éveillée. Par la suite, les études mont pris du temps et jai mis lufologie de
côté. Je suis revenu sur ce thème par le biais des forums de discussion sur
Internet mais jétais un peu frustré par le manque dinitiatives concrètes.
Cest pour cela que jai été séduit par le travail de Jean-Pierre Petit qui
propose des solutions pratiques et peu coûteuses pour travailler sur cette
question comme les bonnettes à réseau ou les stations de surveillance du ciel
comme UFO-Catch.
Cest quoi UFO-Catch ? Cest une caméra de surveillance du ciel
qui prend automatiquement une photo quand elle perçoit un mouvement. Le dernier
modèle comprend une caméra fisheye pour la détection et une caméra montée sur
dispositif motorisé qui permet de suivre lobjet et den prendre plusieurs
photos consécutives avec un réseau de diffraction.
Nous obtenons ainsi le spectre et la vitesse de lobjet. Si le spectre de
lobjet et sa vitesse correspondent à celle dun avion de ligne, alors, il y a
de fortes chances que ça soit un avion de ligne. Ce dispositif automatisé
réalise un tri en amont qui épargne pas mal de temps Prochainement, nous allons
créer un site regroupant tous les types de spectres photographiques fournis par
les stations de détection et les personnes qui disposent de bonnettes à réseau.
Les personnes qui photographient le spectre dun objet lumineux pourront envoyer
leurs clichés directement sur la base de données où ils seront triés et
analysés. Il y a une vraie synergie avec les opérations Suricate que vous avez
évoquées sur Dark Zone. Nous les fournissons en bonnettes à réseau dès quils en
(1)- Techniques pour avion hypersonique à pontage MHD
- Disques volants à propulsion MHD
- Techniques pour maîtriser les instabilités des plasmas froids en
présence de champs magnétiques
- MHD hypersonic flow control for aerospace applications
- Confinement pariétal par inversion du gradient de champ
- Annihilation de linstabilité électrothermique de Velikhov par
modification de la valeur locale de la conductivité électrique par confinement
Skylon Reaction Engines Skylon spacecraft would make short hauls into orbit, come back, and be ready to do it again two days later. Nick Kaloterakis
A disembodied jet engine, attached to a hulking air vent, sits in an outdoor test facility at the Culham Science Center in Oxfordshire, England. When the engine screams to life, columns of steam billow from the vent, giving the impression of an industrial smokestack. Engineer Alan Bond sees something more futuristic. Were looking at a revolution in transportation, he says. For Bond, the engine represents the beginning of the worlds first fully reusable spaceship, a new kind of craft that promises to do what no space-faring vehicle ever has: offer reliable, affordable, and regular round-trip access to low Earth orbit.
Bond and the engineers at Reaction Engines, the aerospace company he founded with two colleagues in 1989, refer to the future craft as the Skylon. The vehicle would have a fuselage reminiscent of the Concorde and take off like a conventional airliner, accelerate to Mach 5.2, and blast out of the atmosphere like a rocket. On the return trip, Skylon would touch down on the same runway it launched from.
Bonds Synergistic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (Sabre)part chemical rocket, part jet enginewill make Skylon possible. Sabre has the unique ability to use oxygen in the air rather than from external liquid-oxygen tanks like those on the space shuttle. Strapped to a spacecraft, engines of this breed would eliminate the need for expendable boosters, which make launching people and things into space slow and expensive. The Skylon could be ready to head back to space within two days of landing, says Mark Hempsell, future-programs director at Reaction Engines. By comparison, the space shuttle, which required an external fuel tank and two rocket boosters, took about two months to turn around (due to damage incurred during launch and splashdown) and cost $100 million. Citing Skylons simplicity, Hempsell estimates a mission could cost as little as $10 million. That price would even undercut the $50 million sum that private spaceflight company SpaceX plans to charge to launch cargo on its two-stage Falcon 9 rocket.
The engine produces incredible heat as it pushes toward space, and heat is a problem. Hot air is difficult to compress, and poor compression in the combustion chamber yields a weak and inefficient engine. Sabre must be able to cool that air quickly, before it gets to the turbocompressor. In November, Reaction Engines hit a critical milestone when it successfully tested the prototypes ability to inhale blistering-hot air and then flash-chill it without generating mission-ending frost. David Willetts, British minister for universities and science, called the achievement remarkable.
The Skylon concept has also impressed the European Space Agency (ESA), which audited Reaction Engines designs last year and found no technical impediments to building the craft. The bigger challenge may be securing funding. While ESA and the British government have invested a combined $92 million in the project, Bond and his crew plan to turn to public and private investors for the remaining $3.6 billion necessary to complete the engine, which they say could be ready for flight tests in the next four years. Building the craft itself would require a much heftier investment: $14 billion.
* * * The quest for a single-stage-to-orbit spaceship, or SSTO, has bedeviled aerospace engineers for decades. Bonds own exploration of the topic began in the early 1980s, when he was a young engineer working with Rolls-Royce as part of a team tasked with developing a reusable spacecraft for British Aerospace. Thats when he came up with the idea of a hybrid engine. But the team struggled to figure out how to cool the engine at supersonic speeds without adding crippling amounts of weight. By the time the plane hits Mach 2 or so, the air becomes very hot and extremely difficult to compress, Bond says. Rolls-Royce and the British government, doubtful that an easy and economical solution existed, canceled the programs funding.
NASA and Lockheed Martin, meanwhile, had their own plans for a fully reusable spacecraft, the VentureStar, intended as an affordable replacement for the partially reusable space shuttle. The VentureStar demonstrator, called X-33 (which graced the cover of this magazine in 1996), was a squat, triangular rocket that would take off vertically and glide back to Earth just as the shuttle did. Eliminating the expendable rockets needed to boost the shuttle into space could theoretically reduce the cost of launches from $10,000 per pound to $1,000 per pound. But by 2001, after sinking more than $1 billion into the project, the agency pulled the plug, citing repeated technical setbacks and ballooning costs. We backed off because we felt it was better to focus our efforts on other, less costly ways to get payloads to orbit, says Dan Dumbacher, NASAs deputy associate administrator for exploration systems development, who spent two years working on the X-33.
The Sabre Engine: How It Works:Air traveling at Mach 5 enters the engine and passes through a heat exchanger. There, a network of paper-thin metal tubes filled with liquid helium chill the 2,000F air to 238F almost instantly. That chilled air flows into the turbocompressor, then into the thrust chambers, where its mixed with liquid hydrogen and ignited to produce thrust for the spacecraft. Courtesy Reaction Engines
With the shuttle now retired, and companies such as SpaceX under contract to resupply the International Space Station (ISS), NASA has doubled down on expendable boosters as a means of sending humans and probes well beyond Earths orbit. NASAs new platform for deep-space exploration, the Space Launch System, will be the most powerful rocket ever built. The agencys focus on space exploration, and the need for big rockets to achieve it, means NASA no longer needs to build its own platforms just to get cargo into orbit. From a pure technical perspective, wed all love to go do SSTO, Dumbacher says. But were focused on making sure we get humans farther into space, and thats an expensive proposition.
Expendable rockets make sense for missions beyond low-Earth orbit. They can haul more cargo and more fuel than single-stage craft. Rockets also offer reliabilityon average, only one out of 20 launches fail, in part because they suffer no wear and tear from repeated use. Finally, rockets come with fewer R&D costs, as much of the technology has existed since the 1960s.
But for routine missions to the ISS, or to park a small observational satellite in orbit, affordability becomes a critical consideration. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk told an audience at the National Press Club in 2011 that private spaceflights would need to follow a model closer to that of airlines. If planes were not reusable, very few people would fly, he said. SpaceX plans to make rocket stages reusable, but there are drawbacks to that, too: While it is possible to recover rocket stages, designing bits and pieces to survive reentry in good working order adds a level of complexity and cost.
Fly anywhere in the world in under four hours. Hempsell says Skylon could potentially make 100 flights annuallywhich, if true, could in its first year recoup the money spent in R&D and construction, leaving only expenses like fuel, maintenance, and overhead. And Bonds engine technology, aside from keeping a launch vehicle intact from start to finish, offers another advantage: supersonic aviation. It could enable an aircraft to fly anywhere in the world in under four hours, says Bond.
* * *
When air strikes an engine at five times the speed of sound, it can heat up to nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Bleeding off that heat instantly, before the air reaches the turbocompressor and then the thrust chamber, was the most onerous technical challenge for Reaction Engines engineers. Bonds solution is a heat exchanger that works by running cold liquid helium through an array of tubes with paper-thin metal walls. As the scorching-hot air moves through the exchanger, the chilled tubing absorbs the energy, cooling the air to minus 238 degrees Fahrenheit in a fraction of a second. Bond says his exchanger could handle about 400 megawatts of heat (equivalent to a medium-size natural-gas plant). If it were in a power station, it would probably be a 200-ton heat exchanger, he says. The one weve built is about 1.4 tons.
For rocket scientists, nothing matters more than weight. Each pound you put into orbit requires about 10 pounds or so of fuel to get it there, says NASAs Dumbacher. The challenge with the SSTO has always been to get the craft as light as possible [and generate] as much thrust as possible. Bond estimates that Skylon would weigh about 358 tons at takeoff and hold enough hydrogen fuel to carry itself and about 16.5 tons of payloadabout the same capacity as most operational rocketsinto orbit.
If and when the engine passes flight tests, one of Reaction Engines plans is to license the technology to a potential partner in the aerospace industry. Bond hopes the recent success of the heat exchanger will inspire interest. After 30 years of research, it has certainly inspired him. It represents a fundamental breakthrough in propulsion technology, he says. This is the proudest moment of my life.
This article originally appeared in the September 2013 issue of Popular Science.
Im often asked how I think the discovery of extraterrestrial life might unfold. Questioners usually have two scenarios in mind; firstly, some major and undeniable sighting - perhaps even the archetypal landing on the White House lawn. Secondly, a scenario where the President of the United States makes a live TV announcement and confirms the alien presence, perhaps by admitting that the Roswell incident really did involve the crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. In either event, this would constitute the Disclosure that the UFO community dream of and in some cases actively lobby for.
For a number of reasons, while not entirely discounting such possibilities, I doubt that this will be how things actually turn out. Setting aside the potential discovery of microbial life within our own solar system (probably on Mars or Europa), the discovery of extraterrestrial life may come not from ufology, but from ufologys arch-enemy, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence SETI.
SETI is a privately-funded series of efforts involving the use of radio telescopes to search for a signal sent by another civilization. The thinking is that if viable interstellar travel is impossible because of the light-speed barrier, then communicating via radio signals would be the best and most logical way to connect with other civilizations. The sci-fi movie Contact (based on the eponymous novel by astronomer Carl Sagan) is probably the best representation of the SETI program in popular culture.
To say that ufology and SETI dont get along would be an understatement. Ufologists chide SETI for looking for life out there, when as they believe, its already down here. This segues into the accusation that SETI (like NASA) are gatekeepers of the cover-up and already have evidence that extraterrestrial life exists, but are withholding it from the public. A more interesting criticism came from the counterculture philosopher Terence McKenna, who once said that to search expectantly for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is probably as culture-bound a presumption as to search the galaxy for a good Italian restaurant.
As for SETI, its practitioners struggle for acceptance from the scientific establishment. This being the case, they understandably distance themselves from the UFO community and when questions about UFOs come up (as they often do), SETI scientists are overly-dismissive of the UFO phenomenon. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that SETI spokespeople are often cast as the skeptics in chat shows or documentaries about UFOs, creating an adversarial relationship with ufology.
My own view is that SETI scientists and ufologists are looking for the same thing, but in different places and with different methodologies. Arguably, therefore, there is more that binds them together than sets them apart.
However, the balance of power may be about to change. In 2016, construction will begin on a radio telescope known as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA). Receiving stations will be built in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other nations in Southern Africa. This is truly a multi-national venture, with many different countries taking part in the project, which has its headquarters at Jodrell Bank Observatory in the UK. The SKA will be 50 times more sensitive than any existing radio telescope and will be able to survey the sky 10,000 times faster than is currently possible. Initial observations will be made in 2019 and the SKA is expected to be fully operational by 2024.
The point about all this, of course, is that if theres a detectable civilization anywhere in our part of the galaxy, the SKA should be able to find it. To put some flesh on the bones for the more astronomically-minded, one oft-repeated soundbite is that the SKA will be so powerful, it would be able to detect an airport radar at a distance of 50 light years.
Of course, there is some time to go, and a number of problems still to overcome. One big and undecided question is how much telescope time SETI scientists will actually get on the SKA. They are regarded by others in the radio astronomy community as being on the fringes of science and there will be many other competing demands for the SKA, with scientists hoping that it will help probe other mysteries, including the search for the truth about dark matter and dark energy. These mainstream projects are expected to be the priority.
But make no mistake about it: the SKA is the single most likely way in which well discover extraterrestrial civilizations. And at risk of making a controversial prediction, 2024 is when we might find them.
If we do detect a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization, a number of questions arise. Should we reply? Who should reply? And what should we say? Ill be delving into these issues next month.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government's UFO project and has recently been involved in a five-year program to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defense Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defense and intelligence.
Paul Carr (Aerial Phenomenon Investigations Team, based in Washington,
The theory basically goes that any civilisation which could evolve to a 'post-human' stage would almost certainly learn to run simulations on the scale of a universe. And that given the size of reality - billions of worlds, around billions of suns - it is fairly likely that if this is possible, it has already happened.
And if it has? Well, then the statistical likelihood is that we're located somewhere in that chain of simulations within simulations. The alternative - that we're the first civilisation, in the first universe - is virtually (no pun intended) absurd.
And it's not just theory. We previously reported that researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany had found evidence the Matrix was less than fiction. That story was by far our most popular of the year - indicating it's something about which you lot have wondered too.
Professor Martin Savage at the University of Washington says while our own computer simulations can only model a universe on the scale of an atom's nucleus, there are already "signatures of resource constraints" which could tell us if larger models are possible.
This is where it gets complex.
Essentially, Savage said that computers used to build simulations perform "lattice quantum chromodynamics calculations" - dividing space into a four-dimensional grid. Doing so allows researchers to examine the force which binds subatomic particles together into neutrons and protons - but it also allows things to happen in the simulation, including the development of complex physical "signatures", that researchers don't program directly into the computer. In looking for these signatures, such as limitations on the energy held by cosmic rays, they hope to find similarities within our own universe.
And if such signatures do appear in both? Boot up, baby. We're inside a computer. (Maybe).
University of Washington researchers have performed what they believe is the
first noninvasive human-to-human brain
interface, with one researcher able to send a brain signal via the Internet
to control the hand motions of a fellow researcher.
University of Washington
University of Washington researcher Rajesh Rao, left, plays a computer game
with his mind. Across campus, researcher Andrea Stocco, right, wears a magnetic
stimulation coil over the left motor cortex region of his brain. Stoccos right
index finger moved involuntarily to hit the fire button as part of the first
human brain-to-brain interface demonstration.
Using electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation, Rajesh Rao sent a
brain signal to Andrea
Stocco on the other side of the UW campus, causing Stoccos finger to move
on a keyboard.
While researchers at Duke University have demonstrated brain-to-brain
communication between two rats, and Harvard researchers have demonstrated it
between a human and a rat, Rao and Stocco believe this is the first
demonstration of human-to-human brain interfacing.
The Internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to
connect brains, Stocco said. We want to take the knowledge of a brain and
transmit it directly from brain to brain.
The researchers captured the full demonstration on video recorded in both
labs. The following version has been edited for length. This video and
high-resolution photos also are available on the research website.
Rao, a UW professor of computer science and engineering, has been working on
brain-computer interfacing in his lab for more than 10 years and just published
a textbook
on the subject. In 2011, spurred by the rapid advances in technology, he
believed he could demonstrate the concept of human brain-to-brain interfacing.
So he partnered with Stocco, a UW research assistant professor in psychology at
the UWs Institute for Learning & Brain
On Aug. 12, Rao sat in his lab wearing a cap with electrodes hooked up to an
machine, which reads electrical activity in the brain. Stocco was in his lab
across campus wearing a purple swim cap marked with the stimulation site for the
magnetic stimulation coil that was placed directly over his left motor
cortex, which controls hand movement.
The team had a Skype connection set up so the two labs could coordinate,
though neither Rao nor Stocco could see the Skype screens.
Rao looked at a computer screen and played a simple video game with his mind.
When he was supposed to fire a cannon at a target, he imagined moving his right
hand (being careful not to actually move his hand), causing a cursor to hit the
fire button. Almost instantaneously, Stocco, who wore noise-canceling earbuds
and wasnt looking at a computer screen, involuntarily moved his right index
finger to push the space bar on the keyboard in front of him, as if firing the
cannon. Stocco compared the feeling of his hand moving involuntarily to that of
a nervous tic.
It was both exciting and eerie to watch an imagined action from my brain get
translated into actual action by another brain, Rao said. This was basically a
one-way flow of information from my brain to his. The next step is having a more
equitable two-way conversation directly between the two brains.
University of Washington
The cycle of the experiment. Brain signals from the Sender are recorded.
When the computer detects imagined hand movements, a fire command is
transmitted over the Internet to the TMS machine, which causes an upward
movement of the right hand of the Receiver. This usually results in the fire
key being hit.
The technologies used by the researchers for recording and stimulating the
brain are both well-known. Electroencephalography, or EEG, is routinely used by
clinicians and researchers to record brain activity noninvasively from the
scalp. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a noninvasive way of delivering
stimulation to the brain to elicit a response. Its effect depends on where the
coil is placed; in this case, it was placed directly over the brain region that
controls a persons right hand. By activating these neurons, the stimulation
convinced the brain that it needed to move the right hand.
Computer science and engineering undergraduates Matthew Bryan, Bryan
Djunaedi, Joseph Wu and Alex Dadgar, along with bioengineering graduate student
Dev Sarma, wrote the computer code for the project, translating Raos brain
signals into a command for Stoccos brain.
Brain-computer interface is something people have been talking about for a
long, long time, said Chantel
Prat, assistant professor in psychology at the UWs Institute for Learning
& Brain Sciences, and Stoccos wife and research partner who helped conduct
the experiment. We plugged a brain into the most complex computer anyone has
ever studied, and that is another brain.
At first blush, this breakthrough brings to mind all kinds of science fiction
scenarios. Stocco jokingly referred to it as a Vulcan mind meld. But Rao
cautioned this technology only reads certain kinds of simple brain signals, not
a persons thoughts. And it doesnt give anyone the ability to control your
actions against your will.
Both researchers were in the lab wearing highly specialized equipment and
under ideal conditions. They also had to obtain and follow a stringent set of
international human-subject testing rules to conduct the demonstration.
I think some people will be unnerved by this because they will overestimate
the technology, Prat said. Theres no possible way the technology that we have
could be used on a person unknowingly or without their willing
Stocco said years from now the technology could be used, for example, by
someone on the ground to help a flight attendant or passenger land an airplane
if the pilot becomes incapacitated. Or a person with disabilities could
communicate his or her wish, say, for food or water. The brain signals from one
person to another would work even if they didnt speak the same language.
Rao and Stocco next plan to conduct an experiment that would transmit more
complex information from one brain to the other. If that works, they then will
conduct the experiment on a larger pool of subjects.
By their own account, there may be no good, earthly reason for Jim Weiner and
Chuck Foltz to do what they plan to this weekend.
Chuck Foltz, left, and Jim Weiner, both of whom say they were abducted by a
UFO in 1976 in Allagash, are among the participants at the Experiencers Speak
Tim Greenway/Staff Photographer
A drawing from a book by Raymond E. Fowler drawn by Chuck Foltz shows an
aerial view of the canoe.
There is neither a fortune to be made nor fame to acquire.
Yet on Sunday evening before a crowd of strangers and old friends, the two
longtime buddies will recount in stunning detail their recollection of the
night, nearly 40 years ago, when they say they and two others were plucked from
a canoe on Eagle Lake in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway and taken aboard an
alien spacecraft.
"Number one, we have nothing to gain by this except public ridicule," said
Foltz, 63. "Our goal would be to enlighten, inform and put some type of positive
direction on this."
At the second annual "Experiencers Speak" conference, which began Friday and
ends Sunday at the Clarion Hotel in Portland, Weiner, Foltz and more than a
dozen other speakers will tell their stories of close encounters. Weiner and
Foltz's will be the final presentation, scheduled for Sunday evening, in a slate
of programs meant to provide comfort and understanding for a group of people
whose experiences nearly by definition relegate them to the fringe.
That little of what will be said can be independently verified is of little
concern to the believers, for their knowledge is firsthand, many say.
"The goal is to help experiencers come to terms with what's happening to
them, and get over their fears and get on with their lives," said Audrey Hewins
of Oxford, the organizer of the conference and whose regional group, Starborn
Support, hosts monthly meetings for a few dozen people to help them cope with
their abduction or close-encounter experience.
In the world of ufology -- the oft-marginalized study of unidentified flying
objects and the accompanying foreign beings that purportedly interact with
people on Earth -- the "Allagash incident" ranks among the most substantiated in
the United States.
The case was the subject of a 1993 book, "The Allagash Abductions," by
longtime UFO investigator Raymond E. Fowler, which bills itself as "undeniable
evidence of alien intervention" into human life. The tome is a relatively
straightforward account of how Fowler encountered the four men, interviewed them
and had them undergo regression hypnosis -- a form of guided relaxation that
purports to allow people to retrieve lost or repressed memories.
Through independent sessions of hypnosis performed years after the 1976
encounter, Weiner, Foltz, Weiner's twin brother, Jack, and a fourth companion,
Charles Rak, each recounted slightly different versions of the same, horrifying
story of being used as human test subjects by an advanced, celestial race of
humanoid figures who took them aboard their craft that night.
When they were asked about the experience during an interview Friday, the
voices of Jim Weiner and Foltz did not not waver. Their gaze maintained a steady
intensity as they recalled the brilliant orb of light that first hovered over
the trees. They described a beam of light emanating from the orb and surrounding
them, before they were whisked to parts unknown.
The experience aboard the craft, where they were probed and tested by
four-fingered beings with almond-shaped eyes and languid limbs, appeared to have
taken about two hours, according to their accounts.
But when the experience occurred, the group of four felt no gap in time. Only
later, when a large campfire built to burn for hours had seemingly died down in
a matter of minutes, did they realize they had "lost time," a blind spot in
their recollections that was only filled in later under deep hypnosis.
The steadfastness of their story has not deterred a legion of doubters,
debunkers and verbal assailants, though. They've been called crazy more times
than they care to remember.
Jack Weiner, 61, who suffers from multiple sclerosis and cannot easily travel
from his Vermont home, said in a telephone interview Friday that his experience
in Allagash refocused his career away from the arts and toward hard science and
mathematics. He doesn't care whether people believe his story, he said, and
dismisses debunkers as close-minded and sometimes ignorant of the breadth of
scientific knowledge.
"They weren't there," Jack Weiner said. "I didn't see them there. If they
want to stay ignorant, there's nothing I can do to change them. I know
differently from my own experience."
Rak, the fourth member of the canoe party, has been out of contact with the
group for more than two decades and could not be located for an interview.
But that does not deter Jim Weiner and Foltz, who are both from the Boston
area, from pursuing further study and inquiry into what they believe is a global
effort by world governments to systematically conceal from the public the truth
about the existence of alien life.
The nay-saying crowd, Weiner said, is a product of some restrictive worldview
that cannot possibly fathom that aliens exist.
"What we describe threatens them in some way," said Weiner, who works in
information technology at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston.
Be it social, religious or scientific beliefs, he said, "the only way they can
maintain a sense of self is by denial or accusation. It's much easier to say,
'Oh, you're making it up,' or, 'Oh, you're crazy,' or, 'You're a fraud.'"
Joe Cambria, who operates the New England UFO Research Organization and a
companion hotline for witnesses to report sightings, said he receives a steady
stream of calls, the vast majority -- as high as 90 percent -- from hoaxsters
and phonies.
"Then that final 10 percent is what's interesting," he said.
Skepticism is a requirement for any serious UFO inquiry, said Cambria, of
Wakefield, Mass. He is even skeptical of the use of the word "abduction."
"People are having (internal) experiences," said Cambria, his voice
"But kidnappings? Something's been going on out there, and it's been going on
out there since recorded time. We don't have an answer for it, but we continue
to study it."
The conference had a sold-out dinner for 60 Friday night, said Hewins, who
expects more than 100 people to attend the sessions over the weekend.
Message aux visiteurs du Blog !ps : Ne pas hésiter à m'envoyer des message sur c...e Blog !Voici Emily Wolf, je t'embrasse ! Merci encore pour tes photos avec "Errances spatiales" !17/06/2010 | 0J'aime2Poster un commentaireTweetLiensVoir les articles de la catégorie DiversRetour aux articlesPanier: 0 a...Afficher la suite
10-09-2013 om 14:10
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Intriguing photographs from
orbiting probes hint at large, growing life forms, and perhaps even the ruins of
a technologically advanced Martian culture
ME, The Director of Investigations for MUFON, October 1st, 2013.........6
Central 7 Eastern.....My guest for the first hour, on the Only Official MUFON
Radio Show, will be Robert Powell......President of the MUFON Science Review
Board...He and I will discuss and share with you the Top Ten Cases for
The second hour....7 Central and 8 Eastern....My guest will be
Jan Harzan.....The new Executive Director for MUFON....
Une équipe japonaise montre que
l'atmosphère de GJ1214 b serait riche en vapeur d'eau. GJ1214 b est une
exoplanète gravitant autour du soleil GJ1214 (Gliese 1214), à 45 AL de la Terre,
dans la constellation d'Ophiucus. C'est une super-Terre de rayon = 2.7 rT et de masse = 6.5 mT. Sa
gravité de surface est estimée à 0.9 gT (ce qui suggère une densité beaucoup
plus faible que celle de la Terre). Son année n'est que de 1.58 jours et sa
distance à l'étoile parente d'environ 2 Mkm. Malgré cette proximité,
il est possible que la
planète orbite dans la zone habitable de son système solaire car son
étoile est une naine
rouge de classe M, plus froide (3000 K) et plus vieille que Sol (6
Lors de la journée du Razès, des apartés et des discussions en
session on porté sur la question de la vie extraterrestre. L'un des spectateurs
(un Sétois fort sympathique) a évoqué un récent congrès d'astronomie au cours
duquel un intervenant a déclaré que la découverte d'exoplanètes "habitées" (le
sens de ce mot a été débattu) interviendrait d'ici à 10
ans. On peut
raisonnablement prédire qu'après les résultats récents en exoplanétologie, et
compte tenu de la progression quasi-exponentielle des connaissances dans ce
domaine, cette durée pourrait bien être réduite au moins de moitié.
lumières rouges ont été aperçues dans le ciel de
Gilles Milot, président de l'Association québécoise
LAssociation québécoise dufologie (AQU) affirme avoir constaté une
multiplication de phénomènes paranormaux depuis quun OVNI aurait été repéré en
juillet à Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville.
« Lapparition dun OVNI ayant la forme de
plusieurs boules lumineuses rouges et orangées, le 21 juillet dans le ciel de
Saint-Bruno, a été le début dune vague importante dobjets volants non
identifiés dans le monde», a expliqué Gilles Milot, président de lAQU. Depuis
ce jour, il reçoit par dizaine, chaque semaine, des courriels venant de partout
dans le monde de personnes ayant fait une observation similaire.
La mission de lassociation est de recenser tous
les phénomènes paranormaux reliés de près ou de loin à la présence
extraterrestre sur Terre. «Nous avons déjà répertorié de nombreuses apparitions,
des cas denlèvements de personnes par des petits gris ou encore des
interactions sonores entre lun de nos membres et le monde extraterrestre. Le
Québec repose sur de la roche dure très magnétique, ce qui favoriserait la
province à être un endroit de rencontre entre plusieurs mondes parallèles», a
précisé M. Milot, passionné dufologie depuis plus de 40 ans.
Les petits gris, les grands gris, les grands
blonds, les reptiliens Il y a autant dappellations dextraterrestres quil y
en a qui sinvitent sur notre planète. La Montérégie serait dailleurs lune
région prisée par les petits hommes verts. « Beaucoup de monde pense que le mont
Saint-Hilaire serait un portail, une zone de passage qui faciliterait lentrée
des voyageurs dautres dimensions dans notre monde», a soutenu M. Milot.
Cependant, la Mauricie serait le lieu où lon a le plus recensé de présence
Une organisation bien
Gilles Milot, gestionnaire de projets pour une
importante firme de génie-conseil au Canada, sest entouré de Riccardo Melfi,
bachelier en langue anglaise et allemande et Pierre Caron, psychanalyste, tous
deux vice-présidents de lAQU.
Dans chaque région du Québec, une personne est
chargée de rapporter tous les cas de phénomènes inexpliqués. Selon limportance
du cas signalé, une enquête est ouverte pour vérifier les propos des
«Dans des cas denlèvement, Pierre Caron, grâce à
lhypnose, peut faire revivre aux personnes des événements dont ils ne se
rappellent pas. Ainsi, nous avons pu avoir des récits très détaillés», a
expliqué le président de lassociation.
Tous les derniers samedis du mois, les membres de
lassociation et toutes les personnes intéressées, se réunissent à Montréal pour
parler de leurs expériences.
UFOs Reported by Civilians Living Within Malmstrom AFB's Nuclear...
Robert HASTINGS remet ça! Celui qui jadis travaillait dans la base de missile nucléaire balistiques Minuteman III dans le Montana, fin des années 60 et qui avait été le témoin privilégier de manifestation d'OVNIS au-dessus de silos abritan...t les dits missiles nucléaires, qui d'ailleurs, avaient été mis hors service par un de ces OVNI (!!!), rapporte dans son site web aujourd'hui, qu'il s'est rendu sur place, été 2013, où à sa plus grande surprise, il a découvert au bureau du Shériff de la petite bourguarde nommée ROY, plusieurs cas d'OVNI qui y furent rapportés, et non pas dans les années 60, non! non! mais pas plus tard qu'à la mi-septembre 2012, et même encore plus récemment?
HASTINGS qui pensait que les ovnis avaient fichu le camp, et qui ne se manifestaient plus au-dessus des zones militarisées, surtout celles où des missiles nucléaires s'y trouvent encore et toujours pleinement opérationnels, à bien failli ravaler sa gomme à mâcher lorsqu'il a pu discuter avec une femme, Madame Jennifer Styer, témoin d'un phénomène assez récent (mi-septembre 2012 en soirée), où la dame a déclaré avoir vu deux bateaux en forme de V, volant silencieusement, ailes contre ailes, en provenance de la base connue sous le nom de code de Oscar-03.
Plus de détails sur l'affaire des ovnis qui survolent "encore et toujours des bases américaines cachant dans des silos souterrains, des missiles longue portée de tye MINUTEMAN III, en cliquant sur le lien plus bas...Afficher la suite
"Jhabite dans lAisne, et avant hier dans la nuit du 4 au 5 septembre 2013
entre 4h et 6h du matin, nous avons pu constater en lespace de 2 h 00, une
vingtaine dovnis dans le ciel .pour ne pas dire plus !
Ce dernier était
très dégagé car la voie lactée était visible, et cétait la nouvelle lune, donc
aucune lumière, cétait juste impressionnant
Il y en avait
qui se suivaient, dautres qui allaient dans le sens contraire .
apparaissaient pour la plupart vers la grande ours, et disparaissaient
soudainement .
A lopposé, dautres ressemblaient à des satellites, mais
je nai jamais vu de satellites aller en zigzag, puis contourner des
étoiles ..ralentir, puis accélérer ..ou bien monter en intensité au niveau de la
lumière .
Sans déconner,
je nen avais jamais vu autant à la fois dans ma vie ! Nous étions 3 à pouvoir
constater ces phénomènes
Bien entendu je
nai pas le matériel adéquate pour filmer, et mon iphone nest pas suffisant,
les ovnis nétaient pas assez proche. Je pense pour discerner quelque chose sur
iphone en tout cas nous ne pensons pas avoir été les seuls a pouvoir les
mais je trouve
que les manifestations sont de plus en plus fréquentes et de plus en plus
rapprochées !
wir alleine im Universum? Wo liegt Tatooine und schmilzt Eis im Weltraum? Fragen
über Fragen. Deshalb haben sich Etienne und Dennis heute einen speziellen Gast
eingeladen. Nick Pope ist ein bekannter Author und Journalist aus England, der
sich auf Mythen, Verschwörungen und Geheimnisse im Weltraum spezialisiert hat.
Freut euch auf eine ganz besondere Episode Almost Daily und behaltet immer schön
den Himmel im Auge.
In my previous column I examined the difficult relationship between ufology
and SETI. In particular, I highlighted the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) radio
telescope, an instrument so powerful, that when fully operational, in 2024, it
will be able to detect an airport radar at a distance of 50 light years. I
speculated that this might be the moment at which the human race learns of the
existence of other civilizations.
My previous column proved controversial and many people expressed surprise
that I was giving publicity to SETIs search for life out there, when as
they believe its already down here. I dont know about that, but given the
fact that if theres a detectable civilization anywhere in our small part of the
galaxy, the SKA may be the tool that finds it, it seems prudent that ufologists
give some thought to this. Because make no mistake about it, this would be a
scientific proof that would tick all the boxes in terms of universal, undeniable
All too often, it seems to me, the UFO community gets so hung up on trying to
prove the reality of extraterrestrial visitation (and the associated government
cover-up that they believe keeps this knowledge from the public), that it fails
to ask the killer question: what next? What would happen if we really did get
absolute and undeniable proof of the existence not just of alien life, but of
other civilizations?
There are, of course, a few honorable exceptions. While I disagree with many
of their points, Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel attempted to ask what next? in
their book AD. After Disclosure. Steve Bassett has discussed some of what he
sees as the implications in various lectures and interviews. My own view is that
a lot of this gets bogged down in discussions about the political and legal
consequences of there having been a UFO cover-up, e.g. sanctions or amnesties
for those who were part of the conspiracy, depending upon the reasons for the
cover-up. But what if there is no cover-up? What if 2024 genuinely is the first
time that anyone in government and the scientific community learns that were
not alone? What then?
Lets take this as our start point: in 2024 the SKA detects a signal. What
next? SETI has a document on this, revised on September 30, 2010, entitled
Declaration of Principles Concerning the Conduct of the Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Essentially, it states that if a candidate
signal is detected, there should be proper verification, followed by a public
announcement. It concludes by stating In the case of the confirmed detection of
a signal, signatories to this declaration will not respond without first seeking
guidance and consent of a broadly representative international body, such as the
United Nations
There are three problems with this. Firstly, its not a legally binding
document. Secondly, it largely omits the role of governments. Thirdly, its a
classic example of what the military would call a plan that wouldnt survive
contact with the enemy what I mean by this last point is that word would
almost certainly leak out within hours, if not minutes, whatever the
What are the practical issues and questions? Firstly, is the signal a beacon
or a message? A beacon (e.g. a string of prime numbers) is simply an
attention-getter that tells us theres a civilization out there. But if its a
message, is it decipherable? If it isnt, do people really think governments
would want it put out there, without first knowing what it says? What if its an
Encyclopedia Galactica that includes information on energy sources that if
misused could create a bomb capable of destroying the Earth?
The next question is, if its a message, should we reply? In other words, is
it wise to announce our existence and location to other civilizations that may
be more technologically advanced than us? What if they have hostile intentions
and what if theyve found a way around the light speed barrier and have
developed viable interstellar travel? Many scientists have expressed doubts over
the wisdom of replying to an alien message. Professor Stephen Hawking summarized
these fears by saying that first contact between humanity and aliens could be
like the European explorers meeting the Native Americans - only this time, were
the Native Americans. For the same reason, some scientists oppose radio
astronomers who actively send messages into space, trying to attract the
attention of other civilizations.
Suppose we do decide to reply. Who replies and what would they say? In other
words, who, if anybody, truly speaks for Planet Earth - surely not a politician
or a religious leader, representative of only certain sections of the human
race? What about the Secretary General of the United Nations? It sounds good on
paper, but ask yourself when you last read a UN declaration and whether it had
any practical, beneficial effect. And ask yourself if you really want a
bureaucrat speaking for humanity.
Finally, what would we say? A simple greeting, along the lines of the one
sent onboard the Voyager 1 spacecraft, which was signed by the then Secretary
General of the UN and read, in part, I send greetings on behalf of the people
of our planet. We step out of our solar system into the universe seeking only
peace and friendship.
The chances are, in reality, that lots of political and religious leaders,
and a whole bunch of other people, would want their say, and that there would be
a mad scramble for transmitters capable of sending such a signal. So there would
doubtless be a confusing jumble of contradictory messages. It might be untidy,
but perhaps its the best and most accurate reflection of the human race, with
all our diversity!
But ask yourself this: if the decision was yours, what would you say?
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defense. From 1991 to
1994 he ran the British Government's UFO project and has recently been involved
in a five-year program to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO
files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his
21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy
Director in the Directorate of Defense Security. He now works as a broadcaster
and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defense and
Locals were woken by a huge smash after strange lights were spotted streaking towards the 290ft-tall generator on a wind farm.
A woman motorist told how she saw a UFO zoom towards the wind farm and strike the 290ft turbine.
Dorothy Willows, who lives half a mile from the scene of the hit-and-run, was in her car when strange lights loomed in the evening sky. She was among dozens who spotted the mysterious flashing orangey-yellow spheres over Lincolnshire, where the turbine was left wrecked.
Dorothy, of Louth, said: The lights were moving across the sky towards the wind farm.
"Then I saw a low flying object. It was skimming across the sky towards the turbines.
Hours later there was an almighty smash.
Dorothy said: My husband Stephen was woken at 4am by the bang.
Afterwards there was no trace of one of the turbines three huge 65ft blades ripped off in the collision.
Another was left twisted and useless. Other locals told how the lights looked like balls of flames. Lesley Whittingham, 71, even managed to photograph it , and said:
It looked like a giant explosion in the air.
John Harrison, another witness, described how he looked out of his landing window and saw a massive ball of light with tentacles going right down to the ground over the wind farm.
It was huge. With the tentacles it looked just like an octopus.
The object that struck the turbine at Conisholme near Louth, dodged others surrounding it and experts had no explanation for what it was. There were NO reports of any aircraft collisions.
"There was definitely something there," Coun Robert Palmer, Chairman of East Lindsey District Council, told a local newspaper:
The locals remained certain the truth is out there and even the company that owns the turbine admitted it had never seen anything like it before.
An Ecotricity spokeswoman said: "We're conducting a thorough investigation into what happened.
"This kind of thing has never happened to us before."
But the spokeswoman was reluctant to speculate on the cause of the damage.
"An engineer has been on the site since it happened, and is carrying out a sort of forensic investigation."
The damage was described by the Health and Safety Executive as a unique incident.
Wind farm company Ecotricity admitted: We dont know what caused the problem. We are investigating.
The MoD said of the latest scare:
Unless there is evidence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature of each sighting.
"The team, he said, is composed of eight members under PAGASA's
Astronomy Division, which was assign...
07-09-2013 om 22:35
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Black Helicopters - silly conspiracy theory?
Black Helicopters - silly conspiracy theory?
note: Linda Thompson was the 2nd Continental Army's (Militia) Intelligence Service Station Chief who responded to the attack at Waco. She was the producer of the film "Waco, The Big Lie" - which showed the flame throwing tank firing up the building. She stood in the middle of the Waco town square, wearing camos & waving an AR-15 and begging for people to help save the Branch Davidians. She was yelling that if people didn't get their guns and help her defend them, that they would be burned to death.
Black Helicopters by Linda Thompson
There is nothing cosmic, paranormal, or ethereal about black helicopters. They belong to the U.S. military, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, based in Ft. Cambell, Kentucky, in Hopkinsville, KY. They park many of the helicopters at different locations where they are used, however.
The only reason the color black is significant is that only this one military unit gets this particular type of paint for its helicopters, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment ("160th SOAR") in Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.
The paint is called "CARC" and it is used because it is chemically resistant and non-radar reflective .
Other military units do get this paint for use on airplanes and other craft, except helicopters, however. If you look at military webpages of aircraft, you will find plenty of pictures.
The 160th SOAR is a military special operations unit that began as an intentionally covert, illicit and illegal arm of what was formerly called "Delta Force," which was a branch of 5th Group, Special Forces, and a "reserve" branch called 12th Group, the way special forces was FORMERLY set up. It was operated and funded through CIA and this alliance continues to this day.
Many former members also are now prominent in the media, which is why it has been a relatively simple matter for them to run the stories calling people exposing the activity of the 160th "loonies" or claiming the helicopters are associated with "UFO" activity, etc., in efforts to keep the public ignorant of the true military source and illegal purposes of these craft and their pilots and unit members. Robert K. Brown, of Soldier of Fortune Magazine, and his patsy, James Pate, are two examples. Joe Gelarden of the Indianapolis Star-News (the same company also owns the Arizona Republic) is another. Governor O'Bannon's press secretary is another. U.S. Congressional Representative Dan Burton's Chief of Staff is another (straight out of the 160th before he worked for Burton). These are just a few examples out of dozens.
Placing members in such prominent locations, it is quite simple to undermine Congressional investigations and place stories prominently in the media discrediting any "leaks" of truthful information.
In recent years, the military created two separate branches from what was formerly the legitimate "special forces" and this covert band of CIA-sponsored thugs operating under the cover of being "special forces." (You may remember "Operation Phoenix" and "Air America" as two examples of the CIA sponsored illegal activity of the illicit group).
Now, there is a separate military branch, known as special forces, and another, known as special operations.
Special Forces branch consists of the traditional "green berets," and "airborne" branch of the Army with a fairly long, special infantry, history.
Special operations is the bastard step child and brainchild of a bunch of former covert thugs and rogues of the self-styled "Delta force," that has gained "legitimacy" (through lobbying and funding) and is now its own separate branch of the military, headed in the pentagon by a Col. (probably a general by now) Sheldon. Immediately prior to his appointment to head special ops at the pentagon, he was the commander of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. (See above . The 160th is the unit which has the black helicopters.)
These helicopters flew missions to decimate Panama, under the leadership of (now) "drug czar" MG McCaffrey. We show this same unit, the supposed "heros" returning from Somalia (broadcast on NBC and named by name) in a video that shows what they really did in Somalia -- firing down on crowds of civilians as a "diversion" while paratroopers were dropped into the area.
THAT, in fact, is how they train, to "create diversions" (by firing on any live target below) while they drop in members of their unit by parachute from the helicopters. They do this training in the U.S., over U.S. cities, frequently now, and they are training police in many of the same "special operations" tactics.
If you are seriously interested in black helicopters, go to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, which is located near Hopkinsville, KY.
There is what is called the "Pratt Museum," open to the public, but somewhat obscure, there . At the Pratt Museum, they have a training tape from the 160th playing continuously, made by the Army, where you can see black helicopters and the 160th in training missions. It's quite impressive .
They have an entire section on the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment there, with memorabilia from many of their missions, such as to Panama, Somalia, etc. Lots and lots of scenes of nothing but black helicopters, since that is all they have .
Then, if you can (they may not let you since I filmed them, they tightened security a lot), drive over to the airfield.
The 160th has a separate hangar there . They park a lot of dark green helicopters outside, usually, so they can make the claim they don't "really" have any black ones, "see, they're dark green?" But hang around long enough and you'll see black helicopters and black C-5A's among other things.
Likewise, they park a lot of these helicopters at other miltiary locations throughout the country, always among dark green ones. Anyone asking about them is shown the dark green ones with the bogus, "See, they're dark green" refrain.
It is usually simple, however, to film a dark green one parked directly adjacent to a black one and point out the differences.
At Ft. Campbell, the 160th also has a MOUT training area there (Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain) which is a mock up of a city.
They also train soldiers to jump out of the helicopters there, often using the black helicopters, which is also one of the simplest ways to see them. Just sit around and wait. They fly over. Some of those used in training are marked, whereas the ones used in clandestine operations are not marked and any you find parked at military installations will not be marked.
I've noticed, of late, on some of the ones in our local area, that they have taken to putting big "red cross" emblems on some, apparently to give the impression they are rescue, however, I would seriously doubt that.
If you see a black "little bird," that is the simplest proof it is from the 160th. Go to DOD's webpage (do an altavista search for "little bird" and you will find DOD itself asserts that ONLY the 160th SOAR flies this particular helicopter.)
However, the 160th has a number of different types of helicopters, not just the little bird.
The 160th's unit patch is death on horseback, their motto is "Death Waits in the Dark." We have so thoroughly exposed them and what they do, that the Army Times did a PR piece on them, trying to portray them as "just folks," about a year and a half ago and ran what was, until that time, a picture of their "secret" patch (I had tried to buy the patch several times and through various sources and they did, indeed, up until the Army Times ran the story, try to keep the patch a secret).
Prior to the passage of the 1995 Omni-Bus Crime Control Bill ("1995 Crime Bill"), these helicopters and their special ops pilots, were used as a taxi service and private mafia by the FBI and DOE, with funding funneled through the Washington, D.C. government office "Organized Crime and Drug Control Task Force" ("OCDTF"), called the "Organized Crime Task Force," "Task Force," or "Racketeering Task Force," and "Drug Task Force," to be intentionally confusing and hard to find their phone number.
However, it is headed by Paul (may not be the right first name, my memory isn't what it used to be) Coffey (that's the right last name). Call D.C. information, ask for the "Organized Crime Task Force" number and call him.
Any federal agency could request funds for a "Drug Task Force" through OCDTF and get the funds, and merely claim it was for use to create a "drug task force . " They did not have to account for how the funds were spent to anyone anywhere and they could use the funds to create a "task force" out of any government agency assets, including military, such as the 160th. As a result, multiple federal agency operatives created their own private "mafias" that were supposedly "drug task forces," but in actuality, have been involved in drug running, extortion and blackmail.
When the 1995 Crime Bill passed, these same people had requested (under the guise of "fighting crime") multiple and vast authorities to create "drug task forces," with federal funding, from any government agency asset, and got it.
They now operate far more blatantly than in the past, unfettered by any appearance of illegality, though what they are doing is not, in fact, at all legitimate .
The 160th now routinely participates, along with other military units, in training police and practicing "urban assaults" over U.S. cities, which has been widely reported in the media at this point.
Thus, for you to want to put this in anything associated with "conspiracy, cosmic whatever, and paranormal," is nothing more than the usual effort to ensationalize and discredit the truth, by associating what amounts to a military takeover in this country, through a combination of drug running, gun running, lobbying, blackmailing congressmen, and terrorism, with the usual pablum of "it's a conspiracy."
Well, bucko, it *is* a "conspiracy" and a whole lot of these murderers need to be put on trial for exactly that, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit treason, conspiracy to distribute drugs, conspiracy to commit extortion, and a laundry list of other charges.
I'd personally appreciate it if you would go back to your handlers and tell them to kiss my ass.
Nightstalkers and Black Helicopters The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) aka Night Stalkers or Task Force 160 and have been mentioned in a couple recent episodes of UFO Hunters on The History Channel. Besides some possible UFO connections these guys may also be responsible for many of the "black helicopter" reports out there.
Started back in 1980 after the hostage rescue failure in Iran, these guys specialize in night flying (explains the black paint jobs on their helicopters) at low altitudes. They are also trained to move in and get out quickly and were involved in some recent historical military missions, including the incident Blackhawk Down was about. According to the Wikipedia page on these boys (the only women are staff) they fly three different helicopters and their variants, including the CH/MH-47 Chinook, MH-60 Blackhawk, and AH/MH-6 Little Bird. However besides looking good in black paint jobs, these guys may, as already mentioned, have connections to a couple UFO incidents that were covered on UFO Hunters.
The first incident is a famous and mysterious case involving 3 eye witnesses who saw a mysterious diamond shaped craft in the middle of a Texas highway. As they were watching the craft a group of large helicopters (possibly CH-47 Chinooks) surrounded the object and apparently escorted it from the area. All witnesses later began to experience what doctors could only diagnose as radiation sickness. The case is now known as the Cash-Landrum (Wikipedia and Tinwiki) incident (named after the witnesses) and is one of the most mysterious in UFO history. It's also worthy to note that this incident occured in 1980, when the Night Stalkers were first formed. Whether or not the helicopters seen where from the Night Stalkers is not known for sure.
The other incident involves a crash of a mysterious object in Needles California on March 14th, 2008. Initially it appeared it was a meteorite, but shortly after the crash not only were black military helicopters seen (retrieving the object none the less) in the area, but planes that fly people to Area 51 were present at a nearby airport in Laughlin. So not only do we have the Area 51 connection, but also black helicopters which are possibly part of Task Force 160 (as mentioned in UFO Hunters) which has a battalion based north of California in Fort Lewis Washington. Interesting if I do say so myself...wonder what they recovered...
OVNIs et autres théories conspirationnistes sur la zone 51
La connexion de la zone 51 avec les programmes secrets de recherches en aéronautique ainsi que certains rapports de phénomènes inhabituels ont... amené la zone 51 au centre du folklore moderne sur les OVNIs et les théories conspirationnistes. Certaines des prétendues activités incluent :
que cette base appartiendrait au Directorate of Science & Technology de la CIA, à Air Force Research Laboratory et aux bureaux d'études secrets comme Lockheed Martin, société américaine d'aéronautique créatrice des réacteurs équipant les avions furtifs tels que le F-22 Skunk Works et Boeing Phantom Works. l'entreposage et l'étude d'appareils extraterrestres (incluant du matériel récupéré de Roswell), l'étude de leur équipage (vivant ou mort), et la fabrication d'appareils basés sur la technologie extraterrestre. le développement d'armement à énergie (pour l'initiative de défense stratégique ou autres) ou d'instruments de contrôle météorologiques. les réunions ou collusions avec des extraterrestres. les diverses activités reliées à un gouvernement mondial secret.
Plusieurs de ces théories concernent des installations souterraines à Groom Lake ou près de Papoose Lake. La majeure partie des installations se trouveraient sous terre et certains hangars abriteraient des monte-charges géants. En 1989, Bob Lazar a prétendu avoir travaillé à Papoose Lake sur les systèmes de propulsion d'une soucoupe volante appartenant au gouvernement américain dans un complexe qu'il nommait S-4.
Une autre théorie veut que le programme Apollo soit une supercherie et que la zone 51 soit l'endroit où l'on aurait filmé l'atterrissage sur la Lune de 1969. Cette théorie semble basée sur des photos satellites russes qui montrent que certaines portions de la zone 51 et du NTS ressemblent à la surface de la Lune. En 2000, la chaîne de télévision américaine FOX diffusa un reportage sur ce sujet et déclara que cette hypothèse était fausse.
D'autres encore prétendent que durant les années 1990, les travaux les plus secrets effectués à Groom ont été déplacés vers d'autres endroits incluant Dugway Proving Ground près de Salt Lake City, Utah ou encore dans la zone 6113 une zone militaire qui serait située en Alaska et que le secret qui continue d'entourer la zone 51 ne serait maintenu que pour induire en erreur les curieux.
Dans le début des années 2000, un des plus habiles hackers du monde, Gary McKinnon soutenant ces théories, a infiltré une centaine d'ordinateurs de la NASA et de plusieurs services militaires dans le but de voler des preuves. Il affirme avoir mis la main sur des documents relatifs à la détention d'une source d'énergie infinie, découverte grâce à des vaisseaux spatiaux extraterrestres19.
Il ressort toutefois d'un rapport établi par la CIA entre 1954 et 1974 et maintenant déclassifié que le nombre des observations d'OVNI recensées dans la zone s'accrut de façon très sensible au moment où commencèrent les essais de l'avion espion U-2. Ce dernier volait à une altitude de vingt mille mètres ou plus alors que les avions commerciaux de l'époque ne dépassaient pas l'altitude de six mille mètres, ce qui a pu induire les observateurs en vol ou au sol en erreur. Le programme U-2 étant à l'époque confidentiel personne ne pouvait expliquer aux témoins ce qu'ils avaient vu.Afficher la suite
Note Era Admin : Le 7-9-2013 à 12 h 30 Je vous partage ce mail parvenu ce matin dans ma boîte mail. Merci au lecteur qui nous a fait parvenir son témoignage et ses photos. "Bonjour, ...
07-09-2013 om 18:56
geschreven door peter
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The UFO Evidence
The UFO Evidence, by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP), has been a solid source of historical UFO evidence for decades. Published before the USAF's public 'Blue Book' investigation. Volume 1 and 2 are now available through and Amazon.
UFOs - Generals, Pilots and Government Officials go on the
record LIVE - Truthloader
There's a BUG on YouTube that keeps resetting the
countdown timer. The event is starting at 22:30 in the UK, 17:30 Eastern Time, 14:30 Pacific Time. Please inform people who
Tonight (or today depending on where you are) Generals, Pilots and
Government officials will go on the record live to discuss their experiences
with UFOs. Post your questions and get voting now - there will be a 30 minute
question and answer session at the end of the panel discussion. The
panel will include Leslie Kean, author of the New York Times best seller on
UFOs. She spent 10 years researching the book, which includes officially
documented cases and reports by highly credentialed people from around the
world. Joining Leslie Kean on the panel is Jose Lay, international
affairs director at CEFAA in Chile, a government agency whose mission is to
collect, study and analyze scientifically, all reports of Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena (UAP) in Chile. Colonel Charles Halt, who in 1980 officially
reported a UFO at RAF Woodbridge in England, which later became known as The
Rendlesham Forest Incident, which we made a video about - it's
there. Captain Robert Salas, whilst an officer in the US Air Force,
witnessed 10 nuclear missiles become non-operational after guards reported UFOs
hovering above the facility. Captain Ray Bowyer, a British pilot who,
along with some of his passengers, witnessed an object estimated to be up to a
mile long over the English Channel in 2007. Parviz Jafari is a retired
General of the Iranian Air Force. In 1976 he was ordered by the Air Force
Command to approach an intense flashing object observed over
Tehran. Subscribe to our channel:
Even the winning team acknowledged the UFO sighting. Image Credit: CC 2.0 Sam MacCutchan
Multiple witnesses observed a strange object in the sky during a baseball game in Vancouver.
The minor league game took place at the Scotiabank Field at Nat Bailey Stadium and saw the Vancouver Canadians taking on the Everett AquaSox. Not all eyes were on the players however as part way through the game something strange turned up in the sky above.
Fans immediately grabbed their phones and started to Tweet photographs of a peculiar object that appeared over the stadium. The object sported a row of lights and seemed to be triangular in shape.
Two pictures of the object posted on Twitter are included below.
Even the winning team commented on the reports with a tongue-in-cheek Tweet about an "alien spaceship". No definitive explanation for the sightings has been put forward however a local newspaper has speculated that it could have been some form of remote-controlled helicopter or kite.
One of the very best photographs ever taken of a triangular UFO was snapped by an anonymous cameraman in Belgium in April of 1990. Recognized by anyone familiar with UFOs, it became the cornerstone of the Belgian UFO wave of 1989. On November 29, 1989, a triangular UFO with lights sparking underneath was seen by multiple witnesses-three groups of policemen included. This began a case which still baffles investigators today
Belgium UFO Wave
First Sightings:
The first night of sightings was only the beginning of one of the best documented and witnessed UFO waves ever. On more than one occasion, two F-16 fighter jets chased the unknown flying crafts, but without results. One of the most notable sightings of the wave came on March 30, 1990 from a Belgian National Police captain, who watched a giant, triangle UFO passing overhead. Two separate radar stations corroborated the sighting.
Radar Stations Report:
The triangle was moving very low, and very slowly over the landscapes of Belgium near the city of Glons, which is southeast of Brussels. A NATO manned radar station was reporting the object, and they soon found that four more stations also were getting a return from the object. The flying object would not answer hails to identify itself, and sent no transponder signal. Jets would be sent to find the object.
F-16s Sent to Intercept:
Two American-made F-16s were scrambled by the military to intercept and identify the object. One of the jet radars did lock on the object, which appeared as a diamond shape on the screen. Seconds after the lock on, the UFO quickly moved out of the plane's radar range. The F-16 went after the UFO, but after a chase that lasted an hour, the UFO escaped unidentified, except for two more radar returns.
Beyond Our Technology:
The F-16 pilot knew that he was chasing something that had speed and maneuverability far beyond the capabilities of his jet. At one point, radar returns showed that the UFO had dropped from 10,000 to 500 feet altitude in 5 seconds, an unbelievable move. The sightings of the giant triangles continued for months, being witnessed over and over again. They often flew low enough to easily be seen with the naked eye.
Getting a Photograph:
The sighting wave became a big story in the Belgian media, and it became apparent that getting a photograph of the UFOs was almost impossible... many witnesses snapped photos of the triangles, only to see blurred imagery. This unusual occurrence was investigated by physics professor Auguste Meesen, who discovered that infrared light was not allowing the objects to be photographed.
Finally Captured on Video Tape:
Finally, one good video film was taken of the object. The image showed the bottom of the triangular shape, with three red spotlights on the corners. The photograph associated with the Belgian wave is actually a frame capture taken from the video. The film was taken over the town of Petit Rechain.
Classic Status:
The Belgium wave has obtained classic status in UFO lore. With over 1,000 witnesses, confirmed radar sightings, plane radar lock-ins, and military confirmations, the fact that an unknown craft moved across the country of Belgium cannot be denied. The case is also important for its unique information sharing. Civilian and military officials were forthcoming with the reports, and set a model for others to follow in their pursuit to uncover the mystery behind the UFO enigma.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Youtube Video from Brazil... Do you know what it IS?
Here is a recent video uploaded to Youtube on September 2. There is some confusion as to just where this happened, as in one spot, Southern Minas, Brazil is mentioned and in another Philadelphia is noted as the location of photographs taken.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Etude sur le Roc du Lion de Sigiriya au Sri Lanka Partie 4
Etude sur le Roc du Lion de Sigiriya au Sri Lanka Partie 4
Cet essai est initié par Vladimir Kovalev et concerne l'étude de Sigiriya, ou le Rocher du Lion au Sri Lanka, à l'aide d'un reportage photo sur place, ses pensées et impressions sur sa visite. Il s'agit d'extraits et de quelques photos pour illustrer cette traduction très intéressante, l'essentiel du reportage et des photos sont à voir (en VO) sur le site de l'interessé :
" Chapitre 4 sur la suite du Photo reportage détaillé sur Sigiriya, ou le Rocher du Lion, au Sri Lanka : pensées et impressions de ma visite.
Nouvelles énigmes mystérieuses du Sri Lanka. Qu'est-ce qui unit l'ancienne civilisation du sous-continent indien et l'Afrique, l'Atlantide et l'Amérique du Sud ?
Mihintale, Sigiriya et Yapahuwa : triangle mystérieux des objets sacrés, dont la mémoire a traversé les millénaires. Symboles maçonniques avant l'ère bouddhique. Cosmodromes anciens.
Le chapitre 4 d'une composition photographique détaillée sur Sigiriya.
" Dans cet essai, je décris mes impressions, basées sur des faits et des observations - y compris les observations de certaines choses qui sont inexpliquées en termes de ce que nous connaissons au 21e siècle. Comme celles-ci sont tout simplement mes impressions, je vous serais reconnaissant de vos commentaires (et, peut-être des réponses) aux questions que mes propres commentaires et observations suscitent. Ma visite à la Roche du Lion m'a permi de me rendre compte que cet endroit est plus mystérieux que ce qui est communément connu et mérite une attention plus importante que je ne le pensais. Donc, voilà la suite des Parties 1, 2 et 3 :
Le "Rock du lion" de Sigiriya, placé près du "rock radar" mystérieux de Pidurangala, apparaît vraiment comme le coeur d'un vaste complexe situé au Sri Lanka, le souvenir de l'importance de ce que c'est et de tous ses objets sacrés ont atteint nos jours.
L'impossibilité de formations naturelles des roches de ce type, l'orientation similaire des éléments et du complexe dans son ensemble menant à l'emplacement possible de la légendaire Atlantide ne laissent aucun doute sur leur création artificielle et pour prouver le lien étroit entre eux, frapper l'imagination par le plus haut niveau des technologies disponibles, des civilisations antiques, des ... humains ?
Ca y est, le grand ensemble de trois plateaux rocheux, avec des signes d'origine artificielle, ou au moins de traitements, la mémoire d'une chose sacrée qui a traversé les millénaires, entourée d'un halo de légendes et de mythes, de cultes pour les gens - Mihintale, Yapahuwa et la paire Sigiriya / Pidurangala :
J'attire votre attention sur le fait que leur emplacement apparaît comme un quasi-triangle isocèle de forme parfaitement exacte (les points ont été pris sur les centres de symétrie de chaque objet). Et ne soyez pas confus par le fait que la face supérieure (Sud) du triangle soit un peu plus courte que la partie inférieure (Nord). Il y a une raison. Apparemment, il était important pour ses créateurs de fournir des orientations et des angles idéalement précis, de sorte que la projection du triangle sur la surface de la Terre fasse un tel effet, parce que la surface de la Terre du pôle Nord à l'équateur se développe (YH : est ronde). Le même effet, nous pouvons le voir sur la Grande Pyramide de Gizeh (aussi connue comme la pyramide de Khufu ou la pyramide de Khéops), la longueur de la fondation sud est plus élevée que dans le Nord, en raison de l'orientation idéalement précise des côtés de la pyramide. Dans mon article précédent (notamment dans le chapitre 3), j'ai attiré votre attention sur le caractère artificiel de l'énorme sommet du rock Pidurangala, comme s'il était coupé en diagonale par un couteau géant, de sorte qu'il apparaisse comme une projection d'un triangle équilatéral. En supposant que l'objet avait un but et une fonction bien spécifique, comme le Over-The Horizon-complexe d'une antenne radar, je traçais la ligne sur son axe de symétrie, et j'ai trouvé qu'elle est allée sur le lieu de l'emplacement présumé de l'Atlantide, décrite par Platon, dans l'océan Atlantique à l'ouest des "Colonnes d'Hercule" (en face du détroit de Gibraltar).
Au cours d'une étude attentive du triangle Mihintale-Sigiriya-Yapahuwa, il s'est avéré que son axe de symétrie (la ligne, élaboré à partir de l'apex (Sigiriya) par l'intermédiaire d'une base du triangle), coïncide avec l'axe de symétrie du sommet triangulaire de la Roche de Pidurangala, ils ont le même sens et sont parallèles les uns aux autres ! Une telle coïncidence ne pouvait guère être juste le hasard et des probabilités, mais régularité et règle. Ces coïncidences sont tout simplement impossibles !
En suivant l'axe de symétrie de cet objet passionnant, j'ai eu des résultats plus précis de sa direction :
La ligne précédente de symétrie du sommet triangulaire du Pidurangala (décrite dans le chapitre 3 de mon histoire) a été établie un peu plus haut, sur Bogota. Compte tenu des grandes distances de 17.855 kilomètres - l'erreur s'est avérée être assez faible. Cette fois, la ligne franchit l'équateur près de Quito, capitale de l'Equateur. Je crois que c'est un résultat plus précis parce que la précision de la direction est beaucoup plus élevée en raison des dimensions beaucoup plus grandes du triangle d'origine. Environ 50 km (au lieu de quelques centaines de mètres). Ainsi, alors que l'étude des objets mystérieux du Sri Lanka avec leur signification sacrée, religieuse et entourés d'un halo de mythes et légendes millénaires, j'ai découvert deux autres objets étonnamment similaires aux objets de Sigiriya, qui sont clairement des parties d'un ensemble unique ; cela soutient ma suggestion antérieure sur une partie de leur fonction technique (ou la destination industrielle).
Arrêtons-nous maintenant sur chacun des objets plus en détails et examinons comment ils pourraient être intéressant pour nous :
1. Yapahuwa - "un double" de la Roche de Sigiriya, qui ressemble à elle comme un frère jumeau.
Yapahuwa (son nom original est Yapawwa) -. un rocher solitaire, comme une colonne énorme avec des parois à pic et plateformes principales se hausse à des centaines de pieds au-dessus de la plaine environnante. Yapahuwa avait l'habitude d'être la capitale du Sri Lanka dans la seconde moitié du 13ème siècle (1273 - 1284). A cette époque une forteresse a été construite autour du rocher. Le Palais Royal a été construit sur le sommet de l'énorme rocher, à la ressemblance de Sigiriya, il a été également orné d'un arbre sacré Bodhi, également connu sous le nom de Bo (le cinghalais Bo), planté de la graine de l'arbre Bodhi sous lequel le Bouddha (Prince Siddhartha Gautama), a obtenu l'éclaircissement tout en méditant, puis a commencé à prêcher le bouddhisme.
La relique sacrée de la dent de Bouddha (cinghalais: දන්ත ධාතුව) (danta dhātuya), qui a été ramené de Dambadeniya, a été maintenue dans un Temple de la Dent Sacrée, spécialement construit au bout du troisième escalier.
La relique de la Dent Sacrée a été retirée de là et emportée par les envahisseurs venus de l'Inde du Sud, mais récupérée plus tard, en 1288, par le roi Parakramabahu III (1287-1293), qui, pour des raisons de sécurité, mis temporairement la relique de la dent sacrée de Bouddha à Polonnaruwa. Cependant, après la prise de la forteresse par les envahisseurs indiens et la perte de la dent, Yapahuwa fut abandonnée et tomba en ruine ; finalement y vivaient seuls les moines bouddhistes et les ascètes religieux. Cependant, de tout ce qui précède, il est possible d'attribuer telle base de faits :
Yapahuwa est construit sur une falaise avec des parois abruptes et un sommet plat comme Sigiriya ; Dans les temps anciens, les gens ont donné à cet endroit une très grande valeur. Si grande qu'ils ont placés ici : - La capitale de l'Etat - Le principal vestige de l'État - la relique sacrée de la dent de Bouddha.
2. Mihintale - un plateau rocheux avec des signes évidents d'ajustements artificiels d'énormes blocs de granit sur le point le plus haut (photo ci-dessous) ; selon la légende, il a été utilisé comme une place d'amarrage pour des avions anciens - des vimanas de vol. Mihintale est situé près de l'ancienne ville d'Anuradhapura (patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO).
Voici l'un de ses sommets sur la photo, que l'on appelle Aradhana Gala. L'ancienne Chronique Mahavamsa, que nous connaissons déjà par la description du Sigiriya, dit que vers 247 avant JC, l' Arahant Mahinda (fils d'Ashoka - l'empereur de l'Inde), a atterri sur le dessus après un voyage en avion. le vol de l'Inde au Sri Lanka par vimana a mis moins d'une journée. Après sa descente vers la Terre à cet endroit, il a apporté le bouddhisme au Sri Lanka, pour transmettre son savoir au roi Devanampiyatissa. Depuis lors, Mihintale est considérée comme le berceau du bouddhisme au Sri Lanka et est un lieu de pèlerinage vénéré. Détail intéressant : le nom Mihintale (cinghalais: Mihin-Thale) signifie le «plateau de Mihindu". Mihindu - Prononciation Cinghalais de nom indien Mahinda.
La véracité historique relative de cette légende est confirmée par le fait qu'en plus de la Chronique Mahavamsa (écrit en Pali), il est également décrit dans l'épopée cinghalaise Sinhala Dipavamsa et l'épopée tamoul Tamil Manimehala. Avant d'obtenir le nom de Mihintale, cette montagne était aussi connue comme Sagiri, qui suggère la similitude avec le nom de Sigiriya, qui se prononce comme Sigiri. Là encore, la curieuse coïncidence, le sentiment d'un lien entre différentes choses et les événements ...
Mais Mihintale se compose également de nombreux autres sites intéressants, y compris les ruines de l'ancien monastère et le plus ancien hôpital connu de notre histoire.
Outre mentionné comme un site d'amarrage pour les navires volants, Mihintale cache quelques secrets, donnant des surprises aux observateurs sencés : certains éléments qui ne correspondent pas à l'image globale de l'histoire traditionnelle et qui trébuchent sur la logique humaine, pour être exact : A. Le creusement de la pierre de granit, d'une longueur de 19 mètres environ, situés dans les ruines du monastère "réfectoire" :
Cette auge de granit ne correspond généralement pas à l'intérieur des ruines du monastère, elle semble complètement étrangère à elles. Tout ce que nous voyons sur les photos est construite en briques ou en calcaire tendre, qui est facile à manipuler. Remarquez comment sont étonnamment différentes les surfaces des colonnes de calcaire, mangées par la rigueur des temps, par rapport à l'auge de granit ! L'auge de granit est installée sur des dalles de roche de granit identiques. Une magnifique performance, une précision dimensionnelle, des chanfreins, des rayons précis de la courbure et la qualité de la surface est frappante et, comme les trônes de granit de Sigiriya, évoquent des pensées de traitements par la machine. Notez également les trous carrés dans les dalles de granit sur le sol - «la pierre d'équilibre» avec des milliers de poids en tonnes sur le Rocher de Sigiriya, a les mêmes ! Il s'agit d'une technologie complètement différente et elle n'était pas disponible pour les constructeurs, armés de marteaux et de burins.
En outre, il y a une autre auge similaire dans l'ancienne ville d'Anuradhapura, très proche de ce site :
Gardez un il sur le côté droit de la dépression - parfaitement plat, comme si il était tracé en ligne par un fil. En même temps, les segments de la paroi latérale gauche sont montés grossièrement et corrompus. Quelle en est la raison ? Parce que son côté gauche a été détruit. Cette vieille photo montre que l'objet a été trouvé par des archéologues dans les conditions suivantes :
C'est le même creux avant l'excavation. Le côté droit est en bon état. Le côté gauche est détruit. Sur cette photo (ci-dessous), vous pouvez voir que cela n'a pas été détruit par hasard, mais intentionnellement :
Ici, on voit clairement à mi-hauteur que des segments de bordures ont été sous un long effet mécanique - pour parler crûment, quelqu'un a pris du temps et faits des efforts pour son endommagement, a très longtemps heurté le mur de la cuve avec un énorme marteau et endommageant considérablement sa surface avant qu'il ne soit tombé.
Je ne donne pas le reste de certaines questions, dont les réponses ne sont pas faciles à trouver :
Qui et pourquoi il était nécessaire de commettre un tel acte stupide et inutile, après avoir passé une énorme quantité de temps et d'efforts pour détruire les simples auges en pierre (ce n'est pas une statue d'une divinité détesté, par exemple - alors c'est compréhensible) ? On peut supposer que briser l'auge, c'était très important pour qu'elle ne puisse pas être utilisée comme prévu, sans plus.
Pourquoi les gens anciens, il y a des milliers d'années, ont réussi à fabriquer et à assembler des auges de pierre parfaitement lisses, des blocs de plusieurs tonnes de formes idéales, mais l'homme moderne et civilisé, armé de techniques modernes d'ingénierie, a à peine réussi à rétablir des segments tombés de son côté gauche d'une manière tordue, après avoir échoué à les aligner comme sur la droite ?
Pourquoi de telles auges de pierre ont été nécessaires, quel était leur but?
Une réponse claire sur le but de ces auges n'existe pas, il n'y a pas de descriptions à leur sujet. Comme supposition, il existe une version où les auges aurait été utilisées pour recueillir des aumônes de riz, de plats cuisinés, qui ont été généralement donnés par les pèlerins (dévots). Soi-disant, les moines mangeaient le riz, écopant avec des bols de la droite de la cuvette. Ils ont appelé cela "Buth Oruva" (ou canoë riz, bateau de riz). A mon avis, cette version est quelque peu discutable. On estime que le creux s'adapte aux bols de riz 3,800. Imaginez cette énorme quantité de nourriture dans une auge, jetée là comme pour des porcs. La température moyenne annuelle au Sri Lanka est de +31 degrés Celsius, plus-moins quelques degrés - climat chaud et humide. Il y a des insectes et des bactéries. Comment laver cet énorme creux ? Irréel... en quelques heures, la nourriture dans les auges serait comme un poison et tout le monde qui en mangerait sa part serait mort d'infections intestinales.
Toutefois, dans le même temps au même endroit, il y avait un système parfait de plomberie et d'égouts, de toilettes, où les eaux usées, avant de pénétrer dans l'environnement, passaient par une usine de traitement en plusieurs étapes ! Croyez-vous que ces gens ne savaient rien au sujet des bactéries et de l'assainissement, et mangeaient dans un abreuvoir ? Tous ces faits ont été trouvés lors des fouilles et confirmés ; par exemple, il y a les restes d'anciennes toilettes sur la photo ci-dessous, avec une cuvette de WC de l'âge de deux mille cinq cents ans (?) :
B. La baignoire mystérieux de pierre de granit, sculptée en forme de silhouette du corps humain, située sur le territoire du premier hôpital connu de l'histoire de l'humanité :
La baignoire de granite repose sur un socle de granit. Sa bordure est sculptée d'une manière qui reprend la forme de la tête, se rétrécissant au niveau du cou, se développant au niveau des épaules, puis légèrement effilée à l'endroit où les mains se terminent, démontrant ainsi les proportions du corps humain. La profondeur de bain est suffisante pour couler un corps humain entièrement en lui, de sorte qu'il soit complètement recouvert de liquide. Il y a une baignoire dans l' «hôpital» d'une autre ville, un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO - Polonnaruwa (on présume qu'elle a été déplacée là de Mihintale) :
Selon les chroniques anciennes, la médecine dans ces hôpitaux était tellement bien développée que là, même les muscles et les os ont été traités et restaurés (les anciens traités ont sauvegardé même le nom de ces professionnels - des mandova) ! Mais le but de la baignade reste un mystère - de même que dans le cas des auges de pierre, il n'est fait aucune mention d'elles dans toutes les descriptions, seulement des hypothèses.
Il est supposé que ces baignoires ont été remplies avec des huiles à base de plantes aromatiques et que les gens étaient plongés en elles pour un traitement de la peau ou d'autres maladies telles que l'arthrite, etc. Mais pourquoi tailler une telle forme compliquée, avec un aperçu clair de la tête ? C'est assez inconfortable ! Il n'y a pas d'autres analogues connus, hérités de civilisations anciennes. Les baignoires peuvent être de forme ovale, ronde, carrée, rectangulaire, polygonale, etc - mais personne et nulle part n'a taillé une place spéciale pour la tête avec le rétrécissement du cou. Parce qu'une personne doit respirer, sa tête doit être située au-dessus de la surface du liquide et elle doit être à l'aise...
Impression : les baignoires formées avec une découpe pour la fixation de la tête peuvent avoir un sens dans ce cas, explicable d'un point de vue logique :
Le corps humain doit être placé horizontalement, et être entièrement recouvert de liquide, ou flotter librement dans un fluide à très haute densité ;
Une telle forme de baignoire avec la place précisément définie pour la tête est nécessaire pour empêcher la tête humaine de "glisser", et le corps doit toujours être figé dans la même position, ce qui suggère que :
L'homme placé dans la baignoire pendant une longue période devait être inconscient (en état de sommeil profond, par exemple), de sorte qu'il ne pouvait pas contrôler la position de son corps, si vous avez besoin de le figer.
Une version de son utilisation comme un sarcophage (cercueil) n'a pas de sens, car les boîtes de formes rectangulaires normales sont mieux et beaucoup plus faciles dans le traitement, tel qu'on le voit partout dans le monde.
A en juger par les signes familiers pour nous (le matériau est en granit, de très haute qualité de traitement (peut-être d'une machine), l'âge de ces baignoires peut être de plusieurs milliers d'années plus vieux que l'âge des autres objets qui ont été construits autour d'elles par la suite.
Donc, très probablement, ces baignoires ont vraiment été utilisées à des fins médicales, mais leur véritable objectif pourrait être d'une très large gamme, du traitement des maladies de la peau à l'anabiosis et la culture artificielle des organes - le Clonage
C. Il y a un autre artefact, très important de mon point de vue, similaire au symbole maçonnique. Ce qui nous oblige à regarder sous un angle différent, non seulement l'histoire de cet objet, mais aussi l'histoire de l'humanité dans son ensemble. Jetez un oeil à cette photo ; elle est tirée du site Web officiel de la Central Cultural Fund Sri Lanka (établissement public) :
Un des logos officiels de cette organisation est les mains qui entourent (comme une protection) un triangle. La signification de ce logo est la suivante : « La région formée en reliant les anciennes capitales de Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa et Kandy avec Sigiriya au centre est appelée le Triangle culturel du Sri Lanka. Dans ce triangle, il y a des lieux de culte, des palais, des salles de formation et d'autres bâtiments ».
Maintenant, remarquez les symboles gravés sur une pierre de granit à Mihintale :
Sur cette photo, nous voyons aussi une représentation schématique des mains humaines, qui couvrent, comme pour le défendre, un triangle avec des symboles à l'intérieur. La partie supérieure du triangle est séparée visuellement dans un petit triangle. Comme une petite pyramide est le sommet de la grande pyramide ... Quand je l'ai vu la première fois, j'ai eu une association qui a immédiatement surgi à ce sujet :
Un Symbole maçonnique vieux de 2500 ans ? Pourquoi pas, je ne crois guère que les maçons aient dû inventer toutes leurs symboles. Ils utilisent simplement les symboles les plus importants des civilisations anciennes, recueillis tout autour de la Terre. En outre, l'image de couvrir des mains un triangle a été trouvée à Mihintale, l'un des sommets du triangle Mihintale-Sigiriya-Yapahuwa. Alors, quelle sorte de triangle devine-t-on sur cette sculpture en pierre ? Il me semble tout à fait logique de penser que si l'image sculptée du triangle a été trouvée à Mihintale, c'est que le triangle doit être directement concerné par Mihintale. Par conséquent, les plus importants sont les plus anciens objets : Sigiriya, Mihintale et Yapahuwa, qui forment ce triangle exact.
Cette capture d'écran Google montre comment est le Sri Lanka avec ses triangles "culturels", à quoi ça ressemble à une altitude de 200 kilomètres, à partir de l'espace extra-atmosphérique. Y a-t-il coïncidence de nouveau ? Ces objets ont-ils été placés avec autant de désinvolture ? de la peine à le croire... Il y a trop de coïncidences. Il est plus probable que :
Les premiers anciens constructeurs de ces objets étaient parfaitement conscients des coordonnées géographiques ; ils avaient des cartes, connaissaient la forme de la Terre et utilisaient des dispositifs de positionnement, leur permettant de planifier la construction de tels grands objets,
Pour une raison quelconque, cette localisation précise de ces objets était importante pour eux, et en effet il est possible qu'ils aient été en mesure d'observer ces objets de l'espace.
Par ailleurs, au sujet de l'espace, j'ai décidé de vérifier comment ces triangles étaient orientés par rapport à l'autre et à l'équateur, et nous en sommes là :
Cette capture d'écran montre les directions (et angles) des axes de symétrie des "triangles culturels» du Sri Lanka, la direction du pôle Nord est considéré comme "0.00" degrés, les angles calculés dans le sens horaire :
Du haut de Sigiriya (le triangle de Sigiriya-Mihintale-Yapahuwa) l'axe de symétrie est maintenu à un angle de 290.42 degrés ;
Du haut de Polonnaruwa (le triangle de Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura, Kandy) l'axe de symétrie est maintenu à un angle de 252.66 degrés ;
En conséquence de cela, la ligne de symétrie de ces deux lignes, en d'autres termes, la ligne tracée avec précision entre elles est maintenue à un angle de 271,54 °.
Ainsi, la ligne générale de la symétrie de ces triangles dévie de seulement 1,54 degrés d'écart de la ligne de l'équateur, elle est presque parallèle à l'équateur !
Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ? Est-ce que cela pourrait avoir un sens ? Oui, il y en a et très important ! L'hypothèse logique serait que les "triangles culturels» du Sri Lanka en fait, ont eu pour but technique spécifique et ont été utilisés pour soutenir le travail de cosmodromes anciens (spaceports). Nous savons déjà que c'est mieux, plus correct et plus rentable de construire des cosmodromes sur l'équateur et les lancements de vaisseaux spatiaux dans le plan équatorial.
Il y a des raisons précises pour lesquelles :
En les lançant près de l'équateur en direction de l'Est, les vaisseaux spatiaux obtiennent le coup de pouce supplémentaire de la vitesse de la rotation de la Terre, qui les aide à atteindre l'orbite, la vitesse augmente en raison de l'ajout de la vitesse périphérique du cosmodrome. La vitesse circonférentielle du cosmodrome est la vitesse de son mouvement autour de l'axe de rotation de la Terre. Plus il est près de l'équateur, plus il y a une distance entre lui et l'axe de rotation terrestre - et plus la vitesse en périphérique est élevée. Quand une fusée est lancée depuis l'équateur (par rapport à Baïkonour, par exemple) en orbite géostationnaire, sa charge utile peut être augmentée de 25-30% avec le même taux de consommation de carburant.
La Terre à l'équateur, a un rayon plus grand (elle ne présente qu'approximativement la forme d'un ballon, en fait, la Terre est aplatie aux pôles), de sorte que l'accélération de la pesanteur à l'équateur est moins forte qu'ailleurs. La différence n'est pas très grande, mais par exemple, la fusée porteuse "Proton" de 700 tonnes de poids sera "allégée" de 4,3 tonnes ! Pourquoi ne pas prendre un espace supplémentaire de 4,3 tonnes de charge utile ?
Facteur suivant : sur l'équateur, le vaisseau spatial est plus proche de "l'espace" de 20 km, et a donc besoin de moins de carburant (énergie) pour arriver à la même hauteur et la même orbite !
Par ailleurs, le lancement d'un engin spatial en orbite géostationnaire de l'équateur est plus facile parce que la vitesse angulaire de sa rotation coïncide avec la vitesse angulaire de la rotation de la Terre. Ainsi, le vaisseau spatial est "suspendu immobile" au-dessus d'un certain point de l'équateur. Et ceci est utilisé pour les communications par satellite et les télécommunications (rend la réception au sol plus facile, c'est assez pour avoir une simple "antenne parabolique", pointée sur la position orbitale du satellite, plutôt que de complexes récepteurs avec des systèmes de repérages mobiles).
Ensuite la direction du lancement du vaisseau spatial doit coïncider avec le sens de rotation de la Terre (d'Ouest en Est), il est logique de chercher des preuves d'anciens cosmodromes en Amérique du Sud, dans un secteur défini par des lignes rouges (ou avec un écart allant jusqu'à 30 ° par rapport à elles - au sein du secteur de travail de radars), à partir desquels les vaisseaux spatiaux pouvaient être lancés vers le Sri Lanka. En outre, sur le territoire de Sri Lanka il y a du y avoir des stations de poursuite pour contrôler les engins spatiaux.
Ce fait peut expliquer la construction des objets antiques (villes) avec des triangles réguliers ; placer là un équipement radar permet de définir l'emplacement (positionnement) et d'autres paramètres des objets volants, y compris la vitesse angulaire et la direction du vecteur de mouvement avec une grande précision .
Quiconque est familier avec les principes de fonctionnement des télémètres, goniométrie et de positionnement, doit me comprendre immédiatement.
Je veux juste vous dire que, pour déterminer la position exacte d'un objet dans l'espace, nous avons besoin de connaître la direction et la distance à elle, pris de trois points différents, que nous voyons dans ce cas.
Par ailleurs, la ligne de symétrie vanantde Polonnaruwa passe sur le mystérieux géoglyphe ancien situé dans le désert de Nazca au sud du Pérou aux coordonnées: 14 ° 41'18 "S, 75 ° 7'22" O.
La ville antique de Machu Picchu, au Pérou (coordonnées 13 ° 9'47 .09 "S 72 ° 32'46 .16" W) avec une surprenante maçonnerie polygonale mégalithique de blocs de granit, se trouve également au sein du secteur, défini par les lignes rouges de directions des triangles du Sri Lanka. Il y a aussi beaucoup d'autres objets anciens similaires au sein du secteur défini par les lignes rouges ; des ruines avec un inexplicable traitement high-tech de blocs mégalithiques, etc, qui nous donnent des raisons de croire que le niveau de développement de leur civilisation était beaucoup plus avancée que la nôtre :Saksaywaman, Písac, Tiwanaku et Pumapunku, Ollantaytambo, Caral( Norte Chico). Qu'est-ce que cela - une coïncidence, un hasard ? Il y a quelque chose à penser...
Ainsi, je crois qu'il y a un lien très fort entre les anciennes civilizations de l'Inde subcontinentale et les anciennes civilisations d'Amérique du Sud, c'est est fort possible.
Je tiens à exprimer ma gratitude à tous les lecteurs qui ont lu mon histoire jusqu'à la fin, aussi je vous serais très reconnaissant pour les ajouts précieux et vos commentaires intéressants.
Publié par Vladimir Kovalev - à suivre
A suivre pour les traductions des recherches et réflexions en cours sur l'utilisation de technologies avancées dans l'antiquité.
Yves Herbo : je peux déjà facilement apporter des éléments, artéfacts, trouvés en Equateur et Nasca, dans ces régions précises citées au-dessus. Ce sont à l'évidence des artéfacts fabriqués en Inde ou Asie et découverts en Amérique du Sud ! Regardez juste la collection du Padre Crespi :
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the
benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence
report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that
you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now provides advanced
research and consultation on a wide range of subjects and help for CEOs to
successfully run their companies.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: 2000 UFO Sightings,
Exobiology Talking to the Indigo Hybrids, Fukushima Disaster Worsens, Ancient
Egypt in Illinois,Crop
Formations in relation to Microwaves, Mars had an
oxygen-rich Atmosphere, Antarctic Sea Ice Grows, and Holocaust
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona,
California, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma,
Tennessee, Texas, and Utah.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Canada, Italy, Kosovo, Mexico,
Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, and England in the United
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life
throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to
the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports,
articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
2000 UFO Sightings
MUFON CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In
August 2013 there were 927 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the
following countries. United States 756, Canada 62, UK 29, Germany France and
India each had five. Peter Davenports National UFO Reporting Center received
706 sighting reports in August and 932 in July. Combined with reports to various
web sites around 2000 UFO were recorded in both July and
Exobiology Talking to the Indigo Hybrids -
Part 1
Lt. Col. Donald Ware (ret.) writes, We investigators and
researchers have long known that genetic engineering is a main focus of some
ETs. In the following conversation about who is collected for hybridization, the
Hybrid said that, "Some leaders are among that
collection process. I appreciate you interest in letting your
audience know that, as we humans are joining our galactic society, some humans
are quite adept as communicating with more advanced beings through a direct
projection of thought. After you read the interview below, those who have not
known me and my writings well may want to visit this paper on George Filer's
Angela Thompson Smith Ph.D. in Psychology has obtained this
data from an Indigo Hybrid that may be of interest to our readers.
Q She asked, Is there a Confederation?
INDIGO HYBRID: We cooperate with the
Grays and the Whites, that you call the Nordics. We have many races represented
in our physiology, we understand them all, even Human. There is a Confederation
and the Hybrids are part of the Confederation.
Q. I am surprised. The Grays and Reptilians are not part of the
INDIGO HYBRID: Yes. As the Nordic part of us is part of the
Confederation, we are too.
Q. So far, as I understand it, the Nordics and the Hybrids are part of the
Confederation, but the Small Grays, Large Grays, Reptilians, and Humans are not
part of the Confederation?
INDIGO HYBRID: That is correct.
Q. I have asked this question to other races, but when will Humans be part of
the Confederation. If the Nordic part of you entitles you to be part of the
Confederation, could not the fact, that you have some Human, entitle Humans to
be part of the Confederation?
INDIGO HYBRID: It does not work that way. Humans will join the
Confederation when they are ready. Most of Humanity does not even admit that we
Q. Which is true!
INDIGO HYBRID: The Confederation acts
together with all races regardless of whether they are part of the
Q. Does being part of the Confederation bestow special privileges on its
INDIGO HYBRID: Yes but I cannot discuss that.
Q. How would we know it would be worth joining the Confederation unless we
know what it is worth?
INDIGO HYBRID: That is a very Human attitude. Joining the
Confederation is not about gaining something but knowing
2. Is there more to the Orbs, observed by the businessman and others and can
they manifest responses? Are there different types of Orbs?
problematic. They were a race at one time but became subservient to other races
and became messengers and servants. Not exactly slaves but they are altruistic
and subsume their own interests for the interests of others.
Q. The other races say that the Orbs carry energy and information. Is that
Q. Are some Orbs independent?
INDIGO HYBRID:They are all independent
but subservient to other races.
Q. Could Humans call them and ask them to carry information or for help?
INDIGO HYBRID: Yes, but that would be adding to their subservient
Q. Is this role something that they have chosen?
Q. Is there a way that Humans could interact with Orbs in a way that would
enable them to be more independent, yet cooperating with Humans?
INDIGO HYBRID: Yes. By stating to other races that Humans are
cooperating with the Orbs.
Q. Are the Orbs part of the Confederation?
INDIGO HYBRID: Yes. Thanks to Angela Thompson Smith
PhD and to Don Ware. (copyrighted)
Fukushima Disaster
Japan has raised the severity level at the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to its worst point in two years. The move
comes one day after the plants operator said about 300 tons of water
contaminated with high levels of radiation have leaked from a storage tank and
will likely seep into the ocean, reportedly the worst such leak to
Mr. Mycle Schneider, who is lead author for the World Nuclear Industry status
reports. "It is leaking out from the basements; it is leaking out from the
cracks all over the place, it is much worse than we have been led to believe,
much worse. The leakage is coming from five ruptured parts of the
containment housing. Allegedly the US Navy is moving ships in the Sea of Japan
- due to the increased radioactivity in sea water - you know it's a major, major
At news conference, the head of Japan's nuclear regulation authority Shunichi
Tanaka appeared to give credence to Mr. Schneider's concerns, saying that,
I fear there will be further leaks. We should assume that what has
happened once could happen again, and prepare for more. We are in a situation
where there is no time to waste," he told reporters.
The lack of clarity about the water situation and the continued attempts by
Tepco to deny that water was leaking into the sea has irritated many
researchers. Dr Ken Buesseler is a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution who has examined the waters around Fukushima.
"It is not over yet by a long shot, Chernobyl was in many ways a one week
fire-explosive event, nothing with the potential of this right on the
ocean."We've been saying since 2011 that the reactor site is still leaking
whether that's the buildings and the ground water or these new tank releases.
There's no way to really contain all of this radioactive water on site.""Once it
gets into the ground water, like a river flowing to the sea, you can't really
stop a ground water flow. You can pump out water, but how many tanks can you
keep putting on site?"
Several scientists also raised concerns about the vulnerability of the huge
amount of stored water on site to another earthquake.
Ground water is also running down from the surrounding hills and mixes with
radioactive water leaking out of the reactors and then leaches into the sea.
"Our biggest concern right now is if some of the other isotopes such as
strontium 90 which gets through to the ocean." "They are entering the oceans at levels that then will
accumulate in seafood that feeds millions of people and will cause new health
concerns." said Dr Buesseler
There are also worries about the spent nuclear fuel rods that are being
cooled and stored in water pools on site. Mycle Schneider says these contain far
more radioactive caesium than was emitted during the explosion at Chernobyl.
"There is absolutely no guarantee that there isn't a crack in the walls
of the spent fuel pools. If salt water gets in, the steel bars would be
corroded. It would basically explode the walls, and you cannot see that; you
can't get close enough to the pools," he said.
In a letter to the UN secretary general, Mitsuhei Murata says the official
radiation figures published by Tepco cannot be trusted. He says he is extremely
worried about the lack of a sense of crisis in Japan and abroad. This view is
shared by Mycle Schneider, who is calling for an international taskforce for
"The Japanese have a problem saving face and asking for help. It is a big
mistake; they badly need it."
The Military History Channels David Snell claims that just prior to the end
of World War II the Japanese allegedly set off a successful atomic bomb test
device in Korea.
Ancient Egypt in Illinois
Historian Glenn Kimball provided updates of his research into ancient
manuscripts as well as artifacts found in burial mounds in Southern Illinois
(known as "Little Egypt") that show North America was visited by overseas
travelers thousands of years before Columbus set sail. The Mississippi Valley is
home to over 10,000 burial mounds, which contrary to widely held academic
opinion were not all left behind by Native Americans. Black market relics found
in the region depict Egyptian pharaohs, Moorish sailors, Christ on the cross,
Jewish warriors, and Roman military imagery. Further, runes from artifacts found
in Illinois, Michigan, California and Utah talk about migrations of people from
the Middle East, Kimball said. Great copper mining occurred in Michigan that was
shipped to Egypt.
Kimball is currently working on gaining permission to
dig in an area of Illinois where ground-penetrating radar has shown several
chambers exist along a 1500 foot underground corridor. Glenn Kimball has
successfully completed all course work for a Ph.D. in Communications and passed
his doctoral exams. He was the former president of International Exchange
School. Glenn taught at Southern Illinois University and has been collecting
ancient texts since the age of fifteen and is famous for being able to integrate
very diverse texts into a contiguous story line.
Harry Hubbard has written, arranged, directed and
produced over 20 videos on various archaeological sites. He has also written
several books, and articles concerning the archaeological discovery.
Harry reports on the Illinois caves, first discovered in spring of 1925
by Orville Lowery, of Hickory Hill, in the southeast corner of Marion County
Illinois. Harry and fellow researchers were able to amass large quantities of
information from the artifacts as to who the people were that constructed the
"Illinois Mystery Cave" and the identities of the corpses who lay interred
within it.
Harry feels the mainstream archaeological community has
suppressed America's true history. Some of the artifacts depict strange but
highly detailed images of humanoids, aliens, UFOs and more. The language
depicted on the artifacts was decoded, using L.A. Wadell's groundbreaking
technique. Harry tells of the wars, famine and political upheaval in the
Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt and Cyprus as Rome conquered the area and why they
may have fled, ultimately arriving in America.
Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last person to rule Egypt as an Egyptian
pharaoh. After her death on August 12, 30 BC Egypt became a Roman province.
Cleopatra VII was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Ancient
Egypt, and therefore was a descendant of one of Alexander
the Great's generals who had seized control over Egypt after Alexander's
death. Some researchers speculate this tomb is Alexanders, Ptolemaic Pharaohs,
and Cleopatras final burial place.
Strangely some the details from tablets clearly show Reptilian and other E.T.
contact. Nothing here is made up or even slightly contrived. Harry outlines the
parallels between Old World and New World contacts with E.T.s 2000 years ago.
There is evidence of contact with races from the sky. Alexander the Great was
killed in a naval battle off Cyprus. The ancient ships were quite large sea
worthy and often included oarsmen and sails.
Sonya Porter writes, Complicated and beautiful
recent Crop Circle in Wiltshire, England. Yes, we already have the idea that
microwaves have something to do with the creation of these formations
because some wheat stalks have holes with soot-like substance on the outside of
the holes and the only thing which heats from the inside out is microwaves. But
this can't be the end of it, because these designs are too complicated and too
Differences between Martian meteorites and rocks examined
by a NASA rover can be explained if Mars had an oxygen-rich atmosphere 4,000
million years ago well before the rise of atmospheric oxygen on Earth 2500
million years ago.
Scientists from Oxford University investigated the compositions of Martian
meteorites found on Earth and data from NASAs Spirit rover that examined
surface rocks in the Gusev crater on Mars.
The fact that the surface rocks are five times richer in nickel than the
meteorites was puzzling and had cast doubt on whether the meteorites are typical
volcanic products of the red planet.
What we have shown is that both meteorites and surface volcanic rocks
are consistent with similar origins in the deep interior of Mars but that the
surface rocks come from a more oxygen-rich environment, probably caused by
recycling of oxygen-rich materials into the interior, said Professor
Bernard Wood, of Oxford University.
Whilst it is possible that the geological composition of Mars varies
immensely from region to region, the researchers believe that it is more likely
that the differences arise through a process known as subduction in which
material is recycled into the interior.
Sea Ice Grows
Antarctic sea ice extent for August 19 is 18.70 miles, a record or near-record high level (August 19, 2010
was similarly high), led by unusually extensive ice in the Bellingshausen,
Amundsen, and Ross seas, and in the western Indian Ocean sector. Climate
conditions since June have been variable, but the most recent surge in ice
growth has occurred during a period of unusually high pressure over the center
of the continent, resulting in a slowing of the circumpolar winds, warm winter
conditions for the central ice sheet areas (Vostok Station and Amundsen-Scott
South Pole Station both had periods of spring-like -30s earlier in the month),
and cold conditions in the Bellingshausen, allowing ice to grow extensively
there. Melt this year over the north ice sheet in the Arctic has been more
moderate, though still above rates seen in the 1990s.
Holocaust Records
This story was aired on CBS on "60 MINUTES" about a
long-secret German archive that houses a treasure trove of information on 17.5
million victims of the Holocaust. The archive, located in the German town of Bad
Arolsen, is massive (there are 16 miles of shelving containing 50 million pages
of documents) and until recently, was off-limits to the public.
But after the German government agreed to open the archives, CBS News'
Scott Pelley traveled there with three Jewish survivors who were able to see
their own Holocaust records. It's an incredibly moving piece, all the more
poignant in the wake of the meeting of Holocaust deniers in Iran and the denial
speeches in the UN. It is now more than 65 years after the Second World War.
This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million
Jews, millions of Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who
were murdered! Now, more than ever, with Iran, claiming the Holocaust to be "a
myth," it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.
06-09-2013 om 01:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #36 2013 - Indigo Hybrids Pt.1, Fukushima Worsens, Rover -Mars had Oxygen - DEEL 2
Filer's Files #36 2013 - Indigo Hybrids Pt.1, Fukushima Worsens, Rover -Mars
had Oxygen - DEEL 2
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Lights
Maricopa -- First
sighting took place around 10 pm on September 1, 2013, while exiting a friends
home I noticed a very bright red glowing light in sky about the size of a penny.
Object was stationary and grew and shrank in size. Object changed to a white
light and then shrank as if ascending. The second sighting took place the next
evening while outside having a BBQ right after sunset. There were no other
objects in the sky then the bright white light appeared in the sky. The light
was stationary and grew and shrank in size for around 12 minutes then shrank and
vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Lights
Indio-- During my drive from Los Angeles
to Phoenix, I spotted lights in the sky that I couldnt explain on August 28,
2013. At first there were three bright orange lights that appeared in the
formation of a triangle. They hovered in the air a good distance away, but still
very bright. They were low enough to seem close, but high enough not to be a tower or
connected to the ground. After five minutes of watching these, another set of
three lights appeared and a few minutes you could see both units hovering nearby
each other. Then the first set disappeared quickly. This same thing occurred
multiple times for the next 30 minutes. The lights would appear and disappear
quickly, but always in different positions than the last. When appearing or
disappearing, there was no flashing or moving. As I continued to drive the
lights became hidden by the mountain range. After driving for another 15
minutes, I could see them again on the other side of the mountain range. Now I
was closer than ever, and the lights were super bright! They were so bright that
Im sure they could be visible from miles away. I estimate they were 20 miles
south of where I pulled off to look. I spotted this event in between Indio, CA
and the Arizona border on highway 10. The lights continued to appear for 5-10
minutes, then disappear after another unit arrived.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
CICERO -- My husband was
at work at the railroad around 8:35 Pm, and he saw four lights going up and down
and changing direction. At first he thought they were fireworks because they
were shooting some around area, but he noticed that they were still there. They
came together and they went off. He lost track of it. I was going north over
the bridge around 8:40 Pm where the railroad tracks are located. My son and I
witness a big light and it just was moving real fast. I got a little video of
it. My husband took some pictures. He called me and said you would not believe
what I just saw. I told him I was in the area where he saw it. Thanks to MUFON
Kentucky Sightings
Glenn writes, I am contacting you in the hope
you come to visit my farm and witness for yourself what we have been observing
nightly since February. We were going to bed at around 1:30 am, and observed a
very low, extremely bright, twinkling star that started moving and came within
200 yards of our house. We observed it though a small pair of binoculars and
noticed it had red, blue, green, and yellow lights that blinked
I bought an inexpensive Sony Digital Camcorder that has worked just. I
currently have over 14,000 pictures and videos. We have documented at least four
Motherships in our area nightly that come down looking like a mass of green,
yellow, and pinkish-red light. These Motherships unload 100's of smaller flying
saucer type craft. I have pictures of them unloading the smaller craft and have
observed them reloading in the pre-dawn hour. Thanks to Glenn.
Michigan Saucer UFO
Detroit Im a maintenance guy and was
cleaning a vacant apartment on the 13th floor in an apartment building downtown
when something kept reflecting sunlight into my eyes from outside; I was annoyed
and went to the window to see this shiny object off in the distance a couple
miles away on November 15, 2008. At first it seemed to be stationary, so I
figured it was a helicopter but it headed in my direction and as it gets closer
it looks less like a helicopter.
It took 8 seconds to close to only 25 feet outside the 13th
floor window at eye level with me. It starts to rotate up on its side. Im not
frightened, just amazed. It rotated on to its side with a small pulsing red
light in the center of the underside of the craft. Ive included drawings of
the craft with three discs connected together in the center with only one dome
on the top, but three "pods" for lack of a better word make up the body of the
craft. It seems to be a polished metal, not a mirror finish like chrome, but a
reflective metal surface. As its tilting towards me I see the pulsing red
light, and see a round white circular lights on each saucer in its center that
start blinking in a sequence. The craft starts to rotate clockwise and the
blinking pattern gradually speeds up, and the rotation remains steady. Then
another set of lights around the outer edge of the three white lights start
flashing with blues, greens, orange, yellow, and purples.
The sequence
speeds up until the whole thing is just a blur of lights rotating at the same
steady pace. Then the lights just stop as the craft moves down to its upright
position, and hovers off to the northeast. I feel blessed to have been witness
to such an amazing thing. Thanks to MUFON
Nevada Triangle
Rachel -- UFO shape hidden in a cloud.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UFO over OklahomaandSubmerged Alien Craft
Oklahoma City
-- On May 5th, 2013. I turned north on
Hastings at the same time as a male jogger was looking into the sky at 11:30 PM,
at the same thing I was seeing in the Surrey Hills Addition. It looked like a
large aircraft on final approach to runway 35 at Sundance Airpark, but it was
actually hovering at 500 feet and flashing red and white. It was 900 feet to
southwest over the LDS Church emitting an air propellant sound. It has a
brightly illuminated steeple with a gold horn blower figure at its peak
illuminating the craft enough so that I could see its shape. The craft proceeded
southwest and I trailed in my car and I tried to videotape.
I could see that it was much longer than its width, thick like a clay brick,
slightly narrower in the middle like a dumb bell. It was over 200 feet long and
several stories high with no apparent windows. There were at least 6 red and 4
bright white static, flashing and strobbing lights, and three slowly flashing
red lights at the tail.
EDMOND-- This past Saturday, night August 24, 2013, I was at Lake
Arcadia around 12:45 AM in the morning fishing for catfish alone. There was a
group of 14 people around a fire on a campsite earlier on the other side of the
lake. I was getting ready to leave when about 70 yards behind me a giant bright
green and glowing light appeared under the lakes surface. It had a rhythmic
flashing of red and blue lights. Then the light began moving from western side
of the lakes shore to the eastern side and back to the other side a couple of
times then it stopped almost near the center of the lake.
At that moments it grew brighter and slightly larger than shot straight up in
the air and into the sky and seemingly disappeared for a couple of seconds and
reappeared hovering right over a campsite on the other side of the lake. It
disappeared and reappeared again maybe a minute later and shot up into the sky
and went out of sight. I drove my boat over to the site where the craft had been
hovering, but did not recognize anything out of the ordinary. NOTE: The above
image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Tennessee Orbs
Antioch-- I was
headed to the store on Friday night, August 23, 2013, when I noticed an odd
floating orange light. When leaning to look closer, I realized there were
hundreds of these orbs floating on the same path. I immediately pulled over into
a parking lot where many others were gathered to watch this strange event. It
lasted roughly 20 minutes. The "lights" were at a slow floating pace, none
zipping or streaking through the sky, and no sound seemed to come from them.
After travelling about 100 yards pass us, they would gently flicker and then
were gone.
I inquired with my local news channel, but got no response, and no one seemed
to be airing any news of this. I took several photos, some on my Canon, and
others on my cell, but no one seems to know what this was. I found that at
roughly the same time, the same thing occurred in New York, New Zealand, London,
Illinois, and Texas that same weekend. The poor quality photo causes the lights
to look streaked, which they were not. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Palmview -- I was sitting outside on the
balcony when I heard my neighbors talking about something in the sky on August
18, 2013. I finally noticed something about a minute later coming from behind
the trees. It was four glowing lights in a trapezoidal formation traveling in a
north westerly direction. As I was viewing them a fifth light appeared behind
the original four. It was centered in back of the original four. They were all a
bright reddish-orange color and did not blink. The light came from a bright
center, gradually dimming outwards and appeared spherical.
It was not a satellite as I have seen those before. I did not notice any
navigation lights like you would see on an airplane. The lights then dimmed to a
pinpoint of light in the east. They traveled north without changing formation
slower than an a jet. The sighting lasted for ten minutes. Thanks to MUFON
Utah Bright UFOs
in the Millcreek area and have a fabulous view and starting on August
17th, 2013, multiple witnesses and I saw and photographed and
videotaped two bright objects. The larger of the two hovers for 10-15 minutes at
a time. It then pulsates, becomes brighter, dimmer and a smaller object is
sometimes seen. It flies directly into the larger object, and then flies away.
It circles the object and changes directions many times. The larger object will
then move to the North, disappears, and reappears several times. Sometimes it
also appears that the larger object emits a light toward the ground. The object
is in the western sky to the south of the Great Salt Lake. I see planes fly
above and below it. It is below the cloud cover and one person saw it for two
years. I have contacted the media and FAA -nothing. It is not an aircraft but is
out there every night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
World Wide UFO Sightings
Canada UFO Sightings
Oshawa -- On August
4th 2013 , while walking my dog after midnight I noticed a helicopter
come in low and fast, along with a bright white light as if in search looking
for something. To capture the moment I took one still shot at 12:03 AM that
reveals one red and one blue light along with the choppers bright white light.
Due to the on-going UFO sightings in this Oshawa/Whitby, Ontario area I
wonder if helicopters chase away UFOs in the area. Thanks to Paul Shishis
Vancouver Island-- On June 8, 2013 I was out having a smoke on my shop deck at
about 11:15 PM, and looked up at a basketball sized bluish-white glowing orb
appear out of a misty white tube. It was the size of a large passenger jet. The
orb had a bright white center about the size of a large star and all around it
to bring it to the basketball size was a vibrant, swirling transparent and
whitish field that danced about. A second one emerged out of some kind of
wormhole five seconds after the first. I could see the orb appear partially and
then a bit more until it emerged completely from the wormhole. Ten seconds after
the second one, a third one emerged!
The wormhole dissipated and the three orbs glided together northward for a
few seconds at a very slow speed. The electrified fields diminished and that
left three golden orange orbs. The last that I saw of them, one orb was zipping
from place to place at incredible speed. I noticed that the orbs were crossing
the skies almost nightly until June 15, 2013. On the morning of the 16th a very
large meteorite crazed through our outer atmosphere at 6:06 AM. Then a small
satellite moves across the sky turns completely around toward an orb and chases
it downward then sideways until I lose sight. Thanks to Ian Purcell Shawnigan
Lake, BC
Italy White
Maniago -- My wife and I were sitting on
our porch at 5:52 pm, on August 31, 2013, when I noticed round white orbs in the
clear northeast blue sky in the pre-Alps. I took photos and my wife told me to
look left and there were a bunch more of them. I took several more pictures from
here. One photo has a dark cylinder amongst the orbs. The orbs were not moving
much and not intermingling or anything like that. In fact they seemed to keep a
relative position from each other. Four were in front of me and caught up to the
others northeast of me that's when most movement stopped. At that point I
counted 18 of them as they started to slowly dim as though they were gaining
altitude and eventually I could no longer see them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kosovo Disc UFO
I was in the mountains with my friends on August 12, 2013,
and I was shooting around photos with my Samsung Galaxy S3. When I arrived at
home I uploaded one photo on Facebook and one person saw that object. After that
I was looking for more objects like that in my photos. I made more than 100
photos that day and after 25 days I discovered one other photo with two flying
Note: The photo seems to show a metallic disk shaped object
with a dome protrusion. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Mexico Disc
Guadalajara -- I was a walking at sunset
on August 8, 2013 and noticed the sun's rays passed a cloud creating a stunning
and colorful so I rushed home to take pictures with my camera. I thought it was
very likely that I would capture a flying object since that happens very often
in my case. I analyzed the photo that shows the object in the sky with my 18
megapixels Fotografa. They sometimes talk to me and I feel them in my mind.
Their ships are not visible to the human eye but if I my intuition they are
there I can locate them mentally. The object appears to the left of l to
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Netherlands UFO
GORINCHEM -- We live in an apartment and I
was outside enjoying the cloud shapes on August 26, 2013. On my right a very
bright light appeared, pulsating and moving fast away. With the naked eye there
was a very bright light visible, but the field around it seemed effected like
clouds moving away. I was sure it was no airplane or drone, I know how they move
and what they look like, and we see those often here too. My camera was just
around the door, since it is there standby for the cloud pictures I often make.
Before I had my camera and came back, in about 10 seconds it was nearly out of
sight already, but I tried to photograph it anyway. Later on I enlarged and
could see this object with the light. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Philippines Disc
LEGASPI -- Hi, I'm Abraham from Philippines. I'm just
wondering if anyone from your team can investigate this picture that I took
three weeks ago on August 3, 2013. My friend and I just past by this rice field
near a volcano not to far away from our home, and just now i realized there is
something out there in the sky that is really weird. When i started browsing my
photos from a holiday back in my homeland the Philippines. I took this picture
using my iPhone 4s so it's not really a high resolution photo, but attached is
the raw file of this photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Poland Fireballs
Ciechanow -- I was shining a green laser up into the sky, when two orange
fireballs like UFO's appeared in the sky on August 5, 2013. They were very close
to one another and lasted about five seconds before fading out. This happened
multiple times, every time it looked exactly the same. The last time they showed
up there was four of them right after the other. It looks like the fireballs are
used to avoid missiles fired at military aircraft use, but I doubt it. Thanks to
Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Romania Lights
Timioara I was picking my son 9 years from the bus station
returning from vacation. Coming back home with my car and my son, I stopped at
the traffic light and I saw the sky strong light like star appearance. I told my
son what beautiful stars on sky are, suddenly I saw that the stars light are
changing position and are brighter. Then I told my son that are helicopters. In
the left side of our view where two lights on horizontal line and other three in
a triangle formation. The lights are become stronger and move from NW to N all
together. The color of my traffic light changed to green, and I started my car
and I saw the lights are move and disappear on the sky after four minutes. After
that I realize that are deficiently not helicopters. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to
UK/England Triangle
Bromley -- Walking home past a supermarket
I work at on September 1, 2013, and looked to the gas works next to it and saw
the triangle formation directly above the cylinders that rise up and down. I
witnessed the isosceles in shape for over five minutes in amazement then lights
turned off in quick succession one by one. At first sight I thought three
Chinese lanterns but they were remained still and precise in formation and all
at the same height. This could suggest a flat underside to a triangular shaped
craft or three light orbs. It was night time so only the lights were visible. I
was in some shock as I had been researching the phenomena at the
time.Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Clark C. McClelland writes, I do Talk Radio Shows
that break listener records.I am in very bad health and in poverty.
I want to release my remaining 36 chapters on my website if i can live long
enough. My 78th birthday is September
Filers Files are now being emailed to 20,000 + addresses each week
plus: 739 forwarded to more thousands and to 68 Social
Networks: I suggest you forward them to your friends
and neighbors and ask them to read the evidence with an open mind.
UFO Conferences
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
06-09-2013 om 01:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
This week Nick Pope
asks the question what would happen if we really did get absolute and undeniable
proof of the existence of other alien civilizations? Next, Diane
Tessman gives us 3 reasons why to be excited about the ET Cultural
Center. Then, Chris Holly continues to receive reports of a new
type UFOs. Scott Corrales writes about jets fighters chasing a
UFO and abut a terrible night in August. Steve Erdmann is on
the trail of the Fourth Reich. Doc Vega is wondering why the
Federal Government is trying to expunge UFO articles. Next, Paul
Schroeder is back with Diary of a Mad Alien Abductee. Christian
Mace contributes more of his findings on Mars and this week Mercury.
Alfred Lambremont Webre interviews astronomer David Greg who
claims there is no Planet X. Ed Komar ek reports on why ET
stays hidden. I report that researchers claim all life originated on Mars and a
UFO watches a baseball game. Pat Regan reports that another UFO
was near RAF Woodvale and Jasmine returns to Rufford's bridge. Shy
Brown contributes UFOs and that Stuff and finally Tony Elliott
writes about No More US Wars! Enjoy DIrk
Nick Pope. In my previous column I examined the difficult relationship
between ufology and SETI. In particular, I highlighted the Square Kilometer
Array (SKA) radio telescope, an instrument so powerful, that when fully
operational, in 2024, it will be able to detect an airport radar at a distance
of 50 light years. I speculated that this might be the moment at which the human
race learns of the existence of other civilizations. More...
THE ET CULTURAL CENTER!by Diane Tessman. The concept of an
Extraterrestrial Cultural Center is thrilling to me! For the first time, this
will be humankind saying to the races of the universe, We recognize you, we
offer peaceful contact, communication, and friendship. We are here, in this spot
in Geneva. In this building there are human experts on your diverse species and
experts on your visits to our planet, Earth that is, as expert as we can
possibly be, because you have not yet contacted us openly. So please come and do
so. We wish to learn more! Lets get started! More...
REPORTED!by Chris Holly. Since I have published my article
concerning the new style of UFO's being reported this year I have had reports of
people seeing what I described in the article. I have included one report here
that was seen recently and have others with a video of other recent reports on
my blog . More... Also read: ARE UFOS ADAPTING
UFO CHASED BY TWO JET FIGHTERS IN SPAIN -PART IIby Scott Corrales. Conclusion: We can attest to the fact that the
witness of this unique sighting has not read anything at all about Unidentified
Flying Object. Those things dont scare me, he said. If one ever comes close
to me, Im not planning to cut and run. We would state that he has no idea at
all about UFOs or the UFO question.More... Also read: A TERRIBLE NIGHT IN
FOURTH REICHby Steve Erdmann. Peter Levendas rather in depth
and scholarly work delves into the origins of Nazism which began far earlier
than Hitlers January 30, 1933 ascendency. Its origins wrest back to an early
form of mysticism and perverted paganism; the Thule Society and German-Enoden,
Theosophical, runic and magical concepts. Hitler was a tool, a creature of
the occultists. In the autumn of 1915, Hitler wrote a poem praising Wotan, the
Teutonic Father God, and speaks of runic letters, magic spells, formulas, and
esoteric paganism. More...
PUBLISHED UFO ARTICLESby Doc Vega. There is no doubt about it
that since the 9-11 Tragedy in New York we now live in a different world. The
world is not necessarily different because of the alleged terrorist act itself,
but because of the security state legislation that was allowed to take place in
the aftermath of that tragedy. Under the aegis of the Patriot Act, a piece of
crucial legislation that not only Republicans but Democrats participated in,
there are freedoms that Americans once took for granted that are rapidly fading
away. More... Also
read: MORE
MAD ALIEN ABDUCTEE by Paul Schroeder. Anxiety levels high,
nervous late one night, hours before bed, aware of THEM, and intrigued.
Ensconced in the ironic sense of their plaguing omnipresence, I posed a question
playfully, internally and silently; "Who was I, physically, in my previous
lifetime?" More...
OBJECT INDEED!by Christian Macé. I have put online on my blog,
these ufo photos taken by Philippe sunday evening september 01, 2013 to 20 H 10
(8. 10 pm), near Cannes, South-Est in France : Cannes is near Mediterranean Sea.
And soon there will be a war in the region with the Syria (Syrie). When there is
a war, The Ufos are present, here and now ! : More... Also
ILLUMINATIby Peter Fotis Kapnistos. She was a Quaker, the wife
of a merchant, and the patient of Dr. William Pancoast. She was a woman whose
name was never recorded. Dr. Pancoast, a professor at Jefferson Medical College
in Philadelphia, had already examined and tested her numerous times. The woman
lay on the table as she had been told to do. When she awoke, he did not tell her
what he had done. He never told her. Nine months later, she bore a son. This was
the first reported artificial insemination with donor semen. (Gena Corea, The
Mother Machine, 1985)More...
Alfred Lambremont Webre. In an in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred
Lambremont Webre, New Zealand astronomer David Greg has refuted beyond a
reasonable doubt the claims made by Planet X researcher Marshall Masters and
his team that the Brown Dwarf star system is in our inner solar system and on a
trajectory for a cataclysmic flyby of Earth in the 2015-16 timeframe. More...
Komarek. I still come across some really good cases that deserve to be in
my book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder. I copied these two cases
from an unedited book manuscript written by Gary Opit. This first case not only
shows high level extraterrestrial contact in the UK military, but also presents
a very good explanation of the advanced extraterrestrial perspective directly
from a human ET. It reminds me of Frank Stranges book The Stranger in the
Pentagon. I find myself confronted frequently by the uninformed who ask, why
dont the ETs if they exist, come forward publ icly? Why do they hide? More...
Ploeg. As the figurative saying goes, men are from Mars and women are from
Venus. A chemist though argues that all life might actually be from Mars
literally. Professor Steven Benner, founder of the Westheimer Institute for
Science and Technology in Gainsville, Florida, will present evidence to
geochemists at the Goldschmidt conference that supports the origins of earthly
life beginning on Mars. More... Also
Regan. I have written at some length not only about my own UFO sightings
near the RAF Woodvale facility at Southport, but also concerning those sent to
me by other witnesses. Furthermore, I have also written a great deal about UFO
activity corresponding to the local Southport Airshow, which usually takes place
in autumn, many times. What follows is the most recent UFO report. More...
been sleepwalking, when I woke up outside in the dirt road. Upon waking, I
tasted the coarse sand on my tongue. Immediately, I knew I wasnt in bed. Oh!
No! Not again! How did I get outside? Of course, I didnt know! More...
NO MORE US WARSby Tony Elliott. The
time has come for All Americans in particular and people worldwide to voice
their opposition to war in Syria. Every US citizen needs to flood the offices of
their elected officials from Congress to the White House with telephone calls,
E-Mails, and personal appearances demanding no more wars. More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of
the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or
associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an
important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its
membership. Thanks Dirk.
LEGAL STUFF You are receiving
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FEEDBACK: Send your comments and suggestions to
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UFOs - Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the
Record LIVE! | VIDEO
Phil Harper ITN Producrions 8-4-13
Generals, Pilots
and Government officials will go on the record live to discuss their experiences
with UFOs this Thursday at 10:30pm GMT, 2:30 PDT, 5:30 EDT. A panel of credible
witnesses will join the YouTube channel Truthloader via webcam, each speaking
for 10 minutes before a 30 minute Q and A session.
The panel will include
Leslie Kean, author of the New York Times best seller UFOs:
Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record. She spent 10
years researching the book, which includes officially documented cases and
reports by highly credentialed people from around the world.
Leslie Kean on the panel is Jose Lay, international affairs director at CEFAA in
Chile, a government agency whose mission is to collect, study and analyze
scientifically, all reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in
Colonel Charles Halt, who in 1980 officially reported a UFO at RAF
Woodbridge in England, which later became known as The Rendlesham Forest
Captain Robert Salas, whilst an officer in the US Air Force,
witnessed 10 nuclear missiles become non-operational after guards reported UFOs
hovering above the facility.
Captain Ray Bowyer, along with some of his
passengers, witnessed an object estimated to be up to a mile long over the
English Channel in 2007.
Parviz Jafari is a retired General of the
Iranian Air Force. In 1976 he was ordered by the Air Force Command to approach
an intense flashing object observed over Tehran. Jafaris weapons were jammed
and communications garbled when he approached the object.
"This online
conference will help bring the serious side of the subject to a wide audience.
The audience will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists which
makes this a unique event." said Leslie Kean.
With the 30 minutes Q and
A at the end of the event, its an opportunity to ask some of the most credible
UFO witnesses some questions. If people want to take part, leave a comment on
the live video on Truthloader, post on our Facebook wall, or tweet us
@truthloader said Truthloader Producer, Phil Harper.
La lettre d'information des rencontres ufologiques
En annexe le fichier pdf de la nouvelle lettre des Rencontres Ufologiques,
des nouvelles de vos villes ovni, des cafés Ufologiques, mais aussi un long
article de Daniel Robin qui a recensé de très nombreux cas relatifs )
l'observation d'objet en forme de triangle.
Egalement, le dernier organigramme du Mufon France que nous venons de
modifier avec l'arrivée de nouvelles villes ovnis, d'une nouvelle direction
régionale qui se met en place, de nouveau cafés ufologiques..... enfin, en
période de création, des transformations fréquentes.
Merci encore à tous ceux qui ont contribué à la mise en place de cette
lettre et du site par l'envoi régulier d'informations.
On August 10th 2013 at 8:30 pm. A fleet of UFO's (total of 10)
were spotted Northeast of the Las Veg...
05-09-2013 om 18:55
geschreven door peter
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Le phénomène extraterrestre et OVNI selon le scientifique Jacques Vallée: une supercherie organisée par les gouvernements et par un système de contrôle "interdimensionel"
Le phénomène extraterrestre et OVNI selon le scientifique Jacques Vallée: une supercherie organisée par les gouvernements et par un système de contrôle "interdimensionel"
Voici quelques citations des livres du Dr. Jacques Vallée, docteur et expert dans plusieurs disciplines dont l'astrophysique, l'informatique et les mathématiques. Un scientifique qui s'est intéressé à l'ufologie tout au long de sa carrière professionnelle et qui, comme d'autres hommes de science, arrive à la conclusion que le phénomène "extraterrestre" fait partie d'un système de contrôle "interdimensionel" organisé en une hiérarchie d'entités spirituelles (qui s'approche de celui décrit dans Éphésiens 6:12) qui, par la psyché humaine ou l'inconscient collectif, manipulent l'humanité. Comme plusieurs chercheurs et auteurs, il ne croit pas que ces entités sont "nos frères de lumière", qu'elles vont nous envoyer un Messie Sauveur, mais il affirme que ces êtres surnaturels s'apparentent plutôt à des esprits démoniaques qui n'ont que pour seul objectif de tromper l'humanité. Vallée conclut que l'intrusion "extraterrestre" (interdimensionelle) est sinistre et prédatrice, que les "messagers" ou "contactés" sont tous manipulés et trompés.
Selon Vallée et d'autres scientifiques dont John Keel, J. Allen Hynek et le psychiatre Carl Jung, le phénomène ovni n'est pas d'origine extraterrestre, mais « il apparaît plutôt commeun effet interdimentionnel qui manipule les réalités physiques hors de notre propre continuum espace-temps », et plus loin il écrit, « mon hypothèse est qu'il existe un niveau de contrôle de la société qui fonctionne comme un régulateur de l'évolution de l'homme, et que le phénomène ovni doit être considéré sur ce plan » (extraits de «Autres Dimensions, Chronique des contacts avec un autre monde »).
Jacques Vallée croit que les théories physiques et cosmologiques actuelles n'arrivent pas à expliquer l'action d'un tel système. Il croit que les ovnis sont une réalité physique possédant une masse, une inertie, un volume, et des paramètres physiques mesurables, mais qu'ils agissent dans des dimensions inconnues de notre propre environnement.
Selon Jacques Vallée, le phénomène "extraterrestre" est entretenu telle une supercherie par nos élites parce qu'il a une profonde et décisive influence sur nos croyances et nos orientations spirituelles. Il croit que l'humanité est volontairement trompée de la façon suivante :
1°) la négation officielle qui s'exerce par une pression sur les témoins pour les décourager de témoigner;
2°) dès qu'un témoin parvient à expliquer ce qu'il a vu, il y a fabrication par les autorités, de toute une panoplie d'explications fantaisistes n'ayant aucun rapport avec le phénomène;
3°) le phénomène ovni contient un mécanisme pour s'expliquer lui-même. Il induit dans l'esprit des témoins une fausse interprétation de lui-même, pour nier, en quelque sorte, son existence. Il ne chercherait donc pas le contact, mais tenterait plutôt d'exercer un contrôle sur l'humanité. Le Dr Vallée en est venu à penser au cours des recherches échelonnées sur de nombreuses années, que les ovnis ne devaient pas être dorigine extraterrestre mais plutôt provenir dune autre dimension, dimension identifiée par lui comme étant celle ou vivent les êtres que lon trouve dans tous les folklores. Il écrit dans son livreConfrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact : "Jai indiqué dans le Collège Invisible (groupe informel de scientifiques, précurseur de la Royal Society) que la structure des histoires denlèvements était identique à celle des rituels dinitiation occulte. Plusieurs années auparavant, javais déjà montré dans [le livre] "Visa pour la Magonie" que les contact avec les extraterrestres nétait quune extension moderne de la vieille tradition du contact avec une conscience non humaine prenant la forme danges, de démons, delfes et de Sylphes".
Vallée reconnaît la réalité physique des ovnis, qu'il s'agit de phénomènes naturels inconnus, voire impliquant une autre dimension, mais il lui accole aussi une dimension sociologique obscure. Après avoir travaillé quelques années pour des institutions gouvernementales (NASA et pour le "Projet Blue Book"), il croit qu'il y a manipulation gouvernementale en ce qui concerne les ovnis, l'existence extraterrestre et tout ce qui entoure la divulgation d'une vie extraterrestre ("Disclosure project"). Selon Vallée, les gouvernements poursuivent des études psycho-sociologiques qui visent à expérimenter le contrôle de la psyché des foules (l'inconscient collectif). Il qualifie les chercheurs actuels, particulièrement ceux du CUFOS et du MUFON, comme des "amateurs diligents"!
Voici la transcription d'une entrevue avec Jacques Vallée:
Il me semble de plus en plus évident que la Bible pourrait nous révéler que la "grande apostasie" (perte de la foi) qui doit se produire à la "Fin des temps" sera causée par l'arrivée de ceux que l'on appelle les "extraterrestres", d'où la "puissance d'égarement"....
Take a look at this 'Grab' from Rick Scouler's Topic: UFO show. Rick asks me an important question about why the Kingman UFO crash isn't better known .. which opens the door for me to discuss several of the most notable reasons why not. Harry Drew
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Red Lake 'Foo Tank' UFO Crash Trailer 4 YOU TUBE
I will discuss important points about the case and examples of deliberate deceptions and tall tales told about the Kingman UFOs, providing proof to my aud...ience they can easily use to verify facts that expose Exaggerator claims as false and misleading with no basis in reality or legitimate research. Just a string of cover-up stories that have continued right up to today. The real truth about the 1953 Kingman UFOs is extraordinary!
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NASA Tracks Russian Meteor Plume
NASA Tracks Russian Meteor Plume
August 15, 2013: Atmospheric physicist Nick Gorkavyi
missed witnessing an event of the century last winter when a meteor exploded
over his hometown of Chelyabinsk, Russia. From Greenbelt, Md., however, NASA's
Gorkavyi and colleagues witnessed the atmospheric aftermath. The explosion
created a never-before-seen belt of "meteor dust" that circulated through the
stratosphere for at least three months.
meteor weighing 10,000 metric tons exploded 14 miles above Chelyabinsk, Russia,
on Feb. 15, 2013. Unlike similar past events, this time scientists had the
sensitive instruments on the Suomi NPP satellite to deliver unprecedented data
and help them track and study the meteor plume for months. Play the
Shortly after dawn on Feb.
15, 2013, the meteor, or bolide, measuring 18 meters across and weighing 11,000
metric tons, screamed into Earth's atmosphere at 18.6 km/s (41,600 mph). Burning
from the friction with Earth's thin air, the space rock exploded 23 km above
Chelyabinsk, releasing more than 30 times the energy from the atom bomb that
destroyed Hiroshima. Video: What Exploded over
Some of the surviving pieces of the Chelyabinsk bolide fell to the ground.
But the explosion also deposited hundreds of tons of dust up in the
stratosphere, allowing the NASA-NOAA Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership
satellite to make unprecedented measurements of how the material formed a thin
but cohesive and persistent stratospheric dust belt.
"We wanted to know if our satellite could detect the meteor dust," said
Gorkavyi, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., who led the
study, which has been accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical
Research Letters. "Indeed, we saw the formation of a new dust belt in Earth's
stratosphere, and achieved the first space-based observation of the long-term
evolution of a bolide plume."
Gorkavyi and colleagues combined a series of satellite measurements with
atmospheric models to simulate how the plume from the bolide explosion evolved
as the stratospheric jet stream carried it around the Northern Hemisphere.
About 3.5 hours after the initial explosion, the Ozone Mapping Profiling
Suite instruments Limb Profiler on Suomi detected the plume high in the
atmosphere at an altitude of about 40 km, quickly moving east at about 300 kph
(190 mph).
artist's concept of the Suomi NPP satellite. Home page
The day after the explosion, the satellite detected the plume continuing its
eastward flow in the jet and reaching the Aleutian Islands. Larger, heavier
particles began to lose altitude and speed, while their smaller, lighter
counterparts stayed aloft and retained speed consistent with wind speed
variations at the different altitudes.
By Feb. 19, four days after the explosion, the faster, higher portion of the
plume had snaked its way entirely around the Northern Hemisphere and back to
Chelyabinsk. But the plumes evolution continued: At least three months later, a
detectable belt of bolide dust persisted around the planet.
The scientists' model simulations, based on the initial Suomi NPP
observations and knowledge about stratospheric circulation, confirmed the
observed evolution of the plume, showing agreement in location and vertical
"Thirty years ago, we could only state that the plume was embedded in the
stratospheric jet stream," said Paul Newman, chief scientist for Goddard's
Atmospheric Science Lab. "Today, our models allow us to precisely trace [the
dust from] the bolide and understand its evolution as it moves around the
The full implications of the study remain to be seen. Every day, tens of
metric tons of small material from space encounters Earth and is suspended high
in the atmosphere. Even with the addition of the Chelyabinsk debris, the
environment there remains relatively clean. Particles are small and sparse, in
contrast to a stratospheric layer just below where abundant natural aerosols
from volcanoes and other sources collect.
Still, with satellite technology now capable of more precisely measuring tiny
atmospheric particles, scientists can embark on new studies in high-altitude
atmospheric physics. How common are previously unobservable bolide events? How
might this debris influence stratospheric and mesospheric clouds?
Scientists previously knew that debris from an exploded bolide could make it
high into the atmosphere. In 2004, scientists on the ground in Antarctica made a
single lidar observation of the plume from a 1,000-ton bolide.
"But now in the space age, with all of this technology, we can achieve a very
different level of understanding of injection and evolution of meteor dust in
atmosphere," Gorkavyi said. "Of course, the Chelyabinsk bolide is much smaller
than the 'dinosaurs killer,' and this is good: We have the unique opportunity to
safely study a potentially very dangerous type of event."
Un astronome amateur observe une lumière déconcertante
UFO-Christchurch, NZ, 05-2013
Lastronome Ross Hansen est déconcerté par une "lumière étrange" quil a vu se déplacer haut dans le ciel de Cromwell (Central Otago, Nouvelle-Zélande, située au sud-est de l'île du Sud) dimanche soir, le 1er septembre 2013. Cétait entre 19 et 21 heures au nord ouest de Cromwell, et ça a attiré son attention alors quil observait la planète Vénus à travers son télescope, "elle était limpide".
"Jobservais les étoiles et jai vu cette lumière, relativement élevée, qui sest déplacée et puis a tout simplement disparu. Je pensais que cétait un hélicoptère, mais elle a disparu trop rapidement.
" Cétait juste une couleur normale pas de feux clignotants ou autres ".
Ce nétait pas sa première observation dun objet volant non identifié dans le ciel Cromwell.
" Jen ai fait une il y a des années de cela , il y a peut être 12 ou 13 ans"
" Cétait un vol contrôlé juste au-dessus de la ligne de pylônes, se dirigeant vers le Mont Cook, et il y avait une pluie détincelles car il suivait les fils du pylône. Au début, je pensais que quelque chose avait frappé les fils, mais il les suivait ".
Environ une douzaine de personnes a contacté la police à lépoque de la lumière étrange, dit-il.
Cependant, lobjet était différent comparé à celui de sa plus récente observation. M. Hansen est co-propriétaire de CR Motors à Cromwell.
Se décrivant comme un astronome amateur, il dit quil a passé du temps à étudier le ciel nocturne et était" ouvert" sur la possibilité dobjets volants non identifiés.
Il voulait savoir si dautres personnes ont vu la lumière étrange dimanche.
Yves Herbo : notons que l'intéressé a reçu une réponse :
" submitted by mariannenz11 on Wed, 04/09/2013 - 1:17pm.
We too saw some really bright, red lights due north of Alexandra at 9.55pm on August 31. They were spaced apart in a roughly triangle shape and solid, not blinking or even moving and neither did they make any noise. We ran outside and watched them for about 5 minutes until they slowly vanished, one by one. It was something I have never ever seen before. The night was very clear and bright with the stars particularly sharp and Venus was particularly bright. "
" Nous aussi, nousavons vu deslumières rouges,très lumineusesau nord deAlexandraà21:55le 31Août 2013.Elles étaientespacées dansuneforme grossièrementtriangulaire etsolide,ne clignotaient pasou même se déplaçantet elles n'ont faitaucun bruit.Nous avons courudehorsetavons regardépendant environ 5minutes jusqu'à ce qu'ellesdisparaissentlentement,une par une.C'étaitquelque chose que jen'ai jamaisvu avant.La nuit a ététrèsclaire et lumineuseavec des étoilesparticulièrement fortesetVénus étaitparticulièrement brillante."
Et que beaucoup de monde semble déjà avoir vu ce triangle composé de lumières rouges en mai 2013 dans la région :
The topics of extraterrestrial life and free energy suppression have been introduced to the mainstream through the recent release of the Sirius documentary. Based on the work of Dr. Steven Greer and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), the film exposes the fact that ETs have been interacting with our world and that there is a ruthless coverup taking place within the highest levels of government and industry worldwide.
The propulsion systems used within these ET craft reveal far more powerful methods of harnessing energy that can defy gravity and could potentially liberate humanity from our dependence on fossil fuels. The movie paints the picture that human greed and power interests are the only major obstacle in the way to introducing these revolutionary technologies for all of us to enjoy and benefit from. While this certainly seems to be true on many levels, there is far more to consider than is being presented within the Sirius documentary that needs to be understood at this time.
I personally believe that Greer, the CSETI team, and those involved in this film have noble intentions. However, there are a few things that I would like to point out that have disturbed me about this Disclosure Movement that have potentially far-reaching implications for those who are just being introduced to the reality of extraterrestrial life on Earth. Let it be known that these are my personal views, and do not reflect the views of Collective Evolution as a whole.
CSETI operates on the premise that ETI net motives and ultimate intentions are peaceful and non-hostile.
It appears probable that more than one extraterrestrial civilization is responsible for the ETI/ETs contact so far observed. It is likely that this represents a cooperative effort.
CSETI will attempt to cultivate bilateral ETI-human contact and relations which will serve peaceful, cooperative goals. It is NOT a goal of CSETI to acquire ET advanced technologies which may have a potential harmful or military application if disclosed prematurely. (Source: CE-5 Initiative Sirius Disclosure)
After careful consideration, I believe that Greer is being used to spread disinformation in a subtle manner, particularly concerning the idea that all extraterrestrials are benevolent and have humanitys best interests at heart. This idea is dangerous because it conditions people to passively accept all extraterrestrial activities as being good or positive in nature. Many people are looking for saviors and sweeping answers to humanitys problems, and are quick to accept the idea that all ETs must be here to help us in a genuine and selfless manner. We tend to automatically assume that because they have advanced technology, have not attacked us directly, and can communicate lovingly and telepathically, that they must be spiritually advanced as well. However, this is not always the case. The fact is these beings have their own interests and agendas, or else they would not be interacting with us directly and involving themselves in human affairs.
The purpose of this article is to reveal a different side of Dr. Greer and the Disclosure Project, and to present evidence that there are indeed hostile extra/intra-terrestrial races currently engaging the human race on a scale far vaster than we are fully aware of.
First, some key points to consider. Our understandings of the origins, operations, and characteristics of intelligent life in the physical universe are extremely limited. We are not aware of the extent of how races truly operate and how interplanetary relations are conducted. We are not really sure why extraterrestrial beings are physically engaging with humans, particularly within levels of government and influence and always in secret. Our human perspective leads to us to make conclusions primarily based upon on our own hopeful expectations, naive beliefs and conditioned assumptions. The majority of New Age content often claims that all ETs are benevolent in nature by offering shallow answers and dubious interpretations that are in direct contradiction with many highly disturbing testimonies of insidious human-ET experiences.
Extraterrestrials have been interacting with humans for far longer than we know, and it is certain that there are benevolent, neutral, and malevolent ETs from our point of view. To say that all ETs are of one type is to be in denial. The ETs that are intervening with human affairs on a physical level are doing so for their own purposes and interests not exclusively humanitys. A careful study of the ET phenomenon reveals that there is indeed a dark side to the extraterrestrial agenda. Forced alien abductions, powerful mind control activities, highly invasive genetic experimentation, and military-alien collusion in deep underground bases are just some of the nefarious aspects of this agenda. The Allies of Humanity briefings reveal that we are ultimately dealing with resource explorers collectives of races who primarily function within rigid hierarchical power structures that do not value individual freedom. They seek to exploit us for their own gain in ways we are just beginning to comprehend. We are facing competition from the universe higher competition from nature itself.
The eventual goal for some of these races is to take control of the planet and its resources with humans being one of those resources. They plan on doing this through primarily non-violent means using mass deception, persuasion, and pacification. We dont realize what a true gem our planet is from a universal perspective. Worlds like ours with a rich diversity of biological and mineral life, a habitable atmosphere, and tremendous water resources are rare and highly valued by technologically advanced races who have vastly depleted their home planets. Unfortunately, we largely treat our planet with disrespect, ignorance, and indifference. We are currently engaged in one of the most destructive collective paradigms in Earths history. The intervening extraterrestrial presence in our world is peaking at a time when humanity is weak, divided, and highly vulnerable. We are not united in our outlook, goals, or understandings, and many of us still hold onto violent prejudices, denial, and intolerance. The intervening ETs seek to capitalize on this as the Great Waves of change continue to affect our world during this shift.
We know that UFOs exist (both ET and man-made) and it is time to move beyond this. It is imperative that we come to understand what the ETs are doing here and why. We need to face these questions with clarity, sobriety, and integrity, for only then can we take effective action to counter any genuine threats to our freedom and self-determination. The emergence of humanity into the Greater Community of intelligent life will be the most significant transition we go through in our lives. The reality of Contact must serve humanity and our best interests. Clear guidelines and rules of engagement must be established with an emphasis on human sovereignty. Otherwise, we are very likely to be manipulated by advanced beings who make false promises. It has happened in the universe many times before and it will happen again this is something all emerging races go through and we are right in the midst of it. The level of deception and persuasion that is occurring regarding ET contact is immense and must be met with real discernment.
Now, getting back to Dr. Greer and the Disclosure Movement. First, I would like to point out that the creation and establishment of the Disclosure Project was made possible through the direct assistance of the Rockefeller family. Greer admits in the movie to being close friends with Lawrence Rockefeller and of being invited out the Rockefeller family ranch in the Grand Tetons in 1993. While it is unclear what Lawrences real motives are, we must remember that the Disclosure Project was originally funded by the Rockefellers, a family which has had a tremendous influence on global affairs over the last century. I find it almost humorous that Greer talks about his encounters with Lawrence positively, and later in the film they attempt to demonize David Rockefeller for his conspiratorial and repressive acts against humanity.
When he is not giving a presentation on stage, Greer has sometimes been described as narcissistic and aggressive. When you ask direct questions, especially concerning the nature of negative ET interaction, his entire demeanor changes instantly, becoming elitist and dismissive. This was made most evident in the interview with Project Camelot, where Greer absolutely refuses to answer in a clear and forthright manner when questioned about the possibility that not all ETs are here for our best interest. He repeatedly emphasizes that all interpretations that portray ETs in a negative light are used to polarize people to fear a staged interplanetary war threat. While that is a valid point in some respects, this does not explain the activities of the intervening forces and refuses to acknowledge them directly.
What is most interesting is when he speaks about the Dulce underground base, claiming: I have had more than a dozen people who have worked in facilities in Dulce and Pine Gap and other places where they have actually been growing the gray and reptilian species that people think are ETs. (start interview here @ 15:55) This statement alone reveals a huge amount about Greers intentions and affiliations as he dismisses these highly secret facilities almost as if they are insignificant.
You will soon learn that the Dulce facilities are actually a joint alien-human secret deep underground complex that performs highly sadistic and dangerous experiments on hundreds of captives. Alarmingly, humans are not the highest in command at this facility.
He posits that there is no evidence that the planet has been invaded by hostile forces and refuses to accept that this could be a possibility at all (interview here @ 26 min). This is highly naive and arrogant and to tout this premise to his large follower base is actually dangerous. Given his wealth of high-level intelligence/elite contacts throughout his life, to say that there is no evidence is either calculated disinformation or he may have been programmed hypnotically to elicit these responses.
Something doesnt add up with Dr. Greer. The people have a right to know the truth and to ask hard questions, no matter how inconvenient they may be. I am not the first person to suspect that Greer is a disinformation agent. In fact, many people disagree with him in the research/UFO communities. Please see these sources for more information.
Here is part of a written testimony of someone who partook in one of Greers CE-5 Initiative events. This person was an avid enthusiast of Greers books, interviews, and activities since 2001, and his account is very revealing. The full text of this encounter can be found here and is worth the quick read.
So it was with great excitement that I signed up for a CSETI presentation and a one day workshop with Dr. Greer that took place on November 13 and 14, 2009 in Costa Mesa, California to experience and learn CSETIs contact protocol and to determine whether it would be worthwhile enrolling in a week long CSETI outing with Dr. Greer. Surprisingly, my pre-conceived opinion about Dr. Greers character began to disintegrate as I listened to his presentation. It was disheartening to discover he is excessively fascinated with himself, prone to indulge in name dropping and in bragging about his fantastic high end and/or in the know contacts and connections, not to mention the multitude of outlandish remarks he makes with a straight face, such as his impact on the rogue MAJESTIC secret government. So much so, that according to him, he rejected a TWO BILLION dollars payout to shut up and abandon the ET disclosure issue.
Needless to say, that night I left the auditorium less enthusiastic about what Dr. Greer is all about. But it was not until the workshop and the outing next day that my opinion about him really changed unfortunately for the worst.
Again, during the workshop Dr. Greer devoted some time to self admiration while attempting to appear humble by saying, Im just a country doctor from North Carolina. By then, I was becoming quite uncomfortable about him but as the workshop progressed my discomfort turned into dismay as I watched how rudely he treated some attendees who asked valid questions or made harmless remarks but whose timing or subject he deemed inappropriate. I was truly shocked and could not believe my ears and eyes as I watched him lash at them with such scornful contempt. It was so bad that I wondered if this man was consciously trying to chase these people away. Dr. Greer claims to have experienced meditative Samadhi or oneness with all. If so, one would think he would have achieved a certain degree of enlightenment and a sense of kinship toward his fellow men. Why then was he so harsh and unkind? Did he forget these people paid a significant amount of money not only to listen but to ask questions as well?
The worst and most disheartening part of this experience was witnessing the CSETIs field contact protocol. At the site, a number of devices such as a radio transmitter, magnetometer, radar detectors, infrared scope, etc. were arranged. Even though I dont doubt Dr. Greer may have had several ET experiences in the past, what I observed in the field that night is inconsistent with his hyperbolic claims suggesting he can vector ETs and make them appear. His actions and the facts demonstrated that at the very least this is a bold exaggeration. Not surprisingly, to cover up for this assertion Dr. Greer made sure to bring out a series of possibilities for a no show prior to the field excursion. According to him, sometimes the ETs might not appear because, there is someone in the group without good intent and a clean heart or the ETs feel threatened by US military or even though they wont fully materialize they will manifest in a thousand other ways.
Conveniently, there were plenty of people at hand, mostly staff, who would come forward to state that while meditating they saw this or heard that. Most amusing though were Dr. Greers remarks at the beeps and sounds made by his electronic equipment. You see, according to him an ET he named Walter communicates via one of these electronic devices and Dr. Greer is able to recognize which beeps he makes. Additionally, the large quantity of WOW! and Oh my God! remarks coming out of Dr. Greers mouth over unseen or imaginary nonevents was sadly hilarious. Often times he would point his mega laser beam at some spot in the sky and claim he was seeing a partly materialized ET craft. Of course, any one else saw nothing even though, according to him, many significant events were taking place that night because we were such a great group. To make matters worse, Dr. Greer supplemented the lack of any occurrence with information he received via remote viewing.
I found this charade insulting to my intelligence, intuitiveness and psychic sensibilities. I know ETs were not present that night and I would have respected Dr. Greer if he had been forthright and acknowledged the fact that there was no activity. I would understand; it happens.
Greer denies that the abduction phenomena involves ETs or is malevolent in nature. He attributes virtually all abduction-related experiences to being misinterpretations or human-initiated and strongly opposes anything that goes against this position. He also denies that the animal mutilation phenomenon is insidious in nature. Both of his papers on the subject [1][2] clearly reveal his position on these matters, curiously without citing a single abduction or mutilation case in any detail.
He describes what he calls Programmed Life Forms (PLFs), which he claims that humans have engineered using advanced nano-biotechnology. He asserts that these PLFs are actually the reptilian and grey alien beings found in deep underground military bases (DUMBs) that have been reported in hundreds of testimonies. While this technology likely exists to some extent, I believe this is a vast over-exaggeration and is used to deny the fact that human-extraterrestrial collusion is taking place on a large scale within elements of the paramilitary/shadow government. However, it is important to understand that there are military abductions (MILABS) which are conducted solely by humans who portray themselves to be Grey aliens but not in all cases.
There is a big reason that the Disclosure Project is very slow to release any truly revealing information about the nature of human-ET military involvement: because it is ongoing and it is highly CRIMINAL in nature. Additionally, the majority of those even in high levels of government/military/intelligence dont know the full scale of these operations, let alone of their existence. After all, these are ultra-secretive projects and those who have come forth with any genuine information are often silenced and/or denounced as crazy. Therefore, it is far easier (and more popular) to just say that there is no evidence and to deny the allegations entirely.
However, the reality is that thousands of people worldwide are being taken against their will every year. In many cases, they go missing and are never seen or heard of again. In other cases, they are returned after their abductions, often experiencing confusion, hours of missing time, and physical injuries and even implants that are unexplainable. They are hypnotically programmed to forget and to remember false implanted memories using advanced mind control techniques. The scale of these operations is vast and almost incomprehensible. There are thousands of men, women, and children that are being held captive in secret labs and military bases, often deep underground. They are undergoing procedures and tortures that we cannot imagine. When people start to really look into this phenomenon and start to get a better understanding of what is actually taking place, it is extremely shocking and uncomfortable at first.
The following interviews, videos, and articles will provide you powerful evidence and information of firsthand accounts regarding the ET-military-shadow government collusion that is occurring right now. This information is important because it reveals that there are indeed hostile extraterrestrial races that are currently engaging in barbaric acts against humanity. While some of this may be hard to grasp initially, I encourage you to set your denial aside and consider this information with an open mind. All of those who have been affected by this directly deserve to have a chance to be heard, in the hopes that exposure of these events and places will somehow reduce and eventually end these activities permanently.
This chilling interview describes many aspects of the Dulce underground base, including its history, construction, some of its operations, how it maintains secrecy, what types of aliens are working there, what they eat, the weapons/technology/security of the facility, and many other details. He possessed ULTRA-7 security clearance which was allowed access to the alien only levels, including Nightmare Hall. A revolt took place in 1979, known as the Dulce Wars, with both human and reptilians who were attempting to expose the realities of the base and the missing persons to the surface. This mutiny was ruthlessly crushed and many were killed, both human and alien. Castello was able to escape during the chaos and lived on the run until his recent disappearance and likely death.
Q Exactly what first made you aware that something was wrong at Dulce? Seems to me that a place as obviously horrible as this one wouldnt need an Einstein to know that this is a CRIME site! What took you so long? Are you the guy who blew the whistle?
A There are several things you should know about. I took an oath, under the penalty of death, that no matter what I saw or heard I would never divulge the information. Also, I signed a waiver that states I would willingly give up my life if I was found guilty of treason. At the Dulce Base treason is ANYTHING that mentions the details of daily operations at this facility, when outside the confinement of the this base. When I first arrived, a need to know policy was in effect. The story the honchos told us was that this is a Tri-Biotransfer Facility with Advanced Technology, doing advanced adventurous methodology for medical and mental gains. Which is a fancy way of saying they do really risky things with human life just to see what would happen. If a medical cure happens, it will be heralded on the surface of the earth as a marvelous new cure, saying it was found after years of research at some well known medical lab. The real story of the cure is never explained. After all, the Dulce Base IS A SECRET FACILITY!
These people are very good at what they do. They do not tell the truth about the unfortunate people that end up in Nightmare Hall. I worked with aliens. With that in mind, you should get the idea of the secrecy and the security at that place. Yes, I know this was not the usual hospital type job site, but in the beginning I bought the whole package. I was reminded daily by intercom, in the elevators, that this site does high risk advanced medical and drug testing to cure insanity, please, never speak to the inmates, it can destroy years of work. Im sensible, when doctors say dont speak to them, who was I to destroy the delicate situation?
But one man some how caught my eye. He repeatedly stated that he was George S- and that he had been kidnapped and he was sure someone was searching for him. I dont know why he sticks in my mind, I found I was remembering his face, thinking he sure didnt look or sound insane, but many inmates said that. The next weekend I convinced a friend of mine, a cop, to run a check on the guy, saying I had a run in with him and was curious. I didnt mention the base at all. It was a sickening feeling when the computer confirmed that George S. was missing. Whats worse, the cops thought he was just another guy that got tired of the daily grind and split. That was the beginning. Am I the one that blew the whistle? No. The next Monday, I searched for George, but he was gone. There were no records that explained what happened to him.
It was another security officer that came to me saying he and some lab workers wanted an off duty meeting at one of the tunnels, [off the record]. Curiosity took over and I said OK. That night, about nine men showed up. They said they knew they were risking me turning them in but they wanted to show me some things they thought I should see. One by one they showed records that proved many inmates were missing people. There were newspaper clippings, and even photos that they had some how smuggled into the base. They hoped to smuggle them back out, without me turning them in to the honchos. I could see the fear in their faces as they spoke. One man stated he would rather lose his life by trying, than to lose his soul by not doing anything at all. It was that remark that turned the tide. I told them about George and the things I found out about him. After a few hours we pledged to attempt to expose the Dulce Base.
Q The name Nightmare Hall is descriptive, but surely there was a regular name, what was it called in the manuals?
A In the manuals it was called The Vivarium. It describes Dulce Base as a secured facility for tending bio-forms of all types. In their report it is retold as a private subterranean bio-terminal park, with accommodations for animals, fish, fowl, reptile, and mankind. After SEEING this park the name Nightmare Hall is far more accurate than the manual. The accommodations for the inmates at Nightmare Hall fall short of the pretty picture the manual describes.
Dealing with the aliens deceptive abilities may be the most crucial problem facing abduction research today. Once the illusionary capability has been demonstrated and experienced, new perceptions and insights often emerge. The witness usually has no trouble recognizing the non-human nature of the force behind the events. The manipulation of time and space by these beings, the way they play with our psychology and our perceptions, all bespeak a technology far beyond the human. Or certainly, if any human agency did have this sort of capability, it would have plenty of applications far better than pulling hundreds of 3 a.m. raids on bedrooms around the globe every night, decade after decade, in which thousands of humans pretend to be aliens.
The abductee also learns from experience that the aliens induce an altered perceptive state in humans during every encounter. Employed for control, it can be used to prevent any undesired responses from the abductee. And the altered state prevents any objective assessment of the situation by the witness. This means that the witness can only report what was seen, felt, and heard-which is not necessarily a reflection of what actually occurred. By inducing and manipulating altered consciousness in the abductee, the aliens assume full control of the situation and thus exert great control over the data reported by the witness.
Abductees report alien-controlled information.
This is a fact abduction researchers must face. Then, perhaps, work can begin on solving this problem, on finding ways around the memory blocks and screen illusions, in order to discover the real events and the agenda behind them. Until the day we can unmask the alien illusions, however, we can at least study the entire body of reported data, controlled though it may be, trying to learn more about why certain images and events are employed and what they can tell us about the covert directors of these scenarios.
This is a 5-part video of a hypnosis session with an alien abductee conducted by Dr. Corrado Malanga. The video is primarily audio (Italian) with English subtitles. This is a unique opportunity to hear an alien abductee describe an actual abduction experience.
Disclaimer: This is a witness testimony of a military abductee Re-Ab, and contains disturbing material and is not recommended reading for those who cannot handle the reality of malevolent alien abductions or shadow government activities. I cannot vow to the absolute facts of all of this testimony nor all of Maarits opinions. This is offered as another piece of the puzzle exploring the milab issue and as an extension of the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner and Barbara Bartholic, as well as my own contribution. It is not meant to be fear based but as a wake up call testimony to acknowledge those who should not have to live lives of harassment, oppression and secrecy.
Top researchers in the field of Anomalous Trauma, including James Bartley, Dr. Karla Turner, Barbara Bartholic, Leah A. Haley, Helmut Lammer, Ph. D, Eve Lorgen, Budd Hopkins, and more.
Niara enlisted in the Air Force back in 1979 and became a surface to air missile/anti-aircraft artillery radar specialist based at various bases around the U.S. She was based for approximately one year at Nellis Air Force Base working out at the Tonopah Test Range. And that is where these incidents occurred. Although her experiences are hard to believe, her down-to-earth way of relating the information if anything, underscores how very real they were and the depth of depravity and cruelty implied in her treatment brings to light some very sinister dealings going on that include a race or races of ETs and the military, that if true, couldnt be more scandalous.
If and when government disclosure ever becomes a reality this is the type of story that will be very hard to explain let alone acknowledge by those coming forward at that time.
- Kerry Lynn Cassidy
There is no doubt that we are being conditioned for the collective disclosure that we are not alone. The ET card is definitely going to be played, the question is how? What many do not realize is that this is the final tactic that will be used to usher in the New World Order. There are many plans for this (including Project Bluebeam) and we must understand that mass deception will be used. Therefore, it is vitally important that we become informed about all sides of this issue while we still can, including the darker and uncomfortable aspects. We must be careful who we choose to believe and follow particularly concerning this subject. Not all ETs are malevolent, but we must see that there are those who wish to subvert and manipulate humanity. This information is not shared with you solely to promote fear. Rather, this is to give you a better idea of what is really going on in secret right underneath our feet. There is still a lot more that we arent being told. It will take great courage to face the darker aspects of life, but it must be done individually and collectively. I pray that humanity will heed the warnings and take a decisive stand for our freedom and our right to self-determination. May the truth be revealed for all to know and see!
Thank you for reading this far and for considering these important issues.
I was gone for 5 days and leave tomorrow for 4
days more, so limited time.
The stuff posted by Robert Sheaffer provides a fine
example of selective choice of data and of the intellectual bankruptcy of the
pseudoscience of antiufology.Not surprisingly there is no Friedman file at the
Klass collection at the American Philosophical Society Library despite many
letters over more than 20 years. Do note that there is no mention of my 90 page
"Final Report on Operation Majestic 12" from 1990. There is no mention of my
book "TOP SECRET/MAJIC" first hard cover and then trade paper.. The first has
many more letters back and forth.Klass's many offers all had kickers. I inisted
on modification to the $100. per year one. I just verified that Klass had never
been to the Eisenhower Library (nor the HST).. neither had Oberg or
Incidentally It was not a wager. He challenged me.
I met the challenge. He paid me.(Told lots of people about challenging me, few
about paying me). I wagered nothing. He mentions a modest sample. The Ike
Library.. (at which I have spent weeks) had over 250,000 pages of NSC materials.
To suggest that one can generalize from 9elite items to 250,000 is absurd. I
have dealt with all of his pseudoscientific arguments. None standup.Why no
mention of Roger Westcott's research? Did he check the Hillenkoetter files at
the Hoboken National Archives branch??I did and also talked to Mrs. H. and Mrs.
Menzel etc etc.
Please feel free to distribute this missive. My
publications are listed on my
I have just placed on my Historical documents
page on some newly-scanned "white papers" and correspondence by
the influential skeptic Philip J. Klass (1919-2005) concerning the supposed
MJ-12 papers, and a pre-publication critique of the Condon report.
November, 1968, Klass
wrote an advance critique of the not-yet-published Condon Report (University of Colorado study of
UFOs), and circulated it to only a very few persons (fortunately, I was
one). He notes that the persons involved in the study were supposed to be
uncommitted on the the question of UFOs, but several were already UFO
are Klass' "White Papers" and other
correspondence on the supposed MJ-12 papers (first series only. Even Stanton
Friedman is reluctant to defend the MJ-12 papers of the second series!). He
explains why they are hoaxes. The discussion involves William L. Moore, Stanton
Friedman, Peter A. Gersten. (57 pages)
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
ovni - Les OVNIS vus de près: URECAT-000075 - 24 septembre 1954, Almaseda, Castelo Branco, Portugal,...
URECAT - UFO Related Entities Catalog - VF:
Bref résumé de l'événement et des suites:
Le 27 ou le 28 septembre 1954, le journal majeur Diario de Lisboa, de Lisbonne, Portugal, a publié la lettre d'un lecteur et/ou un article basé sur cette lettre. Son auteur se présentait comme Cesar Cardoso et disait avoir roulé dans les collines de Gardunha près d'Almadesa, dans la région de Castelo Branco, Portugal, quand le moteur de sa voiture a calé, tandis qu'il entendait un bruit de ronflement.
Il s'est garé sur le bord de la route et a essayé de remettre en marche le moteur par la clé de contact mais tout qu'il a obtenu était des bruits ridicules, il est donc sorti de la voiture pour aller ouvrir le capot pour vérifier le moteur.
Le bruit de ronflement est devenu plus fort, et regardant en l'air, il a vu une soucoupe volante ou une sphère - selon les journaux - qu'il a dit avoir observée tandis qu'elle lançait des éclairs multicolores et atterrissait sans bruit sur un sommet de colline en contrebas de lui à environ 200 mètres.
L'homme a indiqué que seulement les "pôles" de la sphère étaient en rotation et que la partie équatoriale transparente lui a laissé voir des ombres mouvantes à l'intérieur.
Il prétendait ensuite avoir vu deux silhouettes ou des hommes de 2 mètres ou de 2,50 mètres de haut approximativement, descendre de l'appareil. Ils ressemblaient à des hommes en aluminium, ils ont pris d'abord des herbes et des fleurs et des broussailles ou ramassé des pierres qu'ils ont mises dans une boîte brillante.
Ils ont alors vu ce témoin et trois autres personnes qui observaient également la scène, et ils sont venus vers eux, émettant des sons que les témoins n'ont pas compris. Ils ont alors invité par gestes ces gens à monter à bord de leur appareil, mais ces derniers ont décliné l'invitation et les êtres n'ont pas insisté.
Ils ont donc rembarqué dans leur appareil qui a décollé verticalement et a volé au loin en produisant une pluie d'étincelles.
Le Diario de Lisboa n'a apparemment pas gobé l'histoire toute crue, et a découvert rapidement que tout avait été inventé par un certain Francisco Antonio Fereira, en fait le neveu de Cesar Cardoso, qui a admis ce canular dans une interview qui a été publiée ensuite dans le journal "Diario de Lisboa" du 1er octobre 1954. Le jeune farceur a apparemment expliqué qu'il était un fana de soucoupes volantes qui voulait que la presse parle de ces choses, et qu'il voulait aussi attirer l'attention sur l'était peu glorieux de la voirie de son village reculé.
Le canular a cependant été repris dans la presse du monde entier, les journaux ne semblant pas prêt à se rendre compte que c'était seulement un canular.
Il a alors fait son apparition dès 1955 dans des livres sur les soucoupes volantes, apparemment d'abord dans un livre de Harold T. Wilkins, cet auteur exprimant toutefois beaucoup de scepticisme sur l'histoire, tout en la redisant deux fois dans le même livre avec deux différentes dates. Cela a été repris par Jacques Vallée pour son catalogue "Magonia", citant Wilkins comme source mais omettant le sentiment négatif que cet auteur a eu au sujet de l'histoire. D'autres auteurs l'ont reprise, ajoutant quelques déformations sur la date ou la taille des êtres allégués et omettant généralement d'indiquer les sources primaires et/ou l'information ou le soupçon que l'histoire était un canular.
Tandis que plusieurs ufologues ont précisé plusieurs fois depuis que cette histoire était un canular qui a été admis dans le journal même qui l'a publiée initialement, d'autre ufologues continuent tout simplement la copie du bref et trompeur résumé par Vallée sans chercher plus loin, et ceci continue encore actuellement.
Tableau des informations de base:
Numéro de cas:
Date d'observation:
24 septembre 1954
Premier rapport:
27 septembre 1954
Délai de rapport:
3 jours
Témoignage apporté via:
Lettre à un journal national.
Premier enregistrement allégué par:
Journal national.
Premier enregistrement certain par:
Journal national.
Type premier enregistrement allégué:
Journal national.
Type premier enregistrement certain:
Journal national.
Ce dossier créé le:
8 décembre 2006
Sa plus récente mise à jour:
30 juin 2010
Pays de l'événement:
Castelo Branco
Type de lieu:
Sommet de colline
Conditions d'éclairage:
OVNI observé:
Arrivée OVNI observée:
Départ OVNI observé:
Relation OVNI/entité:
Nombre de témoins:
1 prétendant 4
Ages des témoins:
Jeune prétendant adulte.
Types de témoins:
Fan de soucoupes volantes.
Dessins par témoins:
Dessins approuvé par témoins:
Nombre d'entités:
Type d'entités:
Taille d'entités:
2 mètres ou 2.50 mètres
Tenues d'entités:
Couleur des tenues d'entités:
Aluminium brillant, métallique.
Couleur de peau d'entités:
Non rapporté.
Corps des entités:
Têtes des entités:
Yeux des entités:
Deux, grands, noirs.
Bouches des entités:
Non connu.
Nez des entités:
Non connu.
Pieds des entités:
Bras des entités:
Doigts des entités:
Non connu.
Nb de doigts des entités:
Non connu.
Pilosité des entités:
Voix des entités:
Non connu.
Actions des entités:
Sortie de l'OVNI, vu témoin, entrée dans l'OVNI, départ.
Des "Martiens" de 2 m. 50 ramassaient de l'herbe et des cailloux au Portugal
Ils sont repartis dans une soucoupe volante
Lisbonne (A.F.P.).
Des visiteurs d'un autre monde "Martiens" sans doute, ont atterri, le 24 septembre, à 10 h. du matin, en un point situé dans les monts de Gardunha, à la frontière hispano-portugaise. C'est ce qu'a rapporté au journal "Diario de Lisboa", un paysan portugais qui, avec trois autres de ses camarades, travaillait dans cette région.
"Une sphère apparut dans le ciel, à l'Est, déclare le témoin, elle volait à une vitesse vertigineuse et lançait des éclairs multicolores. Elle atterrit sans bruit, à 200 mètres de nous et deux silhouettes hautes de 2 m 50 environ, en descendirent. On eut dit des hommes d'aluminium. Ces visiteurs cueillirent d'abord des herbes et ramassèrent des cailloux qu'ils déposèrent dans une boîte d'un éclat aveuglant. Puis, nous apercevant, ils vinrent à nous et émirent quelques sons.
Devant notre incompréhension ils nous invitèrent, par gestes, à monter dans leur engin. Sur notre refus, ils remontèrent dans leur machine, qui décolla à la verticale et disparut vers le Sud aussi vite qu'elle était arrivée."
Le témoin a précisé que seuls les "pôles" de la sphère tournaient et que la partie équatoriale transparente laissait voire à l'intérieur des ombres mouvantes.
Des visiteurs d'un autre monde ont atterri le vendredi 24 septembre, à 10h du matin en un point situé dans les monts de la Gardunha, à la frontière hispano-portugaise: C'est ce qu'a rapporté au journal Diaro de Lisboa un paysan portugais qui, avec trois autres de ses camarades, travaillait dans la région. Une sphère apparut dans le ciel, à l'est, déclare le témoin. Elle volait à une vitesse vertigineuse et lançait des éclairs multicolores. Elle atterrit sans bruit à 200 mètres de nous et deux silhouettes hautes de 2,50 mètres environ en descendirent. On eut dit des hommes d'aluminium. Ces visiteurs cueillirent d'abord des herbes et ramassèrent des cailloux qu'ils déposèrent dans une boite d'un éclat aveuglant. Puis, nous apercevant, ils vinrent à nous et émirent quelques sons. Devant notre incompréhension, ils nous invitèrent par des gestes à monter dans leur engin. Sur notre refus, ils remontèrent dans la machine qui décolla à la verticale et disparut vers le sud aussi vite qu'elle était arrivée. Le témoin a précisé que seuls les "pôles" de la sphère tournaient et que la partie équatoriale était transparente et laissait voir à l'intérieur des ombres mouvantes.
Le 24 septembre à 10 heures du matin dans les montagnes de Gardunha près de la frontière espagnole, trois paysans portugais ont été frôlés par une sphère volant rapidement qui a atterri dans un champ à 200 mètres d'eux. Cette fois, deux grandes créatures dans des équipements métalliques brillants ont émergé et ont commencé à rassembler de l'herbe et des pierres dans une boîte brillamment polie. Repérant les paysans, ils ont déambulé vers eux et ont invité les hommes par gestes à venir voler dans leurs machines, où des ombres mobiles pouvaient être vues derrière la section centrale semi-transparente. Quand leur offre a été déclinée, les étrangers ont disparu par une trappe. Quelques secondes plus tard, la sphère a décollé verticalement et a rapidement disparue.
L'auteur indique que le journal portugais Diario de Lisboa du 28 septembre 1954, a publié une lettre par le Senhor Cesar Cardoso, qui a énoncé:
"J'étais près du village d'Almaseda, quand j'ai vu une soucoupe volante, dont sont descendus trois êtres dans des costumes d'aluminium brillant. Ils avaient six pieds sept pouces de taille. Ils ont cueilli et coupé des fleurs, ils ont coupé des brindilles des buissons et les ont mis dans une boîte brillante. Moi et trois amis, avons été invités à entrer dans leur soucoupe, mais quand nous avons refusé les êtres n'ont pas insisté. Ils se sont élevés de nouveau dans leur soucoupe et sont montés verticalement à une vitesse énorme, émettant une pluie d'étincelles."
Harold Wilkins indique que le Senhor Cardoso est bien méticuleux au sujet de la taille de ces êtres, et que sans doute, si on le leur demandait, ses trois amis, comme les témoins d'affirmations semblables en Californie, pourraient être convaincus de se montrer au grand jour comme signataires d'une déclaration sous serment devant un notaire public.
L'ironie mise de côté, Harold Wilkins commente explicitement et sagement qu'en l'absence du témoin ou la moindre confirmation, c'est une histoire "à croire ou ne pas croire", et que son propre avis est que cela a l'air d'être un canular.
Plus loin dans son livre, l'auteur répète la même histoire mais avec une autre date, celle du 13 octobre 1954, indiquant que deux hommes à Castelibranco [sic] au Portugal ont vu deux entités en tenues métalliques sortir d'une soucoupe volante qui s'était posée, pour ramasser des fleurs, des brindilles et des broussailles, "comme s'ils rassemblaient des données."
Jacques Vallée indique que le 13 octobre 1954 à Castelibranco [sic] au Portugal, deux témoins ont vu deux individus vêtus d'habits luisants émerger d'un appareil et cueillir des fleurs, des branches et des brindilles, puis s'envoler.
Jacques Vallée indique dans son catalogue d'atterrissages d'OVNIS, que le 24 septembre 1954, à 10:00, à Almaseda, près de Castelibranco [sic] au Portugal, Cesar Cardoso et trois autres personnes ont vu deux individus de 2.50 m de haut, habillés de vêtements brillants, sortir d'un engin qui avait atterri, et cueillir des fleurs, des branches et des rameaux dans une boîte brillante, puis l'engin décolla. Les occupants avaient semblé inviter les témoins à monter à bord, mais leur langage était incompréhensible. Jacques Vallée indique comme source "Wilkins U. 245, U. 55, P. 24)."
Dans une liste de 1983 des cas négatifs d'humanoïdes de la péninsule ibérique, cet ufologue note que le cas d'Almaceda, Porutgal, du 24 septembre 1954, est à écarter, indiquant Stendek N.3 comme référence à son explication banale.
Cette ufologue indique que le 24 septembre 1954, au Portugal, Cesar Cardoso roulait sur un chemin rural à deux bandes près du village d'Almaseda, non loin de la frontière espagnole, quand il a entendu un bourdonnement bizarre.
Son moteur a tout à coup crachoté et il s'est arrêté sur le bas-côté de la route, d'où il a essayé de faire redémarrer le moteur plusieurs fois en tournant la clé, mais il n'a obtenu que des bruits ressemblant à des clous qu'on secouerait dans une boîte métallique. Il est donc sorti pour ouvrir le capot, et le bourdonnement entendu a augmenté de volume et il a vu plus bas que lui, près de la crête d'une colline, un disque argenté d'environ 13 mètres de diamètre.
Le témoin est cité disant: "Trois entités en uniformes d'aluminium brillant en sortirent, ils mesuraient près de 2 mètres de haut. Les entités marchaient sur la colline, s'abaissant de temps en temps pour cueillir un peu de la végétation qui y poussait: des fleurs, des feuilles, des brindilles et ils mirent tout cela dans une boîte brillante."
Ces extraterrestres ont vu Cardoso et trois autres Portugais le long de la route et se sont mis à faire de signes vers eux, pour les inviter à venir près de la soucoupe.
"Nous avons refusé et ils n'ont pas insisté. Ils sont montés dans leur engin qui s'est enlevé verticalement et est parti à une vitesse extrême dans une pluie d'étincelles."
Godelieve Van Overmeire indique que ses sources sont "Flying Saucers Uncensored" par Harold T. Wilkins, The Citadel Press, New Jersey, 1955, page 55. et "Diario de Lisboa" du 28 septembre 1954, et précise que Janet et Colin Bord rapportent cette affaire comme datant du 20 septembre.
Godelieve Van Overmeire ajoute qu'en réalité il s'agissait d'un canular monté par le neveu de Cardoso, Francisco Antonio Fereira, qui a admis ce canular dans une interview publiée par la suite dans le journal "Diario de Lisboa" du 1 octobre 1954.
Le 24 septembre 1964, Cesar Cardoso conduisait sur une route à deux voies près d'Almaseda, un village à environ 216 kilomètres (135 miles) au nord-est de Lisboa (Lisbonne), la capitale du Portugal.
Tout en conduisant dans ce secteur rural accidenté pas loin de la frontière avec l'Espagne, Cardoso a entendu un bruit de ronflement étrange. D'un seul coup, le moteur de sa voiture a commencé à toussoter. Il s'est garé sur le côté de la route près d'une basse colline verte.
Fronçant les sourcils, Cardoso a tourné la clef d'allumage et a essayé de remettre la voiture en marche. Le moteur a fait un bruit comme des ongles grattant une tasse a café vide. Pendant qu'il faisait un pas hors de la voiture, il a vu deux autres voitures se garer à côté. Le bruit de ronflement est devenu plus fort. Alors, une ombre circulaire est passé au-dessus de sa voiture.
Regardant en l'air, Cardoso a poussé un hurlement d'excitation. Flottant vers le bas vers le sommet de la colline voisine, il y avait un disque argenté aplati d'environ 13 mètres (40 pieds) de diamètre.
Après, a rapporté Cardoso, "j'étais près du village d'Almaseda quand j'ai vu une soucoupe volante, dont sont sorti trois êtres dans des tenues d'aluminium brillant. Ils étaient de deux mètres (6 pieds, 7 pouces -- J.T.) de haut."
Les extraterrestres se sont déplacés autour du sommet de la colline, prenant des échantillons de la végétation locale. Cardoso a rapporté, "ils ont cueilli et coupé des fleurs, coupé des brindilles des buissons et les ont mises leur dans une boîte brillante."
Ensuite les extraterrestres ont remarqué Cardoso et les trois autres humains sur le bord de la route. Sans parler, ils ont fait des gestes d'invitation, indiquant la trappe ouverte de la soucoupe.
"Moi et mes trois compagnons avons été invités pour entrer dans la soucoupe. Mais quand nous avons refusé, les êtres n'ont pas insisté. Ils se sont élevés de nouveau dans leur soucoupe et sont montés verticalement à une immense vitesse, émettant une pluie d'étincelles." (voir le livre Flying Saucers Uncensored par Harold T. Wilkins, Citadel Press, New Jersey, 1955, à la page 55. Voir également le journal portugais Diario de Lisboa du 28 septembre 1954.)
L'ufologue portugais Joaqium [sic, Joaquim] Fernandes indique que l'atterrissage d'OVNI à Almaseda au Portugal oriental en septembre 1954 "était un canular."
Le journal Diario de Lisboa du 28 septembre 1954 a rapporté que Cesar Cardoso et deux autres automobilistes ont été témoins de l'atterrissage d'une soucoupe argentée sur un sommet de colline herbeux à Almaseda. (Pour plus de détails, voir UFO Roundup, volume 5, numéro 39 du 28 septembre 2000, "1954: Une soucoupe atterrit au Portugal oriental.")
Fernandes, auteur de "Imagerie Extraterrestre dans la Presse Portugaise", a rapporté: "la lettre reçue par le Diario de Lisboa a été écrite par le neveu de Cesar Cardoso, Francisco Antonio Freiere. Il a confirmé que c'est un canular dans une interview publiée dans le Diario de Lisboa le 1 octobre 1954."
Freiere, a-t-il ajouté, "lisait beaucoup de choses sur les OVNIS dans les journaux. Il a pu avoir recueilli les éléments pour son histoire à partir des premières nouvelles de la vague française d'OVNIS en septembre (1954)."
"Il se considérait comme un jeune fana des OVNIS, qu'il pensait être "des sondes télécommandées." Sa motivation principale était d'attirer l'attention de la presse sur "le manque d'une route à Almaseda." De fait, plusieurs journalistes se sont rendus là-bas, et son objectif a été certainement atteint." (Merci à Joaqium Fernandes pour ces articles de journaux.)
(Commentaire du Rédacteur: Le cas d'Almaseda apparaît en plusieurs livres sur les OVNIS. Apparemment, les nouvelles initiales de "l'atterrissage" ont fait le tour du monde, mais les suites de l'histoire dans le Diario de Lisboa n'ont jamais dépassé les frontières du Portugal. Je me remémore cette citation par Samuel Langhorne Clemens, alias Mark Twain... "Un mensonge peut faire la moitié du tour du monde avant que la vérité ait seulement enfilé ses bottes.")
Albert Rosales indique dans son catalogue qu'à Almaseda, Portugal, le 24 septembre 1954 à 10:00 heure du matin, Cesar Cardoso Ferreira et trois autres personnes ont vu deux géants de 2 mètres 50 plaqués dans des tenues métalliques brillantes émerger d'un engin cupulaire qui avait atterri, et recueillir des fleurs, des arbustes, et des brindilles dans une boîte brillante, puis décoller.
Les êtres ont semblé inviter le témoin à bord, mais leur langue n'a pas été comprise. Après quelques moments les grands humanoïdes ont embarqué dans leur engin, qui est monté en laissant un sillage brillant derrière lui.
Albert Rosales indique que sa source est Passport to Magonia de Jacques Vallée.
Cet ufologue indique dans son catalogue que le 24 septembre 1954 à Almaseda, près de Castello Branco, Portugal, à 10:00, une histoire inventée dit que Cesar Ferreira Cardoso et trois autres personnes ont vu deux individus, de 2.5 mètres de haut, habillés dans des vêtements brillants, émerger d'un engin atterri et recueillir des fleurs, des arbustes, et des brindilles dans une boîte brillante, puis décoller.
Ils ont semblé inviter les témoins à bord, mais leur langue n'a pas été comprise. Le témoin a envoyé une lettre au Diario de Lisboa, qui l'a publiée le 27 septembre 1954. Après que des investigations aient été faites, Ferreira avait admis que c'était un canular pour essayer d'attirer l'attention du public sur son village isolé.
Luis Gonzales indique que ses sources sont le catalogue MAGONIA, #154, les articles de journal dans le Diario de Lisboa des 27 septembre 1954 et 1 octobre 1954, et "Fin de una controversia: la mixtificación de Serra de Gardunha" par Vicente-Juan Ballester Ballester Olmos et Jacques Vallée, dans le magazine d'ufologie Stendek, numéro 3, de décembre 1970.
Le webmaster indique que le 24 septembre 1954, à 10:00, à Almaseda, près de Castelibranco [sic] au Portugal, Cesar Cardoso et trois autres personnes ont vu deux individus de 2.50 mètres de hauteur habillés de vêtements brillants, sortir d'un engin qui avait atterri, et recueillir des fleurs, des branches et des rameaux dans une boîte brillante. Les occupants ont semblé inviter les témoins à monter à bord, mais leur langage était incompréhensible, et l'engin a décollé. La source indiquée est "Wilkins U. 245, U. 55, P. 24".
Points à considérer:
De nouveau, un cas du listing de Jacques Vallée montre que les déformations, les erreurs et une absence complet u moindre effort pour vérifier les faits même lorsque les auteurs antérieurs ont suspecté un canular diminue fortement sa valeur.
Sans doute sous l'impulsion de Juan-Vicente Ballester Olmos et ses informations, Jacques Vallée a cependant rectifié le propos par la suite, mais cela n'est pas largement connu, bien que d'autres ufologues aient également signalé qu'il s'agissait d'un canular.
Liste de problèmes:
Noté le:
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Références des sources:
* = Source dont je dispose. ? = Source dont l'existence m'est signalée mais dont je ne dispose pas. Aide appréciée.
[---] ? Article dans le journal national Diario de Lisboa, Lisbonne, Portugal, 27 (28?) septembre 1954.
[---] ? Article dans le journal national Diario de Lisboa, Lisbonne, Portugal, 1 octobre 1954.
[pr1] * Article dans le journal régional étranger Le Provençal, France, le 28 septembre 1954.
[hl1] * Article dans le journal régional étranger Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire, France, 29 septembre 1954.
[es1] * Article dans le journal étranger Evening Star, Washington D.C, USA, 19 octobre 1954.
[hw1] * "Flying Saucers Uncensored", livre par Harold T. Wilkins, Citadel Press, pages 55, 254, 1955.
[jv5] * "Catalogue préliminaire de 500 observations", listing dans "Les Phénomènes Insolites de l'Espace", livre par Jacques et Janine Vallée, Table Ronde éditeurs, France, 1966.
[jv1] * Résumé par Jacques Vallée dans "The Humanoids: a survey of world-wide reports of landings of unconventional aerial objects and their alleged occupants", livre par Charles Bowen, Neville Spearman éditeur, 1969.
[jv1] * Résumé par Jacques Vallée dans "En quête des humanoïdes", livre par Charles Bowen, traduction française de "The Humanoids", J'ai Lu éditeur, page 52, 1974.
[jv2] * "Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings", livre par Jacques Vallée, 1969.
[---] ? "Fin de una controversia: la mixtificación de Serra de Gardunha", article by Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos et Jacques Vallée, dans le magazine d'ufologie Stendek numéro 3, pp 4-5, décembre 1970.
[jv5] * "Catalogue préliminaire de 500 observations", listing dans "Les Phénomènes Insolites de l'Espace", livre par Jacques et Janine Vallée, Robert Laffont éditeur, France, page 248, 1978.
[lg2] * "Listados de Casos Negativos de Humanoides Ibericos", compilé par Luis R. Gonzales Manso, Espagne, août 1983
[go1] * "Chronologie OVNI", compilée par Godelieve Van Overmeire, circa 1999, at
[jt1] * Article dans le bulletin d'ufologie UFO Roundup, compilé par Joseph Trainor, volume 5, numéro 39, 28 septembre 2000.
[jt2] * Article dans le bulletin d'ufologie UFO Roundup, compilé par Joseph Trainor, volume 5, numéro 40, 5 octobre 2000.
[ar1] * "1954 Humanoid Reports", compilé par Albert Rosales, circa 2000, à
[lg1] * "FirstHumCat - FIRST HUManoid CATalog", compilé par Luis R. Gonzales Manso, Espagne, circa 2005,
[jb1] * "Septembre 1954", page web par Jérôme Beau, circa 2006, à
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Les Rencontres Ufologiques. Lettre du 1er septembre 2013
La nouvelle lettre avec toujours des créations nouvelles, cette fois ci un
nouveau café ufologique ouvre en Argentine, des observations que vous nous avez
signalés dans la presse, des comptes rendus de ce qui se passe dans les villes
ovni et des nouvelles de la côte d'ivoire ou Jean Claude Sadia poursuit
inlassablement ses réunions dans un pays ou les conditions ne sont vraiment pas
favorables, puis des articles de fond de Fabrice Bonvin, écrivain de
C'est la rentrée, les activitées vont repartir... vous aussi, si vous
n'êtes pas encore sur le site, vous avez votre place parmi la large gamme des
structures qui sont invitées à s'y exprimer afin de faire connaître vos
activités, dans le cadre d'un site communautaire qui est maintenant bien
référencé. Quatre blogs le complète ce qui chaque jour nous permet de constater
la visite de plusieurs centaines, voir plus d'un millier de personnes !
L'information est une chose, la structure du Mufon France, spécialement
adaptée à l'étude du phénomène ovni, avec son site orienté dans ce sens , et
elle aussi là pour vous aider si vous avez des projets, des idées dans le cadre
de l'étude du phénomène. L base de donnée est lancée en étude et les cours
d'enquêteurs, gratuits, commençent à être en ligne. Les premiers étudiants qui
la teste ont, pour certains, déjà terminé le premier cycle d'étude. Là aussi,
vous avez de quoi satisfaire les actions que vous comptez mener, tout cela en
toute indépendance et sans que cela perturbe ce que vous avez entrepris.
L'objectif est de mutualisé tous nos efforts et de vous aidez dans un cadre
communautaire, fédératif mais sans obligations. Cela fonctionne, les premières
bases sont en place.... Contribuez vous aussi à ce développement.
Bonne lecture de cette lettre, et à dans quelques jours pour de nouvelles
informations, que vous voudrez bien nous communiquer pour le bonheur de
J. Carey is the co-author of 'Inside the Real Area 51: The Secret History of
Wright-Patterson', a work of investigation centering on the Roswell, New Mexico
crash of 1947 and the tantalizing possibility that remains from it and other
alien crash sites are being held deep within Wright-Patterson Air Force base.
Book is available on August 20. For audio-only version of this interview,
subscribe to the DisinfoCast on iTunes.
about building 7? A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11
conspiracy theories
Recent research into the psychology of conspiracy belief has highlighted the
importance of belief systems in the acceptance or rejection of conspiracy
theories. We examined a large sample of conspiracist (pro-conspiracy-theory) and
conventionalist (anti-conspiracy-theory) comments on news websites in order to
investigate the relative importance of promoting alternative explanations vs.
rejecting conventional explanations for events. In accordance with our
hypotheses, we found that conspiracist commenters were more likely to argue
against the opposing interpretation and less likely to argue in favor of their
own interpretation, while the opposite was true of conventionalist commenters.
However, conspiracist comments were more likely to explicitly put forward an
account than conventionalist comments were. In addition, conspiracists were more
likely to express mistrust and made more positive and fewer negative references
to other conspiracy theories. The data also indicate that conspiracists were
largely unwilling to apply the conspiracy theory label to their own beliefs
and objected when others did so, lending support to the long-held suggestion
that conspiracy belief carries a social stigma. Finally, conventionalist
arguments tended to have a more hostile tone. These tendencies in persuasive
communication can be understood as a reflection of an underlying conspiracist
worldview in which the details of individual conspiracy theories are less
important than a generalized rejection of official explanations.
The Internet was made for conspiracy theory: it is a conspiracy theory: one
thing leads to another, always another link leading you deeper into no thing and
no place.
Conspiracy theories, defined as allegations that powerful people or
organizations are plotting together in secret to achieve sinister ends through
deception of the public (Abalakina-Paap et al.,1999;
Wood et al.,2012), have long been an important element of
popular discourse. With the advent of the Internet, they have become more
visible than ever. Although the psychological literature on conspiracy belief
has a relatively short history, with most of the relevant research having been
conducted only within the past twenty years, it has revealed a great deal
regarding individual differences between those who generally believe conspiracy
theories (whom we call conspiracists) and those who prefer conventional
explanations (whom we call conventionalists). Conspiracy beliefs have been
shown to be positively correlated with mistrust of other people (Goertzel,1994)
and authorities (Swami et al.,2010); feelings of powerlessness and low
self-esteem (Abalakina-Paap et al.,1999);
superstition, beliefs in the paranormal, and schizotypy (Darwin et al.,2011); a
perceived lack of control (Hamsher et al.,1968;
Whitson and Galinsky,2008); a Machiavellian approach to social
interaction (Douglas and Sutton,2011); and openness to experience (Swami et
al.,2010; but see Swami et al.,2011).
At the present time, questionnaire-based investigations of individual
differences make up the bulk of the existing research, although experimental
approaches are emerging (e.g., Douglas and Sutton,2008;
Jolley and Douglas,2013). A fairly recent development in the field
has been an acknowledgement that in addition to trait-like variables and
transient psychological states, ideologies and broad belief systems play a
substantial role in conspiracy theory belief. For example, in an examination of
conspiracy theories regarding an alleged cover-up of the divinity of Mary
Magdalene and the bloodline of Christ, Newheiser et al. (2011) demonstrated that the plausibility of these
theories hinged largely on broader beliefs about the world. People with
traditional Christian beliefs were likely to reject such theories out of hand,
while those with a more New Age approach were much more receptive. In a similar
vein, Lewandowsky et al. (2013b)
demonstrated that rejection of climate science (though not explicitly
conspiracist) is determined in part by ideological concerns, with libertarian
free-market ideology, apparently predisposing people to believe that
anthropogenic global warming is an unscientific hoax. It is clear, then, that
individual conspiracy theories or related counter-normative explanations can
seem more or less likely depending on how they comport with other beliefs held
by the audience.
Some researchers have gone further, proposing the existence of a conspiracist
worldviewa belief system conducive to conspiracy beliefs in general (e.g.,
Goertzel,1994; Swami et al.,2010;
Wood et al.,2012). This proposal stems primarily from the
finding that beliefs in unrelated conspiracy theories tend to intercorrelate:
for example, someone who believes that Princess Diana was deliberately
assassinated is also more likely to believe that the moon landing was a hoax.
Indeed, Wood et al. (2012) demonstrated that
even beliefs in directly contradictory conspiracy theories were positively
correlated with one another, indicating that conspiracy beliefs may be held
together not by direct agreement with one another, but by mutual agreement with
higher-order beliefs about the world. One particularly important element of the
conspiracist worldview is thought to be a generalized opposition to official or
received narratives. In this view, conspiracy belief is not about believing in
particular alternative theories, but in disbelieving in whatever the official
story is. This tendency has been informally noted by Dean (2002), who described most conspiracy theories as
bits and pieces without a plot [that] fail to delineate any conspiracy at all.
They simply counter conventional narratives with suspicions and allegations
that, more often than not, resist coherent emplotment (p. 92). Likewise, Clarke
(2007) observed that conspiracy theories are
often extremely vague, particularly in the Internet age.
If this is the case, then for people who hold a conspiracist worldview, the
specifics of a conspiracy theory are less important than its identity as a
conspiracy and its opposition to the official explanation. The important element
is that those in power are lying and cannot be trusted, and that they are
covering up something sinister. Opposition to officialdom, in this sense,
parallels the generalized prejudice that Adorno et al. (1950) found to be strong enough to overcome
contradictions between different anti-Jewish stereotypes. More than being a
specific belief that Jews are overly secretive or overly intrusive,
anti-Semitism appears to be more of a general belief that Jews are generally
unpleasant people. Likewise, conspiracy theory belief appears to be more of a
negative belief than a positive oneit is more concerned with saying what the
cause of a condition or event wasnot(i.e., whatever the official explanation is)
than with putting forward a specific alternative account.
An opportunity to test this idea presents itself in the form of observation
of online discourse. In spite of, or perhaps because of, the lack of mainstream
public acceptance for their theories, many conspiracists, both prominent and
otherwise, appear to see themselves as having a duty to spread their views to
the public at large. They often exhort the unthinking masses to wake up (e.g.,
Crane,2008; Byers,2009;
Icke,2012). This is a reasonable reaction: given a
belief that people's lives are being manipulated by malevolent forces beyond
their control, most would probably agree that trying to spread the word about
that fact is a good idea. Outspoken conventionalists, such as those in the
skeptic movement (e.g., Randi,1982; Sagan,1995;
Shermer,1997; Novella,2009),
find most conspiracy theories to be misguided at best and destructive at worst,
and so make a point of arguing against them in the public sphere.
This discussion is voluminous and highly visible in many arenas, perhaps none
more so than news website comment sections. Articles about topics for which
popular conspiracy theories exist, such as 9/11, the moon landing, and vaccines,
can have tens of thousands of comments, most of which are devoted to advancing
or refuting allegations of conspiracy. These comments are often archived along
with the associated articles for months or years afterward, which provides an
excellent opportunity for archival research to give some insight into the
thoughts and beliefs of those writing them (e.g., Fat et al.,2012;
Loke,2012; Sisask et al.,2012).
The present study consists of an examination of a large number of conspiracy
theory-related persuasive comments on news stories. Such analysis of online
discourse as a method of examining psychological states has increased in
prominence as the Internet has become a more popular place to discuss one's
ideas. The subject and pace of online discussion has been shown to be a more or
less reliable barometer of public concern over social issues (Roberts et
al.,2002; Scharkow and Vogelgesang,2011),
and emotional reactions expressed online can be used to consistently predict
political approval ratings (Gonzalez-Bailon et al.,2012).
Quantitative analysis of online discussion has also been used to gain insight
into the social psychology of groups with fringe views (Douglas et al.,2005),
attitudes toward Tourette's Syndrome (Fat et al.,2012),
and racial views (Loke,2012). Qualitative research on online discourse
has been more common, including a study demonstrating the evolution of
conspiracy theories over time in response to evidence (Lewandowsky et al.,2013a).
In the context of conspiracy theories in particular, there are several
advantages to content analysis of online commentary. The self-selective nature
of online communication allows for the collection of a great deal of data
regarding opinions that may be held by only a minority of people; moreover, the
degree of anonymity facilitates the honest expression of opinions that might not
be held in high social esteem elsewhere (e.g., Douglas et al.,2005;
There are some caveats associated with analyzing persuasive comments in
particular. While external validity may benefit from observing behavior in a
naturalistic setting, there is some degree of uncertainty regarding the internal
validity of any conclusions drawn from such methods. Most obviously, there is
the issue of to what degree the content of persuasive communications reflects
the properties of the author rather than the demands of the situation. Rather
than faithful representations of internal psychological processes, commenters'
methods of argumentation might instead reflect strategic considerations
regarding the audience, the venue, and the subject matter. While
self-presentation is very often a concern in psychological research, even in
laboratory settings, such demands may be especially salient in a situation where
one's goal is implicitly (or even explicitly) to persuade others rather than to
provide an honest and straightforward account of one's beliefs. Indeed, some
research has shown that people do adapt their persuasive techniques according to
their knowledge of the audience and the subject (Friestad and Wright,1999;
Douglas et al.,2010; Vogel et al.,2010).
The question of whether we can expect persuasive communication to accurately
reflect inner psychological processes is not easily answerable, as the effect of
lay persuasive knowledge on generation of persuasive arguments is fairly sparse.
While there is a substantial body of research on lay persuasive knowledge, the
vast majority of it focuses instead on how such knowledge affects susceptibility
to the persuasive messages of others. However, it is well-established that
people tend to rely heavily on projection for predicting others' behaviorthat
is, they use themselves as a model for prediction. This effect is especially
strong when relatively little is known about the target [for a review, see
Robbins and Krueger (2005)]. In general,
then, it is likely that persuaders use the self as a model for argument
generation: in other words, they argue in a way that they would themselves find
convincing. This, in turn, suggests that the types of arguments used by
persuaders can contain information relevant to understanding how they think
about the issue at hand.
The tendency to use social projection is especially relevant in online
settings. Much online discussion is either fully anonymous or conducted under
pseudonyms, greatly limiting the amount of information available about the other
party in a discussion. As such, we assume for the purposes of the present study
that people will generally tend to use arguments that they themselves would find
most convincing were they the audience rather than the persuader. This, in turn,
should reflect the structure of their belief systemsthe arguments that people
find most convincing are those that match up with how they view the world
(Darwin et al.,2011; Newheiser et al.,2011;
Wood et al.,2012; Lewandowsky et al.,2013b).
To that end, we systematically coded and analyzed conspiracist and
conventionalist persuasive comments from four major news websites on articles
relating to 9/11 from the period of July 1st through December 31st, 2011,
encompassing the months surrounding the tenth anniversary of the attacks.
9/11 conspiracy theories provide an excellent research subject for several
reasons. First, the community associated with these theories, known as the 9/11
Truth Movement, is noted for its substantial online presence and focus on
Internet proselytizing. Bartlett and Miller (2011) observed that the movement's mass
membership backbone (p. 45) devotes a substantial amount of time to producing
large numbers of online comments, and Clarke (2007) saw the Truth Movement as a paradigmatic
example of Internet conspiracy culture. Second, the timing was fortuitous, with
the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, sure to herald a number of stories on
the subject and therefore many relevant comments, having occurred shortly before
data collection commenced. The recency of the materials lowered the probability
of comments having been expunged from archives or lost as an unintended
consequence of comment software upgrades. Third, just as the Truth Movement has
a substantial online presence, so too do its conventionalist opponents in the
skeptic movement. We therefore expected that there would be a good deal of
debate between the two sides, providing further raw materials for analysis.
Finally, the Truth Movement is a well-established community with a substantial
intellectual output, including popular books (e.g., Griffin,2004),
conference circuits, several sub-organizations such as Architects and Engineers
for 9/11 Truth, and at least one peer-reviewed journal, theJournal of 9/11 Studies.There is substantial debate within the Truth
Movement regarding whether 9/11 was a controlled demolition, a deliberate
intelligence failure, or even the result of exotic space-based weaponry
(Barber,2008). In short, its body of work is varied,
voluminous, and well-developed, and should therefore be able to provide a wide
range of different arguments for analysis.
If our reasoning regarding the influence of projection on persuasive tactics
holds, we should see systematic differences in the characteristics of
conspiracist and conventionalist arguments. Specifically, we should be able to
replicate earlier results demonstrating that unrelated conspiracy beliefs are
intercorrelated (e.g., Goertzel,1994; Swami et al.,2010;
Wood et al.,2012)in this case, conspiracist comments should
contain more positive (and fewer negative) references to unrelated conspiracy
theories compared with conventionalist comments. Examining a long-standing
correlate of conspiracy belief, we also investigated the degree to which
comments contained explicit expressions of mistrust, predicting that
conspiracist comments would be more likely to express mistrust of authorities or
other targets than conventionalist comments (e.g., Wright and Arbuthnot,1974;
Simmons and Parsons,2005). Further, we examined expressions of
powerlessness, and predicted that conspiracist comments would express more
concerns about power, as feelings of powerlessness have been shown to correlate
reliably with conspiracy theory belief (Abalakina-Paap et al.,1999).
Replicating the previously established relationships between conspiracy beliefs,
trust, and power would increase confidence in the present study's methods and
help to justify any novel results derived therefrom.
In addition to verifying the utility of this archival approach by replicating
previous results, we made several novel predictions. First, if we are correct in
our contention that much of the conspiracist worldview is based on a generalized
rejection of official explanations rather than on positing particular
alternative narratives, conspiracist comments should focus on refuting
conventional explanations more than on presenting or supporting specific
conspiracy theories. Therefore, conspiracist comments, relative to
conventionalist comments, should be more likely to derogate rival explanations
and less likely to promote their own. Second, we elected to examine the veracity
of the long-held contention that conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorist
carry an intellectual stigma (e.g., Bratich,2002,2008;
Coady,2006). If this is true, people should be unwilling
to apply the term to themselves and should object when others do so. As such, we
predicted that conspiracists would avoid applying the term conspiracy theory
to their own beliefs (or conspiracy theorists to themselves), and would
attempt to dispute others' usage of the term. While this might seem an obvious
predictionand indeed many authors take it as a given that the term is
stigmatizedto our knowledge there have not yet been any empirical
investigations of this contention.
Finally, another possible avenue by which the spread of conspiracy theories
could be fruitfully understood is social influence theory (Latané,1981).
Since 9/11 conspiracy theories are (at least in the West) an opinion held by a
vocal minority attempting to effect change, social influence theory
(Latané,1981) would predict that conventionalists, if they
are good majority influencers, are more likely to show patterns consistent with
normative social influence. In particular, Bratich (2008) has highlighted the hostility of
intellectual orthodoxy toward conspiracist explanations for events and the
labelling of conspiracists as paranoid or otherwise mentally ill (c.f.
Hofstadter,1964; Kalichman et al.,2010).
At the same time, conspiracists are often hostile in a different way, dismissing
conventionalists as naïve, gullible, and either unwitting dupes or willing
stooges of the conspiracy (Crane,2008; Byford,2011).
Therefore, we examined the hostility of each persuasive comment, whether
characterized by outright insults, threats, dismissive sarcasm, accusations of
complicity, or other hostile or insulting content.
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for August 2013 - DEEL 1
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for August 2013 - DEEL 1
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for August 2013: CMS continues to
amass sighting reports from around the globe. In August 2013 there were 927
sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for August 2013 - DEEL 2
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for August 2013 - DEEL 2
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to
enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your
local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and
direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their
own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness,
saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to
YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone
to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to
enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on
"ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank
sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone.
Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily
added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during August 2013 are the shape of the
UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 25 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and
0 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case
Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized
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Best of UFO sightings of 2013 up To September,and Best UFOS This
week. "A mind is like a parachute. ...
01-09-2013 om 11:25
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Hi all:
It is my opinion as a close observer that these
students are most likely seeing things too much in black and white and are
speaking from total ignorance, probably as a consequence of continued inaccurate
media reporting over the years. Not every NSA guy is evil or a liar. Most of
them just do their delicate jobs as best as they can. Because of the highly
sensitive nature of their jobs they are bound by secrecy laws to prevent them
from disclosing classified information, so they have to be damned careful what
they say and how they paraphrase it when talking to outsiders which are
strangers to them and hence potential adversaries. One never knows what the
intentions of any of these students might be. I
assume the NSA by its very nature is usually forced to misdirect by deliberate
disinformation and fabrication to conceal very sensitive (operational) secrets
and to protect the effectiveness of their secret operations. However, the
question is how far they are allowed to go. Are they (or any other government
agency/government contractors) e.g. allowed to intentionally misdirect the
public, the media and science in matters of utmost importance to all of
humanity, viz. the possible visitation of non-human intelligences to Earth in
the event that they have been aware that this is the case? Maybe they are
allowed to do so because of global security issues we are unaware of? Maybe the
expression the pot calling the kettle black also applies to the students: How
accurate are these taped conversations? Maybe they have been distorted in such a
way to inflict harm for whatever reason or to add fuel to the existing
conspiracy debates re the NSA. There is of course no way of
hope I have been clear in expressing my personal opinion in English. As always,
my personal analyses could be wrong. So be it!
When NSA recruiters went to the University of Wisconsin
earlier this week to pitch language students on working for the agency, they got
more than they bargained for.
The informed students turned the
question-and-answer session into a hearing. On trial were the NSA's lies, their
legality, and how they define "adversary".
The students recorded audio of
the exchange on an iPhone proving that the language-analyst NSA recruiters were
left tongue-tied.
"I'm surprised that for language analysts you're
incredibly imprecise with your language," grad student Madiha Tahir charged when they failed to define what
constitutes an adversary.
"What you're selling us is untrue" she added.
"We also know that the NSA took down brochures and fact sheets after the Snowden
revelations because those fact sheets had severe inaccuracies and untruths in
them -- so how are we supposed to believe what you're saying?"
Another student directly challenged the NSA's morality
for using the "globe as their playground" and then partying at the office with
co-workers. She then challenges them to become whistleblowers because the truth
will ultimately prevail.
"Given the fact that we have been lied to as Americans, given the
fact that fact sheets have been pulled down because they clearly had untruths in
them, given the fact that Clapper and Alexander lied to Congress...Is being a
good liar a qualification to work for the NSA?" Tahir asks.
These young
students forced the NSA recruiters to claim, in a seemingly desperate defense,
that they were not actually there "representing the NSA as an
Clearly the people have questions that aren't being addressed by
their representatives, and a much larger debate is needed. However, it'd be
much more productive if these kids get to question the NSA leadership instead of
our blackmailed politicians. Listen to the whole exchange
below: Read other articles by Activist Post
- In one of the great unexplained mysteries of aviation, pilot Fred Valentich
and his light aircraft disappeared without a trace from the skies above southern
Australia in 1978. His final words, describing his terrifying encounter: its
above me and its not an aircraft; then a mysterious metallic sound. After this
moment Valentich and his plane were never seen again. Is this evidence of UFO
contact? In a TV first we hear the actual audio of Valentichs final moments
about 20:36: Dr. Richard Haines from Narcap)
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog. | By Mike Wall