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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Black UFO Found Landed In Desert In Arizona On Google Earth Map, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Found Landed In Desert In Arizona On Google Earth Map, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: March 24, 2016 Location of discovery: 2 miles west of Bunk Robinson Peak, Arizona, USA Google coordinates:31° 26’43″N 109° 4’30″W
Here is a great catch of a black disk UFO landed out in the middle of nowhere on the boarder of Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. Its an hour drive to get to any city, but there is a white pick up truck parked near the black disk. The disk is located where no one would ever look for it. Usually UFOs are parked below water, but to have it above the ground is much more convenient to use in other ways. Don't take my word for it, copy paste the coordinates into the Google search box and check it out. Scott C. Waring
Stanton T. Friedman believes that there are many things that can be done to improve the respectability score of ufology. In his words, “we can show people facts and the sources of the data.” This presentation includes the details of:
1. Advanced nuclear fission rockets that operate using the same energy as our Sun. 2. The results of major studies such as Project Blue Book, – Special Report No. 14. 3. The false claims that have been made by what Stanton Friedman refers to as “the noisy negativists” and those who foolishly claim that Governments can’t keep secrets. 4. Blacked out Classified UFO documents. 5. UFO pictures that real scientists say are genuine. 6. Reasons for Aliens to visit Earth without landing on the White House lawn and for Governments to withhold evidence. 7. Preparing Research Papers for Journal Publication and the peer review process. 8. How to stop being Apologetic UFOlogists and speak out.
November 8, 1995 at approximately 8:40p.m., in rural Rosholt, Wisconsin, there was a flash of light that illuminated the entire area around our house. I was in the basement and my mother and stepfather were upstairs. We all went to the front door and noticed an orange orb hovering over a tree line, to the south. I am not sure of the distance, but my best guess is around a half-mile. The object appeared several times the size of a star. It appeared to glow slightly, but the shape was a solid sphere. The orb hovered in the same spot for about 20 minutes. The orb then slowly descended below the tree line until what must have been close to ground level, then ascended back to the original elevation. This took approximately 30 seconds. The orb then traveled east at a speed similar to an airplane. After traveling for about ten seconds, the object reversed direction instantly, without any change in speed. The object arrived back at the original location and disappeared.
At the same moment the orb disappeared, a circle of 8-10 large, bright lights flashed one at a time directly over the field to the south/southwest of our yard. I would say it was no more than 500 feet from our front door, and 250 feet above ground. There was no sound. I would estimate that the width of the object/lights was 75-100 feet. Once the last light went out, there were no more sightings. We continued to look around, all of us a little “freaked out” now.
After a couple of minutes, military jets flew over. I thought it sounded like they were flying to the northeast, but I couldn’t be certain. I phoned the Stevens Point Municipal Airport and reported what I saw. I was told they hadn’t seen anything. I then phoned the Stevens Point Journal newspaper. They told me that they had received multiple reports of 2 F-16s “chasing a UFO.” The November 9 1995 Stevens Point Journal has a front page article with a quote from a Lt. Col. saying that it was the 115th Fighter Wing of Traux Field in Madison, Wisconsin “practicing night flying.” The article concludes with “The only thing they were chasing after were themselves.” (I still have this newspaper if the full article is needed)
Astronomen wijzen het hoogste punt op Saturnus' maan Titan aan
Astronomen wijzen het hoogste punt op Saturnus' maan Titan aan
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het gaat om een berg die 3337 meter hoog is. Nog niet eerder werd zo’n hoge berg op Titan ontdekt.
En het is waarschijnlijk niet alleen de hoogste berg die tot op heden op Titan ontdekt is. Onderzoekers gaan ervan uit dat dit wel eens de hoogste berg kan zijn die Titan rijk is.
Mithrim Montes De berg is 3337 meter hoog en maakt deel uit Mithrim Montes: drie bergruggen op rij. De bergruggen bevinden zich in de buurt van de evenaar, waar de meeste bergen van Titan, te vinden zijn.
Op aarde ontstaan bergen en kliffen doordat het oppervlak naar boven wordt geduwd, bijvoorbeeld door platentektoniek of vulkanisme. Tegelijkertijd zorgt erosie – door wind en regen – ervoor dat bergen weer materiaal en dus hoogte verliezen. Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat erosie ook op Titan een rol speelt en wel door toedoen van regen en rivieren. Wel erodeert het oppervlak van de maan waarschijnlijk trager dan op aarde.
Niet zo hoog? Een berg van 3337 meter hoog is op het eerste gezicht niet zo indrukwekkend. Op aarde zijn immers bergen van bijna negen kilometer hoog te vinden. Maar onderzoekers hadden op voorhand ook zeker niet verwacht zulke hoge bergen op Titan aan te treffen. Sterker nog: ze hadden eigenlijk ook geen bergen van iets meer dan 3 kilometer hoog verwacht. Dat die bergen er wel zijn, suggereert voorzichtig dat op het oppervlak processen spelen die ons nu nog onbekend zijn. Daar moet dus nader onderzoek naar worden gedaan.
“Als verkenners zijn we gemotiveerd om de hoogste of diepste plaatsen te vinden, deels omdat het opwindend is,” stelt onderzoeker Jani Radebaugh. “Maar de extremen van Titan vertellen ons ook belangrijke dingen over krachten die de evolutie van Titan beïnvloeden.”
Mithrim Montes. De pijltjes wijzen enkele hoge bergen aan, waaronder een berg van 3337 meter hoog. Dit kan wel eens de hoogste berg van Titan zijn. Afbeelding: NASA.
Magnetische bubbel die aarde beschermt, blijkt zo lek als een mandje
Magnetische bubbel die aarde beschermt, blijkt zo lek als een mandje
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het is de bodyguard van de aarde: de magnetosfeer. De magnetische bubbel rond onze planeet beschermt ons tegen de zonnewind. Tenminste: dat dachten we. Nieuw onderzoek wijst erop dat de beveiliging namelijk zo lek is als een mandje.
Dat meldt ESA. De ruimtevaartorganisatie bestudeerde de magnetosfeer met behulp van satellieten.
Zonnewind Het magnetisch veld rondom de aarde moet ons beschermen tegen de zonnewind: een stroom geladen deeltjes die zijn eigen magnetische veld meebrengt. Die stroom reist door het zonnestelsel en bereikt zo ook de aarde.
Oriëntatie Onze magnetosfeer moet ons dan tegen deze deeltjes beschermen. In 2006 bleek echter al dat dat niet altijd lukt. Wanneer het magnetisch veld van de zonnewind dezelfde oriëntatie heeft als het magnetisch veld van de aarde kan de zonnewind toch door de magnetosfeer heendringen.
Bijna altijd? Maar nu hebben onderzoekers ontdekt dat het niet bij deze ene situatie blijft. De zonnewind blijkt in veel meer gevallen door onze magnetosfeer heen te kunnen dringen. “Sterker nog: het is heel moeilijk om een situatie te bedenken waarin de zonnewind niet door de magnetosfeer heen dringt, aangezien de magnetosfeer geen perfecte magnetische bubbel is,” concludeert onderzoeker Kyoung-Joo Hwang.
“De zonnewind kan de magnetosfeer op andere plekken en onder andere omstandigheden dan we eerder dachten binnendringen,” voegt onderzoeker Melvyn Goldstein toe. “Dat suggereert dat de magnetopause (de grens tussen de magnetosfeer en het omringende plasma, red.) dezelfde eigenschappen heeft als een zeef en de zonnewind toestaat om voortdurend in de magnetosfeer te stromen.”
Wat magnetische polen van de aarde zich omdraaien
Wat magnetische polen van de aarde zich omdraaien
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het is in het verleden talloze keren gebeurd en staat ons ook in de toekomst ongetwijfeld weer te wachten: een omkering van de magnetische polen van de aarde. Maar wanneer en wat voor gevolgen heeft dat?
Volgens sommige doemdenkers zou het eind 2012 gebeuren: de magnetische polen van de aarde zouden zich omdraaien en de wereld zou – zoals de Maya’s het voorspeld hadden – vergaan. Eind december 2012 brak aan en er gebeurde niets. En inmiddels zit 2013 er ook al een heel eind op, is de aarde er nog steeds en bevinden de magnetische polen zich nog op de plek waar ze horen. Het idee dat de Maya’s het einde van de wereld voorspeld hadden, was waanzin. De voorspelling dat de magnetische polen zich eind 2012 abrupt om zouden keren, bleek eveneens onzin. Toch is het idee van omkerende magnetische polen op aarde op zichzelf niet zo heel gek. Het is in het verleden namelijk regelmatig gebeurd. En ja, het zal in de toekomst ongetwijfeld nogmaals gebeuren.
Magnetisch veld De aarde beschikt over een magnetisch veld met één zuidpool en één noordpool. Dit magnetische veld wordt gegeneerd door de kern van onze aarde: een ijzeren bol waarvan het hart vast en de buitenste laag vloeibaar is. Dat vloeibare ijzer in de kern van onze aarde stroomt en creëert elektrische stromingen die op hun beurt weer het magnetisch veld creëren. Zo af en toe keert het magnetisch veld zich om. De magnetische noordpool verandert dan in de magnetische zuidpool en omgekeerd.
Hoe weten we dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde zich de afgelopen miljoenen jaren regelmatig heeft omgedraaid? Die kennis hebben we te danken aan sedimenten die zich op de bodem van de oceaan bevinden. Ooit waren deze sedimenten vloeibaar: lava, afkomstig uit de Mid-Atlantische Rug, een plek waar twee continentale platen uit elkaar bewegen. In het vloeibare gesteente zitten magnetische mineralen en deze nemen de richting van het aardmagnetisch veld aan. Wanneer de lava versteent, wordt die richting vereeuwigd. Sedimenten op de bodem van de oceaan kunnen ons dus vertellen welke richting het aardmagnetisch veld op het moment dat de steen tot stand kwam, had. Door verschillende stenen te dateren, kunnen onderzoekers de richting van het aardmagnetisch veld op verschillende momenten in de geschiedenis van onze planeet achterhalen.
In het verleden Volgens wetenschappers is het magnetische veld van de aarde in de lange geschiedenis van onze planeet regelmatig omgekeerd. De laatste twintig miljoen jaar gebeurde het gemiddeld elke 200.000 tot 300.000 jaar. Dat is geen abrupte gebeurtenis: daar zijn honderden zoniet duizenden jaren voor nodig. Het is zeker ook geen vloeiende beweging waarmee de noordpool zuidpool wordt en omgekeerd. Magnetische velden smelten samen, duwen en trekken aan elkaar. Tijdens dit proces kunnen meerdere polen op rare breedtes ontstaan alvorens de noordpool echt zuidpool wordt.
De laatste keer Het omdraaien van het magnetisch veld is eerder regel dan uitzondering. De laatste keer dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde zich omkeerde, was zo’n 780.000 jaar geleden. Men zou – met de kennis dat het magnetisch veld zich gemiddeld elke 300.000 jaar omkeert dan ook verwachten dat ons in de nabije toekomst weer zo’n omkering te wachten staat. Zou het binnenkort dan gaan gebeuren? Niemand weet het. Want een omkering van het magnetisch veld is nu eenmaal niet te voorspellen.
Verandering Wat we wel zeker weten, is dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde aan het veranderen is. Dat is echter niet iets van de laatste tijd, maar een voortdurend proces. Zo vond Roald Amundsen de magnetische noordpool in 1904 vijftig kilometer verwijderd van het punt waar James Ross deze in 1831 aantrof. En ook gedurende de twintigste eeuw is deze magnetische noordpool aan het schuiven geweest: gemiddeld zo’n tien kilometer per jaar en recent zijn er zelfs jaren geweest waarin deze magnetische pool zich met 40 kilometer per jaar verplaatste. En dat is niet de enige manier waarop het magnetisch veld verandert. Ook de kracht ervan fluctueert: zo is deze sinds de negentiende eeuw met zo’n tien procent afgenomen. Sommige mensen denken dat dat erop wijst dat het magnetische veld zich binnenkort omkeert. Bij die voorspelling wordt er echter flink geëxtrapoleerd: als de trend van het afzwakkende magnetische veld doorzet, zou dit over zo’n 1500 jaar resulteren in een dipoolmoment (een kwantitatieve maat om de intensiteit van het magnetisch veld weer te geven) van nul en dan zou het gaan gebeuren. Maar wetenschappers willen daar niets van weten. “Het veld neemt de hele tijd in kracht toe en af,” vertelt onderzoeker Gary Glatzmaier. “We weten dit van paleomagnetische studies (onderzoeken zoals beschreven in het kader hierboven, red.).”
Foto: Roland Urbanek (cc via
Doemscenario’s Wanneer het gaat gebeuren, weten we dus niet. Maar wat mogen we verwachten als het eenmaal zover is? Daarover doen zich heel veel doemverhalen de ronde. Een mooi voorbeeld is het verhaal dat het magnetisch veld van de aarde tijdens een omkering tijdelijk even helemaal wegvalt. In die periode zou de aarde geen enkele bescherming hebben tegen deeltjes afkomstig van de zon, zonnevlammen en plasmawolken. En zonder die bescherming zou het er slecht uitzien voor het leven op aarde. Het klinkt heel logisch, maar toch klopt er niets van. Het magnetisch veld van de aarde kan inderdaad door de tijd heen sterker en zwakker worden. Maar er is geen enkel bewijs dat het magnetisch veld ooit helemaal weg is geweest. En zelfs al zou het magnetisch veld van de aarde even heel zwak worden, dan is dat nog niet direct een probleem. Wel komt er dan iets meer zonnestraling op aarde, maar we hebben het dan zeker niet over dodelijke hoeveelheden. Bovendien is het goed om te onthouden dat het magnetisch veld niet onze enige bescherming is: ook de atmosfeer houdt veel deeltjes afkomstig van de zon tegen. Overigens is er ook helemaal geen bewijs dat een omkering van het magnetisch veld verstrekkende gevolgen voor het leven op aarde heeft en resulteert in massa-extincties. Uit paleomagnetisch onderzoek weten we immers dat veranderingen in de ontwikkeling van mens(achtig)en en massa-extincties niet samenvallen met een omkering van het aardmagnetisch veld.
Vogels We hoeven dus niet bang te zijn dat het magnetisch veld tijdelijk helemaal verdwijnt en het leven op aarde daardoor het veld moet ruimen. Maar de omkering van het aardmagnetisch veld moet toch wel gevolgen hebben voor het leven op aarde? Jawel. Ten eerste werkt uw kompas niet meer zoals het hoort. Na een omkering stelt het kompas dat de Zuidpool zich in het noorden bevindt. Dat is dus even omschakelen. En ook voor dieren die zich met behulp van het aardmagnetisch veld oriënteren op hun omgeving en route verandert alles. Maar ook dat hoeft geen probleem te zijn. Onthoud dat een omkering van het aardmagnetisch veld al snel duizenden jaren in beslag neemt. In die duizenden jaren kunnen onder meer vogels en walvissen zich van generatie op generatie aanpassen aan de verandering die gaande is.
Een omkering van de aardmagnetische polen behoort dus tot de mogelijkheden. Sterker nog: het zou gekker zijn als het niet gebeurde. Maar wanneer? Niemand die het weet. Gelukkig is het ook geen reden om ’s nachts wakker te liggen: de mensheid heeft wel eens voor hetere vuren gestaan.
De polen van de maan zijn in het verleden 200 kilometer verschoven
De polen van de maan zijn in het verleden 200 kilometer verschoven
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Hierdoor moet de maan er in het verleden vanaf de aarde bekeken ietsje anders uit hebben gezien, aldus onderzoekers.
Wetenschappers trekken die conclusie nadat ze waterstof op de polen van de maan bestudeerden. Het waterstof verbergt zich waarschijnlijk in de vorm van ijs in kraters rond de noord- en zuidpool van de maan. Dit ijs is waarschijnlijk miljarden jaren oud. Het ijs dat nu nog in de kraters schuilgaat, heeft zo lang stand kunnen houden, omdat het nooit aan zonlicht is blootgesteld. Maar stel nu dat je de maan een aantal graden draait. Dan wordt het ijs in die kraters wel aan zonlicht blootgesteld: het sublimeert (verdampt) en verdwijnt in de ruimte. Het ijs in deze kraters (of een gebrek aan ijs in kraters) kan dus meer vertellen over de oriëntatie van de maan en een eventuele verandering in deze oriëntatie.
Verandering Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat de oriëntatie van de maan in het verleden inderdaad anders was. De as – de denkbeeldige paal die door het midden van de maan van noord naar zuid loopt en waar de maan omheen draait – is ongeveer 3 miljard jaar geleden zeker zes graden oftewel 200 kilometer verschoven. Waarschijnlijk gebeurde dat over een periode van één miljard jaar.
Hier zie je waar de noord- en zuidpool zich nu bevinden en waar deze zich in het verleden bevonden. Afbeelding: James Keane / University of Arizona.
De neus omhoog “Dit was zo’n verrassende ontdekking,” stelt onderzoeker Matthew Siegler. “We zijn geneigd te denken dat objecten in de ruimte er altijd zo uit hebben gezien zoals we ze nu zien, maar in dit geval is het gezicht dat zo vertrouwd voor ons is – het gezicht op de maan – veranderd. Miljarden jaren geleden zorgde een opwarming van het binnenste van de maan ervoor dat het gezicht dat we zien naar boven bewoog naar mate de pool fysiek van positie veranderde. Je kunt het vergelijken met de as van de aarde die verschuift van Antarctica naar Australië. Door de beweging van de pool trok het gezicht op de maan zijn neus op naar de aarde.”
De maan maakt nu deel uit van een illuster gezelschap. Er zijn namelijk maar vrij weinig hemellichamen bekend wiens polen permanent zijn verschoven. Naast de polen van de maan, weten we dat ook de polen van de aarde, Mars, Enceladus (maan van Saturnus) en Europa (maan van Jupiter) zijn verschoven. Een verschuiving van de polen ontstaat door een verschuiving in de massa van een hemellichaam. In het geval van de maan werd dat alles ingegeven door vulkanisme. Vulkanisme zorgde ervoor dat een stukje van de mantel van de maan (een gebied dat we nu kennen als Procellarum) opwarmde. En omdat warme gesteenten minder zwaar zijn dan koude gesteenten, verschoof de massa van de maan. “Die verandering in massa zorgde ervoor dat Procellarum – en de hele maan – in beweging kwam.”
3D-Printed Rutherford Engine Qualifies For Space Flight
3D-Printed Rutherford Engine Qualifies For Space Flight
Illustration of the Electron rocket in orbit
The Electron's main engine just passed a flight qualification test.
Rocket Lab
A 3D printed rocket engine from Rocket Lab has qualified for flight. The engine will be flown during the Electron test program.
A video posted by the LA and New Zealand-based Rocket Lab shows the company’s new Rutherford engine surviving a 2 minute 40 second burn. After more than two years of extensive testing and more than two hundred engine hot fires, it qualifies for flight.
This is a milestone for the 3D printing industry, as the Rutherford engine is the first of its kind made primarily out of 3D printed parts. It’s also notable that the engine uses battery-powered electric motors to power the propellant pumps.
The Rocket Lab group hopes that, despite the engine’s small stature, it will be able to launch small satellites into orbit at a low cost. An Electron launch is expected to cost about $5 million, compared to SpaceX’s $60 million launches.
The company says the engine will first be flown during the Electron test program scheduled to run throughout the second half of 2016. The launch will be part of the development program for the Electron rocket, whose liftoff will be powered by 9 Rutherford engines.
“Rutherford started as a clean sheet of paper. Without the burden of heritage engines, we were able to make the most of today’s most advanced technologies in ways not attempted before,” said Rocket Lab Propulsion Lead Lachlan Matchett in a statement.
The next step in the process is scaling up production of the the engine for test and commercial launches.
Scientists Find Microbe Grows 60% Better in Space Than on Earth
Scientists Find Microbe Grows 60% Better in Space Than on Earth
Craig Venter
A citizen science project finds that the Bacillus safensis bacterium thrives in space, a discovery with important implications for space travel and theories for life’s ability to spread naturally to other worlds.
Bad news for germaphobic would-be astronauts—scientists have found that a certain strain of bacteria grows about 60% better on the International Space Station than on Earth.
The microbe in question, Bacillus safensis, actually has a long history of space travel. It was first discovered in NASA clean-room facilities in the late ‘90s, and may even have been a stowaway to the Red Planet on the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity in 2004.
The new findings were part of a citizen science experiment, called Project MERCCURI, in which scientists and members of the public collect microbial samples for transport to the International Space Station to determine how they would grow and develop in low-gravity conditions.
“The warm, humid, oxygen-rich environment of the ISS is a far cry from the vacuum of space,” observes Dr. David Coil, of UC Davis, lead author of the research. He also points out that the real importance of the study is that of the 48 strains tested, most grew at normal, pedestrian Earth-rates, with no surprises whatsoever.
It is, however, slightly surprising that certain strains grow better off of planet Earth.
Rather than just a matter of idle curiosity, the study has implications for the future of space travel, and even touches upon larger questions of the origin and spread of life in the universe.
If humankind is really to begin the process of extending its civilization beyond the comforting ambit of our home planet, it’s important to understand not only how human physiology operates during prolonged periods in space, but also how our “microbiome” of parasites, bacteria, viruses and other clingers-on behave in the same environment.
As far as the theory of “panspermia,” the idea that planets can be seeded by dormant organisms from outer space, the discovery—while it says nothing conclusive—is another indication that life can certainly adapt to almost any conditions, including the harsh ones of space.
So just remember to pack hand sanitizer the next time you head to space.
Speech at Embry-Riddle's Prescott campus explores mysteries, sidesteps conspiracies
Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier
Peter Merlin an aerospace historian, author, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate talks about the history of the secret projects that took place at Area 51 Wednesday night March 16, 2016 during an installment of the ERAU Prescott Aviation History Program at ERAU. (Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier)
Julius Levinson: “What with that spaceship you found in New Mexico! What was it called ... Roswell, New Mexico! And that other place... uh... Area 51, Area 51! You knew then! And you did nothing!”
President Thomas Whitmore: “Mr. Levinson, contrary to what you may have read in the tabloids, there is no Area 51. There is no spaceship...”
Albert Nimzicki: “Uh ... excuse me, Mr. President? That’s not entirely accurate.”
- “Independence Day” movie (1996)
Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier
Matt Hinshaw
Peter Merlin an aerospace historian, author, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate talks about the history of the secret projects that took place at Area 51 Wednesday night March 16, 2016 during an installment of the ERAU Prescott Aviation History Program at ERAU. (Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier)
PRESCOTT– Oh, yes, Virginia, there’s an Area 51. And secret military activities go on there.
No alien spacecraft are stored in its hangars, but the secrecy is more than enough to drive any number of conspiracy theories.
In a speech Wednesday night, March 16, at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Davis Learning Center, author, aerospace historian, and ERAU graduate Peter Merlin discussed the realities of the place called “Dreamland.”
Area 51, northwest of Las Vegas, on the edge of a dry lakebed in the Nevada desert, was originally a temporary facility intended to service the then-new U-2 spy plane.
Groom Lake was the reason the site was chosen; it reminded the men searching for a location of the dry lakebed used as a runway at Edwards Air Force base in California.
The small outpost was called “Paradise Ranch,” which Merlin said was intended to make the generally inhospitable place – workers were housed in travel trailers – sound more appealing.
Workers were shuttled between Lockheed’s headquarters and Area 51 by military transport airplanes every weekend, Merlin said.
Just as the base was losing the U-2 program, which was moved to California, and about to become a ghost town, the U.S. Air Force began to use the base for testing of Project Oxcart’s A-12, the predecessor to the Mach 3 SR-71 Blackbird surveillance aircraft.
By the mid-1960s, there were more than 1,800 workers at Dreamland, Merlin said.
One of the ideas developed there that did not pan out: an unmanned supersonic drone, the D-21, to be dropped from the Project Oxcart aircraft.
Merlin described the loss of an aircraft carrying the drone when the two collided, and one crewman was killed in the incident. “The tragic loss of an aircraft and a crewmember ended the use of the … launch aircraft, but it did not spell the end of the (drone),” Merlin said.
The D-21 program was moved to the B-52 heavy bomber in 1967, where it had an inauspicious first flight: it fell off the B-52 and slammed into the runway.
“It was on a fully-live booster (rocket), which was set to fire five seconds after it left the pylon, which it did,” Merlin said. It crashed into the desert.
Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier
Matt Hinshaw
Peter Merlin an aerospace historian, author, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate talks about the history of the secret projects that took place at Area 51 Wednesday night March 16, 2016 during an installment of the ERAU Prescott Aviation History Program at ERAU. (Matt Hinshaw/The Daily Courier)
The project was canceled, after disappointing results, in 1971.
Dreamland was also home to projects creatively named HAVE DOUGHNUT, HAVE DRILL, and HAVE FERRY. These were tests of Soviet military aircraft, which not only demonstrated their capabilities, but mock dogfights allowed US pilots to develop tactics to combat them.
When the effort began to develop HAVE BLUE, a stealth fighter airplane that would become the F-117A, it happened at Area 51.
“So secret was its configuration, that every time HAVE BLUE was rolled out of its hangar, uncleared personnel on the base were sequestered to prevent them from seeing the aircraft,” Merlin said.
“Area 51’s secret nature has bred rumors and speculation among those who believe the government is hiding captured extraterrestrial spacecraft or even aliens at the site,” he said, but officials’ unwillingness to talk about the base and its purpose – even a 1974 Skylab photo of the base caused security headaches – only makes Area 51 a more enticing target for conspiracy theorists.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 1/5 - (2 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Sun Herald archives: South Mississippi has long history of UFO intrigue
Sun Herald archives: South Mississippi has long history of UFO intrigue
A 'Coast celebrity' wrote about being abducted by aliens in 1973
Vicksburg UFO specialist says extraterrestrials can be spotted over Mississippi
Was a UFO spotted in Pass Christian in 2012?
Tim Isbell/Sun Herald/ 2012 UFO websites have indicated a growing number of sightings along the Coast. One website shows a YouTube post of a UFO over Pass Christian.
The Sun Herald
Editors note: This story was originally published in March 2012.
We are not alone.
Look at the fuzzy video posted on YouTube that shows a colorful spinning orb hovering over the water just off the Pass Christian beach in February. It will make you wonder.
Or read various posts on extraterrestrial watchdog websites such as the Mutual UFO Network or UFO Casebook, that mention South Mississippi sightings.
Still not convinced we’ve been visited by aliens from outer space?
Read “UFO Contact in Pascagoula,” written by the late Charles Hickson.
Hickson, who died at 80 in 2011, became a Coast celebrity in 1973 after his claims of alien abduction were made public. In the 38 years after, he appeared on TV, spoke at UFO conferences, gave countless interviews, and co-wrote his book. He continued to watch the night skies until the end.
“He believed that one day they would come back. He wanted them to come back,” his daughter Tisha Hurd told the Sun Herald after his death.
But whether E.T. has actually phoned home from the Gulf Coast remains to be seen.
Neither Hancock County Sheriff Ricky Adam, Harrison County Sheriff Melvin Brisolara nor Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd can find reports in the last 12 months of anyone seeing UFOs, although Adam said some on his staff reported the occasional Facebook post by acquaintances that mentioned seeing “something” in the sky.
However, a Vicksburg UFO expert thinks extraterrestrials can be spotted regularly over Mississippi.
Just last week, graphic designer Robert Hood, a 43-year-old husband and father, admits seeing “a nice, bright light in the sky.”
The co-founder of Delta Paranormal Project said an orange star-like entity hovered for a while, then it moved, got dim, then bright, then “suddenly, it just disappeared.”
Hood classifies the sightings into two areas, the unidentified flying objects and the extraterrestrial vehicles.
Anyone can see a UFO, which usually turns out to be an airplane or some other man-made aircraft. It’s the ETVs that are more unusual, and much harder to document or explain, he said.
Still, he believes ETVs are easier to spot in South Mississippi, where the land mass borders the Gulf of Mexico. The Coast offers few obstructions and a clear view of the sky, he said.
He thinks many people have probably seen UFOs and even ETVs, but are unlikely to make a report for fear of ridicule.
“You mention anything about aliens to anybody and it’s an instant, ‘You’re crazy,’” he said.
For those who plan to go public with their sighting, Hood recommends still images and video confirmation. Turn off the auto focus on the camera and keep it steady, he said. It also helps to have additional witnesses for validation.
He is adamant humans are not alone in the universe.
“It would be kind of crazy to look up and say that there is no other life besides ourselves,” he said.
A grainy video posted Feb. 12 on YouTube by someone called UFOParanomalRadio shows a bright light in the sky, supposedly along U.S. 90 in Pass Christian.
The videographer captures the image for almost four minutes before it disappears from view.
“It’s cool looking, whatever it is,” a man’s voice says. “It’s lit up like a Christmas tree.”
He says on the video that the image, which appears as both a spinning orb of light and two blurry, bright lights, is “just sitting there, hovering over the Gulf of Mexico.”
While trying to sharpen the focus, the shooter watches the light disappear into the water.
“It’s completely gone, nowhere to be found,” he can be heard saying.
Pass Christian Deputy Chief James Stewart said police logs do not show anyone making a report of an unidentified object any time that week.
Pascagoula police Lt. Shannon Massey also checked records for the past year, but could find no reports of UFO sightings.
On, however, UFO expert Billy Booth posted about a sighting of a blinking light reported Sept. 22 that hovered for a while, then flew upward and disappeared in the Jackson County sky.
Hood said Pascagoula could be a hotbed for UFO traffic.
It’s where Hickson believes he was abducted in 1973, and it’s close to Gautier, where a UFO was spotted hovering over Hickson home by neighbors years later.
Booth lists 10 Mississippi sightings on his UFO Casebook website, from 1967 in Meridian to Nov. 16 in Oxford, where a mother and daughter told him they saw a cylindrical object hover over the tree tops along U.S. 278.
Among the cases listed is Mike Cataldo, a retired U.S. Navy chief petty officer interviewed by former Mississippi Press reporter Natalie Chambers in 2001.
Cataldo said he and some friends saw a tambourine-shaped object lined in blinking lights, spinning in the sky between Pascagoula and Gautier in 1973, just three days after Hickson’s alleged encounter.
Cataldo says in the case file he saw it again as he traveled west on U.S. 90 in Ocean Springs.
“I think he saw something,” Chambers told the Sun Herald. “He didn’t appear to be fearful, he was just talking about the lights. He was very sure that what he saw was a UFO.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Rhett Jones
Today while the political world is fixated on a salacious tabloid story about Ted Cruz, eccentric news site operator Matt Drudge is concerned about aliens. He’s not the only one.
“They can bullshit me all they want but I’m not going to play the government’s game,” Stephen Bassett, Capitol Hill’s only registered extraterrestrial lobbyist, tells me. “This isn’t about ‘UFOs.’ The government uses that acronym in order to prevent disclosure,” he says. “‘Extraterrestrial craft’ is the proper term.”
Bassett is, as you might imagine, passionate on the subject—perhaps too much so. He told me that the acronym “UFO” itself is a slur used to “ghettoize” those who seek the truth, and compared it to racial slurs—specific ones, in fact, which he was not shy about using. Considering how many of his fellow truth-seekers use the term, it’s hard to avoid entirely.
“Since November, more political coverage has taken place on this subject than it has in 60 something years,” Bassett says. Since 1996, he has been waging war for the public’s right to know what information the government has about aliens and he thinks the time is nigh. “There is a very good chance that the truth embargo will collapse later this year, Hillary Clinton will be the one to push it and President Obama will have to address the issue!”
In case it doesn’t happen until the next president takes office, who among our top presidential candidates is the most UFO-friendly? Are there any extraterrestrial experts willing to rank them on a scale of 1-10?
“This will be easy,” writes certified UFO investigator—and 2014 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence winner for his Roswell UFO Tours—Dennis Balthaser, in an email to Gawker. “Every President since Truman, when the Roswell Incident happened in 1947, has tried to open the UFO Files and none have been able to. Don’t expect any of the current candidates to do it either. The President is a temporary employee (8 years max), they don’t have the security clearance or need to know. To answer your question on a scale of 1-10, I’d say 1.”
Everyone starts at 1.
Donald Trump
What the candidate said:Trump has remained (suspiciously) silent about aliens from outer space, but he’s the only candidate that was reportedly followed by an unidentified flying object in his own private jet. Sharp-eyed truth seekers have claimed to have seen his effigy in photos taken by the Mars rover. How do you explain THIS?! There is something going on with him that we don’t know about. We don’t know. We’re just saying.
Record on government transparency: Trump has never held office and has generally talked more about his dong than policy specifics. As a figurehead of the “birther” movement, he demanded the public be given President Obama’s birth certificate. The birth certificate was provided; Trump wasn’t satisfied; he doesn’t talk about it anymore.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Based on his silence on the issue and his record of ‘seeking the truth’ then subsequently abandoning it, the Donald gets the lowest score.
Bernie Sanders
What the candidate said: “I am not aware of Sanders or any of the Republican candidates even mentioning UFOs, much less having any serious intention of getting to the bottom of the mystery,” says UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. There is one mention of Bernie Sanders commenting on the aliens, via Conway Daily Sun’s Daymond Steer. Steer is quoted by Grant Cameron (full-time researcher of “the UFO mystery”) on his blog:
“After admitting that he is in fact, the same person as ‘Seinfeld” creator Larry David (who played him on ‘Saturday Night Live’) Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was asked if he believed that extraterrestrials may have visited the Earth, Sanders said, ‘I have met many. I see them in Washington all the time.’”
Steer broke Hillary Clinton’s position on aliens last year, but, suspiciously, this account of talking to Bernie Sanders doesn’t appear anywhere outside of Cameron’s blog. We asked him. In an email, Steer confirmed that this actually happened. He also says he didn’t realize he was on record when he was relating the Bernie encounter to Cameron over Facebook.
Record on government ranks Sanders among the top 50% of Senate Committee Chairs for sponsoring or co-sponsoring 3 of the 19 bills relating to increased government transparency that came up in the senate during the latest session. In 2015, he re-introduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. He’s the only top candidate who opposed the Patriot Act in 2001 and believes that Edward Snowden “played a very important role in educating the American people to the degree in which our civil liberties and our constitutional rights are being undermined.”
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness: Bernie is sick and tired of hearing about your damn flying saucers. What do little green men have to do with the skyrocketing level of income and wealth inequality that’s not only grotesque and immoral, but economically unsustainable? Sanders will probably not be giving this issue any time unless aliens are funneling all corporate profits to the top 1%. He gets an extra point for his record on government transparency.
Ted Cruz
What the candidate said:According to Steer’s now verified account, Cruz “was surprised at Hillary’s involvement with the UFO story while First Lady” and “stated he might check into Area 51 if elected President.”
Record on government transparency:At, Cruz is tied for the lowest score on government transparency among Senate sophomores by sponsoring none of 19 recent bills relating to government transparency.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Cruz is the kind of guy who could have first-hand experience with aliens and not give a shit unless there was some way to use it against one of his rivals. So if there’s an opportunity to drag Hillary into an investigation over it then yeah, he’ll move mountains to tell people what’s up at Area 51. We can’t say for sure that there are any liberals who would be harmed by those disclosures, we’ll split it at 5/10 and doc one point because Cruz hasn’t shown any interest in government transparency in the past. But he’s so unbelievably hated across all party lines that truth seekers should probably ask themselves whether they even want to hear the news if it’s coming from him.
John Kasich
What the candidate has said:According to Steer’s account, Kasich “does not believe.” But Kasich threw in a caveat, saying, “My brother-in-law says if I become president, his No. 1 thing is for me to open all books on Area 51.” On the phone, Kasich’s press secretary Joe Andrews could neither confirm or deny the existence of this brother-in-law and said he’d get back to us. We’ll update the post if he does.
Record on government transparency:As Governor of Ohio, Kasich has come under fire for his administration’s lack of transparency and weakening of transparency laws. He called Edward Snowden a “traitor” and he believes that programs instituted under the Patriot Act should continue. Minus 1 point.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Like all things Kasich, his position is somewhere in the middle and is decidedly uninspiring.
Hillary Clinton
What the candidate has said:“I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” Clinton told Steer in the now infamous comment to Conway Daily Sun at the end of 2015. “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.” Clinton says that her campaign chairman John Podesta has made her “personally pledge we are going to get the information out… One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
CNN characterized her remarks as a joke, but extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett tells me he’s certain she was sincere. He says that all politicians have to lie to get elected but in this case, “It’s an extremely risky statement and it could only cause her trouble.” Furthermore, Podesta is a known disclosure enthusiast. And X-Files fan.
And then, on Jimmy Kimmel last night, to Drudge’s delight, Clinton said: “I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there.” And if there is something there? “Well, if there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.” She even specified that. “It’s ‘unexplained aerial phenomenon.’ U.A.P. that’s the latest nomenclature.”
Record on government transparency:Hahahaha. In addition to using a private server for her government emails, Clinton also voted to authorize the Patriot Act in 2001 and re-authorize it in 2006 and she has condemned Edward Snowden as a criminal who should be prosecuted. The list goes on.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:“Of all the candidates I would consider Clinton the most ‘UFO friendly,’” confirms UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. “The others seem pretty much blanks… She has shown some interest in the subject and has discussed it with Rockefeller” (Clinton met with Laurance S. Rockefeller about the Rockefeller UFO Initiative in 1995) “and Podesta. So, at least, it is not nonsense or—dare I say—‘alien’ to her.” But he’s not too excited about it: “Air Force, CIA, and NSA files have been released in considerable numbers over the past several decades, but the answers are never the ones UFOlogists want. Of course, [the UFOlogists] would not be satisfied until the government coughed up the Roswell wreckage and alien bodies.” That might be difficult. UFO researcher/Roswell tour guide Dennis Balthaser says, “Hillary will not get into Area 51 either. I’ve been there and the security is like none other on the planet.”
Clinton is the clear frontrunner here. Even extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett says tells us every other candidate is “irrelevant, won’t touch it or is ignorant” on the issue. But her record on government transparency raises some questions. We’re going to knock off two points, one for each of her email accounts. And despite her recent “unless it’s a threat to national security” caveat, she’s still on top.
Andrew D. Basiago and Ed Baker
What the candidates have said:Basiago wants to see government transparency on “UFOs,” atomic weapons, the Moon landing and protection of the Sasquatch as an endangered species. Among the 100 proposals that Basiago lists on his website, he also wants all living presidents to admit that they were told about their impending presidencies beforehand. He believes that the government has had time travel capabilities for years and future presidents are always informed that they will be elected, a belief that does not bode well for Basiago’s prospects in November.
Baker may appeal to a more conservative voter. Along with “full disclosure of UFOs,” his platform/goals include “support of the Confederate Flag,” “deport illegal aliens,” “punish the bad guys.” Although he does list one of his goals as just “taxes,” without any further explanation, so that one could go either way.
Record on government transparency:While neither candidate has held elected office, Baker does have a record of sorts. His official site features a breakdown of his criminal history and how he has overcome it.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Who's the Most UFO-Friendly Presidential Candidate?
Rhett Jones
Today while the political world is fixated on a salacious tabloid story about Ted Cruz, eccentric news site operator Matt Drudge is concerned about aliens. He’s not the only one.
“They can bullshit me all they want but I’m not going to play the government’s game,” Stephen Bassett, Capitol Hill’s only registered extraterrestrial lobbyist, tells me. “This isn’t about ‘UFOs.’ The government uses that acronym in order to prevent disclosure,” he says. “‘Extraterrestrial craft’ is the proper term.”
Bassett is, as you might imagine, passionate on the subject—perhaps too much so. He told me that the acronym “UFO” itself is a slur used to “ghettoize” those who seek the truth, and compared it to racial slurs—specific ones, in fact, which he was not shy about using. Considering how many of his fellow truth-seekers use the term, it’s hard to avoid entirely.
“Since November, more political coverage has taken place on this subject than it has in 60 something years,” Bassett says. Since 1996, he has been waging war for the public’s right to know what information the government has about aliens and he thinks the time is nigh. “There is a very good chance that the truth embargo will collapse later this year, Hillary Clinton will be the one to push it and President Obama will have to address the issue!”
In case it doesn’t happen until the next president takes office, who among our top presidential candidates is the most UFO-friendly? Are there any extraterrestrial experts willing to rank them on a scale of 1-10?
“This will be easy,” writes certified UFO investigator—and 2014 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence winner for his Roswell UFO Tours—Dennis Balthaser, in an email to Gawker. “Every President since Truman, when the Roswell Incident happened in 1947, has tried to open the UFO Files and none have been able to. Don’t expect any of the current candidates to do it either. The President is a temporary employee (8 years max), they don’t have the security clearance or need to know. To answer your question on a scale of 1-10, I’d say 1.”
Everyone starts at 1.
Donald Trump
What the candidate said:Trump has remained (suspiciously) silent about aliens from outer space, but he’s the only candidate that was reportedly followed by an unidentified flying object in his own private jet. Sharp-eyed truth seekers have claimed to have seen his effigy in photos taken by the Mars rover. How do you explain THIS?! There is something going on with him that we don’t know about. We don’t know. We’re just saying.
Record on government transparency: Trump has never held office and has generally talked more about his dong than policy specifics. As a figurehead of the “birther” movement, he demanded the public be given President Obama’s birth certificate. The birth certificate was provided; Trump wasn’t satisfied; he doesn’t talk about it anymore.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Based on his silence on the issue and his record of ‘seeking the truth’ then subsequently abandoning it, the Donald gets the lowest score.
Bernie Sanders
What the candidate said: “I am not aware of Sanders or any of the Republican candidates even mentioning UFOs, much less having any serious intention of getting to the bottom of the mystery,” says UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. There is one mention of Bernie Sanders commenting on the aliens, via Conway Daily Sun’s Daymond Steer. Steer is quoted by Grant Cameron (full-time researcher of “the UFO mystery”) on his blog:
“After admitting that he is in fact, the same person as ‘Seinfeld” creator Larry David (who played him on ‘Saturday Night Live’) Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was asked if he believed that extraterrestrials may have visited the Earth, Sanders said, ‘I have met many. I see them in Washington all the time.’”
Steer broke Hillary Clinton’s position on aliens last year, but, suspiciously, this account of talking to Bernie Sanders doesn’t appear anywhere outside of Cameron’s blog. We asked him. In an email, Steer confirmed that this actually happened. He also says he didn’t realize he was on record when he was relating the Bernie encounter to Cameron over Facebook.
Record on government ranks Sanders among the top 50% of Senate Committee Chairs for sponsoring or co-sponsoring 3 of the 19 bills relating to increased government transparency that came up in the senate during the latest session. In 2015, he re-introduced the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. He’s the only top candidate who opposed the Patriot Act in 2001 and believes that Edward Snowden “played a very important role in educating the American people to the degree in which our civil liberties and our constitutional rights are being undermined.”
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness: Bernie is sick and tired of hearing about your damn flying saucers. What do little green men have to do with the skyrocketing level of income and wealth inequality that’s not only grotesque and immoral, but economically unsustainable? Sanders will probably not be giving this issue any time unless aliens are funneling all corporate profits to the top 1%. He gets an extra point for his record on government transparency.
Ted Cruz
What the candidate said:According to Steer’s now verified account, Cruz “was surprised at Hillary’s involvement with the UFO story while First Lady” and “stated he might check into Area 51 if elected President.”
Record on government transparency:At, Cruz is tied for the lowest score on government transparency among Senate sophomores by sponsoring none of 19 recent bills relating to government transparency.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Cruz is the kind of guy who could have first-hand experience with aliens and not give a shit unless there was some way to use it against one of his rivals. So if there’s an opportunity to drag Hillary into an investigation over it then yeah, he’ll move mountains to tell people what’s up at Area 51. We can’t say for sure that there are any liberals who would be harmed by those disclosures, we’ll split it at 5/10 and doc one point because Cruz hasn’t shown any interest in government transparency in the past. But he’s so unbelievably hated across all party lines that truth seekers should probably ask themselves whether they even want to hear the news if it’s coming from him.
John Kasich
What the candidate has said:According to Steer’s account, Kasich “does not believe.” But Kasich threw in a caveat, saying, “My brother-in-law says if I become president, his No. 1 thing is for me to open all books on Area 51.” On the phone, Kasich’s press secretary Joe Andrews could neither confirm or deny the existence of this brother-in-law and said he’d get back to us. We’ll update the post if he does.
Record on government transparency:As Governor of Ohio, Kasich has come under fire for his administration’s lack of transparency and weakening of transparency laws. He called Edward Snowden a “traitor” and he believes that programs instituted under the Patriot Act should continue. Minus 1 point.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:Like all things Kasich, his position is somewhere in the middle and is decidedly uninspiring.
Hillary Clinton
What the candidate has said:“I’m going to get to the bottom of it,” Clinton told Steer in the now infamous comment to Conway Daily Sun at the end of 2015. “I think we may have been (visited already). We don’t know for sure.” Clinton says that her campaign chairman John Podesta has made her “personally pledge we are going to get the information out… One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.”
CNN characterized her remarks as a joke, but extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett tells me he’s certain she was sincere. He says that all politicians have to lie to get elected but in this case, “It’s an extremely risky statement and it could only cause her trouble.” Furthermore, Podesta is a known disclosure enthusiast. And X-Files fan.
And then, on Jimmy Kimmel last night, to Drudge’s delight, Clinton said: “I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible. If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there.” And if there is something there? “Well, if there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.” She even specified that. “It’s ‘unexplained aerial phenomenon.’ U.A.P. that’s the latest nomenclature.”
Record on government transparency:Hahahaha. In addition to using a private server for her government emails, Clinton also voted to authorize the Patriot Act in 2001 and re-authorize it in 2006 and she has condemned Edward Snowden as a criminal who should be prosecuted. The list goes on.
Extraterrestrial disclosure friendliness:“Of all the candidates I would consider Clinton the most ‘UFO friendly,’” confirms UFOlogist Dr. Thomas E. Bullard says via email. “The others seem pretty much blanks… She has shown some interest in the subject and has discussed it with Rockefeller” (Clinton met with Laurance S. Rockefeller about the Rockefeller UFO Initiative in 1995) “and Podesta. So, at least, it is not nonsense or—dare I say—‘alien’ to her.” But he’s not too excited about it: “Air Force, CIA, and NSA files have been released in considerable numbers over the past several decades, but the answers are never the ones UFOlogists want. Of course, [the UFOlogists] would not be satisfied until the government coughed up the Roswell wreckage and alien bodies.” That might be difficult. UFO researcher/Roswell tour guide Dennis Balthaser says, “Hillary will not get into Area 51 either. I’ve been there and the security is like none other on the planet.”
Clinton is the clear frontrunner here. Even extraterrestrial lobbyist Stephen Bassett says tells us every other candidate is “irrelevant, won’t touch it or is ignorant” on the issue. But her record on government transparency raises some questions. We’re going to knock off two points, one for each of her email accounts. And despite her recent “unless it’s a threat to national security” caveat, she’s still on top.
Andrew D. Basiago and Ed Baker
What the candidates have said:Basiago wants to see government transparency on “UFOs,” atomic weapons, the Moon landing and protection of the Sasquatch as an endangered species. Among the 100 proposals that Basiago lists on his website, he also wants all living presidents to admit that they were told about their impending presidencies beforehand. He believes that the government has had time travel capabilities for years and future presidents are always informed that they will be elected, a belief that does not bode well for Basiago’s prospects in November.
Baker may appeal to a more conservative voter. Along with “full disclosure of UFOs,” his platform/goals include “support of the Confederate Flag,” “deport illegal aliens,” “punish the bad guys.” Although he does list one of his goals as just “taxes,” without any further explanation, so that one could go either way.
Record on government transparency:While neither candidate has held elected office, Baker does have a record of sorts. His official site features a breakdown of his criminal history and how he has overcome it.
Columnist Cheryl Costa explores the nature of the counties in the 27th & 21st Congressional District
For residents of western and northern New York, it came as no surprise that its Congressional Districts were hot beds of UFO activity.
In last week’s article, I shared New York’s UFO sighting numbers sorted by Congressional Districts. The response was positive and supportive.
What intrigued me was that many local people grew up in some of the top UFO districts. The question they all universally asked was: What was the UFO distribution in my district?
Two folks from western New York and the 27th district specifically said to me, “Hey, Cheryl. The UFOs had to be in Erie County!”
Several people from the told me that in their opinion, the border county of Saint Lawrence had to be tops for sightings. Naturally, I was interested in what former locals from those areas had to say.
The top District for UFO sightings in New York is the 27th district. Anyone from that region can tell you that Erie County is the heavy hitter for sightings. In fact, Lake Erie is known in UFO circles for having large numbers of UFO sightings that have been dubbed the Lake Erie Effect. Also in the immediate region is Niagara County, known for sightings associated with the Lake Erie effect. The entire Niagara frontier has been a hot bed for UFO activity dating back to the 19th century. The earliest UFO sighting on record for the region is from November 1833, when a large cube-shaped UFO hovered over Niagara Falls for many hours and was seen by both Americans and Canadians.
Now in northern New York, the 21st district has a different situation. The top county is Saratoga, which is in the eastern part of the state, just north of Albany. The Capitol region is also one of New York’s hot spots.
The second heavy hitter county in the 21st district is Saint Lawrence. This county borders Canada and the Saint Lawrence Seaway. One of the earliest recorded UFO sightings in Saint Lawrence County was in July of 1884 in the village of Norwood. Residents there observed a “Saturn-shaped” object that hovered and cruised over the region before departing. UFO sightings along American and Canadian border are historically numerous and noteworthy.
Next week, we’ll look at other top New York UFO sighting hot spots in other Congressional districts.
It is safe to say that being an astronaut and travelling to space is not for the weak. Just think, those astronauts are up there alone for an extended amount of time. Think of all of the things that could go wrong. After all, not all space missions were perfect and glitch-free.
There was a very bizarre accident that no one can explain, even to this day. It involves one Soviet cosmonaut’s last moments in space during the beginning of the Space Race, between the United States and the USSR.
Many remember when the first trip into orbit was successful and when the first man walked the moon. On April 12, 1961, Russia was successful on sending the first human being into Earth’s orbit. The pilot, Yuri Gagarin, manned the Vostok capsule. The United States then followed in Russia’s footsteps a month later and sent their own astronaut, Alan Shepard, on a sub-orbital mission during the Mercury space program. Sensing this was a competition, Russia was prepared to send another man up to space. However, this time they would be sending him into multiple orbits, beating Gagarin’s record.
Yuri Gagarin saying hello to the press during a visit to Malmö, Sweden 1964.
The story is that the Soviets had planned to launch the mission before the Americans could send up a second astronaut to circle the Earth. American John Glenn would finally achieve that mission on February 20, 1962. However, the next manned Vostok orbital launch would happen on May 16, 1961. The capsule ended up achieving 17 circuits around the Earth.
Although the Russians had already topped the Americans by achieving the 17 circuits around Earth, they decided to top one more thing: sending the first woman into space.
During the mission everything seemed to be going well. However, before the woman could re-enter the atmosphere, something went terribly wrong. Whatever happened next is unexplained and no one knows what happened for sure. It will send chills through anyone reading these records.
Although these records are not exactly proven to be accurate, the story goes that by the time re-entry was attempted, it had been a full week. By that point the ship’s oxygen supplies were running low and were nearly depleted. There was one conversation recorded before the woman suddenly disappeared from the radio. The woman ended up calling into the radio (translated of course):
“listen… listen! come in! come in… come in… talk to me! talk to me! I am hot… I am hot! what? forty- five? what? forty-five? fifty? yes… yes… breathing… breathing… oxygen… oxygen… I am hot… isn’t this dangerous? it’s all… yes… how is this? what? talk to me! how should I transmit? yes… what? our transmission begins now… forty-one… this way… yes… I feel hot… I feel hot… it’s all… it’s hot… I feel hot… I can see a flame… I can see a flame! I feel hot… I feel hot… thirty-two… thirty-two… forty-one… am I going to crash? yes… yes… I feel hot… I feel hot! I will re-enter…”
It appears that the re-entry was not going well. It seemed that the ship was gaining too much heat as the poor woman was slowly being burned alive by the increasing temperatures. She also begins to get emotional towards the end, knowing that her fate would be coming soon.
After that last recording, the radio fell silent; nothing was heard from the woman. Three days later on May 26, 1961 the Soviets announced that the ship had made it back to Earth. The ship had been severely burned with no woman inside. The satellite was about the size of a bus and its launch had never been disclosed. To this day, the Russian government denies that a tragedy ever happened. They keep passing off the radio recordings as the media trying to get attention. It is said that the Russians have several recordings from lost astronauts over the years. Like the case of this woman, they continue to deny that those people were ever up in space.
A joint European and Russian space mission - the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) - has left for Mars to study methane and other rare gases in the Red Planet's atmosphere, and drop a lander on its surface.
The TGO is expected to take seven months to travel the 500 million km (310 million miles) to Mars, and then almost another year to manoeuvre itself into position, meaning the satellite's observations will not properly start until late 2017.
What does this mean for plans to put an astronaut on Mars?
Four experts - including two senior figures from Nasa - talk to the BBC Inquiry programme about what it would take to put a man on Mars.
Bill Hill: Getting there
Bill Hill is deputy associate administrator of the Exploration Systems Development division at Nasa. He oversees the Orion spacecraft and the Space Launch System.
"Keeping the weight down of the vehicle, the spacecraft, that's our key focus. The bigger you make the rocket, the more mass you have to lift off the surface of the Earth.
"Say you want to go for 500 days - you're going to have to take food, water for the crew to consume and use for hygiene, all the air, so it just multiplies the amount of weight that you have to lift off the Earth's surface.
"That's where the Space Launch System - the heavy lift launch vehicle - will come in. Where the Saturn V basically took up an Apollo capsule and a lander for going to the lunar surface, we're looking at 130 metric tonne lift capability that can put somewhere between 40 to 50 metric tonnes out past the low Earth orbit. It's a capability that, frankly, nobody else has today.
"The crew spacecraft Orion can actually be used for up to about 1,000 days, and that's how we're designing the systems inside - the environmental control systems and life support systems to support a crew of four initially for up to 1,000 days. It'll have basic benches, crew interfaces, flat screen monitors, a toilet and some hygiene capability. It's basically for transportation, not necessarily to live in for the full duration to go to Mars and back.
"We would use a module, a habitat portion, for where the crew would live and work on a daily basis, [with] a much larger volume. That is going to need areas to store food, tanks to store oxygen and water. Our goal is to have some sort of closed loop system for life support where we will pull water out of the air, regenerate carbon dioxide into oxygen, and do similar things like we're doing on the space station today where we have a urine processor and reclaim the water for drinking.
"We'll probably not use it to enter the Martian atmosphere because then we'd have to figure out a way to connect it to something to lift it off the surface and bring it back. But we need the heavy lift launch vehicle and the crew spacecraft; using those two fundamental cornerstones as our initial capabilities to actually go out and explore."
Samantha Cristoforetti: Learning to survive in space
Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti has spent longer in space on a single mission than any other woman, returning to Earth last June after 200 days. Her experience - and that of Scott Kelly who has just returned after 340 days in space - is vital to understanding the potential impact of a lengthy voyage to Mars.
"You lose muscle, because you're not using your muscles that much. But you also lose bone mass, because bone is actually a living tissue. All the time we have bone cells that die, and are replaced by new, fresh bone cells. In a healthy person, that is in balance, so that you always keep your overall bone mass.
"But what happens in space is because you don't have that mechanical load on the bones, you destroy a lot more bone cells than you've actually built.
"We try to induce some load on our muscles and bones by working out for about two hours every day. Believe it or not, we can do weightlifting in weightlessness. We have a really cool machine which is based on vacuum cylinders, and it allows you to do things like squats, dead lifts and bench presses.
"As soon as you get to space, fluids shift from the lower parts of your body towards the upper parts. Visually you can sometimes see it on astronauts, because they have what we call a puffy face and skinny legs, and that's really due to this fluid redistribution, because there is no gravity pulling the fluids towards the leg like it is on the ground when you're standing.
"We don't know everything quite yet. Quite a number of astronauts actually lose a little bit of eyesight when they are in space for a long time, and that might be related to an increased pressure in the head due to that bodily shift.
"In the Space Station we're still in an area close to Earth, which is protected from damaging radiation coming from outer space. Once you leave that protected environment, then you are much more exposed to dangerous radiations. So we will definitely have to come up with a good, solid plan on how to protect our crew on the way to the Moon or on the way to Mars.
"We are not really very isolated on the Space Station - we're in continuous contact with the ground. You can basically communicate in real time. We get the news. We even get to have video conferences with our families, which is all wonderful, but only a fraction of that I think would be possible if you went on a journey to Mars."
Jason Crusan: Working in deep space
Jason Crusan is the director of the Advanced Exploration Systems division at Nasa.
"What would they breathe? We would actually bring oxygen with us. Mars atmosphere has a lot of CO2 in its atmosphere so we can remove the oxygen out of it to create breathable air. Initially we'll bring a lot of the gases with us that we need to do that but over time we'll actually bring machinery with us to actually separate out from the atmosphere breathable oxygen.
Mars satellite hints at liquid water - BBC News
Nasa scientists believe that dark stripes on Mars are caused by trickling water. Data from one of the US space agency's satellites shows the features, which appear on slopes, to be associated with salt deposits. Such salts could alter the freezing and vaporisation points of water, keeping it in a fluid state long enough to move.
"When we first started, we didn't believe there was any water on Mars. It's a bit of a joke now because we've discovered there's a significant amount of water on the planet, and we would look at the ability to capture water from the surface of Mars and process it and use it, much like you would here.
"Food is a challenging area. We obviously fly all of our food into space today, we don't grow anything on orbit besides experiments. Food has a shelf life; bringing our own food reduces its nutritional value and we're talking about missions that are maybe a year to three years in duration. So we are looking at how we grow not our primary food sources, but food to augment the food that we bring with us.
"Near the Equator you would see temperatures that are kind of similar to a spring day here on Earth, but then you'd have night temperatures that would actually be quite extreme, going to minus 100F. The temperatures are extremely challenging, and so you always have to live within a spacesuit or some kind of rover or habitat while you're there.
"One of the best radiation shields is water, so that will be stored in key areas in order to provide shielding within the structures themselves. [We would] eventually have radiation sensors in orbit, monitoring for radiation events so that we can give a warning to the crew before a significant event so they can go into a sheltered area.
"The large dust storms that you see in [films] would not have the effect that you see in Hollywood, because the atmosphere is relatively thin. Even what would look like a hurricane force doesn't have the force to do significant damage to your habitat, but there'll be challenges if you're outside in it because your ability to see from all the dust will be impaired.
"I think logistics will be the biggest challenge. If something breaks, you're a long way from home to get a spare. Our entire experience in space to date has been an orbit around Earth or to the Moon, relatively close distances. In the space station today if something breaks you can send a replacement part.
"When we go to Mars, we have to take everything that you'd ever expect to break, and even those things we wouldn't expect to break."
Dr Jill Stuart: Political will
Dr Jill Stuart is editor-in-chief of the Elsevier Journal of Space Policy.
"There's the question of who has the money to do this, where will it come from, and what will their incentives be?
"I like the narrative of [the Moon landings] being about science and the frontier of human kind, but in reality, I would argue politics was very much behind it. It's very expensive, so in order to go into outer space, to have a manned space programme, you need to have political clout, the backing of your population.
"During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States were competing with each other in the space race, and outer space was a proxy arena for them to compete in a way that didn't actually require military conflict.
"I don't think the space race analogy would apply so clearly now - it's a different environment.
Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionPresident Obama challenged Nasa to send humans to Mars by the mid-2030s back in 2010
"The US space programme is subject to political administrations; Americans like the idea of space exploration but there's not an obvious constituency for it in terms of voting, so it tends to get tacked on later on in an individual president's term, so it's difficult to say whether or not these plans for Mars will outlast multiple administrations.
"But if it does then I think that they are the most likely to have the next manned mission, and would probably involve junior partners who are political allies in order to shore up those alliances, and also to have the financial support.
"They would probably also partner with commercial entities such as Space-X or Blue Origin - new companies that are government-backed but private - and are providing a lot of the space infrastructure to get there.
"There are discussions amongst politicians and scientists and the commercial industry so I think it's definitely the next big prize. I do think it will happen, but I think the timeline will probably be longer than is being talked about right now. I'm going to say 2045."
The Inquiry is broadcast on the BBC World Service on Tuesdays from 12:05 GMT. Listen online or download the podcast.
Scientists confirm: Advanced alien civilizations possible in 50 galaxies
Scientists confirm: Advanced alien civilizations possible in 50 galaxies
Just imagine the possibilities out there.
Leading Astronomers and Scientists have stated that Advanced alien life is possible in 50 galaxies,, after finding they are emitting unusually high levels of radiation. A team of scientists at Penn State University in the US, has been studying observations from Nasa’s WISE orbiting observatory looking for traces of the huge energy produced by technologies from sophisticated extra-terrestrial races.
NASA’s WISE orbiting observatory looking for traces of life out there.
Just as Planet Earth sends heat and light deep out into space, researchers say a similar signature would be emitted by other advanced civilisations. And after scouring 100,000 galaxies they have come across 50 which hold promise. “We found about 50 galaxies that have unusually high levels of mid-infrared radiation,” said Roger Griffith, a researcher at Penn State and the lead author of the paper “Our follow-up studies of those galaxies may reveal if the origin of their radiation results from natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization.”
After scouring 100,000 galaxies they have come across at least 50 which hold promise. “We found about 50 galaxies that have unusually high levels of mid-infrared radiation,” said Roger Griffith, a researcher at Penn State and the lead author of the paper.
“Our follow-up studies of those galaxies may reveal if the origin of their radiation results from natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization.” Roger Griffith, a researcher at Penn State
Theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson originally proposed in the 1960s that advanced alien civilizations beyond Earth could be detected by the tell tale evidence of their mid-infrared emissions. It was not until space-based telescopes like the WISE satellite that it became possible to make sensitive measurements of this radiation emitted by objects in space.
“The idea behind our research is that, if an entire galaxy had been colonized by an advanced spacefaring civilization, the energy produced by that civilization’s technologies would be detectable in mid-infrared wavelengths — exactly the radiation that the WISE satellite was designed to detect for other astronomical purposes,” said Dr Jason Wright, an assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State University, who conceived of and initiated the research.
“Whether an advanced spacefaring civilization uses the large amounts of energy from its galaxy’s stars to power computers, space flight, communication, or something we can’t yet imagine, fundamental thermodynamics tells us that this energy must be radiated away as heat in the mid-infrared wavelengths.
“This same basic physics causes your computer to radiate heat while it is turned on.
“As we look more carefully at the light from these galaxies,” said Wright, “we should be able to push our sensitivity to alien technology down to much lower levels, and to better distinguish heat resulting from natural astronomical sources from heat produced by advanced technologies. This pilot study is just the beginning.”
Could there be civilisations in our next door neighbour Galaxy ‘Andromeda
The team also found new phenomenon in our very own galaxy, The Milky Way. Among the exciting discoveries are a bright nebula around the nearby star 48 Librae, and a cluster of objects easily detected by WISE in a patch of sky that appears totally black when viewed with telescopes that detect only visible light.
“This cluster is probably a group of very young stars forming inside a previously undiscovered molecular cloud, and the 48 Librae nebula apparently is due to a huge cloud of dust around the star, but both deserve much more careful study,” Matthew Povich, an assistant professor of astronomy at Cal Poly Pomona said.
The research team’s first paper about its Glimpsing Heat from Alien Technologies Survey (G-HAT), is published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.
Perhaps we are looking for where our Alien Visitor’s are travelling from….
U.I.P Summary
Come on let’s get real the Universe is infested with life out there and we can not rely too much on our present day technology to search out other civilizations…..because let’s be honest even the scientists have stated recently that they don’t really know much about anything in reference to space the final Frontier!
This is an exciting discovery and who knows what advanced civilizations lie out there in an infinite Universe!
But one things for sure, if Aliens out there are far more advanced than us then they WILL know where we are in space and probably have for a very long time!
Perhaps we are like a sight seeing holiday for Aliens out there?!
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The Mysterious Object Which Will Pass Earth in 2017 – Scientists Left Confused
The Mysterious Object Which Will Pass Earth in 2017 – Scientists Left Confused
An artistic depiction of what the “alien probe” may look like. / Photo credit
A mysterious unknown object, that many researchers claim is an ‘alien probe’, is set to fly past Earth in 2017. The strange object which is now known as 1991 VG, was first spotted way back in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti at the University of Arizona.
It has baffled and confused top astronomers ever since, because of its very strange and unique rotation and longevity in space. Some leading experts suggest it may be a section of the Apollo 12 rocket, but Scotti claims the timings don’t add up and has instantly dismissed this as a ridiculous idea designed to cover up the reality of the situation!
A mysterious object, that conspiracy theorists claim is an ‘alien probe’, is set to fly past Earth in 2017. Known as 1991 VG, the object was first spotted in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti at the University of Arizona. It has baffled astronomers ever since because of its strange rotation and longevity in space
‘We looked into all the possibilities for it being man-made,’ Scotti told Motherboard. ‘There were a few possible spacecraft and rocket bodies that might be 1991 VG.’
‘But when we looked into each, we were able to eliminate each of them.’
Many others argue it may be some kind of a top secret rocket that the Soviets or American sent into orbit, well hidden from the rest of the world.
When Scotti first spotted this mysterious strange object which is now called 1991 VG, it was about 10 metres in diameter, passing 280,000 miles from Earth – around 50,000 miles further than the Earth and the moon.
This strange object showed an unusual rapid rate of rotation and its brightness appeared to fluctuate. This behaviour, has not ever been seen before from any asteroid of its size – This mysterious object also had an orbit that was strikingly similar to that of Earth.
Once data was gathered on 1991 VG, Scotti realised this was the second time the unidentified object had passed Earth. The first was March of 1975.
Perhaps this strange object IS in fact an Alien probe sent from the darkest reaches of space!?
Incoming unknown object
In the incredibly in-depth report, Motherboard notes that Duncan Steel, an astronomer at University of Adelaide, suggested it might be an ‘alien probe observed in the vicinity of our planet.’
The intriguing thing here is that Asteroids do NOT tend to survive long enough, or remain on the same orbit, to pass Earth in the same spot twice.
An artists Impression of this unknown potential Alien probe
Steel only suggested the theory in order to disprove it. He has since told Motherboard that he doesn’t think VG 1991 is of extra-terrestrial origin, however on the flip side of this it could also quite possibly be so!
Many truth seekers around the world are excited about this discovery and believe this could be a huge ‘incoming’ piece of disclosure in 2017, citing Steele’s work as their source piece of evidence.
When it does fly past Earth sometime in the summer of 2017, it will only be seen in the southern hemisphere.
Since Scotti first spotted VG 1991, astronomers have discovered that asteroids under 100 meters have remarkably fast rotations.
As a result Scotti says we can’t rule out the possibility that VG 1991 is a natural space rock.
‘One possibility would be that it is ejecta from a lunar impact,’ he told Motherboard.
‘Another possibility is that the Yarkovsky force, caused by the thermal emissions of a rotating object, systematically pushed the object around over long times. It’s still a puzzle.’ Said Scotti.
As yet there is NO way of confirming what this unknown object is until it gets closer to planet earth, but in the meantime we will have to keep guessing.
U.I.P SUMMARY – Well here is yet another story that the media try to keep rather quiet about! And it is not a surprise that this is being kept silent as there as yet is NO 100% explanation as to what this mysterious object could actually be.
If this story seems far fetched then it really isn’t as we have sent out our very own probe like crafts, like the Voyager 1 which was launched out in space in 1977 and now MANY millions and millions of miles away from earth – whose to say that some far advanced alien civilisation didn’t send out this potential probe way before the human race ever existed!?
The Universe is infested with life, so it will be interesting to see whether this is an alien probe or something else.
The top Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, wants to dig into the UFO files. Clinton made the revelation in an interview last night with Jimmy Kimmel.
"I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible," Clinton told Kimmel. "If there's nothing there, let's tell people there's nothing there."
Clinton says the findings of the UFO files should be released. "If there is something there, unless it's a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public."
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This Ancient Map Will Challenge Everything You’ve Been Told About the Past
This Ancient Map Will Challenge Everything You’ve Been Told About the Past
Humanity’s history is extremely puzzling. On one hand, we have at our disposal only a small portion of knowledge from the past, most of it being destroyed or questionable in the light of new discoveries. On the other hand, the pre-existing information seems to challenge our way of thinking and make us doubt that what has been proposed as reality so far may in fact be distorted or not entirely true.
We live in a world with plenty of unexplained discoveries. From ancient texts depicting alternative historic events, to ancient structures, bizarre rituals and natural phenomenon that defy the human logic and pass in the unexplained section. Humanity appears to have amnesia, gathering bits of the past in the hopes of one day discovering the truth from the bigger picture, but so far we have no higher entity to confirm or explain the entire journey we followed on this planet.
The enigmatic Piri Reis map is an ancient document which clearly challenges today’s scientific doctrine. This piece of knowledge is an authentic document that was put together at Constantinople in AD 1513 by the military intelligence of Admiral Piri Reis of the Ottoman Empire, a renowned historical figure accounted by numerous historical records.
The map highlights the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. The Ottoman Admiral kept a copy of it, and the original, which was discovered in 1929, is comprised of various documents dating back to at least the fourth century BC, plus information gathered my multiple explorers. So, what’s so challenging about this map?
More than one thing, that’s for certain. But, probably the most amazing fact is that it incorporates a continent considered by our history books to have been discovered only in 1818 – Antarctica.
Equally intriguing is the fact that the Piri Reis map depicts a 2.7 million-square-miles region in the Antarctic known as the ‘Queen Maud Land,’ and in accordance to modern science the highlighted area should be millions of years old since the ice sheet covering Antarctica appears to be melted.
The scientific point of view considers the ice-cap which covers the Arctic to be millions of years old. However, according to the Piri Reis map, the northern part of the continent has been mapped before the ice did engulf it, indicating that these regions went through a long ice-free span that might had ended approximately six thousand years ago, theory which contradicts with the current historic standards and beliefs.
So who could had possibly mapped this area if there were no humans on Earth millions of years ago? Or better said, could history prove to be wrong when describing the ice in the Arctic as being millions of years old?
When Charles Hapgood, a former university history professor, wrote to the Unitated States Air Force Reconnaissance Technical Squadron (SAC) about this geographic anomaly, a reply came from Harold Z. Ohlmeyer, a Lt Colonel, USAF, as it follows:
“This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap,” he confirmed. “We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513,” Ohlmeyer added.
In response, Professor Charles Hapgood said the following:
It appears that accurate information has been passed down from people to people. It appears that the charts must have originated with a people unknown and they were passed on, perhaps by the Minoans and the Phoenicians, who were, for a thousand years and more, the greatest sailors of the ancient world.
We have evidence that they were collected and studied in the great library of Alexandria (Egypt) and that compilations of them were made by the geographers that worked there.
When Hapgood and mathematician Richard W. Strachan tried to understand how the map was created, they stumbled upon the most interesting hypothesis. After comparing the map with modern day photographs taken by satellites, they discovered significant similarities. From this point of view, it’s plausible that the Piri Reis map had been achieved compiling aerial photographs taken from a really high spot, be it from a mountain top or even from the air. If so, how can science interpret this if the map is considered to be millions of years old?
A spaceship hovers high above Cairo and points its camera straight downward. When the film is developed, the following picture would emerge: everything that is in a radius of about 5,000 miles of Cairo is reproduced correctly, because it lies directly below the lens. But the countries and continents become increasingly distorted the farther we move our eyes from the center of the picture.
Why is this? Owing to the spherical shape of the earth, the continents away from the center “sink downward.” South America, for example, appears strangely distorted length-ways, exactly as it does on the Piri Reis maps! And exactly as it does on the photographs taken from the American lunar probes.” – (Erich Von Daniken 92)
Is it possible that this ancient map was made using aerial technology in a time uncharted by modern day science? Or if this isn’t the case, who had the technological means to attempt such a detailed geographical analysis of Antarctica a couple million years ago? And most of all, what ancient technique allowed for them to design the map as if it was seen from above?
Whatever the case, the Piri Reis map contributes to the assumption of ancient civilizations far greater developed than what science is letting us know. It’s unexplainable how the Mayans, Sumerians, and others knew of celestial bodies that in reality can only be detected using modern tools, but considering the conclusive evidence given by this ancient map, we can form a slight idea of the means possessed by the ancients.
If aerial photography was a reality in the past, it’s not hard to imagine how the old dwellers of the Earth reached those heights. If such information will be officially disclosed in the future remains to be seen, but until that time comes, it’s better to use our own judgement when it comes to finding answers. The truth may already be among us.
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