The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
The stolen flying saucer and the secrets of Area 51
The stolen flying saucer and the secrets of Area 51
By Thea de Gallier
A 17-year-old has been arrested for stealing a model spaceship close to the most famous place on earth for alien sightings.
He was caught on CCTV at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico.
It's believed he had two accomplices who are still on the loose.
The model was taken on 19 March and was later found in pieces just outside Roswell.
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The International UFO Museum and Research Center is not home to any real UFOs. Instead, it houses literature and memorabilia related to the infamous incident of 1947, when a military spy balloon crashed on a ranch just outside the town.
The local paper at first reported that a "flying disc" had crashed, but the air force issued a press release in response saying it was a weather balloon.
Suggestions of a cover-up didn't come until years later, when a group of UFO enthusiasts got hold of documents related to the crash, which they say prove that the object was actually a spacecraft and that alien bodies were recovered.
Image captionMajor Jesse Marcel from the Roswell Army Air Field with debris found 75 miles north west of Roswell in June 1947 - it was later proved to be military kit
A new report came out in 1994 which said the wreckage wasn't, in fact, a spaceship or a weather balloon, but US spying equipment used for picking up Russian radio signals.
Despite most of the "aliens" in the photos that appeared at the height of the conspiracy looking suspiciously like something you might find in Toys 'R' Us, the theories are still going strong.
The truth, say the hardcore believers on the darkest corners of the internet, may be found in Area 51, the secretive military base in the Nevada Desert.
Nobody knows what's really in it. But people have a lot of fun guessing. Here are some of the wilder theories.
Crashed UFOs
Some people think that the whole weather balloon/secret spyware story is nothing more than a cover story, and that what really happened when the Roswell craft crashed was that the wreckage, and the aliens that died in the crash, were taken to Area 51 and hidden.
A New York Times article from 1996 features Glenn Campbell, a man who decamped to a trailer near Area 51 to sell maps of the area to tourists, and believes the government might be hiding UFOs there.
Another common belief is that scientists and military engineers on the base examine alien technology for us to copy on Earth. Basically, Snapchat might have been invented in Space. But probably not.
Image captionBoyd Bushman holds up a photo of an alien being
Real aliens that are definitely not fake
Just before his death in 2013, a man called Boyd Bushman revealed a collection of photos of "aliens", claiming they were taking during his time working at Area 51 as an employee of Lockheed Martin, an aerospace company. But not everyone is convinced that he ever went to Area 51 or that he worked for the firm.
The aliens in the photos look very similar to a cheap plastic toy. Chris Sereda, who calls himself a "spiritual explorer", reckons the toys were placed in supermarkets by the government after the photos were released as some sort of complicated double bluff.
Image captionAn alien model on display inside the museum in Roswell
Petite pilots with abnormal heads
In Annie Jacobsen's 2011 book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base, she claimed that the Roswell craft was the result of an evil plan between the Russian dictator Stalin and a Nazi surgeon.
She says the alien bodies allegedly seen by eyewitnesses after the crash were actually "human guinea pigs that appeared to be children" created as part of a Cold War plot to send the US into a panic over an alien invasion threat.
Nuclear bomb testing and spy planes
The Telegraph reported in 2013 that the CIA had finally acknowledged "strange goings on" at Area 51.
A report was released under the Freedom of Information Act, which described the area as an "Atomic Energy Commission test site", and revealed that the U-2 and Oxcart spy planes were also tested there. Jeffrey Richelson, the researcher who got hold of the documents, suggested that the numerous reported UFO sightings around the base were actually the planes.
A fake moon landing
This one's actually true. National Geographic published a list of facts about Area 51, including the revelation that astronauts tested land rovers and life support equipment at the base before their real mission to the moon.
Apparently, there was also a tennis court and a bowling alley to entertain the employees stationed there - or was it so the aliens could keep fit?
Image caption"UFOs are real" but the punctuation is paranormal
Secret railways
Area 51 isn't small - in fact, it's over 23 miles wide. But some conspiracy theorists reckon the real business happens underground.
"A few claim the underground facility has up to 40 levels and that it is attached via underground railways to other sites in Los Alamos, White Sands and Los Angeles," claims
But no-one's ever seen large amounts of concrete and other construction material enter the site.
A gift shop
Reddit user kiver16 did an AMA with his mum's boyfriend, who claims to have been to Area 51. Instead of being concerned with the threat of alien invasion, one poster just wanted to know if they'd be able to pick up a souvenir of their trip to Nevada.
"Area 51 has a gift shop?" Asked Texas_Hog. Kiver16 confirmed that yes, it does, but it's "somewhere outside the gate [and] nothing to do with Area 51."
Could it be our friend Glenn Campbell in his caravan?
And the most elusive things on earth... are they there?
Reddit users have their own ideas about what the US government might be hiding...
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Witness report: Driving towards the Village Commons in South Hadley, my friend and I could see two bright lights in the sky that kind of looked like head lights. They were just sitting in the same spot for a very long time. We could see them about a half a mile away. As we got towards the center of the village commons, it looked as though the UFO was now over us. The two lights that we had previously seen turned into three very bright lights. As we were freaking out I had climbed into the backseat of the car and stuck my head out the window. I could see the three very bright lights in a triangle shape and as I was looking at them, I could make out the circular shape of the craft. It looked very low and gigantic. Not long after it just sat above us and hovered, it started to move very fast and get far away. At this point, I needed to head home but my friend who witnessed it with me, continued to search for it after I left.
She found it again on 202 in South Hadley and followed it all the way to Memorial Drive in Chicopee. She called me freaking out saying how close she was to it and that she was going to pull over to try and capture a picture. As soon as she parked, she said she was underneath it like we were before, and then the phone started to act up. I started to lose her and eventually our call dropped. She called me back freaking out telling me she captured pictures and a video. I strongly believe that I saw a UFO tonight.
You can watch the video and decide for yourself whether or not you believe my story.
If you’re worried about little gray guys with no hair and amygdaloid eyes, Hillary Clinton wants to help. Last week, in an interview with late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel, Clinton said that she planned to follow up on inquiries made years ago by her husband, and bare what the government really knows about visiting aliens.
The principal question: Are a few such cosmic beings — or at least some of their spacecraft — under wraps at Area 51, Nevada’s creepy, cryptic military facility? Inquiring minds want to know.
Of course they do. But I doubt that Clinton can provide a satisfactory answer.
First, the back story. For decades, surveys have shown that roughly one-third of the populace will raise their hand if asked, “Do you think Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials?” That’s a hundred million Americans, and of course, some of them have political influence. When Bill Clinton was president, the wealthy philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller sponsored, and then promoted, a document that described what was called the best evidence for alien craft. He met with Bill Clinton in 1996, and encouraged him make a deep dive on the subject. Clinton tried to learn if cosmic creatures were warehoused at Area 51, but said he came up empty.
Now we have UFO redux. Hillary is being urged by her campaign manager, John Podesta, to think again. Or at least, to ask again. Podesta, who was Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff and more recently Counselor to President Obama, now chairs Hillary’s campaign. He’s long pushed for disclosure of any government information germane to the UFO question, and for over two decades has made this a minor leitmotif for the Clintons.
So what is Hillary going to do that her husband didn’t? Well, maybe nothing more than to simply look into the subject again. But, Kimmel upped the ante. What if Hillary finds that the government really does have proof of aliens?
“Well, if there is something there,” Clinton responded, “unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.”
In other words, tell it like it is. Clinton is siding with those who clamor for “disclosure,” a code word for the government coming clean and admitting to the public what it really knows about UFOs. The thesis is simple: the question of alien presence will be settled if the feds simply open their files.
But that premise is weak. An extraordinary claim (we’re being visited) is defended with a resort to hidden information. Suppose someone tells you they’ve found a cure for cancer. Would you believe them if they also said that the crucial proof was hidden for decades by a malevolent government?
There’s also a subtle bias in the disclosure approach. The very term implies that there is something to disclose.
But what if there’s not? Things go wrong anyway. In 1970 the Air Force ended Project Blue Book - its investigation of UFOs — saying that it had found nothing of interest in the many reports it collected. Did that put claims of saucer-sailing visitors to bed? No, it merely spawned a conviction that the Air Force investigation was rigged or that the real UFO evidence was in the relatively small collection of unexplained cases.
In 2009, the British Ministry of Defence shuttered its UFO hotline. The number of reported sightings had reached two or three a day, and the burden of dealing with them was considered insupportable. The MOD said that after more than a half-century of taking hotline tips, they had learned nothing of either military or scientific value. They also released tens of thousands of related government documents. Nonetheless, you’re living in dreamland if you think that all members of the British public have now dismissed the idea that Earth is hosting extraterrestrials.
So disclosure is a mirage unless the answer is the right one. If the government’s response to Hillary’s queries is “there’s nothing at Area 51 but military aircraft,” do you really expect that those whose psyches are invested in the alien visitation story are going to buy it?
Not likely. They’re not going to hand over their swords and abandon the idea of aliens on Earth. Given the inherent problem of proving a negative, I doubt they’ll ever come to this conclusion. Ever.
And even if you don’t share my skepticism, note that Hillary’s response to Kimmel had a qualifier as obvious as a circus parade. She said that yes, she’ll share whatever information she finds “unless it’s a threat to national security.”
Even a fourth grader will realize this is a handy excuse to hold back information. Not that she necessarily would. It’s just that any statement saying that there are no alien bodies at Area 51 is immediately suspect. It won’t settle any arguments.
Clinton may just have been kidding around with Kimmel. And on the practical side, given the large number of people who believe that Earth has house guests, maybe this was just a gambit to influence some voters to favor her candidacy.
But one thing you can bet on: Area 51 and its putative store of extraterrestrial paraphernalia isn’t about to become an open book. And for the UFO folks, that might be a good thing. After all, its value isn’t that it actually houses aliens or alien artifacts, but that it might.
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Astronomers Crowdfund Effort to Recreate ‘Alien’ Signal
Astronomers Crowdfund Effort to Recreate ‘Alien’ Signal
(Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
For 72 seconds in 1977, the Big Ear radio telescope recorded a powerful signal streaming from the area of globular cluster M55 in Sagittarius.
To Ohio State astronomer Jerry Ehman, a SETI volunteer at the time, it seemed like the exact kind of alien message he’d been searching for. Its frequency near the hydrogen line matched a strong range that extraterrestrials might use to communicate over the vast reaches of space.
Ehman circled the signal on a printout and scrawled “Wow!”
Where’s Wow?
Despite many searches, the so-called Wow! signal was never observed again. In the intervening decades, astronomers have ruled out Earthly-origins like a passing satellite, or even nearby asteroids or planets. The lasting unsolved mystery has provided decades of fodder for science fiction writers and late-night alien TV shows.
But an astronomer at Florida’s St. Petersburg College, Antonio Paris, came up with a potential solution earlier this year that doesn’t require aliens. At the time of the Wow! signal, two Sun-orbiting comets — 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) — were in the same area of sky. Paris believes these dirty snowballs and their hydrogen clouds could be prime suspects.
Another Chance
Luckily for him, Comet 266P/Christensen passes through the same region on January 25, 2017. And on January 07, 2018, comet P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) will do the same.
Paris hopes to recreate the Wow! signal by aiming a dedicated radio telescope at the region. But his team at the Center for Planetary Science is a little short of cash. They’ve launched a GoFundMe page to help raise the needed funds to purchase and install a 5-meter radio telescope. So far, Paris raised $1,300 of his $12,000 goal.
To learn more about the science, you can read their journal article published in the Washington Academy of Sciences, or pitch in funds through theGoFundMe effort here.
The Solar System has been giving up its secrets to us little by little. From the earliest Stone Age astronomers to today’s Astrophysicists, we march forward in the quest for knowledge and our scientific endeavor has been richly rewarded. We have been treated to unprecedented views of our place in space and our retinue of planets.
We have seen Pluto in amazing detail, a wrongfully demoted planet in my view with 5 moons of its own with a richly varied terrain. We have seen water ice geysers on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, discovered a slushy ocean 100 miles deep on Jupiter’s moon Europa, and witnessed an early Earth environment on Saturn’s moon Titan. These are just a few of our “greatest hits”.
For centuries though we have wondered if there could be a tenth planet out beyond Pluto. Well, the debate was actually settled back in 2005 when a tenth planet, (or ninth if you don’t believe Pluto is a planet), was indeed found. Given the unceremonious temporary name 2003 UB313, the newly-found planet is 97 astronomical units from the Sun.
An astronomical unit or AU as you may know is the distance from Earth to the Sun. In miles an AU is 93 million miles.The newly found planet is 97 times further away. At that extraordinary distance, the feeble light of the Sun takes nearly 13 HOURS to arrive.
Pluto is 40 AU away from the Sun compared to 2003 UB313 and can be seen only in the most powerful telescopes as a tiny dot of light. But Pluto’s gravitational effects on the other planets is measurable and led to its discovery. Even if only by mistake... (read on)
Taking a step back in history lets look for a moment at the discovery of the planets Neptune and Pluto.
Astronomers in the years leading up to 1846 noted that the planet Uranus was not appearing in its predicted positions based on the understanding of the Solar System at that time with consideration given for Newton’s gravitational laws.
Theories suggested that another planet, an 8th planet, was causing the perturbation noticed in the orbit of Uranus. Neptune was later found after a systematic search in the predicted location by Johann Galle at Berlin Observatory in 1846.
In the years leading up to 1905, Percival Lowell, an American Astronomer noticed that yet another object seemed to be causing both Uranus and Neptune to be perturbed in their expected orbits. Something farther out was causing it in his view. Lowell dubbed it “Planet X” and hunted for it unsuccessfully for the remainder of his life.
In 1930 Clyde Tombaugh, a man of slight stature but of incredible intellect, discovered the elusive “Planet X” using Lowell’s prediction algorithms. And thus our 9th planet was found. But interesting to note is that the prediction of Pluto’s approximate location was not based on valid data as it turns out!
Pluto’s mass was lower than predicted and the perturbation to the motions of Uranus and Neptune couldn’t possibly be explained by a planet as small as Pluto. So the discovery of Pluto in that location where Lowell predicted was actually coincidental.
What could cause the unexplained motions of Uranus and Neptune? Many astronomers came to the conclusion that there had to be other more distant objects orbiting the Sun in our Solar System. Theoretically they would have to be traveling in very elongated or eccentric orbits. Others in circular or near circular orbits.
These objects can not only explain the motions of Uranus and Neptune, but also explain why the outer Solar System far beyond Pluto look as it does. Beyond Pluto there is a collection of objects orbiting the Sun on a many thousand year orbit each.
These objects, still within the confines of our defined Solar System are called Trans-Neptunian objects or TNOs. As it turns out, there are several tens of thousands larger TNOs all out in a region known as the Kuiper Belt and many thousands more of the small ones.
The Kuiper Belt is a large band of space in the Solar System starting approximately at Neptune’s distance of 30 AU and extending perhaps out to as much as 50 AU. Within the Belt there are likely millions of comets waiting to be perturbed into the Inner Solar System.But it is the TNOs that are responsible for the misunderstood motions of the outer planets.
The existence of TNOs prompted conspiracy theorists to suggest that there is a “Planet of Doom” heading our way that will disrupt our world and perhaps destroy it. It has been given names such as Nbiru, or Planet X.
While there is no question that another Earth sized planet could lurk in deep space far out in the Kuiper Belt, it is also well known that no such objects are near the Earth presently. The force of its gravity would have belied its presence decades ago via small unexplained perturbations wrought upon the orbits of the other planets.
There haven’t been any. such perturbations that remain unexplained by TNOs. But that doesnt stop those who we refer to as “science free” from saying Nbiru exists and Earth is in imminent danger, perhaps hoping to bring some attempted future postmortem attention to themselves. I have heard every theory it seems,
There is the possibility that a larger body in the Kuiper Belt could eventually be dislodged from its orbit by a passing star or collision and begin the thousands of years trek to the Inner Solar System where it may indeed spell the end for all life on Earth.
There is even the possibility that those waiting for their “Nbiru” might receive satisfaction in the far future if such a planet-sized object is knocked out of the Kuiper belt and sent hurtling toward us. To be fair though its far more likely that an errant asteroid strike will occur long before then or that Yellowstone’s super volcano will erupt.
Overal op aarde zijn prehistorische afbeeldingen te vinden in grotten of op rotswanden waaruit blijkt dat de aarde getroffen is door een ramp en de bewoners haastig weg zijn gevlucht.
Nu zijn er frappante afbeeldingen ontdekt op Mars waaruit je zou kunnen afleiden dat ook de originele Marsbewoners haastig zijn gevlucht.
In 2012 schreven wij een artikel over hoe het eigenlijk heel duidelijk werd uit allerlei tekeningen van onze verre voorouders in grotten en op rotswanden dat er in het verleden dingen zijn gebeurd waardoor de bevolking niet alleen op de vlucht sloeg, maar ook nog eens naar hoger gelegen gebieden.
Nergens uit onze geschiedenisboeken kunnen wij leren wat die ramp in het verleden heeft veroorzaakt. Stel nu dat het een gebeurtenis was die te maken had met dingen buiten de aarde, dan zouden hier ook sporen van te vinden moeten zijn op andere planeten.
Wij geloven dat de gebeurtenis die onze voorouders deed vluchten naar hogergelegen gebieden alles te maken had met een eerdere passage van het Nibiru zonnestelsel.
Als dat het geval was, zouden de gevolgen daarvan ook te merken zijn geweest op naburige planeten zoals Mars.
Waar het nu op lijkt, is dat er op Mars inderdaad sporen zijn aangetroffen van rotstekeningen die overeenkomsten vertonen met die van hier op aarde. Hierna volgt een rotstekening zoals die is aangetroffen in een grot in Afrika.
En hier volgen enkele afbeelden van wat lijkt op rotstekeningen zoals die op NASA beelden op Mars zijn ontdekt. Ook hier lijkt, net zoals op aarde, sprake van wegrennende/vluchtende mensen.
Wanneer er een passage van de planeet Nibiru en metgezellen plaatsvindt, zal men daar op Mars waarschijnlijk net zoveel last van ondervinden als op aarde.
En waar de mensheid op aarde de gebeurtenissen op aarde heeft overleefd, is dat wellicht op Mars niet het geval geweest of in ieder geval zijn de gevolgen veel dramatischer geweest. Er zijn namelijk ook aanwijzingen dat er op dit moment wel degelijk nog leven op Mars is boven of onder de grond.
Onze voorouders hebben op allerlei manieren geprobeerd boodschappen die de tand des tijds konden doorstaan, door te geven voor toekomstige generaties, wij dus.
Boodschappen die laten zien dat er ooit wel degelijk iets was waarvoor zij haastig moesten vluchten naar hogergelegen gebieden, net zoals de mensen op Mars.
Navolgend nog een deel van het artikel uit 2012:
Uit de vele petrogliefen die wereldwijd zijn aangetroffen blijkt dat men bang was voor iets en dientengevolge vluchtte naar hogergelegen gebieden. Dit vinden we ook terug in de Kolbrin Bijbel.
Zo staat er in het boek Manuscripts (3:6) het volgende:
“De mensen zullen in paniek overal naartoe vluchten. Ze zullen de trompetten horen en de strijdkreet van de Verwoester en zullen hun toevlucht zoeken in de grotten op aarde. Ze zullen verlamd zijn van schrik en de moed zal uit hen stromen zoals het water uit een gebroken kruik. Ze zullen worden opgegeten door de wrekende vlam en de adem van de Verwoester”
Op de volgende foto zie je een rotstekening van mensen en dieren die wegvluchten naar de bergen. Op deze tekening vind je ook iets waar wij nu veel last van hebben: dode vissen.
Iets wat opvalt in bijna al die afbeeldingen is de spiraal en die komt keer op keer terug. Dit komen we straks ook weer tegen in de Kolbrin Bijbel.
Zo staat er in het boek Creation (4:6):
“De ster groeide uit en werd steeds helderder en was indrukwekkend om te zien. Het kreeg horens en het zong en nog nooit had iemand zoiets gezien”
Op de volgende foto zie je de man afgebeeld met horens en weer de spiraal.
Hoofdstuk 5 van het boek Manuscripts, vrij vertaald, gaat als volgt:
Vers 1.
"De Onheilsvorm, de Verwoester genaamd, werd in Egypte gezien en in alle landen daaromheen. Het had een heldere en felle kleur, het veranderde en was onstabiel. Het draaide rond zoals een spoel/spiraal zoals het water opborrelt uit een ondergrondse bron in een poel en iedereen was het erover eens dat het een angstaanjagend gezicht was. Het was niet een grote komeet of een verdwaalde ster, maar meer als een vurig object".
Vers 2.
"Haar bewegingen hoog in de lucht waren langzaam. Het kronkelde rond zoals rook dat doet en het bleef dichtbij de zon wiens gezicht het verborg. Het had een soort bloedachtige roodheid dat veranderde naarmate het haar pad vervolgde. Het veroorzaakte dood en verwoesting als het opkwam en weer onderging. Het veegde over de aarde met een grijze regen van sintels en veroorzaakte pest, hongersnood en andere kwaden. Het beet in de huid van mens en beest totdat ze bedekt waren met zweren".
Vers 3.
"De aarde trilde en had het zwaar, de heuvels en de bergen bewogen en schudden. De met zwarte rook gevulde hemelen bogen voorover naar de aarde en er bereikte een groot gehuil de oren van de levende mensen, tot hen gebracht door de vleugels van de wind. Het was de kreet van de Donkere Meester, de Meester van de Doden. Dikke vurige rookwolken gingen voor hem langs en er was afgrijselijke hagel van hete stenen en vurige kolen.
De Onheilsvorm donderde zwaar in de hemel en er schoten felle bliksemflitsen uit. De waterwegen werden op zichzelf teruggeworpen toen de grond overhelde en grote bomen werden rondgegooid en knapten af als takjes. Toen, een stem als duizend trompetten, werd gehoord boven de wildernis en voor haar brandende adem spleten de vlammen uiteen. Het hele land bewoog, de bergen smolten. De hemel zelf brulde als tienduizend leeuwen in pijn en vurige pijlen van bloed schoten her en der over haar gezicht. De aarde zwol op als brood op de haard".
Vers 4.
"Dit was het aspect van de Onheilsvorm, die de Verwoester werd genoemd, toen het verscheen in die dagen die lang vervlogen zijn. Dit is zoals het staat beschreven in de oude archieven, waarvan er nog maar weinig zijn. Er wordt gezegd dat wanneer het verschijnt in de hemelen boven de aarde, deze zal opensplijten als een noot die geroosterd wordt boven het vuur. Dan zullen de vlammen omhoogschieten door het oppervlak en deze zullen als felle vijanden op het zwarte bloed springen. Het vocht in het land is allemaal opgedroogd, de weiden en de bewoonde plaatsen zullen door de vlammen worden verzwolgen en zullen met alle bomen witte as worden".
Vers 5.
"De Onheilsvorm is als een ronddraaiende bal van vuur die kleine vurige deeltjes in haar spoor rondslingert. Het bedekt ongeveer eenvijfde van de hemel en stuurt kronkelende vingers die lijken op slangen naar de aarde. Ervoor ziet de lucht er angstaanjagend uit en dan breekt het open en uiteen. Midden op de dag is het net zo licht als ’s nachts. Het omvat heel veel vreselijke dingen.
In de oude archieven worden dingen verteld over de Verwoester. Lees ze met een plechtig hart, wetende dat de Onheilsvorm haar eigen tijd heeft en terug zal keren. Het zou dom zijn om hen zonder waarschuwing te laten gaan. Nu zeggen mensen: “Zulke dingen zijn niet voorbestemd in onze dagen”. Moge de grote God boven genadig genoeg zijn om dit toe te staan. Maar, komen zal die dag zeker en zoals in de natuur van de mens ligt, zal deze totaal onvoorbereid zijn".
De tekeningen en de Kolbrin Bijbel vertellen ons wat er eerder gebeurd is. Ook nu leven wij in een tijd van rampen en snel verslechterende omstandigheden op aarde. De aarde trilt en beeft, dieren sterven massaal, het klimaat verandert, honger en oorlog liggen op de loer. Overal ter wereld hoort men vreemde geluiden en veel mensen “voelen” dat er iets staat te gebeuren.
Negeren wij de tekenen en zeggen wij: “Zulke dingen zijn niet voorbestemd in onze dagen?”
(Noot van de redactie: de verhalen over deze Verwoester doet ons denken aan de film Prometheus. Hierin wordt door diegenen die ons creëerden, koers gezet naar de aarde met als doel haar/ons te vernietigen. De "zelfmoord" van de co-maker van deze film, Tony Scott, en de (mogelijk) besloten boodschap in zijn creatie, zouden wel eens dezelfde grondslag kunnen hebben als wat de verzen hierboven ons vertellen.)
A man from Las Vegas, Nevada has caught on camera a bright orb UFO that moves without a sound over mountains near his neighborhood. The UFO reportedly landed at the mountain’s base close to the home of the witness.
Steven Barone uploaded the video, which shows the UFO, to YouTube on March 19, 2016. According to the witness’ account, the UFO on the video was less than two miles from his home when he started recording it.
He managed to record the UFO as it drifted closer to his home. The witness was certain it was not a helicopter or an airplane because it was a bright, glowing orb without structures or engine sounds of known aerial vehicles.
He continued recording the UFO until it went down and eventually landed on the ground close to the mountain. The light of the UFO went off as it approached closer to the ground but still visible on the camera lens as it descended to the base of the mountain because of the moonlight.
Although the witness lost visual of the glowing orb after it landed at the base of the mountain, he continued to observe it until it took off after several minutes on the ground. Barone saw the mysterious aerial thing briefly before it returned to the ground and disappeared again.
The unidentified flying object rose into the air once more after several minutes. As it rose higher, the witness observed two UFOs, this time, flying side-by-side. He watched them until they disappeared into the night. Barone claimed that it wasn’t the first time he saw such mysterious thing over the mountains near his neighborhood in Las Vegas, but it was the first time he encountered a UFO incident that close to his home.
(Illustration, courtesy of Agent D and Agent K of Special Investigative Reports: Part 1: Area 51 and S-4)….Please see their link next to the video on S-4)
Except for some strong imagination, such as this illustration above, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER FOR BOB LAZAR’S ALLEGED S-4 FACILITY BY PAPOOSE LAKE.
Everybody knows that in 1989, with the arrival of Bob Lazar, Area 51 became the ‘de-facto’ alien base story to the believers.
However, Bob Lazar never claimed he worked at Area 51. His claim was that he worked temporarily at a facility he called S-4, allegedly 10 miles south of Area 51, byPapoose Lake. In other words he claimed he worked at S-4, only via Area 51.
Yet, the illusive S-4 (Site 4) is nowhere to be found by Papoose Lake, south of Area 51 except in a “modified” air chart originating from John Lear:
In Nevada, the only recognized Site 4 is in the Electronic Combat Ranges of Tonopah Test Range, Nevada:
In Southern California there is a Site 4 (Northrop Grumman) at the Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale where the B-2A was in development and construction. (Presently operated by Lockheed and Boeing for JSF program):
For those who are into science fiction, here is a short video about the imaginary S-4by Papoose Lake:
1988 and 1989 may have been the beginning of some intentional disinformation campaign launched by part of the DOD/Aerospace industry.
The basis for all this may have been the development of better stealth coating technologies than in the previous years, with the use of better composite materials. It seems to me that the U.S. made certain that none of these technologies went into Russian (as well as Chinese) hands.
It is quite possible that a “laughter curtain” was created linking Are 51 to “aliens” and “alien technologies” as a convenient “cover story”. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING STORY:
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Did Hobbits Live Alongside Modern Humans?
Did Hobbits Live Alongside Modern Humans?
by Charles Q. Choi, Live Science Contributor
A team of researchers prepares for more recent archaeological excavations in the limestone cave called Liang Bua, on the Indonesian island of Flores. Credit: Smithsonian Digitization Program Office / Liang Bua Team
The extinct human lineage nicknamed "the hobbit" for its miniature body may have vanished soon before or soon after modern humans arrived on the hobbits' island home, rather than living alongside modern humans for thousands of years as was previously thought, researchers say.
By using new techniques to date hobbit skeletons and the sediment where they were buried, researchers determined that the "hobbit" species, Homo floresiensis, likely vanished earlier than prior estimates had suggested. Even so, the scientists aren't sure whether modern humans had anything to do with the extinction of the hobbits.
"Homo floresiensis reminds us that human diversity was far greater in the past than it is today," said study co-lead author Matthew Tocheri, a paleoanthropologist at Lakehead University in Ontario. "There were lots of different kinds of hominin species, and some of them shared this planet at the same time as us. But all of these other hominins have gone extinct, and we modern humans are the only ones left. We need to better understand why they went extinct and we survived in order to make better decisions as a species for how we take care of our planet and each other for the future." [See Images of Hobbit Skeleton and the New Excavations]
Dating hobbit fossils
The first hobbit fossils were found in 2003 in Liang Bua cave on the Indonesian island of Flores. Scientists weren't sure what species the fossils belonged to, but they found that the individuals were equippedwith grapefruit-size brains and would have stood just 3 feet (1 meter) tall — hence the "hobbit" moniker. Examination of the fossils suggested that Homo floresiensisbelonged to a unique branch of the human lineage.
But a question remained: Did these hobbits live with their bigger-bodied relatives? Prior work suggested that the sediments in which the hobbit fossils were found were about 12,000 to 95,000 years old. The unexpectedly young ages of the fossils suggested that the hobbits may have survived until long after modern humans reached Australia — and likely other nearby Indonesian islands — about 50,000 years ago.
"This long period of potential overlap was always a puzzle to us, as extinctions seem to follow hot on the heels of modern humans when they arrive somewhere new," said study co-author Richard "Bert" Roberts, a geochronologist at the University of Wollongong in Australia.
Mixing sediment layers
From 2007 to 2014, Tocheri, Roberts and their colleagues conducted new excavations in Liang Bua cave. They found that hobbits used this cave between 190,000 and 50,000 years ago — not until as recently as about 12,000 years ago, which had been suggested previously.
Archaeological excavations at Liang Bua can reach depths of more than 26 feet (8 meters). Credit: Liang Bua Team
"There was no lengthy period of overlap between the two species, as far as we can determine," Roberts told Live Science. "In fact, we don't even know if they overlapped at all."
The researchers exposed parts of Liang Bua cave not seen in the original excavations, revealing that layers of sediment in the cave are not deposited evenly.
"Liang Bua is an amazing site, and incredibly complex, too," study co-lead author Thomas Sutikna, an archaeologist at the University of Wollongong in Australia, told Live Science. "Every year we return to excavate, we learn something we didn't know or realize before." [Top 10 Mysteries of the First Humans]
The researchers discovered that the sediment deposits in which the hobbits were found were actually similar in age to ones near the center of Liang Bua cave that the researchers dated as about 74,000 years old. The hobbit deposits were later covered by much younger deposits during the past 20,000 years, making them appear younger than they were.
"Our new excavations and analyses show that the skeletal remains ofHomo floresiensis at Liang Bua are between approximately 100,000 and 60,000 years old, while stone artifacts reasonably attributable to this species range from about 190,000 to 50,000 years old," Tocheri said.
Giant storks, pygmy elephants and dragons
The hobbit was not the only species that suddenly disappeared from the Liang Bua deposits about 50,000 years ago. Vultures, giant marabou storks, Komodo dragons and pygmy Stegodon — an extinct relative of elephants — vanished from the area at about the same time as the hobbit. Possible reasons for this mass extinction include not only the arrival of modern humans, but also volcanic eruptions and climatic shifts, Tocheri said. "More research is clearly needed to document what exactly happened," Tocheri said.
Archaeologists excavate sediment deposits dating to the Holocene (the last 11,700 years of Earth's history) in the Liang Bua cave. Credit: Liang Bua Team
Tocheri noted that the pygmy Stegodon was the only large-bodied herbivore known to live on Flores when the hobbit was alive, "and it was clearly a primary food source for Homo floresiensis, vultures, giant marabou storks and Komodo dragons. If something happened to cause the pygmy Stegodon population to crash," he said, "then it more than likely would have had an adverse effect on these other species." (Previous research suggested that these giant carnivorous storks snacked on hobbits.)
It remains an open question whether hobbits and modern humans ever lived alongside each other.
"The earliest known evidence of modern humans on Flores is from about 11,000 years ago and after, but we do know that modern humans were on other islands in the region around this time and had reached Australia by about 50,000 years ago," Roberts said. "At least for Australia, the weight of evidence points to humans playing a decisive role in the extinction of the giant endemic animals — the 'megafauna' — that once roamed the continent."
Roberts added, "So was Homo floresiensis another casualty of the spread of our species? This is certainly a possibility that we take seriously, but solid evidence is needed in order to demonstrate it. One thing we can be certain of — it will definitely be a major focus of further research."
Take that, Jupiter! The largest planet in the solar system just got whacked by an asteroid or a comet, and some intrepid stargazers have captured the planet's latest collision on camera.
The flash from a new impact on Jupiter (arrow) is seen in this still from a video taken through a telescope by amateur astronomer John McKeon of Swords, Ireland on March 17, 2016.
Credit: John McKeon
Amateur astronomer John McKeon was observing the king of planets by telescope from Swords, Ireland, on March 17 when he captured this stunning time-lapse video of something hitting Jupiter. McKeon was recording the transit of Jupiter's moons Io and Ganymede with an 11-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and his ASI120mm camera when something struck Jupiter, and he struck cosmic pay dirt.
"The original purpose of the imaging session was to get this time-lapse, with a happy coincidence of the impact in the second, last capture of the night," McKeon wrote in a YouTube video description.
While it's still too early to know exact details on the Jupiter crash, NASA asteroid expert Paul Chodas, who heads the agency's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said there's greater chance that an asteroid, not comet, is the culprit.
"It's more likely to be an asteroid simply because there are more of them," Chodas told by phone.
It's not yet clear what hit Jupiter, but the impact was also captured by at least one other amateur astronomer — Gerrit Kernbauer of Mödling, Austria — according to Bad Astronomy's Phil Plait, who posted Kernbauer's YouTube video of the impact. According to Plait, the impact occurred at 00:18 GMT, or just after midnight, on March 17.
Kernbauer used a Skywatcher Newton 200/1000 Telescope to capture the Jupiter impact video, which you can see here:
"The seeing was not the best, so I hesitated to process the videos," he wrote in his video description. "Nevertheless, 10 days later I looked through the videos and I found this strange light spot that appeared for less than one second on the edge of the planetary disc. Thinking back to Shoemaker-Levy 9, my only explanation for this is an asteroid or comet that enters Jupiter's high atmosphere and burned up/explode very fast [sic]."
Another view of the bright impact flash on Jupiter (right side of planet), as seen by amateur astronomer John McKeon of Swords, Ireland, is seen in this still from a video captured through a telescope on March 17, 2016.
"From our point of view this simply serves to remind us that impacts in the solar system are real and Jupiter gets more than its fair share of impacts," said Chodas said. "It draws in a lot of asteroids and comets. We are seeing these impact flashes on Jupiter about once a year now, and that’s I believe because of instrumentation."
Fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in July 1994 created dark clouds on Jupiter, visible even in small telescopes.
Credit: NASA/ESA
While astronomers watched comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's Jupiter crash from Earth, NASA's Galileo spacecraft — which was en route Jupiter at the time — captured stunning images of the collision. The Hubble Space Telescope recorded views of the impacts in different wavelengths, while NASA used its Deep Space Network to track radio disturbances in Jupiter's radiation belt.
Then it happened in again.
On July 19, 2009, Australian amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley noticed a dark spot near Jupiter's southern pole: the telltale bruise from an impact, likely from a rogue asteroid about 1,600 feet (500 meters) wide. It was roughly the size of the ill-fated Titanic cruise ship.
A year later, on June 3, 2010, it happened yet again. This impact was also spotted by Wesley in Australia, as well as by fellow Jupiter-watcher Christopher Go in the Philippines.
The photos from the recent Jupiter impacts show how the planet is under constant surveillance by some die-hard amateur astronomers. "Better and better instruments means Jupiter is being monitored, even by amateur astronomers, much more than it was in the past," Chodas said.
And the planet is about to get another visitor, this one from NASA.
On July 4 of this year, NASA's Juno spacecraft will arrive in orbit around Jupiter to pick up where the Galileo mission (which ended in 2003) left off. The $1.1 billion Juno mission launched in 2011 and is expected to spend at least a year mapping Jupiter in amazing detail.
Editor's note:If you captured a stunning photo of the March 17 impact on Jupiter and you'd like to share it with and our news partners for a story or gallery, send images and comments in to managing editor Tariq Malik at
This story was updated at 6:10 p.m. ET to include new details from NASA asteroid expert Paul Chodas.
22 Ridiculously Cool Rare Natural Phenomena That Happen on Earth
22 Ridiculously Cool Rare Natural Phenomena That Happen on Earth
Events that are so rare and beautiful that they may seem unbelievable at first but they do happen..for real.
1. Bioluminescence
The spooky light is created by a chemical reaction called “bioluminescence”, which happens when tiny organisms in the water are disturbed. The photographer put his camera on a very slow shutter speed and threw sand and stones into the water to cause the reaction and capture as much of the blue haze as possible.
2. Supercells
A supercell is basically a stronger, more tornado-enabled version of a regular storm cell. This is because—much like tornadoes—supercells have the tendency to spin around a lot, but also—and more importantly—because supercells can actually create tornadoes.
3. Volcanic Lightning
This cool picture depicts a lightning storm that takes place in the middle of a volcanic eruption. Scientists aren’t 100% sure why this happens, but the primary theory goes that when a volcano erupts, it projects positively-charged debris into the atmosphere. These charges then react with negative charges already present, which results in 1) a bolt of lightning, and 2) a really cool picture.
4. Snow Donuts
These rare shapes are formed—under perfect temperature conditions only—when a mass of snow either falls or is blown by the wind. If it manages to catch on to some other snow, and gravity or the wind is in its favor, then the new snowball will roll itself in the exact same way we all used to. In this case, though, the middles tend to collapse to create a donut shape, which can end up as tall as 26 inches (66 cm).
5. Fire Rainbows
These colorful offshoots are a large halo of refracted light, and despite their nickname, they have nothing to do with either fire or rainbows. They only occur when the sun is at least 58 degrees above the horizon, when there are cirrus clouds in the sky that are filled with plate-shaped ice crystals. The refraction of light is always parallel to the horizon, and because the arcs are so big, only sections of them are ever commonly seen—which is why it can look like certain patches of cloud are on fire
6. Lenticular Clouds
They are stationary lens-shaped and sometimes multi-layered clouds that form at high altitudes. They are formed when moist air is forced to flow upward around mountain tops. Due to their shape, they have been offered as an explanation for some UFO sightings.
7. Auroras
Auroras or polar lights are mesmerizing natural light display in the skies of high latitude regions. They are caused when energetic electrically charged particles from solar wind accelerate along the magnetic field lines into the upper atmosphere, where they collide with gas atoms, causing the atoms to give off light. The auroral zone is typically 10° to 20° from the magnetic poles.
8. Fire Whirls
The fire whirls, fire devil or fire tornado, is a rare natural phenomenon that occurs when a fire, combined by certain air temperature and currents, forms a whirl that rises into the air like a tornado. They can be actual whirlwinds that disengage from the flames, or else can become a vortex of flame. The fire whirl usually occurs during bush fires.
9. Finnish Lapland
The picture was taken last winter in Finnish Lapland where weather can include sub-freezing temperatures and driving snow. Surreal landscapes sometimes result, where common trees become cloaked in white and so appear, to some, as watchful aliens or bizarre statues.
10. Sun Dogs
They are massive halos in the sky as a result of light refraction—though in this case, they appear to actually encircle the sun. Sun dogs can be recognized by the two distinctive bright spots on either side of the halo—if these blips are bright enough, it can even look like there are three suns in the sky, all side by side. And the good news is that this happens all the time, all over the world, so you’ll be able to start seeing them if you look closely enough (especially when the sun is low in the sky).
11. Skypunch
A fallstreak hole, also known as a punch hole cloud, is a large circular or elliptical gap, that can appear in cirrocumulous or altocumulous clouds. Such holes are formed when the water temperature in the clouds is below freezing but the water has not frozen yet due to the lack of icenucleation particles. When ice crystals do form it will set off a domino effect, due to the Bergeon process, causing the water droplets around the crystals to evaporate: this leaves a large, often circular, hole in the cloud
12. Frost Flowers
They’re buildups of ice particles around the base of certain plants and types of wood. When the temperature outside the plant is below freezing and the temperature within them is not, then water is pulled to the surface in a process similar to transpiration. This leads to a fragile chain of ice being pushed outward, which ends up forming sprawling, delicate formations.
13. Columnar Basalt
The unique formations are a result of lava flows cracking as they cool, in a perpendicular direction to the original flow. Columnar basalt clusters can be found all over the world—and then, naturally, climbed.
14. Penitentes
These spiky fields of ice are called penitentes, and each individual shard can be up to a whopping 4 m high. These intimidating snow structures are formed in high-altitude areas with low humidity, such as the glaciers of the Andes mountains. If the conditions are right, the sun’s rays are so hot that they can actually sublimate fields of snow—meaning that the frozen water vaporizes without ever becoming a liquid. This leads to slight pockets in the ice, which—thanks to their shape—actually end up attracting even more heat.
15. Light Poles
This phenomenon is known as ‘light poles’ and it can be seen at nights over the large cities with different colored lights. They can only be seen during very cold weather (the temperature of -20 Celsius degrees or lower is required). Also the wind must not blow fast and there has to be a plenty of tiny ice crystals in the atmosphere.
16. Morning Glory Clouds
Morning Glory clouds are very rare types of clouds. They can stretch 1,000 kilometers long and occur at altitudes of up to 2 km. Although similar clouds are seen in many places worldwide, the ones over Burketown, Queensland in Australia occur predictably every spring. These tubes and the surrounding air can cause dangerous turbulence for airplanes when clear.
17. Waterspouts
They’re tornadoes that form over water. Because of this, they don’t pose a major threat unless you happen to be in a boat—but if you are, then watch out, because these things can achieve speeds of up to 305 km per hour. In fact, it’s been speculated that many mysterious shipwrecks—such as those within the Bermuda Triangle—are simply a result of bad luck with waterspouts.
18. Mammatus Clouds
Mammatus clouds are cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud. They are formed in sinking air contrary to any other form of clouds that are formed in rising air. There are various hypotheses offered behind the mechanism of its formation.
19. The Hessdalen Light
Hessdalen Light is an unexplained light phenomenon that occurs in Hessdalen valley of Norway. They were observed over 15 to 20 times per week from 1982 until 1984. Since then, the activity has decreased and now the lights are observed about 10 to 20 times per year.
20. Brinicles
When the surface of the sea freezes—such as around the north and south poles—it does so in a way that forces pockets of especially cold and salty seawater to gather on the underside of the ice. This mixture of brine is denser than the seawater below it, and as a result it tends to slowly sink to the bottom. Now, because it’s so cold, the fresher water below the brine actually freezes around it as it falls, which results in a giant icicle under the surface.
21. Earthquake Lights
Earthquake lights are unusual luminous atmospheric phenomenon. They are usually reportedly in areas of high seismic activity or volcanic eruptions. They were believed to be myths until they were photographed in 1965 during the Matsushiro earthquake of Japan. It was then that seismologists worldwide accepted of their existence. Earthquake lights are caused by an unknown mechanism. They are either white, blue or multi-spectrum.
22. Ball Lightning
Ball lightning is an unexplained atmospheric electrical phenomenon. The term refers to reports of luminous, usually spherical objects which vary from pea-sized to several meters in diameter. It is usually associated with thunderstorms, but lasts considerably longer than the split-second flash of a lightning bolt. Many of the early reports say that the ball eventually explodes, sometimes with fatal consequences, leaving behind the odor of sulfur.
Following a report by a witness from Wilmington in Delaware to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) that he sighted and filmed a mysterious pulsating, multicolored, and square-shaped UFO that flew low in the sky, some UFO investigators have pointed out that sightings of square- and related cube-shaped UFOs are very rare indeed and that the latest sighting could have special significance. Some members of the UFO community have also said that square- and cube-shaped UFO sightings are not to be taken lightly because they are often portents and harbingers of evil.
According to the witness of the latest rare sighting in a testimony filed as Case 71063 in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) — a non-profit organization that documents and investigates claimed sightings of UFOs across the world — the witness and his wife had just left a birthday party in a suburban area of Wilmington on April 15, 2015, and were walking towards their parked car when he looked up and noticed a bright pulsating source of light in the sky.
The light, which appeared above the tree line, was multicolored, according to the witness. It changed color from blue to white and red to orange. The witness said the UFO may have changed colors by rotating its structure. This suggests the UFO may have been a cube.
According to the witness, “As I walked toward my automobile, parked along the street, I noticed a bright and pulsating light to my left about one mile away and at about 40 degrees above the tree line.”
“The object was pulsating and changing color from blue to white to red to orange in a pattern that made it seem to be rotating,” the witness continued.
“The object was pulsating and changing color… in a pattern that made it seem to be rotating.”
The UFO, according to the witness, was moving away from his position. He called his wife’s attention to the mysterious object in the sky.
“It moved slowly with no deviation from its course and moved away from my position toward the north,” the witness added. “I had no idea what this object was and called it to my wife’s attention. I told her that I thought it was a UFO.”
Both witnesses had no idea what the object was, so the reporting witness decided to film it. He was able to film the UFO briefly using his wife’s cell phone.
“I was excited by the object’s presence and immediately ask my wife for her cell phone,” he told MUFON.
“I was able to activate the camera and filmed the object for a brief time. I was only able to magnify the picture near the middle of the sighting and the video is at some points shaky,” he said.
The UFO continued to move away from the witness’s position as he filmed it. The mysterious object eventually disappeared from sight beyond the horizon.
The video (see above) shows the UFO flying in the night sky. It appears as a point source of light at first but after the witness zooms in it appears as a square-shaped source of light in the sky.
Viewers have acknowledged that it is difficult to guess what the UFO might have been, but according to some viewers, it could have been a balloon or a drone.
However, some viewers have commented that the multiple colors of the UFO and the impression that it may have been displaying various colors by rotating suggests it was a cube UFO rather than a square-shaped UFO.
Compared with orb, triangle, and cigar-shaped UFOs, reports of sightings of square-shaped or related cube-shaped UFOs are so rare that occasional reports are often invested with special occult significance by members of the UFO community. Many in the paranormal UFO community view the square and cube shapes as symbols of evil. And strangely, a disproportionate number of sightings of square- and cube-shaped UFOs have been reported in Texas.
The last major reported sighting of a square-shaped UFO was in June 2014 by a witness in Austin, Texas, who reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) that he sighted a square-shaped UFO with four lights. According to the witness, in a report filed as Case 57373 in MUFON’s reporting database, the mysterious low-flying UFO had four lights and emitted a continuous low humming sound.
The four lights of the UFO were also of different colors, two red and two yellow.
“There was very little space between the lights, giving the appearance of a compact square,” the witness said.
But with regard to the latest square-shaped UFO sighting, suggestions that it may have been a cube recalls a viral video by UFO hunter Secureteam10 that purported to show a black cube UFO spotted just after midday and filmed over El Paso in Texas in June 2015. The appearance of the alleged black cube UFO had been preceded by “jet black” swirling clouds after it got rather windy.
According to Secureteam10, the swirling black clouds were an “inter-dimensional wormhole.”
And soon, a “massive” cube-shaped UFO emerged from the alleged “inter-dimensional worm-hole manifestation.”
“I am personally at a loss for words because this thing is mind-blowing,” the video narrator, Tyler Glockner, said. “We do not know what it is — is it a craft or an entity from another dimension, is it a probe sent here from a higher intelligence in another galaxy?”
While online debunkers, such as Doubtful News, rushed to declare the footage a hoax, UFO believers argued that because cube-shaped UFOs are very rare, the manifestation of the cube UFO through a “wormhole” was a significant event.
Many concluded that the cube-shaped UFO was a harbinger of evil or the culmination of a hologram R&D research project by the government ahead of the inauguration of the evil Antichrist-led New World Order regime. Some argued that its emergence from a “worm-hole” suggested it could be a scout ship from another dimension arriving ahead of a full-fledged alien invasion of Earth.
The tendency to view sightings of square- or cube-shaped UFOs as harbingers of evil arises from the belief among paranormal UFO investigators that the cube is an occult symbol of the Devil.
Amateur astronomers have captured on camera the moment that an object crashed into Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. Judging from the flash of light recorded by amateur astronomers on March 17, 2016, from a distance of more than 600 million kilometers, astronomers say the object caused a powerful explosion. But while astronomers believe the flash of light was caused by an asteroid or a comet impact, some UFO enthusiasts have declared it was caused by an alien UFO mothership that crashed into the Jovian atmosphere.
The impact event on March 17, 2016, was spotted by amateur astronomer John McKeon of Swords, Ireland, who was able to capture an impressive time-lapse of the impact flash through a telescope.
According to, McKeon was observing Jupiter through a telescope from Swords in Ireland, and as he filmed the transit of Jupiter’s moons, Io and Ganymede, with an 11-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and an ASI120mm camera, he noticed a momentary flash of light that suggested something had crashed into the Jovian atmosphere.
According to the amateur astronomer in the description of the time-lapse he captured and uploaded to YouTube on March 29, 2016, “The original purpose of the imaging session was to get this time-lapse, with a happy coincidence of the impact in the second last capture of the night.”
Although astronomers have not confirmed what hit Jupiter, they are certain it is not an “alien UFO mothership,” as some conspiracy theorists have suggested, but possibly a comet or an asteroid that got too close to the planet and got pulled in by the planet’s powerful gravitational field.
Astronomer Phil Plait commented on Slate’sBad Astronomy blog that the object couldn’t have been very large. He estimated its size at about a few hundred feet and explained that it generated a massive explosion seen on a telescope more than 600 million kilometers away only because Jupiter has a “ferocious” gravitational pull that accelerates incoming objects tremendously and causes incoming objects to release a huge amount of kinetic energy on impact with the planet’s atmosphere.
Planet Jupiter image taken by Hubble Space telescope [Image via NASA/Wikimedia Commons]
The tremendous acceleration due to gravity means that an object hits the Jovian atmosphere like a rock slamming into a brick wall at great speed. The friction generates heat that triggers a massive explosion observed as a mere flash of light through telescopes on Earth.
“[An incoming object hits] Jupiter with roughly five times the velocity it hits Earth, so its impact energy is 25 times as high.”
Paul Chodas, who manages NASA’s Near-Earth Object (NEO) Program Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, told that it was likely an asteroid that crashed into Jupiter because as far as NASA astronomers have been able to confirm, there are far more asteroids in our solar system than comets and alien UFO motherships.
“It’s more likely to be an asteroid simply because there are more of them.”
The impact event was captured independently on camera (see YouTube below) by another amateur astronomer from Mödling in Austria.
According to Bad Astronomy’s Phil Plait, Gerrit Kernbauer captured a video of the impact event at 00:18:33 UTC on March 17 using a 20-cm telescope. The Austrian’s recording of the brief flash of light ruled out the possibility that Mckeon’s flash of light was an artifact of instrumentation, such as a reflection inside the telescope.
Phil Plait posted Kernbauer’s video of the event to YouTube (see below). The video shows three moons of Jupiter, Europa, Ganymede, and Io. The impact flash appears briefly on the upper right edge of Jupiter’s disc.
Kernbauer explained that he filmed the event using a Skywatcher Newton 200/1000 Telescope. He had apparently also been observing the transit of Jupiter’s moons but was not satisfied with the quality of the images he obtained and thus had not planned to process them until he noticed the flash of light while reviewing the images several days later.
Recalling the famous 1994 Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact events, it occurred to him that he may have capture an asteroid or comet impact event.
The Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact events, which occurred between July 16-22 in 1994, were observed through telescopes by astronomers on Earth as a series of light flashes caused by fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 slamming into Jupiter. NASA’s Galileo spacecraft approaching Jupiter at the time and the Hubble Space Telescope in low Earth orbit also captured images of the collision.
According to, dark spots on Jupiter caused by the impacts were visible even through small telescopes.
An Australian amateur astronomer, Anthony Wesley, noticed similar dark spots near Jupiter’s south pole on July 19, 2009, indicating a new impact from an object estimated at about 1,600 feet (500 meters). He noticed another dark spot on June 3, 2010.
On August 20, Masayuki Tachikawa, a Japanese sky watcher, noticed a flash from an impact. On September 12, 2012, Dan Peterson in Racine, Wisconsin, spotted yet another.
According to Chodas, frequent observations of impact flashes on Jupiter alert us to the fact that although the Earth has been spared major impact events in recent years, they are happening regularly in our solar system.
Impact events occur with greater regularity on Jupiter because the planet’s size and massiveness make it a bigger target, and its gravitational pull draws more space objects. We are also witnessing more impact events on Jupiter from Earth due to improved instrumentation.
Is Humanity espousing existence of UFOs? – Elizabeth Tech Day
Is Humanity espousing existence of UFOs? – Elizabeth Tech Day
Michio Kaku (born January 24, 1947) is an American futurist, theoretical physicist and popularizer of science, says is “bound to set the gold standard for UFO research.”
UFOs existence is oblivious
My own thoughts include, what if “they” aren’t (all) from another planet? Even today we have people living at fairly advanced levels, technology-wise, while others remain in the Brazilian rainforest in the Stone Age, seemingly oblivious to our existence. Perhaps they’ve been here for a very long time, and we ourselves are almost oblivious to their existence?
U.S. astronaut Scott Kelly posted a photo overlooking South India on Sunday, Nov. 15. The Twitter photo, showing off a spectacular view of the world from above, immediately became viral as science buffs and UFO enthusiasts spotted a glowing, metallic and cigar-shaped object in its upper right portion.
The 51-year-old astronaut is fond of posting photos on his Twitter page to share his view from the International Space Station. Up to date, the photo currently has 5,000 retweets and more than 8,500 likes.
It didn’t take long for people to spot something odd in the image
In the right upper corner, it appears there is a long object that seems to have lights on either end. UFO enthusiasts quickly jumped on the image, as well as Kelly’s good night wishes, as proof of alien life.
An apparent ‘object’ in the top right hand corner of the image has piqued the interest of UFO hunters such as sonofmabarker. “In the upper right of the photo you can clearly see a large object with two lights on each end. It also appears to be very large and constructed,” he wrote, in a post accompanying a YouTube video on the image.
“Scott Kelly likes to send out photos of the view from the windows of the space station…and they look cool. This one however has a cigar shaped glowing UFO with a metallic body in it. The UFO is about 25 meters long and 150-200 meters away,” wrote Scott Waring of
“It looks like Scott was trying to hint at the existence of aliens. Message received Scott, and thanks,” he added.
The image spread quickly on line, complete with a video from other UFO hunters.
In a blog post on the UFO Sightings Daily website, Scott Waring also weighed in on the image. “Scott Kelly likes to send out photos of the view from the windows of the space station … and they look cool,” he wrote. “This one however has a cigar shaped glowing UFO with a metallic body in it.”
It didn’t take long for people to spot something odd in the image. In the right upper corner, it appears there is a long object that seems to have lights on either end. UFO enthusiasts quickly jumped on the image, as well as Kelly’s good night wishes, as proof of alien life.
“Scott Kelly likes to send out photos of the view from the windows of the space station…and they look cool. This one however has a cigar shaped glowing UFO with a metallic body in it. The UFO is about 25 meters long and 150-200 meters away,” wrote Scott Waring of
“It looks like Scott was trying to hint at the existence of aliens. Message received Scott, and thanks,” he added.
Waring notes that that the mysterious object is about 82 feet long and between 492 and 981 feet away. “It looks like Scott was trying to hint at the existence of aliens. Message received Scott, and thanks.” he added.
Some contend the image is part of a Space Station window and is visible in several of Kelly’s other images. Others said the object is reflection of ISS lights.
The object, of course, may be a reflection in the Space Station’s window, or even a piece of space debris
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, for example, recently warned that too little is being done to remove debris from space,
Yes, according to some hoping to find out if the truth is really out there, Kelly stumbled upon “E.T.” heading home.
In the upper right hand corner of the image, which shows a twinkling Indian peninsula below, two small beams that look a lot like headlights in space shine brighter than the surrounding stars against the black backdrop of space.
So, is it a UFO? Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku is skeptical
“Well, I tell my friends who claim to be abducted by a flying saucer, ‘If you’re in a flying saucer, steal something,'” he told CBS News jokingly. “I don’t care what it is, a pen, a paperweight, anything, so you have bragging rights after you leave the flying saucer, otherwise, you’re empty-handed.”
On the Internet, Kelly’s post became something of an online Rorschach test — what it shows depends on how the viewer perceives it.
Scott Waring, an editor of a blog called, wrote that “when an astronaut tweets a photo of a UFO, you can bet people notice it.”
“Scott Kelly likes to send out photos of the view from the windows of the space station…and they look cool,” he wrote. “This one however has a cigar shaped glowing UFO with a metallic body in it. The UFO is about 25 meters long and 150-200 meters away. It looks like Scott was trying to hint at the existence of aliens. Message received Scott, and thanks.”
Kaku suggested the image might be nothing more than a smudge.
“Eyewitness accounts are not enough, even a photograph could be a smudge. It could be a reflection off someone’s windshield, or it could be almost anything,” he added. “That’s why we want something tangible — an alien chip, alien DNA — then the debate is over.”
An object that appears in the right hand corner of an image tweeted by Kelly Thursday is also generating buzz.
NASA hasn’t commented on what the object could be. However, even if Kelly didn’t get proof that something IS out there, he’s still making history. As of Friday, he’s been in space for 237 days, giving him the record for the most total cumulative time spent in space. He’s scheduled to be on the Space Station for a total of 342 days
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Jupiter-bound Juno spacecraft breaks solar power distance record
Jupiter-bound Juno spacecraft breaks solar power distance record
Technicians work on one of the Juno spacecraft’s three solar panels before launch. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/KSC
NASA’s Juno spacecraft bound for a rendezvous with Jupiter in July has set a record as the most distant solar-powered space probe ever flown.
Juno broke the record previously held by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft Jan. 13 as it flew about 493 million miles (793 million kilometers) from the sun, NASA said in a press release announcing the milestone.
When it enters orbit around Jupiter on July 4, the Juno spacecraft will become the first solar-powered mission to reach the gas giant, beginning 20 months of commissioning and science observations aimed at studying the structure of the planet’s interior and atmosphere.
Juno carries three large solar panels, each one 9 feet wide and 29 feet long, to generate electricity.
Shortly after the mission’s launch in 2011, the solar power system could convert sunlight into 14 kilowatts of energy. When Juno reaches Jupiter, which orbits five times farther from the sun than Earth, the spacecraft must operate on 500 watts.
Half of Juno’s electricity budget goes to its thermal system to keep the spacecraft at a comfortable temperature. The balance goes toward communications, computers, propulsion and operating the probe’s seven scientific instruments and color camera.
All eight probes that previously explored the realm of the solar system now occupied by Juno relied on nuclear power sources, but the U.S. government’s stockpile of space-grade plutonium was diminishing when engineers designed Juno, prompting a decision to build three huge solar panels for the spacecraft.
Juno’s solar panels are arranged in a triangular shape in space. All together, the panels have an area of about 635 square feet, larger than most studio apartments.
Juno’s solar panels consist of 18,698 individual cells, each measuring approximately 3.7 inches by 2.25 inches. The rectangular cells are made of silicon and gallium arsenide.
Artist’s concept of the Juno spacecraft at Jupiter. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
A rocket firing will steer the Juno spacecraft into a polar orbit around Jupiter, kicking off about 20 months of science observations comprising more than 30 laps around the huge gas giant.
Juno will initially be captured in a long, egg-shaped orbit that takes 53.5 days to complete one trip around Jupiter. A follow-up maneuver in October will reduce the high point of Juno’s orbit, moving it closer to the planet to allow the craft to complete one lap every 14 days.
That is a change from Juno’s original flight plan, which called for the probe to first go into a 107-day orbit, then switch to an 11-day orbit.
Scientists say the new plan allows Juno to complete a first look at meeting the mission’s science goals, which are centered on Jupiter’s interior, atmosphere and magnetic field, in shorter time than previously anticipated. But it means Juno will need 20 months, five months longer than originally planned, to collect the mission’s full data set.
Besides the challenges imposed by the distance from the sun to Jupiter, engineers had to account for the harsh radiation environment around the giant planet.
Engineers conducted extra testing before Juno’s launch to ensure the solar cells, computers and wiring in the spacecraft’s power and control system can endure Jupiter’s doughnut-shaped radiation belts as it passes as close as 3,100 miles over the planet’s cloud tops, closer than any mission before.
Juno will encounter radiation equivalent to receiving 100 million dental X-rays during its mission at Jupiter.
Juno’s flight computers, avionics and commanding system are wrapped inside a solid titanium box on top of the spacecraft. Known as the vault, the radiation-shielding container is about the size of a microwave oven and weighs nearly 500 pounds fully loaded.
But the solar panels could not be put in the vault, so engineers doubled the thickness of the cover glass over each cell to protect them from radiation. Otherwise, Juno’s solar cells are off the shelf, meeting the same qualification levels required for other space missions.
Engineers expect the solar cells to degrade over time as they are zapped by radiation, but not within Juno’s 20-month primary mission.
Future robotic missions to Jupiter will also employ solar panels, building on technologies demonstrated by Juno.
ESA’s first spacecraft to visit the outer solar system, the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, set for launch in 2022 will rely on solar power for its mission to study three of the planet’s largest moons. JUICE will eventually swing into orbit around Ganymede, becoming the first mission to enter orbit around one of Jupiter’s moons.
NASA’s Europa mission, an uncrewed probe in development to repeatedly fly past Jupiter’s most famous moon, will also use solar power generators. Managers chose solar power over nuclear power for the mission in 2014.
An artist’s conception shows a planetary system around a red dwarf star. (Credit: ESO)
The SETI Institute is shifting the focus of its search for extraterrestrial intelligence to places that could harbor life that’s not as we know it: 20,000 red-dwarf star systems.
“Red dwarfs – the dim bulbs of the cosmos – have received scant attention by SETI scientists in the past,” SETI Institute engineer Jon Richard said today in a news release announcing the initiative. “That’s because researchers made the seemingly reasonable assumption that other intelligent species would be on planets orbiting stars similar to the sun.”
Red dwarfs are nothing like the sun: The brightest of the breed are a tenth as luminous as the sun, and some are just 0.01 percent as bright. But astronomers say they account for three-quarters of all stars.
The star that’s closest to our sun, Proxima Centauri, is a red dwarf. A variety of observing efforts, including the Pale Red Dot initiative, are looking for planets around Proxima Centauri.
Astrobiologists had assumed that red dwarfs put out too little light to support life on alien planets, but that was before astronomers started finding Earth-sized worlds in close orbits around distant stars. Now it’s thought that 6 percent or more of all red dwarfs have potentially habitable, Earth-sized planets.
Another plus for the prospects of red-dwarf life is that such stars are amazingly long-lived: Astronomers have already detected a super-Earth known as Kapteyn bthat orbits an 11.5 billion-year-old red dwarf. That makes the star and the planet 2.5 times older than Earth.]
“This may be one instance in which older is better,” SETI Institute astronomer Seth Shostak said. “Older solar systems have had more time to produce intelligent species.”
The red-dwarf search is being conducted using the institute’s Allen Telescope Array, a network of linked radio telescopes that was built amid the Cascade Mountains of Northern California using seed money from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.
This artist’s impression shows a sunset seen from the super-Earth Gliese 667 Cc. The brightest star in the sky is the red dwarf Gliese 667 C, which is part of a triple star system. The other two more distant stars, Gliese 667 A and B, appear to the right in the sky. (Credit: L. Calcada / ESO)
The targets are being chosen from a list of about 70,000 red dwarfs compiled byBoston University’s Andrew West. SETI astronomers will check targeted systems over several frequency bands between 1 and 10 GHz.
“Roughly half of those bands will be at so-called ‘magic frequencies’ – places on the radio dial that are directly related to basic mathematical constants,” SETI Institute scientist Gerry Harp said. “It’s reasonable to speculate that extraterrestrials trying to attract attention might generate signals at such special frequencies.”
Cameron Lucadou-Wells taking Channel Ten's The Project back 50 years. 152313
STAR News Group was graced by an old friend on Thursday when Channel Ten’s The Project dropped in for a chat with resident Westall UFO expert and journalist Cameron Lucadou-Wells. Project producer Tania Palich took the long journey out to Pakenham to chat with Dandenong Journal reporter Cameron Lucadou-Wells who has been covering the developing Westall flying saucer incident for the past 10 years. “I couldn’t believe it,” Tania said when she found out where she was going. “It was like going back in time when I drove in,” she said because it was Star News Group that handed Tania her first electrical typewriter. “My dad was part owner at Barry Bourke Holden Warragul and he advertised with the Pakenham Gazette, so that’s how I go the internship,” Tania said. Spending two months as an interning journalist, Tania learnt the ropes from Star owner and editor at the time, Dot Thomas. “I remember going out on jobs in a big Ford sedan, having just got my licence without any P plates on,” she said, laughing. But with a hard earned regional start in journalism, Tania has forged a successful career working for some of Australia’s top media firms, including Seven News and the Herald Sun.
“I was here at the Pakenham office 23 years ago – I was tossing up whether to become a teacher or a journalist,” Tania said. And it’s Melbourne’s keen interest in what played out on 6 April 1966 at Westall High School in Dandenong that had Tania back on her old stomping ground. The exclusive interview with Cameron discussed what he’s learnt about the mysterious flying figure from eyewitnesses and just how vivid their memories are today, 50 years on. Look out for the Journal’s special report on the Westall UFO incident in the Journal online on Friday 1 April and in the Journal newspaper on Monday 4 April. The Project special report will go to air at 6.30pm on Tuesday 5 April.
See Cameron Lucadou-Wells being interviewed by The Project
31-03-2016 om 15:41
geschreven door peter
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UFO Sightings U.S. FALCON JET INTERCEPTS UFO!!? RPG SHOOTS DOWN UFO…WATCH THIS! 2016 Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your ufo Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
A Tennessee witness at Knoxville reported watching black, snake-like objects moving slowly across the sky at 100 feet about 7:45 p.m. on March 26, 2016, according to testimony in Case 75447 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The Knoxville witness described the object as snake-like. Pictured: Knoxville, TN. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness was sitting outside on a deck observing the sky.
“I watched four very high planes go by, with no sound, and emitting trails,” the witness stated.“Two of them went from north to southeast. Two went west to east. I thought that was very strange.”
But a few minutes later, the witness reported watching a black, solid, snake-like object move over the trees to the east.
“It was spinning very slowly to make a spiral-like shape. Appeared to be close, maybe 100 feet from me. It was making its way very slowly toward the southeast.”
The object was moving across the sky at 100 feet. Pictured: Knoxville, TN. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness then called for his wife to come outside.
“During the couple of seconds that I looked away to get my wife’s attention, the object had gone from maybe 100 feet away to extremely high in the sky, maybe 500 feet. It took my wife and 4-year-old daughter about five seconds to make it to the deck. By the time they made it outside, a second object had appeared near the first object.”
A second object appeared near the first that moved away from the witness slowly without sound. Pictured: Knoxville, TN. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The second object was exactly like the first object.
“The two objects slowly ascended out of sight toward the southeast. All three of us watched the objects until they were out of sight. During the sighting, a fifth plane went by, from east to west, very high in the sky, with no sound.”
Tennessee MUFON is investigating. Knoxville is the county seat of Knox County, TN, population 183,270. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
These kids were probably trying to steal it to make a Youtube video of a faked UFO crash. I see they destroyed the disk, which does look like a disk crashed there. Youtube seems to be a big outlet for kids today and peer pressure probably pushed them into it. Scott C. Waring Coast to Coast states: Police in Roswell have apprehended a teenager that they believe was one of the pranksters behind the theft and destruction of the famed International UFO Museum flying saucer. The audacious crime made headlines last week after authorities released security camera footage showing three men stealing the iconic model UFO. An unfortunate post-script was added to the tale when police subsequently discovered the craft smashed to pieces on the side of a road. But it appears that justice may soon be served with the arrest of the seventeen-year old suspect, who was brought to the attention of authorities via an anonymous tip. As of now, the young man is refusing to divulge the identities of his accomplices in the caper nor what motivated their saucer smashing. Based on the suspect being seventeen years old, we're guessing that it somehow involved impressing a girl. Nonetheless, since he is not providing any answers to investigators, police are hoping that additional insights from the public can help lead to the capture of his co-conspirators. Let's hope they act fast, because with news of their cohort being taken into custody, the remaining members of the coterie of craft smashers may make a run it and the Mexican border is only a mere 160 miles away.
Had The Jupiter Meteorites Hit Earth, It Would Have Been An Extinction Level Event, March 17, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Had The Jupiter Meteorites Hit Earth, It Would Have Been An Extinction Level Event, March 17, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Above is negative effect to see the meteor or meteors that hit.
Date of sighting:March 17, 2016 Location of sighting: Jupiter Several large meteorites struck Jupiter last week and the videos were captured by an amateur astronomer. In the negative photos below, you can make out the shape of the object, which is not what you would expect. This looks small, but if you compare it to the earth photo below, you will see this would be considered an ELE, extinction level event had it hit earth. It could happen this afternoon, tomorrow or on your birthday...and NASA would not have even had a glint of info about it before it hits. That is how helpless earth is in this solar system. Scott C. Waring
The question I present to you is, if this is a sink hole, then why does it have straight, 90 degree angle edges? It should have a slopped angle down. The fish should have filled a small cavern, but for all that water to disappear, there is something very big...very hollow down there with room to a base. I do believe that this is the entrance or exit of a UFO. UFO often leave their underground bases, and when they do the ground is separated and them pushed back together, however, the water prevented the ground from going back into place, thus creating a hole, probably several km deep to the alien base itself. I would really like to see the look on their faces when a rain of farm fish falls from the base sky onto them. Scott C. Waring
New Book Claims US Presidents Know The Truth About Extraterrestrials
New Book Claims US Presidents Know The Truth About Extraterrestrials
A new book claims that all presidents since the war, have known about alien visits to Earth. When U.S. President Reagan said he had met extraterrestrials, most Americans assumed he was kidding. President Barack Obama said in March 2012 landing at Roswell, New Mexico that “I come in peace.” The site is famous for the alleged alien spaceship crash landing.
When asked about the recovered extraterrestrial bodies from the wreckage, he said, “If I told you I would have to kill you… we’re going to keep our secrets here.”
A new book “The Presidents and UFOs: A Secret History From FDR to Obama” (Amazon link) claims that US presidents, from Roosevelt to Obama, have known of evidence regarding extraterrestrial visitation on Earth, leaving spaceship debris, alien corpse, and resulting inthousands of UFO sightings.
Recently, a leaked memo written by US Army chief of staff general Gorge C Marshall to President D Roosevelt in March 1942 reveals that “Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources that are in all probability of interplanetary origin.”
In a reply, President Roosevelt urged the “finding of practical uses for the atomic secrets learned from the study of celestial devices.”
In another memo from Roosevelt, he wrote, “coming to grips with the reality that our planet isn’t the only one harboring intelligent life in the universe.” He continued “We’ll take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us.”
The authenticity of the memos has been fiercely debated. These memos are just part of multiple pieces of evidence uncovered by Larry Holcombe in his new book.
Holcombe, 71, stresses that UFOs exist, and alien life has visited Earth. He explained that evidence is enormous that no reasonable person can deny the existence of extraterrestrials.
Actresses Lucille Ball and Shirley MacLaine, who were in a party together with actor Reagan, claimed Reagan told them that a UFO initially blocked his road to the party. An alien eventually came up and told Reagan to leave acting and go into politics.
President Harry S Truman had allegedly formed the Majestic 12 in 1942, a committee of scientists and military who secretly cover up extraterrestrial activities.
Late in the Second World War Dwight D Eisenhower supposedly met with Winston Churchill to discuss a close encounter of RAF reconnaissance aircraft with a UFO near the English coastline.
President John F Kennedy demanded to hand him over the CIA’s secret files. President Bill Clinton has once said that he attempted to get UFO information that was withheld from him. President Richard Nixon reportedly authorized a UFO documentary to use secret video of an alien craft landing but was stopped by intelligence chiefs.
Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist By Aaron John Gulyas
Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist By Aaron John Gulyas
Are you a fan of the UFO and ET phenomena? If your answer is yes then the Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist (Amazon Link)is one of the books that you must check out from the shelves.
Historian-writer and Professor Aaron John Gulyas published the book in the year 2013. Since then, the book has never run-out of credits from the UFO community.
A recent review from Eric Hoffman in pointed out the books jargon-free, scholarly research and insightful-analysis that gives every reader a well-informed and unbiased publication that is worthy of adding into a collection of personal favorites.
The second recent book review came from Robert S. Ellwood of has mentioned how great the influence of the “space brothers” and contactee movement of the 1950’s in sculpting the present political, sociological and cultural conduct of the human race. Overall, the book had a positive response from the satisfied community.
The unbiased scholarly disposition of Gulyas’s in his first book makes the reading experience to be more sensible with a professional point of argument rather than just sighting all the crazy stuffs all at once that oftentimes bring up more questions than answers. The need for clarification of the truth that is sometimes missing in conventional UFO and ET publications was deeply satisfied.
One of the best offers of Gulyas in this book is how he caught America’s beliefs and ideas during the contactee movement which began in the early 1950’s. During these times, there was a string of people who claimed to be visited and communicated by alien beings from different planets. One of the most famous encounters is from George Adamski, who is said to have been friends with a Venusian alien named “Orthon” whose mission is to stop the Earth from destroying itself and send a message of peace, love and interstellar relationship to the Earth. Gulyas presented his facts on how the tale of Adamski became one of the most famous norms in the contactee movement. Gulyas also discussed the encounters by George Van Tassel, George King, Truman Betherum and George Hunt Williamson.
The book also explores the speculation of the “Men in Black” to be a government secret agency that has special connections to the FBI in investigating U.S. citizens and their relationship with UFOs. Later the mind-boggling story captured Hollywood’s creativity and adapted the story to create their box office hit MIB (Men in Black).
The book Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist is perhaps one of the best books that bring both the excitement of the ET phenomenon and the fact finding investigations in a professional taste, which in most cases the way that the extraterrestrial genre must be tackled.
How Ancient Alien Civilizations Almost Destroyed the Earth
How Ancient Alien Civilizations Almost Destroyed the Earth
Nick Redfern Reveals Evidence of Hostile Alien Events in Centuries Past
Nick Redfern’s vast, world-wide audience is anxiously awaiting the chance to dive into his latest blockbuster, Weapons of the Gods: How Ancient Alien Civilizations Almost Destroyed the Earth (Amazon Link). Flamboyantly controversial and dependably thought-provoking, Redfern is one of the
foremost experts on government conspiracies, UFOs, aliens and ancient civilizations. In Weapons of the Gods, he studies long-gone civilizations to answer the question: did previous cultures blossom, develop, and thrive, only to destroy themselves, tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago, with the same atomic technology as the bombs that decimated Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
In this startling new book, Redfern reveals evidence of Armageddon-level events in the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah , the ancient Pakistani culture of Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan, and the Lonar Crater in India. In the epic Sanskrit texts of Ramayana and Mahabharata are descriptions of nuclear warfare that took place thousands of years ago.
Redfern argues that many previous civilizations cracked the secrets of the atom, only to become the victims of its terrifying power, while others may have been destroyed by hostile aliens with their own nuclear arsenals.
A reviewer remarked, “You can always count of Nick Redfern for quality conspiracy and UFO literature. His books have run the gamut from alien abduction to exposes on the infamous ‘Men in Black’ to the search for elusive creatures. (He) makes the world of the paranormal so compelling for his readers.”
A popular speaker and media guest, Redfern is the author of dozens of bestsellers on UFOs, cryptozoology, and the world of the paranormal; and, he has appeared on countless TV shows.
Achterkleindochter president Eisenhower: “Veganistisch dieet is beste manier om ruimtewezens aan te trekken”
Achterkleindochter president Eisenhower: “Veganistisch dieet is beste manier om ruimtewezens aan te trekken”
Het is bekend dat het eten van veganistisch voedsel goed is voor onze planeet. Maar kan het ook het hele universum beïnvloeden?
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, de achterkleindochter van president Dwight D. Eisenhower, zegt dat eten en drinken op deze planeet in belangrijke mate bepaalt of we in contact kunnen komen met ruimtewezens.
In een interview met Vice News legt Eisenhower uit dat de zogeheten ‘luchtwezens’ zich kunnen voordoen als aliens, UFO’s, feeën, gidsen en zelfs engelen. “Omdat we allemaal verschillend zijn, verschilt ook onze perceptie over buitenaards leven.”
Meerdere factoren
“We moeten begrijpen dat we multidimensionale wezens zijn en dat we afhankelijk van onze frequentie, perceptie en ons trillingsniveau verschillende dingen gaan zien,” legt Eisenhower uit. “Het zullen niet altijd dingen zijn die andere mensen ook kunnen zien.”
Ze is naar eigen zeggen altijd al geïnteresseerd geweest in de manier waarop voedsel de reactie van de mens op de omgeving beïnvloedt. Eisenhower runde zelfs een bedrijfje dat biologisch voedsel afleverde bij mensen die zo gevoelig waren voor chemicaliën dat ze hun huis niet uit konden.
“Ik heb ontdekt dat er meerdere factoren zijn – zoals bijvoorbeeld je emotionele, fysieke en mentale reacties – en dat we op alle niveaus worden beïnvloed,” zegt Eisenhower. “Het draait daarbij niet alleen maar om je dieet.”
Of je buitenaardse levensvormen kunt waarnemen hangt volgens haar onder andere af van je dieet. “Conventionele voedingsproducten bevatten mogelijk ‘giftige energieën’ die zich kunnen ‘verbinden met een kunstmatige intelligentie’, terwijl vegetarisch en veganistisch voedsel een ‘meer schone en pure energie’ produceren.
“Als we groenten eten zijn we lichter en kunnen we gemakkelijker in contact komen met hogere wezens,” legt ze uit. “Je hoeft geen vegetariër of veganist te zijn om luchtwezens te kunnen zien, maar het is wel handiger.”
Eisenhower zegt dat het belangrijk is om je voedsel altijd te zegenen. Op die manier eer je de ‘heilige energieën van het voedsel’. Hoewel haar theorieën niet zijn bewezen, gaan er geruchten dat president Eisenhower in 1953 een verdrag heeft gesloten met buitenaardse wezens.
Het is waarschijnlijk een droom van veel ufospotters om er daadwerkelijk een van dichtbij te zien en dan nog bijna in je eigen achtertuin.
Dat geluk had een Amerikaan uit Nevada, die vlakbij een luchtmachtbasis woont die bekendstaat vanwege een mogelijke ondergrondse buitenaardse basis.
Iemand die op een bijzondere plek woont waar altijd wat schijnt te gebeuren is de Amerikaan Steven Barone waarover wij al eerder schreven.
De man woont ongeveer naast een beroemde Amerikaanse luchtmachtbasis, Nellis Airforce Base. Het vliegveld waarvan wordt gezegd dat het ook de aardse thuisbasis is van een buitenaards ras, The Tall White Aliens.
Meerdere keren heeft Steven op die locatie al bijzondere opnames kunnen maken en zo ook dit keer.
Hij zegt er zelf het volgende over:
“Wat was dit een prachtig gezicht. Ik zag een licht aan de hemel net boven de berg op slechts een paar kilometer van mijn huis. Ik zag onmiddellijk dat het een UFO was en begon met filmen.
Ik zag de UFO net voordat deze begon met afdalen en uiteindelijk landen. Terwijl het aan de landing begon, gingen de lichten uit, maar er was genoeg maanlicht zodat ik het nog steeds in de lens van de camera kon zien.
Het bleef enige tijd hangen in het duister aan de voet van de berg en uiteindelijk was het weer even te zien.
Minuten later verscheen het weer net boven het dak van een gebouw dat je wel vaker tegenkomt in mijn video’s.
Aan het eind, toen het object vertrok, kon je goed zien dat het niet één, maar twee UFO’s waren. Ik kon het nog een paar seconden waarnemen op dezelfde plek als waar het landde en toen verdween het weer.
In ons land hebben wij dan wel geen Nellis AFB, maar ook hier zijn soms vreemde dingen waar te nemen.
Zoals onlangs in Purmerend waar een lezer (dank!) een foto nam waar iets bijzonders op te zien is:
Ik was wat foto’s aan het maken op het balkon met mijn nieuwe camera en toen ik later de foto’s bekeek op de laptop zag ik dit zwarte ding. En nu vraag ik me af wat dat is, hebben jullie misschien een idee?
Nee, dat hebben we niet helaas. Misschien iemand anders enig idee?
Three UFOs Flying Over Mudgee, Australia On March 27, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Three UFOs Flying Over Mudgee, Australia On March 27, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 27, 2016 Location of sighting: Mudgee, Australia He is using an infrared converted cam to see these UFOs. A normal camera cannot see most of these. Colourufo of Youtube is an expert at it and hunts on almost a daily basis. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: The camera was using: CANON. A.X 25. Full H D. camera.
Witness report: Taking pictures of the lines that plans now leave, I saw this in one of three photos. Please expand pictures. It’s only in one picture. But they were mili seconds apart. Looks like a satellite but we know it can’t be. I live in Taunton Massachusetts, which is located in the center of the Bridgewater triangle. If you have never heard of it Hooke will help.
Amazing footage of a UFO over Massachusetts 29-Mar-2016
Amazing footage of a UFO over Massachusetts 29-Mar-2016
Check out this interesting video of a strange craft flying at low altitude in the night sky above Massachusetts. This was filmed yesterday, on 30th March 2016.
Witness report:Driving towards the Village Commons in South Hadley, my friend and I could see two bright lights in the sky that kind of looked like head lights. They were just sitting in the same spot for a very long time. We could see them about a half a mile away. As we got towards the center of the village commons, it looked as though the ufo was now over us. The two lights that we had previously seen turned into three very bright lights. As we were freaking out I had climbed into the backseat of the car and stuck my head out the window. I could see the three very bright lights in a triangle shape and as I was looking at them, I could make out the circular shape of the craft. It looked very low and gigantic. Not long after it just sat above us and hovered, it started to move very fast and get far away. At this point, I needed to head home but my friend who witnessed it with me, continued to search for it after I left. She found it again on 202 in South Hadley and followed it all the way to Memorial Drive in Chicopee. She called me freaking out saying how close she was to it and that she was going to pul over to try and capture a picture. As soon as she parked, she said she was underneath it like we were before, and then the phone started to act up. I started to lose her and eventually our call dropped. She called me back freaking out telling me she captured pictures and a video. I strongly believe that I saw a ufo tonight. You can watch the video and decide for yourself whether or not you believe my story.
Carl Sagan, the iconic scientist behind the original Cosmos TV show, may be gone now, but he left behind voluminous archives of writings and interviews. One such interview was recently sampled for the latest episode of PBS’ Blank on Blank series. Taken from a 1985 interview Sagan did with renowned journalist Studs Terkel, it touches mainly on the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and the differences between science and religion.
“You take those together - lots of places, lots of organic matter, lots of time, and it seems very hard to believe that our poultry little planet is the only one that’s inhabited,” Sagan told Terkel, noting that Earth is located far off in the “boondocks” of the Milky Way galaxy.
Terkel mentioned similarities between science and religion. Sagan acknowledged that both disciplines were after the same thing (“the question of our origins”) but was unsparing in pointing out the scientific flaws of the Bible.
“The natural world around us shows that the Earth, for example, is about 4.6 billion years old, nothing like 6,000 years old. So a literal reading of the Bible is simply mistaken. It’s just wrong,” Sagan said. “As a work of science, it’s flawed. It’s the science of the Babylonians in the sixth century B.C., and we’ve learned something since then.”
Watch the episode, complete with illustrations of Sagan’s aliens and planets, below.
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Rendleshams Moment Of TRUTH – And The 1000’s Of Top Secret UFO Photos To Be Published?
Rendleshams Moment Of TRUTH – And The 1000’s Of Top Secret UFO Photos To Be Published?
It has recently come to light that a former US Naval officer who claims his secrecy agreement with the American Government has now expired is vowing to lift the lid on thousands of top-secret UFO files he claims to have seen – and there isn’t anything that the US Government can do about it.
The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at the Naval Telecommunications Centre within NAS Moffett Field from February 1986 to October 1989, also claims he can shed light on the mysterious mass-UFO sighting involving military personal in 1980.
This man has yet to be named, but a former British MoD UFO investigator confirmed recently that this man is complexly genuine source, creating a flurry of excitement throughout the planet.
Nick Pope, who was put in charge by the British MoD with investigating UK UFO cases, including the Rendlesham incident, said:
“I’ve actually had some personal communication with this individual, and have no doubts about his background”.
“It’s clear from the language he uses and the information he has that he’s a genuine insider.”
But Mr Pope then went on and suddenly stopped short of encouraging the whistleblower to come out into the open – as if he felt he had a duty to NOT encourage the matter. He said:
“While my own secrecy oath means I can’t encourage anyone to divulge classified information without proper authority, I’m obviously very interested in his story.
“As I conducted the MoD’s cold case review of the Rendlesham Forest incident I’m particularly keen to hear about anything that would shed new light on this case.” Nick said.
Former MOD Nick Pope
The now famous Rendlesham legend has been dubbed Britain’s very own Roswell after the mystery UFO crash said to have happened outside the town in New Mexico, USA, in July 1947.
The UK UFO sighting happened in the early hours of December 26 1980, when three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters claimed a “triangular shaped craft” landed in neighbouring woods – This case has led to several reported sightings on the night by the public and several books and conspiracies.
The man, who has not been publicly named, is now claiming that the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the UK Government had a going project looking at UFO sightings, which included the Rendlesham incident back in the 1980s.
The man has filed a report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) -, saying that he wants to help reach “disclosure”.
In the report filed recently he said:
“I’m not reporting a UFO sighting rather a UFO related experience.
“I have copies of my security clearances.
“I personally handled, viewed and delivered thousands of documents involving UFO/ET Projects.
“My secrecy agreement with the US Government expired in October 2014.
“At this point in my life I would like to share my knowledge in hopes that someone will be able to use it effectively towards disclosure.” He said.
News of the World reports of Rendlesham at the time
The unknown man then went on to confirm that he was given TS SBI/ESI NATO/SIOP Compartmental Security Clearance, which is Top Secret clearance for working in Special Background Investigation, Single Integrated Operation Plan, Exceptionally Sensitive Information and with NATO.
He then added:
“In addition we had a GS11 employee who was transferred from a Joint US/UK communication station north of London after working at that site for a dozen years.
“He said it was an National Security Agency (NSA)/UK facility tasked with tracking UFO including Rendalsham Forest Incident.
“He said that UFO/ET were real and that hopefully disclosure would happen in my lifetime since he was in his early 60s at the time.”
In the report he went on to say:
“I was required to deliver TS Code word designation COSMIC to SRI, ESL/SYLVANIA, LOCKHEED SKUNKWORKS, TRW, RATHEON, BERKELEY LABS, LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABS, and other think tanks throughout Silicon valley.”
After some research it appears that at the time in question, Moffett Field was an important naval air base, but is now a MFA as a restricted federal airfield, run by NASA.* The Lockheed Martin Skunkworks is a global security and aerospace company based in Bethesda, Maryland.
The Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore laboratories and scientific labs which work closely with NASA in California.
Spelt differently, Raytheon Company is a global technology and innovation firm specialising in defence and cybersecurity.
Roger Marsh, who is a MUFON spokesman, said: “This historical case has been assigned to a field investigator within the Californian MUFON group.” But yet AGAIN they will probably confirm NOTHING and dismiss what appears to be an extremely important piece of disclosure as ‘inconclusive’
Military fencing around the former RAF Bentwaters base still said to be a UFO hotspot
Now this is an incredibly IMPORTANT story and one of which us guys at U.I.P will be monitoring VERY closely – it appears that this person is very real and has some very conclusive evidence.
Interestingly this post has been deleted twice after our site had been hacked into a couple of times, so it appears that somebody somewhere does not want this story highlighted in the public eye!?
It was not that long ago that we actually published an article on some strange events that have been witnessed at Rendlesham forest, with some GREAT evidence captured on camera – perhaps there can be no more covering up the events that have happened in the forest and that there is ‘something’ there, perhaps some kind of other worldly gateway which unknown Beings are using to travel through.
We will keep you updated on this story and try to interview the person who is supposedly discloing this information.
Please check out our previous posts before on the Rendlesham event:
A Cyborg Swarm: The Future Of Drone Tech is Remote-Controlled, Living Beetles
A Cyborg Swarm: The Future Of Drone Tech is Remote-Controlled, Living Beetles
Researchers have now developed bio-inspired drones with bug eyes, bat ears, bird wings, and even honeybee-like hairs to sense biological, chemical and nuclear weapons
Nanyang Technological University
Over recent years a range of miniature drones, or micro air vehicles (MAVs), based on the same physics used by flying insects, have been presented to the public
This video may not seem terribly remarkable, but then you remember that that someone is controlling these insects with a remote control.
It sounds like something straight out of a horror film. Scientists have discovered that they can wire flying beetles and control them remotely. The spine-tingling part—they plan to harvest swarms of them.
Across the world, scientists are trying to create robot insect swarms. Why? Ultimately, these insect swarms are viewed as being super beneficial when confronted with tight spaces. To this extent, they could help with tasks such as locating earthquake survivors in rubble, they could act as mini-surveillance cameras, and even eavesdrop on criminal suspects.
But rather than designing a robot insect, engineers at Nanyang Technological University and University of California Berkeley are trying to control the actual insects themselves.
“This technology could prove to be an improved alternative to remote-controlled drones as it could go in areas which are not accessible before,” stated Assistant Professor Hirotaka Sato of the NTU School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Their findings are published inRoyal Society Interface.
The living insect requires no engineering to keep it in the air and maintains flight on its own. It also removes the need for a bunch of tiny manufactured parts since you’re using the biological organism as-is.
The electronics involved add up to be only a mere $7, drastically different from the costs associated with manufacturing robot drones. All you need is to attach an electrode and a tiny electronic backpack, and you can control a living bug that’s set for wireless flight.
A beetle (Mecynorrhina ugandensis) saddled with a sensor laden backpack.Michel Maharbiz/University of California, Berkeley
The electrodes are attached to specific parts of the beetle’s legs, optic lobes, and flight muscles. They are triggered by a radio signal that tells the beetle which direction to go and when to move. From there, it does the rest.
The beetle used for this project is the Giant Flower beetle, or ‘Mecynorrhina torquata,’ due to it’s small size and weight (7.6 cm and 5.6 g, respectively). It was also a great match for carrying extra weight required in search-and-rescue missions.
The microchip backpack is attached using organic beeswax, which doesn’t harm the animal’s natural carapace when removed. Notably, no animals were harmed in this experiment. A 3.9 volt battery powers the entire system, which provides enough power to last a day. But the team envisions transitioning to a sustainable power source in the future.
Interestingly, this project has unexpectedly led to the discovery in relation to the beetle’s coleopteran muscle. Scientists believed for two centuries that the muscle was only responsible in wing-folding. But the team of engineers discovered that it also assists with steering and turning – a feat that leaves us with one more piece of information we didn’t have previously.
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Japanese Astronomy Satellite Hitomi Malfunctions, Generates Debris
Japanese Astronomy Satellite Hitomi Malfunctions, Generates Debris
By Jeff Foust, SpaceNews Writer
Ilustration of the Hitomi x-ray astronomy satellite, launched by JAXA Feb. 17 with instruments from NASA and other space agencies.
Credit: JAXA/Akihiro Ikeshita
WASHINGTON — The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is working to restore communications with a new astronomy satellite that malfunctioned March 26, generating debris.
In a March 27 statement, JAXA said it lost communications with the Hitomi satellite at 3:40 a.m. Eastern March 26. "Up to now, JAXA has not been able to figure out the state of health of the satellite," the agency said in the statement.
"We are still trying to recover communication with 'Hitomi', and trying to find out the status and causes of this communication failure," JAXA said in a tweet early March 28, the latest update provided by the agency on the status of recovery efforts. [Japan's Hitomi X-ray Astronomy Satellite Explained (Infographic)]
The Hitomi X-ray astronomy satellite, built by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, as it appeared in November 2015. JAXA launched the spacecraft on Feb. 17, 2016, but communication with the craft was lost on March 26.
Credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency-
While JSpOC classified this event as a "breakup," the satellite appears to still be mostly intact, although damaged. JAXA noted that it "received short signals from Hitomi" after the time JSpOC reported for the breakup, but did not indicate exactly when it received the signals or any information they provided about the status of the spacecraft.
Amateur satellite observers, observing Hitomi from the ground, reported on a mailing list late March 27 seeing flashes from the satellite with a period of 5 to 10 seconds. Those flashes suggest that the spacecraft, which is normally three-axis stabilized, is spinning.
Neither JAXA nor JSpOC have speculated on the cause of the malfunction and breakup, which could be due to either a technical problem with the satellite itself or a collision with a micrometeorite or piece of orbital debris.
JAXA launched Hitomi, originally known as Astro-H, on an H-2A rocket Feb. 17. The 2,700-kilogram satellite carries several instruments to perform x-ray astronomy observations. Some of the spacecraft's instruments were provided by NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency. The spacecraft was in the middle of a three-month checkout and instrument calibration phase when the malfunction took place.
This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.
Viva 'Mars World': Las Vegas May Get Red Planet Experience
Viva 'Mars World': Las Vegas May Get Red Planet Experience
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Artist's detail of a close-up of a "Marswalk" in Mars World.
Credit: Company: Mars World Enterprises Inc.; Concept and design: John Spencer; Image: Brian Cho
An otherworldly tourist attraction could be coming to Sin City a few years from now.
A consortium that includes a renowned space designer wants to build an immersive experience called "Mars World" near the famed Las Vegas Strip by 2021.
The multi-acre simulated city will rise on yet-to-be purchased land somewhere between the I-15 freeway and Las Vegas Boulevard, if all goes according to plan. Visitors will be treated to the music, costumes and culture of a Mars colony. They will take simulated "Marswalks" in one-fourth Earth gravity, ride a tram around the crater in which the city is built and even sleep overnight in rough habitats if they wish. [7 Biggest Mysteries of Mars]
Fundraising for the $2 billion project will take several years. About $500,000 is available now from "key players" in the finance and trademarking/branding world, said chief designer John Spencer, who's also the founder of the Space Tourism Society. A second fundraising round of $17 million has just begun, he added.
"We're really moving forward on this longstanding connection between science fiction and entertainment and real things," Spencer told "We developed an approach — we call this a design approach —that what we're doing is not science fiction. It's science future."
Paging Walt Disney
Spencer's space architecture work includes design on the International Space Station and Japan's Space World theme park, as well as early designs for the Science Fiction Museum and Las Vegas' Star Trek: The Experience. He also was the designer for the Aquarius underwater laboratory used by astronauts during NEEMO (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations) missions.
An artistic cross-section of Mars World.
Credit: Company: Mars World Enterprises Inc.; Concept and design: John Spencer; Image: Michelle Rina Mace
Las Vegas is a natural location for this attraction, Spencer said. About 40 million visitors come every year, with about 8 million of those being first-time visitors. They seek something unique that they can talk to their friends about, Spencer added. He therefore estimates he can pull in about 7 million attendees annually for Mars World.
Doing so will require a lot of work, Spencer acknowledges, but he added he has expertise in raising millions of dollars in space-themed parks. He is studying other "location-based entertainment" master plans, such as that of Disney World in Florida, focusing on elements such as realism.
When the second round of funding is finished, Spencer plans to gather advice on music, interiors, lighting and design from the entertainment world in Los Angeles.
Revenues and audience
Artist's detail of a spoke walkway leading to the Mars resort and spa in the middle of the Mars World crater.
Credit: Company: Mars World Enterprises,, Inc.; Concept and design: John Spencer; Image: Brian Cho
While some elements of Mars World will be for children, such as an animatronic petting zoo, the experience will mostly be targeted to the over-21 crowd. Specifically, Spencer is imagining an audience with a mentality similar to that of "Burning Man" desert festival attendees.
"They're pretty rowdy, independent, artistic. Don't agree with authority too much. At Burning Man, clothing is optional," Spencer said. "If you take that as a foundation and extend that out further in the controlled environment, then we have amazing characters, artwork and costumes."
Attendance to the park will be free, but to generate ongoing revenues for the project, Spencer envisions selling merchandise on-site. He also wants to patent certain aspects of the project such as the architecture. But first, his team will need to purchase the land, which will cost about $200 million. He is looking at two tracts, one about 85 acres, the other 66 acres.
Other members of the Mars World team include CEO Lewis Stanton (with executive experience in the hospitality, casino and capital market industries); Chief Marketing Officer Lisa Leight (who among other things, relaunched the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago) and Vice President Garry Willinge (formerly with IBM China, and a director for several private and public company boards).
Clintons New Promise To Disclose The Truth About The ET’s – But Is It a Lie?
Clintons New Promise To Disclose The Truth About The ET’s – But Is It a Lie?
Politicians are all pretty much the same type of creature: cunning, manipulative and always try to say the right thing. But could it that Hilary Clintons latest promise to reveal the truth about the Aliens, is actually one of the most exciting pieces of news about the potential upcoming Disclosure? Well, possibly not!
What with the Presidential campaign heating up over the last few months, and Hilary Clinton preparing herself for a potential battle against Donald Trump, speaking on Jimmy Kimmel Live, the presidential hopeful said she wanted to make as many of the files on “unexplained aerial phenomena” public as possible – but we all know that have heard this before from Hilary (please click HERE).
Hilary has confirmed that she will release government-held UFO files to the public if she is elected president. The Democratic candidate spoke out on Jimmy Kimmel Live, as she leads the race against Bernie Sanders for the party’s nomination for November’s election.
Hilary Clinton has basically followed in her husband Bills footsteps, who back in 2014 appeared on the show and was also asked if he had ever looked into UFOs or Area 51 – which as we all know is a top secret airbase rumoured to “back engineer” alien technology!
Bill said “sort of” but added there were no dead aliens there.
Hillary has now promised the US citizens that she will dig deeper if she makes it to the White House and promise to disclose the TRUTH!
Hillary Clinton was speaking about UFOs on Jimmy Kimmel Live
This is now the first time on TV she has spoken about the issue, she told Kimmel:
“I’m going to do it again. There’s a new name for UFOs. It’s unexplained aerial phenomena. That’s the new nomenclature. I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that as public as possible.
“If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there. If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.” She said.
As we have mentioned in a previous post (please click HERE) this is NOT the first time the Clintons have been linked with aliens.
It was back when Bill was president between 1993 and 1996, he was approached by the late billionaire philanthropist Laurance Rockefeller to release UFO files as part of the ‘Rockefeller initiative’. Rockefeller who is known to be one of the most wealthiest men in the world and rumoured to be the head of the supposed Illuminati.
Hillary Clinton was also involved in the talks about Aliens and captured on camera walking alongside Laurence at his ranch, holding a book about Alien life!
Hillary Clinton and Laurence Rockefeller UFO-meeting of 21 Aug 1995
Hilary’s campaign manager John Podesta, who is Bill Clintons former Chief of Staff, admitted he had convinced Hillary to declassify UFO files in a TV interview last month- John also recently tweeted that his only ever regret whilst working with Obama was not being able to help force Disclosure (please click HERE).
U.I.P’s friend and America’s only registered lobbyist on ET/UFOs, Stephen Bassett, hopes the UFO issue will be raised in the upcoming Democratic debates.
John recently said to a UK newspaper:
“The only circumstance under which a leading presidential candidate, her president husband and their common advisor would repeatedly speak to the ET issue during a campaign is when their collective brain is fully aware the ET presence is fact.” John said.
Leading Bookies have now slashed the odds of finding ET life from 1000/1 to 100/1 after this recent announcement by Hilary Clinton.
A William Hill spokesman said:
“Should Hillary utter the unthinkable words then we are facing a monster payout.”
It might be time to start placing your best people!?
Please check out the below video of the recent Hilary Clinton video:
Well folks it appears that Hilary is becoming desperate now with yet AGAIN mentioning the UFO subject matter and once AGAIN promising to tell all about any information on the UFO’s and Alien Beings. It is important too remember though that Hilary did state that she will inform the masses about the ET’s but only if its in the best interest of mankind – and this ladies and Gentlemen will be her get out cause for telling the TRUTH about the ET’s!
This is all about the drip feeding of disclosure from the Elite people – Be careful with who you trust as this is a game to the power people!
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Top Secret UK Documents Which Prove ‘Aliens EXIST’ To Be Released In Days?
Top Secret UK Documents Which Prove ‘Aliens EXIST’ To Be Released In Days?
Apparently confidential government reports into UFO sightings – dubbed the “British X-Files” – could be made publicly available within days!
The long-awaited boost for alien hunters follows years of campaigning by the British disclosure movement, who want all world Governments to release all their alien files.
UFO researchers, backed by a House of Lords peer, have been fighting for the release of 18 top secret Ministry of Defence (MoD) files about UFO sightings from more than 30 years ago.
The Government faced claims of a cover-up from conspiracy theorists when their release was stalled at the end of 2013.
Some investigators claim the files could provide key evidence of extra-terrestrial life visiting the UK and of specific information about famous controversial sightings such as the Rendlesham Forest incident – a series of reported sightings of unexplained lights and the alleged landing of one or more craft in Suffolk in late December 1980.
Lord Black of Brentwood, who asked the Government for an update through a Parliamentary question last summer, was assured the files would be released by the MoD to the National Archives by March this year.
This could very well be HUGE news for Disclosure – A huge can of worms is about to be opened it appears!
The top-secret files could be declassified within days
This very long-awaited boost for Truth seekers follows years of campaigning by the British disclosure movement, who want all world Governments to release all their alien files.
Leading UFO researchers, backed by a House of Lords peer, have been fighting for the release of 18 top secret Ministry of Defence (MoD) files about UFO sightings from more than 30 years ago!
The British Government faced claims of a cover-up from conspiracy theorists when their release was stalled way back at the end of 2013.
Many leading investigators and researchers believe that these important files could provide key evidence of extra-terrestrial life visiting the UK and of specific information about famous controversial sightings such as the Rendlesham Forest incident – which is a series of reported sightings of unexplained lights and the alleged landing of one or more craft in Suffolk in late December 1980.
Lord Black of Brentwood, who asked the Government for an update through a Parliamentary question last summer, was assured the files would be released by the MoD to the National Archives by March this year – BUT will they stick to this promise!?
Lord Black of Brentwood DEMANDS the truth from the UK Government about the UFO’s in the skies above us!
Truth Seekers around the world are VERY confident that these records could very well prove if extra-terrestrial life actually exists, as these are the most secretive files held in the private offices of various Cabinet ministers – Although the files are being released to the National Archives, it is not yet clear when they will be available for public inspection and many people expect intentional delays, this is because the archive organisation can set its own release date!
In his Parliamentary question, Lord Black asked:
“What is the latest estimate of when the 18 files will be passed to the National Archives, and then released to the public.” He said.
Defence Minister Earl Howe replied:
“The latest estimate of when the 18 files will be delivered to the National Archives is before March 2016.
“The National Archives will make the necessary judgement about when they release these files to the public.”
A large number of older UFO files held by the UK government have already been released, including details of sightings by officials and police.
U.I.P’s friend Nick Pope, who actually used to investigate the existence of UFOs for the MoD, said the files should contain some extremely fascinating sightings.
However, referring to what is often called the most famous UFO claim in history – sparked by claims an alien spaceship crashed in New Mexico, US, in 1947 – Nick Pope added the soon-to-be-released files are probably not a “UK Roswell-style UFO in a hangar style cover up”.
When the release of the files were stalled in 2014, which the MoD blamed on “additional processing requirements”, Mr Pope sympathised with alien researchers and also believed that these were potential ‘delaying tactics’.
He said at the time:
“This massive delay will have conspiracy theorists up in arms. It looks like the MoD is stalling.
“The suspicion will be that there’s a bombshell in these files and that the Ministry does not know how to handle it.
“I can understand why conspiracy theorists will be angry and suspicious.”
Nick Pope also demands the TRUTH.
Nick Pope worked for the British MoD for at least 21 years, but was specifically assigned to investigate UFOs for an intriguing three-year period!
He said:
“Having worked on the MoD’s UFO project I’m sorry to say that we don’t have any crashed spaceships hidden away in some RAF hangar, as some believe, but we do have some fascinating and unexplained cases in our files.”
The ‘Redlesham Forest incident’, which is alleged to have taken place near RAF Woodbridge, Suffolk, in 1980, saw US Airman First Class John Burroughs, who was stationed there, exposed to radiation after a mystery “UFO visitation”.
He has since won damages from the American military, but still wants answers about what happened and hopes they will be in the new files.
Pat Frascogna, his lawyer, said:
“We know there is information contained in these MoD files about the Rendlesham Forest incident because the MoD clearly indicated so in responding to a Freedom of Information request by John Burroughs last year.”
Check out this incredible sighting at Rendlesham recently involving a British Apache Gunship and an Orb:
U.I.P SUMMARY – Us guys at U.I.P do not want to get you all too over excited about this as we have all been let down before, however with so many key figures involved including British ‘Lords’ this could very well be a HUGE piece of drip feeding of Disclosure – we told you all that 2016 was going to be an important year of discovery lets hope that stories like this are true and give some IMPORTANT factual evidence!
But can we trust the ELITE to tell us all the TRUTH!?
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Argentina: A Red Sphere Emerged at Punta Piedras
Argentina: A Red Sphere Emerged at Punta Piedras
Source:Diario Popular Date: 03.22.2016 Argentina: A Red Sphere Emerged at Punta Piedras By Pachi La Fata
Researchers of UFO-related phenomena refer to these events as "skywatches" - meetings held in various parts of the country to observe and investigate so-called UFO hotspots. The main goal is, of course, a direct experience with unidentified flying objects. Within this framewoerk, one of the most spectacular occurences happened in the locality of Punta Piedras, facing the River Plate in Buenos Aires.
It was there that several experts on the subject were able to witness a reddish sphere rise out of the water, climb several meters, change its color to orange and finally speed off toward Uruguay. The incredible case occurred on July 25, 2009 at a site north of the Bay of San Borombón, and was witnessed by members of the GABIE Group, whom aside from UFO research, also engage in astronomy and other scientific studies. They were Pablo Lasa, Ariel Cóppola, Martín Costes, Fernando Lisardo, Nicolas Lisardo y Catriel, who were present throughout the event.
According to the story, the sigthing took place from a camp ground known as El Desanso in Punta Piedras. "The skywatch had been scheduled for the previous weekend, but it was necessary to reschedule it due to weather conditions," they explained.
Martín Costes was the group member who was best able to see the phenomenon in detail. "Pablo, Ariel, Fernando and their two children were near me by the bonfire, discussing subjects pertaining to astronomy, when the conversation took a turn and we started talking about UFOs," he said, adding: "After a few minutes of conversation, I got up to import weather data from the weather station in my tablet. So I turned my back to the fire, which was only a few meters from the base. I was standing up, when something told me to go toward the river. I decided to pay attention and did so."
At that moment, an episode he'll never forget too place. "When I got there, only a few seconds after seeing the river, I saw a brillant red sphere rising out the water, approximately 20 meters long. It moved repeatedly from left to right, parallel to the river," he explained in detail. According to the witness, "the object began disappearing little by little until distance kept us from seeing it. Bear in mind that other people in the campground didn't hear it, althought they were only five meters from where I was standing."
"In other words, I wasn't able to hear the conversations of my companions by the bonfire. That's not all. Another thing to highlight is that I was in shock for almost 15 minutes after the sighting. This happened at 1 in the morning," remarked the specialist.
Costes, whose story was broadcast on the Codigo OVNI radio show, explained that "the entire episode lasted some 3 minutes. My companions managed to see around 30 seconds to a full minute, perhaps, of the phenomenon."
[Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
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NASA's 'Spaceport of the Future' Reaches Another Milestone
NASA's 'Spaceport of the Future' Reaches Another Milestone
This artist concept depicts the Space Launch System rocket rolling out of the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. SLS will be the most powerful rocket ever built and will launch the agency’s Orion spacecraft into a new era of exploration to destinations beyond low-Earth orbit.
Credits: NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
NASA has completed a major milestone on its journey to Mars and is ready to begin another phase of work on its spaceport of the future, where the next generation of astronauts will launch to Mars and other deep-space destinations.
The agency recently wrapped up a comprehensive and successful review of plans for the facilities and ground support systems that will process the agency’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
“NASA is developing and modernizing the ground systems at Kennedy to safely integrate Orion with SLS, move the vehicle to the pad, and successfully launch it into space,” said Bill Hill, deputy associate administrator of NASA’s Exploration Systems Development Division at the agency’s Headquarters in Washington. “Modernizing the ground systems for our journey to Mars also ensures long-term sustainability and affordability to meet future needs of the multi-use spaceport.”
Over the course of a few months, engineers and experts across the agency reviewed hundreds of documents as part of a comprehensive assessment. The Ground Systems Development and Operations Program (GSDO), responsible for processing SLS and Orion for flight and ensuring all systems and facilities are ready, completed its critical design review (CDR) of the facilities and ground support systems plans in December 2015.
This was followed in January by the completion of an independent assessment by a Standing Review Board, a team of aerospace experts that assessed program readiness and confirmed the program is on track to complete the engineering design and development process on budget and on schedule.
In the final step before actual fabrication, installation and testing of Kennedy's ground systems, the GSDO program and review board briefed the results of their assessments to NASA’s Agency Program Management Council, led by Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot.
Engineers are transforming Kennedy's launch infrastructure to support the SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft. The heavy-lift rocket will be stacked in the Vehicle Assembly Building on the mobile launcher and roll out to Launch Pad 39B atop a modified crawler transporter. The Orion spacecraft will be fueled with propellants in the Multi-Payload Processing Facility at Kennedy prior to stacking atop the rocket. The launch team will use the new command and control system in the firing room as the clock counts down to liftoff of SLS’s first flight.
“The team is working hard and we are making remarkable progress transforming our facilities," said Mike Bolger, GSDO Program Manager. "As we are preparing for NASA's journey to Mars, the outstanding team at the Kennedy Space Center is ensuring that we will be ready to receive SLS and Orion flight hardware and process the vehicle for the first flight in 2018."
The council also heard the results of the Orion CDR, completed at the program level in October 2015. The evaluation assessed the primary systems of the spacecraft, including the capsule’s structures, pyrotechnics, Launch Abort System jettison, guidance, navigation and control and software systems among many other elements.
For the spacecraft’s first mission on the SLS rocket, ESA (European Space Agency) is providing Orion’s service module, which powers, propels, cools and provides consumables like air and water in space. Results from ESA's service module design review, which began this month, will be assessed and incorporated into Orion development and integration plans later this summer. Systems unique to the first crewed flight will be addressed at a review in the fall of 2017.
Progress continues on Orion at NASA facilities across the country. The underlying structure of the crew module arrived at Kennedy in early February for outfitting, which is currently underway. Over the next 18 months, thousands of Orion components will arrive and be installed.
Meanwhile, a structural representation of the service module is being tested at NASA’s Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio, where engineers conducted a successful solar array wing deployment test on Feb. 29 and are preparing for a variety of tests to confirm it can withstand the harsh conditions of launch.
Sorry beste Zita-lezer, we hebben slecht nieuws. Volgens doemdenkers zal onze aarde nog dit jaar ophouden te bestaan: een dodelijke planeet ligt op ramkoers met onze blauwe bol.
Dat is tenminste wat fans van samenzweringen en doemsdagtheorieën denken. Ze geloven dat er een mysterieuze ‘extra’ planeet in ons zonnestelsel aanwezig is. De planeet Nibiru zal plots opduiken en ons allemaal doden. Op zich is de theorie niet zo gek: wetenschappers vonden onlangs bewijzen van het bestaan van een negende planeet. Dus wie weet zijn we allemaal gedoemd.
De planeet zal volgens ‘Breaking Israel News’ op 28 september botsen met de aarde. Je duidt die datum dus best met een vette rode stift aan in je agenda. Overigens hoef je niet meteen te panikeren: dezelfde doemdenkers dachten ook dal dat Nibiru onze planeet in september en december van vorig jaar zou vernietigen.
Bovendien bestaat Nibiru of ‘Planeet X’ niet echt: indien ze wel zou bestaan en op ramkoers zou liggen met de aarde, dan hadden astronomen deze al lang ontdekt.
Supposed sightings of this mysterious beastie go back to AD 565 when a man killed by the monster was pulled from the Loch. But could this legend be more than just a myth?
Cryptozoology is becoming a commonplace word that is in the news from time to time when there are Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot sightings. But some people do not believe it is a viable field of study. Cryptozoology which means study of hidden animals or hidden animal study can be an exciting field of study. But there is no college degree in Cryptozoology. At first people believed that Cryptozoology was a pseudoscience. But this has all changed with the discovery of some hidden animals such as the Komodo Dragon, Mountain Gorilla, Giant Panda, Okapi, and Megamouth shark, just to name a few. The Coelacanth is an excellent example for Cryptozoology, It was once thought to be extinct, until it was rediscovered in 1938, when captured off the Coast of South Africa by a fishing trawler owned by Captain Hendrick Goosen. Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, curator at East London's museum, northeast of Capetown, South Africa, found the fish at a fish market and the rest is history. The fish was named after her in honor of her finding it. It is called Latimeria chalumnae. The Coelacanth is called a "living Fossil" because it was once thought it went extinct 65 million years ago.
Hidden Mysteries of The Loch Ness Monster and other Sea serpents & Dragons 2016
People who are cryptozoologists are in the news looking for Yeti, Bigfoot, Ogopogo, Loch Ness Monster, Sasquatch, Thunderbirds, and Mokele-mbembe to name a few. Champ the lake monster that lives in Lake Champlain is sighted from time to time. But the most famous sighting was in July 1977 when Sandri Mansi took a picture of Champ with her camera when she was on an outing at a the lake. Even though the picture is fuzzy it does show a creature with a long neck and snakelike head sticking out of water. The picture and negative were taken to be analyze.They were found to be a real images and not something that was faked. The picture gives the best evidence that something big lives in the lake. They are still researching on what this creature is. Cryptozoology uses the word "cryptids" (coined by John E, Wall of Manitoba, Canada in 1983) for these hidden animals.
I believe that Cryptozoology can be used in the Bible even though the word is not in there. There arecryptids (hidden animals) that mentioned in the Bible. They are behemoth, leviathan, dragons, satyrs, fiery flying serpents, and unicorns to name a few. In my book, "Biblical Cryptozoology :Revealed Cryptids of the Bible", there is a description of each of these creatures revealed in the Bible. These creatures would fit in the cryptozoology category because they are hidden and have not been revealed as what they truly are. I give only possibilities on what these creatures could be. Take for example, behemoth is only mentioned one time in the King James Bible in the book of Job chapter forty verses fifteen through twenty-four. The description seems to fit a dinosaur, but whatever it was it probably is extinct now. Just look at some of the largest dinosaurs in a natural history museum, such as Diplodocus. You would probably call it behemoth, if you seen it walking around in the flesh. At 84 feet in length with a huge whiplike tail and long neck, it was truly a behemoth. They now have discovered a Titanosaur at 122 feet in length, that is even bigger than Diplodocus.
Cryptozoology is not a pseudoscience by any means but can be an exciting field of study for people who love to study zoology. Important discoveries have been made by men and women who took journeys into the unknown to find elusive creatures that are real. Just look in the science journals of all the discoveries of animals that has been made in the last 100 years. You will be amazed beyond belief. Remember the Coelacanth! It is real, but once was hidden. Go figure!
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'Aliens head for VLADIMIR PUTIN' as UFO spotted over Russian leader’s home city
'Aliens head for VLADIMIR PUTIN' as UFO spotted over Russian leader’s home city
BIZARRE footage has emerged online appearing to show a triangular UFO hovering in the skies over Russian president Vladimir Putin's home city of St Petersburg.
“IT was a clear, dry night. It was really crisp and frosty — just beautiful. You could have read a book with the light off the night sky, but I wasn’t drawn by the light of the stars or the moon but by a bright, surgical, white light coming from the other end of the boreen.”
These are the words of County Limerick man Gerry Battles in the final moments leading up to what he is convinced was an alien abduction near his family home in Pallaskenry on December 26, 2001.
The 61-year-old retired carpenter told the Limerick Post this week that he had been returning home from The Seven Sisters Pubs in Kildimo around 8pm, after having two Christmas drinks with a friend.
“I was only minutes away from my house but it was such a clear and beautiful night that I stopped to gaze at the stars,” he explains.
After being drawn by a bright, otherworldly, white light at the end of the laneway, the next thing he remembers is finding himself aboard a spacecraft with about 40 others — all in a subdued state, standing motionless like statues.
“They were all male, of different age groups, all standing shoulder to shoulder like mannequins. I remember one man next to me wearing a Columbo-style coat and hat. We were all in a state of paralysis, I could only move my eyes, so I couldn’t see much,” Gerry tells me.
“The next thing I remember floating into another bigger chamber with a 360 degree viewing deck. It was then I saw the extraterrestrial. I couldn’t tell how big he was or even if he had arms or legs, all I remember is his big cone head and his beautiful, ginormous eyes. They were jet black, almost like mirrors.
“He spoke to me through telepathy and said: “you are not terrified like the others”.
“No, I am not. Should I be?” Gerry asked.
The alien then quizzed the Limerick grandfather about what he would like to see.
“The North Pole”, came his instant reply.
“The next thing the extraterrestrial gave a command, and in an instant we were at the North Pole. I was in awe. I remember thinking of that line from ‘Star Trek’: “warp speed Mr Sulu”. It was like driving through a snowstorm at 500 miles an hour.”
Gerry admits that anyone he has revealed this fantastical story to thinks he is mad. He laughs when I ask if he has any history of mental illness.
“No, not at all,” he assures me.
This quiet-natured gentleman is adamant that the message relayed to him by the creature he encountered is an important one for all mankind to hear. He feels those who laugh at his tale of alien abduction are “naïve and have small imaginations”, and urges them to open their minds.
The message relayed to Mr Battles on Stephen’s Night 2001 by his alien abductor warned of Planet Earth’s pending doom and predicted that mankind could go the same way as the dinosaurs.
“You have come a long way in such a short space of time but your time is running out,” Gerry was told.
“In 850 years from now, a giant asteroid the size of Munster is going to obliterate your planet. The asteroid will approach your planet from the 35th Quadrant.
We are four million light years more advanced than you are. We have been observing you for Millennia. In all that time you have only excelled at two things — global warfare and lying to your own species.
“You must use the force. Be one with the force. Harness the force,” the alien advised.
Surprisingly, the following part of the intergalactic message sounds more likely to have been relayed by anti-austerity campaigners than Jedi-powered Martians.
“He told me that every one of our governments have been lying to us from day one and not to trust them. He also warned not to trust the banks as they have been lying as well and have a hidden agenda.
“He also forewarned the impending global financial crisis and told me that if we do not change our ways we are going to end up like the dinosaurs.”
Mr Battles has no recollection of how long the abduction lasted and had no memory of it afterwards until the coat he was wearing that night turned up in a most unlikely location.
“A contractor working at the Regional Hospital found the coat up on the hospital roof a few weeks later. I have no idea how it got there. It was only after having the coat returned to me that the events of December 26, 2001, started to come back to me.”
He believes aliens use ‘dark matter’ or ‘dark energy’, an invisible cloaking device, to keep their universe hidden from our own. He is hopeful his story will reach the world’s scientific community and prove useful in helping to finally uncover these distant galaxies.
(Motomachi Street in Yokohama, Japan, where my mother’s incident took place……photo, courtesy of Ambassadors Japan)
MY MOTHER’S ‘FLYING SAUCER’ SIGHTING IN 1975…….DO I BELIEVE HER?…..YES, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT!! by Norio Hayakawa, written on February 5, 2007
Because of my fear of public ridicule, I have not told this true story publicly before, except to my closest friends. It is only just recently that I have decided to go ahead and share this with the public: My beloved mother passed away a few years ago in Yokohama, Japan, at the age of 88. One of the most fascinating things my mother had ever told me happened one bright, clear, cloudless day in the spring of 1975.
I was living in Phoenix, Arizona. I remember receiving from her a most interesting letter. I could see her excitement in that letter. She wrote to me in that letter saying that about 10 days before, she had distinctively observed a silvery, metallic, “flying saucer”-shaped object (with a dome) hovering just over a crowded railway station in Yokohama. It was in broad daylight, around 11:30 a.m. She described the object incredibly as a typical, “flying saucer”, just as “flying saucers” have always been depicted in comic books or in Sci-Fi movies. She said in the letter that it happened while she and her grandson were walking away from the railroad station and walking towards home. (They lived in a busy shopping street called Motomachi Shopping Street…..see the photo above of the street).
She felt as if “something had told her” to turn around and look back towards the railway station. And, Lord, behold, right over the station, she suddenly saw this shiny, silverish, metallic, typical “flying saucer” with a dome hovering over! She immediately pointed to her grandson to turn around and look, and at that very moment, the object was gone…..vanished!
The street was filled with people coming from and going to the railway station. She was so awe-struck that she didn’t even notice anyone observing the object.
(She described to me what she said she saw……exactly like the above, a scene from a Science Fiction movie)
My mother had always been skeptical and always used to ridicule my serious interest in “UFOs”. (In my childhood years, I had always taken a great interest in “UFOs” or “flying saucers”, as they were called then, ever since my father had told me of his sighting of a strange, greenish “ball of fire” slowing moving over Yokohama bay one summer night in 1947, as he was night-fishing, his favorite hobby of many many years. He swore that the object seemed as if it were “intelligently controlled” or “intelligently maneuvering”. He said he had never seen anything like it before. My father had passed away in 1982).
But getting back to my mother, her amazing sighting totally made her a believer. Do I believe her sighting? By allmeans, yes. I have the highest respect for my mother and I totally believe what she said in the letter. I visited my mother a few years later and she confirmed her sighting right to the dot. There is no doubt in my mind that she did see what she said she saw. But what do I think the “flying saucer” she saw is?
After more than 45 years of research behind the UFO phenomenon, I have yet to come to any definitive conclusion as to what UFOs are. Is it a physical phenomenon? a religious apparition? I have no idea. But I can definitely state that I believe my mother saw a “flying saucer”. This is why when a group of experienced pilots and several United Airlines employees reported that they had witnessed a metallic, saucer-shaped object hovering over Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport last November in the late afternoon, I truly believe that they did see what they said they saw, i.e., a metallic, saucer-shaped object….and nothing else. Again, as to what “flying saucers” really are, I haven’t the slightest idea, even after more than 45 years of research.
During my 45 years of research, I have read hundreds and hundreds of sighting reports, analyzed hundreds of documents, seen many many footages of sightings, personally experienced a few sightings which I could not readily explain, interviewed hundreds of eyewitnesses (including some so-called “abductees”) and traveled far and wide to many sightings locations in both Japan and the United States. (I even visited Mexico, Chile and Argentina.)
Surprising as it may sound, after all these personal efforts of many years, I cannot even come close to stating what is behind the UFO phenomena. It still remains a mystery to me. However, after all these years, the bottom line in my view is that we have yet to come up with a single physical, solid, hard, tangible, irrefutable evidence to prove that the UFO phenomena are physical manifestations of physical extraterrestrial intelligent entities from beyond this earth.
I am not saying that the UFO phenomena do not exist. I am simply saying that empirical science, the only discipline available so far that we can rely on to determine a phyiscal existence of a phenomenon, has not come up with any concrete evidence to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that “UFOs” are “nuts-and-bolts” physical craft operated or manipulated and occupied by physical entities from adavanced extrraterrestrial civilizations.
This is why I came to believe that the entire phenomena could even be some form of religious manifestations or religious manipulations by a power which we cannot comprehend simply by physical pursuit, a power which apparently is capable of presenting an “instant” (but only “temporary”) “appearance” or “illusion” of being a physical phenomenon to the observer. Some suggest that it could even be a momentary, holographic intrusion from “parallel intelligence”. Some others even suggest that it could perhaps be some form of “time-slip”, interdimensional “accident”. We just don’t have the answer.
(I have always had the highest respect for Dr. Jacques Vallee, the world’s top authority on the UFO phenomenon in my opinion)
Here is a YouTube item which I dedicated to my late mother:
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Indian Archaeologists Discover Paintings of Ancient Aliens
Indian Archaeologists Discover Paintings of Ancient Aliens
The History Channel got it right! At least that’s the claim of some well-respected scholars operating in the Charama region of India. According to the leader of the archaeologists, J.R. Bhagat, cave art clearly shows that at least 10,000 years ago, aliens were in India. As might be expected, this strange bit of news has been received with considerable skepticism.
Bhagat, employed by the Chhattisgarh State Department of Archaeology and Culture, has gone straight to the top in his quest for additional help. He has contacted both NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization so that they can send experts to check out his amazing discovery. If those experts ever do show up, they’ll have to journey into the largely unexplored network of caves beneath the villages of Chandeli and Gotitola. Oral traditions from the villages include stories of the ‘rohela people,’ small figures who arrived in round flying objects. These figures took away some villagers in their flying object and never returned.
The cave paintings themselves, which have yet to be carbon dated, are said to be 10,000 years old. Natural pigments were used to produce the images, which have faded very little over the millennia since their application to the cave walls. Bhagat and others claim that the paintings depict UFOs, human-like figures with oddly shaped heads, and even individuals wearing spacesuits and holding strange-looking weapons.
Bhagat has also advanced the claim that the alien spacecraft painted on the wall may be the inspiration for Vimanas. Sanskrit epics reference mythical flying palaces or chariots, known as Vimanas. Hinduism spiritual texts, the Vedas, refer to multiple gods and demons using the Vimanas to fly across the sky. As speculation and skepticism continue to hang over these paintings, everyone awaits the word of the world’s foremost student of UFOs, NFL Pro Bowler and Green Bay Packers quarterback, Aaron Rodgers.
LISTEN: 21 reported UFO sightings in Central Queensland
LISTEN: 21 reported UFO sightings in Central Queensland
TO CELEBRATE the new season of X Files, we researched the reported UFO sightings in Central Queensland.
This information was obtained from the UFO Research Queensland Incorporated database.
UFO Research Queensland is a Brisbane based voluntary, non-profit association established in 1956 to receive, research and record sightings.
A Brisbane based researcher is documenting the history of sightings of UFOs in Queensland and would like to hear from anyone who may have had a personal UFO sighting, past or current, or know of such reports from their local area.
1. Rockhampton - August 14, 1952 at 12.05pm.
Note on file from W Scott, Chief test Pilot, GAF. "Flight Townsville-Amberley at height of 35000-36000 feet, in Vampire, near Rockhampton when looking east toward coast saw large circular light at a lower height which could not be estimated due to bad ground haze, colour of ordinary incandescent light globe. After observing for approximately 1 minute a number of small lights (6-10) appear to come from main light. The smaller lights appear to surround big light for about 2 min. then disappeared. After a further 2 min. the big light also disappeared."
2. Rockhampton/Gladstone - August 1-2, 1971 at 11.35pm
A Finnish couple, Ben and Helen K. left Gladstone at about 11.35 p.m. and upon arrival in Rockhampton found that only forty minutes had passed on a trip which would normally have taken much longer. In addition to the rapid trip, they could not recall passing through intervening towns, although they did recall seeing an unusual green light at one stage. Their 1971 Valiant sedan was reportedly covered with a thin film of odourless oil, and unusual marks were noted on the car's bonnet. Attempts at hypnotising the couple were unsuccessful.
3. Zilzie, May 3, 2006 at 9.25- 10.25pm
Our dogs were barking on the back veranda, so I went out to quieten them down. Looked up at the night sky and saw three lights that were not normal. They were star-sized [evening star] and the top light was about size of the end of a biro, with the two underneath about half the size. The lights stayed steady, When viewed through binoculars the three lights were blue with clearly outlined red around the outside, similar to the top of a police car [only they don't fly]. A fourth identical light was seen about a kilometre away. I called my neighbours and they came over to the backyard, By this time I could only see two of these objects, when the neighbours spotted two more. I tried to ring Rockhampton airport, 40 kilometres from where I live, but no go. I then rang the Bureau of Meteorology, but only reached someone in Brisbane. It was a clear night and the event occurred over the mouth of a large creek system and the small town of Keppel Sands.
4. Rockhampton - Occurred in 1970s
I don't think this is a UFO but is very strange. About 30 years ago in Rockhampton, out on the edge of town, I was driving to collect a family member and had to stop on the crest of a hill to figure out what I was seeing. It was just coming on dusk but from this position I could see for miles over the river and treetops towards Gracemere. It appeared there was a long straight split in the sky about five miles away with a phosphorus ooze coming from it. The length of this "split" had to be considerable for me to see it so clearly. I walked forward of the car and back to see this from different angles. I even climbed up some of the hillside on the other side of the road. The thing that convinced me of the distance was that part of this ooze was blocked by the shape of the end of the Range on the other side of the city. It was too high to be power lines, and if this had looked like it was oozing upward I would have thought it some phosphorus gas from lagoons out that way. I wanted to wait for someone else to come along the road, but had to be on time. Has anyone else reported anything like this? I really do hope so.
5. Bajool - April 10, 2008 at 5.15am
I would like to report a UFO sighting which my husband and I experienced at approximately 5.15am on Thursday 10th April, 2008. This was along the Bruce highway about two kilometres south of Bajool which is just south of Rockhampton, Queensland. We were heading south in our car (a late model Nissan Pulsar).
It began when we saw two lights in the sky ahead of us. As the lights got closer they passed over us and we noticed that there were three lights in a triangular shape, with one light in front and two behind. From our perspective the overall width of the object was tens of times wider than our car. We could not guess how far up the lights were from the ground, but we feel it was a substantial height and that the object or objects must have been quite enormous. Approximately one minute elapsed from when we first saw the lights until they had gone. The lights seemed silent and made no noise that we could hear over the car's engine. The lights could have been three separate objects or one object with three lights on it. We couldn't tell for sure but would guess that it was one large object. The lights then must have gone straight up into the air, as they got smaller and went out of sight.
6. Yeppoon, reported 2001, happened 1997
An object like the moon was seen descending at an angle of 45 degrees. It was perfectly round like a five cent piece with no trail or tail. It was observed for 3 seconds. The witness was looking north north-east and the object was about 10kms away.
7. Marlborough - 1992/93
A woman and her family lived and worked on a cattle station and had gone to Rockhampton to shop. They were returning at night and saw a light below them while driving over a range. The light then passed over them and seemed the size of a dinner plate. As they approached home, a man walked out onto the track in front of them, and next moment the light was there. She next remembers arriving at their bungalow very tired, and decided to leave the groceries in their vehicle and go straight to bed. Her partner refused to talk about the incident. She has had encounters since.
8. Mt Morgan - June 6, 2003 at 7pm
A man was looking east and saw bright light flash across his view moving south to north. It was incredibly bright compared to the stars, had no tail, and made no sound. It was too fast to be an aircraft and appeared to come down as it moved, changing its angle of elevation from about 30 degrees to 25 degrees as it crossed about 20 degrees of sky. Its glow remained constant and it was lost behind a hill.
9. Tieri - 1982-83
In about 1982 or '83 my family moved to a new mining town called Tieri which is about one hour north-east of Emerald. At the time there was no street lighting so the night sky was very clear. At about 7.00 or 8.00 in the evening I was riding my bike down the street not far from my home. For some reason I looked up at the sky and saw what I thought was a very bright satellite moving across the sky. It moved at a steady almost satellite-like speed, but then began doing perfect and seemingly random 90 degree turns in the sky. It did this for about 10-15 seconds and then shot off and disappeared.
10. Thangool - July 2003
A woman reported that a couple of years previously she went to bed and woke up before dawn to see a being standing at the end of her bed. It had a wide head going to a narrow chin and round eyes that were completely white. It was dressed in tight fitting outfit. She felt this was an ET and it was evil. The experience 'creeped' her out and she had not had any other experiences since.
11. Rockhampton - 1990
A man was driving on the highway about 30 minutes south of Rockhampton. The incident occurred in the evening when he drove up a hill to then look down into a valley. This is where he saw what he first thought was a plane about to crash but which turned out to be a cigar-shaped object about "the size of the body of the largest plane and about two storeys high" which came to hover just below tree height. He pulled his car off the road and got out to get a better look at what he was seeing.
The object travelled about 20kms/hr and silently glided over him only 15 to 20 metres above without "making a whisper". It was very brightly lit and seemed to be shiny [not metallic] but like colour bonded steel in a "bright orange colour". It had 10 windows around it "about 3/4 the size of an average bedroom window" which were all square at the bottom but coming to a peak at the top like "windows of a church".
The front "windscreen" of the object had "full panel windows" [meaning from floor to ceiling] that were completely black which went right around the front and slightly around to the objects sides. The windows were so black the witness could not see anything inside and he "got the impression they were one way windows". The object looked very solid and had "no seams" which made it look like it was "pre-finished". It also appeared "very solid" to the witness and "well built, not like anything we have here".
The witness said he got the impression the object was made for underwater travel as well as through the air. I quizzed him why he thought this but all he would say was "that was the impression I got". He estimated the object to be as bright as 1000 watts and he said he "got a really good look at it since it was so close". He also saw what seemed to be square landing pods underneath it that had "the roughness of acorns" on them "possibly for good traction". He watched the object for 3 minutes in total "enough time to get a really good look at it".
While he was parked and looking at the object another car came over the hill and ran off the side of the road but did not stop. It was obvious to the witness that the driver of the other car saw the object too.
12. Rubyvale Rd, Clermont - April 18, 2007 at 10.40pm
I witnessed a very bright, to sharp white light, seemed sharper than the white background of this email page, and not to be likened to any Automotive 12- or 24-volt lights, or lights from a residence or camplight. It seemed as though it may have landed, due to the shadows of what seemed like lights behind tree branches, and the way the light seemed to be going in a upward elevation. The light was very, very bright.
13. Rockhampton - April 19, 2001 at 7am
A woman observed and obtained video footage of a black object well out to sea and travelling straight. It was white on top and red underneath. The video was posted to us and examined. It showed a pencil shaped object and a contrail about 10 times longer than the object. It is understood that military exercises were being conducted in that area around that time, and it is likely that this was an unusual but conventional aircraft.
14. Rockhampton - October 20, 2005 at 9.30pm
We were in the car park of the Rockhampton Airport around 9:30pm. We had not long landed from a flight from Brisbane, and were heading to our car when I noticed a light in the sky moving quite strangely, It was in the northish area and it was a quite far away. It was coming towards us, but at intervals it would speed-up then stop, then go again then stop, It must have done this ten times or more before it was nearly right over head. The light was white and strobe-like, dull to very bright in no apparent order, It also seemed to do small circles in the sky. Myself and a friend could not explain what we were looking at, as neither of us have seen anything like this before. It did not act like any plane or helicopter I've ever seen before.
15. Rockhampton - July 20-21 1999 at 9.10pm
An orange light was observed in the east-south-east sky by 3 witnesses. They made no noise as they watched for 5 minutes as it went overhead. Then they saw another one moving smoothly before hovering in one spot. The lights were brighter than a star and 3 to 4 times bigger than a star.
16. Rockhampton - 1973
Have you any reports of UFO activity over Rockhampton around 1973? I was in the army at the time on the original Kangaroo 1 exercise. We saw some really strange sightings over three nights. At the time I think it was the biggest peace-time international military exercise since WW2. We heard a lot of radio traffic from Rocky airport relating to the activity of these strange craft, which our unit could not explain - they were not supposed to be there at the time. The military have probably hidden any evidence, but you may be able to track down a former air traffic controller of the time. [If anybody has heard or knows anything more about these events please contact us - PP]
17. Rockhampton - 1972/73
A man was driving at dusk when he got a bit tired and pulled over to have a cigarette. He saw a white light in the Northern sky which travelled across his line of vision from left to right. It then did a complete 90 degree turn to the east and disappeared out of sight behind trees. The whole event happened very fast and only too about 4 seconds.
18. Emerald - March 15, 2002 at 8pm
Six witnesses observed an orange light steadily approaching them and making no sound. 3 flares shot out and it stopped while one flare came down. Then it moved southwest and faded. It was first seen in the southeast at an elevation of 45 to 50 degrees. The witness also reported seeing a UFO over a big dam in the area [Fairburn Dam] about 10 years ago. He observed it for 10 minutes. When he was a kid [30 to 35 years ago] he saw a saucer nest on a golf course which was about 20 feet in diameter. There was a circular depression in the reeds and the top of the grass was flattened.
One of the other witnesses called in with her version of events. She stated that an orange light was travelling west going slowly in the direction of Fairburn Dam. It was going across the sky, lower than a satellite, higher than a plane, and round in shape. It was travelling across the sky getting lower. She was looking south to begin and looking SW when she lost sight of the object. She estimated it was about 60 degrees above the horizon and 3 times bigger than a star. She also observed there were a lot of shooting stars that night.
19. Clermont - June 5, 2010 at 6am
At about 6.00am, Saturday morning 5th day of June 2010, I saw a weird light in the eastern sky. It was travelling very slowly, and looked to be about 200 meters above the trees. This was on a mine site in central Queensland. There were no flashing lights as on planes or choppers. It had several lights on it, the main light was on the front and seemed to be pointing downwards. The object was slightly covered by fog or cloud, but the morning was crystal clear with no cloud or fog. The object slowly turned away from me and faded and totally disappeared from sight. Several people saw the same light -- maybe some one else saw this also.
[Editor's note: As this sighting took place at the same time a mysterious spiral light was observed over the Australian east coast, the witness was asked if televised film footage of the spiral light matched the object he saw over Central Queensland. His response follows:]
I saw the spiral light on TV but it looked different -- the one I saw looked more like a machine of sorts. It would only have been a kilometre away from us. It seemed so slow, but I probably only watched it for a minute or so before it veered away and disappeared. The one on TV looked a long way away. Also some friends in north Queensland on a remote cattle property saw something similar on the Saturday morning, low to the trees, about 6.45am.
20. Blackwater - July 22-23, 2006 at 7.25pm
I would like to draw your attention to a possible UFO sighting at Blackwater Queensland on the nights of July 22nd and July 23rd.
At about 7:25pm on the 22nd of July I returned home from work and noticed what I first thought was the Southern Cross star formation which was very bright. I looked again and noticed there where only three stars. Thinking that I had made a mistake I searched for the Southern Cross and found it in the correct place, then rechecked the position of the three other objects -- they had moved. I called out to my wife and she saw them as well. The objects appeared to be very large bright stars, orange-red in colour, to the right side of the Southern Cross and moving slowly west. They were visible for about five minutes.
Sunday 23rd July: On returning home tonight my wife and our next door neighbour witnessed another sighting at about 6:25pm. except there were twelve objects moving east to west and lower in the sky, the same colour and brightness, except this time one of the objects broke away and moved in a southerly direction. I would like to know if there is any natural or other explanation for what we witnessed.
21. Blackwater - August/September 2006
In August or September 2006 my sister was living in Blackwater about 45 minutes east of Emerald. She had just finished afternoon shift at one of the local mines and was driving home. She said she saw 20 orange/gold coloured flying objects in the sky. They weren't flashing like normal aircraft but maintained their colour. There was a car in front of her who she thinks must have seen them too as they began to swerve a little, but she doesn't know who they are. She called my mum who lives in Blackwater to see if she had heard or seen helicopters fly overhead as she thought that's what they might be. My mum heard and saw nothing. I now live in Sydney but always remember the strange things that happened in Central Queensland. I don't know what UFOs are but I know I saw one. And I'm pretty sure my sister saw 20 of them.
Gabriel Font, a native of Reus, discusses the questioning to which he was subjected after seeing a phenomenon – from the control tower – which the Army investigated and kept “classified” for 24 years. Gabriel Font, 68, a native of Reus, spent decades in silence about the unidentified flying object (UFO) he saw on 13 May 1969 from his duty post, as he fulfilled his national service requirements at the Reus Air Base. “I didn’t tell anyone. Only my wife and daughters knew about it. They believed me, but didn’t give it much importance.”
The confidential nature of that event, transformed into a dossier and an investigation by the Army, kept him from disclosing any details. Following the sighting, Font and others working in the control tower (or who were mobilized on account of the sighting) were summoned for eyewitness statements. “A few days later they called us to the hangar, where a captain had his offices.
We showed up in our best outfits, because it was all very formal, and they asked us: ‘What did you see’?” explains Font, who can now openly say what he replied at the time, in a moment full of tension and certain astonishment. “We saw a very bright light near Quatre Carreteres. Then it moved and wound up vanishing. A lieutenant colonel happened to be in the air at the time and he was ordered to fly there, but saw nothing. Some went up to the [control] tower. Some eight or nine people gathered there.”
He says that after telling their stories, the captain adjured them. “He told us that what he had seen was secret, and if we said something, we would be court-martialed. It was very strong stuff. It shocked and frightened me…I was only 19 years old.” No one spoke of it again. Gabriel completed his military service in the capital city of the Baix Camp without ever mentioning the case again, which was marked Classified and included in a report with the heading “Strange Phenomena Sightings”, bearing the seals, signatures and flourishes of the senior military staff. That dossier, along with many others (some of which also occurred in Reus or Tarragona), was declassified in 1993, as stated in el Diari de Tarragona last Sunday, breaking down the investigations carried out by the Defense Ministry in regard to certain UFO cases, due to a recent CIA declassification in the United States. “I had no evidence that there was a dossier, although the investigation must have been a fact since I testified,” he says, while providing detail about his duties. “I aided my sergeant in the tower, going for the flight plans, helping where I could…,” he recalls. “There wasn’t much activity in the aerodrome at the time.
They were basically military operations, and the first charter flights were starting to arrive. Sometimes pilots from abroad would bring the control tower staff a present, such as packs of cigarettes,” he adds. His story coincides with the testimony offered by sergeants or controllers at the time, captured by the documentation in the hands of the Spanish air force authorities. The dossier mentions a “bright, motionless dot, evenly illuminated but for the exception of elongated spots of higher intensity, yellow in color,” according to the traffic controller’s description of the object through binoculars. “Was it a weather balloon?” Font now wonders. As with many of those inquiries, there was no conclusive result.
After several consultations, however, also documented in the papers that remained classified for 24 years, the likelihood of a weather balloon was dismissed. It was suggested that “the hypothesis of a reflection, visible from a single direction” was the answer to the phenomenon. The conjecture is based on the fact that there were several airplanes in flight, among them five Portuguese ones and a two-seater. “That thing wasn’t a reflection. I don’t know what it was, but I know it was there and we all saw it,” says Font.
Human Skull Found in Greece Challenges the Out of Africa Theory of Evolution
Human Skull Found in Greece Challenges the Out of Africa Theory of Evolution
There are many discoveries that challenge the well-established scientific beliefs of evolution, but most of them are being denied or covered-up by the elites who have a certain interest in keeping history as it is.
In 1959, a narrow cave was found in Northern Greece by a shepherd boy. When venturing inside with a couple of local villagers, they’ve discovered the cave was rich in minerals and after further digging inside out of curiosity, the locals found an out of place relic – a human skull embedded in a cave-wall. Later excavations unearthed many fossil remains of pre-humans, animals, and tools made of bone and stone.
The skull was extracted from the Petralona cave where it had been discovered and was furtherly sent to the University Thessaloniki in Greece for a more detailed research. Archaeologists agreed that after a complete study had been conducted, the skull will be sent to the local museum where its history would be known to others.
However, this never happened since the analysis of the skull revealed it had been trapped inside that cave for approximately 700,000 years, making it the oldest human eropeoid of the age ever discovered in Europe. Dr. Paulianos who researched the skull revealed that ‘The Petralona Man’ evolved independently in Europe and he was not a descendent of any of the species that came out of Africa.
In other words, the skull held clear evidence of a different evolutionary path followed by humans in Europe that directly contradicted with the ‘Out of Africa’ theory, a doctrine accepted by modern science.
In 1964, a group of German researchers tried to debunk the findings of Dr. Paulianos by claiming that the skull was nearly 50,000 years old and that it was in fact from a species of humans originating from Africa. However, analysis conducted in 1971 by a team of US researchers showed once again that the Petralona skull was indeed 700,000 years old. They managed to establish the date based on the examination of the caves sediments and stratigraphy.
Scientists from twelve countries ran different tests on the skull. All of them received similar results that credit the work of Dr. Paulino as being correct. Research continued until 1983 when Greece was taken over by a dictatorship which ordered for all remains found in the cave to be deprived of public access, including foreign researchers. That’s when the challenging discovery remained on hold for more than 15 years, and the Greek government offered no viable argument for their decision.
The issue was later taken to court by the Anthropological Society of Greece and scientists were once again given free access to the cave. This was a minor victory whatsoever, since the Ministry of Culture has allegedly tried to get the courts to rule in their favor and once again restrict the access to the site. I know it comes hard to believe from a democratic point of view, but no conclusive argument was given by the Greek government as to why they wanted the cave secured.
Researchers today have determined the skull is that of Homo Erectus, an ancient hominid, but it also has characteristics of Neanderthals and strong European traits as well. According to the latest tests, the skull appears to be either Homo Sapiens or part Homo Sapiens, thus putting the skull in direct conflict with the ‘out of Africa’ theory.
Dr. Poulianos’ findings reject the ‘out of Africa’ theory, reason for why his research was deliberately suppressed in today’s academic circles. The doctor and his wife were also assaulted and injured in their home back in 2012. To dig deeper into the wound, the Greek government deprived him and his team of further access to the cave where he intended to finalize the research. To cover-up the story, a sign has been placed outside the cave stating that the skull discovered inside is 300,000 years old, and Wikipedia today has dated the skull even younger.
The reason why the government of Greece is harshly suppressing the finds of Dr. Paulianos may be obvious for some of you, but to highlight the main idea – if the research conducted so far is proven to be correct, it means that human beings didn’t just originated from Africa; they were found scattered throughout the entire globe, thus proving the entire theory of evolution served by modern science is all but untrue. It’s the same with the Native Americans, where the accepted theory of evolution asserts they came across the Alaskan land bridge into the Americas, while the aboriginals insist their ancestors where always present in the Americas.
Once again, we have further proof that modern history is teaching us some serious lies. It appears that information not fitting into the general accepted paradigm is either being covered-up or dismissed as fables. The skull from Greece proves the scientific path that’s now being followed is rotten and controlled. REAL science should follow the tracks and change the until-now-accepted beliefs where it is the case.
Professor C.G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor of the University of Cambridge sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture in Greece stating that the correct date of the skull is 700,000 years old instead of 300,000. See the letter below.
The Greek Ministry of Education, Religions, Culture and Sports,
Bouboulinas 20-22,
Athens 106 82,
5 September 2012
Dear Sir,
I am writing on behalf of the European Anthropological Association, which is the umbrella professional and academic association linking all of the national European biological anthropology and human biology societies, to express our concerns about the conservation of the Petralona Cave and Skull, the misinformation of the dating of the skull, as well as the treatment of personnel associated with the conservation of the Cave.
The bases of our concerns are that the skull has been damaged through many scratches and the crown of a tooth (1st molar) cut off. As requested by Anthropological Association of Greece what is required is a detailed description of the present status of the skull, so that no one in future can arbitrarily damage it further. There is also the problem of dating which has been scientifically dated at about 700,000 years ago not 300,000 as is given at the information desk. There is a very detailed record of the excavations and findings which need to receive further public presentation but which have never been catalogued so as to prevent specimens going missing.
It is very unfortunate that the Greek Archaeological Department stopped Dr Aris Poulianos from further work in the Cave without any explanation. It is also very worrying that Dr Poulianos and his wife were physically attacked and injured in their home earlier this year and the culprits have not been found. He was also verbally abused when attempting to give an invited presentation to teachers and school children.
Senior anthropologists and geologists have also been denied access to the Cave and the specimens for further study on a number of occasions without substantive reasons. Earlier this year there has also been misinformation given to the Greek Parliament concerning financial aspects of the Cave.
I look forward to receiving answers to these questions.
Yours faithfully
Professor C G N Mascie-Taylor MA, PhD, ScD (all Cambridge), FSB, FNAS (Hungary)
Professor of Human Population Biology and Health and President of the European Anthropological Association
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Thule, Vril, Nazis, and UFOs, and Hollow Earth
Thule, Vril, Nazis, and UFOs, and Hollow Earth
Excerpts from: Allied Union, Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society [Page 1]
There are two secret societies that have been working in unison with Supriem Rockefeller. These are the Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society (Gesellschaft), and we will cover both here.
For those who know anything at all about how Hitler rose to power have heard about them both, because they influenced the political climate in Germany behind the scenes and were the forces that helped bringing The Fuhrer to power.
At that time, they wanted to usher in the 3rd Reich, where Hitler would be the leader. Although many of Hitler’s (and the Priesthood’s) goals were reached during WW II (the creation of the UN and the migration of Jews to Israel to mention two that they accomplished), the mission only took the Internationalists so far. Now it’s time to ring in the 4th Reich, which will be the final One World Government. The Fourth Reich is actually what they used to call it, but Supriem has his own name for the future World Government he is trying to build....
he Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ‘Study Group for Germanic Antiquity’, was a German occultist and völkisch group [group for the people] in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the Nazi Party.
The Thule Society has, so I’m told, a huge base in Antarctica as well, which also is the place where the Priesthood takes their secret man-made UFOs into space. They even have plans to make Antarctica a sovereign state in the near future, a state outside the One World Government. The Vril Society, in control of Vril Power, and the Thule Gesellschaft are tightly interwoven. The Vril Society is actually the Inner Circle of Thule and they work with the U.S. Government and have done so since the end of WW II when German Thule and Vril members were secretly moved over to the United States in a project called “Operation Paperclip”.
This is not science fiction, but truly what is going on in the Inner Core of the Thule and theVril. Again, I need to emphasize to the reader that even if you don’t believe a word of this, it’s irrelevant. They believe it and have built at least two very complicated secret societies around it — and these societies are quite powerful and influential:
“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” (Aryans) and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people” because of climatic changes upon the planets."
In 1938 a German expedition to ANTARCTICA was made with the aircraft carrier Schwabenland (Swabia). 600,000 km2 of an ice-free area with lakes and mountains were declared German territory, the NEUSCHWABENLAND (New Swabia). Whole fleets of submarines of the 21 and 23 series were later headed towards Neuschwabenland.
Today about one hundred German submarines are still unaccounted for, some equipped with the Walter snorkel, a device that allowed them to stay submerged for several weeks, and it can be assumed that they fled to Neuschwabenland with the dismantled flying disks or at least the construction plans. Again it must be assumed that since the test flights had been very successful some so-called flying saucers have flown directly there at the end of the war. Perhaps some may think these assumptions to be a bit on the daring side, but there are strong indications that it may well have happened that way.
There is a question why in 1947 ADMIRAL E. BYRD led an invasion of ANTARCTICA, why he had 4,000 soldiers, a man-of-war, a fully equipped aircraft carrier and a functioning supply system at his command if it was a mere expedition? He had been given eight months for the exercise, but they had to stop after eight weeks and high losses of planes undisclosed even today. What had happened?
According to the Thule and lots of other other independent researchers, another disc left Antarctica in 1945 with both Hitler and Maria Orsic on board. This craft was heading not for Mars, but for Aldebaran.
UFO Sightings 2016 | The Most Incredible UFOs Ever Caught | FOX NEWS
UFO Sightings 2016 | The Most Incredible UFOs Ever Caught | FOX NEWS
UFO Sightings 2016 | The Most Incredible UFOs Ever Caught | FOX NEWS Reason: Research and to make sure, that the original video still are online (and for free use), You know: The *free* press …
May I suggest, that You make *copies* of Your video, please – to protect Yourself and Your news, the video documentation (if the government finds You) Creative Commons-License
They might kill you and your video, but they can not destroy the copies which we have done.
UFO Sightings 2016 | The Most Incredible UFOs Ever Caught | FOX NEWS
UFO Sightings 2016 | The Most Incredible UFOs Ever Caught | FOX NEWS
UFO Sightings 2016 | The Most Incredible UFOs Ever Caught | FOX NEWS Reason: Research and to make sure, that the original video still are online (and for free use), You know: The *free* press …
May I suggest, that You make *copies* of Your video, please – to protect Yourself and Your news, the video documentation (if the government finds You) Creative Commons-License
They might kill you and your video, but they can not destroy the copies which we have done.
An Ohio witness at Columbus reported watching a silent, triangle UFO, that appeared to be translucent green moving under the cloud cover on March 15, 2016, according to testimony in Case 75230 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness saw a pale green triangle UFO crossing the sky. Pictured: Columbus International Airport seen from the International Space Station. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness was outside walking north along a driveway heading toward a trash bin about midnight.
“I happened to look up and saw a huge, pale green, almost translucent triangular shape,” the witness stated.“I was able to see it for a few seconds before it disappeared over the trees.”
The witness described the object.
“It seemed to be possibly several hundred feet up under the overcast sky and was completely silent. There were no blinking lights, but the object glowed as if lit from within. I estimate that its speed was over a hundred mph and it appeared to be ‘gliding’ in a straight line going northward.”
The object seemed to be just several hundred feet in the air. Pictured: Columbus skyline. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The sighting was a little upsetting for the witness.
“Seeing the object made me stop dead in my tracks and made me feel a little nervous. I went inside and described what I had seen to my father and then went back outside to look at the sky for a while longer, but saw no other activity. There were no planes or helicopters in the sky when I saw the object or afterwards.”
Ohio MUFON Field Investigator Tim Kelly is investing this case which was reported to MUFON on March 16, 2016. No images or videos were included with the report.
The UFO appeared to be gliding silently over the city. Pictured: Short North district in Columbus, OH. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Columbus is the capital and largest city in Ohio, population 835,957. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Green UFO Caught Over Cajarc, France On March 28, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Green UFO Caught Over Cajarc, France On March 28, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 28, 2016 Location of sighting: Cajarc, France Source: MUFON #75501 This green UFO was seen in France this week and it looks like its cloak was revealed because of the angle of the setting sun in the distance. He saw it with the naked eye, and followed it with his camera. Excellent catch of a light ship, Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I was taking pictures of French mountains with a friend, using long exposure time, on a small path close to the town, when I saw a strange light among the clouds. I first thought it was the moon but then I remembered it was a day of new moon. Besides, it was moving slowly, back and forth laterally. I was fascinated, I did not know what it could be at all, but it was beautiful, so I took a picture. It is a 10 seconds exposure so the object is blurry because of its motion. The light around it looked unreal, as if it was a very powerful but very far object, above the mountains. That is why I thought then it was an UFO. My friend was amazed too. Gradually, the light became dimmer, and the object vanished in the dark in a few seconds. All that remained were clouds. We got home.
Three UFOs Flying Over Mudgee, Australia On March 27, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Three UFOs Flying Over Mudgee, Australia On March 27, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: March 27, 2016 Location of sighting: Mudgee, Australia He is using an infrared converted cam to see these UFOs. A normal camera cannot see most of these. Colourufo of Youtube is an expert at it and hunts on almost a daily basis. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
The camera was using: CANON. A.X 25. Full H D. camera.
Unidentified flying objects over Wilmington, Massachusetts?
Unidentified flying objects over Wilmington, Massachusetts?
Location:Deming way extention Wilmington, MA Date:March 19th, 2016, about 11pm Submitted by Lisa Marie
Witness report:Two blue space crafts, one bigger than the other, the smaller one emerging from bigger one, shooting around the moon. The moon changed shape at end of sighting
Location:Newton Abbot Devon UK Date: 25th of March 2016 at 11:12 AM Submitted by John
Witness report:I was out sky watching when I noticed two powered paragliders heading in my direction. I then saw a large sphere shaped object that descended between the two powered paragliders. Then another larger sphere appeared right next to the other sphere. The two spheres then disappeared from sight. Luckily I was looking through the viewfinder on my camera and managed to photograph this amazing event. I also noticed and photographed a smaller object that passed by the first powered paraglider.
Location: French mountains Date: March 2016 Submitted by Norbert
Witness report:Friend of mine Peter M found something weird going through his pictures taken in the French mountains a couple days ago. He said he was trying to take a picture of the building and the environment. Could there be blimps in Europe (Puy St. Vincent) at such high altitudes? (They were snowboarding)
Witness report:Can you, or one of your members shed some light on this? I was in Fredericksburg TX this weekend and was trying to shoot some multiple exposure star trails. I shot this one test photo for a 30 second exposure in order to check camera settings. Can you shed some light on what those two light trails are? This photo was shot from a tripod.
Coast to Coast AM: Aurora UFO Crash with Jim Marrs
Coast to Coast AM: Aurora UFO Crash with Jim Marrs
Coast to Coast AM: Aurora UFO Crash/ Quantum Science & Spirit Date:Monday – March 28, 2016 Host:George Noory Guests: Jim Marrs, Mark Anthony
In the first half, author and journalist Jim Marrs discussed the Aurora, Texas UFO crash of 1897,which he considers to be the “smoking gun” of the UFO issue. It’s early date belies the explanation that it could have been a misidentified aircraft, as it was six years before the Wright Brothers first flew their planes, he noted. The date fits into the context of the ‘Great Airship Mystery’ of 1896-7, in which a large cigar-shaped object was seen in the skies of numerous American states. The Dallas Morning News reported that the airship hit a windmill on a judge’s property and crashed, and that the pilot who died was “not of this world.”
The alleged being was buried in the Aurora cemetery (a replica of the headstone is pictured here) but later efforts to exhume the body were rebuffed. He said he investigated the grave, and it appears that government agents may have pulled something, possibly metallic pieces, from the site. Marrs also cautioned that pharmaceutical companies may be moving in on the medical marijuana market. He weighed in on the current US presidential cycle and expressed concern that Trump may end up runningas a third party candidate if he’s knocked out in a brokered convention, and this will likely give the victory to Clinton.
For nearly a century, scientists have struggled with the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which appears to break the classical laws of physics.
It seems to show that pairs of sub-atomic particles can be invisibly connected in a way that transcends time and space.
Now, a groundbreaking experiment has provided the clearest proof yet that this quantum effect - which Albert Einstein famously dismissed as 'spooky action at a distance' - is in fact real.
Scroll down for video
A Dutch team has proven that 'spooky action at a distance' is real using entangled electrons held in tiny diamond traps 0.8 miles (1.3km) apart on opposite sides of the campus at Delft University
In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed by one affects the behaviour of the other, even if they are separated by huge distances.
This means if you measure, 'up' for the spin of one photon from an entangled pair, the spin of the other, measured an instant later, will be 'down' - even if the two are on opposite sides of the world.
Entanglement takes place when a part of particles interact physically. For instance, a laser beam fired through a certain type of crystal can cause individual light particles to be split into pairs of entangled photons.
The theory that so riled Einstein is also referred to as 'spooky action at a distance'. Einstein wasn't happy with theory, because it suggested that information could travel faster than light.
Quantum entanglement describes how the state of one sub-atomic particle can instantly influence the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are.
80 Year Old Debate On Nature Of Reality: Was Einstein Wrong?
This offended Einstein, since passing information between two points in space faster than the speed of light is supposed to be impossible.
In 1964, the scientist John Stewart Bell devised an experiment designed to rule out hidden variables that could offer a non-weird explanation for 'action at a distance'.
But all the 'Bell tests' performed still contained 'loopholes' that, according to critics, could invalidate proof of entanglement.
Now, writing in the journal Nature, scientists say two of the most important loopholes have been closed by a new version of the test.
The Dutch team entangled electrons held in tiny diamond traps 0.8 miles (1.3km) apart on opposite sides of the campus at Delft University.
They did this in such a way that there was no chance of them 'secretly' communicating.
Nor was there any possibility of a subset of paired particles being detected that was not representative of all those present.
Electrons have a magnetic property known as 'spin' that can be pointing either up or down.
Until they are observed, there is no way of telling which of the two states they possess.
In fact, due to quantum weirdness they are in a 'superposition' of both at the same time.
Reality only kicks in when an observation is made, in much the same way that a flicked and spinning coin only shows a head or tails face when caught.
Quantum entanglement describes how the state of one sub-atomic particle can instantly influence the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. This offended Albert Einstein, since passing information between two points in space faster than the speed of light is supposed to be impossible
80-year-old debate on nature of reality: Was Einstein wrong?
Lead scientist Professor Ronald Hanson said: 'Things get really interesting when two electrons become entangled.
The Dutch team entangled electrons held in tiny diamond traps 0.8 miles (1.3km) apart on opposite sides of the campus at Delft University.
It then did the Bell test which does a measurement on two sides of an entangled pair choosing randomly between possible 'questions' at both sides.
Depending on which question is asked, a different property is measured.
The new test used pairs of single electrons, to make sure that all the entangled pairs were measured, allowing the team to close the detection loophole.
The 0.8 miles (1.3km) distance between detectors was also too far to allow light to travel between them in the time it took to ask a question and get an answer. This closed the locality loophole.
If found that the 'spooky action at a distance' phenomenon was indeed real.
'Both are then up and down at the same time, but when observed one will always be down and the other one up.
'They are perfectly correlated, when you observe one, the other one will always be opposite.
'That effect is instantaneous, even if the other electron is in a rocket at the other end of the galaxy.'
Other particle properties can be entangled the same way.
The Bell test does a measurement on two sides of an entangled pair choosing randomly between possible 'questions' at both sides.
Depending on which question is asked, a different property is measured.
The new test used pairs of single electrons, to make sure that all the entangled pairs were measured, allowing the team to close the detection loophole.
In addition, the 0.8 miles (1.3km) distance between detectors was too far to allow light to travel between them in the time it took to ask a question and get an answer. This closed the locality loophole.
'It's exciting because, despite the reluctant acceptance by scientists that quantum physics really does seem to produce what Einstein called 'spooky action at a distant', said nanotech expert Professor John Morton, from University College London, said.
Quantum Mechanics: a particle two states at the same time?
It remains profoundly unintuitive and throws up challenging philosophical questions.
'Previous demonstrations of the Bell test have had significant 'loop-holes', which can be used to explain away the results without having to accept the existence of this 'spooky action', while this new demonstration by Hanson and co-workers closes the most significant loop-holes present in previous tests.
'Second, performing this experiment required overcoming major practical challenges, and its success represents a milestone in mankind's ability to control light and matter at the deepest level and over long distances.'
'This is a brilliant demonstration of how different quantum phenomena are from classical experience, underpinning the expectation that quantum technology will open up unprecedented capabilities to improve the future,' said Professor Kai Bongs, from Birmingham University.
The experiment has a potentially practical application, showing that quantum entanglement can be used as an encryption technique to allow super-secure communication.
Evidence for the existence of a “new” Ninth Planet, 10 times the Earth’s mass and lurking on the outer rim of the Solar System, just got a little bit firmer with the announcement of a new KBO.
But this distant world would be no pipsqueak, like the other icy, planetary embryos that we’ve discovered in the Kuiper Belt.
In fact, Brown and his team calculated a mass for the object of approximately 10 times the Earth’s, suggesting that it was the incipient core of a giant planet (like Jupiter or Saturn) that was jostled in the early phases of the Solar System’s formation, and rudely ejected into an astonishing 149 billion-kilometer (92 billion-mile) orbit, or nearly 75 times more distant than Pluto.
That means the hypothetical planet’s “year” can last anywhere from 10,000-20,000 terrestrial years.
Now, the evidence for the existence of such an object is indirect—specifically, the effect it seems to be having on neighboring outer Solar System bodies, called Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). Six of these objects had been detected with wildly eccentric orbits, including the large planetoid Sedna, with an orbital period of 11,000 years.
Image of a slide showing the orbits of the KBOs suspected of betraying the presence of a Planet Nine. The orbit of the newly discovered, seventh KBO is the largest (“uo3L91”). Credit: OSSOS via Mike Brown’s Twitter feed.
“Hey Planet Nine fans, a new eccentric KBO was discovered. And it is exactly where Planet Nine says it should be,” Mike Brown tweeted. Furthermore, he says, the new object “takes the probability of this being a statistical fluke down to ~.001% or so.”
Whether this hypothetical, 10 Earth-mass planet is the famed “Nemesis” object, said to be responsible for cometary influxes that cause mass extinctions on Earth, remains to be seen (though astronomers are, understandably, skeptical); but with the detection of uo3L91, the case for something massive lurking in the outer Solar System, and affecting the orbits of distant planetoids, just got a little bit stronger.
But we’ll have to wait and see. Perhaps more such detections will let us nail down the giant planet’s orbital path; maybe then we’ll be able to snap a picture of it with some next-gen Earth-based telescope.
Till then, keep your eyes peeled for more eccentric KBOs.
STERRENKUNDEWetenschappers zeggen nieuw bewijs gevonden te hebben voor het bestaan van Planeet X, een negende, nog niet ontdekte planeet in ons zonnestelsel. Het nieuwe bewijs is een object in de Kuipergordel met een onregelmatige baan. De enige mogelijke verklaring, aldus de onderzoekers, is de aanwezigheid van een planeet.
Hey Planet Nine fans, a new eccentric KBO was discovered. And it is exactly where Planet Nine says it should be.
De nieuwe studie moet nog beoordeeld en gepubliceerd worden, maar het nieuws werd op Twitter al bekendgemaakt door astronoom Mike Brown. Brown is een van de onderzoekers die eerder dit jaar melding maakten van het bestaan vaneen negende, nog niet ontdekte planeet in ons zonnestelsel.
Planeet X zou zich aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel bevinden en zou 10.000 tot 20.000 jaar doen over zijn elliptische baan om de zon. De onderzoekers schatten dat hij een massa heeft van tien keer de aarde en dat hij op Neptunus en Uranus lijkt, ijsklompen aan de rand van het zonnestelsel.
De nieuwe planeet werd nog niet echt gezien. Ontdekkers Mike Brown en Konstantin Batygin leidden het bestaan ervan af van de banen van recent ontdekte dwergplaneten in de Kuipergordel, het buitengebied van het zonnestelsel. De onregelmatigheden in die banen zijn alleen te verklaren door de zwaartekrachteffecten van een groter object, nog verder weg.
Hun eerste studie verscheen in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Astronomical Journal. Ondanks het wiskundige bewijs dat ze in hun studie aandragen, stuurde de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA kort na de publicatie een opheldering de wereld in om de massahysterie rond Planeet X in te tomen.
NASA benadrukte dat het bestaan van een dergelijke planeet puur hypothetisch en theoretisch is, en dat er geen rechtstreekse observaties gedaan waren. De kans dat dat op korte termijn wel gebeurt, is klein. De planeet bevindt zich, indien hij bestaat, zo ver van de zon dat het licht dat hij reflecteert wellicht niet met de bestaande technieken geobserveerd kan worden.
Astronomen zijn daarom op zoek naar meer theoretische bewijzen voor het bestaan van de planeet. Brown kondigde nu via Twitter aan dat hij opnieuw een object met een ongebruikelijke baan heeft opgespoord in de Kuipergordel. Dat betekent volgens hem dat de beweging van het object beïnvloed wordt door een groot object aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel.
UFO Sightings MASSIVE UFO SHIP HARVEST WATER COLORADO RIVER! 2016 Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your ufo Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!
Hillary Clinton over geheimen rond Area 51: “Ik vind dat we ze moeten delen met het volk”
Hillary Clinton over geheimen rond Area 51: “Ik vind dat we ze moeten delen met het volk”
Hillary Clinton wil de overheidsstukken over het mysterieuze Area 51 openbaar maken en onthullen wat er verborgen ligt. Bij Jimmy Kimmel zei de presidentskandidaat dat ze de documenten over de geheimzinnige Amerikaanse legerbasis gaat doorspitten als ze president wordt.
Kimmel zei dat hij het eerder al met Bill Clinton had gehad over Area 51. De man van Hillary Clinton zei na zijn zoektocht echter niets interessants te hebben gevonden. “Ik ga er nog een keer naar kijken,” zei Hillary. “Ik wil die documenten bekijken en zoveel mogelijk openbaar maken. Als er echt niets te vinden is, dan moet het volk dat weten.”
Clinton zei alles te zullen onthullen wat ze eventueel gaat aantreffen, of het nu om aliens gaat of niet. “Als ik iets vind moeten we dat in mijn ogen delen met het publiek, tenzij het een bedreiging vormt voor de nationale veiligheid,” vertelde ze aan Kimmel.
Het vrijgeven van de stukken over Area 51 lijkt een soort campagnebelofte te zijn geworden. In januari beloofde Hillary Clinton het verhaal rond Area 51 ‘tot op de bodem uit te zoeken’ als ze gekozen wordt.
Area 51 is een basis van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht in Nevada waarvan het bestaan pas recentelijk werd erkend door de overheid. Sommigen geloven dat er geheime informatie over aliens en UFO’s wordt bewaard.
This UFO was approaching the mouth of the Colima volcano on live cam when Streetcap1 of Youtube saw it. The UFO is 30% revealed, and this is proof its not a cloud. If this was a cloud it would be have puffs of smoke here and there, but it does not. The fact that its only 30% revealed is also proof its a UFO, because we see the metallic tint of its edges in the above photo. Its revealed because of the angle of the sun. Cloaking only works 100% if the light source is behind the cloaked object. Scott C. Waring
Triangle UFO Seen Over Vladimir Putin's Home, Moscow, Russia, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Triangle UFO Seen Over Vladimir Putin's Home, Moscow, Russia, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 2016 Location of sighting:Moscow, Russia This looks like a TR3B, or similar technology near Putins home. If it is a TR3B, it means Putin has some serious tech! Imagine flying from the earth to the moon in under a minute. That is a lot of power there. If its aliens visiting Putin, then he may have just acquired some very powerful friends. Either way, Putin is winning. Scott C. Waring News states: Aliens head for VLADIMIR PUTIN' as UFO spotted over Russian leader’s home city BIZARRE footage has emerged online appearing to show a triangular UFO hovering in the skies over Russian president Vladimir Putin's home city of St Petersburg. The mystery orb, which appears to show three static glowing lights formed into a triangle formation, was caught on camera by Vyacheslav Golovkin. The saucer stays completely still through the two-and-a-half minute video and then appears to burn out from the overcast sky. The footage as been seen 68,000 times as conspiracists try and unravel the mystery. Mr Golovkin says: "I noticed the object above the mountain and began to film it. It moved slowly down the mountain and faded out as it got lower." A plane is seen flying overhead, providing the unidentified flying object (UFO) is not a normal aircraft.
The sun is widely known to be made up of hydrogen, magnesium and other elements, but the discovery claims that the sun also has a door opening to an entrance and exit point of motherships. The find is from an image from NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite.
Alien hunter, TheWatcher252, posted the finding to YouTube, featuring a photo taken on March 14, 2016. Some UFO enthusiasts say that the sun has a giant door, which opened up just a little bit, but enough to make a crack across the sun. The white part of the light is allegedly the world inside. Many alien enthusiasts believe that the door opened up to allow motherships to exit or enter.
Many conspiracy theorists have been proclaiming for years about the Hollow Sun Theory and this latest discovery may give an answer to it. The theory suggests that the sun will shrink, cool, and collapse because it is empty on the inside. The man behind the concept, Jeffrey Wolynski, believes the sun is much younger than Earth, and all young stars don’t have cores.
According to Wolynski, the hallowed structures of the sun will gravitationally collapse until reaching the Coulomb barrier and stabilizing into a solid ball.
For many UFO researchers, the sun is an artificial structure itself with a flaming camouflage on the outside and a world that is a thousand times larger than Earth on the inside.
Triangle-shaped UFOs over Mudgee, Australia 27-Mar-2016
Triangle-shaped UFOs over Mudgee, Australia 27-Mar-2016
Another interesting video clip filmed over Mudgee in Australia. This one is showing three triangular-shaped object that are flying across the sky on Sunday, 27th March 2016.
An egg-shaped UFO had made an appearance to a Texas witness view at Strawn. The mysterious object reportedly had a tail and glowing bright lights on the bottom and top. The sighting happened at around 9:30 p.m. on March 1, 2016, according to the testimony of the witness filed under Case 74917 in the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) reporting database.
The bizarre object was observed at Possum Kingdom Lake, a Brazos River’s reservoir in Palo Pinto County.
The witness described the strange flying thing as similar to two spoons on top of one another with a very long straight tail and glowing bright white lights at the top, bottom, and curved end. The UFO reportedly moved from northwest to southeast very fast and silent.
The witness saw the mystery object a couple of hundred feet from the ground. It was the first time the witness observed that kind of flying object.
The witness included a sketch of the object in his/her MUFON report. The case was reported on March 2, 2016 to MUFON and the network’s Texas chief investigator Gary Neitzel is currently looking into the report. There are 653 residents in Strawn City, Palo Pinto County, Texas.
Nieuw onderzoek suggereert voorzichtig dat er op Pluto ooit meren waren en rivieren stroomden. Ze waren niet gevuld met water, maar met vloeibaar stikstof.
We weten inmiddels dat het oppervlak van de dwergplaneet voor een groot deel bedekt is met bevroren stikstof. Maar is dat altijd bevroren geweest? Nee, waarschijnlijk niet, stelt onderzoeker Alan Stern tijdens de Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
Luchtdruk Hij legt uit dat de luchtdruk op Pluto op het moment vrij laag is. Maar dat is niet altijd zo geweest. In de geschiedenis lag de luchtdruk waarschijnlijk veel hoger. Wanneer de luchtdruk het hoogst was, moet deze zelfs vier tot veertig keer hoger zijn geweest dan op bijvoorbeeld Mars. Een hogere luchtdruk is van invloed op de temperatuur. En in extreme gevallen moet de druk en temperatuur zo hoog zijn geweest dat het stikstof op het oppervlak van Pluto vloeibaar werd. “Het is mogelijk dat vloeibare stikstof ooit of misschien zelfs meerdere malen over het oppervlak van Pluto heeft gestroomd,” vertelt Stern.
Beelden Hij onderschrijft zijn hypothese met beelden gemaakt van het oppervlak van Pluto. Bijvoorbeeld het beeld dat je hieronder ziet. Waar doet het je aan denken? Een meer? Dat is wel waar Stern en zijn collega’s aan denken. Dat meer is nu bevroren, maar dat is in het verleden wellicht anders geweest.
Afbeelding: NASA.
Rivieren? En zo zijn er nog meer beelden die suggereren dat er ooit stikstof over het oppervlak van Pluto stroomde. Bijvoorbeeld het beeld hieronder. Je ziet iets wat doet denken aan rivierbeddingen.
Afbeelding: NASA.
Naast Stern komen nog meer Pluto-onderzoekers aan het woord tijdens de Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Zo wordt er bijvoorbeeld ook een onderzoek gepresenteerd dat gaat over de totstandkoming van het gehele systeem. Onderzoekers hebben – door naar kraters op de manen van Pluto te kijken – de manen gedateerd en tonen voor het eerst aan dat de enorme inslag die al Pluto’s manen zou hebben gecreëerd niet recent, maar zo’n 4 miljard jaar geleden moet hebben plaatsgevonden. Ook worden nieuwe inzichten over het klimaat van Pluto en de gletsjers van de dwergplaneet gepresenteerd.
British people are more likely to believe in ghosts than a Creator – and self-identified Christians are more likely to believe in aliens than the devil
Some seemingly bizarre statistics are emerging from a recent poll commissioned in Britain in which only 41 percent of self-identified Christians reported belief in a creator, with 18 percent saying that they do not believe in an originator.
And the curious findings didn’t end there.
YouGov also found that the 12,000 self-described Christians it surveyed are more likely to believe in destiny or fate (46 percent) over heaven (44 percent) of the soul’s everlasting life (36 percent) — a surprising dynamic considering widely held biblical tenets.
The polling firm noted that just 31 percent of the British public said in 1983 that it had no religion. That figure is nearing half of all adults just 33 years later, with 46 percent of the British public surveyed saying that it has no religion at all.
An additional 46 percent considers itself Christian, with 8 percent falling under “other” religious categories.
Most British people say Britain is – and should be – a Christian country, and self-identified Christians make up around half of the population. But it's partly a cultural term – last year we found only 55% of self-identified Christians believe there is a God; the year before we found only 23% of the total population say they are very (3%) or fairly (20%) religious.
A new analysis from YouGov Profiles of nearly 12,000 people who affiliate with Christianity and a control set of 39,000 British people representative of the whole population reveals some startling juxtapositions in belief. Asked to say which of 14 spiritual or paranormal phenomena they definitely do or do not believe in, only 41% of Christians say they definitely believe in a Creator while 18% say they do not.
Christians are more likely to believe in fate or destiny (46% definitely believe, 18% do not), not necessarily a tenet of Christianity, than either heaven (44% believe, 19% do not) or an everlasting soul (36% believe, 19% do not).
And there is a tendency to believe in the friendlier parts of faith than those which are difficult to contemplate. People who say they are Christian are more likely to definitely believe in heaven (44%) than hell (27%), and more likely to definitely believe in angels (35%) than the devil (24%).
British people as a whole are most likely to believe in fate (36%) and alien life (30%), while in net terms belief in ghosts (-9) and karma (-11) is more prevelant than belief in a Creator (-21) or heaven (-21).
In 1983 only 31% of British people said they had no religion, which has now risen to just under half of all adults. In 1983 only 2% said they belonged to a non-Christian religion and this figure has now risen to 8%.
Ancient Alien Stargate or Gate Of The Gods Discovered In Peru?
Ancient Alien Stargate or Gate Of The Gods Discovered In Peru?
There are many people around the world that believe that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is being used as some kind of portal/stargate to travel to other dimensions – as far fetched as this may seem, there is now also talk of some kind of Ancient stargate discovered in Peru, which has also been described as some kind of ‘Gate of the Gods’
This bizarre looking monument gives you an idea at the achievements of the ancient people who once lived in this area. This HUGE stone gate has an incredible history as the ancient people had once described, that is along with a mystical design that gives more credibility to the local legends.
It was actually a local guide named Jose Luis Delgado Mamanu who discovered this bizarre great door-like structure in the Hayu Marca mountain region of Southern Peru, mostly by coincidence/accident! The Gate of the Gods, or also known as the ‘Puerta de Hayu Marca’ was carved in a huge natural rock, which measures precisely seven meters in height, as well as in width and it has a small compartment in the center at the base of the monument.
Please check out below the full picture of this incredible gate way – looking very much unlike anything else ever discovered before:
It is believed by many researchers that the smaller entrance was created for earthly beings, whilst the bigger symmetrical entrance was used by deities (god or goddess) when they visited our realm. It is also believed that the larger entrance was designed for beings to pass through from other dimensions/parallel worlds.
What is even more bizarre about this discovery is the fact that the local guide, Luis Delgado has said that he actually had dreams which the mysterious gate was leading him too, sending him creepy visions of people of old who opened the gate while invited him to pass through it – so even though many people consider his finding a pure coincidence, Luis believes that a strange force guided him to the gate, because of the many visions he received, almost like he had been chosen in some strange way for making such an incredible discovery. He said:
“When I saw the structure for the first time, I almost passed out. I have dreamed of such a construction repeatedly over the years, but in the dream, the path to the door was paved with pink marble statues that aligned on both sides of the path. In the dream, I also saw that the smaller door was open and there was a brilliant blue light coming from what looked like a shimmering tunnel.
I have commented to my family many times about these dreams and so when I finally gazed upon the doorway, it was like a revelation from God…How do you make order of such a strange occurrence?”
WHAT lies beyond?
Similar to the famous film stargate, there are many people around the world that believe that there are stargates dotted around the universe, possibly used by Alien beings to travel the vastness of the Universe. Perhaps these are how some of the supposed Ancient Aliens managed to travel to earth, hence there are so many markings on walls/monuments of ET interactions (please click HERE for more).
If it was some kind of God or perhaps some unearthly alien/interdimensional being who set this potential path for this man, we can only presume, but the local Indian population has named the place the “City of the Gods.” Although no city has ever been discovered in this region, strangely many of the rocks surrounding the area resemble buildings and artificial structures, which helped shape the idea of yet another unknown and possibly unearthly civilization who once had inhabited the area in the far distant past.
There is actually a different legend which tells of the Spanish Conquistadors who arrived in Peru and once robbed the Inca temples at that time which supposedly full of gold and precious stones. As a result of the alarming situation, a Inca priest of the Temple of the Seven Rays named Aramu Maru, fled the temple with a revered disk known as “the key of the gods of the seven rays” and hid in the mountains of Hayu Marca. When he finally arrived at the Gate of the Gods, which at that point in time was guarded by shaman-priests, he revealed the sacred key and in the moments that followed a great ritual began. The performance triggered the golden disk which opened a portal into the gate, and according to the legends, blue light did come out of it. Aramu Maru offered the golden disk to the priests and went through the portal, never to return again.
To make things even stranger and to add up to the mystery, some important archaeologists at the time found a small depression on the right side of the entrance way designed for humans, and confirmed that in this compartment, a small disk could be placed tight to the rock – Could it possibly be that this particular spot could very well be the place where the mechanism was once activated?
To help give an impression of the sheer size of the entrance!
It will only be when the worlds leading archaeologists discover this supposed sacred golden disk, that we can only presume that ‘something’ may happen when placed in the slot in the wall. Interestingly many people have actually told how when they placed their hands on the small rocky door, they felt sudden significant ‘wave of energy’ flowing through their bodies – it has also been said that some of these individuals also had several experiences based, which appeared to be some kind of ‘cosmic visions’ which involved stars, columns of fire and the sound of some kind of unexplainable strange rhythmic music.
Another very strange coincidence is that Gate of the Gods strongly resembles the other fascinating “Gate of the Sun” near Lake Titicaca. Another bizarre coincidence is that if you link up the two sacred gates and five other mystical archaeological sites by grid lines, they actually intersect each other exactly where Lake Titicaca is located.
The Gate Of The Sun
The figures that decorate the stone on the Gate of the Sun are believed to have astronomical connotations and resemble human-like beings with wings and curled-up tails, and appear to be wearing rectangular ‘helmets’, although interpretations differ. The ‘ Sun-God’ is in the centre and is sculpted with rays omitting from his face in all directions. He also appears to be holding a staff in each hand. The ‘Sun-God’ figure is also called the ‘Weeping God’ because things similar to tears are carved on its face. Many have believed for a long time that the Gates of the sun may have been some kind of gateway to another worlds, a bit like the Gates of Gods in Peru.
Interestingly many UFO sightings have been witnessed in the skies above Peru and Lake Titicaca, which have often been described as looking like blue sphere’s or white luminous discs, which have been suggested as being connected somehow with these prominent ‘mysterious’ sites.
Please check out one of the many strange sightings of UFO’s being captured around Peru, notice how it is frozen in one place:
If Extra-terrestrials once visited this area, and this ‘doorway’ was of some prominence to other worldly beings, it seems more than likely that they may return someday. It has been mentioned in the legends that speak about the reopening of the Gate of the Gods, that this time it would be a far more significant entrance from these Beings/Gods, claiming that; “many times bigger than it actually is”, allowing the Gods to return in their “sun ships.”
This theory has been accompanied by the native Indian which legends say discovered, only after the area where the gate stands was surrounded by archaeologists. The stories depict a gateway leading to the land of the gods, used by ancient heroes in order to join their deities and have a glorious new life on the plain of immortality. The adventurers sometimes returned from the mystical plain accompanied by their gods who “inspected all the lands in the kingdom” before going back through the gate.
Could it be that this supposed Gate of the Gods has been sealed until the beings from other Dimensions one day return? This truly is such a fascinating story, just by looking at the incredible structure you can tell there is something very different/mysterious about this area of Peru!
Perhaps it is possible that these supposed ‘gods’ were potentially advanced Alien beings from a parallel universe or some other reality?
It is according to the local stories in the area, that these supposed gods had actually revealed themselves to the old indigenous people and occasionally offered great visions on the night sky – perhaps showing visions of other worlds/times that these Beings come from!?
Perhaps the Large Hadron Collider as CERN is being used as some kind of portal to other dimensions, like some kind of modern day stargate equivalent!? They have already admitted to discovering Parallel Universes and other dimensions – Please check out our posts on this below:
Perhaps the majority of strange sightings being seen over the world are Beings crossing over from other dimensions. Lets not forget that the FBI and leading Scientists have already admitted to this theory:
The aliens quite knew that man is so destructive in nature, that’s the more reason why Religion was bestowed to us, to serve with faith and fear of the unknown, but man has completely failed the experiment. Though all children are born with no state of mind, more like blind to ways of mankind, but they end up being religious and follow its commandments. They get brainwashed by their extremist leaders and find themselves in the middle of a battle with the opposite side.
Subsequently ISIS alone had killed over ten thousand people, and more and more religious groups are underground and ready to blow this planet up if possible.
ISIS – The Evil of mankind
Religion – The Cause of Most Wars
Someday soon all religions will be erased for being a weapon of mass destruction. To be sure, many conflicts throughout history have been ostensibly for religious reasons, with many different religions involved. For example, in Christianity, there occurred (just to name a few):
• The Crusades — A series of campaigns from the 11th to the 13th centuries with the stated goal of reconquering the Holy Land from Muslim invaders and coming to the aid of the Byzantine Empire
• The French Wars of Religion — A succession of wars in France during the 16th century between Catholics and the Protestant Huguenots
• The Thirty Years’ War — Another war between Catholics and Protestants during the 17th century in what is now Germany
This list is by no means exhaustive. In addition to this, one could add the Taiping Rebellion and the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Christianity has certainly been a factor in many conflicts throughout its 2,000-year history.
In Islam, we see the concept of jihad, or “holy war.” The word jihad literally means “struggle,” but the concept has been used to describe warfare in the expansion and defence of Islamic territory. The almost continual warfare in the Middle East over the past half century certainly has contributed to the idea that religion is the cause of many wars. The September 11 attacks on the United States has been seen as a jihad against the “Great Satan” America, which in Muslim eyes is almost synonymous with Christianity.
In Judaism, the wars of conquest chronicled in the OT (in particular the book of Joshua) at the command of God, conquered the Promised Land.
The point should be obvious that religion has certainly played a part in much of the warfare in human history. However, does this prove the point made by the critics of religion that religion itself is the cause of war? The answer is “yes” and “no.” “Yes” in the sense that as a secondary cause, religion, on the surface at least, has been the impetus behind much conflict. However, the answer is “no” in the sense that religion is never the primary cause of war.
According to my research, certain beliefs characterise religious extremists across a variety of religious traditions. In recent times, the worst manifestations of religious militancy have involved some combination of the following:
* Idealisation of some past era combined with the belief that the world has gone awry; * Declared certainty of the correctness of one’s religious vision; * Complete unwillingness to compromise with those who disagree; * Powerful denunciation of people with different lifestyles, especially when they involve forms of homosexuality or sexual liberality; * Devaluation of events in this world and an intense focus on life after death; *Willingness to assume the role of God’s ‘hit man’, defending the deity and his representatives against all perceived insults; * Extreme veneration of some religious leader or leaders; Disconcerting lack of concern for earthly evidence, except of the sort sanctioned by the religious system; * Routine acceptance of the desired ends as justification for unsavoury means; * Adoption of numerous defensive methods for avoiding serious encounters with conflicting systems of belief and their adherents; * dehumanizing imagery of non-believers and religious outgroups (most commonly the Jews); and *Strong preference for keeping women in traditional, subordinate roles.
I have studied all religions for over 20 years, and it has led me to nothing more than one vast conclusion. Man was not smart enough to write any of the religions, and I mean the Eastern Spiritualism (the-self), Western Religions (God, – which I always have referred to as the “Extraterrestrial”) or American Creationism (Nature itself, including man). One of the oldest religious text “The Egyptian Book of the Dead” dates back more than 3000 BC. When writing was invented and the scribes and artists first wrote down what the priests had used in their prayers and litanies, they were very perplexed and hardly understood the text. What I am getting at is that all religions were not composed by humans at the time they were created. And even the Bible is very specific in that: 2 Tim. 3:16 “ALL scripture is inspired by God…,” the key word here is ’inspired’, irrespective of who wrote it down.
These Aliens would truly be God’s to us humans. Their civilizations could be millions of years old, they know exactly how this macrocosm works. They might have seen other worlds come and go, (destroy themselves). They know the evolutionary steps cognition has to go through, and that is the crucial point for the Aliens, they want to protect our beautiful Universe from harm. After all, when you have become God, you don’t want to see your world being destroyed. And that brings us to the crux of religion.
Now be ready to give it back, Since humans have no respect for life, ideas, other races and cultures, we are not masters of our emotions. Unable to govern ourselves, the Aliens have absolutely no wish to show themselves openly, we could emotionally have not acknowledge another species but they are already heading to earth hopefully before the New world order is implemented.
And that brings me to my final point; with us humans pointing a cannon at anything different from ourselves, the Aliens will not allow us to transverse the Universe. We have an idea of how the atom works, and if we ever develop spaceships using antigravity, they do not want us to explore space pointing a cannon at everything alien to us, especially since we failed to master our emotions.
Be prepared for disclosure, you’ve heard most people sometimes exclaim the world is going to end, no! the world is not really going to end but disclosure is around the corner even closer than we can imagine. Sooner than we thought all sources of war will be gone forever when the truth is unleashed, and the truth is DISCLOSURE.
The TRUTH is coming!
UIP summary – Truly the only thing that can put a stop to the wars on earth both religious and others which have killed thousands of innocent people including children and animals, is only one thing – DISCLOSURE!
Join U.I.P in anticipating positively, as the world becomes a peaceful place to stay with no terrorism, racism, wars, control etc.
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UFOTV Presents - THE MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM – Paul Hellyer Keynote Presentation
UFOTV Presents - THE MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM – Paul Hellyer Keynote Presentation
Gepubliceerd op 11 mrt. 2016
UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up for UFOTV®!). UFOTV® and THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK (MUFON) have joined forces to bring the MUFON INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM to UFOTV® here on YOUTUBE. Over the coming weeks we will release the MUFON VIDEO ARCHIVE that includes all of the lectures and presentations from the leading UFO Authors and Researchers in the World, video taped LIVE at the World famous "International MUFON UFO Symposium," over the last 10 years. Subscribers are automatically notified each time a new presentation is added.
In this program, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Secretary of Defense, provides the keynote presentation for the MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM. Extraterrestrial influence may have been felt in Biblical days, but awareness began when we learned that an alien species helped the Germans during World War II. At the same time, another group of Aliens advised the allies. Years before World War II ended, the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) began plotting a new American empire even bigger than the one Hitler hoped for. The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) itself with the secret Bilderbergers, the banking and oil cartels, CEOs of transnational corporations, elements of the intelligence community and the armed forces, came together in what Paul Hellyer refers to as the Cabal, with unprecedented power in the US and beyond. Its end game is a New World Order – a universal dictatorship – achieved through a combination of financial and military might, including spacecraft equipped with ET technology. Is this a doomsday scenario destined to end in an armageddon, if not the extinction of the human species? Or is there something that can be done to stop it? This is the question that must be fully explored before it is too late!
Consider attending The Mutual UFO Network International UFO Symposium – For more information go to:
Proceeds from YouTube help to support the on-going research of The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) a non-profit organization.
Coming soon to Special Edition DVD, AmazonPRIME, and UFOTV® on Roku!
In what is a cool mainstream find, Russian cosmonauts have discovered LIFE clinging to the outside of the International Space Station. This is the first time living organisms have been found on the space station and scientists are not sure how it got there.
The Creatures
The creatures were found during a space walk to clean the surface of the space station. The organisms seem to be a type of sea plankton and how they remained alive in space is what seems to be troubling scientists. According to Sploid, Russian scientists are both “shocked by [the] discovery and can’t really explain how [it] is possible.”
“Results of the experiment are absolutely unique,” Russian ISS Orbital Mission Chief Vladimir Solovyev told the ITAR-TASS News Agency. “This should be studied further.”
Not Quite Alien, But It Is Life
To some of us we might already believe in aliens, others may not hold that belief, either way, this is cool news because it further shows the possibility of life in space for those that currently don’t believe it’s possible.
Some scientists believe that the organisms were carried from the ocean by uplifting air currents. Since the organisms are not native to Baikanour, Kazakhstan where the vessel took of, many don’t believe they were brought up during flight. This makes it very difficult to answer the question: “How did they get there?”
The organisms found on the vessel have a mouth, limbs, digestive tract, muscles, and a nervous system! They are aliens! Just not in the typical sense we may picture when thinking about life in space. Known astardigrades, these little creatures are amazing at enduring harsh conditions, which is why drawing the conclusion that they could have originated in space isn’t so tough.
Image Credit: NOAA MESA Project via Wikipedia
Pushing The Boundaries
No matter how you cut it, it’s cool. Like mentioned previously, there are those of us who fully believe in aliens. We may have studied all the evidence, seen UFOs ourselves or have had even more profound experiences. For this group of people, this is a mainstream discovery that will help open the minds of those who deny any possibility of life in space.
For those of us who don’t believe in aliens at all, or life in space, this is the beginning of what can be a very interesting reflection point as to what truly is possible in our reality. Are we alone?
The reality is, we do still have much to learn about our universe. Although I think personally that much is kept hidden from us, this marks a mainstream discovery that continues to open-minded search for extra-terrestrial life.
30 Brilliant Quotes from Albert Einstein That Will Blow Your Mind
Albert Einstein was an extremely gifted mathematician and theoretical physicist. His contribution to Physics has been phenomenal, because he made the world change its outlook towards this science. He was put among the most profound thinkers and scientists of the 20th century.
He proposed the theory of general relativity and special relativity, and also contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and cosmology. He won the Nobel Prize in 1921 for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect and “for his services to Theoretical Physics”, which additionally proved him to be one of the most powerful and influential people ever.
In his lifetime, Einstein has changed the world, and his name has become synonymous with genius. In 1999, Time Magazine named him Person of the century. Another proof of his greatness is the fact that in his honor, a unit used in photochemistry, the Einstein, as well as the chemical element Einsteinium were named after him. It is also good to know that after his death, his brain was preserved for research on his intelligence.
Here are 30 of Einstein’s most brilliant quotes about life and success that will open your mind and make your day.
1. Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.
2. You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
3. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
4. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
5. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
6. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
7. Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
8. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
9. The only source of knowledge is experience.
10. Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.
11. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
12. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
13. Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.
14. Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.
15. When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute — and it’s longer than any hour. That’s relativity.
16. Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
17. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
19. There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.
20. The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.
21. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.
22. I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.
23. Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds.
24. If A is a success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play, and Z is keeping your mouth shut.
25. The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.
26. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
27. I very rarely think in words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express in words afterwards.
28. A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.
29. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
30. The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.
Dozens of UFO’s seen in ‘new’ images of the Moon released by NASA
Dozens of UFO’s seen in ‘new’ images of the Moon released by NASA
Last fall, NASA made history when they decided to release thousands of images of EVERY Apollo mission to the moon that took place between 1961 and 1972. The breathtaking collection has over 13,000 incredible photographs taken by different astronauts during the ‘Moon exploration’ era.
Ufologists have for decades claimed that Earth’s moon is far more mysterious than what NASA and other space agencies are willing to accept. In fact, there are quite a few ‘remarkable’ and ‘questionable’ features present on the moon which have led UFO enthusiasts to question the origin and purpose of the moon. Interestingly, there are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain ten times more titanium than “titanium rich” rocks on planet Earth. Here on Earth, we use Titanium in supersonic jets, deep diving submarines and spacecraft. It’s unexplainable. Dr Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry said he was “terribly puzzled by the rocks astronauts found on the moon and their Titanium content. The samples were unimaginable and mind-blowing since researchers could not account for the presence of Titanium.
In addition to the mystery behind the strange elements and rocks present on the moon, there are numerous Ufologists who claim that there are dozens of secret bases present on the moon, which NASA has tried very hard to keep a secret. Whether or not these claims are accurate is something up for debate, but there are countless images of the moon which show ‘anomalies’ that simply put, should not be there.
Ever since the images were released, UFO researchers and people from around the globe searched for the tiniest mysteries hidden in the images, the result: countless UFO’s are present in the images released by NASA. The images have created debate among skeptics and UFO believers whether or not there are certain ‘things’ on the moon which NASA has tried to keep in the dark for decades.
Here, we take a look at some of the most incredible images and the dozens of UFO’s seen in the images.
A certainly interesting feature seen in the above image… Wha the heck is the mysterious line seen in the middle of the photographs? Is it just a processing error? Or is it possible that Astronauts actually capture a UFO flying across the surface of the moon?
The above image shows an alarmingly large object seen near the surface of the moon, the question is: What is it? Is this another error present in the images? Or did NASA’s astronauts snap another image of a UFO while they were exploring the moon?
Then, of course, we have these anomalous features in another image from the Moon. If these are just ‘stars’ as some suggest, then what are the mysterious streaks located below them? This is certainly another image worth investigating.
That’s another extremely interesting image from the Moon. What is the mysterious blueish UFO doing there? This mysterious ‘blue’ UFO is actually present in numerous other images from the moon.
There it is again, the Blue UFO was spotted a dozen of times by NASA astronauts.
There it is again, notice there is a smaller bluish UFO located just above the astronaut (to the right) it’s barely visible, though.
Can you explain what this enigmatic ‘blue’ light is? Is it an alien spacecraft? An error in the processing of the images? Or something entirely different?
While we only decided to post some fo the images where users identified strange things in the NASA images, there are countless other images which have similar or exactly identical shapes, lights and orbs which seem to invade the ‘peaceful’ landscape of Earth’s ‘natural’ satellite.
NASA's Cassini probe reveals towering ice mountains on Titan. Over 3,300 meters (10,000 feet) tall, the peaks showcase the geologic forces at work underneath Titan's icy haze.
Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, has proved to be a very exciting place. From massive seas to thepossibility of alien life, Titan has given NASA much to study and explore. Now, this hunk of ice and rock just got a whole lot more interesting.
NASA’s Cassini probe has found giant ice mountains on the surface of Titan. Stephen Wall, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, unveiled news of Titan’s towering peaks in the 47th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Texas.
Wall and his team shared images of a 3,336 meter (10,948 foot) ice mountain located near Titan’s equator. Discovered using the Cassini probe’s radar instrument, the mountain sits amid a rugged trio of peaks known as the Mithrim Montes.
The researchers also found other peaks on Titan, all about 3,000 meters (10,000 feet) in elevation. These include mountains in the rugged region known as Xanadu, and in collections of more isolated peaks called “ridge belts” located near the landing site of ESA’s Huygens probe.
Credit: NASA
Ultimately, Cassini’s findings highlight the many geologic forces at work on Titan. Mountains on Earth are formed and molded by many things. They are pushed up by the tectonic forces underneath the Earth’s crust, and they are shaped by erosion, wind, rain, rivers, and runoff.
The same forces are also at work in Titan, albeit in a much slower pace.
Titan is a chilly -178 degrees Celsius (-290 degrees Fahrenheit) on the surface, and the moon’s icy crust sits atop a deep ocean of liquid water that probably acts much like Earth’s upper mantle. A thick, perennially cloudy atmosphere rains methane down on the surface, sculpting ridges and valleys.
Because it’s so cloudy, Cassini has to use the infrared spectrum to map the moon. The images represent the culmination of 11 years’ worth of data, collected by Cassini’s visual and infrared mapping spectrometer between 2004 and 2015.
An ominous rotating storm in Dulce, New Mexico, taken from the River Rd. (and looking south), with the Mundo Ridge mountains in the background (Archuleta Mesa is not seen in this photo since it is behind the person who took this photo, i.e. Clyde L.) … taken in September, 2013 by Clyde L., KOB-TV Eyewitness News…Channel 4 of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
For Conspiracy-oriented folks only…… 2011, William J. Birnes claimed that after the Dulce Base episode aired on March 25, 2009, the “UFO HUNTERS” program was inexplicably cancelled by top level executives at History Channel, i.e., all further productions of “UFO HUNTERS” were cancelled since then…..was it because of poor ratings?….or, is there more to that story?
Please also watch this very important and rare interview with the late Gabe Valdez, New Mexico State Patrol Officer in charge of the entire Dulce area for many years:
Cattle mutilations in Dulce, New Mexico in the mid 1970s to the early 1990s…..some important points
April 7, 2014
Here are some very important points noted by Greg Valdez, author of ‘DULCE BASE‘ in regards to the cattle mutilations in Dulce, New Mexico, from the mid 1970s to the early 1990s:
“If the government went to local ranchers and purchased cattle to use for testing purposes, the first question any rancher would ask is, “Why are you testing my cattle?”. And more importantly, “Who contaminated them?” The government has a long history of incompetent decision making, but they are smart enough to avoid a lawsuit, especially when the evidence shows that they created the contamination in the first place (in this case in Dulce, New Mexico), i.e. Project Gasbuggy(the Atomic Energy Commission’s experiment involving underground detonation of nuclear device 22 miles southwest of Dulce on December 10, 1967, ostensibly to ease the flow of natural gas in the region but which later apparently caused radiation leaks in the surrounding environment, affecting animals and even some residents, including the Dulce area).
“Evidence at the first Gomez ranch mutilation indicated that whoever killed the animal went back the next day to its location. Based on the way these dead animals would decompose in the manner much different than normal corpses, they were probably still conducting research on the animals as they decomposed; there is evidence they returned to the ‘crime scene’. They could not simply take the cattle, keep them, and destroy the evidence after the animal was dead because this would cause panic amongst the ranchers, who would condense their herds and keep them in corrals to protect them, making the experiments nearly impossible.”
The following observation by Greg Valdez, may have wider applications (in other ‘remote areas’):
“Remember that these ranches cover a large geographic are in remote locations. The worse thing a rancher could do was corral and babysit the animals at night if you were in the business of mutilating cattle. Leaving the carcasses behind actually helps push the alien cover-up portion of this story. This is a highly orchestrated, well-funded operation; it could simply be explained that the animals were intentionally left behind to mislead investigators into thinking aliens were involved, since strange UFO and helicopter activity was routinely viewed around the mutilation sites.”
I urge everyone to read Greg Valdez’s excellent book, ‘DUCE BASE‘.
By the way, as far as the allegation that there is a joint U.S./alien underground base under Archuleta Mesa is concerned, there is absolutely nocredible evidence for it. Phil Schneider’s story, no matter how fascinating it is, is simply his own personal account, with no credibledocumentary evidence whatsoever. It’s a brilliantfiction that has always captivated a gullible segment of the so-called ‘UFO’ community. It would make a great Hollywood movie. If you like to watch thissciencefiction thriller, here it is:
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Amazing claims from NASA scientist: Alien life could exist in our solar system
Amazing claims from NASA scientist: Alien life could exist in our solar system
Is it possible that the time for ultimate disclosure has come? According to shocking claims from a top NASA scientist, alien life could exist in our solar system and within the next decade, we will find evidence.
Millions of people around the world are convinced that we are not the only living organisms in our universe. Many believe that somewhere out there, in the vast confines of the cosmos, other living organisms inhabit Alien planets.
The latest statement from NASA however, puts the possibility of Alien life in our solar system as extremely probable. According to statements from Dr Kevin Hand, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the search for alien life could prove to be fruitful in the next planned mission to Europa, one of Jupiter’s moon which could hold the ultimate evidence proving we are not alone in the universe.
“The question of whether life exists beyond Earth is one of humanity’s most profound and unanswered questions.” –Dr Kevin Hand
During an event at the Royal Institution, Dr. Hand outlines that our understanding of Earth’s oceans has taken us a long way, teaching us how alien oceans on other planets or moon, could prove to be potentially habitable environments, and within our solar system, the best shot would be Jupiter’s moon Europa.
In an interview to the Express, Dr Hand said: ” We may be able to discover if there are signs of organic or possible life on Europa.
“Images show there could be possible life on Europa.”
Previous research has led scientists to believe that Europa has a liquid ocean which runs 100 kilometers in depth, and it could be the perfect hiding place for life forms in our solar system.
Today, many astronomers firmly agree that the icy moon of Jupiter is one of the most promising places within our solar system, where we could find traces of life.
Even though some consider these claims bold, they are based on actual tests and evidence found on Earth, where scientists have found that life can thrive even in the deepest parts of our oceans where microorganisms survive despite the lack of food and light. The mysterious organisms called amphipods, use energy and chemicals from the bottom of the oceans in order to survive.
This has led scientists to believe that elsewhere in our solar system –Jupiter’s moon Europa for example– under similar circumstances, alien life can thrive.
“These organisms utilize chemicals and energy at the bottom of the ocean, and this is what we think could be happening on Europa,” Dr. Hand said.
“This is powered without sunlight under incredible pressure and in incredible darkness and we found that in arguably the most extreme environments life is not only living, it is a thriving ecosystem.
“This kind of environment is what we think may be similar to that on Europa.
“My team is studying microbes as we think they may be the same sort of microbes which might be found on Europa.”
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Human Skull Found in Greece Challenges the Out of Africa Theory of Evolution
Human Skull Found in Greece Challenges the Out of Africa Theory of Evolution
There are many discoveries that challenge the well-established scientific beliefs of evolution, but most of them are being denied or covered-up by the elites who have a certain interest in keeping history as it is.
In 1959, a narrow cave was found in Northern Greece by a shepherd boy. When venturing inside with a couple of local villagers, they’ve discovered the cave was rich in minerals and after further digging inside out of curiosity, the locals found an out of place relic – a human skull embedded in a cave-wall. Later excavations unearthed many fossil remains of pre-humans, animals, and tools made of bone and stone.
The skull was extracted from the Petralona cave where it had been discovered and was furtherly sent to the University Thessaloniki in Greece for a more detailed research. Archaeologists agreed that after a complete study had been conducted, the skull will be sent to the local museum where its history would be known to others.
However, this never happened since the analysis of the skull revealed it had been trapped inside that cave for approximately 700,000 years, making it the oldest human eropeoid of the age ever discovered in Europe. Dr. Paulianos who researched the skull revealed that ‘The Petralona Man’ evolved independently in Europe and he was not a descendent of any of the species that came out of Africa.
In other words, the skull held clear evidence of a different evolutionary path followed by humans in Europe that directly contradicted with the ‘Out of Africa’ theory, a doctrine accepted by modern science.
In 1964, a group of German researchers tried to debunk the findings of Dr. Paulianos by claiming that the skull was nearly 50,000 years old and that it was in fact from a species of humans originating from Africa. However, analysis conducted in 1971 by a team of US researchers showed once again that the Petralona skull was indeed 700,000 years old. They managed to establish the date based on the examination of the caves sediments and stratigraphy.
Scientists from twelve countries ran different tests on the skull. All of them received similar results that credit the work of Dr. Paulino as being correct. Research continued until 1983 when Greece was taken over by a dictatorship which ordered for all remains found in the cave to be deprived of public access, including foreign researchers. That’s when the challenging discovery remained on hold for more than 15 years, and the Greek government offered no viable argument for their decision.
The issue was later taken to court by the Anthropological Society of Greece and scientists were once again given free access to the cave. This was a minor victory whatsoever, since the Ministry of Culture has allegedly tried to get the courts to rule in their favor and once again restrict the access to the site. I know it comes hard to believe from a democratic point of view, but no conclusive argument was given by the Greek government as to why they wanted the cave secured.
Researchers today have determined the skull is that of Homo Erectus, an ancient hominid, but it also has characteristics of Neanderthals and strong European traits as well. According to the latest tests, the skull appears to be either Homo Sapiens or part Homo Sapiens, thus putting the skull in direct conflict with the ‘out of Africa’ theory.
Dr. Poulianos’ findings reject the ‘out of Africa’ theory, reason for why his research was deliberately suppressed in today’s academic circles. The doctor and his wife were also assaulted and injured in their home back in 2012. To dig deeper into the wound, the Greek government deprived him and his team of further access to the cave where he intended to finalize the research. To cover-up the story, a sign has been placed outside the cave stating that the skull discovered inside is 300,000 years old, and Wikipedia today has dated the skull even younger.
The reason why the government of Greece is harshly suppressing the finds of Dr. Paulianos may be obvious for some of you, but to highlight the main idea – if the research conducted so far is proven to be correct, it means that human beings didn’t just originated from Africa; they were found scattered throughout the entire globe, thus proving the entire theory of evolution served by modern science is all but untrue. It’s the same with the Native Americans, where the accepted theory of evolution asserts they came across the Alaskan land bridge into the Americas, while the aboriginals insist their ancestors where always present in the Americas.
Once again, we have further proof that modern history is teaching us some serious lies. It appears that information not fitting into the general accepted paradigm is either being covered-up or dismissed as fables. The skull from Greece proves the scientific path that’s now being followed is rotten and controlled. REAL science should follow the tracks and change the until-now-accepted beliefs where it is the case.
Professor C.G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor of the University of Cambridge sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture in Greece stating that the correct date of the skull is 700,000 years old instead of 300,000. See the letter below.
The Greek Ministry of Education, Religions, Culture and Sports,
Bouboulinas 20-22,
Athens 106 82,
5 September 2012
Dear Sir,
I am writing on behalf of the European Anthropological Association, which is the umbrella professional and academic association linking all of the national European biological anthropology and human biology societies, to express our concerns about the conservation of the Petralona Cave and Skull, the misinformation of the dating of the skull, as well as the treatment of personnel associated with the conservation of the Cave.
The bases of our concerns are that the skull has been damaged through many scratches and the crown of a tooth (1st molar) cut off. As requested by Anthropological Association of Greece what is required is a detailed description of the present status of the skull, so that no one in future can arbitrarily damage it further. There is also the problem of dating which has been scientifically dated at about 700,000 years ago not 300,000 as is given at the information desk. There is a very detailed record of the excavations and findings which need to receive further public presentation but which have never been catalogued so as to prevent specimens going missing.
It is very unfortunate that the Greek Archaeological Department stopped Dr Aris Poulianos from further work in the Cave without any explanation. It is also very worrying that Dr Poulianos and his wife were physically attacked and injured in their home earlier this year and the culprits have not been found. He was also verbally abused when attempting to give an invited presentation to teachers and school children.
Senior anthropologists and geologists have also been denied access to the Cave and the specimens for further study on a number of occasions without substantive reasons. Earlier this year there has also been misinformation given to the Greek Parliament concerning financial aspects of the Cave.
I look forward to receiving answers to these questions.
Yours faithfully
Professor C G N Mascie-Taylor MA, PhD, ScD (all Cambridge), FSB, FNAS (Hungary)
Professor of Human Population Biology and Health and President of the European Anthropological Association
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Amazing Footage of Glowing Entity Multiplying Over Las Vegas, Nevada
Amazing Footage of Glowing Entity Multiplying Over Las Vegas, Nevada
Recent footage captured by a sky watcher in Las Vegas reveals unique UFO activity just above his neighborhood. The video is so detailed that it can easily pass as some of the best UFO evidence that has ever surfaced on the internet.
On March 19 2016, Steven Barone of YouTube posted a video of his amazing catch. It shows a glowing orb-UFO that’s silently hovering over the neighborhood, not far away from his home. As you will see, the amazing sighting cannot be confused with a helicopter or drone since the maneuvers it performs are clearly out of this world and cannot be replicated by our earthly devices.
Here is what Steven Barone had to say about his amazing catch: “What an awesome sight this was to see. I saw a light in the sky just above the closest mountain to my home which is less than two miles away and began to film it because I could tell it was a UFO immediately. This is also the same mountain that shows up in many of my videos of UFOs just above a rooftop of a building near myhome.”
“This time, I saw where the UFO came from and caught it in the air just before it began to descend and eventually land. As it was descending, the lights went out but the moonlight was strong enough to where I could still see it in the camera lens. It lurked in the darkness at the base of the mountain and eventually showed itself again briefly. Several minutes later it showed up again just above the rooftop of a building you see in many of my videos. As it was leaving I noticed that it was, in fact, two objects now. I saw it for a second or two more back in the same spot it landed and then it disappeared. Amazing!”
It’s important to note that such sightings may occur on a daily basis and all around us, but the light spectrum perceived by our eyes won’t let us see most of them. The above catch was filmed using a HD night vision monocular which allowed for all the details to be seen.
The strange appearance fits into the ‘orb-UFO’ description, and based on the fact that near the end of the video it multiplies, the object is likely to be a living being. However, the possibility of it being some sort of plasmatic entity that can switch between dimensions is not to be neglected. According to previous studies, such beings exist ever since the beginning of the universe, and there are documented cases of them manifesting at extreme altitudes in the sky.
I’ve witnessed similar sightings myself, and traits like circular and glowing design, pulsating light, fading and even the multiplying ability are noticed almost all the time. As a matter of fact, these orbs are mostly seen in a pair of two or more, and they always perform law defying maneuvers which involve tremendous speed and extremely brisk turns. Other videos reveal how these ‘beings’ can multiply several times, downgrading from a powerful orb into smaller bright dots. This ritual is vaguely documented, but certain conclusions can be drawn from it.
On one hand, we have these orb-UFOs that appear to never change shape, but instead they can multiply, fly at very high speeds and altitudes and play freely across the sky. On the other hand, researchers have documented other similar entities considered to be organic in nature. Those are dubbed ‘Zeroids’ or ’Ebani’ and are differentiating themselves from the orbs through different aspects. These beings appear at very high altitude and are found in constant transformation. They seem to slowly take different abstract shapes while calmly hovering over the land.
The orb-UFO only has the circular design and it’s interpreted as an energetic shield that’s protecting them when transiting inside our realm. It’s possible that they have different shapes when seen in full spectrum of light, but such cases are extremely rare and are mostly debunked by the western beliefs as pareidolia or other explainable phenomenon.
Reports of such ‘light beings’ with spherical design exist since forever. The Brits call them ‘will-o’-the-wisp,’ in Scotland and Ireland they are known as ‘Jack-o’-lantern,’ Australians dubbed them ‘Min Min lights,’ in Mexico they are called ‘Brujas,’ and Romanians dubbed them ‘Ielele’. The notable aspect here is that these orb-UFOs or however you’d like to call them are part of the world’s folklore, indicating that they’ve been roaming the Earth ever since ancient times.
Whatever these intriguing appearances are we are yet to find out, but they are real and their purpose unknown to us. There are numerous accounts depicting them either as evil or as good spirits. In the 21st century we see them as orb-UFOs and until now no harm has been done by these fascinating beings. Well…not that we know of.
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Net zoals de Amerikanen en Russen medio vorige eeuw een wapenwedloop kenden, zo kenden ze ook een wedloop in de ruimte.
De Russen wilden uit alle macht de eersten zijn die een vrouw in de ruimte brachten, maar er ging iets hopeloos mis.
In het begin van de jaren zestig bevonden we ons net zoals nu op het hoogtepunt van een Koude Oorlog tussen Amerika en Rusland.
Het was ook de tijd dat beide landen druk bezig waren met hun ruimteprogramma en net zoals ze een wedloop hadden voor wat betreft kernwapens hadden ze dat ook een beetje in de ruimte.
Tijdens die beginjaren van de ruimterace speelde het volgende verhaal zich af. Het is een interessant en fascinerend verhaal dat door de Russische overheid in alle toonaarden wordt ontkend.
De Russen slaagden er op 12 april 1961 als eerste in om een mens in een omloopbaan rond de aarde te brengen. Dit was de beroemde astronaut Yuri Gagarin in zijn Vostok capsule.
Een maand later volgden de Amerikanen met hun eigen astronaut, Alan Shepard, tijdens het Mercury ruimteprogramma.
De Russen voelden de hete adem van de Amerikanen in hun nek en besloten om heel snel weer iemand de ruimte in te brengen, maar dit keer voor meerdere omloopbanen rond de aarde zodat hij het record van Gagarin kon verbreken.
Dit lukte klaarblijkelijk op 16 mei 1961, waarbij de capsule 17 keer rondom de aarde cirkelde. Maar, dit was nog niet genoeg voor de Russen, ze wilden ook absoluut de eersten zijn die een vrouw de ruimte in stuurden.
Dit gebeurde ergens rond midden mei van datzelfde jaar en in het begin leken er geen problemen te zijn. Net voordat de capsule echter de atmosfeer van de aarde weer zou binnengaan, ging er iets hopeloos verkeerd.
Wat en of het zo gebeurd is, weet niemand met zekerheid te vertellen omdat de Sovjets hun kaken stijf op elkaar hielden. Wat ook begrijpelijk is in die tijd, want het laatste wat zij wilden was gezichtsverlies in hun ruimterace met de Amerikanen.
Als het wel zo is gebeurd als wordt verteld dan is het een verhaal waarbij de koude rillingen over je rug lopen.
De volgende video laat naar verluidt de stem van de Russische vrouwelijke astronaut horen, voordat ze levend verbrandde tijdens haar terugkeer in de dampkring.
Het volgende is wat ze zei:
“Luister…luister! Hallo…hallo….praat tegen mij! Praat tegen mij! Ik heb het heet…heb het heet! Wat? Vijfenveertig”? vijfenveertig? Vijftig? Ja…ja…ademhalen…ademhalen…zuurstof…ik heb het heet…is het niet gevaarlijk? Het is allemaal….ja…hoe zit dat? Wat? Praat tegen mij…hoe moet ik uitzenden? Ja..wat? onze uitzending begint nu…eenenveertig…deze kant op…ja…ik heb het heet…ik heb het heet…het is allemaal…het is heet…ik heb het heet….ik zie een vlam…ik zie een vlam…ik heb het heet…ik heb het heet…twee en dertig..twee en dertig…een en veertig…ga ik crashen? Ja..ja..ik heb het heet…ik heb het heet…ik kom de dampkring in…”
Tegen het einde wordt de vrouw ook emotioneel omdat ze wist wat er ging komen. Na die laatste uitzending werd er nooit meer iets van haar vernomen.
Drie dagen later, op 26 mei 1961, maakten de Russen bekend dat hun capsule op aarde was teruggekeerd. De capsule was aan de buitenkant behoorlijk verbrand, maar er werd niets gezegd over de vrouw die erin zou hebben gezeten.
Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt dit verhaal ontkend door de Russische overheid. Er zijn meer van dit soort verhalen over astronauten die door de Russen de ruimte in werden gestuurd en nooit teruggekomen zijn. Volgens Rusland zijn ze nooit vertrokken en dus kunnen ze ook niet terugkomen.
Dit soort verhalen worden meestal onder de noemer The Lost Cosmonauts geplaatst. Natuurlijk is er een deel van de mensheid die ze wel gelooft en een deel die denkt dat het verzonnen verhalen zijn.
Glowing UFOs Over California On March 24, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing UFOs Over California On March 24, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 24, 2016 Location of sighting: Arroyo Grande, California, USA Source: MUFON This UFO really spooked this guy, but his curiosity really got him chasing it. Cool video of a triangle UFO with several flashing lights. Although drones do often have flashing lights, so do UFOs. So its really difficult on this to tell what it is. We need a closer look. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I live out in the country there’s a large eucalyptus trees all around I’ve seen these trees many times before and never noticed any flashing lights I was on my deck taking my laundry downstairs to do it and noticed two blue flashing lights I got closer and I noticed two red flashing lights in my line of sight there was one blue light at 12 o’clock one at 6 o’clock when I got closer underneath the tree I saw one red light at 12 o’clock and one red light at 6 o’clock The blue lights one on top was flashing the bottom was not both red lights where not flashing. I thought to myself it might be a drone that landed in the treetop or possibly a bird nested with something that was making these lights. I watch these objects for three hours from 7 PM to 10:30 PM March 24, 2016 about 10:26 they disappeared and it’s now 11:19 and still looking out for the lights I will continue As a follower of Mufon I understand and believe in this to be fact and I’m alway on the lookout for such. I attached some videos that I took with my cell phone I apologize for the swearing.
I like Stanton Friedman, he does things in a very technical and old school way. He spends a lot of time to focus on the smallest details of a case, just as it should be. If we had a dozen guys like Stanton, disclosure would already be here. Scott. C. Waring News states: Stanton T. Friedman believes that there are many things that can be done to improve the respectability score of ufology. In his words, "we can show people facts and the sources of the data." This presentation includes the details of: 1. Advanced nuclear fission rockets that operate using the same energy as our Sun. 2. The results of major studies such as Project Blue Book, - Special Report No. 14. 3. The false claims that have been made by what Stanton Friedman refers to as "the noisy negativists" and those who foolishly claim that Governments can't keep secrets. 4. Blacked out Classified UFO documents. 5. UFO pictures that real scientists say are genuine. 6. Reasons for Aliens to visit Earth without landing on the White House lawn and for Governments to withhold evidence. 7. Preparing Research Papers for Journal Publication and the peer review process. 8. How to stop being Apologetic UFOlogists and speak out.
Glowing UFO Over Small Town In Brazil, Feb 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing UFO Over Small Town In Brazil, Feb 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 9, 2016 Location of sighting: Braganca Paulista, Brazil Source: MUFON #75458 Here is a recent report that just came in to MUFON today. A glowing disk with a raised upper and lower center (dome). The object is balanced like a wheel UFO, not a flat disk type, but from what I have read, all disks and sit in any position and still maintain normal gravity inside. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: It was a Tuesday, the end of Carnival, around 23 pm, I was resting in the hotel room balcony (Hotel Villa St. Augustine - in Braganca Paulista) when I noticed a very bright object, which initially I thought was a plane that it was more than 1 hour in the same region of the sky. I took pictures and recorded video, which was what I could do, but to this day I do not know what I saw.
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and former assistant Housing Secretary and Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts, together, they unravel the web of disinformation and obfuscation around the Black Budget investment in space by a shadowy alliance between Deep State political forces and greedy corporate interests for the development of a UFO Economy using advanced technology, a secret system of finance and total manipulation of public awareness through complete control over the mainstream media.
According to multiple whistleblowers, with the development of a Secret Space Program via SDI Star Wars Technology, forces deep in the official structure were reacting to a perceived UFO threat that reached a fever pitch in 1947.
In the almost 70 years since that initial wave of sightings, The National Security State has utilized Exotic Offworld Technology recovered in highly secretive UFO crash retrieval programs to develop their own fleets of manmade UFOS, incorporating Anti-Gravity, Stealth and Super Drone technology.
According to the late Lt. Colonel Philip J. Corso, who was a high-ranking military intelligence officer in the administrations of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, the military discovered many of the high-tech developments we all use now in modern computers and smartphones from these clandestine operations.
With the covert forces realizing not only great advantages in military weapons production, but also in engineering new industries and achieving large scale profits from their discoveries of UFO Technology Secrets, the intense cover-up around the entire subject of offworld visitors has gone into major overdrive.
Deep Black Op programs to discredit and defame those involved in UFO investigations emanate from a covert level of intelligence agencies that are tasked with keeping the secrecy in place so they can utilize the hidden advances in technology, science, medicine, and advanced free-energy production for a small Breakaway Civilization of political, military and corporate interests that have dominated the action on planet Earth since World War 2.
The clash between the official reality and the truth on the ground is starting to hit a breaking point and many of the old games for keeping the public in the dark just won’t work in the age of Smartphones and Social Media.
Our modern culture is now far more advanced than the dysfunctional leadership on this crucial issue of offworld visitors and the advanced technology they represent.
But the ruling forces in geopolitics, media and corporate circles have no desire to see their ultimate secret exposed and the entire energy paradigm of the globe change overnight from fossil based fuels and UFO Free Energy Technology.
By refusing to advance the knowledge in society around the UFO question, forces in the Deep State are setting up the ultimate Clash of Two Worlds and apparently they believe they will prevail and shall be able keep their cult of secrecy going forever!
I had an interesting conversation recently concerning my article about two sisters and their difficulties over a lifetime of lost time abduction encounters.
The conversation was based on the fact that not only have I come to the conclusion that writing about real time abductions was a waste of my time and the Real Time Abductees time too.
I explained that writing about this group of unusual people and their experiences did not seem to interest the public or any other group or researchers at all. The fact the real time abductees could have been a wealth of data on the subject of abduction and lost time did not seem to be of interest to anyone in any form.
I am sure a great deal of it was due to the fact that my articles about their experiences were told as they related it which was in a logical truthful fashion. My articles were not filled with movie script type detailed colorful descriptions of amazing aliens and their crafts. I do not write horror or fantasy I write what really goes on which I feel is just too boring and black and white for the paranormal reader.
Long ago the lines between good entertainment for fun and real research became so distorted in the subjects we consider unknown that truth , fiction, fraud and research became so convoluted that all real answers to real questions have been lost, Trying to work in this area using fact or truth without the color became impossible or so confused that it is at the point of being impossible.
Real-time abduction is events that occur to people who are fully awake and alert who are going about the business of their normal daily routines who are suddenly abducted against their will.
These people suffer lost time and find they are returned often to a different place from where they were taken . They are ill , dazed and at times hurt. They can recall when the event starts but have little memory of what happens to them before they find themselves waking hours later.
Some of the abductees have flashed memories of what took place during their abductions. Some return with knowledge or skills or thoughts they did not have before they were taken. Many suffer these events more than once during their life. All are somehow changed during the experience.
During my years of writing about these fascinating people, I promised them that I would answer without embellishment any questions giving the most truthful answers I could to the questions asked.
It took courage for the abductees to allow me to write about them or to questions concerning their experiences. The fact that not one person or group or organization ever wanted any information concerning their ordeals with these strange abductions made these people recoil from reaching out and closed the door at my attempts at finding answers.
Finally, after all of these years, we have had someone ask a few questions about their abduction events. After a conversation with the abductees, it was decided that I could answer the handful of questions before I end my adventure of writing about this group of people I refer to as the Real Time Abductees.
Adding salt to the wound of rejection for the abductees is the fact that the questions were not even asked directly to me or them but came by way of an email of a third party who was corresponding with the person who finally did ask a few questions about the abductees encounters. I found the questions to be thoughtful and decided as my last article on the subject of Real-Time Abduction to answer these questions, I know that there is a wealth of data being lost with these people however, I have tried my best to find an audience or place that could benefit and learn from them and have found only silence and disinterest in what they have to say or warn us about concerning their abduction encounters,
Below are the questions with the answers following each question:
Question : What occurred during the abductions? Answer: Nothing during this abduction of the two sisters case as it was stopped ,however, during the battle to stop it both women were hurt as the article about the two sisters explains. Other abductees do have flash memories of what took place including the recall of multiple beings surrounding the abductee or bright lights making it difficult to see what is going on around them. The abductees I refer to as the Real Time Abductees have no clear memory of being examined or touched. All of the abductees agree that they have had their memory wiped clean of the events before they are returned. Some flashes of what took place do remain in a few of the abductees . Others feel their abductors wiped too much memory taking with it parts of their lifetime memories that they can no longer remember.
Question : What are the lingering health problems?
Answer: This is a very lengthy list that includes many different problems for different people. I will give the overall problems they all share. The spine , neck and skeleton of the abductees all have been altered leaving them with issues from compression to actual breaks. Many have had large spurs grow in odd places that burrow into the surrounding muscle leaving them in constant pain Almost all have had to seek long-term medical help to deal with some form of spinal and bone issues. It has been common for an abductee to be told that they show that bones they never broke now show clear signs upon being x-rayed of having been broken. There are cases when a shoulder or large bone shows it was without question broken and has healed poorly. Back fractures also are commonly found. One of the abductees was asked when they had the accident as both a bad shoulder and broken back were found that had healed in the past was found when they had X-rays taken for a different health issue. Of course, the abductee never had an accident or broken bones that they knew of until X-rayed This is a scenario that plays out often with abduction victims. All of the abductees suffer from a flu-like sickness with a red raised rash on their back or chest that lasts for about two weeks after an abduction. It can flare up at will during their lifetime for a few years after an abduction, All the abductees have problems with light and cannot tolerate bright sun or bright lights of any kind including fluorescent lighting. All of the abductees require very dark sunglasses and sit in shaded areas as the bright sun both blinds them and causes their eyes to hurt. Many of the abductees suffer from very large red rashes that come and go which are uncontrollable and painful. One abductee has a growing reptile like scale rash spreading across her body that does not respond to any treatment. The abductees have issues that would be presented in those who have had problems with their adrenal , pituitary and thyroid functions. This is just a partial list of the problems they deal with, On the other side of the coin the abductees all have had their IQ increase and have been able to increase their skill sets with ease. The strangest thing they all share and cannot explain is that they return with knowledge they did not have before the abduction or with thoughts or visions of what will happen in the future that always prove to be true.
Question: What did the abductors look like? Answer: Since the abductees memory is always wiped or cleaned before they are returned it is very hard to answer this question. The main combined agreed description by the abductees is that their abductors are built or shown in a human form with one head , two arms and two legs. Some feel they are hairless with light skin while others feel they are covered in some type of skin or suit , They do not recall their faces or features. They do all agree that they have a bad odor similar to mold and sulfur.
Question: What was inside the green light? Answer: Nothing but a large sweeping ray of green light that runs from a very hot area that can turn extremely cold in a second. It does have a vibration or hum to it. It is part of a tool used to scoop up their victims.
Question: Is there a merge between supernatural and extraterrestrial, or is this a terrestrial demonic attack? Answer: There seem to be ways that dimensions we have no knowledge of can intermingle when needed that we do not understand. It seems clear in the two sisters case that the energy of this woman’s departed family members was able to manifest in order to protect the woman from her abductor. No one on this planet understands how the dimensions work or how those who are part of them enter and exit our dimension that we live in. In this case, we see that all the things we do not understand come into focus as a mix of dimensions clearly took place in front of the family in the two sisters abduction case. Obviously, it is a simple case of our not being able to understand the way the universe or how the dimensions work. The fact is that they do know how to manipulate and transport between them when needed. The sisters did not feel this was a demonic issue but one of her family warning the unknown creature or alien that it needs to stop. The creature has not returned and for now, all abductions seem to have ended for the two sisters family. Time will tell the answers to all of these questions as eventually we will learn how all of this works and we will be able to understand and handle our human dimension with intelligence, For now, we seem very content on remaining in the dark ages on many things we do not understand and label paranormal. It is, of course, all science we simply do not yet grasp. We received a question last year that was left on my voice mail from a man that I will answer now too. The caller asked if any of the abductees were told to tell us anything by the aliens or asked the abductee any questions about being a human? I did not answer this question at the time It was left as I had just finished and published an article on warnings given by the abductees All the abductees have returned with the impressions of both natural and man-made disasters and world war impressed upon them . They also were given warnings concerning giving up our humanity so easily to technology which provides easy access to our control. I have written about all of those things repeatedly. The interesting question the man left on the voice mail was if the aliens had ever asked any of their human captives any questions. I thought about this and remembered an older man who had been taken many times during his life telling me that he did have an encounter once with a very curious alien who did ask him via thought and images questions that he found very unusual. The interview with this abductee stuck out in my mind and I was able to locate the notes I took while talking with him. He was not comfortable with me writing his encounters and until now I had nowhere to write about the part of his interview that discussed the alien questions. The man told me the alien communicated by showing him visions or images or placed thoughts in his head. The first thing the alien asked was by showing him images or visions of large groups of people eating. Eating around tables , at fast food restaurants and just about every scene you could image of people eating lots of food. The next thing he was shown were images of people starving to death. All kinds of people from all over the world , many children. The images the abductee told me were heartbreaking and made him feel terrible when he viewed them. The alien wanted to know why? We have so much food yet some have it and waste it and others die from not having it. The alien wanted to know why we do this?. He even placed images of rows of farming and piles of freshly caught fish in the man’s head. Again the alien asked him why do humans fed some too much and starve others? The abductee told me his mind went blank as the only answer he had was that he did not know why we do this.
The older abductee also in the manner of thoughts and images or visions was asked why we have the technology but only a few humans are educated or advancing?
He was shown an image of what looked like a science lab of some sort with a handful of people working in it and a huge movie screen with what looked like thousands of people cheering at the movie. The alien did not understand why only a few are educated while the mass of the population does not advance which keeps our planet at a slow growth when it comes to science or advancement. The old man knew his captor thought of us as very primitive and ignorant.
I know we think we are superior beings as we walk upon the earth with smartphones and techie gadgets hanging from our belts. The fact is that only a few of us invent, build and advance the planet is confusing to a being who obviously comes from a civilization far different and far more advanced than ours, Obviously, where he comes from everyone is educated and advances. Sad for the human race that we do not do the same.
The last questions the man was asked were very interesting to me and ones that really spoke to the fact that we are as strange to them as they are to us.
The alien asked the man why only two or even one human raise the children. He was shown a single mother and a family with four or five children sitting on a couch with their mother and father. The being that had abducted the old man wanted to know why only one or two adults raise the children.?
Obviously, the alien does not come from a male /female type of union like we do on earth nor did he seem to understand the family unit as we know it. His confusion on this makes me believe his civilization does not form family units and must raise their young in groups with many adults involved in the care of their young,
The last question really gave me an idea of how our visitors view the human species .
The alien asked the older man why we are self-killing? At first, the man thought he was asking about war which we have as a constant on this planet. The alien stopped this thought in the man’s head quickly and was able to communicate that they already knew we were an extremely violent species. The alien kept repeating self-killing.
The abductee was then shown images of very overweight people eating large plates of food and a man smoking who was nearly invisible under a thick layer of smoke as well as what looked like homeless people laying on a city street. He was also shown images he did not understand but he got the message. Why did humans not take care of their human bodies?
The older abductee told me he tried to answer the questions to the best of his ability but could tell his captor remained confused and did not seem to understand what he was trying to convey to him.
The abductee mentioned a few times while telling me about this event that the alien completely lacked any signs of emotion or understanding emotion. He recoiled if the man cried or yelled and if his fear got the better of him and he shook his fist in anger or begged to be let go. The man told me that emotion seemed to confuse or even frighten and back off his captors.
I believe this lack of emotion is why the two sisters were able to escape as well as other people who also displayed outbreaks of emotion that backed off their captors using the element of surprise by displaying something they simply do not understand.
I was happy to answer these questions in this last article about the Real Time Abductees but realize that the overall interest in the subject of real time abduction does not exist in the public or in the paranormal community. If it did I am sure we would have had over the years of sharing the real time abductees experiences more then the handful of questions I have answered in this article.
This will be the last article I write on abduction I have other areas of the unknown I want to explore and will be giving my time to that. If I find things I think my readers will be interested in I will continue to share them on my blog.
For now remain aware of your surroundings as one day you may find you are the one standing alone in the dead of night and find you are face to face with a cold , emotionless strange being
Les astronomes retiennent leur souffle : de mystérieux signaux sonores répétitifs ont été captés depuis l’espace
Les astronomes retiennent leur souffle : de mystérieux signaux sonores répétitifs ont été captés depuis l’espace
Y a-t-il une intelligence extraterrestre quelque part dans l’Univers ? Se peut-il que d’autres galaxies comportent des êtres vivants ? Autant de questions qui interpellent les astronomes depuis de nombreuses décennies. C’est pourquoi les hommes scrutent le ciel avec autant d’attention et sont à l’écoute des moindres signes. De récents signaux sonores répétés relancent le débat sur la vie dans l’espace. SooCurious vous en dit plus sur ces drôles de signaux interceptés.
C’est un fait, l’Univers qui nous entoure est une source d’interrogation constante pour les astronomes. Au fil des années, des phénomènes assez surprenants ont été observés (certains étant moins vraisemblables que d’autres). Mais rien de comparable avec les sursauts radio rapides (ou sursauts Lorimer). Ces signaux sonores pourraient être définis comme des sursauts d’ondes radio d’à peine quelques millisecondes.
Ils sont interceptés par les radiotélescopes, de grands télescopes tournés vers le ciel pour capter les ondes radioélectriques émises par les astres. Le premier de ce type a été intercepté en Australie par l’observatoire de Parkes et analysé par l’équipe deD.R. Lorimer, un fameux scientifique (d’où les sursauts Lorimer). Si une vingtaine de signaux de ce type ont déjà été interceptés, ils ne se sont jamais répétés. Jusqu’à il y a peu de temps.
Pour le moment, les scientifiques ne savent pas vraiment ce que sont ces signaux et ne peuvent pas affirmer avec certitude d’où ils viennent. Selon eux, les sursauts radio rapides proviendraient de collisions entre des étoiles lointaines ou encore de trous noirs qui s’évaporent. Mais récemment, des sursauts radio rapides se répétant une dizaine de fois ont été perçus. En outre, les scientifiques ont remarqué que la clarté et le spectre de ces signaux diffèrent de ceux habituellement entendus.
Cela laisse entrevoir la possibilité qu’il y ait plusieurs types de signaux différents. Certains experts spéculent sur le fait que ces sons différents proviendraient d’une explosion ou d’un cataclysme ou encore de la rotation d’une étoile à neutrons, mais rien n’est certifié pour le moment. Les scientifiques espèrent en savoir plus dans les mois à venir.
Pour avoir plus de précision, les astronomes vont devoir localiser la zone du ciel d’où proviennent ces signaux répétés. A partir de là, il sera possible de définir s’il y a une galaxie là-bas, grâce à des télescopes optiques et à rayons X. Trouver cette zone est la clé pour comprendre les propriétés de ces sursauts radio rapides.
Les scientifiques se montrent de fait optimistes, puisqu’ils devraient recevoir trois radiotélescopes de grande taille dans le courant de l’année. Ce matériel de pointe pourrait faire avancer les recherches et apporter de nouvelles informations. Afin de savoir si ces signaux sonores émanent de formes de vie extraterrestres ou bien sont dus à des phénomènes spatiaux moins surprenants.
Une telle découverte est une véritable source d’excitation pour les astronomes. Ces étonnants signaux sonores apportent l’espoir d’en savoir plus sur ce qui se trouve dans l’Univers et si l’hypothèse de formes de vie extraterrestres est plausible. Pour le moment, le temps est à la recherche et à l’analyse de ces signaux interceptés. Mais on ne peut s’empêcher d’espérer qu’ils fassent une découverte extraordinaire. D’ailleurs, il est souvent arrivé que les astronomes voient dans des phénomènes cosmiques étranges des preuves d’une vie extraterrestre. Ces sursauts radio en sont peut-être une autre.
5 UFO Sightings That Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
5 UFO Sightings That Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
If you want to research UFO sightings, we hope you like bullshit. Because you're about to be drowned in sensationalist books and blogs from UFO enthusiasts who declare every blinking light in the sky to be the opening scenes of Independence Day. It's no coincidence that so many people who encounter UFOs also really want to believe in them.
However, buried deep within the U.S. military's own records are some very bizarre, and very well-documented sightings that have to give even a skeptic second thoughts.
Are they aliens? We're not saying that. We're just saying they're really, really weird.
#5. The Chiles-Whitted UFO Encounter
It's not all that uncommon for airline pilots to spot UFOs. After all, some guy who flies with Southwestern isn't immune to mistaking a meteor for an alien craft if he's never seen a meteor before. But then you have a case like the Chiles-Witted encounter.
Named after commercial airline pilots and World War II veterans Clarence Chiles and Charles Whitted, this sighting occurred in the wee hours of July 24, 1948, when both Chiles and co-pilot Whitted reported having to evade, what could only be described as a giant, flying ... dildo.
So right off the bat we have the fact that there were two experienced pilots both reporting the same thing: that a weird-ass craft was flying alongside them, very closely. It wasn't some vague flashing light that zipped past. Both men claimed they got a good, long (10 to 15 seconds) look at it. If you think it's because both men had been dropping the same acid minutes earlier, know that one of the passengers in the plane (one of the few who were awake at the time) also saw it. Everyone involved described it as a rocket like ship, conical in shape with two decks lined with windows, which produced an almost blinding light from beneath the ship.
"The ship appeared to be Bugle-escent in nature."
The pilots got on the radio and, trying not to sound crazy, asked if there were any experimental craft in the area (there weren't, or at least none that flight control knew about).
OK, so maybe everybody on the plane got together and came up with a hoax so they'd get their name in the paper later. Well, when Air Force investigators started poking around, they found yet another witness on the ground (a guy named Walter Massey, who worked as a member of the ground crew at a nearby Air Force base) who claimed to have seen the same object, reporting it an hour before Chiles and Whitted.
Then, strangest of all, they found out that the same object (right down to the two rows of windows) was spotted in the Netherlands. Well, they probably just heard about the Chiles-Whitted sighting and wanted to jump on the bandwagon, right? Only if they had a time machine: it was reported a month earlier. What the hell?
The Official Explanation:
First the military dismissed the Chiles-Whitted encounter as a weather balloon, but then they retracted that explanation and floated the idea that it was a meteor. The pilots flatly rejected this theory, both having seen meteors before and knowing that they tended to not have windows.
A fact backed up by numerous diagrams.
After investigating it, the Air Force famously concluded that it was in fact an alien spacecraft. After investigators handed in that report, superiors handed it right back with a proverbial "BULLSHIT" stamped on it in red. They pointed out that just because we don't know what the object was, doesn't mean it's little green men.
That seems reasonable. But still ... what the hell was it? To this day, we have no idea.
#4. The Green Fireball Sightings
The Green Fireball Sightings refer to a series of, you guessed it, green fireballs which were witnessed in the skies above New Mexico between December 1948 and April 1955. They were seen by, well, just about everybody.
Hundreds of military scientists, astronomers and enlisted personnel, along with members of the general public, reported looking on as the giant parade of WTF was unraveling in the sky above them.
Now, as a rational person looking at the above picture, you immediately think "meteor." Or maybe a comet. It's streaking across the sky, it's on fire, that's the sort of thing we expect from time to time, right? That's what the government thought, too, so they brought in a meteor expert named Dr. Lincoln LaPaz.
The Unsettling Evidence:
LaPaz spent years on the subject and decided that the rate in which the fireballs were being sighted, combined with the slow speeds and lack of rock bits trailing the objects, meant they weren't behaving in a matter fitting of meteors... or that of any natural phenomena.
The "God's Roman Candles" theory was also quickly dismissed.
The Air Force's investigation into the fireballs was hilariously named Project Twinkle, but the Air Force didn't find anything funny about the situation: A lot of these sightings were over the Los Alamos National Laboratory, aka The Place Where We Were Working On Giant City-Vaporizing Bombs (many of the sightings were from staff working there). The government decided whether it was aliens or the Russians or angels getting cast out of Heaven, they wanted to get to the bottom of that shit.
Fallen angels are notoriously dickish about stealing secrets.
After a couple of years of looking into it, however, they knew nothing more than when they started: There were balls, they were green, and on fire.
The Official Explanation:
The Air Force shut down the investigation and finally wrote off the phenomena as sunspots or some new kind of meteor or something. LaPaz (their meteor expert) insisted that none of that made sense, and would continue to do so for years. The balls were spotted over and over again even after the investigation shut down, and each time someone would go interview poor Dr. LaPaz who would repeat his long list of reasons why they're not meteors.
LaPaz thought they were some kind of radical new Soviet aircraft, or something else that didn't just occur in nature. Another theory turned up later that maybe it was some weird effect caused by nuclear fallout (which would make sense considering where they were being spotted) but "glowing green balls of fallout" isn't a known phenomenon, either.
Unless the Hulk was falling from orbit.
In short, nobody knows.
#3. The Gorman Dogfight
On October 1, 1948, in the skies over Fargo, North Dakota, World War II veteran and resident badass George F. Gorman claimed he wound up in a game of chicken with a small, blinking orb of light. Or as he put it: "A man-made craft that, while governed by the laws of inertia, was still able to not only out maneuver his own aircraft, but climb at a much higher rate and remain active at a much higher altitude."
The Unsettling Evidence:
As Air Force records show, along with Gorman's testimony there were two other witnesses who were working in the Air Plane Control Tower (they saw the object, but nothing showed on their radar), and the pilot and passenger of yet another plane who happened to be in the area.
Gorman claimed he chased the object all around the sky, saying at one point it flew right for him, zipping overhead at the last minute. Later he said it turned and flew toward him again, before rapidly breaking off and changing direction. He briefly lost sight of the object, then found it had climbed much higher in the sky.
It is unclear how many times Gorman said "Welcome to Earth," during the chase.
When he landed, somebody ran a Geiger counter over his plane and found slightly elevated levels of radiation, at which point everyone got really nervous (though investigators would later conclude that may be normal for planes just returning from flight, since you're less shielded from natural radiation the higher in the atmosphere you go).
The Official Explanation:
The short answer is weather balloon (seriously, when you look into it you find weather balloons seem to single-handedly fuel the UFO industry). The long answer is that the Air Force decided that Gorman, a highly regarded fighter pilot and World War II veteran, had gotten really, really confused.
Though it may be possible to confuse a giant floating scrotum for something alien, we seriously doubt its ability to perform evasive maneuvers.
Their theory was that he got disoriented while flying, and the erratic movements he perceived the glowing UFO to be making were actually a result of him flying erratically himself, causing the stationary weather balloon to appear to zip back and forth in his windshield. When he lost sight of the UFO and picked it up later, the theory went that he was actually chasing the planet Jupiter. We're assuming he didn't catch it.
In other words, they're saying he was pretty much the world's shittiest fighter pilot, since you'd think the ability to tell the difference between a hostile aircraft and a celestial object would be one of the first things they teach you in fighter pilot school (you waste a ton of bullets otherwise).
To be fair, however, there is some precedent for that sort of thing. A pilot by the name of Captain Thomas F. Mantell actually freaking died this way. He and a few other planes were dispatched to check out a UFO in January of 1948. The object was too high in the sky for their planes, but Mantell, either having huge balls or a burning hatred of aliens, went after it. Finally at 25,000 feet, he blacked out and his plane crashed. Holy crap! He was killed by aliens!
Well, before he went out, he had time to radio in that the craft was "metallic and tremendous in size." And it was. The Air Force had forgotten to mention they were testing a new weather balloon in the area, one that happened to be huge and covered in a reflective silver surface. Just one of those wacky misunderstandings that would have made for a funny story later, had it not caused a guy to die in a horrific plane crash.
#2. The Washington D.C. UFO Incident
Between July 13 and 29, 1952, a series of UFO sightings were reported over Washington D.C. Witnesses would include an Air Force pilot, people on the ground and, in case you're the type to never trusts the testimony of fallible human beings, we have readings from two separate radar stations.
The Unsettling Evidence:
The first substantiated report came on July 19, when air traffic controller Edward Nugent, of Washington National Airport...
or "Ted" to his friends.
... noticed seven unidentifiable objects on his radar. The objects were not following established flight paths and, in typical UFO sighting fashion, were being too radical in their movements to be ordinary aircraft. Meanwhile, at Andrew's Air Force Base, air traffic controllers were also tracking several unidentifiable objects. According to the military's report on the incident, both towers were tracking an object that was hovering over a radio beacon, before it vanished from both radars at the exact same time.
Even more interesting is that almost the exact same thing happened on July 26, only a week later. The same airports, the same radar readings, the same unidentified objects all on the same fucking day of the week. Two fighter jets were sent this time, one of which saw nothing. The other, however, reported four orbs of light zipping around. The pilot even called in to ask if he should, you know, shoot them down or something, before they streaked out of sight.
"Should I kill this?"
That was enough to attract the attention of President Harry Truman. By now the Air Force had launched Project Blue Book, a massive investigation into pretty much every UFO sighting ever, with the goal of finding out once and for all what was going on. If that sounds like X-Files stuff, remember it's not that the government believed an Independence Day scenario was coming. It was more worried about some kind of radical new Russian spy aircraft.
The Official Explanation:
Project Blue Book was headed by Air Force Captain Edward Ruppelt, and the best guess he could come up with for the D.C. sightings was that the radar was giving false readings due to a temperature inversion (where a layer of warm, moist air covers a layer of cool, dry air, close to the ground, which can reflect radar signals). This didn't account for the eyewitness sightings, of course, or for the fact that temperature inversions are common but radars never pick them up.
"Problem solved." - Project Blue Book
So the government's official position wound up being that there was a meteor storm or some other phenomena at the exact same time, by pure coincidence, there was an unrelated radar error causing the false signals. Mystery solved! Though we should point out that among the people who didn't buy the explanation included Ruppelt and the personnel who were manning the freaking radar stations.
We find that it's a lot easier to cover things up when you ignore the eyewitnesses.
It didn't matter. By 1952, the government was sick of the UFO thing. The nation had UFO fever and every time something lit up in the sky, hundreds and hundreds of people would call and claim Mars was attacking. The entire point of Project Blue Book was to debunk as many of these as possible and get all those cranks to stop bothering them.
It worked like a charm! There were no more UFO sightings after 1952, right?
#1. The Valentich Disappearance
OK, so there were a few thousand after that. And one of them has to be the weirdest of all: the Valentich Disappearance.
History has seen its fair share of aircraft, and even boats, disappearing into the great abyss that is our mighty oceans. So it wouldn't be surprising to hear that on October 21, 1978, a Cessna 182 light aircraft piloted by Australian Frederick Valentich pulled a Houdini and disappeared right the fuck out of thin air.
Ta Da!
That is, until you take into account his final radio transmissions, which are about the creepiest thing you'll ever read.
The Unsettling Evidence:
In his final words with Melbourne Air Traffic Control, which can be read in its creepy-ass entiretyhere, Valentich described being followed by a UFO:
Valentich: Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is there any known traffic below five thousand? Melbourne: No known traffic. Valentich: I am... seems to be a large aircraft below five thousand. Melbourne: What type of aircraft is it? Valentich: I cannot affirm. It is four bright... it seems to me like landing lights.
Like Gorman, Valentich claimed the aircraft was intentionally buzzing him, zipping past, getting too close and going incredibly fast. At one point Valentich said the aircraft stopped in mid-air, and he orbited around it to get a good look:
Valentich: It's got a green light and sort of metallic like... it's all shiny on the outside... ... it just vanished...
Valentich: Ah... Melbourne that strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again... (two seconds open microphone)... it is hovering and it's not an aircraft...
Those were Valentich's last words to Air Traffic Control, and maybe his last words to anyone. What followed were 17 seconds of a metallic scraping sound. Neither Valentich nor his plane were ever seen again. The investigation has been one, long, frustrating dead end. No wreckage of the plane has been found, but he was close enough to the ocean that he could have wound up crashing there. Of course, he was close enough to land for lots and lots of eyewitnesses to come forward to say they saw the EXACT same UFO Valentich reported ... which would be great if they weren't all coming forward after the story had hit the newspapers. They even had two experts examine the 17 seconds of metallic scraping at the end of the radio transmission. The conclusion was a shrug and, "Yep, that's pretty fuckin' weird, isn't it?"
"Weird as shit."
The Official Explanation:
One of the cruel realities of life is that it's pretty easy to blame whoever isn't around to defend themselves. So "Valentich was crazy/stupid/disoriented" immediately becomes the default explanation. For instance, some have suggested Valentich became disoriented and was actually flying upside down the entire time. The lights he saw being his own in the reflection of the ocean.
"Wow, an upside down world with forests and trees and everything! It's like Narnia!"
This would, of course, make him an even worse pilot than George "I tried to shoot down Jupiter" Gorman.
Some have suggested it was an elaborate suicide, the UFO thing a final hoax to keep people talking. Or maybe he just imagined the whole thing from the start. Who knows? He's not around for us to ask.
Our favorite theory is that the guy just got fed up with his life and flew off to go start a new one somewhere where nobody knew him. Who hasn't felt like doing that?
I'm never wearing pants again! Fuck you, society!
Or, maybe it was aliens.
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UFOs seem to blip out or instantly vanish over Ontario, Canada.
UFOs are reported across the globe on a daily basis, and it’s often the same thing — a circular object shines brilliantly in the sky, and then, instantly, it disappears.
Of course, if an advanced civilization in a far off galaxy had the technology to cross the far reaches of space, we might assume the pilots of those spacecraft could also have a cloaking device or hyperspace afterburners, like you might see in your favorite science fiction movie.
They might even have the ability to slip into and out of other dimensions or realities.
A sighting last month in Ontario, Canada, posted to YouTube, delights viewers’ eyes and lives up to every expectation of a close encounter, except in one respect: It probably isn’t real.
We generally don’t comment on anonymous UFO reports posted on social media. However, this one seems to illustrate an important point, and you might keep this in mind the next time you think you see an ET’s spacecraft.
The eyewitness, known only from his V-For-Victor (V4V) YouTube channel, claims that he saw through his bedroom window, “three bright objects in the sky hovering beside each other in a strange formation.”
The eyewitness decided to videotape the objects after they began to blink randomly, disappear and reappear in the same spot. The following 13-second video shows some of this activity.
The incident is under investigation by MUFON, an international UFO research organization that collects UFO reports and attempts to come up with credible explanations for those sightings.
MUFON is not related to any academic organization, nor are their internally trained investigators required to have advanced degrees in science.
The first problem with this submission, of course, is that we don’t know the identity of the eyewitness.
MUFON claims it withholds a submitter’s personal information to save that person the negative attention that might come from claiming to see a UFO.
That’s understandable. Nobody wants to be dismissed as a kook. Still, that means we know nothing about this person’s credibility, mental health or sobriety at the time of the incident. He or she might simply be a prankster.
In this particular case, HuffPost reached out for more information to V4V, who didn’t respond to our request.
The YouTube posting does provide some background, at least.
“I have no idea how high and how far away the UFOs were,” V4V says. “[They] looked very large. I did not hear strange noises or any aircraft engines ... The color of the UFOs was a yellow/orange, almost like car lights.”
But we don’t know exactly when the incident took place because the witness’s post contains conflicting information, and there are no corroborating witnesses.
His written report begins with: “Filmed with a iPad Air 2, on Feb. 19, 2016.”
Yet, just below that, where the incident description actually unfolds, it says: “OnFeb. 21, 2016, at around 5:50 PM, I witnessed 3 UFOs hovering outside.”
So, did this take place on Feb. 19 or Feb. 21?
A Holland-based YouTube channel, FindingUFO, presents information, news and videos about dubious UFOs, submitted by people from around the world. The channel added some visual enhancements to the Canada video, in the following attempt to better clarify the UFOs in this story:
Some of the comments on the YouTube page of the original report support the eyewitness’ testimony of capturing something very unusual in the sky.
Others weren’t so kind, suggesting the UFOs were simply window-reflected lights.
HuffPost showed the video and written report to Marc Dantonio, a video and image specialist of FX Models, who uses advanced software tools in his photo analysis work.
“Interesting video,” Dantonio emailed HuffPost. “However, I noticed something peculiar when the objects vanish in the ‘sky.’ I say ‘sky’ that way because, in my opinion, they were very likely not in the sky at all. I could see, at one point in the video, the edge of a window. I believe we are seeing lights reflected in a window, and the ‘winking out’ is just the light becoming blocked in the room, and thus, no longer reflecting in the window.
“The right-hand light goes out top to bottom. It’s like someone slid a piece of paper or cardboard down in front of the lights one by one. In my opinion, we are looking through a window and viewing light reflections that were extinguished manually, one by one.”
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You’ve Never Heard Linda Moulton Howe Like This Before!
You’ve Never Heard Linda Moulton Howe Like This Before!
Linda Moulton Howe
Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for the exciting return of Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter and star of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series Linda Moulton Howe! In Part 1 of this fascinating episode, Linda, in a rare and controversial prediction, reveals that she has received inside information from trusted sources that 2016 will be the year that at long last the reality of life beyond the Earth will be acknowledged officially by the political leadership and the UFO question and alien presence will be announced!
Dangerous Forces of Secrecy She also warns that the covert forces of secrecy and global domination are planning to cling to their subversive blueprint for maintaining the status quo by concealing the advanced technology and sophisticated exotic energy achieved from reversed-engineered ET craft. She sees two possible timelines for the 21st century: in the first one, a new openness is achieved and the public learns to gain a certain amount of trust in the progress that begins to happen on the subject of suppressed and classified information regarding UFOs that’s been covered up since World War II. In the other timeline, the Deep State of Corporate, Media and Intelligence forces seize control and throw the world into turmoil by ramping up police state tactics, False Flag events and completing a worldwide smart grid of invasive surveillance to further centralize and control the population using established methods of fear to Divide and Conquer modern society.
Where Did UFO Secrecy Get Started? Cape Girardeau! So many reports on classic cases, like the Roswell crash and the 1947 Kenneth Arnold Sightings are touted as being the first incident of a major UFO coverup, but Linda has discovered through the foggy mists of time a forgotten case of the crash of an off-world civilization with multiple witnesses in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941. At the time, future President Harry Truman and Four Term President FDR needed to collaborate to preserve the secrecy around the alien beings that were discovered at the crash site. The beings were eventually taken to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. (before the creation of the Pentagon) and according to new research, kept in a liquid state in jars in an underground base below the Capitol before being used in a bizarre Masonic Ritual to enact UFO Secrecy that would last for generations!
UFO Revelations? Has the time come for true UFO revelations that will give new universal meaning to humanity in the 21st century, even if it brings turmoil in the short term? Or are forces inside a Breakaway Civilization preparing their contingency plans to keep their covert advantage of UFO Technology intact? Is it time for a UFO Breakthrough?
Alarming, exciting, shocking, controversial and extremely enlightening, this is the Part 1 episode of Dark Journalist with Linda Moulton Howe that you don’t want to miss!
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Top other Worldwide 9 Mass UFO Sightings
Top other Worldwide 9 Mass UFO Sightings
( see also the precedent article with 10 other issues )
Mass UFO Sightings
It’s one thing for skeptics to dismiss a sighting of a UFO by a single individual, who might be mistaken, delusional or simply a teller of tall tales. It’s more difficult, however, to disregard sightings in public places and a large number of witnesses. Here are 17 of the most prominent documented mass UFO sightings in history.
In many of these cases thousands of witnesses viewed these craft, and the sightings generated thousands of telephone calls for the police and military. Oddly enough the debunkers, who did not witness any of these events came out in full force, telling the public and officials that thousands of people were suffering "temporary mass psychosis."
1. White House UFO Incident - 1952
On July 29, 1952, International News Service (INS) announced that the Air Force had ordered its jets to shoot down any flying saucers. The order was confirmed by an AF spokesperson. The order came on the heels of a flood of flying saucer reports, particularly along the East Coast, climaxing in overflights of Washington D.C. that were picked up on radar, with jets being ordered to intercept. On the afternoon of July 29, the Air Force called an emergency press conference to debunk the sightings and quiet the panic. It was the largest press conference since WWII. Leading the press conference were Generals John Samford, USAF chief of intelligence, and Roger Ramey, USAF director of operations, who was in charge of jet scrambles. In July 1947, Ramey had headed the 8th Army Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas, and led the debunking of the Roswell crashed flying disk, saying it was simply a mistaken weather balloon. Samford and Ramey were called the Air Force's top two saucer experts.
2. Operation Mainbrace - 1952
September 13-25, 1952: This case has multiple military credible witnesses from multiple countries (USA, England, New Zealand, Denmark etc) possible Presidental sighting and "military photos" never released to the public. This case involves UFOs and USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects), you could not ask for much more believable evidence then Operation Mainbrace. At 11:00 am on September 19th 1952, a British Meteor jet aircraft encountered a UFO at Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England. As the jet approached for landing, a silvery object was observed following it. The disk-shaped object was said to have rotated on its axis while hovering, and was also observed by personnel on the ground. When the jet began circling, the UFO stopped and suddenly took off at high speed. The incident was one in a series of sightings during Operation Mainbrace. To Read the full Operation Mainbrace UFO story.
3. 10,000 Witnesses See UFO - Italian Stadium, 1954
It's 27 October 1954. A reserve game between Fiorentina and nearby rivals Pistoiese is under way at the Stadio Artemio Franchi. A crowd of around 10,000 has gathered to watch. Among them is Gigi Boni (second left in the picture) a lifelong Fiorentina fan who in later years would become the co-ordinator of the club's supporters group.
Now in his eighties Boni still has vivid memories of watching in disbelief as UFOs hovered above the stadium."I remember clearly seeing this incredible sight. They were moving very fast and then they just stopped. It all lasted a couple of minutes. I would like to describe them as being like Cuban cigars. They just reminded me of Cuban cigars, in the way they looked."
The stadium fell silent as the players and fans stood transfixed, staring at these strange objects in the crisp blue autumn sky. Follow this link to read the full story on the Franchi UFO Mass Sighting.
4. Westfall UFO Encounter, 200 Students Australia-1966
April 6, 1966 -The Westall UFO encounter is an event that occurred on 6 April 1966 in Melbourne, Australia. Around 11.00 am, for about 20 minutes, more than 200 students and teachers at two Victorian state schools allegedly witnessed an unexplained flying object which descended into a nearby open wild grass field. The paddock was adjacent to a grove of pine trees in an area known as The Grange (now a nature reserve). According to reports, the object then ascended in a north-westerly direction over the suburb of Clayton South, Victoria, Australia.
This is one of the most compelling UFO cases on record, it has been referred to as Australia's Roswell. It does appear the military has some knowledge and involvement with this incident and went to great lengths to cover up the truth for many years. This group of students held a 40 year anniversary of this event in 2006. The skeptics claimed that this was some type of secret military aircraft but this type of technology is not available today let alone forty years ago. At this juncture it appears that it was a genuine UFO operating with the consent and knowledge of the Australian Military. To read the full Westfall Mass UFO Encounter. click here.
5. Portage County Police Chase - 1966
April 17, 1966: The Portage County UFO Chase was an unidentified flying object encounter that began in Portage County, Ohio on the morning of April 17, 1966, when police officers Dale Spaur and Wilbur Neff observed a metallic, disc shaped object flying in the skies. They pursued the object for about half an hour, ending up in Pennsylvania before losing sight of the UFO. Several other police officers became involved in the chase, and several civilians reported witnessing the same object, or a similar object in about the same area, during this time. The UFO encounter earned significant mainstream publicity, and probably inspired a scene in Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind, where three Indiana police cruisers are depicted chasing several UFOs into Ohio, eastbound across state lines. To read the full Portage County UFO Chase story.
6. The Belgium Wave - 1989-1990
November 1989 - April 1990: The Belgium UFO wave refers to a series of sightings of triangular UFOs. The UFO Sightings peaked with the events of the night of 30/31 March 1990. On that night unknown objects were tracked on radar, photographed, and were sighted by an estimated 13,500 people on the ground – 2,600 of whom filed written statements describing in detail what they had seen. Following the incident the Belgian air force released a report detailing the events of that night. The Belgium Air Force two scrambled F-16s attempted nine separate interceptions of the targets. On three occasions they managed to obtain a radar lock for a few seconds but each time the targets changed position and speed so rapidly that the lock was broken. During the first radar lock, the target accelerated from 240 km/h to over 1,770 km/h while changing altitude from 2,700 m to 1,500 m, then up to 3,350 m before descending to almost ground level – the first descent of more than 900 m taking less than two seconds. Similar maneuvers were observed during both subsequent radar locks. To read the full Belgium Wave UFO Story.
7. The British UFO Mystery - The Cosford Incident-1993
The first sighting took place in Somerset at approximately 8:30 pm on March 30, 1993 followed by another sighting in Quantock Hills at 9:00 pm. For the next two days hundreds of reports poured into local police stations and the MoD. Many of the reports were filed by police officers and military personnel. It has been confirmed that many more people in all walks of life, police, military and the public saw the UFO but made no attempt to report it to the authorities. The vast majority of the reports described a triangular shaped craft with white lights at each point. To read the full Cosford UFO Incident story
8. 62 Children See UFO & Aliens - Africa - 1994
September 16th, 1994 at approximately 10:15am, 62 children from Ariel School, a private primary school in Ruwa (about 20 km from Harare) in Africa were in their playing field for the mid-morning break. Suddenly, they saw three silver balls in the sky over the school. These disappeared with a flash of light and then reappeared elsewhere.
This happened three times and then they started to move down towards the school with one of them landing (or hovering) over a section of rough ground made up of trees, thorn bushes, and some brown-grey cut grass with bamboo shoots sticking up out of the ground. The children are not allowed in this area although it is adjacent to their playing field and is not fenced off, because of snakes, spiders and perhaps other harmful creatures. To read the full 62 African School Children Mass UFO Sighting story.
9. The Chicago O'Hare UFO Incident - 2007
This is one of the many UFO cases on record that is simply hard to deny. Witnessed by hundreds of United Airline workers plus airport employees including, baggage handlers, pilots, tower personnel, ground staff. While this happened sometime ago (Nov 7, 2006) it remains a sighting that is realistic, undeniable and well documented. To read the full story about the Chicago Mass UFO Sighting.
It’s one thing for skeptics to dismiss a sighting of a UFO by a single individual, who might possibly be mistaken, delusional or simply a teller of tall tales. It’s more difficult, however, to disregard sightings in public places and a large number of witnesses. Here are 10 of the most prominent documented mass UFO sightings in U.S. history.
1. June 1, 1853: Luminous Objects Hover Over Tennessee College Campus.
As the sun rose over the campus of Burritt College, numerous students—who apparently were early risers in those days, too—were startled to see two luminous objects in the sky. According to professor A.C. Carnes, who reported the incident in a letter to Scientific American, the first had the appearance of a small new moon, while the other resembled a large star. The small object then vanished, while the bigger one changed shape, first into a globe and then into an elongated shape parallel with the horizon. The smaller light then became visible again, and increased rapidly in size, while the other object shrank. The two objects continued fluctuating in a similar fashion for the next 30 minutes. “The students have asked for an explanation, but neither the President nor Professors are satisfied as to the character of the lights,” wrote Carnes. While he himself speculated that the occurrence might have been caused somehow by atmospheric moisture, the incident remains a mystery.
2. April 17, 1897: Purported UFO crash in Texas.
At about 6 a.m. that morning, according to contemporaneous Dallas Morning News account, citizens of the small town of Aurora were awakened by the appearance of what the writer referred to as an “airship.” The craft reportedly malfunctioned and stalled, and crashed into a windmill on the property of a local judge, scattering debris over several acres. “The pilot of the ship is supposed to have been the only one aboard and, while his remains were badly disfigured, enough of the original has been picked up to show that he was not an inhabitant of this world,” according to the Morning News account. Skeptics long have dismissed the account as a hoax. But in 1973, a United Press International reporter located a 91-year-old resident, Mary Evans, who recalled her parents visiting the crash site, and telling her that the body of the UFO pilot had been buried in the town cemetery.
3. February 25, 1942: The Battle of Los Angeles.
In the early morning hours, radar operators spotted an unidentified object 120 miles west of Los Angeles and watched anxiously as it zoomed to within a few miles of the southern California coast and then inexplicably vanished from their screens. Sometime after that, an artillery officer along the coast reported what he described as 25 aircraft flying at 25,000 feet, and a few minutes later, other observers saw a balloon-like object carrying what appeared to be flares over nearby Santa Monica. Then, anti-aircraft batteries spotted what witnesses later described as swarms of objects flying at various altitudes, at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. Fearing that the city was under attack by the Japanese, they fired 1,400 rounds of ammunition at the bogeys. But apparently, none of them hit anything, because no wreckage subsequently was found. Officials initially ascribed the incident to a combination of a false alarm and mass hysteria. But UFOlogists have speculated over the years that the gunners might have been shooting at extraterrestrial spacecraft.
4. January 7, 1948: Saucer Appears Over Kentucky.
Early in the afternoon, dozens of residents of the Madisonville, KY area telephoned police to report that they had seen what a news account later described as “a circular object hovering overhead and giving off a brilliant glow.” State police then alerted Air Force officials at Goodman Field, an air base at Fort Knox. 15 minutes later, the airfield’s tower crew spotted the UFO as well, and used the radio to ask a squadron of P-51 fighters already aloft to investigate. Squadron leader Capt. Thomas Mantell, Jr. an expert pilot who had won the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery during World War II, responded that he had spotted the UFO and was in pursuit. “I’m closing in now to take a good look,” Mantell reported in his last radio transmission at 3:15 p.m. “The thing looks metallic, and is tremendous in size.” Three minutes later, Mantell crashed and was killed. The official conclusion was that he had run out of oxygen, but UFOlogists have long doubted that explanation.
5. November 2, 1957: Fiery Object Seen Over Texas.
At about 11 p.m. that evening in the town of Levelland, TX, police received 15 frantic phone calls from local residents about a mysterious object in the sky. In an Associated Press account, one of the witnesses, a 30-year-old farm worker and Korean War veteran, described the object as a “flash of light” flying overhead with a rush of wind, and said that it had apparently caused the lights and engine of his truck to go dead. Other witnesses described the craft as blue-green and egg-shaped, and said that it abruptly morphed into a fireball before rising straight up and disappearing.
6. Dec. 9, 1965: The Kecksburg Incident.
Numerous residents of the small Pennsylvania village about 40 miles from Pittsburgh saw an object that some witnesses described as streaking green fire across the sky before it crashed in a local field, just before 6 p.m. that evening. Local resident Bill Bulebush, who was working on his car when he saw the object, described it as acorn-shaped and about twice the size of a Volkswagen Beetle. He said that it glided slowing before making a U-turn and going down. A local fireman, James Romansky, later described the downed craft as having hieroglyphic-like writing around its bottom ring. He only got to examine the craft for about 15 minutes, before government and military officials arrived and ordered everyone from the scene, and posted armed guards around the perimeter. Subsequently, there was speculation that the object may have been a Soviet satellite, but UFO researcher Clifford Stone, who spoke years later to former Soviet officials, said they insisted that the object had not been one of theirs. After investigative journalist Leslie Keen filed a Freedom of Information Act suit, NASA revealed in 2009 that documentation on the case was missing.
7. March 24, 1983: V-Shaped Lights in the Hudson Valley.
The suburban area, about an hour’s drive north of New York City, was the scene of more than 5,000 UFO sightings from 1982 through 1986, perhaps one of the biggest clusters of incidents in history. One night, March 24, stands out because of the sheer volume—more than 300 residents called a local UFO organization’s hotline that night, reporting that they had seen large v-shaped array of lights that moved slowly and almost silently through the sky. Some witnesses got close enough to say that the craft was big enough to be a “flying city.” Hunt Middleton, a local resident who had just stepped off a bus from New York City at 7:30 p.m., described a row of six or seven extremely bright lights. “They were all blinking on and off, and were red, blue, green and white. I knew it was not any type of conventional aircraft because the lights were stationary. It was just hovering there in the sky.” Middleton said that he watched the object for five minutes, before going inside his house to get his family to come out and see it. By then, it was gone.
8. March 13, 1997: The Phoenix Lights.
On that evening, thousands of people in Nevada and Arizona reportedly saw what many described as an immense, V-shaped object outlined by seven lights. Others, however, reported seeing orbs and triangles in the sky as well. Police departments in Phoenix, Tempe, Glendale and other Arizona cities were jammed with calls from residents. One witness, a man in his thirties named Dana Valentine, said that he and his father both watched as the lights passed 500 feet directly above them. "We could see the outline of a mass behind the lights, but you
couldn't actually see the mass," Valentine says. "It was more like a gray distortion of the night sky, wavy. I don't know exactly what it was, but I know it's not a technology the public has heard of before." The military later claimed that National Guard pilots had released diversionary flares while on a training run, but not everyone accepted that explanation.
9. July 14, 2001: UFO on the New Jersey Turnpike.
Multiple witnesses, including a local off-duty police officer, watched in wonder as an array of yellow lights flew in formation in suburban New Jersey near New York City late in the evening of July 14, 2001 into the early morning of the following day. A short time later, at around 12:30 a.m., another witness, Carteret police Lt. Dan Tarrant, reportedly received a call at home from his 19-year-old daughter, who was out with friends and had seen strange lights in the sky. Tarrant told the Record and ABC News that he then stepped outside to take a look. As Tarrant subsequently told ABC News, what he saw was astounding: “16 golden-orange colored lights, several in a V-type formation. Others were scattered around the V." Tarrant told the Record, a local newspaper, that the mysterious lights flashed across the sky for about 10 minutes, then faded one-by-one into darkness.
10. January 8, 2008: The Stephensville Lights.
In the evening, about out 40 local residents, including a local amateur civilian pilot and a police officer, witnessed a UFO that hovered over the farming community for about five minutes before streaking away into the night sky. Police officer Lee Roy Gaitan told National Public Radio that he was walking to his car when he saw a luminous object that reminded him of pictures of erupting volcanos, suspended 3,000 feet in the air. Another witness estimated that the UFO was a half-mile wide, a mile long, and” bigger than a Wal-Mart.” UFOs photographed Above a Mayan Pyramid
Report submitted to the MUFON database on June 25, 2015
On a trip to Teotihucan in Mexico, I took a photo of the pyramid of the sun. Later when I was reviewing my photo, I saw two objects above the pyramid. I didn’t see or hear them at the time. My friend took an almost identical photo approximately 10 seconds after I did and nothing is in her photo.
The first photo I’ve submitted is mine. The second is my friends photo taken approximately 10 seconds after. In her photo you can see my head in the lower left corner because I was wearing a red and white bandana on my head. Also you can see tourist moving up the steps of the pyramid to show how much time passed between photos.
Photo was taken on 2015-05-04
Full Image of 2 UFOs in photograph taken of a pyramid in Teotihucan, Mexico – Click for full resolution
Zoom into 2 unknown objects – click for full resolution
Closer view of the first, larger object in the photo – click for full resolution
Image magnified to show both UFOs – click for full resolution
Have you captured something paranormal with your camera? Send them to us at
Footage of strange lights in the skies above the North of England are a sign of extra-terrestrial life and prove we're not alone, according to a North East UFO 'investigator'.
Glen Richardson, a Hartlepool-based UFO Investigative Researcher told the Chronicle: "I have been investigating incidents for around 20 years now, I get about five pictures and messages about UFOs from across the North East and UK every week.
"It may be true that nine times out of 10 there is a scientific explanation but some things you just cannot explain. I am very open minded and I do believe that there is life out there, sightings like the ones recorded back that up."
Witnesses in the North of England have recorded 18 sightings with the Mutual UFO Network(Mufon) - described as 'the world's oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body' during the past 12 months.
They include a video recording of a disc-shaped orange light hovering over County Durham on 27 June, footage of a flying object that appeared as 'defined lights within a square' in the skies above Sunderland on 1 December, and someone near the A1 who took a picture of a plane with a UFO hovering above it on 14 May.
Mr Richardson urges anyone who witnesses an incident to report it. "Some people fear ridicule, but there is no shame in trying to find the answers and I think the more people report the more investigations there will be and the more evidence will form."
Across Britain, there have been 476 sightings logged on Mufon in the last year. They range from a 'teleporting man' to a white glowing object that 'changed direction in the blink of an eye'.
Mr Richardson concluded: "There is strong evidence for life out there now and I predict in the next 30 years it will be a known fact."
Has there been a sighting near you?
Mufon has a handy UFO Tracker with live information. Simply enter your postcode or town, and when the map of your region appears, zoom out to see if there have been sightings near you.
A UFO hunter from Las Vegas, Nevada, recently captured on camera a bright orb UFO moving silently, skimming the top of mountains near his neighborhood. The UFO eventually landed at the base of a mountain near the UFO hunter’s home.
Footage uploaded to YouTube on March 19, 2016, by Steven Barone, shows a bright orb UFO in the sky above the mountain closest to the UFO hunter’s home. The UFO was less than two miles from Barone’s home when he began filming it.
He filmed the bright, glowing orb in the sky as it drifted closer to his home, and being an experienced UFO hunter, he could tell it was not a helicopter or an airplane because it appeared only as a bright, glowing orb with no structures or engine sounds similar to a man-made aircraft.
He continued filming the UFO as it descended and eventually landed on the ground near the mountain. The lights of the UFO went out as it neared the ground. But he could still see the UFO in his camera lens as it descended towards the base of the mountain because of the strong moonlight.
It descended silently after its lights went out, and according to Barone, it landed at a spot close to the base of the mountain.
Although he was unable to see the UFO in the dark after it landed at the base of the mountain, he watched for several minutes while it lurked silently in the dark at the base of the mountain.
The UFO hunter could not guess what the UFO was doing on the ground at the base of the mountain.
After several minutes the UFO took off from the ground. Barone saw it briefly before it disappeared again, apparently returning to the ground at the base of the mountain.
Alien astronauts may have landed in Las Vegas, according to UFO hunters [Image via Shutterstock]It rose to the air again after several minutes and was just visible above the rooftops of houses in the UFO hunter’s neighborhood. As the UFO rose higher in the air, Barone noticed that there were now two UFOs flying side-by-side.
He watched as the objects disappeared in the night.
The UFO hunter claimed that was not the first time that he had seen a bright orb UFO flying over the mountains near his Las Vegas neighborhood but it was the first time that one came so close to his home.
UFO blogger Scott Waring suggested that the orb was an alien UFO and that it approached Barone’s home probably out of curiosity. The aliens manning the orb may have noticed that he was watching them.
“These alien orbs can sense that you see them, but this one seems curious about Steven himself,” Waring writes.
Several UFO enthusiasts have remarked about the recent increase in sightings of bright or glowing orb UFOs thought to be robotic alien probes carrying out clandestine surveillance as though familiarizing themselves with the lay of the land in preparation for planned future manned missions and landings.
The Inquisitrreported in April that a resident of Spokane Valley in Washington told the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) that he sighted and filmed a bright orb UFO at about 7 p.m. on January 16, 2016. The UFO had paused mid-flight, hovered in the air for some minutes before releasing an orb that floated to the ground.
According to the witness’s testimony filed as Case 53762 in the MUFON’s archives, the UFO flew away and disappeared after dropping the orb (see video below).
Many UFO researchers thought the Spokane Valley resident may have witnessed an alien robotic probe releasing a detachable landing module.
Another group of witnesses at a location about a mile away from the first witness corroborated the report. The reporting witness told MUFON that at about 7 p.m. on January 16, 2016, he saw a bright, glowing orb that appeared to drop a “landing pod” before flying away.
Earlier on Christmas Eve, 2013, three unrelated witnesses gave identical and mutually corroborating accounts about the sighting of a glowing orb UFO that dropped a landing pod over Boise, Idaho.
According to the first witness in a report filed as Case 52934 in the MUFON reporting database, a glowing orb UFO dropped a smaller orb to the ground at about 9:15 a.m. on December 24, 2013 (see video below).
An unrelated witness at a nearby location in Boise also reported (Case 52930) sighting a glowing orb that dropped a smaller orb about half its size at 9:15 p.m.
A third witness (Case 52942) also in Boise, reported an identical sighting on the same day.
The witness in the sighting at Spokane Valley said he and his family had witnessed the same UFO several times in the past. It seemed the UFO had been conducting surveillance flights in preparation for landing a pod.
Open Minds also reported a case in which a witness from Aitkin County claimed repeated sightings of an orb UFO over several days. According to the witness in a testimony filed as Case 50785, she saw the same object, a glowing orb, every night for several days. The witness finally filmed the UFO on September 12, 2013 (see video below).
Yet another witness in Chalfont, Pennsylvania, (Case 51842) reported a UFO that returned five times over a three-week period (see video below).
The slew of disturbingly similar reports of mysterious, bright and glowing orbs dropping “landing pods” over locations across the U.S. has caused UFO researchers to raise an alarm that a stealth invasion of Earth by possibly hostile alien races may be underway.
According to members of the UFO community, the remarkably similar sightings reported from across the country suggest that alien invaders are secretly planting sleeper cells across the world.
The latest reported sighting in Las Vegas, according to conspiracy theorists, is the first in which an entire orb landed on Earth rather than simply drop a pod.
UFO experts believe the orb may have been a manned alien spacecraft and that the alien astronauts may have landed only long enough to collect samples for testing.
A visitor to the Large Hadron Collider.(Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)
This weekend, the Large Hadron Collider — the particle accelerator used to discover the Higgs boson in 2012 — is being fired back up after a two-year break.
The gigantic collider (which includes a 17-mile-long underground tunnel that runs between France and Switzerland) was shut down in February 2013 so engineers could make upgrades. Now, physicists are starting it back up for a new series of experiments intended to push the laws of physics to their limits.
1) Wait, what is the Large Hadron Collider again?
A tunnel at the LHC. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/Getty Images)
The LHC, which was completed in 2008 by CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) at a cost of around $9 billion, is the world's largest particle accelerator: an extremely long underground tunnel that allows physicists to conduct some pretty intense experiments.
In essence, these experiment involve shooting beams of particles around the ring, using enormous magnets to speed them up to 99.9999 percent of the speed of light (causing them to whip around the ring about 11,000 times per second), then crashing them together. Sophisticated sensors capture all sorts of data on the particles that result from these collisions.
2) Why do scientists want to crash particles together?
Data from one of the particle detectors at the LHC. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP/GettyImages)
The huge amount of energy present in these collisions leads the particles to break apart and recombine in some pretty exotic ways. And these conditions can reveal flaws in thestandard model of physics — currently our best formula for predicting the behavior of all matter.
Physicists want to do this because, as accurate as the standard model seems to be, it's still incomplete. "It's extremely efficient at making predictions, but we physicists don't really like it," Patrick Koppenburg, a researcher at the LHC, told me for an article last year.
The biggest problem is that the model doesn't account for the force of gravity (it only describes the other three fundamental forces) or exotic substances such as dark matter and dark energy. It also doesn't mesh well with our theories about the birth of the universe.
In other words, the standard model is the best description we currently have of how all objects behave, but as Koppenburg says, "it must be wrong somewhere." Forcing particles to behave in unusual ways, as he and others do at the LHC, could help reveal exactly where the model is wrong.
3) What have these scientists discovered at the LHC so far?
A diagram showing the 17 fundamental particles of the standard model, including the Higgs boson. (MissMJ)
The LHC's biggest finding so far was the July 2012 discovery of an elementary particle called the Higgs boson.
Since the 1960s, the Higgs boson was thought to exist as a part of the Higgs field: an invisible field that permeates all space and exerts a drag on every particle. This field, physicists theorized, is why we perceive particles to have mass (or, in other words, a resistance to being moved). As physicist Brian Greene put it in an article inSmithsonian:
Think of a ping-pong ball submerged in water. When you push on the ping-pong ball, it will feel much more massive than it does outside of water. Its interaction with the watery environment has the effect of endowing it with mass. So with particles submerged in the Higgs field.
On paper, the Higgs field and boson both made a lot of sense — all the equations of the standard model pointed toward their existence. But we had no direct physical evidence of them. "In building the LHC, what we really hoped to do was either find the Higgs, or be able to exclude its existence," Koppenburg said.
In 2012, after three years of experiments at the LHC, physicists confirmed the Higgs boson does indeed exist. It had been calculated that after being formed during a collision, the Higgs boson would immediately decay into other particles in a specific ratio. Data collected after protons were crashed together showed evidence of these particles in the ratio predicted.
This is so important because the Higgs field is a keystone of the standard model: it allows the rest of its equations to make a whole lot more sense. And finding it 50 years after it was predicted on paper shows we're on the right track so far in trying to understand the universe.
4) Why is the LHC starting back up?
A tunnel in the LHC. (Vladimir Simicek/isifa/Getty Images)
All the experiments conducted at the LHC so far are part of "run one." This week, after several years of upgrading the LHC's magnets (which speed up and control the flow of particles) and data sensors, it'll begin "run two": a new series of experiments that will involve crashing particles together with nearly twice as much energy as before.
These more powerful collisions will allow scientists to keep discovering new (and perhaps larger) particles, and also look more closely at the Higgs boson and observe how it behaves under different conditions.
"We're hoping to find things that were not predicted by the standard model," Koppenburg said. "Perhaps particles that are so heavy that they haven't been produced before, or other kinds of deviations." It's possible, for instance, that the Higgs boson is just one of several undiscovered particles that are part of the Higgs family.
The right kinds of data, Koppenburg and other physicists hope, will allow us to find new particles and otherwise improve our model, perhaps allowing it to accurately incorporate dark matter, the birth of the universe, and other obscure topics. Someday, this sort of work could even lead to the creation a new, perfect model that fully describes the behavior of all objects in the universe.
5) Are there plans for any future particle accelerators even bigger than the LHC?
Yes. Physicists hope to eventually build larger accelerators that would produce collisions with even more energy than the LHC, which might allow them to discover new particles and better understand dark matter. The proposed International Linear Collider, for instance, would be more than 20 miles long, with a pair of accelerators facing each other straight on, rather than the familiar ring design of the LHC and other accelerators. It's still pending, but could be built in Japan, with scientists hoping to have it operational by 2026.
Once upon a time, it looked like a truly gigantic accelerator would actually be built in the US. In 1989, Congress agreed to spend $6 billion to build the Superconducting Super Collider: a 54-mile-long underground ring in Waxahachie, Texas, that would have produced collisions with five times as much energy as the LHC's. But in 1993, with the costs rising to a projected $11 billion, Congress killed the project — after $2 billion had already been spent on drilling nearly 15 miles of tunnel.
Some physicists actually believe that the universe we live in might be a hologram.
The idea isn't that the universe is some sort of fake simulation out of The Matrix, but rather that even though we appear to live in a three-dimensional universe, it might only have two dimensions. It's called the holographic principle.
The thinking goes like this: Some distant two-dimensional surface contains all the data needed to fully describe our world — and much like in a hologram, this data is projected to appear in three dimensions. Like the characters on a TV screen, we live on a flat surface that happens to look like it has depth.
It might sound absurd. But if when physicists assume it's true in their calculations, all sorts of big physics problems — such as the nature of black holes and the reconciling of gravity and quantum mechanics — become much simpler to solve. In short, the laws of physics seem to make more sense when written in two dimensions than in three.
"It's not considered some wild speculation among most theoretical physicists," says Leonard Susskind, the Stanford physicist who first formally defined the idea decades ago. "It's become a working, everyday tool to solve problems in physics."
But there's an important distinction to be made here. There's no direct evidence that our universe actually is a two-dimensional hologram. These calculations aren't the same as a mathematical proof. Rather, they're intriguing suggestions that our universe could be a hologram. And as of yet, not all physicists believe we have a good way of testing the idea experimentally.
Where did the idea that the universe might be a hologram come from?
The idea originally came out of a pair of paradoxes concerning black holes.
1) The black hole information loss problem
In 1974, Stephen Hawking famously discoveredthat black holes, contrary to what had long been thought, actually emit slight amounts of radiation over time. Eventually, as this energy bleeds away from the event horizon — the black hole's outer edge — the black hole should completely disappear.
An illustration of radiation escaping from a black hole. (Communicate Science)
However, this idea prompted what's known as the black hole information loss problem. It's long been thought that physical information can't be destroyed: All particles either retain their original form or, if they change, that change impacts other particles, so the first set of particles' original state could be inferred at the end.
As an analogy, think of a stack of documents that are fed through a shredder. Even though they're cut into tiny pieces, the information present on the pieces of paper still exists. It's been cut into tiny pieces, but it hasn't disappeared, and given enough time, the documents could be reassembled so that you'd know what was written on them originally. In essence, the same thing was thought to be true with particles.
But there was a problem: If a black hole disappears, then the information present in any object that may have been sucked into it seemingly disappears, too.
One solution, proposed by Susskind and Dutch physicist Gerard 't Hooft in the mid-'90s, was that when an object gets pulled into a black hole, it leaves behind some sort of 2D imprint encoded on the event horizon. Later, when radiation leaves the black hole, it picks up the imprint of this data. In this way, the information isn't really destroyed.
And their calculations showed that on just the 2D surface of a black hole, you could store enough information to completely describe any seemingly 3D objects inside it.
"The analogy that both of us independently were thinking about was that of a hologram — a two-dimensional piece of film which can encode all the information in a three-dimensional region of space," Susskind says.
The entropy problem: There was also the related problem of calculating the amount of entropy in a black hole — that is, the amount of disorder and randomness among its particles. In the '70s, Jacob Bekenstein had calculated that their entropy is capped, and that the cap is proportional to the 2D area of a black hole's event horizon.
"For ordinary matter systems, the entropy is proportional to the volume, not the area," says Juan Maldacena, an Argentinian physicist involved in studying the holographic principle. Eventually, he and others saw that this, too, pointed to the idea that what looked like a 3D object — a black hole — might be best understood using only two dimensions.
How did this idea go from black holes to the entire universe?
None of this was proof that black holes were holograms. But early on, Susskind says, physicists recognized that looking at the entire universe as a two-dimensional object that only looks three-dimensional might help solve some deeper problems in theoretical physics. And the math works just as well whether you're talking about a black hole, a planet, or an entire universe.
In 1998, Maldacena demonstrated that a hypothetical universe could be a hologram. His particular hypothetical universe was in what's called anti-de Sitter space (which, to simplify things, has a curved shape over huge distances, as opposed to our universe, which is believed to be flat):
Anti-de Sitter space (left) curves in on itself. Our universe (right) is believed to be flat. (The Physics Mill)
What's more, by viewing this universe in two dimensions, he found a way to make the increasingly popular idea of string theory — a broad framework in which the basic building blocks of the universe are one-dimensional strings, rather than particles — jibe neatly with the well-established laws of particle physics.
And even more importantly, by doing so, he united two hugely important, disparate concepts in physics under one theoretical framework. "The holographic principle connected the theory of gravity to theories of particle physics," Maldacena says.
Combining these two fundamental ideas into a single coherent theory (often calledquantum gravity) remains one of the holy grails of physics. So the holographic principle making it possible in this hypothetical universe was a big deal.
Of course, all of this is stillquite different from saying that our actual universe — not this weird hypothetical one — is a hologram.
But could our universe actually be a hologram — or does the idea only apply to hypothetical ones?
That's still a matter of active debate. But there's been some recent theoretical work that suggests the holographic principle might work for our universe too — including a high-profile paper by Austrian and Indian physicists that came out this past May.
Like Maldacena, they also sought to use the principle to find a similarity between the disparate fields of quantum physics and gravitational theory. In our universe, these two theories typically don't align: They predict different results regarding the behavior of any given particle.
But in the new paper, the physicists calculated how these theories would predict the degree of entanglement — the bizarre quantum phenomenon in which the states of two tiny particles can become correlated so that a change to one particle can affect the other, even if they're far away. They found that by viewing one particular model of a flat universe as a hologram, they could indeed get the results of both theories to match up.
Still, even though this was a bit closer to our universe than the one Maldacena had worked with, it was just one particular type of flat space, and their calculations didn't take time into account — just the other three spatial dimensions. What's more, even if this did apply directly to our universe, it'd only show that it's possible it could be a hologram. It wouldn't be hard evidence.
How could we prove that the universe is a hologram?
Fermilab's Holometer, used in tests that some say could find evidence for the holographic principle. (Fermilab)
The best type of proof would start with some testable prediction made by holographic theory. Experimental physicists could then gather evidence to see if it matches the prediction. For instance, the theory of the Big Bang predicted that we might find some form of remnant energy emanating throughout the universe as a result of the violent expansion 13.8 billion years ago — and in the 1960s, astronomers found exactly that, in the form of the cosmic microwave background.
At the moment, there's no universally agreed-upon test that would provide firm evidence for the idea. Still, some physicists believe that the holographic principle predicts there's a limit to how much information spacetime can contain, because our seemingly 3D spacetime is encoded by limited amounts of 2D information. As Fermilab's Craig Hoganrecently put it to Motherboard, "The basic effect is that reality has a limited amount of information, like a Netflix movie when Comcast is not giving you enough bandwidth. So things are a little blurry and jittery."
Hogan and others are using an instrument called a Holomoter to look for this sort of blurriness. It relies on powerful lasers to see whether — at super-small, submicroscopic levels — there's a fundamental limit in the amount of information present in spacetime itself. If there is, they say, it could be evidence that we're living in a hologram.
Still, other physicists, including Susskind, reject the premise of this experiment and say it can't provide any evidence for the holographic principle.
Let's say we prove the universe is a hologram. What would that mean for my everyday life?
Everyday life in a holographic universe. (
In one strict sense, it'd mean little. The same laws of physics you've been living with for your entire life would seem to remain exactly the same. Your house, dog, car, and body would keep appearing as three-dimensional objects, just like they always have.
But in a deeper sense, this discovery would revolutionize our existence on a profound level.
It doesn't matter much for your day-to-day life that the universe was formed 13.8 billion years in a sudden, violent expansion from a single point of matter. But the discovery of the Big Bang is instrumental for our current understanding of the history of the universe and our place within the cosmos.
Likewise, the bizarre principles of quantum mechanics — like entanglement, in which two distant particles somehow affect each other — don't really change your daily life either. You can't see atoms and don't notice them doing this. But these principles are another basic truth that tells us something utterly unexpected about the fundamental nature of the universe.
Proving the holographic principle would be much the same. Living our normal lives, we probably won't think much about the peculiar, counterintuitive fact that we live in a hologram. But the discovery would serve as an important step toward fully understanding the laws of physics — which dictate every action you've ever taken.
Using the latest dating technology, researchers were able to determine the age of a bizarre discovery from India. Paintings of several peculiar beings along with a disc-shaped object were found in a cave system in India.
The paintings appear to have been made no more than 10,000 years ago by the local dwellers who possibly met or witnessed these otherworldly beings. The Department of Archaeology of the Indian state of Chhattisgarh asked the US and Indian aerospace agencies for assistance in order to find out more about the curious designs found in the tribal Bastar area.
Western analysts were intrigued after investigating the paintings because of the many features they had in common with the present UFO phenomenon. According to them, the paintings were made by the aboriginals who appear to have had a clear knowledge of these fantastic beings, as if they were watching some kind of science fiction movie.
Is it possible that 10,000 years ago, humans of this area witnessed or even met with these fantastic beings who they later drawn on the cave wall as a reminder of their greatness? Considering that paintings such as these are found across several other different cultures, the hypothesis of ancient aliens who visited Earth thousands of years ago doesn’t seem too far-off from reality.
According to archaeologist JR Bhagat who is investigating into this matter, there are a few things that tend to add to the overall mystery, such as the remaining villagers who appear to worship the peculiar drawings even now. He believes that people of old witnessed the arrival of otherworldly beings in their spaceships, but until a detailed investigation, the above remains only a speculation.
There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about “rohela people”, or “the small-sized ones” who used to land from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons in the village who never returned.
The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Especially the nose and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits. We can’t refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men, but humans usually fancy such things.
If we are to consider the “caveman” possibility, how come the faces of the beings are so different than those of humans? And how come these beings are depicted wearing strange helms and holding peculiar sword-like objects in a time considered by the modern science as primitive and rudimental?
Apart from this, many peculiar artefacts were discovered in India, a country veiled in mystery, with a complex past involving subterranean temples, strange deities, strong cultural and spiritual background, and of course the Vimanas – the ancient flying machines.
So could this be the work of a caveman, or is it rather the work of humans who were surprised by otherworldly visitors ( via )?
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The biggest Conspiracy Theory of all times-Stargate-Gulf of Aden
The biggest Conspiracy Theory of all times-Stargate-Gulf of Aden
If you have been an avid follower of the growing trend of conspiracy theories lately then be warned this one will blow your mind!
An exclusive video interview with Aaron McCollum has just been released from the makers of Project Camelot Portal and it is by far a gigantic leap for anyone's imagination, the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories has just got deeper!
If you haven’t been upto date with the latest conspiracy theories of late but have been following the news you may have heard of much to do with the Gulf of Aden.
Over the last many months it has been reported that a large congregation of a multinational group of Battle Ships that have been patrolling the waters of the Gulf of Aden, near the border of Yemen.
It has been reported across mainstream media that all countries involved are protecting their interests from the growing Somali Pirates threat. But conspiracy theorists have been reporting this story as a Red Flag Operation to cover the real purpose of their unprecedented Navel activity in the waters of Aden.
It has been said and also in-depth in this video interview with Aaron McCollum from Project Camelot that a strange magnetic anomaly has been found in the Gulf of Aden. This strange magnetic anomaly is creating what conspiracy theorists believe to be a portal, a kind of Intergalactic Stargate, that only now is slowly being activated and the Governments and the Elites can’t stop it.
There are many strange theories surrounding the 2012 phenomena but now they are escalated to Universal proportions, what’s causing this Stargate to become activated is, well anybody’s guess, but there are many synchronised theories being reported all over the Internet that well is too greater for a mention here.
In Aaron McCollum’s interview he bravely or insanely admits to have been working for Top Secret or Black Projects run by the world’s Elites/Governments. He boldly opens a mega tsunami of Intel and reports to have been working in secret underground facility’s that are also under the sea.
He also mentions in great detail that one of these facilities is on the west side of Puerto Rico and is known as Project Seagate. He also tells of ongoing genetic experiments, the cohesion and calibration of extraterrestrials working in these facilities, the existence of the TR-3bs triangular shaped UFOs as a black government aircraft, interdimensional travel and the list goes on and on, deeper and deeper!
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Les scientifiques font une incroyable découverte sous les statues de l’Île de Pâques !
Les scientifiques font une incroyable découverte sous les statues de l’Île de Pâques !
Le grand mystère des têtes des statues de l'île de Pâques ne cesse de croître… littéralement ! Les archéologues ont creusé autour des têtes et devinez ce qu'ils ont découvert ? Les têtes ont des corps complets ! Les corps sont couverts et recèlent de pétroglyphes indéchiffrables.
Les fouilles archéologiques sur l’Ile de Pâques ont commencé au début des années 1900 et se poursuivent toujours. Il y a quelques temps, les scientifiques ont même découvert que les fameuses statues avaient un corps !
On dénombre exactement 884 statues jusqu’à maintenant dont 150 ont été enfouies avec le temps. Lors d’une expédition qu’il avait organisé en 1936, l’anthropologue suisse Alfred Métraux avait déjà émis l’hypothèse que les ″Moaï″ avaient un corps mais ce n’est qu’en 2010 qu’une équipe d’archéologues a entrepris de déterrer les statues afin de vérifier l’hypothèse qui s’est avérée vraie.
Voici quelques photos prises lors des travaux effectués autour des statues. Vous allez voir à quel point elles deviennent encore plus fascinantes et spectaculaires.
Les statues de l'Ile de Paques ont un corps!
″La raison pourquoi les gens pensent que ce ne sont que des têtes est qu'il y a en a 150 enterrées jusqu'aux épaules tout autour d'un volcan. Ce sont ces magnifiques statues de l'île de Pâques que nous avons vu en photo″ a déclaré Van Tilburg, qui est aussi un membre du Cotsen Institute of Archeology de l'Université de Californie, à Los Angeles. ″Cela veut dire que pour les gens qui ont uniquement vu ces photos, ne savent pas qu'elles ont des corps, et pensent que ce ne sont que des têtes.″
Regardez la vidéo ci-dessous pour apprécier les œuvres mégalithes de nos aïeux :
Note : Encore une fois tout ce que nous pensons à propos de certaines recherches archéologiques s’avère être faux. Les fameuses têtes de l’Île de Pâques sont en fait bien plus que des têtes…
Évidemment le monde archéologique connait cette découverte depuis quelques années mais la population en général reste malheureusement insensible à de telles informations !
Les têtes de l’Île de Pâques sont censées représenter les monuments des anciens dirigeants de la tribu, et d’autres personnalités qui étaient importantes pour les habitants de l’île. L’une des îles les plus isolées de la Terre qui se situe à 3’550 kilomètres à l’ouest du continent sud-américain.
L’analyse ADN des crânes de Paracas prouve qu’ils ne sont pas humains
L’analyse ADN des crânes de Paracas prouve qu’ils ne sont pas humains
Sur la côte sud du Pérou se trouve la péninsule du désert de Paracas. Ce paysage aride est le lieu où l'archéologue péruvien Julio Tello a fait une découverte étonnante en 1928.
Dans ces tombes, Tello a découvert les restes humains ( ?) les plus controversés de l'histoire. Les corps avaient les plus grands crânes allongés du monde et ont été appelés les ″crânes Paracas″
Tello a trouvé au total plus de 300 crânes et qui ont été estimés avoir plus de 3000 ans. Une analyse récente de l'ADN de certains de ces crânes a présenté des résultats étonnants qui pourraient remettre en cause la perspective actuelle de l'arbre de l'évolution humaine.
Plusieurs autres cultures ont pratiqué l'élongation ou déformation crânienne, mais les techniques qu'ils utilisaient produisaient des résultats différents. Certaines tribus d'Amérique du Sud liaient les crânes des nourrissons avec des lianes et des bouts de bois afin de changer leur forme. Cette technique permettait d'appliquer une pression constante sur le crâne sur une longue période temporelle. Ce type de déformation crânienne changeait la forme mais ne modifiait pas la taille, le poids ou le volume du crâne ; ce sont toutes les caractéristiques d'un crâne humain standard.
Les crânes Paracas sont différents. Leurs crânes sont25 % plus grands et 60 % plus volumineuxque des crânes humains réguliers, ce qui a conduit les chercheurs à croire qu'ils n'ont pas pu être modifiés par la technique précédemment mentionnée. Ils sont également structurellement différents et ont seulement une plaque pariétale, par opposition aux crânes humains qui en possèdent deux. Ces différences ont approfondi le mystère vieux de dix ans concernant les crânes Paracas et les chercheurs n'ont pas été en mesure d'expliquer leurs origines.
Le directeur du Musée d'histoire de Paracas a envoyé des échantillons de cinq crânes afin qu'ils subissent un test génétique. Les échantillons consistaient de cheveux, de peau, de dents et de fragments d'os du crâne. Le laboratoire n'a pas été informé de l'origine des échantillons afin d'éviter des résultats biaisés ou influencés. Les résultats sont fascinants.
L'ADN mitochondrial (hérité de la mère) a présenté des mutations inconnues chez n'importe quel humain, primat ou tout autre animal. Les mutations ont suggéré nous avons affaire à un tout nouvel être humain, ou un cousin très éloigné de l'Homo sapiens, du Néandertalien ou autre. Les individus de Paracas étaient très biologiquement différents des humains, ils n'auraient pas été capables de s'accoupler. ″Je ne suis pas sûr que ce sera même inscrit dans l'arbre connu de l'évolution″, a ajouté une généticienne.
Les implications de cette découverte sont énormes. Qui étaient les mystérieux individus de Paracas ? Ont-ils évolué ici sur Terre et ont emprunté un chemin radicalement différent du nôtre qu'ils ne nous ressemblaient plus ? Si non, d'où viennent-ils ?
Cette avancée pose encore plus de questions qu'elle ne peut en résoudre, mais c'est une nouvelle preuve suggérant que nous n'étions pas seuls et ne le sommes toujours pas.
Large Disc shape UFO crossing the Chem Trail over Australia, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Large Disc shape UFO crossing the Chem Trail over Australia, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: March 23, 2016 Location of sighting: Mudgee, Australia This UFO was caught in Australia with an Canon camcorder that was converted to full spectrum...meaning infrared. This is necessary if you live in a sunny place and really want to catch a cloud orb or UFO. The suns light (some infrared) bounces off the cloak, revealing the UFO. There is no cloak that can hide from this camera. I'm currently saving up for a new one, because they are very awesome tools. Scott C. Waring Colourful of Youtube states: The camera was used.CANON. X A. 25. Full H D. with I R. 850. optical filter fitted. Daylight capture. Night Shot position on. This UFO size possible was: 9-15 meter diameter? This craft passed above the Chem Trail High speed.
Black UFO Flying Over Airport London, Mar 26, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Flying Over Airport London, Mar 26, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 26, 2016 Location of sighting: London, England Source: MUFON #75427 This UFO moves close to the jet as it approaches, but then keeps its distance, as if it changed its mind. The shape is that of a half circle and very dark. UFOs, some of which are alien drones, often monitor the air technology, since its the easiest to reach with few eyewitnesses. What I mean is, if you film 100 jets coming and going from an airport, you will film at least 1-5 UFO drones buzz past it. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: The object,which didnt seen to have any solid shape seemed to fly towards an airliner as it was landing about a mile or two from heathrow then seemed to change direction and fly away from the airport direction.There was no noise an it didnt seen to be going too fast..I thought it was strange that it was flying very close to the heathrow inbound flight path.
Ship Near The International Space Station: Is this A Mysterious Object Floating Above?
Ship Near The International Space Station: Is this A Mysterious Object Floating Above?
What are the unidentified flying objects, and what are the reasons for their existence? Are they extraterrestrial vessels visiting the Earth from another galaxy, or they are still a species from our very own solar system? It is hard to say because most people who see unidentified flying objects are reluctant to report it, either because it needs a logical explanation, or they merely think that people would ever believe if they were to share. The footage shows a piece of debris emerged in Russia following the station. It was captured by the ISS’s cameras and had been captured while waiting for delivery. Humans can only describe them and explain their technology regarding their limited knowledge. The reality of the phenomenon might be far beyond anything imaginable. The viewers pointed out that the recorded video from ISS is of better quality than what is seen on the short recording.
Since motion and rotation of the object do not have a similar appearance of an orbit, then it could be Russian spacecraft that is used to carry cosmonauts. The video went viral online, but astronauts did not comment anything. While the footage looks impressive, it cannot escape the viewers’ different contention that would make it as a debated topic. Built by Orbital ATK, the capsule was pushed due to the emptiness of space through an enormous robotic wing on the space station. Once the spacecraft reached from the space station, the engines were due to fire, sending course for a fiery finale in the Earth’s atmosphere. During re-entry, it is expected that the spaceship will burn up in the air. Scientists have long theorized about the possible existence of multiple universes, all of them together making up a set of all possible outcomes of all possible events. While extraterrestrial beings are hard to explain, its existence sometimes depends on one’s belief.
I spoke with Don Phillips who worked at Lockheed at the Disclosure Project he told us, These UFOs were huge and they would just come to a stop and do a 60 degree, 45 degree, 10 degree turn, and then immediately reverse this action”. When I was working with the Skunkworks with Kelly Johnson, we signed an agreement with the government to keep very quiet about this. Anti-gravitational research we were doing. We know that there were some captured craft from 1947 at Roswell, they were real.
And, yes, we really did get some technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work….We knew each other from what we call the unseen industry. We can term it black, deep black, or hidden. The knowledge I have of these technologies came from the craft that were captured here on Earth. I did not see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I certainly know some of the people that did. There was no question that there are beings from outside the planet. Are these ET people hostile? Well, if they were hostile, with their weaponry they could have destroyed us a long time ago….
We got these things that are handheld scanners that scan the body and determine what the condition is. We can also treat from the same scanner. I can tell you personally that we’ve been working on them. In addition, we have ones that can diagnose and cure cancer. One of the purposes I had for founding my technology corporation in 1998, was to bring forth these technologies that that can clean the air and can help get rid of the toxins, and help get rid of the need for so much fossil fuel. Yes, it is time. I can tell you personally that it has already started.
During the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, “They’re here. They are right over there and look at the size of those ships. And, it is obvious they don’t like us being here”.…
The riddle of the rotating spheres, that rotate completely, twice a year, on their own axis – baffle NASA scientists”
Man and rock. Stones, which are billions of years old and rotate on their axes, while in a vibration free environment, captured the attention of Mr. John Hund of Pietersburg fifteen years ago. Review previously published reports about Hund’s journey to the Gestoptesfontein mine near Ottosdal in the Northern Province where he found a stone just like the one he read about and saw in the Klerksdorp museum.
While playing with the stone on a very flat surface at a restaurant one day, Hund realized it was very well balanced. He took it to the California Space Institute at the University of California to have tests done to determine just how well balanced it was. “It turned out that the balance is so fine, it exceeded the limit of their measuring technology and these are the guys who make gyro-compasses for NASA.
The stone is balanced to within one-hundred thousandths of an inch from absolute perfection,” explains Hund. Nobody knows what these stones are. One NASA scientist told Hund that they do not have the technology to create anything as finely balanced as this. He said the only way that either nature or human technology could create something so finely balanced would be in zero gravity.
Here is an extract of Mr. Hund’s letter:
The existance of the sphere came to my attention ca 1977 while removing endangered rock engravings from the site where pyrophyllite or “wonderstone”, as it is commonly known in the region, is mined on the farm Gestoptefontein (meaning plugged fountain) near the little village of Ottosdal about 110 km from Klerksdorp in South Africa’s Northwest Province.
I was intrigued by the form of the spheres, grooves around the middle and the fact that they are as hard as steel, while the material (pyrophyllite) in which they are found, is as soft as limestone with a count of only 3 on the Moh scale.
As you probably know, pyrophyllite (Al2 Si4 O10 (OH)2) is a secondary mineral and the deposits were formed by a process of sedimentation. On Gestoptefontein volcanic activity was responsible for the forming of outcrops varying in height from about 10 to 100 meters. The smooth and relatively soft surface on the slopes were ideal for the prehistoric dwellers (San) to make their engravings of animal and abstract designs.
On Gestoptefontein these outcrops were “swan” into huge pieces by means of twisted steel cables running zig-zag on pulleys for several kilometers. These blocks were then sawn by the same method into more manageable pieces of about 500 x 500 mm. Occasionally the “sawing cable” got stuck on one of the metal spheres embedded in the pyrophyllite.
They vary in size from ” 30 – 50 mm in diameter and have perfectly concentric grooves round the center as if they were molded. Inside the hard “shell” some have a spongy substance, while in others it resembles charcoal.
When only partly embedded so that they can be seen on the surface, they are not all spheres, but some are also oblong in form.
According to Professor Andries Bisschoff of the University of Potchefstroom (retired some years ago) they are limonite concretions. Due to the relative scarcity of the spheres and the almost impossibility for outsiders to obtain samples from the mine, his conclusions have not been verified by other scientists.
It is very strange that the grooves are always and only round the center. Mr. Credo Mutwa, a notorious witch doctor from the city of Soweto was brought to the museum by a TV – team some years ago and he as well as some amateur archaeologists believed the spheres to be from outer space. It is also hard for me to believe their theory. The original sphere exhibited in this museum was stolen by a white sangoma (witch – doctor) – not Mr. Mutwa, for its supposedly magic qualities and was never retrieved.
Inquiries were made from all over the world about this phenomenon. Countries include Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, England, USA, Norway, France and Botswana. Institutions such as the University of South Florida, Miles Price and Associates, the Society for Physic Advancement (S.A), Kokkolan Kaupunchi (Finland), Esotera (Germany) Geologisches Institut der Universiteit Pleicherwall (Germany), the Department of Philosophy UICC (Chicago), Danfoss (Denmark), Illustreret Videnskab (Coppenhagen), Louisiana Geological Survey, Gale Research Company (Michigan) and Search and Research Institute of Florida also made inquiries.
NASA was written, to confirm or deny this in 2000, and a reply was never received. Mr. Hund’s letter was removed from the Klerksdorp Museum page, afterwards, when I checked back some time later, and the page re-designed.
And in Sept. 2012, an interesting coincidence found on MARS, by NASA.
At least 200 have been found, and extracted out of deep rock at the Wonderstone Silver Mine in South Africa, averaging 1-4 inches in dia. and composed of a nickel-steel alloy that doesn’t occur naturally.
Some have a thin shell about a quarter inch thick, when broken open are filled with a strange spongy material that disintegrates into dust upon contact with air.
A complete mystery according to Roelf Marx curator of the South African Klerksdorp Museum, as the one he has on exhibit rotates on its own, locked in a display case, free of outside vibrations.
I was driving with my children along route 256 between Memphis and Childress Texas, on my way to Oklahoma. During what appeared to be a very quiet and unlit stretch of hilly road, a very bright metallic cross-like orb suddenly appeared next to the highway. It was very shiny like modern blue metallic plane but inverted as if the cockpit was pointing upward (shape of a cross). It seemed to shake back and forth very quickly as it hovered in place with bright belt of white lights shining around the entire diameter of the strange object. I was talking through my blue tooth device and using GPS in the car when both suddenly stopped working. The radio, GPS and cell phone all turned off as if there was no power in the car. In my uncomfortable panic, I said a quick prayer and accelerated the car to create more distance from the object.
The object appeared slightly larger than semi-truck trailer in width and maybe 10-15 feet in height. As we passed I saw that its erratic shaking gave the impression of a saucer-like shape at first. But it was definitely a cross like object with a wingspan. My daughter watched as we passed and saw the white lights change to a blue-ish color and said that it hovered and then moved to the other side of the road behind us and appeared to land. The uncomfortable feeling of seeing something so unusual first hand caused enough concern to not want to stop or get closer. We reached our destination about and hour and a half later. As I provided details to my husband, he suggested that my daughter and I each go into separate rooms and draw a picture of what we thought we saw, without the other’s knowledge. The pictures were almost identical. I’ve never given UFOs much thought before but have also never seen anything so unusual with such clarity up close. But I know what I saw was a metallic object with lights, hovering in the night sky along Route 256 near childress, Texas. I saw it up close and I can understand now that we shouldn’t be quick to judge other people’s bizarre stories…some things are difficult to explain but you know when you see it.
'Manen van Saturnus mogelijk jonger dan de dinosaurussen.
'Manen van Saturnus mogelijk jonger dan de dinosaurussen.
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Nieuw onderzoek suggereert dat een aantal manen zo’n 100 miljoen jaar geleden, dus lang nadat de eerste dinosaurussen evolueerden, ontstonden.
Onderzoekers trekken die conclusie op basis van computermodellen. Onze eigen maan draait in zijn eentje om de aarde heen. Maar rond Saturnus draaien meerdere manen. De banen van deze manen worden door getijdenkrachten geleidelijk aan groter, maar de snelheid waarmee de banen van de manen groter worden, verschilt van maan tot maan. Dat resulteert in paren manen met een resonante baan (zie kader). Als er eenmaal sprake is van baanresonantie kunnen zelfs kleine manen met weinig zwaartekracht een grote invloed hebben op elkaars banen; die banen worden langgerekter en de manen worden uit hun oorspronkelijke baanvlak getild.
We spreken van baanresonantie als twee manen bij één planeet omlooptijden hebben die zich heel netjes tot elkaar verhouden en in hele getallen uit te drukken zijn. Bijvoorbeeld: 2:3.
Computermodellen Met behulp van computermodellen simuleerden de onderzoekers hoe de banen van deze manen eruit zouden zien als ze net zo oud zouden zijn als Saturnus zelf (dus zo’n vier miljard jaar). Vervolgens vergeleken ze die simulaties met de werkelijkheid. In werkelijkheid bleken de banen van de manen Tethys, Dione en Rhea veel minder sterk veranderd te zijn dan de simulaties aangaven. Het wijst erop dat ze veel minder baanresonanties hebben doorgemaakt en niet ver van hun huidige locatie zijn ontstaan.
Enceladus Het suggereert dat de manen jonger zijn dan Saturnus zelf. Maar hoeveel jonger? Daartoe keken de onderzoekers naar Enceladus. Deze maan van Saturnus is actief en kent geisers. Die geisers worden waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door dezelfde getijdenkrachten die van invloed zijn op de baan van de andere manen van Saturnus. Door naar de geisers te kijken, konden de onderzoekers meer zeggen over de kracht van deze getijden. Zodra ze de kracht van de getijden hadden achterhaald, gebruikten ze deze in hun computermodellen om te achterhalen hoeveel tijd het met deze getijdenkrachten zou kosten om Enceladus op zijn huidige locatie te krijgen. En wat blijkt? Daar is maar 100 miljoen jaar voor nodig.
Het onderzoek suggereert dat Rhea en alle manen en ringen die dichter bij Saturnus staan slechts 100 miljoen jaar oud zijn. De manen die verder dan Rhea van Saturnus verwijderd zijn – waaronder Titan – zijn waarschijnlijk net zo oud als Saturnus zelf. Afbeelding: NASA / JPL.
Het wijst erop dat de grote manen van Saturnus – met uitzondering van de verder weg gelegen manen Titan en Iapetus – pas in het Krijt, het tijdperk van de dinosaurussen, ontstonden. “Dat roept de vraag op: wat veroorzaakte de recente geboorte van de binnenste manen?” vraagt onderzoeker Matija Cuk zich hardop af. “We denken dat Saturnus eerder een vergelijkbare verzameling manen had, maar dat hun banen verstoord werden.” De manen kwamen met elkaar in botsing en uit het puin zouden de manen die we nu zien, zijn ontstaan.
UFO hunters claim they have discovered a massive alien base on the moon nine miles wide. And while scientists say its just a crater, barmy space fanatics insist it’s in fact a huge glass dome. You Tuber Tony Wilke spotted the shape in a photo of the lunar landscape taken during NASA’s Apollo missions. It comes after satellite photos of the Mars revealed unnatural shapes hailed as entrances to an underground base. “Scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously it’s a dome.”
According to Tony, who runs the YouTube channel Earth Files Earths History, the dome is approximately 250 million years old. During that time it’s suffered damage, he said, but it still stands because of a supporting beam more than two miles long. The structure is some nine miles across and at least two miles deep, it’s claimed. Quite why the aliens needed to build a giant extra-terrestrial 02 Arena out of glass is not guessed at. Scott C Waring, who edits the website UFO Sightings Daily, hit out at scientists for dismissing the find. “As you can see for yourself this is a dome on Earth’s moon,” he said. “Scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously it’s a dome. “This is mislabeled in astronomy as Harden Crater. I don’t blame the scientists. It’s just the way education goes in school.” Tony said that when the domes were first built aeons ago, the class would have been completely transparent. “When these domes were constructed and completed they were completely clear,” he said. “You could take a hundred foot by hundred foot block of glass that they make you could see perfectly clear to the other side without any distortion at all. “But this is just the result of deterioration after millions and millions of years.”
NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon
Moon Pyramid
Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel. Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, we still can’t say for sure that they were real, and their poor resolution only makes matters worse. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions. “Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.
Moon Strutures
The quote above is from Bob Dean, who was speaking at a conference in Europe. Bob is a retired US Army Command Sargent Major, and he also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst. When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies. It’s also important to note here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972. Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information. He’s not the only one to make such an assertion. “Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon) Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.
Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994.
Moon Glass Tower
It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out ifsomeone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them? He then went on to state that: Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there. If you were to tell the average person that you think another civilization, advanced enough to have mastered space travel, had been to the Moon before we got there and is possibly still going there, you would, without a doubt, receive some very peculiar looks in return. On the other hand, if that other person were to decide to hear you out, you would probably get their attention pretty quickly. For some, this type of information can be overwhelming, even terrifying, and that’s okay. Many people are not ready to open their minds up to these possibilities, but the truth of the matter is, it’s something we are going to have to confront eventually. We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability. Perhaps we can make it long enough to realize this future, or maybe it’s coming sooner than we think. That being said, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial contact is already happening.
There is a space-time vortex around Earth, and its shape precisely matches the predictions of Einstein’s theory of gravity. Researchers confirmed these points at a press conference at NASA headquarters where they announced the long-awaited results of Gravity Probe B (GP-B). “The space-time around Earth appears to be distorted just as general relativity predicts,” says Stanford University physicist Francis Everitt, principal investigator of the Gravity Probe B mission. ”This is an epic result,” adds Clifford Will of Washington University in St. Louis. An expert in Einstein’s theories, Will chairs an independent panel of the National Research Council set up by NASA in 1998 to monitor and review the results of Gravity Probe B. “One day,” he predicts, “this will be written up in textbooks as one of the classic experiments in the history of physics.” Time and space, according to Einstein’s theories of relativity, are woven together, forming a four-dimensional fabric called “space-time.” The mass of Earth dimples this fabric, much like a heavy person sitting in the middle of a trampoline. Gravity, says Einstein, is simply the motion of objects following the curvaceous lines of the dimple. If Earth were stationary, that would be the end of the story. But Earth is not stationary.
Our planet spins, and the spin should twist the dimple, slightly, pulling it around into a 4-dimensional swirl. This is what GP-B went to space in 2004 to check. The idea behind the experiment is simple: Put a spinning gyroscope into orbit around the Earth, with the spin axis pointed toward some distant star as a fixed reference point. Free from external forces, the gyroscope’s axis should continue pointing at the star–forever. But if space is twisted, the direction of the gyroscope’s axis should drift over time. By noting this change in direction relative to the star, the twists of space-time could be measured.
The results of Gravity Probe B give physicists renewed confidence that the strange predictions of Einstein’s theory are indeed correct, and that these predictions may be applied elsewhere. The type of space-time vortex that exists around Earth is duplicated and magnified elsewhere in the cosmos–around massive neutron stars, black holes, and active galactic nuclei. “If you tried to spin a gyroscope in the severely twisted space-time around a black hole,” says Will, “it wouldn’t just gently precess by a fraction of a degree. It would wobble crazily and possibly even flip over.” For readers who are not experts in relativity: Geodetic precession is the amount of wobble caused by the static mass of the Earth (the dimple in space-time) and the frame dragging effect is the amount of wobble caused by the spin of the Earth (the twist in space-time). Both values are in precise accord with Einstein’s predictions. -NASA http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress. … und-earth/
Note: Our visitors have explored the space-time vortex that exists around Earth that is duplicated and magnified elsewhere in the cosmos. This concept may explain extraterrestrial space travel from distant planets to Earth in a relatively short time.
UFO near plane over Mudgee, New South Wales, on March 20, 2016.
Filer’s Files #13 – 2016 Happy Easter - PART I
Happy Easter
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer, Don Phillips Says UFOs are Real, The Angel of the Lord Attended the Resurrection of Jesus, Charged Cosmic Rays, Ancient Radiation Knowledge Cosmic Rays, ISIS Attack in Belgium, Secret Space Age, Ceres Lights, and UFO moving over the Moon
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Iran, Indonesia, and England and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer, Don Phillips Says UFOs are Real
I spoke with Don Phillips who worked at Lockheed at the Disclosure Project he told us, These UFOs were huge and they would just come to a stop and do a 60 degree, 45 degree, 10 degree turn, and then immediately reverse this action”. When I was working with the Skunkworks with Kelly Johnson, we signed an agreement with the government to keep very quiet about this. Anti-gravitational research we were doing. We know that there were some captured craft from 1947 at Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we really did get some technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work….We knew each other from what we call the unseen industry. We can term it black, deep black, or hidden.
The knowledge I have of these technologies came from the craft that were captured here on Earth. I did not see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I certainly know some of the people that did. There was no question that there are beings from outside the planet. Are these ET people hostile? Well, if they were hostile, with their weaponry they could have destroyed us a long time ago….We got these things that are handheld scanners that scan the body and determine what the condition is. We can also treat from the same scanner. I can tell you personally that we’ve been working on them. In addition, we have ones that can diagnose and cure cancer. One of the purposes I had for founding my technology corporation in 1998, was to bring forth these technologies that that can clean the air and can help get rid of the toxins, and help get rid of the need for so much fossil fuel. Yes, it is time. I can tell you personally that it has already started.
During the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, “They’re here. They are right over there and look at the size of those ships. And, it is obvious they don’t like us being here”.…
The Angel of the Lord Attended the Resurrection of Jesus
Without the resurrection, it is quite certain there would have been no Christian church. There is no doubt that He really did die on the cross. Pilate was given assurance of this by the centurion. The savage spear thrust into His side by the soldier made certain of His death, “and forthwith came there out blood and water,” evidencing complete collapse of the heart cavity. (John 19:34)
Resurrection of Christ, 1700 by Noel Coypel
With the ignominious death of Jesus Christ, his disciples were utterly confused and afraid for their own lives. After the Romans crucify Jesus, he is anointed and buried in a new tomb by Joseph of Arimathea. After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. 2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
8 So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.9 Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him.10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” Mathew 28
Jesus appears to many over a span of forty days before his ascension to Heaven, to sit at the Right Hand of God. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, the third day after Good Friday, the day of his crucifixion. But with the assurance that Christ was alive, the disciples went forth everywhere proclaiming the resurrection, and multitudes became believers in their Living Lord. If the resurrection is really a demonstrable fact of history, then not only are His claims vindicated, but so are His promises.Death is not, after all, the great victor, but is a defeated foe.
After saying this, Jesus was taken up while those who had gathered together were watching, and a cloud took him out of their sight. Jesus was going away, and the apostles were looking into the sky. Suddenly, two men (angels) wearing white clothes stood beside them. The two men said to the apostles, “Men from Galilee, why are you standing here looking into the sky? You saw Jesus carried away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go.” —Acts 1:6-11
Charged Cosmic Rays
The sun is one of hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The galaxy is composed of gaseous interstellar medium, neutral or ionized, sometimes concentrated into dense gas clouds made up of atoms molecules, and dust. All of the matter — gas, dust, and stars — rotate around a central axis perpendicular to the galactic plane. The centrifugal force caused by the rotation balances out the gravitational force, which draw all the matter toward the center.
The mass is located within the circle of the Sun’s orbit through the galaxy is about 100 billion times the mass of the Sun. Because the Sun is about average in mass, astronomers have concluded that the galaxy contains about 100 billion stars within its disk.
All stars in the galaxy rotate around a galactic center but not with the same period. Stars at the center have a shorter period than those farther out. The Sun is located in the outer part of the galaxy. The speed of the solar system due to the galactic rotation is about 220 km/s.
Mitch Battros writes, “Physicists from UCLA and Japan have discovered evidence of – “natural nuclear accelerators” residing in our own Milky Way galaxy. Earlier this year, physicists using the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, the world’s largest cosmic ray observatory, published a surprising discovery: Many of the energetic charged particles found in the Milky Way are not actually protons but nuclei.”
The greater the nuclei-to-proton ratio, the higher the energy. UCLA professor Alexander Kusenko, professor of physics and astronomy says: “When the data came out, they were so unexpected that many people started questioning the applicability of known laws of physics at high energy. The common lore has been that all ultra-high-energy charged particles must come from outside the galaxy.”
Recent scientific discoveries tell us ‘something’ is shifting in our galaxy, and that ‘something’ comes in the form of “charged particles.” Two of our most advanced spacecraft, WISE and PLANCK, are delivering stunning discoveries regarding black holes, dark matter, and a full spectrum of charged particles. This spectrum identifies the smallest known particle as cosmic rays, larger particles known as gamma rays, and the largest particles known as solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CME’s) and coronal holes.
As a result of aligning with a stream of cosmic rays from our Milky Way, and with our Sun reaching its minimum for this cycle, an enormous amount of charged particles will hit our solar system, Earth, and each of us. The outcome is unknown – but it is not completely hidden from our history. I have a group of friends complaining of the sudden start of eye problems and unusual animal, bee and bird deaths.
Our ancient ancestors did indeed have an awareness of such events occurring thousands of years ago. There are many languages using different words to describe this shift of energy. But, the descriptions were passed down before words of description were born. They came in the form of art, hieroglyphics, petroglyphs, and later story telling. Depending of the tribe and geographical location, different (translated) words were used. It was sometimes referred to as ‘holy spirit’, ‘creator’, ‘sun god’, ‘soul’ – and in more modern times – it might be referred to as Chi, Ki, Prana, Gaia.
It was the Mayan’s description of “ether” which mostly caught my attention. The definition of ‘ether’ described in various dictionaries such as Webster and Cambridge say: “It is a theoretical substance which occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through the universe.” Mayan text mainly from the scared books of ‘Chilam Balam’ and ‘Popol Vuh’. As an open-mined Christian and researcher I do not believe such descriptions are mythical woo-woo. I have always been interested and fascinated by the term “Holy Spirit” and its meaning. When you see pictures used with its association, it sure does resemble a stream of charged particles.
Hard scientific evidence has come forth confirming Earth’s magnetic field is weakening. New research shows a slow flowing solid mantle and its reciprocal connection with a hot fast flowing outer core – is the central focus of Earth’s magnetic field weakening. The outcome of this “convection” between Earth’s outer core and mantle is the production of mantle plumes and the formation of fluid ‘crystallization’. Mantle plumes are a reaction to the Earth’s dipole magnetic core acting as a thermostat.
It is my supported hypothesis suggesting the current weakening of the magnetic field – and its diminishing ability to shield Earth from charged particles – play a large role with the increase of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and various extreme weather events.
Two Major Results of a Weak Magnetic Field and a Strong Pulse of Charged Particles:
1) A weakened magnetic field allows charged particle events such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CME), coronal hole discharge, plasma filament, gamma rays, and galactic cosmic rays to penetrate the upper and lower atmosphere producing enhanced consequences of extreme weather events which includes earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and various extreme weather events.
2) The second major consequence of a weakened magnetic field is the identification as latitudes below 30° – magnetic north can also move along east and west longitudes. – Thanks to Earth Changes Media.
In his book, Earth Under Fire Paul LaViolette concludes that explosive activity in the core of our galaxy, the Milky Way, has resulted in past global catastrophes. He writes that the galactic core periodically enters an explosive phase. It then generates an intense wind of cosmic ray particles (electrons, positrons, and protons). These outbursts, which he calls “superwaves,” may recur about every ten thousand years or more and last from several hundred to several thousand years. The explosions generate cosmic rays that travel outward from the center, at close to the speed of light, and pass through the entire galaxy.
LaViolette believes that one such volley of cosmic rays passed through the solar system around the end of the last Ice Age. He writes “For several thousand years the superwave injected large amounts of cosmic dust into our planetary system. This dust substantially altered the Earth’s climate through its effect on the Sun and sunlight transmission through space.” It likely caused the warming of the Earth to come out of the Ice Age leading to floods and worldwide destruction.
LaViolette had written that superwaves might have a gravity-gradient component at their forefront. This component, traveling along with a superwave, could upon its arrival exert a significant tidal pull or jerk, causing a slight reorientation of Earth’s rotational axis. Discovery of the 15,800-years-B.P. Cosmic Event Almost every culture preserves myths describing humanity’s endurance of terrible past events in-involving major loss of life on a global scale. Stories tell of endless days of darkness; of murky forms in space occluding the stars, the moon, and even the sun; of temperatures high enough to ignite wooded hills; of vast deluges covering all but a few mountain peaks. Whole islands have been found of the bones of animals and humans mixed together.
In Siberia, Mammoths were found frozen in place with food in their stomachs. Nothing in our modern experience comes close to matching these stories of global disaster. So, understandably, many have considered these ancient legends to be wildly imaginative tales. The scientific evidence suggests the Earth’s axis changed or the Earth stopped spinning creating long night or day depending on where you were. Our prehistoric ancestors actually did endure a series of traumatic natural catastrophes, the most recent of which was one of the worst disasters to afflict humanity.
Cosmic Rays are atomic nuclei (generally protons) and electrons that are observed to collide with the Earth’s atmosphere with exceedingly high energies. When these nucleons bump with the atmospheric molecules most of their energy is released as heat, warming up the Earth’s atmosphere. “Global Warming” is not an anthropogenic event, but a natural cycle related to the energy of the Universe, not with an anomalous Greenhouse Effect. Tracking Earth’s temperature variations with Intergalactic Cosmic Rays there is an amazing correlation.
The Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field combine to form a formidable shield against space radiation, protecting humans on the surface most of the time. Hundreds of years ago, cosmic ray fluxes were at least 200% higher than they are now. “The space era has so far experienced a time of relatively low cosmic ray activity,” says Mewaldt. “We may now be returning to levels typical of past centuries.” Astronomers are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about massive bursts of gamma-ray energy impinging on Earth from the depths of the universe. On March 29, 1998, a gamma-ray burst (GRB) was detected that was among the 4 percent brightest of all GRBs seen from Earth.
The gamma and X-ray radiation burst struck Earth over the Pacific Ocean on the night of August 27, 1998 extremely energetic explosion. Scientists also witnessed a massive gamma ray burst on November 21, 2013. It released the energy levels of an exploding star ten times larger than our sun. “There is danger to Earth from the center of the Milky Way that caused catastrophe in the distant past.
Cosmic Rays and Solar Flares
Gamma Ray Burst
Recent evidence indicates that cosmic rays influence Earth’s climate H. Svensmark of the Danish Meteorological Institute has found that during the most recent 11-year activity cycle of the Sun, Earth’s cloud cover was more closely correlated with the flux of cosmic rays coming from our galaxy than with the Sun’s radiance. The cosmic rays ionize air molecules in Earth’s lower atmosphere and contribute to cloud cover and other weather-related phenomena.
Ancient Radiation Knowledge Cosmic Rays
Scientists examined background radiation which is detectable by a Geiger counter in England’s stone circles and they found they generating ‘hot spots’ where the radiation was far higher than normal background radiation.
Yet when the Geiger counter was moved to the center of the circle, the very reverse was found. ‘Cold spots’ were detected by the scientists, where the radiation dropped below normal background levels.
Now engineer Charles Brooker extended the measurements still further. Back at the Rollrights circle he used a portable magnetometer. And what did this show? A seven-ring spiral of diminishing magnetic intensity. The circle was screening out electro-magnetic radiation. These findings have not been widely publicized. However, they do suggest a sophisticated knowledge of ultrasound as well as a knowledge of various types of radiation in ancient times. It does appear that at least some of Britain’s ancient stone circles were constructed as radiation shelters. We can speculate the knowledge was provided by extraterrestrials or unusually advanced humans.
The Radiation Affect on Earth?
Since space radiation can affect our satellites it can also adversely affect our society by causing problems in communication systems, GPS navigation systems and other high technology systems in space. It can also affect air travel in the Earth’s polar regions, which are less protected by the Earth’s magnetic field than the equatorial region. A large coronal mass ejection from our sun can also cause serious effects in electric power grids. The particle radiation ejected from the sun disturbs the Earth’s magnetic field, causing a “magnetic storm”. This in turn can induce surges in power lines and in an extreme case cause a blackout. A dramatic event of this sort occurred in March 1989, when the resulting power surge shut down an entire system at a power station and caused a blackout in a large portion of Quebec. Due to our growing dependence on high technology systems, an extreme radiation event like this can now potentially cause more economic hardship than other extreme events on our planet such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Besides our sun acting up, the radiation from the center of the Milky Way can cause even greater catastrophy. NASA Website
Belgium ISIS Attack
A well-organized terrorist group has struck again in Brussels, we send our condolences to the families of those thirty-one killed and several hundred wounded. ISIS is expected to conduct additional attacks in France and the United States. Our borders are open and terrorists have little trouble entering the US. If you see something suspicious, tell the authorities. We are at war.
Secret Space Age
Olive Phillips has written a very interesting book that provides the plausibility for a series of conspiracies that makes fascinating reading. In 1977 in the quiet English countryside, a film was aired. It was so shocking that for more than 30 years it’s been discussed and analyzed. But what if Alternative Three was in fact real? Was it the blueprint for surviving the end of the world and a coming ice age? How does it connect to the Secret Space Program with bases on the Moon, Nazi UFO’s, SDI and even Chemtrails? There are few books that delve into the Earth’s ice ages cycle and tie them to government preparations such as underground facilities. Many countries such as Norway have built huge underground facilities that include a vast store of food and seeds.
Phillips realizes global warming will likely end with an ice age cycle that will greatly disrupt food distribution and supplies, thereby ending the modern human existence. Phillips feels we are far ahead of what we are told and our personnel have gone to the Moon and Mars.
He explains Chemtrails are a program to help stop global warming. He examined thousands of patents and Patent 5003186 called Stratospheric Weisbach or the seeding for the reduction global warming came out of Hughes Aircraft in 1990. It references patents from 1965 and 1988 for dropping metallic particles such as aluminum from the upper atmosphere to diminish the reflectivity of Earth and decrease Global warming. Apparently, additives are placed in the jet fuel that is somewhat effective in providing a sunscreen for planet Earth. Less light energy from the sun is reaching a darkened Earth and helping to reduce temperatures of at least one degree for thirty years, although last year was one of the warmest in recent history. If we were to go years without the Chemtrails sunscreen, ambient temperature would likely rise ten degrees.
For the first time ever shocking details about the Secret Space Program and Alternative Three are exposed. The connections between some of the greatest Conspiracies of all time and a secret government program to move to Mars to survive the coming global apocalypse. Each conspiracy is covered with many unknown facts that make for interesting and enjoyable reading. Website
Dwarf Planet Ceres Lights
There are “bright spots” on the dwarf planet Ceres have been observed to detectably increase and decrease in brightness, if ever so slightly. And what’s particularly interesting is that these observations were made not by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, currently in orbit around Ceres, but from a telescope right here on Earth. Researchers using the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) instrument on ESO’s 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla detected “unexpected” changes in the brightness of Ceres during observations in July and August of 2015. Variations in line with Ceres’ 9-hour rotational period—specifically a Doppler effect in spectral wavelength created by the motion of the bright spots toward or away from Earth—were expected, but other fluctuations in brightness were also detected. “The result was a surprise,” said Antonino Lanza from the INAF–Catania Astrophysical Observatory, co-author of the study. “We did find the expected changes to the spectrum from the rotation of Ceres, but with considerable other variations from night to night.” (More at source).
Both upper and lower photos are the same object, but lower was told to public first, then later NASA showed the upper photo saying it was the same object…but apparently NASA changed the objects.
UFO moving over the Moon
Dan Johnson writes, “On inspection, my photo DSC1146A seems like a normal photo of a phase in our moon on March 1 2016. Upon closer inspection, see UFO 1146A1 (blown up version of same photo shown), something appears to be flying near the moon. I have enclosed pics all taken within minutes of to show different places near the moon’s surface that this object shows itself. Maybe it’s nothing… but it could be something. Thanks to Brother Dan
Spring 2016 Conferences
Fringe New Jersey
Five Fascinating Speakers Saturday, April 9, 2016, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hilton Garden Inn, 800 Route 130, Hamilton NJ 08690–
Larry E. Arnold, Joanna Ebenstein, William V. Rauscher, Peter Robbins, and Linda Zimmermann.
ADMISSION: $45, full day. Advance order for prime seating and to reserve dinner
Lacy’s book is full of recollections not only of his abductions by various aliens, but also of how those abductions have affected his life.
He tells them in such a straightforward, ordinary way, and with so many details, that it’s hard to be skeptical about his story. The details, too, are convincing enough to make anyone at least consider the possibility. After all, what other explanation could there be for a small child being healed of sarcoma after a doctor told his parents that they might as well have another child already as a replacement? What other explanation could there be for Byron’s numerous accounts of having “lost time,” or of his finding scratches and puncture wounds on his body, or of the memories that suddenly resurface about having been brought aboard an alien ship? These questions kept returning to my mind as I read, and I could think of no other answer except to believe that Lacy was telling the truth.
The one complaint I had about the book is the way Lacy presents his story. It does not go in chronological order, which can make it rather hard to follow, and I sometimes had trouble telling when a particular chapter took place. If you stick with it, though, you will find a compelling story that I would recommend to anyone who has had even the slightest question about whether we really are alone in the universe. SAN FRANCISCO BOOK REVIEW.
Scoop marks on Byron’s right leg
Byron W. Lacy has written an excellent book that should be read by everyone, because if you suspect you are an abductee this is the book you should read. Lacy, a civil servant, musician, artist, and poet was born in Texas. The young Byron was not expected to survive a childhood case of sarcoma cancer. Yet he did, miraculously. In 1961, he witnessed a flying submarine like thing at close range over his entire elementary school class as they exercised in the yard. Other uncanny events include repeated narrow escapes from deadly car accidents. Only in 2009, after seeing a couple of “stargates” materialize in the sky was Lacy convinced he had been alien plagued and abducted for a generation. His imaginary playmate “pirates” Byron saw, as a little boy were the enigmatic intruders. Byron believes he and fellow “abductees” endured many strange experiences: missing time, bodily implants and mysterious scarring, and “little gray” humanoids. For Byron, it is obvious; skeptics be damned, and countless folks are being abducted. A far-out, disconcertingly readable memoir that flatly declares everything about aliens you read online or see dramatized on TV is true. _Kirkus Reviews, ORDER HERE
27-03-2016 om 00:57
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Filer’s Files #13 – 2016 Happy Easter - PART II
Filer’s Files #13 – 2016 Happy Easter - PART II
Happy Easter
Sightings in the United States
California Orb
Ventura — The UFO was a bright blue orb on March 16, 2016. The orb shot across the sky leaving a streak, then moving from bottom right to left toward the center of view on the horizon as it slowed!
The UFO seemed to be charging in the sun in the late afternoon and observing the kite surfing! I believe when it shot across the sky, it was solar powered and testing its charge from the Sun. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Los Angeles —I was downtown in the morning on March 16, 2016, watching a helicopter carrying a load.
Below it were eight lights that fifty people witnessed. Everyone pulled out their cell phones and captured snap shots. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Apopka — I was taking photos for my Brother and he said he found something unusual in my photo of Jupiter next to the Moon. Therefore, the next three hours were spent taking photos and videos. He found unusual movements of gray-white-green ball as it moved quickly spinning and then disappearing. My brother made a YouTube video of the originals and his close-ups and the two videos I took last night ending around 11 pm. EST. My brother has been accepting my many photos of some weird objects in both ball form and changing to worm-like structures over Apopka. The nine photos I took of the blue-green ball were south and left of the Moon. Many of the objects could be in infrared light as they are only visible in the image that I have been taking for two months. Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Illinois Astronomer Astonished by Boomerang
Elgin— I was in my backyard with my telescope and binoculars looking for the Comet Catalina on January 2, 2016. The boomerang entered the field of view of my binoculars as I was observing the star Arcturus. It took two seconds to cross the five-degree field of view. It was uniform dull gray and glided elegantly and smoothly directly south silently. Its speed was akin to a passenger jet. The boomerang UFO had no apparent details with gradual tapering along the arms with sharply defined edges. I followed it with my binoculars and suddenly it was gone! As an experienced amateur astronomer for over 50 years, I have never seen anything like this. It was one of three categories: 1. Secret military aircraft. 2. Unknown atmospheric or magnetic phenomena. 3. Demonic manifestations (also a strong suspicion of my former professor, J. Allen Hynek. I had an otherworldly feeling, having just finished a short prayer to God. My wife, also a lifelong amateur astronomer, saw an identical craft from the west side of Chicago in the spring of 1968. Three identical gray boomerangs appeared and passed near Orion’s Belt and then vanished. My parents saw a gray boomerang in 1947 traveling much faster than any jet. As a professionally trained astronomer, I have long held the strong suspicion that we are the only human beings in the universe. I do not conclude that physical inhabitants are visiting us from an extra-solar planet. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
Kansas Triangle
Lenexa— I was driving in my parking lot at work when I noticed a triangular object in the sky to the east. I stopped my car, and got out my cell phone to take a couple pictures.
I took two pictures and got out of the car to take some more and the object was gone. The silent object never moved from where I could see it. I was curious, as I had never seen anything like it before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Orb
Willowick – I was outside for a little bit on March 20, 2016, and noticed I was being observed. At first, I thought a drone but I had seen these orbs for years over the lake. This time I was camera ready and took a few videos and photos. The object moved across the sky silently and up and down flashing. Then steady glowing with up and down movements. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Light
Tannersville — I was skiing at Camelback Mountain Resort on March 3, 2016. While riding the chairlift up to the top, I noticed that there was a full circle rainbow around the sun. Never seeing this before, I took a few shots, and when I got home, I checked the pictures there was a white orb in one picture and white orb emitting a red glow. In another, it was gone. Looking at the pictures, it seems like it is in motion because it gets closer to the sun in a matter of seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Lights
Sumter – I was walking dogs on March 21, 1016 and looking at stars and noticed flashing lights, bigger than Jupiter. I thought helicopter because I was in disbelief because it hovered, but it was silent and helicopters aren’t big spherical lights that change colors like this. I looked away for a few seconds to tend to dogs and when I turned back, it was not visible anymore.
A small plan did fly by shortly after with some alternating lights on bottom but it definitely was not same craft.
Washington Object
Battle Ground— I was in the back yard on March 21 2016, and heard this incoming Chinook Helicopter flying near, close to the ground, very loud, and as it passed into view, just ahead of it was this dark moving craft. Observing both was very short, but I could make out a cigar shape as best as I can describe. It could have diamond shape, or could be a disc on edge, but it was very much something that was making now sound at all and seeing the helicopter so close to it, could see it was being escorted. Note; Image is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Moclips — I was out clam digging with my sister and nephew on March 18, 2016. I decided to take a couple pictures of the sunset before we left the beach. The next day I was looking at the photos and seen it! I was shocked when I seen the green specks around the glowing orb.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Airliner Has a Run in with a UFO
Rio Grande — A pilot from a well-known airline saw a strange “object” as he was about to land in Rio Grande February 17, 2016. This object was in an area “forbidden” or restricted to air traffic, and the pilot asked the tower if they could pick up any “air traffic.” The tower replied that no abnormalities were detected and then asked the pilot if the object in question was in the airliner’s flight path. The pilot said, “No that it was over to one side.” He was then given permission to land by the tower, which requested a report, which was recorded. This event became known through the Facebook page of renowned tour operator José Heredia, who reported the occurrence, given that his position allows him to have access to communications between airline pilots and the control tower.
The news was published by Infofuegina (web site) but lacking any certainty or particulars on the case, he decided to set the note aside until more information could be gleaned. But while the entry was still active, it caught the attention of the Reports Ovni Argentina NGO, two of whose members contacted journalist Ramon Taborda Strusiat. Jose Heredia wondered: A UFO? He said that while, “listening to the Control Tower frequency of the Rio Grande Airport he heard a private aircraft pilot’s report regarding alleged ‘traffic’ in his air corridor which had not been reported.” Heredia added: There should not be any traffic in that corridor at the time so an UFO was in the vicinity of our city.” “In fact, ANAC personnel asked the pilot to leave a written record upon his arrival.”Heredia wrote at 11:48 hours on 17 February 2016, which suggests that the event occurred at 11:20 that morning. Ovni Argentina NGO, managed to contact the pilot in Buenos Aires, but he refused to go public with the story. NOTE: The above image is CGI. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
Australia Plane and UFO
Mudgee, New South Wales, Anna Toth was using an infrared camera which allows you to see light that is normally invisible to the human eye on March 20, 2016. These cameras are becoming a main tool in the hunt for UFOs. This cool catch of an airliner near an orb was captured by Anna Toth of YouTube. This is a rare and exciting catch of a cloud orb. They do not stray from the clouds that often and when they do, they usually move at incredible speed. Scott C. Waring Website
Canada Orb
Toronto – I waited to take a photo of the UFO, which showed up between two buildings. It was a nice round disc white to blue in color It appeared in the southeast part of the sky and floated just briefly in a straight line towards the south. I did not see it disappear as I looked at the viewfinder to see if I did get the perfect shot. This was at 10:02 PM, on the 4 July 2014. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Chile Flying Object
Lota— Workers of a company claim having seen an extraterrestrial craft flying over the commune. These employees believe it stopped in mid-air to observe them on December 8, 2007. Located only meters from the coast, Mario says I am certain that the crew was aware of my presence at 2:10 AM, and saw a “machine” fly overhead. “There was a fluorescent light around it and no portholes. The object was dark, flat on its underside. It had an oval-shaped tail section with an orange-red light, and a violet one. Both were intermittent. This was not a craft made on Earth.” In spite of the shocking experience, Mario believes himself to be among the “chosen.” Then it made a 90-degree turn, patrolling the area,” he stated. According to the witness, the object continued on its way, flying over a considerable section of Lota and then heading for the Cordilleran forest. The sighting lasted almost15 minutes. A co-worker said, very seriously, “I think they were among us.” NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
Iran Amazing Photo of an Alien Craft
Tehran — About 11:30 PM we arrived home and as usual I looked at the sky to watch constellations on October 19, 2015. Instantly I saw several flashing star like dots aligned in an exact line and I knew there is no such constellation. I looked more carefully and I saw an object at the beginning of the alignment line, which looked like a jet. I counted eleven flashing dots following the jet-like object. Most were blue and one was flashing red light. Their movement was like a string attached to a kite. I grabbed my camera and zoomed in I saw two triangles forming a lung shape. One red-green flashing light is a rectangular shaped thing. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
Indonesia Orbs
Myanmar – This report is not of my own sighting on January 18 or 20th 2016, while viewing some sacred sites. Panoramic photo (trimmed foreground out of respect of some people’s identity) appears to have glowing lights in the sky in the right top section of photo, which I have noticed upon receiving it from a relative of mine. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Northern Ireland Object
Belfast — I was outside my back garden taking photos of cloud formations on November 29, 2016. When I put them on my pc, I noticed a little spec on two frames, so I enlarged them to find the oddest things! I went back out straight away but they were gone. I have not manipulated photos at all, just enlarged them. The night before, I observed a small starlight object, high up in the atmosphere, so I grabbed my very strong LED torch aimed at the ufo and flashed twice slowly at it. “IT GLOWED BACK AT ME IN A BEAUTIFUL STARRY BLUE!” and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Object
Zelenograd — I was traveling in a bus and saw it moving high up. It was black and awful and at first. I thought it was balloon.
It was really high and was steel.
Suddenly it changed its form to a straight line, then back and disappeared in a few minutes.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
Birmingham — I like to take pictures of special cloud formation. On 18 an 21 of February 2016 I was taken pictures with my S6 phone, and I noticed after taken that on some of them I have a spot but I thought maybe is a lens reflection. Yesterday I was checking the files and that spots intrigued me because of the green color. Therefore, I zoomed them and I noticed a pattern of white spots on them never in same place. In addition, the position of the orb relating the sun position was different in two pictures. I am sending you this pictures because is not the first time in my life I have some glowing orbs in my pictures that I did not notice when I take the picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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7 Theories on the Origin of Life
7 Theories on the Origin of Life
Primordial soup
Credit: NASA/JPL
Life on Earth began more than 3 billion years ago, evolving from the most basic of microbes into a dazzling array of complexity over time. But how did the first organisms on the only known home to life in the universe develop from the primordial soup?
One theory involved a “shocking” start. Another idea is utterly chilling. And one theory is out of this world!
Inside you’ll learn just how mysterious this all is, as we reveal the different scientific theories on the origins of life on Earth.
Electric Spark
Credit: stock.xchng
Lightning may have provided the spark needed for life to begin.
Electric sparks can generate amino acids and sugars from an atmosphere loaded with water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen, as was shown in the famous Miller-Urey experiment reported in 1953, suggesting that lightning might have helped create the key building blocks of life on Earth in its early days. Over millions of years, volcanic clouds in the early atmosphere might have held methane, ammonia and hydrogen and been filled with lightning as well.
Or could simple clay have fueled life’s beginning? Read on to find out.
Community Clay
Credit: Chemistry
The first molecules of life might have met on clay, according to an idea elaborated by organic chemist Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. These surfaces might not only have concentrated these organic compounds together, but also helped organize them into patterns much like our genes do now.
The main role of DNA is to store information on how other molecules should be arranged. Genetic sequences in DNA are essentially instructions on how amino acids should be arranged in proteins. Cairns-Smith suggests that mineral crystals in clay could have arranged organic molecules into organized patterns. After a while, organic molecules took over this job and organized themselves.
Or maybe life began at the bottom of the sea. Keep going to learn how.
Deep-Sea Vents
Credit: MARUM
The deep-sea vent theory suggests that life may have begun atsubmarine hydrothermal vents spewing key hydrogen-rich molecules. Their rocky nooks could then have concentrated these molecules together and provided mineral catalysts for critical reactions. Even now, these vents, rich in chemical and thermal energy, sustain vibrant ecosystems.
The next idea is a chilling thought. Read on!
Chilly Start
Credit: Eric Rignot, NASA JPL
Ice might have covered the oceans 3 billion years ago, as the sun was about a third less luminous than it is now, scientists say. This layer of ice, possibly hundreds of feet thick, might have protected fragile organic compounds in the water below from ultraviolet light and destruction from cosmic impacts. The cold might have also helped these molecules to survive longer, allowing key reactions to happen. [Related: The Ingredients of Life]
Understanding life’s origin may involve unravelling the mystery of DNA’s formation, as we explain next.
Nowadays DNA needs proteins in order to form, and proteins require DNA to form, so how could these have formed without each other? The answer may be RNA, which can store information like DNA, serve as an enzyme like proteins, and help create both DNA and proteins. Later DNA and proteins succeeded this "RNA world," because they are more efficient.
RNA still exists and performs several functions in organisms, including acting as an on-off switch for some genes. The question still remains how RNA got here in the first place. And while some scientists think the molecule could have spontaneously arisen on Earth, others say that was very unlikely to have happened. Other nucleic acids other than RNA have been suggested as well, such as the more esoteric PNA or TNA.
Simple Beginnings
Credit: null
Instead of developing from complex molecules such as RNA, life might have begun with smaller molecules interacting with each other in cycles of reactions. These might have been contained in simple capsules akin to cell membranes, and over time more complex molecules that performed these reactions better than the smaller ones could have evolved, scenarios dubbed "metabolism-first" models, as opposed to the "gene-first" model of the "RNA world" hypothesis.
The final theory is truly out of this world. Check out the next slide.
Perhaps life did not begin on Earth at all, but was brought here from elsewhere in space, a notion known as panspermia. For instance, rocks regularly get blasted off Mars by cosmic impacts, and a number of Martian meteorites have been found on Earth that some researchers have controversially suggested brought microbes over here, potentially making us all Martians originally. Other scientists have even suggested that life might have hitchhiked on comets from other star systems. However, even if this concept were true, the question of how life began on Earth would then only change to how life began elsewhere in space.
Oh, and if you thought all that was mysterious, consider this: Scientists admit they don’t even have a good definition of life!
Saturn's Moons and Rings May Be Younger Than the Dinosaurs
Saturn's Moons and Rings May Be Younger Than the Dinosaurs
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Saturn and its moon Titan appearin this image taken by the Cassini probe. The planet's rings and many of its moons may be only about 100 million years old.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Some of Saturn's icy moons may have been formed after many dinosaurs roamed the Earth. New computer modeling of the Saturnian system suggests the rings and moons may be no more than 100 million years old.
Saturn hosts 62 known moons. All of them are influenced not only by the gravity of the planet, but also by each other's gravities. A new computer model suggests that the Saturnian moons Tethys, Dione and Rhea haven't seen the kinds of changes in their orbital tilts that are typical for moons that have lived in the system and interacted with other moons over long periods of time. In other words, these appear to be very young moons.
"Moons are always changing their orbits. That's inevitable," Matija Cuk, principal investigator at the SETI Institute and one of the authors of the new research, said in a statement. "But that fact allows us to use computer simulations to tease out the history of Saturn's inner moons. Doing so, we find that they were most likely born during the most recent 2 percent of the planet's history." [Saturn Photos: Latest Images from NASA's Cassini Orbiter]
The age of Saturn's rings has come under considerable debate since their discovery in the 1600s. In 2012, however, French astronomers suggested that some of the inner moons and the planet's well-known rings may have recent origins. The researchers showed that tidal effects — which refer to "the gravitational interaction of the inner moons with fluids deep in Saturn’s interior," according to the statement — should cause the moons to move to larger orbits in a very short time.
"Saturn has dozens of moons that are slowly increasing their orbital size due to tidal effects. In addition, pairs of moons may occasionally move into orbital resonances. This occurs when one moon's orbital period becomes a simple fraction of another. For example, one moon could orbit twice as fast as another moon, or three times as fast.
Saturn's moon Tethys may only have formed about 100 million years ago.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Once an orbital resonance takes place, the moons can affect each other's gravity, even if they are very small. This will eventually elongate their orbits and tilt them from their original orbital plane.
By looking at computer models that predict how extended a moon's orbit should become over time, and comparing that with the actual position of the moon today, the researchers found that the orbits of Tethys, Dione and Rhea are "less dramatically altered than previously thought," the statement said. The moons don't appear to have moved very far from where they were born.
To get a more specific value for the ages of these moons, Cuk used ice geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus. The researchers assumed that the energy powering those geysers comes from tidal interactions with Saturn and that the level of geothermal activity on Enceladus has been constant, and from there, inferred the strength of the tidal forces from Saturn.
Using the computer simulations, the researchers concluded that Enceladus would have moved from its original orbital position to its current one in just 100 million years — meaning it likely formed during the Cretaceous period. The larger implication is that the inner moons of Saturn and its gorgeous rings are all relatively young. (The more distant moons Titan and Iapetus would not have been formed at the same time.)
"So the question arises — what caused the recent birth of the inner moons?" Cuk said in the statement. "Our best guess is that Saturn had a similar collection of moons before, but their orbits were disturbed by a special kind of orbital resonance involving Saturn's motion around the sun. Eventually, the orbits of neighboring moons crossed, and these objects collided. From this rubble, the present set of moons and rings formed."
The research is being published in the Astrophysical Journal.
The solar system appears to have a new ninth planet. Today, two scientists announced evidence that a body nearly the size of Neptune—but as yet unseen—orbits the sun every 15,000 years. During the solar system’s infancy 4.5 billion years ago, they say, the giant planet was knocked out of the planet-forming region near the sun. Slowed down by gas, the planet settled into a distant elliptical orbit, where it still lurks today.
The claim is the strongest yet in the centuries-long search for a “Planet X” beyond Neptune. The quest has been plagued by far-fetched claims and even outright quackery. But the new evidence comes from a pair of respected planetary scientists, Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, who prepared for the inevitable skepticism with detailed analyses of the orbits of other distant objects and months of computer simulations. “If you say, ‘We have evidence for Planet X,’ almost any astronomer will say, ‘This again? These guys are clearly crazy.’ I would, too,” Brown says. “Why is this different? This is different because this time we’re right.”
Mike Brown (left) and Konstantin Batygin.
Outside scientists say their calculations stack up and express a mixture of caution and excitement about the result. “I could not imagine a bigger deal if—and of course that’s a boldface ‘if’—if it turns out to be right,” says Gregory Laughlin, a planetary scientist at the University of California (UC), Santa Cruz. “What’s thrilling about it is [the planet] is detectable.”
Batygin and Brown inferred its presence from the peculiar clustering of six previously known objects that orbit beyond Neptune. They say there’s only a 0.007% chance, or about one in 15,000, that the clustering could be a coincidence. Instead, they say, a planet with the mass of 10 Earths has shepherded the six objects into their strange elliptical orbits, tilted out of the plane of the solar system.
The orbit of the inferred planet is similarly tilted, as well as stretched to distances that will explode previous conceptions of the solar system. Its closest approach to the sun is seven times farther than Neptune, or 200 astronomical units (AUs). (An AU is the distance between Earth and the sun, about 150 million kilometers.) And Planet X could roam as far as 600 to 1200 AU, well beyond the Kuiper belt, the region of small icy worlds that begins at Neptune’s edge about 30 AU.
If Planet X is out there, Brown and Batygin say, astronomers ought to find more objects in telltale orbits, shaped by the pull of the hidden giant. But Brown knows that no one will really believe in the discovery until Planet X itself appears within a telescope viewfinder. “Until there’s a direct detection, it’s a hypothesis—even a potentially very good hypothesis,” he says. The team has time on the one large telescope in Hawaii that is suited for the search, and they hope other astronomers will join in the hunt.
Killing Pluto was fun, but this is head and shoulders above everything else.
Batygin and Brown published the result today in The Astronomical Journal. Alessandro Morbidelli, a planetary dynamicist at the Nice Observatory in France, performed the peer review for the paper. In a statement, he says Batygin and Brown made a “very solid argument” and that he is “quite convinced by the existence of a distant planet.”
Championing a new ninth planet is an ironic role for Brown; he is better known as a planet slayer. His 2005 discovery of Eris, a remote icy world nearly the same size as Pluto, revealed that what was seen as the outermost planet was just one of many worlds in the Kuiper belt. Astronomers promptly reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet—a saga Brown recounted in his book How I Killed Pluto.
Now, he has joined the centuries-old search for new planets. His method—inferring the existence of Planet X from its ghostly gravitational effects—has a respectable track record. In 1846, for example, the French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier predicted the existence of a giant planet from irregularities in the orbit of Uranus. Astronomers at the Berlin Observatory found the new planet, Neptune, where it was supposed to be, sparking a media sensation.
Remaining hiccups in Uranus’s orbit led scientists to think that there might yet be one more planet, and in 1906 Percival Lowell, a wealthy tycoon, began the search for what he called “Planet X” at his new observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. In 1930, Pluto turned up—but it was far too small to tug meaningfully on Uranus. More than half a century later, new calculations based on measurements by the Voyager spacecraft revealed that the orbits of Uranus and Neptune were just fine on their own: No Planet X was needed.
Yet the allure of Planet X persisted. In the 1980s, for example, researchers proposed that an unseen brown dwarf star could cause periodic extinctions on Earth by triggering fusillades of comets. In the 1990s, scientists invoked a Jupiter-sized planet at the solar system’s edge to explain the origin of certain oddball comets. Just last month, researchers claimed to have detected the faint microwave glow of an outsized rocky planet some 300 AU away, using an array of telescope dishes in Chile called the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). (Brown was one of many skeptics, noting that ALMA’s narrow field of view made the chances of finding such an object vanishingly slim.)
Brown got his first inkling of his current quarry in 2003, when he led a team that found Sedna, an object a bit smaller than both Eris and Pluto. Sedna’s odd, far-flung orbit made it the most distant known object in the solar system at the time. Its perihelion, or closest point to the sun, lay at 76 AU, beyond the Kuiper belt and far outside the influence of Neptune’s gravity. The implication was clear: Something massive, well beyond Neptune, must have pulled Sedna into its distant orbit.
That something didn’t have to be a planet. Sedna’s gravitational nudge could have come from a passing star, or from one of the many other stellar nurseries that surrounded the nascent sun at the time of the solar system’s formation.
Since then, a handful of other icy objects have turned up in similar orbits. By combining Sedna with five other weirdos, Brown says he has ruled out stars as the unseen influence: Only a planet could explain such strange orbits. Of his three major discoveries—Eris, Sedna, and now, potentially, Planet X—Brown says the last is the most sensational. “Killing Pluto was fun. Finding Sedna was scientifically interesting,” he says. “But this one, this is head and shoulders above everything else.”
Brown and Batygin were nearly beaten to the punch. For years, Sedna was a lone clue to a perturbation from beyond Neptune. Then, in 2014, Scott Sheppard and Chad Trujillo (a former graduate student of Brown’s) published a paper describing the discovery of VP113, another object that never comes close to the sun. Sheppard, of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., and Trujillo, of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, were well aware of the implications. They began to examine the orbits of the two objects along with 10 other oddballs. They noticed that, at perihelion, all came very near the plane of solar system in which Earth orbits, called the ecliptic. In a paper, Sheppard and Trujillo pointed out the peculiar clumping and raised the possibility that a distant large planet had herded the objects near the ecliptic. But they didn’t press the result any further.
Later that year, at Caltech, Batygin and Brown began discussing the results. Plotting the orbits of the distant objects, Batygin says, they realized that the pattern that Sheppard and Trujillo had noticed “was only half of the story.” Not only were the objects near the ecliptic at perihelia, but their perihelia were physically clustered in space (see diagram, above).
For the next year, the duo secretly discussed the pattern and what it meant. It was an easy relationship, and their skills complemented each other. Batygin, a 29-year-old whiz kid computer modeler, went to college at UC Santa Cruz for the beach and the chance to play in a rock band. But he made his mark there by modeling the fate of the solar system over billions of years, showing that, in rare cases, it was unstable: Mercury may plunge into the sun or collide with Venus. “It was an amazing accomplishment for an undergraduate,” says Laughlin, who worked with him at the time.
Brown, 50, is the observational astronomer, with a flair for dramatic discoveries and the confidence to match. He wears shorts and sandals to work, puts his feet up on his desk, and has a breeziness that masks intensity and ambition. He has a program all set to sift for Planet X in data from a major telescope the moment they become publicly available later this year.
Their offices are a few doors down from each other. “My couch is nicer, so we tend to talk more in my office,” Batygin says. “We tend to look more at data in Mike’s.” They even became exercise buddies, and discussed their ideas while waiting to get in the water at a Los Angeles, California, triathlon in the spring of 2015.
First, they winnowed the dozen objects studied by Sheppard and Trujillo to the six most distant—discovered by six different surveys on six different telescopes. That made it less likely that the clumping might be due to an observation bias such as pointing a telescope at a particular part of the sky.
Batygin began seeding his solar system models with Planet X’s of various sizes and orbits, to see which version best explained the objects’ paths. Some of the computer runs took months. A favored size for Planet X emerged—between five and 15 Earth masses—as well as a preferred orbit: antialigned in space from the six small objects, so that its perihelion is in the same direction as the six objects’ aphelion, or farthest point from the sun. The orbits of the six cross that of Planet X, but not when the big bully is nearby and could disrupt them. The final epiphany came 2 months ago, when Batygin’s simulations showed that Planet X should also sculpt the orbits of objects that swoop into the solar system from above and below, nearly orthogonal to the ecliptic. “It sparked this memory,” Brown says. “I had seen these objects before.” It turns out that, since 2002, five of these highly inclined Kuiper belt objects have been discovered, and their origins are largely unexplained. “Not only are they there, but they are in exactly the places we predicted,” Brown says. “That is when I realized that this is not just an interesting and good idea—this is actually real.”
Sheppard, who with Trujillo had also suspected an unseen planet, says Batygin and Brown “took our result to the next level. …They got deep into the dynamics, something that Chad and I aren’t really good with. That’s why I think this is exciting.”
Others, like planetary scientist Dave Jewitt, who discovered the Kuiper belt, are more cautious. The 0.007% chance that the clustering of the six objects is coincidental gives the planet claim a statistical significance of 3.8 sigma—beyond the 3-sigma threshold typically required to be taken seriously, but short of the 5 sigma that is sometimes used in fields like particle physics. That worries Jewitt, who has seen plenty of 3-sigma results disappear before. By reducing the dozen objects examined by Sheppard and Trujillo to six for their analysis, Batygin and Brown weakened their claim, he says. “I worry that the finding of a single new object that is not in the group would destroy the whole edifice,” says Jewitt, who is at UC Los Angeles. “It’s a game of sticks with only six sticks.”
At first blush, another potential problem comes from NASA’s Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), a satellite that completed an all-sky survey looking for the heat of brown dwarfs—or giant planets. It ruled out the existence of a Saturn-or-larger planet as far out as 10,000 AU, according to a 2013 study by Kevin Luhman, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University, University Park. But Luhman notes that if Planet X is Neptune-sized or smaller, as Batygin and Brown say, WISE would have missed it. He says there is a slim chance of detection in another WISE data set at longer wavelengths—sensitive to cooler radiation—which was collected for 20% of the sky. Luhman is now analyzing those data.
Even if Batygin and Brown can convince other astronomers that Planet X exists, they face another challenge: explaining how it ended up so far from the sun. At such distances, the protoplanetary disk of dust and gas was likely to have been too thin to fuel planet growth. And even if Planet X did get a foothold as a planetesimal, it would have moved too slowly in its vast, lazy orbit to hoover up enough material to become a giant.
Instead, Batygin and Brown propose that Planet X formed much closer to the sun, alongside Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Computer models have shown that the early solar system was a tumultuous billiards table, with dozens or even hundreds of planetary building blocks the size of Earth bouncing around. Another embryonic giant planet could easily have formed there, only to be booted outward by a gravitational kick from another gas giant.
It’s harder to explain why Planet X didn’t either loop back around to where it started or leave the solar system entirely. But Batygin says that residual gas in the protoplanetary disk might have exerted enough drag to slow the planet just enough for it to settle into a distant orbit and remain in the solar system. That could have happened if the ejection took place when the solar system was between 3 million and 10 million years old, he says, before all the gas in the disk was lost into space.
Hal Levison, a planetary dynamicist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, agrees that something has to be creating the orbital alignment Batygin and Brown have detected. But he says the origin story they have developed for Planet X and their special pleading for a gas-slowed ejection add up to “a low-probability event.” Other researchers are more positive. The proposed scenario is plausible, Laughlin says. “Usually things like this are wrong, but I’m really excited about this one,” he says. “It’s better than a coin flip.”
All this means that Planet X will remain in limbo until it is actually found.
Astronomers have some good ideas about where to look, but spotting the new planet won’t be easy. Because objects in highly elliptical orbits move fastest when they are close to the sun, Planet X spends very little time at 200 AU. And if it were there right now, Brown says, it would be so bright that astronomers probably would have already spotted it.
Instead, Planet X is likely to spend most of its time near aphelion, slowly trotting along at distances between 600 and 1200 AU. Most telescopes capable of seeing a dim object at such distances, such as the Hubble Space Telescope or the 10-meter Keck telescopes in Hawaii, have extremely tiny fields of view. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack by peering through a drinking straw.
One telescope can help: Subaru, an 8-meter telescope in Hawaii that is owned by Japan. It has enough light-gathering area to detect such a faint object, coupled with a huge field of view—75 times larger than that of a Keck telescope. That allows astronomers to scan large swaths of the sky each night. Batygin and Brown are using Subaru to look for Planet X—and they are coordinating their efforts with their erstwhile competitors, Sheppard and Trujillo, who have also joined the hunt with Subaru. Brown says it will take about 5 years for the two teams to search most of the area where Planet X could be lurking.
The 8-meter Subaru Telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii has a large field of view—enabling it to search efficiently for Planet X.
Subaru Telescope, NAOJ
If the search pans out, what should the new member of the sun’s family be called? Brown says it’s too early to worry about that and scrupulously avoids offering up suggestions. For now, he and Batygin are calling it Planet Nine (and, for the past year, informally, Planet Phattie—1990s slang for “cool”). Brown notes that neither Uranus nor Neptune—the two planets discovered in modern times—ended up being named by their discoverers, and he thinks that that’s probably a good thing. It’s bigger than any one person, he says: “It’s kind of like finding a new continent on Earth.”
He is sure, however, that Planet X—unlike Pluto—deserves to be called a planet. Something the size of Neptune in the solar system? Don’t even ask. “No one would argue this one, not even me.”
NASA dropped a 2-ton kinetic missile on the moon: What did they destroy?
NASA dropped a 2-ton kinetic missile on the moon: What did they destroy?
Is it possible that NASA bombed the moon in order to destroy an Alien base? According to many people around the world, the answer is a big YES.
According to a set of images and alleged reports, there are alien structures on the surface of the moon, and NASA launched a 2-ton kinetic weapon to destroy them, despite international laws clearly prohibiting it.
One of the greatest enigmas regarding UFOs and Alien life is whether governments and Space Agencies around the world are covering up such information. While seeing UFO’s on Earth and videos from space isn’t something new, in the last couple of years, a lot of attention has been drawn to Earth’s moon. There, on the surface of Earth’s natural surface lay numerous ‘Alien’ Bases. The fact that many believe NASA and governments around the world have covered up information on these alien bases has become a widely accepted ideology in the last decade among ufologists and believers.
One of the most interesting things about the moon, which involves a ‘typical’ cover-up is the LCROSS mission by NASA where they literally BOMBED the surface of the moon for alleged ‘Scientific’ purposes.
Despite the fact that it strictly prohibited, NASA released a ‘Centaur’ kinetic weapon which ultimately impacted the moon.
In the last couple of decades, several extremely important treaties have made significant impact on Military Space Policy, and according to the Book The Paths Of Heaven: The Evolution Of Airpower Theory, the following treaties are of note:
1) The Outer Space Treaty (OST) which dates back to 1967, clearly states that international law applies BEYOND the atmosphere. The treaty of 1967 reemphasized standing international laws and initiated new space-related laws: Free Access to space and celestial bodies for peaceful intent, prohibitions on national appropriations of space or celestial bodies, prohibitions on putting any weapons of mass destruction in space or on celestial bodies.
2) The Antiballistic Missile (ABM) treaty of 1972 (which was signed between the USA and the USSR) banned the development, testing, and employment of space-based ABMs.
3) The Convention on Registration (1974) requires parties to maintain a registry of objects launched into space and report orbital parameters and general function of those objects to the UN.
4) And most importantly, the Environmental Modification Convention signed in 1980 which prohibits the hostile use of environmental modification.
Apart of the above-mentioned treaties, in 1977 a convention was concluded on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques which set out a number of prohibitions also with respect to outer space and celestial bodies. (Source: Perestroika and International Law)
Despite the above-mentioned facts, NASA modified the surface of the moon after launching the 2-ton kinetic weapon which created a 5-mile wide crater.
‘Officially’, the main LCROSS mission objective was to explore the presence of water ice in a permanently shadowed crater near a lunar polar region. The mission was launched together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on June 18, 2009, as part of the shared Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, the first American mission to the Moon in over ten years.
But… why break numerous international laws and go against their very own standards all of a sudden? Well, according to many, the true purpose behind the 2009 LCROSS ‘Moon bombing’ was far more enigmatic than anyone at NASA is willing to accept.
According to many ufologists,-and alleged images which show ‘alien’ structures on the surface of the moon- NASAs LCROSS mission had a more militaristic objective rather than scientific. Many believe that the 2-ton kinetic weapon that was detonated on the Moon’s South Pole was aimed at an Alien Base located there.
Check out these images:
This “bombed” moon base might perhaps explain why we haven’t been there in recent years, why would we avoid the Moon so much? We know that it is a place filled with minerals, it has water (and they really needed to bomb it to find out?) and it would make a perfect outpost for anyone who wants to continue the exploration of our solar system and it would also help us get to Mars and beyond.
However, despite the fact that many reports and enigmatic images of alleged structures on the moon are there, it’s nearly impossible to prove (or disprove for that matter) their existence and the truth behind until perhaps one day, we return to the Moon. However, returning to the moon isn’t a guarantee that we will finally have disclosure whether or not there is an alien presence on the moon.
It is a profound mystery why NASA decided to break international laws and literally BOMBEDthe moon for alleged scientific purposes.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Humans May Go Extinct in the Near Future, Experts Determine
Humans May Go Extinct in the Near Future, Experts Determine
A recent study has revealed that carbon emissions reached a new historic level, with the same measurements being recorded some 66 million years ago, when numerous dinosaur species went extinct from the surface of the Earth.
Carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise, although at a slower pace than the previous years. Analysts have been digging through geological evidence in the hopes of finding a similar period in our planet’s history when the temperatures raised to a similar level, so they used sediment cores gathered from the New Jersey coast to inspect the isotope measurements.
The team of experts led by Richard Zeebe from the University of Hawaii discovered that an increase in carbon emissions and global warming occurred almost at the same time during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) period approximately 56 million years ago, in a time when the supercontinent Pangea started to divide into smaller continents.
Scientists consider the current climate changes to be similar to those happening during the PETM period, just that the current shift is happening at a more hasted pace.
However, the most intriguing part of the study was when Zeebe and his colleagues compared the annual carbon emissions rates from present days and the PETM. During the dinosaur age, emissions ranged between 0.6 and 1.1 billion tonnes per year, while today, there are over 10 billion tonnes that are annually being spread throughout the atmosphere, and the numbers are rising each year.
To better understand the gravity of the situation, the team of experts referred to today’s carbon emission levels as the highest they’ve ever been since dinosaurs roamed the planet, and probably even earlier than that. So, should we be alarmed by this never-before experienced CO2 emissions?
“We conclude that, given currently available records, the present anthropogenic carbon release rate is unprecedented during the past 66 million years,” the researchers stated. “We suggest that such a ‘no-analogue’ state represents a fundamental challenge in constraining future climate projections. Also, future ecosystem disruptions are likely to exceed the relatively limited extinctions observed at the PETM.”
There is a thin line between the survival of our species and extinction, and while more and more people consider the possibility of space colonies or even colonizing other planets as our salvation ticket, it’s only logical to assume that planet Earth remains our most viable and resourceful alternative. The CO2 emissions have reached an unprecedented level that’s seemingly accelerating year after year, and because of this, it’s hard to anticipate what is going to happen or how much time we have left at our disposal.
The planet is going to react sooner or later since the amount of CO2 that’s being released into the atmosphere is ten times higher than the historical maximum. There will be devastating consequences for all earthlings, and unless we manage to surpass this transition phase that we find ourselves into, we may go extinct just like the dinosaurs and other species before us. (source)
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Giant Alien Humanoids Evidence Destroyed?
Giant Alien Humanoids Evidence Destroyed?
A Supreme Court ruling, has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating back to the turn of the century. which could prove the organization was involved in a monstrous historical coverup.
During the court case, new elements were brought to light, as several whistle blowers admitted to the existence of documents, that allegedly proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons, reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height.
EmDrive: ‘Onmogelijke’ brandstofloze motor onderworpen aan peer review
EmDrive: ‘Onmogelijke’ brandstofloze motor onderworpen aan peer review
De ‘onmogelijke’ EmDrive is een motor die ruimteschepen kan aandrijven door middel van microgolfstraling. Op deze manier kunnen de schepen in de ruimte accelereren zonder brandstof te verbruiken.
Als de technologie werkt zal deze motor voor een revolutie zorgen in de ruimtevaart. Ruimteschepen zouden een stuk lichter worden en lange reizen zouden plotseling een stuk dichterbij komen.
Een door microgolven aangedreven motor die de mens naar de sterren kan brengen. Het klinkt haast te mooi om waar te zijn. Volgens de gangbare natuurkunde kan de EmDrive helemaal niet bestaan.
Geen actie, alleen reactie
Eén van de wetten van Newton zegt dat een reactie (voortstuwing) alleen mogelijk is na een actie (verbranding van brandstof). Bij de EmDrive is er geen actie, ogenschijnlijk alleen reactie. De motor gebruikt elektromagnetisme in een afgesloten ruimte als voortstuwing.
De International Business Times meldt dat de EmDrive op dit moment wordt onderworpen aan collegiale toetsing. De krant heeft de informatie van het forum van gehaald. Op het forum zegt een lid van het EmDrive-team, Paul March, ook dat beweringen dat Eagleworks, een experimenteel laboratorium in het Johnson Space Center, dood is, niet waar zijn.
Het doel van Eagleworks is het onderzoeken van claims over voortstuwing die vergezocht zijn. Het is dus geen verrassing dat de EmDrive er wordt bestudeerd. De komende maanden moet duidelijk gaan worden of de vreemde technologie ooit realiteit zal worden.
Pak de popcorn er maar bij, schrijft Popular Mechanics, want dit kan allemaal wel eens heel erg raar gaan worden. De site verwacht niet dat de EmDrive de collegiale toetsing met succes zal doorstaan, maar acht het niet onmogelijk.
Mijn dochters hadden schoolvakantie en logeerden bij mijn ouders. Ik had last van de griep, dus ik besloot te gaan slapen in het bed van mijn oudste dochter om er zo voor te zorgen dat ik mijn partner niet zou infecteren.
Ik liet de gordijnen open zodat het maanlicht naar binnen kon schijnen. Rond 23:15 zag ik door de bomen in onze tuin iets dat leek op de flitsende lichten van een vliegtuig aan de nachthemel.
Het was een heldere nacht, dus keek ik voor ongeveer een minuut naar de lichten en vond dat ze wel een beetje vreemd flitsten, maar dacht dat dit kwam omdat ik ze door de takken van de bomen zag.
Ik draaide mij op mijn zij om te gaan slapen, maar na 30 minuten merkte ik dat ik niet kon slapen en rolde weer op mijn rug.
De vreemde flitsende lichten waren er nog steeds en ik besefte dat als het een vliegtuig of een satelliet geweest zou zijn, deze allang weer vertrokken zou zijn.
Ik stapte uit bed, pakte mijn mobiel die aan het opladen was en begon met filmen. Ik zag de straatlantaarn in de rechter onderkant van het scherm, daarna zoomde ik in op het licht. Ik hield de telefoon stil op de vensterbank en opeens was mijn telefoon compleet dood.
Ik bukte mij om de telefoon weer aan de lader te doen en toen ik opkeek was het licht weg.
Ik heb exact hetzelfde licht gezien toen ik een meisje was, ergens laat jaren '90. Samen met mijn vader, moeder en zuster stonden wij achter in onze tuin in St. George te kijken naar een meteorietenstorm. Aan het einde daarvan zag ik precies hetzelfde licht rondhangen boven ons huis en het maakte ook precies dezelfde bewegingen.
In de nacht toen ik probeerde het vreemde licht te filmen, zagen mijn oudste dochter en haar beste vriendin verschillende heldere verlichte lichtbollen in hun slaapkamer in het huis van mijn moeder.
Niemand van ons voelde zich bang. Wij houden ons niet bezig met paranormale dingen en wij weten ook niet veel over UFO’s. We weten alleen dat wij soms vreemde lichten zien en dat er rondom ons soms vreemde dingen gebeuren.
Wij voelen ons de laatste tijd niet zo goed. Mijn beide dochters staan op de wachtlijst voor een afspraak met de KNO arts in het ziekenhuis. Ikzelf sta op een wachtlijst voor een onderzoek naar allergie. We hebben allemaal infecties in de luchtwegen en chronische bijholteontsteking. Mijn oudste dochter heeft veel last van neusbloedingen en is wakker geworden met kneuzingen en bloed aan haar gehemelte.
Mijn jongste dochter heeft een bizar driehoekig merkteken op haar schouder en ik heb een vreemd litteken op mijn kuit. Er zijn nog meer vreemde gezondheidsdingen, maar dit is waarschijnlijk voor nu voldoende. Ik heb medische documentatie en foto’s van alles.
Wat ik graag zou willen weten, is of hier inderdaad iets vreemds aan de hand is?
Full Spectrum Camcorders, Why Is Infrared Important? UFO Sighting News.
Full Spectrum Camcorders, Why Is Infrared Important? UFO Sighting News.
Now a lot of people are asking why they often cannot see a UFO with a normal camera. Well, thats because there is always an IR (infrared filter) built into the camera to take out the IR light, so your camera will not see the UFO. UFOs reflect IR light, but IR is invisible to the human eye. So either you have to convert a camera by taking out the IR filter so you can see it, or buy a full spectrum camera that only sees in infrared.
This next piece of UFO footage was captured at around 3PM on 10 April 2011. The camcorderused is an old modified Sony DCR TRV140E with a 1.7x tele-converter, recorded in infrared/visible light mixed and the manual focus in use. I have one, but haven't been able to use it due to clouds 24/7 here in Taiwan. I will try again soon. Check out this video below, its an awesome demonstration of a FULL SPECTRUM, Infrared camera. No cloaked object can hide from it! Its the #1 tool of professional UFO hunters. I have an 15 year old Infrared camera, but the new ones are much higher detail, (Click Here for IR camcorders) to view these HD tools. Scott C. Waring
Black UFO Found Landed In Desert In Arizona On Google Earth Map, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Found Landed In Desert In Arizona On Google Earth Map, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: March 24, 2016 Location of discovery: 2 miles west of Bunk Robinson Peak, Arizona, USA Google coordinates:31° 26’43″N 109° 4’30″W
Here is a great catch of a black disk UFO landed out in the middle of nowhere on the boarder of Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. Its an hour drive to get to any city, but there is a white pick up truck parked near the black disk. The disk is located where no one would ever look for it. Usually UFOs are parked below water, but to have it above the ground is much more convenient to use in other ways. Don't take my word for it, copy paste the coordinates into the Google search box and check it out. Scott C. Waring
Stanton T. Friedman believes that there are many things that can be done to improve the respectability score of ufology. In his words, “we can show people facts and the sources of the data.” This presentation includes the details of:
1. Advanced nuclear fission rockets that operate using the same energy as our Sun. 2. The results of major studies such as Project Blue Book, – Special Report No. 14. 3. The false claims that have been made by what Stanton Friedman refers to as “the noisy negativists” and those who foolishly claim that Governments can’t keep secrets. 4. Blacked out Classified UFO documents. 5. UFO pictures that real scientists say are genuine. 6. Reasons for Aliens to visit Earth without landing on the White House lawn and for Governments to withhold evidence. 7. Preparing Research Papers for Journal Publication and the peer review process. 8. How to stop being Apologetic UFOlogists and speak out.
November 8, 1995 at approximately 8:40p.m., in rural Rosholt, Wisconsin, there was a flash of light that illuminated the entire area around our house. I was in the basement and my mother and stepfather were upstairs. We all went to the front door and noticed an orange orb hovering over a tree line, to the south. I am not sure of the distance, but my best guess is around a half-mile. The object appeared several times the size of a star. It appeared to glow slightly, but the shape was a solid sphere. The orb hovered in the same spot for about 20 minutes. The orb then slowly descended below the tree line until what must have been close to ground level, then ascended back to the original elevation. This took approximately 30 seconds. The orb then traveled east at a speed similar to an airplane. After traveling for about ten seconds, the object reversed direction instantly, without any change in speed. The object arrived back at the original location and disappeared.
At the same moment the orb disappeared, a circle of 8-10 large, bright lights flashed one at a time directly over the field to the south/southwest of our yard. I would say it was no more than 500 feet from our front door, and 250 feet above ground. There was no sound. I would estimate that the width of the object/lights was 75-100 feet. Once the last light went out, there were no more sightings. We continued to look around, all of us a little “freaked out” now.
After a couple of minutes, military jets flew over. I thought it sounded like they were flying to the northeast, but I couldn’t be certain. I phoned the Stevens Point Municipal Airport and reported what I saw. I was told they hadn’t seen anything. I then phoned the Stevens Point Journal newspaper. They told me that they had received multiple reports of 2 F-16s “chasing a UFO.” The November 9 1995 Stevens Point Journal has a front page article with a quote from a Lt. Col. saying that it was the 115th Fighter Wing of Traux Field in Madison, Wisconsin “practicing night flying.” The article concludes with “The only thing they were chasing after were themselves.” (I still have this newspaper if the full article is needed)
Astronomen wijzen het hoogste punt op Saturnus' maan Titan aan
Astronomen wijzen het hoogste punt op Saturnus' maan Titan aan
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het gaat om een berg die 3337 meter hoog is. Nog niet eerder werd zo’n hoge berg op Titan ontdekt.
En het is waarschijnlijk niet alleen de hoogste berg die tot op heden op Titan ontdekt is. Onderzoekers gaan ervan uit dat dit wel eens de hoogste berg kan zijn die Titan rijk is.
Mithrim Montes De berg is 3337 meter hoog en maakt deel uit Mithrim Montes: drie bergruggen op rij. De bergruggen bevinden zich in de buurt van de evenaar, waar de meeste bergen van Titan, te vinden zijn.
Op aarde ontstaan bergen en kliffen doordat het oppervlak naar boven wordt geduwd, bijvoorbeeld door platentektoniek of vulkanisme. Tegelijkertijd zorgt erosie – door wind en regen – ervoor dat bergen weer materiaal en dus hoogte verliezen. Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat erosie ook op Titan een rol speelt en wel door toedoen van regen en rivieren. Wel erodeert het oppervlak van de maan waarschijnlijk trager dan op aarde.
Niet zo hoog? Een berg van 3337 meter hoog is op het eerste gezicht niet zo indrukwekkend. Op aarde zijn immers bergen van bijna negen kilometer hoog te vinden. Maar onderzoekers hadden op voorhand ook zeker niet verwacht zulke hoge bergen op Titan aan te treffen. Sterker nog: ze hadden eigenlijk ook geen bergen van iets meer dan 3 kilometer hoog verwacht. Dat die bergen er wel zijn, suggereert voorzichtig dat op het oppervlak processen spelen die ons nu nog onbekend zijn. Daar moet dus nader onderzoek naar worden gedaan.
“Als verkenners zijn we gemotiveerd om de hoogste of diepste plaatsen te vinden, deels omdat het opwindend is,” stelt onderzoeker Jani Radebaugh. “Maar de extremen van Titan vertellen ons ook belangrijke dingen over krachten die de evolutie van Titan beïnvloeden.”
Mithrim Montes. De pijltjes wijzen enkele hoge bergen aan, waaronder een berg van 3337 meter hoog. Dit kan wel eens de hoogste berg van Titan zijn. Afbeelding: NASA.
Magnetische bubbel die aarde beschermt, blijkt zo lek als een mandje
Magnetische bubbel die aarde beschermt, blijkt zo lek als een mandje
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het is de bodyguard van de aarde: de magnetosfeer. De magnetische bubbel rond onze planeet beschermt ons tegen de zonnewind. Tenminste: dat dachten we. Nieuw onderzoek wijst erop dat de beveiliging namelijk zo lek is als een mandje.
Dat meldt ESA. De ruimtevaartorganisatie bestudeerde de magnetosfeer met behulp van satellieten.
Zonnewind Het magnetisch veld rondom de aarde moet ons beschermen tegen de zonnewind: een stroom geladen deeltjes die zijn eigen magnetische veld meebrengt. Die stroom reist door het zonnestelsel en bereikt zo ook de aarde.
Oriëntatie Onze magnetosfeer moet ons dan tegen deze deeltjes beschermen. In 2006 bleek echter al dat dat niet altijd lukt. Wanneer het magnetisch veld van de zonnewind dezelfde oriëntatie heeft als het magnetisch veld van de aarde kan de zonnewind toch door de magnetosfeer heendringen.
Bijna altijd? Maar nu hebben onderzoekers ontdekt dat het niet bij deze ene situatie blijft. De zonnewind blijkt in veel meer gevallen door onze magnetosfeer heen te kunnen dringen. “Sterker nog: het is heel moeilijk om een situatie te bedenken waarin de zonnewind niet door de magnetosfeer heen dringt, aangezien de magnetosfeer geen perfecte magnetische bubbel is,” concludeert onderzoeker Kyoung-Joo Hwang.
“De zonnewind kan de magnetosfeer op andere plekken en onder andere omstandigheden dan we eerder dachten binnendringen,” voegt onderzoeker Melvyn Goldstein toe. “Dat suggereert dat de magnetopause (de grens tussen de magnetosfeer en het omringende plasma, red.) dezelfde eigenschappen heeft als een zeef en de zonnewind toestaat om voortdurend in de magnetosfeer te stromen.”
Wat magnetische polen van de aarde zich omdraaien
Wat magnetische polen van de aarde zich omdraaien
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het is in het verleden talloze keren gebeurd en staat ons ook in de toekomst ongetwijfeld weer te wachten: een omkering van de magnetische polen van de aarde. Maar wanneer en wat voor gevolgen heeft dat?
Volgens sommige doemdenkers zou het eind 2012 gebeuren: de magnetische polen van de aarde zouden zich omdraaien en de wereld zou – zoals de Maya’s het voorspeld hadden – vergaan. Eind december 2012 brak aan en er gebeurde niets. En inmiddels zit 2013 er ook al een heel eind op, is de aarde er nog steeds en bevinden de magnetische polen zich nog op de plek waar ze horen. Het idee dat de Maya’s het einde van de wereld voorspeld hadden, was waanzin. De voorspelling dat de magnetische polen zich eind 2012 abrupt om zouden keren, bleek eveneens onzin. Toch is het idee van omkerende magnetische polen op aarde op zichzelf niet zo heel gek. Het is in het verleden namelijk regelmatig gebeurd. En ja, het zal in de toekomst ongetwijfeld nogmaals gebeuren.
Magnetisch veld De aarde beschikt over een magnetisch veld met één zuidpool en één noordpool. Dit magnetische veld wordt gegeneerd door de kern van onze aarde: een ijzeren bol waarvan het hart vast en de buitenste laag vloeibaar is. Dat vloeibare ijzer in de kern van onze aarde stroomt en creëert elektrische stromingen die op hun beurt weer het magnetisch veld creëren. Zo af en toe keert het magnetisch veld zich om. De magnetische noordpool verandert dan in de magnetische zuidpool en omgekeerd.
Hoe weten we dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde zich de afgelopen miljoenen jaren regelmatig heeft omgedraaid? Die kennis hebben we te danken aan sedimenten die zich op de bodem van de oceaan bevinden. Ooit waren deze sedimenten vloeibaar: lava, afkomstig uit de Mid-Atlantische Rug, een plek waar twee continentale platen uit elkaar bewegen. In het vloeibare gesteente zitten magnetische mineralen en deze nemen de richting van het aardmagnetisch veld aan. Wanneer de lava versteent, wordt die richting vereeuwigd. Sedimenten op de bodem van de oceaan kunnen ons dus vertellen welke richting het aardmagnetisch veld op het moment dat de steen tot stand kwam, had. Door verschillende stenen te dateren, kunnen onderzoekers de richting van het aardmagnetisch veld op verschillende momenten in de geschiedenis van onze planeet achterhalen.
In het verleden Volgens wetenschappers is het magnetische veld van de aarde in de lange geschiedenis van onze planeet regelmatig omgekeerd. De laatste twintig miljoen jaar gebeurde het gemiddeld elke 200.000 tot 300.000 jaar. Dat is geen abrupte gebeurtenis: daar zijn honderden zoniet duizenden jaren voor nodig. Het is zeker ook geen vloeiende beweging waarmee de noordpool zuidpool wordt en omgekeerd. Magnetische velden smelten samen, duwen en trekken aan elkaar. Tijdens dit proces kunnen meerdere polen op rare breedtes ontstaan alvorens de noordpool echt zuidpool wordt.
De laatste keer Het omdraaien van het magnetisch veld is eerder regel dan uitzondering. De laatste keer dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde zich omkeerde, was zo’n 780.000 jaar geleden. Men zou – met de kennis dat het magnetisch veld zich gemiddeld elke 300.000 jaar omkeert dan ook verwachten dat ons in de nabije toekomst weer zo’n omkering te wachten staat. Zou het binnenkort dan gaan gebeuren? Niemand weet het. Want een omkering van het magnetisch veld is nu eenmaal niet te voorspellen.
Verandering Wat we wel zeker weten, is dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde aan het veranderen is. Dat is echter niet iets van de laatste tijd, maar een voortdurend proces. Zo vond Roald Amundsen de magnetische noordpool in 1904 vijftig kilometer verwijderd van het punt waar James Ross deze in 1831 aantrof. En ook gedurende de twintigste eeuw is deze magnetische noordpool aan het schuiven geweest: gemiddeld zo’n tien kilometer per jaar en recent zijn er zelfs jaren geweest waarin deze magnetische pool zich met 40 kilometer per jaar verplaatste. En dat is niet de enige manier waarop het magnetisch veld verandert. Ook de kracht ervan fluctueert: zo is deze sinds de negentiende eeuw met zo’n tien procent afgenomen. Sommige mensen denken dat dat erop wijst dat het magnetische veld zich binnenkort omkeert. Bij die voorspelling wordt er echter flink geëxtrapoleerd: als de trend van het afzwakkende magnetische veld doorzet, zou dit over zo’n 1500 jaar resulteren in een dipoolmoment (een kwantitatieve maat om de intensiteit van het magnetisch veld weer te geven) van nul en dan zou het gaan gebeuren. Maar wetenschappers willen daar niets van weten. “Het veld neemt de hele tijd in kracht toe en af,” vertelt onderzoeker Gary Glatzmaier. “We weten dit van paleomagnetische studies (onderzoeken zoals beschreven in het kader hierboven, red.).”
Foto: Roland Urbanek (cc via
Doemscenario’s Wanneer het gaat gebeuren, weten we dus niet. Maar wat mogen we verwachten als het eenmaal zover is? Daarover doen zich heel veel doemverhalen de ronde. Een mooi voorbeeld is het verhaal dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde tijdens een omkering tijdelijk even helemaal wegvalt. In die periode zou de aarde geen enkele bescherming hebben tegen deeltjes afkomstig van de zon, zonnevlammen en plasmawolken. En zonder die bescherming zou het er slecht uitzien voor het leven op aarde. Het klinkt heel logisch, maar toch klopt er niets van. Het magnetisch veld van de aarde kan inderdaad door de tijd heen sterker en zwakker worden. Maar er is geen enkel bewijs dat het magnetisch veld ooit helemaal weg is geweest. En zelfs al zou het magnetisch veld van de aarde even heel zwak worden, dan is dat nog niet direct een probleem. Wel komt er dan iets meer zonnestraling op aarde, maar we hebben het dan zeker niet over dodelijke hoeveelheden. Bovendien is het goed om te onthouden dat het magnetisch veld niet onze enige bescherming is: ook de atmosfeer houdt veel deeltjes afkomstig van de zon tegen. Overigens is er ook helemaal geen bewijs dat een omkering van het magnetisch veld verstrekkende gevolgen voor het leven op aarde heeft en resulteert in massa-extincties. Uit paleomagnetisch onderzoek weten we immers dat veranderingen in de ontwikkeling van mens(achtig)en en massa-extincties niet samenvallen met een omkering van het aardmagnetisch veld.
Vogels We hoeven dus niet bang te zijn dat het magnetisch veld tijdelijk helemaal verdwijnt en het leven op aarde daardoor het veld moet ruimen. Maar de omkering van het aardmagnetisch veld moet toch wel gevolgen hebben voor het leven op aarde? Jawel. Ten eerste werkt uw kompas niet meer zoals het hoort. Na een omkering stelt het kompas dat de Zuidpool zich in het noorden bevindt. Dat is dus even omschakelen. En ook voor dieren die zich met behulp van het aardmagnetisch veld oriënteren op hun omgeving en route verandert alles. Maar ook dat hoeft geen probleem te zijn. Onthoud dat een omkering van het aardmagnetisch veld al snel duizenden jaren in beslag neemt. In die duizenden jaren kunnen onder meer vogels en walvissen zich van generatie op generatie aanpassen aan de verandering die gaande is.
Een omkering van de aardmagnetische polen behoort dus tot de mogelijkheden. Sterker nog: het zou gekker zijn als het niet gebeurde. Maar wanneer? Niemand die het weet. Gelukkig is het ook geen reden om ’s nachts wakker te liggen: de mensheid heeft wel eens voor hetere vuren gestaan.
De polen van de maan zijn in het verleden 200 kilometer verschoven
De polen van de maan zijn in het verleden 200 kilometer verschoven
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Hierdoor moet de maan er in het verleden vanaf de aarde bekeken ietsje anders uit hebben gezien, aldus onderzoekers.
Wetenschappers trekken die conclusie nadat ze waterstof op de polen van de maan bestudeerden. Het waterstof verbergt zich waarschijnlijk in de vorm van ijs in kraters rond de noord- en zuidpool van de maan. Dit ijs is waarschijnlijk miljarden jaren oud. Het ijs dat nu nog in de kraters schuilgaat, heeft zo lang stand kunnen houden, omdat het nooit aan zonlicht is blootgesteld. Maar stel nu dat je de maan een aantal graden draait. Dan wordt het ijs in die kraters wel aan zonlicht blootgesteld: het sublimeert (verdampt) en verdwijnt in de ruimte. Het ijs in deze kraters (of een gebrek aan ijs in kraters) kan dus meer vertellen over de oriëntatie van de maan en een eventuele verandering in deze oriëntatie.
Verandering Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat de oriëntatie van de maan in het verleden inderdaad anders was. De as – de denkbeeldige paal die door het midden van de maan van noord naar zuid loopt en waar de maan omheen draait – is ongeveer 3 miljard jaar geleden zeker zes graden oftewel 200 kilometer verschoven. Waarschijnlijk gebeurde dat over een periode van één miljard jaar.
Hier zie je waar de noord- en zuidpool zich nu bevinden en waar deze zich in het verleden bevonden. Afbeelding: James Keane / University of Arizona.
De neus omhoog “Dit was zo’n verrassende ontdekking,” stelt onderzoeker Matthew Siegler. “We zijn geneigd te denken dat objecten in de ruimte er altijd zo uit hebben gezien zoals we ze nu zien, maar in dit geval is het gezicht dat zo vertrouwd voor ons is – het gezicht op de maan – veranderd. Miljarden jaren geleden zorgde een opwarming van het binnenste van de maan ervoor dat het gezicht dat we zien naar boven bewoog naar mate de pool fysiek van positie veranderde. Je kunt het vergelijken met de as van de aarde die verschuift van Antarctica naar Australië. Door de beweging van de pool trok het gezicht op de maan zijn neus op naar de aarde.”
De maan maakt nu deel uit van een illuster gezelschap. Er zijn namelijk maar vrij weinig hemellichamen bekend wiens polen permanent zijn verschoven. Naast de polen van de maan, weten we dat ook de polen van de aarde, Mars, Enceladus (maan van Saturnus) en Europa (maan van Jupiter) zijn verschoven. Een verschuiving van de polen ontstaat door een verschuiving in de massa van een hemellichaam. In het geval van de maan werd dat alles ingegeven door vulkanisme. Vulkanisme zorgde ervoor dat een stukje van de mantel van de maan (een gebied dat we nu kennen als Procellarum) opwarmde. En omdat warme gesteenten minder zwaar zijn dan koude gesteenten, verschoof de massa van de maan. “Die verandering in massa zorgde ervoor dat Procellarum – en de hele maan – in beweging kwam.”
3D-Printed Rutherford Engine Qualifies For Space Flight
3D-Printed Rutherford Engine Qualifies For Space Flight
Illustration of the Electron rocket in orbit
The Electron's main engine just passed a flight qualification test.
Rocket Lab
A 3D printed rocket engine from Rocket Lab has qualified for flight. The engine will be flown during the Electron test program.
A video posted by the LA and New Zealand-based Rocket Lab shows the company’s new Rutherford engine surviving a 2 minute 40 second burn. After more than two years of extensive testing and more than two hundred engine hot fires, it qualifies for flight.
This is a milestone for the 3D printing industry, as the Rutherford engine is the first of its kind made primarily out of 3D printed parts. It’s also notable that the engine uses battery-powered electric motors to power the propellant pumps.
The Rocket Lab group hopes that, despite the engine’s small stature, it will be able to launch small satellites into orbit at a low cost. An Electron launch is expected to cost about $5 million, compared to SpaceX’s $60 million launches.
The company says the engine will first be flown during the Electron test program scheduled to run throughout the second half of 2016. The launch will be part of the development program for the Electron rocket, whose liftoff will be powered by 9 Rutherford engines.
“Rutherford started as a clean sheet of paper. Without the burden of heritage engines, we were able to make the most of today’s most advanced technologies in ways not attempted before,” said Rocket Lab Propulsion Lead Lachlan Matchett in a statement.
The next step in the process is scaling up production of the the engine for test and commercial launches.
Scientists Find Microbe Grows 60% Better in Space Than on Earth
Scientists Find Microbe Grows 60% Better in Space Than on Earth
Craig Venter
A citizen science project finds that the Bacillus safensis bacterium thrives in space, a discovery with important implications for space travel and theories for life’s ability to spread naturally to other worlds.
Bad news for germaphobic would-be astronauts—scientists have found that a certain strain of bacteria grows about 60% better on the International Space Station than on Earth.
The microbe in question, Bacillus safensis, actually has a long history of space travel. It was first discovered in NASA clean-room facilities in the late ‘90s, and may even have been a stowaway to the Red Planet on the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity in 2004.
The new findings were part of a citizen science experiment, called Project MERCCURI, in which scientists and members of the public collect microbial samples for transport to the International Space Station to determine how they would grow and develop in low-gravity conditions.
“The warm, humid, oxygen-rich environment of the ISS is a far cry from the vacuum of space,” observes Dr. David Coil, of UC Davis, lead author of the research. He also points out that the real importance of the study is that of the 48 strains tested, most grew at normal, pedestrian Earth-rates, with no surprises whatsoever.
It is, however, slightly surprising that certain strains grow better off of planet Earth.
Rather than just a matter of idle curiosity, the study has implications for the future of space travel, and even touches upon larger questions of the origin and spread of life in the universe.
If humankind is really to begin the process of extending its civilization beyond the comforting ambit of our home planet, it’s important to understand not only how human physiology operates during prolonged periods in space, but also how our “microbiome” of parasites, bacteria, viruses and other clingers-on behave in the same environment.
As far as the theory of “panspermia,” the idea that planets can be seeded by dormant organisms from outer space, the discovery—while it says nothing conclusive—is another indication that life can certainly adapt to almost any conditions, including the harsh ones of space.
So just remember to pack hand sanitizer the next time you head to space.
Speech at Embry-Riddle's Prescott campus explores mysteries, sidesteps conspiracies
Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier
Peter Merlin an aerospace historian, author, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate talks about the history of the secret projects that took place at Area 51 Wednesday night March 16, 2016 during an installment of the ERAU Prescott Aviation History Program at ERAU. (Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier)
Julius Levinson: “What with that spaceship you found in New Mexico! What was it called ... Roswell, New Mexico! And that other place... uh... Area 51, Area 51! You knew then! And you did nothing!”
President Thomas Whitmore: “Mr. Levinson, contrary to what you may have read in the tabloids, there is no Area 51. There is no spaceship...”
Albert Nimzicki: “Uh ... excuse me, Mr. President? That’s not entirely accurate.”
- “Independence Day” movie (1996)
Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier
Matt Hinshaw
Peter Merlin an aerospace historian, author, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate talks about the history of the secret projects that took place at Area 51 Wednesday night March 16, 2016 during an installment of the ERAU Prescott Aviation History Program at ERAU. (Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier)
PRESCOTT– Oh, yes, Virginia, there’s an Area 51. And secret military activities go on there.
No alien spacecraft are stored in its hangars, but the secrecy is more than enough to drive any number of conspiracy theories.
In a speech Wednesday night, March 16, at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Davis Learning Center, author, aerospace historian, and ERAU graduate Peter Merlin discussed the realities of the place called “Dreamland.”
Area 51, northwest of Las Vegas, on the edge of a dry lakebed in the Nevada desert, was originally a temporary facility intended to service the then-new U-2 spy plane.
Groom Lake was the reason the site was chosen; it reminded the men searching for a location of the dry lakebed used as a runway at Edwards Air Force base in California.
The small outpost was called “Paradise Ranch,” which Merlin said was intended to make the generally inhospitable place – workers were housed in travel trailers – sound more appealing.
Workers were shuttled between Lockheed’s headquarters and Area 51 by military transport airplanes every weekend, Merlin said.
Just as the base was losing the U-2 program, which was moved to California, and about to become a ghost town, the U.S. Air Force began to use the base for testing of Project Oxcart’s A-12, the predecessor to the Mach 3 SR-71 Blackbird surveillance aircraft.
By the mid-1960s, there were more than 1,800 workers at Dreamland, Merlin said.
One of the ideas developed there that did not pan out: an unmanned supersonic drone, the D-21, to be dropped from the Project Oxcart aircraft.
Merlin described the loss of an aircraft carrying the drone when the two collided, and one crewman was killed in the incident. “The tragic loss of an aircraft and a crewmember ended the use of the … launch aircraft, but it did not spell the end of the (drone),” Merlin said.
The D-21 program was moved to the B-52 heavy bomber in 1967, where it had an inauspicious first flight: it fell off the B-52 and slammed into the runway.
“It was on a fully-live booster (rocket), which was set to fire five seconds after it left the pylon, which it did,” Merlin said. It crashed into the desert.
Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier
Matt Hinshaw
Peter Merlin an aerospace historian, author, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate talks about the history of the secret projects that took place at Area 51 Wednesday night March 16, 2016 during an installment of the ERAU Prescott Aviation History Program at ERAU. (Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier)
The project was canceled, after disappointing results, in 1971.
Dreamland was also home to projects creatively named HAVE DOUGHNUT, HAVE DRILL, and HAVE FERRY. These were tests of Soviet military aircraft, which not only demonstrated their capabilities, but mock dogfights allowed US pilots to develop tactics to combat them.
When the effort began to develop HAVE BLUE, a stealth fighter airplane that would become the F-117A, it happened at Area 51.
“So secret was its configuration, that every time HAVE BLUE was rolled out of its hangar, uncleared personnel on the base were sequestered to prevent them from seeing the aircraft,” Merlin said.
“Area 51’s secret nature has bred rumors and speculation among those who believe the government is hiding captured extraterrestrial spacecraft or even aliens at the site,” he said, but officials’ unwillingness to talk about the base and its purpose – even a 1974 Skylab photo of the base caused security headaches – only makes Area 51 a more enticing target for conspiracy theorists.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 1/5 - (2 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Sun Herald archives: South Mississippi has long history of UFO intrigue
Sun Herald archives: South Mississippi has long history of UFO intrigue
A 'Coast celebrity' wrote about being abducted by aliens in 1973
Vicksburg UFO specialist says extraterrestrials can be spotted over Mississippi
Was a UFO spotted in Pass Christian in 2012?
Tim Isbell/Sun Herald/ 2012 UFO websites have indicated a growing number of sightings along the Coast. One website shows a YouTube post of a UFO over Pass Christian.
The Sun Herald
Editors note: This story was originally published in March 2012.
We are not alone.
Look at the fuzzy video posted on YouTube that shows a colorful spinning orb hovering over the water just off the Pass Christian beach in February. It will make you wonder.
Or read various posts on extraterrestrial watchdog websites such as the Mutual UFO Network or UFO Casebook, that mention South Mississippi sightings.
Still not convinced we’ve been visited by aliens from outer space?
Read “UFO Contact in Pascagoula,” written by the late Charles Hickson.
Hickson, who died at 80 in 2011, became a Coast celebrity in 1973 after his claims of alien abduction were made public. In the 38 years after, he appeared on TV, spoke at UFO conferences, gave countless interviews, and co-wrote his book. He continued to watch the night skies until the end.
“He believed that one day they would come back. He wanted them to come back,” his daughter Tisha Hurd told the Sun Herald after his death.
But whether E.T. has actually phoned home from the Gulf Coast remains to be seen.
Neither Hancock County Sheriff Ricky Adam, Harrison County Sheriff Melvin Brisolara nor Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd can find reports in the last 12 months of anyone seeing UFOs, although Adam said some on his staff reported the occasional Facebook post by acquaintances that mentioned seeing “something” in the sky.
However, a Vicksburg UFO expert thinks extraterrestrials can be spotted regularly over Mississippi.
Just last week, graphic designer Robert Hood, a 43-year-old husband and father, admits seeing “a nice, bright light in the sky.”
The co-founder of Delta Paranormal Project said an orange star-like entity hovered for a while, then it moved, got dim, then bright, then “suddenly, it just disappeared.”
Hood classifies the sightings into two areas, the unidentified flying objects and the extraterrestrial vehicles.
Anyone can see a UFO, which usually turns out to be an airplane or some other man-made aircraft. It’s the ETVs that are more unusual, and much harder to document or explain, he said.
Still, he believes ETVs are easier to spot in South Mississippi, where the land mass borders the Gulf of Mexico. The Coast offers few obstructions and a clear view of the sky, he said.
He thinks many people have probably seen UFOs and even ETVs, but are unlikely to make a report for fear of ridicule.
“You mention anything about aliens to anybody and it’s an instant, ‘You’re crazy,’” he said.
For those who plan to go public with their sighting, Hood recommends still images and video confirmation. Turn off the auto focus on the camera and keep it steady, he said. It also helps to have additional witnesses for validation.
He is adamant humans are not alone in the universe.
“It would be kind of crazy to look up and say that there is no other life besides ourselves,” he said.
A grainy video posted Feb. 12 on YouTube by someone called UFOParanomalRadio shows a bright light in the sky, supposedly along U.S. 90 in Pass Christian.
The videographer captures the image for almost four minutes before it disappears from view.
“It’s cool looking, whatever it is,” a man’s voice says. “It’s lit up like a Christmas tree.”
He says on the video that the image, which appears as both a spinning orb of light and two blurry, bright lights, is “just sitting there, hovering over the Gulf of Mexico.”
While trying to sharpen the focus, the shooter watches the light disappear into the water.
“It’s completely gone, nowhere to be found,” he can be heard saying.
Pass Christian Deputy Chief James Stewart said police logs do not show anyone making a report of an unidentified object any time that week.
Pascagoula police Lt. Shannon Massey also checked records for the past year, but could find no reports of UFO sightings.
On, however, UFO expert Billy Booth posted about a sighting of a blinking light reported Sept. 22 that hovered for a while, then flew upward and disappeared in the Jackson County sky.
Hood said Pascagoula could be a hotbed for UFO traffic.
It’s where Hickson believes he was abducted in 1973, and it’s close to Gautier, where a UFO was spotted hovering over Hickson home by neighbors years later.
Booth lists 10 Mississippi sightings on his UFO Casebook website, from 1967 in Meridian to Nov. 16 in Oxford, where a mother and daughter told him they saw a cylindrical object hover over the tree tops along U.S. 278.
Among the cases listed is Mike Cataldo, a retired U.S. Navy chief petty officer interviewed by former Mississippi Press reporter Natalie Chambers in 2001.
Cataldo said he and some friends saw a tambourine-shaped object lined in blinking lights, spinning in the sky between Pascagoula and Gautier in 1973, just three days after Hickson’s alleged encounter.
Cataldo says in the case file he saw it again as he traveled west on U.S. 90 in Ocean Springs.
“I think he saw something,” Chambers told the Sun Herald. “He didn’t appear to be fearful, he was just talking about the lights. He was very sure that what he saw was a UFO.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Rhett Jones
Illustration: Sam Woolley
Today while the political world is fixated on a salacious tabloid story about Ted Cruz, eccentric news site operator Matt Drudge is concerned about aliens. He’s not the only one.
“They can bullshit me all they want but I’m not going to play the government’s game,” Stephen Bassett, Capitol Hill’s only registered extraterrestrial lobbyist, tells me. “This isn’t about ‘UFOs.’ The government uses that acronym in order to prevent disclosure,” he says. “‘Extraterrestrial craft’ is the proper term.”
Bassett is, as you might imagine, passionate on the subject—perhaps too much so. He told me that the acronym “UFO” itself is a slur used to “ghettoize” those who seek the truth, and compared it to racial slurs—specific ones, in fact, which he was not shy about using. Considering how many of his fellow truth-seekers use the term, it’s hard to avoid entirely.
“Since November, more political coverage has taken place on this subject than it has in 60 something years,” Bassett says. Since 1996, he has been waging war for the public’s right to know what information the government has about aliens and he thinks the time is nigh. “There is a very good chance that the truth embargo will collapse later this year, Hillary Clinton will be the one to push it and President Obama will have to address the issue!”
In case it doesn’t happen until the next president takes office, who among our top presidential candidates is the most UFO-friendly? Are there any extraterrestrial experts willing to rank them on a scale of 1-10?
“This will be easy,” writes certified UFO investigator—and 2014 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence winner for his Roswell UFO Tours—Dennis Balthaser, in an email to Gawker. “Every President since Truman, when the Roswell Incident happened in 1947, has tried to open the UFO Files and none have been able to. Don’t expect any of the current candidates to do it either. The President is a temporary employee (8 years max), they don’t have the security clearance or need to know. To answer your question on a scale of 1-10, I’d say 1.”
What the candidate said:Trump has remained (suspiciously) silent about aliens from outer space, but he’s the only candidate that was reportedly followed by an unidentified flying object in his own private jet. Sharp-eyed truth seekers have claimed to have seen his effigy in photos taken by the Mars rover. How do you explain THIS?! There is something going on with him that we don’t know about. We don’t know. We’re just saying.
Record on government transparency: Trump has never held office and has generally talked more about his dong than policy specifics. As a figurehead of the “birther” movement, he demanded the public be given President Obama’s birth certificate. The birth certificate was provided; Trump wasn’t satisfied; he doesn’t talk about it anymore.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Based on his silence on the issue and his record of ‘seeking the truth’ then subsequently abandoning it, the Donald gets the lowest score.
What the candidate said: “I am not aware of Sanders or any of the Republican candidates even mentioning UFOs, much less having any serious intention of getting to the bottom of the mystery,” says UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. There is one mention of Bernie Sanders commenting on the aliens, via Conway Daily Sun’s Daymond Steer. Steer is quoted by Grant Cameron (full-time researcher of “the UFO mystery”) on his blog:
“After admitting that he is in fact, the same person as ‘Seinfeld” creator Larry David (who played him on ‘Saturday Night Live’) Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was asked if he believed that extraterrestrials may have visited the Earth, Sanders said, ‘I have met many. I see them in Washington all the time.’”
Steer broke Hillary Clinton’s position on aliens last year, but, suspiciously, this account of talking to Bernie Sanders doesn’t appear anywhere outside of Cameron’s blog. We asked him. In an email, Steer confirmed that this actually happened. He also says he didn’t realize he was on record when he was relating the Bernie encounter to Cameron over Facebook.
Record on government ranks Sanders among the top 50% of Senate Committee Chairs for sponsoring or co-sponsoring 3 of the 19 bills relating to increased government transparency that came up in the senate during the latest session. In 2015, he re-introduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. He’s the only top candidate who opposed the Patriot Act in 2001 and believes that Edward Snowden “played a very important role in educating the American people to the degree in which our civil liberties and our constitutional rights are being undermined.”
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness: Bernie is sick and tired of hearing about your damn flying saucers. What do little green men have to do with the skyrocketing level of income and wealth inequality that’s not only grotesque and immoral, but economically unsustainable? Sanders will probably not be giving this issue any time unless aliens are funneling all corporate profits to the top 1%. He gets an extra point for his record on government transparency.
What the candidate said:According to Steer’s now verified account, Cruz “was surprised at Hillary’s involvement with the UFO story while First Lady” and “stated he might check into Area 51 if elected President.”
Record on government transparency:At, Cruz is tied for the lowest score on government transparency among Senate sophomores by sponsoring none of 19 recent bills relating to government transparency.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Cruz is the kind of guy who could have first-hand experience with aliens and not give a shit unless there was some way to use it against one of his rivals. So if there’s an opportunity to drag Hillary into an investigation over it then yeah, he’ll move mountains to tell people what’s up at Area 51. We can’t say for sure that there are any liberals who would be harmed by those disclosures, we’ll split it at 5/10 and doc one point because Cruz hasn’t shown any interest in government transparency in the past. But he’s so unbelievably hated across all party lines that truth seekers should probably ask themselves whether they even want to hear the news if it’s coming from him.
What the candidate has said:According to Steer’s account, Kasich “does not believe.” But Kasich threw in a caveat, saying, “My brother-in-law says if I become president, his No. 1 thing is for me to open all books on Area 51.” On the phone, Kasich’s press secretary Joe Andrews could neither confirm or deny the existence of this brother-in-law and said he’d get back to us. We’ll update the post if he does.
Record on government transparency:As Governor of Ohio, Kasich has come under fire for his administration’s lack of transparency and weakening of transparency laws. He called Edward Snowden a “traitor” and he believes that programs instituted under the Patriot Act should continue. Minus 1 point.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Like all things Kasich, his position is somewhere in the middle and is decidedly uninspiring.
What the candidate has said:“I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” Clinton told Steer in the now infamous comment to Conway Daily Sun at the end of 2015. “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.” Clinton says that her campaign chairman John Podesta has made her “personally pledge we are going to get the information out… One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
CNN characterized her remarks as a joke, but extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett tells me he’s certain she was sincere. He says that all politicians have to lie to get elected but in this case, “It’s an extremely risky statement and it could only cause her trouble.” Furthermore, Podesta is a known disclosure enthusiast. And X-Files fan.
And then, on Jimmy Kimmel last night, to Drudge’s delight, Clinton said: “I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there.” And if there is something there? “Well, if there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.” She even specified that. “It’s ‘unexplained aerial phenomenon.’ U.A.P. that’s the latest nomenclature.”
Record on government transparency:Hahahaha. In addition to using a private server for her government emails, Clinton also voted to authorize the Patriot Act in 2001 and re-authorize it in 2006 and she has condemned Edward Snowden as a criminal who should be prosecuted. The list goes on.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:“Of all the candidates I would consider Clinton the most ‘UFO friendly,’” confirms UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. “The others seem pretty much blanks… She has shown some interest in the subject and has discussed it with Rockefeller” (Clinton met with Laurance S. Rockefeller about the Rockefeller UFO Initiative in 1995) “and Podesta. So, at least, it is not nonsense or—dare I say—‘alien’ to her.” But he’s not too excited about it: “Air Force, CIA, and NSA files have been released in considerable numbers over the past several decades, but the answers are never the ones UFOlogists want. Of course, [the UFOlogists] would not be satisfied until the government coughed up the Roswell wreckage and alien bodies.” That might be difficult. UFO researcher/Roswell tour guide Dennis Balthaser says, “Hillary will not get into Area 51 either. I’ve been there and the security is like none other on the planet.”
Clinton is the clear frontrunner here. Even extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett says tells us every other candidate is “irrelevant, won’t touch it or is ignorant” on the issue. But her record on government transparency raises some questions. We’re going to knock off two points, one for each of her email accounts. And despite her recent “unless it’s a threat to national security” caveat, she’s still on top.
Andrew D. Basiago and Ed Baker
If you want someone who considers extraterrestrial disclosure to be a top priority, meet independent candidates Andrew D. Basiago and Ed Baker.
What the candidates have said:Basiago wants to see government transparency on “UFOs,” atomic weapons, the Moon landing and protection of the Sasquatch as an endangered species. Among the 100 proposals that Basiago lists on his website, he also wants all living presidents to admit that they were told about their impending presidencies beforehand. He believes that the government has had time travel capabilities for years and future presidents are always informed that they will be elected, a belief that does not bode well for Basiago’s prospects in November.
Baker may appeal to a more conservative voter. Along with “full disclosure of UFOs,” his platform/goals include “support of the Confederate Flag,” “deport illegal aliens,” “punish the bad guys.” Although he does list one of his goals as just “taxes,” without any further explanation, so that one could go either way.
Record on government transparency:While neither candidate has held elected office, Baker does have a record of sorts. His official site features a breakdown of his criminal history and how he has overcome it.
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Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Rhett Jones
Illustration: Sam Woolley
Today while the political world is fixated on a salacious tabloid story about Ted Cruz, eccentric news site operator Matt Drudge is concerned about aliens. He’s not the only one.
“They can bullshit me all they want but I’m not going to play the government’s game,” Stephen Bassett, Capitol Hill’s only registered extraterrestrial lobbyist, tells me. “This isn’t about ‘UFOs.’ The government uses that acronym in order to prevent disclosure,” he says. “‘Extraterrestrial craft’ is the proper term.”
Bassett is, as you might imagine, passionate on the subject—perhaps too much so. He told me that the acronym “UFO” itself is a slur used to “ghettoize” those who seek the truth, and compared it to racial slurs—specific ones, in fact, which he was not shy about using. Considering how many of his fellow truth-seekers use the term, it’s hard to avoid entirely.
“Since November, more political coverage has taken place on this subject than it has in 60 something years,” Bassett says. Since 1996, he has been waging war for the public’s right to know what information the government has about aliens and he thinks the time is nigh. “There is a very good chance that the truth embargo will collapse later this year, Hillary Clinton will be the one to push it and President Obama will have to address the issue!”
In case it doesn’t happen until the next president takes office, who among our top presidential candidates is the most UFO-friendly? Are there any extraterrestrial experts willing to rank them on a scale of 1-10?
“This will be easy,” writes certified UFO investigator—and 2014 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence winner for his Roswell UFO Tours—Dennis Balthaser, in an email to Gawker. “Every President since Truman, when the Roswell Incident happened in 1947, has tried to open the UFO Files and none have been able to. Don’t expect any of the current candidates to do it either. The President is a temporary employee (8 years max), they don’t have the security clearance or need to know. To answer your question on a scale of 1-10, I’d say 1.”
What the candidate said:Trump has remained (suspiciously) silent about aliens from outer space, but he’s the only candidate that was reportedly followed by an unidentified flying object in his own private jet. Sharp-eyed truth seekers have claimed to have seen his effigy in photos taken by the Mars rover. How do you explain THIS?! There is something going on with him that we don’t know about. We don’t know. We’re just saying.
Record on government transparency: Trump has never held office and has generally talked more about his dong than policy specifics. As a figurehead of the “birther” movement, he demanded the public be given President Obama’s birth certificate. The birth certificate was provided; Trump wasn’t satisfied; he doesn’t talk about it anymore.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Based on his silence on the issue and his record of ‘seeking the truth’ then subsequently abandoning it, the Donald gets the lowest score.
What the candidate said: “I am not aware of Sanders or any of the Republican candidates even mentioning UFOs, much less having any serious intention of getting to the bottom of the mystery,” says UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. There is one mention of Bernie Sanders commenting on the aliens, via Conway Daily Sun’s Daymond Steer. Steer is quoted by Grant Cameron (full-time researcher of “the UFO mystery”) on his blog:
“After admitting that he is in fact, the same person as ‘Seinfeld” creator Larry David (who played him on ‘Saturday Night Live’) Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was asked if he believed that extraterrestrials may have visited the Earth, Sanders said, ‘I have met many. I see them in Washington all the time.’”
Steer broke Hillary Clinton’s position on aliens last year, but, suspiciously, this account of talking to Bernie Sanders doesn’t appear anywhere outside of Cameron’s blog. We asked him. In an email, Steer confirmed that this actually happened. He also says he didn’t realize he was on record when he was relating the Bernie encounter to Cameron over Facebook.
Record on government ranks Sanders among the top 50% of Senate Committee Chairs for sponsoring or co-sponsoring 3 of the 19 bills relating to increased government transparency that came up in the senate during the latest session. In 2015, he re-introduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. He’s the only top candidate who opposed the Patriot Act in 2001 and believes that Edward Snowden “played a very important role in educating the American people to the degree in which our civil liberties and our constitutional rights are being undermined.”
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness: Bernie is sick and tired of hearing about your damn flying saucers. What do little green men have to do with the skyrocketing level of income and wealth inequality that’s not only grotesque and immoral, but economically unsustainable? Sanders will probably not be giving this issue any time unless aliens are funneling all corporate profits to the top 1%. He gets an extra point for his record on government transparency.
What the candidate said:According to Steer’s now verified account, Cruz “was surprised at Hillary’s involvement with the UFO story while First Lady” and “stated he might check into Area 51 if elected President.”
Record on government transparency:At, Cruz is tied for the lowest score on government transparency among Senate sophomores by sponsoring none of 19 recent bills relating to government transparency.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Cruz is the kind of guy who could have first-hand experience with aliens and not give a shit unless there was some way to use it against one of his rivals. So if there’s an opportunity to drag Hillary into an investigation over it then yeah, he’ll move mountains to tell people what’s up at Area 51. We can’t say for sure that there are any liberals who would be harmed by those disclosures, we’ll split it at 5/10 and doc one point because Cruz hasn’t shown any interest in government transparency in the past. But he’s so unbelievably hated across all party lines that truth seekers should probably ask themselves whether they even want to hear the news if it’s coming from him.
What the candidate has said:According to Steer’s account, Kasich “does not believe.” But Kasich threw in a caveat, saying, “My brother-in-law says if I become president, his No. 1 thing is for me to open all books on Area 51.” On the phone, Kasich’s press secretary Joe Andrews could neither confirm or deny the existence of this brother-in-law and said he’d get back to us. We’ll update the post if he does.
Record on government transparency:As Governor of Ohio, Kasich has come under fire for his administration’s lack of transparency and weakening of transparency laws. He called Edward Snowden a “traitor” and he believes that programs instituted under the Patriot Act should continue. Minus 1 point.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Like all things Kasich, his position is somewhere in the middle and is decidedly uninspiring.
What the candidate has said:“I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” Clinton told Steer in the now infamous comment to Conway Daily Sun at the end of 2015. “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.” Clinton says that her campaign chairman John Podesta has made her “personally pledge we are going to get the information out… One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
CNN characterized her remarks as a joke, but extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett tells me he’s certain she was sincere. He says that all politicians have to lie to get elected but in this case, “It’s an extremely risky statement and it could only cause her trouble.” Furthermore, Podesta is a known disclosure enthusiast. And X-Files fan.
And then, on Jimmy Kimmel last night, to Drudge’s delight, Clinton said: “I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there.” And if there is something there? “Well, if there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.” She even specified that. “It’s ‘unexplained aerial phenomenon.’ U.A.P. that’s the latest nomenclature.”
Record on government transparency:Hahahaha. In addition to using a private server for her government emails, Clinton also voted to authorize the Patriot Act in 2001 and re-authorize it in 2006 and she has condemned Edward Snowden as a criminal who should be prosecuted. The list goes on.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:“Of all the candidates I would consider Clinton the most ‘UFO friendly,’” confirms UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. “The others seem pretty much blanks… She has shown some interest in the subject and has discussed it with Rockefeller” (Clinton met with Laurance S. Rockefeller about the Rockefeller UFO Initiative in 1995) “and Podesta. So, at least, it is not nonsense or—dare I say—‘alien’ to her.” But he’s not too excited about it: “Air Force, CIA, and NSA files have been released in considerable numbers over the past several decades, but the answers are never the ones UFOlogists want. Of course, [the UFOlogists] would not be satisfied until the government coughed up the Roswell wreckage and alien bodies.” That might be difficult. UFO researcher/Roswell tour guide Dennis Balthaser says, “Hillary will not get into Area 51 either. I’ve been there and the security is like none other on the planet.”
Clinton is the clear frontrunner here. Even extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett says tells us every other candidate is “irrelevant, won’t touch it or is ignorant” on the issue. But her record on government transparency raises some questions. We’re going to knock off two points, one for each of her email accounts. And despite her recent “unless it’s a threat to national security” caveat, she’s still on top.
Andrew D. Basiago and Ed Baker
If you want someone who considers extraterrestrial disclosure to be a top priority, meet independent candidates Andrew D. Basiago and Ed Baker.
What the candidates have said:Basiago wants to see government transparency on “UFOs,” atomic weapons, the Moon landing and protection of the Sasquatch as an endangered species. Among the 100 proposals that Basiago lists on his website, he also wants all living presidents to admit that they were told about their impending presidencies beforehand. He believes that the government has had time travel capabilities for years and future presidents are always informed that they will be elected, a belief that does not bode well for Basiago’s prospects in November.
Baker may appeal to a more conservative voter. Along with “full disclosure of UFOs,” his platform/goals include “support of the Confederate Flag,” “deport illegal aliens,” “punish the bad guys.” Although he does list one of his goals as just “taxes,” without any further explanation, so that one could go either way.
Record on government transparency:While neither candidate has held elected office, Baker does have a record of sorts. His official site features a breakdown of his criminal history and how he has overcome it.
Columnist Cheryl Costa explores the nature of the counties in the 27th & 21st Congressional District
For residents of western and northern New York, it came as no surprise that its Congressional Districts were hot beds of UFO activity.
In last week’s article, I shared New York’s UFO sighting numbers sorted by Congressional Districts. The response was positive and supportive.
What intrigued me was that many local people grew up in some of the top UFO districts. The question they all universally asked was: What was the UFO distribution in my district?
Two folks from western New York and the 27th district specifically said to me, “Hey, Cheryl. The UFOs had to be in Erie County!”
Several people from the told me that in their opinion, the border county of Saint Lawrence had to be tops for sightings. Naturally, I was interested in what former locals from those areas had to say.
The top District for UFO sightings in New York is the 27th district. Anyone from that region can tell you that Erie County is the heavy hitter for sightings. In fact, Lake Erie is known in UFO circles for having large numbers of UFO sightings that have been dubbed the Lake Erie Effect. Also in the immediate region is Niagara County, known for sightings associated with the Lake Erie effect. The entire Niagara frontier has been a hot bed for UFO activity dating back to the 19th century. The earliest UFO sighting on record for the region is from November 1833, when a large cube-shaped UFO hovered over Niagara Falls for many hours and was seen by both Americans and Canadians.
Now in northern New York, the 21st district has a different situation. The top county is Saratoga, which is in the eastern part of the state, just north of Albany. The Capitol region is also one of New York’s hot spots.
The second heavy hitter county in the 21st district is Saint Lawrence. This county borders Canada and the Saint Lawrence Seaway. One of the earliest recorded UFO sightings in Saint Lawrence County was in July of 1884 in the village of Norwood. Residents there observed a “Saturn-shaped” object that hovered and cruised over the region before departing. UFO sightings along American and Canadian border are historically numerous and noteworthy.
Next week, we’ll look at other top New York UFO sighting hot spots in other Congressional districts.
It is safe to say that being an astronaut and travelling to space is not for the weak. Just think, those astronauts are up there alone for an extended amount of time. Think of all of the things that could go wrong. After all, not all space missions were perfect and glitch-free.
There was a very bizarre accident that no one can explain, even to this day. It involves one Soviet cosmonaut’s last moments in space during the beginning of the Space Race, between the United States and the USSR.
Many remember when the first trip into orbit was successful and when the first man walked the moon. On April 12, 1961, Russia was successful on sending the first human being into Earth’s orbit. The pilot, Yuri Gagarin, manned the Vostok capsule. The United States then followed in Russia’s footsteps a month later and sent their own astronaut, Alan Shepard, on a sub-orbital mission during the Mercury space program. Sensing this was a competition, Russia was prepared to send another man up to space. However, this time they would be sending him into multiple orbits, beating Gagarin’s record.
Yuri Gagarin saying hello to the press during a visit to Malmö, Sweden 1964.
The story is that the Soviets had planned to launch the mission before the Americans could send up a second astronaut to circle the Earth. American John Glenn would finally achieve that mission on February 20, 1962. However, the next manned Vostok orbital launch would happen on May 16, 1961. The capsule ended up achieving 17 circuits around the Earth.
Although the Russians had already topped the Americans by achieving the 17 circuits around Earth, they decided to top one more thing: sending the first woman into space.
During the mission everything seemed to be going well. However, before the woman could re-enter the atmosphere, something went terribly wrong. Whatever happened next is unexplained and no one knows what happened for sure. It will send chills through anyone reading these records.
Although these records are not exactly proven to be accurate, the story goes that by the time re-entry was attempted, it had been a full week. By that point the ship’s oxygen supplies were running low and were nearly depleted. There was one conversation recorded before the woman suddenly disappeared from the radio. The woman ended up calling into the radio (translated of course):
“listen… listen! come in! come in… come in… talk to me! talk to me! I am hot… I am hot! what? forty- five? what? forty-five? fifty? yes… yes… breathing… breathing… oxygen… oxygen… I am hot… isn’t this dangerous? it’s all… yes… how is this? what? talk to me! how should I transmit? yes… what? our transmission begins now… forty-one… this way… yes… I feel hot… I feel hot… it’s all… it’s hot… I feel hot… I can see a flame… I can see a flame! I feel hot… I feel hot… thirty-two… thirty-two… forty-one… am I going to crash? yes… yes… I feel hot… I feel hot! I will re-enter…”
It appears that the re-entry was not going well. It seemed that the ship was gaining too much heat as the poor woman was slowly being burned alive by the increasing temperatures. She also begins to get emotional towards the end, knowing that her fate would be coming soon.
After that last recording, the radio fell silent; nothing was heard from the woman. Three days later on May 26, 1961 the Soviets announced that the ship had made it back to Earth. The ship had been severely burned with no woman inside. The satellite was about the size of a bus and its launch had never been disclosed. To this day, the Russian government denies that a tragedy ever happened. They keep passing off the radio recordings as the media trying to get attention. It is said that the Russians have several recordings from lost astronauts over the years. Like the case of this woman, they continue to deny that those people were ever up in space.
Image copyrightThinkstockImage captionWhen might we be able to send the first manned missions to Mars?
A joint European and Russian space mission - the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) - has left for Mars to study methane and other rare gases in the Red Planet's atmosphere, and drop a lander on its surface.
The TGO is expected to take seven months to travel the 500 million km (310 million miles) to Mars, and then almost another year to manoeuvre itself into position, meaning the satellite's observations will not properly start until late 2017.
What does this mean for plans to put an astronaut on Mars?
Four experts - including two senior figures from Nasa - talk to the BBC Inquiry programme about what it would take to put a man on Mars.
Bill Hill: Getting there
Bill Hill is deputy associate administrator of the Exploration Systems Development division at Nasa. He oversees the Orion spacecraft and the Space Launch System.
"Keeping the weight down of the vehicle, the spacecraft, that's our key focus. The bigger you make the rocket, the more mass you have to lift off the surface of the Earth.
"Say you want to go for 500 days - you're going to have to take food, water for the crew to consume and use for hygiene, all the air, so it just multiplies the amount of weight that you have to lift off the Earth's surface.
"That's where the Space Launch System - the heavy lift launch vehicle - will come in. Where the Saturn V basically took up an Apollo capsule and a lander for going to the lunar surface, we're looking at 130 metric tonne lift capability that can put somewhere between 40 to 50 metric tonnes out past the low Earth orbit. It's a capability that, frankly, nobody else has today.
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionOrion successfully completed its maiden, unmanned voyage in December 2014
"The crew spacecraft Orion can actually be used for up to about 1,000 days, and that's how we're designing the systems inside - the environmental control systems and life support systems to support a crew of four initially for up to 1,000 days. It'll have basic benches, crew interfaces, flat screen monitors, a toilet and some hygiene capability. It's basically for transportation, not necessarily to live in for the full duration to go to Mars and back.
"We would use a module, a habitat portion, for where the crew would live and work on a daily basis, [with] a much larger volume. That is going to need areas to store food, tanks to store oxygen and water. Our goal is to have some sort of closed loop system for life support where we will pull water out of the air, regenerate carbon dioxide into oxygen, and do similar things like we're doing on the space station today where we have a urine processor and reclaim the water for drinking.
"We'll probably not use it to enter the Martian atmosphere because then we'd have to figure out a way to connect it to something to lift it off the surface and bring it back. But we need the heavy lift launch vehicle and the crew spacecraft; using those two fundamental cornerstones as our initial capabilities to actually go out and explore."
Samantha Cristoforetti: Learning to survive in space
Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti has spent longer in space on a single mission than any other woman, returning to Earth last June after 200 days. Her experience - and that of Scott Kelly who has just returned after 340 days in space - is vital to understanding the potential impact of a lengthy voyage to Mars.
"You lose muscle, because you're not using your muscles that much. But you also lose bone mass, because bone is actually a living tissue. All the time we have bone cells that die, and are replaced by new, fresh bone cells. In a healthy person, that is in balance, so that you always keep your overall bone mass.
"But what happens in space is because you don't have that mechanical load on the bones, you destroy a lot more bone cells than you've actually built.
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionAstronaut Samantha Cristoforetti's extended stay on the International Space Station provides useful data on the effects of orbit
"We try to induce some load on our muscles and bones by working out for about two hours every day. Believe it or not, we can do weightlifting in weightlessness. We have a really cool machine which is based on vacuum cylinders, and it allows you to do things like squats, dead lifts and bench presses.
"As soon as you get to space, fluids shift from the lower parts of your body towards the upper parts. Visually you can sometimes see it on astronauts, because they have what we call a puffy face and skinny legs, and that's really due to this fluid redistribution, because there is no gravity pulling the fluids towards the leg like it is on the ground when you're standing.
"We don't know everything quite yet. Quite a number of astronauts actually lose a little bit of eyesight when they are in space for a long time, and that might be related to an increased pressure in the head due to that bodily shift.
"In the Space Station we're still in an area close to Earth, which is protected from damaging radiation coming from outer space. Once you leave that protected environment, then you are much more exposed to dangerous radiations. So we will definitely have to come up with a good, solid plan on how to protect our crew on the way to the Moon or on the way to Mars.
"We are not really very isolated on the Space Station - we're in continuous contact with the ground. You can basically communicate in real time. We get the news. We even get to have video conferences with our families, which is all wonderful, but only a fraction of that I think would be possible if you went on a journey to Mars."
Jason Crusan: Working in deep space
Jason Crusan is the director of the Advanced Exploration Systems division at Nasa.
"What would they breathe? We would actually bring oxygen with us. Mars atmosphere has a lot of CO2 in its atmosphere so we can remove the oxygen out of it to create breathable air. Initially we'll bring a lot of the gases with us that we need to do that but over time we'll actually bring machinery with us to actually separate out from the atmosphere breathable oxygen.
Mars satellite hints at liquid water - BBC News
Nasa scientists believe that dark stripes on Mars are caused by trickling water. Data from one of the US space agency's satellites shows the features, which appear on slopes, to be associated with salt deposits. Such salts could alter the freezing and vaporisation points of water, keeping it in a fluid state long enough to move.
"When we first started, we didn't believe there was any water on Mars. It's a bit of a joke now because we've discovered there's a significant amount of water on the planet, and we would look at the ability to capture water from the surface of Mars and process it and use it, much like you would here.
"Food is a challenging area. We obviously fly all of our food into space today, we don't grow anything on orbit besides experiments. Food has a shelf life; bringing our own food reduces its nutritional value and we're talking about missions that are maybe a year to three years in duration. So we are looking at how we grow not our primary food sources, but food to augment the food that we bring with us.
"Near the Equator you would see temperatures that are kind of similar to a spring day here on Earth, but then you'd have night temperatures that would actually be quite extreme, going to minus 100F. The temperatures are extremely challenging, and so you always have to live within a spacesuit or some kind of rover or habitat while you're there.
"One of the best radiation shields is water, so that will be stored in key areas in order to provide shielding within the structures themselves. [We would] eventually have radiation sensors in orbit, monitoring for radiation events so that we can give a warning to the crew before a significant event so they can go into a sheltered area.
"The large dust storms that you see in [films] would not have the effect that you see in Hollywood, because the atmosphere is relatively thin. Even what would look like a hurricane force doesn't have the force to do significant damage to your habitat, but there'll be challenges if you're outside in it because your ability to see from all the dust will be impaired.
"I think logistics will be the biggest challenge. If something breaks, you're a long way from home to get a spare. Our entire experience in space to date has been an orbit around Earth or to the Moon, relatively close distances. In the space station today if something breaks you can send a replacement part.
"When we go to Mars, we have to take everything that you'd ever expect to break, and even those things we wouldn't expect to break."
Dr Jill Stuart: Political will
Dr Jill Stuart is editor-in-chief of the Elsevier Journal of Space Policy.
"There's the question of who has the money to do this, where will it come from, and what will their incentives be?
"I like the narrative of [the Moon landings] being about science and the frontier of human kind, but in reality, I would argue politics was very much behind it. It's very expensive, so in order to go into outer space, to have a manned space programme, you need to have political clout, the backing of your population.
"During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were competing with each other in the space race, and outer space was a proxy arena for them to compete in a way that didn't actually require military conflict.
"I don't think the space race analogy would apply so clearly now - it's a different environment.
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionPresident Obama challenged Nasa to send humans to Mars by the mid-2030s back in 2010
"The US space programme is subject to political administrations; Americans like the idea of space exploration but there's not an obvious constituency for it in terms of voting, so it tends to get tacked on later on in an individual president's term, so it's difficult to say whether or not these plans for Mars will outlast multiple administrations.
"But if it does then I think that they are the most likely to have the next manned mission, and would probably involve junior partners who are political allies in order to shore up those alliances, and also to have the financial support.
"They would probably also partner with commercial entities such as Space-X or Blue Origin - new companies that are government-backed but private - and are providing a lot of the space infrastructure to get there.
"There are discussions amongst politicians and scientists and the commercial industry so I think it's definitely the next big prize. I do think it will happen, but I think the timeline will probably be longer than is being talked about right now. I'm going to say 2045."
The Inquiry is broadcast on the BBC World Service on Tuesdays from 12:05 GMT. Listen online or download the podcast.
Scientists confirm: Advanced alien civilizations possible in 50 galaxies
Scientists confirm: Advanced alien civilizations possible in 50 galaxies
Just imagine the possibilities out there.
Leading Astronomers and Scientists have stated that Advanced alien life is possible in 50 galaxies,, after finding they are emitting unusually high levels of radiation. A team of scientists at Penn State University in the US, has been studying observations from Nasa’s WISE orbiting observatory looking for traces of the huge energy produced by technologies from sophisticated extra-terrestrial races.
NASA’s WISE orbiting observatory looking for traces of life out there.
Just as Planet Earth sends heat and light deep out into space, researchers say a similar signature would be emitted by other advanced civilisations. And after scouring 100,000 galaxies they have come across 50 which hold promise. “We found about 50 galaxies that have unusually high levels of mid-infrared radiation,” said Roger Griffith, a researcher at Penn State and the lead author of the paper “Our follow-up studies of those galaxies may reveal if the origin of their radiation results from natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization.”
After scouring 100,000 galaxies they have come across at least 50 which hold promise. “We found about 50 galaxies that have unusually high levels of mid-infrared radiation,” said Roger Griffith, a researcher at Penn State and the lead author of the paper.
“Our follow-up studies of those galaxies may reveal if the origin of their radiation results from natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization.” Roger Griffith, a researcher at Penn State
Theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson originally proposed in the 1960s that advanced alien civilizations beyond Earth could be detected by the tell tale evidence of their mid-infrared emissions. It was not until space-based telescopes like the WISE satellite that it became possible to make sensitive measurements of this radiation emitted by objects in space.
“The idea behind our research is that, if an entire galaxy had been colonized by an advanced spacefaring civilization, the energy produced by that civilization’s technologies would be detectable in mid-infrared wavelengths — exactly the radiation that the WISE satellite was designed to detect for other astronomical purposes,” said Dr Jason Wright, an assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State University, who conceived of and initiated the research.
“Whether an advanced spacefaring civilization uses the large amounts of energy from its galaxy’s stars to power computers, space flight, communication, or something we can’t yet imagine, fundamental thermodynamics tells us that this energy must be radiated away as heat in the mid-infrared wavelengths.
“This same basic physics causes your computer to radiate heat while it is turned on.
“As we look more carefully at the light from these galaxies,” said Wright, “we should be able to push our sensitivity to alien technology down to much lower levels, and to better distinguish heat resulting from natural astronomical sources from heat produced by advanced technologies. This pilot study is just the beginning.”
Could there be civilisations in our next door neighbour Galaxy ‘Andromeda
The team also found new phenomenon in our very own galaxy, The Milky Way. Among the exciting discoveries are a bright nebula around the nearby star 48 Librae, and a cluster of objects easily detected by WISE in a patch of sky that appears totally black when viewed with telescopes that detect only visible light.
“This cluster is probably a group of very young stars forming inside a previously undiscovered molecular cloud, and the 48 Librae nebula apparently is due to a huge cloud of dust around the star, but both deserve much more careful study,” Matthew Povich, an assistant professor of astronomy at Cal Poly Pomona said.
The research team’s first paper about its Glimpsing Heat from Alien Technologies Survey (G-HAT), is published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.
Perhaps we are looking for where our Alien Visitor’s are travelling from….
U.I.P Summary
Come on let’s get real the Universe is infested with life out there and we can not rely too much on our present day technology to search out other civilizations…..because let’s be honest even the scientists have stated recently that they don’t really know much about anything in reference to space the final Frontier!
This is an exciting discovery and who knows what advanced civilizations lie out there in an infinite Universe!
But one things for sure, if Aliens out there are far more advanced than us then they WILL know where we are in space and probably have for a very long time!
Perhaps we are like a sight seeing holiday for Aliens out there?!
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The Mysterious Object Which Will Pass Earth in 2017 – Scientists Left Confused
The Mysterious Object Which Will Pass Earth in 2017 – Scientists Left Confused
An artistic depiction of what the “alien probe” may look like. / Photo credit
A mysterious unknown object, that many researchers claim is an ‘alien probe’, is set to fly past Earth in 2017. The strange object which is now known as 1991 VG, was first spotted way back in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti at the University of Arizona.
It has baffled and confused top astronomers ever since, because of its very strange and unique rotation and longevity in space. Some leading experts suggest it may be a section of the Apollo 12 rocket, but Scotti claims the timings don’t add up and has instantly dismissed this as a ridiculous idea designed to cover up the reality of the situation!
A mysterious object, that conspiracy theorists claim is an ‘alien probe’, is set to fly past Earth in 2017. Known as 1991 VG, the object was first spotted in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti at the University of Arizona. It has baffled astronomers ever since because of its strange rotation and longevity in space
‘We looked into all the possibilities for it being man-made,’ Scotti told Motherboard. ‘There were a few possible spacecraft and rocket bodies that might be 1991 VG.’
‘But when we looked into each, we were able to eliminate each of them.’
Many others argue it may be some kind of a top secret rocket that the Soviets or American sent into orbit, well hidden from the rest of the world.
When Scotti first spotted this mysterious strange object which is now called 1991 VG, it was about 10 metres in diameter, passing 280,000 miles from Earth – around 50,000 miles further than the Earth and the moon.
This strange object showed an unusual rapid rate of rotation and its brightness appeared to fluctuate. This behaviour, has not ever been seen before from any asteroid of its size – This mysterious object also had an orbit that was strikingly similar to that of Earth.
Once data was gathered on 1991 VG, Scotti realised this was the second time the unidentified object had passed Earth. The first was March of 1975.
Perhaps this strange object IS in fact an Alien probe sent from the darkest reaches of space!?
Incoming unknown object
In the incredibly in-depth report, Motherboard notes that Duncan Steel, an astronomer at University of Adelaide, suggested it might be an ‘alien probe observed in the vicinity of our planet.’
The intriguing thing here is that Asteroids do NOT tend to survive long enough, or remain on the same orbit, to pass Earth in the same spot twice.
An artists Impression of this unknown potential Alien probe
Steel only suggested the theory in order to disprove it. He has since told Motherboard that he doesn’t think VG 1991 is of extra-terrestrial origin, however on the flip side of this it could also quite possibly be so!
Many truth seekers around the world are excited about this discovery and believe this could be a huge ‘incoming’ piece of disclosure in 2017, citing Steele’s work as their source piece of evidence.
When it does fly past Earth sometime in the summer of 2017, it will only be seen in the southern hemisphere.
Since Scotti first spotted VG 1991, astronomers have discovered that asteroids under 100 meters have remarkably fast rotations.
As a result Scotti says we can’t rule out the possibility that VG 1991 is a natural space rock.
‘One possibility would be that it is ejecta from a lunar impact,’ he told Motherboard.
‘Another possibility is that the Yarkovsky force, caused by the thermal emissions of a rotating object, systematically pushed the object around over long times. It’s still a puzzle.’ Said Scotti.
As yet there is NO way of confirming what this unknown object is until it gets closer to planet earth, but in the meantime we will have to keep guessing.
U.I.P SUMMARY – Well here is yet another story that the media try to keep rather quiet about! And it is not a surprise that this is being kept silent as there as yet is NO 100% explanation as to what this mysterious object could actually be.
If this story seems far fetched then it really isn’t as we have sent out our very own probe like crafts, like the Voyager 1 which was launched out in space in 1977 and now MANY millions and millions of miles away from earth – whose to say that some far advanced alien civilisation didn’t send out this potential probe way before the human race ever existed!?
The Universe is infested with life, so it will be interesting to see whether this is an alien probe or something else.
The top Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, wants to dig into the UFO files. Clinton made the revelation in an interview last night with Jimmy Kimmel.
"I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible," Clinton told Kimmel. "If there's nothing there, let's tell people there's nothing there."
Clinton says the findings of the UFO files should be released. "If there is something there, unless it's a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public."
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This Ancient Map Will Challenge Everything You’ve Been Told About the Past
This Ancient Map Will Challenge Everything You’ve Been Told About the Past
Humanity’s history is extremely puzzling. On one hand, we have at our disposal only a small portion of knowledge from the past, most of it being destroyed or questionable in the light of new discoveries. On the other hand, the pre-existing information seems to challenge our way of thinking and make us doubt that what has been proposed as reality so far may in fact be distorted or not entirely true.
We live in a world with plenty of unexplained discoveries. From ancient texts depicting alternative historic events, to ancient structures, bizarre rituals and natural phenomenon that defy the human logic and pass in the unexplained section. Humanity appears to have amnesia, gathering bits of the past in the hopes of one day discovering the truth from the bigger picture, but so far we have no higher entity to confirm or explain the entire journey we followed on this planet.
The enigmatic Piri Reis map is an ancient document which clearly challenges today’s scientific doctrine. This piece of knowledge is an authentic document that was put together at Constantinople in AD 1513 by the military intelligence of Admiral Piri Reis of the Ottoman Empire, a renowned historical figure accounted by numerous historical records.
The map highlights the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. The Ottoman Admiral kept a copy of it, and the original, which was discovered in 1929, is comprised of various documents dating back to at least the fourth century BC, plus information gathered my multiple explorers. So, what’s so challenging about this map?
More than one thing, that’s for certain. But, probably the most amazing fact is that it incorporates a continent considered by our history books to have been discovered only in 1818 – Antarctica.
Equally intriguing is the fact that the Piri Reis map depicts a 2.7 million-square-miles region in the Antarctic known as the ‘Queen Maud Land,’ and in accordance to modern science the highlighted area should be millions of years old since the ice sheet covering Antarctica appears to be melted.
The scientific point of view considers the ice-cap which covers the Arctic to be millions of years old. However, according to the Piri Reis map, the northern part of the continent has been mapped before the ice did engulf it, indicating that these regions went through a long ice-free span that might had ended approximately six thousand years ago, theory which contradicts with the current historic standards and beliefs.
So who could had possibly mapped this area if there were no humans on Earth millions of years ago? Or better said, could history prove to be wrong when describing the ice in the Arctic as being millions of years old?
When Charles Hapgood, a former university history professor, wrote to the Unitated States Air Force Reconnaissance Technical Squadron (SAC) about this geographic anomaly, a reply came from Harold Z. Ohlmeyer, a Lt Colonel, USAF, as it follows:
“This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap,” he confirmed. “We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513,” Ohlmeyer added.
In response, Professor Charles Hapgood said the following:
It appears that accurate information has been passed down from people to people. It appears that the charts must have originated with a people unknown and they were passed on, perhaps by the Minoans and the Phoenicians, who were, for a thousand years and more, the greatest sailors of the ancient world.
We have evidence that they were collected and studied in the great library of Alexandria (Egypt) and that compilations of them were made by the geographers that worked there.
When Hapgood and mathematician Richard W. Strachan tried to understand how the map was created, they stumbled upon the most interesting hypothesis. After comparing the map with modern day photographs taken by satellites, they discovered significant similarities. From this point of view, it’s plausible that the Piri Reis map had been achieved compiling aerial photographs taken from a really high spot, be it from a mountain top or even from the air. If so, how can science interpret this if the map is considered to be millions of years old?
A spaceship hovers high above Cairo and points its camera straight downward. When the film is developed, the following picture would emerge: everything that is in a radius of about 5,000 miles of Cairo is reproduced correctly, because it lies directly below the lens. But the countries and continents become increasingly distorted the farther we move our eyes from the center of the picture.
Why is this? Owing to the spherical shape of the earth, the continents away from the center “sink downward.” South America, for example, appears strangely distorted length-ways, exactly as it does on the Piri Reis maps! And exactly as it does on the photographs taken from the American lunar probes.” – (Erich Von Daniken 92)
Is it possible that this ancient map was made using aerial technology in a time uncharted by modern day science? Or if this isn’t the case, who had the technological means to attempt such a detailed geographical analysis of Antarctica a couple million years ago? And most of all, what ancient technique allowed for them to design the map as if it was seen from above?
Whatever the case, the Piri Reis map contributes to the assumption of ancient civilizations far greater developed than what science is letting us know. It’s unexplainable how the Mayans, Sumerians, and others knew of celestial bodies that in reality can only be detected using modern tools, but considering the conclusive evidence given by this ancient map, we can form a slight idea of the means possessed by the ancients.
If aerial photography was a reality in the past, it’s not hard to imagine how the old dwellers of the Earth reached those heights. If such information will be officially disclosed in the future remains to be seen, but until that time comes, it’s better to use our own judgement when it comes to finding answers. The truth may already be among us.
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Mars is Inhabited by Humans and We Have a Secret Pact with Aliens, Space Activist Reveals
Mars is Inhabited by Humans and We Have a Secret Pact with Aliens, Space Activist Reveals
According to multiple sources, world leaders have already established contact with otherworldly intelligent beings and are now governing the Earth in accordance with a universal pact between many advanced races residing in the universe.
While for some of us it’s undeniable that extraterrestrial beings exist somewhere in the cosmos, there are others who claim that these beings already know of our existence, and are even visiting us or residing on or inside planet Earth. Some of these affirmations come from reputable persons that had worked in different environments either related to space or to secretive affairs on the planet.
For them, the transition between 2010 and 2020 is considered crucial for humanity because it will reveal the final proof involving intelligent entities that had been, and are still visiting our planet. According to them, the world is slowly being prepared for full alien disclosure.
Relevant details are provided by Alfred Webre in an interview for a renowned Spanish publication, La Vanguardia. He is the international Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS,) and works towards the preservation of our species by trying to prevent the weaponization of space and transform the permanent war economy into a peaceful, cooperative, democratic Space Age society, re-integrating with a larger, intelligent Universe society.
He shared some of his ideas in the interview below:
I am 67 years old. I was born on a naval base in Florida during the Second World War. I live in Vancouver. I am a Doctor of Laws and a judge in the Kuala Lumpur Court of Justice for war crimes, I am married, I have a son and two stepdaughters. We live in a universe of intelligent origin. There is evidence that there are ethical civilizations more advanced than our own, who participate in our developmental process.
La Vanguardia: Give me evidence.
Webre: Declarations of The United States government employees who have testified their participation in secret programs of relations with certain extraterrestrial civilizations.
La Vanguardia: This means that we have already made contact with the extraterrestrials?
Webre: Yes, according to those witnesses, the United States government has been working with them secretly since the 1950s.
Andrew Basiago, son of a CIA official, was enrolled at the age of seven in a secret program for super-gifted children who were trained to be ambassadors before the extraterrestrial race.
La Vanguardia: Any contact?
Webre: There has been a meeting with 3 astronauts from the planet Mars. In January 2009, the CIA employee Virginia Olds confirmed that CIA knows there is a humanoid civilization living under the surface of Mars.
We think that in the year 9500 B.C. fragments of the Vela supernova entered the solar system and destroyed the ecology on Mars. The Martians, 1.500 years more ethically and technologically advanced than us humans, sheltered underground.
In December 2008 we published a report that included photos taken by the NASA robot Rover Spirit, in which one can identify certain species of humanoids, animals and structures on the Martian surface. You can see it on
La Vanguardia: There are three astronauts who assert to have seen extraterrestrial life.
Webre: Yes, Buzz Aldrin who travelled aboard the Apollo XI said that when they arrived on the Moon in 1969, there were two large extraterrestrial ships around the great crater, his version was verified by high NASA officials.
La Vanguardia: I am amazed.
Webre: Doctor Steven Greer, director of the Disclosure Project, has gathered more than 500 testimonies from military, government and intelligence of high rank that are witness to the extraterrestrial presence and they were made public in May 2009, in the National Press Club of Washington.
La Vanguardia: Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Peru have released their UFO records.
Webre: Recently so did France, Sweden and Denmark, and the United Kingdom that brought to light 7.200 UFO files compiled by D155, a secret unit of the Ministry of Defense.
La Vanguardia: Why not divulge the life on Mars?
Webre: Because of political reasons. We are going to insert a question invoking the freedom of information laws, so that NASA admits the intelligent life on Mars.
La Vanguardia: And the Martians, why don’t they appear in society?
Webre: Our planet is one of a low order and we assume it is under a quarantine that is imposed by the government of the universe.
La Vanguardia: And this quarantine ends now…
Webre: We think that the ethical extraterrestrial civilizations have used the UFO phenomenon to acclimatize us to their existence, and that between 2010 and 2020 we can start having open relationships with these civilizations.
La Vanguardia: So the first contact will occur with the Martians?
Webre: Yes, because there are many mutual benefits, they can give us technologies and knowledge, and we have a precious green planet they can migrate to.
La Vanguardia: How does the universe function?
Webre: There are many dimensions and universes that are parallel to our own. Some extraterrestrial civilizations come from other dimension, from other parallel universe, that is why the UFOs can appear and disappear.
La Vanguardia: How are these more evolved civilizations like?
Webre: Looks like we are living in an organized universe and the more ethical civilizations have achieved domination of the time dimension and it is them who will probably develop our reality.
La Vanguardia: You make it sound terrible.
Webre: According to some theories we are evolving on a very accelerated pace, in order to abandon the economy of permanent war and to turn it into a sustainable economy. The human consciousness is developing to enter the universal age and to openly connect with those other civilizations.
La Vanguardia: They could lend us a hand.
Webre: There is a primary guideline: do not interfere in the evolution of a civilization from other planet. But in very little time, man will learn how to use the quantum teleportation and to extract energy from space. We are in a transitional era where we must decide if we choose destruction or evolution.
La Vanguardia: Does your work consist of studying the great government of the universe?
Webre: Exopolitics is a social science that studies the relationships between our human civilization and other intelligent civilizations in the universe. One of our first steps in the universal diplomacy will be through the Martian civilization.
La Vanguardia: I understand.
Webre: I personally work with Doctor Norman Miranda, the cabinet chief of the president of UNO General Assembly, so that UNO will represent the Earth before the Martian civilization.
If Webre’s predictions prove to be true we are yet to find out, but considering that his beliefs are shared by many others, it’s likely that at least a grain of truth resides in his story. There’s clearly much disinformation ‘flying around’ the internet these days which turns people into skeptics when it comes to the UFO phenomenon and a former Martian civilization, but it’s likely that instead of presenting the entire history of humanity as something totally different, our governments choose to play this game of denial to their advantage. After all, what better way to discredit the people than not giving them the attention they request?
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Television News Catch Formidable Glimpse of Yet Another Floating City Over China
Television News Catch Formidable Glimpse of Yet Another Floating City Over China
Another floating city appeared over China, but this time it’s not over the clouds how you would have expected.
This bizarre phenomenon was seen over the sea at Port of Dalian, China, and contrary to the previous sightings, the city appears to be hovering over the sea instead of the clouds. The incredible view has been witnessed by many residence of the city including the Chinese news CCTV, who also recorded a crystal-clear shot of this rare apparition.
CCTV China stated the following in their report: “A stunning mirage depicting a group of buildings was seen above the sea along the port of Dalian in northeast China’s Liaoning Province on Friday. Seen from the land, it appears as though the buildings were looming in the fog, resembling a fairy city on the sea. Take a look at this splendid scene.”
So what could be the cause of this fantastic sighting? Is this a natural phenomenon, or rather a holographic image projected by a secret military institution known as ‘Project Blue-Beam’?
According to most analysts, the floating city is extremely likely to be a mirage also known as a ’Fata Morgana,’ an optical phenomenon named after Morgan le Fay, a powerful sorceress from King Arthur’s legends. A Fata Morgana can usually be seen on land or at sea, in polar regions or in deserts, and it can involve almost any type of distant object, including boats, pieces of land, and even bits of a city as seen in the above video and the previous cases.
Dailymail gave a brief explanation of how a Fata Morgana manifests: “This is a type of mirage that distort distance objects, and can be seen on land or sea. It’s caused when the sun heats up the atmosphere above the land or oceans, which creates a gradient of temperatures. The air close to the surface is relatively cool and above that are layers of warmer air.”
“When light hits a boundary between two layers of the atmosphere – and as a result different densities – it bends and travels at a different angle. Our brain assumes that light travels in a straight path, so when it bends, we think the object is where it would be if the light’s path runs straight.”
On the other hand, a more controversial explanation (but not impossible) is “The Blue Beam Project,” where the world elites will try to bring a new religion and implicit a new world order through computer-simulated holograms projected worldwide. It will make use of the sky as a holographic projection screen for space-based laser-generating satellites. These projectors will transpose simultaneous images to the four corners of the world, and in every language based on the region.
The system has apparently already been tested over remote areas of the desert where holographic projections of Christ had been witnessed. Project Blue Beam also involves computer-generated images of alien crafts, cryptids, aliens, angels and other otherworldly apparitions. The mysterious floating cities are also pointing towards this hypothesis, proving that this secret project, if it exists, has no boundaries or limitations in its holographic imagery.
The floating city from China’s Liaoning Province is the fourth apparition of this kind since 2011. There have been many similar sightings across the world, but since only tabloid publications reported them, they didn’t receive the required attention and have ultimately been debunked as fakes.
In a world where people are being slowly controlled through various means, it’s easy to understand how such a daring and futuristic plan will be accomplished by the elites. I do not deny the possibility of all these being just mirages, but since we’re living in the 21st century it’s likely that the technology evolved to such a point where Project Blue Beam is not a phantasmagorical concept anymore. You can find more insight into this project HERE.
Very little was known about UFO investigations in Russia and the republics of the former USSR during the communist era. UFOs were officially labeled “capitalist propaganda” in the 1950s and 1960s. A few scientists such as Professor Felix Zigel and Yuri Fomin documented UFO incidents, but their results were rarely published and circulated mostly in samizdat form. Ufology began to prosper in the early 1980s when “Commissions on Anomalous Phenomena” were established under the patronage of a few academicians.
Stories of secret military UFO investigations began to spread with glasnost, increasing with the break-up of the USSR. Retired military and intelligence officers were now speaking up and offering documents. One collection, covering a 10-year period of military UFO investigations between 1978 and 1988, was sold by its former director, Colonel Boris Sokolov, to American journalist George Knapp and to ABC News.124 In 1991, the Committee of State Security (KGB) declassified 124 pages of documents of “Cases of Observations of Anomalous Occurrences in the Territory of the USSR, 1982-1990,” covering a total of 17 regions.
Drawing by Ensign Voloshin of UFO with beam seen over a Russian missile base in Kapustin Yar in July 1989. (credit: Hesemann)
Reconstruction of the event published in the Moscow magazine Aura-Z. (credit: Hesemann)
KGB document on the Kapustin Yar case.
One of the most interesting cases in the KGB file is a multiple-witness CE-I (Close Encounter of the First Kind) at an army missile base in the district of Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Region, on the night of July 28-29, 1989. The file is surely incomplete, but still offers an interesting glimpse into the maneuverability of UFOs.
The dossier consists of the depositions of seven military witnesses (two junior officers, a corporal and four privates) plus illustrations of the object by the observers, and a brief case summary by an unnamed KGB officer. (Neither the author nor the department are identified, but the document is at the beginning of the KGB file on the Kapustin Yar incident). It states in part:
“Military personnel of the signal center observed UFOs in the period from 22:12 hrs. to 23:55 hrs. on 28 July 1989. According to the witnesses’ reports, they observed three objects simultaneously, at a distance of 3-5 km. [2-3 mi.].”
A nearby base reported the UFO from 23.30 hrs. on July 28 until 1.30 hrs. on July 29. The report continues:
“After questioning the witnesses, it was determined that the reported characteristics of the observed UFOs are: disc 4-5 m. [13-17 ft.] diameter, with a half-sphere on top, which is lit brightly. It moved sometimes abruptly, but noiselessly, at times coming down and hovering over ground at an altitude of 20-60 m. [65-200 ft.]. The command of [censored] called for a fighter… but it was not able to see it in detail, because the UFO did not let the aircraft come near it, evading it. Atmospheric conditions were suitable for visual observations.”
The KGB file on the case is obviously incomplete, since there is no data on the jet scramble mission or whether ground or airborne radar detection was also reported. Nevertheless, the hand written descriptions by the seven witnesses from the signal center do provide interesting reading about the flight behavior exhibited by the UFOs.
The most detailed communication was submitted by the Officer-on-Duty, Ensign Valery N. Voloshin. A Captain from the telegraph center informed him at 23:20 hrs. that “an unidentified flying object, which he called a flying saucer, was hovering over the military unit for over an hour.” After confirming the sighting with the operation signal officer on duty, Ensign Voloshin and Private Tishchayev climbed the first part of an antenna tower. According to his deposition:
“One could clearly see a powerful blinking signal which resembled a camera flash in the night sky. The object flew over the unit’s logistics yard and moved in the direction of the rocket weapons depot, 300 meters [1,000 ft.] away. It hovered over the depot at a height of 20 meters [65 ft.]. The UFO’s hull shone with a dim green light which looked like phosphorous. It was a disc, 4 or 5 m. [13-17 ft.] in diameter, with a semispherical top.
“While the object was hovering over the depot, a bright beam appeared from the bottom of the disc, where the flash had been before, and made two or three circles, lighting the corner of one of the buildings… The movement of the beam lasted for several seconds, then the beam disappeared and the object, still flashing, moved in the direction of the railway station. After that, I observed the object hovering over the logistics yard, railway station and cement factory. Then it returned to the rocket weapons depot, and hovered over it at an altitude of 60-70 m. [200-240 ft.]. The object was observed from that time on, by the first guard-shift and its commander. At 1:30 hrs., the object flew in the direction of the city of Akhtubinsk and disappeared from sight. The flashes on the object were not periodical, I observed all this for exactly two hours: from 23:30 to 1:30.”
Private Tishcahayev essentially confirmed Ensign Voloshin’s testimony. The guard-shift of Corporal Levin and Privates Bashev, Kulik and Litvinov basically tell the same story. They were all alerted by 1st Lt. Klimenko and they all saw up to three UFOs performing fantastic acrobatics in the sky, such as:
“Suddenly, it flew in our direction. It approached fast and increased in size. It then like divided itself in three shining points and took the shape of a triangle. Then it changed course and went on flying in the same sector.”
“After veering, it began to approach us and its speed could be felt physically. (It swelled in front of our eyes). Its flight was strange: no aircraft could fly in this manner. It could instantly stop in the air (and there was an impression that it wobbled slightly up and down); it could float (exactly that: float, because the word ‘fly’ would not be adequate, it was as if the air was holding it, preventing it from falling).
At all times that I observed it, it was blinking, blinking without any order and constantly changing colors (red, blue, green, yellow). The point itself was not blinking but something above it.”
“Here is what I observed: there was a flying object, resembling an egg, but flatter. It shone brightly alternating green and red lights. This object gathered a great speed. It accelerated abruptly and also stopped abruptly, all the while doing large jumps up or down. Then appeared a second and then a third object. One object rose to low altitude and stopped. It stayed there in one place and was gone. Later a second object disappeared, and only one stayed. It moved constantly along the horizon. At times, it seemed it landed on the ground, then it rose again and moved.”
All the testimonies coincided with the appearance of a jet fighter attempting to intercept the UFOs. The fighter made a first pass above the object apparently without seeing it. Then, according to Lt. Klimenko’s deposition, “the airplane, which could be identified by its noise, approached the object, but the object disengaged so fast, that it seemed the plane stayed in one place.”
It is difficult to make a final evaluation of the Kapustin Yar CE-I, since no information about the scramble mission and possible radar tracking has been released by the KGB.
But the detailed testimony of seven military witnesses, who were familiar with rocket launches and various aircraft because of their post (Kapustin Yar is somewhat equivalent to the White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico), appears to confirm the unusual flight characteristics and extraordinary maneuverability displayed by UFOs in many instances. Moreover, as in the SAC flap of 1975 and the Bentwaters affair in England in 1980, the UFOs seemed capable of “demonstrating a clear intent in the weapons storage area,” as described in a 1975 declassified teletype concerning Loring AFB in Maine.
One of the official milestones of Soviet/Russian ufology occurred less than a year later, as a result of a radar-visual and jet scramble incident on the Pereslavl-Zalesskiy region, east of Moscow, on the night of March 21, 1990. A statement issued by Colonel-General of Aviation Igor Maltsev, Chief of the Main Staff of the Air Defense Forces, was published in the newspaper Rabochaya Tribuna. Unit commanders compiled “more than 100 visual observations” and passed them on to Gen. Maltsev, who stated:
“I am not a specialist on UFOs and therefore I can only correlate the data and express my own supposition. According to the evidence of these eyewitnesses, the UFO is a disc with a diameter from 100 to 200 meters [320 to 650 feet]. Two pulsating lights were positioned on its sides… Moreover, the object rotated around its axis and performed an ‘S-turn’ flight both in the horizontal and vertical planes. Next, the UFO hovered over the ground and then flew with a speed exceeding that of the modern jet fighter by 2 or 3 times… The objects flew at altitudes ranging from 100 to 7,000 m. [300 to 24,000 ft.]. The movement of the UFOs was not accompanied by sound of any kind, and was distinguished by its startling maneuverability. It seemed the UFOs were completely devoid of inertia. In other words, they had somehow ‘come to terms’ with gravity. At the present time, terrestrial machines could hardly have any such capabilities.”
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Op jacht naar een mysterieuze planeet: Wetenschappers speuren aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel naar Planeet X
Op jacht naar een mysterieuze planeet: Wetenschappers speuren aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel naar Planeet X
Astronoom Scott Sheppard (40), verbonden aan het Carnegie Institution of Science in Washington DC, speurt naar verre objecten in ons zonnestelsel. Eén van die objecten is mogelijk de mysterieuze Planeet X. Dat schrijft Nature.
Sterrenkundigen hebben meer dan 2000 exoplaneten rond andere sterren ontdekt, meestal door middel van indirecte methodes die veranderingen in het sterlicht detecteren. Toch weten we relatief weinig over de buitenste regionen van ons eigen zonnestelsel. De technieken die worden gebruikt om exoplaneten te vinden, werken niet in onze eigen stellaire omgeving.
Sheppard zoekt met een aantal collega’s naar werelden die achter Pluto zouden staan. Theorieën over Planeet X bestaan al meer dan 100 jaar. In 2014 stelde Sheppard dat de omloopbaan van extreem verre objecten wordt beïnvloed door een groot hemellichaam. In januari berekenden twee astronomen van Caltech waar deze planeet, die ze ‘Planeet Negen’ noemden, zich mogelijk bevindt.
Scott Sheppard (CIS)
Verschillende wetenschappers zijn nu op jacht naar Planeet Negen of andere superaardes die nog niet ontdekt zijn. “Als zo’n groot object echt blijkt te bestaan, verandert onze perceptie van het zonnestelsel,” zei Sheppard.
Toen Sheppard en zijn collega Chad Trujillo van de Gemini Observatory op Hawaï hun zoektocht begonnen, hoopten ze in de voetsporen te treden van andere legendarische astronomen. In 1846 ontdekte Johann Galle Neptunus, de achtste planeet, en in 1930 vond astronoom Clyde Tombaugh Pluto.
Op basis van de omloopbanen van planetoïden 2012 VP113 en Sedna concludeerden Sheppard en Trujillo dat op zo’n 250 AE (astronomische eenheden) een onbekende superaarde staat. Konstantin Batygin en Mike Brown van Caltech argumenteren dat deze onbekende planeet de verre objecten als een soort herder bijeen drijft. Ze berekenden dat de planeet vijf tot 10 keer zo zwaar moet zijn dan de aarde en op 200 tot 1200 AE staat.
Speld in een hooiberg
Lopende projecten, zoals de Outer Solar System Origins Survey (OSSOS) en de Cassini-missie, kunnen helpen bij de zoektocht. Renu Malhotra van de Universiteit van Arizona in Tucson en haar collega’s hebben objecten in de Kuipergordel onderzocht en suggereren dat de onbekende planeet iedere 17.000 jaar om de zon draait.
“Het is nog erger dan het zoeken naar een speld in een hooiberg,” zei Malhotra. “Het is alsof je zoekt naar een afgebroken speldenknop in een hooiberg.”
Als Planeet X bestaat weten we dat de omloopbanen van Sedna en 2012 VP113 niet vaststonden, maar tot op de dag van vandaag worden beïnvloed. Theoretici zouden dan met nieuwe ideeën moeten komen over de manier waarop de vele werelden in het zonnestelsel met elkaar interacteren.
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has revealed marvelous sights on dwarf planet Ceres during its first year in orbit, including the mysterious bright spots in the Occator Crater.
The Occator Crater, measuring 57 miles (92 kilometers) across and 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) deep, contains the brightest area on Ceres, the dwarf planet that Dawn has explored since early 2015.
What stands out is a strange spot next to the crater. The object in the spot appears to have a rectangular structure with in the middle something that looks like it has been artificially created, like a dome on top of the structure. (See images).
The video below shows the latest amazing images taken from 240 miles (385 kilometers) above the surface of Ceres including the mysterious bright spots in the Occator crater.
Triangle-shaped craft in the sky above Arroyo Grande, California 24-Mar-2016
Triangle-shaped craft in the sky above Arroyo Grande, California 24-Mar-2016
Check out this interesting video of a triangular-shaped UFO with a flashing lights. This was seen and recorded over Arroyo Grande, a city in San Luis Obispo County, California on 24th March 2016.
Witness report:I live out in the country there’s a large eucalyptus trees all around I’ve seen these trees many times before and never noticed any flashing lights I was on my deck taking my laundry downstairs to do it and noticed two blue flashing lights I got closer and I noticed two red flashing lights in my line of sight there was one blue light at 12 o’clock one at 6 o’clock when I got closer underneath the tree I saw one red light at 12 o’clock and one red light at 6 o’clock The blue lights one on top was flashing the bottom was not both red lights where not flashing. I thought to myself it might be a drone that landed in the treetop or possibly a bird nested with something that was making these lights. I watch these objects for three hours from 7 PM to 10:30 PM March 24, 2016 about 10:26 they disappeared and it’s now 11:19 and still looking out for the lights I will continue As a follower of Mufon I understand and believe in this to be fact and I’m alway on the lookout for such. I attached some videos that I took with my cell phone I apologize for the swearing
UFO crossing the Chem Trail over Mudgee, Australia 23-Mar-2016
UFO crossing the Chem Trail over Mudgee, Australia 23-Mar-2016
This new footage of a fast unidentified flying object was seen and recorded in the sky above Mudgee, a town in the central west of New South Wales, Australia. This happened on 23rd March 2016.
Green Aurora Lights Up the Minnesota Night in Skywatcher Photo
Green Aurora Lights Up the Minnesota Night in Skywatcher Photo
By Nina Sen, Contributo
Capturing this stunning aurora took only a night’s patience for astrophotographer Matthew Moses. Moses took this image from Brighton Beach along the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota on March 6, 2016.
Capturing this stunning aurora took only a night's patience for one Minnesota-based astrophotographer.
Photographer Matthew Moses took this image from Brighton Beach along the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota on March 6.
"I knew the aurora display had been active across Europe all day and just had to wait until it got dark enough in Northern Minnesota to get out and try to get photos," he wrote in an email to [Poll: What's the Most Amazing Skywatching Sight?]
Auroras are caused by charged particles from the sun (the solar wind) that interact with the Earth's upper atmosphere (at altitudes above 50 miles, or 80 km), causing a glow. The particles are drawn to Earth's polar regions by the planet's magnetic field resulting in aurora borealis, or northern lights, and its southern counterpart the aurora australis, or southern lights.
For Moses, auroras are just something he's grown fond of capturing on camera.
"I just enjoy the views of the night sky," he wrote. "I'm a regular aurora chaser when we have potential for a display."
Editor's note: If you have an amazing night sky photo you'd like to share with and our news partners for a possible story or image gallery, send images and comments in to
Rolls-Royce has released their vision of the future of shipping, which will see the continued evolution of that ongoing trend toward automation and “unmanned autonomy.”
Image credit: Rolls-Royce
On Tuesday, Rolls-Royce—a name that is more famous for luxury cars than maritime contributions—rolled out a slick new video detailing a number of projected innovations in containerized shipping. The company hopes to someday make these innovations a reality, and if they do, it will mean a revolution in the way we ship goods across the seas.
In the film and pictures released by the company, we see a team of impossibly good-looking young coffee-drinking model types going about the business of controlling and monitoring seagoing vessels from the comfort of a shore-based, remote operations center—what Rolls-Royce calls the “oX operator experience concept.”
Check it out in the video below:
The goal for Rolls-Royce is to incrementally evolve their “ship intelligence” program, by developing increased ship-to-shore connectivity, automating as much of ship operations as is safely possible, and eventually (in the longer term) creating a fleet of autonomous ships.
The research—which was undertaken as a collaboration between Rolls-Royce, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and the Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction (TAUCHI)—seeks not to replace human operators altogether, but to streamline containerized shipping, reduce unnecessary personnel, and just generally make the process that much better.
“We’re living in an ever-changing world where unmanned and remote-controlled transportation systems will become a common feature of human life,” observes Iiro Lindborg, general manager at Rolls-Royce for Remote and Autonomous Operations.
“They offer unprecedented flexibility and operational efficiency. Our research aims to understand the human factors involved in monitoring and operating ships remotely. It identifies ways crews ashore can use tools to get a realistic feel for what is happening at sea.”
Safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness are the cornerstones of Rolls-Royce’s vision for the future—it will mean circumventing piracy, reducing the costs of training and maintaining crews, and automating containerized shipping from loading and unloading containers at the docks, to drone ship transportation on the open seas, and even guiding vessels into harbor.
But it means another nail in the coffin of that old-time romance of the seas.
A glimpse of a remote operations center of the future. Credit: Rolls-Royce
London to NY in 3 Hours: Boom & Virgin Set to Make Supersonic Planes a Reality
London to NY in 3 Hours: Boom & Virgin Set to Make Supersonic Planes a Reality
With all these major partners already in place and ready to lend a hand to make Boom's vision a reality, we could soon be travelling from New York to London in record time.
As far as startups go, Boom’s vision is pretty out there. They don’t intend to build a new app or create the newest social media craze—they’re building planes. And not just any ordinary plane—fast ones.
Boom’s plan is to design and build a supersonic passenger plane that can shuttle people from New York to London in just 3 and a half hours, or San Francisco to Tokyo in four and a half hours.
Does it seem like the start up is over reaching? Maybe. At this point, the company is still in the very early stages of achieving this goal, which could arguably be one of the most ambitious design projects for a passenger aircraft...ever. Right now, Boom is still working on designing the first prototype, eying late 2017 to start testing it out.
Image Credit: Boom
Yet, in spite of how elaborate and complex the development of this advanced tech might seem to be, it’s worth noting that the team behind Boom might actually have the talent to see this project through. Its team is composed of employees who once worked with NASA, Lockheed, and Boeing. This team has been part of a host of prestigious aircraft projects, such as the autopilot system on the 787, the development of fighter plane engines, and even the flight dynamics on SpaceshipTwo.
In addition, Richard Branson’s Virgin Group just announced their involvement in the project.
In an announcement made by Boom, Virgin has apparently optioned 10 planes—a deal valued at $2 billion. This is on top of the 15 planes optioned by another European carrier that has yet to be announced, adding up to a total of $5 billion optioned planes.
Best Evidence of UFOs Hovering Over Sao Paolo, Brazil
Best Evidence of UFOs Hovering Over Sao Paolo, Brazil
Brazil has been a hotbed for UFO sightings ever since the 1900s, and there are numerous reports highlighting their presence, either through video footage, testimonies and even objects detected on ground radars and pursued by the military.
A group of UFOs was filmed over Sao Paolo, Brazil, in August, 2014. The objects are hovering over a populated area of the city, changing altitude and performing a few brisk turns; they vary in size and have an unusual glow that’s making them visible throughout the night sky. All of them appear to slowly pulsate and are ‘playing’ above the city undisturbed by the fact that locals could be filming them.
After a couple of minutes, the unidentified objects descend upon the ground with haste, making them unlikely to be helicopters or drone devices. So are these UFOs extraterrestrial in nature? What earthly device could otherwise imitate their performance?
While skeptics consider them to be drones, their bizarre characteristics make them likely to be otherworldly in nature. Many countries admitted and declassified their UFO files, indicating that this phenomenon is real, but it either remains unexplained or partially classified, the reasons for it being debatable. The flying objects from the video above could be organic in nature because of the complex moves they execute, but there is also the possibility of them being artificial crafts. After all, there are numerous cases of such objects detected by the ground radars, or even pursued by military jets or helicopters.
Brazil, where the above sighting occurred, has other documented cases involving UFO presence on ground radar. On May 19, 1986, a wave of unidentified flying objects appeared over the country and the Brazilian air-force had to send a few jets to inspect the anomaly caught by the radar. Here is what the Brazilian Minister of Aeronautics, Brigadier General Octavio Moreira Lima had to say about it:
“At least 20 objects were detected by Brazilian radars. They saturated the radars and interrupted traffic in the area. Each time that radar detected unidentified objects, fighters took off for intercept. Radar detects only solid metallic bodies and heavy (mass) clouds. There were no clouds nor conventional aircraft in the region. The sky was clear. Radar doesn’t have optical illusions. We can only give technical explanations and we don’t have them. It would be very difficult for us to talk about the hypothesis of an electronic war. It’s very remote and it’s not the case here in Brazil. It’s fantastic. The signals on the radar were quite clear.”
If the objects appear on radar clearly points towards their artificial nature, and since this incident happened back in the 80s, a drone scenario remains highly unlikely. But are there any reports of downed or captured UFOs? The official information we have at our disposal only shows a distant perspective of the UFOs, and there are no reports of recovered crafts either, but there is no denial the phenomenon is real.
Another case from 2014 shows how a flying device is chased by a Black Hawk helicopter belonging to the Aguadilla Cost Guard across the airport and all the way to the ocean, where the speeding craft descends into the water unaffected by the hydrodynamic forces. Judging by these intriguing reports, it’s logical to assume that alien technology, if this is the case, is far more advanced than what we have at our disposal, thus making their pursuit a rather complicated if not impossible task.
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Packers Quarterback Shares His Close Encounter of the First Kind
Packers Quarterback Shares His Close Encounter of the First Kind
Aaron Rodgers was the first-round pick in 2005, but he has another first – a weird one. The Packers quarterback had a mysterious incident known as Close Encounter of the First Kind. Rodgers recalled the strange event recently on the You Made it Weird podcast with comedian Pete Holmes.
The UFO sighting apparently took place in February 2005, the night before the football player was to make an appearance on Cold Pizza, now First Take, of ESPN. The former Cal quarterback went to the East Coast for the interview and stayed with the family of former Cal teammate Steve Levy while he was there.
Rodgers, together with Steve and family, were winding down at dinner. All of a sudden, they heard a strange siren in the distance, so they went outside to check that out. Rodgers described the night as snowy and bright. The next thing that happened was the appearance of a strange object in the sky. The Packers quarterback was fully convinced he spotted a UFO.
He went on to describe the object. According to him, it was a large orange, left-to-right-moving UFO. While it is hard to make out because of the overcast nature of the night, the snow and it was behind the clouds when they saw it; Rodgers was nearly sure it was large in the evening sky, moving from left to right.
The encounter apparently took place at around 12:30 a.m. and Rodgers, Steve, and his brother witnessed it – a total of three witnesses.
Rodgers said that the object remained on their sights for about 30 seconds, but it was like five minutes to them. They were all got shocked, said Rodgers. The group then apparently heard about four fighter jets flying above them, and they knew they were fighter jets because of their sound.
It has been 11 years since it happened, but Rodgers clearly remembered they heard an alarm from 30 miles away, and later realized it was from a nuclear power plant that had its alarm went off. The Packers quarterback did not want to share his UFO story at first, probably afraid to be ridiculed, but after he had started to tell about it, it was like the moment he clearly remembered, even though it has been more than a decade since it transpired.
Rodgers started talking about his Close Encounter of the First Kind around 14:40 mark in the two-hour podcast.
*MUST SEE* Triangle UFO over Sumter, South Carolina 23-Mar-2016
*MUST SEE* Triangle UFO over Sumter, South Carolina 23-Mar-2016
TR-3B over Sumter?
Check out this amazing video of a possible TR-3B craft flying across the sky above Sumter, the county seat of Sumter County, South Carolina. This was filmed on 23rd March 2016.
Witness report:I was out in my backyard with a fire due to the nice weather. Looking at the stars and satellites. Noticed triangle shaped object, no sound, white constant lights in corners and red strobe in center that pulsated. Tried to figure out what type of aircraft but no sound and no wings, etc. Just dark triangle shape that creeped along. Went and got wife to look so that I wouldn’t be the only one to see it. I looked to be about 3000 feet in altitude and traveled 210 course then 40 minutes later came back reverse course 030. I was ready for the return and got footage with phone and night vision I use for hunting coyotes. I live next to an Air Force Base and use to seeing aircraft. This was different and hope others saw it tonight.
Ancient Egyptian Glyphs Found in Australia Could Rewrite History!
Until receiving a phone call from Nina Angelo (OAM), I knew nothing of neither the struggles involved in protecting the land around Kariong (near Gosford) nor that part of this land was now on the market. When on-site I had seen a lot of tagged trees, and a for sale sign somewhere along a main road, but being unfamiliar with the whole region, nothing registered.
The land for sale contains the Gosford Glyphs, located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney. This site features little known carved ‘ancient Egyptian’ hieroglyphs that were brought to light by various researchers in past decades.
We are convinced that close to this site, and never before seen by non-Aboriginals until discovered very recently, is a rock platform covered with a set of sacred engravings of considerable significance. On this large platform we saw a fish, serpent, massive dolphin or whale, circles and a variety of shapes and symbols.
Without doubt, it is an impressive gallery of ancient Aboriginal rock art deserving of protection. There is one life-sized engraving of Durramullan (son of Creation Spirit Biamie) that is so unique, utterly unexpected, and obviously sacred, decisions had to be made as to how it can be publicly described.
There is nothing remotely like it anywhere in Australia. And that’s it.
That is all we have agreed to reveal. The photographs taken late in the afternoon on this site, and in particular those of Durramullan, should never be reproduced or published through any form of the media but…
Owing to the real possibility this land, irrespective of the credentials for or against the Gosford Glyphs, could be sold then developed, a different approach is compulsory.
It has been our agreed stance to categorise all the sites/relics we are sharing as being ‘found within 2 hours of Sydney’, but that generalised approach doesn’t apply in this location. Those engravings, and other related platforms (one is actually located within this block) are now directly under threat.
The distance between this unique site and that of the Gosford Glyphs is far too close for coincidence or comfort. As to determining the bona fides of this supposed Egyptian site, we have one advantage. According to Dr. Hans-Dieter von Senff, who has produced a draft paper on the site:
These Hieroglyphs are real and have existed for some 4,500 years in Australia. In order to prove that these Proto-Egyptian glyphs are not graffiti, as claimed by various “Experts” and “Egyptologists,” but are the written record left by pre-historic man, written in a coherent and understandable language that makes sense even 4,500 years later. This site is no hoax, but a genuine archaeological discovery; as is proven by the newly discovered second set of glyphs.
The critics who dispute the origin of these engravings numbering over 300 are not sensitive to the bigger picture, and if proven to be engraved by Egyptians, these glyphs form a pivotal and historic epitaph to an Australian history very few suspect.
The engravings were first properly translated by Ray Johnson, claimed to be proto-Egyptian and accepted “as correct by the General Director of Cairo Museum, Dr. Dia’ Abou-Ghazi.” [1]
However, despite the endorsement of the resident expert in Cairo, Australian academics with less impressive credentials are adamant this is an elaborate hoax.
The site includes an engraved Ankh (see image above courtesy of Steve Strong), an essential accompaniment to Thoth, placed alongside an Ibis footprint (Thoth’s recent animal counterpart) and what we believe to be the ‘River of Life’. Two Ibis-men engraved into rock, both in profile with the head of an ibis and body of a human, seem to resonate to the same ancient Egyptian theme.
What really surprised us was that not only are the ibis and Thoth synonymous, but originally Thoth was depicted in ape-form. And it is this more ancient representation that is found twice in Australia, extending the horizons considerably.
A statue found at Gympie, said to act as one of five sentries guarding the controversial seven-stepped pyramid at Gympie, is a depiction of Thoth in his more primal ape-like form and has been argued over and often ridiculed.
The recent discovery of an engraving of Durramullan, again in profile, is less open to debate. The pronounced long forehead and protruding lips is reminiscent of a baboon or one of the larger apes, and so out of context when carved into a continent lacking ape or monkey.
The engraving is ancient, carved by an artist aware of an African animal and Egyptian deity supposedly unknown until the British invasion. In what only adds to the quality and quantity of this cross-cultural partnership, there are two sets of Aboriginal engravings, one containing 31 separate and distinct human characters and the other five figures, of which three have human bodies and what appears to be crocodile heads.
It is for these reasons, and many others, we are in complete agreement with Robert Lawlor, author of the highly regarded Voices of the First Day, when noting the same origin and sequence.
“The Egyptian religious practices, zoomorphic pantheon of gods, concepts of death and rebirth, sorcery, magic and medicine all have their origins in the primal culture of the First Day.” [2]
We see the presence of Egyptians in Australia beginning at around 5,000 years ago, entirely in keeping with a global history that saw, for a variety of reasons too complex to discuss now, the Australian Aboriginal mariners and explorers finally return to Australia at around the same time.
We believe the glyphs and other Egyptian remains found ‘within two hours of Sydney’ bear testimony to a spiritual sabbatical to the place where Egyptian religion and culture began.
That the Gosford Glyphs are so close to the sacred Durramullan site suggests an agreement between the first Australians and people from a distant continent. The Durramullan platform is undeniably special, and the Glyphs are an integral part of this arrangement, unique not only in Australia but the world.
The Egyptian crypt and engravings, dedicated to the memory of the son of a Pharaoh, was constructed close to the Durramullan rock platform and could only be created with the consent of the local Aboriginals.
Of course, if Australian Aboriginals did sail the globe in ancient times this journey is dependent upon ocean-going boats being constructed in Australia. Up at the Top End there are many engravings and paintings of boats which are mistakenly claimed to be inspired by Maccassan boats fishing for trepan.
No such claims can be made for the engraving of an ocean-going boat found in the northern section of the Gosford site. The boat’s design, with a steep prow and stern, has one primary function: to sail through large waves.
It would be a waste of time, effort and resources to construct a boat according to the shape and proportions engraved into the rock, if the vessel sailed in stiller waters. More importantly, this engraving goes a long way towards establishing the claims made by Ramindjeri Elders.
If indeed, as they insist, their ancestors circumnavigated the globe in a figure eight then this sophisticated design would serve that purpose.
That engraving and the Ramindjeri account provide answers to a series of unresolved questions that mainstream academia are unable to appreciate. The presence of Australian Aboriginal people in America was the focus of Issue 35 of the highly respected science magazine Cosmos.
The front cover carried the following caption:
“Did Aborigines discover America? Startling new finds suggest Australia’s first people made it all the way to South America more than 11,000 years ago.” [3]
Of course, America was merely one port-of-call when the First Australians set sail.
“Dr. Raghavendra and researchers from the Indian-government backed Anthropological Survey of India project found unique genetic mutations were shared between modern-day Indians and Aborigines.” [4]
They “identified seven people from central Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic tribes who shared genetic traits only found in Aborigines.” [5]
These facts, along with newly discovered Australian genetic links to a hominid in Siberia referred to as Denosovan, necessitate the same means of transport: a boat.
However, the plan of a boat is insufficient. Also required are both the tools needed to construct such a vessel and navigational skills before sailing to India, America, Asia, Egypt or any other destination. An axe is an essential prerequisite if building a vessel capable of sailing across oceans.
In keeping with all other firsts, it should come as no surprise that the oldest axes yet found are located within Sahul (the greater Australian continent which includes PNG, Tasmania, etc).
The oldest axe was found at Huon Terrace (PNG) and is dated at 40,000 years, followed by an axe found in Jawoyn land (N.T.) claimed to be 35,500 years old. Remaining within Australia, an axe was discovered at Sandy Creek (QLD 32,000 years) and another at Malangangerr (N.T. 23,000 years).
In what confirms the antiquity of Australian axe technology, and by association boats, Angel John Gallard has in his possession a hand-held chopper (the precursor to the axe) which he believes to be no less than 60,000 years old, with the real possibility it is over 100,000 years old. The oldest axe discovered outside Australia was found at Niah Cave (Sarawak) and is thought to be 15,500 years old.
For such an epic journey to succeed, especially if circumnavigating the world in a figure eight, Aboriginal mariners must have navigated by the stars. Once again it all begins here. As announced by a team of scientists from the CSIRO, the oldest astronomical construction was found at Wurdi Youang (Victoria). “The strange stone arrangement” has “two points set in perfect alignment with the setting sun on a midsummer’s day.” [6], [7]
CSIRO experts are of the opinion the “ancient Aboriginal sundial could be upwards of 10,000 years old.” [8]
Nor do these rocks stand in isolation – there are two sets of walls recently found in the Snowy Mountains, the first is aligned east-west, marking out the conjunction of planets and contains no less than 10,000 rocks. The second is at least four times bigger and runs down an extremely steep slope.
Within ‘two hours from Sydney’ is a perfectly aligned five-rocked compass and another construction that is far more enigmatic, which for obvious reasons, we call ‘mini-Stonehenge’. It is made up of 46 stones in the inner circle and 18 rocks forming what we feel are clusters of stars.
The four directions are marked out by arches with a horizontal stone supported by stone pillars. All four constructions, although separated by hundreds of kilometres, serve the same purpose: charting the heavens.
There is one pattern exhibited by these sites that seems to openly contradict an artistic maxim we assumed held fast throughout Australia. It was our belief that traditional Aboriginal art was region specific. Within this area we have found over 25 styles/techniques, many of which are claimed to be created in one tribal estate.
We found evidence of the following Aboriginal artistic styles: Panaramitee; X-Ray; Figurative; Mimi; Lightning Brothers; Wandjina; Papunya; Hand stencils (two types); Representational; Rock engraving; Rock Pecking; Stone Arrangements; Bands across the body; Egyptian symbols; Bird prints; Engraved shield design (found throughout Australia); Profiled spirits; and others we could not identify.
Where does that leave us? Relying on textbooks and academics ‘dazed and confused’… Or there is an alternative route. We are convinced the First Australians are completely separate to the Africans and were the first homo sapien sapiens.
It was from Australia, not Africa, the first migration originated, and it is from Australia that religion, gender equality, astronomy, burials, sailing, music, art, democracy and all the nobler pursuits began.
And it is in Australia, in particular the area ‘within 2 hours from Sydney’, that proof of this global legacy can still be found.
With so many stars in the universe, science suggests we may not be alone
20th Century Fox
In "The Day the Earth Stood Still," a remake of the 1951 science-fiction classic, an alien named Klaatu (played by Keanu Reeves, right) visits Earth to save us humans from ourselves. The story is a work of science fiction, with the emphasis on fiction, says Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and a technical adviser on the film. For example, to be able to detect a dangerous buildup of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and come save us from global warming, an alien that could travel at light speed would have to reside no more than about 50 light-years away. "I doubt that there are any aliens that close," Shostak says. And even if there are, "they might not care about our problems."
Scientific accuracy aside, Shostak says the film could hook a new generation on space science, just as the original film helped direct his career, which is dedicated to the search for E.T. As kids stumble out of the theater, they might ask, do aliens exist?
Click the "Next" arrow above to explore the evidence, from the scientifically plausible to the incredible.
With so many stars, alien life is probable
Shostak notes that there is no direct proof for any life beyond Earth, but the universe is home to a lot of stars. And as research over the past decade has shown, perhaps at least 50 percent of those stars harbor planets. Shostak estimates there are 1 trillion planets in the Milky Way alone. "Surely some of them have undergone what Earth has undergone and developed life, and eventually what we call sentient life," he says. The argument, he notes, is simply one of probability. "If we are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy, or for that matter in the universe, then we are truly a miracle," he says. This image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows a cluster of young stars in the Milky Way.
Water worlds abound in our solar system
NASA/jpl/space Science Institute
Water is a key ingredient for life as we know it. And liquid water, it turns out, is fairly common in our local solar system. For example, evidence is mounting that liquid water may flow underneath the surface of Mars. Europa, a moon of Jupiter, appears to have a liquid ocean. So too might the Jovian moons Callisto and Ganymede. Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus, shown here, may be watery. Even Venus might have a bit of liquid water in its atmosphere. "There you already have seven other worlds that might have liquid water, just in our backyard. So that's kind of encouraging news," Shostak says.
Life evolved 'quickly' on Earth
Abigail Allwood
Scientists estimate that planet Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. The earliest evidence for life comes from 3.4 billion-year-old mats of bacteria called stromatolites in Australia. Since even bacteria are biologically complex, scientists think they arose from life forms that got a foothold on Earth even earlier. "That suggests it wasn't terribly improbable, the evolution of life, because it happened very quickly," Shostak says. The caveat, of course, is that Earth could have won the evolutionary equivalent of the lottery, and no place else is quite so lucky.
Life thrives in extreme environments
G. Wanger / JCVI / G. Southam /
Almost everywhere scientists go on Earth, they find life: the cold, dark depths of the oceans; snuggled up to piping-hot hydrothermal vents; buried under the Antarctic ice; and in South America's parched Atacama Desert. "Life can adapt to really tough conditions and, of course, most of the universe is going to be filled with habitats that are tough," Shostak says. For example, Mars is a harsh environment, but some of the microbes found on Earth, including the one shown here found deep in a mine, could survive beneath the surface of the Red Planet, he notes. These findings of so-called extremophiles have allowed scientists to scale back their list of requirements for extraterrestrial life. "We just say it has to have some liquid water, and maybe that's it," Shostak says.
E.T. might be calling from afar
Courtesy of Jerry Ehman / Bigear
Shostak and his colleagues at the SETI Institute frequently harness some of the world's largest radio telescopes to home in on distant stars for a telltale signal of alien communications. Although their searches have raised a few alarms, the signals have been dismissed as human-caused interference, such as noise from a passing satellite. Contact remains elusive. Undaunted, the scientists keep searching. Meanwhile, a signal detected on Aug. 15, 1977, during a search with Ohio State University's Big Ear Observatory, continues to pique interest because it has never been explained. "It was impressive enough to encourage the astronomer who found it to write 'Wow!' on the printout," says Shostak. Follow-up experiments to detect it again, however, have failed. "You can say it was E.T. and then he went off the air. You may never know," Shostak says. "But it is not science to say it was E.T."
Some see evidence that 'aliens' have visited
Justin Norton / AP
Somewhere around half the people in the U.S. believe that aliens have already visited us. To back their claims, witnesses have presented snapshots of flying saucers and debris from crash landings. None of the evidence, however, convinces Shostak. Nor does he buy into theories that the world's governments are coordinated and efficient enough to collectively keep what would be the world's biggest secret. "That's hard for me to believe," he says. Such doubt does little to stop the tide of tourists coming to places such as Roswell, N.M., the site of a purported UFO crash more than 60 years ago. This fake alien at a museum is a commonly photographed attraction.
Sumer, or the ‘land of civilized kings’, flourished in Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, around 4500 BC. Sumerians created an advanced civilization with its own system of elaborate language and writing, architecture and arts, astronomy and mathematics. Their religious system was a complex one comprised of hundreds of gods. According to the ancient texts, each Sumerian city was guarded by its own god; and while humans and gods used to live together, the humans were servants to the gods.
The Sumerian creation myth can be found on a tablet in Nippur, an ancient Mesopotamian city founded in approximately 5000 BC.
The creation of Earth (Enuma Elish) according to the Sumerian tablets begins like this:
When in the height heaven was not named, And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name, And the primeval Apsu, who begat them, And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both Their waters were mingled together, And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen; When of the gods none had been called into being, And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained; Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven, Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being…
Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like gods ruled over Earth. When they came to the Earth, there was much work to be done and these gods toiled the soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals.
The texts mention that at some point the gods mutinied against their labour.
When the gods like men Bore the work and suffered the toll The toil of the gods was great, The work was heavy, the distress was much.
Anu, the god of gods, agreed that their labour was too great. His son Enki, or Ea, proposed to create man to bear the labour, and so, with the help of his half-sister Ninki, he did. A god was put to death, and his body and blood was mixed with clay. From that material the first human being was created, in likeness to the gods.
You have slaughtered a god together With his personality I have removed your heavy work I have imposed your toil on man. … In the clay, god and man Shall be bound, To a unity brought together; So that to the end of days The Flesh and the Soul Which in a god have ripened – That soul in a blood-kinship be bound.
This first man was created in Eden, a Sumerian word which means ‘flat terrain’. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Eden is mentioned as the garden of the gods and is located somewhere in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Sumerian tablet depicting Enki in the creation myth. (
Initially human beings were unable to reproduce on their own, but were later modified with the help of Enki and Ninki. Thus, Adapa was created as a fully functional and independent human being.
ExoMars: Inside Europe's Quest to Land a Rover on the Red Planet
ExoMars: Inside Europe's Quest to Land a Rover on the Red Planet
By Megan Gannon, Contributor
An artist's illustration of the ExoMars 2018 rover on the surface of the Red Planet.
Credit: ESA
DARMSTADT, Germany—The successful launch of Europe's first ExoMars mission last week set the stage for a much more ambitious second act: arover landing on the Red Planet. But the timing on that mission may not be so certain.
On March 14, the European Space Agency (ESA) and its Russian partners launched the ExoMars 2016 mission, an orbiter and lander that serve as a precursor to a full-blown rover slated to launch as early as May 2018. But funding issues and technical delays could push that ambitious follow-up mission to 2020.
Rolf de Groot, ESA's coordinator of robotic exploration, told that it's going to be "very challenging"to have the mission fully prepared for its 2018 launch window but that program managers will know soon whether they'll have to start seriously thinking about a 2020 launch instead. [ExoMars Takes Flight: Amazing Launch Photos]
"We have very clever engineers trying to see if we can try to reform some of the testing procedures and cut corners, without adding additional risk to the mission," de Groot said. "I would say, within the next month, the decision will be taken to see whether we can go forward with 2018. I'm still hoping that we will be able to find ways to do it."
In regard to a possible delay for ExoMars 2018,Thomas Reiter, a former astronaut and ESA's director for human spaceflight and robotic exploration, also said, "We are currently doing a very intense review of the project, and we will do everything to maintain the launch date."
Blast Off! ExoMars Mission Launches Aboard Proton Rocket | Video
The European Space Agency's ExoMars project involves an orbiter, lander and rover, launched on two separate Proton rockets (infographic)
Credit: by Karl Tate, Infographics Artist
A long time to get off the ground
ExoMars has experienced several delays —and several mutations —since it was conceived more than a decade ago as one of the flagship missions of ESA's Aurora program, an initiative intended to pave the way for human missions to Mars.
The rover was originally supposed to launch in a single mission on a Soyuz rocket with a more modest payload, de Groot said here at ESA's Space Operations Centre during a presentation for the March 14 launch event. In 2005, the rover got bigger, and the mission became "Enhanced ExoMars."The mission split in two—with a Mars satellite and rover to launch separately —as the project expanded and NASA signed on as an international partner in 2008. [How Europe's ExoMars Mission to Mars Works (Infographic)]
NASA had planned to provide the Atlas launcher for both missions, as well as its sky crane delivery system —like the one it used in its Mars Curiosity mission —to safely land the ExoMars rover. But then, in 2012, NASA dropped out of ExoMars because of budget issues, and ESA had to reconfigure the mission yet again.
The Russian space agency, Roscosmos, stepped in as a partner and agreed to provide the Proton rockets to get ExoMars off the ground. The Russians contributed some of the instruments in the scientific payload for ExoMars 2016, but the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and the landing capsule Schiaparelli were largely European products, Reiter said. Roscosmos will have a much bigger role in 2018 —which will require a lot more technical and industrial coordination between the partners.
"The carrier module and the rover will be built in Europe, but the lander is a Russian product,"Reiter said. "That means that the cooperation between the Russian industry and the European industry will significantly intensify."
Sometimes, Russian space managers have a different style than their European partners. For instance, de Groot pointed out, the Russians don't like to work with backup launch dates, whereas that's a normal practice for the Europeans.
A Russian Proton-M rocket launches the European Space Agency's ExoMars 2016 mission toward the Red Planet from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on March 14, 2016.
Credit: Stephane Corvaja/ESA
Space News reported that ESA Director-General Johann-Dietrich Wörner even used 2020 for the date of the ExoMars rover launch during his slide presentation when speaking at Russia's Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for the recent launch. Wörner reportedly said he didn't want to "disappoint people if, under certain circumstances, we have to move it."
Launch windows to Mars only open about every 26 months, though sometimes, there are two windows in short order. ExoMars 2016 was supposed to blast off during a three-week launch opportunity in January, but it was delayed until the March 14-25 window after a problem with the lander was discovered.
"We were extremely lucky that, this year, there was a double window," de Groot said.
If ExoMars misses its opportunity in 2018, it would have to launch in the summer of 2020 —the same window in which NASA plans to send its next life-seeking rover to the Red Planet as part of its $1.5 billion Mars 2020 mission.
Funding could be another challenge. The European budget for the entire two-phase mission is 1.3 billion euros ($1.5 billion). Reiter said that although the major part of ExoMars has already been funded, ESA members will have to decide on some additional funding that would be needed to complete the mission at the next meeting of their ministerial congress in December.
But ESA might need the funds sooner. According to Space News, ESA officials have said ExoMars needs another 200 million euros ($220 million) by this June at the latest, to pay for the 2018 hardware production and operations.
Onlookers watch a demonstration of a prototype Mars rover for the European Space Agency's ExoMars 2018 mission during a 2010 industry presentation in Turin, Italy.
Credit: Thales Alenia Space-Italy
Clearing the way for a rover
The outcome of ExoMars 2016 when it arrives at the Red Planet in mid-October could also have implications for the rover mission.
ExoMars 2016 will be conducting some important science experiments in its own right. The TGO could help scientists better understand where methane, a possible sign of life, comes from on Mars. And Schiaparelli, a 1,300-lb. (600 kilograms) landing capsule, will measure environmental conditions and, for the first time, Mars'sandstorm-fueling electric fields, after it touches down on the Red Planet’s surface.
But the most important goal of ExoMars 2016 might be proving out technology that will make a future rover landing possible —an unprecedented task for Europe.
It's notoriously difficult to land on Mars. Just look at spacecraft like NASA's Mars Polar Lander, the British-built Beagle 2 and Russia's Mars 2, all of which made the long journey from Earth to Mars, but ended up losing communication with Earth after rough landings.
The major obstacle to a successful landing is Mars'thin atmosphere. When you land a spacecraft on a body with no atmosphere, like Earth's moon, you only need to fire a landing engine; this will bring you smoothly and softly to the surface, said ExoMars lander engineer Olivier Bayle. By contrast, a thick atmosphere like the Earth's provides enough friction for spacecraft to slow down and make a soft landing with the help of a parachute (like Russia's Soyuz capsules, which deliver astronauts back to the ground).
But Mars' atmosphere isn't thick enough to slow down spacecraft so that they don't crash. To put Schiaparelli—and eventually, a rover — on Mars, ESA will use a combination of a heat shield, a big parachute and landing engines, all of which need to work perfectly in a daunting sequence of events that Bayle explained here in a presentation.
Schiaparelli will separate from TGO three days before reaching Mars. Then, it will go into hibernation mode to save its battery life, only waking up an hour before landing. The heat shield will help the spacecraft withstand temperatures of up to about 3,100 degrees Fahrenheit (1,700 degrees Celsius) as it decelerates from about 12,400 mph to 930 mph (20,000 km/h to 1,500 km/h).
After about 3 to 4 minutes of this fiery entry, the lander's parachute will deploy and the front shield will be released. Then, the radar altimeter beneath the lander will measure the spacecraft's velocity and altitude in relation to the Martian surface below. Using that data, Schiaparelli will decide when it's time to separate from the parachute and will start firing its landing engines.
"All the systems have to run like clockwork to make sure we have a successful landing,"Bayle said.
And testing those technologies will be key to sending the much more complicated second mission to land the ExoMars rover and surface platform safely in the Russian-built descent module. What's more, TGO will be a crucial link in relaying information from the rover back to Earth.
If the entire mission is successful, the scientific payoff could be huge.
The ExoMars rover stands apart from previous Mars rovers mostly because of its drill. Previous drilling robots on Mars have been able to reach depths of only about 4 inches (10 centimeters). By contrast, the ExoMars rover will be able to extract samples of dirt from up to 6.5 feet (2 meters) below the surface, where ESA officials hope to have a better chance of finding life that's been spared by brutal solar and cosmic radiation on the Martian surface.
My daughters were at a sleepover on March break at my parents house. I had the flu so I decided to sleep in my eldest daughters bed so as not to get my partner sick. I had the blinds open to let the moonlight in and had noticed at about 11:15pm what I thought was an airplane flashing through the sky through the branches of a tree in our yard. It was a very clear night so I watched it for about a minute and thought it was flashing strangely but that I was probably just seeing it weirdly through the branches. I rolled over to go to sleep but after about 30mins I couldn’t sleep so I rolled back over. The bright flashing light was still there and I knew that if it was an airplane or a satellite it would have moved to another position in the sky or passed out of view by now. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone which was charging. I started to film. You can see the street light in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, then I zoom in on the light. I steadied the phone on the window sill and once I zoomed in on the light it began to move around until my phone suddenly died. I bent down to plug my phone in to continue charging but when I looked back up the light was gone. I have seen this exact light once before in my life when I was a girl, back in the late 90’s my mum, dad, sister & I were watching a huge meteor shower in our backyard in St. George and when the meteor shower drew to a close, a light exactly like this hovered high above our house did the exact same movements.
The night I filmed these lights my eldest daughter and her best friend saw several bright balls of light in their bedroom at my mother’s house. None of us felt scared or reacted in any way other than wonder. We aren’t into paranormal stuff and don’t know a ton of stuff about UFO’s. We just know that we see weird lights and weird stuff happens around us sometimes. We haven’t felt well lately. Both my daughters are on wait lists for ENT’s (ear nose & throat specialists) at McMaster Hospital. I am on a wait list for an allergist. We all have upper respiratory infections and chronic sinusitis, my eldest daughter has nosebleeds and has woken up with bruising and blood on the palate of her mouth.
My youngest daughter has a weird triangular mark on her shoulder and I have a weird scar on my right calf. There are other odd health things too but that’s probably enough for now. I can provide medical documentation and photos of everything. I would just like to know if there’s something going on here?
Nick POPE investigated UFOs for a now-defunct British Ministry of Defence division. He argues it’s time for the programme to re-launch – for reasons that have nothing to do with small green men.
By Nick Pope
In 1950, Sir Henry Tizard, the Chief Scientific Adviser in the Ministry of Defence (MOD), became intrigued by newspaper stories about UFO sightings. Sir Henry told MOD officials that the subject shouldn’t be dismissed without first undertaking a proper scientific study. A small committee was set up at his urging. Its name: the Flying Saucer Working Party.
The committee reported in June 1951, concluding that UFO sightings could be explained as misidentifications, hoaxes or delusions. The recommendation was that no further government resources be used to investigate.
But the very next year, Royal Air Force (RAF) pilots and other military personnel witnessed UFOs during a NATO exercise. These UFOs appeared to be capable of extraordinary speeds and manoeuvres; some were tracked on military radar. By 1953, the MOD decided all UFO reports should be investigated.
Not, however, out of concern about little green men.
I worked for the MOD for 21 years. From 1991 to 1994, I was posted to a division where my duties included undertaking these investigations. It was a fascinating job, to say the least.
A UFO, it’s worth remembering, refers to any unidentified flying object – not necessarily an extraterrestrial one. While the MOD investigations were aimed at determining whether there was evidence of any threat, we were thinking more about Russians than Martians. The theory was that some sightings might involve Soviet spy planes or bombers probing our air defences to try to evaluate the effectiveness of our radar systems, aircraft and pilots. The British government’s position was virtually identical to that of the US, where UFO sightings had been investigated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since 1947, in what later became known as Project Blue Book.
What it meant in practice to work on these real-life X-Files varied. One moment I might be drawing up “lines to take” for the MOD press office to use in response to a query from a journalist. The next I might be sending a child some information for a school project or plotting out UFO sightings on a map, looking for patterns. We would drop everything if a Member of Parliament asked about the subject – extensively briefing defence ministers so that they could respond in a polite, factual, but dismissive way.
It was less Men in Black and more Men in Grey
The day-to-day business revolved around investigating the newly-reported sightings: interviewing witnesses, checking radar tapes, and analysing photos and videos if we were lucky enough to get them – these were the days before everyone carried a mobile phone. It wasn’t quite as glamorous as sci-fi movies imply: it was less Men in Black and more Men in Grey.
We looked for conventional explanations for sightings, trying to correlate them with weather balloon launches, meteor showers, rocket re-entries and a whole host of other things that people misidentify as UFOs.
Alien encounters
Although the MOD did not want to be perceived as hunting for extraterrestrials, that’s exactly what happened, thanks to pop culture.
Over the years, books, movies and other media rendered the term “UFO” synonymous with “extraterrestrial spaceship”. Many people believed that governments were covering up the truth about UFOs. This, coupled with the fact that the MOD is an inherently secretive organisation, led people to think that we were involved in a sinister conspiracy.
While the MOD certainly downplayed the true extent of its interest and involvement in the subject, I’m afraid we don’t have any crashed UFOs hidden away somewhere.
Of around 12,000 sightings that the programme investigated, approximately 5% remained unexplained
That’s not to say that we didn’t have some fascinating cases in our files. Of around 12,000 sightings that the programme investigated, approximately 5% remained unexplained. We were particularly interested when UFOs were seen by police officers, military personnel and pilots, especially if there was some corroboration in terms of radar evidence, or films and photos that could be analysed by our technical staff.
The UK’s best-known UFO sightings took place over a three-day period in December 1980 and are collectively known as the Rendlesham Forest incident. A UFO was seen near to the Bentwaters and Woodbridge airbases, and at one point landed in the nearby forest. The MOD concluded that radiation levels at the landing site seemed “significantly higher than the average background”. Separate MOD and USAF investigations (Bentwaters and Woodbridge were US bases) proved inconclusive.
Another fascinating case, usually called the Cosford Incident, took place on 30 and 31 March 1993. Multiple sightings came in from around the UK over a period of six hours overnight; witnesses included military police at one airbase and the meteorological officer at a second. The latter described seeing a vast triangular-shaped craft flying slowly over the base, making a low-frequency humming sound, before suddenly accelerating away, many times faster than a military jet.
The meteorological officer described seeing a vast triangular-shaped craft flying slowly over the base before suddenly accelerating away, many times faster than a military jet
Despite these (and other) unexplained cases, we remained sceptical about extraterrestrials.
An alternative theory was set out in a highly-classified intelligence assessment codenamed Project Condign. Condign was the one area where conspiracy theorists were right – though not for the reasons they believed. The UK government – and other governments too, I suspect – were indeed hiding information on UFOs, but not about aliens. "No evidence exists to suggest that the phenomena seen are hostile or under any type of control, other than that of natural physical forces,” said the report, which was completed in 2000 and made public in 2006.
Rather, we might be dealing with exotic atmospheric phenomena – and MOD scientific and technical intelligence personnel believed that, if harnessed, these might be able to be militarised. As the Executive Summary of Project Condign’s final report says: “It is recommended that further investigation should be [made] into the applicability of various characteristics of plasmas in novel military applications.”
This is the ultimate dirty secret about UFOs, since a natural phenomenon that could be weaponised would be hugely attractive to the military of any nation.
In 2009, after nearly 60 years of official research and investigation, the MOD axed its UFO project in a wider series of defence cuts. No public announcement was made. Instead, the news was slipped out by altering a statement on the MOD website that had told people how to report UFO sightings.
The new wording stated: “The MOD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life. However, in over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom.”
The statement went on to say that UFO research was now considered “an inappropriate use of defence resources”, and that from 1 December 2009 investigations would cease. The MOD would no longer even reply to people reporting UFOs.
A new season for the X-Files?
With no official point of contact, some UFO witnesses now go to the media, others reach out to civilian groups such as the British UFO Research Association – but many won’t report their sightings at all. Whether they favour astronomical, meteorological or psychological explanations for people’s sightings and experiences, any scientists or academics who want to study the subject find that the lack of a central database makes such an endeavour difficult, if not impossible.
Drones can be used in espionage, while some security analysts have expressed concerns that terrorists could use them to carry explosives
Academic study aside, the ubiquity of drones is a timely reminder that we ought to be aware of everything in our airspace. Drones can be used in espionage, while some security analysts have expressed concerns that terrorists could use them to carry explosives, or slam them into passenger aircraft.
More generally, whether we’re believers or sceptics about alien visitation, we should be curious about a mystery that has endured for nearly 70 years. Our desire to seek knowledge for knowledge’s sake makes us human. What fascinating incidents are currently getting only a cursory glance from amateur hobbyists, or not being reported at all?
A new UFO project could be more focused than the previous one and might filter cases rather than investigating everything – quickly weeding out, for example, the hundreds of Chinese lantern sightings that bedeviled the MOD in the final years of the old UFO project. In parallel with investigating the best new reports, classic cases such as Rendlesham Forest and Cosford could be reinvestigated, in the same way the police undertake cold case reviews. It should be possible to do all this from within existing resources because the MOD already has all the capabilities needed to investigate UFOs, whether military radar systems or imagery analysis expertise.
There is huge public interest in this. When the UK got its Freedom of Information Act, the MOD received more requests about UFOs than any other subject. Prompted by this interest, an ongoing project to declassify the MOD’s UFO files has resulted in the release of nearly 60,000 pages of documentation, including sighting reports from the public and formerly-classified MOD papers. Each time a batch of UFO files is released, it makes headline news around the world. The final batch of files will be made public this year.
Without a place people can go to when they observe something strange, we can’t be fully apprised of what’s going on in our airspace. And, after all, even if we are alone in the Universe, we’re not alone on Earth.
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24-03-2016 om 10:30
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Verborgen geheimen van de mensheid: “Alles wat ons verteld is over onze geschiedenis, is een leugen”
Verborgen geheimen van de mensheid: “Alles wat ons verteld is over onze geschiedenis, is een leugen”
De Zuid-Afrikaanse onderzoeker en politicus Michael Tellinger heeft een nieuw programma op Gaia: Hidden Origins. “Eén van de populairste boeken op aarde, de Bijbel, vertelt ons dat er ooit reuzen waren op aarde,” zegt hij tijdens de allereerste aflevering. “Als je daar tijdens een gesprek over begint, gaan mensen vaak lachen en denken ze dat je een grapje maakt, maar toch staat de Bijbel vol met verwijzingen naar reuzen.”
Tellinger verwijst naar de nephilim in onder meer Numeri 13:33: “Ook zagen wij (de verspieders) daar de reuzen, Enakieten, die tot de reuzen behoren, en wij waren als sprinkhanen in onze eigen ogen en ook in hun ogen.”
Op verschillende plekken op aarde zouden reuzenskeletten zijn gevonden. Zo zouden in de kluizen van de Universiteit van Witwatersrand in Johannesburg botten worden bewaard van een reus die 3,5 meter lang was. De resten zouden in de jaren zestig in Namibië zijn gevonden door mijnwerkers. Ook het Amerikaanse Smithsonian Institute zou in de 19e eeuw al reuzenskeletten hebben ontdekt.
Bij de eerste uitzending schrijft Tellinger verder: “Alles wat ons verteld is over onze geschiedenis, is een leugen. De verhalen die onze samenleving zoals we die kennen hebben gevormd, zijn verzinsels van de overwinnaars van de vele oorlogen. Bewijzen die in oude teksten en op heilige vindplaatsen zijn gevonden laten een heel ander beeld zien.”
Bekijk de aflevering ‘Humanity’s Hidden Origins’ hieronder in zijn geheel:
UFOs over South America are actually more common than in North America for some reason. Perhaps its the difference in weather or the mountains areas, but I am stumped at why UFOs are seen so frequently. Here is an excellent case and of course the press tries to push it off as falling space junk. What ever it is, its huge. Scott C. Waring
News states: Alleged unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been seen over the Venezuelan cities of Caracas and Barquisimeto in recent days, generating reactions in the communications media and the population at large. Are we being visited from otehr worlds. The phenomenon was seen in Barquisimeto and recorded on a video. According to the El Impulso website, a phenomenon was seen this Wednesday over the city. "An orange wake could be seen descending in a southwesterly direction. Experts claim it could be the break-up of a meteorite or a satellite falling from orbit. "Around 06:20 in the afternoon on Wednesday, journalist from this newspaper witnessed an object with a slow trajectory, descending toward the southwestern part of the city," says a web article. Likewise, journalists from this news organization contacted the pertinent authorities. "In a telephone conversation with Gilber Sanchez, director of Inter-Institituional Relations of the Asociación Larense de Astronomia (ALDA), explained that these could be meteor fragments that scatter when they enter the Earth's atmosphere. The expert's other theory indicates that it could be a satellite that went astray in its trajectory or was burning up upon reentry," they said. Similar Lights Seen in Caracas The Ovni Venezuela blog reported on alleged lights over the Waraira Repano National Park. "Ivan Figueroa reported that the time was approximately 07:45 PM, when he saw - from the balcony of his home in Candelaria Parish in downtown Caracas - some blue flashes over the mountain while listen to the "Ellos-Los Visitantes del Espacio" radio show (Them - Visitors from Space) hosted by Carmen Padrón every Sunday over YVKE Mundial. "There were several very bright lights, blue in color, but they appeared and disappeared. They did not move," was the witness's description.
UFO Hovering Over Ocean Near Tiny Island Of Mauritius, March 13, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Hovering Over Ocean Near Tiny Island Of Mauritius, March 13, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 13, 2016 Location of sighting: Mauritius island, East Africa Strangely enough this is at the most secluded place on earth, far out in the ocean on a tiny island of Mauritius, east of the island of Madagascar. A UFO coming out of the ocean here has to be coming from an underwater base. There are been a lot of mysterious discoveries around South Africa in the last few months, very odd since this area is usually cold for UFO activity. It hasn't been this hot since 4 years ago. With the UFOs here, fragments of MH370 found here this week and Google Earth MH370 wreak off Cape of Good Hope, somethings happening here. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: March 13, 2016 at 18.55h at sunset, my wife and I were on the balcony of our house in Mauritius, a volcanic island nation in the Indian Ocean when my wife said, "I think that 'there is something strange in the sky over the sea. I took my phone to film a strange object that seems to be hidden in the clouds.
City Appears To Float On Water As UFO Reflects Distant City, March 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
City Appears To Float On Water As UFO Reflects Distant City, March 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 19, 2016 Location of sighting: Port of Dalian, Northeast China. Source:CCTV China These flying buildings were seen over the ocean at Port of Dalian, China. There is nothing out there but water, yet these buildings hover in the distance, clearly sinking down from the sky into the ocean. Did aliens construct a mothership that looks just like a Chinese city? Probably not, but I will tell you this, its a reflection off of a cloaked mothership. Yes, sometimes the cloak of a UFO can reflect like a mirror, and here it is doing just that. I have seen a UFO in the blue sky near a white cloud, but the UFO looked white, because its cloak was reflecting the color of the cloud. Mystery solved. Humans 1, aliens 0. Scott C. Waring CCTV ChinaNews states: A stunning mirage depicting a group of buildings was seen above the sea along the port of Dalian in northeast China’s Liaoning Province on Friday. Seen from the land, it appeared as though the buildings were looming in the fog, resembling a fairy city on the sea. Take a look at this splendid scene.
Official Alien Contact And Humanity’s Path To The Universe
Official Alien Contact And Humanity’s Path To The Universe
There is a clear defined reason why the Elite of this world do not want us to have Extra-terrestrial Disclosure and it the same reason why our so-called leaders will not tell us the truth – they do NOT want to lose the Control over us!
As long as the friendly Aliens want to play nicely with us, disclosure of their existence will bring with it a possible doorway to the Universe, an opportunity for us to explore the darkness between the stars and beyond. No longer will planet earths borders between countries appear necessary or relevant, and our world leaders and religious leaders would not appear so significant in our lives, in many aspects they may even come across as ‘fakes’ and ‘un-important’. And THIS is what the elite who manipulate this planet are afraid of.
The Elites end of days?
UFO sightings are dramatically on the rise and have been for a while (please click HERE for more). The ET’s want and need to be seen and many people believe that the Alien Beings are trying to force their own disclosure. Hand in hand with the increased ‘clear’ UFO sightings, is a world-scaled awakening throughout the Human race, it is no longer a case of “are we alone in the Universe” but instead the question is “when will we discover who the Aliens are and what do they want?”.
The Elite are more than aware of this Global awakening so have put into place plans with other agencies/corporations ways of ‘delaying’ disclosure and in some cases ‘drip feeding us with disclosure’ perhaps for when the Aliens force their own disclosure, so our world leaders etc can turn around and tell us “that we did try telling you!”.
We are quite often TEASED by NASA about the existence of life in the Universe, by means of news headlines about ‘Life On Mars’ (please click HERE) and in some cases even delayed acceptance statements of there being other advanced life forms out there in the Universe. We have recently been informed by NASA that they will discover Alien life forms in the next ten years, which appears to be a fantastic delay tactic in itself (please click HERE for more info on this). “We are on the cusp of discovering alien civilizations”, NASA’s top scientists have said. They have very recently predicted that we are just one generation away from finding something in our Milky Way neighborhood, which is bustling with environments conducive to life…….let the Drip Feeding of Disclosure begin!
‘We will discover Alien life by 2025’ – Dr. Ellen Stofan from NASA helping to ‘drip feed the truth’
The list could go on and on of the ways that the elite are drip feeding us all with disclosure, from adverts to Astronauts and even the US President getting heavily involved in this incredibly important subject matter, but all of this in the greater scheme of things is irrelevant – The Aliens are already HERE and have been for a long time and those who used to control us are soon to become surplus to requirement, BIG exciting changes are coming for us all.
What Will The Aliens Bring?
No matter which way you look at it this planet is in turmoil, what with conflicts and tensions between countries going on all around the world, created by war-mongering power hungry leaders! Planet earths natural resources are being drastically drained daily for money and ‘control’, a divide amongst different religions and races is being ridiculously encouraged by the Elite (again to CONTROL us) and on top of all this the people of this world appear to brainwashed into submission that money, TV and who owns the best gadgets is what is important in life.
BUT, there are big changes ahead, something which many of us have opened our minds up too, and these changes are going to inevitably happen across the planet when the Extra-terrestrials officially announce their presence to us all.
The Aliens aren’t coming, they are already HERE!
At first you will have a clear divide amongst the masses on planet earth, of those who welcome our ET friends, and those who are threatened by them. Of course the world powers will try to get the people on side to fear these unknown ‘demons’ from the sky and with this will come violence from certain fractions of humanity. Some religious groups will oppose the ET’s and try to discourage the world from uniting with them. Those who have a false sense of security and have been absorbed by the Elites brainwashing will potentially go up in arms and be untrusting of our ET visitors.
The ET’s (as long as it’s the good ones that appear) will probably first announce themselves to the world of who they are and where they are from, and their reasons for their official contact with Planet Earth. As soon as the vast majority of the Human race accept who are out ET visitors are and why they are here, a sudden worldwide ‘full’ awakening will start to begin and the universe will suddenly be deemed as a new playground of discovery for the people of this world.
Our technology will become obsolete in comparison to what the Aliens use and have further knowledge of. It has been discussed by many leading researchers that in the greater scheme of things in the Universe the Human Race is a mere type ZERO civilisation, due to the fact that we are still very dependable on fossil fuels and have not yet quite understood the full benefits of using our local star as a true energy resource. Compared to MANY other ET Beings out there who have been around in the Universe a lot longer than what we have, we would be pretty much prehistoric-like in comparison to them!
We Are a Mere Type 0 Civilization – Against Types I, II, III, IV And V, ALIEN Civilizations believes many leading researchers around the world. If there are planets out there with life on it that has been around the Universe for millions of years over what we have, it is obvious that their technology and Science knowledge would be FAR superior to our own. The ‘Kardashev scale’ has been developed as a way of measuring a civilization’s technological advancement based upon how much usable energy it has at its disposal – hence we are classed as a Type o Civilization. Many leading researchers believe that as the populations grows and expands outwards its energy requirements will increase dramatically, what with the requirements of its various technological machines. This is why the Kardashev Scale was created, a way of measuring a civilization’s technological advancement based upon how much usable energy it has at its disposal.
Please see below a chart to the types of civilisations out there in the Universe:
U.I.P SUMMARY – As you can clearly see from the chart above our Extra-terrestrial visitors could bring with them not just a wealth of knowledge, technologies and cures for diseases, they could also offer us the chance to explore strange new worlds out there in the unknown infinite Universe (s) – this is something that the Elite fear and have become scared of, as these exciting changes in our lives will make money appear insignificant and the restrictions of our borders unnecessary!
If we give our ET visitors the chance to unite with us, this could be our chance to learn from them and free ourselves from these invisible but very much there chains around our necks which limits us on a daily basis from progressing. There is a world wide awakening happening right now and a lot of you reading this article are already very much awake and ready for the great/exciting changes ahead that the ET’s may bring with them.
Our corrupt leaders and the 1% elite on this planet are fearful of losing their control over us, but it is inevitable and critically important that we unite with those ET Beings out there that want to unite us with our Galactic/Universal Brothers and Sisters!
It is exciting yet challenging times for the Human Race, but one worth fighting for! I often watch films like Star Wars etc and imagine the wonders and mysteries that lie beyond, perhaps one day soon we will all find out what is out there and part of the same Universe we are ALL part of.
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NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly, FINALLY Admits The Existence Of Aliens, After His YEAR In Space!
NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly, FINALLY Admits The Existence Of Aliens, After His YEAR In Space!
FIRST was the image of what appears to be a large UFO above earth which was photographed on-board the International Space Station (ISS) by the Astronaut Scott Kelly who was arrived back down to earth after a year in space. This photo (please see above) of what looks like a VERY clear unknown craft, was soon dismissed by NASA as part of the ISS (they would say that) BUT NOW Scott Kelly whilst on a live TV interview recently, has very calmly admitted about existence of Aliens above earth.
Scott Kelly at the time of his NASA interview, was discussing about his time in space, when he suddenly broke out with what may be one of the biggest disclosure bombshells EVER! Please watch when it gets to about 20:10 on the video and most importantly that LOOK after his statement and the deafly silence around the studio. He said:
“I think coming back to Gravity is harder than leaving Gravity SO….I don’t know, maybe the ALIENS have got it a lot easier than we do!?” Said Scott Kelly
Please check out the video below, especially from about the 20 minute mark:
The intriguing thing about this incredible statement from a NASA Astronaut who spent over 340 days on-board the ISS in space, is not just what he said and the response afterwards by the people around him, it’s also the way that THIS has not hot the big news – almost as if this is dramatically being hidden away and forgotten about. This is why it is important to show the entire world what Scott said whilst live on TV.
The comment that Scott made about the Aliens and the manner in which he said it, leads us guys here at U.I.P to believe that THIS is only the beginning of the drip feeding of disclosure, we are pretty sure that within time Scott will be sharing far more information about the ET’s to the world ~ just imagine the wonders that he and his crew have seen up there (like the photograph above that he originally put onto Twitter whilst in space!).
The pieces of the jigsaw are starting to fit together nicely now Scott!
U.I.P SUMMARY – Now then ladies and Gentlemen this is an incredible piece of Disclosure. You can see by the look on Scott’s face that he was determined to drop in the ‘Aliens’ into the conversation, and the awkward silence after confirms so much to the world – That NASA know exactly what’s going on up there!
We have had many leading former Astronauts over the recent years confirm the existence of the ET’s, such as Edgar Mitchell (click HERE for more info) Buzz Aldrin, John Grunsfeld (click HERE) – there can no longer be anymore denying their here!
Scott must have seen so many wonders out there in space and he does appear to be a man now whose head is now a million miles away, with OTHER things now firmly implanted in his mind.
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The Malevolent Aliens
The Malevolent Aliens
The Malevolent Aliens
We now know that we have been visited by different alien races for centuries, some of them came and went, some stayed a bit longer, but some are still here…
The Annunaki came for one reason only: “Gold”, we mined as much as we could for them so they could take it back to their planet. But before their arrival, another dominant race was on Earth, “The Dracos”
We, human beings, were merely just apes living alongside the reptilians as well as many other species. That soon changed when The Annunaki forced The Dracos to live underground while modifying our DNA (The missing link in the evolution theory) to make us better worker.
Understandably, The Dracos were extremely angry, and still are to this day. But they have somehow regained control via the governments and religious bodies, and with the help of the “Greys” facilitating human abductions.
But this will all change when the Annunaki return!
Other malevolent aliens are the ones who directly hurt human beings, here are two cases:
1. The Brazilian island of Colares, 1977
In 1977, the Brazilian island of Colares was visited by flying objects of an unknown nature. Nearly all kinds of UFOs were seen; some big, some small, saucer shaped, cigar shaped, luminous or not. They arrived from the North every day, from the sky and also sometimes from underwater, and it lasted for months. Regularly, some Island inhabitants were targeted by the objects, sending strange rays to them, and many were badly hurt, with two reported dead. The Army intervenes, the press follows. 35 people were hurt by the strange rays, and many fled from the Island.
Actual photographs taken by some of the villagers – (Pictures taken in the dark were of inferior quality back in those days)
Witness statement with drawings
One of the many villagers who has been hit by a “UFO ray”
Captain Uyrangê Bolivar Soares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima, head of information office, directed all the operations in the region. During the investigations, the Air Force obtained four films and hundreds of photographs of flying disks in the basin of Marajo.
Unfortunately, after his little chat with the press, Captain Uyrangê Bolivar Soares Nogueira was murdered by the CIA, covered up (very badly) as a suicide, here is the full documentary:
In the following story, we will not see direct attacks from aliens, but damages to every day equipment and furniture, that was blamed on UFOs and their electro-magnetism:
2. Canneto di Caronia, Northern Sicily, 2004 / Present Days!
According to the villagers, Aliens (or demonic forces) were responsible for a series of unexplained fires in fridges, TV’s and mobile phones in the Italian village. Canneto di Caronia, in northern Sicily, drew attention in 2004 after residents reported everyday household objects bursting into flames. TV news footage at the time showed electrical appliances as well as cookers, a pile of wedding presents and furniture smouldering. Dozens of experts including scientists, electrical engineers and military boffins, arrived in the village 60 miles east of Palermo to investigate the phenomenon. Arson was quickly ruled out and at one stage an amazed scientist was interviewed after he described how he saw an unplugged electrical cable burst into flames.
A report was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a NASA scientist. Their two year investigation has cost an estimated £1 million. According to the report the fires were “caused by high power electro magnetic emissions which were not man made and reached a power of between 12 and 15 Giga-watts.” The report also detailed a UFO landing close to the village, citing “burnt imprints which have not been explained were found in a field.”
U.I.P Summary: Since the departure of The Annunakis, our planet has experienced many malevolent alien visitations; however, we are already controlled by a malevolent species, The Dracos. They are now powerful enough to keep us enslaved and retaliate against any other species who would love to take control, for whatever reasons!
Do not believe their propaganda about the peaceful “Tall White beings” working with the governments, this is just a smoke-screen to give you a little glimmer of hope. The reality is: The malevolent species control everything on Earth, they have already enslaved us all and they get their dark agenda fulfilled by the Illuminati and anyone who is higher than the 33rd degree in Freemasonry.
I am 100% certain that many benevolent aliens have sent reconnaissance crafts in order to help human beings attain a higher level of consciousness, but unfortunately they are either shot at or even obliterated, like this following video clearly shows, luckily this one had a lucky escape, and I have that strange feeling that this craft had good intention and wanted to free us all, hopefully they will be back soon…
A new theory has recently confirmed why we are seeing some rather strange things around the world AND in quantum mechanics.
One of the strangest areas of Science these days has to be Quantum Mechanics, an area which many leading Scientists have been aware of but have never truly understood it. It is an area which is so weird and anti-intuitive, that once famed physicist Richard Feynman said the below:
“I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”
There have been MANY attempts to truly understand and explain some of the rather strange consequences of quantum theory which have led to some rather mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation, things which we have covered before on this website. (Please click HERE for more). These are intriguing times and as we always say here at U.I.P, Science Fiction is becoming Science FACT!
There is now a theory going around called the “many interacting worlds” hypothesis (MIW) – and this theory is as interesting as it sounds. This theory is said to confirm that parallel worlds don’t just exist, but they also interact with our very own world pretty much DAILY. It has been said that the parallel worlds interact with our world but on a quantum level, so are unfortunately NOT detectable. Even though this interesting theory cannot be confirmed, this may actually help to finally explain some of the strange consequences which are inherent in quantum mechanics.
As we have mentioned before in a previous post (please click HERE) it has been suggested that these dark figures that are being seen across the world (also known as the ‘Shadow People’) could be in fact Beings that are from other worlds/dimensions and the glimpse that we see of them all depends on how sensitive we are to their existence. This theory could also confirm the reason behind these so-called Shadow people and perhaps even be some kind of proof that the MIW theory is indeed very REAL.
The Shadow People – More fact than fiction?
This theory is kind of a spinoff of the many-worlds interpretation in quantum mechanics, which is an idea that all possible alternative histories and futures are very real, each representing an actual, though parallel, world. There is One major issue with this ‘many-worlds interpretation’ however, as this has been fundamentally untestable, since observations can only be made in our world. Happenings in these proposed “parallel” worlds can only yet be imagined. BUT this is an area which is gaining more and more interest every day and the Scientists at CERN are keen to prove this theory is very real – but at what consequence!? It has even been rumored that the guys at CERN have already discovered other dimensions!? (please click HERE for more on this).
What have they discovered at CERN!?
BUT this is where the MIW theory is a game changer – MIW actually suggests that parallel worlds CAN actually interact on the quantum level, and guess what they actually do.
Howard Wiseman, a physicist at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, and one of the physicists to come up with MIW, explains the below:
“The idea of parallel universes in quantum mechanics has been around since 1957,”
In the well-known ‘Many-Worlds Interpretation’, each universe branches into a bunch of new universes every time a quantum measurement is made. All possibilities are therefore realised – in some universes the dinosaur-killing asteroid missed Earth. In others, Australia was colonised by the Portuguese.”
“But critics question the reality of these other universes, since they do not influence our universe at all,” he added. “On this score, our “Many Interacting Worlds” approach is completely different, as its name implies.”
Howard Wiseman
U.I.P SUMMARY – This is a fascinating piece of news and one that could end up changing our way of thinking forever!
Wiseman and his colleagues have proposed that there exists “a universal force of repulsion between ‘nearby’ (as in similar) worlds, which actually tends to make them more dissimilar.” Quantum effects can be explained by factoring in this force, they propose. Its a mind pickling thought, but the more you think about it the more it makes sense!
So if the FBI have confirmed the MIW theory then perhaps its now time for the Scientists of this world to discover exactly what is going on! According to some of these exciting yet slightly bizarre unexpected reports and “Declassified” documents by the FBI, we have been visited by numerous extra-terrestrial beings, some of whom, are not only from other planets beyond our own, but also from other dimensions. Apparently some of these Alien beings originate from an ‘ethereal plane coexistent’ within our physical universe. These incredible “entities”, that apparently can “materialize” on our very own planet appeared as huge ‘translucent figures’.
Please see the FBI disclosure document below:
It is clearly very hard to say whether the maths will weigh up, but nonetheless this makes an incredibly interesting theory, one that doesn’t just make sense it also appears to be endorsed by our good jolly friends at the FBI too!
This is where it gets extra interesting, when asked about whether their theory might include the possibility that humans could quite possible someday interact with other dimensions, Wiseman simply said:
“It’s not part of our theory. But the idea of [human] interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy.”
It kinda makes you wonder what the governments and paid scientists of this world really know about what is going on. Who knows perhaps one day we will be able to interact with these interdimensional beings and say hi to these so-called ‘Shadow people’ that supposedly jump between dimensions.
Another aspect of this is that you might be able to one day a look at your life if you had made different choices? Perhaps one day you will be able to look into one of these alternative worlds and find out what you could have become….
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China Has a New Armed Drone Helicopter
China Has a New Armed Drone Helicopter
One Small Step for a Drone
An anti-tank missile fires by an Iraqi CH-4 drone destroys an ISIS artillery piece, seen in footage captured by the drone's onboard, retractable sensor turret.
The Sky Saker H300, seen here in Dubai, is China's first helicopter UCAV. Being cheaper and easier to use then larger UCAVs like the Reaper and CH-4, it could become a battalion and company level UCAV for on demand air strikes.
The Sky Saker H300 is only one of China's armed drones, but it may very well be their most versatile.
The Sky Saker H300 is a 200 kg (440 lb) helicopter UCAV with a coaxial rotor. It’s equipped with cameras that have infrared and electro-optical systems, and it is capable of laser targeting. It also has two missile launch tubes on each side and possibly a version HJ-10 anti-tank missile (or the more compact 16kg TL-2 missiles).
More interestingly, the Sky Saker is able to make midcourse corrections for guided munitions launched at it, like cruise missiles and shells.
The drone’s ground control station is expected to be integrated into the Chinese military systems, which will make it an invaluable asset for urban combat situations and counterinsurgencies. The system is also well suited for hunting ships and other vehicles.
The Sky Saker H300 in the International Exhibition of National Security and Resilience in Dubai
The Sky Saker H300 joins the ranks of China’s other unmanned drones, the CH-3 and CH-4, both of which are already being used by countries like Nigeria and Iraq (the CH-4 drones have seen wide use in conflicts in the Middle East).
With a smaller frame, cheaper price tag, and vertical takeoff capabilities, the Sky Saker H300 is an ideal weapon for use in less-open environments, like cities and jungles.
And with its onboard targeting systems and payload capability, it can carry out reconnaissance missions as well as precision strikes using its fire-and-forget missiles.
We’re expecting to see more and more UAVs made for military use as more boots are taken off the ground in favor of drone technology, but drones like the Sky Saker H300 may be opening the doors for these military drones to be used in more challenging environment.
And these drones are starting to bring their own guns.
Ewatt Fetters
This Ewatt Technology SVU-200 robot helicopter (designed by the American Fetters Aerospace) can carry 200 kg of payload while traveling at 209km per hour in the sky. What's even more amazing is that it was displayed in Washington DC during a 2013 drone exhibition. Along with other Chinese drone helicopters such as the NORINCO Sharp Eyes III, they'll become the flexible eyes (and striking fist) of small military units.
Researchers conclude: Our DNA is more ‘Alien’ than we thought
Researchers conclude: Our DNA is more ‘Alien’ than we thought
If you ever believed that your DNA is all human… think again. Researchers have just discovered that a total of 19 ‘new’ pieces of NON-HUMAN DNA have been found lurking among our genes, taking up the total to 36.
Scientists believe that the new pieces of NON-HUMAN DNA were left by viruses that first infected our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Using a set of highly sophisticated techniques which allowed them to compare key areas of each person’s genome to the ‘reference’ human genome, the team of researchers was able to conclude there is a total of 19 ‘new’ pieces of NON-HUMAN DNA.
Researchers were able to conclude that as much as eight percent of what we consider as our ‘Human’ DNA actually comes from ‘viruses’.
According to the, “The findings build on previous studies about human endogenous retroviruses, known as ‘Hervs’ – ancient infectious viruses that inserted a DNA-based copy of their own RNA genetic material into our ancestors’ genomes.”
According to scientists, the new pieces of non-human DNA were left by ‘viruses’ that infected our ancestors in the distant past. Scientists state that one section of DNA even contained an entire ‘recipe for an entire virus, something that has caused confusion among researchers.
Scientists discovered that 50 out of 2,500 subjects carry a recipe for a mysterious virus that affected our ancestors thousands of years ago. However, it is not known whether the virus can replicate or reproduce. Other previous studies have demonstrated that the ancient Virus can affect human subjects carrying it.
Researchers concluded that the virus-generated DNA has been copying itself from generation to generation, ending up in our DNA today.
In the new study, in addition to discovering the new stretches of the virus, scientists from the University of Michigan Medical School and Tufts University, were able to confirm the existence of 17 pieces of virus DNA found in human genomes researchers in the past couple of years, leading to a better understanding of our DNA in general.
Scientists looked at the entire genome span, comparing people from around the world, including a large number of people native to Africa, where researchers believe the ancestors of modern humans originated.
The new study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Genetics researcher Dr Jeffrey Kidd said: ‘These are remnants of ancient events that have not been fixed in the population as a whole, but rather happened in the ancestors of some people alive today.
‘There have been a number of examples of other Hervs that insert themselves next to human genes or near them and have an impact on their expression.
‘We’re interested in applying these methods to find other types of viral or mobile element insertions.’
Research like this has helped us understand in a never-before-seen depth the composition and details of human DNA.
Alien Mysteries: Is The Sealand Skull Proof Of Alien Life?
Alien Mysteries: Is The Sealand Skull Proof Of Alien Life?
Gepubliceerd op 22 mrt. 2016
The Sealand Skull that was found in Olstykke, Denmark back in 2007 has been the topic of debate in the ancient alien theorist community. Is it fact, or fiction?
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Nearly 40 years ago, the CIA declassified a mountain of documents related to UFO sightings.
Now that "The X-Files" has been revived as a miniseries, the CIA decided to resurface those files. Many of them trace back to the early 1950s, at a time when political tensions were still frozen over and flying objects were seen as national security threats.
Here are some of the most interesting.
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A memo on national security and the 'vulnerability to air attack' from flying saucers
On October 2, 1952, the Assistant Director in the Office of Scientific Intelligence sent a memo to the Director of the entire CIA with the subject "Flying Saucers."
As the AD wrote, "'Flying saucers' pose two elements of danger which have national security implications. The first involves mass psychological considerations and the second concerns the vulnerability of the United States to air attack."
The AD recommended more research be conducted to explore the "implications of the 'flying saucer' problem
(If you listen closely enough, you can almost hear them typing the word "drones" decades ahead of time.)
Uzbekistan's mysterious light show
The late 1940s in the Uzbekistan capital city of Tashkent saw more unidentified light shows than it could count.
"From May to September 1947," a CIA information report reads, "three light phenomena happening at intervals of about 15 minutes were seen almost every night between 9 and 10 p.m. local time." At its highest point, the light seemed to be roughly a fifth the diameter of a full moon.
As the report details, the light always began as a bright red ball. Within seconds it would grow a fiery tail and then morph into a green, then white, mass.
"Smoke trails, noises, or detonations were not noticed."
Fiery disks looming over Belgian uranium mines
A daily newspaper in Vienna, of all publications, reported on a peculiar sighting of "two fiery disks" hovering over uranium mines in mid-August, 1952.
As the report explains, the two objects supposedly tore through the airspace in a highly erratic fashion. At one point they would be soaring vertically away from the onlookers, and the next they'd be diving down "to within 20 meters of the tree tops."
Commander Pierre of the local airfield took off in his own fighter plane to wrangle the unknown aircraft. However, "Pierre had to give up pursuit after 15 minutes since both disks, with a loud whistling sound which he heard despite the noise of his own plane, disappeared in a straight line toward Lake Tanganyika."
Pierre later estimated the disks were traveling more than 900 miles per hour.
The East German flying saucers of 1952
The CIA published this internal document reporting on one German man's fantastic account of a 45-foot-wide disk he spotted in a forest when his motorcycle broke down.
Accompanied by his 11-year-old daughter, the man approached the strange-looking object to find two men in "shiny metallic clothing" kneeling over the disk, which had a cone-shaped capsule on top.
Once the two men realized they were being watched, the man says, they hopped into the capsule and the disk began to leave the ground. Eventually, it rose high above the trees and took off. "
I had never heard of the term 'flying saucer' before I escaped from the Soviet Union into West Berlin," the man later said. "When I saw this object, I immediately thought it was a new Soviet military machine."
Flying objects passing over Casablanca
In early September 1952, multiple sightings were reported of various UFOs over Casablanca, Morocco. The town made famous in the 1942 film of the same name saw two flying saucers that were "elongated in shape" and "followed by a trail of white light."
On a separate occasion in July, two other people reported seeing a "blue-green, ball-shaped object" just before midnight "moving at a high rate of speed." The mysterious object disappeared after only three or four seconds, however, "as though it had literally melted into the sky."
The very next morning, another couple observed a mysterious object around 9 a.m. for roughly 30 seconds. Several more accounts, all with differing details, emerged that summer.
Three Norwegian guys walk into a forest...
In mid-November 1952, three men working in a forest in Kirkenes, Norway spotted a flat, round object just hovering roughly 1,500 feet in the air.
"The object appeared to have a diameter of 15-20 meters (50-65 feet)," the CIA report stated. "After the workers had observed the object for a while, it suddenly flew away at great speed in a northwesternly direction."
They were the only people who reported seeing the object, unfortunately for them. "They swear, however, that their report is true."
The CIA begins to have its doubts
With all these reports coming in, it didn't take long for the CIA to get suspicious. In August 1952 (keep in mind, still two months ahead of its memo on those two national security concerns), the Deputy Assistant Director of the Scientific Intelligence office released a memo discounting the threat posed by UFOs.
"Of 1000 to 2000 such reports received by ATIC (Air Technical Intelligence Center), a large percentage are clearly 'phoney,'" the report reads. In fact, many of the reported flights were easily explained as known missions using US equipment, the report went on.
Owing to the agency's uncertainty, however, the Deputy AD recommended CIA surveillance continue on the mysterious "flying saucers" under the cover of darkness.
"It is strongly urged ... that no indication of CIA interest or concern reach the press or public," the report read, "in view of their probable alarmist tendencies to accept such interest as 'confirmatory' of the soundness of 'unpublished facts' in the hands of the U.S. government."
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(VIDEO) The 13 Alien-Like Skulls Found in Mexico
(VIDEO) The 13 Alien-Like Skulls Found in Mexico
Archaeologists made a shocking discovery excavating the antique burial site “El Cementerio,” near the Mexican village of Onavas. 25 skulls were unearthed, 13 of which were sharp at the back and did not look completely human and stretched.
The pre-Hispanic cemetery was found 1,000 years ago in the northern Mexican state. Out of the 25 unknown individuals unearthed, 17 of them were children and they had no symptoms of trauma or disease marking a cause of death.
Brien Foerster, author and expert on stretched skulls, has given a few of the most stunning analysis on the subject. He has established that while a few skulls present clear proof of conscious cranial deformation, there’s a calculation of skulls – those found in Paracus, Peru – which are different and can’t be told by practices of head flattening.
These skulls, he said, have a cranial volume that is 25% larger than typical human skulls (cranial deformation does not increase volume), and which weigh 60% more. Brien Foerster outlines further differences: “they contain two small holes in the back of the skull, perpendicular to the cranial suture present in the parietal plate of the skull.
Every normal human skull is composed of 3 major bone plates; the frontal plate, which ends at the upper part of the forehead, and the 2 parietal plates which lie behind this, intersecting the frontal plate making a “T” shape.
The holes are thought by Lloyd to be natural; every human jaw has a small hole on either side which is for nerves and blood vessels to exit and feed the tissue there; these 2 holes at the back of the skull may perform the same function for the elongated skull. The other factor is that there is only one parietal plate, where there should be two.”
These discoveries are absolutely thrilling, yet curiously unreported in media reports and mainstream publications.
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Pyramids and Alien Structures on the Moon May be Why We Don’t Go There Anymore
Pyramids and Alien Structures on the Moon May be Why We Don’t Go There Anymore
When humans first set foot on the Moon, a new age dawned upon us. We were no longer limited by our planet and at the same time, everything felt so small compared to the scale of the universe. But there are many who believe the moon landing never happened.
So, has our species really made it to the Moon, or could this be a hoax of lunar proportions? Both theories have gathered numerous supporters. On one side, there are hundreds of hours of footage proving the Apollo flights were real, while on the other, conspiracy theorists have brought different arguments showing the landing might had been staged. But what if both theories are correct? And, could the lunar surface hide more than just rocks and craters?
Discovering pre-existing moon structures would be a good reason not to reveal their existence to the general public. If an official report admitted that such buildings were found on the Moon, then our faith would probably take a twisted turn, and we don’t want such brisk change, don’t we?
Those who claim the Moon landings were faked in a studio believe there is little authentic color footage from the missions. Although NASA recently made public high-resolution photos from the Apollo missions, skeptics still stick to their part of the story since the anomalous designs found on the Moon are nowhere to be found in official photos nor videos.
Many photos are altered, edited or blurred in order to hide crucial information. Likewise, the famous case of the Apollo 11 missing tapes does little to calm the storm of criticism. An investigation conducted approximately 20 years ago found that NASA had erased and reused the tapes containing the raw, unprocessed Apollo 11 video signal.
Although the lunar mission audio log had been heavily altered, it still reveals an intriguing piece of dialogue which occurs near the end of the first extravehicular action of the Apollo 17 mission, the last official mission to Earth;s natural satellite. While returning to the Lunar module, astronaut Eugen Ceman witnessed something incredible that can be interpreted from his dialogue and not only:
Hey, what are those things going over? What is that, Jack? Hey! Something just hit here!
The image above shows one of the most famous photos, taken in the Taurus-Littrow Valley, during Apollo 17. It’s called the Geophone rock and it strongly resembles a pyramid.
For 30 years, NASA classified the image as a blank frame from the Apollo 17 film magazine 136-Hotel. NASA made no mention of this image and did not include it in the online Apollo Image Atlas. After applying noise reduction and increasing contrast, here’s what the image looks like:
So, could this shadowy pyramid be a lens flare or some other inexplicable space phenomenon, or is it part of a more complex alien overview? Note that this image is only one from a long string of anomalous pictures originating from the Moon.
Another controversial subject is the Apollo 17 mission insignia. It was designed by concept artist Robert McCall and it represents the Greek god Apollo encrusted inside a drawing of an American eagle.
However, what most people don’t know is that before it reached this final design, two others sketches were submitted by Apollo 17 Lunar module pilot Harrison H. Schmitt, but their explicit and symbolic imagery forced NASA to pick another design.
UFOlogists consider the crew of Apollo 17 knew about the existence of foreign structures on the lunar surface, and it’s also a known fact that numerous astronauts believe in intelligent life forms. Do they know more than they’re letting us know, or is this just a conspiracy theory?
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Bodemscans onthullen ‘piramides’ uit de tijd van Stonehenge in Polen
Bodemscans onthullen ‘piramides’ uit de tijd van Stonehenge in Polen
In het Poolse woiwodschap West-Pommeren zijn een aantal megalithische tombes ontdekt. Vanwege hun enorme omvang worden ze ook wel ‘Poolse piramides’ genoemd.
Volgens Radio Szczecin zijn door de Universiteit van Szczecin minstens 18 reusachtige megalithische tombes gevonden. De bouwwerken zijn driehoekig van vorm en omgeven door stenen blokken. Ze zijn ontdekt met behulp van geografische informatiesystemen en lasertechnologie.
De structuren waren oorspronkelijk drie meter hoog, 150 meter lang en zes tot 15 meter breed. Ze waren lastig te vinden omdat ze zich in een oud bos bevinden. Archeologen hebben bij de bouwwerken stukken aardewerk en andere voorwerpen gevonden.
Nieuwe tombes
De tombes zijn waarschijnlijk gebouwd door mensen van de trechterbekercultuur, die tussen het vijfde en de derde millennium voor Christus in Europa leefden.
Met behulp van moderne technologie werden niet alleen objecten gevonden die al bekend waren, maar ook nieuwe tombes. De megalithische structuren in Polen zijn alleen in bosrijke gebieden bewaard gebleven. Op andere plekken hebben ze plaats moeten maken voor landbouwgrond.
De monumenten worden net als Stonehenge omgeven door mysterie. Er zijn overeenkomsten tussen tombes in Polen en West-Europa. De structuren zijn daarnaast even oud als Stonehenge.
Archeologen werden voorheen gedwongen propaganda te verspreiden over het verleden. De voorouders van de Poolse christenen moesten worden omschreven als een Slavisch volk. Duitse archeologen bewezen echter dat de megalithische tombes konden worden gelinkt aan de Germanen. Er is ook een theorie die stelt dat ze zijn gebouwd door de Kelten.
VIDEO: Mexicaanse boer bouwt 6,7 meter hoge piramide ‘in opdracht van alien’
VIDEO: Mexicaanse boer bouwt 6,7 meter hoge piramide ‘in opdracht van alien’
Raymundo Corona is op het eerste gezicht een doodgewone man. De 66-jarige Mexicaanse boer beweert in 1984 te zijn bezocht door een alien die eerst in zijn dromen verscheen en later bij hem voor de deur stond. Dat meldt nieuwssite
Het buitenaardse wezen had volgens Corona een belangrijke boodschap. “Hij vertelde me dat ik een tempel in de vorm van een piramide moest bouwen,” zei hij.
Raymundo Corona (La Vanguardia)
“Hij zei verder dat hij uit het sterrenbeeld Orion kwam, van een wereld die Nefilin werd genoemd,” ging hij verder. “Die is 20 keer zo groot als de aarde en de bewoners lijken erg op mensen. Hij was lang, had honingkleurige ogen en wit haar dat tot de grond reikte. Hij liep op blote voeten en droeg een tuniek met een touw.”
De boer willigde het verzoek in en bouwde een 6,7 meter hoge Azteekse piramide in de woestijn, vlak bij Monclova, op 74 kilometer van de grens met de Verenigde Staten.
Voor Corona was het geen eenvoudig project. Hij heeft alleen de basisschool afgemaakt en moest tijdens de bouw verschillende ingewikkelde berekeningen maken. Hij zegt geen idee te hebben hoe hij er in is geslaagd het bouwwerk af te krijgen. De kennis moet in mijn ‘genetische systeem’ hebben gezeten, aldus de boer.
Tegenover de Mexicaanse krant La Vanguardia zei Corona dat de alien hem al waarschuwde dat hij waarschijnlijk belachelijk zou worden gemaakt. “Veel mensen zullen je uitlachen, zwartmaken of zeggen dat dit het werk is van een gek of een drugsverslaafde.”
Flying saucer stolen from Roswell UFO museum, Roswell PD on the Case, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Flying saucer stolen from Roswell UFO museum, Roswell PD on the Case, March 2016, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: March 2016 Location of sighting: Roswell, New Mexico, USA News source: The recent theft of a UFO that was on display at a museum seems a bit like a publicity stunt, but it gave me a good laugh. I'm not sure in NORAD really needs to know, but I am sure NORAD really has nothing to do all day, day after day, monitoring nothing but UFOs buzzing here and there. Scott C. Waring News states: The UFO Museum had a mock-up of a flying saucer embedded in an outside corner of the building. A snowstorm this past winter knocked it off, so the staff took it out back and stored it under an awning behind the museum. It is now mysteriously missing. The Roswell Police Department sent out a plea on Facebook on Monday with the title "Be on the lookout: Missing spaceship." Thieves apparently made off with the craft overnight during the weekend. Surveillance footage showed three suspects with a red pickup truck carrying the saucer off, according to the police. It should be hard to hide the UFO. It's made from fiberglass, metal and stainless steel and is wider than the truck bed it was spirited away in. It had been repaired after its winter storm adventure and was just waiting to be reinstalled on the corner of the building. Facebook commenters have given the police some helpful suggestions. One person recommends contacting NORAD, the organization tasked with the "detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles." Another Facebook fan suggested the aliens from the 1947 crash may have come back for their spaceship. One person insists the missing prop is not a flying saucer, but actually a weather balloon. Hopefully, this is one X-File that will come to a speedy resolution with the return of the beloved UFO.
Location:Newton Abbot Devon UK Date:10 March 2016 Submitted by John
Witness report: I spotted a UFO far off in the distance with my binoculars. The UFO was hamburger Shaped and had round windows. The sun light was reflecting off the surface of the metallic craft. I only managed to take one photograph of this amazing Alien Craft. Unfortunately I was unable to get a close up of the craft as it moved off at an incredible speed. The photograph was taken on the 10th of march at 2:24 PM GMT PM at Newton Abbot Devon UK.
Location:On Highway 71 near Bastrop, Texas Date:03/11/2016 Submitted by Angela
Witness report: I was taking photos of the clouds around 3:30 pm and later when I was looking through them I saw the first two pics attached. My friend later told me she was taking photos a couple hours earlier that day in South Austin and when she was looking through her photos she saw something (hers are the last 2).
Though not as famous as the Nazca Lines and geoglyphs, those at nearby Palpa are as intriguing.
No one knows exactly what Nazca lines are. The only indisputable fact is that they are located in South America, at the Nazca Desert plateau in the southern part of Peru.
Scattered around the plateau, the lines are gigantic geoglyphs representing geometrical and nature objects. They are carved about 135 cm wide and 40-50 cm deep in the ground.
Made by the Paracas culture possibly as much as 1000 years before Nazca Lines, there are more than 1600 Palpa Lines and geoglyphs.
Location:Beverley east Yorkshire Date:20 March 2016 Submitted by Karen
Witness report: Hi there i was driving through Beverley east yorkshire 745pm last night 20th March when i noticed a triangular shaped object above me to the left. I was horrified at first but decided to take these pictures. The triangular shape had a light at each point of the triangle with a light directly underneath . Hope you find some interest
Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for the exciting return of Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter and star of the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series Linda Moulton Howe! In Part 1 of this fascinating episode, Linda, in a rare and controversial prediction, reveals that she has received inside information from trusted sources that 2016 will be the year that at long last the reality of life beyond the Earth will be acknowledged officially by the political leadership and the UFO question and alien presence will be announced!
First half guest Christian von Lahr works as a seer and clairvoyant. For this St, Patrick’s Day, he joined George to talk about leprechauns, fairies, pixies, and other beings he calls the “Nature Spirits.” Through his seminars and consultations, he says he tries to “give people the experience of seeing in other realms.” Von Lahr believes that the Nature Spirits are all around us and will help us with anything we need, as long as we are able to ask and to recognize that they are assisting. He claims that they inhabit a realm that is closer to our world than to life on the “other side,” and there are many people in parts of Europe, and especially Iceland, that consider them real and a part of daily life.
Von Lahr says that these spirits are by nature good, because they do not have the ego issues to which humans are susceptible. He says they can manipulate things to bring about what we experience as “miracles,” and that they know what we did in our past lives and have a vested interest in helping us because it earns them merit towards eventually attaining human form, which is their goal. He believes that they are “earning karma just as we do.” He also discussed another aspect of his clairvoyance as a “medical intuitive” and expanded on his ability to see disease in the body as vibrational levels of color which he uses to help diagnose medical conditions.
In the second half, Chase Kloetzke and Melanie Young joined the show to talk about new developments in the “starchild skull” saga. In the mid-1990s, one of Young’s employees had a friend who brought her a box containing a normal-looking human skull and one that appeared to be either very deformed or not human at all. Soon after, she met UFO researcher Lloyd Pye, who began a rocky adventure to try and determine if the anomalous skull was human or not. Young says that her life “has never been the same” since encountering the artifact, and she was content to let Pye become the public face of the investigation until his death in December of 2013 without a definitive solution to the mystery. As of February 2016, she has joined forces with Kloetzke to begin a new effort to test the skull for DNA, although Young says that previous tests indicated that it actually had “very little” human DNA.
In the last hour, Kloetzke described her work with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and how many of her latest cases are coming from outside the U.S. Although she says her first love is the UFO subject, when asked, she described an apparent haunting case that she helped to solve when it was determined that a strong electromagnetic field was causing unease in the witness, not a ghost. In answer to a question from George, she expressed the opinion that if aliens were going to invade, “they could have done it already.” Kloetzke feels that ufology proved that UFOs are real “10 years ago,” and that aliens are visiting Earth. She thinks that the job of UFO researchers now is to prove this to the rest of the world with well-supported studies.
I, myself, am a UFO skeptic. Pere Cheney and Grayling are next to a US Army National Guard installment, so seeing aircraft was normal…even for the middle of the night. However, these were not military aircraft. At least, none that I’ve ever seen before. The other two witnesses wish to remain anonymous, and wish to not be bothered about the sighting ever again. It was the last summer my friends and I had together. I was leaving to the Army in September. We decided to have one last adventure together. My parents would always tell horror stories about hauntings in Pere Cheney, and we thought we were the bravest punks around, so we decided that would be the ideal place to camp for 3 days.
Once we arrived at our site- a place off in the middle of the woods not too far from the cemetery of Pere Cheney (one of the only pieces left of the abandoned settlement)- we immediately began our investigation of the area surrounding and set up camp. The first day went fine, but come the first night, strange things started happening. We woke to a flash in the sky- a very quick one. The other two went back to sleep, but out of curiosity I remained awake, fearing that a storm was coming on. To my relief, there was no thunder. I had just started to doze off when I heard some branches cracking around the tent, and I began to remember my parents horror stories about “Dogman” and Barewalk”- old Native American tales. Fearing the worst, I curled into my sleeping bag and closed my eyes. Eventually, the movement stopped. Another flash of light occurred. Sleep eventually found me, the next thing I knew I was waking up to the sun light.
The next day, my other two friends seemed to have no recollection of the light, nor did they remember hearing anything moving about. Because such things seemed crazy, I wrote it off as an “all in my head” situation. We decided to explore a little that day; the previous day one of my friends had discovered a small marsh-like area. After a few moments of snooping around the area my other friend called our attention to something in the tall grass. It was a deer, but it had its throat slit as if by a surgical tool, and it had no guts. There was no blood around the carcass, and it didn’t smell decomposed at all. Now unsettled, we returned to our camp to finish the second day- we spent the rest of it playing guitar around the campfire and just in general having a good time; we had forgotten all about the deer, and I had almost forgotten the light. Later that night, at about 2:30 am, I want to say, a light, cool breeze blew through the forest, and the fire dimmed to a low glow. At that moment, we got our cell phones out to check the time- and realized we didn’t have signal like we had before. I raised my phone to the sky to try and find signal…and that’s when I realized that some of the stars in the sky had started to fall- multiple, between 5 and 7 (I never counted them) started descending, glowing and pulsating, but still quite a ways away. I thought they were flares, but they stopped descending, and began to pulsate.
At this instance we were very weary, confused, and frightened. The “stars” began to float over toward us, slowly moving directly over our heads without making a sound. Then they ascended after passing the camp for a moment- very quickly, though…not slowly, almost like they teleported. They hovered over a field not too far from the small opening we had made our camp in. The lights came closer, producing a light green aura in a circle. From the forest came three low glowing blue orbs, at that instance is when a low humming could be heard, and they came together and sat still. Then they ascended in between the “stars”, which had now come together in a solid object, and they ascended even more; slowly at first, but then began to speed up, ascending at an angle. About half a minute later two military jets passed over, very rapidly. The rest of our night was quiet, and awe filled.
The next day, instead of sticking around to find out what might happen the next night, we decided to bail. We weren’t the tough little punks we thought we were.
UFO video filmed over Hanover, Germany 21-Mar-2016
UFO video filmed over Hanover, Germany 21-Mar-2016
Here’s a new video of a bright object/ORB that was hovering in the night sky above Hanover on the River Leine, the capital of the federal state of Lower Saxony. This happened on 21st March 2016.
Mass UFO sighting over Manhattan, New York 25-Feb-2016
Mass UFO sighting over Manhattan, New York 25-Feb-2016
Here’s a new video of a multiple orbs flying across the night sky above Manhattan, NYC. This was taken on 25th February 2016.
What is your opinion about this footage? Please leave a comment below!
Witness report:9 to 10 orbs lights flying from the west toward east and stopped on location above On Febraury 25th 2016 I went up to my friend’s apartment building on the 20th floor. We had had few days prior to the event of a lot of rain. On that night the rain had stopped so I went out up there. As I was gazing at the cloudy night of NYC at 11:39 pm I noticed these lights approaching East 57th Street, midtown Manhattan and started hovering and all over sudden they flew back and forth as you will see on the video. I tried to look for beam of lights that could explain the lights but I could find any. On top of that, since then I’ve been asking around for a lighting technology that could give out lights like in he video, so far I have found any, I am still working on it. I did not lose sight of the objects but I got tiered of taping in so I stopped taping and went back to the apartment.
Cigar-shaped Strange Object Spotted Hovering in International Space Station
Cigar-shaped Strange Object Spotted Hovering in International Space Station
Bizarre objects have been a constant part of the UFO phenomenon from the very beginning. Some believe that these sightings date to prehistory. In fact, many sightings have occurred in the 1800s. At that time, most witnesses assumed they were experimental objects of some sort. Then, all the unexplained sightings took place in the 1950s, with and without lights. Two of the most famous involved the U.S. and British Military. Unidentified Flying Object is anything that flies, regardless of the shape and dimension. It does not necessarily relate to the alien, but due to its uniqueness, it cannot also be connected to the man-made phenomenon. This is where the debate comes in.
A cigar-shaped image trailing behind the International Space Station captured the attention of the world’s press as the citizens saw them. A UFO Hunter has enjoyed watching the live footage of the space station on the internet. While watching, he noticed a long cylindrical flying object hovering alongside and beneath the space station. As compared to the ISS, its speed matches. However, it appears semi-transparent. The screen went blue as it comes into focus. The change of color is said to have been the result when NASA catches a strange object hovering over the area. The object reminded him of some extraterritorial object of cylinder shape as seen on worldwide CNN a way back in 2006 nearby the space shuttle.
Speaking, thousands of people around this world claimed to have encountered an alien. Many people find the subject worth time, energy and attention. So, do not be amazed to see that there are many online communities and many sites specialized in this type of information. The only question at this point, when so many people claim to know genuine alien stories is how to make a difference between fake and authentic.
UFO observers have recalled the mysterious case of a strange formation of UFOs observed in a NASA picture (ID: STS100-708A-48) from the Space Shuttle Endeavor Mission to the ISS in April 2001 (STS-100).
After the discovery of the fleet of UFOs travelling in a perfectly straight line formation, UFO hunters accused NASA of deleting the image from its website quietly and conspiratorially.
The supposed action resulted in a massive uproar in the UFO community. Many UFO enthusiasts got angry about what was happening, saying that NASA tried to hide the discovery of a fleet of UFOs in orbit around Earth.
When the image later reappeared on NASA’s website at a different location, some UFO hunters declared victory, saying that NASA did not sustain the pressure from the members of the UFO community.
The interest in the old photo got high again recently after several online UFO forums deliberated the importance of the pictures to the UFO disclosure movement.
The Black Vault takes a second close look at the famous image and new observations about it have raised new questions in online UFO forums.
According to The Black Vault, UFO observers were right about the formation of UFOs in the STS-100 image and they were right to call on NASA to offer an explanation of the observed anomaly. It argues the space agency was caught pants down with trying to cover up the discovery.
The Black Vault also draws the attention of the viewers to other anomalies in the picture that were not observed when the formation of UFOs was first found. It noted that the newly discovered anomalies could be satellites, space debris or photographic artifacts.
However, their presence could disprove claims that the fleet of UFOs is a space debris or satellite that only appears to be multiple UFOs because of prolonged exposure. It explains that prolonged exposure to a moving object could result in a long streak of light and not multiple and distinct objects in a straight line.
The Black Vault also ruled out the idea that the UFO formation is a result of multiple photos laid on each other to bring out details because the result would make additional anomalies appear as several objects and not several single objects.
"Flying Saucers : A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies" (Paperback)
The first English edition was in print, published in 1959.
"Flying Saucers, A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies", is controversial psychoanalyst C.G. Jung's floundering attempt to embrace the UFO phenomenon with a stilted logic that does not exist in the UFO realm.
Like many who have not actually seen UFOs nor have had bizarre alien encounters with non-human intelligences, Jung cannot, or will not, wrap his mind around the literal truth of reported worldwide experiences of UFOs and their alien pilots, singularities of his 'reality'.
Reading this book, seeing his thoughts emerge on paper, one can see his struggle intellectually with indigestible experiences of high strangeness with aliens; his explanations seem stranger and weirder than the actual phenomenon itself!
Jung holds that alien UFO technological craft which morph into different shapes, wink out and reappear and transport human abductees are a mere projection of mankind's "collective unconscious".
He states that although secularized Western Civilization's Every Man has lost belief in any paranormal God of Christianity/ Judaism that, nonetheless, the human psyche has a religious, myth-making function which is unconscious in nature and which cannot be turned off.
Jung's seems clearly baffled for he postulates that at our core, even in especially "rational" or especially atheistic modern thinking human beings, is a deep, secret religious longing.
A "conflict occurs", he claims, because the conscious mind has rejected God; thus, the "collective unconscious" 'compensates' for this, by projecting illusions, hallucinations of UFOs as well as hallucinations of the alien beings who pilot them.
The lengths that such uninitiated minds to UFO/alien realities will go, to explain away such things, is rather quite remarkable, and Jung is a sure example of such debunker oriented minds.
To Jung, the global phenomenon of reported UFOs and their alien beings is a mere 'projection' of our unconscious desire; we 'create' an ersatz psychological substitute for God.
I think I can grasp this feeble attempt of Jung, towards a psychological metaphor, for whether it's enmasse looking for God, or attending group UFO sky watching, we ARE still looking 'up'.
But Jung further also goes on to connect people who see UFOs and who report the abduction phenomenon with the universal anxieties they have, created by World War II and the Cold War, a silly psychological surmise that pales, beside the monumental evidences of Earth's alien reality.
Somehow, human fears are transformed, according to Jung, to become reduced into the mind's unreal projections of flying saucers, in his words, "a modern myth of things seen in the sky".
Jung, who refutes UFOs and aliens, on a sheer symbolic level, exhibits little common sense or innate horse sense.
UFO observations, though non-religious by nature, DO encompass a similarity to the "spiritual" or semi-religious dimension, in many tangential ways:
Part of the phenomenon does involve astral abductions; one's body is left behind in a car, or in bed, and one's spiritual essences are extracted, 'vibrated' out of one's body..
One reports seeing one's body receding below as one is ascending into an overhead craft..
One's astral essences , in abductions, maintain all of one's personality traits and idiosyncratic fine judgmental qualities.
As well, some power seeking abductees have surely assumed the roles of purported prophets, who bring messages of occult truth and shaman- like salvation from aliens, who in effect become new gods.
There IS a strong connection between the ideas of abductees and those native to the ideas of Theosophy.
And there ARE strong similarities between the predatory spiritual treatment of abductees by aliens, and the too easily dismissed notions of demonic possession.
However, Jung goes much further than symbolic associations by connecting UFOs to his personal more contentious idea of a LITERAL collective unconscious, its "projections" and its "archetypes".
To his mind, a flying saucer is an archetype, compared to the mandala, its round shape a universal symbol of' wholeness'.
Jung is always however sufficiently unclear as to whether he regards these psychic projections in some sense real, or whether they are to his thinking sheer internal, subjective illusions.
He does not elucidate whether he sees UFOs as hallucinations, or if they may then exist as physical entities
Jung leads one to believe that he sees the supernatural in a literal sense, but that he would never say this explicitly, because of his trained "scientific" pretenses.
He may have seen himself as a psychological prophet of the occult's salvation or as its apologist.
The rest of his book is even more far-fetched; Jung makes more highly subjective and idiosyncratic analysis of dreams and paintings that do in some way deal with UFOs.
Jung painfully squeezes all kinds of "mythological" symbolism from them and finally goes on to
review the quasi-religious musings of an abductee, Orfeo Angelucci, whom he calls "naive".
The similarities between the messages received by Orfeo from aliens, to certain religious notions, are indeed somewhat striking.
But, The Collective Unconscious? !
A better explanation is that "naive" Orfeo had been reading Theosophical literature...
I can't say I was convinced by any of Jung's thinking .
"Flying Saucers", gives one a glimpse of how Jung approached UFO paranormal experiences as a mythical quasi-religious phenomena, for he painfully could not accept or understand these experiences, at face value.
If I were able to write him a letter, it would say:
"Dear Carl,
I have for years, personally had contact, seen these entities and their craft mentioned by so many other abductees the world over, and seen them eyeball-to eyeball.
You're a P.H.D. trained to be simple minded, yet one with enough intellectual gall to preach that UFOs and aliens are fictional imaginings, which the world now knows to be pure horseapples, such that P.H.D., in your case stands for Piled High and Deep.
I know, for a certainty, having passed many psychiatric and neurological medical exams, that I am not schizophrenic, nor mentally ill, hallucinating, paranoid or suffering brain lesions, for having experienced these alien beings eyeball-to-eyeball, aboard their craft during abductions since I was a child.
Without question, these encounters clearly contradict everything that you (and I )have ever learned or been told by clearly uninformed others.
I have been an abductee and researcher for forty years and well know that your dismissal of UFOs as symbolic mandalas is a mistaken analytical contrivance, to explain away a reality that you could not logically conceive of.
Thomas Jefferson, likewise an also otherwise brilliant man, refused to accept presumed recorded and documented meteorite accounts, as he logically and also mistakenly believed that rocks, " could never float in the air to then later, fall and come down".
I have had on-going interactions with non-human UFO beings since I was a young child, and after forty years of such experiences and much research I share with you what I have gleaned.
There are only two predominate alien categories visiting us, essentially : those brilliantly malevolent, and those who won't get involved.
Sanguine, Pollyanna thinking is puerile , concerning true alien motives and tactics, who as good gameskeepers never let the animals within this preserve, that we call, "Earth", suspect that it is indeed, a preserve.
Aliens and their craft are as equally inter-dimensional as they are inter-galactic.
In addition, when commonly seen UFOs wink out and reappear, they have already traveled to and then returned back, in time. They are the masters of our Universe. Some of these sinister beings seek to infuse their dis-corporate energies into our multilayered psyches, and represent joy-riding lamprey parasites of human consciousness, itself.
Aliens ride the reincarnation roller coaster along with us, exploiting our spiritual quantum, a quality that we as a race , are barely aware of.
The full alien truth, is down a long hall, and somewhere else, for we are seen by them, as merely perfunctory, not unlike the way that we see poultry.
You cannot see your alien nose upon your face and thus assert that your alien nose is UNIVERSALLY not there, but is instead a projected UFO nasal image from an inner mental conflict.
I, assure you that your UFO nose, contrary to your opinion, is UNIVERSALLY, in fact, actually there, perched between your eyes and mouth.
To persist in such pseudo scientific assertions, to an alien abducted person, one who has seen UFOs and aliens, is an inane attempt, one that denies, contradicts and explains away, many others direct experiences with such beings.
Such convoluted persistence is more than useless: it is damaging disinformation.
Your crippled faculties reveal a paltry understanding of humankind's history of alien/ UFO interactions, clearly beyond your own limited grasp .
A formally trained psychiatrist's postulations, in this paranormal realm, is as useless as teats on a bull....
While you argue that one's UFO nose ISN'T really there, I and other abductees, hold ourselves up, as a mirror to you, to point out obvious physical snouts and sinuses.
Our remarkably similar worldwide alien/UFO experiences, refute your useless -pseudo- logical analysis, and we hold our UFO noses up high, a posture of indignation, at your notion that we do imagine our alien noses.
You're not a singularity of cynicism; according to one eloquent abductee:
" A leap in consciousness will require a dissolution and restructuring of your beliefs about the nature of reality."
To me, to live unburdened by an insatiable curiosity to comprehend the mysteries of the UFOs in our skies, is quite an amazing thing, in itself.
She, the abductee, continues:
"The history of mankind has been punctuated by personalities who refused to be bound by the grand illusion of space and time, seekers who penetrated the limitations of space and form."
Knowing the aliens reside in a different reality explains why this whole UFO phenomenon is so slippery; "we exist within a matrix of other realities all merging in one spot: the mind."
Aliens and their craft exist.
My expanded consciousness and mental abilities are merely the outcome of my contacts with them.
To again quote this author-abductee:
"Their world coexists with our own intimately intertwined and separated by the thinnest veil- our arrogant assumption that we are the sole proprietors of the only reality."
Alien technology, recovered from downed discs and other craft, has already inspired Skunkworks to give us the ability to recreate and reverse engineer:
fiber optics,
nuclear power,
ultrasound uses
cold fusion anti gravity,
stealth technology,
specialized surgical tools,
cloning-genetic engineering-
and most recently we scramble to deduce 'smart skins' of craft which like chameleons, alter shape and color according to environments.
All of these magical technologies were successfully studied, reverse engineered and imitated.
But, aliens aboard UFOs in reptilian and in grey form, see us in much the same perfunctory way, that we see chickens, as a crop to be harvested and farmed, not a species to be elevated to equanimity.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Schroeder"
Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30
Paul's BIO:
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
ASTROPHYSIQUE «Vie extraterrestre : à deux doigts de la réponse». C'est ce qu'a voulu démontrer Robert Lamontagne, astrophysicien à l'Université de Montréal et directeur du télescope de l'observatoire du Mont-Mégantic, dans une captivante conférence qui a eu lieu la semaine dernière au Café Clovis du Cégep de Drummondville.
Voici une image de Kepler 186f, l'une des exoplanètes dont parle Robert Lamontagne pendant sa conférence.
Devant près d'une centaine de curieux, tous passionnés par ce qui se passe ailleurs que sur la terre, le scientifique a commencé par effectuer un survol des toutes premières observations des planètes de notre système solaire, notamment celles de Galilée, et des premiers signaux radio qui, vers 1960, ont permis d'écouter l'univers.
Puis, Robert Lamontagne est entré dans le vif du sujet et c'est là que c'est devenu fascinant, très fascinant. «À ce jour, nous avons découvert 2093 exoplanètes (planètes qui comme la terre tournent autour d'un soleil). Au début, en 1995, ce fut extraordinaire; maintenant c'est rendu commun. Aujourd'hui, on en voit de toutes les sortes, des petites, des grosses, des chaudes, certaines sont gazeuses, on a même découvert des planètes qui gravitent autour de trois soleils, imaginez un triple coucher de soleil…
«Plus nos technologies progressent, plus nous trouvons des exoplanètes dont la masse se rapproche de celle de la terre et plus elles sont à une distance semblable à celle qui sépare notre terre du soleil. Trop près c'est trop chaud, trop loin c'est trop froid pour que naisse la vie», a expliqué l'astrophysicien.
Photos, graphiques et animation à l'appui, le conférencier a avancé que, sur les 100 milliards de soleils que compte notre galaxie, il se trouverait environ 400 milliards d'exoplanètes. «On peut présumer, d'après les recherches récentes, que 15 % des exoplanètes peuvent présenter des caractéristiques ressemblant à celles de la terre, telles que l'atmosphère, une surface solide et de l'eau liquide. Il faut juste les trouver», lance-t-il avec la conviction que la science y parviendra à mesure que seront élaborés de plus puissants téléscopes.
Robert Lamontagne, qui est également membre de l'iREx (Institut de recherche sur les exoplanètes), se dit confiant que les instruments à venir permettront de faire un bond de géant au début des années 2020. Il a parlé de TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), de la NASA, qui verra le jour vers 2018 avec la mission de balayer le ciel afin de trouver spécifiquement des exoplanètes. Il y a également le JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) qui sera aussi en fonction en octobre 2018, qui sera 10 fois plus puissant que Hubble. Et surtout, il y a le TMT (Trente Mètres Téléscope), un observatoire astronomique terrestre capable d'observer depuis le proche ultraviolet jusqu'à l'infrarouge moyen (500 fois plus puissant que le Mont-Mégantic), et le EELT (European Extremely Large Telescope) avec son miroir primaire d'un diamètre de 39 mètres, qui doit entrer en service en 2024.
Selon Robert Lamontagne, les observations vont devenir plus précises. «Il n'y a rien de garanti, mais au train où vont les choses, on aura une réponse sur la vie extraterrestre dans les années 2022, 2023, 2024…» conclut-il, en s'en remettant à la pensée de Carl Sagan : «Quelque part, quelque chose d'extraordinaire attend d'être découvert».
Question collatérale : et si nous étions seuls dans cet univers? Et bien ce serait un beau gâchis d'espace, comme le dit Jodie Foster dans le magnifique film Contact, de Robert Zemeckis.
Have you ever looked into the sky and wondered whether we alone in the universe?
Many people think that in such a vast universe, there must be something else out there.
But for Gary the very thought was preposterous.
That was, until one night in March 2013 when he was recovering a vehicle in Barlaston.
It was a Friday night when he received the call to attend to a breakdown of the car.
He was sent to Rough Close and what he didn't know was that this was to be a call he would never forget.
It was shortly after midnight and the weather was heavy with rain.
A lady had broken down some way from home and required Gary's assistance.
As he pulled up in the lower car park, overlooking Wedgwood, he saw the lady and her car.
Gary introduced himself and began to investigate the problem with the car.
As he continued to work under the bonnet, he heard a strange sound coming from the field not far away.
"It sounded like a swishing noise accompanied by a low buzzing," he told me.
"We both looked towards where the noise was coming from and we froze with fear when we first saw it.
"The initial thing we noticed was a light radiating from the field where the noise was coming from.
"Whatever it was it had just began to lift off the ground and was heading directly upwards."
Gary described the craft as black in colour and a shaped like a cigar and he estimated it to be approximately 50 feet in length.
Both the lady and Gary stood transfixed on the glow of this unknown object.
"When I glanced at the woman she was actually smiling, it felt euphoric and stimulating not scary at all," he explained.
When the object reached approximately 20 feet into the air it slowed down and changed direction, swinging around to face towards them.
Gary said: "That was the only time I felt concerned, it seemed to notice us and that felt surreal."
Then the lady that Gary had come to help, started to walk slowly towards the object.
He watched with uncertainty and fear as she seemed to be in some kind of trance.
He moved quickly towards the lady and stood in front of her.
"I was trying to stop her but she seemed drawn towards the object and continued to try and get past me - keeping her eyes fixed on the craft at all times."
Eventually he shouted over to her and she seemed to snap out of the trance.
At the very same time, the object let out a deep pulsing sound before going off into the sky before it disappeared completely.
Following the silence, Gary talked to the woman who claimed that although she could remember seeing the light in the field, she couldn't remember walking towards it.
When I asked Gary what he thought had been happening he told me: "I actually think the craft had been waiting for someone to come past and caused the woman's car to breakdown.
"Once she pulled over it was waiting for the right time to abduct her but I showed up and prevented that from happening by just simply being there.
"It was strange but once the craft had gone her car started back up and I couldn't find any fault with it"
So the next time your car starts to play up, it might be worth considering who is actually watching you…
Aliens could be living in far away globular cluster
Groups of stars called globular clusters, have been around more than twice as long as the sun and Earth, meaning any potential alien life could have evolved to be MORE advanced than humans.
Dr Rosanne Di Stefano from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in the US, made the bold claims in an article about star clusters.
Globular clusters are areas in the universe which are densely packed with ancient stars, the majority of which are older than our sun.
The “halo” region of the Milky Way – the part beyond the catherine wheel arms of our galaxy – contains globular clusters which have stars as old as 10 billion years old.
Considering the sun is 4.6 billion years old and has allowed us to evolve to intelligent beings, Dr Di Stefano believes 10 billion years worth of evolution could mean that the potential aliens are even more advanced than us.
Globular clusters are regions densely packed with ancient stars
Additionally, the stars in this region are close together, meaning it takes light as little as one month to travel from one star to another, whereas the closest star to Earth, aside from the sun, is 4.2 light years away.
Dr Di Stefano said due to the close proximity of the stars, "it would also be easier for a civilisation to explore and even set up outposts on other worlds”.
Only one planet has been found in a globular cluster - the 12.4 billion-year-old Methuselah, named an exoplanet because it isn’t in our solar system.
But Dr Di Stefano wrote in the Sky at Night magazine: "It would be strange if there were not many others.
"Of course, this is all conjecture. We don't know whether there is alien life in such clusters.
“But globular clusters would be a good place to look and might be the first place where intelligent life is identified in our galaxy."
However, others believe we should focus the search for alien life on Earth's transit zones.
A report recently published in Astrobiology states scientists should hone in on the areas of space that we can see, and thus potential aliens may be able to see us.
Astrophysicists René Heller and Ralph Pudritz’s study states alien civilisations may be looking for extra-terrestrials in the same way we are tracking exoplanets – by monitoring their shadows as they pass in front of their host star.
They write: "Our planet may be seen by distant observers against our Sun's light, allowing them to detect us.
“As an ultimate consequence, even if our species chose to remain radio-quiet to eschew interstellar contact, we cannot hide from observers located in Earth's solar transit zone, if they exist.”
Fifty years ago today, reports of Unidentified Flying Objects swarmed over Michigan. Headlines screamed from the pages of newspapers. Reporters headed to a swamp near Dexter and to a girls’ dorm at Hillsdale College.
The witnesses were not few and far-between. The people who said they saw these things included law enforcement officers and college officials. The U.S. Air Force sent in an expert from its Project Blue Book program, which investigated UFO reports from 1952 to 1969. After a short time visiting and talking to witnesses, J. Allen Hynek declared that what everyone had seen was not some alien invasion, but swamp gas. In articles from back then, swamp gas was described as methane emissions from decaying vegetation, which can ignite spontaneously.
Some people had a hard time swallowing that theory. One of them is Harry Willnus of South Lyon, a retired high school teacher and UFO enthusiast. Willnus, who was not a witness but has researched the Swamp Gas Case, sat with me last week to revisit those events of 50 years ago.
One more thing. If you think people didn’t take this seriously back then, know this: A congressman from Michigan called for congressional hearings on the Michigan UFO sightings.
His name was Gerald Ford.
Mr. Willnus, can you set the scene for me? Fifty years ago today, what did people report in a swamp near Dexter?
People reported lights. There were a number of police officers there, including at least 12 officers from Washtenaw County. Several from Dexter, the city of Dexter. A host of townies, and this thing went on for about four hours, off and on.
What were they seeing?
They were seeing lights, they were seeing some kind of a craft. There were more than one craft in the area, which were reported over a number of days. Sometimes they were seen flying in formation, a group of three or four. Other times, we had cases where a UFO was hovering over a deputy’s squad car.
Is that right?
So this all started March 20, 1966.
It was the beginning. … Before that there were many, many sightings in this area, other states as well, and it went on after this. But the two cases known as the Swamp Gas Case are the Dexter case of March 20, 1966, and the following night, Hillsdale College, behind a girls’ dorm, March 21. … There were at least 60, 70, maybe 80 coeds in a dorm and they observed these lights for some time. ... On one occasion, the lights came up very, very close to the windows of the dorm, scared the girls. And then the police would be called, object would leave, police would leave, eventually the object would come back.
Back to the swamp in Dexter. … This wasn’t just a man and his son out in the countryside after drinking a bunch of moonshine or something and seeing visions. Real, credible people, including sheriff’s deputies, reported seeing the same thing.
Exactly. Frank Mannor was a no-nonsense guy.
He’s the guy who first reported the swamp incident?
Did he describe what it looked like? Have you seen reports of what this craft looked like?
It was about the size of a small car. He said it was football-shaped. It had lights on each end. The lights sometimes would vary in intensity and colors. There was somewhat of a haze underneath it, which is commonly reported around UFO sightings, some kind of a haze. It may have to do with their propulsion systems.
Tell me how this was portrayed in newspapers and television around Michigan at the time.
Fascination. There was a degree of fear, though, with some people. … I was teaching school and they called an impromptu staff meeting, one of the teachers immediately stood up and said, I’ve got a long drive home, get this thing over quick, I don’t want to be on the road if it’s even close to dark, with this UFO stuff going on.
OK, there’s all these reports, and the Air Force sends in an expert (Hynek).
Hynek had about a day and a half. He visited both places: Hillsdale and the Dexter swamp. Looked the situation over. He was constantly being hounded by the press. And he interviewed witnesses, basically. He was riding back in the squad car with Sheriff Doug Harvey, Washtenaw County Sheriff. ... He said he just couldn’t put it together, what people had seen. But after they got back to the sheriff’s office, this is when I think the big event happened. The dispatcher stepped into the office and said, “Dr. Hynek, you’ve got a call from Washington.” Hynek stepped out, he took the call, he came back in, he looked a little gray, shook, and he was mumbling, “Swamp gas.” I don’t think Hynek knew what swamp gas actually was until he got this phone call. …
When did you get interested in UFOs and these kinds of studies?
I was a young lad, maybe 10 years old or so, and I saw a couple articles in the local paper, the Detroit Times, in those days, about UFOs. That’s what got me interested. I began to read and eventually did some investigating.
You’ve been a schoolteacher, you were a history teacher, you’re a sane human being. What do you say to those folks out there who would question all this as nonsense?
I would say, if you do your homework, go into this with an open mind ... there’s a tremendous amount of information and proof and evidence there that Planet Earth is being visited on a very regular basis. ... Have you ever seen one?
I’m trying to think. I love looking at the night sky. I’m a big fan of stargazing. I’ve seen plenty of satellites and things going around … I don’t know that I’ve ever seen anything that I would classify as something from another world. How many people do you think have?
The estimate is as high as 14% of U.S. citizens have seen something that they cannot identify. Maybe most of those, they are something natural. But I say give me the top one-half percent. The military people, police officers, responsible citizens who’ve had sightings, and close-in sightings, and then listen to some of these. You’re going to be scratching your head.
Current State reporter Kevin Lavery went to Ann Arbor this weekend for a conference commemorating the anniversary of the sighting to try to find out.
“The call came into the Washtenaw County Sheriff around 8:30 that evening,” says Harry Willnus, ufologist and former director of the Michigan UFO Network.
On the line was a local farmer named Frank Mannor. He said he was on the porch trying to calm down his barking dogs when he saw a bright object falling from the north.
“He described a football-shaped object, about the size of a small car,” says Willnus. “He also mentioned a mist that seemed to hang from the bottom, which is common in UFO sightings.”
The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s police report described an object with blue, green and white flashing lights. The lights would often change colors.
News reports from Hillsdale the following day would describe similar sightings.
“I think what made these cases unique is their relation to each other in time – one day after another – and the huge number of witnesses involved,” says historian Will Matthews.
“We’re talking 50-100 witnesses in Dexter – and close to that number in Hillsdale.”
Such an uncommon sighting was bound to bring outside attention, and suddenly, Walter Cronkite wasn’t the only one interested in the Michigan farm town.
J. Allen Hynek, renowned astronomer and an authority on UFOs during the 1940s, was brought in by the Air Force to investigate.
Hynek’s probe concluded that people were probably just witnessing a natural phenomenon called “swamp gas.”
“They needed someone to come in and say ‘here’s what you probably saw that night’,” says Willnus. “He was convinced that these were crackpots, visionaries – people who were seeing things or had too much to drink.”
The Mannor family had a rough time after the government denounced the UFO sighting.
Cars lined up around their property for weeks after. People unnecessarily tromped over their lawn. Frank Mannor even had his car windshield smashed by a beer bottle.
Years later, Hynek’s skepticism about UFOs would subside. He and Willnus would eventually work together at the Center for UFO Studies in Chicago.
Even with an official investigation – and explanation – those few nights in 1966 remain clouded in mystery.
But it’s not so mysterious to Harry Willnus.
“I’m absolutely a believer,” says Willnus. “What I really enjoy- and this has happened several times in my life- people who just laugh at me, they’re just so, ‘what is wrong with you?’ And then, guess what? They have their own sighting. They have their own close encounter and, oh my god, I’ve seen the eyes become like saucers.”
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Astronomen zien voor het eerst flits van de schokgolf van exploderende ster
Astronomen zien voor het eerst flits van de schokgolf van exploderende ster
Tim Kraaijvanger
Wanneer een grote ster explodeert, dan is er een korte flits zichtbaar. Deze ontstaat door de schokgolf die zich naar buiten toe voortplant en de ster uiteen rijt. De Kepler-ruimtesonde heeft deze flits voor het eerst ‘live’ gezien.
Drie jaar lang heeft Kepler iedere 30 minuten het licht vastgelegd van 50 biljoen sterren in 500 verre sterrenstelsels. De onderzoekers hebben deze gegevens geanalyseerd, in de hoop een supernova-explosie – oftewel het einde van een ster – te vinden. En dat is gelukt!
In 2011 zijn twee massieve rode superreuzen geëxplodeerd. Deze zijn waargenomen door Kepler. De eerste reus – KSN 2011a – was meer dan 300 keer zo zwaar als de zon en bevond zich op het moment van exploderen op 700 miljoen lichtjaar afstand van de aarde. Het tweede exemplaar – KSN 2011d – was 1,2 miljard lichtjaar van onze planeet verwijderd en ongeveer 500 keer zwaarder als de zon.
Na de flits van de schokgolf neemt de helderheid van een supernova snel toe.
“Om dit in perspectief te plaatsen: deze twee reuzen zouden gemakkelijk de baan van de aarde om de zon kunnen vullen”, zegt hoofdonderzoeker Peter Garnavich van de universiteit van Notre Dame in Indiana. De flits van de schokgolf is slechts twintig minuten zichtbaar. “Om deze flits te zien, moeten we 24/7 een camera richten op de hemel boven ons. Je weet niet waar en wanneer een supernova-explosie plaatsvindt.”
Een type II-supernova-explosie ontstaat wanneer een ster niet meer genoeg nucleaire brandstof heeft. Normaal gesproken kan een ster tegendruk leveren tegen de enorme zwaartekracht, maar wanneer er geen brandstof meer is, stort de kern in elkaar. Het binnenste van de ster gaat zich gedragen als een keiharde bol. Meer naar buiten gelegen schillen van de ster vallen naar binnen, maar kaatsen vervolgens op de keiharde bol en botsen weer met de sterlagen die volgen. Hierdoor ontstaat een schokgolf. Het duurt een uur voordat de schokgolf het oppervlak van de reuzenster bereikt, waarna de flits te zien is.
Opvallend is dat bij de kleinste ster (KSN 2011a) geen flits van de schokgolf te zien was. Bij KSN 2011d wel. De onderzoekers denken dat de kleinere ster omgeven was door een schijf van gas, die voorkwam dat de flits te zien was. “Dat verbaast ons wel”, geeft Garnavich toe. “Het zijn twee supernova’s, maar we zien ook twee verschillende dingen.”
De Kepler-ruimtetelescoop heeft vier gyroscoopachtige wielen om aardachtige exoplaneten te vinden. Er zijn minstens drie wielen nodig om goed te functioneren, maar in 2012 en 2013 gingen twee wielen kapot. NASA beëindigde de Kepler-missie en startte de nieuwe K2-missie. Nu kan de ruimtetelescoop alsnog ingezet worden om supernova’s en actieve sterrenstelsels te vinden. Garnavich en zijn collega’s hopen binnen de K2-missie nog veel meer supernova-explosies te vinden.
Recordbrekend snelle winden ontdekt rond zwart gat
Recordbrekend snelle winden ontdekt rond zwart gat
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De winden nabij het supermassieve zwarte gat hebben een snelheid van meer dan 200 miljoen kilometer per uur!
Het gaat om een zogenoemde quasar-wind. Quasars zijn schijven heet gas die ontstaan rond supermassieve zwarte gaten in het centrum van grote sterrenstelsels. De schijven zijn groter dan de baan die de aarde rond de zon trekt en warmer dan het oppervlak van onze ster. “Zwarte gaten kunnen een massa hebben die miljarden keren groter is dan die van de zon,” vertelt onderzoeker Patrick Hall. Dat komt doordat zwarte gaten alles opslokken wat te dicht bij komt. “Maar wanneer materiaal richting het zwarte gat cirkelt, wordt een deel ervan weggeblazen door de hitte en het licht van de quasar. En dat zijn de winden die we nu detecteren.”
Sneller “We hebben het over windsnelheden van twintig procent van de snelheid van het licht,” vertelt onderzoeker Jesse Rogerson. “Dat is meer dan 200 miljoen kilometer per uur. Dat is vergelijkbaar met een categorie 77-orkaan. En we hebben reden om aan te nemen dat er quasar-winden zijn die nog sneller zijn.”
Trager “We hebben niet alleen de snelste ultraviolette wind ooit ontdekt,” vertelt Hall. De onderzoekers stuitten in dezelfde quasar op een andere wind die veel trager bewoog. “Met slechts 140 miljoen kilometer per uur. We zijn van plan om deze quasar in de gaten te houden om te zien wat er nu gaat gebeuren.”
De onderzoekers hopen gaandeweg steeds meer te weten te komen over deze quasar-winden en de gevolgen die ze hebben voor hun omgeving. “Quasar-winden spelen een belangrijke rol in de totstandkoming van sterrenstelsels,” vertelt Rogerson. “Wanneer sterrenstelsels ontstaan, slingeren deze winden materiaal naar buiten en voorkomen dat sterren ontstaan. Als zulke winden niet zouden bestaan of minder krachtig waren, zouden we veel meer sterren in grote sterrenstelsels zien.”
Nieuwe zwaartekrachtkaart onthult hoe Mars er van binnen uitziet
Nieuwe zwaartekrachtkaart onthult hoe Mars er van binnen uitziet
Tim Kraaijvanger
Drie ruimtevaartuigen in een baan om Mars hebben een zwaartekracht gemaakt van de rode planeet. Dankzij deze kaart leren wetenschappers hoe Mars er van binnen uitziet.
“Net zoals een dokter een röntgenfoto gebruikt om het lichaam van een patiënt te inspecteren, gebruiken astronomen zwaartekrachtkaarten om de binnenkant van een planeet te ontleden”, vertelt onderzoeker Antonio Genova van het MIT. “Dankzij deze kaart kunnen we ruimtevaartuigen nog beter in een baan om Mars plaatsen, omdat we weten op welke plekken de zwaartekracht afwijkt. Ook begrijpen we nu beter hoe mysterieuze gebieden op deze planeet ontstaan.”
De nieuwe zwaartekrachtkaart verklaart hoe sommige landschapskenmerken zijn ontstaan op de grens tussen de relatief vlakke noordelijke laaglanden en de bekraterde zuidelijke hooglanden. De onderzoekers bevestigen daarnaast dat de buitenkern van Mars uit vloeibaar gesteente bestaat. Dit leidden zij af uit de bewegingen van de korst en de mantel van Mars. De twee manen om Mars – Phobos en Deimos – trekken namelijk voortdurend aan de korst en de mantel van de rode planeet, net zoals de maan verantwoordelijk is voor getijden op aarde.
Nieuwe zwaartekrachtkaart van Mars. Zoals je ziet is het zwaartekrachtsveld het sterkst (wit/rood) boven bergen en vulkanen, zoals de Olympus Mons.
Zwaartekrachtkaart van het noordelijk halfrond.
En van het zuidelijk halfrond.
De drie ruimtevaartuigen die de gegevens verzamelden waren de Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey en de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Hoewel Mars op foto’s er perfect rond uitziet, is de planeet bobbelig. Een ruimtevaartuig in een baan om Mars voelt dit. Zo is de aantrekkingskracht boven een berg sterker dan boven een ravijn. Deze veranderingen dwingen ruimtevaartuigen om kleine baancorrecties uit te voeren. Deze fluctuaties zijn zestien jaar lang bijgehouden, waardoor wetenschappers een kaart hebben kunnen maken van het zwaartekrachtsveld van de rode planeet.
Overigens lijkt het makkelijker dan het is. Er zijn ook andere krachten actief, die de banen van ruimtevaartuigen beïnvloeden. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de kracht van zonlicht dat op de zonnepanelen van de ruimtevaartuigen valt of het afremmende effect van de atmosfeer van de rode planeet. Wetenschappers zijn twee jaar bezig geweest om deze krachten te filteren, zodat alleen de eigen zwaartekracht van Mars overbleef.
Het zwaartekrachtsveld van Mars verandert voortdurend door het veranderen van de seizoenen. Als het op een halfrond van de rode planeet winter is, dan vriest drie tot vier biljoen ton koolstofdioxide uit de atmosfeer vast op het oppervlak, waardoor er een flinke poolkap ontstaat. Dat is ongeveer 12 tot 16 procent van het totale gewicht van de volledige Martiaanse atmosfeer.
TAU IX Treaty—The US Government Has a Secret Pact With the Greys
TAU IX Treaty—The US Government Has a Secret Pact With the Greys
Many accounts throughout history approve the theory saying that The U.S. Government has closed a secret agreement with The Greys.
The exact day is unknown but most sources indicate that the agreement happened in 1954. At that time, a committee of Grey aliens would have reached Edwards Air Force Base, with the sole purpose of contacting Dwight Eisenhower, the US President at that point in time.
The deal has since been known as the Edwards Agreement or, as Dr. Dan Burisch called it, the Tau IX Treaty for the Preservation of Humanity.
A common goal has been established following the discussions, one that would prove extremely productive for those involved. The deal specified that the US Government would let people to be abducted on a regular basis and the Greys solemnly promised they would bring them back safely and only after erasing their memory.
But, as many abductees could confirm, the situation was slightly different. More often than not, those who were kidnapped by aliens would recall the incident, in all its dredful details.
In exchange for allowing the Greys to have human guinea pigs, the Government got their hands on advanced alien knowledge and technology. Another ‘clause in the contract’ was the exchange program of ambassadors from both sides. However, it is unclear how many were involved in this exchange program, but the most renowned are Crill, the reptilian from the Draco constellation and J-Rod, the Grey from Zeta Reticulum.
The Edwards Agreement was the pinnacle of a series of events that began in 1947, when the wreckage of an alien spacecraft was recovered near Roswell, NM. Inside the wreckage, several alien bodies were found. This incident undoubtedly raised awareness towards the UFO phenomenon and undeniably gave rise to modern ufology.
In 1949, another crash took place in New Mexico but this time however, there was one survivor left. He was dubbed EBE, which is short for extraterrestrial biological entity and the details he spilled out allowed the US Government to make contact with his people.
In 1951, the Greys were reached using a device built with the help of the EBE. One year later, extraterrestrial communications were well underway, paving the road for the 1954 treaty.
On the night of February 20 to 21, 1954, while enjoying his vacation in Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower disappeared for a short while. It is thought he was secretly escorted to nearby Edwards Air Force base for an encounter with the Grey aliens. His official statement was that he had to undergo a dental emergency and so he visited a local dentist.
While the meeting did go as planned, there were some unexpected consequences. The landing was kept secret in order to see how people would react when confronted with a technologically advanced alien race. The hundreds of soldiers present at Edwards AFB during first contact received no briefing prior to the event; they were the unaware test audience.
This approach would later prove to be disastrous, as a high percentage of those present began suffering from various psychological ailments, ranging from dysfunctional behavior to psychosis, criminal intentions and suicide.
Several confessions have surfaced throughout the years, from people who say they witnessed the event firsthand. One of them is Gerald Light, a famous metaphysical community leader at the time. Light says his involvement was gauging the effect this breakthrough would have over the general public.
My dear friends: I have just returned from Muroc [Edwards Air Force Base]. The report is true — devastatingly true! During my two days’ visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials — with the assistance and permission of the Etherians! I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history, wrote Light.
If Light is to be believed, several other important figures were present at the meeting. Among them was Eisenhower’s chief economic advisor, Dr. Edwin Nourse, who offered his expertise on the potential economic outcome of a first contact with intelligent alien life. Light also said several trustworthy religious leaders had attended the meeting, their roles being obvious.
A number of other sources support Light’s claims. Whistleblowers have put forward their credentials, describing two sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrial groups.
According to former Naval Intelligence officer William Cooper, large objects traveling towards Earth had been seen in 1953. First believed to be asteroids, it was later determined they were actually space ships. Two distinct missions, Project Sigma and Project Plato managed to establish contact with the extraterrestrials, through binary code.
Cooper distinguishes between two alien races: the Nordic ones, friendly towards humanity and the Greys, who had different goals with humans. According to him, the Nordics contributed to the signing of a non-aggression treaty between humanity and the Greys. The Nordics did not offer technology but rather the chance for spiritual advancement from our current dimension to the next.
The treaty told that aliens would not intervene in our affairs and neither would we interfere with theirs. Their presence on Earth would be kept as a secret. They could regularly abduct humans for medical and scientific purposes as long as they would keep them safe from harm. The humans would then be returned to their abduction point, with no memory of the event.
Their demands were that humans break apart its nuclear weapons arsenal. They reminded of humanity’s self-destructive potential and also condemned the fact that we were killing each other, harming the planet and wasting its natural resources. The committee interpreted their demands in a very suspicious way, believing that nuclear disarming was not in the best interest of the United States since it would leave the world defenseless in the face of an alien threat. Eisenhower ultimately rejected their proposition.
Another witness to the meetings was John Lear, son of the creator of the Lear Jet, William Lear. According to him, the Nordics offered a hand in extinguishing the Greys’ threat but President Eisenhower refused it because there was no technology involved.
Did this meeting really happen? If so, it would appear to confirm the current world-wide UFO phenomenon. However, more than 60 years have passed since the alleged First Contact, and official disclosure is still missing.
The Navy’s unmanned combat air vehicle demonstrator, the X-47B, not only plugged into a refueling basket trailing behind an Omega KC-707 tanker, but it also sipped gas from it for the first time. This historic mission is slated to be the X-47Bs last in what has been an incredibly successful test program with huge implications.
During the mission, which is the capstone to a series of refueling tests this week, the X-47B took off, flew out to the tanker, formed up with it, engaged the basket, and then sucked 4,000 pounds of fuel from it before heading back home to Naval Air Station Patuxent River for an autonomous landing.
The aircraft’s refueling system and software was developed over many years, and could provide autonomous aerial refueling for future Navy UCAVs operating from aircraft carriers.
According to Northrop Grumman:
Northrop Grumman began developing AAR (air-to-air refueling) technology for both Navy and Air Force application nearly a decade ago, pioneering a “hybrid” approach that integrates both GPS and infrared imaging to enhance navigational precision and hedge against GPS disruption. Initial UCAS-D flight testing began in 2012 using a manned Learjet as a surrogate for the X-47B. These successful proof-of-concept flights demonstrated the overall feasibility of the X-47B AAR system and helped refine its navigation, command and control, and infrared sensor processing components.
Unless something drastically changes, the fact that the X-47B will be retired even though the stealthy “cranked kite” flying wings (there are two X-47B demonstrators, Salty Dog 501 & 502) have only used up 20 percent of their service life remains somewhat of a controversial issue.
Considering that the Unmanned Carrier Launched Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) program, which is the Navy’s production follow-on contract to the X-47B program, keeps getting delayed over requirements squabbling in Washington, keeping these incredibly capable machines in testing seems like a no-brainer.
The success of the X-47B program also reminded USAF, and the public, just what Northrop Grumman and their stealthy flying wings are capable. How this will factor in to the USAF’s looming and shadowy Long Range Strike Bomber(LRS-B) contract award is uncertain, but the shape of the X-47B is highly rumored to very similar to the Northrop Grumman’s entrant into that contest.
Regardless of what will happen next in any of these programs-related procurement programs, these two super-drones will go down in history as some of the most game-changing test aircraft ever built. As a result, their final orders will surely include sitting sentry in America’s most prominent aviation museums.
U.S. Navy Photograph by Liz Wolter
Tyler Rogoway is a defense journalist and photographer who maintains the website Foxtrot Alpha for You can reach Tyler with story ideas or direct comments regarding this or any other defense topic via the email address
The image above has been splashed all over the net over the last week. It looks like a scene out of The Flight Of The Navigator, but really, that tarp could be hiding the future of American air power.
The image was taken by Arizona resident Charlene Yazzie on Arizona Route 77, with the convoy of trucks and black SUVs from the Department of Public Safety heading south toward the town of Holbrook, Ariz.
When contacted by KMOV of St. Louis, the Department of Public Safety, which is a major state law enforcement body, playfully said they have no idea what the thing is stating: “UnFOrtunately we do not know what that is but it looks interesting.”
As for what lies beneath that gray tarp, we can only speculate, but we have seen stealthy flying wing aircraft and radar test models transported this way before.
Most famously, the Navy’s X-47B Unmanned Combat Aircraft System (UCAS) demonstrators crossed the country on flatbed trucks. Their out-of-this-world lines and shrink-wrapped anonymity sparked many flying saucer theories, even though the move was openly publicized and the craft were clearly the X-47Bs.
Here is one very tame local media report:
Here is Northrop’s “cranked-kite” radar cross-section test mock-up, a precursor to the X-47B, being moved from Northrop’s plant in Palmdale, California to Lockheed’s Helendale RCS test facility:
Image Credit: The Howland Company
There is no reason that either of the X-47Bs would be heading through rural Arizona on a truck, that is, unless the Navy is trying to send them to the boneyard very quietly. Additionally, the shape in the picture is not definitively that of the X-47B. It is possible that this is a radar cross-section test model related to the X-47 program or an entirely separate program altogether. Even one related to Northrop Grumman’s B-21 or its failed competitor is entirely possible. It could also be a the fuselage of an actual aircraft.
Still, the question remains, what is it doing in eastern Arizona? The answer may lie somewhat farther to the east—in New Mexico.
Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque has a radar cross-section test range and the National Radar Cross Section Test Facility is located west of Holloman Air Force Base, near Alamogordo. The route, assumed by the location that the photo was taken, could take that said object from Southern California or Nevada to either of those facilities.
That is not a short or convenient voyage for such a conspicuous and large load, but it is possible and there is a precedent for such an operation.
What is odd is that we have no other photos of this thing. If it really skipped through multiple states, either on its way from California, or if it were an X-47B being sent from the east coast, to the boneyard in Tucson, you would think an avalanche of other photos of it would have shown up. The other alternative is that it is not an aircraft at all.
What do you think it is? If you have any information on the mystery convoy, please contact me at
Beautiful, Bewitching Pluto Poses in New Images from New Horizons Probe
Beautiful, Bewitching Pluto Poses in New Images from New Horizons Probe
by Calla Cofield, Staff Writer
This snapshot captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft shows the western region of the heart-shaped area informally known as Sputnik Planum, which has been found to be rich in nitrogen, carbon monoxide and methane ices. The image combines blue, red and infrared images taken by the Ralph/Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC). Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI
And the hits just keep on coming. Another batch of Pluto photos from NASA's New Horizons probe reveals the majesty and mystery of this icy world.
The images are the latest releases from the treasure trove of data and snapshots captured by during New Horizon's close flyby of Pluto on July 14, 2015. One of the new images gives a close-up view of the unofficially titled Sputnik Planum, a heart-shaped region on Pluto's surface that is suspiciously crater-free.
One haunting snapshot, taken by the Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC), captures layers of atmospheric haze above Pluto's surface. The different layers of haze (about 20 can be seen in this image) have been found to extend across the surface for hundreds of kilometers. But according to NASA, they are not strictly parallel to the dwarf planet's surface. "For example, scientists note a haze layer about 3 miles (5 kilometers) above the surface (lower-left area of the image), which descends to the surface at the right," according to a statement from the space agency.
The top portion of this image shows that a smooth section of the informally named Sputnik Planum is 228 miles (367 km) wide. Beneath it is a close-up of the also informally named Vulcan Planum on the surface of Pluto's largest moon, Charon, that is 194 miles (312 km) wide.
Sputnik Planum is free of craters, which suggests that it experiencedrecent geologic activity. Vulcan Planum is dotted with not only craters, but also deep troughs. Also visible is the mountain Clarke Mons, which appears to be surrounded by a deep "moat." The highly textured surface indicates that the surface of Charon is ancient, according to NASA. The new Science papers report that water-ice-rich Vulcan Planum "is likely a vast cryovolcanic flow or flows that erupted onto Charon's surface about 4 billion years ago. These flows are likely related to the freezing of an internal ocean that globally ruptured Charon's crust," the statement said.
It's Pluto in a whole new light. This enhanced color view of Pluto's surface was created using two of New Horizons' instruments: the Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC) color imagery, and the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager panchromatic imagery.
The region shown in the image is just underneath the western lobe of Sputnik Planum (the tip of the craterless plane dips down at the top middle of the image). Ices that fill Sputnik Planum have altered the surrounding terrain, "creating a chaoslike array of blocky mountains," NASA officials said.
NASA has rounded up a list of the top new findings reported in those research papers. Because of the spacecraft's relatively low data transfer rate, information collected during the flyby is still being downloaded to Earth, which means scientists still have more layers to pull back on this amazing object.
Tycho crater is often images because it's clearly visible on our Moon's surface and can be seen in stunning detail in this image.
Astrophotographer John Chumack took this image on Feb. 19 with a 6-inch Newt Reflector Telescope & ZWO 120M Monochrome camera, 500 frames stacked in Registax6.
"Tycho is about 108 million years of age, and is relatively younger than most craters. You asked how do we know how old it is? This information is based on analysis of samples of the crater ray recovered during the NASA Apollo 16 mission," he wrote in an email to [How to Photograph the Moon: A Photo Guide]
About half way between the Straight Wall and the moon's south pole is Tycho crater, named for Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe . Although not the largest crater on the moon, Tycho is one of the brightest, indicating that it is one of the youngest of the craters. It is the point of origin of a huge system of rays which encircle the moon, best seen in about a week when the moon is full. Tycho is 53 miles (86 kilometers) in diameter with classic central peak and terraced walls.
Editor's note: If you have an amazing skywatching photo you'd like to share it with and our news partners for a possible story or image gallery, send images and comments in to managing editor Tariq Malik at
A five-dimensional black hole could 'break' general relativity, say physicists Uh oh...
A five-dimensional black hole could 'break' general relativity, say physicists Uh oh...
If you thought regular black holes were about as weird and mysterious as space gets, think again, because for the first time, physicists have successfully simulated what would happen to black holes in a five-dimensional world, and the way they behave could threaten our fundamental understanding of how the Universe works.
The simulation has suggested that if our Universe is made up of five or more dimensions - something that scientists have struggled to confirm or disprove - Einstein's general theory of relativity, the foundation of modern physics, would be wrong. In other words, five-dimensional black holes would contain gravity so intense, the laws of physics as we know them would fall apart.
There's a lot to wrap your head around here, so let's start with the black holes themselves. In a five-dimensional universe, physicists have hypothesised that black holes are more like very thin rings rather than holes, and as they evolve, they can give rise to a series of 'bulges' that become thinner and thinner over time, and eventually break off to form mini black holes elsewhere.
These ring-shaped black holes (or 'black rings') were first proposed in 2002, but until now, no one’s been able to successfully simulate their evolution. This has been made possible thanks to the COSMOS supercomputer at the University of Cambridge in the UK - the largest shared-memory computer in Europe that can perform 38.6 trillion calculations per second.
The problem with five-dimensional black holes is that they’re thought to consist of 'ultragravity rings', where gravity is so intense, it gives rise to a state known as naked singularity. Naked singularity is an event so strange, no one really knows what would occur, except that the laws of general relativity would no longer apply.
Einstein’s general theory of relativity is based on how we think gravity governs the behaviour of the Universe. We know that matter in the Universe warps the surrounding fabric of spacetime, and this warping effect is what we refer to as gravity. Since it was first proposed 100 years ago, general relativity has passed every test - everything we observe in the Universe follows its stipulations, but singularity can pose some problems.
In a four-dimensional universe (where the fourth dimension is time), singularity is thought to be the point of a black hole where gravity is at its most intense - the centre - and this is surrounded by the event horizon at the black hole's edge.
"As long as singularities stay hidden behind an event horizon, they do not cause trouble and general relativity holds - the 'cosmic censorship conjecture' says that this is always the case," says theoretical physicist Markus Kunesch from the University of Cambridge. "As long as the cosmic censorship conjecture is valid, we can safely predict the future outside of black holes."
But what if singularity could exist outside a black hole's event horizon? When Physicists have hypothesied that in five or more dimensions, if an object that has collapsed to an infinite density - singularity - is not bound by an event horizon, it becomes naked singularity, and things would get so crazy in and around that object, we'd need to completely rethink our understanding of how physics works. The whole thing just makes me really nervous.
"If naked singularities exist, general relativity breaks down," said one of the team, Saran Tunyasuvunakool. "And if general relativity breaks down, it would throw everything upside down, because it would no longer have any predictive power - it could no longer be considered as a standalone theory to explain the Universe."
If our Universe only has four dimensions, everything is cool, and ring-shaped black holes and naked singularity are not a thing. But physicists have proposed that our Universe could be made up of as many as 11 dimensions. The problem is that because humans can only perceive three, the only way we can possibly confirm the existence of more dimensions is through high-energy experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider.
Kunesch and his team say they've just about hit the limits of what their supercomputer can simulate, but would like to figure out what it is about four-dimensional universes that make naked singularity impossible, and general relativity correct. "If cosmic censorship doesn't hold in higher dimensions, then maybe we need to look at what's so special about a four-dimensional universe that means it does hold," says Tunyasuvunakool.
The study has been published in Physical Review Letters, and for more on those 11 dimensions, here's theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku:
Explosive Dark Energy In The Universe (#Mind Blow Documentary)
Explosive Dark Energy In The Universe (#Mind Blow Documentary)
Gepubliceerd op 15 feb. 2016
In this "The Mysterious Universe" video documentary, we are going to take you through a journey across the universe, where you can learn about the explosive dark energy present in the universe. Scientists believe that this explosive dark energy is responsible for the creation of everything.
By watching this space and universe documentary, you can learn about the explosive dark energy in the universe, dark energy and dark matter in the universe, dark matter energy theory by scientists, etc.
Watch Explosive Dark Energy In The Universe (#Mind Blow Documentary) in high definition (HD) here.
If you would like to watch universe videos, documentaries about space, cosmos documentary, videos about black holes, white holes, worm holes, alien life, alien planets, etc., subscribe to our channel:
Nick Redfern discusses British government interest in the UFO phenomenon in this excerpt from an interview I conducted with him in Aztec, New Mexico, in March 2003.
Hochgeladen von njorgensen1154 am 13.08.2011 Mass Sight over Carmichael CA near Sacramento CA. This took place over my home around 7pm. I watched this for about 15 minutes. After the first 8 I couldn’t see them with my eyes only could get them on film. I had to speed up the video for Youtube time frame of 10 Minutes. If your with the Media and would like a full unedited copy please e-mail me I’m more then happy to give one out.
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Mexico blijft het land waar zich geregeld hele vreemde zaken voor doen waar geen enkele wetenschappelijke verklaring voor is.
Zoals UFO-waarnemingen, enige tijd later gevolgd door een enorme vortex op de weerradar waarvan men niet weet hoe snel ze deze beelden offline moeten halen.
Toen in oktober 2012 er een enorme cilindervormige UFO de beroemde Popocatépetl vulkaan in Mexico binnenvloog keek iedereen met open mond naar wat daar gebeurde.
Onderstaande afbeelding is afkomstig van de weerradar van Intellicast van 27 oktober, de dag dat een Ufo de vulkaan Popocatepetl in vloog. Het beeld bleef de hele dag online tot en met 28 oktober.
Hier zie je heel duidelijk de vorm van de vortex.
Het centrum van de vortex ligt precies op de plaats waar de vulkaan zich bevindt. Dit toeval lijkt ons te groot om geen verband te hebben met de Ufo die op datzelfde moment de vulkaan binnenvloog.
Eind 2015 begonnen er opeens op de radarbeelden van de Mexicaanse KNMI die in de buurt van Mexico City staat, vreemde vortexbeelden te verschijnen. De radar heet officieel Catedral Radar en bevindt zich op 3600 meter hoogte. Niemand kon enige verklaring bedenken voor de vreemde vortex.
Het gebeurde niet slechts op één dag, maar op verschillende dagen tot aan het einde van het jaar.
Aangezien men geen oorzaak kon bedenken, werd aan het begin van het nieuwe jaar het gehele radarsysteem grondig gereinigd en alle systemen opnieuw ingesteld.
Het mocht allemaal niet baten, want aan het einde van februari en begin maart verschenen de vortexen weer op de radar. Dit keer was er naast het beeld zoals hierboven ook een soort variant te zien.
In de onderstaande video wordt een verband gelegd tussen UFO-waarnemingen in Mexico en het verschijnen van de vortex op de radar.
Nu zijn er rond die data wel een aantal waarnemingen geweest, maar dat waren andere dagen en vrij kleine UFO’s vergeleken met degene die in 2012 de vulkaan in dook.
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring wordt een dergelijke vortex wel degelijk veroorzaakt door een UFO, maar dan waarschijnlijk door een groot moederschip dat zich bijvoorbeeld verborgen houdt in een wolk of iets dergelijks.
Hoe dan ook, voorlopig heeft niemand een verklaring voor de vreemde vortex op de radar. We weten alleen dat het niet door vuil is veroorzaakt.
Meer en meer komen er berichten waaruit blijkt dat dimensies elkaar in de praktijk overlappen.
Mensen die van het ene moment op het andere verdwijnen, halve mensen op foto’s en nu weer een vreemd voorval in China.
Wanneer we ervan uit gaan dat bewakingscamera’s gewoon vastleggen wat er daadwerkelijk gebeurt, hebben we een vreemd vooral in China.
Op 18 maart 2016 legde een bewakingscamera bij een Chinees kruispunt een bizarre gebeurtenis vast.
Er staan auto’s en een motor te wachten bij verkeerslichten, wanneer er opeens een soort lichtflits in beeld verschijnt. Het is niet alleen een flits, maar ook een soort lichtspoor dat linksaf slaat op het kruispunt.
Wanneer je naar de beelden kijkt dan zie je dat de motorrijder in de gaten dat er iets vreemds langs schiet. Want hij kijkt onmiddellijk in de richting waarin het vreemde licht verdween. Dan duikt er nog iemand op ook die ook in die richting wijst.
In onderstaande video zie je de flits en het lichtspoor rond de 43 seconden en later bij 1 minuur 58 een herhaling in slow motion.
Is hier een logische verklaring voor of hebben we hier te maken met iets uit een andere dimensie dat hier even per ongeluk terechtkwam?
Look around you right now. You are feeling pretty damn good about yourself. You are human, and you have conquered wood, stone and metal! We put our most precious idealistic faces of our most iconic heroes of our culture on tiny little coins. We even put faces carved into mountains in many places across this planet. But I am here today, to show you how small we really are. While looking for structures in the Carina Nebula...and yes, I have found them in other nebulas, I came across a very large blue male face. Its not just a face, but the side of the face, made on purpose to stand out and for all to know. Much like how Americas put its first president George Washington on a 1.5cm quarter. Sure Washington has impressed America...but not the rest of the world. He is only impressive to the US. This blue guy in the nebula...he has impressed entire worlds, maybe whole star systems with his beliefs. Next time you are strolling along the park and see an ant hill...give them a break and pass on by. Don't take pleasure in their pain. Rise above it. Its seems...aliens...are passing us by.
‘’Operation Saucer’’ was an investigation into a terrifying series of reported incidents in 1977 where residents in the Brazilian city of Colares claimed that they not only witnessed flying saucers – but they were also being attacked by them. Bright objects of differing shapes, sizes and colors were said to have been flying at low altitudes – just a few metres above the tops of trees – and firing light beams at people on the ground below. Several witnesses claimed to have seen beings piloting the crafts, describing them as no more than three to four feet tall. What separates these sightings from the usual glimpses of UFOs in the skies are the numerous and recurring injuries that people suffered.
Sightings:Photographs were taken by officials of bright lights in the sky. (Operation Saucer) The beams gave off intense beams of radiation that caused puncture marks and lesions, with some reporting to local media at the time that it felt like a “heavy weight pushed against their chest”.
A report into the claims made by the victims stated: “The beam was about seven or eight centimetres in diameter and white in color. “It never hunted for them but hit them suddenly. When they tried to scream no sound would come out, but their eyes remained open. “The beam felt hot, almost as hot as a cigarette burn.” Describing the injuries, Doctor Wellaide Carvalho – who worked in a health care unit in the area during the 1970s – wrote: “All of them had suffered lesions to the face or the thoracic area. “The lesions, looking like radiation injuries, began with intense reddening of the skin in the affected area. “Later the hair would fall out and the skin would turn black. There was no pain, only a slight warmth. “One also noticed small puncture marks in the skin. The victims were men and women of varying ages, without any pattern.”
The saucers were quickly dubbed ‘chupa-chupa’ – meaning ‘sucker-sucker’ – and with reports of more sightings and more incidents of people being injured or losing blood, panic soon started to set in and women and children left the area while local men stayed to look after their homes or possessions.
These days the internet is appears to be ablaze with a tsunami of hollow stories in relation to UFO’s and specifically the hot potato that is full UFO disclosure.
John Podesta keeps on banging on about how Hillary is the golden child destined to grow angel wings and fly high above the earth and proclaim to the planet that E.T.exists.
So is 2016 to be the year we find out that we are not alone? Sadly for Hillary, and tragically for NASA, 2016 is not going to be the year after all. Gary McKinnon hacked into NASA looking for evidence of E.T., but was able to produce ZERO evidence to back up his claims. I didn’t hack into NASA but i did manage to find the evidence that he was seeking on one of their public servers.
During December 1999 i personally observed repeated close range UFO sightings in Glasgow Scotland. I even made an official UFO report on December 15th at 03.30GMT.
I later learned that i had submitted the longest report to the UK MoD for the entire year.
In 2001,I began researching the matter for myself in an effort to find other UFO reports made during that same month.Later in time i was able to produce photographic evidence from Falkirk Scotland, Shanghai China and from Hessdalen Norway.
The UFO Investigation of the Millennium continued and then in 2010 something happened which changed the course of my research from a worldwide one to an off world one. I was determined to learn more when i discovered that a blue white oval shaped UFO appeared on a photograph which was taken on a Hubble repair mission.
Fast forward to August 2012. I decide to review the images taken on STS103.
Now that I had the URL web address for three frames, I realised that I simply had to change the last two digits on the URL either up or down to navigate my way through the frames.
Knowing that a structured UFO appears on frame 73, I managed to reconstruct the entire sequence of images and started to analyse each frame.
The sequence of images begins with frame 66 and ends in frame 76 – covering a time of 62 seconds.
Through frames 66 to 68 these lights appear in the background as the Hubble is being redeployed after repairs were carried out. The next frme below was taken 32 seconds after frame 68…..
The UFO is now located directly in front of the Hubble Space Telescope and has cloaked its presence. Only a tiny part of the UFO is barely visible on the frame.
After discovering this cloaked UFO i was perplexed at the darkened area but quickly realised that i was looking at the shadow of the Hubble space telescope on the hull of this unknown object. The sunlight was casting the shadow onto the hull of this UFO which proved beyond any doubt that the UFO was indeed a solid physical object. The science does not lie.
but i had even further evidence to present to confirm this finding.
I matched the details in frame 69 to the detail on the hull of the ufo in frame 73.
This identical 100% match proved and validated my initial finding.
E.T. is already here.I disclosed this fact four years ago.
Below: The moment the photos were captured by astronaut Claude Nicollier, and frame 69 after analysis, revealing the presence of the cloaked UFO in very close proximity to the Orbiter and Hubble, during its redeployment on December 25th 1999 at 23.03GMT
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Wordt het tijd om ET een berichtje te sturen?
Wordt het tijd om ET een berichtje te sturen?
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Tot op heden hebben we in de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven vooral geluisterd. Zonder resultaat: we horen niets. Wordt het dan misschien tijd om naast luisteren ook te gaan praten, oftewel: berichtjes naar ET te sturen?
Zijn we helemaal alleen? Onderzoekers kunnen het zich moeilijk voorstellen. Naarmate ze meer onderzoek doen naar het universum en nieuwe planeten ontdekken, komen ze meer en meer tot de conclusie dat de aarde met haar ingrediënten voor leven helemaal niet zo uniek is. En waarom zou het leven op aarde dat dan wel zijn? Theoretisch gezien lijkt het vinden van buitenaards leven dan ook een kwestie van tijd.
SETI Maar tijd..tja…dat hebben we eigenlijk niet. Wij mensen zijn ongeduldig en velen vinden dat buitenaardse leven liever vandaag dan morgen. En dus werd er enkele jaren geleden actie ondernomen. Men startte misschien wel het beroemdste project gericht op het vinden van (intelligent) buitenaards leven: SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). Met enorme radiotelescopen wordt continu ‘geluisterd’: uiteindelijk hoopt men zo een signaal op te vangen dat overduidelijk afkomstig is van een buitenaardse beschaving en dus bewijs te vinden voor het bestaan van buitenaards leven.
Luisteren naar buitenaards leven. Afbeelding: SETI.
METI Maar hoewel aan SETI verbonden onderzoekers dus al een tijdje hun oor te luister hebben liggen, hebben ze nog niets opgevangen dat wijst op het bestaan van intelligent leven buiten de aarde. Het maakt sommige mensen nóg ongeduldiger. En ze pleiten voor een andere – aanzienlijk actievere – aanpak: niet luisteren, maar spreken! Ze willen actief berichten de ruimte insturen en hopen vervolgens dat buitenaards leven door die berichten ons weet te vinden. Deze aanpak wordt ook wel aangeduid als METI (Messaging to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) of actieve SETI.
De Areciboboodschap bevatte de meest uiteenlopende informatie: onder meer een tekening van de mens en het zonnestelsel, de getallen 1 tot en met 10 en de atoomnummers van de elementen die de bouwstenen van ons DNA vormen.
Areciboboodschap Het idee van METI is zeker niet nieuw. Sterker nog: wij mensen hebben al wel eens doelbewust berichten de ruimte ingestuurd. In 1974 bijvoorbeeld de Arecibo Message. Met behulp van de Arecibo Radio Telescope werd een radioboodschap richting het grote Herculesbolhoopcluster (op zo’n 21.000 lichtjaar van de aarde) gestuurd. En in de jaren die volgden werden nog regelmatig met opzet boodschappen de ruimte ingestuurd. Een antwoord kregen we nooit.
Discussie Ondanks die initiatieven blijft de mensheid toch voornamelijk een luisterende soort. Want terwijl SETI jaarlijks een flink budget heeft om het oor te luisteren te leggen en dat allemaal ook heel gecoördineerd verloopt, zijn de pogingen om berichten naar ET te versturen een stuk minder professioneel. Vaak gaat het om een eenmalige actie, meer bedoeld om aandacht van het publiek te vragen voor de wetenschap of telescoop in kwestie dan de aandacht van aliens te trekken. De boodschappen zijn bovendien weinig substantieel en soms zelfs ludiek van aard. In de meeste gevallen gaan de zenders er niet eens vanuit dat ze de aandacht van aliens gaan trekken. Kortom: er is tot op heden geen serieuze poging ondernomen om actief een bericht naar buitenaardse wezens te sturen. En daar moet verandering in komen, zo vinden een aantal onderzoekers. Vorig weekend werd daar tijdens een bijeenkomst van deAmerican Association for the Advancement of Scienceover gediscussieerd. Want actief berichten sturen naar een buitenaardse beschaving: dat is een plan met voor- en tegenstanders.
Niet doen! Een argument waar tegenstanders vrijwel direct mee op de proppen komen, is dat we niet weten waar we contact mee leggen. We weten niet hoe het buitenaardse leven eruitziet en welke intenties en vaardigheden het heeft. En wat als dat buitenaardse leven veel geavanceerder is dan wij en ook nog eens kwade bedoelingen heeft? Wat roepen we dan over onszelf af? Tevens wijzen tegenstanders er graag op dat we SETI nog een kans moeten geven. Tientallen jaren zoeken naar buitenaards leven lijkt in onze optiek misschien lang, maar het kost nu eenmaal tijd om het universum af te speuren. Waarom zouden we het vertrouwen in die aanpak nu al verliezen? Een ander tegenargument is het feit dat het wel even duren kan voor een buitenaardse beschaving onze boodschap opvangt. De afstanden in het universum zijn groot en een boodschap kan zomaar duizend jaar of langer onderweg zijn alvorens deze onderschept wordt. Tegen die tijd is de boodschap wellicht allang niet meer relevant (de geschiedenis leert dat er in 1000 jaar een hoop veranderen kan). Bovendien is het twijfelachtig of er 1000 jaar nadat we de boodschap verstuurd hebben nog iemand op aarde te vinden is die daadwerkelijk op een antwoord zit te wachten en dat ook op zal vangen.
Doen! Voorstanders kunnen zich totaal niet vinden in de angsten van de tegenstanders. Ze vinden het vaak zelfs angstaanjagender om geen contact te zoeken. Zo schrijft astronoom Alexander L. Zaitsev bijvoorbeeld: “Ik weet het niet zeker, maar volgens mij was Sebastian von Hoerner de eerste die in de jaren zestig aangaf dat ‘apathie’ of ‘verlies aan interesse’ de echte oorzaak is van het uitsterven van geavanceerde beschavingen (…) Beschavingen die gedwongen worden om zich te verschuilen en te beven voor vergezochte gevaren, zijn gedoemd om te verdwijnen.” De voorstanders benadrukken bovendien dat we wellicht een hoop van buitenaards leven kunnen leren: wellicht hebben zij problemen waar wij mee worstelen – ziektes, klimaatverandering – al onder de knie. Een ander veelgehoord argument is dat we – onbedoeld – al flink wat radiosignalen de ruimte insturen. Is het niet beter om naast die vaak vermakelijke radiosignalen ook een radiosignaal uit te zenden dat een heldere, substantiële boodschap heeft en een goed beeld geeft van de menselijke beschaving?
Aliens die reageren op onze berichtgeving: zitten we daar eigenlijk wel op te wachten?
Meer discussie In reactie op de discussie hebben een aantal mensen – waaronder een aantal wetenschappers – recentelijk een statement uitgegeven, waarin ze pleiten voor een wereldwijde discussie over dit vraagstuk. “We hebben het gevoel dat de beslissing om wel of niet een bericht uit te zenden gebaseerd moet zijn op een wereldwijde consensus en niet het resultaat moet zijn van de wensen van enkele individuen die toegang hebben tot krachtige communicatiemiddelen (…) Het opzettelijk seinen naar andere beschavingen in de Melkweg geeft aanleiding tot bezorgdheid voor alle mensen op aarde, zowel als het gaat om het bericht als de consequenties van het contact. Daarom moet wereldwijd een wetenschappelijke, politieke en humanitaire discussie plaatsvinden alvorens een bericht wordt verstuurd.”
Dat het een lastige discussie zal worden, is duidelijk. Dat komt vooral omdat de consequenties van het al dan niet versturen van een bericht niet te overzien zijn. We weten immers niet hoe het buitenaards leven dat we met ons bericht proberen te bereiken in elkaar steekt. Sterker nog: we weten niet eens of buitenaards leven bestaat. Hoe kunnen we dan een onderbouwde keuze voor of tegen het versturen van een bericht, maken? Het lijkt erop dat deze discussie – tegen wil en dank – toch vooral draait om het onderbuikgevoel dat mensen erbij hebben. En daarmee is het twijfelachtig of een wereldwijde consensus überhaupt mogelijk is. Maar laten we hier op eens een poging wagen. Wat vind jij? Moeten we actief op zoek gaan naar buitenaards leven door berichten de ruimte in te slingeren? En zoja, dan zijn we ook wel heel nieuwsgierig wat er volgens jou dan in die berichten zou moeten staan. Laat het ons hieronder weten!
Planeet met extreem ovaalvormige omloopbaan ontdekt
Planeet met extreem ovaalvormige omloopbaan ontdekt
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Nog niet eerder is een planeet met zo’n excentrische baan aangetroffen. Onduidelijk is nog hoe de planeet in zijn extreem ovaalvormige baan terecht is gekomen.
Als je van een afstandje kijkt naar de baan die onze aarde rond de zon trekt, dan lijkt deze baan bijna perfect cirkelvormig. Maar dat is ‘ie niet. Als de baan van een planeet afwijkt van een cirkel, dan noemen we deze excentrisch. De excentriciteit van de omloopbaan van de aarde is heel klein (zo’n 0,01).
Excentrisch Wetenschappers hebben nu een planeet ontdekt met een extreem excentrische baan. De excentriciteit van deze planeet – HD 20782 – is maar liefst 0,96. Als je de baan die deze planeet om zijn moederster trekt, zou tekenen, dan zou je een bijna platte ovaalvorm krijgen.
De baan van HD20782 in vergelijking met de banen van enkele planeten in ons zonnestelsel.
Dichtbij en ver weg Het betekent dat de planeet op sommige momenten heel dicht bij zijn ster te vinden is. En dat deze op andere momenten heel ver van de ster verwijderd is. Wanneer de afstand tussen de ster en planeet het grootst is, is deze afstand ongeveer 2,5 keer zo groot als de afstand tussen de aarde en de zon. Als de afstand tussen de ster en planeet het kleinst is, is deze ongeveer 0,06 keer zo groot als de afstand tussen de aarde en de zon. “(De planeet, red.) is ongeveer zo zwaar als Jupiter, maar draait rond zijn ster alsof deze een komeet is,” vertelt onderzoeker Stephen Kane.
Atmosfeer Kane en zijn collega’s bestudeerden de planeet uitgebreid. En wat heel bijzonder is, is dat ze de helderheid van de planeet hebben zien veranderen. Wanneer de planeet heel dicht bij zijn ster staat, reflecteert deze meer zonlicht en is dus helderder. Het kan ons iets meer vertellen over de atmosfeer van deze planeet. Want de hoeveelheid licht die de planeet reflecteert, wordt deels bepaald door de samenstelling van zijn atmosfeer. Planeten die omringd worden door wolken die bestaan uit ijsdeeltjes – denk aan Jupiter bijvoorbeeld – reflecteren veel licht. Maar als een planeet zoals Jupiter dicht bij de zon in de buurt zou komen, zou de hitte van de zon de ijsdeeltjes uit zijn wolken verwijderen. Vandaar dat planeten ter grootte van Jupiter die in een vrijwel cirkelvormige baan rond hun ster draaien vaak vrij donker lijken. Maar in het geval van HD 20782 is dat anders. De onderzoekers denken dat deze net zo’n atmosfeer heeft als Jupiter, maar “de atmosfeer van deze planeet krijgt de kans niet om te reageren (op de warmte van de ster, red.),” vertelt Kane. “De tijd die deze nodig heeft om rond zijn ster te draaien, is zo kort dat er geen tijd is om alle ijsdeeltjes die de atmosfeer zo reflecterend maken te verwijderen.”
Onduidelijk blijft hoe HD 20782 in zijn zeer ovaalvormige baan terecht is gekomen. Mogelijk is deze in botsing gekomen of bijna in botsing gekomen met een andere planeet. Die andere planeet is daarbij uit het systeem geschopt en HD 20782 kwam in een ovaalvormige bana terecht. Een andere mogelijkheid is dat het iets te maken heeft met het feit dat de planeet deel uitmaakt van een binair systeem (een systeem met daarin twee sterren). Mogelijk is één van de sterren te dicht bij de planeet in de buurt gekomen en is HD 20782 zo in zijn ovaalvormige baan beland.
Planetoïdenjagers zien ExoMars door de ruimte vliegen
Planetoïdenjagers zien ExoMars door de ruimte vliegen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
En dat niet alleen: op de beelden die de planetoïdenjagers maakten, zijn ook gedumpte onderdelen van de Proton-raket te zien.
Normaal gesproken hebben planetoïdenjagers het voorzien op ruimtestenen die ontstaan zijn tussen de banen van Mars en Jupiter en richting de aarde zeilen. Maar afgelopen week richtten ze hun ogen op iets anders: ExoMars. Deze ruimtesonde – onderweg naar Mars – volgt in feite dezelfde baan als de planetoïden, maar dan in omgekeerde richting. Het maakt ExoMars voor planetoïdenjagers tot een prima doelwit om op te zoeken en even te volgen.
ExoMars haast zich door de ruimte. Afbeelding: OASI Observatory team / D. Lazzaro / S. Silva.
En dat hebben ze gedaan. Het levert gave beelden op. De meest opmerkelijke beelden werden gemaakt vanuit Brazilië. Op deze beelden zien we niet alleen ExoMars, maar ook zes brokstukken van de raket die de ruimtesonde de lucht in hielp.
ExoMars en enkele brokstukken van de Proton-raket. Afbeelding: OASI Observatory team / D. Lazzaro / S. Silva.
ExoMars werd precies een week geleden gelanceerd en komt naar verwachting in oktober bij Mars aan.De missie bestaat uit twee onderdelen: een orbiter en een landingsmodule. De orbiter zal onder meer onderzoek gaan doen naar de atmosfeer van Mars. De landingsmodule moet vooral demonstreren dat ESA in staat is om een lander op Mars te zetten. Als de missie goed verloopt, wil ESA over enkele jaren een rover naar de rode planeet sturen.
Are there beings on this earth that live with us, that look like us, they have jobs, they have families, but they’re not the same? There’s something missing. A soul, perhaps?
Are they empty vessels that live on this planet with us, permanent hosts for demonic entities?
Have these beings been actually created?
Are there creatures among us that could never be saved, placed on this earth to test the rest of us, or is there something else going on?
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Best UFO 2016 | UFO IN FRANCE | UFO sights 2016 | UFO Footage
Best UFO 2016 | UFO IN FRANCE | UFO sights 2016 | UFO Footage
Best UFO Sightings Of January 2014, AnonymousFO Best UFO Sightings Of June 2012, AFO UFO Captured Multiple Times On Deer Cam in Mississippi -WLOX Real UFO With Aliens Caught On Camera BEST UFO SIGHTINGS FEBRUARY 2013 BEST UFO SIGHTINGS JANUARY 2014 THE DAY AFTER UFO DISCLOSURE – HD Movie Undeniable UFO Documentary NASA Conspiracy – UFO Sightings & Alien Structures 3/19/2014 GIANT UFO APPROACHES INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION! 2014 Aliens, Ufo’s, Annunaki. The Ultimate question? BEST UFO SIGHTINGS JANUARY 2014 UFO TOP 10 – GOVERNMENT WHISTLEBLOWERS HD Feature BEST UFO SIGHTINGS MARCH 2014 Best UFO Sightings 2013, You’ve Never Seen! Superb Video HD
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We Just Discovered a New Type of Colossal Galaxy
We Just Discovered a New Type of Colossal Galaxy
This galaxy, named SDSS J094700.08+254045.7, is one of the biggest and brightest super spirals; its starry disk and spiral arms stretch about 320,000 light-years across, or more than three times the breadth of our Milky Way Galaxy. Image credit: SDSS.
Astronomers have discovered a new kind of galaxy while looking for the brightest and biggest galaxies in the universe. They are calling them 'super spirals.'
Astronomers from the California Institute of Technology have discovered a massive new kind of galaxy, which they now call a “super spiral.” These galaxies give off bright light that can shine up to 14 times that of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Simply put, super spirals are enormous.
They have diameters that can measure up to 437,000 light-years. For comparison, the Milky Way is just a little over 100,000 light-years across. And they can weigh up to 340 billion solar masses. The massive size also means that super spirals can give off an incredible amount of ultraviolet and mid-infrared light. To that end, the galaxy has a very high rate of star formation, generating new stars 30 times faster than our galaxy.
The discovery was made by a team of astronomers led by Dr. Patrick Ogle, who write that they had chanced upon the galaxies in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) while in search of other extremely luminous and massive galaxies.
Co-author Dr. George Helou said: “Remarkably, the finding of super spiral galaxies came out of purely analyzing the contents of the NED database, thus reaping the benefits of the careful, systematic merging of data from many sources on the same galaxies.”
Images of super spiral galaxies. Examples with peculiar morphology: (1) multi-arm spiral, (8) asymmetric two-arm spiral, (21) ring galaxy, (23) possible tidal arm, (33) asymmetric disk, (34) possible secondary bulge, (53) partial arms or shells. Image credit: SDSS.
The team of astronomers had expected to find ellipticals (large, mature galaxies) in searching NED, but instead they happened upon this new discovery. This came after sampling around 800,000 galaxies, all within 3.5 billion light-years from the Earth, they found that the most luminous galaxies here not elliptical in shape, but rather spiral.
A distinct trait observed in 4 of the 53 super spirals discovered by the team is that they contain two galactic nuclei, potentially hinting at the origin of such galaxies—a collision of epic proportions.
As the team notes, “double nuclei are a telltale sign of two galaxies having just merged together. Conventionally, mergers of spiral galaxies are destined to become bloated, elliptical galaxies,” but the merging of two gas-rich galaxies could possibly lead to their combined gases settling into a super spiral.
This discovery changes conventional understanding of how massive galaxies form and evolve. Their study is published in the Astrophysical Journal.
Reaching Mach 6: Lockheed Martin Technology Makes Major Aircraft Breakthroughs
Reaching Mach 6: Lockheed Martin Technology Makes Major Aircraft Breakthroughs
The key problem facing hypersonic aircraft is making a stable "scramjet" engine, which funnels oxygen from outside air to power the aircraft. Lockheed claims to have found a solution, though Hewson didn't go into specifics.
Raytheon to offer new tactical missile design to U.S. Army Huntsville, Ala. (UPI) Mar 16, 2016 - Raytheon reports it will offer a new missile design to the U.S. Army to replace its current tactical missile system weapons.
The new design for the Army's Long-Range Precision Fires requirements adds enhanced speed, range and power, as well as cost-effectiveness, Raytheon said.
"Our LRPF design will provide the U.S. Army with double the combat power of its ground launchers by utilizing a new design that fits two missiles in a single launcher pod -- increasing effectiveness at a fraction of the cost of the current weapon," said Dr. Thomas Bussing, Raytheon vice president of Advanced Missile Systems. "Advances in propulsion will enable LRPF to fly faster over longer distances -- approximately 500 kilometers (about 310.6 miles) -- to defeat fixed land targets. This is the definition of overmatch against future threats."
The LRPF missile will be designed to integrate with M270 MLRS and M142 HIMARS rocket launchers now being used by the Army.
The key problem facing hypersonic aircraft is making a stable "scramjet" engine, which funnels oxygen from outside air to power the aircraft. Lockheed claims to have found a solution.
Lockheed Martin says that it has made major technological breakthroughs towards developing a mach 6 capable aircraft. That, if you are not aware, is six times the speed of sound.
While Airbus is working on a passenger jet that can travel at Mach 4.5 speeds, Lockheed is working on far more loftier goals. In a press conference, Lockheed Martin chief executive Marillyn Hewson said that they are “now producing a controllable, low-drag, aerodynamic configuration capable of stable operations from takeoff to subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic, to Mach 6.”
Lockheed is also trying to prove that hypersonic aircraft can be produced more affordably. Hewson says they estimate costs at “less than $1 billion to develop, build, and fly a demonstrator aircraft the size of an F-22.”
A major obstacle in the development of hypersonic aircraft is in making stable scramjet engines. These engines power aircraft with outside air, and Hewson says they’ve found a way to build them…although they didn’t go into details. Still, Lockheed is a well established company, so it is unlikely that they would make unsupported claims.
Along with the scramjet, they assert that they have developed new thermal protection systems and aerodynamic shapes, long range communication, and improvements on navigation control. Lockheed is also looking at civilian use after military application.
“The technology could also enable hypersonic passenger flights, and, even easier, access to space,” said Hewson. “I am confident that Lockheed Martin has the technical expertise to make it happen.”
Lockheed says hypersonic planes would see service within the 2030s. Executive vice president of Skunk Works, Lockheed’s Advanced Development Projects Rob Weiss said: “We actually feel that we’ve made substantial progress in all the technologies associated with hypersonic.”
“There’s a number of challenges in the technologies, the propulsion, the materials that have to deal with the high temperatures, and we’re at a point now where those technologies are mature, and therefore we feel very confident that we can field and successfully fly a hypersonic vehicle.”
Space Travel and Technology of Interstellar Exploration - New Documentary
Space Travel and Technology of Interstellar Exploration - New Documentary
Gepubliceerd op 25 jul. 2015
Space Travel and Technology of Interstellar Exploration - Documentary 2016 To one day, reach the stars.
When discussing the possibility of interstellar travel, there is something called “the giggle factor.” Some scientists tend to scoff at the idea of interstellar travel because of the enormous distances that separate the stars. According to Special Relativity (1905), no usable information can travel faster than light locally, and hence it would take centuries to millennia for an extra-terrestrial civilization to travel between the stars. Even the familiar stars we see at night are about 50 to 100 light years from us, and our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. The nearest galaxy is 2 million light years from us. The critics say that the universe is simply too big for interstellar travel to be practical.
Similarly, investigations into UFO’s that may originate from another planet are sometimes the “third rail” of someone’s scientific career. There is no funding for anyone seriously looking at unidentified objects in space, and one’s reputation may suffer if one pursues an interest in these unorthodox matters. In addition, perhaps 99% of all sightings of UFO’s can be dismissed as being caused by familiar phenomena, such as the planet Venus, swamp gas (which can glow in the dark under certain conditions), meteors, satellites, weather balloons, even radar echoes that bounce off mountains. (What is disturbing, to a physicist however, is the remaining 1% of these sightings, which are multiple sightings made by multiple methods of observations. Some of the most intriguing sightings have been made by seasoned pilots and passengers aboard air line flights which have also been tracked by radar and have been videotaped. Sightings like this are harder to dismiss.)
But to an astronomer, the existence of intelligent life in the universe is a compelling idea by itself, in which extra-terrestrial beings may exist on other stars who are centuries to millennia more advanced than ours. Within the Milky Way galaxy alone, there are over 100 billion stars, and there are an uncountable number of galaxies in the universe. About half of the stars we see in the heavens are double stars, probably making them unsuitable for intelligent life, but the remaining half probably have solar systems somewhat similar to ours. Although none of the over 100 extra-solar planets so far discovered in deep space resemble ours, it is inevitable, many scientists believe, that one day we will discover small, earth-like planets which have liquid water (the “universal solvent” which made possible the first DNA perhaps 3.5 billion years ago in the oceans). The discovery of earth-like planets may take place within 20 years, when NASA intends to launch the space interferometry satellite into orbit which may be sensitive enough to detect small planets orbiting other stars.
UFO observers have recalled the mysterious case of a strange formation of UFOs observed in a NASA picture (ID: STS100-708A-48) from the Space Shuttle Endeavor Mission to the ISS in April 2001 (STS-100).
After the discovery of the fleet of UFOs travelling in a perfectly straight line formation, UFO hunters accused NASA of deleting the image from its website quietly and conspiratorially.
The supposed action resulted in a massive uproar in the UFO community. Many UFO enthusiasts got angry about what was happening, saying that NASA tried to hide the discovery of a fleet of UFOs in orbit around Earth.
When the image later reappeared on NASA’s website at a different location, some UFO hunters declared victory, saying that NASA did not sustain the pressure from the members of the UFO community.
The interest in the old photo got high again recently after several online UFO forums deliberated the importance of the pictures to the UFO disclosure movement.
The Black Vault takes a second close look at the famous image and new observations about it have raised new questions in online UFO forums.
According to The Black Vault, UFO observers were right about the formation of UFOs in the STS-100 image and they were right to call on NASA to offer an explanation of the observed anomaly. It argues the space agency was caught pants down with trying to cover up the discovery.
The Black Vault also draws the attention of the viewers to other anomalies in the picture that were not observed when the formation of UFOs was first found. It noted that the newly discovered anomalies could be satellites, space debris or photographic artifacts.
However, their presence could disprove claims that the fleet of UFOs is a space debris or satellite that only appears to be multiple UFOs because of prolonged exposure. It explains that prolonged exposure to a moving object could result in a long streak of light and not multiple and distinct objects in a straight line.
The Black Vault also ruled out the idea that the UFO formation is a result of multiple photos laid on each other to bring out details because the result would make additional anomalies appear as several objects and not several single objects.
Many of these claims seemed incompatible with extraterrestrial theories, which started to fall out of favor in some circles of ufology. The principal figure in this revisionist ufology, at least initially, was writer John A. Keel, whose investigations in New York, West Virginia, and Ohio elicited scores of incredible tales that could not be shrugged off as the creations of lunatics and charlatans.
On the other hand, these were extraordinary claims without extraordinary—or even ordinary—proof. Someone more cautious would have hesitated to use such material, which existed only in testimony (admittedly, for all its fantastic qualities, at times compelling testimony), to construct a phantasmagorical explanatory scheme. Brash and opinionated, Keel had no such reluctance.
Keel credited Layne with having “worked it all out in the early 1950s;” unfortunately, Keel added, “nobody would listen to him.” But ufologists, Forteans, and psychic enthusiasts were listening to Keel, whose writing and pronouncements excoriated traditional ufology as the domain of “buffs” who lacked the courage, the imagination, or even the mental health to face the truth.
The truth according to Keel was that “ultraterrestrials” from the “superspectrum” (Keel’s term for the etheric realm) are entering our world and doing terrible things to us. “We are biochemical robots helplessly controlled by forces that can scramble our brains, destroy our memories and use us in any way they see fit,” he wrote. “They have been doing it to us forever.” Here he parted radically from Layne, who believed the ethereans to be largely benevolent.
To Keel the contact claims loved by saucerians were not the hoaxes suspected by ufologists; they were actual experiences, but not the sort contactees thought they were. According to Keel, “The quasi-angels of Biblical times have become magnificent spacemen. The demons, devils, and false angels were recognized as liars and plunderers by early man. These same impostors now appear as long-haired Venusians.”
He holds that Homo sapiens came into existence because of a war waged between ultraterrestrial factions. One faction took on human form so that it could more easily communicate with Neanderthals, whom this ultraterrestrial group wanted to enlist in its “physical army.”
An unintended consequence of this assumption of physical form was erotic desire. Sexual intercourse between the ultraterrestrials and the protohuman Neanderthals created the modern human race.
As Keel tells the tale in Our Haunted Planet (1971), “This produced strange responses in [the offspring’s] materialized nervous system. Emotions were born. Frequencies were changed. The direct control of the superintelligence was driven from their bodies. They were trapped on Eart h, unable to ascend the electromagnetic scale and reenter their etheric world. With the loss of control they became animals, albeit highly intelligent animals.”
The other ultraterrestrials continue to torment us, their former adversaries, and effectively control the world, manipulating our social, political, scientific, and religious beliefs, creating all paranormal phenomena and destroying the lives of individual human beings who interact with them.
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New report says there is ' strong evidence ' Nazis developed a UFO²
New report says there is ' strong evidence ' Nazis developed a UFO
Nazis. UFOs. Put these two words together, and you have one heck of a conspiracy theory. But supposedly, it's more than just a theory. Because according to a British newspaper, "there is 'strong evidence' that a Nazi UFO programme was well advanced."
The movie Iron Sky riffs off the premise that Nazis created flying saucers. But per the German magazine PM, as reported in The Telegraph, it's more fact than fiction—evidence exists in an interview given by an eyewitness of the prototype, as well as in the form of UFO sightings during World War II:
The PM report quotes eyewitnesses who believe they saw a flying saucer marked with the Iron Cross of the German military flying low over the Thames in 1944.At the time the New York Times wrote about a "mysterious flying disc" with photos of the device seen travelling at extremely high speeds over the high-rise buildings. ...
Eyewitnesses captured by the Allies after WW2 claimed to have seen the saucer produced in Prague fly on several occasions in early 1945.
As the scientifically minded know, "evidence" is not "proof." The alleged UFOs were common enough to be given the nickname "foo fighter" (also known by the politically incorrect term "kraut fireballs").
The scientifically minded also know these sightings can be explained by ball lightning, airplane discharge, aviation vertigo and the V-2 rocket.
And as for the eyewitness account, the Nazis were likely developing a new source of propulsion. As we know from the long-range V-2 rocket , the Nazis were forward-thinking when it came to technology. But it's not likely they managed to succeed.
How can we tell?
If you consider that both Americans and Russians snapped up many former Nazi scientists (particularly the V-2 participants) to help fuel the space race, if a UFO project were successful in any way, the Russians or Americans would have grabbed onto any shred of engineering they could have gotten their mitts on.
German engineer Rudolph Schriever claimed he and his team had developed an engine similar to the one described by PM magazine—but his plans were stolen. Despite the potential for the fortune and glory one would receive for creating world-altering technology, he never managed to re-create the flying machine.
Although "Nazi UFOs" make for an excellent headline and fodder for some fascinating alternate-reality stories, there's one way we can really know the Nazis had not developed a powerful propulsion systems that still does not exist today: Look up and you'll see not one single Swastika-swathed aircraft in the sky.
Giant UFO Moves Over Mexico City Several Times, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Giant UFO Moves Over Mexico City Several Times, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: Oct 16, 2015 3:24 am Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico Giant UFOs have been seen on radar before, and and the fact that a small UFO would cause such a disturbance would be unlikely. It is more likely that a giant UFO flew over the area. It was strategically timed to fly over at 3:24 am, which would be the moment when 99% of the people would be sleeping. It always happens in the early morning. Even though cloaked, it was still seen on radar. Yes, this is huge, but yes, there are larger out there. Its difficult for most people to grasp that such a ship could exist, but, thats because we have only just begun to have advanced technology. Imagine what human tech will be like in a million years...or a billion years. Can you see it now? I have reported these giant UFOs about 3 times, seen on weather radar. The first time was back in 2010. Check out the amazing photos (click here). Scott C. Waring Spanish UFO News States: A video shows a series of disturbing images on the weather radar. It is a giant spiral vortex which could correspond to a hurricane in training but in reality it is not.
UFO Orb Comes Close To Airliner Jet Over Australia, March 20, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Orb Comes Close To Airliner Jet Over Australia, March 20, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 20, 2016 Location of sighting: Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia Anna Toth was using a infrared camera which allows you to see light that is normally invisible to the human eye. This allows you to see what is hidden. These cameras are becoming a main tool in the hunt for UFOs. Scott C. Waring This cool catch of a airliner near a cloud orb was captured by Anna Toth of Youtube. This is a rare and exciting catch of a cloud orb. They don't stray from the clouds that often and when they do, they usually move at incredible speed. A very fortunate catch indeed. Scott C. Waring
Moth-Like Mothership Lands On Volcano In Mexico, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Moth-Like Mothership Lands On Volcano In Mexico, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 19, 2016 Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico Cam source: While looking over the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico City and noticed that this looks like a giant triangle mothership hovering over the volcano. It may or may not be, but this sure has a lot of odd detail to it. The shape even mimics nature in that it looks like a giant moth. Tell me your thoughts on this one please. Scott C. Waring
(AP) In this farming community where nightfall usually brings clear, starry skies, residents are abuzz over reported sightings of what many believe is a UFO. Several dozen people – including a pilot, county constable and business owners – insist they have seen a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast. Some reported seeing fighter jets chasing it. “People wonder what in the world it is because this is the Bible Belt, and everyone is afraid it’s the end of times,” said Steve Allen, a freight company owner and pilot who said the object he saw last week was a mile long and half a mile wide. “It was positively, absolutely nothing from these parts.” While federal officials insist there’s a logical explanation, locals swear that it was larger, quieter, faster and lower to the ground than an airplane.
They also said the object’s lights changed configuration, unlike those of a plane. People in several towns who reported seeing it over several weeks have offered similar descriptions of the object. Machinist Ricky Sorrells said friends made fun of him when he told them he saw a flat, metallic object hovering about 300 feet over a pasture behind his Dublin home. But he decided to come forward after reading similar accounts in the Stephenville Empire-Tribune. “You hear about big bass or big buck in the area, but this is a different deal,” Sorrells said. “It feels good to hear that other people saw something, because that means I’m not crazy.” Sorrells said he’s seen the object several times. He said he watched it through his rifle’s telescopic lens and described it as very large and without seams, nuts or bolts. Maj. Karl Lewis, a spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, said no F-16s or other aircraft from his base were in the area the night of Jan. 8, when many sightings were reported. Officials at the region’s two Air Force bases – Dyess in Abilene and Sheppard in Wichita Falls – also said none of their aircraft were in the area last week. The Air Force no longer investigates UFOs. About 200 UFO sightings are reported each month, mostly in California, Colorado and Texas, according to the Mutual UFO Network, which plans to go to the 17,000-resident town of Stephenville to investigate.
Fourteen percent of Americans polled last year by The Associated Press and Ipsos say they have seen a UFO. UFO sightings have been reported all over the world for centuries, including the infamous 1897 crash of a cigar-shaped object near the tiny Texas town of Aurora. While some thought it was a hoax, decades later investigators from UFO groups said evidence suggests the disfigured pilot’s body buried that day was an alien. In Chicago in late 2006, some United Airlines pilots and other employees reported seeing a saucer-shaped craft hovering over O’Hare Airport before shooting up through the clouds.
But federal officials said nothing showed up on the radar and explained it as some type of weather phenomenon. In 1997, dozens of people saw lights in a V-formation over Phoenix, a mystery that was captured on videotape and spurred calls for a government investigation. A few months later people reported a similar sight over Las Vegas. One of the most famous cases was the 1947 crash on a ranch near Roswell, N.M. Although the government said it was a top-secret weather balloon, an Army officer who helped recover the debris came forward 30 years later claiming a cover-up, asserting that an alien spacecraft had crashed. Reports later surfaced that a base nurse told someone that autopsies were performed on aliens from the wreckage.
Jaime Maussan is de ‘Mexicaanse Rupert Murdoch van UFO’s’ (video)
Jaime Maussan is de ‘Mexicaanse Rupert Murdoch van UFO’s’ (video )
Jaime Maussan is in zijn thuisland Mexico niet alleen één van de bekendste journalisten, maar ook een beroemde ufoloog.
Decennialang presenteerde hij zijn eigen televisieshow ‘Contact’ en hij trekt volle zalen met zijn presentaties over de kosmos en leven op andere planeten.
Hij heeft net als andere waarheidszoekers veel tegenstanders en kijkt er niet meer van op dat mensen hem een oplichter noemen.
In zijn woning in het bos net buiten Mexico-Stad had Maussan een ontmoeting met de Mexicaanse editie van het tijdschrift VICE. Hij gaf een tour door de tunnels van zijn ondergrondse optrekje en liet ook zijn aapjes zien. Daarnaast deelde hij zijn meest spannende avonturen en zijn kijk op leven buiten onze vreemde planeet.
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Real UFO Footage USAF Fighter Jets vs UFO | OVNI (UFO) sobre Toledo Spain | UFO sightings 2016
Real UFO Footage USAF Fighter Jets vs UFO | OVNI (UFO) sobre Toledo Spain | UFO sightings 2016
When I first posted this video of the Air Force engaging a UFO, I felt convinced that this was real UFO footage, and many who have witnessed this UFO Video are convinced we are being visited by beings not of this world – extraterrestrials. Though many who see the video are not convinced it is not an edited together hoax. And the reality is that a significant number of reported UFO Sightings, and certainly of reports filed with MUFON are fabrications or just jokes to the people who fill out the online form to Report a UFO Sighting.
And certainly of the few messages I get a month regarding Sightings by my readers, it may be a bit of a wasted effort, but that doesn’t mean that someone wouldn’t go to the trouble either. Still: here’s what I would like from the viewing public, as you look over this video supposedly from the United States Military on a scramble to intercept a UFO:
I am unfamiliar with these planes or the location they are in, so if anyone can help me that way, that would be a good start in investigating this video. If there’s any way I could possibly track down this Pilot, that would be my ultimate goal. Or if anyone viewing this is or knows a military pilot who would be willing to talk with me on conditions of anonymity, I would appreciate you sharing this video or my site with them It seem that my best bet is to go right to the source, if perhaps the source would be willing to talk to me – even if only to say “I can’t talk about that specifically.”
18/07/11 at 21:20 to 25 browsing on my computer there was this distinctive light next to the building shown, which at start, I presumed it was a plain. Few minutes after at 21:30 I looked again, out of my window and to my suprise the flying object was still there. At 21:32 got my cell phone and I
started capturing the unidentified flying object. In comparison there happened to be an airplane passing by on the left. It was significantly bigger than the plane and standing still until it started moving away really fast. Definitely a UFO, alien ship, I have no idea.
NASA has decoded them but won’t reveal the contents.
From Nemesis Maturity:
NASA Receives Radio Signals from the Center of the Earth – A Secret Alien Civilization Lives Beneath World’s Surface
NASA is receiving radio transmissions from hundreds of miles bellow the Earth’s surface and experts say the signals are being sent by an intelligent highly advanced life-form
“It’s clear that someone or something is communicating with us,” said a highly placed NASA source who requested anonymity. “And whoever it is has the technology to send signals to the surface through hundreds of miles of soil and rock.”
Scientists first detected the signals with the aid of sophisticated satellites, and transmissions have been received at intermittent intervals ever since, the source said.
He said the transmissions are in the form of a complex mathematical code, further convincing scientists that they are in touch with a colony of beings whose intelligence far outstrips ours.
The source at NASA said scientists had little trouble decoding the messages, but he steadfastly refused to disclose their contents. “I wouldn’t say the transmissions were of a hostile nature, but their contents could be a source of concern and controversy,” he said.
“Since so much depends upon interpretation, I think it’s wise to let the experts wrestle with this one for a while before releasing any information that might unnecessarily alarm the public.”
The source said scientists are frustrated by the fact that they’ve been unable to determine the exact location of the subterranean civilization and that they lack the technology to respond to the beings’ messages.
“Whoever they are, they obviously know far more about us than we know about them,” he said. “For one thing, they have found a way to communicate with us in a regular basis, but we have little or no inkling how to communicate with them in return.”
“And for another, their transmissions have displayed a thorough understanding of life on Earth while we have no idea how intelligent life could form and survive without sunlight or oxygen.”
The source said scientists agree that this is the most startling and important discovery of the century. “We have long thought that space was the final frontier, but now we realize that inside our planet lies uncharted territory that could prove to be far more important to our future.”
How NASA monitors the underground civilization? Radio waves shooting out from sources deep inside the Earth emerge around the world. Breaking free of the planet’s surface, the signals head into space. Tracking satellites capture the signals and relay them to NASA. NASA has decoded them but won’t reveal the contents.
Les membres de l’équipage d’un avion d’Air Iberia, voyageant entre l’Espagne et Cuba, a observé et filmé, en début de semaine, un mystérieux phénomène par le hublot. Certains commentateurs estiment qu’il s’agit d’un…Lire la suite sur Ovnis-direct
The discovery of a pregnant T Rex could mean scientists are closer to cloning
While dinosaur bones do contain some DNA, the bone known as the medullary bone that grows in female dinosaurs during pregnancy will contain a lot more DNA.
Lindsay Zanno, assistant research professor of biological sciences at North Carolina State University, said that it “is possible” that the dinosaur and its egg contains the necessary DNA – which is the building blocks for life – to take scientists a step closer to reintroducing dinosaurs to the world.
While the technology is not quite there to fully reproduce the likes of a fearsome T-rex, experts hope that the fossils they have harboured may one day come in use to resurrecting them.
Ms Zanno told Discovery News: "We have some evidence that fragments of DNA may be preserved in dinosaur fossils, but this remains to be tested further.”
Scientists are familiar with the medullary bone as it is also present in the descendants of dinosaurs such as chickens and female reptiles when they are about to give birth.
The T Rex live 68 million years ago
Ms Zanno continued: "It's a special tissue that is built up as easily mobilised calcium storage just before egg laying.
"The outcome is that birds do not have to pull calcium from the main part of their bones in order to shell eggs, weakening their bones the way crocodiles do.
"Medullary bone is thus present just before and during egg laying, but is entirely gone after the female has finished laying eggs.”
GETTYScientists managed to grow a chicken with dinosaur legs
The T-Rex that the team found was discovered in Montana USA and dates back some 68million years and was between 16 and 20 years old.
The news that scientists have found some key DNA comes shortly after it was announced that experts from the University of Chile managed to grow dinosaur legs on a chicken.
Experts modified the genes in a chicken embryo to develop the dinosaur-esque fibulas in their lower legs.
Avian dinosaurs such as the Archaeopteryx had tubular fibulas which reached all the way down to the ankle alongside the tibia – as opposed to chicken fibulas which only go about three quarters of the way down the tibia.
Chickens look very similar to dinosaurs when they are developing in the egg, so the researchers shut off a bone maturation gene called IHH or Indian Hedgehog which meant that the chicken developed long, tubular fibulas, like a dinosaur.
Sub for more: | Modern technologies provide for any tactical platforms to be equipped with laser weaponry, the director for Directed Energy Systems at Lockheed Martin said according to Sputnik who says Paul Shattuck confirmed that the company could produce “a viable weapon for fielding,” able to bore a hole into a two-inch-thick piece of steel, if such a need existed.
Some alien hunters have been sent into a frenzy by a mysterious image of what they believe is a 'fleet of space ships' flying over the capital's tallest building.
Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, claims alien visitors were "sightseeing" at the famous landmark, when a tourist on the ground inadvertently snapped them.
The unidentified snapper was so convinced they had captured something unearthly on camera they have now forwarded the image for investigation by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
The picture was taken in the capital last December.
In close up: Do these look like space ships or blobs of light?
The eyewitness said: "On closer inspection of the photographs, I noticed that a progressive path off unidentified objects were recorded on the several images that were taken. They were clearly visible above the pinnacle of The Shard.
"In extreme close-up, the object to the far right has a clear structure - perhaps metallic. I am almost certain these are not light reflections. I take lots of photographs and have never observed this phenomenon before or since."
However, unfortunately, for anyone hoping for a breakthrough in the search for proof of alien life this one looks to be just a red herring.
Before MUFON, the world's largest organisation dedicated to researching and logging global UFO sightings, has had chance to investigate the picture it appears another ET researcher has cracked the case.
Scott Brando examined the image to see the source of the lens flares
One clue is that lens flare often has an aqua colour. Another clue is the symmetry between the bright light source and the lens flares.
Online poster Skywatcher
Italian Scott Brando, who runs hoax-buisting website, has revealed robust evidence that it was nothing more than a lens flare.
Lens flares appear on pictures when light reflects inside the camera, which places reflected light in an opposite part of the image, and this is why the so-called objects are never seen by the photographer.
The snapper of The Shard picture said they had ruled out a lens flare as the cause - despite admitting they had not seeing any objects in the sky at the time the image was captured.
However, Mr Waring did not appear to consider the possibility of a lens flare.
He said the picture was an example of how the digital eye of the camera is more exact than the human eye, because they photographer never saw them.
He said: "There are only two reasons to stop by such a famous building.
"One to drop off some alines to do some shopping or to observe a marvel of the modern age - the building itself."
Mr Brando, who forensically examines alleged UFO pictures, appears to have has geometrically shown on the picture the lights towards the bottom of the building which were the source of the flares by lining them up in a graphic.
He said: "Yes, this is 100 per cent caused by lens flare."
He was backed up by someone posting under the username Skywatcher on who said: "This looks like lens flare caused by the bright streetlights at the bottom of the picture.
"One clue is that lens flare often has an aqua colour. Another clue is the symmetry between the bright light source and the lens flares."
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INEXPLICABLE: Bizarre UFO captured on camera that NO ONE can explain
INEXPLICABLE: Bizarre UFO captured on camera that NO ONE can explain
Another video has been submitted for analysis which according to the person who took it, is the ultimate proof that the UFO phenomenon is real. The bizarre footage of a mysterious object is currently being reviewed by Ufologists who hope to get to the bottom of yet another enigmatic video which according to many, is proof of alien visitations.
„I have shown the video to a few of my close friends but none of them can explain what flew by my house that day.“
The person who filmed the UFO, who prefers to remain anonymous, initially thought what he had recorded was a bird, but soon after, he realized that the object had no wings, and was unlike anything else in the sky at that time, not even birds which are seen in the video. (Case number: 75187)
The video has been sent to analysis to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) which is the largest organisation in charge of investigation alleged Alien and UFO sightings on the planet.
According to a report from MUFON, the person said he recorded the UFO at 5:30 pm on a cloudy, but brightly lit day in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
He said: “I looked up and saw a black object.
“My first reaction was I thought I saw a bird, however, something was not right as the object has no wings and was flying quite high in the sky.”
“I realised that I was not witnessing a bird or balloon (it was too big), but an unidentified object.”
After which he began filming the mysterious object in the sky…
He said: “I had a clear view of the object, it is very large – the size of the nose or cockpit section of a passenger plane.
Left: The disk-shaped object in question. Right: A comparative image of a bird seen in the sky.
“The object was flying very fast, the speed of a passenger plane.
“The object is square-like but as it flies and turns, I can see that the top part of the object is rectangular with straight lines running across from the centre to the edge.
“It did not emit any sound at all as it flew by.”
Prior to sending the footage to MUFON, the person who filmed the UFO showed the enigmatic footage to several people, all of who were left perplexed by the object and loss for an explication.
“I have shown the video to a few of my close friends but none of them can explain what flew by my house that day,“ said the witness.
The number of reported UFO sightings in 2016 remains high as people all around the planet are snapping images and videos of the inexplicable phenomenon in the sky.
While some of these ‘encounters’ can be perfectly explained, there are many other images and videos which are up for debate.
What do you think this sighting is? Are we looking at another ‘hoax’ or is it possible that this time, we have genuine, authentic footage of extraterrestrial vehicles, caught on camera?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Wezens uit andere dimensies met pikzwarte ogen waar de meeste mensen bij het zien van deze wezens een soort angst ervaren.
“Hoi”, zei ze en ik voelde een lichte vorm van angst. Op dat moment wist ik dat dit geen droom meer was, maar dat ik in een andere dimensie was.
Naar aanleiding van ons artikel eerder deze week over een lezer die een ervaring had met een zogenaamd Black Eyed Kid, ontvingen wij nog enkele interessante ervaringen.
Het beeld dat zich zo langzamerhand begint te vormen, laat zien dat we hier waarschijnlijk toch te maken hebben met wezens uit een andere dimensie. Het gevoel dat mensen overwegend hebben wanneer ze deze wezens ontmoetten is meestal niet positief.
Wat dat betreft was de ervaring van de lezer in het eerdere artikel eigenlijk merkwaardig, omdat dit de eerste keer is waar wij van weten dat er geen sprake was van angst.
Bij de volgende twee lezerservaringen speelt dit wel degelijk weer een rol.
De ervaringen van de eerste lezer (dank!):
Ik las vandaag het verhaal van een Black Eyed Kid uit een ander Dimensie. en dit heeft me er toe doen besluiten om Jullie te berichten dat ik 3 ervaringen heb gehad met deze wezens.
Dat ze uit een ander dimensie komen wil ik zeker geloven want ze zijn voor ons mensen niet echt biologisch te noemen en niet echt natuurlijk.
Mijn Eerste ervaring met zulke mensen met pik zwarte ogen was toen ik een jongen van 14 was. Ik ben opgeroeid op een boerderij in Groningen. waar mijn eerste ervaring met deze wezens was.
Ik fietste elke dag naar school, altijd met een goede dosis optimisme. Ik stond in mijn jeugd heel positief in het leven. Het was, dat weet ik nog wel, 15 maart 1965 toen ik met mijn fiets weer terug van school naar huis fietste en ineens een man zag bij de berm naast het fietspad.
Hij staarde naar de grond. Ik fietste daar dus voorbij toen die man ineens zich begon te bewegen en de achtervolging in zette. Ik was doodsbang, het was duidelijk iemand met verkeerde bedoelingen.
Gelukkig bleef ik hem voor en hij kon mij niet pakken. Toen de vreemde man het opgaf keek ik even achterom en toen zag ik zijn angstige blik. En ik kon zien dat hij pikzwarte ogen had, maar ik had zijn gezicht heel even gezien toen ik mij gezicht omdraaide.
Ik was thuis toen ik het mijn ouders vertelde wat voor naars ik had meegemaakt. Ik was in shock en heel erg bang dus ik kon daardoor ook een hele tijd niet naar school.
Ik heb gepraat met psycholoog, het duurde echter een hele tijd voor ik het kon verwerken.
20 jaar later in 1985 was ik inmiddels al getrouwd en woonde al in Eindhoven. In de zomer van dat jaar gingen we een weekend naar de Veluwe. We hadden toen veel gefietst en hier beleefde ik ook een ervaring met een black eyed. Maar dit keer was het een vrouw met een baby bij haar.
Ik liep toen even alleen in de bossen van de Veluwe toen ik een vrouw tegenkwam en ik kan bij god zweren dat zij ook zwarte ogen had. En toen voelde ik me daarna weer onveilig, maar ik kon het daarna weer mij zelf op de rit krijgen en mij dagelijks leven oppakken.
Mijn 3e ervaring was ook gelukkig de laatste ervaring met deze wezens. Dat was 4 jaar geleden, in januari 2012.
Toen ik weer naar de Ardennen in België ging om er even een weekje te vertoeven kwam ik daar in de bossen een Jongen tegen met een kaal hoofd en ook zwarte ogen met een raar gevleugeld wezen naast hem. Ik fietste in het donker in op weg naar huis toen dit gebeurde. Maar toen ze mij zagen sloegen ze vrij snel op de vlucht en ik heb daar ook niks meer van vernomen.
Waar ik precies mee te maken had dat weet ik niet, wie of wat ze zijn geen idee.
Ik hoop zelf dat ik dit nooit meer mee hoef te maken, maar als ik al die verhalen zo lees over deze figuren is er echt meer tussen hemel en aarde en is er meer aan de hand dan wij mensen nu denken.
De ervaring van de tweede lezer (dank!):
Ik wil graag mijn ervaring met een black eyed kid delen. Dit, omdat deze afwijkt van de verhalen die hier te lezen zijn.
Allereerst wil ik met jullie delen dat ik soms ervan bewust ben als mijn ziel op reis gaat en dat was ook deze ochtend. (18-03-16)
Ik begin met het vertellen dat ik een paar weken geleden in een meditatie door kreeg dat niet aardse wezens voor mij (of voor ons allemaal) dichter bij zullen komen. Ik werk bij de HEMA en zo mocht ik gisteren en 3 dagen geleden ervaren dat er een niet aards wezen in "menskleren" aan mijn kassa verscheen. Dit waren 2 verschillende "personen" Voor mij hadden ze een aparte houding/aparte manier van bewegen, praten in het Nederlands ging hun "moeilijk" tot niet af, maar gaven mij ook niet de indruk dat ze ook geen andere aardse taal spraken en hadden ze ogen die van onze vorm afweken en een soort van lichte moeite hadden, hier doorheen te kijken.
Black eyed kid ervaring:
Ik was vanmorgen rond 7 uur wakker voor mijn dagelijkse ochtendmeditatie en plots voelde ik de behoefte om weer te gaan slapen. Normaal luister ik nog een mantra, maar ditmaal "moest" ik gaan slapen en ging weer naast mijn vriendin liggen.
In eerste instantie dacht ik dat het een droom was:
Ik kwam op een grote oude boerderij terecht en ik was met nog 2 andere vrouwen. Dit leek te zijn in de tijd van zeg maar de serie little house on the prairie.
We kwamen bij een familie en wij zaten aan een ronde tafel toen er een meisje naar mij toe kwam. Blijkbaar vond zij mij leuk en vroeg of ik met haar mee wilde. Haar zus zei: "dat moet je echt afleren, iedere keer als je een jongen leuk vind er ook iets mee doen. Ik vertelde het meisje dat ik al een vriendin had en ze begon te huilen.
We stonden op het punt weg te gaan en een van de vrouwen met wie ik was zei: "Het is hier een traditie dat de man een kopje thee voor de eigenaresse gaat brengen bij vertrek. Omdat we in een soort van haast waren keek ik op tafel en zag een waterkaraf staan en vroeg: "Is water ook goed?" Ja werd er gezegd.
Met een glas water ging ik naar buiten, op zoek naar de eigenaressen en ondertussen was het heel modderig. Ik kon haar niet vinden en liep een andere kant op. Voor mij was er een lang hout gebouw, met een lange balustrade. Boven op de balustrade zat er een meisje, oud kledendracht met pikzwarte ogen.
Hoi zei ze en ik voelde een lichte vorm van angst. Op dat moment wist ik dat dit geen droom meer was, maar dat ik in een ander dimensie was.
Ik had een dubbel gevoel: ik moet weg van hier, zo snel mogelijk, maar aan de andere kant was ik ook nieuwsgierig en wilde ik contact met haar. Ik kreeg van mijn gids te horen dat ik vanuit mijn eigen dimensie hulp moest halen, zodat als ik terug wilde komen en dit niet lukte, ik door iemand met fysieke, aardse dingen teruggehaald kon worden: water en eventueel aarde vanuit de tuin.
Op het moment dat ik mijzelf eruit probeerde te trekken, was het meisje ook aan mij (aan mijn energie) aan het trekken, zodat ik daar zou blijven.
Met heel veel moeite kwam ik wat terug, maar wilde mijn vriendin niet wakker te maken om haar instructies te geven wat te doen als ik langer dan 15 min zou blijven slapen. Wederom werd ik weer teruggetrokken naar de andere dimensie en probeerde ik van daar weg te blijven. Dit gebeurde nog een keer totdat ik volhardend bleef volhouden niet meer "in slaap te vallen"
Date of sighting: November 13, 1966 Location of sighting: Zanesville, Ohio, USA Source: Magazine, Flying Saucers UFO Reports No. 2, 1967 Now guys, I got this article directly from an old UFO magazine from Ebay. There are a lot of UFO sightings in these old UFO magazines that have been going untapped for decades. I implore anyone who has a UFO site out there to please purchase some of these old magazines (the older, the better) and put these lost sightings on the Internet for the world. Click here to see these old UFO magazines on Ebay. For instance, the article below does not exist on the Internet, but 10% of it does and some photos do, but a personal interview and description from that day are missing, here the magazine fills in 900% more detail that we had yesterday. That is important! I have found astronaut UFO sightings that have never hit the net before and I will put up soon. We must learn from the past to understand the present. It will solve a lot of mysteries. Scott C. Waring
Magazine States: For three months this photograph of something hung on the wall of Ralph Ditter's barbershop in Zanesville, Ohio. The 40-year-old barber had taken the picture with a Polaroid camera on November 13 when the metallic object moving slowly through the sky caught his attention on a summer day, while he was on his way to his cousins home to photograph some furniture. The object which he described as noiseless and about 20 feet in diameter hovered about 47 feet above the ground rotating counterclockwise on a vertical access. He took three photos. After about a minute and a half that object drifted lazily toward the west and disappeared over the brow of the hill. But Ditter thinking it might return, rushed inside for his motion picture equipment and waited for almost 2 hours for a reappearance. There was none. And amateur astronomer, Ditter, convinced he had seen something from a solar system other than his own placed the photo on the wall of his shop along with a photo of the moon he had taken through a telescope and a chart of the solar system. The display attracted much comments and dinner had no intention of exhibiting it for more than a conversation piece among his customers. He was well aware of the unpleasant publicity that frequently attaches to sighters of UFOs, and he also did not want his place over run with the curious. But word of the unusual photo reached Dr. Benjamin Gilliotte Zanesville physician, former Air Corps officer and a member of the NICAP. Dr. Gilliotte reported the sighting and the photo to the NICAP and also inform news media of its existence. The story in the photo were used in newspapers of February 6. Asked why he had not informed the Air Force of the sighting Mr. Ditter explained that he was disgusted by their fool explanations of UFOs. He stated flatly that he knows satellites, meteors, and planets when he sees them, and he didn't want to be told it was something like that, or else marsh gas. Ditter has no doubt about what he saw and mentioned to us when we spoke to him on the phone that a schoolteacher in Roseville had seen a strange light over the Zanesville cemetery 24 hours after he photograph the object near his home. He made no link up between the two unusual occurrences. Four days after the news story appeared in the papers constable Gary Butler of Perkins Township near Sandusky reported that he had seen a UFO hovering near the NASA research center. He watched it for approximately four minutes at 3:42 AM during which time it Hubbard about 40 feet above the ground. He described it as a disc shaped bright blue roughly 20 feet in diameter. When he drew closer the object disappeared behind trees. None of the workers at the Plumbrook research center cited the UFO. From Flying Saucers UFO Reports Magazine #2 1967.
Amateur Photographer Catches UFO Near Mountains In Argentina, Feb 28, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Amateur Photographer Catches UFO Near Mountains In Argentina, Feb 28, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 28, 2016, reported March 6 Location of sighting: Puna Catamarquena, Argentina News source: This cool UFO was caught by accident by a kid in Argentina a few weeks ago when he and his friends were filming some desolate scenery. As you already know, UFOs are more commonly seen in low populated areas. The smaller the population of the area, the higher your chances to witness a UFO. If you live in a small town, they you have an advantage. Scott C. Waring Elancasti Spanish News States: They photographed a UFO in the Puna catamarqueña. The image was captured by a group of young people who on Sunday toured the mountains catamarqueña by the Paso de San Francisco. The photograph was taken by one of the youngsters whose hobby capture with his camera lens the most inhospitable landscapes of the Puna catamarqueña, as published in The Digital Abaucán. The boy captured the image you can see an unidentified flying object (UFO) around 17.30 on Sunday 28 February, in the hamlet of Chaschuil, Tinogasta department. But he did not realize what hid photography to reach Fiambala, where he hails, when reviewing the images he saw a UFO in the sky. What do you think?
Colour-Changing UFO On Video Doing Fast Movements Up and Down
Colour-Changing UFO On Video Doing Fast Movements Up and Down
Lake Harstad UFO
A footage of a strange UFO that was recorded changing colour as it sped into a lake has caught the attention of paranormal investigators. The bright aerial thing descends quickly towardsLake Harstad in Norway. It appears to be red at the start of the video before it transforms into green as it gets nearer to the water.
The unnamed witness said that he recorded the video half way through the sighting from his balcony. He was looking out over the sea during the strange event.
According to the witness’ account, he first thought of a drone as the object did not make any movement, but moments later, he observed it suddenly did a quick movement up into the sky in a straight line towards the north.
He then ran inside and looked out from a kitchen window while telling his girlfriend to come and see the mystery object. The couple reportedly had never seen anything like it in the past.
The witness added that the UFO moved fast where it came from, so they ran back to the balcony and recorded the odd event this time with an iPhone. Then the object descended very quickly from high up in the sky to the sea. While going down, bright lights changed from red to green.
The object disappeared suddenly behind the building. The sighting stunned the couple, and they didn’t know what to say or feel.
The video was reportedly taken last August, but the reporting witness just sent it recently to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for further investigation.
In 1980 in a remote section of the Andes mountains, two men encountered a bigfoot-like creature as it boarded a UFO and flew away. This is their story.
and check this out...
20-03-2016 om 19:36
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The 10 Most MYSTERIOUS UFO Sightings of All Time!
The 10 Most MYSTERIOUS UFO Sightings of All Time!
From the Mariana Incident to the Chicago O'Hare Case here is a look at ten of the most mysterious UFO sightings of all time.
and check this out our show from this week. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
20-03-2016 om 19:26
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
I was sitting in my living room watching television about 7:00pm and out my large window which faces northwest over Quebec, I noticed a really strange colored cloud in the otherwise mostly blue with some grey clouds. It appeared like a big swirl of rainbow colors – very bright and not easy to miss. It was like one big whirl of colors of the rainbow but not in the shape of your arc type rainbow. I know these are called rainbow clouds but I have only seen one once before and that one I reported to Mufon too, last year I believe it was. When I had my first sighting of a rainbow cloud last year I noticed two UFOs seemingly to come between two vertical short rainbow clouds when I held up my binoculars – couldn’t see the UFOs until I used the binoculars, so this time when I saw another rainbow cloud (different shape than the first though) I knew to look further with the binoculars again. Prior to remaining solidly rainbow colored the cloud swirl formation had a more whitish color to it and when I looked through the binoculars there was what looked like a tunnel tube like shape that was quite long and on the outside it had ridges. It appeared to be like a tunnel is the only way I can describe it, I almost expected something to come out of the end of it that was well formed and perfectly round and looked like a giant hole. Nothing did come out of it unless when the dark clouds came over later something came out but I couldn’t see at that point. The tunnel sort of faded in form off and on as the colors of the rainbow intensified. When I spotted the UFO, the tunnel had almost totally gone. At first the colors of the cloud were just moving around a little and changing in depth of color and I didn’t see anything else but I persevered and sure enough about half way through the viewing there it was, near the upper middle part of the rainbow cloud. A definite sold disc just sitting behind the cloud. It stayed put for the whole sighting but behind the mist of the cloud.
Where it was appeared a peach like color but I’m sure that was the cloud and not the UFO itself but I can’t be sure. It was not dark though like my first two in a rainbow cloud, definitely lighter – possibly white or silver. There were no flashing lights or stationary ones but it seemed a little reflective but not much. There was no sound but it was very high up and far away. It was still quite light outside and earlier in the day, about 4pm there had been a storm including real downpours of rain that didn’t last long but were severe plus we did have thunder and not sure about lighting – not all areas of the city got the same effects from the storm. I believe the first sighting of the UFO in the rainbow cloud happened after a storm as well and about the same time. At one point in the sighting two huge black billowy clouds seemed to appear out of nowhere as there were no other black clouds like that before when I first saw the rainbow cloud and they just seemed to engulf that whole area and blocked out the rainbow cloud and UFO altogether then just as fast the black cloud was gone and I am not sure if the UFO was still there or not. In a few minutes though the rainbow cloud faded and all was gone. Like I said I knew to grab the binoculars to see this type of cloud as it had a UFO, well two actually, in it a year back and so of course I wondered if this one would be the same and sure enough there it was. The first sighting, I believe I reported to Mufon, was sort of scary because the two discs were large, very large, and flat and coming out of the rainbow cloud and looked threatening because of the color and size like motherships but the one yesterday was small and light colored and stationary and pretty actually due to the peachy color of the cloud covering it. Now the thing is that as I have told Mufon many times before (I have had 6 or 7 sightings now – all different over the last 5 or 6 years) that all my sightings take place in the same area over Quebec not far from Gatineau. This seems to be a real hotbed for UFO activity at least from what I have seen. This is near a large river and they seem to stay fairly close but the sightings are over land, over Quebec. Chalk River isn’t too far from Ottawa where the sightings all took place plus I do believe there is a fault line through that area of Quebec but you can check to be sure. I really am starting to wonder if this area has a portal in it, just seems so strange so many sightings are in the same confined area of sky.
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Members of the AnonSec hacking group have released more than 276GB of data after allegedly spending months inside NASA’s internal network.
The collection of files, provided to Infowars by AnonSec admin Dêfãult Vírüsa prior to being made public Sunday, include 631 videos from aircraft and weather radars, 2,143 flight logs as well as the names, email addresses and phone numbers of 2,414 NASA employees.
A “zine,” or self-published paper detailing the hack, dubbed “OpNasaDrones,” reveals everything from AnonSec’s motives to the specific technical vulnerabilities that enabled the extensive breach.
“NASA has been breached more times than most people can honestly remember… However, this hack into NASA wasn’t initially focused on drones [sic] data and upper atmosphere chemical samples. In fact the original breach into NASA systems wasn’t even planned, it was caught up in a gozi virus spread,” the hackers write, referring to an infamous Trojan that has infected more than 1 million computers to date.
The data reveals information about NASA’s connection to weather modification (CHEMTAILS) research in a log of a DC-8 jetliner.
The Hack
After purchasing an “initial foothold” from a hacker with knowledge of NASA servers over two years ago, the group says it began testing how many machines it could “break into” and “root” – a term referring to an account with complete control over a computer or network.
Brute forcing an administrator’s SSH password, which reportedly only took “0.32” seconds due to the credentials being left as default, AnonSec gained further access inside – allowing them to grab even more login data with a hidden packet sniffer (tcpdump).
The hackers say while some members mapped the network, others analyzed the “different missions, airbases and aircraft” listed by the agency. Public missions like “OIB – Operation Ice Bridge” and drones such as the “Global Hawk“ were among those mentioned.
Deleting records of their presence as they hacked deeper into the agency’s system, AnonSec, who even hacked security cameras and uncovered the schematics to one base’s camera layout, then infiltrated the networks at “Glenn Research Center, Goddard Space Flight Center and Dryden Flight Research Center.”
Once inside, the group says it began noticing numerous systems and networked devices “popping up in scans that were not previously visible…”
After sniffing a password belonging to the system administrator, the hackers say they were eventually able to gain full root access to three network-attached storage (NAS) devices tasked with compiling backups of aircraft flight logs.
“Now we had all 3 NAS devices automatically making copies of the logs as they are uploaded from the drones and renaming them to look like semi ordinary index files,” the group writes, mocking the system administrator responsible for protecting the data ( via ).
Hackers Attempt to Crash Drone into Pacific Ocean
As the information began flowing unsuspectingly to an AnonSec-controlled server outside of the NASA network, analysis of the data yielded what the hackers described as “weird traffic.”
There is a space-time vortex around Earth, and its shape precisely matches the predictions of Einstein’s theory of gravity. Researchers confirmed these points at a press conference at NASA headquarters where they announced the long-awaited results of Gravity Probe B (GP-B). “The space-time around Earth appears to be distorted just as general relativity predicts,” says Stanford University physicist Francis Everitt, principal investigator of the Gravity Probe B mission. ”This is an epic result,” adds Clifford Will of Washington University in St. Louis. An expert in Einstein’s theories, Will chairs an independent panel of the National Research Council set up by NASA in 1998 to monitor and review the results of Gravity Probe B. “One day,” he predicts, “this will be written up in textbooks as one of the classic experiments in the history of physics.” Time and space, according to Einstein’s theories of relativity, are woven together, forming a four-dimensional fabric called “space-time.” The mass of Earth dimples this fabric, much like a heavy person sitting in the middle of a trampoline. Gravity, says Einstein, is simply the motion of objects following the curvaceous lines of the dimple. If Earth were stationary, that would be the end of the story. But Earth is not stationary.
Our planet spins, and the spin should twist the dimple, slightly, pulling it around into a 4-dimensional swirl. This is what GP-B went to space in 2004 to check. The idea behind the experiment is simple: Put a spinning gyroscope into orbit around the Earth, with the spin axis pointed toward some distant star as a fixed reference point. Free from external forces, the gyroscope’s axis should continue pointing at the star–forever. But if space is twisted, the direction of the gyroscope’s axis should drift over time. By noting this change in direction relative to the star, the twists of space-time could be measured.
The results of Gravity Probe B give physicists renewed confidence that the strange predictions of Einstein’s theory are indeed correct, and that these predictions may be applied elsewhere. The type of space-time vortex that exists around Earth is duplicated and magnified elsewhere in the cosmos–around massive neutron stars, black holes, and active galactic nuclei. “If you tried to spin a gyroscope in the severely twisted space-time around a black hole,” says Will, “it wouldn’t just gently precess by a fraction of a degree. It would wobble crazily and possibly even flip over.” For readers who are not experts in relativity: Geodetic precession is the amount of wobble caused by the static mass of the Earth (the dimple in space-time) and the frame dragging effect is the amount of wobble caused by the spin of the Earth (the twist in space-time). Both values are in precise accord with Einstein’s predictions. -NASA http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress. … und-earth/
Note: Our visitors have explored the space-time vortex that exists around Earth that is duplicated and magnified elsewhere in the cosmos. This concept may explain extraterrestrial space travel from distant planets to Earth in a relatively short time.
UFO hunters claim they have discovered a massive alien base on the moon nine miles wide. And while scientists say its just a crater, barmy space fanatics insist it’s in fact a huge glass dome. You Tuber Tony Wilke spotted the shape in a photo of the lunar landscape taken during NASA’s Apollo missions. It comes after satellite photos of the Mars revealed unnatural shapes hailed as entrances to an underground base. “Scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously it’s a dome.”
According to Tony, who runs the YouTube channel Earth Files Earths History, the dome is approximately 250 million years old. During that time it’s suffered damage, he said, but it still stands because of a supporting beam more than two miles long. The structure is some nine miles across and at least two miles deep, it’s claimed. Quite why the aliens needed to build a giant extra-terrestrial 02 Arena out of glass is not guessed at. Scott C Waring, who edits the website UFO Sightings Daily, hit out at scientists for dismissing the find. “As you can see for yourself this is a dome on Earth’s moon,” he said. “Scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously it’s a dome. “This is mislabeled in astronomy as Harden Crater. I don’t blame the scientists. It’s just the way education goes in school.” Tony said that when the domes were first built aeons ago, the class would have been completely transparent. “When these domes were constructed and completed they were completely clear,” he said. “You could take a hundred foot by hundred foot block of glass that they make you could see perfectly clear to the other side without any distortion at all. “But this is just the result of deterioration after millions and millions of years.”
NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon
Moon Pyramid
Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel. Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, we still can’t say for sure that they were real, and their poor resolution only makes matters worse. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions. “Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.
Moon Strutures
The quote above is from Bob Dean, who was speaking at a conference in Europe. Bob is a retired US Army Command Sargent Major, and he also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst. When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies. It’s also important to note here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972. Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information. He’s not the only one to make such an assertion. “Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon) Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.
Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994.
Moon Glass Tower
It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out ifsomeone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them? He then went on to state that: Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.If you were to tell the average person that you think another civilization, advanced enough to have mastered space travel, had been to the Moon before we got there and is possibly still going there, you would, without a doubt, receive some very peculiar looks in return. On the other hand, if that other person were to decide to hear you out, you would probably get their attention pretty quickly. For some, this type of information can be overwhelming, even terrifying, and that’s okay. Many people are not ready to open their minds up to these possibilities, but the truth of the matter is, it’s something we are going to have to confront eventually. We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability. Perhaps we can make it long enough to realize this future, or maybe it’s coming sooner than we think. That being said, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial contact is already happening.
Filer’s Files #12 2016 Thousands of Pilots See UFOs - PART I
Disc photographed over Cuchi Corral, Argentina by Mario Tizon
Filer’s Files #12 2016 Thousands of Pilots See UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Chilean General Bermúdez Says UFOs Exist, Argentina Hosts Thousands Who Love Aliens, Thousands of Airline Pilots Witness UFOs, Jetliners Encounter UFOs Over New Jersey, Civilizations Colonizing Space, ISS Spots UFO from Space, and Mass Extinctions Occur Every 62 Million Years.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Vermont.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, France, Iran, Malaysia, Spain, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Chilean General Bermúdez Says UFOs Exist
Chilean General Ricardo Bermúdez states, “The anomalous aerial phenomenon described as unidentified flying object exists, is present here and all over the world.” A former fighter pilot, who later served as an air attaché in London, he was chief commander of the Air Force’s Southern Area. Retired Chilean Air Force General (Ret.) Ricardo Bermúdez is Director of Chile’s Official Committee for the Study of Aerial Anomalous Phenomena (CEFAA). In 1997, the Chilean government formed CEFAA following publicly acknowledged observations of UFOs at a remote Chilean airport. General Bermúdez cane to the USA to speak at the Open Minds Conference open to the general public.
General Ricardo Bermudez (Ret.), explained in statements made to Chile’s Radio Cooperative that, “His team has indeed witnessed UFOs, that they exist and are being investigated in accordance with their mission, but that these objects do not necessarily include “little green extraterrestrials” inside them.”
“A specific case took place in Punta Arenas late last year, where the radar picked up an UFO and the air traffic controller told the pilot that there was a UFO in front of him at a distance of four miles, which is equivalent to three steps away for a person on land, and the pilot indeed saw it,” said Bermudez.
On that occasion, explains the General, after being picked up on radar, by two air traffic controllers a warning was sent to the unknown craft and the pilot also witnessed the UFO along with ground personnel at Porvenir. “This is one of the most solid cases in our files, and it’s an objective one, because one can say that a pilot may be confused by clouds, or that people on the ground could hallucinate at any given moment, but here we have witnesses plus instrumentation,” argues Bermudez. “The anomalous aerial phenomenon described as unidentified flying objects exists, is present here and all over the world, but it must be understood within scientific etymology”
Both the French group and General Ricardo Bermudez, president of the CEFAA, have made overtures to the U.S. government for cooperation on this issue, with no response. [Translation (c) 2012, Scott Corrales, IHU.
Argentina Hosts Thousands Who Love Aliens
Capilla Del Monte — by Kamilia Lahrichi. who wrote about Extraterrestrial ground zero.
Residents of Capilla Del Monte are positive intelligent aliens from another galaxy are living among them. So positive, the town of 16,000 holds an annual Alien Festival that draws tens of thousands of visitors — from Earth, that is. This year’s event kicked off Friday and runs through Valentine’s Day, for those in love with extraterrestrials. There is an alien costume contest, a parade of Star Wars characters, a laser contest and special effects simulating aliens’ arrival on Earth. There are workshops with regional speakers renowned in the UFO community on how aliens contact humankind, among other topics.
“I came all the way from France to see the intraterrestrial city of ERKS, which is buried under this town,” said Monique Rasset, a yoga professor who has traveled to Capilla del Monte for ten years.” According to local lore, ERKS is an underground city built by “intelligent lights” from another dimension who can communicate with humans.
Some tourists who make their way to the town, about 500 miles northwest of the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, come mainly for the spectacle, with or without real aliens.
“I loved the Star Wars show and costumes last year so we decided to come back to the festival this year,” said Gabriela Amorosi, who traveled 18 hours by bus from her southern Argentine city of Bahia Blanca. To prepare for the festival, tourists and residents get into the mystical mood by meditating in parks, Zen temples and “silence zones” that have energy fields. Tourism agencies organize sky-gazing events to watch for mysterious lights.
Many of the estimated 30,000 visitors — mostly from Latin America, the USA, France, Germany and Japan — will scale the 6,500-foot-high Uritorco hill on the outskirts of town in search of energy fields and doors to other dimensions.
“The historical reason why people are curious about UFOs in Capilla del Monte dates back to 1986, when a giant circular footprint of burned grass was found at the slope of (the Uritorco) hill,” explained Alejandro Barbosa, the town’s tourism secretary.
Local researchers collected testimonies from residents who claimed they had seen a spaceship with fluorescent lights that left a long trail. The town’s resident alien scholar said she believes UFOs are lured here. “UFO existence may be the result of electromagnetic conditions and telluric forces at the epicenter of the (Uritorco) hill,” said Mary López Espitia, a Colombian who is director of the town’s Center on UFO investigation. Espita has studied the topic for 20 years and organizes international conferences. Espitia said she has seen UFOs often: “lights that behave in an intelligent way.” These are “lights of different sizes, shapes and colors, at different times of the day and night, and at different times of the year,” she said.
UFOs are a regular topic of conversation not only here, but throughout Argentina. National and local media often relay information on mysterious disc shaped objects seen flying.
“In Capilla del Monte, the majority of people see UFOs. It’s very common,” said Mario Tizon, a photographer. “I have seen UFOs in the countryside since I was a child.” Tizon showed photos he took on January 31, 2014, of supposed UFOs in the neighboring town of Cuchi Corral. Snip Thanks to Richard Heiden 2016-02-07 Appleton (Wis.) Post-Crescent, Special for USA TODAY
Thousands of Airline Pilots Witness UFOs
WASHINGTON D.C. —Airline pilots see unidentified flying objects but very few report it because of ridicule and the possibility of losing their jobs. According to the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, (NARCAP) there have been over 3,500 documented sightings of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” by military, commercial, and civilian pilots. But Captain Jim Courant, a commercial pilot for over 31 years, says there are many more sightings that are just not reported.
Captain Jim Courant and Major George Filer
“It is almost astounding how many people are in the know on this subject,” said Captain Jim Courant, speaking before the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on May 3, 2013. Courant has been researching and studying the phenomena of UFOs for years. He has collected over 3,000 books on UFOs and extraterrestrials, and hosted a television series on the issue titled “New Perspectives” which ran for three years.
He still flies for a commercial airline and because of his exposure on television has become known as an authority on UFO’s and extraterrestrial encounters. He has been contacted, and still is, by many commercial airline and military pilots who are happy to discuss their UFO’s encounters privately but do not want to talk publicly, fearing ridicule and in some cases retaliation.
“They are afraid,” not so much about their status or their retirement benefits, but “they are more afraid for their families,” he said.
He described the experience of one pilot who was flying a 747 over the Pacific in 1980, when he came across a UFO in front of him.
“You won’t believe what we saw,” the pilot had said, according to Courant. “This thing was bigger than a 747.”
Courant said the pilot told him that when he got to his destination in Japan, he “was debriefed and told never to talk about it again.”
Courant told the hearing about his own encounter with a UFO. In 1995, he was flying near Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he and his co-pilot saw a blue green oval shape approaching from the left. “In a flash of burning white light, the object suddenly shot up at a 45 degree angle,” he told the hearing.
Four other pilots reported to the air traffic control tower that they had also seen the object. “One pilot said it must have been a meteor,” Courant recounted, adding, “I got on and said ‘Since when does a meteor go back up?’” When asked about his co-pilot’s reaction in a telephone conversation following the Disclosure hearing, Courant said, “He refused to discuss it and has never flown with me again.”
Courant said pilots have reported seeing a variety of craft that appear suddenly and move at speeds impossible with present technology. Reports include cigar-shaped craft, triangular craft, and some that are the size of an aircraft carrier or larger.
He says airline pilots are “very serious in their profession” and not likely to make exaggerations. The website NARCAP, co-founded in 1999 by Dr. Richard F. Haines, a recognized specialist in UFOs and a former Chief Scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, has been effective at documenting sightings, but Courant says more needs to be done.
UFO sightings are only “the tip of the iceberg” in terms of what has been experienced and what is known about extraterrestrials, he said. “There are certain things I have been privy to, but I can’t get into that here,” he told the hearing. Courant said it was time for the United States government to come clean with what its agencies have documented and learned through decades of extraterrestrial encounters.
Airline pilots know what they have seen, he said, and should be able to talk about it without fear of ridicule. Thanks to By Shar Adams the
Jetliners Encounter UFOs OverNew Jersey
On Monday night, November 17, 1997, ham radio operator John N. Gonzalez, N2IXW, picked up a UFO report while listening to radio traffic on the air. According to a MUFON report, Gonzalez heard the conversation between the tower at Newark, N.J. airport and Flight 262 on 118.300 MHz. Two other unidentified aircrews also joined in the conversation.
Here is a transcript:
JET #2: “Watch out! The two (UFOs) are coming up to you.”
FLIGHT 262: “Well, Captain, the two up here are coming down to meet with you.”
TOWER: “Flight 262, what is your status?”
FLIGHT 262: “We have 236 souls onboard and fifty thousand (pounds) of fuel. I think these damn things are going to hit us. We are over Morristown just in case there is a collision with them. (pause) They have taken off towards the northeast. And, by the way, towards the northeast, it also looks like a meteor or space debris is coming down.”
(Editor’s Note: Monday night, November 17, was the tail end of the annual Leonid meteor shower.)
TOWER: “Do you wish to report a UFO sighting?”
FLIGHT 262: (Pause) No, we have nothing to report.”
JET #2: “We heard you. I am making sure the passengers are all right. And, no, I have nothing to report, either.”
JET#3: “You guys have seen more than your share of UFOs. I know I have.”
TOWER: “Who are you? Please identify yourself.” (There was no response) “Flight 262, go to the emergency frequency. We will meet with the both of you there.”
(See MUFON Skywatch Investigations #47. Many thanks to George A. Filer of MUFON for letting UFO ROUNDUP quote from his report.)
Civilizations Colonizing Space
The Earth may be rapidly reaching a point where our civilization could expand out into the solar system. A repeat of the Colony structure where mostly European countries took control of vast areas of the world. This time the various space-exploring nations may claim ownership of our Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets and eventually the Galaxy.
S. Jay Olson Cornell University writes, “If a subset of advanced civilizations in the universe choose to rapidly expand into unoccupied space, these civilizations would have the opportunity to grow to a cosmological scale over the course of billions of years. If such life also makes observable changes to the galaxies they inhabit, then it is possible that vast domains of life-saturated galaxies could be visible from the Earth. Here, we describe the shape and angular size of these domains as viewed from the Earth, and calculate median visible sizes for a variety of scenarios. We also calculate the total fraction of the sky that should be covered by at least one domain. In each of the 27 scenarios we examine, the median angular size of the nearest domain is within an order of magnitude of a percent of the whole celestial sphere. Observing such a domain would likely require an analysis of galaxies such as the Gly Galaxy. (shown) from the Earth.
We can assume an alien civilization is attempting to colonize Earth.
ISS Spots UFO from Space
I was watching the International Space Station live feed on March 13 2016, and happened to see what appeared to be a saucer not far above the surface of the Earth. Tanks to MUFON CMS
Mass Extinctions Occur Every 62 Million Years
With surprising and mysterious regularity, life on Earth has flourished and vanished in cycles of mass extinction every 62 million years, say two University of California Berkeley scientists who discovered the pattern after a painstaking computer study of fossil records going back for more than 500 million years. Their findings are certain to generate a renewed burst of speculation among scientists who study the history and evolution of life. Each period of abundant life and each mass extinction has itself covered at least a few million years — and the trend of biodiversity has been rising steadily ever since the last mass extinction, when dinosaurs and millions of other life forms went extinct about 65 million years ago.
The Berkeley researchers are physicists, but they have analyzed the most exhaustive compendium of fossil records that exists of no fewer than 36,380 separate marine genera, including millions of species that once thrived in the world’s seas. Richard Muller and his graduate student, Robert Rohde, have published a report on their exhaustive study in the journal Nature.
“We’ve tried everything we can think of to find an explanation for these weird cycles of biodiversity and extinction,” Muller said, “and so far, we’ve failed.”
Suns position is two thirds out from center on arm of Milky Way
The evidence of strange extinction cycles that first drew Rohde’s attention emerged from an elaborate computer database he developed from the largest compendium of fossil data ever created.
John Sepkoski Jr. suggested that marine life appeared to have its ups and downs in cycles every 26 million years. However, to Rohde and Muller, the longer cycle is strikingly more evident, although they have also seen the suggestion of even longer cycles that seem to recur every 140 million years. Sepkoski’s fossil record of marine life extends back for 540 million years to the time of the great “Cambrian Explosion,” when almost all the ancestral forms of multicellular life emerged, and Muller and Rohde built on it for their computer version.
Muller has long been known as an unconventional and imaginative physicist on the Berkeley campus. Perhaps, there is an unknown “Planet X” somewhere far out beyond the solar system that’s disturbing the comets in the distant region called the Oort Cloud — where they exist by the millions — to the point that they shower the Earth and cause extinctions in regular cycles. Daniel Whitmire and John Matese of the University of Louisiana proposed that idea as a cause of major comet showers in 1985, but no one except UFO believers has ever discovered a sign of it.
Or perhaps there’s some kind of “natural timetable” deep inside the Earth that triggers cycles of massive volcanism, Rohde has thought. There is even a bit of evidence: A huge slab of volcanic basalt known as the Deccan Traps in India has been dated to 65 million years ago — just when the dinosaurs died, he noted. And the similar basaltic Siberian Traps were formed by volcanism about 250 million years ago, at the end of the Permian period, when the greatest of all mass extinctions drove more than 70 percent of all the world’s marine life to death, Rohde said.
Muller’s favorite explanation, he said informally, is that the solar system passes through an exceptionally massive arm of our own spiral Milky Way galaxy every 62 million years, and that that increase in galactic gravity might set off a hugely destructive comet shower that would drive cycles of mass extinction on Earth.
Periodic Mass Extinctions, Alexander €™s Thesis
Let us now look at Bob Alexander €™s thesis and calculations which I will vary somewhat to determine the actual length of the Cosmic Year. Periodic mass extinctions appear to have happened at least several times throughout the Earth’s history. The K/T boundary, as it is called, marks the end of the reign of the dinosaurs and is about 65 Million years old. It is popularly believed that a large asteroid struck the Earth causing a worldwide change in climate, which interrupted the food chain.
More recently discovered ‘Smoking Gun’ evidence points to another mass extinction, which occurred around 251 Million years ago when another large asteroid presumably struck the earth. And there appears to be even newer evidence that mass extinctions may happen at the rate of every 62 Million years (+/- 3MY).
Period (End of)
Die out rate
/ X
65 MYA (Cretaceous)
85 %
/1 = 65 MY
208 MYA (Trassic)
25% over time
/3 = 69.33 MY
245 MYA (Permian)
/4 = 61.25 MY
365 MYA (Devonian)
70% over time
/6 = 60.83 MY
438 MYA (Ordovician)
50% + some over time
/7 = 62.57 MY
Average 63.796 MY
By virtue of the chart above I believe the average is more like 63.796 MY, but for now let’s say that 62 MY (based on current physical evidence) is the periodic mass extinction average. 251 / 62 = 4.048 (Remember that number)
Something happens every 62 Million (or so) years, which puts us in harm’s way, so to speak. In its orbit around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, our Solar system may also do this little sinusoidal motion from the top to the bottom to the top (and so on) of the Orion arm which we go around in. Now, what if the period of one cycle through the arm is around 124 Million years? Within one cycle, we would pass through the middle of the ring (the most dense part) twice and about every 62 million years.
As we spin around in the arm our forward motion (~150,000 miles/sec) is continuous, but if we go up and down also, that rate would change with position due to angular motion.
Now, it is bad enough that we would traverse this much more dense part of the ring, but we would go through its’ center at maximum velocity, much faster (in the up/down axis) than when we reach the outer edges of the arm where that relative motion (again up/down) stops altogether so that it can reverse. If we didn’t stop (in the up/down axis), we would just fly off into deep space and it would be bye-bye Milky Way. But luckily (or not) all of the mass nearer the center of the arm has gravitational force with acts to pull us back in for yet another cycle. It may well be that these huge killer asteroids do not ‘hit us’ as much as we run into them because of our high speed ‘sweeping’ through a large area of space.
The center of the ring isn’t a hard boundary, it is just more dense than on either side and there is a density gradient as you move away from the center. So, there is some latitude for interval timing due to this ‘kill zone’ principal.
The Earth has had eight centerline passes in 251 Million Years. The error of margin then is about 375,000 years per centerline pass or 187,500 years on either side of it. The dinosaurs were wiped out by a big asteroid 65 Million Years ago and we are due for the next one just about… yesterday… minus ~3 MY. In other words, either we are ~3 Million years overdue or just got lucky on this pass.
Let’s look at a few numbers. The Milky Way Galaxy is about 100,000 Light Years (LY) in diameter. Our Solar system is about 26,000 light years or about 2/3 of the way out from the galactic center and we revolve at 250 kilometers or about 150,000 miles per second. We make one revolution every 226 Million Years, which means that we have made about 20 revolutions since the Earth was formed about 4.5 Billion Years ago. It is estimated that there are between 200 and 400 BILLION other stars in the Milky Way and that at least some of those have planets. It is likely from looking at our own Solar system that at least some of those planets probably have moons. That’s a lot of stuff – not to mention asteroids and comets.
a graphic, which illustrates the theory.
It is believed that we are about 10 Light Years (LY) away from the centerline of the Orion arm, which is believed to be 3000 LY thick in our vicinity. We appear to be right in the middle of the rocks, the densest part of the arm.
If the last mass extinction was 65 Million Years ago and the half cycle period is around 62 MY then we are in a predictable (not to mention scary position) especially if we are moving away from the centerline.
If you think there is anything we could do to stop one of these killer asteroids if one were discovered tomorrow, you have been watching too many Hollywood movies. However, NASA places a high priority on finding Near- Earth Objects (NEOs) and protecting Earth from them.
Established in 1998, NASA’s NEO Observations Program is responsible for the Agency’s efforts at finding, tracking, and characterizing NEOs. The agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena Calif., conducts the daily operations of the program. In 2010, NASA fulfilled a congressional mandate to discover at least 90 percent of 1-kilometer-sized NEOs, and is now working hard to find smaller NEOs. NASA’s NEO Observation Program is also a key member of the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN), organized last year by the United Nations. In response to UN COPUOS recommendations, space agencies are also establishing a Space Missions Planning Advisory Group to consider options for planetary defense against potential NEO impacts with Earth.
This artist’s concept shows the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE spacecraft, in its orbit around Earth. In 2013, the mission was brought out of hibernation to hunt for more asteroids and comets in a project called Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE). The spacecraft st accurate survey to date of the size distributA announced its Asteroid Initiative, which includes a bold mission to identify, capture and relocate an asteroid through the Asteroid Redirect Mission, and the Asteroid Grand Challenge to find all asteroids threats to human population and know what to do about them. Thanks to Nature and NASA
Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee 5 Stars.
Alien abductions are the kind of thing most people have a healthy skepticism about. After all, when the main proof comes from the people who have claimed to be abducted, and it is difficult to give too much credence to what they might say. Sometimes, however, the proof they give is so compelling that even the heartiest skeptic must sometimes be convinced to believe that it may at least be possible. That is the case with Byron Lacy’s account in Chosen.
Lacy’s book is full of recollections not only of his abductions by various aliens, but also of how those abductions have affected his life.
He tells them in such a straightforward, ordinary way, and with so many details, that it’s hard to be skeptical about his story. The details, too, are convincing enough to make anyone at least consider the possibility. After all, what other explanation could there be for a small child being healed of sarcoma after a doctor told his parents that they might as well have another child already as a replacement? What other explanation could there be for Byron’s numerous accounts of having “lost time,” or of his finding scratches and puncture wounds on his body, or of the memories that suddenly resurface about having been brought aboard an alien ship? These questions kept returning to my mind as I read, and I could think of no other answer except to believe that Lacy was telling the truth.
The one complaint I had about the book is the way Lacy presents his story. It does not go in chronological order, which can make it rather hard to follow, and I sometimes had trouble telling when a particular chapter took place. If you stick with it, though, you will find a compelling story that I would recommend to anyone who has had even the slightest question about whether we really are alone in the universe. SAN FRANCISCO BOOK REVIEW.
Scoop marks on Byron’s right leg
Byron W. Lacy has written an excellent book that should be read by everyone, because if you suspect you are an abductee this is the book you should read. Lacy, a civil servant, musician, artist, and poet was born in Texas. The young Byron was not expected to survive a childhood case of sarcoma cancer. Yet he did, miraculously. In 1961, he witnessed a flying submarine like thing at close range over his entire elementary school class as they exercised in the yard. Other uncanny events include repeated narrow escapes from deadly car accidents. Only in 2009, after seeing a couple of “stargates” materialize in the sky was Lacy convinced he had been alien plagued and abducted for a generation. His imaginary playmate “pirates” Byron saw, as a little boy were the enigmatic intruders. Byron believes he and fellow “abductees” endured many strange experiences: missing time, bodily implants and mysterious scarring, and “little gray” humanoids. For Byron, it is obvious; skeptics be damned, and countless folks are being abducted. A far-out, disconcertingly readable memoir that flatly declares everything about aliens you read online or see dramatized on TV is true. _Kirkus Reviews, ORDER HERE
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #12 2016 Thousands of Pilots See UFOs -PART II
Filer’s Files #12 2016 Thousands of Pilots See UFOs -PART II
Sightings in the United States
Alaska Disc
Ketchikan— I was at home and watching webcams on March 11, 2016. Ketchikan Public Utilities (KPU) operates six views of the docks, water, and the town. Every few minutes the cameras update. So I captured a few images and went back into the cams. It was then I noticed the dark orb in a south facing cam. Reviewing all five cams only the two facing south had the orb from two separate locales. Each confirmed the orb as real and not camera lens problems. The object drifted slightly. I could tell by lining up distant mountains and close up objects of the cams and capturing the object. After about three hours, one cam lost the orb. What was weird is on the other cam it was still there. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Square
San Ramón — My friend and I were having a sleep over late at night four years ago when I awoke at 3:59 AM in my sleeping bag. I looked out into the dark sky through the space in between my friend’s bedroom blinds on July 7, 2012 and saw a plane. Quickly realized it was flashing too fast and moving way to slow for a plane. I also noticed it was square; I wake up my friend as fast as I can in his bed. He is as fascinated as I am. I snap a quick picture of the object. Then I noticed it was speeding up and the lights seemed like it was on fire and would stay in our vision for 5-6 minutes. We felt puzzled and scared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orbs
Ocklawaha — What looked like three silver diamond shaped objects hovering March 7, 2016. They moved a little while and then stopped at 9 PM. Then I saw three saucer shaped objects move what looked like the same direction. The objects had blinking red and white lights on and off. Then they disappeared. Then in the day I saw a silent silver object triangle fly across the sky with a little bit of white trail, but it wasn’t a plane It made no noise. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Georgia Lights
Savannah— I was walking on River Street taking many night photos using my LUMIX DSLR camera on March 9. 2016.
When I came back to my girlfriend’s dorm to look at my photos, we noticed the strange lights above the bridge. I have no idea what it can be. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Orange Object
Detroit— On March 12, 2016, I was taking a photo of the Moon and observed an orange object in the sky. The object was moving very slowly and appeared to be almost hovering. I had my camera and started taking photos (first with a 400mm Lens and then with a 35mm lens exposed over 30 seconds). In trying to ascertain what these light are I Googled “Orange Lights UFO” and came across your website. Note: The witness edited the photo before sending. The original (unedited) photo has been requested. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
New Jersey Alien Craft Near Miss
Williamstown — My brother and I were walking towards our house on March 2, 2016, we saw a bright star moving slightly in a circular motion. It was coming closer with each small circular revolution. I grabbed a pair of binoculars, and focused on the UFO. You could clearly observe five red-orange lights, in a circle on the object, with a light blue aura. We noticed multiple planes come close to the object, and each time one did, you’d notice the UFO pan towards and then, away from the clearly visible plane coming close to it. The planes were always small in scale to the bright, star-like object. It was then, when another plane passed under it, did I realize the out of this world likeness of the object.
The lights from the object reflected off the plane, making the wings visible, clearly meaning it was no starlight reflecting, and was instead artificial light. Another 30 minutes went by, and I could not take my eyes off this elusive UFO. I put my finger in front of it as it moved away, appearing again.
My brother recorded the event, but due to the distance of the object, and the quality of his phone and camera, you can just barely see the light. The encounter ended, as I got tired of watching maneuver. After two hours of gazing upon it, I walked back in my house. A half hour went by and I stood outside to check, and there was nothing. NOTE: The above image is CGI. This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
New York Lights
Downsville — I was driving and saw lights in my rear view mirror and side mirror. I grabbed my phone and took picture as fast as possible on August 3, 2012. As they went past me, they started to go up the fastest things I have ever seen. At that point, I do not remember driving home and came into in my driveway two+ hours later. I had no recollection how I got home. I have this picture to prove. Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Texas Lights
My wife, daughter, and I were on our way home on March 3, 2016, when I saw a bright light in the sky. We followed it for a minute or two then I got out and started recording with my iPhone.
When we pulled in the driveway that’s when my little girl ran out of the car and said, “I see it daddy I see it.” That’s when we saw five helicopters rotating around the object. We saw more lights moving changing colors that then took off. The other lights followed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vermont Orb
Brattleboro — The day of the event, I had been working on an art history article developing a new interpretation of Poussin’s “The Arcadian Shepherds” on March 4, 2016. During the afternoon, I made a major breakthrough that appears to have “solved” the riddle of the painting’s significance, which is on the same level as the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge. At around 7:30, I decided to take my dog for a walk. She pulled very hard at the leash to head for Brattleboro Retreat where I observed the first vessel hovering above. It was a consistent, integrated structure, similar in appearance to a cluster of red grapes, composed of lights of varying sizes, flickering in a chaotic rhythm. The pattern of lights implied the existence of a larger form disguised as a high-altitude jet liner, as if was intended to convey an aesthetic effect. The vessel hovered silently over the Retreat before vanishing over the West River.
Then another vessel appeared, much higher in altitude and made up of two egg-shaped golden lights and I made out a cigar shape behind these lights. I turned south and the sky was covered in a kind of hyper dimensional manifold of red orb dancing upwards. The craft(s) appeared in some way to be an optical illusion, a demonstration of a cloaking mechanism. I then saw three more vessels: a steady, pulsating red orb, an irregular assemblage similar to the first vessel, and a curved red and green cluster of lights similar in shape to a caterpillar. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide Sightings
Australia Light
Yarra Valley — My husband and I went up in a hot air balloon between 6-7.30 AM, on February 15, 2016. At the time we didn’t notice anything but the scenery but when I was looking at the videos on my iPhone when we came home I found this strange moving object that seemed to have light emanating from the bottom of it. I did not eye witness this and only noticed it on the video after we returned from our trip near Victoria. At first, I thought it may have been the camera light or something but its movements didn’t match the movement of my panning. Anyway thought I might share it with someone like you in case it was something a bit more unusual. Thanks to Shar
Canada Orb
The large UAP have returned from the previous day at Sunset.
Very large and bright, spinning and made different shapes of the craft :).
It was wonderfully delightful sight to see once again and take great photos of this UAP. I have rather expected it to see.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
France Light
It was nice and quite dark cloud attracted my attention on June 21, 2013.
I took pictures and I saw appear a lumièere so I took a second photo where you can see this strange form. You can see it on second photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Iran Orbs
Andisheh, Tehran— Looking out of the window, my partner and I saw a glowing, moving object across the sky on March 15, 2015. Then we saw a stream of objects following one another. Some came nearer to our fourth floor apartment. They all followed the same route and were glowing balls moving at a steady pace although a couple came closer to one another. This was National Fireworks night and many were going off across the sky but these were not fireworks. As the evening progressed and the fireworks died down, so did the number of objects passing to one every 5-10 minutes. They continued to travel to a destination out of our sight. One of the objects flew right over that was a bright, glowing circular object, about the size of a lorry with circles of lights like windows. This is not the first time we have seen UFO’s in Tehran. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Malaysia Rectangle
Kuala Lumpur— It was in around 5.30 pm on February 15, 2016, I had just thrown a bag of rubbish out and looked up and saw a black object. The object had no wings and was flying quite high in the sky. I am staying is where passenger planes flies and I am quite accustomed to the height of these planes. The object was flying at the same height of these passenger planes are flying that was too high for a bird. I had my iPhone to record the object that was the size of the cockpit section of a passenger plane. The object is flying very fast, the speed of a passenger plane. The silent object is square like but as it flies and turns, I can see that the top part of the object is rectangular with straight lines running across from the center to the edge and I lost sight of the object when it flew to the back of my house. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Orb
Tenerife — Six people at dinner take pictures of the sunset, and checking the pictures found the object in two pictures in a different place. I’m the owner of “revelacion OVNI” blog, and there we take reports of ufos from countries of Spanish language “Spain And Sud-America” similar system like “MUFON reports” then we have one report from Argentina with the same “exact” ufo: if you want compare you can check San Nicolas, Argentina > Paula B. Farias revelacionovni. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
Malden Surrey, London–- It all started about a year ago when I saw a ball of light in the sky. I took pictures of it. The object did not move like a plane. It was just hovering in one spot. Over the space of a year I have see it every couple of weeks when I am just gazing out my window. It hovers there and sometimes its lights go out when a plane approach’s or it moves up into the sky. Then the bright light comes back on and then all of a sudden it goes to come back again another day. It just hovers around the same place and then moves across the sky very slowly until it flies off without the lights on! My camera is not good. It is a lot bigger when you see it with your eyes!
Note: The witness says that she has had similar sightings over the past year. The lights in the photo could be reflections, but the witness says that she saw the lights. (This is more credible than when witnesses do not see anything unusual and only discover anomalies in photo.) Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: tien jaar in een baan om de rode planeet
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: tien jaar in een baan om de rode planeet
Tim Kraaijvanger
Op 10 maart 2006 om 22:24 uur kwam de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter aan bij de rode planeet. Tijd om terug te blikken. Wat zijn de mooiste foto’s die deze ruimtesonde heeft gemaakt?
Hoewel de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter exact tien jaar in een baan om Mars draait, is het ruimtevaartuig pas in november 2006 begonnen met de hoofdmissie. Toen bereikte de MRO de juiste baan om Mars. In tien jaar tijd is er veel gebeurd. Zo viel de ruimtesonde de eerste jaren regelmatig uit door softwareproblemen.
Tijdens de vijfde verjaardag – in 2011 – publiceerden we een artikel met de mooiste foto’s. Bekijk hier beelden van zandduinen op Mars, Martiaanse grotten, ijsbergen en ‘gulles’ (gleuven ontstaan door stromend water).
Ondertussen zijn er weer veel nieuwe foto’s gemaakt en zijn er belangrijke ontdekkingen gedaan. Een paar hoogtepunten op een rij:
Op Mars stroomt hoogstwaarschijnlijk zout water. De Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter ontdekte donkere strepen op Mars (zogenoemde Recurring Slope Lineae), die alleen in warmere seizoenen op Mars te vinden zijn. Het CRISM-instrument aan boord van de MRO identificeerde zoutmineralen. Mogelijk is het zoute water op Mars superzout. “Het is waarschijnlijk tien keer zouter dan het zeewater op aarde, dus een mens zou wanneer het in contact komt met deze zoutoplossingen brandwonden oplopen,” vertelt professor Steve Pointing.
Is dit een foto van een appeltaart? Nee, het is een twee kilometer breed verschijnsel op het oppervlak van Mars. Mogelijk is het appeltaartje door vulkanisme ontstaan. Mogelijk duwde lava de heuvel omhoog boven de ‘zee’ van glad uitziende lavastromen.
De MRO vond vorig jaar glasafzettingen in inslagkraters op Mars. Wanneer een object inslaat op een planeet – zoals Mars – komt daarbij veel hitte vrij. Zoveel hitte, dat er glasdeeltjes kunnen ontstaan. Het is interessant om glasafzettingen te bestuderen, omdat er wellicht organische moleculen ‘gevangen’ zijn in het glas, net zoals fossielen in hars de tand des tijds doorstaan. Wetenschappers hopen ooit glas te gebruiken om te ontdekken hoe Mars er miljarden jaren geleden uitzag.
Heeft Mars een dik pak ijs onder het oppervlak? Waarschijnlijk! Onderzoekers hebben deze vreemde krater op Mars gevonden, met dank aan de MRO. De wand van deze krater is niet glad, maar trapvormig. Mogelijk is de trap ontstaan door het dikke ijs. Hoe het precies zit, lees je hier.
Mars had 500.000 jaar geleden nog oppervlaktewater. Mogelijk kon je een half miljoen jaar geleden zwemmen in de Istockkrater, tijdens één van de recente ijstijden. Het ijs smolt, waardoor er oppervlaktewater overbleef. Het water stroomde overigens maar een hele korte tijd op Mars.
Op Mars is een steen van een heuvel komen zetten en heeft daarbij een spoor achtergelaten dat zelfs vanuit de ruimte zichtbaar is. De Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter vereeuwigde het 500 meter lange spoor. Als je goed kijkt, zie je de steen aan het einde van het spoor liggen. Of beter gezegd: staan. De steen heeft namelijk een asymmetrische vorm en is zo’n zes meter hoog.
Deze jonge krater is 45 meter breed en is eind maart 2012 ontstaan. Het is de grootste krater die ooit aan de hand van foto’s die voor en na de inslag werden gemaakt, is ontdekt. De ruimtesteen was ongeveer drie bij vijf meter lang. In de aardse atmosfeer verbrandt zo’n object, maar omdat de atmosfeer van Mars aanzienlijk dunner is, overleeft een kleine ruimtesteen de reis door de atmosfeer.
Op deze mooie foto is het spoor van NASA’s Curiosity rover te zien. De foto werd gemaakt op 11 december 2013. Op dat moment bevond Curiosity zich ruim een jaar op het oppervlak van Mars. In 16 ‘aardse’ maanden had de Marsrover bijna vijf kilometer afgelegd. Niet slecht!
De Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter zal nog een ruime tijd ingezet worden. Niet alleen voor het schieten van hoge-resolutiebeelden van het Marsoppervlak, maar ook voor het versturen van data. Op naar het volgende jubileum.
Twee geheime kamers ontdekt achter Toetanchamons graf
Twee geheime kamers ontdekt achter Toetanchamons graf
Tim Kraaijvanger
Wetenschappers hebben twee geheime kamers gevonden achter de grafkamer van Toetanchamon. Uit scans blijkt dat er organisch materiaal in de grafkamer aanwezig is. Misschien is het wel de vrouw van de vader van Toetanchamon: Nefertiti?
Op volgen we de zoektocht van de geheime kamers rondom de grafkamer van Toetanchamon op de voet. Onderzoeker Nicholas Reeves kwam als eerste met het idee. In een paperstelde hij dat er een grafkamer schuilgaat achter het graf van Toetanchamon. Hij trok die conclusie nadat hij beelden van de wanden van Toetanchamons grafkamer tot in detail bestudeerde. In de schilderingen ontdekte de Brit scheuren die suggereren dat onder het pleisterwerk twee doorgangen schuilgaan die al sinds de oudheid niet meer zijn gebruikt. De ene doorgang zou naar een opslagkamer leiden, de andere doorgang zou leiden naar een tweede grafkamer.
Op basis van radarbeelden stelden onderzoekers in november vast dat er inderdaad een geheime kamerachter de noordelijke wand is. Maar er is meer. Een nieuw onderzoek wijst uit dat er een tweede geheime kamer is achter de westelijke wand van de grafkamer van Toetanchamon. Daarnaast zijn er metalen en organische (!) objecten gevonden. De grote vraag is: wie liggen er hier? Gaat het misschien om Nefertiti? Zij was de vrouw van de vader van Toetanchamon en beroemd om haar schoonheid. Sommige onderzoekers denken dat Nefertiti de moeder van de farao was, maar dat is niet zeker. Farao Toetanchamon overleed toen hij pas negentien jaar was, waardoor er waarschijnlijk nog geen graftombe voor hem klaarstond. Mogelijk werd daarom de tombe die oorspronkelijk bedoeld was voor Nefertiti gebruikt.
De grafkamer van Toetanchamon met schitterende beschilderingen.
De scans van de ruimten achter de grafkamer van Toetanchamon.
Op deze plattegrond is te zien waar de objecten zich bevinden.
Aan het eind van deze maand gaan onderzoekers opnieuw radarfoto’s maken. Op 1 april worden de resultaten hiervan gepresenteerd. Langzaam maar zeker leren archeologen steeds meer over de bijzondere farao.
Het graf van Toetanchamon – ook wel bekend als DK 62 – werd in 1922 ontdekt door Howard Carter en wordt nog steeds gezien als een van de grootste archeologische ontdekkingen van de vorige eeuw, zeker omdat het graf vrijwel geheel ongeschonden is.
Egypt's Antiquities Minister confirmed the discovery of two new rooms at King Tut's tomb and hinted that their contents could be of enormous significance.
Mamdouh al-Damaty announced to the media that radar scans for the location showed a pair of previously unknown chambers adjacent to the legendary resting place of the Egyptian pharaoh.
Perhaps even more tantalizing is that al-Damaty revealed that the investigation showed organic material and metal inside the rooms, leading to the possibility they also be lavish tombs.
"It could be the discovery of the century. It's very important for Egyptian history and the history of the world," al-Damaty declared when making the announcement.
The Minister's words echo those of his colleague, Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou, who made news back in February when he said that the newly-discovered rooms were "full of treasure" and that they were "the discovery of the 21st century."
Additional scans on the rooms are scheduled to be performed later this month, but no timetable was announced for any exploration of the area.
Until researchers can actually get into the rooms and see what they contain, we'll have our fingers crossed in the hopes that they just found the original two ancient aliens.
One creature can survive for millennia in the so-called 'Sea of Death'
By Zaria Gorvett
They fell out of the sky and landed on the pale blue planet with a splash. Many of the crew missed the whole thing. Deep inside the spacecraft, arranged in neat stacks, were rows and rows of sleeping astronauts. Each was curled up inside their own pod, where they could have stayed for 10,000 years.
These were no ordinary space travellers. In the following weeks, they burst from their shells and developed into full-blown aquatic monsters: they are salmon-pink, with three eyes and eleven pairs of thrashing legs.
This really happened. The year was 1972 and the slumbering passengers were brine shrimp, otherwise known as "sea monkeys", returning from the Apollo 16 moon mission. They had been taken into space to test the impacts of cosmic radiation on astronauts.
This treacherous experiment required a near-indestructible guinea pig. Enter the brine shrimp, whose survival skills defy belief.
You can safely dry them out, set them on fire, dissolve them in alcohol, deprive them of oxygen, zap them with ultraviolet light, boil them at 105 °C or chill them to temperatures approaching absolute zero: the point at which atoms stop moving. They can also survive extremes of pH that would dissolve human flesh, water that is 50% salt, or a bath of insecticides. They are happy in the vacuum of space or at the crushing pressures found under 6,000 metres (20,000 feet) of ocean.
We are now starting to understand how they do it.
Apollo 16 commander John Young on the Moon (Credit: B.A.E. Inc/Alamy Stock Photo)
Space is drenched in high-energy particles called cosmic rays, which easily rip through cells, tissues and the aluminium walls of a spacecraft. The Moon was the perfect place to study their effects.
Brine shrimp look rather fragile, with their wafting legs and long antennae
The "Biostack I" experiment involved stacking brine shrimp embryos, along with plant seeds and bacterial spores, between layers of radiation-sensitive materials. Any rays that passed through the stack would end up on the detection layer, so the NASA scientists knew exactly which passengers had been hit.
Of 110 brine shrimp embryos that took a galactic bullet, many hatched – albeit with deformities – and a few went on to live full shrimp lives.
A follow-up experiment called Biostack II was taken to the Moon by Apollo 17 later the same year. It achieved similar results.
The strange thing is, brine shrimp look rather fragile, with their wafting legs and long antennae. What is their secret?
Great Salt Lake in Utah is home to brine shrimp (Credit: John McLean/Alamy Stock Photo)
Despite their brand name, sea monkeys do not live in the open ocean. They have been splashing around in salty pools and lakes, from the Great Salt Lake in Utah to the Caspian Sea, for over 100 million years.
If you live in a pond, there is always a risk that it will dry out
Brine shrimp are also not shrimp, but they do belong to the same group, the crustaceans. They are tiny, just 15mm long. They eat algae, which they filter out of the water. They swim upside-down and breathe through their legs, and females do not need a male to reproduce.
Crucially, they have a unique affinity for salt. They can tolerate concentrations up to 50%. Such water is far saltier than the ocean, which is only about 3.5% salt, and the salt will be on the verge of precipitating out as a solid. The brine shrimp are fine with this.
But there is a catch: if you live in a pond, there is always a risk that it will dry out. The pools and lakes brine shrimp inhabit frequently disappear for months, years or decades. This should be a gigantic problem, but the brine shrimp simply dry out.
Male brine shrimp have claspers for holding onto females (Credit: Nature Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo)
When conditions are favourable, female brine shrimp produce thin-shelled eggs that hatch immediately. But when food is scarce or salt levels are rising, they resort to plan B. They produce hard-shelled "cysts", each of which contains a near-fully-developed larva.
Radiocarbon dating estimated they had been lying there for 10,000 years
These cysts are able to withstand near-total dehydration, losing more than 97% of their water content. All their life processes stop and they enter a state of suspended animation called anhydrobiosis, a bizarre stopover between life and death.
As anyone who has kept sea monkeys as pets will know, to resurrect the embryos you just add water. The cysts take on 1.4 times their weight in less than 24 hours, before hatching into larvae the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence. When they first hatch they have just one primitive eye, though they add two more sophisticated eyes later.
It is an aggressive strategy for an aggressive environment, and it works. In the 1990s, oil exploration crews were drilling near the Great Salt Lake when they dredged up a mat of cysts between two layers of salt. Wondering whether they would hatch, they put some in water and reportedly a few did. Radiocarbon dating estimated they had been lying there for 10,000 years.
Water is the liquid in which the molecules inside our cells move and mix, giving rise to life-sustaining chemical reactions. So taking it away brings those processes to a halt.
But for most animals, losing too much bodily water doesn't just shut things down, it causes lethal damage. Humans can only lose 15% of our bodily water, and few animals can lose more than 50%.
As water is removed, the molecules inside our cells lose the three-dimensional network that buoys them up. Proteins, sugars, and chromosomes become warped and break down.
Ice crystals act like tiny knives, ripping cells apart from the inside out
The challenge is to allow molecules to keep their shape as they dry out. For this, brine shrimp have a sweet solution: they turn their cells into solid sugar.
The cysts are loaded with an unusual sugar called trehalose, which makes up 15% of their dry weight. It forms a solid rather like the glass in windows. This "matrix" props up proteins and membranes, maintaining their structures, and freezes them in place.
Trehalose is the magic ingredient uniting most organisms capable of suspended animation, including the near-invincible tardigrades, certain nematode worms, and the larvae of an African fly called the sleeping chironomid.
On its own, trehalose simply allows the brine shrimp to cope with dehydration. But that may be the key to many of their abilities. As it happens, giving up water has some surprising bonuses.
In the warm temperatures humans tend to favour, water is famous for its life-giving properties. But if you chill it or heat it too much, it becomes deadly. Ice crystals act like tiny knives, ripping cells apart from the inside out. Liquid water also expands as it approaches its freezing or boiling point, with similarly lethal effects.
It seems that their willingness to live in toxic places actually means their lives are safer
If you take away water, you take away all these threats. What's more, radiation does not pack much of a punch either.
Normally, cosmic rays interact with water molecules in the body. This unleashes highly reactive forms of oxygen, including chemicals similar to bleach. These chemicals rampage through cells and tissues, destroying anything in their path. Dried-out brine shrimp embryos side-step this danger.
Still, dehydration is not a cure-all. It does not protect DNA from a direct hit by a cosmic ray, or stop proteins unravelling as they heat up. So brine shrimp cysts have evolved several other tricks, from DNA repair molecules to proteins that lack a fixed structure in the first place.
Why did evolution push brine shrimp to become so resilient? It seems that their willingness to live in toxic places actually means their lives are safer.
Great Salt Lake in Utah (Credit: RooM the Agency/Alamy Stock Photo)
Brine shrimp inhabit salt lakes, the conditions in which are so hostile that they are also known as "seas of death". For instance, the Great Salt Lake is between 5 and 27% salt, depending on how much water it holds.
Only a few animals can handle such extremes
The Lake sits at the bottom of a flat basin, which poses an additional challenge. If the water level drops by just a foot, the shoreline could move up to a mile. From 1963 to 1986, the lake swelled by nearly 60%.
If a shrinking shoreline and water saltier than bacon weren't enough, at the Great Salt Lake's high altitude creatures must be able to cope with 15% more ultraviolet light than there is at sea level. The final insult is the risk of suffocation, because salty water holds less dissolved oxygen.
As you might expect, only a few animals can handle such extremes. Apart from the larvae of two species of insectcalled brine flies, brine shrimp have the lake entirely to themselves. That means there are no predators hunting them.
However, brine shrimp's relationship with salt is not entirely positive.
Brine shrimp filter algae from the water (Credit: 3QuarksMedia/Alamy Stock Photo)
Their cells cannot cope with too much salt, so they pump it out of their bodies and their hard exoskeletons stop it creeping back in. This is an energy-sapping process, so you could be forgiven for wondering why they bother to live in the salt lakes at all.
Their diet seems to be the key. In order to survive on tough, toxic algae, brine shrimp have struck up a relationship with the bacteria in their guts, which help them to digest their meals. Odrade Nougué of the University of Montpellier in France wondered if it might be these microbial companions that like salt, not the brine shrimp themselves.
Every summer when females lay their eggs, thick "slicks" marble the lake's surface
It turned out that the sterile brine shrimp did better in low salt, while the bacteria-riddled batch needed lots of salt. To Nougué, this suggests that the brine shrimp are victims of their own symbiotic partners. They cannot live without their gut bacteria and the bacteria want salt, so the brine shrimp have to put up with salt too.
Despite the challenges, living in super-salty water offers big payoffs: it is rich in algae and low in competition. In the Great Salt Lake, brine shrimp number in the billions. Every summer when females lay their eggs, thick "slicks" marble the lake's surface and the shores are awash with their pink offspring. The next spring, as the salt lake warms, billions of tiny larvae begin to hatch.
A swarm of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) (Credit: 3QuarksMedia/Alamy Stock Photo)
All these eggs and brine shrimp mean big business for the region, which collects around 9,000 tonnes of eggs, larvae and adults between October and January. That is equivalent to 45 full-size blue whales.
Freeze-drying could keep vaccines fresh in remote areas where refrigeration is difficult
It is the brine shrimp's very resilience that makes them so appealing. Their cysts are vacuum-packed or canned, and sold around the world. After a 24-hour incubation, the larvae are fed to fish on commercial farms.
They can also be eaten directly, as they have been by Native Americans for thousands of years. They have even been suggested as a source of food for long-term space travel.
Their cysts are also of increasing interest to medicine, thanks to their use of "sugar glass" to survive dehydration. Freeze-drying could keep vaccines fresh in remote areas where refrigeration is difficult, deliver insulin to diabetics without the need for injections, or give blood products like platelets a longer shelf life. Many of these sugar-coated products have already reached clinical trials.
Mon-Stars! Cluster of Massive Suns Spotted by Hubble Telescope (Photo)
Mon-Stars! Cluster of Massive Suns Spotted by Hubble Telescope (Photo)
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
The central region of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud appears in this Hubble Space Telescope image, released March 17, 2016.
Credit: NASA, ESA, P Crowther (University of Sheffield)
Some of the biggest and brightest stars in the universe are packed within a single cluster, a new study reveals.
Researchers used the Hubble Space Telescope to image the young star cluster R136 in ultraviolet (UV) light for the first time. The cluster is located in the Tarantula Nebula of the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy, about 170,000 light-years away from Earth.
The scientists were hunting for very big and very hot stars, which radiate most of their energy in the UV range of the spectrum. And the researchers hit the jackpot, spotting dozens of stars within R136 that are at least 50 times more massive than the sun, and nine that harbor more than 100 solar masses. (One of these giants, the previously discovered R136a1, is the largest known star in the universe, at more than 250 solar masses, NASA officials said.) [Celestial Photos: Hubble Space Telescope's Latest Cosmic Views]
These behemoths are extremely luminous as well as extremely large; together, the nine biggest ones are about 30 million times brighter than the sun, researchers said.
The sheer abundance of these giants in R136, which is just a few light-years wide, should help astronomers better understand how the massive stars form, study team members said.
"There have been suggestions that these monsters result from the merger of less-extreme stars in close binary systems," co-author Saida Caballero-Nieves, of the University of Sheffield in England, said in a statement.
"From what we know about the frequency of massive mergers, this scenario can't account for all the really massive stars that we see in R136, so it would appear that such stars can originate from the star-formation process," Caballero-Nieves added.
The researchers also determined that these enormous stars lose mass extremely quickly over the course of their brief and dramatic lives (which often end with the stars collapsing to become black holes). The stars eject up to one Earth mass of material every month, at speeds that can reach 1 percent the speed of light.
The new study will be published in the monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Hubble : Do You Know the Famous Space Telescope?
The Hubble Space Telescope, a joint project involving NASA and the European Space Agency, launched into orbit in April 1990 with a slightly flawed primary mirror. Spacewalking astronauts fixed the problem in 1993, and upgraded the observatory several more times over the years, with the last servicing mission launching in 2009.
The telescope continues delivering important science, and jaw-dropping images, to this day.
"Once again, our work demonstrates that, despite being in orbit for over 25 years, there are some areas of science for which Hubble is still uniquely capable," study lead author Paul Crowther, also from the University of Sheffield, said in the same statement.
This famous photo showing Pluto's heart-shaped Tombaugh Regio was captured by NASA's New Horizons probe in July 2015.
After 76 years of classification as a planet, Pluto was demoted in 2006 to a dwarf planet, in part because of its size but also because of its minor gravitational effects on the bodies around it. When NASA's New Horizons mission visited in 2015, it took the most accurate measurement of the world, revealing it to be larger than previously thought, but still not large enough to be qualified as full-grown planet. Pluto remains one of the most well-known non-planetary bodies in the solar system.
Radius, diameter and circumference
When New Horizons arrived at Pluto, it measured the diameter of the world to be 1,473 miles (2,370 kilometers) across, about two-thirds the diameter of Earth's moon. This makes it larger than the dwarf planet Eris, once thought to be larger than Pluto. Eris is 1,445 miles (2,326 km) in diameter.
"This settles the debate about the largest object in the solar system [beyond Neptune]," New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, said during a NASA press briefing reviewing the mission flyby. [See a video of Alan Stern discussing Pluto's size]
Unlike many of the planets in the solar system, such as Earth, Pluto does not bulge at its center; its radius — 1,185 km (737 miles) — is the same at its poles and at its equator.
Circumference: If you were to take a walk around the equator of Pluto, you would travel about 4,627 miles (7,445 km). That is just a bit less than the distance from Denver to London (4,683 miles).
Pluto is thought to have a rocky core covered by ice, which would mean that its surface features would change with temperature as it travels closer to and farther from the sun. In fact, as the ice melts, the atmosphere of the tiny body expands outward.
Density, mass and volume
Although all of the planets beyond Mars are gas giants, Pluto is small and rocky. The tiny body has a mass of only 1.31 x 1022 kilograms, about two-tenths of a percent of Earth's. It has a volume of 1.5 billion cubic miles (6.4 billion cubic km).
Pluto's small size and low mass mean that it has a density of 1.86 grams per cubic centimeter according to recent measurements by New Horizons, about 40 percent of Earth's density.
This graphic presents a view of Pluto and Charon as they would appear if placed slightly above Earth's surface and viewed from a great distance.
Credit: NASA
Demoted from planetary status
Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto's status as a planet has been debated. It is less massive than seven of the moons in the solar system — Earth's moon, the four Galilean moons of Jupiter, Neptune's moon Triton, and Saturn's moon Titan. [Infographic: Pluto's 5 Moons Explained]
In 2003, the icy body of Eris was found far beyond the Kuiper Belt. Originally, it appeared to be larger than Pluto. The discovery sparked a debate about what it meant to be a planet.
In 2006, the International Astronomical Union came up with four criteria that cause an object to be classified as a dwarf planet. A dwarf planet:
Orbits the sun
Has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape
Is not a moon
Has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit
Under this criteria, Pluto's low mass does not directly keep it from full planetary status, but the fact that it fails to sweep clean the area surrounding it. Of course, the reason it can't clear out the Kuiper Belt it orbits through is because it lacks the gravitational force to do so, a fact related to its mass.
Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe
Mystery bright spots could be first glimpse of another universe
Light given off by hydrogen shortly after the big bang has left some unexplained bright patches in space. Are they evidence of bumping into another universe?
Some bubbles are boring
Rudi Sebastian/Plainpicture
THE curtain at the edge of the universe may be rippling, hinting that there’s more backstage. Data from the European Space Agency’s Planck telescope could be giving us our first glimpse of another universe, with different physics, bumping up against our own.
That’s the tentative conclusion of an analysis by Ranga-Ram Chary, a researcher at Planck’s US data centre in California. Armed with Planck’s painstaking map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – light lingering from the hot, soupy state of the early universe – Chary revealed an eerie glow that could be due to matter from aneighbouring universe leaking into ours.
This sort of collision should be possible, according to modern cosmological theories that suggest the universe we see is just one bubble among many. Such a multiverse may be a consequence of cosmic inflation, the widely accepted idea that the early universe expanded exponentially in the slimmest fraction of a second after the big bang.
Once it starts, inflation never quite stops, so a multitude of universes becomes nearly inevitable. “I would say most versions of inflation in fact lead to eternal inflation, producing a number of pocket universes,” says Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an architect of the theory.
Energy hidden in empty space drives inflation, and the amount that’s around could vary from place to place, so some regions would eventually settle down and stop expanding at such a manic pace. But the spots where inflation is going gangbusters would spawn inflating universes. And even areas within these new bubbles could balloon into pocket universes themselves.
“If two bubbles started out close enough that they touched, they could leave an imprint on each other”
Like compositions on the same theme, each universe produced this way would be likely to have its own spin on physics. The matter in some bubbles – the boring ones – would fly apart within 10-40 seconds of their creation. Others would be full of particles and rules similar to ours, or even exactly like ours. In the multiverse of eternal inflation, everything that can happen has happened – and will probably happen again.
That notion could explain why the physical constants of our universe seem to be so exquisitely tuned to allow for galaxies, stars, planets and life (see “Just right for life?“).
Sadly, if they do exist, other bubbles are nigh on impossible to learn about. With the space between them and us always expanding, light is too slow to carry any information between different regions. “They could never even know about each other’s existence,” says Matthew Johnson of York University in Toronto, Canada. “It sounds like a fun idea but it seems like there’s no way to test it.”
Bubble trouble
However, if two bubbles started out close enough that they touched before expanding space pushed them apart forever, they could leave an imprint on each other. “You need to get lucky,” Johnson says.
In 2007, Johnson and his PhD adviser proposed that these clashing bubbles might show up as circular bruises on the CMB. They were looking for cosmic dance partners that resembled our own universe, but with more of everything. That would make a collision appear as a bright, hot ring of photons.
By 2011, they were able to search for them in data from NASA’s WMAP probe, the precursor to Planck. But they came up empty-handed.
“This signal is one of the fingerprints of our own universe. Others should leave a different mark”
Now Chary thinks he may have spotted a different signature of a clash with a foreign universe.
“There are two approaches, looking for different classes of pocket universes,” Johnson says. “They’re hunting for lions, and we’re hunting for polar bears.”
Instead of looking at the CMB itself, Chary subtracted a model of the CMB from Planck’s picture of the entire sky. Then he took away everything else, too: the stars, gas and dust.
With our universe scrubbed away, nothing should be left except noise. But in a certain frequency range, scattered patches on the sky look far brighter than they should. If they check out, these anomalous clumps could be caused by cosmic fist-bumps: our universe colliding with another part of the multiverse (
These patches look like they come from the era a few hundred thousand years after the big bang when electrons and protons first joined forces to create hydrogen, which emits light in a limited range of colours. We can see signs of that era, called recombination, in the light from that early hydrogen. Studying the light from recombination could be a unique signature of the matter in our universe – and potentially distinguish signs from beyond.
“This signal is one of the fingerprints of our own universe,” says Jens Chluba of the University of Cambridge. “Other universes should leave a different mark.”
Since this light is normally drowned out by the glow of the cosmic microwave background, recombination should have been tough for even Planck to spot. But Chary’s analysis revealed spots that were 4500 times as bright as theory predicts.
One exciting explanation for this is if a surplus of protons and electrons – or something a lot like them – got dumped in at the point of contact with another universe, making the light from recombination a lot brighter. Chary’s patches require the universe at the other end of the collision to have roughly 1000 times as many such particles as ours.
“To explain the signals that Dr Chary found with the cosmological recombination radiation, one needs a large enhancement in the number of [other particles] relative to photons,” Chluba says. “In the realm of alternative universes, this is entirely possible.”
Of course there are caveats, and recent history provides an important reality check. In 2014, a team using the BICEP2 telescope at the South Pole announced another faint signal with earth-shaking cosmological implications. The spirals of polarised light, spotted in the cosmic background, would have provided more observational evidence for the idea of inflation and helped us understand how inflation occurred. But it turned out that signal came from dust grains within our galaxy.
Princeton University’s David Spergel, who played a major role in debunking the BICEP2 finding, thinks dust may again be clouding our cosmological insights. “I suspect that it would be worth looking into alternative possibilities,” he says. “The dust properties are more complicated than we have been assuming, and I think that this is a more plausible explanation.”
Joseph Silk of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is even more pessimistic, calling claims of an alternate universe “completely implausible”. While he thinks the paper is a good analysis of anomalies in Planck data, Silk also believes something is getting in the way. “My view is that they are almost certainly due to foregrounds,” he says.
Chary acknowledges that his idea is as tentative as it is exciting. “Unusual claims like evidence for alternate universes require a very high burden of proof,” he writes.
He makes an effort to rule out more prosaic explanations. If it is dust, Chary argues, it would be the coldest dust we’ve ever seen. It’s probably not noise masquerading as a signal. It could be carbon monoxide moving toward us, but we don’t usually see that. It could be faraway carbon, but that emission is too weak.
“I am certain he made every effort to ensure that the analysis is solid,” says Chluba. Even so, foregrounds and poorly understood patterns could still be the source of the signals. “It will be important to carry out an independent analysis and confirm his finding,” Chluba says.
Sensitive solutions
One obstacle to checking is that we’re limited by the data itself. Planck was hyper-sensitive to the cosmic microwave background, but it wasn’t intended to measure the spectral distortions Chary is looking for. Johnson’s team also plans to use Planck to look for their own alternate universes, once the data they need is released to the public – but they estimate that Planck will only make them twice as sensitive to the bubble collisions they’re looking for as they were with WMAP.
An experiment that could help might be on its way. Scientists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center plan to submitPIXIE, the Primordial Inflation Explorer, to be considered for funding at the end of 2016.
PIXIE’s spectral resolution could help characterise Chary’s signals if they really are there, Chluba says. But even if they aren’t, reconstructing how inflation happened could still lead us once again back to the multiverse – and tell us what kind of bubble collisions we should look for next (see diagram).
Just right for life?
If our universe is just one of many, that could explain why it seems so exquisitely tuned for our existence.
If dark energy, the repulsive influence hiding in empty space that speeds up the expansion of the universe, were just a little stronger, matter would be flung apart before galaxies could ever form. If it were attractive instead, the universe would collapse. But it is shockingly puny, and that’s weird, unless our universe is one of many in the multiverse.
Compared with what we might expect from quantum theory, dark energy is 120 orders of magnitude too small. So far, no compelling explanation for that discrepancy has emerged. But if the multiverse exists, and dark energy varies from bubble to bubble (see main story), that might not seem so strange.
That’s because our own universe might be an oddball compared to most bubbles. In many, dark energy would be too strong for galaxies, stars and planets to form, but not in all. “Plenty of them would have energies as small as what we observe,” says physicist Alan Guth of MIT.
That still leaves us struggling to explain why our universe is one of the special ones. Our best answer so far, Guth says, is a philosophical headache: our universe has to be special because we are alive in it. In a more average region, where dark energy is stronger, stars, planets, and life would never have evolved.
That could mean life only exists in a sliver of the multiverse, with any conscious beings convinced their own slice of space is special, too.
This article appeared in print under the headline “A brush with a universe next door”
Pluto's 'Unprecedented' Ice Provinces and Other Surprises from NASA's New Horizons
Pluto's 'Unprecedented' Ice Provinces and Other Surprises from NASA's New Horizons
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
View of Pluto's atmosphere captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft during its July 2015 flyby of the dwarf planet.
Credit: G.R. Gladstone et al./Science (2016)
Pluto, known for more than eight decades as just a faint, fuzzy and faraway point of light, is shaping up to be one of the most complex and diverse worlds in the solar system.
Pluto's frigid surface varies tremendously from place to place, featuring provinces dominated by different types of ices — methane in one place, nitrogen in another and water in yet another, newly analyzed photos and measurements from NASA's New Horizons mission reveal.
"That is unprecedented," said New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern, who's based at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. [Photos of Pluto and Its Moons]
"I don't know any other place in the entirety of the outer solar system where you see anything like this," Stern told "The closest analogy is the Earth, where we see water-rich surfaces and rock-rich surfaces that are completely different."
That's just one of the new Pluto results, which are presented in a set of five New Horizons papers published online today (March 17) in the journal Science. Taken together, the five studies paint the Pluto system in sharp detail, shedding new light on the dwarf planet's composition, geology and evolution over the past 4.6 billion years.
Pluto was discovered in 1930 by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. The dwarf planet remained largely mysterious for many years thereafter, because it lies so far from Earth.
Pluto orbits in the Kuiper Belt, the icy realm beyond Neptune, at an average distance from the sun of about 40 astronomical units (AU). (One AU is the distance from the Earth to the sun — about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers.) That's so remote that even the best photo by NASA's famous Hubble Space Telescope portrays the dwarf planet as a mere blur of pixels.
But things began changing in a big way on July 14, 2015. On that day, New Horizons performed the first-ever flyby of Pluto, coming within just 7,800 miles (12,550 km) of its surface. The spacecraft saw towering water-ice mountains; flowing nitrogen-ice glaciers; pebbly "snakeskin" terrain; a vast, crater-free plain known as Sputnik Planum; and many other features that scientists are still trying to figure out.
One of the new papers dives deeply into the geology of these features, revealing new insights about their possible origin and evolution. The 620-mile-wide (1,000 km), nitrogen-ice-dominated Sputnik Planum, for example, apparently sits atop a huge and ancient impact basin, mission scientists say. [Sharpest Pluto Surface View Released by New Horizons Team (Video)]
Sputnik Planum is smooth and pristine, bearing no impact scars. This shows that the region was resurfaced extremely recently — 10 million years ago at most, and possibly much more recently than that, researchers said.
But other parts of Pluto harbor lots of visible craters, and some regions have a middling number, suggesting that the dwarf planet has been geologically active on a large scale over its entire history.
This finding came as a big surprise when it was first announced last year. Earth remains geologically active because it has a hot, molten core. Some icy satellites, such as Saturn's moon Enceladus and the Jovian moon Europa, also harbor substantial internal heat, which is generated by the powerful gravitational tug of their giant parent planets. But something else is likely happening at Pluto.
"I think we have to rethink our whole understanding of geophysics — how you keep small planets active over time," Stern said.
Stern isn't sure what exactly is going on, but he has a favorite hypothesis: that a subsurface Pluto ocean has been slowly freezing over the eons.
"As it freezes, it releases latent heat," he said. "It may be the freezing of this ocean that's powering all this geology."
These maps of water ice on Pluto's surface were created using measurements made by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft during its July 2015 flyby of the dwarf planet. The map at left is an early effort; the one at right used modeling techniques to achieve greater sensitivity.
More geology insights
The new geology paper also discusses and interprets a number of other Pluto features, such as the huge, dark-red Cthulhu Regio — which appears to owe its color to hefty concentrations of tholins, complex organic molecules that drifted down out of the dwarf planet's atmosphere — and the towering peaks Wright Mons and Piccard Mons.
Wright Mons is perhaps 2.5 miles (4 km) high and 90 miles (150 km) wide. Piccard Mons is even bigger, rising about 3.7 miles into the Pluto sky and measuring 140 miles (225 km) across. Both of these peaks may have formed from cryovolcanic activity, the researchers said. [Ice Volcanoes on Pluto? New Imagery Points to It (Video)]
New Horizons also spotted long tectonic faults with very steep associated scarps — characteristics that suggest Pluto has a thick crust composed of water ice, mission team members said.
One of the other new Science papers maps out the distribution of various ices across Pluto's surface. This material — primarily frozen methane, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and water — is deposited in a curiously distinct way, researchers found; some Pluto provinces are dominated by nitrogen ice, others by methane and so on (though there are places, such as Sputnik Planum, where several different ices are found in abundance).
This pattern suggests that volatile material (nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide) is being moved around by sublimation, condensation and glacial flows on both seasonal and geological time scales, the researchers said.
New Horizons’ Best View of Pluto’s Craters, Mountains and Icy Plains
One of the other new Science papers focuses on Pluto's wispy atmosphere. This study also delivered some surprising results.
For example, New Horizons found that Pluto's upper atmosphere — the part that's more than 120 miles (200 km) above the surface — is a lot colder than pre-flyby modeling work had predicted, researchers said. In addition, the dwarf planet is losing its atmosphere at a much lower rate than scientists had thought.
Modeling studies had predicted that Pluto would be outgassing at cometary rates, losing lots of gas molecules to space every second. But New Horizons' measurements showed a mere leak rather than a gush — in fact, the model estimates were off by a factor of about 5,000.
"That shows the power of having a spacecraft there — actually going to see," Stern said.
These twin atmospheric surprises — the cold high-altitude temperatures and the low escape rate — are closely related, Stern added. Cold molecules are less energetic, and are therefore less likely to break free of Pluto's gravitational bonds.
Pluto does not cruise through space by itself. The dwarf planet has five moons — Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx. The latter four are tiny, measuring just a few dozen miles wide at most, but Charon is 750 miles (1,200 km) across — more than half as wide as Pluto itself. Indeed, scientists regard Pluto and Charon as a binary system.
New Horizons studied these five satellites during its July 2015 flyby, and the new papers provide some insight into their origin and evolution as well.
For example, Charon and Pluto are very different worlds. The big moon shows no evidence of recent geological activity (though it boasts deep canyons, and was probably active until about 4 billion years ago), and its surface is dominated by water ice, with no sign of large-scale movement of volatile ices such as methane and nitrogen.
"Whether this is because Charon's near-surface volatile ices have sublimated and have been totally lost to space, owing to that body's lower gravity, or whether something more fundamental related to the origin of the binary and subsequent internal evolution is responsible, remains to be determined," study lead author Jeffrey Moore, of NASA's Ames Research Center in California, and his colleagues wrote in the Science paper.
In one of the other new studies, Pluto's four smaller moons are examined. These bodies are all quite reflective, suggesting that their surfaces are dominated by water ice, like Charon (but unlike Pluto). In addition, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx are all spinning quite fast, and their rotational axes are off-kilter compared to those of Pluto and Charon, the authors wrote.
In general, these characteristics bolster the hypothesis that a giant, long-ago impact created the Pluto-Charon binary system, the researchers said. The four small moons are basically shrapnel thrown off by that ancient impact, the thinking goes. (The small satellites are much brighter than typical Kuiper Belt objects, suggesting that they're not pre-existing bodies that were captured by the Pluto-Charon pair.)
Pluto Quiz: How Well Do You Know the Dwarf Planet?
Pluto, the most famous dwarf planet in our solar system, underwent a well-publicized (and somewhat controversial) reclassification that took away its title as the ninth and most distant planet from the sun. So, how well do you know this fascinating world?
More data coming
The five papers, which you can read for free on Science's website, don't represent New Horizons' last word on Pluto — far from it. For example, mission team members plan to present more new results next week at the 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas.
And there's still a lot of flyby data left to analyze. New Horizons has beamed only half of the close-encounter images and measurements back to mission control, Stern said; the entire treasure trove likely won't be on the ground until October.
New Horizons may also perform another flyby that could help scientists better understand Pluto's neighborhood. The spacecraft is currently cruising toward a small Kuiper Belt object called 2014 MU69, which lies about 1 billion miles (1.6 billion km) beyond Pluto. If NASA approves and funds a proposed extended mission, New Horizons will study 2014 MU69 up close on Jan. 1, 2019.
A depiction of Alaric I, king of the Visigoths, in Athens, by German painter Ludwig Thiersch.
The Goths were a people who flourished in Europe throughout ancient times and into the Middle Ages. Referred to at times as “barbarians,” they are famous for sacking the city of Rome in A.D. 410.
Ironically, however, they are often credited with helping preserve Roman culture. After the sacking of Rome, a group of Goths moved to Gaul (in modern-day France) and Iberia and formed the Visigothic Kingdom. This kingdom would eventually incorporate Catholic Christianity, Roman artistic traditions and other aspects of Roman culture. The last Gothic kingdom fell to the Moors in A.D. 711.The Goths were a people who flourished in Europe throughout ancient times and into the Middle Ages. Referred to at times as “barbarians,” they are famous for sacking the city of Rome in A.D. 410.
Today, the meaning of the word "Goth" has evolved beyond any direct relationship to the ancient Goths. In the late Middle Ages, a style of architecture arose, characterized by large, imposing cathedrals and castles. The term "Gothic" was applied to the style as a critique, the word even at that time being a synonym for "barbaric."
During the 18th and 19th centuries, a genre of dark, romantic literature called "Gothic fiction" flourished. Characterized by novels such as Bram Stoker's "Dracula," Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" and the works of Edgar Allen Poe, the genre got its name from the Gothic locations in which the stories took place — for example, Dracula's dark, foreboding castle.
In modern times, "Goth" has been used for a subculture with its own style of music, aesthetic and fashion. The dark, often gloomy Goth imagery was influenced by Gothic fiction, particularly horror movies.
From an island in the north?
Where exactly the ancient Goths came from is a mystery. In the sixth century A.D., the writer Jordanes (who was likely Gothic himself) wrote a history of the Goths. He claimed that the Goths came from a cold island called “Scandza,” possibly modern-day Scandinavia. When they would have lived there is unknown.
“Now from the island of Scandza, as from a hive of races or a womb of nations, the Goths are said to have come forth long ago under their king, Berig by name,” he wrote (translation by Charles Mierow). After a series of migrations south, they found themselves living close to the borders of the Roman Empire.
Our knowledge about the Goths before they interacted extensively with the Romans is limited. They had a written language of sorts that made use of runic inscriptions; however, few of these inscriptions have been found and those that survive are quite short. Their religion may have made use of shamans, people who could have acted as intermediaries between themselves and the gods.
Goths vs. Greeks
During the third century, the Goths launched a series of invasions against Roman-controlled Greece. Fragments of a text discussing these attacks, written by a third-century Athens writer named Dexippus, were recently discovered in the Austrian National Library and detailed in the Journal of Roman Studies.
Dexippus said that the Roman Emperor Decius (who reigned A.D. 249–251) led the Roman army against the Goths but suffered a series of defeats, losing both territory and men. The text also tells of a battle between the Goths and Greeks that took place at the pass of Thermopylae. The Goth army was trying to reach Athens while a Greek force had fortified the pass in an attempt to stop them. The fragment ends before the outcome of the battle is known.
Contact with Rome
Also in the third century A.D., the Goths launched a series of raids into the Roman Empire. “The first known attack came in 238, when Goths sacked the city of Histria at the mouth of the river Danube. A series of much more substantial land incursions followed a decade later,” writes Peter Heather, a professor at King’s College London, in his book “The Goths” (Blackwell Publishers, 1996).
He notes that in A.D. 268, a massive expedition of Goths, along with other groups also called barbarians, broke into the Aegean Sea, wreaking havoc. They attacked a number of settlements, including Ephesus (a city in Anatolia inhabited by Greeks), where they destroyed a temple dedicated to the goddess Diana.
“The destruction wrought by this combined assault on land and sea were severe, and prompted a fierce Roman response. Not only were the individual groups defeated, but no major raid ever again broke through the Dardanelles,” writes Heather.
The Goths' tumultuous relationship with Rome would continue into the fourth century. While Goths served as Roman soldiers, and trade took place across the Danube River, there was plenty of conflict.
Heather notes that a Gothic group called the Tervingi intervened in Roman imperial politics, supporting two unsuccessful claimants to the emperorship. In A.D. 321, they supported Licinius against Constantine, and in A.D. 365, they supported Procopius against Valens. In both instances this backfired, with Constantine and Valens launching attacks against the Tervingi after becoming emperor.
As contact with Rome intensified, a form of Christianity known as Arianism spread among the Goths.
“In the 340s, the Arian Gothic bishop Ulfilas or Wulfila (d. 383) translated the Bible into the Gothic language in a script based chiefly upon the uncial Greek alphabet and said to have been invented by Ulfilas for the purpose,” writes Robin Sowerby, a lecturer at the University of Stirling, in an article in the book “A New Companion to the Gothic” (Wiley, 2012).
In time, the Goths would adopt the Catholic form of Christianity that came to be used in Rome.
Pushed out by the Huns
This complicated relationship would be forever altered with the appearance north of the Danube of a new group, called the Huns, around A.D. 375. The Huns pushed the Goths into Roman territory.
The Goths, seeking refuge among the Romans, were treated poorly. Lacking food, they were forced to sell their children into slavery at humiliating prices.
“When the barbarians after their crossing were harassed by lack of food, those most hateful [Roman] generals devised a disgraceful traffic; they exchanged every dog that their insatiability could gather from far and wide for one slave each, and among these were carried off also sons of the chieftains,” wrote Ammianus Marcellinus who lived in the fourth century A.D. (translation by John C. Rolfe).
After being refused entry to the city of Marcianople, the Goths revolted, roaming across the Balkans, plundering Roman towns.
Emperor Valens, who ruled the eastern half of the Roman Empire, personally led an army into the Balkans to subdue the Goths. On August 9, A.D. 378, this army engaged the Goths near the city of Adrianople (also called Hadrianopolis). Valens underestimated the size of the Gothic force. As a result, his army was outflanked by the Goths and annihilated, the emperor himself killed.
“Just when it first became dark, the emperor being among a crowd of common soldiers, as it was believed — for no one said either that he had seen him, or been near him — was mortally wounded with an arrow, and, very shortly after, died, though his body was never found,” wrote Marcellinus (translation by C.D. Yonge).
Valens' successor, Theodosius, made a treaty with the Goths that lasted up until his death in A.D. 395.
Rise of Alaric
After A.D. 395, the treaty with Rome fell apart. A Gothic leader named Alaric rose to pre-eminence, leading the Goths into battle against both the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire.
The conflict that followed was complicated. Alaric wanted to make a deal that would result in the Goths under his command getting good farmland and monetary rewards. He undertook raids to pressure the Romans.
Heather writes that by A.D. 403, Alaric was in the Balkans, finding himself an “outlaw rejected by both halves of the Empire.” An attempt by Alaric to move the Goths into Italy had failed, and there had been a massacre of the Gothic inhabitants of Constantinople in A.D. 400.
Fortunes changed for Alaric and the Goths when the Western Roman Empire began to crumble. The emperor Honorius faced rebellion among his army and a usurper named Constantine III amassed territory in Britain and Gaul. In the wake of these problems, Honorius had his general, Stilicho, killed in A.D. 408.
Seeing weakness, Alaric advanced into Italy a second time, finding support from Stilicho’s former supporters as well as runaway slaves. He was camped outside of Rome by A.D. 410, using the city as a bargaining chip in an effort to get concessions from Honorius’ government. After a series of unsuccessful negotiations, Alaric sacked the city on Aug. 24.
Two kingdoms
Alaric would die a few months after the sacking of Rome. During the fifth century A.D., as the Western Roman Empire faded, two Gothic kingdoms would rise up. In Iberia and southwest Gaul, the Visigothic Kingdom would be formed. This kingdom would last until A.D. 711, when it fell to an invasion by the Moors. However, they slowly regained control and in 718 founded the Kingdom of Asturias, which evolved into modern Portugal and Spain.
Meanwhile in Italy, the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths came into existence by the end of the fifth century A.D., eventually dominating the entire peninsula. This kingdom was short-lived, falling to Justinian I, emperor of the Byzantine Empire, within a few decades.
As Europe entered the Dark Ages, the Visigothic Kingdom would help preserve many aspects of Roman culture including its religion and artistic traditions. It’s ironic that the Goths, the people who had sacked Rome in A.D. 410, helped carry Roman culture into the time to come.
Never Before Seen UFOs Burst Through the Sky Over Melbourne, Australia
Never Before Seen UFOs Burst Through the Sky Over Melbourne, Australia
UFOs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and although some would think they’ve seen them all, there are always unique appearances which resemble nothing seen so far. Such is the case of this amazing catch surprised by a skilled sky watcher over Melbourne, Australia.
Filmed by UFO Lou of YouTube a few years ago, the sighting has stirred up the entire UFO community as people were unable to explain this bizarre event. It looks like a fireworks spectacle, but the presented footage clearly removes this hypothesis, as no fire comes out of it. So what could these bizarre UFOs be? Are they caused by a natural phenomenon, or are they rather organic beings known as Zeroids.
Back in 2012 when UFO Lou captured the footage, he became truly amazed of what he was witnessing, since the vast knowledge of these flying objects couldn’t explain what those were. He offered a short analysis of the objects in the video’s description that clearly expressed his enthusiasm:
I fell off my chair when I saw this! Lou said before offering additional details on the topic. Camera is a low light security camera with a 6mm lens. Objects are clearly behind the tree top at the bottom of the screen…keep in mind this is near a ‘fisheye lens’…these objects are very large, yet very distant.
The video clearly shows how five UFOs ascend from the ground and burst through the sky leaving a glimmering trail behind. They are very fast and appear to keep a certain flying order. The sighting is indeed unique, as we cannot compare it with anything seen so far, except for the fireworks hypothesis.
According to UFO Lou, the objects are very large, but because of the distance they appear like small sparkles dashing through the sky. They could pose as artificial crafts, but the long, glowing tail left behind by each of these UFOs tend to diminish this hypothesis.
The probability of them being fragments which fell off a meteor is also unlikely because such sightings are coming from space and are heading towards the Earth, while in this case they are clearly following an ascendant path. Also, the meteors would only be seen for a brief amount of time.
So, that only leaves us with the organic entities hypothesis, which seems the most plausible. These otherworldly beings are fairly malleable and can change their size and shape. They were seen ‘dancing’ through the sky while performing impossible maneuvers at tremendous speeds, so this well-known characteristics indicate that what Lou captured back in 2012 is a rare example of organic UFOs.
However, not every aspect matches the description, as these organic entities are known to develop a circular shield around them whenever they enter our realm. They also pulsate and are mostly seen without the tail. But, since the UFO phenomenon is so wide, the appearances can vary exponentially.
If these are indeed organic UFOs, the possibility of them residing on our planet, or even within it becomes extremely likely. Since the human eye can only perceive a small portion of the light spectrum, it’s hard to witness such events without the proper filters or cameras. However, it’s also plausible that such sightings occur on a daily basis all around us, but we are unable to see them because our vision is not well-adapted for the entire spectrum of light. The fact that some are visible even without special equipment could be because of the energy field they form around them, that’s powerful enough for our eyes to perceive.
Whatever the case, there are still countless mysteries waiting to be uncovered or solved, and making small steppes in that direction each day, will allow for a better understanding of this great puzzle we call life. Share the word and help others see these wonders.
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Researchers Discover an Underwater Stonehenge in North America
Researchers Discover an Underwater Stonehenge in North America
The renowned Stonehenge in the UK is a prehistoric monument dating back more than 5,000 years. It offers a thorough perspective of the past, and how the ancients engaged in their religious rituals. But is the Stonehenge from the UK the work of a local group, or is this design of standing stones spread across the world, incorporating other cultures and religions?
According to BLDGBLOG, a massive stone structure strongly resembling the UK Stonehenge has been discovered by Mark Holley, professor of underwater archeology at Northwestern Michigan College. While cruising on a ship geared with sonar equipment, the professor and his colleague Brian Abbott observed on the boat’s radar an odd-looking formation. While they were on a mission to examine old boat wrecks, they stumbled upon a more ancient find than what they would had first expected.
After diving into the Grand Traverse Bay, they found a bizarre standing-stones formation arranged in a circle 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan. One of the stones situated outside the circle had embedded on it a carving of a mastodon – a distant relative of elephants derived from the Mammut genus that inhabited North and Central America more than 10,000 years ago.
When you see it in the water, you’re tempted to say this is absolutely real, Holley said. But that’s what we need the experts to come in and verify.
After experts were presented with relevant imagery from the bottom of the lake, they concluded that more evidence is needed in order to confirm this amazing find. At first, they investigated the picture showing a mastodon carving on one of the rocks found in the vicinity of the Stonehenge, but in order to authenticate it, they had to dive and see it with their own eyes. However, the group of researchers ran into some problems.
They want to actually see it, said Holley. Experts in petroglyphs generally don’t dive, so we’re running into a bit of a stumbling block there.
The underwater stone formation, if authenticated, wouldn’t be completely out of the ordinary, as other stone circles and petroglyph sites are found in the Great Lakes area, but it can bring valuable insight of how evolved our ancestors were. It can also link this Stonehenge to the one from the UK, thus challenging some modern-day beliefs of cultures evolving independently, without any influence from other sources of knowledge.
So, how did this typical stone circle design reach so many places in the world? Is it possible that this knowledge was transmitted by an ancient and advanced species that had means to travel all across the globe?
The recent findings on Mars of a similar Stonehenge that had been spotted by UFO hunters indicate that the ancient builders didn’t limit themselves to Earth. It’s likely that at some point in time they’ve decided to leave the Earth in order to put their mark on other planets, or according to another theory, the ancient Martian people imprinted their knowledge on Earth after the Red Planet couldn’t sustain life anymore.
If a massive Martian migration occurred in the past we can only speculate, but if it happened, it’s logical to assume that the early humans did not possess the required capabilities of understanding and working with ‘modern’ equipment that had presumably been brought from the neighboring planet, so the ancients shared a more rudimental knowledge with the early inhabitants of our planet.
Whatever the case, the Stonehenge from North America, if authenticated, may challenge the scientific way of thinking that has been regarded as absolute proof until now. Furthermore, keeping an open mind may lead to a more conclusive perspective of humanity’s past than what science is giving us.
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Ancient Alien Outpost Found On Mars?
Ancient Alien Outpost Found On Mars?
A remarkable artefact has been found on the red planet by the Mars Curiosity Rover.
The artefact which could be the remnants of a martian outpost or possibly the top half of a partially buried flying saucer was photographed by the rover as it surveyed the martian surface.
See where and how to locate object for yourself. NASA is giving us this opportunity. Take it.
Scans van graftombe Toetanchamon onthullen verborgen kamers die ‘mogelijk ontdekking van de eeuw bevatten’
Scans van graftombe Toetanchamon onthullen verborgen kamers die ‘mogelijk ontdekking van de eeuw bevatten’
Er is 90 procent kans dat zich achter de graftombe van farao Toetanchamon twee geheime kamers bevinden. Dat heeft de Egyptische minister van Oudheden Mamduh al-Damati op een persconferentie gezegd. Volgens de minister kunnen de ruimtes de ‘ontdekking van de eeuw bevatten’.
Hij baseert zijn uitspraken op nieuw radaronderzoek dat is uitgevoerd door Japanse experts. Het bestaan van de geheime kamers was een hypothese van de Britse archeoloog-egyptoloog Nicholas Reeves. Hij ontdekte sporen van geheime deuren en vermoedde dat Toetanchamon na zijn onverwachte overlijden snel werd bijgeplaatst in een al bestaande tombe.
Metaal en organische materiaal
De minister voegde toe dat de scans hebben aangetoond dat er in de twee ruimtes metaal en organisch materiaal aanwezig zijn. Over de precieze inhoud kan hij nog geen duidelijkheid geven.
Reeves vermoedt dat één van de geheime ruimtes het stoffelijk overschot van koningin Nefertiti bevat, die destijds de ‘mooiste vrouw van de wereld’ werd genoemd. Maar el-Damati heeft daar voorlopig nog geen bewijzen van. Hij denkt eerder aan een echtgenote van de vader van Toetanchamon, farao Achnaton (Amenhotep IV), of een zus of halfzus van Toetanchamon.
Big bang
Vorige maand liet de Egyptische minister van Toerisme Hisham Zaazou zich al enthousiast uit over de mogelijke ontdekking van een geheime kamer achter de tombe van Toetanchamon. Hij sprak van ‘de ontdekking van de 21e eeuw’ die ‘voor een big bang zal zorgen’.
Toetanchamon is vooral bekend om zijn gouden dodenmasker en om speculaties over zijn precieze doodsoorzaak. Op 31 maart zullen nieuwe tests worden gedaan om meer te weten te komen over de ruimtes.
Vrouw verdwijnt op mysterieuze wijze tijdens interview op Deense tv
Vrouw verdwijnt op mysterieuze wijze tijdens interview op Deense tv
In Denemarken is ophef ontstaan na een live tv-interview op TV2. Terwijl een journalist een atleet op het vliegveld van Kopenhagen vragen stelt, lijkt een vrouw op de achtergrond in het niets te verdwijnen.
De vrouw staat te wachten op haar bagage. Als een andere vrouw voorbijloopt, is de eerste vrouw plotseling verdwenen, alsof ze weggetoverd is. Veel kijkers van het programma SportsCenter op de Deense zender TV2 merkten het gekke voorval op en al snel deden allerlei theorieën de ronde.
Er is wel een logische verklaring: misschien bukte ze net. Op internet gonst het in ieder geval van de geruchten. Velen proberen een verklaring te bedenken voor de wonderbaarlijke verdwijning.
“NASA-beelden tonen deur aan zonneoppervlak die wordt gebruikt door moederschepen”
“NASA-beelden tonen deur aan zonneoppervlak die wordt gebruikt door moederschepen”
Een foto die door zonnesatelliet SOHO van de NASA is gemaakt bewijst volgens sommige UFO-onderzoekers dat de zon hol is. De foto zou een reusachtige deur tonen die wordt gebruikt door moederschepen, melden Britse media.
YouTube-gebruiker TheWatcher252 plaatste op 14 maart een filmpje over de ongewone vorm en denkt dat het gaat om een reusachtig buitenaards schip.
De foto bewijst volgens sommigen dat de zon een kunstmatige holle structuur is waarin een wereld schuilgaat die 1000 keer groter is dan de onze. Anderen geloven dat de deur een ‘buitenaardse megastructuur’ is die bestaat uit miljarden zonnepanelen.
Scott Waring van UFO Sightings Daily zei over de ontdekking: “Deze week opende een reusachtige deur op de zon, die moederschepen in staat stelde naar binnen en naar buiten te vliegen.”
De bedenker van de theorie van de holle zon is Jeffrey Wolynski. Volgens de theorie zal de zon uiteindelijk krimpen, afkoelen en imploderen. Wolynski claimt dat de zon veel jonger is dan de aarde en dat jonge sterren geen kern hebben.
Pleiadian Seen Vanishing On Live Danish News At Airport! Video, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Pleiadian Seen Vanishing On Live Danish News At Airport! Video, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 2016 Location of sighting: Denmark, baggage claim, airport News source: In this Danish News video, we see a yellow hair woman in the background trying to get her baggage, then....she vanishes. A lot of viewers of the video say you can see her walking behind the girl in front...that her hair is seen behind her, but that hair is brown and is her ponytail. It is not the yellow hair of the girl that vanishes. There are a lot of yellow hair aliens out there. One species that mingles a lot with humans and may have even walked past you a few times are the Pleiadians. Yellow hair seems to be a trademark of they species. She may be one of them. I also notice she is talking to a girl with a sports jacket. Her own jacket is different, but the other person behind them all also has this sports jacket, not to mention the Puma baggage. As her conversation ends with this sports girl, she vanishes, as if she was finished. The real question is...was she even on the plane at all, or just appear here to talk to this special someone? Scott C. Waring
The Pleiadians are known as Nordic aliens and are humanoid-like aliens that come from the stellar systems surrounding the Pleiades stars. They are very concerned about Earth and our future. Scott C. Waring
Inexplicata (Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy)states: Less than 70 miles from the provincial seat of Salta, between the communities of Cachi and La Poma, along Route 40, can be found a "Pleiadan base" whose occupants claim to be the embodiment of extraterrestrial beings from some distant corner of the universe. Amid messages and entreaties to return to primitive simplicity, the residents claim having reached this northern Argentinean province to herald "the end of an evolutionary cycle". Reaching this location is not easy, as the curious must first cross a set of gates and walk along meandering paths. The homestead, little more than hills and blocks, is hidden in the vegetation. Upon arrival, a bell dangling from a post allows visitors to make their presence known. There is little recorded material on the site, but in a recent interview, the "Pleiadans" welcomed a reporter with the following disquieting statement: "We were expecting you. Our brothers of light told us you would be coming." According to the news media in Salta, there are over 30 "Pleiadan" communities and only two in that province: another in Cafayate and this one, in the Andean "puna", in a land that can only be used for walking and praying to the aliens.
Amazing – UFO Sighting Video Of A T-Shaped Aircraft
Amazing – UFO Sighting Video Of A T-Shaped Aircraft
An unnamed man claims to have caught a video of a bizarre T-shaped UFO coming in and out of the cloud cover above Massachusetts.
The UFO enthusiast in Middlesex County sent the footage to Secureteam10, a video channel that features UFO sightings, for further investigations.
According to the members of the team, they haven’t seen the craft in the video before as it appears to have the ability to appear and disappear instantaneously.
The clip’s narrator says that the man who caught the UFO had been emailing him for quite some time about the mysterious craft, but the witness failed to send him any video because it vanished before the witness was able to record it.
When the witness finally able to get footage, the result isn’t a good one because of the object’s ability to disappear quickly.
The witness has been reportedly seeing it for the past two months, but the Air Force bases deny any involvement, according to the video narrator. The narrator goes on to say that the T-shaped craft isn’t an alleged government craft because of its unusual form.
Another thing that makes the teller believe that it isn’t a military craft is that it doesn’t have any lights on it even at night – the witness also claims to have seen it at dusk when there’s barely enough light left in the sky.
Here’s one new video of a huge bright object hovering in the sky above Mudgee, a town in New South Wales, Australia. This happened yesterday (17th March 2016).
This presentation that Marc D’Antonio calls “Light Years to Earth,” explores the current state of our understanding of Exoplanets and evidence of Alien Civilizations in our Galaxy, and how these discoveries have sparked an entirely new field of scientific study, designed to find Alien Civilizations that may have managed to bridge the vast distances of space and perhaps may have found us. The expected number of Earth-like planets in our own Galaxy points to the high probability that other advanced civilization share this Galaxy with us. Tantalizing science is before us, therefore, the need to create a Scientifically based search program has become a high priority. Travel across a Galaxy requires circumventing barriers in conventional physics such as the speed of light. The “UFOTOG 2 System,” currently under development by Marc D’Antonio and his team of scientists, is designed to use advanced technology to hunt for what Marc D”Antonio calls the “Skid Marks” of Alien Races, trace evidence of advanced propulsion technology. In simple terms this presentation includes the details of how scientists plan to see these “Skid Marks” using technology, and how they intend to find evidence of visitation using science first and foremost. The “UFOTOG v2” technology which will be presented in detail in this program represents how, in the words of Marc D’Antonio’s and his team, “they are putting their money where the science is.”
UFO sighting recorded over Penthland hills, Scotland 9-Mar-2016
UFO sighting recorded over Penthland hills, Scotland 9-Mar-2016
Here’s one new daytime footage of a bright unidentified flying objects hovering in the sky above Penthland hills in Scotland. This was filmed on 9th March 2016.
“I spent three decades of my life on the radio so my credibility as a broadcaster might be thrown right out the door tonight. On the 11th of August, 1975, I was in Clovis, California, at my girlfriend’s house out by the pool when two jet fighters flew directly over our house, maybe 100 feet off the ground. Now, spending 5 years in civil air patrol, I know that jet fighters are not supposed to fly that low over houses, although we were in a remote area. They were so close to each other they looked like one plane and I saw them before I heard them. I got up and turned around 180 degrees and they were at eye level with me. They flew really fast. One went one way and the other went the opposite with way, so they went 90 degree angles away from each other. Then I laid back down and what did I see? Up in the sky right ahead of me, an object. I learned to fly at 15 years old and I’m pretty familiar with aerodynamics and how planes move and this object, it looked like it was glinting off the fuselage and we weren’t that far from the airport, maybe 12 miles, so I thought okay, it’s the plane. All of a sudden it did a 90 degree turn. I could not believe it so I get up and I tried to get someone’s attention in the house because now I realize what I’m seeing – it’s a UFO. And I’ve never seen…
Now this was in the evening about 7 o’clock. This is the 11th of August, 1975. I was watching this thing move and I couldn’t talk and all of a sudden I couldn’t get anyone to notice. I was just going – uh, uh, uh, uh – trying to get people’s attention. Then this UFO turned into a bright white light. Now this is the weird part. I documented this in a column update years ago but I’ve never talked about it to too many people. And that’s all I remember. As soon as I saw that bright white light. Next thing I remember is I see swirling lights in front of me, like somebody is on an LSD trip or something and I want to tell you something, I was not. I see these lights and then all of a sudden it’s dark. I didn’t even realize I’d been missing until I went back in the house. Everybody is angry with me because I missed dinner. To me, I never left the backyard. I didn’t even get the fact that I was missing time. I was gone for like two and a half hours but I never left the backyard. Now my girlfriend, this is the beginning of the end for that relationship because my girlfriend’s parents never really liked me after that and I had been living with her for years. I had several paranormal experiences after that. The thing I’m saying is that if I was abducted, I don’t remember anything. There was no aliens involved. I lost time, that’s all I recall, like I said. What the heck happened to me?”
Zwart gat bombardeert onze planeet met kosmische straling
Zwart gat bombardeert onze planeet met kosmische straling
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het zwarte gat blijkt een galactische deeltjesversneller te zijn die deeltjes met nog nooit vertoonde energie richting de aarde slingert.
De atmosfeer van onze aarde wordt gebombardeerd door energierijke deeltjes: protonen, elektronen en atoomkernen. Maar waar komen die deeltjes precies vandaan? Dat is al een eeuw een raadsel. De deeltjes zijn namelijk elektrisch geladen en worden afgebogen door de magnetische velden die ze tijdens hun reis door de ruimte tegenkomen. En daardoor is het heel lastig om te achterhalen waar de oorsprong van deze deeltjes ligt.
Zwart gat En toch is het onderzoekers nu gelukt om de oorsprong van de deeltjes vast te stellen. In het hart van onze Melkweg bevindt zich een galactische deeltjesversneller die met nog nooit vertoonde energie kosmische straling de ruimte in slingert, zo stellen ze. De onderzoekers vermoeden dat het superzware zwarte gat in het hart van de Melkweg de boosdoener is.
Gammastraling Zoals gezegd is het heel lastig om de bron waar de elektrisch geladen deeltjes uit voortkomen, te achterhalen. Maar gelukkig voor de onderzoekers is er ook gammastraling. Deze straling reist in een rechte lijn en trekt zich – in tegenstelling tot de elektrisch geladen deeltjes – niks aan van magneetvelden. Hierdoor is het wel mogelijk om de bron van gammastraling vast te stellen. En dat hebben de onderzoekers gedaan. Ze gebruikten daarvoor een groep van gekoppelde telescopen in Namibië.
Tien jaar geleden wees onderzoek al uit dat we gammastralingsbronnen waarschijnlijk wel ergens in het hart van onze Melkweg moesten zoeken. Mogelijke kandidaten waren supernova-resten, clusters van zware sterren en het zwarte gat in het hart van de Melkweg: Sagittarius A. En nu is dus bewezen dat het zwarte gat in het hart van onze Melkweg verantwoordelijk is. Het zwarte gat slingert met nooit vertoonde energie kosmische straling de ruimte in. De galactische deeltjesversneller is 100 keer zo krachtig als deLarge Hadron Collider (een deeltjesversneller die ‘slechts’ 13 teraelektronvolt haalt) en tevens de eerste peta-elektronvoltversneller die ooit is ontdekt.
Ancient Pyramids Were High Frequency Power Stations
Ancient Pyramids Were High Frequency Power Stations
The Pyramids of Giza are considered one the greatest wonders of the world. Gerald Massey (29 May 1828 – 29 October 1907) was a poet and author of spiritualism. He was best known for his book Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World. He soon died after the book was published but it remains a staple today in academic circles. I remember reading a profound statement Massey made (and I paraphrase) when he said although he has been studying ancient Egypt for over 40 years, he felt his knowledge base on ancient Egypt was that of a child!
I wonder where his knowledge base would have been if he lived during our times; advanced enough to put the pieces together? There has been a tremendous amount of theories regarding the pyramids. In the earliest phases archeologist believe pyramids where nothing but tombs for the pharaohs. In essence, they believed the larger than life a pharaoh was correlated to the size of their pyramid.
Herodotus, in the 5th century BC, who has been called the “Father of History” wrote that Cheops never used the great pyramid as a tomb, but was buried elsewhere, “in a subterranean region on an island surrounded by the waters of the Nile.
Later theories morphed into showing the power of Egypt and they were aligned with celestial markers to honor their gods. Many dedicated authors studied over large chunks of their lives and have built compelling cases but it just might be really simple. Due to theft and looting we have been left with a shell and architectural clues. Suppressing the truth of the Great Pyramids of Giza leads back to the elite protecting their systems in order to stay filthy rich.
What we are looking at, when evaluating the Pyramids of Giza, was a multi-purpose energy system. This was free energy afforded to all of the people. All homes enjoyed light and power even the most rudimentary batteries stayed charged. I discovered a cymatic match on the Sumerian Tablet of Shamashwhich shows a particular frequency embedded in stone. I began to understand the ancient people used sound to move objects.
Recording of sound from near the Earth’s core
The Great Pyramids of Giza harness the very sound waves from the inner core of the earth. Humans cannot hear the frequencies from the Earth but sound waves are emanating from the Earth. These pyramid cultures flourished because they took care of the basic needs of the people. This is exactly why these ancient empires lasted thousands upon thousands of years.
The Great Pyramid is flat dab in the center of the earth’s land mass and also acts like a fulcrum. This design takes advantage of the sound waves pushing out of the inner core into the shafts. Where the limestone dampens the low frequencies and only allows the highest frequencies to emanate out of the pyramid. The pyramids where coated with gold which conducted these high frequencies. This is why there was such a quest for gold from these ancient civilizations because it led to power…just not the kind most think!
Based on the size of the Pyramid of Giza a field of free energy was created around Egyptian cities. The ancient word for battery was djed and any battery in this field was constantly charged. Ankhs in this field had increased power and the darker the skin the higher the frequency a person could conduct. Rods were used to direct this power in a field for the intended purpose.
The Pyramid of Giza is essentially the world’s largest Pepco station! Due to its enormous size massive amounts of high frequency could be generated. The field must have went out for hundreds of miles! The Pyramid of Giza was flooded with water because sound travels about 4 times as fast in water as it does in air! Which means the high frequency were moving with increased velocity by the time it hit the crystals.
Due to the partial covalency of water’s hydrogen bonding, electrons are not held by individual molecules but are easily distributed amongst water clusters giving rise to coherent regions capable of interacting with local electric and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation.
Can you imagine living in a country that not only was responsible for the infrastructure and development of the nation, but provided FREE energy to the people? This was a time when people actually worked together and did amazing things because of FREE energy. Any device which required power was automatically powered if it was in this field; the caveat is you would have to know the tune.
The elements used to design the high frequency power stations were ferreted away after Napoleon’s “scientific” expedition. Soon after Napoleon’s return new patents for electronics began to emerge. After Napoleon’s army left the pyramids unprotected the ransacking began; but rest assured the components of the high frequency generator had already been removed. Knowing the Pyramid of Giza is a high frequency generator allows us to reverse engineer the necessary components based on the architecture of ALL of the shafts. Including the King and the Queen’s chamber, as they like to call it.
Now when I look at the King and Queen’s chamber I see a housing for the missing components. I believe there were customized crystals housed in these chambers. When the high frequency sped through the water then the crystals began to vibrate. A frequency so high it was undetectable by humans ears. Let’s get a better understanding of crystal used for frequency. A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a very precise frequency.
This means a precise frequency was generated, instrument, tools, and weapons had to be configured to this precise frequency allowing them to tune in and gain power! If you were an outsider and you needed power you had to be cleared and trained about the precise frequency. Any invention in the ancient land need only tune-in and massive amounts of free energy was available.
The Earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own, with crystals aligned in a different direction.
Let’s take a look at the architectural structure and you will see how The Great Pyramid’s design takes the energy from our rotating earth. Inside the Earth’s inner core are more crystals! Remember, I mentioned crystals were used in the King and Queen’s chamber? Well the Earth’s crystals created an ever present field of sound . . . we just can’t hear it; but it surely can be harnessed. As demonstrated by many ancient pyramid cultures.
This also explains why these ancient cultures lived in such harmony with the Earth because she was more than the sustainer of life. The ancients knew the Earth was a power station giving her children free energy. As a by-product of the Earth’s free spin her crystals vibrated frequency . . . sound waves. This explains the design of the “Unfinished Chamber” of the Pyramid of Giza, accepted by academia and perpetuated by the educational systems.
The “Unfinished Chamber” is quite finished. I assure you. It was designed to capture and direct the sound waves through the pyramid. In its rawest form the sound waves come bundled in low to the highest frequencies. Again, the water acted as a “turbo boost” pushing the frequencies through four times faster than if they merely passed through air. This allowed the King and the Queen’s crystals to vibrate and increase the propagating sound waves in the pyramid! The frequencies propagated toward the outside of the pyramid where the low frequencies were filtered out and only the high frequency escaped the pyramid. The gold coating on the Great Pyramid of Giza allowed the pyramid structure to resonate only the high frequency.
Now we understand why the ancient Egyptians decided to build the Great Pyramid at the exact center of the surface of the Earth’s land mass. That must have been the best location for acoustic capture of free energy! If the Earth’s core is a massive iron/crystal core at 1,500 wide silently ringing free energy around the earth who needs fossil fuels? We are all being distracted and the solutions are right in our face. We could replicate this basic design and transform every industry and change life for the better.
At one time the entire academic systems perpetuated the Pyramid of Giza was a tomb for Cheops. I can only suspect after the Napoleon’s “scientific” theft of the inner workings of the pyramids false notions were planted in academic circles. Even then the elite knew not to share free energy with the people; let alone, with an energy the elite could not profit off. The elite worked through secret societies that spanned the globe. There is a phrase that whoever wins the wars owns the history. As you can see the Pyramid of Giza is more than just a spiritual symbol or a show of great power . . . it is a transformer of great power!
This means all the other planets in our solar system . . . including our Sun emanate sound waves; a high frequency symphony waiting to get tapped like a college keg party. We need only to disconnect from our current path of being “fear-aholics” and “doomsday prophecy junkies.” We are being distracted as a human race on unprecedented levels. The irony is answers are right in our face yet all we need to do is to focus on them. Technology has reached such a place in conjunction with the Internet where we are becoming aware. Dots are being connected much quicker now.
Instead of focusing on doom and a rush to death we need to embrace being alive. We need to focus our collective consciousness on improving our lives through free energy. The ancients left us blueprints embedded in stone. We need only use our current scientific knowledge base to reverse engineer the solutions. Understanding the Earth is not only the sustainer of life but a free energy power station should guide us in protecting her. No more needs for hydrofracturing, oil, or gas because man needs to rape the Earth in order to collect these fossil fuels. It is time to wake up as a people and feel the vibrations.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
“ Beings Are Visiting Us From Other Dimensions ” – Confirms The FBI
“ Beings Are Visiting Us From Other Dimensions ” – Confirms The FBI
There has been much talk nowadays about inter-dimensional worlds, especially what with the Large Hadron Collider in CERN officially being fired back up recently to go hunting for them. Whilst we are all considering where the Aliens could be coming from and IF other Dimensions are actually a fact rather than Fiction, along comes this VERY important piece of evidence courtesy of the F.B.I!
And this is a very true story people, the FBI admitted that we have been visited by“beings from other dimensions” and the official link from the FBI vault can be found here
To be fair it is very surprising that the FBI have shown such a vast amount of interest in the whole study of the UFO phenomena?! But is it really that surprising when people have been reporting UFO sightings pretty much since the beginning of time, no not really!
I guess it could even be possible that there are a lot of science fiction movies that are actually based on real events, or as some may even call them “leaks” to the general public, given by the government in order to deliberately raise awareness among the population? Subconsciously planting that seed into all of our brains that the Aliens truly are with us!
Back in 2011 after there were some important documents which had been “declassified” a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public.
This particular FBI special agent, who was a lieutenant colonel whose identity has remained anonymous because of “national security” had gathered numerous amounts of data on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for many years.
According to some of these exciting yet slightly bizarre unexpected reports and“Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numerous extra-terrestrial beings, some of whom, are not only from other planets beyond our own, but also from other dimensions.
Apparently some of these Alien beings originate from an ‘ethereal plane coexistent’ within our physical universe. These incredible “entities”, that apparently can “materialize” on our very own planet appeared as huge ‘translucent figures’.
Please see below a transcript of some of the most important details of the report that you all need to know about:
1. Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control
2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane
3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size
4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world
5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us
6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter
7. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace
8. The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoteric matters will understand these terms.
9. They probably can not be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that (apparatus)
Addendum: The Lokas are oval shape, fluted length oval with a heat-resistaning metal or alloy not yet known the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray.
Op 21 maart zal een komeet met een groene coma ons voorbijscheuren zo heeft gemeld.
Het betreft periodieke komeet 252P/LINEAR die ons op een afstand van 5,3 à 5,4 miljoen km zal voorbijrazen. De dichtste passage is omstreeks 13.00 uur, maar is in Europa niet zichtbaar.
Volgens is het voor zover bekend de op vier na dichtste scheervlucht van een komeet ooit.
Astronomen kwamen er de voorbije dagen achter dat de "staartster" een kleinere en minder heldere compagnon zou hebben, komeet P/2016 BA14. Die lijkt een fragment van 252P/LINEAR te zijn en zou een dag later nog dichterbij voorbij vliegen.
Mogelijk ontketent de passage van de komeet een kleine meteorenregen, aldus de gezaghebbende website.
Die pakt overigens ook uit met een foto die Didier Van Hellemont van Volksterrenwacht Urania (Hove) op 15 maart in het Finse Luosto van een corona, een spectacualaire vorm van noorderlicht, heeft genomen.
Om te weten wat er gebeurt bij brand in gewichtloosheid zal het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA naar eigen zeggen deze lente en later dit jaar in totaal drie branden veroorzaken in (afgedankte) ruimtecargo's.
Woensdagmorgen (Belgische tijd) moet een Atlas-5 draagraket van op Cape Canaveral de onbemande commerciële ruimtecargo Cygnus naar het Internationaal Ruimtestation ISS slingeren. De cargo zal 55 dagen aan de spacemeccano blijven hangen, om op 8 mei, volgestouwd met afval, weer de atmosfeer in te duiken.
De NASA maakt er gebruik van voor het SAFFIRE-experiment om na te gaan wat er gebeurt als er brand uitbreekt in een ruimtecapsule, wat één van de grootste nachtmerries van de bemande ruimtevaart is. Nu waren er reeds verbrandingstests in de ruimte, maar steeds met de dwingende gedachte "dood de bemanning niet". In dit geval zal het (vanop afstand) vuurtje stoken op veel grotere schaal gebeuren. NASA zal metingen verrichten en de brand filmen.
Met nog twee bijkomende tests in het kader van dit experiment dit jaar, telkens in een Cygnus, wil de de NASA bovenal de brandveiligheid in ruimtecapsules optimaliseren.
Voor zover bekend heeft er zich slechts één keer een incidentele brand voorgedaan in een bemand ruimteschip, met name in het Russische ruimtestation Mir in 1997. De Russisch-Amerikaanse bemanning wist het vuur echter bijtijds te blussen, en redde daarmee zichzelf en het complex.
Op 27 januari 1967 ontstond tijdens een oefening op Cape Canaveral in Florida brand in de allereerste Apollo-capsule. De drie astronauten aan boord kwamen om.
Astronomen, onder andere van de KU Leuven, hebben met de Hubble Ruimtetelescoop in onze kosmische achtertuin negen monstersterren ontdekt. Dat heeft het ESA/Hubble Information Centre vandaag bekendgemaakt.
Het gaat om de grootste set zeer zware sterren die ooit is gevonden. Elke ster is meer dan honderd keer zo zwaar als onze zon.
Zij bevinden zich in cluster R136 in het centrum van de Tarantulanevel. Die bevindt zich in de Grote Magelhaense Wolk die vanaf het zuidelijk halfrond zichtbaar is in het sterrenbeeld Goudvis. De sterren staan op 170.000 lichtjaar van ons, dus relatief dichtbij. R136 is slechts een paar lichtjaar in doorsnee, maar herbergt veel extreme, zware, hete, felle sterren.
Het zwaarterecord staat op naam van een van de sterren in die cluster: R136a1. Met ongeveer 250 zonsmassa's is dit de allerzwaarste ster die op dit moment rechtstreeks is waargenomen. Met name dankzij de in het ultraviolet uitgestoten energie.
De negen zijn niet alleen extreem zwaar, maar ook extreem fel. Samen geven ze dertig miljoen keer zoveel licht als onze zon. Zulke heldere sterren zijn dan ook snel opgebrand. Na ongeveer twee à drie miljoen jaar zijn ze aan het eind van hun leven. Elk van de monstersterren stoot per maand meer dan een aardmassa aan materiaal uit in de vorm van een sterrenwind. Ondanks dit enorme massaverlies zullen deze sterren wellicht uiteindelijk zwarte gaten achterlaten.
Aan het onderzoek is ook meegewerkt door Alex De Koter en Hugues Sana, die onder meer met de KU Leuven zijn verbonden.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Er lijkt absoluut iets gaande in ons zonnestelsel waarbij steeds meer grote ruimteschepen opduiken in de buurt van onze zon.
NASA ontkent het bestaan hiervan in alle toonaarden, maar ze zijn nu zelfs zichtbaar op verschillende NASA camera’s.
Wanneer er vreemde objecten verschijnen op de ruimtetelescopen van NASA, wordt dit al snel afgedaan als een soort vlekje op de lens of een ander klein mankement waardoor het lijkt alsof er zich een vreemd object bevindt.
Wanneer een groot object dat verdacht veel lijkt op een groot ruimteschip wordt vastgelegd door meerdere camera's, wordt het een ander verhaal.
Dat is nu precies wat er enkele dagen geleden gebeurde.
In eerste instantie werd het ruimteschip vastgelegd door de zogenaamde Lasco C3 camera:
Enkele uren later verscheen hetzelfde ruimteschip op de Lasco C2 camera:
We kunnen dus met zekerheid aannemen dat we hier niet te maken hebben met een camera die niet goed functioneert, maar wel degelijk met een groot fysiek object.
NASA reageert zoals te doen gebruikelijk helemaal nergens op en men doet alsof er zich helemaal niets vreemds in de ruimte bevindt.
Ze zijn waarschijnlijk zo stil omdat ze ook beseffen dat wat voor verklaring ze ook zullen bedenken, dit heel dom zal klinken, wat door maar weinigen zal worden geloofd.
Dan maar gewoon de mond stijf dichthouden en doen alsof we gek zijn.
Het zal ondertussen niemand verbazen dat ook dit bijzondere object weer is ontdekt door de inmiddels beroemde Streetcap 1 van Youtube.
The Bright Spots On Ceres Are Blinking! March 16, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
The Bright Spots On Ceres Are Blinking! March 16, 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Both upper and lower photos are the same object, but lower was told to public first, then later NASA showed the upper photo saying it was the same object...but apparently NASA changed objects.
Date of article: March 16, 2016 Location of sighting: Dwarf Planet Ceres News source:
Astronomers on Earth decided to observe Ceres bright spots and noticed that they blink every 9 hours. Like a light house signal but instead of across the ocean, its across the solar system. Its a signal, but is it an early warning signal, a greeting, a radar tower or what? We may never know in our lifetime, but I am sure its there for a purpose. Maybe we should signal back. Scott C. Waring
News states: All right, maybe not blinking like a flashlight (or a beacon on the tippity-top of a communication tower—don’t even start that speculation up) but the now-famous “bright spots” on the dwarf planet Ceres have been observed to detectably increase and decrease in brightness, if ever-so-slightly. And what’s particularly interesting is that these observations were made not by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, currently in orbit around Ceres, but from a telescope right here on Earth. Researchers using the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) instrument on ESO’s 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla detected “unexpected” changes in the brightness of Ceres during observations in July and August of 2015. Variations in line with Ceres’ 9-hour rotational period—specifically a Doppler effect in spectral wavelength created by the motion of the bright spots toward or away from Earth—were expected, but other fluctuations in brightness were also detected. “The result was a surprise,” said Antonino Lanza from the INAF–Catania Astrophysical Observatory, co-author of the study. “We did find the expected changes to the spectrum from the rotation of Ceres, but with considerable other variations from night to night.” (More at source).
Guys, I was looking through some old post I made back in 2011, and I found this one where I had found some domed cities on Earths Moon. This is from an old Apollo 15 image, but its higher quality than most moon images from NASA today. There is actually three domes to be seen, but one dome on the far lower right actually seems to by above the surface of the moon! Yeah, you heard me right. Its tilted at a 25-30 degree angle. Cool, it looks like a dome ship, and around its side is a thin rim, like that on a plate. Tell me your thoughts on this please in comments below. Scott C. Waring
This photo was taken by Ian Warne of Cronwall, and it shows an angel with outspread wings. The sun itself it the head of the angel, the body is the reflection, and a beaming radiance around its head is the halo. I'm not a religious person, but this is a sign, but for whom was the sign intended for? I have long believed that an alien in deep meditation can create pictures in the clouds, flocks of birds, and even water, if their meditation had a vision in it. A universal moment when a person becomes one with everything everywhere. Was this such an event? Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: " I didn't realize how cool it was till I got home,just a lucky shot I guess."
While writing and interviewing the group of people I refer to as Real Time Abductees two sisters became part of the abductee group.
I use the term Real-Time Abductions to describe abductions and lost time events that regular everyday people are forced to endure while going about the routine of their normal daily life. The people are not asleep or hypnotized do they get messages telepathically. These abductions occur while the people are fully awake and going about the routine business of their everyday life.
There are common occurrences that link these specific types of abduction. The people are all fully awake going about the business of their day or night when suddenly they find they are in a situation that leaves them open to being taken. They may be driving alone in their cars, or walking down a lonely street or simply placing their trash out at night for pick up the next day. All that is needed is a moment of opportunity for those who take these people to quickly snatch and abduct them for whatever purpose they so desire.
The Real Time Abductees usually remember the start of the encounter and what they were doing when the approach of either strange lights, an unknown craft or odd life forms appear. The abductees may or may not have any recall of what takes place during the time they are taken by their captors but do recall waking ill and shaken sometimes close to where they were taken other times miles away from where the abduction occurred. The abductee usually finds a lost time of about three hours and at best only flash memories of what took place while they were missing.
Many of the people I interviewed over the years have been tortured with these strange lost time events of abduction starting in childhood and continuing on during their lifetime until they are in their 70s. Many come from families where this oddness is generational and can be traced back to parents and grandparents. There are families where multiple members are taken.
I am sad to report that I have been contacted by two older members of the abduction group I interviewed and wrote about a few summers ago. They wanted to inform me of what was continuing to happen to them. I somehow thought as I started my research years ago on this subject that with age would come a reduction of abduction events in the life of the abductees. Many of them who were aging did find they were no longer being taken and they did feel the aging process could be what was protecting them from these horrid kidnapping abusive abductions by unknown beings.
Donna and Kate are two sisters who were both lifelong abductees as was their father. Now both seniors they hoped they were passed having to deal with the horror of abduction at this point in their life but, unfortunately, it appears to continue despite the fact they are aging and were hopeful this nightmare would end with their advanced age.
The younger sister, in her early 60’s, recently retired from a successful career in science mostly in research labs. The other sister is a bit older at age 75 spends her time in her home retired from her career as a medical doctor. The sisters have had successful careers as well as being married with children and grandchildren.
By all outward appearances, you would not think anything was out of the ordinary or strange in the lives of the sisters, they appear normal in all ways including living in typical suburban homes surrounded by long term neighbors, friends, and family.
It has been a long hard road for Kate and Donna as they have been fighting with and dealing with lost time abduction events since they were children. Kate recalls being taken very early in life starting before the age of 5 while Donna ‘s events began later in life with the first event happening in her early 20′s. The sisters have other siblings who seem to have been spared this burden of abduction however the women’s father also suffered abduction encounters starting when he was 13 which stayed with him until he was in his late 50s.
The sisters knowing this about their father hoped that they too would be spared continued abductions once they started to age. Sadly for them, that is not the case. Both sisters have had continued abductions.
Kate contacted me to let me know that she and her entire family would be leaving with her sister’s family to a new area in which they will be taking drastic steps, which I will not be going into, in order to try to prevent any more events happening to the sisters. The sisters met with me to tell me what had happened to them and to my regret to say goodbye.
Both sisters suffer physical problems due to a lifetime of abductions in which they were returned ill, burned or physically altered until they both have extreme problems with illness and skin infections as well as other physical oddities.
Having science backgrounds and knowing many people who they were able to trust to help them. The sisters feel that their backgrounds did help them survive their abduction ordeals. They feel they were without question taken due to a genetic feature unique to their father’s family. The sisters think they were used for adrenal, hormonal or DNA biological material
They knew early on that they were somehow being drained as it took them weeks to recover back to a degree of health after each event of abduction. As the years passed and the encounters continued the sisters both started to develop strange ailments and horrific skin problems that went unexplained by the medical help they did try to find.
Donna being a doctor and Kate a person of science actually were able to keep alive by way of their own backgrounds and abilities. They often would say that those who go through this hell without the knowledge to survive may often die young without the true cause of what was happening ever being discovered. The stigma of being an abductee often keeps those being taken and harmed silent suffering alone without any help at all.
Kate and Donna decided to spend the day together about a month ago in early April. Kate the younger sister picked up her older sister so they could spend the day shopping and having lunch together. They left early in the day so they could be home before dark, even before dusk, as they were always on guard not to offer any tempting openings for their life long abductors to capture and once again harm them.
The fact is that Kate and Donna rarely go anywhere without a third person usually one or both of their husbands. They were only planning to be gone a few hours during this bright sunny day where they would be out in public and felt they would be OK.
It had been awhile since either one of the sisters had suffered an incident. They were beginning to believe the nightmare of abductions may finally be ending for them. Anyway, they were together and only had incidents when they were alone and in a situation that offered their kidnappers the opportunity to grab them without being seen. This, however, can be done in seconds which is why living with this horror grows to be unbearably stressful for those who are the victims of this crime. Abduction or kidnapping of innocent unwilling people is without question a crime. It just happens to be a crime that is allowed to happen which in my mind is a serious moral issue of mankind towards those being taken.
Kate and Donna were having a wonderful morning together ending with a lovely lunch near the beach front where they live. The sisters decided to take a fast ride down to look out over the dock nearby to have a look at the water before returning home. It was mid-day the world was bright and cheery and this one time they let down their guard and drove down the sandy road that leads to the town dock to take a peek at the water at the end of the dock road. The sister took a few minutes to admire the day and the gleaming water sitting in Kate’s large new SUV vehicle with the motor running,
Kate always feared she would drive her car by accident off the dock into the water and always parked leaving a good ten to twenty feet in front of her and the end of the dock road.
Kate was preparing to turn her new SUV around to leave the dock area when in a blink of an eye the entire vehicle was suddenly and completely engulfed in green neon colored light, They were covered by a ray beaming down from above the truck. The new SUV continued to run and Kate knew instantly what was beginning to happen. She looked over at Donna who was staring blankly ahead as if in a trance and did not respond when Kate called her name and pushed her as she sat in the seat next to Kate.
Kate watched in horror as her sister started to open her door and start to make moves to leave the vehicle. Something amazing came over Kate and instead of the usual heart stopping fear she felt during past abductions that started as this one was- Kate became furious. She threw her car door open and ran in front of her truck to her sister’s door and shoved with a mighty push the older Donna back into the car screaming in anger at the abductors. She could feel her skin burning and horrific pain in her arms and legs but found her anger so great that it overtook her fear and pain at the situation she found she was in. She slammed her sister back into the truck catching part of her arm in the door yet managed with a strength she did not know she had to get Donna back inside the SUV.
Kate ran with all she had in her back to her side where her door remained open from when she jumped out and flew back into the driver’s seat. She knew she was hurt but could not stop now and threw the truck in reverse and hit the gas speeding in reverse down the long sandy dock road. Her truck bounced all over the road as she kept her foot on the gas and in reverse quickly backing down the road until she hit a big patch of sand that placed her truck in a spin which ended with her facing the correct way on the road. Kate placed the truck in drive and just kept her foot on the gas speeding down the road and back to town.
Kate only looked back once and could still see the green ray circling the spot where her truck had been parked. Kate could not believe she got away and was able to stop the encounter. Donna sat silently next to her as Kate sped directly home to Donna’s house. Kate knew she was hurt and Donna was still in a trance but she was grateful that she somehow stopped the abduction.
Kate drove directly to Donna’s house breaking all speed limits the entire way. She flew into Donna’s driveway blowing the horn and yelling for help. Donna’s husband and son were outside working on a yard project and came running to the car. Kate immediately told the men what had happened as Donna’s son helped his mother from the car. Donna was now able to speak but remained weak and confused. The men took the sisters into the house where they quickly tried to examine the women for wounds or burns.
Donna’s son, also a medical doctor, an Internist, quickly assessed the situation and determined Kate’s condition was far more serious and need immediate care. Donna although shaken and confused did suffer a few minor burns on her one arm and a leg but due to her sisters, fast actions did not receive too much physical damage. Mentally she was definitely scattered however the young doctor felt from past encounters this would soon wear off and instructed his father to keep his mother talking by asking her question she would need to focus on to answer.
Kate was a different story. Kate was fully burned on her face, neck arms and legs. Her mid-section of her body had a light rash but nothing like the harsh burns that covered the rest of her. She began to vomit and would black out for very short intervals of maybe 30 seconds but could not stay fully conscious or stay standing without help.
The young doctor gave Kate immediate attention including an IV to hydrate her and an injection that they wish to remain private but seemed to help Kate at once. He attended to her burns and also kept her talking to bring her clearly back to the present.
Kate remained under the care of her family for weeks after this event. She suffered the long flu like illness which lasted about 14 days. Donna fared much better and felt returned to full health within a week or two. Donna spent her time tending to her sister who was truly brutalized during the abduction attempt.
The family spent many hours discussing how Kate was able to do what she did without the abductors simply grabbing both of the sisters which were their intention. Kate felt she knew instinctively why she was able to save them. Kate is sure that her sudden burst of anger and rage stunned her abductors and literally threw them off their game. She said she could sense a hesitation from them as she screamed and cursed at them in an angry rage while running around the truck with flailing arms raging at them as she forced her sister back into her truck. Kate said her very soul reacted in furious anger at the attempt to take them and the usual fear she felt in all her other encounters simply took a back seat as her anger raged at this attempt to take her and her sister.
Kate also remarked that another major role in her being able to do what she did was that her new truck did not shut down like many other times she had encounters while driving. Her new SUV kept running making it possible for her to throw the vehicle in a quick reverse and speed away from the circle of light.
The family feels that maybe something different in the new vehicles makes shutting them down a bit harder or that Kate’s unexpected display of anger and rage threw off the abductors to the point they did not follow their usual protocol giving Kate the jump on them which gave her time to evade the abduction attempt.
I do know that this is not the first time I have encountered a story of someone avoiding an abduction by displaying an odd emotion towards their abductors that seems to confuse and disarm them. I am sorry Kate was so seriously wounded but very glad she avoided a full abduction. I think at this stage of life both of these brave women deserve an end to these horrific abductions that have followed them during their lives. Sadly that is not the case and they continue to be hunted.
About a week ago I called Kate to see how she and her sister were doing hopeful they were feeling better since their last event and to inquire when they would be leaving the area.
Kate is still recovering from her ordeal but does seem to have damage that may last with her forever. She discovered that her vocal cords were harmed and she has days when talking is very difficult. I could hear the change in her voice and understood her continued anger at her captors and secretly feel it may be the very thing that will keep them away from her. I believe that fear strengthens their ability to take and control humans and once Kate replaced that fear with rage and anger she became a target too difficult to control and hopefully not worth their time or effort in the future.
Donna, however, did not make out as well. In fact, what happened to Donna is something I never heard before from any abduction case I researched nor have I ever read anything like it in all my years of dealing with the paranormal.
The first encounter with both sisters involved occurred in early April of this year 2014. What I am going to write about now happened a few days ago during the last week of May 2014.
Donna was feeling near back to her normal self. She and her husband, at their son’s insistence, were living in his house with his family. He had a large home that offered comfort and safety to his parents and thought it wise to protect his mother from any future problems during her recovery from this last event. Donna was itching to return to her own home which is located only blocks away from her son’s home but agreed she felt safe and at ease staying with her son and his family.
Donna and her husband had a large bedroom and bath with a private sitting area that was located over her son’s large garage and part of the second story of his home.
They would retire to the suite after dinner where they would watch TV, work on their computer or read until bedtime.
It was the night after Memorial Day that the older couple decided to go up even earlier than usual as they were worn out from a full family weekend of BBQ s and grandchildren. Donna’s husband headed for the small sitting room where a large TV and big recliner waited for him. Within minutes, he was deeply involved with a piece of pie in one hand and his remote in the other. Donna was feeling restless and thought she may be over tired. She found her book that she was reading and sat down in a large chair next to the bed to read for a while before going to bed.
What happened next cannot be explained or compared to any other event I have ever come upon or heard in connection with any other abduction case.
Donna sat reading when she sensed something in the room. For a split second, she thought it was her husband moving about but quickly realized it was something else.
She placed her book on her lap and looked up. To Donna’s stunned amazement she found her bedroom filled with her dead relatives. The clear image of her mother and father, as well as her young son who passed in his teens, were all standing in front of her. Her grandfather was there as well. She sat stunned unable to move. Her family members started to dart quickly from one side of the room to the other quickly flashing across the room from side to side. Donna filled with fear believing her time had come and they were there to take her with them. Suddenly Donna realized her grandfather’s soul was not moving back and forth across the room like the others and stood still and clear in front of Donna. Donna realized he was engaging something else in the room as he spoke loud and clear over Donna looking at the area behind Donna’s chair.
Quickly Donna could sense something standing behind her chair. She turned to see what was there but was stopped by the command of her grandfather not to look. Donna did get a glance before she was stopped that some kind of creature was standing directly behind her chair. Donna sat frozen while the spirit of her grandfather took on the creature standing behind Donna. He told it that he demanded it to leave and it would not be allowed it to take Donna, not today or any other day. The other members of Donna’s family continued to swirl around the bedroom. Donna finally found her courage and asked her grandfather what she should do. Her grandfather continued to engage the creature standing behind her.
While this was happening Donna’s husband only about 15 feet away continued to watch TV until he heard his wife talking. At first, he yelled out his customary “What did you say” When she did not answer he decided to peek in on her to make sure she was alright. That is when Donna finally had a witness to her ordeal as her husband did walk into the bedroom.
Donna’s husband took one look at the scene taking place in the bedroom. He turned his head and took one look at the creature standing behind his wife when he heard Donna’s grandfather’s voice boom out across the room “DO NOT LOOK AT IT’. Donna’s husband ran to the bedroom door screaming at the top of his lungs for his son to bring the gun and yelled for help.
Within seconds, Donna could hear her son and teenage grandsons running towards the room. With a snap of what seemed electricity in the air, the spirits and creature were gone. Donna’s husband fell to his knees and started to cry. Her son and his family came crashing into the room. The room had a foul sulfur mold like smell in it. The grandsons quickly checked the closets bathrooms and made sure all the windows were locked. Donna sat in shock at what had just occurred. She and her husband remain living with their son and both still need medication to deal with this latest ordeal that no one seems to have an explanation for.
Clearly whatever it was that tried once again to take Donna was stopped by the loving spirits of her family members who have passed over. It seems Donna’s grandfather was the strongest of the spirits as he engaged and prevented the thing standing behind her chair from doing what he came to do. Donna is beside herself at this point and lives in constant terror. She does feel somewhat relieved that her husband was able to witness part of what she has had to deal with for a lifetime. The added dimension of Donna’s dead relatives entering the ordeal is confusing for all involved and something I personally have not ever heard about in any other abduction case or from any other abductee or contactee.
Both sisters remain under the eyeful watch of their families. Both sisters have become disgusted and angry at the continued harassment of their life long abductors. I feel this change from fear to anger and rage may be the key to ending their torment and hope they can focus on that approach and never give over to fear again. I know this is easier said than done but it is all I can offer to these courageous women at this point in life.
I am not equipped to comment on the strange event that took place in Donna’s bedroom. I have never encountered or heard any other scenario like it during all of the years I have been interviewing and researching the abduction issue. I do know I respect and believe this event took place based on the quality of character of those who related the event to me. I also find it extremely disturbing as it may be a sign we are entering a new level of existence where creatures we do not understand cross between dimensions or space that we are yet to understand.
I found this article to be one of the most upsetting I have ever written due to the fact that both of these ladies are seniors and at this point just being attacked without mercy by these cruel non-human abductors. I can only pray that they continue to stay angry and protected by the spirits that look after them.
I too am aging and find that my days need to be filled more with family and love and less with computers and keyboards. I have decided while writing this article to take off the summer and enjoy my home and my family. I also have been writing a great deal about the danger of constantly being connected to our technology and concerned it will soon remove mankind from its humanity and towards a colder harder being that will continue to be controlled by devices and soon forget to smell the roses or notice them along the way. I need to practice what I preach and intend to detach and reattach to a slower kinder life and make sure I enjoy life and those I love each and every day.
I will be back when I am ready to continue my endless journey with the unknown.
Until then be happy, be attached to the real world and detach from your machines and always be careful out there, You never know what may be standing behind that big comfortable chair.
As well known as bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster is the most famous lake monster of them all. First coined as a “monster” in 1933, sightings of the creature are still reported to this day. The Crypto Blast takes a look at Nessie in this video:
Many people labelled Unidentified Flying Objects to aliens and strange humanoid creatures when in fact, it could be other things. Of course, no one can say who made it or who built it. That is why in every strange sighting, people connect those things to aliens. Are these extraterrestrial creatures harmful? Area 51 is a place known for its high secrecy and security. Visitors can see the white trucks going on the hills while watching and observing the human movement. A former Area 51 researcher named Glenn Campbell decided to visit the area for old time memories. Upon deciding to visit, it ended up playing a little mouse and cat game along with the security guards of Area 51, often labelled as “Cammo Dudes.” They are such terms because they wear camouflage.
As posted in his recent encounter, the exact location was not mentioned. In the video, Campbell stated that the footage is like an old time happenings. He admitted going out for research together with the Area 51’s border. The activity is something that he has not done in decades now. He was just south of Nevada, and North on Nellis Range line. Within public land, the so-called Cammo Dudes started following me. He describes the dudes as a team in a white pickup truck. However, they are quite shy. Whenever he pointed his camera towards them, they back-up in the bush. The only time he got close was when they shouted to get to their border. Shepherd Johnson, an occasional contributor to the prominent website, posted the video. Since this part of the video is incredibly comical, it reminds him of a traditional Looney Tunes cartoon.
As you can perceive in the video, there is a truck backing up. The scenario reminds him of a little cat hiding its head. Unfortunately, it becomes invisible now. Needless to say, their effort to hide was not sufficient. Since it gets funnier, Campbell decided to have more fun. As seen in the video, Campbell sneaks up to film the whole time. He concluded that they were not government employees. Instead, they work for a private contractor that possibly works for the government.
In September of 1961, Betty and Barney Hill claim they were pursued and and abducted by an alien craft in New Hampshire. Their strange case is probably the most famous abduction case in history. But is it true?
Area 51 might be the most well-known top secret military base in the world. It has appeared in movies, tv, books, and video games. Yet we still don’t know what is going on in there. We take a trip to the middle of nowhere to find out what’s going on with Area 51! What goes on in Area 51? Where is Area 51?
In the latest bizarre report from the alien and UFO community, the United Nations has entered into correspondence with an alleged extraterrestrial being who calls himself Mogay.
The latest development follows a report last week by the Inquisitr that Mogay, who claims to be stranded on Earth and in need of urgent assistance from world governments, sent a request for help to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the world’s largest organization that documents and investigates alien and UFO reports.
The United Nations has reportedly responded to a letter Mogay sent to the organization, titled, “Did the UN have a resettlement process and protection policy about extraterrestrial beings?”
According to Express, Kerith McFadden, Associate Librarian with the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library, in Washington, D.C., responded to Mogay’s inquiry, saying that although the UN has been involved in alien and UFO matters in past, there was little the organization could do in the latest case because the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was not the leader of the world and thus has no authority to initiate negotiations with Mogay on behalf of the world.
McFadden, however, suggested that the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) might be able to help.
The new developments were detailed in a second report filed recently by Mogay with MUFON. The second report follows a first in which Mogay appealed to MUFON for assistance as a go-between in proposed negotiations with the U.S. government. Mogay had claimed that he and a group of alien refugees escaped from their native Matif after the planet was involved in a disastrous collision with a stray planetary body.
Mogay also claimed he is currently living on Earth in the body of a friendly human host.
Although MUFON said at the time that it was looking at the report, there were indications that the organization did not take the report seriously due to the suspicion that it could be a hoax report.
In the new report filed with MUFON, Mogay revealed that he has contacted UNOOSA as McFadden suggested but has not received a response. He once again appealed to MUFON for assistance and called for help from Hillary Clinton.
The alleged alien’s appeal to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was likely informed by recent media reports that Clinton has pledged to “look into” allegations that the government is keeping files containing vital information about UFOs and aliens and release them if there are any as alleged.
Mogay warns more aliens from planet Matif could soon arrive [Image via Shutterstock]In the new report filed with MUFON, Mogay refers once again to the claim that he is currently living in an adopted (“replaceable”) human body.
“Maybe you have some questions about replaceable bodies, but I have to remind you the people who can live in many planets can only be in this situation,” Mogay writes in broken English. “We were stay in replaceable bodies, with transfer system like satellites. Our information will be transferred to other bodies by electromagnetic wave.”
Mogay claims that aliens from Matif exist as pure electromagnetic waves and have developed a technology that allows them to transfer their electromagnetic essence into “replaceable bodies,” such as human bodies.
But Mogay’s latest report appears to contain veiled threats. He appeared to make a veiled threat of dire consequences if humans refuse to help. According to Mogay, due to the pressure of urgent need for help, he was forced to sell the alleged electromagnetic essence transfer technology to “some countries.”
But the countries failed to fulfill their promise to provide assistance to Mogay and his friends. Mogay now warns that the other countries (likely hostile to the U.S.) now in possession of the advanced technology could “use it in the wrong way” if the U.S. government ignores his appeal for help.
“I have tried to find help from your people since September 2015 and I sold our technology about energy transformation to some countries and NGOs to get their help. But they haven’t help us,” Mogay writes. “They will use it in wrong way if nobody help us.”
Although Mogay’s intended meaning is unclear in the jumble of broken English, he also appears to make a veiled threat that his group is only an advance party and that a larger group of escapees from Matif could arrive soon.
He warned of imminent danger to Earth and its people if humans refuse to help. According to Mogay, the “leader” of his world was searching for them, and the Earth could suffer if other aliens from Matif arrive on Earth and humans refuse to cooperate.
Writing in broken English, Mogay said, “We get the important information that the leader of us need, so they have to find us and bring us back. If they can’t get us when they reach here, I’m not sure what the aftermath will be.”
His statement could be interpreted in the context of the entire narrative to mean that his people would wreak vengeance if they arrive and find that humans have harmed Mogay and his group.
He appears to shed further light on why the arrival of a larger group of escapees from Matif could spell disaster for Earth by revealing that they plan to build a “transfer station” on Earth as part of efforts to reach their final destination planet Johar. He argues that if humans agree to cooperate with aliens from Matif, they could benefit from the project. Mogay’s statements hold the unstated implication that if humans refuse to help, the aliens could be forced to use destructive force.
“Considering that the resource of the earth has been decreasing nowadays, and the earth’s population is increasing, this transfer system could be very useful to you,” he writes.
He continues with more veiled threats, saying, “After Madam Hilary Clinton’s promise, we could success with your help. I need keep my people safe before we go back to Johar, so I can’t give up. I have no hostility and we need help from you. If MUFON don’t want to help us, I need borrow masses’ power if necessary.”
Express reports that a member of the UFO disclosure community has suggested that “Mogay” could be a UFO disclosure activist who believes that his unconventional approach could help promote the goals of the disclosure movement to force the government to release all classified UFO files.
“They [Mogay and his friends] seem to be quite knowledgeable [about human affairs] and there is the reference to Hilary Clinton, but it’s a strange idea and I am not sure it will work,” the source within the UFO disclosure community said.
Meanwhile, MUFON has said it is studying the report to determine the appropriate response.
NASA Confirms: Super Human Abilities Gained Through Sungazing
NASA Confirms: Super Human Abilities Gained Through Sungazing
Do not engage in sun-gazing practices without proper training and medical supervision. Permanent eye injury and blindness may occur.
Do not attempt to change your diet and live on sunlight or water alone. Before attempting any radical spiritual or dietary practice, seek qualified medical advice and spiritual supervision.
Ever wanted to be in more than one place at a time? That’s right, I’m talking about the super-human abilities that can be gained by those who follow the protocol for what’s known as sun-gazing, a valid practice recently confirmed by NASA.
Many proponents of this ancient technique, used by many cultures such as Mayan, Egyptian, Aztec, Tibetian and Indian yoga, report not only healing benefits to common illnesses, but obtaining super-human abilities such as advanced telepathy and going completely without the need for food.
What is Sun Gazing?
Sun gazing (also known as sun-eating) is a strict practice of gradually introducing sunlight into your eyes at the lowest ultraviolet-index times of day – sunrise and sunset. Those who teach the practice say there are several rules to the practice.
First, it must be done within the hour after sunrise or before sunset to avoid damaging the eyes. It is important to only look at the sun when it is orange or red according to the ancients. Looking at the sun when it is yellow or white, or uncomfortable in any way is not recommended.
Second, you must be barefoot, in contact with the actual earth – sand, dirt or mud; and finally, you must begin with only 10 seconds the first day, increasing by 10 second intervals each day you practice. Following these rules make the practice safe, says sources.
Nikolai Dolgoruky of the Ukraine calls himself a ‘sun-eater’. He has been practicing sun gazing for the past 12 years and has largely subsisted off solar energy since he began.
Others have reported losing the need for food after only 9 months of sun gazing (by which time the practitioner has worked up to a maximum of 44 minutes).
After 9 months of practice, you need only walk barefoot on the earth for 45 minutes per day, 6 days in a row to further the process of what has been initiated by sun gazing.
Sun-gazing is a practice also called the HRM phenomenom, coined as such after Hira Ratan Manek, the man who submitted himself to NASA for scientific testing to confirm that he does indeed possess the almost ‘super-human’ ability of not eating, gained through his dedication to this interesting marvel.
Funded by NASA, a team of medical doctors at the University of Pennsylvania observed Hira 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 100 days. NASA confirmed that he was indeed able to survive largely on light with occasionally a small amount of buttermilk or water during this time.
What happens to the body during Sun Gazing?
During your first 3 months of practice, the suns energy is moving through the eyes and charging the hypothalamus tract, says those who have studied this technique and used it.
This Science/Medical Team wanted to observe and examine his retina, pineal gland and brain, therefore this observation team was led by Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, a leading authority on the brain and also featured in the recent movie “What the Bleep Do We Know”, and by Dr. George C. Brenard, the leading authority on the pineal gland.
Initial results found that the gray cells in HRM’s brain are regenerating. 700 photographs have been taken where the neurons were reported to be active and not dying.
Furthermore, the pineal gland was expanding and not shrinking which is typically what happens after mid fifties and its maximum average size is about 6 x 6 mm, however for HRM, it has been measured to be at 8 x 11 mm.
The hypothalamus tract is the pathway to the rear of the retina which leads to the brain.
The brain then, over time, becomes activated by the energy supply being received by the sun. You will first experience a relief of mental tension and worry, since most worry is fueled by the energy received by the foods we eat.
Since food gets it’s energy from the sun, it is said to be readily available to sun-eaters without the trouble of digestion. Though hunger is said to eventually cease, it is fine to continue eating regularly during initial stages, until appetite disappears naturally.
Another benefit early on is said to be an increase in confidence and an ability to easily solve your problems, as you are without tension.
Everyone has at least a bit of psychosis, but during the first few months of sun gazing practice, it is reported that these attitudes go away and a positive nature gracefully replaces the old persona full of fears.
By the end of 3 months, the gazing time will have increased to 15 minutes per day.
Reports on sun gazing say that the bad qualities normally associated with any person will gradually disappear and good qualities will remain, explaining that ‘bad qualities’ only develop in the absence of sunlight.
Bad qualities like anger, fear, jealousy, lust – are said to disappear – and be replaced by a certain confidence and ‘spiritual knowing’ that senses more purely the heart of an issue.
At 3-6 months of gazing, the studies show that physical diseases start to disappear.
They say that by the time one is gazing 30 minutes per day (building up 10 seconds per day) all the colors of the sun will have reached the brain.
Color therapists attribute their healing of certain diseases to flooding the body and brain with the particular color that is lacking – depending on the ailment.
For example, in liver disease, the color green is deficient. The kidneys need red, and the heart, yellow.
All of the organs and all of the systems are said to respond to different colors of the rainbow, which is why it is also recommended to eat a diet rich in a variety of colors. It is recommended during the 3-4 month period that you use autosuggestion to see your body already healed of any perceived weakness or disease.
This action will facilitate the process of returning to wholeness.
As you continue the process, it is reported that after 6 months, the energy stored from the technique is no longer being used for repairing the body or the mind and can move now into supporting you in gaining more super-human abilities.
What’s Beyond Healing?
By seven and a half months of gazing, now at 35 minutes, need and desire for food is dwindling. According to sun gazing experts, food is not actually needed to maintain the body, only energy – and ‘sun-eating’ provides that energy.
By 9 months, all taste for food, including aroma, all hunger pains and cravings disappear. Those who make it this far say that they report a noticeable ’change’ in the way their brain feels – like it’s “charged up.”
After 9 months of sun-gazing – reaching a maximum of 44 minutes – it is advised that you give up sun-gazing and redirect your attention now to the Earth.
For 6 days straight, one is to walk barefoot on the earth, 45 minutes per day.
During this barefoot walking, the pineal gland is said to become activated. Professional sun gazers and those researching the science say that each toe is connected to a specific gland, and by walking barefoot on the Earth, you activate these glands.
The big toe is thought to be aligned with the pineal gland, the second toe with the pituitary, then the hypothalamus, thalamus and finally the pinky toe correlates to the amygdala.
Walking barefoot, with the sun now falling on the top of your head, practitioners claim to create a sort of magnetic field in and around your body that recharges you and your brain.
Apparently this walking barefoot part is the most important aspect of the practice. As you continue walking on the Earth, this is when the magic really begins. The pineal gland is activated more and more by this walking procedure. Intellect is said to increase, along with memory.
The pineal gland has navigational and psychic capabilities, meaning telepathy, the possibility of flight… now we are getting somewhere!
Have you ever thought you would like to have your body in more than one place at a time? Well, sun-gazing is said to be the magical key to such abilities.
If you can barefoot walk 45 minutes every day for a year – you are golden. At that point, only a maintenance of 3-4 days a week is necessary to maintain the capabilities you have acquired.
Are there any dangers?
Doctors and eye care professionals caution against looking directly at the sun, saying that it will damage the retina. However, if done correctly, sun-gazing at the correct times of day, sunrise and sunset, studies show there is no risk of damaging the eyes.
Those who have been sun gazing for many years have had their eyes checked to show no damage, though it is advised that you have your eyes checked in the first few weeks of your practice, so you can know for yourself.
To sum it all up…
Remember, it’s 10 seconds the first day, at sunrise or sunset, adding 10 seconds per day each day there after.
After 90 days of accumulative gazing equaling 44 minutes, you cease the gazing and start the barefoot walking 45 minutes per day for 6 days.
At this point, I could imagine, hey – if you made it this far, what’s a year of barefoot walking an hour per day to keep it all? You will have to try it out and see for yourself.
If you are really interested in gaining super-human abilities, confirmed by reputable organizations like NASA, as the ones mentioned above, sun gazing sounds like a fairly straightforward path to enlightenment.
To find out more about sun-gazing and how others have done it, visit the website on Sun-Gazing. For part one of the amazing Sun-Gazing documentary, check out the video below.
Harvard Scientists Just Figured Out How to 3D Print Complex Living Human Tissue
Harvard Scientists Just Figured Out How to 3D Print Complex Living Human Tissue
Harvard Researchers 3D Printing Thickened Vascular Structures
Scientists from both the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University and the Harvard John A. Paulson School for Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have recently published their findings on bioprinting thickened vasculature structures. In ‘Three-dimensional bioprinting of thick vascularized tissues,’ the researchers outline how they are able to make tissue that is up to ten times stronger, and quite sustainable in the lab—up to six weeks, thanks to a complex bio-ink made up of human stem cells, an extracellular matrix, and circulatory channels lined with endothelial blood vessel cells. Read more at
Harvard researchers have developed a method for bioprinting stronger structures in the form of thick tissue. The method also embeds vascular systems within the tissue to allow it to survive longer and integrate within the body.
Bioprinting makes it possible for scientists to make organs for transplants in a lab; however, it is a process that is marred by technical difficulties. Whether inside or outside of the human body, 3D printed cells require a complex system of nutrition or they die.
Now, a team of researchers from Harvard has published a paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that reveals a method for bioprinting stronger structures that solves some of these problems. Ultimately, the team has managed to fabricate tissue that lives for an extended period and is 10 times stronger.
“This latest work extends the capabilities of our multi-material bioprinting platform to thick human tissues, bringing us one step closer to creating architectures for tissue repair and regeneration,” says Jennifer A. Lewis., senior author on the study.
Notably, the tissue survived up to six weeks, a spectacular length of time in bioprinting, by using vascular systems including both living cells and extracellular materials. The team stated that their new approach can be used to print thick tissues and can utilize other biomaterials, such as fibrin and hyaluronic acid.
So far, the team has successfully bioprinted tissue that is one centimeter thick. They were able to pump bone growth factors through the tissue to cause the development of cells in a four-week duration.
The new bioprinting process uses a customized silicone mold as a vehicle for housing and building in the vascular systems. The researchers printed the network of vascular channels, and then they added a layer of live stem cells over that. With each layer, the structure grows and, through this process, becomes strong enough to ‘live.’
Since the researchers utilized silicone molds, it also means that the method can be adapted to create tissues of varying shape, width, and composition. This would allow the method to be used to build functioning tissue that can be integrated with blood vessels in the body to allow it to survive.
The results hold promise for resolving the problems facing the need for organ donors, as organ fabrication would remove the need for long transplant waiting lists.
The Pentagon Unveils “Avatar” Fighter Jets and Micro-Drone Swarms
The Pentagon Unveils “Avatar” Fighter Jets and Micro-Drone Swarms
William Roper, director of the Defense Department’s Strategic Capabilities Office, shows the U.S. military’s new micro-unmanned aerial vehicle, which are fired from moving fighter jets through flare dispensers. (Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post)
Dr. William Roper, director of the Defense Department’s Strategic Capabilities Office, holds a micro-drone at the organization’s home in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency building on Friday, March 4, 2016, in Arlington, Va. (Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post)
U.S. Navy photo
The Pentagon discloses previously classified information about a secret organization developing micro-drone swarms and unmanned fighter jets.
The Pentagon has declassified a video showing an F-16 fighter jet releasing micro-droneswhile flying at 692 km/h (430 mph). This footage was taken last summer in Alaska while the Pentagon was conducting secret tests on the new prototypes.
These micro-drones can be launched from a fighter jet’s flare dispensers. They come encased in canisters that parachute to the ground after launching. The canisters then break open, releasing the drones which then come together to form a swarm.
The test flight was conducted by a secretive Pentagon organization called the Strategic Capabilities Office, which launched in the summer of 2012 with a directive to develop technologies to counter strategic threats posed by other nations.
The Pentagon has yet to say what these drone swarms will be used for, but it’s suggested that they could be a cheap way to undertake surveillance missions.
You can see some of the footage below:
The organization has been working in secret since its founding, its activities only recently disclosed to the American public after Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter unveiled its existence during a preview of his proposed budget for 2017, which detailed a $902 million funding plan for the SCO.
This disclosure had some at the Pentagon concerned, but SCO Director William Roper said that Secretary Carter sought clearance to reveal some of the classified information in an effort make a statement to potential adversaries.
“I have been in the classified, black world for my whole career, so all of this is new for me and I really wish I could go back,” said Roper, who had worked in missile defense. “You can’t win wars if everything is outside the doors, but you can’t deter wars if everything is behind
An F/A-18C Hornet fighter jet returns to the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier after a mission over Afghanistan. (U.S. Navy photo)
Another new project by SCO is called Avatar, and it involves taking fifth-generation fighter jets and pairing them with pilot-less versions of their older fighters. “There will be a lot of questions on safety, on reliability of the links between the planes,” says the Secretary.
All of these things have to be resolved. Bringing up that point is exactly what we try to infuse in the folks in our office. If there’s a question where you say, ‘Oh, we can worry about that later…’ Nope, we’re going to worry about that now.”
A Study of Ceres’ Bright Spots Shows That They Are Changing
A Study of Ceres’ Bright Spots Shows That They Are Changing
This artist’s impression is based on a detailed map of the surface compiled from images taken from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft in orbit around the dwarf planet Ceres. It shows the very bright patches of material in the crater Occator and elsewhere. New observations using the HARPS spectrograph on the ESO 3.6-metre telescope at La Silla in Chile have revealed unexpected daily changes on these spots, suggesting that they change under the influence of sunlight as Ceres rotates.
Observations have revealed unexpected changes in the bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres. Scientists assert that these changes show that Ceres is a dynamic, active world.
Ceres is the largest body in the asteroid belt that rests between Mars and Jupiter. In fact, it’s so large that it is classed as a dwarf planet. Despite this, from Earth, Ceres appears to be just one of the (many) tiny points of light visible in the night sky, but the light it emits has an interesting story.
Observations made using the HARPS spectrograph at the European Space Agency’s La Silla Observatory in Chile have revealed unexpected changes in the bright spots on Ceres. Careful study of its light shows the changes expected as Ceres rotates, but also that the spots brighten during the day and show a number of other variations.
In short, Ceres’ spots are dynamic.
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has been in orbit around Ceres for more than a year, and it has mapped its surface in great detail, including these intriguing bright spots that reflect far more light than their much darker surroundings. The most prominent of these spots lies inside the crater Occator. Ultimately, they suggest that Ceres may be a much more active world than most of its neighbors.
A team of scientists observed Ceres with HARPS for a little over two nights in July and August 2015. “The result was a surprise,” says Antonino Lanza, at the INAF–Catania Astrophysical Observatory. “We did find the expected changes to the spectrum from the rotation of Ceres, but with considerable other variations from night to night.”
The team concluded that the observed changes could be due to the presence of volatile substances that evaporate under the action of solar radiation. When the spots inside the Occator crater are on the side illuminated by the Sun, they form plumes that reflect sunlight. These plumes evaporate quickly and lose their reflective quality. This effect changes from night to night, giving rise to additional random patterns.
Looking out of the window, my partner and I saw a glowing, moving object across the sky. It was definitely not an aeroplane. It came from one direction and was moving across the sky into another direction. Then we saw another one, and another and another. The stream of objects appeared every few minutes, and they were not side by side, instead more like they were following one another. Some were far off in the distance, others came nearer to our apartment (on the 4th floor). It was very apparent they were all coming from the same destination and heading to the same destination. The objects themselves, were like glowing balls when seen in the distance. The movement was not sproadic, instead the objects moved across the sky, some did go a bit faster at times, but overall the objects moved quite steady. Sometimes a couple of them appeared to come closer to one another. Interestingly, the same evening, it was a national fireworks night and so there were fireworks going off across the sky.
Please note, there was no way these moving objects were confused with fireworks, we have videos to demonstrate this, but it is interesting that such a lot of objects appeared the same night as when they could be partially camouflaged perhaps? As the evening progressed and the fireworks died down, so did the number of objects passing. At its most, we watched an object arrive and go every few minutes, it then slowed down to an object every 5-10 minutes (and then we went to bed). The objects did not suddenly disappear, instead they all continued to travel to a destination that we could not longer see from our apartment. One of the objects flew right above our apartment and the window and I saw it for a few seconds, it was like looking up at a bright, glowing circular object, about the size of a lorry. This close up allowed me to definitely see that this was a UFO. Also when taking photos, we could see through the lens, a circles of lights like windows, but I could not see this with the naked eye, and the photos did not show this (cheap mobile camera phone, no professional camera).
This is not the first time we have seen UFO’s in this same area, it seems there is activity in this area. I took about 80 photos in total, and about 20 videos, I compiled some of the videos together and zoomed in and slowed down some of the video.
NASA Exhibits Sun’s Invisible Magnetic Fields In Astounding Detail
As outlined by NASA scientists, the magnetic field of the Sun is volatile and constantly adjusting.
It is a multiple magnetic field (it has more than two poles) that can become very volatile and cause intense solar activity, which includes solar flares and eruptions. These events can cause disruptions to technological, navigation, and communication systems on our world.
Media captionThe video was taken by a camera in Church Crookham at 03:16 GMT
A bright meteor has been sighted over Britain in the early hours.
Witnesses have described the object as a green flash moving south to north for a few seconds, leaving a magnesium-white trail.
Sightings have been reported in locations including London, Hampshire, Stafford and on the east coast of England at 03:16 GMT.
Its colour has prompted people on Twitter to describe it as the St Patrick's Day meteor.
'Not uncommon'
Describing the meteor as "spectacular", Dr John Mason of the British Astronomical Association said it was bright enough to be categorised as a fireball.
He believes it was a piece of cosmic rock which almost certainly came from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
He said the green colour was caused by the meteor heating up the oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.
"Meteors of this kind are not uncommon," he added, saying he estimated there was at least one a week over the UK.
Image copyrightRichard BassomImage captionThe meteor over Ringwood in Hampshire
Richard Kacerek, from the UK Meteor Observation Network, told the BBC it had received reports from across the country.
He said the network's camera at Church Crookham in Hampshire had captured the meteor from the west.
"This is the biggest meteor sighting we have recorded," Mr Kacerek said.
"It lasted for a few seconds. It was seen for hundreds of miles. We have received a number of emails."
He said the network of astronomy enthusiasts recorded about 10 to 15 meteors every year.
An astronomer at the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation at the University of Portsmouth, Dr Karen Masters, said thousands of these objects hit the Earth every day.
She said: "Most of them over the oceans or over uninhabited parts of the world. It is quite rare that one goes over such a populated place and be so bright."
She said the size of this meteor would depend on its velocity but it was probably as big as a tennis ball.
Meteors are small rocks or particles of debris, mostly no larger than a grain of sand, which burn up as they enter Earth's atmosphere at high speed
On entering the atmosphere, these particles heat the air around them, causing the light which can be seen from the ground
To be called a fireball the meteor has to appear brighter than the planet Venus
Meteors can be travelling through the atmosphere at speeds between 8 and 40 miles per second
If a meteor survives the passage through the atmosphere and impacts with the Earth's surface, it is then called a meteorite
Under a FOIA request, a Pentagon inspector general made public a report admitting to the use of drones to spy on U.S. citizens.
Washington D.C. — Under a Freedom of Information Act request, a Pentagon inspector general made public a report last week, admitting to the use of drones to spy on U.S. citizens.
The missions were non-military in nature, meaning they were used for domestic spying purposes. Naturally, the Pentagon is claiming it broke no laws in the deployment of said drones and contends that the flights were rare.
A senior policy analyst for the ACLU, Jay Stanley, said it is good news no legal violations were found, yet the technology is so advanced that it’s possible laws may require revision, according to USA Today.
“Sometimes, new technology changes so rapidly that existing law no longer fit what people think are appropriate,” Stanley said. “It’s important to remember that the American people do find this to be a very, very sensitive topic.”
“The appetite to use them (spy drones) in the domestic environment to collect airborne imagery continues to grow, as does Congressional and media interest in their deployment,” stated the report, quoting a military law review article.
The idea of US military drones flying over the heads of US citizens and monitoring them is ominous, which explains why the Pentagon has kept it secret — despite the contention of breaking no laws.
While the report on domestic drone use was completed in March of 2015, it was only quietly released last week.
The units who have been operating the drones stated to the inspector general they want to fly more missions domestically. “Multiple units told us that as forces using the UAS capabilities continue to draw down overseas, opportunities for UAS realistic training and use have decreased,” the report said.
However, drone usage overseas has not been reduced, and, in fact, their use has skyrocketed under the current administration. Just last year, the Pentagon announced that they had plans to sharply expand the number of U.S. drone flights over the next four years, giving military commanders access to more intelligence and greater firepower to keep up with a sprouting number of global hot spots.
Shortly before the inspector general report was completed a year ago, the Pentagon issued a new policy governing the use of spy drones. It requires the defense secretary to approve all domestic spy drone operations. It says that unless permitted by law and approved by the secretary, drones “may not conduct surveillance on U.S. persons.” It also bans the use of armed drones over the United States for anything other training and testing.
Now, all the military has to do to fly weaponized drones over US citizens is say they are training.
The use of military gear on US citizens has sharply increased over the last decade as police departments have become heavily militarized with weapons once used on the battlefield. Now, instead of giving these weapons to police departments, the military seems to be conducting their own missions against US citizens.
As the military industrial complex continues to march forward, it appears that the wars in the Middle East are merely a pretext for what’s to come for Americans at home.
Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.
Les extra-terrestres sont de retour ! Oui ce n'est pas la première fois que des terriens sont témoins de phénomènes bizarres. Les petits hommes verts n'ont pas fini de nous surprendre !
Selon un article paru dans Paris Match le 6 Mars dernier, un jeune homme a filmé une scène paranormale au Canada. La vidéo montre la présence de 3 OVNIs et ne laisse pas indifférent : on remarque que les OVNIs sont facilement identifiables ! D'ailleurs, l'apparition ou la disparition soudaine d'OVNIs, est la première spécificité rapportée par tous les témoins de ces scènes surnaturelles. Il est vrai que filmer ces apparitions est très rare du moins quand la vidéo est authentique (pas évident d'avoir son smartphone en mode vidéo au même moment qu'un OVNI passe) ! Et donc certains diront que c'est faux, d'autres que le mec qui a filmé est dingo... Pourtant d'après les ufologues (spécialistes des OVNIs) du MUFON (Mutual UFO network), la déclaration qu'il a faite par écrit est précise : son récit est chronologique, cohérent, sans extravagance. Ce qui atteste de la fiabilité de ce témoin et donc de sa sincérité ! Bref, mystère et boule de gomme !
Pour les plus courageuses soyez attentive, qui sait un jour vous serez témoin d'une arrivée de petits bonhommes verts ou du frère d'E.T !
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Who's Out There ? (1975) NASA Documentary on Aliens Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Who's Out There ? (1975) NASA Documentary on Aliens Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Gepubliceerd op 30 dec. 2015
Narrated by Orson Wells, this 1975 NASA film explores the view of extraterrestrial life emerging from the results of probes to the planets and interstellar discoveries and findings about the nature of life itself. The film discusses the conclusion drawn by a number of distinguished scientists that other intelligent civilizations exist in the universe.
Between December 26 and 29, 1980, multiple UFO encounters occurred withinRendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England that involved military personnel from the nearby Royal Air Force stations of Bentwaters and Woodbridge. According to numerous U.S. Air Force operatives, a small, triangular-shaped object was seen maneuvering in the forest – as were, some said, near-spectral, alien-style entities. And although the incident has been the subject of a significant number of books, intense media coverage and even parliamentary questioning, it continues to provoke furious debate within the UFO research community. And that debate was reignited only very recently when it emerged that certain fileson the affair – that originated within the murky world of defense-intelligence – appear to be, ahem, “missing.”
So, what might be the reason for this intriguing loss of potentially-crucial data? Some have suggested that nothing stranger than mere bureaucratic bungling was the root-cause. Others took the view this was further evidence of high-strangeness having occurred at Rendlesham. And if conspiracy, rather than bureaucracy, is indeed at the heart of the mystery of the vanishing papers, then what might have prompted such action?
I suggest it might be worth looking at an aspect of the affair in the forest of which few have taken much, serious notice – and of which many are simply unaware. It’s an aspect that implicates staff from one of the U.K.’s most secret installations in the saga –Porton Down – and suggests the distinct possibility that, in the immediate aftermath of the incident, “something” may have been secretly retrieved from the site. And, as we shall also see, that “something” may have been distinctly hazardous in nature.
In a July 31, 1994 lecture at Leeds, England, Charles Halt (formerly Colonel Charles Halt, USAF, one of those that had witnessed the strange object in Rendlesham Forest) divulged his recollections of what had occurred fourteen-years previously. During the course of his lecture, Halt astounded the audience by revealing something that had been hitherto unknown: an unscheduled C141 transporter aircraft arrived at Woodbridge just hours after the initial encounter, and a group of “special individuals” departed from the aircraft, headed straight out of Woodbridge’s East Gate, and disappeared into the forest.
It should be noted, too, that the C141 is a huge aircraft, fully equipped to carry freight, vehicle payloads or, alternatively, up to 200 troops – ample space to also secrete a relatively small object, as the Rendlesham vehicle was described.
It may be relevant that during its life as an active military station, RAF Woodbridge was home to a squadron with an intriguing history, as Captain John E. Boyle of the U.S. Air Force revealed to me in 1988: “In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron stationed at RAF Woodbridge [provided] standby rescue coverage for the American space flights. Of course, they were never needed to provide emergency rescue actions, but at the time, the unit was trained and available to rescue astronauts with their HH-53 and HC-130 aircraft. In early 1988, the 67th ARRS was re-designated as part of the 39th Special Operations Wing, their primary mission changing from that of rescue to supporting US Special Operations forces. Their secondary mission remains that of search and rescue and they would provide any assistance necessary in future space missions.”
Although the 67th’s rescue-and-recovery skills were not needed during NASA’s space-missions, the question has to be asked: were they implicated in the recovery of something that originated with somebody else’s space-program in December 1980?
On this path: in her book on the Rendlesham affair, titled You Can’t Tell the People, the late Georgina Bruni reported on a story that shortly after the events at Rendlesham Forest took place, a number of personnel from Porton Down were reportedly dispatched to the area. Dressed in full-body protection suits, no less, they entered the woods – for reasons that remain unknown outside of officialdom. Prior to her death, Georgina confided in me the name of her source; it was a woman who was indeed a prime candidate to comment on matters relative to the work of staff at Porton Down.
Notably, on January 11, 2001, the late British Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Hill-Norton, who had a personal interest in UFOs, tabled questions at an official level with British authorities in an attempt to resolve the issue of the Porton Down allegations as they related to the Rendlesham case. Predictably, the response to Hill-Norton’s questions, that surfaced on January 25, 2001, was to the effect that staff at Porton Down had made a check of their archives, but had found “no record of any such visits.”
Of course, it should be noted that this carefully-worded statement does not state that such records did not exist; only that the specific personnel who made the search were unable to locate anything relevant. Officialdom is extremely good at providing such couched, potentially-misleading replies. As a result, the controversy surrounding the seldom-discussed Porton Down-Rendlesham issue continues to languish in near-forgotten obscurity.
A C141 aircraft; intriguingly-described “special individuals;” and Porton Down staff descending on the woods in Hazmat suits, collectively suggest there is far more to the Rendlesham case than we may have even considered possible. Perhaps, somewhere, deep within those conveniently-missing documents, there is the answer to the mysterious connection between the Rendlesham event and the covert activities of Porton Down…
What constitutes a good, solid and credible UFO incident? That’s a very good question, and one I get asked now and again. Well, my answer would be that such a case would, ideally, have the support of a number of witnesses, some form of evidence that can be analyzed, and on the record individuals whose words we can refer to and study. And, for me, this is typified by a highly notable affair that falls into this particular category, and which will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in just a few months from now…
On both July 19 and 20, 1952, there were repeated sightings of unknown aerial objects in the Washington, D.C., airspace, something that, on July 24, led USAF Major General John A. Samford to state in a Secret memorandum for the attention of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations: “We are interested in these reports in that we must always on the alert for any threat or indication of a threat to the United States. We cannot ignore these reports but the mild hysteria subsequent to publicity given this subject causes an influx of reports which since the 19th of July has almost saturated our ‘Emergency’ procedures.”
The situation really escalated after the weekend of July 26-27. A two-page USAF document, prepared only days later, related the facts: “This incident involved unidentified targets observed on the radar scopes at the Air Route Traffic Control Center and the tower, both at Washington National Airport, and the Approach Control Radar at Andrews Air Force Base. In addition, visual observations were reported to Andrews and Bolling AFB and to ARTC Center, the latter by pilots of commercial aircraft and one CAA aircraft…”
The report continues:
“Varying numbers (up to 12 simultaneously) of u/i targets on ARTC radar scope. Termed by CAA personnel as ‘generally solid returns’, similar to a/c except slower. Mr. Bill Schreve, flying a/c NC-12 reported at 2246 EDT that he had visually spotted 5 objects giving off a light glow ranging from orange to white; his altitude at time was 2,200’. Some commercial pilots reported visuals ranging from ‘cigarette glow’ to a ‘light…”
And the deep strangeness only continued, as the USAF noted:
“ARTC crew commented that, as compared with u/i returns picked up in early hours of 20 July 52, these returns appeared to be more haphazard in their actions, i.e. they did not follow a/c around nor did they cross scope consistently on same general heading. Some commented that the returns appeared to be from objects ‘capable of dropping out of the pattern at will’. Also that returns had ‘creeping appearance’. One member of crew commented that one object to which F-94 was vectored just ‘disappeared from Scope’ shortly after F-94 started pursuing. All crew members emphatic that most u/i returns have been picked up from time to time over the past few months but never before had they appeared in such quantities over such a prolonged period and with such definition as was experienced on the nights of 19/20 and 26/27 July 1952.”
Although the portions extracted from this report speak for themselves, let us now examine an official transcript of a conversation, dated July 26, between staff at Washington National Airport and personnel from Andrews Air Force Base at the time of the sightings:
Wash: “Andrews Tower, do you read? Did you have an airplane in sight west-northwest or east of your airport eastbound?”
Andr: “No, but we just got a call from the Center. We’re looking for it.”
Wash: “We’ve got a big target showing up on our scope. He’s just coming in on the west edge of your airport – the northwest edge of it eastbound. He’ll be passing right through the northern portion of your field on an east heading. He’s about a quarter of a mile from the northwest runway – right over the edge of your runway now.”
Andr: “This is Andrews. Our radar tracking says he’s got a big fat target out here northwest of Andrews. He says he’s got two more south of the field.”
Wash: “Yes, well the Center has about four or five around the Andrews Range Station. The Center is working
a National Airlines – the Center is working him and vectoring him around his target. He went around Andrews.
He saw one of them – looks like a meteor…went by him…or something. He said he’s got one about three miles off his right wing right now. There are so many targets around here it is hard to tell as they are not moving very fast.”
Within a matter of hours of hearing of the events of July 26-27, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover instructed N.W. Philcox, the FBI’s Air Force liaison representative, to determine what had taken place and to ascertain the Air Force’s opinions on the UFO subject as a whole.
On July 29, Philcox made arrangements through the office of the Director of Air Intelligence, Major General John A. Samford, to meet with Commander Randall Boyd of the Current Intelligence Branch, Estimates Division, Air Intelligence, regarding “the present status of Air Intelligence research into the numerous reports regarding flying saucers and flying discs.”
Although the Air Force was publicly playing down the possibility that UFOs were anything truly extraordinary, Philcox was advised that “at the present time the Air Force has failed to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion in its research regarding numerous reports of flying saucers and flying discs sighted throughout the United States.”
Philcox was further informed that Air Intelligence had set up at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, the Air Technical Intelligence Center, which had been established in part for the purpose of “coordinating, correlating and making research into all reports regarding flying saucers and flying discs.”
As Philcox listened very carefully to what Boyd had to say on the matter, he noted that the Air Force had placed their UFO reports into three definable categories. In the first instance there were those sightings “which are reported by citizens who claim they have seen flying saucers from the ground. These sightings vary in description, color and speeds. Very little credence is given to these sightings inasmuch as in most instances they are believed to be imaginative or some explainable object which actually crossed through the sky.”
Philcox then learned that the second category of encounters proved to be of greater significance: “Sightings reported by commercial or military pilots. These sightings are considered more credible by the Air Force inasmuch as commercial or military pilots are experienced in the air and are not expected to see objects which are entirely imaginative. In each of these instances, the individual who reports the sightings is thoroughly interviewed by a representative of Air Intelligence so that a complete description of the object can be obtained.”
The third category of encounters, Boyd advised Philcox, were those where, in addition to a visual sighting by a pilot, there was corroboration either from a ground-based source or by radar. Philcox wrote to Hoover: “Commander Boyd advised that this latter classification constitutes two or three per cent of the total number of sightings, but that they are the most credible reports received and are difficult to explain.”
“In these instances,” Philcox was told, “there is no doubt that these individuals reporting the sightings actually did see something in the sky.” And to demonstrate that Boyd was well acquainted with the UFO issue on a worldwide scale, he confided in Philcox that “sightings have also recently been reported as far distant as Acapulco, Mexico, Korea and French Morocco… the sightings reported in the last classification have never been satisfactorily explained.”
The commander then came out with a true bombshell, as Philcox noted in his report on the meeting: “[Boyd] advised that it is not entirely impossible that the objects may possibly be ships from another planet such as Mars.”
Clearly, within both the military and the Intelligence community of the day, there was deep concern about the Washington events – something which led to the development of startling and intriguing theories, and the analysis of countless data. So, collectively, this is why – in my opinion – the July 1952 encounters over the nation’s capital were evidence of true unknowns in our very midst…
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, a significant body of material on the famous/infamous George Adamski has surfaced – the bulk of it from the FBI. It has to be said that the Bureau’s file on the controversial Contactee makes for highly entertaining reading. But, perhaps, for reasons you might not have considered. There’s not a single scrap of paper in the “Adamski File” which suggests the FBI was concerned in the slightest about the man’s alleged alien encounters. Rather, it was his public and vocal stance on communism that had J. Edgar Hoover’s finest hot under the collar.
Adamski was heard to state that communism was the way of the future, and that the Soviet Union would ultimately dominate the planet. That Adamski had thousands of fans, devotees and impressionable people hanging on his every pro-Russia word bothered the FBI to a significant degree. And so, and almost inevitably, a file was opened on George. But, there’s far more to the file than Cold War era commies. There’s the matter of a certain document outrageously doctored by Adamski; yet another affair that got the FBI in a collective state of frustration and anger.
From March 23, 1953 onward, much of the FBI’s dealings with Adamski revolved around what was said by Adamski during a lecture he gave for the Californian Lions Club, on March 12. According to the FBI’s San Diego office, Adamski had prefaced his talk with a statement to the effect that (and I quote the FBI here) “…his material had all been cleared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Air Force Intelligence.” Absolutely certain that no such clearance had been afforded Adamski, representatives of both the Bureau and the Air Force visited him at his Palomar Gardens Cafe, and “severely admonished him for making any statement alluding to his material having FBI and Air Force blessing.” For the record, however, Adamski denied making any such claims – which is hardly surprising!
George Adamski
Despite his denial (which did not impress the visiting G-Men at all) Adamski was ordered to sign an official document – intended for both the FBI and the Air Force – confirming that his statements and material definitely did not have official clearance of any kind whatsoever. With one copy of the statement retained by Adamski, additional copies were circulated to HQ and to the FBI offices at Dallas, Los Angeles, and Cleveland, since “…these offices have received previous communications concerning [Adamski].”
On December 10, 1953, matters took a decidedly downward turn for Adamski, when a representative of the Los Angeles-based office of the Better Business Bureau (BBB)turned up at the offices of the Los Angeles FBI. The man advised the FBI that its staff were investigating Adamski’s 1953 book, Flying Saucers Have Landed, specifically to determine if it was nothing more than an outrageous hoax. The BBB informed the FBI that to ascertain the facts surrounding Adamski, the man himself had been interviewed by one of its staff. During the course of the interview, Adamski apparently produced for the BBB a document “having a blue seal in the lower left corner, at the top of which appeared the names of three government agents” – one from the FBI and two from the Air Force. Once again, the implication was that Adamski’s material had the official backing of both the military and the Bureau. The FBI was told: “[The Better Business Bureau] is interested in whether or not this document is authentic and whether your organization is making an endorsement of [Adamski’s] book.”
You will probably not be surprised to learn that the document was not authentic. An investigation undertaken by Special Agent Willis, of the FBI office in San Diego, revealed that the document displayed by Adamski to the Better Business Bureau was, in reality, nothing less than a carefully doctored copy of the statement Adamski had been ordered to sign for both the Air Force and the FBI months earlier! Adamski was about to find himself in deep, scalding-hot water.
On December 16, 1953, the following document was prepared by Louis B. Nichols, the head of the FBI’s public relations department: “[Deleted] instructed Willis to call on Adamski at the Palomar Gardens Cafe, Valley Center, California. This is located five miles east of Rincon, California, near the Mount Palomar Observatory. Willis was told to have the San Diego Agents, accompanied by representatives of OSI if they care to go along, call on Adamski and read the riot act in no uncertain terms pointing out he has used this document in a fraudulent, improper manner, that this Bureau has not endorsed, approved, or cleared his speeches or book, that he knows it, and the Bureau will simply not tolerate any further foolishness, misinterpretation and falsity on his part. Willis was told to instruct the Agents to diplomatically retrieve, if possible, the document in issue from Adamski. Willis said he would do this and send in a report at once.”
Despite threats of prosecution, the FBI ultimately chose not to take legal action against Adamski. As for Adamski, he very wisely chose never again to discuss the matter of that doctored document in a public forum. And, of course, this particular portion of the file simply must have a bearing on Adamski’s credibility (or lack of it) when it comes to (a) his claims of alien encounters and (b) the matter of his controversial photos of alleged alien spacecraft.
And, finally, if anyone is thinking about hitting back with a claim that this was all an attempt to prevent Adamski from revealing “the truth,” don’t bother. The man was caught red-handed, engaging in forgery, and doing so by deliberately altering an official U.S. Government document. Bad George!
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Secrets Of Ancient Circles And Discs Revealed
Secrets Of Ancient Circles And Discs Revealed
By: Leonard Farra - - On 24 June 1947 something extraordinary happened which suggested that we might not be alone in the universe.
Private pilot, Kenneth Arnold, reported seeing a string of flying shiny flying objects passing Mount Rainier and he estimated their speed to be at least 1200 m.p.h. His report resulted in an interest in U.F.O's and the term 'flying saucer' was born.
Since then there have been thousands of reported sightings of disc-shaped objects passing through our skies and many of them were credible sightings from pilots and military personnel. Ufologists believe that this is evidence that we are being visited by aliens but sceptics suggest they are sightings of the planet Venus or maybe secret military projects. They also scoff at the idea that our world was visited by extra-terrestrials in the distant past.
Could it be, though, that the evidence has been around for thousands of years and that its been misinterpreted ?
Why ,we might ask, are people obsessed with the circle? We talk about our 'circle of friends' an inner political circle, a theatre's dress and upper circle etc.
In parts of the Early World, such as among European Celts, people lived in circular houses.
Some folk also lived in circular villages. Black Elk, of a branch of the North American Sioux, says that 'everything that an Indian does is in a circle' and the middle of a circle ' is called Hocoka- the centre.
Native North Americans ,in common with many other people, have circular dances. They often camped in a series of concentric circles and left thousands of circular marks in the ground .
Most of them were marks from their tepees but many were from their circular ceremonial enclosures. Some Native Americans lived in towns, such as the Peublo people, and in Chaco Canyon, and Mesa Verde, there are circular enclosures (kivas) where sacred rituals were enacted.
Kivas are still used in the secret rituals of the Hopi and other Native Americans. Many years ago, an acquaintances of mine visited the New Mexico Indian town of Taos and she told me that the Indians associated their circular kivas with the 'sky-people' whom, I believe, were the sky gods in many early religions and who appear to have visited us 5,000 years ago.
Avebury Mounds
From around 5,000 years ago, the custom of building circular earth mounds, of various sizes, began to spread across the Northern Hemisphere and, probably by contact, into North America where there were large numbers of them.
The Vikings built them over their burial ships and so did early Anglo Saxons in England the most famous one being the Sutton Hoo Burial Ship at Woodbridge in Suffolk. If we saw some of the small circular earth mounds passing through the sky we would call them ' flying saucers or u.f.o's '.
Could it be that these mounds were representations of the craft of the 'sky-gods' ?
The most famous circular earth mound in England, which is completely different to all other mounds in the country, is Silbury Hill which is part of the amazing Avebury stone complex near Marlborough in mystical Crop Circle country. The significance of this 30 m high mound has alluded scholars and, at various times, archaeologists have excavated it hoping to find a burial of an important person. The reason why they were unsuccessful ,in their projects, is that Silbury was not a burial mound as were the other mounds the reason being that this mysterious hill seems to have been a symbolic monument in the Early World 'sky-god' religion as were the Great Pyramid, in Egypt, and certain important pyramids in Babylon, Assyria, and Tiahuanaco in the Andes.
There was also a similar circular version of Silbury in Mexico.
A few isolated stone circles were built before Silbury, but from around 3,000 b.c.e. they began to appear in many countries and sometimes in unexpected places such as on Easter Island ,in Miami, Peru, and on the south coast of New Guinea, and they all appear to have been used for ceremonial purposes.
The British Isles had more stone circles than any other European country and special emphasis was placed on the centre where there was a single standing stone. Evidence from surviving Stone Age cults suggests that they were associated with the sky-god religion. The most famous English circle, Stonehenge ,which also appears to be star-god related, began its life as a circular earth enclosure bounded by a ditch and a raised bank.
Drombeg Stone Circle
Over the years more circles were created around this site so that it finished up as an amazing stone structure surrounded by a series of concentric circles reminiscent of the concentric circles found in early rock art carvings.
The huge Avebury stone complex is also surrounded by a deep circular ditch and both it, and Stonehenge, were sacred areas where people built domed earth burial mounds.
There's a trail of stone circles , dating to a later era, along Africa's Atlantic coast. The best known ones are in Gambia and Senegal but those which deserve our attention are the Ikom monoliths, at Cross River state in south east Nigeria, where there are stones of various heights ranging from two to up to five feet.
They might not be nearly as impressive as Stonehenge but what's remarkable about them is that they are carved with the face of a 'bearded' man who appears to be a god.
Around 5,000 years ago, when the world was in upheaval, as a result of the Great Flood, reputedly caused by the gods, peoples' attention turned to the heavens and the Earth Mother goddess ,who had been worshipped for thousands of years, was joined by 'a bearded, civilising, male sky-god'.
This being was alleged to have been the great teacher of mankind and in many early religions he was associated with a circle. In Assyria, the bearded god Ashur was depicted in a winged disc and so was his counterpart the Persian god Ahura Mazda.
Mesa Verde
Some people, such as the North American Natchez, were so amazed when they saw him that they thought that he came from the sun. However, he was generally associated with the Pleiades-a constellation of stars which featured in worldwide religious traditions. Legends suggest that he had several companions and stories in the Old and New Worlds imply that this group of beings arrived on Earth in 'an identical number of circular craft'.
For thousands of years, these craft have been alluded to in religious rituals, and sacred architecture, their original meaning having long since been forgotten.
Silbury Hill
Who were these star-people? Zacharia Sitchin popularised the story of the Sumerian Annunaki but it was lesser known scholars, Christian O' Brien in the 1980's,in 'The Genius of the Few' , Zenaide A Ragozin, in 1900 in ' The Story of the Nations , Chaldea' and Francois Lenormant, in 1877, in 'Chaeldean Magic, its Origin and Development, who reported several important things about the Annunaki which Sitchin completely overlooked.
What I have discovered , in my many years of research, is that the Annunaki leaders were revered as gods, or the creators, in many parts of the Early World . Numerous stories were told about them ,and about gods and heroes who were based on them, and these have influenced numerous traditions, and popular stories, for thousands of years right through to the present.
With regard to their connection with a circle, the English artist John White ( 1540-1593) made several drawings of the North American Algonquin and in one of their ceremonies, that he witnessed, he saw several Indians dancing around a circle of posts carved with the heads of a group of civilising spirits.
What he didn't realise was that the origin of these 'spirits' appears to have been the leaders of the Annunaki who were also revered as creator gods in some Central American Native cultures .
So, for those astronomers in the SETI programme, who are searching for evidence of life in other worlds, why not read, in my Pleiades Legacy books, what the Ancients said about this subject and which suggests that there was an extra-terrestrial visit to our planet 5,000 years ago.
It will save a lot of time and expense. However, I doubt if any astronomers will take my suggestion seriously because it contradicts what we have been led to believe about the early history of civilised man. But for those readers who are prepared to consider a revolutionary explanation of man's past , they will find, when they are presented with the 'key,' that this fascinating story is alluded to in star lore, astrology, early religion and creation legends, sacred architecture, early calendars, the astronomical alignments of many early sites, place names, folklore and customs etc. Readers might also find some other sources that I have missed.
Written by Leonard Farra - Contributor
The first of two joint ESA–Roscosmos missions to Mars has begun a seven-month journey to the Red Planet, where it will address unsolved mysteries of the planet's atmosphere that could indicate present-day geological – or even biological – activity.
ExoMars 2016: launch to Mars. Credit: ESA/ATG medialab. (Click the image for an animation of the mission's journey to Mars)
The Trace Gas Orbiter and the Schiaparelli entry, descent and landing demonstrator lifted off on a Proton-M rocket operated by Russia's Roscosmos at 09:31 UTC (10:31 CET) this morning from Baikonur, Kazakhstan.
Following separation of Proton's first and second stages, the payload fairing was released. The third stage separated nearly10 minutes after liftoff.
The Breeze-M upper stage, with ExoMars attached, then completed a series of four burns before the spacecraft was released at 20:13 UTC (21:13 CET).
Signals from the spacecraft, received at ESA's control centre in Darmstadt, Germany via the Malindi ground tracking station in Africa at 21:29 UTC (22:29 CET), confirmed that the launch was successful and the spacecraft is in good health.
The orbiter's solar wings have also now unfolded and the craft is on its way to Mars.
"It's been a long journey getting the first ExoMars mission to the launch pad, but thanks to the hard work and dedication of our international teams, a new era of Mars exploration is now within our reach," says Johann-Dietrich Woerner, ESA's Director General.
"I am grateful to our Russian partner, who have given this mission the best possible start today. Now we will explore Mars together."
Igor Komarov, General Director of the Roscosmos State Space Corporation, adds, "Only the process of collaboration produces the best technical solutions for great research results. Roscosmos and ESA are confident of the mission's success."
Encapsulation of the ExoMars 2016spacecraft. Credit: ESA - B. Bethge
"We're not only looking forward to the world-class science data that this mission will return, but it is also significant in paving the way for the second ExoMars mission, which will move our expertise from in-orbit observations to surface and subsurface exploration of Mars," says Alvaro Giménez, ESA's Director of Science.
The Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and Schiaparelli will travel to Mars together before separating on 16 October at a distance of 900 000 km from the planet.
Then, on 19 October, Schiaparelli will enter the martian atmosphere, descending to the surface in just under six minutes.
Schiaparelli will demonstrate key entry, descent and landing technologies for future missions, and will conduct a number of environmental studies during its short mission on the surface.
For example, it will obtain the first measurements of electric fields on the surface of Mars that, combined with measurements of the concentration of atmospheric dust, will provide new insights into the role of electric forces on dust lifting – the trigger for dust storms.
Meanwhile, on the same day, TGO will enter an elliptical four-day orbit around Mars, taking it from about 300 km at its nearest to around 96 000 km at its furthest point.
After a year of complex 'aerobraking', during which the spacecraft will use the planet's atmosphere to lower its orbit slowly to a circular 400 km, its scientific mission to analyse rare gases in the atmosphere will begin.
Of particular interest is methane, which on Earth, points to active geological or biological processes.
Trace Gas Orbiter at Mars. Credit: ESA/ATG medialab
One of the mission's key goals is to follow up on the methane detection made by ESA's Mars Express in 2004 to understand the processes at play in its generation and destruction, with an improved accuracy of three orders of magnitude over previous measurements.
TGO will also image features on the surface that may be related to trace-gas sources such as volcanoes. In addition, it will be able to detect buried water-ice deposits, which, along with locations identified as sources of the trace gases, could influence the choice of landing sites of future missions.
The orbiter will also act as a data relay for the second ExoMars mission, comprising a rover and stationary surface science platform, which is scheduled for launch in May 2018, arriving in early 2019.
ESA Media Relations Office Tel: +33 1 53 69 72 99 Email:
Astronaut Gordon Cooper: I witnessed a UFO Landing in 1957
Astronaut Gordon Cooper: I witnessed a UFO Landing in 1957
Leroy Gordon “Gordo” Cooper, Jr., one of the seven original astronauts of ‘Project Mercury’ the first manned space program of the United States witnessed a UFO landing in 1957. He is another astronaut who has seen an actual UFO.
In 1957, when Cooper was part of a special band of test pilots at the Edwards Air Force Base in California, he witnessed first-hand an actual UFO.
Cooper states: “I had a camera crew filming the installation when they spotted a saucer. They filmed it as it flew overhead, then hovered, extended three legs as landing gear, and slowly came down to land on a dry lake bed! “These guys were all pro cameramen, so the picture quality was very good.”The camera crew managed to get within 20 or 30 yards of it, filming all the time. It was a classic saucer, shiny silver and smooth, about 30 feet across. It was pretty clear it was an alien craft. “As they approached closer it took off.”
According to Cooper, following standard procedures, when the camera crew game him the recording, he sent it to Washington and reported the UFO encounter. After that, all heck broke loose.
“After a while a high-ranking officer said when the film was developed I was to put it in a pouch and send it to Washington.”He didn’t say anything about me not looking at the film. That’s what I did when it came back from the lab and it was all there just like the camera crew reported.”
Leroy Gordon “Gordo” Cooper firmly believes that an extraterrestrial vehicle crashed at Roswell, N. Mexico in 1947, Cooper also believes the government recovered several ‘Alien beings’ from the crash.
“I had a good friend at Roswell, a fellow officer. He had to be careful about what he said. But it sure wasn’t a weather balloon, like the Air Force cover story. He made it clear to me what crashed was a craft of alien origin, and members of the crew were recovered.”
Cooper was among a list of highly ranked officials who believed that the people of this planet have the right to know about Alien life elsewhere in the cosmos.
Cooper added: “It started in World War 2, when the government didn’t want people to know about UFO reports in case they panicked,” said Cooper. “They would have been fearful it was superior enemy technology that we had no defense against.
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Is op deze foto van de maanlanding van Apollo 12 een geheim Amerikaans ruimtevaartuig te zien?
Is op deze foto van de maanlanding van Apollo 12 een geheim Amerikaans ruimtevaartuig te zien?
Een groep UFO-jagers claimt een geheim ruimtevaartuig te hebben gespot op een foto die tijdens de maanlanding van Apollo 12 is genomen.
Tijdens het inzoomen zagen ze een drietal lichten op de foto uit 1969. Die lichten vormden een driehoekige UFO boven de maan. Volgens YouTube-kanaal Secureteam10 gaat het hier om de TR3 Black Manta.
Complottheoretici stellen dat de TR3 Black Manta een vleugelloos spionagevliegtuig is dat ontwikkeld wordt door de Amerikaanse luchtmacht. Het enige bewijs voor het bestaan van het toestel zijn waarnemingen die gedaan zijn in het zuiden van Californië.
Eén van de UFO-jagers beweert dat NASA-astronauten meerdere keren buitenaards contact hebben gehad tijdens Apollomissies. Hij claimt verder dat er een video is waarin astronauten zeggen dat ze UFO’s boven het maanoppervlak zagen vliegen.
Hij concludeert dat de waarheid verborgen wordt gehouden. Sommigen zijn het eens met de UFO-jagers, terwijl anderen denken dat de beelden nep zijn. Eén iemand vraagt zich bijvoorbeeld af waarom een stealth-vliegtuig lichten nodig heeft.
Waarschijnlijk is Mexico het enige land ter wereld waar UFO’s eigenlijk een normaal onderdeel van het leven vormen.
Ze worden niet alleen waargenomen bij de grote vulkanen zoals de Popocatépetl, maar ook wanneer je gewoon een stukje gaat rijden.
Op 6 februari 2016 is de Mexicaanse Yolande Ramirez onderweg naar de plaats Cuernavaca. Ze bevond zich in de buurt van een plaats die La Pera heet toen ze besloot wat foto’s te nemen in de richting van de stad Tepotzlan.
Tepoztlan ligt in een vallei in het noorden van Morelos aan de voet van de Tepozteco. Wegens haar ligging en klimaat is het een populaire bestemming voor inwoners van Mexico-Stad; de Azteekse heersers hadden hier al hun winterresidentie.
In de 10e eeuw was Tepotzlán een belangrijk Tolteeks centrum. Het zou de geboorteplaats geweest zijn van Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl, hoewel meer plaatsen die eer opeisen. De Tolteekse piramide in Tepoztlán was een van de belangrijkste ceremoniële centra van Meso-Amerika. Tijdens de Spaanse verovering van Mexico werd de plaats grotendeels met de grond gelijk gemaakt door Hernán Cortés.
Op de foto’s die door Ramirez zijn genomen, komen op drie daarvan vreemde vliegende objecten voor.
Alhoewel Ramirez zelf niets gezien heeft, verschijnen ze wel op de foto’s. Deze zijn later onderzocht en blijken echt te zijn.
Het gebied waar de foto’s zijn genomen staat bekend als een zogenaamde UFO hotspot en er worden daar regelmatig UFO’s waargenomen rondom de bergen daar.
Op de volgende foto zie je drie UFO’s, terwijl in de achtergrond de contouren van de bekende Popocatépetl vulkaan te zien zijn.
Analyse van de foto’s toont aan dat het hier gaat om solide objecten die een eigen energieveld genereren.
Wellicht is Mexico het enige land ter wereld waar buitenaardsen een normaal onderdeel van de maatschappij vormen.
In de loop der jaren zijn er in dit land al zo ontelbaar veel waarnemingen geweest dat het een wonder mag heten dat we tot nu toe nog steeds geen officiële disclosure hebben gehad.
UFO Over France Is Wheel Like Disk With Domed Top Over France, June 2013, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over France Is Wheel Like Disk With Domed Top Over France, June 2013, Photos, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: June 21, 2013, but reported today. Location of sighting: France Source: MUFON #75233 At first, I almost dismissed this as a light reflection, but on closer inspection I found that it is a solid object. Yes light of the sun is reflecting off of the object, causing it to appear brighter for the moment. The UFO probably shot past the camera so fast that the human eye didn't see it. Lucky for us the camera did. Its easy to make out the domed top, and it has two separate sides and an inner center. So glad I saw this one today. It taught me a lesson about sometimes a reflection is not just a reflection. I would have hated missing this one. It moves like a wheel on its end. I do have a friend, who works at NASA from Taiwan. He said he once saw a craft that glowed blue when started and stood on end like a wheel with the ability to travel from the Earth to the moon in just over a minute. Hmmm...this could be NASAs secret project caught over France. They did catch the TR3B with night vision over France about 6 years back. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: It was nice and quite dark cloud attracted my attention. I took pictures and I saw appear a lumièere so I took a second photo where you can see this strange form. you can see it on second photo.
Dirk Frimout: “Overtuigd van buitenaards leven” - HET NIEUWSBLAD
Dirk Frimout: “Overtuigd van buitenaards leven” -HET NIEUWSBLAD
Dirk Frimout vertrok bijna exact 24 jaar op ruimtereis. Als eerste Belg ooit.Foto: eda
“Zelfs als kind was ik al bezeten door de ruimte”, aldus Frimout. “En dat is eigenlijk mijn hele leven zo gebleven. Dat ik mijn droom heb kunnen waarmaken, maakt me dan ook echt gelukkig. Nu probeer ik om die passie over te brengen bij jongeren. We staan nog maar aan het prille begin, maar de verovering van de ruimte is de toekomst.”
Frimout heeft naar eigen zeggen “honderden spannende verhalen” over zijn ruimtereis. “Maar als ik er eentje zou moeten vertellen, dan wel die van onze aankomst. Het moment dat we onze motoren uitschakelden, we gewichtsloos werden en we door het raam naar de aarde keken. Magisch.”
Niet dat hij er tegengekomen is tijdens zijn trip, maar toch is Frimout zeker van het bestaan van buitenaards leven. “Als wetenschapper ben ik daarvan overtuigd, ja. Maar of het ook om intelligent leven gaat, is nog een andere vraag”, zegt hij. “Al geloof ik dat ook wel. Het is niet omdat we het nog niet gevonden hebben, dat het niet bestaat. De ruimte is zo onmetelijk groot, het kan toch bijna niet dat wij de enigen zijn? We hebben nog geen manier gevonden om met anderen te communiceren, maar ik ben ervan overtuigd dat dat op een dag wel komt.”
My boyfriend and I were heading south from Morrisville, Vt., approximately 7:30-8:30 pm on Friday, March 4th, 2016. I would say that this occurrence happened about 15-20 minutes south, possibly near Wolcott, Vt., in a heavily forested area. (I’m pretty sure this was on Route 15.) The sky was very dark and clear, a picture perfect evening to see the stars in great detail. I felt compelled to look up to the sky, because of its immense clarity, knowing that Vermont has probably, one of the cleanest skylines in the world, something that I don’t particularly have, living 2 1/2 to 3 hrs east of this particular location. happened to be thinking in my mind at that moment, “Wouldn’t it be cool to see a UFO out here!”
And then, low & behold, something occurred. I was in the passenger seat, and out to my right window, in the west, a slight degree above the faint outline of the tall mountains, I happened to observe approximately 5-10 white, orb-lights, flashing & “dancing” chaotically, in a pattern-less manner. Even though they produced these motions, the lights mainly stayed in the west for the 15-20 minutes that I observed them. They would descend & ascend a slight bit, with some variation of movement, but mainly stayed centralized, in that location.
After a few minutes, possibly 5 minutes or so, I would place my attention to something else & then look back & the lights would disappear, the pop back up again. I instinctively & intuitively knew that what I was witnessing, surely was no human-made satellite’s, as even those, as far as I’ve observed, don’t travel in more than 1-2 at a time & usually have some type of recognizable pattern in their flashing and movement. Also, they don’t “dance”, and usually stay on course in their path. After these few minutes, I brought the lights to the attention of my boyfriend, but he could not witness them right away because he was driving.
At the beginning stages, I was pretty amazed by what I saw, but at the same time, I wasn’t overly shocked, either. Sometimes, I felt, “matter of fact” and “non-challant” about all of it. I didn’t feel threatened by this experience.
At times, I was thinking scientifically, becoming skeptical & trying to conjure up possible practical explanations in my mind. However, as I did so, those thoughts dissipated, because there was no logical explanation for what I saw!
Approximately 20 minutes from the first occurrence, around the Hardwick area, my boyfriend pulled off the side of the road, in an even more densely forested area & finally saw, in the west, the “dancing” white orb-lights in the sky & was totally agreeing with me. About another 5 minutes up the road, this time, ahead of us, I could see in the southwest direction, slightly above the horizon, but very low in the sky & it appeared to be close, three consecutive, ember like flashes-……..two…..three….
They each glowed intensely with reddish-orange, ember like flames for a second or so, one right after the other & then would fade, just as fast as they came. I would best describe what I saw, in comparison to the ends of a cigarette, when the smoker inhales, the ends flame up & glow, and when they stop inhaling, the ends of the cigarette fade. At first, I thought that these glowing ember lights could possibly have been meteors fading out when hitting the atmosphere, but remembering the strange white lights in the sky earlier, just confirmed my UFO theory all the more! I pointed out these ember lights to my boyfriend, and he had seen the same occurrence. At that point, my attention was taken to something else. My boyfriend kept on watching ahead, observing what was going on. He noticed, that the ember glowing lights were at each end of, what he described as a very large, long, cigar shaped object, that was dark, but he could make out some of its outline. This observation happened shortly before we approached the end of Route 15, near Route 2 in Danville, Vt. area. This location was still heavily forested. At that point, we were getting a little spooked out. What I also observed, was my psychological reaction.
In addition to what I had previously explained, I also felt that I was “meant” to see these crafts. That, even though I have never seen a UFO, I was ready & receptive to experiencing a one-in-a-kind event. I felt, that whoever & wherever these visitors were from, they came here on peaceful terms, to observe human life, but not to forthright interfere with us & that they meant no harm or threat in any manner. I also sensed that humans are going to be sighting more spectacular sights like this in the near future-those who are receptive to these events, but also those who are not receptive at all-that their thoughts would be challenged, as well! No matter what these strange lights were, I will always be proud to have seen such phenomena that millions of people may never get to experience!
NOTE: The above image is CGI.
This case is under investigation by MUFON State Director Ken Pfeifer.
Something Strange Lands In Colorado!!!? Multiple Eyewitness Captures UFO 2016 Rick Shares His HD footage To Thirdphaseofmoon Of What Looks To Be a Strange Flying Disc Shaped Object Landing In the Colorado Mountains!!
When we look at the aerospace industry today and the countries and companies leading it, some basic themes emerge. Today’s top companies are building global aerospace ecosystems to help manage the complex technology and products they provide. Many of these projects have multi-government support.
Aerospace leaders are embracing robotics in manufacturing to improve capabilities and processes and create a new generation of best practices and advancements.
It’s as if the aerospace industry is entering the Golden Age in which huge payoffs abound and we are only limited by our imaginations and determination.
A Trend Toward Privatization
Privatization and private company cooperation with state-supported aerospace are a major trend that has emerged over the past 15 years with talented and visionary tycoons including Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Besos using deep pockets to do things that were once thought impossible.
Aerospace Industry Consolidation
At the same time, what any one company can do by itself doesn’t seem enough given the huge capital expenditures and risks involved in aerospace ventures. As a result, Europe’s defense industry is on the verge of a historic consolidation, a transformation that will allow its aerospace companies to share risk and prosper.
In addition, the number of global cross-border joint ventures between major aerospace manufacturing companies (with the help of governments) is increasing. The recent agreement between Boeing of the United States and Tata of India to co-produce Apache fuselage aerostructures and integrated systems is just one of dozens of joint ventures created each year.
The Global Aerospace Industry
As the following infographic shows, the aerospace industry is global with at least a dozen major players on nearly every continent and suppliers on every continent.
The following graphic is a look at the huge budgets spent on space exploration ventures in 2015, with the United States’ NASA at $18.01 billion, Russia’s ROSCOSMOS at $8.14 billion, and the EU’s ESA at $4.94 billion. Some of NASA’s goals include sending humans to an asteroid by 2025, sending humans to Mars during the 2030s, and funding the Space Launch System (SLS) and the Orion Space Crew Vehicle that will be used for deep space exploration.
David Russell Schilling
David enjoys research and writing about cutting edge technologies that hold the promise of improving conditions for all life on planet earth.
This New Plane Will Make the First Ever Carbon-Free Flight Across the Atlantic
This New Plane Will Make the First Ever Carbon-Free Flight Across the Atlantic
The carbon free journey about to be undertaken by the Eraole is designed to act as a wake-up call to the environmental consequences of air travel.
A new plane powered solely by biofuels and solar energy is about to make the first zero-carbon-emission flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Seven years in the making, the ‘Eraole’ has been developed by French pilot, scientist, and entrepreneur, Raphaël Dinelli, and is set to make its maiden journey in June.
The super-lightweight aircraft is powered by solar cells built into its wings, and when the Sun goes down, an algae-based biofuel can drive the engine instead. And they won’t have to work that hard – around 20 percent of the Eraole’s power comes from simply gliding through the sky. Dinelli’s alternative energy company, Laboratoire Océan Vital, is responsible for constructing the revolutionary machine.
When it comes to actually flying the aircraft, Dinelli will have a number of challenges to deal with: a cramped cockpit (to keep the weight of the aircraft down); a non-pressurised cabin (to reduce the drain on its energy sources), which means he’ll be on 30 percent less oxygen than normal; and a 60-hour flight time with no autopilot available.
Being a veteran of solo sailing voyages should give Dinelli some useful experience to draw upon, however.
Laboratoire Océan Vital
A typical round-trip flight from New York to Europe releases 2-3 tons (1.8 to 2.7 tonnes) of carbon dioxide per person, reports The New York Times, and the journey about to be undertaken by the Eraole is designed to act as a wake-up call to the environmental consequences of air travel.
If you take several long flights a year and don’t do much driving, it’s likely that the biggest part of your carbon footprint comes from the time you spend in the air.
Small lithium-ion batteries are included in the plane to add some extra thrust during take-off, but after that, the aircraft should run on solar power for some 25 percent of the time its airborne. With gliding accounting for 20 percent of the trip’s duration, that leaves 55 percent for the biofuel – Dinelli and his team have spent two years finding the best biofuel engine for the task.
With a cruising altitude of 10,000 feet (609 metres) and a top speed of 100 km/h (about 62 mph) the Eraole won’t be winning any speed races any time soon – a commercial passenger jet could complete the journey in a tenth of the time – but it might just spark a renewable energy revolution in the field of aviation.
“People investigating non-carbon flight are no longer seen as a bunch of eccentric dreamers,” Dinelli told CNN. We can’t wait to see it fly.
If Europa were our moon, would we have a water world teeming with alien life just next door?
Europa is a frozen moon, so at first glace, it doesn’t seem like a great candidate for life. However, the thick icy crust hides a sub-glacial ocean. We know about this oceanic wonderlandbecause, among other things, we detected its magnetic field (however, of course, we won’t be 100% sure until we get there).
Ultimately, the scientific consensus is that Europa has a liquid ocean due to gravitational interactions between itself and the other bodies in its neighborhood. In short, Jupiter (and a few of its large moons, such as Io, Callisto, and Ganymede) pull and tug on Europa, causing the moon to stretch and contract. Without these gravitational interactions, and the heating that they produce, Europa would be a solid ice moon.
But what if our moon was replaced with Europa? Would we have a majestic water world just next door?
An illustration showing the calculated volume of water on Europa, compared to Earth. (Kevin Hand (JPL/Caltech), Jack Cook (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Howard Perlman (USGS))
This should go without saying, but thought experiments require estimates and guesstimates. It is important to note that some of these processes can happen on short time scales (days to months), like the formation of a thin atmosphere, or long time scales (tens of thousands to tens of millions of years), like moon-wide glacial melting. The amount of time depends on a number of factors, and the following is a hypothesis based on our best current data.
Artist rendering of Europa’s atmosphere (Credit: Kees Veenenbos)
Now, all that said, Europa is currently located beyond the habitable zone in our solar system. As a refresher, the “habitable zone” is the region where liquid water can exist (this zone is defined according to the temperature of the planet’s star). So, if Europa were moved and placed next to Earth, the moon would suddenly find itself within the habitable zone, and it would start to melt.
Due to the lacking atmosphere around the moon (it has one, but it is tenuous and very thin), the ice transitions straight from a solid to a gas. Soon, Europa would begin to have a thicker and more substantial atmosphere, which would slowly grow thicker and thicker. Ultimately, without any protection of a magnetic field, strong ionizing radiation (what’s causing the ice to melt) would break apart the water in the atmosphere, leaving behind hydrogen and oxygen gasses.
And the ionizing photons have another impact on Europa—they create a temporary protective magnetic field!
This is what we currently see around Venus and Mars (to a lesser degree). The solar wind interacts with Venus’ atmosphere, ionizing it, stripping it away, but also creating a temporary magnetic field in the process. This temporary magnetic field deflects some of the solar wind, thus slowing down the stripping process.
For a time, a fine balance would be found between the amount of ionizing radiation and the strength of the magnetic field. So things would look promising…for a time.
At first glance, all of this sounds like a fantastic thing, it appears as if Europa will completely melt, leaving behind an oxygen rich water world. But this wouldn’t last. Without a geomagnetic field like that of the Earth or Jupiter, it is doomed. It’s atmosphere would slowly be stripped away.
So what would we have? Well, something like this…
Image Credit: NASA/LRO
Look familiar? Europa is now a small and barren rock orbiting around the Earth; it has become a smaller moon than our current one, as all of its water has been lost to space. What started off as a giant cosmic ice block has melted and gradually been stripped away by the solar wind (alas).
What makes Europa such a nice target to explore is precisely its location beyond the habitable zone. When the planets were forming in our solar system, there was the frost line at about 5 AU, this is the point at which objects are far enough from the sun that ice crystals could begin forming. An icy moon the size of Europa could not form around the Earth, and it couldn’t continue being an icy moon if it was moved here. It’s too warm and the moon is too small.
This same principle applies for a moon like Titan. It is able to exist with its methane lakes because it’s in a cold region of the solar system. If it was closer, it would be too warm for the hydrocarbons to form naturally. Moreover, if it were closer to the sun, it would have had most of its atmosphere stripped away.
So to sum, it’s very unlikely that a habitable moon can form around an Earth-sized planet located in the habitable zone. The moon would have to be substantially larger, making it more like two planets as opposed to a planet/moon.
Additional commentary provided by Jolene Creighton.
Craft With Massive Thrusters Filmed While Transiting Near the Moon
Craft With Massive Thrusters Filmed While Transiting Near the Moon
This amazing catch of a secret prototype craft transiting near the Moon may change your perspective about many things. Better watch this, it’s going to be worth it.
At the time when everyone was making a big fuss about the 4k TVs, I was extremely surprise to see that the Japanese had already developed the 8k super hi-vision. In fact, the 4k technology started developing as early as 2000, and in 2002 the full concept was being publicly displayed. What I’m trying to highlight here is that technology seemingly way-ahead of our time exists, but we do not possess the proper technological means to use it worldwide. So why are companies researching such cutting-edge stuff if they won’t make any money out of it in the next ten or twenty years? You might think that this way they’ll have plenty of time to work on every detail, but the truth may wear a different coat.
To better understand my point of view, I’ll present you an amazing catch by Mr. Crrow777 of Youtube, who was closely inspecting the moon with his high-end telescope when he stumbled upon the most peculiar sighting – an artificial craft hovering at extremely high altitude.
The intriguing catch was filmed right before the sunset. It reveals a strange craft with massive thrusters on it. Because of its features, which are clearly visible thanks to Mr. Crow, we can draw the conclusion that it’s an earthly design more than extraterrestrials. So what’s so bizarre about it you might ask? Well, it incorporates a technology never before seen here on Earth. Its huge thrusters, presumably three in number, are fired repeatedly, and according to Mr. Crow the craft is moving less, or slowing down when that happens. After viewing detailed analysis of this case, it is likely that what you are about to see is some kind of military prototype that’s being tested in the upper atmosphere. See the video below and prepare to be AMAZED.
This catch clearly raises a lot of question marks. Is this object of alien nature, or could it be a secret man-made prototype? Is this being used by the military, or maybe by a private space agency? What are they hiding for us?
It’s important to note that there aren’t many skeptics in this case because of the detailed analysis provided by Mr. Crow that’s diminishing almost all doubts of the craft being space debris or some other explainable phenomenon. So, could this unique and detailed catch prove once and for all that black-budget programs exist and that the military or some other earthly agency possesses technology way ahead of our time?
Another interesting theory coming from UFO hunters claims the mysterious object has in fact extraterrestrial origins. According to their point of view, another intelligent alien species is not necessarily way more advanced than we are, and their technology can be somehow related to ours. Other hypothesis claims the transiting object could be coming from a space fleet or a mothership that’s stationed behind the dark side of the moon, so that no earthly telescope could see it.
If we are to consider the advanced capabilities of our governments and military, such a scenario doesn’t seem too far off, but until relevant proof emerges, the above mentioned remain only speculations and conspiracy theories.
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For decades, marine biologists and other scientists have plumbed the ocean’s depths for clues about just how humanity got here. As some of the most ancient creatures on earth, sharks and their DNA are often the targets of these studies.
One of these sharks just might be holding the key, and it also happens to be just about the goofiest looking thing in the entire ocean. Just try not to laugh when you see it.
If you’re ever swimming on the coast of Australia or New Zealand, you might get a chance to meet this guy.
Ladies and gentlemen, we give you…the ghost shark.
Also known as the elephant shark, it uses its floppy trunk-like nose to fish tiny creatures out of the sand.
The end of their snout has pores that can sense movement and electrical fields, making it easy for them to find almost anything.
Also, just like people, ghost sharks can see in color. Unlike people, however, they have a poisonous spine on their dorsal fin .
On Monday, Russia and Europe launched a spaceship in a team effort to explore our solar system. The seven-month journey will be heading to Mars. There, the two hope to examine the possibility of aliens as well as research any chances we on Earth may have of visiting the red planet.
Yes, the country known to many Americans as the homeplace of Borat is actually a vital asset to Russia’s space programme. It was from their Baikonur spaceport in Kazakstan that the Proton rocket launched. The craft is part of the ExoMars programme and will start its seven-month journey to Mars. On board the craft, an atmospheric probe will be used to study trace gases on the planet. Such gases like methane are strongly tied to life on Earth. Previous missions to Mars have brought back reports of methane and Russia hopes to research that further. Somewhere in here, there is a farting aliens joke, but that’s best left for the comments section.
Russia is certainly invested in this whole methane business. So much so, that they invested millions to launching a rocket to Mars. Do they truly expect to find aliens there? Aliens or not, this trip could give us a great deal of information about the solar system. Scientist believe that methane gas originated from micro-organisms. These “methanogens” are thought to have become extinct millions of years ago. This resulted in the frozen gas under the planet’s surface. Some think these micro-organisms are still alive. In other words, aliens.
Russia has never been accused of messing around and the ExoMars project is no exception. This isn’t just a showing of technological force, but a project that hopes to serve a greater purpose. As soon as 2018, the mission hopes to deliver a European rover to the surface of the planet. While this has been done before by NASA, this rover will be the first of its kind to have drilling capabilities. So step aside, Curiosity and Opportunity, a communist rover will be joining you on Mars soon enough
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Former World Bank Senior: Aliens With Elongated Skulls Are Behind Money and Religion
Former World Bank Senior: Aliens With Elongated Skulls Are Behind Money and Religion
Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes has been making a lot of noise lately, and she recently said something she’s never said before. She said that a second species on Earth controls money and religion.
Many people who have held positions to know things that the rest of us might not know have made some very shocking statements lately. For example, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence recently said that there are at least “4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.” You can read more about that here.
I am aware that just because somebody says something does not mean that it’s true, no matter what their background. At the same time, what she says corroborates with a lot of ancient historical facts, and modern day disclosures of other strange phenomenon, like UFOs, secret societies and more.
For someone like this to gain credibility as a World Bank whistle-blower and then all of a sudden make a comment like this is quite shocking. Although, in her interview she did discredit the idea of extraterrestrials on the planet, which I definitely disagree with.
There is an enormous amount of evidence out there to suggest we are not alone, and we have indeed been visited. For more information on that click here and here.
“These countries are not monolithic, there are forces fighting the corruption and there are forces that have totally been co-opted, and the way they act is treasonous to the people in those countries. The group that’s behind the network of control are the Jesuits, and there are also some groups behind them. One of these groups are hominids, they’re not human beings.
“They are very smart, they are not creative, they are mathematical. They had a much stronger force in the earlier ice-age. They have elongated skulls, they may produce offspring in mating with female humans, but that offspring is not fertile. We live in a world of secret societies, and secrets, and the information that ought to be public is not public.”
The quote above if from the show below. She starts speaking about it approximately 21 minutes into the program.
Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and corruption within it. She studies law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam.
She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non-Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.
These are shocking statements that come shortly after gaining attention for being a credible world bank whistleblower, stating that the world is in a “currency war,” that the Federal Reserve continues to print money like crazy, and if they keep going at the pace they are on, other countries will no longer accept this currency.
She has been exposing criminal corruption that takes place at the highest levels of financial institutions. In 1999, she reported the corrupt take-over of the second largest bank in the Philippines. She’s exposed the collusion that takes place between financial institutions and various governments, and much much more.
This is a great clip of her telling us some important stuff. Before you brush off what she has to say, keep in mind that the reality of many strange phenomenon has a large amount of proof to back it up, or at least be open to the possibility.
this comment about Homo Capensis’ skulls in the Vatican’s tombs:
“It’s very true. I know this because someone at the Vatican actually found the heads and bones of [Homo Capensis'] dead buried in the basement at the Vatican, and the Vatican was built in 540 AD so the bones couldn’t have gotten in the basement until after that. Many heads were found so they have been burying their dead there for the last 1500 years and I believe they live.for about 800 to 1000 years. They want to kill us off now because there are too many of us and they are losing control because people are waking up.”
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“Google Maps toont cirkelvormige UFO in Area 51″
“Google Maps toont cirkelvormige UFO in Area 51″
Dankzij Google Maps weten we nu zeker dat het Amerikaanse leger buitenaards leven heeft ontdekt. Dat zegt althans UFO-jager Scott Waring. Dankzij een nieuwe update is hij ervan overtuigd dat de Amerikanen een UFO hebben liggen in het gebied.
In 2010 merkte Waring voor het eerst bijzondere activiteit op rond de installatie S4 in Area 51. Hij spotte een cirkelvormige UFO met een doorsnee van ongeveer 30 meter, die door de Nevadawoestijn vloog.
Toen hij onlangs de locatie van zijn vondst op Google Maps bekeek, zag hij dat de Amerikanen slechts een paar kilometer verderop een cirkelvormige hangar hebben gebouwd. Volgens Waring is dit het bewijs dat de Amerikanen de UFO verborgen willen houden voor het volk.
Critici stellen dat het puur toeval is dat er in het gebied een cirkelvormige hangar is gebouwd. Waring beargumenteert dan weer dat de hangar een paar jaar geleden nog in aanbouw was en toen al op Google Maps was te vinden. Volgens hem is de hangar speciaal gebouwd voor de UFO.
In de loop der jaren werden ook een landingsbaan en kleinere gebouwen en hangars toegevoegd aan de basis. Waring krijgt bijval van de bekende klokkenluider Bob Lazar. Volgens hem wordt in S4 door wetenschappers gewerkt aan buitenaardse technologie.
Cloud Orb UFO Over Coachella, California On March 9, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Cloud Orb UFO Over Coachella, California On March 9, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 9, 2016 Location of sighting: Coachella, California, USA This video was posted by gohstdog23 of Youtube and shows a cloud orb in a cloudless sky. Its rare to see them unless they are darting from cloud to cloud, but this one is wandering aimlessly about. These cloud orbs are everywhere in the world. Observing life and recording it below. Scott C. Waring
Exploring Doctor Who's Blue Tardis On Google Earth, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Exploring Doctor Who's Blue Tardis On Google Earth, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: March 2016 Location of sighting: London, England Google Coordinates: 51°29'31.56"N 0°11'34.74"W Who doesn't love the show Doctor Who? I know I'm a fan, but so is someone at Google. They planted a blue Doctor Who telephone booth on Earls Court Road in downtown London. They even allow you to step inside and explore it a little bit. Very exciting if you are a Who fan. Remember most the inventions today, were just props 50 years ago on TV science fiction shows, which inspire people to work hard to make such an thing. Like the iPhone for instance...was seen in Star Trek The Original Series often in Captain Kirks hand. The Tardis may be a work of scifi, but if an alien species has existed over a million years with technology, I am confident that they or their government will have such marvels. Scott C. Waring
This extraordinary UFO was caught on the SOHO sun images by NASA and was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. It shows a craft with two long arms or wings hanging out. NASA seems to ignore all reported UFOs, even though I always tweet to them the posts I make about them all. As of yet, NASA has never answered me. They ignore UFO researches because they know they are losing and the day will come when the truth comes out. Scott C. Waring
Sons and Daughters of Roswell Witnesses Reveal Years of Abuse and Surveillance by U.S. Government
San Francisco, CA (February 1, 2016) –– Since 1947 when alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, the historic incident has been well documented, described, researched and explained in countless books, articles and films. Two of the most reputable Roswell experts, Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, have at last exposed the turbulent and scandalous aftermath—the lifetime impact that Roswell has had on families who have lived with the truth while enduring the government’s erroneous accounts of the event.
In the newest of their bestsellers, The Children of Roswell: A Seven-Decade Legacy of Fear, Intimidation, and Cover-Ups, the authors reveal evidence of years of suppression and fear of reprisal that these descendants of the Roswell witnesses have suffered from the U.S. government.
Most of the parents who were present during or immediately after the incident may have passed on, but their children and grandchildren know what happened and have paid dearly for their knowledge. Their documented stories are described in chilling detail in The Children of Roswell, and they make for fascinating reading:
The daughter of a witness to an alien body discovered that her phone had been bugged for years.
How the U.S. Air Force tried to change the mind of the son of the Roswell intelligence officer.
What really became of the son of the principle witness, who disappeared in 1960. Why does the government go to such lengths to keep these families quiet after nearly 70 years? Frequent contributors to TV programs, documentaries, and movies on the subject, and frequent media and conference presenters, Carey and Schmitt are among the most trusted sources of answers to this question.
About the Authors:
Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt are the co-authors of Witness to Roswell and Inside the Real Area 51, one of which became the Showtime Page Two/Children of Roswell original movie “Roswell.”Both authors were consultants for the Sci-Fi Channel’s documentary,
“The Roswell Crash.” Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Captain USN [Ret.] and Apollo astronaut, said, “Witness to Roswell is a well researched, well documented, and well written account of a very important issue.”
Thomas J. Carey holds a master’s degree in anthropology and is a U.S. Air Force veteran who held Top Secret security clearance. He has investigated and written about the Roswell incident for over two decades, and consults on Roswell-related documentaries. Carey has appeared on Larry King Live, Coast to-Coast AM, and many more radio and TV shows.
Donald R. Schmitt is a cum laude graduate of Concordia University, and a former codirector and director of special investigations at the J. Allen Hyneck Center for UFO Studies in Chicago. He is also a founder and board advisor of the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell. Schmitt has appeared frequently on TV programs including Oprah, CBS 48 Hours, and the Today Show, and on many radio programs.
Stories presented in this episode: – Nebraska police officer saw a triangle UFO – Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and top-secret UFO Files – UFO sighting caught on tape over Las Vegas
On February 6, 2016 Yolanda Ramirez was near La Pera on the road to Cuernavaca which is very close to Tepoztlán.
She took some pictures facing Tepoztlán. In three of the pictures there are UFOs flying over an area, known as the scared valley of Magic and Mysticism.
Tepoztlán is the legendary birthplace more than 1200 years ago of Quetzalcoatl, the serpent god of the Aztecs.
Ominous cliffs hang over the town and on the top is the piramide de Tepozteco.
Location: Newton Abbot Devon UK Date:10th March 2016 Submitted by John
Witness report: I was sky watching when I notest an object that came down from the clouds moving at high speed in a semi circular flight path. The object went back up into the sky from where it had descended. Luckily I managed to catch this object with My Sony H300 Camera. because I had my camera in burst mode I managed to capture the movement of the object. I took six photographs in total. Photograph four clearly shows the object to be a silver saucer. This is more proof of alien craft in our skies. The photographs were taken on the 10th March 2016, at 1:08 PM GMT at Newton Abbot Devon UK.
Location:Newton Abbot, Devon, UK Date:15th March 2016 Submitted by John
Witness report: I had an Incredible sighting of a giant ebani that was near the Moon. The ebani was slowly moving away from the Moon and was rotating as it moved. I have seen and photographed many ebanis but I have never seen one of this size. It really is quite Incredible. E.B.A.N.I is a Spanish acronym for “Entidad Biological Anomalous No Identificada” in Engish unidentified anomalous biological entity. Ebanis are some type of organic matter that can vary in many different shapes and sizes even colours. Ebanis can also morph into many forms and are often observed in the form of a serpent. Ebanis are also seen ejecting spheres. Ebanis are always accompanied by a lead sphere that protects it and at times appears to be controlling the ebani itself. As to what the purpose of these strange alien ebanis are is still unk nown. I took ten photographs of this Incredible giant ebani. The photographs were taken on the 15th March 2016, 2:47 PM GMT at Newton Abbot Devon UK.
Retired Navy Petty Officer Claims to Have Seen Top Secret UFO Files
Retired Navy Petty Officer Claims to Have Seen Top Secret UFO Files
Welcome to the Open Minds UFO Report! We bring you the latest UFO news on a weekly basis, with interviews from news makers and UFO researchers. You won’t want to miss an episode!
Cigar Shaped UFO Travelling With The Space Station
Cigar Shaped UFO Travelling With The Space Station
Most of the time, UFO observers reported to have seen sphere-shaped objects in space, but the recent sighting may change the trend. A cylinder, semi-transparent UFO was observed in NASA live web feed earlier in March, moving alongside the International Space Station (ISS).
The video apparently shows the UFO moving at the same speed as the massive US spacecraft. UFO observers say that the cylinder space object is the same thing to what had seen on worldwide CNN in 2007.
The 1 minute and 22 seconds clip shows the outside of the space station, but on the right side of the screen, a seemingly moving object travelling at the same speed can be observed. UFO enthusiasts call this object a cylinder and semi-transparent one.
However, the screen went blue just when it was about to come into focus. UFO researchers have been alleging NASA of cover-up every time it catches a UFO on cam.
The CNN video of the external tank that fell from the Atlantis features a triangular object flying across the bottom right corner of the screen. John Schaser, who first published the clip to YouTube, said the footage was downloaded from the NASA website and posted it on the video sharing site.
The Mysterious ‘ Pyramid ’ on Dwarf Planet Ceres has a Strange ‘ Glowing ’ Side
The Mysterious ‘ Pyramid ’ on Dwarf Planet Ceres has a Strange ‘ Glowing ’ Side
It turns out that the mysterious ‘pyramid of Ceres’ has a strange ‘glowing’ side according to a set of new images beamed back by the Dawn Spacecraft.
Bright lights that defy explanation and mysterious ‘Pyramidal-shaped’ structures are just some of the mysterious features on dwarf planet Ceres.
New images beamed back from mysterious dwarf planet Ceres show several interesting features of the dwarf planet. The stunning new images reveal the three-mile high ‘Pyramid’ like never before, showing the mysterious ‘structure’ has a strange looking bright side, strangely resembling the mysterious bright spots located not far away.
According to astronomers, the ‘Pyramid of Ceres’ is in fact a ‘dome’ with smooth, steep walls – one of which appears to glow.
Astronomers are baffled as to how the structure came into existence in the first place.
On March 6, 2015, the Dawn Spacecraft accomplished an amazing thing by reaching the dwarf planet – located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter – in a historical achievement.
Ever since it arrived at the anomalous dwarf planet, the spacecraft has delivered countless materials to scientists on Earth which were able to explore the dwarf planet like never before, learning it has numerous ‘alien’ spots and mysterious features that are until today, unexplained.
‘Ceres has defied our expectations and surprised us in many ways, thanks to a year’s worth of data from Dawn. We are hard at work on the mysteries the spacecraft has presented to us,’ said Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator for the mission, based at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
Two of the most enigmatic features discovered on Ceres are its mysterious bright spots, and Pyramidal shaped structure.
The mysterious ‘Dome-shaped’ structure Ahuna Mons is seen in this mosaic of images from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft.
The ‘Alien’ Pyramid, as it has been dubbed by some is in fact called Ahuna Mons. At a distance of 46,000 kilometers, the enigmatic feature on Ceres looked like a small pyramid on the surface of the dwarf planet. As the Dawn spacecraft circled Ceres at much lower altitudes, the exact shape of the enigmatic ‘Pyramid’ on the dwarf planet came into focus. Now, with the new images beamed back from Dawn, scientists have learned that Ahuna Mons looks like a dome with smooth, steep walls. Scientists say that on its steepest side, Ahuna Mons rises 5 kilometers in height.
However, even though Ahuna Mons isn’t a Pyramid like it was said before, the mysterious structure still remains a great mystery for researchers.
‘No one expected a mountain on Ceres, especially one like Ahuna Mons,’ said Chris Russell, Dawn’s principal investigator at the University of California, Los Angeles.
‘We still do not have a satisfactory model to explain how it formed.’
670 kilometers northwest Ahuna Mons lies the now-famous Occator Crater with it’s enigmatic and mysterious bright lights.
Andreas Nathues, lead author of one of the studies about the enigmatic bright spots on Ceres, from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany, announced that the material that causes the mysterious bright lights is consistent with a type of magnesium sulfate called hexahydrite. A different type of magnesium sulfate is familiar on Earth as Epsom salt.
“The global nature of the bright spots of Ceres indicates that the planet has a layer containing brackish underground water ice,” said Nathues, which further reinforces the theory that Ceres holds beneath its surface a huge amount of frozen water.
Ufologists, however have a very different opinion.
According to them, he Occator crater is filled with ‘anomalous’ structures that are anything but natural formations. Several Ufologists who have taken a look at the newest images from dwarf planet Ceres suggest that several ‘buildings’ are seen next to the bright spots. Researchers have not been able to explain the mysterious shapes and bright spots that have caused quite a debate on social networks.
Space shouldn't be exclusive domain of big nations: astronauts
Space shouldn't be exclusive domain of big nations: astronauts
Costa Rican astronaut Franklin Chang Diaz (C) speaks next to head of shuttle Columbia mission Robert Gibson (L), NASA Administrator Charles Bolden (2-L), and Democratic senator Bill Nelson (R) during a press conference in San Jose on March 4, 2016 (AFP Photo/Ezequiel Becerra)
San José (AFP) - Space shouldn't be the privileged domain of big countries but a frontier open to all, astronauts and scientists gathered in Costa Rica said Monday.
Even the smallest nations benefit from access to space technology, for example, improving farming and providing better understanding of oceans, weather and climactic changes, they told a news conference at the beginning of a weeklong forum.
"Thirty years ago, when we were in space, we all looked out the window and saw our blue planet," said Bill Nelson, a US senator and former astronaut who participated in a 1986 voyage on the space shuttle Columbia.
"We did not see political divisions, we did not see religious divisions, we did not see racial divisions. We are in this together."
Nelson and other members of that mission were invited to San Jose by another crew member, US-Costa Rican astronaut Franklin Chang, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of that shuttle expedition.
Chang, who pioneers plasma research in Costa Rica, underlined that the space technology sector is worth $300 billion and growing at five percent annually.
"Space is our future and should be shared by all human beings," he said, urging "a future of collaboration and not confrontation, of inclusion and not exclusion."
Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solis opened the forum showcasing 110 companies linked to the aerospace industry that together employ 4,000 people.
The event also drew more than 120 astronauts and scientists.
The president noted that all the Central American countries were working together to build a mini-satellite forecast to be launched in 2018 to monitor the region's forests.
"We should look after space as much as we do our planet," he said, adding that responsible and shared work in the area should be for "the benefit of humanity."
The director of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Simonetta Di Pippo, told the news conference that the forum in Costa Rica would "increase awareness about the benefits of human space technology and its multiple applications."
Pluto has proven itself to be a diverse, dynamic and fascinating world packed with strange phenomena that planetary scientists are having problems fully explaining. And now they've found an icy oddity that highlights one of the key processes that is believed to shape this dwarf planet's surprisingly young surface.
In recent high-resolution images sent back to Earth from NASA's New Horizons mission, which buzzed Pluto on July 14, 2015, a rather obvious chunk of ice appears to have been ripped away from Pluto’s surface. The upper layers of methane ice are missing from a western plain called Piri Planitia, a feature that is enriched with water ice.
Below Piri Planitia is a very old cratered terrain called Vega Terra, which is separated from the young plain by a series of cliffs (or "scarps"). Some of these scarps appear to have broken off, creating isolated hills (or "mesas"). But what has caused this discontinuity? Why has the methane ice-rich surface layers been cut off by the cliffs, giving way to a lowland plain rich in water ice?
According to mission scientists, the answer probably lies in how various ices in extreme environments react to being heated.
Compositional data from the New Horizons spacecraft's Ralph/Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA) instrument, shown in the right inset, indicate that the plateau uplands south of Piri Rupes are rich in methane ice (shown in false color as purple). Scientists speculate that sublimation of methane may be causing the plateau material to erode along the face of the cliffs, causing them to retreat south and leave the plains of Piri Planitia in their wake.
As we can probably guess, Pluto is a cold place. Though it's frozen, it is far from static. Chemicals that would normally be in a gas or liquid state here on Earth become solid layers of ice on Pluto. When the world receives even the tiniest amount of heating, volatiles — such as methane or ammonia ice — sublimate.
Sublimation occurs when the atmospheric pressure or temperature (or both) are very low. Water ice, for example, at sea level pressures on Earth will melt into a liquid and then boil into a vapor (or gas) when heated. On Pluto, because it's so cold and the pressures are a near vacuum, liquid water is not possible and heated water ice will sublimate directly from a solid into a gas. And it appears that's what's happening with the methane ice in Piri Planitia; it's sublimating into Pluto's thin atmosphere, likely contributing to the dwarf planet's atmospheric cycles of surface ices and exposing water ice-rich layers below.
It's almost as if Pluto is getting a rejuvenating facial scrub; over millions of years, as its surface is gently heated by our distant sun, the surface layers of ice are sublimated away, creating young-looking regions curiously free of ancient impact craters.
Vinca culture figurines have been researched numerous times and among one sphere of scientists and scholars some have come to the conclusion these mysterious ancient objects found in Serbia could depict extraterrestrial visitors! Possibly of Gods, or any similar superior life form that pushed our civilization to advance to the point where we are today. These ideas have been ridiculed by general media coverings, however still there are many idividuals that believe these old archaeological objects could give us some answers that we as human civilization seek from our existence. Just as pyramids and other ancient megalithic objects that inspire thinkers even till this day, in same manner Vinča figurines too inspire open minds around the globe! Mostly due to specific looks of figurines many think this is how aliens looked like in their encounters with our civilization.
Most ancient illustrations or figurines depict strange humanoid beings with oval-shaped heads, giant eyes and specific dark eyes. We all have seen those images in sci-fi movies and Vinča figurines might be the reason why we depict aliens as such today. Heads of figurines have a specific head shape, usually larger then their bodies while they are mostly pale in their overall looks. You will notice Vinča culture figurines depicts beings that look too much alike to what we usually enjoy in movies. Due to these facts it is safe to conclude that our speculations how Alien life forms look like might actually come from these traces that our ancestors left us. These ancient items are old over 7000 years BC and they are still regularly found by archaeologists in South-Eastern Europe, Ex-Yugoslavia area and Norther Greece.
The Vinča culture is a specific set of well examined and documented archaeological items found in “Vinca region” just 14km from Serbian capital Belgrade. These excavations brought us over 2000 alien like figurines and this is one of the largest collection of such items in Europe. These items are either a creation of some very imaginative individuals from human history, sort of a sci-fi pioneer or even more likely they are evidence of their own happenings that happened 7000 years ago on these areas. In other words their contact with beings that looked different than themselves, so they had a need to recreate them in this way.
It is interesting that the era when Vinča figurines and Vinča culture bloomed happened several thousand years earlier then ancient civilizations around Nile emerged such as old Egypt. This is one of the major proof for open mind thinkers how this in fact is an anomaly in human development. This is why these figurines are intriguing evidence of something irregular that happened thousands years before.
Many still today do not have any realistic explanation for Vinča culture, mostly due to the fact that these items left behind by Vinča civilization were too well developed while cultures of the Old World were still in neolithic stage. In other words, era where humans still didn’t built one of the grand megalithic monuments such as pyramid, the Vinča population had a highly developed cultural traits and art.
Most of !the objects found in diggings of Vinča culture are decorated with incredible inscriptions. Ceramic and stone figurines that represent humans, animals and irregular humanoid beings which today we would see only as aliens are the evidence of extraterrestrial life that happened long ago to advance our civilization before first pyramid happened! It is possible that this was our ancestors way to write history and leave us a clue how we came to the point where we are today. These items are original, intact and you can examine them yourself at Vinča museum
Last week, SpaceX held another successful launch of its Falcon 9 rocket. Unfortunately, its landing was not quite as successful as the one in December (it crashed into the ocean).
SpaceX isn't alone in trying to develop reusable launch vehicles. Other private companies such as Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic are also in the race to achieve the dream of consistently landing a rocket after hurtling it into the heavens. Each success — and failure — gets us a little closer.
But how significant is the creation of reusable rockets? And where will we go from here? Are we finally close to the future once promised by the Jetson's FX-Atmos "flying car" or Han Solo's Millennium Falcon: a world of personal, space-bound transports that can leave your garage, reach orbit and beyond, and return home in time for dinner?
What else stands in the way?
The final frontier
The "democratization of space exploration," spurred by NASA encouraging private companies to develop and manage complete launch systems, is igniting a new age of space development and awakening a spirit of exploration and technology innovation that’s been absent from our culture for far too long.
This resurgence of interest is reflected in NASA's latest call for astronaut applications: 18,300 hopefuls applied for just 14 positions.
And in the private sector, venture capitalists are showing the same enthusiasm by investing US$1.8 billion in space startups in 2015, compared with an average of $193 million a year over the previous 15 years. The increased demand for space access is further spurring on private companies to develop more efficient reusable rocket launch systems.
Today's space companies aren't the first to set their sights on such a rocket. This great feat of engineering was originally achieved in 1993, when McDonald Douglass tested the Delta Clipper Experimental (DC-X), a prototype single-stage launch vehicle. NASA later canceled the project.
Now, it seems, the conditions are ripe once again to pick up where the DC-X left off. The private sector has started to take up this challenge, and the race is on to enhance all our lives with cheap space travel.
This future begins with the reusable rocket.
What does a reusable launch vehicle get us?
Imagine what life would be like if, after each trip to Grandma's, we had to throw away the car. Even with the benefits of mass production, the cost to an individual would be prohibitive, especially if there exist reasonable alternatives like horses or walking. Such automobiles could be employed only by governments, extremely wealthy enthusiasts or perhaps by a few skilled specialists who lived for the challenge.
This is pretty much the situation with current spacecraft technology. Not even the Space Shuttle program achieved the lofty goal of reliable reusability, although it tried very hard. The shuttle was such a complicated system that every time it returned to Earth, intense maintenance had to be performed and systems rebuilt or overhauled, making it three times as expensive as that of an expendable rocket. For example, a shuttle launch cost $450 million to $1.5 billion, compared with $110 million for a Russian Proton rocket with about the same lift capacity.
Truly reusable launch vehicles would significantly reduce the cost of getting material and people into orbit and enable new uses of space with far-reaching socioeconomic consequences that will ultimately reduce our impact on Earth’s environment, such as space-based energy collection, mining and manufacturing.
In order to get an idea of the savings, the retail price of a Falcon 9 rocket is around $60 million to build and launch (including fuel). Given its total lift capacity of 13,150 kilograms to low-Earth orbit, this translates into a price tag of about $400,000 to ferry a 90-kilogram (198-pound) person into space. But if you had to pay only for fuel, about $300,000 a launch, the price tag drops drastically to just $2,000 for the same person. That's not far from the cost of flying from New York to Sydney, which makes a future family vacation to a Bigelow B330 Space Habitat a viable alternative to Disney World.
At the pace things are going, we project that within 10 years the space industry will achieve the goal of a fully reusable launch vehicle. Companies and municipalities, small and big, are all starting to look into ways of taking advantage of this complete disruption in, or better yet creation of, the commercial space market.
So our next question is this: what do we need to make the Millennium Falcon — that is, a single-stage-to-orbit completely reusable spacecraft — a reality?
A little physics can help us see exactly what needs to happen and exactly how far we are from this goal.
Rocket Science 101
Space travel is all about speed. The old adage, "What goes up must come down," is true only to a point. If you throw something up fast enough, it won't come back down; it will have escaped Earth's gravity. The question is, exactly how fast is fast enough?
A simple application of Newtonian gravity theory tells us that if we achieve a speed of 11 kilometers per second — the equivalent of a plane flying 25,000 mph straight up — we are not going to fall back to Earth. Scientists and engineers refer to this speed, which depends on the physical properties of the Earth, as our planet's escape velocity.
A rocket tries to achieve that speed by taking mass and throwing it out the back as fast as possible. Thanks to Newton's third law — which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction — this propels the rocket forward.
The ratio between the change in velocity needed to escape the Earth's pull (known as delta-v) and the speed at which the rocket sends stuff out the back (exhaust velocity) is the most important number in rocket science. It determines how much mass needs to be expelled and how much energy is necessary to get to space. The smaller we can make the ratio, the better.
In addition, the propellants and fuels are themselves massive, and the rocket needs to carry these things with itself, making it heaver and harder to accelerate.
So we need propellants and fuels with a high energy content and low mass.
Now we can begin to appreciate the enormous feat of engineering that private companies and governments have achieved by not only launching a rocket but learning to land it as well.
The maximum achievable exhaust velocities for the rockets we've been using since the dawn of space travel are much less than the Earth’s escape velocity (about 4 km/s or 9,000 mph), forcing us to come up with ingenious and costly multistage launch techniques to get even a modest payload into space.
In summary, in order to leave the surface of the Earth with the grace and apparent effortlessness of the Millennium Falcon, we need to achieve speeds in excess of the escape velocity, 11 km/s. In order to do that without carrying a fuel tank that far exceeds the size of our ship, we need to achieve exhaust speeds significantly higher than the escape velocity, something not possible with the chemical fuels we use.
So where do we go from here?
So in order to make the Millennium Falcon a reality, we need a new type of fuel, as chemical-based engines are severely limiting.
Thanks to Albert Einstein, we know that there is energy stored in mass itself. Using his famous E = mc² equation, we know that exhaust speeds up to the speed of light are achievable, and way more than necessary to escape Earth’s gravity.
A sustainable exhaust speed of 1,000 km/s, less than 1 percent of the speed of light, would pretty much enable our dream ship. Its fuel-to-mass ratio would be about the same as that of your typical car.
The next question is: how do we get access to the energy stored in the mass (fuel and propellant) sufficient to achieve those speeds? The answer lies in nuclear reactions or, better yet, matter-antimatter reactions. In short, we need to put a mass reactor, nuclear or matter-antimatter, on board our ship. Think of the Enterprise's "warp core," for all those Star Trek fans out there.
Nuclear rockets may seem farfetched, but various versions have already been proposed and prototypes have even been built. The Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) project, a joint NASA-Atomic Energy Commission program, developed a flight-certified nuclear-based rocket engine that meets all the requirements for a manned mission to Mars.
What is interesting, and perhaps a little sad, is that this was done in 1968, over four decades ago! The NERVA engine achieved exhaust velocities pretty close to Earth’s escape velocity, around 10 km/s. The program was tied to NASA's manned Mars exploration program and, since it was unable to justify the expense of going to Mars, was scrapped in 1972.
More recently, NASA has been developing electric propulsion systems that can generate large effective exhaust velocities that are limited only through the strength of the electric field. Effective exhaust velocities of 90 km/s are already achievable. But this is just the propulsion part. The solar panels, batteries or fuel cells that are currently used as power sources for these engines limit their usefulness. Electricity generated from nuclear power could solve this problem.
The International Space Station is primarily a science laboratory in space. NASA would like to invest in ventures beyond Earth orbit, but industry leaders fear what will happen if the agency pulls out its investment in the station before a commercial options is available.
Credit: NASA
Back to the future
With the renewed interest in space exploration and innovation, we challenge inventors and entrepreneurs to consider looking at advanced nuclear/antimatter-powered rocket systems. This could enable us to achieve the dream of a space car in our garages in half a century.
The key to all the recent advances in space exploration technology has been combining older proven technologies with modern computing capabilities, materials and fabrication processes. NASA's push to get technologies into private hands will accelerate this process.
Back in 1972, we were at 1 percent of the needed exhaust speed. It's not too much of a stretch to propose that, after 40 years of advances, we need only revisit the designs with fresh and entrepreneurial eyes to make it possible for a Han Solo — or, to be more contemporary, Rey Skywalker — to jump into the Falcon and speed off to somewhere far, far away.
Virgin Galactic rolled out its new SpaceShipTwo on February 19, 2016, at the Mojave Air and Space Port.
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Follow all of the Expert Voices issues and debates — and become part of the discussion — on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. This version of the article was originally published on
Are you alone? To answer this question we have to take a look what "you" are first. What are you made of and where you stand in this universe. Are you your body? Your atoms? And how are your parts connected to the big picture?
Videos, explaining things. Like evolution, time, space, global energy or our existence in this strange universe. We are a team of designers, journalists and musicians who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful.
While photographing the total solar eclipse of March 8, 2016, astrophotographer Vincent Tan caught a plane also transiting the sun's face. Tan's Instagram account gives the location of the photo as the Marina Barrage dam in Singapore.
Credit: Vincent Tan (AKA DarthCryder)
A gorgeous total solar eclipse, a Mars lander's second chance and the secrets of Mercury's crust — here are the most amazing things that happened in the universe this week!
Lucky skywatchers capture total solar eclipse
The moon completely blotted out the sun for viewers in Indonesia and the North Pacific Ocean March 8/9 during a total solar eclipse, and readers sent in epic photos of the celestial event. [Full Story: Amazing Total Solar Eclipse Photos Show 'Black Hole in the Sky']
A newly-captured image of a dying star system reveals a dusty shroud that could be fertile for new planet formation — suggesting stars could form new planets not just early in their lives but sometimes later, too. Such a star could potentially form planets multiple times over its life. [Full Story: Could New Planets Form Around Old Stars, Too? (Video, Images)]
Second chance for InSight
NASA's InSight Mars Lander missed its March launch date after a leak in a vacuum chamber surrounding a key instrument couldn't be fixed quickly enough, but the agency will give it another chance: instead of scrapping the mission, officials rescheduled it to May 2018. The lander is built to probe Mars' interior structure. [Full Story: NASA Aims to Launch Troubled Mars Lander in May 2018]
Asteroid wildcard slips safely by
An asteroid predicted to pass by Earth March 8 did so a day early, surprising scientists. The near-Earth asteroid flew by 2.54 million miles (4.09 kilometers) distant from the Earth, Minor Planet Center researchers said. [Full Story: Slippery Asteroid Surprises Scientists With Early Earth Flyby]
Primordial Mercury crust unmasked
Data from the final orbits of NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft revealed that the carbon coating Mercury's surface is nothing new: Rather than being deposited by comets, as previously thought, the carbon actually came from remnants of the planet's primordial crust, formed by a cooling global ocean of super-heated magma. [Full Story: Mercury's Carbon-Rich Crust is Surprisingly Ancient]
Opportunity rover might spy ExoMars newcomer
The European Space Agency's ExoMars 2016 mission, launching Monday, March 14, will put an orbiter around the Red Planet and drop a prototype lander down to the surface. That lander will touch down in Meridiani Planum, where NASA's Opportunity rover landed in 2004 — and Opportunity may be positioned to document the new lander's descent. [Full Story: NASA Rover on Mars May Have Ringside Seat to Europe's ExoMars Mission]
Destructive star keeps destroying
A white dwarf star, spotted shredding a planetesimal in October, is at it again (still): The core of the dead star now seems to be orbited by 10-15 huge clouds of gas and dust from disintegrating rocks. [Full Story: Real-Life 'Death Star' Continues to Destroy Alien Worlds]
One-Year Ceresversary
A year after NASA's Dawn probe made it to the dwarf planet Ceres, giving us our first close-up views, it has returned detailed maps and some answers about Ceres' mysterious bright spots. On the other hand, it's raised even more questions about the unusual mountain called Ahuna Mons. [Full Story: One Year at Ceres: NASA Probe Hits Milestone at a Dwarf Planet]
Astronaut honored with space station delivery craft
NASA's Rick Husband, an astronaut who died in the space shuttle Columbia disaster, will be honored with a namesake supply spacecraft launching to the International Space Station March 22. The Cygnus craft will deliver supplies and experiments to astronauts aboard the station. [Full Story: Orbital ATK Names Space Station Freighter for Fallen Columbia Astronaut]
A group of techies have turned to crowdsourcing in order to fund their idea of a UFO-hunting mini-satellite. After an unsuccessful run on the crowdsourcing website Indiegogo, their second campaign, via Kickstarter, has proven successful, and they have received the funding needed to build and launch their mini-UFO hunting device.
The campaign -- "CubeSat for Disclosure - Low-Earth Orbit Satellite" -- utilizes off-the-shelf technology to develop a relatively cheap observation platform in space.
Through Kickstarter, the group sought to raise $10,000, and says they already had $16,000 in previous funding. As of the writing of this story, their Kickstarter campaign has raised $10,770.
Even though they have the funding needed to get their enterprise off the ground, project organizer Dave Shock says they can use all the funding they can get.
The First satellite for UFO research. We intend to search low-Earth Orbit for any sign of a real UFO, or any space anomaly.
"We made our goal, but we still need donations to help pay for all the other stuff that we will incur as the project proceeds," said Shock via Facebook. "We still have a few more days left on our campaign, so stop by our page and donate a few dollars if you can."
Several companies offer equipment for what are called CubeSats, also referred to as nanosatellites. These are small devices that offer an affordable way for students, researchers and private companies to have their own little satellite. The cubes measure 10x10x10 centimeters.
CubeSat for Disclosure plans to add cameras, a way to communicate and download information from the satellite from the ground, and a scintillation counter. The group's Kickstarter page says the scintillation counter "enables us to measure the various radiation in our satellite's environment. This is significant as it enables us to detect high energy particles, radiation, and other phenomena."
Two cameras with parabolic lenses will be used to get a 360-degree view around the satellite. The group also wants to add radar if the technology and budget permit.
Their main goal is to hopefully captureverifiable data and images of UFOs. They feel the topic has been ridiculed, but that it is worthy of "rigorous scientific study."
"If you're watching a live feed from the International Space Station, it can suddenly cut out and they'll say, 'Oh, we lost the signal.' But we will have total control of everything. Nobody will alter or corrupt our data so that the government can't cover up what we may find. This is all ours," Shock told The Huffington Post.
If you want to support the project, there are still a couple of days left to invest and get a Kickstarter reward, such as a CubeSat for Disclosure T-shirt or your very own UFO hunting CubeSat.
In March 1966, hundreds of Michigan residents saw colorful, strange lights across the sky.
Others reported seeing floating discs. Some even reported the sight of an object touching down.
Fifty years later, “UFOlogists” are taking a look back at the strange sightings, as part of a Saturday conference in Ann Arbor. The event, called the “Swamp Gas UFO Conference,” invites anyone to learn about what might be the strangest UFO sightings in the state’s history.
“This wasn’t just one or two people seeing something in the middle of nowhere,” said William Konkolesky, the state director for the Michigan chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. He also noted: “When you look at the amount of info from this particular event, I can’t think of anybody who would reasonably be able to shrug it off and say that nothing’s going on.”
The forum consists of a series of talks by experts well-versed in “UFOlogy.” The talks have titles like “Michigan UFO Archives” and “Little Green Men and the New York Times: The Origins of the UFO Ridicule Factor.”
But rather than discuss aliens or conspiracy theories, or promise answers, the conference is mainly just to commemorate and revisit the bizarre historical facts behind the sightings. Konkolesky notes that when he gives talks at senior centers, a remarkable number of elderly residents recall the events and look back on them with awe and bafflement.
“There are a lot of people who really don’t have a sense of the importance of this event,” Konkolesky said. “Before the event fades away into history, we want to say, ‘This was a big deal.’ ”
Just how many people claimed to have seen something strange? For example, starting on March 14, 1966, there was a cascade of sightings from Ann Arbor to Hillsdale and the surrounding areas. There was a couple who thought they saw a UFO land in a marsh area at the edge of their backyard. Dozens of students in a dormitory reported seeing a UFO landing next to a softball field at Hillsdale College.
There was even one sighting that appeared so real that at least five police cars raced after a UFO in an attempt to stop it, Konkolesky said.
Still, an Air Force investigation later concluded that the sightings were just “marsh gas,” which was later dubbed “swamp gas.”
Future U.S. President Gerald Ford, then a U.S. Congressman from Michigan, even wrote a letter to a Congressional committee expressing his concern about all the recent local reports.
“We’re no closer to understanding it now than we were 50 years ago,” Konkolesky noted.
And while the sightings from that era were remarkable, the number of sightings has not exactly ceased, Konkolesky says. Last year, his chapter and its half-dozen investigators received 331 reports of UFO sightings, most of which turned out to be explainable as an aircraft, sky lanterns or more recently, drones. But some defy explanation.
“We either figure it out or we stop at the water’s edge and say, this is unexplainable,” he said.
The conference takes place March 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Wyndham Garden in Ann Arbor, located at 2900 Jackson Ave. The cost is $30. More information is available online at:
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Ancient Egyptian Glyphs Found in Australia Could Rewrite History
Ancient Egyptian Glyphs Found in Australia Could Rewrite History
Until receiving a phone call from Nina Angelo (OAM), I knew nothing of neither the struggles involved in protecting the land around Kariong (near Gosford) nor that part of this land was now on the market. When on-site I had seen a lot of tagged trees, and a for sale sign somewhere along a main road, but being unfamiliar with the whole region, nothing registered.
The land for sale contains the Gosford Glyphs, located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney. This site features little known carved ‘ancient Egyptian’ hieroglyphs that were brought to light by various researchers in past decades.
We are convinced that close to this site, and never before seen by non-Aboriginals until discovered very recently, is a rock platform covered with a set of sacred engravings of considerable significance. On this large platform we saw a fish, serpent, massive dolphin or whale, circles and a variety of shapes and symbols.
Without doubt, it is an impressive gallery of ancient Aboriginal rock art deserving of protection. There is one life-sized engraving of Durramullan (son of Creation Spirit Biamie) that is so unique, utterly unexpected, and obviously sacred, decisions had to be made as to how it can be publicly described.
There is nothing remotely like it anywhere in Australia. And that’s it.
That is all we have agreed to reveal. The photographs taken late in the afternoon on this site, and in particular those of Durramullan, should never be reproduced or published through any form of the media but...
Owing to the real possibility this land, irrespective of the credentials for or against the Gosford Glyphs, could be sold then developed, a different approach is compulsory.
It has been our agreed stance to categorise all the sites/relics we are sharing as being ‘found within 2 hours of Sydney’, but that generalised approach doesn’t apply in this location. Those engravings, and other related platforms (one is actually located within this block) are now directly under threat.
The distance between this unique site and that of the Gosford Glyphs is far too close for coincidence or comfort. As to determining the bona fides of this supposed Egyptian site, we have one advantage. According to Dr. Hans-Dieter von Senff, who has produced a draft paper on the site:
These Hieroglyphs are real and have existed for some 4,500 years in Australia. In order to prove that these Proto-Egyptian glyphs are not graffiti, as claimed by various “Experts” and “Egyptologists,” but are the written record left by pre-historic man, written in a coherent and understandable language that makes sense even 4,500 years later. This site is no hoax, but a genuine archaeological discovery; as is proven by the newly discovered second set of glyphs.
The critics who dispute the origin of these engravings numbering over 300 are not sensitive to the bigger picture, and if proven to be engraved by Egyptians, these glyphs form a pivotal and historic epitaph to an Australian history very few suspect.
The engravings were first properly translated by Ray Johnson, claimed to be proto-Egyptian and accepted “as correct by the General Director of Cairo Museum, Dr. Dia’ Abou-Ghazi.” [1]
However, despite the endorsement of the resident expert in Cairo, Australian academics with less impressive credentials are adamant this is an elaborate hoax.
The site includes an engraved Ankh (see image above courtesy of Steve Strong), an essential accompaniment to Thoth, placed alongside an Ibis footprint (Thoth’s recent animal counterpart) and what we believe to be the ‘River of Life’. Two Ibis-men engraved into rock, both in profile with the head of an ibis and body of a human, seem to resonate to the same ancient Egyptian theme.
What really surprised us was that not only are the ibis and Thoth synonymous, but originally Thoth was depicted in ape-form. And it is this more ancient representation that is found twice in Australia, extending the horizons considerably.
A statue found at Gympie, said to act as one of five sentries guarding the controversial seven-stepped pyramid at Gympie, is a depiction of Thoth in his more primal ape-like form and has been argued over and often ridiculed.
The recent discovery of an engraving of Durramullan, again in profile, is less open to debate. The pronounced long forehead and protruding lips is reminiscent of a baboon or one of the larger apes, and so out of context when carved into a continent lacking ape or monkey.
The engraving is ancient, carved by an artist aware of an African animal and Egyptian deity supposedly unknown until the British invasion. In what only adds to the quality and quantity of this cross-cultural partnership, there are two sets of Aboriginal engravings, one containing 31 separate and distinct human characters and the other five figures, of which three have human bodies and what appears to be crocodile heads.
It is for these reasons, and many others, we are in complete agreement with Robert Lawlor, author of the highly regarded Voices of the First Day, when noting the same origin and sequence.
“The Egyptian religious practices, zoomorphic pantheon of gods, concepts of death and rebirth, sorcery, magic and medicine all have their origins in the primal culture of the First Day.” [2]
We see the presence of Egyptians in Australia beginning at around 5,000 years ago, entirely in keeping with a global history that saw, for a variety of reasons too complex to discuss now, the Australian Aboriginal mariners and explorers finally return to Australia at around the same time.
We believe the glyphs and other Egyptian remains found ‘within two hours of Sydney’ bear testimony to a spiritual sabbatical to the place where Egyptian religion and culture began.
That the Gosford Glyphs are so close to the sacred Durramullan site suggests an agreement between the first Australians and people from a distant continent. The Durramullan platform is undeniably special, and the Glyphs are an integral part of this arrangement, unique not only in Australia but the world.
The Egyptian crypt and engravings, dedicated to the memory of the son of a Pharaoh, was constructed close to the Durramullan rock platform and could only be created with the consent of the local Aboriginals.
Of course, if Australian Aboriginals did sail the globe in ancient times this journey is dependent upon ocean-going boats being constructed in Australia. Up at the Top End there are many engravings and paintings of boats which are mistakenly claimed to be inspired by Maccassan boats fishing for trepan.
No such claims can be made for the engraving of an ocean-going boat found in the northern section of the Gosford site. The boat’s design, with a steep prow and stern, has one primary function: to sail through large waves.
It would be a waste of time, effort and resources to construct a boat according to the shape and proportions engraved into the rock, if the vessel sailed in stiller waters. More importantly, this engraving goes a long way towards establishing the claims made by Ramindjeri Elders.
If indeed, as they insist, their ancestors circumnavigated the globe in a figure eight then this sophisticated design would serve that purpose.
That engraving and the Ramindjeri account provide answers to a series of unresolved questions that mainstream academia are unable to appreciate. The presence of Australian Aboriginal people in America was the focus of Issue 35 of the highly respected science magazine Cosmos.
The front cover carried the following caption:
“Did Aborigines discover America? Startling new finds suggest Australia’s first people made it all the way to South America more than 11,000 years ago.” [3]
Of course, America was merely one port-of-call when the First Australians set sail.
“Dr. Raghavendra and researchers from the Indian-government backed Anthropological Survey of India project found unique genetic mutations were shared between modern-day Indians and Aborigines.” [4]
They “identified seven people from central Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic tribes who shared genetic traits only found in Aborigines.” [5]
These facts, along with newly discovered Australian genetic links to a hominid in Siberia referred to as Denosovan, necessitate the same means of transport: a boat.
However, the plan of a boat is insufficient. Also required are both the tools needed to construct such a vessel and navigational skills before sailing to India, America, Asia, Egypt or any other destination. An axe is an essential prerequisite if building a vessel capable of sailing across oceans.
In keeping with all other firsts, it should come as no surprise that the oldest axes yet found are located within Sahul (the greater Australian continent which includes PNG, Tasmania, etc).
The oldest axe was found at Huon Terrace (PNG) and is dated at 40,000 years, followed by an axe found in Jawoyn land (N.T.) claimed to be 35,500 years old. Remaining within Australia, an axe was discovered at Sandy Creek (QLD 32,000 years) and another at Malangangerr (N.T. 23,000 years).
In what confirms the antiquity of Australian axe technology, and by association boats, Angel John Gallard has in his possession a hand-held chopper (the precursor to the axe) which he believes to be no less than 60,000 years old, with the real possibility it is over 100,000 years old. The oldest axe discovered outside Australia was found at Niah Cave (Sarawak) and is thought to be 15,500 years old.
For such an epic journey to succeed, especially if circumnavigating the world in a figure eight, Aboriginal mariners must have navigated by the stars. Once again it all begins here. As announced by a team of scientists from the CSIRO, the oldest astronomical construction was found at Wurdi Youang (Victoria). “The strange stone arrangement” has “two points set in perfect alignment with the setting sun on a midsummer’s day.” [6], [7]
CSIRO experts are of the opinion the “ancient Aboriginal sundial could be upwards of 10,000 years old.” [8]
Nor do these rocks stand in isolation – there are two sets of walls recently found in the Snowy Mountains, the first is aligned east-west, marking out the conjunction of planets and contains no less than 10,000 rocks. The second is at least four times bigger and runs down an extremely steep slope.
Within ‘two hours from Sydney’ is a perfectly aligned five-rocked compass and another construction that is far more enigmatic, which for obvious reasons, we call ‘mini-Stonehenge’. It is made up of 46 stones in the inner circle and 18 rocks forming what we feel are clusters of stars.
The four directions are marked out by arches with a horizontal stone supported by stone pillars. All four constructions, although separated by hundreds of kilometres, serve the same purpose: charting the heavens.
There is one pattern exhibited by these sites that seems to openly contradict an artistic maxim we assumed held fast throughout Australia. It was our belief that traditional Aboriginal art was region specific. Within this area we have found over 25 styles/techniques, many of which are claimed to be created in one tribal estate.
We found evidence of the following Aboriginal artistic styles: Panaramitee; X-Ray; Figurative; Mimi; Lightning Brothers; Wandjina; Papunya; Hand stencils (two types); Representational; Rock engraving; Rock Pecking; Stone Arrangements; Bands across the body; Egyptian symbols; Bird prints; Engraved shield design (found throughout Australia); Profiled spirits; and others we could not identify.
Where does that leave us? Relying on textbooks and academics ‘dazed and confused’... Or there is an alternative route. We are convinced the First Australians are completely separate to the Africans and were the first homo sapien sapiens.
It was from Australia, not Africa, the first migration originated, and it is from Australia that religion, gender equality, astronomy, burials, sailing, music, art, democracy and all the nobler pursuits began.
And it is in Australia, in particular the area ‘within 2 hours from Sydney’, that proof of this global legacy can still be found.
1. “The Kariong Glyphs and the Prohibited Egyptians: Research Proves the Kariong Glyphs to Be Genuine and Exposes the Critics as Hoaxters” by Hans-Dieter von Senff, 2011, 99. 2. Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime by Robert Lawlor, Inner Traditions International, Ltd., 1991, 75. 3. “Ancient Odyssey” by Jacqui Hayes, Cosmos, 2010, Front Cover. 4. “First Australians Were Indian: Research,” Sydney Morning Herald, 23 July 2009, 16. 5. Ibid. 6. “Wurdi Youang Rocks Could Prove Aborigines Were First Astronomers,” 5 February 2011, 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid.
UFOTV Presents - XENOLINGUISTICS – Alien Communication - MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM - Nancy du Tertre
UFOTV Presents - XENOLINGUISTICS – Alien Communication - MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM - Nancy du Tertre
Gepubliceerd op 12 mrt. 2016
UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up for UFOTV®!). Much of the field of UFOlogy has been focused on forensic reconstruction of UFO sightings and crashes. Even the study of Alien Abductions is based upon reconstructing old memories. There has been little to no discussion to date about how to communicate with other intelligent species. If Alien species have the capability to shut down nuclear missile sites and nuclear power plants, abduct people from their beds at night, violate airspace with impunity, engage military jets in fruitless dogfights, mutilate cattle and livestock, cause spontaneous healing of diseases and injuries, bring technological advances beyond our wildest dreams, and transfer information from other planets and dimensions, wouldn't it be in our best national interest to figure out how to communicate with them. The purpose of this extraordinary program is to talk about the practicalities of communication with Alien species and how we, as humans, can learn how to do this. Nancy du Tertre's unique background as an Attorney, Trained Intuitive, and Remote Viewer for Law Enforcement, give her some interesting insights into ways to approach this issue – particularly in light of the fact that many reports of Alien communication involve telepathy.
UFOTV® and THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK (MUFON) have joined forces to bring the MUFON INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM to UFOTV® here on YOUTUBE. Over the coming weeks we will release the MUFON VIDEO ARCHIVE that includes all of the lectures and presentations from the leading UFO Authors and Researchers in the World, filmed LIVE at the World famous "International MUFON UFO Symposium," over the last 10 years. Subscribers are automatically notified each time a new presentation is added.
Consider attending The Mutual UFO Network Yearly International UFO Symposium – For more information go to:
Proceeds from YouTube help to support the on-going research of The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) a non-profit organization.
Coming soon to Special Edition DVD, AmazonPRIME, and UFOTV® on Roku!
De lancering van een sonde naar Mars, vanuit de lanceerbasis Bajkonoer in Kazachstan, is geslaagd. Twaalf uur na de start van de Europees-Russische missie ExoMars heeft het controlecentrum in Darmstadt vanavond een eerste signaal van de satelliet ontvangen.
Het signaal werd ontvangen om 22.28 uur Belgische tijd. "We zijn op weg naar Mars", jubelde de chef van het Europese ruimtevaartagentschap ESA, Jan Wörner.
Het project ExoMars, dat meerdere miljarden kost, speurt voor de ESA en zijn Russische partner Roskomos naar sporen van leven op de Rode Planeet. Hiervoor wordt ook een beroep gedaan op een Belgisch instrument: NOMAD.
Als alles volgens plan verloopt zou de lander "Schiaparelli" op 19 oktober in de atmosfeer rond Mars moeten arriveren.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Eén van de grootste mysteries van de natuur: feeëncirkels nu ook ontdekt in Australië
Eén van de grootste mysteries van de natuur: feeëncirkels nu ook ontdekt in Australië
Feeëncirkels werden tot voor kort alleen in Afrika gevonden. Nu zijn de mysterieuze patronen ook aangetroffen in Australië.
Dr. Stephan Getzin van het Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Duitsland reisde af naar het land om feeëncirkels in de Pilbara in het noorden van West-Australië te onderzoeken. Hij zag gelijk dat de patronen in Australië en Namibië erg op elkaar lijken.
In Namibië worden de cirkels door lokale legendes verklaard als voetstappen van de goden, schroeiplekken van de adem van ondergrondse draken of zelfs landingsplaatsen voor UFO’s.
Levendig debat
Het is nog altijd niet duidelijk hoe de feeëncirkels precies ontstaan. Sommige cirkels hebben een doorsnee van enkele meters, terwijl andere een diameter hebben van wel 20 meter. Er circuleren verschillende theorieën over de cirkels, van termieten tot gas dat opborrelt uit de bodem.
“De patronen in droog grasland, zoals de feeëncirkels van Namibië, zijn één van de grootste mysteries van de natuur en het onderwerp van een levendig debat over hun ontstaan,” schrijven Getzin en zijn coauteurs in het tijdschrift PNAS.
Na het bestuderen van de Australische feeëncirkels zei Getzin dat de patronen waarschijnlijk ontstaan door zelforganisatie en dat er geen verband is met de aanwezigheid van termieten.
Andere gebieden
“Lange tijd waren ecologen er niet van overtuigd dat planten zichzelf konden organiseren in droge gebieden,” zei Getzin. “Maar het wordt steeds duidelijker hoe belangrijk dit proces is.”
In Namibië werden in de buurt van de patronen steeds twee of drie soorten termieten of mieren ontdekt, maar in Australië zijn geen nesten gevonden in de cirkels. Voor de onderzoekers is dat een teken dat de cirkels niet worden gemaakt door dieren.
Volgens Getzin kunnen in andere droge en dunbevolkte gebieden op aarde waarschijnlijk nog meer feeëncirkels worden ontdekt.
Geheim van mysterieuze Bermudadriehoek eindelijk ontsluierd?
Geheim van mysterieuze Bermudadriehoek eindelijk ontsluierd?
Weinig plaatsen ter wereld spreken zo tot de verbeelding als de Bermudadriehoek. Talloze schepen en vliegtuigen verdwenen er op mysterieuze wijze van de aardbol. Sommigen gaan uit van duistere krachten, anderen zijn ervan overtuigd dat aliens er iets mee te maken hebben.
Wetenschappers hebben in de Barentszee bij Noorwegen een aantal reusachtige kraters op de zeebodem ontdekt. Die zouden kunnen verklaren waarom in de mysterieuze Bermudadriehoek tientallen schepen zonken en vliegtuigen verdwenen.
Met behulp van de nieuwste radartechnologieën ontdekten wetenschappers van Universiteit van Tromsø 800 meter brede en 50 meter diepe kraters op de bodem van de westelijke Barentszee.
Heftige explosies
Het ontstaan van de kraters zou gepaard zijn gegaan met heftige explosies. “Een onderzeese explosie kun je vergelijken met een nucleaire reactie,” zei geoloog Igor Yeltsov tegenover The Sunday Times. “Ze produceren enorme hoeveelheden gas, waardoor de oceaan opwarmt en schepen kunnen verdwijnen.”
De ontdekking zou kunnen verklaren waarom de Bermudadriehoek zo gevreesd is bij zeelieden en piloten. Er gaan verhalen rond over plotseling veranderende weersomstandigheden en onverwachte kolken van stomend water. Kompassen zouden er plots op tilt slaan door afwijkende magnetische velden.
Als de onderzoekers dergelijke kraters ook vinden in de Bermudadriehoek, kan het mysterie rond deze plek worden opgelost. Volgende maand zullen experts hun bevindingen tijdens een bijeenkomst van de European Geosciences Union toelichten.
Naar verluidt zijn er in de denkbeeldige driehoek tussen Miami, de Bermuda-eilanden en Puerto Rico in de afgelopen 165 jaar tenminste 50 schepen gezonken en 20 vliegtuigen verdwenen. Van de USS Cyclops, het schip met 300 passagiers dat in 1918 spoorloos verdween, tot Flight 19, die na een trainingsoefening nooit meer werd teruggevonden.
White Fast UFO Moves Over Lake In Harstad, Norway, Video, UFO Sighting News.
White Fast UFO Moves Over Lake In Harstad, Norway, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 26, 2015, reported this week. Location of sighting: Harstad, Norway Source: MUFON This speedy UFO was seen last year over a lake in Norway, but was reported recently to MUFON. The Orb moves quickly and may have come from below the water. Strange thing is...why didn't the person move so he could see the UFO more? Odd. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: I looked out over the sea from my balcony. First I saw this object standing still in the sky and I thought it could be a drone, but then it suddely moved very fast up into the sky in a straight line way to north. I run as fast as I could inside and looked out my kitchen-window while I at the same time told my girlfriend to come see this strange object. We have never seen anything like this before. The object suddenly moved fast back to where it came from, and we ran back to the balcony where I recorded this object on my iPhone. Then we saw this happening: The object moved very fast from high up in the sky above the mountain. Bright lights changed from red to green while it moved fast down toward the sea. Then it suddenly dissapeared behind the building. We stood there like paralyzed, not knowing what to say or feel.
If the comeback of the X-FILES 2016 has caught your interest, then like me, Any video taken in broad daylight of some unexplained craft drifting across the sky will seem worth a look.
This time, the UFO2GO channel has come up with a stunner. I can’t even tell if this object changes shape, separates at points and rejoins or defies gravity and air pressure flow by deliberatly showing off how well it can cruise like an eagle with effortless turns and climbs.
It reflects light like a new chrome motorbike, has a section in the middle which is cut out or allows air to pass through it. The detail I could see was spot on in some parts of the video. Others, well maybe zoomed in a little too much. All in all, I myself reckon its authentic and very odd to watch. It is not like anything I have seen from other sources and wonder what Australia does to attract these kinds of “objects”.
As for a big silver balloon ?, Well not likely, anything full of helium just climbs and climbs. This bird puts on a show and does it in a way to show proudly its something far more graaceful.
While lying on a blanket under the stars in a location less than two miles west of the centerline of what was then Carswell AFB, I noticed an object approaching from the south just above the treetops. The object was triangular in shape and that shape was defined by the three lights, one located at each angle of the triangle. What caught my attention were three things, the lights were in no configuration of any of the conventional aircraft I was accustomed to seeing fly into and out of the AFB. The object made no noise at all. Its size was enormous.
Additionally, the flight path was going to take it directly over me. It was moving slowly, much more slowly than any conventional aircraft could fly if on final approach for a landing at the AFB. I estimate it could have been traveling no more than 30 MPH. As it approached, I was trying to see details. I could discern nothing beyond the general shape confirmed by the stars that were masked behind the object’s triangular shape and the unusual pattern the lights were flashing. Each light was round and each of the three flashed one of three color, red, blue or white. The lights weren’t brilliant, but somewhat diffuse as if they were contained in some kind of domed housing with a frosted lens similar to an incandescent light bulb one would use in their house. The lights flashed randomly with the only actual pattern being that no two lights were ever the same color and there was no discernible sequence to the colors the lights flashed. When I use the word flash it was not an instantaneous change, but a short term fade from one color to another. I had never seen lighting change color or flash on conventional aircraft in a similar manner. I has seen strange lights and “green flashes” in and around the AFB all my life, but this phenomenon was completely different from anything I had seen before. I was excited while I waited for the object to pass directly overhead. It passed slowly over my head with the complete passage of the craft from the forward “point” (the object never wavered or rotated but kept the same angle of its shape pointed due north as near as I could tell without consulting a compass) to the base taking about 2 seconds. I tried to get a feeling for its altitude, but there was no helpful frame of reference except the treetops. I mentally established 500 feet, but that was arbitrary. There was absolutely no noise.
Even the night insects and creatures that I’d heard prior to the passage of the object made no sounds. There was no feeling of static electricity or electromagnetic interference present when the object flew over me or at any other time. Even though I was with others during the encounter, I did not alert anyone else on the off chance they might interfere with my complete attention while observing the object. I also didn’t mention the observation to anyone else that night. Having read the reports of previous years’ sightings I thought I would wait until I saw the papers the next day to see if anyone else reported any unusual sightings. The next day sightings were reported throughout the southwest. I never wrote anything down until now and only wanted to insure MUFON had this information to use in its work. Thank you for permitting me to finally report my observations.
A huge fireball crashed into the Atlantic earlier this month - and went almost unseen.
The event took place on February 6 at 14:00 UTC when a meteor exploded in the air 620 miles (1,000km) off the coast of Brazil.
It released energy equivalent to 13,000 tons of TNT, which is the same as the energy used in the first atomic weapon that leveled Hiroshima in 1945.
This was the largest event of its type since the February 2013 fireball that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, leaving more than 1,600 people injured.
Scroll down for video
A huge fireball crashed into the Atlantic earlier this month - and went almost unseen. The event took place on February 6 at 14:00 UTC when a meteor exploded off the coast of Brazil. It released the equivalent of 13,000 tons of TNT, which is the same amount of energy used in the first atomic weapon that leveled Hiroshima
That fireball measured 18 meters across and screamed into Earth's atmosphere at 41,600 mph. Much of the debris landed in a local lake called Chebarkul.
The Chelyabinsk fireball had 500,000 tons of TNT energy - 40 times more than the latest impact, according to Phil Plait.
‘As impacts go, this was pretty small,’ Plait writes in an in-depth report in his Slate blog. ‘After all, you didn’t even hear about until weeks after it occurred.
‘Had it happened over a populated area it, would’ve rattled some windows and probably terrified a lot of people, but I don’t think it would’ve done any real damage.’
Ron Baalke, who works for Nasa, first tweeted the event after it appeared on the space agency’s Near-Earth Object Fireball page.
Plait estimates that, given the explosive energy of the most recent fireball, it was likely to be around five to seven meters wide.
The space rock exploded in the air 620 miles (1,000km) off the coast of Brazil. It was the largest event of its type since the February 2013 fireball that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia
The Chelyabinsk fireball had 500,000 tons of TNT energy - 40 times more than the latest impact. More than 1.600 people were injured by flying fragments of glass and rubble
It is believed to have exploded about 18 miles (30km) above the Atlantic Ocean, 6 miles above the troposphere, the atmospheric layer where the Earth's weather occurs.
It is unlikely that anyone saw it, but it was probably picked up by the military, who record atmospheric explosions.
‘Impacts like this happen several times per year on average, with most going unseen,’ Plait said.
It’s the much larger impacts that we should be worried about.
Nasa tracks around 12,992 near-Earth objects which have been discovered orbiting within our solar system close to our own orbit.
It estimates around 1,607 are classified as Potentially Hazardous Asteroids.
In September, Paul Chodas, manager of Nasa's Near-Earth Object office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, said: 'There is no existing evidence that an asteroid or any other celestial object is on a trajectory that will impact Earth.
'In fact, not a single one of the known objects has any credible chance of hitting our planet over the next century.
One such asteroid is 2013 TX68, which poses no threat to Earth, but could get very close to the surface, according to the space agency – although it adds there is a very slim chance of this happening.
Science presenter, Brian Cox, told we are at risk of being wiped out by asteroids – and we're not taking the threat seriously
While the March 5th asteroid poses no threat, scientists have long said that these space rocks could threaten life on Earth.
Last year, Brian Cox said we are at risk of being wiped out by asteroids – and we're not taking the threat seriously.
'There is an asteroid with our name on it and it will hit us,' Professor Cox told In fact, the Earth had a 'near-miss' only a few months ago.
'We didn't see it,' says the 46-year-old. 'We saw it on the way out, but if it had just been a bit further over it would have probably wiped us out. These things happen.'
The bus-sized asteroid, named 2014 EC, came within 38,300 (61,637km) miles of Earth in March - around a sixth of the distance between the moon and our planet.
And it wasn't the only one threatening Earth. Nasa is currently tracking 1,400 'potentially hazardous asteroids' and predicting their future approaches and impact probabilities.
The threat is so serious that former astronaut Ed Lu has described it as 'cosmic roulette' and said that only 'blind luck' has so far saved humanity from a serious impact.
The 100ft-wide asteroid, first spotted when it flew by Earth two years ago, will make its return On March 5 – and this time it could get incredibly close.
The whale-sized space rock may skim past Earth at just 11,000 miles (17,000 km), which is around 21 times closer to Earth than the moon.
But Nasa admits this estimate may be widely inaccurate, and the asteroid may also pass Earth as far out as 9 million miles (14 million km).
'The variation in possible closest approach distances is due to the wide range of possible trajectories for this object, since it was tracked for only a short time after discovery,' Nasa explained.
Scientists have identified an extremely remote chance that this small asteroid could impact on September 28, 2017, with odds of no more than 1-in-250-million.
Flybys in 2046 and 2097 have an even lower probability of impact.
'The possibilities of collision on any of the three future flyby dates are far too small to be of any real concern,' said Paul Chodas, manager of CNEOS.
'I fully expect any future observations to reduce the probability even more.'
Asteroid 2013 TX68 is estimated to be about 100ft (30 meters) in diameter.
If an asteroid the size of 2013 TX68 were to enter Earth's atmosphere, it would likely produce an air burst with about twice the energy of the Chelyabinsk event.
A small asteroid, first spotted when it flew by Earth two years ago, is set to make its return – and this time it will get even closer. This graphic indicates the possible locations asteroid 2013 TX68 will be in at the time of its closest approach to Earth during its safe fly-by of our planet on March 5
The laser weapon that could save Earth from asteroids
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Wild Ride to Mars: Inside ExoMars' Schiaparelli Lander Prototype
Wild Ride to Mars: Inside ExoMars' Schiaparelli Lander Prototype
By Sarah Lewin, Staff Writer
A model of ExoMars' Schiaparelli lander prepares for thermal tests in Cannes, France. The European Space Agency's Mars lander will hurtle to the planet's surface Oct. 19, and its heat shields will have to withstand about 2,732 degrees Fahrenheit (1,500 degrees Celsius).
Credit: B. Bethge/ESA
The ExoMars mission launching Monday (March 14) will pack an orbiter as well as an ambitious Mars lander prototype that will make the challenging descent to a controlled landing on Mars.
The little lander, called Schiaparelli, will demonstrate the technology necessary to land a life-hunting rover on ExoMars' next mission. It's about 1,320 pounds (600 kilograms) packed into a 7.9-foot (2.4 meter) diameter package, counting the outstretched heat shield.
Schiaparelli and the orbiter will travel for seven months after the launch to get to Mars, but they'll part ways about three days before reaching the Martian atmosphere, on Oct. 16, European Space Agency researchers said in a statement. At that point, Schiaparelli will separate and then coast toward Mars, still in hibernation to conserve power. [How Europe's ExoMars Missions to Mars Work (Infographic)]
A few hours away from the Martian atmosphere, at an altitude of 76 miles (122.5 km), the module will come to life while traveling approximately 13,050 mph (21,000 kph). Its heat shields will slow it down as it enters the atmosphere, braking to about 1,025 mph (1,650 kph), and then it will deploy the 39-foot (12 m) parachute.
This infographic explains the planned landing of ExoMars 2016.
Credit: ESA/ATG Medialab
As it hurtles downward, Schiaparelli's heat shields will reach temperatures of about 2,732 degrees Fahrenheit (1,500 degrees Celsius).
After slowing even further, the experimental lander will release its front and back heat shields and switch on radar sensors to figure out how far it is from the Martian surface. The parachute will be left behind on the back heat shield, so to slow down even more, the lander will switch on its thrusters until it gets down to about 6.6 feet (2m) off the ground, slowed to just 4.3 mph (7 kph).
Then it'll switch off its thrusters and drop to the ground, and the bottom of the module, like the crumple zone on the front of a car, will break its fall as it plunks down on the surface of Mars' Meridiani Planum, possibly within view of NASA's Opportunity rover.
A lot for the lander to get through in just 6 minutes since entering the atmosphere.
The ExoMars 2016 entry, descent, and landing demonstrator module, also known as Schiaparelli, will touch down on Meridiani Planum, a relatively smooth, flat region on Mars, on October 19, 2016. The lowest areas on this map are shown in green, while the highest areas are dark brown. The large crater on the right (East) of the image is Endeavour, which is about 14 miles (22 kilometers) in diameter. Opportunity has been studying its western rim since 2011.
For as long as its leftover battery life lasts — just a few days, likely — the lander will study Mars' wind speed anddirection, humidity, pressure, air temperature, atmosphere transparency, electric fields and more, sending its measurements up to the orbiter through two antennas. (It will send measurements during the 6-minute landing process, too.)
Any science measurements the lander sends from the surface is a bonus: The lander's main purpose is to pave the way for the rover launching in 2018, officials said in the statement. Using knowledge gained from Schiaparelli, that future rover will be able to land safely and begin its hunt for signs of life.
An orbiter and lander will launch from Kazakhstan on March 14, arriving at Mars in October.
Today, a European space mission set off to figure out if there is indeed life on Mars.
Europe’s ExoMars orbiter launched today. It blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Its mission is focused on searching Mars for signs of life and, to this end, studying the methane that’s present in the Red Planet.
This is the first phase of a 1.2 billion Euro project between the European Space Agency and Russia that is aimed at finding the biochemical fingerprints of life on Mars.
The running theory is that, while the surface of Mars shows a harsh environment where living things couldn’t possibly thrive, it might be possible that life can thrive below its surface. The existence of methane could be the key to this theory—and that’s what the ExoMars orbiter is set to find out.
Arrival on Mars timeline. Image Credit. European Space Agency
Once it arrives in Mars (it’s expected to land by October of this year), it will hopefully find where the traces of methane are coming from and map out an ideal landing site for a rover that’s being targeted for a 2018 launch.
The ExoMars is also going to release a lander called Schiaparelli, which is designed to study the Red Planet’s dust storms and test the new landing system, which will help to pave the way for a more functional Mars rover exploring the planet by 2021. Notably, this rover will be equipped with a drill and a laboratory for testing.
Ultimately, the team asserts that there are two possible sources of the Martian methane: It may be geological (such as volcanic activity) or could be proof of life on the Red Planet. Hopefully, this project will determine which it is.
The ExoMars rover
Blasting off from Earth in 2018, it will reach Mars in 2021.
Gaan we de klimaatverandering op aarde overleven door aardappelen te telen op Mars? Het lijkt een fantasie uit de sciencefictionfilm 'Martian'. Daarin overleeft een op Mars gestrande astronaut door piepers te telen. Maar het is ook een experiment van ruimteagentschap NASA. Dat onderzoekt samen met het Internationaal Aardappelencentrum in Peru (CIP) of het mogelijk is patatten te kweken in de extreme klimaatomstandigheden op de rode planeet. Dat moet ons dan op Aarde ten goede komen.
De aardappel is bestand tegen droogte, extreme hitte en koude, zoute omgevingen en UV-straling. Het is ook één van de meest voedzame gewassen. Aardappelen zitten propvol vitamine C, zink, ijzer, eiwitten en koolhydraten
"Wat je in 'The Martian' ziet, is perfect mogelijk", maakt astrobioloog Julio Valdivia-Silva, de hoofdwetenschapper in het experiment in Peru, zich sterk. Valdivia-Silva en zijn team proberen de omstandigheden op Mars na te bootsen. Onder een koepel creëren ze dezelfde atmosfeer. De aarde bestaat uit zandgrond uit de Pampas de la Joya-woestijn, één van 's werelds droogste en armste ecosystemen op aarde.
Veerkrachtig en voedzaam
Maar waarom precies de aardappel? De veerkracht van de nederige patat, met zijn grote aantal soorten, genotypes en variëteiten, zorgt ervoor dat de aardappel overal kan geteeld worden. Van op zeeniveau tot op 4.700 meter hoogte. De aardappel is bestand tegen droogte, extreme hitte en koude, zoute omgevingen en UV-straling. Het is ook één van de meest voedzame gewassen. Aardappelen zitten propvol vitamine C, zink, ijzer, eiwitten en koolhydraten.
Min 153 graden
Maar de onherbergzaamheid van Mars, dat is toch andere koek. De temperaturen op de rode planeet lopen fel uiteen, van 20 graden aan de evenaar tijdens de zomer tot min 153 graden aan de polen. De atmosfeer bestaat voor 95% uit koolstofdioxide, 3% stikstof en slechts 0,13% zuurstof. Komt daarbij dat de stoffige planeet geen grondwater heeft en er winden tot 90 per uur staan. Lees verder onder de foto
In het Peruviaanse aardappelcentrum worden 4.500 soorten aardappelen getest, voornamelijk uit Peru. Er zijn zo veel variëteiten dat sommige geen naam maar slechts een code dragen. Eén van die variëteiten zou wel eens de juiste genetische opmaak kunnen hebben om op Mars te overleven
Maar Jan Kreuze, hoofdviroloog aan het aardappelcentrum in Peru, gelooft dat het mogelijk moet zijn om aardappelen te telen op Mars. "Aardappelen zullen Mars kunnen koloniseren nog voor de mens dat doet", stelt hij.
Een bijkomende uitdaging is dat de zwaartekracht op Mars slechts een derde bedraagt van die op Aarde. Daarop kan tijdens het experiment niet getest worden, maar de aardappel heeft tegenover andere gewassen het bijkomende voordeel dat hij ondergronds groeit.
4.500 soorten
In het Peruviaanse aardappelcentrum worden 4.500 soorten aardappelen getest, voornamelijk uit Peru. Er zijn zo veel variëteiten dat sommige geen naam maar slechts een code dragen. Eén van die variëteiten zou wel eens de juiste genetische opmaak kunnen hebben om op Mars te overleven.
Andespatatten en genetisch gemodificeerde
In het NASA-experiment worden 100 variëteiten gebruikt. Daarvan zijn er 40 afkomstig uit het Andesgebergte, de geboorteplek van de aardappel. Die groeien in verschillende ecologische zones en kunnen tegen abrupte klimaatveranderingen. Ze kunnen ook in zeer droge grond groeien. De andere 60 zijn genetisch gemodificeerde variëteiten die immuun zijn voor virussen en kunnen overleven met extreem weinig water.
Indien het experiment succesvol is, zullen de geselecteerde aardappelen cryogeen bevroren worden om te verhinderen dat ze tijdens de lange reis naar Mars beginnen ontkiemen. Een enkele reis naar Mars zou immers negen maanden duren. De aardappelen zouden door robots kunnen geteeld worden in een koepel op Mars. Dit in afwachting van toekomstige bemande missies naar Mars. Lees verder onder de foto
Het experiment heeft twee doelstellingen: uitvissen welke variëteit het best klimaatverandering overleeft en een groente vinden die toekomstige astronauten kan voeden
Astrobioloog Valdivia-Silva
Het experiment heeft twee doelstellingen, verklaart Valdivia-Silva: "Uitvissen welke variëteit het best klimaatverandering overleeft en een groente vinden die toekomstige astronauten kan voeden".
Op het vlak van voedselzekerheid kent de aardappel zijn gelijke niet. De pieper groeit snel en produceert meer calorieën per eenheden energie, grond en water dan eender welk gewas. Indien hij op Mars kan groeien, kan hij de zwaarste omstandigheden op Aarde ook aan, zo luidt de redenering.
Klimaat op Aarde Het aardappelcentrum in Peru zal onderzoeken hoe aardappelen het doen in steeds extremer wordende klimaatomstandigheden. De klimaatverandering zorgt al voor meer droogtes en overstromingen en maakt oogsten almaar kwetsbaarder voor ziektes en ongedierte, in het bijzonder in regio's waar al armoede en ondervoeding heerst.
Buitenaardse landbouw voor menselijke kolonies in de ruimte mag dan nog science fiction zijn, volgens Kreuze is het experiment dat allerminst. "Onze belangrijkste doelstelling is niet aardappelen gaan kweken op Mars, maar hier op Aarde. In het bijzonder in ontwikkelende landen".
Talloze schepen en vliegtuigen verdwenen op mysterieuze wijze van de aardbol in de Bermudadriehoek tussen Miami, de Bermuda-eilanden en Puerto Rico. Van de USS Cyclops, de boot met 300 passagiers die in 1918 spoorloos verdween, tot Flight 19, die na een trainingsoefening nooit meer werd teruggevonden. Er zijn zelfs geschriften waaruit blijkt dat Columbus moeilijkheden ondervond in de driehoek. Sommigen gaan uit van duistere krachten, anderen zijn ervan overtuigd dat aliens er voor iets tussen zitten. Maar er lijkt nu toch een wetenschappelijke uitleg te zijn.
Dat er zoveel schepen verdwijnen in de Bermudadriehoek, zou te wijten zijn aan kraters in de zeebodem. Op de bodem van de Barentszzee, duizenden kilometers van de Bermudadriehoek, zijn kraters ontdekt die gasontploffingen veroorzaken.
Mochten zulke kraters ook in de Bermudadriehoek aangetroffen worden, dan is het mysterie wellicht opgelost.
De kraters in de Barentszzee zijn tot 800 meter breed en 45 meter diep en zouden zijn ontstaan door methaangas in de olie- en gasrijke zeebodem bij de Noorse kust. Het methaangas hoopt zich op, lekt en ontploft uiteindelijk door de zeebodem. Bij een dergelijke ontploffing wordt een enorme hoeveelheid methaangas naar boven gestuwd, waardoor 'gaten' in het zeeoppervlak worden geblazen. Dat hebben onderzoekers van de Arctic University of Norway ontdekt.
De ontploffingen op de zeebodem zouden schepen in gevaar kunnen brengen. En mogelijk bestaat de zeebodem van de Bermudadriehoek net zoals de Barentszzee uit gasophopingen. "Zulke gasontploffingen zijn als een nucleaire reactie, ze produceren gigantische hoeveelheden gas, waardoor de oceaan opwarmt en schepen zinken.
Volgende maand, op de jaarlijkse meeting van de European Geosciences Union, zullen experten uit de doeken doen of zulke ontploffingen effectief schepen kunnen doen zinken.
Dan rest er nog één vraag: wat met vliegtuigen? De Bermudadriehoek is ook genadeloos voor vliegtuigen, maar gasontploffingen op de zeebodem kunnen uiteraard geen vliegtuigen uit de lucht halen.
Het Bermudamysterie lijkt dus nog niet volledig opgelost, of komen ze op de meeting van de European Geosciences Union toch met een ultieme verklaring op de proppen?
VIDEOEuropa is vandaag begonnen aan een bijzondere nieuwe missie in de ruimte. Het wetenschappelijk instrument NOMAD (Nadir and Occultation for Mars Discovery), dat is ontworpen, vervaardigd en getest door het Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimte-Aëronomie (BIRA), is om 10.31 uur vanuit Bajkonoer in Kazachstan naar Mars vertrokken aan boord van de satelliet Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). Het gaat om het eerste deel van de missie ExoMars. Eind dit jaar moet de NOMAD op Mars aankomen.
De bedoeling van de missie is om de atmosfeer en het oppervlak van de Rode Planeet in kaart te brengen. De nuttige lading bestaat uit een "orbiter" (TGO) en de lander Schiaparelli, die in oktober moeten aankomen.
Drie dagen voor aankomst in de atmosfeer van Mars, scheiden de wegen en daalt de lander naar het Marsoppervlak af. De 4,3 ton wegende orbiter moet na ongeveer een jaar een cirkelvormige baan draaien 400 km boven het oppervlak, om met vier instrumenten de atmosfeer van Mars te bestuderen.
Eén daarvan is dus NOMAD. Het instrument doet met drie spectrometers in drie kanalen onderzoek naar de samenstelling van de atmosfeer van de Rode Planeet en zal daarbij op zoek gaan naar sporengassen, in het bijzonder methaan.
Het tweede luik van ExoMars is voor 2018 voorzien, en bestaat uit een Russisch platform en een Europese robotjeep die tot twee meter diep in de Marsbodem zal boren, veel dieper dan de Amerikaanse Oppurtinity. De orbiter zal dan in de eerste plaats als tussenstation voor de communicatie met de jeep dienen. In 2018 zal ook de NASA opnieuw een sonde naar Mars sturen.
"Doel van ExoMars is sporen van leven te zoeken op Mars, maar de missie maakt het ook mogelijk om nieuwe technologieën te tonen die ons verder en verder helpen in de zoektocht naar nieuwe horizons", aldus Elke Sleurs, staatssecretaris voor Wetenschapsbeleid.
Maandag om 22.17 uur wordt een eerste signaal van de satelliet verwacht.
STERRENKUNDEEen verwoestende dode ster die astronomen recent konden gadeslaan, gaat verder met zijn spoor van vernieling. In oktoberraakte bekend dat de witte dwerg verantwoordelijk was voor de vernietiging van een dwergplaneet. Amper zeven maanden later hebben onderzoekers rond de dode ster sporen gevonden van minstens zes afbrokkelende hemellichamen.
Een witte dwerg is de supercompacte, aarde-achtige kern van een dode ster die achterblijft wanneer een ster al zijn brandstof heeft opgebruikt en zijn buitenste lagen afwerpt. De meeste sterren, waaronder ook de zon, evolueren op een dag tot een witte dwerg.
Door deze witte dwerg te bestuderen, die zich op zo'n 570 lichtjaren van de aarde bevindt, kunnen we mogelijk dus een idee krijgen van hoe het einde van ons zonnestelsel er miljarden jaren later zal uitzien.
Ster des doods
Het eerdere onderzoek, gebaseerd op beelden van NASA's ruimtetuig Kepler, wees uit hoe de witte dwerg de rol speelde van de 'Death Star' in de Star Wars-films. Een dwergplaneet die de dode ster naderde op een afstand van ongeveer 837.000 kilometer, werd uiteengereten. Rond het object bevonden zich een staart van stof en een aantal brokstukken. De onderzoekers berekenden dat het gesteente over ongeveer een miljoen jaar volledig vernield zou zijn.
Volgens Boris Gänsicke, astronoom aan de universiteit van Warwick, en zijn team is het dwergsysteem in amper zeven maanden snel geëvolueerd. De astronomen observeerden de witte dwerg met de Thai National Telescope, en vonden in de plaats van één hemellichaam bewijs van zes lichamen rond de witte dwerg. "Maar er zijn er duidelijk nog meer. Het kunnen er tien zijn, misschien vijftien", zegt Gänsicke aan
Glimp van onze toekomst
Al deze hemellichamen draaien op ongeveer dezelfde afstand rond de dode ster, en zijn ongeveer twee tot vier keer zo groot als de witte dwerg. Volgens de onderzoekers zijn het geen grote, vaste objecten, maar gigantische wolken van gas en stof, afkomstig van kleinere rotsige hemellichamen die uit elkaar aan het vallen zijn.
"Op een dag zal onze zon uitzetten tot een rode reus en zo Mercurius en Venus, en misschien de aarde, wegvegen alvorens ze een witte dwerg wordt", zegt Gänsicke, die zijn bevindingen beschrijft in het wetenschappelijke bladAstrophysical Journal Letters. "Door deze witte dwerg te bestuderen, krijgen we een zicht op wat de toekomst voor ons zonnestelsel in petto heeft."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Britse wetenschapper: “Farao’s gebruikten piramides als lanceerplatform naar hiernamaals”
Britse wetenschapper: “Farao’s gebruikten piramides als lanceerplatform naar hiernamaals”
Op internet gaat momenteel een artikel rond over piramides als symbolische trap naar de hemel dat in 2001 in The Guardian is verschenen. Een Britse wetenschapper zei tot grote vreugde van mensen die in mysterieuze energieën en buitenaardse ruimteschepen geloven dat de oude Egyptenaren hun inspiratie voor de piramides mogelijk uit de ruimte haalden.
Egyptoloog Toby Wilkinson beargumenteerde dat de piramides altijd gericht zijn naar de Poolster en dat ze op basis van hun vorm kunnen worden gezien als lanceerplatform voor de reis van de farao naar het hiernamaals tussen de sterren.
“Circumpolaire sterren zijn een goede metafoor voor het hiernamaals omdat ze nooit onder lijken te gaan: ze draaien simpelweg rond de Poolster,” zei Wilkinson tijdens een lezing aan de University College London. “Het zijn de onvergankelijke sterren, een perfecte bestemming voor de ziel van de overleden koning.”
Van het noorden van Egypte tot Soedan zijn piramides gevonden. “We kijken vol ontzag naar deze monumenten die uit het niets lijken te zijn verschenen,” zei hij.
Dr. Wilkinson, verbonden aan het Britse Clare College, vond bewijs dat de oude Egyptenaren geloofden dat het hiernamaals en de dood een reis zijn. Kate Spence, die indertijd een collega van hem was, had een jaar eerder aangetoond dat alle piramides precies op de noordelijke sterren zijn gericht.
Ook de namen van de piramides zijn opvallend. Eén van de piramides was ‘de fonkelende’ gedoopt en een andere ‘de piramide die een ster is’. Het altaar van de eerste piramide, een trappiramide in Saqqara die gedurende de 3e Dynastie is gebouwd, is gericht op het noorden. “Mogelijk was dit een lanceerplatform voor de geest van de koning, om hem af te vuren naar de noordelijke sterren,” aldus Wilkinson.
Ook de piramides uit de 4e Dynastie – waaronder de Grote Piramide en andere piramides op het Gizeh-Plateau – zijn gericht op de sterren.
“Hoe ziet een ster eruit in drie dimensies?” vroeg hij zich af. “We zouden daar alleen achter kunnen komen als er een ster op de aarde was gevallen. Een meteoriet wellicht, een vallende ster die letterlijk op de aarde is neergekomen.”
In de tempel van Heliopolis werd in de 4e Dynastie een Benbensteen vereerd, een staande steen met een puntig uitsteeksel. Opvallend genoeg is het Egyptische woord voor deksteen, het bovenste deel van een piramide, ‘benbenet’ of kleine benben.
“Was de Benbensteen mogelijk een meteoriet? Een teken uit de hemel?” vroeg dr. Wilkinson zich af. “Ik ben geen geoloog, maar er is een soort meteoriet, een zeldzame soort, die tijdens zijn reis door de atmosfeer een vorm krijgt die opvallend veel lijkt op een piramide. Was de Benbensteen zo’n steen? Was het een vallende ster die op de aarde is gestort en vervolgens werd vereerd als een teken uit de hemel?”
Regelmatig zijn er berichten over mensen die bepaalde dingen doen omdat ze stemmen in hun hoofd horen die hen bepaalde opdrachten geven.
Ook hoor je soms verhalen van mensen die in algemenere zin zeggen dat ze in contact staan met buitenaardsen die hen vervolgens opdracht geven om dingen te doen.
Dat is bijvoorbeeld ook het geval met een Mexicaanse boer die in de woestijn een piramide heeft gebouwd in opdracht van buitenaardsen, afkomstig van een planeet heel ver weg.
De boer, Raymundo Corona, zegt dat hij de ongeveer zeven meter hoge tempel heeft gebouwd, nadat hij bezoek had gehad van een grote man die zichzelf Herulayka noemde.
Herulayka zei dat hij afkomstig was uit het sterrenbeeld Orion.
Corona bouwde de piramide vlak bij Monclova in de staat Coahila, pal aan de grens met de Verenigde Staten. Hij zegt dat de buitenaardse hem in 1984 heeft bezocht en hem opdroeg een tempel in de vorm van een piramide te maken.
Toen Corona hem vroeg waarom deze tempel de vorm van een piramide moest hebben, kreeg hij als antwoord dat dit als zijn geloof moest zijn. Iets dat niet door wind of storm beroerd kon worden en altijd naar boven wees.
Herulayka waarschuwde hem ook dat mensen hem belachelijk zouden maken, of voor gek verklaren of een dronkenlap of een drugsverslaafde.
De planeet waar de buitenaardse vandaan kwam heet Nefilin. Dit hemellichaam is ongeveer 20 keer groter dan de aarde, bevindt zich in het sterrenbeeld Orion en er wonen daar wezens die heel veel op ons mensen lijken.
“De buitenaardse had ogen met een honingkleur en wit haar tot op de grond. Hij liep op blote voeten en droeg een tuniek dat met een touw om zijn middel werd vastgehouden”.
De dag dat Corona de buitenaardse ontmoette was de dag voordat zijn vrouw hun dochter baarde. Zij zegt dat Corona deze buitenaardse al veel vaker in zijn dromen had gezien voordat hij hem in het echt ontmoette.
Volgens Herulayka maakten de buitenaardsen zich zorgen over de manier waarop wij mensen met onze planeet omgaan. Hij waarschuwde Corona dat de mensen op de planeet moeten passen zoals ze met een kind zouden doen, want de planeet geeft de mensen wat ze nodig hebben om te overleven.
Wanneer je bedenkt dat dit buitenaards bezoek plaatsvond in 1984 en men zich toen al ernstig zorgen maakten, dan zal dit nu vele malen erger zijn. Misschien verklaart dat wel het hoge aantal UFO-meldingen van de laatste jaren.
Dat een voorval zoals hierboven beschreven plaatsvindt in Mexico is natuurlijk ook niet zo vreemd. Het is tenslotte het land met de meeste UFO- en buitenaardse meldingen ter wereld.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Forbidden Land of Agartha: The secrets of the Inner Earth
The Forbidden Land of Agartha: The secrets of the Inner Earth
According to Giannini and Palmer, Vice Admiral Byrd announced on February of 1947, just before venturing into a 2,750 km journey across the North Pole, “I like to see the land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the Great Enigma.”
According to some, it is believed that during Vice Admiral Byrd’s flight over the North Pole that took place in 1947, he said via radio that beneath was not snow but huge areas of land with mountains, forests and vegetation, huge lakes and rivers with animals that resembled mammoths.
Before his death, had said there existed a land beyond the Pole that was “an enchanted continent in the sky, a permanent mystery of Earth.” That land, according to other theories, was the legendary Rainbow City, home to a fabulous lost civilization.
The possibility that the earth is hollow, and that it can be accessed through the North and South poles, and that secret civilizations flourish within it, has spurred the imagination of people through centuries. Evidence of this we find in the history of countless ancient civilizations. The Babylonian hero Gilgamesh visited his ancestor Utnapishtim in the bowels of the earth; in Greek mythology, Orpheus tries to rescue Eurydice from the underground hell; it was said that the Pharaohs of Egypt communicated with the underworld, which could be accessed via secret tunnels hidden in the pyramids; and Buddhists believed (and still believe) that millions of people live in Agharta, an underground paradise ruled by the king of the world. So just when you think that these theories could be nothing more than excessive imaginations, you actually come across evidence in ancient history pointing towards the possibility of a world inside Earth.
The idea that the Forbidden Kingdom of “Agartha” actually exists was not only said to have been supported by Admiral Byrd but by other explorers around the world. A Map made by cartographer Heinrich C. Berann is believed to show an entrance to the inner Earth, the Kingdom of Agartha. In that map, the Antarctic continent can be observed without its thick layer of ice. But the most intriguing detail are the presence of underwater passages spanning across the entire continent and seem to converge at the exact location which is identified as the opening towards the Hollow Earth or Inner Earth. Leonard Euler, a mthematical genius of the eighteenth century, concluded that the Earth was hollow, containing a central sun and was inhabited; and Dr. Edmund Halley, discoverer of Comet Halley and Royal Astronomer of England also believed that the Earth was hollow on the inside with three “Floors”.
Some also speak about Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s journeys where extremely advanced airships were seen flying around and exploring new territories. Not long ago, we discovered a map of the third Reich in which there are several secret passages depicted which were used by German U-Boats to access mysterious underground regions, as well as a complete map of both hemispheres and the mysterious kingdom of Agartha.
A letter, supposedly written by Karl Unger, one of the crew members of a German Uboat states that they had reached the interior of the Earth, and that they did not consider returning. All of these stories seem to be backed up by numerous discoveries and recently, scientists discovered a large ocean of water inside the mantle of Earth, and they point out that it is a large water “tank” that could fill the oceans on Earth three times. This incredible discovery suggests that the surface water of the planet came from within Earth, as part of a “complete water cycle on the planet” instead of the dominant theory proposed that water arrived to Earth by icy comets that passed by the planet millions of years ago.
The Nazis were also extremely interested in the Inner Earth and myths associated with it. It is believed that Antarctica is the entrance to the lost Aryan homeland of Thule. Even though Antarctica has been linked to the lost continent of Atlantis, the linkage to Thule is less apparent. Thule (also known as Thula, Thyle, Thila, Tila, Tyle, or Tylen) was first mentioned by Greek explorer Pytheas after his travels between 330 BC and 320 BC. But in 150 AD, Greek writer Antonius Diogenes wrote The Wonders Beyond Thule. In the distant past, Thule was believed to have been a distant place located beyond the “borders of the known world.”
Interestingly in 2001 the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the Support Office for Aero-geophysical Research discovered the existence of a magnetic anomaly believed to be on the eastside shore of Lake Vostok in Antarctica, the anomaly is believed to be consistent with a man-made construction.
Aliens Are Calling From Outer Space, Scientific Community Still in Denial
Aliens Are Calling From Outer Space, Scientific Community Still in Denial
Numerous bursts of radio waves were picked up by astronomers recently, all of them originating from the same place far beyond our Milky Way Galaxy. This wouldn’t come as a surprise unless it were the first intercepted signal to repeat itself, indicating that a powerful source in the universe is generating it.
Now, the first idea coming to our minds is related to aliens, but scientists tried to debunk this hypothesis in the lack of further evidence and instead, they chose a more ‘rational’ explanation: the collision between two neutron stars. However, the latest radio burst came as a game changer, as the waves appear to repeat, indicating that whatever is causing this is not being consumed in the impacting process, and it keeps sending these mysterious signals. According to Shami Chatterjee, senior researcher at Cornell, the FRB detected this year did not have an explosive origin.
So, either there’s an odd coincidence, or maybe there are different types of FRBs. Either way, it seems we’ve broken this enigmatic phenomenon wide open, Chatterjee stated.
These fast radio bursts, or FRBs, were considered an isolated phenomenon until recently, as researchers detected 17 others over the years since 2007, and they were all described as brief radio waves in the sky that only lasted for milliseconds. It became puzzling only last year, when ten blasts originating from the same spot were discovered by Paul Scholz from McGill University in Canada.
After he closely investigated the data collected by the Arceibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico, he stumbled upon some peculiar patterns: six FRBs received within 10 minutes of each other, and other four that were more dissipated in time. All of them originated from the same location.
I knew immediately that the discovery would be extremely important in the study of FRBs, Scholz said.
Although astronomers know these radio signals are coming from distant places in the cosmos, they are having difficulties determining the exact location. The recent discovery of the continuous FRBs, published in Nature last week, was tracked to a galaxy 6 billion light years away from Earth, but the data wasn’t conclusive enough for scientists to determine the exact spot from where it emanated.
Knowing that some of the FRBs detected so far repeat their blasting waves, scientists are now trying to shed light into this matter and find the exact emanating source, and are also classifying them into different categories. Cornell professor James Cordes believes that the event is not necessarily caused by a massive cosmic explosion, but neutron stars may still be the cause in his opinion.
We ’re detecting these FRBs from very far away, which means that they are intrinsically very bright. Only a few astrophysical sources can produce bursts like this, and we think they are most likely neutron stars in other galaxies, Cordes stated.
On the other hand, Laura Spitler, a researcher from the Max Planck Institute for radio Astronomy in Germany appeared more enthusiastic of the recent discovery.
Not only did these bursts repeat, but their brightness and spectra also differ from those of other FRBs, she said.
Although scientists won’t directly admit to an alien-source hypothesis, it’s likely that this new type of FRB is generated by a source other than what scientists have speculated so far. The possibility of a spinning young neutron star or even two stars colliding seem a bit far off, considering that only a few weeks ago, the scientific community was about to conclude about the FRBs once and for all, but now they have a brand new type of FRB signal. If this arrived as a coincidence or rather as a sign, we are yet to find out, but bear in mind that everything happens for a reason.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Sky Watcher Captures Space Vortex Opening Near the Moon in Full Spectrum
Sky Watcher Captures Space Vortex Opening Near the Moon in Full Spectrum
If aliens do exist and already walk among us, it would be reasonable to understand that their advanced technological capabilities are far greater than what we can imagine, meaning that whatever actions they take on Earth or outer space will remain invisible to our line of sight.
However, thanks to the ongoing global awareness regarding this major phenomenon, there are some sky watchers who would pay the ultimate price to know the truth about what’s going on all around us, and they’ll fortunately share their amazing discoveries with the rest of world. Now, it remains only a matter of keeping your mind opened.
There are many types of UFOs ranging from biological lifeforms to artificial crafts or even man-made ones. It’s possible that our governments and military have a secret pact with extraterrestrials which allows them to access otherworldly technology. These claims can be interpreted when viewing different accounts from the past that speak of futuristic ways in which you can travel through space or design a spaceship. Were all these details a product of conspiracy theorist’s imagination, or is it possible that most of what had been said is coming to life this century?
To better understand this concept, I’ll show you a very unique phenomenon that happened close to the moon. The vigilant sky watcher and UFO analyst Mr. Crow has captured yet another amazing and partially unexplained phenomenon. With the help of two hi-end cameras, he was able to film in full spectrum what he presumes to be an invisible vortex. The appearance lasts only for a brief moment, but thanks to Crow’s detailed analysis we can see it over and over again from different postures.
According to him, the space vortex is invisible to the naked eye since we can only perceive only a small portion of the light’s spectrum. However, the phenomenon is real when seen through the full-spectrum of light that covers the electromagnetic spectrum from infrared to near ultraviolet, or better said, the portal captured by Mr. Crow could be occurring on a daily basis and everywhere around us, but since our eyes are not designed to see it, it’s like this never happens. So how do we know this is indeed a cosmic vortex and not something caused by meteors or space debris?
The first and most conclusive argument would be that this phenomenon is seen only in full spectrum, which means that any other event that could happen in space and is explained by science would also be perceived by our vision if we look in the right direction and at the appropriate moment. Second argument focuses on the wide spread idea of portals that’s seen in so many movies, cartoons, kid toys and media in general. So, from where did this idea come from if portals are only a science fictional element? Are these ‘subliminal messages’ a pure coincidence, or are they rather an existing fact that hasn’t been revealed to us for some unknown reasons?
Third but not least, there were some extremely bizarre events that strongly resembled a ‘worm hole’ or interdimensional portal. Such phenomenon were witnessed by many people from across the world, and although official information refers to them as unloaded missile tests, I would like to remind the recent case from Norway where the sighting, in my opinion, had nothing to do with a rocket or anything found on Earth. So could the vortex surprised by Mr. Crow be somehow linked to these events? Is it possible that he filmed an authentic interdimensional portal? If so, what purpose does it serve?
According to researchers, it could be a technique used by alien beings to travel between long distances by bending space itself. This way they can reach any destination in the cosmos in a matter of seconds/minutes and at the same time stay hidden from the field of view of other less-evolved species. This way, aliens may pass unnoticed and manipulate our species through the collaboration with our governments that put power above all else. Another controversial theory that might prove to be true in the future speaks of the human-alien pact that’s letting our leaders use and develop advanced technology at the price of letting ETs monitor our evolution.
If this proves to be a good thing we are yet to find out, but because of the tremendous level of secrecy displayed by world’s top organizations, it’s likely that a more complex plan is in place. Are we really designing our own future and destiny, or are we guided from ‘above’ by a higher will that’s pulling the strings?
UFO Caught Darting From Cloud To Cloud Over Melbourne, Australia On Feb 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Caught Darting From Cloud To Cloud Over Melbourne, Australia On Feb 28, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 28, 2016 Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia This cloud orb is really moving. Its is moving about 4X faster than a prop plane would. Darting from cloud to cloud to hide, it tries to go unseen in the Australian skies. Peter Slattery of Youtube caught this cloud orb. This is an excellent day time catch, but best of all watching it move allows us to rule out what its not...not a balloon, lantern, bag or other odd objects. This thing has speed! Only an intelligently made craft will move that fast. Scott C. Waring
UFOs Over Mexican Volcano Popocatepetl On March 12, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFOs Over Mexican Volcano Popocatepetl On March 12, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 12, 2016 Location of sightings: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico These UFOs were recorded by Mibit Channel of Youtube. There are several UFOs at any given time near the volcano and since the live cam only gets still shots ever 20 seconds or so, there is no video, so we cannot see the UFOs move. All in all, still a good catch. Scott C. Waring
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Is It Possible?
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Is It Possible?
Admittedly, "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (the 1959 version based on the Jules Verne novel), is one of my favorite movies of all time. As a kid, I could watch it every time it came on and now I own it on disk, so I can see it endlessly! What fascinated me so much about it was a mixture of archaeology, adventure, new frontiers, and ancient worlds. From the moment the characters plunged into the cave in Iceland to the unknown underground world, I imagined there had to be more to the earth than a hard rock with a molten center spinning around in space. There just had to be pockets of life-sustaining space. And, as I got older and learned about Hollow Earth Theory, I was hooked on the concept that the earth has layers, other worlds, and lost civilizations perhaps, and life adapted to the darkness or perhaps with its own intense bioluminescence. In fact, we have found throughCCD cameras and EMCCD cameras that humans have bioluminescence! What is exciting about all of this is that they have discovered a vast ocean under the earth that contains three times more water than is found on the earth and shows an obvious source of where our water might have come from on our planet. SOURCE:The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core.
Journey to the Center of the Earth - Possible?
The actual physical travel to the center of the earth? That would be impossible and this site (LINK) gives a great description - It gets very hot very quickly as you journey towards the center of the Earth. In the Earth’s crust — the outermost shell of the planet that reaches down around 30 miles (50 km) — temperatures increase by around 25 Celsius per kilometer of depth (77F every 0.6 miles). This means that, once you’re about 10 kilometers (6 miles) down, temperatures are already as high as 250C (482F). Once you’re through the crust (about 30 miles down) and into the upper mantle, which consists of partially molten rock, you’re talking about temperatures in the range of 650-1200C (1200-2200F). We don’t know exactly, but the Earth’s inner core is theorized to have a temperature of around 6000 Kelvin (5,700C, 10,300F). In case you’re wondering, a lot of this heat is believed to come from the decay of naturally radioactive elements (uranium, thorium, and potassium).
Hollow Earth
The center of the earth aside, how about the idea of a world within our world? Perhaps somewhere in the crust, but less than that dangerous 6 miles deep? How about pockets of earth that offer different geology and a better chance of having a deep pocket at a comfort level that is human being viable? Here's an explanation of Hollow Earth theory from this great site (LINK):
According to the Hollow Earth Hypothesis, planet Earth is either wholly hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior space. The hypothesis has long been contradicted by overwhelming observational evidence, as well as by the modern understanding of planet formation; the scientific community has dismissed the notion since at least the late 18th century. The concept of a hollow Earth still recurs in folklore and as the premise for a sub-genre of adventure fiction. It also features in some present-day pseudoscientific and conspiracy theories. Underground civilizations link with the 'Hollow Earth Theory'. There are supposedly races that exist in subterranean cities beneath planet Earth. Very often, these dwellers of the world beneath are more technologically advanced than we on the surface. Some believe that UFOs are not from other planets, but are manufactured by strange beings in the interior of the Earth.
Journey to the Hollow Earth?
There are numerous places around the earth believed to be the entrance to Hollow Earth. Let's look at some of the more popularly spoken of sites -
Mt. Shasta (California)
Mt. Shasta has long been associated with little people, giants, aliens, UFOs, Lemurians and Hollow Earth entrance. There is an account of a "Traveler to Inner Earth" by a supposed US Air Force Colonel who traveled by way of Mt. Shasta (LINK). The people of the interior were very free with showing me around, very articulate in showing you what is exactly going on - they do not hold anything back. They always ask permission when working with nature, they ask the plants for permission before consuming them or cutting them down, they ask the Mother Earth before they build on it, and do so build with the lay of the land which best suits their environment, a practice similar to the American Indians; therefore seeking to preserve a harmonious state at all times; wanting to be one with nature at all times; they are more spiritually advanced than surface dwellers and greatly respect Mother Earth.
The atmosphere is crystal clear, as a rule there are times clouds, but nothing like rain clouds. The temperature is a constant 73 degrees.
The people in the interior speak directly with the animals, and the animals speak directly to the people of the interior.
There is no need for hoarding for everything is free, no need to create in abundance as everything is ample. A process of bartering is more common than trade in money.
This is basically a utopian culture with no depression leading into violence. No parties seeking to make war and gain dominance over each other. There are none richer nor poorer.
North of Josef Franz Island (Russia)
This was mentioned in a writing by a Norwegian who said that he and his father had voyaged to Hollow Earth by accident. The last bit of land they recognized as they ventured forward was the never inhabited island, Josef Franz Island. Interestingly, this island has enormous stone perfectly round spheres, but no one has ever lived in this inhospitable place. The story this man, Olaf Jansen, conveyed of his voyage in the 1800s was written in the most fascinating account called "The Smoky God" (LINK).
Eden is an elevated beautiful garden through which four mighty rivers run in four directions dividing the the planet's interior. Earth's inner surface is three fourths land and one fourth water. This garden is the "navel of the earth" and the "cradle of the human race".The names of the rivers are Euphrates, the Pison, the Gihon, and the Hiddekel. They spoke to the Priest for over two hours on various issues and then had to decide whether to stay or return to the outer earth. They decided to stay a while longer visiting more cities and learning more cultures. The children go to school for thirty years starting at age twenty. The learned men have an accurate idea of the earth's outer geography, and the general people are extremely musical and well educated in the arts and sciences, especially geometry and astronomy. Marriage occurs a little before or after 100 years of age and people generally live to be 600 to 800 years old. The animals there can be huge; birds with wingspans of hirty feet, tortoises up to thirty feet in length, and elephants up to 85 feet in height. Some of the trees here grow to 1000 feet in height and are 120 feet in diameter, and the forests extend hundreds of miles. A mist rises every evening and comes down as rain every twenty-four hours.
An entrance is reported to have been found in the Nahanni Valley of B.C., but it is said that some of those who have dared to enter this area have been found decapitated, thus giving the region its name “The Valley of the Headless Men.” The Nahanni Valley in Canada is the ancient territory of the Ojibways, the Slave, Dogribs, Stoney, the Beavers and the Chipweyans. It covers 250 square miles in the southern end of the Mackenzie Mountains of Canada and lies almost 550 miles due west of Fort Simpson on the Mackenzie River of northwest Canada. Natural hot springs and sulfur geysers keep the valley warmer than the surrounding areas by about 30 degrees Farenheit year-round. This land of perpetual mist has always been viewed by the Indians as “taboo” and avoided.
North Pole
A team was formed hoping to make an expedition to the North Pole entrance to Hollow Earth. (LINK) It seems the expedition is on hold until funding, but it intrigues one to consider taking a schooner up to the opening of a supposed nirvana inner world. The planned expedition sounded pretty neat and included lots of scientific experiments while up there.
There has been an ongoing discussion among researchers of the unexplained and conspiracy theorists that the Nazis found an opening to Hollow Earth in Antarctica. (LINK)
It's hard to dismiss basic geology, so far as what we believe the Earth to contain and it's a pretty good guess considering the drilling, understanding of geological plates, seismic activity, and the like. But, what remains is the very real possibility there are pockets of great space - such as the world's largest cave only recently found in Vietnam.
It is with certainty that inner earth would have plenty of water, but would the temperatures make it impossible to exist? Perhaps. And, perhaps conditions exist in permafrost regions of the globe, where the supporting mantle varies, perhaps allows for a filtered light through ice or other means. After all, the cave in Vietnam has a forest inside.
Could an entire civilization of advanced people live in a retreat within the Earth? If they do, they were smart to locate such a location that could allow for vitamin D, growing plants, fresh water, clean air and the like, without being vulnerable to what we on the surface must face, like weather conditions, oceans, and temperature changes. Still, the concept that one could live in and thrive inside the earth almost begs for a type of man that evolved differently to handle some deficits in resources and sunshine. This is not even taking into consideration what happens when there are earthquakes and volcanoes acting up!
I suspect at some point, we might find a cave that goes deeper than any cave, perhaps a situation in which a hole opens up like the enormous ones in Russia (LINK), that make us wonder - just what is in there?
What Neurologist Discovered With Alien Abductions Victims
What Neurologist Discovered With Alien Abductions Victims
People claiming to have been abducted by aliens are considered mentally delusional. However, as stories of alien abduction become more and more mainstream, it is hard to dismiss the credibility of these alien abduction witnesses. The idea of aliens has been discussed for many years now by different persons. There are many researchers exploring the existence of ancient aliens and whether they have already visited our planet or not.
When asked about the possible delusion, Neurologist Dr. Michael B. Russo claimed he didn’t know what to say to his patients who shared their abduction stories. He said that the majority of the doctors of his current patients sent them because the latter complained of primary headaches or some neurological problems. But their physicians didn’t have any idea about their abduction stories not until Dr. Russo asked them about the duration of the problem. As part of his examination, Dr. Russo used his dense array electroencephalography, or DEEG, a machine worth $200,000. The machine maps the electrical activity in the brains of his patients. Russo wondered if there are similarities to patients complaining about being abducted with regards to brain wave activity.
According to his examination, those patients claiming to have been abducted by aliens have shown abnormalities in their parietal lobe brain wave activity. The electrical brain wave activities of abductee patients are similar to patients who experienced traumatic brain injury. He tries to look at the experiences as different based from his patients’ point of view and works with them to alleviate their problem.
When performing DEEG tests, patients often ask the possibility of interpreting or reading transmitter. Russo confirmed that he couldn’t see the wire, but he can see the brain signals. Russo has experienced success using pharmacological therapies in alleviating the headache pains. Russo will share his findings, which co-authored with Shane Endicott, Ryan Nillo, Melba C. Stetz, and Judith Profant on their upcoming meeting at the Hawaii Convention Center.
UFOTV Presents - UFOs and The New World Order - THE MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM – Paul Hellyer -
UFOTV Presents - UFOs and The New World Order - THE MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM – Paul Hellyer -
Gepubliceerd op 11 mrt. 2016
UFOTV® Accept no Imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up for UFOTV®!). UFOTV® and THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK (MUFON) have joined forces to bring the MUFON INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM to UFOTV® here on YOUTUBE. Over the coming weeks we will release the MUFON VIDEO ARCHIVE that includes all of the lectures and presentations from the leading UFO Authors and Researchers in the World, video taped LIVE at the World famous "International MUFON UFO Symposium," over the last 10 years. Subscribers are automatically notified each time a new presentation is added.
In this program, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Secretary of Defense, provides the keynote presentation for the MUFON UFO SYMPOSIUM. Extraterrestrial influence may have been felt in Biblical days, but awareness began when we learned that an alien species helped the Germans during World War II. At the same time, another group of Aliens advised the allies. Years before World War II ended, the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) began plotting a new American empire even bigger than the one Hitler hoped for. The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) itself with the secret Bilderbergers, the banking and oil cartels, CEOs of transnational corporations, elements of the intelligence community and the armed forces, came together in what Paul Hellyer refers to as the Cabal, with unprecedented power in the US and beyond. Its end game is a New World Order – a universal dictatorship – achieved through a combination of financial and military might, including spacecraft equipped with ET technology. Is this a doomsday scenario destined to end in an armageddon, if not the extinction of the human species? Or is there something that can be done to stop it? This is the question that must be fully explored before it is too late!
Consider attending The Mutual UFO Network International UFO Symposium – For more information go to:
Proceeds from YouTube help to support the on-going research of The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) a non-profit organization.
Coming soon to Special Edition DVD, AmazonPRIME, and UFOTV® on Roku!
Whenever a bold new technology comes out, people often say that it's making sci-fi a reality. Often times that is a bit of an exaggeration. However, Harold White, a NASA engineer and physicist, is designing a spaceship that is truly straight out of almost every sci-fi story every written.
The ship, tributarily being called the ISX Enterprise has many planned "sci-fi" features, but perhaps the most exciting is the plan to make it a "warp ship," meaning it could shoot through space faster than the speed of light. Yes, just like in Star Trek.
Mark Rademaker, who is collaborating with White and created the CGI design concept for the IXS Enterprise, says, “We wanted to have a decent image of a theory conforming Warp ship to motivate young people to pursue a STEM career... It does have some Sci-Fi features that might never transfer to a possible final design, unless we really want to.”
The fact that the science behind this is even theoretically plausible it truly mind-boggling. To put it in oversimplified terms, the ship would essentially utilize a loophole in Einstein's Theory of Relativity, wherein it would contract space-time in front of it and expand space-time behind it. Io9 touches on this well:
"Essentially, the empty space behind a starship would be made to expand rapidly, pushing the craft in a forward direction — passengers would perceive it as movement despite the complete lack of acceleration.
White speculates that such a drive could result in “speeds” that could take a spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in a mere two weeks — even though the system is 4.3 light-years away."
White's concept for this, which he worked out mathematically from a theory proposed back in 1994, uses large rings that surround the spacecraft to reduce the energy needed to warp space-time both in front of and behind the spacecraft.
“The rings are most important as they will form the Warp bubble,” said Rademaker. "The way they are designed now will reduce the energy requirement needed to form the bubble. (By quite a large factor.) Also we tried to fill up as much space within the rings, it’s expensive to leave that open or unused.”
White and his team at NASA’s Eagleworks Labs are now working on a “proof of concept” for this idea.
Check out this video explaining the concept and the science behind it:
Scientists May Have Discovered Why Mercury is Such a Dark Planet
Scientists May Have Discovered Why Mercury is Such a Dark Planet
This enhanced color image highlights Mercury’s low-reflectance material, which appears blue in this image, and its association with impact-excavated material. The young rayed crater Degas appears near the center, and to the far left is the crater Akutagawa, whose extensive low-reflectance (dark blue) material was studied by MESSENGER and found to be carbon rich. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington
A new study is showing that carbon from Mercury's original crust is the reason the planet looks so dark. Data from the MESSENGER mission further supports this.
You might be surprised to hear that the closest planet to the sun has an immensely dark surface. For a long time, Mercury’s lack of sunlight left scientists puzzled. The planet’s surface isn’t littered with iron-rich materials, known to be a darkening agent. So just what makesMercury so dim?
A new study from Johns Hopkins University claims the answer is carbon. The element has ancient origins from deep within the planet itself.
This oblique image of Basho shows the distinctive dark halo that encircles the crater. The halo is composed of so-called Low Reflectance Material, which was excavated from depth when the crater was formed. Basho is also renowned for its bright ray craters, which render the crater easily visible even from very far away. Credit: Courtesy NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington
Patrick Peplowski, of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and his team used data from the MESSENGER mission to study the accumulation of carbon on Mercury. Prior to these studies, scientists proposed that the carbon came from comets that traveled into the inner Solar System.
Poplowski’s team came to a different conclusion. Rather than being delivered by comets, the carbon most likely originated deep below the surface, in the form of a now-disrupted and buried ancient graphite-rich crust, some of which was later brought to the surface by impact processes after most of Mercury’s current crust had formed.
Co-author and Deputy Principal Investigator of the MESSENGER mission, Carnegie’s Larry Nittler, explained: “The previous proposal of comets delivering carbon to Mercury was based on modelling and simulation. Although we had prior suggestions that carbon may be the darkening agent, we had no direct evidence. We used MESSENGER’s Neutron Spectrometer to spatially resolve the distribution of carbon and found that it is correlated with the darkest material on Mercury, and this material most likely originated deep in the crust. Moreover, we used both neutrons and X-rays to confirm that the dark material is not enriched in iron, in contrast to the Moon where iron-rich minerals darken the surface.”
MESSENGER obtained its statistically robust data via many orbits during its last year of operation. Repeated Neutron Spectrometer measurements showed higher amounts of low-energy neutrons, a signature consistent with the presence of elevated carbon, coming from the surface when the spacecraft passed over concentrations of the darkest material.
Figuring out exactly how much carbon was present required combining the neutron measurements with other MESSENGER datasets, including X-ray measurements and reflectance spectra.
Together, the data indicate that Mercury’s surface rocks are made up of as much as a few weight percent graphitic carbon, much higher than on other planets. Graphite has the best fit to the reflectance spectra, at visible wavelengths, and the likely conditions that produced the material.
When Mercury was in its infancy, much of the planet most likely consisted of an “ocean” of molten magma. Scientists believe that, as this magma cooled, most minerals that solidified would sink. Graphite though, would have been buoyant and floated to form the original crust of Mercury.
“The finding of abundant carbon on the surface suggests that we may be seeing remnants of Mercury’s original ancient crust mixed into the volcanic rocks and impact ejecta that form thesurface we see today. This result is a testament to the phenomenal success of the MESSENGER mission and adds to a long list of ways the innermost planet differs from its planetary neighbors and provides additional clues to the origin and early evolution of the inner Solar System,” concluded Nittler.
Scientists discover repeating fast radio bursts coming from the far edge of the galaxy, overthrowing notions that FRBs are non-repeating in nature.
While sifting through various observation results made using the world’s largest radio telescope, McGill University PhD student Paul Scholz discovered something very rare—repeating fast radio bursts.
Admittedly, it’s not as dramatic nor as action-packed as when Jodie Foster’s character in the 90s sci-fi movie Contact discovered radio transmissions from outer space, but Scholz’s discovery of ten additional bursts from the direction of FRB 121102 is certainly an exciting discovery in its own right.
Until Scholz’s new findings, repeating fast radio bursts (FRB) were—no pun intended—unheard of. All incidents of FRBs are recorded to be non-repeating in nature. This has led scientists to speculate that FRBs are caused by one-off, cataclysmic events such as a star exploding in a supernova or a neutron star collapsing into a black hole.
But, the data published in the March issue of Nature, showing the additional bursts having “dispersion measures and sky positions consistent with the original burst” of FRB 121102 from 2012, invalidates all existing theories on the nature of FRBs.
“I knew immediately that the discovery would be extremely important in the study of FRBs,” says Scholz.
Arecibo Radio Observatory in Puerto Rico. Credit: ARECIBO OBSERVATORY/NAIC/NSF
And he’s right. Because not only does his data suggest that FRBs have physical origins—in fact, multiple physical origins—it also shows that it’s coming from a young, highly magnetized, extragalactic neutron star far beyond the edge of the Milky Way.
“Not only did these bursts repeat, but their brightness and spectra also differ from those of other FRBs,” says Laura Spitler, first author of the new paper and a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany.
Of course, not everyone is sold on the results of Scholz’s study. And to reach a definitive conclusion on repeating FRBs, a radio telescope more powerful than Arecibo will be needed.
Enter Canada’s CHIME. The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) “is a novel radio telescope consisting of cylindrical reflectors roughly the size and shape of snowboarding half-pipes with an array of radio receivers along the focus.”
Its novel design allows it to detect multiple FRBs per day, allowing it to “produce a map of cosmic structure over the largest volume of the universe ever observed.”
“Once we have precisely localized the repeater’s position on the sky, we will be able to compare observations from optical and X-ray telescopes and see if there is a galaxy there,” says Jason Hessels, corresponding author of the paper with Scholz and associate professor at the University of Amsterdam and the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.
“Finding the host galaxy of this source is critical to understanding its properties.”
To be clear, no one’s suggesting that some vast extragalactic civilization, high up on theKardashev Scale, is using neutron stars or some other cosmic phenomenon to signal us from halfway across the universe. Still, it’s important to understand the origins of all radio emissions, for no loftier reason than to simply learn a new thing, but also to categorize and eliminate all the extraneous “noise.”
Then someday, perhaps, we really will detect that first deliberate radio transmission, and—like Jodie Foster’s character in Contact—realize that a universe devoid of alien intelligences really is just an awful waste of space.
Goths across the planet, prepare to be amazed. British scientists have developed a 'strange, alien' material so black that it absorbs all but 0.035 per cent of visual light.
If you were to wear a suit made out of it, your heads and hands might appear to float around a weird, suit-shaped hole.
It's set a new world record, and the human eye literally can't understand what it's seeing. It's made of carbon nanotubes which are each 10,000 times thinner than human hair.
According to the Independent, there's a whole host of things this material could be used for. For example, enabling astronomical cameras, telescopes and infrared scanning systems to function more effectively.
Apparently, the colour could also be used by the military in various capacities. However, the company who made it, Surrey NanoSystems, can't discuss these for obvious reasons.
Ben Jensen, the firm's chief technical officer, said that the material, which has been named Vantablack, has been grown on sheets of aluminium foil. The sheets can be crumpled and they have tested it on miniature hills and valleys. Weirdly, the landscape disappears ( via ).
Jensen said: "You expect to see the hills and all you can see ... it's like black, like a hole, like there's nothing there. It just looks so strange."
Recently a mysterious object redefined everything we thought we knew about black holes. First of all black holes are supposed to suck everything into them, even light. Secondly, the gravity is so strong that it was believed that nothing in the known universe could come out of a black hole.
That all changed when NASA announced that something very large exited a black hole.
So what exactly happened? Well as two of NASA’s space telescopes, which included the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array or (NuSTAR) for short, were observing this particular black hole, a large object very suddenly “launched” itself away from the middle or “corona” of the black hole. Right after this remarkable event a massive pulse of X-ray energy spewed forth from the corona. This event seems to have the scientists of earth completely baffled.
To Fiona Harrison, who is the principal investigator for NuSTAR, made a strong note saying that this type of phenomenon is unheard of and completely changes what we originally thought about how black holes function. Luckily with the level of technology that we as a race have been able to achieve, we were able to record this event. The data from this should provide now, some much-needed clues to just how black holes function and how they are structured.
Saint Mary’s universities, Dan Wilkins says that,
The Milky way is immense, and in a region of our galaxy that is simply called Sagittarius A* has been generating a range of flares just about every 10 days or so. Since the passing of this past year, the activity of these flares has drastically increased, to the point of nearly every day. You may be wondering just what that means. Well, let’s look into the research from the astronomers to see just what they have been able to put together.
Utilizing the resources that the astronomers currently have at their disposal, which is 3 huge space telescopes, they have been able to piece together an extremely fascinating cosmic connection to these flares.
Gabriele Ponti, who is from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics located in Germany, made this interesting comment pertaining to the flares,
So in short, it seems that we have been able to observe a phenomenon that has completely changed how we thought black holes functioned. An object actually exited the corona of the black hole and afterwards a flare of x-ray energy followed suit, leaving us completely baffled.
With the participation of the University of Granada, a team of researchers have been able to type of structure in the vastness of our solar system, despite it being more than five billion light-years away from the little blue planet we call home.
Just to put this achievement into a different perspective, our galaxy is huge and we have been able to find an object that emits an enormous amount of energy, so much so its energy can be compared to the total energy that is emitted by the entire galaxy.
The researchers were able to achieve this feat, by using the so-called gravitational microlensing effect, which is an incident that is caused by the stars that belong to our galaxy can be utilized to magnify other tiny regions in the quasar that contains this object.
Also, through this process the researchers have been able to measure the innermost edge of the disk of matter or what they call the (accretion disk) that is orbiting around this particular quasar that is called Q2237+0305, which doesn’t necessarily roll off the tongue very well, so another name it goes by is called “Einstein Cross”.
Throughout the study of the changes in the type of brightness of the four images of the said quasar.
Researcher from the UGR department of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology, Jorge Jiménez Vicente, explains that,
In our galaxy, only 1 in every 500 quasars is generally affected at all by the gravitational microlensing effect. The information that astronomers have gained from this incident will be quite useful in helping us to understand the quasars, which may be essential to helping us understand just how our galaxy was born and even evolved.
When you think about how huge this object is it really makes us wonder what it could possibly be. Let us know in the comment below what theories you have about the object ( via ).
Astronomers say they’ve Found the Biggest Structure in the Universe
Astronomers say they’ve Found the Biggest Structure in the Universe
Gepubliceerd op 13 mrt. 2016
Astronomers say they’ve found the biggest structure in the universe and they named it the BOSS
You think the Milky Way is big? Wait till you hear about the BOSS Great Wall.
The BOSS is big. Really big.
So big that when a star is born on one side of the BOSS, it takes a billion years for the light to reach the other side.
What is the BOSS? It’s a wall. A Great Wall.
The BOSS Great Wall is an immense complex comprising more than 800 galaxies and weighing 10,000 times as much as the Milky Way and other walls are just a measly pile of rocks on an insignificant planet in a remote part of space.
It comprises four superclusters containing 830 galaxies, and it looms in space some 5 billion light-years away from Earth. For comparison the Laniakea supercluster that includes our own Milky Way galaxy, is less than half the size of the BGW.
Indeed, the BGW is so big that some scientists question whether it can really be considered all one thing.
Afgelopen woensdag rijdt een automobilist op de rondweg bij de Schotse stad Edinburgh met, net als wel meer mensen tegenwoordig, een dashcam die alles filmt.
Het is druk want het is rond de avondspits wanneer de automobilisten op de M8 vijf vreemde objecten in formatie in de lucht waarnemen.
Toch wel handig al die webcams tegenwoordig want zo zie je nog eens dingen die anders volkomen aan je voorbij zouden gaan.
Afgelopen woensdag is de 32-jarige Lee Frame in de avondspits onderweg op de drukke M8. Hij bevindt zich in de buurt van de Hermiston Gait rotonde aan de zuidwestkant van de stad, wanneer er opeens iets vreemds in de lucht is te zien.
De opname is niet zo lang en de beeldkwaliteit van die dashcams is ook niet om over naar huis te schrijven, maar wat op het oog één UFO lijkt, schijnen er in werkelijkheid vijf verschillende te zijn die in een formatie vliegen.
Lee was behoorlijk geschrokken en zegt dat er heel wat mensen geweest moeten zijn die deze UFO’s hebben gezien omdat het spitsuur was en heel druk op de weg.
Hij zegt geen idee te hebben wat het kan zijn, maar is er wel van overtuigd dat het geen vliegtuig is.
De lichten schenen als het ware een tijdland in de lucht te hangen, aldus Lee, en verdwenen daarna.
Lee is er in ieder geval van overtuigd dat hij wat bijzonders heeft gezien en zegt, “Ik kon mijn ogen niet geloven”.
Sheryl Gottshall, president of UFO Research Queensland, said that finding the truth is to rule out possibilities. When it comes to UFOs, Gottshall said that it is a must to go through the list of possibilities and tick them off. For example, someone says it is a meteor, then ticking it off is needed.
Gottshall is talking about the theories of the bright light and the massive boom observed above the Gladstone region recently.
Mark Sugars, the member of Bundaberg Astronomy Society, said the description could suggest a meteorite. The strange event was witnessed from Rockhampton to Gympie.
But Gladstone resident Rory Henricks believed it was a plane shooting fireworks out of its rear.
RAAF watch keeper Corporal King has disclosed that carrier KC-30A took off from the nearest air base to Gladstone on the night of the reported sighting.
Residents saw the object over Gladstone region, including Tannum Sands, Agnes Water, Calliope, and Kirkwood and heard a boom sound approximately 9:20 p.m.
Corporal King did not reveal his first name because of strict defence force privacy protocol. He said that the massive plane took off from the Amberley Air Base and it should be the only plane flying from Amberley area that time.
Amberley Air Base is on the outskirts of Ipswich, 40kms south-west of Brisbane. Corporal King can’t reveal the reason of the aircraft in the area and the path it had taken as he isn’t at liberty to disclose such information.
A KC-30A is described as a heavily modified large Airbus A330 airliner. It can carry fuel loads of up to one hundred tonnes for a range of fighter jets and RAAF surveillance aircraft. It can also carry 270 passengers and 34,000 kg of cargo.
Ms Gottshall said that meteor theory doesn’t go well because there are no meteors that rumble for 5 minutes as one witness reported hearing.
Some witnesses also claim to have seen debris flying from the object, creating a theory of a plane crash. Ms Gottshall said that this wasn’t possible as a plane crash would have emergency services arriving in the area.
As of the theory of KC-30A over Gladstone, she said that it could be, but it is hard to tell exactly. If the identity is not surely identified, then it remains unidentified, Ms Gottshall explains.
I arrived a little after dark at a campground in N.W Nevada. I set up my tent and started a fire and did a few other things to set up camp. It was a clear night ,plenty of stars out . After I got everything set up I was sitting by the campfire maybe 20 minutes when something flashing out the corner of my eye made me turn my head ,looking to the west. I could kind of see an outline of some hills/mountains to the west as I looked to where the flashes drew my attention, 2 bright yellow arcs appeared over the top of the hill/mountain . (At first I thought it was 2 objects, I think now it was just 1 ,moving so fast it left a trail , it made 2 arcs flying above the hill/mountain then diving down then back up I guess). It was a bright yellow object , NO flames/jets ,the object itself was glowing yellow, strangest yellow, kind of like a spark shooting up out of a fire, the spark is burning and leaving a trail as it shoots up .
I had never seen anything like this. I went to my truck and got my phone and turned on the video to record. I grabbed my chair and was moving it away from the fire to try and sit and get some video if it flew out from behind the hills/mountains . I wanted to be ready to catch it on video. As I was moving the chair and keeping an eye to the sky, I saw a bright orange sphere, it was also to my west, more to the south of the 1st object.
I held up the phone to get video of the orange sphere and may have gotten a second or 2 of it on video before it disappeared and but as soon as it disappeared a strange white streak appeared and was gone in a second . I couldn’t tell if the white streak was the orange sphere moving incredibly fast or if it was something else but as the white streak faded the 1st object came out from behind the hill/mountain heading south, kind of towards where the orange sphere was . The bright yellow object did not leave a trail this time . It was solid yellow from what I could see with my eyes and it appeared to skip but after looking at the video a thousand times ,it was actually zig zaging. From my point of view it headed south past where the orange object was and then appeared to flash many times and fade from sight (After watching the video I was able to see that after it went south past where the orange sphere was then it actually went west away from me fading out of sight . I kept the video going a few minutes after everything was out of sight in case something else appeared . After all of them were out of sight my knees actually buckled and I finally started to breathe again. I sat with my phone in hand in the chair watching the sky for maybe an hour before trying to sleep.
Fiona Powell, a 41-year-old mother, claims to have captured a flying saucer. Her photo shows a classic UFO hovering over Bristol’s area. According to her testimony, she was walking along the promenade on Severn Beach, near the city center, when she was amazed by the view of the clouds. She then decided to capture it on camera.
She noticed nothing strange when she took the photo. However, after several hours, he looked back at the image and spotted the unexpected, but a familiar object. A picture seems to show a dome-shaped aerial object with a thin rim around the middle.
The witness is still undecided whether to believe in aliens or not, but she finds her photo indeed meets the requirements of a UFO.
Her friend zoomed in the image, and it looked like a UFO even more. She also showed the picture to some of her wise friends, and they too were amazed of the capture.
However, the realistic thing of the picture makes some observers think it may have tampered. They say that the mother or someone related to her tempered it with Adobe Photoshop. Others are convinced it could have been from a smartphone application, designed to add a realistic UFO in digital photos.
Some believe it is a good capture, but the image could have been a bird or jet in flight. They say it is a seagull or a fighter plane from an odd angle.
Meanwhile, believers say that it is real and people just having a hard time to accept the concept that there may be alien life. As they say, concept is more tangible than any religion.
Witness states: My wife and myself were in the basement of our house in Stensele, Sweden on December 27, 2015 when our youngest son cried out that he saw something strange in the sky.
I had just bought a new camera and had placed the camera on a tripod in our bedroom. I zoomed in onto the object and took a number of pictures through an open window.
The object entered from a great height, next the object is slowing down and changes direction from west to south.
I have never seen an airplane dives into the 45 degree angle, slows down and changes direction in this way before. I judge the size of the object is much larger than a regular aircraft.
I’ve sent the pictures to the UFO Sweden and they’ve had them for over two months, but not analyzed them yet, but the UFO Sweden contact told me is that there were no civilian, private or military aircraft in the area at the time of shooting. The images were assessed as extremely interesting the UFO Sweden contact said to me.
Two pictures (out of five pictures) show the direction in which the object appeared and disappeared.
Five people witnessed the event and I can say without hesitation this object is definitely not an airplane. Mufon case 75104.
This is what I dictated into my phone just after viewing it. I am reporting this because I could very well have simply misidentified this, but am very visual (life long artist) and this was unusual. I think I saw a UFO over Cleveland. It was heading directly south and it was 10:21 PM on Tuesday night. I’ll look at the calendar to figure out what day of the month it was. At first I saw it coming, it was traveling slowly and was not that high up in the air and it was an unusual constellation of lights so I grabbed my iphone and I thought I should take a picture of that whatever it is and then it got closer and I got closer and we were converging right over the interstate interstate 90. As it got closer and closer I thought it might be a group of helicopters. But they were in too tight of a cluster. I saw a constellation of lights that were in than abstract sort of triangular form. As the craft got closer, I kept looking up and I saw that there was a slightly lighter color to the body than the dark sky. There were lights on all three corners and in between the corners with a dazzling white bright bright light. On the bottom there was a flashing red light ` at least one maybe they were alternating from different positions on the bottom. The Craft was traveling very slowly. It was probably 4 to 6 telephone poles off the ground` not regular telephone poles but the kind of tall ones that are along the interstate. If this craft was indeed triangular, it appeared to be traveling backwards away from the point. There was an aspect of this triangular pattern that was a little bit hard to comprehend. The lights seemed to be pointing toward me, not so much at me but so bright that it looked like they were pointed at me, although it was not pointed at me at all.
That’s how dazzling the lights were. As the Craft approach the highway before it crossed over me I thought it could be a structure a linear structure like I-beams or something that have lights along it and it was not a flat triangle. It appeared to be have a flat aspect but the front seem to be folded a little making it like two long skinny triangles but only in the front. I did not feel any unusual feelings outside of disbelief. I racked my mind trying to figure out what it could be other than a craft. It was not that high off the ground. As an artist my life profession is about looking and seeing. I’m very articulate and I’m able to describe things well. I worked as a carpenter for 30 years and I have a pretty good sense of dimension. I would guess this craft was between 40 and 60 feet long. Of course perspective could have thrown all of this off. Of course everything about this could be incorrect. But if it was what it appeared to be, I saw something quite remarkable and would like to know if anybody else saw the same damn thing. I am most curious if there were OTHER reports of this thing. It HAD to have been seen by many others because it was so low and moved so slowly and was over a very very populated area (edge of cleveland.) and lastly, and strangely enough, I have been struggling to photograph my drawings and for some reason they will not photograph. I have NEVER had a problem with taking photos on my phone. very strange.
Police Inspector’s Report Describes UFO Encounter From the 18th Century France
Police Inspector’s Report Describes UFO Encounter From the 18th Century France
Although some people believe the UFO phenomenon started in the 1900s, there are a few well-preserved accounts speaking of extraterrestrial encounters ever since humanity started to evolve. There’s evidence of such an event in the archives of the French Academy of Sciences in Paris.
Antonio Fenoglio was a reputable professor from the University of Bologna, Italy. In 1967, he wrote an article regarding a mysterious discovery from the Archives of the French Academy of Science in Paris. In the file, he wrote about an incident from the late 1700s, when a presumed UFO had crashed near a village in France. All the town inhabitants witnessed the event, including two mayors, a doctor, and three men described as local authorities.
The story is related by a police inspector named Liabeuf, who in the summer of 1790 was sent from Paris to Alencon to make a thorough investigation of a hazardous incident which occurred somewhere west of the city gates, and had many respectable witnesses. Liabeuf reached the village, and the details he wrote in his report submitted to the French Academy of Sciences were completely ‘out of this world.’
“At 5 AM, on June 12th, several farmers caught sight of an enormous globe which seemed surrounded with flames. First they thought it was perhaps a balloon that had caught fire, but the great velocity and the whistling sound which came from that body caught their attention.
“The globe slowed down, made some oscillations and precipitated itself towards the top of a hill, unearthing plants along the slope. The heat which emanated from it was so intense that soon the grass and the small tree started burning. The peasants succeeded in controlling the fire which threatened to spread to the whole area.
“In the evening this sphere was still warm and something extraordinary happened, not to say an incredible thing. The witnesses were two mayors, a doctor and three other authorities who confirm my report, in addition to the dozens of peasants who were present.
“This sphere, which would have been large enough to contain a carriage, had not suffered from all that flight. It excited so much curiosity that people came from all parts to see it. Then all of a sudden a kind of door opened and, there is the interesting thing, a person like us came out of it, but this person was dressed in a strange way, wearing a tight-fitting suit and, seeing all that crowd, said some words which were not understood and fled into the woods. Instinctively, the peasants stepped back, in fear, and this saved them because soon after that the sphere exploded in silence, throwing pieces everywhere, and these pieces burned until they were reduced to powder.
“Researches were initiated to find the mysterious man, but he seemed to have dissolved.”
If the report proves to be authentic, it demonstrates that UFOs have been visiting us for hundreds of years, if not thousands or more. The highlighted report seems to depict a flying craft that overheated and was eventually forced to execute a brisk landing. In that chaos, the mob quickly gathered to see the cause, and they almost died out of curiosity. Fortunately there were no victims, and the feedback received from witnesses helped Liabeuf establish a detailed report for the French Academy of Sciences, which proves to be of tremendous use even today, as it narrates a rare event from the past involving an alien craft.
If Lieabeuf’s report is authentic or only a rumor spread by professor Fenoglio we are yet to find out, but one thing is certain: the report borrows numerous features from modern-day UFO encounters, and it reminds of the humanoid aliens depicted in other cases from our modern and post-modern history.
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Bob Lazar—The Man Who Dared Spill the Beans About Alien Technology and Area S4
Bob Lazar—The Man Who Dared Spill the Beans About Alien Technology and Area S4
This is the fascinating story of the man who worked for the most secret US governmental facility involving alien crafts and otherworldly technology and dared to spill the beans about it.
In 1989, a man named Robert Scott Lazar contacted a local Las Vegas TV station (KLAS) asking for a chance to make his story public. Lazar claimed he had been employed as a physicist on project Galileo, the government’s most highly classified project at the time. The activity focused on reverse-engineering of alien technology so that the government could put it to good use, and studies were carried out at a top-secret base dubbed S4, located 10 miles (16 kilometers) south of the notorious Area 51, near the Papoose lake.
According to Lazar’s description, the S4 facility had nine aircraft hangars embedded into the mountain. The hangar doors were designed at an angle matching the mountain slope and were also cloaked using natural material.
Lazar claims he had seen nine different alien vehicles at the base during December 1988 and April 1989 when he worked there, and he presented technical details regarding their propulsion mechanism which functioned on amplified gravity waves generated by a reactor placed on the bottom of the craft.
His activity included researching the fuel for the craft, a compound with the atomic number ‘115.’ This element had unusual properties that allowed the flying saucers to bend space around them, and it couldn’t be synthetized on earth. This alien technology allowed for point A and point B to be dragged together, thus reducing the traveling distances to a few minutes flight regardless of the distance.
I am exactly sure of what I saw. I know what mainstream science is like, I know where physics stands–I know all of that–and this is an extraterrestrial craft, this technology is hundreds and hundreds of years in advance of us, and that’s the end of that story, Bob Lazar stated.
Lazar allegedly received briefings regarding the history of extraterrestrials on Earth for the past 100,000 years from aliens who originated from the forth planet of the binary stellar system Zeta Reticuli 2, the ones known as ‘greys’. He also claimed to have worked on a flying disk with a diameter of 9 to 12 meters. The craft had a commanding console and the seats were small, almost as befit for children.
After he went public, his life was put at risk as he got shot once and received countless threats from different groups of interest and shady individuals.
Television journalist George Knapp was intrigued by Bob Lazar’s story and so he went after more information. Unfortunately, the S4 base was out of reach since it was located on restricted ground where no one outside of the government could step in. After digging deeper into this enigmatic story, Knapp encountered even more problems that almost led him to a dead end.
Bob Lazar’s background has been difficult to verify. His hospital birth records, college manuscripts and employment evidence had all been erased and there is no evidence of him working at the Los Alamos National Laboratories. However, his name appeared in a telephone directory of Los Alamos scientists and a picture of him appeared in the July 1982 edition of the Los Alamos Monitor, showing a picture of Bob standing by a jet car and referring to his employment as a scientist with Los Alamos.
Bob Lazar offers a consistent amount of evidence supporting his assertions and he has since gained many followers. To them, Lazar is a very credible source with a strong background in physics and engineering. However, there are many skeptics who think the entire scenario is an act played out by Lazar in order to personally benefit from it.
Whatever his reasons, Lazar played a key role in propelling Area 51 to the notoriety it has today, despite being a top-secret facility. If we consider the extreme level of secrecy involving this governmental facility, it’s easy to link the disappearance of his life records to the interests of keeping Area 51 as an almost inexistent facility.
If Lazar is correct and also telling the truth, his testimony might be the single most descriptive account of what is going on right under our noses.
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Google Earth Locates Top Secret US Military Base (Area 6) Denied by the US Government
Google Earth Locates Top Secret US Military Base (Area 6) Denied by the US Government
According to newly released image from Google Earth, there is a top secret US military base denied by the US not far away from infamous ‘Alien’ facility, Area 51
New images have emerged from a ‘new’ top-secret US facility that only a few knew it even existed.
The Google Earth images were revealed days ago showing the clandestine secret facility — known as Area 6 — which is located deep in the Nevada desert on the Yucca flat, according to reports from the Las Vegas Review Journal.
According to reports, the top-secret facility is run by the National Nuclear Security Administration which has worked very hard in keeping the secret and working towards hiding the existence of the secret facility from prying eyes. In fact, the base was considered so important that even defense industry experts had no idea the base existed until now.
The airbase has a 5,000 feet runway which is mainly used for aircraft tests for federal agencies such as the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, reports the Las Vegas Review Journal.
These agencies use Area 6 to test unmanned aircraft with sensors and away from the public eye – and to avoid being spied on in space, National Nuclear Security Administration spokesman Darwin Morgan told the newspaper.
‘We have controlled airspace and that gives them opportunities to test various types of platforms’, he said.
‘We do a wide variety of work for others – supporting people with sensor development activities. It evolved from the nuclear testing program. We had to have very good sensors to collect data in a split second before they were obliterated.’
According to reports, Area 6 was built in the 1950s and cost $9.6 million at the time. It is believed that unmanned aircraft are tested at the top-secret site.
According to reports by the Las Vegas Review Journal, Area 6 is where agencies intend to develop counter-terrorism techniques, including testing equipment with capabilities to detect radioactive material. So far, Area 6 is not connected to UFOs and otherworldly phenomenon like its neighboring facility, Area 51.
Interestingly, Area 6, which still has no ‘official name’ is located only a dozen miles northeast of the (in)famous Area 51, whose existence was acknowledged by the government of the United States on 2013. Area 51 is said to be the place to go for secret experiments, high-tech weapons, aliens, and UFOs. There, at Area 51, the government developed the first airplanes capable of flying great distances and at extremely high altitudes during the Cold War. But today, this place is anything but abandoned, and according to the newest satellite images, the government is building more buildings and expanding the area of influence of this “secret” military base. Satellite images show a giant hanger being built. Among other weird buildings, there is also a pyramid shaped object at Area 51.
“The purpose of this facility is to construct, operate, and test a variety of unmanned aerial vehicles. Tests include, but are not limited to, airframe modifications, sensor operation, and onboard computer development. A small, manned chase plane is used to track the unmanned aerial vehicles,” reads the report Energy Department contractor Bechtel SAIC prepared in 2008 for the Yucca Mountain repository license application.
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Glowing Ezekiel's Wheel UFO Seen Over Lake Ontario, Canada On March 11, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing Ezekiel's Wheel UFO Seen Over Lake Ontario, Canada On March 11, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 11, 2016 Location of sighting: Ontario, Canada Source: MUFON #75149 Its actually common to see strange lights over the great lakes, but this one photo has great detail of a glowing disk on its side with a trail behind it. Yes it looks like a disk that is rotating like a Ezekiel's Wheel. Great catch, Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Noticed a large bright object in the sky at high altitude above the Lake Ontario , thought to try out the iPhone camera (1st time) to perhaps catch an image of it . At 1st try realized the the flash went on automatically which I didn't want & that's when right after the 1st photo shot , to my surprise in the phone's screen I've seen the speeding one below the other large one , it left a trail & it looked quiet fuzzy obviously due to its speed . I wasn't able to follow that one in the direction it flew & I had trouble getting the correct no flash button on , lol ! Then still trying , took 2 more shots in another part of the sky & still the flash was on . I was getting upset & then finally I got the flash totally off & directed the camera to pinpoint the bright object that I originally was drawn to & took the photograph & it turned out great :) Still , I attempted to take 3 more pics but , lo and behold , the flash again came on , that's when I went inside & uploaded the photo into my computer . The sky & stars looked very nice this evening . There was an airplane in the sky , in between times trying to take those pics . Of all the total time to trying to take the images I estimate it was roughly 2 1/5 min. The large object was still in the sky when I left to go indoors . Attaching file evidence ( the full sized photo & the close-up of the bright object ).
The Daily Mail in the UK recently posted a UFO sighting caught on car dash cam in Scotland this month. The light appears over the mountain and is as big as the moon, then vanishes. Yes, these are actually seen a lot around the world. Most often reported over Colorado, USA. Scott C. Waring
News states:
A shocked motorist has captured the lights from an apparent UFO on his dashcam. The video of the lights moving along the road was taken while the man was driving on the M8, close to Edinburgh. The bright lights appear to circle above the the Hermiston Gait roundabout before disappearing. Lee Frame, 32,who filmed the incident said he was certain what he saw was not a plane and told the Sun: 'The lights did not seem to be moving- they just seemed to be sat in the sky. 'I think it could have been a UFO. I just could not believe what I was seeing.'
Today is the 19th Anniversary of the Phoenix Lights UFO Sighting, March 13, 1997, News.
Today is the 19th Anniversary of the Phoenix Lights UFO Sighting, March 13, 1997, News.
Date of sighting: March 13, 1997 Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA Never forget. Back in 1997 tens of thousands of people saw a giant dark craft with lights move over their cities. Silent and dark, it was not noticed except with the human eye. Something that could block out the stars, should be concern for the US government...but they only want to cover it up. Scott C. Waring News states: The Phoenix Lights UFO incident is a complex series of events that took place on March 13, 1997 over the states of Nevada, Arizona, and possibly New Mexico, and which would quickly become known as the "Phoenix Lights" sightings. It involved sightings by tens, or perhaps even hundreds, of thousands of witnesses on the ground, and it gave rise to a storm of controversy over what had caused the event.
Manitobans Have Seen Thousands of UFOs Over Two Centuries
Manitobans Have Seen Thousands of UFOs Over Two Centuries
A UFO researcher based in Winnipeg has collected data over the years and found out that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been spotted more than 2,000 times in the skies of Manitoba in the last 200 years.
Known for his comprehensive UFO research, Chris Rutkowksi has been gathering data from UFO reports throughout Canada since the 1980s, and he has prepared the Canadian UFO Survey every year for the last 25 years.
Just this year, he also examined historical records, media reports, American and Canadian military and government documents, and private databases in his home province. The findings were published on his Ufology Research blog just recently.
Based on his findings, he concluded that many of the UFO reports are explainable as satellites, planes, and stars. He believes that Manitobans are not being invaded, but share the global phenomenon for many years.
The reports range from unusual lights moving in the skies to abduction claims. Rutkowksi said that 17.5 percent of them were under the classification of unexplained.
Rutkowksi gathered 767 reports from Winnipeg out of 2,023 in total. He also discovered that UFO reports peak across the province in July and August.
Rutkowksi, who published several books on UFOs, hopes his specific data in Manitoba will encourage other UFO researchers to do the same in other areas of Canada. He’s hoping to set the pace for this kind of research as there has not been a study comparable to it in Canada.
Ancient Dust Found in Meteorites Came from Exploding Stars
Ancient Dust Found in Meteorites Came from Exploding Stars
by Mindy Weisberger, Senior Writer
An artist's rendering of an exploding star. Billions of years ago, dust from a stellar explosion like this may have made its way to Earth. Credit: David Hardy
Microscopic dust grains extracted from meteorites that landed on Earth had ancient and explosive origins, scientists have discovered.
The dust grains — also known as presolar grains, since they're older than Earth's sun — were likely spewed out by stars that blew up hundreds of millions of years before Earth's solar system formed. And in a new analysis of data collected from these tiny particles, researchers have come closer to pinpointing the type of stellar blast that produced the dust, 5 billion years ago.
To trace the origins of the stardust's subatomic "fingerprints," scientists built computer models simulating the explosive conditions that could have produced them, to test whether the dust grains' point of origin might have been an exploding white dwarf star in a double-star system. [Images: Dust Grains from Interstellar Space]
Ancient grains
This study adds to decades of analysis devoted to puzzling out the age and origins of these presolar grains, according to study co-author Christopher Wrede.
Wrede, an assistant professor of physics at Michigan State University, told Live Science in an email that researchers look at the grains' isotopes — variations of an element that have different numbers of neutrons. About a dozen grains held a great deal of the isotope silicon-30, which has been linked to a certain type of stellar explosion called a classical nova.
Classical novas — stellar eruptions that happen in a binary, or paired, star system — are different from supernovas, Wrede said, in that they are a type of explosion that can happen over and over again. The smaller star in a pair, a white dwarf, steals fuel from its larger neighbor, heating up its own surface and eventually blasting dust and gas into space.
"After a classical nova, the white dwarf can continue to siphon fuel from the companion and ignite again," Wrede said. "In a supernova, the entire star explodes, so it can only happen once."
Going nuclear
When Earth's solar system was forming, collisions heated and mixed the building blocks of dust and gas, cooking them uniformly so that they shared many of the same isotopes. Grains with unusual isotopes — like silicon-30, which is rare on Earth — stand out, Wrede explained. "This tells us that they must have been produced prior to the formation of the solar system," dating back around 5 billion years, Wrede said.
According to Wrede, the high quantities of silicon-30 compared to other silicon isotopes in the grains suggested that they originated in a classical nova, but he and his colleagues were unsure just how much silicon-30 they could expect to see, relative to the other isotopes, if a classical nova were responsible. Their experiments revealed a new pathway for a nuclear reaction that would affect the amount of silicon-30 produced, and will help determine if the amount of silicon-30 in the dust grains is a match.
"The pathway seems to be a strong one, but we'll need to do more experiments to find out how strong," Wrede told Live Science.
Like the overwhelming majority of the world’s astronomers and scientists, I do not discount the possibility that we are not alone in the universe. Most likely we are not alone, even though we still have no definite evidence for it.
(I am talking about already fully developed, sentient intelligent life…….not just micro-organisms under development).
Here is my favorite quote from Arthur C. Clarke:
“Two possibilities exist…….either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying“.
2. On UFOs (as physical alien spacecraft) and Aliens (as physical extraterrestrial beings having visited or are visiting our Earth) :
Like the overwhelming majority of the world’s astronomers and scientists, I have been skeptical about it since around 1978, when I first began to devour books by John A. Keel and Dr. Jacques Vallee.
Until then I was a strong supporter of physical, nuts-and-bolts Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.
Just like Col. John Alexander, I am skeptical about the government having intentionally covered up UFO information.
I totally agree with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy that:
“The U.S. government has no evidence that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race.
In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.
Many scientists and mathematicians have looked with a statistical mindset at the question of whether life likely exists beyond Earth and have come to the conclusion that the odds are pretty high that somewhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe there is a planet other than ours that is home to life.
Many have also noted, however, that the odds of us making contact with any of them – especially any intelligent ones – are extremely small, given the distances involved.
But that’s all statistics and speculation.
The fact is:
I am highly skeptical about it.
Over the years, Area 51 has become a social, cultural and psychological phenomenon.
It has become an integral part of the UFO subculture in America and the world.
I am one of the original Team Members of the world’s largest reality-based online resource on Area 51:
(Photo by Trevor Paglen)
I am highly skeptical about it.
However, I am open to a speculation that at one time, there may have been some type of a small, remote, off-site CIA-operated aircraft test facility on the northern slope of Mount Archuleta close to the Colorado stateline (possibly Redding Ranch).
(Courtesy of Greg Valdez)
I remain skeptical about major, large-scale globally-orchestrated conspiracies.
To some folks, belief in conspiracies seems to be more comforting than reality (as we understand reality to be).
The phenomenon “seems” to be real, just as Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Dr. Jacques Vallee have stated.
However, I still do not know for sure and I will keep on searching.
I do not know the true nature of this phenomenon.
I would like to meet anyone who knows the true nature of this phenomenon.
Yes, in a way, religion is part of pseudoscience because it involves belief.
Religion is not science. Religion is religion. Science is science.
I believe there is a God and that he has given to each of us his plan in this life and the life to come.
Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth Shostak and countless number of others.
They gave us an understanding of what science is.
My favorite quote is from Stephen Hawking: “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge”.
I do not agree with them on religion.
To believe is human.
Carl Sagan said “I don’t want to believe…..I want to know”.
However, I say “I want to believe until I know for sure…..and I also want to know more”.
Although I try my best to remain open-minded, I am a UFO skeptic in the sense that I am skeptical that UFOs represent actual physical extraterrestrial visitations in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft piloted by physical extraterrestrial entities.
But that does not mean that I am not interested in Ufology and UFO culture.
In fact, in my opinion, this is one of the most fascinating study topics in terms ofHuman Psychology and beliefs.
By the way, the term “UFO“ (a confusing term perhaps haphazzardly coined by the Air Force) is totally ambiguous, meaningless and divisive.
“Unidentified” is only relevant to the observer.
(An aerial phenomenon that cannot be identified? “Cannot be identified” by whom?)
Likewise, “flying” is only relevant to the observer.
Many reported descriptions fall more into the category of “disappearing” or “dematerializing” rather than “flying” as we know it.
Some say that reality is only relevant to each perceiver.
Even though I remain skeptical about physical aliens ever having physically visited our Earth, I must admit the possibility that reality may not be what it seems.
(I like Dr. Jacques Vallee’s description: “the things we call ‘unidentified flying objects’ may neither be objects nor flying”).
Although my highest respect goes to men of science, such as the late Carl Sagan,Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth Shostak, etc., etc., ad infinitum, I have never regretted the fact that throughout all these years I have somehow gotten myself involved in the weird field of “Ufology” because I still say that this is a strange world we’re living in and that there are still so many things we don’t really know about our world and our vast universe, including the question: What is reality?
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Northern Lights Illuminate European Sky
Northern Lights Illuminate European Sky
by Knvul Sheikh, Staff Writer
Northern lights, also known as aurora borealis, appear as white streaks over Iceland, the North Atlantic and Norway in this satellite view. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory
A NASA satellite caught a glimpse of the spectacular aurora borealis phenomenon from above on March 7, as stargazers across northern Europe viewed the brilliant shades of green and pink from their backyards.
Using a low-light sensor on the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), the Suomi NPP satellite captured a view of the aurora, revealing streaks over Iceland, England, Scotland and Norway. The sensor detects dim light signals such as airglow, gas flares, city lights, and reflected moonlight but since the sensor does not distinguish between different colors of light, the aurora appears white. The image was released by NASA's Earth Observatory this week.
The aurora borealis, also known as northern lights, is a vivid demonstration of Earth's magnetic field interacting with charged particles from the sun. The charged particles are created when protons and electrons stream out from the sun's surface in massive eruptions, known as coronal mass ejections, and rush toward Earth in a steady stream called the solar wind. The solar wind slams into Earth's magnetic field, creating disturbances in the atmosphere. [Aurora Photos: Northern Lights Dazzle in Night-Sky Images]
These storms from the sun energize particles already trapped in the magnetic field surrounding Earth. The electrons then race down Earth's magnetic field lines and crash into the gases at high altitudes. They impart energy to molecules of oxygen and nitrogen gases, thereby exciting electrons in the gas molecules. As the excited electrons return to their normal state, they release photons — small bursts of energy — in the form of light. Oxygen gives off a green color and nitrogen produces blue or red colors.
But it's not often that these psychedelic lights are visible south of Scotland. According to NASA, this geomagnetic storm reached a G3, or "severe," level on NOAA's geomagnetic storm scale, coloring night skies over a much wider swath of northern Europe as a result.
WATCH LIVE MONDAY @ 5:31 a.m. ET: ExoMars Launch to Red Planet
WATCH LIVE MONDAY @ 5:31 a.m. ET: ExoMars Launch to Red Planet
By Staff
The first phase of the European-led ExoMars mission is scheduled to launch toward the Red Planet Monday (March 14) at 5:31 a.m. EDT (0931 GMT) atop a Russian Proton-M rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Watch the liftoff live in the window below, courtesy of the European Space Agency (ESA):
You can also watch ESA's launch webcast directly here:
Monday's launch will send the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and the Schiaparelli lander toward Mars; both craft will arrive at the Red Planet in October. If all goes according to plan, TGO will study the Martian atmosphere for five years, with an emphasis on hunting for sources of methane, a gas that could be produced by Martian lifeforms (if any exist).
Schiaparelli will touch down on the planet on Oct. 19, proving out entry, descent and landing technologies needed for the next phase of ExoMars — a life-hunting rover that's scheduled to blast off in 2018.
Next International Space Station Crew: NASA hosted a press conference at 2 p.m. EST (1900 GMT) Wednesday introducing the upcoming Expedition 48/49 crew, including first-time NASA flier Kate Rubins. You can watch it here, courtesy of NASA TV:
From NASA:
"Rubins, Ivanishin and Onishi will launch to the space station aboard the Soyuz MS-01 spacecraft Thursday, June 21, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The trio will join Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams of NASA, and cosmonauts Oleg Skripochka and Alexey Ovchinin of Roscosmos, already on the station conducting research.
During their four-month mission, the station crew members will facilitate approximately 250 research investigations and technology demonstrations not possible on Earth in order to advance scientific knowledge of Earth, space, physical, and biological sciences. Science conducted on the space station continues to yield benefits for humanity and will enable future long-duration human and robotic exploration into deep space, including the agency’s Journey to Mars."
NASA Satellite TV Information:
NASA TV is available in continental North America, Alaska and Hawaii on AMC-18C. A Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) compliant Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD) is needed for reception. Below are parameters for each channel:
NASA engineers conducted a successful test fire of RS-25 rocket engine No. 2059 at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi on March 10, 2016.
Credit: NASA
A rocket engine that helped launch five space shuttle missions, including the penultimate flight of the program in 2011, was fired again on Thursday (March 10) in preparation for the first crewed flight of NASA's new heavy-lift rocket.
The space agency successfully test fired the RS-25 rocket engine for a full 500 seconds, clearing a milestone toward its exploration goals. The next time that particular engine, serial number 2059, fires for that length of time, it will be to launch astronauts on NASA's first crewed mission beyond Earth orbit since the last of the Apollo moon missions more than 45 years ago.
"What a great moment for NASA," said Rick Gilbrech, the director of NASA's Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, where Thursday's hot-fire test took place. "We have exciting days ahead with a return to deep space and a journey to Mars, and this test is a very big step in that direction." [Photos: NASA's Space Launch System for Deep Space Flights]
The 8-minute-long firing marked the first test of an RS-25 flight engine for NASA's new Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, being built to carry humans on future missions into the solar system, including to the moon's vicinity and Mars. Four of the engines, formerly known as space shuttle main engines (SSME), will help power the SLS core stage.
The engines NASA will use for the initial SLS missions are from the 16 flight articles remaining from the retired shuttle program. No. 2059 last flew as one of the three engines on the final flight of the space shuttle Endeavour, STS-134, in May 2011. The mission was the second-to-last flight for the orbiter fleet overall.
Prior to that, SSME 2059 helped launch the shuttle Atlantis on three missions, including two to the International Space Station — STS-117 in 2007 and STS-122 in 2008 — and on the final mission to upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope, STS-125 in 2009. It also helped power Endeavour's STS-130 flight to deliver the Tranquility node and cupola to the space station in 2010.
"It's a great feeling that this engine — that has carried so many astronauts into space before — is being prepared to take astronauts to space once again on SLS's first crewed flight," stated Steve Wofford, engines manager at Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, where the Space Launch System program is managed for NASA.
Modified for use on SLS, no. 2059 and three other shuttle-legacy RS-25D engines will fire at 109 percent thrust level and provide a combined two million pounds of thrust when they fly in the 2020s. Unlike on the shuttle, they will not be recovered for reuse, but instead be dropped into the ocean with the spent SLS core.
The RS-25 engine No. 2059 arrives at the A-1 Test Stand at NASA's Stennis Space Center on Nov. 4, 2015. The engine was test fired on March 10, 2016.
Credit: NASA
The first flight of the SLS on NASA's uncrewed Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) is slated for 2018 or 2019. The first SLS launch with astronauts aboard an Orion crew spacecraft is targeted for the 2021 to 2023 timeframe, depending in part on available funding.
Stennis and Aerojet Rocketdyne, NASA's prime contractor for the RS-25, will next conduct a development engine hot-fire series to test flight engine controllers and will continue to test RS-25 flight engines.
In addition, the B-2 Test Stand at Stennis is being readied to test the SLS core stage for EM-1, firing its four engines together. EM-1 will lift off using engines 2045, 2056, 2058 and 2060, a group that includes two of the three SSMEs that flew on board STS-135, the final shuttle mission, in July 2011.
In addition to 2059, EM-2 will launch with RS-25 engines 2047, the third engine flown on STS-135, and two engines that were built up after the space shuttle was retired, 2062 and 2063.
Planet-Sized Spheres Visiting The Solar System by the Thousands
Planet-Sized Spheres Visiting The Solar System by the Thousands
NASA’s Secret Discovered: Sun Cruisers
Slides and Commentary from David Wilcock’s Presentation at the Conscious Life Expo
By Shem El-Jamal
This year’s Conscious Life Expo brought many new revelations, and much more is said to be on the way. One of the subjects discussed was the arrival of the large, planet-sized, spherical ships that began arriving in our solar system during the 1980’s.
The first of these spheres came in the early 1980’s, and as it did, it began to orbit each planet one by one. It started with Pluto, then moved to Neptune, and then Uranus. Due to this pattern of motion, this first sphere was termed “The Seeker”.
This sphere had two portals–one on each side. According to David Wilcock, these portals were measured to be 800 miles wide each. Three different insiders came to Wilcock with corroborating intel with regard to these details.
One strange issue with this sphere was that it would not respond to any attempts at communication. It was hailed numerous times by Solar Warden ships, but no answer was given, accept, “We are peaceful explorers”. The Solar Warden ship basically responded with the message, “GTFO”.
The people within the cabal/Illuminati thought that these spheres were their own “gods” returning to help them establish their New World Order, but of course, they were wrong.
These spheres continued to arrive, but their appearances became more numerous around 2012.
These are the images that were displayed at Wilcock and Goode’s presentation at this year’s CLE. They were originally collected by SOHO (Solar Heliospheric Observatory), a NASA platform.
There are a few things to note when viewing SOHO images like this. There is a circular shield over the lens. This shield is present so that the lens doesn’t get overloaded, but also because the telescope is designed to observe occurrences around the sun as opposed to the sun itself.
You’ll find it very interesting when viewing images and feeds like this, that each and every time something shows up in them that may be a UFO or some unexplainable issue, NASA will quickly take the feed offline and claim that there was a malfunction of some kind. However, these images were captured before NASA had a chance to do this.
Most everything in this image looks normal, but the long bars in this frame should definitely not be there. The circle is normal. The coronal discharges are normal, but the bars… Those are foreign objects.
This image was taken September 22, 1999. It shows some type of large sphere which appeared to be almost as large as the sun itself. This sphere seems to be accelerating toward the sun, and if you look closely, you can see evidence of acceleration as this apparently-large object encounters the sun’s gravity.
The skeptic might try to say that the lens got smudged, or that the telescope was jostled by an object that hit it, but this is an array that is miles above the surface of the Earth. Its trajectory and orientation are maintained by state-of-the-art equipment, gyros, and telemetric feeds that make sure it is oriented properly. There are no objects anywhere near it that could jostle it, bump, or smudge it in any way. The reason it shows an object is because the object is present.
NASA doesn’t want you to see images like this, but still many are able to come through.
Objects like this are termed “sun cruisers”. They are typically planet sized spheres that do not follow the trajectory that any planet should follow. (Planets can be identified by the way they stay on the central, horizontal axis of the lens, or the “elliptic”.)
Planets are not supposed to be below the central plane. Also, the lines on the sides of this UFO are indicative of a CCD overload, or an overload of the digital, optical systems. When these overloads occur, it means that the object is so bright that it overloads the optical sensors, just like the sun would if the lens weren’t protected by the circular shield.
This is also a spherical object (either one or many) that should not be there. The image was taken December 23, 1999.
This may be space debris. That is a possibility, but given the other evidence we have shown, that’s probably not the case.
It could also be craft traveling past the SOHO array. This would definitely be a time when NASA would have an “unfortunate malfunction” and take their equipment offline. As this is the typical NASA response.
February 2, 2005…
Anyone who understands particular movement in space, knows that this is not at all space dust. Particles in space move at a single vector. They don’t turn, or change direction at all, unless something causes this directional change artificially (hens the law of inertia).
This is a very large object. Again, it looks to be the size of the sun itself, and not only that, it is moving at an extremely high rate of speed. It is also making intelligent course corrections as it moves. It’s moving fast enough to streak the lens, and far away enough that its trail drastically reduces in size.
This is not debris, and it is not space dust. It is likely a craft of some kind, which, at times, seems to be as bright as the sun…
Pour la première fois, la NASA observe quelque chose sortir d’un trou noir
Pour la première fois, la NASA observe quelque chose sortir d’un trou noir
Si il y a bien une chose qu’Interstellar retranscrit correctement à propos des trous noirs, c’est que personne ne comprend vraiment ce qu’il en est. Plus sérieusement, nous ne comprenons pas toute la physique associée à ces objets massifs. Nous ne les comprenons pas entièrement et nous ne savons pas ce qui est possible ou non. Nous pensions que leur masse était telle que même la lumière, pourtant dépourvue de masse, était sensible à leur force de gravitation (cette force dépend de la masse des deux objets et de la distance qui les sépare). On pensait aussi que cette force de gravitation était telle que rien de pouvait y échapper, pas même les ondes électromagnétiques. Rendant l’étude des trous noirs très compliquée.
Pourtant, il y a quelques jours, la NASA a fait une observation pour le moins étrange concernant un trou noir supermassif : Markarian 335. Deux des télescopes de la NASA dont le NuSTAR, un télescope étudiant les rayons X à haute énergie autour des trous noirs. Ce télescope a, un peu miraculeusement, réussi à capturer l’émission massive de plasma et de rayons X depuis le trou noir vers l’extérieur.
Pour le principal auteur de l’article scientifique qui fait état de cette découverte :
“Cela va nous aider à comprendre comment les trous noirs alimentent certains des objets les plus brillants de l’univers.”
Les équipes de chercheurs qui planchent sur le sujet ne savent pas vraiment de quelle nature est la source d’énergie. Cependant l’enregistrement de ce phénomène aidera sûrement les scientifiques à en apprendre un peu plus sur les spécificités de ce trou noir et sur ces derniers en général.
Pour ceux qui se poseraient la question de savoir si il ne faudrait pas s’inquiéter d’un tel phénomène, pas d’inquiétude, le trou noir ne se trouve pas tout à fait à coté de nous : 324 millions d’année lumière plus loin en fait. Notre recoin de l’univers ne devrait pas trop être inquiété donc.
Graham Hancock is continuing the rogue archeological tradition of Chariots of the Gods by Erik von Daniken and more recently the Ancient Aliens series on the History Channel, but this very sober presentation has profound implications.
First it takes on conventional historical “fact” and turns it on its head by addressing the newly discovered astrophysical and geological findings that a cataclysmic extinction event – presumably a strike by a comet similar to what wiped out the dinosaurs – also happened between 11-12,000 years ago, with the date probably being narrowed down to around 11,800 years.
Hancock goes through the very credible conventional scientific proofs in superb detail with supporting photos.
He then lines up this timeline with accounts from Plato about the abrupt disappearance of Atlantis, and makes the startling determination that the two events coincided.
He suggests that Plato’s account of the sinking of Atlantis by a cataclysmic flood, as described in mythical accounts around the world, actually occurred as a result of this comet.
What happens next is amazing – he connects this event with the sudden appearance of immense and scientifically sophisticated megalithic structures around the world, most dramatically Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and of course the pyramids of Giza and Mexico – and the Sphinx.
More recently Indonesia has been the site of controversy over the halted excavation (by archeologists jealous of geologists) of another massive ancient pyramid at Gunung Padang which Hancock says can be dated for approximately the same time period–and certainly before recorded “history.”
His contention is that these megaliths were the attempts of the survivors of Atlantis to preserve their vast knowledge and he asks the most interesting question:
How is it that these megaliths appeared out of nowhere, suddenly, amid the hunter gatherer “primitive” humans of the time at the beginning of agrarian revolutions and the evolution of a technologically advanced culture, rather than at the end?
For example, in Egypt, if his findings are correct, the Sphinx and Great Pyramid preceded the great dynasties of Egyptian pharaohs, and subsequent structures were in fact less advanced. Their civilizationsdeclined rather than advanced after the presumed appearance of the Atlanteans.
(This coincides with Gurdjieff’s suggestion that he had seen a map of pre-sand Egypt and that his teachings came from a “Lost Christianity.”)
In other words, the apex of these civilizations were at their origin — they did not evolve but rather declined.
More importantly, they were the remnants of a superior and advanced civilization that was destroyed in “prehistory,” and the actual “facts” of human history are completely different from what we have been told or led to believe.
This would lead us to question all of our conditioned belief systems based on these conventional “truths” — particularly the organized religions that were loosely based on fragmentary and erroneous interpretations of flawed historical accounts and junk science.
Hancock concluded his presentation with a very powerful summary and conclusion — he suggested that the demise of Atlantis came when their advanced science turned their attention outward for greater external control and material gain, and that “the universe slapped it down” with the comet.
Hancock also concluded that such astronomical events are not nearly as rare as NASA would have us believe, and that while none of the known asteroids and comets are on a collision course with Earth, we only have identified 1% of all of the potential threatening objects in the solar system.
He showed how twice each year the Earth crosses “the freeway” of threatening objects in June and November, and that is when the potential for another extinction event would be most acute.
Hancock suggested that our current advanced scientific civilization is at a similar cusp and we have a choice — to either continue the egoic manipulation and plunder of our planet for selfish goals, or to coordinate a worldwide effort to save our present civilization by rerouting any dangerous objects from their current orbits—and creating a new era of worldwide cooperation and thereby ushering in a new phase of human (collective) evolution.
This resonates deeply with one of my favorite videos by Eckhart Tolle in which he is asked about the evolutionary “purpose” of the ego.
Eckhart beautifully places the development of the ego (and the human brain) within the context of an evolutionary order beyond our current comprehension. I would suggest that this infinite intelligence is sourced within the “Allness” of our universe and may have been an energetic force that slapped down Atlantis–but that is merely my own conjecture).
But this contextual aspect of the Ego (intellect) as evolutionary is conveyed in the first chapter of A New Earthwhere he describes the awakening (flowering) of the first lotus after millions of years of just leafy pods. Similarly, such an evolutionary awakening would now allow us as a species to transcend the intellect and harmonize our entire Being — to evolve past our egoic patterns of individualism to a global consciousness in line with the evolutionary order of Life itself–and align our own intentions as a species with the energetic impulse of the Universe.
You might have thought a defining characteristic of a UFO would be visibility. But thanks to zealous alien hunters doggedly scanning the sky with night-vision cameras, a new class of flying objects that only emit infrared light has emerged from the darkness. Are they spies from the great beyond?
“Some people claim to see actual battles between UFOs up in the sky, using night-vision equipment,” the ufologist Robert Sheaffer told Life’s Little Mysteries. “Those devices magnify faint objects so much that the sky seems to be filled with invisible UFOs. In reality, of course, they are seeing owls, bats, moths, airplanes, satellites, etc.” Night-vision optics trade low resolution for high sensitivity, he explained, so that points of light (such as distant satellites) spill out into circles that make the objects appear huge.
However, some of the invisible UFOs out there really are spies of a sort — or whatever else you choose to call military drones. [7 Things Most Often Mistaken for UFOs]
Consider, for example, an invisible triangle UFO recently caught on camera by the Laredo Paranormal Research Society, a Texas group. In their footage, captured using an infrared-sensitive third-generation night-vision camera and posted to YouTube July 13, an object composed of three evenly spaced glowing orbs streaked southward across the field of view and disappeared behind the roof of a house.
According to LPRS founder Ismael Cuellar, the “infrared-cloaked” object could not be seen with the naked eye, and cruised silently. “[We] have ruled out birds, bugs, airplanes, helicopters, and even flying drones by comparing them side by side as a point of reference,” Cuellar told Life’s Little Mysteries. This seems to leave just one explanation: It’s a cloaked alien spaceship.
Not so, according to Ben McGee, a geo scientist, aerospace consultant, UFO skeptic and lead field researcher on the National Geographic series “Chasing UFOs.” In McGee’s opinion, all the signs point to this object being a border patrol drone with infrared anti-collision or identification lights. Here’s why he thinks so.
“Nearly one-third of traffic through the nearby Laredo International Airport has historically been military in nature. Laredo is very near to the Mexican border. The military is increasingly using drones to assist with border security, which are small, quiet, and dim (to the naked eye) aircraft,” McGee wrote in an email, adding that most drones are also triangular. [UFO Sightings Are 3,615 Times More Common than Voter Fraud]
This alleged drone over saturated the camera’s infrared sensor. Why? “Particularly with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), anti collision systems are of the utmost importance,” he wrote. “One custom UAV lighting manufacturer recently announced custom infrared navigation lights for a major UAV defense contractor. Using these lights in ‘constant-on’ infrared mode would make the tail, belly, and wingtips extraordinarily bright in infrared, washing out the shape of the aircraft in-between.”
And that description pretty closely matches the case.
“In short,” McGee said, “high-intensity/close-range infrared lights interacting with a sensitive infrared camera is the problem — turning an aircraft into a triangular blob — rather than the infrared camera being the solution to revealing invisible triangles or pyramids zooming about our airspace.”
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First contact? Stranded ‘alien being’ pleads with UFO investigators for help
First contact? Stranded ‘alien being’ pleads with UFO investigators for help
A BIZARRE report has been filed with the world’s biggest UFO research organisation claiming to be from a body-snatching extraterrestrial being stranded on Earth.
MUFON has received a report from someone alleging to be an alien stranded on earth
The US-based Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is the world’s biggest organisation for logging and investigating UFO sightings and alleged alien encounters, so is used to its fair share of weirdness.
But this is believed to the first report made to it alleging to be from an intelligent alien life form.
The organisation receives its fair share of hoax reports that it has to sift through, so that explanation will probably be the most likely if it choses to investigate the case.
The ‘alien’ said in its bizarre report to MUFON it usually existed as an electromagnetic wave which hijacked physical bodies or even human beings.
It said: “I’m an extraterrestrial being adopted by humankind.
“You can call me Mogay.”
Whoever filed the report claims to be a being of magnetic energy waves
It went on to say in broken English that a disaster on another celestial body had caused it and others to seek refuge on Earth.
It said: “We were stay as electromagnetic wave and normally use replaceable bodies to work.
“A celestial body made most of our equipment can’t work.
“We tried to make it get away from Matif, but we failed and that celestial body hit the Matif.
“Although the adverse effects of celestial body had gone when it knocked out of its orbit, but it’s no more time for us to took refuge with transfer system.
“The disaster on Matif made us arrive on the Earth.”
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Space Camera Balloon Project
Space Camera Balloon Project
After researching the camera issue, i have heard gopro and other sports cameras have a fisheye lens on them. Sooo, to rule out people saying its a fish eye lens i am going to not use those cameras. I will be using smart phones with a high capacity micro sd card onboard to record the footage. everyone has a smart phone and you can pick those up cheap and they dont bend the videos they record. on the plus side it also means because you can get them really cheap on ebay, i will put 5 onboard. both sides of the box and one facing up that way theres full view if theres any thing in space we shouldnt be seeing. i will go away now and re calculate the funding needed and update this on sunday with a new total. ( should be cheaper)
I came up with the idea to rule out those theories of earth being " FLAT ". What i plan to do it send the strongest weather balloon up into space ( or near space ) and get some video footage of space. I would also like to do this just as its getting dark to get some footage of the stars in the horizon and the sun setting the other side which would be awesome.
This is where you come in my friend. Donate as much as you can to make this happen. YOU WILL be part of the project and id like you to post your ideas for this project on our facebook group right here >>> CLICK HERE!
The Group Is About Recording UFO's In Night Vision and Astronomy. I have a youtube channel aswell which you can catch here >>>
Im not asking for much like some youtubers out there. This is a one off project that can put this silly theory to bed once and for all. The camera will be a gopro with NO fisheye Lenses on it. so that rules that theory out for the bend in the video.
Here is a break down of the parts needed for the project.
Extra large balloon (2000g) <<< im upgrading to 3000g Satellite Locator (requires quick and easy subscription) + SMS Locator 2 x SMS Locator space box parachute radar reflector cord launch pad hose Go Pro Camera Which Wasnt Included So Bumps The Cost Up Slightly.
If We Hit The Target, I Plan On Others. Maybe Do The Same Again But Put 2 Balloons On And Lots Of Cameras.
What About A NightVision Camera To Launch In The Dark?
The Ideas Are Endless, So Become A Part Of This Project.
If anyone wants to be part of this awesome project then PLEASE join our forum or facebook group. Links Are Below To Those.
Le 5 Janvier 2015, la NASA dévoila une image de la galaxie d’Andromède, qui est la galaxie la plus proche de nous avec le télescope Hubble de la NASA/ESA. Ensuite, ils ont utilisé ce même télescope, mais cette fois-ci à un tout autre niveau. Ils ont pris 411 photos et les ont assemblés pour créer la plus grande image jamais prise. L’image fait 1,5 milliard de pixels et nécessite environ 4,3 Go d’espace.
Elle vous emmène à travers plus de 100 millions d’étoiles et parcourt plus de 40 000 années-lumière. Cette image vous ferra vous rendre compte à quel point vous n’êtes qu’une très, très petite partie d’un univers dont nous commençons à peine à réaliser l’immensité.
Nikola Tesla: Maverick, Visionary And Master of Light
Nikola Tesla: Maverick, Visionary And Master of Light
Oh,…the wisdom of Tesla! Not interested in political or financial rewards, Tesla transformed society with his inventions. Accessing hidden truths and offering them generously to mankind, Tesla was torn apart by the vultures of democracy and hoarders of money.
Remarkable was Tesla’s life. His key observations and aptitude for working out the mechanics of the mysteries hidden within the micro world of physics reflects the genius of this man.
Yet, being born during the industrial revolution… and owning a generous and compassionate heart, Tesla was ruthlessly taken advantage of by the same corporate giants that rule our lives in the 21st century.
If we wish to conceive a world, free of economic, political and environmental destruction, it is good to know fully his story.
If we do not search our history for truth, we see life only we have been indoctrinated.
“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.” -Nikola Tesla
The documentary you are about to watch reveals the full history of the injustices done to Tesla by the greed of the industrial moguls. And it is in our present society, at the end of the industrial era, that these truth are being brought forth with a vindication worthy of all humanity’s current efforts to end political, economic and environmental destruction of our planet.
Nikola Tesla’s Biography and Life New Full Documentary 2016 (1:26:22)
The Magical Intuition Of Tesla
Tesla’s ideas were often conceived and perfected in his mind’s eye in an instant.
“Birth, growth and development are phases normal and natural,” said Tesla, but, “It was different with my invention(s). In the very moment I became conscious of it, I ‘saw’ it fully developed and perfected…”
In fact these extraordinary powers of memory and visualization were to characterize much of his life and work.
A Youth Of The Industrial Revolution
Visionaries were creating the mechanical foundation of our world. Life was changing drastically and Tesla was at the heart of engineering a better world for everyone.
Tesla was a scientific visionary. Among his early accomplishments are the fluorescent bulb and neon lights; the speedometer and the car ignition system; the basic scientific principles behind electron microscopes; and microwave heating.
Nikola Tesla And Thomas Edison
Upon his arrival into America from Croatia, Tesla remarked on the american mechanics being developed within the emerging industrial complex…
“What I had left was beautiful, artistic and fascinating in every way.” He wrote to a friend: “What I saw here [is] machined, rough and unattractive.”
Upon arrival, Tesla presented a letter of introduction to Thomas Edison written by Charles Batchelor – one of Edison’s business associates in Europe.
Tesla worked a short time for Edison.
Once established into an american life, Tesla gave notice to Edison and left to continue his own inventions.
Within months, he filed for seven US patents, which included a complete system of generators, transformers, transmission lines, motors and lighting.
So original were the patents that they were issued without a challenge, as would normally happen. They turned out to be the most valuable patents since the telephone.
Nikola Tesla And GE Mogul, George Westinghouse
Pittsburgh industrialist George Westinghouse heard about Tesla’s inventions and decided to investigate for himself.
Acting on his sharp business instincts, Westinghouse arrived at Tesla’s lab, inspected the inventions and promptly bought the patents, which ironically were to lay the foundations for the Westinghouse Corporation, one of the pillars of the Military/Industrial complex.
J.P Morgan and The Electrical Industrial Complex
The Westinghouse Corporation took full advantage of Tesla’s willingness to gift the world with his inventions. Instead of freely offering the designs to the public, Westinghouse used the designs to compete with the Edison Corporation.
While Westinghouse and Edison fought over the use of Tesla’s designs, J.P. Morgan sought his opportunity to gain control over the electrical industrial complex.
Years of fierce competition with Edison’s Corporation had left Westinghouse financially drained and by 1896 his company’s position was looking extremely precarious.
J.P. Morgan, the Stock Market’s ‘robber baron’, saw his chance. In an effort to bring the US power industry firmly under his control he began to manipulate the Stock Market, with the intention of ruining Westinghouse and buying Tesla’s valuable patents.
In desperation, Westinghouse pleaded with Tesla to revise his contract and release him from a bond to pay the inventor generous royalties. In a gesture that was typical of his true spirit, Tesla is said to have torn up the contract.
Tesla Invents Wireless Transmission
Around the turn of the century Tesla concluded that it would be possible to transmit electrical power without wires. To optimise results, he chose to experiment at high altitude, where the air was thinner and therefore more conductive.
Choosing Colorado Springs to build his research laboratory, he conducted extraodinary experiments and secret tests.
It was a solid theory. Unending amounts of power could be trasmitted around the globe…. without wires and with no restrictions on the energy use.
Tesla failed to acquire enough funds to pursue the invention and eventually abandoned his experiments in Colorado.
Watch Eric Dollard disclose his inventions based on the theories Tesla developed during his years in Colorado Springs.
De Amerikaanse astronaut Scott Kelly, die onlangs een missie van 340 dagen in het internationaal ruimtestation ISS heeft afgerond, gaat op 1 april met pensioen na een carrière van 20 jaar bij Nasa. Dat heeft het Amerikaanse ruimteagentschap gisteren aangekondigd.
De 52-jarige Kelly, die sinds 1996 bij Nasa werkt, is met vier missies van in totaal 520 dagen, de Amerikaan die het langste in de ruimte is verbleven.
Kelly zal na zijn pensioen wel nog blijven deelnemen aan de wetenschappelijke onderzoeken naar aanleiding van zijn verblijf in de ruimte met zijn Russische collega Michaïl Kornienko. Met het onderzoek wil Nasa de psychologische en lichamelijke gevolgen van lange verblijven in de ruimte onderzoeken, met het oog op een bemande missie naar Mars in de jaren 2030.
De Amerikaan en zijn identieke tweelingbroer Mark zullen regelmatig stalen met lichaamsvocht en andere monsters doorgeven aan Nasa. Door onderzoeken uit te voeren bij de twee broers, kan Nasa voor het eerst de effecten van een verblijf in de ruimte onderzoeken bij twee personen die genetisch gezien identiek zijn.
VIDEODe inwoners van Dublin werden woensdag op een bijzonder spektakel getrakteerd. Een man met een jetpack maakte een spectaculaire vlucht over stad, voor het oog van tientallen toeschouwers.
Nick Macomber, ook gekend als JetPackMan, zoefde woensdagnamiddag door de lucht van Dublin met een jetpack op zijn rug. Hij deed dat als promostunt voor de lancering van een nieuwe Samsung smartphone. De man vloog over de Liffeyrivier vooraleer hij landde op een platform op het water.
"Ik ben zoals een vogel" In het verleden zoefde Macomber in ware Supermanstijl ook al door de lucht in Peking, Texas en Londen. "Het voelt alsof je met een fiets door de lucht rijdt," zegt Macomber. "Het wordt een deel van me. Het is zoals wandelen, maar je denkt niet na over dat wandelen, je doet het gewoon. Je gaat waar je wilt. Zo is het voor mij om te vliegen. Ik ben zoals een vogel, ik kijk gewoon waar ik heen wil en ik ga."
Amper 28 seconden in de lucht JetPackMan kan een hoogte van ongeveer 50 meter bereiken, maar zijn vluchttijd is beperkt tot amper 28 seconden, omdat er een enorme hoeveelheid brandstof nodig is om hem de lucht in te krijgen. Zonder brandstof weegt de jetpack een kleine 30 kilogram, maar wanneer het toestel volledig gevuld is met waterstofperoxide wordt dat het dubbele.
Nog niet voor iedereen Tot nu toe worden jetpacks daarom voornamelijk gebruikt voor marketing stunts. Hoewel de eerste jetpacks al in de jaren 1960 werden gelanceerd, worden ze nog steeds niet beschouwd als een volwaardig transportmiddel. Naast het extreem hoge brandstofverbruik zijn er immers nog tal van andere technische en veiligheidsbezwaren. Met een jetpack naar het werk kunnen vliegen om de files te omzeilen, zal dus nog niet voor morgen zijn.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Al vaker bleek dat UFO's dikwijls wolken gebruiken om zich te verbergen voor te nieuwsgierige blikken van mensen.
Zo kan dat iemand uit Canada uit zijn slaapkamerraam kijkt en opeens een aantal UFO’s net boven de wolken ziet hangen.
Buitenaardse technieken laten ons zien dat wij nog een lange weg hebben te gaan. Zo kunnen UFOs van het ene moment op het andere ergens verschijnen, maar ook op dezelfde manier weer verdwijnen. Iets dergelijks gebeurde onlangs in Canada.
Hier volgt het verhaal van de getuige:
Op 21 februari 2015 rond zes uur in de avond zag ik buiten een drietal UFO’s hangen. De waarneming vond plaats in Hamilton in de Canadese staat Ontario.
Het was die dag bewolkt en de zon ging onder in het westen. Ik was in mijn slaapkamer en stond op het punt om mijn Playstation 4 aan te zetten. Dit apparaat bevindt zich langs de muur van mijn slaapkamer, vlak naast een groot raam.
Terwijl ik wachtte op het opstarten van mijn Playstation keek ik naar buiten en zag drie felle objecten naast elkaar in de lucht hangen terwijl ze een vreemde formatie vormden.
In eerste instantie dacht ik dat ik naar vliegtuigen of helikopters keek die hun landingslichten aan hadden gezet. Maar deze objecten bewogen niet, ze hingen stil.
Na misschien een seconde of tien begon één van de UFO’s een beetje willekeurig te knipperen. Een paar seconden later verdween de middelste, om even later weer op precies dezelfde plaats te verschijnen.
Ik riep mijn moeder die beneden in de keuken was en zij wist ook niet wat het zou kunnen zijn.
Na nog enige tijd begonnen twee UFO’s te knipperen, heel langzaam en stopten toen. In de video die ik heb gemaakt is de derde UFO heel moeilijk te zien omdat deze bijna transparant lijkt en daardoor slecht zichtbaar.
Dat is het moment waarop ik met mijn iPad begon op te nemen. Na 3 seconden zie je in de opname dat de UFO’s een voor een verdwijnen. Nadat ze in de wolken waren verdwenen, tenminste daar leek het op, heb ik de hele lucht afgezocht en ook in de slaapkamer gekeken voor vreemde of afwijkende dingen. Alles leek volkomen normaal te zijn.
Toen besloot ik de opname te bekijken die ik had gemaakt en merkte een vierde UFO op, boven aan de rechterkant boven de grote boom in het midden. Die vierde UFO moet ook verschenen en weer verdwenen zijn op hetzelfde moment dat die andere drie aan de linkerkant dat deden.
Ik heb geen idee hoe ver weg die UFO’s waren, maar ze leken mij enorm groot. Ik heb geen vreemde geluiden gehoord of vliegtuigmotoren of iets dergelijks. Wel hoorde ik normaal auto’s op de weg rijden en misschien heb ik daarom niets gehoord.
De kleur van de UFO’s was een soort geel/oranje, een beetje zoals de koplampen van een auto.
Venezuela: UFOs Over Venezuela? Sightings Reported
Venezuela: UFOs Over Venezuela? Sightings Reported
Source: Planeta UFO and Informe 21 Date: 02.11.2016
Venezuela: UFOs Over Venezuela? Sightings Reported
Alleged unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been seen over the Venezuelan cities of Caracas and Barquisimeto in recent days, generating reactions in the communications media and the population at large. Are we being visited from otehr worlds.
The phenomenon was seen in Barquisimeto and recorded on a video. According to the El Impulso website, a phenomenon was seen this Wednesday over the city. "An orange wake could be seen descending in a southwesterly direction. Experts claim it could be the break-up of a meteorite or a satellite falling from orbit. "Around 06:20 in the afternoon on Wednesday, journalist from this newspaper witnessed an object with a slow trajectory, descending toward the southwestern part of the city," says a web article.
Likewise, journalists from this news organization contacted the pertinent authorities. "In a telephone conversation with Gilber Sanchez, director of Inter-Institituional Relations of the Asociación Larense de Astronomia (ALDA), explained that these could be meteor fragments that scatter when they enter the Earth's atmosphere. The expert's other theory indicates that it could be a satellite that went astray in its trajectory or was burning up upon reentry," they said.
Similar Lights Seen in Caracas
The Ovni Venezuela blog reported on alleged lights over the Waraira Repano National Park. "Ivan Figueroa reported that the time was approximately 07:45 PM, when he saw - from the balcony of his home in Candelaria Parish in downtown Caracas - some blue flashes over the mountain while listen to the "Ellos-Los Visitantes del Espacio"radio show (Them - Visitors from Space) hosted by Carmen Padrón every Sunday over YVKE Mundial.
"There were several very bright lights, blue in color, but they appeared and disappeared. They did not move," was the witness's description.
[Translation (c) 2016 S.Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
Source: El Ancasti ( Date: 03.06.2016 Argentina: UFO Photographed in Catamarca
The photo was taken at Paraje Chaschuil, Tinogasta, in the Catamarcan "Puna" (montane grassland region) by a group of youngsters traveling across Paso de San Francisco.
The photo was taken by one of the youths, whose hobby it is to photograph the most desolate regions of the La Puna region, according to the El Abaucán Digital newspaper. The fellow took the photo, showing an unidentified flying object (UFO) around 17:30 hours on Sunday, 28 February at Paraje Chaschuil, Department of Tinogasta.
He did not become aware of the secret concealed in the photo until he reached his native Fiambalá. Upon reviewing the photos, he saw a UFO in the heavens. What do you think?
[Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales (IHU) with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
Argentina: "The South is Being Visited by UFOs" By Andrea Pérez Simondini, Visión OVNI & CEFORA
We have a story to tell you. The newspapers have startled us today with a multiple sighting in the Punta Loyola, Santa Cruz (Argentina) area. It seems that the south has been surprising us with a series of observations which, we could say, require profound investigation.
First, there was the 17 February sighting of a UFO intercepting the descent maneuvers of a private air ambulance flight in Rio Grande, reported by a renowned tour operator of the area, who was an "earwitness" to the communications between the pilot and the control tower, which resulted in a report field at the ANAC Flight Plan Office. This case is under investigation.
On March 6, Tiempo Sur, the Rio Gallegos newspaper, published "Fishermen Report Sightings in Punta Loyola", and we learned of the maneuvers of a least two objects in this coastal region of Argentinean Patagonia. The article can be seen at ... tamientos-en-punta-loyola. Researcher Daniela Ciancia published more about this case in her Patagonia OVNI website (, providing the detail that the cases were reported to the U.S.-based MUFON organization. The MUFON publication has noted the cases under the numerical heading CASE 74954 and CASE 74966.
Report 74954 mentions lights seen from the route where the coal deposits were located. Witnesses headed outside and saw the lights for 40 minutes. The objects moved very quickly and had an electric blue color, according to their description. They report having not felt the least bit of fear. The lights turned off and headed south at high speed, rising and descending.
Report 74966. Several fishermen were near the Punta Loyola pier, not far from the city of Rio Gallegos. They saw two lights moving quickly, making tight curves in the air. First they were over the cliffs, facing the shore, beyond Isla Deseada. Then they moved across from the cliffs to engage in up-and-down movements again. They rose and headed south, where a ship that ran aground is located. There were two other fishermen and another person on the road, recording it all with a cellphone. We spoke [with them] later on and were able to watch the video. The lights came through clearly.
The witness says he is a fisherman and has seen lights on other occasions, but never so close to the piers or the fishermen's huts. The eyewitness reports that a friend of his, who was out fishing with his own family, wound up hospitalized due to hypertension. The man, however, told the witness he hadn't seen a thing.
The witness wanted to file a report with the prefecture, but there was no one on duty at the time. During the week, he spoke to other fishermen and was told that "some men" had been asking about the lights and spoken to the man who had recorded them with the cellphone. This witness remarked that he hoped [the lights] don't scare off the fish, because they'll be left without a livelihood.
A New Story is Born
On 27 February, a surprising e-mail arrives at Vision Ovni. As in all cases, the outcome of the reading involves a series of procedures, among them the evaluation system used by CRIDOVNI, which determines a level of reliability, and yields an outcome that classifies the witness as an "8", the case is a "Level B" and the weighted unconventionality (NC) is 98%.
In the light of this, formal contact was made with the witness over e-mail to examine the facts. The e-mail received is in itself stunning, and a calm approach is the best course to follow.
We shall only publish the first of some 15 e-mails, keeping the witness's name confidential along with any identifying details.
1st E-mail. Ms. Andrea Simondini. My name is (xx) and I live in Rio. I am (xx years old) and am married. My husband and I have two sons, 19 and 24 respectively. I never believed in UFOs or weird things. Something happened to us on 26 February 2016 when we were in the wilderness known at Punta Loyola near Rio Gallegos, by the seaside. Taking advantage of the last few days before the beginning of school, we usually go fishing with my husband and children. While they fish, I wait in the car preparing "mate". The weather has been very unsettled these days, with passing showers, some wind and cold, but we tried our luck fishing after noon since there were moments of sunshine. We were several kilometers south of the ship that ran aground on Punta Loyola. There were several vehicles near the ship. It was about 2:30 pm. My husband and sons took a break from fishing and we sat in the car to drink "mate" and eat cakes. The car was point to the sea. At a given moment, one of my sons said that he could see a small light in the sky with a very intense blue color, as though it was electric, heading toward the coast at low altitude and over the coastline. At a distance of 500 meters, as we figured, the light began rising in a very steep angle and headed toward our right, southward, becoming lost near a cluster of clouds. We waited to see if it appeared on the opposite side, but were surprised to see it falling in a nosedive some 800 meters from our position, toward the south and on the coastline. It fell swiftly, but before hitting the ground, it made a dull whistling sound, followed by a metallic impact noise, but with a hollow quality. My husband got in the car, we left the fishing rods in the sea where the lines were, and told us to come and take a look. When we reached the site, my husband got out first and then called us. We left the car some 50 meters away. There's a rocky area on the beach where it fell. There was a funnel-like shape made of stones measuring some 3 meters in diameter by 1 meter wide. At its center was a sphere no greater than a soccer ball. Its surface seemed metallic and it emitted a bluish glow. We saw no markings or lights. The glow appeared to issue from the surface itself. The sphere was completely still and we could feel a slight buzzing and light snap every so often. My youngest wanted to grab it, but we didn't let him. We looked at it somewhat further away from the funnel of stones that had formed. My husband wanted to photograph it with the cellphone, but there was no battery charge. When I tried to turn on my cellphone, it turned on correctly but the battery was suddenly drained. My son had a tablet computer in the car which he had charged before heading out. He turned it on in the car, but when he tried to bring closer to the site, it too was drained. At that point we thought this could be something harmful. My husband said that it could be radioactive and we decided to leave. My son threw a pebble against the sphere which oddly enough, didn't hit it and was shunted aside. That scared us a lot. When we got in the car, my husband noticed that his mechanical wristwatch had stopped. We went to the Prefecture station that is near the deep water pier but there was no one there. When we got out of the car, someone approached us and asked if we had seen the blue lights. We said no. We then headed toward Rio Gallegos and phoned the Police 101 number. The party answering the call told us it might be best to call the Air Force, and we tried it several times until someone answered, telling us it was too late and there wouldn’t be anyone in until Monday. I then began sending out e-mails to people involved in the UFO subject in Patagonia but I only received an automatic reply from one of them, and no one else. My youngest son wanted us to alert the media, but we decided against it to avoid ridicule. I read that you have a group called CEFORA and that you have people all over the country. Would you have someone nearby interested in the subject? Thanks for your attention; I would appreciate hearing from you if you have the time."
The reply didn't take long at all, and pursuant to the situation described in the body of the e-mail, I asked them to return to the area to see if the object was still there.
In the meantime, I got in touch with the authorities to set up a communication channel in the area. However, I was unable to exert much pressure in this regard. While the story was shocking, the information was scarce and surely questionable.
The response to my mail was finally not with the sense of urgency that the requestor had demanded. This made me question the situation, but also made me feel concerned. If the story was true and these people were in contact with this "odd" object, I immediately thought about health issues and strange people who may have come into contact with them. In short, myriad possibilities emerge from these situations.
Unboxing the First e-Mail
We quickly set up a data sheet for the case.
Date: 26 February 2016 Time: 14:30 hours Witnesses: (XX) 58 / Sons (19) and (24), Husband. Location: Punta Loyola, Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Punta Loyola is a port of the Guer Aike Department.
At first, the witness makes clear that she never believed in UFOs or strange things. The situation came about during a family fishing outing at the coast. It is highly descriptive with regard to the actions prior to the sighting, the weather conditions and movement at the site. Faced with the apparition of the object, seen by the youngest son, the descriptions of distances and directions are very precise, along with detailed descriptions about the sighting. For example: "Some 500 meters, we figured, the object began rising in a steep angle and veered to our right, southward, and vanishing into a group of clouds." The description of the "crash site" is also very precise. The identification of sounds, sizes, physical reactions, etc. gives us a clear idea of what happened.
However, exact details began to dwindle when it comes to reporting the case. Mention is made of a visit to a vacant Prefecture station. Then they went home and phoned 101, are directed to the Air Force, where after several attempts they're told to call back on Monday (bear in mind that the day of the events was a Friday).
Faced with these circumstances, they started sending out e-mails, according to the following paragraph: "I then began sending out e-mails to people involved in the UFO subject in Patagonia but I only received an automatic reply from one of them, and no one else."
I checked with Daniela Ciancia, a researcher and member of CEFORA, manager and Director of the Patagonia Ovni blog ( asking if she was aware of the case, which was negative. Another phrase I did not overlook was the son's desire to contact the media, denied by his parents. That gives rise to her contact with me through the CEFORA website.
The Answers Arrive
A reply was received 48 hours, short and sweet. She thanked me for replying, remarking that some things had happened that she would tell me later on. The e-mail message made me understand that not only had some things occurred, but that someone was behind these people. The brevity and distance from the initial urgency gave me pause. I was also concerned about the health of these people and said as much in my next message. My own reply was just as curt, mentioning a visit to the area:
Hi (XX), your message left me feeling concerned. Are you all OK? Well, I'll wait for your reply. I'm looking forward to discussing a visit to the site with you. Regards, Andrea.
At this point, I had already contacted researchers like Carlos Iurchuk and Daniela Ciancia herself (being the one closest to the scene) in order to place a person in the area and try to understand the relevant points of the story. I also spoke with the Air Force about preparing a search for the object, among the primary tasks. Due to the lack of authentication, I did not try to force their involvement.
To date, we have been unable to confirm the location of the event, as described by the witness. Following messages gave me much more information and even more concern. To make a long story short, says the witness, one of her sons wound up in the hospital on Saturday night. The young man was diagnosed with encephalitis (an inflammation generally due to a viral infection).
At 3 am on Sunday, a group of people consisting of a team leader, a doctor, an orderly, a photographer/videographer, a thermographic gear operator and several field researchers turned up at the witnesses' home. It should be noted that there was a person claiming to be an expert in several fields, who contacted the witnesses by phone but was never present.
All of these people were dressed from head to toe in white coveralls. This operation lasted from 3 am to 5 am on Sunday, 28 February. The individuals had already removed the sphere from the impact site and told the witnesses that they had experience in dealing with such cases. The witnesses gave me much more information that will be kept in reserve out of a concern for their safety and the progress of the investigation.
If I am asked whether the case is true, I would like to say yes, but I cannot. I can tell you that my inner voice tells me it’s a case that must be followed closely. What leads me to say this? The evidence.
There are many reports for the same day from multiple sources. Could this be a confabulation by a single person, using various media? It could be. The MUFON reports lead us to take notice of the situation and examine the matter closely. The journalistic story in Diario Tiempo Sur tells us that it shares the same source as the one published in MUFON. We are surprised that no Argentinean organizations are mentioned.
The witness states that she is not lying, and became very upset when I stated my doubts and requested more detailed information.
We cannot ascertain where those people came from or the organization they represent. The fact is that they claimed not to represent the government, but an international organization that does not publish its cases.
If the case is true, and caused health issues for the family, with precedents on record that show even worse consequences for personal health, why didn't these investigators, who showed up with many resources and strict research protocols, also alert the general population and the authorities about the hazards faced in these situations? Like I said at the beginning of this article, I was going to tell you a story. What I didn't say is how it would end. Clearly, we do not know it will turn out.
The Photographs:
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Andrea and Silvia Pérez Simondini (Vision Ovni/CEFORA) and Guillermo Giménez (Planeta UFO)]
Argentina: Airliner Has a Run-In with UFO Over Rio Grande
Source: Luis Burgos (FAO), Jorge Fernandez Gentile (Quinto Milenio) and Date: March 3, 2016
Argentina: Airliner Has a Run-In with UFO Over Rio Grande
A pilot from a well-known airline saw a strange "object" as he was about to land in Rio Grande, this object was in an area "forbidden" or restricted to air traffic at such a time, and the pilot asked the tower if they could pick up any "air traffic." The tower replied that no abnormalities were detected and then asked the pilot if the object in question was in the airliner's flight path. The pilot said no, that it was over to one side, and was then given permission to land by the tower, which requested a report, which was recorded.
This event became known through the Facebook page of renowned tour operator José Heredia, who reported the occurrence, given that his position allows him to have access to communications betwen airline pilots and the control tower.
The news was published by Infofuegina (web site) but lacking any certainty or particulars on the case, he decided to set the note aside until more information could be gleaned. But while the entry was still active, it caught the attention of the Reportes Ovni Argentina NGO, two of whose members contacted journalist Ramon Taborda Strusiat, who had only heard vague reports from listeners to a radio station that broadcasted the event. The source, however, was unknown until it was finally discovered, and it was the Facebook page itself.
Jose Heredia wondered: A UFO in the skies of Rio Grande? He said that while working at home, "getting ready to go to the banking district" and "listening to the Control Tower frequency of the Rio Grande Airport as always, following the path of air operations in the city, he suddenly heard a private aircraft pilot's report to the air traffic controller on duty regarding alleged 'traffic' in his air corridor (the airplane's path) which had not been reported."
Heredia added: "The reply was not long in coming. There should not be any traffic whatsoever in that corridor at the time. In other words: an unidentified flying object report in the vicinity of our city."
"In fact, ANAC personnel asked the pilot to leave a written record at the Flight Plan Office upon his arrival. Verbatim, from half an hour ago...approximately," Heredia wrote at 11:48 hours on 17 February 2016, which suggests that the event occurred at 11:20 that morning.
Meanwhile, according to the Jesus Leguizamo of the Reportes Ovni Argentina NGO, one of the group’s members managed to contact the pilot in Buenos Aires, but he refused to go public with the story.
[Translation (c) 2016 S.Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)]
Argentina: Commotion over UFO (or Drone) in the Mountains of Patagonia
Source: Planeta UFO and Grupo Crónica Date: 02.22.2016
Argentina: Commotion over UFO (or Drone) in the Mountains of Patagonia
The sighting took place between San Martín de los Andes and Villa Melquinia. The discovery took place when a family returned from its vacation and went through their photos carefully on a large screen: there were strange objects visible in the air.
This is how the startling images came to be known, documenting the presence of a UFO over Patagonian soil.
It should be noted that this flying saucer, after being enlarged and analyzed, appears to be a drone - a modern unmanned aerial vehicle which in some cases carries cine or photo cameras). However, the place from which the family saw it, with no one else around, and the object's altitude, is very striking.
According to experts, drones cannot be flown at long distances, which leads to the growing belief that the object photographed along with their summertime memories was a UFO.
[Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]
Source: Planeta UFO Date: 02.21.2016 Cuba: A UFO Over Matanzas Bay By Orestes Girbau
It was the morning of the 5th of July of 1959. At 9:30 a troop of Boy Scouts who had set out from the Versailles district, walked along the nearby coastline. There were a total of more than 30 people clustered to one edge of the shore, while their guides were relatively nearby. The troop’s exact position was nearly facing L’Amours Beach. It was a clear, sunny, and virtually cloudless morning. Unexpectedly, shouts came from the troop leaders. “Look at that!” The formation broke up and all ran toward the beach. In awe, the witnessed an object which according to the first ones to see it, had emerged from the sea and hovered scant meters over its surface.
The object was oval in shaped, although some said it resembled a spinning top, while others stated it was a disk, given its resemblance to what was commonly known as “flying saucers”. Seconds later, the bright disk levelled off, parallel to the water. It immediately rose skyward vertically at prodigious speed, vanishing into infinity in less than fifteen seconds. According to eyewitness accounts, the machine appeared to be metallic, with a silvery color. Everyone could see that at the critical moment, a boat with two fishermen sailed rather close to the object. The fishermen looked upon the scene in astonishment. The object was wingless and measured between 6 and 8 in diameter. As was subsequently determined, the craft rose from a depth calculated at 15 meters without making any noise or leaving a wake. All this happened barely 200 meters from the shore.
The party furnishing the details on this fascinating account solemnly swore having witnessed the event. In fact, Leonel Rodríguez retold is unforgettable experience eloquently – another one to be added to the annals of the worldwide UFO phenomenon. What the Matanzas Press Had to Say
Headlines for the 6 July 1969 issue of the “Adelante” newspaper proclaimed: “Strange Object in Matanzas Bay”. Highlighting the sighting in one of its columns, the paper said: “Despite the investigations performed, its exact nature remains unknown. There is speculation, of course, as to whether it was a flying saucer or one another the objects known to fly in space.”
The “El Republicano” evening paper set the matter on record with the following headline: “Strange Silver Object Seen in Our Bay.” It was later known that the “El Imparcial” newspaper also picked up the controversial story.
Several witnesses were interviewed by journalists who did not hesitate in broadcasting their recordings on the now-gone Cadena de Radio de Matanzas (now Radio 26), but nothing further was ever said about it. After a number of weeks, local residents began to forget about the controversial “visitor”, which remained in the memory of only a few.
A Typical UFO Case
UFOs have been seen entering and leaving the sea. They have been seen engaged in maneuvers in lakes, rivers, gulfs, straits and sounds on various latitudes of the planet. Why not then Matanzas Bay? Faced with the facts, it is acceptable to believe that numerous sightings in Matanzas – judging by their characteristics – correspond to the UFO classification, which does not necessarily make them interplanetary craft. The event described here is a single experience, as the phenomenon has continued to manifest itself. The Words of a Writer
What is the likely purpose of these visits, if we are indeed dealing with extraterrestrial vehicles? Obviously, there exists no reason to dismiss other hypotheses, and I do not question a possible visit from some unknown world.
If space beings are really involved, regardless of their motives, they do not seem very anxious to show their faces for the time being. Perhaps the basic cause for delaying unequivocal contact with their terrestrial hosts lies with THEM. Who knows, however, if the cause for the delay lies in a human reason?
Intuitively, Cuban author Daina Chaviano, winner of the 1979 David Prize in the category of science-fiction, possibly came up with the answer in her short story “Los Mundos Que Amo” (The Worlds I Love) when she wrote: “Our civilization will strive in vain to make contact with the vehicles that constantly enter and exit our planet’s atmosphere. They will not respond. They will only do so on the day when we are finally able to bring an end to savagery on Earth, and when humankind’s intelligence is awakened, thus making our planet a worthy sibling.”
Spain: "I Was Threatened With a Court Martial if I Spoke About the UFO"
Source: PLANETA UFO and Diari de Tarragona ( Date: 02.17.2016
Spain: "I Was Threatened With a Court Martial if I Spoke About the UFO" By Raul Cosano and Jaume Aparicio
Gabriel Font, a native of Reus, discusses the questioning to which he was subjected after seeing a phenomenon - from the control tower - which the Army investigated and kept "classified" for 24 years.
Gabriel Font, 68, a native of Reus, spent decades in silence about the unidentified flying object (UFO) he saw on 13 May 1969 from his duty post, as he fulfilled his national service requirements at the Reus Air Base. "I didn't tell anyone. Only my wife and daughters knew about it. They believed me, but didn't give it much importance." The confidential nature of that event, transformed into a dossier and an investigation by the Army, kept him from disclosing any details.
Following the sighting, Font and others working in the control tower (or who were mobilized on account of the sighting) were summoned for eyewitness statements. "A few days later they called us to the hangar, where a captain had his offices. We showed up in our best outfits, because it was all very formal, and they asked us: 'What did you see'?" explains Font, who can now openly say what he replied at the time, in a moment full of tension and certain astonishment. "We saw a very bright light near Quatre Carreteres. Then it moved and wound up vanishing. A lieutenant colonel happened to be in the air at the time and he was ordered to fly there, but saw nothing. Some went up to the [control] tower. Some eight or nine people gathered there."
He says that after telling their stories, the captain adjured them. "He told us that what he had seen was secret, and if we said something, we would be court-martialed. It was very strong stuff. It shocked and frightened me...I was only 19 years old." No one spoke of it again. Gabriel completed his military service in the capital city of the Baix Camp without ever mentioning the case again, which was marked Classified and included in a report with the heading "Strange Phenomena Sightings", bearing the seals, signatures and flourishes of the senior military staff.
That dossier, along with many others (some of which also occurred in Reus or Tarragona), was declassified in 1993, as stated in el Diari de Tarragona last Sunday, breaking down the investigations carried out by the Defense Ministry in regard to certain UFO cases, due to a recent CIA declassification in the United States. "I had no evidence that there was a dossier, although the investigation must have been a fact since I testified," he says, while providing detail about his duties. "I aided my sergeant in the tower, going for the flight plans, helping where I could...," he recalls. "There wasn't much activity in the aerodrome at the time. They were basically military operations, and the first charter flights were starting to arrive. Sometimes pilots from abroad would bring the control tower staff a present, such as packs of cigarettes," he adds.
His story coincides with the testimony offered by sergeants or controllers at the time, captured by the documentation in the hands of the Spanish air force authorities. The dossier mentions a "bright, motionless dot, evenly illuminated but for the exception of elongated spots of higher intensity, yellow in color," according to the traffic controller's description of the object through binoculars. "Was it a weather balloon?" Font now wonders. As with many of those inquiries, there was no conclusive result. After several consultations, however, also documented in the papers that remained classified for 24 years, the likelihood of a weather balloon was dismissed. It was suggested that "the hypothesis of a reflection, visible from a single direction" was the answer to the phenomenon.
The conjecture is based on the fact that there were several airplanes in flight, among them five Portuguese ones and a two-seater. "That thing wasn't a reflection. I don't know what it was, but I know it was there and we all saw it," says Font.
Also Seen from Downtown Reus
Some eyewitness reports recall that the phenomenon which occurred on 13 May 1969, analyzed at the time by the armed forces, was also seen from downtown Reus, not only in the military airport. Several citizens remember that it caused excitement on main thoroughfares such as Calle Llovera, from which the object could be seen. Some people, driven by curiosity, took to the streets to see what was going on in the skies that morning.
[Translation (c) 2016, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Raul Cosano and Jaume Aparicio]
Spain: Army Has Investigated Four "UFO Incidents" in Tarragona Province
Source: PLANETA UFO and Diari de Tarragona Date: 02.15.2016
Spain: Army Has Investigated Four "UFO Incidents" in the Province By Raul Cosano
The Reus Air Base and the Tarragona Coast were the location for sightings by pilots and controllers. No conclusions were reached from these investigations.
The CIA has just declassified hundreds of documents regarding the possible existence of alien life in various parts of the planet. These abstracts have been made public and detail investigations and images of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) mostly between 1940 and 1960. The material includes a sighting in Barcelona from 21 May 1952 at the El Prat Airport as well as the one in Sabadell and even in Badalona. The declassification has breathed some life into ufologists and lovers of flying saucer case histories, as the phenomenon has been prolific in these provinces. Sightings accounts, whose reliability varies between belief and skepticism, have dotted the area's popular mythology. However, some of these stories even managed to become a dossier investigated at the time by the Ministry of Defense. The Ejercito del Aire (Spanish Air Force) declassified UFO reports in which at least four sightings linked to the province of Tarragona appear, with the Reus Air Base as their main locale. The documents barely shed any light or final conclusions, but at least testify to the existence of hard-to-explain sightings in spite of research efforts conducted.
The most significant case occurred at the Reus Airport control tower at 11:40 hours on 13 May 1969. The report, marked 'Confidential' and subtitled "strange phenomena sighting" summarizes the situation this: "The controller on duty was attending to the take-off and ascent of a Boeing 727. Upon reaching an altitude of 2000 meters, he noticed - somewhat lower and to the right of the airliner's wake - a bright, motionless point of light, having an apparent size similar to that of a 5 peseta coin. Five more people (the backup controller, two radio mechanics and two soldiers) witnessed the phenomenon. The controller availed himself of binoculars at that point, being able to see "a circular (probably spherical) form, uniformly luminous but for some elongated horizontal spots of higher intensity and yellowish color." The High Command's Intelligence Section report adds: "When the airliner's exhaust became superimposed, the controller lost sight of the object, seeing it again after two minutes, further down and to the left. He lost sight of it definitely shortly after."
Investigations began at that point, without first dismissing the possibility that it could be a scientific balloon belonging to a French research agency with Spanish involvement, and bearing in mind the situation of the runway: aside from the Boeing, there were five Portuguese airliners and a two-seater. The report requested to the French "L'Adour" center proved that the balloon tests did not coincide with the dates given. More documents, such as a sketch on the sighting, an analysis of weather conditions or eyewitness accounts of those who saw the phenomenon, were combined, making it impossible to specify such data as the altitude at which the object was located. Conclusions were vague for this reason: "Despite the lack of conclusive information, (the presence of more aircraft) supports the reflection hypothesis, observable only in a given direction." The existence of fog and the time of day suggested that "it could have been a refraction phenomenon produced between the airliners coinciding in the air, and the sun's nearly vertical position."
Army documents place the Baix Camp capital's aerodrome as a crossroads, and therefore, a potential observation spot for unidentified flying objects. A similar event took place two years earlier, on 11 September 1967. British charter planes returning to England reported a sighting north of Reus at around 17:35 hours. A letter written in English and sent from London requested information on the object seen by the crew of an Air Ferry DC-6 as it flew at 16,000 feet. The file does not provide specifics. "The nature of such objects has not been determined," states the report, dismissing the likelihood of a weather balloon or artificial satellite. The document posits "the creation of an Information and Analysis Center within the defense command to liaise with international agencies for exchanges and studies on the subject of unidentified flying objects."
In the third file, Tarragona was the site of a 12 December 1979 sighting by the pilots of a private plane flying from Barcelona to Zaragoza on a "clear, moonless, and very dark night."
The report states that "a very bright white light, apparently motionless" was seen "over Tarragona or the coasts". The light's intensity dimmed until it became reduced to the size of "the head of a pin", later acquiring its original brightness, something which startled the crew. "The light moved in a disorderly sideways and vertical way, with fluctuations in its luminous intensity." The object vanished past the city of Lleida.
The Reus base is mentioned in a fourth event, although the sighting took place in the Balearic Islands. On 14 February 1979, Flight AF-530, departing from the Palma de Mallorca airport, reported "crossing paths with a meteorite" as it set course to the airfield in Baix Camp. Samples of the tape recording that recorded the conversation between the airplane and the Mallorca airport reflect the words in which the crew admits "having seen a meteorite cross our path. We have seen a very bright sphere." No conclusive report was issued.
[Translation (c) S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Raul Cosano]
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Antonio Villas Boas: Total Abduction
Antonio Villas Boas: Total Abduction
[Pablo Villarubia is one of ufology's most indefatigable researchers, traveling to far-flung locations as he reinvestigates some of the classic mysteries of our time. His books include Brasil Insolito (1999) and Viaje Mágico por los Misterios de America (2003). Inexplicata readers will remember his re-examination of Brazil's Aracariguama case. It is with great pleasure that we present his latest investigative effort --Ed.]
Fifty years later we are reopening the investigation into the first UFO abduction case in modern history: the legendary Antonio Villas Boas incident that took place in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Hitherto unpublished photographs and interviews shed startling revelations: U.S. agents kidnapped Villas Boas and a “portal” to strange phenomena appears to exist at the site of the abduction.
A veritable nightmare commenced on October 5, 1957 for a Brazilian farmer named Antonio Villas Boas, only 23 years old at the time. It only came to an end with his death in 1991 at age 52. One of the most important and discussed cases in world ufology took place within the isolated rural area of Sao Francisco de Salles, located deep inside the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. It is considered the first abduction or kidnapping of a human being by alleged alien entities.
On that distant date, Antonio and his brother Joao looked out of their bedroom window to see a circular light that cast its luminescence onto the ground, coming closer and then vanishing. On the 14th of that month, between 21:30 and 22:00 hours, while Antonio and another brother – Jose – tilled the soil with the family tractor, they were pursued by a round unidentified flying object that fired rays in every direction.
At 1:00 a.m. on October 16, Antonio Villas Boas worked alone on his tractor. A red light descended from the sky and turned into an oval-shaped, metallic object. The farmer was petrified. The object did not take long to land, setting its three legs squarely on the soil and lowering a seemingly metallic ladder.
The terrified young man tried to flee in vain – his tractor’s engine died and four robust beings of normal height (one of them shorter than Antonio) emerged from the object and seized him, hoisting him into the air by his arms and legs, and took him into their spacecraft, where his clothing was forcibly removed. They subsequently bathed his body with a sponge soaked in a colorless liquid. Conveyed from one chamber to another, the entities – human-looking, but with their heads covered by strange helmets – drew blood with suction cups attached to equidistant spots on his chin, causing some irritation.
Alone in the chamber, Antonio perceived how some tubes jutting from the wall emitted a grayish gas that made him feel nauseous and on the verge of vomiting. Later on, the frightened farmer would receive another unexpected visit: this time from a nude, white-skinned female with slanted blue eyes, high cheekbones, thin lips, straight blond hair, broad hips and heavy thighs.
And this was precisely the least likely part of the abduction experience: Antonio claimed to have entered a state of progressive, uncontrollable sexual excitement that he attributed to the liquid that had been rubbed onto his flesh. He made love twice to the unknown female.
Upon leaving, the young woman pointed at her abdomen and then toward the sky.
Antonio was subsequently ditched from the craft by the helmeted beings, but he first tried to secure some proof of his incredible experience: a box-shaped device with a glass lid, but the creatures kept him from doing so. The object took off vertically, issuing a whistling sound and increasing its brightness. Villas Boas spent approximately 4 hours and 15 aboard the craft.
In 1961, after the Brazilian farmer’s experience, an American couple – Betty and Barney Hill – underwent an abduction experience supposedly involving aliens. The Villas Boas case, however, kicked off a discussion that has not lost its currency: the likelihood of genetic experiments performed by extraterrestrials upon human beings.
The story of Antonio Villas Boas (who remained anonymous until 1967) was made known to the world by journalist Joao Martins in the international edition (Spanish) of the prestigious Brazilian publication “O Cruzeiro”, which appeared in Buenos Aires eight years after the events, on December 1, 1964. Also involved in the investigation of this case was Dr. Olavo Fontes, a major name in Brazilian ufology, who subjected Villas Boas to a battery of physical and psychological tests after the event (February 22, 1958). The witness showed no signs of mental instability and had a series of physical alterations caused during the alleged alien encounter.
The Early Revelations
What seemed absurd to many – that is to say, the abduction by aliens and sexual relations with aliens – would later be transformed into a pattern of conduct experienced by nationals of various countries.
In the year 2000, this author renewed the investigation into this case after having located one of Antonio Villas Boas’s sons. I must admit that I was rather incredulous at some of the facts of the case, and it was necessary to secure more information. His extraordinary statements – which I was not allowed to disclose – stirred my curiosity further until years later, Claudio Tshuhioshi Suenaga, the distinguished Japanese-Brazilian historian and ufologist, put me on trail once more. He had interviewed Odercia Villas Boas, Antonio’s sister, over the phone. His revelations had been startling. I immediately took off for Brazil and from Sao Paulo, Claudio and I engaged in a marathon relay of several buses until we reached Sao Francisco de Salles (pop. 3,000), the scene of the astonishing events.
It was there that we found sexagenarian farmer Joao Francisco de Queiroz, Villas Boas’s nephew, whom Claudio had also contacted over the phone. Joao informed us that on the night of the Abduction, he – Joao Francisco – was sleeping inside a tractor cab a few hundred meters away from the site of the incident. “I was only 16 years old and was deep asleep. I heard nothing. It was only the next day that I learned of the incident. He told us, his relatives, that he had been taken aboard a device that landed some 50 meters away from the Grande River and that he had had sexual relations with a short, ugly woman.”
“Ugly?” Claudio and I repeated, exchanging glances, “but the published reports said that she was a beautiful woman, despite her strange appearance...”
“No, Antonio always said that she was very ugly, and that he did not know how he felt excited to the point of wanting to make love to her. After the event, Antonio went off to Rio de Janeiro, where a reporter and a doctor investigated his case. They took him off to the United States, forcibly, as though he had been detained, but he wasn’t mistreated. He told me that he didn’t like that trip at all, because he had gone against his will.”
“Did he give you any details about that trip?” I inquired, knowing that that information would confirm the involvement of the United States in UFO research and the controversial possession of extraterrestrial craft.
“Very little. Only that he had seen a device similar to the one that appeared here, but it wasn’t the same. Antonio was a reserved person who rarely discussed the subject. What I do know is that one day he locked himself up in the house and didn’t come out until he had finished carving the flying saucer from his experience on a piece of wood. He covered it in tin foil, the kind that used to come in cigarette cartons. Then he sent it off to Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. I saw it, it was very pretty.”
“What was Sao Francisco de Salles like back then?” I asked, hoping to put the events into a context.
“It was a small, practically isolated place. I know that in 1947 there were only ten houses. But the Villas-Boas family and I lived at Hacienda Aldeia o Mata, some five kilometers from here, on the banks of the Grande. If you’d like, we can go up there in my car.”
Claudio and I didn’t think twice: we boarded the vehicle, excited at the prospect of being on-site at one of world ufology’s mythical locations. We stopped under an enormous, hundred year old fig tree and Joao Queiroz pointed to the spot where the flying saucer emerged in 1957. “It was more or less over there, where the Grande River now covers part of the hacienda. A dam was built in 1977, the Agua Vermelha, which invaded the property. The house we lived in doesn’t exist anymore. They knocked it down, it was a little further up.”
The loneliness of that location, the green fields, the leaves of some scattered trees, gave us a sense of trepidation. There was something strange about that place. It was perhaps that sensation or intuition that made me ask Joao: “Aside from what Antonio saw, did strange things take place here?”
“During the night, right there at Hacienda Aldeia o Mata, we would all listen in terror to the sound of a hand beating the handle of a large corn-grinding mortar inside a shack. When we went to check, there was no one around and the handle remained tied, suspended, and the mortar’s opening was covered by a large clay urn.” And there was more. Joao Queiroz also said that they could hear the sound of a galloping horse that couldn’t be seen, while the farm hands told stories of a “black-hooded phantom horseman.”
Another important detail is that Hacienda Lade o Mata’s very name bespoke the existence of an indigenous settlement. Queiroz himself, in his childhood, had found many pieces of ceramic, bones (perhaps from animals) and the circular indentations of where aboriginal shacks had once stood. Researchers had never mentioned this information. We subsequently learned that the region upon which the Villas Boas hacienda had once stood was occupied, until the 19th century, by the Kayapó indians. They were decimated by the diseases, persecutions and slayings visited upon them by the white man.
We returned to Queiroz’s house. His wife, Maria Olimpia, told us that her husband’s parents had committed suicide in 1947, and that the local peasants attributed the tragedy to the fact that the area was bewitched. It was as if everything had occurred as an act of vengeance carried out by the souls of the departed indians. Olimpia also stated that she had seen the two scars or wounds that Antonio Villas Boas had on his chin, which he attributed to the placement of suction cups that drew his blood aboard the craft.
Abducted by Humans
The next day, after a night of restless sleep in Doña Manuela’s decaying boarding house – we had the fortune of finding Odercia Villas Boas, Antonio’s closest sister. 70 years old, with an impressive memory and recovering from cancer, Odercia welcomed us with great courtesy to her humble residence. Her most valuable asset is an old TV set that barely picks up the broadcasts. We were the first researchers to interview here on the Villas Boas case, by her own admission.
“Our father owned a lot of land. My brother tilled the soil with the tractor and became a cattleman, transporting cattle to distant cities,” she recalled longingly. “I was the first person who tended to him after he had been inside that device.”
Here we were faced with a privileged witness, since it hadn’t occurred to anyone to interview her and her contributions would be extremely important in adding greater depth to the Antonio Villas Boas case.
“He arrived at five o’clock in the morning. He was very pale and trembling. I saw that he had two bruise marks on his chin. I gave him some very strong coffee to drink, but then he vomited a yellowish substance. He didn’t want to eat the hen I’d cooked for him. Then he told me what had happened. That the tractor had stopped, that he’d been dragged into that thing and that he slept with a very ugly woman. He slept poorly at nights, had nightmares.”
“You looked after him, then.” I said.
“Yes, along with his brother Jose and Damiao, the tractor operator. He stayed in bed several days. Everything he ate made him feel sick. He had headaches and complained about being very sleepy. Two weeks later small, itchy marks emerged on his arms and legs. When they dried, they showed a purplish cast around them.”
“It seems that he later went to Rio de Janeiro,” I volunteered.
“Yes, a pharmacist advised him to write a letter to Joao Martins, who was a reporter for “O Cruzeiro”, since this man wrote about flying saucers at the time. My brother wanted to talk to him to find out what had happened to him. Then, four months later, they paid him to take the bus to Rio de Janeiro, where a doctor examined him. He returned and later on, five men dressed in green uniforms took him to the United States. Some spoke Portuguese; others English. I think they were from NASA. They kept visiting several times over eight or ten years. They would always give my brother books written in English as gifts.”
“Why did they take him to the United States?” I asked anxiously.
“He was subjected to questioning and the lie detector in California. He was taken to an open area where the remains of a flying saucer could be found. They then showed him another, in good condition, inside an enclosed area like a museum, asking him if it was identical to the one he had seen. He told me that it was very similar. He was always accompanied by a journalist who had a foreign name and acted as an interpreter, and was always surrounded by uniformed American personnel.”
Who could have been the journalist who spoke both Portuguese and English? I admit that we were startled, as this confirmed the cooperation between the Brazilian authorities of that time and the U.S. government with regard to the UFO research, even compelling Brazilian citizens to travel against their will, violating their rights.
“He was in the United States for three days,” Odercia told us. “They later gave him two properties near San Francisco and San Rafael. I managed to see the deeds. They sent him back to Rio, where he spent between fifteen and twenty days in a hospital, undergoing new examinations and tests. This affected him greatly, it seems. According to the medical report, Antonio was in excellent mental health and not crazy.”
“Did the Americans tell him if extraterrestrial life exists?”
“Yes, they confirmed this to him. I now recall, also, that Antonio was afraid that this abductors would come back to take him to another planet. It seems that the flying object returned, in fact, eight days after the kidnapping.”
Odercia Villas Boas also confirmed the existence of supernatural phenomena (poltergeists?) at Hacienda Aldeia o Mata, such as the movements of the mortar handle. She added that in the house where the women did the cooking, balls of mud filled with fur or long hair would fly around and land inside the ovens. No one knew where they came from or who threw them, as they emerged from nowhere.
“Was there talk about flying saucers in the area before Antonio’s experience?” I inquired of the lucid old lady.
“What I and many others saw, since I was a child, were lights that moved over a hill not too far from here. Many of them descended like stars in the evenings. I remember having seen them on several occasions since 1941. Once I saw a huge object, perhaps made of metal, silvery, that made a lot of noise. In 1964 or 1966 my daughters were playing in the schoolyard when they had to vacate it as quickly as possible: a flying saucer had landed there. The teachers saw it and were terrified. They all fled.”
“Did you notice any change in behavior in your brother after the abduction?”
“Yes, before the encounter with the saucer he was a happy person. Then he withdrew and seemed very sad. He didn’t want to talk about the event. But he was always a very kind person, donating food for the poor. He was always very religious. During Easter Week he would carry the saint on his back while barefoot. He never drank. He was studious and was already taking correspondence courses in 1957. Later on he went to live in various cities in Minas Gerais and Goiás. Thanks to his personal motivation and the encouragement of a nun, he graduated with a law degree in Brasilia.
“Did Antonio ever give any interviews? “ I asked.
“He didn’t like the subject to be made public. He was always very discreet and didn’t want to discuss his experiences. But one day received an offer from a famous television personality, Flavio Cavalcanti, and he accepted. But NASA kept him from appearing,” Odercia revealed.
Our reinvestigation of the Villas Boas case rekindles, with more proof, criticism about U.S. intervention in the UFO subject and the possibility that this country is in possession of remains or whole craft of possible extraterrestrial origin, under strict custody and secrecy.
A key figure in this plot was Dr. Olavo Fontes. Intelligent, methodical, fluent in English and with friends in the Brazilian military’s upper echelon, he was accused by some ufologists of collaborating with intelligence agencies within his own country and the United States. His constant travels to that country as a representative of the defunct APRO organization, spearheaded by Jim and Coral Lorenzen, caused even greater mistrust.
All appears to suggest that Fontes was closely tied to U.S. authorities and privy to a number of ufological secrets. He died young, in 1968, from a quick-spreading cancer. Some believe that Fontes was the victim of a conspiracy that also cut short the lives of other ufologists who “knew too much.”
Did U.S. authorities try to purchase Antonio’s silence by giving him properties in California? Why was he not allowed to speak publicly? It is very possible that the former farm boy and later trial judge took one of the greatest mysteries of all time to grave.
(Translation (c) 2007, Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology)
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The Vimanas Of Ancient India & The Tales Of Ancient Flying Machines
The Vimanas Of Ancient India & The Tales Of Ancient Flying Machines
If you are interested in the modern day UFO/ET phenomenon, you can click here, this should take you to the exopolitics section of our website where you can find all of our articles on the topic. This article, however, will deal with a fraction of historical accounts of supposed ancient flying machines and extraterrestrials.
We have spiritual beliefs today, but not like the ancients. Thousands of years ago, people confronted forces well beyond their control and understanding: hence the gods. During ancient times, it was universally held that human civilization was a gift of the gods. Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued.– Richard Dolan (1)
Antiquity is littered with stories of beings from other worlds, materials and flying objects that, according to modern day thinking, should not have existed. For anybody who has studied ancient mythology, along with the reality and recent public disclosures of the ‘Black Budget‘ world, they would know that a large amount of evidence exists today which corroborates with these ‘mythical stories’ (as we interpret them) into stories of possible ancient reality.
It’s also important to point out here that even today, objects performing extraordinary and (what should be) impossible maneuvers have been observed and tracked on radar by defence intelligence agencies worldwide. Perhaps these unidentified flying objects have been around longer than we think? You can read more about what happens when the military tracks a ‘UFO’ on radar, HERE.
Here is a great example that was released by the Canadian military many years ago.
Who are we to say that these flying objects in ancient history are mythical apparitions of the mind? Who’s to say that they were not also documented in the past like they are today? Thousands of years from now will our present civilization and its encounters with UFOs be considered mythological? Something to think about.
The mythology of the Eskimos says that the first tribes were brought to the North by “gods” with brazen wings. The oldest American Indian sagas mention a Thunderbird who introduced fire and fruit to them. The Mayan legend, the Popol Vuh, tells us that the “gods” were able to recognize everything; the universe, the four cardinal points of the compass, and even the round shape of the Earth. What are the Eskimos doing talking about metal birds? Why do the Indians mention a Thunderbird? How are the ancestors of the Mayas supposed to have known that the Earth is round?” – Erich Von Daniken, author, taken from his book Chariots of The Gods
The legends of the pre-Inca peoples say that the stars were inhabited by the “gods” who came down to them from the constellation of the Pleiades. Sumerian, Babylonian, Syrian and Egyptian cuneiform inscriptions constantly present the same picture, that “gods” came from the stars and went back to them. There is reference to extraterrestrial life in the Qur’an and Bible, beings that play in the realms of dark and light called Jins, Nephilim, Angles and more. There is reference to life on other planets and flying machines in the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata and other ancient texts from all over the world that spread across many different continents. Is this just a coincidence? Are these really just mere tales?
The Vimanas of the Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Samarangana Sutradhara
Much has been written about vimanas, especially on the web. One can easily become lost amid the sites, although it soon becomes evident that most of them simply copy each others’ statements. It is obvious that precious few sites that discuss vimanas have any original research – Richard Dolan
The word vimana is Sanskrit and has multiple meanings, for the palace of an emperor or god to a vehicle. Today, the word means aircraft.
The Ramayana is a Vedic epic that dates back to the fourth/fifth century, B.C. In one passage, a vimana is described as a “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.” (1)(2)(3)
Vimanas are also described in the Mahabharata, another ancient text. In this case, measurements are given for one of the vimanas. It’s described as having twelve cubits in circumference with four strong wheels that are approximately 20 to 25 feet in circumference; about seven feet in diameter.(1)(3)
They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets.” The Mahabharata and various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, “powered by winged lighting…it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions.(2)
According to the texts, these vimanas were used to transport the gods through the heavens. These flying machines, according to Erich Von Daniken, navigated at great heights with the aid of quicksilver and a great propulsive wind. The Vimanas could cover vast distances and could travel forward, upward and downward. They were enviably maneuverable space vehicles.
Another interesting story that comes from the Mahabharata reveals the history of the “unmarried Kunti,” who not only received a visit from the sun god but also had a son by him, a son who is supposed to have been as radiant as the sun itself. This matches stories in numerous ancient texts in several cultures and religions, stories of ‘gods’ interbreeding with humans, like the story Moses, or like Gilgamesh, or Aryuna in the Mahabharata, or the Nephilim in the Bible (a few of many examples). It also eerily correlates to abductions of modern day, forced abduction as well as friendly extraterrestrial encounters that many people claim to have had.
Furthermore, many stories of serpent beings with superhuman powers exist within ancient literature. While we are focusing on texts from India right now, consider the Naga. According to Vedic tradition, the serpent Naga instructed humanity in knowledge of good and evil.
“It is interesting how the serpent is seen as a symbol of wisdom or knowledge across many cultural traditions. Cultures such as the Scandinavian, Slavic, Hebrew, Tibetan, Hopi, and West African all depict serpent gods possessing esoteric wisdom..” – Richard Dolan (1)(2)
The Samarangana Sutradhara is a classical Indian architecture text written in 1000-1055 AD. In it, whole chapters are devoted to describing airships whose tails spout fire and quicksilver.
The world ‘fire’ in ancient texts cannot mean burning fire, for altogether some forty different kinds of “fire,” mainly connected with esoteric and magnetic phenomena, are enumerated. – Erich Von Daniken (2)(4)(5)
It also describes types of machines as automotive, one stroke engine, remote-control and driver-run machines; keep in mind that this is 1000 years ago. It devotes one full chapter on the building of flying machines. The book does not explain the process of building airplanes completely and says that it has been done purposely, for the sake of secrecy – Prabhakar Apte, MA and PhD in Sanskrit. (4)(5)
I do not believe that we should dismiss the old Sanskrit texts as just myths, we have a tendency to do this with much of our ancient history.
We are not going to get any further with the old approach which scholars unfortunately still cling to: That doesn’t exist…those are mistakes in translation…those are fanciful exaggerations by the author or copyists – Erich Von Daniken
The Tibetan books Tantyua and Kantyua
The Tibetan books of Tantyua and Kantyua mention ancient flying machines, which they refer to as “pearls in the sky.” In both books, they emphasize that this knowledge is secret, and should be kept from the masses. The Chinese believed that these pearls in the sky were formed in the ocean. In India, dragons were often depicted fighting for possession of this pearl, chasing it across the skies.(6)
Click here to view the Dalai Lama’s thoughts on extraterrestrials.
Again, is it impossible and incredible that the chroniclers of the Mahabharata, the Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the texts of the Eskimos, the American Indians, the Scandinavians, the Tibetans, and many, many other sources should all tell the same stories of flying “gods,” and strange vehicles, by chance without any foundation?
The Tulli Papyrus
The Tulli Papyrus are writings from ancient Egypt, it’s the earliest known texts, from the annals of Thutmose III, of Egypts 18th Dynasty, whose reign dates back to 3,500 years ago. These documents are named after Alberto Tulli, a director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican museum. (1)(7)
In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day, among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They went to the king, to report it. His majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on. After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven. Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks. The army of the king looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky; a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was ordered that the event be recorded for His Majesty in the Annals of the house of Life to be remembered forever (1)(8)
Modern Historical Accounts
All centuries are filled with flying apparatus accounts. This gives further credence that all of today’s ‘modern UFOs’ are not all advanced, classified military technology (although I believe many of them are, I also believe many of them are extraterrestrial). In 1716, as reported in the “Boston News Letter,” there were strange appearances of Ships in the Air, which engaged each other for approximately thirty minutes. All of a sudden, a cloud of many colors covered them, which presented any further sight of them.(1)(9)
An account published in the journal Philosophical Transactions, from Westiminster, England from 1742 reads as follows:
I saw a light arise from behind the Trees and houses, which I took at first for a large sky-rocket.; but when it had risen to the height of about 20 degrees, it took a motion nearly parallel to the horizon, but waved in this manner. Its motion was so very slow, that I had it above half a minute in view, and therefore enough time to contemplate its appearance fully. There was nothing around in 1742 that could have explained this sighting.(1)(10)
One report from 1799, describes a “luminous spot seen moving across the path of Mercury.(1)(11) Another one from the journal Philosophical Transactions, in 1847 concerned a very odd moving light. According the writer, “it looked like a star passing over the Moon which, on the next moment’s consideration I knew to be impossible. It was a fixed, steady light upon the dark part of the Moon.(1)(12)
One very interesting account comes from a 1894 issue of the Astrophysical Journal about “a light reflecting body, or a bright spot near Mars seen on the 25th of November. It was seen by Professor Pickering and others at the Lowell Observatory, described as “a light reflecting body above an unilluminated part of Mars.” (1)(12)
In 1845, near Sicily and Malta in the Mediterranean Sea, three luminous bodies rising up from the sea about half a mile from the ship were reported by the captain. It was a Royal Navy ship.
On June 18th, at 9h 30m p.m., the brig Victoria, from Newcastle to Malta, in lat. 36 40′ 46, long. 13 44′ 36, was becalmed, with no appearance of bad weather, when her top-gallant and royal masts suddenly went over the side as if carried away by a squall. Two hours it blew very hard from the east, and whilst all hands were aloft reefing topsails, it suddenly fell calm again, and they felt an overpowering heat and stench of sulphur. At this moment three luminous bodies issued from the sea, about half a mile from the vessel, and remained visible for ten minutes. The sulphur connection is intriguing, since many UFO accounts have been connected to the smell of sulphur. (1)(13)
To see historical art depicting these craft, you can scroll to the bottom of this article.
Thanks for reading.
(1) Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014
(2) Daniken, Erich. Chariots of The Gods. New York: Berkley Books, 1970
(7) See “Tulli Papyrus,” Wikipedia, the free Internet encyclopedia for a good overview of this.
(8) Leondard, R. Cedric, Firce Circles, A Revised Translation of the Tulli Transcription, (
(9)Daniel Guenther’s Just the Cases UFO database.” (
(10) Philosophical Transcations, Vol. 42, p. 524.
(11) Jenkins, B.G. “The luminous spot on Mercury in transit.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 38 (April 1878): p. 338. Fort, Charles, Book of the Damned, p. 198
(12)Fort, Charles, Book of the Damned, Cosimo Classics, 2004, p ;199. and 195
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Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe
Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe
Reflections on UFOs, skepticism, and practically anything else by Robert Sheaffer, author of "UFO Sightings," and "Psychic Vibrations" (book, plus column in The Skeptical Inquirer).
Jacques Vallee, J. Allen Hynek, and the "Pentacle Memorandum"
I have just finished reading Jacques Vallee's diaries from 1957-69, published as Volume I ofForbidden Science. It tells the story of his life from childhood in France, his education and early career, his developing interest in UFO reports, etc. The book is very literate, very personal, and in places even poetic. It is a good read.
J. Allen Hynek (left) and Jacques Vallee (from Wikipedia)
Perhaps the most significant new issue discussed in this book is the matter of the so-called "Pentacle Memorandum." In June of 1967 while Hynek was away on vacation in Canada, Vallee went over to Hynek's empty house to organize (with permission) and sort Hynek's disorganized UFO-related files. He found one document, a two-page typed memo, that he believed to be extremely significant. Dated January 9, 1953, it was stamped "SECRET - Security Information" in red ink. Vallee refered to it as the "Pentacle Memorandum," in order to not identify the author. "Pentacle" was later revealed to be H.C. Cross of Battelle Memorial Institute, Battelle's liaison with the Air Force for Blue Book-related matters. A good account of the memorandum's discovery, Vallee's claims about it, and the text of the memorandum itself, are here.
1. Vallee Finds a Secret Large-Scale UFO Research Program
The Memorandum begins, This letter concerns a preliminary recommendation to ATIC on future methods of handling the problem of unidentified aerial objects. This recommendation is based on our experience to date in analyzing several thousands of reports on this subject.
ATIC was the Air Force's Air Technical Intelligence Center. Vallee writes, "This opening paragraph clearly establishes the fact that prior to the top-level 1953 [CIA] Robertson Panel meeting somebody had actually analyzed thousands of UFO cases on behalf of the United States government." (Vallee 1996, p. 284. Emphasis in original.) This is supposed to reveal the existence of a huge and secret UFO investigative program, other than Blue Book, somewhere within the U.S. government.
The plot thickens when Vallee finds out a short time later that "Pentacle must indeed have worked at Battelle [Memorial Institute]." (Vallee 1996, p. 294). Gasp - you mean that in January, 1953 there was someone working at Battelle who had analyzed "thousands" of UFO reports for the U.S. government?? And this was a secret program????????
Earth to Vallee: The Battelle Memorial Institute began working on Special Report #14 for Project Blue Book in March, 1952 This was a statistical analysis of UFO reports in the Blue Book files, the first to use newfangled computers and punched cards.A total of 3200 cases were analyzed. The report was completed and published in 1954. Blue Book Special Report #14 is well-known to UFOlogists. In fact, Stanton Friedman hardly ever stops talking about it.
Of course there were people working at Battelle in January, 1953 who had analyzed "thousands" of UFO reports for the U.S. government. They were working on Blue Book Special Report #14. They finished the following year.
Congratulations, Jacques! You've found indisputable proof of the existence of the team writing Blue Book Special Report #14! Which has never before been doubted. Just ask Stanton Friedman.
2. Vallee uncovers the Manipulators Manipulating the CIA's Robertson Panel
One of the most controversial sentences in the Pentacle memorandum reads, Since a meeting of the [CIA's Robertson] panel is now definitely scheduled we feel that agreement between Project Stork and ATIC should be reached as to what can and what cannot be discussed at the meeting in Washington on January 14-16 concerning our preliminary recommendation to ATIC.
According to Hynek, White Stork was a former Air Force project name encompassing the Blue Book project. Vallee suggests that Project Stork was keeping the soon-to-meet Robertson Panel in the dark and would decide what they would be allowed to learn. Vallee writes that the memorandum seemed to dictate "a key determinant in what the panel could discuss – and what not, i.e. what would be kept away from the panel. By preselecting the evidence, the conclusion the scientists would reach could thus be known in advance."
Vallee should read that sentence more carefully. It does not talk about UFO sightings or evidence. He is interpreting that sentence as if it said "agreement between Project Stork and ATIC should be reached as to what can and what cannot be discussed at the meeting in Washington on January 14-16." But the sentence does not end there. It continues with "concerning our preliminary recommendation to ATIC." In other words, not to decide what subjects are off-limits to discussion by the Robertson panel, but to decide what to tell that panel about plans involving Battelle and ATIC. Or, in plain English, "How much should we tell the Robertson panel about what we've been proposing to ATIC?" I realize that English is not Vallee's first language, however his mastery of English seems to me to be so complete that I am surprised to see him misreading that sentence so badly.
3. Vallee finds evidence of a huge covert UFO deception project
In this passage Vallee finds evidence of a huge and alarming military-sponsored project intended to deceive the public about UFOs:
we recommend that one or two of theses areas be set up as experimental areas. This area, or areas, should have observation posts with complete visual skywatch, with radar and photographic coverage, plus all other instruments necessary or helpful in obtaining positive and reliable data on everything in the air over the area. A very complete record of the weather should also be kept during the time of the experiment. Coverage should be so complete that any object in the air could be tracked, and information as to its altitude, velocity, size, shape, color, time of day, etc. could be recorded. All balloon releases or known balloon paths, aircraft flights, and flights of rockets in the test area should be known to those in charge of the experiment. Many different types of aerial activity should be secretly and purposefully scheduled within the area.
About it, Vallee writes, “the Pentacle proposal goes far beyond anything mentioned before. It daringly states that ‘many different types of aerial activity should be secretly and purposefully scheduled within the area’. It is difficult to be more clear. We are not talking simply about setting up observing stations and cameras. We are talking about large-scale, covert simulation of UFO waves under military control.”
Pentacle's proposal seems to be this: Let's identify an area where people are making a large number of UFO reports. Let's set up an extensive monitoring system so that we know everything flying in or out of that area. Then we'll try a controlled experiment: we will cause the people to see balloons, unusual aircraft activity, etc., and then monitor UFO reports we get from that area. We will see how a known stimulus is reported as an unknown object, and thereby better understand the UFO reports we receive. This sounds like an excellent idea from a standpoint of science, although from a standpoint of law or ethics it may not pass muster. It also sounds rather expensive, and not easy to keep under wraps, which would defeat its purpose. Interestingly, as a result of several passive (not active) experiments of this kind, UFOlogist Allan Hendry, one of Hynek's chief investigators during the 1970s, became far more skeptical about eyewitness reports. As detailed in his book, The UFO Handbook, Hendry examined the reports being received originating from a known stimulus (advertising aircraft, balloons, etc.) and found many of them so wildly in error that he cautioned against taking such reports at face value. To other UFOlogists, Hendry seemed to be guilty of horrible blasphemy (even though he believed some UFO reports to be unexplainable), and they began to denounce him. Understandably embittered, Hendry withdrew from UFOlogy some thirty years ago, and has refused to discuss it since then. A frequent theme in Forbidden Science is Vallee's commentary about the rigidity of bureaucracy, in government and in science, in France and in the U.S. He gives one example after another of seemingly good proposals being rejected or even ignored by a bureaucracy unwilling to accept change. What is surprising is that here Vallee, of all people, seems to be confusing a proposal with a project. He must surely realize that, merely because Pentacle is proposing some grand and new UFO investigative project, the odds of that proposal being actually implemented by a rigid Air Force bureaucracy (which clearly had little enthusiasm for UFO investigation) were slim to none. This passage does not in any way establish that such a controlled experiment involving UFO stimuli was ever carried out.
I was very interested to read this book not only for its historical aspects, but also because his path in certain ways parallels mine. We both were interested in astronomy from childhood - and also in UFOs. Many of the people and the places he writes about during his years at Northwestern are familiar to me. I learned that Vallee left Northwestern to go back to France just two weeks before I arrived there as a freshman, interested in science and astronomy - and UFOs - except that I was a skeptic even then. I lived in Sargent Hall, right next to the Technological Institute where Vallee earlier had his office - on the opposite side of that building from Dearborn Observatory, which housed the astronomy department offices. His description of Hynek exactly matches my own recollections: disorganized, witty, charming, and obviously quite pleased to be in the media spotlight for UFOs. Hynek would eagerly recount his meetings and his travel, and newly-received UFO reports, never quite sure what to do about them. Later Vallee and I each moved to California's Silicon Valley because of the outstanding career opportunities there at that time.
However, even more striking are the differences in our world-views, and in the way we think. Surprisingly, Vallee writes quite seriously about matters such as
Rosicrucianism: They claim that their 'Ancient Wisdom' is thousands of years old, but there is absolutely no proof of that. "I find their documents to be an interesting spiritual complement to my scientific training. Every month I receive a set of course material through the mail. It includes both theoretical reading and instructions for simple rituals, promising insight into higher realities" (Vallee, p. 39). He later explains that the Rosicrucian order he belongs to is "AMORC, which is headquartered in San Jose." If you've ever seen that Rosicrucian Museum with the awesome mummies interspersed with cheesy claims of ancient mysteries, that's the group he was talking about. When I was a kid, they used to regularly have ads on the back page of comic books. Hynek was also interested in Rosicrucianism (p. 233).
Astrology: Vallee, and later Hynek, became friends with Michel and Francoise Gauquelin, who were attempting to put astrology on a scientific basis. "Yesterday Hynek went back to see the Gauquelins to discuss astrology and destiny" (p. 341). Vallee claims he was responsible for his publisher Regnery accepting Gauquelin's book on astrology, The Cosmic Clocks. In the early days of CSICOP, there was a big stink when the skeptics challenged Gauquelin's "Mars Effect" data, which apparently was (in that one instance) correct. However, the correlations he claimed to find could not be replicated.
Mystical and psychic realms: "In recent discussions with Hynek, I pointed out that the saucer question may well be part of a complex series of scientific realities, but it also plunges deep into mystical and psychic theories. I found him very receptive to this idea" (p. 88).
Alchemy, elementals, homunculi.......seriously!!
As for myself, I cannot see how any intelligent person can, upon clear reflection, take any of those subjects seriously. I have never felt that there was some 'alternate' or 'hidden' realm of being, at least not since I figured out that the Catholic Catechism I was being fed was a load of codswallop.
Their Huge Mistake
Ultimately, the case for UFOs as promoted by Hynek, Vallee, and their followers boils down to what Hynek termed "credible persons reporting incredible things." Now exactly how "credible" is that, especially if it is supposed to serve as a foundation for a radical revision of science? The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, invariably shortened toThe Royal Society, is the oldest and probably the most prestigious scientific body in the world. Founded in 1660, over the years its Fellows have included such luminaries as Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, Humphry Davy, Charles Darwin, and practically every other British scientist of any note, as well as a number of foreign ones. The intellectual world of the mid-seventeenth century was very different from ours today. Learned men disputed not only about the properties of gases and the motions of the planets, but about witches, miraculous apparitions, and other apparent violations of the natural order. How to sort out what is real from what is not? The Royal Society selected for its motto, Nullius in verba, which serves as a sort of Razor for scientific claims. The Latin phrase translates literally as “on the word of no one,” or, more colloquially, "take nobody's word for it". If you have some kind of proof for what you are claiming, then it can be investigated. But if all you have are words, it cannot.
The Royal Society, the world's oldest modern scientific organization - "Take Nobody's Word For It."
In our day, we still get reports from seemingly credible persons of things we are fairly certain do not exist: UFOs, Bigfoot, angels, and miracles of every kind. The popular press and the mass media are very fond of such claims. They make good ratings. But they make very bad science.
The UFO proponent’s motto, on the other hand, would seem to be something likeOmnius in Verba, or “words are all we’ve got.” In fact, Hynek was honest enough to admit that directly: we possess no actual UFOs, he said, only reports of them. Hynek was surprised and genuinely hurt when the scientific establishment replied to him, as it had to in order to remain true to its centuries-old foundation, “we take nobody’s word for it.” Give us a piece of a UFO, or some indisputably authentic, clear and detailed photos, or some instrumental data. But if all you have to offer are stories about sightings of UFOs, we are not interested. Nullius in verba, Allen.
Vallee wrote that, concerning UFOs, “the scientific world is as close-minded as an old pig” ( p.184). Jacques, you’re a very bright fellow. You should know that Nullius in verbahas been the rule in science since 1660. Since then, the scientific world has embraced Newton’s laws of motion and of gravitation, electromagnetism, evolution, Einstein’s relativity, quantum mechanics, plate tectonics, and the Big Bang. These are just a few of the major paradigm changes occurring in science since that time. Not bad for a close-minded old pig. Now exactly what kind of evidence do you have to offer, Jacques? Words?
That is the big mistake of Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee, and more recently of Kevin Randle, John Alexander, Leslie Kean, and so many others: Nullius in verba, folks.
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Jacques Vallee Continues Begging for Serious UFO Research
Jacques Vallee Continues Begging for Serious UFO Research
by SallyPainter
French born Jacques Fabrice Vallée is described as a highly-respected astronomer, computer scientist, author, ufologist and venture capitalist (1).
J. Allen Hynek (left) and Jacques Vallee (from Wikipedia)
A former mainstream scientist, Vallée co-developed the “first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA.” But, this wasn’t his only significant accomplishment. Among his many achievements, he is noted for the work he did at SRI International. It was here that Vallée worked “on the network information center for the ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet.”
He became interested in UFOs after having his first encounter several years before moving to the US.
In 1955, Vallée claimed to have spotted a UFO over his home in Pontoise, located about 18 miles northwest of Paris. His alleged experiences with UFOs didn’t stop there.
In 1961, he was a staff member of the French Space Committee. This was the year he “witnessed the destruction of the tracking tapes of an unknown object orbiting the earth.”
Vallée and his fellow scientists assumed the object they’d witnessed in a retrograde orbit, meaning that it was traveling in the opposite direction of the Earth’s rotational direction, was an asteroid. However, when his superior erased the tracking recording of the object, Vallée was confused since at the time, “there were no rockets powerful enough to launch such a satellite.”
Vallée’s interest in UFOs seems to have been sealed after experiencing these encounters. He’s been involved in scientific research of UFOs ever since. He currently serves on the French Genopole science board and is an elected Trustee of the Institute for the Future (2).
Over the years, Vallée has called for the legitimate scientific study of UFOs (3). He’s considered one of the leading experts on the phenomena. In fact, the character of the French scientist, Claude Lacombe, in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” was based on Vallée (4).
Vallée authored several “scientific” books on the UFO phenomena. Many other leading UFO researchers like Jerome Clark believe Vallée’s “first two UFO books were among the most scientifically sophisticated defenses of the ETH [Extraterrestrial Hypothesis].”
Vallée’s 2014 Paper on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)
In July 2014, Vallée was still urging that the study of the UFO phenomena be taken seriously and called for the scientific study of UFOs to be officially undertaken. In his paper, “UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA: A Strategy for UAP Research Paris,” Vallée states, “After years of ideological arguments based on anecdotal data the field of UAP research appears ready to emerge into a more mature phase of reliable study” (5).
Vallée puts forth an argument that many countries have a “renewed scientific interest” in UFOs and this interest is “based on credible official or semi-official documents.” The types of research he believes should be undertaken include:
–> Investigation –> Hard data analysis –> New theoretical exploration
Vallée warns that steps toward serious scientific research should “avoid repeating past errors.” To achieve this, he suggests:
–> “Such projects need to generate new hypotheses” –> To test hypotheses rigorously “against the accumulated reports of thousands of observers.”
Of course, he admits that the biggest drawback to this approach is the lack of an existing repository of what he calls, “reliable global data.” He states that the task of trying to assemble any kind of reliable global data is daunting due to the past data having either been ignored or “underestimated”.
This doesn’t stop his determination and Vallée points out that the purpose of his paper, “is to briefly review previous work in the compilation of UAP databases and outline some new directions for research.”
Examining Past UFO Investigations
In the paper, Vallée examines previous works, such as that done by “researcher Jean-François Boëdec in the département of Finistère between 1950 and 1981.” He states that Boëdec’s research demonstrates how longitudinal studies of “screened UAP observations” could become a model for “regional or even national assessment of the patterns behind the phenomenon.”
He also points out that the work of other investigative groups throughout the world merits exploration. Many of these groups have compiled their own databases of UFO sightings. He suggests there is much that can be learned from their work as well as those who have claimed to have had UFO experiences. He sets out the various groups that have compiled lists and case studies.
Vallée also discusses the data collected by Project Blue Book. He explains how it was converted into punched computer cards, the earlier way of storing computer information. Vallée worked with Northwestern University Prof. J. Allen Hynek, a consultant to Project Blue Book. During this time, Vallée states that he and his wife Janine “compiled the first-ever computer database of UFO sightings.”
Vallée sets out a comprehensive list of questions that need to be asked and explains how science can answers these questions to unlock the mystery of the UFO phenomena. He writes, “It is striking to observe that ALL the above issues could be addressed with the current tools of the Sciences, WITHOUT pre-conceived ideology, and without using the ETH as the primary hypothesis to be tested.”
Deception and Manipulation
In 1979, Vallée published a book, “Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults”. This book examined UFO cults and their negative impact on people. In the book, he expressed concern for the Heaven’s Gate’s leader and the impact UFOs could have on controlling social behavior. His worries seem to have been founded when, in 1997, the cult members committed suicide together (6).
Vallée’s views on UFOs have changed over the years evolving beyond ETH theories to a theory that UFOs might be “multidimensional visitations.” This theory espouses extraterrestrials as “multidimensional beyond space-time, and thus could coexist with humans, yet remain undetected.”
In 1990, he published this theory in a paper titled, “Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects.” This theory is based on the patterns that Vallée says his accumulated database points to UFOs being real. He writes that the UFOs “represent a previously unrecognized phenomenon, and that the facts do not support the common concept of ‘space visitors’.” He points out that the report of UFOs throughout recorded human history “demonstrates that UFOs are not a contemporary phenomenon”.
He further states that UFOs apparently have the ability to “manipulate space and time”. This capability “suggests radically different and richer alternatives”.
Vallée believes the UFO phenomenon is some form of “non-human consciousness”. This intelligence “seems to masquerade in various forms to different cultures”. He believes this non-human intelligence “attempts social manipulation by using deception on the humans with whom they interact.” He further suggests that another aspect of UFOs might not be alien, but “human manipulation by humans”.
Why would such an elaborate staging of UFO phenomena be undertaken? He states the purpose could be to “alter their [humans] belief system, and eventually, influence human society by suggesting alien intervention from outer space.”
His theory is rejected by many UFO researchers. In fact, Vallée refers to himself as a “Heretic among heretics” (7). Yet, he believes only when a “clear scientific approach” is used “to build a platform of screened, calibrated data” can the questions of the UFO phenomena be answered.
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Listen to Classified Alien Voice Recording
Listen to Classified Alien Voice Recording
A new video claims that an alien from another planet made the first contact with humanity after losing its home.
The Sheivae Project releases a video that claims to show the authentic recording of an alien named Sheivae. The alien allegedly reached out in response to the NASA Voyager message in 1977.
According to the group, NASA’s Curiosity rover received the recording in 2012 but has kept it secret until the recent leak. However, no records have been found that Mars rovers detected such alien reply. Furthermore, many have questioned its authenticity, including seasoned alien hunters.
In the released recording, a distorted voice can be heard with beeping, whirring, and other electronic sounds in the background.
Here is the exact message according to The Sheivae Project:
“Hello. I am Sheivae. I receive your message. I come from a world far away from yours.
You are not alone.
I hope you receive mine. I hope you understand my message. I try to learn your language (???) yours.
(???) me I lost (???) I lost my planet.
Now I am explorer, voyager, creator. You are my first contact. I would (???) like to (???) you. I am not your enemy. I come in peace.”
Many viewers expressed their skepticism saying that an alien would not use the phrase “we come in peace,” which was popularized in many western films in the 1950s. Some suggested that the recording was recreated with conventional tools.
Even UFO and alien believers say that the recording is complete crap, and there’s no way to confirm if it’s genuine.
The creator of the video seems to understand the mixed sentiments – including the negative ones – and writes that more information may be revealed in the future.
According to the video creator, NASA sent two Voyager probes into space in 1977 and explored for nearly 40 years. These probes were sent to their respective journeys with each has messages on a gold-plated copper disk that represent the life on Earth.
Now, the message has been answered, according to The Sheivae Project. The video claims that the Opportunity Mars rover first detected an unknown signal in 2005, but the Curiosity rover only recovered it successfully in 2012.
Don’t Believe in UFOs? (These videos will change your mind)
Don’t Believe in UFOs? (These videos will change your mind)
Do you remain skeptical about the existence of UFOs and Alien life? IF you are, these videos will change your mind
The UFO Phenomenon has been one of the most talked-about subjects in the last decade. With the huge amount of declassified documents made available to the public, it seems that it is only a matter of time until society finds out the truth behind thousands of anomalous sightings that have been made, not only on Earth but in space as well.
While millions of people are convinced that UFOs visit Earth on a regular basis, there are millions who firmly believe, the UFO phenomenon is not connected, in any way to Aliens and otherworldly spaceships. It is an ongoing debate that has been fueled by every new sighting and every newly declassified document.
But, the debate about Alien life isn’t something new to modern times, as a matter of a fact, since recorded history, people have asked what if somewhere out there is life similar to that on Earth. “To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow.” – Metrodorus, Greek philosopher of the fourth century B.C.
But not only have Astronauts and government officials come forward, acknowledging the UFO phenomenon, renowned scientists like Professor Stephen Hawking have also commented on the possibility of Alien life and Alien visitations.
In a recent interview, Professor Stephen Hawking said: “To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational” (Source)
However, Professor Hawking also commented on the possibility that if Aliens did visit Earth, the outcome would not be so positive as many hoped for. Professor Hawking commented: If AI doesn’t conquer humanity, an advanced alien civilization may do so instead.
‘If aliens visit us, the outcome could be much like when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,’ Professor Hawking said.
‘Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach,’ Hawking told El Pais.
But many people do not agree with Professor Hawking suggesting that Aliens have visited Earth for thousands of years, and continue to do so presently. This is why there are thousands of videos and images of mysterious objects that defy explanation.
Another scientist, Dr. Kaku, who is an advisor on the Discovery channel’s Curiosity series, believes the human race wouldn’t stand a chance if Aliens came to Earth and attacked us. Aliens which could be over a million years ahead of our technology could wipe out mankind in seconds if they were to invade our tiny little planet.
As you can see, there are hundreds of statements made by scientists, astronauts, and government officials on the UFO phenomenon and Alien and these statements are backed up by countless images and videos, all available online, telling a story that many skeptics still refuse to accept, despite the great amount of evidence that is backing up ‘wild claims’ as some of them say.
Here we bring you two very interesting videos of UFO sightings that will make you reconsider if you don’t believe in UFOs and Alien life.
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How to find a 30 meter UFOs at Area 51 using Google Earth Map Today, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
How to find a 30 meter UFOs at Area 51 using Google Earth Map Today, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: May 2010, updated video. Location of discovery: Nevada, 3rd dry lake left of Area 51, USAF base, USA Google Coordinates: 36°55'35.30"N 116° 0'25.41"W This is an updated video I made about the 30 meter UFO found at the base I believe to be area S4. Bob Lazar said in an interview video that Area S4 was the third dry lake bed from Area 51...that is here! But others seem to spread disinformation that this is Area S6. Lately I read on the news that they just now noticed this Area S6 on Google map, wondering what it might be? LOL, figures. I believe that people were told they were being taken to Papoose Lake, but were actually being taken to the next dry lake bed as seen in these photos. Remember, Lazar was riding in a bus with blacked out windows. He only heard where he was going, he could not see out the windows.
I actually found 3 UFOs in the area, but I only care about this one...its magnificent and its huge. If you want to see all three, look at my old 2010 video at the bottom of this post. I've known since 2010 what it might be...a climate controlled hanger that holds a 30 meter disk. The hanger was built around the disk and apparently they had difficulty flying it in the beginning, so they built the hanger around it with 180 degree doors to open allowing it to leave when they fly it. The renewed the airport runway here and all the structures, and there are often 2 or more new small passenger planes to carry scientists in and out secretly. Warning: you will not find this UFO if you do not follow the instructions of how to turn the clock back on the google map photos! So watch carefully please. Scott C. Waring
UFO Fleet Seen Along Road In Mexico On Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Fleet Seen Along Road In Mexico On Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting
Date of sighting: Feb 6, 2016 Location of sighting: Tepoztlan, Mexico This UFO fleet was caught over Mexico last month and we see three separate silver disks. These UFO were either coming or going from an underground base in the area. Base entrances are often in very unreachable locations to avoid contact with humans. In a location, where I see over 70 volcano craters within 100 miles...which I think look more like UFO mothership exit and entrances, I say this area has signs of extreme alien activity. Scott C. Waring
Below is a sample of the area and the volcanos on Google Earth. 9 volcanos in this photo.
News states: In a known road of Mexico, a person witnessed one of the most impressive UFO sightings that have occurred so far this year. He caught at 3 pictures incidentally a flying object in the area identidicado Tepoztlan
Idaho US Marine Shooter Says Aliens Caused Him To Become Hyper-sexual, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Idaho US Marine Shooter Says Aliens Caused Him To Become Hyper-sexual, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of shooting: March 2016 Location of shooting: Washington DC, USA News source: First off, yes its possible to contact an alien or aliens with meditation depending on your effort and your location. But, it is also possible to make contact with an alien that is exceptionally violent. For example, the Tall Whites at Nellis AFB would kill you in a blink of an eye with their bare hands just for trying to shake their hand. Yes...some are its possible, and yes, others in his home town should be careful when trying this. When connected, alien can sense everything you do, so the link is shared. Meditation often warns people that the beings contacted could be dangerous. Even a US Marine with his hardened discipline could not fight it. Scott C. Waring Washington Post States: Kyle Odom was arrested after throwing objects over the White House fence on March 8. He is suspected of shooting an Idaho pastor two days earlier, and released a manifesto warning of "Martians" in Congress before his arrest. Odom believed he was “surrounded” by aliens and he blames the voices and visions not on his own mind but on telepathic aliens and that the world is ruled by an ancient civilization, an intelligent species of amphibian-humanoid, from Mars. Around August of last year Odom and the pastor were in mid conversation when the pastor revealed himself to Odom as if his human face became his real face… His eyes… were huge and bulging, the eyelids were darker green, and the irises were yellow/brown with slit pupils and Odom realized that the pastor was one of them. Therefore “I shot the Pastor 12 times,” Odom said. “There is no way any human could have survived that event but Pastor Remington survived the point-blank shooting. The manifesto also includes a list of “noteworthy Martians.” On the list are 50 members of Congress - belonging to both parties - as well as roughly three dozen members of the “Israeli leadership,” including “every single Prime Minister since 1948.”One wonders whether Odom is completely paranoia or the voices and visions he heard and saw is not a matter of hallucination but real and controlled by mind-controlling intelligent species of amphibian-humanoid.
Location:Newton Abbot Devon UK Date:10th March 2016 Submitted by John
Witness report: I was sky watching when I notest an object that came down from the clouds moving at high speed in a semi circular flight path. The object went back up into the sky from where it had descended. Luckily I managed to catch this object with My Sony H300 Camera. because I had my camera in burst mode I managed to capture the movement of the object. I took six photographs in total. Photograph four clearly shows the object to be a silver saucer. This is more proof of alien craft in our skies. The photographs were taken on the 10th March 2016, at 1:08 PM GMT at Newton Abbot Devon UK.
My wife and I were driving home west / northwest along Riverwatch Parkway. We were admiring the sunset as we approached the I-20 interchange. We noticed what appeared to be a plane’s smoke trail way above traveling to the east / northeast, higher than we’ve ever seen before. We then noticed movement below and to the left of the smoke trail about 3/4 of the distance between the horizon and the plane. It was a metallic spherical shaped craft highlighted by the setting sun. It was about the size of a bb if held at arm’s length. We first thought it was another plane and that we were at an angle which only made it look spherical.
Then, to our great surprise, the sphere quickly ascended but in an “S” pattern as if it were taking evasive maneuvers. It moved up right, then up left, then up right again and then finally it reached near the level of the plane’s smoke trail, as if it were passing behind the plane. What then shocked the both of us, was that the sphere accelerated upwards beyond the smoke trail and disappeared, as if it had flown out of the atmosphere. A few seconds afterward, the plane also disappeared and it’s smoke trail evaporated quickly. As for the plane, we speculated that perhaps that had actually been an object re-entering the earth’s atmosphere and creating an illusion of a smoke trail. We knew that the American astronaut was to return from the Space Station later that evening, but this time seemed too early in the evening for that occurrence. As for the metallic sphere, however, we have no explanation.
An Omaha, Nebraska police officer, reported seeing a slow moving triangular UFO below 500 feet in the sky at a local Walmart store.
The police officer was on duty patrolling near Walmart when he noticed something strange above. He claimed to have seen a triangle-shaped unidentified flying object at 5:38 p.m. on 13th of January 2016.
According to the witness testimony filed as case 74492 in Mutual UFO Network witness reporting database, he knew right away that it was an unusual encounter when he first saw the UFO. The witness said the object, which has three bright lights, moved slowly for several seconds and then vanished in the night sky.
The witness included two sketches in his report, which was filed on 23 February 2016. The case is under investigation. It was assigned to Frederick Zewe, a MUFON field investigator in Nebraska.
One of the sketches shows a representation of the area where the police officer spotted the bizarre object. The other one is a detailed illustration of the triangular object that was spotted over Omaha.
Most UFO sightings can be something man-made or natural. The conclusion of the investigation will help the public weigh in the authenticity of the report.
Here’s a fresh new footage of a bright unidentified object hovering in the sky above Los Angeles in California. This was filmed on Wednesday, 9th March 2016.
A man believes that he videotapes a UFO that uses advanced camouflage technology while flying through storm clouds. YouTube user SAUFOTX was sitting in a parked car when he took the video in San Antonio, Texas.
In the video, the object appears to travel through the sky on an overcast morning in February. The witness was observing the clouds after a heavy storm had passed when he noticed a mysterious looking cloud. He decided to take a photo of it using an LG cell phone.
He saw a saucer-shaped UFO that was moving erratically. The witness uses top of the buildings as reference points. When zooming in, he made out a glow and a shadow underneath the aerial thing. Upon checking the video, he had come to the conclusion that he had seen a massive UFO with a camouflage technology.
However, some viewers of the video don’t agree as they think the object is just a drop of water on a windshield. Similar comments say that the suspicious object was just a drop of rain on the window. Others go on to say that the YouTube user just wants attention so badly that he decides to invent a UFO story.
On a cold, clear November evening in 1952, I was playing outside with my dog. I was four years old. The next thing I knew, I was up in the air in some kind of flying vehicle. I had but one fear: Would my dog be okay down there on the ground by himself? (He was). It is strange that I felt no fear. I was calm and curious. Today I realize this lack of fear was illogical; by most standards I should have been terrified. Was I drugged or hypnotized so as not to be frightened? I don’t know the answer. The pilots of the small vehicle paid no attention to me. I could see only the back of their heads. One of those looked like a giant grasshopper’s head – insect-like. Suddenly I was in a corridor of some larger place. I know now it was a larger craft. I remembered many details and specifics of my time aboard this craft during my hypnotic regression with Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle many years later.
These incredible specifics are available in my book “The Transformation” on Amazon and Kindle. However I do have conscious memories too, which have always been with me. These are memories of sitting on an Earth-like bench with a human-like man sitting a few feet away, talking to me. He might have been using telepathy, I’m not sure. I describe him as “human but enhanced,” although I cannot define this specifically. His eyes were amber in color and seemed translucent. As bizarre as my experience was, it is the memory of this being which haunts me, and has motivated me throughout the years. He explained that he and his people were from Earth’s future. He told me that he and I were to be part of a project which would be important to the human race. I realize I was only four but I understood these concepts at the time, almost as if I had his understanding of them. I remember staring at what might have been a hologram across the corridor which was surrounded by a few plants and flowers. I realize now that the swirling hologram with its pastel colors of yellow, pink, and blue might have been a mechanism to calm my mind.
There was indeed a medical procedure; this is undeniable. At some point of which I have no conscious memory, a membrane in my mouth was removed. It was the membrane between the upper lip and gums, along the line of symmetry. Many years later, a plastic surgeon confirmed to me that it looks like a laser scar. A laser in 1952? I first noticed the scar on the outside of my mouth when I was about nine years old and experimenting with make-up. As the years went along, I asked my parents many times how and when I got it. They had no idea. I looked into dental procedures or a possible birth defect which was corrected, and into every possible mundane answer.
All of them were a resounding, No!” . The mouth is the most blood-nourished part of the body and has ideal tissue for cloning. But on the other hand, that tissue sample may have been used to cure me of childhood leukemia. I realize that I had symptoms back then which would have been tested today. Did these UFO occupants save my life or did they rob me of my DNA, or both?
Like many other abductees, I spent my entire adult life searching for answers to my childhood encounters. My second encounter took place on the shores of Eagle Lake, Ontario, in the same year. Even today there are many UFO sightings over Canadian lakes. In adulthood, I began receiving “downloads” within my mind during the years I was teaching school. I taught for eleven years in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, and in St. Petersburg, Florida. The messages I received were about a number of coming crises and catastrophes on Earth. These messages seemed to be from the being whom I had encountered at age four! The messages also stressed taking care of our planet and her life-forms, before it is too late.
Do I have any regrets? Should you feel sorry that these incredible experiences happened to me? Please don’t, because I would not change a thing! Yes, my encounters changed my life’s path in a number of major ways; they inspired me to learn about quantum physics, astronomy, astrophysics, ancient tribes and their histories, and so much more!
Because of my encounters, I was motivated to live in Kilkenny, Ireland, for five years and then to experience the Giant Rock area of the High Desert of California for two years where George van Tassel called the aliens to land in the 1950s and 1960s. I then moved back to my native Iowa, right where my childhood encounters took place. Yes, there is plenty of flat, remote land here if the scout craft would like to land again, but what I have done with my ten acres is to establish our Star Network Animal Sanctuary and Wildlife Refuge, which has been flourishing for 19 years, helping uncounted animals in great need.
What have I concluded after being an investigator for MUFON and the Arial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) in the late 1970s, and then publishing my own books and publications for abductees and experiencers? I believe that the primary purpose of our UFO visitors is to nudge humankind forward so as to achieve a higher level of collective consciousness. The UFO phenomenon is more about humans taking a step forward in our evolution than it is about the extraterrestrials. I believe in the Human Future! We not only made it through these very difficult times, in the future we are respected members of the Galactic Community.
NOTE:The above image is CGI.
KEN’S NOTE.I have been in contact with Diane Tessman for a while now and her story is very unique but typical of many alien abductions happening all over the world. My boss George Filer, MUFON State Director, was also abducted as a child in a space craft with his friends. Diane’s story is the tip of the iceburg . Please go to Diane’s links for the whole story.
Hello, On February 21, 2016 at around 5:50 PM I witnessed 3 UFO’s hovering outside. The sighting happen in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada it was a very cloudy day, and the sun was setting at the west. I was in my bedroom about to turn on my PlayStation 4 that is located along my bedroom wall next to a large modern window with the blinds pulled up, As I turned on my PS4 I looked outside to see 3 bright objects in the sky hovering beside each other in a strange formation.
At first I thought I was looking at airplanes/helicopters with their headlights turned on but their was no movement, after a few seconds maybe 6-9 seconds one UFO at the very top started blinking randomly, few seconds later the middle UFO disappeared and reappeared in the same exact spot it was in, I called my mom over who was in the kitchen to show her and she did not know what it could be… After a few more seconds 2 UFO’s started blinking but very slowly and stopped, the 3rd UFO is slightly hard to see in the video the 3rd UFO is almost like transparent slightly visible, So I pulled out my IPad Air 2 and started recording. 3 seconds into the recording and the UFO’s started disappearing one by one.
After the UFO’s disappeared into the clouds (which is what it looked like) I looked into the sky all around me inside my bedroom window to notice anything unusual and everything looked normal like always. I went back to review the video and noticed a 4th UFO along the right side above the tall middle tree, that 4th UFO must have appeared and disappeared at the same time the last UFO on the left side disappeared. I did not see the 4th UFO when I was recording the other 3 UFO’s on the left side disappear on my IPad screen. I have no idea how high and how far away the UFO’s were, possibly hovering 2-5K feet high…
The UFO’s looked VERY large. I did not hear any strange noises or any aircraft engines, Cars were driving on the road so perhaps that is why. The color of the UFO’s was a yellow/orange almost like car lights.
Shortly after midnight on Jan 14, 2016 a ham radio operator monitoring frequency 127.95 megahertz overhead a pilot reporting strange light(s) near Nephi, UT. Investigation revealed that the aircraft was an American Airlines flight (Airbus 321) en-route from San Francisco, CA to Philadelphia, PA.Erica Lukes (MUFON Director for Utah) learned of the sighting as she is acquainted with the ham radio operator. The radio operator hosts a UFO radio program titled “The Fringe.” Erica requested assistance so I began investigation of the sighting.I wrote a FOIA request to the FAA requesting Tower logs, radar data and voice tapes. Preliminary analysis of these data follows:Attached is a MP3 file containing the conversation between the American Airlines flight and the FAA. The crew had been watching the lights for some time before reporting.
1. Pilot reports a large unusual orange square of lights while flyingat 31,000 feet. 2. The radar shows a dense area of returns at the exact position and time reported by the pilot. 3. These dense returns are well removed from radar sites. The closest site was about 90 miles to the north at Francis Peak, Utah. The other radar was located at Cedar City, Utah about 155 miles to the SSW. 4. These returns are not due to military operations. There are several restricted military operations areas (MOA’s) in Utah, but Nephi is well outside of these areas. 5. These returns are not drones. Regular drones would not be likely detected at the long distances from the radar sites. Military drones would be detected, but they would not be in the area. 6. These returns are likely not due to anomalous propagation. Anomalous propagation generally starts closer to the radar antenna. 7. Birds, weather targets would not be detected in an isolated area that far from the radar sites. 8. Radar angels are sometimes observed. These are false targets, but there would not be that many of them that far removed from the radar sites. 9. Of course keep in mind that the pilot crew saw a large square area of orange lights so the radar and observation “corroborate” each other.
On Video – Unknown Bright Lights Circle The Skies Over Britain
On Video – Unknown Bright Lights Circle The Skies Over Britain
Another dashcam footage made rounds online as it shows not just one, but five mysterious aircraft circling the sky over Edinburgh.
Stunned drivers stare up at strange lights flying along the M8 motorway. These UFOs apparently hovered over Hermiston Gait roundabout. The sighting happened on Wednesday night, and motorist Lee Frame recorded it through his dashcam.
According to the reporting witness, the lights circled the road and disappeared into the night. Lee further revealed that the road during the incident was quite busy, so he thought that lots of other people must have witnessed the mysterious aerial event as well.
While he can’t explain what he had seen, he is sure that it’s not a plane. Lee said the lights seemed to sit in the sky – did not appear to be moving. He just could not believe what he had witnessed that night.
Swiss Scientists Claim ATLANTIS Existed on Mars and Egypt Traded With Them
Swiss Scientists Claim ATLANTIS Existed on Mars and Egypt Traded With Them
Swiss scientists say they can prove beyond a doubt that the Lost City of Atlantis was on Mars, and its astronauts traded with ancient Egypt for a significant period of time!
Even more incredible, they claim to have the evidence to show that the legendary King Tut died spectacularly in a space shuttle crash with an alien crew.
“The Martian Civilization destroyed itself or was destroyed by a meteor while Egypt was still in its prime,” Dr. Stephan Weisz told a gathering of reporters and scientists in Bern, Switzerland.
But the inhabitants left their mark both on Earth and Mars. Top secret photographs taken by America’s Martian probes clearly show the remains of temples on the surface of the planet.
“Egypt’s pyramids and the ability to mummify the human body are definitely the result of technologies that originated not on Earth but someplace else, in this case Mars. It is our belief that the Atlantans traded these technologies to the Egyptians for gold.”
Dr. Weisz and a colleague, Egyptologist Conrad Vetsch, said that a recently deciphered Egyptian scroll first led them to believe that Atlantis was located on Mars. The scroll describes a technologically advanced civilization existing beyond our own planet “in the vast, black ocean of space.”
It also alludes to space travel and the use of a shuttle craft to ferry manlike extraterrestrials from a space-bound mother ship to the surface of Earth.
“Researchers have long known that the Egyptians were exposed to flight because an elaborate model of what they called a glider was found in Tut’s tomb,” Dr. Weisz told the group.
“In light of information gleaned from the scrolls, we now see that the glider was in fact the replica of a space shuttle. And it was just such a space craft that crashed with Tut aboard.”
Not everyone attending the conference agreed with the experts’ theories. Dr. Seth Rausch, a German historian, thinks they went too far in calling the Martian civilization Atlantis.
“I don’t doubt that the Egyptians were in contact with extraterrestrials,” said the expert. “But until we actually inspect the ruins on Mars, there is no way to know if they are the remains of Atlantis.”
“In my opinion, if Atlantis did exist, it existed here on Earth.”
Norwegian astronomer Elling Gade agreed.
“Atlantis might have been the colony of an alien civilization. But it most definitely was located on this planet,” he said.
How come none of these scientists were surprised about temples on Mars? How come these scientists seemed to know of scripts that possibly prove the inter action of ancient Egypt and aliens?
What else is it that the scientific elite are aware of, that we are not? Why is it that they think our history, and things that may determine who we are, are none of our concern? Or, is it just that they think the more secrets they have, the more important they are?
Indian Archaeologists Stumble Across Ruins Of A Great Forgotten Civilisation In Mizoram
Indian Archaeologists Stumble Across Ruins Of A Great Forgotten Civilisation In Mizoram
A team of archaeologists excavating the mysterious megalithic structures at Vangchhia in Champhai district of Mizoram was of the opinion that a city belonging to a greater lost civilization might have once existed there. The excavations concluded on Wednesday.
Vangchhia is Mizoram's only ASI-protected site.
Sujeet Nayan, assistant superintending archaeologist at ASI Delhi and director of the excavation at Vangchhia, said this was one of the most important archaeological finds of the present time. He said the site held the key to hitherto-unknown facts about Mizoram and the northeast.
The team documented more than 50 structures at Vangchhia and will return soon for further research and study. It collected fragments of charcoal that will be sent to specialized laboratories for carbon dating and other scientific analysis.
"We were exploring what lay beneath the bushes and thick foliage. The entire site could hold traces of a lost city or a greater lost civilization. It is amazing to stumble upon so many things. We need more time and research to reach a final conclusion," said Nayan.
The team came across burial sites that seemed like water pavilion and terraces that were reminiscent of palatial buildings.
The retaining walls or terraces were made of big stones and the average height of each terrace ranged from 10 to 25 feet.
"The terraces might have served as burial sites, but this can't be ascertained as of now," Nayan said. "There are nine terraces. We explored around eight. We also found evidence of what seems to be a water pavilion. We presume people here liked their environment and the water pavilion is comparable to those found in Mughal structures," he added.
Vangchhia is close to the Myanmar border and comprises rolling hills and thick forests. The excavation was conducted after the director general of ASI visited the site in November last year and the objective was to study the structures that have floral, animal and human depictions on them.
∙The menhirs of Vangchhia are Mizoram's first ASI-protected monument.
∙Fragments of charcoal and pottery dug up will be sent to laboratories for carbon dating and other scientific analysis.
∙ ASI said a city belonging to a greater lost civilization might have once existed there.
Filer’s Files #11 – 2016 Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART I
On February 25, 2016, taking photos at Old Fort Parker above Groesbeck, Texas
Filer’s Files #11 – 2016 Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Admiral Farney on UFOs, UFO Crash in Missouri in 1941. First US Jet Disc, Lt. Colonel Talks about Investigating and Debunking UFO Sightings, Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee, and We Are Not Alone
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, New Jersey, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Egypt, India, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, and England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Admiral Farney on UFOs
Navy Admiral Delmar S. Fahrney, former head of the Navy’s guided-missile program, statement was printed in New York Times, January 17, 1957
Retired Rear Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney said he has talked with a number of scientists and engineers who reported seeing strange flying objects. He added,“There are signs that intelligence directs such objects because of the way they fly. They are not entirely actuated by automatic equipment.” He said, “By the way they change position in formations and override each other would indicate that their motion involves a tremendous amount of technology of which we have no knowledge, and that their development must have taken a long period of time.”
Fahrney also stated, “Reliable reports indicate there are objects coming into our atmosphere at very high speeds and controlled by thinking intelligence’s.”
“There are objects coming into our atmosphere at very high speeds… No agency in this country or Russia is able to duplicate at this time the speeds and accelerations which radars and observers indicate these flying objects are able to achieve….
On January 16, 1957 – the day after NICAP’s Board of Governors met for the first time – Board Chairman Delmer S. Fahrney called a press conference. News media all over the country quoted his statements identifying him as one of the few “top brass” to speak out in defense of UFOs.
Note; A friend of mine Commander Bethune a pilot for Navy VIPs often flew Admiral Fahrney to Wright Patterson Air Force Base where he claimed some alien craft were kept and examined. The Navy became primary researchers for the government while the Air Force took most the heat from the news media.
UFO Crash in Missouri in 1941
By Paul Blake Smith, the 1941 UFO crash might well be the most exciting, shocking, and impact event that is now the subject of a new book.
Did three extraterrestrials really crash-land their circular spaceship on a farm just outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Pastor William G. Huffman, was called by police authorities to travel immediately to a crash site on April 12, 1941, He was to administer the last rites to the three member alien aircrew. Paster Huffman was escorted to the site and saw a crashed metal spaceship. The craft was flown by three identical Grey aliens.
This stunning recovery was then allegedly taken to a secret hiding place beneath perhaps the most recognizable building in the world? Was an aspect of the scientifically examined alien craft’s propulsion system applied to the U.S. nuclear weapons program to help win World War II?
The serious, amazing pre-Roswell claims and quotes, rumors and insights, opinions and documented facts are all examined here, in proper chronological, easy-to-read order, the only book to ever comprehensively explore perhaps the wildest nonfiction story of all time.
This book indicates the US had a crashed saucer from space to evaluate and to back engineer its technology as early as 1941;Huffman said he was given a photo of two men holding up one of the aliens, but the image was taken by a so-called photo expert and never returned to the Huffman family. he believes the aliens and their damaged craft were initially brought to the Sikeston Missouri Institute for Aeronautics, before being stored in an underground facility beneath the Capitol building in Washington DC. According to two sisters from Ohio, their father, Rev. Turner Holt, was taken on a tour of the secret rooms in the 1940s by Secretary of State Cordell Hull and shown three large jars, each containing a non-human with big eyes.Read the full recap here.
Below is a declassified oval office Top Secret memo indicates the alien crash was real and the recovered crash helped in the development of the atomic bomb in th Manhatten Project. Also they now have the opportunity to extend our technology.
First US Jet Disc
During World War II and immediately after the Navy developed a disc shaped craft. It’s possible the crashed Cape Girardeau craft helped in the development of the first US Jet Disc.
The first flight of the V-173 with conventional propellor engines was on 23 November 1942 with Vought Chief Test Pilot Boone Guyton at the controls. The aircraft’s most significant problem concerned its complicated gearbox that routed power from the engines to its two long propeller shafts. The gearbox produced unacceptable amounts of vibration in ground testing, delaying the aircraft’s first test flight for months. Flight testing of the V-173 went on through 1942 and 1943 with 190 flights, resulting in reports ofUFOs from surprised Connecticut locals. Charles Lindbergh piloted the V-173 during this time and found it surprisingly easy to handle and exhibiting impressive low-speed capabilities. On one occasion, the V-173 was forced to make an emergency landing on a beach. As the pilot made his final approach, he noticed two bathers directly in his path. The pilot locked the aircraft’s brakes on landing, causing the aircraft to flip over onto its back. Remarkably, the airframe proved so strong that neither the plane nor the pilot sustained any significant damage.
The basic wing area (427 sq ft.) and plan form (less elevators and propeller nacelles) of the V-173 and XF5U-1 were identical tested. A developed version of the originalV-173prototype, the XF5U-1 was a larger aircraft. Of all-metal construction, it was almost five times heavier. A modernized version with jet engines is shown in the photo.
The Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics established the Navy Liaison Office at Edwards AFB on August 28, 1946, to oversee development of the Vought XF5U-1 Skimmer.
Lt. Colonel Talks about Investigating and Debunking UFO Sightings
Recently at the International UFO Congress, an ex-fighter pilot approached Open Minds Antonio Huneeus and asked to share his story.
Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Dick French’s 27 years of military experience has taken him around the world. He has flown fighter jets in Vietnam and Korea, operated in military intelligence, and been exposed to some of our nation’s biggest secrets. His career started in the AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) where he would conduct stakeouts to remove personnel who were breaking the military’s code of conduct. He then moved on to pilot training school and became a pilot.
Later he was transferred to the 6004’s Air Intelligence Security Squadron where it was his duty to investigate any reported UFO sighting. He would collect any photographic evidence, question witnesses on the size and shape of the object, its estimated capability, and any other occurrences that surround the sighting. In the end though,
Lt. Col. French talked to me on several occasions and spoke very openly that UFOs exist and some are likely extraterrestrial. He indicated we did have pieces of alien craft but not much could be discerned from them. French mct Army Lt. Colonel Philip Corso who claimed key UFO parts were sent to aviation companies without explaining their source. He also claimed various advanced technology was back engineered.
Lt. Col. Richard French was a lead investigator on Project Blue Book in the 1950s, his job was to shoot down false reports of UFOs. Superiors told him to debunk the sightings however he could. They personally did not believe in alien UFOs. This position allowed him to travel to many interesting UFO hot spots while meeting high-ranking officials. Given his job, French never dreamed he would end up in Newfoundland one day watching what appeared to him to be two extraterrestrials performing repairs on a submerged, unknown circular craft.
In Washington, D.C., recently, the 83-year-old retired officer testified at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure in May3, of 2013 at the National Press Club in Washington a panel of six former members of Congress about his work as a UFO debunker in 1952.
French recounted how the Newfoundland incident unfolded in the early 1950s, after two UFOs were seen off the coast of St. John’s. French’s superiors ordered him to look into the situation.
“They told me there were two UFOs involved and that they were deep under the water, after entering the water doing roughly 100 miles an hour.
“There were a 100 people assembled on the wharf looking in amazement at the water, including several local policemen.”
Col. Richard French, Capt. Jim Courant, Major George Filer and John Callahan at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure:
French recalls the water was very clear and he could see two circular craft, each one about 18 feet in diameter and approximately 3 feet thick. He said the two objects were floating below the surface of the water, a couple of feet apart, not more than 20 feet from the shore. And he saw two beings in the water near the ships.“The first thing I saw was the UFOs, and it was apparent to me that they were doing something to the craft, and I couldn’t really tell what because they were on the bottom side of it and not visible to me except when they would occasionally get over to the side where I could see them. The water was fairly clear and I could see without any trouble. They weren’t down at the bottom of the [seabed] — they were about half way down.”
The beings he saw “were about 2 or 3 feet tall, light grey in color, very thin, long arms with either two or three fingers. The top of their heads was much wider than their jaw line, their eyes were very slanted and you couldn’t see pupils in them. They looked the way [aliens] have been depicted in motion pictures.”
As French watched, one of the ships began to rise out of the water.
“When it hit the [surface], it was going about 100 miles an hour. It then accelerated to somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,500 to 3,000 miles an hour and disappeared. It returned about 20 minutes later, slowed down to nearly a stop before it entered the water, then went down, and the two [beings] worked together.
“It took them about 20 minutes and then the two ships departed together, again slow when they exited the water, and immediately they sped up to a very high speed. I believe they were repairing [the ship] and tested that the repairs had been adequate, and then away they went.” Thanks to Lee Speigel and Antonio Huneeus
Chosen: Chronicles of an Alien Abductee
5 Stars.
Alien abductions are the kind of thing most people have a healthy skepticism about. After all, when the main proof comes from the people who have claimed to be abducted, and it is difficult to give too much credence to what they might say. Sometimes, however, the proof they give is so compelling that even the heartiest skeptic must sometimes be convinced to believe that it may at least be possible. That is the case with Byron Lacy’s account in Chosen.
Lacy’s book is full of recollections not only of his abductions by various aliens, but also of how those abductions have affected his life.
He tells them in such a straightforward, ordinary way, and with so many details, that it’s hard to be skeptical about his story. The details, too, are convincing enough to make anyone at least consider the possibility. After all, what other explanation could there be for a small child being healed of sarcoma after a doctor told his parents that they might as well have another child already as a replacement? What other explanation could there be for Byron’s numerous accounts of having “lost time,” or of his finding scratches and puncture wounds on his body, or of the memories that suddenly resurface about having been brought aboard an alien ship? These questions kept returning to my mind as I read, and I could think of no other answer except to believe that Lacy was telling the truth.
The one complaint I had about the book is the way Lacy presents his story. It does not go in chronological order, which can make it rather hard to follow, and I sometimes had trouble telling when a particular chapter took place. If you stick with it, though, you will find a compelling story that I would recommend to anyone who has had even the slightest question about whether we really are alone in the universe. SAN FRANCISCO BOOK REVIEW.
Scoop marks on Byron’s right leg
Byron W. Lacy has written an excellent book that should be read by everyone, because if you suspect you are an abductee this is the book you should read. Lacy, a civil servant, musician, artist, and poet was born in Texas. The young Byron was not expected to survive a childhood case of sarcoma cancer. Yet he did, miraculously. In 1961, he witnessed a flying submarine like thing at close range over his entire elementary school class as they exercised in the yard. Other uncanny events include repeated narrow escapes from deadly car accidents. Only in 2009, after seeing a couple of “stargates” materialize in the sky was Lacy convinced he had been alien plagued and abducted for a generation. His imaginary playmate “pirates” Byron saw, as a little boy were the enigmatic intruders. Byron believes he and fellow “abductees” endured many strange experiences: missing time, bodily implants and mysterious scarring, and “little gray” humanoids. For Byron, it is obvious; skeptics be damned, and countless folks are being abducted. A far-out, disconcertingly readable memoir that flatly declares everything about aliens you read online or see dramatized on TV is true. _Kirkus Reviews, ORDER HERE
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #11 – 2016 Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #11 – 2016 Intelligence Directs UFOs - PART II
Sightings in the United States
Arkansas Triangle
Malvern — My sighting was about 19’85, when I took my poodle outside and noticed a big light or huge star but it was too close to the ground. I called my two daughters and their boyfriend to come outside and the light started coming toward us. I thought it was a helicopte with a couple lights on the side, that were green,.maybe red, with a white one in the front. The object was triangle, dark and flew on the other side of my cousin’s house. There was no sound and we were stunned. The UFO was in the direction of a place that is called National Lead at Magnet Cove. My thought was the UFO was getting some kind of power from these mines since it hovered for so long? I lived just 8 miles out of Malvern, and I have had this on my mind for years and would like to be hypnotized. My mother saw this UFO coming in from church one night. Thanks to Jannis and Website
California Light
San Ramon – I was out on my back deck early this morning on March 6, 2016, and took pictures of a beautiful sunrise after a storm last night. When I came in to my room to look at my pictures I saw a light that I initially thought was a star. However, I took the pictures one right after the other and saw that the bright object had moved significantly. When I enlarged the picture it almost looks like a bright greenish yellow bell shaped object. I thought this is very interesting and not quite normal. I felt excited about seeing the object in my pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brea— Hiking in Carbon Canyon—I was out taking pictures Sunday, March 6, 2016, at 11 AM—in clear sky. I took 71 pictures. Hours later, when sharing pictures, noticed light blue circle, different blue than sky, in two pictures.
Upon further review of pictures, a light-blue sphere or circle could clearly be seen–with four prominent white lights. The object was not noticed while I was taking the pictures. In reviewing pictures that were snapped in a millisecond rate, the circle appeared to have moved from a cloud to open blue space between clouds. Planes coming from south appeared to be flying unusually low and doing circular patterns thru clouds in early evening. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Object
Denver — I was taking pictures of myself and an American flag on February 29, 2016. After I got home, I looked through the photos and saw an object in the sky. I have no idea what it is. Possibly a drone.
I’m really curious and excited about it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Orb
Delray — I was at the public beach on February 27, 2016, admiring the beautiful cloud formations when I noticed a very bright rectangle or oblong in the southeast sky. It was too far for me to see the details. After ten minutes, I didn’t notice it but then after about ten more minutes. I saw it again in the east, 30 degrees above the horizon.
There was a boat out in the ocean that looked as it may have been trying to go towards the object. Then a small plane and two helicopters flew around above us at the beach. The black helicopter was hovering over the ocean then moved to try to photograph the UFO. Very odd to hear the two copters and a small plane at the same time in the same area. I decided to take photos with my iPhone. It was just odd….so bright -enough to stand out. It did not scoot around,..but did fly east within the 45 minutes. The object was still there when I left. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Objects
Paris — My husband wanted a picture of the flag at this farm we were passing on February 29, 2016. The strong winds made it look amazing.
I took pictures and then later when reviewing saw the three craft to the left of the flag. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Lights
Indianapolis – On March 2, 2016, the witness called and reported his sighting a few minutes after occurrence. He was outside stargazing and saw very bright, large orange lights “floating in their own pattern to the northeast. He saw the lights rising from the ground. The lights vanished quickly in about 10 minutes behind the tree line. A few minutes later the witness saw a large orange light hovering in the sky. Two photos and a video were taken by cell phone. The video did not reveal any detail and is not displayed in this report. No sound was heard. Skies were clear and stars were visible at the time of the sighting. They did seem to be the same size. The witness later added that he saw around 15 objects above the tree line.Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
New Jersey Craft
airview – Three witnesses were abducted into a saucer shaped craft with a rainbow of lights. Three teenage witnesses were playing basketball from 6 to 9 AM Saturday morning July 1974,. Weather was clear and sunny and they were across the street from a fire station in Fairview, NJ. While walking back to his friends home noticed that the area was empty of cars and people when normally there would be “50 to 100 people in the park.” Noticed rainbow colors out of the corner of his right eye rainbow colors. When he looked he saw a shining silver metallic saucer with round tinted windows. He alerted his two friends who also saw the craft. He heard and felt whirring/roaring and his shirt was flapping as if in “a 50 mile an hour wind” but there was no wind. They were paralyzed and could not run.
They arrived back at his friend’s home with no memory of walking there. Witness discussed the incident with two friends and they had no memory of being on the ship as he did. He recalls seeing them on “operating tables” but he was standing 30 feet away. Ship appeared larger inside than outside, possibly 400 feet across. About 25 creatures, four feet tall were present with about 10 to 15 around him and the rest around his friends. The creatures were gray in color with large round heads and large black eyes. The creatures were touching him all over. They were speaking telepathically and were surprised when they realized that he could hear them. His mother had told him that there was psychic ability in their family but he had never really believed it. He asked why they were there? His impression was that they were friendly and curious and meant no harm. He believed that they were trying to help his two friends, who both had heart problems and he believes that their lives may have been extended by the aid rendered on the craft. He remembers looking out the window and down onto the basketball court where they had been playing.
He could see other beings moving about in long corridors. He remembers seeing the craft ascend after they had been returned. It moved up and to the right, leaving a rainbow colored trail behind. When he returned to his home his mother said he seemed changed and he replied, “It’s no big deal mom.” Thanks to MUFON CMS Millville — I always look up-as I love astronomy-and I see a bright pulsating star- at about 45degrees facing east on February 25, 2016. It had fuzzy edges and rear facing “arm like appendages” on top. I asked wife and daughter to come
Oregon Saucer
Sherwood — In 1952, my father and I were cutting down a tree and I looked up and saw this hovering saucer coming towards us. It made a humming noise but had no lights. It was about 75 yards from us; I could have hit it with a gun, and about 75 feet from us. It came slowly towards us and hovered over us for about 5 minutes. It had round dark colored windows, about two feet in size, going around the side and was an aluminum color with no lights. It had a dome on top like an upside down cup, and it came almost to the edge of the saucer. The bottom had a four-foot fan/blade like a spinning wheel, spinning on the bottom. It was going fast. My mom saw it too. We watched it and it hovered over us, then it shot straight up and went out of sight. It left a pure white corkscrew trail as it lifted off. The trail stayed a long time until the breeze dissipated it. We wanted to call Portland but thought no one would believe us. I am in my eighties now and wanted to tell my story. Photo is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS”
Tennessee Ship
I had walked out on front porch and looked up and saw at first what I thought my be another helicopter going over on March 6 2016 . Yet I discovered this was no chopper. 8:50PM
No sound, It had four Orange lights, they swirled inside like plasma. Orange, light orange and a tint of yellow. It actaully reflected on the bottom of craft. One white light on each end of these orange plasma lights. and alot of little strobe like lights all over it.
Where the orange lights are the craft extended out in a cigar shape and rounded up. The lights illuminated the bottom of the craft. A beautiful black yet shiny metal.The plasma was like reaching up the curve of the bottom of the ship. Beatiful it was. I made a computer drawing, although it is not the best, my apologies. The grey shape is the oval rounded part coming down to were the lights are. Thanks to MUFON CMS
This is not a cigar craft or tube that people claim to see, but I do see were they could get confused. out to help me clarify what I am seeing?-They see it also. I took cell phone video, with audio description of what we are “seeing”. I ran in to get binoculars;-the craft is dinner plate shaped with an indented pie plate look. The “arms” I saw was actually the craft turning up on it’s side while hovering for 51 minutes of observation. At least ten other jets were flying in different directions. This thing defies ANYTHING I have ever seen. We felt awe and lost sight when the were stars were obscured by clouds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Disc
Groesbeck – On February 25, 2016, I was taking photos at the Old Fort Parker Historic Site five miles north of Groesbeck, in Limestone County.
I did not see object. I found it on frame #4070 four days later when my file was downloaded for processing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Lights
Auburn – On February 23, 2016, at 6:55 PM, my wife and I saw two formations of reddish orbs. The first formation had three orbs in a triangular pattern heading west. The second formation was huge! I counted 10 orbs on a specific formation following the first formation that had vanished. Attached is an iPhone picture of the second formation in the sky. You can see the cluster in the sky and houses below.
Note:Skies were cloudy with bases at 24,000 feet and 10,000 feet. Surface winds were from the east at 13 MPH. Winds were from the east to southeast in the lower 5,000 feet of the atmosphere. This suggests that the objects were drifting with the wind and could be like Chinese Lanterns. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Sphere
Puerto Punta Loyola — I was filming for nearly 25 minutes on February 25, 2016 at a time the lights had already moved further south and were directly over the mountain. They made a motion like turning on each other, they were quiet for a second and started rising slower towards the south. It followed the line of the coast and entered towards the sea.
All this happened about noon and lasted less than half an hour. I could go to see UFOs at any time. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Orb
St Kilda, Melbourne – On February 29, 2016, I noticed an object as it reflected light, and was stationary for some time
I have no idea what object was that I was able to see with my naked eye. I then took photos of the object to view via camera. Object looks like a set of wings and, stayed in the same location, and then disappeared. Lost site of object as it disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Sydney — I saw a triangular flash of light move northwest on a clear night on January 3, 2016, at 10:30 pm, in a clear sky.. The object moved from as far as I could physically see in about 1 second then lifted outwards into the atmosphere. The light was very hazy bright like you would see with lightening flashes through storm clouds. The object was extremely large. If you look at the Southern Cross from earth, we have the two pointers.. this object was as wide as the gap between the two pointers so it was HUGE. It seemed to me that this was very high in the night sky so I can only imagine how big it was. I heard no sounds although it looked to move faster than the speed of light. Thanks to UFOINFO
Canada Lights
St.Marie-St.Racheal, N.B. –These pictures were taken with my friend’s hunting camera in the woods near this home on January 11, and 13, 2016 in St.Marie-St.Racheal, N.B. I was only able to send 9 pictures, the remanding 20 pictures are much more brighter.They were taken on two different nights, 8 pictures on January 11-2016 late in the night and 21 pictures also late in the night.
In the back ground you will notice the feeding box for the animals. I would also like to add that since this event happen, all the animals have stopped coming to eat in these area, whereas before they would come on a daily bases. The light seems to come from sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kanata, Ontario — My husband took these pictures in the parking lot at 840 March Road, on March K2W 0C9. He was taking pictures of the sundog, as it was unusually bright. Later, he told me that he did not notice the disk when he took the pictures.
When I looked at them later, I found the anomaly. You be the judge! It looks to me like a saucer at varying angles and location. I circled them on the pictures to show where it was and labeled the images for ease of reference. I also included the original pictures unedited for confirmation that the pictures are not edited.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Egypt Cylinder
Cairo — Back in July 1, 2009 or 2010, I went to Egypt for vacation and was watching the pyramid’s light and sound show from my room balcony. I shot several pictures of the show and later on when I was checking the photos; I noticed an anomaly in one of the photos. An object was present, which was not a reflection of the lights. I have other photos in the same light conditions. Another couple that we met stated they spotted the same object and saw it moving quite slow for an aircraft and it made no sound.
I have this photo for quite a time and did not show it to anybody besides my wife and the couple that confirmed that it was what he or she saw.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Octagon
Bharat Nagar –My name is Jaya Kumari and on March 8, 2016. while returning from my office I saw a flying object approach. It was 100 feet from ground moving at a slow speed. As I leaned out to see the object, I saw the bottom of an octagon shaped disk size of 250 square feet with four red lights around the disk. It seemed to be a heavy metal disk shaped object. It approached at a slower speed but zoomed at an immense speed suddenly right above my head with fast blinking red lights. The object then blasted off to the eat sky.
Bangalore – Two similar UFOs were reported over Bangalore on March 8, 2016. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Bright Light
Tauranga Bay of Plenty — I could not sleep and noticed a shimmering star changing colors in the distance so I got my binoculars to look at it more closely on March 5, 2016. It was just a star and I returned to my bed, when my whole room lit up. I looked out from my two-story window to see a huge glowing bright lime greenish yellow orb coming up from the southeast. It was growing larger as it approached very fast. Then it suddenly changed its direction and descended in a sloping trajectory creating a suburb was full of light. I lost sight of it as it dropped below the roof lines of neighboring houses and into a large lake’s a block away. I did not feel scared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Romania Disc
Asi— I was with my friend taking night photos of Palas Mall using my Samsung S4 mobile phone on February 27, 2016.
I thought I saw a bright whitish shining object moving in a zig zag manner over my camera screen, so I decided to take a few more shots of the same spots.
I thought it could be an UFO as it moves over the camera screen in a zig zag manner at high speed and disappeared suddenly.
Of the few photos taken of the same direction of the sky, only one of the photos have a blue disc with white light above the building. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Switzerland Orb
Bern— My son went with his grandmother from Burgdorf to Bern on March 5, 2016.
He saw a floating object over the highway.
Because he always has his iPhone in his hands, he took the picture of the ufo. Can you see it? Left side up
Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Sphere
Manenberg Cape Town — It was 1982, or 83 when I was four years old when my brother and I were playing near Scheldt Walk. We noticed alot of grownups looking up in the sky, congregating on the corner of a nearby block of flats. This happened about hour before noon. When we looked up we saw a sphere like object flying up and down in the sky. It made a whooshing sound as it flew over our heads. It moved swiftly about and every now and again dipped behind nearby houses out of view for different intervals before coming up again. There was a strong police presence with various police vehicles on the ground and a police helicopter chasing the sphere.
We couldn’t see what the ground units were doing that were 300 meters from us. The air chase continued when I heard a dull bang and saw smoke coming from the one end of the sphere. This was during the apartheid years and everything was hush hush after the incident. I know what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
St Albans — Herts Advertiser news desk revealed last week that a man in London Colney had seen some peculiar lights in the sky above St Albans at 10.15 pm on August 29, 2010. He saw ten objects that were not Chinese lanterns traveling very fast and in a straight line. Rob Stichbury saw something similar at around the same time. He said, “The bright object was traveling extremely fast coming from the St Alban. It was following the path of Nicky Line and took 15 seconds to cover the horizon. It was too large to be a plane, and was moving quite low and much faster than any other traffic. Ken Collins also saw a strange object traveling faster than any aircraft. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
London – I was at Borough Market, near Cathedral Street, taking photographs of the top of the nearby Shard building, On closer inspection of the photographs, I noticed that a progressive path of UFOs was recorded on the several images that were taken. They were clearly visible above the pinnacle of The Shard at 4.30 pm.
In extreme close-up, the object to the right has a clearer structure – perhaps metallic. I was using an iPhone 6, and I’m certain that these are not light reflections; I take lots of photographs and have never observed this phenomenon before or since.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Scotland Discs
Linlithgow – We were visiting Blackness Castle in Scotland on March 5, 2016, and took many photos with the sun setting behind me.
The shutter rate on my camera was very high at 2500th of a second on F9 stop.
On one of my photos, I noticed two glowing objects taken at 17:25 Greenwich Mean Time.
These objects only showed in one of my photos.
Blackness Castle is near Bonnybridge and the Falkirk Triangle a hot spot for UFO sightings.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
LUCHTVAARTDe Canberra-bommenwerper werd ontworpen in de jaren 40, maar de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA gebruikt nog altijd drie exemplaren van het oude toestel.
'De Canberra was al van in het begin goed ontworpen'
David Keen, RAF Museum
Liefst 33 jaar nadat de Amerikaanse luchtmacht zijn Canberra's met pensioen stuurde, vliegen er nog altijd drie van de toestellen rond in dienst van NASA. De Canberra's maken deel uit van het Airborne Science Program (ASP), dat vliegtuigsystemen ontwikkelt voor wetenschapsdoeleinden en voor het verbeteren van satellietgegevens.
Omdat de Canberra's ontworpen zijn om erg hoog te kunnen vliegen, maakt hen dat geschikt voor verscheidene taken. Onder meer voor het ondersteunen van de satellieten van NASA. Dat legt Charles Mallini, programmamanager van de Canberra-vloot van NASA uit aan de BBC. Zo worden de Canberra's ingezet voor het uitvoeren van calibratietests om de metingen van satellieten op punt te zetten, testen ze nieuwe sensoren vooraleer die ingezet worden in de ruimte en voeren ze vanop grote hoogte metingen uit die vervolgens afgetoetst kunnen worden met de informatie die satellieten doorsturen. Ook worden de toestellen geregeld ingezet voor het uitvoeren van wetenschappelijke tests.
Dat de Canberra's nog altijd rondvliegen is te danken aan het ontwerp van de vliegtuigen. Nochtans is dat niet evident, aangezien de Canberra stamt uit de eerste generatie straaljagers. "De Canberra was al van in het begin goed ontworpen", legt David Keen van het RAF Museum in het Britse Hendon uit. "Het toestel kon behoorlijk snel vliegen voor een bommenwerper, en vloog ook hoger dan alle andere bommenwerpers. Net deze kenmerken zijn verantwoordelijk voor zijn lange staat van dienst."
NASA is bovendien niet van plan de Canberra's snel aan de kant te zetten. "We zijn altijd op zoek naar manieren om hun capaciteiten te verbeteren op vlak van uithouding, communicatie en dataverzameling. De drie toestellen hebben net een reeks upgrades gekregen, waaronder een nieuw autopilootsysteem", aldus Mallini. Meer nog, tot 2013 had de NASA zelfs maar twee Canberra's in dienst. De derde lag al sinds 1972 stof te vergaren op een vliegtuigkerkhof in Arizona, tot de NASA het vliegtuig oplapte en weer aan het werk zette.
Al zal het wel steeds moeilijker worden om de vliegtuigen in de lucht te houden, vreest Mallini. "Het vinden van onderdelen is een van onze grootste uitdagingen, aangezien veel onderdelen niet meer verkrijgbaar zijn en de fabrikant allang niet meer bestaat. We hebben al onderdelen gehaald uit museumvliegtuigen uit het hele land. Wanneer er geen onderdelen te vinden zijn, moeten onze ingenieurs ze zelf ontwerpen en ontwikkelen."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Grote rotsen die per stuk honderden kilo’s wegen worden verplaatst in het Amerikaanse Death Valley en niemand weet hoe.
Al heel lang wordt hier gezocht naar antwoorden en al vele jarenlang wordt er gespeculeerd over de elektromagnetische velden van UFO’s die dit veroorzaken.
Death Valley is het laagst gelegen deel van Amerika en tevens de plek waar de hoogste temperaturen optreden.
Death Valley is een dal in de Verenigde Staten dat samen met de omgeving deel uitmaakt van Death Valley National Park. Het is voor het overgrote deel gelegen in de staat Californië en voor een klein deel in de staat Nevada. Het dal is omringd door bergen en maakt deel uit van de Grote Bekken en de Mojavewoestijn. In Death Valley National Park is een woestijngebied met zoutvlakten, rotsformaties, canyons, zandduinen en bergen.
Het is er droog en dor, maar het is ook een gebied dat bekendstaat als een UFO hotspot. Een plaats waar meer dan gewoonlijke UFO-activiteit wordt waargenomen.
Op de droge bodem van Death Valley liggen rotsen die per stuk honderden kilo’s wegen, maar toch desondanks schijnen ze te kunnen wandelen.
Dit fenomeen is niet nieuw. Al sinds het midden van de negentiende eeuw wordt er melding gemaakt van rotsen die voortbewegen over het zand.
Aangezien er geen menselijke sporen worden gevonden zoals voetafdrukken lijkt het duidelijk dat de rotsen niet door mensen worden voortbewogen. Door wie of wat worden ze dan bewogen?
Iets waar ook al jarenlang over wordt gespeculeerd, is dat deze rotsen worden voortbewogen door elektromagnetische velden die door UFO's worden gecreëerd. Dit zou ook een aannemelijke verklaring kunnen zijn omdat dit gebied afgelegen is en daarom een perfecte locatie voor UFO-activiteit. Ook zijn dit de gebieden waar wordt gespeculeerd over buitenaardse bases.
Zoals in de onderstaande video te zien, is een fotograaf er onlangs in geslaagd om vreemde bewegingen in de lucht vast te leggen op beeld.
Dat alles neemt echter niet weg dat NASA zegt een antwoord te hebben gevonden voor de bewegende stenen. Dit zou worden veroorzaakt doordat in de winter het er ’s nachts zo koud wordt dat de bodem bevriest, waardoor er een laagje ijs zou ontstaan. Door dit laagje ijs zou er volgens hen maar heel weinig wind voor nodig zijn om de rotsen te doen voortbewegen.
Het is een theorie die niet is bewezen. Net zoals het voortbewegen door UFO’s een theorie is die niet is bewezen.
Vooralsnog blijft het dus een raadsel waardoor die rotsen zich kunnen verplaatsen.
ExoMars Spacecraft Roll Out to Launchpad for Monday's Liftoff (Photos)
ExoMars Spacecraft Roll Out to Launchpad for Monday's Liftoff (Photos)
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
A Russian Proton rocket and its ExoMars 2016 payload are hoisted into vertical position at Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome on March 11, 2016.
Credit: B. Bethge/ESA
The next robotic mission to Mars has rolled out to the launchpad ahead of its liftoff, which is planned for Monday (March 14).
A Russian-made Proton-M rocket carrying the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and Schiaparelli lander — which together constitute the first part of the two-phase, European-led ExoMars mission — rolled out to the pad at Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan today (March 11) and was hoisted into vertical position. Technicians had filled the Proton's Breeze upper stage with propellant and oxidizer yesterday (March 10), European Space Agency (ESA) officials said.
If all goes according to plan, the Proton will blast off at 5:31 a.m. EDT (0931 GMT; 3:31 p.m. local Kazakhstan time) on Monday. You can watch the ExoMars launch live here at, courtesy of ESA.
After liftoff, TGO and Schiaparelli will cruise through deep space for seven months, arriving at the Red Planet in October.
The pair will separate on Oct. 16. A few days later, TGO will set up shop in Mars orbit, beginning a five-year study of the planet's atmosphere that focuses on a hunt for methane — a gas that could be produced by living organisms, if any exist on the Red Planet.
The two ExoMars 2016 spacecraft and their Russian Proton rocket sit on the launchpad at Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome on March 11, 2016.
Credit: B. Bethge/ESA
Schiaparelli, meanwhile, will aim to pull off Europe's first-ever successful landing on Mars, with touchdown scheduled for Oct. 19. (ESA's Beagle 2 lander apparently settled softly on the planet in December 2003, but it never contacted its controllers after that.)
ESA wants Schiaparelli to gather environmental data on the surface for as long as its batteries last (likely two to eight days, ESA officials have said). But the lander's main purpose is to prove out entry, descent and landing technologies that will help get the second main component of the ExoMars program — a deep-drilling, life-hunting rover due to launch in 2018 — onto the red dirt safely.
TGO's observations will help mission planners select a landing site for this rover, and the orbiter will help relay data from the wheeled robot to Earth after it touches down.
NASA was ESA's main partner on ExoMars until early 2012, when the American space agency dropped out, citing budget issues. Russia then came onboard as partner. The Russian federal space agency, known as Roscosmos, is providing Proton rockets for both ExoMars missions, a landing platform for the ExoMars rover and some science instruments.
Stanton Friedman Extraterrestrial Craft are Real [FULL VIDEO]
Stanton Friedman Extraterrestrial Craft are Real [FULL VIDEO]
Published on Jan 28, 2016
Stanton Friedman "To reach a scientific conclusion about the reality of flying saucers requires the collection, review, and evaluation of an enormous amount of evidence. I have done so and concluded that some flying saucers are alien spacecraft, that the subject represents a Cosmic Watergate, that there are no good scientific arguments against these conclusions. The UFO debunkers ignore the large scale scientific studies, the numerous relevant highly redacted highly classified UFO documents, the numerous studies showing trips to nearby stars are feasible. Instead we are treated to proclamations of impossibility unsupported by evidence. It is well worth looking at the mountains of data. Science tells the story. We are being visited and are being lied to. Reality triumphs over fiction when science is properly employed."
For almost 60 years the public has been hearing about flying saucers and then UFOs. Press coverage has ebbed and flowed, but polls have always shown a very high awareness score. Motion pictures, tabloids, and TV programs have picked up the slack with a mélange of fiction and some truth. Unfortunately, much of what has been told by the “powers that be” has been false. Many different government agencies have shared in the misrepresentation and have provided outright LIES as well. The press and other academic and scientific groups have often blindly accepted and promulgated nonsense without any effort to get at truth. Webster's Dictionary defines LIE as an untrue statement made with the intent to deceive. Hopefully, the LIES presented in this paper will help cause these protectors of the public to do their job: seek and present truth.
Project SERPO and the Alien Human Exchange Program
Project SERPO and the Alien Human Exchange Program
Published on Mar 11, 2016
The origins of the program supposedly started after two UFOs crashed in Roswell and Corona, NM in 1947. The one surviving extraterrestrial recovered from the Corona crash supposedly assisted the U.S. military in establishing contact with the Ebens, his fellow beings on Serpo. This communication eventually led to a 1965 exchange program, where 12 specially trained U.S. military personnel went to Serpo aboard one of the Eben’s spacecraft as part of a 12-year mission to learn more about Serpo’s geology and biology, as well as learning more about the Ebens.
During the mission, it was learned that Serpo is approximately 37 light years away from Earth, has two suns, is slightly smaller than Earth, and has a similar atmosphere. However, the radiation levels on Serpo were higher than on Earth, so the team had to keep their bodies covered at all times. The Ebens had leaders but no real form of government and they lived in small communities with one large city which acted as the central point of the civilization. The total population on the planet was around 650,000.
Thanks to EPIC Voyagers, please visit the website here
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Space Race Losers? US Leadership in Danger, Report Warns
Space Race Losers? US Leadership in Danger, Report Warns
By Jesse Emspak, Contributor
Artist's illustration of NASA's in-development Space Launch System megarocket on the pad.
Credit: NASA
The United States could lose its long-held leadership position in space science, technology and exploration if the country doesn't renew its commitment to those fields soon, a coalition of space-industry organizations has warned.
Such a commitment should include the completion of a crewed launch system, stable NASA budgets and continued partnerships with other nations on projects such as the International Space Station, said the 12-group coalition, which jointly presented a white paper at the National Press Club on Friday (March 4).
"What we have is a rather unprecedented consensus of the space community in the United States," said Elliot Pulham, CEO of the nonprofit Space Foundation and one of three experts who shared their thoughts with reporters at the document's unveiling. [Giant Leaps: Top Milestones in Human Spaceflight]
Pulham added that one of the board members of the Space Foundation, journalist and writer P.J. O'Rourke, would have kept the message quite short if he had attended the event: "He would have said it should be one sentence: 'Space is good — keep investing.'"
The group plans to send the white paper, which is called "Ensuring U.S. Leadership in Space," to candidates for office, from the presidential race on down to local congressional campaigns.
The main problem, the report said, is that NASA's funding is decided at the whim of politics. And at the moment, NASA's budget is at a historic low as a share of the overall federal budget. Meanwhile, other countries, such as China, are ramping up their investments in space.
The Orion Spacecraft is the Future of Deep Space Travel
Eric Stallmer, president of the nonprofit Commercial Spaceflight Federation, said that politicians often regard space as a regional issue, one that affects jobs in Florida, Texas and other states. But that's a very limited, and limiting, view, he added.
"Space affects all 50 states," Stallmer said. "It's a national space program."
Another big threat to U.S. leadership in space is malaise, brought on partially by past successes, several experts said.
"We landed on the moon, and that cemented in our heads that we were leaders," said Sandra Magnus, executive director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Doing a great thing once, she added, doesn't guarantee leadership forever. [NASA's 17 Apollo Moon Missions in Pictures]
"Conquering malaise means allowing ourselves to be led by optimists and visionaries," Pulham said. Making this happen could boost the nation's "soft power," creating an environment in which other countries want to work with the United States, he added.
One of NASA's purposes is to "expand the bubble" of knowledge, Magnus said. Since the agency's establishment in 1958, NASA has built a base of expertise that has led to increased accessibility to space, Magnus said, citing the recent phenomenon of student groups launching cubesats as an example.
"For 50 years, we were kind of caught in low-Earth orbit, but now the edge of the bubble is expanding," she said. "Now people are engaged behind that in ways that aren't necessarily tied to government funding."
Investing in space allows new industries to develop, and that requires a commitment that is often lacking these days, Stallmer said. The coalition said it hopes Congress and the next president — whomever that might be — will commit to a plan of action, and fund the agency accordingly.
An important investment, the panel said, is a launch system able to get American astronauts into space, a capability the nation lost when the space shuttle program was grounded in 2011. (Right now, Russia and China are the only countries that can launch astronauts to space.)
NASA is currently developing the Space Launch System (SLS) megarocket and Orion capsule toward this end, and the coalition urged continued support of these efforts. SLS and Orion are designed to help get astronauts to deep-space destinations such as Mars. Meanwhile, SpaceX and Boeing have signed NASA deals to develop "astronaut taxis" that will get spaceflyers to Earth orbit and back, beginning in 2017.
During Friday's event, panelists were asked whether fully funding SLS — which is scheduled to fly for the first time in 2018 — might actually hamper American leadership in space, since the program might not even survive into the next administration. And private companies — notably SpaceX, which is building a rocket called the Falcon Heavy — might soon be able to lift hefty payloads into space for less money.
But Magnus said developing SLS technology is still important. "That system [SLS] is the expansion of the bubble," she said. "You need to continue to push the boundaries of what you're doing. You need to bring the technologies to bear that can push us out further."
And SLS and other NASA technology will still transfer to industry at some point, she added.
The panel also stressed that the U.S. should continue to partner with other nations in ways that benefit the America's space industry and security.
Lowering trade barriers in some areas could help make this happen, Pulham said, noting that restricting sales of certain equipment overseas simply encouraged other countries to develop their own capability to launch rockets.
"Our allies could not buy from us, so instead [they] developed their own indigenous industries," he said. "There was a time when 75 percent of launch capability was built in Colorado. Now it's zero percent."
Pulham also noted that some advanced spacecraft parts are now being built by other nations. "Other people have technology that we should want to get our hands on as well," he said.
Some barriers need to be in place to address real security concerns, Pulham said. "But they should not be so high that we can't do common-sense work together."
How Often Do Big Fireballs Blaze Up in Earth's Sky?
How Often Do Big Fireballs Blaze Up in Earth's Sky?
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Trail left by the object that exploded over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in February 2013.
Credit: Alex Alishevskikh/Flickr, CC BY-SA
A fireball exploded over the south Atlantic Ocean on Feb. 6 in the most powerful such event since February 2013, when a similar "airburst" injured more than 1,200 people in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.
Last month's fireball packed the energy equivalent of 13,000 tons (13 kilotons) of TNT, but it exploded in a remote location, so no eyewitness reports are known. (The event was recorded on NASA's Fireball and Bolide Reports page.)
Meteors burn up in Earth's atmosphere every day, but most are small and therefore fly completely under the radar. Fireballs as dramatic as the Feb. 6 event — which was caused by an object estimated to be 16 to 23 feet (5 to 7 meters) wide — occur about once every two to three years, according to Peter Brown, a professor at the University of Western Ontario in Canada and a member of the Western Meteor Physics Group. [Photos: Russian Meteor Explosion of Feb. 15, 2013]
The Feb. 6 fireball, while powerful, would probably not have caused damage even if it had hit Earth over a populated area, Brown added.
"The only way you might get damaged is if rocks hit the ground and you are unlucky enough to be hit by some debris," he told
Brownincoming ly.
The object that exploded above Chelyabinsk three years ago was about 65 feet (20 m) wide, experts say, and had an estimated explosive energy of 500 kilotons. The blast shattered hundreds of windows; the reported injuries were almost all caused by shards of flying glass.
Meteor terminology can get confusing, so here's a quick primer: An asteroid is a space rock. A meteoroid is a space rock about to hit Earth, a meteor is a space rock burning in Earth's atmosphere, and a meteorite is a space rock that made it all the way to the ground. (And, technically speaking, a fireball is a meteor that shines at least as brightly as the planet Venus in the sky.)
Meteorite Explosion - Russia Chelyabinsk 2/15/2013 - Asteroid expected to pass close by Earth
Meteoroids can come in several different forms. A small percentage of them (perhaps 5 percent) are made of solid iron. Others are more like comets — collections of ice and dust — and still others are rubble piles composed of bits of rock, dust and ice.
If the meteoroid is solid iron and large enough, a fraction of it can survive its trip through Earth's atmosphere and make it all the way to the ground, Brown said. A more loosely-held-together meteoroid, however, will break up in the air.
Both the Chelyabinsk rock and the Feb. 6 object likely came into the atmosphere at a shallow angle of about 20 degrees, subjecting each to relatively little heating and allowing each to penetrate deep into the atmosphere. Both rocks also each exploded at about 19 miles (30 kilometers) above the ground.
A much more powerful airburst took place over the Tunguska region of Siberia on June 30, 1908, flattening about 770 square miles (2,000 square km) of forest.
The best current estimates, Brown said, have the Tunguska object exploding with a force of between 5 and 15 megatons, or about 10 to 30 times the total energy of Chelyabinsk. Experts think the Tunguska meteor was at least 100 feet (30 m) wide, and they believe it detonated about three times closer to the ground than the Chelyabinsk object did — between 4.3 to 6.2 miles (7 to 10 km) above the Siberian treetops. [What If Tunguska Event Happened Over New York City? (Video)]
Tough to track
NASA and other agencies have a robust asteroid-tracking program that can detect objects about 16 to 32 feet (5 to 10 m) wide depending on their proximity to Earth, lighting conditions and other factors.
So far, surveys have found two asteroids of this size shortly before they impacted Earth: 2008 TC3, which came in over Sudan in 2008, and 2014 AA, which impacted over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on Jan. 2, 2014.
The main observatories for this work, Brown said, are the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey and the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS (Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System). Catalina found both 2008 TC3 and 2014 AA. Both Catalina and Pan-STARRS are continually improving their capabilities and will likely be able to detect more objects of this type in the coming years, he said.
Also coming online in the next few months the University of Hawaii's Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS). This asteroid-detection system is optimized to pick up meteoroids impacting Earth, and will scan the sky a couple of times a night in search of them. The aim is to give a few days' or weeks' notice ahead of an impact.
But such tracking efforts are concerned primarily with big, potentially dangerous objects, not small fry like the one that caused the Feb. 6 airburst.
"They are too hard to detect ahead of impacting Earth’s atmosphere, and almost never do any damage — Chelyabinsk being a notable exception," Lindley Johnson, lead program executive at NASA's newly created Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO), told via email.
"This size object hit and no one noticed," Johnson added, referring to the Feb. 6 rock. "Except we in the NASA PDCO did and put it on our fireball reports page, and that’s why everyone now knows about it."
Destination Mars: A Timeline of Red Planet Landings
Destination Mars: A Timeline of Red Planet Landings
By Staff
Sky Crane in aerial ballet mode during the descent of NASA’s Curiosity rover to the Martian surface.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Editor's Note: NASA's Curiosity Rover successfully touched down on the Martian surface on Aug. 5, 2014, and has been exploring the Red Planet ever since. The following timeline was updated on March 8, 2016.
NASA's newest Mars rover — a car-size robot that will scour the Martian surface for signs that the planet could have supported life — will make a thrilling and unprecedented landing on the Red Planet next month.
The $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory, or Curiosity rover, is scheduled to touch down on Mars on the night of Aug. 5. The rover's entry, descent and landing from the top of the Martian atmosphere have been nicknamed the "seven minutes of terror."
Since the 1-ton rover is too big for airbags to cushion its landing, Curiosity is equipped with a rocket-powered sky crane to lower it to the surface. Once Curiosity touches down, cables will release the sky crane, which will fly off and crash-land a safe distance away from the rover.
Here's a look at all the previous missions that have attempted to land on Mars (mission failures marked in bold, successes are underlined):
Mars 2: (FAILED) USSR, launched May 19, 1971. The Mars orbiter and lander arrived on Nov. 2, 1971, but returned no useful data, and the lander burned up due to steep entry.
Mars 3:(FAILED) USSR, launched May 28, 1971. The Mars orbiter and lander arrived on Dec. 3, 1971. The lander operated on the surface of Mars for 20 seconds before failing.
Mars 6: (FAILED) USSR, launched Aug. 5, 1973. The Mars flyby module and lander arrived on March 3, 1974 but the lander failed due to a fast impact.
Mars 7: (FAILED) USSR, launched Aug. 9, 1973. The Mars flyby module and lander arrived on March 3, 1974 but the lander missed the planet.
Viking 1: U.S., launched Aug. 20, 1975. The Mars orbiter operated from June 1976 to 1980 and the lander operated from July 1976 to 1982.
Viking 2: U.S., launched Sept. 9, 1975. The Mars orbiter operated from Aug. 1976 to 1987, and the lander operated from Sept. 3, 1976 to 1980. Combined, the Viking orbiters and landers returned more than 50,000 photos.
7 Minutes of Terror: Curiosity Rover's Risky Mars Landing | Video
Phobos 1:(FAILED) USSR, launched July 7, 1988. The Mars orbiter and Phobos lander were lost in Aug. 1988 en route to Mars. [Mars: The Spacecraft Graveyard]
Phobos 2: (FAILED) USSR, launched July 12, 1988. The Mars orbiter and Phobos lander were lost in March 1989 near Phobos.
Mars 96: (FAILED) Russia, launched Nov. 16, 1996. The orbiter, two landers and two penetrators were lost after the rocket failed.
Mars Pathfinder: U.S., launched Dec. 4, 1996. The Mars lander and rover landed on July 4, 1997 and communicated with ground teams last on Sept. 27, 1997.
Mars Polar Lander/Deep Space 2: (FAILED) U.S., launched Jan. 3, 1999. The lander and two penetrators were lost on arrival in December 1999.
Beagle 2: (FAILED) European Space Agency, launched June 2, 2003. Beagle 2 launched on ESA's Mars Express orbiter, which completed its prime mission in November 2005 and is currently on an extended mission. The Beagle 2 lander. however, was lost on arrival on Dec. 25, 2003.
Mars Exploration Rover Spirit: U.S., launched June 10, 2003. The Mars rover landed on the Red Planet on Jan. 4, 2004 for three-month mission to look for signs of past water activity on Mars. Ground controllers lost communication with Spirit in March 2010, and repeated attempts to awaken the rover failed. The rover far outlived its intended warranty, and is considered a success. NASA declared Spirit dead in May 2011.
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity: U.S., launched July 7, 2003. The Mars rover landed on Jan. 25, 2004 for a three-month prime mission in the Meridiani Planum region. The rover has currently logged more than 20 miles on the Red Planet and is now investigating the huge Endeavour crater.
No planet is more steeped in myth and misconception than Mars. This quiz will reveal how much you really know about some of the goofiest claims about the red planet.
Phoenix Mars Lander: U.S., launched Aug. 4, 2007. The Mars lander touched down on May 25, 2008 and dug through Martian soil to confirm the presence of water ice beneath the surface. Phoenix's solar panels suffered severe damage from the harsh Martian winter, and communication with the $475 million lander was lost in November 2008. After repeated attempts to reestablish contact, NASA declared Phoenix broken and dead in May 2010.
Phobos-Grunt: (FAILED) Russia, launched Nov. 8, 2011 on a mission to return samples from the Mars moon Phobos. The $163 million robotic probe suffered a crippling malfunction shortly after launch, stranding it in Earth orbit. Mission managers said Phobos-Grunt spacecraft's thrusters failed to fire in a maneuver that would have sent the spacecraft on to Mars. The spacecraft plummeted back to Earth and was destroyed on Jan. 15, 2012.
Mars Science Laboratory: U.S., launched Nov. 26, 2011. The $2.5 billion Curiosity rover landed at Gale crater on the night of Aug. 5, 2012, and will investigate the mountain at its center with exposed rock faces that represent various periods in Mars' geologic history.The Mars rover will also investigate whether the planet was ever hospitable to life.
China Is Planning A Space Telescope That Will Outperform Hubble
China Is Planning A Space Telescope That Will Outperform Hubble
China is drawing up plans to build its own competing space telescope, one which would outperform Hubble and would dock with its space station, Tiangong. It will have a field of view 300 times larger and will take pictures over an area covering 40% of space.
While NASA may be planning to send up the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, China is drawing up plans of its own. They are going to build their own space telescope, one which would outperform Hubble.
First reported in the Chinese English Language Daily, the new telescope will be similar to Hubble, but will have a field of view 300 times larger. The new telescope will also have the ability to dock with China’s modular space station, the Tiangong.
This docking ability isn’t just a gimmick. It’s a solution to one of the problems plaguing Hubble—the need for shuttle missions for servicing and maintaining the telescope. The China National Space Administration realized that it could avoid this problem by having the satellite dock with Tiangong whenever repairs or maintenance are necessary
While no date has been released for the launch of the telescope, and it is currently unnamed, these plans would be intertwined with the plans for the Tiangong space station.
Tiangong-1 was launched in 2011 and has been used as a crewed laboratory and a technological test-bed. A future launch in 2016 will send up the Tiangong-2, which will contain a room for a crew of three and life support for 20 days. Another planned module, the Tiangong-3, is scheduled further on in the 2020s, and it is expected that the space telescope will likely follow suit.
An artist’s rendering of the Tiangong-1 module, China’s space station with a Shenzhou spacecraft, preparing to dock with the module. Credit: CNSA
One of the goals of the telescope is to capture images of an area spanning 40% of space over a time period of ten years with a precision similar to Hubble. Data gleaned from these images will astronomers in understanding the origin, development, and evolution of the universe.
However, a problem surrounding this project is the shortage of details regarding the launch of the space telescope. Unlike NASA or the ESA, China’s space agency has yet to disclose dates and timelines, a standard operating procedure in most space agencies’ projects. Furthermore, while they have disclosed the goals of their project and the results they are expecting, technical details (such as type of cameras or sensors) are lacking, which makes it difficult to gauge the level of detail of planning for the project.
Yet, it must be noted that China is notoriously secretive, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that the tech isn’t there.
While these lack of details may be due to paranoia over spying, it may also be symbolical of China’s tendency to propagandize its projects regardless of the success or failure thereof. China is currently in a space race with India similar to that between the United States and USSR back during the Cold War.
But in the end, if China does really pull off this project, the whole of humanity will benefit from the information and the research that it will provide.
God is responsible for the spiritual entities within our bodies, and more likely, aliens are the most likely candidates for the geniuses behind the amazing nanotech DNA which designs our life form physical bodies; there is no argument required.
The alien silhouette fingerprints, within our DNA, point to evidence that we were not ordained to this planet, by God, but by aliens , a newly revealed history and destiny for us, in this universe.
God, is also true but the Bible as a touchstone of "HIM", with its myths and tales has no place in this amended and raised human consciousness for reptilian aliens masqueraded as God in ancient times.
God imbues all physical DNA contrived sentient life with sparks of His spirit.
There are, however, beyond belief, many predominant planets whose entire intelligent life forms are spiritual entities, who no physical DNA required to house their spirit beings.
Our physical world is, amazingly, an anomaly, by virtue of the sheer numbers of many such noncorporeal worlds, by comparison.
Does human DNA reflect a computer code, of proteins and time-release enzymes, an alien nanotech, and thus a no longer hidden fingerprint, of our "Creator".
Scientists have found that our genetic code has all of these key computer code elements.
"The coding regions of DNA," expostulates Dr. Stephen Meyer, "have exactly the same relevant properties as a computer code or language" (quoted by Strobel, p. 237, The Case for a Creator, 2004)
Whose mind or what entity could shrink and miniaturize such information and place our DNA's enormous number of 'letters' in their correct sequence as a genetic building block instruction manual?
Could evolution in itself have progressively come up with a nanotech system like this?
It is difficult to fathom, but the quantum of information in our human DNA is roughly comparably equal to 12 sets of The Encyclopedia Britannica-an amazing 384 volumes worth of detailed data that would fill 48 feet long of required library shelves
Yet in their precise size-only two millionths of a millimeter thick-a teaspoon of DNA, according to molecular biologist Michael Denton, has "all the information needed to build the proteins for all the species of organisms that have ever lived on the earth, and there would still be enough room left for all the information in every book ever written" (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1996,
p. 334).
Intelligent Design of our Human DNA
As scientists began to unravel and decode the human DNA molecule, they found something amazingly unexpected-a computer programmer's exquisite 'language' composed of some 3 billion genetic letters.
"One of the most extraordinary discoveries of the twentieth century," says Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Wash., "was that DNA actually stores information-the detailed instructions for assembling proteins-in the form of a four-character digital code" (quoted by Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator, 2004, p. 224).
As George Williams explains it: "The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it's not the message" (quoted by Johnson, p. 70).
Design from an intelligent source
To any discerning mind, this type of nanotech high-level information originates only from a technologically advanced intelligent source.
As Lee Strobel explains: "The data at the core of life is not disorganized, it's not simply orderly like salt crystals, but it's complex and specific information that can accomplish a bewildering task-the building of biological machines that far outstrip human technological capabilities" (p. 244).
"For example, the precise nature of this genetic language is such that the average error that is not caught turns out to be one error per 10 billion letters.
If an error occurs in one of the most important parts of the code, in the genes, it causes diseases such as sickle-cell anemia. Yet even the best and most apt typist in the world couldn't come close to making only one mistake per 10 billion letters-far from it."
Michael Behe, a biochemist and professor at Pennsylvania's Lehigh University, explains that DNA genetic data is primarily an instructionmanual.
He reasons: "Consider a step-by-step list of [genetic] instructions. A mutation is a change in one of the lines of instructions. So instead of saying, "Take a 1/4-inch nut," a mutation might say, "Take a 3/8-inch nut." Or instead of "Place the round peg in the round hole," we might get "Place the round peg in the square hole" . . . What a mutation cannot do is change all the instructions in one step-say, [providing instructions] to build a fax machine instead of a radio" (Darwin's Black Box, 1996, p. 41).
We therefore have, in our human genetic code, a complex instruction manual eloquently designed by a more highly intelligent source than even the genius of human beings.
The God agnostic and recently deceased Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of DNA, after decades of work deciphering it, admitted that:
"an honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going" (Life Itself, 1981, p. 88, emphasis added).
Dean Kenyon, a biology professor who repudiated his earlier book on Darwinian evolution-because of discoveries of information found in DNA-states: "This new realm of molecular genetics (is) where we see the most compelling evidence of design on the Earth" (ibid., p. 221).
As well, one of the world's most famous atheists, Professor Antony Flew, admitted that he couldn't explain how DNA was created and developed through evolution.
He now sees the demanding need for an intelligent source to have been involved in the making of our human DNA code.
"What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinary diverse elements together," he said (quoted by Richard Ostling, "Leading Atheist Now Believes in God," Associated Press report, Dec. 9, 2004).
" I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . ."
Written some thousands of years ago, King David's words about our alien constructed human bodies seems most true.
He wrote:
"For You formed my inward parts, You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . . My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought. . ." (Psalm 139:13-15, emphasis added).
Where does all this deposit the theory of evolution?
Michael Denton, an agnostic scientist, concludes: "Ultimately the Darwinian theory of evolution is no more nor less than the great cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century" (Denton, p. 358).
Thus we are left like a precipitate out of a solution with an astounding Creator notion that every life-form on Earth, carries a similar and related genetic code as our extraterrestrial maker and that evolution is hardly what we deduce that it is it .
This discovery shall shake our roots of humanity and confirm or deny our beliefs, both in our concept of a Creator as well as in our own concept of our destiny.
Within this very paradigm, all forms of life farmed throughout the Universe may well be seen as an enormous molecular nanotech creation by a intelligent Creator using amino acid thoughts expressed mathematically.
Crick, DNA's discoverer, perhaps, said it best:
"Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.
They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.
It did, and that's why we're here.
The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.
The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design.
Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first ‘so-called' simple cell(s).
Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.
They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore "teach" us about ourselves, and how to progress.
For life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible."
Right: A carbon nanotube. Copyright Prof. Vincent H. Crespi Department of Physics Pennsylvania State University.
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL he saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night. Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence he never suspected that he had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with people, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls ,stuck to your energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
Some stars may host multiple generations of planets, a dazzling new photo suggests.
The newly released image, which was captured by the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) in Chile, shows a dusty disk around an old double star called IRAS 08544-4431, which lies about 4,000 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation of Vela (The Sails). Scientists created this video look at the dust-shrouded star to showcase the discovery.
This disk is very similar to the planet-forming structures commonly observed around young stars. While it's not clear whether planets actually do take shape around older stars, the new photo — the sharpest ever taken of such a disk around a mature star — hints that this is a possibility, researchers said. [The Strangest Alien Planets (Gallery)]
"Our observations and modeling open a new window to study the physics of these disks, as well as stellar evolution in double stars," study co-author Hans Van Winckel, of the Instituut voor Sterrenkunde in Belgium, said in a statement. "For the first time, the complex interactions between close binary systems and their dusty environments can now be resolved in space and time."
An image shows the dusty disc around the close pair of aging stars IRAS 08544-4431.
Credit: ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2; Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin
The scientists used several VLTI telescopes, an associated instrument called the Precision Integrated-Optics Near-infrared Imaging ExpeRiment (PIONIER) and a new high-speed infrared detector to take the photo.
"We obtained an image of stunning sharpness — equivalent to what a telescope with a diameter of 150 meters [490 feet] would see," study team member Jacques Kluska, of Exeter University in England, said in the same statement. "The resolution is so high that, for comparison, we could determine the size and shape of a 1-euro coin seen from a distance of 2,000 kilometers [1,240 miles]."
The IRAS 08544-4431 system consists of an old red giant star, as well a nearby, younger, "normal" star. The dust that comprises the newly imaged disk was expelled by the red giant, researchers said.
The Very Large Telescope Interferometer at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile obtained the sharpest view to date of the dusty disc around the pair of aging stars IRAS 08544-4431.
Credit: ESO
"We were also surprised to find a fainter glow that is probably coming from a small accretion disk around the companion star," said study lead author Michael Hillen, also of the Instituut voor Sterrenkunde.
A sky map shows the location of aging double star IRAS 08544-4431.
Credit: ESO/IAU and Sky & Telescope
"We knew the star was double, but weren't expecting to see the companion directly," Hillen added. "It is really thanks to the jump in performance now provided by the new detector in PIONIER, that we are able to view the very inner regions of this distant system."
Hillen and his colleagues are publishing their results in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
The VLTI is located at the European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory in northern Chile.
Remember the sci-fi movie Transcendence where the main character dies and his consciousness gets transferred into a computer? It is possible that something like this may soon become a reality; at least, this is what one company claims.
Well, at the moment, such a possibility still belongs to the category of science fiction, but it seems that a start-up called Humai has some ambitious plans for making it happen. The company actually promises toresurrect humans by transferring their consciousness into an artificial body.
In fact, the technology necessary to do something like this doesn’t exist yet, but the company claims to be able to resurrect the first human within 30 years.
How are they going to achieve it? According to the company’s website, the first step will be to “store data of conversational styles, behavioral patterns, thought processes and information about how your body functions from the inside-out” with the help of artificial intelligence and nanotechnology.
Then, “this data will be coded into multiple sensor technologies, which will be built into an artificial body with the brain of a deceased human. Using cloning technology, we will restore the brain as it matures.”
Moreover, Humai CEO Josh Bocanegra has revealed further details of the process in his interview withPopSci, saying that the brain will be frozen after death using cryonics and then stored until there is a technology capable of implanting it into an artificial body.
“The artificial body functions will be controlled with your thoughts by measuring brain waves. As the brain ages, we’ll use nanotechnology to repair and improve cells. Cloning technology is going to help with this too,” he said.
These ideas may sound very promising while in reality there is no solid evidence that one’s consciousness can be ‘downloaded’ from the brain and transferred into a machine, just like a computer file can be copied to another computer via USB. It’s far more complex than that.
Moreover, the claim that the artificial body can be controlled with one’s thoughts is hardly tenable. Even though certain technological advances of the recent years made it possible to control things like robotic limbs and advanced implants via brain waves, there is still no practical ways to control a whole artificial body.
It’s also worth noting that the brain is not the only organ that determines the way we think, feel and behave. In fact, other parts of the body also participate in regulating our behaviors. For example, hormones produced by our glands can actually influence our decisions and actions, not to mention that consciousness does not equal mind or brain. It’s more complex than that. There is also much evidence to suggest that consciousness may not be local at all, and that our body’s might just be ‘consciousness vessels’ and our brains just the receivers of consciousness much like the antennae on your radio.
In any case, even if consciousness uploading becomes feasible one day, it is unlikely that science and technology will be advanced enough to make it happen in 30 years from now, or maybe it already is.. Deep inside some of these black projects that are kept hidden, but that’s a whole nother’ topic altogether. Till then, those who want to live forever will have to accept the idea of the inevitability of death.
What about you, would you like to live forever? We would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Anna is the owner and lead editor of the websites Learning-mind.comand, and staff writer for The Mind Unleashed. She is passionate about learning new things and reflecting on thought-provoking ideas. She writes about technology, science, psychology and other related topics. She is particularly interested in topics regarding introversion, consciousness and subconscious, perception, human mind’s potential, as well as the nature of reality and the universe.
Packing Lunches for Space: Scientists Talk Astronaut Health on 1-Year Mission
Packing Lunches for Space: Scientists Talk Astronaut Health on 1-Year Mission
By Calla Cofield, Staff Writer
NASA's Scott Kelly (left) poses with Russian cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Gennady Padalka on March 15, 2015. Kornienko and Kelly spent nearly a year in space, to help scientists understand the physical and psychological impacts of spaceflight. The work paves the way to eventually send humans to Mars.
Credit: NASA/Victor Zelentsov
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko are back on Earth after spending a record 340 days on the International Space Station. The mission's primary goal was to investigate the physiological and psychological effects of long stints in space, to help pave the way for future crewed missions to Mars.
Last Friday (March 4), a group of NASA scientists fielded questions from the public about Kelly and Kornienko's extended stay on the station, during a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA). The scientists discussed specific questions about the physical and metal toll that spaceflight can have on humans — questions they will have to answer before NASA can safely send humans to Mars or other distant locations. You can read the entire AMA here, or check out some of the highlights below.
"It will take 6 to 9 months to get to Mars and 6 to 9 months to get back, and that will be in a zero-gravity environment," Julie Robinson, NASA's chief scientist for the International Space Station, wrote in the AMA. "We need to be sure no health problems will put a future Mars mission at risk. And right now, if we had the vehicle, we would not be ready to go." [Home! Year-in-Space Astronaut Scott Kelly's Earth Return in Photos]
Scott Kelly Has 'Mixed Emotions' About Being Back On Earth | Video
Kelly and Kornienko are not the first people to spend a year in space, but this is the most in-depth study of how such a mission affects the body and the mind. (A typical stay on the space station is about six months.) In addition to studying the two men, scientists also collected data on Scott Kelly's identical twin brother, former astronaut Mark Kelly. The scientists hope to get a look at how spaceflight affects the body on a genetic level.
"From the perspective of NASA's Human Research program, [the One Year] mission is not yet over just because the flight has landed," John Charles, associate manager for international science for NASA's Human Research Program, wrote during the Reddit AMA.
Most of the studies performed on Kelly and Kornienko require data collected before, after and during their flight. Some of the studies will require the continued collection of samples and other data as late as September, wrote Scott M. Smith, nutritional biochemistry laboratory manager for NASA's Human Research Program. In addition, some of the blood and urine samples Kelly collected during the flight are coming back to Earth on a SpaceX vehicle in May. That means scientists will still be working on their results well into 2017.
"The Twins Study data — from all 10 experiments — will be analyzed in bulk, and we hope to publish a main paper first, with likely smaller piece papers to follow," Smith said.
Without gravity compressing the spine, people tend to "grow" a few inches — although Shannan Moynihan, a NASA flight surgeon, told questioners that, "As soon as Scott returned to gravity and stood up, gravity began to compress his spine again. Most likely, he is already back to his prelaunch height."
Some astronauts experience back pain when they return to Earth, and the effect of microgravity on spinal problems is one of the many experiments being done with data taken on the space station.
"We see biochemical changes reflecting return to gravity almost immediately, but bone growth takes time," Smith wrote. "Our estimates from four to six month Mir and ISS missions is that it takes two to three times the length of the mission to recover bone. The great thing about this mission is that we have no idea what happens with crewmembers on one-year missions."
"Much of the change that occurs in weightlessness occurs early in flight — the first few months — and levels off more or less thereafter," Charles wrote. "So in at least a few areas, it is probably okay to extrapolate from 6-month and 1-year missions to 2.5-year Mars missions. But others require different approaches."
Robinson said the study of astronaut vision issues was the most important part of the One-Year Mission.
"About three years ago, we discovered that some (not all) astronauts were having permanent vision loss in space," Robinson wrote. "We think the shift of fluids to the brain causes the optic nerve to swell and press on the back of the eye, literally causing the globe (eyeball) to flatten!" Robinson wrote.
"We hadn't noticed the pattern until we had multiple long-duration missions on the space station!" Robinson continued. The One-Year Mission is 'our first check of the effects beyond 6 months on ISS.'"
One person asked the scientists if living in space affects brain activity.
"That is one of our studies," Charles said. "Scott [Kelly] and other astronauts and cosmonauts have volunteered to do some simple mental and physical tasks (not so simple, maybe — adding numbers, recognizing shapes in different orientations, etc.) — while inside a (sic) MRI so the actual regions of the brain involved in the task can be visualized and measured."
One way to potentially clear up some of the problems that arise due to living in microgravity is to build a ship with artificial gravity (AG), which could be created by making a ship that spins, like a centrifuge. This kind of ship design can be seen in many science fiction books and movies.
"Scott Kelly return to earth video"|"astronauts landing video"
"Yes - we've considered AG," Smith wrote. "Lots of issues...e.g., do you spin the whole vehicle? Or put a smaller centrifuge inside the vehicle? Do you need to spin 24h/day? Or is 1-2 hours enough? What level [gravity] do you need? A handful of ground-based bed rest studies have been conducted to assess some of these questions. More are planned. One step at a time."
Robinson said they are using good exercise regimens to protect astronauts' bones, muscles and hearts. "It might be possible to have small artificial gravity options, like a small centrifuge or cycle," she wrote. "NASA has studied artificial gravity for the whole vehicle, and there are technical problems with that in having all the systems operate well. Looked great in '2001: A Space Odyssey,' though."
Senioritis in space
What are the most valuable psychological insights that will come from the One-Year Mission, and how will that knowledge help astronauts headed to Mars?
"We know that crew members get ready to come home at the end of their mission," Robinson wrote. "It's a form of 'senioritis' we sometimes call the 'third quarter effect.' As missions get longer, the impacts of being away from your family and isolated from people are expected to be bigger. Scott [Kelly] participated in several studies of performance to get scientific data on this issue."
According to Charles, three major psychological topics being studied in the One-Year Mission are "behavioral medicine (what happens to an astronaut during spaceflight), team (how do groups of people work together effectively in stressful, confined environments) and sleep/circadian rhythm studies."
"There are experiments that the crew are participating in to measure the psychosocial effects of being in space," Robinson said. "Our flight surgeons also monitor each crewmember's well-being during and after the mission."
Moreover, there are support activities for the crew that make a big difference, Robinson said. "Our cargo vehicles bring fresh fruit and care packages, and the crew can call their families on a satellite phone," she wrote. "Those last ones really help, and we can't do them the same way on Mars. I imagine if we pre-position a Mars habitat, we will make sure there are some care package surprises waiting there for the crew."
Diet is a significant part of astronaut health in space — not only for nutritional value but also the psychological effect of eating. But how much choice do astronauts have in their food supply?
"In essence, they can eat whatever they want — from the space food system, which repeats about every 8 days," Smith said. "They also get a set of 'preference' containers to augment nominal food supply (amounts to about 10% of their intake). We track what they eat, and make recommendations, but it is a bit like sending your kid to school with a lunch box. :)" [7 Everyday Things that Happen Strangely In Space]
Additional risks
During the AMA, one person asked, What was the "one thing that you guys were most terrified of in this mission and didn't happen?"
"Our highest risk for loss of any ISS mission is a strike by a piece of orbital debris that causes a depressurization of one of the modules," Robinson said. "We do everything we can to avoid this (debris shields and even moving the ISS if a piece of space debris comes too close)."
If a spaceship travels to Mars, one major health concern will be increased exposure to space radiation. Astronauts on the International Space Station are still close enough to home to be largely protected by Earth's magnetic field (although they still experience higher doses of radiation than people on Earth). One Reddit questioner asked if NASA was getting close to building a module to protect astronauts from radiation on the journey to Mars.
"We don't have this worked out yet," Robinson wrote. "It is one of our top risks for going to Mars. We will need to use some combination of passive shielding, active (electromagnetic) shielding, and use propulsion to go as fast as we can to minimize deep space transit. We don't know the best combination yet."
And will there be another one-year mission on the station in the near future?
"NASA's Human Research Program has requested additional year-long missions on ISS, but all the other aspects of such missions must be considered by all the partner agencies, so no final decision has been made one way or the other," Charles said. "The goal would be to do some of the same or similar work measurements as on Scott [Kelly] so we could see the results on a larger number of people — important because of individual variability between people."
A man in Mexico claims he built a pyramid because an alien told him to
Raymundo Corona says he erected the 22 feet stone temple after being visited by a tall man calling himself Herulayka, who had honey-coloured eyes, white hair and from a planet called Nefilin 20 times the size of Earth.
He told a local paper the alien said he was from the constellation of Orion.
He built the pyramid close to Monclova in the state of Coahila near the Mexico-US border, despite being warned he would be taken for a drunk or a drug addict if his story ever came out.
Raymundo Corona built the pyramid in Coahila near the Mexico-US border
He told me to build the temple in the form of a pyramid
Raymundo Corona
Mr Corona, 33 when he claims the alien visited him in 1984, said: "He told me to build the temple in the form of a pyramid.
"When I asked him why it had to be in the form of a pyramid, he said it was because it should be like my faith, something that winds and storms couldn't move and was always pointing upwards."
Recalling the moment he asked his mysterious visitor his name, Mr Corona told Mexican daily La Vanguardia that Herulayka had warned him: "Many people will laugh at you, defame you and say it was an act of insanity or something he did during a bender, it was an act of a madman or a drug addict.
The alien was said to be from the constellation of Orion
"He told me he came from the constellation of Orion, from a place called Nefilin which is a place 20 times larger than Earth where people are similar to human beings.
"He was a tall man with honey-coloured eyes and white hair down to the ground. He was barefoot and wore a tunic tied with a rope."
Mr Corona, whose wife was less than a day away from giving birth to his daughter at the time, says he had seen the alien in dreams before their meeting in person.
He said the extraterrestrial had claimed humans were destroying their own planet and should wake up to the fact they must look after it like a child because it gave them what they needed for their own survival.
Mr Corona says he was visited by aliens 1984
Mexico is said to be the most active country in the world for UFO and alien sightings.
Last summer video footage emerged allegedly showing an "alien humanoid" on the roof of a building in Nuevo Laredo, northern Mexico.
Viewers claimed the clip proved onc e and for all extra terrestrials are visiting Earth while others branded it a "pointless hoax."
The website Neuva reported an Argentine farmer filed a complaint with the local cops about a UFO (OVNI) that landed in his cornfield leaving behind a 600 meter by 6-ft. swath of crushed corn plants. (Six hundred meters equals 1968 ft.) Along with the damage, other witnesses claimed they saw “a ship with strange lights and colors flying over the area.”
The location of the alleged UFO landing was Pujanto, 42 kilometers west of Rosario. “Raul, a farmer aged 62, appeared before the Commissioner of the town of Santa Fe to report a complaint of damage to his corn field. The strange thing is that it is not clear who or what caused this strange happening. In fact, there was no theft of the crop or vehicle tracks in place; only the patch of flattened corn.
Neighbors said the area brought out witnesses who claimed to see a ship with strange lights and colors flying over the area, according to the journalist who told Radio 2 Hector Lopez. These are people who were in the area of the cemetery at the entrance of the town on Route 33. The incident occurred around 3:00 AM, and the mark left by the supposed UFO is about 600 meters by six feet wide.
The commissioner, Walter Freniche, confirmed the complaint and told Radio 2 that the crushed area was verified. He noted that there was no theft, or vehicle tracks, “but maybe the incident occurred four or five days ago, and had disappeared by now.” Freniche noted that “neighbors reported seeing lights” although none of them reported officially. He added: “It’s a difficult case.”
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Blue Plasma UFO Seen By Scientist During Hunting Trip In Canada, 45 Min Video
Blue Plasma UFO Seen By Scientist During Hunting Trip In Canada, 45 Min Video
Date of sighting: August 2014 Location of sighting: Canada Source: MUFON Its understandable that a person in the DOD wants to keep things off the record. In the government, you either play by their rules, or their rules will kick you out. Its just about job security. Scott C. Waring News states: A extremely credible Scientist that works with highly advanced technology who is also a contractor with the Department of Defense tells about a encounter with a large U.F.O. while on a hunting trip , 3 hunters see a dog bone shaped U.F.O. that is 170 feet long, covered in blue plasma, watch a interview with two of the hunters who witness this out of this world craft 400 feet away from them, Investigated independently by myself and Robert Powell (Director of Research for MUFON) Mutual UFO Network , for a considerable time, this event has produced specific details normally not observed and is now being released to the public, with the witness needing specific help furthering his research.
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NASA dropped a 2-ton kinetic missile on the moon: What did they destroy? Is it possible that NASA bombed the moon in order to destroy an Alien base? According to many people around the world, the answer is a big YES. Optimized-NASA nuke Moon Accor
NASA dropped a 2-ton kinetic missile on the moon: What did they destroy?
Is it possible that NASA bombed the moon in order to destroy an Alien base? According to many people around the world, the answer is a big YES.
According to a set of images and alleged reports, there are alien structures on the surface of the moon, and NASA launched a 2-ton kinetic weapon to destroy them, despite international laws clearly prohibiting it.
One of the greatest enigmas regarding UFOs and Alien life is whether governments and Space Agencies around the world are covering up such information. While seeing UFO’s on Earth and videos from space isn’t something new, in the last couple of years, a lot of attention has been drawn to Earth’s moon. There, on the surface of Earth’s natural surface lay numerous ‘Alien’ Bases. The fact that many believe NASA and governments around the world have covered up information on these alien bases has become a widely accepted ideology in the last decade among ufologists and believers.
One of the most interesting things about the moon, which involves a ‘typical’ cover-up is the LCROSS mission by NASA where they literally BOMBED the surface of the moon for alleged ‘Scientific’ purposes.
Despite the fact that it strictly prohibited, NASA released a ‘Centaur’ kinetic weapon which ultimately impacted the moon.
In the last couple of decades, several extremely important treaties have made significant impact on Military Space Policy, and according to the Book The Paths Of Heaven: The Evolution Of Airpower Theory, the following treaties are of note:
1) The Outer Space Treaty (OST) which dates back to 1967, clearly states that international law applies BEYOND the atmosphere. The treaty of 1967 reemphasized standing international laws and initiated new space-related laws: Free Access to space and celestial bodies for peaceful intent, prohibitions on national appropriations of space or celestial bodies, prohibitions on putting any weapons of mass destruction in space or on celestial bodies.
2) The Antiballistic Missile (ABM) treaty of 1972 (which was signed between the USA and the USSR) banned the development, testing, and employment of space-based ABMs.
3) The Convention on Registration (1974) requires parties to maintain a registry of objects launched into space and report orbital parameters and general function of those objects to the UN.
4) And most importantly, the Environmental Modification Convention signed in 1980 which prohibits the hostile use of environmental modification.
Apart of the above-mentioned treaties, in 1977 a convention was concluded on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques which set out a number of prohibitions also with respect to outer space and celestial bodies. (Source: Perestroika and International Law)
Despite the above-mentioned facts, NASA modified the surface of the moon after launching the 2-ton kinetic weapon which created a 5-mile wide crater.
‘Officially’, the main LCROSS mission objective was to explore the presence of water ice in a permanently shadowed crater near a lunar polar region. The mission was launched together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on June 18, 2009, as part of the shared Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, the first American mission to the Moon in over ten years.
But… why break numerous international laws and go against their very own standards all of a sudden? Well, according to many, the true purpose behind the 2009 LCROSS ‘Moon bombing’ was far more enigmatic than anyone at NASA is willing to accept.
According to many ufologists,-and alleged images which show ‘alien’ structures on the surface of the moon- NASAs LCROSS mission had a more militaristic objective rather than scientific. Many believe that the 2-ton kinetic weapon that was detonated on the Moon’s South Pole was aimed at an Alien Base located there.
Check out these images:
This “bombed” moon base might perhaps explain why we haven’t been there in recent years, why would we avoid the Moon so much? We know that it is a place filled with minerals, it has water (and they really needed to bomb it to find out?) and it would make a perfect outpost for anyone who wants to continue the exploration of our solar system and it would also help us get to Mars and beyond.
However, despite the fact that many reports and enigmatic images of alleged structures on the moon are there, it’s nearly impossible to prove (or disprove for that matter) their existence and the truth behind until perhaps one day, we return to the Moon. However, returning to the moon isn’t a guarantee that we will finally have disclosure whether or not there is an alien presence on the moon.
It is a profound mystery why NASA decided to break international laws and literally BOMBEDthe moon for alleged scientific purposes.
The Voronezh incident is one of the major alien sighting of the third kind. It took place on September 27, 1989 at a time when the Soviet Union was opening up to the west and reached the headlines of many newspapers across the world. The story was only covered by the soviet news agency, TASS, which until the day of the incident had never endorsed similar stories
Some weeks prior to the incident, strange lights had been reported over the city’s skies. On September 27th 1989, kids playing football at at one of the city’s parks heard a whistling sound and saw a pinkish glow in the sky. Once the UFO landed, it changed to deep red. Out of the flat disc-shaped craft, a number of tall (approximately 3 meters high) humanoid beings (with small three -eyed heads that appeared as extension to the torso with no visible neck) and a robot emerged. According to the witnesses, the humanoids and robot strolled around the area of the landing while the robot gathered organic samples from the ground.
According to some reports, as panic spread the aliens disappeared and reappeared five minutes with one of the aliens this time equipped with a tube-like pistol. Making their way towards their craft, a 16-year-old boy decided to be brave and blocked their way. The aliens were able to make the kid disappear by pointing the gun at it. Witnesses then fled the area and run for their lives. The aliens entered their spacecraft and shot to the skies. As the last trace of the pink glow faded, the boy reappeared, visibly shaken with no recollection of what had happened.
Local policeman Sergei A. Matveyev reassured journalist that it was not a hallucination. Lieutenant Matveyev admitted to not seeing the aliens but saw the UFO flying at low altitude, silent and at great speed. Genrikh M. Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, asked the children that witnessed the incident to draw what they had seen and drawings were similar.
The incident could not be disputed as it took place in broad daylight in one of the major city parks and was witnessed by a few dozens of civilians. The stories reported were also backed-up by scientific data demonstrating an increase in radiation levels (high concentrations of isotope caesium-133) in the UFO landing area immediately after the incident. Some sceptics claimed that the details of the incident were very similar to alien encounters were covered in an american out of print magazine at the time. However,it is highly improbable that the children and other witnesses had access to this magazine.
Variations of the incident exist as a consequence of media coverage or efforts to debunk the whole thing. However the core elements of the story (UFO landed, aliens were witnessed and had interaction with humans) cannot be denied due the number of witnesses and correlating reports.
NASA hacker Gary McKinnon has claimed that when he hacked into US government top-secret files he found evidence that the US Navy had already sent warships into space.
McKinnon is a UFO fanatic and hacker who was famously arrested in 2002 for hacking into the US Navy and NASA systems, with the US dubbing his breach “the biggest military computer hack of all time”.
McKinnon claimed the security was so lax, he didn’t expect to get caught. He used a program called Landsearch to scan documents and files to look for UFO cover-ups, and he did so undetected for two years before the game was up. McKinnon then faced a ten-year legal battle in the UK, only narrowly avoiding extradition to the USA.
He has spoken before about exactly what he discovered during that time, but never in as much depth as in this interview with RichPlanet TV.
McKinnon claims:
In Building 8 at Johnson Space Center, there is someone whose job is only to airbrush UFOs from images, since they are so commonly captured.
He found a US Navy spreadsheet entitled ‘Non-terrestrial officers’. McKinnon admits these words “can be interpreted in various ways,” but one thing is for sure: given the name, we know they’re not based on Earth.
McKinnon says there were maybe 25 rows on the excel spreadsheet with officers’ ranks and names, and that the ships had the prefix ‘USS’, just like American sea vessels.
He claims of evidence of “material transfer between ships”, of which he guesses there are “possibly eight to ten.”
McKinnon says all of this points to evidence that the USA has war ships in space, which might account for why the Bush administration were so keen to have him incarcerated in the States.
In parts 2, 3 and 4 (which follow the video above on YouTube), McKinnon expands on the information shared in this first part (and gives his reasons for not believing in the moon landings, amongst other things).
Many might be quick to label McKinnon a quack or a liar, but in this interview his body language doesn’t suggest he’s making anything up: in fact, during the course of the four-part interview, his story is surprisingly consistent.
This UFO was found by Jason Hunter of Youtube and seems to resemble the TR3B, which is in the hands of the USAF and was made using alien tech and propulsion. I don't think this is USAF in this craft, but clearly it is a ship watching from a distance. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: A UFO has been found in one of the many Project Apollo Photos. I am looking through them now to find any UFO's or anomalies. This is a wonderful archive and thank you to NASA for releasing.
UFO Disappears into clouds - Ontario, Canada On Feb 21, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Disappears into clouds - Ontario, Canada On Feb 21, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 21, 2016 Location of sighting: Ontario, Canada In this video we see two disks made of light, that suddenly disappear as if someone hit a switch. Alien tech does that. It always works fast. These types of UFOs are frequently seen over Moscow, so its a bit of a surprise to hear about them in Canada. Very cool sighting. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: On February 21, 2016 at around 5:50 PM I witnessed 3 UFO's hovering outside. The sighting happen in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada it was a very cloudy day, and the sun was setting at the west. I was in my bedroom about to turn on my PlayStation 4 that is located along my bedroom wall next to a large modern window with the blinds pulled up, As I turned on my PS4 I looked outside to see 3 bright objects in the sky hovering beside each other in a strange formation. At first I thought I was looking at airplanes/helicopters with their headlights turned on but their was no movement, after a few seconds maybe 6-9 seconds one UFO at the very top started blinking randomly, few seconds later the middle UFO dissapered and reappeared in the same exact spot it was in, I called my mom over who was in the kitchen to show her and she did not know what it could be... After a few more seconds 2 UFO's started blinking but very slowly and stopped, the 3rd UFO is slightly hard to see in the video the 3rd UFO is almost like transparent slightly visible, So I pulled out my IPad Air 2 and started recording. 3 seconds into the recording and the UFO's started disappearing one by one. After the UFO's disappeared into the clouds (which is what it looked like) I looked into the sky all around me inside my bedroom window to notice anything unusual and everything looked normal like always. I went back to review the video and noticed a 4th UFO along the right side above the tall middle tree, that 4th UFO must have appeared and disappeared at the same time the last UFO on the left side disappeared. I did not see the 4th UFO when I was recording the other 3 UFO's on the left side disappear on my IPad screen. I have no idea how high and how far away the UFO's were, possibly hovering 2-5K feet high... The UFO's looked VERY large. I did not hear any strange noises or any aircraft engines, Cars were driving on the road so perhaps that is why. The color of the UFO's was a yellow/orange almost like car lights.
Life is everywhere in our universe, so says mathematics (Drake Equation), and you can't argue with the math. Mir found loads of microscopic life growing without them even knowing, similar to what NAS found on the International Space Station a few years ago, when they found giant plankton (ocean) growing outside the space station on the solar panels! Inside or outside, one thing is exists everywhere in this universe. It doesn't depend on your belief in its existence...apparently nature believes in itself. Scott C. Waring
News states: Spacecraft start out clean - as close to germ-free as humans can make them. But after years of use, unused spaces within the walls can become home to unwanted life forms. When NASA joined the Russian space program in its evaluation of the microbial activity aboard the Mir spacecraft, they made some interesting discoveries. NASA's plan was to obtain information that would be useful during long-duration missions. Mir had suffered several power outages during its fifteen years in low earth orbit; temperature and humidity had gone well beyond normal levels. In 1998, NASA astronauts were collecting samples from air and surfaces. Imagine their surprise when they opened an obscure service panel in Mir's Kvant-2 Module and discovered a free-floating mass of water. "According to the astronauts' eyewitness reports, the globule was nearly the size of a basketball," C. Mark Ott, health scientist at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, said. Following a thorough search, several more globules were discovered. The water wasn't clean, either; two of the blobs were brown and the other was milky white. Samples taken back to Earth for analysis contained several dozen species of bacteria and fungi, plus some protozoa, dust mites (see photo), and possibly spirochetes. The temperature behind the panels was a toasty 82 degrees Fahrenheit - perfect for microorganisms. Colonies of unwanted organisms were also found growing on rubber gaskets around windows, on space suit components, cable insulations and tubing, on the insulation of copper wires, and on communications devices.
Car Dashcam Shows A Triangle UFO Above West Virginia
Car Dashcam Shows A Triangle UFO Above West Virginia
A triangular UFO may have appeared to the view of a car enthusiast’s dashcam. A video apparently shows a UFO passing over West Virginia at the start of March.
The mysterious object was caught as the witness, who was running a test of a new vehicle, drove down around 1 in the morning on the state highway.
The video, which has been made available in YouTube, has attracted thousands of views. Talking about the clip, Secureteam said that the UFO passed under the recording and the man’s car while driving on a highway.
Though barely visible in the footage, the UFO has some faint outlines of what look like a red one that is in a triangular formation. Definite circular objects are underneath the UFO.
Some viewers suggest it is a drone and others say it is just a street light. There are viewers also who have doubts about the legitimacy of the video. They say the video had been added to the original footage.
It is not reported as to where in West Virginia the object was caught. The object remains a mystery as no reliable explanation as of yet.
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Utsuro Bune – Japanese UFO mystery of 1803
Utsuro Bune – Japanese UFO mystery of 1803
On February 22nd in 1803, an alien woman emerges from Utsuro-bune, or the “hollow ship”, on the shoreline of feudal Japan. The saucer-shaped vessel was 11 feet tall, and 18 feet in diameter. She puts her life in the hands of a small fishing village. And this has been verified by three independent historical documents, which include ancient illustrations.
MoD Scientist Recalls His Encounter With A Bright UFO
MoD Scientist Recalls His Encounter With A Bright UFO
A CGI of the alleged UFO
A scientist at the US Department of Defence has become the latest high-ranking personnel to speak up about aliens and UFOs.
The electromagnetic and laser systems expert of the department requested not to be named to safeguard his career. He claims to have seen a phone receiver-shaped unidentified flying object over woods during a hunting trip in Ontario, Canada.
The witness offered his account during an interview with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), an alien investigation organization.
The man said that he was with a hunting group on August 28, 2013 when he saw a craft at around 9:40 pm for about six minutes. The aircraft was seen just 400 feet away, according to the witness account. The two other members of the team have also not been identified.
In a video interview, the witness claimed they were driving down a logging route and heading to the main highway when they spotted the low-flying craft from the windscreen.
The reporting witness estimated the UFO to be at the highest 150 to 175 feet altitude. He grabbed his rifle scope, downed the window, and hung out the open side window to watch the craft better.
He described the mysterious flying thing as bright, giving the same light intensity as stadium lighting. The witness saw no lines and rivets as the UFO was brilliant in polish. He was looking at things that would normally present on an aircraft, such as the lines in the fuselage that would indicate a landing equipment or a door.
The witness claimed that their cameras did not work for most of the experience. Their cameras got into normal operation when the craft was a quarter of a mile away or more. The man said that his primary reason to come out was to look for help and try to find out how this vehicle flew.
NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly, FINALLY Admits The Existence Of Aliens, After His YEAR In Space
NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly, FINALLY Admits The Existence Of Aliens, After His YEAR In Space
FIRST was the image of what appears to be a large UFO above earth which was photographed on-board the International Space Station (ISS) by the Astronaut Scott Kelly who was arrived back down to earth after a year in space. This photo (please see above) of what looks like a VERY clear unknown craft, was soon dismissed by NASA as part of the ISS (they would say that) BUT NOW Scott Kelly whilst on a live TV interview recently, has very calmly admitted about existence of Aliens above earth.
Scott Kelly at the time of his NASA interview, was discussing about his time in space, when he suddenly broke out with what may be one of the biggest disclosure bombshells EVER! Please watch when it gets to about 20:10 on the video and most importantly that LOOK after his statement and the deafly silence around the studio. He said:
“I think coming back to Gravity is harder than leaving Gravity SO….I don’t know, maybe the ALIENS have got it a lot easier than we do!?” Said Scott Kelly
Please check out the video below, especially from about the 20 minute mark:
The intriguing thing about this incredible statement from a NASA Astronaut who spent over 340 days on-board the ISS in space, is not just what he said and the response afterwards by the people around him, it’s also the way that THIS has not hot the big news – almost as if this is dramatically being hidden away and forgotten about. This is why it is important to show the entire world what Scott said whilst live on TV.
The comment that Scott made about the Aliens and the manner in which he said it, leads us guys here at U.I.P to believe that THIS is only the beginning of the drip feeding of disclosure, we are pretty sure that within time Scott will be sharing far more information about the ET’s to the world ~ just imagine the wonders that he and his crew have seen up there (like the photograph above that he originally put onto Twitter whilst in space!).
The pieces of the jigsaw are starting to fit together nicely now Scott!
U.I.P SUMMARY – Now then ladies and Gentlemen this is an incredible piece of Disclosure. You can see by the look on Scott’s face that he was determined to drop in the ‘Aliens’ into the conversation, and the awkward silence after confirms so much to the world – That NASA know exactly what’s going on up there!
We have had many leading former Astronauts over the recent years confirm the existence of the ET’s, such as Edgar Mitchell (click HERE for more info) Buzz Aldrin, John Grunsfeld (click HERE) – there can no longer be anymore denying their here!
Scott must have seen so many wonders out there in space and he does appear to be a man now whose head is now a million miles away, with OTHER things now firmly implanted in his mind.
Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 7 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets
Flying Saucers to Mind Control: 7 Declassified Military & CIA Secrets
By Denise Chow, Staff Writer
A secret history
Credit: U.S. Air Force
Government and military secrets can range from terrifying to amusing to downright absurd, but most are nothing short of intriguing. From a secret U.S. Air Force project to build a supersonic flying saucer to a now-famous World War II-era research program that produced the first atomic bombs, here are seven declassified military or CIA secrets.
7. Project 1794
Credit: National Archives
In late 2012, the U.S. Air Force declassified a trove of documents, including records of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers. The ambitious program, called Project 1794, was initiated in the 1950s, and a team of engineers was tasked with building a disc-shape vehicle capable of traveling at supersonic speeds at high altitudes.
The declassified documents reveal plans for the plane to reach a top speed of Mach 4 (four times the speed of sound), and reach an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,480 meters). The project's estimated cost was more than $3 million, which in today's dollars would be more than $26 million.
Project 1794 was canceled in December 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds).
In the 1960s, the U.S. Army embarked on a secret mission to build a series of mobile nuclear missile launch sites under the Greenland ice sheet. The objective was to house medium-range missiles close enough to strike targets within the Soviet Union.
The program was codenamed Project Iceworm, but to test its feasibility, the Army launched a cover research project called "Camp Century" in 1960. Under this guise, engineers built a network of underground buildings and tunnels, including living quarters, a kitchen, a recreation hall, infirmary, laboratories, supply rooms, a communications center and a nuclear power plant.
The base, which was kept secret from the Danish government, operated for seven years. The program was canceled in 1966 after shifting ice created unstable conditions. Today, the crushed remains of Project Iceworm are buried beneath Arctic snow.
During the Cold War, the CIA initiated Project MK-ULTRA, a secret and illegal human research program to investigate potential mind-control systems. The program's operators examined the effects of hypnosis, biological agents and drugs, such as LSD and barbiturates, on human subjects. Some historians suggest the program was designed to develop a mind-control system that could be used to "program" the brains of potential assassins. [The 10 Craziest Military Experiments]
In 1973, then-CIA director Richard Helms ordered that all documents from Project MK-ULTRA be destroyed, but a formal investigation into the program was launched several years later. The project became the basis for several movies, such as "The Manchurian Candidate" and "The Men Who Stare at Goats."
4. Area 51
Credit: Public domain
Almost no other site has garnered as much attention from conspiracy theorists and UFO-enthusiasts as Area 51, a remote desert tract near Groom Lake in Nevada, roughly 83 miles (134 kilometers) northwest of Las Vegas. The intense secrecy surrounding the base sparked peoples' imaginations, and Area 51 was commonly linked to paranormal activities, including pervasive theories that suggested Area 51 hid aliens and UFOs.
In July 2013, declassified documents from the CIA acknowledged the existence of Area 51 for the first time, and confirmed that the top-secret site was used to test a variety of spy planes, including the well-known U-2 reconnaissance aircraft.
While Area 51, which operates as a detachment of Edwards Air Force Base in neighboring California, has never been declared a covert base, the research and activities conducted there were some of the nation's most closely guarded secrets.
While Area 51 was not a top-secret base designed to study extraterrestrials, the U.S. Air Force did study the existence of UFOs. Project Grudge was a short-lived program launched in 1949 to study unidentified flying objects. The mission followed an earlier program, known as Project Sign, which published a report in early 1949 stating that while some UFOs seemed to be actual aircraft, there was not enough data to determine their origins. [Top 10 States for UFO Sightings]
Critics of Project Grudge said the program solely set out to debunk UFO reports, and very little actual research was conducted. In his book on the topic, Edward J. Ruppelt, Air Force Captain and director of Project Grudge, wrote: "[I]t doesn't take a great deal of study of the old UFO files to see that standard intelligence procedures were not being followed by Project Grudge. Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn't exist. No matter what you see or hear, don't believe it."
2. Operation Paperclip
Credit: NASA
In September 1946, President Harry Truman authorized a program called Operation Paperclip, which aimed to lure scientists from Nazi Germany to the United States following World War II. Officials at the Office of Strategic Services (the predecessor to the CIA) recruited German scientists to America to aid the country's postwar efforts, which would also ensure that valuable scientific knowledge would not end up in the hands of the Soviet Union or the divided East and West Germany.
One of the most well-known secret research programs is the Manhattan Project, which eventually produced the world's first atomic bombs. The project began in 1939, and was cloaked in secrecy as physicists investigated the potential power of atomic weapons. From 1942 to 1946, Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers led the Manhattan Project.
The first nuclear bomb was detonated at 5:30 a.m. on July 16, 1945, during the so-called Trinity test at the Alamogordo Air Base, 120 miles (193 km) south of Albuquerque, N.M. The explosion created a mushroom cloud that stretched 40,000 feet (12,200 m), and the bomb's explosive power was equivalent to more than 15,000 tons of TNT.
A month after the Trinity test, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in the waning stages of World War II. To date, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain the only uses of nuclear weapons in war.
New 'LightningStrike' Plane Will Take Off, Hover & Land Vertically
New 'LightningStrike' Plane Will Take Off, Hover & Land Vertically
by Laura Geggel, Staff Writer
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has revealed its latest design for the vertical take-off and landing experimental aircraft (VTOL X-plane) in a new concept video. Artist's impression shown
The design, by Aurora Flight Systems, combines fixed-wing technology from planes with rotary-wing technology from helicopters. DARPA awarded Aurora $89.4 million (£62.9 million) to proceed through phases two and three, which will end up in flight tests starting 'in the 2018 timeframe'
The engine would drive 24 ducted fans, nine integrated into each wing and three inside each canard. Both the wings and the canards would rotate to direct thrust for either rearward for forward flight, downward for hovering and at angles during transition between the two. An illustration is pictured
The plane demonstrated in the concept video is unmanned, but the company said the technology could be applied easily to a manned aircraft. The aircraft could fly fast, hover, and land without prepared landing areas
An unmanned aircraft that can take off, hover and land vertically could be closer to reality, as part of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program to develop these futuristic flying machines.
DARPA, the government agency charged with developing new military technologies, awarded a contract to Aurora Flight Sciences Corp. to design a new vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, the company announced March 3.
"Aurora is proud to support DARPA on what we all hope to be a truly historic breakthrough in aviation technology," John Langford, chairman and CEO of Aurora, said in a statement. "If successful, VTOL X-Plane’s radically improved flight capabilities could lead to revolutionary advancement of the U.S. military's future mission capabilities."
LightningStrike is a hybrid plane that is designed to carry heavy loads. Credit: Aurora Flight Sciences
Langford said Aurora plans to build a demonstrator aircraft, known as LightningStrike, that will have the following qualities:
-Achieve a top sustained flight speed of 300 to 400 knots (345 to 460 mph, or 556 to 740 km/h);
-Raise aircraft hover efficiency from 60 percent to at least 75 percent;
-Present a more favorable cruise lift-to-drag ratio of at least 10, up from 5 to 6. (Aircraft have high L/D ratio if they produce a lot of lift or have a small amount of aerodynamic drag, according to NASA.); and
-Carry a useful load of at least 40 percent of the vehicle's projected gross weight of 10,000 to 12,000 lbs. (4,500 to 5,400 kilograms).
Aurora is collaborating closely with Rolls-Royce PLC and Honeywell International Inc. to reach a number of milestones. For instance, LightningStrike will be the first aircraft to have distributed hybrid-electric propulsion ducted fans, meaning the hybrid propulsion units are spread out along the aircraft to provide thrust for the plane.
LightningStrike will also have an "innovative" synchronous electric-drive system, tilt-wing and tilt-canard-based propulsion for vertical takeoff and landing (a canard is a wing configuration on the aircraft) and high efficiency for both hover and high-speed forward flight, according to Aurora.
The aircraft will be made with a Rolls-Royce AE 1107C turboshaft engine that can power three Honeywell generators and 24 ducted fans that are distributed on the wings and canards. Moreover, LightningStrike'selectric distributed propulsion system is designed to have integrated and distributed ducted fans that, along with the synchronous electric drive system, would help the aircraft efficiently move forward at a high speed, Aurora representatives said.
"The Aurora team's goal is to help redefine the future of vertical flight," said Mark Wilson, chief operating officer of Rolls-Royce LibertyWorks, an advanced aerospace technology research and design unit.
The company is aiming to begin test flight in 2018, company representatives said.
This bionic fingertip will connect to existing nerves and translate electrical signal accurately--allowing amputees to feel texture again.
Check out this bionic fingertip that can let amputees feel rough and smooth textures in real time.
The device was jointly developed by scientists from École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy and was trialled on the arm of amputee Dennis Aabo Sørensen.
The nerves of Sørensen’s upper arm was connected to the artificial fingertip, where a machine was used to control the device’s movement. As it moved across the plastic, sensors work to generate an electric signal that is then translated to a series of electrical spikes. These signals mimic the nervous system and is promptly sent to Sørensen’s nerves, allowing him to feel in real time.
This is the latest in a series of global efforts from various scientific and medical communities seeking to significantly improve the functionality of artificial limbs through the use of brain-machine interfaces.
The bionic fingertip allows Sørensen to feel and distinguish rough and smooth surfaces with much accuracy. In the study, it was reported that he was able to distinguish 96 percent of the simulations correctly, noting that it was what he would feel if he had his real hand.
In a larger study involving non-amputees, “The tactile information was delivered through fine needles that were temporarily attached to the arm’s median nerve through the skin,” the researchers shared in a press release. “The non-amputees were able to distinguish roughness in textures 77 percent of the time.”
“The research demonstrates that the needles relay the information about texture in much the same way as the implanted electrodes, giving scientists new protocols to accelerate for improving touch resolution in prosthetics.”
Former NASA officials reveal the best kept secret of the US government?
Former NASA officials reveal the best kept secret of the US government?
Two recently “fired” NASA “officials” recently revealed the best kept secret of the US government that had been kept “safe” for forty years, saying that there are traces of constructions on the Moon.
Earth’s Moon has always been a much talked about subject and speculation about what it may be have always been present.
We have always wondered why we have not been to the moon recently, we have all seen the mysterious images of the moon that appear to show strange constructions on the surface of the moon yet no one has reached and explored the possibilities throughly.
As revealed by the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, Ken Johnston, former manager of the Data and Photo Control Department at NASA’s Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the manned Apollo Lunar Program and Richard Hoagland, a former consultant of NASA, uncovered the secret at a conference held at the National Press Club in Washington.
Both of them were involved in the Apollo missions, Hoagland in particular, who presided the Apollo moon landing transmission on television.
Skeptics have already attacked both Johnston and Hoagland suggesting that they have little to none evidence that can support their claims. But is there a chance that they might be right? And that there is something happening on the moon?
Johnston confirmed that, in the 70s, American astronauts saw and recorded “vestiges of human constructions of antiquity” on the moon and photographed some of the technological evidence found on the surface.
After the astronauts brought back the images to Earth, they were handed over to Johnston, responsible for the conservation of the images.
Even though some officials had ordered Johnston to destroy the images he kept them as a secret. Nearly forty years after, Johnston decided to publish these pictures.
He accused NASA of editing original images of the Moon and replacing them with fake images where the structures on the moon had been erased.
The official photos underwent special treatment and, particularly those of the moon landing, which were eventually modified.
According to Hoagland, the Apollo mission astronauts even brought back physical evidence of extraterrestrial technology, advancements that have already been incorporated and are used by countries such as the United States, Russia, China, India and Japan. The United States astronauts brought back from the moon, clear evidence of structures, and items.
Johnston believes that a new round of struggle will have its outcome and, unlike political competition with Russia 50 years ago, this outcome will decide the fate of each and every human being on Earth.
Hoagland stated clearly that besides the truth hidden on the Moon, there are several pieces of evidence that point to the existence of life and traces of life on the red planet.
Adding to the mystery, packages 698,699 and 700 where the moon landing records were kept have vanished from sight.
Whether these two individuals are right about their theories and are telling the truth is something that we will perhaps, not known. But we have to accept for a fact that the moon missions have been, since the beginning, surrounded by numerous enigmas.
Why we have not been to the moon recently is another quest that nobody seems to address.
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Is this the most incredible UFO video ever?
Is this the most incredible UFO video ever?
According to a video recording made in southern California, a crashing UFO appears in the sky hurling towards Earth, at one point during the video, a mysterious bright light is seen emerging from the ‘object’ travelling back into space.
According to the witness who claims to have filmed the object falling towards Earth, he noticed a mysterious fireball burning up in the sky. He stopped over and recorded what looked like ‘something’ crashing from space and releasing what Ufologists are calling a ‘escape pod’.
According to Roberts:
“I was driving home after work when this UFO or whatever you call it caught my eye. I pulled over in front of somebody’s house to film it. I would have got a better shot but I didn’t want to jump these peoples fence. Anyway, I don’t know what the hell to make of it. Couldn’t have been a plane because there was no noise. And I never heard a crash after either. The Orb thing flew straight up into the sky and disappeared. Sorry, I didn’t film that. I didn’t know what to focus my attention on.”
The video has been posted last year and since then, numerous theories have been proposed trying to explain what it was. Skeptics firmly believe this is just another CGI, fake video.
In the video, the burning object isn’t as interesting as is what happens half way through the recording when a smaller ‘glowing orb’ is ‘released’ from the object burning up over Southern California.
While there are numerous other videos of similar objects falling from the sky, it is noteworthy to mention that the object seen ‘detaching’ from the original UFO travels in a completely opposite direction, and it is unusual that smaller parts can in fact fly off just like that, which has lead many people to believe that the smaller object is, in fact, some sort of ‘space pod’ with its own propulsive force.
In his accounts, Roberts explains hat he did not follow its trajectory because his camera was focused on the main body of the “crashing” UFO.
Is this another Fake?
While we consider the possibility that the object seen here could ‘potentially’ be some sort of UFO, we have to consider the possibility that this is another fake CGI creation.
According to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the American Meteor society, the public did not report any sightings at the time Roberts claims to have seen the UFO crashing towards Earth, releasing what some call an ‘escape pod’.
However, The American Meteor Society did report that people in California did report a fireball crashing towards Earth on Saturday, January 3rd, but no objects were reported on the day Roberts claims to have recorded the UFO.
On ‘Reddit’ people discussed the enigmatic video footage:
One user : ‘I think the Meteor isn’t completely perpendicular with the cameraman, but the falling object IS, which makes it appear to be faster than the meteor.’
Another user gave insight into the movement of the mysterious object: ‘If you look at the trail of the meteor, the tail looks kind of cork-screwed. I imagine the meteor is spinning at a high rate and the orb is something that broke off the main mass due to the rotational force and shot kind of perpendicular to the path of the main mass. The meteor is probably heading away from the camera at an angle to the left, and the mass that breaks off of it is heading away from the camera at an angle to the right.’ has tagged the video as a hoax: “This appears to be a hoax, with faked camera motion added in Adobe After Effects, as explained in this video by HoaxKiller.”
Whether or not the mysterious UFO is real, and the orb seen flying away in opposite direction is, in fact, an escape pod or not as some people believe is hard to tell. However, there are many people who believe this is a legit UFO sighting while skeptics remain confident that this is just another fake UFO video.
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Researcher Discovers that UFOs May Be Living Entities [VIDEO]
Researcher Discovers that UFOs May Be Living Entities [VIDEO]
While most people consider the term ‘UFO’ to be directly linked to that of alien spacecraft, there are some who consider the exact opposite, meaning that instead of the futuristic approach of artificial objects they view UFOs as organic entities that inhabit the cosmic void surrounding us.
After all, we already know about the ‘Water Bears’ or Tardigrades, the micro-animals capable of surviving in the harshest conditions and also in outer space, so why wouldn’t there be other similar creatures?
Such alien bioforms may exist, and are actually well documented by Dr. Franklin Ruehl, an American ufologist and cryptozoologist with a Ph. D. in theoretical nuclear physics from UCLA. According to his analysis, there are biologic entities dubbed ‘Zeroids’ that are living in outer space and can virtually survive in zero temperature and zero atmospheric pressure conditions.
These ‘Zeroids,’ according to Dr. Ruehl, could have developed from organic mixtures found in space to survive its apparently unhospitable conditions, and they could be one of the first lifeforms to arrive or develop in space. If scientists prove this mysterious lifeforms exist, it could bring us one step closer to understanding many of the UFO sightings across the globe, but also from outer space.
Alleged image of Zeroid
In 2012. Dr. Ruehl wrote a detailed report for The Huffington Post in which he offered more details about Zeroids, and how they managed to surpass the test of time and the harsh conditions in outer space. He wrote in the article:
“Considering that our island universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old, it is conceivable that zeroids represent the earliest forms in the cosmic backdrop, perhaps even existing for nearly that entire time. With such an elonged span of time at their disposal, zeroids could easily have trod many different evolutionary paths: They may range in dimensionality from the microscopic to the macroscopic.”
Further on, he explained how these bizarre entities manage to feed and reproduce based on different sightings recorded here on Earth. He added that:
“Morphologies may vary from the utterly simple to the extraordinary complex. They may live singly or in vast colonies. It should, of course, be stressed that humanoid forms are not to be expected. But, intelligence might be a developed feature…For sustenance, zeroids’ primary bill of fare might well be intergalactic dust and gas. Also not to be overlooked is the distinct possibility that larger zeroidal entities might possibly feast upon smaller ones… Zaroids may have migrated to all sectors of space – both within and without galaxies.”
According to Dr. Ruehl, zeroids have expanded a protective shield that’s either physical or electromagnetic in nature, defense mechanism which allows them to survive the leap into our material realm. Such sightings are described as ‘living UFOs.’ His claims are likely to be true, as there are many detailed reports of such entities, including authentic footage. However, Ruehl wanted to highlight two known cases involving zeroids.
In 1976, there was a spectacle of light above the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, where these ‘creatures’ materialized into a vivid sphere of light that manifested as it were alive. According to Ruehl, photographs taken of the entity passed all tests of legitimacy.
The second appearance happened in 1978 in British Colombia, when researcher Dorothy Wilkinson surprised a great flock of light beings that resembled space worms, and took as many pictures as she could. Today however, there are many people witnessing these mysterious entities, and there are many videos to prove it.
Are these beings the same with the orb-UFOs? Can they really morph into living spheres of light? These are troubling questions to answer for the moment, but if it proves to be so, it would indeed explain an entire lot of UFO sightings. However, the ‘space worms’ may not be the same with the ‘orb UFOs,’ meaning that our planet is hosting an entire hive of distinct alien lifeforms. Whatever the case, you can filter this information on your own based on the below videos, and please share your thoughts with us.
UFOs were seen flying in and out of 'a major underwater alien base' near Guantanamo Bay almost 50 years ago, according to bizarre claims of a former US Marine.
The ex-Marine has come forward to reveal what he and his comrades experienced in 1968 to 1969 while station at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base.
Although the dates he put down 'are a shot in the dark', he recalls 'heavy UFO traffic over and around the base' that were '50 feet to 100 feet across'.
An ex-Marine has come forward to reveal what he and his comrades experienced in 1968 to 1969 while station at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base (pictured). Although the dates he put down 'are a shot in the dark', he recalls 'heavy UFO traffic over and around the base' that were '50 feet to 100 feet across'
The interview was published by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which is said to be the 'largest UFO sightings documenting and investigation organization in the world', reports the Inquisitr.
The interview describes many nights of sightings that he and his fellow soldiers witnessed and although they talked about the activity on base they were forbidden to discuss it in public.
'All of us Marines were amazed at the amount of UFO activity over and around this base,' the witness said.
'Virtually every night UFOs were flying overhead with altitudes of less than 300 feet.'
The Marine, whose name remains anonymous, was given orders to monitor the fence line when he spotted the Martian vehicles.
The testimony was filed as Case 74794 in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON. The Marine remembers seeing a UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads. Most of the sightings were near the fence line of the base
He described the UFOs being about 50 feet to 100 feet cross, but were not the flashy saucers shown in the movies.
'Most of these UFOs were approximately 50 to 100 feet across, but to the naked eye came off as a dull, hazy hull with a small red light trailing behind it,' he said.
UFOs were seen flying in and out of 'a major underwater alien base' near Guantanamo Bay, according to bizarre claims of a former US Marine.
'When I stood guard duty on the south side of the base, I witnessed on many, many nights UFOs landing and taking off out of the ocean.'
'There were large blue lights moving around after their landing in the ocean and then slowly dimming down as they obviously descended deeper.'
While monitoring his post, he witnessed several UFOs flying around the area night after night – 'landing and taking off out of the ocean', he explained to investigators.
The witness recalled one event that he said was 'most exciting', which he observed while standing guard at the main gate of the base. He remembers seeing the UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads
'It was approximately 7p.m. (dark) when I stepped out of the guard shack and looked across the fence at the deserted Cuban guard house when something caught my eye,' the former Marine said.
'Behind the Cuban guard shack near the ground was a huge white cloud with a blue/white, baby blue pulsating light in the middle of it.'
Bewildered by the sighting, he asked of his comrades what they were seeing as it passed over the shack in their direction.
He remembers seeing the UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads.
A few minutes later the silence was broken by someone yelling 'get the hell out of there'.
A sergeant was yelling from the observation tower, ordering them to vacate the area.
The Marine and other soldier walked towards the barracks just 200 feet away, which allowed them to observe the action from a safe distance.
They saw Intelligence officers pull up to the scene with what looked like a film crew that recorded the alien vehicle while it hovered for about three hours before shooting off into the west.
'The UFO traveled about quarter of a mile, stopped for a moment, then like a bullet, shot straight up in the air until it disappeared,' he said.
After watching the ships take off and land, he assumed there had to be a major underwater UFO base in the Guantanamo Bay.
The witness recalled one event that he said was 'most exciting', which he observed while standing guard at the main gate of the base, reports Open Minds.
Around 7 pm, the former Marine stepped out of the guardhouse, looked over the fence at an empty guardhouse on the other side of the base and saw an enormous white cloud with blue flashing lights near the ground.
U.S. Marines on guard at Guantanamo base in Cuba (pictured), the area where the former Marine witnessed countless UFOs landing on the bay and taking off. He described the UFOs being about 50 feet to 100 feet cross, dull and hazy with a single red light that trailed behind them and blue lights flashed as they landed on the ocean
'It was approximately 7p.m. (dark) when I stepped out of the guard shack and looked across the fence at the deserted Cuban guard house when something caught my eye,' the former Marine said.
'Behind the Cuban guard shack near the ground was a huge white cloud with a blue/white, baby blue pulsating light in the middle of it.'
Bewildered by the sighting, he asked of his comrades what they were seeing as it passed over the shack in their direction.
Aliens came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between America and Russia, according the bizarre claim of a former astronaut.
Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, says high-ranking military officials witnessed alien ships during weapons tests throughout the 1940s.
The UFOs, he says, were spotted hovering over the world's first nuclear weapons test which took place on July 16, 1945 in the desolate White Sands deserts of New Mexico.
The Nasa veteran has regularly spoken about his belief in aliens ever since he landed on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971.
'White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons - and that's what the extra-terrestrials were interested in,' the 84-year-old Texan told Mirror Online.
NASA contractor explains UFO NASA 'conspiracy' theory
'They wanted to know about our military capabilities.
'My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.'
Dr Mitchell says stories from people who manned missile bases during the 20th Century back up his claims.
'Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their [test] missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft,' he said.
He previously said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
He claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and 'had they been hostile', he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.
He remembers seeing the UFO that looked like a 'big beautiful cloud with a blue and white pulsating light' quietly hovering over their heads.
A few minutes later the silence was broken by someone yelling 'get the hell out of there'.
A sergeant was yelling from the observation tower, ordering them to vacate the area.
The Marine and other soldier walked towards the barracks just 200 feet away, which allowed them to observe the action from a safe distance.
An air view of the Guantanamo US Naval base (pictured) during the 1960s, which is the same time when the ex-Marine swears that 'virtually every night UFOs were flying overhead with altitudes of less than 300 feet'. The Marine, whose remains anonymous, was given orders to monitor the fence line when he spotted the UFOs
They saw Intelligence officers pull up to the scene with what looked like a film crew that recorded the alien vehicle while it hovered for about three hours before shooting off into the west.
'The UFO traveled about quarter of a mile, stopped for a moment, then like a bullet, shot straight up in the air until it disappeared,' he said.
'I would love to go back there just to see if the UFOs are still showing up.'
Agents Mulder and Scully may have said 'the truth is out there' in the X Files, but it may instead be buried inside the brains of people who claim they have been abducted by aliens.
Those who believe they have had a close encounter of the so-called 'fourth kind' may suffer from false memories or sleep paralysis, a psychologist has claimed.
A rare form of the condition, which can involve hallucinations or the feeling of being dragged out of bed, may explain 'alien abductions' that people sincerely believe happened but can't remember.
Writing for The Psychologist, Christopher C French, of Goldsmiths, the University of London, who specialises in the psychology of paranormal belief and experiences, said there are plausible explanations for why people 'see' flying saucers and think they have been abducted.
He noted that most of the people making these claims are clinically sane, but their belief in life in outer space may influence what they see or feel in strange situations.
'The dates that I have put down is a shot in the dark because that was 50 years ago.'
Last year, a former Nasa employee came forward about the agency covering up a series of UFO sightings that they code named 'Santa Claus'.
Donna Hare claims she was told by numerous sources, which she does not name, about three UFOs that landed shortly after one of the moon landings and Nasa airbrushing UFOs out of satellite pictures, reportedExpress.