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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
5 Of The Most Believable Alien Encounters
5 Of The Most Believable Alien Encounters
Thousands of people claim to have had alien encounters. Some appear credible, while others… not so much. We found that the 5 stories in this video seemed to be among the most believable.
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31-08-2015 om 23:03
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
If Mars once had life, what happened to it?
If Mars once had life, what happened to it?
After studying the red planet for decades, scientists admit that there is a great possibility that an impact of a asteroid or comet altered the faith of the Red Planet, compared to Earth, Mars is full of impact craters but that isn't that strange since Mars has a very uncomfortable position in our solar System, right next to the Asteroid belt. due to this, Mars is constantly being bombarded by asteroids, unlike Earth Mars does not have a bigger moon to shield it against incoming asteroids.
Looking back in history we know that the Earth has been impacted in the past by large space rock and some of those impacts have possibly changed the history of our planet. One of the best examples we know of, is the Chicxulub impact crater located in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico (see image above) which some scientists believe to have been the number one reason for the extinction of the Dinosaurs.
So if this happened here on Earth, would something similar be possible on Mars? On the red planet we find a very interesting impact crater located in the Lyot region, and it is approx. 125 miles in diameter. The area of this impact crater tells us just how powerful the impact was and it could have been one of the main causes why Mars today is just a “desert”. This comet strike may have caused a profound disruption to Mars’ planetary system. It would have been an absolutely devastating planet climate-changing event. So is it possible that long before losing its atmosphere, Mars sustained life? Even civilizations that once called the red planet “home”? If so, where did the Martian’s go? did they survive? Did they escape before these cataclysmic events? And is Mars connected in any way to Earth? These are just some of the questions that desperately want to be answered.
On July 20, 1976 after a ten-month journey from Earth, Viking I reached its destination, the red planet. The images that Viking I sent back to Earth were amazing, and some of them showed that Mars was not that different from Earth. Some regions on Mars resemble places on Earth, like the Death Valley. Where the story about Viking I gets interesting is after it performed several tests in search for life on the red planet. Viking I returned controversial results. Dr. Gil Levin designed one of the tests that the Viking probe performed, a relatively “simple” test. He explained that Microorganisms breathe just like you or I or anything else, and then they give off carbon dioxide. What NASA did is, they took a small sample of Martian soil, placed it inside a small container and this container was monitored for a week for signs of “bubbles” inside of the tube, and after seven days, the unexpected happened. The test for life on Mars was positive by criteria accepted by NASA as “bubbles” were registered inside the Viking I container. While this test returned positive for life, other tests with different criteria came up negative. NASA were very cautious in this matter and opted to say: “There is no proof of life on Mars“.
Mars vs mixed Earth and Fission Xenon (30/70)
Some scientists suggest that Mars may have had an atmosphere similar to Earth’s atmosphere, and it got annihilated about 65 million years ago. Adding to this suggestion, ideas have formed in the past which tell the possibility that the civilization that once inhabited Mars, fled to Earth in search for refugee. So does this make us the “Martians” we have desperately tried to find? Some scientists say they've found powerful evidence of lost civilizations on the red planet and in fact, they believe they may have discovered a nuclear signature in the Martian atmosphere that matches Earth’s after a nuclear test. According to scientists there are very large traces of Xenon-129 on Mars and the only process that we know that produces Xenon-129 is a nuclear explosion. Is this just another coincidence that shows how similar Mars is to Earth? Or does it provide evidence that Mars was very different in the past?
Documented cases of Alien abductions PUBLISHED 23:02, 31 AUGUST 2015
Documented cases of Alien abductions
Alien implants and abductions have become very "popular" and emerged in the second half of the twentieth century, and since then have grown to become one of the most striking, mysterious and popular aspects of ufology. There are hundreds if not thousands of stories that speak of abductions and Alien contact in all corners of our planet, interestingly most of these "stories" have very similar details which make these tales of abductions even more mysterious. But are these abductions real? Or is it possible that they are made-up stories as many people suggest?
Here we have some of the most famous stories of Alien abductions that have been registered.
1961. Betty and Barney Hill (the Abduction): The couple was returning from their holiday driving down the road, at night, when they stopped to observe a strange star in the sky, as the "star" approached it turned out to be a spacecraft. Betty and Barney Hill reported that they could not remember at least two hours of that night; then, by practicing regressive hypnosis, they reconstructed the events and remembered their chilling contact with Alien beings.
1967. Betty Andreasson: One of the strangest encounters and abductions took place in 1967 when a mother of 7 children was in the kitchen; her husband, her father and mother in the living room. Suddenly, a powerful red light came through the kitchen window, illuminating the entire house. Moments later, five alien creatures entered the house and had telepathic conversations with some of the family members. The Alien beings abducted Betty Andreasson for a couple of hours.
1967. The Herbert Schirmer abduction. In 1967, officer Schirmer was in his patrol car near the intersection of two highways, when he saw a mysterious of huge truck that had stopped, and was lit with giant red lights. He approached the object and noticed that the lights were actually part of a metallic, oval-shaped structure which took of into the sky. When he checked what time it was so he could write the report, he noticed that he had been "gone" for three hours instead of only a few minutes that he remembered.
1993. Kelly Cahill abduction. In August of 1993, Kelly Cahill, 27, her husband and three children came back home after a family excursion. All of a sudden, they are intercepted by strange beings devoid of color. (Greys?) She described the beings as being creatures with an absence of soul.
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31-08-2015 om 22:42
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
La cité engloutie du lac Fuxian au Yunnan - 2012 - MAJ 08-2015
La cité engloutie du lac Fuxian au Yunnan - 2012 - MAJ 08-2015
Il y a de cela quelques années (2006), des fouilles archéologiques dans le lac Fuxian au Yunnan (Sud-Est de la Chine) ont découverts un certain nombres d’objets antiques, de la vaisselle (en photo) et des vestiges de bâtiments au fond du lac laisse a penser qu’une cité datant de l'époque des Han (206 av. J-C-220 ap JC) y serait engloutie.
On a notamment découvert un mur de pierre de 30 m de long, de 1,5 m de haut. Le mur avait été façonné à l'aide de pierres régulières; entre celles-ci les jointures étaient visibles. Le mur et les pierres détachées étaient également marqués d'empreintes artificielles. Pour les archéologues, il s'agit peut-être du tronçon de l'enceinte d'une cité ancienne. Ils ont trouvé là une grande dalle dont une face est recouverte de mousses tandis que l'autre est lisse. Les spécialistes estiment que la dalle pavait la place de la cité ancienne.
Les vestiges de la cité, s'étendent sur une longueur de 2 000 m du nord au sud et une largeur de 1 200 m d'est en ouest. Etant donné son envergure, la superficie occupée et son aspect majestueux, cette construction antique submergée est un cas rare en Chine comme dans le monde.
Quel peuple vivait dans cette cité ? et comment s’est-elle retrouvée engloutie par les eaux ? En 2006, une nouvelle expédition à découvert les vestiges d’une pyramide semblable à celles des mayas.
Geng Wei, chef du département de recherche sur les monuments sous-marins du lac Fuxian à Yuxi, a annoncé lors de la deuxième expédition scientifique, le 22 juin 2006 : « Cette pyramide est différente de celles qu'on trouve en Egypte dans la mesure où son sommet est plat. Ce genre de pyramide rappelle plutôt les édifices mayas, qui sont pourvus d'une plate-forme au lieu d'être en pointe. Apparemment le sommet de la pyramide servait à certaines activités. » Geng Wei a affirmé qu'il y a une trentaine d'édifices de ce type sous le lac Fuxian, dont neuf ont une taille comparable à la pyramide qui vient d'être découverte.
Selon les analyses des images du sonar, plusieurs bâtiments et 2 édifices comparables aux pyramides mayas seraient ainsi enfouis sous l’eau ! Les chercheurs auraient également mis en évidence la présence d’une route reliant les 2 pyramides, qui mesureraient 60 mètres de large pour une hauteur de 21 mètres... Ces constructions sont peut-être l’oeuvre d’une civilisation antique datant d’au moins 2000 ans...
Le 3 juin 2006, l'équipe d'archéologues a travaillé pendant trois heures au fond du lac Fuxian. Elle a découvert nombre d'objets antiques dont une pierre de 70 cm de long et de plus de 100 kg. L'observation faite sous l'eau par les membres de l'équipe confirme la présence de motifs gravés en creux. Après de longs efforts, ils ont fini par déplacer la pierre jusqu'à la rive. Il s'agissait d'une pierre de calcaire, érodée par l'eau. Les spécialistes estiment, au degré d'érosion, qu'elle avait plus de 1 000 ans.
Une autre découverte est une marmite en terre cuite au fond plat, à la bordure et au fond bien usés.
Selon les spécialistes, ce genre de marmite, datant de l'époque allant des Royaumes combattants (475-221 av. J.-C.) aux dynasties des Han et des Wei (220-265), avait été déterrée dans les environs des lacs Dianchi et Fuxian. Ils soutiennent que ce sont des ustensiles qui étaient destinés à cuire le riz. Cette découverte de grande importance révèle le secret des vestiges du fond du lac d'après eux.
Les spécialistes ont daté, à l'aide de procédés radioactifs, la construction antique : elle a été engloutie il y a 1 750 ans environ. Les dates de sa fondation sont impossibles pour l'instant à déterminer.
Deux hypothèses ont été avancées pour expliquer la submersion de la cité par l'eau : un tremblement de terre ou un affaissement de terrain. La cité n’a pas livrée tous ses mystères en raison de la difficulté des fouilles sous l’eau.
MAJ 31-08-2015 : 2008 : " Certains experts estiment, au sujet de la structure de la construction engloutie, qu'elle est extrêmement similaire aux styles de construction de l'ancien Pays Dian, un pays avec un haut niveau de civilisation. Après -86 avant JC, il a mystérieusement disparu.
Mais d'autres experts se méfient, en disant qu'il est trop tôt pour faire cette conclusion parce que l'archéologie est un processus long et complexe. Résoudre l'énigme de la vieille ville exige des fouilles archéologiques et des recherches minutieuses à long terme.
Avec la découverte de la ville en contrebas, le lac Fuxian a pris des proportions mythiques, presque aussi insondables qu'une fable grecque. Seules quelques parties des secrets du site englouti se sont révélées. Des légendes ont prévalu pendant plus de 1000 ans.
Pegasus dans Fuxian lac
Le 24 Octobre 1991, un homme du nom de Zhang Yuxiang pêchait sur le lac tranquillement. Soudain, lui et d'autres prétendent qu'un disque brillant a jaillit du lac alors qu'un gros brouillard s'était formé. Le disque a disparu dans les airs. Le bateau a été ballotté par des vagues soudaines. Ce phénomène étrange a choqué Zhang et d'autres personnes avec lui.
En fait, d'autres légendes de ce genre se sont propagées pendant une longue période.
Selon "Cheng Fu Zhi Jang", un livre de la région écrit par l'empereur Daoguang, un animal ressemblant au cheval vivait dans le lac. Son corps était d'un blanc pur avec des taches rouges sur son dos. Parfois, il volait rapidement hors de l'eau. Les gens qui l'ont vu ont été chanceux. Le Pegasus (le cheval Pégase des légendes) existe vraiment dans Fuxian Lake ?
Secrets de bronze cachés
Sur une colline ordinaire, Li Ka, à l'ouest du lac Fuxian, l'armée fait des patrouilles jour et nuit. Que protègent-ils ? Il y a de nombreuses années, il y avait là un ancien champ de bataille. Cependant, comme des moulages en bronze massif ont été excavés, ce tumulus est devenue une colline au trésor mystique.
Ces moulages nous sont parvenus de la dernière période des Royaumes Combattants, de la période initiale de la dynastie des Han de l'Est, et ont été considérés comme une découverte importante de la culture de l'ancien pays Dian. Plus de 5000 moulages en bronze ont été excavés.
Il y avait un autre phénomène étrange qui a eu lieu dans le Li Ka. La foudre a frappé de nombreuses fois. Selon les experts, des quantités massives de métaux doivent être enterrées là, qui présentent une attraction pour les secousses électriques. Y a-t-il encore beaucoup de moulages en bronze au Li Ka ?
Il y a beaucoup de légendes se rappellent les populations locales. Une fable avait une description de " personnes qui ont coulé avec la vieille ville et qui vivent maintenant sous l'eau ". Et certaines personnes ont dit autrefois, " lors d'une plongée, ils ont repéré des momies debout dans le lac ".
Il se peut que personne ne connait vraiment les nombreux secrets et miracles derrière le beau paysage du lac Fuxian ? "
Selon l'Association d'étude culturelle chinoise du Yunnan, 42 artefacts artificiels culturels préhistoriques en pierre ont été trouvés dans le lac Fuxian, dans la province du Yunnan, après 20 jours d'enquête scientifique. La découverte prouve qu'il y avait un site préhistorique dans Fuxian Lake, rapporte
L'exploration scientifique a commencé le 26 septembre et s'est terminée le 15 octobre 2014. " Le groupe d'enquête était composé de scientifiques professionnels spécialisés dans différentes disciplines. L'enquête et l'exploration sont basés sur la recherche formelle organisé par CCTV en 2001 et 2006 ", a déclaré Zhao Tingguang, directeur de l'Association d'étude culturelle chinoise du Yunnan.
Au centre du lac d'eau douce très limpide par endroits se trouve une petite île sur laquelle se trouvent plusieurs petits anciens temples.
Selon Huang Yilu, professeur invité par l'Association culturelle chinoise, la recherche scientifique a tiré cinq conclusions. Tout d'abord, le site préhistorique est à 191 mètres de la côte Est du lac Fuxian. Deuxièmement, aucun rapport documenté identique au site préhistorique nouvellement découvert n'a été trouvé. Troisièmement, selon une hypothèse, la culture sociale à l'époque vénérait le soleil et la lune et avait des pensées primitives. Quatrièmement, plus de preuves sur le Yi Ching (ou Yi Jing, Yi-King, prononcé en français i ting, qui est un manuel chinois dont le titre peut se traduire par « Classique des changements » ou « Traité canonique des mutations ». Il s'agit d'un système de signes binaires qui peut être utilisé pour faire des divinations. Le Yi Jing s'appelle aussi Zhou Yi (周易, pinyin : Zhōu Yì, Wade-Giles : Chou1 I4) c'est-à-dire « changements de Zhou » pour la raison que son élaboration date du premier millénaire avant l'ère chrétienne, époque des Zhou (-1027 à -256 avant JC). Il occupe une place fondamentale dans l'histoire de la pensée chinoise et peut être considéré comme un traité unique en son genre dont la finalité est de décrire les états du monde et leurs évolutions. Premier des cinq classiques il est donc considéré comme le plus ancien texte chinois.) et des images de trigrammes composés de chiffres et de graphiques ont été trouvés. Cinquièmement, les scientifiques ont classé et numéroté les artefacts de pierre. En outre, un système de GPS a été mis en place pour suivre les artefacts (car dispercés chez plusieurs scientifiques pour études).
Selon les scientifiques du groupe d'enquête, le site architectural dans le lac Fuxian mesure environ 2400 kilomètres carrés avec 30 architectures de pierre. Actuellement, les universitaires ont étudié deux batiments à cet endroit, en laissant 28 à étudier encore.
Région de Yunnan : la culture du colza a envahi totalement les tumulus anciens non étudiés...
Une vidéo d'une des expéditions dans laquelle on ne voit rien du tout à part les plongeurs et quelques paysages... les autorités chinoises ne veulent pas trop montrer les choses encore apparemment...
Physicists have found a radical new way confine electromagnetic energy without it leaking away, akin to throwing a pebble into a pond with no splash
August 27, 2015
Australian National University
Physicists have found a radical new way confine electromagnetic energy without it leaking away, akin to throwing a pebble into a pond with no splash.The theory could have broad ranging applications from explaining dark matter to combating energy losses in future technologies.
Visualization of dark matter as energy confined within non-radiating anapoles.
Credit: Andrey Miroshnichenko
Physicists have found a radical new way confine electromagnetic energy without it leaking away, akin to throwing a pebble into a pond with no splash.
The theory could have broad ranging applications from explaining dark matter to combating energy losses in future technologies.
However, it appears to contradict a fundamental tenet of electrodynamics, that accelerated charges create electromagnetic radiation, said lead researcher Dr Andrey Miroshnichenko from The Australian National University (ANU).
"This problem has puzzled many people. It took us a year to get this concept clear in our heads," said Dr Miroshnichenko, from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.
The fundamental new theory could be used in quantum computers, lead to new laser technology and may even hold the key to understanding how matter itself hangs together.
"Ever since the beginning of quantum mechanics people have been looking for a configuration which could explain the stability of atoms and why orbiting electrons do not radiate," Dr Miroshnichenko said.
The absence of radiation is the result of the current being divided between two different components, a conventional electric dipole and a toroidal dipole (associated with poloidal current configuration), which produce identical fields at a distance.
If these two configurations are out of phase then the radiation will be cancelled out, even though the electromagnetic fields are non-zero in the area close to the currents.
Dr Miroshnichenko, in collaboration with colleagues from Germany and Singapore, successfully tested his new theory with a single silicon nanodiscs between 160 and 310 nanometres in diameter and 50 nanometres high, which he was able to make effectively invisible by cancelling the disc's scattering of visible light.
This type of excitation is known as an anapole (from the Greek, 'without poles').
Dr Miroshnichenko's insight came while trying to reconcile differences between two different mathematical descriptions of radiation; one based on Cartesian multipoles and the other on vector spherical harmonics used in a Mie basis set.
"The two gave different answers, and they shouldn't. Eventually we realised the Cartesian description was missing the toroidal components," Dr Miroshnichenko said.
"We realised that these toroidal components were not just a correction, they could be a very significant factor."
Dr Miroshnichenko said the confined energy of anapoles could be important in the development of tiny lasers on the surface of materials, called spasers, and also in the creation of efficient X-ray lasers by high-order harmonic generation.
Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Ye Feng Yu, Reuben M. Bakker, Arkadi Chipouline, Arseniy I. Kuznetsov, Boris Luk’yanchuk, Boris N. Chichkov, Yuri S. Kivshar. Nonradiating anapole modes in dielectric nanoparticles. Nature Communications, 2015; 6: 8069 DOI:10.1038/ncomms9069
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31-08-2015 om 22:13
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Pope Francis Warns About The ‘Reptilian’ Devil
Pope Francis Warns About The ‘Reptilian’ Devil
Pope Francis regularly mentions the devil in public speeches and on Twitter, with regular references to; the devil, Satan, the Accuser, the Evil One, the Father of Lies, the Ancient Serpent, the Tempter, the Seducer, the Great Dragon, the Enemy, demon, and legion.
Note the terminology “serpent” and “dragon” – names some believe allude to reptilians (or “anunnaki”) who are often associated with the underworld. reports:
For Francis, the devil is not a myth, but a real person. Many modern people may greet the Pope’s insistence on the devil with a dismissive, cultural affectation, indifference, or at the most indulgent curiosity.
Yet Francis refers to the devil continually. He does not believe him to be a myth, but a real person, the most insidious enemy of the church. Several of my theologian colleagues have said that he has gone a bit overboard with the devil and hell! We may be tempted to ask, why in the devil is Pope Francis so involved with the prince of demons?
This intelligent Jesuit Pope is diving into deep theological waters, places where very few modern Catholic clerics wish to tread.
Francis’ seeming preoccupation with the devil is not a theological or eschatological question as much as a call to arms, an invitation to immediate action, offering very concrete steps to do combat with the devil and the reign of evil in the world today.
In his homilies, Francis warns people strongly to avoid discouragement, to seize hope, to move on with courage and not to fall prey to negativity or cynicism.
He is drawing on the fundamental insight of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, the Pope’s own religious family. With his continual references to the devil, Pope Francis parts ways with the current preaching in the church, which is far too silent about the devil and his insidious ways or reduces him to a mere metaphor.
During the first months of Francis’ pontificate in 2013, the Evil One appeared frequently in his messages. In his first major address to the cardinals who elected him, the Argentine pontiff reminded them: “Let us never yield to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil offers us every day.”
In several daily homilies in the chapel of the Vatican guest house, the Pope shared devilish stories with the small congregations rapt in attention as he homilized on taboo topics.
He has offered guidelines on how to rout the demon’s strategy: First, it is Jesus who battles the devil.
The second is that “we cannot obtain the victory of Jesus over evil and the devil by halves,” for as Christ said in the Gospel of Matthew, “who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.”
The Pope has stressed that we must not be naive: “The demon is shrewd: he is never cast out forever, this will only happen on the last day.”
Francis has also issued calls to arms in his homilies: “The devil also exists in the 21st century, and we need to learn from the Gospel how to battle against him,” the Pope warned, adding that Christians should not be “naive” about the evil one’s ways. The devil is anything but a relic of the past, the pontiff said.
Acknowledging the devil’s shrewdness, Francis once preached: “The devil is intelligent, he knows more theology than all the theologians together.”
Before a crowd of people on Palm Sunday in 2013, the newly elected Pope even dared to say that when Christians face trials, Jesus is near, but so is “the enemy — the devil,” who “comes, often disguised as an angel and slyly speaks his word to us.”
Most recently, on July 12, in the prepared text he was to deliver (in typical fashion he instead gave a masterful, unscripted address to 600,000 young people at a rally in Paraguay), the Pope presented the job description of the devil:
“Friends: the devil is a con artist. He makes promises after promise, but he never delivers. He’ll never really do anything he says. He doesn’t make good on his promises. He makes you want things which he can’t give, whether you get them or not. He makes you put your hopes in things which will never make you happy.
“… He is a con artist because he tells us that we have to abandon our friends, and never to stand by anyone. Everything is based on appearances. He makes you think that your worth depends on how much you possess.”
Since the beginning of his papacy, Francis has been warning that whoever wants to follow Jesus must be aware of the reality of the devil. The life of every Christian is a constant battle against evil, just as Jesus during his life had to struggle against the devil and his many temptations.
For Francis, the spirit of evil ultimately does not want our holiness, he does not want our Christian witness, he does not want us to be disciples of Christ.
In all of these references to the devil and his many disguises, Pope Francis wishes to call everyone back to reality. The devil is so frequently active in our lives and in the church, drawing us into negativity, cynicism, despair, meanness of spirit, sadness and nostalgia.
We must react to the devil, Francis says, as did Jesus, who replied with the Word of God. With the prince of this world one cannot dialogue.
Dialogue is necessary among us, it is necessary for peace, it is an attitude that we must have among ourselves in order to hear each other, to understand each other. Dialogue is born from charity, from love.
But with the Dark Prince one cannot dialogue; one can only respond with the Word of God that defends us.
The devil has made a comeback in this pontificate and is playing an important role in Francis’ ministry. Francis is dead serious about the devil! And he takes every opportunity he can to tell the devil to get the hell out of our lives and our world.
It’s not that Francis has been focusing on the evil one’s power, nor has he been mesmerized by the Harry Potter movies or by a desire to do sequels to the “Exorcist” movie: This Pope doesn’t watch TV!
All of the temptations Francis speaks about so often are the realistic flip side to the heart of the Argentine Jesuit Pope’s message about the world that is charged with the grandeur, mercy, presence and fidelity of God. Those powers are far greater than the devil’s antics.
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31-08-2015 om 22:05
geschreven door peter
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Colorado: Strange object filmed with IR camera 30-Aug-2015
Colorado: Strange object filmed with IR camera 30-Aug-2015
I just received this report:
Location: Vail, Colorado, United States Date: Sunday, 30th August 2015
Witness report: I just captured a UFO with my infrared camcorder that was first spotted over Silverthorne, CO by a few locals then I captured it with my camera 30 miles away motionless above the Gore Range in Vail, CO.
Mystery in Space? Astronaut sees something ” Almost Alien”
Mystery in Space? Astronaut sees something ” Almost Alien”
The Docking of The Soyuz TMA-15M (Outpost 42) November 24th 2014.
What did Samantha Cristoforetti see during the docking maneuver at the ISS?
In the video made by the ESA (European Space Agency) during docking there are a few spots to take a look at.
1:20 minutes in the box in the top right there is a spherical object coming down.
At minute 4:34, A scream of surprise and wonder by Samantha causes Russian commander Anton Shkaplerov to tell her “calm, calm, calm”.
She may not have know after docking the open mic is still on and states it was “Almost Alien.”
See the Video:
I don’t know what the object was at 1:20 mark?’…but when ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti started her approach to the International Space Station for the first time, nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see.
As she peered out of the side window of the Soyuz spacecraft she witnessed something that only a few astronauts have ever glimpsed – the moment that the sun catches the solar panels on the ISS as night turns to day.
The result is an encompassing red glow that — as you can see from this video — is so powerful it bathes the Soyuz in a deep blood orange color.
It’s hard to imagine what that sight must have been like but in her first blog post, Cristoforetti does her best to put the moment into words saying:
“The enormous solar panels were inundated with a blaze of orange light, vivid, warm, almost alien. I could not help but exclaim something out loud, you can probably hear in the recordings of our docking.”
One phrase there is interesting: ‘Almost alien’.
Cover Up? or just an Astronauts Excitement?
Samantha Cristoforetti is a European Space Agency astronaut, Italian Air Force pilot and engineer. She is the first Italian woman in space.
The Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft approaches the International Space Station. The spacecraft lifted off at 20:59 GMT on 23 November (21:59 CET; 02:59 local time 24 November) and reached orbit nine minutes later.
Their spacecraft docked as planned at 02:49 GMT (03:49 CET), and the hatch to their new home in space was opened at 05:00 GMT (06:00 CET).
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31-08-2015 om 16:33
geschreven door peter
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This Is Why We Never Went Back To The Moon
This Is Why We Never Went Back To The Moon
“I believe that this nation should commit itself, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth… no single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind or more important for the long range exploration of space.”
With his speech on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy established the conquest of the Moon as a national goal.
The space program, through NASA, was to have far reaching effects, developing new technologies and forcing the nation’s schools to emphasize the teaching of science and mathematics. It was a dramatic cultural revolution that eventually brought us things like velcro, Star Trek and the internet.
But even before it started, our exploration of the Moon was destined to be short-lived. Despite all the promises and science fiction movies, humans would not build bases on the Moon, mine for minerals or use it as a stepping stone to other planets. In fact, the Moon would soon be forgotten and ignored by space research – why?
Carefully Scripted
The first Moon landing by humans was in 1969 when Apollo 11 took the “giant step for mankind.”The American taxpayers, who spent billions of dollars on the space program, were treated to televised interviews with the astronauts as they sped towards their landing site. Televisions were set up in classrooms and the world watched as this great event happened live before our eyes.
But years after the event, retired astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, revealed that everything we saw and heard was carefully scripted and rehearsed – with the astronauts even using cue cards to describe their impressions of the distant Earth and the surface of the Moon! Apparently NASA was frightened that something might accidentally be revealed to the millions of viewers.
It’s pretty well known that giant stage sets were constructed to simulate the Moon’s surface and that models of the Lunar Module were filmed with actors wearing space suits. NASA denies that these simulations were ever substituted for the actual manned landing on the Moon. But the question persists – why were they made?
Secret Tapes
There were six manned landings on the Moon as part of the Apollo space program. Before they landed, astronauts orbited the Command Module and took photographs of various features. While the televised interviews were carefully scripted, so were the conversations between the astronauts and Mission Control in Houston which were recorded and broadcasted on both radio and television.
But there was another tape that recorded the private conversations between the astronauts. Their observations were synchronized with a mission clock so that their exact position over the Moon could later be determined.
These cockpit tapes were transcribed following the missions and were not released to the public for over twelve years. When they were finally exposed, they revealed many of the surprises that NASA did not want the public to know.
LMP: That’s a spectacular crater.
CDR: Did you shoot some pictures while you were over there?
CMP: No. it’s just going by — we’d better get it later; there will be better times. If the damned antenna isn’t in the way –
CMP: Boy, there must be nothing more desolate than to be inside some of these small craters, these conical ones.
CDR: People that live in there probably never get out.
CDR: Looking at the Moon hurts my head. I won’t look at it. There’s too much down there I don’t understand.
CDR: Charlie, just keep … on the book.
LMP: That’s why I’m purging the fuel cell.
CDR: Oh.
LMP: I tell you, when we get down to 8 miles,we’re gonna really look like we’re down among them.
CDR: Sure are.
[Apollo 14 day 4]
CMP: Boy, I’m sure glad we cut out that TV show.
LMP: Yes.
CMP: It really worried me, when I saw where it was. Glad we got sort of a pseudoexcuse — to cut it out.
LMP: Yes, there it is.
CMP: This is really something. The most unreal looking real thing I’ve ever seen. If that makes any sense (laughter).
LMP: Probably not.
CDR: …Yes, it is … vegetation. Something as common reference, you know – familiar reference. So you don’t know how far above you are. So it makes it look like the scale is…
CMP: There’s our Loveletts again. Little Lovelett. That’s oriented like that. Okay … That is Chaplygin …
LMP: Which one’s Chaplygin?
CMP: It’s off my side.
LMP: Are we headed for Mendeleev?
CMP: That should be over on your right.
LMP: That’s what I thought. Yes. There it is. The tracks are across the middle of it.
CMP: Are we supposed to be doing any photography at all this?
LMP: I have got crater King out here, Stu, if you were looking for it.
CMP: Yes, that’s one of our targets. That’s one of Farouk’s favorite craters.
LMP: Pretty damn interesting one, too. Really an interesting one. Huh? That one… looks like… got a rugged one right out here — with the central peaks.
CMP: Oh God, look at that Moltke; he’s my favorite… Look at that son of a bitch. You see all those roads – triangular roads leaing right past him?
[tape 17-03417/page 2]
…flowed into that little — domical structure before the domes were built, or else — all of that stuff that’s in the mare floor has flown out of that domical structure before the domes came in. In other words, the domical structures themselves are a different time relationship to the floor itself. They are younger than the floor itself.
[I’m glad to find this photo, as this type of flying disc is seen in many space footage from NASA. A bright ring, with a dark dot in the middle makes it look like a doughnut. Another important feature for observation is a dark triangle on one side.
Now please take a look at this footage from a NASA mission in 1996:
NASA U.F.Os STS-75 – The Tether Incident
On Sunday, February 25, 1996, the Space Shuttle Columbia deployed an experimental tether into orbit. The experiment was called the Tethered Satellite System (TSS- 1R) and it’s purpose of this was to attempt to generate electricity by utilizing Earth’s magnetic field.
Unfortunately during this experiment they had a problem and the 12 mile long tether snapped due to the synthetic material accumulating a critical charge. The tether broke, so the experiment was not a success, although approximately five hours of data were recorded.
What really made “The Tether Incident” famous was the appearance of many unidentified flying objects (UFOs) clearly visible in the NASA footage. NASA claims the objects in the footage are space debris and ice particles very close to the camera…BUT the tether was 80+ miles away from the shuttle when this footage is shot. The disc shaped objects sometimes pass behind the tether, which makes the objects over 80 miles away. Also, some of them are miles in diameter.
The UFOs fly in all directions at the same time and some lit up from nowhere.
One of the astronauts says that the “debris” are “flying with us”. Interesting thing to say about space debris. Also, they are not lit up by the Sun; NASA is using special UV filters which detect the UFOs. I’ve seen many videos from NASA and whenever they use these special UV filters, the UFOs are visible.
Notice that the UFOs from this 1996 footage looks exactly as the one near Moltke crater from 1969.]
LMP: Boy, you can see Highway 1 running right all the way — on the left — all the way up there already. Right beyond Moltke, to the left there.
CMP: Yes.
CDR: Just let’s see where U.S. 1 stops up here. Here’s the monocular if you want it.
CDR: U.S. 1 just seems to kind of die out down there.
CMP: Yes, they must have ran out of money before they finished building it.
[Apollo 11]
MISSION CONTROL: What’s there?…malfunction (garble)…Mission Control calling Apollo 11…
APOLLO 11: These babies were huge, sir…enormous…Oh, God you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there…lined up on the far side of the crater edge…they’re on the Moon watching us… ”
[Apollo 14, Day 4]
CMP: High Sun. That’s one right down there; just shows how it dominates the whole phorograph. Just an extremely bright crater. Sun angle just isn’t high enough for you to see it here … Yes, they’re mining it, I think.
Towers, some several miles high, and complex constructions [above] were photographed on the Moon and blurred before release to the public. (thanks to
Aliens Warn: Don’t Come Back!
As reported on, a certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.
Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off! (by the Aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.
Professor: How do you mean “warned off”?
Armstrong: I can’t go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology – Boy, were they big!… and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Naturally-NASA was committed at that time, and couldn’t risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.
Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell disclosed recently that “we have been visited…” and that he knows aliens exist and look pretty much like the short, thin ones in the movies. When he was asked if these were the same beings encountered on the Moon, he declined to answer.
McMoon Tapes: Lost
NASA apparently became aware of alien visitors on the Moon shortly after taking up President Kennedy’s challenge. From 1966 through 1967 they sent five Lunar Obiter satellites to circle and photograph the linar surface and select potential landing sites for the manned landings. The orbiters were very sophisticated and contained highly classified cameras which could supposedly“photograph and read a gum wrapper on a street in NY City…”
The satellites photographed the Moon, developed the film on board and then scanned the film with an analog process whose data was then transmitted by radio to Earth receivers and stored on 2-inch magnetic tape. Each hi-resolution image was 28 x 30 inches when completed.
The first three orbiters photographed the visible side of the linear surface while the last two concentrated on the far side. The photographs were scrutinized at the same time NASA was already making final plans for the manned Apollo missions. Apparently, some of the things on these images were responsible for the secrecy and theatrics that have recently been revealed.
After the final manned Moon landing on December 11th, 1972, NASA terminated the entire lunar expedition – this despite the fact that the next Saturn V rocket, lunar module and astronauts were already paid for and waiting to be deployed. It was apparent that something – or someone – had warned earthlings to stay away from the Moon.
Like the final scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Lunar Orbiter tapes were quickly lost and the evidence of lunar anomalies was hidden from the public. They apparently found their way to a large warehouse, deep inside a salt mine, where they were accidentally discovered in 1988.
Not sure what they were, the tapes were examined by JPL and NASA and identified; but they could not be viewed because of the unique code which could only be read by an Ampex FR900 tape recorder (the first real video tape recorder) which was used to create the tapes.
An Ampex FR900 was eventually rescued from storage in a chicken coop and with some tweeking it was determined that it could read the thousands of tapes, comprising 2000 lunar images and weighing 48,000 pounds. In 1992 NASA sought funds to decode the images for historical purposed but no funding was forthcoming (no surprise). Several years passed.
A couple of years ago, a group of individuals decided to try and accomplish the decoding themselves. They apparently had enough skill to convince the JPL to release the tapes and Ampex FR900 units (they eventually found two) and all were moved to an abandoned McDonalds restaurant located on the Moffett Federal Airfield in Santa Clara County, California. Here the task of decoding the images has begun and we may soon see what forced the Moon expeditions to cease.
Behind the counter of an abandoned McDonalds lie 48,000 lbs of 70 mm tapes – the only copy of extremely high-resolution images of the moon.
The Ampex FR900 (restored) in operation. More information on this project can be found at
The Reason NASA Never Returned To The Moon (Full Documentary)
The majestic natural satellite has been the source of curiosity of countless people. It brightens up our dark nights and provides a way to navigate for our ancestral fathers.
But over the years, as our understanding of the space has increased, we found some astonishing information about the moon that led to more questions than answers.
Is the moon actually Earth's natural satellite?
The new information has led to speculation that it might actually be an extraterrestrial technology transported here to survey mankind's progress and the impact we have on planet Earth, or maybe something entirely different. The reason why the moon was brought here remains to be a huge source of speculation, something we will hopefully find out in the near future, but for now we have the following information that dispels the previous notion that it is a natural planetary body:
1. The Moon Predates the Earth
It was initially believed that the moon was formed when an external body crash-landed on Earth. A part of the debris from the crash accumulated into what we now know as the moon.
There is yet another theory stating that when Earth was formed, the remaining dust came together to form a heavenly body that revolves around the Earth.
However, when surface materials from the moon were brought back to Earth by the astronomers, the results led to startling discoveries, as the moon rocks and dust predated our planet, which is around 4.53 billion years old.
The material comprising the moon turned out to be around 5.3 billion years old and the dust even older, dating to about 6.3 billion years.
Hence, the moon must have originated somewhere else.
2. The Moon’s Density
We know for a fact that the Earth’s density is 5.5 gm/cm3. Surprisingly, the moon’s density was found to be 3.34 gm/cm3, around 3.34 times the density of an equal volume of water.
This was explained by the renowned NASA scientist, Dr. Gordon Macdonald in 1962. He stated that if our astronomical data is to be deduced, we come to the conclusion that the interior of the natural satellite is hollow.
3. Moonquakes
A few years after Dr. Gordon Macdonald’s theory came to be, in 1969, the team of Apollo 12 landed on the moon. During their decent, they landed in a rough manner onto the moon’s surface, around 40 miles from their intended destination.
The crash resulted in an artificial moonquake, which had startling characteristics. Upon impact, the moon started to reverberate just like a bell would, which we all know is hollow.
The reverberations lasted for more than an hour. The same phenomenon was again witnessed when Apollo 13 landed on the moon and its impact caused an even greater seismic activity, which lasted for more than three hours.
This led to the conclusion that the moon is unnaturally light for its size and possibly doesn’t even have a core, which would otherwise significantly increase its weight.
4. An Unnaturally Perfect Orbit
We all know that the moon orbits around our planet in an almost perfect circular orbit, but still technically elliptical.
This unnatural orbit couldn't have been captured by Earth’s gravitational force, as we can clearly see in the substantially elliptical orbits of the other satellites in our solar system.
This further fuels the speculations that the moon was placed in its current position and orbit by an intelligent mind.
5. A Stationary Orbit
Another weird thing about our moon is that its orbit around the Earth is completely stationary. Meaning that it doesn’t spin on its own axis as all of the other moons in our solar system do.
This is why every time we look up at the moon, we see the same side of it — the side that faces Earth.
6. Unexplainable Center of Mass and Geometric Center
Another thing about the moon we have been unable to scientifically understand is the discrepancy in its center of mass, which is around 6,000 feet closer to our planet than its geometric center.
This discrepancy should, according to our understanding, cause the moon to constantly wobble — yet, it remains steady.
Since we have discovered all of these discrepancies with the moon, we have been constantly trying to figure out how it maintains its uniquely circular orbit, without a spinning axis and without wobbling.
However, despite all of our efforts to understand these anomalies, we have yet to come up with a conclusive answer.
The hypothesis that highly advanced extraterrestrials have hollowed out the moon and placed it in an almost perfect orbit around our planet, gives birth to even more wild speculations.
We know for a fact that the moon is primarily responsible for the tides, seasons and even some earthquakes. The moon is also known to influence our sleep and even our mood.
So we can draw the conclusion that the aliens that brought it here knew exactly what they were doingand it was part of their agenda to influence life on Earth via the moon space station.
It has also been speculated that Earth is now a prison planet and the moon a space station for alien guardians. Even more interestingly, author David Icke has speculated that the moon is an important part of the matrix deception that kept mankind enslaved for millenia.
31-08-2015 om 16:26
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The White Alien God of the Mesoamericans
The White Alien God of the Mesoamericans
How did the human species pass the test of time? Did we manage to walk this path of life without any help, or were we actually guided by some extraterrestrial beings willing to help us grow and prosper in their own image?
According to numerous legends and beliefs, the “White Gods“ once came to Earth and helped humanity develop and prosper by offering knowledge in many ways.
Quetzalcoatl is believed to be one of the first “white gods“ to visit our planet. He was one of the most important Gods from ancient Mesoamerica and was known as“Kukulkán” to the Mayans, “Gucumatz” to the Quichés of Guatemala, and “Ehecatl” to the Huastecs of the Gulf of Mexico.
Based on Mesoamerican folklore, Quetzalcoatl is the one who created the world and all of mankind, and was regarded as the god of wind and rain. He is also known for structuring art and culture and was regarded as the organizer of society at that point in time.
Since 1200 CE in Central Mexico, he was considered the god of learning, agriculture, science, and arts. He was also considered the patron god of merchants, as he managed to discover corn with the help of a giant red ant who led him to a mountain packed full of grain and seeds.
Legends named this entity, Quetzalcoatl, as the “God of Dawn.” This is one of the reasons why he is believed to be from a far away planet.
Keep in mind that according to Mayan paintings and sculptures, many structures arose during this period that looked like spaceships from the 21st century.
Drawings and representations found in sculptures wore something related to spacesuits, and many images representing the gods showed similarities to what astronauts look like nowadays.
It is believed that Quetzalcoatl burned himself and vanished into the skies towards the planet identified today as Venus.
Could this be interpreted as an extraterrestrial being that has fulfilled his mission on Earth and quickly disappeared through the skies to head to new planets in need of guidance?
Quetzalcoatl is described as light skinned, bearded and tall, with a serpent head hiding his human appearance. The earliest surviving image of Quetzalcoatl comes from the Olmec civilization with a sculpture at La Venta, of a beaked snake with a feather crest surrounded by two quetzal birds.
The earliest representations found in Mexico, is at Teotihuacan where there are sculptures of feathered snakes dating from the 3rd century CE and that is also the place where a six – tiered pyramid was built in the honor of the Serpent God of knowledge.
The deity was often described in architectural and sculptural decorations, appearing at other sites such as Xochivalco but he was rarely represented with any human form before the Late Postclassical period.
Since 1200 CE, Quetzalcoatl was usually represented in his human form and mostly wore shell jewelry and a tapered hat. Representations of the god often have “wind jewelry“ which is a cross section of a clam whorl worn as a pectoral, and often wear red masks like a goose’s beak bearing long canine teeth.
The writer Robert Marx has written broadly about this concept of “white gods,“ as he came to the conclusion that they are depicted “in almost every indigenous culture in America.“
After his journey in South America, the British writer Harold Wilkins also came to the conclusion that a vanished white race had occupied all of South America in ancient times, helping the indigenous people cultivate food, and build up pyramids along with other large structures that would otherwise of been impossible to construct considering the lack of knowledge and tools during that time.
He also claimed that Quetzalcoatl was from Atlantis.
Sharing his beliefs, some ancient astronaut and UFO writers have suited that the“white gods“ were actually extraterrestrial beings.
Peter Kolosimo believed that the myths of Quetzalcoatl had support, in fact he stated that the legends actually described a full race of white men who were born in spaceships and migrated to Atlantis; after the city was destroyed by water, the remaining white men moved to the Americas where they were treated like “white gods“ by the “primitive earth – dwellers.“
Another interesting theory is based on the writings of the Franciscan friar, Bernardino de Sahaguan, from the 16th century in which he describes the meeting between the Mexica emperor “Moctezuma the 2nd” and the Spanish captain“Hernan Cortes.”
At first sight of the white Spanish men, emperor Moctezuma thought that the“white gods“ have returned from the east, and captain Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl. Because of his beliefs, the Emperor gifted him a mask representing the “Feathered Serpent.“
The mask was carved from a single piece of cedar wood and covered with turquoise mosaic work. The teeth were made of white clam shell. The design consisted of two serpents green and blue, encircling the eyes and entangled over the nose and around the mouth.
According to Sahagun’s description, it was worn with a crown of dazzling long green – blue shimmering feathers, possibly those of the quetzal, a tropical rain forest bird with iridescent green – blue plumage.
Much of the idea of captain Cortes being seen as a deity can be followed back to the Florentine Codex written down about 50 years after the conquest.
In the codex’s tale of the first meeting between Moctezuma and Cortes, the ruler of the Aztec is illustrated as giving a prepared speech in classical oratorical Nahuatl, a dialect, which as reported verbatim in the codex written by Sahagun’s informants, added such prostrate announcement of divine, or near divine adoration.
An imperfect intellectual understanding of high Nahuatl oratory style make the exact intent of these comments tricky to approve, but some argue that Moctezuma politely offering his throne to Cortes may well have been meant as the exact opposite of what it was taken to mean: kindness in Aztec culture was a way to affirm dominance and show superiority.
This speech, which has been extensively referred to, has been a factor in the widespread assumption that Moctezuma was addressing Cortes as the returning god Quetzalcoatl.
As time passed by, we educated ourselves through history and managed to see a glimpse of what life used to be. At our current understanding level, we realize that some things from the past might have been impossible to accomplish without any external help.
The White Gods could have given us knowledge in which the Mesoamericans used to obtain power. But as the extraterrestrials left, the indigenous people couldn’t suffice in controlling that power, which was given too early without any warning of its side effects.
It ultimately led to self-destruction of the most knowledgeable and prosperous civilizations of our past because the guidance of aliens had vanished.
Will they return as the prophecies foretell?
by Locklip
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31-08-2015 om 16:05
geschreven door peter
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Les observations d’OVNI au Moyen Âge
Les observations d’OVNI au Moyen Âge
Le grand psychologue et psychiatre suisse Cari Gustav Jung, qui écrivait en 1958, fut le premier à faire remarquer que le phénomène des OVNI possède une histoire, et peut-être une préhistoire. Un grand nombre de personnes devait rapporter plus tard avoir vécu des enlèvements durant les années 1950 et même dans les années 1940, mais en 1958, on n’avait pas encore octroyé à ce sujet une quelconque publicité et Jung ne savait rien de tout cela.
Son intérêt fut par conséquent limité exclusivement aux OVNI eux-mêmes qui, depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, avaient généré un nombre gigantesque de témoignages oculaires de « soucoupes volantes », ainsi qu’un intérêt et une inquiétude publiques ne cessant de s’accroître. Jung décrivit les observations comme une forme nouvelle de rumeur mondiale qui « diffère de la rumeur ordinaire dans le sens qu’elle s’exprime sous forme de visions ». Son inclination était de traiter les OVNI comme « un produit psychique à 99 % », et cependant il admettait qu’il était déconcerté par leur « nature physique apparente » qui, regrettait-il, créait « des énigmes insolubles même pour les meilleurs cerveaux » :
« La seule chose que nous puissions dire avec un degré de certitude tolérable à propos des OVNI est qu’ils possèdent une surface qui peut être perçue par l’oeil et, au même moment,qu’ils renvoient un écho radar. »
Une autre chose était tout aussi claire : les OVNI n’avaient rien de nouveau...
« Bien que les OVNI aient été rendus public pour la première fois seulement à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le phénomène lui-même était connu longtemps auparavant. Il fut observé dans la première moitié de ce siècle [le XXe siècle], et fut décrit dans les siècles précédents et peutêtre même durant l’Antiquité. »
En août 1566, par exemple, « de nombreux globes noirs volumineux furent observés dans les airs » au-dessus de la ville de Bâle en Suisse, « se déplaçant devant le soleil à grande vitesse, et se tournant l’un vers l’autre comme s’ils se battaient. Certains d’entre eux devinrent rouges et s’enflammèrent avant de se dissiper et de partir. » Jung reproduisit une illustration de la scène d’après un placard de Bâle de 1566, remarquant que la « vitesse et le mouvement irrégulier » attribués par des témoins oculaires aux disques noirs « sont typiques des caractéristiques des OVNI ».
En avril 1561, on observa un déploiement spectaculaire d’OVNI au-dessus de Nuremberg, en Allemagne. On repéra des assiettes et des globes en grand nombre tournoyant dans le ciel près du soleil, et également « de grands tubes dans lesquels on observa trois, quatre globes et plus ».
Jung était perspicace, mais, comme il l’admettait lui-même, ses recherches – il n’eut jamais l’intention d’écrire plus qu’une courte monographie – étaient strictement limitées. Hormis le fait de reconnaître que des précédents historiques du phénomène des OVNI existaient bel et bien (et les exemples pouvaient être multipliés à travers le folklore et les mythologies du monde entier), il n’eut ni le temps ni l’inclination d’essayer d’en découvrir davantage avant sa mort en 1961.
Quelques années plus tard, en 1969, le mystère des précédents historiques des observations d’OVNI du milieu du XXe siècle fut à nouveau exploré. Cette fois, c’était Jacques Vallée, mathématicien et consultant à la NASA, qui s’attelait avec une vigueur considérable à la tâche dans son Passeport pour Magonia, un livre culte d’avant-garde malheureusement épuisé aujourd’hui, et ce depuis longtemps.
Les contributions de Vallée furent diverses et variées. Son inventaire d’observations d’OVNI, qui prenait pour sources des faits relativement récents, fut d’une valeur inestimable. L’inventaire, qui remonte à bien avant la première vague moderne de publicité pour le phénomène au sortir de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, commence en 1868 lorsqu’une « construction aérienne » étrange avec des lumières et faisant des bruits de moteur vola à basse altitude au-dessus de la petite ville chilienne de Copiago.
En janvier 1878, un fermier du Texas fut surpris par l’observation d’un objet volant sombre qu’il décrivit comme une « grosse soucoupe ». En 1880, un garçon de 14 ans vit une boule lumineuse descendre du ciel et planer à proximité de lui. Il rapporta se sentir attiré par celle-ci mais avoir surmonté sa peur et s’être échappé.
Les exemples se poursuivent ; nul besoin de reproduire ici l’ensemble de l’inventaire de Vallée, l’essentiel est de savoir que bien des OVNI apparemment motorisés et pilotés, et même des « soucoupes volantes » identifiables, furent en fait observées aux quatre coins du monde durant la seconde moitié du xixe siècle. De plus, Vallée fut en mesure de faire remonter le phénomène beaucoup plus loin dans le passé que cela, et même beaucoup plus loin que Jung ne l’avait suivi.
De fait, le titre de Vallée, Passeport pour Magonia, est tiré d’un récit d’Abogard, archevêque de la ville de Lyon, aux alentours de l’an 820. Tel un sceptique moderne au sujet des OVNI, le testament pour la postérité du bon archevêque fut une lamentation sur l’ignorance des masses qui croyaient en l’existence d’une certaine région, qu’ils appellent Magonia, où les navires voguent dans les nuages (…)
« Parmi le grand nombre d’entre ceux dont la folie aveugle était assez profonde pour leur permettre de croire ces choses possibles, j’en vis plusieurs exhibant dans un certain lieu de rassemblement, quatre personnes enchaînées – trois hommes et une femme qui, dirent-ils, étaient tombés de ces mêmes navires ; après les avoir gardés pendant plusieurs jours en captivité, ils les avaient amenés au-devant de la multitude assemblée, comme nous l’avons dit, en notre présence afin d’être lapidés. Mais la vérité fut plus forte. »
Ne semble-t-il pas probable que ces quatre infortunés, qu’Abogard sauva, se décriraient comme des victimes d’enlèvements dans les OVNI si leur aventure se produisait aujourd’hui ? Voici un fait qui pourrait s’avérer pertinent : un nombre restreint de victimes modernes a déclaré qu’il n’était pas ramené en flottant directement dans son foyer et danlit à la suite de l’expérience, ce qui aurait été pratique, mais relâché avec moins s sonde douceur ailleurs – parfois à des kilomètres.
Il n’est pas difficile d’imaginer comment un tel retour, observé ou simplement rapporté, pourrait avoir attiré l’attention d’une foule désireuse de les lyncher dans le climat superstitieux du IXe siècle.
Un autre rapport d’OVNI très ancien que Vallée découvrit provient du Japon, où des transcriptions impériales nous informent du vol erratique dans la province de Kii, au-delà de la montagne de Fukuhara au nord-est, d’un objet inhabituel brillamment éclairé décrit comme un « récipient en terre cuite ». Très rapidement, « l’objet modifia sa trajectoire et on le perdit de vue à l’horizon sud, laissant derrière lui une traînée lumineuse ».
De façon analogue, le 12 septembre 1271, on était sur le point de trancher la tête du célèbre prêtre Nichiren à Tatsunokuchi dans le Kamakura, lorsque apparut dans le ciel un objet telle la pleine lune, lumineux et brillant (…) » Les officiels paniquèrent et annulèrent l’exécution. Vallée cite également un certain nombre d’autres OVNI et de phénomènes ressemblant à des OVNI qui furent observés et documentés au Japon entre le Xe et le XVIIIe siècle. En août 989, par exemple, on observa trois objets ronds et exceptionnellement brillants qui plus tard se rejoignirent.
En septembre 1702, des fils ressemblant à du coton tombèrent des cieux, émanant en apparence du soleil lui-même, et en 1749, trois autres gros objets ronds, « comme la lune », furent observés en continu dans le ciel sur une période de quatre jours, déclenchant des émeutes.
En plus de ces rapports d’OVNI négligés et oubliés issus de sources non religieuses, Vallée observe que « c’est dans les livres religieux qu’on rencontre le plus couramment des objets volants venant de contrées célestes (…) »
Nous pouvons aisément comprendre où Vallée veut en venir lorsqu’il nous rappelle l’existence de disques ailés à Sumer et en Égypte ancienne, l’« engin volant » Vimana évoqué dans les textes hindous, les tapis volants d’Arabie, et les « radeaux du ciel » utilisés par les « esprits des étoiles » de la Chine ancienne.
N’oublions pas non plus les spectacles d’OVNI bibliques telle que l’ascension d’Elie vers le Ciel dans un « tourbillon de vent » associé à un « chariot de feu », et la vision du prophète Ézéchiel, comprenant encore une fois un tourbillon de vent et du feu, et les mystérieuses créatures se trouvant à bord de grandes « roues » qui « les soulevèrent de terre ». Dans la même veine générale, nous lisons assez souvent des récits dans l’Ancien Testament de tels véhicules aériens comme « les Chariots de Dieu » et des descriptions de ce qui ressemble à une race supérieure d’êtres qui traitent avec les humains et « qui viennent d’une contrée éloignée, à l’autre bout du Ciel ».
Extrait du livre « Surnaturel - Rencontres avec les premiers enseignants de l'humanité » de Graham-Hancock.
Photos :
1) Gravure sur bois de Hans Glaser relatant les étranges ballets aériens du 4 avril 1561 à Nuremberg.
2) Parchemin de Bâle en Suisse : Description d'un coucher et lever de soleil sur Bâle, avec présence de boules noires volantes observées; les 27-28 juillet et 7 Août 1566.
3) Passport to Magonia From Folklore to Flying Saucers de Jacques Vallée (1er édition US)
4) Ll’« engin volant » Vimana évoqué dans les textes hindous. 1597-1605 _ s
A Mississippi witness at Lewisburg has reported watching and videotaping what appears to be a hovering, triangle-shaped UFO, according to testimony in Case 63598 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The reporting witness states that she is a 15-year ufologist in the Memphis metro area and she had been seeing bright lights in the same location for one week.
The incident occurred on February 26, 2015.
Lewisburg, MS, is about 30 miles southeast of Memphis, TN. (Credit: Google)
“It snowed yesterday, so it made it easier to see last night, and the craft was much closer, much brighter, and very visible,” the witness stated.
The witness ran outside at 12:46 a.m. and began videotaping the object (video seen below).
Cropped and enlarged image taken from the witness video of the object. (Credit: MUFON)
“It was hovering very low over an area with corn fields. I observed it hovering for about 20 minutes, but it was too cold outside and I ran out straight from bed with no shoes on in the snow, therefore, I could only film for a short time.”
After about 20 minutes, the object seemed to “just vanish” and no flight path was observed.
Cropped and enlarged image taken from the witness video of the object. (Credit: MUFON)
“Just hovering and pulsating lights that appeared to have a red glow at times. It appeared to be one very large triangular aircraft, and it was hovering so low that it had a 3-D effect when viewing. There were times when it appeared to have ejected smaller orb lights, but that is unclear. It was difficult to tell from my vantage point whether it was part of the larger craft, or additional smaller craft.”
The case was investigated by Mississippi Field Investigator Mark Bort and closed as an Unknown.
“The witness stated that the object appeared to be approximately 400-500 yards away and just over the tree tops – approximately 80-100 feet off the ground,” Bort stated in his report.
“The witness stated that she went outside in bare feet to record the object with a camcorder that she had close by. She was only able to record the object for a short time, because there was snow on the ground and she was not dressed for the weather. After shooting the video the witness returned to her house and was able to continue to observe the object. The witness observed the object for approximately 20 minutes in total.”
Cropped and enlarged image taken from the witness video of the object. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness first saw the object as a big white light, but when she stepped outside to film it, the large white light was gone.
“She was able to see a large triangular object that she estimated to be approximately the size of a football field,” Bort stated.
“The witness stated that the object appeared to be hovering over a corn field, and it made no sound, and left no traces behind. The witness stated that the object seemed to gain altitude and then faded from sight. The witness advised me that the object did not produce any strange long term or short term effects on her or any electronics in or around her home.”
“Een asteroïde vernietigt tussen 21 en 28 september de aarde”
“Een asteroïde vernietigt tussen 21 en 28 september de aarde”
Tussen 21 en 28 september slaat een asteroïde in op Puerto Rico waardoor de hele wereld wordt vernietigd. Dat zegt de zelfverklaarde profeet Efrain Rodriguez. Volgens de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA is het ‘bijna zeker’ dat we niets te vrezen hebben.
Rodriguez plaatst vaker apocalyptische video’s op YouTube. Hij baseert zich dit keer op de voorspelling van de bloedmaan, die stelt dat de wereld bij vier opeenvolgende maansverduisteringen zal vergaan. De vierde valt op 28 september.
Zeldzaam verschijnsel
De maan kleurt dan een paar minuten lang rood doordat het hemellichaam achter de aarde langs draait en in de schaduw van onze planeet komt. Volgens NASA kwam het in de afgelopen 2000 jaar zelden voor dat het verschijnsel zich vier keer kort achter elkaar voordeed.
De onheilsberichten zijn zo vaak gedeeld en herhaald dat NASA zich geroepen voelde om te reageren. De ruimtevaartorganisatie heeft met klem ontkend dat er iets op ons af komt in september.
0,01 procent kans
Op het internet circuleren inmiddels talrijke berichten over een inslag bij Puerto Rico die vernietigende gevolgen zou hebben. Volgens manager Paul Chodas van NASA is er geen enkele wetenschappelijke basis en geen enkele aanwijzing dat een asteroïde of ander kosmisch object op aarde zou inslaan in de genoemde periode en ook niet in de afzienbare toekomst.
Er is zelfs minder dan 0,01 procent kans dat we in de komende 100 jaar door iets gevaarlijks worden geraakt, aldus NASA. Volgens Chodas zou een object dat de ‘voorspelde’ schade kan veroorzaken in september, al moeten zijn opgemerkt. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
UFO Disk Near Space Station On Live HD Cam, Aug 31, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Disk Near Space Station On Live HD Cam, Aug 31, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: August 31, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station.
This UFO caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube has really great detail. The disk comes very close, about 75 meters away from the station. The disk itself is big. About 7-9 meters across. The light reflecting off of the UFO is also really brilliant. The UFO realizes its been noticed and it slowly moves backwards into the darkness. Scott C. Waring
Low Flying Triangular-Shaped Object Moves Over Austin
Low Flying Triangular-Shaped Object Moves Over Austin
Unidentified Flying Object seems like a rare thing, but you are wrong. Day by day, the sightings of these strange objects are slowly increasing. If you do not have any idea, it is not just an extraterrestrial spacecraft, but also strange objects and lights flying in the sky at abnormal speed. Recently, a Texas witness reported a triangular-shaped object silently hovering in the air. For accurate estimation, it flew less than 1,300 feet on August 19, 2015, about 6:44 in the morning. Due to the popularity, the case was finally filed with a case number of 69559 from the Mutual UFO Network witness reporting database.
The footage was being recorded when the witness was sitting outside his apartment. The witness described the object as a blurred triangular shaped object with a medium brown pattern. It appeared to be an ideal triangular shape with a single point up. The body’s shade seemed transparent, as it changed its color to match the clouds and the sky.
The Object’s Altitude: The witness determined the object’s height, which happens to be 1,200 to 1,300 feet. The object was hovering in the clouds. There were no emissions and no sound.
The object was flying fast: The object’s speed startled the witness and caused him to catch and hold his breath. It flew faster than the typical man-made jets hovering over the University of Texas graduation ceremonies.
The object was triangular-shaped: It also noticed that the object is an elongated triangular shaped with patterns. The sides of the triangle were thrice the length of the backside. The only best way to estimate the object’s size was to raise his arm and hold his forefinger and thumb apart at about the distance in the sky.
As the capital of Texas, Austin has a population of 912,791. Please remember that most odd sightings are being explained as man-made or natural.
Snowden Documents Proving “US-Alien-Hitler” Link Stuns Russia.
Snowden Documents Proving “US-Alien-Hitler” Link Stuns Russia.
A stunning Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documents obtained from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing “incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945.
Edward Snowden is a computer specialist, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, and former NSA/CSS contractor who disclosed these classified documents to several media outlets in late 2012 and was granted temporary asylum in Russia in 2013 after his designation by the Obama regime as the “most wanted man on earth.”
This FSB report further states that Snowden, in December, 2012, contacted the highly respected American columnist, blogger, and author Glenn Greenwald by an email headed with the subject line stating, “I and others have things you would be interested in.?.?.?.”
In Snowden’s own words, this report continues, he outlined to Greenwald the reason for his highly secretive group obtaining and releasing these documents by warning that that there “were actually two governments in the US: the one that was elected, and the other, secret regime, governing in the dark.”
As to who is running this “secret regime” Snowden and his cohorts were warning about, FSB experts in this report say, was confirmed this past weekend by former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer who was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by Russian intelligence services and stated they were, indeed, “accurate.”
Even though Defense Minister Hellyer’s exact statements to the FSB in regards to Snowden’s documents remain classified, shortly after his “extensive electronic interview” by the FSB he was allowed to appear on Russia Today’s program SophieCo this past fortnight
Where he shockingly admitted that aliens have “been visiting our planet for thousands of years” and described several types of these extraterrestrials, including “Tall Whites” who are working with the US Air Force in Nevada.
Of the many explosive revelations in this FSB report, the one most concerning to Russian authorities are the Snowden’s documents “confirming” that the “Tall Whites” (further revealed by Defense Minister Hellyer as noted above) are the same extraterrestrial alien race behind the stunning rise of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s.
In just one example of the many outlined in this FSB report, it shows that with this “alien assistance,” at the end of the 1930’s, when Nazi Germany possessed just 57 submarines, over the four years of World War II it built 1,163 modern technologically advanced submarines at its dockyards and even put them into operation.
Snowden’s documents further confirm, this report says, the “Tall Whites” (Nordic) meetings in 1954 with US President Dwight D. Eisenhower where the “secret regime” currently ruling over America was established.
Most disturbingly, this FSB report warns, is that the “Tall White” agenda being implemented by the “secret regime” ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth as they enter into what one of Snowden’s documents calls the “final phase” of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule.
Unbeknownst to the FSB, this report confirms, are those still in the US government backing Snowden, but whose presence Russian intelligence experts note is“unmistakable” and shows a cataclysmic power struggle is currently underway against this “secret regime” now headed by Obama by “forces unknown.”
Most to be feared by Russian policy makers and authorities, this report concludes, is if those opposing the “Tall White” “secret regime” ruled over by Obama have themselves aligned with another alien-extraterrestrial power themselves.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”
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31-08-2015 om 01:19
geschreven door peter
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This UFO Documentary looks at Underwater UFOs better known as Unidentified Submerged Objects abb USO. What’s the difference between an unidentified submerged object and an unidentified flying object? There are two answers. One: The difference between a USO and a UFO is obviously that one is documented as maneuvering through the air, and the other through the water.
The second answer is: None. Most prominent UFO researchers believe the alien ships capable of flying around in our atmosphere, and even off into outer space, are the same ones that are reported underwater.
This UFO documentary investigates claims that Unidentified Submerged Objects have been in our oceans for centuries.
This Documentary goes in search of Underwater UFOs and Unidentified Submerged Objects, one of the few UFO documentaries ever based on Underwater Submerged Objects. Watch the full Extraterrestrial documentary here and if you like this show, please like and subscribe for more full UFO documentaries.
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Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love the ocean
Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love the ocean
The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.
The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says. Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknownobjects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. Theobjects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commanderRear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.
Vladimir Kremlev to RT-
“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed.Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
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Researchers discover the largest structure in the universe, and its HUGE!
Researchers discover the largest structure in the universe, and its HUGE!
Researchers discover the largest structure in the universe, and its HUGE!
Scholars have discovered a giant empty space in the universe where there are 10 billion galaxies missing. This incredible discovery could provide the first evidence for the existence of exotic physics which are absolutely unknown to modern science. The expanse is being called the “supervoid” and measures a staggering 1.8 billion light years across!
The discovery was made by a team of international astronomers who came across a super empty space of 1,800 million light years while studying a huge area of space, extremely cold and rarely empty. This region is located relatively close to our solar system, approximately 3,000 million light years away and according to scientist István Szapudi, head of the team, "This is the largest single structure ever identified by humans". The cold spot was discovered in the super empty space about ten years ago when it stunned the scientific community, since the accepted Big Bang theory does not provide cold areas of similar dimensions. Now, this new study helps explain the 'cold spot' from the perspective of a giant hole in its center, which, in turn, drains the energy of the light passing through it.
“In combination of size and emptiness, our supervoid is still a very rare event. We can only expect a few supervoids this big in the observable universe.” Kovács said.
It is not an empty space in the strict sense of the word, but it is a giant region, believed to be up to 20 percent more empty than other areas of the universe, where, according to the conclusions of astronomers there are around 10,000 galaxies missing.
“It just pushed the explanation one layer deeper,” said Dr Roberto Trotta, a cosmologist at Imperial College London to the guardian. “Now we have to figure out how does the void itself form. It’s still a rare event.”
“The void itself I’m not so unhappy about. It’s like the Everest of voids – there has to be one that’s bigger than the rest,” he said. “But it doesn’t explain the whole Cold Spot, which we’re still in the dark about.”
Mysteriously, beyond these scientific" explanations, it is still not possible to understand completely how this structure was formed, which has led to debates about the possibility of the exact of "exotic physics" which are unknown to modern-day science.
Another reason why structures like this exist could be due to the increasing expansion of the universe, where, photons while traveling across this space reduce their speed and consequently "go cold".
Most importantly, structures like these could prove to be tangible evidence of the existence of dark energy.
It was 27 October 1954, a typically crisp autumn day in Tuscany. The mighty Fiorentina club was playing against its local rival Pistoiese.
Ten-thousand fans were watching in the concrete bowl of the Stadio Artemi Franchi. But just after half-time the stadium fell eerily silent – then a roar went up from the crowd. The spectators were no longer watching the match, but were looking up at the sky, fingers pointing. The players stopped playing, the ball rolled to a stand-still.
One of the footballers on the pitch was Ardico Magnini – he was something of a legend at the club and had played for Italy at the 1954 World Cup.
“I remember everything from A to Z,” he says. “It was something that looked like an egg that was moving slowly, slowly, slowly. Everyone was looking up and also there was some glitter coming down from the sky, silver glitter.
“We were astonished we had never seen anything like it before. We were absolutely shocked.”
Play was suspended because spectators saw something in the sky, according to the referee’s match report.
Among the crowd was Gigi Boni, a lifelong Fiorentina fan. “I remember clearly seeing this incredible sight,” he says. His description of multiple objects differs slightly from Magnini’s.
“They were moving very fast and then they just stopped. It all lasted a couple of minutes. I would like to describe them as being like Cuban cigars. They just reminded me of Cuban cigars, in the way they looked.”
Boni has spent many years reliving that day in his mind. “I think they were extra-terrestrial. That’s what I believe, and there’s no other explanation I can give myself.”
Another of the players, Romolo Tuci, still sprightly in his 70s, agrees. “In those years everybody was talking about aliens, everybody was talking UFOs and we had the experience, we saw them, we saw them directly, for real.”
The incident at the stadium cannot simply be interpreted as mass hysteria – there were numerous UFO sightings in many towns across Tuscany that day and over the days that followed. According to some eyewitness accounts a ray of white light was seen in the sky coming from Prato, north of Florence.
Another man who relishes the chance to speak about that day is Roberto Pinotti, the president of Italy’s National UFO Centre. He has written many books about UFOs and his home in the centre of Florence is stuffed full of alien memorabilia, posters of old Italian B-movies, framed newspaper articles and black-and-white photographs of blurry flying saucers.
“The players and the public were stunned seeing these objects above the stadium,” Pinotti says.
“At the time the newspapers spoke of aliens from Mars. Of course now we know that is not so – but we may conclude that it was an intelligent phenomenon, a technological phenomenon and a phenomenon that cannot be linked with anything we know on Earth.”
He’s also intrigued by the material that fell from the sky – what Magnini describes as silver glitter.
“A wave of flying saucers over Italy,” reported the Domenica del Corriere three years later. With thanks to the Fondazione Corriere della Sera for the use of material from their historic archives.
“A wave of flying saucers over Italy,” reported the Domenica del Corriere three years later. With thanks to the Fondazione Corriere della Sera for the use of material from their historic archives.
“It is a fact that at the same time the UFOs were seen over Florence there was a strange, sticky substance falling from above. In English we call this ‘angel hair’,” says Pinotti.
“The only problem is after a short period of time it disintegrates.” As a 10-year-old-boy he witnessed this phenomenon himself. “I remember, in broad daylight, seeing the roofs of the houses in Florence covered in this white substance for one hour and, like snow, it just evaporated.
“No-one knows what this strange substance has to do with UFOs.”
Variously described by witnesses as similar to cotton wool or cobwebs, the substance was hard to collect because it disintegrated on contact – but some people were determined to find out what it was.
One of them was a journalist at the Florentine newspaper La Nazione, the late Giorgio Batini. In 2003 he told an Italian television programme, Voyager, how on that day he received hundreds of phone calls about the sightings. From the offices of La Nazione in the centre of town his own view of the sky was blocked by the Cathedral, so he went up to the top of the newspaper’s building to see what everyone was talking about. The 81-year-old recalled seeing “shiny balls” moving fast towards the dome of the Cathedral.
Batini ventured out to investigate. He came across a wood outside the city that was covered in the white fluff. He gathered several samples by rolling them up on a matchstick, and took them to the Institute of Chemical Analysis at the University of Florence. When he got there he found that others had done the same.
The lab, led by respected scientist Prof Giovanni Canneri, subjected the material to spectrographic analysis and concluded that it contained the elements boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium, and that it was not radioactive. Unfortunately this did not provide any conclusive answers – and the material was destroyed in the process.
Could it have come from a UFO? “It’s an absolutely silly idea. Science totally rejects this idea,” says US Air Force pilot-turned-astronomer James McGaha. From the Grasslands Observatory in South Eastern Arizona he has spent more than 40,000 hours staring at the night sky. Not to mention the additional hours he’s spent in the cockpit of US fighter jets.
“You know the whole UFO phenomenon is nothing but myth, magic and superstition, wrapped up in this idea that somehow aliens are coming here either to save us or destroy us,” he says.
In McGaha’s view, the whole spectacle, “angel hair” and all, was nothing more than migrating spiders.
“When I looked at this case originally I thought perhaps it was a fireball, a very bright meteor breaking up in the atmosphere. They can be cigar-shaped with pieces breaking off. But it became fairly apparent that this was actually caused by young spiders spinning webs, very, very thin webs.
“The spiders use these webs as sails and they link together and you get a big glob of this stuff in the sky and the spiders ride on this to move between locations. They just fly on the wind and these things have been recorded at 14,000 feet above the ground. So, when the sunlight glistens off this, you get all kinds of visual effects.
“As some of this stuff breaks off and falls to the ground, this all seems magical of course,” says McGaha. “But I’m fairly confident that’s what happened that day.”
This theory is backed up by the fact that September and October are the months when spiders in the northern hemisphere migrate – and spectacular spider migrations still make headlines today. But it hasn’t convinced everyone.
“Of course I know about the migrating spiders hypothesis – it’s pure nonsense. It’s an old story and also a stupid story,” says Pinotti.
He disputes the spider theory because of the chemical analysis of the “angel hair” samples. Spider silk is a protein – an organic compound containing nitrogen, calcium, hydrogen and oxygen – not the elements reportedly found in the samples Batini and others brought to the university.
Sixty years on, the chances of determining the cause of the incident are slim. “I wouldn’t trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I’d seen the data,” says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the “angel hair” don’t seem to tally with the spider theory.
“Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn’t sound to me as though they’d come from spiders,” he says.
So it all remains a mystery. No matter what the scientists say, those who were there are convinced that what they saw was unlike anything on earth.
Romolo Tuci just feels lucky to have been there. His eyes dance excitedly as he remembers that curious day. “I was spell-bound and I was also so, so happy.”
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30-08-2015 om 23:34
geschreven door peter
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ET Beings Plan To Remove All Governments And The Elite By 2029?
ET Beings Plan To Remove All Governments And The Elite By 2029?
The word on the street is that by 2029 the world could possibly be invaded by Extraterrestrial Beings and all Governments and the Elite are to be removed – something which has been confirmed by certain government ex-employees who worked in secret bases.
This intriguing announcement has been confirmed by Phil Schneider, who claimed to be an ex-government structural engineer who was involved in building underground military bases around America, and to be one of only three people to survive the 1979 incident between the alien Grays and U.S. military forces at the Dulce underground base.
Strangely Schneider was found dead in his apartment, apparently his death was caused by a stroke, but MANY have suggested that he was murdered – possibly by the US Government.
Phil Schneider – A man in the know who paid the ULTIMATE price?
Paul Schneider was very loud and clear about what he says that he learned about the extraterrestrials whilst working under a top-secret ‘high security’ clearance for the American Government.
Paul was mocked heavily by the media when he came out with such controversial statement. Although many people around the world, including Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff, had a lot of faith and belief in Schneider and even declared him in public as a “UFO whistleblower.”
Please see below a video of Paul’s controversial statements caught on camera:
When Paul was found dead in his apartment it was first indicated that he could have committed suicide, however many truth seekers around the world now believe that he was actually murdered, possibly for the things that he knew about. Schneider was found dead in his apartment in 1996.
Schneider strongly reinforced the case that back in 1954, then-President Dwight Eisenhower supposedly made a pact with three different species of aliens! This is something that Paul confirmed to a rather intrigued group of students at a lecture at the 1995 Preparedness Expo.
Paul also confirmed at the lecture that the then President did this for an exchange for ‘alien technology’
Was greed for Alien Technology, the downfall of the Human Race!?
Paul Schneider and many other UFO researches strongly (and MANY still do) believed that President Dwight Eisenhower gave the ET’s his very own permission to abduct some cattle and a very limited number of human beings.
Cattle were found in their tens of thousands across the US, inexplicably mutilated! It has been recorded that many of these brutal killings of cattle had their organs had carefully been removed, as if done by some kind of surgeon. Some said at the time that these cattle killings were done by predatory animals – but have any of you EVER seen a wolf etc with a surgeon’s knife chasing after cattle!??
Did President Eisenhower have a dark secret pact with Alien Beings!?
Paul Schneider then went on to state that the Human Abductees, which could have been in the “thousands” could very well of been ‘eaten’ by the Alien Beings – Paul confirmed that at least nine races of aliens see us human beings as merely as a “a bag of food” and nothing else! Would a President of allowed his people to end up like this? Did he have a choice, if he was that desperate to get hold of ‘their’ technology.
“Humans are seen as a BAG OF FOOD to some Alien species” – Paul Schneider
Later at the same event ( the lecture at the 1995 Preparedness Expo) Paul presented to the audience a very unusual piece of Metal. He explained that this piece of metal was in fact part of the technology that the Alien Beings were offering to the human beings as an exchange…with the key benefit of being completely INDESTRUCTIBLE!
Apparently this very special type of metal is made of niobium, an element we have on the periodic table, and marinate, which is in fact an alien element you won’t find mentioned ANYWHERE in Earth’s textbooks or science books!
Another piece of Alien technology the Human race gained off certain Extraterrestrial Beings was a spy satellite that could spot a coin on your kitchen floor. This technology apparently infrared technology and had a resolution factor of 99.99961. Paul confirmed that it was only the military that had ideas for this level of technology and it is all something that is now put into use in todays modern military equipment.
BUT according to Schneider the Aliens “violated the pact” and took more humans than what they should have done. This is when an undercover war with the Aliens was declared. Paul confirmed that the Aliens plan to rid the world of the worlds governments and the Elite, and that they plan to take over in 2029.
Paul gave a stark warning before his death – “We don’t have a whole heap of time left.” and urged the Governments to tell the people of this planet what they have done and what is coming in 2029!
Sadly Paul Schneider died not long after making these brave statements to the world. He never did quite fully explain whether it was just the world leaders that the Aliens want to rid this planet of in 2029, or was it the Human Race as a whole?!
The Extra-terrestrials ‘removal of the Elite’ coming in 2029?
As much as this story may appear a little ‘over the top’, it is important to remember that there are a lot of odd goings on around the world at the moment, that could be possibly deemed as a build up to ‘something’, but a war?? Could you actually declare war on a species that has the technology to travel between the stars!
Dr. Ellen Stofan of NASA recently announced that NASA will discover ‘Alien civilizations’ by 2025.
What with NASA confirming that they have discovered potential ‘habitable planets’ with similar living conditions to planet earth, Kepler 452b being one of their more recent finds, which is about 60% larger than planet earth and up to 1.5 Billion years older (just imagine the potential advancement of any beings on that planet!?). We also have leading professors such as Stephen Hawking helping to fund Alien hunting projects, something he has usually dismissed as too dangerous!?
And on top of all this ‘apparent’ influx of drip-feeding, we now even have the Catholic church ADMITTING to the world that Extra-terrestrials exist! Something which has caused a few raised eyebrows around the world – something that most religions has DISMISSED until recently.
The Vatican’s acceptance of Alien Beings has raised quite a few eyebrows around the world.
The Facts….
We ARE being drip fed disclosure from every corner of the world, and on top of this UFO sightings have recently DOUBLED and more and more people are witnessing the Extra-terrestrials in their masses in the skies above us – even the International Space Station cannot look ANYWHERE with their HD cameras without capturing a UFO near them – Even TV shows and adverts are focusing in on ‘Aliens’ more and more nowadays….all designed to waken up the masses of this world!?
This is NO coincidence as I’m sure the majority of you will all agree, BUT the question is, is this a build up to war being stirred by the world leaders and the Elite, against a potential ET race that has an ongoing dispute with specific governments around the world? It’s a good question and our personal thoughts on this is that IF we are heading towards an Alien conflict, then surely we could not compete against a far more technologically advanced race (or race’s) UNLESS as Paul Schneider has stated before, perhaps we are already using their own weapons against them!? (please see video below which opens up on this intriguing subject!).
Who knows, perhaps there are ET Beings out there who have OUR ‘best interests at heart’ and are willing to defend us against TWO possible fronts – The ‘Disgruntled ET Beings AND our very own world leaders and the Elite on Planet earth’.
Like many have stated before, there is good and bad in every walks of life and perhaps the GOOD out there is willing to fight for us against the ‘evil within’ and those that wish to remove us from the very planet that we call home. Don’t forget there have been reports of Alien Wars in the sky before (please click HERE)….perhaps leaders of the past (and present) have meddled into something which needs ‘outside support’
Nobody knows the TRUTH apart from those that are ‘lying to us all’ but TWO things are very much for sure, we are NOT alone, and they are VERY MUCH HERE!
‘Battle’ Over Nuremberg, Germany. ‘The Great 1561 UFO Battle In The Sky
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30-08-2015 om 23:25
geschreven door peter
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Alice Springs| A team of archaeologists working for the Australian National University, who were proceeding to an excavation near the sandstone rock formation of Uluru, has unearthed the ruins of a large precolonial city dating back to more than 1500 years ago. The important number of tombs and artefacts already discovered on the site suggests that it could have been the capital of an ancient empire, completely unknown to historians until now.
The site which was first noticed on satellite pictures taken in October 2013, using a newly developed ground-penetrating radar. The images revealed many 90° angles and various common geographic figures over a 16 km2 area, leading the team of scientists to direct some archaeological excavations on the spot, starting in May 2014. Over the last few months, many structures have been unearthed including what looks like a royal palace, a few temples, large rainwater reservoirs, workshops and dozens of houses.
287 individual tombs have already been discovered in a small necropolis located just outside the ancient city. The bodies are mostly of proto-aboriginal origins, but also surprisingly include a few Polynesian and Asian individuals.
Professor Walter Reese, in charge of the site, claims that the extent of the site and the superposition of various layers of constructions, suggests that it was occupied for 400 to 500 years, from approximately 470-80 AD, up until the 9th Century. He believes that the city could have held between 20000 and 30000 inhabitants, making it the most important center of civilization in the Southern Pacific at the time.
“This was certainly the capital of a vast empire, that practised some sort of international trade” says Mr Reese. “The fact that we have discovered some bodies of various origins suggests that this state could have been a very influential throughout the Pacific islands and Southeast Asia. We have found many objects on the site that were obviously imported from other regions, like rice, flax or lacquer.”
The various artefacts gathered from the site suggest that the city flourished thanks to some form of control over various gold mining operations in Southern Australia. The precious metal was purified and transformed by the hundreds of goldsmiths of the city before being traded for various other goods through an extensive network reaching as far as New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and even China and India.
Thousands of artefacts have been recovered, including some 756 items made of gold. This bowl weighting 2.8 kilograms was found inside one of the temples.
Professor Reese believes that the city could have been abandoned after some climatic changes in the 9th Century brought a dramatic decrease in the level of rainfall, making the city unsustainable.
t's long past the time where western adventurers would set off into the wilderness and regularly encounter long-abandoned cities. But in Central America, a new archeological exploration has yielded an incredible finding—a city that's been empty for hundreds of years and so isolated that it's never been formally studied.
A scientific expedition into the depths of the Honduran rain forest returned last week with news of the scientific discovery of a never-before explored city. Archeologists believe it dates to between 1,000 and 1,400 A.D., National Geographic reports. Why it was abandoned still unknown.
The team documented "extensive plazas, earthworks, mounds, and an earthen pyramid," as well as parts of 52 stone artifacts partially submerged in the ground, many of which are intricately decorated with carvings of animals. Found at the base of the pyramid, archeologists speculate that the sculptures were an offering untouched since the abandonment of the settlement.
The lost city—so recently discovered that it doesn’t yet have a name—is so remote from modern human settlement that its animals appeared to never have encountered people before. But explorers and scientists have had their eye on the region for some time. Rumors have long persisted of a fabled White City, or Ciudad Blanca—“a mystical, Eden-like paradise from which no one ever returned,” writes National Geographic. And while this mythology often exoticized the real history of the region, it also spurred on over a century of scientific exploration in the 1930s, 50s, 70s, and 90s. These expeditions identified a number of prehistoric sites in La Mosquitia, many of which were known previously to indigenous peoples in the area.*
In 2012, documentarians searching for the truth behind the lore had a specific site in the La Mosquitia valley surveyed for signs of a large settlement. With the help of the Center for Airborne Laser Mapping they used LiDAR to map ground features through the dense foliage. The scan revealed signs of earthworks, mounds, and canals—evidence of pre-Columbian human civilization stretching across about a mile of the valley. That’s the location where the recent expedition aimed its exploration. As National Geographic reports:
The expedition confirmed on the ground all the features seen in the lidar images, along with much more. It was indeed an ancient city. Archaeologists, however, no longer believe in the existence of a single “lost city,” or Ciudad Blanca, as described in the legends. They believe Mosquitia harbors many such “lost cities,” which taken together represent something far more important—a lost civilization.
The team documented their findings but has not yet excavated the site. They hope to return soon to do so and to study the area further.
The exact location of the settlement isn’t being revealed in an attempt to prevent looting. But the site faces other threats. Within a dozen miles of the lost city, ranching enterprises reportedly supplying meat to the U.S. are illegally clear-cutting huge swaths of rain forest for cattle. Making the call for international support, one official told National Geographic that the whole valley could be gone in about eight years if action isn’t taken soon.
*This paragraph was updated to better reflect the history of research in the region.
Why are so many UFO sightings above or around active and inactive volcanoes? Theories abound. Are volcanoes portals to an underground alien world? Do UFOs refuel using geothermal power? Are aliens protecting humans from volcanic harm? A new discovery in New Zealand has spawned a new theory – UFOs may be mining volcanoes for liquid gold and other precious metals.
Is this UFO over Popocatépetl Volcano in Mexico mining for liquid gold?
According to a recent report in the journal Geothermics, geologists digging in the Taupo Volcanic Zone in New Zealand have discovered at least 18 huge underground reservoirs of what may amount to millions of dollars of molten gold, silver and other precious metals. Stuart Simmons, a geologist at the University of Utah, gave this estimate:
The total amounts of aqueous gold and silver in reservoirs could be on the order of tens of thousands of ounces of gold and hundreds of thousands of ounces of silver, or more.
The Taupo Volcanic Zone is a highly-active V-shaped chain of volcanoes, volcanic vents and geothermal fields. That activity creates intense heat and boiling acidic water which eat away at the surrounding rocks, releasing their gold and other metals into reservoirs of water. In some places, like the Champagne Pool near Lake Taupo, the deposits accumulate around the edges of the pools.
Gold accumulation around the edge of Champagne Pool
These reservoirs filled with gold are beneath Rotokawa, Molkai and other geothermal power stations, which are designed to tap geothermal energy, not liquid gold and silver. To remove these metals, new technologies must be developed to bring them out without disturbing the magma and boiling reservoirs. Why? Think fracking with earthquakes AND volcanoes.
All that’s missing from this explanation is the UFO
Who might have this technology already? Aliens!
It’s long been theorized that aliens used ancient Earth civilizations to mine for gold. Perhaps they’ve automated the process. Why use humans and run the risk that they keep the gold for themselves when you could just suck liquid gold and silver right out of volcanoes? The metals could then be used for parts, alien jewelry or some other unknown reasons. Those UFOs seen around active volcanoes may be scouting for hot metals or possible even mining them via teleportation.
What do you think? Are UFOs removing liquid gold, silver and other precious metals from our volcanoes? If they are, what should we do about it?
UFO Sightings Daily reported an apparent UFO that flew close to the Gemini 5 mission apparently seen over NASA archives. The website is own by Scott C. Waring, a businessman in Taiwan and a man formerly affiliated with the U.S. Air Force at SAC base.
In this particular report, Waring included the original image of the alleged alien UFO together with a video from YouTube. The website claims that the image was taken from the official NASA archives.
The report mentions the shape of the UFO and talks about how it flew close to the Gemini module. According to Waring, the ring UFO appears to be very near to the Gemini, which is located in Earth’s orbit.
Waring says that it’s clear enough to determine that the mysterious UFO was flying close to the Gemini Mission because of the detailed image. However, it’s a challenge to determine the edges of the object because the UFO appeared to be surrounded by an aura. Scott Waring believes that the unusual object is made of white ceramic, which is one of three things consistent with alien structures.
On the sunny July morning in 1965 that John Hembling, geologist and exploration manager for a mining company, and a companion geologist stepped from a helicopter atop a mountain ridge in north-central British Columbia they expected it would be another routine day of reconnaissance and survey.
For several weeks they had been studying this mineral-rich terrain about 70 miles north of-Hazelton. Working above the timberline they had a sweeping view of the country’s rocky peaks, some of which already bore the mark of mining development. Soon they would submit their report on the feasibility of further development.
But on this particular day they were to have the unexpected opportunity of making a study of a much different sort. “It was about 10 o’clock and we had just set up our equipment after the helicopter left,” Hembllng told us, “when we saw a silvery object, shining in the sun, appear over a small ridge below us. It had a flattened-out look and our first reaction was that it was some kind of delta-wing aircraft. We soon realized it was not.”
Facing west away from the sun, with the object below them about half a mile away, they had a clear view of what was happening. “The object was about 50 ft. in diameter,” he said. “On top of its dome there was a little knob, and around the base of the dome there were circular markings. They might have been some kind of riveting, or even windows.
They were a bit too small to tell. “Below these, on the face of the disc itself, there were larger rectangular markings which could have been glass or metallic. Our impression was that they were windows. As far as we could see, there were three of them.” As the two men watched in astonishment, the object moved slowly across the ridge until it was above a small glacial lake, barely more than a pond. Hovering there an instant, it then descended to less than 50ft. above the water. Again it hovered and, to the men’s further amazement, lowered a pipe-like instrument from its underside into the water.
“At first we thought it was something like a rope-ladder,” Hembling said, “but it didn’t just drop down. It came out smoothly and steadily as if under mechanical control.” During this procedure the observers were conscious of a humming sound from the object “like a quiet electric motor.” With its appendage in the lake, the disc then rotated slowly like a water-borne top until its “windows” faced the two men. “We had a distinct feeling It knew we were there,” Hembling said. After remaining in that position for about eight minutes—as the men judged it–the object withdrew its “pipe” as carefully as it had lowered it.
“It climbed slowly, then all of a sudden it was off,” Hembling said. “It shot over the ridge, made a sharp turn without skidding and was out of sight in about 20 seconds. We figured it had gone 20 or 25 miles by the time it disappeared.” That would give it a speed of at least 3,600 m.p.h.
Sanskrit Writings Reveal UFOs Visited India More than 6000 Years Ago
Sanskrit Writings Reveal UFOs Visited India More than 6000 Years Ago
Did you know that NASA recently brought together scientists, philosophers and theologians from all over the planet to prepare the world for extraterrestrial contact?? You can read more about that here.
India’s greatest writings, the Vedas, talk about ‘flying ships’ or UFOs that visited the continent likely more than 6000 years ago.
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years.”
It isn’t going to take that long. UFOs have already been visiting us for centuries.
Stofan goes on to say:
“We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
The truth is – people haven’t just wondered. They’ve known. Visitations by other-worldly beings have been happening through many cultures around the world, possibly for eons, and this is ‘disclosed’ in numerous ancient documents.
When the military industrial complex, or, NASA, as a small part of the cabal strong arm ‘discloses’ that ‘we’re going to have definitive evidence within decades’ it’s a ruse. Even JFK’s murder, and the silencing of thousands of whistleblowers is less astounding when you consider how long many human beings have been aware of the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. While the efforts to hide this fact from modern humanity have been circumspect in the least, this news has very much been out in the open for those willing to look.
Only in very recent times have human beings questioned whether or not we were joined by other life forms in this universe. There is good reason for this.
The Vedas illustrated two main categories for UFOs. They are described in Sanskrit, using terms that are normally reserved to describe architecture, automata, military siege engines, and other mechanical contrivances, or in more recent works, such as the Mahabharata, the Puranas, and the Ramayana, there are more descriptions. One book called the Vaimanika Shastra (The Science of Aeronautics) is said to have been downloaded while a yogic sage was deep in trance, and it supposedly contains much knowledge from the Akashic records. Some of these texts infer that these crafts were controlled with our minds – essentially utilizing advanced technology which has been withheld from the masses in modern times.
Levitation and anti-gravity could have been utilized for centuries. Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft carrier manufacturer, recently declared that they were ‘working on’ anti-gravity and that it would ‘alter the entire aerospace industry,’ but they aren’t working on anything new.
Many believe that the Vedas speak of not only off-planet “flying ships” but also human-created craft.
Dr. V. Raghavan, a respected Sanskrit scholar of the University of Madras points to the ancient documents of India to prove that off-planet humans, and aliens alike visited the earth.
Raghavan says:
“Fifty years of researching this ancient work convinces me that there are living being s on other planets, and that they were visiting the earth as far back as 4000 B.C..”
He goes on to explain:
“There is a just a mass of fascinating information about flying machines, even fantastic science fiction weapons, that can be found in translations of the Vedas (scriptures), Indian epics, and other ancient Sanskrit text”.
The scholar explains different types of technologies that appear in the Mahabrahata, and the Ramayanas. Everything from ‘divine light’ to ray weapons, and even some kind of ‘hypnotic weapon’ is described.
When Boeing admits that they are working on anti-gravitation propulsion, “that will change the future of aerospace aviation as we know it,” and Eugene Podkletnov’s gravity beam is said to be able to “punch through brick and warp metal like a sledgehammer,” it becomes clear that some very powerful technologies have been suppressed.
Likely, beings that visited our planet over millennia shared at least some of their advanced technologies with humans.
Though some of these technologies can be used to wage war, some can be used to support life, and in our case, clean up a distressed planet. As Collective Evolution previously reported, multiple scientists have already confirmed that free energy exists.
As the Orion Project explains, “the U.S. Patent Office has a nine-member committee that screens patents in order to protect “national security.” This means that possibly tens of thousands of advanced devices and technologies exist right now.
When disclosure occurs – again – we will learn of technologies hidden in over 4000 ‘unnumbered’ patentsthat the US government keeps hidden, and likely even more than this.
For thousands of years, we’ve been kept in the dark, but this is all about to change – possibly as soon as September.
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Vedische geschriften onthullen dat India meer dan 6000 jaar geleden werd bezocht door ‘vliegende schepen’
Vedische geschriften onthullen dat India meer dan 6000 jaar geleden werd bezocht door ‘vliegende schepen’
Wist je dat NASA onlangs wetenschappers, filosofen en theologen van over de hele wereld bijeen heeft gebracht om de wereld voor te bereiden op buitenaards contact?
De Veda’s, de oudste en heiligste geschriften van het hindoeïsme, spreken van ‘vliegende schepen’ of UFO’s die India meer dan 6000 geleden bezochten.
Hoofdwetenschapper Ellen Stofan van de NASA zei pas geleden: “Ik denk dat we binnen nu en 10 jaar sterke aanwijzingen vinden voor het bestaan van leven buiten de aarde. Ik denk dat we tussen 20 en 30 jaar definitief bewijs zullen hebben.”
Of worden we misschien al decennialang door UFO’s bezocht, zoals blijkt uit de Vedische geschriften? Vele oude documenten bevatten verhalen over buitenaards bezoek. NASA is onderdeel van de Amerikaanse federale overheid, maar vormt wel een onafhankelijk agentschap. Kunnen we er van op aan dat NASA-wetenschappers de waarheid spreken?
In de Veda’s worden twee soorten UFO’s besproken. Ze worden beschreven in het Sanskriet en staan vooral in de meer recente werken zoals de Mahabharata, de Purana’s en de Ramayana. Eén van de stukken, de Vaimanika Shastra (de wetenschap van de luchtvaart) zou zijn geschreven door een wijsgeer die op dat moment in trance was. Er zou ook veel informatie in staan over de Akashakroniek, een allesdoordringend medium dat ook wel ether wordt genoemd.
In sommige geschriften valt te lezen dat deze vaartuigen met behulp van gedachten werden bestuurd. Wat als er al honderden jaren gebruik wordt gemaakt van technologieën die gebaseerd zijn op levitatie en antizwaartekracht? Boeing maakte onlangs bekend dat ze ‘werken’ aan antizwaartekracht, een technologie die de ‘hele luchtvaartindustrie zou kunnen veranderen’.
Velen geloven dat in de Veda’s wordt gesproken van luchtschepen die door mensen zijn gemaakt. Dr. V. Raghavan (1908-1979), een gerespecteerde wetenschapper van de Universiteit van Madras, wees op oude Indiase documenten die volgens hem bewijzen dat zowel mensen van buiten de aarde als aliens de aarde hebben bezocht.
“Na 50 jaar onderzoek naar deze oude werken ben ik ervan overtuigd dat er levende wezens op andere planeten zijn en dat ze al in 4000 voor Christus de aarde bezochten,” zei hij. “Je komt in de vertalingen van de Veda’s en andere teksten die in het Sanskriet zijn geschreven een grote hoeveelheid fascinerende informatie tegen over vliegende machines.”
De onderzoeker legde uit dat in de Mahabharata en Ramayana verschillende technologieën aan bod komen, van ‘goddelijk licht’ tot straalwapens en ‘hypnotische wapens’. Deelden wezens die onze planeet duizenden jaren geleden bezochten hun geavanceerde technologieën met de mensen die toen leefden? Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan dit artikel te delen op Facebook.
“Sensationele resultaten”: Dit oudste houten standbeeld ter wereld verandert onze kijk op oude beschavingen
“Sensationele resultaten”: Dit oudste houten standbeeld ter wereld verandert onze kijk op oude beschavingen
Uit een ‘sensationele’ nieuwe analyse is gebleken dat het Russische houten standbeeld Shigir Idol 11.000 jaar oud is. Het standbeeld, dat bedekt is met cryptische boodschappen, is daarmee veruit het oudste houten beeld ter wereld.
Eerder was het beeld gedateerd op 9500 jaar oud. Duitse wetenschappers hebben echter bepaald dat Shigir Idol nog eens 1500 jaar ouder is. Het Russische standbeeld zou twee keer zo oud zijn als de Egyptische piramides.
“We mogen wel zeggen dat de resultaten sensationeel zijn,” vertelde een medewerker van het museum waar het beeld wordt bewaard. Shigir Idol is in 1890 gevonden in het Oeralgebergte.
Om twijfels over de ouderdom van het standbeeld weg te nemen, werd in het Duitse Mannheim een analyse uitgevoerd in één van de meest geavanceerde laboratoria ter wereld. “De resultaten zijn verbluffend, aangezien de monsters dateren uit het begin van het holoceen,” aldus de medewerker. “We zijn ook te weten gekomen dat het beeld is gemaakt van een lariksboom die tenminste 157 jaar oud was.”
Het monument is 2,8 meter hoog, hoewel het oorspronkelijk liefst 5,3 meter hoog was. Een deel van het artefact ging in het Sovjettijdperk verloren, maar er zijn gedetailleerde tekeningen van gemaakt door archeoloog Vladimir Tolmachev.
Professor Mikhail Zhilin zei over het standbeeld: “Dit is een meesterwerk, dat een gigantische emotionele waarde heeft. Het is een uniek beeld. Nergens ter wereld is er ooit iets gevonden wat erop lijkt. Het ornament bevat gecodeerde informatie. Mensen gaven met behulp van Shigir Idol kennis door.”
De makers van het standbeeld, die in harmonie met de wereld leefden, gaven het zeven gezichten, waarvan slechts één driedimensionaal is. Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan dit artikel te delen op Facebook.
UFO Over Yellowstone Park Caught In Photo, June 22, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Yellowstone Park Caught In Photo, June 22, 2015, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: June 22, 2015 Location of sighting: Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, USA Source: MUFON Photo: This UFO was reported to MUFON on Aug 18, 2015, but took place back in June. The UFO has a disk shape and is wider in the front. UFOs often are caught when people take a photo of a scene and the UFO happened to be traveling through it at high speed. Usually the speed is to fast for the human eye to notice, but the digital eye cannot be fooled. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: My friends (husband & wife) were on vacation, driving their car near Yellowstone Nat'l Park WY June 22, 2015 about mid-day. He was the passenger and was taking digital photographs of the Grand Teton mountains as they approached them. When they got back home about 6/30/15, he down-loaded photos and reviewed them. A saucer-like object, except with some strange appendage at the "left end," is clearly visible in the blue sky in one of the photos, but not in the one a minute before or in the one a minute after. Just one lucky photo. Neither person actually saw anything visually that day; "it" just was seen upon reviewing his pictures. My friend was able to zoom-in on the object with his computer software at his house, and I was surprised by the amount of detail that he and I were able to see in or of this object.
For many years, Unidentified Flying Objects have been reported across the world, especially in the United States. The sighting was being reported not only by pilots or researchers but also to typical people or residents. If you are a serious about extraterrestrials, then Roswell is probably something you have well and truly researched. In fact, it is one of the most prominent sightings in New Mexico. It occurred in 1947 when the witnesses reported seeing. In fact, it was being covered up by the alien crash site. The military investigators also claimed that such site is just a simple weather balloon.
When it comes to strange sightings, South Dakota is not immune because there are already numerous sightings being reported this year. While some describe the objects as a cylinder shaped, or disk-shaped, some others witnessed the flashing lights in a diamond formation. On the other hand, residents of the city described a pulsing noise. While some other lasted for seconds, there are those that lasted in minutes. It is noteworthy to remember the happenings in Egan, which the witnesses claimed seeing a bright light with a diamond in shape on February 27, 2015.
With all these sightings, are these the indications that aliens exist? During the Roswell incident in 1947, there are strange accounts that could be left unexplainable. Afterward, the sighting in both Lake County, and Moody County had begun to explain these unbelievable and bizarre reports brought by residents. Whether aliens or not actually exists or not, it must be noted that they are the most favorite subject of the people. When one person claimed to see a strange object flying, such sighting will receive different criticisms. Speculations concerning aliens from the outer space are rampant. Again, with all these sightings, it makes sense that extraterrestrial creatures and extraterrestrial creatures are not stranger of South Dakota. In fact, they have already become increasingly popular.
Whatever happened to the Marshall County cop who hit a UFO?
Whatever happened to the Marshall County cop who hit a UFO?
On Sept. 11, 1979, Val Johnson stood where he says he had been engulfed by a flash of light two weeks earlier, indicated how big the beam was as it approached.Stormi Greener | Star Tribune 1979
At 1:40 a.m. 36 years ago, Marshall County Sheriff's Deputy Val Johnson was on night patrol along a rural section of State Highway 220 near Warren, Minn., when he drove into a ball of white light.
"I noticed a very bright, brilliant light, 8 to 12 inches in diameter, 3 to 4 feet off the ground," Johnson said in a taped police interview. "The edges were very defined."
Johnson drove toward the light, and woke up in the ditch a half-hour later with burns around his eyes. The windshield and one headlight of his 1977 Ford LTD were smashed. Both radio antenna were bent sharply back. The watch on his wrist and the clock on the dash both ticked 14 minutes slow.
The incident turned Johnson into a local legend and national media sensation. And years later, people are still talking about it.
Johnson's squad car is preserved in the Marshall County Museum with a plaque that says: "U.F.O. Car." People still come from miles around to see it. It's an annual display at the Marshall County Fair.
Sometimes former Marshall County Sheriff Dennis Brekke gives talks at the museum about the car and the night his deputy drove it into a ball of light. Police investigated and never drew any conclusions.
The shattered windshield of Val Johnson's squad car that he was driving night of incident, Aug. 26, 1979. Photographed on Nov. 6, 1979.Regene Radniecki | Star Tribune 1979
But the incident's enduring fame has lingered far beyond Marshall County.
What's known as the "Val Johnson Incident" remains one of the top 10 most influential UFO encounters in history, according Jerome Clark, who wrote about it in his 1998 book, "The UFO Encyclopedia."
Paranormal TV shows like "UFO Files" and "Mysteries at the Museum" filmed reenactments. Even now, people debate the legitimacy of the encounter on online forums.
"It was an extraordinarily important case," Clark said.
Plenty of people have strange experiences on back roads late at night, Clark explained, but very few of them yield any tangible evidence. Fewer still are ever investigated.
But one thing is strikingly absent from the small town museum, the TV shows and online discussions: Val Johnson. When you try to track down Val Johnson, people tend to say he's hard to find, that he's still haunted by what happened to him 36 years ago. A 2013 Pioneer Press article said Johnson "quickly grew tired of interviews" after the incident and is "believed to now live somewhere in Wisconsin."
Sheriff Brekke's wife Louise said Johnson hasn't kept in touch with his old colleagues in Marshall County for three decades, aside from a letter he sent a few years back with no return address.
As it turns out, Johnson isn't that hard to find. He lives in Eau Claire, Wis., and he answers his phone.
At the first mention of UFOs, he laughed aloud.
“It's unexplainable, and will remain so. I'm happy with my mental stability,” said Johnson.
"People don't call about that anymore," he said.
It becomes readily apparent that the details of the Val Johnson incident still enthralling UFO enthusiasts, just don't fascinate Johnson.
"I looked up at the sky and said, 'Well shucks, what happened?'" Johnson recalled. "And then I shuffled on with my life."
He had small kids to raise back then. Hitting a ball of light and ending up in a ditch wasn't close to the most important thing going on in his life.
For almost a year after the incident his phone hardly stopped ringing. He's quoted at the time by Associated Press writer Barbara Dewey saying his wife was "run ragged" by the constant calls. He appeared on Good Morning America, and in dozens of newspapers across the country. For a while, he was a very big deal.
Val Johnson sat inside a Marshall County squad car on Nov. 6, 1979.Regene Radniecki | Star Tribune 1979
"And then other stories came along and pushed me off the front page," he said. "Thank goodness."
Johnson stayed on as deputy for a while after the incident. Then he took a job as chief of police in the nearby town of Oslo, Minn. Locals, he said, never questioned his ability to enforce the law.
In 1982 he was hired to set up the Roseau, Minn., Police Department, but lost the job less than a year later over a funding dispute.
"Once you're a chief of police, and then you get fired," he said, "you're un-hireable."
He was working as a security guard in a Twin Cities mall when a friend got him a job answering the customer service line at 3M.
"He asked me how I'd like to take 60 angry phone calls a day," he recalled, "I said, 'Dang, I can do that.'"
A few years later he retired to 20 acres in Wisconsin. Even then, he said, people sometimes showed up on his front porch with theories about his experience in Marshall County.
"We'd sit in the back yard with lemonade and talk," he said. "They'd tell me what they thought happened to me and I'd nod at the appropriate times. Eventually they'd go away."
Val Johnson's squad car, a 1977 Ford LTD known locally as the "U.F.O Car," is preserved in the Marshall County Museum. People still come to see it.Courtesy of the Marshall County Museum
Johnson is 71 now. He has a short white beard and thinning white hair. He's retired, living in Eau Claire with his wife, Rosanne. No one has stopped by in years. No one calls about UFOs even when his name airs on television.
He has great-grandchildren.
To this day Johnson won't speculate on what happened to him in 1979. He doesn't think the light he saw was an extraterrestrial — but also won't rule out the possibility. For years, he said, it just hasn't crossed his mind.
"I saw a ball of light," he said. "I drove toward it, and suddenly it was in the car with me. It's unexplainable, and will remain so. I'm happy with my mental stability."
If it seems Johnson's ambivalence could cast some doubt on the famous incident, those passionate about UFOs are unfazed. Clark said it's a textbook UFO encounter coping mechanism.
Clark talked to scores of people involved in UFO encounters for his books. Some became obsessed with what happened to them. Some plunged into denial. Others he said, found peace, refusing to allow an encounter to change their lives.
"If anything," Clark said, "It's a story to tell at the bar, and that's it."
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30-08-2015 om 00:39
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Science Now Says We Have Extraterrestrial DNA
Science Now Says We Have Extraterrestrial DNA
Don’t be alarmed, but you have alien DNA in your genetic code. Science says so.
Scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilization, reports.
They call it “biological SETI” and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution.
In a nutshell, we’re living, breathing vessels for some kind of alien message which is more easily used to detect extra terrestrial life than via radio transmission.
“Once fixed, the code might stay unchanged over cosmological timescales; in fact, it is the most durable construct known,” the researchers wrote in scientific journal, Icarus. “Therefore it represents an exceptionally reliable storage for an intelligent signature.
“Once the genome is appropriately rewritten the new code with a signature will stay frozen in the cell and its progeny, which might then be delivered throughspace and time.”
The scientists also claim that human DNA is ordered so precisely that it reveals an “ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of symbolic language”.
Their research has led the scientists to conclude that we were invented “outside the solar system, already several billion years ago”.
The thesis supports the hypothesis that Earth is the result of interstellar life forms distributed by meteors and comets.
So if we are just vessels for alien communication, exactly what kind of secret message are we carrying in our DNA?
Related:Your entire reality is an elaborate manipulation
And if we were the creation of aliens, who created them?
Secret documents hidden in the library of the Rosicrucians reveal humans’ mysterious past and the inevitable future of the human race.
What was the function of the pyramids? How and why was Atlantis destroyed? Who are the guardians of the secretwisdom?
Were did our creators come from?
Let us open these ancient gates and look into the past and future…
As our readers already know from our previous articles, after the destruction of Atlantis the Shining Ones a group of highly advanced extraterrestrial beings who were our creators and later became worshiped as gods, were scattered over all continents.
The Shining Ones continued their mission and assisted and guided humans in their development. They shared theirknowledge and taught man agriculture, medicine, astronomy, mathematics and everything that was needed for our survival as a species.
The Shining Ones were a superior race and much of what they could accomplish seemed like “magic” to our ancestors. However, these alien beings were no magicians. On the contrary, many of them were skilled scientific technicians. The scientific and technological knowledge of the Shining Ones was and still is beyond our comprehension.
This remarkable alien civilization was fully aware of the danger of revealing all of its knowledge to the humans who were considered a less developed species.
Therefore, the Shining Ones’ secret knowledge was passed on but only to a group of carefully chosen individuals, like pagan priests and initiates of the secret wisdom.
It was their duty to guard and preserve the wisdom of the Shining Ones and so they did…
The secret knowledge of the Shining Ones survived until today, but the teachings of the gods are not easily accessible to any ordinary person. This extraordinary and extremely valuable knowledge has been written down and is locked behind closed doors that are very difficult to open.
The Vatican library is not the only place that is full of secrets. There are also some secret societies that possess uniqueknowledge of our planet’s history.
Today, I would like to write a little about the secret knowledge of the Rosicrucians, a society of mystics, formed in late mediaeval Germany.
According to secret documents in the library of the Rosicrucians, the Greek philosopher Plato (427 or 428 – 347 B.C) was a depositary of the Atlantean tradition and his account is genuine.
Part of the teachings of the Rosicrucians have been revealed to the order’s members by the French Grand Master Raymond Bernard (1923-2006).
According to Raymond Bernard “Atlantis was a highly civilized continent with means of transmission and transportation compared with which ours are nothing. In its time, it was the heart of the world.”
“Colonized” people received knowledge in keeping with their capacities.
In particularly “open” countries, a direct relationship was established by the College of Sages, that is, the highest initiates of the time, guardians of the secret wisdom, and this relationship was marked by a pyramidal temple in the image of the supreme pyramid where the College had its seat in Atlantis, and where its knowledge was preserved.
Only one pyramid, however, has reproduced the supreme pyramid , and even then in a different “measure”; what is known as the Pyramid of Cheops. It perpetuates in the face of the world the totality of Atlantean wisdom, whereas others reveal only part of it.
In the rather near future, “discoveries” beneficial to mankind will put an end to many arguments.
The Atlanteans knew the nature and power of certain cosmic forces, particularly telluric currents, and carefully applied them to agriculture and the harmonious maintenance of the overall balance of these currents, to avoid all geological catastrophes that it was within man’s power to avert.
The pyramids also fulfilled this function because of the duly studied locations in which they were built. Elsewhere, points of protection were sufficient. This was the case, for example, with dolmens and menhirs. They precisely marked places of conjoined forces and focalized universal energy, where efficacious ceremonies could be held.
It was the same with megaliths, many of which can still be seen all over the world in estates, fields, and even cities; but their sole function was to amplify cosmic energy and improve harvests.
It can be considered, moreover, that all these secondary elements were attached, from the standpoint of energy, to the supreme pyramid. The entire earth thus constituted a kind of efficient receptacle for the whole of cosmic forces…
When the supreme pyramid had been unfavorably altered as the result of ignorant and ambitious intrigues, the planetary catastrophe that engulfed Atlantis transformed the surface of the earth and became engraved in the folk imagination under the inaccurate name of the Deluge.
In the basis of the teachings of authentic African secret societies, a particle of the Atlantean wisdom has been preserved.
At the time of the catastrophe, the supreme sages took refuge in Egypt. They had safeguarded the scientific and technical knowledge that made Atlantis a continent whose civilization has never been equaled, not even in our time…
The sages did not reconstitute the Empire, because of what happened and because this in accordance with the universal plan. It is the whole world that is called upon to become the New Atlantis… The human will is always free. Once again, and for the last time, mankind will face an ultimate choice from which will result either an era of extraordinary civilization or the end, not of a continent this time, but of the world.
This time of choice is approaching. It will be marked b the reappearance of Atlantis, the resurgence of the vanished continent before the astonished human race.
The Sages have guided our development. The have given men the discoveries that were suggested to him, as soon as he was able to understand, receive, and use each of them without danger; they have delivered, in the strictest sense of the word, the scientific and technical knowledge acquired by the Atlanteans and preserved by them and their successors…
The knowledge of the Atlanteans came from another galaxy and was brought by those who became the first rulers of Atlantis. Some of these extraterrestrials returned to their home, others remained on earth to carry out a mission, all of the world’s civilizations come from this second group.” Bernard Raymond – L’empire Invisible
In other words, the creators of humanity were extraterrestrials and can we all consider ourselves children of the stars…
About the author: Ellen Lloyd is an author who has spent more than 20 years researching ancient mysteries, sacred texts, and the UFO phenomenon. She the author of Voices From Legendary Times in which she demonstrates that races of men have inhabited Earth for millions of years, but not all of them were human. In addition, Ellen has written several hundreds of fascinatingarticles about prehistoric alien visitations, ancient mysteries and alternative history.
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30-08-2015 om 00:24
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
OVNI : Un ancien pilote militaire révèle sa rencontre
OVNI : Un ancien pilote militaire révèle sa rencontre
ns la nuit du 6 février 1975, le capitaine d’escadron de marine de réserve Larry Jividen pilotait un Sabreliner T-39D (voir image ci-dessus) avion d’entrainement au combat et de service avec cinq pilotes officiers de marine à bord pour un vol d’entraînement spécial. Il ne savait pas que la soirée se transformerait en un jeu du «chat et de la souris» avec un objet volant non identifié.
Jividen n’a jamais parlé de son expérience depuis presque 40 ans — jusqu’à maintenant.
L’officier du Corps des Marines depuis 9 ans - et plus tard pilote de ligne commerciale - avait décollé au crépuscule pour un aller-retour de deux heures qui a commencé et s’est terminé à la Station Aéronavale de Pensacola, en Floride.
“Aux environs de 9 heures, nous descendions d’une haute altitude — environ 33,000 pieds – et j’ai regardé sur le côté droit de l’avion où j’ai vu une lumière rouge fixe à notre position et altitude de 01:00 heure ”, a dit Jividen au Huffington Post.
“Il ne clignotait pas comme les feux anti-collision normaux des avions. J’ai pensé que ça pouvait être quelque autre traffic, mais je n’étais pas sûr alors j’ai appelé la tour de contrôle et dit, « Comprenez que nous avons l’autorisation d’approche, mais nous avons un trafic sur notre droite, qui passe en premier pour l’approche ?”
Le trafic que Jividen et les cinq autres membres de l’équipage ont vu a été mutuellement décrit comme «un objet solide circulaire ayant la taille relative d’une bille de gamin tenue à bout de bras», s’est rappelé Jividen.
Lorsqu’ils furent informés que la tour de contrôle au sol n’avait pas d’autre trafic dans leur proximité, Jividen commença à s’inquiéter que le mystérieux objet ne soit pas apparu sur le radar. Il demanda donc l’autorisation de dévier de leur approche et de se tourner directement vers l’ovni lumineux rouge “juste pour voir ce qu’il allait faire”.
Comme il se tourna vers l’objet, Jividen dit qu’il se tourna vers son avion. “Il a soudainement volé de droite à gauche, sur le nez [de notre avion], et s’est juste arrêté à notre position de 11 heures. À ce moment-là, j’ai commencé à accélérer pour voir si je pouvais me rapprocher de l’objet, et comme je [l'ai fait], il m’a dépassé. en d’autres termes, quand j’accélérais, il accélérait . “Alors, j’ai décidé de descendre pour placer l’objet contre un champ d’étoiles afin de m’assurer qu’il était réellement solide, et puis je suis monté pour que je puisse voir silhouette de l’objet contre le Golfe du Mexique.” Jividen dit la que la rencontre de cinq minutes a pris fin lorsque l’ovni rouge s’est envolé à une vitesse très élevé et a disparu à l’horizon en direction de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Lorsque l’équipage retourna à Pensacola, Jividen remplit un dossier d’incident et ce fut la dernière fois qu’il entendit parler de cet épisode Et personne d’autre n’en entendit parler pendant plus de 3 décennies. L’histoire de Jividen est maintenant racontée dans la nouvelle édition de “”UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities,” écrit par le Col. John Alexander.
“J’ai fait quelques vérifications sur les antécédents de Jividen et une des premières choses qui revenaient était sa croix de vol de distinction pour avoir fait des choses vraiment héroïques. Il est bien celui qu’il dit être et il est très simple», dit Alexander au HuffPost. “Je ne pense pas qu’il y ait le moindre doute que c’était quelque chose. Je le prends comme un témoin très crédible, bien plus que beaucoup d’autres.”
L’autorisation top-secret d’Alexander qui lui a été accordée par le Gouvernement américain lui a donné accès dans les années 80 à une variété de documents officiels et aux premiers récits personnels d’ovnis. Il a aussi créé un groupe spécial de fonctionnaires et de scientifiques de haut niveau qui ont étudié le phénomène ovni. En fin de compte, Alexander a déterminé que les États-Unis, en effet, avaient des preuves montrant la réalité OVNI, mais il n’a pu trouver aucun signe que le gouvernement a délibérément gardé ces informations du public, ou que le contact avait été pris avec une vie extraterrestre. “Une des choses que nous observons sont des caractéristiques physiques que nous ne comprenons pas, des capacités qui sont au-delà de nos options technologiques en ce moment, une accélération extrêmement rapide et des tours de haute gravité auxquels des organismes vivants, comme nous le savons, ne survivraient pas , “a t-il expliqué.
Regardez ces rencontres rapprochées étonnantes des pilotes avec des ovnis :
Une question plus large subsiste en ce qui concerne les ovnis vus par des militaires, des pilotes professionnels et privés qui peuvent se révéler des dangers potentiels pour la sécurité, dit au moins un scientifique respecté. “ Mes amis qui sont des scientifiques disent, « Eh bien, il n’y a rien concernant les ovnis. Si il y avait quelque chose, nous aurions des données et nous aimerions les compulser. “ C’est en partie une déclaration valable, et ce sont les pilotes qui sans le savoir, nous empêchent d’obtenir les données pour analyser scientifiquement, “ a déclaré Richard Haines, ancien chercheur scientifique du Centre de recherche Ames de la NASA.
Haines – qui préfère utiliser le terme phénomènes aériens non identifiés, ou PAN plutôt que OVNI – est un ancien sceptique qui dirige actuellement le Centre national d’information de l’aviation sur les phénomènes anormaux,(National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena), ou NARCAP. “Nos objectifs sont de rendre les vols plus sûrs pour le public qui voyage, en particulier en ce qui concerne les PANs, et nous sommes convaincus qu’il y a une menace potentielle posée par proximité des PANs et des avions commerciaux et privés», dit Haines au HuffPost. Travaillant avec un effectif de près de 40 personnes, y compris les filiales internationales, Haines est scientifique en chef du NARCAP. Il aborde la question des pilotes qui ont craignent de signaler un OVNI ou un PAN alors qu’ils sont encore actifs.
“ Pour moi, c’est un grave facteur inhibant pour que les scientifiques comme moi collectent les données.” Haines suggère que le facteur peur qui entoure les pilotes n’est pas tant le fait d’avoir peur des objets auxquels ils sont confrontés que la crainte de perdre leur emploi s’ils parlent à ce sujet. “Exactement. Je ne pense pas que ce soit une peur physique. Le NARCAP vient avec l’objectif d’essayer de rendre les vols plus sûrs pour le public, et les compagnies aériennes ne veulent pas entendre cela, car cela implique qu’ils ne sont pas sûrs ! Pour des raisons évidentes, de nombreux rapports que j’ai sont ceux des pilotes à la retraite. “Comme celui de Jividen, qui a déposé un rapport l’an dernier avec Haines — près de 40 ans après les faits, mais c’était toujours impressionnant. “ En premier lieu, il y a plusieurs témoins” déclare Haines. “Il y avait six hommes à bord et ils n’ont pas tous confondu avec une illusion collective. “ Après plusieurs minutes l’objet n’a pas changé de forme ou d’intensité , ce qui signifie qu’il n’a pas seulement accéléré devant lui et arrêté à sa position de 11 heures, mais il a ensuite maintenu sa vitesse en avançant. Nous devons nous demander quel phénomène naturel est capable de faire ça ? ! "
L’ancien scientifique de la NASA Richard Haines décrit une rencontre poignante d'un pilote avec un OVNI :
Dr. Haines has been a NASA research scientist since the mid 1960's. He has worked on the Gemini, Apollo and Skylab programs as well as several others. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Haines has compiled over 3,000 cases of unusual visual and radar sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena -- known as the AIRCAT files.
Dr. Richard F. Haines, NARCAP Science Chief presents at the CAIPAN 2014 Workshop, hosted by CNES-GEIPAN - PARIS 2014 (vous avez des sous-titres en vo traduits par Google en français dans le menu que vous pouvez choisir)
Haines n’est pas encore sûr de ce que sont ces objets insolites dont tant de pilotes au fil des décennies ont fait état. « Honnêtement, je ne sais pas, et en tant que scientifique, je veux garder toutes les portes ouvertes jusqu’à ce que j’aie une preuve suffisante, mais jusqu’à ce moment-là, je ne vais pas spéculer. ”
Les recherches d’ Alexander le conduisent à au moins une conclusion importante à propos des cas réellement inexpliqués d’OVNIs ou de PANs. ” Si vous arrivez à la question fondamentale – si il y a une intelligence derrière tout cela, et cela semble bien être vrai - des choses comme l’énergie doivent être la clé. Certainement, comprendre une forme différente d’énergie serait incroyablement utile.” Quel qu’ait été l’objet circulaire rouge que Jividen et son équipage ont rencontré cette nuit-là en 1975, deux choses ont fait une impression durable sur lui. « Tout d’abord, il n’y avait pas de contact radar avec lui. Il est clair, par la silhouette et les mouvements de mon appareil, que c’était un objet solide, qui se propulsait lui-même. ” Je ne pense pas que notre science physique soit assez avancée pour évaluer ce que sont ces choses. Il y a certains phénomènes physiques en cours que nous ne pouvons pas clairement interpréter ou évaluer – c’est de toute évidence contrôlé par une intelligence, mais il se peut qu’elle ne soit pas extraterrestre ”.
Humankind’s Space Age undoubtedly began in the 60’s. And 1961 can be seen as one of the most interesting years. First of all, Yuri Gagarin from the USSR made the first steps of mankind in cosmos and in the USA, astronomer Frank Drake formulated the famous equation that bears his name.
What is with this equation? Well, for those who have not yet heard of the famous Drake Equation, it tries to estimate the number of intelligent civilizations that could exist in the Milky Way and that could be contacted by us through our current electromagnetic methods.
Here’s how the equation looks like: N = Ns x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
It doesn’t look that simple, so we’ll explain briefly what each value of the equation stands for and what is its meaning.
N = the number of civilizations in our galaxy with whom communication may be possible;
Ns = the average annual rate of star formation in our galaxy. Estimate is between 10 and 1;
fp = the number of stars that have planetary systems similar to our Solar System. Estimate is between 1 (each star has a planetary system) and 0.1 (one in ten stars has a system);
ne = the average number of planets that can support the emergence and the existence of life. Estimate is between 5 and 1.
fl = the number of planets on which life could occur at one moment in time. Estimate is 1.
fi = the number of planets on which intelligent life (civilizations) evolved. Estimate is 1.
fc = the number of civilizations that developed a technology which can be detected by other civilizations like our own. Estimate is 0.1 to 0.2.
L = the time in which a civilization reaches the capacity of communication with other stellar civilizations. Estimate is between 1000 and 100 million years.
If we carefully review each value of the equation, it is clear that none could be determined accurately by modern science. Furthermore as we move from left to right into the equation, estimating each factor’s value becomes controversial, so the latter elements are rather speculative and the values that a person would assign them might say more about that person’s beliefs than scientific facts.
There are dozens of scientific papers that deal with this equation and juggle with its parameters. One such paper stands out as it adds the well-established principles of statistical probability to the equation. In 2010, the Italian astronomer Claudio Macconepublished in the Acta Astronautica journal his own version of the equation named the Statistical Drake Equation (SDE). Mathematically it is more complex and more robust that the Classic Drake Equation (CDE).
SDE is based on the Central Limit Theorem which states that having a sufficient number of random independent variables with finite mean value and dispersion, these variables will be distributed in an environment according to the Gaussian bell. So, all the seven parameters of the equation become independent positive variables.In his paper, Maccone tested his SDE using the parameters normally accepted by the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) community, and the results could mean good news for the E.T. hunters.
Although the numerical results were not the primary objective of the astronomer, Maccone estimated that our galaxy could host 4,590 extraterrestrial civilizations. If we assign the same values to the Classical Drake Equation we get only 3,500. So, the SDE adds over 1,000 possible civilizations to the initial estimate. Also, SDE has an advantage over CDE, because it incorporates the concept of standard variation (or margin), a kind of margin of error for the mean values. In this case the standard variation is quite high – 11,195. In other words, the SDE states that in our Milky way galaxy could be between 0 and 15,785 extraterrestrial civilizations.
If these E.T. civilizations are at equal distances from each other, they could be separated, on average by 28,845 light-years.This value is much too high for us to communicate with aliens, even though the electromagnetic radiation travels at the speed of light (299,792.4 km/s). So, even with so many potential advanced civilizations, interstellar communication would still be a major technological challenge for us. However, according to SDE the average distance that we should expect to find intelligent life might be 2,670 light-years from Earth.
So there would be some slim chances that we can contact an alien civilization. At only 500 light-years the chances of detecting a signal from E.T. are almost 0. This isxactly the radius within which our current technology allows us to search for intelligent life radio signals. So the “Great Silence” that radio telescopes detected so far is not daunting. Our signals must reach a little farther – over at least 900 light years – before they have a real chance to intersect with an advanced alien civilization.
Reports came in to the Utah Highway Patrol Cedar City Dispatch Center Friday describing a fireball streaking across the sky south of SunRiver St. George just before 7:30 a.m.
A fireball occurs when a meteor enters Earth’s atmosphere and burns brightly before being consumed by the fire, and is defined by the American Meteor Society as an object that is brighter than the planet Venus.
It likely burned up in the atmosphere before hitting the ground
The American Meteor Society received reports from three observers in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona, and Pahrump, Nevada, of a fireball about the same time as the Southern Utah sighting. San Diego-based Robert Lunsford, the report coordinator for the AMS, said it was probably the same object, but it likely burned up in the atmosphere before hitting the ground.
“Normally, something that would actually make it to the ground would be awfully bright and last a long time,” Lunsford said. “We would probably have a lot more reports if it actually made it to the ground.”
The Lake Havasu City observer’s report said the fireball lasted about 2 seconds, Lunsford said. His report read, in part, “Not sure if it was a ‘fireball.’ Basically it looked like a very thick and very bright shooting star during daylight hours, brighter than Venus and brighter than a full moon.”
Never seen anything like it my whole life
The report went on to say, “Never seen anything like it my whole life. The trail and length of visibility could have been longer but I didn’t see it until it came into view of my windshield. ”
The Pahrump observer wrote, “I was driving east, the sun was just about to crest over Mt. Charleston, when the meteor appeared at the top of the windshield. At first I thought it was a plane that was flaring in the morning light, but as it streaked lower and fizzled, I knew I had just seen something pretty cool!”
Extreme thermal stresses experienced by a comet as it orbits around the Sun could explain the extensive fracturing thought to drive its long-term surface erosion, say Rosetta scientists analysing high-resolution images of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s surface.
The study, which is published online in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, is based on images taken between 6 August 2014 – when Rosetta first arrived at the comet – and 1 March 2015, and includes detailed images acquired from between just 8 and 18 km from the comet’s surface.
Ramy’s team identified three distinct settings in which the fractures occur: networks of long narrow fractures, fractures on cliffs and fractured boulders. In addition, several unique features were identified: the parallel fractures running across Hathor’s 900 m-high cliffs, an isolated 500 metre-long crevice in the Anuket region of the comet’s neck, and a 200 m-long complex crack system in Aker on the large lobe.
“The fractures show a variety of morphologies and occur all over the surface and at all scales: they are found in the towering 900 m-high cliffs of Hathor right down to the surfaces of boulders a few metres across,” describes lead author M. Ramy El-Maarry from the University of Bern.
The most prevalent setting appears to be networks of narrow fractures that extend for a few metres to 250 m in length, typically on relatively flat surfaces. Interestingly, in some locations, the fractures appear to cross cut each other in polygonal patterns at angles of 90º – on Earth and Mars this is often an indicator of ice that has contracted below the surface.
The variety of fracture networks found on Comet 67P/C-G, with an indication of physical scales. The top left image shows polygonal fractures on the edge of the Apis region, on the comet large lobe. The zoomed-in insert shows that the patterns are composed of irregular 2–5 meters-wide polygons. The top right image shows a pervasively fractured region at the edge of the Atum region, close to the comet's neck. Fractures vary greatly in length, with the longest visible one measuring about 250 m. Within this irregular pattern, a more regular pattern of 2–6 m-wide polygons is also visible, as shown in the insert. The bottom left image shows a regular patterns of fractures at the edge of the Nut region, a narrow, elongated depression on the small comet lobe. Patterns of 15 m-wide polygons with orthogonal fracture intersections are also visible. The bottom right image shows polygonal patterns on the edge the ridge separating the Anubis/Atum regions from Ash and Seth, on the large comet lobe The image has been overexposed to highlight the shadowed features, and smaller polygons with sizes of 2–5 m are also visible. A non-annotated version of the image is provided below.
Another family of cross-cutting fractures is observed on cliff faces, such as in the Seth region on the comet’s large lobe, with debris deposits littering their bases. Fractured cliff faces were also observed at Abydos, the final landing site of Philae on the small lobe, as recorded in images from the lander. The fact that the fractures cut across each other in different directions suggests that the stress direction changes over time.
Fractures found on cliffs on Comet 67P/C-G. The large image on the left shows the Ash region (located on the large comet lobe) in the foreground and the regions of Hathor and Anuket (both on the comet's neck), in the background. The two boxes highlight two small portions of the comet surface, which are shown in greater detail in the two close-ups, with an indication of the physical scale. The top close-up shows a fractured scarp and what appears to be a new fracture (indicated with a yellow arrow) cross-cutting two older fractures (orange arrows). The new fracture is 100–125 cm-wide and is expected to lead to 'mass-wasting' of the fractured scarp. The bottom close-up shows another small fracture (indicated with a yellow arrow) that appears to cut though the scarp edge and the smooth coating on the top, which is a morphologic characteristic of the Ash region. The image on the right shows a portion of the Seth region exhibiting a similarly fractured scarp (indicated with a white arrow) and a debris field in at the foot of the cliff suggesting a progressive process of 'mass-wasting'. Non annotated versions of the individual images are provided below. Credits: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA
At the smallest scale, fractures are observed on boulders (in this study, boulders 20-60 m wide were analysed). In some cases it is clear that the fractures run through the boulders, pervasively fracturing them, while other fractures appear confined to the boulder’s surfaces. Taken together, the fracturing points to an erosional sequence leading to the boulders’ eventual fragmentation.
These two images show two fractured boulders found in the Imhotep (left) and Atum (right) regions, respectively. Fracturing in the Imhotep boulder is so pervasive it has led to fragmentation of the 60 m-wide boulder. An indication of the physical scale is provided; a non-annotated version of the image is available below.
Scientists think that the majority of these fracture patterns are most likely linked to the thermal history of the comet and result from stresses that stretch the comet’s surface apart. On Earth and Mars at least, these ‘tensile’ fractures can develop through several common processes: loss of volatile materials, thermal contraction or contraction and expansion cycles, and tectonic processes.
In addition to throwing off volatile materials as they near the Sun, comets are known to undergo high fluctuations in surface and subsurface temperature on daily and seasonal timeframes. This continuous thermal ‘shock’ leads to weakening or “fatigue” of the surface both on the short term due to daily heating cycles, and on the long term as the seasons change along the comet’s 6.5 year orbit around the Sun.
A 200-m complex fracture system in the Aker region, on the comet large lobe. This is an isolated feature in the context of the surrounding morphology. An indication of the physical scale is provided; a non-annotated version of the image is available below.
“But the presence of fractures in different settings, in addition to the isolated fractures in Anuket and Aker, suggests that other mechanisms may also be at work,” comments Ramy. “For example, perhaps mechanical forces related to the comet’s rotation or orbit around the Sun are responsible for the crack in Anuket, while the fractured cliffs of Hathor could have resulted from the comet’s formation, perhaps when two smaller cometisimals collided.”
Regardless of the origin of individual fracture systems, it is clear that fracturing plays an important role in the evolution of the comet’s surface.
Fractures observed in cliffs, with debris observed at their bases, imply that this phenomenon represents the first stage in the overall ‘mass-wasting’ of the comet: the cliff top is weakened and a landslide-type event ensues.
But, over long periods this process would act to erode the surface and flatten the landscape. The fact that there are many rough terrains on the comet suggests that it has either not gone through very many erosional cycles or other processes are acting against this to roughen the surface, such as explosive jet activity.
“Monitoring for changes in these fracture systems after the current perihelion phase, and running models to simulate the evolution of the comet over time, will enable us to test our various hypotheses for fracture formation,” adds Ramy.
Non-annotated versions of the images are provided below:
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on 31 January 2015, at the time when it was still singing.
Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM – CC BY-SA IGO 3.0
Late last year the Rosetta Plasma Consortium (RPC) announced that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, which ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft has been studying in detail since August 2014, was singing in space. Now, in apaper published in the European Geosciences Union’s open access journal Annales Geophysicae, the RPC team reveals more details about 67P/C-G’s song, including why the comet was singing.
The sounds ‘emitted’ by 67P/C-G are oscillations in the magnetic field around the comet. Its space environment is permeated by the solar wind – a continuous stream of electrically charged gas (called plasma) and magnetic field lines strung along from the Sun – which interacts with the comet’s gas-dust atmosphere. A consequence of this interaction is an induced cometary magnetosphere. In other words, even though the nucleus of 67P/C-G has no magnetic field of its own (as announced at this year’s EGU General Assembly), the comet’s atmosphere or coma is magnetised.
As reported in Annales Geophysicae, the RPC magnetometer on Rosetta started to detect large-amplitude fluctuations in this magnetic field upon arrival of the spacecraft at the comet on 6 August 2014. For four months, until November 2014, the RPC team detected about 3000 cases of wave activity with frequencies of about 40 millihertz.
Artist's impression of the 'singing comet' 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Click on the image to listen to the audio track on Soundcloud.
Credit: ESA/Rosetta/NavCam
“This is exciting because it is completely new to us. We did not expect this and we are still working to understand the physics of what is happening,” said RPC principal investigator Karl-Heinz Glassmeier at the time ESA reported the discovery of the ‘singing comet’ waves on the Rosetta blog. Glassmeier is Head of Space Physics and Space Sensorics at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, and the senior author of the Annales Geophysicae paper.
This observation took the team somewhat by surprise because it is the first detection of waves of this nature at a comet. In previous cometary encounters, such as the International Cometary Explorer and Sakigake spacecraft flybys of comets Giacobini-Zinner and Halley, researchers measured wave activity with frequencies some 10 times lower.
The difference in the 67P/C-G case is that, as Rosetta travelled alongside the comet, the instruments could measure the magnetic field for a long time, and while the comet was still relatively far away from the Sun. The RPC instruments collected the data reported in the new study while the comet was between 400 to 540 million kilometres from the Sun. At this point, the comet’s activity was low: it was not expelling a lot of gas and dust into space, and the induced magnetosphere was just beginning to form.
Since the song 67P/C-G sings at this early stage is very different from the ‘classical sounds’ detected at comets closer to the Sun, the team concluded a new mechanism must generate the 40 millihertz waves. (If you are interested in finding out more about the difference between the two types of cometary sounds, and the processes that generate them, read the more detailed explanation provided by K.-H. Glassmeier below.)
When RPC scientists first uncovered 67P/C-G’s mysterious song, they suspected it had something to do with the comet’s activity – even if low – and the neutral particles it releases into space. Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun causes ionisation of these atoms and molecules, including water molecules. In the plasma environment around the comet’s nucleus, the newborn ions move perpendicularly to the magnetic field, forming what is called a cross-field electric current. It turns out that this current is unstable, and ultimately, it is what makes the comet sing.
“The physical process is somewhat difficult to understand without a deeper understanding of plasma physics, but we can use a simple analogy to have a better idea of what’s going on,” says Glassmeier. “Consider your garden hose. If you start the water flow, there is a chance that the hose starts to oscillate, generating waves. This is about what happens in the plasma. Of course, the flow we have in the cometary situation is not like water, but is a flow of charged particles. But somehow the analogy is suitable.”
The questions left to answer are whether 67P/C-G continues to sing the same song as it gets closer to the Sun, and whether it starts emitting more classical cometary sounds.
Glassmeier says RPC instruments detected the 40 millihertz waves at least until February this year, when Rosetta was about 350 million kilometres away from the Sun. “Around this time, the activity is changing, other features show up, the plasma interaction region becomes much more violent. Singing comet waves are still present, but buried under a variety of other features we are currently trying to understand.”
“Whether we also observe the classical type of cometary waves, like those observed at Halley, is very difficult to judge. We are heavily working on further analysing the dynamics of this region to find out more.”
Based on the paper by: Richter, I., Koenders, C., Auster, H.-U., Frühauff, D., Götz, C., Heinisch, P., Perschke, C., Motschmann, U., Stoll, B., Altwegg, K., Burch, J., Carr, C., Cupido, E., Eriksson, A., Henri, P., Goldstein, R., Lebreton, J.-P., Mokashi, P., Nemeth, Z., Nilsson, H., Rubin, M., Szegö, K., Tsurutani, B. T., Vallat, C., Volwerk, M., and Glassmeier, K.-H.: Observation of a new type of low-frequency waves at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Ann. Geophys., 33, 1031-1036, doi:10.5194/angeo-33-1031-2015, 2015.
A more detailed explanation of the difference between classical cometary waves and the ‘singing comet’ waves, by Karl-Heinz Glassmeier:
Plasma waves play a most important role in coupling newborn ions of cometary origin with the solar wind plasma. As the particle density of the solar wind is rather small, the interplanetary space is almost a vacuum. There are no collisions between solar wind particles and the cometary ions causing the required coupling. Without such a coupling, the cometary ions would move relative to and undisturbed by the solar wind.
However, if the comet-solar wind interaction region is much larger than a typical gyro-radius of a cometary ion, as in the case of Comet Halley, cometary ions constitute so-called ring-beam distributions in the phase space of the solar wind plasma.
Such distributions are heavily unstable and produce the classical cometary waves as observed at Halley and Giacobini-Zinner. These waves, on the other hand, are able to scatter cometary ions as the electric field fluctuations of the waves impact the ion motion.
In this way, the plasma waves couple the solar wind particles and the cometary ions. The waves act as a kind of mediator between solar wind and cometary ions. A more detailed treatment shows that the frequency of the waves as observed in the spacecraft frame of reference is very close to the local gyrofrequency of the cometary ions. [Editor’s note: Recall that, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field, an electrically charged particle moves in a circular motion; the radius of this circle is the gyro or Larmor radius, and the angular frequency is called gyrofrequency.]
The situation we observed at 67P/C-G in the first months after the arrival at the comet is rather different. The interaction region is rather small because of the weak activity of the nucleus. Actually, the size of the interaction region is much less than the gyro-radius of a cometary ion.
I like to call this region the Larmor sphere of the comet. Within the Larmor sphere the newborn ions have not yet been able to perform a complete gyro motion around the solar wind magnetic field. The newborn ions just constitute an electric current perpendicular to both the solar wind flow and magnetic field. This cross-field current is much different from any ring-beam phase space situation observed in case of the large interaction region of Halley or Giacobini-Zinner. In our model, the cross-field current constitutes the very first effect the newborn ions impose onto the ambient plasma. Only later, the newborn ions develop into ring-beam type particle distributions. But in these later stages the plasma volume with the newborn ions have already passed the nucleus, moving downstream.
This is a fundamental difference between the fully developed ring-beam situation at strongly outgassing comets and the cross-field current situation at weakly active comets. In the former case the unstable phase space distribution is moving with the solar wind plasma, while in the latter case the cross-field current is almost fixed with respect to the nucleus.
Discover the “X-Factor” of NASA’s Webb Telescope in “Behind the Webb” Video
Discover the “X-Factor” of NASA’s Webb Telescope in “Behind the Webb” Video
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray observatory have something in common: a huge test chamber used to simulate the hazards of space and the distant glow of starlight. Viewers can learn about this mysterious chamber and its history in “X-Factor,” a new video in the “Behind the Webb” series. The video takes viewers behind the scenes to understand more about the Webb telescope and how it compares with other NASA observatories.
The “X-Factor” episode is timed to coincide with the Chandra 15 year anniversary, as the satellite was launched on July 23, 1999. Mary Estacion of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Md. hosts the series.
Estacion interviewed Dr. Martin C. Weisskopf, project scientist for NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory and Chief Scientist for X-ray Astronomy in the Space Sciences Department at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
Dr. Weisskopf explains how the Webb, Hubble and Chandra observatories look at different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (light at various different energies). The Chandra observatory collects x-rays, very energetic particles of light. The Hubble Space Telescope operates in a different part of the spectrum looking at visible light and the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope will operate in near and mid-infrared light.
The flight mirrors for the James Webb Space Telescope undergo cryogenic testing at NASA Marshall. Image Credit: Ball Aerospace
The vacuum chamber, located at the X-ray and Cryogenic Test Facility or XRCF at NASA Marshall is the “X-factor” that ties the Webb telescope and Chandra together. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory was tested there in the 1990s and the chamber was used to test the Webb telescope’s mirrors from 2008 to 2011.
“Methods of testing Chandra and Webb telescope mirrors are actually quite different, but each has significant technical challenges – and that’s what makes working at XRCF interesting,” said Jeff Kegley, the NASA Marshall test facility’s manager. “We are really proud to have been able to contribute to these two amazing observatories.”
One of the mysteries of the testing chamber is a long tube that is connected to the building that houses it. The tube spans the length of almost six football fields. Weisskopf explained the long tube was used to separate the X-ray source from the Chandra telescope by a long distance, simulating distant sources like stars. Testing the Webb telescope demands a similar beam of light, but uses a more compact optical design to simulate a distant star.
The mirrors undergo cryo testing at NASA Marshall. Image Credit: Ball Aerospace
The tube remains connected for any future mission that may look at the X-ray emission from astronomical objects.
Webb is an international project led by NASA with its partners the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency.
The 3 minute and 7 second video was produced at STScI. The “Behind the Webb” video series is available in HQ, large and small Quicktime formats, HD, Large and Small WMV formats, and HD, Large and Small Xvid formats.
WETENSCHAPDe volle maan in september wordt tegelijk de lichtste en de donkerste van het jaar. Op 28 september is er immers niet alleen een zogenoemde supermaan te zien, maar ook een totale eclips, gevolgd door een bloedmaan. Het is al de vierde keer dat zoiets gebeurt sinds april vorig jaar, wat volgens sommigen een teken is van de naderende apocalyps.
Op 28 september staat de maan extra dicht bij de aarde, wat leidt tot een zogenoemde supermaan. Omdat ze zo dichtbij is, zal de maan extra fel oplichten. Kort daarna begint ze echter te verdwijnen om uiteindelijk volledig verduisterd te worden door de aarde, die tussen de zon en de maan komt te staan.
Tijdens de eclips zal de maan stilaan een rode kleur krijgen, een gevolg van de kromming van de zonnestralen rond de aarde. Zo'n rode maan wordt ook wel een bloedmaan genoemd.
Het wordt al de vierde bloedmaan sinds april 2014, volgens aanhangers van de zogenoemde 'Bloedmaanprofetie' een voorteken van het einde der tijden. Sommigen zijn er ook van overtuigd dat de bijzondere 'superbloedmaan' zal leiden tot springtij en overstromingen. Ze beweren ook dat de afwijkende getijden voor aardbevingen en vulkaanuitbarstingen zullen zorgen.
Volgens het Britse agentschap voor getijden en zeeniveau zal de vloed misschien iets hoger zijn dan normaal, maar zeker niet een paar centimeter hoger dan de hoogste getijden van de voorbije twintig jaar.
Het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA heeft met klem ontkend dat er tussen 15 en 28 september een asteroïde zou inslaan op onze planeet.
Op het internet circuleren er talrijke berichten over een inslag nabij Puerto Rico die vernietigende gevolgen kan hebben.
Maar volgens manager Paul Chodas van de bevoegde dienst bij de NASA is er geen enkele wetenschappelijke basis en geen enkele aanwijzing dat een asteroïde of een ander kosmisch object op Aarde zou inslaan in de geciteerde periode en ook niet in de afzienbare toekomst. Bij alle bekende potentieel gevaarlijke asteroïden is er minder dan 0,01 procent kans op een impact in de komende tien jaar.
Nog volgens Chodas zou een object, dat de helft van de "voorspelde" schade kan veroorzaken in september, al moeten zijn opgemerkt.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Woman Catches UFO Formation Over Corn Field In Memphis, Mississippi, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Woman Catches UFO Formation Over Corn Field In Memphis, Mississippi, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: Feb 26, 2015 but reported in Aug. Location of sighting: Lewisburg, Mississippi, USA Source: MUFON
The one thing in this video that is proof that this is 100% real, is a fact that has been verified in hundreds of past UFO sightings. Its the tiny drone orbs that orbit the UFOs. These are guidance and defense orbs. They protect the main ship and act like nerve endings in a finger, as an early warning system. I added light and circled the orbs in the screenshot from the video. Take a screenshot anywhere and add light to it to view these tiny guidance orbs. Scott C. Waring
Below screenshot has not been altered.
Eyewitness states: I am a 15+ year ufologist in the Memphis Metro area, & although I have seen things I can't explain, this is the first one worthy of reporting. For this particular incident, I've been seeing bright lights in that same location for several nights in the last week, but it was after I went to bed and not compelling enough to warrant running outside. It snowed yesterday, so it made it easier to see last night, and the craft was much closer, much brighter, and very visible. I ran outside at 12:46AM CST and began filming. It was hovering very low over an area with corn fields. I observed it hovering for about 20 minutes, but it was too cold outside and I ran out straight from bed with no shoes on in the snow, therefore, I could only film for a short time. After about 20 minutes it seemed to just flight path was observed...just hovering and pulsating lights that appeared to have a red glow at times. It appeared to be one very large triangular aircraft, and it was hovering so low that it had a 3-D effect when viewing. There were times when it appeared to have ejected smaller orb lights, but that is unclear. It was difficult to tell from my vantage point whether it was part of the larger craft, or additional smaller craft.
UFOs Near Earths Sun On Aug 28, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
UFOs Near Earths Sun On Aug 28, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: August 28, 2015 Location of sighting: Earths Sun This UFO in the second screenshot is at 34 sec into the video and was seen by Myunhauzen74 of Youtube. His specialty is to find UFO near the sun in various SOHO and NASA cameras. He's done this for many years, so hats off to him and his expertise. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: UFO on the way comets! UFO shoots comet and the sun saves. For more information, please visit Look for updates on this channel. Thank you for watching. People should know the truth that NASA hides.
UFO Fleet Caught On Night Vision In Las Vegas, Nevada On July 16, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Fleet Caught On Night Vision In Las Vegas, Nevada On July 16, 2015, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: July 16, 2015 Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA This UFO was caught on night vision and speed up to 580% speed. The UFO fleet stays near one another and keep formation. Then they follow a lead UFO out of the area. Really a spectacular catch. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Here's a video from July 16, 2015, I shot using a night-vision camera. This is just one of numerous videos I have captured here in Las Vegas during the past 16 months. I thought I would speed this up to watch the graceful movement of these UFOs. It is definitely pretty cool to watch. UFOs In The USA
British Think Tank Talks About Overthrowing a Martian Government
British Think Tank Talks About Overthrowing a Martian Government
Martian Colony by British Interplanetary Society
The British Interplanetary Society (BIS) was being founded in Liverpool by Philip E. Cleator in 1933. It is known as the oldest space advocacy organization in the world. Its aim is to promote and support space exploration and Astronautics exclusively. Last month, the British Interplanetary Society met last month to thrash out how an individual overthrows a Martian government. The members also tackle about other relevant matters. From the statements of the BBC, there are two short blocks from the Britain’s security service in London headquarters, MI6. The headquarter is a group of thirty men and women plotting to conquer the government.
Even though they make it comprehensible, the British government is not they are looking to overthrow, they stressed out that it will be a tyrannical alien administration in the future. Speaking about the task at hand, the BIS is far-reaching about it. In fact, the meeting was the 3rd annual Symposium on Extraterrestrial Liberty. It started in 2013, and it is a group of conferences to explore the ideas of governance and freedom for human space settlements in the future. “What is Freedom Beyond the Earth?” is the first conference. It is about the idea of freedom in space. The second event called “Human Governance beyond the Earth,” is about extraterrestrial governance, freedom of press and speech in the extraterrestrial environment, economic and political systems to extend liberty into the space, constitutions, policing and legal systems in space.
The third is the “Dissent, Revolution and Liberty in Space,” which addresses the inquiries of the ways to prevent the severe extraterrestrial environment promoting the coming out of a coercive security apparatus. Charles Cockell is a professor of Astrobiology told the BBC that they will be discussing the consequences if what happens if a person did not appreciate the government. The group of thinkers collaborated to ponder these inquiries includes engineers, scientists, philosophers, writers and social scientists.
Filer’s Files #35 – 2015 Orange Orbs and Triangles - PART I
Boomerang photo captured over Cass County, Indiana on August 6, 2015
Filer’s Files #35 – 2015 Orange Orbs and Triangles - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: MUFON’S Project Orange, Astronomers Admit to Triangles Traversing the Moon, Neptune like Planets May Have Life, Actor Lee Marvin Wondering Star, The Black Knight Satellite, and Magicians of the Gods
Air Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, and Washington..
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Australia, Canada, Columbia, Portugal, Romania, Russia, England and Scotland in the United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Reports
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) has undertaken a two-year study of the Orange Orb phenomenon called Project Orange. Under the direction of MUFON Utah State Director Erica Lukes, the endeavor seeks to pull the veil of mystery from the nocturnal lights by applying MUFON’S “Scientific Method” of analysis to the subject….Joining Erica are two MUFON Field Investigators and orb experts – Terry Ray of Pennsylvania and Bob Spearing of New Jersey. Terry is best known for his 2014 book on the subject entitled “The Complete Story of the Worldwide Invasion of the Orange Orbs.” Among Terry’s findings are possible underwater bases for these objects off our Atlantic Coast and in the depths of the Great Lakes.
The first part of the study will cover a one week period of July 4th sightings from 2009 to 2015. July 4th is the heaviest sighting day for Orange Orbs. Many parameters will be analyzed including wind direction vs. orb direction (Chinese lanterns are often mistaken for orbs but lanterns cannot fly into the wind.) Clusters of sightings in certain years and in specific geographic regions will be analyzed in a statistical survey. For example, orbs avoid Washington D.C. airspace but massive clusters of orbs are frequently sighted off the south shore of Long Island, NY.
The study will also investigate blue daytime orbs. These orbs have been photographed en masse this year. The photos clearly show semi-transparent blue orbs with several smaller white orbs attached either to the mother orb or in close orbit around the larger orb.
The Great Lakes region will be analyzed in depth to see if there are underwater bases there especially under Lake Erie.
Finally, a comprehensive photographic and video analysis of the best orb photos and videos from the MUFON Archives will be undertaken.
Join Bob Spearing and Terry Ray talking about the orb phenomenon this Friday night at 8:00 PM, Eastern Time with internet radio host and project manager Erica Lukes on WKGRA on Erica’s program UFO Audit.
Astronomers Admit to Triangles Traversing the Moon
When it comes to The Great Taboo, everyone has an angle. Few are as unique as David Marler’s specialization bonanza — “Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation” — which came out in 2013. Initially intrigued by the 1989-91 Belgian UFO wave, Mailer plunged headlong into the controversy following the Southern Illinois sightings of January 5, 2000, which became famous for among other things, igniting radio chatter among multiple police departments? His family also has a riveting personal back-story that no doubt greased the skids for his curiosity. Anyhow, recently at a Florida MUFON meeting in Valrico, Marler made his pitch for a centralized and accessible digital database. As he informed those, who suspect classified military technology is the culprit may be in for an ice bath.
Marler states the first documented discussion of observable triangles appears in an 1882 edition of Scientific American. More than a century ago, astronomers claimed to have detected “triangular luminous appearances” traversing the glow of the moon. Marler fleshes out additional 19th century references, as well as 20th-century triangle encounters observed generations before stealth designs were factored into the U.S. arsenal. Almost as amazing as the voluminous compendium of incidents is the mind’s-eye image of Marler’ sifting through reams of ancient newspaper, magazine, and journal articles to stitch these narrative threads together.
Some interesting reports follow:
An International News Service piece about 300 West Berliners reporting triangles above the divided city in 1953; Texas sheriff’s deputies reconstructing a highway game of cat-and-mouse for the Houston Chronicle in 1965; Early 1973, multiple sightings occurred around Piedmont, Missouri where my boss Bob Woods from Scott Air Force Base Military Airlift Command Intelligence would go to investigate, law enforcement agents relating tales of a “pyramidal UFO” to the Memphis Press-Scimitar in 1977; multiple witnesses, including a named FAA air traffic controller, detailing for California’s Auburn Journal how a delta-shaped object followed a major freeway in 1978; “hundreds of residents” from Kansas to Missouri witnessing a triangle event in 1980 and chronicled in Missouri’s Express and News daily; Fort Worth’s, Texas Cross Country News recording how “hundreds of sightings” of triangle- shaped objects erupted across Florida, Georgia, Ohio and Michigan during two days in 1975 — this stuff goes on and on and on. In short, said Marler, “We don’t see an evolution in the technology of triangular UFOs . . . We’re dealing with a tangible phenomenon that’s been around for a long time.” The licensed hypnotherapist offered some broad characteristics about triangle-class UFOs: The overwhelming majority are nocturnal and silent. Landing cases are virtually non-existent. More often than not, they’re seen cruising speeds at below-radar altitudes, but they can rapidly accelerate. They are large, averaging 200-300 feet in length. They can hover and make sideways right-angle turns without banking. They can move in non-aerodynamic fashion, broad edges forward, tapered edges aft.
Superstructures are sometimes observed, as well as shape-shifting properties. In fact, according to unfiltered National UFO Reporting Center surveys, categorically speaking, triangles trail only “lights” in eyewitness volume. In a 2012 listing of configurations, in fact, flying-saucer discs don’t even rate a bronze. “What we need,” Marler said in an appeal for more volunteer investigators, “are more bodies in the field” to gather data. After all, say MUFON officials, a revolution in optical technology with the potential to generate mountains of evidence is right around the corner. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ world UFO photos
Neptune like Planets May Have Life
Researchers with the NASA Astrobiology Institute’s Virtual Planetary Laboratory Lead Team at the University of Washington have described how mini-Neptune planets could become viable for life around M-Dwarf stars. These Planets orbiting close to low-mass stars — easily the most common stars in the universe — are prime targets in the search for extraterrestrial life.
M-dwarfs are cooler than the Sun, meaning any habitable planets around them would have to be much closer to their host star. However, planets in such systems face many hazardous conditions, particularly in the early stages of formation that could make it difficult for life to take hold.
The study, published in the journal Astrobiology, indicates that mini-Neptune’s could potentially migrate into the habitable zones of M-Dwarf stars and become habitable for life, as we know it. Source: []Credit: NASA
Actor Lee Marvin saw a Wondering Star
Academy Award Winner Best Actor Lee Marvin claims he was born under a wondering star and sings the song in “Paint Your Wagon” that stared Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood and Jean Seberg. He was a dedicated angler who apparently saw a UFO while fishing off the coast of Mexico.
My wife knew him and he asked her to go to Spain with him. Fortunately, for me she declined. We always liked him and his song that was a best seller and on the top of the charts in UK and Ireland. He now can be heard on the Amazon ad frequently shown on TV. Stars do not wander but UFOs do.
I was born under a wandering star I was born under a wandering star
Wheels are made for rolling, mules are made to pack I’ve never seen a sight that didn’t look better looking back
I was born under a wandering star
Mud can make you prisoner, and the plains can bake you dry Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry Home is made for coming from, for dreams of going to Which with any luck will never come true
I was born under a wandering star I was born under a wandering star
I was born under a wandering star A wandering, wandering star
The Black Knight Satellite
20 Facts about the Black Knight Satellite
This “Artificial Satellite” has caused mayor media interest since the late 1950′s, and it has become one of the most talked about objects in space. First thought to be an Russian spy satellite, the Black Knight satellite has gripped the interest of millions worldwide. Here are some interesting facts about this mysterious object:
According to monitoring agencies around the world, The Black Knight Satellite has been transmitting radio signals for over 50 years now
The USA and Soviet Union have shown particular interest in this “unidentified space object”
Rumors are that it was Nikola Tesla the first man to “intercept” a signal from the Black Knight Satellite in 1899 after building a high-voltage radio device in Colorado Springs.
Since the 1930′s Astronomers worldwide have been reporting strange radio signals which allegedly come from the “Black Knight”.
In 1957, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed it while taking pictures of Sputnik II as it passed over Caracas. The story of the Black Knight made its media debut in the 1940′s when the St. Louis Dispatch and The San Francisco Examiner wrote about the “Satellite” on May 14th 1954. The Time Magazine wrote about the Black Knight Satellite on the seventh of March, 1960.
In 1957, an unknown “object” was seen “shadowing” the Sputnik 1 Spacecraft. According to reports, the “unidentified object” was in Polar orbit in 1957. The United Stated nor the Russians possessed the technology to maintain a spacecraft in Polar Orbit.
The first Polar orbiting satellite was launched in 1960. It is likely the Black Knight is in the category of a observational Satellite from another planet. In the 1960′s the Black Knight satellite was located once again in Polar Orbit. Astronomers and Scientists calculated the objects weight to be over 10 tons which would be at that time the heaviest artificial satellite to orbit our Planet.
The Black Knight’s orbit was unlike any other object orbiting Earth. The Grumman Aircraft Corporation gave much importance to this mysterious “Satellite”, on September 3, 1960, seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at Grumman Aircraft Corporation’s Long Island factory took a photograph of the Black Knight satellite . Grumman formed a committee to study the data received from the observations made but nothing was made public.
In 1963, Gordon Cooper was launched into space. On his final orbit, he reported seeing a glowing green object in front of his capsule in the distance
moving towards his Spacecraft. The Muchea tracking station, in Australia, which Cooper reported the object to, picked up this Unidentified object on Radar travelling East to West.
It was the Ham Radio operator who apparently decoded a series of signals received from the Black Knight UFO Satellite and interpreted it as a star-chart centered on the Epsilon Bootes Star System. According to the decoded message, the Black Knightsatellite originated from the Epsilon Bootes Star System 13.000 years ago.
On August 23, 1954 the technology magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology released a story about the Black Knight Satellite that angered the Pentagon who were trying to keep the information secret. NASA has released official images which apparently show the Black Knight Satellite. Thanks to
Magicians of the Gods
There is new high-level scientific support for a comet impact 12, 800 calibrated years before the present” that changed the world.
A gigantic cosmic impact occurred, when large fragments of a disintegrating comet hit the North American ice cap about 12,800 years ago, is identified in a forthcoming book “Magicians of the Gods” as the smoking gun that sparked off a global cataclysm of floods and fire in which an advanced civilization of the last Ice Age, hitherto only remembered in ‘myths’, was wiped out.
“Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS) the official journal of the United States National Academy of Sciences reports a cosmic impact event at ∼12,800 Cal B.P. formed the Younger Dryas boundary (YDB) layer, containing peak abundances in multiple, high-temperature, impact-related proxies, including spherules, melt glass, and nanodiamonds. A large asteroid may have hit Earth causing worldwide destruction. Bayesian statistical analyses of 354 dates from 23 sedimentary sequences over four continents established a modeled YDB age range of 12,835 Cal B.P. to 12,735 Cal B.P., supporting synchronicity of the YDB layer at high probability of 95%. This range overlaps that of a platinum peak recorded in the Greenland Ice Sheet and of the onset of the Younger Dryas climate episode in six key records, suggesting a causal connection between the impact event and the Younger Dryas. Details are in:
An 18-member international team of researchers that includes James Kennett, professor of earth science at University of California Santa Barbara, has discovered melt-glass material in a thin layer of sedimentary rock in
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Syria. According to the researchers, the material –– which dates back nearly 13,000 years –– was formed at temperatures of 1,700 to 2,200 degrees Celsius (3,100 to 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit), and is the result of a cosmic body impacting Earth, supporting the theory of an Credit:YDB Research Group extraterrestrial impact.Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) hypothesis. This episode occurred at or close to the time of major extinction of the North American megafauna, including mammoths and giant ground sloths; early humans, and the disappearance of the prehistoric and widely distributed Clovis culture. The researchers’ findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“These scientists have identified three contemporaneous levels more than 12,000 years ago, on two continents yielding siliceous scoria-like objects (SLO’s),” said H. Richard Lane, program director of National Science Foundation’s Division of Earth Sciences, which funded the research. “SLO’s are indicative of high-energy cosmic airbursts/impacts, bolstering the contention that these events induced the beginning of the Younger Dryas. That time was a major departure in biotic, human and climate history.”
Morphological and geochemical evidence of the melt-glass confirms that the material is not cosmic, volcanic, or of human-made origin. “The very high temperature melt-glass appears identical to that produced in known cosmic
impact events such as Meteor Crater in Arizona, (shown) and the Australasian tektite field,” said Kennett.
“The melt material also matches melt-glass produced by the Trinity nuclear airburst of 1945 in Socorro, New Mexico,” he continued. “The extreme temperatures required are equal to those of an atomic bomb blast, high enough to make sand melt and boil.” The material evidence supporting the YDB cosmic impact hypothesis spans three continents, and covers nearly one-third of the planet, from California to Western Europe, and into the Middle East. The discovery extends the range of evidence into Germany and Syria, the easternmost site yet identified in the northern hemisphere. The researchers have yet to identify a limit to the debris field of the impact.
“Because these three sites in North America and the Middle East are separated by 1,000 to 10,000 kilometers, there were most likely three or more major impact/airburst epicenters for the YDB impact event, likely caused by a swarm of cosmic objects that were fragments of either a meteorite or comet,” said Kennett.
The PNAS paper also presents examples of recent independent research that supports the YDB cosmic impact hypothesis, and supports two independent groups that found melt-glass in the YDB layers in Arizona and Venezuela. “The results strongly refute the assertion of some critics that ‘no one can replicate’ the YDB evidence, or that the materials simply fell from space non-catastrophically,” Kennett noted.
..Microscopic images of grains of melted quartz from YDB cosmic impact layer in SyriaWebsite
He added that the archaeological site in Syria where the melt-glass material was found –– Abu Hureyra, in the Euphrates Valley –– is one of the few sites of its kind that record the transition from nomadic hunter-gatherers to farmer-hunters who live in permanent villages. “Archeologists and anthropologists consider this area the ‘birthplace of agriculture,’ which occurred close to 12,900 years ago,” Kennett said.
“The presence of a thick charcoal layer in the ancient village in Syria indicates a major fire associated with the melt-glass and impact spherules 12,900 years ago,” he continued. “Evidence suggests that the effects on that settlement and its inhabitants would have been severe.”Caves and islands are full of animal and human remains indicating large destructive and flooding events.
The researchers have yet to identify a limit to the debris field of the impact.
Two independent groups that found melt-glass in the YDB layers in Arizona and Venezuela. He added that the archaeological site in Syria where the melt-glass material was found –– Abu Hureyra, in the Euphrates Valley –– is one of the few sites of its kind that record the transition from nomadic hunter-gatherers to farmer-hunters who live in permanent villages. “Archeologists and anthropologists consider this area the ‘birthplace of agriculture,’ which occurred close to 12,900 years ago,” Kennett said.
“The presence of a thick charcoal layer in the ancient village in Syria indicates a major fire associated with the melt-glass and impact spherules 12,900 years ago,” he continued. “Evidence suggests that the effects on that settlement and its inhabitants would have been severe.”
Most likely a meteor hit the Earth causing massive floods and severely cold temperatures for an Ice Age that caused much of the Northern Hemisphere to be covered by ice. Europeans may have moved from Europe to North America on an Ice Bridge. and an abstract here: We are poised on the edge of a major paradigm shift in our understanding of our own past. Now that we know that an extinction level event occurred in our historical backyard — just 12,800 years ago – an gigantic cosmic impact, when large fragments of a disintegrating comet hit the North American ice cap. History is never going to look quite the same again. It may take some time until the implications of the new scientific findings have been fully taken on board by archaeologists and historians who will, no doubt, continue meanwhile to make the absurd and arrogant claim that a lost civilization ‘just isn’t possible’. “Magicians of the Gods” refute such claims with overwhelming new evidence.
“Magicians of the Gods” is in the final run-up to publication on 10 September in the UK and 10 November in the US and is available for pre-order from all parts of the world through the various links set out on this page:
29-08-2015 om 00:13
geschreven door peter
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Filer’s Files #35 – 2015 Orange Orbs and Triangles- PART II
Filer’s Files #35 – 2015 Orange Orbs and Triangles- PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Strange
Long Beach — I witnessed a strange light emanating from the moon on August 24,2015, I grabbed my camera and took photos of the moon which captured the light and then I noticed two orbs which appeared behind the moon that moved very quickly in all directions. I figured since the activity was over the ocean, I directed my camera towards Los Angeles and I captured the collection of orange lights over the city. This happened all within an hour. The photos I took were taken seconds apart and capture the orbs motion. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Hollywood— On or around September 13, 2013, at about 2:30 Pm, I went out on my porch to smoke a cigarette and heard the engine of a small plane passing overhead and looked up to see a giant black triangle flying east. The object was flying over five houses from the corner silently. It was no more than eight stories of the ground flying 20 miles per hour. It was rounded at the edges with a bee hive pattern. It wobbled slightly left and right the whole time I saw it. It had no visible windows or openings. I called for my girlfriend to come and see it but she didn’t have her glasses to see it. A small plane that originally made me notice the object followed the object. at about 5 to 10 yards. Then it moved to the side of it, then a little above and to the left of it.
I could see take pilot good enough to see his head movements but not his features. The objects did not land at the nearby Burbank Airport. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Six Saucers
Spring Hill — I was in my backyard, taking random pictures of the night sky on May 10, 2015, with my Canon Power Shot SX50. I shot 12 images per second rapid fire in a very dark sky. I did not see anything but when I viewed the pictures on the PC the images showed six lights stacked on top of each other. One picture of six Sauces stacked on top of each other showed one flying off. WOW. Thanks to Lorry Stargaazer
Georgia Craft
On the morning of July 11, 2015, my wife had mentioned that she had an awful nightmare; she felt that someone was in the bedroom with her and our grandson but she could not get away. She was screaming and struggling but to no avail. My grandson said that he heard her, woke up, and touched her. She became quite frightened. The next day checked my game camera on the back deck that took a 10 second video every 10 minutes. The videotape showed some clips that seem to be connected to the nightmare. The clips on the 11th show a beam of pulsating light coming from the sky entering into their bedroom and a strange winged object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Edinburgh– This is a picture of UFO taken on July 23, 2015, at 8:57 pm.
Pamela writes, I grew up in Springfield Illinois. My dad always told me about when us kids were little about all the things him and the neighbors would see in the sky. When I was 17, I was looking out my bedroom window I saw a huge round object with different colored lights hovering above Sears, I watched it until it disappeared. Thanks to. Pamela Stark
Aurora — My 10 year old and I were driving in town on August 22, 2015, when she said, “Look Look“! I looked up and a bright glowing light was moving northwest past us and up. I pulled the car over. She said,“Look”! Again and I saw a second glowing light rising and moving NW above the buildings. I videoed it as it quickly moved past us, over downtown Aurora, heading north. It was not an aircraft, and it was too close, we saw only light, no outlines of an object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Boomerang
Cass County— I was walking out the house on August 6, 2015, and I look up and see a bright light shaped like a triangle hovering maybe no more than 1000 feet off the ground. I didn’t really have to think much about what it was cause there was nothing else in the sky. I stopped for a couple minutes and just watched it hovering and slowly moving away. I quickly took out my phone and took some pictures of it. I went in my friend’s house and when we came out to look it was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mississippi Orb
Biloxi — While I was on break at work on August 20, 2015, I was texting a friend and told him I was watching a dolphin in the Gulf of Mexico.
I snapped this photo scrolled up to the clouds and zoomed in and found something unusual. Coming out of the center cloud is a strange object. I did not see these objects until after the picture was taken, Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
New York City – Alex called to report she was walking south on Wall Street and viewed a large gray triangle moving to her right/south on August 14, 2015 at 7:30 PM. It was bigger than any aircraft and flying at a high altitude. Thanks to Alex F.
New York – I looked out the window to check if it was raining on August 22, 2015, and was surprised to see lights hovering above nearby buildings as shown. Object made no noise at all. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Lights
Athens — While taking a lunch break in my parked car on August 25, 2015, and took several shots of the puffy clouds through the sunroof. It was not until I returned to my office 30 minutes later, that I noticed a green reflection on one of the photos.
I am not sure what this is, but it is certainly interesting when I zoomed in around 12:25 PM. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Disk
Corvallis– On August 16, 2015, I found an unknown object in a photo I took at Chip Ross Park. I never saw it with my own eyes. I noticed it while going through some photos I took over the weekend and thought it was strange.
Note: The object is in focus. I don’t think that the object is a bird or insect. Thanks to William Puckett, Director UFOsnw
Lebanon –. My husband and I were out for a run on August 19, 2015, as the sun was going down and there was a little light left at 8:45 pm. I saw a bright light in the sky moving fast and thought it was odd, since it was so bright and there were no other stars. I noticed it was moving fast, changed directions multiple times, hovered then flashed white to red 3x and once flashed bluish-green before turning to red completely. Then the light descended quickly behind a tree. A second light was spotted maneuvering, but was lost behind the tree line. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Object
Bristol— I was driving on Route 13 heading south to Burlington Bristol Bridge on July 7, 2015 at 8:02 PM. I observed a cool looking sunset with strange looking clouds that caught my eye. I snapped three pictures and proceeded on my journey to New Jersey. Later, I looked at my images and could see a dark formation move to the right part of sky, and then in picture three it completely disappears. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Dakota Domes
Buffalo Chip — I was heading to Sturgis and saw what I thought were big dome style green houses on August 14, 2015. I was probably four miles away when I saw them move. I turned around and took pictures, but they did not look the same as they did with just my eyes. Clarity was not as good. I was using an iPhone 5c and my pictures always look great, but these just were not working that well. When I returned about a half hour later, it was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Triangle of Lights
Oilton — I was working in the oilfield on the graveyard shift and saw this big single light coming towards me. I only had my I Pad; and by the time, I went to retrieve it there were two lights and then three.
It started to circle the gas well and hovered for a short while. Then all of a sudden between the front and the middle of this object, it started shooting this brown stuff. I don’t know what it was. Then it disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington UFO
Cougar— We were having a beer near Pine Creek campground by Yacolt when we saw a Ufo emitting light. It flew close to us just across the river on March 31, 2015. It then ascended away quickly. The last picture submitted is the first, with the light. The picture order is the UFO ascending away from us. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wyoming Cylinder
Jackson— Terri reports three of us women were riding in the Jedidiah Wilderness, going to Granite Lake on August 5, 2015. I took images about 12:30 PM and when I viewed the SD card, I was surprised to see this cylinder because we never saw it or heard any planes. The area we were riding in is west of the Grand Teton.
We are very surprised about this and looking for an explanation. I have sent four photos, two leading up to the gorgeous mountain we were approaching, and two with the illuminated object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Disc
Brisbane– I looked out the window and saw what looked like an aircraft on August 21, 2015. I’ve seen UFO’s in this direction before so I watched closely. The object was a flat disc with multicolored lights flashing around it. I heard a deep rumble and kept watching, the UFO started moving backwards, stopped, started moving up, and I lost sight of it in a few seconds.
I feel someone is watching me as I write this 10 minutes after the event. Another time a yellow disc hovered over my house for 20 minutes. I called the local Air Force base and they said a blip was showing on the radar and then disappeared less than 60 seconds into the call. Sorry if the drawing is unclear, I just had to do a quick sketch and I am no artist.
Canada 30 Orbs
Stoney Creek/Hamilton Ontario — I have witnessed strange lights happening throughout the month of August 2015. In particular, on the night of August 22, 2015 around 8 pm, I was walking the dog when I noticed two strange lights glowing in the sky coming towards me. As I stopped walking to observe the lights, coincidentally the lights stopped moving as well. Once I begin walking towards the lights, they started to move away in the opposite direction from me. I continued my walk and minutes later, both lights reappeared. When I reached the school park, I approached a group of teenagers and brought their attention to the 20 or 30 orbs at my eye level over Stoney Creek.
The lights were in a cluster hovering until they flew around making patterns in the sky. At one point, only three lights were visible forming a triangle. The lights would then all reappear in a DNA like structure. The orbs were trying to communicate by patterns and shapes. The lights disappeared and reappeared reforming shapes. Three additional orbs rose as I tried phoning but the connection was bad or out. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Disc
Medellín — I like to look at the sky because I have been having Ufo sightings for about ten years, so I watch the sky continuously. I did not know about MUFON so this is a report is from September 16, 2012. I have wanted to report several sightings that I have had. It happened at 9 PM, in the south part of the city. I observed a shining disc shaped spaceship with a dome with four lights. I called to my sister who confirmed my sighting. A red star moved slowly towards the first object and the disc seemed to absorb it. An hour later, it vanished slowly. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Cylinder
Funchal-Ilha Madeira — As I watched the sunset, I took photos on January 31, 2015. I ended up taking a photo of an unidentified flying cylinder shaped object. The event took place on Madeira Island, in an area without air traffic. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Romania Light
Bucharest — I was in my room on August 18, 1986, working on my computer when I detected an out of place light out the window. It was rather bright or close or both, but I did not think to start recording immediately. It was an out of place noticeable light of a peculiar color that was travelling slowly. Then it accelerated on a gently curved flight path at a constant altitude. I was puzzled and excited as it disappeared behind the trees. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Disc
My mother was on a river cruise vacation in Russia taking pics that she sent for free internationally on August 5, 2015. I received a text with a picture that was taken on her balcony, outside of her cabin, without any window or glass in front of her. I immediately noticed the silver/metallic disk that looks like a classic silver/spinning disk. The next day she sent a blurry picture of a purple circle surrounded by several metallic/light reflecting objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Lights
Coventry — I went for a short walk around 8:15 pm behind Heronbank at the University of Warwick on August 21, 2015. I happened to look up at this glowing (because of the flame) cylindrical type object in the sky, steering upwards in a somewhat fast motion. I was able to take a picture of it. But, when I started taking a video, my phones ‘and battery died. It was not a shooting star. It could be a rocket launch though. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Stowmarket – I was making coffee close to 10 pm on July 22, 2015, and looked out the kitchen window and saw a light in front on me. It was glowing orange/yellow and so I rushed to get my camera and took two pictures. The light changed from a long shape then bended and glowing. I pop outside to see a glowing shape then it goes dark. So I go back in and 30 minutes later I hear a helicopter fly over at 10:20 pm from RAF bases in the area, but not this late. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/Scotland Lights
Dornoch — My wife and I were holidaying at “Grannies Heilan Hame” at Embo on May 31, 2015, when we noticed a light travel east across the sky. I was trying to get a clear picture of the moon, swept across, and took a picture of the moving “star.” Back in our caravan, I downloaded the picture and on zooming in, I saw numerous colored worm-like objects. It certainly was not a refraction of light from the moon or morphing the pictures. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
A team of physicists have provided what has been described by the journal Nature as the “clearest evidence yet” that our universe is a hologram.
The new research could help reconcile one of modern physics’ most enduring problems : the apparent inconsistencies between the different models of the universe as explained by quantum physics and Einstein’s theory of gravity.
The two new scientific papers are the culmination of years’ work led by Yoshifumi Hyakutake of Ibaraki University in Japan, and deal with hypothetical calculations of the energies of black holes in different universes.
The idea of the universe existing as a ‘hologram’ doesn’t refer to a Matrix-like illusion, but the theory that the three dimensions we perceive are actually just“painted” onto the cosmological horizon – the boundary of the known universe.
If this sounds paradoxical, try to imagine a holographic picture that changes as you move it. Although the picture is two dimensional, observing it from different locations creates the illusion that it is 3D.
This model of the universe helps explain some inconsistencies between general relativity (Einstein’s theory) and quantum physics. Although Einstein’s work underpins much of modern physics, at certain extremes (such as in the middle of a black hole) the principles he outlined break down and the laws of quantum physics take over.
The traditional method of reconciling these two models has come from the 1997 work of theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena, whose ideas built upon string theory.
This is one of the most well respected ‘theories of everything’ (Stephen Hawking is a fan) and it posits that one-dimensional vibrating objects known as ‘strings’ are the elementary particles of the universe.
Maldacena has welcomed the new research by Hyakutake and his team, telling the journal Nature that the findings are “an interesting way to test many ideas in quantum gravity and string theory.”
Leonard Susskind, a theoretical physicist regarded as one of the fathers of string theory, added that the work by the Japanese team “numerically confirmed, perhaps for the first time, something we were fairly sure had to be true, but was still a conjecture.”
NASA Brings Scientists & Theologians Together To Prepare World For Extraterrestrial Contact
NASA Brings Scientists & Theologians Together To Prepare World For Extraterrestrial Contact
A couple of months ago top US astronomers gathered in front of congress to let them know that extraterrestrial life exists without question. Their main argument was the size of the universe, emphasizing that there are trillions of stars out there, with one in every five most likely harboring an Earth-like planet. It’s also important to keep in mind that planets do not have to be “Earth-like” in order to harbor life. You can read more about that story here.
“The number of habitable worlds in our galaxy is certainly in the tens of billions, minimum, and we haven’t even talked about the moons. And the number of galaxies we can see, other than our own, is about 100 billion.” – Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at California’s SETI Institute
This time, NASA and the Library of Congress have teamed up bringing together scientists, theologians, philosophers and historians from around the globe for a two day symposium in order to discuss how to prepare the world for extraterrestrial contact, whether it be microbial organisms or intelligent beings.
“We’re looking at all scenarios about finding life. If you find microbes, that’s one thing. If you find intelligence, it’s another. And if they communicate, it’s something else, and depending on what they say, it’s something else! The idea is not to wait until we make a discovery, but to try and prepare the public for what the implications might be when such a discovery is made. I think the reason that NASA is backing this is because of all the recent activity in the discovery of exoplanets and the advances in astrobiology in general. People just consider it much more likely now that we’re going to find something — probably microbes first and maybe intelligence later. The driving force behind this is from a scientific point of view that it seems much more likely now that we are going to find life at some point in the future.” – Astronomer, symposium organizer and former chief NASA historian, Steven J. Dick.
One of the theologians present was Brother Guy Consolmagno, who is the new president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. This is what he had to say:
“I Believe [alien life exists], but I have no evidence. I would be really excited and it would make my understanding of my religion deeper and richer in ways that I can’t even predict yet, which is why it would be so exciting.”
He is urging the public not to be so surprised when extraterrestrial life is discovered, because it will be discovered. He even said that he would be happy to baptize them, if it’s intelligent extraterrestrial life that’s discovered. The Vatican has been very open to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and they’ve expressed these views for a very long time.
Earth is not the center of the universe, it’s not flat, and it’s looking very likely that the next major paradigm shifting revelation will be the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
It’s great to see the mainstream world gather, discuss and prepare for this possibility and ultimate reality, and it’s a great seg-way to create more awareness about the world of secrecy, the world’s within our world that deal with projects the human race knows nothing about.
The Other Probability – Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Is Already Here
All of the information I’ve provided below is probably old information for CE fans that regularly visit our site. This information is from a previous article I wrote earlier in the year, I thought it would be fitting to cut and paste it here for our new readers. You can find more CE articles on the UFO/Extraterrestrial topic by visiting our exopolitics section HERE.
In the United States alone, at least half of all Americans say that we’re not alone in the universe. Fifty percent of Americans already believe that there is some form of life on other planets, while only seventeen percent think that there isn’t. A quarter of Americans believe that intelligent extraterrestrial visitors have already come to Earth and have been doing so for a long time.
Here’s one of them:
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell
There are multiple reasons why the extraterrestrial question continues to gain popularity. People are starting to ask questions about the world around them, utilizing critical thinking and investigation. After thoroughly investigating this topic your conclusions will be similar to the conclusions of the majority, we are not alone, and we are being visited.
1. The Size of the Universe
How often do you look up into the night sky and wonder just how many stars, planets, galaxies and more are out there? Space has been a high area of interest that has always fascinated scientists, philosophers, musicians and pretty much just about everyone. What is it about deep space that grabs our attention so much? To think about just how big the universe is can really put things into perspective.
Counting the stars in the universe is like trying to count the number of sand grains on a beach , not possible. Although estimates vary among different experts, the general consensus is that there are at least between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies in our universe. Think about that for a moment, and now throw in billions of stars in each galaxy! This number could very easily be in the trillions for all we know.
Take the Milky Way Galaxy for example, which measures to about 120,000 light years across (it would take light that many years to travel across the galaxy), and contains up to 400 billion stars. Again, that’s billions of galaxies that contain billions of stars.
Scientists estimate that at least 10 billion habitable Earth-sized planets exist in the milky way alone ( one galaxy out of billions), but it’s important to keep an open mind as to what type of conditions and environments some unknown extraterrestrial like forms could thrive in. They all don’t necessarily have to be Earth-like.
Given our estimation of the size of the universe, or multiverse (whatever you want to call it), odds are we are not alone.
2. Whistle Blowers The past few years have seen a surge of whistle-blowers that’ve come out and said some remarkable things. Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have received the most attention, but the reality is that there are hundreds of whistle blowers who have come forward with verified credentials and backgrounds. Mass survelience and the security state is not the only thing shocking people around the world, it’s the fact that many of these whistle blowers claim that we are not alone in the universe. It wouldn’t be so hard to ignore if it wasn’t for the backgrounds these people have in their respected fields.
The first one that comes to mind is Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister, the man responsible for unifying the Canadian Air Force, Army and the Navy into one united force now known as the Canadian Forces. For someone with such a background to come out and make these extraordinary claims definitely grabbed the attention of many people.
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.”
”In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.”
Paul Hellyer isn’t the only one making extraordinary statements, at least a dozen NASA astronauts have done the same. Just like Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s quote, other astronauts have said some remarkable things. Let’s take a look at a few (out of many) examples.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” – Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
“In my opinion I think they were worried that it would panic the public so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it. Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told so many untruths, it would be embarrassing getting out of it. There are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.” – Gordon Cooper, Former NASA Astronaut, Aeronautical Engineer and test pilot. One of the seven original Astronauts in Project Mercury, the first manned space program of the United States
The list goes on and on, the latest in NASA Astronaut statements about UFOs came from the 2005 International Space Station (ISS) Commander, Leroy Chiao.
Here is a video of John Podesta who was recently appointed as councillor to Barack Obama supporting UFO disclosure.
Some of the most extraordinary statements about UFOs and extraterrestrials come from persons who have held some of the highest positions known. Those who would be in a position to ‘know’ about possible extraterrestrial encounters.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
” Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979). From “UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2″, Written by Richard Dolan
The list of military whistle blowers is huge, there are hundreds of them and hundreds of quotes to choose from. To view military whistleblowers (with verified backgrounds) give a press conference at The National Press Club about UFOs deactivating nuclear weapons, click HERE. You can also look up Dr. Steven Greer and the disclosure project.
The list of quotes from all fields, from many people is outstanding. I could literally fill pages upon pages so I’ll stop here, I think you get the picture. These quotes by whistleblowers and people with prestigious backgrounds leads perfectly into the next point as to why almost everybody knows that we are not alone in the universe.
“There is another way whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” – Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified” – Senator Barry Goldwater , Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee
3. The Evidence of UFOs
Within the past few years, dozens of governments admitted to allocating resources and having programs to study the UFO phenomenon. For instance, in Canada the RCMP, Transport Canada, and the Department of National Defence recently admitted to tracking UFOs and investigating them. They’ve been doing it for years, accumulating thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents. Many of these documents have since been officially released.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is ten incredible cases. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
There is a Wikileak cable that describes how some politicians already know we are not alone in the universe. You can read more about that HERE.
Again the list goes on and on and thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents are now available in the public domain. For a summary of more documents that have been declassified and made available, a video done by UFO Richard Dolan does a great one in 10 minutes. To watch it click HERE. and see what type of information is out there.
4. Mass Mainstream Media Attention
Media outlets of all kind are covering the topic, almost every movie that comes out these days has something to do with space or some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence. We’ve been bombarded with the topic for a while now so it’s not hard to see how it’s on the minds of many.
The most recent case of mainstream extraterrestrial ‘noise’ was made when scientists recently spoke to the house Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Dan Werthimer of the SETI Research Centre at the University of California, Berkeley, recently called for more funding to be allocated to the search for extraterrestrial life since he is “close to 100 percent” certain that we are not alone.
In mid 2013, the same committee held a hearing about exoplanet discoveries, but perhaps one of the largest UFO/extraterrestrial hearings came at the National Press Club, which also took place in Mid-2013. At this event, hundreds of researchers, activists and military/agency/political witnesses representing ten countries gave UFO/extraterrestrial testimony to six former members of the United States Congress about events and evidence indicating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and 2008 presidential candidate said that there is “an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.” You can learn more about the citizens hearing here.
Apart from these events, UFOs are constantly a topic of interest in today’s mainstream news. Unfortunately, most mainstream media outlets that cover the topic seek out to ridicule it rather than investigating it properly.
To view military whistleblowers (with verified backgrounds) give a press conference at The National Press Club about UFOs deactivating nuclear weapons, click HERE.
There are millions of people out there claiming to have contact with extraterrestrial beings. This has played a large role in spreading the influence of extraterrestrial interest across the world. All of us seem to be naturally fascinated with the unknown, especially when it comes to space. It seems like human nature.
Neuroscience can now explain what happens to our body when we meditate, but it’s something we all knew to be beneficial before the science. Is extraterrestrial life similar? Is it something we all feel deep down inside, something we don’t need proof for? (Even though the proof is there).
Besides the thousands of videos available on YouTube, there is some very fascinating officially documented UFO footage available for us to see. Click HERE to see raw footage of a UFO showing up in Norway for scientists at their observatory.
Click HERE to see film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission. It’s some of the best, officially documented UFO footage that’s out there today.
HERE is a video that made headlines once released. It came from straight front the Mexican Air Force. Do a quick UFO search on youtube and you’ll see many fakes, but many real videos of unknown aerial objects.
Final Thoughts
A few years ago the question was “Do UFOs exist?” Today that question has been answered, and the presence of UFOs performing maneuvers that defy our laws of physics has been well documented. The question has more so shifted to, “Is that an extraterrestrial space craft?”
It’s nothing to fear, in my opinion they’ve been around forever. They have been aware of us long before we have been aware of them. As speculated with our ancient civilizations in Earth’s brief past, perhaps they will one day interact with humanity again. I guess we will see.
Perhaps some groups are concerned about our planet, and come here further pushing the idea that we need to start changing the way we are doing things here. Perhaps one day soon we will find out.
I definitely believe that a good chunk of these UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin. I also believe that many of these crafts are “ours.”
Parents worried after child "stalked by UFO for two weeks" showed them footage of the UFO
After seeing the "unquestionable" evidence of the UFO footage their son managed to record, the concerned parents sent the material for verification.
The incredible video was recorded by a nine-year old child who claimed for weeks that he was being stocked by some sort of mysterious craft. The little boy went to his parents to tell them about his terrifying experience but the child's mother and father did not believe him. The boy's parents changed their opinion after the little fella managed to record on video the object that had been stalking him for over two weeks. The mysterious unidentified flying object changes direction, speed and eventually vanishes into space.
After seeing the video their little boy recorded, the parents quickly sent the footage to experts for verification.
Many Ufologists believe that this is just one of the hundreds of cases around the world, where mysterious flying objects follow people around and eventually "abduct" them.
Even though we do not know "who" the experts are that verified the footage, we believe that this certainly is a very interesting UFO video that will cause a lot of debate among skeptics and ufologists.
Here is the video footage:
After the video was uploaded to YouTube, there have been dozens of comments about the strange UFO encounters. One of the "experts" commented: "It was almost as if this craft made itself invisible to the parents and only visible to the child, who was needless to say very frightened by this thing.
"This further corroborates other stories where these UFOs follow children, presumably to abduct them.
"This craft was luckily caught on video by the child who had run in to get the parents phone, ran back out, started recording the craft in mid-flight.
"You can see the craft shape shifts, it changes direction it stops before finally dematerializing."
but there are mixed feelings about the video. Others believe that these claims are just as absurd as the video itself.
One of the commentators wrote:
Where is your evidence of intent?
"This video title accusation, is more a reflection on the mentality of the uploader, than proof of anything nefarious on behalf of the craft pilot.
" Are we going to extend our (apparently) inherent racism to every being we encounter?"
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28-08-2015 om 22:02
geschreven door peter
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Ecosse : un système élaboré de calendrier vieux de 10 000 ans découvert
Ecosse : un système élaboré de calendrier vieux de 10 000 ans découvert
Selon une nouvelle étude, les humains ont inventé un système sophistiqué calendaire des milliers d'années plus tôt qu'on ne le pensait précédemment.
La découverte est basée sur une analyse détaillée des données d'un site archéologique dans le nord de l'Ecosse - une rangée de fosses anciennes que les archéologues croient être le plus ancien calendrier mondial. Il a près de cinq mille années de plus que son plus proche rival - un ancien calendrier créé à partir de l'âge du bronze en Mésopotamie.
Créé par les Britanniques de l'âge de la Pierre, il y a quelques 10.000 années, des archéologues croient que le complexe de puits a été conçu pour représenter les mois de l'année et les phases lunaires du mois. Ils croient qu'il a également permis l'observation du lever du soleil en plein hiver - en effet, la naissance de la nouvelle année - alors que le calendrier lunaire pourrait être re-calibré annuellement pour le ramener en ligne avec l'année solaire.
Représentation artistique d'un artiste de Warren Champ y a environ 10.000 ans, montrant un matériau qui brûle dans une des fosses du calendrier
Remarquablement le monument était en usage pendant quelque 4000 ans - à partir de 8000 avant JC (période au début du mésolithique) à environ 4000 avant JC (début du néolithique).
Les fosses ont été périodiquement retaillées - probablement des dizaines de fois, voire des centaines de fois - par rapport à celles de quatre millénaires. Il est donc impossible de savoir si oui ou non elles contenaient originellement des poteaux en bois ou des pierres dressées après qu'elles aient été creusées il y a 10.000 ans. Cependant les variations dans les profondeurs des fosses suggérent que l'arc avait une conception complexe - avec chaque mois lunaire potentiellement divisé en trois «semaines» d'environ dix jours - ce qui représente la lune croissante, la lune gibbeuse / pleine et la lune décroissante.
Les 50 mètres de longueur de la rangée de 12 fosses principales ont été organisés comme un arc vers un plongeon en forme de V à l'horizon sur lequel le soleil se levait le jour de la mi-hiver. Il y a 12,37 cycles lunaires (mois lunaire) dans une année solaire - et les archéologues croient que chaque fosse représentait un mois en particulier, avec l'ensemble de l'arc représentant une année.
Les 12 puits ont peut-être joué un autre rôle en représentant le mois lunaire. Reflétant les phases de la lune, le noir et l'affaiblissement de ce qui prend 29 jours et demi, la succession de creux, disposés en arc peu profond (peut-être symbolisant le mouvement de la lune dans le ciel), commence petit et peu profond à une extrémité , croît en diamètre et en profondeur vers le centre de l'arc, puis décroît dans sa taille, à l'autre extrémité.
Une illustration sur la façon dont les fosses auraient fonctionné. Les universités de St Andrews, Leicester et Bradford ont également participé.
Dans son rôle d'un calendrier annuel (couvrant 12 mois - une pour chaque fosse), un système d'alternance des profondeurs de la fosse suggère que les mois voisins peuvent être jumelés en quelque sorte, ce qui pourrait refléter une sorte de système de croyance cosmologique dualiste - connu dans les documents ethnographiques et historiques dans de nombreuses parties du monde, mais pas encore détecté archéologiquement à l'âge de pierre.
Garder la trace du temps aurait été d'une immense utilité économique et spirituelle aux communautés de chasseurs-cueilleurs du mésolithique. Leur calendrier aurait aidés à déterminer le moment précis où les troupeaux d'animaux pouvaient s'attendre à migrer ou à la fois plus susceptibles où les saumons pourraient commencer leur voyage.
Mais les leaders des communautés de l'Age de Pierre - y compris potentiellement des Shamans - peuvent aussi avoir utilisé le calendrierpour se donner l'apparence d'être en mesure de prédire ou de contrôler les saisons ou le comportement de la lune et du soleil...
Le site - à Warren Field, Crathes, Aberdeenshire - a été fouillé en 2004 par le National Trust for Scotland, mais les données ne furent analysées en détail qu'au cours des six derniers mois en utilisant le logiciel spécialement écrit, ce qui a permis une exploration interactive de la relation entre le 12 puits, la topographie locale et les mouvements de la lune et du soleil.
L'analyse a été réalisée par une équipe de spécialistes dirigée par le professeur Vincent Gaffney, de l'Université de Birmingham.
« La recherche démontre que la société de l'âge de pierre il y a 10.000 ans était beaucoup plus sophistiquée que ce que nous avions déjà soupçonné. Le site a des implications sur la façon dont nous comprenons comment la société du Mésolithique s'est développée sur le plan économique, social et cosmologique ", a déclaré le professeur Gaffney.
« Les preuves suggèrent que les sociétés des chasseurs-cueilleurs en Ecosse avaient à la fois la nécessité et la technicité de suivre le temps à travers les années, à corriger la dérive des saisons de l'année lunaire et que cela s'est produit près de 5000 ans avant les premiers calendriers officiels connus dans le Proche-Orient . Ce faisant, cela illustre une étape importante vers la construction formelle du temps et donc de l'histoire elle-même ", a-t-il dit.
Dr Richard Bates, de l'Université de St Andrews, a déclaré la découverte fournie " de nouvelles preuves passionnantes " du début du Mésolithique en Ecosse.
Il a ajouté: " C'est le premier exemple d'une telle structure et il n'y a pas de site comparable connu en Grande-Bretagne ou en Europe pendant plusieurs milliers d'années après que le monument à Warren Camp ait été construit. "
Le site de Champ Warren a été découvert parce que des hirondelles inhabituelles avaient été repérées dans l'air par la Commission royale sur les monuments anciens et historiques de l'Ecosse (RCAHMS).
Dave Cowley, enquêteur chargé de projets à RCAHMS, a déclaré: " Nous avons pris des photos du paysage écossais depuis près de 40 ans, en enregistrant des milliers de sites archéologiques qui n'auraient jamais été détectés depuis le sol.
" Le Champ Warren apparaît comme quelque chose de spécial, cependant. Il est remarquable de penser que notre étude aérienne a peut-être aidé à trouver l'endroit où le temps lui-même a été inventé ".
Le site avait déjà révélé de nombreuses traces préhistoriques, dont les restes d'une grande habitation datée d'environ 5800 ans avant maintenant :
Les excavations sur les iles Orkney révèlent un temple incroyable sophistiqué âgé de 5000 ans minimum. L'excavation révolutionnaire d'un Temple préhistorique complexe sur l'île écossaise d'Orkney a révélé que les habitants du néolithique de l'île étaient beaucoup plus avancés qu'on ne l'avait d'abord réalisé, selon un communiqué dans The Scotsman. Alors qu'une vaste collection d'objets anciens reflètent une société complexe et culturellement riche, les archéologues ont également découvert que les trois grandes structures monumentales de l'île - l'Anneau de Brodgar, les Pierres de Stennes, et le tombeau de Maes Howe - étaient " inextricablement liés à un unique grand thème ".
Le site archéologique, connu sous le nom Ness de Brodgar, couvre une superficie de plus de 6 hectares et comprend des restes de logements, des restes de toits d'ardoise, des allées pavées, des façades colorées, des dalles de pierre décorées, un mur en pierres massives avec des fondations, et un grand bâtiment décrit comme un «cathedra» néolithique ou «palais», habité depuis au moins 3.500 avant JC jusqu'à la fin de la période néolithique plus d'un millénaire et demi plus tard.
« Leur fabrication était impeccable. Les murs imposants qu'ils ont construits auraient fait honneur aux centurions romains qui, quelques 30 siècles plus tard, ont érigé le mur d'Hadrien dans une autre partie de la Grande-Bretagne. Cloîtrés dans ces murs il y avait des dizaines de bâtiments, dont une des plus grandes structures couvertes construites dans la préhistoire au nord de l'Europe. " Elle avait plus de 80 pieds (25 m) de long et 60 pieds (18 m) de large, avec des murs épais 13 pieds (4 m) ", a déclaré Roff Smith, auteur d'un article sur le Ness de Brogar qui va être publié dans l'édition de Août de National Geographic.
La fouille archéologique, qui a jusquà présent découvert seulement environ 10 pour cent du site original, a déjà donné des milliers d'artefacts incroyables y compris des têtes de massues de cérémonie, des haches en pierre polie, des couteaux de silex, une figurine humaine, des pots miniatures faits au pouce, des spatules en pierre magnifiquement ciselées, de très raffinées poteries colorées, et plus de 650 pièces d'art du néolithique, de loin la plus grande collection jamais trouvée en Grande-Bretagne.
Dirigez-vous assez loin vers le nord en partant de Derbyshire, et vous arrivez à la frontière avec l'Ecosse. Continuez et vous finirez par arriver dans les îles Orcades, une série de 70 îles et îlots situés à 6.2 miles (10 km) de la pointe nord de l'Ecosse. Vous pourriez penser que cela aurait été abandonné tout de suite après le Néolithique, mais il y a des preuves pour suggérer une civilisation florissante ici. Le cercle de l'Anneau de Brodgar en pierre massive en est seulement une partie de la dépouille de cette culture, qui comprennent le site bien conservé de Skara Brae, le site de Barnhouse, la belle tombe en encorbellement de Maes Howe et le Tombeau des Aigles.
En fait, les îles sont jonchées de restes de structures, des bâtiments et des murs, des pierres debout et des établissements, ce qui rend le patrimoine préhistorique vibrant, vivant et dans un état de conservation impressionnant. Les îles Orcades, si vous avez déjà eu la chance de les visiter, sont une série de falaises, de baies peu profondes et des routes sinueuses (où se trouvent tout ce qui existe actuellement), ce qui signifie que le niveau de développement moderne est faible, et n'a pas vraiment un impact sur le paysage autant qu'on pourrait le dire, comme le centre d'une ville moderne. L'endroit de la capitale est à Kirkwall, pas plus de 8500 habitants, et à l'ouest de la capitale, entre les pierres massives de Stenness et le puissant Anneau de Brodgar, il y a une petite bande de terre, qui semble assez modeste sur un carte moderne. Vous pourriez donc réaliser maintenant que quelque chose de tout à fait modeste pour la recherche est peu susceptible d'attirer les archéologues, et il n'y a donc actuellement qu'une excavation en cours sur le site :
Retour au Néolithique, cependant, et que le peu de bande de terre était le centre et le site de certaines activités culturelles et comportementales intenses. Les Pierres de Stenness, dans le bas de l'image ci-dessus, a un foyer central, et est entouré par des preuves de festins et d'une activité de colonisation (notamment au site Barnhouse). L'Anneau de Brodgar, en haut de l'image, est entouré par des tumulus et des cimetières et a un manque d'activités domestiques. Alors que se trouve-t-il sur la bande entre le lieu de la vie et le lieu de la mort ? La première chose qu'il s'est passée en 2002, a été que les archéologues sur le Loch de Stenness, sous le commandement du directeur du site et chef du projet Orkney Archaeological Trust, Nick Cave, a entrepris un relevé géophysique massif du site, qui s'est terminé avec des résultats qui ressemblaient à ceci (cliquez pour agrandir image) :
1) Les marques blanches sont où le levé géophysique a révélé une différence dans les dépôts enterrés. Malheureusement, il ne vous dira pas précisément ce que ces dépôts sont, ni où se trouvent le les plus intéressants sont à creuser. 2) Il y a une zone de forme sombre près du centre des résultats, c'est la taille de la zone d'excavation en cours par rapport à la taille de l'ensemble du site. Les fouilles couvrent environ 10% de l'ensemble de la région à ce jour. 3) Le tout semble être entouré par un mur rectangulaire, qui a une sorte d'entrée courbée vers l'intérieur dans le milieu du bord de la partie droite, et une autre entrée de l'autre côté, qui se recroqueville à nouveau vers l'intérieur vers le haut du bord gauche. Donc tout ce que nous voyons sont des bâtiments, vous pouvez essayer de deviner qu'ils sont bien murés.
Toutes les choses dans le centre sont à peu près un fouillis de restants de lignes et de murs, aussi en 2008, les archéologues ont pu faire ce qu'ils font le mieux et creuser un beau trou ordonné pour voir ce qui ce trouve plus bas.
Pour la partie nord-est de la zone fouillée, vous obtenez quelque chose qui ressemble à ceci :
Vous pourriez commencer à voir les lignes d'un imposant bâtiment rectangulaire étrange avec des alcôves autour des parois intérieures. Ce n'est pas le seul bâtiment qui a été découvert, car, à l'intérieur cette grande enceinte fortifiée du Ness, tout en est couvert, avec plus de 100 en cours d'identification dans les résultats de l'enquête et des fouilles :
Celui que nous avons dégagé en premier était la structure 8 sur la carte ci-dessus, et la recherche à partir du bord du plan ci-dessus vers le milieu.
La théorie la plus courante (maintenant), est que l'ensemble du site est un lieu liminal de transition (un Seuil) entre les mondes des vivants et le monde des morts. C'est une théorie parallèle à l'hypothèse pour les sites à Durrington Walls et de Stonehenge, reliés par l'avenue, d'abord proposée par Mike Parker Pearson lors de la Conférence sur le néolithique à Kirkwall en 1998. Voilà que le Loch Ness est un chemin conducteur entre les pierres du site de Steness / Barnhouse et l'Anneau de Brodgar. Il existe dans l'endroit un liminal (seuil) parfait, la géographie du site permet de créer une étroite bande de terre entre le sel et les lacs d'eau douce, en alignement avec deux énormes monuments de pierre représentant où la population vivait et le foyer spirituel des ancêtres et dominant le paysage. Les bâtiments de forme étranges sur le plan ci-dessus sont tous uniques, et n'existaient pas tous sur le site au même moment. Certains d'entre eux ont des foyers d'incendie dans les portes, et certains ont des fentes étroites dans les murs, peut-être pour des entrées / sorties. Les grands murs qui entourent le site peuvent avoir été faits pour séparer physiquement l'espace, pour la création d'une zone de transition dans laquelle les nouveaux morts partaient à travers la terre des ancêtres de l'autre côté. D'autres, comme la structure 10, qui est celui avec les murs très épais au fond du plan ci-dessus, ont les restes d'environ 600 bovins, tous presque exclusivement des os, datant de 2.300 avant JC. Il y a même des preuves de peintures sur les murs, et une multitude de poteries brisées et de têtes de hache de pierre / masses. Et parmi toute cette multitude céramique il y a ce petit bonhomme, nommé le Brogar Boy :
Vous pourriez être très familier avec les figurines de Vénus, mais celle-ci a été provisoirement décrite comme une représentation rare d'un homme, voici son visage en gros plan :
Les sites monumentaux de l'Anneau de Brodgar, les pierres dressées de Stenness, et la tombe de Maes Howe, tous situés à quelques miles de la Ness, étaient considérés comme étant utilisés comme des monuments isolés, avec des histoires distinctes, jusqu'à présent. Mais depuis que les fouilles sur le Ness se soient étendues et aient progréssé, les archéologues en sont venus à croire que les sites mégalithiques de la région environnante ont tous été reliés en quelque sorte avec le Ness de Brodgar, bien que son objectif reste inconnu.
" Ce que le Ness nous dit, c'est que c'était un paysage beaucoup plus intégré que quiconque ne l'avait jamais soupçonné ", a déclaré l'archéologue Nick Card, directeur des fouilles de l'Institut d'archéologie de l'Université des Highlands et des îles. " Tous ces monuments sont inextricablement liés à un quelconque grand thème que nous ne pouvons que deviner. Les gens qui ont construit tout cela faisaient partie d'une société beaucoup plus complexe et capable que cela n'a été dépeint dans l'Histoire".
" Allez au Ness aujourd'hui et plusieurs structures emblématiques de l'Age de la Pierre sont à portées de vue facilement, formant le noyau d'un site du patrimoine mondial appelé le Coeur néolithique des Orcades," a déclaré Smith. " Le Ness de Brogar semble être la pièce d'ancrage - la pièce maîtresse, si vous voulez - qui relie ces autres grands monuments dans un grand paysage monumental dont une personne d'élite avait rêvé l'existance. Et de l'avoir eu gisant sous nos pieds, insoupçonné, depuis tant de siècles ne fait qu'ajouter à l'émerveillement entourant cette découverte.
Les fouilles sur le site sont toujours en cours, mais vous pouvez en savoir plus en consultant le site en ligne ICI Dans le programme de télévision récente sur le site, William MacNeil était responsable d'impressionnantes reconstructions des images du site. Vous pouvez également en savoir plus sur les événements récents au National Geographic
Photographs courtesy Hugo Whymark, ORCA, Hugo Anderson
Lima Ed making the best use of the Caledonian Sleeper for a too short autumn visit to Orkney. Taking in John O'Groats, Scapa Flow, the Old Man of Hoy, and Skara Brae. Part of the Orkney series, October 2009.
A Video Tour of the Orkney Islands - Scotland
Video of one of Scotland's most rural and mystical places. The Orkney Islands in the far north. This footage was taken during a hostel/backpacking tour through the Orkney's in July of 2009 by Alex Berger of VirtualWayfarer.
The shimmering colours visible in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image show off the remarkable complexity of the Twin Jet Nebula. The new image highlights the nebula's shells and its knots of expanding gas in striking detail. Two iridescent lobes of material stretch outwards from a central star system. Within these lobes two huge jets of gas are streaming from the star system at speeds in excess of one million kilometres per hour.
The cosmic butterfly pictured in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image goes by many names. It is called the Twin Jet Nebula as well as answering to the slightly less poetic name of PN M2-9.
The M in this name refers to Rudolph Minkowski, a German-American astronomer who discovered the nebula in 1947. The PN, meanwhile, refers to the fact that M2-9 is a planetary nebula. The glowing and expanding shells of gas clearly visible in this image represent the final stages of life for an old star of low to intermediate mass. The star has not only ejected its outer layers, but the exposed remnant core is now illuminating these layers – resulting in a spectacular light show like the one seen here. However, the Twin Jet Nebula is not just any planetary nebula, it is a bipolar nebula.
Ordinary planetary nebulae have one star at their centre, bipolar nebulae have two, in a binary star system. Astronomers have found that the two stars in this pair each have around the same mass as the Sun, ranging from 0.6 to 1.0 solar masses for the smaller star, and from 1.0 to 1.4 solar masses for its larger companion. The larger star is approaching the end of its days and has already ejected its outer layers of gas into space, whereas its partner is further evolved, and is a small white dwarf.
The characteristic shape of the wings of the Twin Jet Nebula is most likely caused by the motion of the two central stars around each other. It is believed that a white dwarf orbits its partner star and thus the ejected gas from the dying star is pulled into two lobes rather than expanding as a uniform sphere. However, astronomers are still debating whether all bipolar nebulae are created by binary stars. Meanwhile the nebula's wings are still growing and, by measuring their expansion, astronomers have calculated that the nebula was created only 1200 years ago.
Within the wings, starting from the star system and extending horizontally outwards like veins are two faint blue patches. Although these may seem subtle in comparison to the nebula's rainbow colours, these are actually violent twin jets streaming out into space, at speeds in excess of one million kilometres per hour. This is a phenomenon that is another consequence of the binary system at the heart of the nebula. These jets slowly change their orientation, precessing across the lobes as they are pulled by the wayward gravity of the binary system.
The two stars at the heart of the nebula circle one another roughly every 100 years. This rotation not only creates the wings of the butterfly and the two jets, it also allows the white dwarf to strip gas from its larger companion, which then forms a large disc of material around the stars, extending out as far as 15 times the orbit of Pluto! Even though this disc is of incredible size, it is much too small to be seen on the image taken by Hubble.
Giant plumes of methane on Mars may be the belches of buried microbes
Giant plumes of methane on Mars may be the belches of buried microbes
Above photo: Nili Fossae, one of the regions on Mars emitting methane. The area was already a proposed landing site for the Mars Science Laboratory because of the presence of mineral-rich clays (red).
Photograph: AP/Nasa
Nasa is keeping an open mind, but says there is an urgent need to analyse the methane clouds for other chemicals that would either confirm or rule out life as the cause.
The search for extraterrestrial life has received a tantalising boost with the announcement that Nasa scientists have detected wafts of methane on Mars that could be the emissions of microbes living deep beneath the surface.
A seven-year survey of the red planet using three powerful ground-based telescopes in Hawaii, Arizona and Chile spotted giant plumes of the noxious gas being released from the ground in the northern hemisphere during the Martian summer.
Over three months in 2003 around 19,000 tonnes of methane belched into the atmosphere from two valleys and a volcano, each about 620 miles apart, Nasa scientists report in the US journal Science.
On Earth more than 90% of methane in the atmosphere is produced by living things as a byproduct of food digestion. But the gas can also be emitted by common geological processes in volcanoes and from fissures in ocean floors.
Nasa scientists calculate that a colony of Martian microbes covering 2,316 sq miles of the planet’s permafrost could account for the volumes of methane detected. Alternatively, the gas could be released by a community of ancient bugs living in aquifers nearly five miles beneath the surface, under the permafrost.
Michael Mumma, director of Nasa’s Goddard Centre for Astrobiology in Maryland, US, said the agency was keeping an open mind about the origins of the plumes but added that there was now an urgent need to analyse the methane clouds for other chemicals that would either confirm or rule out life as the cause.
“We do not claim to have identified life, nor do we think it is possible to draw that conclusion solely on the basis of methane detection,” he said. “But we now know where, and maybe when, to go and look for other chemical signatures that will distinguish whether this is biology or other processes at work. To me it is compelling and imperative that we now map the entire planet repeatedly over two Mars years to identify all of the active regions of methane release and to establish their seasonal variability.” If it can predict when the plumes will appear, he said, Nasa could send probes to fly through them and investigate them further.”
Scientists previously sniffed a haze of methane around Mars in 2004. The European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter recorded levels of methane in the atmosphere at around 10 parts in a billion, suggesting that any releases from the planet were tiny.
The latest study provides evidence that substantial amounts of methane could be released on a seasonal basis, but is quickly broken down in the atmosphere.
The Nasa team used infrared detectors on the telescopes to confirm the presence of methane at three locations on Mars. One region, a valley known as Nili Fossae, is rich in clay minerals and was once covered in standing water. The two other sites are known as Syrtis Major, an enormous volcano nearly 500 miles wide, and the region of Terra Sabae.
On Earth there are two geological processes that produce methane. One, called serpentinisation, requires heat, water and carbon dioxide. “It could be responsible, but if it’s ongoing it means there is hot rock below the surface, so Mars must still be active,” said Mumma.
Methane is also produced in magma underneath volcanoes, but there is no evidence of active volcanoes on Mars.
If the methane is the belchings of Martian microbes, these are either living about three metres below the surface, or deep beneath the permafrost, said Mumma. The gas is thought to build up during the winter and is then released in the summer as the warmth of the sun opens up fissures in the ground.
John Parnell, an expert in astrobiology and professor of geology at Aberdeen University, said: “One of the key things about methane is it degrades in the atmosphere, so if it’s there, something is replenishing it. If it’s not life then something else is active on Mars. Even if it’s not being produced by living organisms the methane could be used as a fuel by other microbes. On Earth some of the most primitive organisms, which are billions of years old, use methane as a fuel.”
Nasa’s next opportunity to analyse samples on the red planet will be provided by theMars Science Laboratory, due for launch in 2011, which will carry more advanced sensors than any other probe to have set down on the planet.
Could Alien Life Spread 'Like a Virus' to the Stars?
Could Alien Life Spread 'Like a Virus' to the Stars?
In this theoretical artist’s conception of the Milky Way galaxy, translucent green “bubbles” mark areas where life has spread beyond its home system to create cosmic oases, a process called panspermia. New research suggests that we could detect the pattern of panspermia, if it occurs.
As astronomical techniques become more advanced, a team of astrophysicists think they will be able to not only detect the signatures of alien life in exoplanetary atmospheres, but also track its relentless spread throughout the galaxy.
The research, headed by Henry Lin of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), assumes that this feat may be possible in a generation or so and that the hypothesis of panspermia may act as the delivery system for alien biology to hop from one star system to another.
Panspermia is a process where life is somehow transplanted from planet to planet. This may happen should a planet, rich with life, be hit by a massive asteroid impact; pieces of that planet’s crust will be propelled into space and any life contained within those samples may be transplanted to another world. If these hardy lifeforms make the trip, then perhaps they can gain a foothold and seed life in this new environment.
There are other hypothetical mechanisms by which life could “hop” from one planet to the next — including the fascinating possibility of “directed panspermia” where an intelligent civilization may deliberately seed other star systems with capsules containing its biological image. Other ideas remove the need for this life to survive the trip, allowing the freeze-dried dead biology attached to space rocks to act as a template for life on a newly seeded world, a process called “necropanspermia.”
These processes are pure hypotheses right now, and this new research does not specify how life may spread, but we do know that chunks of planetary bodies can travel from planet to planet. For example, a type of meteorite found on Earth is known to originate from Mars — its isotopic signature is identical to measurements made by the armada of robots currently orbiting and roving on the Red Planet. These meteorites were bits of Mars crust blasted into space by ancient impacts.
It’s not such a stretch to think that chunks of Earth have also been blasted into space and computer simulations suggest that there’s a statistical chance that Earth rocks have drifted to the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, potentially impacting some of the gas giants’ moons. Whether or not Earth’s abundant life was contained within these rocks is not known and it’s quite a stretch to think that a secondary genesis of life may have been spawned.
But say if life can hitch a ride on space rocks and this life can seed new biospheres on other worlds… how would astrobiologists recognize that life is being spread from one star system to the next? Well, like a common cold, the spread would appear viral.
“Life could spread from host star to host star in a pattern similar to the outbreak of an epidemic. In a sense, the Milky Way galaxy would become infected with pockets of life,” said co-author Avi Loeb, also of the CfA, in a press release.
Using a computer model, Lin and Loeb assumed that the “seeds” from one planet’s biosphere spreads in all directions over time. Should one of those seeds reach a habitable planet, there’s a chance it may take root. This creates several life-giving oases that could be detected by future space telescopes peering into these exoplanetary atmospheres. And should several of these life-endowed worlds be found, a pattern may emerge.
“In our theory clusters of life form, grow, and overlap like bubbles in a pot of boiling water,” said Lin.
According to the authors, whose paper has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (and can be viewed on the arXiv preprint service), to see any kind of “viral” pattern, life would need to spread comparatively quickly, otherwise the motion of the stars around the galaxy will blur out the pattern. If a panspermia-like spread of life is occurring in the Milky Way, it would be ideal if Earth is located on the edge of a viral “bubble”; a situation whereby all the inhabited worlds are only found in one half of the sky, whereas the other half is devoid of life despite the presence of habitable exoplanets.
The fact that we may be able to decipher the biosignatures of life in the atmospheres of distant worlds is profound enough, but should we discover clusters of inhabited worlds, it begs the question: is panspermia a viable life-spreading mechanism? But even more than that, it questions the origin of life on Earth — did life originate here? Has it spread throughout the solar system or even to other stars?
Or was Earth just in the right place at the right time to catch the virus of life?
PHOTO OF THE DAY: Heflin UFO case revisited August 28, 2015
We ran this back in 2012 or 2013. People came out of the woodwork to read this thing. Overloaded the systems. Blew up one of our servers. Smoke was coming off circuit breakers that were snapping. People were screaming "Incoming!".
It was awful. But then...danger is our business. So here goes again. (We've since beefed everything up.)
The Set up: Aug. 3, 1965. Rex Heflin, at that time an Orange County highway inspector was at work one day in his county rig when at 12:37 p.m. he says he spotted a kind of “hat shaped” thing flying in the air in Santa Anna, California.
He said the object was hovering right above the road right in front of him. He grabbed his Polaroid camera (a Model 101 Polaroid camera) that he used during his normal work day to take photos of highway obstructions etc. and got off three photographs of what was (he says) a “metallic-appearing object” and a fourth photo of a black "smoke ring" he says was left behind by the UFO after it sped away at high speed.
Heflin estimated the size of the UFO at around 20 feet wide and saId that as it flew across the road it seemed to hover a bit. He photographed it through his car's windshield as it crossed his line of vision (he got a second photo through his passenger window) and he said that as the object moved toward the east, it tipped a bit and he could see a dark (darker?) underside.
At that point he says he saw a type of "rotating beam of light" coming from the center of the bottom of the object. He said the beam was colored a greenish-white and it rotated (slowly) clockwise from the center of the object out to the rim of the thing.
Heflin also said the craft appeared to "wobble" a bit, kind of like when you see a kid's gyroscope on a table top begin to wobble as it runs out steam. Then he got off a third shot and by then, he says, the object had turned and continued moving east and slowly gaining altitude, then increased it's speed and altitude and as it kept moving it left a smoke like vapor in its wake.
One of the snapshots was published by the Santa Ana Register newspaper on September 20th of that year and the story got much bigger when the newswire services picked it up and fed it national.
The photos at above right are the ones he took. The second shot down on the page is enlarged quite a bit to get a better idea of what he saw.
There are several interesting aspects to this story.
1. The U.S. Air Force (which investigated the case via operation Blue Book) issued a statement saying the photos are a hoax.
2. A UFO investigating group called NICAP investigated the case (both Heflin and the newspaper cooperated in the investigation) which included, among other things, a detailed background check on Heflin (presumably to insure he had not spent any time in a "rest home") and a computer photo analysis study done by Robert Nathan at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who worked with both first-generation prints and copy negatives made by the newspaper.
The Nathan analysis of the photo prints and negs (reportedly) showed there was some kind of light beam emanating from the underside of the object. The analysis also ruled out that the object was something that was dangling in the air from a string or wire.
Years later some people claimed to have a found a "string like object" in the photos but in 1993 a MUFON photo analyst re-examined all the data and the photos from their initial investigation and rejected the string theory (they said it was an “artifact” generated by the photos being copied and recopied so many times).
According to NICAP, persons unknown attempted to tamper with evidence and “manipulate information.” So the story goes, the copy negatives of Heflin's famous photos were at some point obtained from Heflin “under false pretenses” by some men claiming to be from the North American Air Defense Command.
The Air Force said if there ever were such people claiming to be from NORAD who came to get the photos, they were most certainly not from the Air Force or NORAD. Implication being: they were imposters, if they ever existed.
In the end the conclusion of UFO investigators was and is the case is a credible, thoroughly investigated sighting and meets all the criteria for evidence of a legit UFO -- which means it is simply a "legitimate" Unidentified Flying Object which brings us right back to that very day in 1965 when Heflin took the photos.
No more, no less.
Now, there is a fellow (named Marvin) who has done his own rather interesting analysis of the photos and he claims, "The odds are not in favor of a large free flying object remaining the same distance (to the camera) and altitude in both Photo #2 and Photo #3. The evidence supports a small object suspended from the truck near the mirror."
He notes that Heflin never filed any UFO report and we know from other sources that Heflin never sought any publicity (how the photos became public was actually by accident, more or less) so Marvin asks: "Was the whole affair just a practical joke that grew out of control?"
A very good question.
He's put his analysis, with the photos, online. You'll find it here.
P.S. If you ever take a photo of a UFO, send it to us. The merciless, take-no-prisoners, mostly sober (most of the time) crack Investigative Team here at the Chronicle will investigate that bad boy like nobody's business. Make NICAP look they have training wheels on their feet.
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28-08-2015 om 20:28
geschreven door peter
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
WATCH: famous Black Knight UFO myth 'solved' by YouTube novice in just 11 minutes
WATCH: famous Black Knight UFO myth 'solved' by YouTube novice in just 11 minutes
From the nervous, shaky start, you can tell it's his first ever YouTube video.
The legendary "Black Knight satellite" appears to have been proved as Nasa thermal blanket
The narrator even apologised for his amateur presenting style and asked viewers to bear with him.
But after an 11-minute DIY filming attempt, YouTube user NUA appears to have successfully debunked 1998 photographs of the so-called 'Black Knight satellite'.
Alien researchers have been calling the myth "one of the most convincing pieces of evidence for the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life" for the past 17 years, while some claim it has orbited Earth for at least 13,000 years.
Nasa footage of Endeavour astronauts working with thermal blanket (ringed) on ISS
"There she goes" - dropped thermal blanket floats from ISS
But NUA's video - titled "Black Knight Satellite UFO Documentary - Truth Exposed 2015 - (Debunked)" - claims to conclusively prove the 'Black Knight', as photographed in 1998 NASA images, was nothing more than a satellite thermal blanket lost by the crew of the Endeavor space shuttle as they worked on the developing the International Space Station (ISS).
In his video, NUA compared NASA video of the Endeavor mission which shows a thermal blanket on the ISS.
The same blanket is then seen being dropped by the crew as it tubules away into space.
He highlights the blanket as being exactly the same shape as the 'Black Knight' in the 1998 pictures seized on by conspiracists and explains that the object only appeared to change shape because it was turning as it fell away.
After releasing the pictures in 1998, NASA said it was a thermal blanket, but it did not stop a wave of conspiracists branding it a huge cover up.
The legend of the alien satellite seems to have then been retrospectively dated back to 1899 when Nicola Tesla announced he was picking up radio waves coming from space, prompting people to suggest something alien was out there.
...and gets further and further away
NUA has forensically compared shape of blanket to Black Knight and concluded they are the same
It is not a UFO. It is identified. It is a thermal blanket. It is just an unfortunate case of misidentification.
YouTube UFO researcher NUA
Experiments in 1928 in Oslo, Norway, picked up the same signals.
In 1954, US state newspapers carried quotes from Donald Keyhoe, a retired naval aviation major and UFO researcher, claiming the US Air Force had detected two satellites orbiting Earth, despite none yet being launched from our planet.
Time then ran a 1960 piece, following the launch of satellites from Earth, stating that the US Navy detected a dark object, possibly a Soviet spy satellite, with a highly irregular orbit.
The myth developed in 1963 when NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper was reported as saying he had seen the 'Black Knight Satellite' while in space, but there was a media blackout upon his return and the US space agency allegedly put it down to cosmic hallucinations.
It has been reported that a decade later in 1973, a researcher from Scotland, Duncan Lunan, looked back at the Norwegian scientists' data from 1928, before claiming the "messages" suggested the 'Black Knight' was sent by aliens from Epsilon Boötis, as a welcome message to Earth 12,600 years ago.
Many sceptics claim the legend was retrospectively created after the 1998 pictures emerged, with the preceding odd events weaved into the story to make it more convincing.
He has looked at it from all angles to spot identical features
Do you agree NUA has solved the Black Knight mystery?
The noises from 1899 and 1928 remain a mystery, but the possible causes do not so far include an alien satellite, according to scientists.
They insist research shows that in 1954 Mr Keyhoe had been promoting a UFO book and the articles had been written in a tongue-in-cheek fashion by the papers.
A follow-up, but less widely read, article in Time also confirmed that the strange satellite had in fact been the remains of an Air Force Discoverer satellite that had gone astray, they found.
There are reports that Mr Cooper, although maintaining he saw a number of UFOs in space, never claimed to have seen the 'Black Knight satellite' on that mission or at all.
Mr Lunan is also later reported to have denied suggesting any alien satellite had its origins 12,600 years ago and that his conclusion that the noises were a star map were from unscientific methods.
Despite NUA's video, many UFO researchers refuse to believe the fabled 'Black Knight satellite' could be just a thermal blanket, insisting, it is a craft of solid construction.
One 'Black Knight' believer posted online about the thermal blanket explanation: "Classic debunking (rubbish). The things these nutters will come up with just so someone will listen to them."
Groot ruimteschip verlicht ruimtestation ISS ( Video )
Groot ruimteschip verlicht ruimtestation ISS ( Video )
Voor iemand die de gebeurtenissen rondom het ISS ruimtestation op regelmatige basis volgt, is het onvoorstelbaar dat hiervan zo goed als niets terug te vinden is in het mainstream nieuws.
Zelfs een enorm ruimteschip dat ’s nachts het ISS ruimtestation verlicht, haalt de “normale pers” niet eens.
Het lijkt wel alsof mensen volkomen blind zijn voor wat er zich boven hun hoofden afspeelt of misschien is het simpelweg de angst voor het onbekende.
“Als we net doen alsof we het niet zien, dan bestaat het ook niet”.
Mensen zoals ufoloog Scott Waring die zich iedere minuut van hun vrije tijd bezighouden met onbekende objecten in de lucht zien vaak bijzondere dingen.
Zo ontdekte hij via de camerabeelden van NASA een UFO die op gelijke hoogte met het ruimtestation bleef meevliegen, af en toe vertraagde en versnelde om dan vervolgens weer voorbij te komen.
Naast deze UFO ontdekte hij nog een enorm ruimteschip, pal boven het ISS. Op de volgende afbeelding zie je de UFO en helemaal bovenin een deel van het ruimteschip.
Dan, op een zeker moment begint het ruimtestation in de nacht op te lichten door het grote ruimteschip. Een soort gloeiend blauwachtig/paars licht schijnt van bovenaf richting ruimtestation.
Het was volgens Scott ook niet bepaald een klein ruimteschip wat het ruimtestation verlichtte. Al het bovenstaande is vastgelegd op de video hieronder met commentaar van Scott Waring.
One of the credible witnesses in this world full of cruel people is the kids. Though, this is not an absolute principle; their stories are worth hearing. Unidentified Flying Objects are those objects flying in the sky, cannot be identified. It does not necessarily link to aliens, but most people relate it to them because aliens and extraterrestrial beings somehow exist in our stories. Who would make it, if it is not a man-made phenomenon?
Recently, there is a clip about the boy being captured on the mobile phone owned by the parents. Since the parents are concerned, they decide to send it to the “experts” for confirmation and verification. This strange footage was being recorded by a nine-year-old boy admitting that an alien had been following him every single day for two weeks. At first, his parents did not believe. However, the young boy was able to film the object, they considered the explanations. The object is flying around while changing its direction. Afterward, it vanishes in the midair.
According to the experts, the footage is a proof of alien craft following children. In fact, they camouflage themselves from parents to abduct the child. One YouTube comment said that the aircraft is almost invisible to the parents but visible to the child. Because of this, the object is frightening. The report is in connection with those recently claimed that there are strange objects following children, tantamount to a presumption to abduct them. While the story is unbelievable, the fact that the child was able to record the footage, it is a substantial proof that the incident is not fiction or a product of excessive imagination.
When you look closer, you’ll see the shifts of craft shape that changes its direction before dematerialising. It is normal for the viewers to share their opinions online. One audience even believed that the video is of title accusation, is more a reflection of the mindset of the uploader, than proof of anything nefarious on behalf of the craft pilot.
Australia’s Northern Territory is known as the UFO capital of Australia. The Northern Territory records more UFO sightings than any other area of Australia and is known as an hotspot for UFO sightings. Sightings are reported year round from the Top End in Darwin all the way to Alice Springs in the Victoria River Region.
Jason Hampton who lives in Australia’s Top End. The Top End of Australia’s Northern Territory is a geographical region encompassing the northernmost section of the Northern Territory, which is the second northernmost part of the Australian continent. The photos were made in Bynoe Harbour near the Crab Claw Island Resort on May 22nd 2015 at about 11:30 a.m. The photos were taken with a Canon 5D Mark III camera.
One photograph is the original and the other is made using a filter. Hampton took 6 pictures within a minute of some guys coming in from a fishing trip and saw nothing in the sky. Two weeks later when checking the photographs he noticed an object just to the right of the boat that he can’t explain!
“It has a flat area at the front that tapers down as well as a shiny area on the left so its not a bird,” according to the editor of
Zoom in little bit – normal
Zoom in little bit – reduce brightness 120% contrast 20%
Zoom in little bit – Find glowing edges – photoshop effect
Zoom in little bit – solarize/ brightness 150% – contrast 30%
Close up – normal
Close up – reduce brightness 100% & contrast 10%
Close up – Find glowing edges – photoshop effect
Close up – Solarize – photoshop effect
These are the other photos taken by Jason Hampton on the day of the sighting.
Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut, Speaks Out on Roswell & the Existence of Aliens
Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut, Speaks Out on Roswell & the Existence of Aliens
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell walks on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission. (NASA)
Recently, U.K. tabloid The Mirror, published a story quoting Apollo 14 Astronaut and sixth man to walk on the Moon, Edgar Mitchell, as saying that “Peace-loving aliens tried to save America from nuclear war.” To follow up on this claim and prior statements made to the Observer, we called Edgar Mitchell for a short follow up interview.
While the existence of extraterrestrials has always been a fascination driven by science fiction and supposed UFO sightings, this is not a claim you regularly hear from people who have actually been to space. Most recently, with the discovery of the potentially life-harboring planet Kepler 452b and NASA’s new mission to look for water and life on Jupiter’s moon Europa, the topic is once again in the mainstream and up for fierce debate.
I’d like to follow up on some of your previous comments regarding extraterrestrial life. Going back to the Roswell incident, many believe the crashing of an alien craft was covered up by the government—which supports your claim made in our previous interview. Is there anything that you know that differs from what the public is aware of?
Well I think it’s out there in the public. Circumstances were of course, that the Roswell incident was a post World War II event. We were doing nuclear testing over in the White Sands proving ground which was right across the mountain from Roswell and the Roswell Air Field was a military base supporting that. So it seems that most likely what the aliens were interested in was the fact we had a weapons testing facility at the White Sands Proving Ground and were also interested in what we were doing or what the U.S. military was doing.
What exactly were these crashed aliens doing there?
They were observing our activities at the White Sands proving ground and were monitoring our development.
A story went viral two weeks ago citing you as saying, “My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.” Can you elaborate?
I don’t remember speaking to them personally. I don’t know where they got that information. I didn’t make those statements. Somebody has added to my words. Those weren’t my exact words but I don’t necessarily disagree with those statements.
But have you been told by individuals who worked at the White Sands nuclear testing facility that there was UFO activity?
Yes I have.
The Roswell Daily Record from July 8, 1947 sparked years of conspiracy theories of government coverup. (Wikimedia)
You grew up near the site of the Roswell incident. Did you ever see any UFOs?
No, I have not personally, but I’ve spoken to individuals who were in the military and worked at the base at the time. You mentioned in a previous interview that the existence of extraterrestrials was being kept from the public because of the technology they can offer and that may affect the ‘moneyed’ interest.
Who are these people that keep the information secret?
Whoever sets the stage for military or government activity. We’ll probably never know the exact reason for why they do what they do but those are the interpretations that seem common. Switching gears now, I recently interviewed a startup that you sit on the advisory board of, SpaceVR.
Do you think their technology will assist consumers in experiencing a similar effect you had during Apollo 14?
They could react to it that way. There’s a long history in human civilization where people have these powerful effects and responses to different perspectives. My experience in space is what people call a samadhi experience. I think that back in time people were having these kinds of experiences and being overwhelmed by them. Seeing the big picture. That seems to go back in history. You’ll find that those kinds of experiences have been around a long time.
Samadhi—is that a term from Hinduism?
I think that came out of the hindu tradition, yes. In the greek tradition it was metanoia—change of mind, change of heart. I believe in the Buddhist tradition Satori was enlightenment. In other words, these various traditions of the past have added the sub verbiage to these types of expressions of people’s reactions to a new experience of some sort. A powerful experience that caused a change of thinking.
Do you subscribe to any one religion?
Let’s put it this way, I think most of our religions are early attempts at cosmology. In other words, explaining ourselves. How did we get here? Where are we going? Where did all this come from? How did it happen? People from all times have asked these sorts of questions and they came up with their own answers throughout history. Thats perfectly natural. All of our religious experiences are the same thing. Attempts to answer these ancient cosmological questions.
You have been cited many times when discussing the future of quantum physics as a science that could link spirituality and consciousness to everyday science. Can you explain this?
Well let’s put it in context. Quantum physics didn’t exist until the 20th century. It was the result of the work of Max Planck, Albert Einstein and the greats at the end of the 19th and into the 20th century. When quantum physics was formalized, we recognized the interactions between particles and that’s when we started to explain it. The awareness of particles and their interactions down at that level of nature have not been studied or understood before. That’s the quantum world as we understand it. We now know that particles interact. That they are aware of each other. We use that term that they are “aware” because they interact to each other. That was only quantified in the early 20th century. In the 1920s, quantum mechanics had a fairly good scientific organization and it’s taken us all the 20th century to be able to explain that these particles can show consciousness and awareness.
I think we can have a science for it.
Click here to read our early, more in-depth interview with Edgar Mitchell Robin
Seemangal focuses on NASA and advocacy for space exploration. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, where he currently resides. Find him on Instagram for more space-related content: @not_gatsby
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28-08-2015 om 12:24
geschreven door peter
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Astronaut: "Er waren UFO's bij Roswell, maar dat is stilgehouden vanwege de technologie die ze gebruiken" Astronaut: “Er waren UFO’s bij Roswell, maar dat is stilgehouden vanwege de technologie die ze gebruiken”
Astronaut: “Er waren UFO’s bij Roswell, maar dat is stilgehouden vanwege de technologie die ze gebruiken”
Apollo 14-astronaut Edgar Mitchell sprak onlangs in een interview met over UFO’s en het beroemde Roswellincident. Volgens velen is er in de jaren veertig een UFO gecrasht bij het Amerikaanse plaatsje.
Mitchell, die in het gebied opgroeide, zei dat hij zelf nog nooit een UFO heeft gezien. Hij zei wel te hebben gesproken met mensen die op de nucleaire basis White Sands hadden gewerkt. Die bevestigden tegenover hem dat er UFO-activiteit was geweest.
Hij zei ook dat het incident geheim is gehouden vanwege de technologie die uit de UFO’s kon worden gehaald door ‘vermogende partijen’. Hij doelde hiermee op de mensen die achter de schermen het overheidsbeleid uitstippelen en het leger aansturen.
De 84-jarige Mitchell maakte deel uit van de Apollo 14-missie in 1971 en was de zesde maanwandelaar ooit. Hij is dus niet zomaar iemand. Volgens Mitchell vlogen aliens met hun UFO’s boven Amerikaanse raketbases en boven White Sands, waar in 1945 de atoombom Trinity werd gedropt, om zich te informeren over de militaire kracht van de Amerikanen.
Uit gesprekken met mensen bleek duidelijk dat de buitenaardse wezens wilden voorkomen dat Amerika oorlog zou voeren, zei hij. Luchtmachtofficieren die de raketbases in de Koude Oorlog bemanden zeiden tegen hem dat er toen geregeld UFO’s werden gespot. Die zouden raketten vaak onklaar hebben gemaakt, met name aan de Pacifische kust. “In die dagen was er hevige activiteit,” zei Mitchell. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Flitsende UFO-formatie niet opgemerkt door publiek ( Video )
Flitsende UFO-formatie niet opgemerkt door publiek ( Video )
Een man is met zijn gezin aan het wandelen in Chicago wanneer hij plotseling iets in de lucht ziet.
Hij maakt er een prachtige opname van, maar verbaast zich erover dat de rest van de bevolking dit simpelweg niet lijkt te zien.
Vorige week schreven wij een artikel over dat een formatie van drie UFO’s relatief vaak voor komt.
Wij ontvingen enkele interessante foto’s van een lezer die genomen zijn in de buurt van Steenbergen (Noord-Brabant) en die niet alleen enkele bijzondere wolken tonen, maar ook een driehoekige UFO-formatie.
Ik zie geen link waar ik m'n zojuist gemaakte foto kan doorsturen van wolken die redelijk in de buurt komen van wat onlangs passeerde op deze site. Het grappige is (toeval of niet) dat er 2 formaties van 3 witte bollen te zien zijn in driehoeksvorm in de wolk. Ik heb meerdere foto's gemaakt ter hoogte van Steenbergen.
Voor wie beschikt over goede ogen; in de laatste foto zijn er zelfs 3 formaties te zien.
Voor wie ze niet heeft kunnen ontdekken, volgt hier een kort filmpje waarbij de lezer aanwijst waar de UFO-formaties zich bevinden:
Naast de driehoeksformatie of drie UFO’s is er nog een verschijningsvorm van deze objecten die de laatste tijd veelvuldig voorkomt.
Dat is de flitsende UFO die vaak wordt gezien als een soort ronde cirkel. Wat we bedoelen is duidelijk te zien op de volgende foto die is genomen door een vrouw in het plaatsje Bismarck in de Amerikaanse staat North Dakota.
De vrouw heeft geen flauw benul wat voor object het is.
In dezelfde staat, maar in een plaats iets meer dan honderd kilometer verderop, werd in Dickinson ook een dergelijke UFO gezien. Beide waarnemingen vonden niet op dezelfde dag plaats voor zover wij kunnen beoordelen.
Ook bij de waarneming in Dickinson waren er een aantal UFO’s zichtbaar in een soort cirkelformatie, waarbij die in het centrum van de cirkel groter was dan de omringende.
De getuige heeft helaas geen foto kunnen maken, maar wel de volgende tekening:
Op een gegeven moment bewogen al de kleinere UFO’s zich weg van de grote in het midden, maar bleven wel exact in dezelfde formatie. Drie tot vijf seconden later kwamen ze allemaal weer netjes terug in hun oorspronkelijke positie.
De gehele voorstelling nam ongeveer een halve minuut in beslag.
Iets vergelijkbaars gebeurde er ook in Chicago op 12 augustus 2015. Een man is samen met zijn gezin aan het wandelen bij de aldaar bekende Buckingham fontein, wanneer hij een aantal vreemde lichten opmerkt in de lucht.
Ook deze UFO’s schijnen zich in eerste instantie in een cirkel te bewegen, maar dan verandert het geheel naar de volgende formatie:
De getuige zegt dat hij zijn leven lang in Chicago heeft gewoond en nog nooit iets dergelijks heeft gezien. Wat hem misschien nog wel het meest verbaasde was dat bijna niemand op de grond dit soort dingen opmerkte.
Iedereen ging gewoon door met wat ze aan het doen waren en ze zagen het niet of ze deden alsof ze het niet zagen.
Ook boven een Turkse stad werd enkele dagen geleden op 24 augustus iets dergelijks gefilmd. Van deze waarneming zijn geen verdere gegevens bekend, maar ook hier een soort cirkelformatie van UFO’s met daar omheen een flitsend licht.
Kortom, we zijn eigenlijk nog geen stap dichterbij een verklaring voor al die onbekende objecten die in ons luchtruim vertoeven. Dat ze er inderdaad zijn, is een discussie die gepasseerd is.
Extraordinary UFO sightings from the US Air Force's Project Blue Book
Extraordinary UFO sightings from the US Air Force's Project Blue Book
Four remarkable stories from the new online database of 130,000 pages of UFO sightings
A photographic negative allegedly showing a fleet of unidentified craft in the skies above Lubbock, Texas
By Morgan Meaker
Between 1947 and 1969, the US Air Force meticulously recorded over 10,000 incidents involving Unidentified Flying Objects. Inside the Project Blue Book archive, which has recently been put online, witnesses described objects as "concave as a soup bowl", "onion-shaped" and resembling "a frosty silvery football" shooting across the sky.
A seed salesman was driving when he saw a flash of light. When he moved closer to the light, his car stopped working.
The light came from a nearby riverbed where he saw an object, resembling a balloon. When he approached the space ship, another flash of light paralysed him.
He was unable to move as two men appeared and began to search him – they asked if he was armed.
After the search, he was able to move again. He asked the men if he could take a closer look at the UFO. They agreed. Inside, he met four men and two women..
They all spoke in German accents and seemed to move around on magnetic fields. The sides, bottom and floor of the ship were perfectly transparent.
After around thirty minutes, they said goodbye. After leaving the UFO, it rose 150ft into the air and disappeared.
At the same time as the sighting, a farmer’s truck broke down two miles away. During the investigation, a blue stain was found on trees near to the scene and green oil was found covering dry leaves.
However the man was assessed by psychiatrists who said his “mental condition” would enjoy publicity. He was later committed to the state mental hospital in Hastings, Nebraska
An Argentinian truck driver was looking for a hotel to spend the night when he saw small red lights, four miles from Isla Verde.
When he got closer to the lights, his engine cut out. Hoping he might find somewhere to stay, he left the car taking with him a blanket and a gun.
He thought he saw the lights of a vehicle. However these lights disappeared and in their place he saw powerful rays of red light coming towards him.
There was a smell of gas that made his eyes and face sting. Frightened, his knees gave way and he shot at the light with his revolver.
In response “the light gave out a sound, like the rapid braking of a car and went backward a few meters”.
He fled into a field looking for a shelter however from a hill two red lights appeared which “reflected” his steps.
The red light continued to follow him as he walked around, confused. Then a blue lit “vineyard shaped vehicle” appeared.
He said it had two small windows and inside he could see someone “but I didn’t see legs or faces, just a body type form”.
Six hundred feet from the object he saw four human beings “or whatever they were”. He asked them questions but nobody replied.
They just walked beside him. They were 6'5" tall with a sparkling uniform.
One of them came very close with a triangular object in his hand. The truck driver was again afraid and so fired another shot and it was “as if a shadow had fallen backwards”.
They returned to the vehicle and the large object passed him overhead. A blue light however did not leave the man until he reached the city.
The investigation confirmed that the truck was at the place the man had said it was and his footprints were also found.
However the US Air Force received only second hand evidence from the Argentinians and decided it was too expensive and too much time had passed to continue the investigation.
Horace Burns was driving his station wagon when he saw a huge metallic object flying in the sky.
It was crossing the highway about 200ft ahead of him when his engine cut dead.
For approximately 90 seconds, the UFO landed lightly, “like a bubble”, in a small field. Burns said it resembled an “upside down toy top” and was about 90ft high.
There was a blue glow around the base of the machine.
The sighting was investigated by a professor at a college in Virginia who passed on his research to the US Air Force.
He said he picked up “tremendously high reading of radiation” at the scene and a 14 year old boy said he had also seen a large UFO travelling in the same direction. The boy’s parents corroborated his story.
The Project Blue Book report reads that there was a lack of evidence and placed the sighting in the psychological category.
A man was riding his bike on the highway when he saw what looked like a “very powerful flare” and four silhouettes that resembled human beings.
Afraid of an ambush, he ran away and stumbled on a nearby house, where he met a couple and told them what he had seen.
Together, the three watched the light as if blinked from white to dull red. Near to the light they saw three men, about 4'9" tall.
They were immobile, dressed in greyish, beige outfits. The light faded and flew away. When they returned to the scene, with the police, they found the highway had been marked with forms, “black as the casting of costly tar”.
The substance was soft and slightly stuck to the ground.
Although the witnesses were described as “very trustworthy people” in the investigation, the report was classed as “unreliable”.
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28-08-2015 om 11:41
geschreven door peter
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Britain's Roswell: the truth behind the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident
Britain's Roswell: the truth behind the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident
Did an extra-terrestrial craft land in a Suffolk forest during the winter of 1980? The maker of a new film, The Rendlesham UFO Incident, believes so
The truth is out there? The Rendlesham UFO incident is the subject of a new filmPhoto: Eyevine
Dubbed “Britain’s Roswell”, the Rendlesham Forest incident, which took place over a series of nights in December 1980, continues to fascinate UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists. It is easy to understand why. Consider the following three statements, for example:
1) “This was not some vague ‘lights in the sky’ sighting – the UFO actually landed.” – Nick Pope, a Ministry of Defence employee from 1985 to 2006.
2) “When I arrived [at the scene], it was going in and out through the trees and at one stage it was hovering.” – Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, a security police commander who investigated the incident at the time.
3) “Okay, we’re looking at the thing; we’re probably about two to three hundred yards away. It looks like an eye winking at you... And the flash is so bright to the starscope that it almost burns your eye.” – Taken from the Halt tape, recorded on December 27 1980 by United States Air Force lieutenant colonel Charles Halt.
Only last month, a dog walker uploaded fresh footage of unidentified lights in the sky above Rendlesham Forest, while a new film on the subject, produced by long-time Suffolk resident and Rendlesham Forest incident expert Daniel Simpson, has recently been released. There is even an official UFO trail for walkers to follow through Rendlesham Forest. But what actually happened? And, 35 years after the event, are we any closer to unravelling the mystery?
The start of the Rendlesham Forest UFO trail
As the years have passed, the facts have become increasingly hazy, as statements change and new witnesses come forward. But what we do know for sure is that, in the early hours of December 26 1980, US military personnel (sections of the US Air Force were temporarily stationed at RAF bases in Woodbridge and Bentwaters) spotted strange lights above Rendlesham Forest.
One of these men, John Burroughs, accompanied by his supervisor and one other individual, went to investigate the blue, red, orange and white lights. In his subsequent witness statement, published in 1981, Burroughs explains: “As we went down the east-gate road and the road that leads into the forest, the lights were moving back and they appeared to stop in a bunch of trees... Also, the woods lit up and you could hear the farm animals making a lot of noises, and there was a lot of movement in the woods. All three of us hit the ground and whatever it was started moving back towards the open field… We got up to a fence that separated the trees from the open field. You could see the lights down by a farmer’s house. We climbed over the fence and started walking toward the red and blue lights and they just disappeared.”
Jim Penniston, who accompanied Burroughs into Rendlesham Forest on December 26, claims to have encountered a craft, covered in hieroglyphic-like characters. “I estimated it to be about three metres tall and about three metres wide at the base,” Penniston later explained. “No landing gear was apparent, but it seemed like she was on fixed legs. I moved a little closer. I had already taken all 36 pictures on my roll of film. I walked around the craft, and finally, I walked right up to the craft. I noticed the fabric of the shell was more like a smooth, opaque, black glass.”
Burroughs does not recall this. Indentations on the forest floor, as well as damage to the trees in the area where the lights had been spotted, were found the following morning, however. Radiation levels recorded at the site of the indentations were also unusually high.
In the book Encounter in Rendlesham Forest, which was published last year, Penniston writes: “I left the forest a different man… I was in awe of the technology and yes, a knowing that it was not an aircraft which could have been manufactured in 1980 or even now.” Both Penniston and Burroughs have since suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Two nights later, a different set of military personnel experienced a similar series of events. On this occasion, when the lights were spotted, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt was prepared. A pragmatic character, Halt intended to disprove the wild rumours swirling around RAF bases Woodbridge and Bentwaters. Arming himself with a recording device, he set out to investigate. The subsequent audio tape is now considered one of the most valuable pieces of evidence in the Rendlesham Forest incident.
The transcript of the tape runs to some 18 minutes but includes statements from Halt such as: “I see it too... it’s back again... it’s coming this way... there’s no doubt about it... this is weird... it looks like an eye winking at you... it almost burns your eyes... he’s coming toward us now... now we’re observing what appears to be a beam coming down to the ground... one object still hovering over Woodbridge base... beaming down”. Halt has since given interviews in which he claims that these occurrences were picked up by British radar. “I didn’t know this until recently,” he told AOL News. “Because people have come forward after they’ve retired. There were two radar confirmations.”
The following night, December 28, one final group of men claim to have encountered something out of the ordinary in Rendlesham Forest. Larry Warren, an 18-year-old soldier who was not even at either RAF base on the night of the first incident, was sent out on patrol with Sgt Adrian Bustinza and a number of other military personnel. Sometime after 11pm, the men departed their trucks and headed towards the field where lights had been seen on the previous two nights.
There, Warren claims to have seen “disaster preparedness officers out here with geiger counters, going in an almost half-clockwise motion around this thing on the ground.” A small red light was then seen approaching from the direction of the coast. “It moved in a downward arc, so fast. [It] stopped and hovered about 20 feet off the ground,” said Warren. “It was the size of a basketball, [an] American basketball. [It was] self-illuminated, not quite red, yet that’s the closest I can describe it.”
Things were about to get even stranger, though. This red light suddenly exploded and a craft appeared on the forest floor. According to Warren, it had “no windows, no markings, no flag or country of origin. Nothing. You could hardly look at it head on, and if you looked at it through the side of your peripheral vision you’d get a shape of it… and there it was, clear as a bell.”
A 1983 News of the World headline about Rendlesham sightings (Ian Ridpath/NoW)
At this stage, Warren and Bustinza were asked to retreat by a senior man. From a distance, they then claim to have witnessed Wing Commander Gordon Williams approach the craft and encounter some alien being with “what looked like eyes, facial features, bright clothing and some other device.” Warren is clear that a “silent stand-off”, rather than any communication, took place.
At around 4.30am, Warren returned to his base but Bustinza claims to have seen the craft depart. “When it took off, it was, like, hovering. It went up and, like, took off at about a forty-five-degree angle, and if you would have blinked, you would have missed it… And we got a cold draft of air that lasted about a good ten seconds. You know, like when you get a good blow of dust or wind. No noise though; I do remember that.”
It is understood that almost half of all UFO correspondence directed at the Ministry of Defence relates to the Rendlesham Forest incident. Despite claims of a cover-up, the MoD’s stance has never wavered. It states: “No evidence was found of any threat to the defence of the United Kingdom, and no further investigations were carried out. No further information has come to light which alters our view that the sightings of these lights was of no defence significance.”
Daniel Simpson takes a different view, however. The director of The Rendlesham UFO Incident, a fictionalised account of the story set in the modern day and filmed on location in Rendlesham Forest, is convinced that either there has been a military cover-up or that something extra-terrestrial occurred in December 1980. And moreover, he believes he has uncovered further evidence to prove it. While filming in Rendlesham Forest – “It does have a very strong atmosphere of something strange” – he asked the Forestry Commission to investigate a series of hatches, which Simpson describes as “mysterious”.
“I got the Forestry Commission to tow one of those hatches off with a four wheel drive and there’s a ladder going down,” he explains, as we discuss his film. “Now, they will tell you that those are drainage systems for the airfield but it’s a very elaborate drainage system.”
A drawing from Jim Penniston's original witness statement
Simpson believes that “the twin bases [RAF Woodbridge and Bentwaters] are connected by tunnels underneath, which isn’t that far out a thing to suggest, because a lot of these bases do have an underground facility, especially as it’s a nuclear facility. You don’t keep nuclear weapons on ground level, they have to drop down.”
He continues: “I recently heard a very interesting story of a guy that went up to the Bentwaters air base and, because it’s privately owned, some of those buildings are rented out to people. A company up there wanted to have their internet sorted out and this guy dug down and – he was a telecom guy – he came back and he was sheet white. He couldn’t believe it. He said he’d just come across these cables, two foot down, and they were cables delivering such a powerful internet connection – but they were cables from 1980. I haven’t ever told anyone that story. They [the cables] were from 1980 and yet they were so in advance of what we’ve even got now. I’m told that all the time what we get [technologically] is much behind what they [the military] actually know.”
So what, I wonder, is the truth? Simpson appears conflicted about whether this is a military cover-up at a nuclear facility or something even more alarming. “I honestly believe something very strange went on there and I believe that somewhere is the evidence to prove it but that’s hidden away. I think it’s an extra-terrestrial encounter. I do.”
I put a series of theories to Simpson, which I hope might explain away the idea that extra-terrestrial life landed in a forest in Suffolk 35 years ago. But he bats them all away. Could the lights have come from nearby Orford Ness lighthouse, for example? “The lighthouse theory is rubbish,” he scoffs. “Lighthouses don’t fly down into forests, split up into five different lights and zap off into space at Mach-3. They don’t move through the trees and get mistaken by up to 20 witnesses from the United States Air Force.”
Daniel Simpson's film, The Rendlesham UFO Incident, was shot on location in Rendlesham Forest
The Rendlesham UFO Incident is out now on DVD
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28-08-2015 om 11:31
geschreven door peter
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City On Mars Inside Alien Skull Found In India Mars Photo, Aug 27, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
City On Mars Inside Alien Skull Found In India Mars Photo, Aug 27, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: August 27, 2015 Location of discovery: Ophir Chasma, Mars Source photo: Was reading in the news that India Mars orbiter had taken some fantastic photos and they were sharing some with the news. I had to dive in head first on this one. I was looking for structures and faces, but what I found was a combination of both. This structure is actually in the shape of an alien shoulders, neck, cranium and face, but the eerie part is that the head is split wide open, and there are structures inside this head. There is also another face inside the head, but it was to dark with the shadows to bother trying to point it out. I added yellow to outline the outer body, pink being the inside of the skull. A city inside a head shaped structure. This is proof that sometimes aliens can be artistic, bizarre, and eerie. Scott C. Waring
One of the oldest theories around has to be the 'Black Knight' satellite, a mysterious black object which has been repeatedly referred to in reference to sightings all over the world and indeed even outside of this world.
After a period of absence from the limelight it appears as though the 'Black Knight' is back again, appearing in the sky above Jacksonville, Florida.
Believed to be a '13,000 year-old alien satellite' (no, really), the 'Black Knight' story originates as far back as 1954, however theorists use a series of images taken in 1998 by the Space Shuttle Endeavour which showed a mysterious black object apparently in orbit around the Earth.
NASA quickly dealt with the 'rumour' calling it nothing more than a thermal heat plate that had fallen off the shuttle.
Of course once a theorist gets hold of a good set of images you're unlikely to keep them quiet and the idea has persisted ever since.
YouTube user "secureteam10" who posted the video has a history of posting UFO videos that could be considered 'dubious' by even the most believing of theorists.
That hasn't stopped the video from getting over 133,000 views though, cementing the one singular truth that comes out of every 'UFO discovery'. Whether you believe them or not, people don't want us to be alone in the universe, and in some ways, that's pretty reassuring.
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27-08-2015 om 23:52
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Does Ice on Mars mean Life will be Found?
Does Ice on Mars mean Life will be Found?
Scientists have found vast oceans of ice lying just below the surface of Mars in a major boost to the search for alien life on the Red Planet.
‘This discovery will provide the momentum, we are going to put a man on Mars,’ said Nasa’s Dr Jim Garvin.
How much Ice is there? If it was to melt, it would cover the entire planet in an ocean at least 1,640ft deep.
The news greatly increases the chances that there was once at least microscopic life on Mars and that some of it may still survive-Having water just below the surface also means that human colonies could survive and even thrive on the planet and indicates that fuel for manned spaceflight could be manufactured there.
Just beneath the planet’s dirt surface, UA researchers found an enormous slab of water ice, measuring 130 feet thick and covering an area equivalent to that of California and Texas combined.
It was a “crazy-looking crater” on the face of Mars that caught Ali Bramson’s eye. But it was a simple calculation that explained the crater’s strange shape.
Combining data gleaned from two powerful instruments aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, or MRO, Bramson and her colleagues determined why the crater is terraced — not bowl shaped, like most craters of this size.
“Craters should be bowl shaped, but this one had terraces in the wall,” says Bramson, a graduate student in the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, or LPL.
Terraces can form when there are layers of different materials in the planet’s subsurface, such as dirt, ice or rock.
“It’s worth mentioning that terraced craters of this size are quite rare,” says Shane Byrne, associate professor in LPL. “But in this area of Mars (Arcadia Planitia), there are a lot of terraced craters. The craters may have formed at different times, but they all have terraces, which indicates something weird is going on in the subsurface.”
Terraced Crater in Arcadia Planitia NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Thanks to Mars’ unstable obliquity — the degree the planet tilts on its axis — its climate changes often. Unlike Earth, Mars doesn’t have a large moon to keep it stable. Instead, it wobbles on its axis, and that wobbling leads to dramatic climatic shifts. Those shifts, in turn, have led to intermittent ice ages.
Using MRO’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, or HiRISE, camera, which is operated out of LPL, the researchers created three-dimensional models of the area’s craters, which allowed them to measure the depth of their terraces. The researchers then used MRO’s Shallow Radar, or SHARAD, instrument to beam radar pulses to Mars, allowing them to measure the time it took for the radar signals to penetrate the surface’s buried layers and bounce back.
Bramson combined the two data sets to measure the radar waves’ speed, a pivotal clue to the layers’ composition.
In this crater’s case, the layers turned out to be ice, and lots of it. Just beneath Mars’ dirt surface, or regolith, the researchers found an enormous slab of water ice, measuring 130 feet thick and covering an area equivalent to that of California and Texas combined.
The researchers’ results were published online in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union.
While the presence of ice came as little surprise to Bramson and Byrne, its age, amount and location did. Although scientists have known for some time about Mars’ icy deposits at its poles and have used them to look at its climatic history, knowledge of icy layers at the planet’s midlatitudes, analogous to earthly latitudes falling between the Canadian-U.S. border and Kansas, is something new.
“Knowing where the ice is and how thick it is can tell you about Mars’ past climates,” Byrne says. “The fact that the ice is so thick and widespread leads us to think it came into place during one of Mars’ past climates when it snowed a bunch, ice accumulated, was buried, and then preserved.
“There have been a lot of climate changes between now and the tens of millions of years ago when we suspect the ice was put there. But it shouldn’t be stable today, and other past climates of ice instability in this region mean the ice should’ve sublimated away into the dry Martian atmosphere by now. So, that’s what we need to investigate.
“What kept the ice around all this time? There’s no climate model that we have now that explains this.”
Also Curiosity confirms Water!
UNEXPECTEDLY high levels of liquid water have been found just a metre under the surface of Mars, boosting the chances of the Red Planet once housing life.
The historic discovery was made by Nasa’a Curiosity Rover – a robotic four-wheel drive space probe which is exploring in detail the surface of Mars – during its latest mission to forensically analyse the Martian floor.
The rover will now turn its attention to looking for evidence of “ancient habitable environments” by examining layers of the lower Mount Sharp region of Mars, and hopefully evidence about how early Mars environments evolved from wetter to drier conditions.
Until this year it was believed Mars was too cold to hold any liquid water, but it emerged in April the Rover found Martian soil is damp with liquid brine, due to the presence of a salt that significantly lowers the freezing point of water.
But now this month the rover had found rocks just a meter below the surface with up to four times as much water content as previously found.
Previous observations by the probe’s stereo camera showed areas characteristic of old riverbed, with rounded pebbles indicating there were once flowing rivers up to one meter deep.
In April close-up images showed slanting expanses of sedimentary deposits, lying one above the other – the kind of deposits formed when large amounts of water flow down the slopes of a crater and meet stagnant water in the form of a lake.
Curiosity rover MAHLI camera wheel images from SOL 529. You can clearly see soil sticking to the rover wheels as if moist:
Silica, monitored with Curiosity’s laser-firing Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument, is a rock-forming chemical containing silicon and oxygen, commonly found on Earth as quartz.
Hydrogen in the ground beneath the rover is monitored by the rover’s Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument. It has been detected at low levels everywhere Curiosity has driven and is interpreted as the hydrogen in water molecules or hydroxyl ions bound within or absorbed onto minerals in the rocks and soil.
Igor Mitrofanov, DAN Principal Investigator of Space Research Institute, Moscow, said: “The ground about one metre beneath the rover in this area holds three or four times as much water as the ground anywhere else Curiosity has driven during its three years on Mars.”
The rover has spent several weeks in the Marias Pass region investigating a “geological contact zone” and rocks “unexpectedly high in silica and hydrogen content” indicating water bound to minerals in the ground.
Also Mars Glaciers Confirmed!
Several satellites orbit Mars and on satellite images, researchers have been able to observe the shape of glaciers just below the surface. For a long time scientists did not know if the ice was made of frozen water (H2O) or of carbon dioxide (CO2) or whether it was mud.
Using radar measurements from the NASA satellite, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers have been able to determine that is water ice.
The image from the High Resolution Stereo Camera shows that a thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as the surface of the ground, but radar measurements show that there are glaciers composed of frozen water underneath the dust.
Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin
Mars has thousands of glaciers buried beneath its dusty surface, enough frozen water to blanket the planet with a 3.6-foot(1.1- meter) thick layer of ice, scientists said In August 2015.
The glaciers are found in two bands in the mid-southern and mid-northern latitudes. Radar data, collected by Mars-orbiting satellites, combined with computer models of ice flows show the planet has about 5.3 trillion cubic feet (150 billion cubic meters) of water locked in the ice, according to a study published in the issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letter.
Mars distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes — between the blue lines, in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers.
Credit: Mars Digital Image Model, NASA/Nanna Karlsso
We have known about Ice Deposits for some time, the HRSC on ESA’s Mars Express obtained this perspective view on 2 February 2005 during orbit 1343 with a ground resolution of approximately 15 meters per pixel.
It shows an unnamed impact crater located on Vastitas Borealis, a broad plain that covers much of Mars’s far northern latitudes, at approximately 70.5° North and 103° East.
The crater is 35 kilometers wide and has a maximum depth of approximately 2 kilometers beneath the crater rim. The circular patch of bright material located at the center of the crater is residual water ice.
The colors are very close to natural, but the vertical relief is exaggerated three times. The view is looking east.
A frozen lake of water-ice on the floor of a 35 km wide impact crater on Mars.
Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/G. Neukum
We Live in Exciting Times in Space and Planet exploration and with plans of human settlements on Mars these discoveries confirm that settlements will have access to water. And with water a large list of possibilities come into play, like Terraforming!
What would the Red Planet look like?
See a fantasy animation below is a project with the ambition to visualize a 23rd century terraformed Mars and to explore its touristic potential.
It is hard to believe that just a few centuries ago Mars was a lifeless place. Around the turn of the millennium, a time when space programs were stagnating due to a lack of vision by those in power, no human had even set foot on the then Red Planet. Dust storms were torturing the arid landscape, it’s stark beauty unseen by human eyes.
Only a few people were aware of the immense promise of terraforming Mars. With environmental problems on the home world running out of control, even the thought of modifying another planet was like blasphemy to many other earthlings’ ears. Still, it happened.
Just over two hundred years later, rivers are running once more through ancient valleys, ocean waters are washing a long and capricious shoreline, forests are working their way up on magnificent slopes.This Modified Mars is a home to millions of people and the Solar System’s favorite tourist destination.
Ok,… so the the last Video is more of promising fantasy visualization.
Astronauts Photograph 35 Mile High 'Sky Jellyfish' That Live Above the Clouds
Astronauts Photograph 35 Mile High 'Sky Jellyfish' That Live Above the Clouds
Over the past century a number of writers on Fortean topics have speculated that there are strange, unknown beings that live above us in the sky - atmospheric beasts that range from dragons to massive 'sky jellyfish'. Could it be possible that some sightings - in particular of the latter type of 'beast' - are caused by atmospheric phenomena that are only just now beginning to be understood?
A case in point would be so-called 'sprites' - "large-scale electrical discharges that occur high above thunderstorm clouds, or cumulonimbus, giving rise to a quite varied range of visual shapes flickering in the night sky." The first report of a sprite sighting was in the late 19th century, but they weren't photographed until a century later.
Now, sprites are captured in photographs and on video quite often - and recently, some were even seen from above, by astronauts on the International Space Station (see image at the top of this post). On August 10th, the astronauts spotted red sprites above a cluster of storms over Mexico and El Salvador, and managed to snap some wonderful images.
Click through the link below for more imagery and information.
acquired August 10, 2015download large image (6 MB, JPEG, 4928x3280)
acquired August 10, 2015download large image (6 MB, JPEG, 4928x3280)
Viewing from a point over northwest Mexico, astronauts aboard the International Space Station looked northeast and shot this unusual photograph of a red sprite above the white light of an active thunderstorm. In the top image, the sprite was 2,200 kilometers (1,400 miles) away, high over Missouri or Illinois; the lights of Dallas, Texas appear in the foreground. The sprite shoots up to the greenish airglow layer, near a rising moon.
Two minutes and 58 seconds later, as the ISS was over the coastal Mexican resort of Acapulco, the crew documented another red sprite (lower image) over a brilliant white thundercloud and lightning discharge near the coast of El Salvador. The shorter distance to the storm—about 1,150 km (710 miles)—makes it somewhat easier to see details of the sprite. City lights are a diffuse yellow because they are shining through clouds.
These photos show the sprite’s tendrils reaching as much as 100 kilometers above Earth’s surface. Sprites are major electrical discharges, but they are not lightning in the usual sense. Instead, they are a cold plasma phenomenon without the extremely hot temperatures of lightning that we see underneath thunderstorms. Red sprites are more like the discharge of a fluorescent tube. Bursts of sprite energy are thought to occur during most large thunderstorm events. They were first photographed in 1989.
Astronaut photographs ISS044-E-45553 and ISS044-E-45576 were acquired on August 10, 2015, with a Nikon D4 digital camera using a 28 millimeter lens, and are provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The images were taken by a member of theExpedition 44 crew. The images have been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory as part of the ISS National Lab to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. Caption by M. Justin Wilkinson, Texas State University, Jacobs Contract at NASA-JSC.
Huge Beam of Light appears above Earth captured during ISS Live Stream
Huge Beam of Light appears above Earth captured during ISS Live Stream
Witness: I was on the NASA ISS live feed, about 5 minutes after watching a sort of portal, wormhole or beam of light like object appeared above the earth and in seconds yet from one side of the earth to the other.
I managed to capture one screenshot before NASA cut the live feed. I continued to wait for the feed to come back hoping for another chance to see the object, but it was gone when the feed came back up.
However, about 10 minutes after the feed was up again, another swirling object appeared but then the feed changed again.
Whatever happened to the Marshall County cop who hit a UFO?
Whatever happened to the Marshall County cop who hit a UFO?
On Sept. 11, 1979, Val Johnson stood where he says he had been engulfed by a flash of light two weeks earlier, indicated how big the beam was as it approached. Stormi Greener | Star Tribune 1979
At 1:40 a.m. 36 years ago, Marshall County Sheriff's Deputy Val Johnson was on night patrol along a rural section of State Highway 220 near Warren, Minn., when he drove into a ball of white light.
"I noticed a very bright, brilliant light, 8 to 12 inches in diameter, 3 to 4 feet off the ground," Johnson said in a taped police interview. "The edges were very defined."
Johnson drove toward the light, and woke up in the ditch a half-hour later with burns around his eyes. The windshield and one headlight of his 1977 Ford LTD were smashed. Both radio antenna were bent sharply back. The watch on his wrist and the clock on the dash both ticked 14 minutes slow.
The incident turned Johnson into a local legend and national media sensation. And years later, people are still talking about it.
Johnson's squad car is preserved in the Marshall County Museum with a plaque that says: "U.F.O. Car." People still come from miles around to see it. It's an annual display at the Marshall County Fair.
Sometimes former Marshall County Sheriff Dennis Brekke gives talks at the museum about the car and the night his deputy drove it into a ball of light. Police investigated and never drew any conclusions.
The shattered windshield of Val Johnson's squad car that he was driving night of incident, Aug. 26, 1979. Photographed on Nov. 6, 1979. Regene Radniecki | Star Tribune 1979
But the incident's enduring fame has lingered far beyond Marshall County.
What's known as the "Val Johnson Incident" remains one of the top 10 most influential UFO encounters in history, according Jerome Clark, who wrote about it in his 1998 book, "The UFO Encyclopedia."
Paranormal TV shows like "UFO Files" and "Mysteries at the Museum" filmed reenactments. Even now, people debate the legitimacy of the encounter on online forums.
"It was an extraordinarily important case," Clark said.
Plenty of people have strange experiences on back roads late at night, Clark explained, but very few of them yield any tangible evidence. Fewer still are ever investigated.
But one thing is strikingly absent from the small town museum, the TV shows and online discussions: Val Johnson. When you try to track down Val Johnson, people tend to say he's hard to find, that he's still haunted by what happened to him 36 years ago. A 2013 Pioneer Press article said Johnson "quickly grew tired of interviews" after the incident and is "believed to now live somewhere in Wisconsin."
Sheriff Brekke's wife Louise said Johnson hasn't kept in touch with his old colleagues in Marshall County for three decades, aside from a letter he sent a few years back with no return address.
As it turns out, Johnson isn't that hard to find. He lives in Eau Claire, Wis., and he answers his phone.
At the first mention of UFOs, he laughed aloud.
“It's unexplainable, and will remain so. I'm happy with my mental stability,” said Johnson.
"People don't call about that anymore," he said.
It becomes readily apparent that the details of the Val Johnson incident still enthralling UFO enthusiasts, just don't fascinate Johnson.
"I looked up at the sky and said, 'Well shucks, what happened?'" Johnson recalled. "And then I shuffled on with my life."
He had small kids to raise back then. Hitting a ball of light and ending up in a ditch wasn't close to the most important thing going on in his life.
For almost a year after the incident his phone hardly stopped ringing. He's quoted at the time by Associated Press writer Barbara Dewey saying his wife was "run ragged" by the constant calls. He appeared on Good Morning America, and in dozens of newspapers across the country. For a while, he was a very big deal.
Val Johnson sat inside a Marshall County squad car on Nov. 6, 1979. Regene Radniecki | Star Tribune 1979
"And then other stories came along and pushed me off the front page," he said. "Thank goodness."
Johnson stayed on as deputy for a while after the incident. Then he took a job as chief of police in the nearby town of Oslo, Minn. Locals, he said, never questioned his ability to enforce the law.
In 1982 he was hired to set up the Roseau, Minn., Police Department, but lost the job less than a year later over a funding dispute.
"Once you're a chief of police, and then you get fired," he said, "you're un-hireable."
He was working as a security guard in a Twin Cities mall when a friend got him a job answering the customer service line at 3M.
"He asked me how I'd like to take 60 angry phone calls a day," he recalled, "I said, 'Dang, I can do that.'"
A few years later he retired to 20 acres in Wisconsin. Even then, he said, people sometimes showed up on his front porch with theories about his experience in Marshall County.
"We'd sit in the back yard with lemonade and talk," he said. "They'd tell me what they thought happened to me and I'd nod at the appropriate times. Eventually they'd go away."
Val Johnson's squad car, a 1977 Ford LTD known locally as the "U.F.O Car," is preserved in the Marshall County Museum. People still come to see it. Courtesy of the Marshall County Museum
Johnson is 71 now. He has a short white beard and thinning white hair. He's retired, living in Eau Claire with his wife, Rosanne. No one has stopped by in years. No one calls about UFOs even when his name airs on television.
He has great-grandchildren.
To this day Johnson won't speculate on what happened to him in 1979. He doesn't think the light he saw was an extraterrestrial — but also won't rule out the possibility. For years, he said, it just hasn't crossed his mind.
"I saw a ball of light," he said. "I drove toward it, and suddenly it was in the car with me. It's unexplainable, and will remain so. I'm happy with my mental stability."
If it seems Johnson's ambivalence could cast some doubt on the famous incident, those passionate about UFOs are unfazed. Clark said it's a textbook UFO encounter coping mechanism.
Clark talked to scores of people involved in UFO encounters for his books. Some became obsessed with what happened to them. Some plunged into denial. Others he said, found peace, refusing to allow an encounter to change their lives.
"If anything," Clark said, "It's a story to tell at the bar, and that's it."
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27-08-2015 om 22:14
geschreven door peter
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Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell Speaks: UFO Cover-Ups Must End
Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell Speaks: UFO Cover-Ups Must End
If you are familiar with NASA astronauts, you have probably heard of Edgar Dean Mitchell Sc.D., the retired Captain and American pilot in the United States Navy at the same time. As a Lunar pilot of Apollo 14, Mr. Mitchell spent 9 hours working on the lunar, becoming as the sixth person to walk on the Moon. With regards to the controversial belief in UFOs as well as a possible government cover-up, Mitchell shared his experience and opinion. While on the active job as a test pilot, he finished and completed an aeronautical engineering at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. He also completed a doctorate in aeronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During the Korean War as a fighter pilot, he served combat in 1970 and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
After retiring in 1972, he later wrote, “The Way of the Explorer,” documenting his experiences in space and mysticism. From the documentary film entitled “The Phoenix Lights, We Are Not Alone,” roughly five minutes, Mitchell explicates some alien cover-ups that have allegedly been going on for decades. In an interview, he was asked whether he became emotional as he stepped on the moon or if he considered it as a part of the long list. He admitted that his moon experience is a part of his long list of the journey. Furthermore, he claimed that they planned the whole thing, and they even wanted to rewrite it and modify some stuff.
Since UFO sighting are being reported by many people in different countries, he believed that most of them were credible. On the next question, he was asked as to why the cases were covered up. He pointed out the justification by leadership officials who think that people were not ready to handle the reality. His answer was his opinion; therefore, no harm is done.
A new video and photographic images has arisen from UFOlogists who claimed they had further proof of the mysterious ‘Black Knight’ satellite. Alien researchers have been calling the ‘Black Knight’ “one of the most convincing pieces of evidence for the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life” for the past 17 years, while some claimit has orbited Earth for at least 13,000 years.
Nasa footage of Endeavour astronauts working with thermal blanket (ringed) on ISS
There she goes” – dropped thermal blanket floats from ISS
Watch the proof on ParaNormicsTV (video below)
The above video claims to conclusively prove the ‘Black Knight’, as photographed in 1998 NASA images, was nothing more than a satellite thermal blanket lost by the crew of the Endeavor space shuttle as they worked on the developing the International Space Station (ISS).
In the above video from NASA of the Endeavor mission which shows a thermal blanket on the ISS. The same blanket is then seen being dropped by the crew as it tumbles away into space. It is easy to identify that the blanket as being exactly the same shape as the ‘Black Knight’ in the 1998 pictures seized on by tin-foilists and explains that the object only appeared to change shape because it was turning as it fell away.
After releasing the pictures in 1998, NASA said it was a thermal blanket, but it did not stop a wave of branding it a huge cover up.
The legend of the alien satellite seems to have then been retrospectively dated back to 1899 when Nicola Tesla announced he was picking up radio waves coming from space, prompting people to suggest something alien was out there. He was one of the first people to hear the rhythmic beating of a pulsar.
This is what it looked like farther away.
In 1954, US state newspapers carried quotes from Donald Keyhoe, a retired naval aviation major and UFO researcher, claiming the US Air Force had detected two satellites orbiting Earth, despite none yet being launched from our planet. Time then ran a 1960 piece, following the launch of satellites from Earth, stating that the US Navy detected a dark object, possibly a Soviet spy satellite, with a highly irregular orbit.
The myth developed in 1963 when NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper was reported as saying he had seen the ‘Black Knight Satellite’ while in space, but there was a media blackout upon his return and the US space agency allegedly put it down to cosmic hallucinations.
It has been reported that a decade later in 1973, a researcher from Scotland, Duncan Lunan, looked back at the Norwegian scientists’ data from 1928, before claiming the “messages” suggested the ‘Black Knight’ was sent by aliens from Epsilon Boötis, as a welcome message to Earth 12,600 years ago.
Many skeptics claim the legend was retrospectively created after the 1998 pictures emerged, with the preceding odd events weaved into the story to make it more convincing.
They insist research shows that in 1954 Mr Keyhoe had been promoting a UFO book and the articles had been written in a tongue-in-cheek fashion by the papers.
A follow-up, but less widely read, article in Time also confirmed that the strange satellite had in fact been the remains of an Air Force Discoverer satellite that had gone astray, they found. There are reports that Mr Cooper, although maintaining he saw a number of UFOs in space, never claimed to have seen the ‘Black Knight satellite’ on that mission or at all.
Mr Lunan is also later reported to have denied suggesting any alien satellite had its origins 12,600 years ago and that his conclusion that the noises were a star map were from unscientific methods. Despite this video, many UFO researchers refuse to believe the fabled ‘Black Knight satellite’ could be just a thermal blanket, insisting, it is a craft of solid construction. Not sure how the true believers would know that since the shape and dimensions of an ISS thermal blanket is unknown to them. They just know. These thermal blankets are custom formed to fit over the heavily utilized and odd shaped ISS components for a custom fit.
So a thermal blanket (which can be up to 10 cm’s thick) that is the exact shape and size is discarded or lost on the ISS. ISS cameras catch it slowly meandering away…but no it’s a 13,000 year old alien probe obviously…
For some reason which I can not fathom many, many people purposely and intentionally want and can believe anything. Facts do not sway them and anything that substantially threatens their topsy-turvey worldview is instantly labelled a conspiracy. It is the height of intellectual laziness. This whole ‘Black Knight’ subject was explained to 100% satisfaction to the people that really know…NASA themselves. But to some people UFOlogy has become a religion. None of those pesky facts for them…belief is all they need even if it provably wrong.
UFOlogy MUST sway and discourage this religiosity of the UFO subject. It helps no one, confuses most and irritates people that KNOW better. Faith in anything is a bad thing. It robs a person of the burden of thinking too much and festers lies and deceit.
UFOlogy and UFO’s are REAL…no faith required. The scientific facts all point to a Universe teaming with life. Science is our only hope to validate and legitimize the study of such a paradigm shaking subject. People have to learn to critically think about what they believe. In the end what you believe does not matter, it is what you know that counts.
Astronaut André Kuipers: “Buitenaards leven bestaat”
Astronaut André Kuipers: “Buitenaards leven bestaat”
Ruimtevaarder en wetenschapper André Kuipers gaf woensdagmiddag een lezing op het Lauwers College in Buitenpost. Honderden leerlingen hingen ruim anderhalf uur aan zijn lippen. Na afloop mochten er prangende vragen worden gesteld. Rector Gerard Janze was erg tevreden. “Deze investering betaalt zich wel terug,” zei hij.
Is er buitenaards leven? Wie vraagt zich dit nu niet af. Een leerlinge legde deze vraag woensdag voor aan dr. Kuipers, de enige Nederlander met twee ruimtemissies achter zijn naam en daarmee een autoriteit op dit gebied.
In december 2002 werd Kuipers geselecteerd als boordwerktuigkundige voor de Sojoez TMA-4 naar het internationaal ruimtestation ISS. Hij verbleef ruim een week aan boord van het ruimtestation en voerde wetenschappelijke experimenten uit. Op 21 december 2011 vertrok Kuipers voor vijf maanden naar het ISS om deel te nemen aan een tweetal expedities.
NSW Skywatcher Confession: Quizzed by Men in Black Incident
NSW Skywatcher Confession: Quizzed by Men in Black Incident
Unidentified Flying Objects are always an exciting challenge not only to both science and scientists, but also those for the masses. A person who admits seeing strange objects in the sky were often subject to ridicule. However, it is important to note that each sighting has its elements and occurrences that must be taken into consideration before judging the same. Recently, there has been a documentary film showing the discovery of unidentified flying objects by the witnesses residing in Australia. Next week in Sydney, there’s a movie being screened that is sure to polarize its audience. The film is called Australien Skies.
So, what does the film say? It is a documentary of the unexplained stuff that were seen by the people. These people were called skywatchers, and guess what the timing is incredibly good. Earlier this month, Yuri Milner, the prominent Russian billionaire, announced to spend $US 100 million just to see if there’s anything “out there”. Meanwhile, Australia committed to contributing the CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope.
When speaking about the documentary, Kiama knows how intriguing it is. No doubt, he is a builder, at the same time a married person with two kids. He is a simple guy who had no particular interest in strange objects, or at least has a thing to stare up at the heavens. It started in March 2013 when he and his workmate saw the daylight. Afterwards, the bright stars were seen gathering around a ball of white light that reappeared and disappeared before approached by an F18 Super Hornet. Once done, the whole thing vanished.
What is unique about the incident is the fact that he begins to see strange objects regularly, at least twenty to thirty times. He got in touch with Mariana Flynn, the president of UFO Research NSW and Damien Nott. In fact, she testified that they had seen reports of black helicopters hovering over numerous homes.
Several UFOs captured on high definition digital camera passing the lunar surface, cameraman claims. In a series of videos posted on YouTube, black objects are apparently moving near the Moon, including one object that looks to be powered by the rocket jets.
The cameraman named Crow777 claims he never post any hoax video and says he only manipulates colour, contrast, and zoom to point further the anomalies he caught on camera rather than misleads the viewers.
He states in the video description that he’s not saying he captured an alien, but a ship that’s controlled intelligently.
The cameraman rules out objects being satellites orbiting Earth in these three clips because of the length of time he took the video while they were passing the lunar surface – lasted for up to a minute in one case.
He concludes that they are very close to the Moon for them to be satellites orbiting Earth, which would only need two to three seconds to pass the Moon because of their distance from it. On his channel, the cameraman said that everything in the video is in high definition, and some are captured using an eight-inch telescope. He claimed to have shot UFOs, lunar UFOs, the Moon, and space anomalies.
He makes a pledge to his channel’s subscribers never to edit the clips to make them deceptive. He says that what viewers see is what he observes through his camera and telescope.
A witness with a military background reported spotting and capturing a photograph of a triangle-shaped UFO with three white, pulsating lights in North Carolina at Concord. The witness was with his dogs outside his home at 8 p.m. on 11th of June 2015.
He said in a Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) report that he saw the object hovering and then travelling northeast slowly before the lights went off, and the UFO disappeared. The witness said that he had a military background being a former Navy rescue. He claims to have known all about aircraft warning lights and he says he never saw anything like the UFO in the military.
Along with the video, the witness also provided MUFON a still shot of the object. The witness reported to MUFON on 20th June 2015. North Carolina MUFON investigated the case led by field investigator Sanford Davis, who closed the case as Unknown.
David also stated in his report that two witnesses spotted another triangle 50 miles away in Case # 66524 four days later.
According to Davis, the object in the video seems military, perhaps a type of black project aircraft, a variation of the Astra, TR3B.
In Case 66524, a witness reported spotting a black triangle with blinking lights near Gastonia, NC. The witness said that the UFO moved 150 miles in less than a minute. David also closed this particular case as Unknown.
David stated that there had been numerous sightings in and around the Charlotte area in the last few months.
UFO Eyewitness Harassed By Helicopters: Men in Black Documentary
UFO Eyewitness Harassed By Helicopters: Men in Black Documentary
Just this week, a new Australian documentary was released. Such documentary points out UFO information showing the interviews with people who saw the shaky video of odd and lights, with a silvery and shimmering shapes hovering in the skies. However, there is one section of the documented footage that may entice the viewers, and it is the story of Liam Freaney. Liam Freaney is a married person having two kids residing in Australia. Working as a construction worker, he and his co-worker saw bright stars piling up around a ball of white lights in broad daylight. After watching them, the stars and balls disappear and reappeared. The strange happening occurred just before the objects were being strafed by an F-18 Hornet fighter jet. After the arrival of the jet, once they disappeared, they vanished for good.
A few months later, he started seeing the objects regularly. He even bought a video camera to film in this regard. After capturing several strange objects on videotape, helicopters began to show up and hover low over his house. In a documentary, Freaney gives further details about the strange objects. He would see and film the object. Afterwards, a helicopter would show up and sit around his house. So he started shooting the helicopters and unidentified flying objects. He communicated with the locals and spoke with the president named Mariana Flynn, telling her what he saw on the videotape. Mariana Flynn also told him that he was not the sole person videotaping the UFOs. In fact, there are many reports of people filming the helicopter.
In the documentary, he admitted giving finally a presentation on what he recorded. There was a buzz about his speeches, but his performances were advertised well. Extraterrestrials are a controversial topic that many are quick to hop on opposite sides of the battlefield on. However, it is also important to consider the totality of the evidence.
Europa or frying pan? One of these is Jupiter’s moon Europa, the rest are frying pans.
RUIMTEVAARTWie zegt dat wetenschap saai hoeft te zijn? De onderzoekers van de 'NASA Europa Mission' deelden onlangs alvast een erg leuk vraagstuk op Twitter: "Europa of braadpan? Eén van deze is een maan van Jupiter, Europa. De rest zijn pannen..." Zie jij het verschil?
De ruimte is een wonderlijke plek vol prachtige planeten, manen, sterren en magisch aandoende verschijnselen. Dankzij NASA kunnen ook wij van al dat moois genieten, zowaar vanuit onze luie zetel.
Daar waar NASA meestal foto's deelt die ergens heel ver weg van ons zijn genomen, koos het nu voor enkele kunstige kiekjes van objecten die we allemaal in onze keukenkast hebben liggen: doodgewone pannen. Maar NASA zou natuurlijk NASA niet zijn moest er niet ergens tussen dat simpel keukengerei een echte maan verstopt zitten: een maan van Jupiter, die luistert naar de klinkende naam 'Europa'. Maar waar staat die? Weet jij het?
Wat later stuurde het Twitter-account van de NASA-missie de volgende tweet uit: "Dat is geen maan! Artiest Chris Jonassen maakte de 'panfoto's' voor zijnDevour Project". Wie dat project eens bekijkt, weet meteen ook het antwoord op het vraagstuk. Inderdaad: de linkse foto in de middelste rij (dus de vierde foto) is geen pan, maar wel Europa. Wist jij het?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Hypersonische SpaceLiner zal in anderhalf uur van Londen naar Sydney vliegen -
Hypersonische SpaceLiner zal in anderhalf uur van Londen naar Sydney vliegen -
Op een hoogte van 80 kilometer splitsen de raketmotoren en het passagiersgedeelte dat vervolgens door de toplaag van de atmosfeer glijdt met 25.200 km per uur.
In de toekomst zal je met het nieuwe hypersonische vliegtuig Spaceliner in 90 minuten van Londen naar Sydney kunnen vliegen. Het toestel zal met een waterstof-zuurstofraket tot een hoogte van 80 kilometer gecatapulteerd worden. Daarna zal het door de hogere atmosfeer glijden met 20 keer de snelheid van het geluid.
De SpaceLiner zou in 2030 kunnen opstijgen, maar het team achter het ambitieuze project moet wel nog even 33 miljard dollar bij elkaar zien te krijgen.
Zoals Space Shuttle Inschepen op een SpaceLiner wordt heel anders dan bij een normale vlucht. Het toestel zal rechtop staan op het lanceerplatform, zoals bij een ruimtelancering. Raketmotoren brengen het toestel dan tot 80 kilometer hoog. Beide delen zullen dan opsplitsen, zoals bij de Space Shuttle gebeurt, en de raketbooster keert dan autonoom terug naar de aarde.
25.200 km/u Het passagiersgedeelte, met plaats voor honderd mensen, zal volgens de huidige plannen vervolgens door de bovenkant van de atmosfeer glijden met een topsnelheid van 7 km per seconde of 25.200 km per uur. De landing zal in niets verschillen van die van een normaal vliegtuig.
It is the hypothesis of many members of the Electric Universe community that within human memory, perhaps a mere four or five thousand years ago, the Earth’s sky and the inner solar system underwent profound changes.
An epoch of planetary instability produced extraordinary electromagnetic events and global catastrophes that were recorded in myths and legends around the world.
Today, we shift our focus to perhaps the most important question one can explore when considering this thesis – what were the effects of these events on humankind, and to what extent did they shape our world and our species to this day?
This string of lights was seen over El Paso last night. The video only shows us 10 seconds of the sighting, but still gives us a good idea of what took place. Normally I would not believe the military, they like to cover up UFO sightings, but this does look like flares, in a row, falling together. Still, we need some views of people living in El Paso to be certain its flares. If you live there, please tell us about it in comments below. Scott C. Waring News states: EL PASO, Texas – Flashing lights near Fort Bliss sparked curiosity among Northeast residents Tuesday night. A Fort Bliss spokesperson said aviation and artillery units were training in the area Tuesday night. “Trainings are conducted during hours of limited visibility using flares, visible laser aiming devices and other equipment that could contribute to strange sights to the untrained observer,” said Lt. Col. Craig Childs with Fort Bliss. Childs said the units were firing illumination rounds which hover in the air for several minutes like a giant flare at various altitudes. "This is most likely the culprit of the reports," said Childs.
Two UFO Near Space Station, On So big It Lights Up the entire ISS, Aug 26, 2015, 19 min video, UFO Sighting News.
Two UFO Near Space Station, On So big It Lights Up the entire ISS, Aug 26, 2015, 19 min video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: August 26, 2015 Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS I caught this UFO near the space station. It was matching speed with the station, then it would slowly allow the station to catch up with it and pass it. I caught sight of the UFO during the day and night. I show you both views in the video. The grey metallic UFO comes very close to the station.
Later the UFO is seen during night and something very strange happens. The space station begins to glow with a black light off of it. Then I thought maybe a UFO was very close lighting up both the small UFO and the ISS at the same time. My feelings were confirmed when glowing blue/purple lights from above begin shining down on the space station. It was a very large UFO above causing the space station to light up. I caught over 19 minutes of video, so you know its real. Scott C. Waring
These are the lights shining down on the space station.
This UFO was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and shows a spaceship that has a lot of similarities to the old Atlas rocket. However the bright spot may just be a reflection of sunlight and the two other lines (total three) could mean this is a three armed ship. Difficult to say for sure on this one. Scott C. Waring Streetcap1 of Youtube states: I am going to stick my neck out here and say that does look awfully like some sort of spacecraft a few miles off from the SOHO satellite. Please stop thinking they are near the sun, if that was the case you would not see them.
Fan Made Pilot Of New Star Trek Series Called Renegades Has Been Released! Aug 24, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Fan Made Pilot Of New Star Trek Series Called Renegades Has Been Released! Aug 24, 2015, UFO Sighting News
Release Date: August 24, 2015 I know this is off topic, but I know this is important to a lot of viewers, so its going up. This is best news I have heard all month. A fan made series has begun and it includes some very big stars from each of the old Star Trek series. Nobody can argue that Star Trek hasn't shaped today in many ways, as well as it helping us to see what we may be able to become one day, hundreds of years into the future. I know, this is somewhat similar to what is out there, so here is the full episode below, grab a sandwich and a beer, and kick back, I know I did. I didn't read the about section of the video, so when I watched it, every 7-10 minutes, I got a wonderful nostalgic surprise. I wont post it, I would hate to give spoilers, but wow! I was very impressed with this and I really hope a big TV network picks it up. This is 1 hour and 28 minutes of heaven. Scott C. Waring
How SETI Will Understand Messages Broadcast by an Alien Intelligence
How SETI Will Understand Messages Broadcast by an Alien Intelligence
Imagine the day when we finally receive a signal from an extraterrestrial intelligence, only to find that there’s a message embedded within. Given that we don’t speak the same language, how could we ever hope to make sense of it? We spoke to the experts to find out.
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence, aka “CETI”, is the branch of SETI concerned with both the transmission and reception of messages between ourselves and an alien civilization. Scientists have been trying to detect signals from an extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) since the 1960s, but haven’t found anything.
At least not yet. If and when we do receive a signal, whether it be an intercepted transmission or a deliberate attempt to get our attention, we’ll be tasked with deciphering an alien message. It could prove to be a monumental task, but it’s a problem with no shortage of solutions.
Natural or Unnatural Signals?
The first challenge will be to recognize an incoming alien signal. This may prove easier said than done.
When pulsars were first discovered, for example, their eerily precise spectral flashes convinced some scientists that we were actually looking at some sort of alien beacon. And in 1977, the 72-second-long Wow! signal was likewise interpreted as extraterrestrial in nature. More plausibly, it was just a natural, continuous signal, or some human-instigated artifact.
These episodes aside, most SETI researchers agree that an alien signal will be unambiguous.
“Due to the random motions of the particles that are ultimately at the source of natural electromagnetic emission, these emissions tend to get spread out in frequency or in time,” says Andrew Siemion, director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center. “Technology, on the other hand, is capable of producing very fine time and frequency structure. We can use this fine structure to distinguish between natural and ‘unnatural’ sources.”
Siemion says it’s important to keep in mind that our knowledge of physics and the cosmos isn’t complete, and it’s conceivable that there are some natural processes that could mimic the types of signals we look for in SETI experiments.
“But discovering these would be great as well,” he told io9.
“If an advanced civilization did want to communicate with us, they would probably choose to base their communication on something we have in common, such as the fact that we live in the same physical universe.”
- Andrew Siemion, SETI-Berkeley
According to Douglas Vakoch, Director of Interstellar Message Composition at the SETI Institute, we should actively look for signals that stand out from the cosmic static as distinctly artificial.
“The radio signals created by nature are spread out on the radio dial,” he says. “We’re looking for narrowband signals at one place on the radio dial.”
Overcoming the Language Barrier
Given that an ETI would most assuredly “speak” a different language than any found on Earth, it’s fair to ask how we could ever hope to overcome such a barrier.
Linear A tablets. (Credit: University of Houston/CC BY 3.0)
And indeed, linguists are already struggling with this issue as it pertains to Linear A—an undeciphered writing system used in ancient Greece. It’s not immediately obvious if we’ll ever crack the code of this ancient language. Likewise, if we ever intercept an unintentional alien message, say something akin to a radio or television transmission, we may never be able to decipher the message, save for any visual or acoustic information gleaned from the broadcast.
But it would likely be a different story if the message was intentional.
“If an advanced civilization did want to communicate with us, they would probably choose to base their communication on something we have in common, such as the fact that we live in the same physical universe,” says Siemion. “They might use the properties of astrophysical objects, like pulsars, quasars or the shape of our galaxy, as a first step at teaching us their language.”
Siemion says that an advanced ETI, if they were fairly close to us, say within 40-50 light-years, might actually know quite a lot about us. They may have already taken it upon themselves to decipher parts of our early radio and television transmissions. If this is the case, Siemion says it may be very easy for them to communicate with us in a way we understand.
Speaking in Math
Alternately, we can forgo arbitrary symbolic communication altogether and use the logic of math as a communication medium. As Vakoch says, the ability to communicate mathematics will allow aliens to communicate virtually anything that can be quantified.
“One of the most basic parts of mathematics is counting,” Vakoch told io9. “When we think of counting, we usually imagine counting 1, 2, 3, and so on. But there are other ways to count as well.”
For example, Vakoch says we could tell an ETI about the Fibonacci series by starting with the simplest numbers, zero and one, and then add them together, and then repeat the process over and over, adding the last two numbers in the series. Zero plus one is one, one plus two is three, and so on until the Fibonacci series is obvious.
Spencer Greenberg from Ask a Mathematician says it shouldn’t be too hard for an ETI to develop a signal that, if we received it, could tell us it was created by another intelligent life.
To understand why, Greenberg considers how we ourselves might construct a signal if we wanted aliens to notice that we’re intelligent. To that end, he devised a (somewhat oversimplified) approach that assumes an ETI would have developed the notions of binary encodings of integers (which is by no means an overreaching assumption).
Talking in code: Greenberg says we could pulse our signal by emitting a relatively high frequency, and at other times emitting a relatively low frequency. Each high section of our signal could represent the digit 1, and each low section, the digit 0. “With this mechanism in place, it’s easy to transmit in binary,” says Greenberg.
By sending out pulses in binary, Greenberg says we could let the receiver know how many bits we’re using to represent a single number. After settling on the number of bits per group (e.g. 16), we could communicate our system by simply starting the message off with counting.
So for instance, if we wanted to signal that we are treating groups of 16 bits as a single number, we could transmit all the binary numbers from 0 to 65,535 in order, each of which would be represented by 16 binary digits. Therefore, our transmission would start 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on, which in binary, with 16 bits per number, would be:
0000000000000000, 0000000000000001, 0000000000000010, 0000000000000011, 0000000000000100, etc.
Greenberg says that instead of sending each of these numbers a single time through, we might actually want to send each sequence of 16 bits a fixed number of times in a row (say, 100 times each) to provide for redundancy. That way if our signal gets corrupted in transit, it’s still easy to correct any mistakes that are introduced.
It should be obvious to an alien receiver that we are sending digits in groups of 16, with each 16 digit block representing a number. That would allow us to transmit any number we please (so long as it’s between 0 and 65,535) by representing it in the next 16 digits of our binary code.
At that point there would be plenty of options for what to send to prove that we’re reasonably intelligent. We could transmit all the prime numbers from 2 up to 65,521. We could also send triplets of numbers where the third number in the triplet is equal to the first two multiplied together, or we could send pairs of numbers that are twin primes. We could even convey mathematical formulas by creating special symbols like an equal sign.
Other ways to Communicate
Once a rudimentary mathematical language is established, we could also send a pictorial message. Again, through the use of binary, a digital image could be transmitted by us which graphically conveys a message.
In 1974, scientists transmitted a message into space consisting of 1,679 bits, arranged into 73 lines of 23 characters per line. Called the Arecibo Message, it consisted of the Arecibo telescope itself, our Solar System, DNA, a stick figure of a human, the biochemicals of terrestrial life, and other things.
Such messages aren’t perfect or overly sophisticated, but they can convey simple concepts, like our location relative to our Sun, and our physical appearance. Clearly, an ETI could send or transmit a similar pictorial message.
The Pioneer message: So simple even an alien could understand it. (Credit: NASA)
Mathematics could also be used to send algorithmic messages. These systems, such as CosmicOSand logic gate matrices, use a small set of math and logic symbols to form the basis of a simple programming language that an alien receiver could conceivably run on a virtual machine. Algorithmic messages, if complex enough, could actually be used to convey advanced concepts—and even signs of intelligence—if run on a sufficiently advanced computer system.
Binary logarithms represent a microarray of expression data for 8,700 mouse genes. (Credit: Louis M. Staudt/National Cancer Institute/Public domain)
As for natural language processing, we’re still a long ways off from having the ability to make sense of arbitrary symbols. But Laurance Doyle, a member of the SETI institute, is using math to do just that. Doyle is trying to use information theory—a branch of math that looks at the structure and relationships of information—to separate binary code from random 0’s and 1’s. The idea is to find linguistic substance within undefined symbols, whether they be written or oral, and an associated grammar and syntax. Fascinatingly, Doyle’s work is being applied by marine biologists in an effort to crack the dolphin language code.
Hmm, What to Talk About...
Assuming that an alien civilization wants to reach out to us and say “hello”, it’s reasonable to wonder what else they might want to say to us.
Vakoch says the most important thing an alien civilization could communicate to another is their intention to make contact.
Siemion says ETIs might offer tips on existential dangers to humanity, both intrinsic threats, like biological weapons or artificial superintelligence, and extrinsic threats, such as asteroid impacts or a looming nearby supernova.
“Some people believe that technological progression and increased altruistic tendency go hand-in-hand—that is, that the more advanced a civilization becomes, the friendlier they get,” says Siemion. “Personally, I don’t think we have any evidence of that. In fact, I think we have evidence that the contrary may be the case.”
The Risk Factor
Indeed, this could be a rather dangerous exercise. We run the risk of receiving and translating a malign message, such as a trojan horse that contains a kind of computer virus, or the seeds of our own destruction.
And as we’ve written before at io9, the effort to deliberately transmit messages to aliens—an endeavor known as METI—needs to be seriously re-considered. Our efforts to reach ETIs could alert an evil force to our presence.
Alien Outpost
“Sending messages of our own creation to try to make any possible aliens aware that we exist, is an incredibly risky proposition,” says Greenberg. “Sure, they might be friendly, but then again, they might not—and that’s a big risk to take,” says Greenberg. “Attempting to wake up a force more powerful than ourselves that we do not understand is simply not a good plan.”
Vakoch says that concerns of alerting an ETI to our presence are too late.
“Any civilization with the ability to travel between the stars would already know we’re here from our accidental leakage radiation,” he says. “So a sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial might already have picked up ‘I Love Lucy.’ But they still don’t know that we’re attempting to communicate with them. That’s the most important reason for us to transmit powerful, intelligible signals to other stars—to let any intelligence out there know we’re ready to make contact.”
Extraterrestrial civilization visited the Earth in the distant past and there is evidence all around us
It isn't a question anymore, if ancient man was visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings in the distant past. A great amount of evidence has been gathered that proves that in the distant past, human beings were visited by beings from another planet. These visitors were misinterpreted by our ancestor as "Gods", because our ancestor did not understand technology as we do today.
Almost all ancient civilizations that have been studied by researchers and archaeologists point to "myths" and texts of "divine" beings that came from the stars and got involved, in one way or another, with ancient humans on Earth. Ancient Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, and many other ancient civilization make reference to "otherworldly" beings that descended from the sky, considered as divine, since ancient man, did not have the knowledge to explain in another way, these mysterious visitations.
Ancient texts from the Bible are perhaps the best evidence that point to the existence of "otherworldly" beings in the remote past of human history. The myths of creation, the mysterious light that guided the Israelites on the long journey through the desert, the description of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the union of children of the Gods with daughters of men, the power of the Ark of the Covenant and the trip to "heaven" of Elijah and Enoch are just some of the many biblical stories that involve divine beings who come from the skies, incredible technology of the past that was considered by ancient man as being "heavenly" or "divine". In addition to the biblical texts, we can add other stories of different cultures such as the Mahabharata of India where a War between the gods was described.
Another incredible item which seems to resemble a mask, a breathing apparatus and suit. Very similar to modern-day divers and astronauts.
Since the beginning of time, humanity has always had intervention of unknown forces, "Gods", "messengers", "angels" and other beings that, however you put it, are not from our planet, and thus are of extraterrestrial origin. This contact is reflected in ancient texts such as the Bible and the Mahabharata. Translating these ancient texts today, points to the fact of the existence of "supernatural" beings with incredible technology.
Today, if we were to witness a UFO landing, and a being existing the vehicle, we would surely know that it is a being not from Earth, an extraterrestrial. We would probably understand that kind technology and know that it originated from elsewhere. Humans can travel to space, land on Moons and we even have our very own "alien" robots on planets like Mars. But imagine if ancient man were to witness a UFO landing 5000 or 10000 years ago! How would ancient man interpret that moment? Since the difference of technology is so great, ancient man would have interpreted that being and that vehicle as "divine" and would characterize that being as "God" because that being can do something that humans at that point in history could not.
Revising ancient texts, some researchers have come to the conclusion that it is very likely that, ancient cultures such as the Aztecs, Incas and Pre-inca civilizations could have witnessed the presence of otherworldly beings and their technology, and it is very likely that these beings, in one way or another, influenced the development of ancient civilizations in the past.
Today, we continue to have these "encounters" that ancient people had thousands of years ago, the only difference is that, today, we do not catalogue UFO sightings as visitations from "the Gods". We know that "God" does not need vehicles to move from one point to another. But beings, that are similar to us in some way, do need vehicles just as we need cars, bikes, helicopters, airplanes and spacecraft.
These "Ancient Astronauts" left a legacy behind, a legacy that has been recorded in many ancient texts such as the Bible or the Mahabharata to mention a few, intervening for good or for bad, in the history and development of ancient civilizations, the only thing is how you interpret these texts today. At the end, it comes down to what you believe, but the evidence is, without a doubt here.
3 Ways Intelligent Extraterrestrials Could Traverse The Universe In Seconds
3 Ways Intelligent Extraterrestrials Could Traverse The Universe In Seconds
“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes, or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re [extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.” (source)– Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.
Thanks to the official disclosure of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) by dozens of countries which details encounters with UFOs, more questions are being asked. It seems logical, how are people supposed to respond to the fact that these objects are commonly tracked on radar by military agencies, visually confirmed by the pilots sent out to investigate them, and perform maneuvers that defy our current understanding of physics? You can find out more about that and view some of those documents here. You can find more of our articles on the subject by visiting the exopolitics section of our website here.
It wasn’t too long ago that the existence of ‘UFOs’ was considered nonsense, but now that their existence again, has been ‘officially’ verified in the ‘mainstream,’ the question is now shifting to, “What are they?” As you can see from the quote above, Dr. Jack Kasher believes ‘they’ are extraterrestrial craft, and he is joined by hundreds of other scientists, academicians, high ranking military people, and politicians who share the same opinion.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
To view some more statements like the two above, click here.
Apart from wondering what and who exactly these beings are, people are also asking how they got here. Below are some possible explanations, but a civilization so advanced as to visit us probably has methods that we cannot yet comprehend.
The idea behind the Alcubierre Drive is to basically place a craft within a space that is moving faster than the speed of light. Therefore the craft itself does not have to travel at the speed of light from its own type of propulsion system. It’s easier to understand if you think in terms of a flat escalator in an airport. The escalator moves faster than you are walking! In this case, the space encompassing the ship would be moving faster than the ship could fly, keeping all the matter of the ship intact. Therefore, we can move faster than light in a massless cloud of space-time.
The Alcubierre Drive is based on Einstein’s field equations, and it suggests that a spacecraft could achieve faster-than-light travel. Rather than exceed the speed of light alone in a craft, a spacecraft would leap long distances by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it. This would result in faster than light travel (source). Physicist Miguel Alcubierre was the first (that we know of) to identify this possibility. He described it as remaining still on a flat piece of space-time inside a warp bubble that was made to move at “superluminal” (faster than light) velocity. We must not forget that space-time can be warped and distorted, it can be moved. But what about moving sections of space-time which are created by expanding space-time behind the ship, and by contracting space-time in front of the ship?
A similar concept was also recently illustrated by Mathematician James Hill and Barry Cox at the University of Adelaide. They published a paper in the journal proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (source).
“By creating a ‘warp bubble’ that expands space on one side of a spaceship and contracts it on the other, the spaceship will be pushed away from the Earth and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself.” – Dr. Alcubierre (source)
Quantum Entanglement: All Points In Space Are Connected
You can view a visual demonstration/basic explanation of quantum entanglement here. Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it and referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.” The phenomenon was recently confirmed by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, you can read more about that story here.
Quantum entanglement suggests that space is just the construct that gives the illusion of seperation. As demonstrated in the vido linked above, if you take two particles and put one of them on the opposite side of the universe, the moment you do something to one of them the same reaction occurs instantaneously in the other one. This suggests that either the pieces of matter are “entangled” or connected, or that information is travelling much faster than the speed of light.
So, if all points in space are connected, perhaps this could provide some insight into travelling to what we perceive to be the far reaches of the universe.
Ben Rich, the second director of Lockheed Skunkwork’s from 1975-1991, also known as the Father of Stealth, made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials and how they are getting here.
“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it. There are two types of UFOs, ones that we build and ones that ‘they’ build.”
When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”
You can find the source for the above quotes in THIS article, and this information deals with what’s known as the “black budget.” You can read more about the black budget here.
Another hard hitting statement related to this topic:
“It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about.” (source)– Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
Wormholes are passages through space-time that would allow one to create ‘shortcuts’ through space in order to travel long distances. They are predicted by the general Theory of Relativity, and as of now still lie within the realm of theoretical physics. In 1935, Einstein referred to these as “bridges” through space-time, again, connecting two different points in space-time to create a shortcut. It’s also important to mention that the existence of these wormholes has been mathematically predicted, but are still considered theoretical.
A paper that was recently published in the Annals of physics offers mathematical evidence that a massive black hole in our galaxy is actually a wormhole. If this is true, it should be possible for humans to navigate it.
“Our result is very important because it confirms the possible existence of wormholes in most of the spiral galaxies.” (source)
If we are being visited, perhaps wormholes are one of many possible means by which it’s happening.
It’s important to note that the human race is still in its adolescence, perhaps there are new discoveries to be made for “those who can remove some of truth’s protective layers.” – Niel Armstrong (source)
Colonel Halt and Airman First Class Larry Warren – Will They Ever Unite?
Colonel Halt and Airman First Class Larry Warren – Will They Ever Unite?
Is It Really That Difficult?
Colonel Halt is a compassionate man. That statement may shock those who were at his recent Rendlesham Forest Incident presentation in the UK.
It is of course just my opinion but after the private conversations I have had with Colonel Halt since he returned to the USA, I would say my opinion is based on very solid ground. And it is ground I feel I should reveal since many people attending the conference felt that Colonel Halt had more to say but for whatever reason, did not say it.
At this point, I have no idea how Colonel Halt will react when he becomes aware that I want to make our private conversations public. However, if what he has been saying his from his heart, and not from the ‘military head’ he had on at the RFI conference, I believe he will give me his blessing to publish what I want to say.
Colonel Halt delivered what many of Larry Warren’s supporters saw as a damning blow to a much-loved figure in the RFI story. It was a shock, there is no denying that. The day before the conference, I spent some time with Colonel Halt recording an interview. I quickly realised there are two very distinct sides to a man whose military career spanned many decades. It was a career that saw him thrown, unexpectedly, into the highly volatile RFI situation – a situation that plagues him to this day. As indeed it plagues the few individuals that were actually affected by the fall-out from the incident. The few who were actually there at the time.
Perimeter fence at the old RAF Woodbridge Air Base 2015
Colonel Halt’s military career took him to Vietnam, Japan and Korea. But whatever active service he saw in those places, it is overshadowed by one week in the UK in December 1980. Publicly, Colonel Halt will forever be remembered, not for his active service in places where there was conflict but for something that happened one night in a quiet woodland in the UK.
What really happened remains a mystery and possibly always will. But one thing came across to me loud and clear when I talked to Colonel Halt, the military had a job to do on the nights in question and they did it. The military top-brass did whatever they had to do, at the time, under the direction of the US government, to contain the situation. Colonel Charles Halt will always stand by what he says publicly because that is what military people have to do – that is what they sign up for and are bound by in law, even when they leave the military.
The Colonel On Stage
So that is the military man – but what about Chuck, the family man who happens to be a retired Colonel? During my interview with Colonel Halt, I saw glimpses of Chuck when I steered him away from talk of the RFI into his everyday life as a husband and father back in the States. Chuck, I observed, is an entirely different person to ‘Colonel Halt’. The hard lines, defined by the military allegiance that must continue even into retirement, soften and he becomes just an ordinary man. Later when our interview was over, we joined up with Brenda Butler, a friend of Chuck going back 35 years. We went outside for photos and when they were done, we stood outside for sometime while they chatted over old times. The serious face of Colonel Halt dissolved again and there was a great amount of laughter as Chuck pulled memories from the past.
Old Friends In Suffolk – Colonel Halt and Brenda Butler
The RFI was hardly mentioned as the banter went back and forth and it was all good. By the following evening, in public, Colonel Halt was back, as I expected. There is only so much a military man can say about military matters in public. But the attack on Larry Warren and his book? What was that all about? I found it hard to believe that Chuck would say those things and mean them. However, Colonel Halt left the hall immediately after the conference and I did not get the chance to catch up with him again in person.
I then wrote the article which you can find by clicking here. After contacting Colonel Halt back in the states to ask more questions I was finally able to dig down past the public damning of Larry Warren and elicit what Chuck has to say about Larry. I would be lying if I told you I was shocked. Something inside me didn’t quite buy the venom he appeared to spit during his presentation which is why I pursued it further.
My feeling, as I said in my previous Colonel Halt article, is that this was a man pushed to his limits by a naughty child. He came across like a father who has had enough and snaps. I felt Colonel Halt was yelling at a wayward 19-year-old GI who unwittingly made life very difficult for him in the years following the RFI.
But I did not believe for one minute that Colonel Halt’s outburst on that stage would extend to Chuck who had stood laughing in the sun the day before.
Colonel Halt returns to the UK
So after he returned to the US, I did my best to talk to Chuck rather than Colonel Halt and what he told me might shock some people. Hopefully, he will allow me to share the content of our private conversations here. Why do I even care? I care because after talking at length to both of them, I believe Larry deserves to hear what Chuck has to say and Larry’s fans need to hear it too. Larry was naturally very angered at what Colonel Halt said at the conference so I believe it is only fair he hears what the softer side of the man who appears to dislike him had to say in private.
If I get Chuck Halt’s agreement, I will reveal what he told me in my next post. I am sure some people will have a negative reaction. Why? Because keeping Colonel Halt and Larry Warren apart may be more exciting, entertaining, intriguing and profitable than seeing them united. But I ask you this, if we cannot resolve even the smallest conflicts on our own planet, why in the hell are we looking outwardly into the universe for other beings?
Is it time to do things differently on earth – while we still have time?
If we can’t accept that we have major differences but still be peaceful with each other, why would any ‘aliens’ want to deal with us? If we bitch and fight with each other over things we will never agree on, what happens when the first ‘alien’ says something we don’t like? Going on our horrendous track record on earth, I expect we will lash out at aliens just like we do at each other if they are the wrong colour, say the wrong thing or have the wrong opinion. That is what us humans do and we need to stop because if we don’t, any intelligent life ‘out there’ from other planets will probably just exterminate us all in the way we cull animals we believe are a nuisance to humans. Watch this space.
Update:Since I wrote this, it has been communicated to both Chuck Halt and Larry Warren for approval. They have both said they are happy with the content. I don’t have to do this – I choose to do it because they are people with real lives and families and I will never publish anything about a person without their full co-operation.
I then wrote the follow-up which I also communicated to them. Larry was shocked when I revealed Chuck Halt’s private comments. He seemed happy and appeared to feel vindicated on one point at least. He was happy with what I had written. Larry had many very favourable things to say about Chuck which I included in the follow-up article. However, I cannot publish the second article yet because I still do not have Chuck’s permission. As the things he said to me were ‘off the record’ – I need his permission to share them. He has not said ‘no’ – he has been silent and may still respond. I am hoping he will.
Meanwhile, a huge storm seems to be raging in Larry’s camp in response to the Woodbridge conference. It is a storm that may be aimed at former friends who Larry perceives did nothing to defend him on the night. It is certainly aimed at the organisers who facilitated the Halt Briefing while banning Larry from being present to defend himself. In banning him, it appears his right to reply, at the time of the presentation, was denied him.
The storm will probably put paid to any reconciliation there might have been.
It will be a great shame if Colonel Halt goes down in history as a man who had no time for Airman First Class Larry Warren. Chuck and Larry, as they are now with military titles stripped away, are two ordinary family men who have always been so much more than just players in a UFO mystery.
Chuck and Larry – what, or who, is preventing them from laying down their guns and moving past the conflict?
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26-08-2015 om 23:34
geschreven door peter
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'Alien warp speed UFO' spotted ZOOMING past the International Space Station
'Alien warp speed UFO' spotted ZOOMING past the International Space Station
Official NASA footage shows a strange craft before the space agency allegedly cuts the feed
Rather than just dismissing the anomaly as a fault in the film or perhaps a single dust particle, the ET enthusiast zoomed in to have a closer look.
"What appeared to be a possible dust particle or meteor reveals itself to be a massive, cylinder-shaped craft," he claimed.
After the weird object zoomed past, the feed was allegedly cut off - which conspiracy theorists claim is NASA's common reaction to any sighting of an unexplained craft.
The International Space Station flying above over the North Caspian Sea and Kazakhstan
Beneath the video on Youtube, commentors excitedly claimed the video was evidence that aliens were visiting the Earth.
"Looky looky," exclaimed one believer.
"Right after that brief shot of that UFO NASA cuts the video, what a coincidence.
"That in my opinion is proof positive that they are hiding SOMETHING from us."
Other posters casted doubt on the veracity of the sighting.
"Nothing to see here, it's probably just a space rock.
"It just looks long because thats what happens with cameras and fast moving objects."
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26-08-2015 om 23:27
geschreven door peter
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Artist's vision of a colony on Mars
NASA Ames Research Center
It’s a popular sci-fi plot: Earth sets up colonies on Mars; Mars colonies grow, developing their own technologies and culture; Mars colonies rebel against overbearing Earth government, demanding independence. It happens in Total Recall, in Babylon 5, in Red Mars.
But what if we gave Mars its independence right from the get-go? Rather than giving future colonies to governments or corporations, Jacob Haqq-Misra thinks we should let Martian colonists develop their own values, governments, and technologies, with minimal interference from Earth. Haqq-Misra is an astrobiologist at the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, a non-profit organization that promotes international unity in space.
Not only would Haqq-Misra's strategy preclude any Martian wars for independence, but cultural independence could help Martians think differently enough to solve problems that Earth continues to struggle with—such as working together to fight global environmental problems, or making long-term plans for the future of humanity.
“Maybe Mars is more valuable in trying to seed the second incidence of civilization.”
Instead of getting divided by nations or plundered by industry, says Haqq-Misra, “maybe Mars is more valuable in trying to seed the second incidence of civilization.”
A Free Mars
The plan that Haqq-Misra lays out in an essay in New Space has five main provisions:
Humans who leave Earth to permanently settle on Mars relinquish their planetary citizenship as Earthlings and claim a planetary citizenship as Martians.
Governments, corporations, and individuals of Earth cannot engage in commerce with Mars and cannot interfere with the political, cultural, economic, or social development of Martian civilization.
Scientific exploration may continue as long as it does not interfere with the development of civilization on Mars. Sharing of research and information between Mars and Earth is permitted only to pursue mutual scientific or educational goals.
The use of land on Mars will be determined exclusively by the citizens of Mars. No Earthlings may own or otherwise lay claim to land on Mars.
Any technology, resources, or other objects brought from Earth to Mars become permanent fixtures of the Martian civilization. Earthlings may not make any demands for resources on Mars.
You Can't Own Mars, But You Can Rule A Colony
There is some legal precedent for the idea. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which 103 nations (including the U.S. and Russia) are party to, prohibits any nation from claiming territory in space. The treaty “makes very clear that a colony on Mars could never become a colony in the classical legal sense of the word, like the U.S. was originally a colony of the U.K.,” says Frans von der Dunk, a space law professor at the University of Nebraska.
Nevertheless, under the current legal system, von der Dunk says American colonists on Mars would still probably fall under U.S. jurisdiction.
Sailors in international waters are expected to follow the rules of their ship's flag, and astronauts must do the same. The rules even hold when they're not on board the ship—for example, when the Apollo astronauts roamed around the moon, or when astronauts on the International Space Station do spacewalks, they're still subject to U.S. laws.
But what about when the excursion is longer than a few hours? On the ISS, where astronauts spend months at a time, participating countries have worked up their own quasi legal system, which is pretty similar to Earth's. If an American astronaut were to hit a Russian astronaut over the head, for example, first the U.S. would have the right to determine whether a criminal act was committed. If the U.S. doesn't take action, then he could be tried under Russian jurisdiction.
The rules could be different when we're talking about pioneers who venture to another planet with no intention of returning home. Still, says von der Dunk, “You cannot simply say 'I'm no longer a citizen of the U.S.' It's not for you to decide.”
Cultural (R)evolution
Von der Dunk thinks that if Americans are able to set up self-sustaining communities on Mars, they'll consider themselves Americans and abide by U.S. laws—at least at first. “At some point in time, they will not like that anymore,” he says. “They won't feel like they are American or Russian or wherever they come from, they'll feel like they are Martian. They will say, 'Listen, we don't want to pay taxes anymore, and we want to develop our own legal system.'”
Illustration Showing a Mars Colony with Living Quarters and Solar Panels
Mars One
Cultural evolution is inevitable in small populations that splinter off from Earth. A lot of Earthly traditions just won't apply, and the Martians will develop their own jokes, rules, and customs. Haqq-Misra's suggestion of limiting contact with Earth would simply speed up that transition.
Von der Dunk thinks it would be difficult to set up a colony as a blank slate, as Haqq-Misra proposes. Mars colonists would carry with them a lot of legal and cultural baggage that biases their ideas about how society should work. But over time, Martian culture could change dramatically. "It's hard to think outside the box there, but one could think that because Mars is so different from Earth, that when they tear themselves away from traditional legal structures, they could develop something very new," says von der Dunk. "This is all very hypothetical."
Getting There Is Half The Battle
There are other potential problems. Getting to Mars ain’t easy, and there are a lot of ways to die once you get there. Unfortunately, Earth's help won’t come cheap: these days it costs about $10,000 to send one pound of supplies to the space station, and that's a much closer, easier trip than Mars. Without the financial incentives of Martian communities, resources, and/or business, nations and private companies aren’t likely to rally around the Free Mars idea. Haqq-Misra’s plan relies on either extremely thorough planning to make sure the colonies are completely self-sufficient, or generous donations to send resupply missions to Mars.
Haqq-Misra says he’s not holding his breath for anyone to jump on this idea. Still, he says, since everyone from NASA to SpaceX and Mars One has their sights set on visiting or colonizing Mars in the coming decades, it's important to think about.
“Hopefully it’s going to instigate people to have a longer-term vision for whatever we do on Mars.”
Has Stephen Hawking Just Solved a Huge Black-Hole Mystery?
Has Stephen Hawking Just Solved a Huge Black-Hole Mystery?
Stephen Hawking may have just solved one of the most vexing mysteries in physics — the "information paradox."
Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts that the physical information about material gobbled up by a black hole is destroyed, but the laws of quantum mechanics stipulate that information is eternal. Therein lies the paradox.
Hawking — working with Malcolm Perry, of the University of Cambridge in England, and Harvard University's Andrew Stromberg — has come up with a possible solution: The quantum-mechanical information about infalling particles doesn't actually make it inside the black hole.
"I propose that the information is stored not in the interior of the black hole, as one might expect, but on its boundary, the event horizon," Stephen Hawking said during a talk today (Aug. 25) at the Hawking Radiation conference, which is being held at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.
The information is stored at the boundary as two-dimensional holograms known as "super translations," he explained. But you wouldn't want super translations, which were first introduced as a concept in 1962, to back up your hard drive.
"The information about ingoing particles is returned, but in a chaotic and useless form," Hawking said. "For all practical purposes, the information is lost."
Hawking also discussed black holes — whose gravitational pull is so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape once it passes the event horizon — during a lecture last night (Aug. 24) in Stockholm.
It's possible that black holes could actually be portals to other universes, he said.
"The hole would need to be large, and if it was rotating, it might have a passage to another universe. But you couldn't come back to our universe," Hawking said at the lecture, according to a KTH Royal Institute of Technology statement. "So, although I'm keen on spaceflight, I'm not going to try that."
NASA And The European Space Agency Finally Prep Public For Alien Disclosure
NASA And The European Space Agency Finally Prep Public For Alien Disclosure
First NASA chief scientist, Ellen Stofan openly admitted that alien life is ‘imminent’ and just last Tuesday, Dr. John Grunsfeld of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate announced that the agency was ‘on the verge’ of discovering life onplanets other than earth.
Stofan and Grunsfeld hide the fact that NASA has been lying to the public about known extraterrestrial life for decades now, and that ETs have likely have been visiting earth for centuries.
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years. We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
Her declaration is synchronized with the agency’s recent discovery of water of five of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons. We were also told by NASA recently, that their Kepler mission found another ‘earth’ in the ‘habitable zone’ in our Universe circulating around a star that resembles our sun. NASA defines ‘habitable’ based on the ability of a planet to pool water ostensibly to support life as we know it.
And then there’s the Guardian article titled “Is Kepler 425b humanity’s best chance to find alien life?” that discusses how earth’s twin – an exoplanet more similar to our own than has ever before been known is a likely case for alien life – never mind the 12 other hospitable planets that theSeti Institute is researching, and the fact that we’ve assumed all life would require the same things as ourselves, without considering that other sentient beings might not even have physical form.
But there is more to the story – as usual – than NASA and the European Space Agency, or even Seti are revealing.
Beginning in early March 2015, there was an alleged meeting on the moon involving up to 70 private individuals along with about 120 officials representing different secret space programs and national governments who heard plans about disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Dr. Michael Salla and David Wilcock have been giving ‘air time’ or you could say ‘Internet real estate’ to a whistleblower named Corey Goode. He is also known as GoodETxSG. He has his own Facebook page titled after the Sphere Being Alliance, a life-form(s) he has been working with to help disclose the massive extent of our corporate military industrial complex into space.
Whether you believe his wild testimony of secret space programs and bases on the moon or not, the very fact that thousands of people are signing up to see him be interviewed by Wilcock on Gaiam TV is a testament to just how ready people are to be told the truth about extra terrestrial life.
When you pontificate the facts, GoodETxSG is showing up precisely when the largest space-related military industrial complex arm is admitting openly that alien life exists after decades of cover-ups and numerous possible murders, or the defaming of military personal, astronauts, and scientists who have been trying to tell us the same thing for some time now.
While it may be difficult to swallow the facts as Goode tells us – particularly that dozens of extra terrestrials have been manipulating our genetic code, and that the military industrial complex is even more bloated in space as it is here on earth – his testimony is at least worth hearing, and then deciding upon for yourself.
You can catch up rather quickly on what Goode has already ‘disclosed’ via Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock’s website, or you can go directly to Gaiam to watch his interviews. Coupled with NASA’s recent statements, and Russia’s threats, it seems something is brewing – perhaps the pressure is truly immense enough finally, that these agencies will now have to tell the truth.
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If Aliens Asked You to Board Their Craft,..What Would You Do?
If Aliens Asked You to Board Their Craft,..What Would You Do?
If Aliens Asked You to Board Their Craft,..What Would You Do?
This is a question I ponder many times when thinking about UFO’s and a possible Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth.
What would I do if a Extraterrestrial craft landed in my backyard and the door opened or some kind of entry appeared where it seemed like I was being invited in to the craft?
Here is my thoughts on how my experience may play out! Please tell me what yours may be!
Maybe “they” would even be beckoning me telepathically or even standing by the entrance gesturing for me to come forward into the craft.
So hopefully after my initial shock and disbelief I would be still be thinking rationally and come up with a answer and either move forward and enter or maybe try to ask a few important questions like, “So your not going to poke and probe?”,..and “We are coming back right?”
As I run this scenario thru the my thought process, I realize I also should be documenting my experience with photo’s and video! “Where’s my Camera?”, “I’m Exited, Overwhelmed and Delirious in What I should Do!”
Then reality sets in and questions rise up as to why I would be experiencing this?
Why Me?
If a highly advanced race of Aliens made the journey to earth ,…why my backyard?
Surely Stephen Hawking, Seth Shostak (head of SETI), or even Giorgio A. Tsoukalos the “Alien Guy” would be a better choice?
This cant be Good!
I revert back to instinct and a voice in my head screams load and clear!
Humans are the Species on Earth that claims ownership to the Planet and the dirt beneath its feet. Although we share the Planet with millions of other species we have claimed that we are the dominate species and ruler of the Planet,..and its Galaxy. With our technological advances we have claimed the Moon, Mars and more as ours. If we land there,we own it type attitude. Consuming property as our history as shown over and over again with each human empire pushing for more land and more control.
We defend what we own.
As humans we own our backyard and eliminate any intruders we find “unworthy”. We manicure our lawns and eliminate pests, rodents and plants we consider undesirable. We get angry if our space is trespassed by other people, I myself have been frustrated with teenagers who use my backyard as a short cut between streets. Also in our community complaints arise about crop duster noise and low flying planes over “MY BACKYARD”.
Even if we traverse past our own claimed domains we make temporary ownership. We camp in a forests and bring weapons to protect agonist predators!… in their own backyard! We dam rivers, manipulate weather, and continue to defy mother nature and build wherever we want to.
We may decide that parts of the Amazon are needed for our expansion?,..Oh we have done that!,.. or the Moon is ripe for strip mining! The Planet Mars for our new home away from home!
Haman quest is to always to reach past that final frontier and stake the flag indicating ownership.
“Planting the flag” usually means making a claim to something, usually … Throughout history men have “planted the flag” claiming ownership.
Realizing that no self-respecting galactic colonization force can conquer other planets without a proper flag, Oskar Pernefeldt created the International Flag of Planet Earth and showed off how it might look on a spacesuit and planted on extra-terrestrial soil.
The International Flag of Planet Earth Finally, a signpost to plant when we conquer alien worlds.
So what would I do if a Alien Craft landed in my backyard?
Well, I didn’t go in to the backyard at night without some protection!
As the craft approached and attempted landing in my garden I unleashed a a warning shot over its spinning translucent top.
With visible extraterrestrials in the cockpit and as they ignored my warnings and landed on my sweet corn I took action.
I unleashed my Pit bulls on the open door in the craft! They took off as I unloaded the remaining bullets in the clip and although as they took off with my earth enslaved animals and seemed to explode in space due to the carnage I expect on board, I cant help wonder if they came in Peace?
This is just my thoughts and yours could be vastly different!
I hope they are and would love to hear them! (Cause I’m not a good ambassador candidate, obviously)
So What Would You Do?
Please Comment and Share!
Aliens Landing (In Your Back Yard!) John Prescott – Wingert-Jones Publications
Is There Another Advanced Civilization Living Beneath Our Feet?
Is There Another Advanced Civilization Living Beneath Our Feet?
As science and science fiction join, we begin to decipher the ancient mysteries of the human experience. If entities exist under the surface of our planet, they would not live in volcanic rock but in advanced spaceships meant to generate essential life habitat. Are tectonic plate shifts an act of their doing, or a truly natural part of earth?
Theories about the Hollow Earth usually include a central sun, aliens, and legendary subterranean cities and civilizations that some open minded people believe could link science and pseudoscience, but only if discovered physically. In ancient times, this idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and it became associated with the image of “places“ such as the Christian Hell, the Greek Hades, the Jewish Sheol or the Nordic belief of Svartalfheim.
However in modern times, with both sides of the Arctic and Antarctic regions melting down at an accelerated rate, the truth behind this enigma and its allegorical connections to other genesis or creation myths in the tale of humanity’s journey on planet Earth could soon be revealed.
According to the Hollow Earth theory, our planet is either fully hollow or otherwise contains a massive interior space. There are allegedly races that live in underground cities beneath planet Earth. Often enough, these dwellers of the underground are more technologically advanced than we humans are on the surface. Some think that UFO’s are not from other planets, but are fabricated by strange beings from the inside of our planet.
Throughout time, some people have claimed that they encountered these mysterious beings from the ground, some even wrote detailed reports of the meetings or even books regarding the way they were greeted and taught.
An interesting description of such an encounter comes from John Cleves Symmes Jr, an American officer, trader and lecturer who introduced the concept of openings to the inner world of the poles. He declared that:
The Earth is hollow, and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees; I pledged my life in support of this truth, and I am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in the undertaking.“
Symmes’ Hollow Earth theory described the world as consisting of five concentric spheres, with our outer earth and its atmosphere as the largest. He saw the Earth’s crust as being around 1000 miles thick, having an Arctic opening about 4000 miles wide, and an Antarctic opening measuring around 6000 miles wide. He suggested that he managed to enter this underground realm because the curvature of the rim of the polar openings were gradual enough that it would be possible to enter the Inner Earth without being aware of the passage. He stated that because of the centrifugal force of Earth’s rotation, the planet would be flattened at the poles, and thus have ample passage into the Inner Earth.
Symmes also claimed that this inner surface of the concentric spheres in his Hollow Earth would be lit by sunlight reflected off of the outer surface of the next sphere and would be livable, being a “warm and rich land, stocked with thrifty vegetables and animals if not men.“ He ultimately concluded that the Earth, as well as every celestial orbicular body that existed in the universe, visible or invisible, which partook in any degree of a planetary type, from the smallest to the greatest, are all established, in a greater or lesser degree, in a compilation of spheres.
Symmes wasn’t the best lecturer. He felt uncomfortable as a public speaker. Still, he preserved. He started making disciples and soon his ideas began to take shape into the public’s minds. The book Symzonia appeared in 1820 and has often been associated with him. It describes the voyage of Captain Seaborn from 1817 who set out for the South Pole in order to prove the theory of an internal world, published by Captain John Cleve Symmes. Afraid of the attitude of his crew, he does not fully inform them of his desire, hiring them rather for a commercial journey in the South Seas. The crew discover the internal continent, which is named Symzonia in honor of Symmes.
The new world appears to be of a garden paradise, consisting of:
[…] gently rolling hills within an easy sloping shore, covered with verdure, checkered with groves of trees and shrubbery, studded with numerous white buildings and animated with groups of men and cattle, all standing in relief near the foot of a lofty mountain, which in the distance reared its majestic head above the clouds.”
The internals are described as a peaceful race, their power emanating from the people. They were led by a “Best Man“ and a council of one hundred, elected for their modest and exemplary merit. The most fundamental characteristic of the internals was their simple life style, as they despised material gain and sensual pleasures.
They lived equally, without the desire for wealth or carnal pleasures, while producing only what is needed for the society. The society is described as living for the unified good and prosperity of all of their people. This fairness applied even to their diet, for they were vegetarians. Because of the contrast between the principles and values of the two races, the “Best Man“ orders Seaborn to leave this paradise inside the Earth, along with his crew, as described:
It appeared that we were of a race who had either wholly fallen from virtue, or were at least very much under the influence of the worst passions of our nature.”
Even though Symmes and his disciples were not able to reveal completely palpable evidence for their claims, there must be more than a grain of truth in it as countless people experience visions of this inner place and gain some kind of spiritual guidance towards it.
In our current state of understanding, we realize that planet Earth holds a lot of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. The earth is said to be almost eight thousand miles in diameter, and the deepest excavations ever attempted only reached half a mile below its surface. We are, therefore, extremely ignorant of the nature and structure of the interior of this vast mass the earth holds and might remain so unless those intraterrestrial beings decide to make the first step towards us.
When will they break the ice and uncover the truth?
26-08-2015 om 22:37
geschreven door peter
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Parents horrified when child 'stalked by UFO for two weeks' showed them this footage
Parents horrified when child 'stalked by UFO for two weeks' showed them this footage
After seeing the clip, which the boy captured on the parent's mobile phone, the concerned parents sent it to "experts" for verification
This odd footage was recorded by a nine-year-old boy who claimed a UFO had been following him every day for weeks.
The youngsters parents, who had never seen the craft initially didn't believe the boy.
But he then managed to film the bizarre object, which flies around, changes direction and eventually seems to vanish in mid-air.
After seeing the footage, which the boy captured on the parent's mobile phone, the concerned parents sent the footage to "experts" for verification.
The "experts" claim this is proof alien crafts are following children and camouflaging themselves from their parents, in a bid to abduct the child.
Claims that have left the parents shaken and concerned.
In the footage uploaded to Youtube one of the expert commentates on what is seen.
Spotted: The UFO is flying high in this clip, captured by a nine-year-old on a mobile phone
He says: "It was almost as if this craft made itself invisible to the parents and only visible to the child, who was needless to say very frightened by this thing.
"This further corroborates other stories where these UFOs follow children, presumably to abduct them.
"This craft was luckily caught on video by the child who had run in to get the parents phone, ran back out, started recording the craft in mid flight.
"You can see the craft shape shifts, it changes direction it stops before finally dematerialising."
Close up: This is the craft in questionBut the claims are rubbished by many viewers online.
Samieseeker said: "Why would you make such a claim as to say it was stalking for abduction?
"Where is your evidence of intent?
"This video title accusation, is more a reflection on the mentality of the uploader, than proof of anything nefarious on behalf of the craft pilot.
" Are we going to extend our (apparently) inherent racism to every being we encounter?"
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26-08-2015 om 22:17
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
There IS life out there... I know, I’ve seen it
There IS life out there... I know, I’ve seen it
Meet Britain’s top E.T. investigator
Eye on the sky ... Malcolm doesn't miss a trick when it comes to unearthly matters
MALCOLM ROBINSON knows a thing or two about aliens.
By day he works in advertising sales but, as darkness falls, the 56-year-old travels up and down the country investigating UFO sightings.
He has helped more than 300 people come to terms with alien encounters, written three books and founded Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI) — a team of the UK’s top extraterrestrial hunters.
Even the police call on him to assist with ET reports.
Malcolm, who lives in Hastings, East Sussex, confirms: “Police all over the UK contact me after reported UFO sightings. On any case, after we speak to the witness, we find out if any other members of the public have called in.
“Then, we check with the local and national airports to find out if there is any air traffic in the sky at the time, followed by the MoD to see if any air exercises are ongoing.
“In more than 40 years of research, no one has tried to pull the wool over my eyes — people just want answers.
“The vast majority of reports can be explained and I’ll admit that a lot of UFO sightings are absolute nonsense ... but the small five per cent is fascinating. This is what we’re trying to get a grip on.”
Malcolm remembers one such case very clearly.
It was 1992 and pals Colin Wright and Garry Wood had an unforgettable journey.
He says: “I noticed that Garry’s hands were shaking as he talked to me.
“The 30-year-old and his friend believed that, while driving on the A70 near Edinburgh, they had been abducted by aliens.
“They were on their way to visit a friend but as they looked out of the windscreen, hovering above the road was an enormous black, shiny disc-like craft. Garry spoke of a silver shimmery curtain of sparkly light which covered the vehicle.
“Suddenly, both men were catapulted into total, inky blackness — they couldn’t see or hear each other.
“What appeared to be seconds later, the men remembered waking up in the car. The vehicle was shuddering violently.
“They arrived at their friend’s house 90 minutes late. The journey should have taken just 30 minutes.
“Strange images of ‘The Greys’ — a small childlike person with a large pear-shaped head and black eyes — appeared to them in their dreams and the men found scars on their bodies.
“I put them under hypnotic regression and took them back to that night and a total UFO abduction scenario unfolded.”
The men recalled how they were taken on board the ship, stripped and examined by alien creatures.
Malcolm, who doesn’t charge for his services, adds: “I listened to Garry and interviewed both men separately, their stories matched.
“I believed them too, because the men didn’t want publicity.
“They just wanted someone to listen to them.”
One of Malcolm's UFO sighting forms, filled in by an elderly man
Malcolm was an investigator on a UFO landing case in Scotland — the only UK case of its kind where police forensic teams were present.
But there was a time when Malcolm, who lives with his partner Carole Peck, 60, didn’t believe in the paranormal.
He actually set out to prove that ghosts and aliens weren’t real before countless sightings proved impossible to ignore.
Malcolm, a father of three, says: “As a child growing up in Scotland, I held this deep fascination for all things weird and wonderful. But I thought there must be a rational explanation.
“After one of Scotland’s biggest UFO incidents, where a forestry worker claimed to have been assaulted by two devices that dropped down from an object, I founded the (SPI) society in 1979.
“Forensic teams investigated his story and concluded it was the real deal.
“I spoke to police officers and scientists and they were baffled. After speaking to the witness, I knew he was telling the truth.
“This was when my views on UFOs started to change.”
Malcolm says he spotted his first UFO when he was 14, seeing a large white egg-shaped object 200 yards overhead.
Since then, he has experienced five UFO sightings, including seeing a pipe-shaped craft over Skegness, a column of light over Loch Ness and a black ball on East Hill near his Hastings home.
His most recent sighting happened in 2013 when he saw a white sphere of light over the Irish Sea during a visit to Blackpool.
The sphere was just off the coast, 40 foot in diameter, luminous and totally silent.
He says: “On my files I have first-hand accounts of people seeing strange white lights, cigar-shaped and triangular craft, huge domes and blue orbs.
“I’ve spoken to hundreds of witnesses, been on skywatches and witnessed strange things in the sky — and I’m totally convinced, because of the evidence, that we are dealing with something non-human.”
Malcolm’s advice for anyone who believes they have spotted an alien is to speak out.
He says: “It’s fascinating. We shouldn’t laugh at UFO sightings just because they sound ridiculous.
“If you had a horrible abduction experience, who would you turn to? You’re afraid of the police laughing, or the doctor thinking you’re making it up. I’m sure there are hundreds more people who’ve had UFO abduction experiences but don’t know where to turn.
“I’d love to hear from them to try and give them that understanding.”
Additional reporting: MONICA CAFFERKY
Britain’s close encounters
‘Circular object’
A red flying object spotted in Scotland
MALCOLM recalls a case just 18 months ago where two friends were taking photos of the petrochemical plant at Grangemouth, near Falkirk, in Scotland.
At around 10.45pm they noticed a red, circular object in the sky that was flying towards them. The UFO stopped overhead and then descended.
The pair managed to take two pictures before the UFO vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
‘Metallic craft’
A disc-shaped craft which disappeared rapidly
ANOTHER incident Malcolm investigated occurred in February 1994, when a disc-shaped metallic craft hovered at around 200ft over the Craigluscar reservoir, in Fife, again in Scotland.
It stayed in view for about 15 minutes, and was captured on film, before flying off at a “phenomenal speed”.
Following checks with airports and police, Malcolm confirmed that there was no known traffic in the sky at the time.
‘A zig-zag motion’
IN February, 43-year-old housewife Jane was walking her dog at 7.45pm in Newton Abbot, Devon, when she saw a triangular-shaped object in the sky.
The UFO was jet black, shiny and about 60-85 foot long. It floated above her for 35 seconds or so then moved in a zig-zag motion before dematerialising.
The distressed mum reported the incident to local police, who put her in touch with Malcolm.
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26-08-2015 om 21:53
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Nasa has revealed that it is planning to develop warp travel and wormholes to make it possible to travel into the distant universe. The agency says it will research unknown physics in an effort to ‘revolutionise space exploration’. By improving our understanding of gravity, space-time and the quantum vacuum, the agency says it might soon be possible to send robots on interstellar missions. These breakthrough forms of propulsion are just some of the many technologies the agency has announced it will be working on for the next 20 years as part of their Technology Roadmaps. The agency says it will support research ‘to demonstrate microscopic instances of space warp or wormholes.’ In theory, both technologies would bend space time to allow a spacecraft to travel huge distances across four dimensions in the blink of an eye.
On August 24, 2015, NASA All Skycam captures something out of what I would consider ordinary on a ‘fireball’ video of ‘something’ entering the atmosphere of earth in the sky over W Pennsylvania or possibly E Ohio.
Compared to the regular fireballs, the strange object lacks brightness and it has no tail, therefore it is unlikely that it was just a meteorite entering the atmosphere.
Have you ever wondered why NASA and many other Space agencies use the ‘Vector’ imagery in their logos?
Also, in this video a man and his family observe a bright star-like object moving slowly next to the moon.
The man just happened to be holding a high resolution camera in anticipation of an upcoming rocket launch from Cape Canaveral and snapped a picture of the strange looking light.
9.PM Last night I, and a few of my family members, observed 2 flying objects, triangular in shape, one much larger. We were watching the sky to observe the meteor shower. The smaller of the 2 joined together with the larger and then abruptly changed direction and proceeded to circle around one another flashing white and reddish lights. The light flashes looked like communication as they would alternate flashing but also flash in unison at times. They continued to hover and make small circles next to each other for over 1 hour.
About 35 minutes after this began, I saw 3 more smaller flashing objects come together at a high rate of speed, and then form a straight line perfectly equidistant from one another. Then two of them disappeared and one remained. I observed the last of the 3 quickly shoot to the north as the original two continued to hover for about 20 minutes after the last of the other three disappeared. I have never seen anything move as quickly or change direction as abruptly as the UFOs I observed. The laws of physics were broken.
10. PM [ WITNESS 2 ] I was witnessing the meteor shower with friends around 10pm. I noticed a very distant and flickering light moving fast my across the sky. It was so faint at first I knew it was not a plane, also it was steady and consistant with its direction, not like a meteor. It then made a quick zig zag and disappeared. It then reappeared with a 2nd object. These 2 object got very close to one another and continued to hover in that spot, still flickering for over an hour. About 30 min later several other objects looking identical to the first appeared. They came together then spread apart to for a perfect line with exact distance between them. The center object was flashing a reddish light. All of the stayed hovering but almost in a circular motion. They all had flickering lights. There was also a whitish light that would flash occasionally to the left of the center object. It was unbelievable to witness.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Robert Spearing , State Section Director for MUFON in New Jersey.
VIDEO: “Mythische Black Knight-satelliet heeft de aarde bezocht”
VIDEO: “Mythische Black Knight-satelliet heeft de aarde bezocht”
Een mythische ‘satelliet die al 13.000 jaar rond de aarde draait’ is onlangs vlak boven het aardoppervlak gefilmd, zo claimen complottheoretici. Beelden van de zogeheten ‘Black Knight-satelliet’ boven Florida zijn op YouTube gezet.
De satelliet zou onlangs ook gefilmd zijn bij het internationale ruimtestation ISS en de maan. Het kanaal Secureteam10 plaatste het beeldmateriaal op internet. In het filmpje is een zwart, vreemd gevormd object te zien dat wordt vergezeld door drie kleinere zwarte objecten.
Een lokale bewoner zou de beelden hebben opgestuurd naar Secureteam. Ze dacht in eerste instantie dat het een kite was, maar kwam er al snel achter dat het om iets heel anders ging. De objecten verdwijnen in de video op een gegeven moment op mysterieuze wijze.
The Nasa pictures have created debate about the object for 17 years
NASA-foto’s uit 1998
Volgens sommige kijkers is hier sprake van een hoax, terwijl anderen ervan overtuigd zijn dat het legendarische ruimte-object is te zien. Tyler Glockner van Secureteam10 ontkent tegenover de Britse Daily Express dat hij nepfilmpjes maakt.
Over dit specifieke filmpje zei hij: “Dit vaartuig lijkt opvallend veel op de Black Knight-satelliet, die ook zou zijn gezien op een aantal NASA-foto’s uit 1998. Het gaat om een buitenaards object dat rond de aarde draait.”
Na de missie van de spaceshuttle Endeavor naar het ISS in 1998 werden een aantal NASA-beelden vrijgegeven waarop de Black Knight te zien zou zijn. Ruimteagentschap NASA zei dat het ging om een thermische deken die tijdens de werkzaamheden aan het ISS verloren was gegaan.
Satelliet, hallucinaties of welkomstboodschap?
Al in 1899 pikte Nikola Tesla radiogolven op uit de ruimte, waarna mensen suggereerden dat ze afkomstig waren van ‘iets buitenaards’. Tijdens experimenten in 1928 in het Noorse Oslo werden dezelfde signalen opgevangen.
In 1954 publiceerden Amerikaanse kranten citaten van Donald Keyhoe, een gepensioneerde majoor die claimde dat de Amerikaanse luchtmacht twee satellieten had gedetecteerd, terwijl er op dat moment vanaf onze planeet nog geen satellieten waren gelanceerd.
In 1960 publiceerde Time een artikel over de lancering van satellieten vanaf de aarde, waarin viel te lezen dat de Amerikaanse marine een donker object had gedetecteerd, mogelijk een spionagesatelliet van de Sovjets, met een hoogst ongewone omloopbaan. Later bleek volgens Time dat het ging om de resten van een luchtmacht-satelliet.
In 1963 zou NASA-astronaut Gordon Cooper de Black Knight hebben gezien in de ruimte, maar de NASA zou hebben gezegd dat hij hallucineerde. In 1973 zou de Schotse onderzoeker Duncan Lunan hebben geclaimd dat de Black Knight 12.600 jaar geleden was gestuurd door aliens van Epsilon Boötis als welkomstboodschap. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
De makers van Interstellar hadden gelijk: “Je kunt ontsnappen uit een zwart gat”
De makers van Interstellar hadden gelijk: “Je kunt ontsnappen uit een zwart gat”
Natuurkundigen hebben altijd aangenomen dat materie wordt vernietigd als het in een zwart gat terecht komt. Stephen Hawking zei tijdens een bijeenkomst in Zweden echter dat je uit een zwart gat kunt ontsnappen.
Hij legde uit dat materie die in een zwart gat valt zelfs tevoorschijn kan komen in een andere dimensie. Het draait allemaal om de informatieparadox, die wetenschappers al jaren voor raadsels stelt. Hoewel de kwantummechanica stelt dat niets kan worden vernietigd in het heelal, leert de relativiteitstheorie ons dat materie wel vernietigd wordt.
Volgens de nieuwe theorie van Hawking wordt alles wat in een zwart gat wordt gezogen, vastgehouden voorbij de waarnemingshorizon. Hij claimt dat alles wat erin valt ergens anders in ons universum of zelfs in een parallel universum weer tevoorschijn kan komen met behulp van Hawkingstraling: protonen die vanwege kwantumfluctuaties uit het zwarte gat kunnen ontsnappen.
“Als het voelt alsof je in een zwart gat zit, geef dan niet op, er is een uitweg,” zei Hawking in Stockholm. In de film Interstellar valt Cooper, gespeeld door Matthew McConaughey, in het zwarte gat Gargantura. Hij belandt uiteindelijk in een vierdimensionale kubus en weet vervolgens te ontsnappen.
Zwarte gaten zijn sterren die door hun eigen zwaartekracht in elkaar zijn gestort en produceren zulke extreme krachten dat zelfs licht er niet aan kan ontsnappen. Hawking stelt dat informatie nooit het binnenste van een zwart gat bereikt, maar wordt ‘vertaald’ in een soort hologram dat zich bij de waarnemingshorizon bevindt.
“De boodschap is dat zwarte gaten niet zo zwart zijn als we denken. Het zijn geen gevangenissen waar je nooit uit kunt ontsnappen. Dingen kunnen uiteindelijk weer uit een zwart gat komen, mogelijk zelfs in een ander universum,” zei Hawking. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Onder de noemer aardveranderingen zijn er de laatste jaren vreemde, bizarre en soms onverklaarbare verschijnselen waar te nemen.
Aardveranderingen die onverminderd doorgaan en zorgen voor heftige taferelen op deze aardbol.
De wereld draait door, iedere dag opnieuw en dat deze sterk is veranderd ten opzichte van enkele tientallen jaren geleden, valt eigenlijk maar relatief weinig mensen op.
Wanneer je luchten ziet, zoals op de volgende afbeelding, dan weet je dat er wordt geknoeid met het weer. Dit zijn absoluut geen wolken die op een natuurlijke manier zijn ontstaan. Dat gat is niet ontstaan door, zoals meteorologen plegen te beweren, een vliegtuig dat er doorheen vloog.
Over het soort wolken zoals die te zien zijn op de volgende afbeelding hebben we al de nodige artikelen geschreven. Officiëel, wederom meteorologen in de bocht, worden ze omschreven als lenswolken, maar steeds meer mensen geloven dat het UFO's in vermomming zijn.
Het aantal waarnemingen van dit soort wolken neemt wereldwijd hand over hand toe, maar de bulk van de bevolking merkt ze niet eens op.
Een lucht zoals je die ziet op de volgende afbeelding is absoluut het gevolg van geo-engineering oftewel chemtrailsoftewel het sproeien in de lucht met giftige deeltjes. Dit gaat dag in dag uit door boven onze hoofden en bijna niemand ziet het.
Een ander heel vreemd verschijnsel dat de laatste jaren veelvuldig voorkomt zijn de vreemde mysterieuze lichtstralen die als een soort pilaar uit de hemel neerdalen (of wie weet vanaf de aarde naar boven stralen).
De hiernavolgende video geeft naast het bovenstaande een overzicht van allerlei vreemde en mysterieuze verschijnselen op onze aarde gedurende de laatste jaren.
We rubriceren alle bovengenoemde zaken meestal onder de noemer aardveranderingen.
Het is nu bepaald niet zo dat die aardveranderingen aan het afnemen zijn en dat wij als planeet in rustiger vaarwater terecht zijn gekomen.
Vaak staan wij daar niet zo bij stil omdat de gevolgen van al die aardveranderingen tot nu toe mild zijn geweest.
Andere delen van de aarde zijn minder gelukkig en voor een overzicht van wat er de afgelopen weken zoal aan extremen heeft plaatsgevonden, volgt hier een video met een overzicht van de meest dramatische gebeurtenissen.
Van aardbevingen tot vulkaanuitbarstingen. Overstromingen, bosbranden en onverwachte sinkholes (zinkgaten). Dan ook nog stormen, tornado’s, zand, vuurballen en verzengende hitte.
UFO Hides In Clouds Watching Below In Guadalajara, Mexico, Video Aug 25, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Hides In Clouds Watching Below In Guadalajara, Mexico, Video Aug 25, 2015, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: August 25, 2015 Location of sighting: Guadalajara, Mexico This UFO has a plasma like static field around it. It could be caused by the source of propulsion of the craft. As you know already, many old photos of UFOs from decades past have had a fuzzy look around them, causing them to look blurry. I love how this UFO leaves the area darting from cloud to cloud. Scott C. Waring
Glowing White UFO Explores Neighborhood of Newark, Ohio On Aug 7, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Glowing White UFO Explores Neighborhood of Newark, Ohio On Aug 7, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: August 7, 2015 Location of sighting: Newark, Ohio, USA This glowing orb was caught in Newark two weeks ago and we see a nice HD quality video of the UFO. It moves over his house and over the guy silently. The object is white, not red or orange. The object is round, not oval. Some tried to say its a Chinese lantern. I live in Taiwan and set off lanterns, and this is not one. When you look below a lantern, you will see a large opening and a flame from the fire at its bottom. There is none here. This is perfectly round. This is awesome! Scott C. Waring
This person went over his video carefully and found out he caught four UFO orbs leaving the top of a mountain in Alaska. The quality of the video is poor, but at least he caught it, so we know he did see something. UFOs are often seen entering and exiting mountains in various places around the world. Alaska has a very low population, and thats what aliens like when choosing to make a base underground.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
This one is quite extraordinary! I have caught 3 or more on here together splitting up...just weird!
UFO Caught As It Enters Atmosphere On NASA Skycam, Aug 24, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Caught As It Enters Atmosphere On NASA Skycam, Aug 24, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 24, 2015 Location of sighting: W Pennsylvania, USA Only once in my life have I ever seen a UFO with three arms. It was about the size of a scooter and white. It slowly rotated in a wheel fashion in the cloud here in Taiwan and was only caught on IR camera for 1-2 seconds, but upload footage damaged the quality it could not be seen on Youtube years ago. These are unmanned drones sent for info gathering. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: NASA All Skycam captures something out of what I would consider ordinary on a 'fireball' video of 'something' entering the atmosphere of earth in the sky over W Pennsylvania or possibly E Ohio. Also, in this video a man and his family observe a bright star-like object moving slowly next to the moon. The man just happened to be holding a high resolution camera in anticipation of an upcoming rocket launch from Cape Canaveral and snapped a picture of the strange looking light.
1,200 years ago the ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion disappeared beneath the Mediterranean. Founded around 8th century BC, well before the foundation of Alexandria in 331 BC, it is believed Heracleion served as the obligatory port of entry to Egypt for all ships coming from the Greek world.
Prior to its discovery in 2000 by archaeologist Franck Goddio and the IEASM (European Institute for Underwater Archaeology), no trace of Thonis-Heracleion had been found (the city was known to the Greeks asThonis). Its name was almost razed from the memory of mankind, only preserved in ancient classic texts and rare inscriptions found on land by archaeologists.
With his unique survey-based approach utilising sophisticated technical equipment, Franck Goddio and his team from the IEASM were able to locate, map and excavate parts of the city of Thonis-Heracleion, which lies 6.5 kilometres off today’s coastline about 150 feet underwater. The city is located within an overall research area of 11 by 15 kilometres in the western part of Aboukir Bay. [Source]
Findings to date include: – The remains of more than 64 ships buried in the thick clay and sand that covers the sea bed – Gold coins and weights made from bronze and stone – Giant 16-ft statues along with hundreds of smaller statues of minor gods – Slabs of stone inscribed in both ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian – Dozens of small limestone sarcophagi believed to have once contained mummified animals – Over 700 ancient anchors for ships
Research suggests that the site was affected by geological and cataclysmic phenomena. The slow movement of subsidence of the soil affected this part of the south-eastern basin of the Mediterranean. The rise in sea level also contributed significantly to the submergence of the land. The IEASM made geological observations that brought these phenomena to light by discovering seismic effects in the underlying geology. [Source]
Analysis of the site also suggests liquefaction of the soil. These localized phenomena can be triggered by the action of great pressure on soil with a high clay and water content. The pressure from large buildings, combined with an overload of weight due to an unusually high flood or a tidal wave, can dramatically compress the soil and force the expulsion of water contained within the structure of the clay. The clay quickly loses volume, which creates sudden subsidence. An earthquake can also cause such a phenomenon. These factors, whether occurring together or independently, may have caused significant destruction and explain the submergence of Thonis-Heracleion. [Source]
Franck Goddio is a pioneer of modern maritime archaeology. After graduating from the École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique in Paris, Franck Goddio conducted economic and financial counselling missions in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia for the United Nations, and later for the French Foreign Ministry.
In the early 1980’s he decided to dedicate himself entirely to his passion – underwater archaeology – and founded the Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine (IEASM), of which he is currently president. Goddio has initiated and directed a number of excavations on shipwrecks including seven junks from the 11th-16th century, two Spanish galleons and two trading vessels of the British East India Company.
Goddio’s most ambitious project is conducted off the coast of Egypt, in Alexandria’s ancient eastern harbour and in the Bay of Aboukir (30km east of Alexandria). In partnership with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities a vast area the size of Paris has been mapped and investigated since 1992. In 2000, the ancient city of Heracleion and parts of the city of Canopus were discovered. The research is ongoing to this date.
Excavation projects directed by Goddio have a strictly non-commercial purpose and his work is always carried out in cooperation with the national authorities in whose territorial waters the exploration is taking place. The excavation work is founded on legal provisions that regulate underwater excavations and on international archaeological standards (UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage). [Source]
It is nearly every week now that a fresh new UFO sighting is seen above Earth or next to the International Space Station. Many people believe that the number of sightings means astronauts on board the ISS “are probably being monitored by extraterrestrials” almost daily.
A large brightly lit UFO was captured on the International Space Stations camera, watching over them close by. StreetCap1 who is the Youtuber who discovered this footage has confirmed that this capture has come straight off NASA’s live feed footage.
Many people believe that NASA’s lack of response when questioned about these UFO’s caught on their cameras, says a lot in itself! NASA are in a way teasing us with these videos and then keeping quiet when approached about these unusual crafts caught in space.
Despite allowing public access to the recordings, many Ufologists from around the world now claim that NASA is purposely withholding information about UFOs from the public.
Please check out the quick yet ‘clear’ capture of the UFO near the ISS:
Streetcap1 who posted the intriguing video onto YouTube after capturing off NASA’s ISS live feed footage, said:
“Bright UFO above Earth”
“During a period when the camera is moving for around two minutes, NASA captures a distant pink and gold object. “Caught August 3 2015. We need them to maybe start pointing the ISS cameras outward and stop treating people like children.”
Streetcap1’s comment reference NASA pointing their cameras outward is a very fair point as apart from thee UFO’s being caught on camera, I feel its important to also give the people of planet earth, a better, clearer perspective of the Universe around us. However saying this, it is very clear WHY NASA don’t point their cameras outwards, what with the apparent amount of UFO’s around us!
The large UFO caught watching over the ISS
NASA ‘blatantly’ ignore people’s questions about these UFO’s caught on camera, and it is clear as to why they never comment, because they do NOT want us to see these crafts in space! Of course NASA know theses UFO’s are there, BUT occasionally they must slip up and perhaps the ET’s purposely show up out of nowhere so that the people of this world can SEE that they are up there in all their glory!
U.I.P have posted quite a lot of posts about the sheer amount of UFO’s being caught on camera above the ISS (please see some of the videos below) which like everything in life it’s all a numbers game! Some of the footage caught on NASA’s live feed could be something completely innocent (perhaps) BUT some of the images caught on camera have no explanations whatsoever as to what they are and where they are from – Hence they are a 100% UFO’s caught on camera!
No matter how much we moan about it, NASA at this moment in time will NOT discuss what these UFO’s are, this could be for two reasons (1) They do not know what they are, or (2) They know what they are, but are too afraid for the public to know the TRUTH (this is more likely!).
One thing is for sure, the ET’s are VERY much here with us, and have been for a long time! I could imagine NASA must be regretting ever promising the public live feed from the space station! We have seen all sorts of crafts and large structures above earth, it appears that we are being watched DAILY and something BIG is going on around us!
With UFO sightings DOUBLED this summer and sightings aplenty above Earth – could it be that a species of Aliens are forcing their OWN DISCLOSURE!?
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26-08-2015 om 00:10
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Spectacular space map shows 14,000 satellites orbiting Earth
Spectacular space map shows 14,000 satellites orbiting Earth
Since Sputnik 1 captured the world’s imagination in 1957, thousands of artificial satellites have followed suit in orbiting Earth. Now a software designer’s ingenious map documents how man-made objects there are in space, and how many actually work.
The visual map produced by Richie Carmichael, who’s based in California, show there are a total of 14,022 satellites orbiting planet Earth. However, 76 percent of those no longer work and are just junk traveling through space.
The satellites don’t just orbit our planet in a regular circle; they have all sorts of strange trajectories, as they pass by, while it gives the viewer a whole new idea about just how crowded space actually is.
Russian satellites make up a hefty number of those artificial objects flying around the earth in space. They can be made out as the red dots in the graphic above.
UFOs over the White House: Do the US presidents know about the existence of aliens?
UFOs over the White House: Do the US presidents know about the existence of aliens?
EVERY president since the war has known about alien visits to Earth, a new book claims.
Most Americans assumed he was joking.“I come in peace,” said President Barack Obama in March, 2012, after landing at Roswell, New Mexico, the infamous site of an alleged extraterrestrial spaceship crash landing.
Asked about the alien bodies reportedly recovered from the wreckage he added: “If I told you I would have to kill you… we’re going to keep our secrets here.”
But a controversial new book The Presidents And UFOs: A Secret History From FDR To Obama claims that a number of US leaders have known of evidence proving that aliens have visited Earth leaving spaceship debris, the occasional alien corpse and thousands of UFO sightings.
“Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources that are in all probability of interplanetary origin,” wrote US Army chief of staff general George C Marshall to president Franklin D Roosevelt in March 1942, according to a recently leaked memo.
President Roosevelt replied urging the “finding of practical uses for the atomic secrets learned from the study of celestial devices”.
And in another memo Roosevelt wrote of “coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harbouring intelligent life in the universe”.
He added: “We will take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us.”
The secret memos, whose authenticity is fiercely debated, are part of a mountain of evidence uncovered by the new book’s author Larry Holcombe.
“UFOs exist and extraterrestrial life has visited Earth,” says Holcombe, 71.
“The accumulation of evidence is so great that no reasonable person can any longer deny their existence.”
Millions have long suspected that not all UFOs could be explained away as experimental aircraft and weather balloons.
The US’s Area 51 Air Force base in Nevada is rumoured to hide alien corpses and their spaceships as depicted in movie Independence Day.
Many believe there is a secret President’s book handed to each new incumbent of the Oval Office revealing the existence of aliens, just like the one in the film National Treasure 2.
The US even seems to be moving towards publicly acknowledging the existence of alien life.
Nasa has restructured its research to look for other solar systems, emerging worlds and alien life.And the space agency’s chief scientist Dr Ellen Stofan recently said that she believes “strong indications” of extraterrestrial life will be discovered within a decade.
Holcombe says that two past US presidents claimed to have had close encounters with aliens and that Ronald Reagan had two encounters and even became president thanks to advice from an extra terrestrial.
Actresses Lucille Ball and Shirley MacLaine, who partied with actor Reagan on the night of his first alien encounter, claimed that the future president insisted that his road to the party had been initially blocked by a UFO.
An alien came up to his car and told him: “Leave acting and go into politics.”
Later, as governor of California in 1974, Reagan saw a strange moving light from the window of his private jet and ordered his pilot to follow it.
“To our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens,” Reagan is said to have recalled.
Reagan even spoke of a possible alien invasion in 1987, adding: “I ask, is not an alien force already among us?”
Before becoming president Jimmy Carter is said to have witnessed a bright green light in the sky fly towards him in 1969.
It changed colour to blue, then red, then white before racing away.
“It didn’t have any solid substance to it,” said a mystified Carter, who filed a UFO report.
But all presidents were given ample evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life and told to keep it secret rather than scare an anxious public, claims the book.
President Harry S Truman drew a veil of secrecy over the 1947 alien spaceship crash near Roswell, New Mexico, and the alleged crash of a second alien craft almost simultaneously about 140 miles away on the San Agustin Plains.
Truman had supposedly created the “Majestic 12” in 1942: a secret committee of scientists and military to cover up extraterrestrial activities.
Late in the Second World War Dwight D Eisenhower met with Winston Churchill to discuss an RAF reconnaissance aircraft’s close encounter with a UFO near the English coastline.
I don’t think Britain or the US is going to admit that alien life has been visiting Earth for some time
Larry Holcombe, author
Churchill reportedly told Eisenhower: “This event should be immediately classified as it would create mass panic amongst the general population and destroy one’s belief in the Church.”When president, Eisenhower is even rumoured to have had a summit meeting with aliens.
“It’s veiled in secrecy but a number of reliable sources claim that he flew to Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico to meet with extraterrestrials in 1955,” says Holcombe.
Presidents hid possible alien encounters from Americans after the war but as the CIA grew in power it took over alien investigations and cover-ups, claims the author.
“There’s been a government coverup but since the 1960s there’s been a cover-up to keep presidents in the dark as well,” says Holcombe.
“Extraterrestrial investigations in the US are controlled by a powerful and secretive scientific and military-intelligence committee answerable to no one.
“President John F Kennedy demanded that the CIA hand over secret files and every president since has wished he knew more.
“President Bill Clinton has said he tried to get UFO information and it was withheld from him.
“Kennedy’s pushing for UFO information may have been behind his assassination in 1963.
“Kennedy wanted to share alien technology with the Soviets and there were powerful people who refused to let that happen.”
President Richard Nixon authorised a UFO documentary using secret footage of an alien craft landing during his re-election campaign in 1972 but the project was axed by intelligence chiefs, claims Holcombe.
“Nixon believed that a limited level of UFO disclosure would ensure his place in history,” he adds.
While running for office Gerald Ford, Carter and Clinton all demanded government openness about UFOs but fell silent once elected to the White House and privy to alien secrets.
Holcombe says he found evidence suggesting that several alien bodies have been studied by the US military and alien technologies copied.
Yet despite recent calls for greater openness about UFO encounters he says: “I don’t think Britain or the US is going to admit that alien life has been visiting Earth for some time.
“But they may be forced to admit it if extraterrestrials make their presence known.
“Many laws have been broken to keep this secret.
“It’s been the greatest cover-up in the history of mankind.
“But all it takes is one alien spaceship over London or Washington DC and the world will never be the same again.”
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Daily 2 Cents: Australian Man Warned by MIB -- My Alien Interactions -- Mystery Cloaked Figure 'Dropping Raw Meat in Playgrounds'
Daily 2 Cents: Australian Man Warned by MIB -- My Alien Interactions -- Mystery Cloaked Figure 'Dropping Raw Meat in Playgrounds'
Australian Man Warned by MIB
Father-of-two Liam Freaney received unexpected visits after witnessing a number of UFOs near his home.
Freaney, who was a builder by trade, had little interest in the subject of UFOs until one day in March 2013 when he and his workmate witnessed a number of strange lights in the skies over New South Wales followed by the appearance of a military aircraft which seemed to be pursuing them.
A few months later the objects started to appear on a regular basis, prompting Freaney to purchase a video camera so that he could try to record some footage, but as he stepped up his efforts to determine what the objects could be he started to attract an entirely unwanted type of attention.
"I would see and film an object then directly afterwards I would get home and a helicopter would show up and sit over the house," he said. "So I started filming the helicopters as well as the unidentified flying objects. It happened over and over again, 20 or 30 times at least."
"When they hover the height of a lamp post above your house and lean out the window it's definitely not military training. Maybe I have filmed something I shouldn't have. That's a possibility."
The incidents eventually came to a head two weeks before he was due to talk about his experiences at a local UFO group. He had been out driving his car near his home when a large black saloon drove up behind and pulled him over on to the side of the road.
Two men in black suits got out and approached the window of his vehicle. The strangers knew him by name and warned him in no uncertain terms that it would be best if he kept his mouth shut.
Despite feeling initially apprehensive however Freaney decided to go ahead with the talk anyway.
"The purpose of this whole two and a half years of contact that has happened to me I believe is for me to pass on the message that it is happening and that it is real," he said.
Jonesboro, AR: As noted above, I've seen UFOs, starting since youth. This date (June 22-23, 2009, early morning hours) is my first conscious recollection of being abducted and interacting with these beings. They used to show up (that I know of) 2-3 times per month. They stopped showing up the year my wife was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. They started back after her treatment, but only seem to show up once every couple months.
I'm also a CG artist and have rendered them quite accurately. I'll try to attach some pictures. - MUFON CMS
Who is this cloaked figure 'dropping raw meat in playgrounds'?
Residents of a small town in North Carolina have been left stumped by the presence of a mysterious cloaked figure who has been apparently 'dropping meat' in playgrounds.
Photos of the terrifying person have been circulating on social media for the past month, with the local paper reporting that the figure has been seen dropping meat as well as standing around in a sinister fashion.
There are worries that the figure is taking part in an occult activity. One resident found a bag of raw meat near their apartment at around the same time the cloaked figure was popping up.
Police, however, haven't connected the bags of meat with the cloaked figure. A spokesperson for the force told the Gaston Gazette: "We don't know if this is some bogus prank somebody is playing."
Christopher Bridges has one possible answer for the cloaked figure. He wrote on Facebook: "Witches use raw meat in there rituals. It's used to cast spells for the destruction of innocent people look it up"
Jason Hamilton was angry that people were making light of the situation: "I hope this person in the pic gets caught, people on here are laughing it off like it's fake. Hopefully no pets or children turn up dead around here, then all the laughing people are going to feel stupid. This is too close to where I live, which is IN Hudson woods" - Who is this cloaked figure 'dropping raw meat in playgrounds'?
Filmmaker George Romero’s flick “Dawn of the Dead” and others have catapulted zombies into cult-like status in Monroeville, Pa., where the movie was filmed. Limping, bloodied (sort of) and wearing shredded clothing, 2,000 souls from near and far descended on the Zombie Fest and Walk of the Dead at Monroeville Mall. I personally think the zombie genre is ridiculous but, whatever floats your boat...
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The Baltic UFO; Electrical components fail when in proximity to the object
The Baltic UFO; Electrical components fail when in proximity to the object
The mysterious objects that was discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea in the summer of 2011 seems to attract more attention than ever. The discovery of the strange object located at the bottom of the Baltic sea has a diameter of approximately 60 meters. It has a strange oval-shaped formation, but most importantly, behind the object a strange trail was identified suggesting that this object might have in fact crashed into the bottom of the sea remaining in a perfectly still in place where it is even today.
According to reports, a team of researchers from the Ocean X group said that their electronically device were switched off automatically when their ship passed in the vicinity where to object is located. There have been many different options regarding the so-called "Baltic Sea Anomaly". While some believe there is a mysterious origin to this object, others believe its simply a "nice" looking rock, at the bottom of the ocean.
Many people who have seen the images of the object believe it might actually be a crashed UFO. According to some members of the Ocean X team, there is a visible underwater trace that could have formed as a result of the object crashing, thus leaving a trail behind it. Other theories claim that the object is a submarine base, since it closely resembles the bases built by the UK and Germany during World War II. Yet there are numerous other theories that range from the above mentioned to ancient ruins of prehistoric civilizations. Strangely all the theories might be correct. The most mysterious part of the investigation is why the electrical components of Ocean X were shut down when they approached the area where the object is located.
Many experts have dismissed the possibility that it is just as an unusual formation on the seabed.
Both Denis Åsberg, as Peter Lindbergh, divers of Ocean X, said the object cause disruption and constant interference in electronic equipment when approaching, unusual if the mention object is just a rock as many believe. The two Ocean X divers highlight the diameter of the object which is 60 meters, while stating that the object has an unusual stepped structure that joins at the platform of the object. Lindberg has said that in his diving experience, which is over 20 years, he has never seen anything like this mysterious object.
In an interview with Fox news, Lindberg said: "The surface is cracked, three is a black material that fill the cracks but we are unsure what this material is."
According to Ocean X members, the mysterious disc shaped object has some sort of opening at the top with other strange details on the surface.
The mission that aimed on finding shipwrecks in the Baltic turned out to be one of the most talked about discoveries in the recent years when Ocean X discovered the mysterious structure and its "crashing trail" in the Baltic Sea. The poor visibility in the ocean has made it impossible to accurately photograph the object.
According to reports, this is only one of the many mysterious findings that the team has made on the site, most of which are still under the control of the television company that financed the expedition.
The mystery around the Baltic UFO, as some call it, continues, we hope that all the information regarding this anomaly will be released to the public so we can understand what the original and purpose of the Baltic anomaly are.
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25-08-2015 om 23:27
geschreven door peter
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Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case
Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case
Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case Date:September 19, 1961 Location: Exeter, New Hampshire, United States
The first abduction case to be brought to the public’s attention was back in 1961. Betty and Barney Hill reported seeing a UFO and experienced a period of missing time while on a long car journey. Under hypnosis they both separately described how they were abducted by aliens and shown around the spacecraft before undergoing medical examinations. Betty also spoke of the origin of the aliens which were of the zeta reticuli system but at that time it wasn’t discovered until 1969.
Their journey into the unknown began in New Hampshire in September, 1961, and would forever change the course of Ufology.
The Hills were an interracial couple. Barney, a 39 year-old black man, worked for the postal service, and Betty, a 41 year-old white woman, was a supervisor for the child welfare department. Because of Barney’s ulcer problems, the two had embarked on a vacation into Canada. On September 19, they began their journey back home. At about 10:00 PM, Barney, who was driving, saw a star which seemed to move erratically. He told Betty about it, and they both kept tabs on it as they drove along.
They were just north of North Woodstock, when Barney noticed that the star was moving in a very unusual manner. When they arrived at Indian Head, they stopped their car, and got out to have a better look. Using binoculars, Barney zoomed in what he thought was a star. This was no star! He could make out different colors of lights and see several rows of windows around a flying craft.
The next thing the Hills recalled was being frightened by the unusual flying object, and the occupants inside of it. Barney scurried back to the car where Betty was waiting. They jumped into the car, and raced down the highway. Looking for the object, they found that it was now gone. As they drove on, they began to hear a beeping sound… once, then again. Although they had been driving only a couple of minutes, they were 35 miles down the road!
Betty and Barney finally arrived home safely. After seeing the UFO, the rest of their trip home had been uneventful. They were tired from their journey, and immediately went to bed. When Betty awoke the next day, she telephoned Janet, her sister, and told her about the strange object they had seen. Janet urged her to call Pease Air Force Base, and tell them what her and Barney had seen. After hearing Betty’s report, Major Paul W. Henderson, told her:
“The UFO was also confirmed by our radar.”
At least the Hills were not seeing things, and they were trying to put the incident behind them. But soon Betty began to have nightmares. In her dreams she would see her and her husband being physically forced into some type of craft. Before long, two writers heard about the Hill’s story, and contacted them. The Hills, with the aid of the writers, compiled a time chart of the events of September 19. There could be no doubt that the couple had lost about two hours of time somewhere along the way.
As news of the UFO sighting became more common place, the Hills were forced to hide from reporters as much as possible. Because of the missing time element, and the desire to know what, if anything, had happened during that time, they decided to contact a psychiatrist. They decided on Boston psychiatrist and neurologist, Dr. Benjamin Simon, well-known in his field. He would come to play an important role in the Hill abduction story.
His suggestion for treatment was regressive hypnosis, which would hopefully unlock the memories of the two missing hours of time. His sessions began with Betty, and soon Barney followed. After six months of treatment, it was Simon’s opinion that the Hills had been abducted and taken aboard an unknown craft. Regressive hypnosis, a controversial treatment, is often used to unlock lost memories. It hasbeen used in a number of other alien abduction cases, including The Buff Ledge Abduction and The Allagash Abductions.
Some of the memories that were uncovered from the Hills included that their automobile had stalled on the road. The UFO had landed in the middle of the road, and alien beings came to their car, carrying both Betty and Barney to the UFO. They were subjected to various medical and scientific tests. Before the aliens released them, they were hypnotized and ordered to keep their capture a secret.
The sketch by Barney Hill showing the craft with figures fins and red lights
During the intensive regression sessions, the Hills would describe their captors as “… bald-headed alien beings, about five foot tall, with greyish skin, pear shaped heads and slanting cat-like eyes.” This description very much described what would become known as the “greys,” now a standard description for the small beings with large heads, small mouths, and little or no ears, and hairless.
Also details were released about the actual procedures performed on the Hills. Both physical and mental experiments were conducted. Samples were taken of their skin, hair, and nails. Betty had gynecological testing, and Barney reluctantly revealed that sperm samples were taken from him.
The Betty and Barney Hill case is still studied and discussed today. It is the alien abduction case to which all others are compared and judged.
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Half of Brits believe in aliens - and almost 2m have met one
Half of Brits believe in aliens - and almost 2m have met one
MORE than half of Brits believe aliens exist - and almost 2million claim to have met one - according to a new poll.
ALIENS: Most people think we are not alone
A total of 53% of people believe there is intelligent life on other planets, pollsters found, with another 29% unsure.
Just 18% of the public think we are alone in the universe and many people appear to believe aliens have visited earth in UFOs - but the government has covered it up.
UFO: A third of Brits believe the government has covered up UFO visits
SurveyMonkey found almost a third of Brits believe the government is hiding knowledge about UFOs from the public, most likely to protect us.
One in ten people who answered the Sun poll said aliens have abducted people - and a staggering 3% claimed to have had a close encounter of the third kind.
If true across the population, that would mean 1.92million have encountered a little green man.
CROP CIRCLE: Many believe crop circles, like this one in Wiltshire, are made by aliens
The shocking results come as a sleepy Wiltshire town celebrates the 50th anniversary of the UK's first mass UFO sighting.
From 1965 through the Seventies, hundreds of residents of Warminster reported seeing UFOs in the sky above the town.
Thousands of people - including Mick Jagger and David Bowie - descended on the town hoping to glimpse what became known as The Warminster Thing.
The town is holding an event to mark the phenomenon, dubbed "Britain's Roswell", on Friday.
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WATCH: Legendary Black Knight 'alien satellite' captured passing ISS AND Moon
WATCH: Legendary Black Knight 'alien satellite' captured passing ISS AND Moon
A LEGENDARY "alien satellite", that is said to have orbited Earth for nearly 13,000 years, has been TWICE caught on camera passing the International Space Station (ISS) and the Moon, UFO hunters claim.
The 1998 Nasa image and a picture taken of the Blue Moon in July 2015
New footage which could show the mysterious Black Knight satellite passing the ISS has emerged on YouTube following an earlier photograph, which appeared to show it pass the Moon, according to alien researchers.
The Black Knight satellite is the name that has been given to a object captured on camera by Nasa astronauts during a 1998 space shuttle mission.
There are alien conspiracy theorists who claim the satellite is an object of extraterrestrial origin, possibly up to 13,000 years old orbiting Earth in near-polar orbit.
Now YouTube UFO channel - Mister Enigma - has posted a video entitled "Black Knight Satellite Seen Right In Front Of ISS Camera."
It purports to be a recording taken from the Nasa ISS camera and shows a strange object floating seemingly at the same speed as the space station for about six minutes before slowly fading away.
The video maker posted subtitles on the film adding that he initially thought it was part of the ISS until it disappeared and posed the question: "Could this be the famous Black Knight Satellite?"
The 1998 images taken by Nasa conspiracists claim is the Black Knight satellite
Another of the several 1998 pictures
One posted: "Very strange activity and it does look a bit like the Black Knight satellite."
Another added: "Very interesting, you can see the lights on the hull of the craft change colours especially early in the footage."
However, Mr Enigma, a channel run by Robert Simmons, based in Wisconsin, USA, has been accused before of posting hoax UFO footage in the past.
Several claims were made that another video released by Mister Enigma, of a UFO appearing to pass a tree, was a CGI hoax, after the tree was found to have been made by repeatedly using the same section of a real tree.
He has denied hoaxing his videos.
Mister Enigma's new Black Knight video followed the posting on a US UFO sighting website of a photograph of the Moon taken during the Blue Moon event (two full moons in the same month) of July 31.
It shows an odd-shaped object which viewers have also suggested looks like the Black Knight Satellite.
The unnamed witness who posted the picture, said: "I was taking pictures the night of the blue moon in West Covina, California, somewhere between two and 4am, I noticed the triangular object when I was checking my pics the next day.
The "Black Knight" captured flying past the Blue Moon on July 31
These ingredients have chopped up, stirred together and stewed on the internet to one rambling and inconsistent dollop of myth.
Martina Redpath of Armagh Planetarium in, Northern Ireland
"The dark triangle or Delta shaped object is located on the lower left side of the picture of the moon. It looked like a craft of some sort to me. I'm not sure so I'm looking for some feed back as to what it is."
One viewer asked: "Is that the Black Knight satellite passing the Moon?"
The legend of the alien satellite seems to have retrospectively started in 1899 when Nicola Tesla announced he was picking up radio waves coming from space, prompting people to suggest something alien was out there.
Experiments in 1928 in Oslow, Norway, picked up the same signals.
In 1954, US state newspapers carried quotes from Donald Keyhoe, a retired naval aviation major and UFO researcher, claiming the US Air Force had detected two satellites orbiting Earth, despite none yet being launched from our planet.
Time then ran a 1960 piece, following the launch of satellites from Earth, stating that the US Navy detected a dark object, possibly a Soviet spy satellite, with a highly irregular orbit.
The myth developed in 1963 when NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper was reported as saying he had seen the Black Knight Satellite while in space, but there was a media blackout upon his return and the US space agency allegedly put it down to cosmic hallucinations.
It has been reported that a decade later in 1973, a researcher from Scotland, Duncan Lunan, looked back at the Norwegian scientists' data from 1928, before claiming the "messages" suggested the Black Knight was sent by aliens from Epsilon Boötis, as a welcome message to Earth 12,600 years ago.
In 1998, the first alleged photographs of the satellite emerged and were taken by astronauts on the space shuttle Endeavor, as it made its first flight to the ISS.
However, many sceptics claim the legend was retrospectively created after the 1998 pictures emerged, with the preceding odd events weaved into the story to make it more convincing.
The noises from 1899 and 1928 remain a mystery, but the possible causes do not so far include an alien satellite, according to scientists.
They insist research shows that in 1954 Mr Keyhoe had been promoting a UFO book and the articles had been written in a tongue-in-cheek fashion by the papers.
A follow-up, but less widely read, article in Time also confirmed that the strange satellite had in fact beenthe remains of an Air Force Discoverer satellite that had gone astray, they found.
There are reports that Mr Cooper, although maintaining he saw a number of UFOs in space, never claimed to have seen the Black Knight satellite on that mission or at all.
Yet David Bryant, a UK astronomer and Ufologist, said he had discussed the Black Knight with several Nasa astronauts and one assured him: "It's a satellite, we just don't know where it came from."
And Mr Lunan is also later reported to have denied suggesting any alien satellite had its origins 12,600 years ago and that his conclusion that the noises were a star map were from unscientific methods.
Nasa has since explained the 1998 images as being a thermal blanket lost by the shuttle crew.
Martina Redpath of Armagh Planetarium in, Northern Ireland, who researched the legend, concluded: "Black Knight is a jumble of completely unrelated stories, reports of unusual science observations, authors promoting fringe ideas, classified spy satellites and people over-interpreting photos.
"These ingredients have chopped up, stirred together and stewed on the internet to one rambling and inconsistent dollop of myth."
So if the Black Knight satellite never even existed, what could the new objects caught passing the ISS and Moon be?
Three Strange Light UFO Orbs Caught Over Le Planestel, France
Three Strange Light UFO Orbs Caught Over Le Planestel, France
Three strange lights have been spotted over a rural area of Le Planestel, France in a recent UFO sighting caught on camera.
Mystery surrounds the observation of the small spherical glowing orbs, and the film-maker remains unidentified.
As the camera positions itself at the nights sky the glowing balls can be seen floating from left to right.
The unidentified flying objects
The footage then focuses on the hovering balls of light, tracking them and zooming in as they move across the screen.
However, although the sighting seems extra-terrestrial, the term UFO simply qualifies an object that we can't identify and the glowing dots could simply be a plane.
Area 51, also officially known as Groom Lake or Homey Airport (ICAO: KXTA) is a remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the correct names for the Area 51 facility are the Nevada Test and Training Range and Groom Lake, though the name Area 51 has been used in official CIA documentation. Other names used for the facility include Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, and most recently Homey Airport. The area around the field is referred to as (R-4808N).
It is located in the southern portion of Nevada in the western United States, 83 miles (133 km) north-northwest of Las Vegas. Situated at its center, on the southern shore of Groom Lake, is a large military airfield. The base’s current primary purpose is officially undetermined; however, based on historical evidence, it most likely supports development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. The intense secrecy surrounding the base has made it the frequent subject of conspiracy theories and a central component to unidentified flying object (UFO) folklore. Although the base has never been declared a secret base, all research and occurings in Area 51 are Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI). In July 2013, following a FOIA request filed in 2005, the Central Intelligence Agency publicly acknowledged the existence of the base for the first time by declassifying documents detailing the history and purpose of Area 51.
UFO and other conspiracy theories
Its secretive nature and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a focus of modern UFO and conspiracy theories.[citation needed] Some of the activities mentioned in such theories at Area 51 include: The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology. Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials. The development of exotic energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs.
14.015 sattelieten draaien in een baan rond de aarde. Richie Carmichael uit California bracht ze allemaal mooi in kaart.
We gebruiken minder dan 30 procent van de meer dan 14.000 satellieten. 76 procent van de satellieten werkt niet meer of is gedegradeerd tot ruimteafval.
De Verenigde Staten en Rusland spannen de kroon wat betreft lanceringen. Samen zijn ze goed voor bijna 10.000 satellieten. Maar ook China moet niet onderdoen voor de twee grootmachten met 3.299 satellieten.
RUIMTEVAARTRuimtesonde Dawn heeft nieuwe beelden van dwergplaneet Ceres gemaakt. Het zijn de meest gedetailleerde tot nu toe, meldt de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA.
"De foto's van Dawn zijn nu drie keer zo scherp als de vorige beelden. De ruimtesonde onthult daarmee spannende, nieuwe details van deze intrigerende dwergplaneet", zegt Marc Rayman, missieleider van NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
Dawn is de eerste sonde die in een baan rond een dwergplaneet draait. Het duurde 7,5 jaar voordat Dawn Ceres bereikte. De onbemande Amerikaanse verkenner onderzoekt de dwergplaneet om een beter beeld van het ontstaan van ons zonnestelsel te krijgen.
Ceres werd in 1801 ontdekt en is een groot rotsblok dat in een baan rond de zon draait. Het rotsblok is nooit uitgegroeid tot een echte planeet en heet daarom een dwergplaneet: groter dan een planetoïde, kleiner dan een planeet.
Marsmannetjes bestaan echt. Althans, ufo-jager Scott C. Waring twijfelt niet meer sinds hij gisteren een ruimteschip meent te hebben gespot op een foto die Marsverkenner Curiosity heeft doorgestuurd.
Pareidolie Hoe komt het dat wij soms mensen of gezichten herkennen in alledaagse voorwerpen? De reden voor dit psychologische verschijnsel dat pareidolie wordt genoemd, ligt er waarschijnlijk in dat de hersenen behoefte hebben om verbanden tussen gegevens te leggen, ook als deze er eigenlijk niet zijn. Hierbij moet vooral gedacht worden aan het herkennen van patronen die op gevaar kunnen wijzen, zoals het silhouet van een roofdier.
Bekende voorbeelden van pareidolie zijn het zien van gezichten of dieren in de wolken of het zien van het mannetje in de maan.
Bij psychologisch onderzoek werd vroeger gebruikgemaakt van de inmiddels verouderde Rorschachtest, waarbij iemand herkenbare patronen ziet in willekeurig gevormde inktvlekken.
Waring van de website schat dat het vaartuig een doorsnede van 2,5 tot 3 meter heeft. Op basis van zijn ervaring vermoedt hij dat het schip ruimte biedt aan twintig tot veertig buitenaardse wezens.
Er is maar een foto van het ruimteschip, maar Waring verwacht dat er meer komen. "Curiosity maakt doorgaans veel foto's van elk gebied, misschien maakt hij er nog meer."
Waarschijnlijk gaat het om een rotsformatie. Een verklaring waarom men er een ruimteschip in herkent is mogelijk te verklaren uit het psychologische fenomeen pareidolia, waarbij een illusie of vage waarneming door de hersens wordt geïnterpreteerd als een duidelijke vorm (zie kader).
Sommigen zien in het object de Imperial Star Destroyer uit 'Star Wars'.
Een paar weken geleden hield de vermoedelijke ontdekking van een rondborstige vrouw met paraplu op Mars de gemoederen nog flink bezig.
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25-08-2015 om 21:38
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Star Destroyer gevonden op Mars? ‘Gecrashte UFO’ doet denken aan beroemd schip uit Star Wars
Star Destroyer gevonden op Mars? ‘Gecrashte UFO’ doet denken aan beroemd schip uit Star Wars
Op een foto die is gemaakt door Marsrover Curiosity is een object te zien dat volgens sommigen erg lijkt op een Imperial Star Destroyer uit Star Wars. Het ‘schip’ zou zo’n 2,5 tot 3 meter breed zijn en ruimte bieden aan enkele passagiers.
Iedereen die Star Wars heeft gezien zal de overeenkomsten zien tussen het object en de beruchte Star Destroyers. De typische wigvorm van dit schip heeft ervoor gezorgd dat het één van de meest herkenbare grote ruimteschepen is uit het Star Wars-universum. De fictieve schepen zijn echter 500 keer zo groot als het object op Mars.
Er is slechts één foto van het ‘schip’ gemaakt. Normaal maakt Curiosity meerdere foto’s van elk gebied, maar dit keer niet. Alien-zoekers hopen dat er binnenkort nog meer beelden van hetzelfde gebied komen.
De ‘gecrashte UFO’ op Mars (
Eerder werd op een foto van Curiosity een gestalte ontdekt die erg leek op een vrouw in avondjurk. Wie de ingezoomde beelden goed bekeek kon er eigenlijk niet omheen: er was duidelijk het silhouet van een vrouw te zien.
Wat ook zou kunnen, is dat de foto lijkt op een vrouw. Een fenomeen dat we kennen als pareidolia: wanneer mensen denken iets te herkennen in onduidelijk beeld. We zijn ingesteld op het herkennen van patronen, ook als deze er niet zijn. Wat denk jij? Ligt er volgens jou een gecrashte UFO op het Marsoppervlak? Denk er dan aan dit artikel te delen op Facebook.
“Het is tijd dat de waarheid naar buiten komt”: Nieuwe film toont 2000 foto’s van ‘buitenaardse activiteit in Australië’
“Het is tijd dat de waarheid naar buiten komt”: Nieuwe film toont 2000 foto’s van ‘buitenaardse activiteit in Australië’
Een Australische documentairemaker laat een nieuw licht schijnen op vermeende buitenaardse activiteit. In de film, getiteld Australian Skies, wordt bewijs voor UFO-waarnemingen bestudeerd.
Don Meers van Dojo Media zegt de documentaire te hebben gemaakt in een poging het UFO-fenomeen te bevatten. “Ik wil in eerste instantie zien of we kunnen begrijpen wat er aan de hand is,” zei hij. “Ten tweede wil ik proberen te achterhalen wat de herkomst van deze objecten is. Tot slot wil ik zelf één van deze objecten van dichtbij zien.”
Ufoloog Damien Nott claimt in de documentaire dat hij meer dan 2000 foto’s en filmpjes heeft van UFO-waarnemingen. Het gaat in veel gevallen om heldere objecten die in de lucht zweven.
In de film is ook Liam Freaney te zien. Hij claimt te zijn benaderd door mannen in het zwart nadat hij UFO’s had gezien. Ze doken in maart 2013 voor het eerst op, waarna er ook zwarte helikopters boven zijn huis verschenen, aldus de Sydney Morning Herald.
“Elke keer als ik een object filmde, verscheen er een helikopter bij mijn huis,” zei hij. “Ik begon naast de UFO’s ook de helikopters te filmen. Het is wel 20 tot 30 keer gebeurd.”
Afgelopen jaar wilde hij een lezing geven over zijn ervaringen. Twee weken voor de lezing verscheen er een zwarte auto bij zijn huis. Twee mannen stapten uit. Eén van hen zei dat het beter was dat hij verder zijn mond zou houden over wat hij allemaal had gezien. Liam besloot af te zien van de lezing, maar is nu van gedachten veranderd.
“Australian Skies probeert mensen antwoorden te geven op vragen,” zei Nott. “Wat we deze dingen in de lucht zien doen is ongelooflijk. Het is tijd dat de waarheid naar buiten komt.” De film gaat op 2 september in première in Sydney. De première is overigens al helemaal uitverkocht. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Weer een buitenaards wezen gevonden op de rode planeet: Maar waar zijn de echte marsbewoners?
Weer een buitenaards wezen gevonden op de rode planeet: Maar waar zijn de echte marsbewoners?
De foto’s die Marsrover Curiosity naar de aarde stuurt blijven de gemoederen bezighouden. Dit maal gaat het om een ‘ruimtehagedis’ op het Marsoppervlak. “Het wezen ziet eruit als een hagedis, maar heeft een korte staart. Ik heb geprobeerd in te zoomen. De kop glimt en lijkt in een omhulsel te zitten,” aldus Scott C. Waring van UFO Sightings Daily.
De vondst doet volgens Theo Priestley van Forbes een interessante vraag rijzen: Waar zijn alle aliens? Er zijn in ons sterrenstelsel alleen al zo’n 400 miljard sterren en het waarneembare universum bevat evenveel sterrenstelsels: voor elke ster in de Melkweg is er een compleet sterrenstelsel in het heelal. Volgens conservatieve schattingen zijn er 500 triljoen zonachtige sterren, sterren zoals de zon.
Je kunt je afvragen of planeten die geschikt zijn voor leven zeldzaam zijn of veel voorkomen in het heelal. Met de Kepler-ruimtetelescoop zijn 42.000 zonachtige sterren bestudeerd. Er werden 603 planeten gevonden, waarvan 10 net zo groot zijn als de aarde en in de bewoonbare zone om hun moederster draaien. De onderzoekers ontdekten dat zich in de bewoonbare zone rond 22 procent van de zonachtige sterren aardachtige planeten bevinden. De dichtbijstaande dergelijke planeet bevindt zich op slechts 12 lichtjaar.
Wetenschappers vermoeden dat rond 50 procent van de zonachtige sterren aardachtige werelden draaien. Uit een studie uit 2013 in PNAS blijkt dat rond tenminste 1 procent van alle sterren in het waarneembare universum bewoonbare aardachtige planeten draaien.
Voor iedere zandkorrel zijn er 100 aardachtige werelden in het heelal. NASA heeft onlangs het oudere neefje van de aarde ontdekt. Volgens NASA, het SETI Institute en diverse universiteiten is Kepler 452b de meest aardachtige planeet tot nu toe.
Waar zijn dan alle aliens? Er zijn een aantal mogelijke verklaringen:
Er zijn geen andere beschavingen
Het leven vernietigt zichzelf en anderen
Mensen bestaan nog niet lang genoeg
Aliens zijn zo anders dat we ze niet kunnen waarnemen
We zijn te primitief om te worden bezocht
We worden al bezocht, maar dit wordt stilgehouden
Zijn we alleen in het universum? Of zijn we nog te primitief om te kunnen bevatten hoe ander leven eruitziet en proberen ze al decennialang met ons te communiceren? Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Wormgat of onzichtbaarheidsmantel? Wetenschappers creëren ‘poort’ die magnetische velden onzichtbaar maakt
Wormgat of onzichtbaarheidsmantel? Wetenschappers creëren ‘poort’ die magnetische velden onzichtbaar maakt
Het is ze gelukt: wetenschappers hebben in een laboratorium een wormgat gecreëerd dat magnetische velden van de ene naar de andere plek kan transporteren. Dat meldt Live Science.
“Met dit apparaat kan het magnetische veld van het ene punt in de ruimte naar het andere worden verplaatst via een pad dat onzichtbaar is,” zei coauteur van de studie Jordi Prat-Camps van de Autonome Universiteit van Barcelona. “Het apparaat gedraagt zich als een wormgat, alsof het magnetische veld wordt verplaatst door een extra ruimtelijke dimensie.”
Albert Einstein en zijn collega Nathan Rosen stelden dat het in theorie mogelijk moet zijn om via een wormgat of een ‘korte weg’ in het universum sneller naar een ander punt in de ruimte te reizen dan via de normale weg. Tot dusver heeft nog nooit iemand bewijs gevonden voor het bestaan van wormgaten.
Dit nieuwe apparaat werkt als wormgat voor magnetische velden (Jordi Prat-Camps)
Het nieuwe wormgat is eigenlijk niet echt een wormgat, maar meer een onzichtbaarheidsmantel, een concept dat in 2007 voor het eerst werd geïntroduceerd door wetenschappers. Dit type wormgat verbergt elektromagnetische golven.
Het wormgat is gecreëerd met behulp van een supergeleider. Het team ontwierp een object met drie lagen, bestaande uit twee concentrische bollen en een cilinder in het midden. De binnenste laag verplaatste een magnetische veld van de ene naar de andere kant, terwijl de andere twee lagen het magnetische veld verborgen hielden. De cilinder bestond uit ferromagnetisch mumateriaal.
Het wormgat verplaatste het magnetische veld op een dusdanige manier van de ene kant van de cilinder naar de andere dat het gedurende het proces ‘onzichtbaar’ was, schrijven de wetenschappers in het tijdschrift Scientific Reports.
“Het magnetisch veld van de magneet verdwijnt aan de ene kant van het wormgat en duikt aan de andere kant van het wormgat weer op,” aldus Prat-Camps. Onderzoekers hopen het apparaat te gebruiken om MRI-scans te maken zodat patiënten niet langer in oncomfortabele krappe ruimtes hoeven te worden geplaatst. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Een cameraman heeft tijdens het filmen van de maan naar eigen zeggen meerdere UFO’s boven het maanoppervlak vastgelegd. In een aantal filmpjes op YouTube zijn donkere objecten te zien die de maan lijken te passeren. Eén van de objecten lijkt te worden aangedreven door raketten.
Crrow777, zoals de cameraman zichzelf noemt, zei: “Ik zeg niet dat dit een alien is, maar het is zeker een schip dat wordt aangestuurd door een bepaalde intelligentie.” Volgens hem gaat het niet om satellieten die rond de aarde draaien omdat ze daarvoor te dicht bij de maan waren. Satellieten die rond de aarde draaien vliegen in twee tot drie seconden voor de maan langs.
Hij zegt met zijn telescoop UFO’s, chemtrails, UFO’s bij de maan en andere anomalieën te hebben vastgelegd. “Wat je ziet is wat ik vastleg met mijn camera,” aldus Crrow777.
Volgens sommigen heeft hij echte UFO’s gefilmd. “Dit doet denken aan het ‘Tether Incident’ van NASA. Ze bestaan en houden ons in de gaten. Ze zullen niet toestaan dat we onszelf vernietigen door middel van een kernoorlog,” aldus een reageerder. Iemand anders zei dat het een satelliet is.
Een derde voegde toe: “Heb je de mogelijkheid overwogen dat je een ruimterots hebt vastgelegd? De Tsjeljabinsk-meteoriet heeft ons laten zien dat we nog maar weinig weten over alle rotsen die door de ruimte vliegen.” Denk je ook dat dit UFO’s zijn? Deel dit artikel dan op Facebook.
NASA estimates 1 billion ‘Earths’ in our galaxy alone
NASA estimates 1 billion ‘Earths’ in our galaxy alone
An artist's conception from a couple years ago of Kepler-62f, a planet discovered in 2013 that is comparable to the newly found Kepler 452b. Both exist in the habitable zone of their own sun. But don't start packing your stuff in a rocket; there's still a lot we don't know about them. Plus, they're both kind of far away. (Agence France-Presse via Getty Images)
There are a billion Earths in this galaxy, roughly speaking. Not a million. A billion. We’re talking 1 billion rocky planets that are approximately the size of the Earth and are orbiting familiar-looking yellow-sunshine stars in the orbital “habitable zone” where water could be liquid at the surface.
That’s a billion planets where human beings, or their genetically modified descendants, as well as their dogs and cats and tomato plants and crepe myrtle trees and ladybugs and earthworms and whatnot, could plausibly live.
The estimate comes from NASA scientist Natalie Batalha. Let’s go through some background information to see how she got to that number.
NASA discovers bigger, older Earth-like planet
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As Rachel Feltman reported Thursday, NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has discovered a bunch of new planets, including one, Kepler 452b, that scientists described as the most Earth-like planet ever found outside our solar system. It’s something like 60 percent bigger in radius than the Earth (the exact size is hard to measure because it’s 1,400 light years away and cannot be directly imaged). But it’s probably rocky, and it's in the habitable zone of its parent star, which is like our own sun, a G-type “yellow dwarf” star. The parent star is 6 billion years old, roughly (everything’s “roughly,” unfortunately).
A few important reminders about our cousin Kepler 452b:
No one has seen it. Only Kepler has detected it — it’s too far away and dim to be detected with other instruments so far. So there’s a lot we don’t know about it. We don’t know for sure whether it’s rocky. We don’t know whether it has an atmosphere or water at the surface or anything like that. We’ve seen only the dimming of the starlight from the host star. The pattern of that dimming gives us a good measure of its orbital period (385 days) and, less precisely, its size. We’re not even sure of the exact size of the host star. These objects are very far away.
First flybys: What each planet looked like and how we see them now
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Images from some of the space agency’s explorations of the solar system.
We also shouldn’t obsess over this one particular planet, nor over any of the intriguing Earth-like planets found by Kepler so far. Kepler is looking at a narrow cone of our galaxy. It’s not an all-sky survey. The main purpose of Kepler was to do a census of a small patch of sky to get an estimate of the abundance of planets. That’s been a huge success: We now know our galaxy is lousy with planets. They’re everywhere. And they come in all sizes.
During the NASA newser Thursday, I asked whether the latest Kepler data offered any new insight on the abundance of Earth-like planets around sun-like stars (the shorthand for this formulation is "eta-Earth"), and then followed up with an e-mail to NASA. Batalha, an astrophysicist who is the mission scientist for the Kepler telescope, e-mailed her answer:
Previous estimates of eta-Earth suggest that 15-25% of stars host potentially habitable planets. These estimates are based largely on discoveries of planets orbiting the cooler stars called M dwarfs. These new discoveries suggest that the statistics for sun-like stars are roughly in-line with estimates from the cooler M-type stars. So how does that translate to the number of planets in the galaxy? M, K, and G dwarfs comprise about 90% of the stars in the galaxy. Conservatively speaking, if 15% of stars have a planet between 1 and 1.6 times the size of Earth in the Habitable Zone, then you'd expect 15% of 90% of 100 billion stars to have such planets. That's 14 billion potentially habitable worlds.
M type stars are the most common in the galaxy comprising about 70% of the population of Main Sequence stars. Here's how the star types break down for the solar neighborhood within 33 light-years:
357 stars total
248 of those are M dwarfs
44 K dwarfs
20 G dwarfs
That means "only" about a billion of the 14 billion I mentioned above are orbiting G stars. Ha!
Thank you, Dr. Batalha! Keep in mind, she is using conservative estimates. So 1 billion may be a little low.
Before we make plans for colonizing these other Earths, we should pause for a second to note that there are two "Earth-like" planets orbiting our own sun and much, much closer to home than any of these extrasolar planets. Getting Venus in shape for habitability would be a terraforming challenge of the first order. Mars is potentially more congenial, but still an unpleasant place by our standards. Before we colonize Mars, we'll probably colonize the bottom of our shallow seas. Your scribbler will avoid going into a full rant about people who think there's a do-over in space for when we ruin our own planet.
Ufo Anomaly Transforms from Orb to Cigar and back to Orb Continuously, Undeniable Evidence We Caught this Object this weekend on Friday 8/21/2015 at Hollydale Park, Southgate CA at 6pm
This is one of the strangest anomolies i Have experienced Yet out of my 3 years of Research
Australia is a very hot location and aliens love the hot spots. These glowing UFOs are shape changers and they are seen in many locations around the world, often mistaken for stars, but look larger. Summer is a big time for them to appear. They seem to like the warm weather. I will try to post more Australia sightings in the coming days.
The lights over the Catalina’s kept reoccurring, not every night but every few nights until just this past week. Called the Police, the Fire Department and Sabino Canyon office of the Coronado Forest Service, naturally no one would say anything. We did have a fire a few weeks ago and it was decided to let it burn off, however, the second night of the fire, I witnessed what you described off to the left , about in line with Finger Rock . I did see the huge Emerald Green light along with two large red balls. Seemed to be, just hanging there.
When I called the Fire Department to ask if their helicopters were up there watching the fire, they told me that they no longer had helicopters and it certainly didn’t sound like a Police copter. Just witnessed the emerald green light once but the huge white lights had been reappearing until just a few night ago. Today is August 22….they have not reappeared for last two nights now, so I can assume they have moved on.
I said nothing to anyone else, because frankly, no one believes me when it comes to UFO’s. The huge Emerald Green light was kind of a diamond shape and was very intense.
It seemed to have come from the side of the mountain but when the two large red balls appeared and they seemed suspended in space. I couldn’t account for that after a while the green light faded. The two red balls faded off to the left or should say to the west of finger Rock. They were not as high as Finger Rock, just a little below, certainly not as low as the foothill. My kitchen window faces those very mountains. They are very close to my house. I went out on my porch to watch the fire and that is when I witnessed the Emerald Green light. The white lights on the ridge were way to bright to be Flash lights as someone mentioned. The white lights were off to the right or I guess east of Finger Rock.
Kind of like in a saddle of the ridge at a very high elevation. I am so happy that the reports came from several others because frankly, my husband kept saying that the lights had to have been coming from the homes in the foothills but there are no houses up there. Way too high. I felt that I had to confirm as well that I have seen some strange happenings but not for some time.
Thanks again for yourReport. It was just exactly as I witnessed it.
Live ISS Stream Footage: Legendary Black Knight Satellite
Live ISS Stream Footage: Legendary Black Knight Satellite
Today, unidentified flying objects are becoming increasingly popular. You can see them in modern movies featuring spacecraft and aliens. In fact, it is a favorite subject because people who spoke out about it are often subjected to ridicule. However, what if the one is claiming it is a professional hunter? Mister Enigma, an expert UFO hunter in YouTube reports seeing a legendary Black Knight satellite on Live ISS Stream in NASA. If you go over the news related to strange objects, you will be able to appreciate the uniqueness of this particular sighting. In this recorded footage, it suggests that it could be a legendary Black Knight satellite. It is a well-noted principle that the satellite is not an ordinary one, but rather an ancient alien to have orbited the Earth for 13,000 years. When it comes to the theory, the Alien Black Knight satellite is a rich and fascinating one.
Black Knight seen during STS-88 Mission
The conspiracy theory evidently originated on May 14, 1954, when many reports circulating in the newspaper that the USAF detected satellites orbiting the Earth spotted by Donald Keyhoe. His claim drawn public attention because there is no country developed a technology that launch satellites into space.
In 1960, U.S. Navy detected a tumbling dark object weighing ten tons in Earth orbit. At first, it appears as a Soviet spy satellite with an orbital period of 104.5 minutes. In 1963, an astronaut Gordon Cooper claimed to see a strange greenish object during the Mercury 9 space flights. According to conspiracy theorists, NASA later claimed that Cooper’s report was a mistake caused either by Copper’s excess carbon dioxide breathing or by electronics malfunction.
According to conspiracy theorists, NASA suppresses the evidence when they remove the photos from their website. When the photos reemerged, NASA explained that the photos previously removed due to space junk. Conspiracy theorists claim that the photos are of high quality and clearly show an alien craft. Regardless of your personal belief, aliens and extraterrestrial creatures are still part of our lives. The fabulous descriptions, photos and recorded footage that were being discovered provide some basis for the belief that other life exists on the earth.
Here’s one new footage of a bright orb hovering above Sydney, the state capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia and Oceania. This was recorded on Saturday, 22nd August 2015.
'It's time to get the truth out there': UFO aficionado’s documentary claims to have more than 2000 eerie pictures of extra-terrestrial activity in Australia
'It's time to get the truth out there': UFO aficionado’s documentary claims to have more than 2000 eerie pictures of extra-terrestrial activity in Australia
Australien Skies documentary to premiere in Sydney theatre next month
The film created by Dojo Media's Don Meers and explores UFO sightings
It follows expert Damien Nott, who has seens hundreds of objects in sky
'This is the time to get this out... to get the truth to people,' Mr Nott says
A new documentary is hoping to shed light on a growing number of alleged extraterrestrial encounters.
The film, Australien Skies, studies 'evidence' of UFO sightings across the country, and the people who spend their days gazing upwards hoping to spy something from outer-space.
The documentary's director, Don Meers with Dojo Media, said he made the film in an effort to get a grasp on the UFO phenomenon.
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A photo, taken by Damien Nott, which he claims shows a UFO hovering in the sky
'The first goal of this film is to see if we can understand what is happening,' Mr Meers said.
'Secondly, I want to try to work out what these object are... and lastly, I want to see one of these objects up close for myself.'
One of the key figures of the documentary is Damien Nott, a qualified UFOlogist, who claims have more than 2000 pictures and videos of sightings - many of which feature bright objects hovering in the sky, and shapes inexplicably appearing and disappearing beyond the horizon.
'A lot of people think that I'm definitely an inductee or I'm definitely a conductee,' Mr Nott said, in a preview released ahead of the documents premiere next month.
Damien Nott, a qualified UFOlogist, claims to have more than 2000 photos and videos of visitors in the sky
Many of the pictures show brightly-lit objects that have appeared in the night sky
Other images taken by Mr Nott show shapes hovering above the earth
'I'm not going to come out and say I've spoken to aliens, and they've told me all these things about the planet... that has never happened. All I know is I've had a number of very strange experiences.'
The documentary also featured the story of Liam Freaney, who claims he was approached by the men in black following his own UFO encounters.
Mr Freaney said he first started seeing the visitors in March 2013, which led to him spotting a number of helicopters sinisterly hovering near his house, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.
''I'm not going to come out and say I've spoken to aliens, and they've told me all these things about the planet... that has never happened,' Mr Nott said
The UFO expert uses a number of different cameras to capture his shots of interstellar visitors
Director Don Meers on his upcoming film Australien Skies
'I would see and film an object then directly afterwards I would get home and a helicopter would show up and sit over the house,' he said.
'So I started filming the helicopters as well as the unidentified flying objects. It happened over and over again, 20 or 30 times at least.'
He also told the story of when he claims he was approached by shadowy figures in black limousines.
The new film, Australien Skies, studies 'evidence' of UFO sightings across the country, and the people who spend their days gazing upwards hoping to spy something from outer-space
The documentary's director, Don Meers with Dojo Media, said he made the film in an effort to get a grasp on the UFO phenomenon
'One approached the window and he said: 'Good day Liam, how are you?' I said 'This is really strange.' He said: 'Yep, but you know what it is about. We'd like it if you didn't do your talk.' They said it would be better off for me to keep my mouth shut and to have a good day and then left.'
Mr Nott, who describes himself as a UFO 'researcher and experiencer', also criticised people who claim to have special links to alien life.
'Everybody seems to want to put their hand up and say they are a contactee, or an abductee and that they are special,' he said.
The documentary also featured the story of Liam Freaney, who claims he was approached by the men in black following his own UFO encounters
Ufologist on his alien experiences in Australien Skies
'Once you put yourself above other people... it puts you on another level altogether. We are all the same.'
'Australien Skies is about getting people answers... what we see these things in the sky do is incredible.
'This is the time to get this out there, to get the truth to people.'
Australien Skies is screening in Sydney on September 2 at the Chauvel Cinema. The premiere has already sold out, as fans clamour to discover whether the truth is truly out there.
Damien Nott's degree in Practical Ufology, which he studied for and received in 2014
Australien Skies is screening in Sydney on September 2 at the Chauvel Cinema
The Kuiper Belt is a population of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. A particularly puzzling and up-to-now unexplained feature of the Kuiper Belt is the so-called “kernel”.
The four gas giant planets in our solar system – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune — may have a long-lost relative. According to a new study, our system was once home to a fifth gas giant that suddenly vanished some 4 billion years ago after a run-in with Neptune.
Indirect evidence for this lost world is seen in a strange cluster of icy objects — called the “kernel” in the Kuiper Belt. That’s the vast region of primordial debris that encircles the sun beyond the orbit of Neptune.
“The Kuiper Belt is a perfect clue to understanding how the solar system evolved since its formation,” study author Dr. David Nesvorny, an astronomer at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., told New Scientist.
For the study, Nesvorny created computer simulations of Neptune and the “kernel” cluster as they were 4 billion years ago in the early solar system. At the time, the cluster is believed to have been in Neptune’s gravitational grasp. But then, according to the simulations, something happened to cause the cluster to escape Neptune’s gravitational pull — placing the cluster and Neptune in their present locations.
This is where the lost planet comes in: the simulations suggest that it must have been another gas giant that bumped Neptune and caused it and the “kernel” to part ways.
The missing planet bumped into Neptune before disappearing into the abyss of space.
UFO Eyewitness Badgered By Helicopters And Men In Black In New Documentary
UFO Eyewitness Badgered By Helicopters And Men In Black In New Documentary
A new Australian documentary being released this week has in it what can be termed the usual UFO information: interviews with those that have seen UFOs, often-shaky video of lights and odd, silvery, shimmering shapes in the skies.
However, there is one segment of the documentary that may stick out to many viewers.
The story of Liam Freaney is documented in Australien Skies.
Liam Freaney is a married construction worker with two kids living in Australia. In March 2013, he and a co-worker saw bright stars gathering around a ball of white light in the daytime hours. After watching them for a bit, the ball and stars disappeared and reappeared before being strafed by what he described as an F-18 Hornet fighter jet before they vanished for good.
Only a few months later, Liam Freaney started seeing objects – meaning UFOs – regularly, and bought a video camera to film them. However, after he started to capture several of these UFOs on video tape, helicopters started showing up and hovering low over his house.
“I would see and film an object then directly afterwards I would get home and a helicopter would show up and sit over the house. So I started filming the helicopters as well as the unidentified flying objects. It happened over and over again, 20 or 30 times at least. When they hover the height of a lamppost above your house and lean out the window it’s definitely not military training.”
In the documentary, Freaney expounded on the UFOs he was taking footage of.
“These things will go invisible in front of you then reappear then shoot across the sky into a pinprick and then come straight back in front of you at incredible speed. Maybe I have filmed something I shouldn’t have. That’s a possibility.”
Frealey contacted the locals UFO Research NSW and spoke with president Mariana Flynn, telling her what he’d seen and videotaped. Flynn didn’t think that Frealey was crazy in the least, and she also told him that Frealey wasn’t the only one videotaping the UFOs.
“There have been reports of people leaning out of the helicopter with a camera and filming.”
In the documentary, Freaney says that he was going to finally give a presentation on what he’d taped and seen to Flynn’s UFO group. There was much buzz about his speech, and the presentation was well advertised.
However, shortly before Freaney was supposed to give the talk, he noticed a black sedan following him home.
“It had flashing lights inside the front grill. It was a black car. I stopped. Two guys got out of the black Holden Statesman with a Canberra plate. One approached the window and he said: ‘Good day Liam, how are you?’ I said ‘This is really strange.’ He said: ‘Yep, but you know what it is about. We’d like it if you didn’t do your talk.’ They said it would be better off for me to keep my mouth shut and to have a good day and then left.”
Freaney was freaked out – or scared – enough to cancel his speech. Now, however, for the purposes of the Australien Skies documentary, Freaney has decided to tell his story.
“I am well aware of the situation I am putting myself in. The purpose of this whole two and a half years of contact that has happened to me I believe is for me to pass on the message that it is happening and that it is real. The only thing I have got out of it is to tell people what I am seeing.”
[Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images]
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25-08-2015 om 00:07
geschreven door peter
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UFO Lands in Zimbabwe, Terrifies Entire School
UFO Lands in Zimbabwe, Terrifies Entire School
Twenty years after it happened, the Ariel School sighting is still considered one of the most compelling UFO sightings in recent history.
Ariel School is a small elementary in Ruwa, Zimbabwe. In 1994, this remote school gained worldwide notoriety as ground zero for a UFO encounter with 62 witnesses. The story begins on the night of September 14th, 1994, two days before the incident, as the late MUFON field investigator Cynthia Hind recalls:
“Wednesday, 14th September, 1994, was an exciting night for Southern Africa. Round about 20:50 to 21:05 hours, a pyrotechnic display of some magnificence appeared in the almost clear skies of this part of the continent.”
She was referring to a strange event witnessed by hundreds, including scientists and astronomers. While reports vary, most spectators described several flattened craft emitting a trail of fiery ejecta that lingered on the night sky. Spectators unanimously submitted similar drawings of the object in distress.
The next night, the sky remained dark.
Friday morning, at approximately 10:15, the UFOs reappeared, this time in front of 62 schoolchildren. The teachers at Ariel School were in a meeting and the children were playing outside when three silver spheres suddenly became visible in the sky.
They soon disappeared in a flash of light then reappeared in a different position in the sky. After three such displays of cloaking/uncloaking, one of the strange craft began descending and landed in an area covered in rough vegetation, at a distance of about 100 yards.
“Then a small man (approx 1 meter in height) appeared on top of the object. He walked a little way across the rough ground, became aware of the children and disappeared. He, or someone very like him, then reappeared at the back of the object. The object took off very rapidly and disappeared.
The little man was dressed in a tight-fitting black suit which was ‘shiny’ according to one observant girl (11 years of age). He had a long scrawny neck and huge eyes like rugby balls. He had a pale face with long black hair coming below his shoulders.”
The kids’ description of the object’s occupants fits that of our typical ‘Gray’ aliens, but with an interesting addition: the black hair.
During the subsequent investigation, the schoolchildren turned in around 40 drawings, 22 of which are clear and descriptive. Most of these featured the classic disk-shaped UFO. But let’s not forget, this incident took place in 1994 in rural Zimbabwe so the children must have had little to no access to media sources. Plainly said, evidence suggests they drew what they really saw.
And they were very adamant about it, too. One little girl told Hind: “I swear by every hair on my head and the whole Bible that I am telling the truth.” Others were still frightened by the encounter. Their emotions were real and visible in the original interviews.
And time has done little to fade the impression left on the young witnesses. Twenty years later, they still vividly recall the strange event, as the video below shows:
Skeptics have tried to debunk the incident but even the most die-hard of them has to admit it’s difficult. With so many witnesses accurately and consistently describing this event, we’re looking at a nearly airtight case.
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24-08-2015 om 23:52
geschreven door peter
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Aliens and UFO News: UFOs Seen In Mexico, Nevada and Russia; Why Are They Showing Up? [VIDEOS]
Aliens and UFO News: UFOs Seen In Mexico, Nevada and Russia; Why Are They Showing Up? [VIDEOS]
( Photo :Reuters) A recent footage of an Unidentified Flying Object was seen in Henderson, Nevada.
Recent footage of an Unidentified Flying Object was seen in Henderson, Nevada. The raw recorded video is more than seven minutes and cannot be disputed according to the prominent UFO researcher Scott C Waring.
According to UFO Sightings Daily, the video shows a group of UFOs that looks just like a phoenix light. Two lights first showed up high in the city of Henderson, then there is an airplane that came along but the two lights remained and changed its position. Little by little these lights are dividing its number into four, five--changing positions horizontally and diagonally just like making a show.
The said UFOs was seen in glowing yellow, green, white and bluish color. This video was recorded by a the source in February and was taken during night time where city lights are also glowing.
another footage of the same glowing ball light was spotted in Moscow, Russia. The video lasted for more than 15 minutes. Some said that it was a ball lightning but according to Waring, it has been visible for too long and been showing signs of intelligent movements.
"Ball lightning is much smaller than this... this UFO was about the size of a motorcycle..ball lightning lasts for under one minute, this didn't die out but instead lasted 15 minutes, then it flew away up into the clouds," Waring said.
The UFO researcher also added that the ball light had a second ring of light around it. He also said that UFO flies with curiosity. After the said UFO gone in the clouds, the storm came in minutes later, Express UK reported.
Just a few weeks ago, there was another news in Mexico where an old man claiming that he was abducted by the UFO. Francisco Acosta Tostado, 68, was found seriously injured in the bushes on the side of the road. He said that he was chased by the an aircraft why he was riding his bike.
A photo taken shows that Tostado had a blood on his shirt, police reported he had a deep gash on his head. This incident happened in the city of Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz, México, Daily News reported.
Many photos have been captured by NASA's Curiosity Rover (in Mars), Google Moon, Google Earth and Google Mars. But these so-called extraterrestrial beings are not being confirmed and supported by some scientists. But there are millions of questions asking, "are aliens really exist?"
The mysterious dark objects seem to pass close the celestial body and amazingly one looks like it's powered by rocket jets.
The UFOs were captured by an expert cameraman who spends many days videoing the sky and documents what he finds.
Crrow777, as he is identifed by his user name, put the clips on YouTube and claims to never post any hoax footage.
He does use some effects, like zoom, colour and contrast, but only to highlight anomalies.
Speaking on one clip, he says: "I am not saying this is an alien, but it is a ship being intelligently controlled."
The object are not satellites, he says, because they take almost a minute to pass the moon's surface.
Man made objects orbiting the earth would take just two or three seconds, he claims.
He said: "You will see only video I have personally shot.
"Everything is in high definition, and a lot of it is shot through an eight-inch telescope.
"I have shot UFOs, chem trails and the UFOs that accompany them, the moon, lunar UFOs and space anomalies.
"I make a pledge to all subscribers on my channel to never run false or deceptive clips and I will never edit the clips in a way that is deceptive.
"What you see is what I observe through my camera and telescope."
Many people watching the videos have been very impressed with the footage.
One posted: "Consistent with NASA's video of the tether incident.
"They do exist and are watching us.
"They will allow us to destroy ourselves with nuclear war.
"After all, they had a hand in making this planet what it is today."
However another added: "Have you considered the possibility that you just saw an errant space rock?
"As we all learned from the Chelyabinsk meteor [which exploded unexpectedly over Russia in October 201], we don't exactly know about all the rocks flying around out there."
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24-08-2015 om 23:09
geschreven door peter
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NSW skywatcher who filmed UFOs says he was quizzed by men in black
NSW skywatcher who filmed UFOs says he was quizzed by men in black
There's a movie being screened in Sydney next week that is sure to polarise its audience. It's called Australien Skies.
It's a documentary about some of the unexplained stuff seen by people who call themselves skywatchers. The timing is good. Earlier this month Russian billionaire Yuri Milner announced he would spend at least $US100 million ($138m) to see if there really is anything "out there". Australia will contribute to the effort using the CSIRO's Parkes radio telescope.
There is an intriguing story in the documentary from Kiama told by Liam Freaney. He's a builder, married with two kids and is a pretty regular kind of guy who, two years ago, had no particular interest in UFOs or staring up at the heavens.
But in March 2013, he and a workmate saw in the daylight, bright stars gathering around a ball of white light which disappeared and reappeared before being approached by what he describes as a F18 Super Hornet. Then everything vanished.
A few months later he started seeing objects regularly and bought a video camera to film them. But then things, he says, took a slightly sinister turn. Helicopters started hovering low over his house.
"I would see and film an object then directly afterwards I would get home and a helicopter would show up and sit over the house," he said. "So I started filming the helicopters as well as the unidentified flying objects. It happened over and over again, 20 or 30 times at least.
"When they hover the height of a lamp post above your house and lean out the window it's definitely not military training."
"These things will go invisible in front of you then reappear then shoot across the sky into a pinprick and then come straight back in front of you at incredible speed. Maybe I have filmed something I shouldn't have. That's a possibility."
He got in touch with Damien Nott and with Mariana Flynn, president of UFO Research NSW. She said they had reports of black helicopters flying over numerous homes.
"There have been reports of people leaning out of the helicopter with a camera and filming," she said.
Mr Freaney was last year going to give a talk about his experience to her UFO group. The event had been publicised on the internet. It was two weeks before the talk and he was near home when he noticed a car behind him.
"It had flashing lights inside the front grill. It was a black car. I stopped. Two guys got out of the black Holden Statesman with a Canberra plate.
"One approached the window and he said: 'Good day Liam, how are you?' I said 'This is really strange.' He said: 'Yep, but you know what it is about. We'd like it if you didn't do your talk.' They said it would be better off for me to keep my mouth shut and to have a good day and then left."
He decided it might be wise not to give the talk. Now he has changed his mind.
"I am well aware of the situation I am putting myself in," he said. "The purpose of this whole two and a half years of contact that has happened to me I believe is for me to pass on the message that it is happening and that it is real. The only thing I have got out of it is to tell people what I am seeing."
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24-08-2015 om 22:57
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
A bright meteor was seen from Puerto Rico on the night of August 20, according to Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe (SAC).
But it was not only the meteor, also a UFO can be seen moving through the sky alongside the meteor and it appears that the UFO has intervened before the meteor would hit Puerto Rico.
The largest astronomy organization on the Caribbean Island says the meteor was seen at about 9:30 p.m. local time. “We got reports from the north and west side of the Island, but it is possible the meteor was also seen from other areas of Puerto Rico, SAC said.
Although there was a recent meteor shower (the Perseids) it seems this meteor was not related to the shower and was a sporadic meteor instead.
SAC explained this type of meteor is usually associated with small space rocks which generally disintegrate on Earth’s atmosphere. Only a few have enough size or mass so that parts of it can survive the atmospheric friction, and reach the surface.
Now, there are rumors that an asteroid will impact Earth, sometime between Sept. 15 and 28, 2015. On one of those dates, as rumors go, a meteor or asteroid will hit near Puerto Rico and destroy much of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States and Mexico, as well as Central and South America.
Due the on-going rumors NASA has been forced to issue a statement publicly.
According to NASA: “There is no scientific basis – not one shred of evidence – that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates,” said Paul Chodas, manager of NASA’s Near-Earth Object office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
“If there were any object large enough to do that type of destruction in September, we would have seen something of it by now,” he stated.
NASA continues: In fact, NASA’s Near-Earth Object Observations Program says there have been no asteroids or comets observed that would impact Earth anytime in the foreseeable future. All known Potentially Hazardous Asteroids have less than a 0.01% chance of impacting Earth in the next 100 years.
OK, NASA has found and is tracking about 95 percent of the largest objects flying near Earth, those that are .62 miles (1 km) or larger in diameter. But what about the other 5%, like the asteroid that exploded over Russia and even surprised NASA.
Even surveys of near-Earth objects of 100 meters or less are not even one percent complete, planetary scientist Paul Abell, at NASA’s Johnson Space Center said to Forbes.
So, how can NASA be so sure that there is No asteroid or meteor threatening Earth?
Just yesterday, August 22, 2015, NASA’s All-Sky cameras captured huge Meteor/Fireballs burning up in the atmosphere. The network reported 22 fireballs just in one day which are not related to the Perseid meteor shower.
Suppose something is really about to happen, the UFO pilots are going to protect us against the asteroid/meteor threat like they did with the ‘sporadic fireball’ above Puerto Rico, yesterday or we have to believe NASA’s statement?
22 sporadic fireballs in one day and NASA does not know where they came from. Are they the harbinger for something bigger?
Personally, I would not rely on NASA’s statements, even Charles Bolden, the chief of the Nasa, has warned that the US space agency’s best advice on how to handle a large asteroid heading towards Earth is “pray”.
A strange event took place in the skies above Indianapolis on August 8, 2015.
Witness: On August 8, 2015, I was walking out the house to a friend’s house and as I’m walking around the corner I look up and see a bright light shaped like a triangle hovering maybe no more than 1000ft off the ground.
I didn’t really have to think much about what it was cause there was nothing else in the sky so I stopped for a couple minutes and just watched it hovering slowly moving farther away.
I’ve seen videos of UFOs disappear in a second so I quickly took out my phone and took some pictures of it, by that time I was already at my friend’s house the triangle object was gone. Mufon case 69633.
Note: If we take a look at the three enlarged images of the object, it looks as if it changes shape before it hovering farther away.
Waarom verschijnen er iedere keer 3 UFO's ? ( video )
Waarom verschijnen er iedere keer 3 UFO's ? ( video )
Van alle UFO-waarnemingen die er over de hele wereld worden gedaan, is er een relatief hoog aantal waarbij er drie worden waargenomen.
Niet alleen komen er vaak drie UFO’s voor, maar ze zijn meestal ook nog iedere keer anders in kleur en formatie.
Het gebeurt in verhouding vaak dat mensen bij UFO-waarnemingen er drie zien die dan in een bepaalde formatie vliegen.
Alleen deze maand al een aantal voorvallen waarvan sprake is van drie UFO’s al dan niet in een driehoeksformatie.
Een eerste is de waarneming van een lezer die op 14 augustus plaatsvond.
Gisteren kreeg ik van de zoon van een goede vriend deze foto. Met zijn smartphone gemaakt op 14 augustus rond 22:00 uur. Hij stond samen met zijn vader op de loopgalerij van hun flat aan de Norbruislaan te Utrecht ter hoogte van de benzine pomp.
Beiden “geloven” niet echt in UFO`s. Ik heb er hun wel vaak over verteld.
Ze zagen drie bollen waarvan ze dachten dat het straaljagers waren. Vlogen laag en zeer snel, echter zonder geluid. Deze bol - de laatste - bleef over.
Zaterdag 22 augustus vertelden ze mij dit verhaal en lieten de foto zien. Voor mezelf weet ik zo ongeveer wel uit welke bron UFO`s komen. Ben blij dat mijn vriend en zijn zoon deze zaken serieus gaan nemen.
Waar we in het bovenstaande te maken hebben met drie oranjeachtige UFO’s, zo zag een vader met een angstig dochtertje een drietal blauwe in Dindal in Colombia.
Of we hier te maken hebben met drie afzonderlijke UFO’s of dat deze lichten onderdeel vormen van één schip is niet helemaal duidelijk.
De waarneming vond plaats op 19 augustus 2015.
Op 19 augustus werd er boven de Amerikaanse staat Connecticut ook een formatie van drie UFO’s waargenomen.
Hier zijn het witte UFO’s waarbij het duidelijk is dat ze niet toebehoren aan hetzelfde schip, maar zich afzonderlijk bewegen.
Op 8 augustus 2015 verschijnen boven het Amerikaanse Indianapolis onverwacht een drietal UFO’s in de vorm van een driehoek.
Volgens de getuige die de onderstaande foto nam, liep hij buiten onderweg naar het huis van een vriend toen de lichten opeens verschenen.
Hij reageerde snel door wat foto’s te nemen en tegen de tijd dat hij aankwam bij het huis van de vriend was de formatie verdwenen.
Allemaal voorvallen die te maken hebben met drie UFO’s, maar ook allemaal weer anders. De kleuren zijn verschillend, de formaties waarin ze vliegen zijn anders, maar altijd weer drie UFO’s.
Mocht iemand een verklaring hiervoor hebben dan vernemen wij dit graag.
Green Glowing UFO Caught During Sunset In Yellowstone Park, Montana On Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Green Glowing UFO Caught During Sunset In Yellowstone Park, Montana On Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: August 15, 2015 Location of sighting: Yellowstone Park, Montana, USA Source: MUFON This UFO report has a green glowing craft caught during sunset. I often say this, but I need to say it again, UFOs are most often seen during sunset. This green craft is very beautiful. Its not a disk, but a shape like no other. After she took the first photo, the craft hid in the shadows of the trees, but lucky for us, she caught it. Its very geometrical in shape and is tilted to one side. Check out the closeups I made below. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: I was out fishing in the Yellowstone River one evening when the pictures were taken.It was around 7:30 or 8:00 p.m. and I took a few of the sun behind the clouds but something kept grabbing my attention about that particular area.I kept feeling like I needed to take more pictures towards that direction. I noticed the object in one picture moving towards the cloud, and when looking at the picture before, I noticed it in the trees across the river from me. It has a strange green glow. I can't say what it was but I definitely believe that it's possibly a u.f.o. and I wanted experts to have a look.
Cigar-shaped object caught on video as it descended in the western sky, according to an Oklahoma witness near Tulsa. The witness said that he was driving home from work on Highway 169 northbound when he saw it descending slowly in the western sky on the sunset. It caught his attention as it was falling slowly.
The witness used his cell phone to take a photo and then started recording the aerial activity. The witness said that he managed to record the activity for a little over two minutes. When he got home, he showed the clip to his wife, and she could not identify the object. The witness posted it on Facebook the next day. Many people ruled out a passing comet being the identity of the object as its glow never dissipated and did not give off a trail.
MUFON-Oklahoma field investigator Eugene N. Zavodny closed the case as Unknown. In his report, Zavodny said the photo and video were captured through Samsung Galaxy S3 cell phone. However, both the photo and two-minute video have no enough resolution to make out any details on the UFO.
Zavodny described the object as cylindrical with the vertical axis. The length would be around three times the diameter, according to Zavodny. Neither the photo nor the video has defined the top end of the object sharply.
The witness shot the video while the car was moving, so it’s difficult to know if the object was also moving, other than slowly descending. The footage and the photo show the UFO was behind scattered low clouds, which could mean it was at a considerable distance. As it fell behind buildings and trees, the witness lost sight of it.
What did he see? The missing piece of the puzzle in a strange ‘UFO’ case involving the crash of a young pilot off Australia has been identified.
What is known as the “Valentich disappearance” is a strange occurrence in the annals of UFOlogy, one never satisfactorily explained—until now. One of us (Nickell) was asked to look into the case for a television show, and he queried the other (McGaha) who came up with the missing piece of the puzzle (as perhaps only someone who was both a pilot and astronomer could do).
The story begins in Australia about 19:00 hours (7:00 PM), or shortly after sunset (6:43 PM), on October 21, 1978. A young man named Frederick “Fred” Valentich—who had left Victoria’s Moorabbin airport at 18:19 (6:19 PM)—was piloting a light airplane, a rented single-engine Cessna 182L (registration VH-DSJ) over Bass Strait, heading southeastwardly for King Island. When what he thought was another aircraft seemed to pass over him, he radioed Melbourne Air Flight Service, and spoke with controller Steve Robey. Here is the (slightly abridged) exchange (with punctuation and capitalization added), taken from the transcript of the audiotape (beginning at 19:06:14):
Valentich: Is there any known traffic below five thousand [feet]?
Robey: No known traffic.
V: I am—seems [to] be a large aircraft below five thousand.
R: What type of aircraft is it?
V: I cannot affirm. It is [sic] four bright, it seems to me like landing lights. . . . The aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above.
R: Roger, and it, it is a large aircraft? Confirm.
V: Er, unknown due to the speed it’s traveling. Is there any Air Force aircraft in the vicinity?
R: No known aircraft in the vicinity.
V: It’s approaching right now from due east towards me. . . . [Silence for 2 seconds.] It seems to me that he’s playing some sort of game. He’s flying over me two, three times, at a time at speeds I could not identify.
R: Roger. What is your actual level?
V: My level is four and a half thousand. Four five zero zero.
R: And confirm you cannot identify the aircraft.
V: Affirmative.
R: Roger. Stand by.
V: It’s not an aircraft. It is—[Silence for 2 seconds.]
R: Can you describe the, er, aircraft?
V: As it’s flying past, it’s a long shape. [Silence for 3 seconds.] [Cannot] identify more than [that it has such speed]. [Silence for 3 seconds.] [It is] before me right now, Melbourne.
R: And how large would the, er, object be?
V: It seems like it’s stationary.1 What I’m doing right now is orbiting, and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It’s got a green light and sort of metallic. [Like] it’s all shiny [on] the outside. [Silence for 5 seconds.] It’s just vanished. . . . Would you know what kind of aircraft I’ve got? Is it military aircraft?
R: Confirm the, er, aircraft just vanished.
V: Say again.
R: Is the aircraft still with you?
V: [It’s, ah, nor-] [Silence for 2 seconds.] [Now] approaching from the southwest. . . . The engine is, is rough idling. I’ve got it set at twenty three twenty four, and the thing is—coughing.
R: Roger. What are your intentions?
V: My intentions are, ah, to go to King Island. Ah, Melbourne, that strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again. [Silence for 2 seconds.] It is hovering, and it’s not an aircraft. [Silence for 17 seconds, open microphone, with audible, unidentified staccato noise. End of transcript.] ( Aircraft Accident 1982. See also Good 1988, 175–77; Chalker 1998, 964; Haines and Norman 2000; Baker 2000, 248)
Some versions of the transcript fail to match that of the accident report in important details. For example, instead of “[It is] before me right now,” one source (Chalker 2001, 629) gives “. . . coming for me right now.”
The communication ended about 19:12:49. Although an intensive air, land, and sea search was carried out until October 25, no trace of the Cessna was found. An oil slick discovered on October 22, some eighteen miles north of King Island, “was not established as having any connection with Valentich’s plane” (Good 1988, 178). The Bureau of Air Safety Investigation released its findings in May 1982, stating that “The reason for the disappearance of the aircraft has not been determined,” but that the outcome was “presumed fatal” (Aircraft Accident 1982). Suicide? Staged disappearance? Alien attack or abduction? Drug runners’ shootdown? Electrical discharge from a cloud igniting gas fumes? There were many “theories,” including those of “psychics” (Chalker 1998, 966–67; “Valentich” 2013). However, none seemed to explain both the disappearance and the lights. To understand what happened, we need to look more closely at Fred Valentich.
The Pilot
Fred Valentich was a twenty-year-old, inexperienced flyer with only about 150 total hours flying time and a class-four instrument rating (which meant he could operate at night but only “in visual meteorological conditions” [Aircraft Accident 1982]). He had twice been rejected by the Royal Australian Air Force, due to inadequate education. Having obtained a private pilot license in September 1977, he was studying part time for a commercial pilot’s license.
Unfortunately, he had failed all five of his exam subjects—not once but twice—and, just the month before, again failed three subjects. Further, his involvement in three flying incidents came to the attention of officials: once he received a warning for having strayed into restricted air space, and twice he was cited for deliberately flying blindly into a cloud, for which he was under threat of prosecution (Sheaffer 2013; “Valentich” 2013). In brief, Valentich may have been an accident waiting to happen.
Valentich with a Cessna, similar to the aircraft he disappeared in.
Moreover, the young pilot was enthralled with UFOs, watching films and accumulating articles on the topic. Earlier that year, according to his father, Valentich had himself observed a UFO moving away very fast. And he had expressed to his father his worry about what could happen if such presumed extraterrestrial craft should ever attack (Sheaffer 2013; “Valentich” 2013). As we shall see, his deep belief in flying saucers may have contributed to his death—and not in the way some saucer buffs imagine.
Some thought Valentich might have staged his disappearance, but the evidence does not support that hypothesis (Good 1988, 180). Nevertheless Valentich did give two contradictory reasons for his flight to King Island: (1) to pick up some friends (as he told flight officials), or (2) to pick up crayfish. However, these reasons were found to be untrue (Aircraft Accident 1982; “Valentich” 2013). Valentich had not even followed standard procedure to inform King Island airport of his intent to land there (“Disappearance” 2013).
So what was Valentich really up to—in addition to wanting to log more hours of flying experience? Possibly he had decided to look for UFOs again but, rather than admit that, offered others more legitimate-sounding reasons for his flight. In short, he may not simply have encountered a UFO but instead went looking for one. If so, his “encounter” is not surprising. As a “True Believer,” observes Robert Sheaffer (2013, 27), Valentich was “probably inclined to assume anything is a ‘UFO’ if he could not immediately identify it.”
So what did the young pilot see? Having clear skies, he described four bright lights that he mistakenly (as he later admitted) first thought were an airplane’s “landing lights” (that is, white points of light). They were above him and—except for his own movements (more on this later)—seemed to be just “hovering.” Then twice and quite correctly, he realized “it” was definitely “not an aircraft.”
As it happens, a computer search of the sky for the day, time, and place of Valentich’s flight reveals that the four points of bright light he would almost certainly have seen were the following: Venus (which was at its very brightest), Mars, Mercury, and the bright star Antares. These four lights would have represented a diamond shape, given the well-known tendency of viewers to “connect the dots,” and so could well have been perceived as an aircraft or UFO. In fact, the striking conjunction was shaped as a vertically elongated diamond, thus explaining Valentich’s saying of the UFO that “it’s a long shape.”
As to the UFO’s other characteristics, the “metallic” or “shiny” appearance could have been due to the power of suggestion alone. Having connected the dots, Valentich would likely have gone on to fill in the area as solid, even “metallic.” We must remember that Valentich’s impressions are those of someone who was confused about what he was seeing.
The “green light” could have been part of this confusion also. Remember, Valentich’s first description of the UFO involved only four bright white lights; he made no mention at that time of a green one. It could actually have been nothing more than the Cessna’s own navigation light on its right wing tip. That green light—or its reflection on the windshield—could easily have been superimposed onto the UFO sighting.
A witness on the ground, who described having seen a green light just above Valentich’s plane, had not mentioned that aspect of his story at the time. However, many years later—after the green light was made public—he did mention the detail, but he is only identified by a pseudonym. Nevertheless, he said (in the words of his interviewers) that “Its color was similar to the navigation lights on an airplane” (Haines and Norman 2000, 26)! If the Cessna was indeed close enough to the land as to be seen by the man and his two nieces, there is a simple explanation: that the airplane’s attitude (a steep angle of bank) was such that its right wing tip was up, and so its green navigation light appeared above the Cessna. As the witness stated, the light was positioned “like it was riding on top of the airplane,” and it kept a constant position, according to the witnesses (Haines and Norman 2000, 26). But again, there are problems with the main witness’s description. As his interviewers acknowledge, his “recollection of the angular size of the airplane’s lights is too large by perhaps several orders of magnitude” (Haines and Norman 2000, 28). (Incidentally, misreadings by amateur writers have now converted Valentich’s “green light” into multiple “green lights” [e.g., “Disappearance” 2013].)
But what about the UFO’s movements when it was not “hovering”? It is now clear—since we have identified the UFO as probably a conjunction of four celestial lights—that it was not the UFO moving in relation to the plane but rather the opposite: the plane moving in relation to the stationary lights. There is actually evidence from the transcript that this is so. After the UFO has repeatedly seemed to fly over him, Valentich says, “What I’m doing right now is orbiting, and the thing is just orbiting on top of me.”
This points to what was really happening to the poor inexperienced pilot. Distracted by the UFO, he may then have been deceived by the illusion of a tilted horizon. That can happen when the sun has gone down but still brightens part of the horizon, while, of course, the rest of it gets gradually darker farther away. This imbalance of lighting can cause the horizon to appear tilted, so that, in compensating by “leveling” the wings, the pilot inadvertently begins—not to orbit (circle), but to spiral downward—at first slowly, then with increasing acceleration.
At a most critical time therefore, when he should have been in fully alert mode, paying attention to his instruments, he was instead engaged in something that was extremely distracting: flying while excitedly focusing on, and talking about, a UFO. This, as we can now see, was a recipe for disaster. With Valentich succumbing to spatial disorientation, his plane (like that of young John F. Kennedy Jr. over two decades later) began what is aptly termed a “graveyard spiral.”
Further corroboration of this may come from the pilot’s statement that the engine was “rough idling”—just seconds away from his final contact. The plane’s moving in a tightening spiral would cause an increase of G-forces with a consequent decrease in fuel flow, resulting in the engine’s rough running. Or, at that point, the Cessna may have already inverted, producing the same effect because that plane had a gravity-fed fuel system.
Not surprisingly, Valentich’s airplane going missing while he was radioing a UFO report prompted talk of extraterrestrials and abduction. Indeed, it spawned later reports of other UFOs allegedly seen on the night of the Cessna’s disappearance. These provoked a skeptical Ken Williams, spokesperson of the Department of Transport, to tell a reporter, “It’s funny all these people ringing up with UFO reports well after Valentich’s disappearance” (“Pilot Missing” 1978).
Just a month after the disappearance, the pilot of another Cessna sighted the outline of what he believed was a submerged aircraft, but on another pass over, he was unable to confirm that observation (Good 1988, 178). Now thanks to yeoman’s work by Australian researcher Keith Basterfield, who rediscovered the “lost” official case file, we have new information. As he explains, “parts of aircraft wreckage with partial matching serial numbers were found in Bass Strait five years after the disappearance.” (Qtd. in Sheaffer 2013, 27.)
Fred Valentich’s UFO has now been identified. That is, we can show that a group of four bright lights, consistent with his description, was within his sight at the time he was reporting his UFO. This is the long missing piece of the puzzle that awaited solving because the case required expertise from astronomy as well as aeronautics.
The identification underscores the inescapable fact that the disappearance was simply a fatal crash. Ironically, it might never have occurred but for the young pilot’s fascination with UFOs. If not actually the reason for his evening flight, as we suspect, the fascination nevertheless was part of why it ended tragically.
We can now reread the transcript of the exchanges between Valentich and an air traffic controller with a new understanding. In our mind’s eye we watch in horror as—distracted and disoriented—the young pilot unexpectedly enters the “graveyard spiral” that carries him to his death. n
CFI Librarian Lisa Nolan provided considerable research assistance.
1. Haines, using special filters, believes the word stationary is actually the phrasechasing me (Haines and Norman 2000, 24).
Aircraft Accident Investigation Summary Report. 1982. Department of Transportation, Commonwealth of Australia. Ref. No. V116/783/1047, April 27.
Baker, Alan. 2000. The Encyclopedia of Alien Encounters. New York: Checkmark Books.
Chalker, Bill. 1998. Valentich Disappearance. In Clark 1998, 2: 964–68.
———. 2001. Valentich (Bass Strait, Australia) UFO encounter. In Story 2001, 628–31.
Clark, Jerome. 1998. The UFO Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition: The Phenomenon from the Beginning, in two vols. Detroit: Omnigraphics.
Peter2011 - I publish this article of sceptici on my blog, because I want you all to look with an open mind to their explanation. It seemed a simple solution for an historical UFO-case ... Please If you do know more about this case, let me know! Thanks
23-08-2015 om 23:34
geschreven door peter
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Atlantis Discovered in the Bermuda Triangle: The Sunken City Features Giant Pyramids and Sphinxes [Complete] 9.76k Share 96 Tweet Share Share Share
Atlantis Discovered in the Bermuda Triangle: The Sunken City Features Giant Pyramids and Sphinxes [Complete )
I. The report
Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean.
The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.
According to a report by Arclein of Terra Forming Terra, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend.
The disaster may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic icecap catastrophically melted it caused sea levels to rise quickly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere. Coast lines changed; land was lost; islands (even island continents) disappeared.
At the end of last Ice Age sea levels were nearly 400 feet lower than present day levels. Once the waters began to rise, they rose swiftly. Conceivably, no technology then, or now, could have saved Atlantis from its watery grave. The evidence that land in what’s now the Caribbean also sank into the sea concurrently seems pretty certain.
Arclein observes:
“At the time uplifted portions of the Mid Atlantic Ridge subsided also including Lyonese and the home islands and land mass around the Azores. Even if that had not happened, this subsidence was amply large enough.
“This would have produced an orthogonal pressure forcing subsidence to either East or West. Since the ridge between Cuba and Yucatan is the natural point of weakness between the Gulf subsidence basin and the Caribbean subsidence basin, it naturally subsided deeply. The driver for all this was the hydrostatic changes brought about by both the original crustal shift of 12,900 years ago that I have called the Pleistocene Nonconformity and the slow uplift of the Hudson Bay Basin brought about by the ending of the Ice Age.”
Cuban missile crisis stops research
According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez, the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to it was stopped during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis.
“The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects, in order that it will not come to Russians hands.”
The science team of deep ocean experts, archaeologists and oceanographers found ruins of ancient buildings 600 feet below the ocean. They say the city is Atlantis.
Look carefully, in the muky water, a giant pyramid is visible [Image: LMF]
Pyramids and sphinxes bigger than Egypt’s
Evidence that the island of Cuba is the vestige of a once mighty culture is supported by Zalitzki’s discovery on the island of extremely ancient symbols and pictograms identical to those seen on the underwater structures.
A second giant pyramid photographed by the ROV [Image: LMF]
Using exploration submersibles, they discovered amazingly huge pyramid structures similar to (but larger than) the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. They estimate the Atlantis pyramids are constructed with stones weighing many hundreds of tons.
Incredibly the ancient city also has magnificent sphinxes and “stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones,” reports Fernandez.
Could such a discovery change Mankind’s view of history? Yes, it could change everything.
Fernandez writes, “It has confirmed that the stones were cut, carved and polished to make them fit together and thus form larger structures. On the strange inscriptions, some of them similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics, very little is known, except that they are very abundant and found in almost all parts of the field. They have also appeared symbols and drawings whose meaning is unknown.”
The exploration of Atlantis, called Project Exploramar, is expanding to discover more of the mysteries of the mega-city.
Speaking with a scientist about the possibility that the ruins are indeed Atlantis, Fernandez reports the expert replied:
“ the Yucatan cultures today is possible that what still remains of the aborigines of those places perhaps the Olmecs or some very primitive civilization of Yucatan, the northern part of Central America—originated according to them on an island that sank by a cataclysm. This island is called Atlanticú.”
That too fits the stories about the sudden demise of the wondrous Atlantis. Atlanticú is, of course, Atlantis. The aboriginal natives still call it that in their history.
Fernandez interviews Pauline Zalitzki about Atlantis [Image: LMF]
During an interview about the exploration of the mega-city, Fernandez asked lead scientist Pauline Zalitzki about the civilaztion that built it.
“When we published the first news of this finding,” she said, “the University of Veracruz was interested in our work and we had recorded images of these structures on the seabed. Specifically, the Institute of Anthropology of the University excavations invited me. They were doing [studies] on parts and ruins of the Olmec civilization.
“When they saw these submarine images [they] found similarities and parallels with the ruins found in these excavations that the Institute was undertaking.
“The Olmecs and other native peoples all have primary morphology marking the arrival of this continent. This mean coming from the direction of Cuba, and had to occur in a very large earthquake where their land sank.
Morphologies indicate that they belong to three families who were saved. One of these families came to the coast of Veracruz, which are supposedly the Olmec. Others came to Central America and traveled to the Pacific coast, and these families created the civilization of the Americas as we know it today, because they distributed all their knowledge.
When these anthropologists saw underwater images of this city, and saw some stone monoliths, some symbol, and inscriptions, they identified with Olmec motifs. They were very surprised.”
Sonar images of mega-structures on the seabed [Image: LMF]
The Olmecs devolved from the survivors of Atlantis, a much superior culture destroyed aft the end of the Ice Age flooding. The world was reshaped and a super-civilization destroyed, remembered for millennia only in legend and a passing refernce by the philosopher Plato.
Another image of an Atlantean mega-structure [Image: LMF]
But Atlantis was real, is real: scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki have found it.
The above work of art was once part of the old Maya city of Tikal, in Guatemala. It probably illustrates the demise of Atlantis. Since this does not fit the prevailing picture, a German archaeologist took it to Germany, where it was “accidentally” destroyed in the Second World War -- Continue reading: the amazing Egyptian and Greek connections to Atlantis.
II. Updates about Cuba's underwater megalithic research
"They (megalithic stones) are very unique structures. They really are not easy to understand and I do not have any easy explanation for them in a natural geological process." - Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Ph.D., Geologist, National Museum of Natural History, Havana, Cuba
Ocean engineer, Paulina Zelitsky, described their 2000 findings as follows:
"Possibly a sunken city built in the pre-classic period and populated by an advanced civilization similar to the early Teotihuacan culture of Yucatan... Researchers using sonar equipment have discovered at a depth of about 2,200 feet (700-800 meters) a huge land plateau with clear images of what appears to be urban development partly covered by sand. From above, the shapes resemble pyramids, roads and buildings." - Source: Earthfiles May 18, 2001
Since then, I have interviewed Paulina and her husband, Paul Weinzweig, several times about the evolution of their research and goal to get a specially built robot down to the megalithic site which could have lights for videotaping and drilling equipment to sample from the megalithic stone structures.
The couple operates the Advanced Digital Communications known as ADC in Canada and Havana which contracts to perform deep ocean research.
Originally, ADC had hoped to have a robot on the ocean floor by the summer of 2002, but its cost of $2 million has been an obstacle. So far, the National Geographic Society continues to express interest in adding its resources and media production efforts to the exploration, but to date no official contract has been signed.
So, Paulina and Paul have taken on other assignments to pay bills while periodically sending remote operated vehicles known as ROVs down to pick up small rocks that lay on thick sand around the large megalithic stone "structures."
Some of those samples have gone to geologist Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Ph.D., who works for Cuba's National Museum of Natural History in Havana. Since early spring 2002, Dr. Iturralde-Vinent has studied side-scan sonar images and videotape from the half-mile-deep site and has concluded that he cannot assign a completely natural geological explanation for the large, rectangular-shaped rocks that stand up on a vast, white field of deep sand spread over 20 square kilometers.
However, he is waiting for the first analyses of rock samples expected around July 19th. Until then, he is reserving opinion about the composition of the megalithic structures. However, Paulina Zelitsky describes the structures are polished granite not indigenous to either Cuba or the Yucatan.
This week I talked with both Paulina Zelitsky and Dr. Iturralde-Vinent about their current research and theories about what might have happened off the extreme northwestern Cuba peninsula known as Guanahacabibes.
III. Interviews:
Paulina Zelitsky, Ocean Engineer, Advanced Digital Communications, Havana, Cuba:
Paulina Zelitsky at her computer in Havana studying a pyramidal-shaped stone videotaped at the half mile deep site in July 2001 by her ADC remote operated vehicle (ROV).
Samples that we recovered from the ocean bottom have justified our structures that we call megalithic structures. The samples are granite stone, completely polished, with some incrustations of fossils. Fossils of organic creatures that normally live on the surface, not on the ocean bottom. This is very interesting because this is evidence that the whole surface sank to the depth of 700 meters (2,297 feet, or about a half mile down).
The area has been seismically active for thousands of years. And what we find on the ocean bottom are fractures from which the magma and volcanic ash came out. From these structures we were able to delineate a configuration of the land that sank because you can see them clearly. The land that sank is very obvious from our image of the ocean bottom. And you can see bays, like harbors, and it's all at the depths of 900 and 700 meters.
Geologically, does Dr. Iturralde-Vinent and others have any idea what happened volcanically? Was it one large eruption or series of eruptions?
Series of eruptions and as he is saying, it is still active. A series of eruptions that created major tectonic movement to such a degree that land is sinking. For example, Cuba has sank and re-emerged a couple of times! But that was long ago, geologically. Now, what happened more recently geologically is that land sank that joined to Yucatan islands between Yucatan and Cuba, they sank.
Also, geologically and botanically in terms of organic life, Yucatan and Cuba the extreme northwestern part of Cuba which is Peninsula Guanahacabibes are completely identical. Completely identical. It's the same limestone and the same organic life and the same botanic and animal represented.
It's very obvious that land that was joining that is now on ocean bottom is land that was joining Yucatan and Cuba. But this land was sinking because of tectonic movement which were occurring.
Of course, earthquakes and volcanoes were accompanying the tectonic movements. Tectonic movement is not something that moves softly. It is always accompanied by dramatic volcano and earthquake activity.
But we saw on ocean bottom where the bays and coastal lines of the island that sank. We think there was a series of islands between Cuba and the Yucatan. There could have been sinking 15,000 years ago.
One area between the fractures. Not on the fractures. It is between the fractures was left undisturbed and just sank flat without fractures. On this area, we can observe those megalithic structures, or constructions. And they have completely different and independent delineation from geological faults, from our geology of the sunken land, or the geology of island Cuba. Completely independent delineation of their own.
As if they came from some place else?
We don't know yet. But it obviously didn't come from Cuba. That's one thing. The stone we recovered from ocean bottom is very polished granite. All of the peninsula of northwest part of Cuba, all of this peninsula is limestone, very fractured limestone. So, geologically, it (megalithic granite structures) is totally foreign to Cuba. But it's also not known in Yucatan because Yucatan is also limestone, not granite. Granite is found only in the center of Mexico.
It covers approximately a beautiful, beautiful, flat, clean area. Nothing else in this area. And it covers approximately 20 square kilometers of this area. It's flat, completely flat. Huge white silicon field. In the middle of all of that are these megalithic structures surfacing out of it.
What is the scientific consensus so far about how 20 square kilometers could get down a half mile?
The whole island sank. Probably what we think happened is that Cuba and Yucatan at one historical time were both joined. But little by little, this land was fractured into islands and sank to the ocean bottom. So, the land on which we discovered megalithic structures sank somewhere between 15,000 and maybe 50,000 years ago, which is quite recent geologically.
What for you is the next most important step you can take to collect one or more samples directly from the megalithic structures?
I wouldn't be able to do any serious work without a robot to that is working on ocean floor because I need stability in order to be able to make an opening in the megalithic structures. We need to make an opening to enter. National Geographic is interested in investigating the site with submersibles. So that might be another opportunity.
Do the submersibles have the ability to drill into stone?
No. Submersibles don't. They just have the ability to observe with human eyes. Or videotape. Or video camera, yeah. But it must be operated by humans.
If you can get the special robot constructed and down there that costs $2 million, you would be able to photograph with good light and be able to drill into a megalithic structure?
Oh, yes. I would be able to make opening and enter inside the structures. What I am the most interested in doing is to enter inside because if there are some artifacts, they should be inside the structures and not outside.
Then if National Geographic, or other interested organization, can get funding together, you might be able to go forward full time on research and get the robot down to both photograph and drill into the structures?
Yes, that's right. And discover a completely new page in our history."
Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, Ph.D., Geologist, National Museum of Natural History, Havana, Cuba, who presented a scientific paper about the deep water megalithic structures in March 2002 at an International Geophysical meeting in Havana:
"I do not yet know if the megalithic structures are granite. I have been working with the data provided by Paulina for three months and I have been observing the side-scan sonar images, the video images with some samples recovered from different places within the area with the megalithic stones are and also from an area located to the south of this region.
My impression is first that the structures that are in the megalithic area at the 600 to 700 meter depths, I cannot explain these structures by any geological means right now. So, I am not sure that I can find a geological explanation for the origin of these structures.
So I'm clear the structures don't fit into any natural explanation currently?
Yeah, we think that in natural geological terms, I cannot give a logical explanation now. So, I am not telling that they are artificial, but what I say is right now I don't have a good explanation as to the origin by natural cause of these structures. They might have an artificial origin.
But in this case, we are opening into a very interesting situation because given the depth of this structures and if we calculate the timing when these might have been uplifted, it will take us up to 50,000 years ago. (Meaning, when the land mass now down a half mile might have been above sea level.)
This is if we follow the rules of the normal tectonic movement as we have been recording them in the past 100 years in Cuba. But these figures are well known in the world. More or less, the sea floor can move down as quickly as 16 millimeters a year. That's one of the very interesting issues that are related to this discovery.
Meaning that the area is still active seismically and you are seeing that parts of Cuba are still sinking.
Current geological knowledge and data indicates that the area is still very active and sinking even now. We are not done with this research. We need to still do more research, collect more samples, provide more observation to be sure about what we are talking about. But something is very safe to say now is that we are not dealing with blocks that have been falling down from the slope. They (megalithic stones) are very unique structures.
They really are not easy to understand and I do not have any easy explanation for them in a natural geological process. That's my conclusion now. I need more time and more data before going forward."
Scientist at deathbed makes shocking confessions about aliens
Scientist at deathbed makes shocking confessions about aliens
A recording has been released of the late US scientists Boyd Bushman who worked at a secret base of the United States Air Force. At that secret base, alien technology was developed and adapted for human use. According to Boyd, numerous alien bodies were studied at the facility as well. In the video, recorded shortly before his death, the Lockheed-Martin scientist shows images of alien bodies which according to him, were taken with disposable cameras at Area 51, a secret base of the Air Force in the state of Nevada.
Even though some of the details in the Biography of Bushman may seem controversial, according to British tabloid “Metro”, Bushman was an important researcher in aerospace corporation Lockheed Martin and had several highly classified patents.”As for the extraterrestrial crafts, we have United States citizens who work 24 hours a day studying UFO’s and Alien technology. We are trying to understand what we need to do.”Bushman confessions which were recorded on video are dotted with images of beings with humanoid bodies. According to the researcher, two groups of alien beings are being studied at Area 51, but there are also aliens who work in cooperation with humans.
Area 51 is an area of land located in Nevada owned by the United States government. It is popular for the fact that there, for years, numerous scientists have claimed to have been developing and testing new technologies based on alien tech, and secret military aircrafts. It is commonly known as Area 51, although the official name is Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) designation: Area 51.
According to Bushman, the alien technology is very advanced, these beings can travel at speeds much faster than light, and most of them come from planets that are located around 68 light years away from planet Earth. Bushman states that the aliens working at Area 51 are around 1.5 meters tall, they have fingers and toes just like humans but can live much longer than humans. These extraterrestrial beings are able to communicate via telepathy.
According to Bushman, scientists from Russia, China and the United States are working together at Area 51, their main research is anti-gravity technology.
Recently, Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator, confirmed the existence of infamous Area 51, but said that it does not harbor any kind of alien life or alien technology. “There’s an Area 51. But not devoted to what many people think. It’s a normal place of research and development. I never saw aliens or spaceships in it.
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This is the amazing design for NASA’s Star Trek-style space ship, the IXS Enterprise
This is the amazing design for NASA’s Star Trek-style space ship, the IXS Enterprise
“Warp speed, Mr. Sulu” (courtesy of Mark Rademaker/Flickr)
NASA engineer and physicist Harold White announced a few years ago that he was working on a potentially groundbreaking idea that could allow space travel faster than the speed of light. Yes, like in “Star Trek.”
And now, to boldly go where no designer has gone before, Mark Rademaker — who is collaborating with White — has created a CGI design concept for the “warp ship.” They’re calling it the IXS Enterprise.
“We wanted to have a decent image of a theory conforming Warp ship to motivate young people to pursue a STEM career,” Rademaker said in an e-mail interview. “It does have some Sci-Fi features that might never transfer to a possible final design, unless we really want to.”
A warp ship such as the IXS Enterprise could allow travel to interstellar space in a matter of weeks rather than, say, centuries. And the science behind why it might be possible is truly mind-boggling.
An over-simplified explanation is that the concept seeks to exploit a “loophole” in Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity that allows travel faster than the speed of light by expanding space-time behind the object and contracting space-time front of it. Io9 explains more:
Essentially, the empty space behind a starship would be made to expand rapidly, pushing the craft in a forward direction — passengers would perceive it as movement despite the complete lack of acceleration.
White speculates that such a drive could result in “speeds” that could take a spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in a mere two weeks — even though the system is 4.3 light-years away.
White, whose title is “Advanced Propulsion Theme Lead for the NASA Engineering Directorate,” has mathematically calculated a plausible way to accomplish this using far less energy than required by the original theory, which was proposed in 1994 by physicist Miguel Alcubierre.
His concept requires using large rings that surround the spacecraft (which you can see in the image above) to greatly reduce the amount of energy needed to warp space-time in front of and behind the spacecraft.
“The rings are most important as they will form the Warp bubble,” Rademaker said in his e-mail. “The way they are designed now will reduce the energy requirement needed to form the bubble. (By quite a large factor.) Also we tried to fill up as much space within the rings, it’s expensive to leave that open or unused.”
White and his team at NASA’s Eagleworks Labs are now working to create a “proof of concept” for this idea.
So how quickly can this all become a reality? According to White, in an interview with i09, proving that the math can become a reality in the lab is the first and probably most important step in the process:
What White is waiting for is existence of proof — what he’s calling a “Chicago Pile” moment — a reference to a great practical example.
“In late 1942, humanity activated the first nuclear reactor in Chicago generating a whopping half Watt — not enough to power a light bulb,” he said. “However, just under one year later, we activated a ~4MW reactor which is enough to power a small town. Existence proof is important.”
White explains in great detail the science behind his quest in this lecture:
Rademaker’s design is posted in his Flickr account, and we’ve included the images with his permission:
Abby Phillip is a general assignment national reporter for the Washington Post. She can be reached at On Twitter:@abbydphillip
We could travel to new worlds in NASA's starship Enterprise
We could travel to new worlds in NASA's starship Enterprise
US space agency commissions design for its first warp speed spaceship
NASA announced in 2012 that it was working to build a "warp drive" that could enable "faster-than-light" travel. Two years later and the space agency hasn't built a spaceship capable of such speeds yet — but thanks to artist Mark Rademaker, we now know what one could look like. The result is the IXS Enterprise, a ship that shares similarities with both its science fiction Star Trek namesake, and NASA's real-world space shuttle.
Rademaker worked together with NASA's Dr. Harold White to produce visual concepts for the craft. White and his team at NASA are hoping to make "faster-than-light" travel possible with Alcubierre drives. The drives, named for physicist Miguel Alcubierre, theoretically work by distorting space-time. By expanding the space behind a ship and contracting the space in front of it, the IXS Enterprise could drastically speed up our space travel potential, making the 4.3 light-year journey to Alpha Centauri in around two weeks.
Rademaker says he was influenced in the design for his Enterprise by Matt Jefferies' sci-fi artworks from the 1960s. But where famed aviation artist Jeffries, who helped create the spaceships of the Star Trek universe, imagined spindly craft with thin rings, the IXS Enterprise sits inside two circles chubby enough to power its Alcubierre drive. The spacecraft is fatter than most of Jefferies' sci-fi ships, too, capable of bearing four cylindrical pods on its flanks, and sporting a wide, flat, duck's bill of a command module. Speaking at the SpaceVision conference last year, Dr. White justified the design, saying that "if you're going to go to all the trouble of making it that big, you might as well fit all you can in there."
Until NASA announces a breakthrough in its research of Alcubierre drives and "faster-than-light" travel technology, Rademaker's concepts will remain only concepts. But his visualization of the IXS Enterprise still gives us a glimpse of the kinds of vehicles we'll hopefully one day be able to use to travel to strange new worlds, to seek out new life, and new civilizations.
An Alcubierre drive is theoretically capable of warp speeds, but the travel time to our nearest neighbor is still two weeks. Any "faster-than-light" craft will need to be big enough to have room for staff and supplies to survive out beyond the edge of our solar system.
Rademaker's images imagine the ship during its construction. His design is shown to be modular, with space for four pods on the side of the ship that could house living quarters, supplies, or — in keeping with the ship's name — a holodeck.
The number of sponsors suggests NASA is expecting the commercial space travel sector to keep growing. Squint at the bottom right of the nameplate and you might see a familiar logo: Weyland-Yutani, the nefarious fictional megacorporation from the Alien movies.
The body of the IXS Enterprise is suspended inside two large rings, a design decision that means the craft can sit safely inside the warp bubble generated by its Alcubierre drive. A good thing, too: any appendages that jutted outside would be subjected to unimaginable effects as the ship distorted space-time.
The concept of a warp drive-enabled spaceship is still fanciful at this point in human development, but Rademaker's images blend elements of real-world tech with sci-fi suggestion. The Enterprise's side solar panels look like they've been borrowed from the International Space Station.
The Olmec heads are one of those archaeological artifacts that mainstream archaeology tries to avoid at all costs. Mainstream theories are limited to tarnish the magnificence of the once incredible ancient civilization that made them with absurd and ridiculous theories.
The Olmec culture is barely known today, a culture which is believed to have reigned over Mesoamerica 1200 years before the birth of Christ and is predecessor to the fabulous Maya, Inca and Aztec cultures.
The Olmec civilization, one of the first -if not the first, culture(s) of Mesoamerica were actually few settlements that history has placed in the Stone Age.
There are numerous theories surrounding the enigmatic civilization and their mysterious architectural features and statues. The most talked about objects are without a doubt, the famous Olmec Heads weighing between 20 to 40 tons and reaching up to three meters in height.
These enormous heads were carved from basalt rocks. Official theories have placed the Olmec heads as being at least 3000 years old. Most of the researcher has been performed on the Gulf Coast: Three Zapotes, La Venta, San Lorenzo and Laguna de los Cerros.
In addition to the gigantic heads, the Olmecs have left other pieces of great artistic value, such as thrones, altars and human figures and no other culture in Mesoamerica attained perfection and the level of mastery of the Olmecs when it comes to sculpting.
The question is, how did this ancient civilization that was almost in the stone age, manage such perfection that engineers today cannot replicate?
Other ancient civilizations across the globe, like the ancient Egyptians had copper chisels to carve the incredible monuments we see today. When we talk about the Olmecs, we are talking about an ancient civilization that did not know about bronze and other tools, they only had the knowledge of carving “stone” with other “stone” materials.
Seeing the majestic work done by this incredible ancient civilization, it is hard to believe what mainstream archaeology is telling us.
Another important problem raised, is how did the ancient Olmecs manage to transport these colossal heads?
Here is the interesting part: The nearest place where the ancient Olmecs could have obtained the necessary material for their colossal heads is Tuxtla Sierra, a group of volcanoes located in the southern part of Veracruz, about 70 kilometers from where the Olmec heads were originally found.
If we take in count that the stones used to carve the Olmec heads ranged in weight from 20 to 40 tons, we ask, how did they transport them? According to history, the ancient Olmces did not posses knowledge of the wheel.
Mainstream researchers have proposed several theories that are open for debate. One of those theories is the famous “wooden roller theory”.
According to researchers, the ancient Olmec civilization used wooden rollers to transport these gigantic rocks to their destination. They placed a series of wooden rollers beneath the rock to minimize friction and make it possible to transport.
The only thing is, a huge amount of wood would be necessary to achieve this. According to a recent study, 20 people were needed to transport a rock that had a weight of 0.5 tons.
How many people would have been used in the past to transport a rock that had a weight of over 40 tons? The other issue is that the places where the Olmecs lived is filled with marshes and swamps which makes it impossible to transport the rocks over these wet places.
Mainstream archaeology points to the fact that Ancient Olmecs were very skilled navigators who used canoes to transport these gigantic rocks across water… a theory that doesn’t “hold much water” according to others.
In 1869 when Jose Melgar discovered the colossal sculptured heads of the Olmecs, he quickly pointed out the strange shape the heads had, they looked anything but how the natives from the region looked.
They appeared to resemble natives of the African continent. Researchers quickly pointed out that, similar mysterious faces and sculptures were discovered in Teotihuacan, atypical features for the local natives.
Mysteriously, these gigantic heads were all found buried deep beneath the surface, almost as if their creators wanted to hide these gigantic colossal heads on purpose. But why hide them?
Numerous questions remain regarding the Ancient Olmec civilization and their incredible giant heads. How did they carve them, how did they transport them and why go through all the trouble to hide them deep beneath the surface?
At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, archaeologists uncovered a 10,000-year-old man-made monolith that they believe is evidence of a prehistoric civilization. The rock monument’s colossal size (12 meters, or about 39 feet in height) suggests that quite a few people would have been needed to move it — something that would have been difficult if, as previously suspected, the inhabitants had been hunter-gatherers living relatively solitary lifestyles.
Here above we see an illuminated UFO (mothership made of energy only-light beings) caught by accident during the lightning storm. Its passengers may be energy beings, shooting off in all directions. The boys said they saw lights flying around the sky, like search lights but not. If I hadn’t seen something like this just a few months ago, I might be skeptical. But I did around midnight with my family here in Taiwan. I understand his description. These are energy beings, not usually interested in humans, but if you notice them, they may make a circle high up like they did for my family. The lights move fast, but sort of have a sense of…awareness about them. Cool sighting. SCW
Eyewitness states: Oak Lawn, IL looking west, around 91st & Ridgeland Ave. My son, 12 and another boy, 9, were outside of a family party. They saw (4) objects moving around in the stormy sky. He ran inside, and grabbed his phone. He said (3) took off with flight patterns never seen before. The way he described the objects, I thought they were searchlights from a “Grand Opening” or an event of some kind. However, at around 12-14 seconds, lighting illuminates the sky with the illuminated object obscured by the clouds, not light shining on the cloud. That’s no searchlight. Take a look, let me know what you think. Regards, John Oak Lawn IL
A video shot in Japan’s port city of Osaka has been making the rounds online, displaying a swarm of white spherical objects of unknown origin flying across the sky. The low-quality footage has triggered speculation over extra-terrestrial life and UFOs.
The two-minute clip shows the mysterious round objects moving quickly in the sky, while following a dance-like pattern.
The footage, which has since been reposted a few times from a Japanese YouTube channel, left many viewers puzzled as to what the flying anomalies could be, and also spurred conspiracy theories.
Some reports pointed out that the Japanese UFO sighting closely resembled the white lights witnessed in June over Hyde Park in London, UK.
However, the sighting in London was very brief, with the objects disappearing within seconds, making it a difficult comparison.
In one of the most recent UFO sightings, a massive alien spacecraft was “spotted” near the sun by ufologists viewing NASA pictures captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on July 15, 2015.
A video released by YouTube user Streetcap1 speculates as to the nature of the object.
Could This Be An Alien Outpost Spotted By Nasa? This image of Ceres, taken by NASA’s Dawn probe on Feb. 19, 2015, from a distance of about 29,000 miles (46,000 kilometers), shows two mysterious bright spots on the dwarf planet’s surface.
Black Night satelliet waargenomen bij ISS Ruimtestation ( Video )
Black Night satelliet waargenomen bij ISS Ruimtestation ( Video )
Eerder deze week verscheen er al een UFO dichtbij het ISS ruimtestation.
Nu is er daar nog een object verschenen en die lijkt verdacht veel op de beruchte 12.000 jaar oude Black Night satelliet.
Iets meer dan een week geleden brachten wij het verhaal van een vrouw in Amerika die door haar keukenraam een object waarnam dat veel leek op de beruchte Black Night Satelliet.
Ver voordat wij de eerste satellieten de ruimte in stuurden was er al een onbekende die berichten naar de aarde zond.
Het was een satelliet die de naam The Black Knight kreeg en waarvan de leeftijd wordt geschat op minimaal 12.000 jaar.
In 1960 verschenen er diverse nieuwsberichten in kranten en ook een artikel in Time waarin bekend werd gemaakt dat een mysterieuze “donkere” satelliet was ontdekt in een baan om de aarde.
De Amerikanen werden nerveus omdat ze dachten dat het een nieuwe Russische spionagesatelliet was en de bevolking kreeg de indruk dat de leiding geen idee had over wat er nu eigenlijk boven hun hoofden gebeurde.
Nu lijkt het erop alsof deze zelfde Black Night Satelliet is opgedoken bij het ISS ruimtestation.
Wat verschijningsvorm betreft, lijkt dit verdacht veel op die Black Night Satelliet.
Wie weet hebben we hier inderdaad te maken met de beruchte 12.000 jaar oude satelliet. Of is het een ander soort UFO?
Het is in ieder geval duidelijk dat we ook hier weer te maken hebben met een door iets of iemand gemaakt object dat geen deel uitmaakt van het ISS ruimtestation.
Group Of UFOs Show Up Near Henderson Nevada, Aug 22, 2015, -video- UFO Sighting News.
Group Of UFOs Show Up Near Henderson Nevada, Aug 22, 2015, -video- UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: August 22, 2015 Location of sighting: Henderson, Nevada, USA This just came out today. A person in Nevada tonight caught some UFOs over the city and they look a lot like the Phoenix lights. The move about and then line up. The even divide into more lights. This is over seven minutes of raw footage that cannot be disputed. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Video of a group of UFO's that showed up in Henderson, Nevada on February 12, 2015. This was a nice change as I don't have too many captures from this location. As always they are one the edges of the city and don't stick around for too long.
1952 UFO Incident: How U.S. General Johnson Recounts his Encounter
1952 UFO Incident: How U.S. General Johnson Recounts his Encounter
The existence of aliens and extraterrestrials are the most debatable questions of all time. Lots of people seem to ask instances at TV, radios, newspapers and within many scenarios. However, they are provided an unclear reply. The reality will be in which aliens do exist as properly as declaring “yes” for you to this sort of a major question unquestionably demand some heavy explanations that may follow. The statement is true for the U.S. Air Force General Gerald W. “Jerry” Johnson, who reported witnessing a strange object in Los Angeles while hovering an F-84G aircraft in 1952. The video was posted on July 8, 2015, to YouTube by Mutual UFO Network. Johnson had a distinguished career in Air Force having 33 years with active service in the Second World War. According to him, the two extraterrestrial discs approached his plane flying in close formation. As the discs flew, one flew above and the other below. The surprised pilot closely focused his attention on the other direction to witness the discs flying away.
He collaborated with the ground control and asked about another airplane flying in the vicinity, but they answered negatively. Johnson’s testimony is considered remarkable, and this is being shown by the UFO community who created a buzz about it. Statements by professional pilots are highly valued because they have considered the evidence of reliable witnesses. In a declassified intelligence on the sighting being filed by John E. Albert, the intelligence officer Major in 1952, Johnson said the discs had no noticeable means of thrust and no visible exhaust or trail. The details suggest to enthusiasts that a flying machine was merely a product of advanced technology. When you consider the 1952 incident, it is improbable that the U.S. Army was engaged clandestinely in researching and developing a flying disc based on technology as sophisticated as stated in Johnson’s report. Did Johnson encounter an extraterrestrial vessel on that Sunday morning?
A group of researchers believes that the Island of Sardinia was home to legendary Atlantis
A group of researchers believes that the Island of Sardinia was home to legendary Atlantis
According to a group of Italian scientists, the island of Sardinia might have been known as Atlantis in the distant past.
While many believe Atlantis was a figment of Plato's imagination, there are many researchers that believe that Atlantis and the Atlantean race did in fact inhabit our planet in the distant past. Now, it seems that evidence has been found that supports the existence of Atlantis.
It seems that experts are getting extremely close to finding out the truth about the incredible Atlantean civilization and their exact location on Earth.
The team presented their hypothesis about the cause of the disaster which devastated the island of Sardinia around 1175 BC. The explanation not only establishes the impact of a comet and tsunami as responsible for the destruction, but said that the event was the inspiration for Plato's legendary Atlantis. Scientists believed that a comet that plunged into the sea could have been the cause of a tidal wave that destroyed bronze age settlements on the islands.
Atlantis... A figment of Plato's imagination or reality?
Sergio Frau who is a writer and expert in Atlantis believes that the southern part of Sardinia resembles an "underwater Pompeii."
" We are talking about a great volume of water, 500 meters in height. Only the impact of a comet near the coast could have caused similar destruction," said Frau during a conference.
Frau, who in June visited the site along with a dozen of Italian scientists believes that Sardinia is the same island that Plato described as Atlantis, contradicting the prevailing theory that Atlantis was located somewhere near the Strait of Gibraltar. The expert argues that a tsunami caused by a comet wiped out the ancient civilization of the island some time in the second millennium BC.
Until a few decades ago, the existence of destructive tsunamis in the Mediterranean was not thought possible, recent investigations have refuted that notion showing that at least 350 tsunamis have occurred in the area over a period of 2,500 years.
The bronze age Su Nuraxi archaeological site, on Sardinia, uncovered in 1950.
Photograph: Alamy
Sardinia is one of the many locations that have been related to the famous Atlantis. Ancient philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and Greek historian Herodotus, all believed that modern-day Sardinia was "the island of Atlas", situated beyond the pillars of Hercules, in the strait between Sicily and Tunisia.
The hypothesis of a large tsunami being the destructor of the island is supported by several ancient documents which recorded the historic event. in the Old Testament, Ezekiel writes, What city is like Tyrus, like the destroyed in the midst of the sea? […] In the time when thou shalt be broken by the seas in the depths of the waters […] All the inhabitants of the isles shall be astonished at thee …”
Inscriptions in the Temple of Ramses II in Egypt describes foreign-speaking people witnessing how an earthquake and water sank their lands because a god called Nun sent a massive wave to destroy villages.
Today Sardinia is an island with numerous archaeological sites. It Contains 7,000 nuraghi castles/forts, cemeteries, giant tombs, caves with names like "Abode of Bruges' ruins and temples. Regrettably, all this archaeological wealth was kept isolated from the world of research for a long time due to the large number of mosquitoes carrying malaria on the island.
The most complex of the Island's Bronze Age structures is Su Nuraxi, at Barumini, which was discovered in 1950. The fortress, constructed from huge basalt blocks, is surrounded by a maze of circular walls (pictured) – the remnants of a later hamlet
In the late 20th century a compound called DDT was able to eradicate the problem and allowing researchers and archaeologists to rush to Sardinia.
“One of the merits of the research carried out by Sergio Frau is to have shown that the nuraghe civilization was one of the focal points of the ancient world, in terms of both geography and outlook,” says Azzedine Beschaouch, former head of the Unesco world heritage centre. “Now we need to give scientific, historical, cultural, political and emotional substance to a still mysterious past.” added Beschaouch.
Is Technology Changing Our Cultural Attitudes Toward UFOs?
Is Technology Changing Our Cultural Attitudes Toward UFOs?
Drones and UFOs: It’s hard to deny the growing association between these two subjects, particularly in recent years where more and more reports of supposed anomalous aerial phenomenon are being chalked up to being possible drone sightings.
One incident that occurred in May of 2012 involved FAA officials investigating an unidentified object or aircraft that came dangerously close to colliding with a commercial airliner over Denver, Colorado. According to both pilots and FAA reports, the object purportedly resembled a large, remote controlled aircraft. “Now we have something in controlled airspace that poses a danger,” Denver-area aviation analyst Greg Feith said at the time. It was unclear what the object had been, although it had been suspected by many at the time that the object may indeed have been a drone.
A recent article in the Huffington Post by Jeffery Shaffer discussed a drone sighting he had, which led him to consider whether the broad use of drones today is diminishing the efforts of UFO researchers. “The evidence pool is being polluted by an ever-increasing presence of small, sophisticated flying machines that are totally terrestrial in origin,” Shaffer wrote. “It won’t be long before drones become the default explanation for every shiny speck or glowing orb that traverses the wild blue yonder. They also present an array of new opportunities for UFO-related pranks and hoaxes.”
Shaffer related his own experience, in which he had been commuting home when he observed what would become his first drone flyover:
“While waiting at a stoplight next to a shopping center, I noticed a bright bluish light in the sky directly ahead. How do I know it wasn’t a plane or helicopter? I’ve seen plenty of them in the past, along with hot air balloons, kites, and even streaking green meteorites that broke into pieces.”
Of course, the color blue might be distinguishable from most conventional aircraft for another reason: the FAA does not permit blue lights on any aircraft operated above a certain altitude, although hobby aircraft and RCPs often do feature this color. Shaffer noted that there was “no feeling of awe or mystery,” and after confiding to his wife what he had seen later that night, learned of a drone store in a shopping mall nearby. “I was probably witnessing an aerial test drive,” he surmised.
Returning to the notion that drone appearances are diminishing the UFO phenomenon in some way, perhaps we don’t need a sky littered with drones to affect such change. The UFOs seem to be doing a fine job of it themselves, if reports over the last few years are indeed indicative of a decline in the number of reports of strange things seen in our skies.
Bufora, the top UK forum for skywatchers, ruefully admitted that UFO sightings have been in “steady decline” since the late 1990s. Most striking of all, the British Flying Saucer Bureau has suspended its activities, because the number of sightings has crashed from a peak of around 30 a week to almost zero. Denis Plunkett, the retired civil servant from Bristol who founded the bureau in 1953, says: “I am just as enthusiastic about flying saucers as I always was, but the problem is that we are in the middle of a long, long trough. There just aren’t enough new sightings. It is not like being a philatelist. There is always something new to say about stamps.”
This isn’t just a British phenomenon. In Indiana in the US an amateur association of scientific ufologists known as Madar (multiple autonomy detection and automatic recording) has seen a steady and accelerating fall-off in UFO activity since the peaks of the mid-70s. Likewise, New Jersey’s skywatchers have openly wondered whether to call it a day. Even the cold skies of northern Norway are bereft: “It’s unexplainable,” says Leif-Norman Solhaug, leader of Scandinavian skywatching society UFO Nord-Norge. “Maybe people are just fed up with the UFO hysteria.”
Nick Redfern and I have similarly noted our frustration with this apparent trend here at MU (as can be read here and here), and just to show that we aren’t the only ones, writing for Aeon Magazine in 2013, writer Stuart Walton similarly noted, “Once, the skies were refulgent with alien craft; now they are back to their primordial emptiness, returning only static to the radio telescopes, and offering the occasional meteor shower to the wondering eye.”
Speaking of meteors, as I stood outside peering into the night sky just 12 hours prior to having authored this post on the subject, I watched brilliant pinkish Perseids streaking through the sky over me and thought, “where are all the unknowns?” Were they really ever there to begin with?
Well, certainly… although understanding what “unknowns” may entail also requires a breakdown of the possible kinds of objects, and their origins, which may have been associated with UFO sightings over the decades. I suspect there are good reasons for there being fewer decent UFO sightings in recent years, and few of them probably have to do with visits from extraterrestrial beings.
There was a time, of course, where UFO literature had been rife with such seemingly otherworldly happenings. Is the integration of technology into our lives affecting this in some way? Had the UFO reports of yesteryear truly been representative of physical craft, or were they the rudiments of some cultural holdover from the past, manifesting within our collective minds as if to display for us, in some instructive way, a path to the future, assisted by stark, alien symbolism… and nothing more?
I doubt that drones by themselves are enough to drive a death nail through the heart of UFOlogy. They may, however, be one part of the broader, cumulative trend toward secularism that is emerging from within the coming technocracy, and which have contributed to the ever-changing UFO mystery as it appears to have withdrawn increasingly from our midst. Or, rather than having withdrawn or disappeared, perhaps our cultural perception of UFOs has simply distanced itself from where the phenomenon once lingered near the realm of imagination, favoring instead a technological outlook that is more sober than at any time before.
Maybe it’s fair to ask whether technology, and maybe other factors, are indeed changing our attitudes, culturally and otherwise, about UFOs. Whatever the cause, and however we choose to interpret it, the fact that a change has been taking place for some time seems hard to deny at this point.
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If You're Not A Believer In Aliens, This News Footage Might Make You Think Again
If You're Not A Believer In Aliens, This News Footage Might Make You Think Again
While filming an interview in Lima, Peru, earlier last month, a news crew stumbled across a peculiar sight. What appeared almost undeniably to be at the very least a large and purple object was seen hovering over the capital city, that many at the time were heavily convinced was UFO.
The mysterious object was spotted in the middle of the day on February 10th, and hovered in the sky for at least two hours, until floating quickly away, according to witnesses. The Peru chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) isinvestigating reports further.
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23-08-2015 om 00:50
geschreven door peter
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The Cherry Creek Sightings remain a mystery after 50 years
The Cherry Creek Sightings remain a mystery after 50 years
– What really happened near Cherry Creek in Chautauqua County 50 years ago? Did several teenagers really see a UFO, or did their imaginations run wild?
It’s a case that caught the attention of the New York State Police and the U.S. Air Force when the sightings allegedly happened on August 19, 1965.
The first sighting occurred around 8:20 in the evening. 16 year old Harold Butcher was milking cows in the barn on Aldrich Hill Road where he claims to have seen a “shiny silver” saucer shaped object.
“I think something unusual really did happen,” said Robert Galganski, a retired transportation safety researcher who’s examined the sightings extensively over the years. “I think the kids actually saw something.”
According to various reports, including an investigation done by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), Harold reported an unusual noise similar to screeching coming from a bull tethered to a metal pipe in the field.
According to a NICAP report, Harold described it “like I have never heard come from an animal before.”
Harold eventually rushes to the barn window and reports seeing a “football-shaped object hovering just above tree-level” around 500 feet from the barn.
“He later described it as having a pair of vertical seams running up and down the side. He estimated the size to be about 50 feet long and maybe 20 feet thick,” Galganski said. “He can’t tell whether the object landed in the pasture or not because there’s an elevation rise between where he was at the barn and the area just before the tree line.”
Harold told a NICAP investigator that the object emitted a beeping noise, and that it “it descended slowly emitting a red vapor downward from around the edges.” He also reported that a radio in the barn was making “a heck of a noise like a loud static.”
At one point, Harold ran outside toward the object and watched it begin to rise in the field. He reported that the “red vapor” shot from the edges toward the ground.
Harold stated to NICAP that it ascended behind the clouds “as fast as a snap of my fingers.”
“The object rises up and disappears in the low lying clouds. And the clouds, according to Harold, turn green,” Galganski said.
Robert Butcher remembers his brother Harold running over to the farm house all excited.
“He said come quick. There’s a big old flying saucer or something that just landed in the cow pasture,” said Robert Butcher, who was 14 years old at the time of the sighting.
Not long after a second sighting was reported on the farm. And this time Robert says he caught a glimpse of something strange.
“I think I remember seeing something orange like coming out of the backside of it, or underneath it or something. I don’t know for sure because it’s been so many years,” the younger Butcher stated during a recent interview with News 4.
And there was a third sighting that same night allegedly witnessed by Harold, Robert, another brother and a friend, according to a NICAP report.
“Because increasing darkness obstructed the view, the others reported the glowing yellow vapor, the green glow of the clouds above, and a faint outline of the object,” the report stated.
Two New York State troopers were called to investigate the strange sightings on the farm.
“They were serious,” recalls former NICAP investigator Jeffrey Gow.
Gow was a college student back in 1965 while working the Cherry Creek case.
He not only interviewed some of the witnesses, but Gow also talked to the troopers who responded that night.
“The sense I got from the troopers was that they were supporting that something had happened out there on the site. They weren’t dismissing it as it was a hoax. They leaned in the direction of something actually occurring out there,” Gow said.
In Gow’s original NICAP report from 1965 he notes that one of the troopers “admitted that those reporting the sighting seemed convincing…too rustic to be able to create a hoax of this sort.”
Jeffrey Gow added: “They talked about it. Gave me the details. Most notable was how impressed they were by the atmosphere. In other words, when they said, when we got out there these people were really were excited. Something had really set them off and it was difficult to calm them down.”
And it wasn’t just the State Police responding. A U.S. Air Force team from Western New York was dispatched the next day to investigate.
In those days the Air Force investigated UFO sightings under the Project Blue Book program.
“According to both teams, both the Air Force and the New York State troopers, these kids were not acting. They were genuinely scared,” Galganski added.
The Air Force report stated that “the investigating officer and three technicians were convinced that the sighting was not a hoax or fabrication. One technician remained unconvinced.”
Harold Butcher, who’s now deceased, appeared on the television show Sightingsback in 1997.
“I never seen anything move as fast as this thing moved and disappeared and come back as quick as it did,” Harold Butcher said at the time.
Whatever he saw still remains a mystery 50 years later.
Robert Butcher, who was just a boy when the Aldrich Hill Road dairy farm became known as the flying saucer farm, said he and his brothers had their own suspicions about what happened.
“We always thought maybe it was the Air Force or some other country, or something. Didn’t know what it was. Nobody could ever tell us what it was.”
The Project Blue Book program, which was terminated in 1969, labeled the Cherry Creek incident as unidentified.
“Although the sequence of events are dubious, the sighting is carried as unidentified by the Air Force since there is no definite concrete explanation,” the Air Force report reads.
“It means that they cannot explain it as any conventional man-made object, any normal phenomena, atmospheric or stellar, or it wasn’t a hoax,” Galganski said.
Of the thousands of UFO sighting reports examined by the Air Force over two decades only around 5 percent fall into the unknown category. Cherry Creek is one of the few.
“I have seen a number of cases, really tight cases with trained observers, really quite impressive detail that they debunked. Easily debunked. And I expected this one to go the same route because they could have more easily done it to this one. But they didn’t,” Gow explained.
The Air Force ruling on Cherry Creek also surprised Robert Galganski who believes the agency “reluctantly and grudgingly” classified the sighting as unidentified.
“Some of the explanations that Blue Book came up with were so outlandish that they were more amazing than saying that it was unidentified. Their conclusions are legendary. I mean they’re often quoted as an example of how far this agency would go to debunk UFO reports.”
Galganski says he noticed some discrepancies in Harold Butcher’s version when he began reinvestigating the case in the 1990s, and interviewed Harold by phone.
“One that the object had legs — tripod like legs that came out of the bottom which do not appear in any of the NICAP team’s reports . And he had a different color for the object,” Galganski said. “Over the course of 30 years this is the fish story that gets better and better and better.”
In Jeffrey Gow’s original report from 1965, he states that “on occasion” he noticed Harold “coloring in” some details of the story.
“He had a great deal of detail in the story right down to the description of the object and different things that to me seemed a little bit too much detailed,” Gow said recently.
50 years later Robert Butcher stands by the story.
“I know he saw something. I know I saw something.”
Robert Galganski was ready to write-off the Cherry Creek incident as a clever hoax. But then he learned of other witness sightings before and after the August 19 incident.
The one that really got his attention involved two state troopers who allegedly saw something strange 28 hours later in the same area.
According to a NICAP report, the troopers were on Plank Road, about 1.5 miles from the farm where Harold Butcher reported seeing an object the night before.
Jeffrey Gow remembers the troopers showing him where they were around 1:15 a.m. on August 21.
“They said it was eerie.”
As they looked down on the farm where the Butcher sightings occurred, the troopers reported seeing a straight-line, fixed-position pattern of lights with a smaller red light in the front.
“They said it was coming right at us, but it was coming really low. And they said it came right over us and we looked up and there were seven orange, amber circles following the original small light,” Gow said.
In the original report, one of the troopers noted that “it seemed all eight lights were of the same object.”
The report also stated that the object was “about 2000 to 3000 feet above our head…it seemed to hold a straight north-south course.”
When asked what kind of sound the object made as it passed overhead, the troopers stated that the “object purred like a bag full of kittens.”
“You’ve got two people who are trained observers, professionals. And also, unlike the Butchers perhaps, they don’t want publicity among their peers,” Gow said. “They don’t want to be known as the troopers who were behind the flying saucer. So I would expect them to be much more reticent to voice what they feel. But they seemed sincere. You can’t prove anything of course, but my sense was that they were sincere.”
For Galganski, the troopers’ sighting turned out to be more impressive and compelling than what Harold Butcher and his brothers reported seeing the night before.
And that was enough for the UFO researcher to reconsider his initial skepticism.
“I think the kids actually saw something. There was a stimulus. They absolutely saw something,” Galganski said.
Jeffrey Gow, who interviewed the Butchers back in 1965, agrees that there was some kind of stimulus that night.
“Something happened. I feel that something happened out there. What it could have been is any number of things.”
Robert Butcher, who’s now 64 years old, knows some people will always be skeptical no matter what.
”It’s their choice not to believe. All I know is what I saw. I won’t lie to you about it. I don’t believe in lying.”
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23-08-2015 om 00:46
geschreven door peter
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Buried deep in the Antarctic ice, an observatory has spotted ghostly, nearly massless particles coming from inside our galaxy and points beyond the Milky Way.
Finding these cosmic neutrinos not only confirms their existence but also sheds light on the origins of cosmic rays, the researchers said.
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is made up of 86 shafts dug 8,000 feet into the ice near the South Pole. The shafts are equipped with detectors that look for the telltale light from high-energy particles plowing through the surrounding ice. [See Photos of the IceCube Observatory Buried in Ice]
Neutrinos have little mass, and zip through matter so easily that a block of lead a light-year across wouldn't stop them. These elusive particles come from high-energy sources: exploding stars, black holes and galactic cores among them.
Though they don't interact much with matter, occasionally one will hit an atomic nucleus on Earth. When that happens the neutrino generates a particle called a muon. That's what scientists look for when seeking neutrinos — the muons move faster than the speed of light in a solid (ice in this case) and generate light waves, like the wake of a boat in water, called Cherenkov radiation. They also show the paths of the neutrinos. (The speed of light is constant in a vacuum, but it is slower in a medium like ice or glass — this is what causes refraction. So the muons aren't actually breaking the speed of light limit).
The IceCube project found neutrinos from outside our galaxy in 2013, but to confirm that detection the researchers, led by a team at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, had to make sure these neutrinos weren't coming from sources within our own galaxy (such as from the sun). To do so, they looked for neutrinos with similar energies that were coming from all directions at the same rate, meaning they are independent of the Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun — the only way that can happen is if the source is outside the galaxy.
The scientists also had to filter out muons created when cosmic rays crash into the planet's atmosphere. They used the Earth itself to weed out most of these muons, pointing the observatory through the Earth and toward the sky in the Northern Hemisphere (which is "down" with respect to Antarctica).
Over two years, between May 2010 and May 2012, the observatory logged more than 35,000 neutrinos, with 20 of those showing high enough energies to suggest they came from cosmic sources.
Those 20 neutrinos, called muon neutrinos, came from the opposite direction, but at approximately the same rate, as similar neutrinos observed in earlier runs. Since the rate at which they showed up was about the same throughout the observation, it means it didn't matter where the observatory was pointed as a result of the daily rotation and yearly orbit of the Earth — the result predicted for extragalactic neutrinos. [Wacky Physics: The Coolest Little Particles in Nature]
"At least a fraction of that flux is extragalactic origin," Albrecht Karle, a UW-Madison professor of physics and one of the senior authors of the new study, told Live Science. "This was a new discovery."
Those observations also told them something else: The energies of the muon neutrinos, and their numbers, didn't fit well with several models of their origins. The scientists don't address it deeply in their study ("We leave that to theorists," Karle said), but the data appear to show these muon neutrinos are probably not coming from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which are highly energetic events in space.
"There are some stringent upper limits of neutrinos from GRBs — we know they don't produce that many," he said.
Similarly, active galactic nuclei don't seem to be the culprit, either, though Karle said it's too soon to say for sure. ( via )
Other possibilities are galaxies going through bouts of rapid star formation, or masses of gas and dust that surround black holes at the galactic centers. As atoms get pulled into the maw of a black hole, they slam into each other more often at higher energies. Eventually some produce pions, neutrinos and photons. If that were the case, Karle said, then one would expect a nearly one-to-one ratio of high-energy neutrinos to accompanying photons. But that hasn't been confirmed or refuted yet.
The study is detailed in today's (Aug. 20) issue of the journal Physical Review Letters.
A new invention looks set to change Scuba and diving in general. It’s shocking task lies in the idea of microscopic, nano scale ‘artificial Gills’, can effectively separate the Oxygen from the water while diving, on demand. A series of tiny threads or strands have microscopic holes along their width, which are smaller than water molecules.
It’s called the ‘Triton Oxygen Respirator‘ (Image Below), a miniature but incredible device that will do away for the need to move bulky tanks on dives, and allow the dives to last much, much longer than can be had with current equipment.
The weight accumulations will help emergency responders to move around more calmly too without having to move bulky and heavy tanks around with them. We inhale about 6 litres per minute (when resting) and maybe 10 times that when working tough, so a pack containing 2 or 3 litres of water will stockpile a generous supply of O2, enough to last long enough to pursuit and salvage people from smoke filled buildings.
The Scuba industry is thinking ahead onto commercial, private and military ships as a secure device expressed to all passengers and crew, aircraft too if they have to dive into the sea. It could also be used on land, by firefighters, with minor adjustments. All they’d need would be a small canister of water or something identical to a hydration backpack to excerpt O2 from..there’s lots of O2 in a particular litre of water..about 630 litres worth. ( via )
Most UFO enthusiasts have been lampooned by mainstream society, but there's something to be said for the fact that an Apollo 14 astronaut is a believer. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, is an outspoken alien conspiracy theorist, and he has some interesting hunches about what they might be doing to pick on our puny planet.
One of his most interesting ideas suggests that aliens are preventing us from blowing each other up with nuclear weapons.
Mitchell is very outspoken about his belief in UFOs.
Altered Dimensions
According to this spaceman, the vast majority of those UFO videos we see give clear evidence of extraterrestrial life.
The astronaut says that in 1945, while the U.S. was testing atomic weapons in New Mexico, military officials frequently spotted UFOs.
Why were the aliens there, though?
50 States or Less
Mitchell believes that they were "attempting to keep us from going to war and helping create peace on Earth." Sure enough, many of the missiles were mysteriously disabled shortly thereafter, and those fired were shot down by an unidentified aircraft.
Edgar Mitchell is also a fervent believer that the Roswell event was a real UFO crash, and that the government did autopsies on alien bodies in Area 51.
I mean, say what you will about silly alien theorists, but Edgar Mitchell seems like a guy with a good head on his shoulders. He's also one of the few people on this planet who has left the atmosphere, so I think we have to listen to him by default, right?
One of my major beefs with UFO issue is the discussion always ends up sounding like the script of a (bad) science fiction film.
C’mon, why don’t the aliens just land on the White House lawn and announce themselves? Because, we are told, they are watching us and taking data. They want to keep their presence hidden so that it doesn’t affect our evolution. There is more, but you get the idea.
The problem, of course, is that any civilization with technology capable of spanning light-years ought to be able to hide themselves well enough to avoid detection from hairy apes with jet-planes like us.
“Lights in the Sky” has been at the root of many UFO sightings. But why would alien spacecraft need lights? If they were really planning interstellar black-ops, then they should paint their spacecraft — you know — black and turn off the damn lights.
Here is a Reported Sighting in Sonora Mexico, August 16 2014 (SEE VIDEO)
Maybe the lights are not for navigation, landing or warning to approaching spacecraft but for communication like it Close Encounters of the Third Kind or maybe they are part of a Propulsion system?
Check out this Sighting in Colombia
A NASA study has recently concluded that the “Cannae Drive,” a disruptive new method of space propulsion, can produce small amounts of thrust without the use of propellant, in apparent discordance with Newton’s third law. According to its inventor, the device can harness microwave radiation inside a resonator, turning electricity into a net thrust. If further verified and perfected, the advance could revolutionize the space industry, dramatically cutting costs for both missions in deep space and satellites in Earth orbit.
Burkhard Heim (see Heim’s Quantum Theory, HQT) postulated that linking gravity to electromagnetism would generate a light particle he coined as a gravitophoton. Maybe the lights reportedly emanating from various UFO sights are a manifestation of HQT in action.
A Photon Starship with a type of propulsion using effectively a ‘beam of light’. This is allied with other exotic forms of propulsion, such as ‘electric’ and ‘ion motors’. We just beginning here on earth with photon rockets and solar or photon sails.
More than 25 years ago, the United States began to develop a missile defense system that was given the nickname “Star Wars.” This system was designed to track and use lasers to shoot down missiles launched by foreign countries. While this system was designed for war, researchers have found many other uses for these high-powered lasers. In fact, lasers could one day be used to propel spacecraft into orbit and to other planets.
An early model of a laser-propelled light-craft
Photo courtesy Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The basic idea behind light propulsion is the use of ground-based lasers to heat air to the point that it explodes, propelling the spacecraft forward. If it works, light propulsion will be thousands of times lighter and more efficient than chemical rocket engines, and will produce zero pollution.
A light-craft in action. The bright light you see is the air combusting under the rim of the craft.
Photo courtesy Rensselaer
Laser-propelled Light-craft
Light-propelled rockets sound like something out of science fiction — spacecraft that ride on a laser beam into space, require little or no onboard propellant and create no pollution. Sounds pretty far-fetched, considering we haven’t been able to develop anything close to that for conventional ground- or air-travel on Earth. But while it may still be 15 to 30 years away, the principles behind the light-craft have already been successfully tested several times. A company called Light-craft Technologies continues to refine the research that began at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y.
The basic idea for the light-craft is simple — the acorn-shaped craft uses mirrors to receive and focus the incoming laser beam to heat air, which explodes to propel the craft.
Here’s a look at the basic components of this propulsion system:
Carbon-dioxide laser – Light-craft Technologies uses a Pulsed Laser Vulnerability Test System (PLVTS), an offspring of the Star Wars defense program. The 10 kw pulsed laser being used for the experimental light-craft is among the most powerful in the world.
Parabolic mirror – The bottom of the spacecraft is a mirror that focuses the laser beam into the engine air or onboard propellant. A secondary, ground-based transmitter, telescope-like mirror is used to direct the laser beam onto the light craft.
Absorption chamber – The inlet air is directed into this chamber where it is heated by the beam, expands and propels the light-craft.
Onboard hydrogen– A small amount of hydrogen propellant is needed for rocket thrust when the atmosphere is too thin to provide enough air.
Prior to liftoff, a jet of compressed air is used to spin the light craft to about 10,000 revolutions per minute (RPMs). The spin is needed to stabilize the craft gyroscopically. Think about football: a quarterback applies spin when passing a football to throw a more accurate pass. When spin is applied to this extremely lightweight craft, it allows the craft to cut through the air with more stability.
Once the light craft is spinning at an optimal speed, the laser is turned on, blasting the light-craft into the air. The 10-kilowatt laser pulses at a rate of 25-28 times per second. By pulsing, the laser continues to push the craft upward. The light beam is focused by the parabolic mirror on the bottom of the light-craft, which heats the air to between 18,000 and 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit (9,982 and 29,982 degrees Celsius) — that’s several times hotter than the surface of the sun. When you heat air to these high temperatures, it is converted to a plasma state — this plasma then explodes to propel the craft upward.
This laser light craft could also use mirrors, located in the craft, to project some of the beamed energy ahead of the ship. The heat from the laser beam would create an air spike that would divert some of the air past the ship, thus decreasing drag and reducing the amount of heat absorbed by the light-craft.
Microwave-propelled Light-craft
Another propulsion system being considered for a different class of light-craft involves the use of microwaves. Microwave energy is cheaper than laser energy, and easier to scale to higher powers, but it would require a ship that has a larger diameter. Light-crafts being designed for this propulsion would look more like flying saucers (now we’re really heading into the realm of science fiction). This technology will take more years to develop than the laser-propelled light-craft, but it could take us to the outer planets. Developers also envision thousands of these light-craft, powered by a fleet of orbiting power stations, that will replace conventional airline travel.
Microwave-powered light-craft will rely on orbiting power stations.
Photo courtesy NASA
A microwave-powered light-craft will also utilize a power source that is not integrated into the ship. With the laser-powered propulsion system, the power source is ground-based. The microwave propulsion system will flip that around. The microwave-propelled spacecraft will rely on power beamed down from orbiting, solar power stations. Instead of being propelled away from its energy source, the energy source will draw the light-craft in.
Before this microwave light craft can fly, scientists will have to put into orbit a solar power station with a diameter of 1 kilometer (0.62 miles). Leik Myrabo, who leads the light-craft research, believes that such a power station could generate up to 20 gigawatts of power. Orbiting 310 miles (500 km) above Earth, this power station would beam down microwave energy to a 66-foot (20-meter), disk-shaped light-craft that would be capable of carrying 12 people. Millions of tiny antennae covering the top of the craft would convert the microwaves into electricity. In just two orbits, the power station would be able to collect 1,800 gigajoules of energy and beam down 4.3 gigawatts of power to the light-craft for the ride to orbit.
The microwave light-craft would be equipped with two powerful magnets and three types of propulsion engines. Solar cells, covering the top of the ship, would be used by the light-craft at launch to produce electricity. The electricity would then ionize the air and propel the craft for picking up passengers. Once it’s launched, the microwave light-craft used its internal reflector to heat the air around it and push through the sound barrier.
So in the end we can see that having lights on a extraterrestrial crafts may very well we the propulsion system and/or communications rather than what we use them for here on earth which is mainly for navigation.
Or,…Maybe the Lights have others uses we cant even imagine yet!
Strange UFO Lights Confuse Witnesses!
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Brent Peterson
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23-08-2015 om 00:21
geschreven door peter
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Controversy Surrounds Claims of “Alien Moon Base”
Controversy Surrounds Claims of “Alien Moon Base”
Could there be life on the Moon? Whether or not the lunar surface is conducive to the appearance and sustenance of indigenous life forms, many have questioned whether there could be extra-lunar visitors who may have utilized Earth’s barren satellite for their advantage.
International Business Times recently featured a discussion of the claims of Scott Waring, a researcher who utilizes Google Moon to scour the lunar surface for anomalies. At the coordinates 19°43’02.81″ N and 20°30’52.97″ E, a dark area that appears in photos supports further evidence of a lunar base which, Waring suggests, may be inhabited by aliens.
Waring provides a brief analysis:
“On the back side alone there is seven to eight right angles. The darkness around the edges seems to tell us that there is a large cavity underneath the structure, under the ground and also along the edges here there is a walled area which tells us there is a cavity there because the wall is to keep things from falling in.”
While such claims often allege the existence of alien visitors on the moon (as suggested by Waring), some proponents of “Moon Base” theories place the origin of the lunar bases much closer to home; Earth, to be specific.
The idea of alien moon bases has remained ever-present in our culture, following the realization that Earth’s extremities might serve as strategic points of advantage following the Second World War. This logic had been, in part, the impetus behind the Nazi interest in exploring Antarctica, along with subsequent exploration carried out by Admiral Richard E. Byrd during what became the ill-fated Operation Highjump, during which cryptic statements Byrd made were misconstrued by media and fringe researchers over time, which has contributed to rumors that he discovered a Nazi base while he was there.
Taking things one step further, conspiracy theories surrounding Nazi travel to the lunar surface, as well as similar ideas about plans for lunar bases that would utilize the Moon’s off-planet location for Star Wars-style strategic advantages during wartime have filled the pages of fringe history books, as well as movies including the campy Iron Sky, which played with the idea that after World War II, a faction of Nazis had escaped and gone into hiding on the far side of the Moon.
There is some legitimacy to claims about world governments seeking to put men on the Moon on a semi-permanent basis. At the website of the National Security Archive, documents recently disclosed dating back to the late 1950s reveal that the United States had even toyed with the idea; specifically two Army and Air Force studies that occurred between 1959 and 1961 that specifically probed the possibility of whether a military lunar base could be created, with intention of using such a facility for Earth and space surveillance, in addition to a project called the Lunar Based Earth Bombardment System.
Still, based on our best assessment of these studies, the plan was never enacted to anyone’s knowledge, although some continue to speculate about the construction of an off-planet military base of some sort which may have been carried in secret. Looking ahead, other newly-released files suggest that Russia has expressed interest in having a lunar colony by the 2030, as reported by the Daily Mail earlier this year.
So far, photos from various lunar fly-bys provided to the public have yielded little evidence of any existing structures–whether man-made, or alien–that might be present on the Moon. Still, this hasn’t prevented many from claiming that NASA is involved in a far-reaching “conspiracy” to airbrush objects out of some images, while strangely skipping over others that purport to show manufactured structures. However, the truth is that we can’t blame NASA for every purported “cover-up”, since they aren’t even the ones responsible for many of the photos that appear on Google Moon.
This was the case with the images that Waring interpreted as displaying a structure on the Lunar surface, which were taken by the Japanese Space Agency’s Kaguya (Selene) spacecraft. Kaguya, which consisted of an orbiting satellite paired with two smaller relay satellites, launched from the Tanegashima Space Center on September 14, 2007, and remained in orbit until June 10, 2009, when it impacted on the south-eastern region of Earth’s near side.
As for what the object actually may be, the anomaly in the images is believed to be a result of pixelation from sharpening filters in the software used by Google, which is capable of inadvertently creating distortions in parts of images where the contrast between light and dark areas is greatest (a process similar to this was recently} confirmed for me independently by a photo analyst who, while requesting anonymity, has worked with engineering projects in relation to the U.S. Space Program in the past).
Digital artifacts aren’t the only cause behind various lunar anomalies, however. For further analysis of how objects on the moon can appear to present structures that are actually tricks of light and contrast, visit this link where image analyst Marc D’Antonio gives a breakdown of how he utilizes scale-models of the lunar surface to recreate supposed “structures”, showing the way that in many cases the obvious presence of a natural feature of the lunar landscape can be easily misinterpreted.
The compiled image of photos taken by the European Space Agency's x-ray satellite XMM-Newton (above) spans 1,000 light-years in the center of the galaxy, and shows dying stars, powerful winds, hot gas and, most notably, a supermassive black hole.
The galactic black hole, dubbed Sagittarius A*, and its surrounding emission are located in the brightest central region of the image.
Black holes don't emit light. But as the objects that surround Sagittarius A* in the Milky Way's center are pulled in by the black hole's strong gravitational grasp, the interaction emits light at various wavelengths, including x-rays.
(Story continues below.)
MPE/ESAThis magnification shows the central 100 light-years of the galaxy's violent core. Here, only soft x-ray emissions are shown.
After analyzing the image, an international team of astronomers at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics has not only concluded that the center of the galaxy is a dramatic place, but that Sagittarius A* may be partly to blame for the tumult.
The black hole is so ginormous that it has a mass a few million times that of our sun. The new image of our galaxy's center may provide important insight into how our Milky Way and its black hole are evolving.
Leaked UFO video captured by Homeland Security analyzed
Leaked UFO video captured by Homeland Security analyzed
A group of UFO researchers with backgrounds in science have come together to analyze an alleged UFO video they have confirmed comes from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The object in the video was captured by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, and according to the researchers, it exhibits characteristics that cannot be explained by any known aircraft or natural phenomenon.
The video is overlaid with the sort of telemetry one would expect from a military or law enforcement thermal image video. It shows an object apparently moving very quickly over land and then into the ocean. It seems to be tumbling or changing shape. It moves over buildings, through trees, and eventually over the ocean. Then things get weird. The object appears to go in and out of the ocean without slowing down, and at the end of the video is either joined by another object or breaks in two.
All of the primary witnesses have requested anonymity. However, several communications from alleged DHS employees indicate that the video caused quite a stir on the base.
An artist's conception of the Jupiter-like exoplanet, 51 Eri b. Because of its young age, this young cousin of our own Jupiter is still hot and carries information on the way it was formed. Photo: SETI Institute
‘Young Jupiter’ discovered in another solar system
Astronomers have taken a photograph of a baby planet beyond the solar system that may reveal clues as to how planets such as Jupiter are formed and influence their planetary siblings, a new study shows.
Scientists used the newly commissioned Gemini Planet Imager, which is mounted on top of a telescope in Chile, to find the planet, known as 51 Eridani b. It circles a very young sun-like star that is located about 96 light years from Earth.
The planet, which is about double the size of Jupiter, is positioned a bit farther away from its parent star than Saturn orbits the sun. 51 Eridani b is one of the smallest planets beyond the solar system to be directly imaged.
Still radiating heat from its formation less than 20 million years ago, or about 40 million years after dinosaurs became extinct, 51 Eridani b is glowing in infrared light, which is how the telescope saw it.
The image taken by the Gemini Planet Imager. The light of star 51 Eri has been dialled back to allow the detection of light from the exoplanet one million times fainter.
“51 Eri b provides an opportunity to study in detail a planet that is still influenced by its formation initial conditions,” Stanford University astronomer Bruce Macintosh and colleagues wrote in this week’s issue of the journal Science.
Follow-up analysis revealed that the planet’s atmosphere, like Jupiter’s, is dominated by methane. The discovery provides an important clue for scientists trying to figure out how these types of gas-giant planets form and evolve.
“51 Eri b is the first young planet that probably looks like Jupiter did billions of years ago, making it currently our most important cornerpiece of the planet-formation jigsaw puzzle,” University of Arizona planetary scientist Travis Barman said in a statement.
Astronomers have only been able to directly see a handful of planets beyond the solar system and nearly all of those have been five to 13 times as massive as Jupiter.
Other telescopes, like NASA’s Kepler observatory, look for planets indirectly. Kepler, for example, looked for slight dips in the amount of light coming from target stars, a possible clue that an orbiting planet was crossing the face of its parent star.
Another method is to look for wobbles in starlight that may be caused by the slight gravitational tugs of circling planets.
Filer’s Files #34 – 2015 – ET spread Life to Earth - PART I
Image captured over Downtown Chicago, Illinois on August 1, 2015
Filer’s Files #34 – 2015 – ET spread Life to Earth - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Lt. General Gerald W. Johnson Saw UFO, Intelligent Life in the Universe, Ancient Beings Spread Life to Colony Earth, Angels, F/A -18 Pilot sees UFO on Radar, Virgin Air aircraft was escorted by a UFO, Alaska Radiation, and World Wide Water Shortage
Air Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, West Virginia, and Utah.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Canada, Crimea, Indonesia, Ireland, Mexico, Russia, England and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Reports
General Gerald W. Johnson Saw UFO
This amazing sighting was not by an average Joe, but by US Lt. General Gerald W. Johnson. He was piloting his aircraft at the time of the sighting between San Francisco and Los Angeles, California in 1952. He said a UFO disk flew in front of him, holding position. Then the UFO split into two separate disks. One flew above him and the other below him. Now this is a distinguished pilot with a long career in the area. He is a hero, fighting for America. If we can’t believe in our heroes then we are lost.
This sightings show that the disk separated to allow the aircraft to move between them. This is probably the way some UFOs scan the aircraft. To record the military aircraft’s design, armaments and capabilities. Video interview date: July 8, 2015. Thanks to Scott C. Waring ufo sightings daily
Intelligent Life in the Universe
There are hundreds even thousands of UFOs in our skies. Who are they and why are they here? Dr. Carl Sagan believed to be a government insider wrote in his book. “Intelligent Life in the Universe” indicated Earth had likely been visited by extraterrestrials. He states: “Sumer was an early–perhaps the first -civilization the contemporary sense on the planet Earth. It was founded in the forth millennium B.C. or earlier. We don’t know where the Sumerians came from. I feel that if the Sumerian civilization is depicted by the descendents of the Sumerians themselves to be of non-human origin, the relevant legends should be examined carefully.” (page 456)
Dr. Sagan goes on to ask, “What might an advanced extraterrestrial civilization want from us? One of the primary motivations for the exploration of the New World was to convert the inhabitants to Christianity — peacefully if possible — forcefully if necessary. Can we exclude the possibility of an extraterrestrial evangelism?” (Page 463) Jesus last words were “Go into all the world (Cosmos) and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:15&19) Ever where may mean to spread the gospel throughout the Cosmos.
Ancient Beings Spread Life to Colony Earth
Astronomer’s Dr. Carl Sagan and Russian I.S. Shklovskii wrote that it was likely extraterrestrial life came here to spread religion. We are now finding almost every star has a planet system suggesting that within the millions of Galaxies and billions of stars, millions of planets likely have intelligent life. Most of these planets are millions of years older than Earth and likely have ancient beings and technology far advanced of Earth. Carl Sagan’s work indicated Mars might have life and the whole universe may be teaming with it. “Sagan discussed the amazing evidence in Sumerian writing claiming that extraterrestrial intelligence came to Earth and provided education to mankind.”
The following quotes from “Intelligent Life in the Universe”; page 461 may raise a few eye brows:“With the numbers we have discussed, it seems possible that the Earth has been visited by various Galactic civilizations many times (possibly 10 10,000 years], during geological time). It is not out of the question that artifact’s of these visits still exist–although none have been found to date–or even that some kind of base is maintained within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it might have appeared preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth’s surface. ” If we are in fact being visited, the visitors come for a reason.
Carl Sagan often noted one of the primary reasons to visit and spread life to Earth would be some form of missionary zeal. Many abductees report a kind of religious awakening after being in contact with the ancient beings. Large numbers of aliens and their advanced craft are in our skies that have not invaded, taken over, or destroyed us suggesting a noble purpose.
Weekly I receive inquires from many brave people who have come forward to testify that their lives have been changed by visits from extraterrestrials, angels or the ancient ones. There is an awakening taking place all over the world, that we are not alone. Pope Francis the 266th pope is visiting on the US 266th day of the year in September will visit Washington, New York and Philadelphia. Cristoforo Barbato an Italian researcher claims that he will discuss alien visitation and that Pope Pius XII met with aliens.
An angel is a supernatural being or spirit found in various religions who are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between God or Heaven and Earth. Some are Guardian spirits or a guiding influence. Other roles of angels include protecting and guiding human beings, and carrying outGod‘s tasks. Thanks to Wikipedia
Dead Sea Angel Scroll
Dead Sea Scrolls Museum built in UFO Shape
In October 1999, a2000 year old Dead Sea Scroll called the Angel Scroll” was unearthed in Israel that could set off another theological controversy. Most of it has been kept secret, but if it is proven to be authentic it allegedly gives a description of a craft flying above the earth similar to the International Space Station in orbit.
There are additional paragraphs which describe the nature and moral character of the Children of Light who have been endowed with the Spirit of God (contrasted with that of the Children of Darkness). It is here that we find certain philosophical or theological conceptions that are reminiscent of both the Dead Sea Scrolls and, in several cases, the New Testament. In every case, however, these conceptions are clearly derived from a certain line of interpretation of the Bible. In at least two cases, the text of the Bible is quoted and elaborated upon. It apparently gives the impression that angels are extraterrestrials flying UFOs.,;
My favorite Psalms 91 – 9 to 16 about angels states:
“The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. “Because he loves me,”says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. Psalms 91
“Whenever you create positive thoughts and positive feelings, you create biologically positive subatomic angels that move through the universe of your body. These force fields create quantum field effects that switch on positive biological responses thereby reducing the affects of stress.” The Hathors
F/A -18 Pilot sees UFO on Radar
The summer of 1999, I was an F/A-18 pilot flying with a tanker escort to Rota Spain. Our mission was to move 12 of our aircraft to support NATO Operations in combat missions against the Serbian armed forces in Kosovo.
While flying across the Atlantic with a block altitude of FL260-FL290 about 900 nm west of the Azores I had my radar running in SEA mode scanning the ocean for ships. This mode will give us a contact on the radar display and a vector of the direction of travel and its speed. My radar picked up a contact 80 nm in front of my aircraft and 20 degrees to the right.
What struck me was this contact was at 3,000 feet and tracking slowly east at about 10-50 knots. That was very unusual. I watched it for a few moments changing direction and altitude as low as 1,000 feet. I decided to try to lock the object with my radar. I put the radar back in air-to-air mode and I got a steady lock at 60 nm but what happened from there was truly shocking. The object started to accelerate and climb. Within 13 seconds, which is a full sweep
of the Hornet APG-73 radar, the object went to over 1,000 knots and climbed to 70,000 feet and still climbing. My radar continued its lock until the object gimbaled the radar and I lost contact. This object reacted to my radar and it appeared to know that it was being tracked. The radar was fully functional. I never saw the object but it did come close to me, less than 20 nm, as it accelerated and climbed. The weather was cloudy with about three miles of visibility.
As a highly trained fighter pilot, I know that this was not a radar anomaly. I was in shock that this happened. I did not tell anyone in the flight for fear of ridicule. It has been some time, but I remember this experience as if it was yesterday. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virgin Air aircraft was escorted by a UFO
New York — Airline pilots have frequently reported seeing UFO’s in the sky. Thanks to their job, they have the perfect spot to look out for the mysterious objects.
According to the Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, there have been more than 3,500 sightings of “unidentified aerial phenomena” well documented by military, commercial pilots and civilian pilots; although experts say, there are many more sightings that simply go unreported for fear of ridicule.
There are hundreds of aerial incidents where UFOs nearly collide with airplanes, and there are hundreds of reports of “aircraft system malfunctions” when in the proximity of a UFO.
In recent years, one of the most incredible cases occurred in 2014 in Germany, when German authorities reported the presence of a UFO on radar at the airport in Bremen, forcing the interruption of hundreds of flights. Airport operators did not only report this sighting, but hundreds of people witnessed the mysterious UFO in the sky.
Now, another UFO sighting was recorded on video after a UFO flies extremely close to an airliner belonging to Virgin Atlantic Airways, just after taking off from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. But more surprising is the fact that the UFO appears to increase speed as it passes quickly over the plane.
According to a statement from LookNowTv, a channel that received hundreds of videos of Unidentified Flying objects, the video from JFK, experts are convinced that we are looking at a vehicle that isn’t fabricated.
UFO expert Russ Kellett said that the object seems to get narrower and wider as it moves, and that it is hard to tell. “I always send footage to an expert to image enhancement as it looks good but unfortunately it could be anything. There should be nothing getting that close to an aircraft. “You can believe in UFOs and be logical about images as well,” added Kellett. Thanks to
Alaska Radiation in Many Aquifers
Alaskan Aquifers in Blue
Thumber writes, “Remember when I told you about this years ago about the nukes detonated in French Polynesia, they are where the fresh water aquifers start from. Now our Alaskan aquifers are now radioactive and they have to be shut down. New areas made, in those deep water pressure is huge they run from cracks in surface into small streams moving into underground, rivers pushing through great coal grounds under great pressure filtering it out to fresh water. The aliens warned me of this back in the 90s, that during this time the aquifers will be shut down as new ones will be made, until that happens radioactive water will be making its way inland. In the future Jacques René Chirac is a French statesman, who served as the President of France from 1995 to 2007. will be known as the murderer of billions, over this, and human DNA will become nonviable. UFOs for years all the way back to Roswell have been visiting us to warn us and to collect DNA data They were very upset when they crashed that we cut up their people up. “Thanks to Thumer
WATER CRISIS — Drought-stricken California is not the only place draining underground aquifers in the hunt for fresh water. It’s happening across the world, according to two new studies by U.S. researchers. One-third of Earth’s largest groundwater basins are being rapidly depleted says new study. Twenty-one of the world’s 37 largest aquifers — in locations from India and China to the United States and France — have passed their sustainability tipping points, meaning more water is being removed than replaced from these vital underground reservoirs. Thirteen of 37 aquifers fell at rates that put them into the most troubled category.
“The situation is quite critical,” said Jay Famiglietti, senior water scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the studies’ principal investigator. And it’s difficult to see it getting better soon. These groundwater reserves take thousands of years to accumulate and only slowly recharge with water from snowmelt and rains. Now, as drilling for water has taken off across the globe, the hidden water reservoirs are being stressed. Underground aquifers supply 35 percent of the water used by humans worldwide. Demand is even greater in times of drought. Rain-starved California is currently tapping aquifers for 60 percent of its water use, up from the usual 40 percent.
In another finding from the studies led by the University of California Irvine, scientists say that some of these aquifers may be much smaller than previously thought. Satellite data from 2003 to 2013 indicates, “The water table is dropping all over the world,”–Thanks to National Post
22-08-2015 om 22:57
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Filer’s Files #34 – 2015 – ET spread Life to Earth- PART II
Filer’s Files #34 – 2015 – ET spread Life to Earth- PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Alabama Object
Fort Rucker — I was flying with a pilot and co pilot on a military UH-1 helicopter returning from Montgomery, Alabama to Fort Rucker, on February 3, 1973. The pilot radioed the tower to let them know we were entering the airport airspace at 6 pm. The tower asked us to turn on our landing lights and the tower spotted us. A mist started to appear directly in front of our helicopter that thickened quickly to a thick fog. Then a red flashing light appeared directly in front of us. The effect reminded me of a car’s tail light with the flasher on located in a thick fog.
Suddenly a cylinder object pulsating red came directly at our windshield. The pilot immediately dove to the left and down thinking we were going to be hit. My impression was that this red light had flown directly through us in 10 to 20 seconds. The pilot and copilot then said over the intercom to each other .”What the heck was that?. The tower said there was no traffic near us, but we all agreed we saw we thought we were colliding with an unknown flying object (UFO). Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arizona Light
Cave Creek — I was shutting down my computer when the motion detection alarm sounded on my computer on August 15, 2015. I checked the camera video but there was nothing on it. Checked the still photos and that was when I found the images. At first I thought it was a firefly or something of that matter, but realized that fireflies don’t leave trails like in the photo.
I didn’t pay much attention until it showed up the second and third night. That was when I thought it was something different. I was not able to observe it firsthand, I only saw it in the photos. After the second night I thought it was kind of spooky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Strange Lights
San Francisco — I took a picture of the sunrise from a flight from San Francisco to Phoenix. I reviewed the picture about 30 minutes later and noticed the yellow object to the right in photo. I don’t know how high we were flying but we were still climbing and you can see the top of mountains in the background. We were approximately 15 minutes into flight. A pilot sat beside me on the flight from Phoenix to Houston, I showed him the picture and he couldn’t explain what the object is. I was sitting in the last seat of the aircraft with my camera pointed towards the tail. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Light
Fort Collins — The first time we witnessed the “craft” was on June 26, 2015, at 9:12 PM. We witnessed this “craft” while arriving at a friend’s house moving slowly west, that had an orange flame. I was able to get a couple of pictures. The second sighting was at 2:45 AM on July 11, 2015, in Wellington, CO. We were arriving home late when we saw . The “craft” again had an orange flame, and again, was traveling slowly. This time, the “craft” was heading more northwest. I was a little frightened, as it was pretty close to our house, so I did not get any photos that time. The “craft” was very quiet (no sound could be heard from it as it went by).
The third and last time we witnessed the “craft” was at 12:59 AM on July 25, 2015, in Wellington, CO. Again, the slow craft had an orange flame. It seems to be traveling too slow to be a plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
Ft. Meyer — A man posted photos on social media of the photo he took while driving on late Friday afternoon on August 15, 2015. At first glance it appears to be a lighting strike but after closer inspection, it looks like a perfect cylinder coming down from the sky and hitting the ground.
I wouldn’t say it was a UFO for sure but it is definitely an extraordinary phenomenon. The second photo was two seconds later and it shows that the light is gone for a perspective of how fast it hit. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Chicago— My family and I were enjoying a nice night out downtown on our way to Buckingham Fountain on August 1, 2015. As we were waiting to cross the street we noticed something right away in the sky over Lake Michigan. I grabbed my phone and started filming. We were surprised as we’ve never seen anything like this and continued to film. No one else seemed to notice or be concerned about it. We had the air and water show a few days after this sighting and wondered if it could have been smaller planes with lighted wings practicing”? We also noticed a few helicopters flying near but not close to the object. I’ve sent it to a few news stations but have not received any reply or information. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Lights
Madison— It was a quiet night on August 11, 2015, when we took a drive at 9:35 pm, and when we stopped the car, we looked up to see two glowing yellow orange shapes in the sky. The orange glow would disappear and they would imitate airplanes. We followed in pursuit of the two objects for 7 minutes while they blinked a very small white light. Airplanes in the sky at the same time blinked completely differently. The UFO’s seemed to do a long blink followed by a strobe light blink that would go out and repeat on cue. Seven minutes later we noticed two UFO’s that split into three and then four. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iowa UFO
Des Moines — Donald Trump was at the Iowa State Fair giving kids a ride in his helicopter on August 15, 2015. We were walking down the street to the fair. Donald Trump’s helicopter was flying overhead so I got my phone out and snapped a picture.
It was very hard to see the helicopter because of the glare on the screen. Later on that day when I was sitting in the shade I got my phone out to see how my picture had come out. That’s when I noticed the object in the photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Lights
Monroe — I live near the Fermi Nuclear Power Plant and stepped out on my porch 10 PM to have a smoke on August 8, 2015. I noticed a red-orange pulsating light. It was coming from Lake Erie heading towards the house. I realized it was not a plane and ran in to grab my wife and phone. My wife saw it and another one emerging over the lake following the exact line of the first. She recorded it! A third object appeared.
Note: Two videos were taken and the above video is a clip from the first video. The object in the second video looks similar. The object is not a Chinese Lantern because it was moving into the off shore wind created by the more rapid cooling of the land surface versus Lake Erie. Also the lights were the wrong color for aircraft. Thanks to William Puckett, Director UFOsnw
Missouri Light
Liberty — While outside smoking with two others, a bright light was observed from the middle of the Big Dipper. It lasted for a second, flashed on, and then disappeared. Five minutes later, it was northeast of us over Liberty. I observed it for about an hour before going to bed. This object changed colors in a sequential pattern. It hovered motionless. I noted star movement in relation to it due to the Earth’s rotation, but it remained stationary. It was 45 degrees off the horizon 5 miles away zoomed in. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFO
Tabernacle — Anthony Gagliardi writes, “I have recently, (latest, and most prominently being July 11, 2015, between 10 pm and 12 am) have been witnessing very peculiar activity in the skies. Since that particular Saturday evening, I can hardly think about anything else. I am aware that there are military bases in the surrounding areas. But, what I have witnessed has me really scratching my head. I would like to see if perhaps I can capture some photo or video evidence of what I am seeing as soon as possible, and hopefully make some sense of what I am seeing. I hope to be able to bring you some sort of evidence of these happenings in the near future. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Light
Camillus — I was at a school hanging out with two friends when we saw a light on August 13, 2015. We were not sure, if it was a helicopter until it came closer with three big lights on the bottom and a bunch of tiny lights around it. It was a UFO followed us as we tried to run away in fear. It would hover in one area then turn towards us and come in our direction again. It did this for about 15 minutes until we sprinted down the road and it lost sight of us. Then it turned its lights off and stayed stationary about 800 feet from us. We called for a ride and started walking to the main road. We noticed it turning its lights back on and coming towards us again. We decided to run and lost sight of the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Lights
Brevard – When I walked to the porch of the Bed and Breakfast on April 19, 2001, I noticed lights in the northeast sky at 10:30 PM, and grabbed my binoculars. I witnessed the most incredible thing I have ever seen of these kinds of phenomena. There were three distinct bright golden yellow balls of light other next to each in the “V” of two mountains and not higher than the mountain tops. They hovered there for ten minutes when one huge ball left. Off to the left (WNW) was a smaller bright red non-blinking light making a beeline for the golden ball. I had never seen an object move so fast and left a trail behind it in a > shape that was fluorescent. It was definitely not a plane. It ended up hovering on the right side of the golden ball before entering it.
My arms were tired and I let the binoculars down. When I looked, again the golden ball was there and there were four red balls one on top of the other like a radio tower. I assumed it was a tower and went in to bed. The next night I checked again and there were no lights and no tower. The next day I drove towards where the lights had been and talked to a man who lived near the “V” mountain who assured me there were no towers or lights on the mountains north of Route 64 where I had been looking. Thanks to Nancy M.
Ohio Lights
Parma — In my driveway on June 1, 2015, I saw a bright orange red light that I realized was like nothing I have ever seen. I have seen many shooting stars out on the lake.
This was acorn like and was a solid color moving very fast. I had time to get a picture where you can clearly see a strange object.
I felt very excited and had an adrenalin rush. I lost sight of it in the tree line.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Flying Object
Philadelphia – On August 9, 2015, while watching the morning news on Channel 10 TV in Philly.
During their weather report, I notice an object streaking up their screen so I watched again and recorded it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Blue Light
Orem— It was August 8, 2015, at 10 PM, when my two best friends and I are talking when we heard some type of explosions and flashing lights in the southwest. After 10 minutes of pure loud exploding noise, everything went silent. We saw a silver/gray metallic object fly over his house at incredible speed. I saw four disk like metallic objects flying in formation towards the south. We saw more explosions, and thousands of birds flying away from the sound for two hours. We believe the explosions were coming from a secret military base in Idaho. We also saw a bunch of airplanes headed towards the explosions. Thanks to MUFON CMS
West Virginia Lights
Morgantown – We took this photo over looking Morgantown, WV on July 28, 2015, around 10 PM.
Note: I can’t provide a “concrete” explanation for the anomalous lights in the above photo. However, I don’t think that the lights are anything unusual.
The lights could be birds, a reflection of lights on the lens, or even celestial objects? Thanks to William Puckett, Director UFOsnw
Wyoming Object
Yellowstone National Park — My friends (were on vacation, driving their car June 22, 2015 about mid-day he was the passenger and was taking digital photographs of the Grand Teton mountains as they approached them. When they got back home o June 30th he reviewed his photos. A saucer-like object, except with some strange appendage at the “left end,” is clearly visible in the blue sky in one of the photos, but not in the one a minute before or in the one a minute after. Just one lucky photo. Neither person actually saw anything visually that day. We are surprised at the detail of this object. Can you tell my friend and I what this is? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Disc
Allambie Heights — I was filming the moonrise on my balcony on June 6, 2015, and noticed the eastbound 737 aircraft on approach to Mascot KFS, (it was also lower) and I did record that and the lights it emitted a typical airliner pattern.
I recorded for about a minute, and went back inside as it was quite cold. What I did notice on playback was a bright-dull orange orb that appeared at the top (12 o’clock position) at the 0.05 seconds time index, I haven’t the necessary equipment to view this frame by frame but will gladly pass it on to you. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Huge UFO
Regina — I was on my driveway in front of my house taking pictures of the setting sun on August 15, 2015. The sky looked particularly beautiful with the sunbeams cutting through the clouds, so I took numerous pictures. The day after while going through the photos on my computer, I noticed an object in the sky, although I did not notice an object in the sky or birds while shooting.
The sky was clear and analyzing this photo now, I feel certain that it is something mysterious and unknown. I feel like I snapped a picture of something that was supposed to stay invisible. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Fort St.John — A friend of mine took this photo while on a hunting trip on August 14, 2015. Friends of his were to meet up with him at the hunting camp and they were late so he stopped to take a photo of the signs at the road where they were to turn. Later, he noticed the ‘anomaly’ in the clouds that traveled a considerable distance in the space of time it took his iPhone to take the picture.
The object appears to have left a ribbon-like trail as it streaked across the sky and made a ‘barrel roll’. Thanks to MUFON CMS
CrimeaGlowing Purple Lights
Sevastopol— “On August 9, 2015, around 11:30 pm, I went to water the flowers on the balcony and saw a satellite that turned out to be a huge beautiful cluster of UFOs. The cluster of star like lights has been stretched and moved to the southwest.
In it were about 30 UFOs, wrote Victoria. According to the woman, the cluster presents the main ship called the “Mothership.” “In reviewing the captured video, we saw that it was a very dense cluster of UFOs. It moved in a band and they started to rise. In the courtyard, a man and a woman were loudly discussing the UFOs overhead. Over time, the UFOs began to resemble a light cloud cobweb, as their ship “Mothership” Victoria says; the main ship captured a UFO. “It’s not stars – that’s for sure. A man sitting on a bench, said to his companion “Come, let’s go home – to prepare and then we will arrive for them to pick us up.” Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany Orb
Hanover – I saw the object from my location to the west that was-taken in the first seconds as “mobile star” on August 9, 2015. It was filmed with a Zavarius night-vision device NX-4141-675 video format: H.264 dissolution: 640 x 480 clay/tone/microphone.
The objective diameter does not block the 20mm viewing angle of 7 degrees of the F# of the object lens: DAY 5,1, NIGHT 1,3 IR wavelength: 850 Nm infrared stage of the video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indonesia Spheroid
Jakarta — This dark UFO was seen over Jakarta on July 17, 2015, at 5.42 pm. The eyewitness says, “It was about 5 meters across.” I wish the person could zoom in a bit, but this is still a nice video. We cannot see enough detail, but still a nice catch. People often deny what they saw as being a UFO, out of fear of being ridiculed by others, as this eyewitness seems to be. Don’t be intimidated by others. Just tell it like it is.
Eyewitness states: “I first noticed the object moving northwest when pointing out the bats and swallows to my son. It was spherical and moving at a constant speed and altitude. Altitude was 300-500m high, and moving slowly throughout at about 50m/minute event. As it drew near it looked slightly squashed. It had a metallic sheen, as the shape seemed to constantly distort. The object is at least 5 meters in diameter. I chased the object for several minutes over 150 meters as the object disappeared over the tree line.” Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ireland Flying Object
I went to the roof of the building, when a white flying object in the southwest of the town on January 22, 2015, with an altitude of about one km above and a distance of about the same caught my attention. Staring at the flying object, I was in doubt whether it is a balloon or plane. As it is got closer, I saw a light shining at the top of it like the reflection of the sunlight from the surface of a metal. However, what was strange is that the object was rotating or it is better to say that it was tumbling while getting closer and closer. It was not in a standard shape with a whole body in total white. I found out that it was not an ordinary flying object. After 20 seconds, it had an altitude of almost 1 km and a distance of about 100 or 200 m from me, when it realized my existence. It changed its direction to southeast and slowly gained altitude. It my estimation the object had the diameter of a ball. I got my camera quickly and it reached an altitude of about 3 km. It started to circle around with three sudden jumps, and then the object went up and disappeared in the clouds. Each time the wind moved the clouds I took a photo. I saw a higher second flying object. After 4 minutes, they both gained altitude and flew northeast. The next day at 11.30 PM, I went to the roof again and saw a white shining object moving northwest with a high speed at 200 meters altitude. My camera completely stopped and I saw the object above the mountain. It means that just in 1 second the object has made an unbelievable jump 1 km above the mountain or I have a made an optical illusion. I saw a third one on March 27, 2015 around 12 pm, that was about to see another case moving again flying northwest with a high speed with a white translucent light was on top of the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Glowing Orb
Moscow— This glowing orb was buzzing silently around the treetops near some buildings in Moscow July 27, 2015, 18:39. The eyewitnesses believe it to be ball lightning, but ball lightning is much smaller than this. Ball lighting is always just a few cm across. This UFO was about the size of a motorcycle. Ball lightning last for less than one minute, this did not die out, but instead lasted 15 minutes, and then it flew away up into the clouds.
Look at the above screenshots and you will see different filtered versions of the orb. There is a second ring of light around the ball. This is new. This UFO flies like it’s alive and curious. When a girl’s scream is heard, it shoots upward and disappears into the clouds, as if the scream frightened it. I think the UFO caused the storm a few minutes later? Thanks to Scott C. Waring ufo sightings daily
UK/England Light
County Durham — While watching tv on June 27, 2015, I noticed a bright orange light. Through my living room window, moving towards me then it began to turn to the left as I grabbed my mobile phone and managed to open the camera.
This took a few minutes I ran through the back door to take footage. It was a very mild night and not a sound from the UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Northern Ireland Orb
Belfast — I was at home taking pictures of the beautiful sunset on August 10, 2015. I only noticed the object later when I was looking at the pictures. I did not know what the object was but looking at my pictures in sequence, I could tell that it had changed direction up and down left and right. It looked like a glowing orb that changed shape sometimes round sometimes triangular.
I was excited, as I have seen planes fly past my house as we are on a flight path, but anything before was close and clearly a plane. Well because I did not see the object at the time, I do not know what happened to it. However, the pictures clearly show an object that had moved in all directions. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
I was flying with a pilot and co pilot on a military UH-1 helicopter returning from Montgomery, Alabama to Fort Rucker, on February 3, 1973. The pilot radioed the tower to let them know we were entering the airport airspace at 6 pm. The tower asked us to turn on our landing lights and the tower spotted us. A mist started to appear directly in front of our helicopter that thickened quickly to a thick fog. Then a red flashing light appeared directly in front of us. The effect reminded me of a car’s tail light with the flasher on located in a thick fog.
Suddenly a cylinder object pulsating red came directly at our windshield. The pilot immediately dove to the left and down thinking we were going to be hit. My impression was that this red light had flown directly through us in 10 to 20 seconds. The pilot and copilot then said over the intercom to each other .”What the heck was that?.The tower said there was no traffic near us, but we all agreed we saw we thought we were colliding with an unknown flying object (UFO).
Drone footage captured a series of mysterious crop circles in a wheat field in the Republic of Adygea, after they appeared over the weekend.
Local residents were puzzled by the appearance of the alien patterns.
Six rings of different sizes adorn an otherwise bog-standard field of crops. The largest circle is 13 meters (42 ft) in diameter.
Similar crop circles have been discovered in the region three times in 15 years. Popular explanations cite aliens and electromagnetic radiation as possible causes.
Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy.
Lately we’ve been doing some rather serious articles about UFO’s, aliens, whistleblowers, and other such matters. So we’ve decided to break up the mood and do something rather fun – we’ve been really thinking about why aliens may not really want to come to earth – assuming that they’re not already here, of course. This is what we came up with.
On Earth we speak a lot of different languages and let’s face it, some of them not very well. For the most part we basically slaughter the English language. It seems like every region has its own slang words and words with double meanings.
Not just that, but we have multiple languages on our planet and mastering even one can take some people a lifetime. Imagine if you were an alien and had to communicate with Earthlings in a meaningful way – it would be next to impossible.
Not to mention, humans have extremely poor communication in general. We speak in innuendos and metaphors. We lie, we talk around the truth, and we people please and try to make everyone happy. To top it off, we use gestures and body language that mean something different depending on where you are in the world. I can’t even begin to comprehend the misunderstandings we’d have trying to communicate with aliens.
If you look at the Kardashev scale, we aren’t even registered as a primitive civilization. Hell, according to renowned scientist Dr. Michio Kaku we’re not even considered a type 1 civilization.
Think about the radio and television waves we’ve been sending into the universe throughout the years. Somewhere in this moment shows like the Kardashians, Teen Mom, and a host of other trashy television shows are hurtling their way through space. If an alien civilization has the ability to watch these shows, what will they think? What would you think?
The same holds true but for Hitler’s Olympic Speech and other radio transmissions from long ago. They could just be reaching an alien civilization capable of playing them.
So, unless some alien race is on a mission of good will to save us from ourselves, there would be no reason for them to even want to visit a planet populated with what an advanced alien race might consider stupid people. On a lighter note, they could simply not want to bother us.
To the casual outside observer we have to be considered an extremely violent society, and they probably wouldn’t be too far from the truth. How many wars have we fought since the dawn of time? Too many to count.
In addition, we are making no attempt whatsoever to hide our violent tendencies from the rest of the Milky Way. Remember when we dropped the atomic bombs on Japan? Not only were the explosions able to be detected in space, they have left an electromagnetic signature that would be easily recognizable to any advanced civilization.
Not just that, but it would be possible for aliens to detect the gamma radiation coming from all those nuclear warheads countries have stored all over the world.
Think of it this way, if you had your choice to vacation in a warring part of the world or someplace, say, like Hawaii or the Caribbean, where would you go? It’s the same line of thought for aliens, why go to a planet constantly at war when we could go to a peace – loving planet instead.
A peace loving alien race would want no part of Earth based upon our violent society, culture, civilizations, and governments – and who can blame them? Don’t you ever just wish you could push a button on your shirt and say, “Beam me up, Scotty?”
Just because we rely on things like oxygen, nitrogen, and our planet’s biology, ecology, and environment to survive, doesn’t mean that our planet wouldn’t be considered toxic to some alien species.
All planets are not the same, and organisms that may exist on other planets have evolved and adapted based upon their planet’s environment and resources and therefore might not be compatible with Earth’s atmosphere and living conditions.
As advanced as we would like to think aliens are, the fact remains that not all alien races may be as advanced as we’ve assumed or wished. They literally may not be able to get to us any more than we have the technology or capability to get to them.
While advances are made every day in the world of science, unless they can travel at the speed of thought, aliens landing on Earth may still literally be light years away.
For years we’ve tried to make contact with life on other planets, and organizations, even SETI, the (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is still using the same method that’s been tried for what seems like forever – radio waves.
What if aliens don’t use such primitive means of communication and simply can’t hear us? Our scientists either haven’t fully explored or discovered the use of full spectrum communication, so it could be that there are messages floating around us by the thousands and we’re simply not using the right equipment to hear and decipher them.
So that’s our list, why do you think aliens may not want to come to Earth?
Hi – My name is D. I really don’t know how to describe what happened to me and three friends, but I’ll try to do the best I can. We rented a cabin in the Cabwaylingo State Forest from Friday, July 31st thru Sunday, August 2nd. Everything was fine during the weekend until Sunday morning – or should I say Sunday night. We had a cookout on Saturday night and invited a few people we met. There were no problems – no drugs, just wine and food. We were all feeling fine, but not stinking drunk. The cookout wound down about 2AM and we were in our beds by 3AM. We had to be up, packed and gone by 11AM – we were planning on visiting friends before we made our way home. What happened next was totally bizarre. I remember waking up, then looking at my watch – it was 10:07 and it was dark! I looked at my friends and all of them were sleeping except K. She was sitting at the table and staring into the lantern, which was lit and sitting on the table. I jumped up and woke my friends. What the hell had happened? My other friends, M and C, were just has surprised and confused as I. K didn’t react to us, even after we tried to question her. She almost looked like she was in shock. It was very warm in the cabin, but her skin was cold like ice and pale. We started to pack up so we could leave as soon a possible. We were on the road headed home by midnight – all of us felt confused. We were all very thirsty also and went through a 6-pack of water very quickly. K was starting to respond to us and was looking better.
It took about 2 hours to get home – we all lived in the same apartment complex, so we crashed at my placed. None of us were tired since we apparently had slept all day Sunday, but we were still very confused about not waking earlier. M thought that someone may had put something in the wine and that we had been drugged. I suppose that was plausible, but I doubted that is what happened. As we sat in the living room talking, I noticed K had tears streaming down her face. I asked her why was she crying – she said that she knew what had happened. First for all, I’m not worried about what people think about me – especially if it is the truth. This situation is different because I don’t know how to ascertain if what I’m going to describe is the truth or not. I’m going to briefly detail what K said occurred. K remembers waking in the cabin to get a drink. She didn’t know what it was but she quickly noticed that something was wrong – she was alone in the cabin. Then suddenly a intense bright yellow light floods the cabin. She can’t move but she can see what is happening. We were back in our beds, but there were now 3 tall purple-gray colored beings standing in front of her. K said these beings were about 8 ft tall and very thin. They had large dark oval eyes and a ray or fin that ran from the top of their heads down the middle of the back, which tampered off midway. They made no sounds and moved in a robotic fashion. K didn’t recall anything else other than that these beings eventually dissipated one-by-one. She did say that she had a sharp pain between her breasts. She was able to move, so she went and sat down at the table. She remained there until I woke.
I’ve been looking on the internet and found a few references to lost time – your website came up in the search. Could you contact me ASAP? If you post, I want to discuss conditions first.
Black Knight Satellite Seen Right In Front Of ISS Camera. Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Black Knight Satellite Seen Right In Front Of ISS Camera. Aug 2015, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: August 2015 Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS As you know, UFOs are seen near the ISS every week, sometimes even more, so this one is no surprise. This object showed up on live cam a few days ago and the person who saw it believes it one of the Black Knight satellites, which are ancient black alien made objects that have orbited Earth for over 10,000 years. Maybe so, but whatever it is, its got some long shape changing arms. Scott C. Waring
One of the persisting debates of all times has been about extraterrestrial existence and more importantly their presence on earth. Out of all alien discussions, centuries after centuries is about Ancient Aliens. According to the ancient theorists, aliens are as old as mankind, and they come to Earth where they were being considered as gods by humans. Not only did they live, but also shaped human civilization. But are there any pieces of evidence for this theory? During the nuclear war alert, the former astronaut claimed that aliens are trying to save America. The incident happened during the war between Russia and America. What are the proofs of the extraterrestrial species had come flying in their mysterious spaceships on earth and changed our lives forever?
According to the high-ranking officials, Edgar Mitchell is the sixth man to walk on the moon. During weapons tests in 1940, he witnessed alien ships. He said that UFOs were being spotted hovering over the first nuclear weapons test in the world that took place on July 16, 1945, in New Mexico. Ever since he landed on the moon’s surface, the NASA expert has frequently spoken about his conviction in aliens during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971. The white sands were being used as a testing ground to test the atomic weapons. Extraterrestrials were very much interested to know human military capabilities. The former Astronaut repeatedly reminds to people regarding his experience that aliens had been attempting to create a peaceful environment to earth instead of war. However, Dr. Mitchell reversed the statement claiming that the manned missile bases on the 20th Century, some officers of the Pacific coast admitted to him that there have been testing missiles frequently shot by alien vessels.
NASA officials were prompt to comment on the issue, stating that they do not track aliens or any form of extraterrestrials and are do not conceal alien life on earth, or anywhere for that matter.
Depuis 2004, l’artiste anglais de 54 ans Simon Beck parcourt les stations de ski enneigées du monde entier pour réaliser ce que l’on pourrait appelé du Snow Art, une sorte de crop circle dans la neige, comme Sonja Hinrichsen.
Dans la station des Arcs en France, il a déjà laissé ses empreintes dans la neige pour créer des motifs géométriques. Chaque oeuvre lui prend entre six heures et deux jours et c’est un véritable exploit physique et de repère dans l’espace. Des exemples en photos dans la suite de ces réalisations éphémères. En espérant qu’il ne neige pas entre temps…
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The Anunnaki and Lake Titicaca; A mysterious connection
The Anunnaki and Lake Titicaca; A mysterious connection
The Anunanki are considered by many as the “founding fathers” of civilization and mankind, the cradle of civilization is considered to be in Sumer. Some archaeologists even suggest that the anunnaki have a very important history with south America and the Pre-Inca and Inca civilization. (Remember the Fuente Magna Bowl?) Modern-day archaeology does not agree with these theories even though there is plenty of evidence. Recent discoveries such as the pyramid that has been located buried underneath Tiahuanaco provides new theories regarding this ancient culture. These new theories together with the sum of research for over a hundred years provides new insight into the connection between the Anunnaki Gods and South America deities.
Lake Titicaca has a very special place in all of this. In the past, over two thousand archaeological pieces have been rescued from the depths of Lake Titicaca. Most of these pieces were recovered by Belgian underwater archaeologists with the support of the Andean Underwater Archaeology Centre (CASA), yet archaeology today, seems to ignore these findings as if they hold no importance.
The incredible artifacts recovered among their collection include bones, statues, golden pieces, precious stones and ceramics. The extensive history of these artifacts holds a great importance as some of the pieces have been dated to the Inca period, others to the pre-Inca period and a few artifacts have even been dated to the year 500 AD.
According to historians and archaeologists several of the pieces that have been recovered are actually offerings that the ancient inhabitants of the Tiahuanaco culture threw into Lake Titicaca, which in ancient times was considered a sacred lake. Among these theories, ancient alien theorists believe that there are ver important clues that have been overlooked by mainstream archaeologists, clues that point toward a very powerful link between the ancient cultures of the region and the Ancient Anunnaki. The golden artifacts hold a very important clue, and the thirty pieces of gold discovered at the bottom of Lake Titicaca point toward the ancient alien theory and Zecharia Sitchin.
According to Sitchin, around 4000 BC, Enki, one of the leaders of the mining operations of the Anunnaki on Earth, decided to invite his father, King Anu to visit the world’s most important metallurgical plant, and we mean Tiahuanaco. According to several ancient alien theorists, among them Sithcin, the structures at Tiahuanaco were covered with golden plates, tis in honor of the arrival of King Anu. Evidence for this theory is based on the findings of Austrian archaeologist Arthur Posnanky who found and photographed several small round holes in the polished stone blocks Tiahuanaco, these holes, are believed to have been made by advanced precision tools.
Posnanky doesn’t sound familiar? Well, thats because mainstream archaeology has placed him as being only a “amateur archaeologists” even though his findings and work at Tiahuanaco and south America have achievements that are incalculable for history. Posnansky founded the Archaeological Society of Bolivia in 1930. Even though Tiahuanaco hasn’t been the place where great amounts of gold have been found, researchers believe that most of the golden items are hidden bellow the harsh terrain of the region and at the depths of Lake Titicaca where pieces of gold have already been discovered.
According Posnansky, at some point in its history, the incredible city of Tiahuanaco was covered with golden plates which were fastened with small gold studs that fit perfectly into the holes in the stone. Posnansky suggested that these precisely drilled holes were not placed there for decorative purposes but rather had a mechanical meaning. Recent discoveries seem to back the ancient alien they more than ever, and researchers expect that with the new excavations that are planned for mid 2015, new evidence will surface, meaning that mainstream archaeologists will have to change their approach on Tiahuanaco and its ancient history.
The mysteries about Tiahuanaco and Lake Titicaca are great, and with new discoveries being made in recent months, archaeologists hope to uncover all of the secrets this mysterious region holds.
Underground cities and networks around the World – Myths and Reality (Part 1 /2 )
Underground cities and networks around the World – Myths and Reality (Part 1)
Underground structures even whole cities have always been part of most of the world’s myths and religions. A few have been discovered but most of them have not. Side by side with the stories about underground structures, we have underground networks and tunnels connecting different places and sometimes extending for many kilometres and even between different countries.
In this article we will explore the myths and legends from all over the world that refer to underground cities and tunnels as well as what archaeologists and researchers have found and how these findings may be connected to such stories.
Underground Networks and Cities in Myths and Legends
According to mythological traditions, underground sites were mostly referred to as entrances to the underworld and we find such references all around the world. Although most of us think of the ‘underworld’ as a representation of ‘hell’ and therefore an imaginary or spiritual place for ‘bad’ people, in reality in ancient religions that wasn’t the case. The underworld was a place where the dead would go, but it was a place with physical entrances, guards, buildings and cities, and a place that a few mortals could visit and even communicate with the dead souls, gods, kings or the armies of the underworld. In a few cases though, according to the legends, they could even resurrect a dead person.
One of the most famous underground cities is the city of Agartha, a legendary city that is supposed to be in the centre of the Earth, the Earth’s Core. Central Asia is the origin of those legends and the race inhabiting this underground realm was called the Agharti. Theosophists refer to Agartha as a vast complex of caves and an underground network that was inhabited by the Asuras (evil demons) and enemies of the Gods. This underground network was supposedly made by man.
In Hindu mythology there are legends of a race called the Nagas, serpent like intelligent creatures with human faces that live in underground caverns. Those creatures are described as ‘children of Gods’ – immortal and able to fly - who got married with human kings and queens and supposedly spiritually advanced. Similarly, in Chinese legends dragons are not the ugly flying beasts that we believe today, but wise creature that would be mentors of kings and creators of kingdoms. Many Tibetans are mentioned to have entered those caves of the Nagas that expand miles and miles inside the mountains of Asia.
What is interesting is that a strange light emanates in those underground realms which has also been mentioned as the hollow earth inner sun. So the underground cities are not in dark as we would believe. Some of those realms now are inside Earth while in the past they used to be on the surface but were forced to move inside Earth due to circumstances like attacks or maybe even climate change.
Shambhala (a Sanskrit word meaning ‘place of peace’) is another famous holy place that for some is supposed to be a spiritual ‘paradise’, but for others it is suggested to be a real underground city with references of people that have actually visited it. Legends mention that the King of Shambhala travelled to Indi to meet Buddha and listen to his teachings. One major difference with Shambhala is that it is supposed to be a holy place in comparison to Agartha, which is a place of demons. According to Helena Blavatsky, Shambhala is located in the Gobi Desert.
On the other side of Earth, in America we have the legend of Akakor, a legend that the latest adventure of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skulls was based on. Tatunca Nara, an Amazon jungle guide, claims to have seen the city and described not only the city but also the chronicles of the underground kingdom. According to that legend ‘Gods’ came from a solar system known as ‘Schwerta’ and built an underground tunnel system in South America. This civilization left 13 underground cities in South America in the jungles of Amazon, yet to be found.
In the Mayan mythology we have the mythical underground city of Xibalba, ‘the land that the sun goes down into’ which was inhabited by superheroes and Gods, a civilization that supposedly vanished around the Middle Ages. The entrance to this world was thought to be located in Guatemala and description of the structures and locations within Xibalba are described in Popol Vuh.
In Greece, we have the myths of Hades and the Underworld, a realm where gods and heroes lived. God Pluto was the God of the Underworld which had many different sections including the Elysium and Tartarus.
In Irish legends we hear about the people named Tuatha De Danaan (People of the Goddess Danu), a race who moved underground when another race arrived on the island. According to the legends they came to Ireland in ‘dark clouds’ and landed on the mountains of Ireland. Those people in today’s myths are referred to as fairies.
In one of the Irish poems it is said about these people:
It is God who suffered them, though He restrained them they landed with horror, with lofty deed, in their cloud of mighty combat of spectres, upon a mountain of Conmaicne of Connacht. Without distinction to descerning Ireland, Without ships, a ruthless course the truth was not known beneath the sky of stars, whether they were of heaven or of earth.
In Norwegian legends we have the Dwarves, beings of the underground associated with craftsmanship. Different races of Dwarves that were the ones that supplied the Gods with weapons.
In Egypt, we have references of the historians Herodotus and Strabo of a colossal underground temple that contained 3,000 rooms full of paintings and hieroglyphs, a lost labyrinth yet to be found.
There are many accounts of people that have accessed this underground realm which includes not only mythological accounts but accounts from recent history. It is also written in documents that Hitler and the Nazis discovered an entrance to the interior of Earth in Antarctica. The Nazi’s believed that a civilization lives inside Earth, the ‘super humans’. Some believe that the Nazi’s were in contact with them and in fact they were directing them and even sharing technology with them. While there is no proof of that kind of contact, we definitely know that the Nazi’s had the most advanced technology than any other country of the world during World War II.
The concept of the Hollow Earth is a popular concept and has also been the topic of many books like ‘At the Earth’s Core’ by Edgar Rice Borroughs, ‘A Journey to the Center of the Earth’ by Jules Verne or ‘Message found in a Bottle’ by Edgar Allen Poe.
Stories of vast underground realms, cities and networks inhabited by god-like beings more advanced and more intelligent than the current humanity are intriguing..
You can read Part 2 here: Discoveries of vast underground networks spanning countries and maybe even continents.
Underground cities and networks around the World – Discoveries (Part 2)
Recently in my article I mentioned how extensive underground networks of tunnels have been found throughout Europe. Here we explore some of the other remarkable underground discoveries that have occurred throughout the world.
Derinkuyu in Cappadocia in Turkey is probably the largest underground city that has been discovered to date. It spans more than 8 levels going as deep as 80 meters with more than 600 entrances to the surface. Although the date the original city was built is unknown, the Turkish Department of Culture dates the city back to the 8th century BC. It was made by the Phrygians, ancient Indo-European people, who worshiped the “Great Mother”, Cybele, as the Greeks and Romans knew her. The Phrygians developed an advanced culture, famous for its music and the legend of King Midas, a Phrygian King, who turned everything he touched into gold.
Why the city was built is still unknown, but what is known is that it was used by the Christians escaping persecution from the Roman Empire in the 2nd century AD. Cappadocia includes a huge number of underground tunnels and ‘cities’ and more and more are discovered every year.
In Egypt, the Giza Plateau has an enormous underground system that is a combination of manmade caverns and tunnels as well as subterranean rivers and passages. Since 1978 the caverns have been mapped using ground penetrating radar with the explorations led by Dr Jim Hurtak who has supposedly entered massive chambers larger than our largest cathedrals. A few historians believe that the underground cave system in Giza, is the legendary ‘City of the Gods’, the massive underground city described by ancient writers Herodotus (5th century BC) and Strabo (1st Century AD). Herodotus wrote:
There I saw twelve palaces regularly disposed, which had communication with each other, interspersed with terraces and arranged around twelve halls. It is hard to believe they are the work of man. The walls are covered with carved figures, and each court is exquisitely built of white marble and surrounded by a colonnade. Near the corner where the labyrinth ends, there is a pyramid, two hundred and forty feet in height, with great carved figures of animals on it and an underground passage by which it can be entered. I was told very credibly that underground chambers and passages connected this pyramid with the pyramids at Memphis.
Furthermore, he spoke of the discovery of a multi-level megalithic metropolis under Giza that was 15,000 years old.
Many ancient writers supported Herodotus' record of underground passages connecting major pyramids and Lamblichus, a fourth-century Syrian representative of the Alexandrian School of mystical and philosophical studies, recorded information about an entranceway through the body of the Sphinx into the Great Pyramid:
This entrance, obstructed in our day by sands and rubbish, may still be traced between the forelegs of the crouched colossus. It was formerly closed by a bronze gate whose secret spring could be operated only by the Magi. It was guarded by public respect, and a sort of religious fear maintained its inviolability better than armed protection would have done. In the belly of the Sphinx were cut out galleries leading to the subterranean part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so art-fully crisscrossed along their course to the Pyramid that, in setting forth into the passage without a guide throughout this network, one ceasingly and inevitably returned to the starting point.
Since the declassification of the ground penetrating radar, more and more underground systems have been discovered but not yet explored in various places around the world.
During the summer of 1998, cave explorers using scientific equipment were able to confirm that a linked cave system some 15 miles in length exists underground in North Wales.
South and Central America
In Guatemala, 800 kilometres worth of tunnels have been mapped underneath the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal. Researchers have suggested that this may provide an explanation for how half a million Mayans escaped the decimation of their culture.
In 2008 archaeologists in Mexico discovered eleven stone temples in underground caves including an underground road that Mayans believe that it was the road to the Mythical underworld city known as Xibalba as mentioned in the previous article.
North America
In April of 1909 there was a story in the Phoenix Gazette entitled ‘Explorations in Grand Canyon’ where a man named Kinkaid discovered several hundred underground rooms some of them containing artifacts such as weapons and instruments unknown to native Americans, Egyptian-like hieroglyphics, mummies and a Buddha-like statue.
In 1985 in an article in Search magazine, there was a story by a Naval officer saying that they found underwater tunnels that span several hundred miles.
In 1992, 24 man-made caves were discovered in China, displaying incredible craftsmanship that would have involved the excavation of 36,000 cubic meters of stone. The floor of the grotto was more than two thousand square meters with the tallest point exceeding 30 metres. There are no historical references of the caves and the reason why they were built is unknown.
In 2012 in Italy archaeologists found an underground pyramid shaped vault of Etruskan origins with a series of tunnels starting from that point probably extending deep inside the ground dated before 1000 BC. Carved stairs run down the wall deeper into other tunnels where another pyramidal structure was found.
In Naples, a labyrinth of several miles of tunnels lies below the city, an underground city that spreads below the old town with many myths and legends surrounding them.
In Malta a network of tunnels was found under the historic capital of Malta, Valleta. Myths say that the network of tunnels in Malta even includes underground cities.
Legends of ‘Gods’ building vast underground cities to be protected by events on the surface appear in the myths and legends of multiple different continents from Egypt to America to China. Could that be the explanation for the thousands of tunnels, caves and underground cities around the world? It seems to me that further research and exploration is needed to uncover just what these underground networks for used for, why they were built and by whom. Until then, their existence remains a mystery.
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The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases & The Extraterrestrial Presence
The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases & The Extraterrestrial Presence
Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce. Dulce is located on the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado - New Mexico Border. It is home to about 3000 residents and is the capitol of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For as small and as insignificant as this remote location may sound, it became the center of controversy in the early 1980's. Physicist and inventor, Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce. His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations th at surround the base include human abductions ("alien abductions") by these extraterrestrial beings. He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation. Their plan, according to Conspiracy Theorists, is to control the government and gain ultimate control of the Earth by means of a New World Order. Stories have emerged regarding an untoward alliance between humans and the inhabitants of the Dulce base which include ties to shadow governments via secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Masons, the Bilderberg Group and the Skull and Bones.
Dulce is not the only place on earth where it is believed underground bases exist, but it is the one which has received the greatest notoriety in recent times. Subterranean bases, according to Conspira cy Theorists, can be found around the world with major active outposts all across the United States, Australia, Antarctica and South America. These bases are connected to each other via a series of channels which connect one base to another. There are even assertions that one of these tunnels leads to an active base beneath the Vatican which has been exerting control over western civilization for centuries.
A wealth of information regarding this subject has recently surfaced that seemingly reaches across vast extremes. And as strange as all of this may sound, could any of what they say be true? We turn to mythology in the search for answers. It must be stated before we move on, that mythology, like many of the claims that come from the UFO community is treated more like science fiction rather than fact. Traditional mythologists contend that the gods we f ind in myth represent the forces of nature or the creation of someone's vivid imagination. With that said, does mythology support these seemingly outlandish claims?
Stories of underground realms occupied by "the gods" pervade mythology. Depending on the culture, it has been called Hades, Tartarus, Xibalba, Duat, Patala and Hell. These "homes of the gods", are not always found deep within the earth, but are sometimes described as being within a mountain or deep beneath the waters of the earth. Access to their domain, regardless of locality, is often described as located through the mouth of a cave. The entrance may appear open at one time and then disappear from view completely and instantaneously. The inhabitants of these underground realms did not desire to be visited by unwanted nor unexpecte d company, yet access was granted to select individuals.
According to ancient texts, entrance into the underworld was anything but easy. The Mayan Popul Vuh, for example, describes the route taken by the hero brothers Hunhun-Ahpu and Vukub-Hunapu. It tells of a steep descent into the home of the Lords of Xibalba and the many challenges they had to face. Similarly, texts such as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead, describe the path by which the deceased god-King must travel to enter Duat. Like the Popul Vuh, the path is fraught with challenges the individual must pass in order to enter the realm of the dead, the underworld. The Vishnu Purana states that the deepest level of the underworld, Patala, can be found 70,000 yojanas beneath the surface of the earth. Gilgamesh, in the epic bearing his name, is described as traveling twel ve leagues in the dense darkness until he arrived in the light filled chamber of the underworld.
The underground domains of the gods are described as filled with houses or vast halls where thousands of individuals could assemble. Fountains, plants, tall grasses, trees and animals of all kinds filled this land. The divine ascetic, Narada, who is featured in the Vishnu Purana claims to have visited Patala. "Patala was much more charming than heaven. He exclaimed "What can be compared with Patala where Nagas (serpents) are adorned with beautiful and brilliant and pleasure-diffusing gems? This region is embellished with the daughters of Daityas and Danavas.".
Similar descriptions of the underground/underwater homes of the gods are scattered through mythology. The home of the Sumerian fertility god Enki, which is located in the watery deep, is described as having his house built of gold, silver and lapis lazuli. Even writers, such as Greek philosopher Plato, echo this notion. He believed that the earth was littered with a number of hollows that were full of water, air, trees, fruits and flowers.
Surprisingly, Plato confirms yet another claim made by modern UFOlogy. Plato goes on to state that these hollows were connected to one another by subterranean channels. But Plato isn't the only one who refers to tunnels that lie beneath the surface of the ear th. Inca legends tell of vast networks of tunnels that crisscross the length and breadth of the planet, complete with underground cities. When Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors entered Peru, they kidnapped the Inca emperor Atahualpha and held him for ransom. They demanded enough gold to fill a room in return for Atahualpha's release. Pizarro's men heard rumors that the Inca gold was being held in a vast network of subterranean tunnels. The tunnels were thousands of years old and ran for miles beneath the Inca capitol. In more recent years adventurers who have hazarded into the caverns beneath Cusco entered but were never seen again. One man actually did make it out of the tunnels alive and he brought with him two bars of gold. According to officials he had gone mad. The entrances to the tunnels were then walled up for safety's sake - at least that is the official story. The Apache Indians report that their ancestors took refuge in ancient tunnels during a cataclysmic disaster on the earth. They wandered these immense passageways for years carrying the seeds for life in the new world.
But what about the other claim made by UFOlgists regarding these bases being used for genetic engineering? According to their assertions it is in the lowest level, the 7th level, of the Dulce base that the extraterrestrials are engaging in this kind of experimentation.
Again, mythology supports this premise. Native American tribes across the country are the most vocal when it comes to this topic. The Jicarilla Apache (whose headquarters is in Dulce), the Navaho and Hopi Indians have long-standing traditions of man's creation and emergence from beneath the surface of the earth. The Algonquians recount "Thus did the lowermost world-cave become overfilled with living things, full of unfinished creatures, crawling like reptiles over one another in dark blackness." In this matter they do not stand alone. Berosus, a Babylonian priest, tells of the hideous creatures that inhabit this underground realm. He described men who had one body but two heads, some with the legs and horns of a goat and even some with the hind quarters of a horse and the body of a man. "In short, there were creatures in which were combined the limbs of every species of animal."
These genetic experiments are, according to reports from UFO advocates, being conducted by a grou p of reptilian beings in the lowest levels of the base. Thomas Castello, a former senior security officer at the base, testified that the base at Dulce is a seven level underground facility with the lower levels described as a series of natural caverns. It was believed by Castello that these caverns were used by different extraterrestrial races in our remote past. In Hindu cosmology, the Naga (serpents) once lived on earth, but the great god Brahma sent them to live under the sea and in the seventh level of their underground realm called Patala. In the Sumerian Inana's Descent To The Nether World, Inana is required to pass through seven gates to finally reach the bowels of the underworld. Aztec legend says that Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, went to Mictlan, the Aztec Underworld, and created mankind using his own blood and the bones of the previous race. Throughout mythology the act of creating humanity is always associated with a specific group of gods, the fertility gods. Fertility gods around the world are traditionally depicted as reptilian or amphibious in nature and appear in art as a blend between a man and a fish or a man and a snake.
A number of individuals also argue the Reptilian's true agenda is to control us, with the objective to dominate the planet. They cite the development of a New World Order. Proponents of this theory believe that the Reptilians, or the byproduct of their genetic manipulation experiments, intend to take control of the earth's surface. This takeover is being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group which includes many of the world's wealthiest people. Some claim members of this elite group are actually genetically related to each other. Their goal is to have every man, woman and child on the earth obedient to their covert agenda. The Reptilians are also accused of wanting to reduce the population on the earth and are employing weapons such as chemt rails, GMO's, vaccinations and man-made viruses to reduce our numbers. It is contended that it is easier to control 500,000 or a million individuals than it is the 7 billion who currently live on the earth.
A look into mythology relative to this claim does have a few pillars of support. The idea of culling the human population on Earth is not a modern concept. In the Sumerian Epic of Atrahasis we find a story where the gods do just that! Twelve hundred years after the creation of mankind the number of people who inhabited the Earth grew. Their "noise" disturbed the Sky god Enlil's sleep. Enlil decided to send a plague in order reduce the population. This worked for a while but when another 1200 years passed the populati on had grown again and Enlil was once more bothered by the noise. This time, in order to decrease their numbers, he gets the Thunder-rain god Adad to hold back the rains and the world suffered from a great drought where vast numbers died. The population continues to grow, and by the time another 1200 years pass the noise became too much for Enlil to bear. Wanting to alleviate his problem he tells the gods to hold back all of nature's gifts. This went on for six years and as the texts describe, the people of Earth were reduced to cannibalism in order to survive. The Fertility god, Enki, tried to save the people from starvation. This angered Enlil even more. Finally Enlil, in an act of vengeance, decided to destroy mankind once and for all. He planned to do this by flooding the world. Enki, once again steped in and saved humanity from total annihilation. He warned Atrahasis of the impending flood and told him t o build a boat to save himself and his family.
Torrents of theories have come forward as we seek the truth regarding our place in the universe. Mythology does lend itself to support a number of these claims. It is difficult to determine if the creators of these theories based their conjecture using myth as their foundation, first hand experiences, or, something else. What does seem evident is that much of the information UFO researchers are bringing to light does parallel the myths and legends that have passed to us from antiquity. Bringing this idea full circle; if the stories being unearthed in the UFO community were not based on mythological sources, yet mythology su pports these claims, then the stories of our distant past may have a basis in fact. It implies that the gods were living breathing beings who walked the earth in our remote past, created man and played an essential role in the development of life and culture on the planet.
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The Psychology and Neuroscience of Alien Abduction
The Psychology and Neuroscience of Alien Abduction
If the figures are to be believed, up to 4 million people have been abducted by aliens in the US, with many millions more captured world wide. Although the existence of human hungry aliens might be impossible to disprove per se, it is unlikely that extra-terrestrials could manage such mass kidnappings without being commonly noticed. This suggests that there are many people who falsely believe they have been seized by creatures from outer-space, perhaps after experiencing unusual and bizarre phenomena. The purpose of this article is to communicate some of the recent research in psychology and neuroscience that gives us some clues as to how and why these experiences and beliefs occur.
Some of the many thousands of people who claim to have been abducted are likely to be fortune seekers, bar-room braggers, publicity hounds and maybe even some genuine abductees. Yet with the high numbers of people reporting abductions, many of the people who believe they have been captured will likely have been mistaken.
Sleep paralysis
Awareness during sleep paralysis is a common explanation for this confusion, most probably as abduction experiences and conscious sleep paralysis attacks often share many of the same features, such as waking whilst unable to move, feelings of fear, dread or unease and a feeling of pressure on the body. Normal sleep paralysis happens when the body enters the REM stage of the sleep cycle. The brain stem blocks movement signals that would normally travel from the brain to the muscles, probably to stop us carrying out the movements we dream about doing. The frightening aspect of this occurs when a sleeper awakens, becomes conscious, but who’s movement control is not reinstated by the brain. This state can also be accompanied by what are known as ‘hypnopompic’ hallucinations which occur naturally to many people whilst awakening. These hallucinations can take the form of voices, lights, figures or any number of strange bodily sensations. It is little wonder that when combined with fearful paralysis such uncanny experiences might be interpreted as alien in origin.
Temporal lobe disturbance
Another commonly cited source of internal spookiness are the temporal lobes of the brain. Electrical stimulation of the surface of the temporal lobes (usually done on an awake patient when they are undergoing brain surgery) can produce unusual auditory sensations. Similarly, Michael Persinger, a Canadian scientist, has produced strange sensations in his research participants by using magnets to influence temporal lobe function from outside the skull. Such sensations have included feelings of a ‘presence’, disorientation and fear. It would seem unlikely that a possible abductee would fail to notice if someone placed large magnets near his or her head (or even that they were subject to brain surgery !) before the ‘abduction’ experience. However, similar effects can be caused by epileptic or similar seizures in the temporal lobes. Many epilepsy sufferers who have temporal lobe seizures report mystical experiences, missing time, out of body feelings or even strange smells or ‘atmospheres’ prior to, during or after a seizure. It must be remembered that not all forms of epilepsy cause dramatic shaking of the body, and many simply result in brief lapses of consciousness or experiences such as those noted above. This leads us to wonder whether disturbances in the temporal lobes may also contribute to experiences which some people may interpret as an alien abduction.
Mental illness
Surprisingly, overt mental illness may be one of the least likely explanations for abduction experiences. Research has previously suggested that alien contactees are no more likely to show signs of mental illness than the general population, a finding which has been backed up by several other studies. However, many features once thought present only in mental illness have now been discovered to be held by much of the population. If we look at the healthy population as a whole, these features seem to exist on a continuum with some people reporting anomalous thoughts and feelings or having certain traits more than others. In this vein, it seems people who report themselves as abductees are more likely to endorse unusual experiences, be creative and imaginative, have depressive ideas, be suspicious, have dissociative tendencies and to have suffered childhood trauma. So whilst it seems unlikely that the bizarre experiences reported by most ‘abductees’ stem from severe mental illness (which can produce equally bizarre and seemingly real experiences) it is certainly the case that this group has characteristics that differentiate them from the general population. It is possible that these dispositions may increase the tendency for them to explain an anomalous experience in terms of alien contact.
Abduction by Aliens or Sleep Paralysis?
Memory distortion
Our memories are often infuriatingly fallible, leading us to forget information we want to remember, remember information we’d rather forget, or often confidently recall something that later turns out to be inaccurate. A recent study has investigated memory distortions in people claiming to have been subject to alien capture. Participants in the study were read several lists of similarly themed words then given tests of recall and recognition. The results of the study indicated that ‘abductees’ were able to remember words from the original list as well as ‘non-abductees’, but tended to show a higher rate of recall and recognition for words that were never actually read out in the first place. This suggests that the ‘abductees’ are more likely to misidentify the source of memories, perhaps suggesting that some elements of their abduction experience may have been culled from other sources such as the media or their own imagination.
This effect may also work retrospectively, allowing people to co-opt previous memories to support an abduction account. An early memory study conducted by Frederic Bartlettdemonstrated that we reconstruct memories as they are recalled to create a coherent story. This reconstruction takes place using cultural references that give us a frame on which to hang the various remembered experiences. The alien abduction experience is well known to almost everyone, due to the popularity of shows such as the X-Files, and famous cases which have hit the headlines. This may give some people a cultural framework on which they can hang memories from a bizarre, unusual or traumatic experience. Unfortunately it is even the case that naïve or even unscrupulous therapists may push alien abduction as a explanation for a bizarre experience that a client may have undergone. Many examples of therapists willing to use hypnoticregression, a technique noted for its tendency to cause false recall, to recover abduction experiences can be found on the internet. Perhaps giving an off-the-shelf explanation for strange experiences that the brain is quite capable of generating, without the need for extra-terrestrial intervention.
It would certainly be foolish to discount the possibility of anything unlikely, simply because of its improbability. Yet we must also remember that we can often find explanations for anomalous experience within ourselves. As the old doctor’s adage goes ‘When you hear hoof beats, start by thinking horses not zebras’. This would seem to work as well for zebras as it does for visitors from outer-space.
Further Reading
This article is largely a summary of two recent scientific papers, both of which are well worth reading if you require further information, detailed references or simply enjoy interesting science.
Holden, K.J. & French, C.C. (2002) Alien abduction experiences: Some clues from neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 7 (3),163-178 Click here for a summary.
Clancy, S.A., McNally, R.J., Schacter, D.L., Lenzenweger, M.F. & Pitman, R.K. (2002) Memory distortion in people reporting abduction by aliens. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111 (3), 455-461 Click here for a summary.
Our ancient world continues to become more mysterious by the day, as 10,000 year old rock paintings depicting possible extraterrestrials and UFOs have been found in Chhattisgarh, India. These can be added to the long list of mysterious and unexplained “ancient art” that seems to lend to the belief that our ancient world and the people who lived at that time had contact with beings that did not originate from this planet.
According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings depict extraterrestrials. The Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture is planning to seek the help of NASA and ISRO for research regarding the paintings.
“The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject. The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. The nose and mouth are missing, and in a few pictures they are even shown wearing spacesuits. We can’t refuse the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things.” – JR Bhagat (source)
According to the times of India:
“There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about “rohela people” -the small sized ones -who used to land from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons in the village who never returned.” (source)
Antiquity is filled with stories of beings, materials and flying objects that, according to modern day thinking, should not have existed. For anybody who has studied ancient mythology, they would know that a large amount of evidence exists today to turn those ‘mythical stories,’ (as we interpret them) into stories of a possible ancient reality. To see more examples of that, please click HERE.
Here are some of the pictures that were found:
More Ancient Art
Ancient cave paintings depicting possible UFOs and extraterrestrials have been found all over the globe. This one (one of the earliest known forms of human art) is from the French cave of Pech Merle. In the paintings within this cave there are several objects that resemble flying saucers. The paintings here are approximately 20,000 years old, and of course we can never really know what the true meaning of the painting is, but it is interesting nonetheless.
This is a cave painting found in Kimberley, Australia. They were painted by the native Aborigines approximately 5,000 years ago. These are depictions of what they called Wandijina, or sky beings. In their tradition these beings were part of the beginning of creation, and had great power of nature. The first thing I took from this were the large heads, a common theme among today’s purported extraterrestrial visitations.
There are paintings like this all over the world. Just like there are many ancient pyramids built all over the world by different civilizations at different times that had no contact with each other, these cave paintings share the same anomaly. These are petroglyphs discovered in Utah, in the Barrier Canyon, which depict a number of tall beings with similar shaped heads as to the ones in Australia. There are also similar beings painted on rocks in Utah’s Sego Canyon.
This is a cave painting found in Kimberley, Australia. They were painted by the native Aborigines approximately 5,000 years ago. These are depictions of what they called Wandijina, or sky beings. In their tradition these beings were part of the beginning of creation, and had great power of nature. The first thing I took from this were the large heads, a common theme among today’s purported extraterrestrial visitations.
Below are some more examples of UFO and ET depictions throughout history:
1. “The Crucifixion” hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo, Yugoslavia, it was painted in 1350.
2. This image is from the 12th century manuscripts “Annales Laurissenses.”
3. From the French book “Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs” by Jackques Legrand, 1338
4. “The Miracle of the Snow” by Masolino Da Panicale circa 1400 from Florence, Italy
5. This image is from the 12th century manuscripts “Annales Laurissenses”
6. Broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates many flaming and “large black globes” that were reported to have appeared in the skies over Basel, Switzerland in 1586. This one is from the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library, Switzerland.
7. “The Madonna with Saint Giovanninoz” painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown
There is strong evidence to suggest that today, we are currently being visited by intelligent extraterrestrial life.
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Leaked NASA Footage Proves Man Already Walked On Mars
Leaked NASA Footage Proves Man Already Walked On Mars
This is a 16mm footage collection of ISV Columbus.This is not for public distribution and it’s used by NASA and Air Force during classified meetings about Red Sun Project missions.The entire footage lasts about 40 minutes. This one was the 2nd manned mission to Mars and took place on August 28 1973.
AN APPARENT UFO sighting in Louth has prompted suggestions from readers in an attempt to explain the mystery.
As previously reported, Keith Angel, of Grimsby Road, wrote to the Telegraph to report of an apparent sighting of a UFO or low flying aircraft which “produced a deafening sound” and blew “a trail of flames”.
Mr Angel said the incident occurred between 11.30pm and midnight on Monday in the Grimsby Road area of Louth.
He said: “As I drove down Grimsby Road I heard a very loud jet engine sound above that of the car engine.
“As I arrived outside our house and opened the car door, the noise became absolutely deafening and I noticed what appeared to be aircraft navigation lights moving over the trees opposite our house and the circling above the church.
“The sound increased in volume as a trail of flame or hot exhaust gasses blasted out of the rear of the craft – similar to a jet fighter afterburner trail. This happened several times.”
After telling his story, readers have responded in their droves to try to explain the strange phenomenon.
Dave Formula said he was relieved to hear others had the same experience.
“In the many years I’ve lived in Louth I can say that I’ve never seen, or heard, anything like it,” he said.
“I was sat in the living room, at the front of my house, off Linden Walk, and this very loud and deeply vibrating sound built up and eventually appeared to be directly over the house.
“I initially assumed it was an RAF plane on an unusual evening exercise, but the way the sound enveloped the house was really very different from the regular flyovers.
“Within a couple of minutes it all began again.”
He said the craft travelled from the London Road direction over to the Cattle Market.
“I clearly saw, what to me looked like an unusual, small, single engined plane with its engine enveloped by a glowing bright orange or red mass,” he said.
“It was low in the sky and travelling surprisingly slow. I watched the ‘plane’ travel off to the extreme right of my vision and disappear.”
Amber Liles wrote to the Grimsby Telegraph to say she thought it may have been a drone after experiencing a similar incident two weeks ago.
“I was walking past the church at around 11pm, and heard a noise similar to what this person has described,” she said.
“I looked up to see small bright lights coming from something that was hovering next to the steeple.
“I too thought it was a bit odd, but when I got to the other end of the church, I found a man controlling it.”
Amy Thornton wrote on Facebook: “I’ve noticed people flying drones around Louth quite a lot. I think it might be a coincidence that the drone was hovering as planes were flying past making the noise.”
Another commented: “RAF Coningsby were night flying that night until midnight. I‘d imagine it was a Typhoon.”
A fellow reader posted: “An RAF Voyager AAR Tanker (ZZ335) was up on Monday at 11.30pm and it’s holding pattern (for several hours) skims Louth.
“On top of this there would have been aircraft meeting up with it to refuel, as well as this there was a C130 operating close to the area and the Sikorsky S92 Coast guard helicopter from Humberside ventured over Louth at 2,000ft, just past 11pm.”
The latest ‘sighting’ follows years of alleged UFO activity over the area, with some dating as far back as 1995. Details of many of them can be found in the interactive map below.
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21-08-2015 om 22:09
geschreven door peter
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Speculation that green ball sighting at Minto was UFO
Speculation that green ball sighting at Minto was UFO
A green-lit ball similar to the UFO spotted from Minto.
IT HAD a green tinge, it looked like a large ball, it darted through the night’s sky, and has left Minto’s Laurie Porter baffled.
Mrs Porter, 61, was outside her home when she spotted an unusual object zooming through the still sky at 8pm on August 15.
It then quickly disappeared in the distance.
She is curious to know if any other residents sighted the mysterious “greenish ball”, possibly above Ingleburn, or may know what it could have been.
“The object was much larger than a star, but smaller than the moon,” Mrs Porter said. “It was not accompanied by any beam of light. It glowed extremely brightly, and its brilliance did not alter or fade at all.
“It darted about, extremely quickly, up and down, and round and round, in a varied trajectory. There was no wind or breeze.”
Mrs Porter said her and her husband only saw the object for a few minutes and did not have time to take a photograph.
“I was worried it would hit a plane as it was too big to be anything normal,” she said.
“It freaked me out but has got me intrigued. What I have described is what I saw. I haven’t lost the plot.
“My brother-in-law told me he had seen a mysterious large bright light in the sky a few weeks earlier.”
Macarthur Astronomical Society president Tony Law said he discounted the fact the object was a UFO.
“We have thousands of astronomers out every night and to my knowledge we have never had a UFO sighting,” Mr Law said.
“(Mrs Porter saw the object) during the time of the meteor shower. I would say she saw a meteorite which is a piece of rock which flashes through the sky, or it could have been a piece of space junk.
“The green tinge could have been some metal.
“We (astronomers) were out that night too and saw several bright objects in the dark sky.”
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21-08-2015 om 22:03
geschreven door peter
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Electric Fog and Time Travel in the Bermuda Triangle presents pilot Bruce Gernon’s groundbreaking new theory of the Bermuda Triangle, based upon his own firsthand experiences, eyewitness reports from other close-call Triangle survivors, and leading scientific research. Gernon believes that a rare natural phenomenon may be behind many of the seemingly paranormal happenings in the Triangle, causing time distortions, pilot disorientation, and equipment malfunctions.
But the notorious Bermuda Triangle hasn’t given up all its secrets. The show also explores the Triangle’s connection to UFOs, a secret navy base, and a possible link to a vanished ancient civilization.
UFOs and Nukes provides the startling and sometimes shocking answers to these questions. Veteran researcher Robert Hastings has investigated nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents for more than three decades and has interviewed more than 120 ex-US Air Force personnel, from former Airmen to retired Colonels, who witnessed extraordinary UFO encounters at nuclear weapons sites. Their amazing stories are presented here.
Was there a connection between the atomic bomber squadron based at Roswell and the reported crash of a UFO nearby? Did those who pilot the UFOs monitor the superpowers’ nuclear arms race during the dangerous Cold War era? Do they scrutinze American and Russian weapons sites even now?
“Uitermate belangrijke ontdekking”: Wetenschappers stuiten op onderaards meer onder piramide in Mexico
“Uitermate belangrijke ontdekking”: Wetenschappers stuiten op onderaards meer onder piramide in Mexico
In de Mayastad Chichén Itzá op het Mexicaanse schiereiland Yucatán is een onderaards meer aangetroffen onder de Piramide van Kukulcán, beter bekend als El Castillo.
Het meer is 35 meter breed en 20 meter diep, zo meldt de Universiteit van Unam. Tussen het fundament van de tempel en het meer bevindt zich een vijf meter dikke kalksteenlaag. De wetenschappers sluiten niet uit dat de piramide eens instort, maar daar zullen nog vele generaties overheen gaan. De ontdekking is gedaan tijdens geo-elektrische metingen, niet tijdens opgravingen.
Centrum van het universum
Volgens archeoloog Guillermo de Anda gaat het om een uitermate belangrijke ontdekking. “Dit kan bewijzen dat de Maya’s symbolische kaarten van hun kosmologie verwerkten in hun tempels en heilige plaatsen,” zei hij.
“De cenotes (water bevattende grot) die de piramide omringen kunnen staan voor de vier windrichtingen. Het pas ontdekte meer is dan het centrum dat door de Maya’s wordt gezien als het centrum van het universum,” voegde De Anda toe.
Mysterieuze cultuur
Hoofdonderzoeker Rene Chavez benadrukt dat er vooral veel vragen zijn. Wisten de Maya’s dat er water zat voordat ze begonnen met de bouw van de piramide? Als die vraag is beantwoord kunnen we meer inzicht krijgen in hun mysterieuze cultuur, aldus Chavez. Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan dit artikel te delen op Facebook.
Back to the future: “Als je terug in de tijd reist ontstaan er dubbelgangers”
Back to the future: “Als je terug in de tijd reist ontstaan er dubbelgangers”
Stel je een toekomst voor waarin je terug in de tijd zou kunnen reizen om je voorouders te ontmoeten. Als je door de tijd reist zouden er verschillende versies van jezelf ontstaan, waarvan sommige in het heden leven en andere naar het verleden gaan.
Je dubbelgangers zouden elkaar uiteindelijk tegenkomen en vervolgens vernietigen. Het klinkt allemaal als sciencefiction, maar een theoretisch natuurkundige meent dat het dichter bij de werkelijkheid ligt dan we denken.
“Ik heb al vaak gehoord dat je terug in de tijd zult reizen als je sneller dan het licht gaat,” zei natuurkundige Robert Nemiroff van de Michigan Technological University. “Hoewel ik een astrofysicus ben, wist ik niet precies hoe dit in zijn werk zou gaan.”
“Ik werkte het idee verder uit met een student,” ging hij verder. “Stel je een ruimteschip voor op een lanceerplatform op de aarde. Het reist met vijf keer de lichtsnelheid naar een planeet op 10 lichtjaar hier vandaan. Het ruimteschip zou vervolgens terug naar huis gaan.”
“Het is bekend dat je vooruit in de tijd kunt gaan door met hoge snelheid in een ruimteschip te reizen en dan terug te keren,” aldus professor Nemiroff. Hoe dichter je in de buurt komt van de lichtsnelheid en hoe langer de reis, hoe verder je vooruit in de tijd gaat.”
Kun je op dezelfde manier terug in de tijd reizen? Dit kan alleen werken door aan te nemen dat het ruimteschip sneller dan het licht kan reizen. Op basis van een aantal vergelijkingen ontdekte Nemiroff dat gedurende de reis een tweetal spookschepen uit het niets verschenen, één met een negatieve massa en één met een positieve massa.
Omdat het licht van het ruimteschip langzamer gaat dan het ruimteschip, zouden aardbewoners bij terugkomst beelden zien van een ruimteschip dat vertrekt en een ruimteschip dat arriveert. Acht jaar later zou een beeld van het ruimteschip op het lanceerplatform nog steeds zichtbaar zijn, evenals twee afbeeldingen van het ruimteschip tijdens het vertrek en de terugkeer.
Na ongeveer 10 jaar zouden de spookschepen elkaar vernietigen en zou één enkel ruimteschip op het lanceerplatform staan. Hetzelfde zou gebeuren met ieder ander object dat terug in de tijd gaat.
Dit experiment roept de nodige vragen op. Waar bestaan de dubbelgangers uit? En hoe weet je wie ‘de echte’ is? Omdat er nog niemand in is geslaagd om een object met massa sneller dan het licht te laten reizen, kunnen we voor nu alleen maar gissen. Het onderzoek van professor Nemiroff staat op arXiv. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
UFO komt heel dichtbij ISS ruimtestation ( Video )
UFO komt heel dichtbij ISS ruimtestation ( Video )
De UFO’s die zich rondom het Internationale Ruimtestation ISS begeven lijken een beetje op de Illuminati.
Net als deze club worden ze als het ware steeds brutaler en doen ze geen enkele moeite meer om uit beeld te blijven.
Zoals op de volgende afbeeldingen te zien, kwam er enkele dagen geleden een UFO wel heel dichtbij het ruimtestation.
Dit exemplaar werd wederom opgemerkt door Streetcap1. Hij heeft zelf geen flauw idee wat deze UFO is of wat het daar doet.
Er werd even gespeculeerd dat het een Japanse capsule zou kunnen zijn die afgelopen woensdag met een raket vanuit dat land werd gelanceerd voor een ontmoeting met het ruimtestation, maar volgens de kenners is dit niet de Japanse module.
Het ruimtestation blijft voor UFO-liefhebbers een voortdurende bron van inspiratie want enkele weken geleden was het ook raak.
Toen werd door het ISS het vertrek gefilmd van een aantal UFO’s die de aarde verlieten en vanuit de dampkring verder de ruimte in gaan.
Op het moment dat NASA in de gaten had dat deze in beeld waren, werden de transmissies van het ISS op zwart gezet.
De President van het land, Rafael Correa, heeft zaterdag (lokale tijd) de noodtoestand uitgeroepen. De autoriteiten vrezen dat de Cotopaxi-vulkaan zal uitbarsten. Deze lijkt steeds actiever te worden en spuwde vrijdag as kilometers de lucht in. Ongeveer 400 mensen hebben volgens Correa uit voorzorg een veilig heenkomen gezocht in opvangcentra. „Hopelijk gaat alles goed en barst de vulkaan niet uit”, zei de president.
Niet alleen barsten nu zo ongeveer overal ter wereld vulkanen uit of dreigen dat te doen, de wereld gaat gewoon door alsof dit de normaalste zaak van de wereld is.
Zoals niemand ook maar enig oog heeft voor de UFO’s die er eigenlijk altijd te vinden zijn rondom vulkanen, actief of niet.
Een prachtig voorbeeld daarvan is een video die iets verder naar beneden staat in dit artikel en die een UFO laat zien die in of uit de krater komt.
De beelden zijn gemaakt door een religieuze fanatieke christen die zo druk is met het promoten van zijn verhalen over het einde der tijden en Openbaringen dat hij de volgende UFO niet eens opmerkt.
Dan volgt hier de video. Wij adviseren om het geluid uit te zetten, maargoed, iedereen zijn smaak.
Natuurlijk is Ecuador niet het enige land met een vulkaan die onrustig is, maar vind je die bijvoorbeeld ook in Mexico en dan met name de Colima vulkaan.
Het is ook niet alleen Ecuador waar bij een vulkaan UFO’s verschijnen, ook Mexico heeft die in allerlei soorten en maten.
De volgende opname die werd gemaakt bij de Colima vulkaan in Mexico is wel heel bijzonder.
De bovenstaande beelden zijn gemaakt met een webcam en tonen een prachtige klassieke retro UFO.
Het zal misschien ook niemand verbazen dat deze UFO is gevonden door de bekende Youtube gebruiker Streetcap1. De man die niets anders schijnt te doen dan snuffelen door beelden op zoek naar interessante objecten. Met vaak mooi resultaat.
Do you see the shadow below the UFO? The shadow falls onto the cloud below it.
Date of sighting: August 20, 2015 Location of sighting: Near Italy This is a great video of a cigar UFO over Italy this week. It was captured from a passenger jet and in the last screenshot above, you see the UFO is above the cloud line, not part of it. Proof this is real is the fact that this UFO has a shadow on the cloud below it. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: David has seen a UFO !!! On the way home from Italy, he was awarded a shock, outside the window, he suddenly saw a UFO!
Date of sighting: August 12, 2015 Location of sighting: Bordeaux, France This is a cool catch from France. Four glowing orbs were hovering over a neighbourhood this week. As you watch, you will see the two orbs on the bottom left will move under and to the right of the upper orbs. They are flying in formation. It looks like they are scanning the homes below...probably someone important to them lives there, an old abductee, or a reborn alien from their planet born into human form. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: Lights in a triangular formation.
UFO’s are the vagueness of the sky with the people debating on whether they exist or don’t. Since many people have witnessed the strange sightings and recorded evidence, many efforts have been made to determine their existence. However, the job is a difficult one because not all sightings are the same. In fact, some are incredibly difficult to decipher. Since the sighting has no confirmation, it is a well-settled principle to open your minds and consider all the evidence objectively. One thing to consider is that in the modern world, it is easy for the people to dream up visions of aliens because they are existing in the movies time and again. But it seems like this an exception to the rule.
Recently, a speeding strange object is spotted in the wake of the RAF Vulcan hovering in the sky above Shoreham and Worthing on Saturday, July 15. Elaine Costello recorded the image on Saturday afternoon after the military jet passed overhead. According to the witness, the object shows a tiny, blackish object, flying through the sky at its reasonable speed. It was seen nearby Shoreham Power Station, in Southwick. According to Elaine, the strange object shows right after one Vulcan bomber has disappeared. Its direction shows flits from the screen’s left part up to the center where the video ended.
The Witnessed claimed attempted to slow down the video as to focus on the strange object, but still, the object goes behind cloud briefly. Whatever it was, the outcomes are incredible because at least there is another person who saw the object. Mr. Robinson said that 95% of the reported Unidentified Flying Objects were ‘natural explanations’ and the 4% is a combination of atmospheric phenomenon, which is a ‘black budget’ stealth aircraft. The 1% that remain is something personal In other words; it is personal and out of this world. As for the image recorded by Elaine, he believed that it was a classical flying saucer shape.
Unexplained Experience: Witnesses Fell Ill After 1665 ‘UFO Battle’
Unexplained Experience: Witnesses Fell Ill After 1665 ‘UFO Battle’
Researchers are still investigating a 350-year-old case that remains anonymous until today. The incident happened when several fishermen anchored near Barhöfft on April 8, 1665, at around 2 pm. They all witnessed the strange objects appearing to be vessels in the sky. The most interesting part is the activities of the subject matter as it shows they are being engaged in a battle. After the alleged battle, a dark object is seen hovering in the sky.
Erasmus Francisci gathered news reports about the 1689 incident, saying that after a while, a round flat form appeared. To be specific, it looks like a plate with a huge hat of a man. When talking about the color, it seems as a dark moon hovering right over St. Nicolai’s church. Though it remained motionless until the evening, they are worried about death. Since all of them didn’t want to look further, they buried their faces in their hands. According to the report of Francisci, the men who witnessed the objects experienced illnesses shortly afterward. They suffered trembling extremities and pain in their limbs. Later, the whole incident was deemed “unexplained” leading to the symptoms covered or concealed. Francisci had gathered reports related to the event. The experts considered the event and the illness as something unexplainable.
Is it a Mirage? A Fata Morgana is a mirage appearing above the horizon when there is a right mix of thermal layers in the air. It shifts frequently. But the 1665 event occurs higher in the sky more than a Fata Morgana could. Is it Flock of Birds? The “battle” seems to start with the appearance of birds. Shough and Aubeck summarize the accounts stating that there is a large flock of birds seen in the heavens. After moving, they formed a long passage in a house.
In the case analysis of June 2015, researchers Martin Shough and Chris Aubeck looked at numerous possible explanations. At the end of the day, they concluded that it was an extraordinary case. Whether it is true or not, it is considered as the first ‘flying saucer’ report in history.”
Airplanes and interplanetary travel described 7000 years ago in India Airplanes and interplanetary travel described 7000 years ago in India
Airplanes and interplanetary travel described 7000 years ago in India
According to a book that was recently introduced in India, the Hindus have designed the bases of aviation, even interplanetary travel, thousands of years before the Wright brothers.
The work, presented by Anand Weddings and Ameya Jadhav during the scientific conference organized by the University of Mumbai, India, concludes that an aviation system even more advanced than the current would have been described by the sage Maharshi Bharadwaja, thousands of years ago. Bharadwaja was one of the greatest Hindu sages. He attained extraordinary scholarship and he had the great power of meditation.
The Vaimānika Śāstra an early 20th-century Sanskrit text on aerospace technology makes claim that he vimānas mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles, similar to a rocket capable of interplanetary flight as backed up by the ancient alien theory.
The texts were revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josye and contain 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters which Shastry claimed was psychically delivered to him by the ancient Hindu sage Bharadvaja. The propulsion of the Vimanas according to Kanjilal (1985) is by a "Mercury Vortex Engines", a concept similar to electric propulsion.
The authors argue that the sage Maharishi Bharadwaj would have described more than 7000 years ago "aircraft traveling between countries, continents and planets." At the same time, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Mumbai, Rajan Welukar, said that "there is no reason to believe in what they say about the Vedas, but it is something that is worth studying."
Image Credit:
Even though there are several studies that have demonstrated that these ancient flying machines were not really capable of flight, there are many researchers and scholars who believe that these ancient machines were blueprints of high-tech flying machines.
In 1974, a study by the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore found that the heavier-than-air aircraft that the Vaimānika Śāstra described were aeronautically unfeasible.
Mr. Boda is quoted in the Mumbai Mirror as saying “modern science is unscientific” because it considers things it does not comprehend as not possible. He is further quoted as saying, “The Vedic or rather ancient Indian definition of an aeroplane was a vehicle which travels through the air from one country to another country, from one continent to another continent, from one planet to another planet,” he said. “In those days aeroplanes were huge in size, and could move left, right, as well as backwards, unlike modern planes which only fly forward.”
Wetenschappers van de NASA, Johns Hopkins University en het Southwest Research Institute hebben negen jaar moeten wachten tot hun ruimtesonde New Horizons aankwam bij Pluto. De sonde stuurde vorige maand foto’s terug naar de aarde, waarop ijsbergen, toendra en vele details op het oppervlak van de dwergplaneet waren te zien. Als de wetenschappers de waarheid vertellen tenminste.
Er is een groep bloggers, de zogeheten ‘Pluto Truthers’, die claimen dat de recente beelden nep zijn. Zij zeggen dat New Horizons is bedacht om het publiek te misleiden en belastinggeld te gebruiken voor meer duistere overheidsprojecten. Volgens de groep worden we al sinds de allereerste maanlanding voor de gek gehouden.
YouTube-gebruiker Crrow777 uit San Diego plaatste een video op internet waarin hij uitlegde dat de foto’s volgens hem nep zijn. Hij stelde dat foto’s die hij met zijn eigen telescoop van Jupiter had gemaakt van betere kwaliteit waren dan de NASA-beelden van Pluto.
“Ze bestelen letterlijk het Amerikaanse volk en verspreiden leugens,” zegt hij in de video, toevoegende dat de ruimtesonde waarschijnlijk ergens in een Hollywoodstudio staat. “Als je de echte Pluto wilt zien moet je naar Disneyland gaan.”
Het filmpje is inmiddels ongeveer 100.000 keer bekeken. “Er is geen ruimteschip bij Pluto,” zei hij. “Wat we van Pluto weten is dat het een zeer zwak licht aan de hemel is. Dat is alles wat we weten.”
Crrow777 kreeg bijval van Kedrick Blessed, een 30-jarige computerdeskundige uit Californië. Blessed wilde als kind astronaut worden, tot hij niet langer geloofde dat NASA over de technologie beschikt om de ruimte in te gaan. “Iedereen kan ze op de computer maken,” zei hij over de foto’s van Pluto. Hij voegde toe dat missies zoals New Horizons alleen maar zijn bedoeld om NASA populair te maken.
Justin Shaw uit Lethbridge in Alberta zegt dat de foto’s zonder twijfel met de computer zijn gemaakt. “De hele missie is bedrog,” zei hij. “Er verdwijnt een hoop belastinggeld en niemand weet waarom.”
Shaw is sceptisch over het hele ruimteprogramma, niet alleen New Horizons. “Als de ruimte een vacuüm is, hoe kunnen ruimteschepen er dan doorheen gaan? En als het geen vacuüm is, zit het waarschijnlijk vol ruimtepuin. Waarom zouden overheden geld verspillen aan zo’n gevarenzone? Ik ben de leugens en de misleiding beu.”
Ruïnes van buitenaardse beschavingen
Richard Hoagland, een voormalig NASA-adviseur en schrijver van de bestseller Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, meent dat mensen als Crrow777 zijn ingehuurd om het volk ervan te weerhouden de foto’s van Pluto te bestuderen zodat men niet kan zien wat ze onthullen: bewijs voor buitenaards leven.
Hoagland meent dat NASA-beelden van Pluto, Mars en de maan geometrische patronen laten zien die ruïnes zijn van buitenaardse beschavingen. Hij verwijst naar een document, het Brookings Report, dat in opdracht van NASA is opgesteld. In het rapport wordt geadviseerd informatie over buitenaards leven achter te houden om grootschalige paniek te voorkomen.
Volgens sommigen staat NASA voor Never a Straight Answer. Anderen zeggen dat astronauten slechts acteurs zijn en dat mensennog nooit in de ruimte zijn geweest. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
“Einde der tijden nabij: aarde wordt in september getroffen door dag des oordeels”
“Einde der tijden nabij: aarde wordt in september getroffen door dag des oordeels”
Een aantal groeperingen voorspellen voor volgende maand het einde der tijden: de dag waarop de wereld zal vergaan. Ze verwachten dat de aarde tussen 22 en 28 september zal worden getroffen door de dag des oordeels. Het komt zelden voor dat meerdere sektes zo’n concrete datum noemen.
Er gaan meerdere theorieën rond over de manier waarop de wereld zal eindigen. Zo zou op 24 september een meteoriet inslaan op aarde. De Wachters van de Nacht denken dat er een tsunami zal plaatsvinden. En de sekte River of Glory noemt 23 september als datum. “De tijd is kort, heel kort,” aldus profetes Deborah Aquila.
Er zijn ook sektes die zich baseren op de zogeheten tetrade, een periode van vier maansverduisteringen achter elkaar, die ook wel ‘bloedmanen’ worden genoemd. Dit zeldzame natuurfenomeen loopt op 28 september af.
Zeer zeldzaam
De eerste bloedmaan was op 15 april te zien en de laatste valt samen met het Loofhuttenfeest op 28 september. Tetrades zijn zeer zeldzaam: sinds het begin van de jaartelling zijn ze welgeteld 62 keer voorgekomen. Volgens de NASA deden ze zich tussen 1600 en 1900 niet één keer voor.
Evangelisten merken op dat iedere keer dat een tetrade plaatsvond, dat gepaard ging met grote religieuze gebeurtenissen. In 1493 ging de eerste tetrade gepaard met de verdrijving van de Joden tijdens de Spaanse Inquisitie. De tweede tetrade volgde in 1949, onmiddellijk na de oprichting van de staat Israël. De meest recente tetrade, in 1967, deed zich voor tijdens de Zesdaagse Oorlog tussen de Arabieren en Israëli’s.
Einde der tijden door de eeuwen heen
Het is niet de eerste keer dat het einde der tijden is voorspeld. De meest bekende doemsdag die werd voorspeld is de apocalyps die zou plaatsvinden op de dag dat de Mayakalender eindigde. Dit was 21 of 23 december 2012. Mayadeskundigen zeiden dat het einde van de kalender verkeerd werd geïnterpreteerd.
Rond de millenniumwisseling was men bang dat computers zouden crashen, omdat het jaartal niet meer zou worden weergegeven. Daarnaast waren er veel profeten die voorspelden dat de wereld in brand zou staan.
In 1555 beschreef Nostradamus dat de wereld zou eindigen in de zevende maand van het jaar 1999. Volgens zijn aanhangers heeft hij veel belangrijke historische gebeurtenissen voorspeld. En veel christenen dachten in de 17e eeuw dat het jaartal 1666 het einde van de wereld betekende. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
This day in UFO History: Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh UFO Sighting
This day in UFO History: Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh UFO Sighting
There are myths and stories lurking around UFOs, and there are people who claimed to have seen these flying objects. The perfect evidence is still not present, but the research is going strong. Ancient literature, monuments and artifacts are being researched upon and being studied to having any evidence regarding the meeting of the old people with these aliens. The case of this celebrated astronomer is well illustrated in this instance.
Clyde William Tombaugh was an American astronomer that was notorious for discovering Pluto. Later on, his discovery is considered a dwarf planet. During his journey, he discovered many asteroids that are subject to serious scientific research. Tombaugh grew up on a farm in Kansas and was working at Arizona’s Lowell Observatory when he made the discovery on February 18, 1930. On Aug 20, 1949, he reported seeing six UFOs over New Mexico. Investigators of these sightings and abduction report speaking with them and have exact scientific approaches for investigating the reports they receive.
There are some theories and evidences that aren’t entirely reliable, which tell about the various things happening when the aliens arrive. The alien existence is somewhat imaginary and cannot to be trusted with blind eyes. As a result, further research is done, and the references and photos attached to it have been making rounds. Even though its existence hasn’t been confirmed, it leaves experts with ample room for further research in this area. Years after Pluto discovery, Tombaugh continued searching for other evidence. But the lack of further developments has made him jump to conclusions that no other object of a similar and bright magnitude existed near the ecliptic.
Clyde Tombaugh died on January 17, 1997, but one of his ultimate requests was for his ashes to be sent into space. A little container carrying his remnants is being attached to the upper deck of the probe airing the inscription. The fact that Tombaugh has significantly contributed in this planet and has become a legendary astronomer, he is worth celebrating and remembering.
Francine Blake insists she captured this picture of a UFO hovering over a circle and years of research has shown the intricate patterns can appear within seconds.
Mrs Blake, who moved to the south west of England to study the phenomena from her native Canada 28 years ago in 1987, also claims to have photographed strange lights and orbs within west country crop formations.
Crop circles - allegedly made by landing UFOs - have been widely considered one of the world's biggest paranormal hoaxes since 1991, when hoaxers Doug Bower and David Chorley were filmed showing how they made many of the reported corn field patterns discovered across the UK.
The two said they simply used wooden planks and rope to flatten corn in a circular fashion.
The pair started the tomfoolery in the 1970s to tease locals who believed in UFOs.
In the latter half of the 1990s more "circle makers", who tried to out do each other with the most complicated designs, emerged.
But despite the hoaxers outing themselves just four years into her research, Mrs Blake refuses to believe they could make the "highly geometric" patterns she has documented and claims one highly intricate formation appeared in just "four milliseconds".
Strange orbs caught on camera at crop circle by Blake
Speaking at the 25th annual Glastonbury Symposium, an event which started to look at the crop circle subject and now covers other new age issues, she claimed to have "scientifically proven" the composition of soil, water, and even the plants, were chemically changed during a crop circle formation.
Mrs Blake, from Devizes in Wiltshire, claimed a "burst of energy", which she believes can stop cameras, compasses and even helicopters from working, was responsible for forming the patterns.
Discussing a 1991 half-mile long serpent-shaped formation, she said: "It affected our camera equipment. All the film was washed out.
"The whole film is blotched and blurred."
Mrs Blake said although croup circles filled her with wonder, their power could be unsettling, and being in one could leave people feeling faint or sick.
She revealed a photograph of a UFO hovering above a formation plus others which showed strange orbs of light or other anomalies.
She said: "The UFO was there. The camera cannot have prejudiced it took a picture of what was there.
"These other orbs and lights have appeared on the camera.
"We had a compass in one circle and it was just going round and round and going the wrong way.
This picture was from the set 'ruined while studying the serpent'
Francine Blake
This compass allegedly went haywire in a crop circle
"They can affect helicopters as well it can be quite frightening."
She claims to have carried out a series of scientific tests on the crops, soil and even water that has been in contact with a formation, in some cases sending samples to university laboratories and Defra's predecessor.
She said: "In a crop circle the wheat is not broken, it is lying down. It reflects the light differently. If you look at this picture of the inside of the wheat in one from the field that was not in the formation, and then this one which was affected.
"Afterwards you can see the inside of the wheat was quite different. Something quite profound has happened."
Other bizarre claims included that the composition of soil had been shown to be different from a crop circle area to that in the rest of the field.
Also that if water were brought into the formation area, a pattern similar to the crop circle would form in the water.
Blake said this was the inside of wheat outside the circle area viewed through a microscope
Blake believes the cells have mutated in this close-up image of inside of wheat from a circle
Blake said she has experimented by bringing water into crop circles...
...and she claimed this was the result with a pattern like the formation forming in the water
The UFO was there. The camera cannot have prejudiced it took a picture of what was there. These other orbs and lights have appeared on the camera.
Crop Circle investigator Francine Blake
Mrs Blake claimed to have evidence of occasions when the most intricate patterns were formed during g daylight in a matter of seconds, meaning they could not have been done by a "faker".
She said: "Not everyone believes (in crop circles being paranormal). They have been debunked tremendously.
"People try to do it as a prank, but it takes a lot of time and preparation it takes a couple of days.
"But the truth is they happen in a split second."
She claimed on July 7 2007 an intricate designate of 409 circles had appeared in 4 milliseconds.
The formation of 406 circles which it is claimed appeared in milliseconds
The pensioner told of the appearance of an infamous 1996 formation in a field south of Stonehenge.
She said: "A very angry farmer came over and said he had gone to the other end of the field at 5pm and just come back 30 to 40 minutes later and he had been hit by "another crop circle".
The man was so livid, she said she suggested he charge people £3 each to view the formation.
She said: "He had 20,000 visitors. In the end there was no wheat left because everyone was taking apiece and it became an earth circle, so instead they brought jars and took some lot the soil."
Mrs Blake has catalogued hundreds of crop circle incidents
It is unlikely his stance will deviate Mrs Blake, who has a sideline in trips to sacred sites and crop circle calendars, from her position.
She claimed crop cycles had been recorded back into worldwide ancient history, with at least 9,000 mentions in ancient documents, from areas as widespread as the UK and Africa.
But in Middle-aged Britain people had been reluctant to speak about it for fear of being labelled a witch.
She also said "circles" could appear in other material, not just crop fields, such as on snow and ice.
She said: "If it happened in a stream there would be an explanation, but I have found them on lakes where there is no current and on the sea in Canada where it is very thick ice."
In 2004, Mrs Blake said one extraordinary formation discovered in Wiltshire predicted a new era for the solar system would begin in 2012.
It is not clear if anything of any significance took place.
Francine Blake
Blake said this was an "ice circle" which formed on a lake
NASA Successfully Tests Mars Mission Rocket Engine RS-25
NASA Successfully Tests Mars Mission Rocket Engine RS-25
NASA has performed a test firing of its RS-25 powerplant, a rocket engine dubbed by propulsion engineer Kathryn Crowe in a CNET piece as the “Ferrari of rocket engines.” The engine was designed with the intention to launch the Orion spacecraft and physically push humanity to Mars. Thursday’s test firing at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi was the sixth of seven tests.
Two rocket boosters coupled with four RS-25 engines will be launching a 70-metric ton rocket into deep space. Rocket engines of the past will no longer suffice for the type of manned space exploration NASA intends to facilitate.
A member of the Space Launch System’s communications team, Martin Burkey, said, “The RS-25 makes a modern race car or jet engine look like a wind-up toy.” Such a comparison clearly states that NASA has taken their firepower to the next level. A manned mission to the moon is now, at least to NASA, child’s play. “At the rate the four SLS core stage engines consume propellants,” he added, “they could drain a family swimming pool in 1 minute.”
The RS-25 makes a modern race car or jet engine look like a wind-up toy.
With over 12 million horsepower, the RS-25 is being tested thoroughly in an attempt to avoid all hiccups that could possibly occur during a manned mission. The Register quoted NASA as saying, “The tests also support the development of a new controller, or ‘brain’, for the engine, which monitors engine status and communicates between the vehicle and the engine, relaying commands to the engine and transmitting data back to the vehicle.”
According to CBS News, the propellants for this piece of machinery burn hot enough to melt lead, over 6000 degrees. Some of those who witnessed the test firing of the RS-25 insisted that hearing protection was important, but the engine’s power could also be felt physically even when standing at a safe distance and watching the smoke from afar.
Have you ever stopped to ask, “What If Everything You Were Ever Taught Was A Lie?”If not, I encourage you to start asking yourself. All across the surface of our planet, from the most barren deserts, to the most fertile jungles, and even on the ocean floors in-between, gigantic ancient megalithic structures continue to be found that defy the establishment’s ridiculous explanations. We know from carbon dating that countless artifacts have been discovered that far pre-date the myth that modern man has only been around roughly 5,000 years. When you see things likeTen Mysterious Ancient Civilizations Modern Science Cannot Explain,or5 Shockingly Advanced Ancient Buildings That Should Not Be Possible, surely even the most staunch skeptics don’t REALLY believe the explanation that longhaired cavemen in loin cloths who hadn’t even discovered the wheel yet were able to construct buildings so magnificent that modern man, even with all our technology cannot duplicate even today? Why then does the “establishment” continue to print LIES in the history being taught to our children? Perhaps that discussion is best left for another day… enjoy this fascinating discovery for now. So, if we know we are being lied to, and we know longhaired cavemen in loin cloths did not build these structures…
In the first video, listen to an interview withSemir Osmanagić, who discusses the five 30,000 year-old pyramids named the “Pyramid of the Sun,” the “Pyramid of the Moon,” the “Pyramid of the Dragon,” the “Pyramid of the Earth,” and the ”Pyramid of Love,” which have been verified by satellite and aerial photography. Some will be quick to point out in the first few minutes that Semir Osmanagić admits he is not an archeologist, and use that as an excuse to ignore the fact that since the FIVE pyramids (the largest one being larger than The Great Pyramid at Giza) have been discovered,Dr. Semir Osmanagić and hisTEAMof over 200 interdisciplinary scientists have spent over400,000 man-hoursin archeological excavation, sample testing, and radiocarbon dating at the site.Those who exercise contempt prior to investigation put their ignorance on full display for all to see. The plot only thickens when we learn that like the Great Pyramid at Giza, these pyramids are also suspected to have had or been used as a power source themselves.
In the second video, the mystery only deepens when we learn there is an elaborate underground system of tunnels and labyrinths that have been in existence for 30,000 years. This recent discovery blows the doors off conventional teachings. Simply put, if we are to believe the “establishment’s” teaching, then we are supposed to believe that a civilization that predates the wheel by 20,000+ years somehow created the largest megalithic pyramid on Earth that has survived 30,000 years by dumb luck and with no assistance? PLEASE! That doesn’t even come close to passing the laugh test. The underground tunnel complex alone could rewrite human history to reflect the fact of the existence of technologically and spiritually advanced human civilizations in the distant past.
Why does the “establishment” continue the lie, and persist in indoctrinating us and our children with the lie, rather than face reality, open their minds and accept the evidence that long extinct, highly advanced civilizations, have preceded our own – maybe more than once…..
Read the article below written by Graham Pick to learn even more about the pyramids, as well as a genuine map drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis on gazelle skin. The map was drawn from a compilation of ancient maps available at the time, and it documents how the ancients KNEW of Antarctica BEFORE it was covered in ice. Are we to believe ancient man with pulley’s and ropes figured that out too?
During our recent past there have been numerous archaeological discoveries made, that defy any rational explanation, based upon currently accepted beliefs regarding the history of mankind.
According to conventionally acknowledged historical wisdom, the first signs of a “civilized” society appearing on this planet occurred approximately 5,000 years ago around 3,000BC in a land known then as Sumer (present day Iraq). From this original hub of early civilization sprang forth modern day cultures and societies, and since then a documented account of conventional history has been formulated and established.
But what if our historians got it completely wrong?
The Piri Reis Map
In 1929, a group of historians, whilst searching old documents in Constantinople, found a map on a dusty old shelf hidden away in the archives. It had been painstakingly created on a piece of gazelle skin.
Research has since confirmed that it is a genuine document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet during the sixteenth century.
His passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish navy allowed him privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople, from whence he obtained ancient source maps which enabled him to compile an archaeological wonder, today known as the Piri Reis Map.
The Turkish admiral admits in a series of notes he wrote on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated way back to the fourth century BC and much earlier.
The Piri Reis Map
The map was of immediate interest as it accurately portrayed the coastlines of South America and Africa, at their correct relative longitudes and latitudes. As the map was dated 1513, only 21 years after the official discovery of the Americas by Columbus in 1492, it seemed improbable that the map was compiled from cartographical data obtained by Columbus. The legend on the map itself in fact, gave it a source far older than 20 years, revealing that it was a section of a world map composed from more than twenty source maps, some drawn in the time of Alexander the great.
Despite the mystifying problem that the map included accurate longitude measurements – a task deemed impossible until the invention of the chronometer in 1760, there was something else displayed on the map that made its origin and history even more perplexing.
The Piri Reis map, in addition to accurately charting the coastlines of western Africa and eastern south America also included a third continent in its cartography. This map accurately portrays the coastline of Antarctica – a continent supposedly undiscovered until 1820, over 300 years after the maps creation!
However, the mystery doesn’t end there. Not only did the map illustrate accurately the coastline of Antarctica, it illustrated the coastline when the continent was ice free. Only recently, with the aid of satellite technology and GPS mapping, have science and cartographers managed to accurately plot the actual coastline of Antarctica minus the ice. However, if one were to superimpose the Piri Reis map over a modern map of an ice free Antarctic coastline, one would find the outlines almost identical.
But this presents a massive problem for historians. According to recent geological surveys of ice samples taken from Antarctica, the last time it was free of ice was between 6,000 and 12,000 years ago. So whoever created the source maps used by Piri Reis, must have had detailed knowledge of not just the area during this period – a period when, according to mainstream historical accounts, advanced civilisations did not exist – but advanced knowledge of navigation, cartography, and sophisticated mathematics.
Furthermore, not only did the source maps accurately depict latitude and longitude, but also included a mercatorial projection. A mercatorial projection is a geometric formula used to account for a 3D globe being represented as a 2D image. Such high levels of geometry had not been seen since the time of the Greeks and it was not until the work of Gerald Mercator in 1569, that European’s began to include a projection for the curvature of the earth into their maps.
In all probability, the discovery of the Piri Reis map should completely discredit mainstream historical accounts of the origins of modern civilization. Moreover, historians of integrity should be questioning official accounts and investigating the possibility that hitherto unknown highly advanced societies most likely existed thousands of years before our current historical accounts were formulated.
But perhaps they need further evidence….
The Bosnian Pyramids
In 2005 Dr. Semir Osmanagić, head of Anthropology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, travelled to the town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo, Bosnia. Whilst there he became intrigued with a strange geometric shaped hill overlooking the town.
A strange geometric shaped hill near the town of Visoko, Bosnia. Or is it more than just a hill?
Dr Osmanagić Gathered together a team of scientists and archaeologists and returned to the site a short while after, and began excavations at the site of the hill – some 220 meters high. What they discovered has had the scientific and archaeological community in a quandary ever since.
This wasn’t just a hill, it was a full blown pyramid, overgrown with vegetation and hidden from view for centuries.
Further investigations of the area, including satellite and thermal imaging technology, has since determined that the area is home to not just one, but up to five ancient pyramids.
Two of the three largest perfectly symmetrical hills turned out to be the largest pyramids yet discovered on the planet.
Since its original discovery Dr. Semir Osmanagić and his team of over 200 interdisciplinary scientists have spent over 400,000 man-hours in archaeological excavation, sample testing, and radiocarbon dating at the site. In addition to the five pyramids, a labyrinth of tunnels and underground caverns, and even a huge underground lake, have all been discovered beneath the complex, along with many artifacts and an unknown form of hieroglyphics or runes.
The largest of the three pyramids – The Pyramid of the Sun, is 220 meters high. Next is The Pyramid of the Moon, at 190 meters. Both of these huge structures eclipse the Great Pyramid of Giza, which weighs in at a mere 147 meters high.
Not only is the Pyramid of the Sun much higher than The Egyptian pyramids, it is also more accurately positioned. It’s orientation to true north is near perfect with an error of 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds. This orientation is far more accurate than that of the Giza Pyramid which, has an orientation error of about 3 minutes of arc, 15 times greater! Even today, with the advent and assistance of GPS satellite technology, it would be nigh impossible to construct a building with such accurate orientation.
The other pyramids are also oriented with respect to true north. The three largest pyramids, the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid of the Dragon are each separated from one another by approximately 2.18 kilometers with an error of less than 2 percent, to form the three apexes of a virtually perfect equilateral triangle. Natural mountains simply don’t arrange themselves with this kind of precision to form such geometric patterns.
The main structure of the Pyramid of the Sun is constructed of a concrete made from a gravel conglomerate that was mined from a flood conglomerate layer that underlies the pyramid and adjacent area. Evidence of this excavation is the existence of a vast network of many kilometers of tunnels present in the region surrounding the pyramid. This concrete has been laboratory tested and been determined to be of an artificial, not natural origin. Tests have shown that it has a hardness and resistance to water penetration equal to the best concretes achieved in this 21st century.
This adds more fuel to the fire regarding the ancients technological ability. Mainstream archaeology and history would have everyone believe that just a few thousand years ago, man was extremely primitive with zero industrialized capability. The discovery of man made concrete, used in the pyramids construction, challenges this official concept to its core.
But there is a further mystery connected to the Bosnian pyramids. A mystery that appears to support a theory proposed by engineer and author Christopher Dunn, who authored ‘The Giza Power Plant’, published in 1996. In his book Christopher proposes that pyramids were some kind of huge ancient electrical generator, used by pre-historic civilizations.
Archaeologists and Egyptologists ridiculed and scoffed at Dunns concept, calling the notion ludicrous.
However, several teams of physicists and electrical engineers from around the world have gathered in Visoko to investigate the site, and what they discovered completely vindicates the ancient power plant theory. Researchers have detected and measured an energy beam – electromagnetic in nature – exiting through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and the characteristics are remarkable. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz and a strength of 3,9 V.
According to researchers the beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of nature, physics, and technology, and appears to be the first ever tangible proof of non-herzian technology found on Earth.
Additionally, an ultrasonic beam is also emitted from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. This beam has a radius of up to 10 meters, and a frequency of 9,3333 Hz with peaks up to 28.3000kHz. By the end of 2012 the source of the beam was located over 2 kilometers beneath the Pyramid and, according to researchers, it has an estimated power requirement of over 10kW.
This phenomena however, is not unique to just the Bosnian pyramid as beams of light have recently been recorded coming out of the Mayan Kukulkan Pyramid located in Yucatan, Mexico. Furthermore, In China, there have been reports of strange beams of energy exiting the Xianyang pyramid, and allegedly even the Chinese government has begun monitoring this.
The mystery deepens when one considers the enormity of these allegedly unconnected anomalies. Here we have Pyramids dotted around the globe, separated by thousands of miles, constructed by stone age cultures who supposedly had no contact with one another and no technology, yet they share almost identical characteristics. We have energy beams being emitted from American Pyramids, Asian Pyramids, and now, the biggest known Pyramid in the world, that also discharges this mysterious beam of energy.
Could it be that Christopher Dunn was correct in his assertions in his book ‘The Giza Power Plant’, and that all of these ancient edifices were in fact connected, and formed part of a worldwide power grid, utilized by the ancients?
An artists impression of the energy beam emitted by the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.
There is one aspect of the Bosnian pyramids however, that has mainstream archaeologists and historians in a real tizzy. So much so that they have even attempted to discredit the discovery by calling it a hoax. They have refused to visit the site of the excavations, instead preferring to rely upon the cognitive dissonance that is so clearly pervading their mindset.
Even Wikipedia has been utilized to endeavor to discredit the discovery. If one visits the Wikipedia webpage for information on the Bosnian pyramids, the very first sentence proclaims;
“The Bosnian pyramids are a pseudo-archaeological claim promoted by author Semir Osmanagić, that a cluster of natural hills in central Bosnia and Herzegovina are the largest human made ancient pyramids on Earth”.
The page then goes on to offer junk science and wacky theories, in an attempt to debunk the reality that the Bosnian pyramids are authentic. Further down the page is the following declaration, made by seven so called ‘Leading European Archaeologists;’
“We, the undersigned professional archaeologists from all parts of Europe, wish to protest strongly at the continuing support by the Bosnian authorities for the so-called “pyramid” project being conducted on hills at and near Visoko.This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting publicand has no place in the world of genuine science. It is a waste of scarce resources that would be much better used in protecting the genuine archaeological heritage and is diverting attention from the pressing problems that are affecting professional archaeologists in Bosnia-Herzegovina on a daily basis.”
Let that sink in for a while. Whilst hundreds of renowned scientists and researchers have visited the site, taken part in excavations, conducted scientific tests, and concluded that the Bosnian pyramids are very real and a true enigma, Wikipedia (and many other supposedly scientific web sites) prefer to accept the declaration from mainstream debunkers that the pyramids are a hoax. Perhaps these are the same hardcore, closed minded scientists, that would have us all believe that global warming is real!
But why the overwhelming fervor by the mainstream to debunk Osmanagićs discovery? Surely, if the pyramids are a genuine find, archaeologists worldwide would be chomping at the bit to get a piece of the action, and be queuing up to take part in the excavations, wanting to be the first to make an earth shattering discovery. Maybe there is some other agenda influencing their mentality?
Or perhaps it has something to do with the fact that an earth shattering discovery has already been made!
Organic matter, deposited between two layers of concrete during construction, has been radiocarbon dated by numerous research institutes. They all came up with the same date. As Dr Osmanagić himself asserted;
“In summer of 2013 we analyzed a piece of organic material discovered between two concrete layers. The age was released in September 2013 and it shows29,200 years. This finding confirms that the Bosnian pyramids are also the oldest known pyramids on the planet”.
For mainstream historians and archaeologists to accept the existence of the Bosnian pyramids, and their age, or even the Piri Reis map, would require the abandonment of the core principals of the indoctrination they have thus far received. It would necessitate the re-writing of almost every western history book in existence. It would completely annihilate the carefully assembled theories of early civilization presently accepted and advocated by them. It would completely obliterate the status quo.
The organic material, extracted from the excavation, and dated to 29,200 years old!
The existence of the Piri Reis map proves without doubt that an advanced civilization, capable of sophisticated navigation, cartography, and mathematics, existed millennia prior to accepted historical accounts. The map is ignored by historians. They just pretend it doesn’t exist and nonchalantly proclaim their version of events as correct. The Piri Reis map is a thorn in the side of mainstream history and archaeology, but it doesn’t distress them excessively.
However, confronting the reality of the Bosnian pyramids presents a whole new kettle of fish.
Admitting that they exist, and accepting the possibility that the pyramids are associated with technology at least as advanced, if not more advanced than our own is probably more than most mainstream archaeologists would be willing or able to handle. They would likely suppress the whole matter from consideration, pyramids, tunnels, and all, no matter what supporting proof was presented for the pyramid’s authenticity. Because, to admit its existence would mean they must step into what they consider to be “woo woo land”.
Show them evidence that there was organized human civilization building pyramid structures during the mid Ice Age period and they become suspicious. Show them evidence that this civilization may have been technically highly advanced and they become very angry.
But ultimately show them a power source that has continued to function for 30,000 years? They just can’t seem to get their head around that one.
Indeed that thought may give anyone the chills. If this power source was indeed incorporated at the time of the pyramid’s construction, this would imply the existence of a high tech fuel-less generator that has been functioning uninterrupted for almost 30 millennia!
More than anything, the denial by mainstream archaeologists reflects on their own psychological limitations when confronted with what to them is utterly unknown or impossible.
They prefer to continue the lie, and persist in indoctrinating us and our children with the lie, rather than face reality, open their minds and accept the evidence that long extinct, highly advanced civilizations, have preceded our own – maybe more than once…..
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Les passages suivants sont une transcription d'une interview filmée de Valery Uvarov, de la National Security Academy de Russie, réalisée par Graham W. Birdsall, éditeur de la revue britannique UFO Magazine. L'interview a eu lieu à l'occasion du 12e Festival du Film/Congrès International sur les OVNI qui s'est tenu du 2 au 8 février 2003 à Laughlin, dans le Nevada, aux États-Unis. Cette interview est parue en premier lieu, dans sa version anglophone originale, dans le numéro d'avril 2003 d'UFO Magazine, en Angleterre puis dans le magazine Nexus Australie en été 2003 et finalement, cette version francophone, dans Nexus édition française à l'automne 2003. Crédit Graham W. Birdsall
Le Dr Valery Mikhailovich Uvarov a consacré plus de quatorze années à l'ufologie ainsi qu'à l'étude des legs des civilisations anciennes. Il est l'auteur de nombreux articles sur la paléotechnologie et les paléosciences ainsi que sur l'ufologie et l'ésotérisme, publiés dans la presse russe et étrangère. Il est l'initiateur de plusieurs expéditions en Inde et en Egypte, aux quelles il a participé, à la recherche de preuves matérielles de connaissances antiques. Il participe régulièrement à des rencontres internationales d'ufologie et donne des conférences et des séminaires en Russie, au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne et en Scandinavie. Il a pris la parole aux congrès Nexus d'Amsterdam et de Brisbane en 2004 et en 2005.
documentaire en VO sur le sujet, avec l'astronome Philip Imbrogno, Paul Stonehill entre autres
Graham Birdsall (GB) : Quel est votre titre officiel ? Valery Uvarov (VU) : Je suis chef du service de recherches et d'informations scientifiques et techniques sur les OVNIS de la National Security Academy, basée à St. Petersbourg, en Russie. GB : Il s'agit d'une agence gouvernementale russe officielle ? VU: Absolument. Je suis sous les ordres de deux personnes, lesquelles doivent rendre des comptes à leur supérieur direct qui n'est autre que notre Président (Poutine). GB : En quoi consiste exactement votre travail ? VU: Nos activités de recherche se divisent en deux parties. Tout d'abord, nous analysons constamment des données nous parvenant du monde entier. Nous extrayons alors de notre base de données les informations que nous jugeons les plus intéressantes, après leur avoir attribué un code de couleur (rouge ou jaune). Ces informations sont ensuite diffusées dans divers services à travers la Russie.
L'autre aspect de nos recherches découle de la question suivante: les OVNIS existent-ils ou pas ? Nous sommes sûrs qu'ils existent mais qu'est-ce qui se cache derrière leur activité, quel est leur intérêt ? C'est pour nous le point le plus important et celui sur lequel nous concentrons principalement nos investigations.
GB : Il y a une coopération active entre la NASA et les responsables du domaine aérospatial russe, d'un point de vue technique, scientifique et peut-être même militaire. Êtes-vous en contact ou avez-vous des liens avec des organisations étrangères similaires à la vôtre ? VU: Je peux vous dire, en toute honnêteté, que deux jours avant de m'envoler pour les États-Unis, j'ai eu une entrevue avec mes... disons, mes patrons. Et ils se sont dits très intéressés par une coopération avec d'autres organisations... disons, nos amis occidentaux. Je peux donc vous dire que cette mission particulière n'en est qu'à ses débuts. Je suis chargé de trouver les bonnes personnes. Une fois que ce sera fait, et que l'étape suivante sera activée, nous pourrons faire quelques avancées concrètes. GB : Un peu plus tôt, hors caméra, vous avez fait allusion à certains développements importants concernant l'explosion de Tunguska de 1908. Pouvez-vous officiellement nous dire pourquoi vous pensez désormais en connaître la cause ? VU: Ce n'est pas simplement une supposition; nous en connaissons la cause. C'était un météore, mais un météore qui a été détruit par... disons, un missile. Ce missile avait été généré par une installation matérielle. Nous ne savons pas qui l'a construite mais elle a été construite il y a très longtemps et se situe en Sibérie, à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres au nord de Tunguska. Je peux vous dire que notre enquête a révélé qu'il y avait eu plus d'une explosion à Tunguska. Permettez-moi de vous faire partager l'une de nos informations. La dernière fois que cette installation a tiré un missile c'était les 24 et 25 septembre de l'an dernier. Les Américains... ils possèdent trois bases... ont, eux aussi, remarqué cette explosion. GB : Pardonnez-moi mais certains diront que cela a des airs de science-fiction. VU: Graham, vous savez que lorsque nous parlons des vérités qui se cachent sous ce sujet, nous ne le faisons qu'avec ceux qui comprennent la responsabilité inhérente au sujet. Et vous savez que nous avons affaire à une technologie bien plus avancée que la nôtre, à une technologie capable de faire des choses qui nous sont impossibles. GB : Pouvez-vous nous donner plus de précisions sur l'emplacement de cette installation ? VU: Recherchez le site de l'explosion de Tunguska. Au sud-est se trouve le célèbre grand Lac Bâikal. Au-delà, vers le nord, un immense territoire stérile pratiquement inhabité s'étend sur 100 000 km². On n'y trouve ni ville ni village. C'est là que nous avons localisé l'installation... GB : Êtes-vous au courant d'histoires étranges ou de rumeurs concernant ce que l'on appelle la «Planète X» ? Si un nouveau corps céleste était entré dans notre système solaire, les astronomes l'auraient sûrement détecté et auraient signalé sa présence. VU: Je ne sais pas ce qu'il en est pour les astronomes occidentaux-mais les nôtres affirment que nous n'avons rien à craindre. J'ai entendu des gens parler d'une rotation de 3 600 années pour cette planète, qui se trouve sur une orbite similaire à celle de la Terre mais derrière le Soleil. Nous savons que cette planète et l'installation de Sibérie ont un lien étroit. Permettez-moi de dire que je crois que l'installation maintient cette planète sur une orbite stable. Si cette planète venait à bouger, à changer d'orbite, tout le système solaire deviendrait instable. Au sein de l'association, nous sommés sûrs que cette planète est habitée et que l'installation est conçue pour protéger à la fois ses habitants et nous-mêmes. Nous sommes persuadés que rien de dangereux ne surviendra. Tout est sous contrôle. Nos investigations ont montré que la Terre avait une impulsion - une fréquence parfaitement réglée qui affecte absolument tout, toute chose vivante. Il y a quelque 12 500 ans, cette impulsion correspondait aux 360 jours de l'année - étudiez l'ancien calendrier égyptien - mais c'est alors qu'un astéroïde a frappé la Terre. Nous pensons que l'orbite de la Terre a été modifiée, artificiellement, pour contrebalancer cela. Notre planète s'est éloignée du Soleil, jusqu'à atteindre une impulsion de fréquence de 365.
Cela nous a amenés à penser que nous avons des amis - des amis qui veillent sur nous, en silence. Ils n'ont pas laissé, et ne laisseront pas non plus à l'avenir, une planète, une comète ou un astéroïde frapper et détruire la Terre. C'est, pour nous, un point parfaitement clair aujourd'hui.
Et dire qu'il y en a qui souhaitent doter l'espace d'armes... pour vous dire la vérité, cela fait mal au coeur de tous ceux d'entre nous qui sont impliqués dans ce projet: Nous sommes là, en train d'enquêter sur cette installation, et sur d'autres choses, des choses matérielles, construites ni par les Russes ni par les Américains mais par quelqu'un d'autre, quelqu'un originaire de l'espace extra-atmosphérique. Quelle tristesse d'imaginer ce qui pourrait arriver si l'espace était doté d'armes.
Je vais vous parler franchement. Cette installation possède un système électrique, une source d'énergie. Nous l'avons localisé. C'est pendant le conflit en ex-Yougoslavie que nous avons pour la première fois remarqué une augmentation de cette énergie. Cela nous paraissait incroyable mais nous savons maintenant que cette installation réagit aux conflits et bouleversements sociaux.
Une partie de nos recherches impliquant de fouiller d'anciens registres et documents d'archives, nous sommes tombés sur les textes de l'Echutin Apposs Alanhor [sic]. Nous les appelons l'Alanhor et ils remontent au moins à 4 000 ans. Ils décrivent l'installation, en termes scientifiques, relativement à ce qu'il s'y passait. C'est stupéfiant
Je me suis rendu là-bas deux fois. La première fois, notre équipe a détecté des niveaux élevés de rayonnement. Je dois avouer que c'était très dangereux, nous ne pouvions pas nous protéger. Les rares habitants de la région avaient bien sûr entendu parler de l'installation et nous l'ont décrite. Ils ont parlé de structures semblables à du métal et nous les ont dessinées. Nous avons tout relevé sur une carte. Mais ces gens, leurs familles et les animaux souffraient de maladies dues à l'irradiation.
Les niveaux de rayonnement sont continuellement contrôlés depuis six ans et aujourd'hui tout le monde - y compris les animaux - a déserté la forêt. Laissez-moi vous confier quelque chose à propos de l'explosion de Tunguska - quelque chose dont on n'a jamais parlé auparavant. Deux mois avant l'explosion, tous les animaux ont fui la région. On aurait dit que l'installation s'était mise sous tension pour s'occuper de l'astéroïde. Cela s'est accompagné d'une augmentation du rayonnement. La même chose se produit actuellement, aujourd'hui même.
GB : A-t-on prévu de monter une autre expédition dans la région et de visiter l'installation ? VU: Le rayonnement est un facteur à prendre en compte mais, oui, une autre expédition est prévue pour un peu plus tard dans l'année. Ecoutez, nous ne voulons rien cacher. Nous serons heureux d'accueillir des participants du monde entier mais les personnes que nous invitons doivent être responsables aux yeux du monde. Nous voulons des gens honnêtes, ouverts et transparents, désireux de coopérer et d'échanger puis de diffuser les informations scientifiques. Je vous invite, Graham, à venir en Russie et à visiter l'installation au titre d'observateur. GB : Ce serait un grand honneur. Merci. VU: Vous pouvez dire à tout le monde que nous, les Russes, avons décidé qu'il était temps que d'autres personnes soient au courant, et pas juste un petit nombre.
Les énigmatiques structures métalliques de la "vallée de la mort" en Sibérie
Très peu peuplée, la vaste région du Yakutia, en Sibérie, est parsemée d'étranges structures métalliques et manifeste les stigmates évidents d'explosions de type nucléaire se produisant tous les six ou sept siècles.
Au nord-ouest du Yakutia, en Sibérie, dans le bassin de la haute rivière Viliuy, s'étend une région d'accès difficile qui porte les marques d'un cataclysme ancien d'environ 800 ans responsable de la dévastation de l'ensemble du massif forestier et de la dispersion des roches sur une surface de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres carrés. Éparpillés dans cette zone, de mystérieux objets métalliques ont été régulièrement observés, enfouis plus ou moins profondément dans le permafrost. A la surface, leur présence n'est trahie que par des sites occupés par une étrange végétation. L'ancien nom de cette région : Uliuiu Cherkechekh signifie : "la Vallée de la Mort".
Depuis des années, le peuple Yakut a fui cette lointaine région qui a exercé, et exerce encore, une influence puissante sur le sort, non seulement des sociétés locales, mais de la planète entière.
Après avoir compulsé de nombreux rapports et documents de tous genres, nous avons décidé de vous informer d'une chose qui pourrait changer notre perception du monde et celle de notre place en son sein, en espérant que vous saurez y trouver quelque intérêt.
Afin de dépeindre un tableau le plus achevé possible, nous avons scindé en trois cet article. La première partie décrit les faits et donne les témoignages sous leur forme originale. La seconde examine les anciennes légendes locales et la poésie épique de peuplades voisines au sujet d'étranges phénomènes. Ceci est important car vous pourrez ainsi mener votre propre enquête et apprécier par vous-mêmes chaque détail de la narration. Enfin, nous envisagerons ce qui pourrait se cacher derrière tout cela [N d. E : voir 2e partie].
La région peut être décrite comme un immense marécage, alternant avec une taïga quasiment infranchissable, et couvrant une surface de plus 100.000 kilomètres carrés. De curieuses rumeurs circulent à son sujet à propos de structures métalliques d'origine inconnue réparties sur son étendue.
Pour découvrir l'origine de ces rumeurs qui, de manière imperceptible, sont restées persistantes sur le sujet, nous avons dû plonger dans l'histoire antique locale pour redécouvrir ses croyances et ses légendes. Nous sommes parvenus à reconstituer certains éléments de paléotoponymie et ceux-ci coïncident étonnamment avec le contenu des légendes anciennes. Tout indiquait que les légendes et rumeurs faisaient référence à des sites bien précis.
Dans les temps anciens, la Vallée de la Mort était sur la toute empruntée par les nomades Evenk. Elle reliait Bodaibo à Annybar et menait jusqu'à la côte de la Mer de Laptev. Jusqu'en 1936 un marchand du nom de Savvinov fit son commerce sur cette route. Lorsqu'il cessa ses activités les habitants abandonnèrent progressivement les lieux. Finalement le vieux marchand et sa petite fille Zina s'installèrent à Siuldiukar. Quelque part sur une bande de terre entre deux rivières, en un lieu connu sous le nom de Kheldyu ("maison de fer" en langue locale), le vieil homme la conduisit à une petite arche basse de couleur rougeâtre où, après un passage en spirale, se succédaient un certain nombre de chambres de métal dans lesquelles ils passèrent la nuit. Le grand-père de Zina lui raconta que, même par temps de gel des plus sévères, il y faisait chaud comme en été.
Il y eut jadis, parmi les chasseurs locaux, des hommes téméraires qui venaient dormir dans ces chambres. Mais ils tombaient par la suite gravement malades et ceux qui y avaient séjourné plusieurs nuits d'affilée trépassaient rapidement. Les Yakut donnèrent à ces sites la réputation d'être "très maléfiques, marécageux et évités par les animaux." La localisation de ces constructions n'était connue que des anciens chasseurs qui les avaient visitées. Nomades, ils connaissaient les particularités de la région. Pour eux, savoir où il était prudent d'aller et où il ne l'était pas constituait une nécessité vitale. Leurs descendants, devenus sédentaires, ont perdu cette connaissance.
Aujourd'hui, les seuls indices de l'existence de ces sites sont les noms anciens de lieux qui ont survécu partiellement dans diverses légendes. Mais chaque toponyme recouvre des centaines, voire, des milliers de kilomètres carrés.
En 1936, le long de la rivière Olguidakh ("lieu du chaudron"), un géologue guidé par de vieux indigènes découvrit une coupole hémisphérique de métallisse, de ton rougeâtre, dépassant du sol et dont le bord était si tranchant qu'on pouvait s'y "couper un ongle". La paroi était épaisse d'environ deux centimètres et la partie émergeant du sol représentait environ un cinquième du diamètre total. La coupole était inclinée, de sorte qu'un cavalier monté à dos de renne pouvait y pénétrer: Le géologue envoya une description à Yakutsk, le centre régional. En 1979 une expédition archéologique partie de Yakutsk tenta de retrouver cet hémisphère. Les membres de l'équipe étaient accompagnés d'un guide qui avait vu la structure plusieurs fois dans sa jeunesse, mais il déclara que le pays avait beaucoup changé et ils ne parvinrent pas à en retrouver la trace. Il faut dire que dans ce pays on peut passer à dix pas d'un objet sans le voir, ce qui explique le caractère fortuit des découvertes.
En 1853, R. Maakun, explorateur connu dans la région, écrivait: "A Suntar (un hameau du Yakut) on m'apprit que dans la haute vallée de la Viliuy coule un affluent appelé Algy timirbit (ce qui signifie "le grand chaudron coulé").
Près de sa rive, dans la forêt, se trouve un gigantesque chaudron en cuivre. Sa taille réelle reste inconnue car seul un bord dépasse du sol, mais plusieurs arbres poussent à l'intérieur... "
N.D. Arkhipov, un chercheur des anciennes cultures du Yakutia, rapporte la même chose : "Parmi les populations du bassin de la Viliuy circule une légende ancienne concernant l'existence, dans le cours supérieur de cette rivière, de chaudrons en bronze ou olguis. Cette légende mérite qu'on s'y intéresse car les régions supposées receler ces chaudrons mythiques sont baignées de plusieurs cours d'eau portant le nom de Olguidakh, c'est-à-dire "Rivière du Chaudron".
Voici un extrait d'une lettre écrite en 1996 par un autre visiteur de la Vallée de la Mort, Mikhail Koretsky, de Vladivostok :
"J'y suis allé trois fois. La première fois c'était en 1933, j'avais dix ans. Je voyageais avec mon père, à la recherche d'un moyen de subsistance. Ensuite en 1937, sans mon père. Et la dernière fois en 1947 avec un groupe de jeunes. La Vallée de la Mort s'étend le long d'un affluent de la rive droite de la Viliuy. En fait il s'agit d'un chapelet de vallées tout au long de sa plaine inondable. Chaque fois, nous étions accompagnés d'un guide Yakut. Nous n'y allions pas en quête de douceur de vivre, mais d'or, sans crainte en fin de saison de se faire voler ou de recevoir une balle dans la nuque, grâce à l'isolement de la région.
Quant aux objets mystérieux, il doit y en avoir un grand nombre, car en trois saisons j'ai vu sept de ces "chaudrons". Ils m'ont laissé complètement perplexe, d'abord par leur taille : ils avaient tous six à neuf mètres de diamètre.
Ensuite à cause de l'étrange métal dont ils étaient faits. Tout le monde a écrit que c'était du cuivre, mais je suis certain qu'il s'agissait d'un autre élément car même avec un ciseau à froid très affûté il n'y avait pas moyen d'entamer les chaudrons (nous avons essayé plusieurs fois). Ce métal ne se rompt pas et ne peut être martelé, alors que sur du cuivre, le marteau aurait certainement laissé des marques. Mais ce "cuivre" est recouvert d'une couche d'un matériau inconnu qui ressemble à de l'émeri. Ce n'est pourtant ni un produit de l'oxydation, ni d'écailles métalliques. On ne parvient ni à l'ébrécher, ni à en griffer la surface.
Nous n'avons pas trouvé de galeries menant à d'autres salles. Mais j'ai remarqué, autour des chaudrons, que la végétation était anormale, complètement différente de celle des environs. Elle est plus luxuriante : des bardanes à grandes feuilles; du garrot de grande longueur; de l'herbe étrange, une fois et demie à deux fois la hauteur d'un homme. Dans un de ces chaudrons notre groupe de six personnes passa la nuit. Nous n'avons rien perçu de néfaste et nous sommes partis calmement sans avoir subi le moindre désagrément. Personne n'est tombé gravement malade par la suite. Les seules exceptions furent qu'un de mes amis perdit tous ses cheveux trois mois plus tard, et que sur le côté gauche de ma tête, celui sur lequel j'avais dormi, sont apparus trois petits points douloureux de la taille d'un souffre d'allumette. J'ai depuis essayé de m'en débarrasser, en vain.
Malgré tous nos efforts, nous ne sommes pas parvenus à prélever le moindre échantillon de ces chaudrons. La seule chose que j'ai pu ramener est une pierre. Pas une pierre ordinaire cependant : la moitié d'une sphère parfaite de six centimètres de diamètre. Elle était noire et ne portait aucune trace de manufacture, pourtant elle était lisse comme si elle avait été polie. Je l'ai ramassée sur le sol d'un des chaudrons.
J'ai emmené mon souvenir de Yakutia au village de Samarka, district de Chuguyevka, dans la région de Primorsky (l'extrême orient soviétique), où résidaient mes parents en 1933. Je n'avais pas grand-chose à faire jusqu'à ce que ma grand-mère décide de construire une maison. Il fallait poser les vitres des fenêtres et il n'y avait pas un seul diamant coupe-verre dans tout le village. Alors, j'ai entrepris de rayer le verre avec le bord de cette demi-sphère de pierre et il s'est avéré que cela coupait avec une facilité déconcertante. A partir de ce moment ma pierre fut utilisée régulièrement comme diamant par tous nos proches et amis. En 1937, j'en fis cadeau à mon grand père, mais à l'automne de cette même année il fut arrêté et emmené à Magadan où il survécut sans jugement jusqu'à sa mort en 1968. Aujourd'hui, personne ne sait ce qu'est devenue ma pierre..."
Dans cette lettre, Koretsky souligne qu'en 1933 son guide Yakut lui avait raconté que "...cinq à dix ans auparavant il avait découvert plusieurs chaudrons sphériques (ils étaient parfaitement ronds) qui dépassaient bien au-dessus du sol (plus haut qu'un homme). Ils avaient l'air tout neufs. Plus tard, le chasseur les avait revus, cette fois brisés et éparpillés". Koretsky fait également remarquer que lorsqu'il fit une deuxième visite, quelques années plus tard, à un des chaudrons, celui-ci s'était considérablement enfoncé dans le sol.
A. Gutenev et Yu. Mikhailovsky, deux chercheurs résidant à Mirny en Yakutia, rapportèrent qu'en 1971, un vieux chasseur appartenant au peuple Evenk leur avait appris que, dans la zone entre les deux rivières appelées Niugun Bootur ("héros flamboyant") et Atadarak ("lieu du harpon à trois bords"), dépasse du sol la chose qui précisément donne son nom au lieu : un "très grand" harpon en fer à trois facettes. Tandis que dans la zone dite Kheliugur ("peuple de fer"), entre deux rivières, il y a un terrier en fer où gisent "des cyclopes, minces et noirs, vêtus de fer". Il se déclara capable d'y conduire quiconque le désirait, affirmant la proximité du site, mais personne ne le crut. Il est mort depuis.
Un autre de ces objets fut, semble-t-il, couvert par la construction d'un barrage sur la Viliuy, un peu en aval de la Erbiie. Selon le récit d'un des constructeurs du projet hydroélectrique de la Viliuy, lorsqu'ils creusèrent un canal de déviation pour assécher le talweg principal ils découvrirent une "plaque" convexe en métal. Pressés par les délais, les responsables du projet firent une inspection de routine et donnèrent l'ordre de poursuivre les travaux.
Il existe une foison de récits émanant de personnes qui sont tombées par hasard sur des constructions de ce genre, mais à défaut d'indications précises il est extrêmement difficile de les localiser, tant ce pays est d'une monotonie déprimante.
Certains anciens ont un jour raconté que, dans un lieu appelé Tong Duurai, coule un ruisseau appelé Ottoamokh ("des trous dans le sol") autour duquel existent des cavités incroyablement profondes connues sous le nom de "gouffres ricanants". Cette même appellation apparaît dans des légendes qui y situent la demeure d'un géant flamboyant et destructeur des alentours. Chaque six ou sept siècles, une monstrueuse boule de feu jaillit de ce lieu et, soit explose juste après sa sortie, soit s'envole dans le lointain pour (selon les chroniques et légendes locales) exploser au loin. Elle a pour effet de transformer une région s'étendant sur des centaines de kilomètres en un désert calciné parsemé d'éclats rocheux.
Les légendes Yakutes font de nombreuses références à des explosions, tourbillons de feu et autres sphères incandescentes montant dans les airs. Tous ces phénomènes sont, de toutes façons, associés aux mystérieuses constructions métalliques que l'on trouve dans la Vallée de la Mort. Certaines sont décrites comme des "maisons de fer" grandes et rondes prenant appui sur un certain nombre de supports latéraux. Elles n'ont ni porte ni fenêtre, seulement un "large trou d'homme" au sommet du dôme. Certaines se sont presque entièrement enfoncées dans le permafrost, ne laissant apparaître en surface qu'une protubérance arquée à peine visible. Des témoins qui ne se connaissent pas décrivent de la même manière ces "maisons de métal sonore". D'autres objets sont éparpillés dans la région comme des couvercles, sphériques en métal qui coiffent quelque chose d'inconnu. Les légendes Yakutes racontent que les mystérieuses sphères de feu sont produites par "un orifice qui crache la fumée et le feu" au centre d'un "couvercle d'acier fracassant".
Il s'agit aussi de la source des tourbillons de feu qui, d'après les descriptions, ressemblent fort aux effets des explosions atomiques d'aujourd'hui. Environ un siècle avant chaque explosion ou série d'explosions, une sphère flamboyante fusait à très grande vitesse de "l'orifice de fer" et, sans causer trop de dégâts, montait sous la forme d'une mince colonne de feu. Au bout de celle-ci apparaissait une très grande boule de feu. Accompagnée de quatre coups de tonnerre successifs, elle montait encore beaucoup plus haut et s'éloignait en laissant une "traînée de fumée et de feu". Ensuite une salve d'explosions se faisait entendre au loin...
Dans les années 1950, les militaires soviétiques s'intéressèrent à cette région, pour le caractère dépeuplé de sa frange nord, et y firent une série d'essais atomiques. Une des explosions souleva une sérieuse énigme qui à ce jour interpelle les spécialistes étrangers. Selon un communiqué de septembre 1991 de la radio allemande Deutsche Welle, lors de l'essai d'un engin nucléaire de10 kg en 1954, l'ampleur de l'explosion dépassa les calculs d'un facteur de 2 000 à 3 000 pour des raisons inconnues, atteignant 20 à 30 mégatonnes, ce qui fut enregistré par séismographie dans le monde entier. La cause d'un tel écart de puissance explosive demeure inexpliquée. L'Agence Tass avait alors émis une dépêche selon laquelle une bombe à hydrogène compacte avait été testée dans l'atmosphère, qui se révélera fausse plus tard. Après les essais, des zones interdites furent délimitées et le travail continua en secret pendant plusieurs années.
Mythes et légendes
Cherchons dans le passé lointain les indices laissés dans la poésie épique. Ainsi qu'en témoignent les légendes transmises par voie orale, à l'époque lointaine où tout commença, le pays était habité par un petit nombre de nomades Tungus. Un jour, leurs lointains voisins virent leur territoire brusquement plongé dans une obscurité profonde et tout fut secoué par une déflagration assourdissante. Un ouragan de force inconnue survint et le pays subit d'énormes chocs. Des éclairs zébrèrent le ciel en tous sens. Lorsque le calme revint et que l'obscurité se leva, les nomades assistèrent à un spectacle sans précédent. Au milieu du pays dévasté, brillant au soleil, se dressait une haute structure verticale visible à une distance de plusieurs jours de marche.
Pendant longtemps, la structure émit des bruits désagréables et assourdissants tout en diminuant progressivement de taille jusqu'à disparaître complètement dans le sol. A la place de la haute structure il y eut un immense orifice vertical béant. Selon les termes étranges des légendes il était constitué de trois niveaux de "gouffres ricanants". Ses entrailles étaient réputées contenir un pays souterrain possédant son propre soleil, lequel était cependant en voie d'extinction. Une puanteur étouffante montait de l'orifice, si bien que personne ne demeura dans le voisinage. A distance on pouvait parfois apercevoir une "île tournoyante" apparaissant au-dessus de l'ouverture et ceci s'avéra en être le "couvercle retentissant". Ceux que la curiosité poussait à s'approcher pour voir n'en revenaient jamais. Les siècles passèrent ; la vie continua comme auparavant. Personne ne s'attendait à quoi que ce soit d'extraordinaire, mais un jour se produisit un petit tremblement de terre et le ciel fut traversé par un mince "ouragan de feu". A son sommet apparut une boule de feu aveuglante. Accompagnée "d'une série de quatre coups de tonnerre" et laissant derrière elle une traînée de feu, la sphère fila en suivant une trajectoire basse descendante et, après avoir disparu derrière l'horizon, explosa. Les nomades furent perturbés mais n'abandonnèrent pas leur territoire puisque le "démon" ne leur avait fait aucun mal mais avait explosé sur celui d'une tribu hostile voisine. Quelques décennies plus tard, l'événement se reproduisit : la boule de feu s'envola dans la même direction et ne détruisit, cette fois encore, que les voisins. De toute évidence, ce "démon" était en quelque sorte leur protecteur qu'ils baptisèrent pour la légende : Niurgun Bootur, "le héros flamboyant".
Cependant, quelques temps plus tard, survint un événement qui épouvanta même ceux qui se trouvaient dans les parages les plus lointains. Une gigantesque boule de feu jaillit de l'ouverture dans un hurlement tonitruant et explosa:.. juste au-dessus ! Il s'ensuivit un grand tremblement de terre. Certaines collines se fendirent de failles de plus de 100 mètres de profondeur. Après l'explosion, une "île rotative" balaya tout sous elle d'une "mer de feu". Les effets de l'explosion se firent sentir à plus de mille kilomètres à la ronde. Les tribus nomades qui survécurent à la périphérie de cette zone s'enfuirent dans toutes les directions, cherchant à s'éloigner du lieu fatal, mais cela ne les sauva pas de la mort. Ils succombèrent tous à une curieuse maladie qui ne se transmettait que génétiquement. Ils léguèrent cependant le témoignage précis de ce qui était arrivé, inspirant les très tragiques et belles légendes composées par les conteurs Yakut.
Un peu plus de 600 années s'écoulèrent. De nombreuses générations de nomades étaient venues et reparties. Les avertissements des lointains ancêtres furent oubliés et des gens s'installèrent à nouveau dans la région.
Alors l'histoire se répéta... La boule de feu de Niurgun Bootur apparut au-dessus d'un tourbillon flamboyant et s'en alla encore exploser au-delà de l'horizon. Quelques décennies plus tard, une deuxième boule de feu déchira l'atmosphère (ou l'appela cette fois Kiun Erbiie, "le héraut aérien étincelant" ou "messager"). Vint alors une autre explosion dévastatrice à laquelle les légendes donnèrent à nouveau une tournure anthropomorphique. On lui donna le nom de Uot Usumu Tong Duurai, qui peut se traduire approximativement par "l'étranger criminel qui perça la terre et se cacha dans les profondeurs, détruisant tout aux alentours dans un tourbillon flamboyant".
Il importe de noter qu'à la veille du vol du géant nuisible Tong Duurai, apparut dans le ciel le messager du Dyesegei céleste, le champion Kiun Erbiie qui traversa le firmament comme un "bolide tombant" ou "éclair fulgurant" pour avertir Niurgun Bootur du combat imminent.
L'événement légendaire le plus significatif fut le jaillissement de Tong Duurai des profondeurs et livrant bataille à Niurgun Bootur. Cela se produisit à peu près comme suit : tout d'abord un tourbillon serpentaire ramifié jaillit de "l'orifice", surmonté d'une boule de feu gigantesque qui, après plusieurs coups de tonnerre, fonça haut dans le ciel. Elle était suivie d'une escorte, "un essaim de tourbillons fatals" qui dévastèrent les environs.
Mais il y eut des cas où Tong Duurai rencontra Niurgun Bootur au-dessus de sa source, après quoi le pays resta sans vie pendant longtemps. Les descriptions varient considérablement : plusieurs "héros flamboyants" pouvaient surgir de l'ouverture simultanément, voler quelque distance et exploser en un lieu. Tel fut le vol de Tong Duurai. Une étude des couches de terrain indique que l'intervalle entre les explosions ne dépassait pas 600 à 700 ans. Ces légendes sont le reflet vivant de ces événements, mais l'absence de tradition écrite nous prive de documents tangibles. Il semble cependant que cette lacune est compensée par les chroniques historiques d'autres peuples.
Dans l'ensemble, à des intervalles de 600 à 700 ans, se produisirent plusieurs explosions, ou plutôt une combinaison d'événements dont certains n'étaient qu'annonciateurs. Tous ces faits furent soigneusement relatés par la poésie épique, les traditions et les légendes. Curieusement, des légendes similaires circulent dans les zones équatoriales de la planète, où des explosions ou "boules de feu géantes" apparues soudainement dans le ciel détruisirent plusieurs civilisations anciennes.
À en juger par les résultats d'études archéologiques menées dans la haute vallée de la Viliuy par SA. Fedoseyeva, l'occupation variable intermittente de ce territoire remonte au quatrième millénaire avant J.-C. Au cours du premier millénaire après J-C., le fil de l'histoire est interrompu, et cela n'est pas en contradiction avec la date possible de la dernière explosion historique, soit septembre 1380. Le nuage soulevé masqua le soleil sur l'Europe pendant plusieurs heures. Des séismes violents eurent lieu dans plusieurs zones géoactives.
Cet événement est consigné dans des documents écrits. Dans les chroniques russes, cela coïncide avec la bataille du Champ de Kulikovo : "...l'obscurité ne se dissipa que dans la deuxième moitié de la journée. Il souffla un vent d'une telle force qu'une flèche tirée d'un arc ne pouvait progresser contre lui..." Ce fait contribua à la victoire des Russes.
Cependant les explosions sont décrites de manière bien plus vivante dans les légendes Tungus que dans d'autres sources. A en juger par les récits, elles dépassaient de loin la puissance des armes nucléaires modernes.
Si nous adoptons comme date de départ 1380 et que nous remontons dans le passé nous pouvons repérer ces faits. Par exemple, en 830 fut détruite la culture des Mayas qui occupaient la péninsule du Yucatan au Mexique. Plusieurs de leurs villes furent ruinées par une explosion de puissance gigantesque.
Certains épisodes de la Bible ressemblent aux légendes Yakut, par exemple la description des plaies d'Égypte et l'anéantissement de Sodome et Gomorrhe. Dans une oasis de la péninsule arabe, une ville ancienne fut détruite et littéralement réduite en cendres. Selon la légende, ceci se produisit lorsqu'une énorme boule de feu apparut dans le ciel et explosa.
Les archéologues ont découvert une cité dévastée à Mohenjo-Daro, dans le sous-continent indien. [Ndt : cf. Nexus France numéros 11 et 12, sept. et nov. 2000]. Les traces de la catastrophe, des murs de pierre fondus, indiquent sans conteste une explosion de type nucléaire. Des événements similaires sont décrits dans des chroniques chinoises du XIVème siècle. Elles racontent que, loin dans le nord, un nuage noir s'éleva au-dessus de l'horizon et couvrit la moitié du ciel, projetant de gros morceaux de roche. Des pierres tombèrent aussi du ciel en Scandinavie et en Allemagne et des incendies éclatèrent dans plusieurs villes. Les savants prétendirent que c'était des pierres très ordinaires et qu'un volcan devait avoir fait irruption quelque part.
La cause de tous ces malheurs ne serait-elle pas Tong Duurai qui depuis des siècles jaillit du sol ? Tandis qu'à son apparition Niurgun Bootur obscurcit la moitié du ciel, Tong Duurai le dépasse en taille et, montant au ciel, disparaît complètement. Nous observons que dans la Vallée de la Mort, la radioactivité ambiante augmente à des intervalles réguliers, un phénomène que les spécialistes ne peuvent expliquer. Traduction : André DUFOUR
On the evening of December 26 several witnesses — Marcelo Pintacuda among them, as he performed various duties at the Port of Necochea-Quequ he noticed a large, strange circular object, yellow in color, that flew over the skies of Necochea. The object vanished toward the west of the city after having been visible for several minutes. Mr. Pintacuda was engaged in supervising the unloading of fuel oil from the Antares I vessel to the Necochea Power Station, property of Centrales de la Costa Atlantica SA, which employs this fuel for operating purposes.
The Necochea Power Station is located in the Port of Necoceha next to the Quequn River and facing the sea. Pintacuda is an agent for this branch and was engaged in fire watch activities at the time during the unloading of 8000 tons of fuel oil to the station. The incident is currently under investigation and the images are being downloaded presently from his Motorola C650 cellphone. The month of December has been rich in UFO activity over Necochea.
We should keep in mind the cases involving employees of the DYCASA company, who are working on the expansion of the breakwater in the port itself, which also faces the Necochea Power Station. A considerable number of people saw this large object that vanished over the sea and toward the south. The cases involving a Necochean family that saw a similar round object as they returned home along the coastal route, and another family that sew a similar object over the beach should not be discarded. As we said, all cases are currently under investigation.
This guy is so busy trying to spread his message that he doesn’t even notice the UFO buzzing around. The UFO pops out of the clouds and takes a look around, before hiding back inside the plume of smoke.
UFOs are often entering and exiting volcanos. Long ago, when aliens came, they tried to pick a location for their base that would be inaccessible to humans. This way they could come and go as they please. No with digital video, live cams are on most volcanos in the world, catching these UFOs.
Sure they mind their own business and try to stay out of the way, but I would really like to meet them. I have a load of questions that need some answers.
People all around the world take photos of strange beams of light. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them?
Most of these beams of light shot up from the clouds as if a battery of gigantic searchlights are searching the landscape and are identical to a vertical band of light, like the famous beam of light emanating from the peak of the Kukulkan Pyramid photographed by Hector Siliezar on July 24, 2009, while on vacation in Mexico.
It seems unlikely that all these beams are just natural phenomena, camera malfunction or a digital cam glitch.
Could it be that the sun’s solar radiation interacts deep within the Earth’s magnetic field adhering to the planet’s magnetic lines and what we see as a beam of light are in fact the ionized particles charged from the sun’s solar wind or is there something going on?
The next image of the sunrise was taken during a flight from San Francisco to Phoenix on August 17, 2015.
At first glance a beautiful image of the sunrise, but there is something strange to see in this image.
At first you see that the sun emits a streak of light which ends up in a circle, like a wormhole or portal. Then below the circle, in the right corner of the picture, a yellow unknown object and there is an unknown object that can be seen straight above the sun.
The witness stated that he was sitting in the last seat on aircraft with camera pointed towards the tail away from wings and that a pilot who sat beside him also couldn’t explain the strange objects as shown in the image. Mufon case 69495. Link to image.
The unknown object above the sun is a Second Sun or a UFO that uses the Sun as a portal and the yellow object is it’s scout ship?
The yellow object is not a sun flare or a reflection of the camera as sun flares/reflections are looking quite different. See image left of sun flares/reflections.
Is it coincidence that all these beams and strange objects near the sun become visible in the same period and is it that alien races are responsible for the strange lights in the sky?
Are they stabilizing the earth with these beams as Nibiru/Planet X is closing in?
The latest large beams are photographed in South Fort Myers Florida, USA on August 15, 2015 and in Civitavecchia Italy on August 10, 2015.
What are the implications of stepping through such a cosmic doorway of UFO disclosure. What, if any responsibility do we owe the people and institutions who remain woefully unprepared for such an Earth-shaking transition? It’s imperative that we come to appreciate the reasons for proceeding with caution and respect for the unconsidered possibilities which the wholesale release of compelling UFO information may unleash upon us, and upon those who are generally oblivious to the weighty issues involved.
Peter Robbins has been involved in UFO studies for twenty-five years -as a researcher, investigator, writer, lecturer, best-selling author, and currently as Executive Assistant to Budd Hopkins’ Intruders Foundation. He also serves as head of the UFO Media Group of Central Park Media Corporation and is Editor-In-Chief of the ground-breaking website
Robbins has spoken on the subject of UFOs for more than twenty years. He has lectured in more than twenty states, Canada and France, and done dozens of talks in the United kingdom. Venues have included numerous national and local UFO conferences. His lectures have been sponsored by numerous local chapters of MUFON, BUFORA, and other grass-roots organizations, private groups, schools, universities, libraries, scientific organizations, educational foundations, as well as Cambridge Hospital in Boston (under the sponsorship of Dr. John Mack). Lecture topics have included (but not been limited to) the suppression of UFO information by the American and British Governments, James V. Forrestal (our first Secretary of Defense) and UFO’s, Dr. Wilhelm Reich and UFOs, The RAF Bentwaters UFO incident (UK), [also known as the Rendlesham Forest incident], the UFO abduction phenomenon and the media and UFOs.
“Ons zonnestelsel had nog een vijfde reuzenplaneet”
“Ons zonnestelsel had nog een vijfde reuzenplaneet”
Een astronoom denkt dat het zonnestelsel ooit misschien vijf grote gasplaneten had in plaats van vier. Deze tiende planeet zou net zo groot zijn geweest als Neptunus en tussen Saturnus en Uranus hebben gestaan, tot het hemellichaam om onbekende reden de ruimte in werd geslingerd.
Dat stelt althans David Nesvorny van het Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, in The Astronomical Journal. Bewijs voor zijn theorie moet worden gevonden in de Kuipergordel, een gebied aan de rand van het zonnestelsel.
Hoewel de meeste objecten in de Kuipergordel verspreid zijn over het zonnestelsel, draait een cluster van zo’n 25.000 ijzige stukken rots in hetzelfde baanvlak als de planeten rond de zon. Tot nu toe wist niemand waarom.
Aan de hand van computersimulaties wist Nesvorny te achterhalen waar de stukken rots vandaan kwamen. Hij ontdekte dat ze ooit werden beïnvloed door de zwaartekracht van Neptunus. Zo’n vier miljard jaar geleden migreerde Neptunus plotseling 7,5 miljoen kilometer naar buiten toe.
Vijfde gasreus
Nesvorny heeft hier maar één verklaring voor: er kwam een object voorbij, waarschijnlijk een vijfde gasreus. Het is niet bekend wat er met deze planeet is gebeurd. Nesvorny denkt dat het hemellichaam de ruim in is geslingerd, waardoor de omloopbaan van Neptunus veranderde.
Volgens meerdere theorieën houdt zich zelfs op dit moment nog een grote onontdekte planeet schuil in ons zonnestelsel. Deze planeet wordt ook wel Planeet X genoemd. Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan dit artikel te delen op Facebook.
Hoewel iedere discussie over het fenomeen ‘chemtrails’ vandaag de dag gelijk wordt bestempeld als complottheorie, bewijst een nieuwe studie dat er een geheim programma wordt uitgevoerd waarbij extreem giftig materiaal in de atmosfeer wordt gesproeid om ‘klimaatverandering tegen te gaan’.
Aan de ene kant heb je mensen die geloven dat we worden besproeid als insecten om de bevolkingsgroei terug te dringen. Aan de andere kant publiceren wetenschappers schaamteloos papers waarin wordt gesteld dat we verschillende vormen van geo-engineering moeten toepassen om ‘global warming tegen te gaan’.
Nieuw onderzoek bewijst dat koolvliegas wordt gebruikt voor ‘chemtrails’
Een baanbrekende studie brengt ons nu dichter bij de waarheid dan ooit tevoren. Het onderzoek, dat is gepubliceerd in het International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health biedt een overtuigende verklaring voor het fenomeen ‘chemtrails’. Om het weer te manipuleren zou gebruik worden gemaakt van een extreem giftig afvalproduct uit de elektrische industrie, namelijk koolvliegas.
Met de term ‘chemtrails’ worden contrails bedoeld die lange tijd blijven hangen en die ‘chemicaliën’ zouden bevatten. De media en overheden doen het fenomeen af als een ‘complottheorie’, ondanks het feit dat er genoeg bewijs is dat het weer wordt gemanipuleerd met behulp van aerosolen.
Hoofdonderzoeker J. Marvin Herndon uit San Diego besloot onderzoek te doen toen hij merkte dat in de lucht boven zijn woonplaats aerosolen werden gesproeid. In de lente van 2014 zag hij tankvliegtuigen die vaak witte sporen achterlieten in de blauwe lucht boven San Diego in Californië. Rond november dat jaar maakten de tankvliegtuigen hele rasterpatronen in de lucht. De sporen vormden al gauw een soort cirrusbewolking. Die veranderde in een witte waas die het zonlicht deels weerkaatste. Er werden soms zoveel aerosolen in de lucht gesproeid dat de strakblauwe lucht veranderde in een bruine lucht. De auteur was bezorgd over de invloed van de aerosolen op de gezondheid van zijn gezin en de volksgezondheid en besloot op onderzoek uit te gaan.
Linksboven: het sproeien is net begonnen. Halverwege stopt het tankvliegtuig met sproeien. Rechtsonder: door de aerosolen ontstaan ‘wolken’ die zonlicht tegenhouden.
Koolvliegas is ‘giftiger dan radioactief afval’
Hoewel er niet geheimzinnig wordt gedaan over programma’s waarbij regen wordt gemaakt door zilverjodide in de lucht te sproeien, zoals onder meer blijkt uit de documentaire Artificial Clouds van Dave Dahl, is er over koolvliegas relatief weinig bekend. Herndon ontdekte dat tankvliegtuigen koolvliegas in de lucht sproeien om het weer te beïnvloeden.
Koolvliegas komt vrij bij de verbranding van kolen en is om drie redenen extreem giftig:
1. Het kan gemakkelijk het menselijk weefsel binnendringen en kan bovendien hormonen imiteren.
2. Het bevat veel zware metalen, waaronder aluminium en arseen, die zeer giftig zijn voor mensen. Ook zit er kwik in.
3. Het bevat radio-isotopen die negatieve effecten kunnen hebben op de gezondheid. Koolvliegas zou zelfs giftiger zijn dan radioactief afval.
Desondanks heeft de Amerikaanse milieubeschermingsdienst EPA onlangs geconcludeerd dat koolvliegas geen ‘gevaarlijk afval’ is. In 2005 zaten Amerikaanse kolencentrales met 71,1 miljoen ton vliegas in hun maag, waarvan 29,1 ton opnieuw kon worden gebruikt. Door het te gebruiken als ingrediënt voor ‘geo-engineering’ wist de industrie een kostenpost om te zetten in een winstgevende nieuwe tak.
Gedreven door winst, niet door bewijs
Herndon stelt dat de westerse overheden het weer op grote schaal beïnvloeden. Ze kozen echter niet voor het maken van een kunstmatige aswolk, maar een goedkoop alternatief, dat veel meer consequenties zal hebben voor het leven op aarde dan global warming ooit zal hebben: koolvliegas. Dit afvalproduct wordt niet in de stratosfeer gesproeid, maar in de lagere atmosfeer, de troposfeer, waarin ook de lucht zit die mensen inademen en waarin zich neerslag vormt die vervolgens weer het aardoppervlak bereikt. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Bizarre rode UFO laat Mexicanen schrikken ( Video )
Bizarre rode UFO laat Mexicanen schrikken ( Video )
In Mexico wonen, betekent dat je regelmatig getuige kunt zijn van merkwaardige dingen want er schijnt altijd wat te gebeuren.
Zo zijn er nu bewoners van een aantal plaatsen in Mexico volledig in de ban een roodachtige soort menselijke UFO die spontaan opduikt.
Mexico is een bijzonder land waar zich zeker op het gebied van UFO’s en buitenaardsen altijd wel iets bijzonders voordoet.
Er is nog meer aan de hand in Mexico want sommige plaatsen worden geteisterd door een soort menselijke rode UFO met de bijnaam “de heks”.
Op meerdere plekken in het Zuid Amerikaanse land wordt melding gemaakt van een vreemd roodachtig vliegend object dat door de lokale bevolking “de heks” wordt genoemd.
Het is volgens velen geen mechanisch iets want het heeft ook een soort mensachtig uiterlijk, waarover later meer.
Een kenmerk van dit vreemde licht is dat het als het ware uit het niets verschijnt, zich meestal in de buurt van de boomtoppen beweegt en een soort fel roodachtig licht verspreidt.
Een mooi voorbeeld hiervan zie je in onderstaande video die enkele dagen geleden is opgenomen in het Mexicaanse plaatsje Chamilpa.
Ongeveer tegelijkertijd verscheen er een video van Professor Ana Luisa Cid. Daarin interviewt zij een vrouw Daniela Flores, die werkzaam is als gids en ’s avonds en ’s nachts op excursie gaat met groepjes mensen in een bos dat heet Bosque de Heno in de plaats Huasca de Ocampo.
Tijdens één van deze trips zag ze een soort vuurbol net boven de boomtoppen en slaagde erin om hiervan een foto te maken.
Deze opname valt absoluut in de categorie “heksen” zoals de Mexicanen dat noemen.
Dit is wat Daniela Flores fotografeerde:
Wanneer we de vreemde vliegende figuur wat verder uitvergroten dan ziet het er als volgt uit:
Alhoewel het theoretisch een UFO is omdat we praten over een niet geïdentificeerd vliegend object, doet het meer denken aan een elf dan aan een UFO.
We zien ook een soort menselijk gezicht en wie weet is wat de Mexicanen “een heks” noemen een variant op de elfen zoals die in onze contreien soms worden waargenomen.
Hieronder de Spaanstalige video waarin Ana Luisi Cid vragen stelt aan de gids die de foto maakte, Daniela Flores.
There are great deals with actual and non-physical realities around together with beings that can easily be at least adequate for people. Even though they make use of the identical properties associated with the globe as humans do, aliens are not that visible because they do not bump on the Empire State building and prove to humans they can do the same thing.
Recently, footage has been shown a small circular craft hurtling overhead. The footage focuses on a shot close to a nuclear power station. This footage shows the moment where a speeding object soaring through the air in the wake of a massive RAF Vulcan aircraft. The copy – shot close to a nuclear power station – captures a small spherical craft hurtling overhead. Witness Costello recorded the footage on Saturday afternoon. According to the witness, the object is in the right direction after the Vulcan bomber is out of sight. The object files from the left to the center where it ends. As the witness zoomed the object for a clearer view, the results become exciting and incredible. The best thing about the footage is there is also one person who saw the object. A photo was being shown to the founder of Strange Phenomena Investigations named Malcolm Robinson. The expert said that the object has a classic flying saucer shape and is one of the times that a photograph has become exciting for him.
The first of what individuals discover around them are just things that their limited feelings permit them to see. For instance, individuals understand air is available, but we cannot visualize it inside same way that people know radio stations waves are usually almost everywhere. But again, they cannot remain visible with the nude attention.
Here’s one interesting footage of a bright lights in the sky above Moab, a city in Grand County, in eastern Utah. These two photos ware taken on 1st August 2015.
Witness report:Didn’t notice until reviewing pictures. Camping in goblin valley and was taking pictures of the lightning in the clouds
Eve Lorgen's classic book, "Alien Love Bite", is worthy as a deeper analysis and understanding of alien mind control, of human sexual behaviors.
What is known, is that after abductions, aliens, through implants and mind control, "turn up the volume" of the sexual energies of alien abductees, in a purported attempt to "study" human response/coping behaviors.
Under the seeming guise of 'research', these entities actively and puriently participate.
Part of the understanding of the interaction between aliens and humans is not merely deducing alien tactics and underlying alien motives, but is of a sexual nature.
The whole astounding answer, in part, begins with the realization that we are by nature, beyond our awareness and general understanding, inter dimensional beings.
We contain and exude both a physical energy and a spiritual energy.
As our psychic "energy" extends into other dimensions, these energies can be hijacked and exploited by such dark force entities as reptilian/grey aliens, the pilots of UFOs.
With a single- mindedness, controlling reptilians prevail with impunity.
They are predatory, sinister and self justifying, the three criteria of evil.
We seem mere mice for them to toy with for they do create problems in our lives to then solve them; but the truth is that much like demons, they seek to feast on our sexual/ ethereal energies.
Post abduction aberrant sexual behavior of alien abductees is choreographed and micro managed and worse, according to much research, aliens also participate in these field experiments with humans..
At the very least, such unscientific, controlling behaviors are revealed as perverse, in such direct sexual participation, under the seeming guise of 'testing'.
In very many case studies of alien abductees, a key element of what is 'post alien abduction", also involves a 'sexual' phenomenon..
To quote Dr. Baldwin:
However, it may be exactly what it appears to be: actual sexual manipulation by an alien race.
Information voiced through the clients forms a consistent body of knowledge about the alien beings and their motivations for coming to our planet."
Dr William Baldwin echoes what I've separately stumbled upon.
The alien agenda behind the sequence of close encounters, leading to abductions, and then also to possession, characterizes their planetary exploits; after exploration, comes conquest.
Dr. William Baldwin first places the alien abductee under hypnosis induction.
What follows is phrased from his astounding preface:
[From one case study of over a hundred similar studies] et al:
"Mona and the ET Controllers
"Mona expressed dismay at her unusually high sexual appetite and her promiscuity. This condition had existed in her life since late adolescence. She had difficulty maintaining monogamous relationships and this caused her deep sadness and confusion. In session, she discovered an ET group experimenting with sexuality. The ET researchers would intensify her sexual desire, like turning up the volume on a TV set, then observe her behavior and her reactions to her own behavior."
"We discovered a large network of DFEs [Dark Force Entities] of various levels controlling the ETs in this activity. This particular experimentation involved a broad segment of the human population, and Mona was just one of many people affected. The ET technicians divulged this information, and further revealed a sordid picture of the intrusion."
"Some of the DFE-influenced ETs had become personally involved in human sexuality, purposely stimulating licentious and depraved sexual activities. Not only were they distorted in their scientific observation, they were participating in the experiments."
"Mona was sickened by the discovery of this information. She had known something was very wrong in her life and suspected entity influence, but had not dreamed of this kind of extensive involvement, particularly the ETs. She was deeply relieved to finally get relief from this terribly intrusive and very personal violation."
"Human beings are so terribly caught up in sexual issues from childhood through adolescence and into adulthood, even old age as senility sets in. The entire issue is compounded by the social issues regarding sex, marriage, monogamy, adultery, promiscuity, the religious taboos and imposed guilt, the very real problems of unwanted pregnancy and abortion, disease, human possessiveness and jealousy, and other issues. It is a fertile field for dark force entity influence."
"These experiments on emotions and sexuality are ostensibly designed to study human feelings and behavior. The technician simply turns up the volume on some aspect of emotion or behavior and records what happens with the human subject. This behavior or emotional outburst causes anguish in the human. This is the desired result. The anguish is the underlying goal of the project."
"The energy emanation of the anguish of human suffering is harvested by the DFEs.
It is used as energy, sustenance, food. In most cases we have found, and other therapists report the same situation, it seems the experiment is a cover for the activity of the DFEs.
This is the true purpose of the "research" conducted by the aliens."
"In most cases of ET attachment where such a group is operating, the ship captain or the base commander may be evasive, deceitful, even defiant, and refuse to remove the intrusive devices and alien beings. They will usually divulge the information that there is a high dark being who controls their people.
A client will sometimes describe a sinister and menacing dark figure on the craft, clearly exerting powerful control, and always situated near the ship's captain."
"The ET technician is usually unaware of the dark influence. The commander of the space craft is conscious of the dark presence in about half of such cases. The ruling council members on the home world are aware of the dark lords in charge at various levels. They acknowledge that they, or their predecessors in the council, struck an alliance with the dark forces long ago for the purpose of gaining personal and political power."
"However, once that dark contact was established, the DFEs took power over the council. The DFEs assumed "ownership" of the alien civilization, and there was nothing that could be done about it.
The council members, usually from three to eleven in number (though once it was reported as a senate of about 1800 members), are grateful for the assistance in separating themselves and their citizens from the DFEs. With the assistance of many light beings, we facilitate the total removal of the dark force entities, from the lowliest DFE attached to the ET technicians, through the dark lords on the craft, to the high-level dark beings wielding power over the council members and the overseers or enforcers who lurk behind the scenes."
"After the release of the DFEs from their civilization, the council gladly orders the removal of the implants, monitors, communication devices, various and assorted headbands and skullcaps, and the ET technicians. They order the return of all the craft orbiting this world and any other, and the space stations involved in this hideous project. A tremendous piece of work is completed in a very short time. The effect on consciousness cannot be measured."
"Clients have discovered not only these attached ET technicians and their equipment, but also unattended probes and other devices in various parts of the anatomy and in the chakras, or energy centers of the body, both on themselves and other family members.
These probes are non-physical in nature, yet connected in a way which allows for the transmission of information to the ET scientist's location. The probe, or connector, may also allow the ET to remotely control some aspect of the physiology or mental/emotional functioning of the person."
"In an altered state, a client can visualize the probe, often a black cord, leading to the ET laboratory. We direct the question to the alien researcher. This communication passes directly to the ETs along the attached connector, and the surprised ET will answer through the voice mechanism of the client.
This can be surprising and distressing to the client, but with our assurance that the control is only temporary, and that many people have overcome this intrusion, most clients continue with the dialogue."
Onboard alien craft, sexual liasons with greys and other humans are also orchestrated.
UFO/alien horrid truths emerge from many such case histories that outline a single mindedness of controlling reptilian aliens, who prevail with impunity, in the sexual lives of alien abductees whose sexual behavior is choreographed and micromanaged
The light of this article, of alien/human interaction is shone into darkest corners and can be found to be echoed and more documented in substantive detail, in Eve Lorgen's book, "Alien Love Bite", a required read for researchers, in this field.
I write about this phenomenon, as an abductee, only to illuminate these darkest corners for others.
What possible "good" has come from alliances with invading aliens, by Intelligence agencies and governments?
Alien technology, recovered from downed discs and other craft, has already inspired Skunkworks to give us the ability to recreate and reverse engineer:
fiber optics,
cold fusion- anti gravity,
stealth technology,
specialized surgical tools,
cloning-genetic engineering-
and most recently,'smart skins' of craft, which like chameleons, alter shape and color according to environments, magical technologies studied, reverse engineered and imitated.
We have a lot to be thankful for, in advances of technology because of Klaatu, ("The Day the Stood Still" alien) even though he is the complete opposite of the charming, handsome gracious, elevated spirit in film and in book', for instead he, in reptilian form, sees us in the same perfunctory way, as we see lab rats and chickens, and worse, actively meddles with abductees' sexuality, as revealed in Baldwin's groundbreaking research.
The Eerie Alaskan Pyramid Investigated - Linda Moulton Interviews a US Army Counterintelligence Agent (Video)
The Eerie Alaskan Pyramid Investigated - Linda Moulton Interviews a US Army Counterintelligence Agent (Video)
An amazing mystery that has resurfaced is the 14,000 year old pyramid unearthed in structure at Gobekli Tepi in Turkey would have been considered impossible by archaeologists.Similarly, to this day some Egyptologists dispute the true age of the Sphinx, which has been confirmed by geologists.There are many mysteries about Gobekli Tepi, chief among them the fact that its creators expended even more effort to bury it than they did to build it. Remarkably a similar pyramid was unearthed near Mount McKinley in Alaska. The video presentation below gives an astounding account of this mystery and what it means for archeology.
Listen to the eerie cloak-and-dagger story that emerges as Linda interviews a US Army counterintelligence agent who has a remarkable reason for believing it. as he tells of its brief public announcement on a radio program, and the years-long coverup that has haunted him for the rest of his life.
Full Video:
Watch also:
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19-08-2015 om 00:44
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Bob Lazar: 25 Years After Spilling the Beans on Anti-Gravitational Flying Saucers Inside Area 51
Bob Lazar: 25 Years After Spilling the Beans on Anti-Gravitational Flying Saucers Inside Area 51
It has been 25 years to the day since a live interview with a shadowy guy named “Dennis” changed everything for America’s most secret military base.
“Dennis” turned out later to be a man named Bob Lazar, who claimed he worked at a secret facility built into a mountainside just south of Area 51’s main facilities.
Here is the latest Bob Lazar interview:
Lazar claimed to have worked in 1988 and 1989 as a physicist at S4, which was allegedly located at Papoose Lake southwest of top secret Area 51 near Groom Dry Lake, Nevada.
According to Lazar, S4 serves as a hidden military location for the study and research of extraterrestrial spacecraft, or flying saucers using reverse engineering.
Lazar says he saw nine different extraterrestrial vehicles there and has provided detailed information on the mode of propulsion and other technical details of a disc-shaped vehicle he called the sport model.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Nazca Lines; Giant Landing strips?
The Nazca Lines; Giant Landing strips?
If we fly over the Nazca desert in the region of the Pampas de Jumana (Peru), we can see impressive huge geoglyphs of incredible size known as the Nazca lines. These incredible figures and geometrical shapes have baffled archaeologists and researchers since their discovery. Some theorists have proposed that the huge rectangles and straight lines at Nazca might have served as lading strips for extraterrestrial spaceships in the past. The area of land where these magnificent shapes are located is an area of up to 500 square kilometers, and all kind of shapes can be found on the sand; animals of gigantic proportions, objects and perfectly straight lines that intersect with each other.
There has been a lot of debate about the true age of the Nazca lines. According to studies, the Nazca Lines were built somewhere between 300 BC and 900 AD, and could have been be the work of the ancient Paracas culture.
Among the designs found at Nazca, we can find: whale, various birds including herons, pelicans, or Hummingbird (measuring 300 meters), a lizard, an iguana and a snake, but researchers have also identified a monkey, a spider and a snail among the many figures. It is believed that the Nazca lines were identified in modern times by pilots flying over the region, but it is not known exactly who was the first to discover them. The first historical references that exist are of Spanish conquistador Cieza de Leon in 1547. The mysteries surrounding these enigmatic lines are unexplainable. The Nazca lines are visible from surrounding hills, but they are much better seen from the air, at least 1500 feet. The question may have asked is: Did the ancient build the Nazca lines so that they could be admired from the air? The design of the Nazca lines is an admirable deed, one that deserves to have an author to credit the scenery to.
The accuracy and precision of the Nazca lines is jaw dropping. The lines at Nazca are perfectly straight for kilometers, and the curves that make the figures are also of surprising accuracy. Their conservation is extremely good, since weather phenomena as paired these incredible figures since their creation. Researchers have attributed their goo preservation due to the lack of rain in the area and the high amounts of gypsum in the ground. This leads to the theory that the builders of the ancient Nazca lines had a very good topographic knowledge of the region.
Erich von Däniken and ancient astronaut theorists argue that the Nazca Lines could have served as landing strips for alien spacecraft, and therefore can only be viewed accurately from heaven, that is, from UFOs flying above the region. Basically the arguments is the following: We have several rovers on Mars at the moment, these rovers leave behind tracks as they move, the spaceships that landed on Mars have left huge craters behind. The same thing could have happened in the distant past, where exploring vehicles, just like the ones we have on Mars, could have visited Earth and explored it, leaving behind these gigantic tracks, lines and geometrical figures.
Nazca is the perfect environment for a precise exploration of Earth. If you would want to know what our planet is made of, the ideal place to go to would be Nazca, thanks to its mineral rich environment.
Of course there are other theories regarding the true purpose of the Nazca lines. Some researchers suggest that the Nazca Lines are a gigantic astrological calendar, recording the most important astronomical events of the time. Researchers know that the {Paracas and Nazca culture had a great interest in studying the cosmos and the relationship that the heavenly bodies had with our planet. That is an interest they shared with many ancient civilization across the planet.
Other suggest that the Nazca lines have a more religious or mystical purpose, arguing that the ancient Nazca performed strange magical-religious ceremonies in different seasons in that area. According to this theory, animals and the different Nazca figures represent the deities of the polytheistic religion.
Featured image: Ancient Code Image Credit: Wikimedia commons
Magnetische anomalie opgetreden in Sint Katelijne Waver op 9 October 2008
Magnetische anomalie opgetreden in Sint Katelijne Waver op 9 October 2008
Technische evaluatie van de ter beschikking staande gegevens uit de visuele en de magnetische registratie
Beginfaze van de visuele waarneming : helder licht op 224° in het zuiden juist boven de horizon
Verplaatsing van het licht naar een punt het dichtste bij de waarnemer op 157° onder een hoek van 50° gemarkeerd op het samengesteld panoramisch beeld ( opgesteld door Werner Poets
Bij de dichtste nadering bleek het tuig zeer groot te zijn omschreven als een donkere ellips met aan de rand heldere lichten (aantal tussen 2 en 10)
Het kwam snel aangevlogen , produceerde geen geluid en vertoonde geen vleugels noch staartvlak noch navigatielichten en herhaalde malen (10 x) werd beweerd dat het geen normaal passagiersvliegtuig, hoe dan ook, kon zijn
Er werd een opmeting gedaan van de schijnbare grootte zoals het te zien was in het eindstadium van de visuele waarneming : ovaal lengte21,5cm/breedte 13,7 cm op 1,2m afstand van het venster. Uit de berekende hoogte van de magnetische registratie op de kortste afstand naar het meetstation volgt dat het toestel moet gevlogen hebben op 930m hoogte. Deze waarde samen met de waarnemingshoek van 50° levert ons een afstand van 780m op voor de omrekening naar de werkelijke afmetingen van 140m lengte ( 2 x de lengte van een Boeing )en 89m breedte.
Doortrekken van de 224° lijn toont aan dat het toestel vlak boven het magnetisch meetstation moet gepasseerd zijn ( alleen de symetrische vorm van beide maxima wordt bekomen als dit gebeurt)
De plaats van het toestel op deze lijn kan zonder meer voor de tijdsstippen 21h51 en 21h52 uit de gemeten magnetische inductie verhogingen berekend worden door toepassing van de formule van de derdemachtsverzwakkingsregel voor de afstand.
In deze formule wordt de klassieke waarde van 100Tesla en de beginafstand van 20m aangenomen.
De plaats van de punten 21h51 en 21h52 vallen in het visuele waarnemingsvenster en op de stijgende flank de magnetische registratie . Het snel naderen vermeld door de waarnemer is hierdoor verklaard. De afstand 51 -52 wordt afgelegd met 108Km/h en die van 52-53 met reeds 156Km/h
De aanvlieghoogte van 930m wordt ook teruggevonden voor de punten 51 en 52 uit de berekening van de geinduceerde en gemeten waarden van de magnetische inductie voor deze punten en de daarmee hiervoor direct zicht afstand gevonden noodzakelijke waarden
De grote afmetingen en de snelheidstoename wordt exact weergegeven in het interview van de waarnemer.
Alleen de dip in de registratie van de magnetische inductie is niet direct te verklaren met de berekening gebruikmakende van de afstandsverzwakkingsformule .
Een factor die we niet kunnen natrekken is de hoekwijziging tijdens de vlucht vlak boven het meetstation
.Dit komt door het feit dat slechts een componente van de hoofdvector gemeten is en we niet over dat gegeven beschikken.
Uit resultaten bekomen voor de punten 21h51 en 21h52 zou de inductie voor punt 21h53 zo 994µT moeten bedragen . De voorwaarde voor het meten van een verhoging van slechts 22,2µT wordt bekomen door aannamen van een hoekverdraaiing van de hoofdvector van slechts 1,8° ten opzichte van de loodrechte stand.
Bepaling van de voorkeuraanvliegroute voor passgiersvliegtuigen bij nadering via de approach AFI-Bruno met gemiddelde hoogte dalend van 4000voet naar 3000voet.
Controlemetingen met air-life traffic pakket van lightradar24 geven de volgende resultaten :
De metingen werden uitgevoerd op verschillende tijdstippen en tonen aan dat de afwijkingen die optreden op het voorgeschreven vluchtpatroon een dichtste nadering geeft van 2000m voor een gemiddelde hoogte van 3500voet= 1067m . Hieruit volgt dat de toestellen gezien worden onder een hoek die maximaal 28° en dus nooit 50°!.
Het is duidelijk dat uitgaande van de visuele alsook de magnetische gegevens aantonen dat het geen normaal lijnvliegtuig kan geweest zijn en dat de waarnemer op een zeer correcte wijze het verschijnsel heeft beschreven
Aan de hand van deze hoeveelheid data ligt het voor de hand het waargenomen tuig te mogen onderbrengen in de categorie :niet conventioneel vliegend object
aan de heren W.van Utrecht en Frederick Delaere voor de melding bij Ufomeldpunt en tevens aan de heer Werner Poets voor initeële hulp en de gevens voor het visuële waarnemingsgedeelte ,voor samenwerking bij de opnamen van het interview en de opstelling van het panoramabeeld
aan de heer Michel Roy voor zijn gedreven hulp in het zoeken naar een logische verklaring voor de magnetische registratie
aan allen die steeds geloofd hebben in de goede en correcte behandeling van deze toch unieke waarneming van bij ons
Sint Katelijne Waver , 16 –april-2015
Jan De Ceuster
18-08-2015 om 23:53
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
Een magnetische anomalie in Sint Katelijne Waver op 9 oktober 2008
Een magnetische anomalie in Sint Katelijne Waver op 9 oktober 2008
Hallo Pieter,
Vind hier het laatste gedeelte van de waarneming in SKW
Ik denk voor de dubbele piek een logische uitleg te hebben gevonden
Na een beetje zoekwerk heb ik in een publicatie van 1980 het bewijs gevonden dat zowel het gravitatieveld als het veroorzakende magnetische veld het zelfde dipoolverloop moeten hebben
Hiermee is het laatste vraagteken in verband met het voorkomen van een tweede piek verklaard
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
Nieuws uit Duitsland Jan De Ceuster, 15 juli 2015
Nieuws uit Duitsland Jan De Ceuster, 15 juli 2015
Hallo pieter,
Goed nieuws en bevestiging oplossingsmanier SKW anomalie in 2008
Graag respons
Nieuws uit Duitsland Jan De Ceuster, 15 juli 2015
Institut für Ufo-Forschung
Gerhard Gröschel is Ufo-onderzoeker en oprichter van het Institut für Ufo-Forschung en is van mening dat het echte Ufo-onderzoek moet gebeuren met technische middelen .Veel te lang werd er alleen voortgegaan op meldingen van waarnemingen en werd er te weinig getracht om met objectieve meetwaarden het onderwerp te bestuderen.
Volgend deze lijn gepropageerd en geinspireerd door Wolfgang Steltzig , verantwoordelijk voor het instrumentele onderzoek bij MUFON-CES heeft hij kordaat gekozen voor camerasystemen automatisch gestuurd vanuit een alarmsituatie aangebracht door geomagnetische en zwaartekracht meetapparatuur
Uit Gröschel´s onderzoek bleek voor mij al snel dat er een parallel was met ons eigen onderzoek naar een magnetische anomalie opgetreden in Sint Katelijne Waver in 2008
Gerhard heeft echter wel het visuële gedeelte kunnenhardmaken met een fotografische opname van het fenomeen
Een tweede aspect van het succes voor zijn methode is dat hij het bewijs heeft geleverd in het ontbreken van de gele kleur in het spectrum van een echte Ufo , eveneens vermeld in mijn uiteenzetting over ¨spectra ¨
Hij heeft dit gerealiseerd door met 2 camera´s gelijktijdig op te nemen ; de eerste in normale condities en de tweede voorzien van een grating filter om het spectrum te bekomen .
Hieruit blijkt dat de redenering gevolgd om de anomalie voor de SKW waarneming te interpreteren juist was en dit verhaal van experimenteel onderzoek wel degelijk resultaten oplevert.
Het werk van Gröschel is een geweldige stimulans ook voor ons onderzoek in het kader van BUFON Werkgroep Tecnologie om op de gevolgde manier verder te gaan
Referentie: Institut für Ufo-Forschung
Gerhard Gröschel Ufo´s in Knittelfeld Steiermark Oostenrijk
18-08-2015 om 23:44
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
Anyone who has been in Illinois in January knows that when the sun goes down, it gets cold… real cold. The night of January 5, 2000, was no exception. Everyone who could was staying warm inside, but all did not have this luxury. Melvin Knoll’s livelihood was his miniature golf course, and worried that something may have frozen there, he braved the cold night to make sure everything was OK. When he arrived at his business, he noticed what he thought was a very bright star on the northeastern horizon. He thought nothing of it at the time, and finished checking out the golf course.
After satisfying himself that all was well, he jumped back into his warm truck to head home. As he did, he could not help but notice that the light was still there, and even more visible than before. He watched it for a moment, and it suddenly seemed to be coming straight toward him! As it came nearer, he could see red lights shining toward the ground.
As it came even closer, the object appeared to be as tall as a two-story building, and as long as a football field. He could now clearly see windows, and a brightly lit inside. He could not hear a sound from the unknown object as it continued to slowly make its way through the chilly night in a southwesterly direction.
Fearing that he would be laughed at if he could not provide corroboration, he quickly made his way to the local police in Highland. He related his story to the dispatcher, and she agreed to pass the information to the next town in the object’s path, which was Central Communications in St. Clair County.
They in turn relayed the report to the Lebanon police department. At approximately 4:10 AM, a Lebanon police officer, hearing the radio report, spotted a bright object, which seemed to be suspended in the sky. He could clearly make out two lights, very close to one another.
The policeman, with lights flashing, raced to the southeast, hoping for a better vantage point to view the strange sight. He watched the unknown object as he drove, and after a few moments, noticed that the two lights had merged into one. The object seemed to be changing course, and moving directly toward him. At this point, he stopped his patrol car, and rolled his window down. To his amazement, he could very clearly see a triangular-shaped UFO pass over him, at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 feet.
Then, the UFO quickly changed its course, moving in a westerly direction. This sighting was corroborated by a policeman from Shiloh, who described the object as being shaped like a black arrowhead.
The existence of aliens is one of life's unanswered questions, but there is no denying that millions of people believe they have had encounters with what they recall are extraterrestrial beings from other planets. From President Eisenhower's believed meeting that has led many to think the government are in contact with extra terrestrials, to the incredible footage of what's thought to be aliens inside of a craft. Here are five times people say humans have had encounters with alien life.
This footage reportedly from New York shows some sort of large object, a meteor or even possibly a UFO as it streaks across the sky, and explodes into a huge flash of light and large cloud of smoke. Is this real? It certainly looks real, but why haven’t we seen it on the news. IS this another Government cover-up? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a closer look.
Pre-Adamites: Ancient Civilizations Developed on Earth Before the Recorded History
Is it possible that advanced civilization existed on Earth before “recorded” history? Is it possible that religion only tells one side of the story?
by Ancient Code
According to two notable gentlemen such as Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate (circa A.D. 331–363) and Calvinist theologian Isaac de La Peyrère (1596-1676) Pre-Adamite beings did exist in the distant past on our planet.
But many other historians and mainstream researchers suggest there was a race of people inhabiting Earth before Adam and Eve lived on our planet.
Due to the “fall” of “Satan” a widespread destruction occurred on planet Earth. The result of this destruction was so extensive that the world had to be redone with Adam and Eve being the first.
But what happened really? Did “civilization” on Earth “restart” several times in the distant past?
Genesis 1:28 (ESV):
28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Let reconsider the following; Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.
Considering the genealogy of man taking in count that Adam was the first human being in our era, it is reasonable to estimate that from Adam to our time about 6,000 years have passed. There were 76 generations from Adam to Jesus which are recorded in Matthew 23: 38.
The History since God created the planet and from Adam to our time is just a fraction of the age and history of our planet and the universe. There have been other civilizations before “religion” was created.
The Adamic age, as the Bible suggests, will last 7.000 years culminating in the millennial reign of Christ on earth ruling from Jerusalem, and we are nearing the completion of the first 6,000 years of the Adamic period.
1 Corinthians 15:45 (ESV) 45:
Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
It is well-known that the Bible wasn’t actually made as a Book telling a universal history, nor cosmic or geological history and according to many researchers, it cannot be considered as a book of science.
Even though the bible clearly states, in the early chapters of Genesis that god is the responsible creator of the universe, man and animals, we cannot seem to understand what the bible suggests happened before this time.
We know today that our plant has been “here” for over 4,500 millions of years and that the universe is around 13,700 million years old. Some scientists suggest the age of both the universe and our planet is much older.
There are even certain Maya texts which indicated that our universe is around 16,700 million years old. These texts were inspired by “fallen angels” and “Gods” who gave the ancient Maya great knowledge.
Teaching them in Astronomy, engineering, and mathematics, allowing them to erect some of the greatest temples on Earth, like Chichen Itza. Even though some consider these tales of gods only to be a myth, many believe that there is much truth in them.
Researchers have come across numerous findings which have confirmed that man has existed on Earth way before sacred books like the bible suggest.
But is it possible that Pre-Adamite civilizations existed on Earth? And better yet, is it possible that these ancient Pre-Historical civilizations might be connected in some way to the lost “civilization of Mu and Atlantis”?
Is it possible that the Bible speaks of beings that belonged to these ancient civilizations?
Some researchers believe that there is physical and Biblical evidence which points to great knowledge and scientific breakthroughs which the bible does not contradict.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 – 1:10:
9 That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. 10 Is there anything of which one might say, “See this, it is new “? Already it has existed for ages Which were before us…
Is it possible that all of the highly advanced technologies that we have developed such as lasers, atomic bombs, satellites, computers, space ships and so on, existed in the distant past? With civilizations that predate “Adam and Eve”? According to Biblical accounts, nothing is new.
Researchers have found, in all corners of the world, physical evidence that points towards the existence of highly advanced ancient civilizations:
The map of the Creator which is believed to be around 500 million years old, the giant footprint of 1.20 meters found in Swaziland, South Africa, estimated to be around 200 million years old, the sandal footprint found in Utah on a rock that is believed to be around 400 million years old, the Nevada shoe print which is believed to be around 250 million years old, the fossilized human hand found in Colombia believed to be at least 100 million years old. these are just some of the findings that have been avoided by mainstream history and science.
But is it possible that these findings are indications of Pre-Adamite civilizations?
Many researchers believe that highly advanced beings existed on Earth in the past, the evidence speaking of these beings can be found in ancient texts from different religions. The bible is one of them.
From all of the above we know that God did not create a planet empty nor in chaos, but Earth had become a desolate planet filled with destruction. Isaiah 45: 18 and Genesis 1: 2
We also know that God decides to ravage the land but not completely destroy it. Jeremiah 4: 27
We have found many pieces of evidence on our planet which confirm that after periods of civilized live on planet Earth, came cataclysms and destruction, but not a complete destruction of life on the planet. It is as if the planet restarted several times, with different beings, animals and life in general.
There is physical and Biblical evidence which indicates that possible existence of great cataclysms and catastrophes in the universe and on our planet which seem to support the idea that our planet passed through several stages in the distant past.
We are surely not the first civilized beings that inhabited this planet.
Professor: “We kunnen sneller dan het licht reizen”
Professor: “We kunnen sneller dan het licht reizen”
Sneller dan het licht reizen werd lange tijd gezien als sciencefiction, maar volgens astrofysicus Geraint Lewis behoort ruimtereizen tussen sterrenstelsels of warpsnelheid tot de mogelijkheden.
Professor Lewis van de Universiteit van Sydney zei dat dit futuristische concept onderdeel is van de relativiteitstheorie van Albert Einstein. “Als je naar de vergelijking kijkt die Einstein ons heeft gegeven, zie je dat je de ruimte dusdanig kunt buigen dat je met elke gewenste snelheid door het universum kunt reizen,” zei hij.
“In theorie is het mogelijk, maar kunnen we ooit een warpdrive bouwen? Het materiaal dat we daarvoor nodig hebben bestaat in het universum, maar of we het kunnen vinden om een warpdrive te bouwen is niet zeker,” ging hij verder.
Negatieve energiedichtheid
Professor Lewis zei dat de mensheid het universum met een warpdrive in rap tempo kan koloniseren. “Het grote probleem is nu dat de afstanden zo immens zijn dat het zelfs bij de lichtsnelheid vier jaar duurt om bij de dichtstbijstaande ster te komen en twee miljoen jaar om het dichtstbijgelegen grote sterrenstelsel te bereiken,” zei hij.
“Deze afstanden weerhouden ons ervan het universum te koloniseren. Je moet dus een manier bedenken om die snelheidslimiet te doorbreken, en de relativiteitstheorie van Einstein biedt daarbij uitkomst,” aldus Lewis.
Om verre sterrenstelsels te bezoeken is de conventionele raketaandrijving niet genoeg. Om een warpdrive te bouwen moeten wetenschappers materiaal zien te vinden dat een ‘negatieve energiedichtheid’ heeft.
Hoewel professor Lewis toegaf dat het een theoretisch concept betreft, zei hij dat er in het verleden genoeg speculatieve ideeën waren die later realiteit zijn geworden. “Je hoeft maar te kijken naar het werk van Newton 400 jaar geleden, of mensen die 100 jaar geleden werkzaam waren binnen de kwantummechanica. Die dingen begonnen als een droom en zijn vandaag de dag realiteit,” zei hij.
“Ik denk dat we in de komende 100 tot 1000 jaar veel meer over het universum gaan onthullen,” besloot hij. “Misschien zal deze hypersnelle manier van reizen dan realiseerbaar zijn.” Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Ligt Atlantis op Sardinië? “Mythische beschaving weggevaagd door enorme vloedgolf als gevolg van komeetinslag”
Ligt Atlantis op Sardinië? “Mythische beschaving weggevaagd door enorme vloedgolf als gevolg van komeetinslag”
Sommigen zeggen dat de verloren stad Atlantis niet op de bodem van de oceaan ligt, maar voor de kust van Italië op het eiland Sardinië. Herodotus en Aristoteles dachten dat Plato’s beschrijving van een land voorbij de zeestraat tussen Sicilië en Tunesië, dat werd verzwolgen door de golven, een verwijzing was naar dat eiland.
Schrijver en journalist Sergio Frau deed 10 jaar lang onderzoek naar het eiland. Hij vermoedt dat Sardinië 3200 jaar geleden is getroffen door een vloedgolf. Ligt Atlantis verborgen op Sardinië?
Stefano Tinti, een expert op het gebied van vloedgolven die het eiland onlangs met Frau en een tiental andere experts heeft bezocht, zegt dat er in de afgelopen 2500 jaar 350 vloedgolven zijn geweest in het Middellandse Zeegebied. Eén daarvan verklaart mogelijk waarom bepaalde megalithische gebouwen op Sardinië verborgen liggen onder een dikke laag aarde.
Frau legt uit dat op het eiland tenminste 20.000 nuraghi – forten met torens – kunnen worden gevonden, die dateren van de 12e tot de 16e eeuw voor Christus. In het zuiden liggen alle bouwwerken op minder dan 500 meter boven zeeniveau begraven onder een laag modder. Bij opgravingen in dit gebied zijn potten, bekers, olielampen, messen, naalden en boogpunten gevonden. Ook troffen archeologen goud, zilver, amber en juwelen aan.
Tinti merkt op dat de aardbeving in 2003 in Algerije een schokgolf veroorzaakte die een uur later Sardinië bereikte. Hij zegt dat alleen een komeetinslag vlak bij de kust en in een specifieke richting een muur van water van 500 meter hoog kan hebben veroorzaakt.
De Britse krant The Guardian meldt dat onderzoekers onder het wateroppervlak kunnen zoeken naar bewijs voor zo’n inslag, denk aan bijvoorbeeld fragmenten van de komeet. Men wil ook graag te weten komen waar de nuraghi in eerste instantie voor dienden. Later werden ze gebruikt om de maan te aanbidden. Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan dit artikel te delen op Facebook.
Russische geoloog: "Oude beschaving reed 14 miljoen jaar geleden met grote terreinwagens door Turkije" Russische geoloog: “Oude beschaving reed 14 miljoen jaar geleden met grote terreinwagens door Turkije”
Russische geoloog: “Oude beschaving reed 14 miljoen jaar geleden met grote terreinwagens door Turkije”
Een Russische wetenschapper claimt dat een oude beschaving miljoenen jaren geleden met reusachtige terreinwagens over het aardoppervlak reed en dat de sporen hiervan nog steeds zichtbaar zijn.
Geoloog Alexander Koltypin meent dat mysterieuze sporen in de Frygische vallei in Turkije tussen 12 en 14 miljoen jaar geleden zijn achtergelaten door een intelligent ras. “Voertuigen met wielen werden over de zachte bodem, mogelijk een nat oppervlak, gereden,” zei hij. “Vanwege hun gewicht maakten ze diepe sporen.”
Hij voegde toe dat voetsporen van dinosauriërs op dezelfde manier bewaard zijn gebleven. Dr. Koltypin van de Internationale Onafhankelijke Ecologisch-Politicologische Universiteit in Moskou heeft samen met drie collega’s veldwerk verricht in Anatolië.
Dr. Alexander Koltypin
Koltyn zei dat de sporen zijn gemaakt door een soort auto’s of terreinwagens. De wagensporen doorkruisen elkaar van tijd tot tijd en sommige zijn dieper dan andere. “Als geoloog kan ik je met zekerheid zeggen dat onbekende prehistorische terreinwagens tussen 12 en 14 miljoen jaar geleden in Turkije rondreden,” zei hij.
Hij claimt dat archeologen hun vingers niet durven te branden aan dit onderwerp omdat het in strijd is met al hun klassieke theorieën. “We zien tekenen van een beschaving die bestond voor de klassieke creatie van deze wereld,” aldus dr. Koltypin. “Misschien zagen de wezens van die beschaving er heel anders uit dan moderne mensen.”
De wagensporen bewijzen volgens hem het bestaan van oude beschavingen, maar worden vaak genegeerd door mainstream wetenschappers. Er zijn aan de zijkant van veel sporen ook krassen aangetroffen, die zouden zijn achtergelaten door het uiteinde van de assen die werden gebruikt voor de wielen. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
“Explosie in Tianjin veroorzaakt door ruimtewapen van het Pentagon als wraakactie voor devaluatie yuan”
“Explosie in Tianjin veroorzaakt door ruimtewapen van het Pentagon als wraakactie voor devaluatie yuan”
De enorme explosie in de Chinese havenstad Tianjin afgelopen week is veroorzaakt door een ruimtewapen van het Pentagon, als reactie op het onverwachte besluit van de People’s Bank of China om de yuan te devalueren. Dat vertellen Chinese bronnen tegen Natural News. Ze voegen toe dat de ramp is omgeven door zeer strenge geheimhouding.
De explosie heeft in een straal van 10 kilometer van het havengebied grote schade aangericht. Op een afstand van drie kilometer is al het glas uit de gebouwen geblazen en zes bedrijven zijn compleet in puin.
De ontploffingen waren in een containerterminal in de haven waar brandbare stoffen worden overgeslagen. Na de explosies brak er een grote brand uit. Op een zeker moment is gestopt met blussen, omdat onduidelijk was wat er precies in de containers brandde.
De site meldt dat de overheid is begonnen met het arresteren van bloggers die ‘complottheorieën’ verspreiden over de oorzaak van de explosies. Voor en na de ontploffingen zouden zwarte Chinese legerhelikopters in formatie over Peking zijn gevlogen. Dissidenten hebben een aantal foto’s van deze helikopters gemaakt.
De bronnen vertelden aan Natural News dat ze reden hebben om aan te nemen dat de aanval op Tianjin een waarschuwingsschot van de Verenigde Staten is, die bang zijn dat China op het punt staat een munteenheid aan te kondigen die aan goud is gekoppeld en Amerikaanse schuldbewijzen aan te bieden tegen dumpprijzen. Hierdoor zouden de Amerikaanse dollar en economie in elkaar storten.
Door het ruimtewapen in te zetten wilde Amerika een krachtige boodschap in de richting van China sturen, aldus de bronnen.
Op 11 augustus devalueerde China de yuan met 1,9 procent, wat ook zorgde voor minnen op Wall Street.
Op 12 augustus zou het topgeheime ruimtewapen zijn ingezet, waarbij zes huizenblokken aan de rand van Tianjin volledig werden verwoest. Voor de volgers van de shmita: de atoombommen werden ook in een shmita op Japan gegooid. Dat gebeurde in augustus 1945, precies 70 jaar geleden.
Op 16 augustus stuurde de Amerikaanse president Obama de Chinese overheid een waarschuwing over Chinese geheim agenten die actief zijn op Amerikaans grondgebied.
Geheime ruimtewapens van het Pentagon
Op diverse Amerikaanse websites werd al gespeculeerd dat een Amerikaans ruimtewapen was ingezet tegen China. Gezien de krater gaat het om een explosie van vijf kiloton, mogelijk nucleair of een ruimtewapen, aldus The Unhived Mind. Hoe ruimtewapens werken wordt uitgelegd in dit artikel van Popular Science uit 2004.
De bronnen melden dat de Chinese politie is begonnen met invallen in huizen van bloggers en onafhankelijke journalisten die proberen te achterhalen wat er werkelijk is gebeurd in Tianjin. Wil je dat de ware toedracht van de ramp naar buiten komt? Denk er dan aan dit artikel te delen op Facebook.
“Humanoid” flying over Los Angeles, California 9-Aug-2015
“Humanoid” flying over Los Angeles, California 9-Aug-2015
I just received this report:
Location:Los Angeles, California Date:9th August 2015
Witness report:Best evidence we have seen and captured yet of the humanoid shaped anamolies that we have been seeing as it was captured on 3 cameras with dozens of eyewitnises to attest to seeing this object while at the free Public event.
E.T. was een lieve alien die het beste met ons voorhad. Maar het bekende, schattige figuurtje uit Steven Spielbergs kaskraker (1982) was natuurlijk fictie. Of niet? Apollo 14-astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, gelooft al langer in buitenaards leven en de zesde man ooit die voet zette op de maan beweert nu zelfs dat vredelievende aliens op aarde een atoomoorlog hebben voorkomen.
Edgar Mitchell - volgende maand 85 - maakte deel uit van de Apollo 14-missie in 1971 en werd zo de zesde maanwandelaar ooit. Hij is dus niet zomaar om het even wie en daarom worden er toch méér oren gespitst dan gewoonlijk als hij het, als prominente ufo-believer, over buitenaards leven heeft.
Mitchell groeide op in New Mexico, dicht bij zowel de plek waar de VS de eerste atoombom ooit, Trinity, testte als waar het zogenaamde Roswell-incident plaatsvond, de vermeende crash van een ufo. Aan Mirror Online vertelde de voormalige astronaut vorige week plots dat vredelievende aliens een nucleaire oorlog tussen de VS en Rusland vermeden hebben. Daarvoor kwamen ze naar onze planeet en vlogen ze met hun ufo's boven Amerikaanse raketbases en boven White Sands, waar Trinity in 1945 gedropt werd.
Sabotage van wapens "Jullie kennen de regio niet zoals ik", zei hij. "Het is een testzone voor atoomwapens en dáár waren de aliens in geïnteresseerd. Ze informeerden zich over onze militaire kracht. Uit mijn eigen ervaring van gesprekken met mensen blijkt duidelijk dat de buitenaardse wezens wilden vermijden dat wij oorlog zouden voeren en wilden ze de vrede op aarde bewaren."
Van luchtmachtofficieren die de raketbases bemanden tijdens de Koude Oorlog, beweert Mitchell te weten dat er toen geregeld ufo's gespot werden. De ufo's zouden vaak de raketwapens onklaar gemaakt hebben. "Andere officieren van bases aan de Pacifische kust vertelden mij dat hun raketten geregeld neergehaald werden door aliens. In die dagen was er hevige activiteit."
'Van horen zeggen' Nick Pope, voormalig ufo-onderzoeker van de Amerikaanse defensie, staat sceptisch tegenover de verklaringen van Edgar Mitchell. "Hij is een eerbaar en eerlijk man, maar voor zover ik weet, heeft hij de meeste informatie hierover niet bekomen uit eigen ervaring maar van horen zeggen. Natuurlijk had hij in zijn positie toegang tot militair en overheidspersoneel tot op het hoogste niveau, maar omdat hij - erg begrijpelijk - zijn bronnen niet prijsgeeft, is het maar de vraag of al die mensen eerlijk waren tegenover hem en of ze zelf wel toegang hadden tot geclassificeerde informatie over ufo's." Pope, ook een beroemdheid als het op ufo's aankomt, verwijst ook fijntjes naar de vele gelijkenissen van dit verhaal met de plot van de sf-klassieker uit 1951 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'. Pope ontkent niet dat er vaak ufo-waarnemingen waren rond militaire atoombases maar brengt die eerder in verband met spionage.
"Ze doen met ons wat ze willen" "In de wetenschap dat het universum zo'n 14 miljard jaar oud is, is het onwaarschijnlijk dat - áls we al bezoek kregen - we te maken hebben met een beschaving die maar een paar honderden jaren voorsprong op ons hebben", zegt Pope nog aan Mirror Online. "Verhalen over aliens die wat wapentests van ons saboteren, lijken dus vergezocht. De kans is groter dat ze miljoenen jaren vóór zijn op ons en dus met ons kunnen doen wat ze maar willen."
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18-08-2015 om 01:20
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO sighting in Sussex ‘excites’ expert
UFO sighting in Sussex ‘excites’ expert
Possible UFO sighted close to Shoreham on Saturday
A SPEEDING UFO was seemingly spotted following in the wake of the RAF Vulcan which flew through Sussex on Saturday (July 15).
Elaine Costello captured the image on Saturday afternoon, just moments after the decommissioned military jet passed overhead.
It shows a small, black object, speeding through the sky, close to the Shoreham Power Station, in Southwick.
Elaine said: “The object appears right after the Vulcan bomber has gone out of sight. It flits from the left of the screen to the centre where the video ends.
The UFO flew behind the RAF Vulcan
“I have slowed the video down and the object goes behind cloud briefly. I took stills from the video and zoomed in. The results are interesting. At least one other person saw the object.”
The images have since been shown to one of Sussex’s top UFO and paranormal investigators, who was ‘excited’ by the footage.
The UFO flew behind the RAF Vulcan
Malcolm Robinson, is the founder of Strange Phenomena Investigations, and has spoken about UFO phenomena at conventions across the globe.
Mr Robinson, who lives in Hastings, East Sussex, said that 95 per cent of all UFO reports turn out to have ‘natural explanations’.
He claimed that about four per cent of the reports could be accredited to a combination of ‘black budget’ stealth aircraft and rare, atmospheric phenomenon.
“The one per cent that remain, is for me, personally something which is not of this world,” he said, “The weight of evidence that I and others have gathered over the years clearly show that we are dealing with a very real and bona fide phenomenon.”
This for me, is one of the few times that a photograph have excited me and I would love to enquire more from the photographer.
Malcolm Robinson, UFO expert
Speaking of the image captured by Elaine, he said: “It certainly has the classic flying saucer shape although that in itself does not mean that it lends any credibility.
“Photographs of this nature normally show birds frozen in flight by the camera or a small insect close to the lens of the camera. But as the photographer filmed this as a pan then this certainly makes it far more interesting to me.”
He questioned whether the image could have captured a unmanned aerial vehicle or drone.
He added that the claim there were other witnesses to the incident was ‘equally interesting’.
“This for me, is one of the few times that a photograph have excited me and I would love to enquire more from the photographer,” he said.
Mr Robinson has appeared in numerous newspaper and radio interviews.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Understanding The $100 Million Search For Intelligent Alien Life
Understanding The $100 Million Search For Intelligent Alien Life
Earlier this month billionaire investor Yuri Milner committed $100 million to initiate the most powerful search for intelligent life in the universe to date.
The project is called Breakthrough Listen and to those who are dedicated to this line of work, this money is a godsend, as funding for alien hunting has become harder and harder to find. Years of battling for funds, fighting critics about why we search for life, and hearing nothing but silence from our celestial neighbors makes this line of work trying.
This field of research is known as SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. It searches specifically for life that is technologically savvy. SETI experiments are designed to detect electromagnetic waves (like radio waves or laser signals) that are not found naturally in the cosmos and would indicate a sophisticated civilization.
There are programs dedicated to SETI at a number of universities and research organizations all over the world, each employing a slightly different strategy in hopes of finding an intelligent neighbor. NASA once had its own $10 million-per-year SETI program, but Congressdefunded it in back in 1993 and it hasn’t been revived since. Today, SETI work is done elsewhere at places like the SETI Institute, Berkeley, and Harvard, and is predominantly supported by private funds.
NASA does, however, invest millions of dollars into the search for life beyond Earth, just not the technologically savvy kind. Most notably, robotic Mars missions like the Phoenix Lander ($480 million) and the Curiosity Rover ($2.5 billion) have searched for liquid water and organic materials, important ingredients for life as we know it. The James Webb Space Telescope ($8.7 billion), scheduled to launch in 2018, will use spectroscopy to search for microbial life on planets outside of our solar system.
The search for microbial life continues to be a high priority for Congress and NASA, while the search for intelligent life is left fighting for scraps. Milner’s $100 million investment changes all of that for many SETI scientists.
With these missions, NASA’s not looking for little green men, but rather life in the most basic sense. The discovery of lifeforms, even a small single-celled microbe, elsewhere in our universe would be revolutionary.
The search for microbial life continues to be a high priority for Congress and NASA, while the search for intelligent life is left fighting for scraps. Milner’s $100 million investment changes all of that for many SETI scientists.
How Do We Search For Intelligent Life?
Imagine you are an alien on a distant planet looking at Earth and wondering, “Is there intelligent life there?” What hints are we giving to the cosmos that humans are, to our knowledge, intelligent technologically savvy beings?
Well, modern humans evolved about 200,000 years ago, but we’ve only been signaling our “intelligent” presence for less than a century. Human-constructed technology, like radio and TV, which emit electromagnetic signals is our dead giveaway.
Many believe that humanity’s first signal to the cosmos of our intelligent presence was Hitler’s speech for the opening of the 1936 Olympic games. Hitler’s broadcast was at a high enough frequency to penetrate Earth’s ionosphere (from which radio signals can be absorbed, reflected back down to Earth, or in this case refracted into space).
From there, it moved through the universe at the speed of light, decreasing in intensity as it traveled farther and farther away. Whether or not you, as an alien on a distant planet, could actually watch this broadcast depends on your distance from Earth, your position, and the sensitivity of your receiver.
Since then, humans have been signaling our existence to the universe through cell phone conversations, TV broadcasts, and satellite transmissions. Proof that Earth has intelligent life, just waiting to be detected by anyone within 100 light years of us with the right technology.
Here on Earth, we’re pointing our radio telescopes to the skies looking for these types of signals from other alien worlds. SETI experiments essentially involve finding better ways to eavesdrop on the universe.
Why Haven’t We Found Life Yet?
For starters, we haven’t always been entirely efficient at searching for life. We only starteddiscovering Earth-like planets that scientists deem potentially “habitable” this year through the space-based telescope Kepler. This is crucial because these are the planets that, to our knowledge, are the best candidates for finding life outside of our solar system due to their size and their distance from their host star.
But we’ve been searching for intelligent life ever since noted astronomer Frank Drake conducted the first modern SETI experiment, known as Project Ozma, back in 1960. So where were we searching before we had Kepler? Well, scientists mostly studied the area by nearby stars and hoped for the best.
Breakthrough Listen hopes to solve the problems that plagued these previous SETI efforts. Now that we have a better idea of where to look, we can focus telescope time and scientists’ efforts accordingly. Breakthrough Listen will also cover ten times more of the sky than previous SETI efforts, scanning five times more of the radio spectrum. It will accomplish all of this 100 times faster than SETI efforts today. This is made possible by reserving more time on two of the world’s largest telescopes: the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, and the Parkes Telescope in Australia. We also now have the ability to search for laser transmissions with the relatively new Automated Planet Finder in California.
Green Bank Telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia
In addition to more time on telescopes, Seth Shostak, senior astronomer and director for SETI research at the SETI Institute, attributes this increased breadth of search to the ongoing improvements in digital technology. He says these improvements “allow you to simply look at more of the radio dial at a gulp, than you used to be able to. When Frank Drake did Project Ozma, he was looking at one spot on the radio dial at a time. What you really want to do is to look at all of these radio frequencies at once. Today we look at tens of millions of channels at once. Thanks to improvements in digital electronics, it will soon be hundreds of millions and maybe even a billion channels at once. What that means in terms of SETI is that it’s like giving Captain Cook a steamship, instead of the old colliers that he had, to search the south Pacific. He could go faster and make the discoveries more quickly.”
Captain James Cook, British explorer and captain in the Royal Navy. Cook made the first recorded European contact with Australia’s eastern coastline and the first circumnavigation of New Zealand.
To analyze this amount of data, the project will leverage the power of crowdsourcing. Breakthrough Listen will partner with Berkeley’sSETI@home community which consists of nine million volunteers who offer their spare computer time for data crunching. Milner has also stated that all of this information will be publicly available to encourage the public to join the search.
But efficiency and breadth aren’t the only issues in the search for intelligent life. Our solar system is 4.6 billion years old. We’ve really only been “listening” for intelligent life for the past 50 years. Many technological civilizations could have died out millions, or even billions, of years ago and we’ve completely missed them. Or perhaps they’re out there, but because of their distance from us their signals haven’t had time to reach us yet.
This perspective also helps us answer the question, “If aliens are out there, and they can detect our signals, why haven’t they reached out to us?” Neil deGrasse Tyson addressed this in his book, Space Chronicles.
“For all we know, the aliens may have tried to get in touch centuries ago and have concluded that there is no intelligent life on Earth. They would now be looking elsewhere. A more humbling possibility is that aliens did become aware of the technologically proficient species that now inhabits Earth, and drew the same conclusion.”
And of course, there’s the obvious possibility that we are, in fact, alone in the universe.
Listening Vs. Messaging
We are unintentionally “leaking” signals into space for aliens to detect all of the time. But there’s another aspect of SETI work known as Active SETI. This requires the use of our most powerful radio transmitters to send messages in the direction of our nearest stars and planets.
Not everyone likes this idea.
Stephen Hawking, for example, has cautioned humans on making their presence known to aliens. In his documentary Into the Universe, he’s said, “If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.”
Even so, we’ve sent out ten Active SETI interstellar radio messages to date. The most powerful Active SETI broadcast, and perhaps the most famous, is the Arecibo Message which was sent from Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory in 1974. The three minute message, encoded as a binary string of 1’s and 0’s, contained a map of the solar system indicating which planet had sent the message, information about human DNA, and a graphic figure of a human, among other things.
The Arecibo message when arranged rectangularly as 73 rows and 23 columns. Color added to highlight its separate parts.
This message was aimed at a globular star cluster about 25,000 light-years away, which means they won’t receive our message for another 24,959 years. This also means it would take an additional 25,000 years to receive a reply. An impractical form of communication for sure, the Arecibo message was more of a technology demonstration than a serious attempt to make contact.
Still, if intelligent life is out there, it will probably be several light-years away and may not communicate the same way humans do. Attempting a conversation will require concerted thought and patience. How does one construct an understandable message to a lifeform completely unfamiliar with humans? Mathematics is often considered to be a universal language on Earth, could it be the same on another planet?
While much research has already been done on this topic, Milner hopes to push that work further through a second initiative, Breakthrough Message: a $1 million international competition to construct a digital message that best represents humanity and planet Earth. Whether or not this message will be sent has yet to be decided.
$100 Million Breath of Life
In an interview with earlier this year, Frank Drake said “The situation with SETI is not good. The enterprise is falling apart for lack of funding. While NASA talks about ‘Are we alone?’ as a number one question, they are putting zero money into searching for intelligent life. There’s a big disconnect there.”
Large radio telescopes are expensive to maintain and operate. The Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, the world’s largest fully steerable radio telescope, costs around $8 million per year. The Lick Observatory, the first permanent mountaintop observatory in the world, runs at about $2.5 million per year. Both telescopes have been at risk of being completely defunded in the past few years.
The Parkes radio telescope in Australia also saw significant budget cuts just this past year.
At the same time, scientists are quickly discovering more and more planets that are the right size and right distance from their sun to be considered potentially habitable. These planets are quickly becoming our best bet at finding intelligent life.
On top of that, digital electronics and computers are following Moore’s law and becoming faster and cheaper. With the right funding, you can leverage this technology to search more of the sky more quickly than ever before.
For these reasons, Milner’s $100 million comes at a crucial and exciting moment. Breakthrough Listen is reserving significant time on each these telescopes over the course of the next decade, and in effect breathing back life into these programs.
We have yet to detect intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and there’s no guarantee that this money and effort will enable us to find ET in the next ten years. It’s expensive, it’s not easy, and it’s probably going to take a while. But to many, the question “Are we alone,” is worth it all. As long as we have people like Yuri Milner to foot the bill, the search will continue.
This series of images of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko was captured by Rosetta’s OSIRIS narrow-angle camera on 12 August 2015, just a few hours before the comet reached the closest point to the Sun, or perihelion, along its 6.5-year orbit. The images were taken from a distance of about 330 kilometres from the comet. The comet’s activity at its peak intensity around perihelion is clearly visible in this spectacular animation. (Click image for a full-size version on the ESA website.) Image credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA.
The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft witnessed Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko making its closest approach to the Sun yesterday. The exact moment of perihelion occurred at 3:03am BST on 13 August when the comet came within 186 million kilometres (116 million miles) of the Sun.
In the year that has passed since Rosetta arrived, the comet has travelled some 750 million kilometres along its orbit towards the Sun, the increasing solar radiation heating up the nucleus and causing its frozen ices to escape as gas and stream out into space at an ever greater rate. These gases, and the dust particles that they drag along, build up the comet’s atmosphere – coma – and tail.
The activity reaches its peak intensity around perihelion and in the weeks that follow – and is clearly visible in the spectacular images returned by the spacecraft in the last months. One image taken by Rosetta’s navigation camera was acquired at 2:04am GMT, just an hour before the moment of perihelion, from a distance of around 327 kilometres (203 miles).
The scientific camera is also taking images yesterday – the most recent available image was taken at 12:31am BST on 13 August, just a few hours before perihelion. The comet’s activity is clearly seen in the images, with a multitude of jets stemming from the nucleus, including one outburst captured in an image taken at 6:35pm BST on 12 August.
This image of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko was captured by Rosetta’s OSIRIS narrow-angle camera on 12 August 2015 at 17:35 GMT, just a few hours before the comet reached perihelion. Image credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA.
“Activity will remain high like this for many weeks, and we’re certainly looking forward to seeing how many more jets and outburst events we catch in the act, as we have already witnessed in the last few weeks,” says Nicolas Altobelli, acting Rosetta project scientist.
Rosetta’s measurements suggest the comet is spewing up to 300kg of water vapour – roughly the equivalent of two bathtubs – every second. This is a thousand times more than was observed this time last year when Rosetta first approached the comet. Then, it recorded an outflow rate of just 300g per second, equivalent to two small glasses of water.
Along with gas, the nucleus is also estimated to be shedding up to 1000kg of dust per second, creating dangerous working conditions for Rosetta.
“In recent days, we have been forced to move even further away from the comet. We’re currently at a distance of between 325 and 340 kilometres this week, in a region where Rosetta’s startrackers can operate without being confused by excessive dust levels – without them working properly, Rosetta can’t position itself in space,” comments Sylvain Lodiot, ESA’s spacecraft operations manager.
Former Canadian Minister of Defense Says: we have to be careful when dealing with Alien beings, we Could trigger An Internstellar war
Former Canadian Minister of Defense Says: we have to be careful when dealing with Alien beings, we Could trigger An Internstellar war
According to former Canadian Minister of Defense, we have to be careful when dealing with Alien beings, we could trigger an Interstellar war.
It looks like we need to watch what we are doing on Planet Earth. Former Canadian minister of defense Paul Hellyer has explicitly warned our military units to avoid shooting at UFOs.
As Minister of Defence, he oversaw the drastic and controversial integration and unification of the Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force into a single organization, the Canadian Forces. His position gave him access to several classified documents among which were those about Extraterrestrial life and UFOs.
Hellyer believes that Extraterrestrial species have visited our planet for thousands of years.
Hellyer firmly believes that we are not the only intelligent species in the cosmos and believes that Earth has been visited by Extraterrestrial beings for thousands of years. Hellyer, a former politician, writer and commentator believes that alien beings still walk among us today.
During one of his interviews where he spoke about alien life and UFOs, Hellyer stated:
“[…]there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia across Europe, and Supreme Allied Command was very concerned and about ready to push the ‘Panic’ button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole.”
“They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for 3 years and they decided that, with absolute certainty, four species – at least – had been visiting our planet for thousands of years.”
Just like Edgar Mitchell, the former defense minister believes that alien beings are very interested in our weapons of mass destruction, such as the nuclear bomb. Hellyer believes that UFO activity on Earth has drastically increased ever since we first tested the “Atomic bomb.” The first nuclear device ever detonated was an implosion-type bomb at the Trinity test, conducted at New Mexico’s Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range on 16 July 1945.
Hellyer believes that the testing and use of weapons of mass destruction has caught the attention of extraterrestrial civilizations across the cosmos.
“They are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well.”
There are dozens of extraterrestrial races out there. Most of them are extremely advanced technologically.
The former defense minister believes that there are many species that inhabit the cosmos: “There are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one. They are what we call ‘Nordic blondes’ and also the Tall Whites who were actually working with the US Air Force in Nevada.”
“Then there’s the Short Greys as they are called, and they are the ones you see in most of the cartoons, they have very-very slim arms and legs, they are very short, just a little over 5 feet, and they have a great big head and great big brown eyes.”
Each species is, according to Hellyer, unique having its own agenda. Some of them look like us, while other species are totally different. Each one of them thinks differently.
But Hellyer also believes that the majority of extraterrestrial species that has visited Earth are benign and that these species are here to help us develop as a civilization.
“I would say that nearly all are benign and benevolent and they do want to help us, there may be one or two species which do not. That’s one of the things I’m investigating at the moment, to see who they are, what they are up to and what their agendas really are.”
UFO sightings have doubled since we have started testing and using nuclear weapons.
We cannot forget that our inferior technology is something to think about when approaching aliens. If these beings have the ability of interstellar travel, huge spaceships that defy known physics, then they certainly must have extremely advanced weaponry. We should exercise caution when dealing with aliens. But just how cautious do we have to be? Is an “Alien invasion” upon us?
“I think it’s a possibility,” says Hellyer. “But it’s a possibility especially if we shoot down every UFO that comes into our airspace without asking who they are and what they want. Right from the beginning we started scrambling planes, trying to shoot them down, but their technology was superior enough that we weren’t able to get away with it, certainly not for a long while.”
“During that period of time they could have taken us over without any trouble if they wanted to, so I think, rather than developing our own Star Wars to protect ourselves against them, we should work with the benign species that are of a vast majority and work together, and rely largely on them, of course, and cooperate, so that we would be contributing something at the same time; I don’t think there’s any point in us developing a galactic force that would tempt us to ride on our own and get into mischief, which is one of the things that some of them are concerned about.”
Hellyer believes that different Alien species are interacting between them, and even though most of them have their own interest, they share a similar goal.
“they may be interacting between themselves – I suspect that they are because there is what is called a ‘Federation’ of these people and they have rules. For example, one of the rules is that they don’t interfere with our affairs unless they are invited to – and that’s one of the reasons, probably, that we haven’t seem more of them until very recently…”
According to Hellyer, Extraterrestrial beings are very concerned about the future of mankind:
“They don’t want to tell us how to run our affairs, they have accepted the fact that this is our planet, and that we have the right to run it, but they are very concerned: they don’t think we are good stewards of our planet, we’re clear cutting our forests, we’re polluting our rivers and our lakes, and we’re dumping sewage in the oceans, and we’re doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of their homes should be doing.”
But we have been given a chance, a chance to do better, a chance to learn from our mistakes and a chance to take care of our planet which is very unique. Hellyer added:
“The Cosmos is based on free choice. We’re given the option of making mistakes, of making wrong choices, and I guess, what bothers some of us, is that we’ve made too many wrong choices, and not enough right choices.”
“So we’re going to have to start switching our priorities and stop spending so much time and effort on weapons to kill each other, or to dominate each other, and spend a lot more time on how to help each other to have a better life and a more just society, and life which is healthier.”
“Our future as a species, and here I mean all of the species in the world, is potentially at risk if we don’t figure what’s going on and work together and try to make life more amenable for all of us, and to work with our neighbors from other planets as well.”
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17-08-2015 om 23:57
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Vétéran de la NASA: les OVNIs ont sauvé la Terre de la guerre nucléaire
Vétéran de la NASA: les OVNIs ont sauvé la Terre de la guerre nucléaire
Plusieurs OVNIs ont été vus au-dessus du polygone White Sands lors du premier essai de la bombe nucléaire en 1945. Désormais, l'intelligence extraterrestre veillait sur le polygone et devenait plus active lors des confrontations entre les USA et l'URSS, affirme le vétéran de l’aérospatiale Edgar Mitchell.
L'astronaute américain affirme se référer aux données des officiers haut placés du ministère américain de la Défense, rapporté le NASA Mirror. D'après lui, les visites récurrentes des extraterrestres sont dues à leur mission d'avertir, les autorités des pays prenant part à la guerre froide, des opérations militaires où l'arme fatale pourrait être utilisée.
Pour justifier sa théorie, l'astronaute cite des cas d'indisponibilité du système d'arme nucléaire.
Il affirme également avoir parlé aux officiers des forces aériennes qui auraient vu des objets non-identifiés et "à ces moments-là, les lance-missiles étaient hors service sans aucune raison". Plusieurs autres officiers auraient confié à l'explorateur de l'espace que leurs missiles auraient été neutralisés par des véhicules spatiaux étranges.
Depuis les années 1990, Edgar Mitchell est convaincu que notre planète est visitée par des extraterrestres et il dénonce le gouvernement américain qui, selon lui, connaît leur existence, mais cache la vérité au grand public.
"We all know...." Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
Pourtant, Nick Pope, ex enquêteur sur les observations d'OVNIs du service américain des OVNIs bien que persuadé que M. Mitchell soit l'un des hommes les plus honnêtes dans le monde, est sceptique vis-à-vis de sa théorie, avoue-t-il dans son commentaire pour le NASA Mirror. Dans sa logique, il se réfère à d'autres gens dont on ne sait pas au juste s'ils avaient accès à une information secrète.
Nick Pope, quant à lui, propose sa version de l'apparition des OVNIs. Leurs apparitions fréquentes non loin de bases militaires seraient dues aux essais des engins aériens secrets.
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17-08-2015 om 23:38
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
'Sacred sinkhole' discovered under 1,000-year-old Mayan temple... and it may eventually destroy the pyramid
'Sacred sinkhole' discovered under 1,000-year-old Mayan temple... and it may eventually destroy the pyramid
The cenote, or natural sinkhole, stretches 114ft long and is up to 65ft deep
It is capped by 13ft of limestone which is gradually being washed away
Experts have found it is connected to other caverns and lakes in the area
They say it may have had deep religious significance to the Mayan culture
It is a towering testament to a long dead civilisation and has fascinated archaeologists for more than 150 years, but one of the most famous Mayan pyramids has been hiding a secret beneath its mighty steps.
Researchers have discovered an enormous sinkhole beneath the 1,000-year-old Temple of Kukulkan, also known as El Castillo, which dominates the Mayan city of Chichen Itza in the northern Yucatan Peninusula of Mexico.
And they fear the underground cavern, or cenote, which has a river running through it, may eventually cause the entire pyramid to collapse if its roof gives way.
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Archaeologists have discovered the Temple of Kukulkan, which was built by the Maya around 1,000 years ago to worship a snake god, has a huge cenote, or sinkhole, beneath it. They believe it may have been built on top of the cavern deliberately as it may have had deep religious significance to the ancient civilisation
Experts believe the huge chamber may have had special significance for the Mayans, who worshipped at the pyramid, as it is thought to be connected to other sinkhole lakes that surround the pyramid by underground rivers.
It may also be linked to another location known as the High Priest's Grave, or the Ossuary, a smaller pyramid with a sanctuary in the centre which was used as a communal graveyard.
A stone tablet depicting the reign of a mysterious king in the early days of the Mayan empire has been discovered in ancient ruins in the jungle of Guatemala.
The 1,600-year-old tablet, known as a stela, is covered in hieroglyphic writing and dates from a time of great political upheaval in the central Maya area.
It was discovered at the site of El Achiotal, which dates to the 5th century AD and is about 12 miles (20km) east of the ruins of the Mayan royal palace of La Corona in Peten, Guatemala.
The sites are 40 miles south of the famous Mayan temples at Calakmul in Mexico.
The archaeologists have dated the stela to between 22AD and 418 AD. During this period many of the great cities of the Maya civilisation were abandoned.
It is a period when there was intense rivalry between two great metropolis of Tikal and and Calakmul.
Experts believe the tablet may be depicting the reign of a new king who was appointed by the Tikal after they came to dominate the area.
Andrés Tejero-Andrade, one of the archaeologists at Mexico’s National Autonomous University who have been leading the research, said the Mayans may have built the Temple of Kukulkan around 900 to 1,100 years ago on top of the cavern as part of their religious beliefs.
Kukulkan is a Mayan snake deity, or a feathered serpent, who grew up inside and cave before emerging in an earthquake.
Dr Tejero-Andrade said the pyramid may have been built to symbolise the underworld, creation and water.
He said: ‘It appears that El Castillo is dedicated to that element and talk of a water Kukulcan, a snake moving in the water.’
The forming sinkhole beneath the temple is around 82 feet (25 metres) by 114 feet (35 metres) and up to 65 feet deep (20 metres).
The water filling the cavern is thought to run from north to south.
The researchers, who are due to present their findings at an international geophysics conference in Turin in Italy next month, made the discovery using a technique known as an electrical resistance survey.
This uses metal probes inserted into the ground to get a reading for resistance of electrical flow though the ground. Where there is water the resistance changes compared to the rock.
Empty air has a very high resistance reading as the current cannot pass through the air while it is easily transmitted through water.
The researchers say they found there is a layer of limestone about 16ft (5 metres) thick at the top of the cenote, which the pyramid is currently sitting on.
Dr Rene Chavez Segura, a geologist with the National Autonomous University in Mexico, said the high humidity in the cavern and running water could eventually undermine the pyramid.
He said: "Such structures change over time, because the water washed off the walls and the cavity may be increasing.
‘At some point, if the thickness of the rock below the pyramid is thinned, there could be a problem of stability and El Castilla will collapse.’
However, he added this may not happen within his lifetime or even for many generations to come.
Scientists discover sacred sinkhole cave under Mayan pyramid
The researchers used a technique known as an electrical resistance survey to measure the ground beneath the Temple of Kukulkan. They found a large 65 feet deep cavern beneath the pyramid which has water running through it, as shown in the graphic above. Experts fear it may eventually collapse and destroy the structure
The Maya who built Chichen Itza came to dominate the Yucatan Peninsula in southeast Mexico, shown above
The researchers also found the cenote under the pyramid is also connected to underground caverns and sinkhole lakes to the north, west and east of the pyramid.
Dr Chavez Segura said: "This is not uncommon in a karst soil and the Yucatan.
‘Usually, at depth, the cenotes are interconnected and form a network of tunnels where the water runs free. This forms the natural water network on the peninsula.’
In some areas of Mexico cenotes were used as natural wells or water supplies for ancient civilisations.
The name Chichen Itza also means "at the mouth of the well of the Itza' - the Mayan ethnic group that ruled the area..
Archaeologist Guillermo de Anda, who was not involved in the study, said the underground network of tunnels and caverns may have been symbolic to the Mayans.
Experts say the underground cavern is also connected to other sinkholes and caverns to the north, east and west of the Kukulkan pyramid, including the High Priest's grave, marked El Osario in the map above
The Temple of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza is thought to have been built for the worship of the Mayan snake deity. As a result the water and underground cavern may have been significant in its construction, say experts
For hundreds of years the Mayans dominated large parts of the Americas until, mysteriously in the 8th and 9th century AD, a large chunk of the Mayan civilisation collapsed.
The reason for this collapse has been hotly debated, but now scientists say they might have an answer - an intense drought that lasted a century.
Studies of sediments in the Great Blue Hole in Belize suggest a lack of rains caused the disintegration of the Mayan civilisation, and a second dry spell forced them to relocate elsewhere.
The theory that a drought led to a decline of the Mayan Classic Period is not entirely new, but the new study co-authored by Dr André Droxler from Rice University in Texas provides fresh evidence for the claims.
Dozens of theories have attempted to explain the Classic Maya Collapse, from epidemic diseases to foreign invasion.
With his team Dr Droxler found that from 800 to 1000 AD, no more than two tropical cyclones occurred every two decades, when usually there were up to six.
This suggests major droughts occurred in these years, possibly leading to famines and unrest among the Mayan people.
And they also found that a second drought hit from 1000 to 1100 AD, corresponding to the time that the Mayan city of Chichén Itzá collapsed.
Researchers say a climate reversal and drying trend between 660 and 1000 AD triggered political competition, increased warfare, overall sociopolitical instability, and finally, political collapse - known as the Classic Maya Collapse.
This was followed by an extended drought between AD 1020 and 1100 that likely corresponded with crop failures, death, famine, migration and, ultimately, the collapse of the Maya population.
He said the cenotes that surround the pyramid could represent the four points of the compass.
The river at the center might represent the center of the Maya's universe, which they thought of as a tree with roots reaching below ground.
The National Institute of Anthropology and History also said research at another Mayan site, Uxmal, found an usually high number of medicinal plants growing nearing the structure known as the governor's palace.
Uxmal site director Jose Huchim Herrera said the concentration of such plants was so much higher in the sacred area than in surrounding fields, that it indicates the Mayas planted them there intentionally as a sort of medicinal garden. The site has about 150 species used to treat snake bites, stomach infections and fevers.
I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t have their own theory about what these enormous “black delta” craft might be. We’ve all heard about them by now and these craft have become the subject of quite a few UFO documentaries, books and internet articles. A quick search of youtube yields dozens of surprisingly clear videos from multiple states, but they seem to be concentrated in Pennsylvania, New York state (the Hudson Valley region), Illinois and of course, southern California. Seeing giant delta shaped and boomerang shaped craft near Bakersfield, CA is at the very least unsurprising given the plethora of black budget aerospace companies that call the area home. However, NY, PA and IL make much less sense if these craft are indeed ‘ours.’
This leads me to several important questions that anyone researching this topic should ask:
1) IF there are indeed delta craft in excess of 300 feet in diameter flying low above the heads of stunned onlookers in the Hudson Valley, where exactly are these craft based out of? Upstate NY and PA do not have any operational airbases. The nearest candidate would be Andrews, home of Air Force One. The problem here is that aside from the AF1 hangar, there aren’t any hangars at Andrews capable of stowing such a craft. Additionally, the base is surrounded on all sides by residential areas including schools and neighborhoods. Not an ideal base to store an ultra secret black budget aircraft.
2) IF these craft are military in nature, WHY on earth would you fly slowly and at times treetop-level above rural areas such as Pine Bush, NY and Harrisburg, PA? This makes zero sense from a logical standpoint. The first rule of black budget aircraft is to keep them as hidden as possible. Clearly, these delta and boomerang-shaped craft have no problem being seen, and in some cases seem to intentionally draw attention to themselves.
3) WHAT is the story with the utterly insane lighting patterns and non-FAA regulation navigational lights? I can picture a craft such as this needing to pass over a rural area en route to another destination. If so, would it not make sense to go completely dark? No lighting whatsoever? A black craft in a black sky with no lights would very likely not be noticed by the average person, yet the lighting configuration of almost all of these craft go completely against the normal pattern of military thinking.
Clearly, this phenomenon isn’t a figment of people’s imaginations. There have been far too many sightings in far too many states by qualified eyewitnesses to dismiss this as just one craft, or a flight of daredevil ultralight pilots in formation, or a military spy blimp. Multiple police officers observed and followed this type of craft during the now infamous Highland, Illinois incident in January of 2001. There’s a great deal of data available regarding this incident which I’ll go into later.
So let’s take a look at some possible theories…
TR-3B “Astra
“There has been much talk of this so-called TR3B anti-gravity craft originally brought to light by the controversial Edgar Fouche. I won’t go into too much detail about his credentials and questionable background, you can research that on your own here. In a nutshell, this supposedly triangular craft meets most of the criteria of a ‘nearly silent, giant black delta’ craft. But again, WHY would the military knowingly and willingly reveal this craft to the populace, even if it’s at night, and even if it’s in a rural area? Is it accidental? Is it a remotely piloted craft not responding to commands? Can you imagine the fallout if one of these craft were to crash in a populated area? None of these possibilities make any rational sense. Furthermore, the description of this craft given by Fouche and others in the aerospace industry do not exactly match descriptions given by the eyewitness’s in NY, PA, IL and CA.
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Russia Don’t Hide It… Russian TV Explains NIBIRU PLANET X
Russia Don’t Hide It… Russian TV Explains NIBIRU PLANET X
Wow… it is refreshing to have this information finally going more mainstream. Coming from the western media has been mostly subliminal… and bits and pieces…. the Russians are much more forthright on this matter that affects the entire world… in the west, those in the know are preparing to use the Nibiru event, to take over the world… but they won’t and cannot succeed.
Humans have been jumping timelines through this process… so predicted timings may be off... but the fireballs, the bending magnetosphere, the weird sun activity, even RED RAIN etc… all are continuing... caused from a source, often unacknowledged… we honor the Russians for helping the world out on this matter.
The object was recorded for several minutes using an infrared imaging camera
The US Department of Homeland Security has recorded a four-minute video of a mysterious object.
The footage, which was investigated and released online by a group known as the 'Scientific Coalition for Ufology', shows a peculiar object moving at speed over fields, roads and open water.
The incident is believed to have occurred on the morning of April 25 2013 at the Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. The thermal camera footage was recorded by the crew of a DHC-8 Turboprop aircraft from US Customs and Border Protection.
The group responsible for releasing the footage claims to have spent two years investigating it with the co-operation of several prominent scientists before finally making it available to the public.
"Assuming the video isn't a clever hoax - which is always a possibility these days - it's a fascinating piece of footage," said Nick Pope, former UFO investigator for the British Ministry of Defence.
"About the only conventional explanation that might fit the bill is that this is some new drone, but the entry and exit from the sea and the apparent splitting in two of the object makes even this explanation seem unlikely. I'll be watching developments on this one with interest."
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17-08-2015 om 22:49
geschreven door peter
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La Planète X pourrait-elle être la 5ème planète géante ?
La Planète X pourrait-elle être la 5ème planète géante ?
Toujours à la recherche de la planète X, des chercheurs ont calculé que notre système solaire aurait pu avoir une cinquième "géante de gaz", qui a disparu après une collision avec Neptune, ou une éjection par les forces gravitationnelles.
Selon ces experts, notre voisinage planétaire pourrait avoir eu un «membre» supplémentaire, qui a été expulsé de son orbite à cause d'une collision avec Neptune. Cette planète aurait pu être une cinquième géante de gaz et, selon une nouvelle théorie, la preuve de sa présence passée existe encore dans tous les corps retrouvés aux limites du système solaire.
David Nesvorny, un astronome réputé au Southwest Research Institute à Boulder, Colorado, pense que les quatre géantes de gaz que nous connaissons aujourd'hui, Jupiter, Saturne, Neptune et Uranus ont perdu un membre de leur groupe, qui a disparu lorsque le système solaire était très jeune. Sa théorie va être publiée dans le numéro de Septembre de l'Astronomical Journal. Selon la théorie, l'orbite d'un amas de corps glacés dans la ceinture de Kuiper, connu comme le «noyau», suggère que Neptune a été forcée de quitter son orbite initiale en raison d'un impact ou d'une interaction significatifs avec un grand corps. " La ceinture de Kuiper est la clé ", a déclaré Nesvorny à Science. " Vous voyez les structures là-bas et essayez de comprendre quel type d'évolution les a affecté "
Les chercheurs affirment que le "noyau" de corps glacés a été une énigme pendant une longue période, parce que, contrairement aux autres objets de la ceinture de Kuiper, ils tournent autour du soleil de la même manière que les planètes intérieures, ne gardant qu'une distance étroite entre les uns et les autres.
Nesvorny a utilisé des simulations informatiques pour faire reculer le temps de 4000 millions d'années (ou 4 milliards) afin de découvrir comment ces petits objets sont parvenus à être dans cette orbite inhabituelle. En effet, la ceinture de Kuiper est à peu près comme la ceinture d’astéroïdes entre Mars et Jupiter, sauf qu'elle est derrière la dernière grosse planète connue, est 20 fois plus large et beaucoup plus massive. Les résultats de cette dernière simulation ont montré que les corps glacés qui composent le noyau ont été une fois capturés par la gravité de Neptune, qu'ils étaient ses satellites à un moment donné.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que l'astronome parle de sa cinquième planète, puisqu'il a déjà publié des premiers calculs il y a quelques années, et avait même affirmé que, sans une cinquième géante de gaz, Vénus et Mars auraient été détruites, mais sa dernière publication a venir, ses calculs et ses nouvelles modélisations semblent très solides et correspondent aussi a toute une série de données liées concernant le Système Solaire. En effet, afin d’expliquer plusieurs caractéristiques de notre Système Solaire, les astro-physiciens en sont venus à proposer deux scénarios faisant la part belle à ce qu'ils ont appelé des migrations planétaires : le modèle de Nice et le Grand Tack. Ce deuxième scénario conduit même à penser que notre Soleil aurait avalé plusieurs super-Terres peu de temps après sa naissance...
Migrations : Comme les orbites de Jupiter (vert), Saturne (orange), Neptune (bleu foncé), et Uranus (bleu clair) ont changé, les interactions gravitationnelles ont rejeté les corps glacés dans la région connue comme la ceinture de Kuiper. Southwest Research Institute
Selon les calculs de Nesvorny, Il y a environ 4 milliards d'années, lorsque Neptune a été positionnée à près de 4.200 millions de kilomètres du soleil, en se déplaçant vers sa position actuelle (env. 4.500 millions de km), son orbite a eu un changement soudain et radical, l'éloignant de 7.5 millions de kilomètres du soleil brusquement. Ce «saut» a causé l'effet que plusieurs satellites de Neptune ont été libérés, passant la frontière du système solaire, et enfin formant le "noyau" de corps glacés dans la ceinture de Kuiper. Selon Nesvorny, une seule chose pourrait provoquer un tel changement drastique, libérant ses satellites piégés en orbite, c'est un autre champ gravitationnel massif, celui d'une planète géante...
Depuis, les géantes de gaz qui se trouvent dans notre système solaire n'ont jamais "interagi" avec l'orbite de Neptune, une autre planète doit donc avoir existé dans le système solaire il y a des millions d'années, responsable de la variation anormale de l'orbite de Neptune. Nesvorny pense que c'est la soi-disante «Planète X».
Il est encore difficile de savoir exactement ce qui est arrivé à cette «cinquième géante de gaz» ou planète X, mais si les calculs de Nesvorny sont exacts, il est très probable que cette planète ait été expulsée de la famille du système solaire, hors du système ou a de grandes distances...
Yves Herbo : Après réflexion et questionnement interne pour savoir pourquoi mon attention a été attirée par cette information (car tous mes articles font principalement appel à l'instinct et une attirance non préméditée à l'avance sur son sujet), je me suis rappelé d'un vieil article de 2012 dont la correspondance et le lien ici me paraît sinon évident, toutefois possible compte tenu du temps écoulé depuis cet événement. Certains ont réagi en pensant immédiatement à "Nibiru" ou autre planète mythologique qui reviendrait par cycles perturber notre système solaire, ou que cet article scientifique commençait effectivement " à préparer le public au fait que "Nibiru" existait bel et bien et avait été découverte "... mais la période modélisée (et les migrations planétaires se déroulant très tôt en principe dans la vie d'un système stellaire), j'ai plutôt pensé à cette planète repérée donc fin 2012. Une planète géante errante (en apparence), située (environ car elle doit se déplacer aussi) à 100 années-lumière du Soleil et ne possédant apparemment pas d'étoile pour tourner autour. Notre cinquième planète géante éjectée de notre système solaire il y a 4 milliards d'années pourrait-elle être cette planète isolée, précisément ? Il est possible que de futurs calculs puissent en faire la preuve... c'est en tout cas une idée comme une autre... mais, après tout, cette 5ème planète est peut-être aussi toujours aux confins de notre système solaire, cachée dans ou par le fameux nuage de comètes de Oorth ou même entre notre système sollaire et notre plus proche voisine... :
Invasion Over Arizona – The Phoenix Lights Incident
Invasion Over Arizona – The Phoenix Lights Incident
The Arizona skies are like a black ocean flipped upward, leaving much to the imagination as day turns to night. And when the sun sets, the stars begin to outweigh the blackness ten fold. But on March 13th, something unusual stretched beyond imagination and would be witnessed not by just a few chance glancers, but thousands of residence throughout the Phoenix area and beyond. The Phoenix Lights is broken down in to what many consider two different incidents, as you will soon see why.
It was about 8pm when local authorities began receiving call after call about an object hovering above surrounding. At approximately 9:30pm, the second incident, or what most would consider the main event, took center stage over the entire city of Phoenix. A brilliant semi-circle formation of lights were now hovering effortlessly in the sky. Unlike the sporadic reporting of the V-shaped craft earlier, literally thousands of residents began phoning the local authorities. Being unable to handle the barrage of reports, the calls began to be rerouted to the local air force installation, Luke Air Force Base, and also to the National UFO Reporting Center, a national repository for the FAA and other aviation agencies to report such incidents to. With phone lines across the state jammed, more and more people flooded the streets to witness the spectacular event. With photos and video capturing everything, this was turning out to be one of the most well recorded UFO sightings in history.
At approximately 9:30pm, the second incident, or what most would consider the main event, took center stage over the entire city of Phoenix. A brilliant semi-circle formation of lights were now hovering effortlessly in the sky. Unlike the sporadic reporting of the V-shaped craft earlier, literally thousands of residents began phoning the local authorities. Being unable to handle the barrage of reports, the calls began to be rerouted to the local air force installation, Luke Air Force Base, and also to the National UFO Reporting Center, a national repository for the FAA and other aviation agencies to report such incidents to. With phone lines across the state jammed, more and more people flooded the streets to witness the spectacular event. With photos and video capturing everything, this was turning out to be one of the most well recorded UFO sightings in history.
Fife Symington –
Ironically, the media didn’t really pick up on the event until several months later. Like a hose being clogged and then flushed, the floodgates opened and the people of Phoenix demanded a proper investigation into just exactly what was happening over their city. Francis Barwood, a City Council member, called for an official investigation. Conveniently, she was ousted from her position shortly after, some theorizing that it was because of the ridicule that came with the UFO investigation. But the public continued to press on, and eventually a press conference was held by Arizona Governor, Fife Symington. Playing the entire event as a joke, an individual was led to the podium wearing a silver-suited alien costume. Symington warned the public that they were “taking this way too seriously.”
It would later be announced that Luke Air Force Base had launched A-10 warthog jets that night to drop flares as part of a test mission. Now, the air force was taking responsibility for the second event and that what the people had seen was simply the fading of flares that just so happened to be launched, floated, and descended in perfect unison (Highly unlikely but no improbable.) But, even if this were true, it would not explain the V-shaped craft that had been reported earlier in the evening, and many also believe that the flare story, if true, was only set in to motion to dismiss the earlier event, thus confusing and distorting any previous reports. If the mass sighting could be contributed to flares, than the enormous V-shaped craft could be grouped in with this, and fade away in debunking fashion. Either way, something strange occurred that night over the city of Phoenix, and those involved adamantly claim that they know what they saw. They also continue to argue that a clear cover-up was set in to motion. Perhaps this all could have been solved and/or thoroughly researched if, in the words of UFO historian, Richard Dolan, “the entire event had occurred a few hours earlier, when daylight would have left the matter in no doubt.”
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17-08-2015 om 22:30
geschreven door peter
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The Ancient Giants of Nevada and the Mystery of Lovelock Cave
The Ancient Giants of Nevada and the Mystery of Lovelock Cave.
Was North America once inhabited by a race of giants? According to an old legend supported by several challenging archaeological finds, it is possible.
Many Native American tribes tell stories about the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were much taller and stronger than ordinary men. These giants are described as both brave and barbaric and legends often mention their cruelty towards whomever they pleased.
The Paiute, a tribe that settled in the Nevada region thousands of years ago, have an outstanding legend about a race of red-haired giants called the Si-Te-Cah. The ancestors of the Paiute described them as savage and inhospitable cannibals.
In the Northern Paiute language, ‘Si-Te-Cah’ literally means ‘tule-eaters.’ Legend has it that the giants came from a distant island by crossing the ocean on rafts built using the fibrous tule plant.
As odd as it may sound, this legend repeats itself all over the Americas, suggesting it might be an incomplete chronicle of a real event that happened long ago.
In Crónicas del Perú, sixteenth century Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de León recorded an ancient Peruvian tale about the origin of the South American giants. According to legend, they “came by sea in rafts of reeds after the manner of large boats; some of the men were so tall that from the knee down they were as big as the length of an ordinary fair-sized man.”
Could the giants of Peru and the Si-Te-Cah have been survivors of a massive cataclysm who took refuge on the American continent?
Legend tells that the Si-Te-Cah waged war on the Paiute and all other neighboring tribes, spreading terror and devastation. Finally, after years of conflict, the tribes united against the common enemy and began to decimate them. The last remaining red-haired giants were chased off and sought shelter inside a cave. The tribes started a fire at the cave entrance, suffocating and burning alive the Si-Te-Cah. Those driven out by the smoke were also killed.
The tribes then sealed off the mouth of the cave so that no one might set eyes on those who had once plagued their land. They were all but forgotten until a random event brought them back to light.
In 1886, a mining engineer named John T. Reid happened to hear the legend from a group of Paiutes while prospecting near Lovelock, Nevada. The Indians told him that the legend was real and the cave was located nearby. When he saw the cave for himself, Reid knew he was onto something.
Reid was unable to begin digging himself but news spread and soon, Lovelock cave was attracting attention. Unfortunately, the attention was profit-driven as guano deposits were discovered inside. A company started by miners David Pugh and James Hart began excavating the precious resource in 1911 and had soon shipped more than 250 tons to a fertilizer company in San Francisco. Any artifacts that might have been discovered were probably neglected or lost.
After the surface layer of guano had been mined, strange objects started to surface. This led to an official excavation being performed in 1912 by the University of California and another one took place in 1924. Reports told about thousands of artifacts being recovered, some of them being truly unusual.
Although their claims have not been verified (it comes as no surprise), sources said the mummified remains of several red-haired ancient giants were found buried in the cave. Measuring between 8 to 10 feet in height, these mummies have since been referred to as the Lovelock Giants.
Another intriguing find was a pair of 15 inch-long sandals that showed signs of having been worn. Allegedly, other unusually large items were recovered but have since been locked away in museum warehouses and private collection.
A piece of evidence that remains on-site until this day is a giant hand print, embedded on a boulder inside Lovelock Cave. We won’t go into further debate pertaining to this aspect and its implications.
Needless to say, this discovery has led many into believing the Paiute legend of the Si-Te-Cah might be more than just folklore.
Around the same time as the second Lovelock Cave excavation, another dig revealed a set of equally-disturbing finds. According to a 1931 article published in the Nevada Review-Miner, two giant skeletons had been found buried in a dry lake bed close to Lovelock, Nevada. The over-sized remains measured 8.5, respectively 10 feet in height and were mummified in a manner similar to the one employed by ancient Egyptians.
Another common trait between these mummified giant remains and the ones discovered as far south as Lake Titicaca is the presence of red hair. While some scientists believe the reddish color is a result of the interaction with the environment in which they were buried, the mummies verify the legends, which described the Si-Te-Cah and their kin as red-haired giants.
Proponents of alternative history believe these violent giants were none other than the biblical Nephilim, the forsworn offspring of the ‘Sons of God’ with the ‘daughters of men.’
If this is true, there’s little chance we might get to see any of the giant mummies. Those interested in keeping history secret will never disclose their location
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17-08-2015 om 21:33
geschreven door peter
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Terrified Man Shoot Alien Being In Woodville Texas
Terrified Man Shoot Alien Being In Woodville Texas
I began to suspect that at night “something” was coming into my apartment. So, I made a trip to Super Wal Mart and I bought 4 wildlife cameras. I read the instructions and practiced using them that entire day. By nightfall I had all 4 strategically located through the apartment and entry from the shop into the apartment. Every morning when I woke up, I grabbed a cup of coffee and then pulled the SD cards out of every camera. Every night without fail I would catch a cat or two walking in or out of apartment but I would also have 5 or 6 shots on each camera that were totally white.
The cameras had snapped pics , but again 5 or 6 would be totally white. It was as if someone had turned on the lights and then let the camera snap photos of a blank piece of white card board. I kept them up for another couple of months, moving them around, in some cases even camouflaging the cameras only allowing the motion sensor and camera lens show. Still nothing, cats, occasionally pics of nothing but a open room, then the white photos.
By this time I was living out there alone, my health had really turned to shit. I was spending a week per month in the dam hospital for my heart or other related health issues. Well one night ,at around 3 am., it seemed that a lot of crazy sightings and encounters would always occur at around 3 am.
At the time I had no idea why, but I had realized the significance in this time period. Only later did I discover why 3 AM was so important in the world of paranormal activity.
Anyway, I was sound asleep when I woke with a start. The first thing that hit me was that I was totally frozen lying in bed. I couldn’t move a muscle. Only my eyes worked. Well, at the end of my bed stood this “Being” the likes of which I had never seen or even dreamed could be possible. It stood about 6 feet tall. Its head was totally devoid of any hair. Its eyes were huge, almond shaped, and looked as if they covered most of its face, curling around the sides of its head. Where ears should have been were simply holes the diameter of a pencil, at least that’s how they appeared. Its nose was barely noticeable, just a small ridge with two holes for nostrils. Its mouth amounted to no more than a slit, no lips. Its skin color and texture was like ours, smooth and tanned in color. By this point I had gotten use to sleeping with my Glock 17 in my right hand at night, round in the chamber. I got to where I couldn’t sleep at night without the comforting feel of its stippled grip in my hand.
As I lay there , screaming in my mind at the horror that was staring down at, with all my might I mentally forced my right hand up, and aiming for its mid torso, I squeezed off one round , striking it dead center. It immediately doubled over and then in a blinding blue flash was gone and I was no longer paralyzed. I immediately jumped out of bed and turned the lights on. All over the foot of my bed, on the footboard and all over the wooden laminate flooring was a yellowish-bluish thick fluid. It was everywhere.
Evidently my 9mm round had wounded it, and confirmed to me that what I had seen wasn’t a dream, but “Real”. I thought about what had happened that night as this afternoon I was going thru my clothing and all my blazers had been hit because the 9mm round had gone completely thru the Entity and penetrated my closet door and drilled a neat hole thru dozens of shirts and suits, ruining them. The last 3 years at that cursed airport was terrifying at times. I dreaded nightfall.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
KENS NOTE: Special thanks to the witness Melvon Stephenson. I have been in contact with Melvon for a few years now and this is only one of many close encounters at his air port in Texas. It take a brave man to come forward and admit to alien encounters.
Something crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, 68 years ago. The first military authorized press release stated, “RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field) Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch In Roswell Region.” That’s right, the military was the first to indicate it was a flying saucer.
Roswell Headlines
Then, they quickly said that was a mistake. It was just a weather balloon. But UFO researchers were never satisfied with that answer, even decades later, and the controversy only grew.
The military later revealed that this wasn’t a simple weather balloon, but an aircraft used for clandestine purposes — part of the Army’s top secret “Project Mogul”– to monitor atomic weapon testing in the old Soviet Union. The military also claimed that crash test dummies may have been mistaken for ETs. But that explanation only stirred the controversy.
The central figure surrounding the events of the 1947 Roswell UFO issue was Maj. Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer for the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field. He was assigned the initial task of going out to the debris field to collect some of the material, described as shiny wreckage, including pieces of rubber, super-resistant tinfoil, wooden sticks and metallic-looking I-beams.
Here’s an excerpt from a 35-year-old interview conducted by this writer with Marcel, when he finally felt comfortable talking about the Roswell case more than 30 years after it happened:
We went out to the scene of where the crash was and started picking up the debris. It’s almost indescribable. It’s not the kind of material I’d ever seen in my life, nor have I seen it since. There were various types of materials which I couldn’t identify. There were little members that looked like they were made of wood, but it wasn’t wood and it had some kind of writing or hieroglyphics that I couldn’t decipher and nobody else could. It was flexible, but you couldn’t break it and you couldn’t burn it. Also, I found a piece of metal which was about the thickness of the foil in a pack of cigarettes. But the amazing part about it was you could put it on the ground, hit it with a sledge hammer and you couldn’t even put a dent in it. That astounded me and I knew it was nothing from here. I was convinced it was not from anywhere on Earth and I’m still convinced of that.
I had brought a counterintelligence man with me in a staff car plus a pickup truck. We got everything we could into that and I sent the agent back to the base. Then I filled up my car with stuff. By the time I got back home, my wife said, ‘What happened to you? There’s been a bunch of news reporters out here, wanting a picture of you.’ And I said, ‘For what?’ And there had been a public relations officer with them. He said, ‘From what happened, your husband will be very popular by tomorrow morning.’ So that’s how it all started.
What amazed me most of all was the weightlessness of all this material — it weighed nothing. I found one piece of metal — supposedly metal — which was about a foot wide and about two-and-a-half feet long. When I got back to the base, we [Marcel and several enlisted men] brought it all into a briefing room and set up a whole lot of tables there. One of the men said, ‘Let me see if I can put some of those parts together, to see what the thing might have looked like.’ He came back later and said [he tried but couldn't do it].
I consulted my CO [commanding officer], who said, ‘You better fly the thing to Wright-Patterson Air Field [Ohio]. So, we loaded up the whole thing — which was not a whole lot of material — onto a B-29. We had only picked up one small fraction of what was out there. It was scattered over such an area about three-quarters of a mile long and several hundred feet wide. We’d been there all day, picking up the fragments.
I asked my CO if it was a better idea to stop at Carswell [Air Force Base] at Fort Worth and consult General Ramey and he said, ‘Yes, you better do that.’ When I got to Fort Worth, I talked it over with the general, and he told me, ‘Don’t open your mouth to the press. Put some stuff on the floor and let them take a picture of it.’ But I was careful not to put out anything with detail on it. So they took pictures, and one picture appeared in the papers.
Gen. Ramey told news reporters this was nothing but a crashed weather balloon, but I do know this: later on, Ramey wanted to cover his statement up, because he didn’t know, himself, what it was. I went back to Roswell to resume my duties, but what they did at Carswell was to make a mock display with a battered weather balloon and they let the press take pictures of that. The whole thing was a cover-up to begin with and that was the last I heard of it.
I know it was not a weather balloon and I’d swear it on the biggest bible. It wasn’t a missile or any part of an aircraft that we know of.
Crash Debris
To mark the crash anniversary, Michael Donovan of joined us on the HuffPost Weird News Podcast to discuss Roswell’s unanswered questions.
Two years ago, Donovan was standing in the Roswell crash debris field along with Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr., a highly decorated military flight surgeon.
“It was a moving experience because we’re out on the site and this large thunderstorm was moving toward us — you could see lightning flashing — and he’s standing there with his Iraq war veteran hat on and said, ‘This is amazing. Sixty-six years ago, my father was standing on this very site,’” said Donovan.
“His father had loaded debris into his car, drove back to Roswell, stopping at his house, and showed his wife and son, Jesse Jr., the material after spreading it out on the kitchen floor,” said Donovan. “Here’s a guy — a doctor, a flight surgeon — why would he make up an experience he had in the middle of the night when he was 11 years old? So, when we were standing there at the crash site, I asked him, ‘When they loaded that plane up and flew it to Fort Worth, what happened to it?’ And he said, ‘You know what? I don’t know.’ But he said the base commander’s secretary, a few years ago before she retired, showed somebody a box of stretchy stuff that, if you crushed it, it would pop open. Jesse Jr. said to me, ‘I think that stuff must still be somewhere around, in the military’s possession.’”
Donovan says his belief in UFOs and a possible cover-up surrounding the Roswell UFO incident never gets in the way of his work — which includes co-designing the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
“No, not at all. It goes back to the idea of being on a quest, being a problem-solver, and that’s what designers do. We solve problems. In the reading of science fiction, you begin on a path to discovery. That’s what we do every day and it’s really that kind of interest — learning new things — that put me on the path that I’m now on, relative to
“In my own mind, I keep trying to create some kind of balance between what I think is a certain appropriate level of secrecy. We’re adults in this country, by and large, and I think the government owes us as much information and let us make up our own minds.”
Here are some unanswered questions that continue to surround the 1947 Roswell UFO crash incident:
What exactly crashed there in 1947? Was it a weather balloon, high altitude spy device, extraterrestrial craft? Did the military switch materials that Maj. Marcel brought back from the debris field and, instead, allow the press to take pictures of an actual battered weather balloon? If the crash site debris wasn’t really a weather balloon, where did the real stuff end up? Why would the military decide to even issue a press release about a captured flying saucer? Related to the above question, why would the military suddenly change the story from flying saucer to weather balloon?li Why did the military hire a local Roswell mortician to make child-sized caskets following the UFO debris retrieval? Why did Jesse Marcel Sr. wait more than 30 years before finally revealing his part in the Roswell UFO events? If true, why would the U.S. government want to cover up such a monumental event as the crash of an alien ship? This weekend’s 20th Roswell UFO festival takes off full blast today with speakers giving their presentations at different locations simultaneously. If lectures don’t fit your fancy, there’s always the alien pet and alien costume contests and a UFO festival light parade to check out.
It’s fair to say that something happened outside Roswell in 1947 that literally put the town on the map. The debris is long gone, but the reverberations have never stopped.
Whatever it was, after almost 70 years, it still depends on whom you ask or what you read, and whether you believe them.
A 1997 CNN-Time poll showed that 80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding information about the existence of alien life forms, and nearly two-thirds of the poll respondents believed that a UFO crashed outside Roswell in 1947.
The public rarely hears about interactions between military personnel and unexplained aircraft — especially during wartime.
As time goes on, however, UFO stories stuck behind red tape begin to see the light of day. The Vietnam War saw its share of UFO activity in the 1960s.
One close encounter, in 1968, involved the crew of an American patrol boat that reported two glowing circular craft following them in the demilitarized zone that separated North and South Vietnam (see depiction below).
The crew aboard a second patrol boat later reported seeing the UFOs over the first boat and a flash of light, followed by an explosion that completely destroyed the boat. These Vietnam reports included close observation of the unknown aerial craft which appeared to house pilots (see recreation image at the top of this story).
Wartime UFO stories are recreated in the premiere episode of the second season of History’s “Hangar 1: The UFO Files.” The accounts are drawn from tens of thousands of UFO cases in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network, the world’s largest UFO investigation group.
“The military was interested in [UFOs] because they had capabilities far above anything that we had, and they wanted to find out what the technology was and, frankly, who they belonged to,” according to former Air Force intelligence officer, Capt. George Filer.
While in Vietnam, Filer — who had a top secret clearance — gave daily briefings to Gen. George S. Brown, deputy commander for air operations in Vietnam.
“Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that, and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we’d go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that,” Filer told The Huffington Post. “Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the DMZ.”
Filer described a typical report that he’d receive and which he included in his briefings to Brown:
“You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have.
“I would be told this unofficially. People tell you a lot of things that they don’t put in writing or sign their name to. There was always this part of UFOs that, if you got too interested, it could mess up your career. And this is true today even with commercial pilots. I’ve also heard from people serving in Afghanistan saying they’ve seen UFOs, and the Iranian news carries UFO reports pretty regularly.”
During a 1973 press conference, five years after the patrol boat UFO encounters, Brown — as USAF chief of staff — was asked about the Air Force’s position on UFOs:
I don’t know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren’t called UFOs. The were called enemy helicopters. And they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. They were seen up around the DMZ in the early summer of ’68. And this resulted in quite a little battle.
And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer took a hit and we never found any enemy, we only found ourselves when this had all been sorted out. And this caused some shooting there, and there was no enemy at all involved, but we always reacted.
Always after dark, the same thing happened up at Pleiku at the Highlands in ’69.
Many stories about battling UFOs have emerged throughout history.
One early account of UFO warfare was supposedly seen by the citizens of Nuremberg, Germany, in 1561. On a morning in April, the Nuremberg Gazette reportedly described an aerial battle between large “cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about… All these elements started to fight one against the other.” An artist, Hans Glaser, created a woodcut of the spectacle, seen below:
During World War II, also in Germany, Allied aircraft pilots often reported mysterious glowing, fast-moving, circular lights, which were dubbed Foo Fighters. The New York Times reported it as “military slang for flying saucers.”
Filer — who documents his sightings and other UFO news at the National UFO Center site — was one of several military eyewitnesses to something extraordinary in the sky over England. It was 1962, and he was the navigator on a refueling tanker.
“We were out over the North Sea when London Control called and asked if we would be willing to intercept an unidentified that was over Oxford and the Stonehenge area. We had just finished up our refueling mission, so we said sure, and they cleared all the traffic around us and gave us top priority as we descended towards the UFO. All they really had was a very large radar return, but it was much bigger than a normal aircraft.”
Filer (pictured above) recalled how his radar scope indicated the UFO was as big as the huge Firth of Forth Bridge in Scotland that he and his crew often used as a regular navigation point.
“The ‘thing’ was at 1,000 feet and we were descending from 32,000 feet. We picked up this huge radar return while we were still about 30 miles out. It was dark out and when we got much closer to the object, we saw lights around it, outlining the shape of a cylinder, like a cruise ship. It then just quickly rose and went up into space.
“We were pretty sure we’d just seen a UFO.”
Filer also told HuffPost that he has heard from air traffic controllers who claimed they were told to “always divert aircraft away from UFOs and deny that it existed. I think they want this whole situation to go away, and I think [the policy] is coming from the National Security Council — they’re at the highest level. It sounds funny, but presidents don’t always know what their National Security Council is doing.”
Upcoming episodes of “Hangar 1″ over the next 12 weeks will focus on folks who’ve held military positions and are willing to come forward and tell their stories.
One of those (hold onto your hats) is a man who claims he was in the Marines (wait for it…) and that he was stationed on Mars for several years. That’s right: the red planet Mars. He’ll describe being part of an off-planet military force. Let’s not pass judgment…yet.
There’s also the story of a retired Army sergeant who says he was assigned to UFO crash and retrieval cases where both ships and ET bodies were supposedly recovered — some dead, some alive.
In case you were wondering, Hangar 1 is an actual hangar where MUFON, for a long time, stored all of its archives. At one point, all of the organization’s files were housed in this airport hangar somewhere in the middle of the country. The images of Hangar 1 that appear in the series are of the real hangar.
A group of UFO Researchers from (SCU) The Scientific Coalition of UFOlogy, with extensive backgrounds in science, have come together to analyze an alleged UFO video from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The object in the video was captured by a thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft, in Aguadilla Puerto Rico. According to the researchers, it exhibits characteristics that cannot be explained by any known aircraft, military device or natural phenomenon.
The video is overlaid with the type of telemetry one would expect from a military or law enforcement thermal imaging video. It shows an object moving very quickly over land and then off into the distance. It seems to be ignoring gravity as it tumbles and changes shape, moving over buildings and through trees at speeds estimated to be between 40-120mph. Then it gets even more bizarre. The object appears to dip in and out of the ocean without slowing down or causing any signs of interaction with the water, and at the end of the video it is either joined by another object or broken into two.
All of the primary witnesses have requested anonymity. However, several communications from alleged DHS employees indicate that the video caused quite a stir on the base. In our current scientific understanding, when an object travels close to the surface of water, it leaves a wake trailing it. All friction must oppose motion and generate heat, right? This is not the case here. There is no splash and there is no wake. Even when using a military grade “stack” tool and the ImageJ Program, researchers analyzing each 0.01 frame were still unable to find any sign of heat transferring to the water. This craft was not creating friction, thus defying the laws of physics.
A still of the Leaked UFO video in which the object is flying through trees
Research on the video began when an acquaintance to the pilot of the aircraft that captured the video contacted Daina Chaviano, a famous Cuban-born fantasy and science fiction author. She is also a volunteer with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Florida, where in her spare time she investigates UFO reports. She took the UFO case to her colleague, Morgan Beall, who runs the Florida MUFON chapter.
Chaviano and Beall were so impressed by what they saw, that they assembled a small group of skeptical researchers with backgrounds in various fields of science and technology. The pilot’s acquaintance requested strict control of the information provided and that knowledge of the investigation be limited to a very few people, so until now, the researchers have not shared any information regarding their investigation.
Yesterday, the group released a 161-page report detailing their findings.
The object was filmed over Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. (Credit: Google Maps)
They are vague when it comes to the identity of Chaviano’s informant. They say this person and others who provided information wanted to remain anonymous “to ensure no issues arise with the source’s employers.”
However, the group says: “The source of this video evidence was vetted and identified.”
They say they are absolutely certain that the video is genuine and the information comes from sources on board the DHS aircraft. Their investigation also confirmed their sources told them that the UFO incident began at about 9:20 PM on the evening of April 25, 2013 at the Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. It involved the crew of a DHC-8 Turboprop aircraft from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a division of DHS.
A U.S. Customs and Border Protection Bombardier DHC-8Q200. (Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)
The DHC-8 took off on a routine flight and soon after takeoff they noticed “a pinkish to reddish light over the ocean that was in their vicinity and approaching toward the south.”
The crew was concerned the tower had not told them about the incoming traffic, so they called it in. The tower told them they also had a visual on the object, but they were unsure of its identity.
Once the object got close to land, its lights turned off, but at this time the DHC-8 was able to begin tracking and filming the object with their onboard thermal imaging system. The DHC-8 did not approach the object, but circled the area and filmed it.
The DHC-8 did not pick up the object on radar. However, their radar was looking downward to track ships on the ocean, not objects in the sky.
According to the source, a flight was delayed by the presence of the object. The research group was able to confirm from airport records that a FedEx flight scheduled to leave at 9:10 pm was delayed until 9:26 pm.
Image of the flight log from the UFO reporting showing the a delayed flight at the time of the UFO event. (Credit: SCU)
The researchers also confirmed the flight time and path of the DHC-8 via radar data obtained from a Freedom of Information Act Request to the U.S. Air Force 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron (RADES) group. The radar data confirmed that the DHC-8 took off at approximately 9:16 pm and circled the airport twice before leaving the area about 10 minutes later.
Flight path of the DHC-8 according to the radar data obtained via a Freedom of Information Act Request. (Credit: SCU)
The researchers note that there was an unknown object or objects tracked on radar a few minutes prior to the DHC-8’s take off, but it is not known for certain that this was the same object that was later caught on video. The unidentified radar strikes were just off the shore to the north and northwest of the airport and lasted about 16 minutes from 8:58 pm to 9:14 pm.
When reading the times, the radar data is presented in a different time zone than the local times. The researchers explained this on their website: “Aviation times reflect Zulu time which corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The video displays the Zulu time April 26th at 1:22 AM at the top left of the initial frames. Converting this Zulu time to Puerto Rico’s local time gives April 25th at 9:22 PM. Puerto Rico uses Atlantic Standard Time and does not use daylight savings time.”
The research group also thoroughly analyzed the video to determine the nature of the object in the film. They consulted thermal imaging experts to determine the capabilities of the system used for the filming, and broke the film down frame by frame to determine the object’s approximate size, speed, temperature and flight path.
The video (seen at the top of the story) is just under 4 minutes long, but the unknown object was tracked for about 2 1/2 of those minutes. Although it was difficult for the group to calculate the exact location of the object on the first half of its flight, they are confident of its position in the second half.
They have determined that the object came in from the ocean, from the north or northwest of the airport’s airstrip, and then flew over the airstrip, then turned back to the north and headed back out into the ocean.
This is the estimated flight path of the unknown object. The thinner lines estimate possible paths of the object in the first part of its flight. The thicker line shows the path the researchers believe is most likely. The researchers are more confident of the location of the object during the second half of its flight. This data corresponds with what the SCU researchers found. (Credit: SCU)
As can be seen in the map created by the researchers, the DHC-8 was circling the airport as the aircraft was moving along the shore, turning to the south, and eventually disappearing into the ocean to the South.
The flight path of the DHC-8 during the filming of the unknown object posted on Reddit by an anonymous user. This path was calculated using the data in the video. It is marked “heli,” because the Reddit user believed the aircraft to be a helicopter and was unaware it was a DHC-8.
The report states: “The object was between three to five feet in length and its speed varied between approximately 40 mph to 120 mph. Its median speed was roughly 80 mph.”
The report goes on to note that an interesting characteristic at the end of the flight was when it apparently submerged into the ocean, traveled for over half a mile, and then flew back out.
According to the report: “Its speed through the water reached a high of 95 mph and average 82.8 mph.”
The unknown object making its way into the ocean.
One suggestion has been that the object was merely a balloon. However, the researchers reject this idea for several reasons. They say the wind speeds at the time were 8 to 13 mph at ground level and 12 to 18 mph at 400 to 3200 feet. This means the object was moving too fast to be carried by wind currents. It also changed directions from heading south back to the north, and it went underwater with minimal loss of speed.
Another possibility is that the object was actually a bird. The object appears dark on the screen, and for this type of thermal imaging that would mean it was warmer than the ambient air. This is how a bird would appear. However, the researchers note that the object was moving much too fast to be a bird. They note that peregrine falcons, which do occasionally visit Puerto Rico, have an average horizontal speed of 40 to 56 mph, and a maximum of 65 to 69 mph.
The researchers also examined the possibility that the object was a drone. Their research did discover that the Navy is working on a drone that can fly through the air and dive into the ocean and become a submarine. It is called a “Flimmer.”
They found that current Flimmer drones have not been tested underwater and have an airspeed of 68 mph. They also noted that the fastest known underwater battery powered torpedo travels at 50 mph.
The researchers do acknowledge that it could be possible that the Navy is secretly testing a Flimmer drone that is much more advanced. However, they question why the military would so recklessly test it over a civilian area and airport runways.
In conclusion they state: “There is no explanation for an object capable of traveling under water at over 90 mph with minimal impact as it enters the water, through the air at 120 mph at low altitude through a residential area without navigational lights, and finally to be capable of splitting into two separate objects. No bird, no balloon, no aircraft, and no known drones have that capability.”
A still image from the video just as we begin to see two separate objects.
They do not profess to know what the object was, and they welcome “reasonable” suggestions.
However, as to be expected, there are those who have suggested “they know” the object is extraterrestrial in nature, and at least one of those suggestions has come from an anonymous source who has intimate knowledge of this event.
An anonymous letter was sent to one of the researchers that is very similar to one that was sent to John Greenewald, owner of the website The only thing Greenewald knew about the video was related to a low resolution copy that was leaked to a Puerto Rican UFO researcher. Many assumed the video was taken from a helicopter.
The letter references the exact type of thermal system and aircraft that was used to capture the video. The message was accompanied by a high resolution version of the thermal video, which was then posted on YouTube by Greenewald. The anonymous letter states: “Alien technology is no doubt under the ocean near Puerto Rico!”
Is alien technology being demonstrated in this video? This careful report, which the researchers say took over 1000 man hours to complete, indicates that whatever took place, it is certainly unusual. The entire report is 161 pages long, and thoroughly explains their work, and how they came to the conclusions they did.
The report on the Puerto Rico incident can be found at
Even if the report had come to a mundane conclusion, the effort put into the investigation is remarkable. However, the fact that they could not determine what the object was, and have determined that it displayed characteristics which cannot be explained, makes the report remarkable.
Robert Powell, a retired engineer who worked in the semiconductor industry and helped author the research paper, says although they have finally released their report, “work on this video will continue.”
Powell, Beall, Chaviano, and the rest of the researchers working on the report posted a high resolution version of the video, their report, and an animation of the radar data they obtained on a website called the Scientific Coalition for Ufology.
Powell says they have reached out to other scientific organizations that have shown an interest in the UFO phenomenon, including 3AF Sigma2, a group that is part of the French National Aeronautical and Astronautical Association. The French scientists have agreed to review their work and provide input.
Powell says, “We hope that this report will generate ideas and thoughts from other scientists that may provide more insight into the characteristics of the object seen in the video.”
We are looking forward to getting more involved and providing additional details as soon as they are available.
To download the report, view the video, and find out more about the investigation, visit: &
The Hoia Baciu Forest: UFO Hotspot, Haunted, Or Both?
When most people think of Transylvania, their minds conjure up images of castles, Dracula, and other vampire happenings. More recently however, Transylvania has become known for its Hoia Baciu Forest. Some people have gone as far as to state that this forest is the “Bermuda Triangle” of Romania.
Located just outside the city of Cluj Napoca, one of the historical regions of Transylvania, the Hoia Baciu Forest originally gained notoriety outside of Romania when a biologist, Alexandru Sift, took a picture of a disc shaped UFO in the forest whilst on a scientific research trip in 1968.
The UFO sightings that have occurred in the forest are further fueled by the fact that there is a large clearing in the forest that is in the shape of an almost perfect circle. Nothing grows in this area of the forest, and it’s termed as a “dead vegetation” zone.
Soil samples have been taken from this clearing and analyzed. The results of these tests show no reason why vegetation shouldn’t grow in this area of the forest. Many Ufologists speculate that this clearing could be a landing zone for UFO’s.
The locals believe that the clearing is the home of the ghosts that haunt the forest. Numerous photographs have been taken at the clearing that appear to show floating shapes and the outlines of human beings. These photographs may add credence to the claims of the townspeople.
The people who live around the forest believe that if they enter the forest they will not come out. According to a local legend the forest is actually named after a shepherd that disappeared in the forest along with his 200 sheep.
Their fear may be well founded. There are stories of people disappearing in the forest and when they come out, they have no memory of what happened.
One such story is that of a 5 year old child that disappeared in the forest. She re-appeared 5 years later wearing the same clothes, which were like new, and that she had no memory of what happened to her during the time she was gone. This has led to some people believing that the forest may be a gateway to another dimension.
Another local legend surrounding the forest claims that the forest houses the spirits of murdered villagers who have been trapped in the forest and are unable to cross over. To add validity to this legend, there have been many people who have visited the forest that report hearing disembodied voices and that have witnessed ghostly heads of people floating among the trees.
To add fuel to the fire, many of the trees in the forest are distorted, twisted, and misshapen to the point they resemble something out of a nightmare. This chilling landscape does little to calm anyone who dares to walk among the trees.
In fact, there have been numerous reports of people being physically harmed in the forest. Their injuries have included rashes, feelings of nausea, period of vomiting, burns, scratches and extreme anxiety, just to name a few.
However the forest, especially the barren circle shaped clearing is also the subject of intense interest for paranormal investigators. During a season of the television show, Destination Truth, one of the cameramen while filming in the circle was violently attacked and thrown to the ground by something unseen and unknown.
People who live near the forest have reported seeing unexplainable flashes of light, orbs, and other strange things occurring in the area. In addition, when a thermal imaging camera is used on the alleged orbs that seem to flit through the trees, no heat signature is apparent.
Paranormal investigators who’ve ventured into the forest have reported equipment malfunctions when close to the forest and attribute the equipment problems as being a sign of paranormal activity.
There have also been reports of people remembering all of their past experiences and then forgetting them immediately upon leaving the forest.
The Hoia Baciu Forest is undoubtedly a mysterious and fascinating place and although we cannot say for sure that all the reported phenomena are true, we can certainly say that if one is brave enough, they should travel to Transylvania and try to discover what’s really going on in one of the most haunted forests in the world.
So is the forest a UFO hot spot, haunted, or both?
Glowing UFO in Russia: Did It Cause THUNDERSTORM after Its Appearance?
Glowing UFO in Russia: Did It Cause THUNDERSTORM after Its Appearance?
Several UFO researchers present a different point of views throughout history. There are numerous myths, legends, and also testimonies regarding strange property observed in the sky or even beings that originated within to aid the human race evolve civilization. Since contemporary scholars can’t straight look into the information of these tales, it’s difficult to determine when they are correct reports associated with right activities. Many ufologists, therefore, concentrate on studying reports beginning in this millennium. But did they find something about the glowing light that allegedly caused the thunderstorm?
One resident claimed to spot a weird bright light hovering above the woodland for fifteen minutes before he filmed it from two distinct angles in the skier nearby Moscow. Of course, the video was being uploaded on the YouTube for the public to state. In the footage, one voice of a girl was heard before the object shoots off. The report has been translated from Russian reports, and the family emphasized that they watched the footage for about fifteen minutes. At first, their assumptions were different. But, when they realize something different, the object began to take off. The weather at the time of sighting was just fine. In fact, it wasn’t raining. Unfortunately, when the strange object disappeared, the rain poured immediately, and the storm began.
Some suggested the appearance of the object near storm was ball lightening. It is an unexplained natural electrical phenomenon where the balls of the luminous light of different sizes are seen soaring in the air for a longer time than a typical lightning bolt. But Scott Waring, the alien researcher, believes the orb was noticeable for too long for it to be considered as a ball lightning. He claimed that the mysterious object had shown signs of intelligent movements. He further added that it had a second light ring around it in one image
The International Space Station (ISS) is an engineering marvel and a true example of what countries of the world can accomplish when working together. The International Space Station is a joint project of the USA, Russia, Japan, Canada, and several European countries. The purpose is to provide experimentation in space. The ISS has had minimal testing to date, but that is about to change with the addition of the Columbus module (with the STS-122 Shuttle launch) on December 6, 2007.
When footage of a luminous object hovering over the ISS, it warrants the presumption that aliens are keeping their eyes on humans, hence feared the latter. The footage also implies that the humans are not only monitored, but even the government officials or NASA is deliberately trying to conceal the information to humans. The image of the strange luminous object was being captured on NASA’s live stream. As per the one minute clip, it shows that as the camera pans across, the ISS appears to be a tiny pink dot that is lurking above. Apparently, the small dot has caused quite a buzz online because people were talking about the intelligent life of aliens.
One YouTube user named Streetcap1 uploaded the video stream on the Social Media, labelling the description that the odd object is a spaceship. However, NASA intentionally changed the direction of the camera to lessen its sighting.
The video has already reached 180,000 views and has been the subject of several debates over the nature of the object. According to one commenter, if you are currently searching for Aliens, you need to understand that there are possibilities of the paranormal like interdimensional travels. According to some rumors, there are numerous alien races around Earth. But not everyone was jumping on the strange bandwagon. Other, other skeptical commenters, more rational explanations have been suggested, and it cautioned others from believing the spurious conspiracy theory.
However, interruptions of the video stream are common with NASA footage. In fact, after the video feed was interrupted, a message explained that NASA was experiencing a temporary signal or switching cameras.
US Government Confirms That This UFO Footage is REAL [VIDEO]
US Government Confirms That This UFO Footage is REAL [VIDEO]
Gepubliceerd op 14 aug. 2015
US government confirms that this UFO footage is REAL
A video showing a UFO coming out of the sea and apparently splitting in two is alleged to belong to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
A group called the Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU), claims the footage was captured by a DHS aircraft.
They claim they were given the thermal video by a "official source."
In the footage the UFO flies at high speed past the screen.
The SCU say the image could not be a drone, bird, balloon on another aircraft.
They estimate the UFO was travelling at around 90mph under water and 120mph in the air.
The former head of the British Government's UFO Project, Nick Pope said the footage was 'fascinating.'
"Assuming the video isn't a clever hoax - which is always a possibility these days - it's a fascinating piece of footage," he told The Express.
"About the only conventional explanation that might fit the bill is that this is some new drone, but the entry and exit from the sea and the apparent splitting in two of the object makes even this explanation seem unlikely."
He said the footage was the kind which get experts excited, and that he would be watching developments on the video 'with interest.'
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Our Solar System May Have Had A Fifth 'Giant' Planet
Our Solar System May Have Had A Fifth 'Giant' Planet
The missing planet bumped into Neptune before disappearing into the abyss of space, according to a new study.
Artist's impression of the missing gas giant planet that may have been ejected from the early solar system. | Southwest Research Institute
The four gas giant planets in our solar system -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune -- may have a long-lost relative. According to a new study, our system was once home to a fifth gas giant that suddenly vanished some 4 billion years ago after a run-in with Neptune.
Indirect evidence for this lost world is seen in a strange cluster of icy objects -- called the "kernel" -- in the Kuiper Belt. That's the vast region of primordial debris that encircles the sunbeyond the orbit of Neptune.
For the study, Nesvorny created computer simulations of Neptune and the "kernel" cluster as they were 4 billion years ago in the early solar system. At the time, the cluster is believed to have been in Neptune's gravitational grasp. But then, according to the simulations, something happened to cause the cluster to escape Neptune's gravitational pull -- placing the cluster and Neptune in their present locations.
This is where the lost planet comes in: the simulations suggest that it must have been another gas giant that bumped Neptune and caused it and the "kernel" to part ways.
"The location and magnitude of Neptune's jump obtained in this model matches quite nicely the pattern that is needed for the formation of the 'kernel,'" Nesvorny told The Huffington Post in an email.
And according to the simulations, the planet couldn't have been one of the worlds currently in our solar system. The mysterious planet may have been ejected from the solar system after encountering Neptune.
In 2011, Nesvorny authored a previous study -- which involved thousands of computer simulations -- that suggested that the best way to explain the current orbits of the solar system's four giant planets was to include a missing fifth planet.
"I tend to believe that it may be very difficult to find any evidence for the fifth planet," Nesvorny said in the email. "I started looking into [the] formation of the Kuiper Belt, because I was worried that the orbital structures seen there are inconsistent with my model. Now I realized that the opposite may be true. It was certainly a surprise."
What do other scientists think of Nesvorny's new study?
While it's not a "discovery," per se, it's a milestone that will no doubt lead to many new findings about the smallest and innermost planet in our solar system.
The massive black holes, which are 10 billion times the size of the sun, are located over 300 million light years away.
Europa's 'Great Lakes'
Scientists had long-thought that a large body of water existed under the surface of Europa, Jupiter's moon, but it was thought to be tens of miles below an icy crust.
In November, though, astronomers analyzing data from NASA's Galileo spacecraft found evidence that suggests blocks of ice interact with water below the surface, which could mean that nutrients and energy are moving between the underground ocean and icy shell.
NASA's Voyager probes -- launched over 30 years ago -- found huge magnetic "bubbles" at the edge of the solar system.
"The sun's magnetic field extends all the way to the edge of the solar system," astronomer Merav Opher of Boston University said in a NASA statement. "Because the sun spins, its magnetic field becomes twisted and wrinkled, a bit like a ballerina's skirt. Far, far away from the sun, where the Voyagers are, the folds of the skirt bunch up."
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched in 1977. Voyager 1 is currently 11 billion miles away and may exit our solar system within the next few years.
"This tells a slam-dunk story that water flowed through underground fractures in the rock," Steve Squyres, a planetary scientist at Cornell University and the principal investigator for Opportunity said in a NASA statement.
While the planets are too close to their sun-like star to harbor life as we know it, the discovery proved that the Kepler spacecraft was capable of spotting planets that are Earth-size, and brings us one step closer to finding a true Earth twin.
The Orion Spacecraft: One Step Closer to a Mars Mission .
The Orion Spacecraft: One Step Closer to a Mars Mission
SPACE MISSIONS - The Orion Spacecraft is a capsule designed to carry humans deep into our solar system and return them safely to Earth. A basic prototype of the capsule has now been launched for a (very) short trip into deep space, without any passengers on board.
With this launch, NASA wanted to test some of the riskiest steps in an Orion flight, such as separations, radiation effects, and re-entry into the atmosphere. After a successful flight and landing in the ocean, the capsule was picked up by a special amphibious ship and brought back to NASA for analysis.
The most remarkable thing about this first Orion mission is the use of old models and technology. The Orion resembles the 1960s Apollo missions both in design and contents. The capsule has the same cone shape and is equipped with a computer that is ancient by the standards of today’s average computer owner. The heat shields are basically made from familiar 1960s material as well. NASA explains all this by saying that this older technology is simply safer and more robust than newer inventions.
As the final product, Orion will allow four people to travel in deep space for up to 21 days. More people can come along, but then the maximum travel time will be less because they will run out of resources more quickly. Orion can bring man to the Moon again, or to an - at this point still imaginary - Mars Transfer System. The next Orion test is scheduled for 2018.
Now what does this first Orion mission really tell us? If you are a realist, you will say that we are still a very far from being able to visit Mars. Orion is far from finished, and it will take us no further than to a Mars Transfer System, that hasn’t been built yet. If you are a Moon landing sceptic, you now have to admit that we could actually have been to the Moon. Orion partly demonstrates that such a mission is possible with 1960s technology.
But if you are open to alternative versions of human history, you may once again wonder if this is new at all. Are we the first ones to come up with the idea of building such a capsule for space travel? Ancient archeological finds include images that are remarkably similar to today’s capsule and astronauts. Could the same scene have taken place in ancient times? Did either humans or aliens figure out how to build and use such a capsule before?
Does this incredible structure on Mars prove our neighbouring planet was inhabited in the distant past by intelligent beings? It is a possibility according to researchers and UFOlogists. What if Mars was inhabited and we are looking at the remains of a once great civilization?
Another image of NASA's Curiosity rover has been shared on social media and it's going viral, the image seems to show what appears to be the remains of some sort of cube-shaped structure on the surface of the red planet. According to UFO hunters and UFOlogists, the image shows an artificially made structure on the surface of the red planet.
Here is the link to the OFFICIAL RAW image by NASA:
And the image:
This is the closeup of the image. Notice how the image appears to be perfectly shaped compared to the remaining scenery. Was it some sort of Cube-shaped structure?
People who have taken time to analyze the image suggest it is very different from the surrounding Martian geology and doesn't belong, in any way to the remaining scenery. But what are we looking at here? This structure is believed to be what remains of a once great Martian building, one that has been built by a civilization that could probably predate our very own.
Does this mean there was definitely life on Mars? WEll no, since many "experts" suggest that what er are seeing in these images beamed back by NASA's curiosity rover are the results of Pareidolia and that we tend to make stuff like this up in our minds. But what if it isn't just Pareidolia? What if this structure, like many other are evidence of an ancient Martian Civilization.
So if these are the remains of structures on Mars, what happened to its once "great Civilization"? According to Dr John Brandenburg , who has a PhD in Theoretical Plasma Physics from the University of California at Davis and he is currently working as a plasma physicist at Orbital Technologies in Madison Wisconsin, the Martian Civilization was wiped from the face of Mars by nuclear Bombs. According to Dr John Brandenburg, there is enough evidence to prove that at least two major nuclear blast went off on the surface of the red planet in the distant past. Dr. Brandenburgs theories are based on the traces of uranium and thorium that have been registered on the surface of Mars.
Pareidolia or life on mars? It's hard to pick out one out of these two. NASA's curiosity rover has certainly sent back some images that are extremely strange and that seem to point towards the existence of an ancient civilization on Mars? But if there was life on Mars, why hide it? Would NASA and other agencies try to hide such an important discovery if they were to make it? How much would our lives change if we were to find out that Mars was inhabited by intelligent beings in the distant past?
Let us know what you think about this image and life on Mars.
Despite populating vast swaths of the planet, and appropriating large amounts natural resources in order to survive, human beings are no more likely to survive a mass extinction event than rare or endangered species, scientists say.
A team from the University of Leeds examining the effects of mass extinctions found that widespread species, like humans, are just as likely to become extinct as less populous ones.
This contrasts with regular circumstances, where a populous species is more likely to survive than a rare or endangered one.
The team of scientists examined the fossil records of vertebrates from the Triassic and Jurassic periods – 252 to 145 million years ago. During this period a mass extinction thought to have been caused by a volcanic eruption wiped out almost 80 percent of all living species and gave rise to the dinosaurs.
Scientists Alex Dunhill and Matthew Wills from the university looked at the distribution of species and the ways they changed during the time periods. They then compared their results with the changes in overall biodiversity and gathered information on the extinction risk of species.
They found that the extinction of many groups of crocodile-like animals led to the rise of the dinosaurs.
“The fact that the insurance against extinction given by a wide geographic distribution disappears at a known mass extinction event is an important result. Many groups of crocodile-like animals become extinct after the mass extinction event at the end of the Triassic era, despite being really diverse and widespread beforehand. In contrast, the dinosaurs which were comparatively rare and not as widespread pass through the extinction event and go on to dominate terrestrial ecosystems for the next 150 million years,” Dunhill said.
Their results were published in the journal Nature Communications, and suggest that mass extinctions “shake up” the natural order, allowing less populous species to become dominant.
“These results shed light on the likely outcome of the current biodiversity crisis caused by human activity. It appears a human-driven sixth mass extinction will affect all organisms, not just currently endangered and geographically restricted species,”Dunhill added.
“Although we tend to think of mass extinctions as entirely destructive events, they often shake up the status quo, and allow groups that were previously sidelined to become dominant. Something similar happened much later with the extinction of the dinosaurs making way for mammals and ultimately ourselves. However, our study shows that the ‘rules’ of survival at times of mass extinctions are very different from those at ‘normal’ times: nothing is ever really safe,” Wills said.
Leading scientists agree that the octopus is basically an alien
Leading scientists agree that the octopus is basically an alien
We've long suspected that octopuses / octopodes / whatever are so damn creepy and unsettling, they've GOT to be aliens.
After all, they're capable of slipping through the tiniest of openings to escape, they're able to figure out a jam jar works and they're essentially the evil genius of the deep sea.
Dr. Clifton Ragsdale, a leading researcher at the University of Chicago, conducted the first genome sequence of the octopus and found some pretty interesting results. For one, it is completely different from all animals - or humans, for that matter.
"The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities," explained Dr. Ragsdale. He went on, quoting zoologist Martin Wells who first postulated that the octopus must be alien. "In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien."
Humans carry 25,000 protein-coding genes whereas the octopus has 33,000 - that's a total of 8,000 more coding genes than us. PAY ATTENTION IN THE BACK THERE, I'M NOT REPEATING THIS.
Anyway, the sequencing conducted at the University of Chicago also had a few other discoveries. For one, the researchers think they've cracked how the octopus is able to think so fast and how it registers taste through its suckers on its tentacles. Sorry if you were eating just there.
Moreover, the octopuses' ability for its tentacles to continue functioning - even after it's been dismembered - is being adopted and researched for use in robotics. So when the robot apocalypse eventually happens and we find out that dismembering them has little or no effect, we'll have the octopus to thank. Wonderful.
Look, it's all very exciting - but here's the takeaway. The octopus is an alien who is biding their time until they develop an evil formula to conquer the surface.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Diamond UFO Over Volcano, Arrow Over Glasgow, Truck Over NY
Diamond UFO Over Volcano, Arrow Over Glasgow, Truck Over NY
If you have friends who still refer to all UFOs as “flying saucers,” this weekend brought news of three different sightings with three different shapes – a diamond, an arrow and a semi-truck – that you can show them as proof that UFOs come in all shapes and sizes. Are we in the midst of an alien spacecraft show where they bring out all of the new models?
Diamond-shaped UFO over Colima Volcano
The diamond UFO was spotted over the Colima Volcano in Mexico, a place that UFOs frequently visit, like the cigar seen in July and the horse in January. The huge diamond-shaped UFO spotted in a picture was taken by one of those webcams that are always pointed at the volcano to record eruptions and unexpected alien visitors. Shot on July 15, there’s no other information on this UFO so it’s open for speculation as to its actual size and whether it was coming or going.
Arrows are a shape not often seen in UFOs. This orange object was photographed over Glasgow, Scotland, by Stuart Noble while he was getting ready to take pictures of some identified flying objects – the Perseid meteor shower in mid-August.
An arrow-shaped UFO spotted over Glasgow, Scotland
The “arrow” description was given by the witness, but this UFO also resembles a jellyfish like the green one seen over the Netherlands in May. Noble did not say if there were any other witnesses and no other reports of this arrow UFO have been found so far.
If flying arrow UFOs are rare, flying trucks – outside of monster truck rallies – are almost non-existent. Yet that’s the description a witness gave to MUFON investigators of a UFO he saw on August 4, 2015, over Ronkonkoma, a tiny town on Long Island, New York.
The unidentified witness estimated the UFO was 500 feet away, under 500 feet in altitude and “the size of an 18-wheeler.” Ronkonkoma is near the Long Island MacArthur (Islip) Airport but the witness was certain this silent UFO was no conventional aircraft.
It was like whoever was flying it suddenly realized it was approaching an airport and it stopped. Its lights went out. Then it went backwards (reverse) and flew in the same direction from where it came … It had lights that were pulsating. But the light was inside the craft – all different colors.
Other witnesses reportedly saw the semi-sized UFO continue to alternately move, hover, descend and ascend before it eventually disappeared.
Moral of these stories: If it looks like a duck and flies like a duck, get a video anyway because it could be a UFO.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
‘Extragalactic’ radio waves a mystery, scientists say alien life forms could be responsible
‘Extragalactic’ radio waves a mystery, scientists say alien life forms could be responsible
Stephen Hawking and Russian Billionaire in $100M Hunt for Aliens
SCIENTISTS are investigating unexplainable bursts of radio waves that could be messages from alien life forms, after an Australian team stumbled upon the phenomenon.
Ten of the bizarre flashes have been picked up by radio telescope over the past 15 years, displaying a mathematical pattern that has bamboozled experts, in a real-life version of the 1997 sci-fi film Contact.
Lasting just a few milliseconds, the radio bursts erupt with about as much energy as the sun releases in a month, New Scientist reports.
It all started last year at the CSIRO’s Parkes Telescope in central-west New South Wales, which last year picked up a radio burst in real-time, a world first that sparked a hunt through data that unearthed nine similar events.
The Parkes radio telescope in NSW was the first to detect a fast bursts of radio waves (FRB) last year.
Source: Supplied
What makes them so unusual is that the delay between the arrival of the first and last waves of each burst is always close to a multiple of 187.5, a mathematical phenomenon for which no explanation has been found.
The brevity of the bursts, and the distance between their lower and higher frequency waves, means they are likely to come from a source that is both extremely small — hundreds of kilometres across at most — and very far away, possibly in another galaxy.
The analysis was undertaken by Michael Hippke of the Institute for Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, and John Learned at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, who concluded that there was a 5 in 10,000 probability of the mathematical phenomenon being a coincidence.
The researchers explored several possible explanations for the fast bursts of radio waves
Jodie Foster’s character in the sci-fi film Contact discovered a mathematical sequence of prime numbers while listening into radio signals in the hopes of proving the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Source: News Limited
The first is simply the limitations of human knowledge; it could be that we simply haven’t come far enough in our understanding of physics.
Alternatively, human technology such as an unmapped spy satellite could be to blame.
Or the source of the bursts could be an extraterrestrial beacon, a signal from aliens attempting to get our attention — as explored in the film Contact.
However, it is possible the bursts came from a more ordinary, earthly source. Initially unexplained pulses picked up by the Parkes Telescope in 2010 turned out to come not from an intergalactic source, but from a microwave in the site’s kitchen.
UFO watchers, don’t get too excited; the FRBs could have an explanation we haven’t thought of.
Source: News Corp Australia
While the scientists at the facility quickly clued onto the nature of the signals, which differ from FRBs, it’s a perfect illustration of how a perfectly ordinary phenomenon can confound even the most highly trained scientific mind — albeit only briefly.
The culprit? A worker who went to nuke their lunch and opened the microwave door prematurely, causing a pulse that mimics some of the characteristics of an astrophysical burst.
This did not detract from the scientists’ conclusion that the FRBs they have been studying were emitted from another galaxy.
However, it does seem pertinent to remember the philosophical principal of Occam’s razor.
Also known as the law of parsimony, it states: “The simplest explanation is usually the right one.”
Ce sont des animaux qui invalident en partie la théorie de l'évolution de Darwin... mais sont-ils d'origine terrestre ? Ils sont en contradiction avec les idées de Darwin tout simplement parce que leurs capacités et systèmes de protections naturels ne leur servent à rien dans leur milieu naturel !
Ce sont les Tardigrades, un groupe complet d'animaux très répandu sous toutes les latitudes, mais peu connus du public, et qui posent bien des questions aux spécialistes. Ils sont ce qu'on appelle des extrêmophiles : ils peuvent résister à des conditions de températures extrêmes sans aucun problème, à certaines radiations et au vide spatial. Pire, ils peuvent "ressusciter" après avoir longuement séché, de nombreuses années plus tard...
Le 14 septembre 2007, une fusée russe satellisait une capsule sphérique dans laquelle s'entassaient 43 expériences scientifiques. L'une d'elles concrétisait un projet un peu fou : vérifier si quelques animaux, directement exposés au vide spatial pourraient survivre. On sait que des bactéries en sont capables mais il semblait impossible que des animaux puissent résister aux deux grands dangers de l'espace, le vide, qui fait bouillir l'eau interne, et les rayonnements ultraviolets, qui démolissent les chromosomes.
Pourtant des biologistes suspectaient un groupe d'animaux étonnants, les tardigrades, de pouvoir relever le défi. On savait déjà qu'ils peuvent supporter un vide semblable à celui de l'espace et des zoologistes russes ont affirmé que certains avaient survécu à une sortie dans l'espace (rapporté par Guillaume Lecointre et Hervé Le Guyader dans Classification phylogénétique du vivant, éditions Belin). Proches des arthropodes (donc des insectes et des crustacés), les tardigrades sont bien plus discrets, avec une taille variant entre 50 microns et 1,2 millimètre.
Olivier Geoffroy est un spécialiste de ces animaux : " Le tardigrade peut survivre à une plongée dans l'hélium liquide à -272°C, tout près du zéro absolu. Il résiste à une température pouvant aller jusqu'à +151°C. On peut leur appliquer des pressions de 1.000 atmosphères, et ils supportent de fortes doses de rayonnements énergétiques, ultraviolets ou X. Mais les chercheurs ne parviennent pas à comprendre en quoi ces caractéristiques sont utiles à l'animal dans son milieu naturel terrestre." (c'est ici qu'ils contredisent la théorie de Darwin sur l'évolution des espèces... sur Terre).
Jean-Luc Goudet, pour Futura-Sciences, explique en quoi consistait l'expérience Tardis (Tardigrades in space) : "Le Suédois Ingemar Jönsson et ses collègues de l'université de Kristianstad, ont fait placer des boîtiers sur une plate-forme Biopan-6, réalisée par l'Esa, satellisée à 270 kms d'altitude pendant douze jours. Des Tardigrades de quatre espèces différentes, en état d'anhydrobiose, étaient disposés dans quatre séries de ces boîtiers ouverts sur l'espace. Un groupe était protégé de toutes les radiations, deux autres recevaient soit les UV-A soit les UV-B, et le dernier ne disposait d'aucune protection."
"A cette altitude, le rayonnement ultraviolet atteint 7.000 kilojoules/mètre carré, soit mille fois plus qu'au niveau de la mer. Les Tardigrades sont, pour beaucoup du moins, revenus vivants. Dans le groupe soumis aux UV-B, le rayonnement ultraviolet a tout de même décimé plus de 80% des animaux et le taux de survie était nul chez les animaux exposés aux UV-A et B. En revanche, la plupart des Tardigrades qui n'ont reçu que les ultraviolets A - tout en ayant, rappelons-le, subi le vide spatial pendant une dizaine de jours - étaient bien vivants.Les animaux ont repris leurs activités habituelles, et les biologistes ont constaté qu'ils étaient toujours capables de se reproduire.
Cette résistance pose problème car elle implique probablement des mécanismes de réparation de l'ADN, que les puissants rayonnements UV ont certainement dégradé." Les travaux des chercheurs ont été publiés le 9 septembre dernier par Current Biology (sur abonnement). -
Un correspondant de l'AFP à Washington précise : "Comme leur habitat naturel, les mousses et les lichens, subissent souvent des sécheresses prolongées,ces animaux sont capables, après s'être en grande partie desséchés eux-mêmes, de ressusciter même après plusieurs années."
Les Tardigrades se nourrissent d'animalcules plus infimes qu'eux, et se tiennent au milieu des Mousses et des Algues, notamment sur les toits mousseux et dans les gouttières; quelques-uns d'entre eux vivent dans l'eau. Ils jouissent d'une grande notoriété depuis que Spallanzani a découvert qu'ils possédaient, comme les Rotifères, une singulière faculté : celle de la réviviscence; tant que l'humidité nécessaire à leur prospérité leur fait défaut, ils demeurent comme morts; aussitôt qu'on leur rend l'humidité dont ils ont besoin ils s'éveillent de nouveau à la vie et reprennent leur activité.
Olivier Geoffroy a formulé quelques hypothèses sur l'origine extra-terrestre du Tardigrade : " Capable de résister aux conditions les plus extrêmes, le Tardigrade possède toutes les aptitudes pour survivre à un voyage spatial même très long, agrippé à une météorite par exemple. Il possède également les caractéristiques qui lui permettraient de ne pas succomber lors de l'atterrissage quelque peu brutal de la météorite sur la surface accidentée d'une planète inhospitalière." UFOs photographed Above a Mayan Pyramid
Report submitted to the MUFON database on June 25, 2015
On a trip to Teotihucan in Mexico, I took a photo of the pyramid of the sun. Later when I was reviewing my photo, I saw two objects above the pyramid. I didn’t see or hear them at the time. My friend took an almost identical photo approximately 10 seconds after I did and nothing is in her photo.
The first photo I’ve submitted is mine. The second is my friends photo taken approximately 10 seconds after. In her photo you can see my head in the lower left corner because I was wearing a red and white bandana on my head. Also you can see tourist moving up the steps of the pyramid to show how much time passed between photos.
Photo was taken on 2015-05-04
Full Image of 2 UFOs in photograph taken of a pyramid in Teotihucan, Mexico – Click for full resolution
Zoom into 2 unknown objects – click for full resolution
Closer view of the first, larger object in the photo – click for full resolution
Image magnified to show both UFOs – click for full resolution
Have you captured something paranormal with your camera? Send them to us at
Op zoek naar aliens buiten Berlijn: “We moeten het weten”
Op zoek naar aliens buiten Berlijn: “We moeten het weten”
Sommigen geloven dat aliens de aarde al hebben bezocht en tekens achterlaten in de vorm van graancirkels in weilanden. Net buiten Berlijn zijn twee graancirkels verschenen die in de afgelopen dagen veel bekijks hebben getrokken. Dat meldt de omroep Deutsche Welle.
In de graanvelden bij de buitenwijk Schönefeld zijn geometrische patronen ontstaan, die volgens sommigen het gevolg zijn van buitenaards bezoek. Een groep van 15 enthousiastelingen en sceptici wil weten of de patronen echt kunnen zijn gevormd door een landende UFO.
Eén van hen is Sarika Sinha. Ze woont in Berlijn en bezoekt de plek voor de tweede keer. “Vier weken nadat ik aankwam in Berlijn begon ik te zoeken naar groepen mensen die informatie hebben over aliens en UFO’s. Een week later werd ik lid van een groep en verscheen deze cirkel. Ik dacht: laat ik eens een kijkje nemen,” zei ze.
Uitgevallen mobieltjes
Sarika en haar groep analyseren de graancirkels. Het patroon bestaat uit een aantal cirkels die zijn verbonden door middel van lijnen. Vanuit de lucht lijkt het op een grote bloem. De patronen kunnen gemakkelijk worden gespot vanuit vliegtuigen die opstijgen vanaf een nabijgelegen vliegveld.
Leo Ferronato besloot een bezoek te brengen aan de graancirkels bij Berlijn nadat hij ze zelf had ervaren in zijn woonplaats in Brazilië. “Ik kom uit een klein plaatsje in Brazilië. De eerste geregistreerde graancirkel in Brazilië verscheen in een nabijgelegen stadje. Een groot deel van de bevolking was erg onder de indruk omdat het nog nooit eerder was gebeurd,” zei hij.
Ferronato is niet erg onder de indruk van de cirkels buiten Berlijn. Hij had meer gebogen stengels verwacht. Hij had ook gehoord dat mobieltjes waren uitgevallen in andere graancirkels, maar dat is niet gebeurd in Schönefeld.
Afgezet door de politie
Sinha weet niet zeker of graancirkels door mensen of door buitenaardsen worden gemaakt. Tijdens haar vorige bezoek wilde ze van haar gids bewijs hebben dat ze niet worden gemaakt door grappenmakers. Volgens de gids had de politie het gebied afgezet nadat de graancirkels waren ontstaan en vlogen er helikopters rond. Dat lijkt me niet de normale gang van zaken, aldus Sinha.
Graancirkels werden in de jaren zeventig al gedocumenteerd en verschijnen vooral bij snelwegen of vliegvelden. De zoektocht naar buitenaards leven kreeg onlangs een flinke boost toen de Russische miljardair Joeri Milner 100 miljoen dollar doneerde voor de zoektocht naar aliens. Met het geld kunnen wetenschappers grote telescopen afhuren.
Natuurkundige Stephen Hawking zal optreden als adviseur voor het programma. Hij zei dat in een oneindig universum wel andere voorbeelden van leven te vinden moeten zijn. “We leven, we zijn intelligent, we moeten het weten,” zei hij. Het programma moet voor een doorbraak zorgen, vandaar de naam ‘Breakthrough Listen’. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Alsof iemand een lichtknop omdtraait boven Columbus, USA ( Video)
Alsof iemand een lichtknop omdtraait boven Columbus, USA ( Video)
Dat is het gevoel wat je krijgt wanneer je een formatie UFO’s boven de Amerikaanse stad Columbus ziet hangen.
Het ene moment zijn ze “normaal” zichtbaar en het volgende moment lijkt het alsof iemand een lichtschakelaar heeft omgedraaid.
De onderstaande video is een prachtig voorbeeld van wat er steeds meer om ons heen gebeurt.
Witte ronde of soms oranje UFO’s die zich geluidloos in verschillende formaties statig door de lucht bewegen.
Zoals je in onderstaande video kunt zien, gaat het leven op de grond gewoon door. Bijna niemand merkt op wat er boven hun hoofd gebeurt.
Het is zo te zien een soort zwoele zomeravond in de plaats Columbus in de Amerikaanse staat Ohio. De mensen praten luidruchtig, er is een radio te horen en plots verschijnen er een aantal vreemde lichten in de lucht.
Je ziet de objecten door de lucht bewegen. Het zijn niet alleen vreemde lichten die in een bepaalde richting bewegen zoals ballonnen dat bijvoorbeeld zouden doen. Ze bewegen in allerlei patronen waardoor duidelijk blijkt dat ze onder intelligente besturing staan.
Dan, op een gegeven moment rond 1 minuut 35 in de video, gebeurt er iets bijzonders. Je ziet pal na elkaar twee verschillende beelden van dezelfde objecten.
De eerste is deze, waarbij de objecten zichtbaar zijn aan de avondhemel.
Dan hetzelfde beeld, maar alsof iemand een lichtknop omdraait. Zo lijkt het want alle UFO’s schijnen ineens vele malen helderder dan voorheen.
Vijf gele UFO's hangen in de lucht en rechtsonder een rode. Het bijzondere is dat ze allemaal tegelijkertijd feller gaan stralen en later ook weer allen tegelijkertijd dimmen.
Even later dimmen de UFO’s weer en zien ze eruit als voorheen. Na verloop van tijd verdwijnen ze uit het zicht.
De mensen op de grond?
Zij hebben niets gezien en zijn nog heel lang doorgegaan met feestvieren.
While several findings are unidentified by the scientific community as a whole, it does raise the query of why these folks would risk their careers and reputations in the scientific world by becoming involved in paranormal investigations. Of course, unidentified things are always interesting. However, this is not applicable to every sighting because not all findings were being studied or observed by the investigators. As you can see, a lot of sightings were being reported by different people all over the world.
When you go over the photos on the internet, you have probably seen the grainy and black and white images that are made available on the internet for the people to see. The advancement of technology has helped the people to obtain clear images and analyze them for ourselves. However, people naturally see things others may have not. These people are called the Ufologists. The term means people who study extraterrestrial life by claiming that they’ve discovered something. The image was being posted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA a few days ago. Ufologists have examined the picture. Based on their findings, there is a woman in the image. If you click the image in full-size, you will see a wired little shadow that is apparently a woman of about eight to ten centimeters high. They further claimed to have heard and seen very tiny people camouflaged as aliens.
When the issue of aliens is being elevated, the assumption is that these beings are a lot more superior than we are and are coming right here to some goal mysterious to us. The idea of governments of the world getting secret deals with these beings in trade for technologies has been mentioned, but significantly like all extraterrestrial debates, they go nowhere, because there is no genuine evidence. While there are many suitably skilled and highly regarded individuals who have described sightings, the principal target appears to be on the factor of the UFO communities.
NASA Tests Rocket to One Day Use for Deep Space Exploration
NASA Tests Rocket to One Day Use for Deep Space Exploration
(Photo : NASA) NASA tested the rocket at the Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
In preparation for the "Journey to Mars," NASA tested an engine that they hope will one day carry astronauts to the Red Planet.
According to CBS News, NASA powered up the engine for eight minutes and 55 seconds at the launch pad because that is typically the amount of time it would take to propel the spacecraft into orbit. NASA's new Space Launch System (SLS) RS-52 rocket exerted an immense amount of pressure as well as higher temperatures and thrust levels.
"The RS-25 engine gives SLS a proven, high performance, affordable main propulsion system for deep space exploration," NASA said in a statement. "It is one of the most experienced large rocket engines in the world, with more than a million seconds of ground test and flight operations time. Aerojet Rocketdyne of Sacramento, California, is the prime contractor for the RS-25 engine work."
One NASA official indicated the results of the test were encouraging, or at least right what the space agency was hoping for.
"The initial results are great," Steve Swofford, NASA's SLS engines manager, told CBS News. "We ran full duration for 535 seconds, we met our test objectives, didn't note any anomalies at this time. So now we get the fun part of going through the data."
Those who witnessed the test were overwhelmed by the RS-52 engine's power.
"No exaggeration to say you feel it more than hear it," Stephen Clark, a reporter for, told CBS News. "And hearing protection is actually needed."
Wetenschappers van Nasa zetten zich schrap voor wat de grootste El Niño allertijden kan worden. Het natuurverschijnsel, dat eens om de 4 tot 10 jaar voorkomt, zorgt ervoor dat het zeeoppervlak van de Stille Oceaan sterk opwarmt, wat leidt tot aardverschuivingen, minder vis, zware regenval en uitzonderlijke droogtes.
Eens om de 4 à 10 jaar laat De Kleine Jongen (de vertaling van El Niño, refererend naar het Kerstekind, aangezien het fenomeen vaak rond die periode voorkomt) van zich horen. Wanneer El Niño zich laat voelen, zijn de Peruviaanse vissers de eersten die het opmerken: door de opwarming van het zeeoppervlak aan de evenaar, is het visseizoen dan meteen voorbij.
Spoor van vernieling
Even later laat het sterk opgewarmde water nog meer sporen van vernieling achter. Doordat het water voor de westkust van Zuid-Amerika plots niet meer wordt aangevoerd door een koude stroming maar door tropisch oceaanwater, maken heel wat vissoorten dat ze wegkomen vooraleer ze sterven. De Zuid-Amerikaanse vissers raken in een economische ramp verzeild. Bovendien verdampt het warme water massaal, waarna het tegen de Andes botst en daar voor hevige regenval met modderlawines en aardverschuivingen zorgt.
Tegelijkertijd zorgt El Niño voor ongeziene droogtes aan de andere kant van de Stille Oceaan. Van Australië tot Indonesië is het knokken voor landbouwers en woeden hevige branden in bosrijke gebieden.
Wetenschappers van Nasa zijn dan ook zeer bezorgd wanneer ze naar de huidige metingen van de temperatuur van het zeeoppervlak kijken. De Kleine Jongen maakt zich opnieuw klaar om toe te slaan en het ziet ernaar uit dat hij een nieuw record wil vestigen.
‘De computermodellen tonen aan dat we afstevenen op een Godzilla-El Niño, die op zijn hoogtepunt zal zijn tegen het begin van de winter’, zegt klimatoloog Bill Patzert van Nasa. ‘Dit kan voor ongeziene overstromingen, modderstromen en droogtes zorgen.
Tijdens één van de zwaarste El Niño’s ooit in 1997-1998 werd de economische schade wereldwijd op zo’n 24 miljard dollar geschat. Het effect van De Kleine Jongen op West-Europa blijft voorlopig klein: een nat voorjaar in 2016 is wel verzekerd.
Solar Warden: The Secret Space Program Built with Alien Technology
Solar Warden: The Secret Space Program Built with Alien Technology
“We now have the technology to take ET home.” –Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, 1993
The story behind this quote is an interesting one. At a lecture held in 1993 at the UCLA Alumni center, Ben Rich, the former CEO of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works held a speech about the advancements in space engineering during the previous 40 years.
He concluded with the quote about taking ET home while the final image in his slide presentation showed a “black disk zipping out into outer space.”
Over the years, the Skunk Works division of Lockheed has designed and built a number of high-tech aircraft such as the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-22 Raptor and the F-117 Nighthawk.
Taking this into account, some have drawn the conclusion that Rich alluded to advanced technology being secretly developed and it might be responsible for some of the flying disks we see today.
Seems too far-fetched? We’re on the same page but wait, it gets better.
In 2001, British systems administrator Gary McKinnon hacked his way into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers. He intended to find top-secret files regarding free energy but stumbled upon something bigger.
McKinnon claimed to have uncovereda spreadsheet containing names and information about “non-terrestrial officers” and transfers between fleets.
He cross referenced these names with a database of all U.S. Navy and military personnel but was unable to find any of the officers. McKinnon therefore concluded they were not of this world and labeled them as “Space Marines”.
In an interview with the BBC, he said he had been motivated by The Disclosure Project because:
“They are some very credible, relied-upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there’s anti-gravity, there’s free energy, and it’s extraterrestrial in origin and they’ve captured spacecraft and reverse engineered them.”
McKinnon was discovered just as he was examining the image of a UFO stored in a NASA computer in Johnson Space Center’s Building 8. Caught in 2002, he was facing up to 70 years in prison and several million dollars in fines.
However, the U.K. never extradited him to the U.S. and McKinnon managed to avoid prison. Some say that he was able to do so because he had amassed sensitive information that he used as leverage.
He maintains his claim that extraterrestrial spacecraft have been captured and reverse-engineered and now the alien technology is being used by entities in our own figurative backyard.
Program Solar Warden
This brings us to Solar Warden. According to conspiracy theorists, Solar Warden is an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet (or several fleets) of spaceships that are operating within our solar system. Some say they’re defending us against alien threats. Others say they’re involved in the covert colonization of space.
Such a fleet would require technology way ahead of what we’ve currently got. In order to send manned missions into the far reaches of our solar system we’d need exotic materials and propulsion systems. But there are some who claim we already do.
“I suspect that in the last 60 years or so, that there has been some back-engineering and the creation of this type of equipment, that is not nearly as sophisticated yet as what the apparent visitors have.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut to walk on the Moon.
Even so, who would have the coin required to fund such a venture?
The United States’ black budget for 2014 amounted to some $52.6 billion and they plan on spending around $58.7 B this year. But even this astronomical sum isn’t enough to fund or maintain a secret space fleet. And that’s when conspiracy voices start mentioning the deep black budgets.
As it turns out, there might be UFOs that were built on Earth, based on technology that originated elsewhere in the universe, and we might actually have a secret space fleet [capable of interplanetary travel].
Not to send you into a meltdown or anything but octopuses are basically ‘aliens’ – according to scientists.
Researchers have found a new map of the octopus genetic code that is so strange that it could be actually be an “alien”.
The first whole cephalopod genome sequence shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified – more than in a human.
(Yen-Chui Liu)
Not only that, the octopus DNA is highly rearranged – like cards shuffled and reshuffled in a pack – containing numerous so-called “jumping genes” that can leap around the genome.
“The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities,” said US researcher Dr Clifton Ragsdale, from the University of Chicago.
(Yen-Chui Liu)
“The late British zoologist Martin Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien.”
The scientists sequenced the genome of the California two-spot octopus in a study published in the journal Nature.
(Yen-Chui Liu)
They discovered unique genetic traits that are likely to have played a key role in the evolution of characteristics such as the complex nervous system and adaptive camouflage.
Analysis of 12 different tissues revealed hundreds of octopus-specific genes found in no other animal, many of them highly active in structures such as the brain, skin and suckers.
(Yen-Chui Liu)
The scientists estimate that the two-spot octopus genome contains 2.7 billion base pairs – the chemical units of DNA – with long stretches of repeated sequences.
And although the genome is slightly smaller than a human’s, it is packed with more genes.
(Yen-Chui Liu)
Reshuffling was a key characteristic of the creature’s genetic make-up. In most species, cohorts of certain genes tend to be close together on the double-helix DNA molecule.
A gene is a region of DNA that contains the coded instructions for making a protein.
(Yen-Chui Liu)
In the octopus, however, there are no such groupings of genes with related functions. For instance, Hox genes – which control body plan development – cluster together in almost all animals but are scattered throughout the octopus genome.
It was as if the octopus genome had been “put into a blender and mixed”, said co-author Caroline Albertin, also from the University of Chicago.
MYSTERIOUS PLACES - UFO research has a specific subbranch: the investigation of sightings of “unidentified submerged objects” or USO’s. These USOs are similar to UFOs, except for the fact that they emerge from and disappear into oceans, seas, lakes and rivers all over the world. Once you start investigating USO sightings, there seem to be so many of them and the accounts seem to be given by authoritative sources, like the military.
Like in UFO descriptions, USOs seem to have some characteristics in common. They are often round shaped, like a disk or a cylinder. They tend to travel at amazing speeds, faster than at any man-made vehicles can fly. They seem to possess some kind of intelligence, in that they are reported to actively follow ships sometimes. A sighting often mentioned is the one at Nova Scotia's Shag Harbour in 1967. But reports come from all parts of the world, from Norway to Puerto Rico to Japan.
Could there be underground stations where aliens go about their business? Less than 5% of the world's oceans have been observed by anyone. The distance, pressure and volcanic activity make exploration too difficult. We know more about our galaxy and its planets than about the oceans. Ocean trenches are many kilometers deep and these deep unknown places could provide shelters for alien life. There could well be gates for them there, through which they enter and exit.
Another explanation could be that the USOs have some unknown interaction with water. Maybe they can induce some reaction of water that is yet unknown to us. Some ancient legends could to point in this direction, for example the Gods of the Dogon tribe, who are said to be fish-like creatures, masters of the water.
Or is there some connection with mysterious ancient underwater structures, like the under water pyramids off the coast of Japan? Such structures are sometimes associated with lost civilizations, like Atlantis or Lemuria. Did ancient man know more about alien underwater technology? Has this knowledge been lost to us, leaving us guessing what USOs are?
VIDEO: Deep Sea UFOs, Underwater Alien Encounters, Paranormal UFO Documentary:
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15-08-2015 om 22:54
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‘I’ve Been to Area 51′ and ‘Aliens Exist’ Says NASA Chief
‘I’ve Been to Area 51′ and ‘Aliens Exist’ Says NASA Chief
Such statements would never have surfaced a decade ago. As a consequence, many of us are wondering if NASA is preparing for a disclosure like no other.Whenever ‘alien’ is mentioned, official confirmation is hard to come by. Yet former astronaut and current NASA administrator Charles Bolden has done just that. When asked by a 10-year-old if he believed in aliens, Bolden expressed his views with a certainty that conspiracy theorists would have loved:
“I do believe that we will someday find other forms of life or a form of life, if not in our solar system then in some of the other solar systems – the billions of solar systems in the universe.”
The recent discoveries of a number of Earth-like planets have given Bolden and his colleagues reason to believe the search for extraterrestrial life forms will soon register its first success.
“Today we know that there are literally thousands, if not millions of other planets, many of which may be very similar to our own earth. So some of us, many of us believe that we’re going to find… evidence that there is life elsewhere in the universe.”
Bolden was also asked about the existence of Area 51, which he immediately admitted. After all, the Central Intelligence Agency have officially recognized the base and its exact location in 2013. However, Bolden was adamant when he said there are no aliens there:
“There is an Area 51. It’s not what many people think. I’ve been to a place called that but it’s a normal research and development place. I never saw any aliens or alien spacecraft or anything when I was there.I think because of the secrecy of the aeronautics research that goes on there it’s ripe for people to talk about aliens being there.”
The base was a badly kept secret for decades and it certainly looks like it’s going to generate controversies for years to come. People are going to keep talking. But on the upside, NASA is making some historical admissions.
This video of 4 UFO captured within 24 hours comes from ThirdPhaseOfMoon. [Netherlands Flying Saucer] [Morphing UFO Ontario] [Metallic Craft] [Mothership Encounter] thirdphaseofmoon
Tiny grains of rock detected by the international Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn point to hydrothermal activity on the seafloor of its icy moon Enceladus.
Enceladus: possible hydrothermal activity. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The finding adds to the tantalising possibility that the moon could contain environments suitable for living organisms.
Understanding the interior structure of 500 km-diameter Enceladus has been a top priority of the Cassini mission since plumes of ice and water vapour were discovered jetting from fractures at the moon's south pole in 2005.
Ice particles in the plumes were found to be rich in sodium salt, implying that the water has been in contact with rock, and subsequent measurements of the moon's gravitational field revealed a 10 km deep subsurface ocean at the south pole, below a 30-40 km thick ice crust.
Now, following an extensive, four-year study of data from the spacecraft, combined with computer simulations and laboratory experiments, scientists have been able to gain deeper insights into the chemical reactions taking place on the floor at the base of Enceladus's ocean.
Using Cassini's Cosmic Dust Analyser, scientists have discovered a population of tiny dust grains, just 2-8 nm in radius, in orbit around Saturn. They are rich in silicon, marking them out from the water-ice particles that dominate in the planet's environment, including in its famous ring system.
They believe that these silicon-rich grains originate on the seafloor of Enceladus, where hydrothermal processes are at work. On the seafloor, hot water at a temperature of at least 90 degrees Celsius dissolves minerals from the moon's rocky interior. The origin of this energy is not well understood, but likely includes a combination of tidal heating as Enceladus orbits Saturn, radioactive decay in the core and chemical reactions.
Enceladus plumes. Credit: NASA/JPL/
Space Science Institute
As the hot water travels upward, it comes into contact with cooler water, causing the minerals to condense out and form nano-grains of 'silica' floating in the water.
To avoid growing too large, these silica grains must spend a few months to several years at most rising from the seafloor to the surface of the ocean, before being incorporated into larger ice grains in the vents that connect the ocean to the surface of Enceladus. After being ejected into space via the moon's geysers, the ice grains erode, liberating the tiny rocky inclusions subsequently detected by Cassini.
"It's very exciting that we can use these tiny grains of rock, spewed into space by geysers, to tell us about conditions on – and beneath – the ocean floor of an icy moon," says Sean Hsu, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado at Boulder and lead author on the paper published today in the journal Nature.
On Earth, grains of silica are found in sand and the mineral quartz. The most common way to form small silica grains is through hydrothermal activity involving a specific range of conditions. In particular, such grains form when slightly alkaline water with modest salt content and super-saturated with silica undergoes a big drop in temperature.
"We methodically searched for alternative explanations for the nanosilica grains, but every new result pointed to a single, most likely origin," says Frank Postberg, a Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser scientist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, and a co-author on the paper.
Hsu and Postberg worked closely with colleagues at the University of Tokyo who performed the detailed laboratory experiments that validated the hydrothermal activity hypothesis.
Furthermore, Cassini's gravity measurements suggest that the rocky core of Enceladus is quite porous, which would allow water from the ocean to percolate into the interior. This would provide a huge surface area where rock and water could interact.
Trapping of methane In Enceladus' ocean.Credit: Southwest Research Institute
"In fact, it's possible much of this interesting hot-water chemistry occurs deep inside the moon's core, not just at the seafloor," says Hsu.
In another paper, published in Geophysical Research Letters last month, Cassini scientists also reported on the abundance of methane spewing into the atmosphere of Enceladus. The methane could also be produced by hydrothermal processes at the rock-water boundary at the bottom of Enceladus's ocean, and/or by the melting of a type of methane-rich ice, before subsequently percolating to the surface.
"This moon has all the ingredients – water, heat, and minerals – to support habitability in the outer Solar System, confirming the astrobiological potential of Enceladus," adds Nicolas Altobelli, ESA's Cassini project scientist.
"Enceladus may even represent a very common habitat in the Galaxy: icy moons around giant gas planets, located well beyond the 'habitable zone' of a star, but still able to maintain liquid water below their icy surface."
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency, and ASI, the Italian space agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington DC.
The Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser was provided by the German Aerospace Center; the instrument team is lead by Ralf Srama and is based at the University of Stuttgart in Germany.
A. Bouquet worked with co-authors H. Waite, who leads the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) team at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, and O. Mousis at Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille and S. Picaud, at the French UTINAM Institute.
NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field
NASA Discovers Hidden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field
Our planet has come a long way in scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. Mainstream science is beginning to discover new concepts of reality that have the potential to change our perception about our planet and the extraterrestrial environment that surrounds it forever. Star gates, wormholes, and portals have been the subject of conspiracy theories and theoretical physics for decades, but that is all coming to an end as we continue to grow in our understanding about the true nature of our reality In physics, a wormhole was a hypothetical feature of space time that would be a shortcut through space-time. We often wonder how extraterrestrials could travel so far and this could be one of many explanations. Although scientists still don’t really understand what they have found, it does open the mind to many possibilities.
Turning science fiction into science fact seems to happen quite often these days and NASA did it by announcing the discovery of hidden portals in Earth’s magnetic field. NASA calls them X-points or electron diffusion regions. They are places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, which in turn creates an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun’s atmosphere which is 93 million miles away.
NASA used its THEMIS spacecraft, as well as a European Cluster probe, to examine this phenomenon. They found that these portals open and close dozens of times each day. It’s funny, because there is a lot of evidence that points toward the sun being a giant star gate for the ‘gods’ to pass back and forth from other dimensions and universes. The portals that NASA has discovered are usually located tens of thousands of kilometres from Earth and most of them are short-lived; others are giant, vast and sustained.
As far as scientists can determine, these portals aid in the transfer of tons of magnetically charged particles that flow from the Sun causing the northern and southerns lights and geomagnetic storms. They aid in the transfer of the magnetic field from the Sun to the Earth. In 2014, the U.S. space agency will launch a new mission called Magnetospheric Multi scale Mission (MMS) which will include four spacecraft that will circle the Earth to locate and then study these portals. They are located where the Earth and the Sun’s magnetic fields connect and where the unexplained portals are formed.
NASA funded the University of Iowa for this study, and they are still unclear as to what these portals are. All they have done is observed charged particles flowing through them that cause electro-magnetic phenomenon in Earth’s atmosphere.
Magnetic portals are invisible, unstable and elusive. they open and close without warming and there are no signposts to guide is in – Dr Scudder, University of Iowa.
Mainstream science continues to grow further, but I often get confused between mainstream science, and science that is formed in the black budget world. It seems that information and discovery isn’t information and discovery without the type of ‘proof’ that the human race requires. Given that the human race requires, and has a certain criteria for ‘proof’, which has been taught to us by the academic world, information can easily be suppressed by concealing that ‘proof’. It’s no secret that the department of defense receives trillions of dollars that go unaccounted for and everything developed within the United States Air Force Space Agency remains classified. They are able to classify information for the sake of ‘national security’. Within the past few years, proof has been emerging for a number of phenomenon that would suggest a whole other scientific world that operates separately from mainstream science. We have the technology to take ET home, anything you can imagine we already have the technology to do, but these technologies are locked up in black budget projects. It would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity – Ben Rich, Fmr CEO of LockHeed Skunk Works.
I use this video a lot in many of my posts, but it is just a profound statement, I love to use it over and over. He is x NASA personnel so it kind of fits in with the article.
U.S. Air Force General Gerald W. “Jerry” Johnson reports witnessing a UFO east of Los Angeles while flying an F-84G aircraft in August, 1952. In the video posted to YouTube on July 8, 2015 by Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Johnson, who had a distinguished career in the Air Force that spanned 33 years with active service in the Second World War and the Vietnam War, reported observing two silver-colored UFOs about six feet in diameter that approached his aircraft.
According to Johnson, the two UFO discs approached his plane flying very close in formation. As the discs flew past his aircraft, they separated, one flying above and the other below. The astonished pilot looked in the other direction to see the discs flying away, but did see them. He looked around in all directions but the discs had vanished into thin air. He got in touch with ground control and asked if there was any other airplane flying in the area. He was told there was no other traffic on that Sunday morning.
Johnson’s testimony is remarkable and there is a buzz in the UFO community about it. Testimonies by professional pilots, especially highly experienced military pilots, are valued highly because they are considered the testimony of reliable witnesses.
Johnson, in particular, is a distinguished Air Force pilot with a long career and extensive experience. No matter what one believes about UFOs, his testimony cannot be set aside frivolously, as UFO Sightings Daily editor Scott Waring comments…“Now this is a distinguished pilot with a long career in the area. He is a hero, fighting for America.
If we can’t believe in our heroes then we are lost. “This sightings shows that the disk separated to allow the aircraft to move between them. This is probably the way some UFOs scan the aircraft. To record the military aircrafts design, armaments and capabilities.”
In a declassified intelligence report on the sighting filed by an intelligence officer Major John E. Albert in 1952, Johnson said the discs had no visible means of propulsion and left no visible trail or exhaust. Such details suggest to UFO enthusiasts a flying machine that was the product of technology much more advanced that human technology.
Considering the fact that the sighting occurred way back in 1952, it is unlikely that the U.S. Army was engaged secretly in research and development of a flying disc based on technology as advanced as indicated by Johnson’s report.
Stenen werktuigen gevonden die ouder zijn dan de mens
Stenen werktuigen gevonden die ouder zijn dan de mens
In de buurt van het Turkanameer zijn nu ook de oudste werktuigen ooit gevonden.
za 18/04/2015 - 16:41In Kenia zijn in de buurt van het Turkanameer de oudste werktuigen gevonden die gemaakt zijn door de voorouders van de mens, vuurstenen scherven die gedateerd zijn op 3,3 miljoen jaar oud. Dat is 700.000 jaar ouder dan de oudste werktuigen die we tot nog toe kenden, en verschillende honderdduizenden jaren voor het verschijnen van ons geslacht, Homo, op aarde. Als de vondst bevestigd wordt, betekent ze dat oude hominiden, zoals de befaamde Australopithecus "Lucy", mogelijk al stenen werktuigen vervaardigden. Ze kan ook een bevestiging zijn voor een omstreden stelling over zeer vroeg gebruik van werktuigen.
De oudste bekende stenen werktuigen tot nu toe werden gevonden in Gona in Ethiopië en gedateerd op 2,6 miljoen jaar oud. Ze behoren tot een techniek voor het maken van vuurstenen werktuigen die Oldowan genoemd wordt, omdat de eerste exemplaren in de Olduvaikloof in Tanzania gevonden werden, meer dan 80 jaar geleden door de beroemde paleoantropologen George en Mary Leaky.
Oldowan werktuigen (Didier Descouens via Creativecommons).
Aangenomen wordt dat de Oldowanwerktuigen gemaakt en gebruikt werden door Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Homo erectus en Homo ergaster, voorlopers van de moderne mens Homo sapiens.
In 2010 ontdekten onderzoekers die in Dikika in Ethiopië werkten, bovendien snijsporen op dierenbeenderen die 3,4 miljoen jaar oud waren, en ze stelden dat voorouders van de mens die werktuigen gebruikten, de rechte insnijdingen gemaakt hadden. Op de Dikika-site werden ook resten gevonden van een kind dat tot de australopithecinen behoorde, nog oudere voorlopers van de mens.
Hun stelling riep evenwel onmiddellijk controverse op, en andere geleerden beweerden dat wat er uitzag als snijsporen, in werkelijkheid het gevolg kon zijn van het feit dat mensen of dieren de beenderen vertrappeld hadden. Zolang de werktuigen die gebruikt zouden zijn om de snijsporen te maken, niet ontdekt werden, zag het naar uit dat de discussie eindeloos kon doorgaan zonder dat men tot een oplossing kwam.
Kenyanthropus platyops
Nu zijn die ontbrekende werktuigen mogelijk gevonden. In een lezing op de jaarvergadering van de Paleoanthropological Society in San Francisco, heeft archeoloog Sonia Harmand van de Stony Brook University in New York de vondst beschreven van talrijke zeer oude stenen werktuigen op de site Lomekwi 3. Lomekwi 3 ligt op zo'n 1.000 kilometer van de Olduvaikloof, iets ten westen van het Turkanameer in Kenia. In de buurt van het Turkanameer zijn talrijke fossielen gevonden van voorlopers van de mens, onder meer van Homo rudolfensis, Homo ergaster en ook van de oudere australopithecinen.
Kenyanthropus was een mensachtige met een tamelijk plat gelaat.
Het team van Harmand was in de onherbergzame streek op zoek naar de site waar in 1998 een omstreden verwant van de mens was gevonden, Kenyanthropus platyops. Kenyanthropus is omstreden omdat er slechts een gebarsten en vervormde schedel van gevonden is, en er bestaat discussie over of het echt een nieuwe soort is, of een "vroege Keniaanse variant" van Australopithecus afarensis.
De onderzoekers reden echter verkeerd en kwamen terecht in een ander deel van het gebied, dat Lomekwi genoemd wordt en dat niet ver ligt van de plaats waar Kenyanthropus gevonden was. De wetenschappers merkten dat er op het oppervlak van het zanderige landschap "onmiskenbare stenen werktuigen" lagen, zoals Harmand ze noemde, en begonnen onmiddellijk met een kleine opgraving.
Onder de grond ontdekten ze nog meer werktuigen, waaronder ook zogenoemde kernen waar onze voorouders scherpe scherven afsloegen. Het team was zelfs in staat een van de scherven terug te passen op de oorspronkelijke kern, wat toonde dat een mensachtige ter plaatse de scherf had afgeslagen van de kern en dan beide had laten liggen.
Het volgende jaar kwamen de onderzoekers terug om nog meer opgravingen te verrichten, en intussen hebben ze bijna 20 goed bewaarde scherven en kernen opgegraven, en ook aambeelden, die gebruikt werden om de kern op te plaatsen terwijl men er scherven afsloeg. Al die voorwerpen zaten in sedimenten die een betrouwbare datering toelieten. Aan het oppervlak in de buurt vonden ze daarnaast nog 130 andere werktuigen.
3,3 miljoen jaar
"De artefacten waren duidelijk afgeslagen, en niet het resultaat van het per ongeluk breken van de steen", zei Harmand in haar lezing, waarvan een verslag staat in het tijdschrift "Science". Analyse van de werktuigen toonde aan dat ze rondgedraaid werden, terwijl de scherven er afgeslagen werden, wat ook bij de Oldowan-werktuigen de werkwijze was. De Lomekwi-werktuigen waren echter wat groter dan de gemiddelde Oldowan-werktuigen.
Een reconstructie van de Australopithecus afarensis Lucy.
De datering van de sedimenten waarin de werktuigen gevonden werden, geeft hen een ouderdom van 3,3 miljoen jaar. De sedimenten werden gedateerd aan de hand van paleomagnetisme, waarbij men de omkeringen van het magnetisch veld van de aarde gebruikt. Die methode wordt vaak toegepast op de vondsten van mensachtigen uit het gebied rond het Turkanameer.
Hoewel recent onderzoek de oorsprong van het genus of geslacht Homo nu teruggedrongen heeft tot wel 2,8 miljoen jaar geleden, zijn de werktuigen te oud om gemaakt te kunnen zijn door de eerste volledig ontwikkelde mensen, zei Harmand. De meest voor de hand liggende verklaring, zo besloot ze, is dat de voorwerpen ofwel gemaakt zijn door een Australopithecus zoals "Lucy", of door Kenyanthropus. Hoe dan ook begon het maken van werktuigen blijkbaar voor het ontstaan van ons genus, Homo.
Harmand en haar collega's stellen voor om de nieuw ontdekte werktuigen "Lomekwian" te noemen, omdat ze te oud zijn en te veel verschillen van de Oldowan-werktuigen om tot dezelfde technologie gerekend te kunnen worden.
Onderzoekers die persoonlijk de werktuigen gezien hebben, zijn enthousiast over de vondst.
Een satelliet-foto van het Turkanameer.
De ontdekkingen zijn "zeer opwindend", zei Alison Brooks, een antropoloog aan de George Washington University in Washington D.C. "Ze kunnen niet ontstaan zijn door natuurlijke krachten, en de gegevens voor de datering zijn behoorlijk solide", zo zei ze.
Brooks is het er mee eens dat de werktuigen te oud zijn om gemaakt te kunnen zijn door Homo, wat erop wijst "dat technologie een uiterst belangrijke rol gespeeld heeft in het ontstaan van ons genus".
Ook paleoantropoloog Zeresenay Alemseged van de California Academy of Sciences vindt dat de bevindingen van Harmand er zeer goed uitzien. Alemseged was de leider van het team dat de snijsporen gevonden heeft op de beenderen uit de Dikika-site. "Met de snijsporen van Dikika hadden we het 'slachtoffer' van de stenen werktuigen", zo zei hij. "De ontdekking van Harmand geeft ons nu het wapen."
Gereedschappen gevonden die ouder zijn dan de mens zelf
Gereedschappen gevonden die ouder zijn dan de mens zelf
In Kenia zijn 3,3 miljoen jaar oude stenen gereedschappen gevonden. Dat is 700.000 jaar ouder dan de oudste gereedschappen die we tot nu toe kenden, en honderdduizenden jaren voor het verschijnen van ons geslacht op aarde.
De oudst bekende stenen gereedschappen tot nu toe werden gevonden in Ethiopië en gedateerd op 2,6 miljoen jaar oud. Het gaat om vuurstenen scherven. In 2010 ontdekten onderzoekers snijsporen op dierenbeenderen die 3,4 miljoen jaar ouder waren. Andere geleerden beweerden echter dat de snijsporen het gevolg konden zijn van het feit dat de beenderen vertrappeld waren.
Omstreden verwant
Sonia Harmand van de Stony Brook University in New York heeft vele zeer oude stenen gereedschappen ontdekt bij het Turkanameer in Kenia. Haar team was in de onherbergzame streek op zoek naar een plek waar in 1998 een omstreden verwant van de mens was gevonden. De soort is omstreden omdat er slechts een gebarsten en vervormde schedel is gevonden.
De onderzoekers hebben inmiddels bijna 20 goed bewaarde scherven opgegraven. Ze zaten allemaal in sedimenten die goed konden worden gedateerd. Aan het oppervlak werden nog eens 130 gereedschappen gevonden. Op basis van de sedimenten stelde het team vast dat ze 3,3 miljoen jaar oud zijn.
Niet ontstaan door natuurlijke krachten
“Ik wist onmiddellijk dat het om een heel speciale ontdekking ging,” zei Harmand. Wie de makers van de werktuigen zijn is nog onduidelijk. De onderzoekers denken zelf dat het om de Australoptihecus gaat. “Eén ding is zeker: deze vondst weerlegt de veronderstelling dat de Homo habilis de eerste soort was die gereedschappen maakte.”
Harmand zei dat het maken van gereedschappen hoe dan ook begon voor het ontstaan van ons geslacht. “De ontdekkingen zijn zeer opwindend,” zei Alison Brooks van de George Washington University in Washington DC. “Ze kunnen niet zijn ontstaan door natuurlijke krachten, en de gegevens voor de datering zijn behoorlijk solide.” Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan het artikel tedelen op Facebook.
VIDEO: Amerikaanse overheid filmt UFO boven Puerto Rico ‘die van vorm verandert en zich in tweeën splitst’
VIDEO: Amerikaanse overheid filmt UFO boven Puerto Rico ‘die van vorm verandert en zich in tweeën splitst’
In een video die zou zijn gelekt door het Amerikaanse ministerie van Binnenlandse Veiligheid is een ‘UFO te zien die wordt gevolgd met een warmtecamera’. Het filmpje van vier minuten is op internet geplaatst door de groep Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU).
Volgens hun website vertoont de UFO eigenschappen die niet kunnen worden verklaard als vliegtuig of natuurlijk fenomeen. De beelden zouden zijn gemaakt door een toestel van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Veiligheid.
De SCU claimt dat de video is gelekt door een klokkenluider. De groep heeft de beelden twee jaar lang bestudeerd en daarnaast werd gewerkt aan een 161 pagina’s tellend rapport, dat deze week is gepubliceerd. Het onderzoek is gedaan door zes wetenschappers.
Het incident deed zich op 25 april 2013 rond 21.20 uur lokale tijd voor in Aguadilla in Puerto Rico. Het object werd gevolgd door de bemanning van een DHC-8 Turboprop van US Customs and Border Protection, een onderdeel van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Veiligheid.
Het object lijkt zich met hoge snelheid voort te bewegen en lijkt daarnaast te vallen of van vorm te veranderen. Het object vliegt over gebouwen en door bomen, om vervolgens in en uit het water te schieten zonder daarbij vaart te verminderen. Tegen het eind van het filmpje breekt het object in tweeën en verschijnt een tweede object.
Tenminste één vlucht liep als gevolg van het object vertraging op. Ook volgde de luchtverkeerstoren van de luchthaven Rafael Hernandez een ‘onbekend object’ voordat de DHC-8 opsteeg.
De onderzoekers sloten uit dat het een ballon of een vogel was. Ook werd gekeken of het mogelijk ging om een geheime test met een drone die onder water kan duiken. Maar het team vroeg zich af waarom een dergelijke test vlak bij een vliegveld zou worden gedaan.
Ze concludeerden: “Er is geen verklaring voor een object dat met meer dan 140 kilometer per uur door het water gaat, met 200 kilometer per uur laag bij de grond over een woongebied vliegt zonder navigatielichten en in staat is om zich te splitsen in twee afzonderlijke objecten. Geen vogel, ballon, vliegtuig of drone is daartoe in staat.” Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Gigantisch ruimteschip voorkwam nucleaire ontploffing op de maan ( Video)
Gigantisch ruimteschip voorkwam nucleaire ontploffing op de maan ( Video)
Uit Rusland zijn onlangs beelden vrijgegeven die een enorm ruimteschip laten zien bij één van de manen van de planeet Mars.
Dit is hetzelfde ruimteschip daar voorkwam dat de Apollo 13 missie een nucleaire bom op de maan tot ontploffing zou brengen.
De Amerikaan Robert Dean is een bekende ufoloog en gepensioneerde militair die in talloze televisieprogramma’s is verschenen met betrekking tot UFO’s en het verborgen houden van buitenaards leven voor de bevolking.
In 1980 toonde Dean de wereld een foto van een lang buitenaards ruimteschip dat mineralen aan het mijnen was vanuit een ring rondom Saturnus.
Onlangs zijn er vanuit Rusland beelden vrijgegeven waarop ditzelfde ruimtevaartuig te zien is.
Ook is dit object gefotografeerd in 2009 door het ruimteschip Cassini. NASA noemt het geen ruimteschip, maar een “anomaly”. Wel geloven zij dat dit object een bepaalde energie bezit, dat het metaalachtig is en onder intelligente besturing staat.
Volgens Dean praten we hier over een ruimteschip met een lengte van minimaal 3.000 en een doorsnede van ruim 700 kilometer.
Dit bijzondere object heeft volgens Dean een belangrijke rol gespeeld bij de min of meer mislukte vlucht van de Apollo 13.
Apollo 13 was de vijfde bemande missie naar de maan, voor het uitvoeren van de derde maanlanding in het kader van het Project Apollo. De bemanning bestond uit Jim Lovell (commandant), Jack Swigert (piloot van de commando-module) en Fred Haise (piloot van de maanlander). Swigert was de vervanger voor Ken Mattingly, omdat die mogelijk met mazelen was besmet. De lancering vond plaats op 11 april 1970 om 13:13 plaatselijke tijd. Na een ongeval aan boord moest de geplande maanlanding worden afgelast. Door gebruik te maken van systemen uit de maanlander Aquarius wist de bemanning op 17 april 1970 behouden terug te keren.
In werkelijkheid was het volgens Dean de bedoeling dat de Apollo 13 een kleine nucleaire bom op de maan tot ontploffing zou brengen. Iets dat door de buitenaardsen niet werd toegestaan en waarbij ze dan ook ingrepen.
De Apollo 13 vlucht is tot het einde toe begeleid door dit merkwaardige gigantische ruimteschip.
UFO Hovers over Chile’s Farm: Cows Fear Mutilation by Aliens
UFO Hovers over Chile’s Farm: Cows Fear Mutilation by Aliens
UFO occurrence, space aliens, and filmmaking technology are an exciting experience. People have been looking at documentaries on extraterrestrial sensation and space aliens lately. It is an interesting topic when you’re a believer or nonbeliever that extraterrestrial life exists and features visited this planet. Perhaps the government is too paranoid for their good, and it fears that aliens are hostile, and so our trusted leaders are making the effort to protect us. But it will be possible these extraterrestrials aren’t seriously hostile, but they’re just overly interested in learning human beings and life in general. The alien abductions, unusual implants and cattle mutilations made people perceive them as intruders. But is the strange object hovering over Chile an exception to this rule?
A video from Chile shows a panicking and rushing cow to the barn when the strange object hovered over the farm. The cow’s sight has spooked by the strange object, making the enthusiasts believe that the cow had seen them even before. When talking about animals, there is no denying of the fear of cattle mutilations because, in the past, there were occurrences where people believe the existence of cattle mutilation. Some extraterrestrial hunters believe that such mutilations are the result of alien scientists attempting to gather blood samples and genetic material from farm animals.
The video was being recorded on August 4 in the Valparaiso Region of Chile. A mounted surveillance camera caught the footage of the building at a farm in Chile. Unfortunately, some people believe that the video is fake since technology has advanced, and many people buy this to create extremely hoaxes. Video editing and picture shop has developed into the issue where most typical consumers cannot discern fact from fiction. The bad news in the skeptics is that the particular creation of fake videos or pictures would not make something cease to exist if it already should. It only serves to be able to confuse and distract people from the real extraterrestrial questions at hand.
Strange Object Spotted Farm in Chile – The Fear of Cattle Mutilation by Aliens
Strange Object Spotted Farm in Chile – The Fear of Cattle Mutilation by Aliens
If you are one of the persons that believe in aliens, then you have probably met a lot of people who have treated you with scepticism. The idea of extraterrestrials has been discussed for many years now by a lot of different individuals. There are a lot of researchers who explore the existence of ancient aliens. They also find out if whether these aliens have already visited our planet or not. Some scientists say they have and that their presence can be explained by taking a look at old works of art describing figures of aliens or the ancient architectural wonders such as Stonehenge or the pyramids. They claim that the humans could not have built such majestic masterpieces because they did not have the possibility.
But what is the reality? A video from a farm in Chile shows a cow rushing and panicking to the after a strange object hovered over the farm. The cow’s sight made the UFO enthusiasts to conclude that the cow had already seen the mysterious object before. While some others, some also speculated that it panicked because the strange object is being engaged in experiments of cattle mutilation or is being carried out in livestock abductions in the past.
According to the extraterrestrial hunters, the cattle mutilations are the works of alien scientists who want to collect blood samples and genetic material from farm animals. It was on August 4 when the video was being shot by a surveillance camera being mounted on a building in the Marga Province of Chile, which is a very famous hot spot of extraterrestrial sightings. But most cases are connected with volcanoes.
Despite the incredible video and images, there are viewers who believe that the materials are hoaxes. One YouTube viewer even suggested that the strange object hovering over the Chilean farm is a drone or remote-controlled quadcopter. Whether one believes this or not, extraterrestrial things have become part of human life.
In any investigation, you will need to critically and thoroughly examine the actual evidence. The more evidence that is confirmed to become unreliable, the greater the doubt on the validity towards extraterrestrial function. A rule-of-thumb to take into account any time investigating virtually just about almost every strange case is if one thing appears as well good to be true, it most likely is simply too good being true. UFO researchers are credible people who spent their life studying the entire unidentified object hovering in the sky. As a general rule, it does not necessarily link to the aliens and extraterrestrial beings right away, but it is a part of their study. Of course, they do have a solid background in Science.
Recently, the team of researchers has come together to analyze one strange video confirmed by the Department of Homeland Security. It was the thermal imaging camera on a DHS aircraft that captured the objection over Puerto Rico back in 2013. According to them, it demonstrates unexplained characteristics by any known natural or aircraft phenomenon. The single object is moving quickly over the land, and later on, it is running into the ocean. It seems to be changing or tumbling shape. After the sighting, things get weird. Without slowing down, the object appears to go in and out of the ocean. At the end of the video, it either breaks in two or joined by another object.
All of the main witnesses have demanded anonymity. But, several communications from alleged employees of DHS point out that the video has caused a stir on the base. The researchers also noted the appearance of a single unknown object tracked on radar minutes ago prior to the take off of DHC-8. However, it is unknown that the object is the same caught on video. The unidentified radar struck off the shore and lasted from 8:58 pm to 9:14 pm.
Massive ‘Angel-Like’ UFO Seen in NASA’s SOHO Image
Massive ‘Angel-Like’ UFO Seen in NASA’s SOHO Image
Examining objects and phenomena in space such as nebulae, galaxies and comets is Astronomy. It can be a serious science, but also a fun hobby. There are plenty of such pictures to choose from, and plenty of interesting objects out there to keep people looking. But there could be more on National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Myunhauzen74, a YouTube UFO hunter, has reported seeing a NASA image of the Sun that depicts a gigantic “angel-like” UFO with extensive wings. The strange object leaves a trail suggesting a blast out of the atmosphere.
The image was being shattered on July 31 by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph C2 camera of SOHO satellite. This particular strange sighting is well-known to hunters who have reported sighting within the Sun’s vicinity multiple times, as confirmed by Editor Scott Waring. YouTube Myunhauzen74 have caught the strange object over and over again over the last few years. Repeated sightings of the angel-like face in NASA’s SOHO images along with its trail has reinforced the belief that its appearance is never an incidental pixel-related flaw. It has come to a conclusion that the object is a structured alien interstellar shuttle making stopovers at the Sun to refuel throughout interstellar commutes.
Waring echoes the view of hunters who think that this frequent Sun visitor is a gigantic mothership from technologically advanced alien species. However, according to paranormal enthusiasts, the sighting is an angelic ET, or “a light being.” According to him, it could be an alien in the shape of an angel directing into the sun. The direction points out harvesting energy. Second, the angel like structure whose size is twice Earths size may live in or a part of the sun itself. In the latest sighting, the now-familiar angel like object is seen leaving the atmosphere, but in an earlier sighting, it was snapped diving into the solar atmosphere. Even though, most UFOlogists believe that alien visit the Sun to refuel, a minority speculation that the Sun could be the home of an extraterrestrial species or a giant planet has been brought up.
Filer’ Files # 33 -2015 -Motherships Are Back - PART I
Cylinder Captured on August 8, 2015 over Myersville, Pennsylvania
Filer’ Files # 33 -2015 -Motherships Are Back - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Astronaut Cooper saw UFOs, Mothership Sightings Are Back, ISS Spots UFO, New Russian Aerospace Command, Moon Triangle, Mars Crab, Washington UFO Shot Down, and Naval Air Station Whidbey Island Complex.
Air Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Delaware, Illinois, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Mexico, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Vanuatu.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Reports
Colonel L. Gordon Cooper Sees UFO Mercury and Gemini Astronaut
“I know other astronauts share my feelings, and we know the government is sitting on hard evidence of UFOs!” “We thought they could have been Russian we regularly had MiG-15s overflying our base. We scrambled our Sabre jets to intercept and got to our ceiling of 45,000 feet . . . and they were still way above us traveling faster than we were. These vehicles were in formation like a fighter group, but they were metallic silver and saucer-shaped. Believe me; they weren’t like any MiGs I’d seen before! They had to be UFOs.”
“I had a good friend at Roswell, a fellow officer. He had to be careful about what he said. But it sure wasn’t a weather balloon, like the Air Force cover story. He made it clear to me what crashed was a craft of alien origin, and members of the crew were recovered.”
Note: UFO is a rendering
“I had a camera crew filming the installation when they spotted a saucer. They filmed it as it flew overhead, then hovered, extended three legs as landing gear, and slowly came down to land on a dry lake bed ! These guys were all pro cameramen, so the picture quality was very good. The camera crew managed to get within 20 or 30 yards of it, filming all the time. It was a classic saucer, shiny silver and smooth, about 30 feet across. It was pretty clear it was an alien craft. As they approached closer it took off.”
“All heck broke loose. After a while a high-ranking officer said when the film was developed I was to put it in a pouch and send it to Washington. He didn’t say anything about me not looking at the film. That’s what I did when it came back from the lab and it was all there just like the camera crew reported.” “But the film was never found supposedly. Blue Book was strictly a cover-up anyway.”
“They started in World War 2, when the government didn’t want people to know about UFO reports in case they panicked. They would have been fearful it was superior enemy technology that we had no defense against. Then it got worse in the Cold War for the same reason. So they told one untruth, they had to tell another to cover that one, and then another, then another . . . it just snowballed. And right now I’m convinced a lot of very embarrassed government officials are sitting there in Washington trying to figure a way to bring the truth out. They know it’s got to come out one day, and I’m sure it will.
Thanks to Mercury and Gemini Astronaut Colonel L. Gordon Cooper, Esquire Magazine Interview January 14, 1997
Mothership Sightings Are Back
This photo shows a Mothership launching twelve discs over Japan.
Enrico Fermi, the famous physicist, questioned in 1943, called: Fermi’s Paradox stated, “Where are they?” Extraterrestrials should have colonized Earth long ago, but they are not here.”
My answer is, “Look up, they are here”.
Each week for over nineteen years Filer’s Files has provided evidence that visitors from other civilizations are visiting our Earth. While I was on active duty in the US Air Force, London Control directed us to investigate and intercept a large UFO, generally referred to as a Mothership. As we intercepted the UFO, I saw it on my radar and visually, just before it flew into space at incredible speed. The radar return indicated a several times bigger than an aircraft carrier and larger than any ever flown by humankind. There are hundreds of similar stories where aircrews, ground and airborne radar operators have observed huge UFOs larger than aircraft carriers. Huge cylinders were photographed over Kansas, Pennsylvania, New York, and France recently.
NASA satellite camera captures one of these large Motherships near Greenland, over the Atlantic Ocean. A series of clouds are on the left of the object that appears to be almost a mile long.
It is time for scientists to start looking at the incredible evidence collected daily around the world. NASA Space Shuttle videos are a good place to start. In my opinion, we are not alone.
FOSTORIA, Ohio – On April 15, 2010, at 6 PM, George Ritter captured this cylinder shaped Mothership heading south using infrared filters on his video camera. The craft was on only one frame of the video indicating the Mothership was moving at thousands of miles per hour. The camera shoots thirty frames per second.
ALDERNEY — Joel de Woolfson of The Guernsey Press and Star reports, “Two experienced airline pilots on separate flights saw something up to a mile wide off the coast of Alderney above the English Channel on April 23, 2007.
Jersey radar equipment did pick up the object, and an air traffic controller said he had received simultaneous reports from the Aurigny and Blue Islands Airline pilots.
There seems to be a pattern of massive objects reported that are apparently operated by intelligent extraterrestrial (ET) beings. We can assume they are intelligent based on their craft and operations. These huge craft called Motherships are much bigger than any flying machine ever built by man. Frequently they launch smaller generally disc shaped craft estimated to be thirty feet in diameter.
Aurigny’s Airline Captain Ray Bowyer, 50, said, “I saw a massive strange object during a flight fromSouthampton.”
Abductees report the aliens have very highly developed mental powers, including extra-sensory, thought reading, hypnosis and the ability to use different dimensions. They do not normally use weapons and rely solely on their special powers to take care of themselves. They make contact only with selected people where secrecy can be maintained. In loosely knit societies such as Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, it is very easy with the help of friends to make contact, but more difficult in police and dictator states. Abductees report, aliens take them inside small UFOs and sometimes fly to a huge Mothership in space.
On August 3, 2015, the International Space Station (ISS) camera in Earth’s orbit casually pans around to the right, glancing at the UFO and then continues on its way as if nothing happened. They are in deep space with only a view of the stars and Earth to look at. How could they see this? They did, they just didn’t want the public to see it. Streetcap1 of YouTube States: During a period when the camera is moving for two minutes, Nasa captures a distant pink and gold object that was caught on August 3rd, 2015.
The Live Internet Cam caught this triangle on August 8, 2015, while Scott was chatting with the space station. Scott C. Waring heard them chatting on the station to a person named Scott. So he started watching and noticed this UFO. The object has three main glowing lights and looks a lot like a TR3B. He caught it on video. Another UFO was seen on the NASA Payload camera on August 9th at 1:20 AM. The object drifted to the left and down – heading towards Earth. ufo sightings daily Read more
New Russian Aerospace Command
Russia has created a new branch of its armed forces by merging the nation’s air force, air defense, anti-missile and space forces into the Aerospace Forces. Following Vladimir Putin’s presidential decree, the newly created force commenced combat duty on August 1, 2015.
The newly created branch has merged the country’s air force, air defense, and anti-missile and space forces under one command, according to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
“The creation of the Aerospace Forces by merging the air force and aerospace defense force is the optimal way of improving the system of the nation’s aerospace defense,” Shoigu said at a teleconference on Monday.
He added that the creation of the new branch was prompted by a shift in the center of gravity of modern warfare activity into aerospace.
The minister also stressed that merging several branches would allow Russia’s armed services, first and foremost, to concentrate all the responsibility for the shaping of the military and technical policy on development of the aerospace forces in one hands. Second, it would increase the efficiency of its implementation, and third, it would ensure the incremental development of the country’s aerospace defense system.
The current Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Viktor Bondarev, has been put in charge of the new branch.
The Aerospace Force is responsible for centralized control over the combat air forces, air defense forces, and anti-missile defense network as well as the launch and control of the spacecraft of Russia’s orbit group and control over aerospace.
Mars Crab
This crab-like object was found in a Mars rover image in July. It’s unknown exactly who found it, but it is really interesting. It does appear alive. It may be a crab-like animal, or it also may be a plant. This object has many arms. Plant or animal it really doesn’t matter in that doesn’t appear to be a rock. The significance of this is that it shows signs climbing and is alive. Thanks to ufo sightings daily NASA photo:
Posted: 05 Aug 2015 04:28 AM PDT
Moon Triangle
I was taking pictures the night of the blue moon, Friday night July 31st 2015 in West Covina Ca. about 3 AM; I noticed the triangular object when I was checking my pics the next day. The dark triangle or Delta shaped object is located on the lower right side of the picture of the moon. It looked like a craft of some sort to me. I’m not sure so I’m looking for some feed back as to what it is, perhaps a pyramid. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington UFO Shot Down?
Whidbey Island — Ex Air Force Pilot and Special Operations Instructor sees a UFO blown out of sky by beam of light over Whidbey Island Naval Air Station on the evening of August 2nd, 2015 at 23:40 hours PDT.
I observed across Lake Crocker a very bright light with occasional flashing white/yellow light moving rapidly soundlessly across SE to NE. at approximately 50,000 feet. It moved in sudden increase (almost jerks). From my location looking SE we often see aircraft from/to Seattle Tacoma Airport. This was not normal aircraft behavior and unlike any satellite I have ever observed. It passed from sight and within one minute.
In the NNE sky at a lower altitude occurred a brief streak of white light N to NE. Within an instant occurred a massive, but silent explosion. This was an enormous and lengthy increasing yellow/orange width and height and flames had momentum from N to NE opposing the travel of the earlier sighting. I am a pilot of many years, ex US Air Force Survival Instructor and I have (SEA) experience SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) contacts. To my mind this was a SAM (type) attack against what earlier was an UFO.
But the strike was from a “Beam” not a missile. What I first observed may have been any of many types of moving night sky lights – of shapeless UFO’s, BUT what followed was an instantaneous bright-light-beam originating low to high, that struck and obviously destroyed something significant in the night sky. Unlike a SAM strike, the orange/red/yellow flame increased and moved higher and expansively across the sky for some long moment. From my vantage point I would guess the contact/explosion was over or very near (high) over the US Navy Whidbey Island Airbase. I have flown to and from the Navy Island area to my lake property many times and have bearings on location. (P.S: This was not a “weather balloon.”)
The Navy’s electronic attack aircraft have been single-sited at NAS Whidbey since the 1970s. The Navy was directed to assume the airborne tactical electronic attack mission for all of the DOD. This mission was formerly shared by the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps and will now be carried out
solely by the Navy with the EA-18G Growler aircraft. Electronic attack against UFOs may also be carried out based on the pilots’ testimony.
The mission of the Navy’s electronic attack aircraft is to suppress enemy air defenses and communications systems. Additionally, Navy electronic attack aircraft disrupt enemy land mines and improvised explosive devices in order to protect the lives of U.S. service members.
Currently, nine carrier squadrons (Carrier Air Wing), four expeditionary squadrons (three active squadrons and one reserve squadron), and one training squadron (Fleet Replacement Squadron) are at NAS Whidbey Island, for a total of 82 operational aircraft. The carrier squadrons deploy on aircraft carriers and conduct periodic FCLP training to qualify to land on aircraft carriers. Provide initial qualification training, including FCLP for all EA- EA-18G Growler aviators, and The transition of VAQ squadrons from the legacy EA-6B to the new EA-18G began in 2008 and will be completed by 2016. The Navy released this video showing its new laser weapons system during an exercise at sea. The laser is capable of destroying planes, drones and boats.
The Navy’s Laser Weapons System (LaWS), is a laser mounted on a ship that is so strong it can ignite a drone, sending it crashing and burning to earth in mere moments. The USS Ponce, an amphibious transport docking ship, will be the first Navy vessel to deploy with the LaWS, officials announced Monday. usnews nbcnews
15-08-2015 om 01:16
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’ Files # 33 -2015 -Motherships Are Back - PART II
Filer’ Files # 33 -2015 -Motherships Are Back - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Strange Lights
Martinez— My daughter and I were standing by my truck at home on August 5, 2015, when a very strange light in the sky caught my eye. I said to my daughter, “What is that?”Then I grabbed my phone and started taking pictures. She was mesmerized by the glowing object. At that point my 6 year old son came out and I asked him to go get his mother. The object was coming towards us in a slow decent from the south and turned east. It started to ascend slowly at first but as it moved east its speed and its ascension increased greatly until its rate of climb was almost straight up then if vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hollywood — At 4:30 am, on August 8, 2015, I looked out my window and saw a strange object that appeared to be a small space craft with lights encircling it. The craft hovered and made sharp and fast turns. A white orb trailed the craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Delaware Light
Millsboro — On August 1, 2015 at 10:29 PM, my boyfriend and I were outside his house taking videos of the lightning in an approaching northwest storm.
While we were taking the videos we did not see the ball of light that was observed the next day while reviewing the videos. I took the videos above a farm field and woods. There are no lights of any kind were the storm was coming. Lightning hit the ball of light twice and it seems way too big in comparison to the lightning to be a plane. We clearly know reflections don’t get hit by lightning. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Object
Port St Lucie– I was outside in my driveway on July 29, 2015, and noticed some nice cloud formations and thought that they would make good screen savers for my computer. I got my camera and took pictures of a cloud and checked it out on my digital camera.
It wasn’t until I downloaded the pictures to my computer that I noticed the object in the second picture. I did not see it at the time. To my amazement this object looks like a UFO appeared.. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Edinburgh– I grew up in Springfield Illinois. My dad always told me about when us kids were little about all the things him and the neighbors would see in the sky. When I was 17 we lived across from the Sears store on South Grand Ave in Springfield we lived on South First at the end of their parking lot. One night I was looking out my bedroom window I seen a huge round object with different colored lights hovering above Sears, I watched it until it disappeared. Ever since I was fascinated by what was in our sky. Some will criticize but I told them someday they will see them like this recent one. Thanks to Pamela.
Kansas Cylinder
Lenexa — Taking pictures of clouds and lightning I took five random pictures on August 5, 2015, and noticed something in frame three. When I blew it up there appeared to be a solid silent image, but it had no wings and a clear halo. The clouds around it appear to have a wake surrounding it.
It looks like its headed SW in a hurry, so fast that my eyes were scanning for a good five minutes searching for cloud structure. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Lights
Hingham — I was night fishing at my usual spot over the shipyard on May 23, 2013. At this time of night the night’s sky gets dark and crisp. It was a calm and quiet night as I sat there fishing. I tend to look around when about 8 PM, lights appeared across the river. The lights darted around weaving in and out of themselves as incredible speeds up, down, left, right, and all over the place. I froze and was scared to grab my phone in fear of them disappearing when I looked away. I began recording but not all the lights show up. At one point four lights split off from the group and go to the shipyard maneuvering incredibly. I was shocked as the four lights meet up with the other lights and then vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mississippi Fireballs
Kalamazoo— I was taking my nightly exercise walk on August 8, 2015, when all of the sudden I saw two doing figure 8 movements and kept hovering in and out of sight.
I was lucky I had my smart phone to catch the last 30 seconds before they finally flew off. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFO Alien Saucer
Montvale Park Ridge — I saw an object that I could not recognize on Wednesday night, July 22nd, 2015 at 10:15 pm. Shortly after I drove past the Montvale Service area of the Garden State Parkway driving northbound… My view of the 150 feet across object was clear and distinct. It was a 1/2 mile away just above the tree line to the east. It was moving slowly north and I followed. It first had a classic saucer-like appearance: illuminated silver-metallic with a slightly flattened rim that projected around the middle. Further north, it was brightest on the bottom with a golden glow, further up the object was orange, reddish, and then dark on top. Despite the apparent change, it was still well illuminated with three red lights on the bottom. The rim tilted so the craft looked like Saturn with a gap between the rim and sphere! Many cars on the Garden State slowed down dramatically. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer Chief Investigator for MUFON New Jersey. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJworld UFO photos
New York Blue Light
New York City– I was walking north on 10th Avenue taking pictures on August 8, 2015, but I didn’t notice that I had photographed anything until I downloaded my images several hours later.
At first I thought it might be a helicopter but it wasn’t dark enough for the whole body of an aircraft to be obscured. Whatever it is, looks segmented with gaps between the lights.
In one picture you can see a light seemingly ascending in the distance. I really don’t have feelings either way as I’ve always been a believer in UFO’s. I always thought that I would see something sooner or later. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York City – On May 10th, around 3:10 pm, I was outside Century 21 with my Nikon d7000-18-200mm lens doing architectural shots. I took several shots pointing west toward buildings. I did not see the white cylinder in the photo taken at 250th of a second. On the subway home reviewing shots, I was amazed to see a white cylindrical shaped object.
There was a w/linear line going across the bottom of object. It was in the west sky pointing down/northward at a 300 degree angle. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Descending Object
I was driving home from work on Highway 169 north on August 5, 2015 and noticed it slowly descending in the western sky during sunset. It was falling slowly enough to catch my attention. I pulled out my phone and took a photo and video.
I recorded it for a little over two minutes. When I got home I showed it to my wife and she could not identify it. I posted it the next day on Face book. It attracted lots of attention and multiple people recommended I report it to this site. It may simply be a passing comet, however it’s glow never dissipated and it did not give off a tail/trail behind it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Cylinder
New Kensington — In my back yard, looked up saw this thing flying across the cloudy sky on June 24, 2015. I check the security camera and caught it on camera. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Meyersville — Outside on my back porch at 9:30 PM on August 8, 2015 I saw a bright flashing, twinkling object in the southeast sky. Object was to the left and slightly higher and larger than the star Sirius. I used my Sky View augmented reality app to determine if it was a star/satellite/planet etc, but it was not. My phone battery went dead at this point, so I quickly ran inside to plug it in, and came back outside to continue watching for 45 minutes. I then noticed an aircraft in the northeast; its lights resembled a passenger plane but it did NOT resemble a plane. I began video recording the object at 10:23 pm, for 30 seconds, then it trailed away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Cylinder
Kingsport — I was taking some tree photo’s on July 20, 2015 when I looked up, I seen a “Black Hole” forming in a clear blue sky. Five craft came out of it not having the same shape and this is not the first time. Then it “Closed”. Later another “Black Hole” came out and a cluster of cigar shaped craft’s came out. Then after five minutes they re entered the “Black Hole” and it just closed up and was gone. I took numerous photos and there is much, much more to all of this. I am a former OSI Officer in the USAF, a well respected Businessman in our area, and I don’t waste my time with hoax crap. Many of my friends who are still with the Government said this one is very strange! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Houston— At my apartment and something gave me an idea and look up. 2.That it looked odd in the sky. 3. At first I figured it was a jet. 4. Its actions seemed like it wasn’t flying in our orbit. It was very high up, and I used the star for reference of position in the video. No flashing lights…no sound…when I zoomed in there were details I couldn’t recognize. 5.Feelings were I am witnessing my first UFO encounter that flew out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Light
Draper — I looked out the window on August 6, 2015, and saw a bright light about a mile away over a mountain across from our house. It was very bright but not distinguishable. So I got my phone and zoomed and noticed it was flashing lights and moving.
I took a picture and video of the object. I layer down and looked out my window to see the object was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Lights
Glacier — These photos were all taken on July 31, 2015, about 10 PM at night. All the photos are of the same UFO. This one shows a 3rd inner circle more clearly especially at the top.
Note: The camera attributes file show that the focal length was set to 55mm. This means that the optical zoom was set to approximately 3X. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Disc
A red unidentified flying object behind storm clouds and lightning on August 9, 2015.
I was told it looked like a reflection from a light fixture but there is no reflection of a person or camera in a window. We are still investigating on it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Townsville — Greetings from “The Great Southland” My name is Roy Fox and back on March 31, 1973, my wife Dianne and I had a very up close and personal experience with a large orange/red UFO which appeared over us and closely interacted with us for a considerable but undetermined length of time. The start of the experience was at about 9.15 pm and there appear to be at least three clear fully conscious experiences of very close contact and communication and interaction with this object. The experience ended when we found ourselves back at our apartment at about 00.15 with no clear recollection of the one mile drive home.
We were very aware of the three clear experiences but had no idea whatsoever about what occurred during the three hours it apparently took us to drive the one mile home. We were considerably shocked and yet excited by the experience and we decided to inform the relevant authorities, it then occurred to me that this may not be a good idea as by now it was about an hour into April Fool’s Day. We decided not to go public with the experience but we would wait to see if others came forward with a sighing then we could come forward with our experience, nobody ever came forward with a sighting.
But we knew that our experience was absolutely real so we tried (but not very successfully) to put it to the back of our minds. Over the following years I often wondered about the origin of the strange object, but whilst on the internet one day I saw a photograph of an identical object the story said that the photograph was taken by Carlos Diaz in Mexico. I tried many ways to contact Carlos Diaz all failed. It took me six years to finally connect with Carlos Diaz in Mexico, and through the help of many powerful people in Mexico I have been to Mexico a number of times where I have been graciously accepted and welcomed into a loving, peaceful, group who have patiently educated me regarding my place in the scheme of things regarding the survival of all forms of life on this planet. Thanks to Roy and Dianne Fox
Brazil Loud Sounds
Mogi Guaçu/SP — On August 4, 2015, I was working at night with my partner at the service station when we noticed a growing noise too loud and strong like a jumbo jet. I looked to see what it was, but there was nothing in the night sky. There was only that loud sound like that of continuous propulsion. We realize it continued straight and disappeared slowly. We saw some objects, but the sound was very strange. It was like a very large object itself that was low flying straight. We were very curious and we tried to follow to see if we could find something, but nothing was seen. That sound was in my mind long after also feeling that we were unprotected and defenseless. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Huge UFO
Whitby, Ontario — Paul Shishis writes, “On Sunday, July 19, 2015, I was at home outside facing west and noticed a high bright white object moving quite slow at 10:50 am.”
Being camera ready I snapped pictures and a video to the west at a long distance of this bright white object. I continued to observe and take pictures until it went east over my roof.
It was not a balloon due to being so slow – near stationary being there was some wind that morning. Thanks to Paul Shishis
Radium — British Columbia — I was vacationing with a friend and we drove 20 minutes up an isolated mountain road where she knew of a natural hot spring. I took a few pictures of the area once we arrived on April 22, 2006. We felt alerted to a heavy presence watching us after being there for five minutes. We both changed into our swim suits as there was a running river near the natural hot spring area which was beautiful. That evening my friend was very sick with a head ache, puking and dizzy. I was looking at the pictures and noticed a bluish white light near the top of the tree lines. She felt she was probably sick from being exposed to radiation. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Chile Disc
Limache — This unusual sighting took place a few days ago of a UFO flying over the town of Limache located in the province of Marga Marga. The event took place on the afternoon of August 4, 2015, when a surveillance camera registers the presence of a mysterious object that by turning on itself, flies slowly and low over the houses and farms.
You can also see a cow running along the fence, freighted by the UFO above it. Great catch, and 8 amazing minutes of raw footage.
Porte-Les-Valence — My partner and I were driving on the highway back from a trip to Switzerland on January 31, 2015; at 2 AM when we arrived at about 200 meters from the toll gate Porte-Lès-Valence direction south, I noticed 5 large yellow orange lights pulsing a few meters above the toll gate. As we approached I saw that these lights where positioned on a dark cigar like craft. Then after a few seconds, the craft gained altitude and disappeared into the clouds. The photo shopped illustrations provided are describing the UFO main appearance from a street view. The object disappeared behind the low clouds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico UFO
Rosarito — I was outside our beach house filming an outdoor decoration on July 4, 2015, when my daughter noticed two lights and pointed them out to me. I knew they had to be UFO’s. There were two orange orbs, one above the other. I then noticed them almost switch positions. Then they started separating and the bottom orb disappeared with the top one shortly after. There were fireworks that night for the 4th of July to the right of the orbs. I felt excitement, and had my daughter get my wife while I filmed the whole thing. It was pure bliss and excitement to have seen UFO’s for the 3rd time in my life. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Sweden Disc
Malmö — I was taking some photos on vacation on August 4, 2015, and I didn’t see or notice anything at that time. A few days later when I was looking at my photos I noticed something in the sky in one of them. It was shiny, silverish and spherical, but not a perfect sphere. A blowup is at upper right. The bottom part seemed to be a little flatter than the rest of the object. As I looked at the photo more carefully and zoomed in I noticed 5 blurry, very small black-grey dots in the background. I don’t know if they are similar objects since they are too blurry and small. The night after I took the photo, I saw multiple helicopters with red and green lights hovering in the sky about 11 pm. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Taiwan Disc
Tatachia Tatachia — Although this UFO was found by a Taiwanese person back on November 9, 2013. I have known about it and finally found the coordinates to it today, so just copy and paste them into the Google search box, then go into street view. I live in Taiwan and try to cover all sightings in the area. Most UFOs I report on Google Earth have been deleted by Google.
The eyewitness states: A person used Google Street View and found a strange flying object in the sky near the visitor center Tatachia Tatachia segment in Xinyi Township. It is with other nearby hovering birds. You can easily identify them when you go forward along the road, you can find it in the sky nearby. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
6+ UK/England Light
Decoy Park, Newton Abbot Devon — The photo was taken August 4, 2015, at 1:43 PM GMT at Decoy Park. Take a look at this incredible photo. This is no ghost. This is a Pleiadian being dematerialized from a portal. The uniform is a dead giveaway.
Response of Witness to Investigator Questions:I was walking around Decoy Park and I felt something touch the back of my head so I quickly turned around. To my surprise there was a large man standing by a tree smiling at me. The man had blonde hair and blue eyes and was very handsome. He looked Scandinavian and was wearing black boots blue trousers with a purple top. The top had white lines on the shoulders and white lines going around the sleeves. He looked very muscular and he wore tight fitting clothes. I quickly raise my camera to take a photograph as the Man started to dematerialize legs first, top half next, and then vanished. There was no sound and only a small gold color flash of light. This was an incredible sight to have witnessed. I only managed to get one photograph because this happened so fast and I was in shock. The reason why I thought he was a Pleiadian was that he fits the description given by many contactees and I have also seen photograph of this being before.
Note: Analysis does not indicate that the original photo was fabricated. This same witness has sent several photos of UFO’s over the past few years. I have yet to find any evidence of fabrication. Thanks to William Puckett, Director UFOsnw
Uruguay Flying Object
Durazno — I was taking a photo of a helicopter when I saw this object in the photo on July 15, 2015. I noticed an object that approaches and I saw something that it seems to me was something like an Ovni (UFO).
The object was black and went in a straight line. When we saw this object we could not decipher what it was nor could we see it when it went away.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vanuatu USO
Port Vila –Two friends of mine witnessed three very bright lights under the surface of the Pacific Ocean at roughly 150 feet depth on August 8, 2015.. The lights were moving one kilometer from shore and cast a very long beam. A neighbor moved in his boat above the area of the sighting and the lights dimmed down. Later they became brighter after boat left, this continued for roughly two hours
A year ago, locals under my employment saw a circular craft emerge from the water and fly off at great speed near the same area of Devil’s Point. It is a very rough part of the sea, and they were not divers, the lights were intensely bright casting beams of light for at least 100 feet illuminating colors on the reef. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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'Impossible' rocket drive works and could get to Moon in four hours The British designed EM Drive actually works and would dramatically speed up space travel, scientists have confirmed
'Impossible' rocket drive works and could get to Moon in four hours
The British designed EM Drive actually works and would dramatically speed up space travel, scientists have confirmed
The Em Drive could allow humans to travel to the Moon in just four hoursPhoto: NASA
Interplanetary travel could be a step closer after scientists confirmed that an electromagnetic propulsion drive, which is fast enough to get to the Moon in four hours, actually works.
The EM Drive was developed by the British inventor Roger Shawyer nearly 15 years ago but was ridiculed at the time as being scientifically impossible.
It produces thrust by using solar power to generate multiple microwaves that move back and forth in an enclosed chamber. This means that until something fails or wears down, theoretically the engine could keep running forever without the need for rocket fuel.
The drive, which has been likened to Star Trek’s Impulse Drive, has left scientists scratching their heads because it defies one of the fundamental concepts of physics – the conservation of momentum – which states that if something is propelled forward, something must be pushed in the opposite direction. So the forces inside the chamber should cancel each other out.
However in recent years Nasa has confirmed that they believe it works and this week Martin Tajmar, a professor and chair for Space Systems atDresden University of Technology in Germany also showed that it produces thrust.
The drive is capable of producing thrust several thousand times greater than even a photon rocket and could get to Mars within 70 days or Pluto within 18 months. A trip to Alpha Centauri, which would take tens of thousands of years to reach right now, could be reached in just 100 years.
"Our test campaign cannot confirm or refute the claims of the EM Drive but intends to independently assess possible side-effects in the measurements methods used so far," said Prof Tajmar.
"Nevertheless, we do observe thrust close to the actual predictions after eliminating many possible error sources that should warrant further investigation into the phenomena."
The EM Drive
"Our measurements reveal thrusts as expected from previous claims after carefully studying thermal and electromagnetic interferences.
"If true, this could certainly revolutionise space travel."
The EM drive has been likened to the Impulse Drive in Star Trek's vessel of choice, the Starship Enterprise
Shawyer also claims that he is just a few months away from publishing new results confirming that his drive works in a peer reviewed journal.
However scientists still have no idea how it actually works. Nasa suggested that it could have something to do with the technology manipulating subatomic particles which constantly pop in and out of existence in empty space.
The Rendlesham Forest Incident – The TRUTH is coming
The Rendlesham Forest Incident – The TRUTH is coming
At long last the truth and lies about Rendlesham forest incident is now being dragged out kicking and screaming, and it is becoming clearer and clearer that there was a definite cover up going on at the time by the US Military and the US Government.
The unfortunate thing about this whole intriguing story is the way that the key witnesses at the time were made out to liars and making the whole story up and exaggerating things, when clearly this is NOT the case! John Burroughs, Bud Steffens, and James Penniston all key witnesses to this event may soon be having the last laugh, along with other witnesses to this strange event.
John Burroughs and James Penniston with Former MOD worker Nick Pope
It was back in December 1980, when the skies above Suffolk were ablaze with strange lights in the biggest UFO sighting in the UK as dozens of witnesses allegedly saw an alien aircraft land….some say that this is the UK’s Roswell BUT with more convincing evidence!
Now, nearly 35 years later, a former US army commander is convinced he has found new “evidence” to prove the extraordinarysightings at Rendlesham Forest were real.
Colonel Charles Halt who was the Deputy Colonel at Bentwaters base at the time of this event which happened over two nights believes that he has found some VERY convincing pieces of evidence to prove that the intriguing events at Rendlesham Forest were indeed very real and not some fantasy story that the US Government make it out to be.
Witness: Col Charles Halt is convinced he has new evidence on the UFO sighting
Halt has confirmed that he now has the statements off the radar operators at the time, which confirms that there was an object tracked at the time.
Colonel Charles Halt recently spoke about the Rendlesham Incident at a UFO conference in Woodbridge, Suffolk. He insisted that “we are not alone” and has actually accused the authorities of covering up all of the paranormal activity.
Halt also made a shocking claim about some kind of Elite secretive powers that even the US President cannot reach out to, he controversially said:
“There is no doubt in my mind we are not alone and there are some people (in power) who know this, but even Mr (Barack) Obama won’t get through to them.”
Sighting: Rendlesham Forest has become so famous that it now hosts a UFO trail
Halt believes that people were far too scared to talk about this event UNTIL they retired. Now aged 75 Halt feels it is time to let the world know what REALLY happened!
“I have confirmation that (Bentwaters radar operators)… saw the object go across their 60 mile (96km) scope in two or three seconds, thousands of miles an hour, he came back across their scope again, stopped near the water tower, they watched it and observed it go into the forest where we were.
“At Wattisham, they picked up what they called a ‘bogie’ and lost it near Rendlesham Forest.
“Whatever was there was clearly under intelligent control.” He said:
Former Military personnel are now being heard.
The Rendlesham Incident has been dubbed Britain’s Roswell. Three US officers who were based at the time at RAF Bentwaters claimed a large “triangular shaped craft” landed in neighbouring woods in the early hours of December 26 1980. Halt was not present during the first encounter, but was informed the next morning.
He claimed the officers who first saw the lights and then a UFO “on the floor” could not account for a 40 minute period while searching in the woods when their communication systems went “off air” – Some have suggested that there was some kind of dimensional change in the area at the time, but this is just one of MANY suggestions as to what could of caused this strange time loss.
What the UFO apparently looked like
The Building Evidence Of Rendlesham
Another area of strangeness about this whole incident is that the three main soldiers involved at the time – John Burroughs, Bud Steffens, and James Penniston, had later told of feeling “static” as they observed the object’s flashing lights and hieroglyphic-like markings.
Halt then said on the evening of December 27 1980 that the officers had shouted out “It’s back, the UFO’s back.” Of which he went to investigate with a team who then found three 1.5inch apparent “impact holes,” damage to the canopies of trees and “higher radiation levels” in the “landing” area. It appeared VERY clear that ‘something’ had landed in this area of the forest!
Halt said that soon after they saw a mysterious object with a red light that kept on bobbing up and down in a field. Sparks came off it and it the appeared to explode.
They also then spotted objects in the sky, 3,000 to 4,000ft up. One was “elliptical, but became a “full circle”.
He later saw bright white lights, like landing lights, one of which shot out a laser beam from 3,000 feet.
He says he told his superiors who said it was a British matter and refused to investigate. He also accuses the Ministry of Defence of trying to suppress reports of the incident by hiding documents such as medical records.
UFO researcher John Hanson said he found Col Halt to be a reliable witness and there had been a “concerted effort to hide the truth” and it was also clear that the military personnel who witnessed the whole event appeared scared at the time and perhaps even intimidated by their superiors.
One of the most important pieces of evidence was the UFO being picked up by radar which seriously undermined the ridiculous suggestion by the government at the time that the reported phenomena was due to witnesses seeing the light from Orfordness lighthouse and misinterpreting what they saw…..I am pretty sure the military personnel at the time could tell the difference between a lighthouse and something completely unknown to the eye!?
Colonel Charles Halt could possibly be a game changer with the whole Rendlsham Incident….Interesting times lie ahead that is for sure.
But are they returning to Rendlesham!?
Out of the many now famous UFO stories out there Rendlesham has always made me more curious than ever as the story is so detailed and so many people were involved in the whole event. This whole incident also stirs your mind too and makes you wonder WHO or WHAT it was they saw and WHERE did they come from!?
I have spoken to both John and Jim reference the whole incident and you can tell that these guys mean business and are determined to discover the truth after everything they have been though and seen! John has actually been made ill by what he saw of which it was only recently agreed by the courts that he had received a significant amount of radiation from whatever he had seen that night. (Please click HERE to read more).
It is clear that SOMETHING happened in Rendlesham and lets hope that they brave men who are now doing all they can to seek the truth bring some disclosure to this whole surreal event…..these men deserve the TRUTH after all they have been through and the lies they have been continuously fed lies by their superiors! One other thing that appears clear in this whole event is that ‘something’ else was also involved in trying to keep this whole event hush hush….but who or what!?
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Une arme sonore contre les drones ?
Une arme sonore contre les drones ?
Des chercheurs coréens ont montré qu'il était possible de déstabiliser un drone en le soumettant à certaines ondes sonores. Mais le procédé est loin d'être efficace dans tous les cas.
PRINCIPE. "On sait que ce type de dispositif électronique peut entrer en résonance lorsqu'il est exposé à certaines ondes, ce qui dégrade leur précision", expliquent les chercheurs dans un article présenté durant un symposium sur la sécurité qui s'est tenu du 12 au 14 août 2015 à Washington. En effet, une onde sonore consiste en une vibration qui se propage dans l'air. Lorsqu'elle vient frapper une surface (la membrane d'un microphone par exemple), cette vibration se transmet à l'objet touché, qui se met alors à vibrer lui aussi. De la même façon qu'il est possible d'amplifier progressivement le mouvement d'une balançoire en la poussant au bon moment de manière régulière, certaines fréquences sonores bien spécifiques peuvent amplifier les mouvements vibratoires d'un objet de manière très importante. C'est ce qu'on appelle la résonance. Et c'est ce phénomène qui peut dégrader considérablement la précision des capteurs électroniques soumis à de telles vibrations. "L'idée est de voir si cette propriété peut être exploitée de manière à neutraliser un drone", poursuit l'article.
Un talon d'Achille difficile à trouver
Pour ce faire, l'équipe a passé au banc d'essai 15 modèles de gyroscopes. Première mission : trouver le talon d'Achille de chacun des dispositifs électroniques. En effet, les fabricants de microélectronique se gardent bien d'inscrire dans la documentation de leur matériel à quelle fréquence résonnent leurs gyroscopes. Les chercheurs ont donc méthodiquement soumis les capteurs à un son dont ils ont fait varier la fréquence tout en enregistrant l'activité des gyroscopes. Si la fréquence est trouvée, cela se traduit par l'envoi de données incohérentes par le capteur. Mais la mission s'est avérée plus compliquée qu'il n'y paraît puisque la fréquence perturbante n'a été découverte que dans un cas sur deux (7 modèles seulement). Il est également à noter que la fréquence fatale varie d'un gyroscope à l'autre, et s'étend du spectre audible aux ultrasons.
L'équipe a ensuite bombardé les drones vulnérables avec ces fréquences particulières. Mais là encore, les résultats n'ont été concluants que dans un cas sur deux. En effet, dans 10 essais sur 20, les gyroscopes ont été suffisamment perturbés pour provoquer la chute du drone. Et ce bien que les chercheurs aient mis toutes les chances de leur côté en fixant de petits hauts parleurs directement... sur les drones. Néanmoins, dans une configuration idéale, l'équipe a calculé qu'il était possible d'abattre un droneà presque 40 mètres de distance avec un son à 140 décibels réglé sur la bonne fréquence. On est toutefois encore loin d'un dispositif opérationnel pour lutter contre les survols illégaux de ces machines volantes.
Take a tour of weird Ceres! Visit the mysterious bright spots and a 4-mile-tall mountain. And get your red/blue glasses out for a global view in 3D.
Striking 3-D detail highlights a towering mountain, a deep crater with bright spots and other features on dwarf planet Ceres in a new video from NASA’s Dawn mission.
Ceres is the largest object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. In March 2015, the Dawn spacecraft arrived at Ceres – the first mission to reach a dwarf planet. On June 3, Dawn moved from an original orbit to a second, closer orbit. The spacecraft observed the dwarf planet from 2,700 miles (4,400 kilometers) above its surface until June 28.
Dawn will resume its observations of Ceres in mid-August from its next orbit, an altitude of 900 miles (less than 1,500 kilometers), or three times closer to Ceres than its previous orbit. We’re looking forward to what we might see!
People are no less likely to believe something just because it has been called a conspiracy theory.
Calling a story silly and paranoid does not make people dismiss it out of hand as one might expect, a study has found.
In fact, the ‘romanticised image’ of conspiracy theories on TV shows such as The X-Files has made them as believable as facts, experts claim.
Calling a story a silly and paranoid conspiracy theory does not make people dismiss it out of hand as one might expect, a study has found. A stock image of a UFO is shown
The study suggests there is a good reason for longevity of supposed plots about everything from UFOs to the death of Princess Diana - we find them so attractive that we ignore the holes in their arguments.
The researchers from Winchester University asked 802 American participants to read what they called a ‘short mock news article about a fictitious political scandal in Canada’.
In some cases the article was given the headline: ‘Conspiracy Theories Emerge in Wake of Canadian Election Result’.
Other times it was headlined: ‘Corruption Allegations Emerge in Wake of Canadian Election Result’.
Canada was chosen because the thinking was that Americans do not know much about Canadian politics so would have to decide on the article’s merits alone.
The study suggests there is a good reason for longevity of supposed plots about everything from UFOs to the death of Princess Diana - we find them so attractive that we ignore the holes in their arguments
Dr Wood wrote: ‘While conspiracy theories might not be viewed very negatively, it is possible that conspiracy theorists are viewed quite negatively.
‘Unlike the conspiracies they believe in, conspiracy theorists do not often enjoy a positive or romanticised portrayal in popular media: their fictional counterparts are generally unbalanced, paranoid, dogmatic, and antisocial’.
The results showed there was ‘no evidence of a negative effect of calling something a conspiracy theory’ on its believability.
Psychologist Dr Michael Wood, the lead author of the study, said that the results were surprising.
He sought to explain it by saying that the test participants may be so cynical about politics that their reaction might be: ‘This isn't really a conspiracy theory; it's just politics as usual’.
Another reason was that the conspiracy theory label may have ‘lost some of its power’ and been ‘diluted’ so that it encompasses general speculation about intrigue.
Other people may be just ‘sympathetic to the idea of conspiracies in general’.
Dr Wood wrote: ‘Conspiracy theories are a common topic in popular media: Many films, video games, and television shows feature the protagonists fighting against shadowy conspiracies of frightening reach and power.
The results showed there was ‘no evidence of a negative effect of calling something a conspiracy theory’ on its believability. A stock image of a memorial plaque outside The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza In Dallas is shown. The word 'allegedly' has been highlighted by scratches on the plaque
Conspiracy theories abound on 50th JFK anniversary in 2013
‘Conspiracy theories have a kind of romanticism to them; they often take a utopian, Manichean view of the world, where humanity lives in a natural state of peace and harmony that was disrupted only by the conspirators' sinister meddling.
‘Despite their perceived lack of intellectual rigor, conspiracy theories are nevertheless attractive - perhaps attractive enough that the label prompts ambivalence rather than scorn when applied to an ambiguous event.’
Dr Wood did however have a warning for conspiracy theorists themselves.
In the study he wrote: ‘While conspiracy theories might not be viewed very negatively, it is possible that conspiracy theorists are viewed quite negatively.
‘Unlike the conspiracies they believe in, conspiracy theorists do not often enjoy a positive or romanticised portrayal in popular media: their fictional counterparts are generally unbalanced, paranoid, dogmatic, and antisocial’.
Aliens came to Earth to stop a nuclear war between America and Russia, according the bizarre claim of a former astronaut.
Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, says high-ranking military officials witnessed alien ships during weapons tests throughout the 1940s.
The UFOs, he says, were spotted hovering over the world's first nuclear weapons test which took place on July 16, 1945 in the desolate White Sands deserts of New Mexico.
The Nasa veteran has regularly spoken about his belief in aliens ever since he landed on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971.
Edgar Mitchell (left), the sixth man to walk on the moon, says high-ranking military sources witness alien ships hovering during weapons tests. The UFOs, he says, were seen during the world's first nuclear weapons test which took place on July 16, 1945 in the desolate White Sands deserts of New Mexico
'White Sands was a testing ground for atomic weapons - and that's what the extra-terrestrials were interested in,' the 84-year-old Texan told Mirror Online.
'They wanted to know about our military capabilities.
'My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth.'
Dr Mitchell says stories from people who manned missile bases during the 20th Century back up his claims.
'Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their [test] missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft,' he said.
He previously said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
He claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and 'had they been hostile', he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.
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14-08-2015 om 23:16
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
New Camera Makes Incredible Discoveries In Our Skies
New Camera Makes Incredible Discoveries In Our Skies
Everybody knows that we are constantly immersed in a soup of microorganisms, inside us and all around us, but we can’t see them, because they are very tiny, microscopic.The fact that we cannot see them do not implies that they do not exist.
We have an intrinsic limitation in our senses that blocked us from be aware of them until somebody invented the microscope, after that we were able to know that they are thousands of different types of microorganisms, with multiple and very varied shapes, configurations, some of these shapes change like tiny amoebas.
To be able to see some of them, virus for example, electronic microscopes are needed with very powerful magnification.
Only after the invention of the microscope we were fully aware of their existence and the overwhelming influence that these very tiny living beings have for our continual survival and in all earth biosphere.
The same can be said word by word of anomalies.
The sky produce a very strong scattering of visible light, almost a third of the sun light is scattered by the atmosphere. This “simple” phenomenon has tremendous repercussions on the topic at hand.
Because of this scattering any small semi-opaque object, let’s say one meter in dimension will be invisible to our eyesight in daylight just at a few thousands of feet in altitude, if the object is smaller or more opaque it will be “invisible” even at lower altitude.
So then this “simple” phenomenon causes a very misleading impression to anybody looking up in a clear sky, the many small and not so small objects that populate our sky: bugs, birds, drones, high altitude airplanes and other things, almost all of them are “invisible” to our senses creating in us the false impression that in a blue sky when we do not see anything then nothing is up there.
That impression has been with us all the time, since the very first humans were looking at the sky.
So we have an intrinsic limitation in our senses that had blocked us from being aware of the many different objects that populate our skies.
Now you will start seeing the parallel with the microorganisms case.
But now we have a “new” instrument that allow us to bypass that limitation in our senses, like a microscope for microorganisms, and that “new” instrument allows us to “see” almost all the little objects that populate our skies.
That new instrument is a “dual optical system”. A dual optical system is a combination of two independent optical parts.
At his point in time, my experience and knowledge tells me that without the use of a dual optical type system, anybody trying to observe the small objects in our sky will be very limited, it will be like using a loupe to observe microorganisms.
Now in the same way that by using microscopes a “new world” of life forms was open to our knowledge and study, by the systematic use of a dual optical system a “new world” is being opened to our observations and you will detect “new” objects that are not the standard ones that almost anybody will expect.
These new objects are what some of us call: anomalies or sky anomalies.
For example Unidentified Flying Objects forming digits 3 and 5.
These objects are “messages” in themselves and you can get a reply back from them, not using multi-million dollars Radio-Telescopes dishes, just simple mirror signals, a “low-tech” way to send signals in daylight that have been used for thousands of years, how ironic life can be!!
I always sent prime numbers mirror reflections to the “anomalies”, number 3 first and then number 5, the first primer numbers after 2, well this anomaly formed these two numbers: 3 and 5. Coincidence?
If these objects have an earthly origin since they appear to be in the high level of the atmosphere then they will be all over the planet because the conditions on those high levels are almost the same in any location, now if these objects are not from earth then since the universe extend in all directions, these objects will be coming from any direction at any time.
In the same way that stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight any small object in the atmosphere is also masked. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion, so scanning the sky in the infrared or in the short radio wave (radar) portion of the spectrum is a lot more effective than scanning the sky in visible light.
Some anomalies respond with bright flashes to direct light signals in daylight or at night.
Some anomalies had responded by morphing into digit shapes correlated to the signals sent to them.
After observing anomalies systematically the idea that they are living beings is a natural one.
The videos below show some of these amazing and surprising anomalies.
By Jeremy Thomas. Cameras used:
1- A modified LG camera, 1/3″CCD, standard definition, with 16-160mm motorized lens and 950nm pass IR filter, USB video capture card used in a PC with iSpy. Magnification up to 26x.
2- An unmodified IP camera, 1/2.5″ CCD, 5MP 2k high definition, on a 900mm Telephoto no filters. Connected to the local network and used in a PC with iSpy. Magnification: 130x
3- A SDI-HD Panasonic board camera in “prime on a Meade 1000mm short tube scope, no filters connected via coaxial cable an AJA SDI-HD video capture card on the “observing station” PC. Magnification 166x.
Around the globe, people looked up to the night sky to catch what is considered to be the best meteor shower of the year.
The Perseid meteor shower hit its peak Wednesday night and stargazers captured the sparkling show, which was even more dazzling this time around due to the moon’s new phase.
The light from the moon was less likely to get in the way of faint meteors, a plus for observers, and a phenomenon that hasn’t happened since 2007.
Check out the video of a rare triangular Perseid fireball rushing across the screen from the UK Meteor Observation Network.
Is it really a fireball or it could be something else?
I had to make a last-minute trip to Chetumal and was no longer able to go to the game. Nothing happened on the outward trip, but on the way back, my co-worker and I experienced something I’ll never forget. “We were already in Yucatán, and we were about to reach Tekax when I suddenly saw a bright light in front of us, like a car shining its high beams at us. It was more or less 100 meters away. We were flashing it with our own lights, but then we saw the light veer off to the right, as if going into the wilderness. We thought the car or truck had overturned and slowed down to see if they needed help. To our surprise, we saw nothing at all, and there wasn’t any street or little trail through which it could have vanished. It didn’t make any noise either.
“Minutes later, when we had driven no more than five kilometers, I saw that light again, but this time it was behind us, and to our amazement, it began to rise until it vanished into the heavens. We both saw it, so I’m certain it wasn’t a hallucination. I still find it hard to believe today, but my eyes did not deceive me, “he explained “When I brought this up to my co-workers, some of them explained that they had already had similar experiences in that segment of the road, but preferred to keep quiet to avoid scorn.
“But the story of my UFO encounters doesn’t end there. In the late ’90s I ran into some strange lights in the Mérida-Tizimín road in the vicinity of the community of Chenché de las Torres. There was a clearing at the time that allowed for a view of the whole landscape, as the grass wasn’t that tall. That’s where I saw four lights in a straight line before they suddenly split. At first I thought it was a plane, but after the lights separated I realized this couldn’t be the case, as it made no noise whatsoever. “I was lucky to see it, because I had pulled my truck over to clean the windshield by hand, as the wipers had broken. I think that if I hadn’t stopped, I would’ve never realized it. I wasn’t afraid. I just felt helpless because I was alone and aware that no one would believe what I saw.
Astronomen hebben de kleinste planeet buiten ons zonnestelsel gevonden, tenminste dankzij rechtstreekse waarneming met een telescoop. Dat heeft gisteren gemeld.
De nieuwe exoplaneet kreeg de naam 51 Eridani b (of 51 Eri b) en draait rond een ster op ongeveer 96 lichtjaar van ons. Mogelijk gaat het om een planetair systeem dat veel lijkt op het onze, waardoor wetenschappers meer kunnen leren over ons zonnestelsel.
51 Eridani b is een "jonge Jupiter" of een door methaan omgeven gasgigant zoals "onze" Jupiter.
De laatste twintig jaar zijn meer dan 1.800 planeten buiten ons zonnestelsel gevonden, maar veel hebben weinig gemeen met "onze" planeten.
Exoplaneten laten zich vooral verschalken als ze voor hun moederster passeren en diens licht dimmen, of door hun zwaartekracht de ster aan het 'wiebelen' brengen. In dit geval fotografeerden de wetenschappers onder leiding van Bruce Macintosh van de Stanford-universiteit met de Gemini Planet Imager telescoop in Chili rechtstreeks de 'jonge Jupiter'.
Het licht van 51 Eri b is nochtans een miljoen keer zwakker dan dat van de moederster en gloeit nog na van de hitte van zijn ontstaan. De planeet draait op 13 keer de afstand Aarde-Zon rond de ster.
NEW HORIZONSRuimteorganisatie NASA heeft een nieuw beeld vrijgegeven, dat ruimtetuig New Horizons afgelopen dinsdag van dwergplaneet Pluto heeft gemaakt. Op het beeld is een ijsvlakte te zien, die zich op het groot hartvormig vlak op de planeet bevindt.
New Horizons slaagde er voorlopig in 1 à 2 procent van de verzamelde beelden en gegevens door te sturen naar de aarde. Het ruimtetuig, dat dinsdag langs Pluto vloog, maakte verschillende gedetailleerde beelden van de dwergplaneet en zijn vijf manen. Het tuig was daarvoor maar liefst negen jaar onderweg naar de verste uithoek van ons sterrenstelsel.
Op de vlakte zijn onregelmatige, veelhoekige segmenten te zien, die afmetingen van tientallen kilometers hebben. De segmenten zijn omringd door smalle troggen, waarvan sommigen heuvels vertonen.
De vlakte, die de naam Sputnik Planum kreeg, maakt deel uit van het grotere, hartvormige vlak op Pluto, dat 'Tombaugh Regio' werd gedoopt naar de ontdekker van de dwergplaneet.
Ten zuiden van de ijsvlaktes bevindt zich een bergketen, die de naam Norgay Montes kreeg. De keten is vernoemd naar Tenzing Norgay, de scherpa die de Mount Everest met Edmund Hillary beklom.
Volgens Geoloog Jeff Moore, die tijdens een persconferentie uitleg gaf bij het nieuwe beeld, is het moeilijk te verklaren hoe de structuur van de ijsvlakte is ontstaan. Omdat er geen kraters te zien zijn, zou het om jong terrein gaan. Maar hoe jong is onduidelijk. "Het overstijgt al onze verwachtingen voordat we Pluto langs Pluto vlogen", aldus Moore.
NASA presenteerde ook onderstaande video van de ijsvlakte.
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14-08-2015 om 22:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Wetenschappers vinden onderaards meer onder piramide in Mexico *
Wetenschappers vinden onderaards meer onder piramide in Mexico *
In de Mexicaanse Maya-stad Chichén Itzá op het schiereiland Yucatán hebben wetenschappers een onderaards meer onder een piramide gevonden. Het meer is tot 35 meter lang en meer dan 20 meter diep.
Het gaat om de eeuwenoude tempel van Kukulcán, ook bekend als 'El Castillo', op het schiereiland Yucatán in Mexico. Hij werd gebouwd door de Maya's en is één van de bekendste bouwwerken in Mexico. Archeologen hebben nu ontdekt dat de piramide gedeeltelijk gebouwd werd op een meer van wel twintig meter diep. Tussen het fundament van het bouwwerk en het meer ligt een natuurlijke kalksteenslaag van vijf meter dik.
De wetenschappers deden de eigenaardige vondst niet aan de hand van opgravingen, maar door een geo-elektrisch onderzoek. Volgens archeoloog Guillermo de Anda is de ontdekking van groot belang. De aanwezigheid van het onderaardse meer kan namelijk bevestigen dat de Maya's de tempels gebruikten als kosmologische instrumenten. "De vier grotten die de tempel omringen zouden bijvoorbeeld de vier windstreken kunnen voorstellen, met in het midden het meer als het centrum van het universum", aldus de Anda.
Mysterieuze cultuur Volgens geoloog Rene Chavez zijn er nu eerst andere vragen te beantwoorden. "Wisten de Maya's dat er water aanwezig was vooraleer ze aan de bouw van de piramide begonnen? Het antwoord op dergelijke vragen kan ons alweer meer inzicht geven in hun mysterieuze cultuur".
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Proberen aliens contact met ons op te nemen? Signalen uit de ruimte stellen wetenschappers voor raadsel Proberen aliens contact met ons op te nemen? Signalen uit de ruimte stellen wetenschappers voor raadsel
Proberen aliens contact met ons op te nemen? Signalen uit de ruimte stellen wetenschappers voor raadsel
Wetenschappers hebben in de afgelopen 15 jaar vreemde radiogolven gedetecteerd die een patroon volgen dat niet kan worden verklaard aan de hand van bekende natuurlijke fenomenen.
In de film Contact uit 1997 is een astrofysicus, die gespeeld wordt door Jodie Foster, de eerste mens die contact maakt met een buitenaardse beschaving, nadat ze een sterk radiosignaal oppikt uit de ruimte.
Was het een profetische film? Wetenschappers detecteren al 15 jaar lang vreemde radioflitsen uit de ruimte die een wiskundig patroon lijken te volgen. Er zijn twee mogelijkheden: ze worden veroorzaakt door een nog niet ontdekt fenomeen in de ruimte of ze worden geproduceerd door een bepaalde vorm van technologie. Als ze een technologische oorsprong hebben en niet door ons worden gegenereerd, kunnen het signalen zijn van een buitenaardse intelligentie.
Kan geen toeval zijn
De astronomen die de radioflitsen hebben waargenomen, hebben zoiets niet eerder gezien en ze begrijpen er evenmin iets van. De krachtige radiogolven duren slechts een paar milliseconden en stoten dan net zoveel energie uit als de zon in een hele maand doet.
Sinds 2001 zijn er 10 van deze radioflitsen gedetecteerd. De bron moet volgens onderzoekers klein zijn, maximaal enkele honderden kilometers in doorsnee. Ook komen ze van ver, mogelijk uit een geheel ander sterrenstelsel.
De radiosignalen hebben allemaal een golflengte die een veelvoud is van 187,5 centimeter. Er bestaat een kans van 1 op 2000 dat dit patroon toeval is. In het heelal zijn enkele kosmische objecten die radioflitsen kunnen produceren, zoals bijvoorbeeld pulsars. Misschien zijn er nog niet ontdekte soorten sterren die deze radiogolven verspreiden.
Geavanceerde technologie
Het is ook mogelijk dat deze signalen een meer aardse herkomst hebben. Misschien hangt er een onbekende spionagesatelliet boven de aarde, die signalen vanuit de ruimte lijkt te sturen. In 2010 pikte de Parkes Observatory in Australië 16 signalen op die leken op radioflitsen, maar uiteindelijk afkomstig bleken te zijn van magnetrons in de sterrenwacht.
Als de radioflitsen inderdaad worden veroorzaakt door buitenaardse intelligente wezens, iets wat niet bij voorbaat wordt uitgesloten, is het niet gemakkelijk om ze te versturen als boodschap. Ze zouden over een technologie moeten beschikken die veel geavanceerder is dan we ons kunnen voorstellen. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Vliegtuig verdwijnt, om 10 minuten later weer te verschijnen: time slip? Vliegtuig verdwijnt, om 10 minuten later weer te verschijnen: time slip?
Vliegtuig verdwijnt, om 10 minuten later weer te verschijnen: time slip?
Zo’n 40 jaar geleden zou een passagiersvliegtuig in het niets zijn verdwenen terwijl het boven Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport de landing inzette.
Er werden gelijk hulpdiensten ingeschakeld omdat men vermoedde dat het toestel in de buurt van de luchthaven was gecrasht. Terwijl de hulpvoertuigen zich verzamelden op de plek waar het toestel voor het laatst was gezien, verscheen het plotseling recht boven ze.
Er waren 10 minuten voorbijgegaan en het vliegtuig verscheen op de exacte locatie waar het ook was verdwenen. De klokken aan boord van het toestel, inclusief de horloges van de passagiers, liepen allemaal 10 minuten achter. De mensen aan boord wisten echter niet dat er 10 minuten waren verstreken. Voor hun was het alsof er ineens vanuit het niets hulpdiensten waren verschenen.
Mannen in pakken
Dit incident is uitgebreid onderzocht door luchtvaartdeskundige Martin Caidin (1927-1997). Hij werd vaak geconsulteerd door de NASA. Vlak voor zijn dood deelde Caidin zijn onderzoek met Loyd Auerbach. Die zei dat vlak na het incident ‘mannen in pakken’ verschenen bij de landingsbaan en het vliegtuig binnengingen.
Was het een zogeheten time slip? “Time slips zijn niet echt paranormaal van aard,” zei Auerbach. “Het gaat erom dat tijd op een vloeiende manier beweegt. We weten niet eens wat tijd is. Veranderingen in snelheid en zwaartekracht kunnen tijd beïnvloeden. Dit gebeurt onder zeer ongewone omstandigheden en de effecten zijn bijna verwaarloosbaar. Er is veel meer voor nodig om te kunnen verklaren hoe een vliegtuig tijdens de landing een verandering in tijd veroorzaakt.”
Auerbach, die aan de John F. Kennedy University in Californië verschillende lezingen heeft gegeven over tijd, houdt zich met name bezig met het onderzoek naar tijdreizen en time slips. Sommige theorieën die hij voorbij heeft zien komen gingen over gravimetrische oorzaken en wormgaten. Maar gedacht wordt dat wormgaten microscopisch klein zijn. Als ze al bestaan, hebben we geen idee wat ze doen.
Over de hele wereld worden time slips gemeld, alleen worden de bizarre verhalen vaak niet serieus genomen, aldus Auerbach. Hoe kan de verdwijning van dit vliegtuig worden verklaard? Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Het komt niet iedere dag voor, maar in de Indiase deelstaat Jodphur stonden boeren vreemde te kijken toen ze een put aan het slaan waren.
Ze hadden misschien vanalles verwacht, maar niet dat ze een buitenaards uitziend wezen zouden opgraven.
Eind juli waren een aantal mensen bezig met het graven van een gat voor het maken van een put in de Indiase deelstaat Jodphur.
Toen stuitten ze naar eigen zeggen op een vreemd uitziend wezen wat een soort kruising lijkt tussen iets menselijks en buitenaards.
Te oordelen aan de ogen zou je zeggen dat je hier te maken hebt met een buitenaards wezen. Na publicaties van de foto’s die hieronder staan, ging het verhaal viraal via de sociale media.
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring bestaat er geen enkele twijfel en hebben we hier te maken met een buitenaards wezen want zoals hij zegt:
“Dit vreemde wezen heeft zoveel mensachtige trekken dat het wel buitenaards moet zijn. Het heeft hele donkere ogen om het tegen zonlicht te beschermen. Dit is bewijs dat het liever ondergronds woont dan erboven”.
Het is jammer dat er verder weinig gegevens bekend zijn over deze vreemde vondst. Zoals of het wezen dood was toen het werd aangetroffen of nog leefde? Als het wel dood was toen het werd aangetroffen dan moet het met grote waarschijnlijkheid onlangs zijn overleden omdat het lichaam nog geen tekenen van ontbinding vertoont.
Of hebben we hier te maken met enkele creatieve Indiase boeren die denken dat een beetje roem altijd beter is dan in de grond wroeten.
Het is in ieder geval een populair onderwerp op de Indiase sociale media.
After a long and courageous struggle, Anne Strieber died on August 11, 2015. She founded as Whitleysworld in 1998. In 2001, she changed the name and expanded it to include what she described as "the credible edge of science and reality." She was its managing editor until January of 2015. Anne was also a novelist, and published three books, "the Cave" as Anne Matthews, "the Invisible Woman," and her personal favorite, "Little Town Lies," both as Anne Strieber. In nonfiction, she published "the Communion Letters," a compendium of letters from close encounter witnesses. She was also the author of "Anne's Diary" on this website. She also co-authored an account of her illness, "Miraculous Journey," with Whitley.
She supported her husband Whitley throughout his career, and edited every book he published. After reading and cataloging hundreds of thousands of letters written to him in response to his book "Communion," she was the first person to realize that the appearance of what she termed "the visitors" was associated with the simultaneous appearance of ghostly apparitions. She never ceased her research into the strange and ignored phenomenon called the "close encounter" experience, and formed the fundamental approach to it that is the basis of Whitley Strieber's work.
Anne is survived by Whitley, her husband of 45 years, and her son Andrew and his family. Services for Anne will be private. Anne contributed to many charities, and her wish was that others contribute on her behalf to the charities of their choice.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
He had been taken from the desert, in Texas, when he was seven years old.
Photo taken over Scotland on September 20, 2011
His father, shot-gun in hand, and he had been climbing rocky outbreaks amidst cactus and scrub.
They had hunted coyote there before,
and had used a coyote lure, a blow- into device that produced a sound that resembled a rabbit’s cry of pain; with their backs to the setting sun to blind the predator’s approach, they had shot and killed six, that evening.
But soon they had been prey and not predator.
A craft had appeared overhead.
It had appeared from nowhere, instantly.
It was blue like the sky, slowly changing to brown, like the desert floor, then silver as though the color progression change of metal cooling.
Later, when his father had awoken, a shell had been discharged, missing from the chamber, but he had no memory of ever firing the gun.
The seven year old had been swept aloft into an overhead craft and examined by small, dark, large-eyed, hairless beings with large pear-shaped heads extended in the back.
They had a thin torso, long arms with three long fingers, spindly legs, no ears and mere slits for mouth.
The large black eyes strangely had compelling power.
“You will not remember!”
But he had remembered..
He had felt pain unlike any ever imagined and he screamed
The large black-wet eyes had stared at him endlessly, extensively, close up to his head.
“This will not hurt.”, they had said.
But agony had suffused lines and channels throughout his body.
Terror, rage and pain had overcome him.
The creatures had been puzzled by his pain, saying,” You will not remember.”
When he was returned to the desert floor, some forty minutes later, his father had looked switched off, eyes glazed, saliva dribbling from the right corner of his mouth.
It was his sobbing, he had then believed that had awoken his father.
His father had told him that he had imagined and dreamed it.
“The Texas sun can give you heat stroke, make you see things”, he had said, holding the shaking boy close and placing a hand over his son’s forehead.
” Let’s find some shade.”
They had walked to the shade of hemlock and mesquite at the foot of rock outgrowth and had eaten bologna sandwiches with yellow mustard and had washed it down with canteen water.
During this, the child had held his father’s hand and had not let go; while his father had chewed slowly watching his son in puzzlement, the child had stared upwards in fear.
When he was seventeen, an abduction’s violence became mutual, one night :
*One night, a creepy psychic feeling had prevailed, and aware of them, and their approach, he had pretended to be asleep, had gone into deep, regular breathing, and had visualized a dream he would like to be in, but instead, he had waited.
‘The wallpaper on three walls had distorted and bulged and animal-like small snouts and pear-shaped grey heads, on small creatures had waggled in rapid fashion, back and forth.
They had seemed to melt out of his bedroom walls, had stood coldly to surround him and his bed, one close by his side, two at the footboard, and another by the doorway.
He had jumped up and had grabbed the closest one to him around the neck, had clutched the feather-like being’s back to his own chest, pinioning him.
The creature had frantically struggled to hit him with a small hand-held rod-like device, but the pillows had
prevented the creature from reaching the teenager’s body with it.’
In panic, the lightweight creature had squirmed and had thrashed in the boy’s tightening grip.
The others had in quick moves, like jumping spiders, scattered from the tight circle.
He had tightened his grip and had squeezed hard until
something brittle had snapped in the creature’s neck.’
Suddenly the scene had changed; he had seen his whole family, brother, mother and father surgically eviscerated, but alive and in tears.
On a black floor under hospital lights, had been lungs, intestines, strewn amidst their gore, and as they had laid there amidst their organs, they had pleaded with their eyes for him to save them.
The image had been so real that it had successfully worked to confuse, startle and distract him.
He had been convinced that real harm had come to his family and he had quickly loosened his grip.
His parents had writhed in agony, butchered horribly in front of his eyes.
There had been a dank, musty smell that had then permeated the bedroom.
The creature in his arms had, in self protection, in desperate panic to free itself, flashed the imagery into his mind, but he had killed one of them.
They never came for him physically, after that night; when he was safely deep within R.EM. sleep, they would tease away, vibrate his astral soul, from his body left behind in bed, in alien astral abductions, and he’d awaken with vivid screen memory “bad dreams”, feeling even more bereft, completely unable in out of body abductions, to strike back at his tormentors.
He once read that another abductee wrote:
‘A leap in consciousness will require a dissolution and restructuring of your beliefs about the nature of reality’.
To his mind, to live unburdened by an insatiable curiosity to comprehend the mysteries of the motives and tactics of the pilots of UFOs in our universe, was in itself, quite an amazing thing.
But her eloquent published words brought him peace:
‘The history of mankind has been punctuated by personalities who refused to be bound by the grand illusion of space and time, seekers who penetrated the limitations of space and form.’
‘Knowing that the aliens reside in a different reality explains why this whole UFO phenomenon is so slippery; we exist within a matrix of other realities all merging in one spot: the mind.’
‘Their world coexists with our own intimately intertwined and separated by the thinnest veil- our arrogant assumption that we are the sole proprietors of the only reality.’
And he knew forever, by her words, that abductees are all alone, together..
*based, in part on a Gulf Breeze account, from the sixties
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13-08-2015 om 23:43
geschreven door peter
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Project Serpo – The Exchange Program Between Humans and Aliens
Project Serpo – The Exchange Program Between Humans and Aliens
In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of emails to a UFO Discussion Group led by former U.S. Government Employee Victor Martinez.
These emails detailed the existence of an Exchange Program between the U.S. Government and the Ebens – alien beings from Serpo, a planet from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The program was thus called Project Serpo.
The source identified himself as a retired employee of the government, claiming he had participated in a special program.
The program’s origins lay with the two UFO crashes in New Mexico in 1947, the famous Roswell incident and another one in Corona.
He claimed one extraterrestrial survived the crash and was transferred to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The other six deceased extraterrestrials were placed in a freezing facility in the same laboratory.
Establishing communications with the scientists and military personnel, the survivor provided them with the location of its home planet and continued to cooperate until its death in 1952.
The alien provided information regarding the items found inside the crashed UFOs. One of the items was a communication device that it was allowed to use, contacting its home planet.
A meeting was set for April 1964, when an alien craft landed near Alamogordo, New Mexico. Upon retrieving the bodies of their dead comrades, the extraterrestrials engaged in an information exchange that was carried out in English, thanks to the aliens’ translation device.
One thing led to another and in 1965, the aliens accepted to take a group of humans back to their planet as part of the exchange program.
Twelve military personnel were carefully selected for a ten year stay on Serpo. The ten men and two women were specialists in various fields and their task was to gather as much information as possible, regarding all aspects of life, society and technology on the alien planet.
They were three years late and four people short when they finally returned in 1978. Two men had died on the alien planet. One man and one woman had decided to stay. The journey to Serpo, located 37 light years from Earth, took only nine months aboard the alien craft.
They had learned that Serpo was a planet similar to our own, albeit smaller. It orbited around a binary star system and had an atmosphere similar in composition to the one on Earth.
However, the two suns meant there were higher levels of radiation and the twelve humans had to resort to protection at all times. Two of them died from complications. The heat was extreme and it took the remaining humans several years to adjust.
Another problem was the food. The crew had taken enough food to last them for two and a half years but eventually had to resort to eating native Eben food. Anyone who’s traveled abroad knows about the serious gastrointestinal implications posed by eating local food but the human crew eventually adjusted.
Another problem was the length of the day on Serpo, which was 43 Earth hours long. Also, it never got fully dark as their night skies were dimly lit by the smaller sun. The crew had complete freedom to explore the alien planet and they were not hindered in any way.
The geology of the alien world was different; there were few mountains and no oceans. Several types of plant-like life existed but mostly near the polar area, where it was cooler.
There were also types of animal life and some of the larger ones were used by the Ebens for work and other tasks but never as food sources. They produced their food through industrial processes, of which they had many.
The inhabitants of Serpo lived in small communities led by a large city. They lacked a central government but seemed to be doing fine without it.
The Ebens had leadership and an army but the Earth team noticed they never used weapons of any type and violence was virtually unheard of. They had no concept of money or commerce. Every Eben was issued items in accordance with their needs.
The planet’s population was about 650,000 individuals. The human crew noted the Ebens were disciplined in all aspects of their lives, working on schedules based on the movements of their suns. There were no other civilizations on Serpo except the Ebens.
Their method of reproduction was similar to our own but it had a much lower success rate. Therefore, their children were highly isolated.
In fact, the only problem the human crew had was when they intended to photograph Eben children. They were escorted away by the army and asked not to attempt that again.
Upon returning to Earth, the remaining eight members of the expedition were quarantined for a year. During this period, they were debriefed and the complete account amassed around 3,000 pages.
All members of the expedition have since died from various complications due to radiation exposure. The fate of the two people who chose to remain on Serpo is unknown. The Ebens have not contacted Earth since 1985.
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When a 'UFO' flies by, does it bother bears?
When a 'UFO' flies by, does it bother bears?
On a completely autonomous mission, the UAV flies towards the location of a collared bear in northwestern Minnesota.
Credit: Jessie Tanner (@jessiectanner)
If an unidentified flying object suddenly appeared in the sky, it's likely your heart would beat faster. Now, researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 13 have found that the same is true for bears.
The UFOs in this case are actually unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which have become increasingly valuable to wildlife researchers, allowing them to observe animals, including endangered species, in their natural settings from long distances and over difficult terrain. It had appeared as though the animals were taking these encounters in stride. For instance, American black bears rarely seem to startle or run away when a UAV comes near. But the new study reveals that despite the bears' calm demeanor when in the presence of UAVs, their heart rates soar, a sign of acute stress.
"Some of the spikes in the heart rate of the bears were far beyond what we expected," says Mark Ditmer of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul. "We had one bear increase her heart rate by approximately 400 percent—from 41 beats per minute to 162 beats per minute. Keep in mind this was the strongest response we saw, but it was shocking nonetheless."
The researchers fitted free-roaming American black bears living in northwestern Minnesota with Iridium satellite GPS collars and cardiac biologgers. The collars sent the researchers an email with each bear's location every 2 minutes while the biologgers captured every heartbeat. Then Ditmer and his colleagues programmed a UAV to fly to the bear's most recent location.
Mark Ditmer downloads the current GPS coordinates of a collared bear to input into a UAV mission. The bear's location is emailed every 2 minutes via Iridium satellite-capable GPS collars, and the researchers programmed the UAV to fly to the …more
In the end, the researchers were able to analyze their data very precisely to find out what hidden effect their UAV flights—which lasted only a brief 5 minutes due to battery life and other logistical constraints—might have had on the bears.
In 18 UAV flights taken in the vicinity of four different bears, individuals only twice showed any major change in their behavior in response to the UAVs. However, the biologgers revealed consistently strong physiological responses. All of the bears in the study responded to UAV flights with elevated heart rates. Fortunately, the bears recovered very quickly.
"Without the use of the biologger, we would have concluded that bears only occasionally respond to UAVs," Ditmer says.
Mark Ditmer watches the successful landing of a UAV after a mission involving flying over a bear foraging in a cornfield in northwestern Minnesota. Credit: Jessie Tanner (@jessiectanner)
The researchers say it will now be important to consider the additional stress on wildlife from UAV flights when developing regulations and best scientific practices. UAVs are growing in popularity for many uses in addition to research—for example, to discourage poachers and track down wildlife for ecotourists. In many countries, few rules are in place to guide UAV use.
"UAVs hold tremendous potential for scientific research and as tools for conservation," Ditmer says. "However, until we know which species are tolerant of UAVs, at what distance animals react to the presence of UAVs, and whether or not individuals can habituate to their presence, we need to exercise caution when using them around wildlife."
Ditmer and his colleagues are now working with captive bears to find out whether the animals can get used to overhead UAV flights over time and, if so, how long it takes.
More information:Current Biology, Ditmer et al.: "Bears Show a Physiological but Limited Behavioral Response to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
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13-08-2015 om 23:14
geschreven door peter
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Hello Drones, Goodbye UFO Hunting
Hello Drones, Goodbye UFO Hunting
The mystery of unidentified flying objects has suddenly become much more complicated and I'm very unhappy about it. The cause of the additional confusion can be explained in one word: drones.
The remote-controlled aerial devices are showing up everywhere. Their benefits are touted by a large and growing fan base that includes federal and state agencies, local police forces, farmers, and plenty of backyard hobbyists. The sky is becoming a busier place every day.
As a boomer, I grew up hearing about flying saucers and space aliens at an early age. Grade-B science fiction movies from the 1950s were a fixture on late-night TV during my childhood. In my teens I read extensively about Roswell, the Mantell incident, Barney and Betty Hill, and other highly publicized close encounters. I'm familiar with various types of alleged abduction and descriptions of 'missing time.' You can call me an open-minded skeptic. I've made no conclusions but I'm always willing to consider any evidence that seems compelling.
The proliferation of phone-cams during the past few years was, in my opinion, a huge benefit for UFO research. It created myriad opportunities for gathering and analyzing visual images of peculiar aerial sightings. The sheer number of cameras being operated around the globe at any given moment made me believe that sooner or later we'd get something truly conclusive like close-up footage of a landing. Perhaps a witness might sneak through an open door and bring back pictures from inside the craft. Or maybe we'd find out all those supposed 'objects' had an optical/atmospheric explanation. The statistical probability of an authentic breakthrough event that would resolve the puzzle seemed promising.
Suddenly everything has changed. The evidence pool is being polluted by an ever-increasing presence of small, sophisticated flying machines that are totally terrestrial in origin. It won't be long before drones become the default explanation for every shiny speck or glowing orb that traverses the wild blue yonder. They also present an array of new opportunities for UFO-related pranks and hoaxes.
These sad realizations all came crashing down on me recently as I was driving home from work and experienced my first drone flyover. While waiting at a stoplight next to a shopping center, I noticed a bright bluish light in the sky directly ahead. How do I know it wasn't a plane or helicopter? I've seen plenty of them in the past, along with hot air balloons, kites, and even streaking green meteorites that broke into pieces.
This object was different. It moved slowly, hovered, went dim and then brightened, and was definitely at a low altitude. The stoplight changed to green just as the object passed over my car. I pulled into a gas station, jumped out and looked up, but could not regain visual contact. There was no feeling of awe or mystery. I drove home and said to my wife, "I think I just saw a drone." She went online and found out there's a drone store in the shopping center where the sighting happened. I was probably witnessing an aerial test drive.
"Keep watching the skies!" is a famous line from the 1951 version of 'The Thing' and it always gave me a feeling of excitement and foreboding. It's entirely possible the truth really is out there, but good luck finding it now. The era of drones is in full flight. I'm pretty sure it means my hopes of getting a final answer to the Great UFO Riddle have been permanently grounded.
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WATCH: Has 'US security service jet cam recorded first ever confirmed UFO sighting'?
WATCH: Has 'US security service jet cam recorded first ever confirmed UFO sighting'?
VIDEO alleged to have been leaked from the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which shows a "UFO being tracked by thermal imaging camera" has appeared online.
It is claimed the video was leaked from the US Homeland Department
The almost four minute long footage is being taken seriously by UFO and alien researchers and was placed online by a group calling itself the Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU).
According to the SCU website, its researchers say the UFO "exhibits characteristics that cannot be explained by any known aircraft or natural phenomenon".
The video was allegedly captured by a DHS camera on one of its aircraft.
The SCU site claims a DHS whistleblower leaked the video and a number of witnesses have come forward.
All are believed to have requested anonymity.
The group says it spent two years investigating the footage before releasing a 161-page report and going public for the first time this week.
Six named scientists and researchers are said to have conducted the research.
The UFO incident allegedly began at about 9.20 pm on April 25 2013 at the Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico and was "monitored by the crew of a DHC-8 Turboprop aircraft from US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) - part of DHS.
The object appears to move very quickly over land and then into the ocean and seems to tumble or change shape.
Nick Pope, who formerly investigated UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence, is intrigued by the footage.
He said: "Assuming the video isn't a clever hoax - which is always a possibility these days - it's a fascinating piece of footage.
"About the only conventional explanation that might fit the bill is that this is some new drone, but the entry and exit from the sea and the apparent splitting in two of the object makes even this explanation seem unlikely.
This is exactly the sort of video that I and intelligence specialists at the MoD got most excited about, as the available data allows for a proper, scientific analysis.
I'll be watching developments on this one with interest."
A US Customs and Border Protection Bombardier DHC-8Q200
It also appears to fly over buildings and through trees before seemingly moving in and out of the ocean without slowing down.
By the end of the footage, it either splits into two, or another object appears.
Daina Chaviano, a Cuban-born fantasy and sci-fi author and UFO researcher, claims to have first been contacted by an acquaintance of the source, before putting the initially "skeptical" team together.
The SCU website said: "The source of this video evidence was vetted and identified.”
They claim to be "absolutely certain" the information came from sources on board the DHS aircraft and the "video is genuine".
According to the report the DHC-8 took off on a routine flight and soon after take-off the crew noticed “a pinkish to reddish light over the ocean approaching towards the south.”
They were "concerned" at the tower not informing them of incoming traffic, so radioed it in.
It is claimed the response was the "tower told them they also had a visual on the object, but they were unsure of its identity."
At this stage, it is claimed, as the object neared land, it turned its lights off, but the DHC-8 could track and film it with onboard thermal imaging equipment.
According to the source, a further flight was allegedly delayed due to the object.
SCU claimed airport records confirmed a FedEx flight scheduled to leave at 9:10 pm was delayed until 9:26 pm.
The team has released details from a Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request response which purportedly shows the DHC-8 took off at 9.16 pm and circled the airport twice before leaving the area after 10 minutes.
Further dates released is said to show the tower tracked on radar an "unknown object" minutes before the DHC-8 took off which was offshore to the north and north waist of the airport from 8.58pm to 9.14pm.
The report states: “The object was between three to five feet in length and its speed varied between approximately 40 mph to 120 mph. Its median speed was roughly 80 mph.”
It said the object "apparently submerged into the ocean for over half a mile and flew back out."
The authors determined it came in from the ocean, north or northwest of the airport, flew the airstrip, then turned back to the north and headed back to the ocean.
The "researchers ruled out a theory the object was a balloon as wind speeds of "eight to 13 mph" at ground level and 12 to 18 mph at 400 to 3,200 feet", meaning the object "was moving too fast to be carried by wind currents," plus it seemed to submerge in water.
Another possibility they looked at was it being a bird, but said a peregrine falcon's top speed in stoop was 69 mph.
A USC graphic showing the flightpath of the object and craft
One option given most credence was a secret Naval test of a "flimmer" drone which can fly and dive under water, but has an air speed of 68mph.
But they questioned why this would be done in civillian areas near an airport.
The report concluded: “There is no explanation for an object capable of traveling under water at over 90 mph with minimal impact as it enters the water, through the air at 120 mph at low altitude through a residential area without navigational lights, and finally to be capable of splitting into two separate objects.
"No bird, no balloon, no aircraft, and no known drones have that capability.”
UFologist ALEJANDRO ROJAS, editor of Open Minds Magazine, who was not involved in the research has called the case "remarkable."
He said: "Is alien technology being demonstrated in this video? This careful report, which the researchers say took over 1,000 man hours to complete, indicates that whatever took place, it is certainly unusual.
"The entire report is 161 pages long, and thoroughly explains their work, and how they came to the conclusions they did.
"Even if the report had come to a mundane conclusion, the effort put into the investigation is remarkable.
"However, the fact that they could not determine what the object was, and have determined that it displayed characteristics that cannot be explained, makes the report remarkable."
Octopus genetic code is so strange it could be an ALIEN, according to scientists
Octopus genetic code is so strange it could be an ALIEN, according to scientists
The creatures have a hugely complicated genome sequence, and have more protein-coding genes than even humans
Octopus: Scientists have said they could be aliens
Scientists claim a new map of the octopus genetic code has revealed a creature so strange that it could be an "alien".
The creatures have a hugely complicated genome sequence, and have more protein-coding genes than even humans.
Octopus DNA is highly rearranged - like cards shuffled and reshuffled in a pack - containing numerous so-called "jumping genes" that can leap around the genome.
US researcher Dr Clifton Ragsdale, from the University of Chicago, said: "The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities.
"The late British zoologist Martin Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien."
Baby alien: A juvenile California two-spot octopus explores her tank
The scientists who sequenced the genome of the California two-spot octopus report their findings in the journal Nature.
They discovered unique genetic traits that are likely to have played a key role in the evolution of characteristics such as the complex nervous system and adaptive camouflage.
Alien octopus: A young octopus bimaculoides peers out of her den
Analysis of 12 different tissues revealed hundreds of octopus-specific genes found in no other animal, many of them highly active in structures such as the brain, skin and suckers.
Cephalopods, which include the octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus, are a family of predatory molluscs with an evolutionary history stretching back more than 500 million years to a time long before plants colonised the land.
Octopus: Their genetic code has led scientists to say they could be "alien"
They inhabit every ocean at almost all depths and possess a range of features that call to mind sci-fi aliens.
These include prehensile sucker-lined tentacles, highly mobile, camera-like eyes sensitive to polarised light, sophisticated camouflage systems that alter skin colour and patterns, jet-propulsion, three hearts, and the ability to regenerate severed limbs.
Although the genome is slightly smaller than a human's it is packed with more genes.
It was as if the octopus genome had been "put into a blender and mixed", said co-author Caroline Albertin, also from the University of Chicago.
(Before It's News) LEGENDARY NASA ASTRONAUT MAKES A SHOCKING DECLARATION THAT WILL ROCK THE WHOLE WORLD Text “Please scroll down for video In the video below Alex Jones speaks with legendary astronaut Story Musgrave about the future and how the
Strange Polymorphic Amoeba Anomaly In The Sky Over Miami, FL (Video)
Everybody knows that we are constantly immersed in a soup of microorganisms, inside us and all around us, but we can’t see them, because they are very tiny, microscopic. The fact that we cannot see them do not implies that they do not exist
We have an intrinsic limitation in our senses that blocked us from be aware of them until somebody invented the microscope, after that we were able to know that they are thousands of different types of microorganisms, with multiple and very varied shapes, configurations, some of these shapes change like tiny amoebas.
To be able to see some of them, virus for example, electronic microscopes are needed with very powerful magnification.
Only after the invention of the microscope we were fully aware of their existence and the overwhelming influence that these very tiny living beings have for our continual survival and in all earth biosphere.
The same can be said word by word of anomalies.
The sky produce a very strong scattering of visible light, almost a third of the sun light is scattered by the atmosphere. This “simple” phenomenon has tremendous repercussions on the topic at hand.
Because of this scattering any small semi-opaque object, let’s say one meter in dimension will be invisible to our eyesight in daylight just at a few thousands of feet in altitude, if the object is smaller or more opaque it will be “invisible” even at lower altitude.
So then this “simple” phenomenon causes a very misleading impression to anybody looking up in a clear sky, the many small and not so small objects that populate our sky: bugs, birds, drones, high altitude airplanes and other things, almost all of them are “invisible” to our senses creating in us the false impression that in a blue sky when we do not see anything then nothing is up there.
That impression has been with us all the time, since the very first humans were looking at the sky.
So we have an intrinsic limitation in our senses that had blocked us from being aware of the many different objects that populate our skies.
Now you will start seeing the parallel with the microorganisms case.
But now we have a “new” instrument that allow us to bypass that limitation in our senses, like a microscope for microorganisms, and that “new” instrument allows us to “see” almost all the little objects that populate our skies.
That new instrument is a “dual optical system”. A dual optical system is a combination of two independent optical parts.
At his point in time, my experience and knowledge tells me that without the use of a dual optical type system, anybody trying to observe the small objects in our sky will be very limited, it will be like using a loupe to observe microorganisms.
Now in the same way that by using microscopes a “new world” of life forms was open to our knowledge and study, by the systematic use of a dual optical system a “new world” is being opened to our observations and you will detect “new” objects that are not the standard ones that almost anybody will expect.
These new objects are what some of us call: anomalies or sky anomalies.
For example Unidentified Flying Objects forming digits 3 and 5.
These objects are “messages” in themselves and you can get a reply back from them, not using multi-million dollars Radio-Telescopes dishes, just simple mirror signals, a “low-tech” way to send signals in daylight that have been used for thousands of years, how ironic life can be!!
I always sent prime numbers mirror reflections to the “anomalies”, number 3 first and then number 5, the first primer numbers after 2, well this anomaly formed these two numbers: 3 and 5. Coincidence?
If these objects have an earthly origin since they appear to be in the high level of the atmosphere then they will be all over the planet because the conditions on those high levels are almost the same in any location, now if these objects are not from earth then since the universe extend in all directions, these objects will be coming from any direction at any time.
In the same way that stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight any small object in the atmosphere is also masked. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion, so scanning the sky in the infrared or in the short radio wave (radar) portion of the spectrum is a lot more effective than scanning the sky in visible light.
Some anomalies respond with bright flashes to direct light signals in daylight or at night.
Some anomalies had responded by morphing into digit shapes correlated to the signals sent to them.
After observing anomalies systematically the idea that they are living beings is a natural one.
The videos below show some of these amazing and surprising anomalies.
By Jeremy Thomas.
Cameras used:
1- A modified LG camera, 1/3″CCD, standard definition, with 16-160mm motorized lens and 950nm pass IR filter, USB video capture card used in a PC with iSpy. Magnification up to 26x.
2- An unmodified IP camera, 1/2.5″ CCD, 5MP 2k high definition, on a 900mm Telephoto no filters. Connected to the local network and used in a PC with iSpy. Magnification: 130x
3- A SDI-HD Panasonic board camera in “prime on a Meade 1000mm short tube scope, no filters connected via coaxial cable an AJA SDI-HD video capture card on the “observing station” PC. Magnification 166x.
Text “Please scroll down for video In the video below Alex Jones speaks with legendary astronaut Story Musgrave about the future and how the Obama administration is doing everything they can to destroy the American space program, NASA. But just who is Story Musgrave? “
Story never finished school, ran off to Korea with the U.S. Marines where he was an aircraft electrician and an engine mechanic. He started flying with the Marines and over the next 55 years accumulated 18,000 hours in over 160 aircraft. He is a parachutist with over 800 freefalls. He has 7 graduate degrees in math, computers, chemistry, medicine, physiology, literature and psychology. He has been awarded 20 honorary doctorates. He was a part-time trauma surgeon during his 30 year astronaut career.“
Story was an NASA astronaut for over 30 years and flew on six spaceflights. He performed the first shuttle spacewalk on Challenger’s first flight, was a pilot on an astronomy mission, conducted two classified DOD missions, was the lead spacewalker on the Hubble Telescope repair mission and on his last flight, he operated an electronic chip manufacturing satellite on Columbia.” (Read More about Story Musgrave By Clicking Here) Here is the breaking report…
Wetenschappers concluderen na DNA-studie: Octopussen ‘zijn aliens’ en hebben 10.000 meer genen dan mensen
Wetenschappers concluderen na DNA-studie: Octopussen ‘zijn aliens’ en hebben 10.000 meer genen dan mensen
Wetenschappers hebben ontdekt dat octopussen zo vreemd zijn dat je ze eigenlijk zou kunnen zien als aliens. Na de eerste volledige genoomsequentie blijkt dat de octopus in niets lijkt op andere dieren.
Het genoom van de octopus bevat liefst 33.000 eiwitcoderende genen, 10.000 meer dan mensen. Clifton Ragsdale van de Universiteit van Chicago zei: “De octopus is met zijn acht tentakels, grote brein en probleemoplossende vermogen zo anders dan andere dieren, zelfs andere weekdieren.”
“De Britse zoöloog Martin Wells (de kleinzoon van H.G. Wells) zei dat de octopus een alien is. Je zou dus kunnen zeggen dat ons paper de eerste genoomsequentie van een alien beschrijft,” aldus Ragsdale.
De octopus gebruikt een aantal genen om van kleur te veranderen en zich zo aan te passen aan de achtergrond. “We hebben honderden nieuwe genen gevonden die andere dieren niet hebben en die mogelijk betrokken zijn bij dit unieke camouflageproces,” zei Daniel Rokshar van de Universiteit van Californië in Berkeley.
Octopussen verschenen meer dan 400 miljoen jaar geleden in de oceanen. Pas 230 miljoen jaar later kwamen de eerste zoogdieren ten tonele.
De octopus blijkt vooral veel zogeheten protocadherine-genen te hebben, die een rol spelen bij de ontwikkeling van zenuwcellen en de wisselwerking tussen neuronen. Het genoom van de octopus bevat 168 van deze protocadherine-genen; dat is 10 keer zoveel als andere ongewervelde dieren en twee keer zoveel als zoogdieren. Het onderzoek is verschenen in Nature. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Is Banbury becoming an alien hotspot? Police deal with multiple extraterrestrial reports
Is Banbury becoming an alien hotspot? Police deal with multiple extraterrestrial reports
Thames Valley Police has responded to 15 reports of aliens and UFOs in the last four years
It may sound out of this world but Thames Valley Police has dealt with 15 reports of aliens in just four years.
Residents have spotted little green men twice in Chipping Norton - and were so concerned they called the police force for help.
All of the cases were reported between 2011 and 2014 across the force area.
They also include three sightings in neighbouring Milton Keynes, two in Oxford, five in Reading, two in Slough and one in High Wycombe.
Back in 2007, local UFO expert Michael Soper claimed Banbury and the surrounding area was becoming an alien hotspot.
“Banbury is quite active,” he said.
“There are more paranormal events here in Oxfordshire than in any other part of the country and they can be dramatic.
“We have had a landing near Wallingford.
“I think we are being visited by dimensional craft.
“I don’t know whether they come from another race of humans from another dimension.”
But the number of UFO sightings reported to police has decreased, according to a Freedom of Information Act request by the Banbury Guardian.
In 2011, Thames Valley Police received seven calls concerning aliens.
Just three years later (in 2014), the number had dropped by more than a third with only two calls reporting aliens.
But Michael, of Contact International UFO Research based in Wheatley, is expecting a boom in reports soon.
He added: “I do expect reports of sightings of UFOs to pick up because we’re coming up to a period of change in the solar cycle.
“People do still informally report sightings to us.
“Our view is that these things are happening all the time, what varies is people ability to see them and inclination to report them.
“Generally speaking Oxfordshire is very remarkable for these lights that appear in the skies.”
Many sightings of UFOs have been logged across the county in recent years.
Back in November 2013, a resident in Banbury described seeing a metallic rectangular object with a large “shark” shaped fin and bright orange light around it flying in the skies over Banbury.
They added: “It was flying from my left to right on a straight path, however once it was past the boundary of the town (on the right) it increased in speed dramatically, pitched up and to the left then down to the right in an elongated ‘S’ shape and then I lost it behind the house adjacent to the garden.
“This is not something I can logically explain away, particularly the increase in speed and the way it turned in the sky.”
Another sighting was reported in May 2012, when a man spotted a “ball of light” over the M40 which split in two and flew off towards Banbury.
In 2007, a man spotted three “bright white lights in the form of a triangle” over Chipping Norton that “shot across the sky in perfect formation” towards Oxford.
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13-08-2015 om 01:54
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Want To Know What A Real ‘UFO’ Looks Like? These 7 Astonishing Pictures Will Give You An Idea
Want To Know What A Real ‘UFO’ Looks Like? These 7 Astonishing Pictures Will Give You An Idea
For somebody who has never seen a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), it can be hard to imagine what they look like. Reports of incidents from the military are quite detailed, and if one thing is absolutely clear, it’s that the UFO phenomenon is global and has included many military encounters. Personally, I’ve had multiple UFO experiences, some of which have been quite remarkable and breathtaking. I’ve even had a few alongside a couple of members here at Collective Evolution. These are objects that are performing maneuvers that should be impossible, and look like nothing that we have on this planet. I mention this because we are not alone in our experiences, there are many others who have seen the same thing.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications… When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications.” (source)
The above quote comes from a declassified United States defence agency report detailing a UFO encounter that occurred over Iran in 1976. It’s one of many examples outlined in thousands of pages of UFO documents that have been released by dozens of governments from all over the world. This type of occurrence is a common one, where UFOs are tracked on radar, as well as visually confirmed by military pilots, who are then sent out to take a closer look.
Another example of a common encounter occurred on December 16th, 1978, by the Chilean Air Force:
“Two pilots on a training mission, each flying an F5 fighter aircraft, tracked the object on their airborne radar. It gave a return equal to ten or more aircraft carriers – except this object was in the air, not floating on the water. Each pilot assumed his radar equipment was faulty, until he learned that the other pilot was also getting the same return. Not only this, but ground radar from a nearby airport also picked up the object and confirmed its huge size. The pilots also saw the object with their own eyes. One pilot later said that at a distance of twenty miles, it looked ‘like a plantain banana swathed in smoke.’ The pilots were frightened, having no missiles or weapons. As they approached the massive object, which had been motionless all this while, it took off at an unimaginable speed. All at once, it vanished from the three radar screens.” (Huneeus, J, Antonio, “A Chilean Overview,” MUFON UFO Journal, 6/86; Huneeus, J. Antonio, “A Historical Survey of UFO Cases in Chilie,” MUFON 1987 International Symposium Proceedings (MUFON, 1987.)
The list of encounters from these documents where pilots describe such objects literally goes on and on, and the pictures below are a good example of what various military pilots have described throughout the decades. This is something that has happened scores of times and continues to this day.
The pictures below come from investigator/researcher Alex Mistretta, who can be contacted at: Apparently, they are from a United States Navy submarine, taken in March of 1971. The Sumarine was the Navy’s USS Trepang (SSN 674). The submarine came upon the object by “accident,” as they were in the region on a routine joint military and scientific expedition. Officer John Klika was the one who initially spotted the object with the periscope.
I am not saying that these pictures are real, in fact, they might not be. The point here is to give readers a taste of what military pilots commonly describe, and what is commonly picked up on military radar. That’s why I wanted to show these pictures in the first place, to spark your imagination with what could be ‘fake’ pictures, of a very real phenomenon, and for those who have not had the experience of seeing something like this.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)
For more verified quotes about the UFO phenomenon, please click HERE. For our most recent articles on the topic, please click HERE.
“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb. They are very concerned about that and if we will use it again, because the whole cosmos is in unity and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos. They’re very much afraid that we might start using atomic weapons again and this would be very bad for us, and them also.” –Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister (source)
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13-08-2015 om 01:45
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Aliens Might Weigh As Much As Polar Bears And Be Taller Than The Tallest Man Who Ever Lived
Aliens Might Weigh As Much As Polar Bears And Be Taller Than The Tallest Man Who Ever Lived
No one really knows whether we're alone or if the universe is brimming with brainy extraterrestrials. But that hasn't stopped scientists from trying to figure out what form intelligent aliens might take.
If such a being had human proportions, Simpson told The Huffington Post in an email, it would be taller than Robert Wadlow, who at 8 feet, 11 inches is believed to have been the tallest human who ever lived.
Robert Wadlow (1918-1940), the tallest man who ever lived.
Simpson's paper, which is posted on the online research repository, is chockablock with formidable-looking mathematical equations. But as he explained in the email, his starting point was to consider the relationship between the number of individuals in a population on Earth and the body mass of those individuals:
"Ants easily outnumber us because they are small. Our larger bodies require a much greater energy supply from the local resources, so it would be impossible for us to match the ant population. Now apply this concept to intelligent life across the universe. On average, we should expect physically larger species to have fewer individuals than the smaller species. And, just like with countries, we should expect to be in one of the bigger populations. In other words, we are much more likely to find ourselves to be the ants among intelligent species."
Or, as Newsweek explained Simpson's argument, there are probably more planets with relatively small animals than planets with relatively large animals. It makes sense to assume that Earth is in the former category, so we can assume that humans are probably among the smaller intelligent beings.
What do other scientists make of Simpson's paper?
“I think the average size calculation is reasonable,” Dr. Duncan Forgan, an astrobiologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland who wasn't involved in the research, told Newsweek.
But to Dr. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., the argument is suspect.
"There is an assumption here that intelligence can come in all (reasonable) sizes, and does so with more or less equal likelihood," Shostak told The Huffington Post in an email. "That may be true, but on Earth bigger has not always been better, at least in the brains department. Dolphins have higher IQs than whales, and crows are smarter than eagles. Octopuses are cleverer than giant squids, and obviously we’re smarter than polar bears."
Ultimately, Shostak said, we can’t know whether "little green men are actually big green men" before we actually make contact.
Scientists discovered the last lake on Mars, which might be preserving ancient life
Scientists discovered the last lake on Mars, which might be preserving ancient life
(ESO/M. Kornmesser) Illustration of what Mars would look like with water.
A trio of scientists says they've identified the best place to look for evidence of ancient life on Mars — one of the youngest lake-bearing basins ever discovered.
Though Mars has no liquid water today, the Red Planet was submerged under vast oceans billions of years ago. And where there's water, there's the potential for life.
Scientists suspected that after the oceans evaporated, that was it for water — and life — on Mars. But a recent paper published in the journal Geology says that's not the case.
Mars had a second wave of surface water about 3.6 billion years ago — 200 million years after scientists thought Mars had seen the last of its liquid water. This water, the researchers report, was located in a lake inside a basin near the Martian equator, about 100 miles from where NASA's Opportunity rover rests today.
It is one of the youngest lakes and therefore possibly one of the last liquid water sources to ever exist on Mars, the researchers report.
The discovery is exciting for the prospect of ancient Martian life, explains lead author Brian Hynek who is a research associate at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at Colorado University-Boulder:
"Having a later stage of water on Mars is probably a good thing for the potential for life on that planet because it gave life more time to be conceived," Hynek told Business Insider. "There was life on Earth when this lake was active so by that analogy, we can say there's potential that Mars had microbial life and this was a great place where it could have resided."
Getting around a tricky problem
(NASA/JPL-caltech/University of Arizona) Crater in Meridiani Planum, where the researchers found evidence for one of the youngest lakes ever discovered.
The researchers are investigating the age and origin of hundreds of salt deposits across Mars to map how much water existed on the surface.
"Just like on Earth, when salts are left somewhere, that probably means that water was there," Hynek said. "So, these are indicators that water was there in some form."
Estimating the age of these salt deposits is tricky. The way scientists determine the age of anything on Mars is by counting the number and measuring the size of impact craters in that region. Then they compare this information to similar regions on the Moon, whose age we have a better handle on.
But wind has eroded the regions where these salt deposits are located, which makes it hard to estimate their age. This latest paper is the first time anyone has ever calculated with any confidence the age of one of these salt deposits, Hynek said.
Using images taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been orbiting Mars since 2006, the team studied the terrain and geography around the basin. They found evidence to suggest that at one point, the lake grew large enough to spill over the rim of the basin, carving channels in its wake.
The researchers traced these channels to neighboring volcanic plains hundreds of miles away that are about 3.6 billion years old. Because the water channels over-cut the volcanic plains, they must be younger. That means the lake must also be younger than 3.6 billion years.
Life locked in salt
(Promking at en.wikipedia) Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah are similar to the salt deposits on Mars.
Right now, there are no plans to visit this basin in search for the potential for life. But Hynek hopes that this latest paper will make the basin a more popular touch down point for the NASA Mars rover scheduled to launch in 2020.
Hynek has a pretty good idea of where he'd look first:
"I think you'd want to target the salt deposits," he told Business Insider. "As the water evaporates away a lot of organic matter and a lot of microbial evidence gets encased in salts and is preserved for long time periods."
Though there was liquid water in the basin, there are still other factors that would ultimately determine whether life could have existed there, Hynek cautions. The lake's salinity, acidity, oxygen levels, and available nutrients for food are all important.
The lake had a relatively low salt content, which would have made it ideal for life, Hynek said. However, the other three factors are hard to measure without sending a rover there to scoop up the soil and analyze what's in it.
So far, this single lake is the only evidence for water on Mars around 3.6 billion years ago. Hynek plans to continue studying these salt deposits to see if there's more evidence of water on a younger Mear
Octopuses ‘are aliens’, scientists decide after DNA study
Octopuses ‘are aliens’, scientists decide after DNA study
Picture Monterey Bay aquarium
Not to freak you out or anything, but scientists have just revealed that octopuses are so weird they’re basically aliens.
The first full genome sequence shows of that octopuses (NOT octopi) are totally different from all other animals – and their genome shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified, more than in a human.
There we were thinking it was quite freaky enough when they learned how to open jam jars.
US researcher Dr Clifton Ragsdale, from the University of Chicago, said: ;The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities.
‘The late British zoologist Martin Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien.’
Octopuses: What even ARE they?
They inhabit every ocean at almost all depths and possess a range of features that call to mind sci-fi aliens.
These include prehensile sucker-lined tentacles, highly mobile, camera-like eyes sensitive to polarised light, sophisticated camouflage systems that alter skin colour and patterns, jet-propulsion, three hearts, and the ability to regenerate severed limbs.
The scientists estimate that the two-spot octopus genome contains 2.7 billion base pairs – the chemical units of DNA – with long stretches of repeated sequences.
On the evening of December 26 several witnesses — Marcelo Pintacuda among them, as he performed various duties at the Port of Necochea-Quequ he noticed a large strange circular object, yellow in color, that flew over the skies of Necochea. The object vanished toward the west of the city after having been visible for several minutes. Mr. Pintacuda was engaged in supervising the unloading of fuel oil from the Antares I vessel to the Necochea Power Station, property of Centrales de la Costa Atlantica SA, which employs this fuel for operating purposes.
The Necochea Power Station is located in the Port of Necoceha next to the Quequn River and facing the sea. Pintacuda is an agent for this branch and was engaged in fire watch activities at the time during the unloading of 8000 tons of fuel oil to the station. The incident is currently under investigation and the images are being downloaded presently from his Motorola C650 cellphone. The month of December has been rich in UFO activity over Necochea. We should keep in mind the cases involving employees of the DYCASA company, who are working on the expansion of the breakwater in the port itself, which also faces the Necochea Power Station.
A considerable number of people saw this large object that vanished over the sea and toward the south. The cases involving a Necochean family that saw a similar round object as they returned home along the coastal route, and another family that sew a similar object over the beach should not be discarded. As we said, all cases are currently under investigation.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS
In Ashland, Nebraska, on December 3, 1967, Herbert Schirmer, a 22 years young patrolman, was making his usual rounds. He had checked the Ashland Sales Barn, and several gas stations along Highway 6 when he noticed what he thought were red lights on top of a large truck. He had just passed through the intersection of Highways 6 and 63 at about 2:00 AM.
He drove the short distance down 63 and stopped with his headlights shining on the object. According to Schirmer, the object was definitely not a truck. The red lights that he had seen were blinking through the oval portholes of a metallic, oval-shaped object that was hovering at a height of about eight feet above the road’s surface.
The object appeared to have a polished, aluminum surface and had a sort of walk around it. It had a structure underneath, like a landing gear.
As he watched, the object rose into the air with flames coming from underneath. It passed almost directly over Schirmer’s patrol car, then quickly shot out of sight.
Schirmer returned to the police station, noting that it was now 3:00 AM., which surprised him because he felt that only ten minutes had passed. At the station, he made this entry into his logbook:
“Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highways 6 and 63. Believe it or not!”
Afterward, Schirmer developed a red welt on his neck, a headache, and he began to feel ill. Word of Schirmer’s sighting was related to the Condon Commission at the University of Colorado, which investigated UFO reports.
Schirmer was asked to come to Boulder, Colorado. At Boulder, on February 13, 1968, he was hypnotized
Returning to Ashland, Schirmer was appointed Ashland’s Police Chief when Chief Wlaskin resigned. However, he resigned after two months, unable to concentrate on the job due to his UFO experience.
According to Schirmer, he was ridiculed by some of the townspeople, his car was dynamited, and his wife left him.
Further regression hypnosis sessions were conducted on June 8, 1968, by hypnotist Loring G. Williams and the results of those sessions were reported in two books: “Gods, Demons, and Space Chariots” and “Gods and Devils from Outer Space” by Eric Norman.
One odd fact that was brought out was that the aliens wore uniforms with an emblem of a winged serpent on the left breast, similar to the winged serpents that have appeared in mythology around the world.
“Gods, Demons, and Space Chariots,” by Eric Norman
Conference where Herbert Schirmer discusses in detail his abduction experience (1967) Note the serpent emblem on the alien sketch that Herbert drew.
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NASA-astronaut: “Vredelievende aliens probeerden Amerika te behoeden voor kernoorlog”
NASA-astronaut: “Vredelievende aliens probeerden Amerika te behoeden voor kernoorlog”
Aliens zijn naar de aarde gekomen om een kernoorlog tussen Amerika en Rusland te voorkomen. Dat heeft NASA-astronaut Edgar Mitchell, de zesde man op de maan, gezegd. De Apollo-veteraan zegt dat UFO’s in vrede kwamen om te voorkomen dat de mensheid zichzelf zou vernietigen.
Hij vertelde aan de Daily Mirror dat hooggeplaatste militairen UFO’s zagen tijdens wapentests. De astronaut spreekt zich sinds het moment dat hij op het maanoppervlak is geland vaker openlijk uit over zijn geloof in aliens.
Insiders vertelden hem dat er vreemde vaartuigen werden gezien boven raketbases en de installatie in White Sands, waar ’s werelds eerste kernbom in 1945 werd ontploft. Mitchell groeide op in New Mexico, in de buurt van White Sands en Roswell, waar volgens velen een UFO is neergestort.
“Je kent het gebied niet zoals ik,” zei hij. “White Sands was een testgebied voor kernwapens. Daar waren de buitenaardsen in geïnteresseerd. Het is mij duidelijk geworden dat de aliens hebben geprobeerd ons te behoeden voor een oorlog en vrede op aarde nastreefden.”
Mitchell hoorde soortgelijke verhalen van mensen die tijdens de Koude Oorlog de raketbases bemanden. “Luchtmachtofficieren vertelden me dat UFO’s vaak werden gezien boven de basis en hun raketten uitschakelden,” zei hij. “Officieren van bases langs de kust zeiden dat hun testraketten vaak uit de lucht werden geschoten door buitenaardse ruimteschepen. Er was in die tijd veel activiteit.” Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Mysterie van buitenaardse sattelliet opgelost ? ( Video )
Mysterie van buitenaardse sattelliet opgelost ? ( Video )
Soms komen er ergens beelden tevoorschijn waarbij je mond open valt van verbazing.
Dat is wat er met ons gebeurde toen we de opname zagen uit het Amerikaanse Florida waarmee misschien het raadsel van een ruim 12.000 jaar oude satelliet is opgelost.
Het is een rustige middag in de Amerikaanse staat Florida wanneer een vrouw in haar huis naar de keuken loopt en door het raam even naar buiten kijkt.
Ze schrikt want daar in de lucht is iets zichtbaar waarvan zij in eerste instantie dan maar denkt dat het een vlieger is.
Het is een zwart, vreemd uitziend object.
Dat niet alleen, maar uit het object komen ook een drietal kleine ronde “metallic” uitziende bollen tevoorschijn. Het volgende is wat de vrouw ziet:
Hieronder volgt een video met een uitgebreide analyse van het voorval. Eerst het vreemde donkere object dat verschijnt en vervolgens de kleine bollen die zich losmaken en zich verwijderen van het object, maar wel op dezelfde hoogte blijven.
Hoe uiteindelijk deze ronde bollen rond elkaar cirkelen en vervolgens uit beeld verdwijnen en hoe het vreemde zwarte voorwerp dan volkomen “oplost” in het niets.
Nu is bovenstaande natuurlijk heel bijzonder en wordt dat nog meer omdat het vreemde donkere object wat door deze dame is gefilmd als twee druppels water lijkt op een ander vreemd donker object.
Ver voordat wij de eerste satellieten de ruimte in stuurden was er al een onbekende die berichten naar de aarde zond. Het was een satelliet die de naam The Black Knight kreeg en waarvan de leeftijd wordt geschat op minimaal 12.000 jaar.
De volgende foto werd gemaakt in 1988 door de allereerste Space Shuttle missie, de STS-88. Nu zie je ook de opvallende gelijkenis met het object dat door de vrouw in Florida is gefilmd.
De verklaring van NASA voor het object hierboven is dat het een thermische deken is die ze op de een of andere manier zijn kwijtgeraakt of in ieder geval ruimtepuin wat geen enkele verdere betekenis heeft.
De werkelijke verklaring is dat we hier waarschijnlijk te maken hebben met The Black Night Satelliet.
In 1960 verschenen er diverse nieuwsberichten in kranten en ook een artikel in Time waarin bekend werd gemaakt dat een mysterieuze “donkere” satelliet was ontdekt in een baan om de aarde.
De Amerikanen werden nerveus omdat ze dachten dat het een nieuwe Russische spionagesatelliet was en de bevolking kreeg de indruk dat de leiding geen idee had over wat er nu eigenlijk boven hun hoofden gebeurde.
Deze verwarring duurde ongeveer drie weken, totdat het Ministerie van Defensie plotsklaps met een verklaring kwam: het waren de overblijfselen van een satelliet die ze al een tijdje kwijt waren.
In die tijd geloofde men nog wat overheden vertelden dus ging iedereen weer rustig slapen. Maar, verhalen over deze vreemde satelliet gaan al veel verder terug dan de jaren zestig. Er zijn berichten dat het in de jaren twintig en dertig van de vorige eeuw al ouderwetse radiogolven uitzond op de korte golf.
Deze berichten werden in die tijd opgevangen door een groep Noorse en Nederlandse onderzoekers die bezig waren met een onderzoek naar het effect van echo’s. Eén van de berichten waar zij niets mee gedaan hadden, werd later ontdekt door de Schotse auteur en astronoom Duncan Lunan. Hij wist dit bericht te ontcijferen en er kwam uit dat de satelliet toebehoorde aan buitenaardsen uit het sterrenstelsel Epsilon Boötes, dat ze op de zesde planeet in hun stelsel woonden en dat die één maan had. Er gaan ook verhalen dat dit weer ontkend zou zijn, maar het werd wel gepubliceerd in 1973 in het tijdschrift Spaceflight.
Volgens de auteur John Keel, die het boek Disneyland of the Gods heeft geschreven, was het object vele malen groter dan wat Amerika of Rusland in de ruimte zou kunnen brengen.
En toen op 3 september 1960, zeven maanden nadat de satelliet voor het eerst door de radar was ontdekt, werd het vastgelegd op de gevoelige plaat door een camera die stond opgesteld bij de Grunman Aircraft Corporation. Mensen op de grond hadden het af en aan gezien gedurende enkele weken. Ze beschreven het object als rood gloeiend en in een baan van oost naar west rond aarde. De weinige satellieten die toen in de ruimte waren, bewogen echter in een baan van west naar oost.
De snelheid van het apparaat was ook drie keer groter dan die van een normale satelliet. Er werd een comité opgericht om er onderzoek naar te doen, maar de resultaten daarvan zijn nooit bekend gemaakt.
Toen de satelliet werd ontdekt in 1960 vond men het belangrijk genoeg om de toenmalige president Eisenhower midden in de nacht wakker te maken. Een satelliet waarvan de leeftijd wordt geschat op minimaal 12.000 jaar, op een hoogte van bijna 40.000 kilometer, net onder de Van Allen Gordel.
De Black Knight satelliet is één van de best bewaarde geheimen van de tegenwoordige tijd.
Is deze Black Night Satelliet misschien iets meer dan alleen maar een satelliet. Is het een soort moederschip die in een baan om de aarde draait en af en toe verkenners op pad stuurt?
Of is het object wat de vrouw in Florida heeft gezien niet de Black Night Satelliet, maar wel een ruimteschip dat daaraan is gerelateerd.
Wat wel zeker is, is dat er boven onze hoofden dingen gebeuren waarvan het overgrote deel van de bevolking in het geheel geen weet heeft.
Aug 2015 Sighting – Strange Black Object Seen By Fishermen
Aug 2015 Sighting – Strange Black Object Seen By Fishermen
With all the UFO evidence at our disposal, with all the testimonies brought by eyewitness about encounters and abductions, one thing that everyone wants the most is to meet these humanoid extraterrestrial creatures. Recently, one strange object was seen by fishermen. The black object appears to be hiding from them. According to the witnesses, it is apparent that there is some intelligence who was controlling the precise object. They further added that it was afraid and does not want to be noticed. Later, the alleged object was being followed by the fishermen.
Iznik is a town and a directorial district in the Province of Bursa. The incident is not a sole occurrence because according to the villagers of the province, they have also seen a strange object at Lake Iznik. Yes! Not a single presence in the eyes of the fishermen where they alleged to have seen the black object in the morning. At Iznik Lake, Fehmi and his friends were on their boat fishing. At 6:00 am in Iznik coast guard, they heard a very strange sound in the village’s reeds and the place nearby the fishermen. According to them, the noise is very familiar, because it is like a huge bird being trapped between the reeds. But, they got up quickly and approached it. Concerned glances have made the fishermen to soar who was sailing under the foreign body; he recorded the strange object of his mobile phone. The mysterious object was being suspended in the air. In fact, it moved toward the Göllüce which happens to be the coast. According to the Fishermen, they followed the flying object only for a short period. The unidentified flying object watched as the UFO was hanging in on the air.
It is true that occurrences like this are unbelievable, but the mere fact that not only the fishermen who saw the strange black object, it makes sense that it could be real.
UFO Footage: Strange Metallic Orb Filmed Over Indonesia
UFO Footage: Strange Metallic Orb Filmed Over Indonesia
When you are into extraterrestrial issues, you have to begin by attempting to refute a particular UFO case. Of course, this scenario is to see if it holds water to identify whether or not it is a mistaken, a genuine or just a hoax sighting. If you haven’t studied the case well, it could be a simple airplane hovering in the sky, a silver-painted, or a weather balloon Frisbee being tossed up for laughs.
When there are reports of extraterrestrial sightings, people often hear reasonable explanations such as an experimental aircraft, lights on airplanes, weather balloons, hoaxes, optical illusions, swamp gas, wild imagination, and many more. Such ideas may either come from the media, or by some infamous intelligence faction. Of course, exploring the most reasonable explanations is healthy, but if none of the general criteria can apply, you just may have a real alien spacecraft on your hands.
One witness living in North Jakarta, Indonesia has reported seeing a metallic orb hovering across the sky. The witness filed in the Mutual UFO Network database as Case 68460. According to the witness, he was staying in the outdoor basketball court together with his family at about 5:42 in the afternoon. On July 17, 2015, he saw the orb UFO flying at a height of about 500 meters northwest of the sky. Later on, it changed the course when it flew in a South West direction before disappearing from the sight.
Even though extraterrestrial vessels kept at a constant speed of 50 meters per minute, it changed its shape when it approached the witness. From an orb-like shape, it changed to squashed or flat vertically. The witness saw a metallic luster that imitated the light of an evening sun. As the object moved closer, he observed it more closely. Since he wanted to determine the nature of the object, He communicated with MUFON.
I have had on-going interactions with non-human UFO beings since I was a young child, and after forty years of experiences and much research I share with you what I have gleaned willingly and unwillingly.
There are only two predominate alien categories visiting us, essentially : those brilliantly malevolent, and those who won't get involved.
Sanguine and Pollyanna thinking prevails, concerning alien motives and tactics by those unschooled..
UFOs are inter-dimensional AS WELL AS inter-galactic and
when UFOs wink out and reappear, they have already traveled back and forth in time.
Many of these sinister beings, like Dracos reptilians and small dark greys, see us as a harvestable crop to eat, and also seek to infuse their dis-corporate energies into our multilayered psyche, for they are also joy-riding lamprey parasites of human consciousness, itself.
The full alien truth, is down a long hall, and somewhere else.
Alien and UFO debunkers join UFO groups to closely monitor those who claim to be alien abductees and to plant seeds of ridicule
and disinformation.
These people are so vociferous that, if they are taken seriously, it can wrongly make one wonder, whether there is intelligent life, on Earth.
Some debunkers, however, seem not to be purposeful, planted cynics and
one must feel sorry for them because they are so very poorly informed.
There is, in truth, no longer room for such ignorance, (ignoring evidence) in this endeavor, given the mountains of evidential details available.
But, a true goverment debunker, is one who purposefully attempts to muddy the UFO/ alien knowledge fountain, such that none may drink.
We were told by experts like Carl Sagan, who not too long ago passed, that Earth is too far out in the 'boonies' of our galaxy to merit any attention by E.T.s, but he was dead wrong, long before he died, for
Earth is, and always has been, a crossroads for many highly technological lifeforms.
The mean-spirited ones, now doing salvage, are the vestigial remnants of a union that donated their DNA to set up this rare jewel of a preserve and
THAT'S why our planet looms as rare, among millions of other barren worlds, that we now discern in the Universe.
I used to also firmly believe that we as human predators on Earth were at the very top of the food chain.
Then, others who also claimed to be abductees, some of whom I met through Budd Hopkins and his house "get-togethers," told me horror stories about abductions.
They had seen, on-board craft, an alien race of tall frightening beings who radiated rage and hatred, reptilian alien overlords of the many alien races who pilot UFOS.
Muscular, winged, sentient, highly technological, upright standing to seven or eight feet tall, who look like a cross between a human and a monitor lizard, alien reptilians who look upon us, as we fancy veal.
You see, at Bud Hopkin's house these abductees discussed that they had somehow also gleaned what reptoids regular diets consisted of, and these abductees
pierced another horrid 'truth': that
we are cocooned within a matrix, elusive and revealing, far from "reality", and please, "Pay no attention to the Reptilian, behind our spiritual curtains!"
It was a chilling story I was to hear repeatedly echoed elsewhere.
It re-framed correctly, at least to my mind, what the true M.O. (modus operandi) was, behind this particular alien type and its interaction/visitations with mankind:
We are a 'delectable' chosen people', a harvest-able 'crop' farmed throughout the Universe, with the same alien impunity that we humans assert over animal husbandry rights , on this preserve, that we call, "Earth".
It became stunning, how blind UFO "skywatchers" and media simply focused on documenting, and reporting on only craft and not ever the occupants within, nor their intents, motives and tactics, surely an alien- Jedi- mind- trick, at work.
At Bud Hopkin's house, reptilians ate humans and we sipped tea and ate cookies, discussing it.
It put one in mind of a classic Twilight Zone episode called,"To Serve Man", which neatly summed up man's importance in the galaxy as not even a main course, but just a mere condiment.
But you and I, reader, should not worry as our flesh by now is too tough, old and tainted with age for their tastes.
Helmeted with their God masquerade, in the Old Testament Bible, and fed manna to improve human taste, kosher dietary laws were for reptilian culinary purposes just as we feed beef corn for a richer texture in steaks, and snails are fed grain, we are food, not for thought!
It makes one want to change one's eating habits, to make a moral decision to assume a vegetarian diet and not to ever atavistically revert, despite the fact that our mouths are intended by evolution to tear flesh, equipped by nature with meat-tearing incisors....
I had never 'imagined' such creatures!
My abduction recalls were of almost-friendly entities who were masters of illusions, ones who tested me in mind-imposed 3-D scenarios, of moral dilemmas.
Small synthetic work-beings, small greys, did the kidnapping and answered to taller Greys who
were tall, white like a refrigerator, flat like a Gumby cartoon character and spoke mind-to-mind.
Extremely controlling and highly psychic, they worked for and answered to reptilian beings.
Were they "evil"?
Evil is as evil does: kidnapping, rape, telepathic attack, insidious omnipresent micro-managing of our emotions, energies and sexuality through implant drains, treating us as though we were guinea pigs, orchestrating joys, disasters and horrors into our lives to milk us of energy; isn't that enough of a definition?
Evil's unholy three criteria are herein satisfied: predatory, sinister and self-justifying, with these overlord reptilian entities.
I must remind sanguine abductees, who glibly relish, "contactee" as a more apt label, that these entities do not knock on the noonday door and politely ask if you'd "care to be 'abducted', if you've nothing else to do, just now?"
Taken body and spirit, wrapped in REMs, we are instead considered a product, not a sentient entity race worthy of respect and dignity and mutual non-interference..
These farmer- thieves, highly technological and uncannily canny, are a curse, upon the Earth, nighttime, bedroom visitors, negative-thought entities, who pilot UFOs, and who view us as their property.
We are, during sleep in R.E.M.s, taken, wrapped in a cocoon of delusional vivid screen memories, and kept on a short psychic leash, to be marched around a craft in suggestive amnesia.
Returned to bed, one later recalls a snippet of an odd, 'dream'.
The best game-keepers never let the creatures within, suspect that it is, indeed, a preserve,
unaware of whose image they truly were created in.
Has this been going on from the beginning of time?
Alien reptilians, are as native and terrestrial to our planet as are thunderstorms; they are the game wardens of this preserve, that we call 'Earth, masters of the Universe, both inter dimensional, as well as, inter galactic and
use the same astral dimension that ghosts and demons use, to enter and exit our physical reality.
The lower Earth animal forms seen as reptiles, felines, amphibians, insects, mantids, are mirrored and echoed by the higher technological forms which have been seen aboard craft, who originally lent their DNA to create this preserve.
We , too, are constructs of their creative meddling.
When people ask them,"Where are you from?" Where do you come from?", they are often told,"We come from within."
That is, after physical abductions, their possessing energies are deposited, not unlike the lamprey parasites that they are, within the multi layered human psyche/mind.
Could our minds offer protection?
By virtue of the horrid unexpected result, the appearance of a saurian monstrously tall reptilian in the center of my living room who radiated a loathsome palpable rage and hatred, shortly after I tried using a mind-weapon psychic technique, I determined that I would never remotely try any anti-reptilian mental exercise tool again!
(However, a skilled TEAM might en masse bring forth most marvelous results...)
The unused power of our minds is part of the raw quantum physics of the universe and it has latent powers, both miraculous and awesome, as seen in this power flexing exercise that back-fired.
But it brought against me almost immediate retaliation most awful, which underlined its potential efficacy.
Are you capable of being as foolhardy as I was?
With your eyes closed, visualize an alien craft, a disc-shaped or cigar- shaped large UFO, and see it in your mind's eye, perched or flying above our planet or high within our skies, many miles overhead.
Visualize all quadrants of this very large craft, full of overlord reptilians and subservient greys, all busy at machinery; study the tiers and levels of it in full detail for a full half-minute.
Visualize that a force from your mind sharply hits the ship; jar the craft violently and then toss it into another section of space, like a football, end over end.
Clearly see it hurled across a short distance in space, at a tilted pitched angle and visualize/ imagine all entities onboard now suddenly very startled and frightened.
I augmented this visualization, used a quick head tilt to accentuate my strong mental suggestion of the craft's jump.
Distracted elsewhere, I had totally forgotten about this experimental exercise within a half-hour.
But then a creature from a nightmare appeared and changed my life.
A Mothman-like reptilian, a scaled, ceiling-high saurian being semi materialized.
Without moving I was suddenly warmed by a massive smoldering feeling of hatred; it surrounded me with menace as though I were near a hot radiator.
Its reddish/yellow eyes radiated a palpable loathing and rage, which amazed and awed me rather than frightened me as I had lost my senses to surprise..
Half monitor lizard, half man, it telepathed an overpowering sense of malice which stopped me in awe.
I was much too surprised and amazed to feel any fear, and
the creature vanished after a full 10 seconds.
Later, days and weeks later in my life, that saurian vendetta surely and without question manifested a series of horrid and painful accidents which seemed later to underline the smoldering, tangible hatred and rage that it had radiated towards me.
Emergency surgeries involving neck discs which had completely pinched my spinal cord , and soon after, a drive-by automobile hit and run which had shattered my knee and had nearly almost killed me.
In retrospect, those agonies and sudden misfortunes were not worth the risk of what was, after all, a very foolhardy experiment.
But I couldn't help but wonder how just a single human mind could be such a powerful weapon/tool; it can remotely control unseen overhead alien craft that do indeed respond to powerful telepathic messages.
I later couldn't help but wonder what a highly skilled group of focused minds, an orchestra of minds in unison, might also be able to accomplish.
We are, perhaps, not as helpless against these creatures and their machines, as everyone thinks we are..
NASA Releases Ultra High Definition Videos From Space
NASA Releases Ultra High Definition Videos From Space
Is NASA getting into the movie business? While the moon landing in July of 1969 held the world at the edge of their seats, watching it on tiny black and white televisions with grainy images and a wobbly video feed, today’s video being beamed back from space is literally light years ahead of those vintage images.
A view of the Earth taken by a 4K video camera now onboard the ISS and operational
Image Credit: NASA
Most people are familiar with the Hubble Space Telescope and the amazing images it has captured in its 25-year history. Stars being born and dying, galaxies expanding and entire nebulas were brought to life with that instrument. But video is so much more exciting, right? Especially as it concerns the International Space Station. A lot goes on up there, astronauts come and go on a regular basis, they host live chats with school children, and there’s a ton of science work being done on board.
NASA wants to share all those events, as well as the spectacular view outside the station. On the outside of the IS, there are cameras mounted that focus in all directions and stream video as part of the High Definition Earth Viewing System, or HDEV. It’s a live feed that can be viewed on NASA’s UStream page, live as it happens. The resolution of those images is the standard for live stream, 1080p. At that size, the ISS has enough online bandwidth to make that video available live.
The mission of space though, is to go further and to do that NASA has just released the first video from a new system of cameras on board the ISS. The main difference is the picture quality. The video just posted online on NASAs ReelNASA YouTube channel is a whopping 3840×2160 pixels, a standard known as 4K or Ultra High Definition, UHD-1. It’s close to four times the pixel size of the 1080p streams and it makes images literally pop on screen. Because of this ginormous size, the film is edited down and then beamed to Earth and posted online, as opposed to streaming live. Even the ISS doesn’t have the bandwidth to stream video of that size.
Another difference is the focus of each camera. The HDEV cameras are set to a fixed wide-angle focus, which while they capture a larger area than the new 4K cameras, the HDEV process cannot bring in the details the UHD-1 cameras can. The high definition cameras are set to focus much like a telephoto lens does, providing enough detail to tell the make and model of cars in traffic.
There are two of the High-Def cameras on board the ISS, one taking video at the 4K rate and another taking stills at 25MP. The video posted by NASA on June 15, 2015 shows video taken from the exterior of the ISS, including some stunning video of the polar ice caps, storm clouds of the ocean and even footage of the Space-X cargo ship docking at the station as well as the ISS astronauts going about their activities in a “day in the life” style of what it’s like on board. There is even footage showing how a cheeseburger is made in zero gravity
Check out Reel 1 below to catch a Hi-Def glimpse of life onboard and outside the ISS.
Digital terrain mapping and mineralogical analysis of the features surrounding the deposit indicate that this one-time lakebed is no older than 3.6 billion years old.
Salt flat indicates some of the last vestiges of surface water on Mars
Digital terrain mapping and mineralogical analysis of the features surrounding the deposit indicate that this one-time lakebed is no older than 3.6 billion years old.
A perspective rendering of the martian chloride deposit and surrounding terrain.
LASP/Brian Hynek
Mars turned cold and dry long ago, but researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered evidence of an ancient lake that likely represents some of the last potentially habitable surface water ever to exist on the Red Planet.
The study examined an 18-square-mile (47 square kilometers) chloride salt deposit in the planet’s Meridiani region near the Mars Opportunity rover’s landing site. As seen on Earth in locations such as Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats, large-scale salt deposits are considered to be evidence of evaporated bodies of water.
Digital terrain mapping and mineralogical analysis of the features surrounding the deposit indicate that this one-time lakebed is no older than 3.6 billion years old, well after the time period when Mars is thought to have been warm enough to sustain large amounts of surface water planet-wide. Planetary scientists believe that the solar system formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago.
“This was a long-lived lake, and we were able to put a very good time boundary on its maximum age,” said Brian Hynek, a research associate at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at CU-Boulder and lead author of the study. “We can be pretty certain that this is one of the last instances of a sizable lake on Mars.”
Based on the extent and thickness of the salt, the researchers estimate that the lake was only about 8 percent as salty as the Earth’s oceans and therefore may have been hospitable to microbial life.
“By salinity alone, it certainly seems as though this lake would have been habitable throughout much of its existence,” said Hynek, who is also an associate professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at CU-Boulder and director of the CU Center for Astrobiology. He noted, however, that other factors such as acidity levels were not included in the scope of the study.
A huge investment into the search for intelligent alien life has renewed public interest in the question of whether we're alone in the universe. Paul Davies tells Late Night Live why he's sceptical of the current search, and why he thinks we should look for 'life as we don't know it' on our own planet.
Since the 1960s, radio telescopes have been sweeping the skies on a shoestring budget, hoping to stumble across a message from ET. That search is now set to be transformed by a high-profile, multi-million dollar initiative called Breakthrough Listen, which will use some of the biggest telescopes on Earth to probe far deeper into the universe.
At the initiative's launch, British cosmologist Stephen Hawking expressed the optimism of many in the scientific community, telling the media: 'In an infinite universe, there must be other occurrences of life. Somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps, intelligent life may be watching.'
If ET wants planet Earth, it's been around 4.5 billion years ... and they haven't come for 4.5 billion years so why should they come just now?
Does that mean we're bound to find something if we just keep looking long enough? Not necessarily, says astrophysicist and astrobiologist Paul Davies.
Professor Davies is a supporter of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI)—in fact, he's chair of the SETI Post-Detection Science and Technology Task Group, the body charged with responding if Earth is contacted by aliens. However, he thinks we may need some radically new thinking to have a chance of finding anything other than 'eerie silence'.
'It's always possible to believe that if you spend more and look harder you're going to come across something,' he says of the $135 million investment announced in July.
'Suddenly, overnight, this hand-to-mouth project has been transformed into a serious scientific program, so that is of course very welcome.
'At this stage it's very unclear as to how the money will be spent. If it's just spent on doing more of the same, it's welcome, but I can't get very excited. I think we need some radically new thinking about what to look for and how to go about it.'
The major problem, Professor Davies says, is that the current strategy only picks up messages deliberately being sent to Earth—and that doesn't make sense.
'The strategy so far is to point a radio telescope at a hopeful star for maybe half an hour, and then hop from star to star in the hope of picking up a message,' he says.
'The question is, is ET on a planet, around a star, beaming a message at us? That's not credible. It's not credible that a civilisation 1,000 light years away would be beaming messages at Earth. Why should they?
'If they can see Earth, if they have super-duper advanced technology, they have the ability to see our planet and to figure that there is intelligent life on it—moderately intelligent life on it—but they see Earth as it was 1,000 years ago. There were no radio telescopes; there was no radio.
'In another 1,000 years they will hear the words I'm speaking now [and say], "Aha! There is intelligent life on Earth! We'll send them a message!" But it's too soon, and so we shouldn't be looking for deliberately directed messages, but looking for beacons instead.'
While some, including Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, are worried about the risks of contacting and potentially antagonising alien civilisations, Professor Davies thinks that's an unlikely scenario.
'I think this is a completely daft argument—the idea that by broadcasting into space we'd somehow bring an alien invasion on ourselves,' he says.
'If ET wants Planet Earth, it's been around 4.5 billion years. The aliens could have come here at any time. They don't need us to tell them about the planet.
'If they've got instruments capable of picking up our messages, and understanding them, then they know a lot about our planet already. We don't have to invite them in, they'd just come. And they haven't come for 4.5 billion years so why should they come just now?'
For Professor Davies, the big question is whether Earth-like planets are likely to have life on them. And that can only be answered, he says, if we understand how life began in the first place.
'Is it the case that a planet that is like Earth is likely to have life on it? We can only answer that question if we know the mechanism that turns non-life into life,' he says.
'If we knew what did it, we could estimate the odds. We don't know what did it and so we've got these two points of view: [either] it's a bizarre fluke, it won't happen twice, [or] somehow it's built into the nature of the universe, and life will pop up all over the place.'
He says the idea that needs to be tested is whether life is, in fact, 'a cosmic imperative', as Nobel prize-winning biologist Christian de Duve believed.
'If life does pop up obligingly in Earth-like conditions, no planet is more Earth-like than Earth itself, so shouldn't life have started many times over right here on our home planet? How do we know it didn't? Has anybody actually looked?' asks Davies.
'When I worked on these ideas with my friend Charley Lineweaver at the ANU some years ago ... [it] turned out that really nobody had even thought of this possibility.'
He argues that the focus should be on examining microbes, since most life on earth is microbial. The right kind of investigation could unearth what scientists describe as a 'shadow biosphere'.
'You can't tell by looking what are microbes made of. You don't know how it ticks, you've got to delve into its biochemical innards to work that out, and if you go looking for life as we know it, you're not going to discover life as we don't know it,' he says.
'Those teeming microbes—of which probably only about less than 1 per cent have actually been characterised, let alone cultured and sequenced—we don't know what they are. There's plenty of room at the bottom for microbial life that would be radically alternative to known life.'
If these microbes were found, it would be obvious from their biochemistry that they could not possibly have had a common origin with the rest of life on Earth, Professor Davies says.
'Then you could say, well, life has happened at least twice, and if it's happened twice, it surely will have happened all the way around the universe,' he says.
'Then there would be justification for the belief that we live in a universe that is teeming with life. But we have to find one microbe.'
Such a discovery would energise Professor Davies' enthusiasm for SETI. Even before that, though, he believes the search is worthwhile, despite his scepticism about the process.
'I've always been a supporter of SETI. You can tell that I'm sceptical of the strategy, but I think it's worth doing, and it's worth doing because it leads people ... to have conversations like this,' he says.
'It gets young people excited by science, it makes us think about big questions like what is life, what is intelligence, what are the laws of nature, what is our place in the universe. Even if we don't get the answers from SETI, it's really good that we think about those things.'
It's a god-awful small affair, to the girl who's not even there.
A photo from the Mars Curiosity rover posted to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory website has the Internet buzzing about the so-called "woman" on the Red Planet.
But if there is life on Mars, this image isn't evidence of it, one expert tells The Huffington Post. Dr. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer and director of the Center for SETI Research, thinks that it's all in the eyes -- or, brain, rather -- of the beholder.
"The fact that so many people are adept at playing 'Where’s Waldo?' with rover photos is a testament to our brain’s ability to pick out creatures in the visual landscape," he told HuffPost. "It’s a talent that helped our ancestors avoid predators or catch prey, but it’s a poor strategy in the hunt for extraterrestrial life."
Yes, the human brain is hard-wired to look for patterns, meaning and even faces in images. It's a phenomenon called pareidolia.
Although it's hard to tell exactly what the first (second?) lady of Mars is made of without examining it, Shostak says that it's probably a rock. (Hey, it could have been dust or dirt.)
"I know that this may disappoint those who are convinced otherwise, but just because it looks like a duck is hardly proof of ducky-ness -- or in this case, evidence that a miniature version of the Statue of Liberty is welcoming NASA hardware to Mars," Shostak said.
NASA's Curiosity rover captured this cutie on Mars in January 2013. The rock does bear a remarkable likeness to an iguana -- it's got a tail, dewlap and even an "eye." But again, this is just a rock.
The "Mars rat" was found in a March 2013 image from the Curiosity rover. The rat took the Internet by storm -- and even got its own Twitter account. So, rock or tech-savvy rat?... It's just. A rock.
Spooky! This skull-like object was spotted in an image taken by the rover Spirit in 2006. Similar "skulls" have been spotted in subsequent rover images -- including a bird and a T. rex. Even an "alien's skull" was spotted. The verdict? ALL ROCKS.
Mysteriously Appearing Donut
When a rock shaped like a jelly doughnutmysteriously appeared in front of the Opportunity rover in January 2014, everyone wondered how it got there. Was it dropped there by an alien cop on his coffee break? Nope. According to NASA, the rover flicked it into its own path.
Bloggers spotted this "helmet" or "bowler hat" in a 2013 Curiosity photo. It's definitely a rock.
Door Handle
This mysterious metallic-looking object that showed up in a Curiosity photo in 2013 may look like it flew off an alien's door. But according to NASA, it's just a hard, fine-grained rock that was "polished" by the wind.
This "flower" was spotted in a 2012 Curiosity photo. It's definitely not biological, but planetary scientist Aileen Yingst did tell that she would "hesitate to say what it is."
2.8-Billion-Year-Old Spheres Found In South Africa: How Were They Made?
Spheres found in the mines of South Africa have piqued the curiosity of researchers for decades.
According to Michael Cremo and other researchers of prehistoric culture, these spheres add to a body of evidence suggesting intelligent life existed on Earth long before a conventional view of history places it here.
Cremo has traveled the world gathering information on out-of-place artefacts (ooparts); he compiled his findings in the popular book,“Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.”
In 1984, while investigating the spheres, he contacted Roelf Marx, curator of the museum of Klerksdorp, South Africa, where some of the spheres are kept. Marx described the spheres as being about 2.8 billion years old, with a very hard surface and a fibrous structure inside. He found them quite strange and puzzling.
Marx wrote, according to Cremo: “’There is nothing scientific published about the globes, but the facts are: They are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the little town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. This pyrophyllite … is a quite soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Mohs scale [a scale of 1 to 10 to rank the hardness of minerals] and was formed by sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago.”
“On the other hand, the globes, which have a fibrous structure on the inside with a shell around it, are very hard and cannot be scratched, even by steel. The Mohs scale of hardness is named after Friedrich Mohs, who chose ten minerals as references points for comparative hardness, with talc the softest and diamond the hardest.”
Steel ranks about a 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, so the spheres would be harder than that, according to Marx.
Some say the spheres were formed by a natural process of concretion. Concretions are masses of hardened mineral matter.
Some of the so-called Klerksdorp spheres are elliptical in shape with rough ridges around the center. But some are so balanced in shape and proportion, and the grooves around them look so straight and hand-carved, it seems unlikely they were naturally formed, say proponents of the theory that these spheres were made by intelligent beings.
In 2002, the Klerksdorp Museum posted a letter from John Hund of Pietersburg, South Africa, on its website. The claims made in this letter were not verified, according to geologist Paul V. Heinrich, and the letter was later removed. Hund stated that one of the spheres was tested at the California Space Institute, and scientists concluded that its balance “is so fine, it exceeded the limit of their measuring technology.”It was “within one-hundred thousandths of an inch from absolute perfection.”
Heinrich did not find the South African spheres he studied perfectly balanced and shaped…
Moqui Marbles of Utah
In Utah, similar spheres were found. They are about 2 million years old, and they are known as Moqui marbles or Moqui balls. Legend holds that the departed ancestors of the Hopi Native Americans would play games with the marbles and leave them as messages to their relatives that they are happy and well.
Moqui marbles have a sandy interior and a hard, round exterior made of iron oxide. Heinrich’s tests on one of the Klerksdorp spheres showed it to be made of hematite, a mineral form of iron oxide. He found another Klerksdorp sphere consisted of the mineral wollastonite along with hematite and geothite, a hydrated iron oxide.
Various theories for exactly how these spheres may have been made are presented by those who say they are natural phenomena. Dr. Karrie Weber at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is researching microbes that she has said may have helped form the spheres out of the by-products of its life processes.
Geologist Dave Crosby, who has done research in Utah where the Moqui marbles are found, originally hypothesized that a meteor impact scattered molten spheres that then condensed on sand grains. Upon closer examination, as explained on, he found no evidence of a meteor impact. He then developed a theory that involves rainwater dissolving iron and other minerals and carrying them to the groundwater. As they flow through the groundwater, the ions are deposited around sand grains forming spheres.
Cremo, and others who hold that ooparts are evidence of advanced prehistoric civilizations, say mainstream scientists need to be more bold and more willing to acknowledge evidence that could contradict dominant views.
Featured image: Top left, bottom right: Spheres, known as Klerksdorp spheres, found in the pyrophyllite (wonderstone) deposits near Ottosdal, South Africa. (Robert Huggett) Top right, bottom left: Objects known as Moqui marbles from the Navajo Sandstone of southeast Utah. (Paul Heinrich)
While many UFO sightings take place high in the sky or at a distance, occasionally one will be seen close up to the witnesses. There have even been the occasional reports of UFO’s being too close at times. One such report comes from the Appalachian Mountains of Southeastern Kentucky. It was a cold night on January 14th, 2002 as a CSX train with two engines was pulling a 16,000-ton line of coal and freight cars from Russell to Shelbiana, Kentucky. Near milepost 42 the double track was running beside the Big Sandy River and a cliff face carved out of the mountainside to provide room for the tracks. The terrain is rugged and concealing along the river valley. At 2:47 a.m., as the train was approaching a bend, the conductor saw lights ahead. Figuring it was just another train coming toward them on the other track he doused his own headlights as a courtesy.
Then the encounter went haywire for the train. As it came around the bend the electrical system began to cut in and out and the diesel engines of both locomotives died. The proximity alarm began to scream a warning at the driver. Looking out the window the train crew saw a very strange sight. Hovering over the river and the tracks were a group of unidentifiable objects. They were described as being of a metallic silver color with multiple colored lights on both the bottom and middle section of the craft. At least three of the objects were directing what looked like search lights onto the surface of the river. The train crew could see no windows on the craft which they estimated as being maybe 20 feet long and about half that much tall. What was of the most imminent concern was one of the objects hovering about 10 feet above the tracks they were on. Despite the emergency braking system activating as soon as the power died, one does not stop 16,000 tons instantly. Inevitably the UFO was struck by the train’s locomotive. It clipped the front engine and then bounced around to cut a piece from the second engine and damage the first two coal cars. The unidentified objects immediately took off from the area and vanished into the sky.
It took nearly two miles for the train to finally come to a halt. After it stopped the power returned and the crew contacted their dispatcher in Jacksonville, Florida to appraise him of the situation. After a quick inspection of the damage they were ordered to try and make it to the Paintsville rail yard where, even though it was barely operational anymore, they would be able to drop off the damaged equipment. Their new destination was about 20 miles further down the tracks and they made it to Paintsville by around 5:15 a.m. The crew was immediately taken off the train and questioned by a group of men they did not know. The only thing they were sure of was that they were not railroad personnel. After two hours of this, the men were taken out and placed on a smaller railroad carrier headed for Martin, Kentucky. They noticed as they left that the two engines and two damaged rail cars had been removed from the train but they didn’t see where they had been taken to. After arriving at Martin, the train crew spent more time being interviewed by railroad Inspectors. They were finally sent to Shelbiana for an eight-hour layover before their next shift began, working another train back towards Russell, Kentucky. As they passed through Paintsville they saw absolutely no evidence of the train they had been in when they ran into the UFO or of the huge number of people that had mysteriously appeared to work on the damaged train.
Official records of the repair of the engine state the crumpled roof and smashed window were caused by a rock slide in one of the train way tunnels that dot the tracks through this mountainous region. Still, no report of the rockslide or its cleaning up has been found. The CXS Railroad has routinely kept their business to themselves and rarely are incidents along the line made public unless a train has hit someone. That nothing of this incident, or even a rockslide, made it into any of the local newspapers is not unusual. UFO’s have often been spotted hovering over water. What they are looking for as well as what these particular objects were after is unknown. Whether the UFO the train hit managed to continue flying or crashed into the Big Sandy River is also unknown.
Leidt deze geheime deur naar het graf van de legendarische koningin Nefertiti? Is de legendarische koningin Nefertiti gevonden? “Geheime deur ontdekt in tombe Toetanchamon”
Is de legendarische koningin Nefertiti gevonden? “Geheime deur ontdekt in tombe Toetanchamon”
Wetenschappers denken dat ze een geheime deur hebben ontdekt in de grafkamer van de Egyptische farao Toetanchamon. Achter de deur zou het graf van Nefertiti, de schoonmoeder van Toetanchamon, verborgen liggen.
“De deur leidt naar het ongeopende graf van de oorspronkelijke eigenaar van het graf, Nefertiti,” zegt archeoloog Nicholas Reeves van de Universiteit van Arizona. Op scans ontdekte hij silhouetten van wat twee dichtgemetselde deuren lijken te zijn. Hij denkt dat de ene deur naar een opslagplaats leidt en de andere naar de tombe van Nefertiti.
Zijn vermoeden wordt versterkt doordat de grafkamer van Toetanchamon rechts van de toegangstunnel ligt. Dat is eerder gebruikelijk bij koninginnen dan bij farao’s. Het zou ook verklaren waarom de grafkamer van Toetanchamon zo klein is.
De deur zou verborgen zitten achter de man met de luipaardvacht, rechts op de foto:
De noordelijke muur van de graftombe van Toetanchamon (Factum Arte)
Nefertiti was de vrouw van farao Achnaton en leefde tijdens de 18e Dynastie (14e eeuw voor Christus). Ze is één van de beroemdste Egyptische vrouwen uit de klassieke oudheid. Ze stond bekend om haar grote schoonheid. Haar naam betekent letterlijk ‘de mooie is gekomen’.
Eén van de grootste raadsels
Als de theorie van Reeves klopt, is daarmee één van de grootste raadsels in de egyptologie opgelost. De laatste rustplaats van Nefertiti is namelijk altijd onbekend gebleven. Nu is het de vraag of de Egyptische autoriteiten willen meewerken en onderzoek zullen toestaan.
“De implicaties zijn buitengewoon,” schrijft de archeoloog. “We hebben niet alleen het vooruitzicht een geweldige voorraadkamer aan te treffen uit het tijdperk van Toetanchamon, maar ook de grafkamer van de legendarische koningin Nefertiti.”
Lees hier alles over de ontdekking. Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Gigantische verborgen oceaan gevonden onder Chinese woestijn: "Dit is een schrikbarende hoeveelheid water" Gigantische verborgen oceaan gevonden onder Chinese woestijn: “Dit is een schrikbarende hoeveelheid water”
Gigantische verborgen oceaan gevonden onder Chinese woestijn: “Dit is een schrikbarende hoeveelheid water”
Chinese wetenschappers hebben onder één van de droogste plekken op aarde een reusachtige verborgen oceaan ontdekt. Dat meldt de South China Morning Post.
Het Tarimbekken in het noordwesten van de autonome regio Xinjiang is één van de droogste gebieden op aarde, maar de enorme hoeveelheid zout water die onder het oppervlak verborgen ligt, past 10 keer in alle vijf Grote Meren in de Verenigde Staten.
Definitie aanpassen
“Dit is een schrikbarende hoeveelheid water,” zei professor Li Yan van de Chinese Academie van Wetenschappen. “Je kunt je haast niet voorstellen dat er zoveel water onder het zand zit. We moeten mogelijk onze definitie van woestijn aanpassen.”
Wetenschappers vermoedden dat smeltwater van nabijgelegen bergen onder het bekken was gesijpeld, maar om hoeveel water het precies ging was niet bekend.
Per toeval ontdekt
Het team van Li stuitte per toeval op het water. De wetenschappers waren op zoek naar koolstofdioxide, dat wordt opgeslagen in onder meer bossen en oceanen. Zo’n 10 jaar geleden ontdekte het team dat CO2 al 10 jaar lang in het bekken verdween. De onderzoekers hadden er alleen geen verklaring voor.
Nadat ze op 200 locaties in de woestijn monsters hadden genomen konden ze berekenen hoeveel water er in het bekken is gestroomd. “Dit is nog maar een voorzichtige schatting,” zei Li. “De werkelijke hoeveelheid kan vele malen groter zijn.”
Het team gaat nu samenwerken met andere onderzoekers om te kijken of elders op aarde ook ondergrondse ‘oceanen’ onder woestijnen liggen. Li verwacht onder de woestijnen grote hoeveelheden water aan te treffen. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Ruimteschip lanceert kleinere UFO's boven Chicago, USA ( Video )
Ruimteschip lanceert kleinere UFO's boven Chicago, USA ( Video )
Vorig jaar januari was er een moederschip boven Brazilië waaruit een aantal kleinere UFO’s tevoorschijn kwamen.
Dit keer is het in het Amerikaanse Chicago dat er iets vergelijkbaars gebeurt.
Het is bekend dat UFO’s en dan met name de grotere moederschepen, zich veelal vermommen in wolken waardoor ze niet vaak echt goed zichtbaar. Naast moederschip vervullen deze wolken een soort dubbelrol als dimensieportaal.
Soms echter zijn de moederschepen zichtbaar en dan zie je hoe ze de kleinere UFO’s als het ware lanceren.
Een prachtig voorbeeld hiervan was vorig jaar januari te zien in Brazilië.
In de volgende video zie je hoe het moederschip de kleinere UFO’s dropt die vervolgens in een bepaalde formatie wegvliegen.
Iets dergelijk gebeurde ook boven de Amerikaanse stad Chicago. In eerste instantie lijkt het alsof er een meteoriet naar beneden komt:
Even later komen vanuit het grote licht/object een aantal kleinere UFO’s tevoorschijn:
Nog wat later zijn er talloze UFO’s te zien die in formatie door de lucht dansen.
In de volgende video zie je het vreemde licht verschijnen aan de hemel, even later de kleinere exemplaren die stuk voor stuk verschijnen en als het ware door de lucht dartelen en “aan en uit” knipperen.
Nadering planeet Niburu veroorzaakt rode luchten ( Video )
Nadering planeet Niburu veroorzaakt rode luchten ( Video )
De enorme bedragen die in Amerika zijn verdwenen en waarvan niemand weet waar ze zijn gebleven, zijn gebruikt voor ondergrondse schuilplaatsen.
Om de planeet Nibiru nu in snel tempo dichterbij komt, zijn er steeds vaker rode luchten te zien als gevolg van de ijzeroxide die in een grote wolk rondom onze planeet zweeft.
Iemand die tot vergelijkbare conclusies komt voor wat betreft de cover up van de planeet Nibiru is de Amerikaanse onderzoeker Bob Fletcher.
Hij houdt zich al jaren lang bezig met onderzoeken naar vooral corruptie en dergelijke binnen de Amerikaanse overheid en andere praktijken die niet door de beugel kunnen.
Eén van de meest uitgebreide onderzoeken die Bob Fletcher ooit heeft uitgevoerd is die naar Nibiru en dan vooral ook de manier waarop men dit voor het grote publiek verborgen probeert te houden.
Bob Fletcher weet uit zijn onderzoeken dat de onbekende Planet X of Nibiru wel degelijk bestaat en dichterbij is dan wij denken.
Volgens wat Fletcher vertelt, moet deze planeet aan het einde van dit jaar duidelijk zichtbaar worden voor iedereen:
Verder zegt hij dat het vroegst mogelijke moment dat we deze planeet kunnen waarnemen over ongeveer een jaar zal zijn. Tegen Kerst volgend jaar. Het zou ook wat later kunnen zijn, maar niet eerder.
Wanneer dit het geval is, zal de planeet zichtbaar worden als een heldere ster aan de hemel en de passage en de gevolgen voor de aarde zullen daarna niet lang op zich laten wachten.
Als de planeet verschijnt op het door Fletcher genoemde moment dan zal de werkelijke passage plaatsvinden ergens in het voorjaar daarna.
Naast alle andere, inmiddels bekende, verschijnselen zoals sterk toenemende vulkanische uitbarstingen, aardbevingen en meteoren, spreekt hij ook van torenhoge vloedgolven die de aarde zullen teisteren.
Voor diegenen die niet zo goed op de hoogte zijn van wat Planet X of Nibiru precies inhoudt volgt hier een ruim zes minuten durende video die een heldere uitleg geeft.
Ook voor mensen die twijfelen aan het bestaan van Nibiru is deze video een aanrader.
In het jaar 2012 werd contact opgenomen met Bob Fletcher door het Amerikaanse Congres. Met de vraag of hij wilde helpen met het onderzoek om uit te vinden waar biljoenen Amerikaanse belasting Dollars waren gebleven.
Bob besefte al snel dat al het goud dat Amerika zogenaamd voor veel andere landen bewaart, allang verdwenen is samen met nog veel meer Amerikaans bezit. Zonder enige uitleg of tastbare voordelen die daarvoor in de plaats zijn gekomen. Het ene leidde tenslotte tot het andere en dankzij zijn eerdere werk voor de CIA aangaande witwassen van geld, slaagde Fletcher erin vast te stellen dat er in het begin van de jaren tachtig enorme bedragen achterover werden gedrukt voor de aanleg van ondergrondse faciliteiten en wegen.
Verder onderzoek wees uit dat Amerika ook andere landen helpt met het financieren van dergelijke ondergrondse faciliteiten in ruil voor steun tegen terrorisme en dergelijken. Naar nu blijkt heeft sinds 1983 ieder land ter wereld zich beziggehouden met ondergrondse activiteiten.
Hetzelfde jaar waarin Nibiru werd ontdekt door de infrarode telescoop IRAS. Nibiru is eveneens waargenomen door bekende Vaticaantelescoop Lucifer:
Duitsland en Italie maakten op 21 april 2010 bekend dat op Mount Graham, Tucson, Arizona USA, het observatorium uitgebreid is met de Lucifer telescoop. De VORG, Vatican Observatory Research Group werkt daar met de grootste optische telescoop om de verste objecten in de ruimte te kunnen waarnemen.
Lucifer, genaamd naar de duivel, is onderdeel van een LBT, Large Binocular Telescope, naast het Vaticaans observatorium dat bemand wordt door Jezuïtische astronomen. De naam komt van: Large binocular telescope near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field unit for Extragalactic Research De keuze van deze naam laat volgens critici zien waar het Vaticaan werkelijk voor staat.
Om terug te keren naar Bob Fletcher en een lang verhaal niet al te lang te maken:
Fletcher’s onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat er alleen al in Amerika 100 tot 103 ondergrondse faciliteiten zijn, inclusief die waar nu nog aan wordt gebouwd. Wat dit onderzoek eigenlijk niet zo heel moeilijk maakte, was dat er biljoenen Dollars aan zijn gespendeerd. Wanneer dat soort bedragen zouden zijn gespendeerd aan bovengrondse infrastructuurprojecten dan was dit door iedereen opgemerkt.
Naarmate Nibiru dichterbij komt, zullen wij meer gaan merken van het roodachtige ijzeroxidestof dat zich als een soort staart achter Nibiru aan beweegt. Soms wordt dit rode stof enigszins zichtbaar, maar de donkere luchten die dit veroorzaakt zullen wij volgens Nancy Lieder over niet al te lange tijd steeds meer meemaken.
Dan komen we vrij automatisch weer terug op de oude profetieën en voorspellingen. Zelfs in de bijbel wordt de komst van Niburu aangekondigd, inclusief de rode luchten en de elite die zich probeert veilig te stellen in ondergrondse schuilplaatsen:
Openbaringen 6:
12 En ik zag, toen Het het zesde zegel geopend had, en ziet, er werd een grote aardbeving; en de zon werd zwart als een haren zak, en de maan werd als bloed.
13 En de sterren des hemels vielen op de aarde, gelijk een vijgenboom zijn onrijpe vijgen afwerpt, als hij van een groten wind geschud wordt.
14 En de hemel is weggeweken, als een boek, dat toegerold wordt; en alle bergen en eilanden zijn bewogen uit hun plaatsen.
15 En de koningen der aarde, en de groten, en de rijken, en de oversten over duizend, en de machtigen, en alle dienstknechten, en alle vrijen, verborgen zichzelven in de spelonken, en in de steenrotsen der bergen.
Volgens Nancy zijn de donkere luchten gearriveerd en volgens Bob Fletcher is aangetoond waar de Amerikaanse belasting Dollars aan zijn uitgegeven.
UFO Footage: Something Strange At Space Station Leading To Conspiracist Claims
UFO Footage: Something Strange At Space Station Leading To Conspiracist Claims
From nearly day one of the modern UFO eras, the subject has been associated and clouded with all sorts of conspiracy theories – official censorship and deliberate cover-ups of information and releases of disinformation. Of course, there are things that need to be kept secret. But not all, especially when the images were taken from credible people.
Alien Chasers think that astronauts on board are being monitored by extraterrestrials daily. As it spans across space, there is the latest video being taken from NASA footage in one of the ISS cameras. The object is in only momentarily, but also appears to be a light in color with a pinkish tail. The footage was being filmed by a watcher of NASA camera who posted the videos to the YouTube channel under Streetcap1. While some viewed it as a hoax material, he insisted that his material comes from NASA footage. The agency seems like a fuel conspiracy theorist on anomalies that is being caught on camera.
Despite enabling public access, the Ufologists claim NASA is withholding information about strange objects from the public. One UFO enthusiast at Youtube, claimed that he loved how the camera pans to the right, focusing on the object and then continues its way as if nothing happened. Since the recording appears to be dramatic, a lot of speculations have been circulating. Another commenter asked regarding the occurrence us one of a secret program trying to disclose the information by appearing it something incidental.
Well, the government would never or is not willing to share any information or knowledge with any other nation. The reason is for military advantage and national security. Hence, people were not informed if the strange sightings were your enemies or allies. As time goes by, it becomes even harder to admit to having done this.
Despite well-liked belief, the word UFO is an abbreviation of an Unidentified Flying Object. Apparently, the word does not signify a flying saucer or a spaceship. In fact, it applies to an object captured in the sky. Since it is unidentified, it is not readily identified by the observer. This may apply to unusual weather conditions or military plane that are not commonly noticed in the human eyes. Because they are rare, people connect them with aliens and spacecraft.
Yes, it is rare but the occurrences are increasingly becoming a standard sighting. Day by day, several witness report sightings on their vicinities. These witnesses range from professional pilots, celebrities, and the random public. In Oak Park, IL, one witness claimed to have captured an unidentified object when he tried to capture a video of a storm cloud currently emitting the heat lightning. The said occurrence happened on the back porch of the house. But later on, the witness discovered that it caught something else other than the indeed shooting. He reported seeing a streak of light that cannot be explained or rationalized. Since he could not identify, he filed the sighting as a Case 68838 from the MUFON witness reporting database.
As he slowed down the video and showed it to friends, the latter could not identify what the objects were. The so-called orb appears eleven seconds in. The sighting seems to be a glowing orb that is moving in a downward motion. The movement moves toward the ground level. Sam Maranto, the Illinois MUFON State Director and Roger Laurella, the Assistant State Director are both investigating. The report was being filed on July 31, 2015, by the witness, as advised by the latter’s friends.
Regardless of what individuals say about their sightings in the past, extraterrestrial sightings are still practically regular occurrences. Admit it! Lots if different sighting is being reported day by day.
12bn suns, 13bn light years away: Ancient black hole blows scientists’ minds
12bn suns, 13bn light years away: Ancient black hole blows scientists’ minds
An artist's impression of a quasar with a supermassive black hole in the distant universe. (Image: Zhaoyu Li/NASA/JPL-Caltech/Misti Mountain Observatory) / NASA
A gigantic black hole has been discovered with an astonishing mass 12 billion times bigger than the sun’s. Its age – it was formed 900 million years after the Big Bang – undermines modern scientific theories.
The new “object,” dubbed SDSS J0100+2802, was found 12.8 billion light years from Earth at the center of a quasar – a core element of a galaxy that emits radiation – with a million billion times the sun's energy output.
The results of the finding by an international team of astronomers were published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.
The black hole was formed right at the dawn of our 13.8 billion-year-old universe, and was called “the brightest lighthouse in the distant universe” by Xue-Bing Wu, the leading author of the paper. What astronomers find unexplainable is the fact that such an enormous black hole was formed following the first stars and galaxies, which contradicts theories that black holes are formed while sucking in celestial objects nearby.
“Forming such a large black hole so quickly is hard to interpret with current theories,” co-author Fuyan Bian from Australian National University said in a statement. “This black hole at the center of the quasar gained enormous mass in a short period of time.”
The team of astronomers from China, the US, Australia, and Chile were studying materials obtained by several telescopes from all over the globe, when they found the brightest ever quasar with a black hole, with a “redshift” of 6.30. The “redshift” is a way to measure the distance and age of an object emitting light by the stretching of light to the red end of the spectrum. Quasars exceeding a “redshift” of 6.0 are extremely rare – only 40 of them have been discovered so far.
“Our finding of an ultra-luminous object with a mass of 12 billion times than the mass of our Sun in the early Universe is a surprising discovery. Before our work, there is no black hole with so huge mass within 1 billion years after the Big Bang. That makes our discovery unique and important,” Wu told RT.
Mysterious quasars were discovered in the 1950s. For the time being, scientists have counted over 200,000 quasars, which are extremely difficult to find. They are believed to consist of heated matter, surrounding supermassive black holes that can be found in the center of galaxies. The black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy has a mass of three million suns.
“This quasar is a unique laboratory to study the way that a quasar’s black hole and host galaxy co-evolve. Our findings indicate that in the early universe, quasar black holes probably grew faster than their host galaxies, although more research is needed to confirm this idea,” co-author Yuri Beletsky from the Carnegie Institution said.
“It's very difficult to explain how to grow the black hole to 12 billion solar masses within just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. It requires either very special ways to grow the black hole or a huge seed black hole mass. Both are difficult to be explained by the current theories,” Wu told RT. “We need to improve our theories or input some new physics to explain the discovery of this supermassive black hole.”
Located in Mali West Africa, the Dogon have a rich culture dating to around 3200 BCE, and are believed to be a hybrid ethnic group descended from a mixing of the ancient Egyptians of North Africa with various other sub-Saharan tribal populations.
Deeply rooted traditions of the Dogon people speak of the Nommos who visited from a companion star to Sirius. The Nommos are known as advanced beings who have also appeared in numerous related myths found in the Sumerian and other Mesopotamian cultures.
Sirius’ companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit and is not visible to the naked eye. According to some research, modern astronomers did not know the companion star existed until the Dogon myth was discovered.
They tell us how the Nommos shared the knowledge of Sirius with them and left behind several artifacts.
One artifact depicting the Sirius constellation carbon dates to 400 years ago, a little over 230 years before astronomers suspected the existence of the companion star.
The Dogon people were first documented over a several year study performed by anthropologist Marcel Griaule.
In his research notes we find conversations between Griaule and a Dogon elder named Ogotemmeli, who speaks of multiple companion stars in the Sirius system.
There are entries suggesting the Nommos visited on a very large star ship on several occasions, and the notes also indicate Dogon people knew of Saturn’s rings, and the many moons of Jupiter.
Every 60 years, the Dogon people celebrate the cycle of Sirius A and B which rises further questions considering Sirius B’s 50 year cycle.
Dogon mysteries mention another star in the system, which would be called Sirius C if confirmed by modern telescopes. Nommos are believed to inhabit a planet orbiting Sirius C though mainstream science does not consider the Sirius constellation to be a prime candidate for life.
Credo Mutwa, the 94-year-old Zulu shaman or “sanusi” in South Africa, claims that this picture he had painted of tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed beings had been seen by black African tribes people throughout that continent long before the white Europeans arrived.
Credo, the official historian of the Zulu nation, said that when the Europeans first came, the black Africans thought they were the return of these same white “gods”, which they called the Mzungu (see his paintings below). As a result they called the European settlers by the same name, which is still used today.
This was very much the same reaction as the Central American peoples when Cortes and his Spanish invasion party arrived in 1519 and they thought that he was the returning god, Quetzalcoatl, another god described as tall, bearded, and with piercing blue eyes.
The Feathered Serpent God appears in many ancient cultures and Mesoamerican legends. He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He and his ‘men’ were usually described as being bearded, with white skin, and deep blue eyes.
Vaticaanse hoofdastronoom gelooft in UFO's en aliens Vaticaanse hoofdastronoom gelooft in UFO’s en aliens
Vaticaanse hoofdastronoom gelooft in UFO’s en aliens
De Argentijnse jezuïet José Gabriel Funes, de hoofdastronoom van het Vaticaan, heeft bevestigd dat de Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht in Rome gelooft in intelligent leven op andere planeten.
Hoewel het ooit vasthield aan het idee dat de aarde het middelpunt van het universum was en dat de zon om onze planeet draaide, lijkt het erop dat de denkbeelden van het Vaticaan over de rol van de mensheid in het heelal erg zijn veranderd.
De Vaticaanse Sterrenwacht, die al sinds 1582 namens de Rooms-katholieke Kerk de hemel bestudeert, heeft gezegd dat het door de ontdekking van de vele exoplaneten in de laatste jaren goed mogelijk is dat er elders intelligente levensvormen bestaan.
In de Vaticaanse krant L’Osservatore Romano zegt broeder Funes: “Ons sterrenstelsel bevat meer dan 100 miljard sterren. Gezien het aantal ontdekte exoplaneten lijkt het erop dat rond de meerderheid van alle sterren in ons sterrenstelsel planeten draaien waarop leven mogelijk is.”
The Pope’s chief astronomer does not believe that Jesus Christ visited other alien lifeforms as he has Earth.
Photo by: Getty Images
Ondanks de erkenning dat elders in het heelal leven kan bestaan, denkt Funes niet dat we binnenkort oog in oog zullen staan met aliens. “Door de ontdekking van de nieuwe planeet Kepler 452b herleeft het idee dat contact met intelligente wezens van een buitenaardse beschaving in de nabije toekomst kan plaatsvinden. De mogelijkheid bestaat dat er leven is en zelfs een vorm van intelligent leven, maar ik denk niet dat we ooit een Mr. Spock zullen ontmoeten.”
De ontdekking van intelligent leven betekent volgens Funes echter niet dat er ook een andere Jezus is. “De incarn
atie van de zoon van God is een unieke gebeurtenis in de geschiedenis van de mensheid en van het universum, en als er intelligent leven is op een andere planeet, is dat niet in tegenspraak met het christelijke geloof.”
Broers en zussen
Funes deed zijn uitspraken na de recente aankondiging van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA over een aardachtige planeet die volgens wetenschappers leven zou kunnen herbergen. Kepler 452b staat op 1400 lichtjaar van de aarde en er kan water stromen, wat één van de basisvoorwaarden voor leven is. Kepler 452b is echter 1,5 miljard jaar ouder dan onze planeet.
De astronoom beweert al jaren dat er geen conflict hoeft te zijn tussen de mogelijkheid van intelligent buitenaards leven en de leer van de Rooms-katholieke Kerk. “Net zoals er op aarde veel verschillende levensvormen bestaan, kan dat elders ook. Dit is niet in strijd met ons geloof omdat we Gods creatieve vrijheid niet kunnen beperken tot één planeet. Zoals Franciscus van Assisi al zei: als we op aarde broers en zussen van elkaar zijn, dan zouden buitenaardse families net zo goed tot onze schepping kunnen behoren.”
“De Bijbel is geen wetenschappelijke publicatie,” zei hij. “We mogen in dat boek dus geen antwoorden zoeken op wetenschappelijke vragen.”
Slechts 380 jaar geleden kwam Galileo Galilei in conflict met de Kerk omdat hij zei dat de aarde niet het middelpunt van het universum was. In 1992 sprak paus Johannes Paulus II een excuus uit, waarmee de naam van Galilei werd gezuiverd. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Ligt voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten een tweede Atlantis begraven? Ligt voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten een tweede Atlantis begraven?
Ligt voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten een tweede Atlantis begraven?
De Perzische Golf bevat zeer waarschijnlijk archeologische schatten die duizenden jaren geleden als gevolg van een overstroming zijn begraven. Het blootleggen van de resten van oude beschavingen is lastig en bovendien is er veel geld voor nodig, zo zegt aardwetenschapper David Millar.
Millar, een Brit die in Canada woont, leefde 10 jaar lang in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten toen hij in de olie-industrie werkzaam was. Hij ontwikkelde een voorliefde voor de geschiedenis van het land. Zijn boek ‘Beyond Dubai: Seeking Lost Cities in the Emirates’ is in augustus 2014 gepubliceerd.
Voordat hij naar de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten ging dacht hij dat het niet meer was dan een stuk woestijn. Al snel kwam hij in aanraking met de verrassend rijke geschiedenis van het land. Wetenschappers en historici menen dat er heel veel archeologische schatten verborgen liggen voor de kust van het land, dat ooit een vruchtbare landmassa was voordat het omstreeks 8000 jaar geleden werd overstroomd.
Dikke laag modder
Tijdens de laatste IJstijd viel de hele Perzische Golf droog. Door de enorme hoeveelheid ijs daalde de zeespiegel ongeveer 120 meter. De Perzische Golf is gemiddeld 24 tot 30 meter diep.
Millar merkte op dat het zoeken naar de overblijfselen van oude beschavingen extreem moeilijk zal zijn. Artefacten liggen mogelijk onder een dikke laag modder verscholen. Als je in het gebied duikt is het zicht bovendien beperkt.
Geen relatie
Sommige onderzoekers denken dat de bevolkingsgroepen zich na de overstroming hebben gevestigd in de kustgebieden van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten en andere landen in de regio. Scherven aardewerk laten echter zien dat de bevolkingsgroepen die aan de kust leefden geen relatie hadden met eerdere kolonisten.
Met uitzondering van de Universiteit van Oslo, zijn er op dit moment maar heel weinig universiteiten die voor de kust van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten onderzoek doen. Millar denkt dat ze interessante voorwerpen zullen tegenkomen als ze in de Perzische Golf opgravingen zullen doen. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Date of sighting: August 8, 2015 Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA News Source: MUFON
This UFO was seen in New York City this week and looks a lot like the UFO seen in the Netherlands back in May 16, 2015 (click here to view). The human eye is less perfect than the digital eye so its understandable that the person didn't see it till they got home to upload it. If has seen this UFO in NY, please tell us in comments.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: I was walking north on 10th Ave taking pictures. I didn't notice that I had photographed anything until i downloaded my images several hours later at home. When I first saw them I thought they might have been lights from a helicopter but it wasn't dark enough for the whole body of an aircraft to be obscured. Whatever it is, looks segmented with gaps between the lights.In one picture you can see a light seemingly ascending in the distance. I really don't have feelings either way as I've always been a believer in UFO's. Always thought that i would see something sooner or later. As i mentioned, i didn't see these images until i downloaded them.
UFO Sighting: Black Triangle Seen Hovering Past Blue Moon
UFO Sighting: Black Triangle Seen Hovering Past Blue Moon
From 1947, the flying discs or flying saucers were not viewed as a scientific problem or issue, but something that is related to national security. After all, unidentified objects were regularly tracked on the radar and were observed by several credible witnesses, from pilots to random people. By the time it became obvious UFOs were a scientific problem (as in are their alien spaceships), it was too little, too late for scientists to risk their careers on this topic. It was easier, wiser, and better to give a thumbs-down to the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.
At 2 AM on July 31, 2015, the witness from West Covina, California has reported seeing a black triangle hovering in the sky on the night of the blue moon. After seeing the mysterious happenings, the witness filed it in the Mutual UFO Network’s database as case number 69009. On the next day, while reviewing the pictures, the witness observed a black triangle object flying across the Moon’s lower side in the one of the photos taken. According to the witness, the object appears to be an extraterrestrial vessel. Scott Waring, the editor of UFO Sightings Daily, described it as a “flying pyramid” hovering over the front of the Moon. As for the assessment as to how the object came and where it is being originated, it is very difficult to assess. The object could have been a massive object or small kite sailing across the night sky. Among all the sightings, triangle-shaped mysterious objects are remarkably familiar. Sightings of these shapes have also been reported about the Moon.
When it comes to the black triangle, UFOlogists are interested in it because of the connection with alleged secret programs or USAF black projects. The Astra or TR-3B Aurora and the TR-3A Black Manta were the subjects of conspiracy theories and rumored sighting, although no one was able to provide convincing evidence of their existence.
Your UFO reports: 18th July June – 8th August 2015
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Fremont, ca – 8/6/15 I have been looking at the night sky every clear night since I was about 10. Just now I went outside and looked to the north and saw two stars stacked vertically in the sky about a hand-spread down from the “W” of the constellation Cassiopeia and a hand-spread to the right of the star Polaris. The uppermost star was brighter than the lowermost one. The uppermost looked like a planet…not twinkling as stars do. Neither of these stars should have been there. Additionally, this is no where near the plane of the ecliptic…so there could never be a planet there. Neither of these two “stars” were moving AT ALL! Then I looked away from them for a moment. When I looked back BOTH WERE GONE…completely gone. I have never seen anything like this. These things were solid in the sky. The were immediately apparent as out of place…then they just disappeared
In the same way that stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight any small object in the atmosphere is also masked. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion, so scanning the sky in the infrared or in the short radio wave(radar) portion of the spectrum is a lot more effective than scanning the sky in visible light. Dual optical systems exploit this fact. Dual optical systems are to anomalies what microscopes are to microorganisms. After observing anomalies systematically the idea that they are living beings is a natural one. Some anomalies respond with bright flashes to direct light signals in daylight or at night. Some anomalies had responded by morphing into digit shapes correlated to the signals sent to them. From a scientific point of view the strongest possible evidence for any fact or theory is observational data consistent/recurrent across multiple independent observers, anomalies have plenty of that, so the reality of anomalies is based on very solid scientific grounds, the fact that this reality have not been acknowledged still by “scientific circles” is really irrelevant, they will be forced to recognize that sooner or latter in the same way that the Church was forced to recognize the heliocentric worldview. Seeing UFOs as “crafts” is a myth nurtured by people expectations and media abuse of that expectation. There is also a widely believed myth of only or bigger nighttime UFO activity. The time of calling UFOs to glowing dots in a black background without knowing the structure behind the dot is long gone, but old habits dye hard and many people still do that keeping the myth alive.
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east los angeles – 08/05/2015 11:35 pm I was hanging out in the backyard of a friend’s house and while I was peeing on a corner something caught my attention in the sky. I saw a blue light with green in the middle and was flying quick down to the horizon of the earth. Did not see much only about 4 sec. Before it vanished into horizon. i was facing westward when this happened (towards downtown los Angeles) it had a blue aura around it.
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Wesley chapel, North Carolina – 08/05/2015 Triangular shaped aircraft with distinctive lights on the ends with light in middle of aircraft, lights were blinking. Was driving home from work around 9pm when I saw a really bright light in the distance. Thought it was a planet but then it moved a little across the road in front of me and I realized it was an aircraft of some kind. I assumed it was a plane but it didn’t seem to be getting closer or further away. When I drove further it crossed the road again and I was close enough to make out the light pattern and see the a dark, triangular silhouette against the dark sky. The oddest part was it didn’t make any noise, nor did it move. I was able to overtake it when passing by in my car and had to look behind me at one point while driving to see it was in fact not moving. Looked like a classic triangular UFO. This skeptic became a believer…
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Longmont, Co – 8/4/2015
If you look at both pictures there is a white “dot” which when you zoom in has shape and a line through the middle, one is on the left side of the sun and the next is on the right. These were taken about 15 seconds apart and both have the same exact shape.
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Newport Beach CA – August 3, 2015 This video covers the case study and analysis of the flying “Humanoid UFO” recorded over my apt in Newport Beach California. We applied digital filters and motion tracking to the recording to maximize the ufo features and examine it’s humanoid like qualities. The object was flying vertically and fast when recorded. I could see it clearly in the viewfinder. The camera was sitting still on a tripod. The ufo appeared to be a flying humanoid type object. It had a round head, two eyes, upper body and legs. It looked like it was running in the sky. The ufo had repeated flashes on either side and was activating the flashes by triggering some mechanism on itself. Given the unique nature of the ufo sighting I felt it needed to be further studied, re-analyzed and presented for review. Youtube link:
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Killarney Vale NSW heading from the west to south – 6.30 pm 2 August 2015 Was a big red ball thought it was some thing on fire. Watched it cross along the sky line to see if it dropped but just kept drifting across the sky until I couldn’t see it any longer. Was amazing couldn’t believe what l saw. Wow was to afraid to run in side to get camera.
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Rolling Meadows, Illinois – 31 July 2015
Yesterday over Rolling Meadows, Illinois around 2pm a big round transparent UFO was a hundred feet from me, when I took out my phone it took off. April 30th 2015 2pm Youtube video link:
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Elk Grove / Sacramento Delta I-5 NORTHBOUND near Hood Franklin exit – Wednesday, July 29th, 2015 While driving northbound on I5 in the Elk grove ares at just about 8pm, my friend and I noticed at nearly the exact same time a round, reflective shape in the sky to the left of the freeway. It looked like the reflection off of a dome or circular shape object, and was relatively close to the fields it was hovering over, lower than a helicopter. The object lowered then seemed to move around in an odd motion for about 30 seconds to a minute just before shooting straight up and disappearing.
pictures we took in Morgantown WV on July 28 th around 10 pm
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Orange ,Virginia – 7/28/2015
Around 4 pm on the eve of the 28th of july 2015 , i saw a strong thunderstorm in the distance but noticed 4 to 5 little black dots flying in in out of the storm one was very noticeable in the orginal pic but then when i blew it up you notice more please take a look at my photos
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Loomis, CA – 7/25/2015 Out my window in my room I saw a triangular shaped object with three blinking white lights. The object had a faint muffled engine sound and it was flying very low. I was very struck by how bright the lights were and how low the object was when I looked at it in the sky. I continued to watch the object and just ahead of me it stopped and hovered in the air. At this point I was very freaked out by the object. I could not keep my eyes off of it and about 30 seconds later the object shot up in the sky at a very fast speed and vanished in the sky. I wish I captured a photo or video of the object but it happened so fast and I wasn’t able to.
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Perth – 25/07/2015
I was hanging out the washing one day and something caught my eye. I looked up and saw this thing hovering about maybe 5 metres from me. I quickly ran inside to see if I can get a photo of it so, I grapped my phone ran outside again and managed to snap two photos. It happened very quickly with literary seconds between the two photos – before it dissapeared out of my sight. There was no sound and very odd to see something hovering without any sound.It had a shiny colour but the photo makes it look black due to the light behind it. Please see the photos attached. It was around 4:45 pm or so. And I guess about 50cm in diameter.
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NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Camera – 21-07-2015 A NASA camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite has returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth from one million miles away. The image was taken July 6, 2015, showing North and Central America. The central turquoise areas are shallow seas around the Caribbean islands. This Earth image shows the effects of sunlight scattered by air molecules, giving the image a characteristic bluish tint. The EPIC team is working to remove this atmospheric effect from subsequent images. Once the instrument begins regular data acquisition, EPIC will provide a daily series of Earth images allowing for the first time study of daily variations over the entire globe. These images, available 12 to 36 hours after they are acquired, will be posted to a dedicated web page by September 2015. Analysing the picture you can see a giant object. Youtube link:
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Kingsville, Texas – July 18 2015 Ball of light flew over the sky at cruising speed then disappear into nothingness, I observed it for two to three minutes before it vanished!
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Tampa, fla – 7-14-2015
These pics actually came from my mom.She was taking pics of sunset and noticed looks like a rocket launch i know but she said the streak actually started from the top then descended.Then just before it went out of sight it stoped and a little ball appeared and then disappeared totally after about a minute.I have tried coming up with anything i could think of but am stumped.If anyone else was in the area at the time and saw this or anyone has any clue as to what it may have been please let me know.
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British Grand Prix – 5 july 2015
taken from the British grand prix jets were doing a display but just behind the jet seems to be an object which looks like a silver disc
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Sudbury On Canada – July 10 / 2015 at 9:16 pm
DAYTIME SIGHTING Observation made from a parking lot East end of the city of Sudbury, On, Canada. Clear sky, sun was setting. I viewed an object that appeared to hover in the distance silently. It caught my eye as it looked out of place. I watched it for 5 min as it made no movement. I asked an individual in the parking lot to verify what I saw. She thought it was weird and had no idea what it could be. Before I left the area I snapped one pic with my Samsung s4 cell phone. When I arrived at home, I uploaded the picture to my PC. I was surprised when I viewed the pic zoomed in. It had the appearance of a concession of possible lights along what looks like an elongated body. I’m not sure what to make of it. …is it an illusion, trick of light or something more? when i zoomed the picture in …although fuzzy , there is enough definition of something in the sky that day that i cant explain. i tryed to submit a zoomed in version ,but the site said file was to large.
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La Habra Ca. – July 4, 2015
White circular orbs changing colors to a orange/red then to white. They moved up and down. Then stayed next to each other. Watched for a few hours. From 8:30 pm- 12:30 am
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mountain home, Arkansas – July 1 2015 Large yellow glowing orb moving slowly south very low to the ground.
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google earth – june 25 2015 there is a ‘USO’ in the waters off Nova Scotia, apparently caught by google earth, it appears to be moving & water can be seen churning on one end. video can be seen on my youtube channel under my real name; also had daylight sighting in 2009 up against the San Gorgonio Mts
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Wisconsin – May 2015 I live in northeast Wisconsin..from May of 2015 to now I have noticed lights in the night sky that move and skitter about, usually in tandem with another light..the lights are very high in the sky and at 1st I thought they were stars..when I 1st noticed them they caught my eye because something didn’t seem right..I noticed they seemed to move..there are usually another light a distance away and they move up and down and sideways in tandem…I’ve seen these everytime I’ve looked at the night sky this summer..the other night there 7 or 8 in different parts of the sky..I have no clue what they are or what they are doing…one night I observed one of the lights flying veryclose to another light and then a bright light—very powerful and intense came from the other light as if to observe the other you know if this is a common event?
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Rest Area at the y on south bound Interstate 35 near Ft. Worth Texas – March 10th 11pm 12am I pulled to the rest area at 11pm and at about midnite I looked out the window and it looked like it was daytime I saw my car clock it was on 12 so I got out of my car thought it was noon so I didn’t look up directly at the sun I thought was directly over head I could see across the hiway to the next rest area so I got in my car to leave and when I pulled out of the rest area it was dark so I thought why can’t I see the road and realized well my headlights were off when I turned them on I thought and was shocked but it was daytime back in the rest area and stopped right there fifty feet from where I was and sleeped right there on the sholder
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Price, Utah – Frequently Disks every time you go out I see them there almost out around the carbon county area every night
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N41 51 51.3 W76 01 09.7 300 yards NW of 242 Mill Creek Rd, Mansfield, PA – 27 Dec 2014 Appox. 1300EST
I am deer hunting with Flintlock. Setting on a bucket with my back to a large sugar maple tree, scanning the open field in front of me with 10×50 binoculars. I observe a strange robotic looking thing 300 yards to my left at about 330 degrees (30 degrees West of North) It appears to be over 9 feet tall, two tone brown. I calculated the height in relationship to the oak brush it was standing in. there did not seem to be any seams or joints. It appeared like it was rounded as if made from stove pipe. I could not see the feet as it stood in weeds. Arms ended in rounded 6 inch diameters made me think of mittens. Legs where of the same 6 inch diameter body was about 14 inches diameter. There was no neck, head was 10 inches diameter, 12 inches tall, with a black strip where you would expect eyes. I observed it for about 6 minutes, I looked away to see if any deer had entered the field none had. At this point I realized there was no normal outside sounds. When I looked back it was no longer there. I made careful notes before leaving my stand. I could have wrote this off as some play of light in the oak brush but once I put the 10x50s on it there was little question it was something else.
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Crewe, Cheshire, England – September 18 2009. 11.15pm I witnessed two oblong sheets of light (each I guess the size of a tennis court) fly slowly over my head…moving very slowly. watched them for over a minute. they made no sound whatsoever, they consisted of dull and brighter lights like the filament in a light bulb. they passed straight over my head and I stood open mouthed…any ideas?
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FLYING SAUCER PHOTOGRAPHED OVER AVELLINO, ITALY Sir Angelo Carannante, President of C.UFO.M (Centro Ufologico Mediterraneo) – one of the most known UFO research center spread throughout Italy −, announces a very significant sighting of a flying saucer. Several months ago the center received many pictures and their negatives showing a flying saucer. The pictures were taken in October 1996, maybe in 1997, in Avellino (Italy) when a young man, while returning from school by car with his father, saw an unidentified flying object shaped like a flying saucer. He tried to draw the attention of his father’s who said that they were all fantasies. The day after the young man returned to the place of the sighting with a compact film camera and took lots of pictures. The UFO seemed black and moved with rectilinear motion, then it changed position on its axis. Later the flying saucer disappeared up the atmosphere. Since then, the boy who made the shots kept all the pictures and their negatives into a drawer, until he decided to deliver them to C.UFO.M. that finally conducted the investigations. Analysed by experts and photographers the negatives have been considered authentic. The trailer of the pictures is available on youtube at:
Camden, Arkansa – june 7 1983 One evening in the projects were we lived back then we were all playing touch football in the street. An here comes this disk flipping over our heads maybe 16 feet high so we all chase it as it flip n flip then it went up so quick maybe 60 to 80 feet an slowly stop flipping sitting in one spot it will take me to show u an finish this story it was so amazing an I been watching. UFOs on TV that people claim they seen
Several strange phenomena have let some to believe that the eternal companion of the Earth, the Moon is in fact some sort of a huge spaceship. Crazy theory? Well heres why.
A curious video taken from a backyard telescope, which showed an alleged UFO fleet over the moon, caused a stir worldwide. This makes us wonder about what could possibly hide in that celestial body. Is it possible that there are civilizations living there if so what is their purpose? and what is its real origin of the moon?
Those who believe in the Alien Moon theory state that the moon had to be created by a highly developed civilization, much more than ours. Under this unusual logic, our artificial satellite would have to be hollow inside so that, within it, the aliens could place fuel for machinery, materials and accessories that would be used to repair working instruments, navigational instruments, observation equipment and all kinds of machinery, but most importantly, it could actually be used as a gigantic underground base or even as a giant spaceship.
If to all of the above we add the fact that there are some astronauts, those who went on NASA’s missions such as the “Apollo”,the now retired astronauts, have publicly said they have had contact with UFO’s and aliens, and that are even extraterrestrial beings living there having that said, for some, this does not sound so crazy after all.
Google Moon Photographs used in the Sea of Muscovy ( were several mysteries have been spotted) come from the Japanese probe Kaguya, also known as SELENE (selenological and Engineering Explorer), which for nearly two years was analyzing various aspects of our satellite, the distribution of elements on its surface, the magnetic and gravitational field, etc. The interest in this particular area is very big, ugolofists claim that this specifica area is very attractive when looking for anomalies thus it is a very interesting part of the moon that holds the answer for several questions that have been postulated throughout the years.
Recently triangular objects have been spotted on the surface of the moon, leading ufologists to speculate about the purpose of the odd objects but sceptics argue that the mysterious objects are actually simple pixels that do not appear in the original image. In addition, they argue that if you look closely you can see a set of other points “scattered” by other areas of the Moon.
The answer to this is that Google stores multiple image frames in various resolutions, using filters that create noise along the boundaries between light and dark regions, creating curios spots that some might interpret as out-of-place-objects. But the pixel theory does not explain geometrical patterns in these objects, if you take in count the pixelation theory, then you would expect the pixels to create random dots not connected, but the objects that have been identified on the moon follow specific geometrical patterns; like triangles and rectangles. Here are some interesting images that can debunk the pixel theory about the lunar bases/objects.
Science might one day provide conclusive evidence of alien beings on the moon, bases, vehicles etc. But the truth is all of us can only wonder and propose theories at this point. Skeptics that debunk the alien moon base theories do not have the slight idea what is going on up there, or why human beings have not traveled to the moon even though it is a point of interest for us not only because of its proximity but also because of the exploitable natural resources present on the moon.
The truth is that the mystery of UFO’s continues, reports of anomalies appear again and again and will probably continue to do so. We can only form our own opinion about these mysterious objects and their origin and purpose.
A storm was above Moscow on the night of July 27, 2015 at approximately 11:15 pm local time dazzling local residents with an epic light show.
A possible UFO actually appears to dive into a bolt of lightning, then bounce back to its original location. Other than that brief moment it does not appear to move…very obvious.
And on Aug 1, 2015 at approx 10:29 a lightning hits an unknown object in the sky over Delaware.
Witness report: My boyfriend and I were outside his house taking videos of the lightning in a storm that was approaching. While we were taking the videos we did not see the ball of light it was observed the next day while I was reviewing the videos.
I took the videos while facing northwest at the back of the house. There is a farm field and woods there are no home or street lights or any other kind of lights there.
I contacted our local TV station to ask their weather staff whether they thought this could be ball lightning or something else they did not respond.
I am pursuing this with you (Mufon) because clearly lightning hit the ball of light twice it seems way to big in comparison to the lightning to be a plane.
We at first thought it could be a light reflection caught on the camera but again clearly reflections don’t get hit by lightning.
NASA Selects Leading-Edge Technology Concepts for Continued Study
NASA Selects Leading-Edge Technology Concepts for Continued Study
Montage of several newly awarded NIAC Phase II concepts from fellows Bruce Wiegmann, Adrian Stoica, Steven Oleson, and Justin Atchison.Credits: L to R, B. Wiegmann/MSFC, A. Stoica/JPL, S. Oleson, J. Atchison › Larger image
A technology concept developed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory would involve a "transformer" that reflects sunlight and projects energy onto a rover or astronauts in cold, dark places. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech › Larger image
NASA has selected seven technology proposals for continued study under Phase II of the agency's Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program, including one from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. The selections are based on the potential to transform future aerospace missions, introduce new capabilities or significantly improve current approaches to building and operating aerospace systems.
The selected proposals address a range of visionary concepts, including metallic lithium combustion for long-term robotics operations, submarines that explore the oceans of icy moons of the outer planets, and a swarm of tiny satellites that map gravity fields and characterize the properties of small moons and asteroids.
"NASA's investments in early-stage research are important for advancing new systems concepts and developing requirements for technologies to enable future space exploration missions," said Steve Jurczyk, associate administrator for the Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This round of Phase II selections demonstrates the agency's continued commitment to innovations that may transform our nation's space, technology and science capabilities."
The JPL proposal, "Trans-Formers for Lunar Extreme Environments: Ensuring Long-Term Operations in Regions of Darkness and Low Temperatures," led by Adrian Stoica, is a concept for assisting in the exploration of extreme environments. This technology would unfold itself, origami-style, from a small volume into a large reflective surface. Then, the transformer would reflect sunlight and project energy onto a rover or astronauts. The idea is to warm up cold, dark places, provide solar energy and charge the solar panels of rovers operating in permanently shaded regions like the lunar south pole craters.
NIAC Phase II awards can be worth as much as $500,000 for a two-year study, and the awards allow proposers to further develop their concepts from previously selected Phase I studies. Phase I studies must demonstrate the initial feasibility and benefit of a concept. Phase II studies allow awardees to refine their designs and explore aspects of implementing the new technology.
NASA selected these projects through a peer-review process that evaluated innovativeness and technical viability. All projects are still in the early stages of development, most requiring 10 or more years of concept maturation and technology development before use on a NASA mission.
"This is an excellent group of NIAC studies," said Jason Derleth, NIAC Program executive at NASA Headquarters. "From seeing into cave formations on the moon to a radically new kind of solar sail that uses solar wind instead of light, NIAC continues to push the bounds of current technology."
NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate innovates, develops, tests and flies hardware for use in future missions. Through programs such as NIAC, the directorate is demonstrating that early investment and partnership with scientists, engineers and citizen inventors from across the nation can provide technological dividends and help maintain America's leadership in the new global technology economy.
For a complete list of the selected proposals and more information about NIAC, visit:
L’Univers dessine une sorte de toile cosmique. Les astronomes pensent que les amas de galaxies se développent aux intersections. Crédits: Springel et al.,Virgo Consortium
Comme si les mystères de la matière noire et de l'énergie noire n'étaient pas assez frustrants, un autre puzzle cosmique déroutant a été découvert.
Des galaxies entières de matières dans l'univers semblent se déplacer à des vitesses très élevées et dans une direction uniforme qui ne peut être expliquée par aucune des forces gravitationnelles connues dans l'univers observable. Les astronomes appellent le phénomène "Flux Noir" (The Dark Flow).
"La chose qui tire cette matière doit être en dehors de l'univers observable", concluent les chercheurs.
Lorsque les scientifiques parlent de l'univers observable, ils ne parle pas seulement d'aussi loin que l'œil peut voir, ou même le télescope le plus puissant. En fait, il y a une limite fondamentale qui fait que nous ne pourrons jamais observer une grande partie de l'univers, quelle que soit l'avancée de nos instruments visuels. L'univers est supposé s'être formé il y a environ 13,7 milliards d'années. Donc, même si la lumière a commencé à voyager vers nous immédiatement après le Big Bang, le plus éloigné que nous pourrons jamais obtenir est de 13,7 milliards d'années-lumière de distance. Il peut y avoir des parties de l'univers qui sont plus loin (nous ne pouvons pas connaître l'ampleur de tout l'univers), mais nous ne pouvons pas voir plus loin que la lumière pouvant se déplacer sur l'âge de l'univers entier...
Images en fausses couleurs du "bullet cluster". En bleu la matière noire associée aux amas de galaxies, en rouge les gaz chauds émettant des rayons x (Crédit : NASA).
L'amas de galaxies 1E0657-56, dit encore le « bullet cluster », est en fait un groupe de deux amas de galaxies entrés en collision il y a 150 millions d’années. Le « bullet cluster », ou encore « amas du boulet » et même « amas de la boulette » pour certains astrophysiciens, est devenu célèbre en 2006. Des chercheurs comme Maxim Markevitch ont annoncé alors qu’il constituait une preuve extrêmement convaincante de l’existence de la matière noire et, au contraire, une objection redoutable contre la théorie MOND invoquée comme explication alternative à cette même matière noire pour les courbes de rotation des galaxies et la stabilité des amas de galaxies. (précisions complémentaires à l'article, Ndt)
Mouvements mystérieux
Les scientifiques ont découvert le Flux par l'étude de certaines des plus grandes structures du cosmos : les amas géants de galaxies. Ces grappes sont des conglomérats d'environ un millier de galaxies(1 galaxie comporte des millions de soleils), ainsi que du gaz très chaud qui émet des rayons X. En observant l'interaction des rayons X avec le fond diffus cosmologique (CMB), qui est un rayonnement fossile du Big Bang, les scientifiques peuvent étudier le mouvement des amas.
Les rayons X dispercent les photons dans le CMB, en modifiant leurs températures avec un effet connu sous le nom Kinématique Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ). Cet effet n'a pas été observé dans le suivi des amas de galaxies auparavant, mais une équipe de chercheurs dirigée par Alexander Kashlinsky, un astrophysicien de la NASA Goddard Space Flight Center à Greenbelt, Maryland, l'a trouvé quand ils ont étudié un vaste catalogue de 700 amas, en cherchant jusqu'à 6 milliards d'années-lumière, soit la moitié de l'univers. Ils ont comparé ce catalogue à la carte de la CMB prise par la NASA Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) par satellite.
Ils ont découvert que les amas se sont déplacés de près de 2.000.000 mph (3,2 millions de kilomètres par heure !) vers une région dans le ciel entre les constellations de Centaurus et Vela. Ce mouvement est différent de l'expansion vers l'extérieur de l'univers (qui est accéléré par la force appelée énergie noire).
" Nous avons trouvé une vitesse très importante, et, en outre, cette vitesse ne diminue pas avec la distance, aussi loin que nous pouvons mesurer ", a dit Kashlinsky " La matière dans l'univers observable ne peut pas produire le débit que nous mesurons."
Image de la zone par le télescope Magellan de 6,5 mètres au Chili. L’énorme force de gravitation de l’amas récemment découvert forme un mirage cosmique, visible sous la forme d’un arc au centre de l’image. Crédits : Werner et al. 2007
Bulle inflationniste
Les scientifiques en ont déduit que tout ce qui dirige les mouvements des amas doit se situer au-delà de l'univers connu.
Une théorie appelée inflation pose que l'univers que nous voyons est juste une petite bulle d'espace-temps qui s'est rapidement étendue après le Big Bang. Il pourrait y avoir d'autres parties du cosmos au-delà de cette bulle que nous ne pouvons pas voir.
Dans ces régions, l'espace-temps peut être très différent, et probablement ne contient ni étoiles et ni galaxies (qui ne se forment qu'en raison du modèle de densité de masse dans notre bulle). Il pourrait s'agir de géants, de structures massives beaucoup plus grandes que quelque chose comme notre propre univers observable. Ces structures sont ce que les chercheurs soupçonnent d'exister en attirant sur eux les amas de galaxies, ce qui provoque le Flux Noir.
« Les structures responsables de cette situation ont été poussés si loin par l'inflation, je pourrai estimer qu'elles peuvent être à des centaines de milliards d'années-lumière de distance, que nous ne pouvons pas voir, même avec les plus puissants télescopes, car la lumière émise ne nous aurait pas (encore) atteint avec l'âge de l'univers, " dit Kashlinsky dans une entrevue téléphonique. « Plus probablement, pour créer un tel flux cohérent il doit y avoir des structures très étranges, peut-être un peu d'espace-temps déformé. Mais ce n'est que pure spéculation."
L'amas galactique 1E 0657-56 (connu sous Bullet Cluster) situé à 3.8 milliards d'années lumière. C'est un des centaines d'amas qui apparaissent comme attirés au loin par un mystérieux flux cosmique. CREDIT: NASA/STScI/Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al.
Etonnante découverte
Bien que la théorie de l'inflation prévoit de nombreuses diverses facettes de l'univers lointain, peu de scientifiques ont prédit le Flux Noir.
" C'était vraiment surprenant pour nous, et je soupçonne pour tout le monde également," a déclaré Kashlinsky. " Pour certains modèles particuliers de la théorie de l'inflation nous pouvons nous attendre à ces types de structures, et il y avait quelques suggestions dans la littérature qui n'ont pas été prises au sérieux, je pense jusqu'à présent."
"Cette découverte pourrait aider les scientifiques à savoir ce qu'il s'est passé dans l'univers avant l'inflation, et ce qui se passe dans ces domaines inaccessibles, que nous ne pouvons pas voir ".
We have computed the dipole at the cluster locations using the same techniques for WMAP and Planck. We find a “dark flow” signal which correlates with X-ray properties, and is therefore likely related to cluster gas, and not to the primary CMB, foregrounds or noise. The results are in excellent agreement with our earlier findings and are consistent both in WMAP 9 yr and in Planck 1 yr. Those instruments used different scanning strategies, which resulted in different systematics and, while small differences remain, the close agreement is reassuring of the real nature of the dipole signal. Specifically we found that:
• The dipole at the zero monopole aperture remains at cluster positions at the same level as in KAEEK.
• The dipole at cluster positions correlates with the TSZ monopole, a proxy for X-ray luminosity.
• The signal is consistent among the different multi-year WMAP integration filters and with all Planck frequencies, except for a small, typically ∼ 1σ, offset at 30 GHz.
• The noise of the measurement in our filtered maps is in good agreement with the analytical and numerical theory developed in AKEKE and summarized here.
• The overall statistical significance of the dipole signal in WMAP is similar to that found in KAEEK, and is larger for Planck than for WMAP.
• Within the uncertainties the signal points in the direction of the all-sky CMB dipole.
• If one accepts the KSZ interpretation of the detected statistically significant signal the equivalent velocity is ∼ 600 − 1, 000km/s, within the systematic and statistical calibration uncertainties discussed by Kashlinsky et al. (2009), KAEEK and Atrio-Barandela et al. (2012).
" Nous avons calculé le dipôle aux endroits du cluster (concentration, densité, conglomérat, grappe) en utilisant les mêmes techniques de WMAP et Planck. Nous trouvons un signal "flux noir" qui est en corrélation avec les propriétés des rayons X, et est donc probablement lié au cluster (concentration) de gaz, et non au CMB primaire, aux avant-plans ou au bruit. Les résultats sont en excellent accord avec nos résultats antérieurs et sont compatibles à la fois sur les 9 ans de WMAP et à Planck sur 1 an. Ces instruments ont utilisé différentes stratégies de numérisation, qui ont abouti à différentes systématiques et, tandis que les petites différences demeurent, l'accord proche est rassurant sur la nature réelle du signal du dipôle. (leurs estimations semblent vérifiées pour l'instant...). "
Traduction :Yves Herbo - S,F,H, 08-2012, MAJ 09-08-2015
EEN gigantische monoliet, die door mensen zo'n 9.350 jaar geleden zou zijn uitgehouwen, is aangetroffen op de bodem van de Middellandse Zee.
De term 'monoliet' wordt gebruikt wanneer iets uit één blok natuursteen gehouwen is. Het waargenomen object is in totaal twaalf meter lang maar ligt nu in twee stukken op de zeebodem. De ontdekking werd gedaan door wetenschappers van de universiteit van Tel Aviv. Zij vonden de monoliet op veertig meter diepte op een zandplaat genaamd Pantelleria Vecchia in het Kanaal van Sicilië, dat tussen het Italiaanse eiland en Tunesië is gesitueerd. Dat staat te lezen in het 'Journal of Archaeological Science'.
De monoliet bevat drie gaten van ongeveer dezelfde grootte. De onderzoekers zijn dan ook overtuigd dat het rotsblok werd uitgehouwen door mensen, meer bepaald zo'n 9.350 jaar geleden toen die regio onder water kwam te staan na de laatste ijstijd. Het is te vroeg om te achterhalen waarvoor de monoliet werd gebruikt maar het zou kunnen gaan om een onderdeel van een soort van 'vuurtoren' of om iets te verankeren.
"Er zijn geen natuurlijke processen bekend die deze elementen kunnen produceren," schrijft Zvi Ben-Avraham van de Universiteit van Tel Aviv. De onderzoekers schatten dat de monoliet wel eens zo'n vijftien ton zou kunnen wegen.
De vondst van het object toont aan dat technologische innovatie van de 'primitieve' bewoners uit het stenen tijdperk wel eens groter zou kunnen zijn dan oorspronkelijk gedacht.
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09-08-2015 om 23:01
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
My best friend and I were returning to Long Island from Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada. It was late and we knew we would never make it so we decided to stop along the way. We saw a billboard advertising Howe Caverns and we decided to go there for the night and then visit the caves in the morning. It was Labor Day weekend and it was Saturday night. We followed the signs into the parking lot of the caverns. It was about 11-11:15 at night. We were young foolish kids and didn’t have much money so we decided to sleep in the car. It was a white 1961 Chevy Impala. We were the only car in the lot and I remember saying, “let’s park in a corner so if we oversleep I don’t want people looking in the windows.” I parked the car in such a way that I backed against a hill declining away from the car. The trunk overhung the start of the decline. You basically couldn’t stand behind the car. I parked with the passenger doors also at the edge of the lot. I remember saying, “at least the car is protected from passer-byes on 2 sides…the rear and passenger side.” I was in the front seat and my friend Bill was in the rear seat, ready to go to sleep. We locked the doors. I laid down with my head where the passenger would sit and Bill was the same way in the rear. Since it was pitch black, I had my eyes closed. Bill, then calmly said “look at the lights in the trees”. I said, “Damn, it’s probably the sheriff, he saw our car lights come up here and we are going to be caught”. That was the last rational comment made for several hours. Now, first you must know the dynamics between Bill and I.
Best friends from 7th grade, we were now juniors in college. He went to N Y Maritime College, and I went to Hofstra University. He was always better than me in every sport we tried, from skiing to tennis. He could run faster, swim better and do more pushups than me. I always felt “safe” around him. I knew I could count on a stronger, more rational guy to protect me. Well, he suddenly started screaming, almost berserk like, at me to “get away, drive away”. He kept shouting, “THEY’RE BEHIND US, THEY’RE OVER THE CAR”. For a few seconds I didn’t respond in a scared manner. I remember thinking that its just the cops. In seconds I slowly started to react. An intense light was shining in my eyes. Even though they were still closed, I could see the reds and harsh whites of light….and at the same time, Bill was sitting up and pounding on the seat and me to get up and go. I never saw him like this, and I was now reacting to his fear. I opened my eyes and he was climbing into the front seat..I told him calm down, I’ll drive away. The car’s interior was lit up like day, yet it was pitch black outside. I realized the light was coming in from the rearview window. I thought that strange, since nothing could be behind us. I saw the keys on the dashboard, I put them in the ignition, he was next to me, and I calmly drove away.
When we reached the main road, there were no signs of any cops. I stopped, and remember saying, “let’s get a motel”. I turned left and drove not more than a mile and we came across an old motel. I pulled into the lot and saw that it was almost 3:30 and said “it’s crazy to pay for a room for a few hours, let’s sleep in the car. Bill calmly said ‘OK’, and I remember saying, “let’s put up something to block the windows so the lights don’t get us” We calmly went to sleep, not discussing what just happened or even realizing 3 hours went by. We awoke around 8, and took the maps out of the windows, that we used to block the “lights” and went up to the caverns. I went back to that parking spot and we looked around and couldn’t understand anything that happened. We shrugged it off, toured the caverns, and around noon headed to Long Island. Nothing about last night was was like we couldn’t rationalize it. It was a blur. An aside about me…I am the hysterical one, I react to things, I can get out of control in a flash…and yet that night I was the calm one and Bill was the screamer. Anyway, I dropped him home and then went to my house. We both still lived with our parents.
When I walked in the house, my father was watching T V and on the coffee table was Newsday, Long Islands newspaper. The headlines screamed at me…”UFO’S sighted over upstate New York….I rushed to the phone to call Bill…He answered, and I said “did you see the paper?” He was shaken and said ,”yes”…I said, “what happened, what did we see?” He refused to talk about it..He wouldn’t answer me. For 35 years we lost contact. When we finally did reconnect, he was married and living in Oceanside, California. I was living in the Hudson Valley. I asked him about that night in 1967, and his voiced changed and wouldn’t even acknowledge what I was asking. He died in 2005. I am still left with untold answers of what happened that night. Now for the real “crazy” stuff. I am almost afraid to write this because it is so bizarre…I had incidents like this in 1977, 1987, 1997, and 2007. I often thought, what happened in 1957, when I was 9 years old? Well, I remember waking up one morning, we lived in Flushing NY, and I had an object embedded under my skin on my right thigh. I showed my mother. It was clearly under the skin, yet there was no mark, cut or pain. She looked at it and said, “you must have stuck a pencil point into your leg. Don’t worry, it will go away”. I remember thinking I didn’t do that, besides that would hurt. It took about 6-8 months to “disappear” into my thigh. If I coughed, my mother had the doctor there, yet she was absolutely unconcerned about this object in my leg. It resembled a lead pencil point, with a dull tip.
In 1977, in California, in 1987, in the Hudson Valley, in 1997, in NYC and in 2007, in the Hudson Valley, other “incidents” occurred. I am now 66, I have seen all the shows about abductions, missing time implants, etc…and would like an answer. I am not seeking publicity and am quite embarrassed about all this. People laugh when I tell them, they ridicule and tease. Let me tell you, the fear is overwhelming, like I have never felt. Thank you for reading this. And yes, I saw the “greys”….How sick does that sound?
Human skulls deliberately warped into strange, alien-like shapes have been unearthed in a 1,000-year-old cemetery in Mexico, researchers say. The practice of deforming skulls of children as they grew was common in Central America, and these findings suggest the tradition spread farther north than had been thought, scientists added.
The cemetery was discovered by residents of the small Mexican village of Onavas in 1999 as they were building an irrigation canal. It is the first pre-Hispanic cemetery found in the northern Mexican state of Sonora.
The site, referred to as El Cementerio, contained the remains of 25 human burials. Thirteen of them had deformed skulls, which were elongate and pointy at the back, and five had mutilated teeth. Dental mutilation involves filing or grinding teeth into odd shapes, while cranial deformation involves distorting the normal growth of a child’s skull by applying force — for example, by using cloths to bind wooden boards against their heads.
“Cranial deformation has been used by different societies in the world as a ritual practice, or for distinction of status within a group or to distinguish between social groups,” said researcher Cristina García Moreno, an archaeologist at Arizona State University.
“The reason why these individuals at El Cementerio deformed their skulls is still unknown.” “The most common comment I’ve read from people that see the pictures of cranial deformation has been that they think that those people were ‘aliens,’” García added. “I could say that some say that as a joke, but the interesting thing is that some do think so. Obviously we are talking about human beings, not of aliens.”
GHOST PARTICLE: The picture proof that shows aliens ARE out there
THIS extraordinary image is further proof that aliens DO EXISTS, scientists have sensationally claimed.
University of Sheffield GETTY
The spectre-like ghost particle was discovered in debris
The eerie and never-before seen picture reveals a spectral-like ‘ghost particle’ discovered in debris gathered from outer space.
Exclusively unveiled by the Daily Express, it shows what is thought to be a ‘living balloon’ which once used to carry microscopic alien organisms.
Discovered by Professor Milton Wainwright and his team from the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, it is, they claim, the latest proof aliens exist.
It could even be the next step in piecing together the age-long conundrum of where life on Earth came from, with experts firmly pointing the finger outside our planet.
Professor Wainwright insists the particle, found in dust and particulate matter collected from the stratosphere, is biological.
Sheffield University
The ghost particle resembles a wisp of smoke
Resembling a wisp of smoke under the microscope the minuscule organism, could hold the key to the long-pondered question “are we alone?”.
Professor Wainwright said: “This is nothing short of a New Year’s present from outer space.
“The width of a human hair and resembling a chiffon scarf with a ghostly appearance, the particle is definitely biological.
“We can speculate that in its space environment this ‘ghost particle’ is a living balloon which an alien microscopic organism might inflate with lighter than air gasses allowing it to float in the air or the seas of an unknown space environment.
“The particle in the picture looks is more like a collapsed balloon, however in its natural state is probably inflated”.
It is set to throw the scientific community into a frenzy of excitement and comes after the discovery last October of a similar ‘dragon particle’ by Professor Wainwright and his team.
Both particles were found by sending balloons into the stratosphere 27 km above the Earth’s atmosphere and examining debris pulled back from space.
Professor Wainwright said: “These are like nothing previously found on Earth.
“It is amazing is that they appear on the sampling stubs in an absolutely pristine condition with no contamination like pollen, grass or pollution particles “Unless a means of lifting them from Earth exists which selectively sieves them out from other Earth-derived debris then they must be incoming from space.
“They also produce tiny dents we call impact craters when they land on the sampler so there is almost no doubt of their space origin.”
Last year astronauts announced they had found traces of life on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS) which orbits Earth.
The discovery of tiny plankton on the ISS was the first time complex organisms were discovered in outer space.
Experiments previously showed bacteria can survive outside our planet but the discovery of the so-called diatoms supports the theory that the biochemical catalyst for human life originated elsewhere in the universe.
The research lent credence theories that not only does life exist in outer space, but extraterrestrial organisms including unknown viruses are continually raining down on earth.
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham in England, said newly released research shows DNA – the building blocks of life – can survive harsh extra-terrestrial conditions.
A small piece of DNA called a ‘plasmid’ was sent into space from Sweden in 2011 on the exterior of a TEXUS-49 rocket.
After enduring 1,000C heat it was found to still be intact and with its biological properties when it returned to Earth.
Professor Wickramasinghe, who has long-maintained that alien life does exist, hailed the finding as further proof of this.
He said viruses and viral particles are constantly raining down on Earth from space in a process called cometary panspermia.
“DNA carries the blueprint of all life, and its survival during space travel is essential if life is to be regarded a cosmic phenomenon,” he said.
“This finding shows that DNA and viruses can survive the rigours of space travel – escape at high speed through the atmosphere of one planet and land in tact on another.
“The result gives strong support for the Hoyle-Wickramasinghe theory of Evolution from Space.
“It lends very strong support to the theory of cometary panspermia.”
Professor Wainwright added: “Everything that we have on the Earth is derived from space, including humans.”
British Cop Witnesses TALL WHITE Aliens Inspecting Fresh Crop Circle
Not many people know this, but back in 2009 a British police officer witnessed ‘Alien Beings’ inspecting a fresh crop circle in a middle of a field!
The Police Sergeant who has not been named, witnessed the event back in 2009. The Policeman was off duty at the time when he noticed the unusual ‘Beings’ in the field.
The Police Officer pulled his car over and walked over to the field to see what was going on as he apparently had a ‘strange’ feeling about what he was seeing.
However, as he approached the ‘men’ — who were all way over 6ft tall with long blond hair – he suddenly heard “the sound of static electricity” and the trio ran away ”faster than any man he had ever seen” so fast that it apparently almost seemed ‘unreal’. Leaving the scene of the strange event the Police Officer jumped quickly back into his car and travelled back home to Marlborough, Wiltshire, and then contacted paranormal experts and told them he had spotted a UFO.
Not surprisingly the Police force that the Officer works for, refused to comment at the time and stated “That it was a personal matter!”
The unnamed Police Officer asked for support off a Gentleman called Andrew Russell who is a Crop Circle Investigator.
Andrew described in detail what the Police officer saw on that unusual day:
”At first he thought they were forensic officers as they were dressed in white coveralls. He stopped his car and approached the field. ‘The figures were all over 6ft and had blond hair. They seemed to be inspecting the crop. When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity.
”This crackling noise seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently, close to where the noise was.
”He shouted to the figures who, at first, ignored him, not glancing at him. When he tried to enter the field they looked up and began running.
”He said; ‘They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone.
”I then got scared. The noise was still around but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car. For the rest of the day I had a pounding headache I couldn’t shift.”
This strange incident happened on July 6th as the Police Officer was driving down the road. Apparently the three very tall figures were inspecting the odd-shaped Crop Circle in the field.
They all appeared deeply interested and analyzing the Crop Circle – was it them who made it, or possibly was it their fellow colleagues from a far!?
The crop circle had been there in the field for a few days before this incident.
When the Police Officer walked over the unusual beings, they suddenly become ‘disturbed’ looking and ran off at speeds beyond the Officers belief! As soon as he looked away for a split second they were ‘gone’
A spokesman for Wiltshire Police said:
”The police officer was apparently off duty when this happened so we have no comment to make because it is a personal not a police matter.”
Another Crop Circle Expert, Colin Andrews, who investigated the incident alongside Andrew Russell, said he is ”convinced” by the police officer’s story and does not see any reason at all why the Officer would of made this story up!
”I am quite convinced the officer had an experience that day and one that we have not fully explored.” I think with the unusual movement of the being and the poltergeist experiences there is too much additional information to say that is something in nothing.” He said
Some have suspected that this was the Tall White Aliens that the Officer had witnessed. The Tall whites have even been acknowledged by Edward Snowden, who believes that they are very much in contact with Planet Earth and watching our every move.
By ufointernationalproject
U.I.P SUMMARY – It is very interesting that this sighting was in Wiltshire, as this is one of the key UFO/Crop Circle areas around the world (please click HERE for more information on this).
Could it possibly be that what this Police Officer saw were the Beings who are responsible for these crop circles being formed around the UK, or perhaps they are just as curious as to ‘what else’ is out there trying to communicate with Earth.
Yes, Crop Circles have been deemed by many to be elaborate fakes by students or farmers but when you actually look at the sheer amount of detail found in these incredible designs, I personally feel it is impossible for any human to create such a spectacle over night, in the pitch black of night!
As far as what or WHO these Beings are, is a completely different matter altogether! The way that they have been described sounds just like the Tall White Aliens, and the way they move would kind of confirm that there were no odd-ball humans, but something else, something very unique and different!?
Is it a coincidence that one of the most unknown areas of the world, Stonehenge, is in Wiltshire, and that we have so many unusual sightings in this part of the UK… I don’t think so, and this is why this part of the world is one of THE top UFO Hotspots.
There is video evidence that crop circles are made by ”orbs of light”, as you can see below. And,scientific studies concur.
De geheime schaduwregering: complottheorie of griezelige realiteit? De geheime schaduwregering: complottheorie of griezelige realiteit?
De geheime schaduwregering: complottheorie of griezelige realiteit?
De meeste onderzoekers durven hun vingers niet te branden aan complottheorieën. Toch trekken ze vaak veel aandacht. Er zijn een aantal wetenschappers die stellen dat samenzweringstheorieën serieus moeten worden genomen.
De meest populaire theorie gaat over de schaduwregering. Volgens deze theorie hebben de democratisch gekozen volksvertegenwoordigers geen enkele politieke macht. Die behoort toe aan een kleine elite die achter de schermen opereert. De officiële overheden moeten aan deze elite verantwoording afleggen.
De Bilderberggroep
Vaak wordt in deze context verwezen naar de Bilderberggroep of –club, een privéorganisatie die in 1954 is opgericht. De groep brengt ieder jaar zo’n 150 politieke leiders en experts op het gebied van financiën, media en industrie bijeen om te spreken over politieke en economische vraagstukken. Alles wat wordt besproken blijft geheim en mag niet naar buiten worden gebracht.
Onderzoeksjournalist Daniel Estulin, woonachtig in Madrid, doet al geruime tijd onderzoek naar deze geheime groep. In zijn boek ‘De Ware Geschiedenis van de Bilderberggroep’ doet hij de missie van de organisatie uit de doeken.
Volgens Estulin streeft de Bilderberggroep een wereldregering (wereldbedrijf) na die wordt beveiligd door een wereldleger en gereguleerd door een wereldbank. Men betaalt er met een wereldmunt.
Estulin meent dat de groep tot doel heeft om een Nieuwe Wereldorde op te richten zonder middenklasse (alleen heersers en slaven); de wereldbevolking door ‘mind control’ onder de duim te houden en de NAVO het leger van de wereld te maken; crises te creëren en oneindig oorlog te voeren.
De auteur wijst erop dat de Bilderbergclub niet alleen handelt. De groep heeft geheime invloedrijke partners: de Amerikaanse Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) en de Trilaterale Commissie, die in 1973 is opgericht door David Rockefeller, tevens prominent Bilderberger en emeritus voorzitter van de CFR.
“Stel je een privéclub voor waar presidenten, premiers, internationale bankiers en generaals onderonsjes hebben en waar de mensen die de oorlogen plannen en Europa en Amerika besturen zeggen wat ze nooit in het openbaar zouden durven te zeggen,” zei Estulin.
Er zijn ook onderzoekers die zeggen dat de Bilderbergclub onterecht wordt gedemoniseerd en dat de Bilderberggroep, noch de CFR en de Trilaterale Commissie over de middelen beschikken om over de wereld te heersen.
Le Cercle
Er zijn ook analisten die geloven dat Bilderberg slechts het topje van de ijsberg is. Zij verwijzen naar een andere geheime invloedrijke groep – Le Cercle – die in de Koude Oorlog is opgericht. Volgens onderzoeksjournalist David Teacher gebruikte Le Cercle (of Pinay Cercle) propagandisten en inlichtingenofficiers voor lastercampagnes tegen progressieve Europese en Amerikaanse politici. De groep speelde een cruciale rol bij de val van het IJzeren Gordijn en de vorming van de Europese Unie.
Agenten die voor Le Cercle werken waren eerder in dienst van de Amerikaanse CIA, DIA en INR, Britse MI5, MI6 en IRD, Franse SDECE, Duitse BND, BfV en MAD, Nederlandse BVD, Belgische Surete de l’Etat, SDRA en PIO, Zuid-Afrikaanse BOSS en de Zwitserse en Saoedische inlichtingendiensten. Le Cercle is verweven met onder meer de Bilderberggroep en het genootschap Opus Dei. Prominente figuren binnen de organisatie waren Konrad Adenauer, de Oostenrijkse kroonprins Otto von Habsburg, Franz Jozef Strauss, Margaret Thatcher en Ronald Reagan.
Le Cercle zorgde ervoor dat de NAVO in de jaren zeventig kernwapens plaatste in Groot-Brittannië, België en Nederland, gericht op de Sovjet-Unie. De groep bracht de Europese vredesbeweging in diskrediet door middel van agressieve contraspionage, provocatie en desinformatie.
Volgens de Russische historicus Andrei Fursov is er niet zoiets als een ‘schaduwregering’ die over de wereld heerst. Hij spreekt van een financiële en politieke elite die al honderden jaren met elkaar samenwerkt en gelinkt is aan de opkomst van het kapitalisme. In de 17e en 18e eeuw gebruikten de Europese financiële magnaten bijvoorbeeld de netwerken van de vrijmetselaars om hun macht te vergroten. Denk jij dat een geheime schaduwregering over de wereld heerst? Deel dit artikel dan op Facebook.
Buitenaardse Reptilian maakt South-Carolina, USA onveilig.( Video )
Buitenaardse Reptilian maakt South-Carolina, USA onveilig.( Video )
Al sinds 1988 wordt een bepaalde streek van de Amerikaanse staat South Carolina geteisterd door een wezen dat eruit ziet als een hagedis.
Ook vorige week zondag was het weer raak toen een vrouw nietsvermoedend na de kerkdienst naar buiten stapte.
Het wezen dat de mensen waarnemen heeft de naam Lizard (Hagedis) Man gekregen.
De eerste keer dat iemand de Lizard Man zag, was in de zomer van 1988. Die dag, op 19 juni 1988, reed Christopher Davis, een 17-jarige jongeman, middenin de nacht met zijn auto naar huis van zijn werk toen hij een lekke band kreeg.
Het was 2 uur ’s nachts en Davis bevond zich aan de rand van het Scape Ore moeras. Toen hij klaar was met het verwisselen van zijn band hoorde hij een vreemd geluid achter zich. Toen hij zich omdraaide, zag hij een vreemd wezen op zich af komen.
Volgens Davis probeerde het de auto te grijpen en sprong op het dak toen hij probeerde weg te rijden. Terwijl hij wegvluchtte, slingerde Davis van de ene kant van de weg naar de andere om zo het wezen van het dak af te schudden. Uiteindelijk lukte dit en ging hij naar huis.
Later bleek dat zijn achteruitkijkspiegel ernstig was beschadigd en er krassen werden aangetroffen op het dak van de auto, alhoewel er geen ander fysiek bewijs van de ontmoeting was.
Sinds die tijd zijn er ontelbare incidenten geweest waarbij mensen zo zijn geschrokken en auto’s beschadigd. Er zijn zoveel meldingen binnen gekomen van betrouwbare mensen dat zelfs de autoriteiten geloven dat er “iets” moet zijn.
De Lizard wordt omschreven als groot, meer dan twee meter hoog, met rode ogen en drie vingers aan iedere hand.
In de volgende video oude opnames waar Christopher Davis zijn verhaal doet en ook de sheriff, Liston Truesdale, aan wie hij het verhaal in eerste instantie vertelde. Daarnaast een aantal meer recente getuigen.
En afgelopen week was er weer een waarneming van de Lizard Man.
Afgelopen zondag ging een vrouw uit Sumter, Sara, met haar vriend naar de plaatselijke kerkdienst. Toen ze weer buiten waren, zagen ze de Lizard Man langs de rand van de bomenrij rennen.
Zij deed wat ieder ander zou doen, ze nam een foto met haar mobiel.
Alhoewel het eruit ziet als een man met een carnavalspak aan, bezweert Sara bij hoog en bij laag dat de foto echt is en ze haalt zelfs God erbij. “Ik heb dit niet verzonnen”.
Volgens Sara was de lokatie waar ze foto heeft genomen enkele kilometers verwijderd van het Scape Ore moeras, dezelfde plek waar Christopher Davis in 1988 het wezen tegenkwam.
Het verhaal van Sara verscheen in het plaatselijke nieuws en als gevolg daarvan stuurde iemand de volgende korte video. Een opname van een vreemd wezen wat hij eerder dit jaar, in mei, op dezelfde plek had gemaakt.
Voor ufoloog Scott C. Waring is het verhaal duidelijk:
“Ze worden Reptilians genoemd en ze zijn een buitenaards reptielenras. Ze wandelen rechtop en kunnen beter worden vermeden. Alles wat we weten uit eerdere verslagen is dat ze heel erg agressief zijn en een kort lontje hebben (snel boos).
De Reptilian wordt al meer dan twintig jaar lang in Bishopville waargenomen. Alle getuigen komen met dezelfde beschrijving: Rode ogen, drie lange vingers aan de handen. Het is een teken dat er waarschijnlijk een ondergrondse basis is in dat gebied. Een moeras is een ideale plek om een basis onder te verbergen”.
This is fantastic. A 15 ton pillar of limestone with holes mechanically drilled though it is awesome proof that intelligent beings were here on Earth long ago. This is before humans had the ability to create complex tools. Even today, moving and carving a 15 ton block of limestone would be extremely difficult if done without electrical or gas machinery. Perhaps this is close to the lost island of Atlantis, which was an alien city. Scott C. Waring
News states: At least 9,300 years ago, Stone Age hunter-gatherers in a now-submerged area of the Mediterranean Sea accomplished a feat that even most modern humans could not do: They apparently cut a 15-ton limestone pillar with precision, drilled holes in it and transported it nearly 300 meters (984 feet). The monolith is 12 meters (39 feet) long. Oceanographers studying the Mediterranean sea floor in the Sicilian Channel between Tunisia and Sicily in 2012 found the monolith 40 meters (131 feet) deep. In a new paper in the Journal of Archaeological Science, the researchers say this area became submerged about 9,350 years ago, give or take 200 years. Before that, the area was shallow sea with an archipelago of several islands about halfway between the island of Sicily and the North African coast. The researchers say the discovery of this submerged pillar may require scholars to rethink the idea of “technological primitivism” among hunter-gatherers. Researchers were able to date the monolith by extracting shell fragments from it. The dating showed the pillar has the same composition and age as nearby limestone. Seawater covered the area when the last Ice Age ended around 9,350 years ago, so the pillar is assumed to have been fashioned at least that long ago.
2,000 Years Old Conehead Skeleton in Ukraine: A UFO Proof?
2,000 Years Old Conehead Skeleton in Ukraine: A UFO Proof?
You may live comfortably in your everyday un-anomalous world, but rest assured, that un-anomalous world is in itself an anomaly in a quite anomalous universe, all brought to you either by natural or man-made phenomenon.
Ukraine’s Archaeologists made a surprising discovery this week. The first one is the skeleton that was pronounced Conehead. According to the before its news, the remains are roughly two thousand years old. The skeleton with a strangely shaped head was uncovered in Russia’s Stonehenge. The elongated shaped skull drew interest among enthusiasts, who believe that the remains are proof to alien’s existence thousands years ago. Unfortunately, archaeologists refuse the extraterrestrial theory. The skilled specialists denied the presumptions that the skeleton belonged to alien species. They even claimed that the bones belonged to a woman 2,000 years ago. The skull was strangely misshapen, as per accordance on her tribe, called ancient Samarti tribe. According to Maria Makurova, the remains are a form of extra-terrestrial beings. The explanation behind the skull is because of the nature of her tribe to tie the heads of the children with rope.
Also, technology continually advanced through the years, and several individuals possess utilized this to be able to devise all the more hoaxes. Photo Store and video clip editing continues to be highly developed to your point where virtually all ordinary individuals are unable to discern hype from fact. Sceptics connected with extraterrestrial employ these hoaxes to fuel their conviction that aliens will not exist. However, there are bad media for these types of cynics mainly because creating bogus pictures as well as videos do not mean that UFOs cease to exist if they already accomplish. Sightings involving UFOs have been reported for many decades. An amount of them possess even declared that that evidence can be acquired regarding activities with extraterrestrial lifestyle throughout substantial periods of history.
Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO PART I
Object captured at Arizona Kitt Peak Observatory on August 1, 2015
Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: French Minister of Defense says UFOs Exist, Arizona Kitt Peak Observatory Disc, The Forgotten Promise, Argentina Crushed Corn and Alien Landings, Search for Life in the Universe gets a $100 million boost, Rise of the Machines, Letter from Bill Sells and 2000 UFO Reports in July
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada, France, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Monitor your thoughts
We are multi demensional beings
Special Reports
French Minister of Defense UFOs Exist
Robert Galley, French Minister of Defense states, “I must say that if listeners could see for themselves the mass of reports coming in from the airborne gendarmerie, from the mobile gendarmerie, and from the gendarmerie charged with the job of conducting investigations, all of which reports are forwarded by us to the National Center for Space Studies, then they would see that it is all pretty disturbing. I believe that the attitude of spirit that we must vis-a-vis this phenomenon is an open one, that is to say that it doesn’t consist in denying a priori, as our ancestors of previous centuries did deny many things that seem nowadays perfectly elementary.” M. Robert Galley, French Minister of Defense, interviewed on radio by Jean-Claude Bourret, February 21, 1974.
Arizona Kitt Peak Observatory Disc
This image was discovered by a PROFESSIONAL ASTRONOMER
How did I find this observation? As a professional astronomer and the associate telescope scientist for the WINY 0.9 Meter Telescope Consortium that maintains the Kitt Peak 0.9 meter telescope located just west of the 2.1 meter telescope, I have set the default page for each of my browsers to, a web page that normally shows both a north-facing and south-facing view of Kitt Peak. The south-facing camera is currently off-line as KPNO personnel complete extensive work on the 4.0 meter telescope. Using this website, I keep track of the KPNO weather on a daily basis in order to anticipate what the weather will be for the following night of observations.
So I came upon the observation of the UAP entirely accidentally yesterday afternoon when opening up a browser window. Recognizing its significance, I immediately downloaded the frame containing the object. I took several minutes to examine this picture carefully to eliminate the possibility this was a buzzard or a military aircraft.
I will not spend time attempting to analyze the object in the 14:28:13 MST data set because I want to present this observation to our community as quickly as possible. Except for examining the pictures immediately before and after the frame in question, I have not attempted to search the data set from all of August 1st to see if a similar object can be found. Hopefully, one or more of our group will undertake such an examination over the next few days while these unique sets of data are readily available on-line at the first URL given above. Thanks to William Puckett, Director UFOsnw
Sherry Wilde’s — The Forgotten Promise tells the story of my lifelong interaction with beings of another dimension….or world. The memories of these encounters were buried deep within my subconscious mind until 1988.
It was then that a UFO flap occurred in my community bringing investigators from the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies to look into what was happening.
Like many people, she could not accept that such a thing as alien abduction was even plausible. Now, after having many years to adjust, grow and learn about this phenomenon, she asks how is it possible to not believe that there is life “out there”.
The universe is infinite. And it is mathematically impossible for us to be alone in the cosmos. From there it is only a short step to recognizing that superior life forms are bound to exist and those life forms would have an interest in studying other life forms, just as we, do. Our species just reached Pluto and his headed to other solar systems. Sherry has had an extraordinary life and is learning from beings that exist in a realm quite different from the one we live in.
I am now able to say that I am extremely grateful for these experiences, although it was not always so. The lessons they taught me, the things they showed me, the profound teachings & the high level of peace that is prevalent when in their company gives me hope for our planet. Knowing we are not alone and that we live in a universe governed by love is comforting.
Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and real estate business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world. No one could have ever guessed the unbelievable turn of events that would occur over the next 18-24 months as Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her. Faced with the indisputable evidence that she was experiencing contact with extra-terrestrial beings was astonishing to this pragmatic and levelheaded woman of 37, but to learn her contact had been ongoing for her entire life almost pushed her over the edge.
Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to exonerate the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it. Inexplicably she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her. Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal. She now accepts the truth of these encounters and has cooperative contact on a regular basis with the beings she affectionately refers to as “her guys.” Website
Argentina Crushed Corn and Alien Landings
Pujanto — The website reported an Argentine farmer filed a complaint with the local cops about a UFO (OVNI) that landed in his cornfield leaving behind a 600 meter by 6-feet. swath of crushed corn plants. (Six hundred meters equals 1968 feet.) Along with the damage, other witnesses claimed they saw “a ship with strange lights and colors flying over the areain April 2012.” The location of the alleged UFO landing was Pujanto, 42 kilometers west of Rosario. Raul, a farmer aged 62, appeared before the Commissioner of the town of Santa Fe to report a complaint of damage to his corn field.
The strange thing is that it is not clear who or what caused this strange happening. In fact, there was no theft of the crop or vehicle tracks in place; only the patch of flattened corn. Neighbors said the area brought out witnesses who claimed to see a ship with strange lights and colors flying over the area, according to the journalist who told Radio 2 Hector Lopez. These are people who were at the entrance of the town on Route 33 aound 3:00 AM. The commissioner, Walter Freniche, confirmed the complaint and told Radio 2 that the 600 meter crushed area was verified. He noted that there was no theft, or vehicle tracks. Freniche noted that “neighbors reported seeing lights, it’s a difficult case.” NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ worldUFOphotos
Search for Life in the Universe gets a $100 Million Boost
PBS July 20, 2015: Are we alone in the universe? A new project called the Breakthrough Initiative may help scientists like Stephen Hawking get closer to the answer.
Tech investor Russian Yuri Milner (shown) pledged $100 million to help survey one million of the closest stars to Earth for signals from other forms of intelligent life. We have been searching radio waves for 55 years with little luck. Yet I know ten people who claim to be in contact with extraterrestrials. Of course no one listens to them. SETI, the famed program for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, was effectively killed in 1994 when Senator Richard Bryan (D) of Nevada added an amendment to the 1994 federal budget that cancelled of the High Resolution Microwave Survey and terminated NASA’s SETI efforts.
The initiative was announced by Milner July 20 in London at The Royal Society, where he was joined by physicist Stephen Hawking,
“It’s going to dramatically expand our capabilities,” Siemions says. “We’re going to have new instrumentation at the largest telescopes in the world and it’s going to be 10 times more powerful than anything we’ve ever had.”
The Breakthrough Prize Foundation has already contracted with two of the world’s largest radio telescopes –
the 100-meter Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the 64-meter Parkes Telescope in New South Wales, Australia – to devote between 20 and 25 percent of their telescope time to searching for signals from other civilizations. The funding will also allow the Automated Planet Finder at the Lick Observatory near San Jose to search for optical laser signals from other planets.
Siemion says his team will be listening for “weak signals” coming from the nearest 1000 star systems. Thanks to BBC
Rise of the Machines
From self-driving cars to sex bots, more and more of humanity’s fundamental tasks are being taken over by robots. The inevitable march of the machines has spurred both utopian and apocalyptic visions of the future. Rogue AI that threatens humanity has featured prominently in science fiction movies such as “The Matrix” and “2001: A Space Odyssey.”
But increasingly, these fears aren’t just being played out on the silver screen. In fact, artificial-intelligence researchers themselves have voiced concerns over how innovations in the field are being developed. With autonomous AI weapons — such as drone planes that could seek and kill people using a face-recognition algorithm — the technology could be here in a matter of years, the writers of the letter argue. And while drone fighters could limit battlefield casualties, these autonomous bots could also lower the threshold for initiating conflicts in the first place, the letter states.
In addition, such automatic weapons could conceivably be in the hands of almost every military power on Earth, because AI-based killing machines wouldn’t require costly or hard-to-obtain materials. It wouldn’t be long before assassins and terrorists could purchase them and use them for nefarious purposes.
“Autonomous weapons are ideal for tasks such as assassinations, destabilizing nations, subduing populations and selectively killing a particular ethnic group. We therefore believe that a military AI arms race would not be beneficial for humanity,” the letter states.
warrior cats scourge
This isn’t the first time the science and tech luminaries have warned against the dangers of AI. In 2014, Hawking said the development of full artificial intelligence holds great dangers that could spell the end of the human race.
Letter from Bill Sells
Bill Sells writes, “I think governments are totally afraid of a mass panic in America. This would explain Prime Minister Thatcher’s remarks on informing the public would be detrimental to UK government. These craft invade our airspace at will and I believe thru electro-magnetic shielding are invisible to the human naked eye. They pass thru our radar defenses during thunderstorm clutter on screens and are apparently completely evasive now to our jet fighters. We have a problem that the government will not publicly address for fear of panic.”Thanks to Bill Sells
2000 UFO Reports in July
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In July 2015 there were 1353 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; United States 1048, Canada 125, United Kingdom 49, Australia 11, Brazil 10, India 9, Sweden 7, and Portugal 7.
The following states had the most reports: California 122, New York 77, Florida 58, Texas 57, Pennsylvania, 51, Colorado 40
National UFO Reporting Center had 631 reports posted thus far for July.
09-08-2015 om 00:35
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Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO - PART II
Filer’s Files #32 – 2015 – Astronomer Spots UFO - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Strange Lights
Salton City — It was Wednesday July 29, 2015, around 10:30 pm and I was in my kitchen putting dinner away after getting my kids to bed when I heard my dogs who are usually very quite start to bark and howl. I opened my sliding glass door to see why they were barking and witnessed them looking southeast at the sky and when I looked to see what they were looking at I witnessed 4 very large bright glowing red/orange balls of lights hovering high up in the sky. I watched them as the slowly shifted positions randomly. I ran to get my husband who thought they were very large balls of fire in the sky. We continued to watch them for about 5 minutes as they continued to move randomly. I ran inside to get my camera and when I returned there was only three left and they had formed a straight line with each other. I felt a sense of fear and depression like something was very wrong. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Sightings
Aurora — I was sitting outside with my boyfriend looking up on August 2, 2015, what stunned me was it slowed down time specifically so I could see it. It was only in the sky for 10 seconds and was extremely fast and almost fell out of the sky in a swooping down motion. It abruptly turned straight up and disappeared. My boyfriend saw the last part. Time slowed down when I was watching it and I felt I was being selected. I could see the bottom with equally spaced pulsating white lights. I saw this for only a second that felt like two minutes. It changed direction and completely disappeared. I am positive this was a ufo and it wanted me to see it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Estas Park — I was on a trip with family into the Roosevelt National Forest on July 17, 2015, and took many pictures. When I got home I looked over them and saw an object with four glowing lights on the bottom and it seemed to be flying near the tip of the mountain.
I did not notice it at the time of the picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
Cape Canaveral — I was watching TV and noticed the sunset looked pretty so I took pictures on July 1, 2015.
. It was raining but the clouds near the sunset were interesting. I only noticed the objects when I was looking at the pictures a few weeks later. When I noticed the first object I thought it was a palm tree trunk flying and when I looked closer I noticed several objects in the same picture. Each picture had a different amount of objects. I didn’t know who to send the photos to until I was watched Hanger 1. I would like to know if it’s UFO’s. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Alachua — I was taking pictures of the cloud formations that evening, they were very colorful on June 14, 2014. I didn’t see the bright disc objects until a few weeks later when I was erasing pictures from my phone at my leisure and noticed a very bright spot on a picture, thought maybe it was a crack on the lens, until I expanded the picture….wow. So then I found two other pictures taken within seconds of each other. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Chicago— I was at the Godfrey Hotel rooftop nightclub bar on August 1, 2015, and took three photos of this skyline, that show strange lights. Nothing was heard, nor was anything spotted at the time that the photos were taken with an IPhone 6 camera. The lights are in an organized and geometric pattern. Granted, there were plenty of helicopters and airplanes in the sky. I don’t think the photos are of conventional aircraft. The pattern of lights in the photo reminds me of the “Phoenix lights” event. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Edinburgh – Pam Stark writes, “Its 2:10 am, and I just had the @$!# scared out of me. I turned my light and tv off at 2 am on July 27, 2015. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, I had a strange feeling that something or someone was watching me. I opened my eyes; I could see someone standing by the chair in my room. It was grey colored and had big eyes. I won’t forget it. I turned on my light it was gone.” I was yelling for my son, Brandon who rushed into my room. He was sitting on the porch having a cigarette with the porch light off because of the mosquitoes. I’m still shaking. I won’t be going to sleep until daylight gets here. Believe me I’m tired. Thanks to Pam
Missouri Object
Valles Mines — I live in the country on four acres and was at home and took 9 pictures during my morning meditation on August 2, 2015. When I looked at my pictures I noticed this weird shape in it. I didn’t witness it but, my iPhone picked up something that could be an orb, angel, drone or spaceship. The object appears to be hovering and has a glowing white shape. I noticed it in the middle of my photo my pictures, but not all of them. I showed my girlfriend, and my son, and they were tripping out. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary but, felt like I was being watched. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Lights
Las Vegas — My wife and I were on the freeway about 9 pm on July 1, 2015 and were following GPS directions when my GoPro cam mounted on dashboard caught this big bright light. GoPro saw it way before us as the bright light came to earth from space. It was falling fast in a straight vertical line but not breaking up like a meteor. I got excited because I know it is not from this world. I even told my wife that is coming from Heaven. All is recorded in the video of numerous lights in the sky. The Big Bright Light starts to slow down and it turned off at about 1000 feet from the ground and about less than a mile straight in front of us. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFO
Belle Mead— I was driving home and then a huge flash surprised me on JULY 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM, and I saw 20 objects at least 6 or 7 times bigger than a 747. I thought it was a ufo. It moved slowly in a path of nine- saw, and I reacted to it. I was freaked out. I lost sight because it flashed and it was gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Disc
New York City – I shot this picture in October of 2014 while taking the ferry. Three helicopters with ranging in colors of red, black and white were in the area doing their typical tourist ventures. After the trip I was re-examining the pictures and noticed this weird shaped object did not show up on any other shot after. In the next picture the object is no longer visible but there are some exhaust fumes that could be from the craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Binghamton – I was taking pictures of a hot air balloon launch at a balloon rally on July 31, 2015.
Later, when looking at my pictures I noticed an object in the sky that I didn’t see while taking the photo. No one else noticed it that I know of at the time.
I showed the picture to my son and he recommended that I send the photo to you. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Lights
Thought you might like to see these lights taken on July 27, 2015. I have a wildlife camera set up on my property and when I unloaded the SD card these guys showed up. I have no idea what it is, but for sure it is not bugs. The camera is set up using infrared photos at night and color in the day. I never gave any thought to UFO’s, but these lights could be a case for small ones. What do you think?
Note: It is difficult to determine the source of these lights. I agree with the witness that they are not bugs. The photo sequence starts at 10:55 PM and goes through 12:02 AM. The lights appear, disappear and later reappear. Whatever was photographed was on or in front of the trees. Thanks to William Puckett, DirectorUFOsnw
Ohio Lights
Dayton — My Mom and I were sitting on my front porch talking on July 31, 2015, when we noticed two round objects thru the trees. They made no sound and were glowing a reddish color. I grabbed my phone to get this photo. They were traveling fast in a linear pattern, fairly close to each other. There were no other aircraft in the sky. I watched the objects for as long as I could. Some neighbors have also witnessed these objects. I do reside near Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I am a nurse and a Mom and never have seen anything like this. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Blue Lights
Springville — I was walking on the track at the high school around 8:45 pm and decided to take a photo of the moon on July 30, 2015. The blue spheres are clear and obvious. I was unaware of the objects at the time I took the photo, but the bottoms of my feet began burning and I found it difficult to walk home and the pain continued for almost two days. I don’t know why or if it was connected, but it has never happened before. I didn’t notice the objects at the time so I don’t know how long the objects were in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Disc
Skyway — I wasn’t there at the time, but my friend was taking pictures on August 1, 2015, when out of nowhere an object appeared. Seafair was during this time, but the Blue Angeles weren’t in the sky. My friend the said the object moved at impossible speeds and in weird directions, and since I watch the MUFON TV show I thought it would be right to talk about it here. My friend also said the object went up into the clouds and it didn’t come down for a minute. It appeared right where it went up, the object continued to move around when it flew into the distance disappearing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
West Virginia Lights
Morgantown— We were sightseeing and took this picture of two objects in the sky on July 29, 2015. We didn’t actually see them in the sky. It wasn’t until we got home and looked at our pics and realized we had captured something. We also saw one two summers ago doing crazy zigzagging. A few years before that we saw an orangish boomerang hovering. My husband and I asked, “What is that”? That’s when it shot into outer space. We both agreed we saw a ufo. The third one, so we weren’t really surprised. This is becoming such a common thing. We know others who have seen them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Argentina Green Fireball
Buenos Aires — This object has all the signs of being a UFO. If you jump to 50seconds into the July 2015 video and pause and start every second, you will see some small white UFOs come out of the object and fly in circular patters around the UFO. This object was going much to slow to be a meteor only 30% of the speed. So…why did an alien species try to fake a meteor entering earth’s atmosphere to come to Earth? Probably so they wouldn’t scare people. It’s a big ship for sure. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
News states: Bright green fireball lights up night sky but is it a UFO or meteor? – Weird green fireball burns through sky at night that turned the sky green as it shot through the air, caught in this footage. Some observers say the huge green luminous sphere gave the sky was otherworldly and could have been a UFO. It flew above the area of Caseros.
On Twitter, the Green Sky quickly became one of the most hotly debated subjects. Astronomer Jorge Coghlan in an interview described the possible meteor as space junk. News source:
Australia Disc
Carrara — I was observing the north sky on August 2, 2015, as I usually do when I noticed moving lights heading towards me. I then sat on the balcony and continued watching thru the lens at the show before me. It was quite orderly, darting and chasing popping things from themselves lasting an hour and half. I knew what I was seeing and even grabbed my partner to check out the random objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nimmitabel— John Ravallion writes, “I would like to report a ufo sighting from 1969, of an amazing large ufo which my neighbor and I watched for 10 minutes.” I have never reported this event before, but I have had an interest in subject ever since and only seen one other sighting on tv a few years ago of a similar twin light UFO. i would like to record a drawing of some sort if possible are you interested and can you advise me how to properly record this very clear sighting. Thank you John Ravallion
Canada Huge UFO
Calgary — I got undressed to shower and saw 5 red circles on my body on July 29, 2015. They looked like when a dice rolls 5. They’re not bumps, they don’t hurt, itch or anything like that. I had no idea what it was, so I Googled it. UFO marking was all that came up that looked identical to what I had on me. I didn’t see it appear, and just found it. I started feeling paranoid, shocked, and scared. I then googled “signs that you’ve encountered aliens” and met many of the signs. I was almost too scared to go to bed, worried I’d wake up somewhere strange. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Toronto— The two of us observed a shooting star overhead on the rooftop of my building on August 2, 2015. It moved across the sky for about 6-inches at 12:08 am, tracking east. We noticed a round, thick white light turning on and off. I flashed on my green starlight laser that appeared to hit it and bounce off. It immediately reacted to my laser when I flashed at 12:24 AM; it seemed to fly faster traveling towards the moon in a SE direction. It was a cylinder shaped object tumbling or spinning in a clock-wise direction similar to this attached online photo.
The size of the light was bigger than a commercial jet’s landing lights the cylinder disappeared from view as it got closer to the full moon’s brightness. It was a very electric energy that awakened and excited us. This is my 3rd unknown flying object sighting in a week. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan Blue Light
On July 17, 2015, in my YouTube video in the first 7 seconds you will see a static image, then after 17 seconds, the blue flash appears in the top-left area in the sky. You can also see a small white light beside the blue light that seems like a reflection of the blue light on the ship body. It does not look like natural phenomenon. It was not airplane’s lights and too high for a drone.
“Recently, I had been investigating if there is UFO with royal blue color because a lady witnessed a blue UFO. I telepathically asked, if there is UFO with royal blue color, please let me videotape that craft”. Then I started to videotape the night sky hoping that something might happen, and then the blue flash appeared in the sky. Camera: Sony HDR-CX390
Mexico Sightings
Guadalajara — I’ve had a telescope for years and charted the stars and observed of the moon on August 2, 2015. I saw something that could only be observed through my telescope. It was either very small or very far away. It was a round shaped object. The center was completely dark and the edges were visible too. Around the object there were lights that formed a ring, and around that ring there was another set of lights that formed a half ring. At first I thought it was the reflection from the light of neighboring houses, but then one of my companions saw it too with his telescope. He described the lights as forming a three-point star outline rather than two rings. The object was moving very slow giving me enough time to make the difficult change from one lens to another. It was not moving from north to south and turned east and disappeared behind some clouds.
Boomerang— I heard an police helicopter flying and went to my rooftop on November 6, 2006, and saw a helicopter when a ufo also appeared. I thought I was going to see aliens as this dark boomerang object followed me.
The flying was controlled with changes of direction and the center of the object had one light and exit energy at the sides. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Sightings
Nelson and New Plymouth — First sighting was reported to NZ police and air traffic control. A second sighting was witnessed by my family a security guard, and me. There were two separate sightings of orange orbs in different towns, with no sound, moving then accelerating. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wellington — This UFO tried to sneak past cloaked in its lenticular cloud, but the guy was onto it and got a photo. If you see one, get a photo! Please, and share it with us. Put a link in any comments of any post taking us to it.
Stuff News states: “A flying saucer made of clouds was sighted over Wellington’s Lyall Bay on July 31, 2015. When Alex Greig headed to the beach to enjoy an early morning Milo about 7.50 am, he was stunned to see the giant orb looming in the sky above him.
“It was phenomenal,” he said. “Just absolutely amazing, I’ve never seen one like that, so perfectly formed that looks like there should be a UFO inside it – a big steel disc, like in the movies.” Unfortunately the stunning formation was soon obscured by surrounding clouds, he said. MetService meteorologist Emma Blades said it was a lenticular cloud, which is common in New Zealand as they are caused by waves generated by air rushing over mountains. “This is a stunning example though,” she said. In Texas in June, there were 56 reported sightings to the Mutual UFO network when the clouds appeared after a spate of severe weather. UFO enthusiasts believe that lenticular clouds are actually flying saucers in “disguise”. Thanks to Scott C. Waring ufosightingsdaily. News Source:
Spain Disc
Cartagena – I saw a disc shaped object flying at low altitude while driving my car at sunset on May 17, 2015, so I asked my son to take some pictures with my iPhone. The object was moving but the road had some curves so I couldn’t see its movements well.
However, it disappeared quickly because after the curve shown in the last picture, we couldn’t see it anymore. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Switzerland Light
Lausanne– I am hoping MUFON may be able to help with something I managed to photograph on July 21, 2015 around 11 pm. Sitting in my lounge I noticed a strange orange light that I thought was a plane as we can often see them heading to Geneva. I saw a single point of orange light similar to the headlight on a commercial airplane. Next to it, I saw an orange streak which appeared quite quickly. After probably 30 seconds, the orange streak went away and the single point of light persisted and then also faded out. I thought it might be a plane on fire. Several minutes later, I notice the light again this time larger and more of a streak than a point of light.
I called my wife to have a look and she commented it may be a Chinese lantern. I snapped a photo using a Canon EOS 650D with a 55 to 250mm lens towards Vallee du Joux. You can see that it is definitely not a plane as it was just much too low, too large and too strange to be a plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Light
Bewdley — Whilst I stood in my back yard on July 30, 2015, I saw two objects flying erratically in the sky. I got my camera and took a couple of photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Venezuela Lights
Caracas — Walking I saw in the sky two figures on July 3, 2015, and took a photo with my telephone.
When lowering my glance and reestablishing it the object was missing. I did not see its trajectory, when it departed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Video: Lost Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited A,ncient Egypt
Lost Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited Ancient Egypt
Video: Lost Papyrus Reveals Extraterrestrials Visited Ancient Egypt
One of the most intriguing ancient texts, the Tulli Papyrus chronicles one of the earliest mass UFO sightings.
It also has an interesting backstory. In 1933, Alberto Tulli, director of the Egyptology section of the Vatican Museum, discovered a unique papyrus in one of Cairo’s antique shops.
Unfortunately, it was priced too high—even for the Vatican—so Tulli resorted to copying down its contents.
When he later returned, the papyrus was gone. Two decades later, Italian Egyptologist Prince Boris de Rachewiltz announced that he had located the original papyrus, “untranslated and unpublished.”
While incomplete, the papyrus painted a pretty clear picture:
“In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day […] among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor.
Its body was one rod (172 feet or approximately 50 meters) in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty’s house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They [went] to the King to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on.
A copy of the Tulli Papyrus
A copy of the Tulli Papyrus Continue Reading after this brake: After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven[…] Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks.
The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky, a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country.
And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was [ordered] that the event [be recorded for] His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] for ever.”
The pharaoh in question is Thutmose III, and the event happened in the first years of his reign, somewhere around 1480 BC. As evidenced by the existence of this text, this event was one of great importance. The scribes’ reactions of fear and bewilderment are consistent with the unprecedented apparition of an enormous flying object.
It is described as being silent while its exhaust emitted toxic gasses. Its shape is described as a disk with “no head”, possibly metallic due to its high reflectiveness. A few days after being visited by this scout, the entire UFO armada reveals itself.
The fleet’s departure is marked by a strange, unprecedented event: fish and “other volatiles” raining down from the sky. Did the UFOs refuel using water from the Nile and then dump the extra passengers scooped up? Could be.
The Tulli Papyrus does not mention whether a contact was established with the visitors, but it’s interesting to see that a decidedly alien civilization was interested in the Egyptian Empire while it was at its height.
Nobody knows where the original papyrus is today. When researcher Samuel Rosenberg wrote to the Vatican Museum to get the chance to examine the ancient text, he got the following reply: “Papyrus Tulli not property of Vatican Museum. Now it is dispersed and no more traceable.”
Ian Paxton - Locklip
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08-08-2015 om 23:57
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist
Giant Mystery Ring of Galaxies Should Not Exist
An image of the distribution of GRBs on the sky at a distance of 7 billion light years, centred on the newly discovered ring. The positions of the GRBs are marked by blue dots and the Milky Way is indicated for reference, running from left to right across the image. Credit: L. BALAZS
Astronomers are constantly uncovering the "most distant," "most massive" or "most energetic" objects in our universe, but today, researchers have announced the discovery of a truly monstrous structure consisting of a ring of galaxies around 5 billion light-years across.
The galactic ring, which was revealed by 9 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), is located 7 billion light-years away and spans an area of the sky more than 70 times the diameter of a full moon.
GRBs are thought to be detonated when a massive star reaches the end of its life. As the star implodes after running out of fuel, a black hole is formed and vast quantities of energy are blasted in collimated beams. Should Earth be aligned with these beams, an incredibly luminous signal can be observed and these beacons can be used to precisely gauge the distance to the GRB and the location of the galaxy that hosts it.
The GRBs are all cataloged in the Gamma Ray Burst Online Index, which precisely records each GRB distance and location, like pins on a cosmic map.
Astronomers believe these GRBs (and therefore the galaxies they inhabit) are somehow associated as all 9 are located at a similar distance from Earth. According to its discoverers, there's a 1-in-20,000 probability of the GRBs being in this distribution by chance — in other words, they are very likely associated with the same structure, a structure that, according to cosmological models, should not exist.
"If the ring represents a real spatial structure, then it has to be seen nearly face-on because of the small variations of GRB distances around the object's center," said Lajos Balazs, of Konkoly Observatory in Budapest, Hungary, and lead author of a paper published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "The ring could though instead be a projection of a sphere, where the GRBs all occurred within a 250 million year period, a short timescale compared with the age of the universe."
But what could possibly be creating a sphere an unprescedented 5 billion light-years across?
According to most cosmological models, the universe should have a roughly uniform distribution of matter over the largest scales. This is known as the "Cosmological Principal" and observations by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and Europe's Planck space telescope, which both studied the distribution of the universe's ancient cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, seem to agree. However, other results have recently challenged this idea hinting that structures as large as 1.2 billion light-years may exist. But a growing list of discoveries in the cosmic abyss seem to contradict even the 1.2 billion light-year "limit."
The GRB ring is 5 times larger than the 1.2 billion light-year limit; a pretty huge anomaly by anyone's standard. And this latest discovery isn't even the biggest. In 2013, another distribution of GRBs revealed a 10 billion light-year structure. Other large structures also defy this theoretical limit.
So what could be causing this particular ring of GRBs? One idea focuses around the large-scale structure of the universe where clusters of galaxies amass together in a web-like structure, thought to be clumped around concentrations of dark matter. The "holes" in this web are referred to as voids — regions of the cosmos that are conspicuously near-empty of any matter. The largest voids are called, unsurprisingly, "super-voids."
"If we are right, this structure contradicts the current models of the universe. It was a huge surprise to find something this big — and we still don't quite understand how it came to exist at all," added Balazs.
So is the Cosmological Principal flawed? It's certainly looking that way.
Alienjagers zijn nog maar net aan het bekomen van de vermeende krab die uit een grot op de rode planeet kwam gekropen of ze hebben alweer iets merkwaardigs gespot: een mysterieuze, deels gesluierde minivrouw. "Dit lijkt écht en het zou elk land in de wereld moeten bezorgd maken", klinkt het in de niet-wetenschappelijke middens. Een echt vrouwtje, dus?
Marsjeep Curiosity blijft foto's spuwen vanop de rode planeet, tot groot jolijt van een hele schare geïnteresseerden op het internet. Die lijken alsmaar meer bewijs van buitenaards leven te zien in de beelden. We hebben hier al aangehaald dat het brein van sommige medemensen nu eenmaal dingen ziet die het WIL zien.
Nu hebben ze het weer over het bestaan van "complex leven op Mars". Wat dat precies betekent, lijken ze zelf niet te weten. Maar in de foto hierboven ontwaren sommigen een geklede vrouw van 8 tot 10 centimeter lang. "De vrouw lijkt borsten te hebben, zo suggereert de schaduw op haar borstkas. We zien ook twee armen die lichter van kleur zijn en iets wat op een hoofd met lang haar lijkt. Moeilijk te zeggen of het om een levend wezen gaat of om een beeldje van een wezen van lang geleden", aldus Scott C. Waring op UFO Sightings Daily.
Op dezelfde site wordt gewag gemaakt van het donkere, vierkante beeld links op de foto. Dat zou een gebouw of een alien-woning kunnen zijn. Of ook niet. Oordeelt u vooral zelf: hier is de originele foto van NASA.
De wilde speculaties draaien duidelijk overuren, maar het internet is er dol op. Gelukkig worden er ook grapjes over gemaakt op Twitter: "Het is gewoon een aardse vrouw die nog niet ver genoeg van Donald Trump kon gaan lopen."
Marsjeep Curiosity heeft een bizar beeld geschoten op de bodem van de rode planeet. Wie inzoomt, lijkt wel een alien-krab te zien, die uit een grot komt gekropen. Ruimtefanaten likken weer duimen en vingers af op sociale media.
Bewijs van leven ginder boven, luidt de vraag daar. Nee, toch niet. Het is optisch bedrog, geven wetenschappers aan. Het gaat om een geval van pareidolia, het psychische verschijnsel waarbij het menselijk brein een interpretatie geeft aan een onduidelijke waarneming die niet overeenkomt met de werkelijkheid. We zien dus eigenlijk gewoon wat we WILLEN zien. Net zoals we soms herkenbare vormen in wolkenformaties menen te ontwaren.
Seth Shostak, astronoom bij het Centre for SETI Research, reageerde in The Mirror: "Wie mij dit soort foto's laat zien, is meestal nogal opgewonden, omdat zoiets lijkt op iets dat je niet zou verwachten op de roestige, stoffige bodem van de rode planeet. Meestal is het een of ander dier, maar soms ook vreemdere voorwerpen als auto-onderdelen. Denken ze dan dat er auto's op Mars zijn?" Die buitenaardse krab is dus nog niet voor vandaag...
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08-08-2015 om 23:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
First, I must apologize. I wish me and my subordinate had a specialized camera to have a close-up of this object. At the moment, we are on guard duty and noticed the object for a duration of 75 minutes. We witnessed this object appear within an approximate 16-20 miles from our location: 31 degrees 8 minutes 38.328 seconds N 97 degrees 47 minutes 5.82 seconds W. Throughout the 75 minutes, we have guessed that the object is spinning, zig zagging across the sky, changing its color and traveling in a WNW direction slowly away from the Fort Hood Military Reservation. By the naked eye, we conclude with the fact that this object has gone far as Lampasas County (and still going). At one point during the 75 minutes, we thought that the object was heading toward our direction but did not. The lights were impressive as it was very bright. Too bright to be an aircraft. The angle of our observation was at 35-45 degrees and at the end, it was a lot lower given the distance. This observation is a continuing trend of sightings that has been going on this whole summer.
With several governments around the world openly admitting to the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), the United States government has received a large push from its citizens to disclose the truth about their knowledge of this bizarre yet fascinating phenomenon.
As a result, in late 2014 Barack Obama’s right hand man, (Councillor) Jon Podesta, who was also the Chief of Staff under the Clinton administration, tweeted that one of his biggest regrets of 2014 was his inability to “secure the disclosure of UFO files” and that “the time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources, those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” (You can read more about Podesta and UFOs here.)
Despite these recent public omissions, the White House still maintains that it does not have any such information. The thing is, it’s probably true, as the secrecy surrounding this subject most likely goes far beyond the government, extending into the world of private contractors and a tightly knit group of powerful international elites who control what Eisenhower called, “the military industrial complex.” He warned that this area carried the potential for a “misplaced power” to “exist and persist,” and that this was a “disaster.” (source)
What we do know is that dozens of governments have declassified thousands of pages of “UFO” files which prove that they’ve had a keen interest in the subject for decades. Some of these documents are quite startling, you can see examples of what I am talking about in an article we published about what happens when the military tracks a “UFO” on radar. Read that HERE.
It’s not only international governments; the FBI, CIA, and NSA have all declassified some of the secret files, which again demonstrates a high level of interest in the phenomenon:
“Behind the scenes, high ranking air force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” – Former Head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
Although many pages of documents have been released, Podesta’s statement (a few paragraphs above) clearly indicates that they represent only the tip of the iceberg.
The Document & Why It’s Important
The document referred to in the title of this article can be found here (pages 21 & 22), in the FBI’s vault of declassified documents.
Although there are already many startling documents to consider (as shown in the article linked in the above paragraphs about military radar tracking of UFOs), the FBI always seems to brush off their importance, despite keeping detailed records and maintaining a high level of interest since their inception.
This particular document was addressed to “certain scientists of distinction,” to “aeronautical and military authorities,” and to “a number of public officials.”
The document is a letter that was sent to the director of FBI in Washington from the San Fransisco office, on a matter pertaining to UFOs & extraterrestrials:
“Lt. Colonel (name redacted) of G2 [G2 means army intelligence], San Francisco advised today he has no further information, and that our Seattle office is in possession of all information known by him and is handling the matter at Tacoma, Washington.”
The document goes on to provide a copy of a letter written by someone with “several university degrees” and a former “university department head.”
The memorandum also states that “the mere fact that the data herein were obtained by so-called ‘supernormal’ means is probably sufficient to insure its disregard by nearly all persons addressed.”
Key words above – the fact that they would like to “insure its disregard” by “nearly” everyone addressed.Does this mean that ‘some’ of the people addressed should not disregard it?
The letter goes on to outline and state that: (pages 21 & 22)
Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control.
Their mission is peaceful, the visitors contemplate settling on this planet.
These visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world
The disks posses some type of radiant energy.
They do not come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace.
The region they come from is NOT the astral plane, but corresponds to the Lakas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
Remember, this is just one document out of many others that are just as startling, many of which do not attempt to undermine the import of their own contents. Here is an example.
Why have these agencies maintained such a high level of interest in this phenomenon for decades? What else are they aware of? Is this document referring to one specific instance? Is there more than one race? Are some of them “physical?” Are some “extra dimensional?” Do you think these agencies have asked the same questions? Do you think they’ve been trying to find out?
I’ll leave you with some of the best quotes we have out there on the subject, quotes that compliment all the documents that have been released. This isn’t a movie, it’s the real thing, and it’s pretty important.
Maybe knowing that we are not alone will help us to remember who we are?
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects about which both Congress and the Commander in Chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source)
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
For more articles on this subject from CE please click HERE.
Mysterious Black Knight Satellite Is REAL! Alien Coverup Uncovered. Secureteam10 is your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, information on the government coverup and alien activity caught on tape. Disclosure is coming
It happened in the summer, in the town of Madison NJ, the town in which I lived at the time. I was 17-18 years old. I and a friend were waiting in my car for another friend to come out of his house so we could start the evening. Just driving around town and stuff (we were teenagers). We were parked on the side of the road facing east, in front of a small field next to the towns YMCA. The street is shaped like an ell making a 90 deg turn 500 to 1000 ft ahead of us. From where we were parked you could see thru the backyards through the ell shape to the road farther up at a 45 degree angle. As we were talking, I was parked on the wrong side of the road, so I could see through the yards, and I saw what appeared to be a cars headlights pulling into a driveway of a house and the lights were reflecting off the windows. But something seemed strange about it, and as we talked I noticed my friend glancing in the same direction taking double takes or looks, and I could tell he thought something was off too.
Finally I said, do you see that? And he said yea, what is that? Then I said, isn’t that that the second floor? By that time I had realized the reflection of the lights, which were unusually bright were reflecting directly off the houses 2nd floor windows. By that time my interest had peaked and I started the car and raced up the street turned right at the ell and preceded to the house were we saw the lights. At that point the object or craft was hovering above the house. I pulled up in front and I saw a large craft, about the size of a large house, just hovering. It was completely silent. It had four or more lights evenly spaced around the bottom. I was really excited and really scared at the same time. I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to get out of the car but was too scared. I was very close, about 100 ft give or take a few feet, away. Even though I had a clear line of sight the craft was very difficult to see. I could see the lights on the bottom and could only make out the shape by the amount of sky it blacked out. I feel like I saw more, being I was so close but its really fuzzy in my mind for some reason. This has always bothered me because it seemed to get fuzzy right after the event. I know this is something I would never forget. I had better than average eyesight at the time.
Anyway the craft started move up the street just above the houses and treetops. I chased it in my car and then it stopped. At that point it was farther away from me so I got out of my car to get a better view. As soon as I got out, I was just in time to see it shoot straight up at an incredible rate of speed. I followed it with my eyes till it appeared to look like a small star in the sky and then it shot off to the north in a right angle and disappeared making no sound at all during the whole time I witnessed the event. I thought it was very strange it made no sound at all, no engine sound or movement of air.I was so excited I couldn’t wait to tell people about what we saw. My friend was too, but he didn’t see as much as I did because he stayed in the car. Some people were very receptive about our story, most weren’t. I soon learned not to talk about it because of looks I would get from people. I could see it in their eyes. I only discuss the incident now with close friends and my kids, or people I deem open minded to such a thing. I have an intense interest in cars, aircraft, motorcycles, boats, ships, computers or anything mechanical. I have taken flying lessons and have flown several different types of airplanes. I have a very good working knowledge of aircraft and there flight characteristics. This was not any type of aircraft I have ever seen in my life and I am 50 years old.
I have studied all aircraft types, just because I am very interested in them. Have been to countless air shows. This thing was not from here! It did not behave like any known air craft I have ever seen. The way it accelerated and turned would have killed anyone on board. This was a life changing event for me. Thirty two years later I still think about it almost every day. Occasionally I will run into my friend who was in the car that knight and will ask him about what his thoughts were about that night and he acts very weird. Doesn’t say much. That’s out of character for him. Just another puzzling detail about this whole experience.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Chief Investigator Ken Pfeifer of MUFON New Jersey.
Onderwater ‘Stonehenge': Mysterieuze 10.000 jaar oude monoliet gevonden voor de kust van Sicilië
Onderwater ‘Stonehenge': Mysterieuze 10.000 jaar oude monoliet gevonden voor de kust van Sicilië
Voor de kust van Sicilië is een mysterieuze Stonehenge-achtige monoliet ontdekt. De drie meter hoge steen geeft inzicht in oude beschavingen die zijn verzwolgen door de golven.
De monoliet, die is ontdekt door wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Tel Aviv, bevat drie gaten met ongeveer dezelfde diameter. De onderzoekers denken dat het object 10.000 jaar geleden is gemaakt door mensen.
“Er zijn geen natuurlijke processen bekend die deze elementen kunnen produceren,” schreef Zvi Ben-Avraham van de Universiteit van Tel Aviv. De monoliet is gevonden op 40 meter diepte op een zandplaat die Pantelleria Vecchia wordt genoemd. Het gebied werd gekoloniseerd door een oude beschaving, die 9500 jaar geleden werd opgeslokt door de golven.
Volgens sommigen zijn er veel overeenkomsten tussen de verhalen van filosoof Plato over het legendarische ‘verloren’ eiland Atlantis en Sicilië.
“Het Kanaal van Sicilië is één van de gebieden waar de gevolgen van de veranderende zeespiegel het meest dramatisch en intens waren,” schrijven de onderzoekers. “Deze ontdekking laat zien dat de mesolithische bewoners van het gebied rond het Kanaal van Sicilië een hoge mate van technologische innovatie en ontwikkeling hadden bereikt.”
De onderzoekers denken dat de monoliet onderdeel is geweest van een soort vuurtoren of werd gebruikt om iets te verankeren. Het onderzoek is verschenen in het Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Vind je dit een interessante ontdekking? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
'UFO' gezien bij ruimtestation ISS: Worden astronauten in de gaten gehouden door aliens? ‘UFO’ gezien bij ruimtestation ISS: Worden astronauten in de gaten gehouden door aliens?
‘UFO’ gezien bij ruimtestation ISS: Worden astronauten in de gaten gehouden door aliens?
Op internet is een filmpje verschenen waarin wordt geclaimd dat er een UFO bij het internationale ruimtestation ISS is gezien. De waarnemingen wijzen er volgens sommigen op dat astronauten aan boord van het ruimtestation ‘in de gaten worden gehouden door aliens’.
De nieuwste video bevat NASA-beelden die zijn gemaakt door één van de camera’s van het ISS. Het object, dat een lichte kleur en een roze staart heeft, komt korte tijd in beeld. De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie voedt complottheorieën door te weigeren een verklaring te geven voor de herkomst van de vreemde objecten die zo af en toe in beeld verschijnen bij het ruimtestation.
Geheim ruimteprogramma
Hoewel het publiek toegang heeft tot de opnames, claimen ufologen dat NASA doelbewust informatie over UFO’s achterhoudt. In de beschrijving van de video staat dat NASA een roze- en goudkleurig object oppikt op het moment dat de camera twee minuten lang beweegt. De beelden dateren van 3 augustus jongstleden.
Eén van de reageerders vraagt zich af of het object onderdeel is van ‘ons geheime ruimteprogramma’. Iemand anders zei dat het de staart van een meteoriet kon zijn geweest of een lens flare. Denk je dat dit een UFO is? Deel dit artikel dan met je vrienden op Facebook.
Veroorzaakte UFO onweersbui boven Moskou, Rusland ( Video )
Veroorzaakte UFO onweersbui boven Moskou, Rusland ( Video )
Verschillende mensen in de Russische hoofdstad Moskou maakten eind juli mooie opnames van een UFO die door het luchtruim schoot.
Die als het ware ronddartelde en plezier leek te hebben en door sommigen verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor de onweersbui die even later losbarstte.
Op 27 juli vond er een vreemde gebeurtenis plaats boven de Russische hoofdstad Moskou.
Diverse mensen wisten opnames te maken van een soort vliegende orb, een kleine ronde UFO.
Wanneer je de opnames bekijkt dan zie je heel duidelijk dat je hier te maken hebt met intelligent bestuurde objecten.
De UFO was zichtbaar voor ongeveer een kwartier en enkele minuten nadat deze was verdwenen begon het te stormen en te regenen. Degenen die deze UFO gezien hebben vragen zich dan ook af of de storm is veroorzaakt door de UFO.
Ufoloog Scott Waring zegt er het volgende over:
Deze gloeiende orb vloog stilletjes over de boomtoppen in de buurt van wat gebouwen in Moskou. De getuige gelooft dat het bolbliksem is, maar bolbliksem is veel kleiner dat dit object. Bolbliksem is nooit groter dan enkele centimeters in doorsnee. Deze UFO was ongeveer zo groot als een motorfiets.
Bolbliksem duurt altijd minder dan een minuut en deze UFO was tenminste een kwartier lang zichtbaar.
Wanneer je naar de twee hiernavolgende screenshots kijkt dan zie je twee verschillende versies van de orbs vanwege het toepassen van bepaalde filters. Je ziet een tweede lichtcirkel rondom het centrum van de UFO.
De twee video’s hieronder zijn gemaakt door verschillende mensen onafhankelijk van elkaar en we kunnen er dus van uitgaan dat de opnames echt zijn.
Scott Waring:
De UFO vliegt rond alsof het leeft en nieuwsgierig is. Je hoort ergens in de achtergrond een meisje schreeuwen en op hetzelfde moment schiet de UFO naar boven alsof het bang werd van het geschreeuw. De UFO heeft bewustzijn.
Ik vraag mij af of de UFO inderdaad de storm veroorzaakte die enkele minuten later losbarstte. Ik denk het wel.
NASA and the European Space Agency Finally Prep Public for Alien Disclosure
NASA and the European Space Agency Finally Prep Public for Alien Disclosure
First NASA chief scientist, Ellen Stofan openly admitted that alien life is ‘imminent’ and just last Tuesday, Dr. John Grunsfeld of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate announced that the agency was ‘on the verge’ of discovering life on planets other than earth.
Stofan and Grunsfeld hide the fact that NASA has been lying to the public about known extraterrestrial life for decades now, and that ETs have likely have been visiting earth for centuries.
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years. We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
Her declaration is synchronized with the agency’s recent discovery of water of five of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons. We were also told by NASA recently, that their Kepler mission found another ‘earth’ in the ‘habitable zone’ in our Universe circulating around a star that resembles our sun. NASA defines ‘habitable’ based on the ability of a planet to pool water ostensibly to support life as we know it.
And then there’s the Guardian article titled “Is Kepler 425b humanity’s best chance to find alien life?” that discusses how earth’s twin – an exoplanet more similar to our own than has ever before been known is a likely case for alien life – never mind the 12 other hospitable planets that theSeti Institute is researching, and the fact that we’ve assumed all life would require the same things as ourselves, without considering that other sentient beings might not even have physical form.
Russia has even threatened the US, essentially saying, “tell the world about aliens or we will.”
But there is more to the story – as usual – than NASA and the European Space Agency, or even Seti are revealing.
Beginning in early March 2015, there was an alleged meeting on the moon involving up to 70 private individuals along with about 120 officials representing different secret space programs and national governments who heard plans about disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Dr. Michael Salla and David Wilcock have been giving ‘air time’ or you could say ‘Internet real estate’ to a whistleblower named Corey Goode. He is also known as GoodETxSG. He has his own Facebook page titled after the Sphere Being Alliance, a life-form(s) he has been working with to help disclose the massive extent of our corporate military industrial complex into space.
Whether you believe his wild testimony of secret space programs and bases on the moon or not, the very fact that thousands of people are signing up to see him be interviewed by Wilcock on Gaiam TV is a testament to just how ready people are to be told the truth about extra terrestrial life.
When you pontificate the facts, GoodETxSG is showing up precisely when the largest space-related military industrial complex arm is admitting openly that alien life exists after decades of cover-ups and numerous possible murders, or the defaming of military personal, astronauts, and scientists who have been trying to tell us the same thing for some time now.
While it may be difficult to swallow the facts as Goode tells us – particularly that dozens of extra terrestrials have been manipulating our genetic code, and that the military industrial complex is even more bloated in space as it is here on earth – his testimony is at least worth hearing, and then deciding upon for yourself.
You can catch up rather quickly on what Goode has already ‘disclosed’ via Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock’s website, or you can go directly to Gaiam to watch his interviews. Coupled with NASA’s recent statements, and Russia’s threats, it seems something is brewing – perhaps the pressure is truly immense enough finally, that these agencies will now have to tell the truth.
Astronomers have dreamed about finding alien life for centuries. It's just always been considered a far-fetched possibility — the stuff of science fiction. That's why it's so surprising that in recent years, many scientists have started taking the search for life on other planets much, much more seriously.
That's partly due to new astronomical discoveries. A generation ago, we didn't even have evidence that there were any planets orbiting other stars. But in the past few decades, scientists have found thousands of distant "exoplanets," including several that seem like they might have the right conditions for life. At the same time, scientists have discovered several moons right in our own solar system that appear to have liquid oceans underneath their icy surfaces and perhaps other ingredients necessary for life.
It's all extremely promising. So astronomers have decided to double down on the search for extraterrestrials. They've moved beyond the traditional methods, which involved simply hoping that intelligent aliens might contact us via radio signals, à la the SETI Institute. Instead, they're now planning missions to nearby ocean worlds and finding new ways to peer at distant planets.
Some astronomers— including NASA's chief scientist — even believe we could find alien life within our lifetimes. "With new telescopes coming online within the next five or 10 years, we'll really have a chance to figure out whether we're alone in the universe," Lisa Kaltenegger, the director of Cornell's new Carl Sagan Institute, told me last year. "For the first time in human history, we might have the capability to do this."
Granted, if life does exist on any of these planets or moons — either in our solar system or outside it — it's far more likely to be in the form of simple, single-celled organisms rather than little green men. These microscopic aliens would be extremely hard to definitively detect, especially if they're orbiting other stars. But it would be a monumental discovery, a sign at last that we're not alone.
Here's a step-by-step guide to how we'll actually go looking for alien life.
It'd be a lot easier to find definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life within our own solar system than it would be to explore other stars. So the first step is to identify and explore all the ocean worlds orbiting our sun.
Ocean worlds are planets or moons that are icy on the surface but harbor a warmer liquid ocean underneath. They're promising for a simple reason: temperature. Most of the other planets in our solar system (i.e., those besides Earth) seem to be either too hot or too cold for life to survive, too close or too far from the sun. But a planet with an ocean might be able to get around this constraint — because there are lots of possible ways an ocean on a distant icy world could have the right temperature for life to occur.
For instance, scientists have recently found evidence of water oceans on at least three moons: Jupiter's Europa and Ganymede and Saturn's Enceladus. (Saturn's moon Titan also has an ocean of liquid methane.) Even though these moons are frigid on the surface, their insides appear to be warmed by various mechanisms.
Europa gets squeezed continually back and forth by Jupiter's immense gravity. "That results in friction, which generates heat, which is part of what we think helps maintain that liquid water ocean beneath the icy shell," NASA scientist Kevin Hand told me in May. These oceans could theoretically be home to life — and there might be similar oceans on other icy moons and space objects.(NASA/JPL-Caltech)
An animation shows how Europa is squeezed as it orbits Jupiter.
So far, we don't know a ton about these oceans. Most of the evidence for them is indirect, like the geysers of water vapor we've spotted erupting from Enceladus. To know more, we have to send initial probes to them. Which is what we're doing.
The first mission will likely be NASA's Europa Clipper, tentatively scheduled to launch sometime in the mid-2020s. Current plans call for it to enter Jupiter's orbit, then fly by Europa an estimated 45 times over the course of three or so years, gathering data on composition and temperature of the ocean, plumes, and icy surface. (There aren't any planned missions to Enceladus or Ganymede yet.)
Step 2: Explore nearby ocean worlds with follow-up probes
The Europa Clipper probably might not be able to determine for sure whether there's life there. That's because it'd be too expensive to give the probe every possible tool for exploration, such as a lander with the capacity to drill through the ice and collect water. After all, we're still not certain what life would look like on such a world and don't know exactly what we'd measure to test for it.
Instead, the initial probe will focus on understanding the size, composition, and temperature of Europa's ocean and creating high-resolution maps of its surface, so that afuture mission might land and directly study the moon's ice and water. The Clipper might also sample plumes shooting out of Europa's surface, to look for indirect evidence of hydrothermal activity in the ocean, which could be fuel for life.
Then the follow-up probes could conceivably search for life, although there's still much debate about what they'd look like. Some scientists have proposed submarines that could explore Europa's oceans after drilling through the ice. Similar missions, in theory, could someday be executed on Enceladus and Ganymede.
These missions could collect all sorts of data on activity within the oceans, perhaps providing stronger evidence for conditions that could be right for life. And if the oceans do have hydrothermal vents, then a submarine mission could even more fruitful. On Earth, these vents emit heated water and dissolved chemicals, which feedchemosynthetic bacteria, which in turn feed diverse groups of animals. It's a long shot, but similar ecosystems could have evolved on Europa and on other moons' sea floors.
Of course, the technology needed to carry out these sorts of missions is still years away. These follow-up probes would also be far more expensive than NASA's Clipper, in part because the extra equipment for a lander requires more fuel to launch into space. And that will undoubtedly prove a tough sell, given NASA's dwindling budget for planetary exploration.
Step 3: Bring ocean samples back to Earth
An artist's impression of Europa's subsurface ocean. (NASA/JPL-Caltech)
If these ocean worlds did contain any life, they'd most likely harbor exotic microscopic organisms (rather than more complex ecosystems). If that's the case, we'd probably want hard proof that life actually existed — and it'd be extremely hard to provide that remotely. That would entail bringing a water sample back to Earth.
This would be yet another monumental engineering challenge. To date, we've only managed to return rock samples from the moon and dust from a comet and an asteroid relatively nearby Earth. Bringing back a sample from Europa or another icy moon would require some sort of spacecraft that's light enough to launch with our rockets, but big enough (and able to carry enough fuel) to escape its destination's gravity when it's time to return home. At the moment, that technology doesn't exist.
There would also be another problem to worry about: how to avoid contaminating Earth with any life forms that we might bring back. This risk seems small — if there were alien life forms, they probably wouldn't have evolved to survive on Earth — but the potential damage could be devastating, as no Earth organisms have evolved any sort of resistance to the threats these aliens might pose. Consequently, scientists have come up with aseries of recommendations to prevent this sort of threat, mostly involving thorough quarantine of returning spacecraft and samples.
These technical challenges mean that finding (and verifying) life in our own solar system probably wouldn't occur for decades, at the earliest. So in the meantime, we'll also want to look much farther away: to planets in other solar systems. Paradoxically, that search might end up yielding results even sooner, though they wouldn't be as definitive.
Step 4: Find planets in other solar systems
An illustration of Kepler-452b, the most Earth-like exoplanet discovered so far. (NASA)
The first step toward doing so is finding a planet alien life might reside on. We've already found thousands of exoplanets (and counting), mostly using NASA's Kepler space telescope and something called the transit method.
Here's how the method works. Imagine staring at a star far away. If there is a planet orbiting that star, it might occasionally pass between us and the star, briefly blocking it from view. Scientists can't actually see the planets doing this blocking, but they can indirectly detect their presence.
"We measure the brightness of a star, and when a planet passes in front of it, it blocks out some of the starlight for a period of a few hours," Thomas Barclay, an exoplanet researcher, told me in April. If scientists observe a star dimming by a consistent amount on a predictable schedule, they can infer the size of an exoplanet that's orbiting around it.
(Sean Raymond)
A diagram shows how the transit method helped detect five planets in the star system Kepler-186.
There are a few other methods for detecting exoplanets, but the transit method is the most straightforward, and it has led to the most discoveries to date.
Step 5: Narrow down the list to planets suitable for life
Now that we've found exoplanets, we need to whittle down the list to the most promising ones.
Scientists are still working on this step. Most of the thousands of planets in other solar systems that we've found are too big, too gaseous, or too hot to be capable of supporting life as we know it. (Unfortunately, these planets are also easier to detect.) So for now, they're crossing these off the list.
Based on what we know about life on Earth, we'd expect life to be more likely to evolve on a rocky planet that orbits within its star's habitable zone — an area where there's enough warmth for liquid water, but not too much heat. (It's possible that a planet even farther off than this could evolve life, perhaps due to a heat-trapping layer of ice like Europa, but it'd be extremely difficult — maybe impossible — to detect signs of life in an icy world in another star system.)
A chart showing the exoplanets discovered by Kepler that appear to be in their stars' habitable zones.
The good news is that there are definitely some exoplanets out there that meet these criteria. Scientists have already spotted about a dozen planets that are relatively close in size to Earth and which may lie in their stars' habitable zones. In July, for instance, astronomers discovered Kepler-452b, which is just 60 percent bigger than our planet and considered Earth's closest twin yet.
The catch is that our current telescopes aren't optimized to analyze these planets and look for signs of life. (Ironically, the Kepler telescope scientists currently use is toopowerful — it was built to observe distant portions of the Milky Way, not to look for planets relatively close by.)So scientists are building more suitable telescopes. NASA'sTransiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), set to launch in 2017, will be the first space telescope specifically designed to analyze exoplanets
Step 6: Scrutinize the atmospheres of the most promising exoplanets
Most exoplanets are probably too far off for us to ever visit — even with uncrewed probes. So the best way to learn more about them is by analyzing the light spectra that pass through their atmospheres. That lets us know what gases are present — and, if we're lucky, may give us clues as to whether there's life, as well.
So far, scientists have been able to directly analyze the spectrum of light passing through the atmospheres of a dozen or so exoplanets. However, these have all been large, gaseous planets with thicker atmospheres. Again, we want to analyze rocky planets in the habitable zone of stars.
This, too, will require better telescopes — and those are on the way. The James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to launch in 2018, will help analyze the atmospheres of smaller, Earth-like planets that have been spotted by NASA's TESS. Meanwhile, theEuropean Extremely Large Telescope, a ground-based telescope to be built in Chile in 2024, may also be used for this purpose.
Step 7: Search for signs of life in these atmospheres
An illustration of the exoplanet Gliese 832c, one of the closest potentially habitable exoplanets. (Radialvelocity)
The reason we'd want to analyze atmospheres is to look for biosignatures — gases that could be signs of alien life. "We can't go to these planets," Kaltenegger told me. "So we're trying to figure out what a planet that has life might look like from far away, in ways that would be detectable by our telescopes."
At the moment, we only know of one planet with life — Earth — so scientists are using that as a model to determine what gases might support life. Kaltenegger and colleagues, for instance, have used our knowledge of Earth's history to generate what they call analien ID chart — a series of snapshots of Earth's atmospheric composition over the last few billion years, as it's evolved due to the presence of life.
Meanwhile, other researchers are modeling how various life forms might alter the atmospheres of planets with geologic compositions that differ from Earth's. As far as we know, there are some gases (like oxygen and methane) that are abundantly produced by life but can also be produced by geologic processes. On the other hand, there are some rare gases (like dimethyl sulfide) that are produced only by life forms — as far as we know — but in much smaller quantities.
In either case, though, any potential biosignatures we find will be somewhat uncertain. It'd be impossible to say that the makeup of an atmosphere hundreds of light-years away is definitive evidence of life, even if it were chock-full of dimethyl sulfide. We might find strong suggestions of life, but when looking at planets so far away — rather than oceans in our own solar system — it'll be hard to know for sure.
Humanity has always looked to the stars and wondered aloud if we are truly alone in the universe. In the case of these compelling UFO sightings the answer would seem no, we are not. While there are many extra-terrestrial encounters reported each year, only a handful have stood the test of time and remained without a rational explanation.
Here for your viewing pleasure are some of the most famous and convincing UFO photographs from the last 150 years. Before aeroplanes, and long before Photoshop the skies have been graced with mysterious saucer shaped flying objects, just see for yourself…
Searchlights converge on an unidentified object over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942. The bright blobs around the flashes are anti-aircraft shells exploding.
This UFO sighting was snapped by an American photographer in Tiensten, Hopeh province, China, in 1942. Several people in the photograph appear to be pointing up at the object.
This photograph is one of seven taken by meteorologist Elizabeth Klarer just before a thunderstorm. Its authenticity has been confirmed in a notarized affadavit and she stood by her story until she died in 1994 at the age of 83.
We should also add that Elizabeth also claimed she was impregnated during a later encounter with a spaceship pilot.
Ella Louise Fortune, who worked as a nurse at the Mescalero Indian Reservation near Three Rivers, New Mexico, took this picture while driving along Highway 54 on October 16, 1957, near Holloman Air Force base.
The exact location in this photographs is unknown, it is however believed to be taken somewhere in the United States on June 10, 1964, and was discovered in an attic some years later.
The Air Force project was based out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and ran from 1947 to 1969. Throughout the project, the Air Force amassed a total of 12,618 recorded sightings. Out of that total, 701 incidents remain “unidentified.”
1974 – Viborg, Jutland, Denmark
(Image Source)
Mr Lauersen was walking his dog in Viborg, Jutland, Denmark, in the early morning hours of November 17, 1974 when he saw a strange looking object shrouded in a white cloud. He took this photo as the object was 250-300 metres away.
Running to his car to get his camera after claiming to have been abducted at the Laguna Calthena, Mr Amaury Rivera managed to capture a series of photos which seem to show a jet fighter chasing an UFO.
Do you believe? A new map via Metrocosm says we all should. In sensational detail, the interactive map compiles more than 90,000 reports of UFO sightings in the United States since 1905, drawing from data from the National UFO Reporting Center and Mutual UFO Network.
The glowing dots on the map represent witness reports, and are sized proportionately to the number of witness reports in each region for each particular sighting: small (individual report), medium (small group reports), and large (multiple witness reports).
Although Philadelphia itself has been fairly quiet on the UFO front, there have been plenty of UFO reports around the Philly area over the past hundred or so years, particularly in Burlington, NJ, where 75 witnesses report seeing "bright beam of light omitted from cylinder" on a September evening in 2007.
The map's detail includes sketches, photos, and even videos of strange sightings in the Philadelphia area and beyond. Just try not to get lost for hours wading through the first-person witness reports. Check out this nail-biting reportfrom a freaky sighting in North Philly in 2014:
i spotted 2 ufo's directly above my house. they were circular with orange/yellow type lights going around the outside of the 2 crafts. after a few minutes one ufo turned off its lights. i could still see this craft even with the lights off. the craft with the lights off then proceeded north leaving the other behind and still lit up. at this point i ran into my house for binoculars. the craft that was lit turned off its lights and proceeded north also. i followed this one with my binoculars as it headed north. neither ufo made any sound at all. the rate of speed that they left the area seemed much faster than a commercial jet. upon reaching a north point they both picked up speed made a sharp right turn and were gone. at this point my wife spied 3 more ufo's south of my house. these were not lit up. these also moved north at a fast rate of speed. during these 10 minutes or so it seemed every dog in the neighborhood was barking. we also smelled ! the smell of something burning. i don't know if the burnt smell and dogs were related but the dogs stopped barking and the smell went away. another curiosity i saw was what seemed to be a star between 2 trees in the distance. i put the binoculars on this and thought i would see a star but what i saw was an object obviously far away with green and red lights. this object hung between the trees for 30 minutes of so and then disappeared. about 20:30 i saw two airplanes heading north that seemed to be chasing the objects. i know they were not commercial because they emitted no sound and seemed to fly faster than a commercial jet.
Crop Circles–formed in living grain–exemplify the archetypal feminine nature of this moment’s change: a calling toward conscious, felt engagement with a dynamic, living, mysterious world. Gary S. Bobroff offers a framework for the reader’s own deeper consideration of crop circles by examining both the phenomenon itself and the nature of the era into which it has arrived, with special consideration of its relevance to Jungian archetypal psychology.
A crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. Crop circles are also referred to as crop formations because they are not always circular in shape. The documented cases have substantially increased from the 1970s to current times, and many self-styled experts alleged an alien origin.
Deze reusachtige structuur in het heelal blaast de huidige modellen van de kosmos op Deze reusachtige structuur in het heelal blaast de huidige modellen van de kosmos op
Deze reusachtige structuur in het heelal blaast de huidige modellen van de kosmos op
Je kunt je bijna niet voorstellen hoe groot het universum is. Wetenschappers waren verrast toen ze onlangs een structuur in ons heelal ontdekten met een doorsnee van maar liefst vijf miljard lichtjaar. Dat is meer dan een negende van het hele waarneembare universum en veruit de grootste structuur die ooit is ontdekt.
Deze mysterieuze structuur is zo kolossaal dat het onze denkbeelden over de kosmos weleens op zijn kop zou kunnen zetten. “Als we gelijk hebben spot deze structuur met de huidige modellen van het universum,” zei hoofdonderzoeker Lajos Balazs in een persverklaring van de Royal Astronomical Society. “Het was een grote verrassing om zoiets groots te vinden en we begrijpen nog steeds niet echt hoe het is ontstaan.”
Het gaat om een cluster van negen reusachtige sterrenstelsels die door de zwaartekracht bij elkaar worden gehouden. Op dezelfde manier is onze Melkweg onderdeel van een cluster sterrenstelsels. De structuur werd ontdekt nadat onderzoekers een ring van negen gammaflitsen opmerkten die allemaal van een plek op zeven miljard lichtjaar van ons leken te komen.
Gammaflitsen worden veroorzaakt door een supernova. Ze wijzen doorgaans op de aanwezigheid van een sterrenstelsel. Alle gammaflitsen in deze ring komen uit een verschillend sterrenstelsel. Omdat ze zo dicht bij elkaar liggen moeten de sterrenstelsels op de één of andere manier met elkaar verbonden zijn.
Een megacluster van deze omvang zou niet moeten kunnen bestaan, althans niet volgens de huidige theorieën. Die voorspellen dat de omvang van grote structuren in het heelal nagenoeg hetzelfde is. Sterker nog: volgens de huidige theorieën kunnen er geen structuren bestaan die groter zijn dan 1,2 miljard lichtjaar.
Als de berekeningen van het Hongaars-Amerikaanse team kloppen, zou deze gigantische structuur, die een doorsnee heeft van meer dan vijf miljard lichtjaar, het hele klassieke model opblazen. Óf de berekeningen kloppen niet, óf wetenschappers moeten de theorieën over de evolutie van de kosmos helemaal herzien.
De ontdekking van deze cluster kan leiden tot een paradigmaverschuiving binnen de astronomie. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
This find by Whatsupinthesky37 is quite intriguing. He discovered what could be a bowl, but looks like a hollow section of a pillar. The object is not round, but has 6 equal sides and is hollow inside. Very cool discovery and this should have archeologist excited around the world. Scott C. Waring
Whatsupinthesky37 of Youtube states: Thanks to Kjell for emailing this image on over to me I apologize that it took me so long to get to it. Things have been hectic here with my mother having surgery but everything went wonderful and she is recovering! My friend Stefan (EclipseFire Xin) did a great image covering the anomalies on this image as well that I show in the video and will link below as well! You can find him on YouTube, Facebook & now on WUITS! So this image totally looks to be the typical Uncle Jakes Junkyard filled with Intelligently designed rubble and ruins all over this area of the Gale Crater! I love the one in the thumbnail that looks like a modern day wash pan, bedpan.. ;) This one is worth a download and I will be doing a video from the same SOL very shortly so stay tuned! I can't wait to hear what you all think about this one!
Check out this really cool flashing UFO Seen over Draper, Utah yesterday. The object is not a disk, and its not flat, but instead is sphere shaped. I tried to add light to the close up to show you (Third photo down). UFOs are comment around the desert regions of Utah. Most often seen around the mountains. The photo below, is a close up that the eyewitness caught and submitted himself with the video.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
I was walking to a room where I was sleeping on the couch. As I was getting my blanket I looked out the window and saw a bright light about a mile away over a mountain across from our house. It was very bright but not distinguishable. So I got my phone and zoomed and noticed it was flashing lights and moving so I took a picture and video of the object. I layer down and looked out my window to see the object was gone.
Date of discovery: July 31, 2015 Location of discovery: Hoeven, Netherlands, Holland This crop circle caught my attention over others. Not because of its well flattened stalks of grain, but its simplicity. Yes, when a person goes out to make a crop circle, they make all these intricate patterns, but they don't just keep it simple. This is the reason I believe this is real. Look at the tightness of the stalks that are bent. They almost looked glued down. Something big and heavy landed here the night before. What I wouldn't give to see that. Scott C. Waring
What was this flying object over New Kensington, Pennsylvania 26-Jun-2015
What was this flying object over New Kensington, Pennsylvania 26-Jun-2015
Here’s one interesting footage of some kind of a cigar-shaped object flying across the sky above New Kensington in Pennsylvania. This happened on 26th June 2015.
Witness report:in my back yard, looked up saw this thing flying across the cloudy sky, check the security camera …caught it on camera
Captured Moment: UFO Overtaking a Flight during Take-Off From New York JFK Airport
Captured Moment: UFO Overtaking a Flight during Take-Off From New York JFK Airport
Unidentified sightings by airline pilots are increasingly becoming popular. Unfortunately, there have been instances where pilots have gone missing while pursuing, witnessing or otherwise involved other of extraterrestrial-related activity. That alone suggests that aliens are not only a serious business, but also at times a deadly business, as we have, and shall see.
The footage appears to show an object flying at high speed from July 7. The odd object has led to the assumption that it may be an extraterrestrial vessel. From LookNowTV’s Rick, who found the video, said that the person who captured the strange sighting at JFK film planes is more often catching strange objects. He further admitted that he tried to shoot extraterrestrial vessels and has planned to hunt one in NYC with the hope to air on LookNowTV. While strange sightings received thousands of criticisms, he does not believe that the guy who captured the footage is a hoax. Based on the appearance, the structure and the movement, it is something that no people tell what it is. He even shared the material with his friends to get further opinions, unfortunately, no definitive conclusion. Whatever it is, Russ Kellett, the British UFO expert is still unconvinced, saying that it could be anything because it doesn’t look to be a bird. As you can see, the strange object appears from the airplane’s tail, moving sort of like a bird with wings flapping and moving away.
What do you think? Are aliens or extraterrestrial thing trying to make contact with the pilots? Are they real? There is no word from officials about whether the most recent sighting was another military experiment or a natural phenomenon. But there is no denying that such sighting has been captured, and people should embrace the moment. There are scientific explanations for this extraterrestrial occurrence, but just face it, they’re entertaining!
Philae data suggest that organic compounds – which eventually translated into living organisms here on Earth – existed in the early solar system.
A photograph of the surface of Comet 67P at Agilkia, Philae’s intended landing site, from a height of just nine meters, taken with the ROLIS camera. Image credit: ESA/Rosetta/Philae/ROLIS/DLR
Though Rosetta’s little lander Philae made an unexpected bounce across the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and is now playing a game of hide-and-seek with mission controllers, it has already provided a wealth of information about its strange new home.
In particular, it has identified complex molecules dating from the early Solar System that could have been ingredients in the recipe that delivered life to our planet. Those results, and findings from other experiments were published last week in the journal Science.
Philae was pre-programmed to carry out a number of experiments as soon as it landed at its designated site, Agilkia, on November 12, 2014 following a seven hour descent from the mothership. One was to “sniff the air” so that experiments COSAC (Cometary Sampling and Composition) and Ptolemy could determine the chemical make-up of the gas and dust being given off by the comet.
Unexpectedly, the probe did its sniffing while it was in flight again above the comet, because the harpoons had failed to fire to anchor it to the surface. However, both experiments successfully took samples. COSAC was able to analyze material that was kicked off the surface on first touchdown and entered tubes at the base of the lander. At the same time, Ptolemy got a taste of gas entering tubes at the top of Philae.
COSAC collected ice-poor dust grains that contained 16 organic compounds, including many rich in carbon and nitrogen compounds. But it also detected four that had never been seen in a comet before—methyl isocyanate, acetone, propionaldehyde and acetamide.
Ptolemy’s samples were of gases making up the “atmosphere”, or coma, of the comet, and included water vapor, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, plus smaller amounts of carbon-bearing organic compounds, including formaldehyde.
What excites the scientists is that some of these compounds are important for the production of the buildings blocks of life, including amino acids, sugars and nucleobases. Because comets are leftover debris from the formation of the Solar System, more than four billion years ago, the presence of the compounds suggests that life’s ingredients were coming together in chemical processes even at that early stage.
A ground-based image of Comet 67P, taken on July 8 with the Very Large Telescope in Chile. Image credit: Alan Fitzsimmons/Colin Snodgrass/ESO
Writing for academic news site The Conversation, UK comet expert Professor Monica Grady gave her view on the discovery. She is married to Professor Ian Wright, who works with the Ptolemy results at the Open University. Grady said:
While this is a long, long way from finding life itself, the data shows that the organic compounds that eventually translated into organisms here on Earth existed in the early solar system.
One of the declared goals of the Rosetta mission when it was approved in 1993 was to determine the composition of volatile compounds in the cometary nucleus. And now we have the answer, or at least, an answer: the compounds are a mixture of many different molecules. Water, carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2)—this is not too surprising, given that these molecules have been detected many times before around comets. But both COSAC and Ptolemy have found a very wide range of additional compounds, which is going to take a little effort to interpret.
Grady concluded:
Most importantly, both of those sets of data show that the ingredients for life were present in a body which formed in the earliest stages of Solar System history. Comets act as messengers, delivering water and dust throughout the Solar System—now we have learnt for certain that the ingredients for life have been sown far and wide through the 4.567 billion years of Solar System history. The challenge now is to discover where else it might have taken root.
The fact Philae landed three times as it bounced to its final resting place in a region called Abydos means that the scientists got data from more than one site and have been able to compare different regions. That included surface properties and details of the comet’s interior. As it descended, and on final touchdown, the probe also imaged parts of the comet up close with its ROLIS and CIVA cameras, providing details about boulders littering the surface and the coarse soil.
Philae’s MUPUS instruments found that Abydos has harder material, probably compacted dust and ice, at the surface than Agilkia, where Philae first bounced. MUPUS also measured a variation in temperature between -180°C and -145°C as the comet rotated in its 12.4 hour daily cycle. Another experiment, CONSERT, used instruments on Rosetta and Philae to beam radio waves through the comet’s nucleus, revealing that its smaller lobe is a fairly homogeneous mix of loosely-compacted dust and ice.
Professor Jean-Pierre Bibring, a lead lander scientist and principal investigator of the CIVA instrument, said in a statement:
Taken together, these first pioneering measurements performed on the surface of a comet are profoundly changing our view of these worlds and continuing to shape our impression of the history of the solar system.
Nothing has been heard from the lander since July 9, following occasional, intermittent contact after it “phoned home” on June 13, ending seven months of silence. Since July 25, Rosetta has moved into a position where it can explore Comet 67P’s southern landscape in the run-up to Perihelion, its closest point to the sun, and from there it will be unable to communicate with Philae anyway. But in a couple of weeks, it will be within range again, and the science team will be hoping to establish contact with the lander once more.
In the past year humanity has landed on a comet, ventured to Pluto and discovered another planet which is so like our own it has been dubbed Earth 2.0.
But in the coming decades, space exploration is moving beyond charting the Solar System and will seriously start hunting for alien life.
This week the European Space Agency announced that is has joined forces with Airbus to develop a new space probe to look for extra-terrestrial existence on the icy moons of Jupiter.
It will launch in 2022 and head for the ocean-bearing worlds of Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Dubbed the Juice (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) spacecraft, the mission will look at whether the frozen worlds which surround gas giants could support extra-terrestrial life.
Carina Nebula, a region of massive star formation in the southern skies (ESO/T. Preibisch / Rex Features)
So far missions like Nasa’s Kepler have focussed on hunting for rocky planets like Earth, believing that they would be the best candidates for life. But the first images beamed back from Pluto by the New Horizons spacecraft earlier this month suggest that icy outer planets and frozen moons could be geologically active and hold liquid water.
It is hoped that micro-organisms or even fish-like creatures may be present in deep-water hydrothermal vents known as 'black smokers' which are known to harbour life on Earth.
Dr Daniel Brown, an astronomy expert from Nottingham Trent University, said: "All our current exciting and fascinating space missions have been dealing with either understanding the origins of life and our Solar System or finding exoplanets that might host Earth-like planets.
"But, life doesn’t have to exist on planets like Earth, it could also have developed in oceans within icy moons around Jupiter like gas giants.
Space Agency (ESA) astronaut (NASA/ESA/REX)
"Juice will be exploring the three Galilean moons of Jupiter thought to harbour oceans under their surface. It will give us a much better understanding what lies beneath the icy crust and how it could offer an environment for life to develop."
The probe will be launched on an Ariane 5 rocket and spend seven and half years sling-shotting around Earth, Mars and Venus to pick up enough speed to get to the Jupiter system with as little fuel as possible.
For three and a half years, the spacecraft will sweep around the giant planet, exploring its turbulent atmosphere, enormous magnetosphere, and tenuous set of dark rings, as well as studying the icy moons, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto.
All three of the planet-sized satellites are thought to have oceans of liquid water beneath their crusts and could provide key clues on the potential for such bodies to harbour habitable environments.
The probe will start with Callisto before making two flybys of Europa, where it will study the icy surface.
Dr Brown added: "At the moment we think Europa might be the most likely location to find life. Hopefully we would be able to pick up biomarkers on the surface where cracks on the ice mantle have allowed water from the internal ocean to appear.
"The lifeforms would then need to survive without any light under high pressure environments. Current research has indicated that there might be more oxygen present than initially expected, so it could not only support microorganisms but possibly fishlike creatures.”
The mission will culminate in a dedicated, eight-month tour around Ganymede, the first time any icy moon has been orbited by a spacecraft. And Ganymede is the only moon in the Solar System known to generate its own magnetic field so scientists are keen to work out how that is being achieved.
“Juice will address the question: are there current habitats outside Earth in the Solar System with the necessary conditions to sustain life?” said François Auque, Head of Space Systems at Airbus.
“After the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Titan… and even a comet, our engineers’ next challenge is to build this sophisticated spacecraft to explore the Jupiter system.”
The spacecraft will carry 10 instruments covering a wide range of measurements techniques (optical, sub-millimetre, radar, magnetic electric, plasma and particle sensors).
Weighing five and a half tonnes, Juice will be powered by a large 97 m² solar generator, the largest ever sent into space.
“Jupiter and its icy moons constitute a kind of mini-Solar System in their own right, offering European scientists and our international partners the chance to learn more about the formation of potentially habitable worlds around other stars," added Dmitrij Titov, ESA's Juicd Study Scientist.
Ancient Egypt with its amazing pyramids of wondrous construction which still baffles architects and engineers to this day has left many ancient writings that document encounters with small grey-reptilian aliens.
Egypt, however, is not the only place that had been visited by Aliens in ancient times.
There is a plate called 'The Lolladoff plate', a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal.
It clearly shows a disk shaped UFO at the top of the picture which is very hard to see from the photographed angle of the plate, however.
There is also a figure on the disc which looks remarkably similar to a Grey, to the right on the disc.
Notice the spiral galaxy shape as well, with the alien inside it and the ufo at the beginning of it.
Galaxies commonly come in spiral shapes and this spiral shape is echoed in similar artwork and mandalas throughout India, Egypt and Peru, as well as at other ancient sites like Sumeria where the spiral shape is also seen.
This galaxy spiral and surrounding items suggest that ancients were very aware that greys flew here from another galaxy; as well, the spiral shape does signify their place in our evolution.
Other researchers have suggested that the spiral could reflect their craft energy or could symbolize their involvement with our spiritual eternity.
Other meanings attributed to these spirals are offered by Egyptian ancient tablets in ancient hieroglyphics and by Mayan and Aztec artifact writings but every ancient culture that coexisted with aliens and documented it in artwork seemed to have had inexplicable and most advanced methods in astronomy and spirituality.
The Old Testament, the best UFO text in existence, contains very accurate descriptions of direct involvement with these superior technological beings. In our Bible many such close encounters were seemingly accurately documented.
If Abraham's, Isaiah's, Ezekiel's, and Moses' textual Biblical experiences happened today, they would be interpreted much differently.
The Old Testament Bible is the foremost and best source for examining insidious alien-man involvement in the ancient world .
(Director of CIA, Admiral R.H. Hillenkoetter: "It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." p. 58, quoted from New York Times, February 28, 1960, p. L30 )
This book gives us rare insights into how reptilian aliens controlled these ancient desert people, the Hebrews, with imposed laws and rules that were recorded in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers, rules and laws that had nothing to do with the true God of the universe.
Most revealing is the imposed and strictly enforced lethal, exclusionary entry rights into the 'holy of holys' where ruling aliens resided.
Alien DNA infusion breeding experiments were done with a whole generation of 'chosen people' as forty years in the desert gave rise to a whole new generation fed with 'manna' . Kosher 'laws' made human food tastier and safer to digest, for reptilians--greys.
Given that Hitler and Germany were concoctions of their tall grey's hatefulness, aliens who shared technology with Germany, why did those alien critters have a special hard-on for Jews, I wonder?
My surmise is that the aliens who masqueraded as God to the ancient Hebrews, who fed on them (kosher laws controlled what their human food ate) and did genetic experiments on them, were another race of aliens than the ones who hate- inspired Hitler and by slaughtering Jews they could thus undo the other alien's accomplishments?
There is overwhelming Biblical evidence that the Ark of the Covenant was structurally designed to act as both an alien transmitter-capacitor/alien weapon technology.
The Ark, lethal if touched, was used to communicate with aliens posing as God and it aided Israelites when it was carried into battles.
"And they shall make an Ark of shittim wood, two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof, and a cubit and a half the height thereof.
'And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, within and without shalt thou overlay it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold around and all about."
One of the Gold plates is positively charged and one is negatively charged and together they form the condenser.
If one of the cherubim's positioned above the Mercy Seat acts as a magnet, then you have the rudimentary requirements of a two way communication set.
The Lord even details what clothing should be worn when consulting the Ark, probably so that no interference is encountered when talking through the device, and also in order to limit the risk of electrocution.
Further proof of the Ark's many functions can be found in the First Book Of Samuel, Chapter 3:3, when the Ark directly speaks to Samuel:
"And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the Ark of God was, and Samuel was laid to sleep.
'That the Lord called Samuel, and he answered here am I.
'And he ran unto Eli, and said here am I, for thou calledst me. And he said. I called not, lie down again. And he went and lay down".
This repeated itself on two more occasions and eventually Eli realised that the Lord was speaking to Samuel via the Ark, which he then told to Samuel, and on the fourth occasion Samuel was able to converse with the Lord.
The only persons in the house at the time were Eli and Samuel, and it is quite blatant that the Ark spoke to Samuel.
This further fuels the argument that the Ark was a communication set, perhaps as well as a religious receptacle and even a weapon of destruction.
The Ark did have many uses but at times of death and great destruction the Ark was invariably present.
Unfortunately, not everyone had the same opinion of the Ark, as David decided to steal it, with Uzzah's help, with tragic consequences as retold in the second book of Samuel, Chapter 6:
"And when they came to Nachons threshing-floor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the Ark of God, and took hold of it, for the oxen shook it.
'And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah, and God smote him there for his error, and there he died by the Ark of God."
Quite clearly the Ark was carrying a massive electrical charge which killed Uzzah on the spot when he touched it. Otherwise, why didn't the Lord just kill Uzzah for attempting to steal the Ark at the outset, why did he have to wait until he touched it? Perhaps because God is not omnipresent as he is a masquerading alien and cannot know the actions of every member of the human race.
These Biblical experiences are seen as clear alien encounters with grey-reptilians to many researchers who clearly point to a long unbroken chain of continued close encounters with these entities .
Even the American Indians believed that "the Gods lived in the clouds in silver canoes".
The Ainui who live on Hokkaido the northernmost island of Japan have fair skin; unlike the Japanese Mongoloid phenotype their eyes are round and the men have thick facial hair.
Their special language has no written form.
Oral traditions passed from parents to children over thousands of years tell that their ancestors came from space-"the same who now live in the clouds in flying saucers." On a hill in the Saru River valley on Hokkaido stands a monument to this legend.
The inscription states: "this is the place where the first Ainu came to Earth."
If one would like to know just how ancient alien contact with our planet is, one would have to examine a quote from a Nobel Prize winning scientist.
Francis Crick, the discoverer of DNA, and Nobel Prize winner published a book which subscribed to the theory of intelligent design, that our universe was not simply the result of a series of chemical accidents. He states:
"Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence.
They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet.
It did, and that's why we're here."
' The DNA molecule is the most efficient information storage system in the entire universe.
The immensity of complex, coded and precisely sequenced information is absolutely staggering. '
'The DNA evidence speaks of intelligent, information-bearing design. Complex DNA coding would have been necessary for even the hypothetical first so-called' simple cell(s).
Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization.
They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore "teach" us about ourselves, and how to progress; for
life to form by chance is mathematically virtually impossible."
Ancients were lied to and controlled by alien imposed religious rules and laws that had nothing to do with the real all loving God of the universe.
This may well be uncommon knowledge among UFO community elite, but the whole world powerfully and unquestioningly accepts this masquerade, by ancient aliens as an account of the true God of the Universe.
The whole world has purposefully been God confounded, a macrocosm echoed and mirrored, by the nefarious microcosm of the abduction experience, itself.
One, taken during R.E.M. sleep, is held on a short psychic leash, cocooned in a telepathically controlled delusion, and marched around a craft with vague memory remnants later dimly recalled as 'dreams'.
The spiritual historical UFO-human truth is down a long hall and somewhere else.
Do not, as many have done awakened to this masquerade, throw the baby out with the bath waters; God is as real as the nose on your face and equally as hard to see.
God is too embued, embedded within our consciousness, and within everything all around us, to be thus easily discerned.
And as for aliens, we are closer to God, than they are.
Personal accounts of abduction by aliens have increased since the publication of Budd Hopkins’s books Missing Time (1981) and Intruders (1987) and Whitley Strieber’s Communion (1987). There is considerable variation among the accounts, but many fit a common pattern. Wright (1994) summarized 317 transcripts of hypnosis sessions and interviews from 95 separate cases and concluded, “Numerous entity types have been visiting our planet with some regularity” (Part 2, p. 6). However, the “gray” is clearly the most common alien and over the years a typical account has emerged (see, e.g., Mack 1994; Schnabel 1994; Thompson 1993).
The experience begins most often when the person is at home in bed (Wright 1994) and most often at night (Spanos, Cross, Dickson, and DuBreuil 1993), though sometimes abductions occur from a car or outdoors. There is an intense blue or white light, a buzzing or humming sound, anxiety or fear, and the sense of an unexplained presence. A craft with flashing lights is seen and the person is transported or “floated” into it. Once inside the craft, the person may be subjected to various medical procedures, often involving the removal of eggs or sperm and the implantation of a small object in the nose or elsewhere. Communication with the aliens is usually by telepathy. The abductee feels helpless and is often restrained, or partially or completely paralyzed.
The “gray” is about four feet high, with a slender body and neck, a large head, and huge, black, slanted, almond-shaped eyes. Grays usually have no hair and often only three fingers on each hand. Rarer aliens include green or blue types, the taller fair-haired Nordics, and human types who are sometimes seen working with the grays.
The aliens’ purpose in abducting Earthlings varies from benign warnings of impending ecological catastrophe to a vast alien breeding program, necessitating the removal of eggs and sperm from humans in order to produce half-alien, half-human creatures. Some abductees claim to have seen fetuses in special jars,and some claim they were made to play with or care for the half-human children.
Occasionally, people claim to be snatched from public places, with witnesses, or even in groups. This provides the potential for independent corroboration, but physical evidence is extremely rare. A few examples of stained clothing have been brought back; and some of the implants have reportedly been removed from abductees’ bodies, but they usually mysteriously disappear (Jacobs 1993).
How can we explain these experiences? Some abductees recall their experiences spontaneously, but some only “remember” in therapy, support groups, or under hypnosis. We know that memories can be changed and even completely created with hypnosis (Laurence, et al. 1986), peer pressure, and repeated questioning (Loftus 1993). Are “memories” of abduction created this way? Most of Wright’s ninety-five abductees were hypnotized and/or interviewed many times. Hopkins is well known for his hypnotic techniques for eliciting abduction reports, and Mack also uses hypnosis. However, there are many reports of conscious recall of abduction without hypnosis or multiple interviews, and the significance of the role of false memory is still not clear.
Another theory is that abductees are mentally ill. This receives little or no support from the literature. Bloecher, Clamar, and Hopkins (1985) found above-average intelligence and no signs of serious pathology among nine abductees, and Parnell (1988) found no evidence of psychopathology among 225 individuals who reported having seen a UFO (although not having been abducted). Most recently, Spanos et al. (1993) compared forty-nine UFO reporters with two control groups and found they were no less intelligent, no more fantasy prone, and no more hypnotizable than the controls. Nor did they show more signs of psychopathology. They did, however, believe more strongly in alien visitations, suggesting that such beliefs allow people to shape ambiguous information, diffuse physical sensations, and vivid imaginings into realistic alien encounters.
Temporal lobe lability has also been implicated. People with relatively labile temporal lobes are more prone to fantasy, and more likely to report mystical and out-of-body experiences, visions, and psychic experiences (Persinger and Makarec 1987). However, Spanos et al. found no difference in a temporal lobe lability scale between their UFO reporters and control groups. Cox (1995) compared a group of twelve British abductees with both a matched control group and a student control group and, again, found no differences on the temporal lobe lability scale. Like Spanos’s subjects, the abductees were more often believers in alien visitations than were the controls.
A final theory is that abductions are elaborations of sleep paralysis, in which a person is apparently able to hear and see and feels perfectly awake, but cannot move. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (Thorpy 1990) reports that sleep paralysis is common among narcoleptics, in whom the paralysis usually occurs at sleep onset; is frequent in about 3 to 6 percent of the rest of the population; and occurs occasionally as “isolated sleep paralysis” in 40 to 50 percent. Other estimates for the incidence of isolated sleep paralysis include those from Japan (40 percent; Fukuda, et al. 1987), Nigeria (44 percent; Ohaeri 1992), Hong Kong (37 percent; Wing, Lee, and Chen 1994), Canada (21 percent; Spanos et al. 1995), Newfoundland (62 percent; Ness 1978), and England (46 percent; Rose and Blackmore 1996).
The Sleep-Paralysis Experience
In a typical sleep-paralysis episode, a person wakes up paralyzed, senses a presence in the room, feels fear or even terror, and may hear buzzing and humming noises or see strange lights. A visible or invisible entity may even sit on their chest, shaking, strangling, or prodding them. Attempts to fight the paralysis are usually unsuccessful. It is reputedly more effective to relax or try to move just the eyes or a single finger or toe. Descriptions of sleep paralysis are given in many of the references already cited and in Hufford’s (1982) classic work on the “Old Hag.” I and a colleague are building up a case collection and have reported our preliminary findings (Blackmore and Rose 1996).
Sleep paralysis is thought to underlie common myths such as witch or hag riding in England (Davis 1996-1997), the Old Hag of Newfoundland (Hufford 1982), Kanashibari in Japan (Fukuda 1993), Kokma in St. Lucia (Dahlitz and Parkes 1993), and the Popobawa in Zanzibar (Nickell 1995), among others. Perhaps alien abduction is our modern sleep paralysis myth.
Spanos et al. (1993) have pointed out the similarities between abductions and sleep paralysis. The majority of the abduction experiences they studied occurred at night, and almost 60 percent of the “intense” reports were sleep related. Of the intense experiences, nearly a quarter involved symptoms similar to sleep paralysis.
Cox (1995) divided his twelve abductees into six daytime and six nighttime abductions and, even with such small groups, found that the nighttime abductees reported significantly more frequent sleep paralysis than either of the control groups.
I suggest that the best explanation for many abduction experiences is that they are elaborations of the experience of sleep paralysis.
Imagine the following scenario: A woman wakes in the night with a strong sense that someone or something is in the room. She tries to move but finds she is completely paralyzed except for her eyes. She sees strange lights, hears a buzzing or humming sound, and feels a vibration in the bed. If she knows about sleep paralysis, she will recognize it instantly, but most people do not. So what is she going to think? I suggest that, if she has watched TV programs about abductions or read about them, she may begin to think of aliens. And in this borderline sleep state, the imagined alien will seem extremely real. This alone may be enough to create the conviction of having been abducted. Hypnosis could make the memories of this real experience (but not real abduction) completely convincing.
The Roper Poll
The claim that 3.7 million Americans have been abducted was based on a Roper Poll conducted between July and September 1991 and published in 1992. The authors were Budd Hopkins, a painter and sculptor; David Jacobs, a historian; and Ron Westrum, a sociologist (Hopkins, Jacobs, and Westrum 1992). In its introduction John Mack, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, claimed that hundreds of thousands of American men, women, and children may have experienced UFO abductions and that many of them suffered from distress when mental health professionals tried to fit their experiences into familiar psychiatric categories. Clinicians, he said, should learn “to recognize the most common symptoms and indications in the patient or client’s history that they are dealing with an abduction case” (8). These indications included seeing lights, waking up paralyzed with a sense of presence, and experiences of flying and missing time. The report was published privately and mailed to nearly one hundred thousand psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals encouraging them to “be open to the possibility that something exists or is happening to their clients which, in our traditional Western framework, cannot or should not be” (8).
The Roper Organization provides a service for other questions to be tacked on to their own regular polls. In this case, 5,947 adults (a representative sample) were given a card listing eleven experiences and were asked to say whether each had happened to them more than twice, once or twice, or never. The experiences (and percentage of respondents reporting having had the experience at least once) included: seeing a ghost (11 percent), seeing and dreaming about UFOs (7 percent and 5 percent), and leaving the body (14 percent). Most important were the five “indicator experiences”: 1) “Waking up paralyzed with a sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room” (18 percent); 2) “Feeling that you were actually flying through the air although you didn’t know why or how” (10 percent); 3) “Experiencing a period of time of an hour or more, in which you were apparently lost, but you could not remember why, or where you had been” (13 percent); 4) “Seeing unusual lights or balls of light in a room without knowing what was causing them, or where they came from” (8 percent); and 5) “Finding puzzling scars on your body and neither you nor anyone else remembering how you received them or where you got them” (8 percent).
The authors decided that “when a respondent answers ‘yes’ to at least four of these five indicator questions, there is a strong possibility that individual is a UFO abductee.” The only justification given is that Hopkins and Jacobs worked with nearly five hundred abductees over a period of seventeen years. They noticed that many of their abductees reported these experiences and jumped to the conclusion that people who have four or more of the experiences are likely to be abductees.
From there, the stunning conclusion of the Roper Poll was reached. Out of the 5,947 people interviewed, 119 (or 2 percent) had four or five of the indicators.Since the population represented by the sample was 185 million, the total number was 3.7 million — hence the conclusion that nearly four million Americans have been abducted by aliens.
Why did they not simply ask a question like, “Have you ever been abducted by aliens?”? They argue that this would not reveal the true extent of abduction experiences since many people only remember them after therapy or hypnosis. If abductions really occur, this argument may be valid. However, the strategy used in the Roper Poll does not solve the problem.
With some exceptions,1 many scientists have chosen to ignore the poll because it is so obviously flawed. However, because its major claim has received such wide publicity, I decided a little further investigation was worthwhile.
Real Abductions or Sleep Paralysis?
The real issue raised by the Roper Poll is whether the 119 people who reported the indicator experiences had actually been abducted by aliens.
Since the sampling technique appears to be sound and the sample large, we can have confidence in the estimate of 2 percent claiming the experiences. The question is, Have these people really been abducted? The alternative is that they simply have had a number of interesting psychological experiences, the most obviously relevant being sleep paralysis. In this case, the main claim of the Roper Poll must be rejected. How do we find out?
I reasoned that people who have been abducted (whether they consciously recall it or not) should have a better knowledge of the appearance and behavior of aliens than people who have not. This leads to two simple hypotheses.
The Roper Poll assumes that people who have had the indicator experiences have probably been abducted. If this assumption is correct, people who report the indicator experiences should have a better knowledge of what aliens are supposed to look like and what happens during an abduction than people who do not report indicator experiences. If the assumption is not correct, then their knowledge should be no greater than anyone else’s — indeed, knowledge of aliens should relate more closely to reading and television-watching habits than to having the indicator experiences if abductions do not really occur.
I decided to test this using both adults and children here in Bristol. It might be argued that genuine abductees wouldn’t be able to remember the relevant details so I needed to use a situation that would encourage recall. I decided to relax the subjects and tell them an abduction story, and then ask them to fill in missing details and draw the aliens they had seen in their imagination.
Subjects were 126 school children aged 8 to 13 and 224 first-year undergraduates aged 18 and over. The children came from two schools in Bristol. They were tested in their classrooms in groups of 22 to 28. The first group of 22 children had a slightly different questionnaire from the other groups and, is therefore, excluded from some of the analyses. The adults were psychology and physiotherapy students at the University of the West of England tested in three large groups. The procedure for the children is described below. The procedure was slightly simplified and the story slightly modified for the adults.
I first spent about half an hour talking to the children about psychology and research so that they got used to me. I then asked them to relax — as much as they could in the classroom. Many laid their heads on the desks, some even lay down on the floor. I asked them to imagine they were in bed and being read a bedtime story. I suggested they try to visualize all the details of the story in their minds while I read it to them. I then read, slowly and clearly, a story called “Jackie and the Aliens,” in which a girl is visited in bed at night by a strange alien who takes her into a spacecraft, examines her on a table, and brings her back unharmed to bed. The story includes such features as traveling down a corridor into a room, being laid on a table, seeing alien writing, and catching a glimpse of jars on shelves. However, precise details are not given.
At the end of the story, I asked the children to “wake up” slowly and to try to remember as much as they could of the details of the story. I then handed out the questionnaires. Each questionnaire contained five multiple-choice questions about the alien, the room, and table; and the children were asked to describe what was in the jars and to draw the alien writing. There were also six questions based on those in the Roper Poll: Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you ever seen a ghost ? Have you ever felt as though you left your body and could fly around without it (an out-of-body experience, or OBE)? Have you ever seen unusual lights or balls of light in a room without knowing what was causing them, or where they came from? Have you ever woken up paralyzed, that is, with the feeling that you could not move? And, Have you ever woken up with the sense that there was a strange person or presence or something else in the room? (Note that in the Roper Poll, the question about paralysis was compounded with the question of the sense of presence. Here, two separate questions were asked. Note also that the last four of these questions were based on the indicator questions from the Roper Poll.) The questions were slightly altered to make them suitable for young children, and I did not ask about scars or missing time. A question about false awakenings (dreaming you have woken up) was also included, and two questions about television-watching habits.
Finally, all groups except one of the adult groups were asked to draw pictures of the alien they had imagined in the story.
Figure 1. Examples of a “gray” and several other imagined aliens, drawn by children aged 8 to 13.
False Awakenings
Sleep Paralysis
Table 1. Results of two surveys, with percentage of people answering “Yes” for having had the experience indicated. See text for full wording of questions.
Large numbers of both adults and children reported having had most of the experiences. The percentages are shown in Table 1.
For each person, an “alien score” from 0 to 6 was given for the number of “correct” answers to the questions about the alien (that is, answers that conformed to the popular stereotype), and another score for the number of Roper Poll indicator experiences reported (0-4).
For the children, the mean alien score was 0.95, and the mean number of experiences 1.51. There was no correlation between the two measures (rs = – 0.03, n = 101, p = 0.78). The drawings of aliens were roughly categorized by an independent judge into “grays” and “others” (for almost all drawings the category is obvious; see Figure 1). Twelve (12 percent) of the children drew grays and 87 did not. Not surprisingly, those who drew a gray also achieved higher alien scores (t = 3.87, 97 df, p < 0.0001), but they did not report more of the experiences (t = 0.66, 95 df, p = 0.51).
Those children who drew grays did not report watching more television. Nor was there a correlation between the amount of television watched and the alien score (rs = 0.002, n = 101, p = 0.98). Oddly, there was a small positive correlation between the amount of television watched and the number of experiences reported (rs = 0.25, n = 101, p = 0.01).
For the adults, mean alien score was 1.23 and mean number of experiences 1.64. Again, there was no correlation between the two measures (rs = 0.07, n = 213, p = 0.29). Seventeen of the adults drew grays, and 103 did not. Again those who drew a gray achieved higher alien scores (t = 6.11, 118 df, p < 0.0001) but did not report more experiences (t = 0.14, 115 df, p = 0.89).
Among the adults, those who drew grays were those who watched more television (U = 534, n = 100, 17, p < 0.01), and the amount of television watched correlated positively with the alien score (rs = 0.20, n = 217, p = 0.003).
These results provide no evidence that people who reported more of the indicator experiences had a better idea of what an alien should look like or what should happen during an abduction. If real gray aliens are abducting people from Earth, and the Roper Poll is correct in associating the indicator experiences with abduction, then we should expect such a relationship. Its absence in a relatively large sample casts doubt on these premises.
Among the adults (though not the children), there was a correlation between the amount of television they watched and their knowledge about aliens and abductions. This suggests that the popular stereotype is obtained more from television programs than from having been abducted by real aliens.
Our sample certainly included enough people who reported the indicator experiences. Although not all the indicator experiences were included, for the four questions that were used, the incidence was actually higher than that found by the Roper Poll. Presumably, therefore, many of my subjects would have been classified by Hopkins, Jacobs, and Westrum as having been abducted. The results suggest this conclusion would be quite unjustified.
These findings do not and cannot prove that no real abductions are occurring on this planet. What they do show is that knowledge of the appearance and behavior of abducting aliens depends more on how much television a person watches than on how many “indicator experiences” he or she has had. I conclude that the claim of the Roper Poll, that 3.7 million Americans have probably been abducted, is false.
I would like to thank the Perrott-Warrick Fund for financial assistance and Nick Rose for help with the analysis.
For three earlier articles in the Skeptical Inquirer evaluating and strongly critiquing the interpretations of the Roper Poll, see Lloyd Stires, “3.7 Million Americans Kidnapped by Aliens?” 17 (2), Winter 1993; Philip J. Klass, “Additional Comments about the ‘Unusual Personal Experiences Survey’,” 17 (2), Winter 1993; and Robyn M. Dawes and Matthew Mulford, “Diagnoses of Alien Kidnappings That Result from Conjunction Effects in Memory,” 18 (1), Fall 1993. All are reprinted in Kendrick Frazier, Barry Karr, and Joe Nickell, eds., The UFO Invasion, Prometheus Books, 1997.
Blackmore, S. J., and N. J. Rose. 1996. Experiences on the Borderline between Reality and Imagination. 20th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Cirencester, 31 August 1996.
Bloecher, T., A. Clamar, and B. Hopkins. 1985. Summary Report on the Psychological Testing of Nine Individuals Reporting UFO Abduction Experiences. Mt Ranier, Md.: Fund for UFO Research.
Cox, M. 1995. The Prevalence of Sleep Paralysis and Temporal Lobe Lability in Persons Who Report Alien Abduction. Unpublished thesis, Department of Psychology, University of the West of England, Bristol.
Dahlitz, M., and J. D. Parkes. 1993. Sleep paralysis. Lancet 341(8842): 406-407.
Davis, O. 1996-1997. Hag-riding in nineteenth-century West Country England and modern Newfoundland: An examination of an experience-centred witchcraft tradition. Folk Life 35.
Fukuda, K., A. Miyasita, M. Inugami, and K. Ishihara. 1987. High prevalence of isolated sleep paralysis: Kanashibari phenomenon in Japan. Sleep 10(3): 279-286.
Fukuda, K. 1993. One explanatory basis for the discrepancy of reported prevalences of sleep paralysis among healthy respondents. Perceptual and Motor Skills 77(3, pt. 1): 803-807.
Hopkins, B. 1981. Missing Time. New York: Random House.
Hopkins, B., D. M. Jacobs, and R. Westrum. 1992. Unusual Personal Experiences: An Analysis of Data from Three National Surveys Conducted by the Roper Organization. Bigelow Holding Corporation, Nevada.
Laurence,J.-R., R. Nadon, H. Nogrady, and C. Perry. 1986. Duality, dissociation, and memory creation in highly hypnotizable subjects. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 34: 296-309.
Loftus, E. F. 1993. The reality of repressed memories. American Psychologist 48: 518-537.
Ohaeri, J. U. 1992. Experience of isolated sleep paralysis in clinical practice in Nigeria. Journal of the National Medical Association 84(6): 521-523.
Parnell, J. 1988. Measured personality characteristics of persons who claim UFO experiences. Psychotherapy in Private Practice 6: 159-165.
Persinger, M. A., and K. Makarec. 1987. Temporal lobe epileptic signs and correlative behaviors displayed by normal populations Journal of General Psychology 114: 179-195.
Rose, N. J., and S. J. Blackmore. 1996. Two Pilot Surveys of Unusual Personal Experiences. 20th International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research, Cirencester, 31 August 1996.
Spanos, N. P., P. A. Cross, K. Dickson, and S. C. DuBreuil. 1993. Close encounters: An examination of UFO experiences. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 102: 624-632.
Spanos, N. P., S. A. McNulty, S. C. DuBreuil, M. Pires, and M. F. Burgess. 1995. The frequency and correlates of sleep paralysis in a university sample. Journal of Research in Personality 29(3): 285-305.
Thompson, R. L. 1993. Alien Identities. San Diego: Govardhan Hill.
Thorpy, M. J. (ed). 1990. Sleep paralysis. ICSD-International Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Manual. Rochester, Minn.: American Sleep Disorders Association.
Wing, Y. K., S. T. Lee, and C. N. Chen. 1994. Sleep paralysis in Chinese: Ghost oppression phenomenon in Hong Kong. Sleep 17(7): 609-613.
Wright, D. 1994. Initial findings of the abduction transcription project. MUFON UFO Journal, no. 310: 3-7 and no. 311: 3-7.
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07-08-2015 om 00:22
geschreven door peter
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Earth's Ancient Magnetic Field Just Got a Lot Older
Earth's Ancient Magnetic Field Just Got a Lot Older
Early magnetism could have helped create conditions to support life
Auroras are caused by the interaction of Earth's magnetic field with the solar wind.
Earth developed a magnetic field at least four billion years ago, the latest research shows—more than half a billion years earlier than thought.
The work, described in the July 31 issue of Science, is a major step forward in understanding when and how Earth began to evolve into its modern form. An ancient magnetic field could have made the 500-million-year-old planet more hospitable to life, by preventing the Sun's powerful solar wind from stripping away the atmosphere.
The study helps put Earth in context with its planetary neighbours. “The comparison between Earth and Mars is really striking,” says lead author John Tarduno, a geophysicist at the University of Rochester in New York. Mars also had a magnetic field at least 4 billion years ago, but the red planet somehow lost its dense atmosphere and became a barren world. Yet Earth developed into a hotbed of life.
Evidence for the age of Earth’s magnetic field comes from magnetic crystals that are preserved inside ancient rocks. Tarduno and his colleagues had previously found markers dating to 3.45 billion years ago in rocks from South Africa.
To look deeper into Earth's past, the team went to the Jack Hills region of Western Australia, which is famous for its four-billion-year-old zircon crystals. The scientists used a high-resolution magnetometer to measure faint magnetic signals of iron-bearing minerals trapped inside 25 zircons. These signals indicate the strength and direction of Earth’s magnetic field when the crystals formed.
Portrait of a young planet The Jack Hills zircons show that a magnetic field existed as early as 4 billion years ago, fluctuating in strength from a value similar to today's—around 25 microteslas—to about 12% of that. The two most-ancient zircons in the study suggest that the field could be up to 4.2 billion years old. But these rocks are difficult to analyse because they were re-heated around 2.6 billion years ago, which left a record of magnetic activity then that partially overlaid older evidence.
Whenever it arose, an ancient magnetic field would have been a good, although not perfect, shield against the solar wind. An occasional solar storm might still have been able to blast through the magnetic field and strip Earth's atmosphere of water and volatile compounds that are necessary for life, Tarduno's team says.
But David Grinspoon, a researcher at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, is not convinced that a planet must have an active magnetic field in order to be habitable. Many experts question the idea that Mars lost its atmosphere simply because its magnetic field switched off, he says. Powerful stellar winds may actually provide energy for yet-unknown life on planets that lack a protective magnetic field.
The presence of an ancient magnetic field on Earth also suggests that plate tectonics could have been operating more than 4 billion years ago, Tarduno adds. Geologists have long debated when and how convection began in the primordial planet, resulting in the loss of heat to space as crustal plates shuffled around. “The discovery has important implications for early Earth,” says Simon Wilde, a geologist at Curtin University in Perth, Australia.
But Tarduno’s team might not be able to look much further into the past. The oldest Australian zircons, which date to 4.4 billion years ago, contain a limited and confusing magnetic record. Instead, researchers may focus on broadening their knowledge of conditions on the ancient Earth, rather than trying to determine whether its magnetic field existed more than 4.2 billion years ago.
“There’s this tremendous record between 3.5 billion and 4.2 billion [years] that we really need to explore,” Tarduno says.
Galaxy caught cannibalizing its neighbors
A team of astronomers has stared long and hard at a group of nearby galaxies to reveal how big galaxies grow by consuming their smaller neighbors. The team studied galaxies centered around one called M81, or Bode’s galaxy (pictured above), some 12 million light-years from Earth. Long exposures with Japan’s 8.2-meter Subaru T }elescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and its ultrawide field camera—the Hyper Suprime-Cam—allowed them to see the faint outer regions of the galaxies, which are normally invisible. As they report online today inThe Astrophysical Journal Letters, the images showed streams of stars and other material being sucked into M81 from other galaxies by its stronger gravity. That gravity is also deforming the shapes of nearby galaxies and will likely consume them entirely with time. Astronomers have known for decades that galaxies, including our own Milky Way, grow large by consuming others, but this is the first time that evidence of such cannibalism has been so obviously on display, the researchers say.
Jacques Vallee "Unidentified aerial phenomena: a strategy for research"
Gepubliceerd op 31 jul. 2015
Jacques Vallee's talk at CNES Paris in July 2014.
"Les 8 et 9 juillet, le CNES a réuni à Paris des scientifiques et des ufologues pour un atelier sur les méthodes et outils susceptibles d’améliorer la Collecte et l’Analyse des Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés (CAIPAN). Cette rencontre internationale a permis pour la première fois d’associer l’expérience des associations d’ufologie aux recherches en psychologie et astronomie, ainsi qu’à l’expertise de la Gendarmerie nationale et de l’Armée de l’air."
The St. Petersburg incident is one of the most witnessed and highly recorded incidents in the history of Ufology. The events took place in the skies over St. Petersburg in Russia on the evening of 19th February 1997, when at around 7-00p.m. the residents of the city became aware of a cluster of lights hovering overhead. The incident was unusual in that there were multiple witnesses; a number of video recordings made and was seen quite clearly by air traffic staff and aircrew at the local airport. Just after 7-00 p.m. the air traffic controllers at the local airport saw the strange objects appear on their radar screens and also strange lights became quite visible in the skies over the airport.
One of the air traffic controllers, Victor Laxtushin, went outside and witnessed the objects, he remarked: “I sketched the event as it happened; the shape of the lights changed, left and then re-appeared. Others were watching through binoculars. There was an aircraft on the runway – they confirmed the presence of a UFO. I am perhaps better qualified than most witnesses but I can’t say what it was – experimental craft? But why fly experimental aircraft over St. Petersburg?” By 7-15p.m. the strange lights had now apparently formed into a “triangle” and reports of the UFO were coming in from many different locations and many people captured the incident on video tape. He remains perplexed by the whole event. Uri Arzamastsev, an economics student, noticed the lights, high in the sky and well above the horizon, through the kitchen window – rushing outside with his camcorder he captured the UFO on video and, by this time, the rest of his family were also witnessing the event. The incident was later officially investigated by Naval Captain Pavel Syrchenko, who after collating all the evidence was unable to explain the event away as military or civilian aircraft, balloons etc. The objects hovered over the city for about 20 minutes and at 7-20p.m. they could not be seen.
There are many similarities between the St. Petersburg incident and the series of events which became known as “The Phoenix Lights”. In both cases the appearance of a “triangular-shaped” craft was heralded by strange lights in the sky.
I went to the beach here in mar del plata, argentina with a bunch of my friends at night. Some of them took their fishing poles with them. We were having a round of mate (argentine tea). I was not facing the sea. All of a sudden a hear all the people there besides my friends screaming like crazy. They shouted look a UFO! a UFO! I turned around and I see this blue (weird blue object) hovering over the surface approximately 200 hundred meters from the rocky shore. I was just amazed and couldn’t believe what was happening. People were like crazy, shouting like maniacs. Then this round object starts gaining altitude and in a matter of seconds flew over us and it dissapeared before our eyes in what I can describe as a kind of implosion sound. It left a vapor like trace behind.
As funny as it may sound remember how the de lorean from the back to the future movie dissapeared? It was pretty much like it. When I first noticed it I had no doubt that was a UFO. Why? Because it was clearly a manned artefact. Someone was like, behind the wheel, thats what we all felt. The thing was the size of a small two door car. First I was astonished, and when it started moving and it did that crazy manuever over us I was terrified. I was sorry and at the same time relieved that it had left. I dont know what else to say. I didnt believe in stories about UFOs before the incident, maybe thats why I was so astonished at the time it happened. We also felt a weird emotion. Its like wow, we actually saw maybe extraterrestrials dude! After it left we wanted to see more and wished it would show up again, its like when you ride a roller coaster you wish It would stop when its going but when the rush is over you want to experience that rush again.
Nothing man-made can do what that artefact did. The fastest things we have constructed would desintegrate into pieces if they did what this object did. It was just too fast. I know no living thing can survive an acceleration and turn like that. And what about the fact that it vanished before our eyes? Thats the craziest thing about this incident. it didnt lose itself on the distance, no, it literaly vanished. First thing some people will say is dude, that was a shooting star. are you kidding me? it came out of the water. it floated over the water, it accelerated changing direction. Sometimes you got to see this things in person to believe them. Anyway, my bro managed to fotograph it. We got the original for everyone to check it out. You can also interview my friends. Some of them were already fishing therefore facing the sea and were amongt the firsts to see it.
Note:There was quite a quantity of people there beside us. It was what we call “a long weekend”, that is a weekend plus holydays, hundreds of thousands of tourists visit our city on such holydays so you do the math how many people beside us saw this UFO. What I’m trying to say is, no, we weren’t all high and allucinating. We don’t do drugs. Check out the picture, though it really doesnt make the sight justice by itself. You got to see it live baby!
At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, archaeologists uncovered a 10,000-year-old man-made monolith that they believe is evidence of a prehistoric civilization. The rock monument’s colossal size (12 meters, or about 39 feet in height) suggests that quite a few people would have been needed to move it — something that would have been difficult if, as previously suspected, the inhabitants had been hunter-gatherers living relatively solitary lifestyles.
Get up close with Ceres’ weird ‘Pyramid’ and bright spots in new NASA photos. The closer we get to Ceres, the more perplexing the dwarf planet grows.
The intriguing brightest spots on Ceres lie in a crater named Occator, which is about 60 miles (90 kilometers) across and 2 miles (4 kilometers) deep.
Among the highest features seen on Ceres so far is a mountain about 4 miles (6 kilometers) high, which is roughly the elevation of Mount McKinley in Alaska’s Denali National Park. It’s unusual that it’s not associated with a crater. Why is it sitting in the middle of nowhere?
Ceres is the largest object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Dawn will resume its observations of Ceres in mid-August from an altitude of 900 miles (less than 1,500 kilometers), or three times closer to Ceres than its previous orbit.
VIDEO: Ruimtewagen Curiosity spot 'vreemd wezen' op Mars VIDEO: Ruimtewagen Curiosity spot ‘vreemd wezen’ op Mars
VIDEO: Ruimtewagen Curiosity spot ‘vreemd wezen’ op Mars
Op Mars is een mysterieuze ‘donkere vrouw’ gespot die vanaf het oppervlak van de rode planeet recht vooruit lijkt te kijken. De vreemde vorm is vastgelegd door de Marsjeep Curiosity van NASA. Dat melden diverse media.
De foto trok de aandacht van een aantal websites, die claimen dat de vorm bewijs is voor ‘leven op Mars’. Volgens UFO Sightings Daily gaat het duidelijk om een vrouw, die mogelijk deels onzichtbaar is. Volgens de site zijn twee armen, een hoofd, lang haar en borsten te onderscheiden.
De websites zijn er nog niet over uit of het gaat om een levend wezen of een standbeeld dat er al geruime tijd staat. Als het een klein standbeeld was, zou het waarschijnlijk gemakkelijk zijn verwoest door de erosie, dus het is waarschijnlijk een leven wezen, zo klinkt het. Het wezen zou de Marsrover van een afstand gadeslaan. Volgens de UFO-enthousiastelingen is het wezen 8 tot 10 centimeter groot.
Als we de ufologen moeten geloven krioelt het op Mars van leven. Enkele dagen geleden vonden sociale mediagebruikers nog een ‘vreemd wezen’ op het oppervlak van de rode planeet. Volgens sommigen ging het om een spin, terwijl anderen dachten dat het een soort krab was. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Bewonderaars van vallende sterren opgelet: grote kans om meteorenzwerm te zien Bewonderaars van vallende sterren opgelet: grote kans om meteorenzwerm te zien
Bewonderaars van vallende sterren opgelet: grote kans om meteorenzwerm te zien
Bewonderaars van vallende sterren kunnen de komende tijd hun hart weer ophalen. De omstandigheden om meteoren te zien zijn dit jaar heel gunstig.
Ze zijn dit jaar extra goed te zien omdat het ook nieuwe maan is, waardoor er geen storend maanlicht is. De jaarlijkse Perseïdenzwerm bereikt zo rond donderdag 13 augustus zijn hoogtepunt. Dan zijn er tot wel 60 vallende sterren per uur te zien.
Deze meteoren heten Perseïden, vernoemd naar het sterrenbeeld Perseus. De vallende sterren kunnen aan de hemel verschijnen, maar als je vanuit het meteoorspoor een denkbeeldige lijn trekt aan de hemel, kom je uiteindelijk uit bij Perseus.
De Perseïden zijn eigenlijk geen sterren, maar stukjes steengruis van de komeet Swift-Tuttle, die als vallende sterren aan de hemel te zien zijn. Hoewel meteoren elke nacht verschijnen, zijn er in sommige perioden meer te zien dan normaal. Dat komt omdat de aarde dan langs de baan van een komeet komt, waarin veel stof- en gruisdeeltjes zitten die door de komeet zijn achtergelaten.
De noordoostelijke horizon van half augustus rond 1 uur ‘s nachts (Werkgroep Meteoren)
Als de steentjes de dampkring binnenkomen worden ze heet en verdampen ze. We zien dan de gloeiende lucht rond de verdampende brok steen. De Perseïden zijn te zien van half juli tot eind augustus. Het enige wat nog roet in het eten kan strooien is een dik wolkendek.
Soms verschijnen er felle meteoren die veel helderder zijn dan de sterren aan de hemel. Meteoren die zelfs helderder zijn dan de planeet Venus, worden vuurbollen genoemd. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Origin of Dorset’s Crop Circle: Is It an Extraterrestrial Mystery?
Origin of Dorset’s Crop Circle: Is It an Extraterrestrial Mystery?
Recently, Google Videos highlighted several quick video clip clips on crop circles and involved alien action. Crop circles are complex geometric designs that occur in the crop fields. Since they have patterns, they appear as if they were demonstrating. Aerial photos and movie footage display the uniqueness of such unexplained phenomena. But the question is, is it an extraterrestrial activity that happens to be a mystery?
When talking about top tourist destination, Dorset is one of the most visited sights in the world. Recently, it seems like it also attracts extraterrestrial humanoid creatures. The person who spotted the object claimed that the sighting appears like a normal strolling above the Maiden Castle. Shocked and fascinated, the witness called Mr Gyro, a well-known specialist in a ground photography company to come over to Dorset to take photos.
Since the patterns have many explanations, you will discover that some crop circles could be artificial. But these are commonly crude and crammed with flaws when in comparison to that greater artwork sort with the real kinds that continue to be unexplained. Even though experts concur that the object is possibly a man-made object, there are still many people claiming that there are unexplained forces behind the incredible patterns. Over the recent years, a lot of crop circles that appeared in the UK have declined. But this is not the case in Dorset in 2015 because according to the report, the sighting is increasing. According to the witness, the designs are incredibly fascinating and would surely catch the attention of every viewer.
When talking about the origin of the patterns, the crop circle has been reported since the 1960s and ’70s in England and the United States. However, the phenomenon did not gain attention until the 1980s, when the farmer in England discovered the circles. When the media and researchers descended on the farm, the world began to hear about crop circles.
Flashing UFO Hovering Above Manchester: Is It an Alien Invasion?
Flashing UFO Hovering Above Manchester: Is It an Alien Invasion?
Believe in extraterrestrials? The theories of UFO’s have become more and more popular day by day. The popularity is due to the increase sightings being reported by different people all over the world. Some people use their science-fiction minds to categorize the alien beings visiting from space as imaginations. Some people use their politically influenced minds and see the strange sightings as experiments of secret government, either from the U.S. or rival countries spying on us. But when did this craze start? And what might these strange objects be? No one knows why these strange sightings appear, but what some people know is they are just they’re in a minute and disappear after.
In the sky above Manchester, four bizarre flashing lights have been reported – prompting theories of an impending alien invasion. The alien invasion is a science fiction theme, film and stories, in which extraterrestrials invade Earth. The purpose of invading is either to supplant and exterminate human life, enslave it to harvest humans, steal planet’s resources, or destroy the entire world altogether. The mysterious footage shows four yellow lights luminously flashing several times as they hover in the air. Behind the strange objects, the sky has turned into a blue-yellow color, punctuated by white and thin clouds. According to the information uploaded on the video, the footage was shot in Manchester even if the exact location is unambiguous.
To strengthen the sighting, one person residing in Coventry was so convinced that he had seen extraterrestrials earlier this month. The strange sighting was seen hovering over the East Midlands city after the observation of a bizarre blue light. On a YouTube titled ‘UFO Coventry’, Anthony Powell posted three clips, each showing a blue light, clearly noticeable past the street lamps over the garden fence. Until science can prove anything, keep your mind open to explanations because we still don’t know what they are!
NASA and the European Space Agency Finally Prep Public for Alien Disclosure
NASA and the European Space Agency Finally Prep Public for Alien Disclosure
First NASA chief scientist, Ellen Stofan openly admitted that alien life is ‘imminent’ and just last Tuesday, Dr. John Grunsfeld of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate announced that the agency was ‘on the verge’ of discovering life on planets other than earth.
Stofan and Grunsfeld hide the fact that NASA has been lying to the public about known extraterrestrial life for decades now, and that ETs have likely have been visiting earth for centuries.
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years. We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
Her declaration is synchronized with the agency’s recent discovery of water of five of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons. We were also told by NASA recently, that their Kepler mission found another ‘earth’ in the ‘habitable zone’ in our Universe circulating around a star that resembles our sun. NASA defines ‘habitable’ based on the ability of a planet to pool water ostensibly to support life as we know it.
And then there’s the Guardian article titled “Is Kepler 425b humanity’s best chance to find alien life?” that discusses how earth’s twin – an exoplanet more similar to our own than has ever before been known is a likely case for alien life – never mind the 12 other hospitable planets that theSeti Institute is researching, and the fact that we’ve assumed all life would require the same things as ourselves, without considering that other sentient beings might not even have physical form.
Russia has even threatened the US, essentially saying, “tell the world about aliens or we will.”
But there is more to the story – as usual – than NASA and the European Space Agency, or even Seti are revealing.
Beginning in early March 2015, there was an alleged meeting on the moon involving up to 70 private individuals along with about 120 officials representing different secret space programs and national governments who heard plans about disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Dr. Michael Salla and David Wilcock have been giving ‘air time’ or you could say ‘Internet real estate’ to a whistleblower named Corey Goode. He is also known as GoodETxSG. He has his own Facebook page titled after the Sphere Being Alliance, a life-form(s) he has been working with to help disclose the massive extent of our corporate military industrial complex into space.
Whether you believe his wild testimony of secret space programs and bases on the moon or not, the very fact that thousands of people are signing up to see him be interviewed by Wilcock on Gaiam TV is a testament to just how ready people are to be told the truth about extra terrestrial life.
When you pontificate the facts, GoodETxSG is showing up precisely when the largest space-related military industrial complex arm is admitting openly that alien life exists after decades of cover-ups and numerous possible murders, or the defaming of military personal, astronauts, and scientists who have been trying to tell us the same thing for some time now.
While it may be difficult to swallow the facts as Goode tells us – particularly that dozens of extra terrestrials have been manipulating our genetic code, and that the military industrial complex is even more bloated in space as it is here on earth – his testimony is at least worth hearing, and then deciding upon for yourself.
You can catch up rather quickly on what Go
{ode has already ‘disclosed’ via Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock’s website, or you can go directly to Gaiam to watch his interviews. Coupled with NASA’s recent statements, and Russia’s threats, it seems something is brewing – perhaps the pressure is truly immense enough finally, that these agencies will now have to tell the truth.
The Vatican About ETs: “The Existence of These Beings is Real. We Can’t Have Doubts.”
The Vatican About ETs: “The Existence of These Beings is Real. We Can’t Have Doubts.”
‘Shocking testimony’ is not so shocking to some these days, especially when you have statements from hundreds of credible ‘high ranking’ people within the military, academia, and political realms alluding to the fact that, as Dr. Edgar Mitchell says (6th man to walk on the moon), “we are not alone, they’ve been coming here for a long time.”
If you want to view some more statements, and have a look at some documents, you can check them out in THISheavily sourced article to further your research.
One common misconception about extraterrestrial life is the idea that it goes against religion.
This could not be further from the truth, as in most cases, religion actually confirms the existence of life beyond our own world. For example, in Sikhism, God did not limit life to our planet, but created it throughout the cosmos.
In Islam, God created other planets similar to Earth, full of other life forms. Islam also speaks of the jinn, multidimensional creatures who can be “good” or “evil.” In Christianity there are various interpretations of life beyond our own world, and in many ancient Vedic scriptures we have the same.
The list goes on and on, and the examples don’t stop. This is why when it comes to Catholicism, and statements coming from the Vatican about extraterrestrials, it’s not really a surprise.
For the past few years, the world’s largest church seems to have been positioning itself to be a major player in the alien debate.
It’s no secret that the Vatican has been active in the sciences, particularly astronomy – the’ve maintained several major astronomical observatories and a large collection of radio telescopes.
“The existence of these beings is real. We can’t have doubts.” (source)
The statement above comes from Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a longtime friend of Pope John Paul II and the Vatican’s leading exorcist.
He has been quite outspoken about extraterrestrials, stating more than once that contact between humans and extraterrestrials has already happened. The above quote is one statement out of many that he’s made.
In 2005, Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmango stated that humankind is facing a future discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. In 2008, Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabril Funes stated that the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and its existence on a planet other than Earth, “doesn’t contradict our faith.”
The list of comments goes on and on, and as UFO researcher Richard Dolan argues:
“It is doubtful that all of these Vatican authorities would speak so openly if they felt they were in conflict with official doctrine. Quietly, a policy appears to have been decided upon.” (A.D. After Disclosure)
As for Pope Francis, this is what he has had to say:
"He created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive at their fullness of being. He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality.
"And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became which we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things." (source)
He has also said that extraterrestrials beings would be welcomed, and that he would try to have them baptized. Guy Consolmango (mentioned earlier) has expressed the same sentiment. (source)
Vatican/Religious Controversy
Whether it’s the massive Vatican sex abuse scandal, all of the ancient texts that have remained locked throughout history (not for public viewing), mass murder, black magic, or the routine silencing of scientists, the Vatican is no stranger to controversy.
Whether they’ve used religion as a form of control, and plan on doing the same thing when it comes to extraterrestrial life, who knows.
Pope Francis has been making a lot of positive headlines lately, which seems to have many people confused, given the fact that a massive amount of people perceive an organization like the Vatican to be a ‘dark’ one (just as many people perceive it to be a ‘good’ one).
This is a completely different subject, and I just wanted to keep this article on the fact that the Vaticanendorses, and possibly knows about, the reality of extraterrestrial life, as do many within the military, political, and academic realms (as shown by an article linked in the first paragraph of this article).
Whether religions, or parts of religion, are used as a form of control is a completely different topic, and I’ll save that for another article.
Thanks for reading, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Consolmango, Guy. Intelligent Life in the Universe? Catholic belief and the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life. Catholic Truth Society, 2005.
Dolan, Ricard and Zabel, Bryce: A.D: After Disclosure. Found here.
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06-08-2015 om 01:09
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Archaeologists discover giant prehistoric monolith at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea
Archaeologists discover giant prehistoric monolith at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea
Sean Gallup/Getty Images
At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, archaeologists uncovered a 10,000-year-old man-made monolith that they believe is evidence of a prehistoric civilization. The rock monument's colossal size (12 meters, or about 39 feet in height) suggests that quite a few people would have been needed to move it — something that would have been difficult if, as previously suspected, the inhabitants had been hunter-gatherers living relatively solitary lifestyles.
The find, which is actually the second of its type, has led archaeologists to suspect that civilization may have "already been shifting towards our modern way of life" earlier than previously thought, according to Evoanth. Together, the two monoliths (the other one was found in the Middle East) suggest that different groups in different parts of the world were beginning to develop a modern way of life simultaneously.
"What was it that was driving so many people, so far apart in the same direction?" asks Evoanth. We can't be sure, but it seems the scientists are one step closer to finding out. Becca Stanek
Secret UFO Files Released As German Government Lose The Right To Keep Research Private
Secret UFO Files Released As German Government Lose The Right To Keep Research Private
After a long and intense struggle, the German Government has been forced to make its UFO research public.
Until 2008, the existence of this report was denied by the German parliament --the Bundestag -- who have fought hard to keep the files private.
According to The Express however, two years later UFO enthusiast Robert Fleischer from discovered that the Government had in fact tasked its scientific department with the job of researching the existence of extraterrestrial life.
The battle for the X-files has been somewhat of a David and Goliath fight, with German blogger Frank Reitemeyer taking the Bundestag to court over the country's lack of transparency concerning its UFO research.
In 2011, he won his first fight after the Berlin Administrative Court ruled that German citizens had the right to view the classified report being put together by the country's Scientific Service.
At the time, Reitemeyer told the Berlin court:
"I want to know facts and it bothers me that in France, England, USA, Canada, the citizens can see the UFO files, and I am not informed as a German from my German government. It is therefore such a glaring discrepancy...In France, a citizen is automatically informed by his government because the government provides the UFO files to the website of the space agency, so officially on the government side, anyone can view the documents free at home"
While a date has not yet been set for the document's release, -- a sight dedicated to extraterrestrial life -- said the ruling was not only a win for UFO research but also for "the freedom of information in general."
Others appeared to be doubtful of whether the documents would actually reveal anything new.
Nigel Watson, who wrote the UFO Investigation Manual, told the Daily Mail: 'They won't reveal any secrets about hidden alien technology or alien bodies, but then again we can always hope!'
Here in Britain, UFO enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting March 2016, when the UK Ministry of Defence will reportedly release 18 files to the National Archive, although it is not clear at present if the public will have access to this research.
06-08-2015 om 00:33
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Is ons universum nep? Natuurkundigen zeggen dat we het speeltje zijn van een hoogontwikkelde beschaving Is ons universum nep? Natuurkundigen zeggen dat we de speelbal zijn van een hoogontwikkelde beschaving
Is ons universum nep? Natuurkundigen zeggen dat we de speelbal zijn van een hoogontwikkelde beschaving
Het is 2050. Intelligente robots hebben de planeet overgenomen. Je hebt hier alleen geen weet van omdat je in een computersimulatie leeft, die het leven in het jaar 2015 nabootst. Alles wat je ziet en aanraakt is gecreëerd door robots die met de mensheid spelen in hun computerspel.
Deze radicale theorie is in de afgelopen jaren voorgesteld door een aantal wetenschappers die claimen dat ons universum mogelijk nep is. Natuurkundigen zeggen dat ze bewijs kunnen vinden voor deze theorie.
Robert Lawrence Kuhn, presentator van het programma Closer to Truth, zei dat het volgens Oxford-filosoof Nick Bostrom goed mogelijk is dat de kaskraker The Matrix op waarheid berust. Het enige verschil is dat ons brein niet gekoppeld is aan een simulator, maar onderdeel is van de simulatie, aldus Bostrom.
In de film ziet hoofdpersoon Neo twee keer dezelfde kat voorbij komen. Dat déjà vu, het vreemde gevoel dat je iets al eens eerder hebt meegemaakt, is een teken dat er gerommeld is met de simulatie waarin hij leeft. Stel dat jij ook in een computersimulatie leeft zonder het te weten. Zou je dat dan ook ergens aan kunnen merken?
“Stel je een computerprogramma voor dat alles simuleert, inclusief het menselijk brein met al zijn neuronen en synapsen,” zei hij. Marvin Minsky, een wetenschapper op het gebied van kunstmatige intelligentie, zei dat het heel lastig is om te bepalen of je in een computersimulatie zit, tenzij de programmeur hier en daar een foutje heeft gemaakt.
Enkele jaren geleden suggereerde theoretisch natuurkundige Silas Beane van de Universiteit van Bonn dat er mogelijk tekenen zijn dat we in een simulatie leven. Om deze te ontdekken hoeven we volgens hem alleen maar onze eigen simulatie van het universum te bouwen, iets waar veel onderzoekers zich momenteel mee bezig houden. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Supersnelle UFO's boven Nederland en Duitsland ( Video )
Supersnelle UFO's boven Nederland en Duitsland ( Video )
De meeste UFO-waarnemingen die door mensen worden gemeld, betreffen het soort dat stilhangt of zich met een relatief lage snelheid door de lucht beweegt.
Soms krijgen we opnames en/of meldingen waarop goed te zien is hoe snel deze objecten zich eigenlijk kunnen verplaatsen.
Het toeval wil dat we nu twee gevallen hebben waarop heel duidelijk de fenomenale snelheid te zien is. We hebben één geval uit Nederland en één uit Duitsland.
De Nederlandse waarneming is ons opgestuurd door een lezer (dank!):
Het was in eerste instantie een video van ongeveer zes seconden waarop de man te zien is die aan het vliegen is met zijn drone en waar een UFO verschijnt aan de horizon die razendsnel naar rechts door het beeld schiet en weer verdwijnt.
Wanneer je er niet op voorbereid bent, zie je waarschijnlijk niets, zo snel gaat het. Daarom hier een afbeelding, genomen na drie seconden in de video, waar je de UFO middenin het beeld, net boven de bomenrij, ziet verschijnen.
Dat is dus de plek waar je op moet letten wanneer je de UFO wilt zien in de video.
Wij vroegen de man, Sas genaamd, om wat meer informatie en toen kwam hij met het volgende:
Het was in Vleuten op 24 juli 2015 om 17:28 uur. Zonnig en windstil.
De opnames zijn met een SJ4000 camera geschoten, zit een 170 graden visoog lens op. Wellicht dat de snelheid door de lens beïnvloed wordt en is het gewoon een insect. Het ziet er alleen niet zo uit (zie screenshot) en volgens mij kan de vertekening, niet zo'n hoge snelheid weergeven.
Heb er geen mainstream verklaring voor.
Daarnaast stuurde hij de volgende foto mee. De eerste is de normale, waarbij je de UFO rechts boven de bomen ziet en de tweede is de uitvergroting.
Het is ook niet de enige keer dat SAS een UFO op zijn beelden terugzag want:
Hier nog een foto met een andere die onder mijn drone heen vliegt, ook heel snel.
Sas zegt dat hij nog meer materiaal heeft, dus wie weet wordt dit verhaal vervolgd.
Het tweede voorbeeld deze week van een supersnelle UFO komt uit Duitsland.
De video-opname hieronder is gemaakt in het plaatsje Allgäu, net ten zuiden van München in het zuiden van Duitsland.
Ook hier gaat hij zo snel dat je eigenlijk vooraf moet weten waar te kijken omdat je hem anders hebt gemist.
Rond de 25 seconden zie je een wit gekleurde UFO met een fenomenale snelheid van rechts naar links door het beeld schieten.
Mocht je het gemist hebben, geen nood, want het wordt later nog vertraagd herhaald.
Vaak worden dit soort snelle UFO’s per toeval of helemaal niet ontdekt. Wanneer je ze ziet dan kun je je alleen maar verbazen over de onvoorstelbare hoge snelheid die dit soort objecten kunnen bereiken.
Russen verrast door zonsopgang met drie zonnen -
Russen verrast door zonsopgang met drie zonnen -
VIDEO Inwoners van de Russische stad Chelyabinsk hadden gisterochtend met een bijzondere optische illusie te maken. In plaats van één zon, leek het net alsof er drie zonnen opkwamen.
De twee extra zonnen worden 'bijzonnen' genoemd. "Dit natuurverschijnsel ontstaat bij extreem koude lucht, op een bepaalde hoogte. Daardoor ontstaan ijskristallen, die het zonlicht breken. Zo zijn er twee bijzonnen te zien in de lucht'', vertelt weerman Marco Verhoef van Weerplaza aan het AD.
De ijskristallen zijn te vergelijken met regendruppels. "Regendruppels breken ook het licht, waardoor er een regenboog ontstaat. Door de ijskristallen ontstaat dit natuurverschijnsel.''
Derde en vierde bijzon Volgens de weerman is het zelfs mogelijk om een derde bijzon te zien. "Als de foto iets scherper zou zijn, denk ik dat je een derde bijzon boven de echte zon kan zien. Wanneer je de horizon wegdenkt, zou je zelfs een vierde zon aan de onderkant kunnen zien.''
Het is niet de eerste keer dat er in Chelyabinsk een natuurverschijnsel voorkomt. Twee jaar geleden vloog een meteoor over de stad. Het verschijnsel was niet alleen mooi om te zien. Door de inslag raakten 1500 mensen gewond.
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05-08-2015 om 12:54
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mysterieuze lichtbol kleurt hemel groen -
Mysterieuze lichtbol kleurt hemel groen -
VIDEOIn Argentinië kleurde de hemel de voorbije avond groen in de buurt van Buenos Aires. Verscheidene mensen filmden hoe een lichtbol met een oranje staart door de lucht scheerde.
Het fenomeen leidde meteen tot een buzz op social media met de hashtag #cieloverde (groenelucht). Sommige mensen spraken van een ufo, maar het was zo goed als zeker een meteoriet die rond negen uur 's avonds overvloog. Het fenomeen duurde zo'n tien seconden.
Het Vaticaan wenst te beklemtonen dat de ontdekking van intelligent buitenaards leven niet betekent dat er ergens in het universum een alien Jezus rondloopt of heeft rondgelopen. Maar aliens die willen gedoopt worden? Geen probleem.
De wetenschap staat dichter dan ooit bij het onthullen van de waarheid over buitenaards leven. Vorige maand nog jubelde NASA over het potentieel van de exoplaneet Kepler 452b, de planeet buiten ons zonnestelsel die het meest op onze Aarde lijkt.
Ook het Vaticaan raakt opgewonden door de idee buitenaards levensvormen te ontdekken. Maar de pauselijke zetel maakt wel enkele kanttekeningen.
Eigen astronomieprogramma Het Vaticaan heeft recht van spreken want het heeft een eigen astronomieprogramma, dat wordt geleid door de Argentijnse jezuïet José Gabriel Fuynes. Het Vaticaanse ruimteobservatorium heeft zijn hoofdkwartoer in Castel Gandolfo, de zomervilla van de paus. Het Vaticaan heeft ook een telescoop aan de universiteit van Arizona. Voor Funes was de recente ontdekking van NASA "schitterend nieuws".
"Het is waarschijnlijk dat er buitenaards leven is en misschien zelfs een vorm van intelligente wezens", zei Funes. Maar, zo waarschuwde hij: "Ik denk niet dat we ooit een Mr. Spock zullen ontmoeten".
Gods creatieve vrijheid Funes verklaart al jarenlang dat de leer van de katholieke kerk niet haaks staat op de mogelijkheid van buitenaards leven. "Zoals er een veelheid is aan wezens op Aarde, kunnen ook andere wezens, zelfs intelligente, door God geschapen zijn", verklaarde hij in 2008. "Dit staat niet in contrast met ons geloof want we kunnen geen grenzen stellen aan de creatieve vrijheid van God".
"Om het met Franciscus (van Assisi, red.) te zeggen: als we bepaalde aardse wezens als 'broeder' en 'zuster' beschouwen, waarom zouden we dan niet kunnen spreken van een 'buitenaardse broeder'. Ook die zou tot de schepping behoren".
Goddelijk verbond ongeschonden Funes had het tegenover AFP ook over wat de ontdekking van buitenaards leven zou betekenen voor de kerk en diens interpretatie van het goddelijke verbond met de mens. "De ontdekking van intelligent leven betekent niet dat er een andere Jezus is", zei hij daarover. "De incarnatie van de zoon van God is een unieke gebeurtenis in de geschiedenis van de mensheid en van het universum".
"Mocht er intelligent leven op een andere planeet zijn, zie ik dat niet als een tegenspraak van het christelijke geloof".
Deze theologische gedachte - dat indien God ergens buitenaardsen heeft geschapen, het Vaticaan niet kan stellen dat Jezus niet ook voor hen bestemd was - strookt met de commentaren die de paus zelf over buitenaards leven maakte. Vorig jaar verklaarde paus Franciscus dat indien een alien hem zou vragen gedoopt te worden, hij dat ook zou doen.
Jonge kerk Het Vaticaan alludeert daarbij vaak naar het dopen van heidenen door de jonge christelijke kerk, die aanvankelijk vooral bestond uit joodse bekeerlingen. In het boek Handelingen schrijft Petrus in de Bijbel: "Als God hen dezelfde gave gaf als aan wij die in de heer Jezus Christus geloven, wie ben ik dan om te denken dat ik God in de weg kan staan?".
De astronoom van het Vaticaan Guy Consolmagno zei in 2010 al dat aliens die gedoopt willen worden door de kerk niet mogen geweigerd worden want "elke entiteit, ongeacht hoeveel tentakels het heeft, heeft ook een ziel".
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05-08-2015 om 12:38
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Ontwerpfout en misser copiloot oorzaak crash SpaceShipTwo -
Ontwerpfout en misser copiloot oorzaak crash SpaceShipTwo -
RUIMTEVAARTDe Amerikaanse onderzoeksraad voor de veiligheid NTSB heeft vandaag een video getoond waarop SpaceShipTwo te zien is, kort voor het ruimtevaartuig van Virgin Galactic vorig jaar verongelukte. De opnamen zijn gemaakt vanaf het toestel zelf.
De NTSB kwam vandaag bijeen om te bespreken wat de mogelijke oorzaken van het ongeluk zijn geweest, waarbij de co-piloot om het leven kwam en de piloot gewond raakte. Uit het onderzoek van de NTSB is gebleken dat de co-piloot het zogenoemde feathersysteem te vroeg heeft ontgrendeld. Dat zijn twee staartvlakken van SpaceShipTwo die normaal gesproken tijdens terugkeer in de dampkring omhoog klappen. Door deze beweging komt de buik van het toestel enigszins omhoog, waardoor de luchtweerstand toeneemt en het toestel afremt in de ijle atmosfeer.
Nadat copiloot Michael Alsbury het systeem had ontgrendeld, klapte het vanzelf uit. De krachten die daarbij vrij kwamen, leidden tot desintegratie van het toestel. Volgens de NTSB ontbreekt in het systeem een beveiliging die voorkomt dat een piloot de staartstukken te vroeg kan ontgrendelen. Hoewel de piloten erop trainen in simulators, is tijdens een echte vlucht sprake van grote stress, door enorme trillingen tijdens de lancering. De copiloot moet het systeem precies op tijd ontgrendelen. Doet hij het boven 1,4 keer de geluidssnelheid, dan moet de vlucht worden afgebroken.
Nergens in de documentatie wordt volgens de NTSB melding gemaakt van mogelijke gevaren voor te vroeg ontgrendelen. Alleen in een e-mail en tijdens een powerpointpresentatie, drie jaar voor het ongeluk, is hiervan melding gemaakt.
Volgens een van de leden van de veiligheidsraad, voormalig burgerpiloot Robert Zumwalt, kreeg copiloot Alsbury mogelijk te veel taken toegewezen, waardoor hij door de stress bij de lancering wellicht de fout maakte.
Vandaag verschijnt nog niet het definitieve rapport van de onderzoeksraad. Dat wordt over enkele weken verwacht.
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05-08-2015 om 12:27
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Philae vindt 'bouwstenen van leven' op komeet -
RUIMTEVAARTDe komeet 64P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko waarop op 12 november de Europese sonde Philae is geland, bevat vele organische stoffen, waaronder ook vier die nog nooit op zo een hemellichaam zijn gevonden. Dit hebben wetenschappers vandaag gemeld. Organisch materiaal op kometen is voor de wetenschap van belang omdat sommige vorsers denken dat materiaal van kometen heeft bijgedragen tot het ontstaan van leven op Aarde.
'Philae ontdekte bijna alles wat men nog niet wist over een komeetkern'
Jean-Pierre Bibring, Universiteit Paris-Sud
De Philae stuurde data door die werden verworven tijdens de zeven uur dalende afdaling naar de nucleus van de komeet, en van de drie plaatsen waar het tuig onbedoeld neerkwam omdat het zich eerst niet kon vasthaken. Het twee keer opveren leverde extra gegevens op.
Dozijnen wetenschappers hebben in zeven artikels in het vakblad Science hun bevindingen dankzij Philae gepubliceerd. De vier nooit tevoren in kometen geziene stoffen - methylisocyanaat, aceton, propionaldehyde en acetamide - zijn behoorlijk kleine molecules. Allen bevatten koolstof en waterstof, drie ervan ook stikstof. De vier kunnen uiteindelijk bouwstenen van leven worden.
Een ander team vond aanwijzingen van grotere ketenvormige moleculen.
Het eerste ruimtetuig dat ooit op een komeet landde vond volgens zijn bouwheer, het Europese Ruimtevaartbureau ESA, ook de belangrijkste componenten van de comagassen: waterdamp, koolstofmono- en dioxide, samen met koolstofdragende organische stoffen waaronder formaldehyde.
Volgens Jean-Pierre Bibring van de Universiteit Paris-Sud ontdekte de Philaebijna alles wat men nog niet wist over een komeetkern en kwam eigenlijk niets overeen met wat men zich van een komeet kon voorstellen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO activity over Shinjuku ward, Tokyo, Japan 17-Jul-2015
UFO activity over Shinjuku ward, Tokyo, Japan 17-Jul-2015
I just received this UFO report:
Location:Shinjuku ward, Tokyo, Japan Date:17th July 2015
Report: At 23:45 p.m.on July 17, I have happened to videotape one strange royal blue flashing in the sky.
Flashing in original video looks more brilliant, but Youtube version seems to be compressed and looks like dim light.
First 7 seconds you will see a static image,then after 17 seconds, the blue flash appears in the top-left area in the sky. You can also see a small white light beside the blue light (It seems like a reflection of the blue light on the ship body). It does not look like natural phenomenon. There was no cloud around that area in the sky. It flashed only one time in the middle of almost two mintute’s recording.
It was not airplane’s lights because they are red,white and green. It was not drone’s LED light because drones cannot fly that high and that they keep shining or flashing at night.( Even if the interval of flashings was very long, you must have seen at least several flashings because the drone moves very slowly in the high place at the sky).
It is not a still meteor. Still Meteors do not show this kind of elliptical shape with white rectangle light in the middle. And the way two lighs (blue and white) flashing at the same time cannot be explained by the meteor phenomenon.
The sound in the video is from the outdoor unit of neighbour’s air conditioner.
Although you may not believe this, for the past several weeks before this video was taken, I had been seriously investigating if there is UFO with royal blue color (because one lady said that she witnessed the UFO with that color).My conclusion was that the UFO with blue color would not exist, but somehow I felt very sorry and I looked up the night sky and tried to send my “telepathy” asking ” If there is UFO with royal blue color, please let me videotape that craft” . Then I started to videotape the night sky hoping that something might happen, then the blue flash appeared in the sky.
Video was taken from the balcony of the 4th floor of the building facing the south direction in the Shinjuku ward, Tokyo at 23:45 p.m. on July 17,2015.
When I was a child my parents had very good friends that lived nearby. We all lived in a small hamlet along the banks of Great River located on the south shore coast of Long Island New York. My parent’s friends were a lovely quiet conservative family who were not prone to flights of fancy or believing anything without hard facts to back it. They were a serious, successful couple who lived a careful, well-planned life of thoughtful reflection and controlled emotion. My parents enjoyed their company. My family and my parent’s friend’s family would often spend time sharing BBQ s in our yards or having clam bakes along the water’s edge during the long summer nights. We shared many good times with this other family. The event I am going to tell you about happened shortly after the Fourth of July during the early 1960's. . It was a Saturday night in early July. My parent’s friends were celebrating their wedding anniversary on this Saturday night and after dinner they decided to take their new Cadillac convertible for a drive with the top down to the village dock to star gaze for a few minutes before returning home. The night was clear and the stars bright and clear.
The next day my family was sitting around having Sunday breakfast when the phone rang. My father answered it. My parents friend was on the phone asking my father if he and my mother could stop over and help him as he was having some sort of problem with his wife and needed their help. Of course my parents went right over after such an odd request. Hours later my parents came home and told us that their friends had a strange experience the night before at the village dock My father explained how after dinner the couple had taken a ride in their new car with the top down to the dock They rode down to the docks edge where three other cars were also parked—the occupants of the other cars were also taking in the beautiful summer night sky. My parent’s friends said they were sitting there only a few minutes soaking in the night when they noticed a light coming in off the bay at the mouth of the river toward them.He told my father it happened quickly. In a matter of seconds they could see the light take form and right there, hovering in front of them over the river, was a huge craft—a large flying saucer. The man told my father that along with the other people parked at the river they immediately became terrified and tried to start their cars in order to drive away. They felt very vulnerable with the car top but he could not get the motor running or the top mechanism to work in order to close the top for some protection. He had explained to my father that the huge flying saucer just floated with a low, dull hum over the river for about a minute when suddenly a vivid bright light show started. The body of the craft began to change colors—first blue then red then orange and then back to blue. His wife began to panic and scream and tried to crawl over the side of the car. He could not start the car. He saw that the other people in the other cars were running into the wooded area adjacent to the dock as their cars also refused to start. He grabbed his wife and they did the same.
They ran into the foliage along the river’s edge and found a large fallen tree. They hid under the tree. From there they could see the river and that the craft was now shooting brilliant rays of incredible neon light across the water. They hid and watched in total fear. The craft continued to do this for about ten minutes. It then turned back to its original dull grey color and as quickly as it had made its way down the river, it made its way back up the river towards the bay and took off into the night sky. Within seconds it went from being right in front of them to becoming a tiny dot of light barely visible in the sky above them. One of the owners of the other cars had made his way back to the dock and his car. The others all watched as he started his car. Everybody then ran to their respective cars and sped away from that dock, engines roaring and wheels screeching. A few weeks passed with this being the main talk of the community. The people were anxious and looking for reason or at least an explanation from the local police. Instead, the only response was the entire experience becoming the laugh of the town as if the “river people” had all gone nutty! My father now kept his shotgun loaded, and started to lock the house tightly at night. The other people who lived along the rivers coast seemed on edge too and we all stayed closer to home especially at night. The worst of it was the wife of my parent’s friend who was there that night started to decline quickly. She started taking lots of pills and drinking heavily. This once well-groomed, conservative lady was now often messy or drugged so that she constantly slept. My parents were often upset and my mom received calls nearly every day asking for her to go check on her friend while her husband was at work. My world seemed to be turned upside down by this night of lights in the summer sky. Eventually the summer turned to fall and school started. The lady who was my parent’s friend never did get back to her usual self and her husband decided to buy a smaller house closer to his work and other family members so that he could better care for her. He kept his river home but seemed only to ride out and check it alone on weekends. We never saw them much after that. My parents decided to sell our river home the following summer. I am unsure how much this incident contributed to their decision but we did leave our riverside haven and moved into town near more people and far from the water’s edge. I have no idea what happened that night over the river. I do not know what really happened to that couple or what made the wife of my parent’s friend snap like she did. I do know she lived out the rest of her life broken from what she witnessed that night over the river. I realized as I grew up that this couple obviously had far more happen to them that night and either the husband did not remember it or choose to stay silent about it however it damaged his wife for life. I often wonder how many other people like this couple and all those who were at that dock that night have similar stories about strange things seen on lovely summer nights that due to society’s reactions stay silent which keeps us all locked in the dark. I do know that encounters like this one happen all the time by people just like you and me. I think it best we all pay attention to our surrounding and to be careful where you go when alone as you never know when you will be the next to come eye to eye with the cold dead stare of the unknown!
Although I am on vacation I could not sit on the constant reports I have been sent in the last few weeks of Orbs being reported to me. I have listed the emails and posted the photos they have sent to me so you are aware of what is being seen in our skies. I hope you all keep aware of your surroundings and watch the sky and note what is there that is not like anything you have ever seen before. I am positive that is we all looked up and did it often it would only be a matter of time that you too would see something you could not explain. Put down your addictive phones and hand held gadgets and engage with real life and look at really exists right in front of your own nose! Some reports are simple emails like the ones below: Hello, My daughter and I went to the Greenport carnival in Greenport New York on July 4th to watch the fireworks. They were scheduled for 10pm.About 5minutes before they were to start a man with his family said what is that over the water tower? I looked over and saw 3 orange/ red lights in a triangular formation which did not move for 5 minutes. Then then just seemed to turn off or fade out. ******************************************************************Hi Chris Date: Monday 7/20/2015.....Location: West Babylon New York.....looking eastward......Time: 10:00-10:15pm I notice a large red orb in the sky....not moving......I watch it for 5mins. .......smaller silver orb leaves red orb heading orb begins to slowly move southward towards the Great South bay.......then appears to change direction and head eastward and UP !!!......not across the sky like a regular aircraft....but up
HI Chris, I was told what I saw was a lantern, but it maintained its brightness for the 10 minutes I was looking at it, stayed in one spot, changed into bright green then back to red. Moved slightly (very slowly) to the left...then stopped there for 5 or so more minutes. Once the fireworks we were watching at another spot in the sky was done, it moved away from our direction - moving forward. So yeah, I just refuse to believe it is a lantern. I know it is an aircraft of some sort but whether it is of this earth or from somewhere else I would not know. But definitely not a lantern because it was stationary and moved only slightly to a complete stop again before moving away towards another stationary red light from a distance.
Other Reports are more detailed with photos see below: Hi there, my name is John I was on a camping trip with a friend of mine recently in Stampede pass Washington. We were camping on the side of a highly remote mountain when we decided to go for a little night hike to view some stars. Upon reaching the top of the mountain, we laid down and stargazed for what seemed like 30 minutes as when i looked at the time it was 2:30 am. we noticed one of the stars we were viewing just up and took off which was quite odd to my companion and I, then to our surprise an extremely large red orange object lit up the sky in front of us. The orb was above the mountain peaks but hovering quite low for how large it seemed, i took out my iPhone and snapped a few photos before my phone died randomly. we were so frightened by this massive hovering light that we retreated to our campsite and had a very sleepless night, thinking we were about to be abducted by some horrible alien craft. this was probably the most scared I’ve ever been in the woods as I regularly camp, hunt, fish, and do other recreation in the far reaches of the wilderness. Also notice the small orb that hovers around the larger one that then shoots into the darkness, I didn’t notice this upon seeing the red orb.
Hi, my name is Adam In the last few months it has become BEYOND obvious to me that there are bright orbs in the sky proliferating over western Washington, and apparently elsewhere as well. Small bright orbs are visible any time of day, even in broad daylight on the periphery of clouds. In fact, the odd, geometric-shaped spider web-like clouds that are not the clouds I remember from my youth. They almost always include a few orbs seemingly "spinning" these odd clouds as a spider would spin a web. It is impossible for me to think that professional meteorologists, astronomers, and the like of those whose JOB it is to observe the sky have not noticed this.
If it is obvious to me, it should be more than obvious to aircraft pilots, and anyone else looking at the sky with even a small attention to detail whatsoever. Why is it not being explained? I don’t presume that it’s UFOs, aliens, or the bogie man, perhaps its solar radiation or some other natural phenomenon, but why in the world isn’t the body of scientific literature addressing this in any way? I have hundreds of photos of them, they sometimes appear as streaks in photos even with high shutter speeds on a tripod. They also appear to split apart and rejoin. I have enclosed a few images I have the raw photos as well
Crop Circles–formed in living grain–exemplify the archetypal feminine nature of this moment’s change: a calling toward conscious, felt engagement with a dynamic, living, mysterious world. Gary S. Bobroff offers a framework for the reader’s own deeper consideration of crop circles by examining both the phenomenon itself and the nature of the era into which it has arrived, with special consideration of its relevance to Jungian archetypal psychology.
A crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. Crop circles are also referred to as crop formations because they are not always circular in shape. The documented cases have substantially increased from the 1970s to current times, and many self-styled experts alleged an alien origin.
I saw an object (without magnification) that I could not recognize on Wednesday night, July 22nd approximately 10:15pm (2015), shortly after I drove past the Montvale service area of the Garden State Parkway driving northbound… My view of the object was extremely clear and distinct. It appeared to be some 150 feet across and about 1/2 mile away when I was closest to it, just above the tree line to the east. It seemed to be moving slowly to the north or was stationary as I was able to get much closer to the object, driving toward the New York State Thruway. It first had a classic saucer-like appearance: illuminated silver-metallic with a slightly flattened rim that projected around the middle.
As I headed further north, it seemed to have changed its appearance. From my vantage point, it appeared brightest on the bottom with a golden glow, fading further up the object to orange, reddish, and then dark on top. Despite the apparent change, it was still well illuminated, apparently from within, having taken on an overall dusky orange color with what I recall were 3 red lights on the bottom. The rim appeared to have tilted so that the closer portion was lower than the far end. This made the craft look somewhat like the planet Saturn (but much closer!), with its orange appearance, dark top, and rim that looked like the ring of a planet. Also, like Saturn, there seemed to be a gap between the rim and sphere! As cars on the Garden State drove northbound, almost all slowed down dramatically, whether because their occupants were afraid of it or they simply wanted a better look. I was also driving northbound in the area for about 3-4 minutes, and gaps in the tree line enabled my view about 1/3 of the time.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
This case is under investigation by Ken Pfeifer Chief Investigator for MUFON New Jersey
A new film set for release later this month claims that it has undeniable proof of a “humanoid of unspecified origin”, which is really just a fancy way of saying they’re in possession of an alien body.
Titled Sirius, the film is the crowd funding effort of director Amardeep Kaleka, and tells the story of UFOs, suppressed alien tech, and the small humanoid creature discovered in the Atacama desert in Chile. You may remember seeing a few images of the little guy because they’ve been floating around the internet for about a decade, though if the evidence in Sirius is to be believed, we may finally get the proof that the creature is extraterrestrial in nature.
“This really is the greatest story never told” said the Disclosure Project’s Dr. Steven Greer in a press release, “Once people understand that classified projects have figured out how UFO’s operate, they will realize we no longer need oil, coal and nuclear power. This is the truth that has driven the secrecy.”
The film claims to reveal decade old secrets regarding suppressed alien technology, with interviews from government and military employees who have actually been in contact with extraterrestrial species.
“The Sirius documentary is a powerful and important film that I encourage everyone to watch with an open mind, as it truly speaks to the heart of the people who like me, are probably okay with the government keeping secrets from its people in the name of national security, but are not okay with a secret government,” said Thomas Jane, also known as The Punisher.
The world premiere of the film is scheduled for April 22 in Los Angeles, with a wide video on demand release soon afterward. According to Dr. Greer, all proceeds from ticket and DVD sales go into creating a “new energy” lab that will begin working to unlock the suppressed alien technologies, and presumably, kick ass weapons for Thomas Jane.
What do you make of the lofty claims by Sirius? Is the tiny creature an extraterrestrial being? Is the government suppressing alien technology? Will they ever hire Thomas Jane to make a proper R-rated Punisher film? Watch the trailer for Sirius below
A few are going against the mainstream belief that aliens are here to help us manage the planet better. If you look closer at this message, you will find the deception in how is has been given over to humanity through such means as crop circles, hypnosis, and through dream cycles. The nature of the abduction phenomenon itself. It is against the will of the human experiencing it, with the message of this new movie embeded within these experiences as well. Fear is a huge part of these abduction experiences.
Reports have led to some shocking and horrifying conclusions.
In September 1994 62 school children witnessed a UFO that landed in there school yard complete with occupants who impress upon some of the children through telepathy that ‘we are not properly looking after the earth, or area’. The children also feel extreme fear regarding these beings that they classified as alien. The story line that these beings are here to “help” humanity has a common thread, and cannot be taken for face value.
The expressions and sincerity on there faces of the children are fascinating. The interviewers are very skilled in getting them to talk, as you will see in the video below.
The occupant of the craft was described as being about one meter (3 feet.) tall, with a slender neck, long black hair, and very large eyes.
He walked down the craft, and proceeded in the direction of the children.
When he noticed the children, he disappeared, and was next seen in the back of the UFO. Within moments, the craft took off, vanishing into the sky over the school.
Many of the children were understandably frightened, the little man had evoked many stories they had heard about demons and ghosts.
Some of the children ran to the mother who was attending the snack bar, but she did not believe their story, and continued with her duties.
Two of Ufology’s most respected investigators researched the Ariel School sighting. Cynthia Hind, now deceased, was known as Africa’s top notch researcher, and she was at the school the next day.
She requested the school’s headmaster, Colin Mackie, to ask the children to make drawings of what they had seen the day before. When Hind arrived at the school, there were some 35 various drawings and sketches waiting for her.
Most of the drawings were very similar in their depictions of the craft and being. School children were told to draw pictures of what they had seen that day over the skies of Zimbabwe. The drawings showed pictures of a UFO which landed in a field and a dark being with large black eyes.
Mr. Colin Mackie the headmaster of the school told Cynthia Hind that he felt the children were telling the truth about what they had seen.
One of the students, a young girl, told Hind, “I swear by every hair on my head and the whole Bible that I am telling the truth.“
Ruimtekrab? Foto van vreemd object op Mars doet veel stof opwaaien Ruimtekrab? Foto van vreemd object op Mars doet veel stof opwaaien
Ruimtekrab? Foto van vreemd object op Mars doet veel stof opwaaien
Sociale mediagebruikers hebben op een recente foto van NASA een vreemd object ontdekt op het oppervlak van Mars. De foto, die is gemaakt door Marsjeep Curiosity, was voor leden van de Facebookgroep ‘Journey to the Surface of the Mars’ het gesprek van de dag.
“Dit is pas gaaf!!!” schreef de groep, die als slogan heeft: “Ze zullen je niet de waarheid vertellen over Mars.” De groep heeft zelfs een uitvergroting gemaakt, zodat het ‘wezen’ nog beter te zien zou zijn. Volgens sommigen gaat het om een soort spin, terwijl anderen een parallel trokken met de Alien-films.
Ok this is what only I got from Max zooming in Photoshop ... and but probably it looks that shit gotta legs around .. seems weird ...
Het is niet de eerste keer dat vreemde voorwerpen zijn gefotografeerd op het Marsoppervlak. In juli legde Curiosity een vreemde rots vast die organisch materiaal zou kunnen bevatten. NASA zei dat de rots verrassend veel silicium bevatte. Door de hoge concentratie silicium zou organisch materiaal goed bewaard blijven in het gesteente.
Volgens complottheoretici had Curiosity daarnaast een piramide vastgelegd op de rode planeet. Paranormal Crucible stelde in een video op YouTube dat er op Mars een piramide ‘van bijna perfecte vorm’ is gevonden, ter grootte van een kleine auto. Het object is ‘het resultaat van intelligent ontwerp en is zeker niet het gevolg van een speling van licht en schaduw,’ klonk het. De ufologen vonden ook een ‘zwevende bol’ op Mars.
In de meeste gevallen gaat het om voorbeelden van pareidolie, het psychische verschijnsel dat mensen graag herkenbare dingen zien in onduidelijke beelden. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
VIDEO: Het moment waarop een vliegtuig van Virgin Atlantic wordt ingehaald door een 'vliegende schotel' VIDEO: Het moment waarop een vliegtuig van Virgin Atlantic wordt ingehaald door een ‘vliegende schotel’
VIDEO: Het moment waarop een vliegtuig van Virgin Atlantic wordt ingehaald door een ‘vliegende schotel’
In een filmpje dat gemaakt is door een vliegtuigspotter is een onbekend vliegend object te zien dat een vliegtuig van Virgin Atlantic inhaalt. Het toestel stijgt op het moment van de inhaalmanoeuvre op vanaf John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Dat melden diverse media.
De video, die naar verluidt op 7 juli is gemaakt, toont een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object boven het vliegtuig. Er wordt gespeculeerd dat het gaat om een buitenaards vaartuig.
Rick van LookNowTV, die het filmpje heeft gevonden, zei: “De persoon die deze UFO zag, filmt vaak vliegtuigen in de hoop UFO’s vast te leggen op video. Ik probeer ook vaak UFO’s te filmen. We plannen een UFO-jacht in New York City die hopelijk snel op LookNowTV te zien zal zijn. Dit is volgens mij geen insect of ander vliegtuig.”
“Ik heb geen reden om aan te nemen dat dit een hoax is,” ging hij verder. “Het is echt een ongeïdentificeerd object. Ik heb het filmpje met mijn vrienden gedeeld en niemand wist precies wat het was.”
De Britse UFO-expert Russ Kellett is niet echt onder de indruk van de beelden. “Het kan van alles zijn,” zei hij. “Ik stuur beelden altijd naar een expert om ze te laten analyseren. Het lijkt geen vogel te zijn, hoewel het wel een beetje als een vogel beweegt. Het lijkt achter de staart van het vliegtuig vandaan te komen.” Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Door wie zijn de mysterieuze Bosnische piramides gebouwd? Door wie zijn de mysterieuze Bosnische piramides gebouwd?
Door wie zijn de mysterieuze Bosnische piramides gebouwd?
Dr. Semir Osmanagic leidt een door de overheid gefinancierd opgravingsproject dat meer informatie moet gaan verschaffen over de piramides in Visoko in Bosnië en Herzegovina.
Volgens Osmanagic en zijn team is de Bosnische Zonnepiramide opgebouwd uit blokken steen, terwijl dr. Aly Barakat vermoedt dat de piramide bestaat uit bouwstenen rond een door mensen gemaakte heuvel.
Osmanagic legde uit dat slechts enkele delen van de piramide vrij waren van bodemmateriaal en vegetatie. Met de huidige opgravingstechnieken kon verder niet diep genoeg in de piramide worden gekeken om te bepalen of er iets in het binnenste verborgen ligt.
Semir Osmanagic vertelde dat ieder blok een andere vorm en omvang heeft. De structuur van de piramide doet sterk denken aan de bouwwerken die in Cuzco in Peru zijn gevonden, zo zei hij. Dergelijke blokken maken het bouwwerk een stuk steviger, omdat ze bijvoorbeeld tijdens een aardbeving als het ware in elkaar worden gevouwen, in plaats van dat de piramide in elkaar stort.
Hij zei dat gaten tussen de blokken zich uitstrekken tot diep in de piramides. Deze gaten dienden volgens hem mogelijk om water te verzamelen en als ventilatie. De bouwwerken bestaan verder uit twee verschillende soorten blokken. De ene soort lijkt op een soort monoliet, terwijl de andere rechte hoeken en zijden heeft.
Hoewel niemand precies weet wie de Bosnische piramides in Visoko heeft gebouwd, komt er wel steeds meer bewijs dat ze zijn gemaakt met een extreem hoogontwikkelde soort cement met unieke eigenschappen. Wellicht weten we na de werkzaamheden deze zomer meer over de piramides. Vond je deze informatie interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Hoelang houdt het lenswolk verhaal nog stand? ( Video )
Hoelang houdt het lenswolk verhaal nog stand? ( Video )
De lenswolk moet zo langzamerhand de meest populaire wolk ter wereld zijn. Overal worden ze waargenomen en ook overal worden ze afgedaan als natuurverschijnselen.
Zo nu ook weer in Nieuw Zeeland waar de bevolking werd opgeschrikt door een grote UFO-wolk aan de hemel.
Op de volgende afbeeldingen is te zien wat de inwoners van Lyall Bay in de buurt van het Nieuw Zeelandse Wellington enkele dagen geleden warnamen.
Het was ’s morgens vroeg rond een uur of acht toen deze prachtige UFO-wolk opdook.
Het is dan ook niet zo vreemd dat de mensen daar onmiddellijk dachten aan een UFO. Of zoals een getuige het verwoordde, “Het was fenomenaal. Gewoonweg absoluut verbazingwekkend. Ik heb nog nooit zo’n wolk gezien, zo perfect gevormd. Het lijkt alsof er een UFO van binnen in zit. Een grote stalen schotel, zoals in de film”.
Dan komt de lokale meteoroloog aan het woord die uiteraard zegt dat het een lenswolk is, niets bijzonders.
Zo gaat het overal ter wereld, iedere keer hetzelfde patroon. Een lenswolk mensen, doorlopen, er valt verder niets te zien.
Dat is jammer want als mensen toch eindelijk eens die oogkleppen zouden af doen dan zouden ze zien dat er wel degelijk een verband is tussen UFO’s en wolken.
Het patroon is ook iedere keer dat er wolken zijn die niet in het landschap van dat moment passen. Zoals een wolk in een verder wolkeloze hemel.
Hoe ze door UFO’s gevormd kunnen worden, werd al in 2008 door iemand vastgelegd. Eerst zie je een aantal UFO’s in een onbewolkte hemel:
Vervolgens worden er rondom die UFO’s als het ware een soort wolken gesponnen zoals je kunt zien in de volgende video:
In een verder wolkenloze hemel schiet een sigaarvormige UFO met een fenomenale snelheid een wolk in. Een wolk wat geen wolk is, maar niets anders kan zijn dan een dimensieportaal.
Meer en meer melden er zich mensen die wolken zien zoals ze die nog nooit eerder hebben waargenomen. De vraag is alleen hoelang het lenswolk verhaal nog standhoudt. Cumulus lenticularis oftewel gecumuleerde mainstream lariekoek.
Waarom wordt meteorietenrinslag Iran buiten de media gehouden?
Waarom wordt meteorietenrinslag Iran buiten de media gehouden?
Er is een reden dat de Westerse pers zich in oorverdovende stilte hult over de meteorietinslagen in het noorden van Iran afgelopen vrijdag.
De mensheid mag het niet weten, net zoals ze niets mogen weten over de komst van de planeet Nibiru die dit soort dingen veroorzaakt
Sommige mensen brengen de meteorietinslagen in Iran in verband met de groenige meteoriet die boven Argentinië werd waargenomen, maar de gebeurtenis in Iran was een dag eerder.
Wat er gebeurde in Iran schijnt heftig geweest te zijn volgens de weinige berichten die over deze gebeurtenis naar buiten komen.
Het betreft ook niet een enkele inslag, maar meerdere brokstukken die op aarde terecht zijn gekomen in de Iraanse provincie Quazvin. Iraanse media berichten over aanzienlijke schade in Qazvin. Er zijn geen verdere mededelingen gedaan over eventuele slachtoffers.
Volgens Iraanse kranten hadden we te maken met een behoorlijk grote meteoriet van enkele meters groot. Deze is misschien verder uit elkaar gevallen en de brokstukken zijn op verschillende plekken terechtgekomen. Er wordt gesproken over gebroken ramen en ontzette ramen en deuren.
Dit is een verhaal dat op iedere voorpagina ter wereld zou horen te staan. Een niet ontdekte asteroïde die op de aarde afstormt en als meteoriet aanzienlijke schade veroorzaakt op deze planeet.
Voor diegenen die de uitdrukkingen asteroïde en meteoriet verwarrend vinden, hier een uitleg van het verschil tussen beiden.
De vraag is dan ook waarom dit nergens in de Westerse mainstream media wordt vermeld.
Het antwoord zal voor veel mensen misschien komen als een schok. Het is simpelweg omdat de mensheid helemaal niets mag weten over dit soort gebeurtenissen. Daarom is men ook heel blij, als het inderdaad toeval is, dat deze meteoriet terechtgekomen is in Iran want dan is het niet zo moeilijk om dit voor de Westerse wereld verborgen te houden.
Het aantal asteroïden dat onze kant op komt zal met de komst van de planeet Nibiru alleen maar verder toenemen. Als er íets is dat men zo lang mogelijk voor de mensheid verborgen wil houden dan is het wel dat we binnen niet al te lange tijd zullen kennismaken met deze planeet.
Een bijbehorend verschijnsel hiervan zijn de vele asteroïden die onze kant opkomen. Zo zei Nancy Lieder na de meteorietexplosie boven Tsjelnabinsk in 2013:
“Het is duidelijk dat de meteoriet bij Chelyabinsk geen asteroïde is. Het object kwam uit de richting van de zon waar Planet X, alias Nibiru, haar staart vol puin rondzwaait. Deze meteoriet zal niet de eerste en ook niet de laatste zijn tijdens de passage van Nibiru.
Betekent de komst van deze meteoriet dat we een tijdperk ingaan van meer en grotere meteorieten die op aarde zullen neerkomen? Zonder enige twijfel en ze zullen allemaal uit de richting van de zon komen. Dit is weer één van die kwesties die met de bestaande cover-up niet afdoende zullen kunnen worden verklaard.
Hoeveel meer leugens nog tot men formeel bekend zal maken dat deze planeet tot onze realiteit behoort?
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) remains a government agency that still provides an amazing sense of wonder. In recent years, many do not see what NASA does as being all that spectacular. Perhaps NASA has done its job so well that many take the ability to travel through space completely for granted. During the early days of NASA, however, the American public consciousness was completely mesmerized by the ability of legendary astronauts to travel beyond the big blue marble we call earth.
Streetcap1 is the name of one YouTube UFO hunter who reported seeing a fleet of huge alien motherships hovering on NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) image on July 27, 2015. According to Streetcap1, the SOHO image shows three identical huge alien spaceships hovering. While skeptics often dismissed such sightings as supplementary blotches in NASA space images, however, UFOlogists persist that the pictures portray a consistent pattern, making it impossible to ignore or deny their presence in SOHO images.
Another UFO enthusiast named Juz Staina, challenges the image arguing that the identical structures are not by chance. Streetcap1 had also inquired NASA, claiming that anomalies in NASA images have a particular structure that cannot be dismissed. In fact, the object has a structure, and if NASA rejects it, it becomes an insult to people’s brains. Commenting on the sighting, an editor Scot Waring notes that aliens start moving fleets, something big is up.
Among UFOlogists, it has long been their agreement that the major mission of alien around the Sun is to gather energy. According to them, frequent reports in the solar atmosphere are due to energy-hungry and technologically advanced civilizations farming for its energy. According to Ufologists, NASA knows about the interstellar traffic in tapping energy from the Sun but is not capable of doing anything about it.
Filer’s Files #31-2015 Pluto’s Discoverer Saw UFOs - PART I
On July 20, 2015 this photo was taken above Amherst, New York
Filer’s Files #31-2015 Pluto’s Discoverer Saw UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh who discovered Pluto saw UFOs,Pluto’s Tubes and Squares, India’s Ancient Temple and Flying Vimanas (UFOs), India’s Unknown Ancient Alloys, England’s Thunderbird Crop Circle, Daniel Fry’s UFO Sighting, and Strategic Defense Initiative.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Alaska, California, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
I receive a series of letters from people who claim they are immigrants from other planets. I listen and attempt to determine if their stories are valid. They often hold important positions and one ran a multi-million dollar company using some of his off planet inventions. I thought you might like to read a letter from Susan.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Reports
Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh who discovered Pluto saw UFOs
The New Horizon’s mission carries some of Clyde Tombaugh’s ashes on board as it travels by Pluto and beyond. Clyde Tombaugh was probably the preeminent astronomer to have reported seeing Unidentified Flying Objects. On August 20, 1949, Tombaugh saw several UFOs near Las Cruces, New Mexico. He described them as six to eight rectangular lights, stating “I doubt that the phenomenon was any terrestrial reflection, because… nothing of the kind has ever appeared before or since… I was so unprepared for such a strange sight that I was really petrified with astonishment.” A similar shocked response has been reported by many other who claim to have seen mysterious aerial objects. Tombaugh was also later to report having seen three of the mysterious Green Fireballs, which suddenly appeared over New Mexico in late 1948 and continued at least through the early 1950s. In 1956 Tombaugh had the following to say about his various sightings: “I have seen three objects in the last seven years which defied any explanation of known phenomenon, such as Venus, atmospheric optic, meteors or planes. I am a professional, highly skilled, professional astronomer. In addition I have seen three green fireballs which were unusual in behavior from normal green fireballs…I think that several reputable scientists are being unscientific in refusing to entertain the possibility of extraterrestrial origin and nature.”
Pluto’s Tubes and Squares
This is an interesting close up of the surface of Pluto. We see that NASA recognizes that there are a lot of square and rectangle patches along its surface and they even go so far as to point it out, calling it,Irregularly-shaped segments. No Kidding NASA? Every segment has four right angles! It’s like the surface of the Death Star in “Star Wars.” These look more like we are looking at the outside of a ship, than at the surface of a dwarf planet. It is not patches of ice we are looking at, but an alien metal that may be partly covered in stellar dust. This looks like the planet was covered with a false surface, which may have a population that lives safely below. Note the enormous above the ground tunnel or tube that is perfectly straight and covered over 100 miles in length. This is impossible in nature for its massive size, yet, here it is. I have found similar tunnels like this in Earth’s moon and Mars photos. Thanks to ufo sightings daily Source NASA Photo
India’s Ancient Temple and Flying Vimanas (UFOs)
The Ranganatha temple…is the largest temple and oldest complex in India and is situated on a large island in the middle of the Kaveri River. The central temple building shown here is surrounded by seven external boundary walls. And the path a pilgrim takes through the gates of the seven walls therefore represents a progressive process of spiritual realization.”
This Vedic temple has existed for at least five thousand years.” In a recent magazine article, archaeologist Michael A. Cremo stated, “The age of the Ranganatha temple could go back much further than five thousand years. The main deity worshipped in the Ranganatha temple was a reclining form of Vishnu.” The temple was built allegedly similar to ancient Vimanas. Sanskrit texts are filled with references to gods who fought battles in the sky using Vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as any we can deploy today.
For example, there is a passage in the Ramayana which reads: “The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will …. that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky.” “.. And the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere.”
In the Mahabharatra, an ancient Indian poem of enormous length, we learn that an individual named Asura Maya had a Vimana measuring twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels. The poem is a veritable gold mine of information relating to conflicts between gods who settled their differences apparently using weapons as lethal as the ones we are capable of deploying. Apart from ‘blazing missiles’, the poem records the use of other deadly weapons. ‘Indra’s Dart’ operated via a circular ‘reflector’. When switched on, it produced a ‘shaft of light’ which, when focused on any target, immediately ‘consumed it with its power’. In one particular exchange, the hero, Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, when Salva’s Vimana, the Saubha is made invisible in some way. The description reminds us of a modern laser beam and invisibility of some UFOs.
During the time of the avatara Rama, the deity was taken by vimana (UFO flying machine of the Hindu Puranas.) for the purpose of transporting it to the island kingdom of Lanka in the south. But along the way, the vimana landed in South India. According to the conditions of transport, if the deity touched ground before its final destination, it would remain there and would go no further. So the deity remained in the place where it landed, and a local king built a temple to accommodate the deity.” Built to last for thousands of years, many of them would still be in use, as evidenced by Ashoka’s “Nine Unknown Men” and the Lhasa manuscript. That secret societies or “Brotherhoods of exceptional enlightened” human beings would have preserved these inventions and the knowledge of science, history, etc., does not seem surprising.
It is interesting to note that when Alexander the Great invaded India more than two thousand years ago in 326 BC, his historians chronicled that at one point they were attacked by “flying, fiery shields” that dove at his army and frightened the cavalry. These “flying saucers” did not use any atomic bombs or beam weapons on Alexander’s army however, perhaps out of benevolence, and Alexander went on to conquer India. It has been suggested by many writers that these “Brotherhoods” keep some of their Vimanas and Vailixi in secret caverns in Tibet or some other place in Central Asia. The Lop Nor Desert in western China is known to be the centre of great UFO mystery. Perhaps it is here that many of the airships are still kept in bases much as the Americans, British and Soviets have built around the world in the past few decades. Thanks to John Burrow’s.
India’s Unknown Ancient Alloys
NEXUS Magazine reveals that unknown alloys have been revealed in ancient palm leaf manuscripts. The writer and Sanskrit scholar Subramanyam Iyer has spent many years of his life deciphering old collections of palm leaves found in the villages of his native Karnataka in southern India.
One of the palm leaf manuscripts they intend to decipher is the Amsu Bodhini, which, according to an anonymous text of 1931, contains information about the planets; the different kinds of light, heat, color, and electromagnetic fields; the methods used to construct machines capable of attracting solar rays and, in turn, of analyzing and separating their energy components; the possibility of conversing with people in remote places and sending messages by cable; and the manufacture of machines to transport people to other planets! NEXUS New Times (Dec 1996):
England’s Thunderbird Crop Circle
Wiltshire — Here we have a new type of crop formation that seems to depict an Indian eagle or thunderbird on July 25, 2015. The lines are not as exact as some crop circles, so I am a bit concerned about that.
It is a very old design going back to Egypt or Samaria. Eyewitness states, “An interesting design in a classic Wiltshire location for this Crop Circle reported on the 25th July 2015. The circle sits along the Ridgeway, an ancient road that runs through Wiltshire. SCW
Daniel Fry’s UFO Sighting
Daniel W. Fry was an engineer and contactee like George Adamski who writes, “The object was now very close, and I could see that it was an ovate spheroid about thirty feet in diameter at the equator or largest part. It was now traveling at not more than fifteen or twenty miles per hour and seemed to be decelerating at a rate that would bring it to zero velocity by the time it reached the ground. I could also see that unless it changed course, it would miss me by at least fifty feet. Somewhat reassured by its slowness of motion, I remained where I was and watched it glide in as lightly as a bit of thistle down floating in the breeze and settle to the ground about seventy feet away without the slightest bump or jar. Except for the crackling of brush beneath it, it hadn’t made a sound. For perhaps twenty or thirty seconds I stood staring at it like a child at his first circus performance.”
I have been working for some years in the field of rocket and other missile development, and through my work and connections at White Sands, I had thought that I was fairly well acquainted with most of the developments in the aircraft field. But here was a craft so far advanced over anything I had ever heard of, that I felt like the backwoods farmer who, on first seeing a giraffe, said, “Well I see it, but I don’t believe it.” My first conscious thought was, “if the Russians have ships like this, God help America!” But with the thought came the realization that this could not be a craft from Russia, or anywhere else on earth for that matter; for whoever had built this craft had solved a lot of problems of which our best physicists are only beginning to dream.
The ship’s operation was silent. There had been no thrumming of propellers, any flash and roar of incandescent gases being hurled from nozzles to produce thrust. The ship had simply coasted quietly in from the “great blue yonder” and settled gently to earth. Perhaps that was the answer. The craft had been coming down since I first saw it. Perhaps it was just gliding in; but before landing it had slowed down to only a few miles per hour and had shown no evidence of falling. Only a helicopter or a “lighter than air craft” could do this, but there were no propeller blades whatever on this vehicle and the fact that the brush was crushed flat under it when it settled to the ground proved conclusively that this was no “lighter than air” craft. Whatever this vehicle was and whatever else it could do, it could land. His book is called “The White Sands Incident.” The most complete story of Daniel’s experiences is now available in an eBook.
Strategic Defense Initiative
In the 1980s, U.S. PresidentRonald Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program, which was nicknamed Star Wars. It suggested that lasers, perhaps space-based X-ray lasers, could destroyICBMs in flight. Panel discussions on the role of high-power lasers in SDI took place at various laser conferences, during the 1980s, with the participation of noted physicists including Edward Teller.
Though the strategic missile defense concept has continued to the present under the Missile Defense Agency, most of the directed-energy weapon concepts were shelved. However, Boeing has been somewhat successful with
the Boeing YAL-1 shown here and Boeing NC-135, was able to destroy two missiles in February 2010. The system was extremely short ranged, likely needing to fly in heavily defended space to make an interception) the YAL-1 served to demonstrate the potential of such a system. Being able to be deployed very quickly to any part of the world makes a potential future system extremely attractive, as does the ability to intercept a large number of missiles.
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is the section of the US Department of Defense responsible for developing a layered defense against ballistic missiles and other targets. The current commander is U.S. Navy Vice Admiral James D. Syring.[1]
Potential threats against the United States
Ballistic missile systems using advanced liquid- or solid- propellant propulsion are becoming more mobile, accurate and capable of striking targets over longer distances and are proliferating worldwide.
Iran currently has short- and medium- range missiles with guidance systems. Iran’s launch of a medium range, solid fuel ballistic missile demonstrates its ability to hit targets in Israel and southern Europe.[4]Iran also successfully launched the Safir Space Launch Vehicle on Feb 2, 2009. It was then speculated that development of an ICBM was not far behind. Intelligence reports that a missile could be built sometime between 2010 and 2015 perhaps using help from Russian and North Korean technology. The treaty to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons is obviously critical has it often proclaims its desire to destroy Israel.
North Korea currently deploys a Nodong ballistic missile capable of hitting Japan and South Korea, and is developing a new ballistic missile which could reach the United States. They also successfully demonstrated the staging and separation technologies required to launch a Taepo-Dong 2 ICBM (shown) which has the capability to reach the United States.
The missile was first tested in 2006. Several missiles have failed such as the most recent Taepodong-2 launches in 2009 and 2012.
Thanks to Wikipedia
04-08-2015 om 01:31
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Filer’s Files #31-2015 Pluto’s Discoverer Saw UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #31-2015 Pluto’s Discoverer Saw UFOs - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Alaska Triangle
Slana — It was a very nice day and I was out riding my mountain bike back and forth and heard a jet. So I stopped to take a quick look and see the airliner flying way up there on July 3, 2009. I see what looked like a bird flying much lower that would disappear and come back. I was watching it when it dives like a hawk down to tree top level. I say to myself that’s not a bird and there’s so much heat coming off it. The craft is changing its shape and flies along at about 50 miles per hour. It pulls its nose up a little bit and a stream of vapor comes out the left side of its beak like nose. It turned right and just disappeared without any sound. It looked wedge like and charcoal in color. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Flame Cylinder
Temple City — We were driving to the grocery store on July 26, 2015, and noticed an object because there were no other clouds or planes in the sky. It was very bright like an oval flat flame and not moving. We pulled to the side of the road to observe it. There was no sound. After about 5 minutes the “flame” just went out. Then a black cylinder shaped object appeared out of where the flame had been. Another smaller black object also emerged. A plane flew over at normal speed and the object clearly was not a plane as it had no wings or aviation lights. I’m still not sure what it was as it flew behind some trees out of view. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
Jacksonville — I stepped outside onto the deck when noticed something in the night sky on July 3, 2015. It looked like shooting stars, but, they were shooting UP towards the moon! In fact there were many of these “flashes” zipping about, so I got off the phone to film. When I began to film I was feeling weird and stopped filming. I was driven to cease and go back inside where I lost an hour and a half of time. The moon was shape-shifting and appeared to drip a massive beam of light hovered beneath the moon. In an upward FLASH it disappeared. The encounter was so BIZARRE that it even changed my voice. I have seen UFO’s up close before. It continued to move slowly about at will, so it was not a planet, or a big bright start. The video that is 1:07 seconds long shows the object move from the 5 to the 1 o’clock position in two seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indialantic– A circular craft hovered over the beach at night very close to the ground about 100 feet from my group of seven friends on July 23, 2015. It had a beam over the water for two minutes as if contemplating to abduct my friends and me. It left then came back, this time closer. It sat with the beam over the water, and then it went away faster than any plane. I got a video as it flew away. My friends say it was a plane, but planes are not circular and planes do not have beams. Also airplanes do not hover, leave then come back and sit in mid air. I’ve always kind of believed in aliens, but now I know for sure! Depiction on the sighting world ufo photos and news. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director UFOCenter
Illinois Lights
Eilat— I was on vacation in the Orchid Hotel on July 22, 2015, with our children and friends. Around 10 pm we went to the pool party and sat down and looked at the stars.
The four children and I first saw a bright star moving randomly in the sky and later we saw a dark disk over us with two strips of light through the blinds.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Triangle
Alexandria— I was in my yard watching the birds fly around on July 24, 2015 and spotted this object 100 feet higher just hovering there. I started taking pictures and my camera went crazy of the triangle shaped object. I continued to take pictures.
For the last two months I’ve taken 30 UFO pictures and posted them on my Twitter page. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Cylinder
On July 12th, 2015, at 6:15 am, on a 767 flight from Newark, New Jersey, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, looking out the window we were flying south at 36,000 feet I saw a cigar shaped white craft. It was 1000 feet below us and 1000 feet off the starboard wing. It was below us and then rose so it was flying next to the airplane. It was dipping up and down like it was not very aerodynamic. It stayed next to us for a few seconds, and just leisurely flew away. It happened so fast I didn’t get a chance to take a picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mississippi Orb
Long Beach – I was taking pictures of an incoming storm on July 20, 2015, and sent the pictures to a friend online to show the storm.
She circled the two objects sent the pics back asking did I notice these.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey fireworks
Petersburg — We were at Amanda’s Field in Cape May County for July 4th, and thought it was the beginning of the fireworks, when this large reddish orange oval object hovered in the sky. Then it proceeded to change path and slowly fly at first then quickly left right before our eyes and disappeared! We were all in amazement.
Bridewater – I was flying and videoing my B-17 radio controlled airplane when I see a ufo streak across the sky right above me. I was at my radio control flying sight flying my remote control B-17 and videoing the flight with my Mobius Action Cam (1080P). When I got home and viewed the video I have a clear video of this sighting. At the time there was two other guy’ flying planes, one to my left and one to my right. None of us saw the fast moving object until I got home. It came from behind us and traveled a straight path silently across the flying field. Depiction of B-17 and white flying object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Light and Disc
Perry — While sitting outside talking on the phone on July 22, 20I5, I noticed an unusual object flying above the tree line. It looked similar to a disco ball traveling west that eventually dropped below the tree line. Shortly thereafter it came back heading back the way it came… I attempted to get photographs but only the orange orb showed up. Eventually it flew out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Amherst – On July 20, 2015, I got urges to randomly look up and take photos of the sky. I took 4 or 5 photos of a spinning disc before it hits cloud cover and disappears. Twice now I’ve taken pictures of UFOs, but never saw anything at the time. I submitted the first set of pictures months ago and now I submit a second set. I truly feel as though I’m supposed to be taking pictures and there are craft in the photos taken at a high rate of speed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Disc
Franklin – We were posing for pictures on Pickens Nose Rock as some girls were taking our picture from across the way on July 25, 2015. We noticed an object later when looking at the pictures. Kevin thought it was a hawk but then realized it was a round object in the air. We were surprised to see something in the photo that we didn’t notice while picture was being made.
However, while we were hiking, I remember feeling strange. I thought maybe I was dehydrated, although I had been drinking water. I felt like a zombie and walking down the path felt very dreamlike and surreal. Kevin made the comment that when he took his glasses off, he felt dizzy. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Lights
Nashville — It all started as I was returning home from work at 11:30 PM, on July 23, 2015, when I looked northeast and saw three orange lights. I realized these were not planes and started videoing. I have worked for three different airlines and know how to identify aircraft. These lights were moving silently and too slowly. As I watched the first one passed behind a tree across the street and then reappeared and slowly faded out. Then the next light faded out and the third did the same. I was amazed and woke my wife up to tell her. You can’t see the movement due to me panning back and forth. I’ll never forget this encounter! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Light
El Paso — I am an amateur photographer that often takes photos of the moon with my Canon Powers hot S5 IS camera. When I downloaded the images to my pc, I noticed two photos that had an object which I could not identify.
The jpegs are dated September 9, 2014 and 9:21 and 9:23 PM. I have not altered the photos in any way. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wisconsin Orbs
Waterford— I’m out on the patio and see this white dot in the distance on November 16, 2014. As it gets closer I noticed it was flying about the height of a helicopter way too low for an airplane. But I don’t think it is a helicopter because there is no sound and is moving slow at almost a standstill. I noticed it had a triangle shape with six or maybe seven huge white lights on the bottom. I see another set of lights coming in the distance then another set; three all together in perfect formation evenly spaced apart. I tried getting the phone but freaked out and had problem, but did catch the other two. The lights were really bright so my phone cannot focus. Some lights flashed and red lights were on the bottom from the front going down the middle to the end. Can you tell me if this is a ufo? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Argentina Object
Tandil — Sunday 16 of November of 2014 to 11:25: 30 hours was found next to the Lake of the Fort in the city of Tandil, province of Buenos Aires. I took several photos from that zone, with the camera of my cellular LG G2. When returning to my house (in Tandil) I unloaded the photos to my computer and then I could appreciate a figure in the right part of the photo to 35º to the northeast. It called the attention so that then it was not flying any airplane, nor I could see the object at issue, reason personally by which in most of the questions of its questionnaire I put “Stranger” or “N/A”. As I cannot determine that it is what shipment is appraised in the photo them a digital copy so that the anal. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Disc
Perth— Roy Fox sent me letters telling of his many UFO sightings. Roy was traveling on the West Coast Highway on March 31, 1973, with his wife. They drove off the highway to the beach and saw a huge orange object the size of the moon. They observed the object for quite awhile as it flew towards them and changed shape into a disc. They got out of their car and watched the object approach. A white Jaguar auto pulled up behind them and was also watching and suddenly drove away. The object continued toward them and hovered above them for an undetermined time and later flew back towards Rottnest Island.
The object had a clearly defined disc shape with orange light emanating from inside the object that shined through the skin. It had a black panel in the center front. His wife was excited and wanted to go inside the craft but Roy was very fearful and thought he would like to shoot at it. Roy felt they were being scanned and when it left he felt he had been rejected. They know it happened and went home and made drawings, but are still confused by the timing of the event. Their recollection of the event is dim. Later they were hypnotized and prefer not to reveal what happened. The photo from Mexico looks exactly like what we saw. Thanks to Roy Fox
Brazil Lights
Niterói — Near Rio de Janeiro — It was a fire ball descending in the atmosphere that stopped in full flight and changed its course on July 23, 2015.
A few days before we saw a similar object or OVNI, that looked like a fire ball. It had in the fore body a shield and in the posterior part a tail. It was something similar to a meteor. I initiated the filming when it stopped in full air, changed its course radically and disappeared just like the last one. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Niterói- Rio De Janeiro— In the night of sixth fair, on July 24, 2015, we saw lights in the sky. My friend said, “It was almost nine hours of the night, when a spherical object appeared with lights in the sky”. I started to film the OVNI (UFO) that was flying very low. Later it changed its course and increased its speed. A great surprise was for coming as five more objects of light appeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Rocket
Edmonton — On 2015-07-20 at 9:05 AM, my family and I were at Glengarry Park in the Northeast Alberta. My children were playing on the kid’s equipment and I was speaking with my wife while keeping a watchful eye on them. I happened to look up to see bright white hovering object. It appeared circular and I pointed it out to my wife. We both noticed the object was not alone, three orbs formed a triangle. Then I observed a fourth object to their left and then another to the right. The objects changed from white to a bluish color, and began moving northeast. We saw nine objects for 25 minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Orb
Over Lake Garda as a parachutist hung up in the air I tried to take picture of him on July22, 2015. After picture was taken I saw a bright spot on it.
Scaling the picture I realized that there were six bright shining spots on the big spot. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Orbs
Tijuana — Something that most people will miss about this UFO on July 17, 2015, sighting that proves it’s real. Many UFO reports of eyewitnesses who see them close up also see tiny orbs flying all around the UFO. These orbs are from marble size to baseball size. They are drones that are part of the ship that guide and protect it. It is an ultimate radar defense system. The orbs move incredibly fast and are captured on film.
Many UFO have colorful lights like these. Mexico, as you already know, is home of many alien bases. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
Poland Orange Ball
Pakość — It was a dark, clear, and windy night on July 21, 2015, just after 10 PM, I was watching a show outside, when I decided to look up. I could see the stars clearly and with them a bright orange ball, bigger than the stars and definitely not part of the fire/fireworks. I could see it was very bright and very high up like the planes. It was silent, and hovered producing a new orange ball without changing its own size in the process. The new ball flew down and to the left of the first one. A couple of seconds later, they both disappeared. It was too big to be a star. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Cylinder
Loures — I was taking photos all morning and did not see the object on April 25, 2014, until I was in editing the photographs at home. When I was taking the photos I did not feel its presence. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Lights
Reus – On Saturday July 4, 2015, near dawn I was on my terrace of Ãtico on a very warm day. I saw in the west a red light at an average/high altitude. I live close to an airport and I’m accustomed to seeing aircraft with their blinking lights. This silent red light did not blink. Little by little the red light flew towards me and in 20 seconds I could see it was not an airplane by the type of its lights. I got out my camera to record the lights. The lights were not normal and the hairs bristled on my neck. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Object
Peterborough — What I like most about this is that she used an old fashioned camera with film. This shows me that she saw it for a long period of time, enough to get the camera ready. Also it shows that it was not digitally manipulated. Her age also has a higher credibility rating, because older people are not trying to impress anyone. Very cool sighting. SCW
A grandmother who believes “something else is out there” wants UFO hunters to help work out what the flying object is she captured on camera. Sandra Stuteley, 68, captured the mysterious flying object while she was out walking in Peterborough taking wildlife photographs. Sandra said: “I heard this really high-pitched sound so I quickly got my camera out and took a couple of pictures.”I looked at them and they looked a bit out of focus so I didn’t really think anything of it. “It was only when I got home that I looked at it and saw the flying object.”I spoke to a friend in the RAF and he said it definitely wasn’t a plane. “I do believe that there is something else out there but I really have no idea what this could be.” Sandra spotted the UFO at 11.48 am on April 21, but only know has gone public. Source
London— I was in my balcony with friends on this partially cloudy evening in Hounslow on June 23, 2015. I noticed a tiny speck in the sky moving slowly. I took a few pictures. I saw a bunch of balloons earlier, but this was much higher and much more stable. It was below the cloud line and was visible for 5-10 minutes as it was moving slowly and finally it vanished from sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Liverpool– I took a series of photographs of cloud formations on July 15, 2015. When processing the image it contained a small dark streak on it.
Nothing was seen at the time of shooting and nothing was evident on any of the other pictures. Also it was not due to a mark on the camera lens or computer screen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Venezuela Lights
Caracas— Walking I saw in the sky two objects and took a photo with my telfono on July 3, 2015. When lowering my glance and reestablishing my vision of the sky it was missing. I did not see its trajectory. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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04-08-2015 om 00:54
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“Failed stars” host powerful auroral displays
“Failed stars” host powerful auroral displays
Artist’s impression of an auroral display on a brown dwarf. Image credit: Chuck Carter and Gregg Hallinan/Caltech.
Brown dwarfs are relatively cool, dim objects that are difficult to detect and hard to classify. They are too massive to be planets, yet possess some planetlike characteristics; they are too small to sustain hydrogen fusion reactions at their cores, a defining characteristic of stars, yet they have starlike attributes.
By observing a brown dwarf 20 light-years away using both radio and optical telescopes, a team led by Gregg Hallinan, assistant professor of astronomy at Caltech, has found another feature that makes these so-called failed stars more like supersized planets — they host powerful aurorae near their magnetic poles.
The findings appear in the July 30 issue of the journal Nature.
“We’re finding that brown dwarfs are not like small stars in terms of their magnetic activity; they’re like giant planets with hugely powerful auroras,” says Hallinan. “If you were able to stand on the surface of the brown dwarf we observed — something you could never do because of its extremely hot temperatures and crushing surface gravity — you would sometimes be treated to a fantastic light show courtesy of auroras hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than any detected in our solar system.”
In the early 2000s, astronomers began finding that brown dwarfs emit radio waves. At first, everyone assumed that the brown dwarfs were creating the radio waves in basically the same way that stars do — through the action of an extremely hot atmosphere, or corona, heated by magnetic activity near the object’s surface. But brown dwarfs do not generate large flares and charged-particle emissions in the way that our Sun and other stars do, so the radio emissions were surprising.
While in graduate school, in 2006, Hallinan discovered that brown dwarfs can actually pulse at radio frequencies. “We see a similar pulsing phenomenon from planets in our solar system,” says Hallinan, “and that radio emission is actually due to auroras.” Since then he has wondered if the radio emissions seen on brown dwarfs might be caused by aurorae.
Auroral displays result when charged particles, carried by the stellar wind for example, manage to enter a planet’s magnetosphere, the region where such charged particles are influenced by the planet’s magnetic field. Once within the magnetosphere, those particles get accelerated along the planet’s magnetic field lines to the planet’s poles, where they collide with gas atoms in the atmosphere and produce the bright emissions associated with aurorae.
Following his hunch, Hallinan and his colleagues conducted an extensive observation campaign of a brown dwarf called LSRJ 1835+3259, using the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Very Large Array (VLA), the most powerful radio telescope in the world, as well as optical instruments that included Palomar’s Hale Telescope and the W. M. Keck Observatory’s telescopes.
Using the VLA they detected a bright pulse of radio waves that appeared as the brown dwarf rotated around. The object rotates every 2.84 hours, so the researchers were able to watch nearly three full rotations over the course of a single night.
Next, the astronomers used the Hale Telescope to observe that the brown dwarf varied optically on the same period as the radio pulses. Focusing on one of the spectral lines associated with excited hydrogen — the h-alpha emission line — they found that the object’s brightness varied periodically.
Finally, Hallinan and his colleagues used the Keck telescopes to measure precisely the brightness of the brown dwarf over time — no simple feat given that these objects are many thousands of times fainter than our own Sun. Hallinan and his team were able to establish that this hydrogen emission is a signature of aurorae near the surface of the brown dwarf.
“As the electrons spiral down toward the atmosphere, they produce radio emissions, and then when they hit the atmosphere, they excite hydrogen in a process that occurs at Earth and other planets, albeit tens of thousands of times more intense,” explains Hallinan. “We now know that this kind of auroral behaviour is extending all the way from planets up to brown dwarfs.”
In the case of brown dwarfs, charged particles cannot be driven into their magnetosphere by a stellar wind, as there is no stellar wind to do so. Hallinan says that some other source, such as an orbiting planet moving through the brown dwarf’s magnetosphere, may be generating a current and producing the aurorae. “But until we map the aurora accurately, we won’t be able to say where it’s coming from,” he says.
He notes that brown dwarfs offer a convenient stepping stone to studying exoplanets, planets orbiting stars other than our own sun. “For the coolest brown dwarfs we’ve discovered, their atmosphere is pretty similar to what we would expect for many exoplanets, and you can actually look at a brown dwarf and study its atmosphere without having a star nearby that’s a factor of a million times brighter obscuring your observations,” says Hallinan.
Just as he has used measurements of radio waves to determine the strength of magnetic fields around brown dwarfs, he hopes to use the low-frequency radio observations of the newly built Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array to measure the magnetic fields of exoplanets. “That could be particularly interesting because whether or not a planet has a magnetic field may be an important factor in habitability,” he says. “I’m trying to build a picture of magnetic field strength and topology and the role that magnetic fields play as we go from stars to brown dwarfs and eventually rightdown into the planetary regime.”
New map shows UFO sightings throughout world from 1933 to present day
New map shows UFO sightings throughout world from 1933 to present day
Levi Pearson, a blogger on data analysis website Quantbait, created the map using data from the National UFO Reporting Center and map making software
Hotspots: The UK and mainland Europe are thick with alien activity
X-Files FBI agent Fox Mulder would love this fascinating map that shows every official UFO sighting of the past 76 years.
Levi Pearson, a blogger on data analysis website Quantbait, created the map using data from the National UFO Reporting Center and map making software from CartoDB.
The first UFO sightings were seen in the skies over California and Nebraska in the US, the UK and France in Europe, and locations in Japan and Australia in 1933.
The number of sightings increases dramatically between the 1940s and the 1960s, but there may be a simple explanation.
Combined with an explosion of sci-fi films and books, It turns out that the CIA’s U2 spy plane programme may have been responsible for several of these report.
The white disc then changed into a "giant red ball" and glowed for about 30 seconds before disappearing into the clouds.
According to Danziger, both he and the captain who was also in the cockpit saw the spooky alien craft for about 40 minutes before it began to change colour and disappeared.
"It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit," Danziger told the New York Daily News.
The Fortean Slip Episode 84 This week Chris and the fellas talk about the past two years of the show. They also talk about vertical farms coming to New Jersey, a UFO over New Zealand and chupacabra attacks in the former Soviet Union. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED. If you enjoy this check out our other shows at
Yesterday we reported that a bright green burning object was seen in the sky flying over Buenos Aires, Argentina. Then the object was seen over Porto Alegre, Brazil on July 30, 2015. It is not clear whether the object was a meteorite or a UFO.
Now a new footage was sent in by a subscriber from Chicago. He stated that many people witnessed Soldier Field Glowing Green a few nights ago.
Soldier Field is an American football stadium on the Near South Side of Chicago, Illinois.
Besides the strange glowing green above Soldier Field, he also caught a mysterious white Orb vanishing above the Stadium.
The next two videos show Soldier Field glowing green and a green burning object flying over Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Asteroid 1999 JD6: Contact-Binary or Unidentified Flying Object?
Radar Data of Asteroid 1999 JD6 revealed the object is a Contact-Binary, but is the asteroid really a Contact-Binary?
Radar data of the bizarrely-shaped 1.2 miles-long asteroid 1999 JD6 revealed the object is a contact binary consisting of two lobes. And it rotates in just over seven-and-a-half hours and is thought to be a relatively dark object. The data was collected over seven and a half hours on July 25, 2015, when the asteroid was about 4.5 million miles (7.2 million kilometers) from Earth.
Scientists were able to use two Earth-based radio telescopes to capture “images” of the ‘Trillion-Dollar Asteroid’ asteroid 2011 UW158 as it passed by Earth on July 19.
To obtain the views, researchers paired NASA’s 230-foot-wide (70-meter) Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California, with the 330-foot (100-meter) National Science Foundation Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia.
Using this approach, the Goldstone antenna beams a radar signal at an asteroid and Green Bank receives the reflections. The technique, referred to as a bistatic observation, dramatically improves the amount of detail that can be seen in radar images.
Video below: Rotating images of the asteroid. 0.34 Mark: Images show ‘Egg-shaped’ asteroid 1999 JD6. 1.38 Mark: Images show ‘flying saucer-shaped asteroid 1999 JD6.
Latest UFO report submitted. Incident occurred on 2015-05-12 at 12:00AM.
Viewed (unobstructed) from my front deck overlooking the valley after watching television early one evening, about an hour after dark. First time, my wife was on the deck and called me outside to see the orbs — then we heard the jets fly over our area going toward the orbs.
Front Porch where the sighting took place (no UFO in this photo)
I am a retired corporate senior manager and former combat-zone Air Force veteran; observed 3 to 5 orbs in a “V” formation on 3 separate occasions (no pattern to intervals), all located in the general vicinity of the Captain Mountains Northeast of Ruidoso, NM — between Carrizozo and Roswell, NM — above or near the Ruidoso Airport — over approximately a 90-day period.
1st sighting was clear night sky in late February; 2nd was high-altitude thinly overcast night sky late March or early April. I dismissed the first two events — but remained baffled at the cause for the sighting — but wrote them off to “military training” and some sort of new weapons systems.
Both times the orbs were stationary and were east-southeast of my location near Alto, NM; they were NOT falling night-flares, or lights descending or ascending, but had the capability of moving laterally at high speed, then stopping “on a dime”. Appeared 1, then 2, then 4, then 3, then 2 then 3, then vanished one after another; with the 1st orb pausing, then vanishing after the others.
Both times the 1st set of two fighter jets appeared shortly after the orbs appeared. The jets were moving at high speed (sub-sonic) toward the orbs, about 1 minute apart, from west to east directly overhead at my location. As the jets appeared to arrive near the orbs they vanished one at a time. The jets made a wide turn from eastbound and headed to the south and left the area. Those two sightings were nearly identical except the 1st event, there were up to 5 orbs in the same location, and the 2nd event there were only 3 orbs (…possibly 4 because one appeared to vanish and move laterally, slightly out of the “V” shape, with slight separation to the east of the other two orbs).
The third sighting on 11 May 2015 at approximately 7:40 to 7:50 pm (MST) was unique. High thin clouds, night sky. Same orange-yellow orbs — same size, distance, and location in the sky east of my location in Alto, NM. Again, two jets were heard heading west to east overhead (possibly from Holloman AFB) at high speed (sub-sonic)t toward the orbs, roughly 1 minute separation.
As the 2 jets approached, the stationary orbs once again vanished in sequence, with 1 orb pausing, then it vanished last, after the others. They did not move. They simply appeared, one or two vanished for a short period, reappeared, then they all vanished for good — in no particular sequence. Those orbs did not move from stationary position while they were visible and there was NO SOUND — nothing in my experience could maneuver like that — except a helicopter or Harrier-type jet — but there was NO SOUND except for the 2 approaching military jets.
Still during the ongoing third sighting, as the jets sped east towards Roswell and soon were out of sight (and sound range), two of the original orbs re-appeared in the same location as before — stationary and silent. It appeared as though the two jets moving eastward must have made a wide, right-hand turn and re-approached the orbs from the south moving northward at same high speed (sub-sonic).
Two additional jets then appeared in the far northern sky estimated over Vaughn, NM area moving south towards Ruidoso, NM (again, not in formation) at a high rate of speed (sub-sonic) and with about a 1 minute separation (estimated 2 to 4 miles apart like the first pair). It dawned on me that they all may have been approaching in that manner for “safety” reasons, rather than flying in tighter formations. The 1st pair of jets had done the same throughout the event. A 3rd orbs became visible in the same stationary position as the other two to the east-southeast of my location.
Then, all of a sudden, two more orange-yellow orbs of the same size and brilliance, and due northwest of the the other orbs, appeared 90 to 100 degrees west of my location — now there were a total of 5 orbs at two different locations in the sky. They too, appeared suddenly (one first, then the second – not simultaneously – but about 5 seconds apart) due north of my location — and those 2 orbs sat stationary at approximately the same altitude as the other orbs but at a 45-degree angle from my location.
The second pair of jets that were arriving southbound from the north veered west, as the first pair of jets veered off eastward over the Captain Mountains, once again toward Roswell. Each pair of jets were moving in opposite direction. Then the two stationary orbs directly north of my location moved horizontally at exactly the same moment about a mile westward — then stopped — as though “teasing” the jets that came from the north. As those 2 jets moved west then made wide, left-turns headed South, the two orbs “danced” briefly, and then rotated impossibly — at tremendous speed in a PERFECT – VERTICAL CIRCLE, equal-distance from each other, and each with a very faint tail — moving counter-clockwise like you were watching the tips of the hands on a clock move backwards (from my vantage point looking due North).
It was a tight vertical circle estimated at 2-miles in diameter. The speed they were moving was impossible (in my experience) — it was an amazing display! There is no drone or vehicle known in my experience that could do what those two orbs did. They did two revolutions counter-clockwise, then stopped their vertical motion in a stationary, horizontal position about a mile or so apart, then one vanished and the second vanished within about 4 or 5 seconds, later, as the westbound jets turned left again and headed north toward the area of the two “dancing” orbs.
The four jets remained in the area a few minutes after the orbs vanished. Two of them returned northward from the direction they first came; the first two jets to appear on scene, moved Southwest as though headed toward Holloman AFB. The entire event from first sighting the orbs until all the jets were gone and drifted off in the distance (detected by sound) lasted about 15-minutes or less. There was no “hot pursuit” — in fact, the military jets appeared to be keeping their distance from the orbs — intentionally. Once again the sky went silent. I live in a very remote area, and when I say “silent” that is exactly what I mean.
I noted that on the first pass by all 4 jets they were sub-sonic and displayed no lights. As they came near to the orbs (say 3 to 5 miles away) they displayed safety blinking lights for the remainder of the event. There was absolutely no sound from the orbs. They appeared, moved, stopped in stationary position, then rotated, and vanished with no sound whatsoever.
My wife witnessed the first sighting — in fact, she called my attention to it. She was not present to witness the 2nd and 3rd events. I should say, that during all three sightings I did not feel “fear” – however, the orbs moving in the vertical circle was a pretty astonishing sight to see for an old Air Force veteran!
Next time, I will try to film the event if it happens again.
Project ISIS: Heeft de KGB in 1961 een gemummificeerde alien gevonden in Egyptische graftombe? Project ISIS: Heeft de KGB in 1961 een gemummificeerde alien gevonden in een Egyptische graftombe?
Project ISIS: Heeft de KGB in 1961 een gemummificeerde alien gevonden in een Egyptische graftombe?
De KGB, de geheime dienst van de Sovjet-Unie, zou in de jaren zestig op een gemummificeerde alien zijn gestuit. Het verhaal over project ISIS, een geheime Russische expeditie naar Egypte in 1961, wordt voor het eerst genoemd in de documentaire The Secret KGB UFO Abduction Files, die werd uitgezonden door Sci-Fi (nu Syfy).
De zwart-witbeelden tonen Sovjet-personeel dat de mummie van de vermeende alien uit een sarcofaag in een graftombe in Gizeh haalt. De beelden zouden afkomstig zijn uit het geheime archief van de KGB.
Beschermende pakken
Hoewel niet bevestigd kan worden of het gaat om beelden van een mummie van een buitenaards wezen, claimde Sci-Fi dat de authenticiteit van de beelden is bevestigd door experts. De zender zei de beelden te hebben gekocht van anonieme Russische bronnen.
Volgens sceptici hebben de Sovjets in de tombe enkel de mummie van een Egyptische koning aangetroffen. In de video is te zien hoe expeditieleden de tombe binnengaan in beschermende pakken. Project ISIS zou in 1961 zijn gelanceerd, als reactie op berichten dat de Amerikanen toegang hadden gekregen tot geavanceerde buitenaardse technologie.
‘Gevleugelde’ godheid
Volgens de Russische astrofysicus Viktor Ivanovich Belenko, die toegang zou hebben gehad tot het geheime KGB-archief, bleek uit documenten dat de Russen project ISIS waren gestart om buitenaardse technologie uit een geheime tombe op het Gizeh-plateau te halen voor militaire doeleinden.
In een rapport stond volgens de documentaire dat er vele artefacten, gemummificeerde resten in een sarcofaag en hiërogliefen over de terugkeer van een ‘gevleugelde’ godheid waren gevonden. Het gemummificeerde lichaam was naar verluidt twee meter lang en 13.000 jaar oud. Vond je deze informatie interessant? Deel het artikel dan met je vrienden op Facebook.
De grootste kerk ter wereld laat ons weten dat we niet alleen zijn De grootste kerk ter wereld laat ons weten dat we niet alleen zijn
De grootste kerk ter wereld laat ons weten dat we niet alleen zijn
Het is een misvatting dat buitenaards leven indruist tegen religie. In de meeste gevallen bevestigt religie juist het bestaan van leven buiten onze planeet. Het sikhisme stelt bijvoorbeeld dat het leven niet beperkt is tot de aarde, maar overal in de kosmos bestaat.
Volgens de islam zijn er andere planeten zoals de aarde die levensvormen herbergen. De islam spreekt ook over de djinn, multidimensionale wezens die ‘goed’ of ‘slecht’ kunnen zijn. Het christendom kent verschillende interpretaties van leven buiten de aarde en in veel oude Vedische teksten lezen we hetzelfde.
Er zijn voorbeelden te over. Het is dan ook geen verrassing dat het Vaticaan uitspraken doet over buitenaardsen. In de afgelopen jaren is de grootste kerk ter wereld een belangrijke speler gebleken in het debat over aliens. Het is geen geheim dat het Vaticaan actief is op het gebied van astronomie; de kerk heeft verschillende grote sterrenwachten en een grote verzameling radiotelescopen.
“Deze wezens bestaan echt. Daar kunnen we niet aan twijfelen.” Deze uitspraak is gedaan door monseigneur Corrado Balducci. Hij was een goede vriend van paus Johannes Paulus II en de hoofdexorcist van het Vaticaan. Balducci sprak zich geregeld openlijk uit over buitenaardsen. Meer dan eens zei hij dat er al contact is geweest tussen mensen en buitenaardsen.
In 2005 zei astronoom van het Vaticaan Guy Consolmango dat de mensheid in de toekomst buitenaardse intelligenties zal ontdekken. Hij zei ook dat elke entiteit, hoeveel tentakels die ook heeft, een ziel heeft.
In 2008 zei de pauselijke hoofdastronoom José Gabriel Funes dat de ontdekking van intelligent buitenaards leven niet in strijd is met het geloof. Paus Franciscus zei afgelopen jaar: “Voor niemand mogen de deuren van de kerk gesloten zijn. Dus ook niet voor vreemde schepsels uit de ruimte.” Vond je dit interessant? Verspreid deze informatie dan door te delen op Facebook.
Strange Crop Circles in Russian Field Footage Captured By Drone
Strange Crop Circles in Russian Field Footage Captured By Drone
Crop circles are natural physical doorways to spiritual awakening, according to researchers from Around the globe. An expert has also discovered that the precise patterns trigger acknowledge of prehistoric archetypical symbols that catalyze a broad revolution in people. The enigma of a crop circle is not always a hoax, especially when there is an incredible footage being recorded. A drone has reported seeing, and finally captured a series of unexplained crop circles. The mysterious patterns were being discovered by a resident, which appeared in Russia’s field on Wednesday.
The increased types of crop circles, alternatively persistently include proof that electromagnetic radiation/energy is acquiring utilized to induce the plant to fall into certain variations. Scientists have documented and proposed using electromagnetic electricity or some equivalent radiation. They even so, are looking for that rationalization relating to who’s endeavors this and why. A good deal of individuals assumes which they all be artificial. They promptly clarify which they are becoming created secretly by unfamiliar men and women at nighttimes. However, it is challenging for a person or group of people to provide the accuracy and scale of the individual’s genuine crop circles significantly less than evening time problems. Undoubtedly, it is not intellectual if they make such patterns during broad daylight as it becomes clearly evident by a certain individual. Typically, you can find a lot of crop circles that search towards the same night at excellent distances apart.
Between 60 and 150 ft in diameter, the alien markings comprised of five circles, and they are all connected by straight lines. Identical patterns were said to appear in the same place ten years ago, leading to some theories among supernatural enthusiasts. But the video maker believes that the person behind it will always remain silent, either for the protection of his identity or career.
Welcome to the Open Minds UFO Report! We bring you the latest UFO news on weekly basis, with interviews from news makers and UFO researchers. You won’t want to miss an episode!
Stories in this week’s show:
– Documentary on top secret antigravity vehicle released – Colorado witness says disc UFO hovered over neighbor’s home – UFOs caught on video by two night vision cameras near Tucson, Arizona
Unusual arc-shaped, reddish streaks cut across the surface of Saturn’s ice-rich moon Tethys in this enhanced-colour mosaic. The red streaks are narrow, curved lines on the moon’s surface, only a few miles (or kilometres) wide but several hundred miles (or kilometres) long. The red streaks are among the most unusual colour features on Saturn’s moons to be revealed by Cassini’s cameras. Image credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.
Images taken using clear, green, infrared and ultraviolet spectral filters were combined to create the enhanced-colour views, which highlight subtle colour differences across the icy moon’s surface at wavelengths not visible to human eyes.
A few of the red arcs can be seen faintly in observations made earlier in the Cassini mission, which has been in orbit at Saturn since 2004. But the colour images for this observation, obtained in April 2015, are the first to show large northern areas of Tethys under the illumination and viewing conditions necessary to see the arcs clearly. As the Saturn system moved into its northern hemisphere summer over the past few years, northern latitudes have become increasingly well illuminated. As a result, the arcs have become clearly visible for the first time.
“The red arcs really popped out when we saw the new images,” said Cassini participating scientist Paul Schenk of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston. “It’s surprising how extensive these features are.”
The origin of the features and their reddish colour is a mystery to Cassini scientists. Possibilities being studied include ideas that the reddish material is exposed ice with chemical impurities, or the result of outgassing from inside Tethys. They could also be associated with features like fractures that are below the resolution of the available images.
This enhanced-colour mosaic of Saturn’s icy moon Tethys shows a range of features on the moon’s trailing hemisphere. Tethys is tidally locked to Saturn, so the trailing hemisphere is the side of the moon that always faces opposite its direction of motion as it orbits the planet. The red arcs are seen faintly in the upper right quadrant of this picture.
Image credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.
Except for a few small craters on Saturn’s moon Dione, reddish-tinted features are rare on other moons of Saturn. Many reddish features do occur, however, on the geologically young surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa.
“The red arcs must be geologically young because they cut across older features like impact craters, but we don’t know their age in years.” said Paul Helfenstein, a Cassini imaging scientist at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, who helped plan the observations. “If the stain is only a thin, coloured veneer on the icy soil, exposure to the space environment at Tethys’ surface might erase them on relatively short time scales.”
The Cassini team is currently planning follow-up observations of the features, at higher resolution, later this year.
“After 11 years in orbit, Cassini continues to make surprising discoveries,” said Linda Spilker, Cassini project scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “We are planning an even closer look at one of the Tethys red arcs in November to see if we can tease out the source and composition of these unusual markings.”
Pyramids In The Antarctica: Signs Of An Ancient Civilization!?
Pyramids In The Antarctica: Signs Of An Ancient Civilization!?
Could it be that the Antarctica used to be home to an Ancient Advanced Civilization….It appears that way according to the many leading researchers out there – And the sudden appearance of Pyramid like structures coming through the thawing snow..
With the Antarctica the possibilities are pretty much endless if you take in count that Antarctica hasn’t always been as cold as it is today. I guess the BIG question here is to ask the following: “is it possible that Antarctica was once warm enough in the past to make it possible for an ancient civilization to live there? And if an ancient culture did in fact develop and inhabit Antarctica in the distant past, wouldn’t we find evidence of their life there today?”
According to many top leading researchers, there are many structures in the Antarctica, there are ALSO pyramids which are now there and enough evidence to support the much discussed theory of an Ancient Civilization inhabiting Antarctica in the past. If the archaeological community would acknowledge this finding is an entire different question….are they ‘allowed’ by the Elite to acknowledge this exciting possible find!?
What Lies Beneath?
I guess if we look back towards Africa, we all know that Scholars and Egyptologists have for a very long time now suspected that the Sphinx is way much older than originally believed, possibly even over 10,000 years old! These particular exciting theories are very much supported by the discovery of water erosion on the gigantic Sphinx statue, which according to many scholars it tells the story of extreme climate change in the distant past.
So lets put it into perspective, if the climate in Africa and many other parts of the world changed drastically, does this now mean that it is possible that the same thing happened in the Antarctica? And if and yes it is a BIG IF as this could change many things, researchers manage to prove a 100% that the pyramids of antarctica are in fact man-made structures, this incredible discovery could cause massive revision of the history of mankind – in fact this could be a game changer and maybe just maybe THIS is the reason why ‘apparently’ UFO sightings are on the rise in that region of the world…..could the Antarctica hold the secrets of life itself!?
Please read here for some recent unusual events in the Antarctica area, which has been reported by Military personnel.
Pyramids rising through the snow?
U.I.P Summary
Lets not mess around here, this is such an exciting area of research….one that appears to be more FACT than Fiction!
If modern-day leading researchers and archaeologists acknowledge and accept these remarkable findings? Well, sadly at first they will probably not to be fair, as this awesome finding would pretty much go against everything they know and believe! But lets remember people, this is not in any way a debate of beliefs, it’s a question of finding out the truth about countless ancient civilizations scattered across the globe, many of which still remain hidden to this day – and most importantly the Origins of where these beings come from in the Universe!!!
So please get involved with this exciting subject! What do you believe guys?? Is there a possibility that there are actual structures beneath the thick layers of Ice at Antarctica or do you feel these structures are just a coincidence in shape?? Is there a possibility that ancient civilization might have developed there thousands of years ago, when Antarctica had an entirely different climate? Let us know what you think please….it’s important we discuss and discover the TRUTH together.
New Horizons Delivers First Close-Up Glimpse of Pluto and Charon
New Horizons Delivers First Close-Up Glimpse of Pluto and Charon
High-resolution images of the icy worlds reveal towering mountains, yawning canyons and perhaps hints of a subsurface ocean
As seen by the New Horizons spacecraft from nearly half a million kilometers away, this unprecedented view of Pluto's largest moon, Charon, reveals a geologically dynamic surface lined with globe-girdling kilometers-deep fissures.
NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY, Laurel, Md.—Etched by canyons, crinkled by mountains, and cleansed of craters, the surface of Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, are unexpectedly dynamic, according to the first high-resolution images downloaded by the New Horizons team this morning. Mission scientists describe the findings as almost paradoxical, because the two worlds had been thought too small to sustain the internal heat that drives geologic activity on Earth, and they do not experience the tidal heating that drives such activity elsewhere in the outer solar system. “The team has been abuzz,” deputy project scientist Cathy Olkin told a press briefing. “Look at this! Look at that! This is amazing!”
It is tempting to say that textbooks will need to be rewritten, but when it comes to Charon, so little was known that textbooks had barely even been written. Just yesterday scientists were describing it as an ancient, cratered terrain like Earth’s moon. Today, presenting a global image with a resolution of about 2.3 kilometers per pixel, Olkin drew attention to troughs and cliffs extending for 1,000 kilometers and canyons as deep as 10 kilometers. Some regions have few craters, suggesting they are so geologically young they have scarcely been battered by impacts. The dark, red polar cap—informally named “Mordor”—appears to have been shattered in places by impacts, suggesting that the dark covering is but a thin veneer.
Taken from an altitude of 770,000 kilometers, this image of a tiny fraction of Pluto's surface reveals features as small as 400 meters across. Tall mountain ranges dot the crater-free landscape, suggesting that the surface is shockingly young—only about 100 million years old.
Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
As for Pluto, the team zoomed in on the southern fringe of the famous “heart”—now called Tombaugh Regio in honor of Pluto’s discoverer—with a resolution of about 390 meters. Devoid of craters, the region must be less than 100 million years old, according to John Spencer of the Southwest Research Institute. Moreover, mountains perhaps 3 kilometers in height tower over the region. Their size implies solidity that could only be provided by water ice, which would be hard as rock upon Pluto's frigid surface. Though circumstantial, this is the first evidence that Pluto has water ice.
Up close, Pluto's surface features suggest ongoing geologic activity, although the team has not found any smoking gun in the form of geysers, erupting ice volcanoes or surface movement. Pluto and Charon are locked into a synchronized orbit, always presenting the same face to each other, so they do not exert strong tidal forces. Therefore they lack the most obvious source of power for internal activity. They irrefutably demonstrate that “you do not need tidal heating to power ongoing geologic activity on icy worlds,” Spencer said.
“We now have an isolated, small planet that's showing activity after four and a half billion years,” said New Horizons mission lead Alan Stern, also of the Southwest Research Institute. This “sends geophysicists back to drawing boards,” he added.
Already, theories are emerging about the mysterious heat sources within Pluto's and Charon's interiors. Spencer and other team members speculated that the bodies could be powered by radioactive isotopes or by heat left over from their formation. A tantalizing possibility is that the reservoir for that remnant heat is a subterranean water ocean. Heat loss would cause the ocean to freeze gradually, buffering the interior temperature. Scientists have speculated for years that dwarf planets could harbor such oceans.
Today’s images do not max out the spacecraft’s resolution. Yet-to-be-seen images of Pluto's sunlit hemisphere will pick out details as small as 70 meters, and the team also awaits stereo views to confirm the world's topographical relief.
So far, the New Horizons mission has been brought to you by the word “diversity.” No one quite expected Pluto, let alone Charon, to be so lively and variegated. “Normally you expect differentiation by latitude … but that doesn’t explain the huge heterogeneity within a latitude,” William Grundy of Lowell Observatory told a press briefing earlier today. Even Pluto's now-famous heart, as unified as it might look in visible light, is actually broken; color maps reveal its two lobes have substantially different compositions, for reasons as yet unknown.
All the geographic diversity the New Horizons team is finding in the Plutonian system is forcing them to work against intuitions powerfully shaped by familiar Earthly experience. For instance, water ice plays the role of relatively inert rock or dirt on Pluto because it’s usually too cold to change form into liquid or vapor. Pluto has three gases that can cycle among solid and gas phases—nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane—rather than just the one (water) of Earth, potentially creating unprecedentedly complex and cryogenic seasons. Cycles of evaporation and condensation might well be the dominant way that material sloshes around the surface. But the released images show no signs yet of fluid flows, such as sinuous riverbeds. It could be that these substances also cycle among multiple crystalline phases.
Though overshadowed by the images, the low-resolution infrared spectra released today confirm the surprising compositional diversity. Methane ice covers Pluto’s north pole as well as one of its dark equatorial splotches, albeit the ice is mixed with as yet unidentified other material. Older Earth-based telescope observations had lacked the sensitivity and resolution to spy such subtleties.
The data release came at the end of a very different day than yesterday at the Applied Physics Laboratory. Crowds of family members, NASA officials, and other supporters have cleared out, the parking lot suddenly seemed much bigger, and rousing manifestos of exploration have given way to intense discussions of spectroscopy and engineering. Scientists mill around the press office, offering opinion and reactions with the giddy abandon that would normally come only after a few stiff drinks. The fact that no one can really be sure of anything, that every remark is just the start of a line of investigation, has changed the rules of discourse, expanding the possibilities for playful inquiry. Lacking the scholarly language for these new features, scientists have been left struggling for words. “It looks like piles of stuff with grooves on it,” Spencer said. “To be technical.”
William Cooper, klokkenluider over politiek en UFO's en buitenaardsen
William Cooper, klokkenluider over politiek en UFO's en buitenaardsen
Gepubliceerd op 28 jul. 2015
NL ondertiteld. William (Bill) Cooper gaf een lezing over het space-programma en gaf allerlei informatie vrij ongeacht de consequenties, wat hem opluchtte. Hij vroeg met klem om deze informatie te delen en te overwegen. Hij werd uiteindelijk toch vermoord. Deze video is naast andere bewaard gebleven.
'Government Cover-Up' van Experimental Psychology (Google Play • iTunes)
Apollo : une autre photo de la NASA montre un OVNI Lees meer via
Apollo : une autre photo de la NASA montre un OVNI
En examinant à la loupe les milliers de photos mises en ligne publique par la NASA des missions Apollo, un internaute chevronné (StreetCap1) trouve une photo ordinaire qui pourrait avoir échappée à la censure. L'image révèle, uniquement au zoom, un massif objet non identifié, qui n'est pas identifiable au Lunar Orbiter Apollo et qui plane dans l'espace éloigné, juste au-dessus de l'horizon lunaire.
La photo a été prise par l'un des astronautes des missions Apollo qui ont alunis, de la surface, dans le but de capturer la stérile beauté de la surface lunaire désolée. C'est un hasard si cette photo, parmis des milliers, ait pu être repérée, mais c'est aussi dû à l'intêret grandissant envers ce que certains astronaumes amateurs disent avoir vu, et des photos de la NASA étrangement mal "faussées"...
Cette photo date des années 1970 et ne montre aucun appareil spatial existant à l'époque du côté américain ou russe, y inclus le Lunar Orbiter récupérant les astronautes pour leur retour... vous pouvez trouver vous-même cette photo chez la NASA ici :
L'engin est à droite de la photo, mais si vous examinez attentivement cette dernière, vous devinez à gauche, un peu avant l'horizon, une sorte de tour ou de grosse antenne de couleur claire qui semble sortir d'une sorte de dome ou construction... bon, je sais que ces photos sont âgées mais ce n'est vraiment pas la première fois que l'on parle d'une tour (ou d'un pic en forme de tour) sur la Lune, puisque les Russes l'ont signalé les premiers... les endroits sont indiqués par des flèches rouges, cliquez sur la photo pour l'agrandir à la taille originale et mieux voir, zoomez même si vous pouvez... la tour se trouve un peu plus bas que l'horizon, suivez la flèche pour la trouver mais elle est bien visible et ce n'est pas un bug de l'image apparemment ni un fake ou un trucage...
Voici une autre vieille vidéo sauvegardée sur cassette VHS qui parle des rencontres étranges des missions Apollo sur la Lune : il y est question de plusieurs missions et pas seulement de Apollo 11 (pour les images)... :
Yves Herbo relai, Sciences, F, Histoires, 03-2012, up 08-015
Beyond any shadow of doubt, of the many and varied architectural achievements of the Human Race, the pyramids of Egypt must surely top the list in terms of provoking deep awe and amazement. And a great deal of unbridled controversy and debate, too. Conventional Egyptology suggests that the pyramids were built during what are today termed the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt. That’s to say from around the third millennium BC to roughly 1650 BC. The reason for their construction: Almost certainly to act as tombs for the pharaohs, so convention tells us. Convention also tells us the pyramids were built by sheer brute-force, man-power and technology of a very down to earth nature. But is that really the case?
One Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Mas’udi, otherwise known as the Herodotus of the Arabs, was a prolific 10th Century writer born in Baghdad in 896 AD who faithfully and carefully prepared an immense, 30-volume series of texts that told the history of the world, based upon his personal, extensive travels to lands far, wide, and exotic. To say that al-Mas’udi was a well journeyed fan of road-trips is a veritable understatement of the highest order. His impressive and dedicated treks took him to such varied parts of the globe as India, East Africa, Egypt, Syria, and Armenia.
He was also a skilled seaman who traversed the Mediterranean, the Caspian Sea, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. And it was during his many excursions to such places that al-Mas’udi collected the equally many tales, stories and legends that made their way into that aforementioned and priceless multi-volume work. Its collective title, translated into English, was The Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems. But, for all of the fascinating data that al-Mas’udi amassed during the course of his numerous wanderings, one piece stands out as being particularly illuminating.
Within the pages of his writings, which were completed in 947 AD – nine years before his death at the age of sixty – al-Mas’udi noted that in very early Arabic legends there existed an intriguing story suggesting that the creation of the pyramids of Egypt had absolutely nothing to do with the conventional technologies of the era. Rather, al-Mas’udi recorded, tantalizing, centuries-old lore that had come his way during his explorations strongly suggested the pyramids were created by what, today, we would most likely refer to as some form of levitation.
The incredible story that al-Mas’udi uncovered went just like this: When building the pyramids, their creators carefully positioned what was described as magical papyrus underneath the edges of the mighty stones that were to be used in the construction process. Then, one by one, the stones were struck by what was curiously, and rather enigmatically, described only as a rod of metal. Lo and behold, the stones then slowly began to rise into the air, and – like dutiful soldiers unquestioningly following orders – proceeded in slow, methodical, single-file fashion a number of feet above a paved pathway surrounded on both sides by similar, mysterious metal rods.
For around 150 feet, Al-Mas’udi noted, the gigantic stones moved forward, usually with nothing more than the very gentlest of prods – from the keeper of the mysterious rod – to ensure they stayed on-track, before finally, and very softly, settling back to the ground.
At that point, the process was duly repeated. The stones were struck once more, rose up from the surface, and again traveled in the desired direction, for yet another 150 feet or so. And so the strange, repetitive task continued, time and time again, until all of the stones finally reached their ultimate destination. Then, in a distinctly far more complex feat, the stones were struck a further time, but this time in a fashion that caused them to float even higher into the air. Then, when they reached the desired point, they were carefully – and with incredible ease – manipulated into place, one-by-one, by hand and nothing else, until the huge pyramid in question was finally completed.
Such a scenario sounds manifestly astonishing. Certainly, many might laugh at such amazing assertions. Others might dismiss the whole thing as the ravings of a madman, or the stuff of nothing more than distorted legend and fanciful folklore. But, just perhaps, the old tale tells nothing less than a fantastic truth about amazing, now long lost technologies of the ancients…
There’s a full Moon, the second one this month. According to modern folklore, that makes it a “Blue Moon.”
If you go outside tonight to see the sky filled with blue moonlight, you might see something else as well: the Southern Delta Aquarid (SDA) meteor shower.
Caused by debris from an ancient sungrazing comet, this shower produces 10 to 20 meteors per hour every year in late July.
No matter where you live, the best time to look for Southern Delta Aquarid meteors is during the hours between midnight and dawn when the constellation Aquarius is relatively high in the sky. This long-lasting shower is active from mid-July to late August. It overlaps with the more intense Perseid meteor shower, which peaks on Aug. 11-13.
North Carolina, a bright fireball on July 29, 2015. The fireball exploded behind a cloud, producing a bloom of light almost as bright as the waxing Blue Moon.
A bright green fireball or meteorite was seen in the Sky over Argentina Buenos Aires and over Porto Alegre in Brazil on July 30, 2015.
On the same day, July 30, 2015 people witnessed a bright fireball over NSW/QLD Australia and according to multiple sources and confirmation from Iran a Meteor appears to have struck Iran and has made multiple impacts!
Pioneer in the development of ‘Exopolitics’, the scholarly study of extraterrestrial presence that is not acknowledged to the general public, Michael Salla, presented more evidence for secret space programs and ET bases in our solar system.
Though ETs and various governments have reached agreements in the past, this has led to problematic cover-ups and abductions, and the general public has been left out of the secretive negotiating process.
He believes that some 19 different ET civilizations have been intervening on Earth, many of whom are more human-appearing than the “Greys” that are often associated with the idea of aliens.
Some of these groups have tried to bypass the governmental talks and reach out directly to people, and their efforts date all the way back to the contactee era of the 1950s.
Shape:Fireball Duration:3 minutes
Red and Blue light UFO over Cranston Rhode Island landing vertically in Narragansett Bay. I had just got back from my local 24 hour gym and parked my car in front of my house, when I saw a strange looking object flying over what would be Warwick, and then Cranston, RI. This object was emitting red and blue lights pulsating lights, not the standard red and green lights you would see on a helicopter or airplane. This immediately caught my attention since I’m an Airline Pilot, and knew that blue lights should not be on an airplane. I got out of my car to watch this thing and it started to move really fast and at 90 angles. Too fast to be a helicopter because I estimated it moved from atop of Cranston to over Narragansett Bay in less than 10 seconds. Too fast for a helicopter.
But then it stopped in Mid Air and started moving down vertically for a landing somewhere over the water of Narragansett Bay. Something that an airplane can’t do either. I took a pic of it but I’m afraid it looks like just another airplane because of the quality of my camera phone, and the distance from the object. I had to have been 10 miles or more from this object the entire time. I’m still submitting a pic to the site to give a frame of reference. I also made an attempt to video tape the object. but a street light got in the way, and the object was in the process of landing vertically out of sight, before I could get the frame in focus.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UF PHOTOS AND NEWS
Did Hitler have an atomic weapon? German documentary claims Nazis were developing a 'flying saucer' to deliver bomb and had already started tests on Russian POWs
Did Hitler have an atomic weapon? German documentary claims Nazis were developing a 'flying saucer' to deliver bomb and had already started tests on Russian POWs
TV documentary claims Nazis were close to developing an atomic bomb
Had developed a 'flying saucer' device to drop the nuclear weapon
Tested it on Russian prisoners of war at Thuringia, eastern Germany
Quoted German scientists, eyewitness accounts and records left behind
The Nazis may have been close to creating an atomic bomb and a 'flying saucer' to deliver it in the final days of the war.
Tests of the device were even said to have been carried out on Russian prisoners of war, according to a new German TV documentary.
'The Search for Hitler's Atom Bomb,' which aired on the ZDF channel this week, quotes sealed records from Russia and America that are said to prove the Third Reich were close to creating a weapon of mass destruction.
Hitler and the Nazis may have been close to creating an atomic bomb at the end of the Second World War
The programme quotes interrogation reports of Nazi scientists, eyewitness account and the records left behind by researchers, many of which were shipped to America after the war.
Historian Matthia Uhl said the race to develop a Nazi A-bomb went into overdrive in the final year of the war.
The programme focused on Hans Kammler, an S.S. general, who was given 175,000 concentration camp inmates to work in the V-weapons factories, tank production lines and building secret bunkers for the Nazi elite.
Kammler was one of a very few who answered only to Hitler and was put in charge of the race for nuclear fission.
One of the projects he worked on was at Jonas Valley in Thuringia, eastern Germany, and said to be the site of the Nazis' nuclear and space programmes.
The USA has placed a 100 year secrecy order on the files concerning the valley and what went on in the secret tunnels the Nazis carved into it.
Tests of the device were even said to have been carried out on Russian prisoners of war, according to the documentary by German channel ZDF
Russian intelligence reports claimed Nazi Germany was 'in the throes of making and testing a new secret weapon, which has a large destructive force'
Now officially sealed off, authorities play a cat-and-mouse game with conspiracy theorists every weekend at the site who believe the Americans found two things in the tunnels - a nuclear bomb and flying saucers meant to deliver it.
ZDF quoted from reports by Russian military intelligence agents who said there were two nuclear tests in Thuringia.
One read: 'The Germans are in the throes of making and testing a new secret weapon, which has a large destructive force.
Had the Nazi project overseen by SS general Hans Kammler (right) succeeded, it could have changed the course of history. Left: The mushroom cloud after an atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
The Jonas Valley in Thuringia, eastern Germany, was said to be the site of the Nazis' nuclear and space programmes
A ventilation shaft in the hills at Thuringia: The Nazis carved miles of underground tunnels using a workforce of prisoners of war
ZDF quoted Russian agents as saying that two nuclear tests had taken place in Thuringia
'The available bomb has a diameter of 1.5 meters. It consists of interlocking hollow balls.'
Another Russian report said: 'Communicated by our reliable source from Germany: the Germans have conducted two explosions in Thuringia with great force.'
Declassified American intelligence reports showed that America's supreme commander in Europe, Dwight Eisenhower, ordered reconnaissance flights over the valley but they proved inconclusive.
But the programme was unable to find where the weaponised uranium the Nazi scientists would have needed for the bomb came from.
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02-08-2015 om 23:17
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Duitse documentaire: Nazi's werkten aan atoombom en vliegende schotels Duitse documentaire: Nazi’s werkten aan atoombom en vliegende schotels
Duitse documentaire: Nazi’s werkten aan atoombom en vliegende schotels
De nazi’s werkten aan een atoombom die aan het einde van de oorlog vervoerd moest worden met een vliegende schotel. Er werden al proeven uitgevoerd op Russische krijgsgevangenen, zo blijkt uit een nieuwe Duitse documentaire die deze week werd uitgezonden door de omroep ZDF.
Uit geheime documenten blijkt dat het Derde Rijk aan massavernietigingswapens werkte. De documentairemakers verwijzen naar ooggetuigenverslagen en stukken die zijn achtergelaten door naziwetenschappers, waarvan de meeste na de oorlog naar Amerika zijn verscheept.
Historicus Matthia Uhl zei dat de nazi’s in het laatste jaar van de oorlog in allerijl begonnen te werken aan de atoombom. De film richt zich vooral op SS-generaal Hans Kammler, die 175.000 concentratiekampgevangenen aan het werk zette in wapenfabrieken en geheime bunkers voor de nazi-elite. Hij was één van de weinigen die direct verantwoording aflegde aan Hitler en overzag het onderzoek naar kernsplijting.
Hij werkte onder meer aan een project in Jonastal in het oosten van Duitsland, waar het kern- en ruimtevaartprogramma van de nazi’s zou zijn uitgevoerd. De Amerikaanse overheid gaf opdracht om de stukken over dit project en wat er in de geheime tunnels van de nazi’s gebeurde 100 jaar lang geheim te houden.
In de tunnels in het Jonastal zouden een atoombom en vliegende schotels zijn gevonden. ZDF citeerde rapporten van Russische inlichtingenagenten die zeiden dat er twee kernproeven waren gedaan in Thüringen.
In één van de rapporten stond: “De Duitsers testen een nieuw geheim wapen dat een enorme vernietigende kracht heeft. De bom heeft een doorsnee van 1,5 meter.” Vond je deze informatie interessant? Denk er dan aan het artikel te delen op Facebook.
Er hebben zich de laatste dagen een aantal vreemde verschijningen voorgedaan, vergezeld van groene luchten.
Boven een stadion in Chicago werd een UFO en een groen licht waargenomen en ook boven Buenos Aires kleurde de hemel groen.
Soldier Field is een stadion in de Amerikaanse stad Chicago. Het werd op 9 oktober 1924 geopend en na een grondige renovatie in het nieuwe millennium, op 26 september 2003 heropend.
Enkele dagen geleden werd door talloze getuigen een vreemd groen licht opgemerkt boven het stadium.
Het zag er als volgt uit:
Daar bleef het niet bij want heel kort was er in dat groene licht ook een UFO te zien zoals op de volgende afbeelding:
Vooralsnog hebben we hier te maken met een mysterie. Wellicht dat hier de komende dagen wat meer duidelijkheid over komt.
Rond dezelfde tijd werd ook door de inwoners van het Argentijnse Buenos Aires een vreemd groen licht waar genomen.
Teenager Reported Seeing Mysterious Black Circle Hovering His House
Teenager Reported Seeing Mysterious Black Circle Hovering His House
The UFO story originated after June 24, 1947. It happened when lots of newspapers in the USA were being published, stating the first sighting of the flying saucer. The story told how nine dazzling, disc-shaped objects were seen by Kenneth Arnold, an Idaho businessman. Having a journalistic license, the reporters converted the description of Arnold, “like a saucer skipping across the water”, into “flying saucer,” a name for the objects themselves.
Years have passed since the popular sighting by Arnold; the phrase has become common that the term is included in Webster’s Dictionary. Being a modern word, it is very much recognizable to most countries and culture. On July 23, Pierce Smith reported seeing the mysterious black ring hovering his house in UK. The situation is sufficient to describe how scared they were. Lots of commenters said that it’s merely a smoke circle. The question is, who creates smoke circles in the first place? Often it has been proved that people have reported airplanes, balloons, stars, and everyday objects since something in their environment for the moment assumes an unfamiliar appearance.
Is it Aliens or witchcraft? If truth be told, the experts and investigators are not 100% sure whether or not it is a hoax. Seeing that UK is common in UFOs, developers either believed to be an alien invasion or some nanobots loose.
Why are people willing to believe that aliens are visiting earth? It’s not that the evidence amounts to much. Despite the hundreds of thousands of aliens that are being sighted throughout the years, it’s still not evident that there is even one clear photograph of a craft that cannot be identified as an earthly creation. The weight of evidence that exists doesn’t seem to weigh more than the evidence for the existence. The reason so many are willing to believe in current visitations by aliens is probably psychological. Humans are social animals and fear solitude.
July 31, 2015 - This is a classic example of “there is more to it than meets the eye”. Images from the excavation of Easter Island’s renowned giant head statues has revealed that the heads actually have bodies that extend deep underground and the bodies are in fact marked with detailed tattoos.
Scroll down to watch the video(s)
The Easter Island Statue Project has been excavating two of 1,000-plus statues on the Easter Island, one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world, and the images uncover the secrets of the mysterious stones and the people who built them. The team of archeologists also found large quantities of red pigment, some of which may have been used to paint the statues.
“Our EISP excavations recently exposed the torsos of two 7m tall statues. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of visitors to the island have been astonished to see that, indeed, Easter Island statues have bodies! More important, however, we discovered a great deal about the Rapa Nui techniques of ancient engineering,” said Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Director, EISP, on the project website.
“The reason people think they are [only] heads is there are about 150 statues buried up to the shoulders on the slope of a volcano, and these are the most famous, most beautiful and most photographed of all the Easter Island statues. This suggested to people who had not seen photos of [other unearthed statues] that they are heads only,” he added.
The team has also discovered that the dirt and detritus partially burying the statues was washed down from above and not deliberately placed there to bury, protect, or support the statues. The statues were erected in place and stand on stone pavements. Post holes were cut into bedrock to support upright tree trunks. Rope guides were cut into bedrock around the post holes. Posts, ropes, stones, and different types of stone tools were all used to carve and raise the statues upright.
In the pavement under one statue, the scientists found a single stone carved with a crescent symbol said to represent a canoe, or vaka. The backs of both statues are covered with petroglyphs, many of which are also vaka. A direct connection between the vaka symbol and the identity of the artist or group owning the statue is strongly suggested. ( via )
The Easter Island statues, called Moai, have dotted the Chilean Polynesian island since 1250 C.E. At 82-tons, the tallest of them reaches an impressive 33-feet high.
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02-08-2015 om 01:28
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 1/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for July 2015:
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for July 2015:
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In July 2015 there were 1353 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Number of Reports
New York
North Carolina
New Jersey
New Mexico
South Carolina
West Virginia
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
South Dakota
North Dakota
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form and direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness, saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on "ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone. Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during July 2015 are the shape of the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 54 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 0 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System. For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan Harzan at
The European Space Agency’s Philae lander has discovered complex organic molecules on the surface of Comet 67P.
Descending to Comet 67P
Complex molecules that could be key building blocks of life, the daily rise and fall of temperature, and an assessment of the surface properties and internal structure of the comet are just some of the highlights of the first scientific analysis of the data returned by Rosetta’s lander Philae last November.
Data were obtained during the lander’s seven-hour descent to its first touchdown at the Agilkia landing site, which then triggered the start of a sequence of predefined experiments. But shortly after touchdown, it became apparent that Philae had rebounded and so a number of measurements were carried out as the lander took flight for an additional two hours some 300 feet (100 meters) above the comet before finally landing at Abydos.
Some 80 percent of the first science sequence was completed in the 64 hours following separation before Philae fell into hibernation, with the unexpected bonus that data were ultimately collected at more than one location, allowing comparisons between the touchdown sites. Inflight science After the first touchdown at Agilkia, the gas-sniffing instruments Ptolemy and COSAC analyzed samples entering the lander and determined the chemical composition of the comet’s gas and dust, important tracers of the raw materials present in the early solar system.
COSAC analyzed samples entering tubes at the bottom of the lander kicked up during the first touchdown, dominated by the volatile ingredients of ice-poor dust grains. This revealed a suite of 16 organic compounds comprising numerous carbon and nitrogen-rich compounds, including four compounds — methyl isocyanate, acetone, propionaldehyde and acetamide — that have never before been detected in comets.
Meanwhile, Ptolemy sampled ambient gas entering tubes at the top of the lander and detected the main components of coma gases — water vapour, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, along with smaller amounts of carbon-bearing organic compounds, including formaldehyde.
Importantly, some of these compounds detected by Ptolemy and COSAC play a key role in the prebiotic synthesis of amino acids, sugars, and nucleobases — the ingredients for life. For example, formaldehyde is implicated in the formation of ribose, which ultimately features in molecules like DNA.
The existence of such complex molecules in a comet, a relic of the early solar system, imply that chemical processes at work during that time could have played a key role in fostering the formation of prebiotic material.
Comparing touchdown sites Thanks to the images taken by ROLIS on the descent to Agilkia and the CIVA images taken at Abydos, a visual comparison of the topography at these two locations could be made.
ROLIS images taken shortly before the first touchdown revealed a surface comprising meter-sized blocks of diverse shapes, coarse regolith with grain sizes of 4–20 inches (10–50 cm) and granules less than 4 inches (10 cm) across.
The regolith at Agilkia is thought to extend to a depth of 7 feet (2 meters) in places but seems to be free from fine-grained dust deposits at the resolution of the images.
The largest boulder in the ROLIS field-of-view measures about 16 feet (5 meters) high with a peculiar bumpy structure and fracture lines running through it that suggest erosional forces are working to fragment the comet’s boulders into smaller pieces.
The boulder also has a tapered ‘tail’ of debris behind it, similar to others seen in images taken by Rosetta from orbit, yielding clues as to how particles lifted up from one part of the eroding comet are deposited elsewhere.
Over a kilometer away at Abydos, not only did the images taken by CIVA’s seven microcameras reveal details in the surrounding terrain down to the millimeter scale, but also helped decipher Philae’s orientation.
The lander is angled up against a cliff face that is roughly 3 feet (1 meter) from the open “balcony” side of Philae with stereo imagery showing further topography up to 23 feet (7 meters) away and one camera with open sky above.
The images reveal fractures in the comet’s cliff walls that are ubiquitous at all scales. Importantly, the material surrounding Philae is dominated by dark agglomerates, perhaps comprising organic-rich grains. Brighter spots likely represent differences in mineral composition and may even point to ice-rich materials.
From the surface to the interior The MUPUS suite of instruments provided insight into the physical properties of Abydos. Its penetrating “hammer” showed the surface and subsurface material sampled to be substantially harder than that at Agilkia, as inferred from the mechanical analysis of the first landing.
The results point to a thin layer of dust less than 1 inch (3 centimeters) thick overlying a much harder compacted mixture of dust and ice at Abydos. At Agilkia, this harder layer may well exist at a greater depth than that encountered by Philae.
The MUPUS thermal sensor on Philae’s balcony revealed a variation in the local temperature between about –360° F (–180º C) and 290° F (–145º C) in sync with the comet’s 12.4-hour day. The thermal inertia implied by the measured rapid rise and fall in the temperature also indicates a thin layer of dust atop a compacted dust-ice crust.
Moving below the surface, unique information concerning the global interior structure of the comet was provided by CONSERT, which passed radio waves through the nucleus between the lander and the orbiter.
The results show that the small lobe of the comet is consistent with a loosely compacted (porosity 75–85 percent) mixture of dust and ice (dust-to-ice ratio 0.4–2.6 by volume) that is fairly homogeneous on the scale of tens of feet.
In addition, CONSERT was used to help triangulate Philae’s location on the surface, with the best fit solution currently pointing to a 69 x 112 foot (21 x 34 meter) area.
“Taken together, these first pioneering measurements performed on the surface of a comet are profoundly changing our view of these worlds and continuing to shape our impression of the history of the solar system,” said Jean-Pierre Bibring from the IAS in Orsay, France.
“The reactivation would allow us to complete the characterization of the elemental, isotopic and molecular composition of the cometary material, in particular of its refractory phases, by APXS, CIVA-M, Ptolemy, and COSAC.”
“With Philae making contact again in mid-June, we still hope that it can be reactivated to continue this exciting adventure with the chance for more scientific measurements and new images, which could show us surface changes or shifts in Philae’s position since landing over eight months ago,” said DLR’s lander manager Stephan Ulamec.
“These ground-truth observations at a couple of locations anchor the extensive remote measurements performed by Rosetta covering the whole comet from above over the last year,” said Nicolas Altobelli from the European Space Agency.
“With perihelion fast approaching, we are busy monitoring the comet’s activity from a safe distance and looking for any changes in the surface features, and we hope that Philae will be able to send us complementary reports from its location on the surface.”
Accelerating search for intelligent life in the universe
The National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
Accelerating search for intelligent life in the universe
The National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope (GBT) will join in the most powerful, comprehensive, and intensive scientific search ever for signs of intelligent life in the Universe. The international endeavor, known as the Breakthrough Listen, will scan the nearest million stars in our own Galaxy and stars in 100 other galaxies for the telltale radio signature of an advanced civilization.
In a contract signed with the Breakthrough Prize Foundation, significant funding — approximately $2 million per year for 10 years — will go to the GBT to participate in this exhilarating journey of discovery.
“Beginning early next year, approximately 20 percent of the annual observing time on the GBT will be dedicated to searching a staggering number of stars and galaxies for signs of intelligent life via radio signals,” said Tony Beasley, director of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, which operates the GBT and other world-class radio astronomy facilities. “We are delighted to play such a vital role in hopefully answering one of the most compelling questions in all of science and philosophy: are we alone in the Universe?”
In addition to the GBT, the Parkes Telescope in Australia will also be involved in this endeavor.
Breakthrough Listen will be the biggest scientific search ever undertaken for signs of intelligent life beyond Earth. It will be 50 times more sensitive and cover 10 times more of the sky than previous searches. In tandem with this radio search, the Automated Planet Finder Telescope at Lick Observatory in California will undertake the world’s deepest and broadest search for optical laser transmissions, a tantalizing complementary approach to searching the cosmos for extraterrestrial intelligence.
The $100 million Breakthrough Listen initiative was announced today at the Royal Society in London.
The program will include a survey of the one million closest stars to Earth. It will scan the center of our Galaxy and the entire galactic plane. Beyond the Milky Way, it will search for messages from the 100 closest galaxies. If a civilization based around one of the 1,000 nearest stars transmits to us with the power of common aircraft radar, the GBT and the Parkes Telescope could detect it.
The program will generate vast amounts of data; all of which will be open to the public. This will likely constitute the largest amount of scientific data ever made publicly available. The Breakthrough Listen team will use and develop the most powerful software for sifting and searching this flood of data. All software will be open source. Both the software and the hardware used in the Breakthrough Listen project will be compatible with other telescopes around the world, so that they could join the search for intelligent life. As well as using the Breakthrough Listen software, scientists and members of the public will be able to add to it, developing their own applications to analyze the data.
Breakthrough Listen will also be joining and supporting SETI@home, the University of California, Berkeley ground-breaking distributed computing platform, with 9 million volunteers around the world donating their spare computing power to search astronomical data for signs of life. Collectively, they constitute one of the largest supercomputers in the world.
The 100-meter Green Bank Telescope is the world’s largest fully steerable radio telescope. Its location in the National Radio Quiet Zone and the West Virginia Radio Astronomy Zone protects the incredibly sensitive telescope from unwanted radio interference, enabling it to perform unique observations.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
Kingman –On June 13, 200I was sitting on my property in the Aquarius Mountains south of Interstate 40 at 42 hundred ft. elevation trying to capture lightning in the distance at dusk. Using a three second shutter speed with the lens fully zoomed out and pausing about two seconds between shots I took a series of seven pictures each with the mysterious lights in them. The camera was on a tripod and was never repositioned for the entire series. The lights had to have been blinking for there not to be a trail using a three second exposure. The lights were not observed while taking the pictures; only after loading them on my computer. There is a pattern to the lights across the seven pictures moving right to left. Zooming in on the lights on my computer they appear rectangular.15,
A video shot in Japan’s port city of Osaka has been making the rounds online, displaying a swarm of white spherical objects of unknown origin flying across the sky. The low-quality footage has triggered speculation over extra-terrestrial life and UFOs.The two-minute clip shows the mysterious round objects moving quickly in the sky, while following a dance-like pattern.
The footage, which has since been reposted a few times from a Japanese YouTube channel, left many viewers puzzled as to what the flying anomalies could be, and also spurred conspiracy theories.
Some reports pointed out that the Japanese UFO sighting closely resembled the white lights witnessed in June over Hyde Park in London, UK.
However, the sighting in London was very brief, with the objects disappearing within seconds, making it a difficult comparison.
In one of the most recent UFO sightings, a massive alien spacecraft was “spotted” near the sun by ufologists viewing NASA pictures captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on July 15, 2015.
A video released by YouTube user Streetcap1 speculates as to the nature of the object.
Please scroll down for video
August 1, 2015 - Here are the statements by the former astronaut:
Professor: What really happened out of Apollo 11?
Armstrong: An amazing thing, even though we have always known of this possibility. The fact is that they (aliens) have ordered us to turn away! .
Professor: What do you mean “warned to move away”?
Armstrong: I can not go into details, there are structures on the Moon, and not ours. I can only say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology. Wow if you were big! … And menacing!
Professor: But NASA also sent to the moon missions after Apollo 11 ….
Armstrong: Naturally, NASA had already announced at that time, and could not risk panic on Earth .
According to the American ufologist Vladimir Azhazha, “Neil Armstrong said to Mission Control that two large unknown objects were watching him and Aldrin after landing on the moon. But this message was never heard by the public, because NASA censored it. “But a 2006 video interview made astronaut Neil Armstrong, it is analyzed the footage of the meeting between the Apollo 11:02 UFO. This was just one of many “encounters” with aliens, duration the journey to the moon.
Aleksandr Kasantesev says Buzz Aldrin made a color film of the UFO from inside the ship, and continued filming them, Armstrong and himself even when they were out. Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to give more details, then admitted that the CIA wanted to hide the incident.
It should also add that for some time circulating on the Internet an audio file that contains the conversation between the astronauts and control center in Houston, captured from various terrestrial radio stations frequency ultra-fast, before NASA suppressed in the telecast that illustrated the ‘ arrival of Apollo XI on the moon (NASA despite assertions to the contrary, there was in fact a slight shift between the real-Apollo NASA communications and those relayed to the world).
A string of mysterious lights spotted hovering over the night skies of Pampanga, Philippines has sparked rumours of UFO sightings.
Several local people have claimed witnessing the unidentified object which appears more like an aeroplane with illuminated lights, but in the video the lights of the strange craft appear too bright,The Mirror reported.
"I am now in Pampanga, and I am seeing strange lights in the sky," the first video eyewitness states adding that "it goes up and down and multiplies, now it's going to die out again."
"I called my wife after seeing four orange lights come out of the clouds. I went to video it but it suddenly disappeared within the clouds. I believe what I saw and I'm sure this wasn't a plane," another witness said narrating the event.
The Inquisitr has tagged the unidentified flying objects captured on video by multiple residents of Pampanga as a UFO mothership.
This is not the first time the locals of the area are witnessing mysterious flying objects hovering over the night sky.
Pampanga is a province in the Central Luzon region of the Philippines along the northern shore of Manila Bay, and bordered by the provinces of Bataan and Zambales to the west, Tarlac and Nueva Ecija to the north, and Bulacan to the southeast.
In 26 April this year, the locals reported witnessing dancing lights in the sky.
UFO theorists keep reporting spotting alien crafts in the sky from various parts of the world but most times their authenticity has been questioned by science experts.
UFO Sighting 2015: 3 Giant Spaceships Caught on NASA Camera
UFO Sighting 2015: 3 Giant Spaceships Caught on NASA Camera
UFO SightingScreenshot from YouTube Video
In what would spur the interest of UFO (unidentified flying objects) enthusiasts, a fleet of three identical giant spaceships were spotted passing the sun and it has been reportedly caught on NASA solar camera.
Streetcap1 has uploaded a 56-second picture video that shows three identical UFOs passing the sun.
"I am not going to keep on posting these as I want to do other stuff, however thought this one would be quite hard to dismiss as three CME's hitting the camera lens at the same time, although I could be wrong," said the description of the video.
"This is amazing! Streetcap1 of Youtube has caught a fleet of three big ships following one another in formation passing our sun. Now, when aliens start moving fleets, you know something big is up. This is a very rare occurrence and very important one," wrote Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Daily Sightings.
Interestingly, conspiracy theorists have claimed that mysterious objects have spotted on NASA photos. It was reported that few weeks ago that three alien spaceships were spotted escaping the earth's atmosphere in the video captured from NASA live feed.
The live feed from the International Space Station (ISS) was mysteriously cut by the space agency but not before three UFOs (unidentified flying objects) were caught flying pass the earth's atmosphere into the space, reported Mirror.
July 31, 2015- The alien history of planet earth is deeper than we could ever imagine. Renowned physicistStephen Hawking has cautioned people that no one would want to meet extraterrestrial creatures. On Monday, however, Dr. Hawking tossed his support behind the $100-millionBreakthrough Listen project of Russian tycoon Yuri Milner. This project plans to hunt space for signs of extraterrestrial life communication.
Things like this boggle the mind of course because these things make you oscillate from a sceptic to a believer and everywhere in-between. While he previously released statements regarding the cautions on communicating with the aliens before, provided they exist, would be devastating and catastrophic. However, it seems that curiosity has gotten him. On Monday, Dr. Hawking said that today is a time to commit to the search for the answer. He is referring about seeking life beyond Earth. Certainly, listening is different from speaking. As for the Breakthrough Listen project, it is not inclusive to new plans in broadcasting signals into space that would invite extraterrestrials to find people.
Both Mr. Milner and Hawking revealed that their ten-year project involves scanning for radio signals along with the world’s largest radio telescopes. It also includes listening to star system signals nearby earth and its one hundred closest galaxies. Breakthrough Listen is designed to search for intelligent extraterrestrial life that possibly exists in the Universe. It was being portrayed as the most all-inclusive search for alien communications. However, earth’s evidence that simple life can flourish in environments unfriendly to humans, as well as the sighting numerous planets orbiting stars, has added energy to the effort. The breakthrough of extrasolar planets has paved the way to estimate the Milky Way holding billions of planets routing within the habitable zone.
In a documentary of 2010 Discovery Channel, Hawkins said that if aliens visit humans, the result would be much as if Columbus landed in America – not good for Native Americans.
At last, the public may get involved with this global telescope idea. We are explorers by nature and we need to go where no man has gone before. There may not be life as we know it out there, but at least we can say we tried. Who knows,at the rate we are abusing the Earth, we may very well need another planet to ensure our species survives. I just hope that if we do find such a place, that we will have learnt a lesson and we look after a new home. That’s the goal really, to find an alternative ‘home’. Scientists and researchers are all too aware of how fragile our existence on earth is, not only because of our own folly but because nature is a force we can never compete with.
JEFFREY DAUGHERTY ( submits this news item by Ella Ide
Castel Gandolfo (Italy) (AFP) – The recent discovery of an Earth twin has boosted chances there is intelligent life on other planets. But while Pope Francis’s telescope scans the starlit skies, the Vatican is sceptical of ever meeting Mr. Spock
On a leafy hilltop near the papal summer home of Castel Gandolfo sits the Vatican’s Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, where planetary scientists mix the study of meteorites and the Big Bang theory with theology.
Boasting a prestigious research centre at the University of Arizona in the United States, the institute has never shied away from asking whether there could be life on other planets and is thrilled with the discovery of an “Earth 2.0″.
Astronomers hunting for a planet like ours announced to huge excitement last week that they have found the closest match yet, Kepler 452b, which is circling its star at the same distance as our home orbits the Sun.
Around 60 percent larger than Earth, it sits squarely in the Goldilocks zone of its star, where life could exist because it is neither too hot nor too cold to support liquid water, according to the US space agency NASA.
The discovery “is great news”, the Observatory’s Argentine director Jose Funes told AFP, despite the fact that scientists suspect increasing energy from the planet’s ageing sun might now be heating the surface and evaporating any oceans, making life difficult.
Scientists believe the recent discovery of an Earth-like planet called Kepler-452b (right) has boost …
- No Jesus 2.0 -
However, while “it is probable there was life and perhaps a form of intelligent life… I don’t think we’ll ever meet a Mr. Spock”, he said.
The problem is that Kepler 452b is 1,400 light-years away — an impossible distance to cover using mankind’s current technology.
NASA may have made history this year with a Pluto fly-by, but it took nine years for its probe to get there despite the planet being under six light hours away. The fastest spaceship in the Solar System, it would take some 11 million years to reach the Earth’s cousin.
A plane flies over the telescope domes of the Vatican Astronomical Observatory, or “Specola Vat …
Funes, who has a degree in theology and doctorate in astronomy, would not be drawn on whether the Vatican would send out space missionaries to convert alien life-forms to Christianity if extra-terrestrial life was found elsewhere.
What is clear, he says, is that while God may have created aliens and planets similar to Earth, there can be no second Jesus.
“The discovery of intelligent life does not mean there’s another Jesus,” he insisted, because “the incarnation of the son of God is a unique event in the history of humanity, of the Universe”.
Neat in his black cassock and surrounded by the latest astrological publications, Funes, 52, says science and religion co-exist perfectly together, insisting “if there was intelligent life (on another planet), I don’t see that as a contradiction with the Christian faith”.
“The bible is not a scientific book. If we look for scientific responses to our questions in the bible, we are making a mistake,” he said.
“It answers great questions, like ‘what is our role in the Universe?’” But such answers can also come from exploring the stars, he said.
“This type of research, the search for life in the Universe, helps us to understand ourselves… to understand our potential, but also our limits”.
Witness report: Orb-like metallic object observed in clear sky over North Jakarta, Indonesia and changed direction without accelerating or decelerating. Date was Friday 17th of July 2015. Time was approximately 5.42pm local time. Was playing with wife and toddler son in a basketball field near our house in North Jakarta, Indonesia. First noticed the object when pointing out the hunting bats and swallows to my son. It was on my south and moving towards the north west direction. First impression of the object was that it was somewhat spherical and moving at a constant speed and constant altitude. Altitude was from the best of my judgement around the 300-500m high, and moving slowly and constantly throughout the event at about 50m/minute.
As it drew nearer to my location, the shape looked more like a slightly vertically squashed sphere, akin to a red blood cell. It had a metallic sheen because it clearly reflected the orange glow of the setting sun. Upon longer inspection, the shape seemed to constantly slightly distorting and bobbling because the reflected sunlight was not consistent, although the object largely hold its original shape. Judging from the distance and altitude, my best guess is the object is at least 5m in diameter.
After about a minute after noticing the object, I used my iPhone 5s to video the object as best as I can (attached to report), although limited phone memory cut short the duration of the video. After finished recording, the object started to slowly make a very wide arc to the left, without changing speed or altitude, and changed direction southwesterly, which means moving away from my location. I then started to walk/jog and chased the object for about 1-2 minutes over 150 meters, then ceased because I didnt want to leave my wife and son behind in the basketball field. The object then slowly moved away and disappeared over the treeline after a couple more minutes.
What drew me to the object in the first place was that I never saw anything like it before. The few things bugging me is the shape of the object which is like a red blood cell, the definite metallic sheen of the surface, and the changing of the direction of the object, albeit slowly. Video is also not very supportive because of the maximum zoom, large distance to the object and me constantly moving around. Would really like to have somebody from MUFON to contact via phone or email to exchange ideas on this.
I had recently moved into a 5-storey building, occupying the top floor. Listening to the radio while unpacking at night, my radio started to malfunction. As I turned towards the radio, I noticed a glowing light outside (I had no window curtains yet installed on the windows). I put on my glasses, and walked towards the window. The window was almost completely floor to ceiling, with a large picture window in the centre, and two large casement windows on each side that I could open. I saw a silver-colored oval object appearing to rest on the rooftop of the smaller apartment building across the street. This apartment building was perhaps 3-storeys tall. The object was oval with a dome on top. There appeared to be opaque windows in the center that were spinning. Within seconds of standing at the window looking down on the object, it started to rise up to my window level in height and then move towards my window and hover over the road right in front of me. It had blue/red lights underneath I think because these colours were near its bottom. I was in shock and at the same time fascinated by what I was seeing. The object had a smooth metallic surface, no rivets, bolts, screws or anything holding the metal together was visible. It was silver/grey in colour, not dull but not shiny either. The “windows” I call the row of white lights in the middle, under the dome were spinning. I looked at the windows carefully and then I looked away to see if my eyes would be affected similar to when you look at a light bulb. No affect on my eyes. I tried to see if anyone was inside, even opening my casement window and looking out. The window was opaque. The object made absolutely no noise. It was about 12 feet from me and large enough to stand up inside – perhaps 7-10′ in height and 30′ long. I remember saying out loud, you are a beautiful machine. All of a sudden I became frightened thinking it would take me away. I closed the window and was kneeling down and continued to look out the window. It was in no rush to leave and continued hovering in front of my window.
I remember saying out loud, “do not take me please. If you do, my fiancé and family will not know what happened to me. Who are you and why are you here?” It continued to hover for another few minutes and then slowly moved away from my window, over Kingston Road, and gently and gracefully moved east. I re-opened my window again and said out loud, “be careful of the street-car lines”. The craft was very close to the streetcar electrical wires and I was worried it was going to crash into the lines. It was gently maneuvering around the electrical lines to my amazement. The total time I was seeing the object was perhaps 10 minutes. I immediately called and woke up my mother who lived just east of me. She went outside but did not see anything. I then called my fiancé who did not believe me. My mother later told my siblings and I faced some ridicule, especially from my brother so I decided not to officially report the event.
It has haunted me all these years and I have felt very guilty for not reporting the event because I know it was real and perhaps it could of helped someone else who had also seen the object verify their account. After all these years, I am now reporting the event but do not want my name to be used please.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
E.T. in Dorset? Mysterie rond indrukwekkende graancirkels E.T. in Dorset? Mysterie rond indrukwekkende graancirkels
E.T. in Dorset? Mysterie rond indrukwekkende graancirkels
In het Engelse Dorchester is een mysterieuze graancirkel verschenen. Een lokale bewoner zag de formatie vanaf Maiden Castle en lichtte de experts van MrGyro in. Zij maakten bovenstaande foto.
Hoewel de meeste experts zeggen dat ze door mensen worden gemaakt, claimen sommige mensen dat er mysterieuze krachten achter de patronen schuilen. Het is niet de eerste graancirkel die dit jaar in het graafschap Dorset is gevonden. In mei verscheen in Thornicombe een indrukwekkende graancirkel met een Keltisch ontwerp.
Dan van MrGyro zei: “We filmen de cirkels voor de lol. We reizen als cirkeljagers door het hele land. De ontwerpen zijn erg interessant en je weet van tevoren nooit wat je gaat aantreffen. Hoe ze ontstaan is een mysterie. De cirkels worden vaak gemeld door burgers, piloten en soms door de boeren zelf.”
Boeren treffen de vreemde cirkels al honderden jaren in hun weilanden aan. Al in de jaren 1500 werden er graancirkels gemeld. Tot de 20e eeuw werd er nauwelijks over graancirkels gesproken. Het fenomeen kreeg veel aandacht toen een boer uit Wiltshire in 1980 drie cirkels met een doorsnee van 18 meter ontdekte in één van zijn weilanden. UFO-onderzoekers en media streken neer op de boerderij en de wereld maakte voor het eerst kennis met graancirkels.
Rond 1990 begonnen graancirkels een toeristische attractie te worden. In dat jaar verschenen er in Europa alleen al 500 cirkels. In de jaren erna waren er duizenden. Bezoekers van over de hele wereld wilden ze bekijken. Sommige boeren lieten bezoekers zelfs betalen voor hun mysterieuze attracties. De laatste jaren neemt het aantal graanformaties af. Vond je dit interessant? Denk er dan aan dit artikel tedelen op Facebook.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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